HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-11 - Orange Coast PilotTHI DRANGI COAST COUNTY IDITIDN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CAUFORNIA 25 CENTS Newport financing firms face receivership By STEVE TKI PUU 01 It.. Oallr Piiot "•" A11 Orang1• l'ounlv Supt 11w l'ourt JUd~t· hJ:-. on.lc·rc·d tlw Amt'fll"an 11111111• M11rtgagl' l 'o of Nt•wµo 1 t Bt'•.H·h, pl us lhrc ... relat1·d firm:-. .ind 1111 ll''"11n.tl assets 11f 111und1 •r .l11h11 H111.dd11 mtu n'l·e1Vt·N>h1p J udgt• Ph1 ll1µ J>1·ttv "''d Wednesday ht· \\ J:-1:.:.u111g th1· order bt"t·auw .1ttunwvi. f111 tht state Ot·p..trtnwnt o t l'<;rpw at11>11' had l'O l1 Vllll'l't.I h1111 that Lh1· apprux1m.it1•l\ $0() 1111111 011 invested 1n tht• firms h\ <1hout 6 ,000 1nd1v1duJl' s lH;uld 111 prott"(.'h'll H111aldu .111d 111' 1·0111µa1111·' 1,111 avoid th1· onl1·1 11 tlwy pust .1 $:.!ll Woinan slain; son held By STEVE MARBLI:: 01 IM DAiiy Piiot St•N A 15-yt·ar-old L .. gunu N1~u1·l youth was t;1 k1 ·11 111111 l u .. 111dy early t odJ y on ,u,p11 1<111 o f murdt·r a ftt-r tht' bod v 11{ h1-. m ot ht·r W <l!> found burtl~t Ill 1h1• bac kyard of " Laguri.l N1gw·I ho mt· N orm;.111 Franklin. a :-.tudt•n l .11 Dana lidls High St·h ool. wa ... arreslt'<.l m •arly 1•1gh1 hour .... 1ft1·r th e b () d y II r N (l rm a i\ I 1 u • Sh<X'makt•r. 40. wa.-. fou11t.I 1n <J shallow 1-(f<tVl' rwar a v1·~1·tahl1· gardt·n T ht' youth 1s bt·1ng hPld <1l Orangt• County Juv!'nllC' llall Investigator.; h;we 11111 dt•t.<11lt•d a mot 1 v C' 1 n th 1• s I a y 1 n g A k nowled~t·ab ll' In\ t·s11ga11vt· servtl'C' t'Onf1rmt·d tho.it Franklrn was ShCX'maker's :.1m 0 r a n g c Co u n l y S h t• ri f I s Department Lt Wyatt H art said the b ody was unParthNl l<1t<• Wednesday afternuon aftt>r tlw w oman 's husband , Hoht•rt. contac ted police to inform tht·m he'd found blocxl un thl'1r llNJ 111tiIt11 II h11 II d I u I 11 I I I h I' Ill d I I 1..1<1"' c·l lt'<'I :11 II ;1 111 'v\'1·d111° .. do1\ how1·\'t·1 J\11 .11 t111111 v 1111 t 111' 1-(lllllJl 111d11 .tlt'll 111 "ill •'llfll'.il 11\1• 111d1·1 'l'lw ... 1.111 h,1, I l.111111·d I 1\,11 H111.ild11 .11111 tlll' l'lllllfJ.11111'" I II 111111gll'd 1u 111f, 111 J ''·" th.11 lllllllllllll'd 11•1\Jl II' Ill Ill\'• "l"I' Jlld J.:,1\ I 1{111,aJdo \'II lll,tff\ f I I I ll ... ,. 111 lht 11111111 \ 1111 , ... 1 ... 1111 . .t lll\,1· .. t111t Ill ( l, 11.11 tllll'lll HI t '11111111.1t11111' lit )Ill\\ t '111111111 ...... 1 .. 111 I S t1•\' II t.1111111•\ .11 ~11111g th.it lltt r111.1111 '·" 1 111p11 •· ... 11111a1t1 1>1· 111 .. , 1·d Ill 11'11 l\1 l'>htp ,,11.l tit• ,l,1lt ' 111\1•,11g.1t11111 1nd11.111 ·, tl1.1t tli• l'lHll p.11111 · .... 111· 1,.._111g 11111111·\ hut Jl'1:1-(lll1g th1• '"'"'' 111 l \\1•1•11 I 11111' "'v\'h.ol \\1·'1 1· d1 -,d111g \\Ith 1:-. .. 111lhl.111I 111ll111g 11V1·1 111 IJI l'Vt•lll .Ill\' Ill\ l 111•11 ' I 1111111 ,1,..t1111g 111 (1111 the II Ill\• "1111\'llt:-.I c;.1111 lc•\i .... id 11111 A1111·11e .111 11111111 M11r ti.:.1g" .11tw111 ·\ I low.11 d l l.111 1 ... 111 'J ld tflc Ill\'\ '1111\'ll h ~ t•r 1· IHI\ 111 cll'1 ,111lt tll.11 rl'l11 l'1111·11 t f1111tb h1 ·ld In th1 • 11111p.11111•:-. ·"" 111 IPtft•r,.JI\ lll .... 111·d lt.111k .Jt111unt~. th.11 Jt • ..,, th.111 11111·1• 1w1 11·111 11( till 11111111 V Ii.H I IK·1·11 lo,1111·d Ill .• tll 1)1 ,1 \1 lll llljl.1111\'" b y 1\1111·111 ,111 11111111· .111d that tht• ... t:tll h,11( 11 I t•i\'t•d \ ll!ll(J(i.llllh f111111 Jll't I;) 111 \'l'''"'"• , ........ than 11111 J>t 1tt•11l 111 tht· l11tal dunng a Iii 1111111\lt 111vl·sl1gat11111 I l.1111s1111 :1t·knowl1·dg1•d th.11 "1 111t• o f tlt11:.1· wllo h.1 v 1· 1 .. 111 •>W•·tl 111 v 1·,t11r:-.' n111111·v 1hr1111gh J\11w111·.111 llu11u· huvc 1lt·l.111lt1 •tl 1111 th1•11 111:111:.. hut Ill' t ,dlt•d thl' cl1•l,1lllb J l'ffl.'Ulll .... l.lllll' 11( tl11 l'lll I l'lll l-C.'1HlllOIV ,111tl 11111 .ti 1 1 1 I 1 u ta Ii I 1 · 111 H i n .ii d n ' n1.111,1g1 ·nwtll SWtt· atlortll'Y' 111t111IC'rc'<I th.11 H111aldo h.1-. ;,J(o~ 1•d 1nv1•:-.tn11•111 111 ..i lrl•atl\ b.111k1uµt huld111g' t·xll'ndl·d 111.111 111.11un1 v d:.itt· ... t11 delrnqu1·11t h•11 1 u ";t•rs <i nd uth1·rw i..1• 111.1d1· 11 nt·Jrlv lm JHl'>Stlilt• lfll 11\Vl' ... t l)I!> to 11•11·1 1•\1 th1·1r fund:-. 1111u• 111\'(":>.tt·d Pt·lt_\. :-.1y1ng th.it I l'l.'•·1v1·1,h1p S no\\ -roH·red . a n f;ahrit'I '\1ounla in., ~rPt'tt>d Orangf" (:ount ian~ thi!" mornin~. Thi~ f)i ('tun· "a~ lakt·n ahout 7::10 a.m. from the '-C'\'t•nlh floor of ttw '\t·" port Slu•raton llott·I in :"\t>\\·port Bc•a<'h . \\'.J' "lt11lh .1ppr11p11,1 lt• .111d '"lfllllt•d liy l.1w 111 thl:-. malt1·1'," 11rd1·11·d ••'\t·1v1·1 l >,11111v S1111tul't·1 111 N1·w1.1111 H1·,1d1 t11 t<1k<· 1·1111trul 111 .ill tht· lwldr11g:-. 111 qu1·~11011 r1t•lo. t "'t•t•k unit•" H111.lfdo and J\1 111•1 ll Jll l 1111111· '" l)((l11 t · tlll' $:l0 11111111111 hnnd Th .. ugh s t.it•· .it t1111wvs had .11 gtll'd lh,11 tlw ho11d :-.hould ht· .11 1t .. 1:-.l $till 1111111011 tu prolt'<·t t h1 • 111v1•-.t11r:-. )'I'll v 1·<ill1•d tht• $:lU 111dll1111 "' d1·1 1·i-1·1·pt111t1.J!ly ,u1Ji.t.111tt.il' and ,1pp1 opr1.1tt-1n tht· l':t:-.t· H111aldo e111d u l I 11·1•1 :-. o f thl• 1·11111p.11111·:-. ar ,. 111 till' Jllt'anttmt'. u11 d1·r ,1 lt'mµorary 11·stra1n1ng 111 d1·r l1m1t1ng th1·tr ahrl1tv to .tllt·t OI I \'lllllVI' t'lllllfMllY rt't'OI d s DAiiy Piiot Ptioto b1 0.,., Am~ T h e h u s b a n d " r1 g 1 n ,1 I I v co n tact c d p o I 1<· 1· Tu l' 'cl .1 y mormn~ to file a m1<;. ... ing p<>r-..•n" report dnd told off1l·t•rs ht• h ... d not seen his wife ..,1 11(•1· Mond;a v morning whe n she 1£'ft fm work. Hart said Coast to 'dry out' today and Friday P ohce said tlw woman "'11rkt-d as a bookkt'<'p<'r H om1c1d£' 111v~t1gat11r' ,1rnvt·d al the 25122 Monte· Vrrd1· hrnrn• W e dnC'sday and r1 •port1•dl \ noticed a mc:und of sol t, l1x~· dirt in th<' b;wk y arrl n •:-.1·mhl111.I{ " grave Police said both thl' ltu:-.b.111d (See NIGllEL, Pa~e A5 J Or Jng1· l.'oa:-.t ru .. 1J1 11 t' 1 .111 l'X pt'<'\ " hrll'f drying 1111 1w111" l to night Jrvl Fndciy f111l11" 1 ng I h1 .. Wt•t•k'., b,1tt1·r1ng w1nl1•1 <;t11r111 1 ... ro11 .1 ..... 1·1·11d 1.11 fl .,v ... 11 111 11111\'t'' 111 S.11u1d;1\i W r.,1 I ht r I ,', 1 1· 1 .1 ... 1 1· 1 ., pr1·d11 11ng :t dr\ 11111 1 l11ud\ F11cl.1 \ . ..;;11d .1 l11w pt t'""l" 1 '\,SI• ·m oft th· I ....... 1 .. , \ J.t,k.1 .. hould :-.i·ttl1 ""' ~11utl1 1·111 t .tl1l11r 111.1 II\ r111dd.1\ S .. tur d.1\ '1'111 flt •\\ :.1orm 1~ 1·xt1<'t t1·d lt1 lw 'h"n II\ 1•tl .111d 1,.,, 1n tt•11 • .. tlr,111 1h1' \\t'(·k" ... lht· N.it11111.lf \\'1 •.1lh1 I S 1·IV1t1 · p11 •d111 .. t1 Th" \\1·1·1<·, Wt fl lr\ .. t1111n. li11 t111g tlit 1·11.1,t • .i """'\\Ith lightning .ind .. 11ff wind:-.. 11l11\'••d 1·.r-.t\\:1rd .• 11, 1 d1.,pp111 g I • 1111 hi·' nl 1.1111 111 11111-.1 p .. 1 i.. 11l ( lr.111gt ( ••Utlt._ Tiu ... turm ·''"' dumpt·cl up t11 , f1 ·1·t of sno"' .11 popul.11 ;1ri'.1 ~k1 n•sorL' Onf' rt·:-.ort S now Su111m1t n1·<1r Rig A1 •;ir h.1-. 11Jl'·rwd fnr 1111' \kt 't'U:-.<111 S1•v1·1 al Srt•r r ;i N1•\ .111.1 'kl r.·,orh .d ... ll pl.rnn1·d t11 l1l'g1n thl·lr s• .. 1-.1111:.. t111l,1v M.i11111111th M11unt,1111 1r·por11·d '.11 '"'I 111 "'''"' ll111111ng11111 Rl'.ll h \\'\'.Jlh1•r w.111 ht•r J Sht•rman D1.•1111v ~llll t hi,.•" 1·t·k · .. o;torm droppl:d I 5 1m h1·' linng111g thl' ::.c«•son total up 111 '.! 41 inl'ht·s 111 N1·wport B" .i 1· h . t h c· 0 r .1 n g 1 • (.' o u n t y Stw11ff's I IHrh"r P<1l r11I µut tht• r.1111f.dl .at I ~H 1111 lw:-. "11 ""111 v w <1:-.h1·d th111g' .. rr .. 11h..;1 ·rv1 ·d I )c ·11 n v ' Coastline TV English course under fire -By PHIL SNEIOERMA1\ Of the Dally Piiot Sl•N Coasthnt• Collc•gt'' ( r ..... hm,111 Engli s h program h.1, bt·1·n challengl'd by l'ahforn1a S tJlt• University in:-.tructvr ... ~ hu an· cntical of a IC'IC'VISIOn l Oll~' U'i<'CI to teach wnt111g The· Englr::.h C1.unul. madf' up o f English df'part mPnl ch:l1rnwn and compos1uon rour;(• dir('l·tor-. from tht• 19 C;il S l.dtt· 1·ampus1·-.. h as recomm1~nded th;1t Coastltn1· s t ud C' n ts n o t he ;1 11 n w N I t n t rans f t•r Engl 1s h I 00 1·ou r~t· crediLs to thP Cal S t»tf' ~yst1•111 l'hc 1011nul Sd\' \I .Jn'l nµts do n1>t 111d1l<1tl' wh(•th•·r ttu niur" \\a' tak1•n 111 thl' c la,..,r11<1111 or\ 1.1 t. l1·v1..ron Coa,.tlln i> spnk t•,.man J,H k Ch,1p1wll deft'nd1•d the valtd1t \ of thl' teh.'cOurs<'. · WntmJ.( for " Reason ·· He said th1· nillt'EW " .. .., nl'V<'r crm taetf'd bv I ht' F.11gh-.h C'oum:1l 10 prc·M·nt 11' '11 te 11f th1· 11 •IN'()UrSl' I SS lit' Thc> 57 m1•n1lwr C.tl S tat t· 1-:ngltsh Cmmc ii h.1s n11 ~ovl·rntnK Juthority, and 1L-. n•soluurm will be· at'\'t•pt.ed o nl-. 11n an odv1sory h.cs1s. ac'l·ord1n~ lo Hnh1·rt Al·ss, -INDEX--- ,1..._1,t.1111 VII • • lt.11111 ·11111 111 tlw { .11 -...1.11 .. I nrvc• .... 11\ ,,.,h·m H1·" h.1-. ht 111 11\·1 ''l'l 'lng .1n 1nqu11v 1n t 11 th1 l'1i.c1 .;tJ1nc tc•lc'<'OUI'( l''-'lll '111< I (,,..t 'Jlllll~. wht•n 111,t1 U< tur' ,11 <'11.1:-.tltnc•-. <;1stt•r sd 111<1ls ( ;11(d1·11 W1• ... 1 .111d Ornngr ('11.1,1 111111 gc•., 1 1n-ul<Jtt•<l a lettt•r 1 l.11111111g 11·l1 ·v1,11•n courses .111 • not 1 '1ll1 v ult·111 to dassroom 111,11tu111111 :111d 'hould nnt lw w111 th t h1· .... 11r11 n11111llt'r of < rt'd1L<; Tht v11·1• d1.111n•llo1 -.,11d ht· h.1s rf'l·c•1v<>d :o>o.iw 111(11rmn1J11n frnin l' I/ a S l I 1 I\ I' II f j I (' I ;ti..; ;, fl d IS !'oC ht't.lul1•<l 111 v1 ... 11 tlw l"out1t..1111 \' d 111·\ b<1sc·d 1 ol ll·~t· fo r .1dd1t1on<JI dt!.( w .. .,.011 un Nov :w Ch;irll'S M ay. <t l'c1I St<1tt' Lonf( &•ac h Englrsh prnfr~-.or \\ho 1s pres1dl•nt o f the• Englhh l't•unul. said Co<istl1111· off1u.il!-"1·n· not 1·nl1s1rd 111 rl':-.p1111d lo I h1· 11 ·l1 ·t·11u r<;t• eha rlo(f'S twe;rn\t• t ht rt•solu11nn was prt•:wntt•d n<':ir th 1• r n d of t ht' 1 o u n c ii ' s1•m1.1nnu;ll m 1 •f't1n~ 1n P.llm Springs last w1•1•k , w ithout pnor noun· 111• -;:11d pnrt1nrants at the n11•1•11n~ co11C'lutkd that thl· 15 h11ur... 11f 11 ·l1·v1s11111 \ tt'WlllR llm<' .ind othN n·quiremt·nt:-. o f the• nH11 :-.1• wc•rr not comparable to th1• 45 < lassroom hou rs r<'qu1rc'<i 111 'llldPnU. t..1kmg f.nglrsh 100 on ,, mm 1t·ll·v1M-c.I bast:. MJv -.aid ;:i SE"C'Ond li•l1lf•rn was thl· ct1:...-rraSt'Cl omnunl of pi•fSlinal 111nt.11 1 b1·t~ Pf·11 1t•<11·h1·r~ ;:ind c; t u d 1• n I' 1 n I h 1· En .l( I 1 'h t•·lc~·our.;" Thi• tt•l1'<·11urs1· rc•solut1on was .1pprt1\·1·d unanimously by nwmh1·rc; 1>f tht' English Council Bui May adm1tt1·d, "No orn• at fS ee COASTLINE. Pa~e A3 l Brezhnev or 1n1tH1tl' maJor tra nsacuon!I S h o uld tht• rt"l'CIVt'rsh1p take <·H t-c.·t m·xt wt>t•k , that order will t;1k1· tht• form uf an UIJUm:uun at,·on1p:rnymg 11 Attunwys for both s1db said thl'y wt•rt• unsurt· whether Hmaldo and thl' ('Ompanies could rat::.t' tht• bond m oney I larn son . who called thl' bond Jllloun t "u nus u ally high ," 111tl1l'alt>d that he would appeal, arguing that Petty'i. order s hould Ix· uvt•rturrwd or. 1f that falls, that thC' bond should be reduc-t.'<l Tht· appeal 1s expt•cte d to be ht'im l !)(·fore nt•xt WE.>dnesday's dc •.ull11w Bois a plan shelved By ROBERT BARKER Of the 0 .. ly "°4 ltaft An Orange County p lan for tht' development of thl' Bolsa Chica mars hlands near Huntington Bl'<H·h app a r e ntly has b een placed 1n hmbo O ra n ge County supervisors voted Wednesday to withdraw the t•o ntrover s1al plan from cons1dcra11on o f the California Coas ta l Comm1ss1on members. But thNc 's a ehanl'f' tha t the plan may m>t re-main withdra wn - only dl'lay('d for a notht'r year or more' Thi· Ion~ standing issue was St'hedull·d to' face commission act ion next W ednesd ay m Los Angeles Prt•v1ous coastal comm1ss1on a ttPmpts to reach a dc'l·1s1on foiled m June a nd July ObsNvt•rs predicted that the romm1ss1un wo uld hdve denied th C' plan th at ca ll s f o r d evelopmc•nt of 5,700 homes, a manna and navigable c hannel to the ON'an and restoration of 600 acn-s of salt marsh Orangt' County Planning D1r<'<.'tor Robert Fisher said late Wt.>dnesday lhat h e ts proposing to put c.bout 1,200 ac·res of luwlands !.OU lh o f W a rn e r A vcnul' and cast o f Pacific Coast Highway into a wmng reserve for up to a year H1· said a reserve would permit th<' co unty and co astal commission to C"on centrate o n n·rti f1caticm of a plan for the less contr11vers1<1l bluffto p areas w h al(• awa1 ting so I u t1o ns to lowland ton(-erns. Fishe r said he expec·ted to hear by F riday 1f the rc-serve proposaJ 1s at'("('ptablc to Michael Fischer, h1!. countC'rpart on the California Coastal Comm1ss1on staff. "If t here's a pos1t1ve signal, the plan w ould s tay submitted." Fisher said "But I think there may be less than a 50-50 chance of that "The• key 1s not to make a final d~·1s1on at this lime " Thf' roast.al commission staff, which came under h eavy fire from Orange County supervisors, opposes a manna and navigable channel and wants addi tional acr<'age des1gna ted as w e tlands and thereby protected from d t•vclopment. County officia ls said a fina l d ecision must be put oCC un'til the c·omplct.Jon of a U.S. Anny Corps <See 801..SA, Page AZ> era ends Soggy sands al Edwards Air Forr<> Base will not welcome Columbia home. Page A 7. with death at 75 At Yo ur S<'rvtl'<' ..ijµUe tm Board Business Cavalcaclt• C lass1f1ed Comics C rossword Death Notices F.diton al Ent.ertainm('n t Horoecope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Fund11 National New s Public Noti('(>S Sports Dr St.elncrohn Stock Markct.5 TeleviaiDn Theat.era Weather All AH Cfi H Bi DI .D:l 6 Bf> A~ [)2 Ali RJ-4 82 B2 83·4 C6 A J Cfl.02·3 Cl-4 82 C7 86 83-4 A2 Mir,... ............ . oviet President Leonid Brezhnf'v huddled with lhen-President Richard Nixon 01 the We tern While House in San Clemente in this 1973 photo. t ~ By STEVEN R. HURST ,.._..,~ ,..._ Wrtt• MQSCOW -Leonid I Brezhnev. who ruled the Soviet Union for 18 years, p u r s u ed detent.e with the West and raised his country to nuclear parity with the United States, has died. He was 75. Brezhnev died Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. (Moecow time), but the o ffic ial a nnoun cem ent was wl\hhe ld until 11 a .m . today whllt maneuver i ng f o r a succesaor began behind the towe ring. r ed wa I ls of t h e Kremlln. No new party c hi e f or preside nt wu immediate ly named t.o fill Brezhnev's pasta. But Weste--n expert.! believe the power vacuum may be filled In t h e s h op run by a collective ' leadership inc luding form e r KGB c hief Yuri V. Andropov and long-um e Brezhnev as soci ate K o n stanti n C hernenko, the two men mOS\ often touted as likely succeaors. The Brezhnev era was marked by flnn action t.o suppre. di.aent In t h e Soviet Union. When C zec h oslovakia c hallenaed Kremlin domination In the East bloc in 1968, Brezhnev sent Soviet t.anlu Into Pr~ to crual\ "llOClaliam with a human face." As Communlat Party chief and president, Breahnev saw the Soviet Union achieve lta atm of becomJn1 a true 11obal powea. Strate1lc balance wl\h the United Si.tea WM conllnned i.n 1972 when he lilaned the SALT l <8" 11\UHNBV. Pap •a> ' .) r : . I' ,'I 11 r Or angt1 Lt•ttal OAIL Y PILO f t l llur11<lfty November 11 1982 lrvine ------- lrvine patriotic p arad e set D ec. 4 By G L~NN SC017 Of Ille Delly l'llol 8taff 11 vint":s Allll'l ll'ltlld 4u11l11·111 w ti I rt St' IHlt>t h1·1 ue•j.(f'I'(' 111 l>1·u·mbt'r wht'n Lht' t'tty 1:s gr .it••-<l wtth tl!i ftr:st lull flt~gl'd holul11y J>'Uade Th<' De.'(· 4 f:><Hudt· 1:-. llw third '>ponson-d bv tht• Irvuw K1w.11w-. Club s1m.'t· ttw l'llY was forntt'<I .1 1.lt'(:ude a)(o Rut this will ht• tht• f 1 rs l 1 n 1.· or p u r a t 111 lo( u 11 t I 11 • tr 1111 m 1 n g i. o r :i t rad 1 t 111 ",ii holiday parutlt• N l' w t h 1:. y t' a 1 w ii I 1 w t h, · marching bands. Tht.' Kiwanis panitlt'S 111 IYHU and '81 wer(' st.ag1.'<.l un July 4th whl•n S<:hool was out anti stutlt .. nt mus11.·1ans Wt'r t' vaea11on1ng Although tht• parudt•s o fft•rt.'d their shar1.· ur t·xc1t1.•m1.•nt, tlwv missed thl' uum-pah -pah thJ.t organizers sought. So they shifted tht• event to an enrly Saturday 1n Ot•t·t·mb1.•r wh1.·n marching band seaw11 t:s suit in swing and thl' hol1d<1~ sp1nt is in thC' air. Bands from the• 1.·1tv's thn·t· high sc.·hools -University, lrvtnC' a n d W o,,p d b r 1 d g e a r t· scht'(luled tu marc:h in the paradt· us wt•ll as one from Tustin's Foothill High School. the El Toro Manne Corps Band and a fpw JUntor high groups. They will be among the· 54 C'n trit!s wtth more than 1.035 pt•uple signed up to pass along thl' une-mtle paradt• route in thP (.'UStbound lant.'S ur Alton Parkway. The paradt• will bt'gtn at 11 am from West Yall' Loop J'arad<' Chairman 011.·k 1 h·rmPsch said his dub membt.•rs hupt• to makt• the parade through Woodbndg<.• an annual event 1n lrvme If they SUC'l'ft.<d, they will give their ctty a parade to rival other coastal traditions At a press bnehng Wednesday. I lcrmes<:h said local organrzattons still can entt·r the parade. wh11.·h hWI a them•· thl:-. y1•1u ul "Sulut .. tu Youth " EntrH·:-. du 11111 111·1·d 111 b1• proft-ss1on.1l .1l'U., hut 'ihould l.11.· more than j group u( ch1ldrl·n walking lwrlt'uth J h;.inrwr. ht• 11utt•d Cui I l'llt e11tnt·:1 1m ludt• downs, lHlltqut· ean. Jlld novt•lty lo(rnups. hl· :.aid .. Our fl·d111g 1s dll entry ha:-. to bt· t•ntt•rta1111ng," ht· t'Xplarrlt'd "But we'd like· &s mul'h lm·al purt1c1pat11m 11:s possible " Interestt.•d pt•upll· t:an cunwt·t htm about t•n trll's at 55l-4551 Truph11.•s will be uwarded tn I<! maJOr d1 v1:-.1u11s Spt.·1.·1al judg1.•s v. ill revlt'w r•qut'Stnan u.•ams and the marc hing bands lfowevt•1, rkrmPSCh said l<.><:al h<inds wtlJ v1 1· fur rulings ratht•f than Jg .t 1 n st t• a l'l 1 o t h 1 • r , a t tlw 1 r n·quest Th~· K1w:in1s Club l'XJX"<.'l'> tt1 spt.md mon· than $<1.000 on th!' p<Hadt•, as1d1.· frum voluntet·t labor lt hopt~ to r1."'l·uup mut·h of 1ts t•xpens t.·s by offt.·r1ng a panl'Hke hn•akfast bt:gtnnin~ <J I H ,1 111 o n p a r a d l' u a y a t Wuudbndg<' High &:hool T h t' c 1 t y g o v l' r n m C' n l , m(·anwhilt'. also 1s donating ;.obout $2,500 in st·rvtl'es and salanC's for pol1l'C and public works personnel So Car. dub memlx'N have not announced lhC'ir grand marshal for this yeAr's event but they say 11 wtll be "someone of interest to childre n and students" lo fit the them<' The sponsonng dub ongrnally wanted to stage tht• parade on Barranca Parkway, the main tho r oughfare in Woodbridge Mt•mbers agreed to shift 11 to Alton. which is less traveled but also less developed, al the request of merchants Crom Woodbridge Plaza Center. Appr~1attve merchants have since volunteered to help acquire bleachers and havt' wc•eds C'Ut along Alton. Ponderosa chie f Rube n Boho rquez Delly l'llot Photo by Patrick O'Donnell ------Ca1t11111 • Bull to surviv e Mes a bullfight 8yJOOI CAOENHEAO Oftlla D•ll1 "lot ataff W 1 11 e· 1 m IJ 11 1 t t· 1 H u b ,. 11 Bohor1p1e·1. f fiu1ltt>d h1i. 1110:-.t itTl'Nlt;L{blc 1m1t It ... adJUlltt•d 11111 fiery rtod lx•ret und is:1t down to dlSl'UMI whut hus b1·c·o11w h" fovoritc suhj1•1.·t: tht· bullr1Khl 5':hcdull'd Saturday and Sunday a t t h 1· 0 r a 11 g P C 11 u n 1 y ra1rgrnumb Bullfights'' Jn Cost-0 Mt-:s<1'1 8olwrqu('7, adrn1u. that tht· 1dt•j nught seem 11trung1· to ma11 y AnH·rt<.·an s whost· 1n1agt.• 11( bullf1i(htlng IS et<.'h(od firmly in the old Hollywood sten·otype~ that d1.•p1c:t1.·d lhe ft!(hts a ~ a strangl' m1xturt• uf gort• <ind .romanUC'tsm Missing from tlw old rt1ms wa:-. the rt.·l1gious, L·ultural und l'thnw roots of bullf1ght1ng. said Bo hurquc·z , who has bl·t·n organ1ztng the l'Vt•nt~ 1n tho· United Statt•s Sllll'e I 97H Thi:. wtll bt· tht· f1r:st ll11n• Bohur4uez ha:s brought th1. bulb to Orange· County "8ullf1ght1ng is <• 1·ultural spe<:tade," hl· said "Tht•y art· held on religious holidays to comt1de with duys off. It's a way to PntPrtain crowds." The Old Cal1forn1a Span ish Fiesta Days and Bullfights th1:s weekend will also 1ndude c.1 rodeo, flamenco danc:mg. a ho™' exh1 b1t and Spanish food. Tht• "blootlless" Bullfights will begin at 4 pm. each day. By not killing the bull tht· event remains k•gal in the United States. Bohorquez said. The bandenllas. a spt'ar used to anger the animal, will bl· attached with glue. In Spain and Mexico a bullfight ends with tht· dramatic death of the bull by a sword In this weekend's f1gh~. th e matador i n stead will symbolically place his hand on the bull's hindquarter Hunting is far more inhuman<'. said Bohorquez, a self confessed animal lover who dauns to havt• never shot an animal and own~ eight c:ats. "Thu; is no more dan~erow1 :.port th:.in .i moto11.·ydl· ran• or 11 r odt•o." lie-i..11d "In !ill thca.t· 1•vt·11t1o th\·n":. u l 0hunn· t>Orneone rrught ht· hurt " 'that d)JU)t.'t' turned to trugtody M'Vl·r .. I yeari. .tKO wh1•n a young n1 ;11.1tl1JI drnppt•d h1~ l'apt• and w11ur1d up being the target of a 1.hur~int( bull. He suffored a l1ruk1•n shouldl·r and a 11pratncd nc'l-k. Boh or4u!'7. n'<.'allt'd "All you havt• bl'lwct·n you ;ind an acdd1.'llt 1s th1• l'apt'." said liolwrqut•:r.. l.1kt· all urumals, bulls Ctrl' < ••1111 tillnd 'J'h1• magenta 1..·upe ts U!><:d stm·tly for audit.·nn' <.tppt'al Thi· bull 1:s c•xc1 tcd by tht- 111ov1•111t•IH o f tht.• <:apt• and not its l0<1l111 "P1·11plt· don't g11 to a bullfight 111 !>t·t• blood anti an animal krll1·d," Bohorqut•z s<11d "The· only rt:ai.cm the· <inimal ts killed 1s 1.>t.'l'dUM' nt'xt tinw ht· would learn l•J ehw gt• tht· man and not th1· 1.·a J.X. All 111 th1.· hulls ust'd 1n the· Ur1 1li'd Statt·s t·xhib1t1ons an· f l'llm Mt·x1co and are kept on a nml'h 1n R1vers1d" Following th1· frght tht:y an• l'tlhl'r returned to pa~tun· or slaughtered. Ewn if It w1·n· puss1hlt• to kill thl· bull 1n this l'(J Untry . Bohnr4u1·2 :.atd 11 would bt· pointlt·ss bl•cause its mpaning wuukl go largely misunderstood. "In the United States 11 would loSL· a lot of 1 u. M"nuus a::.pt-<.:ts and Its Sl'nM' of history." Bohorquez i.<itd "There's no plac1.· he re that has a st•nSE· of lrtstory th:it you wuuld .. f ind tn Spain und Ml'Xll.'0 True bullfight af1c1onados <1ppret·1all' tht· art a n d th1..• SJX"'Cl.adc of thl• ix-rformance and plan· little importance on tht· k1lhng or lht• bull. he said · · B u I I f 1 g h t 1 n g d <· p 1 c t :. evt•rythmg that 1~ honorable in <t man." ht• said "ll's thc·atl'r and <:n tt>rta1nmt·nt But it's rl'al bec aus e· thl' man's life 1s 1n dangl·r" Tht· pr<'s1d1.•nt of lrvmc·-b<iSt'<I Ponderosa Homes. one or tht· larg1•st homPbu1ld1ng firms m tht· st.all'. resigned Wednesday. qui t s figures are estimates Regardl<>ss of s pecifics. h1)wever, Ponderosa has clearly b een among the top homebuilding firms. Standard and P oo re's ''Registry Ctf Corporations" for 1982 says the company C'mploys 400 workers and CtVer<tgt'S annu<1l -.air's from $1 50 to $200 mtlhon Bolsa Chica marsh plan shelved From Page A 1 Details or John Garcia 's rMtgnation WE're not made publit C'arly today as top C'Xt•cuttvt•., huddled rn ml'l'tings A subs1d1ary of Aetna L1fC' and Casualty Co of Hartford. Conn , Ponderosa was rankc<d second rn salC'S volum1.• rn a survey taken C'a rl1N of Southern California honwbu1lding activity Its vc1lunw was $86.2 mtluon The ·· BluP Book of MaJor...- Home Buildt•rs·· estimated that tht• firm burlt 1.130 homes las t year throughout the• stat~ wllh gross revenuc·s of $ 199 mil lion lndustr.y analys ts s tress tho:.e (.;arc1a's n·i.1gnat111n folluw:s s c-v t• r a I ,, l h L' r "u r pr 1s1 n g announn•mt•nL., mcidt· by Orang•· Countv's maJor h urn1•buil<l1ng firm~ ·th1., year Among lht•m Pe·tt.·r Krt·mt•r':. n·~1gnat1on .-1 ... lrvuw Company prt>s1dC'nl. n dN·1s1on by Broadmuor I lllml·!o tu lpavt· the· (·ounty and largl"Sctlt layoffs at tht· Mh-.ro n V1t 'J" Company of Engineering on thl' effl'l'h channt•I on thl· 111ar shl~ind feas1b1htv stud y of a nav1gabli.· resturattun ,,f a T h t· v :-. a 1 d t h t ' :s t u ti v 1 !> ..,t l11·duf1·d 111 lw f1r...,hed ~wxt 111011th ,md that analv"<~ wo11ltl bt• forthcoming rn ..,uhsl'qut•nt m11nlh!o. Olh<'r m.1JOI d1frt•r1·nt1·-. bt•l\.\11•n tl11 coun t v c11HI the nMs tal c·omm1s"1nn :.taff c.·1c·11lt•1 on t lw t•x tent u f 1•;1 rthqua k1· lwu1rd.., a nd :.in argunwnt ov1·1 tht ... 1L1 of tilt' wl'lland:-. Tiu· eount~ plan thc11 ha" lht Cloudy o utlo9 k Par11y cloudy w11n a sl•ghl Chance ol ahowers Saturday cteat1ng Sund.By and increasing clouds Monday Coas1a1 areas wtll hBve highs from the uppe< 60s to the rn><1 70s lows wtH be 1n tt>e 40s and 50s Moun1a1n resort highs 1n the 50s with lows 1n the 20s and JO$ l.'.S. s1u11111t1ry A neavy ttorm lhal ba11ered Southe<n Calll0tn1s moved eHI and drOPped ••in OVflf the ~· Southwest early today, while rain swept acroH lhe M1dwes1 and P•rt• ot IM Southeast S h o wer s and a rew tl'oundershowers fingered over pans ol C atllornia white 1ain continued &cross the lower eltv111ons of New Mexico and Arotona Snow kept f9lllng on lt>e mountains ot Nevada and •Collfornla 10 the Colorado and New Mexl«> RocklM Rain slretehe<l trom tl'oe central HIQh Plaint .cross t<anHa and 90\llt>ern Nebrastca to norlt>ern Mtnou" and southern <ow• Sha-a alto lell over Okl~hom& •n<I Texas A few r91n showers aprlnkled the SOV1h Allllnlrc COMI rain tell over Ohio, and drorzle was r•p0<ted over upper Mlcntg1n Oense log wAa lormtng In •oulhern fdaho and 11att1Hn Wyoming Aaln waa 101ecaa1 l or later \OCS.y lrom trw1 central Plains 10 fhe upper GrN t l •kes, and snow .., .. allpec1.cl lrom tile Col0<9do Rookies to the northe<n Pl•lna Scattered ll'otmde<1t0<m1 -• pr.Oic:tlld !tom norttlwftt r .... Ind U.. oantr• Hlgll Plain. to ll'oe mld-Ml1tlulppl \'alley Severe thundtlratormt wer• likely from north-cenlr•I and north•••• Texu OYe< Ark9n ... and autern 1<11n ... to eouthem an<! C41ntral llllnol• Snow was lorec .. t for pena of Mont1t1a Sunny sklea wera Hpected from \he M •tern Gulf Co"t to New Englano and wHI ol th• ~· Telf'lper•turH before d •wn r8'109d lrom 17 In Concord. N.H., lo fS In W"I P91m 8Mcll, Fla. • 'Teuiperatures NATION HI lo Pep Albany 49 2• AlbuQUetQue 61 34 06 Ancho11•9e zq t 7 Atl•nl& 72 4!, Allanlo<; C.1ty 59 4 1 8a1t1mo•e 6J 45 a ...... ng~am 7J 40 8015" 4J 28 Boston 55 J4 Bull BIO 44 29 8ur1tn91on 49 29 ChOrtotle N C 10 43 Cheyeone J7 22 01 Chocago 46 40 81 N.1-WM-$oo<¥<t C1nc1nna11 70 42 ..OU US 0eot OI C.,,.,,....ct Cleveland 49 42 0 1 Fronta:Cold -.. W'MTTI .. C04umb1e S G H J6 Columbus 57 41 OllllU Fl Wo1lh 78 65 4S 2J Dayton 64 41 ::.yracu~ Oen•er 39 27 06 Topeka 72 60 OM Mo<nes 5• 52 01 rucaon 70 51 Detroit 4J 40 37 1u1aa 75 60 Ovlulh 34 J2 16 . Washington 67 49 El Pa90 71 61 WIChllCt 7J 52 Failbllnl\S 14 09 16 Fl119s1a1t 40 l3 47 HVllO<O 55 29 C ALIFORNIA HonOlulu 85 74 Bak11rsl1111d 54 46 17 Houston 76 65 Barstow 63 44 tndlanapOll5 69 44 BIO Bea• 40 27 30 Jac:kaon Miu 78 37 Bl shoo 4J 22 Jac:tcsonv1lle 72 45 Cataline 58 56 2 1 JuMSV 37 34 71 Culvl'• City 6 1 49 21 K11nsas Coty n 82 Eureka 57 J8 lat Vegea 64 JO 12 Fresno • 53 41 47 lollte Rock 73 ~5 Lancaster 50 43 65 Los Angeles 57 56 I 45 long Beacn 62 52 118 loo•tV11N! 79 39 Loa AngelM ~7 56 78 Memphis 74 51 Monrovl• 56 48 I 43 Miami 78 74 Montebello 84 48 I 70 Mllwetukee 44 40 88 Monte<ey 55 43 Mpls-St Paul :n JS 1 22 Mt Wiison 36 29 2 22 ~Orleans 74 49 Needles 611 5~ - New Y0<1t 56 39 Newpotl e.ach 85 53 •S Oklaoom1 City 7t so O•kl•nd 47 ~ ot Om•htt 61 41 06 Ontario SS 47 O•lando 81 82 Palm ~pr•no• 66 44 1l Plllta<letphla 58 42 River aide 56 •8 .25 Phoenl• 71 57 01 Redwood Clly 49 ... S3 Plllaou:f." 53 4 1 ~·Tf"IJO 47 Je 07 Pontin ,Me,· 51 27 SaltnH 53 40 .25 Ponl•nd.Ore 58 JS San Bernardino 80 49 ,J& Ratelgll 71 41 San Gabriel 85 •9 1 40 Reno J6 30 12 S9" Diego 118 57 28 S•ll lake St 34 S•n Franclaoo $0 ote 22 S•n Antonio 78 68 San JoM q 41 3& 9.,, o..go 88 57 87 Sant• Ana 85 51 71 San Frene>11eo 50 48 32 S•nt• Barb••• 58 42 115 Se•llle 49 37 Sent• Montca 64 50 69 St lool1 84 5e Stockton •8 J8 311 SOOll-40 29 T a110e Valley 36 09 SURf RIPOil = 3 10 10 10 .... ..... 2 2 2 2 .... ... 3 , 2 J ..... ow IW IW WIW WSW PAN AM Acapulco Barbados BermuOto Cura<;eo Freeport Guad•l•t" a Guadeloupe Havana Kingston Mon1900 Ba~ Mazatlan Merida Mtt•oco C11v Mon1errey Nassau San Juen. PR Trinidad Veracruz Calgary Edmooton MonlrHI Ottawa Regine T0ton10 Vancouvet Wlnnll>flll CANADA Sm og 93 73 88 77 72 86 88 80 8( 68 81 42 811 70 19 n 88 75 84 70 90 64 88 70 75 37 79 61 82 70 90 75 88 75 82 ~ 51 14 37 12 40 23 311 2J 43 28 39 211 45 28 38 20 Wiier• to o•ll (toll freel for 1&1• 111nOQ lnformetlon: OrMQe County. llOO) U WHt lot An9elu e eunty: (800) 242~22 AMnlde lltld SM hm•dlno coumi.: 1eoo1 3'1-•110 .\OMO Epleode C..,ter; (IOOI 242-4eal T ides TOOAY Flr11 tow 12 •3 p m 1.0 ... 8-ld hlOh U4 p m ,..y 12:'.)3. '"· 0. 700 •m 80 t 23 p'" 0 4 Second lllQfl 7.23 pm, 4 7 Sun Hll IOdly II 4 52 p 11'1 • r .... f'lld•y •I l .U •im Moon •• lodity •I l 011 p m , 11-''ldlY •t 3.13 • m ' blt'sstng of S1~nal Landmeirk. the· ma1or Bolsa Chica landowm•r l'alls for the preservation of :165 ac-res uf wetlands m addttion to tht• '..:!:.!!> cicn·s in <1 stall' L'(.'Ologu:al rPM·rvc• The nklsl.Lt I comm1s.<>1• Ill s~1ff w<1nts ahout 800 ~wres to Ix· prt'~t ·rved 1n Jdd1t11m llJ tht> n •s(•rvt• ll.1rr11.·tt W11·dt•r H u gl·r Stdnton and Thomas Rtlt•v voll'<l 10 withdraw the plan Halph Cl,nk <1bs t:i1nt>d <tnd Brun• NPsta11dP wa:-. not pn-wnt al tht tr mt of volt• Oh ... 1..•rvl•rs said tht• rccC'nt 1•lt'\·t1un of Gc·orgC' L~:ukmeJian as govt•rnor playt-d a kc·y p<irt 111 tht• l'OUnl v·s dt'\.'bton Oni-Bol~ Ch1c:a v. <t idier :-.