HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-10 - Orange Coast Pilot' THI ORANGE COAST COUNTY IDITION WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 10, 1982 O~ANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Coast mopping up after • • VICIOUS storm . Dally Pllol Pholoe br Richard ICoehle• Tn·t·!"I !"1ll!"l la i1wd ht'iH 'Y dama~t· wlH'n torn ado-likt• wind!"I .... 1rud .. Sad1ll1·h ad• ( :ollt-~t· Tu1· .... tla"\. U} KAHEN E KLEIN of ltl• 0 .11, P1101 Stall 01 .1111'(1' l'o1111I Y r 1·.,1 d1·11l' .,. 1.1111lil1.,I l•1dJ\ lo 1 i. .. 111 up tl11 d.1111,11.(1 · l..r t "" 1'1u•..cl.1v , I 11·111 Wllllt I 'loll Ill ,111d l11111,1d11 ltk1• W111d' wl11d1 lt·f l 1•\1 1•1 YI l1111g (111111 t.1111•11 l11·t·i. 111 11.1 1111 .1111d1·111-. and powt•1 11111.1g1· .. 111 tt ... 11 \\,1k1· 111 ,1\'V I dill, 'lllllt Ii.Ill ,Jtld \\ 111d, )o(U .. lllljo( UjJ lu hlJ lllph ,I\ 111111·' ''-'ft' blarnt-tl for uprooting tn·1·'· down111g µow1·1 l111t·~. 11pµ111g ho<iL'> fro111 lllUtH lllH" .111u \\ft•11d11111< ruof., from h11ui.1•., 111 <:,11 cl1·n l :n 1v1• 1t.1 ,1111111. wh11 Ii l11t S1111tl11 ·111 l".1lif11r111,1 Tu1·:.d.1\ • .r11·1 .1 ''""' p1ug11•-.-.l1111 du\.\ 0 11 lht• l'.1111 11 111,"l llllt' IHI !>l'l lt1U .. '1111111 11 1.111 .. t lllJUI It'' \.\t'll' lt'IJ<•l t1 ·d 111 t/11 I llUlllY 1\, 111 1»11 ly l•1d:1v, 1111 -.1111111 lt.111 d1 ''l>t"·d . I 7~1 1m ht"' 111 1.1111 1111 tht• 1·011111 Y .111111 d111g tu ll1.111g1• l'11u111 y 1''111· I ~·p.11 lnw111 ol I 111.ol, 'I IH N.111un.tl W1 -.1tlw1 :-;1·1' 1u· (111 t't ,1-.l \0 i.dl1•d 101 dt·( I 1· • .-.111g 1 Jt1Udlrll':..:.. t11111glit With <J 411 pP11·1·nt 1 h;1nn· .,f :..l111W1•1:.. A ~111.dl 1·1 all ;1uv1si1rv 11·111.11twd 111 dl1·1·t today l.>t·lw1·1·11 l1111t1t l'o111 1·pt11111 .i11u th1· Mc»ctt 1111 Alien law Ur<ll18l' County'::. wt•lfare costs t·ould 111lTt'a5e Jr.1ma11e:illy if pending fed<'ral leg1slat1trn tn Jq~Jl111• thousand!. of undocuml'ntC'd aht•ru. bft'linw::. I""' .. ,,·or<lmg tu d study pn·parPd fur OrJ11g1• < ·.,u n t' ,u l)f'rv1sor.. Th,· \tu<ly by tht' Washington DC b.i-.1·rl { ·1·11lt·r fu1 L1bor ,ind M 1g1 .:1t1on Stud11-:. dl'll•rm1nt'(I th.it Ji.t . ...s..ig1· of tlll' lmn11grat1on and R1•forrn and l'1111trnl t\1·t of IYH2 the· 'ill ealk'<l S1m1JS4Jn M.1111111 11111 \.\t>Uld havt• .in "1•xtr,.n11•ly t·omµIC'x" 1nipt11 \ 11n t >r .. ng1 · Count) may boost OC expense Tht· l hwr 1mp.11 t or the· !>Uddl·n lt·g.1l11.;1tum "' th1 1•,t1mdtf'd 8U,OOU undocumc·ntt·d 1mn11gr.inh hd1t \t'll tu n-s1de an lht· l't>untv would ho on n>untv ~"' • r nnwnt::. gt-rwrJI n·lll'f p~ogram wh11 h as,,<;1st~<; th1i-.. ..-.1th huh· nr no 111n.1m1 "'ho <1r1· nol 1·l1~1bl1 !111 nlh1·1 ll4·nrf1t µ1ogram-. c; .. nt·r.11 n·l1d ll., fuJHkd liy tht• t'Pllllly No 11•1t11bur~·nwnt 1s rt't'1•1v1•d from 1rw 'l<•l•• 11r f1•d1·1al 1-:''''t·r nml·nL-. Lqo:.iliz.awm 'oulJ 1·11St 1h1• 1ou11ty $1 :l i m1ll10n .,,., r lhrt'1' \t•Jr~ through lh<' gen{·r~I rl'ht•f fund. "ml rt port ,1uthur 0~1v1d ~ North Ht ... mt thl' 1'11!.L' Cere111ony planned to honor veterans l'1tv 111u11ly, st.1\1 .ind f1·d 1·r.JI Off1n• .. Wilt Pt' 1 l1N•d fhur'>lfa\, and a fldg ded11·;H1on c t'rt•mo ny w ill Ix· ht·ld in N1°\.\ por l B<·drh an obs<'rv.ince or V1•t1·1 .1n , D,n D"' n k <; a n d 11111.., I 11 1 Ii 1· r businc><;,<;{•S w111 ~ opc•n on I ht· 1 1th, but somE' 1.·1111·..,· t1,1.,h p1ckt1p will ht:· delayt><I T h t' Co I W 1 111 a m C' a IH' 11 Chaptn o r th" Oau~ht1·r' .. r th1· Amc>nc <1n RE'volut1on .!lllnf( With the Irvine Company will '!ponsor a flag de<l1l·auon 11·r1·nwny at 11 a .m at Newport C<>nt••r In ·~ewporl &•ac-h In tlw eererno11v 2H l,1r){1' Amem·:m (lags will i)(· pn'st>nlc'<l to th<' community 111 I)(· d1splc1ycd ~t th<' t'ntranct' 111 Nc•wporl ·:center ·. 1·11111111.111d111g ofl wt·r of lh1· Third M.111111 /\1n r.ift Wing, ~:1 Toro, will spc·ak at the cerc•mony Mc•tnbt·r<> ur the Irvine High S1hool M.inh1ng Rand will p<•rform dlong with loc:al Boy !'-..11ut and t;1r1 !X•oul groups A. ... 1111· frnm thP ('l011'mony. all l ••lllll \. s tall• and rc•dc•ral buildings locatt-d al the• Sant.a An.1 C'tvH <'t.>nt1·r will be 1 luo;;rd as will c It) hJll off1u•s dlonlo( tlw 1·oas1 Tr.1sh l'Olll'('t111n will Ix· on a rqo(ul.ir s1°hf'dUIC' for all c1l1es •·X< 1·pt N1•wp11rt Bt.•al·h, wh«:'re pll'kup!> normally schc-dulc-d for Thur<;day will be made Friday .mu fnday collC'ct1oni: will be inad<' s .. turday l.1111tl1•1 ('loud ... 111 1·i..pn11·tl \11 11111v1• out 111 llw .,111 .1 11\ t11111ght .1 11 d T Ii u r ::. d .1 ' \\ 1 1 h lt'lllf1tl.1lu11·!> 11 ... 1111'( 111 th• 111111 1111, Tlnar"l,1y 1\ 111111.11111 w.1tl'h 1 ....... 11 .. d 11\ 1111· N.1111111,il W1»Jth1·r S1·1v11·1• '1'1H•-.cl.1v wa' l1lt1"I 1111 1111L1v S1·v1·1 al 1011111 v t, ""' 111-. , 1·µ01 t1·d \11111.1d11 l1k1 \.\ 11111-. 'l'u1·,d,1v Piil' ul thu"· \.\ 11111 ... I lllfH'd I I 11 ti 11 g It I ht' M I:...., 1t>11 \' 1 t• J <I 1»1111pu:.. "' S.iddldwt·k l 'oll1•g1• at I :111p111 , 1 aus1ng l11tl1· d.1111.igt· lu bulld111g' l>1n uµr1.1111 111g lwt w1·1·11 :rn .ind ~>O hu~w tn·1·.,, 1 .unpu ... Orf II I.ob "1ltf I >.1v1· W1111d\.\ .11 ti ·"'1'1.1111 d11p t111 111 d.11.1 """ """'J; .11 •Ii· 111111 go • l'lllll d 111111 ,1 I ,1lllJlll' 11111 k111g 1111 l"'' ·" "'11111-. 'l.11 It d flit k111g llfl . I .... 1 Ill Ill\ I .11 .011d Jll'>l \\ ,111 li1 •d tl11 111 ,., l1l11w111g 11\,1·1.' W11111JW;tl d ,,11d '"l'h1•11• W:tS IHI '>lgll 111 ,I 11111111'1 I l11t1d )ll"'I .I lt'.11 -.1111111< "'111d ,111cl 1111· ... kv gol 1t »d da1k It 1111lv 1 ..... t1·d 111 ''' .!II !'.4'(111\tl' I d1d11 I h1111\,\ "'It.it Ill tl1111k I JU .. I lh1111gli1 Id 1,. t\( I 1-{I'\ Olli 11( ht 11 ' " El1'<·tr11·al p11w1 •1 wa .. k111K k .. d llUt IJll tht• I :1llllJU' f1J1 !>111111 t11111 · .1ll1•1 tli1• 111r11;1d11 Irk•· w1111b h11 C;ir11pll' t lt•.111up 1r1·w.., l11•g.011 .ilr1111-.t 11111111•tltalt·h t11 1 11.,11 tlw clt·tin ... fr11111 till• 111.1'>-..vt· 111 ,., lh.11 Y..• rt· lllJltltllt•d ;ilJd t I ,JI k1 ·d Ill tv..11 .1t .. 01d 1ng 111 l.11 1.1 At t 111g1·r .1 liu-.1111•" " 11"111 • lllStl'Ul \I 11 ()1 h1•1 I w1st1·r l1k1· "'11111 , lt1Ul'ht>d down 111 1•011111.1ir1 Valll·y , C.ird1•n L;1tJ\'t• .1 11d A11ahc•1m around lht' !o<Jflll' 111111 n·~1t.lt•nt .. s;.11d . ripping -.h1ngl1·' of r nmh. o,ha l t1·nng w 111d11w, ;rnd t11:... ... 111g 1·amrx·r liht·ll::. 111111 tit• <!tr At .lu;111 V<irga .. • t'<1 111p1·1 -;lwll sail•!> lot a t :i 10 Stall• ColJ4•g1· Blvd . in Analwtm. tht w111d-. JiftKI an 1·nl1n• rat•k of !>ht·ll~ 111t11 tht• <.11r, ~m ashing ov1•1 I rill 111 tht.·111 "It was J big black t l11ud. Varg<1!> '><lld "Tht· wholl' ~ky w • .-. lil<tl'k l'vt• nt•ver S<-t·n <1nyth111g likt• 11 1n my lif1• It S.'l'nwd lik·· 11 lasted a m1null' ur rnon·" Th 1.· !>a m c· l u r 11 a cl 11 t I 11 u d smasht•d window!> .ind d11" rwd powt·r l1nl'' al tw11 "h1111I ... 1111 Clinton Av1•nu1.· in (;:11dl·11 (;n1\1 and llpp<'<I ovl'r J trul·k 1111 1h1 southbound l.1111 uf th1· S.1111.1 Ana Fn'l·w;1y 11t-.1r tlw ( 'h,1pn1:.111 Avc>nut· 1·x11 The· dnvt·r, .)pffn·v l'1111wa\ 26. ur On1.1r111. 'k.lld :1 l.1rgt• gu .. 1 i°)I Wind h1l 111 .. lrill.ltJI l1;11lt1 , liftc•d ll In lht• ;ur Jnd dump<•d ll "" 1L' left s1d1· Conw .. v -.ufft•rt·d 11111\ '"""" t11J\1t 1"' ,,1111 Htt k Stc•v1·11~. 11.tll11 1111111·1 for lht• l'Jh(11111w 111~:11"' ·" l'.1t1 11I Wlt1 tli• r tlt1·..,1· w111d, w1·11· .11 111.1llv 111111 .. d111·:-. will b1• c!1 ·11·11111111'd hy .1 N01t111niJI W1.,1tlt1"1 S o 1 v11<' 111Vl'!>l1gat1t>n 1111" tli1• dt•IJI 1 ... 1111u11d tht• Siles of 1 t.1 · 11·1u11 tt·d t w1:-t1·ri., urt 1nab ~.11d 'l'h1• 1,,-,1 11111(11 rnt'<l tornadu h I I I I \ I () I ,1 II g I' (.'II U 11 t Y • •·11111111111t11 ·.., 111 M.;1t·h. 1977 I lw \\ 111.t, .1l1111g with lightning ..:1·111·1 .11•'11 by t Ill' sto1 rn. w1•n.· 111·d1t1·d w1tlt l1·av1ng 14,tHHI < lr ,111g1 l 'u.1.,t n ·~Jdt'llll'S w llhuu l 1·l1·1 1111.ol 1x1w1·r Tu1·sJay. sm<l E:d .111111·'· 11p1·r • .t111ns n1a nag1.•r f ur 1h1· ll1111t111gt1111 81 ·:.il'h d1v1s1on of S11ullll'111 (.'.ilifu1111a f.d1!>0n f\11"l ul th• p11wt·r uut<iges \\ 1·1 t th;· ...... ult ur light111ng h1t1111g t1.111:..t111111l'flt, Jorll'~ !><lid < >w t11t.il work forn• about 100 li.1!> IJt1en wurk1ng a ll 111ghl," hi· !>;,t1J this morning His d1·11.11 l1111 •111 w;i:. pn.·pan•d for 1111111 1-..11.itt·d 1 t•porL'> of d uwnl'Cl 11111 ., .111d IJl.1l k<JU !.!>. hl' a<ldl-d Sc·vl'l·al rmnor traffic· 11w1denl!> .ind d.1111.1g1· tu bual .. .ind l·ar s \.\1·11· .tbo .tllrtbult'fl to thc• lotorm 111 l lu11t1ngt1i11 &•aeh, a g1a11l tr<'<' Ill r11111t 11f c;:iry Jollt•y's horn<• al 11711'.! L.tudl'I' Av1·. fpll on a <:ar p.11 k1·d 111 tlll' d11v1·way badly 1b111.og111g II I w <• 11 11· d 111 g 1· t ~om ._. I 111 wood ' .Jollt·v !W.llt!. "but not th.it 111ut h " Thi: 1·ar bt·longed lo .Joll1·\ ·, g1rtr1 ll'nd. Diam· Taylor, \.\ 1111 w.1!-. vi-.1t1ng htrn uh1•1 he l•·1·1·11tlv 11'lurrwd from a st.oy 1n I Ii" h11:..p1 t.d I 11 N1·\\ p11rt Harbur, Orange ('11u nl~ SIH·nff's Dt·pc1rtmont J l.1111111 P.1trol uH1n·r~ wen· kept bu-. v 'l\w-.d.1" n·t r11·ving boa ts th,ot lir11k1· Ill""' from tht'tr 11111111111.K" ;,nd dr 1h1·d into lhC' h.1111111 T 1·d St1·ph1·n!>. a di-.p.1td11•1 l11r tlw 11 ... 1 bur Patrol. ..... 1.t t I 1t·1" "' •• :.. a hug" numtx•r of ho.ti 1""'" du11ng tht• day Tu1·.,d,n \\ lt1·n w1mh ~u-.tt-d to hll mµli art· l'SllmuWd al $1 ;j million the ( lf'SI y1•ar . $'.! 9 million th" ~'Ond and $R 5 millio n durm!o( tlw third Yt·:.ir Arn11111< ulhl·I ::.u~1·i.t1011!>, North rc<:umml•nd1-d lhul tht· ttJUlll~ t·1ml..ll'l 11tlt1•r g11\'£·rnme11l.<.il c•nlllll'S lhal will Ix· .ifft't lt'(! by tlw I• g1,l.11111n, sul'h as Nc•w York l'll"· l'11ok Cou111v. Ill .ind tht• ..,\Lilt•!> 11! 01 ego11 .and V..\1-.hmg11111 Othl·r impacts c1tl'd 1n lhl' report an· HelallvC'IY minor adm1111str.i11vl· l<>St:. 1m urn·d by the Z·ounty whc•n legaliz.at1011 ta kt•<; pl..ilt' ..t.-.sum1ng nu k<l<'rdl rC'1mbursem1•nt for tlwm Cradual incn·a!ot''i 1n the C'O!>l of h1»ilth ~··rv1n·., µruvidc.od by th1• c11unty TheS<· l'•>'>t.' w11uld 1111t bt• dramatic bt.'('<JUS.' ma11v of thl' u11d1K um•·nl•·d p11pul.it111n aln•adv .1r1• l1t•ing '>C•rvPd Ii\ th1•s1• prugr Jiil" Al"' ri·c-omnwndPd '' ,, 'd 1·1 ... il1•tl pl<tnnm~" p1ogram to 111:ix1m1z1 tlw l\1 ·11d1h .111d m1n1m1z.t• tht• d1ff11·ullll':.. of tlw pro~r.1111 Two \'1•r<:11111:.. 111 tht· S1111pM1n Mazzo li Al't now .111 · wnrkmg th1·1r wav through Congr1·s..s The '-i1 ·11.1l1 h.r-. P·''""' ont• \1°i...1un whil<· a Hou:.c \t'l'11tn ol 1111 • 1111111 .... ht·..r1 .1ppr11\•1-d b y l-ommtlkt• Among rt'I ornn11 nd.1t111n,., con\,Jlnt d 111 tlll' n ·port N orth sugg1•-.11•d lh.11 thc· "UJl<'f\ l"'r' 1·,t.1hti ... h .i n1or<l1nat111g 11Htt'(' lo mon1t111 .11111 gu1d•· tlw <'ounty as It C'onw ... 111 gn~ with lht p1 11g101111, 1f 11 I~ µ;is.o,c•d r 111.il ... 111111 1111 tlw 1111-.1,un .... po--s1blt• during th1 l.inll' d111 k """"'11111 "'IH• h • onvrnf'S latc>r this 1111111tlt Norlh '>Jld Sul h Jn 0H1t·1·. ;,., outl11wd 111 North'' ..,tu1h wot.lid work with tht• n1un1v·-. hc·allh .111d \\ 1•1!,111 ag1·m11·s. lrx:al govt·rnnwnl!>. lht• US lmn11gro1t11111 etnd N.ituraltzal1on S1·n 1u· Jlld 1·tl11\11 .ind 1 0111111un1t v oq~an11 .... 11on' l'111111111•11t111g 11 11 lhc· r t·p111 l and propv!>t•d ltogt~l..1111111 'u1..11.•rv1.,11r.., dia11 ma11 BruN:• Nt'!>l<lnd,... 1.tlJi·d II .111 '1 •;..l1,111ld1fl,11d~• 111l1t"<tl IS.SUI'" 1\11d S111>t•1 v1MH Kllgt·r :-..t.1111.,n '-<mi. "Tht·n· 1s 1111 11111 ·,t11111 thl!> l1·g1 .. l;it1on wtll h.1v1• a dtrl.'el llllf'•" t 1111 tlll' 1 •1U11l~ hudgt•I .. l • .. ..,1 111 tilt' I l'Jlfll \ \.\ ,.._ $1 ()()II airport parking approved Increase • Ill 8\• JEFF ADLER or'th• 0 .11, Piiot Sl•ll < >r.1ng1· l'11unt) ... upt r' 1,,.,., .l){fl't'd un.in1n111u!>I~ Tw ... d,1\ to pr tll l't·d ~1th d1·..,.g11 1111tl 1·ng1111'1•1111g """' k for .1 I HOO 1.11 park I n ~ I ti I .11 .J 11h11 W .i ~ 111 · A1rp111 t Af11•1 lic·1ng a''u1 t'll liv 1·p1mtv att11ri11·y~ that a 1·11ur t 11rd1·1 pn·vl'nltnJ.( <>1 gn1(11 .111t .111 p111 t n · n '"'at 1 on do".., n 11 t .1 pp I v sup1·1v1!'.11" movl'd quHkh lo 1n1t1.itt• 1h1• proJl'<.'l, wh1d1 t~111ld t:ik1• thr •'I' YC'ar5 to 1 om~lt·tt• Thr• prnpo.st•d 20 al'rt parking lot 1s to ht• .s1tu:111•d at lh1· airport's north l'lld lwt w1•1•11 I h1 • San 1>11·g11 1''rf'1•w;1v and M ;11n Stret't T lw bnd 1c; unimµn1v1·d and "pJrl of thP a1rp1irt"• approal h dt»tr 1onl' Th t 111· 1 • d f 11 r add 1 l 1 o n ;ii p._irk111g 1 11·.ir I:. 1s t.ltJt.·umC'ntE'd," -..ml Sup1•1 ,·1snr Thomas Rtley. 'v'ho"' d1<,1r11t 1ncludl·s the .111 I 1111 t H ii 1• v '.11 d th al 1 he new µ.1rk111g lot •~ nN.'CiC'd tx-<·auS<' the 1111rndu1 ·111111 of larg1•r and q uieter (J(.' 9 Sup1·r HOs. with th e ir .11ld1t1on,1I 'l'almg l'apanty. has 11H rc·,1<;1·d parking dt•nlttty in 1·x1sl111g lots John Way ne Airport Manager Muri v C<th l<' said "thrn' ts no qut'Slllln t hill this prOJ('Cl IS ahsolut1•ly 1·s.~·nt1al.'' 111• told th1• board lhut traffic a t lht· airport <il r C'atly has mcrt•aM'<I 5 5 p<•n'E'nl this y<'ar : Th<' rtags will hr flown thE'r•' i:>n holidays throughrn11 lh<· y1·1H, j)ccordmg tu a DAR off1n~I L<x·al ~·hool u1stm'Ul will vary tht•ir :.rht·dldl·!o. with snm<' c• I o s 1 n I< T h u r s d a y . s 11 m e 'fh11rMlay and Friday and som e not at all 0.., Not lteft 111>oto Crowded condition~ a t John Wayne About $2:15.000 w;1!> huclg1·1t'll this ,Yt'Hr for cl('s1gn of th~· 1111 i1nd nt'<'t•s...,.try 1•nvironrnrnu.I r t•porL-. ConslrUl'llun could l'OSl as much a..; $<1 mil ltnn W11 h 2.-100 p:lrkmg spaet"S n ow ,1v.11lahl<• lO the public. "the <1df'ltU.1l'y of lhl' prc•S<'nl :urport µarkm~ l'<1n only be prOjC'ClC'd to ahout tht· t•n<l o f 1982." Cable said 111 a mc>mor~ndurn Airport parking lot will be eased with M aJ Gen C layton l'nmfort approval of I ,HOO-ear expansion. Whal<' Htl<'y e n dorsed the !See AIRPORT, Page A%1 ......----INDEX------..._ ________________ _ At Your Sc-r v1<·1· M Enna Bomlx'<'k 82 Bull<'l1n Roard A!"l 8us1nC'ss AH Chvakadc• R2 Cla.Mihf'<.I [).I H Comics 8 5 Crossword B!'> Dfoath Noll<'<"< D4 Edito rial A HI Entertainment 83 4 Food ('I 12 Horoerop«' 82 ~ lntC'r rn1ss11111 H·I Ann l~ndPr« B2 Mr>Vl('S R:I 4 Mutunl Funds AH National New!l /\ :1 Puhh< NollC'C'S A 11.Rti· 7.< 'J 2,D4 Sports 01.4 ~;)l()(·k Markf'U. A9 Trlev1iuo11 87 Th<'atcn a:i.4 Weather A'J. Irvine theater seen on UCI land C h a n l' 1• s a re b <' t t 1' r l ha n C'xpcC'lcd that a 7~0 seat p«>rfomnng arts theater will be built at UC Irvine with m oney ra111ed In the com munity , occordi ng l o members of a commltt~ backing the facility "We were prepored to be cyn ical and s keptlcol. but t he pro posal was rather l'X<:1llng." Shirley Palley. c hairwoman of ' l h <' 1· 1 l y · s Pr rf o r m 1 n i:< A r l s C'omm11 1'ct-. told lht' lrvuw C1tv Council Tuf'sday · "Th<' drawmgs mvokl'd the okl sensl' o f what we thought Wt' wer<' coming to Irvine for .. UCI off1c1a l s rec<'l1tly presenlt•d the ir plans for the theol<'r to committ1•e m e m bers Thr untvC'rsity o ffered tht' land for t h(' Jo ng-:,ouJ.(ht lhl'alc-r thui pasl o;;urnmer as a rnC'uns o f t•nt1cinl( the-coum.·il to lunltC' 1ls propost•d 1ww 1·1v1t· l'ent1•r near t he n•lattvt•IY i:..ohilrd campus Th t• l' o u n <'ti a s k <'ti l h e P<'rform1n~ Arts Committee to rev1t•w the university's p lan and Tut>sday d irt."C'ted its Civil' Center Comm1ttcc to hear lht• same prN'lrn tn \mn Mayor 1.nrry Agran said after Tuesdny'!l <'ounc1l m e<'tmg that m:iny c ity lc-aders a re pleased w ith UCl's suggestion becau.e "ther<' set'ms to be a cooperative spirit thnt hns never been then lx'for<' .. The coop«>ration moet likely la rt'latt'Cl to 11tnlt-budget cull that d iscourage new fec llltlea on (~e TH£At£R1 Paae A~> . , ' I _, ... _i~\~ll:...~~--<~,~·~11~11~\J_•·-t~"-11~~-t ~l->A..:...:11_~ __ ,_·1_1 _<_H_,_w..:...:u_11_,,~~~n~<l_u~y--N_o __ v• __ n _11>_u_r __ 1 __ 0 _1_n_0_i ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~ ~1111111~ Frontier meet s n o ise l i mits· on D e n ver flights I I 1'111 I lldl 111 I)( 'I ..... , .. I BO Jt 111111·" d1 ·11.111111i.: 1111111 W.iy 111• ,\11 p111 t 111 .i, .t111.t111•11 lwv1111d lht• .11rp .. 1 l' 111.t 11111 111111 1111111 " ""' th.ti d1tt1 11111 1111111 1111 Ill.II a1'...;•k IUh•d "'illr 11t lw1 t.llH'<tf h At lo·"' 11t.o1 ', tl11 • '1"'11 11p11111111 iii .Jolin \\'.1\111 AllJM•ll IHli'I' I 1111\l tJi 'IH 1 t.tlt'l' \\ h11 1.11..tullv lt11\1 1"•1•11 111111111t11111i.c '''"'"' ~· .. 111111' t\1111111'' t.1k1·1 tlh 1111 tf1ghh 11111111.I 1111 llt'll\t I ,.11\llll '..!Ii'..! 111111" I" \Hlhl lltt odd I 11111 t "Tlw 11111" lo \ • h .11 • Jll'I ,,1 .. 111 I tho ,,11111· 1 'l•l.11111 ·.I I '1111'-llllt' r:dwa1 "' .111 !Ill p111 l ""'"'' .1b.1tt1111111 11111111 l<1ght 1111\\ tli1•\ '' \\I II 111 '"" 1111 'I 1111111, llul Ed\\ .11 oh ,111\1111\\ lo·dgo•d tit.it F1111l11t I ' I), II\' I l1111111d ll1~h1-. \dt11h l11g.111 (hi .II h.l\'1· 1.1111\'d l1gllt l11,11b, wh11 II would .ti lo·• l t.1k•·11l I 1111l't' lt•\'1 b Sho· .... 11d th1· lltght, h,1\1 .1\ t'I .1g1·d 111 I\\ 1·1•11 !I, .ind !HI AIRPORT. • • From Page A 1 IJIU)I'\ I ht· .tl'll po1t1lt'\I 0111 th.ti he• h·" .. 111111• d11ulr1 " llt,1\ N1·w111111 Ht.,1e 11 \\Ill 11w11111 " lq~al d1all1•11g1· 111 I ht· p111)1'\'l Ht· ... utl h1· .il1 e-.1d\ It,,, rt'l't'IV1•<l .i l1•ll1•1 tr11111 lh1· 1·1ty n•g1~11•n ng 1·111111·n1 Thi · l1·1t1•1 ;')SSerh lh.tl th1· JHllJl'l'l I!> .111 "111tTl'lllt•nl<ll '''i>·•ll/\t1111 pr11.1" t.' wh1d1 wul1 Id f.1 I I u11d1'1 tho· t't)Ul'\0 /\ l'U 111•11t 11111,ltu1·t11111 proh1h11u11l A~'1st.i111 l 'o11nl\ l'11u11-.1·I Hobl'rt N uttn1.1n °h11w1·v1•r da1ms th1· proj\'l L l/\ 11111 ... uh.Ji'l. l t11 lh1• Or.ing1· ( 'ou111 v Sup1·11111 Court ordc•r he1".1us1· 11 1., 11111 .111 ··acllon 111 1111pli'llll'lll.it11111 ol ltw ( I 9811 ma-.wr pl.1 n ·· In J.111u.11 ~ . .,up1·1111r l'llllrt Jw.lgt• Bna•1· Su1111wr rult'll tlt:il Lht• 1•11un t v·, 1·n\'1ronnn·n1.tl tmpat·t npu~t Im Lh1 • m.1:-.L1 ·r pl.111 Wa!> 1n.1d1·qu;it1• 111· l'll.J1111wd 1 l1t· l' (I U II t )' f I 11 II l lfl ,1 k I II g .I II V s 1gnir1c .. int, h.111i,:t·.., .o1 th1· .111pm1 until .1nolh1·1 1·11,·11111111\t 111.tl rq.J(JI l I~ JfJfJlll\'t'(l THEAT ER • • From Page A 1 l'ampll'> Wtlhoul ouL ... 1111 lu11d1ng, ht• ~Jill A n·ording 111 l't'I ' p111p11,,d tlw ~·hnol ,111d • 11' '.\ 11u Id -.lt.11 t the Lht·.itt·r F u n ti 1 n g I ' 11 t I 11 1 h t "" e 1 how1·vt•1, n ·111.11n-. " k1•y ,..,.,Ut ' Must l'll\' 11ff1ltal .... troublul uy the11 uv.. n Light budg1>h .idnrn that I 1n.11w111g ro1 tht• 1111 .. 11(•(' would h avo· 11111JJn1• 1111111pi1vat1· !>OU rl'('' N11 I ...... 1 ... h.t\ t 111·1•11 dlSCUS..'t('<.J "'' 1111 ,, 1111 l.1k1•11 l I ill \111· 1111 pw l\ 111111 11111"' 111111111twt11g .. 1ut11111' )'t lllllll I IA 1111 .t l1 •ol1•1,d 111111 l 111 dt·r 111 At1).(l"l 1·11.ol1l111j.( rt 111 I h beyorrd tht 11111 111111 p•·r 11111'\1•1 'I' l b V ( I I ,t 11 gt (' t1 ll II I \ j.(11\<'1111111111 Tl11 '""""· 111 .111 .ollt•lll)•I Ill k1 •1•p lltt .ill f10 t I .t ·-.h111 t h11111' 1.11 ll11v ,11i.:u1·d thu1 I It t I .11 I ht· 1 ,, JI' 1 I 1111 I \\ 11' I 11 ''"''I 1h1 11.11,11·1 rt ""'lid I" 1111 t.1h1·11l I 111 •1 """ 1t1 11' li1 "1\'l•'I 1.1k1·11I t \\ 1•1ght l.11 g1 ·1\ d111 111 .11ld1111111.il llll I v It 11111 ... 111 tho I >. t 111 H ., 111 u-.h 1111 111 {:\p:-11111 (',111\1111 ~t1l ,t1llll \\I lllllllt' Ill'\\._ lhl:. \\11·k \\ h1 II 1h1· lt'd1·1,1l :->111.ill Hu:-1 111·-., 1\d11u111~11 .1l1t•ll .11111••1t1111•d tltc·\ \\11\lld 111 1 l1gd1l1 '"' ,.,,, 1111111· ... 1 d1 ...... tt·1 111.111:- 'l'lll' S H1\, d1~ 1~11111 will 111.1k1· lo.111-. .iv.1d.1hl1 1111 lip 111 $.1!1,111111 ,ti ,1 h JM 'l'l't'lll lllll'I l''I I 1t h• 1111 h111111•t1\\ Ill'"· \\ 111 lt• llll'ollll'/\/\('' COUNTY DIGIST \\Ill IH•. ltg1lih 1111 $ 11111 tJ()() '"·"" 111 ti J 1< II t 'II I Sr\I• 1·11 t '"''''I(" I '11u11tv 11111111·:. v11h11·tl .11 $:1111111w1 111 $!1ll11.u1111 Ji U I 11\ d d 111 111 >' 1111' WI' I' kl' 11 ol 1111, <>lh•r Ill•' l1111111·ol 11111111 ·' 111 I .11._ :\ 11g1 I•., .i11d V1 ·11t111.i '"""'" l•.111111 1111, \\.1·1·k. 1111 F1 .. t1 ·1 .. 1 1-:11 It 'I g ..... v M 11rlllj.(l'll II 0ll I t\g1 •111 ' 111111 .. d d11\\ll (',ililo1111;1 (;.,, f•:d1111111d 111 11\\ 11' 1 l'ljlll''l 101 1'1111 I gt 111 ~ .J1 ...... t1·1 H IJl'I IH't .111'1' th· Ill t•d 1111 .1''"'''"' ,. \\ ·•/\ 11111 11\;l)OI olt'""lt I p1tlfll1l llt1ll'" A I-1111111.1111 \l,dlt•\ .111 111 t11' '~ ·" t11 ... l1.111t·.I Ii\ tlw St.111· H.11 111 l '.11 11111111 .1", d1 ... 1 qtl111:11·y ,1r111 11•1 1 ttll\ 1111 111,1d1 qll.111•1\ p1·1l11I111111~ !11 ... ~t·I \'It, • ._ Ill 111111 drll .. 11·111 lt ·g.ol 111all1·1' In olht•r .11·111111 '1'111•/\cl:t_\ tl1t lllllrll'I) pt> ... l!JlllH d d l~I U/\..,11111 .iboul lhetr pr11po-.1•d 1m n•a,.,.· 111 hutt:l l>t'll klx from h 111 Ii pt•nt•11t Th .. ~· said th1·v'd t ,1kt· uµ th1 111a\lt•r dun11i; .i N11\' lti ._1u1h Delly Piiot Pholo by Rlch1rd Koehler \'f•ron i<-a llanu•I. ~ta r of TV.~ "Ifill ~l n·c·t (.'o<t:~t <tl Bl u•"· .. ·· "'fW:t ~ ... a t Phot·n i' ltou ... c• in ~a nl a \na_ I Storin to • cont i nue ' H•e Pt1•Pa 't'.t ' ''U "tlr in•• nor It'""'" Rtx "'l~, UP ro 1;,f!vPn •nc.. nes or \now h-*11 " lhtt Co,orartr mountain\ W!H I J1S mvc.n .3\ "' ., I f' t.p~ P•t PffPd 1r µ ,... qne1 ,.,-"'II tH..t n~ hv l hur sday ICP rain ano <\now svrp,,Q into lhP nontle , Platn-; lntJ ,,,,.,. rnrH1nueci :n tr P M1dv...PSI t roroperaturPs ato J lftp ''dhOn 01 2 pm E'ST rangeo from 28 degree, at Bu It~ and L.•v1nqs1on Mon t rn A4 at e,o....,nsv1lle f p,1135 W1ntPr 5lOrrn ¥t1t 1nq 'oddt IM local tlPavy snow 1n mountA1n\ Loas1at ar1d rn1111nl;tll' cl'P '' Scatlered sno A 'how•·'~ .,,ci local br el tiedv.,. ~t O~f!I•' or lhund~rsnowers 11¥1th cnancp ot t•all today Local s11ong gusty wmds Local h1'3\IY snow <1bove 4 000 leel Sh0"""' s d"Crt>d~1ng 1on111hl becom1n11 parll1 c.loudy Thu•sday ano a lttl e warmer Gusty winds ._.l f\Of'!aJ W e1rt'\ef Sftor-1<e T t 1111pt1 ra tu r es .,QAA lJ S 0.01 o• CD'"'~ .. ce l r.s. s11111111 a r y A v1olt1nt slorm ,t,.,c~ sou1,,ern Calolorn1a Tuesday 11pp1nq up nundre<ls ol trees tJu"1p•ng up to lwo leer ot na1 storo"' and gene1a11ng 1tgh1n.ng ,.,..,, cauW<l blackovls E1er111~a1 pow!H was tJ,.1111y knocked out 10 1ne enhre 1own ol Sanle Barbara wnen hnes .. ere srruck by hg111n1ng and stwf'ral "1omt11 on Malibu were llooded when two leel ol small ha11s1ones clogged sla<m drains A g1an1 FedCo depar1men1 sto<e In I/an Nuys was llOO<le<l by r a•n wtlen tllgh wind blew aw11y rnosr of the rool authoroltes said A small l0<n1Klo wa' rep0r1eo in lhe l enno• 11rea oe Los Ange~ Counly near Los Angeles 1n1ern•1tonal ,t,trpon and lnng Beach, and 111 H!Hl one t>urted suburban Long Be.ch The Naltonal Weather St!rvoce •nued lornado w111cnes lrom OnrarlO 1n San Bernardino County 125 miles soulh 10 Campo. 1us1 along lhe Mei1can border 1n inland San 0181)0 County In lhe 8'ea sec1ton of OranQC County hghtn1ng g1enced oll a lrM 1ind hll a house. punching a 4-by-6 tool hol8 111 the roof and hv1ng room ce11tng and blowing OUI lwo wtndOWI No 11\]urlM we•e reported T 01e1 r••nlall since July 1 •I lhe ., 1 Loa Angel•• Civic Cenlf!r down•own ., of I pm Tueaday wu 1 62 1ncl!ff comparfld w<lh O &2 ol In lnc::h rtlCOf<kMI IH I yH r th• Na11ona1 We'1her Servi"' aald ... UP to rwo to lhree feet of anow 1 1 · was PHldlC1e<I el hlgl\ Celilornla t ·I• moun llln reaorll throug h w.on.eoay nigh! •nd • "evelen •,' 1· edviaory wat 11w.d tor moun1~1n roedt 1' In the Sou1he1111. ne•vy •' I mo<nlng rain In FlortO•'• northem l 1 t Pal<n 8Mct'I 8lld llOUlhe<n Martin count!M wMhe<I out -••I rural ·i '' 1 road• and tell thorOUOhlerH In Tequeel1 i nd Jupller PHHbla " but undet water . ' ,.11 ..... •" gol 10·~ lnChH Of ,.In ~ 7 1 m Monday and 1 a.m T.....cley JuPll«. IM M XI • ' City 10 the north. go1 s 71 lnCllet ' I HH "Y tnOW CQ'l«ed perlt al t•I 1 ,.,. s1e..,u and hlgtlet elev811ont ,,,., • NATION Fronts COid ....., Warm .,.. HI Lo Pep Atll ~"' .... ... 1'1tW0\JE'fQUt-6 • 14 U6 N1>w 011e11ns '4 49 Anrho1 aqe ]O ,, f\.U•w V'Ofk ~" l'I At1an1a i2 •5 0•1anoma l".11~ ., 60 Alla,,I < (' 11 S9 .. Jmaha I I 4 I 06 Balt~mnrfl 63 . ., Orlan co Ill 6? 81tm1nqt1dm 73 40 Ph1l110elpl1•• .,A •2 Bo•5" 4J 18 Phoeni-. 7 I 57 01 Boston ~· l • P1t1sbu•gl1 .,, 41 Bullai. 44 :?" Pantano M•• !)I n Bv1tino1r1f' 49 "" Pot113nO Ott! ~,. J'> Charll'lllr NI 70 43 na1~1gri ., 4 I CncyennP l 7 n 01 Flono II '10 I:? Ch•C3QO •6 40 81 Snit Lak" 'I )• C1nc1nnal• TO •? San A.n1ornu 8 68 Clt'vl>l&n(l ... ·~ 01 SJn Diego l>fl 57 87 Co1umt111'1 SC 7• jf, ~iln Frann111rr '10 •6 J2 Columbus S7 •1 SM Ille 4q 12 Dallas rr Wnilh 78 65 St l r)ulS 84 '>6 Oay1on 64 41 Sf\OkAne 40 29 ~Wt't jq 'l7 06 Sv••cuse 4:1 23 OM MO•l1E'S 54 52 01 Topeka 1'l 60 Omron 4) •o 37 TuC'on 10 H Oulutn 14 )2 t6 Tulsa 7S 60 El Paso 11 61 Wash1ng1n11 61 49 F1!111t1&nk• 14 09 t6 W1cn11a 11 52 FIAQll811 40 )J 47 H81llOr<I 55 29 CALIFORNIA Hono1u111 es 74 Bo~8rs11eld '>• •6 IT Hou11on 76 6'> Al'\·•-•JW 6) 44 1nd111n11f)olls 69 u 810 ee1u 40 27 30 Jeck1on.M1ss 78 37 B•ShOP •J n JllCkSOnv•llfl 72 45 C11011r1a 58 .,6 11 Juneau 17 :\4 71 Cvtver City 61 4q 2 I Kef\a&s Coty n 62 Eureka 57 38 Lat Vegas ~ ~~ Fres~ 53 4 I 47 Little Roel< 73 Larice1 er ~o 43 65 Loa Angeles 57 56 I 45 Long Beocn 62 52 98 loulsvllle 79 39 Los Anoelfl~ 57 56 78 MemPh•I 74 SI Monrovia 56 •8 t 43 M1am1 78 ,. Monlebello 6'4 '46 1 70 Mllw1ul<t1e .. .co 88 Mon1e1ev 55 43 Mpl1-St Paul 37 35 In. Mt Wttson 36 29 2 n SU Rf Rf PORT ·I. ~-• Location Hunllnglon B>ullt Hunllngton p .. , Santa Ana Rlvttr J"ltY 401h St N9WPO•I 22nd SI Newport Blllob• WeOQe 91n Clemenle Plef Tretelgar IT ·81ree11 Tomorrow HIQll T 1(J1t ---.......... Tod1f 1 Awo.1.-... 1 4 1·3 3.4 3 2-J 2 2 2 6 JO a m L°'" Tide • .... lhape poor •••• poor poor POor pOO< poor 12 4~m Today't Temp. fl t 84 835 83 5 83 5 63 5 81 5 61 6 Nt>t>tlle~ O!I 52 '°lewporl 8Pacll 65 53 •5 Oa~land 47 44 08 On1a110 55 47 Palm Spronqs 66 44 11 R1ver41dc 56 48 25 Fle<IWOr)d C •I\ 49 44 33 :>atramen1n 47 36 07 <;at•n11s 53 40 25 San B1>111ai<J1n11 60 49 35 San Gabriel 65 49 I 40 San Ooego 68 57 28 San F 1 anc1sco 50 •6 22 San Jose 48 41 36• Santa Ana 65 51 76 Santn Bnr11ara SB 42 55 San1a Monica 1\4 'iO 69 S1rx~1on 46 16 39 Tah~ Vlllif'V l!. 09 CANADA Ca1ga•y 37 08 Edmonton 37 12 Mon11~a1 42 30 Ottawa 39 32 Regine 31 21 Tororiro •2 33 Vancouv9' 47 31 W1r<n1p(ll) 38 19 S n1 og Whore 10 cart (loll lrH J lor ruest tm~ 1nlorm1tlon Orange ounty (900) 445·382&• Loi Angele1 County 2•2·4022 (900) Rlvenlde and S•n Bernerdlno counllH tllOOt 397-4710 AOMO EptlOda Center 242-4e&e tflOO) Tide TODAY Sec.and 111gh s 3~ p m 4 e Secnno low 11 68 p m O 2 THUflllOAY flr11 high e 30 • m 6 & Flrll low 12 43 1 m t O Sll<:ond P!lgll $ 34 p m 4 I Sun Mii tOdly It 4 &3 p m . ""' T11ur11Clay 11 e n 11 m Moon .. It loday •I 2 33 p M . •IHI Thultdly If 2 21 • m • lt 1d11·1 t t ' S 1111 k . :rn , \\ 11l\ dl\lt.1111 .. I l'rft't'llV1• S.·pt 17 1111d 1111 11111,•1•1 I\ l'lttt1h l1• to p1111l111 ll1.,.. 111 1111~ ,t.111· Tit•· I l1 .111,.,:t• ( '11111tl v Bu.11 d 111 S11pe·1, 1"'1' le.,._ .1111 t111t 11rd 1h 1·:11\·1111111111·111.tl M.111.1...:t 1111·111 1\j.(••111 y Lii lx•l(lll 11llt1 111111i.: lttt the 1!111.1 C:111tl1111 H1·11111'll 0 1ill1 u111 H.111· .ot Meli· Squ.11 c· He·lo(t•111.il 1'111 k Ill 1'11\Jllfdlll V111l1•y Pi l'IUd1·111 "1.111kl111 He1tJM'Vt It. lt.11> lllHlltlllll 1'd U 11J.1JI 111 l1111r ••• , •• , l 11~h '4 111-1li. d u11111< 1111 "''"'' y t' .1 I I U tf I 11 t ' II I> 1' 1 11 LI II l y ttulll'J>Oll.1111111 p111l1l1·rn" w1 1h ,111d1·111, ti.tt:klllo(l llj.{. fll l•l Ill t'llll'lll t 11111111 UI 11•111 .11111 111,111.tj.(t'ltlt 111 ol'IKl~l.1111 t• f111 llllltt/I 1ty 11\A 1t1•d hlhll ll'~~·~ F11t 111ul anrt11u111·1•11w111 uf rn·)l.I \1'.11\ ,.;i.1111 will Ix .11 11 :111.1111 \\ •• , 111.11h · ll1d11Y ,ol Sltlll.t A11t1'-1 <'.11111·1111 H1'U.iu r ;111t (;ut•'I 'JM•akt·r will ho· S.111\,1 An;1 M:iyt11 { ;111d11n ll1 wkt·11 l.11j.!1 ... 111· ... 1111 l11d1· .;111.1111111 1• l'e·d1·1 .ti Av1.tt11111 A.!1111111,11.1111111 .tpp111v.d p1·111111~. :tl-(1 t·1·1111 Ith Wtlh l.1-W e·t1l11f'l't'lllt'lll :1w·111 II'' 1111 "l lllll V, ttJllll'":.11111-. d1-.pl.1\'~ l"d11l111,,. 1tlt•1 l.Jlllllll Ill t 1ttlt11 1·1111111111111( .ii It •II:-,11111 111 sl .tld )ll'll\'1"111111!> "I w1111 '1 J,. .e1111111tl \\ 111'11 111.111\ 11J Liii' flllljeo( t"i WI' alt• dl'4'11'1.\lllj.( l<11l.1 )' u1·1111111· .1 11 .. d 11 \ liu I t1xl.1v·, -.1ud1•11l!\ will h" 1e·I\111~ 1111 1111 ... c· LH'1l1111·' I 1 l1111k w ,. ,1J111lld lo·I tlro 111 k1111\\ w l1.1I I' I 11' 111 ~~ JI l.111111 d J 11 ti g t l I I 11 111 lfllt•t t''h tf • l(IM l'>l \.t It ,,old l.>t'C'l•ll1l1t•J "'" t)('(•fl Jll 11(.'IUlllll fl I ll11lid.1y F111 S.tlt•t y M 1Jnth {)rangt• < ·lllttll y f1ri· C:h1d Lari~ tlol.11'\h ha/\ illlllt IUllC't•d Iii.. 111/\I •tflfH'.11,1111'1', 1Al 111 l1 will 11ll'IL1dt• ,, sl11l1· p1 •·M•111:o111111 11> ~ lt11lule·d N11v l .1 111 Full1•111111 Thi· t l11·1111· 1111 the · n11111Lh 1, '1(1\'1· ,1 lo(1l 1 111 Ide· g1v1• ,, "1111k t' tle•lt'l'llll .. 11111111~ i.:11d 01.ttlj.tt• ('tllllllY h.c....J 11 'fl"ll'lll 1'" ''" fJ"l'-lll.11 ··~1·111 -.1 m , IHllll < Jr.111g1 I '11u11t\ 'I 1.i11!>p1111.1111111 l'111111111'"'"" 1111·1111>1·1 J.11111 • ... H 1111-.1 ·vl'll , .,1 111 11 1 l 11rm1·1 'l'l1e· Bu~1111·~:-1'1•ve l11p1111 ·111 ('1•1111·1 111 Se1111l1e·111 l'.tl1l111111,1 S.1111.1 1\11.i Ir.a-. 11·1''"1·d 11-. j \l lld I Ilg J 111 ,J 11111 lit'I \'I ,t I 1hr11uglt tli1· US ('01111111 11 1· l.lt•p.1rt1111•111 '" Mm11111v Ht"lllt '"' I )i·111·l11p1111·11t Ag1·111, In 1Mw1n lo( Liu · pr11c.-l:.amat11111 d1·<'i,lf Ill~ f)t'( I llllM •t f1n: s<tft•l} month . SUJ>1•rv1'41r HJlph Clark 111111'tl thut, "th1·tc·'s tHI nt.•l'tl Lo h.t11t· llC't'tl1 1·s~ rlt·:.1ruclton or lrlJUl'y wh1·11 '11111k1· dt•Lt't:tors st1ld .11 f<•J-..111.tl1l1· p11u·s can prov1dt 1·11rlv w;u'nlllg p1C1ll'l'l10n aga111'1 I 11 ·~ .. 'l'lw 1·1·1ll1·1 ·, "'r\'11 1·, 11wli1d1· ,.._.,l..,l1llll'I' Ill ;tt1·01111l111g, lo:tll B y the time they get to Phoe nix they'r e off drugs Hy STl·:VE THJPOLI Ot lh• D•llr Piiot Sl•tt l'h111•1H x l luww. lh1· drug n·ha bil11at10 11 rl'!Jgl'illll 111Vftt •d lll'l'l' by ('l)Ullly o ff1t:1a)S Ill l!J7!:1, n•ll'bratt.·d Lht> Lh1nJ a n nivt·rs:iry of 1u. Ora11g1· County f<it.·1h1y Tu1-sda) wnh lwlµ from a star of lt'h•v1s11m's "H rll S trL'l'l Blues" S<'rtf's l-'an·nls and fr1l'nt.ls o f Lh1· program's ~HI n·stdc·nL' lTuwded tht· l'OIWt•rwd David M c:M1llan School m Santa Ana for the· up1·n houst• Thl'Y g ut a first-h a nd l1M1k at lhl' 1Jrogram, a b uffN prt·pan•d by Llw n • .... dt•nLs ant.I ,1 l'hanc·c• to mt'l'l Vcrun1l·a H ami·I. whu JJlay:-. publi1 d<•fcnd1·r J oy1·<• Davl•npor l in tht Emnty I\ war ti winning Sl'l'H'S. fur Lh1·11· t•fforL-; Th<· Ph111•n1x lioUM• t•n v11 on1111·nt 1:-. one thal ll'lt.·v1sron star I l amt·I :.ay:. 'ht• 1-; willingly s11bJ·<.'t1ng twr:o.t·lf to, l'h1>1:nix Houst', om· tif f1v1· hous.:s with th1• sanw naml' loc·att'Cl all 011<'r Lht• UnllL'<i St.at~. 1" d1ffl•n•n1 from many otht·r drug rehabrlitallon µrograms bt'<.'ausc.· 1l works l'Ompll•tt•ly without drug!> PhOC'n ix I loUSt· off1c1alo; da1m that two thirds of the• 18.UUO 1>1·11plc.· who halll' bu•11 lrt•all'<l nat1<mw1cJ1• rt•matn drug frl'·t' H1.:s1dc·nts of Llw Snnta An,1 house.., who c·on1t• from alTtis...; the· l'OUnty :.and parL' of Los Ang<·IP~ Count\'. rang" Ill ag1· from I :s lo 51 Jl't'ord1ng Lo prugnm1 11ffll'1<tl'> Rt·/\1tl1.•n t~ 11f till' donrnt11r'r stvlt-lanl1l\ must adh1.'n.• 111 stnl't rult•s t11 i>t' ,;dn1111t'\J, 111 n·n1d111 and t'\lt•n lo f1rn1ll) lt·av1• Lht· progrnm Add1l'l!> .111 1w1 adn11111•d tl11 •\' firs t 111u~1 Ix· dl'L11>.llll'd .111d fl•s1d1·11L' 111u.,1 i11ll11w "Liil i l'l/(.h·~ of drl"S:>. umdu1.·t and p 1•r!.onc1l hah1L' 111 11•m:un C:un.1111'\ .. nd "U< h hah1L ... ai. k<'l'Jllllg 11111 ·.., ho.11td:. 111 JX.tnL..; f.1<11.·k1 •Ls or ll'an1ng ag:rnl'it wall~. \\huh ..a rt· said Lo pr11111011· .1 "prison 1m;1g1.·" nwn1,ihty. an· proh1b1U'<I Fo1 the 60 adulL<. '" 1h1· p1 ogr;.m1for1.Jiug (1mlud111g akohol) ahuM·ro; ov1·r ;1g<· IH, f'ht>t'kmg out of Ph11(•ntx ll11use l'an Ix ..i~ tough "" g<'lt1111't 111 .ind :>l·•) 111g Tlw~ must ftnd work ;:ind s:1v1.· $1 ,:lOO lx•forl' Ix 111g .11111\\l'O to gc1 11UL on Lh<•lf ti\\ n . <1nd th1·v . .i,., 111u"L d1.·mun:-.tr,11t· 1h:1t I h1 " havl' hrok1·11 ,J\\ "' I rom drug us111g at·4u.1111t,enn•s That I!> do111 · I)\ making Ill'\\ fnc•rul/\ t1l1L-.1dl' Ph11t•n1x lluust· whlll' ~till ,1 l'l'..,1d1•1H. and l1nng111g at lc'.l"il lhrt•t• of 1h1• tww. 111111 -drug-usmg frwnds lo 111s11 th<' houi.1• Thc·v < :.anno t bt· rt.•lattllL'S. Tho ug h 111~111• lh<1n 90 pt-rn·nt o f Ph0t:n1x llousc•'s func.hng t'Oll1l'l> from ::.ldtt· a nd k<ll'ral grunt:,. :md lltl· hu1ldmg ts prov1dc'Cl n·nt-frl't.' b~ the eoumv. Liil· program s till coi.ts les.s to run pt·r-t.·a p1IJ th.111 ulmust ;m y otht.•r govt·rnmPnt ::.ubs1d1n·d rt•s1dt•1111<1l program l:'Xt·t•pt prison P r1'on 1s what m any Phoenix H 11usc• n·srcl<•nts ... ay tht•y l'iJ111(' th<'rl' to av!)1d Bob Smnh (nol his rt"<:ll nanw). a W -yNar-old furnwt lluntingwn B<·ach sign m a k e r who led toun. e1f tlw foc:il1ty Tut'sday, said hl· t.·t·rta111ly would hav1· landt:d 1n Jail tf ht• hadn 't rnme to Ph1~nt>. llu u.,1.· first "I sold mv l'.tr for drugs M y g irlfnt.•nd k·ft m1· Mv boss h·ad frn'Cl mC' for steal.mg work fru111 his b u s1m·ss to du on the• s id e. Most of my du1h1·s and furnllurt· w1·n· gom• (sold for drugs ) too." hc• s;11<l Tht· hsl 11f drugs Bob said hL· w as abusing 1l'gul:.irly so unds l1k1" a pha rmal'eU l1l'a l c·ompt.'nt.l1um. ,and 11 111t·ludr'CI hl·rotn H ts a r rival a l Pho t• n 1 >. 11 "\.J s 1 • s 1 x mo n l h s a g u w a.., pl'l'l'1p1Wle'tl Ii" th• los.<> uf his final sign making )lib aftl•r 1 1 , w1·l·ks 11( daily hero111 USl' "I wa' Irving 111 a mcJLC'l \\ llh a fncnd I had 1111 n11mt·y, 1w Joli. no pr<.>SJX't'L'>. no c:ar I wa-. b11rruw111g morwy f r11m 1•11c•r yon1· I could l>tirrov.. from I wai. not n·porung Lo my probation offk't·r I for a pa'>t t•1111v1l lion for pa~tng bad l'hecks. \\ h1ch h<" ,,ml al'l> Wt'rt· USt'CI Lu pun haM' d rugs I lx•t·au.,1• I "'"" afr<11d ht•'d kn11v.. I was u:.111g and put 111• 111 pit " 8oh l11oks. ,111d :.<i)' h t· fe'<·I' 'J Ill fJl'flt'lll., h1·althv 11t1w, .incl ht• ~IV'> ht•'ll 111•v1·~ go bat:k Lu hi-. old h.11111.-. Ttw most 1mpt11 wnt part of thC' pr11gr;m1 lor him hl -,aid has l'l<'l'n the support ..v:-.11·rn 11( 11on-d rug-us111g fnend~ ht•':s l>utlt and tlw .d111t1 v L•J. ch·al \\•1th lift.'s <;4·tbacks without t• tn •• 1111g 111111 drug.; ( H h1' fJ1t•-l'hn1.·111x 1 lnuSt• J)l'\'f~ hl.' no\\ :.ay:. " I d 11 n ' I h .1 \' l ' .1 n \' f r I <' n d :-t h t• Y ' r<' .1t·q1w1nl<inn .... " Ht•s1d~·nL' an· warm'<.1 thai. re- .11 qu.1111t1ng LhNn:.i·ln·s \\1th ll111sc J>C'l'r.i a h l'r lt.1v111g tlw pnigr;1rn ts·• "'-t•lup .. f11r truubl<'. and B11li .,,.,., ·1 can't ~ub.1t·1.·1 ITlV/\c·lf t o that I ll\'ll'llllflH Ill ,. lrvine------------ I rvine urges nuke trucks go south V1•h1l l1•i. 1r.1n ... p11r11ng 111·1 \\,I\ '' 0111• of th1· r11Ut1 ·..., 1111 L..1hut111 1:h·.Hh C1111 1.111!11.11 ll\t \\<1.,le · l111m tlw !->.111 11111...idt·11 d II\ lite Cal1(111 n1,1 l'oum·tl \\l'lll 111\ rc'\·ord ldSI wet•k Unofn Nul'l<•.1r t;1•111·r,11111g J11gh\~.1\ P .1 t1nl f111 1r.111!>1x1r1111g uppos1ng northl'rn ruutt·i. fro m Station ,h11uld dnv1• south, 11111 tlw w ..... 1~ S:en 011ofrt• T hl' plant 1s Lhrc-t• north, the Irv111C' Cll\_' C11111111I m1k-. south of S.1n Clcnwnle . ('llP 11fl111,1b lwlt.l a puhl11 k f sC'ud Tuc.>!><iav A spo c•sman or tht• Southl•rn Counc·tl memlw·rs u n an1mnui:..I\ 1111'"ting Ot·t ;!H in Santa Ana 111 C:aliforn1a Edrson Co. maJor I \'\'It'\\' n1ull·~ DN:b1uns on lwi.t f h appn1vl'd a motion h.v l\1 a\1)1 l U\\'nC'r o 1 t' plant. s;11d both 1111111 · .... 111· l'Xpl'l'lf'd t·ar y lll'Xt h d h L.1rry Agran thJt \last<' n ·mov,tl non l'rn an sou l ern ruuti·s vl•h1cles should pa.-.s through t lw ''"11 h<1ve ~n usl'd tn thl' past. But IN.1s t populated areas 1\~•1.111, 11ot1ng that 1h1· w:isLc ht• n oted that no wastt• h as bt..-cn Irvi n e 1s n ortheast of Lht· lllll1111ly 1" "'"' t.1 lll1n11t/\, ""d a trcmsporlt.-d rt't't'nlly bt"<.:ause of pow<'r pla nt and nt·ar Lh1 ~1utht·n1 r11u1t· Lo I H would bt· lt11gauon tn\'ol\'ln g tht• 11111101!> San ta Ana Frf'ewav Thi• .1ust ,1:-l·ff1n1•1H disposal sit<.• ~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~'--~~~~~~~~~~- Ple nty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 CUISINART PASTA MACHINE SALE PRICED . s9911 ' Reg. $119.99 •Pa eta Dem o. Saturday 10-3 In our demonstra tion kitchen. Come ond ••• how to moke your fovOfite posto on the Cuisinart Posto Maker or Atlas Posto Machine. J KWIKSET LOCK SETS Buy a Heavy Duty i:i;::._:: Deadbolt and get a Free Entrance lockset Free -No coup ons, nothing to send in. lockset in included a t a sp ecial price. s1911 Reg $27.99 CALL 497-4403 240 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH COMPLITI P\U~fCAL..CMASS DIPTS. I 11 I I NATION pace s huttle e nte.r s its final countdown l 'APE CANAV~HAL (Al-') Years uf ll'c:hn1l·al lruubll'S now furgottl•n, the spac1.: shulllt• went into 1ls fin<il t•ouh t duwn tl)duy fur Thursday's fifth rhght With two satellnes uhuard. the ~hip was finally reud.Y to do the JOb for which ll was built ferrying cargo into :.pal't' ninwuy h1•1'l• 1f troublt> caused tlw t.Tew to abort during the llrst orbit. The primary abort landing urt.•a 18 a hard sand runway at Edwards in tht' California desert If 11 ls too soft from lhl· moist ure, tht.• crew's s c' t.' o n d t.· h 11 1 c e f o r a n l'l111'rgcm·y touchdown would bt• a t·oncr<:te runway at &iwurds. Orango Co111 DAILY PILOT/WodnHday, No11emb r 10, 1982 I Oeler Hot '-'o l>J L.-Perne Sh ulllt• progra m co m;u h unl Dr. Croig 1-'i~wlwr ( cenlt•r ) ta l k with NHH lnu·ruulio n uJ J•r~t;idenl l un Rruct• ( lefl ) ond Md)onntdl Doug las' Hill Do uglas, NASA, fi r~• flish• surgeon, u t Httlboo Bay (]ult u t>f>t.•oroncf'. Mort.• than an 11\l'h of rain has fallen at Edwards Air Force Base in the past two days, rais111g the pussibil1ly that the Columbia would have to land un a 15,000-foot Third choice 1s Ke nnedy Spm.-c Centt•r. also the chae( altt'rnate for tout·hdown al lht• t•nt.l or tht' m1ss1on. Challenger V MW winner Doctor with ast-ronauts • • sp1r1t • ID WASHINGTON (AP) - Ric h Trumka. an upstart :i:i -year-old miner lawyer set>kang ll) rl'direct the fortunes of the once-rrughty United Mane Wurkers union, ousted incumbent president Sam Church Tuesday night in a holly t.'Onlcstcd ele<:tion. Trumka pilro up lopsided margins in pivotal districts an West Virginia, Indiana, Kt•1llucky. P ennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois. Church was st ill en route from Appalachia, Va., where he l·as t has vote. when campaign press spokesman Tal'k C orne lius all but l'Onl'l'Cied. C ornelius said h e was shoc:kcd by the results Pulitzer trial e nds WEST PALM BEACH. Fla (AP) The bitter Pulitzer d1von.'e trial would t ax even the wi sdom o f Solomon, says the Judge who must now rule whil'h spouSt· as the fatt er parent -a mother described as a lesbian a nd a d ulteress or a fath er ac..'C·used of drug pushing and incest The mes~y legal war betwee n n t·wspaper heir Pt'Ler Pulitzer a nd his WORLD t.·slranged wife. Roxanne , l•ndc'<.l Tuesday after 18 days o f lurid, headline-grabbing tes timony and tireless u t ~ .. in pls by lawyers t o blaC'kl•n the reputauon of their d1ent's spouse "This hasn't been a kissing c:ontcst." said Palm Be ach County Circuit Judge Carl Harper at the end of th e St'amy testimony that was s plas h ed on fr ont pages throughout the nauon. British sp y· 'guilty' lhrec young girls. By J OEL C. DON Oflhe Delly Piiot lleff As the sp.:wt• shullll• Columbia blasts into thl• hi:avc•ns fur the fifth time Thursday morning, Dr. C r a t g L . F 1 s c h t· r w i 11 be watching. wishing he t•ould go along for the ridE" The 46 -yt•ar -o l<l In dio physician had a l'r<ll'k al the ninth shuttle m1ss1on. with a chanl'C at serving as a m1ss1on specialist. th<• title used to designate crew mc-mbcrs who perform experiments and othc•r tasks bu t do n o t fl y t h e s pat•cpla n e . r lS<.'ht.•r was <:Ul wht•n the last wa:. trimmed to lhrN! contenders. NevP rtheless. th e o nn·- asp1ring astronaut didn't mass out on the nation's spat..•t.• cxplorauon e ffo rts Ile was a rcst·arch m ed1 ea l officer for Nauo nal At!ronaul1t.'S and Spacl' AgC'nt'Y and alt.ended every launch and rrt0very from Gemini 4 through Apallo 15 H 1• was I a I l' r a pp o i n led personal phys1l'lan lo the astronauts for the first thn·e shuttle test flights . a JOb he considere d far mon' c·omplex than the earlier spal'<' m1ss1ons of tht• '60s and early '70s. FasC"ht.•r plans lo be at F.c:lwards J\ar Force Bas<> when Columbia returns to earth early Tuesday, hooting and hollering with the rt>st of the throng ") don't know anyone who's ever been in the space pro~ram as t'lo!;(.•Jy as I've bt.'(•n a!ll«fX:i;itt.ld evt•1· g t·t s out o f th<.· spac·(' program," h<.· S<m.l Fischer was ;;it the Balbchl Bay Club Tuesday night w dcscritX· the s pace shuttle program as pan o f a fu n d -r aiser for MBH lntc rnauonal School MBH is ;.i no n -profit organ1zallun selling up a spt.>cial s<:hool fur tht• world's orph ans an the Virgin lslands. The timing of F1St"hcr's speech couldn't have been l>cllcr, just t wo days shy o f thl' fi r st o p erational mission o f the nation's re usublt• spat'l'<'raft. Four previous missions havt• pruved the s pa(.·t• s huttll··s re laabll1ty and its n •lal1ve ly problcm-fn-e opcor<1t1un Tht• fifth flight ancludt.>S four ru;trnnauts. the largest crew t•vt•r to be sent int.n spae<.• aboard a single space vchide The shuttle-mC'mbcrs are commandl'r Vann• Brand. pilot Robert Ovc•rmycr a nd misswn spec·aalasls W1l11am Lemur and Joseph Allen. Tht• massiun also marks the first llmt' thi: shuttlt• will bt.· used Cor ats anknt..k'Cl purpose. a spal'l' tug of sorts desagnt•d to fl'rry satt·lhtes ;md other equipment into spate Satellite Business Systems of' Mc·Lean, Va a nd Tclcsa t of Canada have paid NASA $1 0 mallton each lo haul up two $30 million satellites i.n the shuttle's 60-foot cargo bay. Eventually, space sc1cnt1sts say s huttle m1ss1ons will be as roullnC' as ordinary jet travel, with lift.ofCs cx:currang about On<.'<' a Wt.·ck "It as the mos t a m a iang l c· l' h n 1 <:a I a n d s l. 1 l' n t i f 1 t..' at.'hll'Vt.•men l O( 111ankil'ld," F1S(:hcr said. "We're dt..·Vl'lopmg the..· tools to exploi l :.pat't..' and thc•y a1·c bt:ing turmo<l ovc..•r to the t..•ommcrcial sector." NASA hopes that privalt• business will invest in the shuttlC' so that m1ss1ons can rl'ly less on fc•dt.'ral sup port. The pitch to industry 1s that s)X'Cial metals l'an be forg e d 1n s pa ce. new mcd1dnes <..'an be t r eated and olht•r unique industrial prcx.'t.•ss«s can ~ pt'rformed an the• spc'<.'ial t.•nvironm£-nt of wro gr:.ivny. Fist·her didn't find any Spt.'t.·1al ml'dacal problems that w ould handC'r man 's exploration o f spal.'t.' "I don't St."'e anything that predudes our transition to bt•ing ·spat..'t' ix.-ople' ," h e said But Whf'n the fi rst m<mncd spat..•t.• missions wcrt: planned in thl· late '50s, some doctors were t'<>nn:rned that the human body COUld n Ol SUrVIVt' Jo ng In a weaghtll'SS env1ronnwnt Some believed astronauts woulcJ suffer congestive heart failure or other maJor med1eal problems. Others werl' mncerned that astronauts would nut be able to swallow foods an spat..'C "Not only l'Ould you eat <ind drink Wl•ll. but we found you could use common utensils." Fischer said. "But the food once was like what you'd ge t on a bad airline. The shuttle food as a great advance over t he original food~. but don't get me wroflg, 11 's n ot like-you get o n the Con<..'Orde " Stall. Fischer, a pathologtSl by training, left fhe spare program tCJ resuml· private practice in 1982 with H few problems unresolved. Tests have shown astronauts los<.• bone calcium during spac.-e flights. Such deminer alization could p r ove to be a serious prubkm m m issions of a year or more, as might be the case with the proposed permanen t o rbital SfJi.it'e station. ··1 tl11nk it (demineralization) probably will be self-limiting," he suggested. "We'll probably be able to utilaze one of several pro<.'<'SSeS to reverse or stop the proct.-ss. I don't think we're going to havt• a situallon called jeny or soft bones." So far, 50 percent o f the astronauts havt' experienced space saekness for the first 24 to 36 hours of the mission. "That's something you would like to have licked because you'd like to have peo ple who are fully opcrauonal, · he said. There was some Initial concern about the shuttle landing$ since, unllkc the M ercury through Apollo missions, a pilot would a<.:tually be at the c.'Ontrols of the glider-lake vehicle. Despite the s tresses of lhe transition from we1ghllessncs.s to gravity-bound earth. the astronauts performed at..·<.·o rding lo their fl igh t simulator training. Fischer said. LONDON (AP) - Geoffrey Prime, labeled in press r eports as a Soviet "mole" an Britain's top secret electronic espionage complex. pleaded guilty today to seven charges of s pying ror an unspecified foreign power "B y your treache ry you have done ancakulable harm to the interests and security of this country, and the inte>rcslS and security of our fri e nds 1n the NATO alliance." Judge Lord Lane said an passing sentence on Prime. who pleaded guilty to seven counts of spying over the· last 15 years Thi County-------------- He was sentenC'cd to :J5 years an prison for the spying and got an additional three years for Sf'Xuall v molesting County boosts children's welfare force Polis h s trike o ver WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Soldiers with fixed bayonets a nd police with automatic weapons patrolled two Poltsh cities today and authorities claimed facto ries operated "undisturbe d " despit e Solidarity's call for an eight- hour sitdown strike. The s tate-run Warsaw STATE radio said workers reported to their jobs across Poland at the start of the midnight shift. But 1t was impossible to verify whether PolH were heeding the Soljdarity call for a n e ight-hour protest in wh1C'h they would report for th eir s hif ts. but o nly "pre tend" to work By JEFF ADLER O(the Deity Piiot ..... Presiding Orange County J uvenile Court Judge Byron McMillan did something a httle unusual Tueooay after Orange County supervisors approved h aring 23 additional socia l workers to rope with increasing numbers of abUS<'d and neglected children. He thanked them "On behalf of the abused and battered kids and our battered social workers, thank you," McMillan said "Thanks for remedying a situation that almost has become intolerable.~ Al an annual cost of $559,565, the board approved hiring eight social workers and a support staff t o number 15. 1nclud1ng supervisors The add1t1onal hirings are expected to reduce the average caseload of 81 cases pt•r worker to an average of 69 cases. · At an average caSl'load of 81. supervisors were told, social workers an the county's Social Services Agcnl'Y were over - burdened "beyo nd reasonable expectations given the various legal and regulatory mandates governing case management " Reports o f child abuse or nl'gle<"t a re <.'lambing nationally Orange County as faring n o differently. Between 1979 and 1981 reports o f abusC'd or neglected children increased 70 pe rcent and reports of t:hild abuse have d ambed 13 percent an JUSt the last year There are now 2.100 children 1n the county's dependt>ncy s upcorvlslOn program Tht• dependency program 1s responsible for children who havC' been placed under its Juris11ct1un by juvt>nile l'Ourt as a result of abusl'. n eg lect o r abandonment. Approximately 35 pcort.:i?nt of these children are h.•fl an their own homes, 35 to 40 percent an" 1n foster homes and 25 pcorcent ur<' with relatives. Sona t workers in the dl'pendency unit are assigned to hL·lp parents enhance their parenting .;kills Vld supervision or thro ugh counseling and todut·ational programs Th<.' average child that is made a rourl dependent now spconds an average of 23 m o nths in dl'ptmdency in Orange County, at..•t..•ord1ng to Social Service Ageney officials. After January 1. a new Jaw takes effect w h ich will req\Jire more intensive supervision of l'Ourt dependents. Senate Bill 14. at'COrding to those famthar with 1t, could very well mean that add1t1on a l personnel will be neecied I n Tu esday's action, supervisors approved hiring of a social ser vice super visor , a program assistant, eight senior social workers. seven social worker assistants and six clerk- typists. Sp e cial session seen SACRAMENTO (AP) - The Legislature may return t o the Ca pitol for an emerg ency session on the state's budget problems as early as next we<-k, says thC' Republican leader of the Senate. emergency session next week , 1t would be on ly "a very quack session . no more than a couple of days " Deputy cleared but may face internal action Sen. William Campbell, R- H ac 1 e nd a H eights. s aid Tuesday 1f the r e 1s an Then a m ore extensive s p ecia l session wi l l be required in December, when the Legislature elected last week is sworn in for the 1983-84 session An Orange County Sheriff's deputy, acquitted o( rharges of a l leged sex i nvolving a 16-year-old female member of the d e partm e n t -s po nsor ed E x pl o r er Scout post. ls continuing his duties with the department but still may face disciplinary action by Sheriff Brad Gates. Department spokesman Wyat'l Hart said Tuesday that Deputy We're Listening ••• What do you lake about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like" Call the number at left and your message will be rec.-orded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include thejr name and telephone number for verification No <'irt'ulatlon l'llll!i. please 642·6086 Tell U.'I what's on your mind. ... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Hal.y Publ1Lhn1 ond (h1el ( .ecul••~ ()fl,cer Jane Am•I f •<l(l/lllft (dttQf L Koy Sch\lltt V<e ,,....oe<ll -S 01'.CIQf ol A&-.. hl"'O loymond Mod.Mn Co..11o1er Mkhoel P. Harv.y !He<tot ol Molletll!Q •C1tculo!-I Kenneth N. Geddwd Jr. Owec•or ot 0,,..0!.on• CIHalfled edveftl•lno 714 .... 2-MJI All otMr depeftmenta 142-4>21 MAIN OF'FIC~ SJIW ....... M , Ce.la NWw. CA llMH-.. ... ueo. COii• MeW, CA ..... (9"tltf!C 1'tl OtMei Co .. I l''*I~ C-,, ,.. lltw• ••~. lllvttretl.,,, ffllOt,.I ,....,., ., .. .,,.tl .. ,.,...h ,.rain may M r tet.-..CM wllMul "9<191 jlletn'llH .... of COPY•ltfll .. ,_, 1 • William Lee Griffan . 27. has worked all but a brief period. when he was on sick leave, since al't'usations first were levelf'd nearly a near ago However , Harl added that even th ough G r1 f (1 n was al-quitted in thi: trial his status with th e department is "something the sheriff will have to look mto." Though a jury found Griffin not guilty of four misdemeanor sex charges -two counts each of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor -Har t said a department investigation wall continue to look at Griffin's "conduct" in the matte r. Two o ther d e partment members. Deputy Thomas Barry, 23. and Sgt. Robert Schaeffer. :n. resigned their jobs after pleading guilty to similar charges involving the same Explorer Srout They both receivt'<i three years· probation. Griffin had maintained his innocence ~t all times since being accused of the misconduct. Court sources said Griffin test1f1ed during the trial that the Sl.'OUl, who claimed to have had sex with him twice. had a crush on him. Attorneys for both sides in the case reportedly said that jurors, who deliberated just three hours before reaching a verdic t, apparently did not believe the girl's testimony. Hart said the Explorer Scout program a ffiliated with i\he Sheriff's Department contlnut'I to operate and is "going very well" despite the incident. The Explorers are a d ivision of the local Council o f the Boy ScOul.5 of America. Aborted abo:itio.n brings • SUit By STEVE TRIPOLI OfltleOMty..,._.lteft A woma n who c laims a Newport Beach clin ic failed to terminate her pregnancy In D 1981 aborti on p r ocedure, resulllng In hf'r glvlhg birth to an unwnnted child several months later, hos Ciled suit against the cUnic In Orange O>unty Supt'rior Court. The wom1n . an Oranae County resident, clalhls In the ault that docton from th• Family Plannlna Aaaoclation Medical Oroup "ao neall~tly perfortned the abortion prOcedure ... th•t (ht>r) unwanted preK1\ancy Wat not tt.'nnlnated." T1'e auh '}tla.itnl that afw tt.e August, 1981, procedure the doctor s told her that the pregnancy had been successfulJy terminated. a nd ahe therefore sough\ no other aMlstance. She discovered ~veral months latt'r that she sun waa pregnant, and subsequently bo~ 8 child out of wedlock. the 11ult olleget. The 1uit asks ttf court to determine appropriate mone~ry dam&gt.'t. Or F:dward Allred of the clinic, who did no\ perform lhe prtlC't'dUr«" In question but wu nAmt'd In the suit, aaJd TuftCi.ay that unsuc:ceurul abortion procedurc.-s are not uncommon. The cue depk:i.d tn the auh la a ra,l\y, however. becaute 'Jll \ poat-procedure laboratory report by a.n Independent lab lndk:ated thot the pregnancy had been temJnated, Allred Mid. • He aaid the woman traveled abroad after the procedure and di11COvcred while overMu that itht' atltl was pr egn a n t . She return ed to the cH nlc In Decembtr..and wu de&ermlned to be 20 to 22 weeks prepant, Md •therefor •tlll eli1lble for aborUon. but she had •1appenn' phUoeophlcal problenw'' wuh an •bortJon at that at.act. A'lnd Mid. Allred uld doctors de~ that the woman oould not "9w aouen precnant 1ua.q~& '° t he orialnal AUIUI\ •bottloa. . ~ ... Pll 111 Wt1\J11111uloy Nov11mtmr 10 , 1 11~.1 f till able to put less m _oney down on homes 1.Jy PAT llOltOWITZ Of 11141 Dell1 l'llol llelf OEAH HEADEHS Stnn 1111· 1 11d 111 Wurld Wur II , nlllll' 1ha11 11 11111111111 v1 ll•1.111' haVl' bou)(h t hum1•:-. w11h thl• .1111 111 \'A lu.11" Tht• G I honw loan program '' d1 ·-.1gm•d 111 t!nl'OUl'al(t' lt•ndl'l'S lo mukt• b1~g1•1 luan:-. th.111 lhl'V ord111a1 tl v wuuld, s11w1· 1 lw h•d1 ·1.tl gov~'rnnwnt ,., ~u11nmt1•c111~ put l 111 tlll' 111;111 Eud1 1•laM1hl1• ve11•f'a11 h ." .1 lu.111 guarantN• t'ntatll·nwnt Thi~ 1•11t1t l1•11wn1 h.I' 1m:r~a:i(oJ uvt•r tht• yt-ars I ro111 $:!,Ollll tu thl· new maximum of $.:.!7,500 Tht'> guaranll't' •~ what makt•!> ll JX>SStblc• to buy a h1>m1• w1thuut having lo n1ak1· a large• d111Nn paynwnl 'l'ht• V<•lt•I Jll!> f\d11111111Hrut11ul lllui 11 l11111kt .. 1. ''llonll' BU\lllr V1•tl•ru11." w h1d1 t·\pl.1111:. tlw prnJ(rum um t•a11 11111'w1·r m~l of I h1· 4u1•sll1111i. :vuu 11111 v huv1'. It 1•xpl11im1 1•l11.t1b1lity. 1ndudl•r; l'lwt·kllstK on how to d11Hl!'.l' .1 m•1~hl.HJrls1.Hxl. w)wt t•> look for m u It ll us l'' l ' Cl st s (I I' h ()fill' II w n l' r H h I p ' u ,; d '1•1th•111t•nt Ill df>Sll l~ l'l>l>tl> Tlw l>t.H>kh•l '' (11<t• fo'or a copy; S<mt.I your· 11J111l' anu .iddt t'I-" tu tht• Con s um t't· lntw m.11111n t'c•n t1•1. Dt•partmt•nt ~72K . Pu<'l>lu. l'olu HIOOH Yuu also wall rl'<.'t'tVl' a 111pv ol tlw fn•1• "Cunsunwr lnforn1 at1on Cawlog" that lis~ mun• than :.WO olhl•r fr<'t• or m<xlt·r,uu·ly prn:t•d g<1vt:rnmcnt publk'utlons of m nsunwr 1nt1•r1•st. Tht• n1t.1lug Is published quart1·rly by tlw Consumt•r Information C 1 • n t P r u I l h <.• G l' n t• r a I S c• r v I c.· l' s A1lm1n1s1rat1un The interest rntc• 1s sN bv law und usual Iv is lowt•r th un thl' prl'valltng ratt• lo.r conventional mortgagt•s. You l':Jn pay off all oi p a rt o f th1• loon withou t a J>4.'llalty Well eatabllthed •port• organization In Cotta MeH I• conduc- tl ng Interview• for • recently created poel- tlon. The ldHI appli- cant wlll be • fltne11 mlntt.d carffr oriented mature adult wJth • pleHant 1>9rtonallty. Management orient- ed with llght typing end bootlkffplng tklllt Wiii be nece11ery. Good phone mannert are alto very Important. Thi• full time potltlon hH an opportunity to advance within the or- gan lza tlon and take advantage of company profit •haring. If you fffl qualified to accept thlt challenglng poaltlon plHH call Joe at 641-4"0 betwHn 9 AM-5 PM, Monday- Friday. Now the Beautiful Facts A bout Mi nil. M•11111Jul\ a ~hone on yoo• ca• 1ho11 ••en"""" cars '-ri" 1 c .>'\\•b1v m,1,c:r -a \!i•nt-H di, n ~>1P t;ull1.1111 thdk'°d")' •d• ttlfJ ova1lttt>'e lndepenae"' 1es•'> p1ove •I .... ng '"'"'°'hf' .,c.,1 (.d' 'L J ,,, ! I J tn•"C>f •• ,. ..,n nfl ''"'huu' V"io·'H.l IJilli'' ~ oa1n1 ()f coat.nos II ne\lff n.teClS #lltt••f1J Jr'\t' V•, .. \., ,,..., .. ,. '--''--'•du, '*'>'">•"t "''' W''' JncJ r~1vtdf'ltS M111Q •s the most t>t.;U•an1 ''"""'"°"'car cuvl4.J ~".-' ,, •·• .1r·J ·' ,~ ••'"' ... 1 , ... ,,, •' 11f'1 ~-l'Cl"'tt "• '\ •...:..A.• ,._ ",,... ~ • .._, · Drivr in or C.r/I Tod.1y for" FREE /)rmonstr.1tion! p :+11:\G Al'TO BEAl'T\' CENTER 754 6404 Moo 5al 7 30 500 Ra1nOfSh1ne • -1520 Ponderou Av~. Cotta ~~H No OU~ "'"°"'"'' •PP'y 008' ••c.>t•e• 11-2-t-12 l'tlCtS &ood llwv SuntbJ, ftt•. J4 Wickes volume-buying power has done it again! Bringing you the lowest gypsum price possible! 1/2"x4'x 8' Gypsum Panels The most versatile building material around for construction of walls, partitions and ceilings. Gypsum panels are low cost. fire- resistant and easy-to-install. Plus, they offer limitless decorating possibilities! Wickes low Price ... Each Save 10%! Joint. Compound s-aanon Reedy Moc Convenient and easy-to-use right fr9m the container. Ideal for finishing gypsum panel joints, wall crack repairs or as a wall texture compound. Wickes 899 ~~:e. . . . •·011. "'" You'll Ilk• what'• happening at Wick•• • 1100 EDINGER AVE. TUSTIN (oft the Newport Fwy.) 7j4-138·2440 ' I MON.·'"'· •1:30 SAT. 1-1 IUN. 1·2 , M11il J'i1·1n l1ankruIJI OF.AR PAT: L.ut Marcb 13 I ordert>d 1wo "llfeUme" carvlnic knives advertl1ed on Che lni!llde of an 'Kf carton. My $&.21 check wu cashed prompt y, but I haven't receiv ed thr knives. J sent 11cveral lt Uers of Inquiry to EGG Carton Jn Studio City, but therti'• been oo answer. D.V .• Irvine Sorry. bu\ fX.iG Carton 1& 01w of \he u1vls1ons of SMM c·urrc ncly rnvolv\•d in bonkruptc.•y pr0<·(.'(idlllgt1. Your u11ly rc..'<.'OUn>t• Is to 11(.•nd a prool of claim form (uvalluble at 11UH11>nery storcH) to: U.S. Bankruph.:y Court :111 N Spring. l.hl Anac•ll•ll 0001:.l. Courl No LA•080~2-Bll. ·Th•· l'Umt• udvu:t• upp11l'I for <: Z.. Coron11 dt•I Mar. who wrott· ubout a no n-dt•llVl'ry pruhlt•rn wl\h SupN Murkl'l M ~1:1 1111: 11\ Studlu City • Got a problem? Then wrue to '9 l Pat Horowitz Pat will c·ut red IJlpC. - getting the aMwers and Mtion you ...,.. n ec.d to 110 /ve inequities in government and buametlS. Mall your questions to Pnt Horowitz, At Your Service, Oran6e Coast Dally ·PJJot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa 'Mesa, CA. 92626. .. ffcMne Of Al••MJOds ),__ ____ _ our ·· Cbrisfm1s · 6ilf To You Shopping early bas its rewards-especially at House of Almonds. Because now through November 24, we'll pay for the postage. On.any House of Almonds gift pack of $9. 95 or more. Anywhere in the Continen· tal U nited States! Our colorful gift packs are unique presents that anyone on your Christmas list wiH love. The choice is yours, whether it be natural almonds, h ickory smoked almonds or a little of everything. They're all fresh, crunchy and nutritious almonds. Our gift packs a re thoughtful, imaginative and they're always in the best of yuletide spirit. And now, FREE House of Almond gift pack postage when you b uy early. South Coast Plaza Upper Level, Near Sears (714) 557.; 165 Free G ;if.t Pack Sherman Oaks Galleria Second Level (213) 990-8939 Postage Buena Park Mall Upper Level, Near May Co (714) 821-8410 Northridge Fashion Center Lakewood Center Mall l Del Amo Fashion Center " 2nJ Level, Berwccn Broadway and Bullock., (213)Qq1.3886 Near Mervyn 's (213) 531-0370 Near Bullocks J (213) 370-6044 Free Gi/l Wrap • AU Major Credit Cards· ~Mail Gifu CUSTOM QUALITT " you want finish and deeaH the equal of any Custom • Shutter, here Is your answer . . . PLUS BIG DOLLAR SAVINGS and IMMEDIATE DELIVERY on KEY SIZES. SIZES IEADY Fell IMIEDIATE llllTALLATIDI We carry over 50 liZ9I In 5 colo18. If your size or cotor ls temporarily out you wtll get our order In 3 weeks or less. , •••••• ,llA. llOW TIJ llSTAll I SAii We ofter tn1tallatlon eervtce but for the "00 IT YOURSEL- FER" don't ml .. this eemJnar, 11 A.M. Saturday at: Et {t,r9't Orange and S.'1 Otego. # AL~EXPERT INST 14LLA TIO# AVAILABLE/ OUR •••IT,.._, .... CUl .. n-• OUALm REIULAR AID Wlm LOUVERI 111 DEi ... COL .. SAVE .. TO a-. _. CUITDlll Finl.,,_ tnctude amooth P8lntl Md 1t•n1 PLUS FREE ... SAND8t.AIT WHITE II' YOU OA•'T oo•• ... .. 'LL oo•• TO YOUI Our blaldM lfloMOON ....... IO Mlp~ llllet -IUT WI DO MAKE HOUW'CM.LI •.. PNE. i I . l ! . I . . . R cycling fa cility Landscape art course offere d now ope n · J\ 111•w , l'lldtH1t•d drop o ff f m ·1I1ty 111 1 ht• Orunt:i-Coust Collc·gt· 11't·yt'l111g t.'l'lltt'I' an C:ustfl M1·1>.1 vp1·11t•d n 't 1•1111 v. 11ll w1.11, !>.llll l'ual>lhrw L't>lll'gl' '' rll uHl'I a l'Olll~l' m l.111dl>(:uµ..· µ;111111ng rro m 8 u Ill lo ~ I'm Wl•d1wsd.1yl>, .bt·g11ul111g thr:> w tH• k al l•h l' Hu l> 11 1 w out! L <' 11rn1 n g l' l' n It• r . !'> I 7 'l. Md'at.ll.ll•n Ave .. llu1111nglon IX·al·h lnslrul'lur Tim Clark \\Ill l'OVl'r dra\\:ing. curnpoM llon •An an aul·t1un to lwnt'frt Mun.Ian CL•nlcr of Education Tht'rapy will bt•gin at 7 p.m Saturduy at thL• Cus~ Mesa l'frighborhuod Community· Center. 11N5 Park Aw Prints. lithogrnphs and r . ' •A n ·t· l'l'l>)Jira1111·yJ 1t::-.lrng program will bt' l'Ondu<'ll·ll from !J a .m . lo 4:30 p .m . Saturday at Fountain Valley Community Hos pital. 17100 Eudrd St The ll'S ls will nwus un· breathing and blood prt.•s.<;un.., with thl' aim of dt.•tt.•t.·ling asthn1a. l'mph yst.•nrn or 1111d pa1111111g 1l•t·h111qut•i,, us m g w 11 1t•1 t·11l111 s .1111J 1111 f><lllll 'flw frn;l l\ll•t •\111g will bt• ul tht.• lt.•ut·11111g t•t•ntt.•r'.-hu1 i.ubst.·quL•nl st.'!>l>irnn-will ht• 1i11 loc·.ition 'l'lwn· 1s no t111t11111 dwrgt• Mu1 u 111fu rma111111 t.•an lH' ob ta 111 l' d IJ) t.' :1 I I 1 n g th l' t.'Oll1•gl· :11 ~lti:t Oli~4 po:-Lt·rs from $!'> 10 $~.uoo will Ix• o fft•rL•d during tht• aUL'llo11 spo11M>rc•d by tlw Nt·wport llurhor Sorol't1m1s1 Cluh. Adnus. ... iun ~ $.l 1-'or moh· 1t1fun1wut)n 1·;~11 ti:! I li4UO ~ bn>11d11ti!.. Thl· l<~ls •~•kl' Irv<• 111111UH'S. amJ l'l':-.lllls wrl I bt• niarlt•d to parlll'rp:inls. Lung l'x h1h1L s and dl·m o ns tratruns of c~1ru10 - pulmunarv f'l•su:.<:11,111011 ubo w 1 I I b c: f <' a l u r l' cl T h c• progrum will t;1k1• l}lm·t• 111 till' hospiwl's aud1t111'iurn A .~ 111:1 ,11110 gm 11 l ( IOIH t ht•• • i.lHl<·• SuliJ Wru;t1.' M:rnag1•mt•nt Board wu.., us<1ll lO 1.·onslru1.·t a J0,000 squan'-fool C.'l•nwnt slab und uc·ct•ss to lhl• t•t.•ntt·r ulong A d a ni s J\ v l' n u c• b c.• l w e c• n Jo'u1rv 1l•W Ho&d und Harbor BoulevanJ. Sharon Donoff. US.<;()(·1all' dean of stuJl•nl affair.. at the> c'OJlege, <'Stlmatf'd that the cl•ntt•r hc.•lp<•d saw USO gallons of crucfo oil lost yt•ar bct.•ause k•ss oil 1:. nt.•cdro to produn• 1.·nns Crom rcc.·ycku mC'laJS. Lnsl yc•ar more than 600 tons of nc•wspupl'r, glass. l'Omputl•r <.·ards, a h'.iminur'n nnd nwtal cans wt.•n • n'l·ydt•d at lhc• c·1.•ntcr. It oµc•nt'<.I In 19/:l . The• slutll•nl c•<'ntc.•r rarst'S about $25.000 a year from the• sale of the• r<'<:ydt-d items. Most of th<' funds go lo provide scholarships. Vida Deon Robinsons ,. MEET JESSICA McCLINTOCK . AND SEE HER HOLIDAY AND SPRING COLLECTIONS. - Imagine-a blend of poet's fare . daydream and fantasy dressrng- rnspired by Americana country clothes. That's Jessica as you see here in allover beige cotton lace. 4· 12 $335 For a romantic renaissance. attend our showing of Jessica McCltntock's lavish collectibles and talk to the designer, personally. In Newport. Saturday. November 13 Wrth informal m odehng from 1 ·3 p m Robinson's Young Designer Dresses. 17 To order. call toll·free 1-800-345-8501 . 01 11(.ll Coust lJAll v I'll 0 I /W«t<lllH 0 .. mhnt 10, 19f12 Rob1 (1sons VETERAN'S DAY SALE STARTS TOMORROW AND , FRIDAY 10-9, SUNDAY 11-6. SHOP THURSDAY SATURDAY 10-6, t * i THE BEST IN .SPORTSWEAR ! 28°/o·38°/o OFF .. .. ~ .. . .. CLASSIC CARDIGANS Soll warm :.wealers w11h a polished llcirr Nubby acrylic boucle rn beige brown gray sleel or bordr~.iu>t 011g $56 SalP $39.99 Or the cabled colton cardigan rn cream navy. burgundy. turquoise or khaki Orig -$65 Sale $39.99 Robinson's Swea1ers. 1 • 39°/o·42°/o OFF WHITE STAG · JOG SUITS ' So soft. comlorlable .. versa11le rn purple. ruby or Ian acrylic fleece S M·L Tops Orig $40 Sale $22.99 Pants 011q $38 Sale $22.99 Color se1ec11on va11es rn each s1ore Robrnarre Sporlswear 160" 33°/o OEE FLEECE·LINED WARM·UP SUITS Orig $24 eact1 piece Sale $15.99 each Your favorite sl11r1wa1s1 styles. and pants rn yellow. raspberry 1urqt101se. l<tvurider or 1adP polyr>s1er/co1ton S M·L , . Colors vary slore to slore Rou111.i11C' SporlswPar 140 • 33°k OFF · COUNTRY SUBURBAN SEPARATES 011g $32-$96 Sale $20.99·$63.99 Sport swear rn the cl,1 r manner bla1ers pants. skin s rn co11on1pol yester corduroy or hopsacv 8 18. To go w11h matching mullrcolor polyes1er /cotton blou~es ancl sweaters Olou ses 8 18 and swea1ers. S M L Rob111a11 e Sporlswe<ir t60 * 'JWR JR'S 330/o OFF JWR JR'S THIS ·MINUTE SWEATERS Two of our besl 1 From Tomboy cH .. ry it. kn I swf'<ller wrlh co11on canvas 6ccen1s In ofl·whrle. S M L Orig !16 Sale S23.99 And our own double cable lronl-and sleeves boa1neck SWf'>dter in wt11te royal. purplp or red acrylic s M L Reg $26 S<lle $16-99 JWR JR'S 52/154 . KIDS 340/o · 36°/o OFF PRINT BLOUSES.z. JEANS, PANTS FOR GIKLS, 7·14 Colorful strrped and plaid co11on/polyester blouses by Teen Connec11ons Ong $20-$22 Sale $~9·$1 3.99 Jordache 1eans 1n blue cotton denim Reg $32 Sale $20.99 ~ael G cummerbund pants 1n black. gray or ofl·whrte co1ton cord uroy Orig $/>8 Sale $17.99 Robinson's Kids. 45 . ., .... OUR MOST FAMOUS AMERICAN DESIGNER FALL SPORTSWEAR COLLECTION Comfortable clolhes wilh easy. Quiet eiegance-10 make a man feel and look good In an assorlment or labrics S M·L s11es Sturts Orig $36 50·S38 Sale 123.ff.127.99 Pants Orrq $<8 $50 Sale S35.99·S39.99 Sweaters 011g •S75 $105 Sate S54.99·S79.99 Outerwear Orig $125·$130 Sate St2.99·SH.H Knits Orio $30 $75 Sale S21 .... SIS.99 Robinsons Designer Collections. 36 Nominal charge for alterations on sale merchandise 'To order call toll·free 1·800·345-1501 Sale ends Sunday November 14 Hurry 1n while quantities are plentiful and selections extensive Alt items sub1ect to prior sale. I. I p • ov1ets se n MOSCOW (AP) 'rlw llnw Ollt)' bo t uppr chtnt( wlll'n 1h1•1<' wlll ulwuya • ll Soviet cltl't<'O 1)1 ha tang lhl• ~rth S<>Villl oHlclnls, In u roro. WN'k lonlo( rwa of brit•finw» for un Arnt•rkun eporter, suy they urc bualu1ng an loboratc, permanent spiwt• Slllllon Until la in orl>h, probubly :IOllll'tlmc: "' l ~85, c Soviet Union wJll operate ha time· ~too Salyut spat'(• stauon, and 0U!l·anh1 y any gaps in Ru1i111an lipoct! occupnnt·y eeking pac will ht• mht•qut·nt 'l'ht• Hu ~u1111t •pokt• 1•11thu,.1111;l1t.1lly 111 lh1.t futul't" u l'lorw 1•11r11u1111•1 "11h llull1•v'11 <.:omt•\, u 11trappt-tl ll11wn hf>I•• t• huttf1•, v1111i. tc1 Munt. proU.·11 10 Vc•n1111 11nrl tlll' llnu 111·1·n1111wn\ lifllU.'t.• 1ilu111111 Tlw UniH•d Stult'1> '" WUVl'I 111~ '"' plan:i. for .i KJ.XWt' N\LlllUll lJut IS Ut•h"hll-d with tlw . hulllt• Columb1n Aht•r lu11r tc11l fhght11, lh firat r1•al ml1111aon ludnlo( two satclhtl'll in orbn h1 "4.'\ for • • up~r1or1ty Thw i.1l11v A\ ltll' lllll' 111111" two Sov11 1 t 0'1111111.1uti. 1111• 111 .. 11 lllM 1tll 1•11cJuru1w,. 11•111111 Iii. lht•Y w111k 17:.! 111111'11 uht1Vt' l·:i111 It ,1t)lmacJ A11lvu1 , 'l'ht• S11vlt•111 11i0l' 1111)vl11g 111111 NJ>lll't' uggr1· .. slvttly and Nf"'111h111-t IH•t•ly, or 111 1,.,,.,, mon• lru•ly 1hu11 t~w U111t1•d 811111•., l>l0Hplll• pt•t Kl>ilt•lll qut•hllulllllg, 11llM11b1 hou•ly u:knowh-.IKl' the• Sm111•1 Un1on'i; kt•y ol>jl'l'tlv1• mll11ury .iupN1u1 lty In spa('t' RECYCLE! Al Or•nge Co••I Coll•••'• new Recycllng Center. Aluminum • Glass Tab Cards Cardboard Newspapers . Ledger Paper Computer Paper Maga zines *bought on Saturdays 8 • 2 In hlw ol'fl~<t· ut lhCJ U 8 . Jo:111IJt1N'>Y four· milt•i. from Rc•d 8quurl'. 011 111rnly:o.i •'Nlt1nolt•tl thut 70 pl'l'l'l'lll of tlw $1 11 hi llior1 8t1viol i>puct• hud1owt J.:111•K Im 1111llwry uppllca11ons Oy l'Untrusl, th1 U S NJml'l' budget Is $ 1'I 7 l11lliun, uml liO JX'l"l'l'IH rs for m1ht.ary pruf(rum;-• LOCATED ON ADAMS AVE. BETWEEN HARBOR BLVD. • AND FAIRVIEW IN.COSTA MESA. You can recover approximately $2.00 of taxes for every dollar you invest while participating in a highly profit-motivated investment. • Recover taxes paid In 1979, 1980 & 1981. •Flexlblllty of amount Invested. . . • Available to lndlvlduals and corporations. • Act NOW for 1982. For more information , private confidential appointmtnts, or a 90 minute tax savings seminar, call: GERALD L. KOZAK FINANCIAL SERVICES (714) 644-2525 *Not a security or a limited partnership. A llOllE1 MNEIJllMI GiFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our gift certificates are a perfect way to say thank you or congratulations. They are an easy & convenient way to do your Christmas shopping early. Give a gift that is appreciated by the entire family. Our gift certificates are available and redeemable at any location. WE SHIP COAST TO COAST, USA+ ALASKA & HAWAII CORONA 0£L MAR -3100£ Cooi!"'Q'>wo••(11A)o73 9000 ANAHEN-1ne11110041Cen•ll'• 1712So 8'oaorv" <"' &ooDooo)• (l1A1 t>.l~ 2AOI EL TORO-a.a 1ow .. PI010Nat•n•24001Do,monowo • c•• E• ro-ot?ooo•(llA) U/ 3322 lfliTNOTON 8£ACH-JOOl"1Beocn&:vo A• Golr...o ~!!.·~~~·l)•(7W)M ~I~ CMAJWJE -IAIO,. '"''"' ( •c•01• ttom ro.o•oo• C>onoe •(I 4 907 0000 RANCHOAflRAOE -11 OlA"-• DO"(;"O ... OIQ41 Pto10 1•(7l4 340 3304 RJVER!J/l)£-~10A1ong1on ••t1 ("'"<)10"'0'\~Cet'•ll' •( 1·4 oU Oo11 ... '•11 ......... ,"" ... .._,. AlSO H L'I MAllllA lAK(WOQO WIS! COVHA N()OIN •OC)U•WOOO WUILA.Cl 1111.lAGl PASAI)(""' SA .. IA MONCA WOOOlAl<OHIUS N()Oh<lll()G( SAHJOSl ~VllA!I PA.L0All0A"Cl5A."OlfGO ()l<l IASlllSAlLll IAJlUt ' CoPY"Q"•• toe1...,,.., IOOeoMOm 1nC Free~ for _you when.~u buy a Hickory Rmrur git!_ for somebody else. ()Oeft Deity 'tH t p.m. s.turoey ·1.• e p.m. &lnOey 12 to IS p.m. --1 Our own ''Very Merry Berry" jar filled with imported ,. strawberry bonbons, -~ a $4.99 value from our Confection Collection. It's free when you buy a cheese and sausage or Florida citrus gift assort- ment worth $20 or more before Thanksgiving. We'll even handle the details se nding your gift a sortment out in plenty of time for Christmas. fffcUl'1 tlrms~,o· We'll give you a taste of old·time country goodness!" South Coaat Plaza Lower Level by the CarouMI • -.... oner Goad Tlwu Nov, 21 .Li •RANCHO •THOUIANO UCAMONIA OAKI 17t11St & ..... ., •• nett C•1Mll.,. a O••-• w-...... ......... ,,_c...,...0.1 .. .... "9'1 ll•d a L.e "•• lttftll•Mt ....... ,,,,_.,. J~J~~.~JJ &C-,,. .• .,.,.°' 714·01·10 7 714·f l0·412t IU ·0 7·DD 71•·•2' ... 11 ,., ..... 7JOJ •GARDEN •CANOGA IROVE PARK lllENTWOO •HEMET •TORRANCE LANCASTER •ANAHEIM hclflc llft Vicent• htl , .. tide & F .... , ........ , & Mlftl•n• ••"Jacinto llJ-471·7110 7U•t21'21)1 ...... 2U.J7J.0701 J&B Scoresby Jim Beam Scotch Bourbon $cotch 1.75 s911 ~ l[,~ s 1 099 --~ Ltr. -·- Ballantine Kessler Scotch Whiskey 750 s711 s411 ml. Crown Russe Vodka Grand Mamler Liqueur 80-Proof ~I~ $399 150-ml. '38" 710-ml. '1311 750-mt. '21" Kavlana Vodka 80-Proof 1.75 Ltr. 1111 Ch9nln lllllC 1911 FulM Ilene c.a ...... vt . 150 s171a ml. Emmet's Irish Cream 750-ml. '4" 750-ml. •3• ......... lln tO-Proof ,....,.,, ... 1.79·Ltr. '7" 1.71•Ltr. '11" 1.0·Ltr. '1CJM T1ytor Clllfaml• CellM'I 4.0·Ltr ... .. a.=•21 11 Coon Uglll l.r. .'!::'.. '31 • ..... ..,,. ............. .=•· ............. -=-··· Old .......... .-:..'24 ,.... ... ~'2 ... .. 4.0•Ltr ... .. 4.0·Ltr. 'I" '-•Ltr. '141 -WM ol,,,. Weelr" HMR 1979 Plnot Nolr l!legent ,renc:h Style l"'V"ftdJ ''°"' Renowned WIMrJ. (I.Jet Price S10.00) 750-ml. •377 M·a·s·H Vodka PromH.-.,. I -DletJllng t f· J . 1.os191s Ltr. Schweppes MIXSI 1 • 'I If you like to cook and have al "favorite" recipe, it could be worth a trip f~r two to a city of your choice anywhere , Orang Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, November 10. 1082 in the Wes~ern Hemisphe r~ (via W estern Airlines.} Or you could Y"in one of five S200 , . . gift certific~tes. It cari all· happer:i in the J • 1982 Dally ·p 1iot Fav orite Re cip e Co nt.est~ . . and it could happen ·to your Even if you don't win a top prize; your recipe could be published in our "Orange Coast Cook Book" in the Daily Pilot on Wednesday, December 8, 1982. Daily Pilot Special Sections editor Janine Fiddelke will supervise a panel of food jvdges who will name the ~est recipe on the Orange Coast. Winning recipes will be judged bn originality, ease of preparation, adherence to theme, and of course, taste. So get cooking. Read the rules carefully and send us your recipes as soon as possible. Entries must be postmarked no later than November 1 2. Dally Piio t Favo rite Recipe Co ntest, P .o . Box 1560 Cost a Mesa, CA 926 26 1. Appetiz ers favorite recipe for Meat spreads, zesty the mainstay of the dips or munchies. meal. Take your pick. 4 . Ve getables a nd Sa la ds 2. Grain s Including vegetarian a nd Brea d s dishes. And don't forget the What Is your out-of-season favorite way to start treasures In cans and off a holiday meal. in the frozen food section. s. Desserts 3 . Ma in Let's see wha~ you Dis hes can do with Whether it be chocolates, gelatin, hamburgers or coq butter, flour, au vln, the best whipped cream and chicken salad or other favorite roast duckling, goodies. Set those everyone has a calories aside. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. . List all ingredients in order of use, followed by clear, concise directions and ttle number of servings. Remember, originality counts. Submit your typed entry on a 3x5" index card. Put category in upper left hand corner. Only one entry per person per category will be accepted. If more than one entry is received for any single category, all entries for that category will be disqualified. Judges reserve the right to properly categorize entries. Recipes must be complete, and may not be changed after submission. Incomplete recipes will be disqualified. In the event identical recipes are submitted by two or more contestants, the first received will be the one considered for judging. The contest is open to all residents of the Orange Coast, except employees and their immediate families of Orange Coast Publishing Company. lndic~te on each recipe in the top left-hand corner, your name, address, telephone, and category entered using separate cards for each recipe. Mail to "Daily Pilot Favorite Holiday Recipe Contest," P.O . Box 1560, co'sta Mesa, CA 92626, or bring it to 330 Bay St:, Costa Mesa. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN MIDNIGHT, November 12, 1982 or received at the Pilot offjce no later than 5 p.m. f")lovember l 2, 1982. ' ' Entry of a recipe constitutes agreement that it becomes the property of the Daily Pilot, and mar be published with acknowledgements f no street addresses or phone number will be published) .In tne Daily Pilot and Mirror newspapers. Entries wiff be disqualified If they fail to comply with the contest rules. All judges' decisions are final. All prizes will be awarded. CONTEST ENDS NOVEMBER 12. o' t •• Aa r- l r.-~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~--~~~~ l I t . I I • I I I I • • .. _ ... .. .. I , ' ' • .. .. \ . ~. .. . .• I " ' .. .. .. • • ,,. '• .. -.. .. WAS NAKED AND COLD. She had a blank look about her. A kind of emptiness. No color. I didn't know what to do. Or where to _go. Then I discovered The Upstairs Gallery. It was a pretty off-the-wall place. They had thousands of beautiful pieces of original graphic art, each signed, framed and matted. I could see h er excitement in the ·way she stOod, almost quivering with anticipation, hoping that I would adorn her with a Picasso, Neiman or Rothe. I h ad to get my hooks in her, but I was still apprehensive. I was sure it would cost me a fortune. Surprise. The Gallery's prices were real low, plus they did· have convenient credit terms if I needed them. So I thought, what the heck? I. did it. Now, my wall ... she's happy. She's gorgeous. And she loves me for what I did to he r, thanks to The Upstairs Gallery. Stop by and see what I mean. DEL AMO FASHION SQUARE1 (On the 'ot.-cond level near Robinson's) (ZIJ) 542·1607 BEVERLY HILLS1 z7r; So. Ln Cicmica BlvJ. ARCO PLAZA1 C u :vel SOllI"H COAST PLAZA1 tNext to Bullock's) Ol \'t RU' lllUS •'I"" 11,Jn • ..J., thru '"n.Lo' h' '" • \Ht\ l l'I V \ 1 ... ..i., 1h.,. S...u1.b, 11 "' '" ' i.•. Ot l \\ltl I ''I lln' l!O\.AIU M.tn.J.•\ thru f,.J .. , ''' h-"· "'.flfurJ..n h' h• "'· 'unJ.n h' tn ~ \ lH \'(•I (. l ll ~ 11 \fonJ.,., thn1 f nJ •\ I\' h• •>. 4;..cor..L.\ h~ Inf\. ~u,W~, tl M ~ BENSON & HEDGES Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthot. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarttte Smoking Is Dangerous to Your HeaJth. • 6 mg "11r; • 0.6 n19 n1co11ne 1v. p11 c1g11111e. by FTC method • " •• Nurse invited to • selll1nar N111· ... 1•s 1111• 111vltl'd 111.1 s1•111111:u 1•1111th·d "111•111 l Alim k .111d t'11u11t1 •1 Auui k," "IJ011M111 ·d IJy South • C.'ou11t M~dk11I c~nter'M llUl'ICtng d1·11;1111111 •111 Thi· M •111111m· will Ix• ufh•n·d l>t-t ». I 111111 H .1 111 to :~· J5 phi. lot 11 full 1;1•,,um"' I:! :m tu :i 15 1u11 fu1 llll' uflc•11111on M•i-.i.hm 111 lht• h11i;p1t•1l'R 11ud1l1111l4111, 3Hl7:.! Co11'1t llwy, South L111(un11 Call 11111 t:il I, l';i.t :!7111 Ill 11 'J.(l'llt .,. A1't·11u11tnlllllty Sy11 lt'rn11, u 111u11ulm 1u11•1 11f UJllllJUll I i.ul IWlll'I', 1111' l;1k1•11 it flVI Yl'•ll h •U'I(• IJI 7011 8 Tu,1111 Av1•. 111 01m1u1· 1111 ollwt• u-.t· 9 'i';ruw & A1owt•lulcs1 ,, 'uppll1•1 uf 111 oclut ti, fot tlw f1•1•d , l111xl u111I pl111r111m••ut1eul fmlwitrws. h11-. i.1giwd a 1lll1'1" y1·111· tm"· lor 11ll1w i.p..itt• ,,, 1:l0(1 Uu.111 St. Suth JOI, 111 N1•wp1111 l k;1d1 . <.'11n-.1rmt11111 Im' 1>l11rh '1 I 1111 t lw 011111gn M·rvll'l' l'1•1111·1· lur S'tutc Furm Mutual <111111111ohilt • l111;ur;111t~· t'tJlllf>lllly 111 lht· 1nlt•rM'l'tl1111 ul Tait Avt•nu1 · and l'a:.1· 81H'<'l, 01·u11w· At'{orth11g tu Gury Parker, Vll'l' IJI l''>ldC.•Jll 111111 lsr1111g of l'loi.'k C1111'>tl Ul'llOll CotHpany of lrvuw. l.(1'111'1 :ti 1·111111 U('lUI rm· llw l'l'<Jjt'l·t, lhl· huiJdlllg IS Sd1l'tlult•d Im; l'llll\fJll'llllll Ill Muy, H.111:1 • l Ttll' H1•d l 'ro11s 10111111u111ty l.iluud11111bil1· will be.· .il South L'oaKt M1·d11 al <'1•nu·r, :uun Coa.,1 Jtwy, Suulh L11gu1111, 01·1· ti, from I:.!: 15 w ~.:W IJ.lll 1'1 ·opl1 · h<'IWl't•11 th1• ug1•i. 111 17 ;i11d fif>. Wl'lghing ul 11•11111 I Ill p11l1t1Cb und 111 ~11ud lwalth, rnn domllt• blood Appu1111111c.·nt' muy ht.· M·lwJuh'<J hy t.·alhng 11!11J-l:i1 I, 1•>.I :!740 Ca lifornia Comme rcia l Ba nk shares, tlw rc•ct•111f y lm•11wd l\o ld1ng 1·0111pn11y Cui N11tm11al Oank of Suulht·rn C11lifornlu (111 urgun1ZlJt1un), 11v1.•rsubst-r1lx .. d 1ti. mux11num t•up11al 1'1'4llirl'nwnt of $() m1ll11111 1n ftoi;s 1ha11 mw 11111nlh Thi• ha11k•b dut• lo UIJ4.'11 11i. S:rnw Anu off11·1• ucl.1-1t 'l'lll to :::>outh Coast Pl:1zt1 111 J :1nua1 y. f!JH3. 1x•11tl11\~ I mal n •gulatury II flJll'llVtl I l'1·rtllll'!l Puhh1· l\1n1un1:1111s. Larry W. Lamb .111d l\1it(•ht ll Sher" yn Martin. huw hc.'l•n m1mtod v1c.1• pn..,1d1•111•mu1oo11·1t·lary-tn•usurc•r, rc•SJ)('<:t1vcly. or D1·11111 .. Kl.inn l\c.•t•uunl.LllltS, lrw . uJ Nl•Wporl l3c•ad1 Murr.1)' Brannen of <..:ai dl•I\ ti1·11vt.· hus 111m'<..1 .t.'odii:arw Ch""'" L1v1ng,tu11 und Co . ln1: • .'uf Irvine, ii~ H Staff \i l'ltl'I' f111 lhl' ugt.•nt·y'h publf<· 1l'1ultons • d 1v1st1111. 1 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORI( tAPI (Oml.114 \1•1 ~ JAm,oy 1~1 • l\1 , PiOnHf \ 11•· ,,.,. NASDAQ QUOlallCH" (mlShr ... l .,. , Jeri to 17> , 11 Pl.>\11 M " 1'1 llME. DC. .. UPS AND DOWNS \/lOwtno h lQl'r\I Did• tmwltl ..... .,. ' v1J1lly ) .. Possh 10'• II 1 T•mr,• •J• .. 41 .. -IOWt>I ollen l>V (OflPap 31 , ... JOi.hn \ )111, ll Pr,...C,M J,.e•-JA•. l•,, f'ffi JP• )1 '• ,. ,. •• ry~o m~r~•l m-"'-"'' ., ot (Ofdt\ )'I )'#•. l(al\!>I pf .. xi PrsSUyn )) Jl. TKumP 11 . n NEW YOl!I( IAPI Thr lollOWll'9 '"I •pm Prl(f\ oo not (to\Tt• 11'• 11 K•lv~H I •• Pr091p 11• 3 ltltn•A 11'> 1/ I lntlUO<t ••l••lm.u~up (ull• Fcl I I I K•m•n 11•• IV PbSvN( , • ._ ••·•1Ten•nl \now\ ""' Ow• IJ>t (.ount~r ,. ,., ' \lo< k\ ano w•' ronh tnat h•ve -· up ... s KelySv s 1' lO Purl Ben 6'• •'• 1111' mo\! and clOWn ""' m0>f' l>a•eo Of\ m,.rkdowr1 or c.omm Cft llron 111• II• .. l lPt•ry IUlon lo, T~<ldy D •D•• • IS'• 1'' t Klmb~ll 70.a,. " •• ~~~~;t~ 11'_. 18'• T11mlO I 71, 7 '• """~"' of tl\anQV •"9"ro1eu of vohm'le Sl<><lt. Diel A\' D•YIM '''• 10~ f Klno1n1 ,. . ,, ' ti•' "' • t oyot• s ••• I '0:..0 !~~~r ... ,,..,,"11 ...,._ u ••• "'<" AEL Incl .. "'• OBHr •'· .. ).q J? I( loo IC. l l\t ll'· I•• • lW\ll > 4'• i AF APrc:I ll :141 / Oelt.lbA~ AVM CP s•. s•. O.lt •n ,._." ,.. I 101..t 11 I ~~!f!\/ 11•. tl li 10'-t 10 I =:r,;~1 A•eve\ 101 .. 10•• r tttoPO n !; . ly•onr 0 u N \Hlecl Ntl """' Pt'fUnl-uwnoot\ .. e lhe AOclln• 1•·· 70 04!.,0EI • . .. KullO • 1• 1• • RoaclS• n 17 13 • ~~ ~:.· n. d1llt•tnu• bo!l...,.n '"' pre••04.t\ CIOt.1"9 S' • J .. bfO price ano too•r' ••:i.t 010 prtC.t"' ~:,~:~:, •t j• ·~~ # g::~t~~ 11 I J'V I Lan<f' \ 7•' 71 Rol>bMy n n • 76 71 ' L.tnORtt 4•· s Aou.se 7• 7••• US T ro. 11 ... IJ'• ~~.'ti~" .::: .~:: ~.~g:,v , .. ••'• t•neCo ~ ~ .. !>.lclhtr 3•t 4 UV•B\/I .. ....... u .. ~ )01 I JO-'.t Lltnv' ?8 ' , ... Saft>to liO•• SI UnvEn3 4 .. 41, Ahtolnc 3" 3S•, DoylOB II'. ,. LlnBrcl > H n •. sni .. c.o Jt'' JI' ... UPP•n l•-l,. \)I • 73'· 2• ~I Paul Am•r•a ••. •'• OrtetC.n ~o!