<11d that 0(•ukm1•J1an rnay st)un appwnt four new rTll'mbcrs to lht• c:m1!-.t tomm1ss1o n who p<>rhap~ wuulcl look upon Bo lsa Ch1t·o1 development more favdrably Since· the plan was headed for almost certain defe at , one· observer said. the county had nothing to lose by pulling back tht• plan and gambling that ne w appointees might s upport the· development at a later t1ml' F' o u r m c• rn b e r s o ( t h t· comm1ss1on also arc.appointC'd by the· '>p<'akcr o r the AssC'mbly and thl• leader of thl' stall:' senate. Wt l· de r s <t 1 d th e coast a I comm1~1on staff "1s raising tht• :.pc1.·tt•r o f an alternative plan 1m1nui. the manna and navigabk acc·c·ss among other thmgsl that 1s mmplPtely unacceptable to the p<'nplt• and taxpayers of this tounty "Th<' coastal romm1ss1on staff pays no heed whatsoever to the rl'altlles of the local JUrtsdiclion th<tt 1s left to implement then Pdtl'l<; They an· not required to cunstdt•r who wall pay or who w I I 1 b (' n (' f I l f r 0 m l h l' devC'lopment prOJl'Cls w1thm the l'oastal w ne "I believe thc·v have a .,ophomortc: v 1c·v. ihat they simply cdn take lh1· ('OSts of such things as w etlands restoration uut of the hid<.' of the pnvatt· property owner." she said Stanton said "trad1uonal lmt-s <>f authonty, rC'i.ponsibility and a t ' " o u n t a b 1 I 1 t v v i t a I t o a dt.•moc:rauc form -of government has bl't'n short-<.·1rcuitcd by the coastal commission. - "It (lhe stair) has bl'('()me an «m1mal into 11.St'lf that seems to regard itself as independc•nt and seems to regard ttself as an 1ncubator of its philosophy which 1s no t accountablP to anybody (')SC .. A SPEC IAL SH() W N G N11rmM Rc1ck\vell by Lladr6 Slavick 's Jewelers with Special gueat David Crossm•n invites you to 1tttend our exclusive 1hdwin6 of the ne w N orman Rockwell Collection by Uadro. ~ The colle~tion will be shown on Fr;da y, NoVt!mber 12th from l 0 to 7 pm. A rcpre~ntstive (tom D'vid Croaman will be on hand from 10 sm to 7 pm to help with your ~elflctions. ,\Ir_ C. roH/111111 111// hr m 1tlrr111/11nfV' lr111u I 10 ~ 11 111. rn 11111o,rr11rl1 111111r•m1a ..... • ·sLA.Vl ~K'§ nne.,.,.. Sln(e 1111 Rropi tt'r for Norm11n Rork wrll Dra win# Fashion l•l•ncl, NftPO'f S..Ch • 111'1644-13'0 ,,. ~ tf bl CDURIJ---------------0-'a_''.;;.g•_c_o•_•_' _o_A1_L_v _P_1L_o_r_n_11_ur_ad_•..;;v_. _N_ov_o_m_b_,_,_,_. _,e_B2_-__ -'_I WORLD Poles free Walesa amid new strikes WARSAW, Poland (AP) Poland 's martial law auth urilll's have ordcrt.'ll till' relcaiw from anternml•nt of Solidarity leader L~:h Walt·~ who has been held :.Ill('(' martial law begain Dt.'(· I :i. government spokesman Jt•rty Urban said today Thl' news coincided with the announcement o f thL· death of Soviet leader Lt:-0111d I BrezhnPv an Mosc:ow and t• a m t! 'l 4 h o u rs u f I l ' r 11a11unwidc stnk<·s t·allt•c.J liy thl' Solidarity undt•rl-"roumJ 1il Po I u n d wt' r (• b I u 11 t ,. d t•fft •(.'\IVt•ly U r b a n h a d 1 11 d 1 t· .1 t t• d Wt'llnl"Sday thut lx..'(.·au:.t• the work stoppagt-s wt.•rc mmor, tht• martial law reg1nw might go ahead with plans to lift militar y rule by thL' t.·nd uf tlw year. Explosion rips Tyre TY RE, Lebanon (AP) An explosion devastated thl· Israeli military governnwnt building in this southl'rn Lebanese city today. kilhng 15 Arabs and some ls r;wll soldiers. lsrach oCfieers said Israel radio said 40 lsrac•l1 soldwrs were wounded. nullfit·auon of 1•c•lat1vc~. Israel radio sc.11d woundt·d lsral'11s had bet•n flo wn to h usp1t.ils 1n Israel. and a 1·uns1<1nt stream of hchcuptt•n. roart-d in and out o f Tvrc evacuating C'asualti<.·s · O•lly Piiot lllu1trellon b1 Tim ..... , .. n Orange tounty's old courthouse cheduled for rehabilitation' with the hiring of architectural £.i.qn s for the $:l million projec t. The Israelis refused to S<lY how many of their own ml'n w e r e kill ed. p e nding Three L ebanese rt'sl·ue workers r~turning to Sidon, north of Tyre. said 60 people were killed, and that most appeared to be Isra<'h soldll'rs. Courthouse restoration advan·ces NATION Kin visit memorial WASHINGTON (AP) In their silent search of bla('k grani te walls for familiar names. the kifi and friends of tpos~' who died an Vietnam are conduc ting their own peoph•'s ceremony on this Veteran!. Day (Photo Pagl' 02) At Arlington National Cemt>lery. DeferlS(' SC'Cretary C ,1s par Weinberger was speaking after the trad1t1onal wreath-laying. And at the White House. honoring Raymond Wt·t•ks. l'fed1ted with the ide<1 of changing Armistice Day. whi<.:h observed the end of hostilities in World War I, into a holiday honoring all Amerrcan veterans 8 u t v (' t e r a n s 0 f l h l' Vie tnam War and rC'lallVC'S l'f those killed or missing then,. are not waiting for Saturday's ceremony dedicating the new monument By JEFF ADLER 01 lhe !rally Pllol Stell A1 t"h1tl·t·tu1al firms fr om Newport Bc•<1ch and IrvtnC' have be-en S<·lt.•<:tC'd by Orange County s up e rvisor !. t o dt's 1gn and l' n g i n l' l ' r t h t.• p 1 a n n e d rehabilitation ol tht• uld county courthuust.• 111 Sanw Ana. Morr is Lohrbach Architt.-'l'ts o f Irvine and R o ll y Pulaslu.-1& Partners of Newport Beat.·h plan to collaborate on thl' $3 m 1lhon project to upgrade the turn-of- the-ct>n tu ry red sandstone building located at the forner of Santa Ana BoulC'vard a nd Broadway Supervisors a lso mst ructed county off1c1als to prepare pasx•rs to lca~l' a portio n of the building to tht· i.tall' for ust· :.s a nl'W div1s1on of the 4th District Court o f App<·al and to transfer tht.• building's lltll' to the O rangt· County Harbors, Bl•aL·ht•s a11d Parks District. T1tl<' LO th<· old courthouSC' nuw is held by the C1v1<· Cl•ntt>r Autho rity , wh1th used lht.• building a~ St'(.·urity for a $22 2 million l>o nd issue in l91i7 Wednesday's dl'llon by the board would in1t1atl' tht.• prot·t."•S by whi ch th<' title will hL· transfl·rred back to county govc>mment. Supervisor Roger Stanton said s tate lease o f space 1n the building will bring the harbors. b t' at' ht• s a n d park!. d 1s t ri c t bt.•t Wl><:'n $170.000 and $200,000 annually . The rt•habilital1on projt:l't will bring thC' aging building up to t•urrc nt fire and earthquakt.' !klfl•ty standards. Construction is l'XJX'Cll'd to begin befort> Jkc. 31, l\Hl3. Except as a backdrop in st•vernl fl'(.'ent movie productions. tht-old courthouse has Jx.-en unused for S('V«•ral years. But the building s<.·rved as the seat of county govt.•rnmC'nt and housed mos t L·uunty offlcc.-s in add111on to the t•ourl!> wt·ll into this century. The board a p proved the $3 million project last July. spurred by le g1sla11on then pcnd111g an Sacramento wh1t.·h would have allowt'CI tht· stall: to take title to the building if tht.· county did not proct>ed with the restoration. The a ppeal s court b ranc h slated for the courthouse WJS approved by the Legislature an 1981 . Attorneys havt• long insisted that the four-jusuee division of the apµtals l'OUrt was nt-eded in Orange County bc-<-ause of the region's growth as ont• of the statels legal centers. &>sidt.'s the• court. portions of the 30.000-squart·-foot structure will be le.ised to oth<'r groups, su«h as tht.' C<Junty Historical Comm1ss1on Pres id en t Rea~a11 was In a spontaneous ritual. they look for names, 57.939 of them who did not come home School siege ends fountain Valley-------------- Coastline College TV English program flaye~ BURKE. Va. (APJ A dis t r aught high school dropout who held up to nine hostages for 21 hours in a sC'h ool buildi ng hl•r e surrendered peacefully this morning. Fairfax County police said •·w e are plea sed 1 0 announce an end t o the hostage situation at Lake STATE Braddol'k Secondary School ... P olice Chief Carroll Burocker said at m id morning. "The individual gave h1mse:lf up peacefully " The 18-year-old. ident1f1cd by police as James S tevens. a former stude n t . took .nine host:.ges Wednesday while looking for his estran ged girlfriend From Page A 1 the m c•l'ttng said they had watched the course " David Pec k , the English compos1t1on course <:oordinator at Cal Stall' Long Beach . presented tht.• Coastlint· resoluuon to the C'ouncil. He said he was made C1ware of corx·t>rns rC'garding the telecourse bv instructors at Or.inge Coast and Colden West. but said he brought 1t before the English Count.·11 last week of his own accord He said the matter wai. brought to the English Counl'il Last spring, but members at the time did not fC'el sufficiently informt•d to tak<' action . Peck said hC' studied tht• telccourst· over subscqul'nt months. "This t-<1Urs<'. as 11 1s descnbc·d and set up. d(l('s not appear to do the JOh of tc•aching writing ... Peck said Coastline spokesman Chappell said 771 studt.'nts at the t·ollege an· currc•ntly enrolled in the English tt•lecour se. H e said ' students must write six essays. t·omplete four shorter writing assignments and take midterm and f111al exams m a classroom S('tllng lk said five English instructors ar<' available f o r pho n e consultat1un or office meNings with studl·nts enrolled in the l(> I ('(.'OU rst." C happell said Coastlin e 1s working with Cal State University oCfieials to r esolve questions regarding the telecourses, and he criticized the English Council's resolution. "They didn't do what I would consider to be <'ven elementary research on the course," Chappell said. "Writing f or a Reason ." pro du ce d by th e Da 11as-- Commumty Collt.•gc District, is used by 29 other l"Olleges across the United S tates. he said. De Lorean case bail cut Brezhnev era ends with death at 75 LOS ANGELES tAP) A federal judge reduced by half the ball for Wilham Morgan Hetrick, a co-defendant with automaker John De Lorean an an alleged $24 million cocaine deal. but Hetrick's attorney said his client still couldn't post it. cocaine H etrick and Arrin gton were arrested Oct 18, one day before De Lorean's arn-:.t at a hot el near L os Angel es lnt('mat1onal Airport. frQJTI Page A 1 treaty with Pn'S1dent Richard M. Nixon. President Reagan. o ffering condolem·cs upon the death of Brezhnl'v. s:.1d today the Unite<i States wants "to work toward an improved rC'lat1onsh1p with thl Soviet Union" I n a l etter to Vas1l1v Vao;tlyt'V lt'h Kuzne tsov, rars0 I deput y c h a irman of th<' pres1d1um of thC' Supreme· Hetrick. 50. was indicted on federal charges of consp1r10g with De Lorean and Steph<'n Lee Arringto n . 24 , lo d ist ribu te 220 pounds of De L o r ea n , wh o the government says hoped to bail out his failing sporLo:; car company with drug profits, was freed Oct. 29 after posting $250,000 in cash and the balance of his $10 million bail an property. Patrick Coleman dead Injured actress 'optimistic' LOS ANGELES (AP) - A c tress Eileen Brenna n underwent four h o urs of recon s tructive surgery to repair faeial fractures s h e suffered when she w as hit by a car Oct. 27 on a darkened Venice street4 a h osp ital spoke swo m an said . Bre nna n, 48. was "ver y alert and aware" and in good condition aft.er the operation W e dnesday at Daniel Freeman Ma rina Hospital, spokeswoman Christie P lank said. "She feels optimistic." Doctors also removed a splint and corrected bone pla(·ement in her left leg. A Mass of the Kesurrection will be offered tonight in Los Angeles for Patrick Coleman of Irvine. a well-known trial lawyer and former Los Angeles County Superior Court Commissioner. Coleman. 55. died Nov. 5 aft.er a long illness. He had lived in lrvine the past four years. He was a former U.S. attorney, Los Angeles deputy~ity attorney and served as a sergeant on the Los Angeles Police Department while attending law school at Loyola University H e is su r vived by twin daughters. Ma ry Patricia and Anne Dorothy, and former wife Dorothy Coleman. all of Irvine We're ( Listening ••• What do you hke about the Daily Pilot" Wh at don't you like" Call the number at left and your message w ill be recorded. transcribed and delivcrt:'d to the appropriate editor. .. ;-·'""""- 642 •6086 The same 24-hour answering serv1ce may be used to record lel· tens to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must lnt'lude their name and telephone number for verification No ci rculation call!\. please. Tell ui; Whal'!! on your mind hlr"" ~ ... . ...... Monc>ly·Frtdey ti you 00 not h••• '/OU' P•O•' by ~ 30 p m ca• -• 7 p m 1no your copy w•ll D• _ ... ' B••u•O•r • ..., suno.r 1• rou oo not '" .. _.. you, '°"' "' 1 • "' c.a• 0.-0't 10 1 m -'°"' coov ..,. ... -.. ... ORANGE COAST Dally filat Thomo1 '· Hot.y 'ubl••'* l>'ld Cn;el hecvr"• Ofllr11• Jone Amofl ( 1e(ul,.1 £ d1IOI L Koy Schvft1 Vocer~ onc:t Owect0t ol Ad\..,.,,"'9 loymond Mad.eon Con1roo'I., Kenneth N. 0111 .. r4 Jt. Owec•0< al 0,..0tt011t ,_, CIHelfled ectffrtla6nf 71'"42·M11 All other dep1rtment1 142-4321 MAIN OFFICI DI Wttl .... '4 , C..U llMM, CA _ .. _., ........ , ... -,, ........ ,..,, ...... ""Or ..... ,.,. "'*'"''"' ~. ....... , ........ 111 .. .-... 1"''· .... ..,., -w .. •.,tl,.,.,.,.lt 11tra111 ,.,., " rtttrMll<w wMtW -1•1 ~'*'Of, .. , ........ ,.., VOL. 7f, NO. 311 I t T he Mass will begin at 7::M al Our Mother of Good CounsC'I Church. We Invite you ••• to take advantage of a manufacturer's error In overshipp1ingl 25% off A sel~ct group of Diamond Engagement ' Rfngs Sov1t.•t. Reagan called Brezhnl'\ "onl' o f the w o rld 's m ost . import.ant figures for nearly twc decad<·s ·· HC' also asked Kuznetsov to t'onvcy his sympathi<'s to the BnnhnC'v family. In a separate s tateme nt, lkputy White H ouse press st.•t rC'tary L a rry S peak es said that the United States would scnd a high-level delegation to repres<'nt the United States at memorial ceremonies in Moscow. The official Tass news agency said today that the president and par ty secretary-general had died a "sudden death." • • No cause of death was givet'I in the official obituary altho~gh Br ezhnev has been ailing :tor years and the re w ere repo~ he s uffered. from heart troubJ..t.. a stroke and cancer. 1 ' Brezhnev led the Soviet Uton longer than a n y man e x pt Stalin. i• Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Thur1d1y, November 11, 1812 ~alley kids t ~~core high 1~ y PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of tM Dally l"llol li.H Foun tain Valley S<:hool D1str1l'l offtclols sny they ore elated by st'On.'S ind1rating third nnd .VCth graders did tht•ir Ix-st work e ve r on tht• California Asst.-ssment Program tests :-"I'm n•ally plt•u:1t'll." said Cheryl Snowden, •the ele mentar y M·hool distrk l's director of 'curriculum and mstrut•llonal servires. "ln the last : thret.> years. wt"vc gone from a rank of 20th in the m unty lo n inth t his year " The tes~ Wl'n ' administered last spring to students en 17 district st:hools. (Two of those sites .. r e closed at thl· l'nd of the term lx.oeause of · .: lining t.>nrollml'nl ) Results of these tests, ' : whil:h l'OVC'r rt'admJ(, written expression and mathe ma tics. wt•rt• rt.'ce1ved recently by the district. Snowden said CAP'\lests "arc a measure of program l'ff<-'<.·t1vc•1wss. ra ther than individual achievement." Shl• said students in the same class ofte n r~:c1ve different versions of each test so that a wide range of skills c:an be evaluated. Districts receive scaled scores. which can be used for comparison purposes. Also, a comparison score band is provided that indicates the district's e xpected range bast'd o n the ec·o nom1c a nd educational backg round of parents of children at each school ln the district's overall scores, sixth graders pe rformed a bo ut mid w ay thro ugh their comparison score band. Third graders exceeded thi s range i n w r itte n e xpres.s1o n and mathematics. 'School Score Comp.,l1on Score Band DISTRICT ·Grede3 Reading 301 284-303 ,Writing 312 283-301 'Mathematics 309 280-303 FRESH LOCAL ABALONE DINNER '17.95 Includes cboice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. WAREHOUSE INVENTORY LIQUIDATION SALE NationaRy Known Brand Women's ACTIVE SPORTSWEAR for tennis, golf, resort, leisure *Fleece warm-up8*Salesman samples ffFlrat samples *Tired 1tock . *Damaged ~UP TO 75% OFF (-: Manufacturer'• Wholesale Prlcell ; : also .·. FABRICS ~ least 15 different types -by the yard, remnants, quilt pieces, bags o' f(lgs, knit trims, zippers, etc. I: COST AND BELOW O NE DAY ONLY S ,1 turd il y N ov 1 3 9 ,'l rn ') P ni 1001-A W 17th St C .M Corner of Wh1tt1er P. 17th f f ' .. ·~~it. . "i J . .,.. 1: : . ., t .#:.;. .: ..... ,..,. .· ... ,,."/ ---- ~ Come celebrate and save at the i Grand Openin& of Oll' Hickory Farms'• f · Holiday Gift Centers • .Af .,.y Gitt C«tt« you ~ cnooee from dozens ol gltta In ·a vari.ty of lhapM. Pflca & lltn. all flli.d with tuty ~ta. • • Cheese Baas; Chees.e logs t or Creamy Swiss Bars i •nr.· 2 for '5" 1..,.. r war 13• each -ffibf1fG1,@t FASHION I LAND N~•p<>r• Ar•rh 640·6030 WESTCLIFP PLAZA I 11h 6 .fr•""'· ~"'*' 8t1rh ~2 OfMtl RH ding 284 278·297 Writing 215 277·290 M1thtm1t101 280 280·294 ARIVAl.01 Orede3 Reading 314 287·301 Writing 325 268·301 Mathematic• 363 280·304 Orede I Reading 288 257-289 Writing 288 258-288 Mathematics 274 258-291 8UIHARD MIDDL! ICHOOL Orackl Reading. 289 261-283 Writing 273 25"4-279 Mathematics 276 258-287 COURAEQE8 Orede3 Reading 290 279-317 Writing 296 278-317 Mathematics 297 273-315 Grade I Reading 309 270-304 Writing 302 267-298 Mathematics 303 272-302 cox Grede 3 Reading 318 285-334 Writing 316 287-329 Mathematics 316 281-326 Qrede.e Reading 294 278-309 Writing 296 273-303 Mathematics 289 280-307 FOUNTAIN VALLEY Gredt 3 Reading 297 275-3'4 Writing 328 272-316 Mathema:!cs 312 269-3 12 Grade 8 Reading 286 275-305 Writing 296 272-298 Mathematics 302 276-304 FULTON Grade 3 Reading 339 272-326 Writing 328 274-322 Get ready. Bank of America is about to introduce the Cash Maxiririzcr account, an account that will pay high interest rates like a m oney market fund while providing the safety and con- venience that no fund anywhere can offer. With the Cash Maximizer account you'll be able to write checks, and your money will be M1ttwtm1uc1 358 283·332 Qrldel Rtldlng 282 294·2'8 Writing 304 281·2M M1thtm1t1e1 302 285·299 OllLIR Grad• a Rttdlng 254 281·298 Writing 308 268·303 M1th1m1tlc1 282 269-299 Qrede e Reeding 279 258-287 Writing 274 268-284 Mathematics 268 259-288 HARPER Qredt 3 Reading 300 274'·3~1 Writing 319 27~·322 . Mathematica 328 28 -322 Grade I Reading 291 275-312 Writing 278 273-304 Mathematics 277 277-310 MAIUDA Grade 3 ' Rer,dlng 307 255-299 Wr ting 306 257-299 Mathematics 297 261-302 Oredt I Reading 289 287-301 ,Writing 283 264-297 Mathematics 310 267-305 MOIOLA Qred• 3 Reading 287 287-324 Writing 295 288-322 Ma1hematlcs 281 282-319 Gredel Reading 298 273-307 Writing 284 271 -300 Mathematics 282 276-305 ,, NEWLAND Gr9dt3 Reading 265 279-314 Writing 297 275-316 Mathema11cs 252 274'-311 Qradt I Reading 254 273-303 . Writing 269 269-298 Mathematics 297 272-304 r (Bllr NOT OUITE YET) readily accessible at any Bank of America branch. This means that row money can always be work· ing, earning interest, instead of being in the mail on~ way to or from your money market fund. But perhaps most important, you '11 have the added peace of mind of knowing your investment will be-insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC-and backed by the safety of . ..... ...... "-dlnO 364 273·338 Writing 383 2t7·:M2 Mtlhemlllca 382 287·333 Gtedel ~ding 285 278-310 Wrlllng . 289 274-304 M1thtm1tlct 283 279-309 OKA (K•l lohool) Orede 3 Reading 281 229-283 Writing 291 231·28e Mathematica 297 232-272 PLAV~N Qr9dt3 ""Rtadlng 325 · No1 avallablt Writing 351 Not avallable Mathematic• 339 Not avallablt Grade I Reading 322 275-330 Writing 293 273-318 Mathematics 292 280-328 TAL8!RT Orede 3 Reading 343 2"45-303 Writing 315 2"49-301 Mathematica 344 244-304' Or9dtl Reading 280 263-293 Writing 261 261 -290 · Mathema11ca· 255 26"4-294 TAMURA \ Grade 3 Reading 288 240-290 Writing 257 246-286 Mathema11c_s 274 241-291 Qr~I Readl g 291 251-286 Writing 299 250-287 Mathema11cs 310 253-288 WARDLOW Gr9dt3 Reading 281 257-308 Writing 278 259-306 Mathematics 279 255-305 Grede I Reading 282 240-285 Writing 289 242-286 Mathematics 278 243-287 ./ \ ' America's leading bank. That's a security no fund can offer. The Cash Maximizct account is not here yet. lJut if'• c:Ob1ing soon~ We promise patience will have its rewards . •Anticipated availability by December 14, 198i, pending final federal ~ations. BANKON11E IFADER ,_, l:llllJ ----~ Huntington father's incest trial opens The trial of a Huntington Beac h man charged with sexually abuslna hla three teen- age daughters opened In Orange County Superior Court with the ·oldest of ~he three tetllfylo1 ahe had sex with her father on more than 100 oceaaions. • . t a le.. Gronbach, 40, ne 1 yed auto mechanic, ls rge w'th 23 counts of aexually abusing hls daughters, aged 13 through 16'. Gronbac h originally was charged with 111 counts of sodomy, child molesllng, attempted ince11 and oral copulation stemming from incidents alleged to have occurred over five years. Tpe charges were l'eQuced, however, in an amended criminal complaint. Gronbach's oldest daughter, now 16, testified in Judge Everett W. Dickey's courtroom that she first had eexual intercourac with t\t>r fatht-r In June 1979 In her parenu' bedroom while her mother was at work. "He said IC I w1tnted $5, l have to po It," she testified. Follo-,vlng~that first •~xual encounter Wtth her father, sh~ said she had sex with him on more than 100 occasions, about once every two weeks. The girl was the first witness in t he trial, which Is being conducted without a jury after Gronbach waived his right to a jurv trial. Before the trial opened, Dickey granted immunity from prosecutiop to Gronbach's wife, Jacqueline, who said she would not testify without l~unity. Two crimil'\al charges. of intimidating witnesses s till are pending against the Gronbachs Crom incidents alleged to have occurred July 13 and Oct. 13. 'Baldwin. ORGANS mn PIANOS .~..::. s1995oo ~~ Dr11tie1ly ltduced to-On .. lWdwln NIG UEL LAYING ... From Page A 1 and lh..-l ~·yNar-old 110n won• Al lht• huuJK.• whl•n tht• .cnwt• wn. dla.('QWrt'(! but choeo not to wotc·h 011 lnwatlgutort, armt?d with u 1e1areh warrant, du& lnlo tht• ground Hart uld the woman was burlt-d about thrH feet deep and wu wrapped In a 1ht.'tll. He Nld 1he had been 1hut onc.-e with a smal l-caliber w eapon In the upper torso. Police sa(d nt>lther the husband nor the aon remained at the house Wttdne1day evening while Investigators 1earched the home for evidence. llu rt uld lhti youth WH arrtllhHJ -.ftcr evldrm:c waa d111~·ovt•n1d lmpllcaUng tho 16-ycu·old . He would not uy whal that evidence wu. Nclahbor1, who cxpre11ed ahock over thfl kllllng, deterlbed Shoemaker as a friendly, neat woman who wu MCtlvt> In Fourth ot July activities In the neighborhood anp raised vegetables and rabbit&. One neighbor said the t'Ouple · had lived there about three ycara and that the arrested youth wu the womal\'1 son from a previous n:iarriage. AccQsed policeman resigns A 25-ycar-old police oCficer has Davidson, a Westmins te r resigned from the Westminster patrolman for nearly thr~ years, Police. Department followifl waa acting aa a part-time security arre!lt on suspicion of burg1 , . guar.d at a department store, a ccording-to Chief Jack .• &ht>ckley said. Shockley. · · Shockley said today that David Also arrested on the same M. David.son resigned from the charges were Davidson's wife force Sunday following his arrest Elena and another part-time Friday nlRht in Downey. security guard, Shockley said. Off• kited to a....ludt n~h F Del P1anos & Or1n Stodl On Hind. •"' ' --.:. '" "'' ~ti Oct. 31, 1982 ORGAN AND PIANO CENTER 217 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 -----'--------------------------n CARVED DETAIL •it.H SS s N M 1~ s~ ~ ""'9o_.,, (>.10 6-10 S~IO 4-10 "A -~ \J'\~·· // \ Rassa / t The soft s.un '"------cork wedge sandal for comfort with style. ~ ~-~"'i1 SHO ES---- SHESHAM WOOD ACCESSORIES From lndla N•Jurelly ruddy brown ahesham wood In new designs end uses. TOWEL RACK 5" die. rings 4• wide>< 12· long 3.99 MIRROR VASE STAN_Os_ -With stand 4 • sq. 1.17 7• l~ng 5• sq. 1.57 5'/t wide 8" sq. 2.17 / 4·99 HEAT RESISTANT • CLEAR OLASS JENNA TEAPOT 6 ACCESSORIES From East Germany JENNA TEAPOT Famous end beeutlful pot Is complete with Inner gleas strefner/lnfuaer. 5• tell 32 oz. 18.88 W~~ER WITH METAL TRAY l VOTIVE CANDLE HOLDER sv.• d4a.x3Yo" t.U l .W' ---J.,: Orange Coul DAILY PILOT/Thureday, No~.,.r 11, 19tf1 .,.., Long-time Pageant of the Masters volunteers Ma rgo Goddard and -~d Hoba rt were pre'Sented with life time memberships to the Laguna Beach Festival of Art a t a nnua l meeting. TRAY 10• die. 2.68 NUTCRACKER 5y,• long 3• deep 2.81 NATURAL WOOD STEMWARE HOLDER CLOISONNE BANGLES RACK OR TRAY From Taiwan From China ' l ., Handy rack to attach to underside of closet shelf or use aa a tray. Delicately multlcolored and delightfully detailed Holds approx. 12 glasses. LOTUS BOWLS 4 SIZES 4" dla. >< 2• deep to 81/a • dla. >< 3• deep 3.79 to 8.99 CANISTERS All 4 'A• die. 5" tall bracelets In a~-....... sparkling assortment. ---.-....i 2aA • dla. 7.77 each HANOLOOMEO COTTON CHECK TABLECLOTHS From India , Va• checks and stripes are Interwoven to form gingham llke patterns. Each size come• In baalc tones of Red, Green, 99 FASHION ISLAND . 759-9551 CHOCOLATE ADVENT CALENDARS From West Germany • Each little "window" hes a chocolate treat to help count the days 'Ill Christmas .• 2.8 oz. Chocolate 5.99 3y,• die. 9.49 4• dla. 12.99 6" tall Orange, Chocolate or Gold. • • CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE -----. ' • All lervtot SALE ENDS TOMORROW OnloMdultd .AIR FARE SALE! ~ "DEEP DISCOUNT AOUNO. TRIP PRICES" ~~· REG.COACH DEEP DISCOUNT FAA£ FAA£ SAVINOS Amattlo 341.00 --·--Bettlmore 111.00 ..... ..... ...... "'*" 780.00 ., ... .... lrowtllwlle ltl.00 ...... --SM Cflliw•• .... ... .. Detroit 721.00 ..... --NOW! lflCllellllPClll . 171.00 ..... .... ........,, 411.00 ...... --.... on.en. .... oo ...... ..... Otllllloma Qty 122.00 ..... .,. OmeN 471.00 ..... -· Ortendo 7IO.OO .,.. --Aepld City, 8.0. 1ao.oo .... m• 8'w9¥9POrt MO.po ..... .,, .. TotedO Ma.00 --..... Tooetca 804.00 ..... ., .. .. "Low. ,.,_a~ K tt1¥1f ~ ~ DecenlOer 11 . lY LAffR 10" >< 13Y1 " • 1.84. each Gourmet Section FROM OUR SPARKLING • CHRISTMAS SECTION EARTHENWARE ff'~~~-' CANDLE HOUSE From Taiwan Colorful house lets the cendlellght ...,..tll...,. show through the n-~-t·• open doors and windows. Assorted Designs "PACKAGING" From lndoneal• Wonderful contalnera for glfta, treaaurea •nd potatoeal PALM GADGET 1· tall HANDPAINTED ANO NATURAL WOOD CRAFTS From Indonesia Funclful folk art adds charm to table, gathering or wall. PAINTED NAPKIN RINGS • Handaome hard· wood ohen helve natural WOV9f1 cane 1Mt1. • , I Classlcelly plump 'f~,~~~~ contours ~ for elegant arrange· men ta. 6'/1° dla. 7'/J "tall 7.99 Rolling Board a•>< 5• Utensils Approx. 7Va • long 1.49sat NATURAL RAMIN WOOD BREAKFAST IN IED TRAY From Hong Kong Natural wood slats fonn • h\ndy folding Irey. 9 y,• tell 8 88 -'3" )( 22• • IOUD .-cttWOOO 9UTCHU l&.OClt DtMINO 'l'AILI From Vugoalavla Natural bMchwood with • llght oll flnlah It l pertecu~ crafted Into a contemporary cla11lc. t • • l 11111111111111:•1----:------- 1 ·.Trash , copter s don 't niix .,. Huntingto n B e a c h City Council members were gullty of : :;. poor' timing, at best, when thr.y :..:·voted last w eek to chaTge : . residents a trash fee of $3.50 a ~; month then, 8Carcely stopping for • """breath, agreed to spend $1.2 : million to buy a heliport site for ;·-~~lice department helicopters. : .. : · '}'here may hav e b e en a ~ .certain amount o( logic In both • ~moves, but combining them in a ~ • single council meeting was ... ,~ guaranteed to raise a few hackles. .. The trash fee was the <:f jrect fesult or the county decision 10 begin charging ga te fees at landfill dutnps and even ~igher fees at transfe r stations, such as used in Huntington Beach . The city h as been paying trash collection costs out or the neral fund, but officials said the oney to cover the anticipated increase ln cost just w asn 't available anywhere. That explanation m!ght have been acceptable, had the· council not proceeded to approve the $1.~ million expenditure for the heltport purchase -knowing lt will·cost another ~$1 million to develop the site for helicopte r operations. It haa been generally agreed that the city should look into the pQ&Sibility of developing a heliport for the police c.'Opters that now are based at J ohn Wayne Airport. But som e council members feel the s taff was less than zealous i.n seeking out less expensjve alternatives to the site favored by the police department. The unfortunate assumption now is that the new trash fee will go to finance the he licopter land pui:chase. It w as a 'classic bit or bad timing. fl11lli1 lllllJ---------- Lesson for bureaucrats· It's nice to read a story about our sour econom y that has a sweet and happy) ending. ·' Just such a story is the tale of how one or the Fountain Valley uncilmcn who voled to cut off month to keep the coffee perking a nd the doughnuts coming for seniors who meet twice weekly at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center In Mile Square Park. .id.oughnut funds fo r the c ity's •~nior citize n program turne d righ l around and found a donor in the private sector who would come And congratulations, too, to Co uncilman Ben Nie ls en who made it all happen. Nielsen, who says he also has a sponsor all but lined up to pay for the seniors' newsletter, by the way. should probably give lessons w other burea ucralS\>rrwhete and how to find private financing Cor a Jot o r the things they have figured taxpayers should shoulder . ~ p with the necessary money. Kudos to Fountain Valley om mu ni t y Hos p i tal for its f illingness to make a one-yea r> tommitment to donate $225 pe r 1111111111:•----------- ~;Warning not suf f icien.t When 23 accidents occur at a single intersection in a single year h e r e's r e a so n t o a ss um e me thing is gravely wrong with 11'affic control in the area. That's the 1981 record for the tersection of Mountain Road and 'South Coast H ighway in Laguna Beach. And the accide nts have continued this year. including a pedestrian fatality. . Caltrans blames many of the ;vehicular mishaps on the fact that 11<>metimes tipsy patrons from bars l.h the area tend to take chances when walking across the highway t (-orc ing moto ris t s to brake '..Uddenly to avoid them and thus So the L aguna Beach City Council h as voted to ask Caltrans to install an overhead illuminated "Ped estrian Xing" sign at the intersection on a trial basis. To expect motorists on a major highway to pay a great deal of a tte ntion to s uc h a sign would appear to be w ishful thinking - a nd o f little or no h e lp t o pedestrians who still w ould have to take their chances. A tra ffic signal, on th\? o ther hand, would give pedestrians a c h a n ce t o cross the highway safely. The complaint that there is a signal just a block away sounds like typical Caltrans doubletalk. In man y communities there are traffic signals on every corner. And that should be the case here, as soon as possible. • u sing rear-end accide nts.-But • . e state agency says it cannot :tflstall a tra Cfic. s ignal at the :Wtersection because there is one :jl.ast a block away at Cress Street. ~-~~ ... ,rt Beic•---------- ew council logis tics It's funny th e w ay little tails get away from you in the u sh of a large r issue. That's hat has h a ppened in Newport ach with the switch of elections m June to November. Everyone was so concerned ith the language regarding the tion, no one remembered that ter the council members were ected, they had to be seated . seating wasn't addressed in e Newport Beac h law, it follows e pattern of state and federal lections. In other words. new unci membe r s a r e seated' In nuary. / There are a c oupl of ' blems with this. First, it results a lame duck council That's bad ough when it happens to ngress. But the logistics of those anges require a couple of nths for moving to Washington, back from the re, depending on e results. In a small city like ewport Beach, a lame duck uncll is a Ii ttle silly, and a isaervice to voters who have ken. And besides, th~re are a mber of important issues facing ndl. We think it's time they got with the bualnesa at hand. And • the voters deserve that important business be d e alt with by the representatives they have elected. A second problem occurs in the election of a new may or. Although the council can't be seated until January, there's no reason the mayor can't be elected now. No reason, except that it wouldn't be fair. Realizing this, council this week decided to await seating of the new council. and its new m e mber William Agee, before voting on the mayor. Because only one new member was elected this year, the delay probably won't affect the outcome of the mayoralty election. But had the face of the council changed in the election, it still would have been possible for the lame duck council to elect a new mayor two months before the ~ council was seated. We believe t h e laws on seating the council and electing the mayor should track. Since changing the seating of council to November requires a citywide vote, we suggest It be put on the ballot in November 1984. In the meantime, let's make it the law that only the new council elects the new !'\8YOr. Int-expreued In the IP«• •boW .,. lhOM of the Delly Piiot. Other vltWI ••• on "t' P..-ere thole of their euthor1 end ertl1ts. ReeCIH comrMnt Is lnvlt· • Addrftl The O.lly Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Cotle MeM, CA ft62•. PhoM C714) o412t. , • ..,. ...... ftttOt ........... h f ,., ''" '• , ... .,. ,....._MIC:mftn ,M.....,f.,_. Letters to the editor Disabled mus t concern us all To the Edil.ur: Recent Daily Pilot articles concerning the attempt to establish group homes in Irvine accuralely reflect the unfortupate fears of persons insensitive and ~r.ly educated re garding citizens having developmental special needs. Whe n community members in Fountain Valley expressed much the same concerns three years ago relative to Sutton's first home, one had to wonder at their isolatfon-:-IJ'housands of aasa1>led infants, children and adults participate in early intervention programs, special education programs, w orkshops or gainful employment everyday in Orange County. Many live at home or reside out of home. IN ATTENDING local meetings and providing testimony at slate-leve l hearings, I have been startled to observe good citizens accuse families of disabled members of "not taking care of them at home." Ncn all families can take care of a son or daughter who, through no fault of their own, have intensive needs or, have required 24-hour supervision for 15 or 25 years. It is interesting to note that none of us is surveyed or asked to pass judgment when the house next door is sold or rented. And, what have we been able to do when our new neighbors fight all night, have noisy or trouble some children? MAILBOX Group homes for persons having developmental spc.-clal needs have many overseers including the licensing and placement agencies and our agency. which is mandated to protect the legal, civil and service rights of the disabled of Orange County. We are all concerned and responsible to ensure the provision of quality care and services be provided. MS. RHYS BURCHILL Executive Director. Area XI, Developmental Disabilities Board Up in arms To the Editor: It certa inl y a ppears that the Hunt.ington Beach City Council did us dirty by passing a . $3.50 a month trash pickup-charge so that they could use the $2 million surplus to waste on a police helicopter pad. If they take money Crom the Feds also. the n the city is actually putting In another airport for public use. This will ruin the land around Central Park. It will ruin the future homes and condos Landmark is planning to put in. It seems that four men on our City Council have absolutely no concrn for the future of this town and are incapable oC planning ahead. Of course, what can you e xpect when one is a forme r POiiceman and the other a pilot? 1n111----=----~-----­ Eniphasis on education Once more Irvine's public school students have exceeded last year's scor es in the statewide California Assessment Program tests on all three levels tested - third, sixth and 12th grades. Third and sixth graders improved their scores ln all three tested subjects -reading, writing and mathematics. Twelfth graders fell slightly behind in the math test but scored highe r than last year in reading, writing and spelling. Overall, .the 12th graders ranked in the 88th to 94th percentile, statewide, a very creditable showing. Irvine always score s high when compared to statewide averages, but does less well on the so-called "comparison acore band" which compares the dwtrict with others in equal demographic · groups. This is becauae Irvine is not entirely the affluent white ne4Jhborhood many think of. WalkJng the halls or Irvine Hlgh Sc hool is like ta king a s trolJ through a mmi-United Nations. S o the key comparison is against the district's own scores the year before -and this year tha t is a su<.'CeSS story. There is no doubt that Irvine is a truly "education orie nted'' community. S e niors. of course, must pass proficiency tests before they graduatf', but the district also has a relatively ne w program that he lps identify s tude nts w i th problems so they get needed help immediate ly. The distric t also h e lps students prepa r e for tests by giving them practice tests so they will be comfortable with the real thing when it has to be faced. Some districts look askance at this procedure, but Irvine justifies it by pointing out tha t the students' college and caree r opportunities will depend a good deal on their test scores. Whatever the explanation, the Irvine students seem to be holding their own. Cllll 1111-----------.;......__ Mesa redevelopnient viewed For years, the commercial center at the comer of 19th Street and Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa wa'S a b1t1ttt on the downtown. Now, thanks to the 9ty'1 ambltiou1 redevelopment p,,,....m, the old center hM been. lewled. Gone are the priah lip and t he le11 than 1 lamorou1 1toref ronta that oMf lfar.ed the rorner. -k ~ost Jlie cl 1-:•1 mtltian to rekn• tht tlnlmta ad purchue tM propel't1. It'• money w.11 epent. ~'of lhe mnw -located ta tbl hart of ec.ca u .. --.. only a .Dldnl .....,., tq &M,....,.. cam~'fi lbe n••,t»Y Paeuaa Y~eral S.vinl* and I Loan bulldtnl -' , 2 •••••• , •• Llbkh.l, ~l • oulhuu Spanish·~tyle structure. How th~ property at 19th and H91'bor will t.? dewloptd remaiM • a question. pending studies of the she and the redevelopmen~ procram in general. But it's almoet a sure bet that some type of re\aJI • mmplex wilt evolve. Many developers -includina Padflc Federal -have exprelled lntL'retl In th• lite. Which ii &O Uw ~··benefit. !?'lie lltew > ~ (Qr ad cl I no-a a l~--4! «na• 01.J;a a developm•nt 11ven Ill central muon and l\uToulllllnl u111 Conalderlna tlae tioOlt &h• Plldlia l'lderll ~ U. doWNDwn. .. _. hiidlr-w ,.. =8Wlltltb9aWCilla ~ · The people around Central Park are going to be up in arms about being kept awake all night plus the added hazard of helicopter crashes. There is also the Cact that FAA has no laws about how low helicopters can fl y. They can legally go two feet over your roof. How stupid can our council be? PAUL CUTLER Hospi tal b oard To the Editor: Your Letter to the Editor column recently contained a letter by Mary 0 . owner expressing concern that the nominating committee of South Coast Medical Center was excluding Laguna area residenlS from consideration as future trustees. We would like your read.-rs to have the bene(it of additional facts. It is the feeling of our board of trl.lstees that the cornposllion oC the board should be evaJuated on a periodic basis. This year, the nominating committee conducted this evaluation. The same evaluation was done last year. or the 21 trustees on the board, 19 live in the Laguna area . Through the years as lhe hospital has grown so has the area the hospital serves. Sixty percent of the patients we now serve live outside the Laguna area. In an effort to ser ve our growing community we believe it is appropriate to seek trustees who reside in these new areas. ACCORDINGLY, we sent a letter to 1,500 membe rs o f the hospital corporation asking for their suggestions. The nominating committee felt it was important to "open up" the nominating process and request the input of a larger cross section of our population rather than rely solely on the six members of our committee. This was done for the first time las t year and was well received. The same thing was done this year and we anticipate continued SUtteSS. In our letter to members we stated that "ideal candidates" are difficult to find and the attributes listed are to be used as a guide. We als o stated consideration should be given to a female candidate (three of our 21 trusteee are female). Finally we stated that all candidates wUl be considered and no quotas have been established in ordw t.o preclude any candidates. • Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present the facts of the matter. BERNARD SYFAN Chalnnan, Nominating Committee South Coast Medical Center Wbo 's responsible ? To the F.ditor: I am appalled at the unbelievably Inept resurfacing of t h e roads throughout puts of Costa Mesa, particularly on Hospital Road and Ticonderoga. I have never seen anything like it before anywhere, and cannot comprehend how the city could oontnct, accept and pay for work like that. I've waited a few months since the "completion or the work in hopes that it was a temporary repair precedir-. the actual resurfacing. Expecting lt to be momentarily rompleted, you can im88ine my dismay when I found lnsteed \hey had painted It aa is. Who, I aak. is ""ponsible for this incredible job which now looks more like it needs remrfadng than when they beaan? B&TTY 1.. u.u>M0K. Pb.D. Columbia up, up and away By HOWARD BENEDICT Al~ wnw ahow paying cu11touwn1 that th<> c1ummonulnw the• mis.tun Otht•r11 hod bc'<•n mado to corr('t't th<' CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. •huttlt• t'an mttl a tlnu.ot.obl . muklnu up th'· l11r(W,,t (•rt.•w t•v<•r probll'm The apace 1huttle, plerdn1 clear Launt<h director Al O'Hara a111lgn('d to orw atpUCl'llhlp an.• The utronaut11, l'><>klna blue 1k1ea above the Atlantic, jokingly apoloaawd l><'<'l:luac the pilot Kohl-rt 0v<'rmyr<'r, 46, 1md forward w (1vt• day• in 1poc<• and 1ettled Into a pre clae orbit ship depart.eel 6'.J-thouaandtha uf two membeni of a new breed of a return next TuC'lkJay, t'Ontlnucd t oday a s two a1tronaut1 a 11(.fcond late. a1tronuu t11 namt'd minion driving upward undc·r tho power prepared mancuvera that would "Jt was as nl'ar-pcrfoct as we spcclali1t11: 1clC'nti1tt1 William o f l h e Ir m a In <' n g In e 1, send the first of two satelllte1 could expect ," O'Hara said. Lenoir, 43, and JOMph Allen, 45. accelt-ratmg cvt>r feater u they spinning Into apace 184 miles Because of the nct'd to huvc Brand, Overmyer and Lenoir plunged Into the \Pinner upper tbove \he earth. Columbia in the right place at the · rod<' In the cockpit. Allen rode In air. . Columbia is now In space for right time to eject. the payloapa. . a seat Installed In a mid-deck During the early houn, the the fifth time." said M illaion the launch team ha(f only a area beneath \he main cabin. crew thoroughly checked the> Con\rol. 33-mlnvte period tn which to They wore NASA blue-cottpn yehlcle'• sywtems; ope ned the . The astronaut.a were soaring at. launch the craf\. coveralls that r t:placed the cargo bay doors, rC'po rted 17.400 miles an hour to start a Cheers a nd s h o uts o f awkward brown preaure suita readings from the SSS aatelllte flight NASA hopes will open a encouragement erupted from required o n America's 3~ loo k e d g ood a nd r e layed new era of space commerce. The several hundred thq,usand people p revious man-in-spa<.-e m.iaalons. televlwlon pictures of the Initial test was set for late this who crowded viewing sites for After about ~O se<:onds, the mtellites nestled In the bay. afternoon when the aatronauis Columbia'• blaz..irrg sendoff. The •P\\Ce• freighter. moving ever They reported only one minor are to deploy the tint aatelllte. roar of the en gin es sent a mdr~ 1wlftly on its towering problem, a fAul t y compute r Columbia's Veterans Day thunderclap rolllng acro!!.J the pillar (>f amoke, pies-ced through readout llCJ'een. launch began In a blincling burst Cape, shaking the grouna and the MOit 4anger0u.s' point in the "It'• a little like your home TV of flame and spre~ing bill9w of vibratin&. ~uildings at Kennedy ucent -an area where the cra!t having the p icture 1llp to the smoke as.Columbia's three main Space Center offices several ii bu f(e t e d by max Im um lower left comer of the tube and en9 lnea and two solid fue l rqiles from launch pad 39A. aerodynamic forces. then •tarts flashing," Overmyer rockets flashed to life at 7:19 a.m. It was the s huttle 's fifth Unlike Columbia's fourth aaid. EST. perfect liftofJ in as many tries; flight. whe n the parachutes NASA offk:lals gave the final • Liftoff cU'.rnaxed a near-eerfect the $huttle's ·April 1981 fllsh t failed a nd the boosters sank. jo.ahead t o continue the countdown. It was Columbia's was the fi,rst of four test missions. NASA reported the rockets countdown.just before'midnlght Once again the rain failed io stay away from the de.sert Jakebed at Edwards AFB, making the site too muddy for the space shuule Columbia's fifth landing next Tuesday. ' second str aig h t on-time • Vance Brand, 51 , who landed Intact and were f1oatina Wednesday a fter evaluating launching, something NASA returned unconscious from the about 140 Miles east of Cape weather problems in the western needs to achieve routinely to Apollo-Soyuz mi$sion in 1975. is Canaveral. Engineering changes United States. .. . f, . ORANGE COAST COLLEGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS TH• M•RRY WIDOW ov. Five Penny Opera Nov. 12 COi LRU PO~ CRUIS•RS Ba/a & Mexico -Janet Steele Science Hall 1s· JHE .ECONOMY N 12/13 ' " Nov. 12 AUDUBON FILM smaa "Footloose In Newfoundland" 7 P.M. -Science Lecture 2 Nov. 13 CLASSICAL GUITAR John McEnary -Fine Arls 119 Nov. 18 LUR• OF ALASKA FORCING YOU Armchair Adventures Nov.20 FALL CONCeR'F - OCC Chorw & Chamber Singers Nov.21 JAZZ CONCERT With Bill Watrous. Trombone ou1 -. OF-YOU OME?-. Dec. 12 CHUCK MANGIONE Two Shows -7 p.m, & 10 p..m. Reserved Seats on Sale Nov. 22 8 P.M. -ROBERT MOORE THEATRE TICKETS /Visa-MC -556-5527 Something Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa . 645-5711 llOVEllER SILE 20% OFF ILllSES, TIPS 1 TEES, Wiil ILDI I UI PllTS (SELECTED °MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The Missy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) · NOTICE llSSOLUTIOI OF PllDEISllP. PUBLIC AUCTION Ordered by the Attorney for Globe International tt.ndmade Peralen encl Ortental Ruge We have been commluloned to liquidate the entire Inventory plu1 other• for lmmec#at• caet). ftUG8 MOM: China, .......... AfOMNllM, lndla, Turkey, Paldetan, Romania, Egypt, and Iran. 8lze1 range from a·x:r·--to 11'x12'. AUCTION WILL TAKI "-ACI OM • FRIDAY, NOV. 12 AT I P.M. v Question: Are · you attempting to· sell your home under the pressures of mounting debt?? Question: Is pending foreclosure or offerin9 your home on the market at way below ~~rue ·your only choice?? .J_ Question: Are you unsure of the future and · feel a real need to protect. all that you have worked and saved for?? We believe that we have a program that may flt your needs and our criteria by retaining possession of your home so that you may remain within your community, with friends & neighbors and not dlerupt your t•mlly. This may be ac- complished and at the same time redu~• your monthly ex- penditure• d~•m•tla.lly. • \_"" I I • . We Invite homeowner.a, or their realty agents (If home presently listed for sale) to ct1ll ue for ""'•m dewlla •. i;::,r~~All lnqulrl• wffl be held In the hlgheet -· ,. I ~i .... - Marine base • sets auction The El Toro MMlne Corps Air Station will hold an auction beslnnlng at 9 a .m . Tuesday at the base to sell surplus and used materials. Run by the Defense Property Disposal Of lice, the auction will be staged ln Buildlna 319. Property offered for sale will be available for Inspection In the same building weekdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. , For more information, contact Roxanne Hotz at 651-3771. •Coastline College will present a workshop on sales and contract negotiations for travel agents from 9 a,m . to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Robinwood Learning Center, 5172 McFadden Ave .. Huntington Beach. Lecturer will be Keltb Powell, president of Attache Case Travel in Newport Beach. Registration f~ for the program Is $10. More information can be obtained by calling Coastline's Community Services office, 963-0811. ~~\ . ~,, ..... -• Travel kit .:on the way By PAT HOROWITZ Of the DellJ Not • ..., DEAR PAT: I joined tbe Cudboldera Travel Club in early July, bat bave never received tbe deluxe membership kit I was r.romised. I paid tbe SU annual fee mmediately, however. I wrote to tile Cblcago lteadqaarters lo October, bat laavea't laad uy response. I'd like my membersllip extended from tbe time I receive tbe kit or a refund of my money. G.M., Huntington Beach The club's records indicated that several travel packets had been mailed to you and there was no trace of your complaint letter. In view of the mixup, the club is sending another membership packet and additionaJ folders to you in ac'dltion to extending your membership for a full year. 'Lemon law' detailed DEAR PAT: Will you give me a rundown of the provisions of tile "lemon" Jaw, particularly how long it applies to a new car? L.R., Costa Mesa The "lemon" law (AB 1787) covers new cars for one year or 1~000 miles. whichever comes first. The time · its on the buyer's right to sue are extend during the period he or she is involved in the dispute resolution program. Under this law, new car purchasers will be entitled to a new replacement of their "lemon" or a refund of the purchase price of the vehicle if, after four attempts, the dealer fails to satisfactorily repair a major defect that affects the use. value or safety of the new car. A second basis for replacement or refund exists if the new car is out of service for a cumulative total of more than 30 days after delivery. The purc haser must notlCy the manufacturer directly at least once during the course of the unsuccessful attempts at repair. And if the dealer has a state-approved third party resolution dispute program. the buyer must first utilize it before s uing for replacement or refund. The state Department of Motor Vehicles, division of compliance, enforces state laws l"!!lating to new car sales. The phone numbers are 558-4688 in Sant.a Ana or 870-7721 in Fullerton. - .. • ·Got a problem? Then write tD ·11mii Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, · getdng the answers and act.Jon you · n_eed to solve in*:!J._Uitles in • ~t and business. Ka.If your questions co Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coan. DaJJy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Cort.a Mesa. , CA. 92626. :Jke .Stan/orJ ' _JJ.ou~e Weekend Specials Good Fri. & Sat. 11·12 & 11·13 ..,..._. ~~~s~ed Pork with Noodles •..•............ : •........ $ 7. 9 5 = ~ic~~ ~~.~.~~~ ................................ $6. 9 5 =!Rib of ~f .............................. s9.95 All aerwct Mttl Potato & ¥eg91ebte and eoup or Nied. The Stanford House Is proud to •nnounce we ire now servlna your lattorlte cocktails. Sears ES FROM '1 RElURN l\CKET 6~ ti~o A~~~LES, BURBANK . •FREE ONE W tcKET LEAV\NG FR - OUTBOUND SAVE on Polaroid's Sun Camera 640 Moat economical Polaroid Sun Camera: piece of the sun every time at no extra coat; Light Ml•er turns any light Into good pictures; never needs focusing. Seara 111t1llr ftrlct 149.99 LIU • 10 S•llt-Back r1b1t1 3911 . .,, ......... POLAVISION $411 LESS than separite prices totaled In July '79 3 pc. Polavlslon Instant movie outfit. Includes camera, player, movie light. Shoot, develop and show color movies In mlnuteal Casaette sold separately. Lau 1 10 S•ll1-B1ck r1b1t1 141 91 SAVE on Polaroid's Sun Cam•a 660 Top-of-the-Hne Sun Camera: pi.:. of the sun every time at no e•tra coat: Light Ml•er turns any light Into good plcturea; Autofocus by aound nves; ctoee-ups to 2'. S11ra llplar ftrlct 169.99 Lua 1 10 S•ll1-B1ck re•1t1 5911 Y01Jr actual coat with Smile-back rebate PICK YOUR DESTINATION ON AIROIL . Fly from LAX. Ontarto or Burbd A!fporta Currently Servfng: 111c•111 THE c.aum . , .. ' T he cargo hatches~ just aft of the br idge. 11111111111 · THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1982 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 82 84 BS I I - Mike Wallace, a mainsla y on "60-Minutes," has h elped earn the show top spol in the Nielsen ralings. 8 4. • • D ~ 0 .· American Pre ident Line's new ,8 6 0 -foot conta ine r ship, Preside nt Lincoln, a t its berttr iirSan P edro. Capt. Peter Boele (above) of Scott dale~ Ariz., is one of two captains fo r this, the largest freighter ever built in the United S tates .. _ . I . • • • • • . . • • . . . • • J . l 1 ' ~ • • • • • . ' • • . I • • i J , ' I ' f ~ , ' ' • ' • ' --: ' • ' This ship , big as a mountain By LEE PAYNE Of IM Deity l'ttot Staff Think or a big diesel engine. Bigger even than the one in your VW Rabbit. That one has four cylinders. We're talking about 12 cylinders. You're still not thinking big enough. Think three stories high and 43.000 horsepower. Think of the biggest diesel engine ever built in the United States. What do you do with an engine that big? You put it into the President Lincoln. the biggest freighter ever built in the United States. Big ·is an inadequate word -when~dewling with the braod- new ship that arrived in San Pedro this week. How big is it? Like a mountain. it's so big that when you're near it or on it, you can't see most of it. The Panama Canal is big. The preside nt Lincoln squeezed through with six inches on each side to spare. But wait a minute. A new merchant ship, built in the U.S.? Flying the American flag? Isn't 'As soon as we figure out how all the automatic equipment works, we will sail rerularly with a crew of 28.' our merchant fleet on its way out. our shjpyards defunct, the future color e d Japanese? Apparently the word hasn't yet gotten to American President Lines. They put up most of the $150 million it took to build the President Lincoln and two 860-foot sister ships are on the way at Allendale, La. They are nearing completion. All three are con&.ainer-ships. a new breed of freighter , pioneered right here in the U.S. ·cargo no longer comes in barrels, boxes, bins and bushel baskets to be hauled and shoved on and off by sweating stevedores. Now you load your C:irgo into a truck al your Cann or factory and drive it to the dock. There a 40-ton crane picks it up and snaps il into place -The m ate aboard ~hip -all but the wh~ls and cab. You'll need them to drive yq_urself home. Al the other end. each 40-foot container is dropped onto a new set of wheels and is off to 1ts destination. The President Lincoln holds 1,600 containers and layovers in exotic ports have been cut from two or more days to hal f a day. The sailors hardly have time to geWnto U'ouble~ny more. Less time in port means more time at sea on each of the ship's 42-day round-trips between Los Angeles. Oakland, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Each member of the cn>w has his own stateroom. movies on closed circuit TV. sauna. a choice of three main dishes at every meal and an indoor swimming pool filled with distilled water from the ship's salt water converter. The pool is perched on top of a main fuel tank w here it is gently ·heated by the tar-like fuel oil that must be maintained at over 100 degrees just to get it to Clow mto the engine. From here the President Lincoln will sail for Oakland and a christening party for 600 guests, then on to Seattle and the Orient. It will sail with only 34 officers and cr ew aboard. Anyone who has watched old World War II movies on TV knows that it takes at least 34 men on..lhe. bridge_ alone, jusL to repeat the order , "left full rudder." Surely the largest U . .$. built ship w6uldn't set out with a s keleton crew of only 34? Of course not. Her first voyage is, in fact. overstaffed. "As soon as we figure out how all the automatic equipment worlts0 ," the mate says. "we will sail regularly with a cr:ew of 28." Orange Co11t DAILY PILOl /Thurtday, November 11, 1982 DEAR ANN LANDBRS: My husbund 9nd l .are professional photographers. We work t.ogctbcr. Our specialty is weddings. h 's very enjoyable rno8l of the time. but the biggest paan In the neck ls ~ amateur photographers. • T hey ar«.> often unbelievably rude. They push • ,,.a around so they can get their shot.s. Sometim4.>s ~ t hey swear al us because we are obstructing the ~:· view when they want to take a picture. We neve r ~.aet our profession down by being impoli'le to those •' who wish to take their own pictures, but 1 cannot count the times we have been yelled at and told to "get out of the way." Why don't they realize we are being P.aid to capture the meaningful momen~ or th~ QCCasion? Please ask your readers t.o respect the wesjding-~J .. .,hotbgrapher and remember that he is there to do a job. -TOO MUCH S HOVING IN OHIO. DE AR SHOVED: Glad to speak up for a group -, of professlonal1 who deserve a break. Thanks for tbe opportunity to pass the word. f DEAR ANN LANDERS : For years I have been hoping to find my problem in your l'Olumn and yesterday I did. The signature was "facial Hair in Dallas." • · Al age 50 I feel just as embarrassed as I did al "' 22. ·You'd be surprised at the rude and hurtful _ commen ts I've had from people who should know better. I've gune through two lengthy electrolys is programs by board-l'ertified dermatologists. Both were painful, expensiv~ and unsuc:t·cssful. I never tried a beautician. but a friend of mind did and her results were no better than mine. Through the years l have allemptcd lo console myself with the t.hought thal my fa,·1al hair problem is insignificant compared to what other people have had to Cacc in life. Maybe. through your column, w ill 'come thl' answer for me. God bless you for your enlightened guidance to the public. -ROCK VILLE, MD., HOPEFUL DE AR HOP EFUL: Try one more time. 