~':" II 11' • 63'• •" • V.alR , ••• 161• A Furn I•, "· Oun~D ti • ,. • lli 3& S<npH 70 70 / ValNall '11'• n • N•n-. U\I .c.r;v. P<I l\C.reel •1 •1· • g~-~~( 11• • ., MC.f 011 s • s • !>ot•o•t• n • ?1· v.,,Du\ ,:.~ :~ I ~:it·" Pf , .. Up .. , ~~~r'I\ :: ~:.: It ... 11 Macl\C,E , .... 19 !.4-nSOf ' • .. • • \lt:itro 7 J•• , I I I• Up •• s EconL•b 1~'· ,~ • M•fRIPI J • l •· SvcM•r t•· • 1•· 1 V•c•r•St s ' s 3 Uni/oil .. 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Nw\IPS 111 I 11•· '~!~~;1w ~4;:.~~ 'ur,'~"a "'~~ "'t~ ~vw '"· , .. 0 11 13 s (anr..,H 1 .. • HamlPI tO I 10•• NOAell ... ..... '• Chi l ' . Off 12 s tap En " '• H•tdw~ I I •1N1Krp 1 ,. I I llroolo R J • 011 17 s t 'IPS•nt 10 ...... HrpRow n·. " • ••Mt n • .. u. (OflvQI I 010 OOll l1 • .J1 • I • • M1dl!>wl ) ' Oft 11 s (apA11 3. • ~::r.:.~ 30 • l • 1l•yM ., .. MCI \ I OSS 600 :Ml • • I • • Htrl(I \ )1, 011 II I tart (p 11 . 1• 1t 11 • IOC•' o ·. o Appl•(. I07 .clO ,., JO •• 10 Omni Ea 1 . ()fl 111 CtlU\ ,,, 12-4 .. ~~~ia; ' 19~. ,, hf etro . '"" '•"Cl<'"' ISO,'iOO ll • >• •• . II O•tattn , . .. Otl 10 s Char~• ••• 39 •3•· .... lle<l p 1t', 7t ._. PitbUB .... ooo "1l' ~ 1l • • '1 (,•re•• ••• .. 0 11 • • Cllrm f11 .. ,, ... HOIObm 1 • l . l'tA lnl • • ·I, u"" , J'I0, 100 tJI. u~. ' I fl L•\tn\t l• 1. Off •• ChatlH 1t ll • Hoover 14 ..... Pib\18 n· • n A"""~ JS7 llJO 10 10 • . ' . 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P1nt..rtn .. .. ''""' \-•tf'\ PacE•PI ) . .. Off 1. J MUTUAL FUND INVESTING Monln 10 II .. • inant1•I ... ,oq ' V!> ()VI I ... 41 N•• S.t u""" ... Vici ,. S9 II I !>tnl. / 1) NL COMl'ANIES NI w s IU 11 II 06 Oyn• • T• NL T .. E• ' II • ~ ll••an 11 .. ll IN Inc om • " I ~·.· •• "~':... 1 SS I 7S NEW YORK CAPI hf.,. • lo ••• fncll a .. IS NL Kaufmn IS NL llono 3 .. J IJ I 1111 111 ... ... ... 1t 7• Nl Tile following QUO (•PT NI 10 11 Nl lnclu•I • .. NL Kem !M'r Furch C,1wlh • ~I Ill 1S nwUI SunGrth 17 °' I] 71 l•llons. \UPC>IK'O Dy (onlf'nn"ol C.p lll<Om a J1 NI lncom I 1J a O/ P1~ld 611 I JS Opln ll l3 IJ 't Taa MOcl lo •9 18 01 llW Nallonal A•MIC• C,rlh 10 •• 11 3CI HI In•~"°'~ C.row 11 SI U 1• 111com o 'H. I SO ~~~/• ~ :cj ~: !' 1tmplelon C.roup allon Of l>o<u11ll" E.qu1I 1 ll 8 01 !Incl Ap 14 .. 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Ulcn•m•-,.-1.-Balen 11§4 NL Pf ... ,,,., NL , ...... llullOC.11 Mlill •• '" Nl JP IMO .... SS 1111110 • .,1 1/ tJ NL °"" , --Iona '01 Hl NL ... - lu110 •• 11 11-. "'*' "is Nl Jerws _ • w Nl ->nr 4 f1 NL 1111 £q I~!! IHI t•P o. u ,. Nl tule cllarttl "-, S4 ",. (,yl 59, • .. NL Jllflll Hancoo N '1 .. ., NL Georg .. H "u1 0{11 11 IO NL I P••-.,.., ' OlyMf 2 tl UO Hflll<e IQ Nl 99ftCll .. '5 t If OI NL G•wl'I II II 11 llll n11tl U ti Nl _.. ltilft< II 11 U f't '41 Yid 10 11 Nl Gf'Wltl 12 M IJ net ll lJ NL HHllll 11 0.S II 41 E•cenent profit Potential 100% to IOO% ' 111 year Writ• Off •.ooo · 110,000 Minimum Investment HERMIS MILANO, INC. NHONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 FRESH LOCAL ABALONE :DINNER '17.95 Includ•• choice of •oup or ulad, and potato or rice pll.J. Call For R ... "atlona 173-7711 ;11~Jl(l"rt·l ' I IN 1111 l•I NINSlll A • HAI HOA • Or 11s,ao Con1t DAILY Pll 0 r /Wedm d ~. Nov nib r 10, 1082 • Battle l(lOm over Hoo r pow r pl it l.US ANU.U.l''S IAP) A li,1llh· ,, lw11U11u up lx·t,H 111S1111th1111 C'.1lt(nrn1.1 u1lh11u :md 1111~hbor 1ng N1•v<1d.1 .111tl Ar IMn 1 m 1 1 "lw ~· 1-. l\uw mul h of t hl 1let11 IL11v 1 U \11111~ lh111u1th 11011\'11 1>.1m' l.(1.11H h v d1 .1ul11 J.{I 111 I .1llll h l\.fou t11,u1 h.Ul :. 1,l nw1 v .1~0 wh.:11 th<' h dt•t .al ..:11v .. 1 n1111 nl ",1s l•111k1ni:t {01 I t1n<b to huald thc1 l'oll11 idu JOVl'I d.011, '''Vl'1 ul !-;11111h11 n c:.i11ro1 nw utilll11, ·'J.ll'-"t d 1u IJU' t•lt't l11t1ly 1111111 tlH. IJlll)l'(. l Tiit• Lt,.. Anl:il I• , uty J.>t•µ.11 trm 111 ut W.1tt•1 .and Pow1•1 .111LI S111,atht 111 (.' 1llloanw l·:<l1~•11l Cu a..:u.-t'CJ to unch I WI IU tht d.1111 I Oll»ll 11( I ll•ll Whl ll ltw J>I Ojt•l'l WU\ fu sl ptcir>--t•d l'.!lif1n 111.1 1-. lllJW I r\ttth'\l lO ulna~l W1 pt•rt t 111 11 I Ill I llltJ n11•._•.1\A .alls nl 1111wc 1 from \ht d11n1 v. halt• .,ot 11 Nl'V.1dJ Jl1d Ar111111.1 1•u1 h .1r1• aJl()(•J\I d ,1 17 ft fX'I 11'111 iJ1 111 Bite £01 .. gel bigg er WASlllNt.'fUN tA!I) ~l>\lcil St'\.Urtly taXN> will "" It vH'<.I ml m w 1111• up tu $.ir, 700 111 11m:1, wh1l h1 mtan,., thut m .utv lO 11111l11m Arn1•rn,111 wrnkt•rs .111d tht u t•111ployll b will p.1) up tt1 $2Zl ap1U'l more Ttw Sui 1.11 S11u111 v Adm1mbtr..ition annoum:l•d MunJ..i'' th.11 th1 m.1x11 num ,1mount or c.•,1mings ll uixt ~ will 1tll 1taM' l1 om $.12, IOU 111 $a~.700 The ta" I llt Wiil 'il<.1\. lht• i,,ln1( Jl tj 7 IK'Ht.'01 !IU l))Ost of lht.• 1'u111111111111 \..-rnk1•" who puv 111tn Sot:tal St'\:Unty will nut rt•t•I .my 111111 •~ Bi,it I f..in" B.1l1.1111v1w llu ,.,yslt m., lh11•f attuar y. 1>111d 11 I) m11lwn v. •Jrkt 1 !. <Jr Ii .i pt 1 u 111 .111• 1 xp<.'<:tl'C.I lo t .11 fl rrnm· th.111 :-, I~ 100 n••XI Vt UI STOCKS IN THE SPO TLIGHT NE'h YOR" 1A., .. .,.., --.. 1 o1J11; I • • '1 niett.~0••••111.......,~1"''"' r.~•Of"• Stoct. Esc.n.t•'14• 1•4¥f'• u Jf1 "9 '••' un;,.y lt ,.,.,.. '""" . , ~~:r cr'l~ Armcotnc P•1>s1Co 'aaon !:!~~("\\ Moo.I IBM ff<IN•I Mtq ~;~1CP H•llOUrlll !>loro•T•<ll Fb•\tOnfl' 1 CM! OQlr t "' II.Al t '.Ill! 000 t ~""" 1 tlllliw t CM•OW I 0111 I 011 OOIJ '1'14 1(111 ~· t M)I) .,.,, \00 <lQ'llW .,,_ ~10 •IN !Vil "'° WHAT STOCKS DID NfW YOMK IAI' ""O• If l()Q h Aov•nceo II~ 0.ttl,,.O ,,. UntNnQfO 111 fOt•I •~,..,.., '"'', Htw n19n, ,., New IUW\ ' W,.U A'-'tA&PO H[W YORI>. 111•1 No" ~ roo.. Aov•n<to Mil ~<llMd II& Vn<ll•no~ HI fol•I IUU<t\ 86' Htw lloQln Nt,... lc>W\ IJI METALS ·~ . b.l' .. ... •I 1'J • .. 1• • IS • ,, . 14 JI ' 71 • » ,., . I) .. I • • 1~. . I• , .. . . , .. • 1 • )• . ' I • .. . '• ,:;i,. .. .., O~) ••• •OS. ))) 1W1 10I I ft 9 d~ ™ no 110 .. N(W YOlll< IA~' Sp I onf• .. ,. .. , m•laJ PftCM l M!'ttl4t' Copper 7? , l') t •nta •' ii '"" U • OMllflaho••~ LelHI 27 ~6 tt'f r ~ " flO'•'l<I Zinc 40 •? u~ " • """"" o .. """" Tin S6 7 •2• ,,.f'•• ~ ""N'~ C rtlf>0$01r I AIUmlnum .. 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"" l)kil llOC" OMOand c L.1Q111cltlong dovodend o.c111ect cw P••d ,,. o•~ no 12 mon1111 • O.Ctared o• paid •tt., ''°'" d v1den<I Of tj)l•I wP J Pllod t~I ,,.ar d • 0...0 O""lled o•'•"ecl 0< no ll(llQll tek"' 11 1,.1 d•vtOend ..-1 'lO I< o.ciar.o °' SM o tP • )tar an ~"""•ltve ,._ .,. Ill OfVodencl• in ... ,.., • JO Ind 0,... Ho.. L.-CleH (119 JU I tn IS Ult .s ~1· lnOu\ ff'•n Uhh 0'>" 1016 'II 100 86 103" 86 10.0 n. n 11 UJ ll 0) I I UO 81 •SO ~I • 6 i9 ' tfl lb 171 •• 110 1) ,,, ... 0 " .ac. .. .i• ol .a. 11 411 n . 1 °" • 01 MIO , 0.1.000 J It? 100 11 .,, .lOO AMERICAN LEADERS .. rw '"'"' ""' J~..,. T...04t "''°"' ""° , .,., t inJ.-,.,, o,. ,,,.., rno•t acttve A,.,,..t.c.ain S10« ... r .,, • lf •\f.vK lfad "O n••·~ ., ~t t'N.lrt., .. ,, OomwPht .... , .......... wa110 II ~~:i;irn:': r \<II< PrH Ultimel• ~~~~~:.i.v l l\H'°t• SI• 100 , •• SOI) 131 SOI) ,., 100 t4900 10..00 1•1100 1)4 100 IU 100 1)1 .00 l SI• 11-. )] ..... .... U \1 10 ' '""" Ill. , ..... •• . ~ . ... ,, .. .. UPS ANO DOWNS Nall ... lmpOE plA l AmAciro l AIM011n• ft ; ~;;:mv,~" 6 Am•Ht~\ I" I NortMoO I M<D""n Ou ' HR I tnciu'f 10 ¥1M*'"'lht It ,.,, ...... -" 11 Groll .. 11 II (l>fl •( llftJI u LL'-torp :! ~\"P'\!r. ttpl 11 lllPw 1 *>' tt APL. Cp It MC.M UA lnl JO Frrtotp JI U118rncl lllA 1) ... I PtM4 H o~ .. ~p ptAA 1• ll•llt'• 1111 U ltlPw tHpl I • J • , •• 1 • ,, :w JO . .... I , .. 10 i'. ., .. u•. :w • P<1 Up 11 • Up 1J I VP 11 S Up 100 Up !IS UP II I UP 15 I VP ISi UP IS S UP U l VP UO UP ll 1 UP t) 1 Up 11) UP 11 S VO II' Up II I VP II S VP II) VP 11 l Up 11 0 Vp 10• Up 108 VP 101 VP IOI °". 0ti(l10 0 ~ Ott uo .. Otl 's I Otl I• 1'• Otl I I 11 Ott 1 • )\o Ott ' s J1• Ott , .. • Oii •I Oii • s • Off • , '• Ott s' • Oii s 1 ·~ Ott s 6 II t Ott S • , Otl S6 I._ 011 S • '• Ott SI .. Otl s, ''• Ou "' ., Oii •• .. :; g:: !! , • 011 • $ I~ 011 'S n N ... 1a1ue r DKl••.0 Of p .. o in P<tcecl1119 12 mOlllh• l)lwt alOCk dividend t Paid "' tlOCli in pr.Ced nQ 12 lllOflllla t illm•l.0 '"" •11V• on •~ c11V10tn4 °' ••-cl .. 11111111'°"' aa;• t•-cl•• o ... o, Of ea·ngl\la y•EltoelMde<IO and u.e.t in lul' 1 St .. '" r.iu co C• <ed w0 wn.n cs.a1r11>11t.O .+WllM uued ww W1tn warraMe IW•Wl1'10111 "''"•"'" •dtt Ea <11a1r11><111011 P I! 111 o Ttlt price ol • etocli .. • l•'11tl pie 01 11411 allf tf •ar~I WIWCI ll'f d ••dol\g Ille 111 .. 1 12 mOlllll "'"'119' I~ t/110 UI tele Ol•Cf I Coull DAILY PILOT/W1d11Hdly, NoV4tmbef 10, 1889 ' !. County must assume indigent ~ealth care 'l'lw motwv I n>m lax n n.-. that WU!\ suppo~t·cl · lu lrtl·klt• down to provttlt· IH'W j11 b :-ahd J)l 1nt t•4u1pllll'lll J 0t•s11't s1,,•t•m to hnvt• tm:klcd wry fur Whal is tnckltng down is ttw 1•ffc,c:t o f h•<h•ral. and m turn st~1ll' l'Uls 111 sot•tal pn1grams. 0 1w ~udt t·ut w all htt Oning<· Countv on Jun I Un that dalt• tht• • l'OUn t v w1 II h.ivt• to lukt• ovt•r lhl· ' hNllth l'l.1 1 t• o l abou t l:J.000 ~ nwdtl'all y indigv11t adults who havt• lx•l•n droppt•d from lhl· st<.tt<.• 'I. MNh-Cal program (tn turn hat by ft•<kra l <."UL,) and tu l'OV<•r at lt•ast • :rn p<•n ·<·nt ol tlw <·us t of thl'i r :• ml-dit·al <·tin · • T h<· stat<• Lt•gislatu1·t· droppt'Ci .. the m<•d tt•a lly 111<J1 gt•nt a dult (MIA) p rograrn from Medi-Cal us •• part of a $J94 million rt'Cluction in prog ram costs. Su ins tead o f spt•nding last year's $38 million on !· MIA l'art• in Onmg<' County, the ~. Slate will provid11 t ht• county w ith ~ only $16 mtllion lhrO\,\gh m•xt ~ June JO . :· Medtl'a lly andigl•nt ad ults ~ •;.,nay lX' unl'mploy('cl pt·rsons who ! p o lo ngt•r h aV<' grnup ht·c.dth • insurant'<'. otht•rs with nitastrophic illnesses who havt• exhauslt'd a ll th<.'ir pcr:.;unal rl'soun·t•:-, or the . . p1111r w h o, lor 111\t• rt:u s un Ot' unut lw1·, d u n111 quttll f y Cur Mt-dt <."n I. ln ordt•r to b<• rt.'ady for tht• Jun. J d<•udhne wht>n lh(• <-ounty must takt> ovt-r tht• MIA progrnm, ~Ill' Buu rd o f Supervisors hus authcu·nt•tl u 1wgotlatmg l<'am to s<'l up a t·on t1•at·t fur 1nd1gc:>nt lwtilth l':trt• with rt•prt·St.·ntallv<>s of tht• Orung<• Count y Mcdit'ul Assot'1atio n and tht• H ospital Count'il of Southe rn California. Tht• board also o rde red a st·t·ond ttc>am to t•xaminc other nltc•rnativ<:>s. mduding vstablishing :i tounty-run o utpatll'nt clinic with a stClfO of 45 i:x•uµIL• to cafo I o r 1 n d i g-1 • n t s n o t r l' q u If' i n g huspi talizatwn. Tht• s tatt• l'ould bt• CXJX.'C.'tt>d to ht• I p fund t• 1th t' r of th cs e programs. but only ut 70 percent of thl' lt'Vl'I prov1d1·d through Mt•di-Cal. Clt'Urly tht• government, at the f1:d1 •ral. stall' or lcx•al l<.'vcl, is obligt·d to st·t• that the poor receive at lt'ast bas11· medical care. But as things are going now, it apJX.'<1rs that much o( the burden will fa ll on local agencies already fi ghting tight b udgets and unable to g<'nt•rate new tax re venue. ~Legislature bypassed ~ • If all goes we ll . M1ss1o n V1ep • ma v b t ' t h <.' n l' x t Ca I 1 for n i a • con.t mun1ty t o have it s ow n ~ . California Hig hway P atrol radar ~. unit patrolling its s urface streets. : For S<.'Vl'n years the· C HP has ~ i r i c d l o p l' rs u a d L' t h c s t a l <' _Legislatun• to authorize the use of > :tadar on its patrol <.:ars to enforce ~ "pe0d limits on state highways, ) •-tlsing avaih1b)(• fc>dc·nil funds. And. year after yc•ar. the T eamsters Union. whil'h does n 't want iL-; truckers to be stuck with l tpeed ing tit"ket!', manages to _l)e rsu a d <.' the lawma ke r s that Jadar is a bad idea. That . de s pite th e (a ct .. Caltforn1a now is the only one of • the 50 st.ates that doc-s not permit : its highway poli<:<' tu use radar ; equipment ~ But there· are more wa.vs tha n on<' to ~kin a t·at. ·and one of those ways was turnt>d up by the town of Orinda in Contra Costa County.· Thc·rt· the rl'sidt>nts and county dl'c:idt·d to prov1d<' the money to equip a CHP unit with radar for patrolling surface streets. It has worked so cCfec:tively th a t o th e r C'Omm uniti cs throughout tht• stall' arc planning to finam·<' thC'ir own C HP radar patrnls. And on<' of the next will be Missio n V ic jo wh e r e the Municipal Adv isory Council and the county Board o f S upervisors have agreed to fund a surface patrol unit. Since th e L e gi s lature appar<'nlly C'a nnol b<.• pers uaded to set· thl· ltgh l o n this issue. this S<'em s a likely solutio n for <:ommunili<.'s that want sa(er s trft'lS ~ . :· ;i>pinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· •fressed on this page a,.e those ot t t>eir authors and artists. Reader comment 1s invit· : ~d. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7141 ~ ~j--•2_·_•3_2_1_. ______________________________________________________ _ : . ~~ew Right won't s ·=- yield ~. :: 4 .. editorial from the Sacramento .. ~· ··~ ~ -;. It would be nice to think that the ~ failure of Sen. J esse Helms. R-N.C., to ' win approval of legislation allowing E school prayer and curbing abortion I: was the high-water mark of the New ~ ~tught's assault on freedom or choice in ~ ~ese and other controversial "social • :j"~ues." Indeed, many are sayin~ just : That. Sen Daniel Patrick Moyruhan, ' •l>-N.Y .. with characteristic hyperbole, • .~ut it clearly: "This was an emphatic ~ 4"d final rejection of the New Right." , •• But Helms is not the kind of man ! ....._,ho gives up easily The true danger ! ~jn the New R1ght's program is the ! '-very persistence of Helms and his ! . .fellow ideologues m trying to impose : •their moral views on a society that is •·culturally a n d re l igi o u s l y : heterog e n o u s . Th e m ere : reintroduction of these proposals year : after year can le nd to them a ) <fespectability they do not deserve. ' •• With lime and the strong support or : Presi;te t Reagan, Helms may yet ; :~nvi the Congress that the school : 'praye controversy ls one about a right : .1o pray that is denied to American ~ ~bildren. In reality, no individual is : ~ow denied that right; organized 4 _troup prayer in public schools is • :".'forbidden because it violates the J ~nstitutional separation of church ~d st.ate, and because it would place "pndue pressure on children to participate, whether or not the prayer conformed to their religious or ethical l principles. Aa the National Council of Churches. the American Jewish Congress and several other religious group1 put lt in a joint statement, OTHER VIEWS ... efforts to introduce religious practices into public schools generate the very interreligious tension and conflict that the First Amendment was designed to prevent." But those who feel passionately on s u c h questions are not easi ly persuaded by their possible damage to the Constitution. Witness the public support Cor Helms' an.empt to subvert the Supreme Court's 1973 aborlion decision by proposing legislation that not only would allow states to pa.a anti-abortion laws, but would also remove the high court's power to review the conslitutionahty of such le gislation. The revolutionary implications of s uc h a law are frightening. If the Supreme Court could be stripped of its constitutional role in one area, why not others? There are man~ who consider such legal abstractions irrelevant to the fundamental questions at Issue. But the fact is that all ilsues affecting the way in whkh a 80Ciety governs i~lf are abstract: freedom, justice, the rule of law, the protection of minorities. Failure to make the connection between these abetract..lons and the way in which our daily lives are conducted could, in the long run, be fatal. So could a (allure to take seriously Helms' assault on those abstractions and his peni.st.ent efforu to impose the government. ln police~ state. lashlon. on the moat tenaitlve private areas of people'• Jivea. L.M. Boyd/ Sports talk Our Language man ls collecting the "He ::sn'l have both oars In the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Thomot r. Ho .. y ,. I ~"'"' Jone Amotl ,.,. "' ... (J. " colorful phrases of aport.scaatera to water." "He likes to jump under the deacrlbe 1omebody they thl~.k ls net." Any othera? No, not: "He'a not mentally s u s pect. Such ns His . elevator doesn't go all the way to the playing wllh a full '1toek." Thal'• worn top." "He c;trlfta upttream' these days." out. I l. t"~.~.!':"'t"" t ""°''.-.... , ...... ,,,. , .. , •' uo """ "•• T'--~ ..,._,.,._"" I \I ( .. ta Mt~ .....,,..., <•rr~•OO-IW• I•.... ·~ - l 1i.11 c .. 1a,.w c••1•h """'>0.-ot•l 'Ot -L..o...;..__ ______ _,_ ______ ~--------~ Chemical war ·plans fizZle WASHINGTON -The Pentagon's multimillion-dollar t'ht'mical warfare program Is turning into a gigantic stink bomb. Poison gas was used with such horriblt' effect in World War I that no nation dared to unleash it in World War II !or fear of devastating retaliation in -kind. Yet research in the deadly field went on, and scientists developed ever more ll'lhal chemical warfare weapons. ALARMED BY reports that the Soviets had made great strides in perfec ting n e rve gas and o the r chemical/biological killers. Congress and the Reagan administration listened sympathetically to the generals' pleas to close the "gac; gap." Over the past two years, hundreds of millions of dollars were appropriated to build up our chemical arsenal. It's debatable whe ther the United States needs to achieve the capability of retaliating on an exact, tit-for-tat basis against whatever weapon the Soviets may dec;ide to develop. Critics see no reason why the threat of nuclear weapons. for exampl~. couldn't deter the first use or poison gas. But on one point there is no argument: defending our front-line troops against a sneak chemical attack. Unfortunately, the Pentagon's chemical warfare defense program has turned into an expensive boondoggle that has wasted millions without developing the needed protective measures. Quite simply. the protective gear inlen<..IL'd to nullify tht· effects of an enemy gas attac k ari almost as dangerous as Lhc enemy's chemicals. If it weren't so potenlially tragic, it would alm~t be laughable. The uniform designed to prote<.•t soldiers from poison gas -mask. boots, gloves and t'Overalls -can incapacitate or even kill the -Acarer. An internal Army manual states that th• outfit ;s so bulky and •l";g0 it ~~! JICI 1111110 d "could cause significant numbers (jf heat casualties'' if worn in hot weilther. Soldiers encased in the pro tective ga rm l'nt ''may t•x p erience heat exhausuon (dizziness and fainting) at any time," the report warns. Being r endered even temporarily helpless on the battle field is' bad enough. But the protective gear can even cause heat stroke-. which the Army report notes, "has a 50 percent mortality rate." Still, the Army concluded, after w eighing "heat casua lties vers us chemil·al casualties," that the protective outfit should be worn after all. "Reduced chemical protect.ion of troops should not be permitted unnc.-'<'CSSarily," the Army warned, "because the risk of heat stress or even exhaustion normally involves only a brit>f illness. whereas chemical <.·asualtfos can be much more serious ... " The gas ma.'lk is also a problem. The Defense Departme nt recognizes the possibility o f "breathing difficulty cu used by the mask," as well as an unde r s tandable impairment of the ability to hear and make oneself heard. THE R E HAS EVEN been trouble w 1 t h the a n ti d ote d e v e Io p e d ·to counte ract nerve gas. The original antidote was atropine, l:iut that is so dangerous itself that the Army spent $1.4 million on a dug known as TAB1 rela tion to the soft drink). But sources told my associate Luce Lagna d o that the n e w antid contained a hallucinogen. Soldiers taking it would be "high" for hours. They mlglit be protected against nerve gas, but they'd bt• helpless against other weapons -just as, in World War I, laughing gas was sometimes used to render enemy soldie r c; incapable of defe nding thcmsl'lves against cold steel or lethal g~. -After this expensive false starq the armed S('rviccs developc..>d another, Qon - hall uci nogcn i<.' antidote, and 1argely scrapped TAB. . Fooinott•: A team of investigators for the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Joseph Addabbo, D-N.Y .. is now scrutinizing the Pentagon 's che mica l warfare ' expenditurt>S, more closely. A Pentagon spo k esman said th e Defense Department will use the increased funds to improve outdated protective gear. Government pay scales out of line The recent revelation that Dr. Julius R. Krevans is being paid a salary of $117 ,500 a year as chancellor of the University of California at San Francisco should be cl clarion c3ll to the fact that goverpment salaries are completely out of tune with the pay received by the average citizen who is belng taxed to pay these grossly overpaid public officials. With more than 50 percent of the people having incomes or less than $20,- 000 a year, even the $60.000 a year paid Congressmen is out of step with the people they represent. BUT THOUSANDS more in public service at federal. st.ate and local levels. receive salaries in excess of $50,000 a year , an amount greater than ~h at ~amed by 85 percent of the popuJauon. Krevans' salary is greater than that of h.1s boss, UC president David S. Saxon who himseU is greaUy overpaid al $94,- 265 a year. Each of the other chancellors flll WITIRS at UC campuses are paid something around $77,000 annually. Each of them, the president included, also receives tax free fringe benefits. Each is furnished a palatial mansion at no <-'OSt, along with an automobile and free gasoline. Fewer than 5 percent of the people enjoy incomes that large, and only 1 pereent have incomes over $100,000. All professors at UC are paid more than $50.000 a year. And most of the public school s upe rintendents throughout the st.ate are also paid more than $50,000. It is no wonder then that the costs of sending youth to college is becoming prohibitive without state or federal Tourists just can't win Thoughts at Large: -There is not a resort region anywhere in the world that does not feel the same ambivalence toward its tourists -a respect for their purchasing powt;r mingled with a cont.empt toward thetr manners. (Which expresses itself freely only when the tourist season Is over.) -What we call "professional sports" Is by !!<>~ mJ!lnomer: it has tu¢;\"! IYllRURll ~ a hybrid creatiire, jointly compoeed of buslnea and entertainment, and the sporting aspect ls strictly subordinated to both, in au obeervable retpectl. ' -lt'1 odd that a "memorable evening" to a heavy drinker is one in which be can't remember what he did. • -Thoee dreadful Sunday momlna preachers on 1yndica\ed television remJnd me of lhe obeervaUon made by Herbert Butterfield. the eminent Chri1Uan hlatorian (and hlmMlf a devout man), that ''I 1om eUme1 wonder whether the Chrl1tian revelation can have? been in the world for half a day without tomebody aeektna to dl&'Over either how to make money out of It or "°" '° ... tt tn .... to aqutft pow9' over h.11 fellow men.•• • . -When 1omeone reaffirm• a 1tat.ement of mine wllh "You can say that a1atnl .. ll malcet me rep-et J uttertd euch a banality ln the fu-.t l)lacoe. -Loven who rind t.My have Ut~ to talk about when they are not nuallnc and, ca~1 one another 1hould be r suspiciou s of th~durability of their passion -for a permanent relationship depends more upon communication than upon raw emotions. -Ignorance of history is a distressing handicap in making a prognosis of the world's ills, but not nearly as dangerous as usmg historical examples in a partlsan or distorted context. -Speaking of history. one of the richest ironies in recent American annals is the prosperity of Indian tribes, driven out of their native territories to rescrvatJons in Oklahoma -where they s truck oil! (The Interior Dept. has estimated that perhaps as much as 25 percent of the nauon'l mineral wealth may be burled beneath Indian property.) -The only attitu~ more distasteful than the arrogance of the old, who think that the young know nothing. Is the arrogance of the you03, who think that the old have forgotten what they once knew, If they ever knew iL (Every age has a dtstlnct ICl'Ule of superiority.) -TnJe "powft'" in mUlic h• nothin« to do with volume or electron ic ampllficetlon: four strings playing a Beethoven quartt>t In un19on can display incomparably moro power than a 100-pl~e orche1tra thumping out Jhe ''William Tell Overture." -Every nation, democratic or not, la h ypocritical whtrt Its aelr-intere1t i1 Involved, lnvok.lna a' double standard tor lu.lf and ror t• enemtet: Bruatn, fOf' example. UMrta "1elf-determlnatJon" for~ Falkland blanden. but rejlcU lt tor th• huh 111.anden. -VlOlfta u IUCh on IUm and TV doee not predllpcm vlewen ln lta favor; It II vtolenw that la ,_in.I and ewn =/Md \ha& dulll the CONNHW of the ' ztl1Mb19. .. \ assistance. And it is no wonder that those in public education are screaming for more mon~y "for the kids." Obviously no one can expect those in public service to work for starvation wages. But the possession of a secure lncome for hfe, assuming those in public employment remain until retirement, is worth a great deal in itself. In fact ·the securi'ty of a steady income !or life is much more than is enjoyed by most of those whose taxes go for providing such jobs. And there is something dreadfully wrong whe n those working for the public, including those representing the public in Congress and the Legislature, are being paid two and three times as much as those who make their jobs possible. The salaries paid the professors and hierarch y at the university are particularly galling. For the fact is that their salaries and fringe benefits do not represent their tot.al incomes. The very fact that they enjoy the prestige and status of university professors puts them in line for immense outside incomes. Forget the books which every professor produces on company time. While these may bring them some revenues, it is nothing to what they receive for outside consulting fees. lectures. memberships on corporation boards of directors and many other side benefits of their professorships. THIS ABILITY to gain income outside thefr professorial duties plus the fact that they are only required to spend four hours a week in the classroom, if that much, should have been taken into consideration when setting the salaries. In any event their salaries. when con sidering that 10 percent of the working f<6.' lS uqempl~ed and m&I'!}' thousands more not counted, because thetr unemployment beneClts h ave expired, are also ·out of work, seem outrageously obscene. And one must wonder. with business failures ~urring right and left daily, jut how long such salaries will continue to be paid before the public outrage explodes? -· Ari.r wa&chinl ihe. dlrt.Y election we can ll't' why ''lt lA Niter for a canwl '° pMI thl'O\.l8h tM eye of a D«'dlt UWIA.for • rkh man to •nter th• kln1dom of hc•avt"n." OLOOMYTOO I I MllC NOTICE NOTtCI OP TtlUITH't 14'-I I I No 11110 t VI. INO 11 duly •Ppolnt•d Trll•l•e under the lollow1no detcrlblCI dMCI Qf true I Will Sfl l At ~UlltC AUCTION TO THll HIOHU l 8100 A 'OR CAIH (peyeblt •• tlMe OI Hit In lawful mon1y ol 1111 Unll•d 1111 .. 1 111 light 11111 11'<1 lnllfMt con~ 10 Ind now htlO oy 11 UllCMt hid Deed 01 Trull In Ille PfCIQ9fly herllnalllf dHCllMd T"USTOR PAUL LASIN 11\d SHERYL LABIN, husband Ind wtfe u totnt ten1n11 .. 10 en unotvlo.d ~ lnt11ea1 and ROBERt RCICHER end SUZANN[ REICHCR, ll11ab1no and wlle It /°'"' 11n1nt1 H to 1n 11/ldlYl<ltd .,, n,., .. , 8ENEFICIAIW SIERRA REALTY & INVESTMENT. INC •• C11tl0tnla CC>fporllton Racorded J1nu1ry 7, t981 u ln111 No. 63H In book 13904. page 1172 ol Ofllclal Atcords In 1111 ofllCI OI Ille Rtc:Ofdll of Of1nge Covnty, H id dAd ol lrUSI o .. crlbed Iha IOllowtng PIOptrly: LOI 24 Ind lht fllllfl)' 8. t4 fell OI LOI 25 OI 8Jock 43 t OI Utlc:Hllf'I Addition 10 It'll City of Newport BNch, 11 snown on • m~ recorded In book 5, page t4 or ml1c1111neou1 m1p1, record• of 011nge Ceunty. C1lllo1n1a be.piing th111f1om tne Westlfly .52 fell of the EUtlfly 8 t4 leet Of Hid IOI 25 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED Of T RUST DA.TEO DECEMBER 29. 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE If YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE NATURE Of THE P~OCEEOINQ AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A • LAWYER. 430 32nd S1fee1. l1ewp0r1 Beildl, CA "(II a strMI lddreta Of comll'>OI' designation 11 ahown above, no warranty 11 given e1 10 111 comp1e1eness °' c:orrec:ine1$)." The t>eneficlery under Mid Deed ol Trust. by rl&90fl of e breach Of def1ull In the obllgetlon1 MCUrtd lhtreby. heretofore executed end dellvered to lhe underalgned 1 wrlllen Otel11111on of Otl•ull and Demand IC>f Sale. and wrlllen nottc:e OI breactl end ol etecllon 10 ceuse the undersigned 10 ••II said property 10 aallaly said obllgatlons. •nd thereafter lhe underalgned caused sald nollce ol breach end ol lllectlon 10 be Recorded January 2 t. 1982 as lnslr. No 112-025202 In Ottlclal Rec0tds. Said sate wlll be made, but wllhoul covel\ant or warranty, IXP<lll Of lmplitd, regarding title, po1aesa1on, Of encumbrances. to pay lhe remaining pl'lnclpal llUm ol the note(•) secured by "Id Deed of Trusl. with lnlertst " In Nici note provided, advancu. II any. unw the twms ol said Deed ol Trull, lee1. charges end expen111 ol the Trustee and of lhe 1ru111 cre11ed by said Deed of Trull Said sale wtll be held on Thu11d1y. N'ovembet t8. 1982 81 2:00 pm 11 It'll Ch1pmen Avenue en111nce 10 the Civic Center Building. 300 E Chapm1n Avenue. ' Orange, CA. A• the llme ol the 1n1tl 1I publication ol this nollce. 1t1e 10111 1mou11t of the unpaid balance ol the ot>llgaoon ••cured by lhe 1bove descrlbed'deed ol lrusl and eallm•led costs. expen111. and 1dv1nces 11 S 173.•95 86 To dellfmlne Ille Oj)lnong bid. you may call (714) 937-0966 Diie Octot>e< 19. t982 SYS. INC as Mid Trustee By T 0 SERVICE COMPANY. agent By ROM A G•oi• As11111n1 s.ct11ery One City Blvd •• W111, Or1nge. CA 92668 Tet: (7t4) 835-8288 Puollshed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. Oct 27, Nov. 3. tO t982 467S42 P\&.IC NOTICE '· • HOLIDAY WICKER BASKET COLLECTION ~=:~11!~!. Choose t;iorns of Plenty, table centerpieces, breod baskets, wine baskets & dried flower baskets. 100°/o ACRYLIC BABY ~~s~~2~2 n•.•·•• 3" ,. ( .... <llAIUS .. ... (llllUS ... IOll e-. ....,._, ,. <..oust DAILY Pll O f/Wudne•ciny. Nov mber 10. 1982 OUR BIO llOUEMBER BOYS'( YOUTH'S· OR l 'L G.ENTS NYLON SPORT SHOE ~~?;. •!.? • rlKllVHI American-made shoe with padded ankle collar, heel guard and trico1 lining . Sovel G.E. SOFT-WHITE· LIGHT BULBS 4-PK. Choose 60, 75 pr 100 159 watt power for o leas- ing soft light. Stoc~ vpl HG. 3.19 MEN'S & BOYS' OYER.:.THE- CALF TUBE SOCKS PACIOF 499 6 HG. 6.49 FOi TO 6.99 Stretch socks for sports or leisure White with striped top Replenish your hosiery! MEN'S OR LADIES' SWEAT SHIRT OR PANTS HG. 1.99 '~'· For lounging°" exer· cise. Washable cot· Ion/acrylic. S · XL. HOODED SWIAY. SHllT/HG. 13.99 tlJ 7 ~PC. COOKWARE WITH SILVERSTONE® FINISH Lo0V::n 1999 ) PllCI IYHI Durable olum1numwore includes I ond 2·qt souce• pom, 5· red dutch oven & 10" open skillet. , ,. 3-LB. Fill 33"x75" i. SLEEPING BAG / 1~ llG. 19.99 #j14~~ , . -3·1b. pol ester CAMP;:;~;~ DACION IOI® IONOED FllUfllll AGLo· FllEPLACE LOGS ; ~.~~,ft~~.· 99c l for winter wormU. •••• 1.lt t f . : ' • " :,\II ... • . . ~ ... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Wean day, Novemb r 10, 1882 e're closing ou~ Fashion Island location -. . but ·we·'re leaving ·with style. I • .. -· . . .. •,,, Wale 30o/o to 50°/~ 'off. .Rings to 50°/o - 70°/o off Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Am~thyst and precious stones. EVERYTHING MUST GO! · ~ .. 35 Fashion Island .. \ _; All items subject to prior sale . . . Newport Beach 644-2494 ' . Pendants & Diamond Necklaces. ~ r • Aft'' January 1 we wtll be pleued to aerve our customers from our other location, for appointment call S.2-4838 ' . • 111c•111111 caum lllrllllll Wedn11daJ. Nov 10, Ul82 CAVALCADE EN TEAT Al NM ENT COMICS 82 84 85 ' , . ,, • 'S w ,. ,. 11 ,. y T '' d <I ' ' o . JI t• u ,., 11 I w o -w t• ,. k t•11g11gt•111<•111 ttl lJ(; lrvi11t~ 10 11ig l11 . J';Jg(• lJtJ .. 0 ~ 0 . Is • noise po_llution hurting · Californ~a -';\'hales? By JOEL C. DON ot ttle 0911y Hot 11•" State and fodcral offamils arc studying w hether the thundt'ring boom cr4.'otC'd by underwater air cannons used to St.•arch fol' oil and natural gas may be disturbing sea hfe as well as lhe annuar migration of tht• California gray whale. A report on the apparent problem 1s dut:' next week, according to Claire De<tnck. executive officer of the stale Lands ~mmission. Following complaints from Fort Bragg area fishermen and a Mendocino acuvast, Dedrick organized a tnsk forc.-e to look into thl• matter. The study gro~p inl'ludC's membcn> of the commission: lhC' su~te Department of Fish and Game, the Minerals Management. Servic:<' of the U.S. Department of tbe Interior and the National Marint'4"isheries Service. "So far there's no evidence that l know of lhat indicates that there is any problem." . Dedrick said in a telephone inierview Tueliday "I don'l want to prejudge the task force r.eport "But I felt it was important to investigate. It was a serious altegation. If it's true we want to mitigate it." In the meantime, the Lands Commission has banned seismic ocea(I exploration in its three-mile jurisdiction off the coast of North<'rn California. Federal authorities likewise have clamp<-d down. on the US<.' of the powerful air guns in the vicinity or w hales that migrate from Arctic 'watc.ir~ to brt'C-d in the warm lagoons off Baja California. Dror1ck,said-thc seismic study restric'tions do not cover the Southern California coast bc<.:aust•.no complaint.shave been received for the region. Gray whales. have nol appeared ii'I th<' arC!a an significant numbers as yel, she added. T h<' migration usually runs from January through April for Orange Coast whale watchl•rs.' Al issue arc spc.-c1al &ir cannons·used to search for pockel'I of fossil fuels. Each gun can put out a blast of C'Ompresscd air al 4,600 pounds per square inch. A sJX>eial monitoring device towed at the end of a cable as long as ~ 10,000 feel picks up a blast signal reflecled from the ocean bottom. Al on<' time'. oil company research vesst:'ls used dynamite to create the sonic blasts. Dl'drick noted. But that method was found to kill fish and scil'ntlsts now ugr(•l' powerful air guns arl' muc·h safer and chcupcr to UM.'. Scvcnll months ago, howt.1ver, fashl'rml•n in the Mendocino County area begarr noucing that their salmon boai.s were takmg in leS.'i fish. They c·hargcd schools of fi sh were lx'ing dtsp<-•rsed by thl' blasts, wh ch can Ol'\'ur al fave-se<.'C:md intervals for several days as a rC'search vl•ss~ t'Ovcrs larJ.(c areas of ocean. Fort Bragg fishermen cornplaanc-d to st:ilt• authorilll~ and 1t wasn't long bc•forc• 60-ycar-old Byrd Baker. a Mendocino artist known for his whale woodcarvings, suspected his favorill' mammal might b<> endangc•rcd by the• blasts Baker has put has work aside to travC'I up and down the coast to muswr support for a permanent ban on SU('h scisml(· blast studies The activist has ta~kcd with marine biologists. I 111u~·u1n tu1 ;1ton. and JU!>I ubout anyon(• who'll IL•nd 1rn t·ar tu has <.•motional plc•a to st.op what ht• ft•c•li. as lurtun· "Th<• grc·alc•st harm that could bl> done to th1 · wh:.alt'b ,., to do tht• explosions m the wa1<•r," he• i..1u.I "Tht•ar wholt• body as built to n"l.•t·tv<.• i.ounds and to send liOunds. "This rs the gn'al<'sl harm thal could be dmw to lh1•1r phyi.at·al and mental hfc." Thi• La!>k forl·c• b M•archmg the avaalable :.t'l<'nt1f11· lll<'rnturl· to dcwrmin<' if such air gun blasts would Ix• an irritant ·lO the whales. lll•drick said &wnt1sts ~lwvc the animals havt.'hrghly scns1t1vc• ht•arang and can send !TI('l>.'lagt-:. at d1stan<.'t'S of a hundr<.'<f miles or m()rt•. • • Orunw· Co:.ist Collt'gc• murmc baologisi 1X.'1m1s Kf'lly SUSJX.'C.'L'-the noise might ~onfusc tht· wnalt-s ;rnd intc·rupt their migration. He has trwd lo n >i.tncl off&horl' boat rac'CS during the migration scaoon lx'Ca use he believes the high fnoqut•nt·y noi'><' g<•m•raled by speedboat engines db-.turbi. ttw gray whale• "l havl· M'l'n whales react to sound .'' he said. "I've• t•ven Sl•cn them veer away from low fl yang planl's." Kcllv. who has done research on killer whal~ ai1d bolllen<>SC' dolphins, added it d<x.'sn't appt•ar the lower frequency motors on most plt•asure crnfl upsets gray whales. But he said he can only sp<-culate on whether the air gun blast.-. might be• hurting the whales. Photos by Richard K oehler, Patrick O'Donnell and L ee Payne of the Daily Pilot st.aff ~· When a to rnadb- to uched down in She ll La nd .. A. in Or a nge, left , the re ult was instant chaos. Anothe r to r nado , be low, o n the addle ba ck College south ca mpus heared o ff pa rt o f a tre.e. Winter arrives with vigor Diane T aylo r, r ight, was visiting Ga r y Jo lley o n Laude r Circle in Huntington Beach ~ when the wind a nd a tree went to work o n he r car. Mean while , below, rain contributed to this serious accident o n Bristol a t Campus. The vic tim, Randall va n Beck, 26 , Cqsta Me a, is in good condition tod a y at Fo untain Valley Community Hospita l. .... -I Bl GOif N ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Doth vulnerable. fo;ast deals. NORTH + KQ 10 <:> 932 o KQJ +J953 WEST EAST +J 863 +Vold I:? K85 I:? AQJ064 0 8 5 0 10960 • 10 872 + AQ4 SOUTH +A97542 <:> J 7 0 A72 +K 6 The bidding: 'Eaat South J IV I + Weal North ..... 3 . Pasa Paaa partnt>r's one spade ovtircall. However. his nat dl1lribu tlon suggested caution, so he contented himself with a.. jump raise -invltation•I. ndl forcing. South had the values to contract tor game. and the skill to bring it home. ' • Wrst led a heart, and the defenders played thr ee rounds or t he suit. decl.arer ruffing the third. A set>ming ly simple cont ract btigan to present problems when de clarer led a low trump to the king -and 1-~asl s howed out. hid. llut w~en del'liarl'r tried to gel to hand with a club. East could rl••• with the ace and lead a 'fourth burt to pr omote WDll'f jack or trumps to tht' setting trick. 'rhe solution was simple. ._.. . ,,.-. •.. Pa11 4 + Pa11 Opening lead: ~I've of IV. r he thoughtless play now would t>e to come to hand with the ace of diamonds and take a trump finesse, then ush the queen of spades.put declarer realized that i,e would lhen ·have no fast en· try back to his hand to draw the last t rump. After w1nnlng the rlrst trum,S In dummy, declarer Immediately led a club. H East rose with the ace, it would not help tu lead anolhcr heart -declarer could ruff low and, if West overruffed, he would be over ruffed in dummy. 'l'he re· maining tr umps could then be picked up without danger or an over ruff. But duckinic the club proved equally futile. Declarer sil'(lply won the king, took the trumµ finesse and cashed the high trump in dummy. He return· ed' to his hand wit h t he ace of diamonds. drew t he last trump, then gracefully con· ceded a club lo the defend· ers. Four spades bid and made. ·~ t :: ' . f I Entry problems arc lhe bane or a declarer. However, careful lhought and foresight will usually provide the clue to the winning line. North had almost enough lo jump to game over his T he kir,g or clubs was sure· ly an entry -since West had shown up wilh I.he king or hearts, East had to have the ace oJ_c!!!_bs f · .. his opening llMA IOMllCI I AT WIT'S END Ht•rc 1s the best of Erma &ml:x":k ~''h1/c.• she 1~ on vaca11on. If~ probably a tradt• sC<:rC'l , but I <1m mtrigul'd by waiters and waitrc.•sscs who instim·tively know to whom to g1vt.• thl' l'he<·k A frie nd o f mine who waited tables this summt·r said hc.··~ no l'XJX•rt, but hC' followC'd certain gu1dchnl'S. Th<' man who summo n s the wine list as fingt•rnd as the man m C'hargl' and gets the check THE MAN WHO SAYS ma loud voice, "l thmk you'll like this plat'<· I'd ix·rsonally recommend the barlx'<:ucd ribs," sets himself up as an authority- check figure'. The man who sees lhC' t•hcck rommg and still doesn't bolt to go to the rc.•stroom or to make a phone t•all gets tht• bad news ~l'ry women al one time or another has been to onl' of thost' famous lunl'h<.'Ons where the wail<.'r. ignormg picas lo bill individually, puts it all on ont.• ch eck. Hl• plac.-es at in the middle of the table like ._. hand grenade. thc.·n stands bac.·k so that. each may quac·kly toss al baC'k and forth to one another with c.-rics of. "l had the ict'CI tea and the apple brown be lly. Do they s till charge for cxtru whipped <:rc.•am'!" • · "I low much as the pot of tea and the meringue sc.indw1c.•h?" "I'll get the parking af someone gets the up." "I only have a ten. You owe me $3.26." "I'm paying for Rutlfs lun<:h. She drove. Take back Ruth's money " MEN GENERALLY REGARD a ll this ns lat·k y. My husband took me to lunch the other day and wh<.•n the check came, I instinctively reachl'<.I for 11 an impulse from raising three l('en-ager!.. "What do you think you're doing?" he shouted. ''As long as you are ea.un_g w ath m e. l assume tht• responsibility for ttft·-cneck. Frankly, I still find It a blow to my ego when a woman picks up the tab. Just sit there and be feminine and thank me for being so generous and accommodating. By the way. you got two bucks for the tip? .. Now. that's t.ack y. RUFFELL'S U,HOLSTERY ............ -. 19U HAJtlOR ILVD. ~ • • our Professional · Florist FLORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue A-108 Costa Mesa COSTA MESA -541·1 IH Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 PLANNING A SHOWER OR WEDDING? COME& MEET ''YOSHI" H1SHOB BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT A MA'Z.IN G AS IT Sri: · M S, E:VERV~Of) IS BORN WIT M THE' K..NOWL.~OG OS:-MOW TO GROW OLP ANO DIE, llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Thursday, Novemhcr 11 ARIES (Man·h 21-Apral 19). Play w:ot111g gamt• ullhzc• tinw. dt•hnt' l<'rms und bt•<·uml' uwul'<.• of h•..:ul r111111f1~·u\ions. Focus on publ1l' relations, pussibl<.· purtf\l'J~ips and mariwl status T AUR US (April iO-May 20). You m1~ht g1•1 boggt-d down 111 dN01l:. 1f you nt•gll'(:I ll<1i.1t.• chonoii Emphas1o; on SJX>t·iul M.'rvl<."('8, JX'<.1plc· who n•ly upon yuu and uddNJ 1·c•spons1bll1ty. ' GEMINI (Moy i t-Juiw 20): Good lunar asix•t·t cutn<.·1d1•s with c•motumal involvc•mcml. s pt-<.·ulation. i.udden c·hange ur roultnl' and grc•u tc•r frl..'<'dom Cui s(•l f -t•>< prt'ssion CANCER (Jum· 21-July 22):· &> rt•<Jdy for nt·"° start, n ·alizc:> you cun <·ondudl' longstanding lrans:.1l·ttuns. Chc'(:k propt'rty valuc-s, rc:>fUSl' to give• up soml'lhing for nothing. LEO (July ~:J-Aug. 22) Highlight Vl•1-:.<it1llly, willingness to c•xix•r1ml.'nl and follow through on hunch. L<•arn by lCLl('hing. consolidate ~l'l'<.•nt gains and stnv<' to make• U(.'(.'Ommodat1on with rl'lativt• VIRGO (Aug 2:J-St•pt. i2): Ell'm(•n'-'> of timing. luck r1dl• wllh you. Fcx:us un mt.•om t'. paymcnu.. c·olk'<:t1ons and ab1lny to locutc• nt•e<kd matc·ri<.11 Gemini. Sagillarius persons f1gun.• promirwntlv L I BRA (Scpl. 23-0c·t 22). Lunar cycit· highlights andt•pend<.•nct.o. muJor bn•Jkthrough, important d15'.'0Vt.'rtt.'l> und J.lr:.llM' from thost• who previously oppost.•d y ou Highlight optimis m . SCORPIO (0l·t 2:i-Nov i I): Bt.• r<.·ady fur change. travel. vnncty -somPone works in your behalf behind the st't'nes. Emphasis on hO'pttals. mstituuons and ability to organtZC' a program SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-.Dcc.·. 21): Hc"·.tm·taons are removed. cash flow n :sumcs and you'll have reason to cclebral!' Spotlight on f u lflltme nt, Romantic and good news conc.·C'rning bus11wsS or career venture. CAPRICOR N (De'<'. 22-.Jun HJ): lncl1 v1dual who makes offer may not havl· nuthonty to do so. Be aware. k<.'<'p options open and have· altt.·rna11vc•s available. Carec·r gain andic·atl·d. AQUARIUS (J an 20-Fl·b. 18): Long-rangt.· prospects are brighter than originally ant1c1pa tc.·d . Focus a lso on travl'I. t.'Clul'atum ~nu dC'fm1tion of spiritual values PISCES (Feb. l~-Marc·h :.!O). You make c.·onwc.·t wnh indaviJual who works behind 5'.'Cn<'S and pulls strings. You'll bl-rid of burdt.•n wh1t.·h was not rightly your own 1n the first place. .1 J>Jo:AH ANN LANOl'!HS l"I It JIO'-able• Cur u wh11t· n1uph· lu h1.1Vt .1 hf.,t·k ~hlhJ'' Tha" c~"t"ur11oJ an uua l:11111ly rH~·nllv und Wt' nn• .di cJu,t11•i.M•d Tlw l,11h1•1 of 1h1• d11hl l1di1·vt•s h1" wife• hod u blurk hwt•1 8ht• 1111111 ... 1h1" und im.1i,l" 1hu1 om• of ht.or t(randpart•llh• wui. u mulullo Slw ultm c:lulm11> nwd1t·ul h1,.,l11rv hru. tua twd u11 1'411ilt' l'X:err\ph'S of whlh• ~·11u1>h•i. h;iv111g u hl11c·k child u thrnwb:wk from muny i.w1wr:at111ns Will you dwt:k with your wn~ulwnu. und IC!t nw k11ow you1 fmdingi,·1 I am f)JSTHESSED IN ALA RAMA D E AR ALABAMA: Or. Phi ll ip Led e r , c:ha lrman of the d epartment of senetics at Harvard Medical School, provided tbls r esponse; lie said, "The offspring or a Negro.Cauca11lan macing will be lighter In gene ral than the Negro p"Arent a nd da rker tha n the Caucasian parent. Offspring of mulatto parents ca n be some what cta rker or lighte r tha n their pare nts (as can offspring of Caucasian pare nts). But e ven white parents a nd ve ry light mula ttoes wltb a remote Negro genetic .background would be expected to produce offspring wh ose pigment varied oply slightly from theirs. • • "Though vigorous s tudies of this question are lacking, I know of no doc.µmentatlon where whiles have had black children. T his Is not to say It could never happen, but we can say I& does not seem to have ha ppened yet." 01-:AU ANN LANUERS : Am I a rotten person bl'<: a u st• I do n o t want to baby -i. 1 l m y J:(rand<:hildrm'! 1 n.11M'd my six kids wilh no Help, und L lx.•IWVl' my sons and daughlers should do the ~mC' C'SfX'Ctally smc.'<' they have only two apiece. not six hkt• I had. Fivl· days last wt•ck I was._. prisoner in my own hom<:. I had st.·vc.•n grondchildrt.•n here, off and on. 'T'hrl'(' Wl•n· overnighwrs. One got skk and threw up all ov(•r the furniture. Also, Ann, they arc not the lx~t-lx•havt'C! kids in the world. Ofte n I mus t rC'SOa'l lo punishm<•nt to get them to mind. They werl.' m •ver trained not to touch things that don't lx•long to them so 1 have to pul away all my nit·e kni<:k-kna<:ks. Thn>e af the kids (over 5 years of agt') are bed-wetters. My wash machine was going l·onstantly. My husband gets mad at me for being such a palsy. He.> Is retired now and wants me lo go fishing with him and take lntle weekend car trips. We d1dn·1 get to go to a damed place this past summer lx'<:auSl.' our lods dumped their kids on us. Please tt•ll me what to do. -FED UP AND EXHAUSTED IN THE MIDWEST DE AR FED: I know of no successful surgical procedure that will replace macaroni in tbe spine with a rigid backbone. This is stric tly a do-it- yourself projecl. . For those grannies who love to b;lby-sit1 I say fine, but those who don't should not feel guilty a bout saying fla t out, "I ra ised m y children and now 1 wa nt to enjoy the freedom that is rightfully m ine." is . • • • • . ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS • • • MOSKATEL'S DESIGN COORDINATOR LEARN THE TIPS Af'.-ID TRICKS ON CREA TING WEDDING FAVORS, aNTERPIECES, , BRIDAL IOUQUm AND MUCH MOIE ~ ~ OTHER DEMONSTRATIONS INCLUDE CAKE DECORATING, CANDY MAKING, FLORAL ARRANGING & MORE SATURDAY, NOV. 13tti 1;;1 :00-4:00 , -~=-=-~--;i, ~~ ----, ---,;-""-... ,,... • .,,. .. -.. -..... MOSKATEL'S HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE ONLY 8862 EDINGER AVE. (714) 142-44'5 NEXT TO ZODY'S . . • • • • • MARINE WEATHER -Th~ latest information from tides to temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drivet1me freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange County office of the Highway Patrol. • STOCK MARKiT REPORTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date information in the world or finance. as 1t pertains to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Merrill Lynch 1n Newport Beach . • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Ex~rt advrce from U.C I Track Coach and U.S Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNarr, twice every day. • CONSUMER REPORTS -listen tor KOCM·s own Consumer Advrce Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week . • NEWS -M ore than JUSt headlines •. and a speclal emphasis on Orange County . • ENT•RTAINMENT REPORTS -What's good -arnt-not-so-vood -on Orange county stage and screen. ~ exclusively on KO~ with Herm Boodman • • • A CLOS•R LOOK • • -KOCM's own w eekly detailed look at pertinent news topics, with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • COMMUNITY PORUM -An awara-wtnntng presentation of the Junfof l~gue ot Newport Harbor. atred weekly only on KOCM, delvlng Into the un ique Interests of our area. KOCM IS OR~NGE COtJIWY Ml:ISIC . . . AND MUCH MOREi . • • • blAL AT I OJ. t -,. . J , , .. ,.._. I••• lltwb ot fUUI l>tAA j(;•ij ilt"'f ,....,._, Y-AIMt (OifA Mll A 641 •1219 ,., ...... ,wt ll•tl MISSION VllX> 495-0401 , • .,, c.-. c..ie1t•-,_ ..... '-Y e4 A..y,.wy l Raymond Cox, preside nt of the 'Winners Circ le, a nd his wift.> Maggie were a mong 24 0 guc•st · ot the (:ircle's buU a t the Newp6 rt Marrio tt .· lrkho111t11 l11<J111Pltru' 1. 79 I ~m '1Jhtf Jo lhP Ctr.I Sund~ l\l•nd' Mr l•nit"' •mrnt. 1\ Jlt'.t• ~tut dnJ 1111 wulr1m·buJy •du1necJ "''th • blat k ~pol Oii my t'uddl l)l:d~11dt' "iolht• btluw mr dot\JI ton .ind mr bl.1tk ~r• tlldlt ti ObWlOU\ why I 4nt bl'tt~• known a{ three ~1J<1t or !Au~ "'OUfdllil Sff ITI~ 41 Aqu~t11 f10p1tdb 1>l1~rt I 1n1 on \4lt undt• tn~ ""'" 8lup Bour""'' IOI onl1 I 79 ·.Center's real • winner A $50,000 donation to South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna was annoum:ed by Raymond Cox al the Winners Circle ball he ld at the New port Marriott. The support group was formed earlier this year and the ball, attended by 240, was llS rirst fund-ra ising effort. T he black-tie event lx.•gan with a champagne re<:eption an the hotel atrium and eontinut'CI in the ballroom with dinne r and dancing to the music· of Joe Moshay's orchestru Those present included Messrs and Mmes. J ohn La wson. Leigh Collins. John Chamberlain, Elwood Layricld. Eldon Lockhart, Sherman Miller. Lowell Phillips. William Pl'lers, John Krehbiel and Dr. and Mrs. Ronuld Waters and Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Corlettc• Others wen• Grace Bovd. Dr. Ronald Redmond. who und.crwrole the decorations, and ~s Redmond , the Thomas Lowes arll the Everett Mangams, who undcrwrott• the band. and J ean and William Peters. who arranged for Almaden's donation or champagne. Now that the Winners Ci rcle has wet its fe<.•t in fund-raising. members are now planning a spring tennis and golf tournament HOLIDAY HO ME TOUR: The home of Mr. a nd Mrs. M1chucl Nason VISA' • and their thn.'C children ls onl' of the three Laguna area homes lo be open lSIO W. IMt1•Cosb Men 549·13'l•ClfMf tt.bo1 'Blttf Saturday during the annual holiday .. _________ .. home tour and boutique sponsored by-.:=========;- the Women's Ministries of the Crystal Cathedral. Nason 1s the producer of th£• flour of Power te levision show and he and his famil y urc known to many thro ugh a book about the Nasons' daughll'r. T<ffa and her dNernunation in recovering from a severe brain injury 'Inc home will Ix• dN:orau.'Cl for u c:hildrcn·s old-f ash 1on<.•J Christmas. and the dining wbk• will Ix' set for the holiday dinner with thl• Nasons' l'<>llection of Chr1stm.u. Spodl•. The des1gner-dC<'Ora tcd horn<' of 11. Richardson has a dramatic oct•an Vtl'W from its Eme rald &y location and rh<' southern sea l'OaSt home of Margart•t and David Jensen 1s a show<:aS<' for eollectibl es. r e fl ecting threc generations of California laving. Lush gardens and patios surround thl' J ensen home. Th<' donation of $10 indudt•s tht> home tour, the boutique and tcr1 room 1n the aboret um of the C rystal Crystal One o f a kind g ifts and dct:oratton s will be avaifoblt• for shopp<.>rs. Children under 10 will not be admllled TickN information is available by calling !:171--1082 "'EATlllC UOUL' isO.Of TMFrllMst, Fw••iest Coae&s la Years .. ~ 11-.... ,,. ...... """1COr ,.Fiager·Lickia' C-Old." c...,, ..... c.....-.. Pree to U1c P•blle FOCUS ON CO.CMUNtTY HEAL TH 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 SPONSORED BY PACIFICA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL "ALL ABOUT ALLERGIES" LECTURE-DISCUSSIO~FILMS TUESDAY,NOVEMBER16 7:00 • 9:00 P.M . MODERATOR STEVEN F. WEINSTEIN. M.0. CARMEN YUPPA CONFERENCE CENTER 1111'0e.a. ..... s..- (~ lllocli 5-tla ol ......., ............. lleKla. c.-..- F ... 1..i.,.,....1-Photw 1142.-,11 E., :U. Fine Flowers From 3.99 ' e and smell bet w Everyday ur: ur Specials" 0 to $3.99 . Complete From $ S omething for al or non-occtts Browsers We/com (7 I 4) 857-1111 14474 Culver Dr .• Irv/ (Ralph's Shopping Cemer Co1t1 1111 Tennis Club 557-0211 NOW YOUR CHILD'S SMII E CAii UGBT UP YOUR TREE. When you make a ~ dqx>sit on your S12.95 ·Mommts to REmanba" portnilt coDectJon. you'll get our lovtng portrait omammt as a bonus. Imagine the delighted t:Xpresslons on 'f'OUT chlldrens faces. when (My Sff their wry own faces on our loving portrait omammt. Its yours. with just a 9~ deposit on your S12.95 ·Moments 10 Remember" portrait collectlon. 'tbur »l'ornll Coleaicn lnduda 2-&tlOs. J..Sx7s and IS wakts gsc t>Erosrr /$12.95 ~f~~K>N THESE DAYS ONLY - WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. SUN. NOV. 10 NOV. 11 NOV. 12 NOV.13 NOV. 14 DAILY: 10AM4PM SUNDAY: 10AM·5PM BEACH BLVD., WllTMINITE" _:., HARBOR BLVD., COITA Ml8A MAGNOLIA ITmT. HUNTINGTON aEACH CAMINO DI llTMU:A, 8AN C&.aMlttn'I I )[lOR .Z\T l·. yr,~1P ~PIT WITH H/\PPINL ·,•, , Ot ngo Coa.I DAIL V Pl~O I /W dnes<J 1y, Nov mb4tr 10, 198'1 83 A ,. lll/t wulr1•anwd of. .. A11 uge uf sward1t a11tl .i;orcny, O/'d~mOILH c11ul dr(llJOnH. •BARGAIN MATINEES• Mond•y Utru S•turd•Y All Perform•ncea before 'S:OO PM (Exe.pt Speclll E1191911Mllls IM Hlli4laysl .. IT CAME FROM HOLL YWOOO" 1..,1 ,, ........... ..Jl,11 ..... . "AH OFFICER ANO A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 , .......... ... "MONSIGNOR" 1•1 O::M., ........ '"' IU OM,'t' tl:U &-M t>6, ... , .... ., .... "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CLASS REUNION""'' ,, ... ~, ................. ... "CREEP SHOW" 1111 ,.. ,_ .......... . °FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 tt:a.J.M4M t tt. ... u• LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC ·IN focully at Conotewooo "MONSIGNOR" 1•1 , ... , ........ .... 9Af OM.• 1UI , .. '9:9 .... V.WI-• 213/531·9510 "TIME BANDIT"..,, ••>••• ........ "TEMPEST" • ..,, ........... "MY FAVO,t:!~t YEAR",..,, LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAL• IN ••THE CHOSEN" 1..,1 > • t• foWfy "' Del Nno 21l/tW·t211 "SORCERESS" c•1 , .. .,.. ......... .. rNOAf OM..• t 11 tA te:1f "THE JAZZ SINGER" {N)t ... t .... Wll r• oe..' , • ,.._,... •• "CREEP SHOW" 1111 ••Hli.••·--··· BIG•BIG•DRIVE·IN BARGAIN$2 EVERY WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY Children Under 12 Always FREE '° POSOll lo• Olllte °""'My At Ht P • .... Sin '·~PM IM,OllTANT NOTICE! CMllDllDI UNOlll 12 fltH! ___ ...... ,_..., •• ,. -lllrll60$t.11 Cllllo'l-·-UICNl-IJ "IGUll-lfOIO UICAll_-.Tll_ac:asa'I_ --Ml ~t·OIU~----- ... ,..,. ... t ..... ANAHEIM ORl\lf IN -LOVI CHIU>" '"' -•CHAlll OANO WOMflt c•l CNll fl- ~ I •t A ~ A ti • BUE NA PARK OH•I IN lHtCOll\ ......... Ol ll>Oll 111..070 1o ',A •A• J LINCOLN 011111 1 IN hMO'A Awe W•tl ot &~tt 121·4070 ' ,, .. •t FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVl IN ··SORCERESS'·"" -"FOAllOOEN WORLD" CJlltlC- "CREEP SHOW" 1•1 -"SUPERMAN 11" ,..,1 ••FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 -"MAO MAX"1•1 •TIMI aAND!Ta" l'OI -• INO Of' THI WOflLO" l'OI Gel-GIM "-· - lto<ft -toel J w ...__ .. _1_·3_6_9_3 _ _.. "l .T." '"'" .... "BRONCO Bill Y" 1..,1 "HAlLOWHN 111" 1•1 -"CONAN THE BARBARIAN' Clfl( ,._ .,.. 1 ·cuae M , .... 1, ·ii. LA_IT A.MllltCAN "OYNAMfTl~HICKEN" 1~1 J. .... :.,-;·~.AT 111001•1tT "STIR CRAZY" IOI 1t11 C•H-ClllCfl- • .I. ~ .. " LA HABRA ,.,,, '"' "TIMI eAllDITI" ... , ---• -.... 1 -... •ll<IO O' THll WOflLD" '"t 171-1161 - ·""· 0 I.' fl.. I.(, l ' .• ' . I " '"""" ~ooo··"" ·•MAO MAX'' 1•1 Mt\'.ION ''"''·' ,,.. r ------• • -.. A •OV AHL .... DOO" ,., .. WRONG 11 RIGHT" '"' ---16TH SMASH WEEK 1--- 111la IHW.OllT l lACM OllH Gf WllfMl•IH ll M.0111t ''''•' t'ldl• t n .. J10~ H•""'~' c.~ .. '"" <.••••Ovl•,. 111 ..... a· C•11e111' W•\t ~l't ., I 19 llU nrtoe1 liH ?~~J t'il JU~ MIUIO• Wll.10 IC,,~d, Y>t,.1 '""' llO 69!10 '"'"•nn-•rt•••oo • .. ., .......... , .1 ( .. !5 new shows ~o on bOards I :By TOM TITUS !Of the o.u, ,..., ···" Thrc>e l'Ollcgcs and two t'Ommunlty 1lwoll•r11 1trot out their hlletit 1taJ(c productions thl11 Wl>t:k In :w\C of the heaviest opening perlocJs of thl• Sl't\son along the Orange Coast Starting things off will be Orange County's fi rst look at "Sweeney Todd. the Demon &rtx>r of Flee t Street ," open ing tonig ht at UC Irvin<'. T h ursday will find "The Solid Gold Codilluc" bowing' in ut the Costa Mesa Civic PlayhouS(' while "Chapter Two" takes up residence at the San Clemente Commurtity Theater. . • Then on Fr1day. k>me heavier fare goos before the footlights. Saddleback College will mount Tennessee Williams' "The Night of the Iguana" while Golden West College brings "The Elephant Man" cen ter stage. . Professional actor Brian Whitaker plays the title role in "Sweeney Todd" at UCI under the direction of Robert Cohen. Performances wlll be given tonight through Saturday oC this week and Tuesday through Saturday of next week in the Fine Arts Village r h eate r on campus . Curtain is 8 p.m . and reservations are being taken at 833-6617. At Costa Mesa. Laurie Lambert heads the ca~t f.f ''Solid Gold Cadillac." Pa ti Tumbellini is ~reeling the show. 11--_ P erformances will be given Thursdays through .::>aturdays (except Thanksgiving) until Dec. 4 at ! '8:~0 in the .p layhouse on the Orange County I rairgrounds m Costa Mesa. Reservations 754-5159. 1• Stan Manning and J oan Ray headline Neil Simon 's autobiographical seriocomedy "Chapter ~o'' in San Clemente. ;. Curtain time is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays ~rough Dec. 4 at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 20~ Ave. ~abrillo , San Cleme nte . Call 492-0465 for reservations. • "Night of the Iguana" at Saddleback College is "being directed by Brian Donoghue and features Steven Thatcher as the defrocked cleric. . P e r formances will be given l"ridays a nd '1 Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 3 p.m. for two weekends in the main theater on the Mission Viejo campus. Reservations 831-4656. Michael Warga takes the title role in "The Elephant Man" at Golden West College under the d irection of Stewart Rogers. I Curtain times are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays i through Nov. '20 and 2:30 Nov. 14 and 21 in the I main theater on the Huntington Beach campus. Call , 894-6070 for ticket information . l TIME_BAND_ALMS_,__._ITS_ ! "'lbe WWlrd of Oz' of the '80s" is Back! I -~~u.w..rt .. The movie you'll want to tell all your n~ighbore about. I STARTS FRIDAY AT A THEATRE OR DRIVE·IN NEAR YOU. '-Cl PANH ACCU'l(O fOfl lkll l lOOAOOO[Nf , '--LUXURY THEATRES ) ;m ~ , ............... ,.2................. ~ S lliMUl•neil•i6J.4 ~sst ~~, J S * FOi FOOi EICITlmlnTI Ylllt * IT CAME FROll HOLLY'llVQOD ID''r.fl lHl~~J·:\,:V(l1' ii9'Ni:Nmil Edwards HARBOR TWIN Costa Mesa • 714/631-3501 C•ll 642-5171. * Dtiv•lnt Open 1:45WNtlnltlhll/1 :30 WNtlench ChildrenUndtr12frttU.lessNettd t0 Put • few word• lo work for ou. "'WVE CHILD' WILL LEAVE YOU AGLOW WITH 1ITS ULTIMATE CELEBRATION OF LIFE AND DAZZLED BY THE BIRTH OF A RADIANT NEW STAR." -Guy Flatley. CO~MOPOLITAN t "A FORCEFUL AND EMOTIONAL NEW FILM. · .. _ IT'S A VERY GOOD MOVIE!" -Gene Shalit. NBC-TV "ONE OF THE RARE GOOD MOVIES OF THE YEAR." -Pat Collins. css. TV LOVE ,CHILD ATRUESTORY 'LOVE CHILO' A PAUL MASLANSKY PRODUCTION/A LARRY PEERCE FILM AMY MADIGAN · M/QCENZIE PHILLIPS and 8E>V BRIOOES Oriainal MlllC by CHARLES FOX • Scrttnplay by ANNE GERARD and KAnmuNE Sf£CKTC». Story by ANNE GERARD• Produced by P.AJJL MASLANSKY • Directed br LARRY PEERa '~'~""~'; l r.....,...,_.._~,,_.""'-rd.,CULYSOOll c ,. , ... ,...,. ~ ........... .._.... ... -.... -. ~L:.:. f,• ' "'"I' I'' 1 '•I •t \ ID::±i::~ l~ • -~-~ .. ~·~~0P &l\1 0 & ""'•SCN THJ: t 'A"IL\' CIRCl'N "All the other guys' moms ore letting ... " "I am N0T all ~he other guys moms!" by Brad Anderson "We're ready! Open the door and stand back!" OA"FllU)'S LAW: ~ CAIS IN5TINC''f IVELV KNOW ! TME PRECISE MOMENT THE IR .! OWNER~ WILL AWAKE.... ! • t--~~~~~~~~-i S : ACROSS 58 Set lire 10 TUESDAY'S 1 Entente 60 Hit PUmE SOLVED 5 Garment 61 Scary movie 9 Ridiculous 2 words 14 Tra - -63 Strob1le 15 Ctrpet 64 Parallel 18 Eminetlt 65 Theater area t 7 Cupid 66 Plae,es 18 Feigning 67 Dislrlbu1es 20 SupeMtor 68 Bocty j()lnt 21 Roman 611 Atcadia bronze OOWN 22 Two·I C I Freshmen • 23 Mock 2 MOHS. 25 Duck bfolhef 27.ligflf 3 Neer m,JJMP ea~ 211 HidUWay 2 words 30 Het>rl'# lyre 4 Ornament 34 Educ lns1 5 --pie 36 Het>tad Head 10 1oe 26 Obtust lnlormal 3& Scots peer 6 Coincide 28 E Ind llhli 48 Fac:11 311 MtdlCll't 7 Tait s 30 Triumph 48 Force 2 words successor. exclamation 411 Ice masses 42leoate 2 words 3 f Fregrtnl 50 Attack 43 TY91SI • Gnaw luml.ief 52 Weapon 44 Do¥er·s 9 Entll 32 Formerly S3 Mug State Abtlf tO Swelling 33 Spool 54 e>ec.lt 45 Goulash 11 E•pec:ltnt 34 Elles 55 Anecdott 46 ~ur• 12 Hewlliln twcl 35 Coin 5e Tumult •7 IM* 13 MlrOi'ft 37 ~ 57 s.t Ngle •t Aoot 1t Ptlctd 3& At"*1 force $11 Tlmbef 51 Attrtcta 24 Out of Pf'IC· 40 Mtnrll IOtlfce 5' TlldtOUO'lf at• lice 4 t Aeltlf\lt 82 Kin Bl(; Gt:ORCit: by Virg tl Partch (VIP) II-10 "Is sht 1n only child?" ltE:\'.\IS THE MENi\CE Hank Ketchum I ~ ij ~ = - ~ by Harold Le Doux 1 T SOUNDS LIKE THEY DON'T EXPECT MV ~ATHEP, TO MAKE IT I HE H E 5HOULDN'T BE ALONE AT A TIME LIKE THL5 . by Jim Davis THEN TMEY AWAKEN 'fMEM TEN MINUTE~ SOONER 1 2 3 .. 14 I .3 ~\ Or nge Coast O~ILV PILOT/Wtdn day, November 10, 1082 .. 1/ IU I I Tl'MBLt:W t:t:DN SHOE '.\ANC\' I LOVE THE AUTUMN LEAVES, BUT THEY'RE SO HARD TO CATCH W ELL, THERE'S ALWAYS ONE WAY-- NO-NO, SMOCK ! WHE!N ::t SAIP 'YOUR 1.-ICE!NSe WAS UP FOR ReNeW.AI... ..• OECIOEOLV iJOT M'( MJ!"flER, CHAPS/ IT10 i'AKE MEAN HOUR. m SPIAJ THE W'W flE:LPf 11-10 I-OW COULD QOcJ DO li,~~~IN6 A PIJ¥(ER c,>OO KNEW WA5 INE1..161BLE ~ oo.rr 'b) 'f~IKK ~·.)£ \. "AO ~ c,~r­ ~£R'5 ~ 'fOll Ml£,441' (:£1 ~c:K~ --------.... by Charle• M Schulz I itERJSE TO 8E~ TMAl MV MOTMER RAISEC> Iii TO 9E A POP-I.If VMSRELLA~ I 111 L 11 j.lf!l~_,·11'11111 by Tom K. Ryan l'fAIS Mf. I A?M1 WRl'TE 1HIS STUFF, I JUSI MOLJ1l.f 11. I GUE55 I JUST 1..£.T ~ HEART RULE rNJ HEAD I 1415 ~DE& SEEMED 50 a..a5E 'THAT ! FEli CT WA5 L»JFAIR NOT 10 L£f HIM PlA'J ! , •, by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller t> 1192 ~, _.. s,nciui. .... l'fA~it: I.ASIC"!- by~usAmola by Tom Batiuk ~EAllt,,>, ~ ... CAJl'TH A HE&ATlVE I.''~. 1WO A'.>INT ~ ~ (,,'"'~--..... ,....--1 ,,.,, • .. Or ungu ~ou1t DAIL V PILOT /Wadnoad v. November 10. t08t' PUBLIC HOllCC __ .,.. __ _ 'fOU Allf IH Diii AUL f UNOlll 11 0110 0 , tRUtl D &T ID •• ,llMHfl 11, tHO UMLlll YOU TAO AC'TtOH TO ""OTICT YOUll •flOPllUY, IT MAY H IOl.D Al A ..utll.AC IAll. I~ YOU •ID AH IXPlANATION Of' THI NATU"I 0, THI "IOCllOINO AOAIMIT YOU, YOU llHOULO CONTACT A 1.AWYIR. MOTICI 0, T"Ul'rll'I IALI YI Ne M2A NOTIC( IS 11£RtBV Gii/EN mat on W414h~1y No-ntl.lt 11 111~ ~· g 00 0 CIOCll a ni ol ... ,., O•y In 1n. room a.t AJ11<1<1 ltH "1)1\(lu<,l"'lj T111llN't S tea w1111111 11\9 011~111 ot REAL ~ST A TE SfCUAlflES SERVICE IOt.lleO el 2020 Nollh BrOllO'W11y, S41to 206. rn lhO City ol 8111111 A11e, C-Ounly ol 011ng•. S1ote of Ce111011118. S/\N M A ~NO SA\/IN G:; ANO L6A N ASSOCIA l ION n CAl1lo1111e c:orporehon. a• tlulv appo1n11a T1ull .. u11001 Mil p.11au1n1 to the power ol ••I• 1.onl111ed on lh•t G'erteln Deed of Ttull taec;uttd lly AICHARO BARR en unm.,11td men, 1ecordl0 Oc:lot>e• 13, 1gso, In Book 13787 01 Ort.c1a1 Reco•<I• of 111d County, al p1gt 170, RecO'dtt'a lnstrumool No 1gs 111. by IB8ton ol· 8 bleach or dtluull In pa g1en1 or perto1ma11c11 ol lhe ob l"ellons ucu•11l 1neroby. Including 1ne1 bretch or dtl1ul1 Notl<:I of wnten was recordud July 21, 11182, as Reco<d81 1 1n111urnen1 No 82·252694, WILL SELL A T PUBl.IC AUC I ION I 0 T HE HIGHE'ST BIDDER FOR CASH 11wtu1 money 01 tile United S1a1e-., • or a cathie(s ch11Ck tlrnwn on a attl• or national bank, a stale or federol crodll union. or o a1a•11 01 feder1l 111vlngs oncfloan eas0<le11on domlclled In 1111s state. all payable 11 the lime of sale, a11 11ghl hlle and lnleteSI heto by 11. at lrullee. 1n 1n11 111.tl proparty 111uete In said County .ond Stele. dt1c11bed u loUows "EXHIBIT A" 'AflCEL t : 1.01 112 ol Traci No 9423. as anown on a mop recorded In 00011 4 06 . pages IS 10 26 o f Ml1eellaneous Maps. ro1.01ds of Orange County, C'!llllornla EXCEPTING THEREFROM all oll. oil 11ghls, m1ner111s mhieral roghls. n11ura1 gas 11ghla and olher nydrocerbon substances below a a.pin ol 500 1ee1 under the parcel o f land heretn above lfesc11bed w11nou1 tne rlghl of surface enlry PAltCEl 2: f<n eKclusove easement tor perking 'purposes over that po<1ion of Loi 237 shown on Exhibit 'A" 10 lho ~lara11on of Retlllcttons lor lhe Lake Mas1e1 Assoc111oon. rtcorded September 19 1977 in book 12382. page 1265 OI OUo<:1al Records. es carp0rt spac. CP 112 Said easement os rurlher dehnod and d1111Crobed rn Ar 11c:1e II or said Dtclaratoon, 1nclud1ng Petklng Spoce ,.390 PARCEL 3 An non·eACtusivo e11semen1 lor use and enjoymen1 ol Lois 237 and 238 of said Traci No 9423. se1d eaSftment being lurlher dehned and dosctlbed 111 Ar11clt II ol 1he Decla1e11on of Rt'slr1c:11ons reler1e0 lo In P81cel 2 abov1 The street addres~ or 01ne1 common des•gnalion ol lhe real property herernat>ove aesc11bed os purpo11ed 10 be 128 lakeprnes. Irvin•. CehlOtnl8 The undersigned hereoy dlsclaoms ell llabll1ly lor any liicorrectness on sa1d's1ree1 add1ess 01 Olher common designation Said sale w111 be made w11hou1 w111anly e•p1en or omplled. rtgaroong 1111e possession. or encumb•ances 10 s111sly the prlnc•pal oalance of 1ne Nole or ol)lor Obl1ga11on secured by said Deed of Trust. wllh 1n1eros1 end other sums as provided 1nere1n. plus advances. 11 any. u11der lhe terms lhereol and inleresl on such advances, and plus lees charges and upenses ol 1ne Tru1IM and ol lhe trusll crealed by sard Deed ol Trual The 101a1 amount ol said Obllgallon. rnclud1ng reasonaoly esllmoted lees charges and ••penses of the Trustee at the lime of lnlllal p01>hca11on or lhot Notice. •s $45,611 19 D111ed October 22. 1982 SAN MARINO SAlllNGS AND LOAN f<SSOCIATION as Trustee By. REAi. ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE a Caltlorma corporation lls Agent By (SEAll 0 J Moro•• ots Pres.dent 2020 Norin Broadway Suite 206 Santa Ana, CA 92706 (7 14) 953·6810 Published Orange Coa51 Dally Piiot, Ocl 27, Nov 3 10. 1982 4719·82 PlEllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne follow<ng per9ons are dorng business aa HHP ASSOCIATES. 332 Forest Avenue. Suite n . l.aguna Beach, Caltlornoe 92652 Hlllhursl Prop11r11es a llm11eo pertne1Sh1p. 332 rorell Avenue Suitt 22 Laguna Botch C11t1l0<ma 92652 Roland J Jensen 1010 E Cheat nul Avenue Santa Ana C11hlorn111 9270 I Anlhony J Ursano F' amtly Trull. 2005 Palo V!'rele Avenue. Long Beach. Ca11forn111 90815 Peler R Ursano. 16123 SI Crol• Clrcle. Hunt1ng1oh Beach Callfo1111a 92649 Thi• t>usines~ 11 conduclld by a ~al pertnetst>lp HHP ASSOCIATES. II geneJal partn81Shrp By H ill HURST PROPERTIES a pa11nersn1p By RECREATIONS INC general partner Douglas A HUI, Vice Ptes1den1 This statemenf was flied wolh Ille County Clerk 01 Or1nge County on Oc1ol>et 19, 1982 ftllMt Publlsned Orange Cout Oarly P1lol. Oct. 20. 27. NOV 3 10. 1982 4619-82 PtalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINEH MAME STATEMENT The following pe11on 11 <101ng bulllneas as· Of<N BOND AN O ASSOCIATES. 17317 Sll'I Lult •2. fountain v 111ey. CA g2706 0111 Wall!Of Bond 17317 San -Ult •2, Fovn11ln Valley CA g2708 Tl\11 1>1.1s1nea1 11 condllC1e<I by an ndMduel Den W Bond Tnta 11e1tmen1 .... tiled wllh 1n1 A>unty Cieri< 01 011111g11 County on :xr< 14. \982 'f1""7 Pv9tleMCf Otl'iO-Coaat Delly Piiot. Nov 10, 17 24. Dec I 11182 036-82 Ml.IC NOTICE Mt.IC lt0t1C£ 1'\111 t C NOT H.l T·t W-oaMO HOTIC:I Of n.utfl I U l l MOTICI Of 'UIUIT11 I h ll T..... ........ ... .. u IWOATANT NOTIC11 TO Ll11 b ember I 11111 111 1<11111 "'°""n OWNH; "M u a fltUloil OHO '1ff\VI( r YOU AM ... Dl'A"'-T '*DI.II A IN(; 1 ('1lll011\11ct"Plll•l•on "fhll.,. OHO OI TltUIT OATIO MA'f_!~t 1141011>1111 '' H> J 6111181 t•lle N11 tMt. U..111 YOU TAKI llCTKHI I, Hatu1m••ll11, t.;1hlo11t1• 11~11 HI TO ~ltOTICf 'fOUlt ftflOPlltT\', who111 tliltpt\01111 nu1nt>i;1 " 111 ltJI IT MA\' .. 10\.0 AT A Pu.4.IC 448 •oeo .. Ag•nl ltll llUUll.ON I Al I , " 'f 0 U NI ID AM CO , Whl>M addrff• '' 1400 Ul\IOI l llfll>t.ANATIO .. Of' '"' MATUfll r>1r 1. 011 ... S1ctl/110tlh) t.11lllOH1h• 01' TMI Plte>C<llOIMO AOA ... IT fl~8 16 WllOH t ... ptoomt 1111t11h•r 1• YOU, YOU lltOUULC.QNJ.AC.T A Q.lll)~.:SOOO.,.-.tri..1...-ul Iii.ti lAWYIR. , .. l•tn DM<I or T11111 ....... 111 ... 1 fly On NOYOnlbO< 30. IH2. 11 10 00 HOOllll 80ULl-0N, • llllQll m•11 0 CIOCk • II\ f11•t LOI Ang•I•• .. 10 11n UlldlYICltO 21 O••t.tllll Co1p11••1to11. at duly named or lnlDr••• NICHO~AS 0AA10ll(. • tubtlltultd I 11111e1 undt• end 11ng1tt WOfl'la11 •• 10111111101Y1deCI ll PU•1uaflllOlhaDMdolTrutllllll.O P•tCll'll 1n1111al, PArHICK May 16, 100 I. IHCUl.0 l>y Htll•y 9ARl0ll0 0 llllQI• man .. lo Ill "•tlet, a marrlild man 11 hi• .011 unllMCleO ?2 pe•e.1n1 111111HI arid Ind Mj)atll• properly JOHN CAMPBELL, • lllngl• m111. iH n.c:oro6d Junt I, 1081. 1n Dool\ 10 on 11nd1v1C1od 22 percent 1n1111111, 14080, P1g11 127'-77, lnelrumenl 111 111 tenant• In common' 11nd No 818 of omc111 fW<lOfdl. on lhe •uco•d•d Februa1y 20, 11182 H olliu ot the RecO'd., 01 Of1~ 1n111 um11n1 no 12 0617 7 4 ol Counly, wlll NII ., Plllllte I UCllOfl to Olhtl•I fWcor<b ol O••llQO County lhO 11\Qn.lt l>lddt< lor celh (Plylbfot C1hto1n11. end 11u1au1n1 10 111111 at lht tome ol uie In l1wtul money c1r1111n No11c t o l Oeloull •no 01 tno Unllld SlllHI 11 1t1e CICKl!on 10Se1t 11\o11und111eco10.0 Ch8Pf!llfl Aven11t .,11n1ranco to the July 12, 1982 11 1n11rum1n1 no Clvte Ctnler Cent•• ButlOlng, 300 E. 82·238268, ol 01111:111 RtcO•dl 01 Chepm1n Avonuo. In the Clly ol 10111 Countt, w tll under 11110 Or811ge, 111 right. 11111, and ln1011111 pursunm 10 1111d Detld of T111t1 •1111 convoyed 10 end now held by Hid II publlc 1uc11on lor c11n or Trusl" unde1 Hid 0..0 of TruSI 1n Cashlflr I Chec:ll, drawn 011 11 lltllO 1111d to lhll cenaln 1><op1<1y alluated or na110n81 bank, o tllll• or led•••• In lhe Siii• ol C1hlorn11, County of credrt union, or a 11a11 or llder11 Orenge, a.ectlbec:I es follow&. s1vtngs and loin 1noc1al\On. PARCEL 1' domic:tlfd 1n the Stalt of Celllornia. l.ot 100 of T11c1 10347. in jl\e at 1n" Nor111 lront ent11nce lo 1no C11y of l1vlno, County 91 Orange, courlly cou11hou1e, 700 C1v1c S1a1e ol Calllornra. as per mep Cenler Drove Weal. San11 Ana, r~dod In Book 469. Pages 37 10 Cllf1lorm1. all lhll <~hi. 11111 and 39 ol Mlac111aneoua Maps, In tho '""'"' conveyed 10 and now held ofllce or the County Recorder or by 11 under tald ~ 01 Trutc in 1he aald Counly prope11y 1111.uued In Old County PARCEl.,2 and 51111' delcroved U City ol E-11 It 1e1 1°'11'1 1n the Colla Masa, Counly or Orange. Sec: II on s on 11 II• o "C e 11 a1n S1a11 ol Cahlornoa. oescnbed aa E1 .. men11" tor Owners" and EXHlalT A .. Suppor I. Sott leme n I and PARCEL 1 Thal portion 01 LOI Enc•oachm1n1 •• ·common I 01 Tract 9873, on Ille Clly or Cos11 Drtvoway Euoment" of the Atltell Mtsa, 11 snown on a m1.p roco1<1od enlllled "E11tmen1a' o f l he 1n Sook 425, Pages 27 to 28 01 Deola1111on o l Covena n u . M11ce11aneous Meps, shown 1nd Condlllone and R11s111cllona o e I • n e <I e • Un 11 2 on 11 reGordtd In Book 1366•, Page 84 Conoom1n1um Pl1n. recordad 1n Olhclal Records Book 12614, Page 1061 01110111 PARCEi. 3 RIC()(dl Euomonis N sucn easemenll Pf<RCEL 2 An 11ndMdeo ono· are p1r11cu1111y set forth 1n lh• iourteenth C 1/ 14) lee simple 1n1eres1 ArtiCle enlllted "EesomenlS" ot 11\8 at a 11nan1 on common If\ and 10 Ill Oecl1r111011 of Cove nanla, 1n11por110nol Lot 101T11e111S731n Cond11 1on1 anel R1&111c11on• the Counly ot Orang•, Stato ol recorded In BOOll 11766, Paoe 420. Calltorn11. 11 shown on • map Headlnglt) In aucn A111cte enlllled reco1C1ed on Book 425. Pa11es 27 as follows "owntrs' Rights and and 28, n common erH on a Ou11e1. Ulllllles and Cable Condo m1n1um Plan 1ecorded Televrslon. S1<1ey1rd Easements" March 29, 1978 In Book 12614, "supporl and Selllement. Poge 1061, Olllcoal RKotdt Encroachmonl", end "Communlly E•cepllng lhertlrom ell Fac1t11,.. E~sements " m1neraJ1. Otl, gas pettoleum. other The unpaJd balanclO 111d es11ma11 nvdrocerbon substenccs. 1nd 111 or coals. ••P8flMS end aclvanc:et u underground woler. on or under or of Oclober 16, 1982 11 134.687 77, WhiCh may be produced from ia1<1 S8ld amount wtll 111Groase unlit dllt land Which undllflies •piano pa1111e1 or aale. 10 and 550 feet belOw lhe p1esen1 Thi tttee't eddreM or common surface of 111id land tor lhl purpose designalton, rl any, ol the re.ti of prospecting for, ino e.ptorallon. property deac11bed eoove It d&vt1lopment. producllon. pu<porltd 10 be 13 Sllkleal. 1rv1ne. e•tractton and taking of ••IO Calllornla 92714 mrner11s, ou. gas. petroleum. other The unoe1stgned Trusle• hyd•oca•bon tul>Slancet and water dlsc:la1m1 any lrablllly 101 1ny from said land by ,,_,,, of mines 1ncor1ectness ot tne s1ree1 110d1ess wells. <1e11lcks and/or 01h11 and olne< common Cl8slgnelt0n. II oqvopmenl rrom surlac• loca1t0ns any. ShoWn ne<etn on adfO'l\lng or 1'181Qhb0rlng land or Seid uie will b• made, but ~ong ou1s1<1e ol the •bOYe dosc111>eO without covonan1 or wuranty. land, II being .undertlood thet the ex.pr·8$S or tmpMed, reoatdlng mi.. ownlf of such mlnor1111, 011. gas, possession, or encumb111ncea. 10 petroleum, 61he• hydroc.trbon pay lhe 1elfl111nlng P•lncrpal sum ol subsiences and waler, u set fo,tn lhe said nole se<:ured by said Deed. above, shall have no rlghl lo enter w11h ln1er1s1 thereon as ptovided In upon the surface ol lh• above said Note. tdvl<IQeS, ii any. unde< ooscrooeo 1ano nor 1111 of 1ny ot 11141 1he 1e1m1 'Of 1110 Oetd. Iota. 111<1 1an<1 or any portion lh1t1ot chatge1 end 111penu11 ol lht eboYe S8kl pt-parallel 10 Ind 650 Trustee and or Ille Trusls ctealtd leet below the P<eMf'll turlace or lly 1atd De.a Ill• Hid lend 101 1ny purpo•• The Bonelielary undel S8Jd Deed wnauo1\re1 reco•dad, In Book by reason of • t>r1ach or det1ul1 In 13196 Page 1843. Olltelel Reconls 1ne obhga11on1 teGured thereby. PARCEL 3 N on-exclualve tletetolor• execuled I nd delivered easemon1s 101 accau. lngreu. 10 the Tru11ee w111ten Notice ol egress. encroacnmenl. support. ~laull and EloctlOn to cause the ma1n1enenc;e. repa•f._s. end lor other undersigned to 1111 aa•d prooe<-ly 10 purposes over the common 11ee sarosly said obllg1t1on1 and and over those por11on1 of Ill• lherufler on July II. 1982 tho aJsoc1alt0n P<Operlifl com1><1Mtd ol underlOgtled caused said not~ ot lhO 1ecrea11on wee t11semen1 and t>re&ell and etec:tlon to be r41CC)(det:I 1ne '"°'' nsement, all u 1110wn as 1n11rumen1 numbel 82·23&4 IS ol 1nd defined in the 1~dnc11bed said Olfoal Records plan 11no the abovo-do1c11bod oa1eo This 26th day ol Oclot>e< oee1111111on 1982 PA RC E L 4 E X c I U I I YI F 1 RS T L 0 S ANGE I.ES easements app0rteoan1 10 Percels 1 CORP . end 2 descrll>eO above. tor UH Ind Truatee occupancy lor (yard), (dtck). By Joe Tentscnert (gar.tgt) purposes. dlll ned at Pu1>1oshed Orang• Coast Dilly restrocted common ereu 111 tne P110I, Nov 3. 10. 17, 1982 1bove-oesc11bed declero11on, as 4832-82 asstgned 1n tne eoove·desc11bed pllln PtalC NOTICE OFFICE Of THE SHEltlfF· COROHEll Tne pu1por1ed a11ee1 IOdress or other common ClotignatlOn 01 sard propot1y 1105 MeN Bk.1111 0.-MI, Co111 Mes•. Collfornl1 NO WAF\A.ANTY IS GIVEN AS TO ITS C 0 R R E C T N ES s· 0 R COUNTY Of' OflANGE NOTICE Of SAU UNDER DECllEE fl~ClOIURE Pla•nlllt WOODBRIDGE VILl.AGE ASSOCIATION. etc YI. Oelend1111· OOUGLAS E JONES. el al No 35-75-82 0 f COMPLETENESS Name and ll<ld'91S of lhe benel1C11ry 11 whoM requoel 11\8 sate Is being contlucled Ftrll lnl0t$18fe Bank of Calrfornla u Trustee IOt Granlle Homo l.o.n1, Ltd Seroes 1014 Mortg•o• Pool, c:IO GRANITE HOME LOANS. LTD • 1400 River Patk Dr!Ye. Sac:r.tmento, Ca1o1orn11 95815 Dtrec:lk>n• 10 Ille above propefly m1y be obtained by requesting iame In wrlllng from the benellcl11ry wilhtn 10 deya lrom 11\e '"" publlc:lllon ol lhls noUco I, Ille undetllgnld. BRAD GATES. Sherttf-Col'Ohlf, County of Otange. Slate of C1Mor111e, do hefeby oert•ly th•t by virtue of Oec1ee ol Foreclosure and Sale In the Superoor Coull of 1ne Counly of Orange. S111e or Cah!ornla. enlered on Augu11 10. 1g82. and r1c:0tdet:I Augull 10. 11182 In the abov1 enlltled 1 cllon . w horel W OODaRIOGE V II.L AGE ASSOCIATION. 1 California Non- Prohl Corpo1111on. tho 1bovo named Plllllllll, obtained • Judgment and dec:1ee of f0teclost110 and sal1 1g11n11 DOUGLAS E JONES 1nd RHETA R. JONES. delendantt, 101 the sum or Two Tnouaand Elghl Hund1ed F0<1y One & S8/ 100 Doll1r1. l1wlut money of lhe Unlleo S1e1os. and by virtue or • wrtl or enlorc-t in said ec:tlOll issued on Oc:1ot>e< 4, 1982. I am commended 10 Mii all t1141 prcperty on the County ol Orange. Siii• ol Cahlornr.t. dncflbod es lollows PARCEL 1 U nit No 51 II shown and datcflbed In lho Condominium Plan 11cotdod on January 12, 1g11, In 8ooll 12031, peg• 1580 ol Olllclal ReGords ot said County Seid sate will be m1de wllnout cov1nen1 <>< wa.r1en1y, ••Prost or 1mp1i.ci. as to Utle. poueu;on or enc:um!Hanc:es to uH•'Y Ille unpaid balance duo on tile noi. or notn secured by said Deed of Trust. to wil S53.4&8.71, ptut the tolloWlng etllmaled cos11. Hpenses and advences al the lime of the lnlllal publKlallon ot 1his Notice of Sal• Foraclosure Fees end Expenses St,428 74, Any Advencee mao1 n111111or with lntereat !hereon from date of Advance NOTICE TO "'°"""TY OWNEfl YOU AM IN MfAUU UtC>llt A DEID OF T"UIT , OATIO JANUAlt\' 7', 1112. UNLHI YOU TAKE ACTION TO P-.OTECT YOUll PllO,EltTY, IT MAY IE IOLO AT A "'9LIC IAU. IF YOU NalD AH HP\.ANllTION Of' THE MATUltE Of THE ,llOCHDING AGAIMIT YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A lAWYllt. Datod Oc:1obo• 28. 1082 RUBICON CO asSaldTrw1 .. By US. l rusl 0..0 Seflfioes, Inc: • ~· 2115 J Street. Sulle No 1 Sacramento, C1hlo1n11 PARCEL 2. An undivided on .. seventy lourlh ( 11741 lnt.,est u a tenant In common In Ille lee inlerMt In and to 11\8 Common f<ree ol Loli I and 2 ol Tract 8900 u per map llted In Book 37g, Pagel 31 10 32, 1nclu11ve ol M11c:oll1nto111 Mape record• 01 H id County. H auch term 11 defined In the Artlole antllled By Kalhleen Cllrlen "Oellnlllona" of tha Dectarellon of An1111n1 ~•llry Cov1n1n11, Conditions and (gt6) 448-8880 R11lrlcllon1 racorded on July 20. Publl1hod 011nge Co11t Delly 1076, In Boolt 11MO, P808 711-3 of P1IOI, NOY 10. 17, :14, 1982 POBllC HOllCC NklC NOTrCC "IPORT 0, CONDITION Ceneolld•llnl domHllc 1ub1ldlatl .. ol th• "NIWPO"T HA9' OU" NATIONAL IANI<" of Newport IHoh, In th• 11•1• ol C•lllornl1, al Iha cloH ol buelneH on lepl1mber 30, 1112. Publl1hed In re1ponH to cell m•de by Comptroller of th• Currency, und1t Ulla 12, United lt•tH Code, 8eollon 111. Ch•rtar Number 11l131 N•llon•I B•nk R•olon Number 14 Doll•r Amount• In Thou11nd1 A8HT8 Statement ol Ho1ource1 und L111blllt1os Cash and duo from deposttorv 1ns11tuUons U.S. Treasury a curllloa .. All other securities ... Federal funds r;old and securllloa purc'hased under agreements ••••t I••••• 2.0G~ 1.073 162 to resell .. . . •• 2,763 Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) . 'Less: Allowance for possible loan losses Loans, Net ........ Bank premises, furniture end fixtures, and other assets 3!J, 193 833 representing bank premises .................... .. Real estate owned other then bank premises . ... .. .. .. .. .. Alt other assets ... ...... . •. ..... .. . TOTAL ASSETS ................. . · LIABILITIES 34.360 670 2.747 1.299 45, 126 Demand deposits of individuals, partpershlps, apd CO[poratlons Time and savings deposits of lndMduals, partnerships. and .................... 4,437 corporations ... ............. . .. . . . .... ·-·······~ Deposits of States and poht1ca1 subdivisions In the Untted States Certified and officers· checks ..... . . Total Deposits ............................................. .. Total demand deposits .............. 5,736 Total time and sa11lngs deposits 34,702 Mortgage Indebtedness and liability 32,702 2,000 1,299 40,438 for capltallzed leases ............. . . ......... ....... 1,608 All other llabihtles .......................... . ..... :.............. .. 758 TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) ...................................... . EQUITY CAPITAL ' f?'eferred stock No. shares outstanding None Common stock No. shares authorized 675,000 No, shares outstanding 506,050 Surplus .................................. .. Undivided profits and reserve for contingencies and other capital 42.804 2,530 2,530 reserves ........................................................... (2, 738) TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL .................................... 