'Look in the phone book under E lectrolysis. Make a n appointment. Ask t o be put in touch with two or three people who will recommend their services. ~ This is the best m ethod for checking out any procedure where skill Is required. Good luck and lej me bear from you with some good news. • .. • ... ' Do you feel awkward, self-conS<.·1ous -lonely? Welcome ro the club. There's help for yo1.4 in Ann Landers' booklet "The Key to Populam.v "Send 50 cents with _your request and a long. stamped. se/f- addressed envelope to Ann L anders. P.O. Box 11995. Chicago. [//. 6061 J. GORIN ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF • Hoth vulnerable. ltouth d11l1 NOITH Openlna lead: Jack ol •. 1t14u1.1oce. Declarer won the klnr of club• and C'Hhed th11 ac•. He cro11l!d to dummy with the ace of dlamond1 and dl1earded a heart on the queen of club . All that re· malned wat to hold hi• trump loaera t.o three. Dtclartr w11 oorrtcl In taklnr hl1 two club wlnnere out of the way, but at trick thrH ht 1hould have ltd a low trump from hi• hand. Jr 1padea were 3-2, It made no difference whether declarer led a low or a hl1h 1p1de - he would not lote more than thrfle tr ump trlcka. But. what It •pad_ee were 4·1 '/ hie heart. eluff on the quH• of club• and lead• u oihtr trump from the table. Now there I• no way that. £11t can take more than hl1 t.wo top trump1. •u t::I QllUI O Al •cua WllT EAIT •Q •A«H e>KU ~H 0 10111 o.uo • uotu . ••u Brld1• I• a IO(Jkal 11me. Jt 11 all vtr)' weU t.o play by in 1tlnct, but In the Iona run probabllltle1 will win out. SOUTH •UOUU ~AlO o KQ5 •AK The blddlnr: ·s .. o Weet ...... iNT Put a • Put Pua PU. Nert.la 1 NT Eut Pua Pall Pua South had a rebld problem when North re1ponded to hie 1pade openlnr bid with one •no trump. A rebid of two 1padea woula have 1ur1eated neither the 1tren1th nor the balanced nature of South'• hand, and a jump to three l pl dtl Wll OUl Of the qUH· tlon with 1uch a poor 1ult. His decl1lon to rallf to two no trump was a practical solution. After North probed for a heart contract. lhe pair 1ta1rered Into four 1pade1. Declarer led a trump from the table· and inaerted the Jack. Wt1t won the quffri and H lttd with a diamond. O.Clarer won and ltd a low trump, but when Wen ehow· td out, declarer 1tlll had t.o ION th,.. trump trick• and hi• contract. Otcl&rtr w11 ln"a trlne t.oo much of a hurry to 1•t rid of hi• heart loeer. BtLttr itehnl· qut and tlmlnr would have landed the rame. H the •Ingleton trump w11 the nine, It would be rirht t.o lead a hlrh 1pade al trick three. But It 11 three limet 11 likely that the 1lnrleton will be an honor. Therefore, It 11 correct to lead a low trump. Have '" INea , ....... ill· to dt .. ltle tr .. t.le1 Let C...,..._Q.,.allelpy .. W , .... ,~*-­.. DOUILE8 lw ,......, ud fer taent.. Fer a ee,1 el W.DOUILEl~t. ..... 11.a .. "G ..... o •• a.1 ..... cart el dale ... .,.,..., P.O. ·~ 4 . West led t he top of his club A11ume that Wett win• and 'shifts to a diamond. De· clarer wins In dummy, ta~es lea nt, Nenree4, N.J. 076'8 .... died&• .. , ..... teNew.,.....-U. • llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Friday, November 12 ARIES (March 2 l·April 19): Emphasis on law, hrense requiremen ts, tax information and added responsibility. Past commitment comes to forefront -you're called upon to futrill obligation. TAUR US (April 20-May 20): Go slow, be diplomatic, fi nish what you st.art. Emphasis on health, employment and attention lo those who rely upon your judgment. Demands are made on your time -~cp resolutions c:onceming diet, nutrition and proper rest. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Emphasis on excitement, discovery. romance, speculative venture and ability to get lo heart of matters. Personal magnetism sours, me mbers of opposite sex are attracted and popularity increases. CANCER (June 21-July 22)~ Follow th.rough on first impression. Learn by teaching; vital information is gained concerning property, safely and security. Family me.tiber cooperates, makes important concel'ision. LEO (July 23.-Aug. 22);-Burdcn Is lif.t.ed, numerous messages arc received, opportunities abound and scenario is highlighted by surprise v is ito r . Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): Check details connected with payments, collection s. Read between lines, study fine print, refuse to give up something of value for mere promise. You'll locate need ed material and financial position will be strengthened. · LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0 cl. 22): Open Imes o f communication. Lunar emphasis indicates cham-c for added andependenc-e. initiative and new start in new direction Make personal appearances and POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I'VE TRIED DIFFERENT WAYS T O BE HAPPY. &UT THE OMLV OHS• T MAT WOAt< INVO&..Vlr NOT T""'1N8. . ' appeals. Romantic interlude is part or exciting scenario. . SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Significant change occurs on homerront. Special meeting clears air, e na bles you lo make purchase and beautify s urroundings. Taurus, Libra and another Scorpio figure prominently. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21): Define terms, perfect techniques, steer clear or tendency t.owards self-deception. Lunar emphasis on friends, hopes. wishes and good news concerning business or career. Pisces, Virgo natives figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19): Your natura abililites su rge to rore fro nl. Superiors a re impressed, you could receive important assignment. Added responsibility means chance for greater reward. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Jo'eb. 18): More people are cont·crned with what you say, do and think -you strike chord or universal appeal. Emphasis on communicallon , travel, edu<.'atiion and abstract prind ples of justice. P ISCES (Feb. !~·March 20): Mystery ts solved: light is shed on areas previously dark. Dig beneath surface -somc>0tle may not be telling entire truth conct.>rning money situation. rou1 HIAlTH OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Il's bad enough to be fat and have t.o worry about gening into your clothes. Stylish? T hat's out. But, hearing warnings from· the doctor about the dangers of obesity com pounds the problem. My doctor says if I don't lose at least 30 pounds, I practically invite diabetes. There's been none in my family. Why should I be scared? -M RS. T. DEAR MRS. T.: Until lately, most doctors felt duty-bound to warn their obese patients about possible complications. They .would say, "Fat patients are in greaterdanger of getting diabetes." But, that may not be so. According t.o a recent study by John B. O'Sullivan reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association , the majority of over weight people may not be in danger of developing diabetes mellitus. Obesity is not an accurate predictor. However, there's this exception. U a pregnant patient has d eveloped "gestational glu cose intolerant"e" -spilled. sugar in the urine because the body couldn't tem porarily liandle glucose 'ietabolism -there might be that predisposition to d'eveloping diabetes later. Thus, it's especially important for a woman who has had transient diabetes during pr egnancy to avoid obesity. According to David L . ..Horwitz. M .D . of the University of Illinois, "In the absence of data t.o the contrary, it seems wisest to suggest to such patients lhat avoiding obesity may reduce the risk of subsequent diabetes by as much as 50 percent.'' Since you do not mention a family history ol diabetes, Mrs. T ., or having "spilled sugar" during pregnancy, I doubt that you are in greater danger than a hon·obese person. STOP SMOKllll Ill OIE EVElllllG USE YOUR MIND INSTEAD OF DRUGS' (The Secret of Mind Control) · DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE RECIPE.? FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 7:30 P .M. Li mited Seating -Call For Reservation Given BJ AOBEfJT EMMET DOWNING Ill D.D., Ph.D., M.D., N.D., J.D. a-441 Y-• "' Pfecuce 642-5982 AT ZONTA CLUB 2101 IAVINE A VE. If you like t o cook and have a "favorite" recipe, it could be worth a trip for two to a city of your choice anywhere in the Western Hemisphere (via Western A irlines.) Or you could win one of five S200 gift certificates. It can all happen In the ------ 1982 Dally Piiot Favorit e Recip e Con t est. and it could happen to youl Even 1f you don·1 w in a 1op pnze. your recipe could ~ pubhshed m our .. Or•ng• Coast Cook Book"' 1n lhe Daily Pilot on Wednesday. Oec~m~r 8, I 982 Dally P1lo1 Special Sections editor Janine F 1ddelke will supervise a panel ot food judges who wtfl name the ~st rec1~ on the Orange Coast W 1nrnng rec1~s will ~ judged on originality. ease ot preparation, adherence to the~. and ot course. taste So get cooking. Road the rules carefully and send us your reci~s as soon as poS51ble. Entries must ~ postmarked no later than Novem~ 12 Mall ""tries tor o_,Not· ~awort1••ec1pec_..._ P.O, .. • , ... c-. ,,..._,CA 9161• ENTRY CATEGORl•S1 I . 2. 3. 4. 6. CONTEST ~ RULES: Lm ""1ng•l'd•t>nU In Ofdt'f of UM'. IOlowt'd l>y tlt.W, cone•"" a .. t'<llOt!' "'° 11'1e ~ of ~\lll'lCJ' lf~I Ofog.t\,1ftty COUflO Submrt yOU< ...... ~,,.on• 1.s~ Ol!CH• c.wa P\11 C.otl.qot)' In upper left 11.nc! COf~I Only Ont tnlly ptl p4!t1on ptr <-'ltgoty wll ~ «<tPlf'<I 11 """" t n.tn Of1f tnuy IJ 1.celvt d lor any ""!llf CAltgo<y. ,. tntrlf' lor rn;n Ullt'QO<Y -· lie dl~·llfd ~' lt'~IV~ file 119f'I 10 ptoptff)t c.t1~1tt .nirtts lttt'Pf' mutt n. complj)tt. ""° m.ty not 1>e <~ aftt'I tublmSIOn lntompit'lt lf'(lpt' w" Dt dl\~flfd In Int evttlC IClfflllUI lfCl,,.I 11tt "'°""""d D)' IWO Of morr Contfll-1. '"' '"" If(~ Wiii H ,,,. ont COntldtftd fOf ~ "Mtc"oii• .,.,.. --~ Co.Ht. U <'J)( f~ Ind tlltlf _...,, 1..-1 Of 0r"'9' CCNIR ~ (~ lndlOlr on tll<h tfflpf H't 1111 lllP WIHIMICI CCllMI. )'0\11 l'Wlfllt, Mldlt u , """"°"'' liltd Of~)' f('ltt>ttd lltlnf ~-,,,..., fOf f..-11 tfCIPf MAii 10 ~ "''* ''-"'1'fM .._.., lftrpr Conttto. I" o loa lllO, C•I u.u: C:A •U:Jt. Of llrlf!O" 10 UO..,. le , a.a-.. AU fNfNS MUSf • l'OSTMAMllO NO LA•• THAN MIDNIQHJ, "ll!t-....~t<o~.5'~oi ,_..n.,ff ,..,.......,.._.. __ , ftO...,...... • •• ... 11• ll..l tll l .MMn Dllfte1 \A.ltltl~I ll ~ ~9r"Of COQ ... von. Int flf\I <l!ot•fl'I Ul<ICI Of ro.-.1 audrHno, •-rent rws • llllllr.~. lf("f.~ ¥""!'"'"""fl !i~ thl l»ff///lf(ffflf .... .,..,,......., ..,, .. put>lt\IW(I '"""' "'tmawlrtf9"1'*'0 "'° Sllffl <lllldrf\WI 0-""'" ~I d M ~ .... l"I rt• Daily "olol ift1 MrfrOI ~' ' Tn111t1 -ww w~n~,,. eo '"'°""' W1t11 lllf COfllfll tultt Al jud9P\ 19fti.tCJn1 Mr fM M 1)1111•1 w141 t>e -MPd. (ONfHf INOS NOVI MM" > CACr:ou from Newpotl H-'H S I HOLSTERY SALE CONTINUES Getting Ready for the Holidays Quality features: I Marnie R~ed a nd Carlyn Ste iner Sophisticates hold kick·off Those elegant black Invitations with the gold coat h angers on the front brought 110 to the Sophisticates' Solid Gold Rummage Sale kicko(f ' party held in the home of Marnie Fluor Reed. Carlyn Steiner, Sophisticates chairman, and party chairme n Ollie Hill and Annette Hurwitz had a chance to tell the guests or the sale planned for ''A Passport to the World" is what the Little Mermaid Guild of CHOC is calling its Saturday evening of dining, dancing and games. CocktaHs will be served ln the atrium of t he Newport Marriott at 6:30 p.m. and the evening's activities continue in the Pacific Ballroom. • 1. fall of 1983 that will feature designer clothing from stor es and designe rs as weU as ~quali ty used GET TOGETHERS: Two chapters of the clothing . Proceeds will benelit ATSC's juvenile Orange County Performing Arts Center·have had diversion program. Fashions from Saks Fifth Avenue were recent socials. Chapter Two members divi~ up in mod led groups of eight to 12 and "Yent to members' homes e and auctioned to guests attending. for cocktails and dinner. To conclude the strictly JoAnne Mix and Audrey Cotton originated the social evening the group. about 90 of them, idea of the designer resale. gathered in the University Park home of Mr. and MARK YOU~ CALENDARS: The Orange Mrs. Harry Stahl for coffee and dessert. She is the County Business COmmittee for the ar1S will have chapter chairman for 1982-83. an awards ceremony and dinner Sul)day at 6:30 The George M. Cohan Chapter served German p.m. at the Ritz in Pacific Mutual Plaza, Newport foods at the membership event held in the San Beach. The first busin ess in the Arts award Juan Capistrano clubhouse. presentation will be made by Ralph P. Davidson, Lyn Dove Paulsen and John Corda chairman of Time Incorporated and Bu.sIDe~s __ entertained, and Elaine Redfield told about the Committee for the Arts, Inc., New York. progress of the perforrrung arts cehter. Jessic!J McClintock sets show ROBINSON'S: Jessica McClintock will be at the New.port Beach store Saturaay to prese}'lt her holiday collection of lace-trimmed silk and velvet dresses. A rninl-show is scheduled at 1 p.m. with infonnal modeling until 4. L B ULLOCK'S: Stanley Sherman fashions will be informally modeled Friday and Saturday from noon to 3 p.m. ln the Fashion Gallery of the South Coast Plaza store. BROADWAY: Fashion for the petite worpan will be modeled during a fashion show Saturday at 3 p.m. on the second level of the Newport Beach store. The public may attend. NORDSTROM: Skiwear for men and women will be featured a t 7:30 p.m. fashion show today in the Active Sports Department of the South Coast· Plaza store. At 7 p.m. in the Brass Rail Department. a .. building your wardrobe" seminar w ill be conducted for men. BENSON & HEDGES ' . - Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called delu xe. Regular and Menthol. Open a bot today. Oran e Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Novem6ir 11, 1082 •BARGAIN llATINllllS * Mondar thru Saturday All Perfotmancea belote 5:00 PM Cbcetll S,.mt E111111•111t1 IM HellUy1) "IT c.-FROM HOLLYWOOD" IPOI ·------. .... - "C"EEP SHOW" 1•1 , ............ ,,. LAl<EWOOO CENTER WALi( IH LAl<fWOOD CfNTfR SOUTH*"'"'" "SORCERESS" 1•1 _._.,., ......... "AN4FFICER AND A GENTLIMAN" uo1 ...... _....,_ ••NATl~AL LAMPOON'S CLASS. "IUNtON" 1<11 __ ..., __ _ "FIRST 8'-000" ca1 ..... _ .... __ .. ..,. loc .. tty ot Coftdle wood 211/511·9510 "TIME BANOIT" .. 1 _..__ --- "TEMPEST", .. , .._.., __ "MY FAVO .. fTE YEAR" .-.1 ..... "THI: CHOSEN"'""' uo. -,..., ....... ""' ........ "THE JAZZ llNOER" ,,...,, ........ "CREEP SHOW" 1<11 , ... "' ....... tta 81G• 81G• OlllVl·IN 8AllGAIN $2 MRY WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY Cltlldrtn Under 12 AIWays Fifi "' ..... IM Ollltt °'""' ,.., .. 6 .• ,. a. Sin UH.II. IMPDllTAIT MOTICll CIUlDllH HOUl IZ fill(! _ .... _ ................... --,"·· ~-·-.. CMl-•-WWlll ..... CAii---~­_... .. ~ .. -...---··- &•·• v ANA HE IM Dllt\11 IN ,_ .... '-.. l,._..IO •'lOVI CHLO• t111 -"CM-O.AMG WOMIW' Ml C..ft- • •A •·• RUE NA PARK :·w wt '" ---··-llM010 ' ... LINCOL N i'~'~t IN -------- .,I .,\, t~ I i 0 • "IOflCE .. ESS" t1111 . -"FC>fl9K>DEN WOflLD" "CREEP SHOW" ca1 ,... "SUN .. MAN If" ,.., "'NlST ll.000" .,., -"MAD MAX"1111 •T• eANOITI" ... , -•'fW M THI WOM.D" CNI CIMft-.......... .. _ ...... _ 1'1-Mf I 1'HAUOWllN •" 1t11 -•'CONAN TMI 8AMAN ~--... '"OYNAMITI CHICICIN'' "' -.. STiil CRAZY" tt11 --- ,.,...4....,TN"T\i•a , . ..,.......~ ...... , .. ..,, . ....,,..~~ ---15TH. SMASH WEEK1 --- ... ,., IUCll OIW9M WllTMlllTP £0Wild' !ffwpoll Contnw CHdomt f6*11dt ~ WHI 644 07110 U~ 75S3 Ht 3tl3S MllllCMt VllJO • ld,.,Afc!\ VttlO '"''° 130 6090 "° NNll toCC .. flO •OOl 11 ... ·--.. --~~~~~~~~-.._ .. 8 4 _ Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurada~. NOY9Mber 11, 1812 L'O ng-time show tops Nielsen '60 Minutes' boo ts CB 'to a~1other lin t plal'e lini .. h LOS ANGEJ..Es (AP) "60 Mlnutc11,'' on<' of the longeat-runnlntt ahows In prim tlnw, hat Unlshed at the top ot the Wt'<'kly Nlt"l n wlevlslon ratings and helJ)4.'d bous t CBS to another finn ph.1t't' In a ll, CBS had six shows in th Top 10 und ABC and NBC had two each for the W<"Ck t'nded Nov. 7. "60 MinutC'S," is now in itti 15th season on CBS. Another veteran show, "M·A-S-H," in Its 1 lth year on CBS. was fourth "Archie Bunker's Place," which was 10th, is in its 13th year -1f you l'OUnt Its earlier incarnation as "AU In the F'nmily." At thc.> other end of the ratings chart compiled by the A.C. Nielsen Co. was the 1.hrec networks election coverage Nov. 2. In 70th and last ploc.-e was NBC's coverage. ABC's coverage was in 63rd place and CBS' was an 65th plac.-e. The ratings compilation used here is that reported by NBC. which listed each network'• election coverage as only a single program. Both ABC and CBS listed as a separate program. each time the network returned to the air with an updated election report. Since the election cove rage got s uch ~row ratings it affects only the ranking at the bottom of the ratings chart. U.nder the ABC and CBS listings all the bottom shows were various segments or election coV"erage, thus putting a little distari~ between the bottom and some of the low-rated regular series. CBS finished fi rst with a rating of 17.2. ABC was second with 15.9 and NBC was third with 15.1. The networks say this means in an averase prime-time minute 17.2 percent or the nation's homes with TV were tuned to CBS. "* Top 10 CBS shows besides "60 Minutes" were "Dallas" (third), "M·A-S-H" (fourth), "Newhart"• (sixth). "Magnum, P .l." (seventh), and "Archie , Bunker's Place" (10th). Bob Newhart's new comedy made its debut in the Top 10 and has remained there. The detective series "Magnum" is in Its third year. but it's new to the Top 10 this year. It has been in the front rcmks off and on since the fall season began. ABC made the Top 10 with its Wednesday night combination of "Dy nasty'' and "The Fall Guy." which forced first-place CBS to announce a new schedule Monday. CBS is pulling "Alice," "Filthy Rich," and "Tucker's Witch" and putting in a new night of movies against the two ABC shows. The prime-time soa p opera "Dynasty" finished fifth, and the adventure-comedy "The Fall Guy" was in eighth place. In the current ratings "Filthy Rich" w~ No. 60, "Alice" was No. 62, and "Tucker's Witch" was No. 64. NBC placed two specials in the Top 10, but its highest-rated series was "Hill Street Blues," which tied for 13th place. "TV's Censored Bloopers No. 4" • was second and "New and Improved TV's Greatest Commercials No. 2" was ninth. Here are the Top 10: "60 Minutes," a rating of 27 .5 or 22.9 million households, CBS: "TV's C(,'nJOl'C!d Bloopcma No "·" 21\.1\ or 21.2 rnllllon, NOC; "01lll£lt,11 24 .4 or 20.a million, CBS; "M·A·S·H,'' 23.~ or l~ ~ million, CRH. "Dynqty," 23.2 or U~ a mllUon, ABC, "N('whnrt," 22.2 or 18 4 mllllon, CBS, "Magnum, P.l." 21.7 or 18.0 million, CBS; "The Faell Guy," 2.t.2 or 17.tl million, ABC; "Nt'w and lmprov..d TV'a Creote!•t Comnw-rclal No. 2,'' 21 O or 17.4 million, N 8C: "Ar(' hie' Bunkl!r'• PIM' , " 20.~ or 17.0 million CBS. rr 111 .............. ,,2 ........... lllM4 ~ S lliG1§ij•Xull616S4 msf~~' ) S FOi f\#\1 I Ylllt 1f IRI~ AIMNoGJll PCllJI,, ---STAATS roioRRow-;;.--:; ! . IMA COITA•U -loAlnn lllM Plan UAc-Ns Ointdomt S29 S339 S•O OS94 1134 25S3 COITA •IA ll TOM .... [dwllOSc-N Etwinl$ ~--Slact.um Drl\lt In ee.... 919•1" sa1 5aeo 639 8110 The story of a boy s~~nly alone in the world. ... , .... ". £.,_ards CrlelN Wnl HI 3935 NO-· ACCtl'1IO _l,..IJOOMIOIOn The men who challe nge him. And the girl who helps him become a man. •,• ' .. lr-::-11-~-"11 ... LOV~ <.:HILD' WILL LEAVE YOU AGLOW WIT H ITS Ul.TIMATE <.:EL£8 RATION OP LIFE ANJ) DAZZL~t> liY T HE BIRTH OF A RADIANT NEW ~R." -C:uy Flatk•y, COSMtWOl ITAN . .LOVE · CHILD A TRUE STORY • 'LCMOilUY ' A PAIJL'MASLANSKY PROOUC'Tn'/A LARRY PEERCE FILM AMY MADICAN • M.'£.'KOOIE PHILLIPS and 8EAlJ BRJOOES Or11uw MUllC h1 CHARLES FOX Scrttnpby by ANNE GERARD and KAMRJNE SPECXroR . ' Stcxy by ANNE ~RD • Pr~lictd by PAUL MASLANSKY INected by LARRY PEER~ j~ ...... ~w...·~1oi001.J'Mlll •·l-'00~~ ........... -... ~ ....... rar-::--•::I ·-· --...... o l~·l"'l:.l:~l'm""J fiM~ Local events in the Daily Pilat ,. ........... WICUlyFmy." -ad\111'8 - .... L" •• I ,...,._Lg c..l" -Goiyf...,~· ~ ..... ,.~._..... ... ........-. .!~~~ IXCLUSIVI AOIMINT --' .. _.' ,~,~ Watch Younelf Orange Oounty! Join •tcolePilrce ud .. SllUbJ for a look nnen. nnb, and •appa•na• A uique wllldy UflltJlt _. TONIGHT • 8:30 • XOCE I 80 POBLJC!l.LOUlcmPOB ••-OOUatt ..,..........,.. ... , ... our entertainers format has caught the attention and the listening habits of more Southern Californians than ever before. Dominic covers the early morning hours from 6·10 AM. Madelaine Vlasic captivates midday listeners from 10 to 4 when Jason Williams winds down the day from 4 to 10 PM. We call it the ·Home of the Entertainers~ everyone else calls tt terrific r~dio KNOB programming. . Radio's HottestI>isawery. ~­... ._ ... "_ ,..... .. THt: 1·.\~IL\' CIRC'l'8 by 8 11 Keane '~'ve got on itchy trigger finger. ·1 touched some ' poison ivy." ""R"ADl'IKE by Brad Anderson ,/ "You don't tell Marmaduke to roll over when he's in the car. HE 5AID THAT DENNIS SHOULDN'T ~E ALONE AT A TIME Lll"IE THl5• O'ARFll&.O'S L.AW: CATS ARE NATURA LL V ATTRACTED TO ONLV ONE TVPE OF ~UMAN BE.ING-... u . ' Beauty Af-lor 59 USSR lake 62 Fiia! 64 Mlstlkt 6SletRt' 2wordt 67 Trect "'91'11. • .... llP 21 -MMlon IO Nlltef a2 UfllltlODl9d 330. 34 AMl!lft 31~ MAutol*t JIC#*lll& •1 _...,. ..... d!'V 43Mlrqujldl ' au; fil:ORGl: by Vtrg 1I Partch (VIP) 11 • II "Wtll ·· any sign of olvlllzatlon?" • MV STOhW:H WAS TALKING IN MY SlfEP. '' ... by Harold le Dowe MEANWHILE THE~'S NO NEEO FOR YOU TO CALL A CA6, TONY1 TAKE 0UP. SPENCER ,..___ __ FARMS STATION ~AGON• T~E iYPE WHO 15 ALLERGIC TO CATS Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, Nov.mbtr 11, 1982 PE"~l'TI DO '(OV THINK IT's P05519t.E TMAT l'M VOVll FAVOfUTE PERSON IN • TME WHOLE WIDE WORLD? THAT KID NEXT DOOR HA5 AN AWFUL CRU5H HE'S FIXING Hl5 FENCE TODAY-- HE SHOULD BE DON E BY NOW • ON ME AN~ "f'HA"f'S 'THI! S1"0RY OF MY CSRANPPAPPY, Kl PS ... "f'HI! L.l!C:Ol!NPARY ·MISSISSIPPI SM"INK .' ·bY Charltl M. Schulz -------SVOl*LV l1M A STA.i'·Uf' COMIC HAHAHAHA by Gus Amola • ' a n y ' 1 i .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, November 11. 1HI 1111 1<-.1> \ \ 1:00 (2) (7) (4) ""'HIDINt "IAGAN •WI CONFl .. l!NC ... 1:05 (17) COLLEGE ,ooTaALL w .. 1 Virginie 11 Rutg&ll ...001•• NEWS CHAAUE'8 ANOELS The Angell lnllel11Qfll an .. aoddlnlll" lieelf9c:utlon et a 'hllltn ap1. • M•A•S'H ~. P.Oltlt II lokl 1h81 '\8W mlHlary money 11 befog lllU4ld In nopea or contus- ing Ille counterlellerw • OVEAEASY Gueat: Celldlce Bergen. Q • HUMANIT1E8 THAOUOH THE ARTS "PllotlflO. Visions Thtough lhlAget" i C88NEWS ABCNEWSQ NBC NEWS ID WHATS t6Y LINE ~MOVIE * * ~ "The Pu,,.,lt Of 0 8. Cooper" (19811 Tr .. I Wl- Mlll\I, Roblrl Dullell A Intel lkylac:llf I~ and parachll1 .. to safely ~ Oregon with • fortune In ltOlen l'llOMY· 'PG' 1:801 ALJCE OD< CAVETT Queal: Jont1th•n Miller • (Plf1 4)(RI G OAOWIHG YEARS "The Pretehool E.>lpefl- ~ .. l~MIUER WORLD~ PEOPLE VIDEO MAGAZlNE MOYIE **'~ "So F'lne" (19811 Ry1ln O'Neil, Jack War· den. A llulfy c:ollega PIO- ,_ 11vea n11 '•''""'' llounderlng Ol'lnlnl facto- ry by lnventJng • ,_ type of lldlM' jeana. 'R' 7:00 I C88 NEWS N8CNEWS HAPPV DAYS AGAIN Fonzt. lriel to nelp Joanie Ind Chac:hl pt•y Cupid lor an unlikely COUl)le. I ::..NEWSQ Burt Nekl Iha company of his _.etary alter finding Mery anCI lier prot.uor ~SCOMPANY Janet 111111 her Plftnll thlt ah• and J•cll ere mJOl(ER'I WllD BUBINESS MPOflf Cl) fl'.M. MAGAZINE di BfTBn'ANIEHT TONIGHT Alt lnltlMew with Mlctlael Warren. • OMHGE COUNTY TODAY (8) MONEY MATTERS Thia 1111..paoed docurnen- Wty offers _.,. to - mOfl9Y on teleprlOM 1>1111. • look 11 lag ..... end aome lnturlnce pointers. (D)MOYE •• ~ "OrM, He Slid" (19721 Wllllem Tepper, Keren Black. A lroublad young cottege 1tudent. at1M1pllng to r-'I matu- rity tnrough •n llllclt romance end ln\loNement In campus polltlcl. leaml (hat bllng nice Ind unin- vof\19d doean' I WOfll lf'IY· mor1. 'R' (%)MOYE ** "The Aral Time" (11168) Jacquellne Bluel. Wea Stem. 1::IO 8 2 OH THE TOWN Featw.a: ' photo -iori for Vogu• Magazln• teaturtng ~ Hem- lngw9y Ind Jule Newm8r; • hlltorlc crime tour of Loi , CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KNXT ICBSI 9 KNBC CNBCl • KTLA (Ind I .KABC (ABCI D kFMB ICBSI G KHJ·TV llnd I • KCST (ABC I • KTTV (Ind.I I • KCOP·T\I (Ind I 'e KCET IP851 e KOCE IPBSI RUFFElL 1S UPHOLl?H'f I ct I! .-s... lflJ HAJIOI ILYD. 0 l H c • ,, ( s ., • COSTA MllA-141-1 IN ~---------------------------------------do--~----WCIMM-----,,....--.. ~-.--------------------------------------------------.-~--.... --.-Of--,•n• .. •(•1t~7~3-) ______ "*' __ ..... _~llld~ .. ~~---~-. ... ~ .,.. jolf'9 tM "'~ tollOw-ftl. Jlmlll ,.oll•rt 011v1U, V•1n• ti• ...... WOfitY l'IOIM Vince Farragamo, quarterback of the Los Angele Rams, idled by the National f:ooaball League sLrike is-interv.iewed on Hin ide Orange County" tonigha at 8:30 on KOCE, Channel 50. Angelea. • ulute 10 the •rmed loroaa. I QIFAMILYF£UO l.AVEAHE & SHjAUY &COMPANY Spec:t11 brownlet •I 1 rock Q!_OUP'I perty C.UN en-. • EYEONLA. Featured: • report on punlll end hOw 90Ciety r11C11 to them; • trip to I club IOI lernout redhMdl; an lnterYlew wltn radio penonelitlM Lohman Ind Blrtcley. Iii MADAME'S Pl.ACE Th• network pretldent insll11 that Madlme hh 1 ,_ announcer ~~S'H Whit\ Henry Bl•k• II 1ran1lerr1d to Tokyo. H•wlll'ie launches • wlld ~to get him back. ·~~~ REPORT Cl) WILD AMENCA "llme Of Th41 Grizzly" Many Sloufter ·~ the Ille. hlS1ory. and hat>i· l•t or 1ne grtz:zly beef. 9 YOU ASKED FOR IT Featuted. "Hang Glldlng lhrOUgh An A¥ailnche" Ind ''The Barber wno Ptlntt With Humen Heir." 6D MOVIE • • "Castle Of Evil" (lHCll Scott Brady, Virgin- ia Mayo. S-11 nelra errllll 11· an .-le lsllnd cattle to ,_ the reading of IWlll. CID IN9C>E lME NFL TM latMCcW> aiopmenll In the NFL llrlke llfl exa- mined. CJ)~ Get In lhlpe, IOOll ~. Ind feel e>r•I with thll ph'fllC" ""-program. l:OO • Cl) .......... p .1. An IPC)lr9ntly ,,.. fene. Ing acddenl putt Hlggln1 In jaJI for murder Ind Meg- num on the lral o4 the rMI kltllr. D CllFNllE A bllnd vocal cotc:h 8119*' 10 Ille 8dlool lntplree the students. but lllienatea tome or Iha lac. ufty members. 8 MOYIE *** "Car With" (19711 Rlehard Pryor, George Cerlln. The CIU'/, mixed· up, dtlly routine of • deluxe l.09 AAglM8 Cl( ...,, .. lnterruptld by ..... .,., unulUll eu11--. 8 9 JOoWE LOVES CHACHt Joenle and Chichi lur• • men they b9ltaw to 119 Paul McCartney lo 1 wel· ld\19rt1Md bind rlMaf'lll. D MOYIE ··~''Whal'• New Pusly- Clt?" (11165) Petet Sellln. Paler O'Toote. A confuNd yaung man leek• help from en e¥en more ~ peydli91rilt . • P.M. MAGAZINE On T\I Z T\I HBO IC1t1em<l•I (WOAI NV ,N Y IWTBSl <ESPN) (Showt1mc1 S9oth9ht (Cable New~ Networ• I Thi •ulhor of "Thin Thigh• 1n 30 01ya" gl¥M reducing t1p1; a man wtio Uvea Ilka a .,., .... • MOVIE • * ~ "Sprlnglleld Rine" ( 1952) Gary Cooper. Phyllis Thia I er. Afltr bllng COU<l·mar1ialed, • lormer olflc« doM undercover work for Ille go\141fnment. • u.a. CffRONICl.E "And Baby Miilea Two" A report Is pr-tad on Ille growing number of alr9a lduh women In th41 United St•t• whO .,. dlddlnQ to hlw children and tne tmoec1 of their dedllorl on themtafY91, their Ctlltclr9n and aoclety flD 8NEN( PflEVIEW8 Neel G8bler and Jeffrey Lyona review "Jimmy, Thi Kid" and "Tiie ~." (C)MOVIE * * Y. "The Pwty" ( 1IMMll Peter Se11«1, Cleudlne Longet. A mlechle11ou1 lndlln actor CfMtM Utllt ~ when lie Cf--. eoc:lll plfly. (S) FMNK SINATRA "Conc:ilrt For The Amerl· ca" Orummet Buddy Rich joint Slnltra In • COflC*1 11 Ille Altoe De Chl¥On Amphllh••lre In the Domtnan RIPubllc. DMOYE * * y, "The 6ur¥1¥or·· ( 1 tM1 1 I Robert Powell, Jen- ny AC1'11t•. A pilot eurvtvea a catutroe>hic 14 7 c:<llh 11nac:rllc:hed Ind -cMI for the men r~ 1:80 8 0 STAR°' THE FNA.Y Wiien Douggll t• for one of hll IMChera, lhe lumt out to 119 the ..,.. Pfelty dl¥0f'C.. Buddy bring• hOme from• llt'Qllil l>W (!) CHANJFI AHOll.8 ~ "*-l'ddlng Sebrina '-!age~ Kiiiy and Krta 10 hCMKll to rlltrieYe • fortune In "olan diamondl. • 80 YOO THN< YOU GOT TROU8lES • 8NIN< PREVIEWS Neal Glt>llr and Jeffrey Lyons r.-. ''Jimmy, Thi Kid" and "The~." ID IN8IOE OAAHOE COUNTY F•tured: en lntenllew wtth Loe AAglM8 Ran'9 quirt· erl>ICk Vinci Fen'egarno; Ille Orenga COunty YOllth Sympflony: the Handl-Alda 110te In Sant.a Ana fOf the handlclC>Ped. ®MOYIE • • • "Gho11 Story" (1H11 Fred A.11aire, John Ho11Mm1n. My1terlou1 deelhl beglrl to decimate Iha rankl of I arnell drcll of elderly men ""'° lhlre t>ottt a monthly ltOfY'ellng gat-tC>g91hlr and • 50- S'~et. 'R' .... 'A "Camel l(nowl- adga" (19711 Jack Nldlol-'°"· Ann·Margret. Two COiiege frtandl ll*ICI -- .... ,.... befOf'I end "'" gredllltlon ~ ... by llharlng and IWll"""9 aac;11 oti.r'e glftttlencl1. 'R' (%)MOYE *** "Rlcn And Famoua" (1981) CendM» Bergen, Jacquelln• 8111•1. T)lrougtloul Ille up8 and dowM of '""' reapectlw lite rary c.,••r• and romantic 11\!ee, twO women depend on their frlendlhlc> for....,.., ..... t:OO • Cl) MOYIE * * •'h "Prlvate lenja-mln" ( tMOI OOldle .._,, Eiieen Brennan. A well-to- "'9 uw daelll OI '* new I U r.r'I lloOm, A ,.... VCH'k City .,. ~hi. ~ on 111e11 Mddlne cop ..,.. 1 -~ Cll • •~ "Tiie Mlt1or '!!II" ~ ~. orllN Ord'd" ('990) llil~ ··~ ~ ~~~~ Norl'll lllrowt I toOa l>tlllY 1:00. (I) 09e N1W9 Oii I M0tY ~ Atliltll 11 Cl!Mf1 10 -" PQ1n11 K.J l,J W> U:OO "Whnl'H Nt.