2,322 TOT AL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL ...................................... . MEMORANDA (Amounl• out1t•ndlng H of report date) Standby letters of credit, total Time certificates of deposit In denominations of $100,000 45, t26 1.055 or more •. 28.088 Average for 30 calendar days (01 calendar month) ending with report date: Total deposits ................ .... ............ . 40,767 We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and habflities. We declare that It has been examined by us. and to the best of our kn_owledge and belief 1s true and correct. Lloyd Miller, Don Burns. Michael S. Baum. Directors. I. Thomas E. Gruenwald, Vice-President and Cashier of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this "Report of Cond1t1on Is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ballet. • Executed on October 25. 1982. Pubhst>e<S Orange Coast Daily P1101 Novemt>e< 10. 1982 4975·82 PllJllC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE •H·2MOI NOTICE OF FILING Of NOTICE M' TflUITEE'8 SALE AP,LICA TIOM TO INCflEAI E T.I . Mo. ftl711 ACCOUtCTS lflWOflTANT NOTICE TO 0#' AN INSURA8'.£ TYPE IN PUOllC NOflCl ru1uc ..onct -HOflCI TO CONTPIACTOflt NOflCI 01 TllUlfll I IAll Ml\ 11 111 CAlllNO ~Oft 1 10 1 'I ... I H OUAI "" llOI T ... ( "" ( f• T L• 111 JI 01 11111 (~A t fl(f(.ulrU Of JAMI!'; NU K r. Ir ) .A ti Or l UMMllWI 1 I IJl 11 ('If t11•_.1ft1t; I IJUlJI ra ICA lltY OOUl Cl JO. t:Ptl 8 . zt;U.ER AND IM l t•lho• I Ill) u • "" ~ f Ill hi NOTICI I' P. T I T I 0 N T 0 ,. ... ··•I •l·•r .. 1 11 ....... 1.,,. 10" ftlli Alff '" LJ• , Alll, ""''( •• A AnM1N1sr•"R ~sr", E No ''"" , ul 11111111< "Ill 111111 <•flh« or Ill 01 1111181 OAH lJ MAY ;t 1 ' ' ' lhttllOI "' ''ullhoJ\ht(I M 1.1111y 1'11!(1 llNI(~· vou f Akl .ACllON A l lfl eu . t1.11uw111 L•••lol (.ommutllt\I C.ull""" I 0 1•110! I(. I VOUA fJllOF'I lllY 11 '1'11 1111 h1•1111, l w·111·f1011rh ,, (11"1111 IJ71l A1Jurn• Av11 CQ\la MAY flt fiOl UAT Af'U811c.;.OAU 11• tl1lt1111 ..r11I llHlllllj(l'lll MH•I l 11hh111110 \llt.111 II Vl)U NI I 0 AN rlCl'I A!iA llON 111•d1i.11 , or JcM•~h U '/., 111·1 r>1u111rl IL1•1tl1f1'-~lltJ11 !lam11 U I ltlC NA I U A t (.I rtH J I lrnhl•11 W• I l.nll•ll" C:ntHQY f>ltOCll UINCt AC~AIHST y()\J (0V Ull• JJt I ll•HI• W Ill lllll)' II MMlt(J"l1ftlll )plflfll ll•d I IOI' l!llOVI 0 C()tH.Ar'f A 1 AWTI A fllh1~~'1 .... mlt-n-,11-U In Ute• ,., .. ~-· ''' "'' ..... Ufl hlll Olh<" OI f)u Wt fJNI 'OAY (>(l.I MllLli I Wiii .md /11r , ... i,.11· ". lllltott<ll l'ltY"l •I I t•hll•· 11111 •I IQ 00 A M "'" 1101'1 A 11e·lllm11 h .... hc-.·n file-cl l'l.arH111l\I J<.il11• 1'1111.,1 l1a1111r 111u•,1 OtltJ t.OllWAN'I' 111c. •• hy UIW '/.<•lie·•, JkJ H ilu M I UC•lil t "''"' Gllmm l.lJI •'\II.' Or~I t)uly 1111f)(•lf1hlJ lru\I o 11111!111 lffld Z JI I ..,, 1 • I J 7 0 ..t.11 .. rn. (. IJ ... " M.' .. ' IJUl~ihl lo ON•I Ill 'IU" ~ ')(j 80 ,.. II Ill l "' .~u111•r1w .. our I l.11111<"'"" <1l£1lO 11•1 t7Hlj ro<.<11oJu'1.,.111,11 No 11411 "' •1101.H1J(f.('uu11l)' rt'{tlW•liltl( ~!lr. !1101 t1oci~ l!lil<t:I pnoo !)ti~. ()I Oll1G111 1h111 H1til ""·111·1. 11k11 Ull}• M ~io11c1 1, Ill 11ru1 c11vrN "'"' n.eQct11 "' ""' oll1c11 01 111 .. Cou111v z 11 1 1 trH11•huv,.111111111u'1<l1no1U1~1r1(tOl llt1t1uu11• <11 Orn11u01 (,ounty ·'' '1 >1• ll VP1•11\ll'f HI> t111111u1 C.Olllll)' C111tro1111.1 ltlll\Q CtllrltrllllU Wll J r,n I Ar fl\Jll~IC 1w1-.•ml1 I t t•prt'lll'llluOVI to lly 11nd llotouglo Ill Vtl•Clllllng f<UCllON 10 lllv•H ~.1 01uorA 111l1111n1~,1·r l ht· 1·~11111· of 0011111 11011·111111101 1tlu11od 10 u ~01~ t.A&•t lµoyuui.1 oil 1unt1 <JI .... Jo-.. ph B i'.t'llt•1 urnJt•r tlw 01af111< t ~111 rcrceovd 11p to ou1 tn 1owlul mon 'I 01 "'" U1ul•O I •• ~ .1 /\ I 1 hOI , .. ,.,, 1n .. 11.1n• llbOV• ""'"o !>1Ult'91 ,. I HI[ NOIHll ~AONl '"'""-'llUl'lllo 1111 lll:tll'lllli>ll hmt' •ttotht<I bldo lor llH11 11w1110 0111 C NT llANCl IO I IH COUN I Y of 1"4'1.r•l.PW At I i.o1111.1c;tlofllll0Hbo-.1cqiro110C.I COUFHHOU~E 100C.IVICCENUH The• p4•11llh11 Ill i.r-t frir Uoth ~fl11ll U11•1«.t1v+•d111 lhll pl•(..O DRIV( Wr6T 5.ANlA ANA CA 111 lw11r111~ 111 Ot•pl No :t 111 700 1cu ... 11l1llll •bon. •nd th.tll b• 11(1111 111111 wfld 1111nr11~1 'l)n\lltyOO 10 CIVIC <.'1.•11u•r 01 I ve• w .. i.1, op01100 a11d publicly rHd 111oud at 11111111ow nnld tiy 11 uod11r ''"d 0114!d lo!,111. l" An", , '/\ ll ''701 .. ,~ tho ObO\/t •IDIOI llfn4i ond pl!Kll OI r•u•I 11\ Hitt P•OllOrly ••tlillh•(I 11\ ~· v " '-6 v ' ''""'' will 11•1 11 S:t:i 00 depo"I a111u Courll)' illll S111111 df1M.11b60 u Ot•,'4•mb«r I. I !lll:l ut ll 30 1oqu11od tor e .. c1o •vi 01 troll lol ~a or 11uc1 No 1284 111 11 m d<icum""'' I<> gumu11tl'C1 lh<!lr ru1um ahu .. n on u mop •oc;orooo '" O?Ok l 1-' YOU OW l!:l.•r lo 1 h4· on gnao '-Onl11f1on w11n1n 10 day• 41 Pog11 40 I 41 or M11.eellaneou1 ~Jrltl'"' or lhl' ""ltltoll. yo u allor lh" b•d OIJ4!nrng 01110 Mops lfl lhe oUICCI ol me Count)' .,.. .- Eucn b•d mu•t conform ~no oe rnc:ordtr ot Orange Coumy i; ould l'1lhl•t .i11JX•Jr JI tht• '""Po1111bl11 10 1n11 con11ac1 Th• 11roo1 1cld111u and 01nor h1•1.or1 nH ond i.10 11· yf>\H ooc11ml'lll1 common de11gnlll1on 11 wny 01 ttro ul>Jt't IHlfll u r ftl<· w n l tt·n l:ath bidder sllull •ullmlf 011 H1t1 1111 p1opu11y doscrrood .aoov11 11 101,n 1urn.,r1uo wllll 11111 G01\110" Pu•PQ•IOd 10 be 458·Costa Mesa ubJl'l'ltOll)I w1lh lht• l'u u r t d0<.umon1• o 1111 of the proposed Str04ll, Co110 Mesa, Ce bt•fon• th<' hl'l:lrtrlg Your 1uocoro1111cto1\ °" 11111 p101ec1 &'> Tho u1111urs1gned d1sclo1m1 My opiwaron('(• nwy bl' 1n lil.!fitlJt\ r11qu11t1J by the> Sullle11111g and habtllty lot 11ny lncottectneu 01 the or by y9ur ullornc•y Subc:OOllU"lll{I Fo11 flr8CllGe~ Act ·11ree1 oddred end Olher COMmQI\ i F y 0 u A H E A Oovt Cod11 Sec: 4 100 et HQ des19ne11on ti any, snown ne11111 , , Eatll btO<le• mu91 ~ubm11 wttn hr~ Se•d ule wlll be made bul CHEU! fO.H 111 ti li111tmgt•nl t>•d certolotic:I or cun1e1 '1 check w1thou1 covenant or warrenly t·n-d1tor of 1h1• d('{'{'11M-<l, you p.iyot>le tu 11111 DISTRICT or a b•d e•p•et~ O• omphec:t 1egord1ng 111i. m u st file-your d;11m with tilt! bond 111 1n11 form 'el lorln m the po5541111on or enc;umbr1nce1 to h con1rac1 documt111b .n en umovnl p11y the 1omo1n1ng pr1nc1p111 sum 01 court or Prt'lil'Al ll lo I e 1101 less thOn 10•,, 01 lhe m11J11mum lhe nolOC•) secured by s111d Ot!eC ot pl•ri.onu I t l pr1•1wn la t 1ve amount or b•d 111 • gu1111111ll'o that 11u11. w11n 1n1e1u1. thereon 111 llJ>J'lOllHl•d by the c·uurt th11 01c1our wrll enter 1n10 the p1ov1do<I on Ollld note(s). advllncoa. w1th1n four monthl\ frum the propo$Od con1111c1 11 Ille same ts 11 an~ Tinder 1n11 1e1ms 011n11 Delld Juli• o f firt.l issuanct· r f uwarued 10 him In trHl evenl or ol Tru" l ees. charge• and • ' 1e11u1e 10 11nJ1:r 1n10 1i11d contract e.c~ses of me Trustee and ot the lt'llt•rs as p rov1dl'l.I in &'<:lion such secumy Wiii be lorlell llUllS created by Sl!d Dead ol 700 or thl• P i ubaltc <.:ode· o f The DISTRIC.T resOfvH the nglll Trust to-w11 Sll,16227 Calt(orn1;. Th{• 11nw for 10 1e1ec:1 any Ci< ull 01ds 01 10 waive Th• bfrnll1c:1ary under said Oeeo f I g ·I w II not '·Xp ~. .iny trreQufatollllio Of onlormahtoes In OI Trull heretOIOlll e•et:Ullld •nd I In ( illfmlt t h .:f h..- anv btO• or tn '"" D•Od•"9 dehv1red 10 1ne unde1a1gned a prior to our monl ~ rom Tile DISTRICT nu 00101ned 1tom w111t11n Oectara11on of Deloull ano l hl· date o f lhl• h l•anng lhe 011ec101 01 1no Depertmen1 01 Oemend tor Sale and a wrrllen nOlK'l.'Cf abCJVC' lnduslrral RelOllOI\~ floe general No1tce OI Dolault and Eloclron 10 YOU MA y EXAMINE prevaohng rate 01 !)ti• diem wages 111 Sell The undersogn11d c.au!Wld said the locallly 1n whoth lt111 work IS to NollCe OI Delaull and Election 10 ttll' felt• kl'p l by lht• l:OUrt [( oe perlblmed lor each crar1 or lypo Sell 10' btl recordeo on lhe counrv you are intl•n ·stcd 1n th <' ul worker needl'tl 10 "•t<Cule lhe wlle•e lhe real prope11y 1s localed l'Sl<llC', you mav fill• a rt>qU~l cohtr;icl Such ralfll ere•~ lollows Ne mo. Slr'!el Address Ind with thC' cou·rl to rl'l"l'l\'I' Crtfl, Cl111lllc1llon. or typa. Teltpt\ono Number of T1ustee or I f h f I f Weg• Rat• P81S0'1 ~\Kltng sale IS CHIC.AGO Spc'Cla n ullt'C 0 I (' I ing Q Tne Ille" p0bhlhl!d wage •ales Tll LE INSURANCE COMPANY thl' inventory of lhC' e:.talt.' ••e on Ide <.ind a\rarl•bl~ !or 3255 W1lsh11e Blvd . Los Angele\ aSM"IS and of lhl• pc•utions; 1nspec11on tn lhl4 ollu;e 01 lh• Ce 90010 Tel (2131380·39•0 accounli. and r<'POrl ~ Dfrector, Php!Cll rotollloes THE HOPE TRUST d ........ s 1"00. Planning DEED COMPANY escr ...... ""' tn l'Cllt)O J{. .;) The foregoing schedule 01 per as Trus1~ o f lhl• C al1fornw P roblltl' diem wages IS l>hed upon a By Chicago 111e Code. - work1ngdoyole1gt11!8)tlours Tne lnsutanceC p1111y. Reiter & R e ller 3600 rat!' 101 holiday and ovetllme wOtll. egenl u'll b' Bl d S ' •220 thall oe at lei!ISI tom• and one.nail By Armand c Saucedo " S ire V " l e. " • 11 Shall be mendetory upon the Asst Sec1e111ry Los Angeles, CA 900 I 0 CONrRACTOR to wnom I lle Pubhshed 01a.nge Coas1 Dally l'uhlt•l,..d IJ• 111111 t .... 1 IJ~•h contri\Ct os awaro~q and upon any Pilot Nov 10. 17 2• 1982 l'1lu1 N•" II• t.! Vi Wlil sul>conhactor under nom, lo pay not 4871 82 le5s 1nan lhe said 5'W'C•l>ed 1ale5 10 ------------- an workers employed lly lhcm •n lhe e•eGUllon ol lhe conll{ICI No bidder may wllhdraw hts btd for a peroOd ol 1ony·llve 1451 da~ lilllN' 1hc dale .;e1 lor t11e opening 01 bills A p a y m o n 1 b o n d J•n d a pertotmanc:e oonct w.11 be 1equ11ed pnor 10 execullon of the contrac;I ano snail t>e on the lorm se1 l0tlh on ,,,._ con1rac1 documenls A manda101y walk·lnru will Ile neld on Tue•day. Novembc• 23. 1982 at 10 a m " Golden W~M College You mus1 111tend lhe wall..· thru to bod tho 1ob Pursuant to S!'ttoon •590 of me Government Code ot Ille S1a1e ol C1hfo1n1a Iha eontrect won con1a1n provo11ons perm111ong the succeaslul bidder 10 subshlule secu11hes for anr moneys withheld oy lhe 01Sl•.CI 10 ensure l)f'rlormance unde• lhe contract GoVf!f n1ng Board By Norm1n E Watson Secretary. Boa•ct ol Tlus1ees Published Oran11e Coas1 01111y PllOI Nov 10 17 1982 4971·82 P\8.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE H..o240I NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. NO. f ·t17IO IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPEflTY OWNER YOU ARE IN OEFAUl.T UNOER A OEED OF TRUST OA.TED 6110/81 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF VOU NEED AN EXPl.ANATION OF THE NATUR E OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULO CONTACT f< LAWYER PUBLIC NOTICE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANG£ In the Metter or the ApphC811on 01 Jllr\noler SMITH McCOY tor Change ot Name CASE NUMIEll At1SU4 • ORDEA TO SHOW CAUSE FOii CHANG€ Of NAME JENNIFER SMITH McCOY nes l1led • peltlton m 1t111 court tor an O•der allowing pe1111oner 10 cnange h!Si her l'!ame lrom Jennifer Smotn McCoy 10 Jen111te1 £hzat>elh Smotn II IS hereby ordered lhat all person1 1n1ereste.d on tne maller oloresaro appea1 1111ore thrs cOll•I 1n Oeparlmenl No 3 II 700 Civic Center 011ve Well S1n11 Ant Celllorn.11 on Ol!oembel 8. 1982. 81 10 30 o clOck a m Ind 1nen .tnd lhere 1~ cauH 11 any they nave why 111d pe1111on tor change 01 name 11\ould not be gr11n1o0 "'OP€1tTY OWNElt CONNECTION WfTH AH ASSUMPTI CPP·291U On December 8. 1982. 11 10 00 a m IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA at duly eppolnlld Trusiee unoe1 Ind pursu1n1 to Deed ol T1us1 recorded June Ill, 1118 I H lllSI No 30024 on bOOil 14 108 page 69 1 01 Ot11c1a1 Records 1r1 1ne oll~ 01 1ne County R~orders ot Orange County. Slltt 01 C1111orn11 eMeculed by Al.I.AN E HELLER and MAUREEN HELLER, h11sband and wile WILL SELL AT PVBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Cpayeble at 1ome of 11111 In l•wlul money or tne Unoled Stales) at lhe No1lh lronl on11ence 10 11\8 County CourthOUH. 700 C.vic Cenler Orrve Wes! Senll Ano CA ell right, lltle end lnlafesl conveyed to and now nold b~ 11 under said Deed of Trull 1n tll• p1operty 111uatod 1n said Counly and S111e oestrtbed as II 11 lurthet ordettd that a copy 01 thl$ o rder to 1/\ow cause be puoloshed 1n tne Dally Piiot. a newspaper or general Clfcu1a110" pubhsned on lh•• counl)' 81 least once • week lo• lour conMGUrl•e wt'1k1 proof to 1ho day or said hHllng Daled Oc:lober 29 1982 FRANK OOMENICHINI Jlldge of 1 he YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A OF CERTAIN UAalUTIES NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S 8.A.LE OEED OF TRUST, DATED 9_7.7g, AND RELATED ASSETS T.S. Mo. f ·23t41Ha1J11 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Tnos 11 lo lnlorm Ille publ•c lhOI NOTICE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT under Secllon 563 22(bl ol lhl YOU ARE IN OEFA.ULT UNDER A MAY 8E SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. R11l8' and Regulallons 10111'11\lnlnc• OE E O OF T fl U 8 T OAT E O IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION of Accounls. Hemel Federal OCTOBER 1, 1811. UNLESS YOU OF THE N ATURE OF THE Saving& end Loan Asaoc1111on TAKE ACTION TO PltOTEC'f PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU Himel Caltlomln has filed tln YOU:r PROPEltTY, IT MAY BE SHOULD CONTACT A 1.AW'l'ER 1ppllca11on tor p1rm1u1on to SOL AT A 'VII.IC SALE. If YOU On OE~MBER 8. 1g82. al 10 00 oncreue llCCOUnts of Ill\ insurable NEED AN EXPLANATION Of THE AM . IMPERIAL CORPORATION type bV , .. son or th• anumpltOn of NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING OF AMERICA II duly appo1nt1d certain hab~ohes and rellled llMIS AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOUl.O Trual H under and purauan1 to ol P.te1hc Ft!deral Savings ano Loan C<>ttTACT A LAWYEll. Deed of Trvat recorded Septembel Assoc1a1ron. Costa Mesa Ce111orn11 On November 24 1982, •• tO 00 14. tg7g, '' lnll No 14654, in locetOd at the lollowtng branc:n AM . BUCKEYE RECON\/EYANCE bOOil 1330J.. pege 616, of Oll'Cl•I oll>ces 2og Eu1 Slelson Avenue COM P .AN Y , o C 1IIro,n1 a Record• In the olflce or th• County Hemet Cahlor111a and 4l857 Easl Corporation os duly appolnlod Recorder• of Orange Counrv. Slate FIOrodt Avonue. Heme1 Calllorme Trusteo unde• snd pursuant 10 ol Call!Ol'nla •HC:ultd by THOMAS Anyone mey wr11e in favor or Dtea 01 Trust dated Oclober 7, N KIER. a. widower, WILL SELL AT protesl 01 tho appllca11on Your 1981 reco1ded November 13, 1981. PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST commonlt may dtSCUSS l><;t llfe nOI a! inst No 14353. "' book 14289, BIDOER FOR CASH (payabla al llmoled lo th• appl1ean1 s record ot Pll9f' g56 of Ollte•il Records 1n 111e lime of 11118 In llW'ful money of the parformance In llelp.ng 10 mett IMI olhce of lhe County Rocord4u of Unltld Sia IHI a1 the Nor lh front c red 1 I needs o I 1 I s Io c 11 Or1nge County Sl•I• ot Calff0fn111 en1rance 10 int County CourthouM. commun111er. Four cop.es mus1 t>e E , e cu 1 e d by ELIZ ABET H I 700 CMC: Ctnl .. Drrve Wnl. Santo rectrved l>y 'Superv11ory Agent CORZINf: e Widow Wll.L SELL AT Ana. CA, ell 1lghl. lrlle and lnteteat Federal Home Loan Bank ol San PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST convayod lo end now hold by 11 F11nc11co, 600 Ca11lo11110 Slrffl. BIDDER FOR CASH IPlyaDle al under Hid Deed of Tru1t ln th• Poll Of11ce So• 7941 Sin lime or sara 1n lawful money ol ltle property allu111d In Hid Coun1y F1onclsco, C1111orn1a 94 120 " by United S111111) a1 the Iron! ouis1oe and Slele detc:rlbed n : Novoml>ll• 27, 1982 An add1Uonel enrranco 10 1h1 Con11non111 Home l.ot 63 of Tr1Ct No. 1700, City 20 deys 10 1ubmll nommen11 may Loen budding 11 434 South E11ct1d. of Newport Beach, u lhown on • be obt11ne<1. pro111dl0 such rtQuest Anenerm, CA ell rrgn1. 1111e and mac> •-did In Book 52, pages 7 la received 1n w1111ng by th• 1n1erest conveyed 10 1n0 now held end 8 of M~ Mllj)I, 1n lhO Supttv~ Agent by November 27 oy 11 under u•o Deed or Trull 1n the olllco of tht Counly Recorder 01 1082 prope1ty 111ualed 1n said County u ld Counly Anyone sendrno • sub1tan11a1 eno Stile Cletc:'tobod as _ Exoeptong therefrom all Otl. g11, pro1111 may request an 0111 LOI 15 01 Traci No 6407, County m l no rth 1nd hydrocarbon argumen1 on lhe appl~l•on as HI of Orange Stall of C1hlorn11 at tubsl•n~t 11'1 and under u td land. torlh In Seclton 543 2(11 ol lhe per map t1cordod 1n Book 237. but with Ou I 1111 right of surface Ru let end Regu1a11on1 tor I ho pages 40 and • 1 of M1ece1111neoua 1ntry to • depth ol 500 lett. edaral Savings 1nd Loan Sy11em Mops, 1n the oll1C:t of lhe Counly me1sured lrom the su1leco O• • prOIHI lo be c:on11dored Recoider ot 1010 COun1y thereof. es reterved In dead ubst1n1111. It muSI be wflllen, The str•OI ae1d11n end 0111er rec:ocdtd In booll 13309, PllOI 613, ac:eoveo on ume, Ind cont1111 11 common det1gn111on. 11 any, or lhe Olllcl•I Record• of H id Orang• 8811 '"' IOllOWlng ,, • SUl'llfl'lllf)' Of real prope•ly dHC:•ll>ld lbOW .. County he 1ea.t0n1 tor lhe protest 21 the l)Ufported 10 be 7335 Orch•d Hill Thi t trM t lddron el'ld Olhtr 1hc: ma11 .. 1 obiectod to 111 the Pltce. San11 Ana Helghll. CA common Oet19n111on. It tn'f, Ol IM ppllc;,llon or In lhe 1pp11c1n1 I 92701 1eet propel1y de1crtb8d •bove 11 mmunlly Mf\11« record, 31 Itel$ Th• u n d 1111 g n e d Tr u a 1 t • purpor11d to be nciud1no any rtlevanl economic or d 11cl11ms 1ny lfe l>lllly lor eny 1315 Bonnie Doon• T1rraee. ln1nc111f rnlormallon, which 111ppar1 1nc0treGtnoss of 1h1 S1ree1 1dd1ess Corona dll Mer. OA 112625 nt p1otHI and 4l any adv•,.,. and other common det1gnatlon, 11 Tne unde111gnod Trull•• flt Olt on you• 01geml4llon or 11ny, snown t1ere1n dl1cl1lm• 1ny lllblllly tor 1nr ommu1111y wnoch mey resu11 from Sald Ult will 1>• m1de, wuh lnc:orreclh811 of Iha tlreet add11111 PP•OY•I ot lht llPPllClllllon wllho ul covtnelnl or wa1111nty. end other common 4Mt1on111on. If Vou mey IOOk ot Ille 1pplic111on e•P•ess or rmpllo!O, YOQll'dtng 1111e. A SUBLEASEHOLD EST A 1 E IN ANO TO Supeuor Courl Publlsned Orange Co11t Daily Pilot. NO\I 10 17 24, Dec: I, 1982 4959·82 l.OI 110 ol TtaGI No 3s1g, In th• -------------Clly ot Nt"hl>Ofl Beech. es Shown on P\8.IC NOTICE a M1p rec;ordod In Book 128 pages 18 10 21 onclut<Ye ot M1scetl1neous ,...,P' rocords of Orange Counly C1t1IOl'l\la Tne strell eddress and olll•• common deslQnetlOll, 11 .tny, 01 1ne 1e11 p1ope11y desc:robed 1bovo II p0rpor11d 10 l>8 450 I Wayne Roed. Co•OJ\I del Mor. CA 92625 The u11oers1gned Truste1 d•scl11m1 any 11abllllv lor any •nc0trKlneas ol lhe strHI addrns 1nd olhff common designation II 1n'( allown herein Said ule will be made, but wllhout covon1n1 or wetranty, el(Pl'•H or lmplltl<I, reg.tiding 11111. PoHHllOn or encumbrances, 10 p1y 1ne remaining pnnclpal aum of the noie ~ured l>y Hid Deed ol Trull wttn 1n1ares1 thereon. as provlded 1n Uid note. a<tvencet. ti 1ny under 1n1 1erma ol uld DMd of Trull. 11e1. charges end t•pen111s 01 11\8 Trustee anes 011111 11us1 ere.tied by setd Deed of Trvll. FICTITIOUa IUSINEIS NAME STATEMENT rne totl<lw'no perS0111 ,,. docng t>ut1neu a.s ACCOUNTS RE CEIVABLE. 1800 E Gariy Avenue, S1111e t 18. Sanll An•. Cal1torn11 02706 James Kennelh 01v11. 15500 Tustin Vltl1g1 Way. No 18, Tusllf\ Cllllornoa 92680 Renell Ro1nn1 Davis, 15500 Tustin \/ollage W1y, No 16, Tustm, California 112680 This bUSll\8ll ~ oonduclld 11y an 1ndMdull J..-.K 0.1111 Ranell R Devil This sta11men1 w11 llted Wilh the Coun1y Clerk 01 Orange County on Novemt>er 1, tg82 F20107e Published Orenge Coat! Dally Potol, Nov 3, 10, 17. 2 4, 1g92 4784-82 10 1 the e1noun1 r e11on1bly ----.-.. -'IC_NO_TI_C_E __ _ os11ma11C110 be $141,SOO 00 l"UUl. Tbe benellc:lary und-tr u ld Dold 01 Trull llorelolore •~1c:uted Ind STATEMENT OF AIAMOONMEMT d1llvet1d 10 tl\I und1t1lgn1d 1 Of VU OF w11tten· Oecf11a1ton of deleult ind FICTITIOUS IUltHISI NAME Demond tor Salo, and a wrlllen The lollowong per.sons hive No!lc:e ol O.liutt end Elecuon lo 1b1ndoned tne Ute of tho l1c:u1oous r-. 1 Th d d ..... I"' buslneas nem11. ...,1 • un ers•gne coll .... ai" DRESS AFFAIR 19003 BelCll Nolle• or Default and El1c:llon lo Sell lo bO rtc:orded on lhe county Blvd Hunllnglon Boac:h CaWlomoa w1*o Ille real P<OP81'1Y II IOCOll!<I 92S.8 Dato October 28. tll82 Tne F1c1111ous B1111nen Name fMfl'lfllAl COll~OllATION Of' r1l1rreO lo above w11 ltlld 1n AMIRICA Ot1nge Counly on Sei>tttrnl>er 28. 8717 c-... Of. 1979 Sen OlteO CA 1212' C11V1n D Kl1Schonm1nn end (711) 2tf-Janal R KirchontT11nn. 24382 Eetrolllt ChefftlleYleln, Falcon 1.11n1. El Toro, Ca1t101n11 T1vetff/• •• Oftlcer 92630 Publl h8d Newport Hart>or News Thlt busonosa •• condueted o~ •n ,,. 0 1nd1Vodulll .-r111 combined wllh lh• "j.• c11 In D t< tc~l'lllM 1ny, .nown l\efeln a11d •II cornme nll lllod •• '"• posans10(\, 01 1ncumb•1nces. to ..,_IC lllfUtrc Seid sale wlll b• m1do, but Fedo•ll Home loan Bani.. ol San pay 1n. rema1n1ng ponctpaJ 111m ol r~ ""''-wltlloul covenant or w1u1nty, F1encl•co unleu 1ny tucll the nollltl MCU!ed by said 0..0 of OfflGl•l RecOl'd• of aaJO County nno __________ 4_9_10_._e2 "~erallont"I Proparty 11 more commonly Co.SI Oelty Piiot Nov 10 17. 4, Thlt iltle:'nont w~~ hied Wllh t~ 11182 4iµ7 .. 2 County Cle•k of Otonge County on -------------.NO...-n1>e1 5 1982 known •• 10 Park Vl11e. lr'Ylne. -------------'ICTITIOUI .,._,, ••P<llJ or knpltOd roglf'dlng lllle, malenalt 110 11u1mpt oy 11w lrom f11111. with 1n111111 thereon H Calllornl.t T <>91thtr with ell Ind elogular tho 1tnomente. ho1edllom•l'll l 1nd appurtonance1 lhtreunto bolonglng 01 In anywlM 8PPftllinlng. PUBLIC NOTrCE IS HEREBY GIVEN Thi! 011 Thu radl)'. Olc:ofnw 2. 11182. at 10:30 o'ctoc:ll • m 01 thal d•Y 11 M•ll'I Lobby. ~. 700 OMc: OlnMf DfM w .. 1. City 01 Santi Ana I Wiii ... th• 1bove dH c:rlbtd ptoporty, under Mid Wflt llOd dec:IM , tit to mucn 111ttoo1 .. mov ~ l\OOHltfY 10 H lltlV H id ludgm ont with tn1erM1• tnd coete. to Ille nlOflMt t>lddor, IOI' c:l8ll In lawtvl m<ll'IO'f Of llle Vniled 811 .... Otled 11 Santa Ma. C1Uf0tnle. ()c;tOl)er 2&. , .. , • BAAOOAt U , Sherlft-coron.r COllfllW .. °"""' ~ ~·t--....i. HICICI\',~ ,AW .... Cot.LITT. =re"~ :..:::;.~. ,11ai11111H o""r c out 0111~ ltl!Ot,Hov 3, 10, 1 tiff 412a.tl ,, . NIIMI ITATW....-r P<>1"..-.11on, OI encumbroncM , 10 pt1bhe. dlKJosure fl you llevt tl'ly p1ov1dod in aaJO nott(t) advances The 1~ pel'IOM tfo dOltlO P•Y 1he u1mt1nlnQ prlnc:1p•I IYl'l'I Of quu tlona t1oncorn1ng 1neae 11 any, uncMlt th• 1er1111 ol uld OMO bullllltl "~ the nott(I ) MCurecl by Mid 0..0 Of pro cad u ro •. con 111 c I Ill• o l T r u11. lou, c nargos end YHE RENTAi. SPECIALISTS, Ttutt, with lnttrHI lllerton, II Supor1111ory A~l al lilt ftOtral e•pen,.. ot 1110 TtuttM MO Of ll'lt 30 l3 I Town Center Drive • t30, provided In Hid no1t(e), t<Svtt1c.e, Homo loAn B11nk ol S•n f n111c11eo trull• cro1111d lly OICI Ottd 01 l..Jl9Ul'8 Nlguol. C.itfornla 02677 If 1ny, under 111e l8fm1 ot M id 0..0 Published Orange Cetll•I De11y Trull. NIQu•I Auoclitu, inc .. • o f f f'ull, fou . cht rou 1nd Piiot Nov 10, 17 1912 Tht total 1m0un1 of tht unpt1d Celltornla c:orporetlon. 30l3t Town ••.,..,.._ ot lhO TrullM anCI of lht • 490~·92 bllanct Of Inf ot>loOlllOl'I Mc:urod Ceftlef Ortwe .. ,,., L..,ne ....... IMll Crottecl by t tld ~ 01 ""''· 1.~~~~---~~=~-~-:-1 ~ lllO l)IO~lllf 10 " aolO end CtltlorntiOH'7? rot tllo emount ronon1bl r "*'ft NOTIC( reaaon•b•t u11111111d co111 Thlt ~ 11 conduotecl b'f , eet•meted lo be M0.300 00 eapenMt and .o.-~ 11 the umo corporltlon Tl'l8 beMflc:jwy undlf 11ak1 Deocl 'tcTlnGUt .,_,, 01 tnt 1n1t1•I publlcellon of •Ill NiOt* AMOdlll ... tno Of '1'r1111 heretofore H teulecl t l'ld NAMI ITATl.MINT NO\CC. Of s ... 11125 113 :x> Aic:hard D. Hwrleon, d11tv1rod to th• undaretontd • T"8 lotfOWlnQ E*IOM 111 doing Tiie t>One1i..11ry ul'ldef Mild OHd Prelldent Wflllen Otc111at1on ot Oolau11 I nd bYllM8I ., of Trutl nertlofore ••ocutall aM Tiii• •1•1-t WM flied with ,.,. Oemlnd IOf ,., •• •nd • wrltl8" IA&HrUL PALACl , U 64' dellYll8d to th• und11a1gn1d II Counl'J' c i..11 of orenge County on Notice ot Dctlt11ff llnd lllct!on to 011udt C1tclo, Llltt f oro t . Wftlt1111 Oeo111a110n ot 00111111 1AC1 Seoleml>ef 21, IH2 .... Tl'lt 111\fftliOned CIUMd Ill"' C .. tlOfl'lill 92630 Otmand for 91le, VICI I 1111tllttn '"1M "411CO Of Ooltull end !too11on to 1ev111y 1<r11u111n, 22141 Notte• of Default and lleOt•Ofl IC> l'ut>lllhtd Ore"'" Coeet OeHy 8111 10 be 1ecorded In 1"8 oounty C1t11 dt C1rc1•. l Jlle r oreet ... Tiie undol..,ned cllllld Mid' Piiot. OCt 20. 2T. ..., a. tO. IMZ ~~ ~ IOcalecl CllilOfflll t2t30 Nolteo ot Oeftvll ~ ~ to -.----------'-·12-i ........ '""f.ii'l:co1t, o' o.!:J.•~=.:.•· '" ::,:.,:-,=::.:-:9iou0C::tv AMlNCA 12182 01111 OCI°"' It, 1M2 1717 ~Dr-. Thia .,.,... it eondue1.0 11y I UCl<IVI "tcONVIV • a.i Diieo. CA ti ltl Oif*al OMlnertilllP ANCl COMllAHY ~~...., ~ ~"" 4i 4 8 ludlll I ~·. Tntt tt8*'*1' .. flied wlltl Anel!Olm, CA f210a T..,.._., ._ °"'°" Collntv Cfillfll ot Oreng11 c°""'V 11•-n1-1oa:t Putlillllltd.......,.,, ._ • .._. Oatobof 1 I, 1112 8Y O.ObMt loll p,... COlftlliMd "'"' "'9 Ortnte ,_ Alltl\OfllOCI tlOflll'lltt C0Mt 0111J ltllOt H0¥ 10. 17. 14, 'ubttei.•d Oflnt• Cot11 Oetl 1'11bh•flH Or•ntt Co .. 1 Di iiy 11ta "'°'· HoY , to. 11. a• ,.., "'°' "°"' '· 10 ,, '"' ..... u ...,. .. ,.. .. ' "8.IC NOTICE ,tCTITIOUa llU ..... MAM tTATl•NT Th• following l>O•M>ll& aro dotrig but1n1u •• N f W PORT IRVINE fl»IOl Publlthed Orengo Co1tt Deity "1IOI Nov 10, 17 24. 0ec: 1, ttH 4779--82 Pt8l.IC NOTICE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER. 2192 '1CTITIOVI llU-U Mtrll!\ S1111t 2•0. lmno CA 92115 NAm ITATllmJIT . ....--.--... Oon•ld II Grul)• D 0 S , l lle foflowlnO ~ -OOlflO lt'lcorpo11t od I • C e tllornla bulllMSI u COll)Ol8llOl11. 2192 Matlin Sufi• 240, CALIFORNIA LIM OUSIN E CA 127 ,. 8fRVICf, Clo Kr•r & 81'1\llll uoo Thll bu!Mneu 11 conducted l>y • Mec:Arthllr 9~1 No 300. ~ Otponttton lffcll. CA 02eoo Ooneld A Gru~. "8M CONSOl.IOAU!O. INC. a D D s .. lno. C•llle1nl• 001por•11on, 241'7 Don11d A OruOfl, 0 0 S Sllflflyfl'ICNl(I 8IVd • S~. CA Pt1t1dt •1I 02' .. TNt t1et1,,,..\\ wtt l•lecl Wllf\ the TN• bv~ II ~ ~ • OUftlf Cleft ot °'.,... Cootnty on GOf'PO'•tlon "· 1111 "8M Col Hid ..... tl)e. ,,_ LIV ........... ..... Pub11111e0 Oreng• Ce111 Deity Tiiie tt•temMt ... 111'4 ~ IN ~ 10 t7. 24 0.0 1.1._IMI CoUfl'Y Clerti Of °'** County Oft .,,.,,.., OctaMt' 14. , .. , 1--..-..~...;..;;;;.._--~~----~ ...... Cell Hl-1171. ,.., ...... ,.,. .... ,91 .. , ....... ..,.. c ........... ... ... _.... ....... . ===~OA­,;:_ °" •. r,:;, ~ • • • • aeo1•• NaWS ~·AHGEL.9 A dlttwbed entett .. ner ueea the 11mu1e1ec1 llOicM of lemou. 8Cf.n 1*90f't· ... , ... 10 drop cluM M to wtlO .. c;ommlttlng • --of mwdln. · e llOHT •ENOUGH The houMhold .. In Gtleol whel'I Abby and Tom 00 -9)' !Of .... end. • M"A"S"H The 4017th II bu1y loolllnSI •lttt WOYnded KorHn dvlllenl wMn • lhlny tlM8 ChewOlel pulll Into e1mp. , • HAWAII RVf.O · P11r11clPMll In I ylChllnQ r1ee from CelltOfnla to >tewlll bec:ome the tergett of • trio of mut~-murd­««•.: 8 OVEREA8Y Ouelt: Llrry H1gmen. 9 • UNDEAflTAHDINO HUMAN aetAVK>R l"Plk\ ===:: .. N9CNEW8 =-SMYUNE * * * "The Clnc;fnn1tl Kid" ( t965) Steve ~. Edw1rd G. Rot>- lneoo. A young Cllrdthaip • trlM. to belt the king of 1tucf ~-In • battle for Pl'•llge. CB)TWO OF HEMTS When 1 tO-yMt-old bllCk girl, the product or .,, lnterreclel matrlllge, neede a new kidney, her •tranged wN1e mother conMnts to be the clonot. (J) GREAT lADID OF COUNTRY MU8IC • Lynn Anderson, Donna Fargo and l.ley J . Dalton Ire IMtured In I llw per- fOftnMOe taped II the MGM Grand Hot.. In Reno.~ •. 0MOVIE • • "My Champion" (t98t) Yo¥ Shimada. Chfll Mltc:hum. The tTUe story ol a lernale J.,.,_ running c:l\lmpfOI> II told. l:30 I ~CAVETT GUiit: Jonatllen Miiier. 1.,,£5:::. WORLD OF PEOPlE 7:00 C8I NEWS N8CNEW8 HAl'PV DAYS MAIM Fonzie com. IO the r11- we whel'I femele motorey- c;Mlt• eome to town to Ml· lie a ICOl'I with Clllichl. I ::..NEWIQ C.ol _,Jodie'• pro- poul and Bline rl'lellll wtlat hu made nar ltlCh • dleguetlng peraon, i :-ScowAHV .I**'• "1endt ... he Is the cilef at • laney f.rendl reatlUfant wtlefe he Is ectualty a ,buaboy. 11 JOKER'S WllD IU81HESS AEPORT (I) P .M. MAGAZINE dlENnRT~ TONIGHT An Interview wtth Denny Kaye. • OMHOE COUNTY TODAY CB> AU.-NIOHT """*> The nny golog.on at an all-night .radio 1t1llon are Mt!t'tndJi.. CD)MOYIE **'h "Paternity" (t98t) Burt Reynold•. a.-ty D' Angelo. A~ In Ilia lor11e1 wtlO wanta to be a l•ther -en.. ~ the right woman to beer his _...,.. Tbe late Jobn Wayne stars in ''Cablll: United States Marshal," &be story of a lawman who tracks bank robbers only to find b.ls sons involved. Tbe movie plays at 8 tonight on KCOP, Channel 13. Ctllld. 'PO' Cl) fAEAIE TALE THfA~ "RumpentNtlllln" ~ Vllleehl lH lllrl 11 e ltrange little man wllO '*Pl • mlllef'• dauohter (£'=Into gOld. **'A "The Mad Adwn· tur• Of Rlbt>l Jacob" (t974) LOUii De Funet, Suzy Delalr. An lmpulll111 bualneuman dl1gul111 ~ ... ,.bbl. 1:30 8 2 OH TffE TOWH ~lured: • Ylall to the home of Eric E8treda; • tour of C....O.O•. Florida: a look 11 NASA Sp~ Por1. ·~YFBJO • • ~ "Th• Poseidon Adllenture" ( 1912) G- Hac:ltrnen, eme.1 Bol'g- n1ne. Alt« a ahlp It cap- ~ by I tldll Wl\11, Ille ~ atruggle to stay 1111¥9 until hefP erri-. 8 EYEONLA. FNtured: a prollle ol aetrMI JOll'I Collins of "Oynuty"; ""'91It11Yc11 to be a Lu Vegas ahowgt(I. the ptobleml of t~ MX; an Interview wOh radio peraon1lltl11 Ramondo and the 8llde. II MADAME'S PLACE Mademe'1 Marine ..,. ~' ~ put• the mll\llon through balllc training, G!Mlt· Frankie Avllon. , • M"A'8"H In ord« to rllM money to .-ld 1111 Kor_.. houMboy to medical actlool. Hawll- eye 1114 up a raffle with the prize belfllj • weekend In Totiyo with one ol the ,_,,__ I ()) TIC TN; DOUOH MAQel./~ NPORT G IH P£AFORMAHCE AT THE WHfT£ HOUSE Vlolinlst ltzhak Perlmen petforms ~ Preeident and Mra. Ae9garl and thlW ~ frOfll the Eat Aoom of Ille Wtllte Howe. di YOU A8MED FOR IT F•tured: "Riding lnelde A 8111" and "Cambodian B1re-H1nded Bee Fanner:· • COUEOE VOUEY8ALL Cellfomll State Titans "' UClABNlns <B)YUIERTEAR.-1942 Didi Cewct looil• It ltle •• of -borldl. "\llc;tory 09'0..... food and D9I ratlonlno and 1111 Big-Band sound ltOllg with IP8Clll ~ Ralpfl L~g. I -"'-of ltle lnfMIOUI Bel..i 0..111 Mwdl. t.'00. ()) SEVEN BNOES FOA SEVEN 8AOTHEM Danlel befriends an llcohollc; ,_ c:ountry mw1c at• It'd ,,,.. to helc> !Wm~ 1111 career. D 8 MAL PEOPl.E A salute to Amerlc:a't 1111· eran• and .... 1c:emen ,.. tur• the 40th annlWrlery ~atlon of the WACS. a reunion ol Vletn•m flgllltt pHoJ•, 1111<1 a Ylllt with 11141 hlgh•1t-11nklng female cadet at W•I Point I OJ THE fAU. OUV MOVIE • • Y. "Zono" ( 1976) Alaln Delon, Stan~ SMer A Sp1nl111 nobleman t>ecomet a swordtman and UfQll the poor to rebel lgalnll a detpOllO mlllt•ry oovennor. (!)SOAP The Jury ~a Y«diet and C«lnne and F11nar Tim c:ome 10 • decltlon about their Mure. .. P.M. MAGAZINE A nudltt 11C>9'1men1 com- plex In Auatln, Tellu: 1 looll II the c;onlrOllltsy """ 111rdl blocker diet pillL • MOVIE • * • "C•hlll: United Stat• Mar.i.al" ( 1973) John W1yne, George Ken- nedy A tough Jewman tr eeks down wlly bani! tobber• only to find hi• two '°"' lnvOlllld with lhe ;'° ... P£AfOAMAHCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE Vlolinllt ltzllak Pittman performs tor President and Mre. ~an and their gueatl from the Eul Room of the While HouM (C)MOW * * * "Th-• Days 01 The Condor" (\975) Robert Rectford, Faye Oun1w1y A r-d'I rMder employed by the CIA uncc>'</9fl Inter- nal treedlery when Ill of lllt co-wortcers ,,. ...- slnated by a hit man wtlO Is now 11a1111no htm CS)eaAAAE John Byner lhowl you thlno• 1tranger than truth, target then Nie, and zanier thll'I anything VoU ... --· 0MOV1E * 1t fir "Tiie Little Prlnot" (t974) Alcllatd Kiiey. ~ Wilder. An ait1illl pllol llrlnded In the deMt'1 eocounters a llrange Mttle boy from • diltant ~· wtlO II -c:hlnO for the cauae of hll un~ 1:$0 (!) CffAAUE'8 A.NOEl.8 Tile Angell go undetc;o-.19t In the wono of piofa .. 101111 tennis to find out whO 11 kllflng IOI) female plllylO'I prlot to mllCheS Wiii\ I niale dlemp. • IO YOU TMNI< YOU GOT TAOUBl.£1 G 0088P fAOM TlfE fOM8T The 1tory behind 11141 llgn- lng of the World Ww I annlstloa In ~ber of t9 ta, and the ordlnwy men wtlO found 111em- ...,.. tllllng pert In the negotl111ont, It drama- tlud. (H)MOYIE • • .. The lnc;redlbl• Stwlnltlng WOf!\11\" ( tNO) Liiy T omlln. CNrtel Gro- din. A llOuMWlle llndt II ti.rd 10 cope whel'I .,,. ~ beOfnt lo tlltlnk In llize. 'PO· ·------·-------- u,. ••c..i~ bllf1>11U t1141 ~ lllQ o! Ille Wotld W11 I 111111ttk;1 In No_,..l>ef ul 1 ~ II tll1d 11141 ordlllat y m111 11rtiG IO<MllJ 1'*11• ........ ••lt!O 1'1111 In .... ll~OllllJOnl, It d1tm1 1111(1 • IO\.OOHll rA 1111wyer 111\0Ckt Ille court ICIOITI In hit deflnM OI I Qorl WhO admlll to hit '"""'' mutdlf (01 N£W OAY IN (O(H (1)11)(: TlfNAOleTYLI Ille mVllll 1110 tllllllff Of IMrllQI lo~. ,,_ Pf ... IUf I and ChlllO'"O lt\C)t all 111 eumln•a th•OVQh lnlerVleWe wlth IMl\t, per en111nd IM¢"-<• CZIMOVll • • • ·~ "Monte11•oro" (IHI) Su .. n AnllPIMih, C1l1nd JoltPhlOn A negltetect wtle trewlt 10 81orit.hotm and o.gtna an 1ff1lr with a m11n 11141 met In • b0"4HT!len nfghtolub 'R' t:IO 8 (I) FlL THY A1GH C&rlotta llOd Marlllall try 10 •al•age their If~ In toelety When I hi Southern ~ c;ornmltt• ool'llft for dinner. (Part 21 G QJFAMILYTIU An Old ltlend of Ille lamilf m•kll • PIU II tS.Y..r· old MaMory (f) MOVIE •*°""Three Violent Peo- ple" C 1956) Ch1r/1on Hff> ton, Anne Suter. Two 11'11(1 and • ""P'"lll become Inv~ In • t111rig1e wlllle fighting an un!llr pro.,.. elonll OQlllrnmenl 10:00 G CJ) TUCKER'S WITCH A client who Is already dead aslls Amanda and Rick to find his killer D QJOUINCY A handtc;epped coroner 1ttac;ks Outncy lot beflev- lnO In the lnnoc.noe or 1 man tullPl(;ted of mutd«- i hi• c;~led '°"· D••HEWS 0 DYNASTY The ~ldnapp;no 01 Fallon •nd Jeff'• baby reaches an emotlon•I c;llmax, and Blake Is eeught off guard by Michael Torrenc;e·1 claim 1h1t he 11 • Carrino· ton o '1!) ntE MAGIC OF DAHCE "Whet le New" Dame Mir· got Fonteyn Ir-the car-• ol aome perform- "' and cnoreographera who hive IXpaflrnenled wtt.h MW •l'flel and lorma of dance. '9 THE VtAOIHIAN A woman Melt• vengeance agaln•t the hutband who dllefled her during an lndlen atleck. ~MOVIE • *'I\ "The Gambler" (tl80) Kenny Rogers, L• Pureell. A profeulonal gamblet takM I train ride through 11141 04d w .. 1 to help hf•"'~ IOn and llnd• romance "'4th a ~ dy IOC.ety lady ltOllg the way MOVIE fir* * ~ "Pnnc;e 01 The City" (t981) Treat Wll· Ill/ml. Jerry Orbac;to A New YOftl COP Is ca..ght ~ tedefal pr-· and toyalty to his lellOW olflc:efs dunno en ln¥11ll- o 111on 01 wlde1pre1d I pollOe c:orrvptlon 'R' (O)MOVIE * * ,,. "The Octagon" 11980) Chuck Norris, Lee V•n Cleel. A Wllllhy yOYng woman hire• a retired mantel arts cham· pion to cwotect nar trom t.rrorltta trained by the oo=: Ninja cult. 'R' ** "Juat Before Dewn" ( t981) Geofge Kennedy, Chrfl Lemmon Five young ~ona~allpe­ dftlon find them,.._ In the m~I of a blurre faml- 1)' of antmal-llke moun- t-a. 'A' .MOYIE • * • "The AtMr1cantz&· tlon 01 Emily" (1984) James G1rner, Ju lie Andrewt. Romance grow. be~ • Btllllh ..,., wid- ow and a non-heroic offl· c:er ltalgned to provide hll MIPlflot• wtth the luxuriel of home. t0-..30 • INOE.Pl:NDINT NETWON< NEWS • NEW BG.AND lfOINI 0f •ng Co111 DAIL V PILOl /Wedne1d1y. November 10, 1982 81 TU BE TOPPERS KtX ... : (~II> 7.:U> KC .. :T (4.!tt) tl:OO "ln Pt·1·lur11i.1nt/t' At Th" Whlll' lluu!41•" V1ul1111ht lti hok P1·1·l11111n , w ho l't'l't•nll\- 1w1101111t•d in 01 11n~t· County, 1)luyi; fc)1 Pn·~1dt·111 .uuJ Mr .. H1•uuun and tlw1r 1-{UMll .. frnm lht• &ti.l Hc>0ra1 or tlw Whitt• J loll-It· KN XT t~> 8:00 "St•\'t'rt Ond<'s For St•vt•11 ~l'utht•l'K:· Dunwl bt•f r•a•nds an Hkoholll' fornwr t:ountry musk ta r und trlt·N to hl'lp ham a•t•sumt• his cun•t•r . KABC (7) 10:00 "Dy nasty." Th<' kiduappan#{ of rallou und J1•ff'. lmby rc>11dws un cmolt0nnl dimux, und Blukt• u; t•1.wght off guurtl by MldHwl Tor11t•n1..·t•'s du11n thul he iis a C'urringto11. Stone and Keller ere CAllled upon to IOlve t!M myatwy o l a neighborhood engulled by vlolenoe Ind I homicide I BOllHIESI RE.POAT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE P1mpe;ed patienll 01 a pOlll pr1c:11ce 1re not to MlchMl'tllklng (%)MOW • • flr 'A "Amef'lean Pop" (198t) Anlmlled. 'The hle.- tory or American pop muale, lrom v1udtvllle to roclo 'n' roll. 11 traeed through _ .. oen«• tlonl of a lamlly ol mutl- elarla. 'R' 11:30 • ()) ARCHIE BUHt<E.A'S Pl.ACE An event In Murray'• hid- den paal feopardlzll hi• ~·Ion lot • llqUOf licenM.(R) D 8TOHIOHT Host: Johnny Carson au .. 11: Al1n King. Stephenie PO'#tra. 8 ([I NltC NEWS HIOHTUHE 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT FNlured: "~ldlnQ lnlkl• A Bell" and "Cambodian Bue-Handed a .. Farm«.'' • THE J£ffERSOHS George and LOUIN have • huge llght on the day they are to be Interviewed about their "perfect" mar· rlage. I FOCU8 ON SOCIETY ... LATENOHT Host: Oentll• Wholey. ~=-UB * * * "Oholl Story" (t911) Frect'Ast1lra. John HouHman. Myaterloua death• begin to decimate the'""" ol a smllt clfcle ol eldttly men wllO 1t11r• both a monthly 11ory11111no geMoge1her and I 60- Y!'..'f ~.a-et. 'R' 1 ti40 CCJ MOYIE ** * "Aletl And Famout" (198 t I Candlee Bergen, Jec;quellne Bluet. Throughout tbe upt and downl of their~ llte rary c;1reer1 1nd romantic ~. two women depend on their lrlendthlp for ttablllty 'R' 12:00,. f.HTERT AJHMEHT TOHIOHT An lntlf\llew wfth Oarlny K8Y9-I~ LAST WOflO * * "Stiletto" ( t968) Alell C«d, Brttl Eltlend. A dit- tric:t attorney tries to nail a playboy count whO Is kill· Ing thugs on behlll of • ~ltlend. iiwow . * * 1h "Thunder In fhe &st" ( 1953) Aten Ladd, Deborah Kerr. A blind glr1 •"'"'911 to helP r.,...... tenalonl after a man W1 ~ to• """'8rallh. • LOVE. AMENCAH 8TYlE "Love And The Conjugal Villl" Harry 11 pttt of an 111perlmen111 prison r>roiec1 "LOI/I And The LOWl!y Evening'' One bur• gilt CfllnQll three cou-plet' ._. CD)MOVIE "Olympfo f._.. (1090) Orlllen, Ron Jeremy. The eralty AuMlln1 a.Id out their 1P1M to ~ a ~fUI athle11'1 Mxy aecret llt~IE •fir "Love a Money" ( 1980) Aly Sharkey. Ofnel- 11 Mull. A LOI Angelea benk employee'• Nie le turned up1ide-down wtien he "'"'' and beeomee rornantlcelly Involved with the wife ol a wealthy Ger· men entrepr_,, 'R' t2M 8 Cl) MOYIE • * 'h ''Hlf>l>'ly EVlf Afflf" ( 1978) Bruce Boxleltn«, Suzanne Somar1. An uplrlng linger 11 torn .,.,_ ""' dMW• '°' l•me and her attrectlon to a lov .. llruck mountain man,(RI 12:30 D 8 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LElTEAMAH GU1111: Sting of Ille roek i:.ou~" Jey Leno. {!) TOM COTTI.E: UP CLOSE Guell: Abbie Hoffman. • LO\'£, A.M£NCAH STYLE "Love And The Bathtub" Dolly ~s her toe lluctl In a bathtub lauoet. "Love And The Lllln Lover" Hope Is jlhed by her b<>y· friend. MOVIE * * 'h "The Secret Liie Of Pl1nta" ( 1978) Dorumen- 1wy. The mulle of Stevie Wonder hlghllghl1 this 111m ·o· 1:008 MOVIE * * * * "The Loll w.-. and" ( 1945) ~ Miiiand, J-W)'tnan. An llc:ollol· IC'I Itta turns out lo be bru- tal and -'Y ll<>peleA. 8 MOYIE * * "Pony Elq>r111 Aldef" ( t978) Stewan Petlfa.i, Buck Tayk>r. A young Tell· an 1141ad• w111 lo ..- revenge 1g11n11 his 11111er·1 murd«er (!) MOVIE fir "o.-1 Trell" (1935) Jofln Wayne, Mary Korn· man. A rodeo 111r Mii out to trap • gar>g ol bank robw• • MOYIE "Win. Place Or Steel" ( 19751 MeL~ si-eoo. Ale• Karr-. Thi'• clown- lah rooberl try to rle> off Ille llorM racea. aJ ENTERTAIHMEHT TONIGHT All Interview with Danny Kaye. (H)MOVIE * *'h "Any Wllfoh Wr/ You C1n" ( t180) Clint . Eulwoocl. Sondra LOc:ke. a.tore Mitling down with hit glt1 Ind pet orangutan, a bare-fisted fighter ligns up for one IUI, luc;nttf\11 m111d'I. 'PG' MOVIE * *'h "True Conl-'onl" (t981) Robert De Nlf'o. Robert Ouvall. Tile u-lly MPlrlle worlds ol two brotherl. I Loe Angelel pollce detec;tlve and .,, embltloul Roman C.tllolic pr1ee1. eonverve !Ming • murder lnwetlgallon 'R' t:IO D Qt N8C NEWS OYEMIOHT I ::irv IN EOEN fir **°" "Prince Of The City" (tt81) TrNI W.. -Mam1, Jerry Orbach. A New Yor11 C09 II c;aught ~ lederal 1>'9NU'• end loyalty to 1119 fellow ott1Ge11 dullllf an lnveell gallon or wld111111•«1 pollGe COllUllliun A '4t(CJMOYll .... "ltpttldl ( 101•1 .. .,. O*I• Hefnlf\gwt). Anne '*1oroft A IOf) IUlllOrl model 11 llumllleled and lruttrlled by her untu0- oae11U1 at1emt1t1 to Mn• tenoe the man wtlO rll()ftd hit lo ptllon 'R l.-00 e cm NIWI NIGHTWATCH NIWI 1:11 ~T llU<O MOV1I • • * ~ "Monttneg•o" ( 198t) SuNn An19Kh, Etlll\d JOHl)h1on A neglect.cl wile t,..,.., to StoCllhOlm tnd beOln• an · t Halr with a min llhe met In • bObemlarl nightclub 'R' i:ao·=-• * * "The Cou111erlelt Traitor" ( t9821 Willltm Holden. UHi Pallnet The 8rlllth oovernment blac:lt· mall• a n•llKlllzed Swede Into becoming a •P>' agaln1t the Nul1 during WortdW11ll. (Q)MOVIE * *'~ "Pllttnlty'' (1981) Bur1 Reynoldt. Beverly D'~. A bechelor 1n hll for11ff ..no 11r1n11 lo be a lltllef -OllM tor Ille rfohl woman to bNr Ill• cflild,'PO' 2!4' (!) CARTOOH 2:80 (I) SEX: TEENAOE STYL! The inythl lrld raalillea of ttenaoe iove. pe91 cwu- -· and eh1ng1ng morlll 1r• examined through Interviews with IMnt, per- enl, and llll:herL 9:00 (!) SEA HUHT (B) AU.-NIOHT RADIO The zany gOlngs-on 11 en Ill-night redlo 111tlon are Ntlrl.zed. 1;16. MOYie • • "The Strange Cue Of Doc;tOf R.x" ( 1942) Patric l<llowlet, Anne Gwynne. A 8lflM of murders c;ornmlt- ted by a llrange doctor lnvolvea men who hive ~ acquitted ol murd« charge1. 3:20 CC) MOVIE • • * "Three Daye 01 fhe Condor" (t975) Robert Redford, Fay ... Ounaway A rMMreh rMder employed by the CIA unoovere Inter· nil treachery when all of hi• c;o-worker• ere ass11- 11n1ted by • tilt """wtlO ,, now llelklng him 3:30~=20 ** "LoophOle" (t98t) Albert Finney,. Martin S'-1. A erlmlnll mul«· mind and a reepectabla architect ptll'I to execu11 an alaborlle benlH'obOefy from the -• below the 11reet1 of London. l:llO CJ) FAERIE TALE THEATM "Rumpel11Htlkln" ~ Vlllec:llalza 111ra as a strange Hiiie mll(l who helps • mlllet's deughler ~n etraw Into gOld •:OO CJ) TOP 0' THE MOANING (%)MOYIE • * * "The Return Of The Secaucu1 Seven" (19801 M1rk Arnott, Gordon Clapp. The mernberl of a group ol college studentl active In tl)e cwo1111 ,._. ment during the '809 gathtf for 1 weellend reunion. 'R' •:301 llPY BUUWINl<LE MOVE ** * "C•dctle" (t98t) Helet'I Mor11, Jack Thomp. ion. A young wom1n leevn her comfortable tuburban home and nar cruel husbarld. determined 10 tall• lvtt raeponttbi~ty IOf supporting lier tfllldren by doing wt\119111< odd Job• ""' c;an ~· .MOVIE •*'A "Nighthawk•" (1t81 I s,tveeter Stallone, Biiiy 0.. W1lllatns. A tough New York City cop llU hit wortt out out lor him when one ol the wor1e1·1 moe1 d1ngerou1 lenorl111 arrtves In 11i1 City 'R' Tlaur•da11'• Dfllltl•r Mo.,lr• · l:OO CC) • • •it "Secrete Of ThrM Hungry WIVH" (t978) J-FranciSc:Ut, tltltl ter '"" aoellllly Pl°"'"*" women I/I ~led of murder• Int • handtOIM ~ (ZJ * • '1 Tiie hetet Ute Of Pllttt1" I 11111 ooeu.. ,_.lat)' Tiie M\ltlC Ol 1...- Vll Wooaer l\l(lllllOlltt fnil lllf'll '0' I-act 00 fir * * "I 0o Pogo" C tMO) Anllnlled VoiGM of Jontthan Win..,1, Vtnotnt Pr~ The lllOlt ~ 1~1 OI Oii~ .. .8wamc> ~ to f"" for elldlr1t 'PO' • * • "My Champion" I (1111) Yoko 8hlm1d1,, CM1 Mlldlum file true 11ory of a rem• JIC>- runnlng ctt'9fllpion II told. 7:00 (!) * * 'h "8htdOW Over f lvetOn" (1"8) JaMM .F•~.1.eelle~ Alter tilt "1erlft MWMre e )'CMNIO boy. en lnc:otrvptj.. ble '7111'1 .... out to bf Ing dignity back to the lllWt• of t1141 townJICllOC)le (Q) * • " A HlfPPlllfnO In Hlr'Mlln" ( 1975) The ec>fC 1tory of 11141 plad PIP« whO riClt • YHllQI of ill peeky IOdenlt II retold. "0 ' 1:30 Cll * * ''Legend Of The' Wjjd" ( 1980) Oen HIQOllf· ly, Oenvet ,PY,. A rugged lndMdull ,,,.,.. • home for hlmMll In. the wllOer • -Of the 04d W"I 'PG' 7:41 CZ> • • ~ ''Trouble In Per· adlae'' ( t932) H«bert Mer- lllell. Mltjem HQpltlnl A pelf of ttlieYll c;ontlnually run Into each other wNll ' ~nlng the globe. · 1:00 (.CJ 1t *'A "The Party" ( lllel) Peter Seller1, Clau· din• Lon9et. A ml1- clllevOU1 Indian ICtor et._ II• Ullef dllol wtllf\ he Ctaehe9. aoc:ill party. (BJ • * 'h "Father Figure" (19801 Hal Linden. Timothy Hutton Upon their motller'I death. two ION are reunited with their lather after an light-year ~lrlllon. 8:30 8 **Oh "Prisoner 0 1 War" ( t954) Ron•ld Reagan. Dewey Martin Two POW• fr0tn the Unit· ed States eontlnue Int• genoe work while appeet'· Ing to hive crldced under eornmunllt lndoctrlnltlon 1:00 tD * * "Follow The Boys" (llMA) Geo<ge Raft. Mer· line Olel·rlc:h A danoer decldN to antertlln the troop• llllf being rejec;ted tor --.,lc;e. · (Q) * * * "Inside McwM" ( t980) JOnn Savege. DaYIO Mone. A,_ to the group of regulltl at an Oakland bet may hold the key to making the barlen· 0er·1 dreern of becornlno a Pl'O bultelball pleytr I 'eallt'f 'PG' t:15 CZ)** ''The Fwlt Time" ( t989) Jacqueline BllMt. WNStlfll. t:aO e • • • * "TIM Inform-.,.. I 1935) Vlc;tor Mc:La- Qlen. ~Angil A lre- ltor In 1111 lrlah Aet>elllon II ov«c:ome bY fiU ol con· IClenc;e he cloeen't Under· I land ***"The FOUi Horaemen Of The Apoc> lypte" (1962) Glann F«d. L• J, Cobb. World Ww II produces differing loy.itlll among the mem~a of • a.men family. 10:00 (1:) * * 11' "The Pureult Of DB Cooper'' (1981) Tr•t Willieme. Robert Duval. A thief llty)l<*s •pl-and p1rachut11 to 11taty O\W Oregon wtlh a lor1une In stolen money 'PG' * * • "Tile Gr•t Adwntura" (t976) Jack Pllanoa, Joan Collin•. A young boy Is lbandoned with his dog In the rugged AINl!an Roeld11. • * * 'h "Paternity"' ( t98 t) 8urt Aeynoldf, Bev- er1y D'AngelO. A beChelof In hit lor1iM whO w1nll to be a lllhlr -c;hee for tile right woman to beer ID c;hild. 'PG' 11:00 (%) * • • "Bite The lkA- let" ( t975) Gene Hldlmeo, Cendlce Bergen. A frontier newspaper aponaore a nice ao•lnst time 8Cf0tl the Wu tern b1dland1. 'PO' h:30 * *'-' "Foolln' Around" (19110) Gary 8uaey. Annette O'Toole. A naive country bOy tries to win a l>Nutflul, IC)Clhlstl- uted college ooed ewt!)' lrom her anot>bltll lllnce CHANNEL LISTINGS l:.'5 CZ) CHAAl..E8 CHAMPUH TAUCSW{TH ••• "RoOett Mltdlum" Slim w11er11on lool&.s 11 Ille Uv11. 111111 Ind beh1vlor of Ille llrtt Amer!· can e41onltl• through their artlf ac:l• 1111<1 writlnga. JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk 8 ICNXT !CBS) .. KNBCCNBCl IJ l(TLA (Ind.I 8 KABC (ABC) 0 ICFMB tCB5l f) ICHJ·TV (Ind l • KCST IABCI • ICTTV (Ind.) '• l<COP·TV (Ind.) •• KCET !PBS! e l<OCE !PBS! f'ta.IC NOTICE IUl'E .. fO" COU"T OF CA&Jf~ COUN'Tl' °' OAANGa In the Metter of the ~tlon of MARK PAUL PENNOCK and KIRK DAVID PENNOCK For Change ol Name .,, ... ~TO IMOW CAUM '°" c~ °'NA• MARK PAUL PENNOCK 1nd KIRK DAVID PENNOCK haw llled I petition In thlt «Mt !Of an Ofo.f atlowlng petition« to Cl\anOI their n1m11 11 tollow1: From MARK PAUL PENNOCK to MA"K PAUL MUELLER lrld from KIAi< DAVID PENNOCK t o ICtf'I< DAVID MUELLER. It •• ,_.,..~ orftf•O oret aft peraon1 lnllf'Hfed ln lh• m1l11t afor9Nld appa. before thll c:ourt In DlpetVMnl No, 3 at 700 CMc: C.nter Drive W11t, Santi Ana, c.llfomle. on o-Mat t6, tlll2, 11 10 ao •'doc* a.m • 11w:1 1htfl *"° lflete allOW CIUM, If """ lM)' heve. .ity H id jMlltlon for ChtflOe 01 ,,.,,,. ~ :' .. " .r.aflled " .. tllr9ler ..... ., ol "''' order to •!IP~•,,, publtltled In Of ante -'CMrt Ollty PllOI, I a:=,::r of oeneral olrolllllMln. In ltlla COUl\t)' at 1e111 once a weoll ror lour 001 111 ............ .,,.., 10 tlle dty ofaeld"-"'O. Oeeed Howl"'O« I. tN2 '""* OOMt.HICHIHI Juclee of 1tle • "'"'* Court fl11bll•llecl Orange 00111 D•llY .... Nov. 10, 17. 2.4, Dea. 1.i.J~ I ~4-la \ . 0 ,. H •Cl (J) II}) '.I ii • • On-TV z:rv HBO 1c1rwmn> (WORI NY ,NY IWTBSl tESPNl ( Showt',.,.) Spotliglll (C.ble Ne~ Network) Nil.IC NOTICE t :OO 8 (I) AUCE Mel'• moct.r 1rrl\w In PhoenlA """ the -lh•t the and her~ have been dl\IOl'ced. D 8THEFACTIOf LR Blelf lalll In IOYI with a ;,.,y ~ bell li'gtltly reterded boy. O • MERVONFAN Gueell; Mel Torme. PIUI S«Yfno, Phylllt ~.,,. BHty Fellow9 • QOIW FftOM ~ fOM8T Nil.IC NOTICE 10:46 CHAAl.18 ~ TAUCS WITH~. "Robert Mhehum" 11:00 BD8(J)aJ8 NEWS • IATUAOAY MGHT HOS(. Robert Klein. GuNll Loudon Waln- ,.rlght. ABBA G INSEAACHOF ... "Dangerout Votoanoll" I THAT QUIZ SHOW ITMET1 Of IAN n.•NCllCO Pl&IC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE _,.ONIGH'T YOU'RE GOING 1'0 ee 'THE ONE -ro 5UFFe~ HUMILaATION AND RIOICULe!! Ml.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE OFF '1t>UR -rotJPEE ! Ntl.IC NOTICE •ICTITIOUS IM.l._SS FICTITIOUS llU ... H •ICTmOUe Ml ... H NOTICE TO CMOCTD"t FtCTmOU8 ....... •tcrmout .8U ... U FICTITIOU8 8U ... H N.AMa ITATl ... NT NAMI'. 8TATE•NT MAiie ITATIMINT Oii 9ULK TitM18H" ..,._ ITATIMIN'T NAMI ITA~ NAm ITATIMINT The fOllowlng peraon1 are <IOlnQ The follOWtng persona are doing The fotlowln9 p1r1<1n It dolnO (ten. 1101_.117 U.C.C.) The tollowlng porton 11 doing Tiie lollowlng peraon Is dotno The following peraon 11 doing butlnMe u : bullneal ... t>ulinlll .. NOIJG• II hereby g l••n to th• bull-... bU.llMM u : t>ullneat ... SOUTH COAST AAr-AHO Al HOUSE OF BOOKS, Bl HOB OCEAN WORKS. 281 t Vlllt cradltor1 OI THE HARVEST INC . a NEWPORT WEST IMPORTS, SUNS ET SURVIVAL, t0'3 I I 11 GARDEN JEWELERS 12 ) FRAME. 282t Monterey A". t;o1t1 SUPPLIES. 252t AIOl\a Sc , Slnla Way. Newport B .. c;h, C1lllornl1 Calllornla c;orporaUon, Tran1leror. t658 Superior Avenue. COlll MIN. 26th Street, Sun111 Belch. THE G'OLO CREST. 230 E 17th Meta. CA 92628 An•, CA 92706 • 92113 wl'IOM butinea1lddr••11 2310 N Cllllornla 92127 Calllornla 90742 J •. ~·-~tt,~~· Cott• Mau. Ca lllornl• Peul Freman Wright. 282 t Robert H Sima, 1925 E La Conrad Arthur' Schwlble. 2222 Park Avenue. City ol S1n11 Ana, Ra~ Leon ltlnlt II, 207... 8am Alie)' K~. t873t 25th Pl Monterey Ava , Coat• MeH CA Veta Sp 2. Orange, CA 92688 Holldey Road, Newport Beac;h, County 0 1 Orange, Stall o l ~nd su11t, Nawport 8•teh, 8trMt, SunMt Buc;h, Calllornla Olkran V11m1cly1n. 12t S. 92121 Linde L Sltnt. 192$ E LI Veft CtlltOfnla 12880 Calllornia. that a l>ulk tran1ftt II Callfornle 12163 90742 P"1t A--. MonlltMlllO, Callfornle Megen Wright, 282t Monllfe)' Sp 2. Orange, CA 92686 flltl bullnffl .. ConMled bY an •bout to be made 10 Anh• 911111 Thie~ II c;onduc;ted by an Tillt t>ulineta 1• eon<lueted by en toe40 • Ave. C0.11 MIN, CA 12826. Thia bu11ne11 ta conducted by a lndlvkkHll Berre111. f11n11eree, Whoae home lndlvldUll lndMd\lal. Thlt bu.._• le oondUC1tCI by .,, Thia bualnMI 11 oon4UOled by an lln!lted Plf'lner1"'6. CO!Wecl A, Sc;tiwabja addT ... " 22 Ill I Debr• SlrHt. Cny ~ L. 8"'* II S•m Kannedy ll'ldlvidual. lndMdull Roblft t1 Sima Thi• 1talemenl w11 llled with the ol ~•k• For111, County of Orange, lhl• at*""*'' -ftled with 1111 Thia •111"'*1t wu llled wllh 11\t 0 Yarmeclyan Megan Wrlohl This stllttnent wu flied 11r11h the County Cltrto ol Ou11lQI County 0n 8111• of Cellfornla, County oaarti Of 0r""8 County on County Cllrtl of Ofange County on fhlW at•tlfMfll WM llled Wllh the TN• ll•tement WM filed Mlh Ille County Cletk ol Orange Cou'1t)' On Novemblf I, 11112 The Pf°'*1Y to be tran111ffed II Novemblf 1 tN2 Oc1ooer 4. t912. County Cler'lo of OrMOt County on County Qerk of Orange County on Oct 19. IH~ '101074 de9cflbed In oenet• .. AM llOGll In • ,..,.,. ,,...,.. Oc;tooer ti, t9U. Nov S, tN 2. ,,,._ Publl111ed 0 11ng1 Co111 Oalty trldl, 11~tur ... equipment and 6ooc1 • Pubtlllled Or1nte Co .. t Delly P11bll1lled Oranoe Cotal Otlty ·-•201 .. 1 Publllh•O ~IJll1M COHI Oellr Piiot. Hov a. 10, 11, 141 fMI "411 Of 11111 Girt Store 11.-ffleH Pllol Nov 3 ... 11, 24, tN2 Piiot. Oc:'I. 20, 27, Hov 3, tO. tNZ Publl1i.ed 011nife Cout Diii) ~ubll1fled Orano• COHI D•hy Piiat, Nov 10. 'If. 24. Ote 1 1082 .. t1·82 fll\Own .. THE HARVEST t'1d • • • 4712..P 4eot42 Piiot, Oct. 20. 27, Nov. 3, 10, 1112 Pilot. Nov. 10, 11, f4, oec;, 1, 11112 4M(;.12 .-ioo.tto 11 3432 \lie OrPOf1o, City OI -----------~ue.n •910-12 ---------"8.IC NOTICE HtwP«t eaec.h, eoun1y o1 <>r•noe. "8.IC NOTICE IWllC MOTICl ----------PWlJC IOTICE It ... Of CallfOf'nll -.... IC MOncl PUlllC NOTICE p,cTfT10UI.,.... fhe bulk tra n•••r w111 Ile MtmOUi M•ll Mm10Ui IUMllH -PtCTITIOUI ..-.. ..... ITA~ oonturnllllled on or after tlll 30th ..,... .,.,_.., ..... 8TATIMIWT l'ICTmOUa - NTmOUI •-•• NA• ITATW11191T Th• toflowino Hr•on 11 001no day ot NoYel'llblf'. tH2 at to oo T~ lollowtno por1011 11 dcMno The loltowlnt P9f•Ot1 11 d Oll\O MAim tTA~ MAmlTATlmNT The lollowlno Hr•On II dOlno ~aa t m at WllTlAN MUTUAL '""'""9• llUllMl9•. Tiie fOllOWln(I ,_IOfl It ClOlnf The following por1on It doing twlllnet111. IAI eKl&.L«Y LATZ9' l CO.; llC,.OW CO"P Alll\ Atllllll THI ""TS 1N OftANOI IA .. Kl"·GOftOON I OPT· llUllNll .. : ... : _ PROl'l,.Tlfe IY THI IEA, Ill CAATI\. COHIULTANll. H01 ,,....,.,., WftOM llCfdreM 11 1•1 COUNTY 1117 11rC1f1 .__, e-. WAM INGINHNNO, NII lmwy ANNITTl'I UNIO\Jl OIFTI, COVIR-UP~~. 411 N C01el Hl9hwey, L•ouna Warner Avenu•. lult• too , I Yorlla. 111111 to1, Tu•tln, ~Newport 1..ch. Callfon1te Ct .. •1•.~V..,,Calttotllle tnt ...,.., llt¥4., Coeta M-. Mt• An• AV9flUI. """ 9each. CeltfOtNt '"51 Hut\tltlOlon .... CA t2t4t OelttOr"6I t210I ~ .... , An&, CtlltOrt* t2707 Petta R Pr ...... 32141 Paaeo TllAOlHY G IKILLEY, I04' Tlltt 1t11._.0"'9 lot l!Mft(I c;._. ....... 19tf1 Waldl, 47" I ICelttl Gordon larUr. tH3 A'-11•h• trla l•ol, H41 Judltfl Ann Thorell, 2455 ~. Mira Aot ... San NM'! c....tt9ft0, ·o. Ouno.t. Huntln(ltan ...... CA !fl tllt taerow referred 10 '*""'II OcMl'I llt¥4., Ho 4, Long leldl. l"*Y Ct •• 14. '°"l\taln Valley, C4MMfJ .,... .. Dr-. OOIJ9 ...... Coete Mela. c.tlltomfl 92827 Calll0tn4e 02t75 t214t H<Mtnoer n , tN2 cei1fot111e... eeiirorN tl70I ~ ... 1 Thie~ le OOfldueted lly.... Tl'll• bualneM le conduct .. bY.,, Tiii• .,.,._ .. --.Oted by. h ,., .. II k.no wll to t h e Tlllt .,__ .. OOfld\ICltlCt by"' Ttlll ~ .. OOllduC1M lly all TNI ....... ta ....... ._ .. ~ ll\dlvldu9I *""ed INfl'*afllp ,,..,...,.., • "'*"-"*"* end ltld!¥lduel ~ 11• 1a:• Judlltl AM TllOt.. P9tle R Pretrer TlmOllly 0 It!...., lddfa•H uMd 11y Ille TrantlerOf ~ 1ef1 ~ K.-11 OotfOrl ltrtter Mlllllt ...... Tltlt ltlllf'l*ll WM !Med wtth the • Tiiie 1111.,,,..,1 WM hlld w1111 the Thia •l•t-11 ... llled wtth the 1or 1t1e Piii ttwee ~· are taine ,..,_ 11...,.,,. ,... lllld •"' 1t1t n. .. _.....,, ... tllM Wltfl t11e n. 11111 •A -....... eounty Cttrll of Or911Q4 Oounty on Countr Cllrll of Ofange County on County Clerll Of OrMOt County on Dated NOW9nl0er '• tMJ County a.ti of °""911 ()OUM)' on ~ Qltll Of Orante Counl1 on ~ Ollfll ti ~ a--. • Oc1"er 1'. tM2 Novomb« 3. tM2 OCIOber 14, tlN Mita l arett --· ,...,.,,.._ 1 tMI October I . 1 .. 1 l lPll II .... MM. Fttlrll Nl1tM PtWMJ Tr.,,..... ' ~ ·~ ,_ '"~l•hed Oranoe CoHt Dtlty Pulllllllled Orange Coaat Del~ P11t1llahed Orange Coa11 O•l~ ll'ut>lltllOd Oranoe Coa•t Ol llV PWtftlfted. Ot..-Ceut Detl)' ll'u~laflod Ot1nQ•t CoHt Dally P111Mlatlod Orlfltl Coe1t 0.. f Pilot, Oct. 20, 27. Hov '· 10, 1111 Pilot. Nov 10. 17, 14, Oeo 1, '" '"°'· Oot 20, 27, Nov '· 10. 1111 PMOI, HCMlnblf 10, .. -fltow. a. '°· '1','.H , ,. ...... 0.1 IO, 11. Nov 3 10. '"' Plot. °" IO, If, Hov a. '°· -4tOCM2 4MH2 ~1:1 4174-12 • ,..... .•14¥•1' 4'0t!U 1 -... t c l Orange COHI DAIL y PILOT/Wed11Hdly, November 10, 1882 1/4« 'J/IA OllM SOCKET WRENCH SET HUH• M alTIK REAR DIRECTIONAL BIKE TURI SIGIALS Wini llD AllOWS "" .-asal.ENS(S u-two "C" type ~-~ bottet~ (not Included) Hondlebor mount 1witch CUSTOM WHEELS •01 AUt et111n•1s ""s ..::::;. Tlte New Addition ~ s:r.:; ,..,,_,," Stylldt KLA~SIC WYRE 11KLUCNMt ur a Lu. NVTs54u 13" Jl 51h" 14". 6" -~ "'•n IS..........,,_• APPUAIKI • CAIOU smaY • CIMAI • mY •an.-• llClllT •111t·llOG •WU1'9 _. SUl'fa TIU • SUPfa VALUI ~R!!ll~"'2:3:3 TUUUSS _. WHITIWALL:t •O ..... ,.. ot .,.lftyet1fH ... t7a.tJ SU." . •28:. •• 79 , ...... '"·" .... (78-14 SJ7." "°' ,,, .. $40." ,,,. q,..,. '4'·" J70 011" t'·" ., ., ...... ,. '·" 12JI .!t~·· ..... " .2 .. ,,...,. .... " ., .. PORTABLE ·, ' BICYCLE' AM RADIO MOUNTS ON HANDLHAR With Oulc\ ........ ~·"'9 ·-~ .. 6" ~~·~ fOI MOST A~• ••t <MS 25~0FF "' IOYS 11,llU ltw NICIS 2 ~"'"' ••0..1 I + o uu 2 '°lUS, SffEt Hus .... -······\ .... , ..... ... , ,,.,. ... ..._ ,,., /Jlle -uo. _•101 ,,.,. ., .. •11, ,,..,. ·" UJO ,,,, #•f) .,., '7fl ,, Ull .L' "1U1MoJ UIJ -·. .,,, CIECI 011 LOW, ·• LOW PllCES 01 1 SJt" PEIFOIMAllCE llST ALLI TIOI SHOCKS IY "" IOYI .... nra<IAU Y fOI SllVICI c~· ~';\ 14• !~~~:.:..~~ -.~. ... .... c-. & • ... lttCI Sell1bli1sp1lel -- FULLERTON GARDEN GROVE lA MIRADA WESTmtSTER " 2946 BRISTOL ST EL TOftO RO & ROCKFIELO 1530 S HARBOR BLVD SO OI SAN OIEQO FWY P'HONE. 85!>-9!193 PHONE 870·0700 PHONE !>49 1533 10912 KATE.LLA AVE KATELLA & EUCllO PHONC 638 0863 14207 ROSECRANS AVE 120 ( r!RST ST AT CYPIU SS PHONE 9'4 6437 PHONl ~41·74 77 Ol'IN MON. THIU fll. 9 A.M.·9 RM./MT. I A.M.·6 RMJIUN. 9 A.M.•I RM. .. -t . 15221 llACH llVD PHONE 193·85.U " • DaUyPllDt WEON~SOAY, NOV. 10, 1982 SUPERMARKET SHOPPERC3 SLIM GOURMET C4 Expect a chorus of congratulations when you serve Grapefruit Me ring ue-Swirls. Grapefruit Meringue Swirls 4 pink grapefruit 3 egg white• 112 teaapoon cream of tartar 1/• teaapci'On Nit 'I• cup 1ugar Colored cry1tal auger Slice eacl=l grapefruit one-third of1 top. Using grapefruit knife. section bottom portion of grapefruit: reserve sections for Meringue-Swirl Filling·. Remove all membrane from grapefruit cups. In small bowl of an electric mixer. beat egp whites. cream of tartar and salt until foamy. Gradually beat in .sugar until stiff peaks form. Using pastry bag fitted with star tip, pipe meringue into four circles 2 'h inches in diameter on foil lined cookie sheets. Fill in center of circles. Build up layer of meringue to form cane-shaped hats. Sprinkle with colored sugar. Pipe remaining meringue in bottom. sides and along top edge of grapefruit cups. Bake meringue-lined cups and hats in a 250 degree F. oven 1 hour. Turn oven off ahd leave meringue to dry four hours. Do not open oven door. · Using metal spatula, carefµlly remove meringue hJ)ts f ro.1!' foil.. Spopn Merlnque-Swlrl Fiiiing: evenly into ~fruit cups. Top each cup with a hat. Chill until ready to serve. YIELD: 4 servings. ~ Meringue Swirl-Filling .r' 1 en...,. unftavored gel•tlne 'I• cup augar 1 t1~l1epoon 9reMCllne 8Jl'UP a 911 JOllr• ~ cup heavy creem, whipped 1 cup grapefruit lulce tn medium saucepan mix gelatine with sugar. Add egg yolks bMten with grapefruit juice. Let stand 1 minute. Stir CW8f tow heat until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 5 , minutes. Stir In reserved grapefruit sections and grenadine. · Chill until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from 'tpoon, stirring occastOnally. Gently fold In whipped cream . ... .. . . ~. Amaretti Grapefruit Cups 3 grepefrult, divided 2 cupa ricotta chH1e 'I• cup chocolete morMll, chopped 3 tebleapoona confectlonera' auger 'h teaapoon elmond extrect 'la cup Amerettl cookie crumba, divided 'I• cup •Heed, toeated almond• Peel and section grapefruit. Set aside 8 or 10 sections for garnish: cut remaining sections into pieces. In large bowl combine grapefruit. ricotta cheese. chocolate, sugar and almond extr~ct. Sprinkle 113 cup cookie crumbs In .the bottom of a 6-cup serving bowl. Spoon half the cheese mixture Into bowl: repeat with remaining crumbs and cheese mixture. Garnish with reserved grapefruit sections and toasted almonds. YIELD: 4 to 6 servings. Velvety Fru it-filled Grapefruit 2 grapefruit 'I• cup freah grepefrult Jule• 4 tablees>oon• trained or affd ... 1 ra•pberry,Ja1 1 P8Ck899 (4 ounce•) vanllle pucldl,qg mix YI cup hMYJ cream, whipped • 1 banana, •Heed 1 cup mllk Cut gra~efrult in half. With grapefruit knlte remove sections Into a small bowl. Stir in 2 tablespoons raspberry jam; let stand. Remove membrane from grapefruit; discard . In smaH saucepot combine milk, grapef rult juice and vanilla pudding. (Mixture may look curdled at this point). Cook according to peckage direction&. Remove from heat. Cover with wax paper so that paper rests on pudding surface. Chill In refrigerator untll mixture mounds when dropped from a spoon. Fold In heavy cream. Add sliced banana to grapefruit sections. Divide fruit Into grapefruit halves. Spoon pudding mfxture over fruit. Thin remaining 2 tablespoons jam with 1 teaspoon water. Drizzle 1am over pudding. YIELD: 4 servings. t ,, . . llow i y ou1· ? oup Dt'VY •• . . C2 . dish, Festive dinners provide the perfect ambiance for Impressive-looking dishes. The dessert category especially offers plenty of latitude for culinary showoffs who like to add spectacle to delicious taste. • • • • • ' • • • • ' ' • ' • ~ ~ ~ • ' Here we present Grapefruit. Fantasias, three dessert recipes to take adv~ntage of the luscious ~ " ! grapefruit coming Into the markets. . I • Ttlese yellow or pink thin-sklr:med beauties. heavy ; •· I with juice and 10,ts of vitamin C, add just th~ llghtt fresh and zippy e'nding to a bi9 meal?· . A special beauty of the grapefruit ls In its versatility. Adventurous cooks usually make the happy discovery that grapefruit sections or juice are • wonderful used In sauces, drinks, main d ishes and ! desserts to impart a lively flavor. As festive desserts, hQwever, the detectable Grapefruit Fantasias (which use all of the grapefruit, both pulp and shell) are creations that please the eye as well as the palate. Our star is Grapefruit Meringue-Swirls, an exciting, zestful dessert. The round scooped-out and filled shells of pink grapefruit are topped with a witty, removable hat of sugar-sprinkled meringue, with more (l"lerlngue used to collar and line the shells. . The rich filling, lightened with folded-in whipped cream, sparkles with the fresh taste of grapefruit juice. You can use yellow grapefruit too, if you wish. Easy to make are the appealing Amaretti Grapefruit Cups. Shells are lined with almond-flavored cookie crumbs, then filled with a delightful mi~ture of grapefruit pieces, chocolate morsels and fresh ricotta cheese. lfoasted almond slivers add crunch and flavor. ' Velvety Frult-Flll~d Grapefruit offers raspberry Jam swirled through a mixture of bananas, grapefruit pieces and vanilla pudding, the whole puffed with whipped cream and-plied into grapefruit shells. More jam drizzled over all gives this delicious dessert a true party personality. Here's your eye-filling, t aste-pleasing proof that grapefruit are not just for breakfast! Put a little spice .in holiday giving , During the holidays, a ribboned jar of Spiced Grapefruit would be an excellent gift. Given Individually or with your own special fruit basket of grapefruit and oranges, It would provide the perf~ct homemade1J'ft for someone special. You would also b e giving a gift of good nutrition. Grapefruit are rich In Vitamin C and A and contain significant amounts of potassium, calcium and phosphorus. At the same time, they are low In sodium and contain only 55 calories in an average-sized half. Good news for people on restrictive diets. SPICED GRAPEFRUIT 5 red grapefruit 2 cup11ugar 1 cup white vinegar 1 teHpoon whole clove• 2 1tlck1 cinnamon Peel and section grapefruit over a bowl. reserving juice. Pack sections into 1ars and set aside. Combine 1·2 cup grapefruit juice and remaining ingredients in a saucepan; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and simmer 10 minutes. Strain to remove spices. Pour hot liquid into 1ars, covering sections completely. Cover and cool at room temperature. Refrigerate overnight' before using. Yield: about 3 half-pints. , Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT IW•dn adav. Novttmb r 10, I 82 ->i') Cl -------------------------------------~-----------.!.--------:~----------------------------------------:Dill .doubles the flavor ,, The flavor o( 1hll hus 1 no substlluh>i1. unt.I wsu•li :. ', llkl• no olhl'1 twrb. ll h !I thl' un1qul' ub1llty to &o ft e n lhc lu s te o ? ·' s tr o ng -tl uvorcd J v ege tabl es. s u c h us cauliflower and cabbage, as well as adding wst to the milder o nes, llkc> potatoes and iuc'Chini. r . ,.. • Dill st•crl is u s ually used 111 long cooking dishes, whereas dll I weed releases Its Clavor instantly for shorte r cook ing limes. "Weed" rdcni to th1• lt•twc11 oC thl• dill plunt Doubly Dtll Veail'tabh.• Be<' f Soup u•<'• both form.s or dlll""A. ~<·nt11 simmered soup-stC'w, h 11 chock Cull or tomalO<'ll, cu rrou. ct-lery and 2uc-chlni sp1kt'd with dill seed. For extra Clavor, muko it a day ahead. Then. when you reheat ll, whip up some dumplings (from a mix} and lightly season them with dill weed. You'll be ready to St•rve J 11oup und dumpl111w11 in :lO mlr\Ult• A low l'a lor It· Yl'I v1•1 y t11'lty Vl'r11h111 o f l1olJ((I' Pur11wntl(•r Is p11•1111n·d with puta tot•i;, ln:H11n1 min<.'C'd onaon nnd d il l Wl"l'd, pureed In ttw blt>ndt•r The "crcumy" aoup Is mudt.> with milk, ruth(.'r th an tht tracJitiorwl heavy cream I IC'rc thi:' dill adds a dehcaw but dc!lnhf' zest to th<'-milq tasting lk;up. With chunks 9f black breud and ch~se sli<.'C!I, II muk''" u dl'lh·1t1u11 und Wiii llllll.: t11t•,1I OOUBLY 0 11.L VEGF.TAOLE 01-;1-;•· SOUP WITll J)lJMl'LINGS :.! t (I h I (' " " u (I fl II Vt•t(t•lflbfl' Oil I pound btc:w1ng twd c·ut In to 11, inch CUl.)(:8 3 c·ups wutcr l can ( lli o~nct's) )Nhol~ w1u1.1tUt~. t.'rushed l 11'1 tC>aspoon11 dill !>t.'t·d l 1 1 lt'usµoons salt ··chick en-Broccoli Chowder is a satisfying and d elicious way to re ward the family a fter a busy· d ay getting the yard ready for winter. ;Hearty I ~c·howder LJor fall !c : It 's time for the ' : autumn spruceup a round f the house. Leaves need ; •raking. P atio furniture -'·and sun umbrellas must ·•be put away for theyear. ~ All that outdoor work brings on h ea rty appetites. For a deliciou s meal h the whole family will gcenjoy, serve this tasty Chi c ken -Brocco li • Chowder. This satisfying main-dish c h owder Is made with chicken broth ' and milk thickened with .f mashed potatoes and v Swiss cheese. Chockfull · of chicken and broccoli, / / ·it's a meal in a bowl. ' Served piping hot --with warm bread and ·a salad, it's a great reward •for work weU done. CHICKEN-BROCCOLI CHOWDER • 2 cups chicken broth L ~ c up c h o ppe d '# • ~·onion ~ 1 package (10 ounces) frozen chopped ~broccoli ~ 1 ~ c ups ins t ant $' mashed potatoes (dry) '•~ 2 cups cut-up cooked chicken • 2 cups shredded ' :•Swiss cheese (about 8 •'ounces) 2 cups milk DIZ Heat broth, onion and o ~broccoli to boiling in For a better shave. buy Gillette Swivel'." It's the disposable twin-blade razor with a moving head that hugs your face for a close. comfortable shave. For a better deal. buy 2 and get 1 free. (LQOk for specially marked packages.) • It's the only Swivelized way to shave. 1992 TM Gollene Company • 1n soup, dumplings. I I ll'll!IJlOOll U''llUlltl bltl\ ~ l~'l'IX'I' I t'UI' ~ltl't'(I l'llf'fObi I rup sh< t'(I t•c•lt•ry I ,. u J> h u ll l' I 1111 I k l)llk111g mix · 1 • 1:up rn1lk 1• tt•ui;poon dill Wet'lJ •,cup c h o p1a·c.J 7.Ut-Chini 111 M m1..-diurn 11auet.•pan twat oil until hot Add OC'<'(, browrt on all 11ide-s Add waler, tometOl•s, dill seed , 1talt and blac k pcpix.•r; bring to u boil. Rt.'<iU<.'\! hNt and !Nmll)er. coven'<!, for 1 hour. Add carrots pnd celery , c ontinue to slmr11ur. covered, until · bee{ and vegetables are almos~ wnder, aboul 40 m_inut.es. Meanwhile, prepare dumpling ban,r by combining backing mix, milk and dill wt'Cd. Add zucduni to soup. Drop heaping tablespoonsful of dumpling batter on top or soup. making 4 dumplings. Simmer, uncovered , Cor 10 minutes. Cover and continue to simmer until mea l and vegetables are tender "and dumpl ings a r ~ cooked through, about 10 minutes. Yiel d s 4 portions or 4 cups. CREAMY DILLED POTATO SOUP 2 tablespoons instant minct.'Cl onion Water l tablespoon butter or margarine l pound potatoes, peeled and diced (about -2'7'l caps) l ~ teaspoons salt l teaspoon dill weed V. teaspoon ground black pepper 1 'h cups milk Combine onion with 2 tablespoons wa ler; set Doubly Dill Vegetable Beef Soup gets its good flavor from both the dill weed (the leave ) and dill seed . aside tor 10 minutes to softe n . In a medium saucepa n melt butter. Add o nion ; saute until golden. about l minute. Add 2 c ups wa t er, potatoes, salt, dill weed and black pepper: bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simme r. covered . until potatoes are tender, about 30 minutes. Transfer mlxture to the c:ontainje r o f a n electric ble nder. Cover and whirl until mixture is pureed . Return mixture to saucepan. Add milk and heat until hot. about 3 minutes. Garnis h with parsley £lakes. if desired. Yield: 4 cups. Here's toe to help balance you.r diet. And your budget. r:-----1 •oe J I SAVE toe I ON WBFATENA I OR MAY PO .~~-qua rt saucepan . ;i ,. ~uce heat; cover and v l simmer 5 minutes. Stir in 1--------------..,..-----------------1 "-r pootoes until w e JJ ":" J.. blended; stir in chicken, cheese and milk. Heat 9 I over low heat, stirring ·occasionally, until hot Q~and cheese Is melted, a b out 5 minutes. 6 Q~aervings (1 ~cups :ach). REAL VALUES , on items from applesa uce to zippers are advertised every day in the Diiiy PHii oet 'tWo great tastes In our fish & Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a crllpy fish fillet and two tender · whltemeet Chicken Planks, served with fresh cole slew and golden fryes. 3095 Harbor Blvd . " In Costa Mesa U.-S6ulh o4" S.HI tMao h•r .. ,,,.. t '°"' hd<o 14715 Jeffrey ltd ., w1t:.111 111'4 elf SIMI All.I fwy 1 lrvlnt For peffect rice every time use Minute• Rice. In addltlo(' to our new IM price -here ts a coupon for an eveM>etter value. • r , Orr.ango Co II DAIL V PILOT/Wndnotdoy, Novemb r 10, 1982 (;3 Answers to .I 0 most-asked refund questions By Martin Sloane t hi• otter dOH n't 1equ11• • &4 OU"'9 Hl•O hull drink toi Heh IJ<Jnd 1he 1~1111e1H1lund torm anu to1m touna on •11•r.1111y m111h•ll 1<11 t kc;o 1111kew11111 1ria t 1 1r1 C1oc1i1r 11111111on tAu01111n 11 ounce b•Q ol N"ll• h mt H f'\' llrt' lh IO ntltit relur)(I '°''" "Annie 011111 Wall Po11w IOOk " I~ lr011t 11111411 t1om 0111 llOlll• ol P• Ci k • o u n I T 1 11 ch r l ••I coupooa 101 He11h•Y CO()Ojl St111d Sc1llu1>e11 Jull•nne Sour C1Hm &•utt C11ocol1t• Mor HI• •nd , ~· ' IJ kr Nlln.I loaa 8hopp1 OIH•, fh4te It no Hmlt oo thte Olltt I\ e 1 I l •m o n J ut'• r 1 om 100 count h11 81101 and thrH ttM1r9e1u11.0111uml f0tm 11'10 ttwM n <.;111v•1 11a.r1 B1cw.o Crnmeo 110111 on• t:Z ounc• b-O (Ot 1wo re9ut•ntly llll t•d PO llo• 2&11. 8 0 11011, Men Eal)ff"O.C 3t, ltl2 'OllC.tHllr•t• J1ounc:e •ll• 11111 Unt~e;~ .. Proeluc.t Codi 1ymt>olt thrH p1001101 purc111.., on• or tt1c;ko1y 8mok1 CheH•I e ounce b•O•I 0 1 Hetti• qul~llONl aboul l'UUpOnl\, OU11 leod II U P09'IQI end L-TON low Celorle lctiJ lt1 1111 1eg111er l•j.I• et11.rwlnQ the from tOO·COl.lnl ltffldtl lHI 811Q Unlverul lt1odui;I Collot t ymbol Htmt>urger Helper 01 Tun1 HlllO.r 8ulltr1Cotcn MorMlt •nd t 10111 llnd lh I h111dllng c:heGk or mor'41Y orc1111 Ml• 11 Cou""" Otflt ,. __ _,VI• It ''"rC:hH• prte• F•·"••• Oeo 3 t, p1c i.10•1 or une Univtr••l rrom 1nv 1 "OUll" b•O "'' ce11 of •1ny 111vo1). e11qu1c;ll (40 oune9 OI or two r.oo•• ol 11V1th1M £1plfM e r tU\lfWl'f'li. Plue on• proor er p111c:h11• ... ~pon off ii;' pu1cn:0r1c1e or• Wtl' "" Produel Cod• •vmbol 1na 11 l h•ll•a '011';nono w11n';;11. on• Go ounc:e 111•1 C.p11tt Jen 3 1 o.c 3 . 1t12 Q u c 11 l I 0 n ; <.: n I\ ll trom. 2·pound ~ ot lff•tle Olllk 4-ounc;e or . e ounce let Ol lil)ton M AU MON, N Al.IMI Piek or fapHe• O« 3 I, 1012 Unlv•tUI Product COO• 1ymbol lllll IMUCICI"'' ICfl•ll.. Ice COUpon ~ used on tht< ChOC:Olele FIAlvor or I 1·pound Ctn I.OW Celolie toed T .. Mia lend lhe C1op ~tlve e coupon IO< Httt It I 11lund IOtm you CMl f1om tny kco beilewttt 11tm end ICNOX Htlurll Snttk St ~lund CrHm OundH Pit t I Allund . h I .__ ol Neltle Oulk 84rewb111y FltvOf the r-"''lld rtf\11\d fOfm ano en lrtttod\lc• u1110 St PKk on. or wrttt tor It refund plu• 1wo th•'""'"" II"'" willllhe ""<Ch .. • 8111d the reQulrt<11•tund t0<m end 8 d h ul _.. 1 d 1 ,. same llem l a l s U\:11\•• E•f,r" ,__ "1, ,..... .....,.... .... K dtl • 1 •0 ..., ··-... b 1 en 1 t 1eq1 r..., r• un 0tm 111 .. d IA__. 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Can you use it a lo ng with the "Buy 1 -Get 1 Free" coupon on the item.that you are purch asing? If the "Buy I " coupon says "only o ne coupo n pe r purc h ase." then you can't. If there is no such restriction , you may be able to use both coupons on the l ast item , d ependi ng o n the redemptio n policy of the store. Question: What does I/20th cent cash value" p r inte d o n a coup o n mean? Answ e r : Som e states require that all coupons have a cash valu e . 1 don't know o f an y instance whe r e coupons were redeemed for this cash value. Ques tion: D o es an expired coupon have any value? Answ e r: An e xpire d coupon has absolutely no value. Question: If a coupon i s o nl y good o n a particular size item, and th at size isn 't available, c an you u se it o n a differenl size? Answer: No, the store is o n ly p erm i tted to redeem the coupon on a purchase of the specified size. If you h ave this problem, write to t h e company and ask for th e name of a store m your a r ea that carries the s pec ifi ed size, o r a n exchange o f the coupon for one good on a size that is m o r e r eadil y available . Question: H ow can I find more of the coupons 1 need? Answer: Get your non-couponing friends and relatives to save th eir n e wspap er food sections and color coupon inserts for you. When a n e wspaper has m o re than $1 worth of coupons you can use, buy several copies. It's one of the best investments you ca n make. Question: H ow can 1 save m ore· from the cou pons I clip? Answer : C lip everything -what you can't uae, you can trade! P u t all the cou pons you can't use in an enve lope a n d l ook f or op portunl ties to t r ade t h em with coupo n i n g frien ds and neighbors. Why not Invite them tor c offee and a swap ..ion? Tradina coupona will mu lti p ly you r u vtna. cL'JJ ........ MPUNDe ·--Cfllll .... I) Clp oefflll .. Ind keep If~ almllar CH ll·Off 0011pona - bt Ytrllt r•lynd offer• wltll __,. COUPQnt, lor t11'"1C>le . ...,, ~ ... llMdtdFioofl of pUrdlete ..... IOOlllng -re q11lr e d fot1•11 1 1111 • IUP I .,...... *n t»&la4Wi Md m rs •-. Ind ....,. """" """• lrl1nd1. Oller• m•1 "'•' • ev11111>I• In 111 1tH• ol 1111 owMty. /lllt/fl# tO .... IO r...iv. ..... ,... TN fOllOwlnO ~ offerw •• -"' ,,,,.,. ' ' I" , ' · · c\\~ , \\b. · · · o'fl. All Ralphs Stores will be open regular hours, Veteran's Day, Thursday, November 11 , 1982 ..--.......... fJ~m·,"m·1·;.,- Doub1e Coupon Double Coupon Double Coupon Double· Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item. Not to In- clude "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes llquor, tobacco and dairy products. 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Cabbage JU1q Thln n1n Lemons ttesh Pltg ol 4 Limes Oesh Cui ltohan Anthuriums .ocb .59 ~I lb .15 ~· .14 .och .19 eoeb .49 buncb 2.49 ---••nonal Care Valu•• ••- s1un Cttom Gle<U<M•"' • 1 99 Noxzema 10 : • Ae1ot0I VO 5 Hair Spray M ylanta Antacid let1 .. 111n11 MOUlhWOJh Listermint ~ 1.87 u~ 2.17 •. -. _, ... UI ll U.. ---=•-t•Mmt•• IUClt •1101-. WMLP I ' . ... .. .. .. . ' Orange Coe at OAll Y I'll 0 I JW t11f1111 .d 11y, Nmmmhe'r 10 1 fl;> --=-----;;__ __________ ~-----~~~----------....-.................... ......-..----~-------~---------------- Ho w · to use n ew low-c;a_! sweet e n er A spartame B y B A R B A R A 0 u l u f 11 1• n N 11 n u111v1•1-.11I 11uh .. 11tull tw ~ mn•k b1llt•rnt'llll. In 11 uil Ill or kt' ll n 8 GI BBONS Culllu111111 11t111wb1.•rr1t allfUll In \'Vtn' 111111\ 11( Slll ~auRMIJ A•porunw 11 not opproval of Hpartomc· cooklnt with up1rto.im11 JW('('ll'IWr1? The nl"wly apprnvNi llhlt' "i.lruwbl•rrw1 ,'' t·ook1n6(, but w.Jth • I ''l'(4Uul" to11 ugJr ln bulk undt•r lh<' trade> name low-calorie swel'll'nl'r whh u lluvcn moit· hkt ,1cfJU'>ll'll •t1•1.·hna4m·'· ll11 'rlw uny mount m't-dt'<I t:quul ii only tn lhc form A Herl' or~ snmf!' nspartnml' Is bcglnnlng honlt' KlllWll o r fl•·hl 1>4>ll'l\ll/1l '" ru1 l(ll'Hll'I uo1•11 n ol m llt(.'h ttH.• ot •lntclt .. ll(lrvlnai pllCkt•&. IUUl,.UOn• t 0 a pp e u r u n n1w111•cl trult P1•111:h1•K l h n 11 ,. u 1· 11•11 t I y wlw11 mokt•d 111 ,, llquul uttwnpting 10 c:uok with volumt' uncJ phyBko l t>qul vn l1•n1 10 two Bury the> IWc.'Nt'l'l\'r supt'rmarkel s he lvt•s urt• "1>t•.1dlwr" nnd fruu 1111\oj111111•d uml 14rudually llN· 1lw11 KOt 't'hurrn 11wt'l'll'llt'rs propt•rth•11 of Ruga r an teaspoona of 11ugar. betW('Cfl two layt>rt of under the 1radt' nunw pundws nn•"frulllt•r" Yt•i., vuu 1'.11\ ''1•u11k" 11w1°l'l lt11sh• cold dc11st•rtt. uncl thoK(• nH·rlngut•11 , 1cl ng11. The monufoc turc•r, l'JOft fruit(qulck<.ooklng "F.qual," a tublcwp sugar mort•. "pund1" with lt'I<." wilh 1\, if you know how &'t·auw 11:w~:h111 Hl ol.;u i>wt•t•tc•rwcl ufl\•r t•ooklnij c·ouktt'lil, and cukcs, nor G .D. Searle, hope• to Mdnl.alh apples lruth:acJ substitute equivalent to fruit JUlt'C' Tht.• sc·1·ri·i l'I tu avoid or b1•1.oa ks down In h I g h work lM•llc•r than bukt~d 1tw thickening properti1•s g u I n a ppr ova I (or of firm "baking apples,'' the s weetness of two Q po1.•s u 11.rn rtu m1· n1h 11111111• tlll •'><po:lu11 • tu h t'll t or pro 1 o n gt• u ~oo<.h.. tn Hyrup!i und llUU<.•t.'8, 11or murkt•tlng }~uul In bulk for example). teaspoons sugar. cook hkc• sugnr. h•·ut. t'O<•klng, tlw l<'C'hnic·nl Un Ilk<.• i.otchunn. the• prltSt'rvntlvt• t•fh'<'ts packag<>s that would be Quick-bake the pie at Sl\oppcrs wlll shortly . A l lt.•stt•d 1 nspartan1l' Un Ii kt• <.' y t' l u mu tu , JH'ou It' ms o f c·1't•o ting h ow t• v 1• 1·. i t • 11 n ot in Jum11 und jclllt>s ll'flS cxpcm11ivo ond more high heat, 4 25 or 4 50 begin to see ca•oril'-In rt'<:1~s for Chrt•t.• yl•<iri-whkh 1.., su1bl1• In hil(h r(•{·ipt•s with ospununw 11 ('cc• 11 1t u r y t " Puckuging requln•-convynlc n1 for recipe degrees, for only 15 or 20 red.uced desserts und lx•furt• 1t wus mnrkt•tt.'<.i, ht•ut, ai.pn1·1unw IR n Ol'l' simila r to thoiw undt•rsw<.·cll'll t)I' ovN-ml'nl.'4 furthcr ('umpllca\~' US<:. minutc11, just until the drink mixes swt.~Lem•d on d m Y <.' x pt' ri I! n n • combrnutt1m of ,Jroll..'11\s olr<.'ady cnt.'ounlN••d by s p 1 cl' .a s p 1H t .. mt.• -1wg~1rlt•. s t:ooJw ry with Q. Arc thert• any ways crust browna. with aspartame 'under ind1c·otps that it's not ;1 thnt Lt•nd lo 1it•1wru1e dlMPrS und diabetics sw<.'NNH'li dt.•si>t.•rts lU t1spurtu1nc•. around the problems of ISet-ASPARTAME, C7) t h e l r a d e n a m e --------=-----------__:. _ _.::_.::..:..:::..::...::..:...:.::..:_..::...:..:...:..:~:.:..:..:.....::.:.::.:..:...:...:.:.::.....:::__: ________ ~:.:....:.:.:..:.:..._.:..:..:..:~.:...:.:=:.:..=....:.:_:.:::.._::::::~:.:.:.:.::.::::::=....::..:._ "NutraSwt.><'l". Readers have wntlcn for iUidanc.'C on C'OOking with lhis product. Answers to the most C'O mm only as,kcd qu<.'slions: Q . Docs aspartam<' really taste hke sugar? A. Yes. il really docs. exactly like sugar. In professionally conducwd faste -t est p enc l s , volunteers were unable to detect any difforcnce betwee n two d rink s sweete ned with sugar or aspartame. Q . Is il better than cyclamate, the sweetener that was banned over a decade ago? A. In terms of sugar- like taste, yes. In ter ms of versatility, no. Cyclamate is stable in h eat and retains its swee tn ess durin g processing, canning and prolonged cooking at high temperatures. The home cook could use cyclamate m baked or cooked desserts, whe r eas asparta m e requi r es sp ec ial precautions to protect rt from heal breakdown. Q . Does it have any bitter aftertaste. like saccharin? A. No, saccharin has a metallic bitter undertone that's m asked b y its sweetness, but comes through as an aftertaste. Wh e n sacchar in breaks down due to high heat, the sweetn ess disappears but th e metallic bitter tas te remains. When aspartame loses its sweetness m heal, 1t diminishes gradually and ultimately disappears ith no trace. Aspartame no taste except for its ~ e-dimens1o nal sugar- e sweetness. Q. How much should I ? A . Presently partame is available as e tabletop sweetener ual, only in single- rving packets equal to o teaspoons of sugar. Use \hese packets as u would sugar to eet e n d rinks like offee or t ea . The we e t e n e r i s m o r e sponsive at cold peratures, and to the 'd ingredients in fruit. Cold drinks or desserts uire less sweetening hot ones. Although paname is claimed to "200 times sweeter sugar," this is only average. Its sweetening erformance varies . ep e ndin g on the gre die nls . Iced tea ith le m on w o uld uire less than hot tea coffee. Q. What foods require sweetening? A. Sour. tart a.ad acidic "1.l~is respond very well sweet e ning with pa rtame and require "..J>ro p o rtiona ll y l ess sweetening than they would with sugar. So begin ex p eri - m enting by u si n g 1 ; little less on fruit, &ogurt. sour cr eam, I cottage c heese based I desserts, cheese cakes, SJlad dressings. gelatins. I Mc. I Q. What foods require more sweetening? A. Chocolate and other bitter ingredients seem to require more than an equa l amount o f aspartame sw eetener , r C'Ompa r e d w ith th e I ~nnal amount of sugar. ti: However, using carob I instead of <!hocolate I lessens the sweetening I requirement. I Decaffeinated coffee needG le19 than regular I coffee. U1lo1 vanilla I extrar.t increases the I nee d for 1weetneu I because li. bitter tone 1, seems to be magnified by upartame. 1 Q . Does aspartame I have any effect on the I flavor of foods? I A . While It h u no "''-of ha own, it does I Hem to rnten1lfy the L Dll t\fUl flavor of frffh fruJt. ,.,, •. 1.98 I&. lean & meaty ' I short ribs ,., .•. 1.98 I&. boneless shoulder clod roast ,.,. i.. 2.98 I&. marinated I chuck steaks I ,.,. I~. 1.98 lean 1 ground beef not to exceed 25% fat content r19. i.. 1.89 I~. cheese of the week ... all purpose trapplst baby swiss cheese r •· 2.91 I~. 2.49 hebrew national kosher &ologrla ,... •· 4.S9 I~. 3 rom new york muenster ohe11a· !It .. !.19 •.. 2.49 made fresh dally ... choice of dressing, Individual chef salads monterey or florentine 1.49 stuffed sole . •· S.91 . 1.691 seafood kabobs "" •. 4.91 2.49 cockteil shrimp ,... I. 6.49 snow crab mea.t ,., .•. 9.91 from england prlmo11 oil 30 capsules • 14.9S 11. 95 from england bee pollall 30 tabs "I· 4.9S 90 tabe Ill· 9.9S I~. new season- zutano avocados salad & dips martlnelll sparkling apple ci4er 25.4 oz. 1.49 1.39 e cecco tpa9hetfl ~r tpa9hettini 1 lb. box a more tortellni o u ce co. -res pineapple/ coconut juice ~ 32 oz. bottle "I-2.S9 1.89 (/ \F.~~~~~~~,11 11 ~--~~·J ! 24 oz. loaf 1.59 homem•de lrvtne ranch natural lppla/ oelfea llU made from pure hood river applet no preservatives 16 oz. 2.29. . .. - \ .. Romantic dinn rs for two feature sophisticated, light weight fish Wunt to 1'1•k1ndh• a n old rornam·t»! Go bul·k, them, to thl' uttrut·tlonH that ont'\' spurkt-d a 1ww onl' p(•rfum<.>, mustl'. c a 11 dlt•l1ghl , and u s peciol, fcst1 vt• d1niw r just for two. Arc y ou muttt•ring "t·alon cs, calorws~" Not to worry. Fcstivt• nt: 'tln't always mean rk h suut't'S, meats u nd <.·r t•amed vt•getabk'S. In fat'l, low t·alorw rish stea ks sut·h us halibut can be glor1fit-d w1th a dell.ate but sophisl.l~uted citrus sauce based on the refreshing taste or frt'Sh grapefruit Juice. The fish is dressed up with fennel, onions and grapefruit sections, and poach ed in grapefr.uit juice, a delicious way 'to please you r palate and get your vitamin ~ too. S m oothly blended with t he savory flavor of fennel, and adding both verve and sparkle to this d ish, are sections from t h in-ski nned , juic c - heavy grapefruit coming into the markets in abundance now . Serve gree n bean bund les and pimiento rice as vegetables, And then splurge on small servings of a rich, sinful d e ssert , a s p ec i a l romantic: treal. If you pre fe r a Fa r Easte rn ambience with low calorie cod, scrod or hadd ock , the li ve ly tartness of gra pe fruit p ieces added to your fish-fry is balant-ed by a t ouc h o f h o n ey a nd chopp e d g in ge r , deliciously recalling the romantic Orienl. F,•1m"1-pt•,.f11111t•d fish stt•;,1ks il1 f.:l'IJp(•fruit -hmwJ' s;w<·,~ g rac<· a frstfr,. table for hH>. 1 la rge onion, slt<'Cd (I cup) 2 halibut steaks (4 to 6 o uncC's C'ac h ). c u t I-inch thick S prinkle parsley, fennel, salt and pepper over fish . Add grape fruit ju1c1'. Cover. ORIENT AL FISH l grapefruit, pct•lcd and sectioned S o light the candles .. put on the o ld T o n y Bennett re<..'Ords, pour a good white wine, da b on your perfume and voala~ A d e licio u s. n t•w beginning for a n o ld romance. 3 t ab l es p oo n s <·hoppl'<I parsk•y 1/4 teaspoon fenne l see<ls crusht>d JUICC 1 , teaspoon S<Jlt 1 a waspoon pepper ·~ cup grapefruit I grapdruit, peeled and sec:t1oned 1 ta blespoon honl'y •,J ·teaspoon frC's h <.·hopped ginger Bring t o b o iling ; r ed uce heat, simmer 8 minUlL'S. Add gra pt'fru1t 3 tablt'Spoons peanut ~ections. Cover. oil Cook 2 minutes longer, ·~ t· u p s 1 i c e d or until fish flakes easily almonds whC'n tesll.'d with a fork. 2 c l ovt g'a rl ic, R e m o v e f i s h a n d mtnt'Cd grape fruit to ser v ing ;~ to t und fish . platter; keep warm. ·cut 111 c:hunks (c.'Od, scrod. FENNEL FISH STEAKS ~ c up butte r margarine In lar ge skillet me lt butter: saute onion until o r golde n . Arra nge Cash steaks on top of onions. R e du ce l iquid by or haddock) cooking over high heat Parsley sprigs until slightly thlc:kenc.-d. S poon over fish. Yields 2 servings. Combine grape fruit, honey a nd ganger . In , On the mium COffees m on a 3 lb. can of MJB Premium Oround Coffee or a 39 oz. can of MJ B Premium Flake Ground Coffee COHSlWlR ()II .. ~m.led to Ol\f! '°""°" Pf'f 1>W ~:,.~~ncrJ":r~·~~0"~~:.~.::.~ :~~: .~~~~:.:~~~·.,~~~c~·~~~o~ :;.·~; ·-•Ml" ll't 'I @. •atue , ..... ;c .... M N!l!n\j pn>woded you AOC! con.ti.mer h••• <00111Ji'f'il •·lh m• '~' o4 th•• oner Coui,.on m1•7 n<'t t>• ''"'\l"od Ut lrtl\SICllfd by YoU We Writ "" hono< ••"""'P'"'"" llvOll\)h °'Cl\od• 111)"1\0H b<o~'11t .. t """'CUP ,,,,.,.. mu•t ,.,. .,,., • i.1 t.t • Cov!!O!J •Vld """-l<IJ'ecl'fJ'Gf'oli~ed-o< rvwit11u1 •~.0.01 6h.,...,.•u )'Oll<llU"t'•~ .. ol • oll11141nhlM~ IOC~ COllj)On t ptttel"lteO for r•d•tnfthCHt "'VI'• bf' l hO•n on 1e~~· C'.i"' ••tut I 10 t>f Of'~ t •"' f CI !>'amp redtmr' .,~ie<.,1 'ltJMJOCo f'O •1•87 c •f\1001 ...... !>1131 l•lllt .. FMl!wtry 21. tNl OFFER LIMITED TO ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE ... " MJB Co f»rn r ,..,, ... ,o CA STORE COUPON \ . 40500 l.04175 ~----------------------------------~--------· ' 1 ~ , medium skallct, ht•at oil: s l:lutc a lmo nCJ s until l golden R em ove nuts with a s lo tte d spoon : reserve• In same skille t. sautt• garltc: until golden Acid fish; s tir lightly untip , cooked through, about 3 minutes. Remove fish to heated serving platter. AdtJ g r a p e frui t sections to skillet; heat through..._.P our heated grape fruit over fis h . Sprinkle with toast ed almond slic:c>s. Garnish with fresh parsley sprigs. Yields 2 servings. ., --- I .. Ornnnu Cou•t DAil v Pit ot /Wednesday November 10 198? 'DOGS.UICEW THAN BONES. It's a fact ... 2 out of 3 dogs like new Beef Bite Treats better than bones.· Because wilike ordinary treats, Beef Bite Treats· from ALPO are loaded with real beef. Get new Beef Bite Treats -... they'll be your dog's choice too! •' .. ••• ____ .... ~-.~·. 25~0ffl 1 ~ S°MFBITE1REAJS":·· I DOGS UKE 'EM BEi IER THAN SONES. I y. ~~ -. ... ~ '""' ... , .'6 , .. ~ ..... ~ ..... _.,,, ... _""'Uao'V"'W"fl: ........ ~ ,,.~ I """"'·""""""'~_.... ... .,.,. ......... tll'.._. ... ., ... ,.,..,..,.,,. 4»'.ltn ....... ,,"W~~·..........,,""' ..... tl)'·-.,.. I ~ tc,.,.W't ~~lf.•"ll' .-.M,_"V..,,,,,. .... _.A*-' ITl"'Cllll• .. ~""'°'~fr.....,l~Jt.O~...tO.tv~Ol'"'Y•~IOf~t~ 0\'""4•"-""cua.,.,11"•0•"..._,, ....... ~......, "'· Mw-•~,•·.-. .. Jtt••-1"'4~••<..~tr ~ll'WP'l"t.tfll' ~V ,..,_~,,.",.,, .. ., ..... ..,... .,,,....,...,.w,,,,. .... t~•,~V Dr•lll --..hloO~,._.,-"""T~ ... .tlo4 I .......,..,..~, .... ~, ..,.,".._ . ....., -• "6A~•""'NI.• r.,~aiv.....,.,lfoe.po-..,..,..,~ I ""' --· ... ' .,.,... ... .......... & • , ... , I ~ Hu;,';j'C;uponexplr•tlon 11000 402•4a I Iii d•te: Decemb4tr 31, 1982. o ,. U---~~'[I! OI ~"°' ..,,.,,_, I C 198l"""'1--~1 w _J '-mi-------------- • ' . ' ' ., ft Orange Co tt OAILV PILOT /Wed11eaday, Nov mber 10, 1,82 Homemade steW piQneer dish th,t still s~tisf ies Visu1&Uw o l'Ot.y cabin In the wood11 with u cheery fire burning In the flrepltHl' A wonderfµlly appetti ln(C smell l'Omes from a black kettle hanging abovl' lhe flftmes. It's not d1U1cult to guess what's cooking in this frontie r cabin lt's homemndc soup or stew, the basis for man y hearty meals enjoyed by our forefathers. Even today, soups and stews can please the most f lnkk y dine r , o (f e rl ng man y combination s for a nutritious and satisfying hot meal. With careful selection of ingredi.ents, they can be real dollar- stretchers, too. - For the diet conscious, choose recipes using only broth and vegetables, for an appealing sou p containing only 60 to 100 calories a cup. . A mixed vegetable soup o r s tew could include bits o f onion, c arrot , tomat o, mushroom , squas h . celery, parsley, potato, eggplant, peppers, green beans or peas. The water-based stock could b e br ewed with s e asonings s u c h as thyme. bay leaf. o r garlic. Bouillo n cubes add .even more flavor. Onion soup, stewed tomatoes, and ratatouille are tasty examples of these low- calorie dishes. For a little m ore substance, but only a few more calor ies. add leftover tidbits of meat, poultry, seafoo9 or even pasta or beans. Gra ins su ch as barley, rice, oatmeal or wheat germ are also nutritious and filling ingredients. Minestrone, goulash , and chowder are some favorite examples of these thicker recipes. A bit of flour, milk or egg can be added to thicken these soups and stews which average about 100 to 200 calories per cup. The pioneers w ere probably not too concerned about calories: they made very hearty soups a nd stew s b y adding l ots of mea t (venison or a who le rabbit or sq u irr e l), vegetables (especially potatoes and onions), and maybe dumplings or noodles. Their th ick stews probably added up to 200 -300 or more calories per cup, but then they had lots of heavy work to do. When making soups and stews, re membe r time and low cooking temperatures are necessary to let the flavors blend and the ingredients tenderize. The least expensive cuts of beef, lamb, pork, or poultry all work ver y well in soups and stews. Because of the length of time demanded for making soups and stews, a heav-y, covered pot is recommended. The old· fashioned cast iron kettle is dandy, or us e a crockpot for all-day simmering. Breaking the sodium code Because of the health risks associated with salt. here is a quick reference on ways to recognize and reduce salt in your diet: Table salt, composed of the minerals sodium and chloride, and other sodium compounds, are often hidden in processed f oods b y means of various code names. To help break these codes when reading an ingr edients label , r e member the word "aalt" or "sodium" doesn't always appear as part of the ingredient name. Here, for yo ur detective work, are some coirimonly u a.ed ingredlenta containing sodium: • balc.ing powder • baking aoda • kelP • t0y llolates • hydroly%ed vegetable protein • monoaodlum aluta- mat.e <MSG) • .ea salt • IOdlum chloride ·• dillodlum phoephaw • .odium· benroate • IOdlum hydroxide • todJ um nitrate • eodlum .ulflt.e • .odium pC"Op6onat.e • IOdlym al&Jnat.e . . To obluin tht.• dc p , rll•h , brow ning 10 cJ1-sirublt• in muny HOU J>I tHHI 11tt•w11, ihcrt• ore t.wtaln bn11lc Htl'p: whkh must be followro. First, heat thl' kNllt• slowly and thoroughly before adding fat. U lll' only enough fot or oil to covt>r the bottom oC tht.• pan. F're11h trimmings from the meat provide the best flavor. (The Cat s hould be rendered b e fore any meat i s added). Wipe meal dry tx•fon.• 1.1dd1n~ 111 th1• hm Int Turn tht• p lt•1·1·• ol 11wut fr('ttrn.•ntly HO tlwy don't burn. I( t'xet•s.'i I 11 1w<:umulutc•1J during tlw i<' ring pl'Ul't'llli, pour 1t o f f b 1• f u r <' u d d 1 n K vl'gc.•tabl<•:t or liquid. Add vegetabl(•K auch as unmn ond cel(try atwr meat 1s partially browned, ;md continue stirring to brown both Curth<.>r. '-' 1 l h t lw v1•u1•111 hh•" tu ... Ulllll'll71•" und f.tlVt• II 6(0od rolur ll' tlw MJU p ur !lll'W. Wlll'n udtll111i1 (lour lo hot 11<>u1>l'I or 11tew11, Uk' 11 l t••u.1poon11 or flour tor c.•uc:h cup of llqutd . llowt•v(.lr, do no t odd flour dirt•C'tly to the stock . l{r111lut11 ly puur putf' mh<tu1<t• jnto tht• bolling tiUK'k, 11tlrrl11.c c.'t1ttlf~mtJy, t-0 ovoid lumpl'i. t'ornlicJur 11oup oa lill'W u1 the.• main rour~· wh1•11 c.•ntt·riurn1ng It'• 11 wondt•rful lr N1 t for guc•sts, simpll• lo prepart• and Is u ppropr ioll• for tmy Ol'l'll!llon, with ooy It-t S.· 11ur to l{ur11111h tlw •t1.1w with c:hopJX'<i porslt•y aio 1t wlll lw "w1•arln' tht• (Crt't'n!" (.;uulm;h mn lK• u aoup or flll'W, <ll·1x•11dln1< how th1t·k ll I# mud(• Most comtnonly modi' with bc>t•f, thi11 h1Hhly . pkt'<! 1 lungariun dish f<>atu1 t'il pupriku ond , o ft('n , (1·('sh l y ~r o und pc.•pJX•rt'orns Noodk'S an• thl• typ1cul al·t·om - punylng d1i.h l'1H11't' 'rtw 111a"'(U1•ntM 1· •' n v u 1 y w 1 d l' I y , Ii 1· 1> 1· n cf 1 n I< o n t h c.• HVHll~1 billty o( lll'Ufood. Thl:c fl 1d1 Kll'W W(l ll l' I l' u t t• d I fl l h 1.· Ml·d1tc•rrnnenn wh<>r<> only thl' Crt.'!iht-sl posstbh• r111t1 11nd 11h1.·llfi1h wl'n· !Jt;('CJ • Ton\u llH'•• 0 11 101111 , IN·k11. gurllt•, fenn,•l. irn Cfro n , bay leavl•s, orungl· rind, c:l·ll'ry IWl-d, ond parsley_ are some of tht.• vt•gl'tablei. und herbs' whk h make this such' a UUll)' 11l4•W Roi ~ht, ttW l,M't•l llOUp 110 favon'tl In RW!ftln, alHO lnl'll~<'ll onion, l·arrots, :ind l'O bbagt'' In most rN·lpcll h 's slmmert>d with JU&l a bit or v1m•gnr, to pped with so ur crf'am and gur111 Hhl'd with t.'ut·umlwr. It i11 usually 11crv1•d with dark pumpernickel bread An old tric.·k Co r SUl't.oessful browning is to add ·usl a bit of sugar U!R• o <:up lO mix ubout twice as much wd!er or milk.as flour Into a p'asw; to this paste, add about 'A cup of the hot stock a nd mix well. Then For cxa m µI{•, J r111h stl'W Is mnrv<>lou.'i ror S t. Patrick 's Doy . h 's basically a thick lamb stew with lots of onions and potatoes, aeusoncd 8 ou1 Jlaba lue is unothN favorite party ·- COMPARE OUR LOW MEAT PRICES! FRYING lb .49 CHICKEN Wllale llOCly SOl/tlwrn Cl-A T·BONE .. 229 STEAK 80nO«I see' lom 39 PORTERHOUSE STEAK BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST IOl!C"C' lttf U> • r MARSHMALLOW -=9 ~~ME 101 , •• ~ CAf'liNEO & PACKAGED OOLD MEDAL 89 FLOUR Slti Bag e HARVEST DAY 59 ~~~ Top 1• 01 l~f • or 5,)n(lwt<h wnitt or W11ea1 I!!~!~~~~!,~ICE .,oiu ... 75 r :.!2.~,E TOP STUfflNG1e11.., •• 89 I ~~fOCOA Ml~ ., ... , .. 1 .19 r ~~~~~~s •fOl 16'.69 HOUSEHOLD & PET !~~0PAPER TOW~LS., "ocai . 71 !~!~!~~TISSUE 1 06 Ol •\fA>lflD 1ot \I •G • r cHocOLA TE 119 r~.T,HROOM CLEANER100l , .... 99 ~~!S 1201 8.l9 @r~o SANDWIC~~~~~3 semtSWft't . !PURINA CAT CHOW 2 55 r DIAMOND 289 · · · ·· •i.•AG · WALNUTS !~~1!:! DOC FOOO 1011 IAG 4 .19 ,g 01 8.l9 LADY LEE SUGAR GI olnUI,)! f(I r~~,!? SYRUP ... ''°''" .89 LIQUOR & WINE l*b ··-°""' .. s ...... ""'"'-°"" r CHRISTIAN BROS.339 ~~~ IS Ur l tl °' Hap,) •ose FRESH 109 ~~DBEEF Ur OOf'r1'0t'tiCfecr~ •t ====1 r ;_H£~EN_...,_,~,_,__ llOnOtO'"' lOln lb ------~~3 £-BLUE NUN W . tte1& in 3: !LANCER'S WIN-es-2 99 WHOLE 59 FRYER LEGS Frt'lll 8 10Pl«"!'tr11ol9 lb • Ptr 8,)C) ROUND STEAK .. 1 .97 'VII rut l(JlrtnfHIC)l.c:J(O•U CROSS RIB ROAST .. 1 .98 .-i.t1t'\ tcafOfOMll "MJC• LADY LEE BACON Hl-1.69 tC'lO..-W H Ottot(• RUMP ROAST .. 1.97 lll'CllU "°'°"'Cl" IOOOIO•t•- STEWINC BEEF .. 1 .89 ~'H\IOJCllDl(ff PORK LOIN ROAST II 1.67 '-\~ 11f '" '"' P~~-K.~~!~"°SPARERIBS .. 1.67 QUARTER PORK LOIN BRAUNSCHWEICER .-u • ..-... OIOCI'~• l• ) , ... Pam Jacksen .. 1.77 .. 1.09 Saved •10.37 P1m·1 own wMll'e shopping to••led $88 20 II Lucky Th• lime Of r.r>mp1r1bl• Item• 1t the 'upermerkel of her choice totllec:t SH 57 Tn1ra a aav1n91 of 110 37 it Lucky! ffltt la•rn 0(111!\fl• .1~ 1911 i ~ , , .,.1.tyii ,,.._ ,, 8 I WHOLE BEEF BRISKET 9onelfss aonoeo llttf 7 9LbS lO 129 CROUND BEEF PATTIES =~·.:,, .. mo'°",., . . . . I II IAG 3. 98 .~~!s~~~.MS SAUSAGE 218 UOl ~1... H l llCIJ, • HILlSHIRE SAUSAGE .i.2.49 TO OUfll CUITOMllll: In Ille evenl 01 1 t1bof dispute you c1n be 11sured th1t .,... will do everything pol61bl1 to keep our llllf~• 1nd meat c1se1 well•SIOC~ell We •POlOQ•te h0111ev1r tor any 1nconven1tnc1 you m1y 1x~t1tnc1 by 1Cl\lertosod 11em1 b11ng 1emporarlly oul 01 •tock We 1ppr1Q111e vour con11nued pa1ron1g1 1'1d 11nd1r11anding COior Reprints From your cOIOI' M9•ttve1, Eacn S" x 7" 119 r~ATER CHESTNUTS •Ol ...... 69 !~RKEE COCONUT •• 0,."' 1 .39 r~~.~~y STUFR,~ .., •• 79 !£~~~r~!Y SAUCE 55 c.~·-.... t60ltM• r~~~ ~ PINEAPPLE 59 ~O 00 llJCfO IOClr C ... • £~~~~~~~ BREAOS,,Ol ..,.1.29 r LADY LEE PUMPKIN ,. 01'"".6 3 £~MONTE PICKLES 1101,,...99 r~,~~oQUEEN OUV.E,~Ol ... 2.89 r~~~--.... .,Ol -.89 r~s CORN .,,Ol c .... 39 lEA~ ~~·A·~·Ml~~•orc• 1.09 £ NONE·SUCH Ml~E~~~2.49 r ~~~~~~ .. , .. Ol IO• .89 r SCH":l!~'S VA~~oun 1 .5 9 1101e -ll""COO-~ 7W1&el\ • !~~!~S WINES "° ... " 2 .99 ! ~~! ~INE~ "" •n 3.99 FROZEN ITEMS r ~~.: BURRITOS r CELESTE PIZZA SOlllAU r .JOHNSTON'S PIE _f.,.OUIC"4"\I • . 101_.25 t10l .,, 2.99 . 110110.1 .99 l ~~o!-~~o~!~.!ABlE;or "'. 79 £0RE·IDA COB C~N.u. .. , 1.19 (§ r~!:!0. ~~~ na.85 r ~<~~!.. 1 •tOHMo 79 r ~YR.AKE WAFA;~~ .,,, • 79 rSWANSON'S CHICKEN -, 69 -II II Ol JO' ,I-• l-llf•" rtO! fflofl•v•., Untt '"""'' '""'""0...0"'"''" .. There are lots of other l'XO~ic possibilities for ,entertaining with tiOUps und stews. QUALITY PRODUCE OOLOEN BANANAS ll•Pf ano Flavorful ... 29 COLDEN DB.ICIOUS 29 APPLES -~"'-"'I w.nn1ngcon htr' Fancy Lil • PINK 19 ~~~RUIT Uch•• LEAF LETTUCE 11@0 euner llomlllnf SI' Grttn DAIRY ITEMS LOWFA T MILK ...... 1.86 UOtlll r~~~~-MA_R~RI~~ 1101 o N .59 £~H~~:?.!~1~ •••. '°'tM.69 -~!~~-~~-~~~~E ~~ <"' .83 r Key Buys mean extra savings. t<.-, Bv'r' .,. ~-P"«'O -!ht-• ewrye1.1y dfSCount puces as•·~ 01 menut1ie1ur .. , lllm-fty PfO'nOl'°"at ""°"'""""Of ••G~IOOl'at DU•Cl\ftes Vbu H ftnd hu""f\'Ol OI Kt1V Buy •!ems .,....., ume yo.; &""9 DELICATESSEN ITEMS rCREAM 79 ~~~180z Plt9 • r ~~~,.<?POLO_ SALA~ -2 .19 r ~~~ll~~ ~us.~~OOl ~ 1. 99 !~~y LEE SALAMI UOJO•' 1 .79 !~~!.~!r~UITS , or c ... 19 r~.~~~STER ME~!J ,.~ .37 r~~~~o~ •01~ 1.09 r~MATE Oflf~ 1.29 r ~AJ!~Wl.SS CHE~S:,.. 3 .49 l~!~ ~~.'°'owe 1.49"·-~·.- / GENERIC ITEMS GENERIC COOKIES C..CXOIAll <• Olllw .. Ol""n• HOT COCOA MIX ~ Bl.AOC PEPP!I ..,.., IOOll .. •99 •llf •• 1.19 ••t-~.25 ~~N CRAVV MIX nt• .... 23 !~ZEN WAFR.ES ,, ... • ... 69 !!cGlESS TEA IAO~" .1.29 ~CAROM & C~~ ••• 24 AlUMINUM FOi. -..... 96 I ' l ' I r • Ancient method of clay co~ki.:ig pr erv flavor and aroma .of French Onion Soup l 111 " ' (:luy hokt•r i 1 , For tht' <' chilly autumn and winter duy11 n othing <.·un be mon~ satisfying than a bowl of hearty French Onion Soup made the clay pot way. Thi s t raditional French dish lnden with crisp sllc.'t'S of toast and crowned with delicious melted cheese is easy to prepare. Clay cookery is a time tested method that 1s enjoying great popularity today. A clay baker is ideal for making soup. The flavor o f the vegetables blends completely with i.he liquid they are cooked in. There is no danger' that the liquid will boil away. This means that the pot d oes n ' t h>a v e t Q be watched and that. water doesn't have to be added continually. The ingredients won't s tick o r burn . All vitamins, nutrients and aroma a r e retained, making yo ur soup h ea lthier a nd more appealing. This recipe was taken from the book CLAY COOKERY by the Editors o f Con sumer Guide, Skokie, Ill. SAVORY OVEN FRENCH ONION SOUP 6 large onions. thinly sliced 2 cloves garlic, min£ed 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 1A teaspoon dried thyme leaves 3 cans (13¥. ounces) regular strength or 5 IA cups homemade beef ASPARTAME (From page C4) Use a glass pan and put the pie on the bottom rack so the under~rust browns quickly by reClected oven heat. The p oi n t of this technique is to protect the sweetener from heat., Another advantage of this technique: m ost fruits a nd berries will have better texture if .t h ey're jus t barel y cooked. Cook the pie shell and the filling separately. Bake an unfilled single crust until brown. Meanwhile. cook a cornstarch-t h ickened unsweetened fruit filling in a s aucepan, then remove it from the heat and sweeten the filling to taste after It is cooked. S poon the filling into the prebaked cru5t. Bake an unsweetened topless fruit pie (cover the fruit filling with a round of aluminum foil). After the pie is removed from the oven, sprinkle th e fill ing with granulated sll'ga r substitute. Bake an unsweetened pie with a latticework uppe r crust (or put several slashes in the top crust). Spice up • spices Making s ure your spices are up to sniff is one of the secrets o f success(ul cooking, and early ran is an ideal time to refresh your spices in preparation for winter cookin g and holiday baking. A little spice goes so far that having full y flavorsome and aromatic spices is one of the best Investments you can make. Remembe r that recipes are d eveloped .with fresh spices, and In order to get true flavor r esu I t s your s p ices should b e equally aromatic. As a test, try this: If you're low in supely on one particular spice, buy a new container, but save the old one un\41 you've had a chance to compare them. Check the a roma of \he older one, then the fresh atock and you'll ~ amazed at the difference. Once you have a new supply, take good care of your spices. Store them •~y·troni the stove or radiator heat and bright aunllght. It'a b est to refrigerate oily 11eed1 1uc h 81 poppy a nd 1eume end the red pepper ,.....,. -JMlprika. red pepper and chill 1>0Wder. • f A i broth l l'Up d r y Whitt• wine Salt Freshly grounu pepper 6 slices French bread. 1-"l-in. thick 1 cup freshly grated Parmesnn cheese 1 cup shredded aged Swi~ cheese Soak top and bottom of a 3 1A quart clay cooker in water for about l~ mlnutt·i., dru111 Plnu• hrown, I!\ to :.!II n11nutt•N covNed l'uc>k1•r In t.·old t'omh11w Pu1 nwaw1n and oven. Set ovt•n at 400 Swli\.'l dwt'llt'li dcgrf'('li. Bu k t• stirring f'lou t lot111t 111 kc11 In onct• or tw1cl', until 11lntclt• luy1•r ovc•r 1wup onions are hmp und light Sprlnkll' t•v<>nly with brown, about 1 hour. chet'st>s. lncrt•iuw ovl'n Sprinkle.• onions w1lh t emp<'rti ture to 4 50 thyme. Pour In broth dcgrl•cs . Bakf' soup and wino. Bakt• c.'Qvercd , uncovcn>d 10 minutes. l hour. I n c r e a s c.• o v c n Season to taste with tc.•mperulure \O 550 alt and pcp~r. While degrees and/or broil, soup is cooking, toaaot cook until cheese Is bread in oven until light bubbling and golden, nl.1ou1 :.! n1111utr:. St•rvc• Vl'rY tml Tht• t'luy <:ookt•r mukc11 I\ good llCfVIOl( dh1h f<Jr soup you cun hrlng it to lhe tubl · from the OVl'll. Rt•member tha t ttw clay <.'OOker will bu very hot. Ust• o s turdy trivet of c01·k or wood to prutt.-ct your t.able. Soup wlll stay piping hot for about I hour In a coven>d cluy c.:ooker. Makes ti servings tinu--bonorNI • '1 Hid nwl hod of 1•114 t•tmking. You cu.W I . d 1 · h 0 1 up IC'ulf• l e • 111 cook ;, in uncit-nl•,tf Hmm.• by bakin~·~,; .}"rNl ·h Onion oo 'ou1, in , , f. curtlu-nware pol tin 11') 110 ,,,. llPll LIW PllCll OI · TIMIYll 111 THI MDIII I u 1rl J llJG . r 1rlJ 1111 If .. .. ,~ FOSTER OR -49c ZACKY FRYERS ,OITIR, ZACKY PARMI WHOf.I IODY CHICKINI LB. CALIFORNIA AVOCADOS IUTTaRY IMOOTH MIRACLE · WHIP KRAFT, IALAD DRl ... NG, U-OZ. .IAR At·OZ.. Mii 1~1 ••• a•• ALL a•ITH'a OP•ll V•T•llAll'a OaY, THUll•OAY, 11ov••••11 ff, • A•· • ,, •• ~----------------~ !ll2~~'¥iil! I -~~ ... ~I ·:::·--~: ,.... . I ..:.~ ... "": .. e:!E· ... ~~-==-· ·-· II I ~~·~·~, ~ ~--===-· .. -• .. VALID NOV.MHR 11-17, 1112 I ~----~-----------~ PORK LOIN 1~~. CUT -UP FRYERS •~ .. OUAllTl .. 10- '°8'NA -~·· IUCIO ,A ... CMICUN BEEF BACK RIBS ... asc CUBE STl!AKI ... 21• ..,. ... .... ·---· UIOA CMC>fCI MU. aowt:Llal TURKEY WINOS .• 59c FAMILY STEAKS .. 2•• '"°n•. Tu• ••c• . .u ........ uaoA CHOtCa ...... ·~DIA Clt\ICC BEEF LIVER .. 99c HILLSHIRE FARMS .. 21• ILtcft .... ·-· ............ -.... . ... -............ _,.. ... -....~-IAlltMlll •• -.... -............. OR BOTTOM ROUND ROAIT CLUB STEAKS 2" RUDY'S FARM .. 23' UIDA CHOIC! Hl!F lltOAC-a81U.-.... 14ll10 ... -HU ... M. MOUUUI Oii ..OT 5i'1 ltUH QO ,_,. Talia . ·. 1·~ •ROWN ONIONS 2:21• FRESH CORN 4i'1 LARGE 71~. -·-----····--... -TaM8--·-· .. ···-· LARQI! TOMATOES ...... 59• PREMIUM RUSSETS 3:91 WALNUTS auc--.... _ ................... _, ...... PMMMlllMANOlll'OfAtOet •••••.• , --· ····-·••· , HOUIE,PLANTI 99• PIGGYBACK PLANTS 3" 49--, .. -"-"°' ... _ .... .._ ...... "°' .... _ ... .,., __ ........ ·-New POTHOI, MARBLE QUEEN ·-3•• ZVQO CACTUS .. 1" CRO' _,._f~-...C" .... "°' PANll. AHOllTIO COLOlll llMOLI flOLL KRAFT PARKAY MAHAll<ll .. MOUi.AA OUAATHI, ,,.., Cfll, PILLSBURY CAKE MIX AllOflTf_O LAYP C:AU8, ...... ,._..I'll 101 PILLSBURY FLOUR __ OOl ...... k .... HILLS BROS. COFFEE t.U.-e...uc"" HAAVllT MOON CHllSI ----~ .... -. ... '-·-· ~~~~.~"" -_ .. __ KRA" IHAR' CHIDDAR C ... fM.MLICf· .. -Ne • ••N liq"OT ··••· --· .. -~----- ,...,.~•cc,eo.oi.cr11. PET-RITZ COBBLERS NACll.111.ACa-.•OL.O-."'CIL .. QAAPEJUICE _.._, ..... ~-----.. JIFFY BAKING MIX -- UFE CllllAIOI CEllAL AURORA 41 ,,~!'J •• !~!~E C 4-ROlL 'ACK 111 li1 ~ 141 ::r.nu- 3100 BALBOA ILVD~~-~,NEWPORT IUCH 2171 HAii• • COITI MESA .. 4 " . 1 I I ' 11:'.l r1a Jiii h ., m l·n l'!:t 1d '~I/ , d le! ,, J I !;!i ,o/') l(JZ I B ;. " f '~ , I '•'~ ~ : ·l "·~ cq ·~•a 1.0 •"G :1.J llli 'h l •• 11 t1d II ) .rH f ,, t)J ~q 'I J •rl 1 ,,, l)t; 1•1) r., 'l I 11 1 .m •il '.>!a o l r.~.) n: ,_,.,, nc 111 'l J •n .ll 111 &IT lo l•C( .JW lo .rn • G .H1 -!bl ;:i '1? Ill~ 8 >2 1.n Jrl NO I'll lo II& ,. I •l 'l Q )01 1cn J\)'J n 1 'Jl ,, ' 111 ' ' , ~ ·- r ca " 10, I O!i~ Albondigas soup a picy classiC for crisp fall day S o pa dt> a lbonc.Ji~11t1, w i th b1..•t1f, l'.CU · 1,.-i Aue.I romo111tn1< I !WUp bowl!. u11ll 1wrvt• meatball soup,isaspil'y teaspoonsalt,rtt'l'nnd~ H'i,1Spoon sui t , lt-n111n Wi t h ... Np uunful or Mexican classk perfe..-t tablespoo ns purs lf!y . 1x·mwr s.·u:io11h1g, hmth, <.'ht't'W llu1t1·1 Mukc•i. ;I M•·xi<•Ufl Mt>ullmll for warming up family Shape m1xtun.• 11\111 211 watf'r, l'firrots :mu l't•h•1y (•111n .. • ,,., vl111<x s0 111, mukt'h 0 member on cool fa ll small ml•utbulls and 1wl Bring to bolling. Drop m Chee e -Buller: Bh•nd days . Soup is oftt•n aside. mentballs and 111mm('r w 111g1•tht•r 1i l'UJ>1;ofl<'rwd lwurty uud ·relegate d to being u Chop rl'mainlng J minut1..'8. hutlt'r with •,.., lt'aspoon nutritious rrwnl , small first course in clov~s garlic: or mash. Add undr alnc•d pn•ss1..·d gur l1 c:, ~ American dining. Cook garlic with onion 1n garl;olnzos, tomatut'S und t111'.llt•s p11uns gri\tt•d purlit•ulurly H owever•, o th e r oil. over medium ht!Qt r C'maining c h oppud Yarnw:'llm ~·hl•1..•s<.· und l during,tht> cool culturesrealizedlong ngo until s.of t but not parsll'y . Cont 1n ut• tnblt•s poon m1nct•d moaHhi, of lhe that aoupmakesahearty browned in covert>d cooking 10 minuH•s parsl<.•y Mukes about •., and nut ritious meul, 3-quarl saucepan. lunger. Ladle Into lurt.il' cup. yt•ur. partioularly during the .-----------------------------------,-----------------------___.._ _______ ...:_ __ cool months of the year. This Mexican Meatball Soup is made with chili powder . c umin, a n d g~rllc for a zesty taste that will satisfy large appetites brought on by fall's crisp air. Serve it for lunch or dinner. Or make it the centerpiece of a dinner party with a Mexican theme.· F or the c ook o n a , bud get , M exiC'a n Meatball Soup is a good ( choice. It uses little meat, 1 but the tomato sauce and ~ bouillon base gives this soup a rich taste and .. aroma . Mos t of the f ingredients are ones you t probably have on hand : already. '!I • MEXICAN MEATBALL '" SOUP .; _ (Makes aboan quart) ' 'h pound l e an ;-ground beef j 3 cups water • 3 beef bouillon • cubes " l ·cup (ti-ounce can) • -tomato saul-e 'h teaspoon c hili powder ·~ teaspoon cumin V. teaspoon pepper 2 tabl espoon s converted rice 'h c up coarse l y chopped onion l crus hed gar I ic I. clove . Form ground beef into ,.,2s to 30 ~-inch balls (I :~·rounded teaspoon for each ball). Pla ce ~· remaining ingredients m • •. •medium saucepan; heat 'to t>oil i ng . Add · meatballs. Boil gently, uncovered, 30 minutes. Here's another recipe ' for Sopa de Albondigas -this one is heavier on . ·garlic a nd rich wi th :: chunks of carrot, celer y and nut-like garbanzo beans simmered in a beef °'broth together with ~fla vo rful small .. meatballs. SOPA DE ALBONDIGAS . 4 large cloves fresh garlic ; 'h po und ground ·!beef l large egg, beaten l 'h teaspoons salt JI( 2 tablespoons • uncooked rice IA c up fin ely chopped parsley 'h c up choppe d •Onion •:.. 1 tablespoon oil ""· 'h teaspoon lemon • pepper 1euoning '" 2 cans (lO'h-ounces each) con den sed beef broth 2 cups water • 1 cup carrots, cut in :: 2x 1A -inch strips 1 cup celery, cut 1n .:2x ~-inch strips • 1 can (8 ~-ounces) garbanzos, undrained 1 can (1 p ound) stewed tomatoes :• Cheese-butter ·~ P eel garlic. Mash, or •put through garlic press, 1 clove garlic. Combine I ·Cooking 'with class I Fassero's International !Cookware. 2919 E. Coast I Highway, Corona d e l IMar, is presenting a Food Processor T echn iques !class Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Co s t is $20 , and . l'etervation s may be mad e by ca llin g 673-2343. Marlon Cunningham ill appfar at the t~'8roadway, Newpo r t Beach. on Friday, Nov. , ~19; 3 to 4:30 r.m .. t o 'conduct a c ass in ;,i)p r e p a r a t I o n o f \:: outstandlna deaerla for the holiday .e&10n:" On the agenda a r e IUCh vedlUonal dishes as a memortb)e hot fruit :e:• qd a r ich , -laceCI chocolate cake. Re.ervatlon1 can bo made by callina the executive aec:retary at , t.hescon. The •tOchar,e lnduide9 a recipe booklet and sample wrvlnp of the f~ ~pared. AD Parpoee Gold-Medal .FLOUR .0 BEEF LOIN • ------- . (~ ~ ••49) SOLIOWHITEINWATER,13-0Z'2.29o• ...e_~. $11' •• _ . Starklst Tuna .. ~~ ........ 7·0Z &•., r~ ··•·-~ eenheYCFr~iftlT~UOZ •i:.28 (n ... p •oz &~!J GOLDEN GRIDDLE • 6 Syrup ................................... 24-0Z I. s R.C. I ·~.39 REGULAR. DRIP,ELEC PEAK, 1-LB •2 "3 OR •• 8 eo1a a~~~ 1VTP Fotsers Coffee ............. 3·LB • S HERSHEY • ~Ty-D-Jlt!I. w) Bot Cocoa Mix .......... ·~·oz i:.39 lUqald = oar ....,..., . SQUIRT OR REGULAR & SUGAR FREE , • ~::::::::::::::;:::. ===: Dr. Pepper ...................... 6112.oz I. 79 CRISPY LIGHTS OR TORTILLA CHIPS, REGULAR OR NACHO • i: 6 9 Al Sllltf S.ot Wil Bt ()ptti Yeltr-011 llu$dar. Nowt,.... II, 1912 lrom I am 7 pm IOf JN "'°Wini COllVtllltllU LB. '"•1.119 TrueCocl 8 " nueta ......... 1. Service Dell ·~-...................... =-~ ... 43e Lonsho.!"' ... -.. 9 Ch~=. ....... ... ao.ttueu> ... " Beel ~ ...... . FANCY HAATl.EYS JUMBO · ~alnuts ca ZS' la 39e .. 59• IAC>t ••• _, •1:.~9 Dorltos ..... ,., ........................ 12-0Z • \ltllY FUU.. LUSt1 l'OlHOS HEP'HTHYTIS & OTt<EAS A•wted Foll .. • ~-99' FrwllFood _8p1rlM \ --.... n ... a•au. --. .. Swiss cheese and ha111 a1· 1· atured another great taste conJbina tio;n I' • • in J Apple pie with ch('ff(>. Blueberry pie a la mode. Popcorn with bulle r . Coffee with cream . Swiss cheese with ham on rye. Throughout th e h lstor.y of gastronomy. you'll find examples s uc:h as these of foods uniquely compatible with each Other. Soup and sandwiches, especially those with a flavor affinity, a re no exception. chC'f'tl' soup 111 Ii hi•iirty 21 i <'UP,'1 t•onck•n"lt"I t«Jmpl<•U>ly ml'll In 1>11up ) wc•ll diuuwd di.sh, this U1 un open.(l)C(' conm'<.l thkkt.:11 broth (iu 1 '' '' h w II h 1>.1t·on. C:omh1m• w ur er urn. sandwich thllt will work 2 1•up11 n1Uk M'l\lt• 11l111 11 .. 1111tl'ly onion, 1·c•lt•ry. i.tcklc.• ou t nicely It you havt.' ~1 i cul).'C ( 10 ou1wt•s) r1•1iith . musw~d. s.alt and leftovCi'r hom from u ~hrc't.11fod 8w1'iS cht't"'(' llAM ANO pt•pix·r <.:hill, c."Overcd. I dinner. If not, ll's easily Cookl'<l l'rurnhl1•d rtNEArPl.E hour to allow flavors lU purchnS..>d at the deli, by • blll'On, Ir dt'N1rt•d SANDWICHES bkntJ. Pn•hcut oven to we'ightor,11lkc. Ml'lt buttl•r 1n u 1-:i cup dairy 1mur :Ji!\ d(•~rt'l'll. BruMh one ~lry sour cream. with 3-quart sauccpun. Suutt· cream sid~· or l'Ul'h slice of toust its hint ot green omoh groen on1on until lf'mJ(•r. :.l tnbll•spooni> wllh •~H·J.tcd buUt•r . and crunch from celery about 3 manut(•s. Stir In 1111iw1·d grl'<•n onion Spread a small omounL and picklt> relish . plus flour a nd seuson inf(s 3 tobll1 Spt>ons ohourt·n·ammlxturt!on other seasonings point up until smooth Rt•movl' mlnt'<'tl t'<'ll•ry holf of c•ach ham sht-c. the flavors of ham and from heat Grudually 1mr I uiblC'spuon pkklt.' Fold fl ham slicC's 1n pineapple. Add lo this in ch1ckl•n broth and rl'11sh holf. Holl remaintnl:{ 6 the flavor of who l e miik Bring to bo11lng, I t<.'.is poon Dijon-ham slk't.•s. Pla<.:c a folded wheat bread. toasted and stirring cum1t:rnlly. Doll style prc•purt•d mustard ham s lit'l'. a slice of buttered, and you'll havC' and stir I minute• 11.i Ct•aspoun salt pil'll'llpple and a rolled a delic ious sandwil'h Remove from heat. '• t1•aspoon pepper ham slice on buuer<'d indeed. S tir in chN'St.', a httl<' al a 6 slices whole wheat s ide of each piece o f t 1 me, · u n t 1 1 a Imo s l bread, toast.cd t o as l · B a k e 5 lo 7 CREAM OF melted. If n ecessary. Ml'ltt'd buuer minutes, or until heated SWISSCHEESE re turn to low hcut to 12 s lices 11mo ked throughout. Serve SOUP finish melting cheese:. cooked ham immediately. Yields 6 • wi~!ol (:Jwt•M· Sc)u1• for Cream of Swiss Cheese Soup is a good example o f so up In which the flavors blend perfectly. It starts w ith a basic white sauce, seasoned deftJy with just a hint of green onion, garlic and nutmeg. Milk, chiqken broth and Swiss c~ added at the end supply. distinct flavors. Even cooked, crumbled bacon as a ga rn is h provides still another flavorful touch. Y ields approx. 5112 (Swiss chccse wall never 6 'pim•apple s lices. servings. cups. . ...:..~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~--:...:.-~~~~..;;;..;..~;....:£;.,-~~~~~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:-~~,:-- Ham and pineapple tre another magic taste combination, this time in " a sandwich. Because the 1.4 c up ( 1.rz st i"ck) butter . 3 t a bl es p oo n s chopped green onion 1A cup all-purpose flour \Ii teaspoon pepper 14 teaspoo n garlic powder 11\ teaspoon nutmeg Plantation dessert revisited, revised By CECILY BROWNSTONE A11nl1• .. ,.,_ ,, ......... During World War 11, Stouffer's restaurants began serving Plantation Cake. It was so popular that after Stouffer's closed, many fans oC the dessert mourned Its loss . .._ Recently a friend told m e that nowadays Plantation Cake is served at the Emmeline and Hessie restaurant, St. Simon's Island, Ga. (The restaurant is named after the two ferry boats that run between Brunswick. Ga., and St. Simon's Island.) The restaurant's cookbook contains the Stouffer recipe. Urged on by nostalgia, we tried a slightly revised version of the recipe at our house and we're passing it along. The cake i.s a substantial, homey d~rt that even non-nostalgic cooks may enjoy baking and serving. PLANTATION CAKE I cup butter. at room temperature ~ cup light brown sugar. not packed down V. teaspon salt 2 112 cups all-purpose flour ~ cup water · 112 teaspoon baking soda ~ cup molasses Lemon Sauce, recipe follows Whipped Cream Cheese, recipe follows In a large bowl cream butter, sugar and salt. Add the flour and stir until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. In a small bowl stir together the w a ter. baking soda and molasses. Place 2 cups of the crumb mixture in a buttered and floured 9 by_9 by 2-inch e.akepan~ press evenly over bottom of pan. Evenly pour ~ cup of the molasses mixture over the crumb layer. Sprinkle 112 cup crumb mixture over molasses mixture. Evenly pour r e maining m olasses mixture over c rumb mixture. Top with r emaining crumb mixture. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven until a cake tester inserted in the cente r comes out clean -45 to 50 minutes. Cool partly on wire rack. Serve warm (or reheat) with the Lemon Sauce and Whippe d Cream Cheese. Lemon Sauce: In a 1-quarl saucepan stir together l cup sugar, 2 tablespoons corns tarch and 'A teas poon salt. Gradually stir in until smooth l 112 cups water. then 2 lighlly beaten large egg yolks. Stirring cons tantly over medium heat. cook until thickened, clear and boiling. Off heat, stir in until blended 3 tablespoons lemon juice and I tablespoon butter; stir in 1 ~•teaspoons grated lemon rind. Serve warm (or reheat). makes about 2 cups. Wh i pped Cream Cheese: Beat together until smooth two 3-ounce packages cream cheese, 1A teaspoOn salt and 1 teaspoon granulated sugar. gradually beat in 2 Vi tablespoons light cream and continue to beat until as fluffy as whipped cream. :oates fill cookies Holiday shopping can be hectic at best. Stores swarm with crowds. And the perfeCl gift ideas just never seem to pop to mind. After a busy day of shopping, rest up with a tasty treat. These Date Cut-off Cookies are just the right thing to pick you up. Tender cookie dough enriched with cream cheese encases a sweet date filling. The cookies are made into long strips, cut and baked. It's a quiols and easy .homemade variation of a long-time cookie favorite. After a few relaxing momenta and laaty cookies. even the m<>st wea_w of shoppers are once a.pin In the holiday spirit and full of gift· 11vlng solu\lona. What about a decopted tin of cookies for Uftcle Joe? DATE CUT -OF.F 000~£8 o.w rantna (btlow> 1 ~ (3 OU""8) cmm cheeee ~ cup firm marprtne or butter l cus-bakJ"I mbc ~ $pmilk ,,....,.,.. o.ae ruunc. CUt cream cheeH and mar1arlne Into bekln1 "*' wtth., peetry._ blender until mixtun..: u.~mbles small peas. Stir in m ilk until dough forms a ball. Tum dough onto cloth-<:<>vered board lightly floured with baking mix. Knead 10 limes. Refrigerate 30 minutes. H eat oven to 425 degrees. Divide dough into halves; roll one half into reciangle. 14x6 inches. Cu~ lengthwise into halves. Spoon 'A of the filling (about 'A cup) down center o{ each strip. Fold each s trip lengthwise over filling. pinching edges to seal. Place seam sides down o n ungreaaed cookie 1het"t; preu 1tt1.-~0" slightly flatten. Repeat with remaining dough. Bake until light golden brown. 12 to 14 minutes. Cool completely on cookie sheet. Cut each strip into about 11/J -lnch pieces. About 3 dozen CXX>kies. DATE PILLING 2 tablespoons su1ar 2 tablc..'lpoont 1rated orange pet-I ~cup water I pack•s• (8 ounces) dates, cut up H'at all 1ngredlenta ovt"r medium h•at. 1tlrrln1 ucct1lonally, unlil thick rwd. oool FRESH PRODUCE SAFIWA Y FRESH QUALITY BEEF California Avocados Fresh Spinach Crisp Cucumbers Red Rome Apples Rump Roast ~==-/ 111 '1" ~ly· Chicken Fry Steak .... ,.,... 111 11" London Broll ~sl:" Rib Roast s.i:::iena Short Ribs £: Beef Stew Meat 111 1249 II 1139 .. '1" FRESH PRODUCE GROCERY FOSTER FARMS Anjou Pea~s ~ Crisp Carrots ~er~ Yellow Onions ~s, White Grapefruit 111 49c Chicken NoodJe Soup = 10~ .. 29' 2 :039' Lucerne Yogurts au.i1111 111 14' Veg-All llhld v....,. 2 ~ 1100 8 .:098« Evaporated Milk c.~t!Ofl 2 ~ 1100 Fryer Thighs '°"r:,:C-111 11• F-.F••~ 89' Fryer Legs F~,... 111 ~f-CllO"' Fryer Drumsticks '-'Y,... ., ggc Fosle' F-Cllltlo."' 1139 Fryer Breasts F11m1ty Ptc1t ... ..... ----.. ltlwanl'• e..... ... .... a. ... , .... ~s1•• ~-s100 ~3----.. .... BAIURY Kellog9's '1'' Homes),le Bread 79, e11"ao'1" i:....,-. 11.w lo• ,.. .. • 24 Ol I ... Taaty~ts so:.•10" Oratnbltt lreld 24 Ol ,..,. 89' _b:o•2• S....l'(Oet lh Wlfllll'L C.. Wonder Cups ..... Ctid • 411 4:\Q'100 Farmstyle Rolls 2 ';tJ 1100 ......... ..._ . Petroleum Jeffy .... ~ .... Hi 99• • HOO l•rtlde Dr., N•~rt.... • U1 Ne. c .... Hltfnt•f• L ........ _.. •mtk ............. AM • • • ~" ,_s 1'..! --c....... Ancient~ ............. MllM Wint .... ,. .... Almldln Mtn. Ahlnt . .... 17$ '9" 11 .. ~ '2" 114" lllfl .. . It's Slmple! . ~. _ ~wi ~~ f'ROllN GROCIRY lorn On The Cob ~" ou 1109 Cascade • •Cit.., 'S" 8't t• f10t,. D I ..... °""'""1 ~le Kernal Corn ~Mf"'1ffl 2 ~·100 Mandarin Oranges ,_ ..... 211.., 1100 tr& I Aunt Jemlm1 1t: 93• SIOltely »oi ... ~g· "'"'*"""' .... I , ~, . I • l\ Ii \ I~ I ·i .. ' C('I 0 Orongo C.:oual DAILY Pll 0 J IWmlnt111d v. Ntwmnbf'r 10. 1982 Over 5 0 -and fit? tay that way with aerobics, high energy food Al•r ohll 1•xt•n·1 .. c" l llllStdl't l•d a I .td 1 ll y<'ars ugo, as now wtdl'ly prUl'ltl'Ni by Anwril'un1> o f a ll uges a-. an tmport.unl purl of ~1.iy1ng fll and ht•ulthy 111 ral'l, many physi<:itrns and health l'Url• professlOnals not only t.>ndorse 1wrubll'S as part of an ovt•rall fitness pro~ram . bul prescrilw 1 l for t ht•11· pultents rll Ol t,1 dll't'!'lt' I l'UP (ti tlUnt't' l'IUI) llllllllhl SilU('t' I n u :. h t• d lf " l'l ll· d11Vl' 1 • tt·u~poon llult.ir'I M·u:.oning 1,, (.'lip SC'll SO nt•d br .... ad l'rum bs 2 t " b I (' ~ ll () 0 II Ii Purmt'sun t·h1-t·s.· C• U I Z U l' l' h I n I d1 ugonally in '• inch slH'l'S Cook 1n s rn a ll omount ''' ho1hn11 wull•r 3-:1 m1nu11•11 or until XUl'l'hlnl Ill s lightly lt•111Jt.c'I' Drain well. Plot'<' hulf of iuL'l•hini slh .. 'f'h m bullcrl'<i 1-tiunrt baking dis h . Sprc:.>ad half or l'lcot la c ht•esc over ZUt'(•hlni. Combin<' tomato stlUt'l', gur la c n nd Italian 'sc•usoning. Pour half of suuce mixture over l'ht>t•S<• Combine crumbs und PormNurn ('ht·c1w Sprinkle.• holf ovt•r top of suucf" ltt.'pt·ul luyt•rw Bukl• m mc.xh1r111P OV{'t\ (a 5 0 {It•" r {' t' 11 1'' ) 3 0 mlnult'S or until saUt'l' 11> bubbly. GOO O-FOR ·YOU · CANDY 'h t'UP dl'y no nfut dry milk 1h c up granola or bran ccreul '"' cup s mooth or 'c:rurwhy p1.•ot1ul butlt•r 111 cup Crown ort1ngt• J u I t· l' t' o n t' l' n I r '' t " (thllwl'll but 11111 <UIUU'CJ) Mt•nx u rp a ll 1ngrt•dw1Hi. Into small m i x i ng b ow l . Max thoroul{hly. S hupe Into 1-lnch bulls or prt'S.-i a'hto botle>m of 9 x 5 x 3-im'h loaf pun Storl.' covl•rt•d In refrignutur ur (r('.t,•zcr. (Makes about 2 down pil'('('S) T his ts c.-spt.oemlly true of peopll' over ngt• 50 Research indkalc.•s that the mo re.• ac.·tivc.• oldt•r people an•. Lhl' longer they can l'Xj)('('l to live and the hl'allhh:r · I hey will be. . A c r o b 1 c.· I 1 l <' r a I I v means "wtlh oxygc.•n.:. and acrobat exl'l'l'lSe works the.• hl'arl musdl' a n d o x y g c.• n a ll• ~ t h <' blood. . THE HOLIDA vs ARE ALMos'r HERE-GIFT ·GIVING'S EASY WITH ... Everyone 1s fam1l1ar with the jogging c.·ruze which has spread ac.-ross the country m the past few years. But you don't have lo run for your hfc to be fit. Brisk walking is the most often-suggt-sted route to fitncss for o_Jtles: Americans. Part o f a healthy ea ting progr a m , particularly for those over 50. is reducing your Intake of f at. Eating more poultry and fish . and leaner cuts of mt•al. while c utting bat:k on beef and pork. can help reduce your t otal faL consumption. An example of a d1sh that fi ts into an ext·1~·1se en thusias t's fitnC'ss program is Barbt'cued Turkey Breast. Because you should not cal loo heavily either before or after eltercist•, this dish is designed to be light, yet satisfying. With its tangy tomato- based sauce, Barbecued Turkey Breast ss a flavorful change from traditional turkey basted in butter. And because this recipe yie lds four to six servings. it will last one or two people ror several meals. You can serve the turkey cold, or reheat it with the extra sauce. For your vegetable, try Zucchini Parmesan, a traditional Italian dish. It prov ides a slightly c runch y c h a n ge o f texture with its bread- crumb topping. and 1S a tasty accompaniment to Barbecued Turkey Breast or a main course or pasta. Snacking s hould also be a nutritious part of your fitness program. Loo k for r oods a nd recipes that offer energy as w ell as good tas te. Good-For-You Candy. which con tain~ one ingredient from each of the four food groups, is a nutritious and satisfying pick-me-up for between meals. And because 1t is good for you. you don't have to feel gujJty about enjoying il. Aerobic exercise and nutritiou s food wo rk together to keep you fit and healthy. Before you start on your program, inform your doctor. Then get in the shape that will keep you fit forever. BARBECUED TURKEY BREAST (Makes 4-6 servings, 1 ~ cups sauce) 2-3 p ounds fresh turkey breast 1 tablespoon melted butter Pepper 1 cup (8-ounce can) tomato sauce 3 tablespoons elder vinegar 1 crus h e d garlic clove '.4 c up firml y packed brown sugar l teaspoon prepared mustard '.4 teaspoon poultry seasoning Place turkey breast, skin side up, on rack in foil-lined baking pan. Brush with lnelted butter. Sfrinkle with pepper. n sert meat thermometer. Bake in moderate ov e n (325 degrees F.) 30 minutes. Mbc together remaining tngredlenta, Baste turkey wTth iauce mixtur e every 1 ~ minutes for an addilionaJ 1 &o l ~ houn or unUI thermometer reachea 18~ degrees F. Sia lhinly. Serve with ttmUnlna .. uce. (Maket 4·8 Nrvln11, 1 ~ cups Fu~1N1' PARMESAN (Maket 4 lerVi"f&I) 44 pound (2 amaU) iucchini l cup (8 o uncee> . ~~ NATURAL 1 ~: ~1 POTATO CHIPI LAURA 79 l ;:.J s~ug~u • fonci fru•I form I• oi ASSORTED JAMS 7 or Kou~ono Klub EDAM OR GOUDA I 0 0 1 Shorp w.n,. S"1o~~d CHURNEY CHEESE LOGS EA 1.89 1.79 2 .19 HUGHIS 'GIFT · CIRTIFICA TIS ... SOLID WHITE TUNA 2 LITER SPRITE LIMIT 4 : :~~~~A:llH 1.0 9 GRAPEFRUIT TEXAS RUBY RED IA. ~-FALL HARVIii OF CHllll VALUES---.. SHARP CHEDDAR 9-0Z. CHEESE LAKI TO LAKI { 39 6 01 Sor~e"to Sliced C..._ PROVOLONE OR MOZZARELLA 1.59 S 29-01 lte9 , Wheat or llto11 IDEAL FLAT BREAD 1.09 llondom Weight, Mild f 9 HUGHES CHEDDAR CHEESE 111 2.• 8 or CHURNEY FETA CHEESE 1.59 ,. FARMER' JOHN BACON 29 ·LIMIT 2 I ANDERSEN Sl'Ln NA SOUP IS-OZ. 53 Sf'llT f'EA • 4 ., ..,. POLANER GARLIC 1.39· llo~~t ~oto form\ MONTl:REY JACK CHEESE ll 3.19 11·oL, Wilprkle, AH Voriet- SOFT CHEESE CUPS . .. ....... .• . .. 2 .69 \ ~-FINI ....... uouo•--~--fMm'aM'Ml'ff---... ·---·-lrl JIM •IAM ~ . ~·,u•o·~;. I!; UTflt ALL llORD OlllN YITlllA -W DAY , ...... I v .... 11 PlEASE CHfCIC YOUlt LOCAL ST~£ fOR HOU•S· • •AM ... N TA•'I 24'1 • t .. a tdoy, Nov mbor 10, 1982 11 New containers ousting traditional tin cans llOMt; NEWS ANO vrnws I'>-p I' II I\ I \' t• I h II II l11 ~h Jll ~ll ~•l l tha t 11 1rmh1i111111I ly pt• 1•;111:-, hut d111•1rn ' 1 'll ll flfHll t 1 li1 By n1 o r1• t')qJt'll~IVl' 1hun l(111w1h 111 h.11 tt•11.1 1h111 DOROTHY W~NCK 'rn11 1 1.111~1 1i' U llh t•m tld 111ak1· 11 u n -..11t• ,11111 ~=..f::,11~:.:d•IMt • • • II ch ., l.1·1·p 1111l1•1tn1h·I\ CMtMH•llHl•tentton W h,1 1 pr11h11 hl v h ,1, 11111 h.111111\tl I 111 1d1 111.tl h h1111t •\ " I ' II I If II I •• I II .1111 h111, .1111111 v1g1111 111 .11111 l .111 du 1111 ,,11111 t h Ill~ \Ir 111 II -.11111•\f Ill •I 1 <1 11 'I' h 11 " • ~ I a ' s 1·11111.11111•1,, 1111 p11 It I ll rl lu1 '>1111111~ h11111•v .111d m1 1lw,.,,.., * .• * 1'h1• 11n i nn . usu Qllt:S'flONS WE ARE h.qq11•111•d 1:-th .it 11 co11lo1111•r f o r t·an1wd ASKEO: 11111 111.11 dw11111.il 111 llw food:.. 1:. on I!.:: way 11u1 ~~ I\ l.11 g1• u 111 o l m 11 l .1., kt•,! 1· u I l 1• J 1'h1s 1:. lht• prl'll11·1ion of 111111.i':o.t•i. I h.111 '>lur{•d 111 .111th1ll·vun11w, w hich '' a Dr C 1• or g l' Y o rk , I h 1· 1.· u 1J h 11 a r ll h II s v1•1 y 1·111 rn ... v1• llignw1u, Coo pt•ru11 v1• Ex tcnswn d1•v1•lup1·d u bul~'d lid 1'1•m·t1-.I wi1h 1lw t1npla11• F ood Tt•t·hno l u g1 s 1, uml sw111l1·11 s1d1·s Ooc.•s 111• 1111•1•1 111 tlw <.'HI' 1111d . q 1'111 11 u11u11111•l Un1Vt•rs1ly of Californiu, this llll':lll 11's ltnsafo'? 1 r tll'flW d h ytl l'Of.:l'll gus wok 1111d lio1v1• d1•vc•l1)pt'll Duv1s thoug hl molu-.s<.·s would 'l'lw g;" t•aU'l'll tlw l·an lu 'm111• 111 m v ow11 l'!Jlt'l't:1 l Dr. York and Qo the r kl'l'P 111d1•fantll•ly . '\\\!I'll u 11d tht• lid 111 n •1·q11•i. lur s;1111·,·s a 11d rt·~·t11•th1·1·:. al UC Dav is A M11IOl'-'>t's 1s :.o l>ul..:t· T l11" n ·m·t 1011 1i. :. •ii ,1 d ti 1 1''' 111 I.! t h ,1 t 1·\11 v11111 '"''I 04f11111h l l"11tl1 .i11d .1 II W1111ld it l.11 11 •:.11 1111 1111 1 .. 111.1lu lh1 ~• .II hu1111• .ind i-1'11 1111'11\ I 111 I )\.,llll f1J1• 111 "" .1p 1111 ·1 h'' /\ 'I 11 p1 odlll t• loot! I " I "' •• I t' l ti I I I ti "1111111111•H t11l 111 11(1•:.s111J<," you 1111...i l1t• lil'1'11'\t•d hy tl11 i.11111· ,1ml n11·l'l thl• I' I ' t I u I I' I ' 111 l' II I s II I l'11lll 11 111 1 l :i w 101 p11•11.111 11g h.111\ for 1>ah· T h\· l,m dtl("•• '1 nllow l" ''JJ.11,1111111 111 ornl fur s.111• 111 u dor111• ... 11t.· klh 111'11 l h1ll I,, •• 1,111111'11 "'Id ltt , ••• 1'•11'1 l1111d 1111 ,1 h1111.1 h ut.I \'uu 1 .111 h'lil \' 1111 1 I I I 1111'' 111 VllllJ l.111111 l\llt ht II l111t \I. ill 111 1·d 111 p11 p.111 1h1 loud 1111 ... 11 .. Ill •• pl.111 \h.11 11111 h h•g11l 11 q11111·1111111 .. I 111 ... 1111 1.11111,1 l 11 1 I l\.,lltq1l1· 1\,1\ ,1 I ltHH d 111111, v1•111', hut 111111 t·old \Votll'I . I'll' 1111Kll1t 111~• loud lu\\ Ill .111rl 11!.11 11111lrl lw ·• p11t1•11 11.d t ·•11'>1' 11 1 hut u Ji,111 I uod poi.-1111111~ ·•ltd h ,, .. 11 111~:1 Il l 1111 jlltl(llJttllJ.: ""' 1i.11.11 d11111 .. lnrnl f'111• l,1J"•I UM d 1111 lu"d pl 11dut I' .d..i1 lllll!>l hi' "fll1111v1•tl liy lht· Stull' I >t •11o11 l1111·11 1 ol. IJ1•11llh, V111Jll w1tl Dru~ Bun•uu 11 v1111 ..,,.11 vuu1 fuocJ p 111du11 .. ·,, 11h n11 t 1·w 11111' 111g \\ ll h I Ill' law, \•Ill 11,k l111lh t 1vil a11J ,,. . • • • tJ I l11w 1 .111 I kc 1•1> Ill'"'" ~!llll:l 'I 1001" lJ,uull\ "11 .. 11 I hu y ti llJI •• JI• 1 1.il It 1 'IX' I hteV\• II lul h 11 "' 1 1 .1ml tlw u ll '""""' lw l 1111• I rw1•d 11 I\ f 1, ~It g1nw·1· 111111 k1•1'JI' Wl'll If you s liLl' ll Ill 1·1tlwr WllW Ill Vllll g,11 1111cl tlwlt "ltll I' 11 111 th1• n •lllj.(l'l·lllll' The• I l'lll,11 1) 1 11 ~ WI IH' 11 r V 11 i q~.11 1 I j.,41 \'I Ill bt' UJilt.'t.f IOI ''"l"•tllllj.\ havt• bt'l•n 11w t•sltga llng •------------------------------------------ T h i· ty pv 111 111•1·11" you w1ll 111 ·1·tl d1•1w11tb •11 1 I h I' k I II rl ll I I 0 0 ti p111dw 1•tl S1.111 I•"" .~11 \ I I \ 'I I 111 g I' II l I 111 ( 11111111.il 1.11 11.11t1c.., ~~~~~-~~------~-- nt•w pal·kag1ng ma terials and llll•lhud :. f or prt•st•rvlng food fu r a numlx•r of y<.•ar:.. Som(' o f tlw n •sulls of thl'1r cxpt•rtmt•nts al'l' n o w l:x•tng ust•d l't>lllml'rd ally. or will IX• soon. Tht• nt•w l'onlaine rs bt•tng dt•vl•lup<'d a re k'SS l'X pl'l1s i vu lo pro d'ut'<' th;rn tlw tradi u on'a l tin t•an:.. which fo r many foods nuw l'OSl more than tht• fuod th1·y ('Ont.am. Alun11num t·an s . so popula r as t'Onlainers fur bt•t•r and soft drinks, cost f::'Vl'n mOl'l' up lO thre<' l imt•s a s mut·h a s tin t an:.. "Tm t un" a('tually is a m1snumc·r bc<:ause mosl o f wclay's tin ('ans havt• no un al a ll. They art• s tt·t•I. t•oatt·d inside with a lat-qut•r that kc~·ps lht• food fro m inlc ral'ltng Wllh lht• stC'l'l. Tht• old-fashtont-d ttn can w as stt•d with a lln coa1111g on lhP inside . Thi• ttnplah.' has bt'L'Offil' V<'ry 1·xpt-A!live-and-is n o w u s t• d o n I v f o r t·t•rla111 food s. s u C'h as pears. whe re the tin is nt•t•d t•d to mutnlmn the• t'Olor of tht• fuod. O n<• n t•w-st y le ta n . w h1t·h you m ay have s l•t·n used lor tuna fis h . s oft d rinks or beer. 1s lWO-pll'(.'(.' ll IS molded so it hns no bottom or s1dC' spam a nd th e r <.'fo r e d o t· s n ' l n t' e d I o b t' soldt·n ·d on the side (for t•xamplt'. w llh IC'ad that l'a n l'011 Ht mtna te l h l' food) Tht• onlv seam ts on th1• lop w ht:re th<.' lid IS a l lat·h1'l"I A nl•W mt'l h o d f or prot•ossmg foods in the t wo ptt•<.·c <:a n 1s lhC' Sll·rilt•·Val' syslt•m . Food 1s addt'CI to tht· can w11h ju!.l a small a mo unl of w <.1 t c r and th e lid aluicht•d Then the food is ht•atcd dtrr'<'tly with a flamc for JU St a f ew sc<.·onds before the h d seals. The' qu ick process rcsuh.s tn a food with the f1<.1vor and texlure much like fr('sh food . The process t·an b e u sed s afe ly ror b o th ac id foods. like fruit. and non -acid food !i. like veget.abk>s. fish or m eat. Anoth e r n e w co nt a in t>r 1s th <' composite can made of paper. foil. and ethy len e plastic with me t.al ends. This costs J('SS than haH as much as thl' all me t.al can and 1s t ommo nly used for frozen JUi ce produ<'ls . A n c•w "a s eptic'' mc>t h od for processi ng foods in tomposite cans has been developed that produces c·annl'd foods that taste like fresh . This 1s becau se the food 1s heale d so qui('kly. and coole d so fas t . tha t it d oesn 'l devel op th e typical "<.'OOk<.'d" flavor. The healing lakes place in a sterile system and lhe food is then put into a sterile contain er. By next summer you should be able to find 46-ou n ce compos1le <.'Ontainers of a septically processed orange juice on the shelf among other canned juices rather than in lhe refrigerated s e c t ion . This "self-stable" product will · ta11te like rcconslitutcd rr'ozen oran ge juic e rather than like canm.'CI juice. Jule<' man u facturers a l so ore packaging aseptically processed julcc-dr<irrks i n -paper "lelr a pat·k" boxes, in either single-serving or large sires. These boxes are paper carto ns walh a laminate of polyethylene In s ide. Thl"y a re less t required by f•w. new butlne11e1 u1tng • flctlt1ou1 lutlft ... Neme mutt re9t1ter that name with the County Clerk. Call the DAILY '9LOT LIGA&; DIMRTMINT '°' fonne Met ,.,,._, '"'°""·~·;.;.;·:__--- - vons LOW PRICES PLUS FOOR -.DOOBLE .COUPONS .. PRODCJCE ..,. ~ 8 I .25 C(lsp Cucumbers .. ,. ..,"4.1.UfD "'"""''•I "'I\' 299 Orange Juice~~\ ,,. ~"-, ........ .., L• .39 Large Persimmons ~ ........ "' ... 59 Large Avocados ..... , l'i1~.~~ ... Russet Potat~s u 29 ••••• ...... u ........ ....,.... ... 249 Shelled Walnuts"~'~ t ' • • .... ,.~,.fllgt Christmas c.ctus ,. ) 69 FROZEN FOODS HOIC\~ vons Orange Juke .• 79 209 ]29 ]79 VONS BAKI HY .89 1.71 DELICATESSEN "'"'" ..... <res'"'""'.'"'" 2 29 Vons l'IUld hedct.r 111 ~ .. "~' .. ~ rmer John era -109 ~-........ , .. 'll"'l0"4tC(> Borden Cheese Food 2 19 ~ ~ -Ott 1"f0 lllll[_Af ""-OC .. 4 ons Beer Bologna .89 tO\ll ""-'-' Pl~~~ Plpln' Hot Br9d .79 110lO!IO Qlt -:>llAlft!.Jl-SM<ltOOCO 209 Sargento Cheddar H)l "'" ..u. '""''l ..U.1 Sl.ll:CO )49 Leo's Tu!My Bra•t DAIRY PRODUCTS L.IUUOR o:,~."01n ~·.~'V:ikl " IUTU "1'9D•"• ' •• .,.,, •• 7 O'OWn .83 .79 ]55 • 35 999 10 99 549 399 ~ONIUGM -............. . Mttt•IA • I, '711 ltNet IM °'""' AM, VONS L OW PRICES IN EVERY 'DEP4RTMENT --o~\. \ MEML .i/ \,\ . ~; I AUPUIPOSI lMnQ4fO ROUR . BEEFT·BONE 2 39 STEAKS ~fi I A.IJ, l Kl" I Ol"t OR LCW. CUl< LU!I U'\114 kl <1111.All Pk1CI' 219 LB OLD MEDAL:._...~ FLOCJR-- ~POO .... o&MJ llC.OOV.I! PRICE 97 GROCERIES J,)g:. ("I" tt.u•DC11t~ ons Cranbeny S.uce .49 ~01c, .. ons Cut Yams .69 c;: ,, ~ .. '"'\ nbeny ocktall }49 V'cOl Ill ons Apple Cider 269 ~Oll'l<v estle Hot Cocoa Mix )49 1'1 U)l r;G !l(rTYC"<'C~ Brown Supreme 162 ~L~~~ l'tfu'ii~~· 138 K: :'Ugh o t Red Syrup .89 •K>I 4"\ Pet Ewponited ""8k .50 ~ ~edCoconut )49 SFRVICI' St:AFOOD ,_...,...., .. ~ Fresh Squkt .•• 89 nio.'f'~Ctl~t1 1 ~~MO •l"l'At 389 C~ed nay 8nrtmp ,, .• 189 ~~ ....... 299 J ILAL J JI [,BLAU TY ]45 3 37 )31 )45 Al!l.,,J .. .._ Ntt f'li;.N ''' '""'-h ~39 Top Slrioln Steak , d ..... l ""'l::J'lf ~ .. , •• ""' ~ 2 29 Slrtoln 11p Steaks '" ·~·""""'·",, '""'"'(.\"' Boneless Chuck Roasl . ) 98 , .. "' ...... "" Cube Steak 1ft248 ~I •H, l'Or<lt,!!'11\t"l<'tll llllt" ) 49 corned Beer B11t1<et "' MEATS l.Jl(P' • n--n•• ~ .. , """"''""' Best of the Fryer ., • ., "'--' k ( "'~ ,.. ~ ' Jimmy Dean Sausage 1401 ..,,_..,..~ .. , ..... , ... ,' ~· .. Steak-Om ms Hll h\I ft"'°f,..,lt.lll/t .. Beef Bun Patties .. 249 .•. 89 I•) 79 ,. 2 99 ,,.4 99 HEAD & SHOCJLDERS DANDRUFF SHNt\POO 11 ()UH([ ~OllON ()II 7-0Ul'ICf. l U8£ l.Hl l 11£<i PlllC"C 267 .]~7 IN THE EVEN1 OF A LABOR DISPUTE, c:f RTAIN ITEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE. WE WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO SERVICE YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS DURING THIS TIME PERIOD. •CMMTMIYALU'f _, ............ CANTMMO •ACM .. , .,....., ,.. Dr •• ~ I .. II Oran tt Co111 DAil Y PILOT /Wodntlday, Nov1mb r 10, 1092 Ml.IC NOTIC( rtalC NOTICE '°'* IC ..0 tlCl Ml-IC 11>11Cl ...... ......,. ---,, ... , T·t ... leOnGI OP TMll1'11'1 IA4.I NOTICI 0# TIIUITll'I HU NOTtcl 0# TMllTH'I IAU NOltal Of' T_,.TU'I UU ...... DllD °' ""'" .... ,,.... .. _.,.. .....,., .. ~TUT leOTICI YOU AM .. DDAUlT UNOal' A YOU A" IN Dt'.fAUL f UNO<R A YOU AM .. DIPAUU UMMlt A TONONlfrf OWMllt DHD M TIIUIT DATIO M.Y I, DUO 0, IRVST IJAffO MAY I, HID Of''""" DAllD MAY_l t YOU AM• DUAUU UNHR A ttet. ~·-YOU TAICI AC~ 1981 UNLESS YOU lAKl AC110N 1•1 U.111 YOU TAU ACTION tr,D 0# 1"MMT DATID MA.ltCM TO NOTICT YGua PfM>NRTY, TO l'm>lfCl VOVR PAoPIRfY If YO NOTICT YOUR 'RO,.RTY, '"'· UNLHI YOU TAKI IT MAY .. eOt.O AT A ""9L.IC MAY er IOLD"' A PUBLIC IAll IT MU .. IOLO AT A 'VklC CTION TO '"OTICT YOU" • AL I . " y 0 u .... D A .. ,,. vou NffO AN EXPLANAllON I AL I . " y 0 u .. I. 0 A .. E TY,ITMAYlllO&.OATA 1•"'-ANATIOM Of' T .. MATURI Of1 lH(I NATVIH Of 1Ht: U~ANATION U' THI NATUH I.AU.• YOU .. 10 AN OI THI NOCllDtNO AOA*aT ,.M>CtrOtNO AOAINST YOU, YOU 0' THI ,ROCHDINO AOAINIT ...._...ATIOM M TMI NATUM VOU, YOU ~D CONTACT A SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYl'A YOU. YOU IHOULD CONTACT A M T .. NOCllDINCI AOAIHIT 1.AWYIR. On the Hiii day ol NovernO.t LAWYllt. 'IOU. YOU ~D CONTACT A On Tuet01y. No..-mt>et 30. 19U. 19112, II lhe 110\Af or 11 00 • rn ' •• On Ill• Hth day of Nov•111ber \.AWYl9'. I I I 3 0 • m . IM p IE A I AL In• 8tn SUMI 91'11111\CI ol th• r-lllln, •• the hour ol 11 00 • m . II ~ NOTICE IS HEAE8Y QlllEN BAN c 0 A p . • c. 11 I 0, n I 1 Coumy CoullhOUM, IOClled II 700 Ill• •m SHHt lfllrlflc;.f or '"' l\t'W T°tlel under and by virtue 01 the co1po11t100, H duly 1ppotnt•d Civic Centet Ottve w111. loime1ty Covnty Cou11110u11. 1oc1te<l •• 100 f!ovl110n1 ol 11111 aer111ln Deed or l1ullH under end pu11ua n1 to known 11 700 WHt 8111 l!IHHI. Civic Cen111 01i11• W111. lotm.flY NII dated MllC!h 22. 1112. a nd Offd ol Tr1111 recorded July 14, 1llulled In Cll)' ot 811111 Ana, known •• 700 WHI 8th 81rHI, •corded In 1111 o ffloa o l 1111 198 I ,. loa11 No 11144, book Coun1y 01 0 1 •ng•, 8 11•• ol t11u1ted tn tllt Cit)' or 81nt1 Ana, ~der ol 1he COUn1vo10r1ng•. 14138. peg• 1462, ol 01110111 C11t1ornta. CON TINENTAL Oounly o l 011ng•, Siii• ol ., ... ol Calllor,.,.., on Apfll 6, 1982, !Wcord•. ••twled O)' SheldOll N. AU)(ll.IA~'t' COMPANY, •·Calilorf'I• c a 11 10, "I•. c 0 NT IN ENT Al !'ti Volume INST. •82-118\H, ol Chiu ind 01•0• 1.. Chau. Corp011110n. •'Tru1IH ullder Oetd AUXILIAR't' COllAPAP!IY, A Catilorol• Oltlclal Aeoor<11. ueoulld by hu1b1nd 1nd wife•• j<>lfll t9f'l111I• of l1u11 dttad M•y 8 , t88t Co1po111ior1.11Trutt .. undett>Md ~r111uf c . Poll• and Ruby 0 Poll• ... 1ru1tor(1), lo Ill• pllic• ol lh• executed by JANNA M Ftl.ICIANO, OI l r Ull dated May '· 198 I Hulband llld wll• u lolnt '"''"" County Aec:order or Orange Courtly. an unm1rrled wom111 an<I recot<*I a•ecuted by JAN"!A M FELICIANO.' t• T1u11or. 10 Sunkl•I Service Stile ol Calilornl1, WILL SELL AT Ort Mey II. 1981 11 tn1truJY1eot No 10 unm111i.cs wom10 111<1 ,.corded Company, a ootpore llon, u PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST 12949, In 8ooll 14053. Page 178, ol Oii May 11, IHI H ln1trum111t No Jlrvtt ... llld STATE SAVINGS ANO BtOOEA FOR CASH (pey1ble It Olfleil l Records. County of Orao09, t29$0. ol Olll<ilel Atc:Oldl. County. OAN ASSOCr>.TION, • Clllllornil time of .... In lewful money ol the C1lllorol1. g1v1n to H j:u1e an or Or1nga. C1lllornla. given 10 ' .0.por~. u Benet1c11ry, U11iled StltMI 11 the l1onl ol lhe tnd1bledMH In favor ol 81nk or ..cur• an 1odebtedntt1 In fave>ftol ! Alld pu1.u..,1 to lhe 1equ.11 01 lml*'lll T111111111d Loeo bulldlllO It Am.,lcan Nallooal Tru11 1nd Bank 01 America N1llonll Tiutt end tl\a o wner eod hold., ol lht 102 WMI Fltll St'"'· Clly of Tutltrt, Savloga A11001a1100, 1 n111on1t Sev1ng1 Auoclllloo, • na11one1 promluory no11 Hcured by lht Stale of Catilorola.1111 rlglll, 11111 and b1rtking asaoctattofl. by IA.Miii ol b•nklog 11eoc:1111on, by rffton or t)eed or Tnnl e.t>ove ,.,.,,ed to, lnter•I con....,.o to 111d oow held th• brH~n ol th• obllg1t1on1 lh• b1eacll ol Ill• obllg111on1 • Alld by rMIOl'I of the dellWll 10 by it unci.r uld OMd of Trull In the aecured 1he,.by, notice ol which HC:Urfld tnete by, nollce ol whK:h Jll• p1ymen1 ol H id p1omi1101y pro~W 11tulted tn Hid County w11 1ecorded on July 6, 1112 11 waa 1ecorded on Juoe 30. t982, u 0011 and tll• breacn o l th• al\d Stet• dMcl'tbed 11· to1t1um1n1 No 82-23 t 778 ol lnatrumenl No 82 224270 ol c°""ltton1 In H id 0..0 01 T1u11 lll.-T A Olflctat Reco•d• 01 uld Orange Olhclal Aeco1d1 or uld Or1oge pro'llded. a Notic. ol O.laull 11\d Lot 7 or T1K1 No. 9652, lhOwn Counly, and mote 1111n thte• County. aoo mote 11110 th1H l .lectlon to Sell Under 0..0 of Trull °" 1 map llleftotrecoro.d In Book month• h1ve •••PMd since auch month• 111v• •l•pHd alnc• 1uch l\avlng been duty tecorded u 4 10. P•o•• 9 to 12 lncluslve , "co1d11100. will 1111 II pubhc 1ecordlllon. wlll Hll II publlc e rovlded for by law In llid Ml1cell1neuue Mapl. 11coros or 1uctlon to the lllgh .. t bidder IOI auCllOll 10 lhl lllQheal bidder IOI f\ICOrcUt"a onic:. on July 29. 1982. Mid Orfll\OI County CUii or a caaNet"a ~k drawn on caeh Of 1 cafhllf"• chtCk <lrawo on In 86<* INST. •82-28148t Elil:llpll~ from 1 porlloo or a 11111 or national bank.• 11111 or 11111• oi nauon11bll\k,•11111 Of SUNKIST SEAi/iCE COMPANY. 1 ukl land •II oil, g11, mlnetall and ledlfel etedtt unlOll or 1 11111 or ledet~ etedll unior> OI I •life Of 101po11lloo, •• the p1uent other hyd1ocarbOll subl11"°" IVlllO ledlfal 11V1ngl lrtd IOIO u1ocl1ll0rt led.,al saving• ind 1o1n H&OClatlon ..,J)lo1l11d aod •cling T rul1•• below a <Mplh of 500 leet lron1 the d<>ml<:11ed In tlllt 11111. (p1yat>M at domlelled lo 11111 1111•. (payable II \ll\dlf uld OMd of Trull, alorffllld. turlaoe ol uld land, but without lhe Ume ol .,.. In l1wful m0rtey ol Ill• time ol ••HI lo lawtUI mooey ol the oh Wldl'\Mday, NOYembet 24, 1982, right ol entry upon any portion ol United Stiles ol Amerlel) wlllloul Uolled S11111 ol Amerlel) without II the 110u1 of 10:00 o"otock a.m. ol the turf-abo .. a d9pth ol 500 cov91'1ant or w11r1n1y, exp1111 Of coveo1n1 01 w11r1n1y, ••prus 01 uld dey at the North front entrence 1 .. 1. to take. market, mine. explore Implied. 11 10 111141. posMSllOll Of Implied, n 10 111141. Po" .. ''°" 01 to Vie Orenoe Cv.ioty cou1thOUM, or drlll for Hme u rHerved In 1ocumb11nce1. 1he tn111111 encumb11no•1, th• Interest 100 Civic c.,,tet 0r1 .. W111, In the dHd• from Me1vln L BoH and c0rtveye<1 10 and oow held by th• cooveyed 10 •lld now held by the City ol Santa Ana. Courtly ol W1od1 L. BoM. "co-lrull-ol Hid TrualH un<111 Hid Dffd ol Hid T1ullM uod11 uld Deed ol Of'ange, State ol C.flfornta, Will the 8oM FMIHy Ttuet. dated May Tru11, tn an<I to the lollowlog Ttu•I. rn and 10 the following t&Ll, purtulOI to the power 01 Ille 2 t. 1978. recorded In Book 11962, described p1ope11y situated In the de11Crtbed prope11y 11tu11ed In 1111 ec>nllffed In aald OMd ol Tru11 end, Pege 21, 100 In Book 11982. Page Count y of 011nge. S lit• ol County ol 011oge, Stile or •lthout covenaot 01 wuranly 22. both ol Olflclal Record•. C1Hl0tnl1, 10 wit Calllornla. to wit. r~udlog 11111. poue111on 01 Alto ex~tlng from• por1IOll PARCEL 1. Tiie '"'"'Y IXHletT "A" .,,cumbt111cee. 11 public: auction. to o I 11 Id I• n d 111 o 11 . g • • rec11ogu11r 82~ 1 .. 1 ol Loi 2 ol LOii 44 and 45 of Tract No 67. In the lllghell cash bldd.,, lo lawful mtn11111. and 011111 hydrocarbon Tract No. 57. Calllornll Avocado 1ne City or Co•ll 11A11a. COUoty 01 money o l the Uol11d· S11111 ol subSllllCll tying bllOW • depth of Orcn11d Acr11. In the Clly ot Colla 011oge , Stat• or Catllornla. u Amulca. 111 that c.,111n 1e1t 500 IMI from &he IUfflCt.. ol said Mesa, as ttiowo Ol'I a map 1ecorded ahowo °"'map tlllrtol 1ecorded In ptoperty situated lo tne County ol land. bul without the 11Qhf9'ol entry tn l>OOk tO, page 3 ol Mtecetlene<>ul book 10. page S. Ml1c111aoaou1 Orange. Slate of Calil ornla. upon any po11100 ol ihe aurtac• M11>1. 1ecoid1 ol Or•noe Courtly, Mapa, record• of said Couo1y. ducribed u follows 1bove 1 <Mpth ol 500 feet, to lllke. Celdorrtll EXCEPTING THEREFROM Loi 44 PARCEL t: market. mlM. 11tpl01e or d11tl IOI PARCEL 2 Tiie W"lerly 42''°' an uodlvld4ld one·lltll tnle< .. I ol d An uodivlded 1114 lnllfHI io same 11 reHrved In 4Medt from feet of LOI 2 and the Euletly 40 '"' Oii 1n<1 mlfler1I tights 1n and under and 10 Loi 1 ol Tr.cl No 1009S. lo llltglol• Fllppen Kindel reco1d•d ot Lo\ 3 ol Tract No 57. u lhOwn the Eut hall or n id l•nd, at the Clly ol Cotta M .... County of November 18, 1978. ln Book 11M1, on 1 map recorded In book 10. pege ,_ved In Ille deed from G1aoe M OflllQI. Slit• ol C.MIOINI ... pet Paga 1919, Ind In Book 11961. 3 ol Mltcelfaoeou& M11c>1. recorO• ol 8rlrtkmM, 1ecorded Mey 8. 1952, In maip recorded In Book 464. PIQH 8 Page 1920. both or on~ Records. Ot•nge County, Clll001rt11 book 2328, P•CI• 4 12. Olttclal and 7 ol Miac.iteneous Maps. In the Tiie 111111 1dd1ess end other The aod1111 or 01hlf common Aac:ord• olflce ol the County A.cord., ol con1mot1•deslgo1t10rt. If any, ol me dHtgn111on. 1f any. ol lh• 1111 Allenllon II directed lo lhtl fact Ulld County. 1111 propelly des<:tll>ld at>ove ta prope11y de1c:tlb•d above 11 11111 1111 olt, etc . II excepted f1om Excepting 11M11al1om Urtlll t to pu1ported 10 be 12 ChOlle. lnllne. purported to be 241 W Wll1on th• deK1lptlon In 11111 gu111rtlM {4 inclu1lve " 1hown on tll• C1lllornl1. St11et. Coate Mell, C11Uornl1 and lflY pollcy lllued In the,.,.,... ol C:Oodomlnfum. Plan reco1ded In Tne uod1111gn1d Trust•• 92627. the u.noe11lgned Trullff a pu1ch1.M1 II a Nie undet "Id &ook 13828. Page 1338, Olllc11I d11c11tm1 aoy llablllty 101 1ny dl1cf1tm1 1oy ll•blllty lor 1ny Deed ol Trutt ""'" elto contain &aid f{.c:ord1. lnCOITKlnlSS of the Siii• add•... lncoireclnen of the edd11u or Oii 111cepllon. • Alto ••cepling th1rel1om the llld othet common delignltlon. II othet Comtner'I dHign111on, II any The 1dd1H1 or other common f)ctullive right to posMSSIOn ol 1114 eny. anown ,_..,.,, anown hetelrt dHlgnatlon. II arty, ol th• 1111 &1101• 11••• de slgnelld 11 Sato sale will b• m1de. but II the lloreuld p1oper1y hu no prope rly de 1crtb•d above la belconlel. garegea. patlO and deck •llhoul coven1nt or w1uan1y. 111Mt 1ddrH1 or othe1 commoo pu1por1ed to be~ 301-307 A~do (:1•1 s a, •how n on 1 a Id axpi .. a or Implied, regarding title, deSlgnlllOn, direction••• to hOw to St1HI. Co111 Men. Calllornt• Coo®minlum PllO po111111on. 01 encumbr1nces. to 1oc11e 1ucll property may be 92827. Ille under1lgnad T1u111e PARCEL 2: p1y the remaining pilnctpal tum or 01>111ned from the Benetlc:lary under dl1clalm1 any llablllly 101 any Unit 13 u shown on lh• the 0011(1) eecured by Nod Deed ol H id OHd ol Tru11. at wllOH lnco11ec1neu ol the 1dd1es1 or Oondomlnlum P1111 1b0ve reletted Trust, with lnteresl t11111on, •• request the sate 11 to be coriducled. otner cornm0rt deSlgo111on, 11 any co. p1ovided In uld noll(I). advances. pursu•nl 10 • w11t110 raquHI lhowo hereto. PARCEL 3: II any, under the terms ol aald Deed submllled. '*ilhln ,.,., d•V-from the ii tile 1loreuld property hit no The e xctualv• right to or Ttull, I•••· c1111g.e1 and 111s1 publlcetlon ol &hi• Nolle•. to street 1ddru1 or other common dosMSSIOl'I ol th<>M porlloo1 of Lot expen-ol the Trust" and of the such Benallctary II the lollowlog deslgnatioo. direction• 11 to how to ,. d1101lbed In Parcel 1 1bov1, 11u111 c1111ed by uld Deed or 1dd11u BANK OF AMERICA loc:•tt 1uc h ptopeny may b• ~1lgn1led 11 G-13. CP 13. 0· 13 Trull. lot the amount tH tortlbly NATIONAL TRUST ANO SAVINGS obtllned l1om Ille Betlellclll)I uoder and P-13 on u id Condominium "tlmlled 10 be" $91.629.<M, ASS 0 CI A T I 0 N . l 0 AN ntd DHd ol Ttul1. It whoH fllan 11\d u apput1enanl to P1rcels The beMflciary under Slid Deed ADJUSTMENT QEPARTMENT No. 1equesl the Nie ta to bl conducted. f 111d 2 eb<>ve; ol T1usl lllfetofore He<:uled trtd 4327, FORECLOSURE SECTION, pur1u1nt lo 1 wrllttrt 11quell aod mo11 commonly known •• <lellve"d to the unde ralgned • 45 SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE, aubm111ed. wtlhlo ten dayw !tom the ~57 Pecillc Aveou. •AI02. Cosll Mitten Oec;larlllon of Oeleutt llld PASt<OENA.. CALIFFORNIA 9t101 11111 publlcatlon ol this Notice, to ..aeaa. Calif II the" i• oo "'"' o.maod for Sate. end • wnll•rt The 10111 amount ol the uopald 1ucll Ben1hclary at the lottowlng e ddren. direc11on1 may b• NotlCI ol O.laull IOd Etac:lion to blllanc:e of the not-C•I MCUred by llddr,.. Banll ol Ameflel N1t1e>nal Obtained by written 1equest to Stal• Seit Tiie urtderllgoed caused Uid H id Deed ol Ttull, with lnterHt frv111nd Savings Auoc:latlon, Loar ~vinga and Loan Auocllllon. 222 Notice ol O.laull •nd Elac:tloo to 1111feon. 11 provtcled lo llld not-C•J. AdlU•t"""' 0epar1men1 No 4;,;", ~h El Dorado StrMI. StodllOll, Sell 10 be rllCOfded In the county ldllMCeS ii eny. under tlle term• ol Fo11c;to1u1• Secllon. 4S South CA 95202; Atleotlon: LOM ~Ice ""*'Iller ... propeny Is located said Deed ol Trval. Including f-. Hud1on Avenue, Paudena. Oepattmenl. nol 11111 lh•n Dall. Octobet 20, t862 chug•• ind eapen••• ol tll• Clllllornll 91101 ~bet 23, 1962 '°' Ille purpoM IMPERIAL BANCORP Trvll ..... ot tM dall ol Ille inlltal The tollll amount ol lhe unpaid . Come show us , what you've got cooking • i \ Enter the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Favorite Recipe Contest. For more information ca~I Janine Fiddelke (714)· 642-4321 Ext. 242 • • • of p1ylng ot>llgallort• 1ecu1ed by u uld TNStee pul>lieltlon ol the Notice of Sale 11 bellnCe of Ille not-C•I MCUted by ~~oi l~ ~~CV~ R~~n ~Oeed~n~.~~~~============~======~~~===F==~~~~~~~===~==~~~~~~~=== The total _,,,, ol Ille unpaid Attorney In feet Name. Street AddteU 1nd I'*'°"· U provided in Mid no11(1). r .:.i....c. of 11111 obllgatlOn I• s 1 t8.· 1120 s Robet11011 Blvd . TMplloM Humber 01 T1u11H or aovaocaa. tt eny. undef the term9 o1 .,. .. ,1c unncc P\alC NOTICE P\&IC NOTICE P\alC ll)TIC£ 000.00 tnt.,Hl $12.759.08. end Loa A~ CA 90035 other pereon conducting the...,., uld Deed of Trvsi. lnduOinO 1-. ..-uuc. nv I.he 11tlmeled amouot ol co111. Tel (21J)274.o607 CON TINENTAL AUXILIARY ch11g11 and upertHI of the FOUMTA .. VALL£Y NOTICEOFSHERIFf'ISALE SUPEfllOR COUflT 01' e1S"7 upenM& and advancet which wiff Pubhalled O"nge Coast Diiiy COMPANY. 4S South Hud100 TrUoll ... u ol the dlll ol me lnltlat ICHOOL DtSTIUCT PLAIHTIFF: PM8·KEf, IHC. etc. CALll'O.-..A NOTICl Ol ll'Uel.JC SAL.I ~irtC:unedbythedall ofMleit Polol.Nov 3,IO,f1.19!2 Affrtue, 8th Floor. Pan dena, publieellOf'IOlthe,NOticeotSalell NOTICEOIAD<WTIOM DEFINDANT: IACK eAV COUNTVOl'ORAHOI Of'l'£M0MAL"'°"RTY $1.136.10. 41131..a2 Cthlorflll 91101 $2.~.388 92 -OF MIOl.UTION OF CENTE:fl PUTNElt.._., etc:. et el In lhe Miiiet ol Ille AppllClllon ol (UnWwM .,....._) • Oiied' November t. 1982 .,._.,. MnT"'t Oiied Octoblf 12. 1962 Name. S t1eat .AddtUI 1 nd INTUIT TO LEASE Mo. Jl..00-42 PAUL JAMES GRAY For Chlfl09 ol lo lhe Mallet ol Alng Bro1hefs ~ Sunlll•t Serva Compaoy ..-~ nu iw. By B Wt1111n11 TelephOrte Nvmblf of TrustM or aUflPLUI DtlTNCT By virtue ol an execution 1sS4Hld Nan>e • Mao199"*ll Corporation, Plaio1tlf . • corporltton "c.-n E.1«00ICIO Agent Ollllf pe!IOll conducting 1111 sale It RIAL NMIEJITY on Augu•t 25. 1982 by the Superior CAU...,...,. A'1MZ3 VltlUI Eanh FOOds .Cofporlllotl, • By 01Vld Chevter YOU AM .. Ol:FA.UU UNDEJl A Tel (213) 57fl...6010 Dated Octobet 12. 1982 tMO NO. U-4 Court. County ol Otange, Stale ot otlDIJl TO SHOW CAUSI CtUlorol1 CXM'por8tlotl. Oefendlllt. A .. 1. V1ce Preal<lent DIE IE D O I' TR U a T OAT IE D Pvbllfl>ed Or1nge Cont Dally CONTINENTAL NOTICE IS HEREBY Qtl/EN THAT C1lllo1n11. upon 1 Judgment en111ed F09' CHANGE OI' NAME Cue No 38·07-90. Supulo1 2n Nor1h El Dorado SI -~R .. ttl1. UNlEU YOU P110I Oct 27. NOV. 3. 10. t982 AUXILIARY COMPANlf THE FOUNTAIN I/ALLEY SCHOOL 1n lavor ol PRES-KEE, INC • • PAUL JAMES GRAY 1111 liled • Cout1. Couoty ol Orlln(ll. State ol Stoc:lllon. CA 95202 TAKI ACTION TO '"OTICT 4S9~.ll:> 4S South Hudaon Avenue DISTRICT hu dectareo tnet the C1hloro1a corporauon dba SMITH pelltlon lo this tout1 lor Ill Old« Calllornla. (209) 948-1118 YOUR fROl'ERTV, IT MA V el 8111 Floor lollowlng real property will not bl BROS CO . es tuctgmenl c1edil01I 11ta....ng petitioner 10 change h11/hlt NOTICE IS HEREBY 011/EN 11111 Trutlee 80l.D AT A "*.IC SALE. IF YOU Ml.IC NOTICE P1 .. den1. CA 91101 needed lor c;lusroom purpoeu 100 against BACK BAY CENTER neme from Paul Jamee Gray to Paul pureunt 10 Section 1988 of the C1111t .;_Pubtl•h•d Oraoge Coaat Dally •IED ANIXP\.ANATIOMOf'THE ____ ...;......;..______ ByB W11Mams, 1<i1cneo (m1xtmumute one weet< PARTNERSHIP. as judgment JamesKlu.ar. Code. Siii• ol Calllornla. tne til'llot Nov 3 10 11. 1982 4837-82 •1 OI' THIE ,ROCIEDINO K 0%341 Ea·Olllc:lo Ageol pet mon1h) al BUSHAAO SCHOOL det>tora, allowing a net balance ol II 11 h.,eby 01dered 11111 all und«1lgned wlll Mii et public 1111 ' . . . . :~~~NIT YOU, YOU IHOULD NOTICE OF DEATH OF (213) 57fl...6010 located 19699 Education Line, $81.898 82 ac1u1lly du• on u ld pe1aoo1 1n1er1i1ed lo the matt11 by competitive btddlog on tlle 22nd CONTACT A 1.AwvaR. JORGE DIPP REYES AND Publllhed Otang• Coul Delly Hununotoo Beach. C1lllornla 1uogmen1 on the elate ol the aloresald 1ppear before Ill•• court day ol No .. mblf, 1082. el 10:00 "8.IC NOTICE ...... UIE'S IALE Pilot. Oct 27. Nov. 3, 10. 1982 The Board ol TrulleH ol tne 11wanc1 or Slld exec:utton. I have In 1>19111men1 No. 3 II 700 Civic o"doclt AM .. 0rt lhe pretnl-wtlefe NOTICE Of' •nv• O F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 4674..a2 Fountain 111111y School 0111rlcl 11'1..0 upon all the rrglll. title aod Cen111 Drive WHI. Santa Ao•. u.d ptaperly has beell stored and Ne~'1 ADMINISTER EST ATE NO. 1esotves 10 tease 1he laclllt1H to 1n1et"t ol 111d jlldQmenl debtor• In Clllfornl1. Oii December 8. t982, •t which .,., tocated 11 2062 Bulllnas • NOTICE OF DEATH OF Ort December 2, 1982• •t 10.30 A·llH!i. ioc.calad above undet the terms 111a p1op111y on th• County or 10 30 o"clock 1.m .• and tnen and Ctnl., Or • Sulla tOO. lrvlne. ~FRED C. GILLEN AND e .m .. PACIFIC SENTINEL To all heirs, beneficiaries, PUBLIC NOTICE 10<1coodttioo•1111ed 10 th• Orang• S tat• o l Calllo1n11 t11et11howcauM.lf111ytheyh1ve.c1t11orn11. the abandoned good•. P P ET IT I 0 N T O CORPOR T ON c Ill 1 flesoWhon ol the Boe1d. Altolutton desc:11be<I u tottows why H id p•litlon lor change ol ch111el1, or pe11ooet properly · A 1 • • • oro • creditors and con tln~ent NOTICI TO CRIEDIT09'8 No 83-t2 Th• southeasterly 1ec11nguter rt1me tlloutd not be:J'ilflled detctlbed u lollOwl DMINISTER ESTATE No co1po111ton. es d uly eppotnted ,.. .... " -AN•"'IR 376 f .. ~ th 1 ,.,.,. ol · Tiu•tH under i nd purauaot to creditors o f Jorge 1pp Ar "*ic'~ucflON The mtnlmum monthly leHe Orte•llall of t.01 81 ol TrK1 No • 1111 Ut1111f"or....., • • .......,.y Orte 5-gallon Sperkjetll wet..-; i11H47 ,._. 01 l"·-,_ ...... 0c1·...__ 2. Rey-and ,.,..rsons w ho may peymenl for the term or the ..... a1 showo on a map thereof thl• ord., to sllow cau•• b• one couch (oo cu1111oos): lour T all ._ f'-'•-' ..-. ..... ..,_ .,.,.... ""' r-No11ca la hereby given 10 the •u oo d d B k 15 Pag• 29 publl•h· .. In Oreng• Coesl Dell" h 1 • gl••• .. tab ... one ._ o heirs, uo:ne "'""'es, 1981, 11 1nit1. No. 4048, book .... otherwise Interested in 't•dotors 01 Oold ,, .. Y Fuirt•ture shall not be less lhlll .-per recor • in oo , v • .... • c 1 "·on -"'" • .:..editors and con tinoent 14243, P•O• 1248. o f Ofllclal ""the will and/or estate·. ~ ,""' 11 rnortth 1'M mlnfmum mon1n1y ie.w M11cellaoe9u1 M•P• 1ecotd:1 of P iiot. • newapep•r ol gene rll credeora. on• d••k. 1ec:retarr~ ;:.._., Alf--' C Goill "'--d _ ........... Auth POiiet Complrt'f, tllnl "or. w ose paymeot 101 1ubMquenl pe1lod1 1110 Or•fl98 County c:lteulattoo. j)ublithed In thil coun w111e1>uk11.111r• bo .. c:omput11 ~tors of ~ • en ,""'=...~ •.=,::v .. -•·i--t-. In t.....:. AJ:uuon has been filed bu11n11s ldd,.11 ti 3200 HarbO< may tie l<llUsted by the conaumer PropettY 11 mo11 commooly 11 11111 once • week tor lour lllMI•. '°"' Ille MPlf•l•a. --. d Who m ay be .. _._, _ .. _.. ·--,,. Blvd . Costa MeH. Counlv ol 2651 1 A eo ·-·1-............ , ~'-to the di 1 1-tn peraon1 ofl""• of the Countv f\eQord., of by arie Bickel Baxter In ' Price lode• aonual 1verage knowo •• 1v1ne v ue con-·~.._.. ........ telephones. one 11pe p1yer;_ ..... the · · t t.ed 1 the "' • 01enge, S1111 ot Clhloro•a. 11111 • 11 ted 1 1111 end ol the te1H Coate MMI Cafllorn111 of said '-l"O pl1nt1. on• adding mechtne. two • rwue lJ\ eres n OrlflOI County. St•1• of callf«nl&. the S ueerlor Court of Ora~ bulk .,.,.,,,., 11 1b0ut 10 be made •I 1• ec A• i "'-•t ...... T 1~ th 1111 '"" sonnul1r Dated: Oc1ot>er 29. 1982 , ... ,,.,,, tllrH no11book1. "'utK: Will and/or estate: Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOt4 County r e questing t hat public auction ol ptoperly localed perlOd MCUf l)'....,,.... m1Y..... oge .... Wt ..... E IC INI -·-· ... ~ A ·'u·on ........ _n filed TO HIGHEST BIDOEA f~ CASH • b c M 1equl¥ed ptlOt to occupancy lhe tenements hlfedltameni. and FRANK DOM N ti cov., lor chelt1; •lg hl CHH ' J:" ,...,. .,.,..., (P•"• ........ at ti~ 01 ....... ,_...u, Marie B ick el Baxter e 11 3200 Hatbor Bl\ld oata "'· No c:omm111ton anal! be paid any appu1llf\lllC9S 111ereun10 l>llonOtnO JudOI o11111 euorted pr-OdVCtl. ! Y 1 Gillen in the , .,.. .. _ .... "' .... 1 County or 011oga. S tele of ·• ...,. "·-tot Court T ... _...__ CIPlf1Y.. b._. 10 Y ar · mooeyoltlleUnlted SlltH)l l.appol nte d as p e r son a calilornta llCef\Nd 1N111lltebtott9f111tll1•or1118'lYWIM8P~t .. o".., ..,.,...... ,,.....,....pr•and eu,.... uperior Court of Orange oullld• 111, lion I eotrenc• 10 1 representative to administer Seid piopeiay 11 dHcribed in teg11d . aod 111.,, 1h11t b• oo NOTICE IS H AEBY Gii/EN that Publl1lled ~';'!.' Co~~2 Dall • tiefl lor stor~ ooett of..., ounty requeatlng that Lewyers T Ille 1naura oc:•l the estate of Jor oe Di pp ~"" fu1rtllu,.olthal lumltura deduc:tlon lrom aoy propoul ,,., on T~ld~. Oecetnt>erJ· 1~21,:' PllOI. Nov. 3. ·I · 24. 1 4840-82 1,..oa82ted Ulla lh day of October. tifary I. Gillen be appointed ~':'~c~:,~'t :~~'.'=-Reyes. Guadalajara~ JalllCO, compeny bu11nes1 1cnowo 11 Gold g:-:nJng the nlgheat reaport91bM ~~h~:.k7~ ~;,,!' C:er &,v! " M • s • r v •. M 11 mp• r & fa penonal repre11entauve to and inlltMt COl'IVeyed 10 and now M e x I c 0 ( u n d e r t h e K'l Furnllura Compeny d d b S.1led piopo•••• 10 1111• u 10 W•I Ctty ol Sant• Ane. Counry ot ruBLIC NOTICE Hug/lu 1dmini1ter the eatate o f neld by 11 utlder said OMd 01 Trusl Independent Administration 0_;~!~,7,.,,w~I~?~" O::~:! 271~ property must be ,_ved by the Or1o09. s111e 01 Ca!lf010111.1 will14111 NOTICI TO ,u.-.i By· J\alptl C. N1v11fo C . Gillen (under the In lhl property iltualld tn H id of Estates Act). The petition and 281h oeys 01 November 1982 11 deteo11ed olflolf 11 th• Fountain al public auctioo 10 the highest °' INTIMIT • All~ tor Plllinlllf -A-nt Admlniltration Counl'!. 11\dTO ofs'r','~ dwe 1 No."!'!'!' .. •. s:ln , ...... 11 •nt for hearlna an Dept. 11 00 1 m 11 3200 H1rbor Blvd . Valley School 011111e1 Educallon b1dd• IOI ca111 1n 1111111u1 money ol TAX IALI ....OCUDI 333 South Hope Street ....,,"'""' "' -.....,...., ·-"" o Center 17210 0.k SllHI. Fountaon lhe United States, 111 Ille t1ghl. 111141 35th Floor Ealat.el Act). The petition City ol Co111 MeH, Count1 ol No . 3 at 700 Civic Cente r Co111 llAeu. County ol 011nge. I/alley . C1hlorn11, 92708. no titer •nd tnterHI ol Hid tudgment The pertlH lttled below may"'"" Lot Aogelel CA 90071 for h earing In Dept. Orenge. Siii• of CellfOtTill. u'1Mit-.Drlve W est. S anta Ana, Stet• ol Cahlornll 1111.11 ioo on November 22, t982 debto11 1n 1ne 1bove described right• to lite• clalm for uc .. ~ Pubt1111ed 0 11ng• CoHt Dally E. 3 at 700 C ivic Center mep ,_did 1n Book 223, Pegea ,...._111. 92702 on Nov. 17, 1982 ~~ •r~":' ~~sakten~~':;4' 1~ c~e Belo,. eccept1og aoy ~''"'" .proPl(ty. or so much 1nereol u may Pl~• reeuhlng from the .... 0 Pilot. NOv 3. 1982 4 ...... ,. ve, W eat. in the C ty of 28 tllrougfl 28, Misoellaneoua Mllc>I ....... 9.30 A\IC1•<>nee•. 111 bualneH nemea and proponl•. th• deteg11ed olltc•r b• oeoe11111y 10 uttsty uid tu-deeded ~toperiy ll•ld on .....,..... .. nta Ana. California on io theotflceoltheCouotyRecord« at . a.m. 1dd1esM1 used by lh• 111ns11101 shill c;all to1 o111 bidding Arty eaecutl0rt wtth1cc1uedtnterestsnd Oc~~:i~u•~"tie 1n w1ltlngllld -------------~ 1982 9 30 ol Slid County. CF YOU O BJECT t.o the I« lh• lllrff yea111111 past are the person who 1111 heretofore cotll C 11 mutt coo111n tulflc:lent lnlormatlon "8.IC NOTICE _.,;ember 1, at ; Th• attHI add11u aod o1he1 orantlna of the peUllon, you submlll•d • written bid an m1y Dated " Santa An1, • i orn111, end "'oof to •t•blitll • c111maot"1 ______ ...;.. _____ _ A.-to if f the ..-0 h ume submit an oral blct HCeedlng by II November 3, 1982 ... I ITATl•NT Of' WITMIMIAWAl ,...,... common deaf9n•t n. lfly, o should either a ppear at t e Th• n•m• and 1dd1eu ot the 11151 1,.,, cs•!.) petcenl the hlglle•I B••<I OalH rlghll 10 111 or 1ny part o tll• PROM ,,,...,_...._ a.mlATINO ~ IF •• vouf oth~U"tloton ythoue ~!~~·~~ :IC;J':" p~~~.:.!! hearing a nd s tate your pe!IOll wttll WllOm Cl1tml m•y be Wfllllrt bid The hlghMI rHpOllalbl• s11111U-Coronet '11·~1ptoc.dt ...... eou'· ~::!' ~:..!!'. UNDIR ,.CTITIOUI 8Ull ..... .. ng o e r-• c'"· """ c •• c 111 ,.I.a objection s or file written Iii.cl 11 0&1t1o 1 Ottrto, 9869 Santi bidder shall be r-u11ed to execul• County ol °''~ "".., h ,,. o.a3n., ~..,...-NAm ilhe the ourt, 0111 ....... • orn Montee Bl'id, Bev.,ly Hiii•, Ille lorm ol teaM':'°'IUCh format naa C.llloml• OCtob« 27. 1..,, oh ..... w• .. your Tht tollowlnn P"to n 111 1 e r appear at 9282e objections with t he court c1tt10tol• 902t2, end the 1 .. 1 d•Y ctllme cannot be con111<1et.i • n" a nd state your The uoda111gned Trust•• before the hearino. Y our tor !Hing cl11m1 b" ,,.,., c1edl101 heretofore !>Mn epproved by th• By K Btown Tll P rtlu ol lot•ra•I lh• wltlldr•wnMt09'l"llpar1Ml'lrom 0 flt i o ' ' Board ol Tn.•1-Sergeant • ~ ' the P1tlnerthip op«allng undef Ille Uon 1 or e wr He n ot1c11tm1 anr lla btllty 101 any appearance may be In per!IOn •hlllt be Novemblf 26. 1982. which The Board 01 Trus•-ehall m•k• HutWltL "-"· MeGDonakt uHnor • pare.I numbet ol the flclltlou• butllnell ,.,.,,,. of ISi.AND )>bjectlons w ith the court lf\Cor1ec1,_. of the llreet llddr-b our attorney 11 the b111ineu ~ belo,. 1111 lhe detetmlnatton 11 10 whether 10 1 ...... r.op«ty In which the partlM may VILLAGE PAOEATIES SEAL ~lore the hearing. Y our and. :0 ~ dellgnation. "or Ii Y y OU A ·a E. A "°g~~d~~= 9, :::;-, .... Hid 11e1111111 with,,,., 1101 MO *•'*1 Clflt« Dr •• 1555 j":; ~ 101•r: ~ ~ 1°"°:'11 AP 8EACH •• a 13 Mlllo Str .. 1, s.a1 ppearanc:e may be in per!IOn "latd 1111 wlll b• m1de, but CREDITOR or a contin,...nt Ostiln & Oltrln d•y• '"" receipt or bid• Newport e.ac11. CA 92660 •n• (on orp 2 30°"'3 Beldl. Clll1lornl• to740 b u.orne t 0 -1n101mat100 conc.,n1ng lhe P1t1ntlll 1 Attorn.y P122 1•tll0•89 10'""'1Y 12 -t Tiie llclltlou• bualnen name Y your 1 Y· without covenant 0 ' """n 'I• creditor o f the deceaad you Gy. G•l'Y Olliln potposal lhould be addrHMd 10 ,.ubh•h•d Or1nge CoHI 0111y « ttllernlfll I« the partnership - • I F Y 0 U A R E A npopr•---~.lmor~ureeerm ... ~'.""'10 muat file your c:l&lm with the AucttonoMr FOUNl AIN I/ALLEY SCHOOL P1to1 Nov 10. 17. 