>w PwiMycul'!" NICIHTWATCH Cfwtllll. A W!""f! Mlltdaf w1tt111i1~1>0M Pf>lt•r St•llt•ni and Pt•tt•r O'Tooll• coswr in • NIWt 11woMnt ,..,.. ~ • 9 TOO Ct.OM'°" (0) MOYll ""' ..,._ .,._. In an ()C)Mfl()fn' 1Uti5 mt1Vlt· nboul u <.'OnfuiM.'<! young man'1 •• • "lntlff Mo.,,••" ,~.._.·..a· 111e 11111t11 ~ I• H<.'<.•king h('lp from un cv<.•n mort• contu11l'<.I 11NO)Jot1118•"'•·Devld l.1IO (C)•••"UMMeOr 111rown Into llll'moll wt11n • psyt·hlatrisl. M0tN ,. n•OIN' 10 111e •• ~ Me" (185&1 0or11 ...... mo4hlr ..._ '* IJ'OllP Of ,.,..,, II an 09¥, ...,,_ CtOM'f A own belly Ind ,_. .. lltU. Oaklend Mr mey flOld the mooteer merrlel t,. *'09f Andf9W KNXT {2) 9:00 "Prtvuh~ Benjamin." key to"'"''"",,. bitten• 11e mlCN tamou1. but • MlfW CWWfllN Goldlt• 11u w n and Eill•cn Brennon an• d4"'• e1r11111 oe beCOlftinO • 11eaor .... nraoea wNti he ~II' l_. a..ctln\an, PIO l>Ual..W pM1yet a can't c:on\(ol llef. Morgan Fa1rct11c1, Jolin foaturt'd In movit-' of a wcll-1.c.>-do young ,..,.,,•PO' t:10cal••Y.''llllndllnT,. ~. 1Nbella ~ wornan who mhnakenly joins the Army t:1o(t)MCM1 S•r-•'111~11c Nlllnl.~. • followtng the dcuth o f ,h er new husband. ••'.t ''The Biby M#ff" Scot•. Cl4lllT • ~ • THIGOlOINAOIOf (11721 Bllbllfl Herlflly, on the no...el by ErNtl TIUVtllON Sam Ol'oom. A ~ ...... ~. M llOlalld "Mwty" AoC1 ·~ and KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Slrcel Blues." ~ 1trenga 1or • "... .,.. i.1oroac1 tor...,... rii. Nancy Mllfcllana 11" In • Chief Daniels asks Furillo to betray an old '91rllad Qlfl lo 1>e1r "*"" • hldcMn ~ wNti hll ~~:~= Crlend, and Coffoy deals with a disturbed 1;10CI)~ :,::,0~·~~1--•on• • homatt tMchlf wno ,... Vietnam veteran who has taken eight '\ .... ..T•ue 4P"'nin9" 1:00(!) ••• "c.ptJilnJanu- 1n1ovew11h1p111np1 h '" J 'c 1ee11 CMIWnO ~. W'(' (19M) lfW1ey T-. •....... T··-· os ... gcs. ,,.._ .,........__ ........ -~ Meur_, McCormldl. A pl9, ._., ........... A ,.._ THIATM boY'• wMllend lluntlnQ trip girt 11rW101 ~ Ind ''To Serve Them All My with 1118 falfllr turne Into an ~ lo a IOMtV llghlllOull Ortt'1' Cllallenoad by hi• r-?:snit 1,__ ~·-· Initiation Into IMMOod. 'R' U.C--. taach no end c:on1an1'"111a llP9M'lllOll of I011r high mu-"' .. _.,.. 2:30 I~· Cl) •••Y. .. ,,_. a.pnen1 m81rlage lo Beth and their ' ecnool lludent1, 511¥1 • the W11tern badl1nC11. ....,...15 .. ., .. (1MO) John Hun, lwln dtugllterl, David 11 b1com11 an unwitting 'PO' • * •~ "Fa., StrlllH Anthon)' Hoplllna. A dedl· glWtl hit lht ptomotlor). "11udenl'.' of • 11)8'\lllly 12:JOD"Ql l.A~HIGHTW1TH out" (1957) Anthon)' Pet· cated phy•lclan t•llH ~111 5) 0 ,........ ~ IMdlef. DAVID LETUAMAH , • kine, Karl Malelen Bo.ton undtt hit ~ • h«ribly tD 10LO.,...... ...... REPORT Guett1: ~ Griffin. punk Fled So• ·~ Jimmy deloflMCI man w110M 1He Tlir• Mitt patlente eqm• oopTOA IN TH! rock mu1lcla.n • C1p11tn Plerlllf eutt.r• a nervoua • wnt• thin had .,_. epent IM IMW llllludM Inf~ HOUSE Baefhearl. t>'rHkdown wh1n hit In c:tlMP ffMll adllblttona: • new ~gery llCMlque. Mlchael 91)endl • quiet • COUPLf.8 l•lhlf'I driving lnlluenc:4I 'PO' t:ao D Cit TAXI day. (f) TOM COTIL.£: Uf' end the Pf_... of 111g J: 11 (%) • ••'A "carnal Alb Ilk .. I MCond job CB)MOVtE CLOSE league blMball get the Knowledge'' (11711 Jack worklnQ 11 • part-lime ••'A "Tne Formula" Gl>Mt. John AnderlOll belltt 01 him. Nlcholton, Ann--Margret ~on 8roadWay. ( IHO) Marlon Br•ndo. • LOVE,~ CZ> MOYIE Two oollegl frtendl epend •9 ITTAKUTWO G«>tga C. Scott. Wlllie ITYLE •• "The Flrtl Time" _.. yMrS before Ind 1 Ll11'1 111ndeome bllnd ln11Mllg•llno the murdlf or "L0\19 And The New1C11s-(t9e9) Jacquellne BllNt, alter Gf*lulUon dlacoY«· d•I• 1weap1 hlf off her a coflllgue, a veteran Cl09 ter1" Two 1ma11-.town w .. St"n. 1ng Ille bV lhlflno Ind feet, unllt en. IMrlll hit uncover• • conaplracy newtea1tar1 Ille lor poll-2140 ® tN9aoE THE NfL -"Chino-=" olhlf'• girl- true lntenllona. lnYOMng the tupC><Wion tlon when lhey learn thet Tha 111,11 de\lk>pmentl In "1endl. ·w (!) MOVIE of • tYnlh4111c lull fOtmula tlley .,. being rated. the NFL atrlk• .,. pa. 7::IO ....... "The Cet AnCI **'A "The Mtc1han1" ~~rtel. 'R' ca>MOVIE Tiie ,.. _ _, .. (t9391 Bob (1971) JllMI Art-a. E¥• (1)..., .. ,.. •• "Penelope" (1971) a:OOW~HUNT Hope~,.;:_.. Goddard. Marie Saint. A legendary * * * "Southern Com-Anna Bergman, George 1:30 e MOYE In order to collec:t lhelt rnounllin llCOUt lead• hil for1" (UMl1) Keith Carra-Murcall Two men attempt -•• "~ery Of Tha Inheritance, 1 !amity must t>rothlf'• lamlly from pre-dine, P~• Boothe. A to Hve lhe •~lrll Whit• Room" (l9G9) Bruce 8C*'d the night 1n •ti.uni· CMI War Vl<glnle -·· l>'OllP of National ~ds-..,.,. ol I decadent l•ml-Cebot. Joan Woodbury. A ed llOWe. -d Into Ille American min on wHkend ~ MKgaon Is "1Y9ll(loualy l:OO (C)••• "l\leGreet ln>ntlaf. m--. In• Loulllana l2:86(C)MOYE murdered during th• Mu9PeC Cape<'' (IHI) eTHOeEWEAETHE bayOu ll*k I emall GU«-**'A "Th• Intruder" court1 or an oper•tlon Cllllflel Grodin. Olene DAVI rllll -with a community (1991) Wlnlam Sh•lner, 111., ;>«forming. Rigg. Raponer'I Kermit, 10:00 8 QI HtU. STAEET of beckwoodl C1junl. 'R' FrlM Maxwell. Thi pied· (!) ~ 20 Forzle and Gonzo 11-8 BlUE.I 11:ao 8 Cl) QUNCY dlty of • Sout'*'n town Is 0 _,.,,,.. fabllloul .. °"" ....., to Qllef o.ilWI Mk• FurM6o TM mystarious diNppelr· dllturbed by the arm" ot **~"True COnte9alon•" London. ·o· to betray an old friend, Ind ance of I body IMdl IO I ltrlfl9" who l°"*1tl ( 1H 11 Rober1 De Niro, 1:311 <DJ * * * "The l.Ntniog eott.y ae• with a di•· 1CCU11llon1 lh•t Quincy recill unreal. Roberl Duvall. The usually Tree" (19") Kyte Johnton, turbed Vletnllm vet«an llal l1bricat.O I crime. (RI 12:.0. Cl) MOClOUO aeparele wor1d• of two A1e1i a.tie. A l>lac:ll t_,. wtio 1111 taken eight i--8 QI TONOHT McCbic1 Is llliOllld to t>rothlfe, 1 Loe Angelea agar """' about Ille wt111e 1 . Hoit: Jollnny Careon. Pf°'ec1 • wellthy COfll«• police detectl¥e and an IMng In ~ during the Ge a NEWS Guell: Martin ~uff. lion head from 1· hired 1mbltlqu1 Ramin Catholie 1820s. 9 20 ,. •Ill MC NEWS klllaf. (R) ptlMt, c:onverga during a t:OO. * * "Hen To Hold" IYMPOllUM ON NICIHTUNE 12:IO ())MOYIE I • * • .. ........., .. _~ .. ( 1 ... 11 mutder tnv.tlgltlon. 'R' ( 1M31 Oelnna Ourb n. AO!NTOAAMM! YOUASl<mFOerT """"".,._., .,., J;.OQlltitOYIE Joeaptt Cotten. A gift In In obl«vanc. of Veteran• F ... wed: "Hang Gliding John SaJcon, EkK1 Young. fl * * • .. Gnoa1 Story" -love wfth an AJrForce"lllffl--t--..,;.;..,. Dey, • 1>11* dlllCUllion 19 Tllfough An A¥111anche" pair of !>Ob oftlcer• he¥9 (19111 Fred Aatalre. John e« finds ·that true 10\le ,,,_lld on Ille eftec:I• OI and "Tha Barber Wno lhllr hinds lull when they Hou11m1n. My1terlou1 doean't 1Jw•y1 run the dlfolilnl Agent Orange Palnll Wlttl HwMn Hiit." ln-'lglll the ceuM of delthl begin to deamlta emoothly. on ttioea expc>Md to It dur· e THE JEFFEA80NI l>elc:hgoers being euclled tne rankl or 1 1m111 clfcM ® * • "lea CMlllS" Ing their Mfvloa In Viet· George gett c•ugnt Into thl Hnd, ,_to be 01 llClerly men who ltlar• (l919) Lynn-Holly Jahn· nam. betWMn hll morlll and hit -eo•ln. 'R' both , monthly 11ory1e111ng ton, Robby a.neon. A • OOY88EY money 1:00. MOVIE get-together Ind 1 50-prom181ng YoUflQ figur• "Bltll Wat•1" Arc:Neolo-• Alff°' 8ENO * * * "A Foreign Affalt" yew-old IK'et. 'R' IOI« and her boytrlanCI gls11. ang"-11 Ind 01010-~ ( 19481 _,_., Arthur· John 4:00 (f} TOP O' THE find IUddar\ IUCCllll hlrd gltll UCl¥11• Ille hot "Tiie Angullh Of Abr•· Lund. an. member of • MORNNO lo cope with when 8he .. 8Pflnga epi In Bath, EnfJ-him" c:ommltt• ""' lo check CD) MOVIE 0-to train for e pr• lanCI, to !Mm abou1 the e ,..l.ATEMOKT on 11009 morlll In post-**'A "T8ttoo" (1Ht) Olymplccornpetltlon. Romani who built Ille Hoel: Dennll Wholey. Wofld Wlf II Germany f8lll Brucl Dem, ~ AO-. • * * * "511¥9r Str-*" belhs 2,000 Y9l'I ego. (R) · 1100 Cl.U8 In loYe. An ot>....a tattoo ertlll ( 197Cll Gene Wiider, Jiii i 12:00 ENTERTAIMiotEHT 8 MOVIE kldn1p1 1 tuhion modal Cl1yb11rgh. A mlld· TMEVIAOIHIAN TOMGHT * ·~ .. Thi CrHplng and pr0<:4lldl to -hit manneted book editor C11y Grllnger hlrea tllf• An Interview with Mlehlel Allll" (19721 Chrialopner body with his hlndlWOtll eccldent•lly b•com11 con\llc11 II Shiloh Ranch In Warren. L... Petet CUahlng. Two 'R' Involved In • linlstw .,, 1 dlfl9"oua upenment I~ LAST WOAD dlabollcel ldlnlhll·l>rottt-Cl) FAACT\JAED llllef'• bilarra plot during 1 for • proooaed perole pro--.. ... ~ •• c:ompate to c:<llt• • FUCUM a-.-try train no.. ~ .--••~ "Wulherlng IMng '*"I trOl'll I...... (%)MOVtE 'PO' u;J..., .. _ Hllght1" (1970) Anna ton. **'A ''Trouble In Pare-<%>••• "long"90. • • * .. The Four Hor98-Celder-Marlhllll. llrnothy C!> MOYIE dlM'' (1932) Herbin .._. Tomorroww (19711 Nenett• """' Of TM Apoc:alypM" o.tton. 8IMd on the tlory **** "Palhl Of Glofy" lhlll, Mlflern Hot>klnl. A Newman. Malcolm ( 1M2) Glenn Ford, L• J. by fmly ~ont•. A rich ( 1957) Ktnc Douglal, ~ pelr of ....... conllnullly Mc:OoMll. A former ..... Co«» Wofld War ti PIO. young woman loruk• Ille ,. Meaker. Owing WOtld War nA'I Into aacn other wt11e "'*" flllll In tow wtch cklOlll dlnerlng IOylltile love of a ...nnt 10 m11ry I, an officer orden hit men ~ tlMI glObe lnOCher peiient al • COIWa- ~ the meml>enl of • • eocial equal. on • lllidde mlulon •• 4:05 CC) MOYIE '-*It home after he II German family. (.!) ~ V•dun Ind then allempta *·~ .. The PuflUll Of OJI. dlublld In• IOClCel' o-ne. Cl)AHEWDAY .. EDEN • _,.,,,.. to conceal hll lolly by Coopet" (1M1) Trwt WI-t=-8 **~"CopeAnd /( ~ famlty turM. • •• "Thi Clod!" (UM51 derr.andl119 IM exec:utlon """'· AoOetl °"'91. A ...,..,. .. (1913) Cliff Gor· smell town Into e model Judy 0.,ltnd, Rob1rt or tlnil IOktterw by wtlOn'I tlllef llky~a 1 p1a1w and mM, Joe Bologna. Two rejull9n•llon project. (Part Wiik•. A 111to1' _,Chai he ,.... tlnllaned. paractlulea to 111ety ~ lonl>-tlme POllOlmen true-~ • .--bnelcally for • young gtr1 • MOYIE Oregon with a lortune In !riled wltll low pay lor • ..,.,,,.. lie "'91 and ... In toYe with * * "Tiie Deaer'l Song" atolen money 'PO' unr~ wortc deddl ** "The Anal Confllct" during I chance IMlllng (1953) Kattwyn Grayson, 4:301 lll'Y 10 ..... 111 m111on anC1 (1HO s.m Neill, Aoeaano wtllle he wu on an eight· Gordon Mac:Rea. A prolel-UJ.W1NKLE r•lre. Brazzi. In the third pert of hOur ..._ llO( IMdl • double .... Mll8IOH: 10:00 CC) •••• "Shoe Shine" "The Omen" trtlogy. young • lOYE. MiEICAN wMl'I he I~ 1 l>'CIUP lllPOll•LE (IM1) RirMlldo Smordonl, Demien, the «nbodlment STVlE lo upoea an e¥I Nab The IMF turns ltlllf Into a Frenc:o ll1tett111QN. lWo of the Anllotwlll, .. now an "LO¥e And The HOUM leader. -vlcal twn IO oc>«•ll ~llMd youthe ..,,.. adlAt Ind a tnmed IClvleor 8echelor" Don'• b11t ((I INTIRTAIHMENT on 1 tyranntc:al ruler. Ing to purcflMe 1 llorM 1n to Ille Pfelldenl of tlMI U.S. friend IOV9 Joyce'• cook-TONIGHT Cl) MOVE poetww Italy get mlll«t up 'R' l!!Q. MOYIE Ari Int~ wltn MlchMI • • * "The Runner Stum-wit'\ w.e¥Ory Chlracter'I 10:30 :r=r ~·.t "Prltloner Of War" ®~ ~~: K(~::, ~~ =·ar· wit lo. reforma-(11)~.JUKQOX (1154) Aonlld ~n. **\II "Foolin' Around" ~~hollc: priMI II trild ror <B) **'A "Any Which Way CD)....,..,"" 0..., tMr11n. TWo POW• ( 1HO) Gary 8uHy. thl murder of • """ .... You Can" (IMO) Clint **~ "Tettoo" (1H1) trom the United Stat• AMette O'looie. A l\INe wnom he hid beet! -EMtwoocl. Sondra l.oc:ke. BNce o.m, Maud AdlfTll.. cont!n1i9 Int..,._ worll country boY trill 10 win • peeled of helllllg an lffllr. e.fof'I aetttlnQ down with An obeWld tettoo artllt wlllle ~19 to haW be•utlful, aophlltlcated 'PG' 1111 gift anCI Pel Otanguten. kldnapa • taahlon model aacaed wndaf c:ommun111 college coad IWtY "°"' f'rfdalf'• a -.fllled tight•"""' and prooeada to ~ her ~m.tJon. hit enobbllll llanca and llP for one llet, lucrllhe body with hll hlndlwori\. 11:11(J)MOY1E her equally uppity famlty. Dayll•~ Mel'IL'• IMtetl.'PO' 'R' •• * "Bite Thi Bullet" 'PG' Cl)*** "Imitation Oen- Cl)M>MAHCE: TaTOf , (1175) a.n. HllCklMtl, t:308CllN8CNEWI 1:30•*** "Stranger In The •"" (1958) Glenn Ford, LOW Clndlce Bergan. A ffontler OWIMGHT Houle" (1975) Keir Dulel. A4ld Bllnona. (Plrt 21 -.iaper eponaor1 a 0 MOYIE OIMa ~ A peydloClo CfJ.~'Th• Mirror JOHN DARLI G by Annatrong a Batluk Cradt'd" (1N0) E.llubetll Taylor. Kim No\1111 Bllld on 1 11ory by Agatha Clvtl41a. A strange rllUf'der lrwof\llno rlllel Hollywood .. .,. tall• pt-. In en 11:00•~ n ·oo• NIW8 • IAT\IN)AY MGHT Hoit: •ch.,d Pryor. ~:~Heron. ... leN04"' ... "TtdllW-" I THAT QUIZ IHOW 8TMRTI cw..-.. ~ While tnwat , ... cb- lllllJ Plllt THURSDAY, NOV. 11, 1982 FOR THE RECORD • C4 I ( . ' . . ~ Santa Cruz-SO giving Merlin som e trouble. C3. McNamara used .to high .expect~~i~ns New Aii.gel manager s~ys he.'s looking fol-ward. to la.tes i challenge By JOHN SEV ANO Of .. CMIJ,....llaft If nothing else about John McNamara's press conference at Anaheim Stadium Wednesday was lmpressive, hia entQU~e certainly was. Flanked by Angels Ownet Gene Autry, • Genera l Manager Buzzle Bavasl and longtime friend Reggie Jackson, the Angels' newest skipper was Introduced and immediately procll>lmed he was lose to Milwaukee In the American League playoffs, McNamara is faced .with the prospect of not only duplicating the feat m 1983 but exet..'Cdlng it as well. "When I went to Oakland, San Dlego and Cincinnati, we were expected to win there, too," McNamara explained. "This situation Isn't any different." answer any particulars now because I haven't been around the ball club. "All I know Is that if Reggie hits his 3~-to~47 home runs, we'll be all right." Jackson just smiled. Years earlier, when Jackson and McNamara Were bouncing around the minor leagues together, McNamara took the younger Jackson under his wing -protecting him, advising him and refusing to eat at restaura'1ts in report untU April 3. I think I hit .237 for the aeuon and drove in only 66 runs and John sot fired. I figure 1 owe him one." McNamara met with hi.I coachlfli staff (he retained Gene Mauch'• selection. for t he 1983 season), Bavaal, Vice-Presiden t and Chief Administrative Officer Mike Port and others within tl'ie organJzation Tuesday to dilc\a8I ~nonnel. McNamara, who has been on the job less than glad to be home. , · ~ 10 days and had been in Anaheim for only a coupJe, was unable to · provide any insight as to what the Angels' needs were or how he was going to guide ttfem. . the south that wouldn.'t serve the youne black ball .· Admittedly, 'he loaa of Don Baylor lhfOUgh free agency hurt the club, but the Anaels aelected desjgnated-hitter Hal McRae from JCar\aas City, fleet-footed outfielder Omar Moreno from Pittsburgh and pitcher• Terry Forster of the Dodgers, Pete Falcone of the New York Meta an,:I Bob McClure of Milwaukee In Wedne9day'1 draft to help shore up some deficiencies. "l feel like I'm coming back hbme." said the distinguished, low-key, grey-haired Sacramento native. "I'm looking forward to this challenge." A challenge, indeed, is what faces McNamara, who previousfy managed at Oakland, San Diego and, most recently, Cincinnati. McNamara, explaininK_ he had a lot of homework yet to do, said he was familiar with the names ... but little else. "When 1 was watching the (American League) player. · · • · , After a season in which the Angels won more games than any other team in club history only to playoffs. I.didn't think I'd be standing here today," McNamara offered. "It's truly difficult for m~ to Jackson remembers McNamara's kindness. "When I heard they were talking about a managerial change and John's name came up, 1 got excited," Jackson admitted. "I remember when he came to Oakland (in 1970), I promised I'd help keep him there. "That year I held out, though. and didn't "We're going to make an attempt to sign all oi (See McNAMARA, Page C4) \ CMlr ............. _,.,, ....... Pitchers ·' doIDinate draft NEW YORK (AP) -Steve Kemp. 4ohn Lowenstein and F l oyd Bannister had been assigned th e rank of "A" - which is as high a ranking a free agent can ge,t~-But after 25 rounds of re-entry draft Wednesday, only Bannister emerged from that group with a four-star rating u baaeball'a brass threw away rank and went after pitching, pitching and more pitching. , . T he 27-year-old Bannister. American League str ikeout leader, was choeen by 16 of 21 teams eligible to pick A-type free agents, but none of the next five ,.. . ' rbost popular players was ranked either A or B. And four of them were pitchers. Ten of the teams that picked Bannister did so in the tint round . Terry Forster, Los Angeles Dodgen lefty reliever, also was chosen by 16 team., al though by none any •sooner than the second round. John McNamara, the An gels' n ewest m a nager , conte mpla tes .the fu.ture o f AL W est champs. Following Forster were left- h and er Bob Shirley of Cindnnati. 12 teams; left-hander Bob McClure of Milwaukee, 11 teams, and lefty reliever Tom Burgmeier of Boaton and flrst bueman Steve Garvey of i.o. Angeles, nine teama eaich. Kemp, a Chicago White Sox outfielder, and Lowen stein, Baltimore's designated hitter- o u tf le l der, received o n ly moderate interest, despite aome pretty lmp_ressive atatistica. Kemp, picked by eight teams, drove in 98 runs with 19 homers and a .286 batting average: while Lowenstein. choeen by six clubs, hit .320 with 24 homers and 66 RBI. Did Angels really try for Baylor? From AP dilpatcbes Former Angels' designated hitter Don Baylor wonders whether the American· League baseball c lub ever had any intention of signing him to a new contract when hJ5 six-year pact ended this year. The Angels drafted designated hltter Hal McRae in the free agent draft but did not retain negotiating rights to Baylor, who was &elected by the New York Yankees, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Texas, H<;>uston and Pittsburgh. "l was hoping It wouldn't come to this," he said Wednesday. "I was hoping to end my career wjth the Angela.,l wasn't t}{inking of anything else. I didn't want to go through free agency again. 'That'a why I had uked for a three-year extension after my MVP aeuon:• ~ Baylor Mid he was told then that •xten•lona wer& agai\nst AnaJela' policy and that his price WM too high. "In the 2 ~ years llnce I aaked for that extenlien tM:, extended &he contrecta of aewra1 playen and 1l1ned MVeral othera for 11Mre than 1'hat I wanted then and what I want now ,'' he said. Jn &helix ymn --he Maned . -• f.Ne llll't ,_ t l.6 million wi&h the~ B!aJlor averaaed 23 holaen m1d 81 RBI .. IMIDll. After hitt1n1 14 homers and clrivlna tn 83 ru• In 1982 he Mked for N million over five 1ean. The Ana•l• "'portedl1 t-1_...v to.Ow,_,. •"•Millierir dkln't ...-a counter- untll 10 daya "°'" he .,,.., didn't ~ ....... time to hammer out • ~· Youhawto"a1ader If .., hlld ., .... llNndon to llfp me at all,' he ... ct. • Plenty · at stake tonight f <!r CdM, Sailors Winner will h ave something to brag a bout, including a ber th in CIF playoffs By ROGER CARLSON -.,, "' tt. o.lly .... Stalt Titles, playoff berths and bragging rights are at stake tonight in high 8Chool football with kickoff set for 7:30 in each of five games involving Daily Pilot area high school football teams with this, the Cinal week of the regular season .. here. Here's a capsule look al tonight'• schedule: · CdM vs. Newport Harbor The 20th renewal of this 11eries unfolds with the Sailors of Newport holding a 15-4 advantage. lt'1 two tailback-oriented ground attacks clashing with Newport's Steve Bruu pitted against Corona del Mar's Lance Martin. The winner is guaranteed a berth in the CIF Central Conference playoffs, in addition to a year's braggJng righta in this Sea View League • finale'. Cd M's freshmen (8-0-1) meet the Sailors at 4:30. Ifs on the Newport Harbor campus. Ocean View va. Edison F.dison can clinch its fifth straight Sunset League championship and enter the ClF Big Five Conference playoffs next week as the league's No. 1 entry with a victory. An Ocean View victory, combined with Fountain Valley and Westminster victories Friday, would leave four teams tied for third place. requiring a coin flip lo determine No. 3 from the league. The quarterback matchup is Edison's Jon Nowotny and Ocean View's Chad Pariseau. It's at Orange Coast College. Mater Del va. Servlte F.ach is 4-0 In Angelus League play and a sellout is expected at Santa Ana Bowl, where Servite's passing game (quarterback Steve Beuerlein) is~ by the Monarch's se<.'Ondary. Mater Dei bas a standout passer, too, in Roger Reynoso. Mater Del holds a 12-8·1 edge ln this series, which began in 1961. University va. l rvlDe It's the ground assault of Irvine's winged-T (Johnny Salinas has rushed for 983 yards on 151 carries and 6 T.Ds) against University's reputation for stopping the run. Each ls 2-4 in Sea View League play. Mike Zorn Is Irvine's passing weapon, University counters with Will Wat.9on. Diamond Bar vs. Lagaaa HUia In the only non-league game in Orange County. Laguna Hills hosts first-year Diamond Bar at Mission Viejo. Laguna Hills (3-3 in ll)e South Coast League) hopes to be tuning up for the CIF Southern Conference playoffs, provided the Hawks get a hand from Laguna Beach Friday against Woodbridge. Teams that lose A-type free agents, who are ranked in the top 20 percent at their poaltion, must be compensated with an amateur draft choice and a profeaaional player from a apedal talent pool created for that purpoee. Before deals with Loe Azlaeles and the Angela fell through last week, Bannister had tofd the Mariners he wanted to _pla)' on the West Coast. Both the Dodaert and the Angels -along with Minnesota. Seattle and Boat.on - were prohibited from biddinl on A-rated free agents becauee the)' asked to be excluded from the p layer pool. Neith er San Francisco nor Oakland pick~ Bannister. ' Kings baffled by Brodeur Three more teams vote to accept plan VANCOUVER , British Columbia (AP) -Led by the steady netminding or Rfchard Brodeur and veteral) center,,Ivan Hllnka, the Vancouver Canucks downed the Los Angeles Kings 4-2 In • faat-pacied NaUonal Hockey League sam e Wedneaday night. Hllnka. the lead(ng acorer on \he Canucb with 18 polnta In 17 ,.,.,._ pve Vancouver a two· Pl lead wi&h a bri1Maat aoal late tn the~ wtd• llrodeW' blocUd a6 ibOfl, Jncludtnt I~ In the final 20 rnJnuGa Jim Niii, Ivan Boldirev and Dave Will'-na, who lmred Into an empty Loa Ancelet net with 1:11 rema6ntnc. w~ me other -Vancouver ICOl'en. RJcht wine Jim Fox, with his lOlh p1 o1 \he cmnJ>9lan. and rookie Phil SyU., with hie flnt NHL 1oal, conn~ted for the ~ . Oary Lukotkl auffered hi• ttm ct.f•t of the MMOn. NEW YORK (AP) -The Cincinnati Bengals, Denver Broncos and Miami Dolphins players are the latest to glye groupd n tht' Naugnal Football I .ea~~ strike. ' • Players irom the three teams voted Wednesda?'. to accept in prl{lClplc management s lateat money offer, joining the tMw Or..._ Saints, Loe Angelet Rams and Houston Oilera. who had prevjoualy voted to accept the etaence of the club owners' plan. Clndnnat1'1 vote, on the atrike'a 6lst day, wu 31-5 whh two abatentiona. The BroncCla voled unanlmoualy lo ._pl m-.mienL'a offer If tht' ownera would mab cenain concelliohl. T\lrenty-nlnf ~ plaY.,. rtVlewed the $1.81 billion, flv•~Y••r offer by &he NJ'L Manapment Council, and voted to acc.,t ~_he propotal condAUonall)'. The IJlfYlllW ll~ ltio-camitd1.-.J ~. llut wonlty o( dlllulllcln. The DalDIUnl ,.,, .................. ~---~:l"to Mftpt th• pro,_.1 "In ''W•'ve ll'ild to my, In a po1hlve way, that we want to p]_ay football," Hfd quarterback Cr11t Morton. "EwrYbocb lln't IOl"I to l9l IUit own ••Y· but-thet~ ' the way negotiations have gone so far. We need to compromise. We think the owners want to know how the players feel -not ,Juai..the union leeder1t:----- "We feel If we don't get something accompl~hed by thta weekend, It (\he 11eason) will be all over.'~ Amona the contested 13 isaues wu the players' demand for 100 pert."e'nt of their salaries even If the IN80n la abbreviated. and matters involvina a roater freeze and free acency. Thole ilauea. however. are ..ne ol the .-me Items whkh "11\ion and rnanaprMnt neaotiatorl have failed to~~~ bUp!n1nc table, ~p-•• Npeeeen\atJve Aaron K~ ~ .... _ the team'• ..._ ectm1 " ...,. union poltdon" -an opinion nol by mmt of the other ,_,_. at the IMMlftl. "~t'• al.fer •• not • taM-lt· ar-llawJL" .f;1°Jllld mulla.~-=:a: out 11 a flilll'," llkl "1_19. "We ID ~ &biit ....... with ...... =r It • wrtue. ind daal'• our '. tbt -'*·" Dlllll a..-.. ........ onlr .... _ ................... ~-r=.=.=·=~ ~ , I Or-nge C ~It DAILY PILOT /Thurld•y, November 11, 1982 " l Garvey generating a lot ot interest. From AP dl1patcbes SAN DIEGO -Steve Garvey, Ill se le c ted by nine teams In w eanesday's free agent r e -entry ~raft, will visit a number of the cities ln the next few weeks. '1 have already received invitations from a number of clubs for Steve to visit the cities where the clubs have drafted h im " said · Garvey's agent, Jerry Kapstein. ' • Garvey played 12. seasons with the · Los Angeles Dodgers but he was unab\e to reach a contract aareemenf with 'the team by the re- entry draft deadline of midnight Saturday. The team did not retain Its negoUaling rights t6 him in the draft. ' "The Dodger decision not to re-draft Steve comes as no surprise," Kapstein continued "Peter O'Malley consistently stated to me during our.many hours of negoUations that if Steve and I did not rea~h agreement with him by last Saturday's delttline, that the Dodgers would not .select Steve in the re-entry draft. "This eff,ctively cloee8 a very successful and happy chapter "in Steve's life. Steve is looking forward to starting the next chapter. Both he a~d I approach this situation with totally o.-n m1nds." ,,_ Rogers has St. Louis feeling blue Mike Rogers tied the game in the ~ last minute of the second period, then ' set up the winning goal by Doa Maloney 19 seconds into the third as the New York Rangers edged St. Louis, 5-4, to highlight NHL action We dnesday ... Elsewhere, Rod Bu1ka1, Peter Lee and hden Hakan11on each scored their finlt 1oal of the season to help Pittsburgh nip F.dmonton. 5-4 ... Left wing Gilles Hamel. fighting foi-a spot in the starling lineup, scored two goal.a and an assist to power Buffalo to a 7-2 victory over Philadelphia . . . Ray Neufehl and Pierre Laroaclle each scored two goals as Hartford fought off a late Quebec rally io win, 7-5 ... RlclJ Preston broke a 3-3 lie with a 15-foot backhander in the final period and teammates Darryl Sutter and BUI Gardner added insurance goals to lift Chicago to a 6-3 triumph over Montreal ... Right wings Billy Harris ond Miroslav Frycer scored two goals apiece as Toronto routed Detroit, 8-2 ... Al Jensen turned aside 19 shots behind a iough Washington de fense and posted his Cirst shutout as the Capitals blanked New Jersey. 3--0. ;'!"----------...... --~-------- Mo~crlef doea In Botton, 105-101 Sld1ty Moacrlef fk•orf'd 27 polnta, m I n c I u d I n a a J u m pc.-r t h a t K u v t• Mllwoukoo th<' loqd for t1ood with 2:33 to play, to l Md the Suc:k# tu u 106-101 victory over Rowton to hl&hl &ht NBA action W~ntlday nlQht . . . Ellewhe•rt\ Mo.el Malone ecored 2'2 poi nts u unbtH1tun Philadelphia overwht'lm~ Chlc:aaio, 14~· 108. The wln wu the 76e111' 1lxth o( th 1tuon . . . Guard Gue Wllllam1. who mlSB('() two lamt>t with the flu. bounce back with 24 point.I \0 carry Seattle to a . 94-91 declelon ovf'r D1.1llas, giving the unbea t e n ,BuperSonk'I their beat start ever with eishl In a row . . . Ot11 Blrd•ODI and Albert Kln1 IL~red 22 apiece to lead N ew Jersey to a 99-90 drubbing over wlnleu New York. The l<.nicks have now l08t aeven games . . . Kelly Trlpacka scored 28 points as Detroit manhandled Indiana, 115-91 ... Maurice Lucas and Walter Davia combined for 33 second-half points as Phoenix hung on for a 106-100 victory over Kansas City . . . Adrlaa Dantley scored 43' points and Darrell Grlffltb added 31 aa Utah snapped a four-game losing streak by defeating Denver, 12~-119 ... Roa Brewer came off the bench to score-33 points as Cleveland broke its 24-game losing streak by d~feating Golden State 132-120, In overtime. '. Quote of the day Iowa football coach Hayden Fry, whose underdog Hawkeyes edged Illinois, 14-13 and moved into second place in the Big 10· "I'm speechless. I've got the moet beautiful , team in the world. They keep fightin' and scratc,hin', and that's what life is all about. They re never going to be quitters." NFL strike costly to Los Angeles The Lo. Angeles area may loee as • much as $40 million to $60 million If th-; National Football League players' stnke forces cancellation of the Jan. 30 Super Bowl, area officials estimate . . . The New Jen1ey Nets traded poln\ guard Pbll Ford to Milwaukee for forward Mickey Jobnaoa and sent PQWer forward James Balley to Houston for future draft choices . . . Hot-shooting guard Ea1eal111 IUjew1kl sparked a second-half comeback wi\h 21 of his g~high 25 points as the touring Polish National basketball team defeated Michigan State, 73-69, Wednesday. It was the second. victory in three outings against ~ colleges for-ihe-Poles, who will play a rune-game 9Chedule while in the U.S .... The ~pie who run the Louisiana Superdome said they want to book other business on dates reserved for National Football League games. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Football -F.di&>n vs. Ocean View at Orange Coast College, 7:15 p.m .. KWVE (108 FM). • USFL faces challenge Backed-up NFL season could hurt league By HOW ARD HANDY Of'tM D.., "°' &Uft ~ Curly Morrison, chief operating officer of the newly organized Loa Angeles Exp~ team in the United States Football League, knows full well the challenge the (Iedgling circuit faces in its infancy. Morrison has had success on the ·playing field as well as in the Cront office in professional ~ootball and was vice president and general manager of the ·ill-fated Southern California Sun (World Football League) out of Anaheim in 1974. "This league has definitely profited from the mistakes of the World Football League," Morrison sajd Wednesday at the Orange County Sportswriters luncheon. "We have responsible owners and we have $1 8 plilllon in the bank to back us up. · "We also have two major tetevis1on ntracts, one for $20 milJion with ·ABC and an other for the same amount with ESPN. This means that each team will get $1,350.000 each of the first two years of operation," Morrison told writers at Anaheim Stadium. "We also have a Canadian television a c:ontract that will give ua more money. This usures us of three games a week "•'1'11 television and with that kind of backing there is no reason for us to .. '1ail." Momson ~dded his views on other problems Cacing the USFL. "Every one of our teams is playing at a major facility which wasn't true with the WFL. "We really are not worrying about the NFL strike. But if they back their season up a nd end in March , that would· hurt us. We plan on starting at tha~ lime and we are going to build panty. "We probably won't be competing with the NFL for the top two or three rounds of players that are drafted right away. But if you want to get into the major leagues. you have to get your batting average up. "I feel that with the exposure w e have so far, we'll make it. "Right now we have 4,000 full paid · season tickets sold and some others that are 50 percent paid. We had 48 that w e ren't p rocessed a nd 70 additions this morning.'' Arrows top Lazers INGLEWOOD (AP) -The New York Arrows 9COred three goals in the last four minutes, including two e"!lpty-net goals by forward Pau\ Knson, to deteat the Los Angeles Lakers 5-2 ln Major Indoor Soccer League action Wednesday night. NEWISIUE This Is not an offer to sell "°' • sohcrt.llon of an offer to buy me. aecuritiee. The offering It mede only bV the Offering CtrcUlar. 150,000 to 187.500 Shares Common Stock " Price $10.00 per share · It's too goOd to pass up Basketball's answer to Gerry Faust at clinic If you're• undt>r tht• opinion thAt th<'re'• no auch thing '"' u lre<' lunch, think thl1 one over. Morgan Wooten. the head bMkNball coach at OeMnthll High School in Wn1h1ngton, D.C., l'OOlldert'd by aomc as the "Gerry Faust of hi_gh tchool baaked:>all," will be ttle foatured 1pc.1aker at FounlAlll Valley High's FREE basketball clinic Nov . 20. Fountain Valley High basketball cooch Dave Hrown, oh conjunction wfth 'l'ho Athletes' Jt'oot and Pro-Kcds. 18 offering the clinic to one and all - coachea, players, parents, boys and girls, from the elementarr level and up. The f1Ve-hour clinic is scheduled to begin at'lO • a.m. and In addition to Wooten, former pro George . Lehman will be speaking on the art of shooting and ex-Globetrotter Bobby Hunter, now a Stanford uslstant, will alao be featured. Poste rs, tree T-shirts to the first 50 youngsters and a free throw contest are also on the · agenda In what has to be one of ~e best bargains of the reason. . "My neek's on the line,': says Brown. "I'm ~ reall y going to feel stupid, if there are 20 people in the stands for this one." This type of clinic has been featured In the East for some time, acx:ording to Brown, but It's a first for the West Coast. At any rate -it certainly appears to be a bonus for basketball players and fans from age 6·60. I Sea Kings romp, 19-4 Seniors Tom Temple and Dave Imbernino acored five goals each to lead Corona del Mar High \0 a 19·4 victory over Fullerton ln CIF 4-A water polo acUon Wednesday. . . The Sea Kings, the No. 2 seed in the 4-A d1vialon and 24-1 overall, raced to a 6-2 advantage after the first period. Imbemlno scored three of his goals during that stretch, while Temple added two. The Sea Kings then improved their lead to 8-2 after two periods and 14-2 ar~r three. Joining in the scoring parade were junior John Morrow ahd senior Eric Paulsen, both of whom scored three goals. The Sea Kings advance to play Fountain Valley next. The Barons. who had a first-round bye as the No. 1 representative of the Sunset League will host the contest at Golden West College Friday a.ftemoon at 3: 15. Probatiqn set for Clemson? WAS HINGTON (AP) -The NCAA Committee on Infractions has voted to put Clemson University's football program on probation for two years because of infractions that include recruj,µ~ violations, The Washington Poet said in todays editions. d li NedCAA o Uicials at Shawnee Mission, Kan .• ec n comment Wednesday night. e_REjlll SPORTS ROGER CARLSON • • • USUALLY, YOU CAN co~nt the• number of standout punters from the area on one hand !.- 40-yard averages with de<;'C?nt "hang time" aren't common. Two who have surfaced this year ironically come from other sports. Corona de l Mar'~ Gordon Moss, an All-CJF baseball player is probably the Sea Kings' No. 2 weapon (second dnJl to tailback Lance Martin). and Laguna Beach a Adam Johnson is in the same step. Johnson has averaged 42.6 yards per punt w ith a soccer and volleyball background. Johnson has punted to inside the 10 on eight occasions for the Artists and his kickoCCB have been decP. with c:ensistency. . Moss is averagin_R 42 yards a puni, including a~ 64-yarder against Costa Mesa, which tied Dan Flanagan's school record. "He's the best punter we've ever had," says CdM Coach Dick Morris. • • • WHAT A GREAT scene at St. Paul High School, a~parently, with fans pelting Servite High play~rs w.1th eggs, four St. Paul players tackling tne 'Servi~ ~1cker on the opening kickoff, fans yelling obsceruues and St. Paul players spitting on Servite players. The Swordsmen of St. Paul have a new coach (Jim Walker), but it's still the same old St. Paul. Maybe that's why everyone always relishes a St. Paul defeat. And, maybe that's why Fountain Valley chose Cerritos College as the scene of their game with St. Paul. Will officials from the CIF step in to try to correct such a situation? Don't hold your breath IC nothing else, St. Paul should be stripped. of the privilege of ~onducting any games on it:. campus, especially 1n the playoffs. • • • CHECKING THE CORNERS -Edison Higlfs freshman district team is 7-0 and unscored upon . . .Andy Donegan has returned to the Marina High football coaching staff, but with a lester degree of ·responsibility ... James Kyug was chosen as Costa Mesa High's athlete or the month for &;pt.ember and was honored by the Costa' Mesa Kiwanis Club recently ... Fountain Valley is ranked No. 1 in the preseason Orange County wrestling Top 10, with Irvine (No. 4), Huntington Beach (No. 5) and Wes~ter (No. 8) also high in Orange County Wrestling News consideration . . . Irvine Is at Fountain Valley Dec. 14 for a non- league duel ... There's talk that Edison High athletic director Lyman Clower and Westminster High a thle tic direc tor Bill Boswell two heavyweights, may meet in a sumo match. A date and site is still to be determined. • 1. • Santa Cruz-50 \ I ,, \ ~ I ' sets sizzl ing pace By ALMON LOCKABEY D_.,,_......_._...., Would you believe a Santa Crui -~O outdlat.anclng the 67-foot Merlin on a 24-hour run? It happened Wednesday In the 999-mJle Loe Angeles to Mazatlan race when the SC-~O Samurai logged 1~6 miles lo 145 for Merlin. Samurai and another SC-~O. Earl of Mar, took over the first two places on corrected time, dropping Merlin lo third. , . Six yachta had ~ the halfway mark 'at the 8 a.m. Wednesday roll call and several others were expected to pass the magical point by nightfall. Boats puslng the halfway point were Merlin, 461 miles to go; Drifter, 464; Samurai, 470; F.arl of Mar. 476; Oaxaca, 498, and Night Train, 500. Merlin and Drifter were stHI locked In a light battle for first to finish with Merlin leading Uriher by three miles. Samurai was 26 miles behind ~erlin and F.arl of Mar was (ive miles astern of Samurai. A pair of Class C boa~ were also making themselves known on the correct~ time scale with the Choate-18 Sri~ holding down four;tl;l place ap'd Will .Of The WlSp fifth. Overall handicap leaders: 1. Samurai; 2:Earl ol 81ar; 3. Merlin; 4. Brisa'; 5. Will Of The Wisp. CLASS A -1. Samurai; 2. Earl of Mar; 3. Merlin. CLASS B -1. Mimi U; 2. Miramar; 3. Revenge. · CLASS C -1. Brisa; 2. Will OC The Wisp; 3. Arriba. CLASS D -1. Midnight Sund; 2. Shamrock. Match races top weekend boating It's getting to b e California Marine match racing time Association areas: ~ain. Ne"wport Harbor hnt• Monie• .. , ht Cl b 'JI d King Hubor 'l'echt Club -ac U WI sen Columble Chellenger Change of Congressional Cup Weich race , Saturday , hopefuls out Saturday Centerboerd Turkey race, Sunday. . South Bay 'l'achl Racing Club -and Sunday to determine One-dHlgn Reg111a. S•turdey. who will r epresent Sunday. Newport Harbor, first in San DI•~ ~t Club _ Lon g B e a ch Yac ht lnvttatlonet "°" (Ster, PC. J·2•. C lub's Pacific Coast Ofson.30) Saturday S Coronado Yacht Club -M atch Racing eries Longstretch SerlH (lnvltatlon•I which will determine handlcep) Sunday. who will be the final MINion Bey Yacht Club -Chill 8owl Regella fall ~l Sundey. s e 1 e c t i o n C o r t h e Santa Clara Recina Anoctetlon Congressional Cup. -Autumn Chill Aegall• (•II cluMS) Sunday. NHYC will also host --,;._--'------4 Lehman~t sailors in q u est of the Barney L e hman Trophy, symbolic of the championship for the class. l ~:;], J C ~ PhlMAW: i .~ Half-Mile KIWXl Fan Appreciation light SAT., llOV. 13, 8 P.M. TO'l'OTA", ..... 18100 S. VERMONT AVI 'AIDIU 11l l211100 21l l2l114l "WI.ere k0tbor, Son Di.oo ond 91 Fr .. woy• $80.00 You'll find thit,£Jonbeim shoe in your size ... Ind in a range of widths to fit you to perlectlonl All this, plus Flonheim'a legendary cril'bmanlhip ~ l•ther ... the belt for ne1riy a century. ~ A B c D ,, E j EEE 9-1~ ' 8¥1-1• 7"1~'-'' 8~-U 7-12 7~-11 --- 9'4Mll II I .... ...,._-.C .. Oltl•....,H ................................ ......, . • ' 11 niitl du-;'' I m DEl'D l'!!I . 12" LOllllCO ilOOF TUDllES YllTll . 'JICI 15 ·~ 14" 22•7 TWO 12" IOOF TUlllllES llSTILLD 6997 TWO 14" RQQF T1fllllES llSTILLD 94•7 Cheap way to gel the air moving In your houH. 14" move1 50% more air than the JI". (You Ugure It out) Sorry. can't be 'ltn1lalled on tile. metal or flat roof1. In. lllZ PEClt CIDU 127 Ruelle looking 1hatf to 1\lrt0wad lhe to,., (I like old We11ern1 where I he good l"Y'• 1l•·•hoo .. r'1 good tor 11 ahot1. With Hollywood. who ftffd1 ...allly?) 44 . 6 ' GAL. CDIOI Yz LOUYERED JIFOLD DOOR PllEL 121 M ..... .' ....... : ... 16" IS I U ................. 18" 11118 ................. 21 " 111 • ....... 2•" 24111 ...... 27" Ready for the 11o1n or paint of your choice. Got the 1lcmdard, flx9d louYer and they're made rig hi here In the fna119d plalu of Armenla. Could thl1 poll1hed bra11 lock bold lhe key to your ...aarity? Tuu In Ion lg ht and ... 1be drama of tapered c:yllnd9r guanl1 flgblidg prying band1, while the harden9d I" tlffl bolt ftfu ... 10 budge. ITILITY lml a•W&n Oood tlM IOf lolrt"9 lh• clalll out ol the bothr-°'bedroom. ~~·Dlolt~tot. ht6eowoy Blgbrolberaltoha1 2297 dual beat Hlec:tor. #1'7D COOL WEITBEB YEGETDLES llD FLOWERS 49• PURPLE POlfY PAI With ow CallfomJa cllmat•. lh9re'1 no ...aeon lo 1top growtDg you own In Fall. ChOOM from . i.etuc:.. ODlou. bru...a epou11. pcma1 ... IDClpdragoM. and !DON. v.·· SHOP PLYWOOD BUDY PUEL lc:ouldroUouttheHmclltUWfpM-'..Uro-tMttlalalea~• .. cleal•pl,...._ ._.._. .• .. .,..,.. ... ,.. ... , ..... _ .......... ., ........... _..._.._ ...... UlttEDnlM PRODUCTS 111i IF nlll 99•u: •w • ROUD PILLOW F11J1S •••EA. Wllh2"1 l2"1ox eclp I" I H" I 31" CIVIi 1 19 lagof foam?l11t anfthlnv like lhat ln1tant Cup-of-Foam lhat' 1 auppoeed to pall for toup? CYCLAMEN 3 88 I" CONTAINER We '" got'•m ID lotea color1. alNOdy blooming lD pot1 and looking for a alee patio to call home. How 'bout youn? QUllEB nlTE llftDB OIL 31 WT. 79• QT. ••• ,.. WT •••• QT. We 4-'t Med to twlat your arm ln 1hl1 • ..,.ptloa, f1aat look at lhe ..,SC. OD thll top .-ner.u. Cl CIUllECllnt 3Va" ... 4> <> .... I I • 79•n. l ¢1 : . I ~' .l While we're on the 1\lbfect of hoaa. MCurlty, ._.,..,NIM bra11 flnl1h door hlng•• to l•tc:h on to. 2397 #2W10 ° , l.og1 upto24" long 1u1lcan'11tond It. eothey 1pllt. AU you nHd 11 thl• wedge a~d a 1ledge. ROUGH DOUGLAS FIR 1 213 21& 1.7• LIN. FT.; 33• LIN. FT.· The heart of many home : pr0Jec:t1. (I 1hould get back Jo the 1hop. A1 my wife 1ay1. • when It comH to work l 1top at nothing.) KWIKSET HEAn DUTY SllGLE YLllDER I DEADBOLT · ' . #880 Nt1T6VTHE~ UAJROFM~ ) CHINNY CHIN CHIN . -y - jj:~/ MURRAY MOllTEREY OR BALBOA 26" MEi's· Some blke1han28" x 21/t" whitewall llN1. coa1ter brake• and gloe1 black flnl1h. (What about the other blke1? n,.., brakH and paint optional?) CRUISERS aa••EA. ' ROBERI WlllDSlllELD WIPER BLADE OR Piii OF WllDSHlf:l.D WIPER REFILLS c:122 Contrary to popular b.llef. people ID LA. do know whol rain l1. lt'1 lhat 1hatf lhat make1 flowere grow and taxi• dltappear. . C.... ln real handy. "pedolly lf you ban 10 par-IUMAera ''"· and theH pfl wW .... Npioo9 lt lf STIRLITE SUPER ULTRIURD CIR . COYERS If 1 --wlthlaa par of ,..,ca.a... -· Ot~f'Qe Co_,, DAILY P'1.0T/Thurlday, November 11, 1812 Loe Alamltoe WDMIOAY'l llllUUI (Ind ............. ...,.., __ -llfttl '"" IUCS. 350 y.,dl OM<l4y WatCll (8rOOllll 11 40 5 80 4 00 To-Lao (Harl) 4.00 3.40 WIMlng Edge (Armllrong) 10 40 Alto raced. Bunny Hold On, Liile M• Alto, Petit GatHu, HawkeyH Pride, Antique Maualc, Ke<llo, OueUn Gold Time. 1l.4t • IXACTA (e.71 paid '3120 MC<*O MCI. 350 yatdl l ady W1n1 IChaYai) 13.llO 5.20 2 80 Past My Copy (CrNg«) 4.80 2 80 Pride Of Devil (H.,U 2 40 Alao raced C9M)' lllancl WhlU. Jec>py. MaoglaS MMI Ti<M' 18 18 • TtMO llACI. 350 yard1 Gr_, Beauty (Hatll 3 60 2 80 2 40 Diaco Kll1Y (8atd) II 40 4 20 Ou< Flylng Saini (Adaltl 4 40 Alto raced Lada Spor11 Girl, Scott,.• pu1chH1, Blu• Jaan Dollie. lotaa Style, Hampacas Gold, Oonyas OrNm, Ole Sun F!OwW. lime: 18 14 ta IXACTA (5·111 pad 123 80 l'OUflTH MCI. 400 yardt A lure Hope (Cardoza) 11 00 8 80 3.40 Rock Solid (CrHgar) 4 80 3 20 Won Way JON (Adair) 3 00 AJIO raced Tlnya Go Gay, Jal• Allra, LM Urban C-Oirl. Somaiclnduectetaty. Split The ShMI. Slat1 lht Gama Thna. 20.81. 12 IXACTA (4-5) paid $38 80 fll'TH llACI. 350 yards HN11 To P-(Harl) 13 80 11 80 3 40 RtY9t'I Slsay (8too«s1 II 00 3 00 MIN Mighty Mo (Watd) • 2 80 Alto raced: FlotanUne Moon. Euy~oolar, llttlt Tara, Sanger Cinch. Fujlko, Dolly P....,,,, HOOi! Em Baby Time 111 II 12 IXACTA (5-tO) ptoc1 $87 20 llJCTH ftACI. 1170 yatda Ma.cl\o Miio (Pauline) 5.80 3.00 2.40 luYdecll (Harl) 3 20 ~ 80 Rabeilla (HldlnQar) 3 20 Aleo tacacl Walto, Trlj)OI Bonus, Gellant Blld.~Gr_,., Time 411.52 MYINllt llACI. 350 ~atdt Sir F1ir1ln Around (Harl) t4 00 7.80 3 80 Running Dall (Clrdoza) 5 80 2 80 BluW Blu.t (Ml1Cllal) 3 00 Alto rececl. Wat WJn, Solitary Jet. CtO 8ar Moon, Emperor Mika, Co<wuln Time· 17 0ii. 92 1.XACT A (4· 71 paid 147 .ISO. ta l"IC« IOC 1e.~-5-3-4) Paid SI, 146 20 .with lhr• winning llek.ct Ill• honMI $2 Pleil Six Conaolatlon paid S 157 80 with 54 winning 11e1ca11 (flve hor-). llOHTH RAC«. 300 yatda Hurry On Now (C<aagerl 42 00 Ill 20 5 00 Wrangle AIOI (Mllc:hall) 3.00 2 40 Super Rich (Catdou) 2 80 Alto raced. Jwt Lll<a Ma, Paint The Town. Pio•. Time. 15.81. ta IXACTA (8-2) paid $152 00 ll9fnt MCI. 350 yatd9. POiley WHI Ooo (Han) 4 00 2.80 2 20 Olt> G-(Ward) 5 00 5.80 AzutMk• (Valdez) 5.40 Aleo ..-1 Go Mal Go, In Bloom. Holey POCl<att. SunMI Foay Laay. ~otrouble. LOWiy Sia•, Tall Hean T alnlfur Time: tll..23 ta DACTA 11·0) paid S40 80 Attendance -5,7011 HoUYwood Pn ftDIEUAT'• Mlut. T9 , .... ..., .................. ) MST !UCL II lutlOngs P111'1tlt>lhed.,k (V9i0Ylcll) 4 80 2 80 2 40 Bet10llni (Si~) 3 00 2 20 Drummer Stya (H~ 3 40 Also racad Sage Brush JallH. S lly Mi.Ion. Mu El Pro Tlme: 1: 10 115. MCOtm M CI. 6 turionqt Fuay F,_ (Romerot 7 20 4.80 4 80 Yourii-(Bledl) 13 40 9.tO s-.. Malt• (S<bile) 19..20 Aleo ..-1: e.tita's Mlle, OrthoOontllC, Spy Man, Speclal Spice, Tan Percent. Chalt•nham RONI. Top Encora, Rad•"• Pr"-. TIMa: 1: 11 215. ta DAILY DOUka (2·3) paid 120.80 THMD MCL 11 lurtongl K9thlnlca (\latan:rua4•1 11.80 11.80 4 40 MlMlam Splandoiir (Maul 20.eo 9 80 Tractable T-drop (Toro) 9 20 Aleo ~· Silt Bid<..y, T~ &undla, Wlngt.C, Col~ Money. Ctta Sornbt1ta, L.alal. Cocoa Mi ... tlMa: 1:11. IXACTA ( 1().4) paid sat2.20 'OUtlTH 11.ACI, I MIOnot ''o ,._ IMcCauor11 l ao 3 IO :s 10 Jaded lncountllf IHawlay) 4 10 ' to lllM Goal (Yalanlllalll ' 00 Alto •aced. Cllial lvttalO, CIPlllll fltl>y Orano141 8111 Mee, 906d Jet, ~W.0.: lmprM~ tt111, Ollvt. 0-ga TllN t tO tll "'TH llACI. I lvflOnge. Menclato (VMnlllllel 11 00 I 110 4 10 • Son Of A Oodo tCeompu) 4 40 1 IO Mldnlgllt Mint 10...aneda) I 40 Alto •ac.a· Roll Ma Hot ,.. v•. Double 1 Ell.WM• ~I 0..,.,,, HiOht I,~. . time: 1:31. .M IXACfA ~2) peld UH 60. llACI. 1 11111 • la1 , ____ Bfyan tVltlllal • 40 a 20 3.40 • ........_ l&hoei!laliar) 4 80 3 00 Vl¥acl0..illy IAomero1 , 3 40 Alao rac.d: Cont"*11al 0111, Rad Eml>ar Precfout Plr11a. Tra uury Stok, Llnda'i Ueblllly, Rtvt.w Of TIW ,.._. Tlma 144 216 llYINTH llACI. I 1/111 mllM, Tlellalad IMcCatron) 3.llO 2 110 2.20 Sha.yna McOwa (Plncay) 3.00 2.20 Titna FOi ~I (Hfttay) 2.40 Alao raced. Frotty Top, Ruff Con. Tllna 1.43 II IXACTA (4-3) P9ld 127 00 • t>te« auc 1:1.10.e.3.5--41 Paid uoo:40 wlfl\ 110 winning tk:ll911 (11¥9 horMt). 12 Picll SU ~Ion paid 't1~80 wtth 1,75 t WIN!lnO llcllalt "our helttMI llGHTH llACI. t 1/111 mu .. Nan'• o-(Hawley). 5 00 2.40 2.20 Tango Dancer (Plncty) 2 40 2.20 Any Time Pat (TO<O) 2 20 Alto racao 1 opn1u. tlaachcomblng. Franch Char~. Siar Pas1uraa lll'nt. 1"43 215 • HACTA (7·8) pald 123 00, NINTH MCI. 1 11111 ....... Matimllula (Plncay) 5.00 3 00 2.80 Olympic M-1 (Sl>Oarnali•) 3 80 2 40 Frlecla Fr-(Olivar•) 2 40 Alto rac:.d: 8ti.I Gri.1, Maple Tr•. Time: 1 :42 115. II lllACTA (5·1) paid .. 150, AlltncSanct -14,072. NHL CAMNILL COMRMNCI lmrtM DtwlalN -Mlnneaola Chlcego SI Louis T~o Oetroll W L T 8'0A ~ 7 II 3 '5 112 17 7 • 3 '2 ., 17 7 • 2 118 53 11 II 1 4 80 78 111 7 5 I 113 48 15 Noma DMaioft 10 '5 I 117 51 21 • 2 5 1111 52 21 1 9 1 eo es 15 37 5141311 3 11 3 45 •1 9 WM.II CONNMNCI ,........,.,..... NY lllanclan 12 4 2 19 51 2$ Phltadelpllia 9 7 1 17 SI 19 NY Rangar. 7 8 1 111 $5 15 WUl!lnglon S 7 3 53 80 13 P1111burgt1 5 10 2 M 15 12 Hew JarMY 3 9 II 54 71 12 MonlrNI Bolton Buftlk> Ouabec: Hartford AdMM DtwWart I 1 3 3 80 51 25 7 5 3 51 47 t7 7 8 3 117 57 17 7 8 2 75 71 111 4 9 25454 10 ........ ,. . ._.. Vancou.ar 4, IClllfe 2 Hatllord 7, 0uaoec 5 8uftalo 7. PMadllpNa 2 Pttltburgtl 5. Edmonton 4 WN/llngton 3. Haw Jerwy 0 Toronto I . o.tr04t 2 CNcego 6. Mont,_, 3 NY Range<t 5, St. Lou!s 4 T ......... e O-auao.c; at Boeton NY Rangar. at Pfliladalptlla Edmonton at Maw Jar_,, NY ltlllndat$ 11 Mlnneaota Cmuctca 4.Klftae 2 ._..,......,. Loe Angellae 0 1 1-2 v__,.., 202-,.,.. ...... 1. v--... 2 (8olcllr.v, eutlla). 4:42 (pp); 2. v--. HlnU • (8myl. ....,..,. 12.12 PanalllM -CMrtrew, LA, 2:41; Hllntia. Val'I, 2:4 1, Hlcflolla, LA. 4:24; Wlllama.. Van, 1:27; Kelly, L.A. 13::M; "'*, Van. 13:st: 8onll, LA. 1$: ... : wtmama. Yan, 11:41. ............. 3. Loe ...,..... ,_ 10 (Ndwllll, ~ 11:00 ,........ -None. ~ ....... 4. v..__, 9oldlre¥ 2 ~ "°«A). 11:24; 5, Lot Angelaa. llykH 1 1=-· Bonk). 14:01; II. Ya-, Wll t {McCar1hyl. 11:49. ,..,_... -....... Van, 1:21; ~Vin, 11:30. •1101a on Goa l -Loa Ane•I•• 11·11·1&-31. y.,_ ts-~. Oo•ll••: Lo• Angel••· LHkOtlll, v_....., lkodaw. A -13,204. ~ > . ··=-·~NOi -w .. ~-...... • 0 1000 ........ It HO t Lalllt9 • 1 .w 2 ~ltata :» 4 4H 4Yi ~ t 8 ,HI 1'4 left '*to 0 7 000 1 .... ....... .._.... tM AMOlllO I I 117 Olllll 4 3 .'1 I I ic.,,... Olly • 3 .400 J o.w. a • .111 • 1Noll ·• • ••• • HouMoft 0 S ,000 II bl.,... CONP•-.CI a..... ....... ""•eo-.111a 1 o t.ooo Joe•~ a• .11• 1Yi i. ...... _, I 3 .IH II WloolNftlton ' 4 .411 3 Yi Naw YOttl 0 7 000 l 'A c:.Mrll~ 09lr011 • 2 7llO ............ 8 2 .714 '" AllMte 3 3 .IOO 2 lllClielll 2 • .aas 3 Cllloeoo 2 S .JN 3 Yi ~ 15 Ill 4 ................ MllwM• 108, lollon 101 Haw~ M HeW Yorll 90 =*4pNe 141. Cltlcaeo 10I 118, lldlrlA It 14.0....11 Ulafl tH, 0.W. 111 PhoMI• IOI, .___City 100 ~ 132, ~ 8111e 120 (ot) ,........,..._ San AnlOlllo .. "'" OleOO Howton .. PortlMCI ~ . . . . . .. ,,. ... ,,.. (Tlla...._111 ........... ..........,.... ....... 1. Hal McllN (1); Omar· M0<ano (2); Tarry Foratar (3): Bob MoCll.lf• (4); a nd Peta Falcone (5). DOOGalt8 Ho MMctlont mlde. :.. ... eel: CIP...,._ 4-A c-.. -tt. 'lllW10ft • Fullar1on 2 0 0 2-4 Cotona d9I Mar II 2 11 5-19 Corona d•I Mar 1cor1ng. Tampla 5, 1m1>arnlno 5, Morrow 3, P...i-t 3, vanu .. 1. Loofbourrow 1. Scott 1. C• ..UYCWP ICOMa eor-'cir.i,.., ,::~ • Doe~ 10, MW-.-a 8 I-A ......, ...... ~~.·~Hlla10 Muir 21, _. rtinelon 1 Indio 17, Don LUOo II f'on11n1 15, Palm Sprlng1 9 Laguna Hltlt 13, lkM Oiln<la 8 "~ 2$, Montclair 3 ~.,...... ~11 ......... 11 ~ Ylelo 10. v....a: t Hlrvard I.~ Vlllley I V .. Patlt 17. C.-la v....,, 9 Aoy1ll .. s-Monica 4 S.A 0.,dan Grove 12, Ch.,tar Oa k 11 (a-tlmal L~ 11, la S.ite 11 So. ,891deM 12, WNltllr 1 Cr9llPI 12,,......... ........ McNAMARA USED TO EXPECTATIONS. • • From Page C1 them, but we're not goiqg to give the house a way," e xplained Bavasi of the Angels' free agent selections. "l certainly don't anticipate goi"8 into the market with an open bankroll. "We drafted these people to let them know we were interested. I think the period is over though · where the Angels are golng to ,o to the bank to borrow money.' Bavasi said the team'• No. 1 priority would be to try to lign McRae, who hit .308 for th.e Royals this put aeaaon with 27 home runa and 133 RBI. "I know what hi(McRae) was Mklnc from K.anau City to stay there and it was nowhere near the amount (agent Jerry) Kapetein wu asking for ~ylor," Bavaet noced. "If tt wae going to take as much to sip McRae u it would to "&n S.ylor, we would have ~ Baylol'. J fMl badly about the Baylor thin&. J really do. I juU wl•h we had had the opportunity to meet with him f..-to-faoe. "Actually, lt WM just a matler of econorlucs: We couldn't aftord Don Baylor." Aa for the othen the Angela drafted, Bavasi laid the team was looking for a hard-throwing· left-hander and that Font.er Wl\9 not the club'• No. 1 choice. McNamara repo rtedly sugest.ed the club draft Falcone, who waa 8-10 with a 3.84 ERA, and Moreno, who hit .254 and stole 60 bases. •'The Moreno t~ la a gamble, but he haa 1 ," aakl S.vaai. "We need speed on th1I club and another pitcher.'' Bavael i1n't convinced , however, that the Anpla need to dip into the draft to acquire 1uch · ingredlenta. The winter meet1no come up in early Demmber ancf" a 1.rade la always a pomibWty. Plua, Bavut feela Ron J.cbon could aaeume the de1l1nated- hi tter role, outfielder Gar y Pettis, who played at S~ in '82 where he hit .288 and ltole a lea1ue-leadln1 ~S bue9, could provide the •peed, and a uw:te the nece.ary arm. on,tnally, we weren't aotn.a to take anvbody," aakl Bavul. ''But wh e n y ou 1011 e some boa y (referring to Baylor), '{ou tend to get your dander up. I somebody is going to tak~ one of my players, then I'm going to take one of theirs." AA for McNamara, Bavaai, who worked with him for 3~ years at San Diego, aaya the 50-year-old thouldn't have any problem. "There will be no preeaure on John to win, ju1t like there wun't any pressure on Gene to win," Mid Bavaai. "Remember, we pve Gene a cont.rad to come t.ck. He wu the one who c:hoee not to. · '"nlla la the aame type of. club, . with a lot of veterans, that John had in Cincinnati and he won there. We think be can win with this club, too." "All I know la that they can play and they're fundamentally IOUDd," a.aid McNamara of th,. ieam he inherits. .. ..._.,. fl whllt JOU apply to younelf and ~·re anly • FOCI .. your players. !.had. ......... in CtridnnaU, too. l'lJUaNnl IK'Ond wa1n't 1ood •nou1h th ere, either." • .... ICHOOL flOOTIM.I. AT '" Wf I ................... COLLIQI up lrvlnl def. Cll POiy Pomona. 13·1&, 12·1f. 15-1, 15-10, 15.4 Cal Taell def Chrlll Collaot, 15-4, 111· 14 ~COLUU 0ranci-c:o..t c1a1 c~ .... 111-0. 1a.1. 15-Ai • Ooldan W•t daf. Mt. San Antonio. 16'2. 15-3, 15-10 ·--·~ ..... • NIGH • ..................... ,_ TlllWllY Wlblt (<>-i Yltw~ l<allly Harty (l'ouni.in V...,,. Aoollalla 9IWdir (Founllln \ltlley). Connl9 Walaon IW"lmlf191•~ Ema T ........... CW•tmlnett1I. Jacltla Towneand (HMnlJnG1on lleactl). MVP -DI-Watton (W•tmlnll•), 8-MI T-Erln Tomblin (Edltonl. AIMn Andersen (M.,lna). l<Alrlnl P.c...on (Fountain Valley), Stacy Schla ng• (WHtmlnttar). Dor••n Fa noga (Ocaa n View). S•m Arledge (Fountain Valley) Wed~:=rwtloM. NelleMIL.Mpa CINCINNATI REOS -P1omoted Jalf ~ oullialdar, to tlMlt 40-man roat• llAIUTUU ............................... GOlOEN STATE WAAAIOAS -Plaoecl 1 Joe HaH•tt. guard, on Iha ln)urad llu. Ac:11'111td 0.-. Smith, lolwd. MILWAUKEE SUCKS -Pieced Harwy C.tcNnge. earn•. on "'911\tured ,_ w.i. rMCliveted Charlie Crlae, Qllllfd. NEW JERSEY NETS -Traded PhM l'Old, guard, IO the Mllw ..... 11141 lor Mickey Joflnaon, IOtWllrd, and IM n.ootiatJng rtgllll to Fred RoO«t9. forward fraci.ct J-Ba1141y. lorward, to Ille .._,on Roell.ca lor their 1913 and ttl~ MCOnd round drtll dlolc* r<>OTaAU. u..ieM ...... ,..... LMpa BOSTON 8AEAK£AS -Signed Oaecon Hau1ltr and Daryl Wllk•raon. d•l.n .. 11• a nda, 01ck Ball, d•l•nalv• llneman, 8111 Gompf and Lawranc• Cola, llnt bacllara: WOOdrow Wiiton, cornarllacil: ano Kailh ~llfongUlaty. TAMPA M Y 8ANOfTS -&gned L_, ~. NMlnCI II-* .. NOCttn HEW Y~J:c;:;~Pu lloultller • .._.,._,"-St. Jean Of IN OueOtc """'°' ttoclley Laegue. P1TTIBUROH P£HGUINS -Bought out Ille COflt.racl Of Nell MICL.aletl, -·left ..,1.,g, al'ld gave him hit uncondlt101na1 , ...... s.n1 Doug ~ ..... wing, 10 lllt Baltlmora Slilpjadtl Of IM American HOCkey Leaeua COL.LIOI MARIETTA -Tom Mulllgan, football c:oacfl, rftignad crucial game for Rustlers GWC d ef en se faces stiff test Br CURT SEEDEN MIMDllJ ..... IWf The past three weeks of South Cout. Conference tootbuU action have ah own two n Qtlceable trend• deve l o p ing In the respecUve campe at•Golden West and Mt. 'San Anto]lio colleges. Coach Ray S hackleford's Rusllen1 have be<.'Ome abo'ut as etingy as a team can be on defense, while Coach Mal Eaton's Mounties have rolled up 127 points ln their last three games. That sets the s t a ge for Saturday's showdown at Mt. San Antonio when the Rustlers and Mouplles square oft with the con'ferertce champio ns h ip possibly on the line. At Orange Coast, meanwhlle, Coach Dick Tucke r's Pirates look for their first confere nce vict ory against the hapless Grossmont Griffins. Both games ~re set for 7:30 p.m. Saddleback College will keep Its undefeated streak intact as the ,Gauchos have a bye this week. Here's the way things shape up Saturday: Golden West at Mt. SAC The Mounties, 7-1, can clinch at least a tie for the conference championship with a victory over the Rustlers. The M o unties are 4-0 i n conference play, and among their victories is a big 13-10 decision over Fullerton, which at the time, gave them the inside 1.rack to the conference crown. Since that time, Mt. San Antonio has d one everything right thanks to the conference's No. 2 quarterback , No. 2 running back and No. 1 receiver. Quarterback Mike Clopton Dramatic comeback for UCI UC Irvine came back from two games down to stage a dramatic 13-15, 12-15, 15-8, 15-10, 15-4 victor y over host Cal P oly Pomona to highlight women's volleyball act.ion Wedn esday nighc In other g a mes, Cal T ech dropped Christ College, 15-4, 16-14, while on the community college level, both Orange Coast and Golden West won In three games. The Anteaters, who were led by sophomore Gina Elchuck and ' freshman Cindy Rohrig. are now 21-13 on the season, having won 14 of their last 15 and eight in a row. UCI, which is looking for · an at-large berth In the upcoming NCAA playoffs, will host UC Santa Barbara, ranked No. 13 in the nation. Friday night at 7:30. The Bua. 9-1, stayed ~top the South Coast Conference race with an easy 15-0, 15-1. 