24, 1982 ~21 94 n Koolllan. AP t8s-251•18 flied °" Mey 4, tMl In the Couritt l'<DS"nIT()R or a con'""-..t """' --..,..,..._ Publllh•d Otan"• Co1s1 Dally S , .... u 82 (I 111-307·301 I,.., r~ -oe~" ,.... the twna......._ ......._..._. eum ol court or present It lO the • DIS 1 AICT 17' lO Oak llHI, """" Fo your conuenlence cl1lm o .,.,. tor of the deceMed you "".::. .~,., l ~m'.!..>;.:;d ~of l I Pitol, Nov to, 1982 Founllllfl 1111'-Cahlorn11, 9270I ' • • di The lull n-and ,,..._ ol . wfth he 1,,. ,...,..,, ---• ..._.. peraona r e pre1e ntal ve 4085-82 17141 842.ffs'i. AlltfttiOll NIOl'lll form• and Information regero1n9 1111 per1on wltllelrawlng ,. 1 Ult (Ue your claim t T1u11, wltll Tnterell 1ne1eon. H . appointed b y the court wi.aand .,..,.,_. s..-P\a.IC NOTICE Mio; procectv,.. may tie obt""9d pe11,.,... t or preeent It to the ~~ ~-.: ,::i~·~ = within four monthl from the .... IC MnTIC( FOUNTAIN VALL!V SCHOOL •l 630 N &toectway. Aoom 30e. Miik Etllt ~an. p 0 Boa aonal r e pre1entatlve of"lruu , , .. ,. C!ll.,OH eod date o f fl rat IHuance o f ..--. "" OtSTAICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES ftC1TITIOU• .,..... Santa A":, or ':;':'ng 934-3&21 142 « 16712 eroedw:J •&. S\in .. t •pointed by the court expenM10lthl Tru1t .. ene1ottM lettenaaprov\dedinSedion PM:TITIOUl8U ... ll JatMtD Woest NAmlTA,....NT =::+L 'c~TRON pm a.ec11.ea111orf'lato74 i!'rithin four montha from the trulll CrHlld by H id 0.ed ol 700 of the Proba~ Code of .... ITA,.....,, ~~:· ::::;.: 4 1982 bu~~ '*"°"' .,. doing c-ty T•• Colleet0t•'tr... Tllil .t:::. !..°=:"'wtth the ate of fl rat l11uanc e of !;~~'~hebe: ~~~Tebly CaHfornl9' The time for bu~°':""° per.on•.,. doing Publl•ll•O 011nai Co111 D•tty WAflMtNGTON·SOVT .. l AND ot :~,IYr!lt. Co11t 01111 COUMY Ci.ttl Of Otanoe County on -~ ln Sedion ......... ~under Mid o..ct flUn1 .... .__ will "°' __._ MA·K VI INVf9JMll•f8. f'llOt NO¥ 10 17 M 1tta OhllOll'llllHT ~v ...... ---.... f1 ,..... oaa. 1t. ... .. ... 00 f .... _ ................ _ ,.._._ of ,,_ ......... .,..,..,.. " · · .......... ~ ,u11-1"'" 111•11 . Colt• Mt••, ...._... "°" "'' • ' -.... 1 ... ~ , • ..,, O '""' r""'9-"'4AA' of Tru1t llefet ore ••.auted ltld pra'or to four monthl fl"Ofn 14102 Htll1boro Plac:a. Tu1tln, .. ....., c "' " "' ·~ 4 llf I Th tlm for 1 d 1 ee1 CtlHfomll HMO (:Mforn11 tam !Jublt•h•d Or""9t CoHt oe11y a orn a . e e det vered 1o tll• un •11 gn • the date of the hearing 1------------1 Tiie Aoot rl P. w11mlno1on Piiot oc1 ~. a7, Nov s:10. tH:l lint clalma will not •xtre :-:'n~:~':. C:n~-:,11:: noUctd above. Hlll•:O,;~:c.~;~~~~?c~i:!~i! Ml.IC NOTICE ~., c 1111orn•• c;orp0ra110f1. MLIC flOTICE 4111·&1 ~!~~moot.ha !~__.the._~ Notloe of Oeleull eno EtectlOn to YOU MAY EXAMINE t2NO ITATl.-NT °' WITHDUWAL 0~~;;2:1r .... Coet• -... '9CT1TIOUI aulMll fl. u. '™-_,a...,,,.., ...... The wnderllglied _....Mid lhl file kept by w court. U Mal letamby. 2ff41 Ctrfl!IUI ""* P~ ONRATIMO ... ..,,_ um tTATWNT t:YOU MA EX/.Ml .. J: Notlele ot~ w ~ you ar. ln~ed ln the Otlvt. Mt1°\1on Viejo. Callfornt• ,..;:m.J.u.'m. .. ..-A..==.'!*~.::::r~~~ TM fOltOWlllO ,__...,.. fill kept~ Ult COW'l. lf ~o~-Pln"':,= .... yc,unwr W.• req.,.., H•': .... M Colllfll 2UH Thi fOllOtfln9 P•rtOll flu LHl'I A.nocil•ttOll, HH11.H butllMN.. !NO N fYMI" u •r• lnteNlc.d In the Oii•. °'*"* 2 , 1 ~ · wl\h 0 tbe eout\ to r~elve Pectfkl. Ml•alon 111e10, Olltlornta .,...,. ••..,... '*""''""" ,........_ MtMIOll Vltjo. Ctlftoflll• DA.VI'S '"WA H 1 • ellO 1 Clot .. u ... you...., file a requ.I t t"ACIFIC I INT l"!El • peel a I notice 0 f th. 1217& "''*'""-CIPWMlllO under Ille Htlt t•e '"C:"" •• , .......... Ooet• Tll• I Wlfll '*"" • ng Ji'hh the court IO rec:e ve co..,., Inventory of .... ,. aaH\t Nell w11111m• ScllllC!hl, 4020 1c1111ov• 11u11nau n•"'• of Thia ""'":'.,,"'1p conctuo\.i b'f • ,.._O::~~laflt. u 11, ~ne IOUTIOUI. toll peel al no&le• of the • ':'!T=• and of \he ,.UUone. a«'OUntl ~:J'!~•;:o?"\t•· An •htlrn, ~~AA;~;.~'= .. ~~·= ~':"A AM IN 0 T 0 ... -l.OI All•o• • tH, MtHlon Vla)o. AU•nt&, HvntlnttOfl .. ICh, CA nven&ory of •tete a1HU !!,,..., a,nd reporu deecrlbed In Joflft Mey. '" To,o ltr ... , IC.ilfaff*t tltl7 IOU'n4\.ANO ~ '"'1 '"temt ave Qllllteftt 11111 ot the ,.Udani. e«OUD11 ~ s. et l 0 n l 2 0 0 0 f ' h e All....,, ClllfOma tll04 Tll• llCUllou• bvaln•H Mfftt 0 I v I l 0 , M l H T MOlllll MecllaM. • • • • "d reporu deacrlMd In lfltt. ~ INd . Calif.,.. Probloc. Cod6 Roberto MandH. u~n fOt fie f:.''*1111p ... COM'"'"'°' oorJoriuon, 1"' '•KM' Street. ~LaM, """"""°" ..-. ectton 1'200.& of the Wl~.CAt00415 Altl laeta•eri, 1Pl1t, H""'°'° "9oe, Tvellft. Ctllfoml• ..... :/~,., •• '~~;' .. ~ W•~cJ"• Roblrt '· ·~ec:.:-.C::.C~'=' ~ ........ ...,.....,.,. -l",edtfllftllla ...... Oode. ......::t.!.171 .. 120' Penll a· Prld•aa "t:.11u11111111e_._,~ .NIGi VMMI J '"trw, ....,,.,.,...._. .,....., ~ P••• &••L·····.',f.l 11 9 11""' ... ., .. ,II Law,..... fll)erMlllrd • .......... TMll~-:v ......... ,,. .. :w.·:...'*:f:.. ,,. ....... ,, __ ..... Uene~I aw. • L-....,.,, 1 11 c.,.. Wlllllln aw. ....... IHI, T,..,.........,_flll!!_~-••Y If•"" Griffin. ltHt ,._.-...,_ .. ,... ... ~-"--OllrtiOIOr-~ c;:....,~.,Or..-~• ..... Ma, --..... ....... Ht c-tty 011rti 01 °'""" --"r Oft fOOI'!,~ =Ylltl1191on ..-.. r -~ ..,. -· .,._..., -..-"'* I. ,_ t:=::.; - -I l 1 11 ._ ,._ CJllHw...., Lat Aa_meln, C.Hf. It, OMllllr "· '"' --Oc!OW it ,.., -.... ,,., •· ,... . ...,.. ~ .,.,., · •I 0 ~--(Ill) lft.lllt. • ,_ ,., e111ry r-:.JI ~ °' c.... = 111.•l; •........ c.... ....., ~ f;";f',.c-t 0..., ,l;.':/::1. ~;~r.f!"' 09'" ~.~,~ ~u ~.~ r.-=. f&' ,:.~::1,.~~ c:-:. 9 ~.cr,~.r:.. ~ .............. ,:!ft. o.. !a. ___ ......... 1-.11 ...... ' . . • ...... ..... ..,Ml ~ w- -• l • I ' ' . t f .. .. Creeping paralysis hit Kings INGLEWOOD (Al') -Kansas City Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons noted a sort of creeping paralysis l;lll\Ong his Kings as the evening wore on at therForum. "We played well early bµt they did a g~ job (lefensively a n d w e d i d. n 0 t r e a c t ' ' ' Fitzsimmons said after L os Ange les defeated the Kings ( 139-117) in National Basketball Association play Tuesday night. "THERE WAS NO interest in this game after l'h e third quarter," Fitzsimmons said. "To beat the Lakers you have to take good percentage shots and pound the offensive boards and don't turn the ball over." "I don't think we're quite ready for prime time yet." Although six Kings players scor ed in double figures and forward Eddie Johnson led all players with 27 points, Los Angeles went the visitors one better with seven Lakers adding double-digit contributions. But it took them most of the first half to find that stride. .. Diiiy Plat WEONESDAV, NOV 10, 1982 J ~ ' ClAISIFllD 04 I • It's Bi_g Gam.e tj;me. League titles, CIF berihs on the line By ROGER CARLSON ()(the Dell• ""°' It•" h 's il W<'t'k ror tht· Big G11nw and thut'i. definitely an undcrst.utt•mcnt us tht> final w<•c·k of the regular ~ason unfolds for high S('ho<>I football Leagu<' titles, CJF playo ff bl'rths and tradttiunal malchups dominate the scene For 1nstan<-e: -Scrv1tc and M:itl•r Dci clash fur the Angl'lus Lcag\le championship. . . • -F.ctison gqes aft.er its fj{th straight Su11sN League crown, but may have to share.• 1t with rival Fountain Valley, if th<' lotter I!> suc.x•t•ssful. -Ev<'ry team in the SunsN LeagUl' has a shot at a CIF playoffs berth. -Rivals Newport l lurbor and Corona dt•I Mar colhde, and a CIF playoff berth goc:i. LO the wrnner -Saddlcback and El Toro meel wnp thl• latter trying to, gain a share of Saddlebac.•k's St•a View League crown. -Wmx:lbridge l'an thruw tht• South Coast League into a three-way tic for third pl<ire, forc.·ang a<COin flip for a playoff berth -EstanC'ia and Costa Mt•sa eol11dl· 1n a t raditional rivalry with t he Sea View L<•agul' basement the loser's reward. . -And Irvine• and University met•l an their annual skirmish, without a playorr lx·rth, but with year~long bragging rights attachc.'CI Here's a look at each: Cd ~I 1·.s •. ~(·11·port llarbfu• (•II games at 7:30 unleH noted) The game Thursday COM al Newport Harbor Ocean View vs. Edison al OCC U111vers11y at Irvine Maler Oei vs Servile al SA Bowl Diamond Bar vs La.gun& Hiiis at MV Friday The HM Newport by 4 Edison by 16 Irvine by 1 Servile by 6 LIQ. Hiiia by 6 Fountain Volley vs. Manna at Cerrflos Marina by 1 Westminster at Hun11ng1on Beach HB by 3 Estancia vs Costa Mesa al OyC Even Saddleback vs El Toro at Mission V1elo Sadd by 3 Woodbridge al Laguna Beach Woodbridge by 2 San Clemente at Capistrano Valley Capo by 20 Saturday Mission Vie10 al Dana Hills ( 1 p.m.) MV by 14 "They run with Bra1,as and they throw to Brazas,'· says Morr)s, "but they have others, too, indudmg a quarLNback (Mike Wells) who throws prt'l ty Wt•ll " In lh<· <'Vt·nt of a tw, the Sailors go to the playoffs f 'ou11tal11 tlalle,· \1.4'. Marina Fountain Valley· can share the Sunset League The Lakers converted only 13 of 28 shots in the first quarter. Trailing 48-41 with eight minutes remaining in the second period, they erupted for 16 of the next 18 points to move ahead 57-50 with 2 'l.i minutes to play. IL.each was winless this would still be tht· game of the year for these two rivals. Nt>wport Harbor's Sailors hold a SC'ries edge of 15-4 and in the last 17 contests the Sea Kings hav<' bct-n limited to seven points or less on 15 ()C(.•asions. "We'll show up." says Corona del Mar Coach Dick Morris, stHI fuming Jrom last week's performance against University (an upset l2-7 defeat). "lt was the worst game wc'vt• playt'CI sinc.-e we lost to University four years ago," says Morns. t1tlt• with F.ct1spn (assuming F.ctison defeats Ocean _ Vu•w Thursday ) or win it all. then again, the"' 8<1runs c:ould wind up in a massive tie for second place and lose out for a playoff berth entirely. Kansa.S City never threatened the rest of the night. Los Angeles outscored the m 78-60 in the second half and completed 59 field goals on 110 attempts. . "We w eren't ready to play," the Kings' Steve Johnson said. "We didn't play smart and played into their hands." · LAKERS' COACH Pat Riley, who used reserves for most of the last eight minutes, conceded his team came out sJow in the first quarter, but noted. "You never lose in the first quarter." Riley praised the night's work by Norm Nixon, who led the Lakers with 20 points. "Nixon has bee n our most consistent player since the first game," said Riley. "He had some problems with his knees, but a couple of days off helped him." O.ily Not l"tloto by "lctwd Koefli. Huntington Beach High fullbac k Danny Thompson will lead" the Oiler against Westminster Friday night. ''Our offensive line was just terrible." The Sea Kings' arsenal h as been defusc-0 a bit with the loss· of defensive baC'k Dave Patterson (separated shoulder) and defensive end Tyler Johnson (foot ligaments). "Corona del Mar is similar to USC when they had a Heisman Trophy winner at tailbac.'k." says Newport Harbor Coach Mike Giddings. "He (Lance Martin) is an exceptional bal'k and you have to be careful. He'll st.art to one hole, and you might play 1t just raght, and he'll end up two holes away "Martin's ability to change 1r the holc 1s plugged may be his best asset. "If we have a matchup advantagl.' somC'where we'll try to take advantage or it. like we did against Estancia with a tall rcl'eiver against a sma ll dcfensivt• back or against Costa Mesa's line with our big i:igh1 side." Martin has rushC'd for 971 vards on 198 carries (4.9 per l'rack) and 6 TD.>, and ·thl' Sailors' answer -207-pound Junior tailback Stev~razas has 793 yards on 187 carries and 15 1jll1S. And th(• task isn't an easy one -considering the past exploits of the Barons against Dave Thompson's Marina Vikmgs. - The two hav(' split four games and Marina is one~up in th<' last lhrec t'Onflicts. "That's true," says Marina Coach Thompson, "but we WC'rt' sup~>d to win aJJ of our games this year and we• haven't. · "They're playing for the championship and we're playing for sec:ond place.'' ·· Al'tually we've played pretty well aga inst Marana m the past,'' says Fountain Valley Coach M1kl' Milner. "But we haven't been able to put the ball in the end zone. "Marino is doing some things differently this ycur with lhl• unbalant'ed stuff and it presents some prnblems." The game puts th<' traditional I-formation of Fountain Vullcy against Marina's veer, which is • now operating behind on unbalancc-d line with the e mphasis on tat•klc Bill Macias. Both tC'ams have gone more to the running ganw this season with Manna's blup chip runner I. ee PREP, Page 02) Jamaal Wilkes followed Nixon ~~8a~i~b~~~:~~~~ -NFLPA has significant dent each, Earvin Johnson added 15, • in • ar1nor rookie James Worthy had 13 and • ' Michael Cooper got 10 points. "Magic is great comfort to have -he does so many different things to help our team," Riley said. "l don't worry when he's on the court." R ams, Saints, Oilers, Cowboys vote to accept contract proposal NEW YORK (AP) -Four teams out of 28 are a definite minority but the four - the Los Angeles Rams, Houston Oilers, Dallas Cowboys and New Orleans Saints - have created what may be a significant dent in the armor of the National Football League Players Association. Cowboys and a friend of mine on the team has talked to the Bengals. That's four teams right there who are basically saying the same thing. season -11 i games thruugh eight weeks -has been affected by the strike. Garvey called the next 48 hours crucial. saying. "Even 1{ you accept our timetable for moving the schedule . . . you do start to run out of time." Bannister selected hylO teams .. Reggie Johnson compiled 18 points tor the Kings, followed by Mike Woodson with 13, Larry Drew with 12 and Steve Johnson and Brook Steppe, both with 11. The Lakers, now 5-1. remain 1 YI games behind the Seattle Supersonics in the Paci fie Divisio n of the Western Conference. SADDLEBACK IN PONY BOWL • Saddleback College's football team has been selected to play in the Pony Bowl at Orange Coast College, Saturday night, Dec. 4. Saddleback currently has a 8-0 record with two games remaining on its schedule. The opponent for the game has not been selected , but it is expected to be Fullerton or Golden West college, depending on where they finish in the South Coast Conference. The Rams, Cowboys and Oilers voted Tuesday to accept in principle the latest contract proposal by the NFL Management Council. They joined the Saints -who voted Monday -in breaking from the union leadership's outright rejection of the owners' latest money offer. While players on those teams voted in favor of the prop'osal. they did so with reservauons. Many player'!! throughout the league reaffinned their opposition to the $1.31 billion offer by the owners and F.c1 Garvey, executive director of the union, said that "No team has accepted this proposal. including the New Orleans Saints. If you look a~ the bpttom of the story out of New Orleans. it says if they would have voted on the proposal, they would have rejected it unanimously." But Houston Unebacker Greg Bingham. whose team voted 27-5 with four abstentions to accept the latest proposal - i{ the owners agree to several key changes -said: "All they have to do is make some changes and we can get back to playing football. I've talked to the Steelers and "It ls my understanding that this is happening all around the league." Union Presidenl Gene Upshaw of the All they have lo do is make some changes and we can get back lo playing football. -ttou.ton. UM&ecker o,... 9tntham Oakland Raiders said some disagreement among the players is understandable. ''To disagree doesn't mean that you are against what we are doing," he said. "We are still in control of our destiny. "There is no one out there saying, 'accept it, accept it, please.' What they are saying is give us a fair agreement, an agreement we can Jive with for five years." Despite the apparent crack in the union's stand, no negotiating sessions have been planned. The strike has lasted 51 days, the longest unsettled walkout in profesmonal sports history. The 1981 basebaJI strike lasted 50 days. though there was a nine-day period of preparation to resume the season following the settlement. The NFL called off this weekend's 14 games on Tuesday, meaning that half the JacKson' s Jnedia attend8nce mark • ID Nobody came in on the noon balloon · Crom Saskatoon and asked me. but . . . • Had Steve Garvey not had a love affair going with the fans o f the Dodaers, the contract he.rwoulO.haVe ilsked for would have knocked the socks off alJ of USr •Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Ken Andenon. who haa a law degree. failed ta hia finl attempt to pass the bar exam Ill Ohio ..• T would like to have Anderson as the quarterback on my football team. but I wouldn't want hlm • Mndllng my divorce. . • If drai racing ls a drag, oonalder ·wha\ th.ree-leaed racing ls. · • &aie lack.eon aet an attendance rwcont COi an An,els' media conference md manapr John McNamara wllJ ~ *-when he vilita Anaheim Si.dlum INlweek. . • Cleveland Cavaliers owner Ted lepdtn •YI he ii eeriously thinking of ~ hll ~read(ul team to Toronto SPORTS COLUMNllT BUD TUCKER . . . What did Canada ever do to deserve that? • IL was on tht 48th day of the NFL strike that players aaociatlon prt'Sldent Gene Up1haw i.ued his ftrst ln~lli~t statement .. , "I don't think ttM-owners are 1erious 1bout wttllng thlt thing." • 5'n Die,o Clippers part-time player Bill Wilton had • birthday last Frldiy, bul no one tlirew him • p1arty . . . If th"Y hid, Walton would hive fallen down and broken torMthlna. • Washington State CO.Ch Geor1e Raveling tw btoen .elected usjetant to 'Bobr.Y Knight on tht' U.S basketball, team for the 1984 Olympics . , . lt is a cinch the trainer won't gN a word in gewise. •If the logistlca can all be worked out, the annual Army-Navy football game next year will be held In the R08e Bowl instead of Its long.time h ome In Philadelphia. • lf Oakland Athlell<'S president Roy Eisenhardt hopped past on a pogo slick and aaked me, l would \t'll him to hlrt' Jim Frepl u his manager • A couple of d..CYnc\ boxing organizations. 1llqedly involved In tht' 1Cam of promolt'r Harold 'Smith agalru11 Wella Far10 Bulk. hlwe been otdered tu pay the bank '4'-7 mllllon .. How would you llkeo to ~l on Wellt Fargo'• chanc.u? • The damap pt\Me of the Raldel"I' antl·tru1l \rial with \h• Natio nal Footba11 L-.1u• w.a poell)OMCI untU neict yHr bec:au. one o( the 'Nf".1d1 army The Management Council spent, some time Tuesday al the Na t ional Labor Re lations Board here. hhng an unfair labor practices complaint against the union. This came on the heels of an adm1ss1on by New Orleans Saints player represe ntative Russell Erxleben tha t he has been threatened if he didn't s top voicing reservations about the union's position. "l have received threats, indirectly from several sources, saying that Ed Garvey would have m y leg broken and all this stuff," said the Saint5' punter. "When 1 called Garvey. he laughed and denied 1t and said it was all bull, just people starling •stuff." On Monday, Philadelphia Eogles owner Leonard Tose alleged that a player rep and his wife had been threatened by the union. And, on Tuesday, Dennis Curran, an attorney for management, said in an interview with radio station WNOE that other Saints and some Rams players were intimidated by the union. But the unfair labor practices complaint named only Erxleben of lawy('rs wo.<1 lnjurt.>d w hNl hit by o golf cort .. Well. at lea!lt he was keeping his ht•ad down • Bowi<• Kuhn w ill n·main an th<.' offlcl:' of bniwbnll romm1ss1oner until his term expires next August, but it wlll not change anything . . in fd<'t, W<.' wofl't even know he 1s lhcrc- • A hospital In Virg1n10 prl'<ll<'ts lht• NFL t1tri~c will cause H baby boom becau!W long pNtods of boredom al~Ays do . , Wtll. tht' Int NB!'\ pltyoU• didn't • &-.'<.'(•r, ~wr SlY.k. h1u1 StMttod Ml tho Forum . . wc•'Jr';.,. It Jc·rry Buim klcka about allN\danc~:. • UM? the same rule book wh<'n lhc.> NBA strike at:'-' under w•y • • U Bow1t· Kuhn and Al Devi.a had a pc-rton•IUy rontc.-at It would cmd m a 0 0 tit'. . • If Howard Coat•ll and J 1t'k Kent Cook.• had an obnox&ou1 con\t1l, It would IC> Into dOublt' ~time. ' NEW..YORK (AP) -The New York Mets ope ned the 1982 free-agent re-entry draft by selecting le ft-handed pitcher Floyd Bannister Wednesday. The Mets made their pick after Cincinnati and Minnesota passed. The Seattle Mariners pitcher, who led the American League with 209 strikeouts last year. was expected to t>e one of the most highly sought players in the draft. Picking next, the Texas Rangers ch~ Angels free agent Don Baylor, a desighat.ed hitter, and the Chicago Cubs followed by picking first baseman Steve Garvey o f the Los Angeles Dodgers. T h e Oakland A 's pic ked Milwaukee Brewers pitcher Bob McClu.re, and Houston selected Garvey. The Mariners chose Montreal outfielder Joel Youngblood, and the San Diego Padr.es tabbed Garvey. Toronto and Pittsburgh foUowed by picking Bob Shirley, a pitch er from Cincinnati. Bannister was chosen for the second ume by Cleveland. Montreal passed and the New York Yankees took Bannister. San Franclsro picked Garvey and Detroit passed. The next team to pick, the Dodgers, announced that they would pasa twice, mcani"I they would not pick any free qenta. The Chicago White Sot ind Atlanta Braves uch selected Bannister. and lhe Boston Red Sox followf'd by aelcctin1 Mc:Clure. The next thr•• team•. Phll•delphla, K.anau City and St. Lout,s, Mt'h ~ ......... and thP An1el1 followed by choosing desi1n1ted hltttor Hal Mcfhe of the KanaH City Roy•ls • Tht flru round •nd•d a• a.lllmore and Miiwaukee -.ch choH Bannl•ter. who WH •lectlel by 10 ._ ID dw .. round. \ ·- l , >Ii 02 Sonics edge Bulls to stay perfect •'n ddlt1 Brown ~·111uw1·1t·cl on m lhrN• tuna Jum.wre 11nd Oavld Tbompu 1 contr1~utNJ u <'lul1.•h lhl't'l' point pluy in thl' Cinol flv1 · S u gar Ray makes it o fficia l: He retires mlnUlf'll tu ll•ad "81•oull' 111 u 11 :l 111 win owr Chkug<> l-0 hlah lljthl NBA ucliun ·rut...cluy n1~l1t Tht.• vktory improwJ th1• Sonll'H' n '<•ord to 7 o ... Elscwhllrl', Wa ltt'r Davl1 nnd Ma urice LucH l'U<:h K'Or<'<i 17 points w ll•ad Ph0<•n1x &Jtbt wlnh•N. llousl<Jn, l 19 IH Kell)' T rlpucka ll\(IUI' twu £r1-.• throwi; With l:l ~'Olld!o> lc._•ft lo g1V(' ONl'Oll u lOR· Io~ triumph OVC'r Wus hington ... Da rwJn Cook COl'l'd Ill puinls end Nc:w Jl'rscy held New York without a fh•lc.J goal the final 3:45 to capture on tl4·R2 squl'akl'r ... Clark Ke llogg scored 23 points and grabbed 17 rt>bounds and Billy Knight added W ns lndiuna he ld o ff San DiPgo. 100-95. Rookie Terry Cummings scored 32 points and had 24 rebounds !or San Du~go . Mychal Thompson st:ort..'<1 20 points lo lead s vcn Portland players in double fl~ures as· the Blazers blistvrcd Golden State, l 11-96 . . . Guard Wes Ma tthews hit a lhrce- point baske t at the final buzzer as Atlanta edged Denver, 106-105 ... Mike Mitchell scored 18 oC his 25 points an the second quarter as San A)itonao crushed Utah, 118-104. F rom AP dispatches BALTlM ORl!: -W or ld = welterweight chamµ1on S ugar Ray 1.A.>0nard, who admitted he vac11latl'<i until the last minute, announc:ed his retirement from l>oxing Tuesday night. "The final decision was made tonight, right here in the ring," Leonard said after making the announcement lo a crowd of more than 9,000 in the Baltimore Civic Center, wht?re he launched his pro career in 1977. In answ<"r to a question shouted. from ringside. Lron- ard expl~ined h1sf.mdec1slon during the six mdilths since an operatio n to ·c::orrect &- detached retina. Ml~nesota can't 9et pa~t Sevigny ~ goalie R k hard Sevigny 'keyed the , "Every day it was a diffrrent answer," he said. "I didn't want to mislead the public." LEONARD Leonard said h e had thought about returning to competition for a lime, but addt'd: "Then l forgot about it." S lrong net p loy by Montrl'al ~ Canadiens' 3-2 victory over Minnesota to highlight NHL aclion Tuesday night. Sevigny gave up just one gool in each of the first two periods and finished with 39 saves. Minnesota outshot the Canadlens, 41-29 ... Elsewhere, Bob Nystrom Sl'Ored two power-play goals to trigger the New York Islanders to a 4-l vicJ.Qry over St. Louis. The triumph ended a four-game winless s treak for the three-time Stanley Cup champions. Answering unother question from the audience. Leonard s<.ud: "The feeling is gone. I will not coml' back. That's il." During his formal announcement, during which he lhanked his family and all lhose connected with his carE'Cr both m and out of the ring. Leonard looked toward middlewe ight champion Marvin Hagler. a possible opponent who would, 1t was lhoug ht, produt.-c a purse ol $15 million or more.' for Leonard. "'fhe fight with thal great man would be one of lhe grcalt'sl 111 the hislory of boxing." LA athletes must have ·c· average All L os Ange les students, • including athletes. mus~ m.aintain a. C average t o part1c1pa t e 1 n {'Xlracurricular activities under a new polic.·y approved by the Board of F.ducation. The board's-unanimous approval Monday will end a long-standing policy that has allowed studenl athlc.•lcs to gel through-their course load with a D-minus average ... World record hurdler Rena ldo Nehemiah, who became a professional foo\ball playe r this y(•ar. says he wants to re main {•ligible to comJX•tc in amate ur track and field c.•vcnts, including the 1984 Olympics ... P ele, former Brazilian soc:cer superstar. said Tuesday he supported the idea of holding the 1986 World Cup in the United States and not in Brazil ... Former Baltimor e Colts tight end J i m mie Kennedy surrendered to police four days after police raided his home and allegedly found a large quantity of cocaine and marijuana . , . 'fhe Cl<-Weland Cavaliers l,lre up for sale, team owner Ted Stepien said. Quote of the day Duke football coach Red Wilson, whose team snapped a four-game losing streak by defeating Georgia Tech, 38-21 : ·•w e scouted ourselves to find out our tendencies. and ~ thoughl that helpt>d, our. p\ay sck'Ction. We didn't have any tenClenc1cs Saturdav." McNamara to keep coaching staff There won't Ix• any cha~gt'S in • the Angels' wac.·hmg staff next season 1 r m e m b e r s a <' l ' e p t T u c.• s d a 'y • s invitation by thc.•1r new ma n agl'r , J ohn Ml'Namaru Mc Namara. apporn1cd lO :.ucned Gene Mauch after lht• AmC'ri('an Bas<.•ball League clu b dashed its 1982 pennant hopes. said he wantslthe same line-up for lht• 1983 season Televisi~. radio TV: No events schl'dull>d. RADIO: Hockey Kmgs al Vancouver. 7:50 p.m . K PRZ ( 1150). Kings lose hut scoff 3t jinx CALGARY. Alberta (AP) - Los Angeles nt.>vcr has won a National Hockey League game in the aging st.adium that's home lo the Flames, but thf' Kings scoffed at notions that a jinx had <'OSl them yet another gamE' there Tuesday night. "I'm not too much or a believer in the past." Km gs Coa<:h Don Perry said after Calgary downed Los Angeles 5-4 and lied them for f irst place in the Smythe Division. "The game could have gone either way tonight," Perry said. ''W e could have won il. Or al least tied." The Kings' chan<-e at one tie- breaking goal was dashed by refer.ee Greg Madill in the second period, .when Mik e Murphy's slapshot bit Flames goalie Don F.dwards and popped into the air Gary Ruskowsk1 knocked it in from the lefl and mamtaincd ll bounced off his chesl, bul Madill r eject ed th.e point. sayin g Ruskowski h ad gloved it in. "That caU hurt us," Ruskowski said. "We were down 5·2 and just getting 1l going then." But Calgary got moving much earlier. scoring four goals in the first period. After Marcel Dionne opened the "SCOring at 2:28 with his siXlh goal or the season. Jim Pe plinski tied it on a powe r play. Kari Eloranta made it 2-1 at 13:28. sliding a pass from Paul Remha rl through the pads of Kmgs goalie Mano Lessard. Kevin LaVallee added another goal at 15:19, a nd Carl Mokosak, just promoted from the Central Hockey League, scored his first NHL goal on a blistering 20-foot shot to make it 4-1. Los Angeles' Rick Chartraw addc-d a Kings' goal to cl()S(' the period. The clubs traded goals early in the set·ond period, beginnin g with a Mel Bridgman slapshot which completed the Fla mes· scoring a nd continuing w ith Charlie Simmer's power play for the Kings. Mike Murphy m oved Los Angeles within one point at 11 :51 in the third period with a 30-foot shol that slipped under F.dwards' glove . but the n etm i nder deflccled last-minute shots by Simmer and Di-onnc to end lhe night. Both goalies stopped 23 shol.S .. Perry said Lessard, making his first start in 12 days, might have done ~lter with more defensive help. ~~~~~~~~~~~---1 College football THURSDAY'S OAME Wesl Virg in•• va Ru1ge11 11 Eatl Rutherford, N J IATUROAY'I GAMES Wnt S11nlord vs UCLA et Rose Bowl l 1 30 p m I NeYadl ILH Veglt) vt Long Beach SI al An•'Kelm Stad>Um 17 30 pm I Wlthtngtoh St •• C.Mornla Sin Jose S1 et Pacific: Mon11na S• 11 Fresno St PorUend St 11 Cel Poly tPomon•J. n SI Mary'• Ml u ot San Diego Azusa Pacific: 11 Cal lutneran Whllller el ~lendl. n Pomona-Pitter el Occident•• Cal Slate Nor1hrl<lge It Cat POiy tSLOI n L• Verne et Cllremont·Mud<I ~Ille• use a1 Art.ton•. n Weshlnglon 11 Arlzon• St . n Siil Otego SI et &YU t<an11t al Col0<11do Utah St. at Bolte SI Northern Antona 11 Idaho. n Nev•d•·Reno •t ldlhO SI • n COloredo SI •I New Muleo MonllNI &I Weber SI Wichita SI 11 Wyoming louttl••• T•XM A&M el ArkentH. n Mtsaourt II Olil.notn9 81ylor II Rice Utah II laau ·El Puo. n T91CU II TCU SMU 11 TPll Ttch lnOllN St II Tultl. n New Mealco SI al Weal Tena S1 n T91CU-Arllnglon ., AlklllllH St um• •• McNMM SI • n ....... P\Wdue ., MichlQen ()No SI ., Nonn-1 .. n """°" " lndltne WllCOneln II.~ LINCOL Mleh10•n S1. •• Minnesota, n Nebrallla et IOwa SI Ot<lahOma SI 11 K.na11 SI Penn St 11 Notre o.,,,. OhlO u e1 WH1ern Mtenioen EHlern MIClllgllll 11 Bowling Gr_.. Ban SI ., Centrll M!Ctilgen MOfgen SI 11 ClnClnnell Oreke el lllonOls St Tole<lo •I Ken• SI Miami t0) 111 Notthern llhn011 '°"'" Southern M1111111pp1 et Alebame Geor111• et Aul>Yrn LoutSvllle at Floflde St • n FlorJCS• et Kentucky Clemton 11 Mwylen<I Ten-at M11t1Hlpp< LSU at MlllllQOPP' SI Vlrgillll at NOflh Caroltl\I Navy 11 South Ceroltne Georgia Tech 11 Well• Forest V1rg1n11 Tech al Vendetbdl Appalachlln St •I VMI EHi C11rotln1 al Willlam & Mery Tennetsee-Chellenooga al Tl'te Citadel Wofford at E1tl Tennes-St .. n Furman •I M•rtf1111 Oulce el Noth.Cllol<nl SI SE LOU181411\A •I NW Lou•ti•n• North TeaN SI el Rictvnon<I lou111an1 l eeh e1 SW lou1111n1. n , ... P111 et Army SyrllCUM Ill Botton COiiege H•rv1110 11 Penn Princeton al Yai. GCH'l\ell II Columbla Temple 11 COigate Boelon U et Bucknell Oertmoulh et 8fown Rhade lt11nd al Connecticul Wnl CNtler SI el Otitwll• Yaine 11 >foty Croet ,.. .... HlltTlj)ltllte &I MIDIChvMlll ~•a:f• ~J! uxurr/ from the· ~-.11,,, s,.n.1111 Any Make or Mo/Jel at the Lowest Price MM Hartter llvd., Cetta M .. a . . .. .,.. Aall lbout our gulrMteed ....... ,,."" JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. Notre Dame over Pe nn State .. BYU over San Diego St. * So. California over Arizona .. }'11ona St. ov.r -We11hingt0n * UCLA over Sten'-d THALL ROUNDUP. • • From Page 01 h1•11\j.( JLH\1111 ~:nc K.11111.111. wh1l1 t.ophunu>rt• U.1v1• Swl~l'I 1 ••llll .. .-v1•rnl utlwi'I huv1 · ht ·1•11 Nhuf !lin" 111 and ou1 111 1lw Hu111111'' nw ~,, rnlt• .tlnlt•r llf-1 ,.,._ •• -.,.r,·11•• Uoth tl·11111~ l>tMhl •l O An1wlus Lt·a~Ul' rt-t'Ordi, und 1h1• t•11p1w1ty of Sonta 1\1111 Howl ( 10,088) 1..,n'1 1•>.pc~·h·d tu hulcl tht• 11 uwd "Wl•'rl• JU-.t l(lud Ill Ix-Ill ll." lklYH M.111•1 Dt•1 Coa,•h Wuvnl' Cn1.:hru11, WhCJS(• Monun·h~ L>t1u1m-<I buck from u thn•1• wc-<•k ndn·ll.'ugut.• i;kul {0 -~-1) IC> rl'l'Ord u 6·2· I murk. "St1tvltl' is o vt•ry rnl<>ntf'd lC'um, lh(I bcisl Servlw leam I'w ll(.'l'n since 1964," adds Cochru11. "W<> c.•1m'l Ollow th1•m mort.• than what I twy'I'<' ovl•ruginl( 1n thl• oil o nd (S((.•vt') llc·~t·rlc·l n 1. llVl'ruging cloM• hi 200 yords a f.(Um<' " S<•rvtl<'. tht• top-rankt•d learn In th<> CIF Big Flvt• ConfC'rt'tll'l.', 1s on o six-game• winning streak after losing its OJ>l•m •r ot national powl'r Mot•llc•r (Ohio), 29-15. Eric Andrade.• and Brian Sal11rnu, ;j puir of senior wide n .. "<:c.•iwrs, arC' the othc•r part of the passing c.'Ombmalion for lhc• Friars, and the defense 1s sparkC'<.l by Marko Vucuravic in the Sl.'C.'Opdary. tylawr Dl'1 1s al full slrcngth with the> apparent r\.'C.'OVC'ry of fullbac.•k Al Pola. who Willi hampered wuh a neck mjury rt'CCnlly. ff'p~tmlr1~1.-r .,·~. llu11i1n11t11n Huntington Bcad1's Oilers a re on their way to thl•lr best season in ll years with a 6-3 record, boosung a No. 10 ranking in the Orange Co1Jnly ratings, while Westminster is in the throes of its worst season ever (2-7). Wcstminsler, however, can boas\ e 14-13 victory over &iison last week, snapping the latter's 18-game winning.streak in S unset League play. The Oilers can earn at worst a coin flip for a CIF Big Five Conference playoCC bert h with a victory. . The Huntington Beach backfield has developed into the.> most productJve in the league with junior quarterback Eric Lawton and junior fullback Danny Thompson. Lawton has passed for 10 TDs, Thompson has run Cof 10 TDs. a cummulative double or Westminster's ... TO totals. Oeean t'IP M' v~. Edis on · &i1son can wrnp up a berth m the CIF Bag Five Conference playoffs as the Sunse\ Leagut•'s No. 1 entry and at worst hare the league chump1onsh1p with Fountain Valley providing the Chargers can handle Ocean View. Ot.-ean Vil'w's Seahawks <"ntcr with the most puzzling or backgrounds -including a 21 -7 victory OVl'r Westminster and a near-miss 17 -1 o.I loss to Fountain Valley. F.dison. whkh rchl>s on its def<-n..o;1vc.· prowess for most of its SU{'C'<'SS, has S(.'Ored 12 touL·hdowns in 1ts Isl eight games. E.fiil a n ela ··~. Cost a ,,.,._.,,. These two Ncwµort-Mesa Di11tric l rivals close out the season orf a traditional note, with a victory helping to soothe an otherwlsc long seuson. Ml'Sa has lost its last four a nd shares the Sea View Leagu<' bascml'nt with ~lancia (l-5). the laltcr on a threc-gunw ~'<id. Mall Wolf gt-L.., thr starting nod at talJback for F.i;trnu In with Muu Sp11 11ull out (knl't' llaium111l8). und t'u"'to Ml~,·~ fmut·k 1 tcnt.atlvt.• I.Jui• to Mitch Putvln'• t1 h (.uldrr lnjurv. no111t.· guard Rob<•rl DuolL•y'M k1wt.• h1Jury, r<'('l•tvcr Jt•tf f.nfjl111h'• ankll• inJurv und Jhwl.J1.1t:kl•r Jum«'' Kyung'H km'<• irlJUry (/11h'f•r .t1IO ''N. l r •·l11t• 1-;.1<.h 111 2.4 uit tht• St.•u V1 .. w L1•.1guc• concludl-i., :ind l rv1rll' c:an wrap up th1• l'llY title, having oln•Jdy bc.•;,1 t<>n Wood1Jr11.f~1· (15· H ). a wc~k t1H,•r Woo<lbr1d~(l' dt.'fl'alt.•c.J Unlvc•rsaty. 17 2. in non· Jl't1guL' pla~ curlwr thui yt•ar. M1kl• Zorn 1s ~h<'dult:d to R~u·t ut 4uur;'tcrbn,•k tell' lrvint.•, wh1d1 g1vt•11 ttw Vu4uervs a a.light t>dge. · "Univt·rsily u1>t.•:1 lhut C!ght-man front and 11.'s tou~h LO run at-tain11t, and we like to run." says lrv1nl• C<~('h Tc•rry 1 IN)lgan. · "Irvine.• doc•s o lol o r shifting and angle blt.ic:king," suys Unlvcrslly Coach Rick Curlis, "arad that mn~t.'S 1l tough for our defense." r # ff'tu1dbrldJ1e ''s. IJat1u11a Bf•aL•h · Woodbridg<• can forc.•c.• a coin flip for th1: No. 3 ' t~nrn from lht-South Coast Lc.•ague in the CIF ,. Southl'rn Conft.>rcncc playoffs 1( the Warriors can ~N past Laguna Bcal·h, combmed wuh a Capistrano Valley victory ovc.•r San Clemente WoodbridgC' has averaged mori.• than twic~ the Art18ts' output ( 18.~ to 8) and get most of its firepower from the.• pussing of Kevin Burke and running of -Rudy Figu,•roa. " &:de Aralx• doses out a two-year career with the.· Artists as Laguna Beat·h's chief running threat. ELSEWHE RE T HIS WEEK -Saddleback (7-0) end El Toro \6-1) arc in a Sea View League duc•I with El Toro able to take the No. 1 label from th<• lc•aguc into the Cl F Central ,Qmfcrencc playoffs with a victory over the speedy Roadrunners, but a loss would drop El Toro to finish No. 3 if Newport Harbor defeats Corona del Mar, or rcmain at No. 2 H CdM wins. Saddll•back (9-0) is one of two (f'ull<"rton is also Y-0) unbeaten teams in Orange County ... Cap1slrano Valley and M1ss1on Viejo arc• ht.'avily favort•d lo s hare the South Coast Lcaguc lille with big w1m. over San Clemente and Dana Hills. respccuvcly ... and Laguna Hills duels Diamond Bar in a non-league game. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY FOR YOUR MERCEDES BENZ 1. Purchase or lease -a new or used Mercedes-Benz from Dave. 2. You must live in San Clemente. San Juan Capistrano: or Dana Point. So when your Mercedes-Benz Is reacfy for a servtee. ]usr call Dave Richter and he wlll pick up your Mercedes-Benz and have ii serviced an d return II to you when It is finished II you need mOf'e informallon call and Dave will cqme to your home and give you a demonstration of the new line and enswec your questions MISSION VIEJO IMPORTS 495-1700 94 lllFI 1!::===== presents :::::::t:====:J TONITE · 9:00 p.m. · F-lECORDED LIVE FROM THE T -· , ~ I LOI Alamllo• TUl8DA'1''8 RHUl T8 I ht o1 M-nteht ciu•t.motM mMllnel l'IR8T RACE. 3!>0 y•rdt No Pot l1m1t 1Tonkt) 600 J 80 2 80 Y"' H..,,pen lo.lom~I 4 40 3 20 CnlCago bP••H (BleVI"-) 4 40 Also raced. Sll11e• S...,vet. H<>!'•Y• Azure. Fir• Policy. M•tl ~Ht Pllde. Founn R41<1UHI. Mltl "9sy Caper Judys Reb Time II 16 S2 lllACTA (S 71 pa!O $25 80 H'.CONO RACIE. 400 yards Go Go. CnOOC<ll (Pauline) • 20 3 00 2 40 Oupos Lillle Bear (Bard) • 80 3 40 Doe Ro)OI IT onk•I 3 oo· Also raced Gaelic Rebel Kips Ang~• • Fro11y Value. Pa1eo1 Go Go Doc. l uzby 9-na True Pnoebe1 Plunde< • Time 20 •S THIRD RACIE. 350 yo1d1 Blue Pool (Hart) 16 00 6 60 • 80 Two More Doubles (Chavei) 16 40 11 60 Movon Kinda Man (W&td) 14 40 Also 1.-:I El PICllO. GaHoPong Domtno. Too lnltnl. Mesler WlflSIOw Fieel Patt<>' My Bar Admlfal. Golla Go le Time 17 99 S2 EUCTA tlHll Ptl•d $19160 !'OURTH RACE. 350 yards Sagea K111y Cal (Adaor I 31 20 t 2 40 8 a~ SlrMI Smart (PauHM) 31 20 14 6C Plum Cov~ (Harl) S 20 Also rec:ed Leavem Easy. Londyl Koply My Eesy Oesltny. J111e1 Bug Band Cnamplon Al Play, Dennys Dusly Oeck. Joffy Lune!\ Time· 18 07 S2 EXACTA (S·21 paod $760 20 l'll'TH RACE. 350 yards Bt•hOC> Cat 1Cardora1 6 40 • 00 2 60 •ono Third 1Tnomas1 • 80 3 20 Loke To Go 1Tonk11 3 •O Alto raced Call Me Nock, Klul$191 Lenny, Ttalln. Studio Drove. V1do11 Won Monday Time 18 23 S2 EltACTA (1·3) paod S• 1 40 .. IJtTH llACE. 870 yatds FINI Mickey (Hall) S 40 3 20 2 60 w 111 WN1elot 1va1de11 9 •o • oo Mr Leo Bug tBrooi..at 4 20 AllO rll()ed Sul)9f&leeper. Derusn Pep, Star Investment Time 46 34 8EVENTH RACI!. 350 yards Easy Douote Too (Frey) S2 60 15 60 9 60 Moss Love Lark tAdaorl • 13 00 4 60 Flag Roser (Ward) 2 90 Also raced Mon Jactyne. Wahoos Angel Forsl Crush. Slrawvannah. Sohlary Child Sally Doo Sally Moss Ftam1ng Bunny Tome 19 37 S2 EUCTA 11·61oaod,$30880 S2 PICK SIX (9·6-5· 1·2-1) paoO S3.500 wilh 1 winning 11cke1S (hva roouesl S2 Pock Sox Consolelion p110 S•• 00 wotn 185 W1nnor111 1oe1<e1s EIGHTI4 llACI. 400 y<JrOS R0Ck1b0 (C11dozal 4 60 • 40 3 40 Smooth RO<J<el (Creager) 10 20 1 20 Reckum Ba :k Jack (Fryday! 1:i UU AllO reud Bel \lour Wallfll. Jel ~eel Fast Flame My Sp+ey Man Time 2053 NINTH RACE. 350 yards Lollie Cawy Deck (AOaor1 n 20 12 40 6 40 DH·VHpero (Treasure} S 40 9 80 DH· Te• Angels (Myles) 7 20 II •O Also raced Mr Boont Bug Merry wagon. Garland Stept>ens Poo Beat Miss El Rey Burner. Queen For Cun lnkys Dehglll DH-Dea<1nea1 tor second Tome 17 90 S2 U ACTA \7·91 Ptlod S50 60 S2 llCACTA (7· 10) pa•d S 136 60 TENTH RACE. 350 yalds Speckled KIO (Herll IS 80 4 40 4 40 OH-Fly To ri.. Moon (Blevons) 3 40 3 80 DH-RunNn Sol< (M)'lffl 2 80 3 20 AllO llC«I Pat••nQ Arrow Too Em Vo 1n11ej)ld Coon. Polley Tome Deadly Pu•w•I DH-Deedheat lor 14COnd Tome 18 10 S2 EXACTA (4·81 paoo SS6 00 12 EUCTA (4·6) PA•O $44 40 Allendanu -4 .977 AL MVP winner• 1932 -Jemmy Fo .. Pholadelphoa 1933 -Jommy Fou Ph1laoetph1a 193• -M1C11ey Coch•-Detrool 193S -Hank G•ee<>.,..g. Oetroot 193$ -Lou Ge1>r19. New Yor1' IG37 -Charley Gehringer 0.1ro11 1931 -Letty Grove Pn11aoetpll1& 1938 -Jimmy fou , Plliladelphoa 1939 -Joe O.Meggio New Yotk 1940 -Hanle Gr_.,t>e<g De1tot1 194 I -Joe 0.Megg!O New YO<ll 19•2 -Joe GorOOn New Yon. 1943 -Spud ClllM1dler. New Y<><k t9•• -Hat Newtlouser Detroit 194S -Hal NewllOUlef. DelrOt1 11146 -Ted Wlfflams Boston 1947 -Joe 0.MllGQIO New York 1948 -LOU Boud•eau C-•nd 1949 -led Wotharns Bos1on 1950 -PNI RIZZUIO New Yor~ 11151 -Yogi Be"• New York 1952 -Boboy Snanu. Ph1ladelP1>1a 11153 -Al Rosen,~ 111$4 -YOQI Berra New York 19$$ -Vog; Bene. New Y0tll t9S6 -M'dley Mantle. New 'l'Olk 1957 -Mid<91< Mantle -Yor1' 111!>8 -~kle '*'ten Bos1on 1959 -Nellie f OM, ChiCllQO 1tl60 --Rago< Matis. New Yorll 11161 -Roger Mans. New York 11162 -Miekey Mantle, New Yoo. 11163 -Elston Howard New YOik llle4 -S.OOll s RobintO<I. Be11o<n0re IH5 -ZOiio V.,.Ni* M-.sote tll&e -Franll Robt...on. Balllmor• 11111 -c..-1 vu1rrems111. eo11on 11168 -Denny McLeln. Oe1ro11 IH9 -H11mon l<illebrew Mlonasoll 1970 -8oog Pow.JI, Baltimore 197 I -Vkll Blue. Oal<land IQ 72 -OiClt Al*\ ChlcaQO 1973 ~,. Jeco on Oalli.nd ~ 1974 -Jell llu,,QUOhs. TUH 1975 -F180 Lynn. Bolton 1978 -Thurman Munton. New York 1977 -ROO Carew MlllnHOta 11171 -Jtm Rice, 8oeton "" -0... ...,..,, Meek 1980 -0-ge 8'ett lCanlaS City IHI -Aollle Fingers. MlfwlMl~M 1992 -Rol>ln YOIHll. MolweukM Ne A WHTlllH CONlli.INCI SHiii• Labo Ph°'n•• 'ecfflo DM:.,14111 L ,ti Ge 7 0 1000 Gotd .. 11 St•t• Po<tl•nd St n !Mgo I> I 83J !> 2 11• J 3 !>()() 2 5 28b 0 1 000 MlclwH I Dlvf•lofl Sin An10"'0 6 1 11~1 DtttH ~ 2 667 1<1nai1e Coty 2 1 600 Oen•OI 2 4 333 u1an 1 !I 1&e Houlton O !I 000 l!A8TIRN CONFERENCI! Atlantlc Otwlslofl Pholallt~lull 6 0 1 000 Botton 5 1 tl33 N•w J•rHy 4 3 S7 I WHlllligton 3 4 4211 New York O 6 000 Cefllrtl 01w1.io.. 0.11001 5 2 714 Motw•u+.ee 4 2 667 Al1an11 3 3 500 Indiana 2 3 400 Cnocago 2 4 ~~~ Cievel6nd 0 5 uvu • Tlietday't 9C:OfH Laen t39 Katis .. Coty 111 Nh JetWY 8• New York tl2 De1t011 1011. WaShong1on 10~ San An1ono0 118 Uteh 104 Indiana 100, San Diego 95 Sea111e 112. ChlCIQO 111 PhO.'lll 119. Houston 91 Allanla 106, Deflvflr tOS Portland 11 1 Golden Stale 96 TOfllthl"t Gamet Mrh•aukee at Boston Ne_, York at New Jersey Chocego at Pnoladotlph•o Indiana al Dellolt SHllle at Dallas Oenv41< al Ulat> Kansas Clly at Pnoeno• C!lvetand 11 GOiden Slate Lekere 139, Kln;e 117 '" ~ l '• ) 1 I' 2•. 3'• ... s ., KANSAS CITY E Jonn1on 27 M9frlweath9f •. S Johnson 11 D•ew t2 W1111ams 9, Nealy 0 Woooson 13 LOde< 8° Steppe 11. R Jollnson 19 King 4, Douglas O Total 47 23-30 t 17 LOS AHGELE8 Rambls 9 W11~ .. 19 Ab<lul·Jllbbar 16, E Jonnson 15 Noaon 20 Coo~r 10. Wor1hy 13. McAdoo 1&. Jo1da11 1. Landsbe1ger 8, C Jonnson 4 McGee • Toial 59 2.1·27 139 Sc:0<e br o-...-tere Kensas C11y JS 22 2• 36 117 l05 Ang411e$ 32 29 36 42 139 Thr ... pc>ont goals None Fouled oul - None Rebounds t<anHs Clly •I (E Jonnton , 14 ) Los Ang eles 41 (Abdul-Jabbar. Wor111y 7) As51Slt Kansa$ Ctly 2$ (Drew 111 Loa Angele• •O (NIAon 13) T0t•I touts -Kanses City 27 Loa Angeles 29 Technocals None A -12 402 NHL CAMP91lL CONl'IREHCE am,tlle DIYl•IOfl w L T OF GA "~ Klflta 1 s 3 63 58 17 Calgety 1 9 3 82 81 17 Edmonton 6 6 4 78 73 16 Winnipeg 1 s I 63 •8 IS V1neouvef' 6 8 2 SS St 14 Norrie DM.io.. MonMSOIA 10 s 1 67 58 21 Cn.c:.go 1 2 s 62 •9 19 SI LOUIS 1 9 1 S6 60 15 0.lroll 3 10 3 43 73 g Toronto 2 7 s •6 61 9 WAlEJ CONFERENCE '•trlc:ll C>hrlalofl NY lsi.nde<'S 12 • 2 79 SI 26 Pl\ola<le'phoe 9 II 1 65 •II 19 NY Rangers 6 9 1 ~ 61 13 NIW .lf!fsey 3 9 6 54 88 12 Wtsllonglon • 7 3 50 60 II Polltburgh • 10 2 51 91 10 Adam 1 DIYtalofl Monlt .. t II 2 3 71 S2 25 Bot1on 7 5 3 SI 47 11 Ouebec 7 s 2 10 6' 16 Bull•iO II 6 3 60 SS 1s Hatllord 3 9 2 47 49 8 Tlietd•r• acor .. Calgary S. Kiiie• NV lsJenoeos •• SI LOUIS I Montreal 3 M.nnt90t• 2 T~ht'a Qa,,,.s K~IVencou-Oue a1 Harllord Phlladetp/11a II Bullalo Edmonton al Pittsburgh New Jersey al Wath1nglon OeltOll 81 l orbfllO Montreat II Ch~ SI Lou•t 11 ,.... or~ Range.s flemff 5, Kin;• • Scor• by '••lode Lo• Afl98!8$ 2 I 1-4 Calgary 4 I 0 s l'lnt ,.,lod 1 Los Angelat Dionne 6 (Morroson Hlrdyl 2 211. 2 Catgery. Pepllntkl • (Eloranta LaYlllMI 6 •7 (pp) 3 Calgary Eloranl• 2 (Ra1nh11t. Nilsson) 13 31. 4 Calgary. L.aVlllff 6 \Peplrllak•. Chr111olf) 15 19, S Calgary. MOltosalt. I (CllOUonard. McOonaldl 16 58, 6 Lot Angeles Cll9(1raw I 19 S9 Penally -Kor•b LA. 5 111 Second~ 7 Calgary, Bnclgrnan 7 (NII-AetnllNll 3 04 8 l05 Angllle\t. Stmme< 7 IL MU<phy). 5 67 IPPI Penlll-Hondmarch. Cal. 6 11, Foa, LA. 10.13 Third ,.,lod 9 Los Ang-. M Murphy • (Ru.,.OWSko CnW1rew). 11 51 Penally -Hondmerc;h Cal. 9 35 Sroota on Goel Loe A~ 7·11·12·21 Celga.y Goeltes Lot A~•· Lessa<d C•lgary. Edw.,dt A -7.242 .... polo COMMUNITY COUIO« Oeldtft .... 2', c,,.... , Cypru1 1 O 2 0 3 Golden WHI 6 8 6 4-2 1 GOiden WHl Korlng OetValle I. Slfyef 3, Wrlglll I, Kerl 2. 1.und 2 W ilton 3 StepllenSQI 3. HUQhM 2. Nady 3 Gr .. I 1 ,.. .l Or•nt1• <'oa•I 10 Ml '"' A11111111• a f'i• .. 111j1 C"u•otl I I I 1 IH Mt ,,u lo1t.11111; J I t H U1111111• t u"tl ""'""II ll•owfl I , Ill 111t111t h• 1' Al• o 2 Mo I ""''" ~ 7 IVHl!O\ t HIOll t CUOOI. Cll lll•Y•ll• 4. M••lna 11 Oow11•r 10 IJ<ll•04fv 1 I 'l I IU M~ttl~ I I 4 "I ll' M•nn• tt-"''"J if• uu-. ... h t h1t,th.4lft()f1 t ttcia•••11a • I~-• lt.y I ... ,n,1Ht I l>i•hhU~ J 811en• '""' 11, fdlHn 1 Lu .. 011 0 I I I 1 ll\l<t•W 1•~1• .. J I 'J 11 ( Ool>Otl •«.,111\j tl11<t<J 4 1'•111'11• J M~Htrt II T4HO II. l1pet ... u It 11 IOlll 4 Ir 4 I '' l •1"'rot11l~ J I I 1 12 n 10fn 1tf.Oflflg "•ttVC liUtltl I Vuuuu ' l..lilltlut1hilllll~J1 t W1l11011 2 W .. 00111 I Popri & ltgr•nll I Ctf' PLAYOFF ICORU .. A Upper •tec:llel LO• AlatllilOt ~ I <K>Q 0..11Ch M•"'""'' '1 M11r1n" tJ Oow11uv 10 fl l (IHI 16. f'lplllnOI" I~ Oe•vtly Hlll1 8 81111 Murtn• O 110,.llU'(l ll l nkWWO<ld • Lower llrec:llel M11 ..iUltU 411 fklt p,,..l.llU• POllpc>!Wld unlll IOd~~ ("'t'~lhW) Bu 11~ Par• 11 (lllluo 1 M110 C1111n lb W•l11u1 t Fut1011011 II Cu•dhn del Mllr po11pont•<I until loOQy Oeulh«'• I 2·A S.v1 lu•• 01>11w l7 Noumo11 14 Blall 20. l • O\lultd 11 lu s .. nll 8 Workn1un 1 Roghttlll 10 $Ania Ylltll 1 High 'lc:hool· ranking• CIF 4·1' (ltnal) I Ul•l Coron• del M1r 1nd Newporl Herbor: ~ Coeta Meu, 4 Luoo 011ach W•l•un. '> Su1111y 1111111 Ir (I !oro 7 1t~C•ttnda H~.gnh W11wn 8 lt DotftUO 9. Unlvettllri tO Oownu~ Clf l ·A (linel) I t u1lol .. • Vttld P ;u" 'J ~'"t" tu<1~ Poly 4 I uotnoll ~ S-l1i C.i,.mo 11111 6 lt14l•O 7 o.11un1<>11t ~ Mu11 \I 5.,.,,,, /4n~ Vdlll'r 10 \ •tqu•'a Hilt~ Ctf 2·• (llnal) I S..• ..... 2 l 11 p.,.,,,,., 3 LOS Amigos 4 C.ull .. llO 6 s .. 11 Mun110 6 CliDll ... Oak 1 n1gh1tlll 8 loyo1.1 II Sunl" ro, 10 Sou111 P"t1Jl.Jt'UO Men'• tournement <•• wem111r. E.neland) Finl Round Slnglea Sl\!•e Denton (US I del Andr9' Jar•y<l (Sweden) I 6 6 ~ g. 7, Ch•P Hooper tU S I del Pucal P0<1es (f ranee) 1·6 6-3. 6·4 lorn Gullok&on IU SI det Andre,. Jarrell 1Grea1 8111a1nl 6-2 6·2 Nduk• Od11or (Noge<oel <1411 Haonz Guntllatdt tSw11z.ertandl 6·4 6-4, Snlomo Glocl<ll81n 11s1119l) del Richard Le..•s tG•eot B"IRon) 1·!> 6·2, Colon Dowdeswell ($wilze11a110) clt!I Roscoe Tanner (US I 7 6. 3·6 8-6. 8111n Teacher (U S I ()(>I Eric; r10<nm IU S I 1 !I 6 0 811an Gollhjed IU s I del Met Pu'"''' (Us I 1·6 6 4 Vonc;e Y <In P 111 or1 t U S I def 81A Scanloo jU S I 6-4 3·6 6 I M en'• tournament (•I Taipei. Taiwan) F'lrol Round Slneles i(om Warwoc:• cA11s1ralia) del DHlW GoUon 1U S I 6-• 6·3 1>omon1qut0 OedOI !France) oet Moeho;et Westphal (West Germany1 6·4 6 4. M1c;111e1 lHcn !US 1 Oct Jooatrion Carter tU S ) 6 t 6-4 Cra19 W111u1 1u S ) 'Uttl Tom Coin IU S 1 6·2 6·2, Glenn M•Chlb31,t' !Conada) oer Ch"• Jollnstcm11 1A11s1taha) 6 3 7 6 Mixed chemplonehlp• (•t-ton) Finl Round Oout.19• Anne Srno1~ l\tovon Cu,,ftn del Betst Nagelwn-nauo Ramoreo•, 7-6 6 t. Ma•y LOU P111ei..-froli 9uehn1ng del Vlrg1n1a W•Of'·Y J Amrolrll 6 2 6·• CROSS COUNTRY Flnet high echool r enklnge MEN CIF 4·A 1 Maler Del; 2 (I M<><1en11 3 El Do< .oo • El roro S P•to• lll'rd•" 6 No.,oury PMI>. 1 Tnoueand 0•-• 8 Volla Pa·~ I. Huntln9ton lleec:h, 10 Royllll Cll' 3·A c ·Montebello ·2 Bar~tow 3 H&wlhorne • Souln •lolls 6 Mor~ Colla 6 Canyon 1S.>uo11t1 1 ButbM•I< 9 ~" C"clnad1 9 Dan" H • 10 San M~"'·o WOMEN Cll' 4·A 1 Foolh>ll 2 University: 3 Tustin 4. !dlson; 5 lhOUUnd O~l<J, 6 Buen~ 7 P~IO~ v .. ro.... 8 Do' PueblOI 9 Rolling H·ll~ 10 We~tiok• Cll' 3-A • 1 M·•.a CMI• 2 8 i.110P Amel 3 Mate< Del.• Ha,.11 ·"""' !> Ao#lilnd 6 Arlington 1 Saugus 8 NIHCO 9 M"'""" 10 Mouoon V1e10 TuHdey'e trenaectlona IA SHALL Hatlonal LHgU• llOUSTON ASTROS Named Cot Deal Den•t Menl!e Jerry Wal.lee< co11cnts 8AIKET8/4U. Nallonal lleoketball Le11911e INDIANAPOLIS PACERS Named s11 • .,ry 1(-not dor«.tor ot mar~•hng end PfOmollons FOOTllAll United 81a1u Foolball League llSFl N•rned G•ry Peter~u1-.e COOfd'111110( ol 5COUlong Namecl Doug Ke•y COOtdOflelor 01 pUblOOty an4' 1>11bl<aloons Al'llZONA WRANGLERS S•QMd Sam Greene ano Oenn•• Puoson ,.,d• rctc:~~·.,s i<f1n Swe111er quarlr•becl!-wi08 r8Cf'iver 1nd s1-n Wlllllimt "'idt roceoV"I NEW JERSEY GENERALS Nnmed Rooetl Vann lrRollttf HOCKE'\' Nellonal Hoc:lcey Le119ue <.;HICAGD BLACI( 11AWl<S , C Med up l\tn Varemchul! 41nd Moke F!Oie< 1orwera. NEW YORK RANGERS N~"'11d Slftve K•Otrs duec;to• ot.ih~ R11nQer1 A111mn1 A°lltoe•aUon WINNIPEG JETS 'logn"d Doug Soel~tfl 003•1t> 10 • mo•ti y941 'ontrac1 Coltegt Georgia 61 l over x-Auburn SMU 14 over x-Tcxas T«h x-Ari.zona St.ate..• 4 over Wa!!hlngton Nebraska 21 ovt•r x·Iowa State. Penn Stat<' 6 ov<'r x-Notre Dame..• LSU 8 over x-MIMiuipp1 Swt1• Pitt 30 over x-Army x-t""lorlda Statc:-v11 l .. ouhwlllc. no odd~ x-Ark&nsa!I 16 over Texa.11 A&M X·M•ryland 2 1'J over Clenw>n x·UCLA j..ovPr Stanford x·Michipn 2l ovor Purdu. x-Oklahoma v1. Ml!llC;)uri. fl() 1xld~ USC 4 '·~ owr x•Arliona ><·Alabama 10 1.Aa over Southern M1uf. slµpt Wt'tt V1rgma v• x·RUllC'l'll, no odd Ttxaa aa "'-over x-TCU (From Harrah'• Sport• Boole, Reno> Orungo Co •I DAil Y fill O l/WudmnuJoy, Novamb 1 10, 198~ lt3 Freedom to have company tonner figurt" 4•ss ~t by Junuury With 1111 11 11• l.1r1lit1t• a bout Tom al1.wkullt•1 :rnd hli. I Wu Ii llll'IM"2-lht• IWW l>t.•fl·ndt•r uml llw old Courol(<'OU'> t•u11llllR hc•11· l«>r w1111t•1 tc•1ollnl( untl truini.nl(, l~wl'ti hu.-. lx•t•11 h1th• NUld ubout l>t·nn" C.:onnt•r of Sun 014'1(0 Clht· HJ80 Amt'l'll'a'x Cup dt•f('lld1•1) and Im; pla11H for tlw l!Jli:l c1:11r1pai~11. BOATING • Ll.lll·11t 111f111111utlu111.., thut tlw M:11·1um1• Coll••(.(t' ut Ft Sd1uyh•r foumfollon. Nl•W York. 11> hulldlnl{ o th11 d 1ww l i -rr11•1t•r tu be> tt'!>l<-'<l ugaln."lt Frt'<.'dom, tht• y11C'ltt m whll'h <.:111uwr dc•ft·nd1•d llw ('up 1n 191W. Thl• nt•w yadll I~ t.'XJX'('lt•tl to b<• launchL•d in J :munl'y m<I tlwn :.htpJX'll lo Sun DH·uo to try out ogom ... t fo'11't"l.lom wh14 h 1i. alr.,;1dy thcrt• ALMON LOCK ABEY 111 tlw Ot•loht•1 f.'t. S t•huylt-r ~·11u11dtHl on ncwi.lt•llc>I' 11 ww< t•><pluuwd why tht• ~·11u11dotion is going to tlw t•x1x•11s<• of dL'Siijnlng and bulldinl( still anothc..·r 1ww Tw<•lvt• al n t.'<1 ·t of about $•1<10,000 n11><h fttt1t11111i. to ht•r wl11lt· l"n•t.•dom ond :.,p1r1t tM,lt'«I 111o(.1t11:11 t•11«h ol hl·r· W1th bt•nl'flt of a;uch k1111wlt-d1-tl' wt• uskt·tl Sparkmnn IV Stt•pht•ns to 1111K.lil v Sp11 t\ wh1d1 ts wkm•~ pla~·a now Thc.• m11d1l wd ~p11 u will Ix• '>hrppc'<I tu Sun D1t.•go for lu11tw1 11oi.t111~ J~Jlll!>t Frt>t'ilum "Wt• m111n11,M111u:d JohJn Volent1Jn (Magic's dc.1MgtWI'). with 111p111 lw111 llLtl!-tt:Y Jlt·l'n•sh uff and I )l·n1fr., < '0111wr. tu cJt.-.1..:n u I :l·ml·H·•' whk-h would b<· r'1•;11ly t11 i.;Jil 111 S:an Du·j(o m Junuary" "To nwl.'l lh<· ltn·au•:.t nun\lx•I' of d1:_1llt•11Kt·s in till' l:J2·Yl'Jr history uf thl' Amt.·r1l'o's Cup S(.'VC:n to dolt' and with thl' po"'1b1hty of i.t.•vcn m •w designs, our 12-nwtl•r t:ommlttec's t•onc:epl wa tu dcvt.•l11p ll y acht whkh would Cw fui,lt•r than Frt>t•dom." lht· lt•tt..r S011d. TIH FuunJ.1twn s:i1cl tl pla11~ tu S(•ll Ma.gk and l.111•1 on L111uthl·r 14!-nwH·r t11 off M.•t tht: t"~'ts of the• lll'W Yllt'hl r11 t Ill' ml'<mllnw . Ala(·kullt•r and hl11 crc•w arc 1·xpu·L1<cl tu llturt tt.'ltltng l.>dc·ndl·r and Couragt'OUS "f on•1gn dtall<>nger:. art• now JX'rnliW'<.J to Ubl' Anwn can matl'11ul and ofr-lhl•·sh(•lf t•<j ulpnw nl Our a(lvu ntagcs h uvc naq·owL•d . With tlw intcrnallonul sailmttkl·rs-dcsign1n~ top qualily sails, off Nc•wpon B<-.ac-h Ill l•arly IA'(."c•mbt>r. ' Afl1·r wmtt•r tl's t111g and cn ·w training both • 1:111_11JJS CcJllnt•r and Blm.:k£11lt'r will ship the wc l)c.1d hlllc.• cho1et• but to g11 for a Cast.t•} boat. ' yal'h th bm·k to N1•w 1K>rl. Rt. wht•rc: a threc•-month st•1 ic·i.. uT triJI'> will dt-t1ue wh1d1 will dc·fend the "aulg mug"' ugwn ... t ont' of st•vt.•n cH~llengcrs. "Wtlh this 1n mind Wl' c.'Omm1ssiont·d two top d1•s1giwl1i to <l<'w lop two d1ftl•n •nt hulls. doubltng our t•h;11w1•11 o( SU<.'<.'t'ss :1s. W<'ll <1s <•xplormg d1ffl·n ·n1 asp<.'<-'ts of the: 12-nw wr ruk•. "YL·t aftc-r 600 hours of sailing our thn't· IJ11Jtll we c-amt• lo thc t·cmdus1on thul, although Sp1nt of Amcrit·a and Magil' (lh1• two new boat:.) ar<• ext·ellcnl l2·mcll1rs and. on st>ml' points o f sml. faster than F'rt>C'dom . W(• did not have an all-around . fastc•r VL·~·I ln tht• J :!2 -yl·a1 h111tory of the Cup, American s:111<,rs hav1· rwver lost, though there havl• been 1-111111· d 11:0..t• nintt•Stl., esp<•t·iully frurn the Australians who aH· l'<>11l111g lu Newport, H.I 1wxt summer wllh th11-t• m·~ Tw1·lvc.·s "T o dc•vt•lop Magil' fully, w e mudc• some· It h.1i, lx·t·n said l:wellously that the head of the first An11•r1ta11 sk1ppt.•r to lOSl' lhl' hallowt>d prize will rL·plnc.;1• th,. tr11phy wh1d1 1s nu-w; boltc'tl on a pt.•u .. ~tal 111 th1· tmphy room of tht• New York Yacht Club Weather Marina pulls upset slows race to Mazatlan • 1n beating Downey By ALMON LOCKABEY Oall~ Pllol 9oeltng Writer It's rummg on tht• Los AngL'lt'S to Mau11lan yacht race parad<'. As th<.• 21 yac•hts moved past Ccdros Is land th<.' halfway point of the• 9Y-m1lc race Lhl' race committc.-e aboard th<.' es<.'Ort vessel Skywave stud frequ('nt sh owc.>rs had dousC'd the rac:mg fkct dunng the.• previous 24 hours · The rain.; wen· diminis hing T uesday and thl' northWL'St wind was pic·king up tn V('loc ity. a llowing th e• fl1:e t t o se t sptnnukc.•rs on thC' run down thl' Baja Californiu <.'l>illll. During tht· light w111ds lht' fll..'l..'t had tightC'nL•c.J Up With Dnftc.•r m oving about a milC' ahead of Merlin on latitude. But Merlin's position l'iost•r insh ore plac:ed hl'r. theort.>t1c;,ill y. five miles dos(.'r to Mazatla n Th<.' two yach ts are battling for f1~t to finish honors. Merlin was holding on to he r corrc.-ctt'd time, but four Santa Cruz-50s had moved up and bt•at Drifter out of sc.•c:ond plan• an ha ndicap. The OV(•rall c.·orrN't€'d time standing.., at tht• Tut'sday 8 a.m. rolkall W<'re Mcrltn. Earl o f Mar. Night Tra in. S<1mur a 1. and Oaxac.·i.I T h (• <' o m p ll t c• r a b o a r d Skywuvc placed Samurai. Earl of Mar. and Night Tratn w ithin 33 m1les of each other on l'Orr<'(.:tt'CI t1mC' a nd predtc.·h•d that they would finis h w1th1n sevc.·n minute.·!. of l•ac:h othL•r-. Corn't·tl•d lln}l' standrngs 1n dnss· CLASS A I Ml•rlin. 2 Earl of Mar. :1. Night Tra in. C:LAS8 B -Miami B ; 2. Maramnr; 3. Notonnus CLASS C -I Will 0 th<' Wis p, 2. Hr•a\ Wave.'. Bnsa CLASS D Shamrock. 2 Midnight Sun; 3. Rowdy. M anna High got ftvc.• goals from senior J eff Ho pkim. and thl'C'e more from senior Darrl'll Denny and the Vikings went on to post a 12-10 upset victory over l 0 \ h · r a n k c d D o w n l· v l o h1ghltght first round action In the C IF 4-A wate r polo Tuesday In other contests involvin g WATER POLO area teams. El Toro stoppe d Esperanza. 15-1 :l, while Bue na Park dropped Edbon. · 11. 7 Top- rankcd and No. 2 M'C<icd Corona del Mar. which was sch L-dulL'<.i to play Fullerton. had its l(ame pos tponed until today <3.15 at Newport Harbor High> dut• to poor w eather c'Ond1t1ons On the com munity t.·<>llPg<· front, Golden WC'St embarrassed Cypress. 21-3. while Orange· Coast got past Mt. San Anton io, 10-6. T he Vikings. who fin1sht•d second to Fountain Va llc•y in the Sunset L eague, improved thc•1r rCC'Ord lO 17-5 overall as Denny scored a goal with onC' se<:ond left b e forl! h alftime to gi ve• his teamma tes a lead (6·5) thl'y would never r('hnquish . El T oro ( 19·5), which tintsht'd b ehind Newport Harbor a nd CdM an the• to ugh S<.>a Vww League, got five..• goals from senior Craig Popp and four mort from Marc Young P opp·s second goal o f lhe game. which gaw the Chargers a 4.3 first period lt'ad. kept thl•m in front the rest of lhl' way. Edison. whi<.'h Ctnis h t•d tts season at 10-l l ovl•rall. 11t1w B u l ' n a P a r It ~ c.· o r c· f o u r unanswered goal~ tn the• first period and the Chargers nt.>ver n!CQV('r<><J . SenltJr K evan Rudd h•d the Chargers wllh four goals. ((ivmg him a total of 79 for the St>ason. The RustlL•rs (15-3 overall, 7-2 in South Coast Conferenc·c·) stay Jabbar unhappy Laker center could b ecom e a I ree agent LOS ANGELES \Al'l - K<freem Abdul-Jabbar. the 7-2 center of the defending National Basketball Association champion Los Angeles Lakers. says he's unhappy with a contra t proposal for 1983 and beyond. Thus. thP possibility was raised Tuesday that the 35-year-old six-time NBA M ost Valuable Player might become a free agent after the J 982-83 season. "Thi.' terms of the method of compensation didn'1 seem too attractive.'' Abdul-Jobbar saJd. Tht> Los Angeles Herald Examiner said .J abbar basically Regi tration et for eaview LL ~euv1t•w L lttl<> Ll•nguc..• wlll huld tcglllltatlon Sut urduy nt G1<>alt•r Mtddle Sc:hcwl rn Huntingto n At>ud1 . 21141 Strathmoor L'm<•. Tht· kugut• I~ opcm to youths 1·Jtl yc..·11rt1 of n~<' A Big Lt•,,gw ( lti ·Uh bl bcll\R lomwd lhll year .\JI nt'w plo)'t'nt to thf' lt"agur 11re uked to bring n birth C(lrti ftc.'alt• 'fhl4 Seavfow L.iuh· L<'ngut" l'loundarlNI lnt'lud1• evcrythlnl{ M>Ulh o( Adam11. w~t ot Harbor Boulevard and t•ut of Bc-och Boulevard. ' Por furttwr 1nform.tlon, phonc- Drbbf Molh<'fl at ~Jff-1700 wa n ts his nexl t'<inlract lo be up front Owner Jerry Buss prefers lo spread players' s alaries ovc•r several years Abdul -J a bbar re p orted ly earned $1 ma II ion per season compared with the $2.2 mlllton annual salary of Moses Malone with the Philadelphia 76crs. T om Collins. agent for thc> Lakcrs' star, said he met with Buss C'arher this yeo.r. "Dr Buss rnad(' us an oHer and we said we appr<'Cwted it, but no thanks Kart>em told me to JUSt leave 1t alone and w:ut until lhe end tif the season. ' • I r K a r e e m b <'I.' om (' ll a complete free agent and somc~one wantA to otf('r n n•ahsli<.' snlary. finc>. Korcem l11v1•s c._,11 torma; this Is has home now ''He likes tht• wom 11nd Dr. Bus."I has be<•n good to him But if lor somc·n·a.'iOn th1• Lakcra don't want lo do It. he t·;art alway· gt•t '* job .. • ThNt' hall been sp<'<'Ulntlon Abdul·Jabhar mll{ht go to the N\•W York Knk·ks th• was• high lldlool ..... In NC"W Yor)c CHy ~fort· hi' t'ollt·atat<' t'an•er ut UCL.A Abdul-Jabhar say8 Cr<>rn now on hi ph1loaophy will lX' onl' teuon •t a Ume Ht t"rUer.cl thla HUOn wtth 28,0$8 carHr polnttl, k'COn~ to WU\ C~mti.rloln. who 31 .419 .durlnf{ hi• t•areer tied with Santa Aria as Carl Salye r . Blake Wilson , Art Stepht•nson a nd Scott Nady scorl.'d three goals each. In all, GWC had 11 players reach the sconng c.:olumn. Orange Coa. t improved its rL'<'ord to 6-4 in the South Coast Conferc>nee ( 16-ti-l overall) as GrL•g Brown st'Orcd three times and J eff Bronniche, Chns Alves and Roy McCormick scored twk-e (•iJt"h Landslide • victory for Yount Nl':W YORK !AP) -Robin Y11 unt of thl' Milw auk ee BrC'Wl'rs. who capped his finest !.N1!.on by SC'll1ng ont.• World Sc•ril'll n•cord and equalling u n o lhc r , wa s n a med M ost Valuable Plaver of the American Lt.•aguc> by a large margin on Tuc....dav Y 11u111 . 27-yr•or-old s hortstop. rt'<'<'IVl'CI :185 poinL<> in balloting by i.I sp<<ernl panc.•I of 28 members o f thl• B aseball Writ ers As. ... oc:1ation of AmC'rtca, two from l><Wh AL c·tty Eddie Murray of tlw 8altimor1.• Onoles was se<,'Ond tn balloung wllh 228 points. Yo unt r eu:ivt.'d all but one f11~t·plac.'<.' votl' The other w ent to Reggw J ackson o f the Ange ls . who finishc•d sixth in ballo\mg with 107 points. Third in the vote wus Doug Dl.•Cinees of thtc• Angels with 178 points. followc-d by Hal Mdfac..• of Kansas City with l 75, C l '<.'ll Cooper of the Brcwt'rs with 152 and Jackson. ln all. 3:J players rl'Ct?1ved mN\l1on on thl' ballot on which pane•! membNs were asked to volt' for 10 playc>rs. Each first- plnt•<.• votl..' was worth 14 points, SN-cmd plat·c.• was worth nine points and on d own the hne .10 ont• pomt for 10th plaCt'. In 1982. Yount coupled an impruv<.'<l offense with his most l'Onsisll'nt season in thr field to n •ach beyond th<.' potential that evt•n his boosters had £orecas\. whl'n he• broke mto the major 4'l•aguC's in 1974. at ag(' 18. &-fore this yc.•ar. Yo unt's best &•asdn had bet-n 1980 wh<.'n he set career marks with a .293 overage. 23 horn rs and H7 RBI. Bue maintain lead O r a ngl'" Coa s t College muintalned its onl' gaml' lead over• Ooldf'n West and Ct'rritos in tlw South Coast Conrerenet' with a ronvint'i ng 15·9. 15-3. 15·7 win ovt•r host Fulll'rton in women's voll •yball aelton Tue8day Th (' Pi r u l c• s, n ow 8 · I 1 n t·onft•re nC'c, W('fl• led by thl' out1>1<fr hitting of freshmen Onm•lt•t• Outmans (st>< kills) Olnd Luurt't) St. Clatrt• (eight kills). Th t' Buc11 ass um Pd a 4 -2 halftlmt• l1'nd ond newr trailed nfter thnt CdM c hanges time 'rht' Corurus <k-1 Mar womm 's ClF .&-A volleyball playoU cnnu•:u with Oc<'tln Vltw Thul'Mtoy, orfginully ~:hc-dul«-d to l.w gln at 7 .30 p.m .. hH been changl'd to :t-i~ J) m bft-au.e of · thr Nt•wport Harbor-Conlna ~I Mar tootball 1•~ bNn1 pla~ th•• night Corona dt'I M11r Hl1h wall host ,.,.. 1(8mt' ,, b 4 Oran Ollll>QQf!I JIM NIEMIEC Winter storms help hunte~s Early wintl'r storms in ttw Padfic Northwe11t have hc lpt•d tht' waterfowl hunling picture Cur Southland scattt•r-gupners. Ahead of these t..·old fronts are tht• early migrating ducks and geese. A build up of sprig a nd widgeon at many i>hooting spots in Southern California.ls currently under way and should pe~ In the next couple of weeks. Along with the ducks a number of Canadian honkers and snow geese have arrived In the southern part of the stale. Hunters at public and private shooting areas should do we ll on Lhc average hunt through m1d-Novi:mber. In Northern California tbere are lots of blrds and hunting should continue to improve through the winter months. • GOOSE SHOOTING 1s producing more action than duck hunting currently in the AJturas-Tule Lake area. A good hatch of local geese has just mixed with northern birds and the combination has tripled the a rea population of geese. The second half of California's dove season gets under way Nov. 20 but the outlook is for fair to poor hunting, al best. There just doesn't seem to be many dove in the fl yway this year compared to past seasons. Those who scoll\ prior to the OJkning should come away w ith h alf limits providing they use heavier loads and can bring the fast flying dove down at ra~ges up to 50 yards. The bt>st gunning wiJl be around the soutb end of the Salton Sea and over to Blythe, with the Bakersfield area also productive for those who can get permission to hum private ranches. THE QUAJL SEASON as just so-so. There are not many birds being harvested by upland game hunters even though there seems to be plenty of quail around. Most of those who are bagging limits of birds are having to spend hard hours walking out steep canyons in order to flush enough birds to average good s hooting. The rains this week will most likely w2rk against quail hunters as the birds will be spread out a.nd flush wildly. Hunters who work the higher eievations might. find fair shooting of both vaJley and mountain quail if they work the lower"edges of the snow Une. Pheasant hunters will also find it tough as the season opens this week. Under wet conditions the ringnecks w ill be holding very tight and only flush as a last resort from under a shooters foot. Under these conditions a good dog is a must. Those w ho don't feel that a drive to northern California is worth the time and money, can hunt pheasant within ao minutes of Orange County at Linc Raahauge's pheasant hunting club in Corona. ior information on this close-in hunt phone 735-2361. Sutton, Zahn !Janquet guests Don Sutton of the Andrews and Doug Milwaukee Brewers and Smith of the Rams; and· G e o ff Z a h n o f t he Dan Bonar of the Kings ')\ngf'I!' will be among hockey team. Moderator the featured guests at for the panel will be Phil the second annual All-Olsen. a n eigh t -year ,Sports banquet staged by veteran of the NFL and t h e S o u t h C o a s t the Rams. Co mmunity Church John Werhas, a former which will be held at the Dodger and Ang e l ,Registry Hotel in Irvine player, will also appear :tonight. on the program. Werhas · Other professional is now the director of .athle tes expected to Victory Ministries and ·a p pear o n a pa n el chaplain for the Dodgers, include Keith Erickson. a Angels. Rams. Lakers •former Lake r; George and-Kings. 01111 1mc11 · • . REITANO Reitano of Costa Mesa, Ca. · and Ann Gould also of Cos\a f J~ wANg. rp.= Mesa. Ca .• 2 sisters both 0 ta esa, · 8 982 llvins In N ew York, Ann !lwaLoy on NBeovemh beer .HI• 1-1 Strangio and Catherine in ng ac • a· " R 1 a n d 5 survived b his loving wife e 1 a n ° ' El l Cost.a Mesa Ca g r a n d c h i I d r e n . T h e hise~ !t hUdren J~ph R ecitation of the H oly """ov c R osary will be held on ,_c1•on•s -.&.•OADWAY ...o.TUAft 110 Bro*1way Costa Mesa 642-9150 Wednetday. November 10, 1982 at Pierce Brothers BeU ... . '"It_ Defense AP Wlreptlotc l.aker Eddie Jordan applies defe nse us Kansas City's Brooke 'te ppc looks for. a lt!ummatc . Dodger/ will miss Garvey --B evacqua SAN DIEGO (AP) -The loss of first baseman Steve Garvey could be a bigger blow t<> the Los Angeles Dodgers than they expect, says Kurt Bevacqua. veteran utility man for the San Diego Padres. Garvey's departure "1s really going to hurt them," Bevacqua said Tuesday. "I don't think they'll realize just how much it will hurt until they stick one of those young kids in there to try and fill his shoes." Bevac:qua. 35, made the remarks during a news conference called to announce he had signed a new contract with the Padres. Terms and length of his contract were not disclosed. Pt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINUS NA.ME 8TATEMEHT Tt>e following persoos ere 00<ng busmess as. WESTCLIFF CONSULT ANTS, 1825 Westcllll Drive, Newport Seach, California 112660 Michael J Griz, 840 Irvine Avenue, •5·312, Newport Beech, Catolomla 112663 Joteph 0 Voyer, 5515 River Avenue •313, Newport Beecn, C1hlornta 92663 This bullneSS 11 conoue1ecs by a goner al partnerthlp JoMPh 0 VOyfll Tllis Statement was filed wtln lhl Covn1y Clerk of O<enge County Oh October 26, 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne lollow1ng persons we <101ng buS1ness as EXCLUSIVE INVESTIGATIONS. 282 lF Norin Grano A~ue. Santa Ana Cat1torn11 112701 Sherry Howard 252 IF Norin Grano A.venue. Santa Ana. Ca111orn11 9270 I Merilyn Farley 252 IF Nollh Grind Avenue San1a Ana. Cal>lornta 92701 This bvs1nen is concJUGled by a gene.el partnerahlp Srierry Howard Th11 st•t-• was Ille<! w11n tne County Cterk OI Or1nge CoUllly on November 8 1982 F100530 F201* Publlaneo Orango Co111 Dally Publllhed Orange Cout Dally Pik>t. Oc:I 27, Nov 3. 10, 17, 11182 Pilot Nov 10. 11 2• Dec: 1, 1982 ________ ...;4.;.;730-~8=2 4952-82 POOLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FICmlOUS aUSINHS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS aUSINESS The tollowlng person la doing NAME STATEMENT business as Tne following person •• Oo1ng A-1 CARPET ANO INTERIORS, bus11 .iaa as 170 I Pomon1, Costa Meso. CA STEVE IRISH 6 ASSOC . 2087 92627 Sen Joaquin Hllll Rd .. NewJ)Ort Steve R Peterson, 1857 New Beacn. CA 112660 Jersey St . Coa11 Mon. CA 92627 Slave lrtsh. 1<1 Mine•s Tratl. This bvsonass 11 conduc1e<1 by an Irvona. CA onO•v•<lual. This business 11 conduc1e<1 by an Steve R Pe111rsen 1n<11vtOual This statement was filed with 1na Steve lrtsh County Clerk of Orange Coun\)' on Tht. s1a1em111t waa flied w11h tile Nov. 5. 1982 County Clerk ol Orange County on F20143t Nov 5 1982 PubhsheO Orange Cou1 Dally F201441 Pilot Nov 10, 11, 2•. Dec 1. 11182 Pubhshe<I Orange Coast Daily 4928·82 P1lo1. Nov 10, 17, 24, Dec: 1. 1982 -----------4914·82 P\8.IC NOTICE FlCT1TIOU8 llUSMH N.-sun.MIENT Thi IOllOwlng l*IOlll lfl doing bUll'*8 .. LARRO ENTERPRISES LTD , 6588 E PIHO Diego, Anaheim, c.hforn" 112807 Lewrence Engh1h. 6588 E Pueo Diego, Anahetm. C1llforn11 92807 A. H Rolh••rmel. 804 ClubllOUH, Newport Beien, C..hfornla 112tle3 Thtl bullMll 11 conducted by I llmlted pertn«lhlp A. H RolhlHll'IMI Thi• alatemenl WU filed wlln lhl Covn1y Clerk or Or•noe County on November 1, 11182 F201077 PtB.IC NOTICE FtCT1TlOUS MIAtEH NAMa ITATIMIENT Th• lollow1ng person 11 doing bUllflfll•t C S 0 INTERPRISES. 1000 Perk N-port. Suit• 101, Newport Beac:h,CA KELLY F HARWELL. 2830 OenlM, Orange, CA 02887. Thi• 11v11na11 11 conducled by an lndMdull. Ketty Harwell Thi• 1111emen1 w11 toled with the County Clerk ol Or11nge County on Septembaf 23, 11182 F1•121 Publl•h•O Oreng• Con• Dally Pilot, Oct 20, 27, Nov. 3. 10. 1982 4804·82 Publlaned 011nge Cont Dally Piiot. Nov. 3, 10, t7, 24, 11182 -----------4785·82 NtllC NOTICE LUTZIH6BON SMrTH a TVTMU. Broadway M ort.uary Ch apel at 7:30AM. Mass of Chrutian Buri11l will be h e ld on Thursday, N ov.;mber 1 1. 1982 at S l . Joachim's Catholic Ch urch at 8:00AM with lntenne.nt at Riverside National Military Cemetery, Riverside, Ca. Friends may 1 ___ Pllll __ IC_NO_T_IC_E __ _ call at the mortuary after FICTITIOUI •UllNHI 'ICTITIOU8 IU8MU NAMI ITATW•NT WISlCLW CHAf'll 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 846-9371 3 :00PM on W e dnesday , NAMI ITATEMINT N ovember 10, 1982. Pierce The lollowlng peraont .,. doing Thi IOllowlng l*lorl• ere dOln(I bl.Ill-.. 1 B d butlnett u Brothers Bel r oa way COMPUTER PX. 11001 Sky D & l SUPPLY COMPANY. 350, No H2, Avocado SlrMt, Cotti M... C•'"ornla 112'27 M ottuary directors. Perk. SIXlth, Sulle D. Irvine CA 0.bo<• S Hlnll, 350, No. H2. BOSWORTH 92714 Stephan S Sco11 ano A1soc1at1t, 18001 Sky Plfk Soulh, Svll• D. lrYIM. CA 112714 Th11 bu""9sa tt conducted by 1 COl'l)O<ll ion S1epn1n S Scott and A'90C M.,,.., w G•Mn~•g ~et11ry Thll 11e1emeni w81 loteo witn llML Coooty Clefk ol Orenge Counly on NOY $, 1982 PubhlheO Ofln COHI °O F•'! PllOt. Nov 10, 17. r.. OeCI I, 1118 •1111.a2 Ml.IC NOTICE Avocado Streel . Co111 Mue, Celllornla 112827 I L11Ur• M••••rlarl. 350, No. H2, Avocado Streit. Co11a Mua, cai.1orru 112627 T'"-bvlllMM le Condueted by 11 general pannerahip Oebfa 8 Hinh \ Laure Mettler!an Thie lllllfltMnl -ni.<I with the CO\Hlty Cleft! of Orenge Col.lnty on NO\llmb9r 1, 19'2 P11btl1lled Or-"19 ~ ~ Pllol. Nov 3. 10. 11. 24, 1M2 47~ NILIC NOTICE RICHARD BOSWORTH, a nsldenl of Costa Mesa. Ca. Palled away on November ~. 1982. H e ii IU.rVived by hia wUe Julieann Bo8worth of Coat.a Mesa, Ca .• 2 children Dirk Bosworth and Deborah SL Clair both of C.0.t.a Mesa, Ca .. brotner Thoma.J &o.worth of Hawau and a mter Mary Ruth Miller or New York, al90 IW"Vived·by 2 1randchlldren . Service• will be held on Thur'Mlay. Novemb er 11 , 1982 at --'1C-miou---.-.,-... --.~.--PlCTmouaau._u l l:OOAM at Pietcie Brothers NA• aTATIMDT MAim ITATDmfT , B ell Broadw ay M o rtuary Thi following t>«tontt •r• dotng The lollowlng l*ton• .,. doing blltlt'IMI .. l>vtlnell ... Chapel w ith Inte rment to IMAGE MIC RO , 22113·8 l'AIABANl(8 MORGAN HOASf follow at Rlvenlde National Pomone, Co•I• MllH, Cllllornlt COMPANY, aoH l.MQe ley, Cott. M 11 L t a r y C e m e 'e r y , 112t21 M .... OalttCMnla Htat Rlvttalde. PlerN Brothers Clletfft N•lll•n lymty1ond1. , ~!."' M. Al•·l'lttmen 3021 Bell Broadway Mortuary ~:::,;~~~l~na, Coat• M•"· ti'eli a.y, Coeta M-. Cailfor!M di~. l.lllda Reye 8ymrnono•. H&3·1 Douglu C P111man , :ioae ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;::;;;:;;;;:;;~Pomona. Cotta M .. •. C1111orn1e Lange ley, Colla Mela. Calltotnlt I 92121 taut 11111 bu9ineM 1e conoucteo 11y • Thtt ~ it condlleted 11y • oei-• .,.,.__ ..... perlftertlllp LJnda Al-,. aymmondl LIM I'll A ... P!n,,.. Tlllt ........... w• ftltd wltll the Tiiie •tatemeln -llled with Ille CIUfl4y Ctefll OI OfAllOI COwrity °" cewtty a.ti of °'MQI C-'Y on OctoMr 11. 1M2 Octo«lef 19. 1ta • ,_,. ,_ r"":' Pvlllllfled 0.enoe Coa• Delt, Putlltll.O Orllfttl Coeet Oaltr .i 6 4 2 • D A ,I L y p I L 0 T c L A S. s I F I E D 6 4 .2 • 5 6 7 ·a • ClASSlfllD IHI,,,,,, .•....••••..•.....•.•• IOYAL HOUllNO Ol'l'OIHUNITY .; ... u. ,., ,,,, .... ,, ,,, ,,,, .... ,, ,., ,,,, •.••••.•..•......•................................•••..••••••••... C.•1111 I OOZ 01.1111 I OOZ O•Ht1I I HZ •••..•...•••••....•....•.•.•.........................••....•••.••• UYFlllT 110111n LIDO ISLE HOIH OllM·H&TllLNfp l 'rtrnt Lulu Nmd huyfrnnL a hd11n, ~·., h;dh Bt11 bay view n ew-I •1 l I *I .. ()() c11u• •port Llvely 2" bdrm, 2 I .JW L H , .ur 1·orn .. lOill ,c 11111 • "' , IV. b11h on turning boaln I Sllp 11v11ll1ble 11 lowest H•·iood4'h•d ~J t)(lrm, ~ h111h + lorK" "' rm ... rate In erea E11cellent 11· 1 twuftl ('dll11J(ll, fumh1h1·d. J>ollos $-IW,000 nantlng • All rHI 11t1te edve11l1ed In thltr new1p1per 11 i PEtllllSUU HOIE <.k·1·1111 & JNly v 1l'Wlj Mu1111P 1 wm. 4 lxlr m. 3 IJJ1h. :noo Mt h Sl.38a.ooo Oct·u11fror11 ''"''~"'' ••tl•t1 - ~~~,~~~l~o1~1~~d1'::~ Lido ealty LINDA ISLE IAYFIOIT which mikes It Illegal 10 67 ~7300 Lauoon vh·w ftum fl hd1 m , f> bath, pluyrnom, edvertlM "any preferen-..,.. 0 I N $1 ()()(l "'"' ce, llmlt111on or dlecrlmt. ~~;;~~~~~: dork rm. rh ·n Jlt,1;11 " 1µ ow • ,,IV.,. nallon bated on 11ce, : color, rellglon. au or ClllTllY HEIGi HYSIDE PUCE n1tlonel origin, or eny ESTATE s1x":uwul,1r h,Jyl11>n1 dplx 2 br. 2 ~ ?o· 2 br, Intention to ,m•k• •ny IUCh preference, llmlt• Nr FALLBROOK 11 2 l.io.t dn :! boa• "l>Utl'llo K1'CJU~'t>d SL. 00.000. tloo °' dl1C1jmlnetlon .. Acr•s 6200 sq It hm. tennis court, elc. $875, Thi• newap1per wtll not _ooo. Owner w111 carry knowingly accept any ~all 7 11m 10 ·1 pm, Moo edvert11lng for real ••· thr.u Fri 213'731·4962 tale whlett la In vtolallon of the lew: • EIHH1 Advert i· sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate I y. The DAILY PILOT as- *'211,000 •HYH Sllllll* Spacious executive home featuring 4 br & 3'"' ba, pool & a view of the beckbay & Anlhony's Pieri This fine residence la localed In a very dell· rous erea & priced for FAIRIAMIS RANCH Nl·w 4 br, 4 1. bJ, l u.,wm f~l'\.·rwh Non11andy f}.1.;1lt· I 2 prum· .ll'n' hilllop $1 ,250,000 CORONADO CAYS l'ornnudo hlund t'U"l bayfront lot 115' boa1 d<.ll·k Plans avml Now s:110.ooo W/lerms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy,•d•· O"v•· N 8 675 6161 • 1 sumes liability for Im med 1 ate s e I e. Low I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Interest assumable fl. I: t~e first incorrect l~sertlon only. nanclng available. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ********* •UYFllllT* M&T SLIP C••t• #11• IOZf . ...........•......... WTllll recreational vehicles•go1f c:arts*model trains•bikes *pianos•cars ref rlgerators *skates•••••• cars*blkes* •skateboards• trucks*baby carrlages•tea carts•trikes rot lerskates • walker!. .oys ~ Walker 6 Lee IEWNIT ••• Prlot $411,HOI 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm-den-2 balh OPEN DAILY 1·5 ' ART llOVllITTI REALTOll lW•H ••n-1111• *** * ** * * .,1 ~ .. fl J • T •• ,. 11101000 Four bedroom home GORGEOUS 2 Br den ~ Microwave and ••II· home In BACKBAY cleaning oven Sparkling GIVE-AWAY PRICE 10 pool Extensw• d.Cklng sen now $120.000 In as-S199,500 aumable loans. Rae 131-1100 Rodgers 631-1266 LOOK For our new reguler Two bedroom• and -kly feature famlly room condo S H 0 W Custom wallpaper RH-10 AT • tlul brick patio with CASE custom ape $19S.OOO 111-1110 Every Saturday In the i:::::::= D•llY Piiot Classllleds i OllllPLU •• •&Ill Olm N111t! 12% financing with NLL •HIE Complelely remodeled end decorated. 2 Bdrm 2 bllh home on R-2 lot. New eerlhtone carpe11. used brick lireplece, ell new kl1cheo and baths French d00<1 and huge y1rd Assumable lln•n- clng evallabte Owne< will eiso consider leese op- tion Hurni~ ~on't last. asking S 139,900. Call 540-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS ------ IEIT llY ••• 11111'1 WIY Don't mies this gorgeous 5 bdrm home with lam rm Over 2000 sq It and foll ol upgrades. Price ,l\Jsl reduced to $132,000 Call now 979-5370 .\f >ll/ 1l/~·1t •~1 Al • • "° 1• • ., f r ·~t ~' '> I E'SIH •m 11~ H -111'1 1res1 Owner wlll carry • aub- st en 11•1 2nds on these well malnlalned alngle story 1 & 2 bdrm units. Planty of off 1treet Piii· k•no 4 cer garage A1- 1r11e11vety priced et $32S, 000 144-1211 tJn ~ILfL l}AIU.1 & ASSUCIAT[S MIU YElll wm ... Former mOdel decorated In werm earlh tonast 4 Bdrm & fem rm and more ~M to 1Chools. shoppfn etc Don'I mlas tnls one S 179.500. Call 9711-5370 \ f >I l I 11 /:'If 11 ',,t 'ltf 01 '•EU YElllE On the golf course. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm home, m11ny, many ex- tras S279,500 with 10% down owner wlll carry 111 12'\% ln18'est. 20"' dn. Rents ere Ilea· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dy Tree tined 1tree1, hr Mo0er41t, llttr. Ht-7121 convenient l o library, shops & beech, $2811. 500. I U,_.1001' 11 ~l:ij Realtors. 675·6000 111111111111 FIU PllOl Sll,IOI •wagons .. •• c.,.., ''' ••r JOZZ Scooters· hOt ••• ·::;.··,·.-;·0·1·1··1·1···· This bright •nd Chffry G111den Ville lends llMlf to high-style llvlng with tu1turlous earth tone car- peting thruout. Buutllut well co-ordlnlled win- dow trHtments Sat In prime loutlon. A re•I gem of e buy et the low price of $69,000. $5000 moves you tn w/low monthly pymts of S711 HURRY • won't lastl For Ctassll1ed Ad ,,_ ., rods*coupes* ACTION BY OWNER 2 bdrm, 2 tralfers*hard Cell• b• Oen Under m11rtcet tops•convert-oa11y P1io1 Pr 1 o • o 1 s 215. o o o AO·VISOR 759-1666 lbtes•motor 642-5678 homes C••t• "'" IOZf ~:::r----.t~~~~~~~~ ·-~~~;·~·;~,;;·;~:·· OlmRY 21 wu.11 aw.n 114-1111 lft "'J old ll'Oft MllOOI Ille q1111rterbecll ol "41 tooctlllt MM\ .... ,..,...__ -------Ht !led Ill• lllloM ,,__ Oii lOYJlC 11119 -· ~:·1'-;.._;;;.1::1:~1::r:: ! ~ .~z~1=: Owner wlll 1ubaldlu ~~~~~~~~~ paymen11 for 18 mot. 5 Bdrm, 3ba In M ESA VERDE S t811.SOO. Prln ooly 544-8390 Mon thru Fri. IELP Ill Owner• bouglll enolhef' 1nd mull eell tills gor- geous .4 Br Meu Woods. Every upg111de. Good l"Ew,1111 . money avall•ble. Mal\• olfer. Bkr. 848-0709 $40,000 below mkt, ---------Wlmbleton 4 Br 2'A Bal Aesum. 1oan1I Po11lble Ha•li•fl .. 10'.4135% dwnl John J.ati 1040 Zarvot. bkr 7&0-9N9 • ••••. ••• ••• •••••••••• 112,000 .... will w help you OWl1 lhll lovoly 3 Br pool hm. Every upgr•O• Just S 117,500 9kr 848-0709 ..Ill.TH ILlffl 3 bdrm. 2 ba, newer• hou ... CIOM to the H•· bor . Agt Joyce . 213-5111-2466 ~~~~~~~- L• 11&.I I .. ,.,.. Prlmt• Inside ~r loc.\lon witn total priva<·y Every amenity for grac1oua livin8 In this 5 BR home with Lrg. yard & spa . .Bay. bc.ach & tennb cloee by! Owner will tract. for com'1'Hclal or lnduatrl•I pr<>~rty. ~ ' ~.Oct 20, 27, New 3 10, ,..,. '*"·Oct 20. 11, No¥. 3. 1Q, ... ~ta-ta • ......L-~~~--~~..&.---------"'-l--':;.....~--~~~.-.......;...,_,~----~~--:-~--'----.... ~""""'-- ' \ DI ~!.~!!t~.rJ.aJ!....... ~~!!!! .{~'.l'.'!, ......• '!!~!!.~~{ !!_IJ.~..... ~~!~f! J~/!!~'.·!~ .. 11 •• •.•.'.'·'· .11 •• •.t.•.t.•.I.•.'."···. ••1111 ll1f~111l•tH Au1t•••'.•.f•1al1tH ········~··•i········· .,. •••••.. ,, ....•..••. ··;:~,,.. IHf !•.r!lf!J.fm! .. !.~f ·~1;.:,••11 '"' f!!!~.!f!!~ ...... !}.~f ~l.~!f.~.ot~t .. 1.~i T!'.1!~ ........... l.ljf !~'!m!.ftm ... !!.f ,.,,.,.,, .. ,.,, ... t. .,,.,.,, •• ~~!~!~/!~.'!........ • •• ~!!~!~!!~#.···-··· ••. !!!!!~~ ......• ...................................................... 8anl• Ana Hit '''· 'rPIC . r MeflALD IAY 3 Ir I 2 Ir 1 ·~ 8• condo, 091· OCIAN'"°HT Dia a-•. lllltllllUll .. 31rllkBawoodfloof• lrtHltafParl b lOy.,d ,n o peu Ba ITOOeqtt lrptc, pOl't,1ml~IOl<.H26. Byw .. kormontll f'n!l.!!!ff ...... 1111 •u"-1"" !'!'Affl.ffl!~ .•• l/jf t IR Hou..+Duplwa .,,, Jff NO Ffll A.pt l Condo a 8dr. "'"'Ba, 3·••y. 3000 Prlctd tor' quick •tl•t 20ll48 wtenctoaeo porch 1 10!IO/r110 I.to 0814 ttkr ~r:c~ /o'~<>, w11h •111 l15Mttt. no.t1111. 173.7173 IQ ti + o~ 800 aq It 1160,000 111 IPPI only 2 .D"· 2 ea, Cornt( IOI. 2328 fordh•m 81 c M a 1 3 1 a 7 0"'2~15 t. 0 r c .. , .. ,., •• , OCUNrRONT large 3 It 333 ! 2111 81 CM 10·1 ••0 ••••• •••••• ••••• •• rtntala I/Illa Aent ... 1146-t5M llAS..8103 WNl&Jll 175 4t 12 •• ., ol t>ak:0t1y Sc>f'M oc;Mn Ha ' f Y 'r • d •'I c k ' llght ln1trl0tl fhls It tilt Coli.Qt P11i.. A1N 3 bd 87&-0117 11 I I &.H J~I 2 Ba *•htldryr, t\O pe11 1281000 F P See owneS 540·6931 agt b•, dt>le ., · lrg Yrd. •••••••••••••••••••••• ' vi•*· I blk to bHCh Oetl Ouy tn T.:>wn 2 0 · I • •t• I• ,. Wlntei 1860 873·M•O mM!MiBJlll Spmc t l 2 l)t. tovet~ olnea a ttre1m1. H e gatH, 1n1rv b~ phone, lge rec area Inc(. gym, pool & epa J48-8501 ,,.., Oloek 10 .,.,ell. '''· bright & airy I075 mo, In adi houM at 200 ll!lh --· frpt, 1785/mo 831 110112 I Or t ll• lrlPte•. gar, P• 3 81 1 '~ ba condo nr on ~bHC'ii'h'Otet 1 81 &3S· 1711 12 Or 2 81 MobUt home 10 I Cattlld• hou .. a Br ptui 110, 11011• l r•lrlg. 1524 II 1 irv1 t w l w • r n er room apt. leltcn.n.tte l IPutmTI yrly eoa.8283 . IOUlf a.f OOOd cond To bt mo• d • n 2 ea 1r P 1 c St Annt HOO utll pd IOSO/mo 2 yra Old, W/O b 1 t11 tu 1 n t 1 n e d • ....... &LI lled I M OO but open 10 I SM&imo 1173•1734 8311-1453 Wkdya incl Kida/pet POH Ed 13001,,.;0, + S300 dtp CIOH to OCHnJ. 3.3 , YllW LIT I Oii•" Ce ll Dor I• --• "4·11171 UOll w. OCHntronl, Beauulutty lanoac:apac:t gardtn lj)l.1 POOi & SPtl Pattoel*k•. No ~t• A.11111 nOw't Br 1 Ba oown111tr• 1pt, dJwahr. privet• patio, t lngle o•· 3 IXlr, 2 01 Oat 9rMI toe Wlni.t Pymtt 11200 to •2000. • !10·0010 wk dye 9·5 f 'llde 3 01\ 1ba, ftm rm, W•lll •1J11 Jll • &. ---/N 8 813•.Clll.t $ 75K $ ... & ... M In NfWPORT HEIGHTS, 5'8·5284 Olhtr lge gar, $700/mo No ··'··················· .......... . . Baclltlc>r t· I 0 I Bdrm 88 rage NO pelt, w11er Bac helor great loc 1 to ~1"" ove In 1uperb BAY l OCEAN --p tt t 2 1 2 l.1 111 1 n , Condo, 3 Br . 21~ Ba ,_,.Jd-' /.flf llt'YFRONT Eteo•nt 1 or take over •hared •P-VIEWS REDUCED to Two bdrm N9, newly de• 842·8388 IJleW. •Int too, rec cnt1 ••••••••••••••••• •••• 2 bdr m $9SO /mo. 2260 IJ•nguard 540-0620 p a I d I .. O 0 I m o yeart~. 545-2000 Agent, no.IM Tll .... Ml· 1MI preclatlon Financing 12tO.OOO 10 Nit IMM&-corated ova, 800 1q It ---S176tmo. •07-3073. Twnhu 3 IA, l!'A ba, 000-1178 dye, 117:J..3to0 available. Call Sue 11 OIATEL'I', Call RA~ $25.000. $9,000 down, MIH Verd• 3 Br 2 O•. tannlt.pool,gar,MC e111 av •••O I UlllHI Wlll 2 Br 2 BL from $11215 Ho Lrg 2 6 3 BR townhouM ~II ActOM troni He.• apta, encl gar. lrple Near poft Beech Oolt ~te. Hunt ti1br from 16411 6.CS-4855 891-6558. ROOOERS 831-1'8& 81;s.aa11s rarnlly 1oom. no pete LIHH #1'1111 311 1735 892·8635 ---------1 TWI llll... ---1850/mo ll<C4· 183e 4•'•••••••'••••••••••• NIU FlllT I Bdr 1480 131 'l 191" '4e aa1e 8achelo11 1 ~ be l'fnhu. •dut1 ~t~!~t!!!f .. !J.!f EASTSIDE 3g~',:~c !~'::_~un•r~~ l>l~l•ll •-2 bdrm, 2 t>• seso mo comm. W•lll 10 beach. Duplex on the aand 30th 3 br 2 bl ~ houM 2 1705/ A all 1 1tt•lliH 1.-•1111 June incl uttl. 181 E. 111th. 84a-0850 Ch1tdren OK 8•0-8aor -.. -IT-111-11-m-au-- at. NB Newly remodeled f1ptcs, tge y•rd. 111150 mo. mo. 11 now. •••••••••••••••••••u• ?62·9481, l!GO.Q881 SplCIOOt 2 Br. 1 8•. '425 ~~~~~~:~"clean. In and out. 3 l)r . 2 be 831·3091, 759.g631 ~:~189;'f110n POHlble * * * ---Duplex 3 Br ,,,.., Ba 2 •••o ••WFI aaaaa• up1111ra 2 br , 1 b• -h• Clr•••I• j111 1 l-475 L..undry lllC . pool 2 9drm 1 81. upatalra 3 & 4 Br CIOM to waler, condo near Talbert/ furn & unlurn, reetONt· Newland Blllc:ony, refrlg, ble. all amenlllff. Brok• waehar, dryer, commly 875-<C912 ff ·----downet•tra Min lO% 2 Br 1Ba.1450 No doOt #1 d fltl. jlf BXCEPTIONAL 2 80, •••••••••••••••••••••• 5"8·9588 t2-7PM. You own the land. 2,000 down OWC balance II 1145 l/lc tor t~. II 10 .•• .' •• !! •• !le••••••••• OEN ONLY FOR THE 2. Br. l 'A ea. walk to t tq It, 38r. lam rm, 2'"' 3 9,1.o I 5 G. 648·9124 OISCRIMINATIN~. 1750. beach, 225 La Paloma lllT&lf Ill lnla1 IHI Ba. *Ide Greenbelt, neer 1 · or yra reat 101 2 BR '-'ouM & Ouplew HOMES fQR RENT Agt (71.t)49e-8I04 $475/mo 837-7918 Eaallkle S825·S835tmo. ~l.pc:~~Ofl S ~ ~h~"m 0:· -, -b-lk-IO_Bc_h-.-L-ower-~2~8'~, 545-2000 Agent. no 1.. d•n, 2 ba. yrl_.. blllna, •••••••••••••••••••••• F ..... A summer rent••• 1735. n A * * * 2 Br ,.L ... T-.. ~· ... BEST BUY IN NO, tRl/INE· popt ar """"'"' m.,k•t 000 A1mttege Retlly 3 3 3 E 2 111 S t CM. "'.,. v-"'""' beet tlna~lng, 10 ... 1235.000. Witt leaM op-714_544.2484 10 llpm A,.tt•l•ll all bullt·ln1, tndry rm. refrlg $700. 875-8831. 2 Br. carpet. drapea, pool, ----------2 blocks I tom oeaoh. Nwpt 11gll 2 br. 2 t>a, 10th S t 547 ·41 5 1. 1pec;tou1. Avatt. now. eum. loan. Nr tchOOI•."' llon 81cr. 844-013• 845·8103•rn· 846-8589 1 2 bdrm, 1 bt1. oar•ge. U•l•t•llAH oaiport, yardlb•lcony, Br 2ba. 10% dn l(,\ay l•tt•I lllNlll ZOOO . •EL TORO* 1700 Coat a Me ae. Morn •••••••••••••••••••••• amaJI ~t OK. ' oury 2nd, by owner llT&Tt•llE •••••••••••.-••• •••••• Eaatalde28r qu~t.newl 955·1247. Alte r 3 C.•11'1 Jiii TSLMgmt. 842-1803 2131747-9825 B Dau 3 e 2 C M, Huge quality dupleit ca rpel, garage, yud, *MISSION VIEJO• 648-8481 •••••••••••••••••••••• Flrepl•ce, pool, dlah- eck....., ar... '' '\ 3 frptc, 3 gar, copper poo1 no pets $575/mo $875·1725 Garden. Grov.• 2 & 3 waahjtr, PYI patio. )( Lg WMllllllE ea 2500 ~. fl. Security ptmb'nPc s 125K. asau-Mng~ 2453 "8" Orange . , A, .. ,,., •• , ,.,.,,," Bdrm. $425 to $525. [ Garden 1 & 2 er. on El 536-7953 $700/mo, 8'5-7400 3 Br l 'i't Ba. Townhouse. 3Br, 2Ba, 3 car oaraoe. I bUlll-lna, new c.,pet, car blk to ocn. 1800 mo. port ofl patlo . 1.,., 10 815-9174 15000 dwn, owner muar ¥3~~.~a~~.cg:;':.t~rij S~~·: Ko/~ I ~t 1f; ~~'; _A_ve_. -~-----•CHILDREN• •'•-••••••:•••••••••••• • 838.4896 1 Ide. S 4 0 0 , $ 5 8 0 ...,••su2'mB1rbcon1edeo~1Ex111c.ingten11~-consider tfldes. etc 6"'2·9686 EASTSIDE, 3 Odrm, 2 ba, •PETS OK• ~~J!!!~.~ ... !.~!f .. /Wiil .. , JIOI _~_5_7_-2_8_4_1 ___ __.~ beach $550/mo lit tut -LA_R_G_E_2_b_r.-, -b-.-. -9-.,-. dep 8:1 1·7900 J o ho d/w. 5308 Seuhoie. Agent $750 mo. Yrly. ff2-4914. A Armitage Realty • f A. room llreptece,, •••••••••••••••••••••• · a• ••• Mnctng. 197,400. Redu-71•·544·2484 , llU IY IWIH fenced y.,d, gdnr, cpta Baytront, am ttudlo, utile E·B•ylront, Llttle tale,' 1U. 2 "' •-· ced from 1110,000. Aak ---------• Undivided 'II In terest In and drepe1. $900 per pd, quiet emplyd alngte, pier. 3 •lory deluxe trg. N•wly decor, Gas Pd. 3 bdrm, 2'h ba. llreptace, for M.,k, 644-11325 or 15 unit a apt bldg In mo ISt and teat plua VIWIE yrly. $425/mo. 873-3800 28F, frptc, S 1800 mo. encl g.,, dw1hr, pool, carpet•. drapH, atove Prlv & Spec, 2 airy, 2 bd; - 2•..; b•, •I lrpl. He. c;a. mel carpeting, nr Fe- thlon t1tend, no peta. 1750. MS.8218 559-6442 -Huntln,.ton BHch, CA $400 277 Robtnhood Ln ,., ...... _ 1175-30e7 bbq no pell 11.42-5073. and refrlQ 2 car gar•ge. .. llVESTllEITS ,_ leundry fecmllet 2 l>lk• C•ll 7141960·2411 for 558-1737 l••l•HI• J101 Loa 2 eR, It'· be. tplc, lge 1485 2 Bdrm, refrlg, pa· 10 Betch A.va l! 121 1. TURTLE ROCI IROADIOOR Plan 3. 4 bdrma, 2'A Ba. Trlpte garage. lerrlllc toc•tlon otoae to park and pool. 1227.500. lnl0<matton Woatslde duplex 2BR 1BA ••••••••••••••••••••••, view eund.ck, yrly. 1850 tlo, no pet•. adults prel, S650. 536-2058 14 HITS encl gar. pets ok $525 (ll4)14l•IOOO Winter Rentll: 28r, pool., 1 mo. 1st. teat. $300 aec. 724·A Jamet, 873-7787 Priced at 9_2 x·a gross mo 552-3319avs/wlmds housatobchS550.Pl•y• No pets 01 gar. 325~ STUNNING large 1 Br Oltll tt ...... tnctudea pool. tennis Studio House avan. Nov. AGENT, NO FEE R.E 673-1900 Grand Canal. 673-•200 garden apt. 710 W 181h. Nr. Hunt Har 1 t>r. enc LEASE OPTION count. 4 yra new In 20th Patio lenced y•rd BAY FRONTAGE, be.ch, Re.nt or INN 3 Br. 2 Ba. St. 1_o_ar_._l_3_50_._9_6_2_-7_7_80 __ 1 Oceanside. utll included $450 mo' #IWMll lftti JZlll pier, prkg. 2br, $800. l br p.,tially furn, utll paid. Near 18th/Pomona, 1 Sr, 2 Br. den, crpt, drapes. PARK NEWPORT APARTMENT S COUNTRY CLUB Ll~ING IN NEWPORT BEACH Stngles. 1 & 2 Bdrm. HARBOR RlDG E 111-2111 $300 cieanl deposit 1 ••••.-••••••••••••••••• 1800. UtlL pd. 303 E. Y •arty S 6 5 o I mo . ctose 10 beach S450tmo. •HE•s IW.n 548-lo63 New be11Chlront home. 3 Ecto-ater. t/871-2866 842-1334. 851·9889 1 ea. downatalra, dta, 960-8289, 840-1984 aft Custom View Home $50,000 option money .. Bedro<Km. 5 Bath.• 11.m.~ " " Br 4 Sa, furn $2250/mo, carport. water pd, 1 chlld I •• IT. ' Npt Hgls 11ea. 3 Br 2i.; ea unlurn. $2000. Catt Mra. I Yearly $325. Small atudlo. Lo• 1 br. 1 ba apt. No bll, no pell. l<COO. A.gent. 5 condo. tam rm. lrpc, In· Long. 673-1190. 1 peraon only, 1tree1 pets. $500/yrly. Avall. no lee 962-0217. SlllPIPEI APTI 121 000 I i dr r a $800 0 parking, utlla paid . now 875 9585 LOVE y p CE , Hiii I • Y m g r m · N*PI Hg11 3 br, 2 ba. 875-3083 or 879_91187 · .. 'SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Ba, A L LA •••t 63 f-12118 frpk:, gardenef, $700 mo. ..,... I Beam celllnga, Mf\I. bar, TO LIVE • A.1)4rtmenta & Tc>Wnhousaa From S560 On J•mborH Rd. el San Joaquin Hill• Rd. 144·1MO S 2 •• 0 0 0 l t Newport Riviera Fmly 251 Knox St. 645·5110 Deluxe 2 er. 2 ea. lrpk:, • I l JIOI' Wood ceb .. no pell. •H0tn9y/Pv1 1 & 2 Br 1 • C • d 3 bd 2"'· b 2 atepa to betch, w/d, g•· 1 irH ••• • S 4 711 2 2 5 8 Map t e •Pool/Spa-88qQ IC2-Clll con o. · ,.. •· Responslbte peraons: 2Br •••••••••••••••••••••• · · 1 ·5 llCrH of beaullfutty 3er .. 28•, cpta, drp1, car gar. Pool. Tennie No 1 ba hOUM. $600, 2 8d rage. no pet1, yearly. 2 bdrm. 2 ba ,,_, dptx. 673-8903 or 548-7356 l•ndacapad surroun-newly iedec:or•ted In a TUILH Plll I pets $750 644-2562 2b• S600 1 & den, turn. s75otmo. 845-11956 •111 yrly. M•ture non-1mkr1, 2 Br, l'i't b•. 323 E. 18th ding• o u1 , $950 mo. (213) Travel lrtller par!\. 1 hr D••• l•l•I JZZI $800. 873-7544 4PM no pets. S850 )( 3 St No pet1. G.,, $625. • Nr Frwya & shopping 332·•051 ffl.~~.~t .. !.'.1.! _Ne_wp_o_1_t _H_e_lg_h_ts_o_ld_er_2 l•lllll UY Br 1 Ba. dbl car gerege. from Coal• Meaa. near •••••••••••••••••••••• eayeldahome,3200sqlt .. Blk B11teh, 1 BR. uUI, yrty, 2131799·4195, 257-9792 Sierra Mgmt.1141·1324. • Quiet area 1 -8.-a-u-1-11u-1-1-,-,09--4-8-r-.-en-- Lake Perris. 21 ap11Ce$, 2 Super 1 Br. 1 Be. I/Illa, 4 er."' ea. large muter 1450 mo. 1823 w . Bal· or 17141873"3986 · ·1Newer 2 BR 2 B•. $475 3 • Sol'ry no doge ct1d P•llo, 1tep1 10 hOuses, 2.78 11c1es. ln· courtyard. retired pre-aulte wllrplc. 3 c., o•-boa No 2· 213-941•3065 $295 nice bachelor, res-BR 3 ea w/2 car ger, (l14) Ul·llll beach. Yearly. 87S-441t. Plf¥lTf ot•lllfTY 50 x 117 R 1 lot $165,000 come $39,700. Owner ferred . S42 5 l m o . rage, 2 boa1 allpa avllll. C.t1•• ''' Jl•t J1U ponalbte peraon. utllsl S625. No pets. 780-1418 8081 Holl•')d Cr. HB 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo, EMt- wtn l1nen<ll w/IOw down. 873-33!3, "'93-4803 $2500/mo. 955-2473 •••••••••••••••••••••• pald. 110 peta. 108 E. or 842-75211 eva/wknda. Btwn StaterlW•mer bluff, upgrades. atttched Prestlglou1 N. Laguna 461 Santa Ana Ave community with private Full 7prlce $345,000. flHl•i• V•ll17. JZJ4 wkdays 9-5. ~~~~~ 1~~~ho~::~·~:~:~ Bay, Apt 9. *2Br. 28,, NHr S .C. off Beach g 1 rag•. N 0 P 811 . 831-370 or 549-354& Wh;·;~;~·.;·;~;;•;;~i RETREAT HOME w/OCMn pool a petlo. 11095,mo. 1395. 1 :' dpl11. ~It pd. Plue. S.A.. Luxury Con-lrrilll 3144 1900/mo. 55&-714"'. Tllll TllllU •hen you can own 4-3 & hiart>or vu 1 ecre -2 873--089e I <C17 E. •y Ave, alboe do w/pool $595. No •••••••••••••••••••••• On Bay 2 bdrm 2 b• beach. tennis and rec· ___ 54_8-_50_4_1 _•_lt_6 __ rHllon. Lingo hu "more ttsllnga here than any other firm. Prloed from Juat 1395.000. 644· 7020 U ... IW. ISTlTI Herbor l/~ew Hiiia mdt ..,,111200 10 12000 pay-atory home on Cliff Or. Pen. No pela. 547-1155 pell. 833-8974 Eves 2 Br condo w/pallo. pool, lrplc. l 'car 0.,, 'Privet~ perfe c t 3 Br. Below menta. S175K • S215K, I Each level hu own entry, £'!!~.!f!!! •••••• /.~~1,eachetor: YHrly rent•t. •Mesa Verde~ Br. 1 e.. spa. $685. 738-1215, Beach Good neighbor· marlc.et at $369,000 Only move In -ltke over -kitchen. llbrary, lrplc & Furn 1 bdrm apll. $3115 ullls paid. $340/mo. 201 Newly redec:. $.C~5. No 970-5117 Mr Web«. hood tor couple or ~ 5"• down OWC. 8% lh.,e appreciation. call gorgeous vu. Ole/home •nd up. Enc gara~ea.1 E. Ba Ibo a 8 I v d · pela. 833-8974 Eves. L••H• lf•ti Jl4 gte. $1100. 873-2182, I t-I t •"'-JI P I k Sue" 891-5558 I uaa or shared tlvtng. '2110 N_. Bl d M 875-9582 11.48-1319 ••'••••••••••••••••••• -1o•M, •9pM n.,.esorr....,.. ••IC $1950/mo.Oogok. --....... v ' 2BR1'~ba.d/w,l>lllna. ".,... ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ..• J.Oj~ Tenore, -011131-1266 MH•llla, Dt11t1, 3Br. 2Ba, hllQ• t>onua rm. 752·2197 R & H Invest-5.t8'-'4968 LG . clean 1 Bdrm. No patio, ger, no peta, $525,. IOW '11W 4 er 2 ea. 40' from aand. I.I .. _, v .. · .-let ,,,.,, 1400 Warner & "9wtand ., •• _ menll Furnd 1 bdrEm •Pl•. $385 petaa7.l""-001ty2 ... a19; "708 548~291, 845-9857 I 10 mlnulff so. o~ Legun• w/balcony & aundeck. llEWllll $30.000 below mlltl 3 Br 2 Ba & apa. EHtbtull home. John Zervos. bkr.' 760-9669. Terms, terms! -•• $750 mo 9112-2937 ~ or,. on Dana Point • moat s 9 5 o t yr 1 y. Furn. 7 •••••••••••••••••••••• E11clusl11e Weatcllff I/Ill•, •n up. nc gar•gea t'.~ Br. garage, yard. I I d I t fl II ftrtOIHIFe FOR RENT! BHli•flt• I Dover Or. muter suite 2110 Newpor1 BNO CM C•,..•• '•I #•t ,,ZI 1 525/mo . Wutalde ~=~ une-.:. 28~. cw~d~n: _84_>_0_340 _____ _ Corner Bay & Cy~ 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• jacuul. etc. 11100/mo. •••• M Ill ITIPI Tt MUI · . · le g.,age $725/mo Catt Npl Hts. 2421 E 18th St. Xtnt toe. on penlnsula. lf1iti 3140 wlfrpk:, 2 Br. 2 Ba. pool, s..e-4eea •••••••••••••••••••••• 1841·0783 No pell •Ir• large private patio. Clean 2 Br. trg kitchen. block from the bay. To 2 bedroom, 2 batf\a & 2 Ocean vtaw, llOlley bell ct. 873-3313 or 875-3103 .,... Large 3 Br 3 Ba. many Redec. 1 bd, relrlg. qu 1· 6111 -644 1 or M-F . 9-5 $450. Tropics. &45-51ot FIT,-& I-be SOid Nov 12. Can be stortet In Twin Peak4 In 119 Hunll""ton St 2 BR ,. ALL l/TILITIES PA.ID amenttle1 .. $1175. Celt w$4elrO.tSeenhaemg, n4oblp.e~ta. 643-0210. Drive by to LIDO·. GORGEOUS 2 Br. -._ Md cheap For Inform•· Lake ArrowhHd .,... ... $850 mo. 28r . .cBa. Cllll 57 S pacloua. customized lion cau 675-8120. Has built-Ina a flreplllOe. 1850• 1 SR,1500· orient Haven Area Condo avall Compare before you Anthony day• 642-57 '· $495/mo. 1916 Wall•ce aee at 24 583 Santi lrptc. patio $1000 leeM. home. prime tocttlon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil First, 1u1 & deposit re-e n tire dptx $1125· immad ht & tiat + rent. Custom d"lgn eves&wknd•S3l-S&30., .102 831·3871 Clara. 675-6359 With l/tEW. priced at MAI q u t, ed . c •II ( 7 14 I 536-3602 0' 861"7822 11200 dep. 1-575-7505 fetturu. Pool. bbq, The Shores In beautllul Eastslde Bachelor tOWFlelT •PPlllHd value with l41 '1l UN ..... 7 68-0286 or (7 141 28r Condo, l'i~Ba. cplsl THE PREMIER Harbor cov'rd garaoe. aurroun-, Corona def M., hes Beamed ceilings patio Most elega.nl apt l>tdg OWfl9' Rnancing tor qua-11.595,000 667-<>657 weekday ..,.. drpa, pool. Jee, ctbhM. Ridge view home,"' BR. ded with ptulh tandaca· S. Cl ,,,, Illy buyer. l/ersatlte. noor 5-10% CA.Sti DOWN nlnga after 6 pm If no I $<195 mo. 768-7633 3 ea, Lautremont model. ping. No pet1. plan with separate bdrm Up to $1.4 million assu-answer, p lease keep Avail now. s3.000 mo. 1 eR Furn. $515 wings for any atze ramify. mebte fln•nclng. 40 ' 1ry1ng• •• .._1 760_19n 365 w. Wllaon &42·\971 I Poo4. •P•. Kol pond, m•ln bey view, .. '" j e x e r c I a e r o o m . S TURNER. BROKER IH/ £1t1l1 Need by Dec 1: 3-<C Or 1J tw10 ....... , YIU.Ill' newly relurt>llhed 1 & 2 tar~e bath, llllchen. utllt In Lagun• Beach. flneat . , ... ,. bdrm •Pll trom 1550 & I Pl . $350/mo.. No peta. tocatlon In town, bre.sth-. .................••• up for rent. Call Helen 2 BR. $465. year't. new Gtbaon 844·2811 752-2550 t•klng vtews. all t>ullt-lna. decor, pool, nr ach. Large 3 Br. 2 ee. Town-helled pool, aub-gerege. t>ua. No peta. 498-11277 C.11• •~ JIZf ete1111or L•••• only R~t!,!~1':0:?/~~r. 64~8350 ••• ~ .. ~t~~/.~ ..... !!~ =n~ ~.~u:,1~nd~~s~ :o~~~· 1~v1~~ hTo•";~.~~ ~'!~! ~:r!. 87S-2373 UN ISU S..ulllul 3 Br Condo In Xtn1 tall 964-0332 "'*· prime location, oulitan-.,1poo1, lacuu.I. sauna. house In quiet complex, 2 er. 2 ea. Condo. ocee.n .•.•.•..••••••........ 1.,oe pool, garden Mt-$850 & up. 2 er. frptc. 330 Cttff Or. •9•-8083 view. S650tmo. 1500/mo. tlnl. S675. 845-3381, 545-9911 87 5949. . Ocean\lleW. 18' dec0tt1or Executive Beautv Remodeled tight & af ry kitchen. frHh paint 3 Bdrm•. 2'h b•. RI/ •c-ceas. Seller llnanclng over long term. Nice view. $175,000. A.gt, 754-1202 BANK LIQUIDATION BIG CYN CUSTOM On golf courte, 20% dn V•cant. ahow anytime. 540-3688 Fresno tor sale or trMle. 842-0100 ding vie'* ol h.,bor a tennis courta. vOlleyb•ll If .... M811y •lru. Auume 10% ocHn 13000/mo. Call courta, Recreation room. Clean 2 Sr. with patio, no I • P .r lfW lffDI• IOan My equity 12.C.500 1_ lWllUIU 497.1280 or collect Jr. 1 bd. furnlahed, $430.1. pell. $430/mo. $400-1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 $575 mo., .t94-8.C04, 28r 2b•. elr, secutllr, p r o x C a I t O o r I a • 549950 Ba. poolsl<HI 191. laundry 64.C-4311 pool, nr S C. PlazL Ho 3 BR, 1600 aq.ft .. angl 5 5 60. 0 k 9 5 Spotteut 2Br, 1'hBa 2121572-4230 dye. Call 557-0075 . room, beemed eeill""I pets • S 5 0 0 • :!{ =~:'..~ea~·~•:, S.:1:r52~ 0;':., dye • · twnhse, frptc. encloHd .. .....,. lfNc 1390. ettractl\te furn 9Pt.~ NEW BREED A.PTS No pets. No laat mO;th 2 Br 2b•. lrplf· deck, 213/660-9513 apt, garaoe. No 1..1gun1 ~~.'!.A'!! ••••••• 1.~ llST&IT llJ I blk to bch no ell. Island. Sunny So. patio. yd. attached 2 car oar.' Ler"• apeclous duptH. Lrg Patio, gar Mature., , Br & Lott & Bach & rent deposit req. Catt tree•. charm, "' 1>11\ to A I t • i'-&....JI 24x 15'. Wrought Iron l1al1/1 . c:lbhae, pool, jllC. Xtnl So. ,,,.., "bdrm•. Spic & apan. quiet. no ahertng. No Loft. Frptc, r.c room, l•-TSL Mgmt 6.42-1803 o c •a n. No . • n d . ,.r ••• I ••I•.._ -tn. "at-,,,, .. __ .... A.ta .,.................... H 8 toe•. 1550 mo. nr shopping Step• to peta. 2234 A Rutgers Or. cuuJ. OU & wate< peld. Me .. V-de, .... ,P upa.-!J2~,tm o In cl u tll. fl Oal•n Jiii -· ., .. -""""'""" 964--8348 964·8346 . C.M. (213) 454-5104 No pe\I 393 Hamlllon. -.... -0-...,29 •••••••••••••••••••••• Frptc. French doors to , g11111 f•taidH b • • c h Y • • r I Y C.M. 945_,.41 1. telra, 2 BR 2 Ba. bltna, •R•Wfll patio. Extra lge dt>I gar •••••••••••••••••••••• Beach Cottaoe. qulel per· 7 14/985-5822 c oll or 1375 mo. Dix mo bite ,_ cpta, ancf g9f. lndry 1 • .,. I JIS 4'511 wlutll-worl\1hop .,., ,.,.., ldH' '111 aon $450 + ut111 No Wknda 675-8720. home. No pet1. Quiet. NEW BREED APTS rm, no pel1. $575 mo ""1.H• ••f.H YILUll Fee tllte. 1375,000. 20•1.o •••••••••••••••••••••• pell. 960-0587 2 & 3 Br S750tmo. 4 Br secure 1991 Newport 1 Br & toll each & toll. C•ll 5.C0-1158 •rt 6.,0•n •0~ji'co~r·,·:·w;~~ New 1&2 bdrm. luxury down, owner llnanclng We l•H W ... ly ..... Lg 1Br Condo. balcony, •P• St 250/mo Have Blvd 846-8373 Frplt, rec room. pool, 979-3848. elk for Pam Nine Condo. 2 BR 2b• 2 apts In 14 pltna. I Bdrm CloM to comm ClbhM, 3 ah H4 Willter Lt"" aecure 5425 mo. 011\era, Fred Tenore. egt Beaut. E.alde 1 Br $440 :U~.~~!nw!!~~~s 2 er ,.,~ ea lludlo, pool, c;er gar. wt0pnr walti1 from $540. 2 bdrm from ~:=;..!!':!'~~Y·~i Pltl •• te •• tr.. 842·7042 631-1288 utlt. pd, Pvt & lrg, ..... -c;arp0rt, pvt pa11o. chit· dryer. Lower unit w / S595, Townhou" from owner a1714"..613-<C083 SIH tt SllH. Spotteu 3 er 1'A b• 2 BR & den, 2~ be, our 64M831 Hamilton. C.M. &.45-.t.tli I dren OK. No pett. $475. p1tlo, redecorated. 1885 + poota, tennis. for details and viewing W•ttrfrtllt hMS. 1wntise. blllns, W/D, n-beech $1100 mo & NC. BHll•flH Ull llW HAif.. 648-1824 $725/mo. 7141770-1950 ~~''c'!!'~~~:~n~~.~: eppt 142 Via Undone lt•-tAAA cpl, encl patio, attach Open Dally. 431 Wut· •---&. J•~f 1 lrg. er walk In Ck>Mt, S38S 1. Br. pool, 1 person, .,.111 .. 8 .,,1•1,1 JI~ paid. From S•n Otego • ._ c.,port. $550. 111/IHI. minster Ave. 831-56111 ~• 1.., 1 1 d h h 1 no peta ••· r1 tr • F d 1 N h • J ----------1 .ID:'!. • •••••••••••••••••••••• rp c. I w1 r, g pvt. . •••••••••••~•••••••••• rwy r ve o rt on 873-nat 11•• .,. ,.,.._, dep. -1•7900• John A.gt. '208 Cotton, 3 Br. 2 ea. Yll lllEIYE ITI p1t1o, pool, aJ>•. no pela 325 J 17th. Pl. Cua LG COi/ EREO BHch 10 McFadden to :::::::::1 Cul1l1•a1 101, I i J •101 8Hu1. 1 sty. 3 br. 2 be S825/mo. yr1y $475/mo. 549-24.C7 848-5137 11A.M-7PM PA.Rl<ING CENTRAL S e• w Ind V 111 • O e egt. Plllllllml lT 1121,IOO ..... , lllOI .... I bedroom penthouse overloolllng centr•I court. Many amenities Pool, saunas, etc Owner """help with nNne1og. ••••~•••••••••••••••• 1• •1• • -# home· on quiet cut de •~"8208 •~1 Beeutttut & p.nt Hke with •tR won·1 ·1aa1 at ss~o 1714""93-51911. WI •• II.TIEii •••••••••••••••••••••• -. .,_.. ....._, · terrlte9d pool •Ctetn 2 Br. nr SC Pl&za, Lge f-'Y dee. 2 Sr w/gM. " '1 • __ ,.. ______ ._ LQ9 Pemoaula P1 exec • H e, $850/mo. C•ll for S 3 2,L b •Sp~""·•-~· ti I S.A. Pool/'""• & cer""". Central ., ••• no pell 635-1428 I f!Jtf .... 2 be, spe, I-"'. tvall. •""I. 960·8.C88 (""'1) pee. br • " a very _..,.,. " ... ....,. ' s H•I • SALE' tmmed thr'u'June 5...... B """' clean 1wnhM, pool, IOO• •Prlvalt Pat 1 l<C95. pets. 752-5822 1475, shown Sat19 u,n ., If &. Jl~I ••••••••••••••••••••• harp 2 R 2 B• v11C•nt t"" etc $800/mo A.gt •Cover.ct Park""' , 7 1 4 I 7 5 3 • O 7 I • .,,,..,, M• • 1 ••-• •••-$1200/mo 111 tut see · .., • ··•· · · *Din""'.. '"V 3 Bdrm. 2 ~ be, lrptc, "~"at87 •• -.. "••••••••••••••••• ........... ,.-. , • • • · · $550, uk for Keith, •·1440 ""' "rea d Obi N _.,.. Charming 3 bedroom, 2 dep 1175-1853 """2~~11, "~•-9853 W""' .. In,......._. yar gar. pt Newport Hgta 1 Br yard -;:--:-:--:-:a;::-~-;;:;-.11...:""~:::_ .. :..:.:._:""°=~~--ICondo for teate. Btulla. 3 *•H-Nk.,......Klt-~-Helghll eru. $750, PALM MES~ APTS gar...,. 1425 ' Wiily rentala $95 up. bath. 2 story. ocean view .. , ... ,, •-... &. •111 · ome • "'""'' 559-5001 1561 Meia Or. ....-. · Color TV free ~011-· home In atlll lovefy San ':~.-..-•••• '!!~:!'. •• ! •••• B1alla1I•• Sr. end unit, bllCtc door 1 blk to Huntingt on $400. Unturn 1 Br. 840-781.t ' v .._ Juan Ceplllr•no on • LIDO ISLE -3 bdrm, lam BllM•t JlfZ 10 pool, step• from ten· · Center, trantpor1ation & 2 Br 1 Ba, crpt, drapet,I C9tl btwn M . 54tr9860 3 bdrm. 2 bl ..... 11o, 2 blks heated pool & •tape to prtv11e cut de tac. Many rm, 4 Ba, S 1700 mo. ••••u•••••••••••u••• nil club S 1000/mo. 2757 .......... bit-Ina, no pet a. $4.tO. ..... oce.n. Kitch'• avail. upgrades Move Jn con· 4o· doek, patio, deelf, 4 v111e UmbroH, N.e ,,_,. BEAl/TtF\JL 2 Br. 2 e.. to bead'I. Pett o.k. 1750 985 N. Cout Hwy. Ion 8d 2 8 3 Date 6"'0 2364 lllJTill nfE 2272 Maipte. 831,2927 Frple, _ _,,gar. ch..i...... mpo. 873·3728 L9guna Beach. •94-5294 dlt . wen below m•rll-OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, r •· car garaoe.1 ____ -_____ 1 Bdrm F om 1515 B d kl 1 2 ....... .,..,. et. of course Oulcil aalt 1 Ba $700 mo Biii owner. 219/592·•905 New"""' H_,,,ht,, lulCU"' 3 r I rtn •P•n no cean, area, edit• pref. 1575 OCEANFRONT -Cuttm S90 & up with kitchen, desled wt•.. le lion ... ~ • ...,, ., 2Bdrm $11151BR1Ba,1 car get, ~-~M WI.,_.. d 38 2B r . .... 10 retooate. Grundy, Rltr. 875-6161 •Mop br, y•rd, $875 a 1450. LA QUINTA HERMOSA pelt. 1 550 mo 211 ~ ll08 r..,co ecor. r • up, weekly. ac.anlront Mo-Catt •e&-3880 6"'&-7800 •menltlH . yrty S 1200 tel. 875-8740 ---------0cNn front yrly 4 bdrm. 18211 Plf1C.alde Ln. I bit! Santo Tomas Agt 2 bdrm. 1\ot ba, flreptec., mo.; 2Br 18t dwn 800 ---------lt•li W,.t••f IOll 2 car i "ege Md hottub W. of Beactl, 3 bile• S. 842-63U X:'. no pell. $411 5. mo. Mature pra 1400 w. N~ ~room with pool. •••••••• •••••••••••• 875-7 50 llllTlll un11111 of Edlnger .... 1147-5441 I PINE BLUFF A.PTS 8-f510 OCnlfnt. 850-9192 .. .;.3823 Whlt•w•ter vu. Span. Sl.000 2Br, 281. Cliff H•· 2 IO 4 bdrmt. stenlog at -• •••R * $4211/mo. up. 1 Br. un-2 Br. 2 ea. 1 Br & Loft. 2 Br 1 e.. e.ttlide. quiet "·STBLUFF ~-$<13.CK. btll 1 Bl2b. add --...,. 0 n & m • k • S ven ., •• Condo, pool, 1795 to S 2 BR plus ct.n. 3 bathe. l\.rrn a turn. pool, ape. Child ole, patio, view. nelghbol BR. q>tl. cltpe, Spacious 1 er. patio, B•lbol PenlMUI-. Private 714~'9-HIOO Jnc;j llnena & dllMI. evall Sptclout (2500 aq. tt.). 18992 FlortdL 842·2834, lrplc, encl o•r .. gH 1tove. tndry lecll, avall 01 , view. no pets, Entrance. S 175. No lmmed 1-575-7505 AvaM•ble tmtn.ola1ely al 8'2·3172 •love. dtahwatl\tr, ape, now. No peta. 1375. 5to/mo 84....,.787 smoking or cooking. MUI '1IW Cout Royal white w1ter $1,.t50 per mo. Cathy ,__, ,,_. JT tndry rm. M50/mo. 8"'6-4382 · 875-3391 3 BR. 3 On8a.ly2.S0001""" ~· n~~~·:.~~tate. "'••IH n•.1•1•/1&.H Scnwel«*8'1. 144-4200 .....,.~••••••••••••••• SPMC 831·4S107 $350' lMge 18' 11PI. No 2~ =d~1Bs/95e. • .t BR 2 Ba hH, W/Oyr, approx •• """ 8 ' "1 ~' • Lul!Ut')' 11\ldto, "" HBO. 2Br upatlllra, patio deck pets Cafport, t91.1nd lecfl, mo. 751_3 191 · pr kllch, etc. 1225 mo. S20 (Newp0rt CrHt). J'ohn: f••ll• llH ;;,;;;;;-•• ... ••••;;;; Phone, meld MrY, ape, w/guage, wahr/dryr 31 t w. Wlttorl. 831•2177 dep. &411-8318 .n 7PM agent. 83t·7900 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••u• •130 wtl. 4119-3015 hook-upa, ctoM to so., Lrg I Br 1 e.. pello. S500. WIY •T Christian F. nonamtir, ept Flt' .... rtr .... , lllTAl.I You don't """ • gun 10 Cat Plue no pets 1525 Lu. eot . 845-9 te I Tll llm prlv .. San Clemente, rw Condo. 2BR f~BA. pool, ya••k. W..-ty W ... t " "dr•w 1111'' when you 780-9534 awe. NEW glled 20 Town· bHch, rela. 1225 & f Santa Ant, Tustin area -·r ..., • "' .,, "' Good neighborhood. 3.4 8dr1n9. place an ed In Ille Daily 2 bd u~slalrt, p•llo dee!\. home. VILLA.OE COM· utlla. 498-<C582 ..... IULn .. • Piiot want Adst Catt now 10 .. _..... c1ee MUHtTY. 2 Br 2'A Be. L-.. --··t ,_ ,,,1...., ...... ctoae to freeway. good • I 8A2.se1a. oar. ,.,,.,..-up, l800 aq 11. of pure tu-.,... __, .• ,.. ,. •• ._.,. on Of"'lb«t. One 1ew1 3 Hitting rata. 542-8278 PllP 3 Br 2'h Ba townhome. Tll -n So Cat PIH No Peta xury. Gareoea, IPH In nr betlett. H.B. UgM Iv, Bdrm, owner wilt eoc.c>t .., : 1-1 1800 a.f., A.IC, gar, lam • BR. attrMtlve beam •.wt ltMt 1111 1525tmo 5'0-0ll7 every home • muter rm & kit. prlv. $300/mo . • eerrne. :'.!!~:~!!!! ••••••• ".l!. ....llllllT rm. pool. upgraded, Im-celltno hOmt. Aulometto ... ..-••••••••••••••••• ,l.rg I bd Apt, Wat-aide. 1ulte. dining rooma. _988 __ -2'9_5_1 ____ _ - Wl\n HI HONT I/A TERMS·2 on • tot, 111·1111 ~=-~5,3° cc· 1 811 5 ' 1prinl1tera, patio. nHr completely redecOf•ted, wood burning llrepl~. 21 x 13 tt room tor rent, llOMI"*· 199.500. ~9 t1t>tcr. ---.-.-------• corn2 FrnunltYt poolc &1ennla. 5plc'°4d._,OM 2nd lloor79. Refrlg. 1385 mlcro••ve.011en1, prt-dream hOUM M ... Vet· REAl ESTATE 54..-1 4 •IHI -•r•-• tieple et. neu Ir two "4reom &40-'9 vate ~llOI • ywde, Oil· de $400 neg. 6JH400 •i•I•••'· 1111 3 bdrma. 2 ba, 11ndy actloOta. l l, lOO P« mo. 1~ ot ~ provided. ~leg.m 751-3294 .,~ If &. J111J~• '' ,. No P9tt ,=r. Lou M9-~ 2 Br. wig.,. '"4 mo. "vi""' only 111 mlnutee to ---------~~:iiiiiiiiiiiii~·~,~~~~·~'~·~ _., ...................... bellCh. Xtnt cond. Mon-Ion .... .; crpta. water pd. 2111 s .c'"". -··· ... o.c. a1r-I -11.1rn. rm,,,, ..... bettl, ··~ •••uu•••H••••• Pen In Pt, 5 BR, 3'.+ t>a. lhly or yrty 11500 per mo t • _.. · "E" ,,._,tie 83t-<C 120 port. ~ .;., of ~-"';,.,.. occ. 1200 ";;,. ,. .. Oft trg patio, 11200 mo. Owner 114•·9513 1-5PM pGl1 8IYd l 90 of $en mele presents BAYFRONT ESTATE F'or the true trad1tionallst who wants the finest! This magnificent brick residence fcoturea: 6 Bdrms, plut servants quarters. Enjoy• supt-rb vist.as of the bay and <><.-~an. BestdeJ the aandy beach, th<-rc i1I lblo a priveto pool, ape •nd aauna for your NlJOyment. Brochure. upon requ.;tt. Al Pe~,... 64 to mo. ~1• fll3-toe0 BHut. 2 Br home Loe Etttalde _2 Bt. q\lle1, ..._ Diego '~· l10oo/mo. 5•&-2573. Coete Me9a c,,.., ''' lfM 1111 country kltch, 2 car o•r. carpet. o.,•o•. yard, 131·&•3t, 2"73 Orange GENT non·•mler, kllCMtl •••••••••••••••••••••• nr pool, •hope. park,:-:~~~~~~~!! pooi. no pet•. 1575/mo Ave., Coe•• MtM. prtv ~ rNW '°· Harbor 11\tW hllla 4 Bdrm tennis. 1815 551·21'781; Mt'9 2463 "I '' Orantt ,.,, ... pettl», doea to 5't-H.. · w/jac, Yt •er• lot. ewnlngl ._ftp.., ~ A~ bctl, pet• OK. 1780 mo. _Olli.t..__h_lblde __ CdM __ ld __ _ :~:.0•0,11~0or ~~!! Ollallty Hr exec home, :r." ..... -..A; .... :"~":.J 0. lflal a• YffY, 173·3728 h . Wik to Prl 1c11. 120·0834S Turllerook Htghtanda, H:C,=to:' ~.~o'! •.. ¥.•••••••••••••u':I 2 It. 2 .. ~. 2 C9I Furn'd. Ut. lnc:f. Pri !M. 11750 mo. A.viii! Dec. 18. 1 ... -IMO AfMr tor Wllftda 2 8r t ea, lrptc. xtnt GOl.OEN PROPERTIES quarltrt ROOOtmo. ••• o-aoe new Hoeio Hoes> · ~tlon 10 llChoOta. ten· 7112·1580 2131 .... 1-Hll 'r°"' Dene "Olnt'• moat 1750/mo. 840·832• . _1_eo._1_54t _____ _ nl• ahopplnQ, 1700/mo 'i.!_Ctl~d1 ~.l~.!.!!'."a· ....... -t .......... 10 ...._~ ... Room tOf rent, ,OUftllln 0•c. I. 75l ·1570 or Tvrllatock. 3 Br. 2 81. 110 d~rH octen view "' ,,..._ .....,.,r ..,,.,. ....,., _. ,.. ..,.. .,_., I/ 1 17 5 tam d........, r 1c -1 t llom Olnlnl L~ Oen •·wt.._.Xtt•~--.. ••oo mo 1nold1 utll •tley, -mo . 873-•MS • "~"'' rp . ,.. "' e -... ""-· • ... • ""--, --· ,...... ....,,. ...,.., IM0-6MS .._ l~uul. prof*°'· ap. --".,._, "' -...., t•tlo. '""" I Ill -C.11,,,,. JIM Pll•ncet. 2 car f91'aoe, -2 1~ la. lmmaaul•tt, CeM Mt•..,., ...._ lmall IUC'ft, rm wlpwt-. ...................... eommty poo1 a ,etlnta, t11001mo. No pate. • M ~11 ..,, -..-. l.,. no ktt Pf9f ,,.... .. 1111 -8YliH o.c 111. "'9/mo. 113-1132, owner. to.;.. l•SIS .en1a Qare ~\! ':~~. ':.:'~ ture em.,, iJ "°""'*'• I.II, llWRlll IMt-2983 la Jw .,.,., nMt t •· .,..._ I a, -wkndl, anytime, ~7:_~,;. 1 11 O1 m 0 - Decoretor perteot, ..-Condo. 11r, , .. , clean, ~ leJ .. ""9111 c:V: ---"2·1111 ---------1 2 Id 2'"' 1400/-o. I :.i::,·.;-,-.. , •-........... o oua rm, n b•. 01rpon1. 1.t?& mo . •••• • .......... N-OIOa"' 1 "'"'~"'*'·• •> •-,;•·~No---•• Pool, l•c. reorta•lon 7-..•777 M·F 1.1-·. l.....,L_---. •IMS, ' or -· ..-.... ...... -1-.,., "' ,..., _...... ,._,,, ry I• O mo Incl roam ,_ ·-"· ·-lftO. lfH, l>llf patlO. belcony f:'I. a... t be, oowd petlo, COflWl'I 11_ .-114 1• ..!..:::' ...._ I !Of 0-8" Dtco-" •u _.. JIH POOi-MIO .. 1.1111 • .._, .,._ _._ .,..,.,, dr..,_let a more. •• ................... 3 Mrma, I a... aandy ..._., .. HU VIII pd Ctlt 1:0-Cv= = ~ f!!~l!!ftt .... • '*°"· JOftt oonct Mono ........ J1.Aa1. •tM l16-2'U IO::tO to &pm. metre ooutal & wfll1•· IHul I 11r home Oft ,._ &..~ 1'800.1; Mo BAYFROftT n.vnA.WRll.e.-V !/lld9, CUt9 '""-· 2 bf water view J Ir SH, CMll. •ltloel lllP-4 llr, liM-'1 ~ ......_: I It he, ,._ ICftCM ....., Clft ~"' a 1 br, 1111/wtlft• picket govrmet llltotl ttHO "'llY .. ''"°,..., 9llOll oond. ~ °' H•r, NI. It••• ••:• ltnou. ltQ/m 0 I ~'Y~··~·~7~·~-·~1:0~1~.~a~v:e~1LlA~..,...,...~~now~.~cell~~-=:··f!!!!!!eii!!!!!~~~=====u~~~=~i;:~~!Yf=fy=l~,IOO~~':"'°:· ~Ow:net:J~O~G~·~·~"~W~ll~I·~·~·~··:·~, ~------..... ...;..-------4.::::=14=80=/=:mo=-. 14:-:====Mlal==:-==.I :._~ I '°' eppt <•> ~llta Hf OMO • ' f!!!!!!.!'!!!!!!~ ••••• u~.~4A~e:ou~~r tor ft 30 01)' Id In lh<il DAILY PILIT SHVIGI lllllOTOllY 00 IT NOWI Atk fer l114ra Yout 011lly Pilot Service Dhtctory Reptosen1n111111 f42·Hll, eat. 322 ~!.~~!~!'!l.~!!!!4!!{'!f ExPeflenCed Catpenter Remodel/ Add -on/Repelr 760-26'85 548-8654 ------Additions, cerpentry. me· SQnry, dHtgn and dral· Hng, BBC's ale. Oavq 494. t003. •Ill 724 SLIDING GLASS DOORS Installed/ Remod. 11dd'n1 & concrete Lie 36168 I. Joe 892· t327 A•lfHti•f. S1nit1 · .....•............... 50% OFF FIRST MONTH O.pendeble, all0<d1ble. essent1111. Answering sorvlca. secretarial & business services. mall bOx rental. word proces· sing. Telex-Facshnlle. order entry, pagers-lease buy. desk space rental ANSWER NETWORK 631·9t31 (ask lor A.V.) ~!I!!~!~ ............. . • .. lessianal Se•.,,ia:e Dirm:I ~!!!!~!r! ••••••••••••• I f~r..1.l!!!!!t •••••••• f!~.'!!!!!!!,.!!~!!~!.. ~~~!!~!~~'!''········ ~~!!!r .............. . I r~~~,~~ ............. t,,,11~1. ••.•.•..•••••• Aggr•u1ve Atto11,ey, No Sllami>OO & •t"m cleen HOfl\e tmpro.,.ment1 Fee 1n11101 Oontullallon· Color btlghtenert, whl au lradH UHHllt WAITll HAULINO llUOent llU 11ousrc1 l!ANINO 0000 •&·1 MYlll• fop Qu•llly 25 yr •11P Competitive 111e1 £11pert wet1covet1no 1n ltlf NHll•T Peraonal Injury CaH1: crpt• • tO min bteM;h Aemodel·Addltlont Mow1110. edglno. r•klno, NO Recovery, No P'ee HeJI, llv/Oln rmt.S 16, evg 04 1·19Cl7 l w .. plno fr t• Hll lg• truck. 8em11 low rtlt fr11r"l)Or11111on E• •llOI Prornpt 7!'19 1976 pur'd 079 9760 1tall•11on ReH. p11c;" Con•u1t1nt AHlgnment &at eaoo Don't re.roof, r•P•lr 11 fraction 0 1 coat U7·HOO •94-8591. room 11 60: couch I tO, ~-met" 84!>·5737 ------Chi 15 Ouer ellm. ~· c ..... WHtlwe1tl~ JAPANf6e GARDENER CdM Th1mk you, JOhn No 011•111n1e 730·1353 Quality Houteel .. 111110 w Olll ehd h toge II I with a Ptrtonol Toucrt ·ABC MOVING· • ing Uo AOOF'.INO REPAIRS ldJ.1111/af. odor Crpt rec>alr. 15 yr• ••••••••••••••••••• • 1 SPECIALIST melnt WILL•siri· ··cM·~···· up oo wori. myuu. l(Jt ttmod, cabinet•. vi-c .. an up. trimming Lo~ _,,. n my.. ome. Refe 554·0123 • deo tnt9ft1lnmen1 unll1 prlc• Froe eat 548·9•&3 19nC ..... yero. nOI me•ll.,---FrM Ill. 842·088t ----- •• ~'.~!I............... c1111 eoth 1160·0033 L~~·~~i~"tru1 ::;~~~o ::10~~1.7•;~i1,••~;~~07f0 small Jobe OK r, .. Hin II 141·1121 HouaectHnlnQ, ttlltbl• _•nyume_ -----• .. 11m1t11 C111 Tom or r I 0 t R STARVING COLLEGE Chuck 6412.e3112 urnaCl•POol•wattr h .. t re wn ll)ntp HI llMI •••trl/ r • reu retn 5411·2t74 No StHm/No Sn1mpoo JHlkl't G1rd1n1ng Stlln Speclallll. Fut IJHltl1'1 Ce.1n-up1 trM trim & Ne; eo:OOO BTU Furnaot YOLANDA 0"2·0405 s6~o~~T~ ,~?.~~o .. ,. ...................... ~tH•I & lhttmo1111 ln1tlll1d HOUSECL'fA'NiNO tnwred 8" 1·8"27 • •BRYANf'S* '* •••••••••••••••••••••• CHILO CARE my home, dry FrM Mt 839· t582 ••••••••••• •• • •• •••••• melnl M 1'...e 540 8036 lunch/anacka lncludl<I. ELECTRICIAN-Priced · rv"' • $800 00 (7l4) 89S.8St2 9y Scandinavian Lt<ly WATCH US GROWi W1Hc0Vttlng Removal MOBILE SERVICE lerge yard 64$-7939 -~;t.~~1!~1 ..•••••••. Computerized bookk••· ping from $50 mo Aleo m111 1111 & payroll 662·2430 '•'"'" .......•••..••........ CUSTOM HOME BLDR neeo1 SMALLER JOBS between hOU... Free "' Cell Din 537-0342. f!.~,!'.~~!!~!!I. •••••• Ctblnel• & CatS*ltry Small job1 & repairs ~ree est1m11te1-64S-'2003 f!!I!.".!~ •..••••••••• FREE EITillATHl Reasonable prtoea: 1u1, professional wo1k ... ouatom work tool No job too small or too blgl Ca· blnets. kitchen remodel & finished carpentry ... elect I plumb.I cabinets/ countertops. I do every· thing lrom 91er1 to llntlhl Call Brad at (114) lll·HIO Remod & Ir Fr Rep1 s ee est Lo rates. Oeckl. pa· 110. Sieve 762·9558 llHttr Crafts•H Flnlsn & rem'dl c:rpntry. Relerencas. 499·3105. f!!'!t~!t'.~~!!!!!! •••••. right, Ir•• ullmate on large or 1m11t Job• """""'·M• ........ -· I Lie. 3"621 873.0359 Walt1-Cu11. work. lie. •38t067 Rob 547·2883 llC'D ELECTRICIAN OuaJ work/Rea1. 11111 Dr1-y1.p1110.w1tk1 FrM Ml. 83t·5072 Btockwallt""11aaonry I ELECTRICIAN I FrM Ill, r11a 892-4557 Sml jobt/Repalra lie THOMPSON CO~CRETE 233108-C-10 548·62()\} P11llos-drl11tw1)'•- lound11lon1. ,393383. RESIO/COMM'l/IND. 842-848Z 20 yrt Do my own WOik. MacBelh Co. Concrete Lie 2780• I At 646-8 f26 coost; slaba. walk1, curb. AMH Elect -R11model1, QUllllf & dock Aleo, .. Addtqon1 , Oar· pair. 562·5610 wrk1hopt, I.ow ratt• lie Ctill Cut ' .tr32573S. Int. 848-7378 rfJ'"-••...••••••........••. i.ovlng Mom for your In-.. ....... lent, IOddler, nt Jimbo- ... ,_ lll·IZM rH & PCH, NB 875-0781 :~=-c •• ,,,,,.,, •• ,,.i ···········'·········· TOP QUALITY WORK ............. , ... AT REAS. RATES Lie. 30811&8. Remodel, llc'd. Jo.I 547-4426 Lawn aetvlc9 lrom $18 mo Yd cltart·uPt. WM· Cling . trt• work Ken 984-t083 ---K&D landecepe Malnt R11ld/Comm. Clean·up Sp1lnkler aye 648·2•89 SAM FIJKUMOTO:S Gardening, cleen upa. 1 m1lnt . tree ttlm, amt 1111dsc11pe 645·3540 ------HP'd 6•8·1171 All types 042· 1343 R..creen•IN-tcrMnt a,., l1ul11 --- -I / ti -NB/CM only 042·9562 • ....... .,.. ........... , Thorouoh, rellabl• incl .!.~ •• '!I.............. l1tl1 CtHll -wlnOow1. 011en1. llC Fiii PAllTlll •••••••••••••••••••••• IM11t1tl1J l.m111 MITIOILtll lltllT'l I M11r1u 660· 1810 CUSTOM wood Piiio C ••••••••••••••u•••"• "'Home t9')tlr/Remod. IHolldaY HouireC ie"tnin-g, by RIQhfltd Sinor lie v•11. redwood deckt & LEGAL SEC'Y AVAIL "Flll·ll Servlee low reltt ... llmelea =~~ll~my;:, ol happy fenc.t R1ndy &41-0e22 ~·:,en.~at~!P 6 ,l,~~ ~~~ •Corpontry •Plumbing Srtetry 75t·9441, Sharon I Trtank you. 631 ... 410 '111t11 l•1uh lyplng, wo1d proc & •Elec •Fin Caipentry 857·5317 -----••••••.,.••'••••••••••• client rellll~t Bkkpg •Ot1 Motdlng1·Cabln111 -------INT/EXT PAINTING PLASTER PATCHING gar d, spr1ng1. Big or ••••••••••• •••••••••• Custom work Freo fft yrl Ntet Paul 646·2977 l.•i••IAJltt•ll••• tm1111 1 we do 11 alll F111, llcenaed 1tcu111v com· Reae Stave 547-42811 •••••""'-•••••••••••••• •Srtellllng •Faucet• to H1•111Jltia1, I & WALLPAPERING Roatuccoa lnllut 30 Nonamkr 49 •8938 elllclent setvlce 20 yra peny wlll pr~tct your Acoustic cell Inge Lie PfatttH & ttucco repair No WARDROBE MISTRESS fit•lillJ. 1111p Lie 11 B35266 t home while you are 366780 ee Ht Job 100 ameJI Aller1tlon1 Ouallty w<>rll ••••c•• ••••••••• .. ••• 951·6067 away 7t4-966·8'494 24 Devis P~lntlng 847·5186 26 yrs e11Plf Tom He;dl 857-t450 TRA TOR WORK. ~x· ~~~~~~~~~I houri 6•6·4199, 8"5·4203 c1vat1ng. compac11on, ------15 yr1 exp I'm amall. my fl/f backhoe 20 ,-11 exp Palnlfng, Plumbing. alee . J1•lt11i1/ precea are smllllt Ron l/ujia• ••••••··~··••••••••••• King Equip 631·7392. drywall, Ille. carpentry. •••••••••••••••••••••• 050-6477, 661·88"9 ••••••••1••••••••••••• TILE INSTALLED • Marj\ 546-78 t8 COMM'l JANl'tORIAL • ---_,___, 2411r El 141· llH All Kinda GuatantMd HHlf.•H . · & CARPET CLEANING I LoweSI retest Prompt, 40 gel w11erhea1er 1226 Rate ,John 840·92t7 ••••• •••••••••••••••·1 •H11tl11•1•1, oee·a Cleaning Servlee l!Ht proleulonals t5 Carpentry • Cabinets ••••••••.••••• •••••••• Lie Bonded 983·647• VIS ••P 636-7149 ATLAS PLUMBING & 1tH '''"'' Plumb • Drain Cleantno ROBINS CL,EANING . He•llno. spec:11t1zlng In •••••••••••••••••••••• Electrleal . Tiie Service . \I lhoroughly £iallt~i•f. RALPHS PAINTING repelra. 645-l688 SLOW RATES $ • EVE'S LANDSCAPING· Reis, ra11 636·9898 A cu79 • •u7• ups mowing 56.4-7017 Refs Don 966 ot49 clean house 540.08571 ··••••• •• •••••••••• Christian Int or •xi $ S VE$.,..., ..., Tree trlm/remov, clean _2_8_V_R_S_E_X_P_D_U_N_H_A_M_, TIRED OF HASSLES? oompl serv & hseclng Plumblng/H111 #2717031 ' HOME IMPROVEMENT Quality cleaning help Is comm & resid 646•7555 CUSTC;>M PAINTWORK Guer, fat\ Res/comm. Tree remo1111. lflmmlng, Remodet-repalrs-ltncing here! Refs. 960-7452 Comm l/rasld, •tripping. 637-4378 GG emergency ter1lce Uc & 1 1 Old Country landscapes, 111mlng The Job thll 963.5474 HB lnsuted 53&-0914 e e<llr Clll·plumblng· HOUSEWOlll "Anythlno outside the speaks r or I IS e I I AdO'ns. Ceblnets. 646-85881646-4644 ~!!. .. ~~~ ••..•.•..... Custom Remod/Add'n1 Free eat. Quality 2nd 10 nonel Bendel Conti. Lie. 4t8570 548·4271 None 2 blg. none 2 small, From A 10 Z we Clo II all 7t4·675·9•36 llc 425781 REMODEL • Comm· carpentry 831-8530 WllTEI ho ma... 6 4 5 . 6 5 9 7 • 498·8580 111 ... 11111 1•t•ri•'I, JACK OF All TRADES 675-6058 lst CLASS p•tNTING· ••••"'•••••• .. •••• .. •• ••••••• •••••••••••••• Celt Jack anytime, "' AC RAINGUTTER Most aubjecll, K· 14 Day or night. 675•3014 High quality housework Jtl•lf•!l, Wallpaper, Int/Ext. Re-Bondl<l-lns·llC B3•47&• Dey/eve $5 & 110/hr lawn-tr ... .nrub Instill P 1 Experienced. depend•· BR~citwoRK·s,;,·a·11•1"o·;; pairs. Free est 979-5294 Free est. t-52;4·6824 Mr. Morgen 646-5176 Tree trim/removal ~~.~i!'~~~~~~~:~ bla, honest, intelllgent. Newport Costa MHll I Painting lnll111t reald. l1li•i1iia W.' I CJ • Lawn M11lnl/Ro1ot11t1no & repair Stan 540.5055 meUculous, llexlble I am • 1ry1ne Reis. 675·3 t7S comm. Cstm work Rei. ; ••••••••··'··••••••••• •• !~.!~ ... ~'!-!!,f ••••• F'rM nllmat• 548·60651---'----......;":__ __ , th 8 b 8 $I p h 0 n e ---Free esllm81H 631·4959 FURNITURE-KIT CABS I "lat th• Sunshine In" TllEI Topped/removed. Clean up, lawn renov. 761·3476 TIE llEH IGHE 673· 7012 alter 6 PM X-pert bt1CI\ & cement • Cstm llnlshea. repalra, Cell Sunshine Window B••li•• weekdeys. All day Sllur· wo• k Nwpt /CM ti nee l1r..11•• doot1 Joe 673· 1469 Cleanlng, ltd. 5"8-8853 ••••••A•••••••••••••• day and Sunday. 1969 Call now & 111va •• ••••A••••••••••••• ' 20% Monthly Dlseoun1 realdentlel, 11n1n1 Im· E>1per Gardener & clHn provements, m1Jor re· T Driveways, Parking Loi Repairs. Seelcoallng S&S Asphlt 63 t·4191iUc ------Custom Carpentry by Dick Allot••f!. & Nell Paneling. lormlca, ();;•;,;1~;;·;;~•0•d;:•;1i doors. etc. Ph. 642·8809 P•'"·t:ldg renovetlon. upe. reo trimming. Free code c191801. Palorn· _e_s_1_· _P_et_•_64_1_·_t096 __ _ bo C nst. Anytime L.1ndtc1plng·Yd Clnup1 962-M t4. TrM lrlm/1emov-M1lnt ., hi lrrigatlOn. dim 861·01291 DUMP JOBS 645•8512 Farthing Interior Design •otll•• & Small Moving Jobs 11 you went your houte1 _ -------__ / HANGlNG/STRIPPING ••••••'••••••••••••••• WINDOW CLEANING C111 MIKE 646· 139t I REALLY CLEAN. Cell Block/Brick Walls Con· Vlsa·MC Scoll 645·9325 Huber Roollng·aJI typet RESIO & COMM'l Linde 669·0318, Good crate. Very reas LIC'd New""ecovllf-dect11 FREE EST 68 t· t t32 HAULING-GRADING I Reis. I Bob 673-63671536-9906 rrte las1es1 draw In the Lie. #41 1802. 545,9734 areas ot law Prompt, SELL Idle 1tem1 with a couneous service. F~EE Dally Piiot Cluslfled Act. consultation. 649·9335. 642·6618. nave somet no you want to Mii? Cluslft«I ~do Find what-you want In It well. 642·66711. Dally Piiot ClaMlfled1. demolition, clean-up · West 11 Delly Pilot The lasteat drew In the Concrete & tteo removal Find whet you want ln,Sell things lest with Delly C1ass1n8d Ad Call Tooa., Find whet you 1unt In Wut. 1 Dally P1101 Quick Hf\/ 642-1638 Dally Pllol CIHS!ffedl. Pilot Want Ads. .64~5678_ Dally Pilot Classified• ClaSlifled Ad 642-5678. '°' your motorcycle DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3~ 9DA¥S • for Merchandise-under ..!._1,000. _ Sell your no-longer.needed items for cash. If it doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE._One Item per ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-refundebte. Extra llnM 11.00) LINES CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 '!!.'!.'!, .'!!!!!!. • • !.'. ~~!!'.~ .. l!. !! • ~~!!!. !.~'!f 9!!!'.~ A!'!!~!.•• .1!.!f 9!!!'.~ .~!~!~! • • • • !.~~ I "':J!:J."' ,,.,, 503Sll f!! !. ~. !.•.".'!f. • • • !.~~ k~:.:;,,~lioa 1005 IJ!!I. .f!!! ~'!. •• • • !.'.'!'! l1J.•J1.!f !!'.'.'!. • • •• !.~ f'~· ,!}l..tr.~'!!.. • •• !.l.':f S!AlJlll llm l'~rol .. respon1. F sMks *llLIU lfFIOll* •••••••••••••••••••••• l ,..1 t 1,.. W t .... •••••••••••••••••••••• Babysllling & Ille hawk, IHTA1 WllT&IT FILLIW TIE Ill Wkly rentals now a111ll M I F to shr 2 BR IPt. 1 MO FREE RENT --Ill 11&11 1,1, l&mEll lw ti R t• IO• P111no E side CM, can live In 4 Full time, front & b1ck W k d I 1 P S10S & up. Color Tv· ~;~~Is, pool. spa CM. 1 room '10 1800 sq. tt. 5 office 1111te1 con11111ngl lerf&llt Ce. IH. ~~~~:,ar:4~:~1fs~nol ~~~~~1~~ L:~~":n: ~~lv~ld6:5.~1';16°S Must ••Pe"ence. REA. X·Re s;ino:~ ._.~'Jeo~s =~~ Phonu I() room 2274 979_2 .. 36 From St t6 1 eq. 11 Adj of 1050 eq. 11. on Coest Speeiallzlng In tal & 2nd "Musicianship belor Lie. req Salary open. reaort 1111111 demon· Newporl Bt11d CM Al1porter Inn & Frwy1 Hwy near MacArthur. Alt TO's since 1949 Found Mad sz wht M scales"! 646-0t62 e B1bys11ter for etrllne ste· Some Saturdey~ t>eoe strlltng ucltlng new 646-7445 l&•IH lllllE Cell AM 833·3223 con<lltlonlng a perking. Robt. Salller NH/CM Dog vie Buahard & warden CdM, 12· tS fits, N-pon 9each erea product Travel wil l\ ------" $1050 per mo. net. RE 8 ok Bd R A · 98 dys pr mo No wllnds 6 4 2 • 6 8 80 A It 6 • chaperoned group 8 EACH ARE A Pelllial Mansion. pvt t6t7 w .. tcUH, N.8. 256 HARBOR REALTY r er eellora dams. HB 8·2559 'E••lo••,•I 644-8025 642-8887, Evas/Wknds 111nspor111llon furnished' pool. ipa, kll. prlv call 10 4000 eq. h. 11t. lloot. (714)!73--4400 8'42·217t S•S-06~1 l•1ua1/1 53501 .. ~ .. '\.............. 8•7·8032 return guatanleed, patd, $84/wk 760-8t81 Agent 5'1·5032 - -WIDOW HAS SSS for TO •••••••••••••••••••••••• , Jd1 WHIH 101! Bookkee~er F£C Dental training and high eer· RE •••••••••••••••••••••• ' M/F to sht 4Br. 3B1 NB Alrpon erea • Exec. Sul· Loans, 10K Up. No Voung married men wll I Experienced R.D.,t,. nee-nlngs. M uat be well Relrlgarator-Meld·Pool Waterfront hOme. neat, tes. From 22>460 IQ. h. la1ian. lt•l•l 4450 Credit Check, No Pen. Liii& I YICll'S do oeneral h11nt1y work Auto Repair Shop, oste dad ror Orthodontic groomed end a11r1 Im· Nwpt Blvd & Wiison employed prol $3~5 mo. St per sq. h. Many xtru •••••••••••••••••••••• alty. Dennison & Assoc. PHOTO MODELS 1 Cell eves & wkends Mesa Area prec11oe In MltSion Vleio mediately For interview Costa Mesa 549.9755 646-1309 Call 657-7010 Re1ell 1tore II 2850 Avon,1673-7311 ESCORTS/DANCERS 972•9525 ask IOI Biii 5"8·2288. 549·253 t Area 830·3703 c 1 I I 6 4 6 • 4 1 6 7 ----___ , 1865 aq. ft. plus 8 car OUTCALL 24 HAS'--' I llS PElllll 1 IAM-4PM Parents M/F 25-35. 10 stir 3Br CM 400-900 PLUS 1400 IQ. 11 91t1g1. 641·8777 IO'r. lllll YIELI Hl-0201 I H 0 u 58 w 0 , k d e rn e d IH&lilllt Fryer welcome ilafll Ht•I 41S0 hse wllg yd. $210 mo + PenlhOUM BayfrOnt Sul· ,._ • J $17 000 5K note. payeblt , Newpor1tCo1tta Mesa I Deys. Exper1enc. prelef· Part time. Fri . Sat., Sun G 1 F Id 1 1 O 11 h xi;i°'o~~;;·,~;·0·E~T·;~ utll 1st, IUI & dep. A~ell te, Plrklng , patios -••1tt1I , t per mo. Including , Hours open Reletonces red S11cllll Country 1 5!'45 AM to 9.45 AM Cali " r ly. YP n • g t tnjoy lvty eicecuttVO fa. Nov 1 5 6" 8. S t 6 O. 673· 1003 •••l•h 44751 t 5•1. Int All due 17 mos * * * 0 n r e q u e 5 t Ph 0 n e I Club, H.B 536·8866. 1 673 2040 belore 2 PM bookkeeping, order desk m11y rtome .. superb 8"8·6636 m.g. Hll SPAOI.. •••••••••••••••••••••• Sec by real estll• In-lfl ti p r1 j 6'42 5470 I ClEAICAl & PHONE Clo~ Mon Ind Tue1 _9_6_3_·3_9_2_7 _____ _ FOOD, every comfort Rm for fenl Balboa Isle RENT OR LEASE. Newly come from nallonel lft $ I Or . -~1 CONTACT POSITIONS Helrwtyhst end M1nlwrist Musi ~ accuSI to & •P· ,College. $250 mo. Avail Attrectlve ruatle upstalrl remodeled home wlthj company & pe11onel Open 24 hra •day ' MASTER CARPENTE Insurance & phone con-llllYUI IEElll wanted Busy Shop prec the better things lmmed Cell 111 6PM Mltlng. :;:~<let«, iarr 101• Comm'I zoning, gueranl" 01 equipment 7 deys 11 week seeks employment I tact experience prefer· Full or pltlme. no expr Mau Verde Area. 1 Non-smkr. non-drinker. 675 4..,00 space, · ou aup-•d 10 Newport Blvd leese • W .000 lakes It J11cuu1. S11un1 locels area cabi net shop -"' F'-ble h c 11 nee $10 lo St3 hr. Siii· month Free rent 01 (7141658-4552 In Hemet • ' ~7 d~ifi :::.f;, ~ 642·l33•. 86l·9889. 7 1" / 2 4 O • t 18 5 or as well as Tourist a 687·0790 Martin ~-;'o a ';'~1. 9 6 C:~1t 3 :s uno pay C111 537-21180. ' comm 9 5 7 . o a o 8 . Refs req MIF IO shr 3 br, 2 b• '•'••lr/11 •93·1153 BankAmericard. Amil· NURSE·AID COMPANIOI\ (2·5pml 5116-881 4 houM on Canal In N B llAITlfll I 1 I ~f!!-Truat Deed lor aale 555 lean Eicpress. Diners All Cook d 1 ---------tst, 1111 & 'dllf> 646-2496 ta • .. ~-0 · • welcome 71•1645 3433 1 . 1111e. ex re Cock tall Person needed WI HEAL TH & NUTRITION II ti • I I fZSO IEWPllT OllTtl •••••••••••••••••••••• 00 al t3% Ou• June 2 t ,... ... b Bl c~· 642.7955 A pl I Person 2-4 PM 011111nu• -n Need tO people to loSI !!.'!..!!' ••• ~'!.!.~••••• Streight M n()flamkr to shr With uH ot reception. S7SO up. 2180 11. lnOu· 1983 Linde Isle. Recentfy ' "81 or "" P V n • ' • -8·28 lbs In November 2 br. 2 ba E/Sld• CM conl room. kltch. phone, strr.I. Offlce 18101 Re-sold lor $t I mllllon COEDS . Would love to Matute. 1111ractl11e lad Mon-Fri. A. T leo·s,I FOR RENT' apt, $250 + utile. Dy1 secr1tatl1I & word pro-dondo Clrcle. P & T Followa 2 trust dHds parly w/you Cell Sue or desires work as compa 3901 E Cal Hwy, CdM ~i:n'"por~ry lepow1r11nonlecla :orn· !.';1~r. cSs~~~~~~~·~. 1 642·5•46; evs 642·5620 ~sing. Mail & mes11g1 Huntlnoton, Buoh. totellno $625.000 Wiii Kathy anytime (213) nlon, hght housekeepl~ OOLLEOTlll sl"'-d""'t .... ore• Florall 1·8 2 bed 2 aerv. avall Mpatatety 11 a.t2·2834. ' dlec:ount to 25% yleld 6 3 4 • 4 s 7 1 . ( 1 1 4 1 & simple IOOd prllf> E• ..... ....,. •• ---------- llor._!001nmT.· .... nbPeeathsks& ln2 M/F ah&•e 2BA 28• two a.lrl<I Call: Jud--SI d 1...._... Steve 675·3285 521.1t86 per NBI CdM only I E11pandlng Newport ltema & gilts. Mu1t be Hostessea/llne cooks, •w ... -" • v-1• C>rlgl yer • .. ........ nr -$8/hr flexible 760· t358 Beech credit c1rd com· well groomed & 1n en· needed Reuben'a Ras· Lake Arrowhead area ._tory apt in CdM. Non-71"1780.olOO Harbor end Beker. 50 X A Women & men, relu with pany has ooenlng In their thuelutic personellty. 1aur1n1 261 E cont Has bullt-lns & llrepleoe. 'smkr. 1350 per month. 4001-B Birch SI NB 440 150 It. $225 mo. Lerger •••••t••••ll/ a mass a g •. ca I I Btl'I. WHIH 1UH. colleclton division. Ap· For det11ll1 conttct Mr. Hwy. NB. Up to 15.00 10< Flrst, lest & deposit re-includes cable & phone. 11 •1 00 · · t area 11eo av1ll. 1111•••/1/ •97.51 t8 ••• ••••••••••••••••• plic~ must .. 1111e 2-3 y11 eq • per 1q t " ,,.,..,111 .. _ " Smltl'I (213) 6 HS-6908 lln1 cook. Apply In per. quired Call {7 t 4) '"' electrlclty. Ahef 6Pm · · · 5'9·8181, 7~1444 Wit I ft••I N 1 _,. ••• coll uon upr. Bank 16 8 • 0 2 8 6 or· ( 7 1 4) 720-0632 Agent S.C t·5032· 2500. •••••••,•••••••••••••• flW 0 L A 1beaut · Intel.-Construction experience card & CRT eapr pref EHlllER (IML) _son ________ _ 667-0857 wee1td1y eve-* 111 * aq. 11 near Hoag All••••tt•••I• SllO ligent. aoph 111Clll<I yng helplul, 101 new Costa Contac1 John Allen Mon Civil engl""' with 1pec. .... ,r/lallrsttter nlnos Illar 6 Pm II no Room for rent 1 mlle from mo-••-HosP separate office •••••••••••••••••••••• lady, ieeka tTninc. se· 1 MHI office 621·792t thru Frl, 8'.30 to 4·30 pm lall11tlon In 11ructurel _ 1•30 to ti PM wkdaya. answer, please keep ... B s250 •n•~ -..1~• re11room. S900/mo Magic Isle Club Mam-cure genllem1n for ve· 7•n 7••9 n . beach mo. ulil Full 1en1lce. Keep your Automotive ok. Bkr b hi s s300 r11ble relahonthlp Wrrte Acllv1t111 Director, PI T ...... ..., dynemlcs rlek H•••· Newpon l'lome, Mr HOOd trying! 1 ncl. · k ltcllen prlv. overhead low & profH· 045-828e G~~'a t PP ,.•11veen 1 pp Ad No. 731 c/o Delly Pl· I for alter sc:noot prograrn.C __ O_M_P_U_T_E_A_T_E_C_H_N-1··' sment. Research ••oe-aft 8 PM 11'4~141 L1rge Big Bear Cabin 963-9926 1lon1I lmege hlgl\. Pr• 2400 l<I ft. $720/mo. 17th. 552·•619, 855-6866, RI· lot 330 w. Bay p O. Box Orenoe Cont YMCA CIAN • Verify sys. conll· ~:!'g ·~:~;~.~~:ic ·~ lnataller lor OlshwHhers POOi Table. color TV. 2 Rmmte to ehr 2BR 2BA •Nt~ ~~_t:!lf1. 8er111M,..~f & PlllC*llll, Cotti Me... cherd t580 Costa M ... 926261 642-9990. Arrry gure s~a. evaluate lei· ihodt or PhD r-ulred. a~ Weter Healer• .• Ex· lrplc's Sleeps 14. furn epl Eaet C.M. $300 ·-,,.,.. _,, .,,,.. ... 8 11•• lures. do cellbretlona, -.. perd only PT poeelble 714/545-69t6 I mo • ..., urn 6"2·3318 Vlf Dr. Ste. 14, 831-3651 -• -£ell,,,.., SJOO Cconus~m F,•I nt~~.r,hPBh~.. • • qlly Check. trouble sse·n''drryes$um28,·,5o~.0Dr/y. 'o'.!·. FT. 768-2968 • I llttNf 4SSO •••• ••••••• ••• •• •••••• •• rn on .. , ar.,... I ADYERTIS lhoollng t ting & epelr "' PAL~ DESERT CONDO, 7 Female to ahr With MIF'. DELUXE sum ....................... MC/VISA 24 hrs 118 or ana1o'.o ·: dlglt~I cir·' Wesley, Struclurol M•· llTtlJll IESlllEI da)" Oec 2, sips 4. Pool, super clean. -111oc118d Stor1g1 Spec. 12· x t8' Call 638-0701 I COISULTAITS cultry ulld In computer ch11nlc1 Assocletet. 5160 Extensive model home ~:~~2·7 etc 175 dy ;1~-~n3do 5275 mo Wafer Fr ... 114& 36" door. '70/mo. plua fOlJNO ADS EXOTIC DANCERS 1y1 Must have knowled· Birch St • NllWPOf'I Beach 111per1enc1 required. lt.5011q ft. Leu• 1 70 aec. deposit. Bachelor/Bachelorelle LocelComp1nynow t1· geofd11Creet&lnteg111-92660· Ple ... Clonot.,,piyun· V All, COLO. Dec. 26 to Ubefal M over 30 wm "'' 8"2·'46-44, M·F. 9·5 8 7 3 ·" 1 5 4 . N • w Port ARE fR£E party entertainment king appl+catlons for •d• 141<1 circuitry. Mutt hive EnglnMrlng leu you mMt this quelj. Jen. t t BR 2 B1, condo. penthouse apt w/teme. 11.._ •-ea f-, Beach. 738·8538 558-85381 vertlslng & public r•I•· AA In electtonlc9 or 3 yr1 flcetlon. PleaH cell tips 4, $700 In the v11. Leguna. $350/mo +MC. .,... • -· ML.-/'• tlons tor new dlvl1lon. training In mllltary or 110-IECHAllOIL 788·3337 (9·5 M·F). lage. w1lk .to ev11ry1hlng. dep. '250. •94-62t8 Office, 860 1q It, over ... NlJ IMH•I Cal: Boyfriend. etc0r1. model I Rapid 1d'Vanc1m1n1 cation el 1chl Tua tin LAURA M ERLO & AS· 875 ... 333 . night lac. 1500 mo to mo 1••11/1 4110 5R29P781r5to STann, PO B0011 Company will 1re1n EaEa< .,.. .. , IUll·llme, $8 33 Pl' EllllEERS SOC. . lt•llh W .. IH 4315 or IN. 552-7730 -•••••••••••••••••••••• 142•1111 . 4• ante Ana. 1 up lo hr. Send this ltd & your 22912 El Pacifico Dr. •••1'11 II li•t1 4JltJ •••••••••••••••••••••• FOR 92704 me to. Job +8-2956. L .. "una Hills •••••••••••••••••••••• Ti<ed or er~ tr ... ey RENTI $7 89~h ..., 110 If llO. 1 commu1n Nonh? Would *llfl"""'* r PO Box 16102, Los An· An Orange County me· INVOICE ANO llMMIATE Huntlnglon Beech 3-4 you like en otflce it tht 2 bedroom. 2 bathe a 2 lost: Irish totter fem. m1y llllT llln • gelet, C1. 90016 not Ill· nufacturer IS tooldng for ESTIMATING CLERK bdrm houae. iouth of beach thll your family •tor'" In TWln PHkl In be wearing Texas 1ag1• C111 Mr. How rd. (714) ., than November 21, quellfled Englneere. Typing contractt, J)flcing FllHlll Ad• m . XI n t r •I'. COUid UM on ..-C-enda Lek• Arrowh .. CI area. 2300 Mell Dr. E Santa Model•. dlncer., 11COl11 528· tOOO 1982 TheM poslllon1 requite a ••tlm1IH. poatlng ac· Oldest & 111g.eet agency. 964-0332, 842•0100, u a vacation unit? For Hu bullt·lni a flreplace An• Hts. Much IOYl<I I•· 8e9-8913. 09tfl 24 ,,,. e e BS In Aerospeoe or M• coun11. bllllflCI, answec 01 All ctlentt screen.a with leulng Information call Arel, 1111 a de90tll ,...: mlly pe~. BIG rewerd, eny .. 1 p all A.,.lll Olllfll Ill.I ch1nlcal Eno1neerlng. 1 lnqu111e1:. prepa1lng photoa& referencee. The Ceplttrano Surf quited. Cell 17 141 Info rm et Ion cell ~ • •• &,art.tat ... ,,., Full time, P8f1 time, day Ceodldates mull bl••· eallmatff, Operate oat· Cre<11t1. C011T10f)0!1t11n C.tMn 1-lt•t43A Center. ellt-11292 or 7811 ·0211e or (7 t4) 648-t919, 8•0-4404 ls.ti llf.1111 Meture couple tom•· lhlft FJeJ(lble achedute. mlller with finite element culltor, copier, typewrl-Good Mornlng·Amerlc1 •••""'•••••••••••••••• •"'1 508• 1n1ly1lt alrcrefl 1truc· t I ,.~ Deni Pl elngte tto 1 "" • .. 867-<>&57 WMkday .,,.. loat rhlnHtone ber pin 24 hrs. by appointment nege 18 unit bldg, quiet Apply In person, 711 E ' If. reg lier . ..,...11 Mffa T*":' ... Tootf~r,oow}, hwhoow. secured. etreet antr~: • ___ ..... _. ~-.. ff.... ntnge eher 8 p.m. II no tl\at N'/I 1250,000 tale-SPIRITUAL REAOINQ9 ' eastalde loc1Uon, exl)4t· Biibo•. Balbo1 !:~:ic:t"!r1~~g11~Y1:~: mAroea•ic' !!~~ ... _mdot.hles "'AAAll '"1 pl::.. 34097 Granede, 180. KA--. ....,. answer pl1111 keep rlenct preferred. Send ........,..,_ ._.., ........... ..,... 873 3313 •93 , ... ,.3 Prime lnteraeotlon of tryl 1 • tplf'IOn 1wwd R-erd. Advice In all mettera. 1 reaumH 10 Ad "1066. Counter Pereon, l<uster1 baalc knowledge of op. Id Ind yout ,__ to l!!p!rt 141•.1111 · •.. .,,..., · MICArthur 1n<1 Jembo-no c111 957.0499 love. marrlege & buat-Dally Pilot, P.O Bo• Cleeners. IS/hr. Apply fies and 111napareneles lob No 9•2534 PO Bo• ~~-~~~~~~~~ Storage garege. t lngle, rM. 11 per aq "· Sub-Lott· M• Getman Shor'· nHs. Alto coun11llng. 1560, Coate Miu, Ca. batw"n 7-1 tAM, Mon-Is hlohly d••lreble H welt 115102 lot Angetei CA 0 ,.._1 I 9•20. Co au M en. IHN evellebte. 120 or l•1lam/J.n1t/ thalr Pointer. Rd brwn 1815 So El Camino A .. I. 92826•0560 Fri 188 E. 10th. St H fluency In Spanlah. 900 t5 nol later thin tr.ell -ar S50/mo. 1200 eq f1 for t yeet. Call tlU•lf w/wht, Botea Chica & San Clem •92-7296 Co•tt M... Compenutlon la In tht 11122182 Female roommate to 042-4907 wkd1ys. Senay. 2t3-820-111157 a;;;,;;;;•••u •n•nu Werner, HB 8"8-4252 • SIR VElllANCE Atthtatit IH1&•r low 20·1 with llberal1----·------1~r• 2 bdrm, 2 be COO· Det hl<I """ •-111-•• Ll1t4H'lng devloee tor the UnlCliif Youth CounNllng •lllT w.a1111 fringe benefit' Contact Ltpl .........,, oo. 2 blllt from beach. ac gatlQI, ...,., l<I ~ -0-..fallt. ,,,, Found Bracelet, vtc ·so, dllcfeel l5N·7511 Service net<I• enthu· ·-the followln_o State Em· -Newpon Canter Attorney ·1375, 'A ulll. 752·2384 It, UM for "~IOI or Of· Exec. 8'11t .. lnct. ~I ..... *Al:! ..... ,........ 00..t ~ Petlllng lol 11111~ outgoing, 1tllrec-£•pandlng NB Credit ploymenl Otllce for en with Oorporete/ ~ 9•5 • ..11t1r e PM 875·1260 fk:e, lncomm I trH, nr E. 11c'v Hrv1, cont. rm., 8= Seton, Newport by Bulloct". Call to r.nt••I llve •dull with mollvettng cerd company h .. trtl· lnltfVllW· J p1.ot1c1 need• bright. 17th St. & Orenge, C.M. 1111 melt handlg Ae1 , Cotta Mete~. Identify 041-1291 s.mn, ntno POtltlon 1v111 In wetl organlnd ~. FEMALE OVER 40. Shete 11&0/mo Cell M, M·F, ~to yo.If~ 7 llatlona. b\ltV Cell eft Found Sm Cocklf Sp1· S31f ~eraonallly, ~IH~lnl their credit cfe9t. Appll· nt with tlCc.llenl 1111111 :::, 28R Condo in Huntl~· 042·4~10. ne,ctt. Adj. '°' """"· 1n IPM, 167-0858 nlel pvp~y. vie lrootc· ··af°iii•iiftiii•.. 11c!",n~!; ~11>11 P.,1~~~ cant mutt nev. t•2 yre. 111 West 1• St. word /00oc ... 1ng -.~ ton Beach. 63~·200t 1 . 1U I # F.V. lndtv ofcl Molino. ~ & ., P ltl Ct 1 t d cuatomer tervlce ex-: .. .,. 1 ec>m. vJ/111 nlll 41 trom '32&. ~5. ...fl. If !fl! lllJ .,ural 1m11ton, H.... ar*Ontl, quallfled tOfl\o •1 "f. •'ca •n a ~~ commun1cmr.c; Let •;,.••••• I .,.._.. 80.1L.agun1, g•t•d. nr 0 FVLlSERvicE°sttrtts• E11ecutlv9 ~,,..,Air• .... ~ .... t ,l::·~~n~ ~It• dog, Vic ~:~'°:'o d~·~'·.:~a~~ ~'ti':r:rry A•11-r.r~·~f: ~~~~·.~r~:~r~l~~~I 11 ~M~"'IOl'iiiiii,,,illf'liiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii .ptectl. Piii int/be, $295 Dftll SplOe 1275/up port. ictnt QWl!lng, "-...... H•rbot&San"'-oF-.., Shopping, doctor'• 3·10pm M·I' 1235 '*I Mon -Fri 1 •4 •30 , (111) IH·HH Itel ...... ....._._ :+-u 1 • 4 '9 4 • 4 9 t 3 • Privett Office S-495/up wey ecceH, lftar9d Of· , "'""' -, epptt. chufch, 11c ~II -k WMr'I qua11ne0. C•fl 7159•1932 -.wo 499-4.722 N • w Port B ••ch flee~ or pttllete of· let 111111111 nr •dco Aeweid. nMd• met lly hour or 1842·•321 Ext 348 from Eqval ()pj)ty Employet llallf Tr ...... l.ull Condo l"W9I Tertaoe 762·840. flou. Full Hr11lc1. 1 151..... H 7-44S3 Oey 4M·N57 2.Spm. E 0 £ 1CRT TJpl11 n••d•d IOt ......... ,· .. ·~-- 2ttf.-'ib•. pvt -t350. h•lllaM hll Ina month fr" ~• With e llAL DflTI ~ Founcs· F1m. em Pi. M mMlll -~:£ 1~f:• ~~c~,::~ !~:'~9:in~:6'~0:;::-1 St~;:,, _:-'on .. M/F 042·9S4:S Jim HO :ir ft • -.. -fl, mo ...... t57 ..... 8l. type doO. Hf -...... If· Auto Parts Driver --6, ..... "M Night ' n .... 8'11f1a avllll our 3rd"""· -.. ,. --., II • ff 11(, ~ ltdl. 4 ,,.,,_ Awe 541-9651 after Stot> ltr'Otllng In 1 hfl u•vw <>•• "' CJ _, I -·-"'.,.. ffewport Helghla. Town· Incl u • 9 to 24 mo lie It "et I ... o Ice apace ... llA'll 5 (Aell eeou. gutteM ... t la19e ~ene-Coi.int1 OOd l~~y I Benefltt U,, to 14 80 • ?!" M- houta. ~ut furn M•• .. me rttt. aval,.ble. 17th It, Coeta ...__ I 1 __ IM'I Alto appetite contrOI a VolUwtOlfl deallftnlp 11 en.. INp i-... ooow-~ -~ 2 • • Pti4, coma more ••P cl Vov tu re temel t 1380 8 4 1 • 3 t 1 2 de y a , M ... ffe>tn 1260 1.f. to '"'"" --FOUNO· Young female Mlf l1T19rcwemtnt Coit tooktng tor arnbltloue i>atlona evalleble Or .. t MOn·8et. VIOTOAIA. wlll b• promottcl to 041·7~55 "3-1"3 111 400 e.r. 1"4S.i4177 FOUNTAIH VAll\Y l(ltten, Tiger, vie Ao· us. Avelf for publlc per.on to i.atn the S*1• Income OC>Ponllni1y Fo1 STATION. t90 Ooll9 St I mgml & auperYIMfY ... 114-tlH ~ter St , CM Identify -...1...,, & .....,t11,... Mlnete. Outlet wlll In· Info 312·8 ..... 4347, ftt ~ I Yell C..· 714·637-4Mo Mii tq thr 3 br. 2 ba WAJ"TEO· boo61keeper to .... If -04&-03$7 ....,_ "• ._.. . .., C 70 -I t t llOUM. HI (e.ctl e.v> · ehare office apice, nr -·-•• II.. FM 1n1orma11on clu<I• 1toekll'l9 parte. • PMTlll Timi n trv ••a neld avery llOO lncl ut-. 631·8220 AlrPort. 1160/rno, utll• 'IAI ..,._ luftet tilt, Ind and ~ ro·e loet M Calleo c•t. on Cttt Jim Lii•• M a.w. ~up • ~ M"" Whal 1 WOl'dlftul WOrid All tlllfta ......,.., ldMI ::, t!.:"'~' '~ ~ lncf. 0.-prolllcleel. c.. • llY mfl .. No. 11 the time to ect Nov S, Oen• Pt •t•• ,. H Ptl '73-!371 ~ 11 ~ Old • 01 Shopping. right et IOr mature WOIMf\ o.. l M ... tt.t lefflale 18-30 to 752-6334 clelO •.-............... _ ..... t....__.. , ....... HO rewtfd M1·N74 Newpc>f1 H~• Cenl· haft e 800d dfMno re-~our 11~11..,. ,...,...._, ......... , .. -~~~!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ .,_. 3 bcltm, 2 be hcMI-.... ..._..__ --ctl'--· -., cord, Apply In s>erton .......... ,v., . .-p --: •-*" I male~ t r.. ....... llM, .. I . Al yOU nttd fOJ ~ low Oft our ..,,.,.. Found terge grey cat _ ---___ 1 Jtm Mwtno VOll....-n. ally llot Cl111lfltd IYf" AC OCft, ..._.. wtlo need P9ople male. 8u11111d I Qer· X1n1 loc. Nu '"'' Int, "'::o..*t~ It no.,._.,. to hllP ~ oomptetety dtcl•••tt ,r .. ConWlt•tlOn I oanl 11711 9"dl lhcl, Ha. Ad• To f4:ece "°"' tel.I MU"'~ Dr. HI fn.t'e-.. ... fleld HH mo IA utn ecct'ng or law offloe, wtlfl 't04llf ~ WN1• OOllet, IOf'IO ~ '~ cafl "°"'· lo4ll'9 , 1 c .. 842· 11 end let ., .... rour DAILY "LOT Mt·102 1111 fOt .Je(t t300 lat TIO.OJ7' W ..._ ,.._ l42•N7t 111191 '"'llCll"O. Call An. Vic. ltfomboll lo Chlo:, ST;blemt, COlleel d•llta C ... 1lfled Ada, yovr OM-' C..._.fte<I Ad.Vlaor help lltt ~ 1111~ t 11.-VICI OIMCTOAY =====:=:-=1=-·-, •7·'~-ttcw.CM .... OM3. 1 -1~.:.. 1 --~--.: 1~-r ,.,.CtwllldMI L .... lrllout, , • 0 I I , ' , ~ ' ' Orang dneeday, Novembor 10, 1882 ' 01 !IJl.!!H.'11. •••• 1.~ff 1111.IH.'!l. •••• l~ff 91.'!M'!!. •••••• M<f • w .... iaa··· ... ''•~t1;, H l."f r.11Jn~ •• ~~-.~!.IJ.t ~1.tr..!111!11. ••• 11. ~'!/,.!,~...... ~.~~!~m!ff ........• -.'!It.PHI. ......... . MAii.AG!MENT TRAINH 1&1.11/•tm w11ller·Ot~ JIH.. M • di 1 •••••• '1 •••• ! ..... ••• rauru• '7t 19W Mii cont, WI PIY o,110 1110 ill•'"" a... IT(f CHllJM Hlf ~,2:i~~ ,:o~· ;:: lal'n lo ltlOOlmo •ll. Olth'IWaltler 1100 1.:;,:, :~::~~~l~~d Sanyo AMl"M N·I ttaok •lo, 111n1 oond, Ilk• nu •••• .. •••••••••••••••• •••~•••••••••••••••• ...... im ............ . pany, ;0 •xper nact1 M u II b • "" t u r • . f\elrlQ •200 141·U.I i)I pl•W l.OOklnll l•J IQI• U IJ O O • Mu 11 1 • • • TOP llWI '7'1 9110, & ICJ"d, 57 ,000 'I 1 llO IL, 7000 ml, Wl1• ~ Ml"t. Call e73·t•&O aak 6&9·9043. Leave MH• 111 5 cu 11 FrlQldlltl refrlg :1·~ ::~:f'ltPPrO ward 0)( local lwltCl\lng Hl·a74I mllee, 11lnt CONS, Peuoec>I whHll Uf,000/010. for"°" "91· Wllop lreuer. gold'"' rronl 10 P'ltar sr•lltr A•I• ""'" ,,,,, ,. .. ... 10 epeed H626 lor t;Oth 21!t·t32·187t -------"'"'l1tHman, mutt tie •"· 54&·04H #l1nll.,...u '"' Fader 140 H ·2883 I A....,'IH' 'H H-I.I•• 111111 14M2t2 '70 M~" ... "81. Im of lala moci.I, lolrf mMea· •• le _. t w ft_.. ... , v --•••••o1'i•·-••••• • •••••• alttr I l)m ••• ''' -..,._ .,....,." • ..., • • ~ OedlllaOI Ill loi>ll'letn ... in Uni . • ....... ..,p Cl!Hllv• I hi ve Hien• MAYTAO'WAllHIR & ··--.... ...................... -··1-···· '7" 240l ~. 1'1110 oompl ••rv ,. now, girl laavlng, 111pe· elve knowledge of all ORV!A 0000 CONO ... PAINT I Uta body work, ';UJH:,:;'d tir.,, •ln'j";0~:~42:c). cordt 2 1op~. e.uto'. aJ; emorn1a11 1 MS..llua todayl rlinca In 1oryt1c1, Ml•· typee of merln. electro-1260b0ill 5113·1412 I to 20' !ong, 30. I>" 11 IHll I #11111 up 10 &0% Oii your ••1· COSTA MH~' 540.,.1110 117.500. U 1·8Ut; 1ton VleJo. 415.5212. nice for th• PIH•ure · 715-14111 enVilma. ~·lP.!••I Bill 8•2·0100IH4-03S2 ... 1 ..... 720 1090 0 ... Ll •• bo.t fnd I .. 1h 1 AMAN• ""'F"IOE"'•To• 0 .. - -'71 9" 10. xlnt oond , • ave. _, -•llllL u11ry, .. o n· """' " "" "' AK dRf.WOOO. VOU •••• • •••••••••••••• 1.andorul1er, 1971 Hard ~ C C elde & outllde ..,.., lull 22 cu ft . 1lde·bY·•lde, PICK UP OR WE D!l.I· lt•1ttJ HI top. Nice condition. Mt-t•ll m•cfl. & body, HOO & 11173 400 SL Oatll. brown, 2800 HarbOf ltvd. ourltr· lark for bu1y time, •Int co ~11• while, 1175. tl53·f402 vaR. •113,6748 •••••••••••••••••••••• •1200 060 .... "·l'"S'" WI llY 11 k a ova r p y m ta . 114,tOO, 780·8115ev, d• COSTA Ml8A • • I I -Mull "41 quick, Sffr1, 2 .......... i-• -" medloal lab, m1ture i:· : ....... _.. M••1M Pit• IHI • """ '" " 491-0594 833·25t1 141 1111 on mu1 w per eat "r Old ielr~, wee 1400. ·-.,.. F'OR 8AL& 4 14" radii.le, 175, OLUI 0••1 •111111 11·•• '18 280E. alvr blu, orfn, • driving record .. Mon-rrrl IHI• .... tall. 1 .... LIY •t ... 2 • F "'6 Mike .,. ,, •<1 • l l : o o AM. e : o op M. 549.gU 1 E.O.E. -M1F/H I e 11 I 2 0 I 0 B 0 . In v4 •4v44, M• • •' 548•9046 &Ill TllOll •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 owner, mint cond .. lull '77 Eldo HT, red, hJel kl) .. M0•0140 031·8M1 hautllul CtlflmlC hor .. , -, HUii -.n'I .. rvtce record•. J13.000. 44K ml, fully equip .. UUI 2 Rtlrlg'e ,25q a ,300 hand painted and glued. 1Hl1, ll•l•ll•l•H 2 13" TltH, 175'1, new. NLY AITllllDI Nu t1re1. Oyt 27&·3300. ehowroom cond Only Medical P. Fl. PERSONS NEE· WHhtt & dryer $l60 .. : Only 175. Otii.r Clflmlc •in/tt HJ Cell Scott at 8U·7052 . ••••••• 8YM 759..0844 16995. 979·12H alt. It; lllllftlll Ill OED, Magic 1111nd 11 Toieltr oven ·Mt Cot' •0Jma11 mad• to order ••h•••••••••••••••••• tit 5. ..... 141.2547 day• II took1'10 for• few lnt•lll· '" blander • other,,,; fOf your anlm111over1 for MARINE ELECTRICIAN ---------1 MMDl•J JIG 114 '76 Eldora.do convert, · • ~·· ettr~llve & 111\Cafa appllancee Call An•nr Ohrlt1m11. ten-me tor Ot1lgnlln1t1ff/Repalr All,. /tt l•/I ~·-•••••••••••••••••• •tat90, gd cond IO ml, R11pon1lbta po11tlqn• In pereona to reprnent Ad no5, 842•4300 24 dat•ll• 11 840·8109 Ill Olty work. 549·262Q Ev •••••••••••••••••••••• I ., _________ , 78 Mldgtl conv., good s4ooqtobo. f573·,030 doctors office. FIT. QOOd tl'letn Iii t"-lr j)vt club In tire. &PM. IMPE>RTANT NOTICE ========--11 ~-cond .. 13600. A•dh1l1. B•ntlltl. Calllornl• LI· Nwpt Bch Interview req J llOk t I 0 I It ..,,,, lliri•I TO READERS ANO .... ··-· 841·05f58 dye, 557.eoeo • ·n Sevll ... WM/a.lee cenM. Laguna Hlll••rH. Cell tor' appt. 10-1 : -ISll ITOVI HI. MW,,~ro. oo:d t~H 1~J:o. ADVERTISERS H ev••· • leather Interior. euper 865·lt<M Mon·Frl, A1k tor Mr. 557·971S2 alt 8PM Amer • .tJrlln••· SlOOobo .•• ~!!f!~~! ..•. 1!~. lhe price ol Item• ad· Top dollar• for Sport• cltan. Mull Sell fhl1 Halberg f575 0900 73 29 f573 "2 Barleot Winch 32 SS. vartlaed by venlclrde•· Cere, Bug•. Camper•. ,.i .. 111 11 wMlcl F1t1t "996 tak ... MllEU • 6 ·l 1· •42.. s1oooroller. 1ar1lnthevehlctecla111. 914'1,Audl'• '31oowa1c '11H ,.. 4 875-03020t~2471 Scanty P•nty now hiring Secretary, upar wllt IJ1r.,l11 IOIO er and oew Gu1rdlan '8!·8387 alt e tied 1<1vert11lng column• A1k for VIC MOA N-~ ~h WV •••••••••••••••••••••••...;._.....;. _____ _ for '••hlon lhOWI. &p'd. bookkMplng, lull time oiAL~r1o·;~;ts·c·h.;f~~· walker, Miis for $90. will dOH not Include any ,,. .... «M2·9405 '10 ... 11•1• '75 Coupe 0. Viii., wire preferred. 548-9444, '!f!2ba1n1!!1ta. C.M. •rH 26'', Mint cond. 1100: tek• 150. 548·7011 lffll llflffl IOf applicable 1aiea. llcenae, YOLllWllEI 548-988& whit, xlnt cond. 12'°°' CM. '" • ..., 1""·0220 RGK S~R""BO•Ro •••••'•••••••••••••••• transfer l1e1, llnence 'f/tl 11Z1 •79 MGB 1 .. 1 •81 546-5591 .,.,. ... " 198 t llberglau dlaael charges. feet tor •Ir pol· 18711 Beach Blvd. 1 ·••••••••••••••••••••• 6K 'e'1 ..,r vtn ·'·.7-0_E_l _"--_·ad--lo-ml--2 .. -llllLI llOlnlllY Boys 20" bike, llke 11-ST' t n fin. S100 Nordic tug Full yacht lutton control devlo• MUNTtNG'rON BEACH '72 Flat 124 Spyder Conv. l ml, •upaunkt/ .,.,. o, • BOOYBUILOERS Good o•oer•I 1klll1; S'4'5 or beat. After CaJI 546-3147 evee trim, the bHI equipped certlflcetrons or "'ealar U2·2000 )<Int cond. AM/FM CH· Alpine, Black Bart alarm. 000 ml. cleto. ,,_~108.~7• d I b lltl 4 I " v •ette, rtbll eni, brks, warr., nu cond. 844-5158 &42·11f53 dy1., .... 2-.ov AT HLETES QR wor ·'Pra<:tssng e•P•· 8:30pm 842·69'4 RABBIT JACKET 8119' u pagea o documentary propara. · ~ rlenca helpful. New , .. gear, asking $59,500. 11 h 1 1 1 WAITED' newradlaltlres. 2200 0t 'll Mii 1_ev_•_• ______ _ SURFERS 'Cott• Men office. Jrglrlt Aalelgh3tpd.24 1112, le5. Office 897·4450; home on c atge un e • . • bell offer 9e8-5t72 '75 Eld I leather ell wanted by amateur pho· e21_7921 whl, blue, Ilk• new, $75. • 850.0220 · 548 5930 otherwise specified by I Late mo.del Toyotu. • Burgundy and black. new o, • c, • togcapher for phy11que "A4·f5""9 . • · • tho advertiser. Volvo1, p1c1·ups -& vins. 'll Flat 121 clutch, new. Ille•. new pwr ictru, mech. check .,... '"' llWlll M•OI ••I ~ stir-. ·uard a· nd eolt Ok, 11600. 833--3205 pOllng (no comm'I uae). S£CR£T•RY -• ~ Classic 18' l.apstrake A Ii / . Call ua today! · Orig owner, A~l_FM ..,., ,., $20-$80 pr day. No exp. n l•llliai " ·singer wlatt. 562·.tl15 Centucy'bey boat. 4 cyt, • f•fl eass. new radials, very top. Sandi. 752..()105 · '74 Etdo, premium eond. ~1~~5;1~:1;; Y 8 r • d Major Brokerage Firm 11 llil1tl•I• IOZS lSTllll YllH Ull . Grey. $3500. 675-6161 ••• ~IJ.~•J!! ••••••• !!.~~ good cond. Leaving moat O · I l14' very cleen. mull Hll: Mtklng an excellent ty. •••••••••••••••••••••• S.50 552• 1615 74 Calllornlan, all fiber-lllEL ul"sl sell 12300/bat otr. Steve .rr..•••••••••••••••••• S t 9 5 0 . 5 4 2 • 8 9 0 1 • PUT TIMI IELI plet wlth good phone I glass, 10 w/Chevy Eng. Sh 11 .. 1 .. & TOYOTA·fOlYO 831·3570 '71 Manta, nu t1re1, needs 631·7187. JANITORIAL/shop. Ideal personality to act as a llW Ho/ S.· Ft. Running ahoeda.1mi+w73b0•· vanaen Trailor. good co~YP~ef, ~ .. ~::~tiU::.. 1tu......,ll•4. 1 1 .1974 Flat 128 Station eng work $300. C•••ll Hl1 tor retired or older per· salts 11111tant to Bro-R·19 llb(lrglas111nket tanct. mo • · runnlngcond. $1795. Pvt froml (006768) (Stk. CMte-l>fi•• Wagon. Good cond. 548.062l . ••••f••••••••••••••••• son. No phone calls. kers. Santa Ana. Early lnsutatlon Call.Al ~in~0~~· sz 9'11. S55. Party Call 847-566fS or A30931, Prices starting at ,._ •• .. nof .t uo.u o $900. l1t1tlll ll10 1974 Camaro. IVERPAC CORP. morning houre. Please llD·Hll • . 536·3008. OILY ll,llll 538·8054 •••••••••••••••••••••• Automatll,. 5455 Production Or. HB Contact Mrs. Prall. "Ask about GH Co Re-Binoculars 7x3?i, field ot 9· DINGY & OARS ·WI llY Must All. 6'0·4473. p rt 11 1 I iiiii~54~7~..0~I0~1~2~·~4~P~M~iil~~~~b~a~1e~"~~~~I view 11000 ~yds: 341 It. Fiberglass & Teak floa· USED CARS & TRUCl(S ¥!!!4!•••••••••••!•~~! 1 MEISTER '80 Ber II nett a, •old, lo•-8 • mt le ephone soil· $25. 640-70:> 1 talion tano.s $225. CO E NOR c• L FOR 10. ,,,. 15950 ' Hrly +bonus. call Claire llOlnlllY I.E. C••Hllll 1031 Oetoborlest Souvenelr: 979•6278 FUE lPPl&IS&L Wt can help! Before you 13631 HarbOf Blvd. , ___ ..;.o ____ _ cltors, work days, C.M. " M 1 .. 1. 11111& llmll't POlllOIE/1111 I ~:~:2!1e new. · 549-8391 Secretarial po11tlon In ••••'"••••••••••••••••• 90 min. tape, 1st Issue. IHll ••i"I . ..-Cormlef·O.LlllO buy, check our unbeata· Garden Grove 111.-1•11 --active Newport Center· lll 10 ..... I ... -autlllYI German music ' •· JVV OllYI,... -bl I t I ,.,.,.... '' ~~-Part or lull time work from Realtor's office. Front Complete with Double .,.., ~c ' ••••• •••••••••••••••• ~· e •• ect on. ••v nos lalts·S.nfot •••••••••••••••••••••• home ""'"rating a typing 0111 P 111 ·-limlte quantity, $14.95 Biggest 30 looter alloau 18211 BEACH BLVD. and aervllllceYEtllodlaITTyl L·ttSlll IEE II FlllTI -.. -ce 0• on, requ....,..., Disk Drive, printer and ea. Lion Lu, 1668 Supe-lmmaculete llberglH• HUNTINGTON B""•CH service. details, send sell good telephone voice, soft ware. 839-4720 I C •• 631 8665 ""' 714 Ill 2•1 We have a good Hlee· addtetsed stamped typing, Shorthand & ap·i---------_r_o_r._._M_. _._. ___ Columbia 3o . ~rlor '53 Studebaker Champion Hl· ... l, 1•1·1131 SlUI I SEIYIOE , • • I tlon ol NEW & USED envelope Tackman, 21-A pearance. Real estate liH 11 Fie IHS (4) beautllul framed Arul bigger than mos 35'•1 5 PH• cpe. Nice oar. 2850 Harbor Blvd'. I II • I 1. Chevrolttsl Wintergreen. Irvine, Ca. experience helpful but •••••••••••••••••••••• R•J w.atercolors, $150 Bunks tor 6 adults. Full 13750. 2131592·1792 HIGHEST CASH Imme· I I AO'ttl 11v 92714 F I d h . galley & head. Atomic 4 ---------1 COSTA MESA •••••••• , ••••••••••••• . not euen11a1. Prefer local re e o goo om e ea with Mer tee prop, low .... lt•H lfftlatl dlately for your vehicle. &•A ll•A Part time Sec·retary, hours resident. For Interview Airedale/ Shepherd mix. 546-9269 h F II •~t I & domestic or lor,.lgn ..,. .., II} DEALER IN U.S.A. .. ""--h lovable needs room ours. u e..,,, roncs 1948 Ford Woody Wa· Y ------~--&days flexible. Write Ad call ..,rs."" I 497 4 ' IBM Electric typewriter. VHF. Auto. pUot, 4 nlls gon,.$13,000. 551·8285 '78 Accord LX, m1boon, ,-. An JrO IJ 1066, Dally PllOI, P.O. W .... J I, TtJler Ot. -985 Xlnt Christmas present. Including Sj?lnnaker. 7 ---------low mileage. automatic. ~ \..J'\1'V ~ ~~~ ~:~&-~~~~. ~:: RealtOl'I 644·4910 Blac:R:Ew~'ii!E~. box $195/0BO. 857-6380 ~19c:~4 ]~90~h ~= 1929 Ford Model A Town ~.'.'!!i.!~I!.~'!!....... $4250. 557-6100 JOlS-~ resumeon typlng &short -----0-,,-1-mo----i tr.alned~646-_3 107 'ltH•tar•tttleHtr 548--5930. ~~~:1: sto .ooo . Ail/ 1101 Honda CVCC. 1977, .-,.t0-'''''°,."""~'c'"''4 hand speed & other 01• -185 867·39391----------l---------1 •• 11 ••• 1•1.~1 •• 1•00 ••• 0 •• ,.,·,~:· gr190ee0n .. runs pertect. ~"'..c" ,, .. ...a .... flee experience. Flnanclal lnveetment firm Free to good home female 17' Sidney Pleaaure Craft, '29 SSK 100 MercedH. • -$ -~n '"' COHHHL CHEVROLFT '."\.._.,. q I~ 1• ' ,I ! , r, I \ .,. r · \ 'Ho-1200 '72 Monte Carl9. AC, elec window• & s eata , $1700/bst olr. 840-1484 Part tlmt high school or college students needed to help get home ready for home tour. & hOllday. Pl\fly. Call alt IQAM. 67S-37-3n--- f 0 r , du c 8 1 0 rs . German Shep mix, 5 INTELLIVISION with 8 COITIPL w/tralltr & 018. 80% complete, $5300 28,000 miles, fully loaded 646-9743 1--------- Personnel/communlcatl0t mo .. hsebrkn, good w/ cartridges $300 or best $2000 496-7200 OBO • I ~1 kids "AS 8329 offer. 842·2840 Darrel ' ' sunroof, gd cond. I.Ike '77 Honda Accord 5 spd SH) 1160 '" ~-dept. sec'y. Xlnt typ. &. • ,_ • t8' HOBIE CAT, complete Roadster RAlpllcar new. S 13,400 0 8 0 . runa good. new t ires •••••••••••••••••"""'" •••••••••••••••••••••• S/H req'd. Exec. seer• Loving kitten, Golden Tl· IEW ll lJRNISll wltrlr. $1300. 838-3094 54&-3e42 549·1174 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 Ev• s · $2500 Firm 844-9904 1983 SAABS . Theodore tarlal exp. 1a must. Neon-ger, male, 6 mo. shots. $150 cash. ~5·5527 art 6PM. 966..0808 dyl. .. ..,..HI ll-4_1 1""0 857-9684 days. I anytime amkr pre erred. all declawed. 548-0304 PM 7 .,,. ,,,, .. ,. ~~ ---------553.0940. nJY. 100· ,.. high plastlc coated S.il..,tll tM •••••••••••••••••••••• '75 Audi FoK. Needs little '79 Honda Acc. 20r, 5 sp, OW HERE! cl'lltct=J)roo ehal7ill'i'I ... ...-• .-...-.-.-.e.-n-l'fi~ 8 · 100&-ot--be9t ofj anrnrn:-S:«ocr.e><-crean·-t. --iiw Part·llme Positions. Servers, 5 yrs exper., Free 10 good home young fence w/gate posts & Curtis Hawk Sailboard, fer. 857-4167 reg malnt. 788-8310 We're your S'aab LEA Good Money. Mr. Miiier =~~b 1~~n~ ~".:.:~: German Shepherd, good braces. complete. Make Xlnl condition 1 ·741 Audi Sll/gry s 1300 J ,.130 SING s peciallatsl We're 552·6807 rant 37 Fashion Island, wlchlldren. 548·9792 I offer. 8' gold couch & $700. GQOd 1'1res, nds some .fl'!~!••••••••••:'•••• dealing now on the entire Phlebotomlsl for medical NBApply lnpereon. l11•il1-11&11111· chair, reasonable , IHl1,ll/1f CallGaryGray •. WOtk.7141240·7237 '79 XJS, •II otlglnal line of models! See us •• "-58 1-6708. -•-• NOW! lab, Laguna Beach. Service Station atten AM •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------• Dttkl . Hf< -Ol&IT l JD 11U equipment w/just 7800 Pteaee call 633·5634 shift, apply at 2500 San * *' BUY** Ptrt1ltlt .l101nl •••••••••••••••••••••• . AMO/.,EU/lllllLT ••••••••••••••••••••.. mllee. Maroon red w/ IEACI llNllTI Joaquin Hiiis Rd .. Co-Good used Furnllure &. Beach Port. with dee· B~:.JP~~11~1;,a~~~k'f..8J'i'. 2524 Hwbot Blvd .. CM ~ag1~ .1e(;1~'i'1 111~ 1s~7e 848 Dove Street --• rona det Mar king, many t•tras. Trade 30'. 35'. 40', • 45'. Call 549-8023 845-7770 714/994·6360 awt 37. NEWPORT BEACH ,.......,,._ Appliances-OR I wlli aell forautoorsetllor$1500. '" ~ 712 0100 ISSllTUT TEXAS REANERY CORP. or SEl.L for You ~2-f52tt 642-4644 from 9 ·5 , '79 Jeep CJ7. auto. VO. ..,. ... Ail 1134 ___ • ____ 1 Entry level production needs mature person lllSTEU ANTiii Mon·Frl. hard & soft Iopa, good 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• laHIO 111 assistant position avalla-now In Orange County t•~llll IH·HH SCR•M·LETS SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington cond. Must sell. Belt ol· '57 Ghia. Runs great. •••••••••••••••A••••• ble for design studio Area. Regardleu of trel· n H 8 r b 0 u r B 8 y. 0 8 fer. 675-4498 alt. 8. $1100 or best olr. Must Sales-Service-Leasing flooring sut>-c;ontractor. nlng. write O. H. s.&rs. I llY ftlllTIRE ANSWERS 840-5545. 846-7766. 8·9i---,l-l_.l_EE_P ___ 1 SALES.: YICE sell quick. 540:~43 IUILEIACI Warehouse/ Inventory ~~0~11• Ft. Worth, Tx. Les 957-8133 P M , 8 4 0 • 4 0 9 7 , CJ.5 4400 831•0495 LUSlll lllll• 1131 SllAll control; P.O.llnvolce1_:.:..:.::...:_ ______ ,l:;;-:::::::-::=--:'.:::-:·~::7:7I Fewest. Elder 213-431-37e.. 831-20<40 495-4949 •••••••••••••••••••••• t•1·20~A •tl·•••t processing: typing 50 ru-L ··En 7' water b(ld, sgl SZ, 11lnt a t Jock 1s~11 .... ,.,,. ... • ~ • WPM ..,,.d contact Ja "" -oond, w/headboard & uar -ey Prime Udo Slip, no Skip. ftstkl -------r...., · n Or•""'"' '"'-·-ty Comm't JERSEY II b d •••••••••••••••••••••• 2'"•"2 ••~g .. -.. te Pkwy '80 16001GL5. 4 dr. 5 llpd. ale, sllver, 31K ml, $4250. PIP 760..0518 556-l60t -·vv """" . heater, $100. 979-9280 per. no ve·• oar . .,_,M..,l·:;~....,v•'·io Sabre Agency. 2 years lnmyoldhlghschoclthe 5o·+_ $550/mo."PP. Toyote '76. AM/FM St• _,,,,, .. Rain Gutter 1nstall8f'. Must exper. Call between 8 Girls Bedroom Set. Whitt, quarterback of our loot· 831-3671 or 675·2660. reo cassette. Small (Avery &It oft 1·5) have own trans. 11 you and 8 PM. 714-673·2414 3 pea. Good cond . bell t11m was a real la· ---------1 camper thall $2175. OP9J1 Sund•~ ate not exper. & reliable $200/otter. 494-3807 dies man. He had his Lower Newport Bay S-73-8618 ao not bother to call. YllH UllEll IPEI. •NTIO E CH •l"'o (Wood) phone number on his Slips 30-3311. $8tt. '86 El Camino P.U. N-6lOlrtllR 542 12 2 Witt train. Perteet for r• " U " ~ JERSEY Side ties 15-2411 S71t. • 4 tired mlntary. Mature (In $ 15. N1utleal. ----· ------1 S w a I e s An c h 9. 5 . eng, stereo & uphot, E11e1 I REAL ESTATE SALE· 804'1 Individual for part/ ___ 7_5_1_-8_l_3_3 __ ~#irtt/1HHll 548·1501 alt 7· 549-3638 Sates..servtct-Leatlng 1 ................. . ~M~ Nee~ ~ expe· time work. Will grow Into t(lng Size bed $85. Twin W••lll IOI/ -A-va_i_la_b_le_l_m_m_ed_la-t-el-y-. -40-1'60 Chevy V. ton Im rebltl 1112 11111' OUllHT 1111, merclal & Industrial real sentab)e. bendable & Must sell. «M2·9006 WANTED: A "Patty Play stove. Icebox. dlneue. gd '* ·74 3.0CS; 4 ipeed. JO• YOU• • estate tor a successful & phyalcatty capable. Call -----------1 Pal" doll. Wears size 3. 16·50 11 Water and po· c 0 n d . $ l 5 5 o 1 o1 r . 1960NAC) . Mrf MAZO•. growing tlrm. Best wor-VIGard. 989.1315 for Rust velvet uphol roeker. 552·7552 alter 6pm or wer 873·2162. 8-10 AM 554·2079. '* .76 2002 4 ..,. 1 I king conditions In New· appt 12•5pm). very comfortable. 4 yrs b(lfore 9am. and 6·9 PM ---------: s..-~ oa-lflP n I ·T.·~~ ••........ !~!! 1111 TtlOTA OELIU IT LIFTIAOI Automatic trans .. air cond .. pwT. steering, AM/FM stereo & a ·new omissions system. (U-JV,766-). Prl. pty. $4999. Call 1137-4148 or 759-4560. r en peop e n com-lull/time. Mu1t be pre· bo• 1prtng1. & Matt. •••••••••••••••••••••• to 45 II. Sallboat pref. V8, •uto, wlcmpr,--SIPI 3, Nice s.taetlont -I • f-1 P o r t 8 e a c h . i-w--·R_E_H_O_U..:.S_E_._F_u_ll_o_r_p_art_, old. $70, Ph 642·900e W-a-nt_ed_: _B_A_B_Y_C_R_IB-.-.-,s-o-4 Wanted: Slip. Newport '79 Luv pickup, 20,000 ml, ~·7~5J:8~~)auto .. IH· fmT -.. "' 7141646•5051· "' King noatatlon mattress & 2BR duplex to rent. pets Bch, 40' trawler. good condition. AMIFM ther. (5343820) fACllT'fl ---------time, no eKpr. nee. Fie•. bo 1 Ilk ..,. f542-3050 cass .. $4 100 llrm. '* . '77 Corona 4 dr dlx single llUl. EITlTt SALES hrs. S8tos11 hf. starting • spr ngs, e ,_, .,... okay. 839-9151 499•44091499·5535 80 3201; 5 IPd .. sun IOI um st. CtStum ~Ul'll A .. IFM • c C II 537 2 ... " $600. asking $400. SLIPS •v•1L Corona d-' ---------roof. (659ZOK) • owner. ,., cass, A ' Well located Ptnlnaula pay. a • ........ 552 1615 ... ~-•/ " " ., •79 GMC truck dual ga• ..... .80 3201 5 d 1 11lnt oond Incl tires. bat· Ollloe has open desk for 1---------1 • 19 •1• Mar Area. 19 fl. Call · ~ .. ; · •P .. 1 r 1111--~,, •·•·• •1·~0 tery • brks. $3350. . l••lt••••ll IOl3 Linda 955-2473 wkda tanks, -lull service bed cond. (1ASX048) ... , -• ~ • .. aggressive sales and llttth•liH Chlld'a Twin Canopy Bed •••••••••••••••••••••• 8~5 w lcabover ladder. 111•1111 ••••;:;~;;s;,-z ..... 962-3282 rental pereon. Generous •••••••••••••••••••••• •/spread & matching $4700/obo. 831 -6259 ---------1 comm. schedule. Play• Allll .. n IOIS cancpy, $100. 552-1615 YAMAHA BaH Amp. •··t 1,........,,, I 208 W. 1st, Santa Ana l•P lllHll Fii L1ndcrulser, '78 Compte1e R.E 673-1900 •••*•'"am·····,·,·•E••*••••• Must SeH qn. az sofa. & Head with 8 double 15" -.!c r---• VHI IStl Closed Sunday TIE IEIT llY Hardtop. Nice condition R I I S PV S""lkOI' cabinet. All ,.., .-0 ••••••••••••.••••••••• _C_H_O-IC_E_l_N_V_E_N_T_O_R_Y_ lh-c'"--o. with us. We'll 11200 OBO 650-1836 ecept on st/ ecretary, qn. sz eolabed. 100 Ml ... -•••••••••••••••••••••• -· ........ I y p e 5 0 + wpm . circa. 080. 548-6158 In e.cellent condition. 17' Sllverllne. 140 hp, 10. Rob1'ns' VOLUME SALES ShOw you over 40 superb V1.lknr•1.•• 1110 1800/mo . + bonus. 1110 8 pc bdrm Ht. Pecan fl. $800oUI OlbOl,I l.f.. AM/FM can .. lull c1n• & . used Mercedes Bell? In ••;••••• •••••••;••••• 557.-2520. ••--isa••mEI nlsh . good cond , • vas. Caulkln1 trtr. w l stock. Inspect, Select & '7 -7 pass. wgn. 3850, ...-r5 -br"a $6 000 OBO v Tfft Drivel Consider 60 Snrl. auto, air, whls, RECEPTIONIST -$9007obo. 548--4292 " . ' . an '170276 Lie ••••5 . Gulbran..i Organ. Rialto. 540·3042 I I I I 0 l A II EI mo. purcflase w/ senal-tape. . . exp. Robins ford FIEE TlHE Tl• (with purc:hlM) ASK FOR DETAILS! NEW •1Tm IT'1 10.ll%FllAIOlll OVER 20 IN STOCK Immediate Oellveryl "" O&I IWIS&L llLE 'll RITlH (1370.9) UHi 'll lllllUA (t 15497) ltttl 'll Fllllllll (138422) Hitt 'll FIUTA {A78550) ltlH 'll T-11111 (159701) ltltl '71 PllTI 1113295) H•H Theodore Robins Ford DESK 4~~~" mlf Single gu oven with two I' la9111ly41 hffll Theatre •t)'le. Model K. -..,---,----HH ID ~~:~11~ ~~'C:11u:o~~ i ·iasi.i Oliir i6'4i5i·i29i63iiiiiiil storage drawers on left. te5. 