15-4 disposal of Cypress (0-9). The Rustlers, 8-2, who s tayed one g~ behind the Sues, we.re equally effective in downing Mt. San Antonio, 15-2, 15-3, 15-10. guides the Mounties otferudvely. Thus far , the aophomore QB hu hi l 105 of 196 pauea f8r 1,3-49 yards and 10 touchdowns. His favorite receiver i• Dan Trejo, a speedy wide receiver, who has caught 52 passet1 tor 718 yards and she TD. The Mountie rushing game ii handled by Rich H.aNOn, who FOOTBALL has rolled up 820 yards on 160 carries and ls averaging 117 yards per game. "They've got everr,thlng it takes.. to be a good team, ' cautions Shackleford qf his oppone nts Saturday night. "They've got a quarterback who's a two-year starter, a big, physical offensive line, solid defense ... they don't lack anything." Th e Rustl e r s (3 -0 in conference) hope to count.er that explosive offense with a defense w hich has allowed an average of 4.3 points per game in conference play. Last week against Cerritos, the Rustlers limited the Falcons to 177-yars total offense. Golden West's defense h as been sparked by Mark Webber and Hiriam Winn. Thus far this season, Golden West has come up with 14 int.ercepUons. :'The defense has just played super," praises Shackleford. "As of no w . the whole team is playing well. It's he.rd to fi.nd a fault." Go lde n West's offense is sparke d by the ha rd-running Rich Stahlheber, who ground out more than 200 yards last week in the Rustlers' 21-6 decision over the Falcon s, and QB Adam Gragnano, (64 of 133 passes, 948 yards,·9 .TDs). Grossmoot at OCC The Pirates can snap a six- game losing streak with a victory over the Griffi n s. a nd con side ring Grossmo nt has dropped its last 14, the odds favor OCC. "Both teams would really 1ike to win this one beca~ both are struggling right now. Sure, we feel we have a good" shot at beating them. but I'm sure they feel just as confident that they can beat us," says Tucker. Freshman quarterback David Schramm paces t he Griffins offensively. He has hit 97 of 223 passes for 1.094 yards this season, but he has been intercepted 13 times in the process. Tucker is looki~g for his Pirates to break out of a aeason- long offensive slumber. OOC is averaging just 153.4 yards per game. The OCC defense, meanwhile, ·has made things Interesting. particularly against the rush. OCC ii ranked second in the South Coast Conference ln that department, allowing an average of 83 yards per game. "I thJnk the game will come down to how weJJ our offense perfonns against their defense.'' says Tucker. Sophomore quarterback Clay Tucker, who has thrown for 605 yards (65 of 147), paces the offensive attack through the air. College football TQIU1h-9Mm Well Vlrpl1tl• VI. Rulg1ra 11 EHi Aulhar'ford. N.J. IATUllDA'rl OAml .... Stlnf~ 111 UCLA 84 AoM Bowl ( 1 30 p m l Hevlda (l.M V.0-1 va. Long 8Mch SI al AnaMlm ltedtum (7:30 p.m I W~ SI •t CalltOmll Sen JoM 81 11 Plldflc ~ 81. at ~'-it POttllnd 8t 84 C.. Poly ll"ornon81. n It lllWY'• et U. of Sen °'l90 AluM P8Glfic II Cll Luthel'an ~at"8cllaftde.lt Pomon8-19tus II Ooddenlll C8I ltate No'1twldge 81 Cll Poly (SLO), n La Verne • CWWnol'lt·Mydd ......... UIC at Ari-n W~ 81 A;ltON 81. II 1811 Ollgo It. 81 8YU KMll9 .. Collndo Utaflll, ....... ~~It lelahO • ., ..._......, et k1e110 St .. n ColoredO ... 8t NeiW MIJllCO MoMMlatW..,SI Wldllla ..... ~ ...... T-AIM at M_.., II ~ .. C>etlllfloml lawtor• .... U18tt .. T.....tl P810, It T-•tCU IMU•f-Tedl ._ ..... ,..,," NR *-It. M W"' , .... St .• n , ..... ~~"· unw•--a:.; ,_... ........... (Ol8llMI I 11t 1.• ~ ..... Oltlo .. 81 Noilliww•n ............. .... t ... ~ MlclllQln St at Mln-1a. n NeOrMlta 11 Iowa St. Olllallom1 SI. et Kll'I ... SI. .._ " at Hot .. DMl9 (Cfwlnei 2 ., 1230 p.m.1 Ofloo u ... w ..... Mlc:t"'8n &Item Mlc:lllQln 8l 9owling O,_, a .. s1 " Centr• Mlcltlla8n MOfgan SI. at ClnclNwtf Oriti• " llWloia St. Toledo at Kenl It Miami (01 81 Hot1tlem *"°41 .... Sou11Mrn ~alppl 11 AlllMml o.otgll at Auburn LNtvllll II "1orldll SI , n Fkwlda 84 t<entuclly C--.81~ T tnnet1W et Mlllllllpp4 LSU 81 M1111::#:'" SI. Vorglllla •t ~t CarOllM H•vy at louttl CerOlln8 O.CW-gt11 Tedi at W•e l"or9" Vw ..... la fectl 11 Yandertllll ~StatVMt E•t C.Ollfw ti Wiiiiam & Mery Te11nHn1 CN1t8"009I at lllt Clt8del Wofford II I• T.,..,..... It , n Furr-II ...,.._ OUll•lt~~ .. 8ELOUlel8M 1tHWlOUlel1t11 Hofth TeJI .. SI. at AicM10N1 Loullliana Tecfl .. SW LOUlllll'I•. n Pitt at lvtft'f hef s~-•• 9oetofl College ............. PrllloalOtl ........ Cornall -· Columllle Telnplt8lCCllDMe loetOf'I u .. awol!Mll o.rt'"°""' at er-~....,... ConNctiOUI W.. ~It. 8l Dlllww M8in8 It= Cr:L ,... "81.-a 8t11111111u•te• \ . JOHNSON &SON pr11ent1 ... c•••• .......... Notre Dame over Penn Sl)I .. .. IYU .. \ \ 17 mg. "tar". 13 mg. nlCOUne BV. per c1garet1e by fTt method. • ...... ; • j . , Discover the taste of Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack. I I ~ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Tl'lurlNay, No~mber 11t'11!2 t .. ti .. ,. M ...... •• •• ..._. • ., , . . . I · . ., J ' ' • -- 11 11=-i H . · / (.{J f1., , . ..., IJ ,;, . .;; rl ... J ·~4 ' . •• l~ ""'' ;'. ! ' I ( • ' I I I I I ! I ' • , • ' : ~ • : • 1 I Ot1ng• Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Nov.mt>« 11, 1812 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS r~w VOllK IAl'I ~·~·· ""nl· 1~w:~· fm U" ~:~:tl tt:;n~ nr.·" lh r· =•Q11~t1: 0111 IH r· ~. I I• U I 11 ml • 111 It .... ' "' :i::ar. ~u ,:. oc ... 1, WI 1:1 .. ie=.,, ~ '":P'" 141. 1 •• j•m.ity J 'P =· ij'~ 4)\t marlltt mr::•n •• tft •P JI l'°i vfSIJ,~ ~~'" 1'1 .. \1"" "'1n f :t"'", '-jll t 1J11:. ~;.:ir ,,:.: ~r.:ir•,. tO .,, ...... = J It h ' IHt ti ~-:i·.~ ~' fl1• ~Ii l"rt,~M , .... r· J• cm4 1. ~"· r.~"""' ar comm 11llrl'cl I }"' " .,n Jll J 2 "' r;'"' ,~ '• .. .. .... §!'~on ••• t lwer ·~ v. ' v'lc , ... ;_tor. lttcll lld "'* . . ' U\.t U4o lhmtn tt\o. l~fb -J~ AEl lnel 16'~ 11~ YlM 161.. ., ~r~::u• ,. 11111b" 1r.:1: Al'Al'rot D M~ 01 ... 21~ u ~I~ .... , IWM Cp .... ~ 4 »·» ' ,, 3) Klnetnt tdt t:t Trice~ ~It" A<tellnl n~ n~ g:~~~' \~ :~ KIOolO -r:~ =~ i~~of1 .... ~:.r.:' l(~:r:.v 21VI lt' 14 0.wtYl!I I t\1 ~11110 •• •ot "at unr ~ Adv It en ih OleCrya 2tl., ltl. 14 24 " I/ •1~ t' ~ r~w ""'"' II' o I g:~11 ~ 1tVI l.eno t "" 2111< " y 1'"'-J\I) ~ Allctll\C 111') )1\1) Iv " 14\o 1.ene111 .. .-.. , ,. ,_ ,."' uv., ... ..... , .... Amer .. 41. "' g:u•on JO't• ~ lent Co M Mh s~ s1-.. UllY :J "" "" Al'11rn 1V. 1"°' ~IOI II 11~' Lllnn ...... fCO UP:f 14Yl J' AO•MI "'-41"1 Or l~n U"" t "'-Llnlrel 1 t:~ n =~~·. ~,... ":ti' ~-4'-AlnGf. ~ IO\lo Dllnk 11 •·~ L:r.lrn ...... v ~tll ~,, ANel nt 16 14\lc ~rlron II~ 11 M I 1 .,.,.. a111. pH JO 10\1) v ...... ._,, IO "i:'' "' 1-.. tlnVnc 21"-tJl/t MOfO~ -s ..... =n: Vtlcro 't: 't: A ,.M9 h It. 1 EconLt b U'lo 2-~ tG *"It -· V~I ' Anedlte "" I l!IPHEI 1211< 11"-::r=IPI ~' vcMtr u1. ~eNI~ 4h s A11t$A 1m 1211o e1•••• s s~ Ill .._ s .... V~I 2 40'n llYt 2~ A11t~GCI IOloo II E eNuCI 13~1 'f'-rlCNI ~ l'n ··~ Wtrll(I 121• 12"-=•C JI JI~ IHMod 1 UI• t .\lo Mt11ILP ,,,,, wmut ""' "" W•lllrnr If\,, IS All Ml 211. 211/t EnrOev JOY> 20\o yPI llllt 11 ~''"' ~ 21 \lt == J6V. 311/t ArelttlOp S\ot Sii< EnrMtl I IS-161 rOtl IV. I V. ~cona .. I ... ~-"" AtlGtlt 11\'o I~ Enlhv ~ 41'\ orm »'-JO\,, el Wit 12'-12 .. Wm«C :~I~~. Alltnlt • JO\o JO\I) Enlwlttl ISi. .. ... . "'" S.EIS• '"" ,, .. "'""'§" Amit• 2l 231, EQIOll II>\ •1. X:l> II 121. Slenelyn » »"-Wlwr 1 17 17\tl 1100 ''"' stllt FtrmGp "" 40 12\o u $10Mkro '~""' WOIVAll 1-"" ••!•CIC~ 7\'o 1-. Fldlcor JS UI. leltaW ""' n $1dllt91 ., .. womel Ill'! IJ'\ ltllyP •!;\ 1\lo F181lhl 4IV• 41Yo IOCep 1~. 11'7 t~,~r· » 311~ Wooell.ot 331<. 33~ 1•'\11tE 1'~'1 'f v. l'tlottn 1"-71~, lelllltt .... " JV. 21Mt wr~tw IS'Mt 1$\) :11,.,9 ,,._•., ~:~':IF.. ~~ 1J~ lelllll • :"'I~ !.!•••Cl »l o J:l\I) ZJon I .... 11"-1~'.'e'K; 5"bar11 56\. ~ n • • Hot _,..I<*• l•Y17,Mll 11\oa 12\lo Fl~llll n-. J2h ""' 111'1 =~~ h ,_~ 61. Fiie Jr 271Mt 21" ... Joi Joi~ MoftlCol """ 12 lat1L J • 3111< ~:~~oc~' 2;~ 1:~ =~~, ,~,,. :rM11t HV. UV. Fo•HIO. II~ 1'V. ,, 30 :.:~ l~ :;~ F,.nkff 1211. U"-=r.~ IS.\lo Ut\ ""' ""' 11,,m1· ~ "" ~~:o k~ ~ .. lllMltll'lr 11 2211. llrvoor 121.. 12~ Frernnl .... lw Herr9C l2 )3 lontnr '"' 21/t FullrH8 J4 241'1 HOete ,..., It~ llrwTom All 11/t gnAutm S\oa S'9 HttwllS l1\ot ,, ... l::f.kl>H 11'-11\<o nOtYU 2'}1 2\1• NVAlrl lk , ..... NASDAQ SUMMARY 8 "' ~ ,. .... ~"tlj," 11 I!"" Hl<llOG • l l(o l11rnu~ U\lo 13~ v n 141/t 1 !Otlsn A ~ llV. CHL In 2\oa JV. Grepl\Sc 1~ lit\ HltlJn 8 -. .. ~. NIW VOllK IAPI -Mott t<11¥t ovtt· gT '"' I~ GrtyAOv 1' 11 Nike 8 »'-"'" "';j!::·· =..,~Itel~ ... ~ IWISv ,.,,, 40\oa Glllnht llYo II~• HCerGs IS\.t ISto CenreoH ,._ 4V. GyrOdyn Ho 11.. HwlNGI IJ 121'1 "':I: l ... l,0'26,• IS\. 1)... l ' • CtpEn "" tt HeOM>n •~ ~ HwJIPS 11"-11h p ti . . 1,11112.• 24\1) 241Mt 'II. ' gt1>Sw1t IOV. 11\1• HtmlPI IOY> IC>lio Noxell ~ .. 441'1 ~ 1..... tOMOO 37\'t Jl\lo -1:i. epAlr Jlllt 4 Hardwll IV. I~ vJHucrp 1-16 .... leC . . '°UDO J I JIV. •IV. •, • reCp Hl'o 24 HrpA-ll'Mt U §rJ•ner 12 ... 13 G HHCI . • Sl:l,IDO ~ n 4, + t'I C_.111 Ill-> 12~ H••fF..r. H ltl/t :2.~ 41 41\oa Hybrltc . . Ut,400 21V> 27"" • 1 ,· Clterltlv ...... )l'llo Her I I ."' 21'• 0 1. 0 1/t COlllAm S07.S00 1:1\o IJ ... +21'1 CllrrnS 16-to 11V. Hch~r , 211> 21\oo Ott Ferro "' .... AC•Clln• 311,.00 n11. n~ •2V. ClterlH 26"' 214' Henr F 44 , 441• OtterT P 211'\ 21"" Ect11lnoa ;a,1 ,JOO 2 7· II 2 ,. II + \l'o , ~llm Lee 11 l.V• Holobm 2~• 2\'o PCA Int IV• 6 .... Gnl!ntY • us.100 1111t 11tt -... 1tt1Ut1 .. 21 Hoovtr ""-I•''• Pebltll 24\1) t4~ '~!':! s1-. SH'l Horl•A• • 4V. Pc Gell 20 20Yo ~tn<N ............... 1" C r1 CO .,._ lh IMS lnl Jlh HI• ~::xr 1 1V. Otcllntel ················· .,. CltrSoG• U4-12'-ISC 1"'-11 "" '°"' UfKlltn.,..S .. , ............ IMO CltiUIA 0 1'\ 4µo. 1ntre1n11 ll'o t Pent Ent 14 """ T•tl IUUH ... ··········. ),JU CllrUt8 'l 44 1n1e1 40 40 ..... , .. ' u-. 22111 Htwhl9!1•. ............... 414 CltrkJL l5Yi l6 lnlr<Enr •~• 4"1 P4POPE•P n~n New•-····················· IS Cl-Cp 1" 1"' 1n1grph 16~ 3'~1 Petr II• J::ll'o -Total Mies ....••..•••.•••••. '3,Ut,!00 ColrTI• I""' 1'•1> 1ntme11 11-. 11'• Ptlllbon ' ..... 011111 caum 10111111 Karcher f ir01 splits stock The board of directors o f Carl Karcher Enterprises Inc. has voted a five-for-four split of common stock, payable Feb. 15 to shareholders of record Jan. 27. The firm operates 328 Carl's Jr. fast service restaurants in California, Arizona and Nevada. Continental Insurance has named Randall L. Sanden of San Clemente, branch manager of its Newport Beach branch. f UPS AND DOWNS NaW VOlll( t•s,:. f!W lol1tw1111 llM .,,...,, ... , Ille C.11111~ f.t:h •1141 • .,,..,..., 11\at he••..r: .. 1111 mo.i ..,. .. n 11w -• "1, tn r:.'( ... t of CMflet r...,f!Mt ¥t llmt Wtcl . "J 9rJ'=' .!:~t11'?:c~:':,~~ a-no.::-Ille tlt.J:V ..... clHlllt price -.Y'• IMt Cl prlct u"' ~.:t:: ...... ."'t. P<I I ,,,, Up 41' 1 !lntnll ' • u ... • •11 Up i: 0 j Ampel ·~· •• ~= Arnpel p4 tV• "" ,. I • l/!tt ,,.,, •V. Up JO 0 ' l i\tl "" "• It Up 2t. 1 ~::f,'f~ • ·~ I.Ip ,., • , . " Up ,. , • •711!MI 21·11 . ~. Up ,,. 10 ~I 'f)nel t II<. • ·~ Up 14,S Ii " OH SI. • 1 Up JU "''"wt 4\olt • "' Up 21,4 UnCIHo t i. • " Up ~: " WfSL It . ' Up_ " iOlllAm ''"" . , .... Up ,., ,, 1.•t. "" , .... • S-16 Up '" 17 c~~cr .. • l't ~~ 11.A ~ r.r 0 2'-+ ... 16.7 cllnc:n 1 26\14 + '"" Up ,.., • ~mbu , t~ • "' Up IU ti IHI•• '"' '"" Up IU J2 HmlldF ISi. ' Up IS.I tJ AloScltr 4 .. ~~ Up 14 J 14 Cov"91 2 .. Up "J 25 01tArc.1t 11. I Up IJ' OOWNI Ne-LHI ~. l'cl. I .,,_rln ,.,. g:: 20 ~ , f'lnNtw ~ 1\ot "·' , oe1:r"'' -VI Ofl II.I • fin w un 1 l'Mt Ofl .... s loblrll II t-'Mt -1-16 Ofl ···l I :~~ ,..,., ' Ofl 1·· J .. u 11·» gn " Jg"'" ,_ " IU 1.0 '°"' 1\eo Ofl 12. 10 mdmL 2 ,. •• S-11 Off lN II Nw wt 1 ,. .. S-11 Oft 12 i~· '"" -, Off II.I u 1 "· Off 11.1 " ~'t~~ • ~ Off 11.I IS •I• l'o Off 10 ! .. CISI 20\lt H• Ofl ID • 11 Irwin 1 I ICKW IV. Ofl 10 1 II EnCnv wt ,_ "" Off 10.{ ~ i:"lc'r '" l'o Ofl t.I ..... ... Ofl '·' 21 "Mobil( 7 .\.o 011 f.1 u :::,·1~ Sh "' Ofl .. , u ... .. Off •.. M ~~~ .. 1\'t _,. Off t.! 2S )'11 "' Off '" " Irv M"" • " Off •.. 21 PeooE•P 21"" iv. Ofl ... .., MUTUAL FUND HIW VOllK CAPI I HI w• 10" II OJ I.I Miii\ ''! l'IL Inv Var io " II 00 llM!Gvl """VI II P111n•m t'..... llnl i 'i HL '"' fli ... IN.,.. ,~~,. t,. , 11 1111r1111 11 •• Hl '"" .. ," '" tu "'l',:.1, •'~Hi. f,.~{4 ::·ff" lh ~~::'a~ '~ ~~ lelltn•l ~.lcMI "'1 ipTHt ~-HL ltlljjll Hl l:i'' t at ~t Orwtll i /0 UO 0 .. r1 1J 1• rbl II U. 're:r.:· ~""l«~T~ :r::nltl 11" ''""''"' .l!.!' /I orf~ •• 21 IS SI '"'"" It! • ,. Gi••lfl II 12 ,.. ..... .. " 17 .. ,,.,. Inc . "'' 111111 , .. ~1n• ~.~ ~t J P 111co ••• • 31 ,,,],//,.~· 4~ I,\ tOJ~ ~T\!~: tt:J l~ 'C:='t11K.M, 16 pt1c.i.1•Wtii<11 I"'• ll·"' HL Mdlh 14 11 "'tJe.1111• 1044 HL Nffuf .. ., HL '"'"" ••• , Otw111 I.At au , r. 11.:C"'.:.': l::'~l~CI I ~ '°..,11 :~~~ rn M J'r~'nc?l~s lft2 =•I Avlt tOOll HL 'nvt1I IO .. IU! W.,)! !"' tJ,~ = IN•t I ..... "t:I' la u Ht .... lnV .. IOft• Orwlll ,, .. ,, n N:I ~u.11'1~·· HI. ?:~" •• :: n H ~, H:..r.: , : 11Hl r:!~ =~~ ,::r ''l'lt 'l·" n'~oAp :ut u 1 v:. Ol~ t11:' t;: lel.., 12 14 I).. VI•• It SJ 11 '"" 14 II • 114' I .. ·~ t IO •s tWth ' u ,. I( 11 ·-J 41 • , 7• V•Y•t u .. .. TUClr ,_ IS" HL ,...... .... ""' Hf~i;, t·" 1:., ncom • 1t I I(~= ,_, NL i••lll •• 10 11 au. • ., 44. NL T•nC GI 12 • NL Actrnf ft;J NL lncom .ot 1,H 0:'"" .~2f't~ ~ncr:: il ::,i~ r.::; =~ ~:1 ::~-: ,11:.,N1~l=~~l I::: r~ :Pur~,. it U ~t v:~" lto\t 1N: ;i·J: Ta~n Ii• ut f ... VICI t.• tO U llOC• tt> 10 11 S.!Kt ltclll': USAA Orif ~ .. t AIM F11ndt .. " ori tuo NL .. WIEQ '10 10 '"""d 10. II 56 ... la '0) I'" Eqlllt us NL Grwtli ' . ., " (wVfel I""' 14 11 wl"' I I "" I 4l '4 Wiii U ... 16 ~ .... I 1 •1 1 M Totlte • > 9' t «I OrwUI IS SS HL HIVICI I 40 0 • •.. wit; if IM 2 Ot l'•ttr S ~ 12 i'I 11 JO l'•lrllel '07 •ti tnco II.JO NL tnct It., NL rlHIWY II .. 12.. It 21 t0. ,,_. 0111 S 12 ~II "IM n Ntllonwielol ~Cit S4Pe11I lnve" s.11 IJ '11 NL HIVlll tit 10 .'9 ::::: d~ll IOtt l't11Mtr1G.-tt'l't."' iJu u:~ N"nFd ~II 12'4 t>MUnl ACC11 6. NL Alplla rt U.. HI. cord ,, NL G~wlll t 12 HL Tot IU 1J U 14 tt t 41 10 1' IWlll I> '2 14 II Unll Miii IOll HL A llrtllT IJ.t> 14 U .,.,..<tic {i!nt• fll<tm IJ,al HL UI 0111 t 02 t 40 NelGlll 1.21 7.lt Cl 21.U NL Unltlll Funclt' Arnerlctn f-1 FllM IS'IO ti03 Mllttl t•I t KtYtlaM #Ni.· ' Netlel t.lt 10 klleleltr Fllfllh, Accm '22 10111 "••I ... II n tncom 1 .. 111 '"" 1HS NL '"' 11 IUt 1 .. 0 NELll• ,_ c.m St .,. NL lond SSS • 01 Arn<p 1 .a I OP Mllft ICI 1 II 1.10 l'rell&lln Gr-Cul 12 1141 '° 12 IClllll 22 IJ 1• 12 Otvtl MD NL lnlGth IS 02 II 41 :.:r" :t: ::·t: t11• In• ... ,.,. ~2,, ,f.t .... ~~::~ ~= :: ~.::.::: ~unrn f:.O~ :n; :t ~ou!nc ~rn ~.:: I'd Inv ... , IO.. :t':IJ 't ft :t ~··" • 11 10 C111 l(J 1 ~· 1" 11 .. (Q n to f4 71 lnll I'd u 2A HL ~· lj!C IJ 56 ,, ., (irwlh II. IS 11.t• .. rl\l-I. NI. tlon 4.JS 6" '"' SI II n 20 41 T~•h UI • ., MM• 1,)7 NL llKom II 07 12.10 111com '·a ie" try c .. t .ft 11,,. u 111 s.» J.71 . ,11, Sl 1·n , °' H•1111tr99r eerm. 5e<11•1ty ,_,. M""' .01 • n CA 10. II.ff ltwere Ollll: l~orn I ff 2 I c111 $4 •44 721 E/nrgy II Jt HL lone! '·" I tJ SclEnt N Pt•• 1. 1. fi!'' , 02 .. 42 us Gov 1" 1.. '""'"' 4., 4.U G ... •CI M 24 HL (QlllY • • ) ae IO cu 10 ... T.. f. ti ltw 21.I• U,U Cepll 100 It TtaFr 1.U rtS LlbtY >• HL l""eU 9SJ 1042 V-ISll 11 21 W ... Mt IM t.. tell 1 7S 1,47 IQ<,111 S 1' I It M .. , 12 .. t> U "'-'ti S 12 HT Utve •.OO • M oJ S Golel S •7 NL Amtf 0-rtl: ll Frt ... I .ti Ce1Ta I S1 IM L.ealnciton r,ip l'ertn 14.. HL S.IKleel "llftlb !/tlw Lint Fii C·tP ICI .6 M !.... 0.llA 10,lt II.to F-J Inc: C . [Cir 12 7; IJ.. tWI Gt J4 21 HL. Am Sitt IA NL lonel It 44 HL E"lfll IUI ll IS er Cep 1.60 HL Cmr(.t t M 10.10 G~ICllCI J 4' NL Ntwl Inc 1.04 HL sr.1 Sl\J ti.• NL Fllnel 14,4' NL HI Vlei UI !O.S2 a 81 H.• NL hWOI 10 4 10.92 GNMA 1 n NT HfcflOI• 11 Joi HL S.I 9rnen Group. ln,om 1 OJ loll Mllft I " .. i1.14 a S4 tUt NL Pllef 11.07 120l Grow t•S HL l In Tr II 71 NL UpFCI 10.71 1117 Lev Gt 11 M NL Venlr » Ot 11 SI a lur "·" HL SllnllMI 12 M ll • illHI\ 11't0 NL E fnGI IO 14 HL CmSlk 12.'7 IJ tJ 5'>1 Sii IJ., HL Cm1t• 12 '1 14 17 Orev.111~ Grp GT l't< 11.11 HL t.lnelt1r . 1i11 HL ovtfel IS OJ HL Orowllt 1 11 1.14 !/.,,<t S.nCIHt Eaclt , ... , NL • lnCI u n HL Gtt• Op 14 51 HL L.ooml1 s.,.... v Vent 7 '° I.JI ln(O 12.U IJ,)2 lnco... 11.31 tJ 0 l'CI Arn 12 » IJ.. Ortyl IS.I ... SI Otn Elec Inv Cepll 2).. HL llVten 7.ol HL 5en11,,.1 Gr-. ln .. u 1.9' I .. Grow Jt,J1 HL 1.tvllt U.14 11.73 EllnTr HIS.. • Miii 17"9:1 NL IOIO HL 8tltlt 1,ts t 11 Ltvre. II.It HL Harllr 13.tiO ..... N Nlllt UI .Ht Ii'"" '·'°· • • . l.ord Abbtll.. m lt.07 HL 8onel 6.J7 .... CepE I J.1.4' HL Peet 1$.21 ..... S.I In< 1.01 'ti S JI 44 loll Alflno t 04 91S .,,,_nlttlrntr I'd• <;om$ 14.IS 17.65 EVGlll 737 1 tS "rovlel S.12 J S2 Te• t• 10.. "IL &LL9 10 7S NL ano ob 10 OJ 10 '6 Olrtet It.I> It II Grwlll 14 20 IS SJ IEV Ta II SI 12 SI A Gllll'd I .. us Tllrel c .. n HL Gen ( 12 71 HL Ot.v Gj 22 31 24. OOoen I SI • JO Seq;iole J1:n HL 08ll I ,. S1 NL A Htrlll l.JS NL .... Giii 10.02 10.tS GIT lj·" NL 1ncom J.07 >JI HJ VIII It 01 10 Jt Sentry n .1• t• 12 Ovtr I st.J7 NL Amini •OI I S7 •ftn&How,rll. Ortll Ind 2 Al HL Lllllltran Bro ~n 2J.14 JS 2' SllHnon I'-Ea8J I 14 11 t.IL A lnvul t.S7 HL •••t11 SI •.11GrdP.kA ISIO 1121 Fund u.» ,... <I ltlJ 2161 ,. .. ,. "·" "" E11FCl l •20 NL .. In¥ :r '·" Nl ,.Ollrt 10.JO HL Hem HOA s.ss. 01 lncom I,. '01 • Fre 1 ro '" HIVlll 11.74 lt.7J FICIE I ., ... , HL AmM• 24 ... HL lncom 4.n S.16 .... I Giii !Ut NL M11nl .. 90 ,:,. AIM IUI II )4 1ncom l&.6S "63 ScFld I St.07 Hl A NIGlll .... S.11 Inc lot I ... 9.50 Htr l.tv I0.01 HL US Gov t:10 t M Time 10 7S II 7$ MM11n 12.71 U.O Spe<I IUS 14.11 A Hllnc 11-•S J0.16 S.CI J2 2J U.'7 HtrOICI 20US HL Mtu Flntrl(I" fC Ste 26 16 2t.4J H X W O I r v-utrel Gr-Amwey .. ,, •• 7S stock 12 . ll.J Hor Men 24.. HL MIT II. 11 '7 PMtm M II .. 11.94 I , l 1 I • I E•PI• JI n HL A{<llGvl '·" NL E-tltell °'°'41: Hut•ll.... II 31 HL MIG 1»ss " .. Pt1Wlll 10,. NL SNrrn 0 .... HL llld Tr .... HL Alia H0119Non: thtm IOll II.II H11UGl1t l>.M HL MIO 11.n 11 SI Penn Sq 1"'6 HLjSlerrt GI U J1 NL GHMA t JO HL Fnel I t.:JO I0.11 119A1 t.20 IOO INA HIV tA 10 11 MCO 10 JS 11 OS Penn Mu S.01 HL Sltmt l'uncb; lvtl l 13 7t HL lncom 4.11 U4 rvu 14.71 1•.ae ISi GrOYp: •• MEG 10 21 11·01 l'NI• 10 0) 10... cepll 10 ... II I Morll ... ..... HL Stoc• 11.41 IJ 41 eneutil 20.0J HL Orwth UI 1.... MFO IL22 ti ll PltMnla Cfle•t: lnco 7.52 1.12 MuKV l ,M HL ILC GI U.71 11.17 (Yrgrn U.2' HL l"com l .7t 4.14 MF& 1261 u.. ltltn 11.07 12.10 lnvHI U.IJS UH MuSlll 1St2 HL ILC '"' ll.17 1•.ts Evr9rTll 12 ,, HL Tru Sii 10.42 "·" MMI 1"u •ae CvFCI 11 26 .. .. StKI " 12 ., IJ Mulnl IO.. HL lebs '"' I.Joi NL rm BG I• 4S IU lnelll•try •.so HL MFH t.71 7 JI Grwlll IUS "n Trull '·" 10 .. Mu Lg • " NL .... '"" 12.st NL -·•ect F-: lnltr<tpltel; lnTrl II SI tiff HIVIO ..,, 1-.W Venl 1.5' • ,. QOlv I IS JO NL ... , Giii 12.... NL Am Lei• IO.'l 11.16 lnCep 11.0ll 11.12 """"" n 13 HL Stock 1147 12 1S sa EQIY IS.47 "· 001• 11 l.OIJ HL ..., Hiii 14.U HL Eacll 2UJ NL llfllV.. 14.00 14.gl Mtrrlll Lyrw:h· PC C•P IS.07 • sa II.Gr 9.43 ... , fnlCO J2 IS HL 8tl' .. r Growp: HI lcm 11.71 IUC l"V" 12.31 IJ. l ... 1k 12 •l 13 21 Pllgrlm Grp. SoGen In 1~.'IO U.60 Wt ll'1 12.17 HL llD l'CI IS.JI HL h ,,. 1.71 HL Ntlltl 1.Gt 1.0 CtPll 11'1' ... ,. Pllg Fci 11.IO 12,, Swlnlnc 4.65 HL Wtlltn 11.n HL 101 FCI 10.SI NL us GVI I. NL THE• t ll t.12 E!IU ICI 1o't0 u ·u M .. c s 44 s., Sover In 11.35 "" IGlnel 1.u HL loelonCo: leltiltrG·-lnllnnl t.7'107 HllM 7M a.u M .. fn I OIJ 1 .. s. ... 8-Grp. HIV811 •OO NL , ,., Inc 11.Jt It.ti .... 1121 HL llW 111411< t.'7 HL HI Oii 10.0 ..... "'°"'" Flll\CI <;om SI us • ,. Wn411 IO.. HL C•PAll 14 00 NL loncl • fl NL I"" ... II.JO 12 ae lnTrm IO Joi I0.11 ·-t.26 10 II 01.... ,., .. t.X v ... 1ur1.. 10 . II ... &oel FnCI ll.S2 12.H Cont"• 41.31 HL " .. I'°'' G._ • lier. t 9:1 10.oJ Fund 1'.'1 21 21 Pr09,. 1.Sl t. wellSt G 7 60 l.S2 81111 & .... Go: Conllel 11 a H 18 ICI ..,, 4.11 ...... I I., '·°' II Inc u S3 ",. SIFrm GI •.n HL Wein EQ "" HL Caprn 10,SJ NL 01lny 1.12... •• 011 .. 7' ,,,, MIMI In 1.13 7.DI ten Inv "·· .. ., Sll'rrn II 12.n NL WIK Inc ) .. tJ HL. Ceplt S la.JI NL Eq Inc U.1• N 1g Grt IS.9' 11 U l'e<Fd I0.51 II.JO l'lllrnd IUI HL SISlrffl Inv: Wood Strutht/1: Oolc11 II ... NL Eacll • 01 H I $ HIV 3.14 "'° ..-n. rice Fund•. EllClt 72.,. HL CleV99 44 24 NL Colvln lullOtk: Melfi 11 OIJ V . IOS HO LM t 06 tA 10 OS Grwlll 14 24 HL )letn Hoe 1-111; Htuw It 14 HL llwllO "-661121 Mllftld 6S1 H IOSPr09 tAl1.21 So1V4\ 104'1122 lrw:om 141 HL 8tltn 21.44 N Pl,.. 1'21 HL Ceneln 1JO 1.20 f lelll II.ts N Inv Mii '°"17 11.t.0 Mid AM 1.11 1M Intl 1004 HL lond t.02 H HL -No -Olvlel 2.tt J.17 Gvt Sec '·" H IDS Ta 3-33 3.41 MMllOpl 20 M HL H IE•• IS., HL C•P Op 2l.6I H (Nits c11ar91I . Hllnc II.It 12.0> Hllnco 1.4' H In• Slk lt.71 21.0 MS8 Fd 20 ~ HL H Hor Ir IS n HL Stock "·'° H ,_ PrevlO<ll d•Y. Monllt 10,'9 11.tO HI Yid 10.lt ~. Inv Sii 7.M •.O Mui 8tn 11.61 13.71 Tl Fre I 39 NL SlnSDI 11,~ ~L QUOlt. L Tim Gamache of Tustin has been named manager of the newly· opened San Francisco Boulangerie in Newport Beach. Flora Jensen has recently joined Cochrane ~-Chase, Livingston and Co .• Inc .. of Irvine as production. She re5ides in Laguna Niguel. Huntington Beach resident Jobn A. Bohn has been promoted to vice president for Security Pacific National Bank's financial planning and analysis department. Steven H. Weiser, 27, has been named vice president of con struction and deve lopment L financing at Cambridge Capital Group, based in ·· Santa Ana. A veteran of 22 years In the financtal services field, James A. Rust of Huntington Beach has been named president of Huntington Pacific Thrift and Loan Association, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Counties Bancorp; of Huntington Beach. Ray Thomen of Irvine has joined Collins Foods " International, Inc. as director of management infonnation systems. Joseph Charlton of Newport Beach has been appointed senior account manager of Holter and Associates Advertising of Santa Ana, a division of Production Graphics. ' ' Keeler Foods. Inc .. Santa Ana-based wholesale • , distributor of foods and related supplies. has announced the promotion of Cltarle1 "Cltucll" Hopllia1 of Santa Ana to manager of the firm's full-service equipment department . . . ~; Newport Harbor National Bank has ,. announced the promotion of Marie Fenaaacle1 of ~ Irvine, from installment loan officer to -'atant vice ; president. She will al80 be the bank's consumer ; · compliance officer. EDAW, Inc., a firm providing consulting services in landscape arehitecture, urban design and ,e.nvironmental planning, has announced the pt'0'1"0tion of Steven G. Nelson to the position of • principal In its Southern California oUice in Irvine. • . v • Tim Pearson of Laguna Beach has joined, Cochrane Chase. Livingston and Co., Inc!., • vice • ~ president of public relations. Ma•reea M. Bria• has been named project aales manager at Canyon Creek In Irvine, a private, pte.-guarded community pretented by the Meister Company of Newport Bead).• 11• Jay E. Sclllalle of San\a Ana haa been named • JQana1er of the newlf opened San Francleco • Inc. ln Irvine. Since its introduction, interest rates on Wells Fargo's Market Rate Account have kept pace with money market fund averages. Add Wells Fargo convenience and FDIC insured safety, and you have an investment that for low risk, high yield and liquidity is unsurpassed. If you've been Jookina for an investment that combines money market yield, liquidity and insured safety, the \l\ills Fargo Market Rate Accounr it what you've been Wlitina for. A S20,000 invatJQent acts you interesl thlt ~ 1J1ce with money nidlir tilB. lbu" tin withdraw funds with ;u.t leftll days notice, and mUie depositj or withdraw interat whcacwr you like.You~-.... ~,.. ... Fqo 8lnkt or place 11~ 9.S,, ____ ............ ..._ ______ _, . ... .... •.. Wtlls F-.o ~, ._ ... Aawnt Yldd.1..-t .. ••• •••••••• order. And enjoy the convenience of kecpiq all )'OW' funds in one place. With a Market Rate Account, your money is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance CArporation. And~ .by the .... of Aipaic:D 11th larpt bank. The ~t Rate Account is theclaleit thin& yet to a hilh- yie)d, high liquidity, no -risk investment. For more informa- tion, Clll us, toll-free, at ~~~-JJI0').131·"88, , . ....... ~,....,..,"""._...'°' ...... ~"=,.~~ ..... tM0-1111 ~ hw ..,It .,.,md'""'4 J0/27112 11/J/12 • NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN 'ACTION o,~oc""'''oet' lliCl..UOt ••aOUO• , ...................... ,.(.,IC., ........... DIUOlf .... o (lllUU•liAYl UOC• ,. 1111eu a•O ltNUIO I Y t•I lllH O a 11101 .. n1M~f Coast ports eyeing new coal demands SACRAMENTO (AP) -C.O.l ahipmenta through California to Pacific countrlea are llktly to rfa(\ substanllaUy during the next•20 yea~. aayf the at.alt' Enorg)' Commh11t1on. Tot> J\'port. out Wednelday, aald Pacific C()Untrlc'IJ such as Jopan are shifting Crom oil to coal for clectrl~l power and other lndwtrial u.tet. 1''-c report aaid the ~paclty and number of West Coost coal pol"~ wUl have to be exJH&ndcd If exports are •to ket>p on ruing. . Expansion plam are being conaldered In Los Angel.es, Long &ach and Stockton. 'The CONlt'UCtion or lerminala is being c:onaidered in Sacramento, San Frand&ro and Redwood City. 1 Loe Angelea plans to expand ~p!\dty from about three million tons to five million by 1986, and Long Beach plans to expand from three million-plus tons to 10 million to 15 million tons, the report aald . .. GOP eyes relief work WASHINGTON (AP) ---Republican senators are laying the groundwork for a public works project -- perhaps coupled to hl,her gaaoline taxes ---that could provide thousands o jobs in an apJHlrent move to counteract any similar Oemocratic propoul. President Reagan has rejected such public works pro~~lls before. But de puty While House press secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan had been given a rundown on anticipated Democratic jobs propouls, and would be discussing a plan to raise the gasoline tax by 5 cents a gallon to help create construction jobs. House Democrats, seeking to head off the GOP, are considering a mulllbillion-dollar pack.age of more than 600,000 public service ·jobs, housing aubsJdies and a modification or next year's acheduled income tax cut, sources said. Playboy faces cuts • •• ~ W S ANGELES (AP) -A $52 million drop in revenue has led Playboy Enlerpriaes to lower its rates for advertising in Playboy magazine and vent4re further into pay television and home video produc_ts. Christie Hefner, the. 29-year-old daughter of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and president of Playboy Enterprises Inc., explained to compa,.y shareholders Tuesday reasons for lhe company's lack of profitability: "The continuing w eakness in virtually all segments oC the economy and lhe eUects 0£ inflation, unemployment and wage ceilings have taken a large bite out of the cona_'Utners' discretionary spending power during th~ 1982 fiscal year. This has had its impact on the single copy sales of most magazines, including Playboy." As a resu)t, she said, the magazine will reduce its circulation rate base for lhe January 1983 issue from 5 million monthly copies to 4.4 million. DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOllK4API FINI Oow.J-\ •"'Cit for WM., Hov. 10. STCKtll JO • .,., ... """ ..... c ..... Ole 106A.41 I01'.l7 IOU.11 IOU.»~ IS 7l 10 Trn ~" *" 4"'9 441n• 702 IS Ull IU a 122..U 12!0 II 111 03 0 •J U St-•M 21 m" _,. _,. o • U lndU~ ' '117 -T ren 3_on. 100 I.Juts ..... _.......... . z.m 100 •S 5111 • • • . .... • •• • .. 1f;tl1.JGO AMERICAN LEADERS HEW YORK CAP ) -Sales, Wednelldeya Pf1c9 Md net ~ or tt>e ten moat active American &.tock Each~ 1.-. trading nello•leilty 11 more than $1. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (API Nov 10 DomePlrl 1111eoo 2to ~ ''" ~~fir~I! =.:: .. ~v. • ;! "'""' ...... , " 00 To(Yy .. ,,. JIO 1000 •11 , HEW YORK CAP> Nov 10 Toeley >t• )fj '" •» •» t . GOLD QUOTATIONS ., ,,. .... 1111 '~ ......,_. ........ _.... "'"' m. J'7 212 JOOS ., , L ...... _..._ n ... •ao• 00, OH t.100 UMlell ....._ ...... ~'ti. °" .,. ••t ie -OIOIH ,., OllMrwenee OI V....Oel.. . .......... ..,1 ......... ,. __ ........................ ... '1100111111;'401.10 ..... ....., . ....,.......,..., ..... , .. ,,. ••••. 11 . ................. , ...... ... .............. .... 'If-··= ......... ~ SYMBOLS Wfll'.'9 8 1 .. ,.00 SI~ -1a. CM I Corp 117,100 '"" • ... Hit P1t'"t '""°° 11... ... ll'lllr111~ TIO,-~-~ AIHlll Alrt IU,G 10 • ... '"'' 811lnot , .. ...,. •"'-,_Petr o IJl,.00 1Vt • • ·~ ink tanks can prevent stagnatio·n of business NEW YORK (AP) At their the umc." wlt'a end because ot recession and the "t yran n y o f the northeast curve." bualnC!U today oft.en turra to the independent think tank for help In growlns - through Innovation, better marketing or acqulsltions. Gamache I• prealdcnt of lnnoll'Ch Corp. ln alie. It hm't up there with Arthur D. Llttk. Stanford Research lnatllutt•, or Booz, Allen & Hamilton. But, Ilk several other amaller think wnk!i, It seeks 10mc of the same goals. The norlheasl c urve, aa manQgement planners explain, Is the direction of projected sales or market share. tmd generally encompasses a good deal If not an excess of enthusiasm. 1n reality, Generally apeak.ing, that goal 11 lo push the curve counterclockwise, and each think ui.nk does it jn lt.'J own' fpedal way , •lnn otec h with a 4,000-member brain· bank which, says Gamache, seeks by design what Edison did naturally. • the sales line often sags to the east. "Close the gap," said R. Donald Gamache. "We hear it all When faced with a cballenge ~~~~~~~-..;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~ THI IA•L'I "' I II !llA-All COMDll IOI • 1 D SOUIWAT9111A,_ UTHIOOM---S. I< 11101 a.-f-Sterle at Y-Ooot !Cal Store--· Y-...,.., COSTA MBA 641-1289 1$26 ... .,.., ""41. • MISSION VllJO 495-0401 21n1 c..i... c.,1 ..... 1-.... .....,. .... ..., .. ""', Arts 'n Crafts Gift Sale Holiday previews of unique holiday gltts at the Huntington Center mall dally thru Nov. 14. Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of' TitUSTEE'S SAU ......... 