840-7051 w/ txternal Leslie Tone ••• .'!, •• '!.!~!_••••••• c 0 U 000 IEllPl*IST /P·ff.. Shell at back of range Cabinet. 548-8798 on versions Salts·Stfvlce-Leaslng need•. p to 2)'ra/24, '72 vw Bug. Engine mint 2060 Hart>Or Blvd. Optometrist' a office al· top wltl'I "bun warmer''. Mu et sell Contemporary DRY STORAGE 850 N. ~h Blvd. miles warranty. . eond. Body In gd cond.. COST A MESA ternoons. Mature per-Must -to appreciate. ltyle bunk bed/ dr•wt<r 1116 IOl1 La Habra lt1H tf l•,.rts, .. , S2500 080. Ca~ Answer : 142-0010 '40--l!t1 F Asking $150. combo, 8 drwrs total, •••••••••••••••••••••• Monthly boat atorage. FREE TlllE TllP 122·1••• DI al 7 1412 13 MER -Ad 624. 642-4300 24 hrs. ---------eon. expr. pref. ountaln (7t4) 953-668l days n c ld 's mattresiei. Sl•m ... mate kitten, pure any stie, 24 hr HCurlty, ••• !~~~~~~~~~ '71 FORD Maverlcll. Good Valley. 963-8349 (7141 498-3200 eves. al-spreads & curt1lns. Seal Point. 2 mo1 old. free launching A~~~~u~~ls1 Open Sunday CEDES '65 Sqback. $1000 Front cond. 3 new Ur•. econ. REPUBLIC FEDERAL SA· ter "~.m. $400. 846-5079 ,50, 840-3406 .~ •n $850. 494-3211 ...., _ 5wrww1 Tiii Ill lft• end cruncMd. Ablt eng. ---------VINOS hH an opening ls• ftr 119'J King size wllerbed w/ Pit Bull Pup1, e wka, fe-1111 .... S., Ir II NEW ' I • 830-2278 1976 Ford XLT with 1911 for P/T New Asccount . wood Ire mt liner & ther 821bs, mother 40lbe. • ... -10 OUGI lllTll we need your trad•·lnl ,.,.. can ...._rd to '74 b•"'. Good cond. New camper. Sleeps Slit. Must ' Repreeentatlve. alary+ 1929 Hammond organ. he 1 1100 e,.8•5079 Must 14111 seo. 5'40•8783 ._... Call or -our uMd car •nu -. IM!lll. 540·4473. Fringe beneflti. Laguna 1300. Mirrored dr-. •er. · VIII 11U911'11 manager. Wolfgang Jurl· blly your Mercedes tltff, $2500. ~lguef Branch. marble tcp. 1300. Lea-Complete king size water-FIEE fttfflt ftHfMl'ftll.. llUOT YllS '*· 1..z from us 6'42-1f589 · £i•t1l• IHI 495..0850 831-19'40 ded glau window•. 20 bed. 1125. Call anytime Gd. watchdog for anyone ••••• .,................. 1111-••Mp Liii IUOI ... . so· '70 vw BUG xtra Olean .•••••••••••••••••••••• EOE pea . m l1c. 1 l ze1. 831-5337 alone. very hstbroken. C••-n, 1111 .._ '80 Mark VI, 28K. loaded. M/F/H $500-$1000 e ....... ,,.. 1 •••lllll S•ltl·Servlee-LNll""' Rblt tng .. new tlree. all white, xlnt cond. S10, $150 170. Prus......,,.,L"aha,_.,.IOla,10'&5', 751·105e.548·0209 Int lllO ... ..., $1750.646-5505 500.631·1133 1 .... ,1,_. ,.. .. 1 . l omona, ...,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• PlllflOA 3670 N. Cherry Ave. ~ ·-¥'-&• C.M. 831-0906 custom-mad•. bto•n. n .... ' ..... IOH Cabover Camper fO( Im-LONG BEACH '75 RABBIT. good oond .. "' Hll Enctrgetle 1tafl needed * A I A ~tr1m, 10 pillows, & .......... "::.t ......... por1 truell, boot, etablll· 'l1 OllYY llRFEl (114) 111-1710 $1800 or best offer ... !~~~ ............ .. for restrvatlon office, nt que uctlon mat 1n5g3735· aq7u5a2re f5tt,C-0 Y•alla P·20t zere. cOI'"" Jack•. 1750. 20 • • DOWN 645-3446. Must sell. 1110 .. , .... ,.__, day & evening 1hllt1 * man, • • Like new. w/btnch (714) 64S.5eta !1 2111) --·, ...,.., avall•ble. Must be able Thurs. Nov. !1th 6 PM Char (9-5 wkdya) 110,ltl lllm llllTY'I 73 Bu • orig ownr. new Whfte, low mltMge. toWOttcwMktnds.Apply All types of Amerlc1n Le---r•-ta 11950. 942-0348, #•111/,lll'Af! 1140 II.HIT LE/4 E llr•. $2,800. 857-0311; ~-4897 In pweon: 140 Ave. Pico. 1 11 N ...... ' .... ••--645-1''1 •••••••••••••• ••••••• 'll --u 975•5177 1975 Monarch 2 dr. ••, San Clem. Eurn ure. S ...... y carv.,.., llallan Imported. Brand •1..u IOIJ Moped. excellent cond. ..wr vv mp lrt ofa. 1m111 new. $900. 650 • .-e97 -u•r. $300. Call Jim (087VUA) • & ~ '70 Pop Tep CINflPO'. >Cini 000 ml. OrigOWMf. PS, IALll ll•mllll French lnt1ld sofa. be· ..... ....... ......... 968--0723 HHI cond. 18.500 ml on eng. PB, AIC & CC. New twee, droom •nd dining room King 1tze waterbed, 11lnt 1 9 8 2 S k I N • u t I q u • ---------1 $2500. M4-55&5. cte1n. $2250. 942-3802 I.... Hll, carved footitool. cond. All 1(1r ... $250/bst "2001". Only SI ho0t1. Vetpa 100 S~er. wtnd Saltl·SefCNMRL ·e9 vw BUG 30,000 on .74 Monlego. Sia wag. 9 Unique lady's clothing walnut Empire Cht1t. ofr. 862·2785 eves Aleo have • 1977 For-1hleld, rack A aper• tire, '71 .. E IUI D'"'1 R eno &. trani. new btak•. 1 PHI . Beau cond. No it ore '1!!111', •n,erg,elonuc Laro• coll•• grinder. French Provanc1e1 Bdrm mN uE1aw1110C20, ,1t 1··1· 111k4•) to ml. 1100. 875-4433 (239052) ~~·~ .... AAJ "M/FM c•uett• &1750. ruet. All opt. s 1095. lady w ... r or •lh . Lota 01 tor• and 01.... Set wldbl bed & dr-• ..---.1-.., / lltll ~ "''·"'-.:; 1.J1vin 1nd/or modeling e11pr. VJ!L~ .. · .. C•I Charlt1 for S90. 551•5007 842·2000 &. elk for Jim· .. tllltffnn/ (714) "2..ot9A _8_4_2_-09_5_5 ____ _ htlpflll. Apply In part(Ml. ..... my. Jr, If o ut, pleas• llHl1n ll '11 PHI UINI -~-v:~==· ,_,,Ill* 10,,..., cett 0, '72 vw, gpod condition. lf•1tar, 1111 497~777, Alellll Natural LAllY ..... Full tlz_t m1ttre11. bow leave meeaeotl •••••••••••••••••••••• • ~.~YI tN llock On eol>tOVtCI Ctedll, , Mech A· 1. Mu1t tell. ••••••• •••••••••••••• FHhlon1. 280 Fore11 a-. ._ 1prln~1. frame, head· ·~ 11~ l!!f 73 Honda 750. 111cc, (92Mt9) $1990 or beat offer. 'f57 Mutt~ clUllc. HM ... _ , -·na Beach -·--• ... 5 b d d 175 ,., • _., Mantle alcttonle Ignition, .. HI '78·320!. red wlblacil, air, ® 875 ... 728. had-.. ... , Mii ,. ..... .._.. . oar ' 0 con . . • •••••"••••••••• •••• Yoal'llmura heed9rl, "•11 .. '\I' ~.... -,.. •" <lebll> 1111 ,., .. ,, ••r e45-4245 ... ..., .. • rebuut. •'"' eon<1111cwt r~'!:·~~T:':~'~:t:o98: ~ '·ri-.-,-.. -----1-n__, 988-2eoe Olflc9 euppty comp1ny lle.~tHl Refrigerator 1150, Ilka e11erclN rowl'lemaeh. l&OO 831·25e9 '11 Fiii Yll ~5-2375 •••••••••••••••••••••• '73 Muet•"J.:'•nde. hH full/Um• poeltlon new. Decorator couch Only 1200. 175 47 'l8 Y*"8ha-Sf(600 1930 19;;:1 , '72 2002, good eond. # 1 Ytlft h81tr A"7t~~S~e0o • ..:;;,~1 avallable. Wiii trel". ·L. ...... ltttlffttr :r:::J· ~za'~ ':i Skl1, A:-1nol 180'a, w/ o UJ m 11 a•. S '5 00. ., Mull Mii 13$00 080 ~~ mhnt II ~ .... .....,. ~6;.t~2~=~ lttw "'" dr...-., 1115. w..._ & ~!!~ .. ii1~~fi;'d'~'.r-6--3_11 ______ 1 942·,•• --··7-9!~H!fH!! •••••• !!ff a... .... ,................. Clfyer1 both '°' 1100. OtM Aon .,.._3186 10 K•wa11111 100. good Theodore ,71 .,. •• :,=. ~;~ uus, •• ·12 c1.111 ... s. IOOd ,.,.., • ---· ,_,_ 114Ml• 125. 752·8ta1 conct .• 1225orbeltottet.. Awto, elr, am/Tm c•"·'••••••••ll -LIAllll tbll trane, orlp Hut1t -· . .. ••. n ............... -QUEEN llH 10•• b•d, 8CUIA Pro dbl IO 1111\kt, 8*t40f Mt power, to ml " OVERSEAS DELIVERY lhlft. S11t6. 5*094t ---Saturday Only. •·4 pm All •11cellent condition. •111• l-1-98_1_Y_am_•h_•_8_R_1_85_CC_, Rohm' s Ford 75t.ot32 EXPERTS '72 Olde ... good COfdo •llllLAAV ~UI COM· tteme prleed to Mii. 2 l.00 llJt<Otff 4N-l11i u&treet like. Mint concl. •11 BMW S20I fu"" toe-'ta M9Z 3108L, 1llv•r lllll Ill t Io". I 1• O, .0J1 Ml88'0H. 9eelCQroUnd tn JadflOn,_ll'ilne Mane' cuatom lalley 95mpo. 17&0. 146-CMto 2090 Harbot llYd. ded bW .-,;;:. IM ll'llY ~lblaclt lnl .. 3000 M1-217:J,91191144~ ffOUtlty, hardware or t.a. ... .._.. we1tult lt00. Sin lro. COSTA Ml8A '' ctM.'&ef.,;&'l aft tPM ' ml. Must NII. But off•. fa.ft :r= ""'ID required, r.11.~l'er.r.ff••••••• 493-8183 '7~~~0"A 7.501t~ln. '!'~ Ul .. 11 141-1211 · 540-•100 (1·4) , ... "....-. -.... ,,..,_,. MM " pho-• Calt1 to ...... ""' aty, ""'"' ,..,_ -fil!J.-, ------,-,-,. 'lt/•t ·-QOIT"!"::a:T'' 1 •,9•7'0"••.i!!,9.~.'!.~·.=:!!! .. _ ... _, _ ....... :.'! .. °'ly ... _ ESTATE SALE Tr11c:tor Mat bit 110011, I..;.-,,.,,,., .••• ., 11lnt. 11175. 549-7171. --------1 "..,_ -·--,_.. ,._ _. ...... _ .... "tr .., ·-· • '· A w w MN .;. o,.,:::·1r;;.;;;.:·~j Me1111tc brwn. 1unrf, Ml-1111 Ml-Mil · ore-t car. • ""!.'.!!~ .!~ .. ravel 1 o.y OIMt Sat Nov 1 okc11u. Orlal\tal ,., IH V1maha, SA 260 Q, 1910 .!'!! •. ~~!·m ••• rre.. ..._, 0 0 _... ,__ ... 1 -27 -..1m9 -·· -----AM 10 4PM. ly appt. lamp1, antique wlcller ••••••••••••••••••••.. l•lter 1, Wlndellla ld , Im •Cereo. '2400/ I · """' ~!lW ........ ac. '11 W..... 11• -.... _,,, . ...... ..... Wltll ..... ~ ElleMt ""fllllllln9e. tr• °"', cOff9e 1bl, 3 IOf... Aefrlgeratora, llgh1e, free-Luggage Aack e&O "" J l\al-0 I l • • ~ 3 • II 0 4 ' • 113."5 ... ..... ,_,,_ I ................. ,. cllloNI. .......... -~ bed_.__IYMlfl ..,, l&I 2 COm.P link, Ulle New &4111 ' ap .,... eoo.aot1. M4·4192 Of ..... 9216 I .... '1'1'1·········· to: ano deallftet 11...,. trom more. Aeae. ~""""" oHll rq l•t•r I tot• -L:::::: •u Ml 300 D. Cll•m· I, PllJl j '•P• ~· f'O"'~ ... -IOOO IQ 1'. L..-8ch. Ad 11707 042·4:JOO. 24 m 0 r.. • 7 6 . 3 7 2 4 : ,,. ,... .... Pald me1 mo .,......, 1•1M. ,, r·11 ... -....... tseo floma, ...... 3~ In. M-Oata l5001otto. ....,,.. --...... P119M • • e.·nr. .......... SILL ,, i • -r 'ft·-_. wt1Ht1. cw11owo f!!'1t ~I ••• IW · · = = :..-:: ,...,,.,., .. ,, !~fttflf.W. • "'•..,,.~ .... ...,., ""' ...... -:·= 3.000 ""· ~·'" ·-=·....,.. .;; "'9illhi. a.Mid Olftd . • _._ • Ill I ~ ............ ,..~,,_ 1100 •1 y~1 Of-.... ,,_,~ 111 Ll11lll Ill= 1»-leecfl'• .._. lillltllofl New tlr•• end pelnt, --1-•··· ·-HAMC>f\ANA c~11t OOOCloo;;" ••••••••••••••• meiv.r.r.w:....... , ... v ,IT, Cr"" H.,._.,., APP\.IANCI H..VICE ~ -•--•• · llAUTl,UI. H " ROA "9nt: tt• Ntor MO'e. ltN He1't1CW 01 P••vloual~ owned emlflft Tp Dk. Aun• ___ ,_ ..... -.. -. -~·--• ~'lo!l'i°':'""· ......... -. ---~;,::· 1::: .... •:::• OM" iiliW.... .,,...... '*'9077 O.lly Piiot ...:. • ,,.,,. .....,. ~ ............ ,.... 1 ertldffofeter 1-....._. cl_...._. TV Jotln'• 141-1?• "•••• Mollfar Hll• "".....,. ''tlti ca=:::~,:: .._._ ...., -. • --,· •• '"t,... ._..... C°"felnd IN9'i·fll0ltt WI*· W ~ ..... I tM1o ,..,. -....,........ ..._. ""' _. -,_ ""' adl. C.11 21'' aNmt TV flcltM, tl7'1 T°"'•· 111 ite' tllet'I "ot .. Uln ~._, flloll 'erft Ofl tfle !Ntt! .. COf. '*' ,..., tn. wtl -............... Deify '41·1671 ltat/Ok -~ 000 !'Ill .... llOIMM ofl'. .... .... " "°" ..... ...... Wttll. c ......... Ad .....,., .... 141' ,...W.,..MI, ....,._,.,...,....,._ Nt-Htl Qu m 1M Ce1Mlwl&4t.St71 I \ '1 1 IUlll IEW 1112 PLYMOUTH CHIMP llTClllCI 4 Door. 4 cytlnde< engine, radio, wheel trim rings, body aide moldings, 4 speed transmission, rear window defroster. rallye handling package, buckel seals. wsw radials & more! 1500687) MANUrAClURERS SUGGESlEO RETAIL PRICE ITLAI' PRICE WITH CIRYIUR 1300 YILUE CIUNl- TITIL DISCOUIT IS ' YO UR COST Ull IEW 1112 PLYMOUTH CHIMP HITClllCI lllLT IY llTlllllll llTllll 2 Door. 4 cylinder engine. body side moldings, wsw radials. velour bucket seats. body side stripe, wheel well moldings, radio. wheel lrlm rings, ra!lye handling package & morel 1500902). MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .. $666 3 ITUS' PRICE WITll CHRYSUR $311 s990 YILIE CIUNl- TOTIL DISCIUIT IS ..... ----------------- YOUR COST '5673 lllLT IY lnllllSHI IOTlllS 111110101• £ 0, , & SRi COUP COR '-""' Under engine. Economical 4 ciower steering. AM/FM stereo.1 and morel air condition ng ('Ci5495 1111111&£ 111 l\. ·~!d~~~c. 2 , 2 passeno•~·ual air. custom tone paint, to trans • pwr. moldlngt.baukes radio & much teeflng & ra . ~,1495 1111 DOii£ D"ll•l1 COUP£ tic tran•-· air 6 cyl .. auto~!,100 g brakes. cond .. pwr. ~ lUt wheel. wire cruise conlr • dlo .,,.w tll'99 & 1\991 covers. ra · ~$'5395 1111 P£1&£D1 514 1•£!!~a!~!~~ alr 4 c-yl. engine. lndow• slldlnO nower w · el cond.. .. u /FM stereo & mor 5unrool. A..,. \357SL.Ul '3695 1111 Cll1S\.£R .£Jf PGR1 S£Dll cond AM/FM "uto. \rans .. air taer\n·g . power radio. pow1er :C,ewall tires and brUleS. wh 19 morel l \30NKK). '1595 111111a11• &\.C S~!~~ engine. Economical 4 c:~lsslon. radio. automatic tr~r~1re• and morel wnlta s\dewe ( 148VBA). '2695 1111 e111su1 •• co111.1n1\1 1.1£111 e11K · 1111 1 • speed Cl 1\1\der englf\9. mlcal • cy ·• 1 o•O• Econoin\C&1 • cvd\O tll\ ..tl .. I. Econo MA/FM radio, uo 1 au\o. Hana .. ra ~w \Ir••· air \:iii~3·;·95· ~3595 IUID IEW 1182 SAPPORO 2 DOOR MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ... $ 8 6 6 2 Au1oma1lo 1ransmlss1on, velour bucllet seals, 2600. 2.6 Iller 4 cylinder engine, cruise control, stripes. steel belled radials 3 more• (601694) ATLAS' PRICE WITH CHRYSLER $300 $1883 VALUE CIUPOl- TOTAL DISCIUIT IS ~-----------------YOU R COST .$6779 lllL T IY llTllllSHI IOTOllS BRAID llEW 1982 PLYMOUTH RELIAllT MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ATLAS' PRICE WITH $99 32 CHRYSLER 1100 . $2037 VALUE CllNl- TOTIL DISCIUIT IS ~----------,.,;.;.. __ ..... YOUR COST $ 7 895 2 Or loaded Inc au10 1rans . power/door locks· hd & hltga1e release • disc brakes. cruise control. llghl group, spring spon special plsg AM/FM Slereo. 1111 wheel & much more' (143008~ . BRAID IEW 1182 CHRYSLER LeBAROll TOWI I COUITRY Wl&OI Loaded Inc. auto. trans • luggage rad(, elr cond .. rear window defroster. power seal • windows • door locks • deck lld release, wire wheel covers, air cond., AM/FM s1areo. 1111. cruise and much morel (245592). MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $12 ,812 ATLAS' PRICE WITll CllYSLER 1101 $2117 . VALUE COINl- TOTAL DISCOUIT IS FIR FUD SAUS - Ill WSlll llFIRllTlll, CALL .1111 IEREDITI PLY·MOUTH 546.-1934 imports SERVICE HOURS: MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. to 5a00 P.M. All cara .,. eubfect to prlOI' ..,., All prlcea are plus ux. Ileen••. doc\lfnenttwy and I 11 uMd car emoo ..... All prtcel.,. valid until 10 p.m., Novembll 1•, 1182 BUILT BY MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION • I ~ THI DRAIGI CDlll CDlll lllTlll Wt ONES OAY NOVEMB£R Ill. llJH:l ORANG E COUN TY (,AL IF OH NIA :.ci~ C[N f ~ Coast mopping up after vicious storm Trees susta ined heavy ' damage when tornado-like winds struck Saddlehack -College Tuesday. By KAREN E. KLEIN Of llM O ... y "-t ltaft Orange County residents scrambled today to clean up the damage left by Tuesday's fierce winter storm and tornado-like winds which left everything from fallen trees to traffic accidents and power out.ages in their wake. Heavy rain, some hail and winds gusting up to 60 mph at times were blamed for uprooting trees, downing power lines, ripping ,boats from moorings and wrenching roofs from houses in Garden Grove. Despite the severe nature of the storm. which hit Southern California Tuesday after a alow progl'esalon down the P11clffc coaittline, no acrlous storm- related Injuries were reported tn th~ county. As of early today, the storm had dropped l.7~ inches of rain on the county, accor41ng to Orange County Fire Department · oHicials. The National Weather Service forecast called for decr:easing ~loudlness tonight with a 40 percent chance of showers. A small craft advisory remained In P.ffect today betwe~n Point €onception and the Mexican Alien law Orange County's welfare costs could increase dramatically if l)ending federal legislation to legalize thousands of wwiocumented aliens becomes law, according to. a study prepared for Orange County supervisors. The study by the Washington D.C.-based Center for Labor and Migration Studies determined that passage of the Immigration and Reform and Control Act of 1982, the so-called Simpeon-Mazzoli bill, would have an "extremely complex" impact on Orange County. µiay boost OC expense The chief impact of the sudden legalization of the estimated 80,000 undocumented immigrants believed to reside In the county would be on county government's general relief program. which assists those with little or no income who are not eligible for other benefit programs. . General relief is funded by the oounty. No reimbursement is received from the state or federal governments. Legalization could cost the county $13.7 million over three years lhroush the general relief fund, said report author Da~ S. North. He said the costs r;eremony planned !to honor veterans .· r City, county. state and federal offices will be closed Thursday 'tlnd a flag dedication ceremony iviu be held in Newport Beach In observance of Veteran's Day. ~ Banks and most other ~inesses will be open on the ) 1th, but some cities' trash ~ickup will be delayed. ; The Col. William Cabell Chapter of the Daughters of the "American Revolution, along with :the Irvine Company, will sponsor ;a flag dedication ceremony at 11 jl.m . at Newport Center in ~ewport Beach. :· In the ceremony, 28 large :&nerican flags will be pre9ented :to the community to be displayed :tit the entrance to Newport ·~ter. Related story., Page A6 , will speak at the ceremony. Membe rs of the Irvine High School Marching Band will perform, along with local Boy Scout and Girl Scout groups. Aside from the ceremony, all cou nty, s tate and federal buildings -located at the Santa Ana Civic Center -will be closed :-• will city hall offices along th,. coast. Trash collection will be on a regular schedule for all cities excep\ Newport Beach, where pickups normally 1Cheduled for Thursday wilf be made Friday and Frlday ·collections will be made Saturday. border. Clouds arc cxpcctt.>d to move out ot the ar\>a by tonight and Thur sda y , w i th temperatures rising ~o the mld-60s Thursday. A tornado watch issued by the National Weathe r Service Tuesd1:1y was lifted for today. Several county residenlS reported tornado-like winds Tuesday. On~ of those winds ripped throl.(gh the Mission Viejo campUB or Saddleback College at 1:36 p.m., caus~ llttle damage to buildings but uprooting between 30 and 50 huge trees, campus officials said. Duve Woodward , assistant director or data prO<.'C•ssing at th\> coltege, pulled into a campus parking lot just ns winds 11t.artt.>d picking up. "I sat 1n my car and just watched the trees blowing over," Woodward said. "There was no sign of a funnel cloud, just a real strong wind and the sky got real dark. It only lasted 15 or 20 seconds. 1 didn't know what to think. I just thought, 'I'd better get out of here'." Electrical power was knoc~ed out on the campus for some time after the Jomado-llke winds hit. Campus cle~mup .c::r<'ws.bogan almost immediately to clear the debris from the massive trees that were uprooted and cracked In two, according to Lola Attinger, a business science instruct.or. Other twjster-like winds touched down in Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Anaheim around the same lime. residents said, ripping shingles off roofs, shattering windows and tossing camper shells into the air. At Juan Vargas' camper sh.ell sales lot at 310 State College Blvd., in Anaheim, the winds lifted an entire· rack of shells into the air. smashing over 150 of them. "It was a big black cloud," Vargas said. "The whole sky was black. J!ve never seen anythin Uke it in my life. It seemed like it lasted a minute or more." The same tornado cloud smashed windows and downed power lines at two schools on Clinton Avenue-in Garden Grove- and tipped over a truck on the southbound lane of the Santa Ana Freeway near the Chapman Avenue exiL The driver, Jeffrey Conway, 26, of Ontario, said a large gust of wind hit his tractor trailer, lifted it in the air and dumped it on its left side. Conway suffered onlv minor tnJUrt~. 88ld Rick Stevcni, LrqHic officer for the Callfomla l:iighway Patrol. Whether these winds were actua lly tornadoes will bp d e termined by a Natio nal Weather Service Investigation into the debris around the sit.et of the reported twisters, officials said. The last confirmed tornado hit five Orange County communities In March, 1977. The winds, along with lightnlna generated by the storm, were credited with leaving 14 ,890 Orange Coast residenceii wlthou\ elec.•trlcal power 'l'uesday, said F.d Jones, operations mana~er for the Huntington Beach division of Southern Callfoniia Edison. Most of the power outages were the result o{ lightning hitting transformers, Jones said. "Our total work force -about 100 -has been working all night," he said this morning. His department was prepared for more. isolated reports of downed lines and blackouts, he added. Several minor traffic incidents and damage to boats and cars were al.so attributed to the storm. ln Huntington Beach, a giant tree in front of Gary Jolley's home at 8762 La uder Ave., fell on a car parked in the driveway, badly damaging it. "l wanted to get so me firewood," Jolley said, "but not that much." The car belonged to Jolley's gfrlfriend, Diane-Taylor, who was visiting him after he recently returned from a stay in the hospital. In Newport Harbor, Orange County, Sheriff's Department Harbor-Patrol officers were kept busy Tuesday retrieving boats that broke loose from their moorings and drifted into the harbor . Ted Stephens, a dispatcher for the Harbor Patrol, said there was a huge number of boat tows during the day Tuesday, when winds gusted to 60 mph. are estimated at $1.3 million the first Y,ear, $3.9 million the eecond and $8.~ million during the third year. Among other suggestions, North recommended that the county contact other governmental entities that will be affected by the legislation, such as New York City, Cook County, Ill., and the states o( Oregon and Washington. Other' Impacts cited in the report are: -Relatively minor administrative costs Incurred by the county when legalization takes place, assurnlilg no federal reimbursement for them. -Gradual Increases in the cost of health services provided by the county. These costs would not be dramatic because many of the undocumented population already are being served by these programs. Also recommended is a "detailed plannJng" program to maximize the benefits and minimize the diUicultles of the program. Two versions of the Simpeon-Mauoli Act now are working their way through Congress. The Senate has passed one version. while a House version of the bill has been approved by committee. Among recommendations contained in the report, North suggestea that 1he supervisors establish a coordinating office to monitor and guide the county as it comes to grips with the program, if it is passed. Final action on the measure is possible durina the lame duck session which convenes later thia month, North said. Such an office, as outlined in North's study, would work with the county's health and welfare agencies, local governments, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and ethnic and community organizations. Commenting on the report and proposed legislation, supervisors chainnan Bruce Nestande called it an "extraordinarily crili.cal issue." And Supervisor Roger ::;tanton said, "There is no question this legislation will have a direct Impact" on the ceunty budget." Cost of the report was $1,000. Increase in ·aii:port parking approved By JEFF ADLER Of tM o.-y Not Stall Orange County supervisoi:s agreed unanimously Tuesday to proceed with design and engineering work for a 1,800-car parking lot at J ohn Wa)"ne Airport. After being assured by county attorneys that a court order preventing significant airport renovation does not apply. supervisors moved quickly to il)ltiate the project, which could take three years to complete. The proposed 20-acre parking lot is to be situated at the airs)ort's north end between the San Diego Freeway and Main Street .. The land is unimproved, and ia part of the airport's approach clear zone. "The need for additional parking clearly is documented," said Supervisor Thomas Riley, whose district includes the airport. Riley said that the new parking lot is needed because the Introduction of larger and qujet.er DC-9 Super 80s, with their additional seating capacity, has increased parking density in existing lots. John Wayne Airport Manager Murry Cable said "there is no question that thia project is abeolu tel y essential." He told the board that traffic at the airport already has increased 5.5 percent this year. =: The flap will be flown there *'1 holldays throughout the year, ~rding to !A DAR ofllclal. !f Maj. Gen. Clayton Comfort, · ~inl officer of the Third ~arlM Aircraft Wing, El Toro, :; Local 1Chool districts will vary their schedules, with 1ome closing Thursday , aom e ThUl'lday and Friday and aome not at all. Crowded eoadltion1 at John Wayne Ayport parking lot will be eated with a~proval of 1,800-ear expan1ion. About $235,000 wu budgeted thia year for design of the lot and llect!IBal'Y environmental reports. Construction could COit aa much aa M million. With 2,400 parking spaces now av~itable to the public, "the adequacy of the pretient airport parking can only be projected to about the end of 1982," Cable said in a memorandum While Riley endorsed the (See AIRPORT, P11e At) ~~-----------~IDEX~-----------------------------~~--~---------------! At Your Service Erma Bombeck Bulletin Board Buaine98 C..valcade cibllfled Comks era.word ' Deetb Notia!s f.dltorial Entertainment Food ffa'<*Op8 A4 82 A5 A8 82 04·8 B6 & D4 AlO 83~ Cl-12 . 82 lntermiasion Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Noticft 84 82 B3-4 AS A3 sp;!ff_ All,Be-7,C12,D4 ~~tock Markets 0 xa Televtlion 87 Thea ten 83...f W.eather A2 > ,Father of Laguna· chief dies Nell Johnson Purcell Sr., a long-time Balboa resident and fa\her of Laauna BeKh Pollet Chief Neil .I. Purcell Jr., clMd Tu.dll1at ....... ol1D. Th• reUNd~Unhed P•Rel 8ervk'e lllllt~ 9'dflNd. hw1 auack '•' h • Balboa home Saturday abd WM tabn CO South CoM\ MedtcaJ Caner in Sou\h Laaune where he d ied three dayalaw. A Graveside eervicee will be held Friday at 11 a.m. at P8C'ifk: View Mortuary ln CotoM del Mar. Dr. Jwry TMkenley, ...... of .. Wl\IM Prnbytertan Chur~h, wtDOff~. ·Purcell waa • 43-year employee of Uw parcel Mr'Yice, reurlftl In 1971 • manapr of \he COM\ cn1w offn. He wu feewNd on \he eover of the Aucmt ...... of the pal'WI eervk'e'a 8'8 Idea "'-l•line, and a storf about hla years In th• po•'• eervl~ waa lnclud•d IMde. Purcell w a lon1 -tlme collector of parctl service memor•b41i., lnclUdlna decadel· old t1rM carda and 11\1\lwnary pa. Juat two months aao. on hil blrthd•]~h! older Pure.II (IN PUfM"lliLL. P ... Al) • !L'_ ... "-'---*--o_r•_n.;.go_c_o•_•_' _o_A_1L_v_P_1L_o_r_1_w_•_ct_n•_•_d..;•v_. _N_o_v•_m_b_•_r ..;'o..;._1_;.;.e2_. ----------------------:---------------..,.J~l l:llllJ Frontier meets noise ·limits on Denver flights The roar of DC .9 Supc.•r 80 jetliners departing John Wuync Airport lo de1tlnauons beyond the airport's old ~88-mll~ limit It not th.at dUferent from the rour a.odat.ed with other t.akeoH1. ....... At least that's the expert r Oplnlon of John Woyne Airport noise control specialists who carefully have been monlU>ring recent Frontier Airlines takeoffs 1on flights bound for Denvt>r, .. • about 262 miles beyond the old limit. "The noise levels are just about •wthe same.'' explafned Christine lEdwards, on airport n oise abatement officer. ''Right now ~ they're well below the set limits." 11 But Edwards acknowledged that Frontier's Denver-bound flights, which began Oct. 31, have carried light loa4$, which would affect takeoU noise levels. She said the flights have averaged between 97 and 98 AIRPORT. • • .s·· . From Page A 1 'Hi' . h lso . ed h pro)eCt, e a point out t at I 0 ,tie has "little doubt" that ~I&. 'Newport Beach will mount a l.:1l(l r1egal challenge to the project. b<i .,1 H e s a i d he a I read y h as .-wttf~lved a letter from the city ... ')(\11reg1sterlng concern. uv:;• Assistant County Counsel .:u •·'Robert Nuttmun. ho w ever , •0 ·'claims the project is not s~bject to f'ft i 11 the Orange County Superior l"1vlCourt order because it is not an "action In implementation of the 1.1w 1(1981) master plan." ' )t.'•' .;i • In January, superior court 1.s·,.,. Judge Bruce Sumner ruled that <Jrii , the county's environmental ~t'I•• impact report for the master plan 1r1 .. ;was inadequate. He enjoined the coun ty from making any . rl. significant changes at the airport ~. until another environmental v •J • . ,,1 •:;report 1S approved. • • ·1 ' 1 •• ·'··From Page A 1 ~n ,, received a surprise gift from his .~)t!l'son, Neil -1: 46-year-old r! ~· · wristwatch the parcel service h:i_,.. employee received during an •1:1 ~ 'awards ceremony in 1936. "•ri· Purcell Sr. had sold the watch tn···1!in the 1950s In 6rder to buy bn111·Christmas gifts for his wife and ~rri·:daughter. The watch. engraved J rl ~ with Purcell's name, turned up in L•· a Laguna Beach jeweler's shop, and the younger Purcell had it restored. _ Besides his police chief son. Purcell is survived by son David Purcell, of Balboa; and daughters Joyce Burt, Newport Beach; Sue Roebuck, Garden Grove, and Carol Hammerbeck, Anchor Bay. He is also s urvived by a brother, Johnny Purcell, of ~bw1Bishop, and seven grandchildren. ffE, i'· I ;;,~--· ~__.~\' w~:· ..&..\,. !f'tllJ} • lo ,, ,l>I I' tfJ1 I ---------\ Jed• .. ,; . ,, .. c. )<) " . ~C'Hl f.,;l" -;h Coastal Wlnt9' atorm warmng today for loc:al heavy snow In mountain• CoHtal and mounlaln area•· Scattered snow showers and local brier heavy 1howar1 or thundef•hOWer• with ct1anc. or hall today. local ttrong gu1ty wlnda. local r-vy enow above 4,000 t .. L Shower• cSec;raulng conlghl becoming par11y clo.Kly Thurtday and • llltl• warmer G411ty wind• U.S. suniniary ' A ~1 storm stNQk eovthem Callfornla TuHday, ripping up hundred• of tr-. dumping up to two raat of hat111onu and generating lightning that cauMd ti 21 • • blec:llout1. El~trlcal power wH bflally knocked out 10 the entire town of 'lrlJ Sant• Barbara wNln llne• were ' atrvck by llohlnlng and MYaral ,&tM "'°"1M In Malibu were 1llooded e"llJcl 'when two feet of smelt h.W•I°"" • clogged 1r0fm dralnt. ·', 1 ">I • A giant FadCo department 9 11 I atort_lll Van Nuys ... llooded by r81n 'Wlien high wtnd blew -tty moat of the roof, 9'.lthorltlea Mid. hJ11• A llNlll tornado ... reported In the L.ennoic ., .. of LOI Ang.elea '>th County near l o• At1ga1ea ~ut International Airport and long .,.,~. Beech. and al !Mat one buzzed '-• euOwrben Long e..cti. Tiie fqtlonel WMth« Sertlca IHU~ tornado watChH from lo n °"'"'° 1n s.n &ernerdlno County v.c.•O 12& m11ea 90U1n to Camc>o. 1ua1 :::'J the Mulcan border In San Diego County. _.. the BrM MCtlon of Orange ~. Hoi.tnlng glanced on • .... Md hit • nouae, puncNng • ...,,.._toot bole In Iha root and """" ,_ calllng and blowlng Giil fWo wlndowa. No In~ -r~~ .. al!'C:e .My t ., lhe t10\; Lo• Anovl .. Civic Canter t,,u ChMlllOWli •of 1 p.m. T!MdtlY ... 1.12 lndlel. compared with "''J' OMGf en lnafl r.corded IMt >'M'· IM Nallonaf Weather Service ..... to .. IO tfne leel of enow tKJa ~ ,,,..,,,_ • "'9tl Cellfomla f~iU ••fttaln t11otl• tllrough l)n ~ ..:r::.; .::::= d<.1~lbt•ll1 Ull IUkt•ot I Dt tt\f' airport's thrc1t.• 110114..• monltorlnc 1tatJona. Frontlt•r won o ft-dt•rul <.'Ourt order in Auguat enabl ng It to tly bc.lyond the ~88-mllc Pf:rlm wr 1c t by Orange County govt•rnment. Ttw <.'Ounty, in an attvmpt to ke€'p the ulrport u "1>horl·h1Aul" facility, argut'd then the farther a jetliner was to travel. the noisier it would bl? on takeoff because of il ll heavier takcoH weight, largdy due to additional fuel. Victims of the October br1.&sh fire in Gypsum Canyon got some wekome news this week when· lhe federal Small Business Administration announced they would be eligible for low-Interest disaster loans. The SBA's decision will make loans available for up U> $55,000 at a 6'll percent interest rate for homeowners, while businesses CIUITY DllEIT will bl• dl14iblt• for $500.000 Joanlf at 0 J>t'r"'•'fll. Slxtltt.'n Ort111(fl' Uiu111y homes, vulucd ot $300,000 to $500,000, burn~d during the weekend fires. Otht•r fire~ burned horn •ti in Los Angcl£•s and Vrnturn 1..ivuntics. Earlier this week. lhv Federal · Emcrgcnc.•y Management Agem.'y t'urned down CalHornla Gov. Edmund Brown's request for emergency disaster relief becauBe "the net'd for asslst.ance was not mujor disaster proportions." A Fountain Valley attorney WM disbarred by the State Bar of California's disciplinary arm recently for inadequately performing hls services in four dl((erent le~al matters. .,.... Nel ,._....,...._...IC...., Veronica Hamel, sta r of TV's "Hill Street Blues," speaks a t Phoenix House in Santa Ana. Stor01 to continue Kolwrl C Stook, ta. wu.11 dl.8bltrtt-d c.•Cf l'C tlw • •pt, 17 1rnd nu long<'r I• c.•ll"lblt• tel l)l'U<:tkt• luw In thu. &WW 'l'h•• Orangc County Boord ot Sup1•1 vl&ors hn11 uuthorlzt•cJ ll11 Envlronmcntnl Munugt•nwnt Agency to txigln planning for tht• 1983 Gordon ScnnNt Balloon Ruce at Mlh· Square Roglonnl Park In Fountuln Volley. Pre1ldcmt frunklln Roo1t•vt·h. hH annoum·c>d M l)lon to l<.>Ur c.11t•t1 high 11e.·hoola during the ne>Ct yt-nr tv d1u·u11 l'oun t y tran portotlon probl<.•m1 with 11tudl'nt1. p 1u: k a" I n I(, I> r <> ~ u rt• n11• n l . l'on•lruc·u"" und mun g 1mc•nt 01 l1t1rnu• (or m1norily uwrwd bu lnl"M('I Jo'ormal announe<>rn('nt or next yt•ur'K l(ronl will be.• al 11 :30 a m WWJ mode• today al Snnw Ana's Cumulot ltestaurnnt. Guest 11p·ukt r will he Santa Ana Mayur Gordon Brlckl•I\ Logist1<·11 lncludl' obt0lnlng Federal Aviation Administration approval permits,· agreements with law enforcement agench.•!i for sec·urlty, concessions, displays, exhibits, enterwlnment, radio communications and first aid provisions. "1 won't be uround whl'n muny Qf the proj('(.'\S wt• url' d!Jk·uuinM tuduy b1:con1c a rt.'ullty, but toouy'a atudenta wlll be r<•lylnl( on those facilities. I think we• should let them know what iH bl•1ng planned and gcr lhl'm intcrcswd.'' Rooscvcll said.• Dc<.iembn hus lx'<'n proclalm<.'<.I "Holiday ft'irc Safety Mvnth," Orungc County J<'h'l• Chief Larry His '11'st app~orancc. whh.1h will lncludl' u slide presentation, Is scht.oduJed Nov. 15 in Ful"rton. Holms has unnoum~. · The theme• ror the month Is ·"give a gift of llrc -give a smoke delt.>ctor." Holms said. Orange County has co · sponsored the popular event since 1980. Orange County Transporlation Commission men:>ber 'James Roosevelt , son of former . The Business Development Center of Southern CaJICornla/ Sanla Ana has received its fund ing •or another year through the U.S . Commerce Dcparunent's Minority Business Development Agency. The center's services include assistance in accountlne. loan In issuing the proclamation declaring Dec.-embcr fire safety month, Supcr1vi~r Ralph Clark noted that, "there's no. need to have needless destruction or injury when smoke detectors sold at reasonable prices can provide euly warning proll>ction against fires." By the time they· get tO . ·Phoenix they're off drugs By STEVE TRIPOLI 0( Iha Oelfr ll'tlot lleff Phoenix House, ·the drug rehabilitation program invited here by county officials in 1979, celebrated the third anniversary of Its Orange County facility Tuesday with help from a star of television's "H1ll Street Blues" series. Parenti and friends of the program's 90 residents crowded the converted David McMillan School in Santa Ana fdr the open house. They got a first.-hand look at the/rogram, a buffet prepared by the residents an a chance to meet Veronica Hamel. who plays public defender Joyce Davenport In the Emmy Award-winning series, for their efforts. The Phoenix House environment is one that television star Hamel says she is willingly subjecting herwU to. Phoenix House·, one of five houses with the same name located all over the United States, is mfferenl from many other drug rehabilitation programs because it works completely without drugs. Phoenix House olficials claim that two thirds of the 18,000 people who ·have been treated nationwide remain drug Cree. Residents of the Santa Ana house, who come from ,across the county and parts of Los Angeles County, range in age from 13 to 51. according to program officlais. ,· Residents of the dormitory-style facility must adhere to strict rules to be admitted, to remain and even to finally leave the program. Addicts are not admitted -they first must be detoxified -and resident.5 must follow strict codes of dress, conduct and persona] habits to remain. Cursing and such habits as keeping one's bands in pants pockets or leaning against walls, which are said to promote a "prison !mag~" mentality, are prohibited. For the 60 adulta ir> the program for drug (including alcohol) abusers over age 18, checking out of Phoenix House can be as tough as getting in and staying. They must find work and save $1 ,500 before being allowed to go out on their own, and they also must demonstrate that they have brdken away from drug-using acquaintances. That ls done by making new friends outside Phoenix House while stiJJ a res'ident, and bringing at least three of the new, non-drug-using friends to visit the house. They cannot be relatives. . Though more than 90 percent of Phoenix House's funding comes from state and federal grants, and the building is provided rent-free by the county, the program still costs less to run per-capita than almost any other gove~ent­ subsidiz.ed residential program except pnson. Prison is what many Phoenix 1fouse residents say they came there to avoid. Bob Smith (not his real name), a 29-year-old former Huntington Beach sign maker who led tours of the facility Tuesday, said he certainly wou~d have landed in jail if he hadn't come to Phoenix House first. "l sold my car for drugs. My girlfriend left me. My boss had fired me for stealing work from his business to do on the side. Most or my clothes and furniture were gone (sold for drugs) too.'' he said. The list of drugs Bob said he was abusing regularly sounds like a pharmaceutical compendium, and-It included heroin. His arrival at Phoenix H ouse six months ago was precipitated by the loss of his £inal sign making job after 1112 weeks of dally heroin use. "I was living in a motel with a friend. 1 had no money. no job, no prospects, no car. I was borrowing money from everyone I could borrow from. I was not reporting to my probation officer (for a past conviction for passing bad checks, which he said also were used to J)\lrchase drugs) because I was afraid he'd know I was using and put me in jail." Bob looks. and says he feels, "l 10 per~nt" healthy now. and he says he'll never go back to his old habits. The ~t important part of the program for him, he said. has been the support system of non-drug-using friends he's built and the ability to deal with Life's setbacks without retreating into drugs. Of his pre-Phoenix House peers he now says "I don't have any friend s -they're acquaintan<..'CS." Residents are warned that re- acquainting the~lves with those peers after leaving the program is a "setup" for trouble, and Bob says "I can't s ubject myself to that environment." Newport Beach--------- Pipes cleared as asbestos sourc~ A final test in Newport Beach has confirmed earlier indications that city pipes are not the source of asbestos fibers showing up in city drinking water . J<>e Devlin, Newport Beach's utility director. said the last m a t>anery of eeve• tests indicales the asbestoe la coming from the Metropolitan Water Dl1trict, which supplies water to the city. Further. Devlin aaid. the level Plenty Of Free Parlclng OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 or asbestos measured at aJJ seven test sites falls within the range the MWD predicts will be found in its water. The tests were ordered by the City CouncU after a Corona del Mar resident expressed concern that the city's own water pipes were contaminating drinking water. Water pipes in the city, as in most clties and counties, are made of concrete and asbestos. Devlin said It is believed that the asbestos in the MWD water comes from natural sources, such as rock formations that contain traces of asbestos. WhUe evidence has shown that breathing asbestos fibers can be linked to cancer, experts disagree whether ingesting asbestos is harmful. CUISINART KWIKSET LOCK SETS PASTA MACHINE '9911 ~$119.99 .. •Peete Demo. Saturday 10-3 In our domon•"otlen kitchen. c:.,n. end ... how to mok• yeur fovertt. po1to on tho Cu ... nart Po1to Maller or Atlot Pftta Machine. Buy a Heavy Duty Deadbolt and get a Free Entrance lodtMt Free -No coupons, nothing to send in. Loclcset in Included at a 1pedal prke. '1911 Reg. $27.99 -----~-~----...... ....._ ...... ---------:---~----....,..-------------- Recycling facility I 5 Newport panels seeking members now open A 1ww, l'ncloscd drop-off ruci lity Ut the Orungc Coast Colll•gc recycling center in Costa Mt•su opt•rwd ret·t•ntly, offiduls suid. Applicants are ~ing sought to fill VJ1can·p.io 0-n fhit• N e wport B~ac h c iti ze n advisory committees . Appli ca nts have until M onday to s ubmit their names. The Newport Beach City Coun c i.l. will make the appointments to the Bicycle •Laguna Beach planning commissioners witl consider a request for construction gf 15 n~w condominium uni ts between 235 and ~75 Calliope St. when they meet tonight at 7 o'clock. W e s t o n -W h i ·t f i <' I d •Thom Scbneidl has been named administrator of the Ral·eigh H ills Hos pital in Newport Beach. A Corona del Mar resident, Schneidt h as 10 years experience in iilcoholism counseling a nd h ospital administra lion. ,. Trails. Environ JtH•ntal Q u a I i t y , N o.. w p -0 r t Beauti f ication , Citizen s Traffic a nd J'cchnical Oil advisory (:ommillt.'CS. Applications mus t bc turned over to the city clerk's office at 3300 Newport Blvd. For more information, call 640-2251. Arc hitec t s a r e-seeking approval of a tentative tract • map for tht» development in a comme r cia l zo.n e. The 'meeting w"ill be he ld 'in council chambers, 505 Forest Ave. Raleigh Hills Hospital is o n e of 22 a l co h o li s 'm treatment hospitals owned and operated by Advanced Health System of Irvine. 'The Newport Beach facility open ed in 1974 and has treated more than 3,500 patients. ·A $10:!,00Q grant from the stato Solid Waste Management Board was used to construct a 10,000-square-foot cement slab and access to the center along Adam s Ave nu e between Fairvie w Road a nd Harbor ·Boulevard. Sharon Donoff, associate dean of student affairs at the oollege, estimated that the center helped sqvc 650 gallons of crude oil last y~ar because less oil is nc.'eded to produce cans from recycled ' metals. · . l:.ast ,Year more than ~00 .tons of newspaper, gJass, computer cards, llluminum and metal cans were recycled at the center. It opened in 1972. The student center raises about $25,000 a year from the sale of the recycled items. Most of the funds go to provide scholarships. Vida Dean Robinsons ... .... MEET JESSICA McCLINTOCK AND SEE HER HOLIDAY AND SPRING COLLECTIONS. Imagine-a blend of poet's fare. daydream and fantasy dressing- Inspired by Americana country clothes. That's Jesslca ... as you see here In allover beige cotton lace. 4·12. $335. For a romantic rena issance, attend our sho.wing of Jessica McClintock's lavish collectibles and talk to the designer, personally. In Newport. Saturday. November 13. With informal modeling from 1·3 p.m. Robinson's Young Designer Dresses. 17. To order. call toll -free 1·800·345·8501. .. Orer\go CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Wedn11d1y. November 10, 1982 • I Robnsor1s VETERAN'S DAY SALE STARTS. TOMORROW SHOP THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 10-9, SATURDAY 10-6, SUNDAY 11-6. • I '• J . r THE BEST IN SPORTSWEAR. ·2a01 •. ~·3a•1. OFF. CLASSIC CARDIGANS. ... . Soft, warm sweaters with a polished flair. Nubby acrylic boucle 1n beige, brown. gray, steel or bordeaux. Orig. $56. Sale $39.99. Or the cabled cotton cardigan in cream. navy, burgundy, turquoise or khaki Ong. $65 Sale $39.99. Robinson's Sweaters. 1: 390/o • 42°/o OFF WHITE STAG® JOG SUITS So soft. comlortable. versatile-in purple. ruby or tan acrylic fleece. S·M·L Tops. Orig: $40. Sale $22.99. Pants. Orig. $38. Sale $22.99. Color selecttoo.. vanes in each store. RobinaLJ.& Sportswear, 160~ 33°/o OFF FLEECE·LINED WARM~UP SUITS Orig. $24 ea ch piece Sale $15.99 each. Your favorite shirtwaist styles. and pants. in yellow. raspberry , turquoise . lavender or Jade polyester/cotton. S,M·L Colors vary store·to·store. Rob1naire Sportswear. 140 • 33°/o OFF COUNTRY SUBURBAN SEPARATES Orig. $32·$96. Sale $20.99-$63.99. Sportswear in the classic manner blazers. pants. skirts in cotton/polyester corduroy or hopsack 8· 18 To go with matching mulOcolor polyester/cotton blouses and sweaters Blouses. 8· 18. and sweaters. S·M·L. Robinaire Sportswear. 160. * JWR JR'S 330/o ·OFF JWR JR'S THIS·MINUTE SWEATERS Two of our best I Frqm Tomboy, acrylic knit swea~ter With cotton canvas accents. In otf-wh1te. S·M·L Orig $36. Sale $23.99. And our own double-cable front-and-sleeves boatneck sweater in white. royal. purple or red acrylic S·M·L. Reg. $26. Sale $16.99 JWR JR'S. 52/154 • *' KIDS 34°1o·36°1o OFF PRINT BLOUSES.1 JEANS, PANTS FOR · GlltLS, 7·14 Colorful striped and plaid cotton/polyester blouses by Teen Connections . Orig. $20·$22. Sale S12.99·S13.99. Jordache jeans in blue cotton denim. Reg . $32. Sale $20.99. Michael G. cummerbund pants in black. gray or off·white cotton corduroy. Orig $28. Sale $17.99. Robinson's Kids. 45. * MEN'S STORE " / ~~~~23%·34% Q~li • OUR MOST FAMOUS AMlllCAN DESIGNER FALL SPORTSWEAR COLLECTION ...... • Cotnfortabte clothes with easy, quiet eiegance-to m•k• a man feel and look good In an assortn.lent of fabrics. S·M·L sizes. Shirts. Orig. 136.50·$38. Sale 123~_11·127.11 Pants. Orig. $48·$50 Sale 135.11·$31.91. Sweaters. Orrg. $75·$105 Sate 154.11·$71.ll. Outerwear. Orig. $125·$130 Sale •n.11-111.11. Knits. Orig. S30·S75 Sale 121.lt-Hf.ll. Robinson 's Designer Collectlons. 36. Nominal charge for alterations on sale merchandise •ro ord$r. call toll-tree 1·800·345·ll01. Sale enda Sunday. November 14 Hurry Jn while quantlUes are plentlful an'd selections extensive. All items subject to ptior sale. r • , • * Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wednotd•v. No"4NT\ber 10. 1882 Jewish vets flay Schmitz A g r o u p o f J 1• w 111 h W tH Veterans will refu10 to participate In l• Veteran's Duy ce remon y In Su n Juan Capistrano bc-cauac one of the Invited guest.a ls at.ale Sen. John &hmlu, R-Newport Beach. '"We consider It offensive to be.- Included in a ny progrum with Schmiti," uld Murray LoullOn, ll Nt>wport Beuch rHld"nt and c'Ommnndc•r of 1tw JWV'1 Oran1<> County and Long Bl·twh chapter "We dc'c:idt'<.I not w parllclputl' becau~ It uur mt-mbt,n1hip found out Schmits W&ll goinat to b<' there, they'd l'\'fww lO »how up anyway," said Loui10n, a veteran ot World Wu r ll &•hmltz, ot t~oron11 tl.-1 Mar. anl(t•rt.od tht J1 •wh1h ('Ommunily and WH rcpramandt-d by hl11 !K'nuu• ('Ollt•ugut·11 lottt y .. ar after bru11hlng off cm oudlNl(>t• ot o l..<lll Anaclt.'ti &mtl-obortlon h4.'urln11 1ui bc.-ln6' Wl<od with "hnrd. Jt>wt.h cmd, arguably, f •mul<• fact.'I." For CIHallled Ad •ACTION C1111 01lly Piiot , AO· VISOR 842·&e78 Airman l promote d William Jo'. Robb. aon uC Shurry 0 . Robb of 6330 4~lh St.. R1vvn1ld•'. and Wllllum F. Robl) or 168 2 L ti dro lt St ., L.aaun a , h111 b et.t o 1>romot<.od In the.-U.S. Air Fo re<' to the r'6 nk ot eenlor airman. Robb 111 a security ap<;-clal11t at Francl1 E. Warren Air Force &st-, Wyo., with the H6 th Mi asl l e Sec u rity Squadron. ' You can recover approximately $2.00 of taxes for every dollar .you Invest while participating in a highly profit-motivated investment. I _,,. Li • Recover taxes paid In 1979, 1980. & 19.81. •Flexlblllty of amount Invested. .,. .. ,, . MW.I-• . •RANCHO UCAMON8A Ctt...Uel\ a RECYCLE! At Or•••• Co••I Coll•••'•·new Recyollng Center. Aluminum• Glass Tab Cards Cardboard . Ledger Paper Computer Paper Magazines Newspapers "bought on Saturdays 8 • 2 LOCATED ON ADAMS AVE. BETWEEN HARBOR BLVD. AND .FAIRVIEW IN COSTA MESA. . •THOUIANO OAKI • Available to Individuals and corporations. 11•-1 llvd a La'" .... ,,.,. ""' ...... • l ttlll ,_ Ct11)'9'1 Otl .. Oewottlhtf'e . ... ""•-" • llMllall ,:,~~I, a c ..... • Act NOW for 1982. For more information, private confidential appointmtnts, or a 90 minute tax savings seminar, call : GERALD L. KOZAK FINf.ICIAL SERVICES (714) 644-2525 *Not a security or a limited partnership. A llOlll1 MltE1JllAM GIFT CERTIFICATE IS A GIFT IN GOOD TASTE. Our gift certificates are a perfect way to say thank you or congratulations. They are an easy & convenient way to do your Christmas shopping early. Give a gift that is appreciated by the entire family. Our gift certificates are available and redeemable at any location. WE SHIP COAST TO COAST, USA+ ALASKA & HAWAII CORONA DEL MAR -310 0 I Coos• "'O"wOy • ( 114) o1l 900 0 ANAH£M-1,..v.~C9'1•et•1222So 8'ooorvll (A•llooPooo)•(114)~ 2401 a TORO-a..1ow .. P>o10..,,.•~•2400HlovmonoWoy ("IEI IOfoPooo•(ll•)UI 3822 HlliTMIOTONBE.ACH-~a.oc .. ttvo <"•GortfllO ... ~!.!.''!~~ •)•( 114) a.&·MI~ CJRAll(Jf-W"1N T.n•on(Ac•ou••om 10.o•oo•Otor-oe>•C 1·•)W 1 QOoO RANCHOAllRAOE-n 6.lA,._, •·11ancroo..,.oeP1ozo)•(IW 340 JaO• ... .,. RIV£R911>£ -~ 70 "'"'O' on A•• ( n "°'°"'°" 51-X>OnQ C .,,, ., • ( , .. ) o&a Qo& I \,' :I'• ............... __ ,., AlSO f< IA HAIQll l ACfWOOO WU! COYINA f'<()OTH '40!.l VWOOO WlSTloUI '°''lA~ 'A$AOfNA SANIA ioO<ICA WOC'lllANO ... lS NOCll><llOGI SAN )()$( Sl.ff<YYAll P"-l0ALl0AN()SANOIEG0ON!1ASlllSl'llf1 TAl<f$f CoP•"CI'>'"'°''-looecllOTI""" Free~ for _you when.~u buy a Hickory Farms· gilt for somebody else. Open Dtllly 'tM 8 p.m. 8eturd•y 'tll e p.m. 8undey 12 to 5 p.m. MO 1111 Our own "Very Merry Berry" jar filled with imported strawberry bonbons, ~.. a $4.99 value from our Confection C.OIJection. It's free when you buy a cheese and sausage or Florida citrus gift assort· ment worth $20 or more before Thanksgiving. We'll even handle the details sending your gi~t assortment out in plenty of time for Christmas. ru .eo.11oe •UllOEN GIOVE JIB Scotch · ,,.., ... ,.n 114·H0·4UI ...... ., . .,., ,, ... ,, .... ,, 2U·ll4·1JOJ •CANOIA PARK IRENTWOO •NEMET • TORRANCE LANCASTER •ANAHEIM .... Ille•"'• hit , ....... 'aclfl~ CoMI Hlthwoy ........... I•" Jacinto ...... IU·•11·1110 11•·'11·11'1 2tl-IU·OPOI Scoresby Jim Beam Scotch Bourbon 1.15 sgss ~ t:,~s 1 ossA ltr. -- Ballantine Kessler Scotch Whiskey 750 s71s s411 ml. Crown Russe Vodka Grand Marnler liqueur IO·Proof ~.~ s311 ~~ s1711 7IO-mL '2111 7IO-ml. '13" 110-tnt. •1r Kavlana Vodka Emmet's . Irish Cream 10-Proof 1.75 Ltr. 750 seas ml. 1•a..c1o1., 1•1 CMnln lllnC 1111 fWM lllnc 1111 Fnndl ColaRlll ard · 1171 C1ll1met ~ 1m ,... ....... 150-mt. •3• 110·ml. '4" 750-ml. •s- .. 9'11111111 ... T.,._ c.lllmftll Clltlrl Almll1nc..tn lmtUHI ............ OI ............... 4.0•Ur ..... 4.0•Ltr. '8• 4.0·Ltr. 'I" 4.0-Ltr. '141 1.75-Ltr. gs r.., ~- . ._of,,_ W..rr" HMR 1979 Plnot Nolr Uegent FNnCh ltyte 8"'9undy From ~='1':.-:J; 750-ml.•377 Schweppes Mix .. 1.0 590 Ut. ... ••• Or 1100 CoHt DAIL. Y PILOT IWOdnetd y, No11•mb•1 10, 1982 "9.tc NOTICE MUC NOJICl M&IC NOite{ ,.,_ ..... NOT.Cl °' T*'IYH'I IAU MOflCI °' TINITll'I UU T ....... ,....,. Ne•n *"OATA.NT NOTICI TO 0.1 DwcemU.r I 11142 11 10 00 NIUC NOflC( MUC NO JICl , AIPORT 0, CONDITION ~Ttel TO OCHUl!ACYOU NOTICI °' f"UITll I IALI CALl.1 .. 0 '0" llOS TI .... UMUAI ... , .,. 8 1 h oot Ulllrlll LiOA T lXtCUlfU llY JAM \ c NM.IC NOTICl MN·l llH NOTJC~ OP' n•:Atll Of/ YOU ARI IN D., AUt. f Ul'Oi" A DllO 0, T9-UIT DATIO !l,TIMal" .!!L.!HO UNLlll •OU fUI AOnut1 TO "'OTIICT YOU" '"OPOTY, IT ~IAY •I IOU» AT A PUel.tC IALI. W YOU ••o AN pj("""''°" °' T .. NATUAI 0' THI P"OCllDINO "'°""TV OW.fb AM U I HIU&I DUD 6rRV""U YOU AM IN OIPAUL T l*Ol1' A INC , a Ceulormo C:orl>Ofallon who .. DllD °' TllUIT OATIO MAY ... •Our ... ,, ,11~ j 6t1Ml, flulle No ••t. UMLlll YOU TAKI ACTt«* I Sec.11meoto Calllorn•• 1'11 tO TO ""OTICT YCMM "°"'"TY, WhOM leltphone 111;r11.,., t• ltllll IT MAY .. IOLD AT A Puauc 448,HIO ... Agent 101 "UOICON Coneolldetlnl dom11llc aubaldlerl11 of the 11HIW,ORT HA" OUA NATIONAL aANIC" of Newport 1 .. oh, In the •i•I• of C1llforn11, at the clo11 of bu1ln111 on leptember 30, 1112. ftubllthH In r11pon11 to c.11 mecN by Comptroller of th• Curreney, undet tlll• 12, UnltH 1t1t11 Code, Section 111. <..OMMuw1v t.011 me 01sH11c t oou1 ru KATHV GOULD J08.:PH B. :Ct:LLF.ll AND tlul O.ne11t11• 1 00 u t•u< ti p nt 1.11 NOTICI p £ T I T I () N T O rntt ;md d•y of Oecombtit, 1h:I YOU AR[ IN DliHU\. T UNl>tll A Al>MINI Tl'!R E1 TATE NO AQAINtT YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A l.AWVlfl. MOflCI °' TtlUITll'I IALI T.I ..... _. NOTIC6 IS HIAEBY OIVEN, that on w.a~a.,, Nowmbef 11, 19112, at II 00 o'clock a.m. 01 Mtd day, In t1141 1oom Mt •lid• IOI conductll'\Q T1ua1 .. ·1 Sai.a. within 11141 on1eu ol AEAL ESTATE SECURITIES 8EFWICE. loc11td 11 2020 North &oeaway, Suite 206. 1n 1111 City 01 Santi Ana. County ot Ofange. State ol Catllornla. SAN MARINO S A VINGS ANO LOA N ASSOCIATION.· a C1111ornl1 corporation. H dul'f appointed lt\Hlt .. undtf tllld pVlfll•llt 10 tl\a power or HI• conlaHad In th11 c:.ital11 o.e<J of Trull IAacuteo by RICHAAO BARR, 1n unmamed man, rtc:oto.d Octol>lt 13, 1980 tn BOOll 13787 ol OfflCl•I Records Of aatd County, It pag1 t70 Recorder's ln1t1umen1 No •9519: by rMaon or • br11on or det11<.11t In payment or pertormence ol tile obllgetlona Hcurad thereby, lncludlng \hit breech or default, Notice ol which wu recorded July 21, 1982, u R9cordef'1 lnatrument No. 82·25269•. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TQ THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH llwful money ol tile United State'>. or • cashier"• check drewn on 1 • 1tate Oi' t1at1on11 bank, 1 111tc or J adel'al credit umon, or a 11111 ot. 19derat tavlnga andioan u1oc1etlon domiciled In lhla llate. 911 P•y•l>I• II t1141 time of sale, ell 11g111, tllle and lnta111t held by It. as Trustee. tn that real property elluate In nld County end Stale. deacrlbed ea lotlOwa "EICHlllT A" "AfllCEL t: Loi 1 t2 OI Ttact No 9423. H ahown on a map reco1deo 1n boot< 4 0 8 , pages t5 10 26 ol Mlacellaneous Maps, 1aco1ds ol Orange County, Callfornla. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all Oil, Oii rlghta. mine<1ls, mlnetal tights, n11ural gas rights and other hydrocarbon substances below a depth 01 500 leet und8' the parcel of land herein ebove dHc11bed withou1 Illa ngllt or aurlace ""''Y PAftCl!L 2: I A L I • If V 0 U H I I 0 A N CO , wlJOM add•M• II 1400 Htvwr llpt,ANATION OP THI NATUM Patti Orlw. lac1t"Mftlo. 1.!elll01r11a 0' T ... ,._OCHOtNQ AOAINIT 11$116, WllOM I~ nomb., 11 Y~LYOU '"°"'-0 CONTACT A (9Hll 924•3000, a1 trutlff, 0111111 LA .. ''"· c;a1111n ONO 01 Tru1t aucu1.o by • On Nov.mt>et 30, tll:. 11 10 00 ROBE.RT BOULLON, a at119le man, o clocll a m tltrat LO• Angelta 11 10 an undl¥1ded U P•tetnt Corpo11t1on. H duly n1mtd 01 hltlraet NICHOIJ,9 8AAf0llC, a •ubatttuled TtullH under and 11ngle women. u t61n undiwldlld 28 Put1Ua11tto t1141 Deed Of T1u11 dalld P•• c ... l In,., .. t. PA 1 AIC~ May 15 IHt, uecut.O by Hlnf)I 8ARTOLIC I llngle !Nin u lo 81'1 4thet. • m11rlad man Ii his r.o4e u~1vld4MI 22 l)tlcent ,lnlWHI. and and MP•talt PfOl)iltty. JOHN CAMPBELL, a elngle mer(. 1a Recorded June t, 1981, in Book to 11n undivided 22 p.,cant lnt8fHI. t4080, Page 1272·77, ln1111.1ment ell u tana11u In common· and No 818 ot ONIClal RICOfell, In tl\a r1corded Februa1y H lllll2 n olflct OI lilt Aec0tdar of Otano• tn1trume111 no. 82 ~0,1774 . ol Countv. will Mii at public auction lo Olhc1•I RecOlda 01 Or•no• County, the h!Qllelt lllddar f0t eaah (payable Celllo1n11, 1nd pu11u•11t 10 that at the lime of a.le •n 1-11.11 money certain Nolle• ol Otfeult ind OI 1118 Untied Stat ea) 11 the Electton to Sell tl*8Ulldll 1ecord.O Chapm1n A...we anlranct to 11141 July 12. t982 •• lnattumen1 no. CMc Center Centt1 Building. 300 E 82-238288, ot Oll1c111 Records 01 Cl\1pm1n Avenu1. In 1111 City ol said County. wlll under a11d Otang41, Ill right. title. end lntar•st pur1Uant to nld Deed of Truat Mii conwv.a to and now held by Hid at public auc11on tor caeh or TrustM under aeld Deed Of T1u1t In Cash101·5 C!wck, drawn on • llltt and to 11111 certain ptoperty 1lhtateo or n111ona1 ban~. • state 0t ltde1el In 11141 S1111 ol California. County or credit unlOn, 0t 1 atata or l~el Orange. described u lotlows uv1no1 111d toen auoc1a11on. PARCEL t· dom1<:11ed 111 the Slota ol Ca11tornl1, lot tOO ol Tract 10347. m tht at the Norm l1ont ant(anct 10 tne City ol lrvlne, County ol Otenga. county coutthouae, 700 Clvtc State of Celllornla, as per map Canter Ottvo WHI, S1ntt Ana. recorded In 8oOll 469, PIQll 37 to C1111orn1e, 111 that right, 1111• and 39 ol Ml1cell1neous Mapa, In Jht tntereSI eon.,.y~ to end now held office or th• CounlJI Reco1d1r of by It und11 said bead of Truat In Ill• tald County property a11ua11d In uld County PARCEL 2 end Stet• dHcrlvld H : City of EHemen11 H Mt l0ttll In the Costa M11a, County ol Orange, Sectlona entitled "Certain State of C111to1nla, described as Easements" lot Owna11' and EJCHt•IT A "Support. Set1lam1n1 and PARCEL 1 Thal portton ol lot Enc1oachment ... ·'Common t ti Trec:t H73.1n tile Clly ol Coste Orivewey Eawment" of 1111 Article M sa, as 11\own on 1 map reco1deo entitled "Eaumanll" of the In P,ook 425, P1011 27 10 28 ol Declaration of Co11enants. M 1eell1neous M1ps. shown and Cond1110111 end Restrictions d f I 1 n t d as Un 11 2 on 1 recorded In 8oOlc t386". Page 84 CdndomlnJum Pion, reco1d1d tn Ot1101a1 Records. 80011 t26t4. Paga t061 0 111cle1 PARCEL 3: Records Euements u auch HMmenls PARCEL 2. An undMded one- 1re particularly 111 101111 in th• fourteenth (ti 14) lea Slmple 1nt11est Article ant1lled "E1sements" of 1he as a 1enan1 1n common In arid 10 all Deeter II Ion o I Cova nan ts. that PO•tton ol Lot t ol Tr act 9873 ln Cond111on1 and Re111 lct1ona Ille County ol Or•nge, S111e of •eco<ded In Boole t 1766, Page 420. Ca11lorn1a. as tllown on a map Heedlng(a) In such Ar11cle entitled recorded on Book 425, P1get 27 as follows "owne11' Rights and and 28. es .. common area" on e Out1e1 . Utllltlas and Cabla Condo mlnlum l'lan reco1ded Ta1ev11lon. Stdeyard EHements" March 211 1978 In Book 12814 'support and Settlement, Pege t061'. Off1c1at Records ' Encroachment", and "Community E11cep11ng therel tom all A n ekcluslve easement lor parklllQ purposes ov0t that portlOll or Lot 237 show11 on Exhibit "A"' to Ille Oeclaratton ol Resttoctions fOt the lake Mas1e1 Assoc1at1on. 1eco1dad Sep1ember t9, 1977 In book 12382. page 1265 of Otfici1I Recorda, as carpon space CP1 t2 Said Hsemenl is further defined and deSClil>ed in Article II of said Oactar1t1on. Including Parking Space rr330 Facilities E1p9men11 " m1n111a11, oll. ou petroleum. other The unpllld balanc;e and .. 11m11e lllfdrocarbon sub•tences. and all of costs. 1xpensea end 8dvanQe$ as undetoround wltar. 111 or under or ol Octobe< 16. 11182 11 134,887 77: wllteh may be ptoduced l!om said stld_Jmounl will increase until dale la~ wtllCh undflfllM a plane pa1a1101 of sate. to and 550 '"' below tt1e ptesent PARCEL 3: Ch1rt1r Number 1eue N1tlonal 81nk R19lon Number 14 ,..,,.., uf lltd Aoc...p1 Olflo 01th11 OllD 01 !RUil, OATllO MAY 2 1 ' ' ''""C 1111 ul ''u•,hHlllQ Mt Lwtt.,. llllO UNLLG9 YOU TAK[ AC.rlON A , ,, till. Doller Amount• In Thou11nd1 l11ich""1 Coll•l Commu1111y Cofl~e fO f"AOll CI YOUR PAOP£RTY, 11 'fo nJI ht·lra, IJCO••llC 1ar1111, Uialrtt l. tj70 Ad1111s Av•• Co••• MAYOfSOLO AlAPUILfC8A~e lr••ll11or1 lilld ('ulllllll(C•f)\ M11.u C11111v11.ia 9'628 If YOU Nl:C'D AN t'XPLANA TION <.·n-.llltJra. uf JUl(·~h fl 7..•lh•I 1'1011tt lcJ1111111,11ton NIM• OF THE NATUHf Of' , .. E Golrlen WHI Coll•g• fn11gy PROCttOtNO AGAINST YOU YOU a11d pt•uon• w IJ fnlJY bt• M•neourn••lf S~•Wn Old t tOO 8H0Vl0 CONTACT A lAWYL..0 nttw1 Wtl(• lnlf'rt11U'fJ In tht• Al81T8 Sta1ement o f Aosourcos ond Llabllltles Cash ond due from depository Ins titu tions U .S. TreHury 1ecurlllt1 •• • • • . .. .. All other securllles • .. • • .. ...................... .. 2.062 1,073 152 l'lac1 f'lctt11 Art 011 Ille OfhCI OI On W(IDN SOAY OrCtMUt!f.I t, will ilrttllor t'llWtf'>; lt111 01t•Ctnr Phytl'-el f1Cilltl111 11112 t 10 00 AM tll HOPC Ptann111g Jottn Potter T1111lt1 TAusr' O{ O C.OMPANY •INC •• A pc·tillon tl.£11. bt'<'n fll1-d '"·'llllV COHI Com"' C1>ll4'1111 0.•t, duly •Pl>Olnflld Tru\I .. under 'and by H1U1 ~llc.>r, aka ftie. M 1. 3 'o Ao• m •. Co 11 " M • 111 . pu<1u1n1 to 0.tld or r •uat ~·30 80 7.«·l lt·r 1n th1• SuJW·rior ~url C1lllorn1e 1120211 tu1 t114) 11cotd•d o 1n~1t No 32•1 1. 111 ofOrut1g11Countyr1~...-tl~ ~!l 1>101 booll 131:122. ptQe 552, of Otliclal t u •1 ll k Federal fu nds 1old and securlllH purchased under ogreementa to resell • • .... ......... • ... • Loan1. Total (ekcludlng NOll(;I •S II H(UV OIV[N thOI Record• Ill lhlf ofll(4 Ol It•• County I 1Ul nit.a i.«' er •• IA IW 111e•ooven11ni4l<ISCh<IOl0.11r1c.1e1r Rocotdet or Ora11g11 county , Zdl1•r bt· 11µpotnll'd aa 01on90 County, ClllllOrtllll, 1<.ll•IO c llfOlntll Will S(L.l AT PUBLIC 1wr1>01iul fi.'Jo)~C'li{'t1U1t1vc: to 2.763 bV and through II• Cov•rnlng AUCTION TO ~IGHE8T BIDDER lidfllln11ncr lti<' ('SlllJt• "' Board ll11tlnctll11 ral11te<1 lo aa f'OR CASH (peyable 11 ttwi. of 1111 J~)Jh 8 7,.('lli:r un·'t•r tht! u nearned Income) .................... 35, 193 Less: Allowance tor posslbla to an loasea .. • •• .. • • • • .. ... ... •. • • 833 DISTRICT • wtll rec.tv• up to. bu~ 1n 11w1111 money ot thl Votted ,,. ' not lol•t 1n11n Iha abov•·•t•t•d 9181011 AT HIE NORTli f'RONT l'ndt.•JX>ndt·nt Adm1ntKlr&HOr1 tlmn, 18tlllad bid• lor 111• IWltcJ 01 a ENTRANCE TO Tiil COUNTY of FAWlt'll Acl. (Ol\h9't lor lh• above ptoJO<:t COURTHOUSC. 700 CIVIC CENTER Tht• pl.•ll llun II lll't fCJr Loans, N et .................. • • • • • .................. . Bank premise•. furniture and fixtures, and other assets 3 61dt lhlfl l>CI rececved In the piece Ofl\VE WEST. SANT A ANA. CA '" h I I ""' N 3 700 4 ,360 ICltntlflod above. end tl\111 be rtght, ltllfl And tnletlll conveyed 10 rar n11-, 11 1.1\:f>t 0 Ill 01)4tt111d nnd pubtlcly rud aloud •I !Ind now llflld by It undo! Hid Offd C i vic (.;('ntor Or1v1.· w~11t, repreaentlng bank premises Real estate owned other than Ole •bovo•1tatal Umt •nd 1>l•c• 01 Truet on"'• p1ope1ty attulted In Sun ta A h 11, CA 9<!701 o n 670 l1'wre will be • 126 00 dapo111 Mid C0<,tr11y alld 6t•l• <lelcttbed •• Det·l·mbf•r l. 1982 ut ll.30 ....... • ............... •·•· r•Qul••o 1or ••en ••t ol bid LOI ~' 01 Ir act No 1284. 11 bank premises ................................................. 2,7'47 All other assets .. ....... ........ ..... .•. .. • • ................ • • t .299 TOTAL A SSETS ....•••. ............... •• • ............... , 4 5, 126 LIABILITIES dOCl/lllfltltt 10 guorAlllllO 111011 ratum ~how11 on 11 mnp raco•Olld tn oooi.. n m In good condltto11 wlll11n tO d1y1 • t. Pages •O & 41 of MlttCellan•ou• IF' YOU OBJFLvr l<> the: •lier Ille 1>10 00trnng dote Maps In tl\a offtu ol 1111 Coumy gr<.tntlng of the pellhon , you Eoch l:>tO nw•• COl'llOrm •na be recorder ot O~a119e County should eitht1r appear ut th<! raapon•l.ble lo tile c:on11•ct Tho street 11dd11sa ••ld otn11r he:i rang and stult• tour document• common deslgnetton II 111y at the Demand deposits o f Individuals. partnerships, and corporations .................. . Time and savings deposits o f Individuals, partnerships, and Eoch b•dd•t shall submit, on trio reel property dHctibed abovo" ob j1•t•t 1onli or ftlc wr lll'n fotm furmahe<I w11h Ille contrecl PUfporttHJ 10 be 458·Costa Mata olJJl•1.·t1on1> Wtt h the• court '7 documonta. • ltst 01 the PfOPOMKI Street. Coste Mesa. C• • b<!lor t' th<' hc·uring Your 4.43 sut>Gont1ocaors on 1111s. proiect ea The und••Slgffell d1sCJe1m5 any appcanmcl" muy be iu ""t'801\, 1oqu11ed by the Sublelltng ano 11abllltv Ip( eny 1nC011ectneu of the ,.... Subcontracting Feor Practleo• Act s1reei addren and otllet comm0n or by your attum<.•y1 corporations ................................................ . Deposits o f States and polltical Govt Code Sec • 100 et seq d8Stgnauon, 11 eny. Shown lle•etn I F Y 0 U A R E A 32.702 Each b1ddo1 must submit with ttls Sold sale wtll be made but CREDITOR or a tJo ntmgt•nt bid CartllieO Or C8'hllr"1 check WllllOUI COVOl\Ont or worranly, crt-dllOr of lh t• deccast.'<f you s ubdivisions In the United States 2,000 Certified and o fficers· checks ..••.•...••..••••.•....•••.• 1,299 Total Deposits ..................................................... 40,438 Total demand deposits ................. 5)36 Total time and savings deposits 3 4,702 M ortgage Indebtedness and liability tor capitalized leases .......................................... 1.608 All o ther Ila bill ties .................................................... 758 TOT A l LIABILITIES (excluding sub o rdinated notes and debentures) ................................................. 42.804 EQUITY CAPITAL Preferred stock No. shares outstanding N on e Common stock No. shares authorized 675,000 No. shaies outstanding 506,050 ••.•.•..•.•..•.•.•.• 2.530 Surplus ................... .._._. ...... ,, ....................................... 2,530 Undivided profits and reserve for conUngencies and other capital peyable to the DISTRICT 01 e bid eapre11 or implied regotdlng Utla f ' l>Ond tn 1118 !Orm 511 !Orth tn Iha pOUIHIOn Ot lnCumbrances IO must tie your Claim With the contrect documents in •n amount pey Ille rematnollQ Pftnclp•I sum of ourt or pri.' ent It lo the not less than tO-A 01 11111 m11t1mum Ille no1ec11 secured by 111ld OetKI of p<!rsonal representative amount of bid as a oueranteo lhet Trust, witn 1n1e1es1 the1eon. 11 a p poinlt'd by th{' court tile bldlfer wUl enter 1n10 Iha provided 1n 111<1 nota(a) advances · h f hs ( proposed contt8CI ti tile same tS II 1ny, under Iha lltmS Of the OMd Wtl In OUr rno~t rom the awarded 10 111m In Illa event of of T1u11. lees, charges and ate o f first issuance of teilure to enter Into said contract, 0Kpen1M1s ol tile Truslee and ol the letters as provided in Section such SKUrlty w111 bo torle11 ttuats c1euted by aald Deed of 700 of th e Probale Code of Tile DISTRICT reservea the right Trust. to-wit St I. t62 27 I ( · lo 111ect ony 0t 111 bids or to w"ve TM t>eneltclllty und8f 1310 Oeed a J orn.1a . T?e tame for eny 1riegular111es or mlormaltttas 1n ol Trust hereloloie •}l•culod and rlh ng dauns w all not expire any bids 01 In the blddln9 dellvered 10 the under11gnad a prior to four months from Tile DISTRICT "'s obt11lned lrom w11tten 0ec1a11t10n 01 Default and the date o f the hearing tile Ot1ector of in, Oepottment ot Demond for Sale. and a w1111en ~_. bo , Industrial Relattons the g11n91al Nolte• ol Oef1ull and Election to nott'"'"" a vc. prevo111ng rate 01 pet diem wagoa In Sell The undersigned caused said Y 0 U MA Y EXAMIN E the loca111y m which tilts work 11 10 Nottce of Oefaull and Elecuon to the me k ept by the court. ir be perlormea '°'each c1ult or type Seu to be recorded jn the county you ar e interested an the ol worker nQeded lo eu1cute tha wllttre Ille 1ea1 property IS localed lat f"I con1rec1 Suell rates a1e es lollows Neme, Street AdOress Biid l'S. e. you may I ea request Ctaft, Clanlflcatlon, or type. Telephone Number ol TruStee or wath the court to rec'e1ve Wee• ,..t• person conducttng ia1111 C'>ilCAGO SpC'Cial notice of the filing o f Tile latest PUl>l•Shed wage ..... TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. the inven tory of th~ est.ate are 011 ltle and available lor 3255 W1lslme Blvd . Loa Angetel, , •e d f h · inspocllon 1n the 011tce ol 1118 ca. 90010. Tai. 12131380_3940 ass('.., an o t e petataons, Olrecto1.·P11ys1ca1 Fac•IHres THE HOPE TRUST accounts and rt· port s Planmno OEEO COMPANY descrabc.'Cf In Section 1200.5 Th• foregoing sche<fule 01 P•• ts Ttustee • o f the California Probate An non-exclusive easement IOf u11e and enjoyment ol Lota 237 and 238 o f llld T1ac1 No 9423. said •-• t>etng lurtller dellned 8tlO descrobed In Arllcr., II ol the Oectarahon 01 Reatrtetlona, 1efatred to In Parcel 2 abo"9. Tiie stteet address 01 common surlaoe of aald t.rld for t11411>Ufpose d11lgn1t1on. 11 eny: ol the r111 01 PI05'>1Ct•no for, tl\a exptoratlon. propetty described abo"e Is development , p1oduct1on, pyrported to be. 13 Sllkleal. lrlflne, otractlon and toking of said Catil0tnl1 92714 m1netal1, oil. gas. petroteum, other Tile und11s1gned T1u1tee hydrocarbon substencn and watet dlsc1a1m1 any llablllly lot any lrom said lend by means of mines. lncorrectoess ot tile atteet address wells. derricks end/01 other end otlllt common designation, If equipment lrom surface locations any. ShOwf1 he<etn on ldjOln1ng or neighl>Otlng land °' diem wag11 Is based upon a By. Chicago Title Code w0tklng day ol eight (8) l\ours The Insurance Company R rate 101 holiday and overtime work I C19ent ' elter & Reite r , 3600 reserves .............................................................. (2 738) TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ···································"·· 2 322 TOT Al LIABILITIES ANO ' Tile s11eet address or 0111a1 common desognallon or th• reel property hetetnal>Ove dMCrtbed 11 purpottad to be t 28 Lakap1ne1. Irvine. C1lil0t111a The undara1gn1d hataby dlsclelma all lrabllity lor any Incorrectness In said street addteea or other common designation Said aala .. ,11 be made without w1r1anty. ••Pren 01 implied, regarding title. possession, or encumbrances, 10 satisfy the p1lnclpa1 balance 01 1110 Nole or 011\er obllgatoon secured by said Deed 01 T1ust, with lntaraat and 011111 aums as p1ovtded lh1re1n. plua adv1ncas. II any. under the tarms 11\eteof and lnt11est on IUCfl •dvances, and plua 1-. cnarges end expen-ot the Trustee and ot the trulta cruted by aald Oee<I of Trust The total amount ol Hid obligation. Including t1Hon1bty aatlmlled tees. charges and axpenMa ol tile Trustee. at the time of lnltill pubtlcaUon of 11111 No11ee. Is $45.611 19 Dated Octoblt 22. 1982 SAN MARINO SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION as Trustee By. REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • Caltfornla c0tpotet1on. Its Agenl Said sale will be m1de, but 1v1nooutsldeoftlleal>Ovede~lbld without covananl ~· warranty. lllld. It being undaratood that the lllpteu 0t lmp11ee1. regarding title, owner ol auch mlna1a1s. oil, gas, pouesston. or encumbr1~1. to petroleum. otht1 hydrocarbon pey 11141 tlmllnlng Pflnclpal sum or 1ubatanoea a.rid water.·., Mt lortll the llAid note sec111ed t>y said ~. •bove. shall have no right to entet with lnteteat 1'-eon es ptovldad In upon 1111 aurlace ol the above aald Noll, 8d"1noea, If any. undet described land nor UM of any of the the terms of seld Dead. lees. 111d land 01 any portion thereof c11a1g11 end 111pensa1 o f the above lltd pl-perellal to •"lf $50 Trustee and or 11\e Trustt created leet below t1141 preseot surface or by 18td Deed. tile said land lot a11y purpose Tt>e Beneficiary urld1< aald Deed wllat1oev1r. recorded, In Book by reuon of • l>teectt or def1ul1 •n 13 t96. Page ta.3, Official Records the obllgetoons aecured thereby, PARCEL 3· Non-excluslve hetetotore execut.O and dehvered aaaamenll lor acceaa, 1ng11,s, to the T1u11ee wtltten Notice ol egress. encroachme111. support, O.fault and Election to c:auM the mllntenancie. repal(._I. and for olller undarslgned to Mii ..,d Pfoperty to pu1poses ovas the common are1 11t11l y ••Id obllgallona and a11d over those port1on1 or the 11\etHltet on July 9. t982 the UM>Ctltion P1ooertle1 comprlNd of undersigned CIUM<I Hid notice of the rec1 .. 11on erea •-• .,,d l>tNCtl and election to be recorded the aJreet •-•· all aa lhown .. lnstr-t number 82·236415 of and defined in 11\e aboYe-dnc:rlbed said Official Records plen 11nd the abo111-dascrlbed Dated This 26th dey ot October. Oecl11tahon 1982 P A RC E l 4 Ex c I u 1 I v a FIRST LOS ANGELES easements appurtenant to Parcels 1 CORP.. and 2 dftC•lbld above. '°' UM •nd TtUttae occupancy tor ('f••dl. Cdeckl. By Joe TentlCherl (guao•I PIVPOHI. dell ntd as Published 011nge Co1a1 Oa11y 11stt1c:ted common 111as In the P110t. Holl 3. 10. 17. t982 abova-ductlbad daclerauon as 4832-82 e111gned 1n tne abova-descttbed pl1n EQUITY CAPITAL ............................. .• • .. •..... 4 5, 126 Shall be at leest tome and one-hall ' By Armand c Saucedo Wilshir e Blvd., Ste. 2220, 11 shall t:>e mandatory upon tile Asst Secretary Los Angeles, CA 90010 CONTR-ACTOR to whom lhe Publls11~ao Orange Coos1 Dally l'ul>l"hdl Orun11._. Cou~L Dailv con1rac1 Is awarded. and upon any P1101, Nov 10, t7, 24, t982 P1lo1. Nov 10 12, 17. u111i • MEMORANDA (Amount• outstanding as of report d•I•) Standby letters o f credit total Time certificates o r deposit In denominations of $100,000 5Ul>Contrac1or unde1 him. 10 pay not 4871-82 ~!173·82 less than tne sat0 spoc1fled 1ates 10 •------..... · · · ·· · · ·· · ·· · ···· ·· ·· ··· 1, 055 all worke11 employed by them 11'Mlle •xecut1on ol Ille contract PUBLIC NOTICE No bidder may w1thd1aw hlS bid H-G24Cll 28 088 lor a perood ol lorty-llvo (45) days NOTICE 01' TIWSTH'• SA.LE · .................. • • alltir Ille data eat fOf tl\a 0Pen1no ol T.9. NO. F-1•7'0 or more .... -..•.•.•.•..•.••••• Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar m ontt:) ending w ith report date: Total deposits ..................................................... 40,767 We, the undersigned directors attest the correotness o r this statement of resources and liabllltles. We declare that 11 has been examined by us. and to the best o f our knowledge and belief Is true and correct. Lloyd M iiier , O.on Burns, M ichael S. Baum. Directors. I. Thom"s E Gruenwald. Vice-President and Cashier of the above-named bank do hereby declare that this 'Report o f Condit ion la true and correct to the best o f my knowledge and belief. E)(ecuted on Octo ber 25, 19 82. Published Orange Coast Oa1111 Pilot, November 10, 1982 4975·82 btds lWOfllTANT NOTICE A Pa y m e n I b o n d a n d a TO ""O"E .. i'Y OWHI! .. per10tmance l>On<I will be teqwreo VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ptoor to execution ol Ille contract OEEO OF TRUST. OATEO 8110181 and shall be In the lorm set tortll In UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Ille con11act documents PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT A mandatory walll·lhru will be MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE lllld on Tuesday November 23, IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION 1982 at 10 8 m at Golden West 0 F THE NATURE 0 F THE College You must attelld tile walk· PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU lllru lo bid the 1ob SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Purauant to Sectton 4590 ol Iha On Oecembet 8, 1982. at tO 00 (i(Mlrnment Code of Ille Stete of a m IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF Cahlorn••. the con1r1ct will cont11n AMERICA •• duly appo1n11d p1ov111ons permtttlng ll'le successlul Trustee undet end pursuant to bidder to substitute sacu1111ea IOI Deed or T1u11 1eco1ded June t9. any t'!l0tle'f$ withheld by Ille 0.strlci 198 1. as Inst No 30024, In book to an1ure perto1m1nce unde• 1111 14108. page 8111 . ol Ofllclal conlrect Records 111 1111 oftlce of t1141 County Govorntng Boord Rec0tders 01 011nge County, State By Norman f Walson of Callf0tnl1 txecut6d t>y All.AN E Sectemy. HELLER and MAUREEN HELLeR, PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE Boatd of ltulteoa husband and wtle. WILL SELL AT •.. _....._ Publtslled OtDngo Coast Dooly PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST ...-~ NOTICE Of FIUHO Of Pilot Nov. 10, 17, 1982 BIDDER FOR CASH ( "I NO..,.E .,.,. .., 'l .. E'9 SAlr pay a., 1 at '"" T ......... I. :.':."'Fl~ ~ AP,.LICATION TQ INCAEASE •971-82 time Of sale In Lllwfut money of tile IMPOfllTANr NOTlCE TO ACCOUNTS PtllllC NOTICE Untied StatM) •• the Nort!I f1ont ""'°""" OWNt:.. A~~IOMOf' ~TEH.J:... ;~C~ ·~~ C~~\y ~OUtlh:"M. P\IJLIC NOTICE ~ SUPERIOR cou .. T OF CALWC>fllNIA COUNTY Of' OftANGE In Ille Mallet OI Ille AppllCIJIOll of Jenmler SMITH McCOY for Change olNama CASE NU ... £11 A115a4 OfllOER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME JENNIFER SMITH McCOY 1181 hied • pelllton tn this court tor an 0td8' allowing oet11t0net lo Change his/her name ftom Jennife<" Smith McCoy 10 Jenniler Ellzabeth Smith It tt he1aby ordered that all persons interested In tl\1 matter 1loresa1d appear before 11111 court 1n Oepartmen1 No 3 II 700 CllllCI Cente1 Ortve West, Santa Alla, C1lfforn1a. on Oecembar 8, 1ga2, al to 30 o clOCJ< a m . end thin and ''-• show cau,.. ti any they have. wtiy said petition for cnange ol name should not be gr1nled It IS lur1her Otdared thll • copy OI tilts Qrd11 to show cause be published 1n tl\1 Dally Pilot. a newspaper of geoeral c1rau1a11on. published In this county at 111111 once a week IOf lour consecutive week• ptlor to 111e da~ ol Hid henring By (SEAL) 0 J. Mor~ 111 President P\llllC NOTICE The purported 1t1eet addresa 0t 011\ar common detlgnetioo ol said OFFICE OF THE SHEIUFF· P'OPlftY. 1105 Mesa Blutta Orhle. YOU ARE IN 0£E'AULT UNDER A LI.....,.. A.NO RELAnD NOTI CPP·29•42 A c",..' II n, ~ '1~' '!.5'1 ante OEED OF TRUST. •DATED 9.7 79. ASSETa CE Of T"VSTEE'S SAU na dal r g '11· tte ·~ I nttfb Mt UNLESS YOU TAKE •CTION TO T.8. No. F·2314/HaUer conveye o In now "' d y It Oeted October 29. 1982 FRANK OOMENICtilNI Judge ol t1141 2020 Not111 Broadway Suite 206 Santa Ana CA 92706 (71•1 953-6810 Publlahed Orengo Cont Carly Piiot, Oct 27. Nov 3. 10, 1982 47111-82 Pim.IC NOTICE COROHEft Costa Mesa, C1l llornla. NO COUNTY OF OttANQE WARFIAHTY IS GIVEN AS TO ITS NOTICE OF IALE C 0 R R E C T N E S S O R UN 0 E" OE CREE OF COMPLETENESS Namt and 'OfllECLOS\ME ed<lress Of the beneltel11y at whole Plalnun WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE request '"' ...... being conducted: ASSOCIATION. etc V1I Defendant· F1ra11n11111ate Bank of California u DOUGLAS E JONES. et 11 No TtUslee tor Granote H~ Loena. 35·75-82 ltd Se11ea tOt• Mortgage Pool, FICTITIOUS IWllNESS I. tile undersigned, BRAD GATES. c/o GRANITE HOME LOANS. L TO .• NAME STATHIEHT Slleriff-<:otonar, County ol Orange. t•OO Riv11 Par~ Drive, Sacl8mento, State Of Ce1tlorn11 do hereby cenity Cahlorn11 95815 Olrtc1ions to the 00::;:.~~ng peraons •re dOlng thlt by ""tu• or Decree ol •bove PIOll«1Y may be oblalned by 1-iHP ASSOCIATES. 332 F0tesl Forec101ura ano Sele In the raquestt119 "me in wrlttl\Q from the S Superlo1 Court of the County of benelteiary within 10 d•ys from 11141 Avenue. utte 22. l.aQuna Beach. Orange. State 01 Cahtornta. entered f rll pul>lleatlon of 11111 notic. Californt. 92852 on Augutt 10. 1982. and recoro.ci Said sale win be made without Hllltlurst Propertl"'J.. • hm1ted Augu.st 10, 1982 In the lbO't .-ovenent 0t w1r1anty, axpre11 or par1n1rahlp. 332 Forest Avenue, • n 1111, d • c 11 0 n . w 11 e,11 n tmplted. •s to Utle, POff1991on or :t~2 22. Laguna Beach. Cetlfornoa W 0 0 0 B R I D G E v I L L A G E ancumbf1nc91 to u tlaty 11141 unpeld Roland J Jensen, 1010 E ASSOCIATION, • Callfornll Hon· t>elance due on lhe note or notes Chestnut Avenue. Senti Ane, Profit Corpo11t1on. the atfove MCUrtO by Mid ee.a of TNat, to CalUornla 11270l nemed Plalntllf, obtained a wtt, S53,488.7t, plua the fotlowlng lud~ment and decrM of toreclo111re astlmated coats, upansH and Anthony J Ursano Famlly ad ances 1 , .... ti r I"-Int•· Trust, 2005 Pelo vaide Avenue. •n sale •o•lnat DOUGLAS E v • ,.... m1 o ... 1 .. 1 long Beach, Clltfomla 90lt5 JONES and RHETA R JONES. rc:l>llcatton of lhu1 Notieie ol Sale Pater R. Ut1::ino. t S 123 St dtfendanta. tor the 1um of Two 01a.:losure Fee1 and hpenaea C 1 ~ ThOuMnd Eight Hundr.O Forty One $1,428.74, Any Advances C:1~n11 ~untlngton Beach. & 581100 Dollars. tewfvl money of made h1tt1l111 with lnl •t••t TN• 11 condUcled ..., a t1141 United Stetea. and by Wlue of a tllllfeon lrom date of Ad\lanae _, wtit ol enforc.amtnt In Mid action NOTIC« TO ~"TY 0 ..... oen«al pert ll)ip. IUued on Oclober 4 1982 I am YOU A .. E IN DEl'AUl.T U.." A HHP ASSOCIATES. commanded to Mii a1l 111a pr'operty D 110 0, TR u. T. DATE 0 : ganar<l ~ ~r~·;:~PR S T In 11141 County of Orange. Sllte of .IAMJAltY 27, 1111. UNUal YOU C811lornla. delcr1bed u fOllows TAKI ACTION TO '"OTICT PROPERTI s . PARCEL 1. Unit No. 51 .. YOUR ""OPIRTY," llAY ., 1 par1n«lllop all own end ducrlbtd In the IOlD AT A "*-IC IALE. W YOU By· RECREATIONS. INC · Condominium Plan recotded on NIED AN EK"-ANATION °" T .. 9'f'lllal partnet January 12 1977 In 8oo1t 1203 I NATURE 0, THE "OCIE DINO ~~~· Pllfl• 1590' OI Ottlclal Record• oi AQAIN9T YOU, YOU •HOULO .,. aald County CC*TACT A LAW'nfll. inti llllement WIS filed with the PARCEL 2· An undivided one-Oiied October 28, 11182 Counly Clerk OI OrallQI County on MWnty IOU<1h ( 1174) lnter•t ea a RUBICON CO Octobar 19• 1982 tenant In common In t"9 lee lntareat ., Said Ttust" Publlehed Orenge Coi:tt=yt In and to 11141 Common Ar" of loll By U.S. Trust Daed Pllo 0c 20 27 N4 t •nd 2 of Trlci 8900 aa par mep S.vlces, Inc., Agent t. t • . ov 3. to. 11182 llled ln Book 3711. Pagee 31 to 32, 2115 J Str•t, Suite No 1 ___ ._ ______ 4,.8_19_·_.8,_2 1 tnclull"• of Miacellanaoua Map• Sac1am1nto, Callforn1• Ml.IC NOTICE 1eco1da of aeld Counly. H auch 95818 t8"m le cleflned In the Article entltled By-Kathleen Curlen A11t1t1nt s.ctelary (918) 44&-1880 Aemious IW.,..SS "O.llnlllona" of t1141 Declaration of NA• STAft•HT Covenan11. Condition• and The lollowtng peraon 11 doing Reatrie11ona reconsea on July 211, t>ullnell u : 1978, In 8oOll 11930, page 793 of Put>llshed Orange Cout Dally Pt!Ot, N0¥ 10, 17. 24. 1H2 . 4870-82 • 0 A N 8 0 N 0 A N 0 ~=~~~ of aald Cou11ty (11141 ASSOCIATES. 173t7 San L• •2. Prope1ty 11 more common!" "8.IC NOTICE Fo1'"taln Valley, CA 12708 k O p ' -------------..---Dan W11•91' BOl'ld, t7317 San c":.i!:.~· 1 Ilk VIiia, lt1t)ne. 'ICTIT10Ut llU8Maa ~uls •2. Fou1111111 Valley. CA 92708 Togethar with •II and llngulll 11141 .... 11'AT1-.eT Thia bulllneu II OOndueled by an ttnement1 heradltamenta end The IOllowing pe11on1 are doing ndtvidual • butlneu ... Dan W. Bond " :r::n:::;:::." therN'I~ belonging THE AENTAL 8PEC1Al18TS, Tiii• a1atament wu flied with lht PUBLIC N~E IS HEREBY 30131 Town Center Dfl¥e •13&, ~ty Cl«k Of Or1not Covnty On O 1 v E N T h 8 t 0 I\ T 1111r 1 de y L&Ql.tl)e Nleutf, Oelltofnla IH77 :>el 14. 1ee2 ~ 2 1912 .. 10.JO o·~ Nlgual Auoctat11, Iner .. • ,,_, am. of tllai day 'at Miln Lobby, cattfomla c:otPorttlon. 80t31 Town Publl1had 011nge Co111 Deity Courll\OuM, 700 Cl\oilO Center Orhle Cenl« DfM '1JS, i..ouna Nlgl.lel. • Pt!OI. Nov. 10, 17, :Z4. Dec f, 1982 WM\, Cl!}' Of 89M• Ana I ..... Mil CallfOtnla llH17 43'-82 th• above dHCrfbed property. Thia bu91Met 1• COllM19d by e -------------undar Mid wrh lfld d«lr ... or eo COfPOfatlon. • "8.IC NOTICE llWCl'I tller.ot ae mey oe ~ Hltl"' Aaeocllte1, Inc. IO H ll1fy H id Jud11m1n1 with ==:· H.,1lton. The Ooe9I View 8dlOOI Dletrlc:t Jn1-t1t1 Ind coett, to Ille hlgtltet Tllil tta1-lt W88 llled with Ille =-= = !~,::,,: =-~:::''"""'~Of ~ Qetti of~ Ool#tly on ,.. NOTICE undet 111d Deed of Ttu11 In the PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT lhis is to 1nl0fm Illa l>Ubhc lh•t, YOU A .. E IN DEFAULT UNOER A prope1ty altuetad Jn uld County MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. under Sec11011 563 22(b) or tilt o EE o o F f " U IT OAT E O end Steta described as IF YOU HEED AN EXPLANATION Ruin and Rtgulat1ont lot lnsurr.nu OC:fOIEll 1, t•l. UNUaS YOU A SUBlEASEHOLO ESTATE IN OF THE NATURE OF THE or Accoun11 Hemet Federal TAKE ACTION TO ""OTECf ANO TO SuperlOI Court Publtahed Orange Coaat 0111y P1101. Nov 10. 17 24, Dec 1. 1982 •9SM2 PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Savings and loan Assoc11t1on. YOU ...... O .. E .. TY, IT MAV e ll Lot 110 ot Trtct No 3519, In the SHOULD CONTACT A LAW'l'ER Hemet. Calilornta, hu ftled en SOLD AT A ""81..JC SALE. IF YOU City ol Newport Beach. H shown on PUBLIC NOTICE On DECEMBER 8, tH2. at tO 00 appllcatlon for pa1m1u 1on to NEIEO AN EJtPLANATION Of TttE a Map tecorded In Book 128, pages --=-::=~~'.""'"'--....,.--- AM . IMPERIAL CORPORATION lf'IGl8U@ a«Ountr Of an 1nwreble NATU"E OF THE PROCEEDING 18 to 21 lnCIUSlw of M1$Cettaneous l'ICmlOUS 8USINE•• ()F 4'MERICA aa dufy appointed type by tenon OI the a11umptton of AOAINIT YOU, YOU SHOULD Maps, tl4!ords of Otange County, N.-aTATE•Nf f1uatee under and pur•uant 10 certlln habllllles end related assets CONTACT A LAWYER. Cahloinla The lollow1119 P«tons are doong Deed 01 Truat recorded Septembar ol PKlllc Ft!der•I Sa.111ngs and loan On No"9mbet 24, 1982• 11 10 00 Tile 111181 eddtHS end 01118, buamess as. 14, 11179. H lnal No 14554, In AuocJllion, Coata Mau C1ltf0tn1a AM , BUCKEYE RECONVEYANCE common destgnalron. ti any. of Ille ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE. book 13309, page 616, ol Official located at the lollowrng bt1nc11 C 0 MP AN y , 8 C 8 11101n 11 1811 ptoperty dttcrtbld above 11 1800 E Garry A¥enue, Suite 111. Rfi0td1 In tile offlOe ol tl\a Counly Ollie•• 209 Eaat Stetson Avenue, 50 Santi Ana Cahl n1 92705 Recorestn of 01anoe County, Stitt Hemet, Celll0tn10 and • 1857 East Co1po1at1on H duly appointed pcu1ported to be 4C tg'f!•YM Road. Jame~ t< or 111• o I 15500 Of Calf Ftorlda Avenue. Hemet. Calll-nia Truatee undat and pu11uant to oron1 del Mar A 2v25 , enne av a, omta executed by THOMAS v-Oetd ot Trust dated Octobet 7, The undersigned Trustee Tu1tln VIiiage Way. No 18, Tu11ln, N. KIEA. • wld-. Will SELL AT Anyone may w11ta In t1vor or d 1 C.Mtornia 92680 PUBLIC AUCTIO TO plotut of 1111 eppltcalion Your t981 tecorded November 13, 1981, lsc alm6 eny ll1blllty for •nv N HIGHEST a.s lnlt No. t4353, in booll 14289, Incorrectness ol Ille street aeldrau Aanell Ro1nn1 Dav11. 15500 BIDDER FOFI CASH (payable et cornrnentsmay ditcuss, t>ut are not page 1156• 01 Otlicit1I Records on the and othet common deslglletiOn, If !Tustin VIiiage Way. No. t6. Tustin, time ol sale In tawfUI money ot the limited lo. the 1~phcan1'1 record ol ofltce 01 the County Recorder 01 any, •hown herlln CaltfornlB W80 United States) at the North front P«tormenc. in •lptng to ITM!et 1he Orange County State Of Celtlo>tnle Said ula wlll be m•d•. but ' This bl.tame" 11 conducted by 111 ent1ance totll4ICountyC01JrthouN. C••dlt needs of Its local E••culld by ELIZABETH I without cova11ant or wa11anty. lndl¥tduaJ 700 Chile Centar Or1¥1 WHt, Santi communltlft Four copteS must be CORZINE, 1 widow Will SELL AT ••oreaa or Implied, •to•tdlng title James I< Del/ls Ana. CA, att tight, lltle end ln191'est recolvod by ··supe1vleory Agent, PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST possession. 0, encumbrances. 10 Renell R. Davis conveyed 10 •!\~ now held by It F.OetaJ Horne loan Bank of San BIOOER FOR CASH (P•Y•bl• 81 P•Y 1,.1 tetnllnl"" prl~pal aum 01 T'hla,1te1ement WN flied With t1141 "nde1 llld "·ed of T1·•11 In the F1anc1aco, 600 Calllorn11 Slreet ... Count c ........ of ,.._ Coun v uw -p 0 time ol 1111 111 1 ..... 1111 money of 11141 tht note aecuted by said Deed of Y "" .... ange ty on prope!'ly 11tuated In 11ld County 011 Ille• 8011 7948, Sen Untied Stetes) 11 11141 ftont Olllslde Trust. with lntatHt thereon. 81 No_,,bar 1, 1982 a11d Stele deterlbld a1; Fr111c1tco, Callfo1n1a 94120." by antiance 10 the Continental Home PfOVtded In uld note, advanclft, 11 1'201m Lot 63 of Ttec1 No t700, City NOvemt>tr 27, 11182 An a<ldlllon•I loan t>utldlng 11 434 South Euclld, 111y. under u,. t1tms ol uld o.e<J Publlalled Otange Coe11 Delly Of "-Pot1 8eactt, u lhown on a 20 d1ya to sut>mlt commenta m1y An111a1m. CA. 111 right. ltlle and of Truat. Itel cha1ges and Pilot, Nov 3. 10, 17, 24. 11182 /NIP recorcl9d In Booll 5', Pagll 1 be obtained, PIOYlded well requat intettst con.--to and now het<I expen-Of the Trustee and ol 11\e 47M-82 a11d 8 of Mlac:9lla11101J1 Maps, In the 11 recttv•d in w11t1ng by the ··•-1 1 led.... ... ............ 1 T office of th• County Recorder ol Supervisory Agent by November 21, by II under N ld ONd of Trull In !1141 nis CtH v' 11 ... ,....... o rust, Mid C'.ounty t982 Prop111y •llu•l•d 1n Hid County '';{ the •mount re11on1b1y boept""" 11\arelrom tlll Oii. ....... Anyone ••nd1ng • aubS1ant11I end St1t1 delcflbed H . "T'~!'!!'_~oflcbe '141.500 00 ----~-Plel __ IC_NO_T_IC£ ___ _ .... ...-1 lot 15 or Tract No 8•07. County ... ........ llry under uld Deed _ mlnerata e nd hydroca rbon pro ••I m1y 1equut an orel of Orange. Slate 01 Cellfornll, H or Trust heretofOfo executed and STATEMENT OF AaANOONMENT tublttnc:ft jn end under aatd land. argument on the eppllca11011 at Ml per map recorded In Booll 237• delivered 10 lht underalgned • OF UM Of' but without 111• rl9ht of 1urf1ct forth In Section 543 2(11 01 the nanaa 40 aftd 41 01 Ml·-""l-·a w<llten Declaration ot default llld F1Cm1ou1 8USINE9S NA• entry 10 1 depth ol 500 feet Rul11 and R1gu1111ona 101 the ,...,,. '' --·~ o The tollo 1 11 • MllPI. Ill 11141 olflol Of 11141 County •mend for Sale, and a written w ng Pettona 1ve ;",.!~:~r.·:. f~!~,~~: ~:'J::: ~~~•IP~!~:l't~el~n:i~~~d Recorder of Mid County Nottce ol Default and Election to •bandoned t1141 uM of the fiCttllous d-' 1 ~.... """"" aubstanllal. 11 must be ...,,111en. The •l•eet tdd111s 111d other Sell Tiie undetalgned CauMd said bus•nn• name. reoor ...., n"""" l....., .. , page 813, common d-"'neilon, 11 anu, ol the Notice or Oeleult and Election to DRESS AFFAIR, 19093 8eech Offlctal Aecord• or 11ld Orenge •-vtd on t1m1. and cont11n af --. ' ., .... , 1 ..... .._ .. 1 Blvd Hunttnnton 8each Catilorn11 eoun 1eat1 t1141 loflowlng t) 1 11.1mm-of rall propeity dHCtlt>ed lbove 11 '"" o """ recorvwu n the county •• .... · ty. -' purport.O to be ,335 Of hrd H 11 wherl the real ptoperty le located 92848 The llrfft 1dd1111 and othe1 tile reasons for the PfOIHI 2) the c 1 o.te Oclober 28. 1982• The Flc1t11ous Busln1u N1me common t:IHlgnatlon. II any, of Illa apeo1l1e manMa Ob)ected to In t1141 Place, Santa Ana Heights, CA r d l t I 1 1 d eppllcatlOn or In the appll~ant's 92701 IMPl,.IAL CO,.PO,.ATION o' re •rrt o above waa I eel in rea p1oper Y ••crlbed above 11 w The undlltlgned Truataa &mflllCA OtallQI County on S1p1ember 28, purported 10 be oommuqlty .....nc. rec0td 31 lacta. em c t979 1315 8onnle Coone Terr1ce. lnCludlng any 1e1e¥ant economic 0t dlaclalms any liablltty 10' any ...,.= ~111 Calltln O Ktracllenmann end Coront del Mat, CA 112825 llnanclal tnform1t1on, wllleh suppon •ncorractl'lMt 01 11141 •tiaet ~dr"' (n•> . Janot A 1<trc11anmann, 24362 Tht u11d erelontd Ttu81ee the proteat. end •I any edvarH •nd otl\ef common d"IQnaoon. 11 •••ret!t• C"Mlbertaltl F11con La111. El Toro, c 1111ornla dl1e1a1me '"Y ffeblllty tor a11y •flacta on your 01ganlut1on or en~, •hown hetaln True'"'' .... Oflloef• 92430 if'leol1ec:1MM ot the'""' addr... communll'f whlCih mey retult t1om aid ule wlll be med•. with Publialled ~1 Harbor NeWI Thia buliness 11 conduct.a by en and o1tlef oommon OMlgnatlon, II lipPIOVal of the app~alt0n wllhout covena111 or wa11en1y, Preta como1ned with the Ot•~• lnd1vldual any, ettown l'letttn You m•y look 11 tl'te eppltcatton •llPIMI °' tmplled, regardtng lltle. c 1 o Said ••I• wlll .. 1 me .. •. but and ell comm•lll• l.iol9d et tht posMttlon, or encumbrances, to Co111 Delly Piiot. Nov. 10, 17, 4 • vtn l<lt'Kihenmann " " F.Oerel Home loan ll"lnk 01 .&an PIY the rttnelnlng pt'lll(Jlpal IUQ'I of 1982 ' Thie 1111ament waa meo wnh t'1e ::;:.:\:0~;!;.1 ,:;.::,t;•,7,'t!; Fiencleco, unleu any •uch the llOM(ll teeured by aald Deed of 4847-82 County Clerk of Ora11ge County on l>08MHIOn, °' ancum«>r•nc.a. 10 mattffllt Ifft ••empt by Jew lrom Truat, with lnl••Ht the11011, 11 N.O¥tmbar 5. t902 P ... tne rem•tn""' --1~·p·• rn of Pllllflc <111e10aure If UOl.f 111111 anu PIO\llOecl In eald nott(tl. tdv•!!.caJ "8.IC NOTIC( p o c l'tlMOSO ., "'W '",..., ., IU qut•t1ona concar'nino llttl t ii any. undfr lht ,...,,, of uld .._ ubllahad ••no• out 111.y the nota(a)-.t>yMldO..OOf ~rocedur e a . contect t•e o l Truat. teu. Chert•• end Ptc:TrnoutlUtlNllt P1lot,Nov t0.17,24,0ec 1, 1982 Trull, with lnterHt thereon. •• .. .. ... _ 477" 82 upeNttOr)I Agent at Ille F~lll tllPltl-Of the Trutt• and of 11\e -ITA,....,, •• r,r-:: t~~·~ ::,-o:; H°"'9 lOtl\ 811111 QI $An Frat1eltco 1tu1t1 ~tHlad by U ICI 0Md of The folio.Ing f)ellonl are dOtllQ j Of '""· ..... 1118t t•• ... d Pubtl•h•d Or•n1:ncoa1t OlllY n¥:!t IOCll emount Of tne wnpal<I l>Ull~~\~·~ 0 RT IR v I N E f'ta.IC NOncE l • .,,.,_.of ttle Tnmee and Of the Pllol Nov '°· t'r, ball~ or the obligetlOn aecuted ACU,UNCTURE CINT(R, 2192 PICllftOUa ........ lrual CfN\tO t>y Mid Deed°' huM. ----------·-"-54-.21 Oy Ill• PtOl)elt'( 10 be Miid and Mtt1if'I Sul .. 240, lrlltne. CA ·~7 t5 NA• ITATIMIWT l or 111• tmount reuonebty "8.IC NOTICE reu o1u1>11 H t lmated 00111, • Oonetd A Grupe. O o S , The tottowing pet'9onl ,,.. Cl..._ ·~:·~~IOO~c:>ald DMCI l"'!!~~==-!"""'~-----i•11pen ... tn<J •d~•l'ICt• at ll'tt llme lnc:orporeted (• Calllorn1e l>utH\ett at ........ 01 Truit lleretofor• uecvttf •t'IO rtennoua .,..... or 111• tnltlel pullllc•uon ot the Ol'pOratlon). 21t2 Martin Suite 240. C ALIFORNIA LIMOIJ81NE dell¥•t•d lo 111• unde11lg!'!t d • NAMI aTATllmNT Hot~ Of Slit 11125, t 1120 IMna. CA 92716 stRVICI. c/o Kray & Sml!ll, 4400 Wfllltn Oecltlf•tlon Of Otltult ..... n. IOll~ "''°"' -Tiie btnefl\ill f'f under H id Deed TN• butlnet1 II CondUcted by • MacArtn\lf 81¥d .. No 300, ~f ,...__ "" buelne11 •· of Ttult hetetofo11 exa<;uted and OfpOrltlon lellCf\ CA 1"80 .,..,,and for Salt. and • written IASHflUl PALACI, U U I delivered to the und1re1Qned t Donald A Orupe, ASM COHSOLIOATl'.D. INO . t ;:.:~,,.;' Default Ind Electron lo Ct au de Circle, Liile For••I, wuuen Otcterl!lCln or Otftult 111\4 O O 8 , Inc Callfor111e corp o1atton. ~4117 TwedllY, 1'4owmber 1t, Ifft ffom Otttd at ...... Ana. CellfOt'n 1, _..,,.., 2 t, tlll P tot J,m Tiie '*""9.,.. IM 11-.i ~ H tNt. Ptl1MI •• "-•Mfll vi.w tchOOI, tllt2 9fiAO GATH Publiatied Orenoe Coaet Dally Noeic. °' ~~ ...... , .... ,.__ ... 10 ~.... • Otfllllld fOf ..... and • Wtllten Ooc\ald A Ol'l.IPt, D 0 s ~ Blvd. ~Mymaed CA &ell -._ ""' leHrly KrltHttln, UU 1 Hottct of ~lll!f lftlf tllatton to ~ N386 ..:.o, be ::Of'dld Ill the COtMty Cll llll• err cl•. Lllllt ,OrH• ..... UMI \ltlderfiOntd CIUttd Hl(f '"" .... llMl'lt w•• tlled •t11111e ~"""' "~ ~ L•nOau &.ane. HIHl(ftltton leecll, ~-Ptlol. Oct 20. 27. How. I. tO. 1N2' Cellfomiatff47. Tlle~--be County Of0flfl09, CA .... , .. a =:..~ .... ...!.~d~ ~· lflt'•---·· .,,._. lftdlarl ~ -tltvad HtCan , ~MDII i•'ll-ft 10....,. .,, Ctltlclanl, end llelp .... A .. _.... .. ...... tflf ,..._,. pt'GPOMI. ff YCM1 ml1 ~........ •stir lft. ... In)' ...,ION ,...,~ lfle ..... -D•llv Piiot flaerlnt.Jl•He CAii tndltn II,.., CA -'"-~ C714J 14M00t .......... A-., deMlfled .!¥Olleflff Oranoe Cont Oaltr ""tlllttlad Orenr. CoHt Oelty ad. CaU .......,. No¥. 10, 11, ft, 1a. tM2 ,.ll04, Nolt, 3, 10, 1 • ·~ • ............ 1 4972-IJ .ttJf.12 ..... - Dal• ~°'""' ~ too.9" Cel!l:'ttlt ~ ~•tt• ol Dettu11 end 19-cllon to ty Clerk o1 Otange Covnlr on cor"00tiftolt I MPEfllAL COAP 01' "•11111 Jo M oor•, 3 t 4 Alt to bf t'llCOfdell Ill 1'le OOofl~ • , .. llU RSM~. Inc. A !NC OMamond, alll>OI llllfld. Celff ......,, lfle rHI P1°'*1Y 11 IOCateCI ,,_ l.1V9ile lrMllld, Pr-. 1~7 C.:..... DrM. ~ Dile Octow 1~ 1112. Publlaned Orange Coa11 D•llY '"" 11at.,_, w.. Mad Wltll liw .. ~-t-,,_bu--,. conduel.o by •uCKIY• .. l!CONVIY· PMot. Holl tO 17 14 Dec I 1112 Coumy CMtlt.,. °'** c:oun.r on ~ -Olf*al partMtlNp AN(:I COMPANY 4Nt.U °"** t6. .... ......,, ~ 4>.t . ltlCltd. ,_ CNnlllel•i. Tlllt l!IMl'l*lt ... llled Wltll I Aneflttm, CA tHO~ HAY a _,.. TruMM'a Ille Oltolr ~11 C191\ of Oftngtt eou.iiy 1 tt ... I. POU 01 t7 I 0 1 re ti Uil &..;,,. ,,:'.":,,...~"::-er':;: Octoc.1'. ,.., ey Oebtlle ao.1 e.11142-1111. --· -.... •-°°"' ,...... l"llOt f4. ,,_ AulflorlNd ... ure hi I flW WOfft -9 ...... ~ - 111 ,,_, • NOii 10, 17, 4, Publl•l't4td Orange Coaat Oelt l'wDlltheG 01111r. Coul O'afly • f u ,. ......... Or ... CHet o.+t, I 4a..t.aJ '"°'-NO'tl 3, 10 11, 24, IN~ Pilot Nov, 3. 10 1 • llU to wor Of l"lllC. ~ IO. 17, ..... I , 10. '9Q ... ..,.. ....,. . ., ....... .. ... ~---· F . s " . r r I . l 1· 1:· ' Dt * Or on Oll!OQ2!!8 JIM NIEMIEC r Winter storms help hunters 0 0 6 4 2 • Early winter storms in the Paci'ric Northw<."til have helped the waterfowl hunting picture for Southland scatter -gunners. Ahead ol these cold fronts are the early migrating ducks and get.•sc. -=-5 A build up of sprig and w idgeon at many shooting spots in Southern California is currently under way and should pea k in the next couple of weeks. Along with the duc:ks a number of Canadian h o nkers a nd snow geese have a rrived in the southern part of the st.ate. Hunters at public and private s hooting a reas s ho uld do well on t he average hun t through mid-November. In Northern California there are lots of birds and hunting should c:ontmue to improve through the winter months. GOOSE SHOOTI NG ts producing more action than d uck hunting currently in the Alturas·T!-lle Lake area. A good hatch of loc-al geese has just mixed with northern birds and the c.'Ombination has tripled the area population of geese. The second half of Cahfom ia's dove season j{Cts under way Nov. 20 but the outlook is for fair to poor hunting, at best. There just doesn't seem to be many dove in the flyway this year compared to past seasons. Those who scout prior to the opening should come away with ha lf limits providing they use heavier loads and can bring the fast flying dove down at ra~ges up to 50 yards. The best gunning will be around the south end of the Salton Sea and ove r t~ Blythe. with the Bakersfield area a lso productive for those who can get permission to hunt priva te ranches. THE QUAIL SEASON is just so-so. There are no t many birds being har vested by upland game hunters even though there seems to be plenty of quail around. Most of those who are bagging limits of birds are having to spend hard hours waJking out steep canyons in order to flush enough birds to average good shooting. The rains this week w ill most like ly w ork agitinst quail hunters as the birds will be sprea~ out and flush wild ly. Hunters who work the higher elevations m ight find fair shooting of both vaJley and mountain quail if they work the lower edges of the snow line. Pheasant hunters will also find it tough as the season opens this week. Under we t c:onditions the ringnecks will be holding very tight and only flush as a last resort from under a shooters foot. Under these conditions a good dog is a must. Those who don 't feel that a drive to northern California is worth the time and money, can hunt pheasant within 30 min utes of Orange County at Linc Raahauge's pheasan t hunting club in Corona. For information on this close-in h unt ph one 735-2361. Sutton, Zahn .. b~nquet guests Don S u tton o f the Andre w s a n d D o ug Milwaukee Brewers and Smith of the Rams; and G e o f f Z a h n o f th e Dan Bonar of the Kings Angels will be amon g hockey team. Moderator the featured guests a t for the panel w ill be Phil the second annual All· Olsen . an ~i ght-yea r Sports banquet staged by veteran of the NFL and f. h e S o u t h C o a s t the Rams. Communi t y C hu rch J ohn Werhas. a former which will be held at the D odger a nd An ge 1 ftegistry Hotel in lrvine player. will also appear oonight. on the program. Werhas Other profession a l is now the director of athle tes expected t o Victory Minis tries and a pp ear o n a p a n e I chaplain for the Dodgers, include Keith Erickson, a Angels. Rams. Lakers ~ormer L a ker: George aryd Kings. Dllll llTICll REIT ANO Rei1.ano of c.osta Mesa, Ca. JOHN REITANO. resident and Ann Gould ~ of Costa f Cos M Ca Passed M esa. Ca .. 2 s i sters both 0 ta N eu~be; 8 1982 living in New Y ork. Ann ::i:o~n ~ch, Ca 'H e is Str angio a nd Cath erine survt:cf b his loving wife R e 1 t a n ~ . a n d S Eleanora l Costa ;Mesa Ca g r a n d c h 1 1 d r e n . T h e his bekw:S children J~ph Recltatlo~ of t h e H oly ----------_,R osary w ill b e held on ...Cl MOY.-S m.&. MOADWAT MOllTUAllY 110 Bro.dway Costa Mesa 642•9150 Wednesday. N ovember 10. 1982 at Pierce Brothers &11 Broadway Mortuary Chapel at 7:30AM. Maes of Christian Burial will b e h e ld o n Thursday. N ovember 11 . 1982 at St. J o ac h i m 's Catholic Church at 8:00AM with interment at Riverside Defense Laker Eddie Jordan a pplies. dt>fen e as Kansas City's Brooke teppe looks for. a teammate. Dodgers will miss Garvey --Bevacqua SAN DIEGO (AP) -The loss of first baseman Steve Garvey cou ld be a bigger blow to the Los Angeles Dodgers than th ey expect, says Kurt Bevacqua. veteran utllily man for the San Diego Padres. Garvey's departu re "is really going to hurt them," Bevacqua said Tuesday. "I don't think they'll realize just how much it will hurt until they stick one of those young kids in there to try and fill his shoes." Bevacqua, 35, made' the remarks dur ing a news conference called to announce he had signed a new contract with the Padres. Terms a nd length of h is contract were not disclosed. PUBLIC NOTICE PtalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS .U ... H FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE•NT NAME STATEMENT The lollOwlng persont ere d0tng The lollowlng persons are doing bull-as: bu5tneu as. WESTCLIFF CONSULTANTS. EXCLUSIVE INVESTIGATIONS. 1825 W11tcllll Drive. Newporl 2821F' NOflh Grand Avenue, San111 Beaeh~allfornla 92660 An•. Cafilornl1 92701 • MlchHI J Griz, 840 Irvine Sherry Howard. 252 IF' Notlh Avenue. •S-312, Newpoft Beach. Grind Avenue, Santa Ana. CslllorQll 92663 Clklorn•a 92701 JoleOll O Voyer. 5515 River Mar11yn Farley. 2521F' North Avenue •3t 3, Newport Baich, Gtend Avenue SanlU An1, Cllilornla 921163 · Cahlorn11 9270 1 Thia busln9N It eonduclad by I Thi$ l>USlneas It oonduc:ted by a genetll partnenhlp general pertnersnif> JOMPto O. v~ Sherry Howard Thlt atat-• WN filed Wtlh lhe This Slaternenl WU filed With the County Clatk ol Or8f\91 Counl)' on Counly Cler1I or Orange County on OctoC>er 26. 1982 No..emtlef a 19a2 F200QO Published Ot1nge Co111 011ty PtlOt, Oct 27. Noll 3. 10, 17, 1982 4730-82 rt.a.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS •UllNHI NAME STATEMENT Tha following petson 11 doing bUSlntSS H A· 1 CARPET ANO INTERIORS, 170 1 Pomon•. Cos la Mesa. CA 92627. Steve R. Pateuen. 1857 N"':" Je<say SI. Coale Moaa. CA 92827 This busmasa " conducted t>y en 1ndlllldual Steve R Petersen F2014M Pubhthld Ore'lge ColSt 0111y P1lol, Nov 10. 17. 24. Dee. I, 1982 4952·82 PtalC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUStNESS NAME STA nMENT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing t>utineas at STEVE IRISH & ASSOC, 2087 Sen Joequln Hiiis Rd . Newporl Beac:h. CA 92660 Steve lrlSh. 1.t Miners Trail, Irvine. CA This bu11neas Is condue1ftd by an lnd1vlduar Steve ltlsh Th>s a11\emen1 wa.s hied ... 11h Iha Counry Clerk of Orange County on Nov S, 1982 This s111emen1 was hied Wilh the Counl')I' Cletk of Orange County on '20t431 Nov 5, 1982. Published Orange Co111 Deily F20'44e Piiat. Nov 10. 17. 24. Dee 1. 1982 Published Orange Coast Dally 4928·82 PllOI Nov 10. 17, 24, Dee. 1, 1982 -----------• •914-82 Nil.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOU9 .,..._ .. NAMISTA'R.•NT The IOllowlng peflOlll 1te CIOlllQ oo-.. LARRO ENTERPRISES LTD . 11588 E P11eo Diego, Anaheim. Celllomll 92807 Lawrance Eng11111. 9598 E PaMO C*go. Anaheim. C1hloml• 92807 A H Rothaerm•I. 904 Clut>houea, Newpo'1 Beach, C81il0<nla 9211113 · Thlt butlMU II condue1ed by I limilad part,,.,lhlp. A. H. Roth-mat This 1111ement w .. filed wllh Illa County Cleril of Orenge Cou111y on No~ti.r 1. 1982. no1on Publl1hed Ot1nge CoH I Dally PllOl. Nov. 3. 10, IT, 24. t982 4788·9~ P\141.tC NOTICE FICTITlOUS llU ... SS N._ STATE•NT Thi toOowln9 peroJOn 11 doing butlnMt u: C.S.O INTERPRISES. 1000 Ptl'k Ntwporl, Su11e to 1. Newport S..Ch.CA KELLY F HARWELL. 2830 DanlM. Orange. CA 92667~ Thia butlneUI la condUC:tad by an lndlvldual Kelly Harwell Thll 1111-1 WU Iliad Wllh IM County Clerll of Orange County on Sap1amt>er 23. 1982. ,1•121 Pu1>U1hed Orenge CoHI Dally Pilot Oet. 20, 27. NOii. 3, 10, 1982 • 490442 National Military Cemetery.•----------Rivenide. Ca. Friends may Plll.IC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE '1CTITIOUI iUiMaa NAm ITATS...,. IALTZ .... oM SMmf' & TUTMa&. WKTCUflF CHAP'll 427 e 17th St Costa M esa e.&-9371 rmc:1110n..s SMITHS' MOtlTUMY Ww.lnSL .-..nt~.ch PACMCYllW r•ICMIM PAB -~~--· 3500 P1e1flc VfflW Drive Newpof1 Be.ch 844-'l'IOO c.all at the mortuary after l--F-IC~Tt~T-:IOU~a-=llU= ... =:-:•:-:•:--- 3 :00PM o n W ednesday, NA• STATaMINT N ovember 10, 1982. Pierce The loltowln9 ~too• are dOlng d l>UslneH .. Broth en B ell B r oa way COMPUTER PX. 1800t Sky Mortuary dlreciors. Park South. Suite 0, lrvlne. CA BOSWORTH 927 14 S1aph1n S SCOll 1nd AnodllH . t8001 Sky P11k Soulh, Sulla o. lrvlne. CA 92714 TIWI butlnatl II eOl\dUClad l)y I c:o<potlllon S1eph1n S Seoll tlld ~ M.,1111 w Gr-'*9 See1-llf'( Thia 11e1_,t w .. fifed ..,Ith the County Clafk ol 0<11191 Counly on NOY 5, 1982 ,2014M Put>ll1t1ad Otanga Co111 Di iiy Ptlol. Nov 10. 17. 2'4, Dao I. 1813 •Mt-H RlCHAJµ> BOSWORTH. a resident of C.O.ta Mesa. Ca. Pu.ct away on November 5, 1982. He la aurvived by his wife Julieann ea.worth ot c.o.ta Me.a, Ca.. 2 children Dlrk Bosworth and Deborah St. Clair both of Coat.a Mesa. Ca •• brother Thomas Bosworth of Hawail and a ... , Melry Ruth Miller ol. "'1W y ork. al8o survived by 2 1randchi1dren. SuvlcH wUJ be held on Thursday, P\aJC NOTICE November 11., 1982 at ACTmOUl.,...H ll:OOAM at Pierce Brotheors MAMI ITAT••NT !Mil Broadway Mortuuy Tiii 1ot10w1r1G l*tont we dOlllO l>UllNM .. : Chapel with Interment to IMAQf MICRO. 2253·8 follow al RJvenlde National Pomona, Cotta MeH. CeUlornt1 M I Jl ta t y C e m e te r y , 92927 Rlvenlde. Pierce Broth era Charla• Nathan 8ymmonCll. 8911 Bro9dw•y Moriu•ry !~~11 ~t¥''· Oo1t1 Meu, d~ U!ldt RAYt 8ymmondl. 1263·1 ~--~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;~Pomona. Co.ta ...... ca11torn11 I. ntl7 Tiiie """""' It OOl'CNOl-4 ~ • geNrlll*t,.... llncM ....,. t7mmoodll Tllll ~ -flllCI ..... c~ C11tt1 of 0r .... COuNY en Oc10tler ti. 1"2 ,_,,. ~l>fl1hed Orlflte 00111 01lty '1lol. OOt 20, 27. Hov J, 10. tlll 4~·H The folloWtng petlOlll lte Oolng bualneN u : 0 & L. SUPPLY COMPANY. 350, No H2, AllOCldo Streel, Coat1 Mtea, Callf0tnla 92t27 Oetlort S. HlnU, 350, No H2, Avocado Strtel, Cotta Mtaa, Calltornta 92$27 i.-1 Markarlen, 350, No. H2. AYOCldO Street, Coll• Mtal, Calllor!M 112827 Thie ~ le conducted by a generet plf1'*8Np. Debra 8. Hintz ~· Mertt.,,.,, Thia lllt-t -lllacl with ""' County an of 0r.,. County on No'twnbtr 1, tN2. ,.,.,, Put>ll1hed Oran1e Coa11 Oalty Piiot, NOY 3 tO, t1,24, ttl2 41 ..... Ml.IC NOT1CE 6 7 8 D A I· L y p I L 0 T c L .A S. s I F I E D ClASSlfllD IHI lll1lf •••••••••••••••••••••• tOUAL HOUllHO O''O'-lUNllV ...... ,., ,,,, .... ,, ,,, ,,,, .... ,. ~-,,,,_ ..... . ·••••••··•······••···· ..•.•..•......••.••.......•.•.•...••. lt•••I 1001 Df•111I lllZ Cl•tt•I •••••• !.~~ •.•..•................ ··~··················· ..•••.•.... Uff.-T llOllln LIDO ISLE MOIH --M&T IUP 11111111• Lulu Noni h11vl r1m1 ~bdrm,~''' lluth e .. 1 bey view In N•w· .1 ';, 00! JI • 1 500 000 port l.lvely 2 bdrm, 2 LKt' L H ., uh l'Ollv " i t " pl • •• • · bath on 1urn1ng b .. ln I Slip av•lltble at 1ow111 lkmndc•h•tl :J lxlrm. 2 h;ith + lur~1· n-c• rm., rele In •ree. bcelltnl ll· I IX'lilll c•c11l111t(i;, Cuml.li lwd, potlo11 $4:l0.000 n1nclng. . HllllUU HOii P•Wltlltr't ••tlttl M 1 Oi.·c•;111 ~ J!'ll!f v11•ws Mnrlm· rumn, 4 Wt m. ~ All, ... H tlle ad~tllMd bUlh, :mlO ,;t1Jt, SI ,:JHG,000 (X'('1.mfrttnt In thlt n ew1paper 11 1ublec1 to the Federal Fair Houelng Act ot t9ee L do e ty LINDA ISLE IAYFllOIT Wh!Gh mlktS 11 Illegal to 67-:11·7300 ~~IOll Vll'W from fl hdrOl, ~ b<1th, pl11ym"m, adlllfllM "any praflflll· or d n. I N *I 000 ()()() ee, llmllatlon or dlec:rlml· ~~~~~~~~~: dur rm. 1•n n<llll K rp uw • • • nation b111d on raee, ~ color, rtllglon, HK or CHHIY flEIOll HYSIDE PUCE n11lon1t origin. or 1ny EITlTt S•""CUit..ular 1...u(nmt <lplx 2 I.Ir. 2 ba up. 2 br. Intention to mi ke any .-""V auch preference. llmlll· N r FALi.BROOK 11 Z ba dn 2 boal l)llt~ Rt..'<i\K<t-d $1.500,000. ,_ .. acres 11200 sq II hm, llon or dltcrlmu.allon. tennis court. etc 1875• Thia newtP•Plf wlll not 000 0 1111ner wltl carry 11nowlngly 1ccept 1ny Call 7 am 10 I pm, Mon 1dvttll1lng for real ••· lhru Fri. 2 131731-4962 late which It In vtollllon fllRHlllS IAICN Now -I lit. 4 1,, IJJ, ~u:-.tom French Normundy ~wll• I 2 pr!mc .14.'rc hilltop $1 ,2~.ooo. ol the l1w. ,• *IUl,MO •HYEI llHEI* 1111111 Adv ertl · Spacious fxecutive sers should check hOm• teiturtng 4 br & 3"+ 1>1, pool & a view ol the their ads dally a nd b1ekb ay & Anthony'• report erro rs Im-Plert This fine realdenee med I a tely. The ls localed In. very deal· CORONADO CAYS Coronado Ii.land t:Ulil ooyfront lot 85' ·bqut dock Plans avail Nuw $370,000 w /w rms. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR rous ere• & priced for DAIL Y PILOT as-• 1m medtat1 aa1e . Low sum es llablllty for Interest aesumable ti· the first Inc orrect nanclng avall1ble. Call In sertion only. 759·t601 or 752·7373. )41 Bny\od .. O•·•" ~ B 6.') t>l6 1 ~ .. C..11 .... 1114 . •................•... ...... lfl ,,,, , ..................... . IHI,,,,,, .•..............•.•.•. c,.,,,J IOOJ . ••.•••.••......•..... ..... 12~% YAJ 1 Walkfil& Lee ! l ' ' I I Fout bedroom home.• IO ft. HHTAIE Microwave end H it· 0 ••••• &1 • 01 .. 1 cleaning oveo. Sparkllng •--pool. Extensive decking. Super eonatruetlon 4 $199.500 Bdrm, 6ba, 3 ear gar w/ H 1· 1100 hardwood floors. 180 ~~~~~~~~~ ********* •UYFlllT* deg whltewaler view of - ocean and je11y entran· ce. Fantastic opportunity for someone with lmagl· nation. Lot c111 be spllt Ind txlfld1ng plans IVl l· lable. Call for detalls Cotner Larkapur & Ocean NAT SLIP I•• Price 1411,IOO! 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm-deo-2 bath OPEN DAILY t -5 &AT 111v11m1 IULTll/IWIU •111-1111• PllOE IEllOTitl I ********1 4 Br 2 Ba. beaut land· I •EW EH• a•e seeped home In Mesa ~ del Mar. Corner IOI w/RV I .. llLlll asu•• acceu. Reduced to l Flrs1 time llsted. Char-1 $139,950. 751·3191 mlnw nr. new 2 aty 11r·, WTllM llLL 11111 Complelely remodeled 1nd <Meorated. 2 Bdrm 2 bath home on A·2 lot. N-11r1htone carpets, used brick fireplace, all new kitchen and bathe . French door• and huge yard A11umable llnan· elng available. OwMt will 11so eon1lder leue op· lion Hurry, won't last, asking $139.900. Call 5-40-1151 ~HERITAGE REALTORS ------- lllT '" ••• ltll'l..Wll. Don'I miss this g0<geou1 5 bdrm home wllh lam rm. 01181' 2000 aq It and Iota ol upgr1de1. Price just reduced to $132,000 Cell now 979·5370 .\ f >I J. / 111:' tl i<i( Al ' • '\ •,. t '•.4f '• ' c hl1ee1ur11 gem. 4 1 deslgn & decor lhruoul. · .. I bdrm1. fem. rm Ouallty --1-1-,.-111--.-ns-- Designed for guest 11% ll-1h's 1rns -===1=_.,.===IT==---quarters. Priced to sell Owner will e11ry a sub· '"WI"• $595,000. Seller finance. t tantlal 2ndt 011 these S 110.000 No loan lee. well malnl1lned slngle GORGEOUS 2 Br den 144-4110 SIO<y 1 & 2 bdrm unlt1. home In BACKB AY Plenty ot off •• , ... par· GIVE-AWAY PRICE 10 king 4 ear garage. At· Mii now $ '20,000 In as-lraehvety priced 11 $325, sumable lo ans. Rae 000 Rodgefs 631· 1266 !~~~~~~~~~ LOOK I Two "edroom1 end IUm ••• For our new r egu ar " Former model decorated weejily teatUf'e l1mlly room condo In warm firth tones! <4 recreational SIGW Custom watlpeper Rn-10 IT • tlul brick patio with Bd rm & tam rm and VehiCles•golf custom spa. $195,000. m0<e. CloM to schools. c;arts*model CASE 1•1.1•00 allOl)plng, ete. Don't miss ;~==·~-~~= tt\IS onel $179,500. Call trains*bikes Every Saturday 1n the g79•5370 •pianos•cars Dan Piiot c1assllled1 f · t I~====~ 011 llPLD . re rigera ors liii 11111 oEm \ f >I/. / tl F II •skates•••••• * Neall 12% llnanclng With cars*blkes• IEll YEllH 20% dn Rents are ..... -.... d • On the golf course. dy Tree uned atreet, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • ! : •, , I ' ~ • " *skate""°r S Cutlom beeutllul 3 Bdrm convenient 10 ltt>rary. IUtl 1111111 trucks*baby home, many. many ••· 1hop1 & beach. $289, FILL ,. .. R •11..,. •t tras. $279,500 with t0% 500 I ~ • ,.... Carriages ea down owner will carry at ' Thll bright I nd cheery Carts*trlkeS .. 12'A% Interest. lJ.-.il~t t1 ~ti! Garden VIiia lends ltHlf rollerskates• l•r loO••lt, IHr. ~~A~e~a~11o~r~1~.11~1~5~-eooo~~~ l~it~r'P!::~~~1~~ =:. walkers .oys 141-1121 :: petlng lhruout. Beautiful •wJMVV1S* • •• ~~~~~~~~ Ctr••• ltl M•t llll well eo-ordln11ed wln-scoot~er •5 • hot = ............. ••• .. . . . . dow treatmentt Set 1n For Ctauifled Ad .lllllllE GIER prime loe1t1on A reel rods*coupes* "CTION gem ol a buy 11 the IOw ,.. BY OWNER. 2 bdrm, 2 price ol $69,000. $5000 trailers•hard Cell a ba oen. Under m1t11e1 movu you 1n wllow tops•convert-0111y P1101 pr lee of s 21s.ooo monthly pymts of s71t. AO·VISOR 759-t666 HURRY . won'l IU11 lbles*motor 642·5678 __ , •1 homes C11l1 .... IOZ4 .... _ & ;:;~;~::-:::-::~~~~~~~ ··;~;·~·;;,~·;;;:· ~~·~AL~~~-l'~a~:m~1~1 ~"~ ~ ::r.:z ~! ~ i:. To.._ • ..,.,......._ tor w--..,., ·--d• <""""""°""' io-.. .,tycurZ-botl!lt'IJ" .. ,, ......... l ERE D I I I' I T U R A 1 I I r KOT"5rc Owner wlll 1ub1ldltt = 1>•ymen1t 10< ta moe. 5 Bdrm , 3b1 In M ESA VERDE $189,500 Prln only. 544..S3QO Mon lhru Fri IELP Ill Ownet'I t>ought anoti. end must Mil this gor- geous 4 Br Meta Woods. EYery upgrade. Good 'IEW••1s money 1vt ll11>te. Make llft oller Bkt 848..0709 $40,000 below m kt. -------- Wimblelon • Br 2'"' Bal Auum toantl PoHlble Be•li•fl•• t0%/35% dwnl John Jt11i IHI Zervos. bkr. 780·9669 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ull llLI 1111,111 Prime:; inside c.'Orner location with total privacy. Ev«-ry amenity !or ar{i\clOUI living In this ~ BR he>m(' with Lrg. yard & spa. Bay, ~ach & l<'nni& c1C>11e by! 'Owner will trade for t·o mmercl al o r Industrial prof)(.•r\y. I Or nge CoHt OAll.Y PILOT/WodnHdly, Novttmb•r 10. 1eai • DI ,. .. ~'.t!.'!!.!.'.'! .•••.•• ~~!!!.~~'-~'! ....... ~!!.!'!J.~.~.'1 ..••• ~~!!t!.¥~!!.'~1!A~ .. !'.~!f!.f~!"!'.'J~.'!. .. !M'..f~!Ml.'H.'!. .• ~~~,~~~!!.f!!~J~.'!. "1f'i":·." A7:;··:·," "i::'!!~ , .. ,,,,,... ~t a...j ... ~,.--ff ~ .. ,. •... IJlf , ..... ,..,, ~, .. ,,,. J ..... , A.UA 1.1• ••• ~.!!~.!........... . ..... f!~.! ••••..•••.••••••. ::::r:::' •••••••• -...i ,,... ••·'H'n, ........... 1.-.1 ,., ..,, l Ill r••••••••••••••••r ••••• .-................ r.. 1.-..-:r............... ..-.'"d':'! •• u:; •••••• 1 l!Mfl ~ uu • "" ·~ ffff'4 ~I ............... " ... ~·u ................................ Sant• Ana .... 3Dr. "*' I Ml"ALO IAY 4 Ir 2 2 • l'it I• condo. Cit• OC!'ANl'..ONT 04• a .. It rr:·,·:.:r-?.~·:.:= ... n -:._ __ ,,.. .,. :..·o··f ,· .·,·!,,,, .··c··o~d; ua-·...... .. ., , ................. ~~. • ...... ,.,. l>li lr"d I no P•I• 6• 1100 1(1 It trplo, mt· 11nl pet 01<. HH ·~ •••II or IT)Olllll • ., ..........,.....,,... -' .,, ... .. .. --• " I .. uvv """" .... 0 ..... o• • B bll"h Piiio ~t·h •P• 1 I""'"' 77"t1t1 • "'-717'" .. ,. ... ,. •• t 81, CM 10. ••••••• •••••••••••••• r-11111 V"'-Aefltll• 11 ldr, ·~ ••• 3·•ty, 3000 Priced IOt qulolt 111•1 20x41 Wlet'ICIOMcl Pofetl . "' "'0 u•u u 1 .... I t. 0 0 I m 0 I • • -., ..-,:: • --;;;.;$et 945.1103 WIHUll -· 076·•ii2 9'01Ult tq, ft + Ovet t00 aq. l1. 1160,000 8y lpPI only 2 BR, a Be, Comtf IOI, 1 '3H fOfOh•m &1 C M 2 I 3 18 7 e 2 2 6 6 or C..'-il1l1•l OCl!ANF"ONT '"" 3 81 Sp•c I & 2 br, lovely , Btoclt IO t1el'Q11, Hr, of belGon' SOIM OOMll H • r r Y r ' • d •'to II • ~t l~1tlor~ Thi• I• tht COllto• Park ArH 3 bd 07&·3087 ll•l11.J1•H 1411 2 8• wanr/dryr, no pet• ptnea & t1r11m•. H o bf""'I & auy .. 76 mo view. I tie to bHc:h I ~ In own 2 bl Cl~ 011 lrO vrc1' --i ·••••••••••••••••••••• w1nt1t aeeo 17)..Mo40. 9eetiB.AY gal.. tntrv by phone, ,,,j!'"tet 1263 !i2!:iO::.: .~~ &• •511~ agt f'rpl '7Hlmo '131.ao1:i 1 81 1 a.1r1p1ew,, g.,, P• 3 Br 1'• bl condo nr on Ill• bHCh hotel 1 ro• rto are• tncl .ovm. ' • ~------ Sl. 53e·l718 128r 281Mobltehomeln ,£aitildehOl.IM 20, Pklt tto,1to11e&retrlg 1'24 '''view a Warne r roomei>t kllc~t•& llAIMITI pootl~l48-t&tf .... _, good cond To ~ Mo· d, n . 2 8 • 1rP 1 0 St Anne H OO ultl Pd M60/mo 2 yr• old. W/O b a 1 h , 1 u r n t 1 h • d llHutllull1 lendtoep1d ~ow 1 8, 1 11 3 bdr. 2 t>• gar grtll II 11·11 "'1.1 vtd. H .500 but open to $8GO/mo 873•1734 11311·1453 wkdy1 Incl t<ld&/Ptl POii !d 1300/mo + 1300 dtp Qtrcs.n 9911 POOi i Ip• dow~alrl tf>I, oawihr, lo<: Wlllllf Ctoat 10 ocean. 3 .3, YllW LIT I olleu. 0 111 Dortt ~-1171 2300 w Oot1nlron1, PallOl/dlCllt No pelt 1 1 11 1 "" .... t 1 .,.,.,. "OOO .5•5·8010v.kdy•9•11 C'llde38Rlbt,l•mrm, t-111••'/I• 111 /N88'13 41 5• 8tehtl0r 1410 pive peo.•no .. o•· ~.m. "'"" 10 • . In NEWPORT ~EIGHTS. 6•8·8284 other '"' gu, 1700/mo No ~.................. ,,.,....... ' . . rage1 NO pttt, weter 81chtlor, gr••• IOC lt151< 10 l 2111K. Move In b a•y • OCE • c cl • 8 ..... 8 ..__ I·"-~ ,.,, ••v"'RO ... T m· 1 or I Bdrm l•H p •• cl • • 110 I m0 v••flr td au,,.r .. • AN T .... .,,8 .._..... ,.__ p eta 2 12 I. ti It• n , 011 o • ., r • •" • ,.,. -;, .... ,. " ' 2260 Vt"O\lll'd540 H28 • Tll ••• IN• • talle over thlr •P· VIEWS. REDUCED to WO""'"'" • ·--·• -142·13&1 View, 111nt loo, rec cntr. •••••••••••••••••••••• '2 bdrm 19 Ol mo 8•5-2000 A9fnl, no 1~ .... -•· ___!. preclltlon. Ftnanc;lng 1210.000 to .... IMME· cor1ted over eoo eq II 1775/mo •97-3973 TwnhH 3 BR. 21,.; t>a, 880-1171dyt.173·.390$ ---I 111111111 WW 2 er 2 Bl lrOM $1126 No •Y•llebl• Call Su• •I OIATELV Call RAe 125,000. H .000 down, Miii Vtrdt 3 Br. 2 8• tenntt,pool,gar,NC air, tlV Btchelofs 1•10 • I .. ~ 89..,5658. -OOOERS 1•1ffe. 873·8818 11m11v room. no Ptt• W•H• ll,.11/ JU 1735 892·8035 · 1 ..... rm 1•80 Lrg 2 l 3 OR townhouM pelt ... uose rom ._..- 1W ..... -.... IH11~ 1,.., 1 lJ"I HSOtmo 8••· t838 ••'••••••"'••••••••••• IOEll flltlT "" .. ap11, encl gar, l11>1c Neer por1 8eeeh Goll CourM ----.. ., .. t. .,, 3 Br 2'11 Be In guarded 111111•11 2 bdrm. 2 be IHO mo 131 E. 18th. ~8-8818 Hunt Hrbt trom 15•8. 548·•156 1'4 ba twnhee, •dult • • .... •••°'5i•~•a.••u EASTSIOE Oat t comm u n 1 t "/. 1it1ldH JIH 181 E 11th S.2·086& Chlldren OK 840•8807 ------1-1-1-1---•• -1-- comm. w1111 lo beech. • Duplex on'"' Mnd. 30th 3 br. 2 b1.1ge houM, 2 1798/mo. A11t11 now,I •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~!9iee'.'es6~o~~1u 111 Speo~IBe.SAii' --""'' ••-Ttnnl• pool extre clean at N8. NflWly r~ lrplct, lge yard 1850 mo. L .. H option poulbte * * * Oul)ltll 3 Br 1 ~ Ba. 2 Bdrm I Be up1t1l11 3 I 4 Br. CIOM to wtttf, •l15.o0o~ In llnd ovt. 3 bt .. 2 b1 831·3-0GI, 759·9531 780·1177 •-• ,,.., .... , 1111 _.18 l.aundry fac:.pool condo near l •lbtrt/ furn & unluuv, rtu0r1 .. .. • •••• ll"" t•••U1• up•talra. 2 br .. 1 bt EXCEPTION •L 2 BO -"' •' Ntwlend 8111COny. ttfrlg, bit. all amenttlet 8r06Ctf • ._ • down111lrt Min 10% 2 Br 1 Bl, a.so. Nod~• Ill d fl•t. JllT ,.. ' ...................... 5•1·9558 12•1PM w .. htr. nrytr. commty 875-4012 Vou own the lend. 2.000 down owe b•l•nc• II 845 Vlctorl1, ti 10, ...... ~ .... , •••••••••• OEN ONLV FOR THE 2 81 . , ... 81. Wllll 10 "'""'• cerport. 1chlld06(, --------...,~- ' aq ft. 3Br. tam rm. 2~ ,3.0~forSyri.Great tor 54e .. 9t24 otSCAIMINATING. 1760. beech. 225 la Peloma. lllTllT 111 M Ptl•· 1626m o , 1 blk to Och Lowe< 2 St, ~! ••••••••••• }.~f Ba. wide Greenbelt, near aumm•• rentala. 1735, 2 BR HOvll & Duplex HOMES FOR RENT Agt. (71•>'96-880• 1•75/mo. 837-79111 ea1tlld• 1825·1036/mo 545•2000. Aget1t. no fee dtn, 2 oa. ytly, blt1n1, BESTBUYINNO.IRVINE: pool. Fl rbelowmtrket 000 Armlllge R .. tty. 333 E 2111 81 C M. *** 28r.1'A 81.TownhouH, refrlg 1700.875·8&39 Excel financing, lg H · 1235,000. WIN !MM op. 71 •• 5••·2•a.•. IOi--•p-A.,.,,.,,.,, tit bunt-In•. lndry rm, 2 Br. carpet. dr1pee, pool, ., 2 b tlon Bkr M._013• '" v '" I 2 1 b '"ir 1 _1 "ti cuport. "/tri../b1lcony, 2 blockl from be1ch Nwpt Hgt• ' bf, 1• tum.loin Nfac:hoole.• · · l.i-•tl'-pt;t!l .._ 845-8103 64&-8589 bdrm, •· o•rage, .,.,.,.,,. tmall~tOK. IOlh St 547 •• 151 , ap1ctou1 AYall now Br 2b1, 10% dn. Mey •• •• -I •£L TORO• $700 Coate M•••· Morn •••••••••••••••••••••• 1700/mo. 645·7•00 carry 2nd, by owner EIT&n llMI ••••••••••• ••• •••••• E•ttstde 2 Br. quiet, nev. 9 5 5 • 1 2 • 7 , A I l tr 3 Ct•t1•l 1111 TSL gml 642· 11503 _5_3_6-_7_9_~------·--------- 21311•7·"25 8 C.M. Huge qualtty duple.c carpel, garage, yard, *MISSION VIEJO• 648-8All1 nu••nuu•uuu•u Ftrepl1c1, pool, dlth· 3 Br 1•,+ Ba Townhou .. , 38r, 2Ba: ~ C:lt g11ege, I -Ir-Baell~., .. , 3 81. 2~ 3 .frplc. 3 ~er. cop,,., pool, no pet• 1575/mo. $875-1725 Garden Grove 2 & 3 wuher, pvt patio. x LO bu~t-tna, n-cerpet, cer bth to ocn, 1800 mo, ..... 1111 81. 2 aq, It. Security t>tmb'ng. S 26K, uau-Mngr 2•53 ".B" Orenge · 1 A~tl•••ll l•11l1AH Bdrm, 1•25 lo 1525. I Garden 1 & 2 Br. on El port oll potlo, I 'A to 1175-917'4 I gett. private community. mebtt to1n 11 12% Int. Ave •CHILDREN• • •••••• .. •'••••••••••••• 838 .. 898 11 d,. S. 6 0 • .. ... 0 , ••5 ---------5000 dwn, owner mutt 1395,000. 5% Oowfl. Wiit I 176 K I 0 Ir . Ag. n I . , " ------~--.. .. "v beach .... Olmo. 111 IHI LARGE 2 br, I bl, gar. Ml128rcondo.EJcoeltent oontldertradff,tlo. S.2·9688. EASTSIOE.3bdrm,2b•, •INl/du' 1 J.1Mll1/11' 3IOI $57·2841 ,dep. 631-7900 John d/w, 5306 Seuhore. 111umabl• exlellng fl· Atmltege Realty F R room llreplact. ~PETS Ot<• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ---------Agent 1760 mo. Vrty. ~·491• nenctng. 197.•00 Redu-714·5-44-2464 llLI IY IWlll fenced ye1d. gdnr, optt 8ayfront •• am lh•dlo, utlta E·B•ylront Lltlle late • 1U. 211. IU, -:-:-"":---:-:-:--:--~--::---L • ..:.;..:.:..:..:.:.:::;._;,~:.;:;:::.....::__ ced from 1110,000. Ask ---------Undl'lided •4 lntarest In •"d C1r1p111. 1900 per pd, ~let emplyd ll11Qle, pie<, 3 II~ de(uxt trg' Newly decor. Gu pd. 3 bdrm. 2'.t bl. llrepl~. riv & Spac, 2 atry. 2 bd, · wly 25/mo 873 3800 8 I d h 1 cerpe11, dr~ptt, atove .,,L b w/ tr"" N~ ca for Mtrk. 8H-8325 or 15 unlta apt bldg tn mo 111 and tut ptua 'VIWIE ,. · • · · 2 r, lrplc, I 1800 mo. enc O•"· ....,, r, J'ooo • '" •. .... ·-• 559-6442 Huntington Beach, CA. $400 277 Roblnhood Ln I"'"' 875-3067 bbq. no peta. 642· 73. ~~~~;r1Pac~1:: o;r::~ mel cerpet~ng, nr Fa· Cell 7W960·2•11 tor 558-1737 llVESTIEITS IHl•llll 3101 Lge2 BR,,.,., bl, fplc, lge S•8S. 2 Bd1m, ralrlg, P•· 10 Beach. Avall 1211. :~~~~ ~~~~2;8no pelt. TlllnE llOCI Information. WMtalde duplex 2BR 18A •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 view eundeck. yrf'I'. 1850 tlo. no pet1, 1du111 pref. $650 536-2058 --------- .11.1 ••• oll 84 ... Tl encl gat, petl Ok 1525 (l1.a)l.aa JOOO Winter Rental: 28r, pool. 11 mo. let, laat, 1300 MC. 72•·lli Jemea, 873-7787 P lc:ed 9 2 . mo 552-3319 ..,./wtcnd• ,. ,... t\OuM to bch 1550. P1ay1 No pet• or gar. 325'.t STUNNING large 1 Br CIHt I• hH• Plan 3. 'bdrma, 2~ ea. t~cluo:~ poo~.· .:~o~i Slucho HouH IYlll. NOY AGENT, NO FEE R.E 873·t900 Grind C1n1i 873-4200 garden IPI 710 W tllth ;;r ~~. ~~-~7~ enc Triple guagt. Terrlllc LEASE OPTION court•. 4 yr1 new. In 20th. Patio. lenced yard. BAY fRONlAGE, beech, Rent or leue 3 Br. 2 ea. St. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING PARK NEWPORT APART MENTS tocatlon cloH to park Oc:eenlide. utlt Included S•50 mo. 11~1 ...... 1111 1 pltr, prkg. 21>f. l800. lbr P•rtlally furn. ulll paid. Near 18th/Pomona I Br 2 Br. den, crpt, drapet, tN NEWPORT BEACH and pool. 1227,500. HARBOR RIDGE '111-2111 $300 cleenlng Cleposlt 1;.;; .;;;;;,~;i·h~~··; $800. Utll.. pd, 303 E. Y •a r I y I 8 5 0 I mo : 1 Ba down11a11i d/1' close to beach $.450/mo Slnglff, 1& 2 Bdrm. llllll IULn 5'48·8063 Br 4 Ba, lurn. 122501,.;..0, Edgewater. 1/871-2866. 6•2·133•. 851-9889 ,carpo'rt, water Pd.; clllld ~60·a289. 840-t984 alt Apartmentt Custom View I llnl INpt Hgts aree. 3 Br 2~ Ba unturn. 12000. Call Mr•· 1YNrly1325. Sm•ll atudlo, Lge 1 br. 1 b• 1p1. No ok, no pett. S•OO. Agent, & Townhou ... Home condo. fem rm. lrpc, In-long. 873-t 190. 1 peraon only, ttreet peta. $500/yrly. Av11.1t no fee 962-0217. u.fPfl APTS From 1580 $50,000 opuon money 121,000 lllt•I dry rm. gar $800 mo Nwpt Hgla 3 br, 2 ba. parking, ul~ll Pl~d now. 675•9585 SPACIOUS 2 Bd. 1 Ba. A LOVELY PLACE On Jambofee Rd. 11 4 Bedrooms. 5 Balhs II,... 83 I-l2H frplc, gerCS-r. 1700 mo. 876-~ or 6 9-98S •JM I Beam oelHogs, MrY. blr., TO LIVE Siii Joaquin HJtla Rd 00 a Newport Riviera Fmly 251 l<nox St 6•5·5t10 Oelu.xe 2 Br. 2 BL lrple. I _1 I •• 11, Wood cit> .. no pet• •Horney/Pvt 1 & 2 Br 144-1111 $1.299.500 SUl,0 • it. d 3 bd 2,, bl 2 atepatobeleh.w/d,gl·I 1111•11• -1•75. 2258 Maple •Pool/Sp1-8BqQ 3B 2B d •,.. '"111 con ° · " · Rffponslble per1on1: 28r 1 . 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 873 8903 548 7358 1 •S aerff ol beaultlully r, a , c:pta, rpa, ••~ car gar. Poot. Tennta. No 1 bl houM saoo 2 Bd r1ge, no P• '· year y. 2 bdrm. 2 b• newer dptx. • or • · newly redecorated In & r-i--TW--l-E_l_P_ll_l __ 1 pell S750. 644·2582 2ba l600. 1 & <Seri. turn. !~~/mo. 845"8958 alll yrly. Mature non-smllra. 2 Br. 1'.t bl. 323 E. 18th ~~~0d,acaped aurroun· out. 1950 mo (213) Travel lrlller park, 1 hr 011• ltial 111' 16()(). 873-75•4 . no rn~~ XJ7 7 St No peta. Oar. 1825. • Nr Frwya & t110pptng _3_3_2_ .. _o_5_1 ____ _ ~l.'!!~.~'.t .. J.~f -Newport---Helg--h-ts_ol_Cler __ 2_1 mlAI I llY Br. I Ba. dbl car garege. from Coate Me11, neer •••••••••••••••••••••• B 3200 I Biil Beech, 1BR,utll.yr1y, 21 I . -9 92 Slerra Mgmt.141·1324 •Outet1rt1 IB11u1llul large • Br. en· L1kePerrt1,211911Qea,2 Super I Br. 1 Ba. VIII•, :~~~errm':t; a.so mo. 1823 w Bal· ort714>873-39"6 ___ ,Newer2BR2B1 $475 3 •Sorrynodoga cl1d patio. •••P• to houses. 2.78 1crea. In· courl'Jllrd, retired prt· suite w/lrple, cer ga· boa No 2· 213-941•3085 1295 nice bachelor. res· BR 3 Be w/2 car gar. (114) 141·1111 bMCh Yeer1y. 875-•419 come S39, 700. Owner I er" d · I• 2 5 1 m 0 · rage. 2 boat allps 111111. Clllll ''' #u 11U ponalbl• p1raon, utll• I 1626. No pets. 780-1418 8081 Hotl1nd Cr, HB 2 er. 2 Bi. Condo, Ent· wllt linanQe w/low down. 673-3313, •93 .. 803 ,S2500tmo. 955-2• 73 •••••••••••••••••••••• paid. no Piii. 106 E. or 142·7528 e111twknd1. BtWl"I Stater/Warner btull. upgrades, •llactled Fullprtct l 3•5.000. •ttllll•V.•l''n1•"~ wkd1ys9·5 Oce111vlew,b11uttlutly Bey,Apt9. SC ottBeach iarage. No pe t a . 831-7370 or 549-3546 •1 ':-.,.. _,. • furn townhouH lrplc •2Br. 2Ba. Near · · PllY&n .-..m 50 • 117 R.1 IOI. 1165,000 PrHtlgloua N. Laguna •61 Slf\ta Ana Ave community with privet• 5•8-5041 ell 6 beach. tennlt and rec· reetlon. Lingo hu more listings here then any other lirm. Priced from just 1395,000. 64<4· 7020 -LllU IEAI. UTATE. ••••••••••••••••••••• RETR"·T HOME I pool.& patio. 1109' 5/mo'. 1395. 1 Br dptx. Ullt pd. Plaza. S.A. LUXU"" Con· 1.·~., .,.~~ 900/mo. 559·71«. Why throw away rent '"" w ocean , 7 E e A e tl>o '' ir·n _,.,. TElll, TElllU wnen you c;an own 4.3 & harbor vu. 1 acre • 2 873 0896 I 1 . •Y YI, • • oo wl pool. $595 No •••••••••••••••••••••• On Bay 2 bdrm 2 be w/I 1200 10 52000 P•Y· atory home on Cllff Dr • · Pen. No pete 5-47·1155 pett 833-8974 Evea 2 Br condo w/1>1tto, pool. trptc 1 'car gar. 'Prlvete ~=~~:~1V;•7t:."~1:':,'!: ments. 1175K • l 215K, Eac;h teY9I hu own entry, ~!!~.!~ ...... /.~~~IB•chetor: YHrly rental. •Men V«d• 2 Br. t Ba. spa. 1565 736• '215• eaacn Good nelghbof· markttltS369000 Only move In· 11ke over ·I kitchen. library. lrplc & Furn 1 bdrm apta. 1385 ullts p1ld. S3•0lmo. 201 Newly redec. 1495 No 970-5117 Mr Weber hood tor couple or aln· 5% Cl o'wc 8% share 1pp~1t1on can gorgeoue vu. Ole/home and ~~Enc .,1~11~ E . B •I b o • BI 11 d . pell. 833-11974 Eves L• 1 ••e.i 3141 gte I 1100 873·2162. t o wn. I p. •-~ S"• at 891 5558 " r un o-r •hired l~vlng~ 2 10 I d M 6'7~9562 ~3111 •• !!~•••••••••••••••a. 8·10AM . .Ji=Se.M nterestortradel atr..... · -• 11950/mo Dog ok . 1 ewpor 11 ' 2BR l'Abe. d/w, blttna, -=::..::::=::::::::.:::=.._-==---:II .• ,.,...,, le1tA lOfl Tenore, IQI 631-1268 ..... 1-'"".. A...--11, 3Br, 2Ba, hu,... bonu• rm., 752-2197 R & H lnvet1· 5•8_.988 LG. clean 1 Bdrm. No patio, gar, no "'"'It. 1525., IOUI YllW 4 Br 2 Ba. 40' from "nd , ••••~••••••••••••••••• ,.., .... _.. •w ••95 "" 10 mtnutff ao ol l.,,.un• ... &.-y ... -L f ·-··I Z'~IO Wiiner & Newtand &rff. ment1. Furn 1 bdrm aplS 1385 Plfl. yarly... S.6 .. 291. 645-9857 I · ..,, w/b1tcony & sundeck .IEW&I.. ..1 H-• I .. ...., .. 1750 mo ""'2 2937 · 873-0072. 673-5706 . on 01n1 Point'• moet S950/yr1y . Furn ? •••••••••••••••••••••• ·"" -Exclusive Weetcllll Vllt1. and up Enc gar•~••· I ~ Br. garage, yard.• s ec:luded 1cenlc bluff, 145-0~ $30,000 below mktl 3 8' II Ftrtolfflrt FOR RENJI ·B11liaftfl Dover Dr. m111er eutte 2110 Newport 8IYd M c,,.,. '•/Jiu JfZJ 1 525/mo. Wutslde like new, 2 Br. wi den, --------2 Ba & apa. Eaatblull Xlnt loc. on pentn1u11 •1et 11401 w/trplc, 2 er. 2 Ba. pool, S.8-4988 •••m••••n•••Tl•••IO•••Ul••••·· 1641-0783. No pett. xlr• large prlvite petlo. Clean 2 Br. lrg kllc:hen. home. John ZINOI, bkr. Corner Bay & C"/prftl. t ' •••••••••••••••••••••• l•cuul. etc. I 1100/mo. oa•a IE ••• Red 1 bd .. "" tel o•r•o• S725tmo. Call Npt Hts 2•21 E 16th St 760-9669. Terms, termal block from the bey. To 2 bedroom. 2 baths & 2 OcHn view, volley bell ct. 873-3313 or 875-3103 ... Large 3 Br. 3 Ba. many ec · r r..,. qu • 861·6•• t or M·F, 9.5 S.50. Troplce. 145-5109 m fll I 1111 be aotd Nov. 12. C1n be slorlea In Twin P .. l l In 119 Huntington St 2 BR ALL UTILITIES PAID amenltlea. SI 175. Celt S•10. see mg4 ba. Ne· 6 43-0210. Drive by to LIDO: GORGEOUS 2 Br. hid cheap. For Inform•· L•k• Arrowh"d area. 1650 1 BR 1500 ~r reni $850 mo. 2Br. 2Ba. Cliff Anthon"/ dey• a.2-5757 . wer tnhae, no peta. see 11 24583 Santa lrptc, pello. 51000 lelM • Sp1clou1. cuatomlzed tton CW! 875-8120. Has bllllt-lns & '.lr@I-. en tt're d P Ix i 1 12 5 Haven ArH Condo, ev11t compare before you -& wluld• 831•6630' S•95/mo. 1916 Wallie• Cler• 675-6359 home, prime locellon iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Arst, 1811 & depolll r• 536-3602 0< 661•7822 · tmmaCI 111 & laat + rent. Custom d"tgn · 1 .102 831-3671 wtthV1EW,prlced1t MAI qui red Cati (7U) l1200dtp.1·575-7505 ftlturu. Pool, bbq, The Shortt In beautllul Elstlidee.che4o< ICUIFlllT =~n'.~t~~~r :~~ lCI ~5~1111 7,,:7~~8!.!~.~7 ~ 2::p!'.°"~. ~:C~'ci:!!~ TRHJ~~~~t .. E_~-H~rt>BoRr =·r!t1~•= ~=:1 ~~:ru~:~r1 ~·;.1 ~•rP:_ ~t.;e'kl\nt~!.:..P~t:~~ Motl etegant ept. bldg lu Cltafltl 3111 llty buyer. Veraatlle, lloor 5-10% CASH DOWN 8 S.95 1ea..7833 -.,.. """",..,,,... • bdrm aptt lrorn S550 & "'"' · ...,_,, In Laguna BelCtl, finest •••••••••••••••••••••• nian with 111>1r1te bd1m Up to SI.• mtlllon aseu-nlngs atter. p.m. II no mo. 3 B1, Leutrernont model. p,1nB~.~/:.t1. '515 up lor rent. Call Helen P7• d_. 51350/mo. No pet1. tocellon In town. breath• 2 Bl\. ~85. yurly, nev. ;inga for any llze lemlly. m1bte ltnenctng. •o · ~,';i~,er. please keep ~80"•!~9~~w. 13.000 mo. 385 w . Wilton 142-1971 i Gtbaon 6"<4·2611 52 2 50 taking YI-•. all built-Ins, decor, pool, nr bHch, Poot, 1p1, Kol pond, main bay view. WllTEI I Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· heated pool, 1Ub-garage. bus. No pets, 41111-8277 • x er c I• e room . S. TURNER. BROKER •••161111 Need by Dec 1: 3·• or IY twlll IEWPllT YILUIE Ct1I• #n1 3'Zf hOUM In quiet complex. SJi~·~~P Leaae only 2 Br 2 B•. Condo. ocean AC.$1,100,000 FEE. &40-6350 fxi•u•t Jiii houH In Huntington • Bdr. 3 Bt home w/ h..m.I ~ ... 1 ·••••·2e;·;·~··••••• large pool, garden Mt· 330 Cliff Dr 49•-8083 Ylew S650/mo Rachelle Roblfa. Rttr. ~~~~~~~~~!•••••••••'-••••••••••• Beach. aouth Of Adame. pool. trvtne Terrece Gu, Weter Plld. Patloa lsOoJmo' ting 1875. 8•5·33111 . S.5-9911 1175-2373 Lml ISi.i Beliltllut 3 Br. Condo In Xtnt 1et1. 964-0332 ...,.: prime IOClllon. outst.an-w/pool, jec:uul, llUllll. I 540_3968 875-59•9. Oceenlllew, 1Br decoralor E Cut. e Beaut ., IWlll ... any ~.res . ....,..me Vl'O A~.. 13000/mo Call COU"I. R-·e11•--room. Cleen 2 Br. with patio, no -· 1 bll( to bch, no Piii. f!""° ... '°' ~-·~ tra1~· 842-0100 d ding view of harbor & t1nnl1 courta. volleyball lllT•-Ill I apt, gerege No. Laguna ff~.'!.~! ....... /!!! xe IV v llW Ifft•• loan. My equity 12•.500 491.nt280 or co'llect Jr. ;·bd. ~nJ..;d, a.so.I pets. $430/mo. 1400·1415/mo. 2 Br. 1 1575 mo. it94·6•0•. 2Br 2b•. 1 tr. ••curl~. Remodeled llght & afr~ 3 BR 1800 1 1 pro 11 . C 111 O or I 1 , .. IY&IUILE 2 2 572 230 d Celt 557 ,..,.75 5•8-9950. Ba. poollide apt. l1undry 644-.431 I pool, nr S.C. Ptua. 0 I ' I • • aq. t .. ang 5•5 •o 10 wkdya 9 5 Spotteul 2Br. 1 'AB• 1 / .._. ya. """ I room bt•rned celllnga P • ". I 5 O O • ~~~~~~· 2~·~~.P~.;11ac.-:!(, =~~~~·;:.!:~ s4s-s2114 oth«. -· ~nh~. ~f_'.c.2 enctoMd 1 .. ....,, Urie& $390, attrKtl\11 turn apt , 1 ~ewa B~~o& A:!~t. & No ,,911. No tut month 21r~~~~~1~~1~ g1:c:'o 213/1180·9513 ceas. Seller financing lllend Sunny So patio Y • • •c "" cer gar, Large apecloua duplex Lrg Pillo. gar. Mature, r rent OepOlit rtq. Cell 0 c • 1 n , N 0 1 n d A1&11ttantl Tenld-over tong term. Nice · · • ll•ll/I clbhH, pool, lac:. Xlnt So l'A bdrma Spic & SC>llfl. quiet. no shertng. No 1 ·Lott. Frplc. rte room, la-TSL Mgmt 642· 1803 r- vtew. 11?5.000. Agt. 2••15'. Wrought Iron •••••••••••••••••••••• H 8 . toe•. 1 550 mo. nr ahoppt'n\ Stepa 10' Pl'• 223• A Rutger• Or. cuzzl, g11 & water paid. S925t mo Incl utll II D•lltll .,..... 75'-1202 entry g1tea w/deedl>olll. 96'-8a.5 964-8348 . C.M (213) 45'-5104 No Pl'•· 393 Hamilton, Mes• Vetde. atlarp upe· &40-5829 •••••••••••••••••::.'a' Frplc. French doors to BHlff f•t•lliH be I ch . t 1 r I Y . C.M. 8'5·U t 1. 11tra. 2 BR 2 ea, bllna. 10 ... _ .. BA"K LIQUEATION BIG CYN CUSTOM On golf COUrM, 20% dn. V1c1nt, show anytime, patio. Extr1 lge dbl gar •••••••••••••••••••••• Beech Cottage. quiet per-7 t•/985-6822 coll or 1 3 75 mo. Olx moblte new cpte, encl ger. tndry ~,e w/utll·work1hop ""· .. , .... /1118' JlH son 1•50 + utlla. No wknda 875·1720. home. No pelt Quiet, NEW BREED APTS rm, no pets 1575 mo. ~!l!'/!~.f}l.".~!..f •• ~. YILUIE F• title. $375.000. 20% •••••••••••••••••••••• Piii 960..()587 2 & 3 Br 1750/mo. • Br Hcure. 1991 Newport 1 Br. & Iott. Bech & loft. Call 5•0-1158 tit 8 . ,0n Goll Courae. Weat New 1&2 bdrm luxury =·,g:m'l~=ng:) Wt Int .... ., ..... LO 1Br Condo, balcony, spa 1 125oi mo. Have 8hld. 8A6-8373 Frptc, rte room, pool, 97WM8. Iii! for P1m Nine Condo : 2 BR 2b•, 2 epts In 14 ~na. I Bdrm btlChH tennte eic Ms M4 Wlllttf Lt.... ttcurt S.25 mo. others, Fred Tenore. egt Buut. E.eldt 1 er S.40 i-cuzzi. 011 & wit« p11d. 2 8' 1'-+ Be etudto, pool. cat ger w/OfKtr WUh/ lrom 1540, 2 bdrm l1om •1 Qualllled buyers meyceli Plft .. t. .. tr.. 842·70•2 1131-1266 utll pd. Pvt. & lrg. :.:,1!/b~.t~!~~ carport, pY1 petlo. chll· dryer. Lower unit w/ :i:~· zo;:~~~~.~~~':' ~ II 71..S73-•083 I• t. 11•. Spo1te11 3 Br 1 'A be 2 BR & den. 2~ be,,_, &4&-413I I dren OK. No peta. s.75. ~:;~~~o'~~!~%~1t:5:,· weterlells, pondtl G•' for detelts end viewing W.ttrfrHt ...... twnhM. bllins. W/O, n-beech. $1100 mo & MC. Bi•ll•I,.• UIE .W lUIY HW 148-l82'4 tor cooking & hHtlrtg appt. 1•2 Via Undlne. llMllO cpl. encl petlo, attach Open Dally. •31 Wttt· ,,.,, 1141 1 lrg. Br. welt! In clotet, 1385. 1 Br. pool, 1 pereon. M' l VI ti. Jll paid. From Sin Otego •·-carport. S550. lat/1111. mtnattr AYe. 83i·S681 •••••••••••••••••••••• trptc, d1hw1hr, lg pvt no pets. ..'!!.~ •• !1!......... Frwy drive Norlh on 87~7781 _. Jga .. JM Olp. 53l-7900, JohflAgt .. 2011 Collon. 3 Br 2 81. '" -•irav. m patio, pool. tpe, no pets. 325 J 17th Pl.-• C11a LG. COVERED Beech to Mcfadden lo -:::::::::1 C.•1•16,_ J0l I, • l 1111 Be1ut. 1 aty, 3 br. 2 be 1825/mo. )Iffy. .. ~Hi S.75/mo. S.9-2« 148-5137 11AM·7PM PARt<ING, CENTRAL Se aw Ind V I 111 Cl t agt. i ••••~•••••••••••••• .,,.,, • home on quiet cul dt 11.eo.e~e A9fnt eeeuutUI & pert! 1111• wt1ti •Clean 2 Br nr SC Plaza. Lge MWl'I dee:. 2 er w/ger. AIR. Won't tut 11 1570. (7 14)893-5198. •. WIMW 11$TIEll L;•;,;j,;;.;•~·:;;·: aac. 1850/mo. Cell. lo; Spic: 3 br 2~ bl very ~~Ptl S.A. POOl/se>e & carport. Central area, no pe.tL 635-1428 INal faM 1 bldtoom penthouse overlooklng central C()Uf1. Many 1menlt111. Pool, aaunaa, etc. Ownet wttt help with nntnclng. ~ . -673-7300 S br, 2 bl. tpe. trplc. ev111 appt. 960-8488 (agt) cle1n twnhll pool """· •Private P1tlol ~95. No pete. 752·5822 1•75, ihown S11/Sun •••••••••••••••••••'"ttl ALE' tmmed thru June. ' . ""' I 7 14/753 . 0 7 19 a ..... ,, ,..,, ""· LlllU... . ll200/mo 111 lasl MC Sharp. 2 BR 2 Ba, vac:ant. t'O· etc. 18()()/mo. Agt •COYered Partilng 3 Bdrm, 2 ~ bl, lrptc, 5•0•6187 •• -.-~••••••••••••••••• .. ..._. .; Chlrmtng 3 bed:oom. 2 dtp. 87&-i863. . . :::.~.,~~~?~.~•Ith. "4'-1•.o I !~:/-inAc:..,, yard. Dbt gar. Npt PALM MESA APTS Newport Hgt• 1 er. yero ,_ • btth 2 story oce.n Ylew ~ •-·-" Jiff · Condo for leeH, 81utta, 3 •Horne Nke t<ltchtns H1lgh11 •rte. $750, garege. S.25 Wkly renteta 195 up.• ' · -• • .,_,_ er end untt blcit door 559·5001 1581 Meee Or. 640-7111~ Color TV, lrH coll••· home In tt"I loY'tly San •••• ••••••••••••••••• u,..,..,_ • • . 1 bill to Huntington ~ Unlurn 1 8t h .. ted pool & 1tep1 10 Juan C1pl1treno on • UOO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam •uh11 1UI 10 Pool. ltepa frOM ten· Centtf, tranaportatlon & 2 Br 1 Be. crpt, drapea, Call b~ e-.t. S48-9Mo 3 bdrm, 2 bl, patio, 2 bllla Ii private cut de sac Many rm, 4 Ba. 11100 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~bu I l~/mo. ~u: lrwys. blt·lne. no pelt. 1440. to beech Pett 0 ,11. "'° ~5 ~11<t~v ~ upgrad•. Mow In con· 40' dock, patio, decll, • • • m rou. · · mutlll flU 2272 Mlplt. 831-2927. BEAUTIFUi. 2 Bt. 2 Ba. mpo. 873-3728 Lan.•n• Beac:h. •e.-529• dltlon. W9ll below merk· OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. Bdr 2 Be, 3 cer garege, Diie. S.0-2364 Frptc ~ gar c;holce -.- at, of course. Quick aate 1 Bi 1700 mo. Biii owner. 2131592-4905 Newport Helollll, lwlury 3 1 Bdrm From 15151 Brend tpanklng ctNn, 2 ., .. : tdll• pr9f. 1575 OCEANFRONT • Cuatm 1110 & up with kltclltf\, detlred, wllh to reloeata. Gn.indy, Rltr, 87M181. leue option. ~ bf, ylld, 1875 & $850. 2 Bdrm 18151 BR 1 Ba, 1 car gar, n 309• Mice W/Fedco decor. 38r 2 8 a up, ~ly Ocanlront Mo-c .. •98-3880. 8A8-7IOO LA QUINTA HERMOSA pe11. 1550 mo. 268 amenttlH, yrly 11200 tel. 81s-e740 Ocean front yrty. •bdrm, lmM 114 18211 Plrkllde l.n, 1 blk Santo Tomu. Agt. 2 bdrm, 1~ be, tlnlpleoe, mo ; 2Br 1B• dv.n 800 IHI' W IU lllf 2 cer gerege and llot tub ••• •• •• W. of Beac:h, 3 bltls S. 8'2-11388 gar. no pets. S05. mo. M•ture pre 7•00 w. N~ ~room with pool . •••••••• ~............ 875-7&50 •••• anu···· . llw.t of EdlnQer--.647~1 I PINE BLUFF APTS 5'&-7510 Ocnlrnt 150-91112 --S.Sa..3823 W~l<~ebtt~r ,v~;2~!!:d 11.000 28r, 281, Cliff He-2 to• bdrme. tt1rtlng tt -LUii * ... 26/mo, up. 1 Br un-2 Br. 2 8a. 1 Br & Lol1. 2 Br. t Ba. E.utaldt. quiet EAST9LUFF 0 n & m 1 k 1 1 . 11111 1rH Condo. pool. 1795 to 2 BR plus den, 3 bathe furn & furn. pool, apa. Child ok, pe tlo, view, ~hb01 BR, cpte, drpa, Spacloua 1 Br, patio, B1tboa Ptnlneula, Private 71.._.w-1600 tnot llnena & dlll\ff, 1111111 Spacloua (2500 aq. tt.). 11992 Florida. S.2·2134, frptc., encl ge r .. g11 1to11e. lndry lecll. 1vell pool, view, no peta, Entrance. 1115. No lmmed. 1-675-7505 Avlllable Immediately 11 a.2·3172 1to¥e, dlthw_,,.,, ape, now. No pell. $375. 1590/mo M,._.787 amoktng or cooking . .al NW CoMt Royal white water S1 ,450 per mo. Cathy ,._, lndry rm. 1850/mo. 1•8-•382 • · 675-3391 3 DD 3 D . 2 000 ft w lot, Helllburton Ellllt, ~en ~ ':':'II.~.~ ••• /!... SPMC 831-8107 1350• LM,.. 18t liC)I. No 2pool·l1y C.?,'!d~~-Brl13"5B!;' BR 2 8• hH. W/Oyr. """ .,., • sq. · 1277,000. •9._1600 ...... l/lhnh•til L .. ,.,. ..-_.. ......... "' "" IPPfOX. Ooly I 199,900. ----------1 ••••••••••••••••••• u11ury lludlo. fret H....,, 28f vpattlr., pallo dec:k pets ~ llUOd lac:ll. mo '1s i-3 it t kttdl, eto. 1:225 mo. 120 (N-potl Creal). John, flltll 1111 Ctllll.Z 1 ~· maid MN. IP•. w/garage, w1hr/dryr 311 W. Wltson.1131-2177 · dep. 641-1318 If\ 7PM agent, 831·7900 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• wll.. •99·3015 hootl·upe, cloee lo So., Ltg 1 8t 1 ea, i)etlo, 1500 WIY •t CNiltlen F. nontrl'lkr, llC>t fer Seit lltY hMr lllTILI You don'I need t gun to Ctt.Ptau, no pett. 1525 Lu . 1 O t , 8 4 6 • 9 1 6 1 Tll lllTI prlv .. Sen Clemente, nr lllffl, IDlm Condo, 28R f'AeA, pool, vearly·Weatcty.Wlnt• 2 "draw 1111" when you mo. 5•0-0117 780·1153• fl/el. NEW glltd 20 Town-bHch. rel•. 1225 l t " 11a.-~~~ ';::ig~':,9~1:'ri::!: 3.• Bdrmt. • • ..e.lh J'I • .-.... .__ ,,._ 1n td In the Diiiy 2 Br TownnouM 1'-4 Be. 2 bd uptlllrt, petlo dtch, home. VILLAGE COM· utlts, •911-4582 Prfvat• «>trltf tnd un11, CIOM to lreew':J:·Jood ....... IUl.n 't7'n·•·n~.-:llW~ .. • Piiot Warn Ada! Call now llWlg .. dinlnO ..... kit-ger. W/O hoOlt-up. CIM MUNITY. 2 er. 2-.. 81. l.ge beaut /Po/1 t>tth ...... 3 Br 2'-' B• to•nhome, -llllllT 1 142•5871· Cflen, frplo. anec:l\td ~ So C11 Ptu. No Pelt 1800 aq, ft . of pure lu- ' • ':Bw~t 11v ongrMillbtlt.Onelewl3 tlldlltngr1t-. 2 271 PllP .,.,. C •-rege, l)OOI l 1p1. 152"/mo"' .. "· ... 117 aury. Otregn, IPlt In nr l>Mcll, . • . Bdrm, OWntt wllf IQCept 1""" '·1 • Al • ger, lam 4 BR, attreotl¥e bfftn ~ ltHi JTlf 1625/mo 131·•M4 "' ,....,.... tvery home • m11ter rm & kit. prlv. Imo. __ t•n.. WATI HIHONT ~~!~··;;·!·i:1~ ~r ~:.C3°::~~·81~: =·~.;.~~~ ................... 2 Br." h . In •·PIU, L~t..:P~~;:::: =·~~"nr-=:-2H4-_l _)(_29-,3-5-~-r-oom--lor_ren_t_, llOMl~lltc. iff.500. awn.tll*r. oommunltY2 .. , pool&tennlt. s,.c.ioustMglt,Otlt ~7~·r.';er~mo. 2nd lloor, Relrtg. $315 microwave 011en1, prt· dream houM MMI Ver- REAL ESTATE 545-1947 ,,,..., UrnllT 2 Flreplaou. nur •two btdroom &U.0452 140-4979 vet• patlOI a yardt. ;er· oe MOO neg. 6J l·l<tflll --------..__,_,_,_ e-7 3 bdrm•. 2 be. •endy ac:Mola. It too'* mo. --------a Br. w/gar. IUO/mo ~ provld9d. Bagent 751-32M •••••••••••••••••••••• .,....., ""'"'· on• ~. --~rE~.·~~· •• ~ '!.~ }1._:: s:c~ Plaza Of O.C. Air-I.Ar" furn. rm w/Po/1 bath, ~~jiiiiiiiiiiii~i&;;;~..: r.... ._ •-... ~.. Xlnt ..__. M No ""· N Mtwy LOu M9-........... •••• ..... • .. 2 7'" ....._ only 15 rnlnut• to preJenlJ BAYFRONT ESTATE ·ror tht' irue traditionalist w ho w•nt.e the finest! This magnificent brkk l'ftidence features: 6 Bdrma, plus servants quartert. Enjoy· .,pert> viataa of the bay and ocean. 8estdes the aandy be11eh, there I• Ibo a private pool. ape and tiauna for your e njoyment. Broch ur~• uplll1 requ.t. ANI Paten. ·-'1.•.• PETfjBARRETI REALTY Penln Pt, 5 a". 3'A be. tllfy 0t Yfly 11500 per '1'0 l.OWIY 2 br, 1 be,~ .. _, -_. .. 6V -... Jul1 tMt of Mlw· nr occ. 1200 mo. f .. DA, trg '*'°· •1200 mo. Owfltf e«-9513 unit for rent, lklltt-tn1, 1·5PM ,..... Sett mete to mo. AQt. l ?MOeO Btllut. 2 Br home. Lg• ~ C:~5~J:!: £••!tiff 2 ar. qulel, ,,_ =o~ ~~'"'° 5'1-2573, Cott• Meta C.-1 •l lln 1111 country II.Itch, 2 cer oer. 7IO·.G7SA or~83 1·••0J cll'ptt, gerege, yard. 131·5•39, 2•73 Or1119t OENT non•1mtcr, kltcll«I •••••••••••••••••••••• nr pool.L •hops, park..1 ~~~!!!!!!!!~!! Gett pool, no pett. 1575/mo. Aft .. Cotla MeM. prt'I'. employed ~ 40. Herbc>t Y1ew lllllt • ldrm '1ennl1. •895. H 1·277• i: · Mngr 2d3 "B" Orenge &48-7586 w/jao , ~ Ure IOI. ~ IM 1 e., rpto, nr Fedc;o. AYe 38', 291, jMl11o, ctoM to ---------1 11 O O Imo . o ~ y 11..,----------Newt\' dee:« toe pello 1 bc:tl, pet• OI<, 1760 mo OI*' htlltllde CdM lkl a 80·•3 11 or •••• Quettty 58r Htc: home. tar. IUI ,,.O 0 1 .. 130• •-"'-' .HM Y"Y e1w 1 8• Wik to Prl Boh. 720-4IM .. Tutll•rock Hlglltanc11. ~~---,--...,...---t ....._,••••*••••••:r."IT 2 ., 2 .._ 2 c:er Futn'd U1 Incl. l'ft Ent. lt190 mo. Awl! Dec. 19. 1 Ir lft. M ""' ...._, -.. ..,..... ,_, .... .._ 1300 Anet e °' Wllncll 2 er. t 81. trplo, •Int OOlDIN PAOPIRTIU no pe11 • .-.. , nice . From o.. Point'• moat 17601.no. MO-Ul4._ Tll0-15'8 toeauon 10 ~ • ..,,_ 762·IMI 13fl/ffte . ...._~20 t•cluded tconlc Olutt, _R_oom __ f_or_r_en_i......,F'"'oun_t_a_tn ~:·c~-t~<;>~":'; Turllerock. 3 er. 2 I• · 1 It. 1~ Ba. 1460/mo '°' lilt• ,,..1 Only• ~rte, 2 11ect11•00apt, 'A t11111 ~od ~· v • 11 •Y. 1 i75 ""o. 87a.411t5 '""· dlnlnO. lrplc, prtwete 2 '*'°"" 765 w llttl Ir widen. X1ra lrg private .. mo nc • ut ~ ~. --jacunl, Pf"4 dooof, ep. 11 IMl-t907 patio flrom 1121/"'o. "50-tH7 6.u ._. .,,... ptlanoot, a~..,.... Call M1_.,.'1 or,...,, ....... llT lfT'M turn."" w/IM ent. r.;-;:.mi;••••••••••• commty poof a tennl1. M , &43-021t. Drift ity & be. no 11.K , prof tne- .. .... • 9¥al!Otc '" ""'"'°· ·---------i to ... 24&a..,..taetwa 3Mlle.Nfftg&llttnt1 turt ttnt>f. M "°""""'· I.& , •• 11111. .....2313 vnY !Ml >Ont oonct. Al1 4 C cl M I 2 II 0 I"' o . •~-~·--,..---llAl.el• •111••11 f "-1101t t Ir. We, I & ·wll.ndl, enytlmo. 171·2IM o.cor •• Of .,.,.., • .., •• Condo, llr. 1 ... cio.n. .. er Ad Action ....... a.oary ~-111-1111 ------:--~-· 010111 2 ldtm, 1-..t>a, urpon. 1'75 tno. 1400/mo 11$ Ut3 •-........... • j)OOI. Aaa. recrtallon 730-3711M·F1-fPM. LMM/~ Opttort 4 tlcl. Cal a -..ol03 . ..,,..... . .... .. lfNI No 0-or -.. I .. ' .,.._ P¥t --. b11oorw 1111 . ....,., .-,, ...... C• 1 i=frW· MOO mo ipc1 f:" ,.': =-~ .:· & .......... Deoo.""' ..... tHH .... -., • ., n... M.i.:1 ....... -1111 n'r.'.*Jm':'c1~~1 ~::!:i:~; f!!!!P.tt.... .,.., r:w1 :.::~ ~-== BIYFl.,.IT ..._.._ ...... 1.i•c 97a.r3n to:30 '° """· metto o ... t•• a -II•· loaut. t 11, "•"'• en ~ ~or~ •1800./,\' Mo ftvn ~.lllS'll'R-•• v t l/llde, cut• '*-1, 2 bf ••ttr vi ... I Ir Siie, c.MI, •llloit lllP• ' lllr, 0.-M4o 13 = ~ I It a., Pine ICllot Ei,"' ~ & t bf, wl-.tt picket gourmet lcllcfl, •tHO ... 11¥ ._ ltllO IN. u2 5671 ......... IAlll 1011f Merillly or ... ,. N 81••• t o ftnoH , HIO/nto l '11 f1'·170t , OYU A'W911. "°"· c.it• 1t• ... • ft'I a WDI Wf'tr ltlOOllftO. 0wMt eHlft. tilr fltH • ...;;;;;.;;,;.;;,;,;;;;;;;ii,,;;;.,;;;.:..;;._._.._~~~~~----~M=eo=='mo===""'""====-====l~r forappt(.,.) !!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!~:=:~~======::J~o~r .. ~•~1e11~A-.~~l4t-~:•~,.!!~"""'~~1~a::::~~~J:~Ml~O~t~•~==~==:d,· I ' • ) • 1c--.-...... --- Orande Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y. NOV4tmU.r 10, 1812 NB Al Dow Janes Final OFF 15.72 CLOllNQ 1,044.U Hilton to · 1aunch luxury 4ospitals NEW YORK (AP)-Hilton International it golog into the hospital business in a deluxe way. saying that patients need comfortable accommodatlona and high· quality food In addition to competent. medical care. Hilton Preiident Carl R. ,Strand announced Tuesday the organization of HilJon-Qualicare Hospitals Limited. which will develdp delu1(e bos&>ltalt In areas outside .of the United States and Uniteq Kingdom.· · "For a considerable t1me we have been aware of a growing recognition that patients in hospitals should have available to them ... the kind or services such as individual attention, comfort, and quality and choice of foods as are available to guests in high-quality international hotels," Strand said. Chrysler talks stalled AJAX, Ontario (AP) -Canadian auto workers union chief Robert White says he does not believe Chrysler will be crippled by the strike in Canad~. despite managemerh contentions the walkout could ruin the automaker. "If I thought what we were doing would cripple the Chrylser Corp., I'd be absolutely insane to recommend it," White told more than 1,000 striker$ Tuesday in an over!lowing community centet auditorium here. No bargaining sessions are scheduled. White said he plannea to telephone Chrysler o{~lcials ill Windsor this week to see if there was any point in resum~ng talks, but that there was no reason to reopen negotiations if neither side is ready to change its position. SYMBOLS- - MOALS NEW YORI( (AP) -Spol nonl••(OUS ,,,..el pnc• lodey Copper 72~•· 7<1 ct nlt • pound, ll S ~=·~~6 cenll I pound I Zinc 3&-42 C*llS t pound, <Stj;...,41<1 Tiii $6 2357 Melelt W• C0111POtilt hi .......,_ 76 c.111 • PQllnd, M Y lilefclHY S360 oo per nw. f'letlnu"' S3S7 00-'365 00 troy oune.. HY~ GOLD QUOTATIONS •r TM AtMCte*I ~' Selected world gOkl pflON today London morning flaln!I $411 76. up S2 76 londOf'I ellernoof\ fla.ng $411 00, up Sl.75 P«le allwnoo<1 llltlng $413.95. up $4 41 • frMllfllrt fixing $4 l 1.86, up SO H Zwlcft l•I• •hwnoon f1J1.lng $4 11 00. up Sl.75 bid. '41175 N1<9d "•"d' a "., ...... {Only dtlly QUOl•l $411 00. up SI 75 ,,...._.,.. fOflly de;iy quote) $411 oo. up <$1.75, f~d (Ol'lly dAJIV QUOlt) $431 55. Uj) SI~~ , STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER Handy 6 Hllfl'Mll. S 10 111 oer lf'O't OlllM» ' . • f llllylllllt NB WEON!SOAV, NOV. 11>, 1982 ClASSIFllD .Creeping paralys is hit Kings INGLEWOOD (AP) -Kansas City Coach CottortiFitzsimmons noted a sort of creeping paralysis among his Kings as the evening wore on at the Forum. "W~played we ll early but they did a good job defensively a nd w e did n o t r eact ,," Fitislmmo ns said a fter L os· Angeles d e fea ted the Kings (139-117) in National Basketball Association play Tuesday night. "THERE WAS NO interest in this game af te r the t hird quarter," Fitzsimmons said. "To beat the Lakers you have to take good percentage shots and pound· the offensive boards and don't tum the ball over." "I don 't think we're q uite ready for prime time yet." Although six K ings players score d in double figures and forwa rd Eddie Johnson led all players with 21 points. L os Ange les went the visitors one better with seven La kers adding double-digit contributions. But it took them most of the fi rst half to find that stride. The Lakers converted only 13 of 28 shots in the first quarter. Trailing 48-41 with eight minutes remaining in the second period, they erupted for 16 of the next 18 points to move ahead 57-5 with 2 'h minutes to play. Kansas City never threatened the rest of the night. Los Angeles outscored them 78-60 in the second half and completed 59 field goals on llO attempts. "We weren't ready to play," the Kings' Steve J ohnson said. "W e didn't play s m a rt a nd played into their hands." LAKERS' COACH Pat Riley, who used reserves for most of the last eight minutes, conceded his e out slow in the-fi rst quar r, but noted, "You never 106e the first quarter." Riley · the nlght's work 04 .It's Big Game time . . · League titles, CIF b erths on .· the line By ROGER CARLSON Of N Delly Piiot Slllff It's a week. for the Big Ga me and that's definitely an underst.ut.emc:,nt as the final wN•k of tho regular season unfolds for high school football. League titJes. C JF' playofC berths a nd traditional match up d ominate the seen<·. For instance: Servile and Mater Doi clash for the Angelus League <·ha mpionship. -Edison goes af\er 1LS fifth straigh t Sunset League crown. but may have to share it with rjval Fountaan Valley, if the Jattcr is suc:eessful. -Every team in ihc! Sun5et League ha~ a shot at a CIF playoffs berth. -Rivals Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar collide, and a CIF playoff berth goes t.o the winner -Saddleback and EJ Toro meet with the latter trying to gain a share of Saddleback's Sea View League crown. -Woodbridge can throw the South Coast League ln t.o a three-way tie for th ird place, fordng a coin fli p for a playoff berth. . -Es tancia a nd Costa Mesa• collide in a traditiona l rivalry' with the Sea View League basement the loser's reward. -And Irvine and University meet in their annual skirmish. w ithout a playoff berth, but with year-long bragging righ ts attached. Here's a 199k a t each: Cd !fl ''.S. N_ewport II arbor (all game• al 7:30 unleM not9d) The t•m'e · Thureday CdM at Newport Harbor Ocean View v1. Edjson at CCC University at lrvjne Matar De1 vs. Sarvlta at SA Bowl Diamond Bar vs Laguna Hiiis at MV Friday Newpor1 by <I Edlaon by 16 Irvine by 1 Servl1e by 6 Lag. Hiiis by IS Fountain Valley vs. Marina at Cefrltos Marina by 1 Westminster al Huntington Beach HB by 3 Estancia vs Costa Mesa at CCC Even Saddleback vs. El Toro at Mission Viejo Sadd by 3 Woodbridge at Laguna Beach Woodbridge by 2 Sen Clemente al Capistrano Valley Capo by 20 Saturday Mission Viejo at Dana Hills ( 1 p.m.) MV by 1<l "They run with Braias and they throw to Brazas," '88:YS Morr is. "but they have others, too. includirll a quarterback (Mike Wells) who throws pretty w<>ll." In tht• event of a tic, the Sailors go to the playoffs If each w as winless this would still be the gam~ of the year for these two rivals. Newport Harbor's Sailors hold a series edge of 15-4 and in the last 17 contests the Sea Kings have been limited to seven Fountain Yalle.t• "s. Ma rina points or less on 15 occasions. Fountain Valley can share the S unset League "We'll show up," says Corona del Mar Coach titl e with F.dison (assuming Edison defeats Ocean Dick Mo rris, still fuming from la:.t week's View Thursday) or win it all, then again, the performance against University (an upset 12-7 &rons could wind up in a massive tie for second aeieal). "It was tne-worscgamc we+ve-playe<J sln-ce.,,--=p'tace and lose ou or a playoff bert en irel y. -- we lost to Un iversity four years ago." says Morns And the task isn't an easy one -considering "Our offensive Jme was just terrible." the pas t exploits of the Barons again s t Dave T he Sea Kings' arsenaJ has been defuSt.>d a bat Thompson's Marina Vikings. with the loss of defensive back Dave P atterson The two have split four games and Marina is (separa ted shoulder) a nd de fensive end Tyler one-up m the last t hree conCUcts- Johnson (foot ligaments). "Thot's true," says Marina Coach Thompson. "Corona del Mar is similar to USC when they "but we were supposed to win all of our gam es this had a Heisman Trophy winner at tailback.': says year and we haven 't. Newport Harbor Coach Mike G iddings. "They're playing for the championship and "He (Lance Martin) is an exceptionaJ back and we're playing for seeond place." you have to be careful. He'll start t.o o ne hole. and ··Actually we've played pretty weU a~st you migh t play it just righ t. and he'll end up two Manna in the past," says Fountain VaJJey h holes away. Mike Milner. "But we haven't been able to put the "Martin 's a bility to change if the hole as ball m the end w ne. , plugged may be his best asset. "Marana is doing some things differently this "l( we.have a matchup advan tage somewhere year with the unbalanced stuff and it presents some we'll try t.o take advantage of it. like we did against problems " Es tancia with a ta ll receiver against a small The game puts the trad1uonal I-formation of defensive back or against Cost.a Mesa's line with our Fountain Valley against Marina's veer. whk h is by Norm ixon, who led the . La)cers with 20 points. "Nixon has been our most consistent player since the first game," satd Riley. "He had some problems with his knees, but a couple of days off helped him." H untington Beach H igh fullback Danny T hompson will lead the Oilers against Westmin le r Friday night. big right side." . now op<'rallng behind an unbalanced line with the Martin has r ushed for 971 yards on 198 carries emphasis on t.ackle B11J Ma<·1as (4.9 per crack) and 6 TDs, and the Sailors' answer Both learns have gone more to the running -207-pound junior tailback Steve Braz.as has game this season with Marina's blue chip runner 793 yards on 187 carries and 15 TDs. (Sec PREP. Page 0 21 Jamaal Wilkes followed Nixon with 18 points. Kareem AbduJ- Jabbar and Bob McAdoo had 16 each. Earvin Johnson added 15. rookie James Worthy had 13 and Michael Cooper got 10 points. "Magic is great comfort to have -he does so many different things to help ~ur team," Riley said. "I don't worry w hen he's on the court." Reggie Johnson compiled 18 points for the Kings, followed by Mike Woodson with 13, Larry Drew with 12 and Steve Johnson and Brook Steppe, both with 11. The Lakers, now 5-1. remain 11,.\ games behind the Seattle Supe r sonics i n the P acif ic Di vision o f th e W este rn Conierence. SADDLEBACK IN PONY BOWL Saddleback ColJege's football team has been selected to play in the Pony Bowl at Orange Coast College, Saturday night, Dec. 4. SaddJeback currently has a 8-0 record with two games re maining on its schedule. The opponent for the game has not been sel ected , b ut it is expecte d to be Fullerton or -Oolden West college, de pending on whe re they finish in the South Coast Conference. . • arnJ.or NFLPA has significant dent In R a m s, ~aints,.Oilers, Cowb oys vote to accept contract proposal NEW.. YORK (AP) -Four teams out of 28 are a definite minority but the four - the Los Angeles Rams. Hous ton Oilers, Dallas Cowboys and New Orleans Saints - have created what may be a signiCicant dent in the armor of the National Football League Players AssociaUon. The Rams, Cowboys and Oilers voted Tuesday to accept in principle the latest contract proposal by the NFL Management Council. They joined the Saiqts -who voted Monday -in breaking from the union leadership's outright rejection of the owners' latest money offer. While players on those teams voted In favor of the proposal, they did so with reservations. Many players throughout the league ttaffinned their opposition to the $1.31 billion offer by the owners and Ed Garvey, executive director of the union. said that "No team has accepted this proposal, including the New OrleaN Sainta. U you look at the bottom of the story out of New Orleans, it says if they would have voted on the proposal. they would have rejected It unanimol.isly." But Houston linebacker Greg Bingham. whose team vote d 27 -5 with four abstentions to accept the Jatest proposal - if the owners agree to 1everal key changes -said: "AIJ they have to do is make some changes and we can get back to playing football. I've · talked to the Steelers and Cowboys and a friend of mine on the team has talked to the Bengals. That's four teams right there who are basically saying the same thing. "It is my understanding that this is happening all around the league." Union President Gene Upshaw of the All they h ave to do is m ak e som e ch anges and we can get back to playing football. -Houeton Une6ectl• Gregg Btngham Oakland Raiders said some disagreement among the players ls understandable. "To disagree doesn't mean that you are against what we are doing." he said. ''We are still in control of our destiny. ''There Is nc one out there saying, 'aa:ept it, accept it. please.' What they are saying is give Us a fair agreement. an agreement we can live with for five yean." Despite the apparent crack ln the union's st.and, no negotiating sessions have been planned. The strike -has lasted 51 days, the longest unsettled walkout in professional sports history. The 1981 baseball strike lasted 50 days. though there was a nine-day period of preparation to resume the season following the aettlemenL The NFL called off this weekend's 14 games on Tuesday, meaning that haJf the season -l l i games through eight weeks -has been affect.cd by the strike. -Garvey caJled the next 48 hours crucial. saying. "Even if you accept our timetable for moving the schedule . . . you do start t.o run out of tame." The Management Council spent some time Tuesday a t the Na tio n a l Labor Rejations Board here. filing an unfair labor gractkes complaint against the union. This came on the heels of an admiSS1on by New O rleans Sa ints player representative Russell Erx le be n tha t he h as been threat en ed if he d idn't stop vo,1ci n g reservations about the union's position. "I have received threats, indirectly from several sources. sayin g that Ed Garvey would have my leg broken and all this stufC " said the Saints' punter. "When I called Garvey. he laughed and denied it and said it was all bull. just people start ang stuff." On Monday, Philadelphia Eagles owner Leonard Tose aJlegcd that a player rep ~nd his wife had been threatened by the union. And, on Tuesday, Dennis Curran. an attorney for ma nagement, said in an lntervlew "£ith radio station WNOE that other Saints and some Rams players were intimidated by the union. But the unfair labor practices compla int named only Erxleben. jeopardy? Jackson·'s media attendance mark ' . • ID Nobody came In on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but ... • Ha<t Steve Garvey n()t had a love a ffair going with the fans of the Dodgers, the c:Ontraci he woula have uked for would have knocked the aock.8 off all of us. • Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Ken Andel'IOn, who has a law degree, failed In his flnt attempt to pasa the bar exam in Qhlo ... I would like to have Anderson as the quarterback on my football &earn, bul I wouldn't want him handlln1 my divotte. • 1f dr~ng Is a drag, conalder what three-racln1 la. · • Regie eek.ion eet an attendance record f« an Ansel.t' med'-conference a manacer John McNamara will be dim when he viaha Anaheim St.adlwn thla week. • Cleveland Cavallera owner Ted 8epUen •YI he la ltrioully t.hlnkina of lnOYin• tu. dreaclful team to Toronto I SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD-- TUCKER . . . What did Canada ever do to deserve tha t? l wu on the 46th day ol the NFL strike that playen UIOdadon president OeM Upshaw lllUed his fir1t ln-Jllgent 1tatement ... "l don't Chink the owners an terious about •tiling this thing." • S.n Dil'IO Cllpper1 part-UJM player BUl Walton had a birthday laat Friday, but no one threw hlm a party . . . If they had. Walton would hllve fallrn down and broken IOmethlng. • Wa1hln1ton Sw&e Coach Oeor1e Ravelin1 hal bMn •lected ... 1awnt to Bobby Knl1ht on \he U.S . basketball • • team for the 1984 Olympics . . . ll ls a cinch the trainer won't get a word in edgewise. • U the laflJ$Uaa can all be worked out, the annual Army-Navy football game next year will be held in the Roee Bowl Instead of its long-time home ·in Philadelphia. • It Oakland Athlttkl president Roy . Ebenhardt hopped past on a pogo stick and aeked me, l WO\&Jd tell him lo hlrC' Jtm Ji'rep as hil manqor. • A couple of dctunct boxing oraanlzatlol\a, alleaedly Involved in -:lhe .c.m of promow llarOld Smith aplnat Well.t Farao Bink, have been ordered to pey th• benk M~.7 million ... How would you Uk• to bet on Wl'Ua Fargo'• cMnc.wT • The damap ph._. of thl' Raldert' antl-lrust trlal with the National Football Le11u• wu poe&saoned untU rwxt Yffr bec9UM one of the lfrL'a army ' of lawyers was injured when hit by a golf cart ... Well. at least h e was keeping his head down. ' • &wle Kuhll will ,...-naln in the otfiee of baseball commissfon.-.r until his • term expires next Augus>, but it will not change anything ... in fact, we won't even know he h' there. • A ha.pita) In Varginlu prl'lticts the NFL strlkt! will caUIJC' • baby boom becaWMt Jona .,.rioda of bo~om always do ... Welt, the lHt NBA playofrs didn't. • Soct-cr, Indoor atyle, has started at the Forum . . . WC''ll eee If Jerry BUii kicks atx>ut attt'ndanct". • Ute the .. ~ ruw book Whl'n tht NBA auiu pta undl'r w1y. .• • Ir Bowle Kuhn and Al O.vil had a ·penonallty c:on1Rt tt would ft1d ln • 0-0 '\••· • U Howard 0.11 and Jeck ~nt Cookt had 1n obnoxloua contel\, lt would ID lnto doubt. ~· . ' Bannister selected , b y IO teams NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Mets ope n ed the 1982 free-agent re-entry draft by selecting le ft-handed pitcher Floyd &nnister today. The Mets made their pick after Cincinnati and Minnesota passed. The Seattle Mariners pitcher. w ho led the Ame rican League with 209 strikeouts last year, was expected to be one of the most highly sought players in the draft. Pic k ing next, the Texas Rangers chose Angels free agent Don Baylor, a designated hitter, and the Chicago Cubs followed by picking first baseman Steve Garvey of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Oakland A's pic k ed Milwaukee Brewers pitcher Bob McClure, and Houston selected Garvey. The Mariners chose Montreal outfielder Joel Youngblood. and the San Diego Padres tabbed Garvey. Toro nto and Pitts burgh followed by ficking Bob Shirley. a pitcher rom Cincinnati. Bannister was chosen for the second Ume by Cleveland. Montreal pa9led and the New York Yankees took Bannister. San Franci8co picked Garvey and Detroit palled. .. Tta.! next te•m to pielc, 'he Dodgers. a.,nounced that they would pasa twice. meantna they would not pick any free AP.flt&. The Chlca10 White SOt and Atlanta Bravl'a each selected 8'nniater, and the Boeton Red ScJx ft>llowed by HltcUna McClu~. The next t h rel' tea.ma. Philadelphia, Kanau Cf ty and St. Loula, eech D6dced auuu.r. and the An1els followed. by che>olinc d..CpaMd hJ&&er Hal McRH of th• K1n111 CUJ Roy.a.. The flNtt Baltimore llid choH aannl1ter, w11 •••Nd)'J 11 .......... rca.mct. •