1.,.... YOU AM .. DU'AUlT ~ A OEID OF TRUST DATED OECIMeER 14, 1111. UNLEll YOU TAKI ACTION TO ll'ttOTICT YOUR 'RO'l"TY, IT MAY eE SOU> AT A ~IC SALE. •YOU NUD AN EXPUMA TION Of' THE NATUftl OF THI "'OCHOING A~AINIT YOU, YOU I HOULD CONTACT A LAWYllt NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MAR VISTA FINANCIAL. INC . 1 GOOD. HEALTH SPOKEN HERE! r;] ••• ln pharmacy 1ehool, one of the f1n1 important lessons a ph1rmac11t·tO·be learns 11 the ser ious harm that <'In result when people try to dlagno1e and treat their own lllneuea. We are warned· that It Is often euy w' iiell an asked for home remedy, especially when TV has shouted out ita clalma. Wh en you have a r e c urring problem or persistent symptoms, It 11 recommendt.'d that you not 1ake chances but qllickly lff your physician. He will usually be able lo exactJy determine your problem and preac ribe a specif ic pre!!Crlptlon medicine IJJ help you. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on 1.11 for their health needs. We welcome requesta for delivery servke and charge accounts. corporatloa. 787 Nof1h "E" Street, F.===========; Sen Betnardlno, C1l1tomla 92403, ~Number (714) 889-0231, N the preS«ll Truttee undef the NtllC NOTICE cle«l of trus1 h«einalter mentioned, •-----.,.._.--1-72 ___ _ wlH Mii to the highest bidder tor NOTICE OF TRUSTllFI SAU c:esh in lawful money of the United FOMCl.OIUM Ne.. - States wltl!Oul wwranty of any ltlnd. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ••• public llOCllon at the time and A OEED 0 F TR u ST DA TE 0 pllce dealgnated below, In the SEPTEMBER 19, 1979. UNLESS County of the State ol California YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT designated below, Ill of the right. YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE title and Interest now held by said SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU Trustee In .•nd to all that C«ll ln NEED AH EXPLANATION Of' THE property which It tltuate In Hid NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS County end It descllbed below. The AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULO 11reet 1ddren, If eny, or other CONTACT A LAWYER. common dll6gnatlon. II any, of slid On Friday~ Decll'nber 3. 1982, 11 property .. Mt l«th below. 11:00 a.m., TRANSAMERICA TITlE 11111ny 101 por1&1l0t\li fri·I ltwy niuwl Kt'I uuLHtdt• ttw l'()fflJ~ny tor new ld1•11s Othl'rwuw, liitya Uamach<.•, thl•y fmd th1•11W'IVl'tl 1ooklnit In lhl' 1111un<' oh.I direction• und covc1 l11a badly wurn ground. "Wht>n I cut opon lht> ht>adM of ttw ro11t:>orch ond dt"velopmont pPOplo al o rM.or blade comr,uny all I Jct• ar<' razor bludcs, • he mud. "They think rawr blodes. Tbe)''VI' done.• It all. aut WC c~n ·udd n<'w bits a nd part11 of information " Says lrvmg Callsh, chairman o f the Trumlrull, Conn., company: "Our business Is lhe Said deed of lrutl w .. executed I NSURANC E COMPANY. 1 ~the Truttor designated below and Caltlornl1 corpor11lon. u duly wa• r9C<>rded on the date. In the 1ppolnted Truetee under 1nd Boole and II the Page .. Oocumenl punuMI to Deed of Trust reeotded Number of Offlclal Records In the ~-25 1979 .. inatf No omce ot the CounJy Recorder of 29885 bOOll 13323 Pl!09 1142 of .. Id County, Ill IS Clealgnlled Oltlclat Records,• executed by below. Ind conveyed Mid property Gregoty A. Tully .. lruatOl'(I) In the to the Trustee th«etn IP_9Cllleel. ofllu ot the County Record1r of 1Htltl11 will I trl• l'01tHn1•n ·1a!lwllon or on l<.l<•a." Cull11h 11trt.~ .. "foc:u11" o oppoll(.'d to "random" nnd "d,sdpllnu" rntht•r \hun "t•htHlL't•.'' lnnOtl'Ch, he •uya. u•<•ka "turj(l•ted liurn vu t Ion • · ' l h c p I " n e d lnvl'ntlon rnlher than chance dl11COwry Wht•n u cllt>n l pres<.•nu a cha 1 lengc, I nnotec h seek s mfonnatum. "In Edbion'11 day all the lnforrnatlon on electricity was In Ii few books," Callsh uiteH. He agr~>s that F.cila;on was unique, but he argue11 that Edison wu prclnformauon explosion and didn't have to wtufo throuath mu ,. of duw Ahn darlfyln" dlscu •Ion• bc>tW(.'tm lnnot.e<:h und tht> client, lnnotl>ch IM!t>ks out thOlle In Jt» bruin bunk who may J)OA('U the' lnformothm 'nLuled. The brain I.Jank took years w lJulld from searching through lit erature. interviewing, d~veloping contacu with unlvcrslti('S, and dlacusaiona with trade editors who arc exposed to vast num~rs of people and Ideas. Thl' company seeks those who have bct>n involved with or exposed .to. ch ange -political, • 1odal, ••l·onomlc Upht"aval1 produce rwt'd1; need1 produceo lcJc>us, ltW company oollcvt'tl. Yrom the brain bank la p ~k<!d a t.eam of k1lowledgeable people who ar<' .cnl a briefing document und then paid an honorarium of $150 and expenscs for spendlnti a day croa-rcrUlldna ldeaa In t"t crtlat1vc session room• at headquarters. Dl1cu11lon1 are re corded an d pro be d for ln{ormatlon and leads. Idea cards that paruclpants drop Into a trough are examined and the lnfonnatlon'distilled. HAROWAftE <:::>< Wh er e Friendly Service is a Family Tradition Siii of the property wtM be meC1e Orange County, Stai. of Calllomil. pursuant 10 the dem1nd ol the Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 8eoefid11Y under tald deed of INll TO HIGHEST ·8100£R FOR CASH 1nd by reason ol Cletault In Ille (~yable at time of aale In llWful payment or performance of money ol the United States) 11: obllglllona secured by Hid deed of South front entrance to the old ltuSI lneluellng the Clef8ul1, notice of Orange County CourthouM, Clty of wtllch WU r8CO(Cled on the <Ille, In Santi Ana. Stile of Cehlornla all tne bOOll and at Iha Page., and u right, thle and lnteteet ~ to FOf any wall °' woodwOOI Scrub- bable Low Lustre finish. Easy lo clean up with just water Reg 15.99 .,,.4 •••• Famous latex flat wall paint from Glidden. Beaullful flat finish. Scrubs c1 .. n. 1taya color- fast. Easy wlter clean-up. Reg. 10.99 Sturdy construction. Tough 8" Iron skillet for your cooking needs. ..,., ., , •• , lit• with Sylvania llghts. Sunstlck reg. 20.57 .................. 9.99 OoQument Number of &aid Oftlclel and now lield by It under Mid Deed Record a 11 deeionlled below· ot T ruet In the propeny litualed In The 10111 am6unt of the unpaid said County and State -..cribed"N: balanoe ol the Obligation MCWed Lot 15 In Block 11 of Tract 712 8'!. Mid CleecloUru•1 and estimated aa..8hown.DILLJOAQ tec:otO.H In COlll, e•~. and eOvancae 11 Boolt 23. Pagea 5 1nd 8 of t-r.;::;=:::;r::r;::;:;~:=:;;:..,. the 111ne ot the lnltlll pu~•tlon of mlac.lfaMOut mape, Records ol I this Notice ol Trustee• Sale I• Orange County ca!ifornia. ~= =;•Truetor" Iha" ba The llreat addraH 1nd other ...___.. ''T--.. 11 common deillgnatlon. H any. of the ..,_,,... to mean ·-·ors m«e real Pf'QPef"ly described abov9 la thin one Trustor Is Clnlgnlled purported 10 be: 231 Canal Slreel below. and "~lclary" lhlll .. be N9wpOl'1 BMch. ·cA. • deemed to mean Beneficiaries if The undersigned Truetee mo<e lhll'I one Benellclary executed dlaclelms any lfablllty tor 1ny the Notice or OeflUlt hereinlbOYe lncorTectn.a of the 11ree1 aeldr.a mentioned and other common cMelgnatlon II The time end pl1ce ol 1111. any ahowll herein ' det«lpUon of uld Pf'openy 1nel s'11d Ille will be m1de, but other date ret1rreel to 1boll9 11e u •llhout covenant or w1rr1n1y li:>llc:;; . Or ax~ or Implied, regatellng title: Tru17or: 8j'g8HN BONO. AN :;e::·~encu~c::n ~ UNMARRIED MAN &he nole(a). ~ if any under Deed of Trust· Rec0tdat1on Oate, Ille tetmt of Nld oe.c. of. Truet, ~bet 21. 1981. Book 14331, ,_ Cflllgel and-~ of the Toot~·0~:. N~ec2!:::iion Truit .. and ot the truett cr .. ted by ,... said Deed of Trust, tor the wnount 0.11. Juty 13. 1982. Document No. reasonably •tlmateel to be; '40. 12·240174 441.". Time of S ... : 10.00 • m. Wed . The benef1c111ry undef Nici Deed t>-11>« 8, 1982. f TNet heretofOfe eiceculed 1ne1 Place o f Sile: North front ~•livered to ttie under1lgneel a "1trln0e to the county courti-. Uten Dedaratlon Of Default and {00 CMc Cent• Offle Wat, Santa 1nd for Sele. and a wrluen W. Clllfomle. Ice of Oefautt and aectlon to • Total of oblig1t1on Ind ettlmated . The uuderwlgned cauMd Mid r'*11111'· ·~ion·· ~2~37 14 at otloe of OeflUlt 1nd Election to J'I · pu.,._ • • "' • ' ' 10 ba ~ In the county S!reel addr-°' Olhef common •• the ,... property II localed. ~lion of Mid propetty: 2583 TRANSAMERICA TITLE ,:LOl!N AVENUE. COSTA MESA. INSURANCE COMPANY CALIFORHIA •2'2e. M Mid TruelM OMCrlptlofl of Property: By LOIS LIDDELL • Lot 28. Trtct 3?8, u per mep $::'etary \'ecoteleel In Book 15, Page 2t of p O x 48709 ... ~ .... In lhe office of . 8'Mlon •he COUnty Aecotder of Mid O!'ange lot AnaM19, CA 9004S ~1~c;:.: ,:.e~ lhe Tel.: (2fS) e5$-3000 Deted· l\IOWmber 1 1982 · Publltheel Orange Co1st Dilly .MAR VISTA ' !lot, Nolt. 4, 11, 18, 1M2 48-46-U FINANCIAL. INC .. I corporation. Trvetee 8UAR & HELL YER A ProfeMlonei Corp. By: Joann O«lrgllll Altomeyt tor TruatM Pvl»MeMd ~--Coaat Delt1 ~. NbV. 4, 11. ''· 1182 4113-82 NlJC ll011CE ........,.. COURT °" CAUPCINM COWITYOl'ORANM M .. -ef .. -r11•11•1 I et ltl CUttTle ,., C Hll of ....... Kerosene heaters. Other model• available at comparable savings. s x . 2 ... Reg. 299.95 ... now 224.15 12 -0 K ... Rea. 259.95 ... now 194.15 c:.Merllle C.. ,,...... ....... llM IA ........... ..,..., 13195 1899$ Lllltt11 .,1 ................ 6'! 111•• t11t1r•• 1/2 GFF r111llr ,r1c1 limited to stock on hand Eaay 1ppllcat1on • for 100's of hOUMhold u ... 11411 ,.,, 3.11 Reg. 8.99 ..... , .. 21'' •••• ," 4•• Watch an your holiday 1pec:lal1 In color. .... 479 00 HI.II .. ... , .. , ...... Jasco 1 gal. paint thinner. 1 O g11. limit. Aaf.4.91 80717 Solt white bulbs 60, 75, 100W reg. 1.99 ................................... 89c 3-way bulbs 50/100/150 W reg. , 2.53 .................................... t9c.. 1t11t t••t atiok er •••••• 9-oz. WO 40 Protect against rust. cleans and lubricates. Reg. 2.39 3H179 tiff• ....... boner/pt1rer model 0128 Chicago Cuttery'a bftt aelllng knife at 1 apeciel price. 427142 ,.._ 1.21 r i ClAS.Slf 110. DlllJPUal Thuraday, November 11, 1982 , Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. CLASSIFIED INDEX [!{'.!!!!.{'.'.!~'.' ••••.•• ~'.!!!!.{~~'.' ..•• : •• ~'.!!!!.{~!.-t'.' ••••••• ,_'.!!!!.{'.'.~~· ••••.•• !'.-.!!t~'!.lt.'! •..•••• ,~!ff!.~~~· ....... !'.!!!!.'!.'.~.'....... u l,lff ~-.. ~~'.L ........ !.~I Ft.-.!~'.L ........ !.~I ~-.. ~~¥. ......... !.~, ~~~~'.t ........ !.':!I ~f!!t.!!re ...... !.~~1 '1!P.!!.~~ ... !.~ ~.t~'!.r.!tt .. !.~" f!!!l.!m ...... !. •. f ~~ ............. .. * * * * * * * * '* -llll-"'I L1W 11W1 • Newpor1 HeWlt• oldef 2 llPLIJ 2328 Fordlllm It. C M SlnOle 1ern11y 110tM on 1 ..... " ., 1 I• dbl CM Ottaot. ' Col. Piii< ArN 3 bd, •er• park, cul·d•·HO •UfflMY• St, heat htt'tt ... llWI YI 90 x 117 Al lot. ld••I owner• unit: 38r 2 ba, dl*t Ow. Lrg Yra, ecro" lrom lg• comni LIDO ISLE HOMES Tt Plxt Yt11f Ad, CaN t,>nnw L1Ju Nu1 J \.luyfrunt 5 Wrm. 5' ~ l>J\h. t,~l' LR. 011 l'tmd 2 Wul ,11Ht* $1.500 ,000 MAY SUP Lero• 3 Br 3b•. peUo Highly upgrect.d 3 Bdrm t1H,000 2be; 2 ·8r lbt, Welte to Frpl, 17155/mo. 131·10t2 pool, 2 bdrm, 2 ba. fem • •••t IOOI hom• w/lamMy rm. Suw home with hug• back d1 Stint• An• Ave th• b••ch Clou to room, t1rep11ce, patio, 642·5678 HOUSES fOI SAU UALESTAT£ ~.,. ••• lut ,., .. l\fN'1Awnh IQf '..ii• 9"'•th l'f""'9'fh Rw .. ,n ...... ,,,04_..,,, I •1tWlt''" I uh 1 ''Iii I °"'"lf''t.t•l t'IVV\:11• I •iftltl,"11nuH't\'t. , .. ic ~ ........ 11\11 .. , ..... ·~tti1 be\t•1\•" l"'WI"' f'1uf11•r'h ·~···'"'·~th l•h hlf "-'"' Mi-0.lirtt,. ... 1111 t'•• MOwM• '"""'•'' M .. .,, .. ,t f••.f\M,• t" t'ruii IMtl/luw"h f'r111 th.Iii v.t "•It-l'rvt.i k•Mtw" t•11t1" tofj,,.-., Kf'•I t \l•lt' t "' lio1f1111• Hf'•I t~'tl•lt' Y. ,.nlt"'tl IENTALS ·~ ... "'f\a"f\.-.t ~ .. ntnfwo1n ... ,....., .............. ''""" lftl t Of'Mlium1-.. .. "'" t "'" t.,..,,,.,,..,.m .. t "' T.-~"""t""' 1o-""'9wu .. t "' 'A.tr'"""' tuu1 l"'1p:•H"\ ftf !\pl," ti.rn ""'" l AfUlf\ """" .~Vff'I hf l l\I Ml.MH\ RCJOfH • Hv•r 11 ........ ,, \1110-h C,;.~tllttnw .. ""'ftlft'Wf k•Al•I"' ,.,. .. tvA "•'"•"' ••••hlb"'•' ... c., .. t-'t• k..-n1 CWho krM•I ~t!W'\"'M"M•I '"""''''•' k•*•' ::::.~: ... '"~ lllt'l>f k rM•h BUSINESS, INVlS I MENT, FINANCE Kw"IM "'" f.ptHl 0 9'w~1f'#n 'A '"'Pd lfh .... trrwfttf ... ~I \ illhf''1tU•w~ Y.-.fttrd MCIMl HI.Li"'" MClllW) ••Mf'd'" MW'\a•&-"" Th -.. ANllOUNCfMllllS, PHSOllALS & LOST & FOUND AM!nUN" .. mrfll\ '., f'Oll)I t ... CIJI 'llCH'f'"' ·-·· h-1'11"4 Prh''-''•*'• W ••lt•ut..• Tt•u·I'" SEJYICES EMl'tOYMENT & PIEPAHTION =""'~' '"'''"''~n Jwb \Iii •fllt'•t • ,..,.,,.,'I..,.,. .• \!." .. MEICHANOIS[ c •. , •• ._. ,,,,. .. ........... A .... ,._ A...,,,.., ~1:.~M.iu1•I' ('".fN,.\ •• ,.Wfi'"'""" I ,.,.. J.)\'U , .. ••tt lo\'"" .\1,,\11\fft UC.WU\ •Mit.i"'f\u~d t.uo.ct .. J••f'I" l.t,r\l(lirfl .. -'" .... ""'> M1w •lt•fW'QU• ... .., .. u • .....,. " .... .-d 'lvu.-' l•..t'"""'"'"' f"ftff' •urn6 t~1o1•P ,..,, C:~ ~·.~r..::_ ~·"•'·,...,, .. .... th· .. 1 .,,,, •"' k•r-~: ·r.o.o. ti••• "lrr•·"U BOATS & MHIH£ EQUIPMENT t...-1.1 ~""•·M "wfHf .. 9twh 'tl•ttM"t (flllP .._.,,.,,.,. Bo.f.,. Rf'~ I "•f'"lf't ... h "'' eo." ...,,.,.. ...,._, ... ...,.,.,~, .... II; ~'--..°'''" IUNSl'OIT A TION "''"•n l •m,.r" '-ki' Mrnl Elifonrtr t ., .. ==-~ s.-... · ltolw ttm• "4• M .. ~ Tr• ....... Tr.,..t ,,,......,.,., hhh Awt•Vf, lf'f' ... , .... AUTOMOBILE ArMhfV'f'\ lt,_.., .... M,,,,.,,,.m\t-"111-'4-•h ....... ff . .rl 4Wtf"f'f hf'ur .. ,,,,. .. \ .,., Aww 1 ... , "' Awt-IA.M~t AUTOS, IMPHTEO t...f'flil'r•t 1'1'• N ,,,.. .. •"'1• \10-ltl' th-411 .. ~ HIO• ~ . .,,. f.'!-' U•h•A t f'ft•f• ..... ,.._. '"·"· , .. ~ ...... t:.\:r~· '9Nd• "''"'"' ""'" ..... ll!lM '""'' ,,.,_,.. ..... ,,,-.i...,~ ··~ .. .. k ........ .. -.,.t.K")t• -.. ~~ i:;;;,. ,., .... .,.,,,"'_. \"'h•tt4"• \tith'• • AUTOS, lllW . ...,..,., Hl•muc..lt•lt-d :! Ix.lam, :t hllth + large 1·w rrn , lJt-11111 l't1llir\t(N, furnlllht.'tl. Jmlll.l!C $-l:t0,0tJO '" :.: PElllllSUU HOllE ::: Ol"'t"\an & JClly v1t•ws Manne rnon•. 4 bdrm, !t :~. bath, 3700 ~ n $l,38:>.000. 0..'t·anfronl I•• llt\ ::: LINDI ISLE IAYFROllT :::: LaMuon Vll"W C11u n1 6 hdrn1, ~ btHh. ployro0m, :~ <lurk rm, dt•n · Bo.it llhp. Now $1 ,000,000 .... ,.,,. :.: llYSIDE PUCE ::: Spl'\:\.aculo1 bayfnmt dplx 2 br. 2 oo up. :.! hr, ,':: 2 ba dn ~ bo.lt '>J>3WS Rt'<.lu«'d $1.500,00-0 f llRlllllS RANCH :·:: New -I IJ1. 4' z bo. l'Uslom F'ronch Normandy :t: E."lUllt• 1.2 prime acre..• h 11llUp $ 1,<!50,000. "' COllOllADO CAYS '.:: Coronado lslund cust b:)yfmnt lot as· boat ',: dock. Plans ovml Now $370,000 w/te r ms •'-' "' ·-'• i>" ...... :1ij .... l"f-• BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy\1de Or'v" N B 07~ 0161 :·~:I !._._'.!!!~!! ••••••••••• ... .... ... , .. '" "• ... ... ,,.. ,.., ... ... .... .. .. .... ... '" EQUAL HOVSINO OPPORTUNITY ... "' ::: r.~liner'a latic11 .... All reel ntalt l<lver11MCI ''" In tllla newspeper le subject to Ille Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It illegal to ·::,?. advertise "any preferen. "" ce. !Imitation or dlscrlml· ::;:. netlon besed on ra ce. llOl color. re11g1on aex or ""' national or1g1n. or •n) Intention to make eny such preferenoe. limit•· tlon or dlsorlmlnatlon .. This newspaper wlll not "" knowingly accept an) ": advertising tor real H · , 1111 which Is In rtol•llon ~~ i 0i1i1ihiei18iwi.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii "'' lllllll: Adverti· sers should check their ads dally and report errors Im· ·::;' medla~ely . The •··· DAILY PILOT as· sumes liablllty for the first Incorrect :" Insertion only . :·: .... ,,. ,,, ,.,, :1lt~ 1;;j1.·,~;;··········· •OU •••••••••••••••••••••• =~ t;,.,,,, '°°' • ·Iii •••••••••••••••••••••• :-~: 3 IEllHM IEWPHT 1110,000 GORGEOUS 2 Br den home In 8ACK8A'I'. GIVE·AWAY PRICE to sell now S 120,000 In as· sumable loan•. Rae Rodgers 631 • 12156 '' ...... . STIWI! $89.900 Lovely 1 Bdrm condo, 1 year young with running su••m oll patio. Up a hidden peth to 1 private aparkllng pool. Many e•tres Mlcrow•ve oven. amok• detection, brick llreplece, large walk 1n clONll, ape. •It. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS • • IEll YElllE On the go lf couree. Custom beautiful 3 Bdrm llome. many. meny •II· tres. $279,500 with 10% down ~ wlU carry et 12''\% lnterat ltw rrl .. -' euumebl• flUd r•t• y1rd ~91 m~.-1., l!drm 11•8·50•1 ill I •hopplnlf. E!CC•1· cond EHlll,d• llO\IM 2 Br, plu• lenced yard, pet• conll· 31 BAI.BOA CO'('E8. 3 loenl Entoy bNl.ttllul l•k• & laundry rm. Chllfy & A•klng 11116,000, nay I ~~~i 2 :,.: ·17~~P 1 c · d•r•d. two cer gireg• bdrm•den·2 pith. OPEN end H curlly o•tut btlghll Own•t 11 1n111ou1. Liii Ill.I t •rm•. 8 k r mo. • plue PIG' oPIMI' IH· DAILY l•ll. Comm. fool end club· Only $108,000 Cell now If... 71<11731-511Sl Men Verde 3 Br. 2 Be. M S900 lncludll gMde-llT lllYmnTI houHI 178.000 Call 878·5370 l•tMI ,,...,hr femlly room, no P•••· ner, HIOO t ... cabi.. 1uu•11 .. 1 .. .,,.... • ............... ,...... 1e&o1mo. M .... 1931 552 ..... ee. s.-9.aes1 •IH-11'7• 3 BA, llOO aq.tt., anal CM. Huge quallty duplex EASTSIOE CondO IBr IBa c:llen lly hOm• on 0¥9f'lllld 3 lrplc, 3 o•r, copptr 3 bt 2 b• tee houM 2 c erp'ort 'I• 711 mo' IOI, •I = El•I end of prmb'n~. I 126K, HIU• ftplci, IQl ylfd 1850 mo. 730-3777 M·F l ·llPM. . \ f . ·/ /, / 1l F II 1 ' '• I ''I'• ········~ PAii LJll, 1,1, I ~~·11'15·. W~~u":htP~,·~c:; S~~'l(or~.~~ 1.r;~~'i l3l-309l, 759_;,631 GrHntrH, tee• BA 2'~ SILLER llllL y I Condo In • quiet adult •Htl•fl•• entry Oii" w/dMdbot11. e•2·961SIS. 2 Br 1 B•. S•50. No doge. b•. 2 c11 ger, fplc. comm e tmoaphtr• n•ar th• ••ii IOf Frplo. Fr•noh doore to ... 1 IY IWllll IS•ll Vlctorle, • 10, pool, OIW. a1110 mo. llTIYITll belOhH and lh()pplng. •••••••••••••••••••••• petlo. l!Klrl IOI dbl oer -5•15-812• Avlil 12/1, 673'-76" Well malntelned home In Speclou• 2 1tory con· IPllllH lllOll ... w/ulll·workenop eree. Undivided y, lnt.,.11 In ' College Park ere• of domlnlum with privet• 5 Bdr, •'-"Be, 3·tty, 3000 FM 11111 13'75,000, 20% 15 unlll ept bldg In 2 BA HouM & Duple• '--•U ..... 1141 Cott• M•u. • Bdrm. entrence to 3 bdrm, 2'A aq It. + OVlf 900 aq. '1. down, owner financing. Huntington Beech, CA. 3 3 3 E 2 111 SI CM· ...,.••••••••••••••••••• b h P I lo ... f b ·---.. ___ c 3 c 7 f /"•o 2 f 10em.eptn HARBOR OCEAN FRONT lonnel tlVlng with creek· at • r vete pet -..· o ........ y. °""' ... ocean loM to comm cibhM. ell • • ., • • 11 or IS4ll·ISl03· 1545-3589 Nu 3200• lu11 hm on bluff. Ung llrtptece, IOfml.I di· lolnlng pool. Move In view. t blk 10 b••ch t>HctlH, t•nnl•, eto. lnlonnellon. 180 deg vu of herbor, nlng or den, big yerd. dlc;or. Owner wiU finance $285,000 F.P. SH owner Ouelllled bu~• may cell U ""'-Eultld• 2 Br. quiet. ,_ iurf, mtn•~ 3br, aba, Attrecllv• llnenclng. with 20% cuti down 111 •<II houM et 291515111, ownlf II 714-673-4063 cerpet, g111.g•. yard, ••curlty. Hune. •P•· 5•6-23t3 pymt. llH.000. St. 53S..17 tll r tor d•t•ll• and viewing Priced 11 9.2 x·a oro11. pc>OI, no pets. $576/mo. *l900/mo •M-7008. I eppt. 1•2v11 Undlne. Include• pool, tennla Mnor 2•53 "B" Orang•,,_• ____ .-----THE REAL ESTATE RS WI\ II ', Clou to ocHn, 3·3. lllWUll Oc .. nalde. Be. 1700 aq It. lrplc, llOMI !'> a-. Pymla I 1200 10 12000. $30.000 below mkll 3 Br lll-2111 EASTSIDE, 3 bdrm, 2 be, brick peUo, with ape. - Tl HI H N., II H•H tllLI courts, • yra new. In Ave. EMERALD BAV. 3 Br. 2 REAL ESTATE *17"'" to 121"'". Mo-Int F A room llreplece 6J 00 • '"' '"' •• 2 Be & ape Eettblufl 111101 a•••n · · • I 1 6 0 0 I m o . DMmY n.-' I 14 • ••k• over shared •P· h ...... z bk ~ fenced ylld, gdnr, cpta 2 1 3 / 8 7 6. 2 2 5 5 0 r llTITI precletlon. Flnenclng °'"'· .,.,..,n ar1oa, r. ---1-1-1-n-1---end drepea. 1800 per .. 75 ... ,..,,.7. ,. ', .... JO'•• I C II S 71SO-He8. Terrna, tlfmal mo. lat end lest plu•·-"--~-------Nr FALLBROOK. 11 .,., ••• I --evel eble. I ue et ,-• •• • •• •• • • ••• • • ••• •• • • 991 5556 FrT ,. & llM SZll ...... 1 .... , l400. 211 Roblntiood Ln. EJtec. tem11y home, •tec>1 ecrH . 15200 aq "• hm, --·--· -----1 Specloua, customized 1211,111 8_. 556-1737 10 Vlctorl• beech. Of•· tennis court, etc . .,875, TR'DE TWI IDll... • .... rneUo COHiii a whit•· ooo. Owner wlll cerry. ft I 'A bl twnhH, •dull home. prime locellon 142-4111 Wnttlde duplex 2BA 1BA wettr view. 3 Br abe. Cell 7 am 10 1 pm. Mon your boring Income pro-comm. Welk to beach. with VIEW. priced •I MAI ---------encl ger. peta ok. 1525 gourmet kllch. $1650. thrv Fri. 213'731·•862 perty 01 outgrown real· Tennie, pool, extra cleen. epprelaed value with Dtlu11e •-ple11 M ... Verda mo. 552-3318 ev1/wknd1 Dy• 675•9702, •ve• d ··" h I I 111"' 000 0 owner flnenclng tor qu•· jSplce Streett). Good Studio H~·H ev·". Nov. • ... ""'22 ....... VllW .... Sen1111onal 3 br home on quiet tlrHt with PoOI sized yard. I t.25% H· aumebl• llnenclngl Prl· ced 11$218,0001 ... Cell 759--1501 or 752·7373. ~ , Walker & Lee amt IOUI YllWI ence ..,, erge equ ty "· wner Illy buyer. VerNllle, floot oen. 15% down. Bkr """ -_ .. _~_-vv ______ _ for thl• neet ru111c and H2·14IO plen with MP8flle bdrm 979.,.3153. 20th. Petlo, fenced y11d. 1 Br 1 81 tr1c>11i1, gar, Pl· roomy • bdrm. 3'A be ---------• wlnga lor any size femNy. u\11 Included 1•50 mo. tlo, ttove & refrig. 52• St.i horn• In WALK TO THE IHTillYH lllffl Pool, •P•. Kol pond, lllLIEll 1300 clMnlng dlpolit Anna. HOO utll pd. BEACH CORONA DEL 3 bdrm, 2 be, newer 11 • c 1 a 1 r o 0 m 54S..8063 5"'"1•53 ~.-... MAR LOCATION with hOUM. CloM to the Hll·t • ·c ~1 100 000 FEE ' Co••• M••• ttdevelop ,,.,. .... v,. •0 " ·• • · · arM, 4 1011 tor hom... Npt Hgt• area.. 3 Br 2'A Bl fn • •1111 ...... specteculu lo deg. bot . Ag I J 0 y CI.' Aachllll Aobeft. Rltr. cond t 1.-. In-•• ..U< ._. ocean,• lllend ~nd h•r·1· 2l3·581S-2•M 675-2373 29,000 1.f. IMO. Chuck o, em rm .. ,..., •• ••••••••••••••••••• bor view. Priced et Cl.Ir· Soller IS31·12ee dry rm. ger $800 mo. Condo, 3 Br .• 2'h Be. rent epprelHI ol S•75. Piil lllE 1531-1266 View. xlnt loc, rec cntr . 000 111. Owner h•• OILY 1111,100 'BANK Newport Alviar• Fmly $775/mo. •97-3873. I 195.000 equity end wlll condo. "3 bd, 2')f be. 2 W•H• Ml•HI ,ISi cerry 2nd. Sh!ltP 4 Br. beech cioM, c:11 ger. Pool. Tennis. No ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 144-1211 Hcrtll~ HI•. Cell Key Llnlll\ATION .... fm, ,,,,.,,, pelt. $750. 6«·2562 3 Br. 2'A Be In gu11d«S 862-77158 '(VIII ,._,1 ,,. Eutllde condo c:teen 3 1 • t e comm u n It y. ~~IGL i}AIL[ Y & ASSUCIAT[S Irm1 1114 BIG CYN ClJST()M •••••••••••••••••••••• bt 2 bl. den ~pk: 2 C., 795/mo. Avell now. •••••••••••••• •••••••• n•·· ....... 54s..eeis L••M option poaslbl•. BEST BUY IN NO. IAVINE: On golf COUfM, ~ dn. FOR RENTI ·-· ....,.... · 715().1977 E•c•I flnenclng, lg H· \/ecent. show enyllme, 1 Eutllde Twnnme, lmrn.c,1---------Thoryk dltlgnl<I Coron• del Mar hom•, Jutt 1 --,-U.--ll--H-11-1-- t>lock from th• bHCh. BY OWNER. 2 bdrm. 2 Flne1t workmenahlp aum. 101.n. Nr schools. 4 egl. IS73·771S1 2 bedroom, 2 beth• & 2 3 BR. 2')f be, lrplc. pvt #lal• f'!JI. ,,,, Br 2be, 10% dn. Mey "°'"' In Twin Pe•k• In pello, balc:ony. 2 cer ger, ••••••••••• •••••••••• lhru-out with levltll UH b•. Oen. Under merkel ot wood, brtH end 9111. price of 1275.000 . neo gt111 3 Bclrms end _7_5_9_·_1see _____ _ t>etha. A Showplece l $975.000 - ·1AYl .O I: <"<> C•I• #IU 1114 . .................... . 111,000 HWI carry 2nd, by own•r!iiiiiiiii Leke Arrowhud er••· pool. Jee 1750 mo. 8 to 5, 21317•7·91525 t n•m H•• bullt-lns & llreplece. 645,..349 HOf.IS f()R RENT ......... E 1 -Flret, lut & dlpOtlt r• e.ttllde. r~ edlft P'• .. ,,_ q u Ir• d . Ce 11 ( 7 1 4) terttd, 2 br, 1 be. g•· 15000 dwn. owner mull Newport Beech condo 71SIS·0281S or (714) r 1 g e . I IS 2 5 /mo . Mii 2 B< condo. Excellent 111 floor 1 bdrm, I bath, 15&7"°657 weelldey eve-1573-764-4 111umable exltllng fl. Ilk• new, beeutlful PoOI nlngt etter 6 p.m. II no 1--------- nenclng. 187,.-00. Aedu-end IP• er .... AMuml· enawer. pl•••• keep 11525. 3 br, 2 be, ntu ctd from 1110,000. Alk I bit loln. Low.I price In 1 1 achoolt, M ... del Mer •CHILDREN* •PETS OK• lor Merk. 15•4·8325 or Versallltt.111•,~· tryng Trect. N9w c:rpta, peln1 & 558·154•2 ~ IHI i.t•I• drps, 2 Cll gar., tee yvd, tOWlllDIE ••••• ~.~'~·········· ~12ve by 2!.,8'!."!"120d2oz1u .. Huntington Hlrbour .,. -0634 ..... .,,._ - ix, i Ziii frple, mtklr• only plMN. VIWIE llVESTllDTS UVlll lty hom•. new decoretld. 2 br, 1 b&. om. by "52 Lido ea 44· boat dock, tred• 11 It's belt 3 bdfm, 21' Santi Anll Ave Unit 2. Do down eny toe.lion. Cell • •50 Be. Oublln Model In Univ 67 'll730(} 2 1 3 / 5 8 2. 2 8 5 8 d Y', "°' dl1tun>1-t1. - Plrll VNlaot I. Loceltd .;r 714/&46-0554 -· mo. 851-6226. (J14 ....... !lll on quiet llf'Mnbtlt. A• ~~~~~~~3 .... IUI 1 AG0.T.-No FEE IOCl•IJon pool end tennis : •••lab ·····················••! ~~~~~~~~~ cloM By. 1129,500. ~ YllW •••••••••••••••••••••• Super 1 Br. 1 Ba. VIiia.i 3 BR, 3 Bl. 2.000 eq.tt. courtyard. r•tlrad Pf•· ..__., IHfi 1111 !'!!r.!!.~~ •.• !!.!! IU .. l.llm eppro•. Only $189,800. ••HI lru•IM" ferred . 1426/mo. :-.:.'3'::; •••••••••••••• (Newport Creal). John, ••••••••••••••••••• ••• 873-3313 493-4803 beec:hfl'ont "°""· 3 I agent 631·7900 •DH blaJ '"' ' Br 4 Bl. tum.12250/mo, · •••••••••••••••••••••• r ... 1.i. J~I&.. l untum. $2000. CaN Mf8 .. BY OWNER, reduced ........ ...., ..... ···········~-'-······ Long.1573-1180. 150,000, (for 30 d•y• ... 814 ..... U.. Why throw ewey r•nt1---------only). Now 1298,500. 3 when you can own ,..3 Nwpt Hg11 3 br, a b•. BA. 2~ b•. pool·Nwpt Pl.II • te -tn. w/l 1200 to $2000 pty· lrplc. get._, 1700 fl'IO. Hgla. 511 Irvin• Ave , ... fe 11•. mtnts, S175K • $2151<, 251Kno11St.8"5-6110 ~-9773 otc. 55&-4982 ............ ...... move In -tak• ov•r • Heve something you went horM. lll·llOO •h•rt eppreclatlon, cell to aejl? Gtastlfltd •O. des llAllH llllE Sue at 881"6~ II well. 642·51S71S. Exclualv• private com· •ltH B••ll•f,.,, munlly In prestfgloua '••l•••/1 Jll1 IHli 114 Newponl Ungo hat mott •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••• •••••••••• ::. .111111 -will w help you own lhlS lovoly 3 Br pool llm. Every upgrade. Just S 117 .500. &tlr 848~708 ll•J lclu.Sle, lltr. 141-llH ::,: Meet 3 Bdrm willl add on One bedroom end den ... t>onus room, aH In ••eel· ~~~~~~~~ condo PleHent view. llLP UI 3 Br I~ Bl. wood floor'I. Priced for qulcti .. 1.1 $150,000. By appl. only. Herry Fr•derlck . horn.a'°'"" ri.e lhen Lge Pwllnaul• Pt nee • 2Br Condo, 1'AB•. cpll/ any other llrm. Cell ua br. 2 bl. IPI. frple, llVlil. drpa, pool, jec:, cibhM . todey. Pflced lrom Ju11 I m m • d . t hr u J"' n e $495 mo. 71St-7133 1379,000. &4 .... 7020 11200/mo. 111, IU1, MC. .... lenl condition. -It HI· -Pool Ind 191 $104,000 ::' up. Great tor 1 tterler II IOWI loan II 10...,%. Owner will Owners bought 111101ri.r ••• home. Has nice 101 w1111 II carry ncond 11•9,000. ·~.,m~~; :;'~h~~~ .... many fruit bearing trees. 111·1111 g ...... . '\',' RVM~ E1tcellenl buy at I l lS: Terrlllc no money down -::;:;:;:;;;;; Every upgrede. Good 000 5'46-2313 to GI t>uyer Big 2 story i money evelleble. M•k• --------- • townhome. tunny kit· Plllll llllT Ill oftet. S-t. 8•&-0708 : :: ff;iZ{ii!1 E:?~:? Z~h~:Z. 3 Bdf~~~= ~m-o~.~ ~1.~~~ize :;, ';iii::i:i::i:::.1 Reduced '°' quick Nie meculilll. air cond .• pa-peymen\a for 115 mo1. 5 .•. i Cell 5-46-2313 tlo, flnenclog under 12%. Burm. 3b• In MESA :: ~~.~~~~ regulerl mm. ~;~~~~::: i~iFri~~i·iOMiEi ..... il13i1i~i·i~ioni·i.irhir:!:il '"' I 0 AT SH I W • More lam11tes ar• getting ~~A~eel~l~Of~·~· 6~7~S.~ISOOO~~ I WT1tll llft.D ., • the camping .. bug·· lhil .:: .NEW LISTING, cholc• ::; CASE I year II you heve • cem· OlllTllY Fmml tocellon In nlc• neigh· :~~ Every Saturdey In th• per thef s not gelllno 1 Whit you get when you borhood. 3 Bdrm• end Oally Pilol Cluslfleds uM<I sell 1t now W'llh • -11111 tullfully deco-garege ec>ertment. I 150, ... :r~~-~iiii;~~l·C~lesstiilled~iA~<I--~~ rated 4 Br 2 Be home. 000 Cell lor dllllila. ..... . ... ""' 't1·1W "" 111.i ,.,,. •.11 ..... ··~· .... . ' '· .. II ..... .... , .. , "" ,, .. ,,., .... . . .,, ··~ ·~­• •• ~ , "' ""' , .. , ' . ' AESIOENllAl Rf Al fSTAlf SElhllClS CUfflllYEI .,..,.. Beautifully remodeled home In very desirable location. Muter suite w/fireplace & bay window. Plus 2 more BRS, paneled family toomlden. Full of chann & warmth~ A must see. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 r • Lott of wood, new khch· '42·1111 en eppllenc ea end counter top1. Auume 10.25% loen. Atklng $1"5.800. 831·7370. S..5-71315 TR \Oi T 10\ \I 1n \! 11 -YlllU 3 Br 2 la. •ol•r pool. Owner wlll bl l!Cttemely flexlbfe. 1133,800 full pric.. 751-1111 , J PETE BARRE TI .. REALTY YI/PU~ Sherp 3 Bdrm, luge cornlf' lot, RV acceH. 8pe, new pelnl end roof, copper plurnblng, cul di HC 1lrfft. GREAT f:I· NANCIHG Tl!AMS. At· klna on1y s1os,ooo. e.it "46-1151 • I.ml UAL EITATI dip 1575.1953 !'!!r.!!.!m~ ... 1.'.!! LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lem rm. 4 B•. 11100 mo. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1 B• 1700 mo Biii Grundy, Altr, 675-1Stll1. ocean lront )'fly. 4 bdrm . 2 ctr g11ege end hOt tub 676-7850 ••• ,., u.i.,.1''" ...••.••...•••••...•.. ... ,., "" ...•••••.••.••......•. • Br. CdM $900 2 Br, tp Bel Pen MOO 1 Br. blyfront 1900 2 Br. oonfmt S 1100 .M111111ULn PllPllllAlmlT llM1ll WUTll Need by Dec I: 3.4 br houH In Huntington Beech, south of Adema. Xlnt refs. 984-0332 IYI; IS•2~100 d I .. IYAIUIU Spotleul 2Br, 1'hB• twnhM. lrptc, encloald yd, etteched 2 car ger, clbhM, pool, fllC. Xlnt So. 1 H.B. loce. 1550 mo. eM-8346 96"-1346 8Mch Cottage. quiet ptr· eon. 1•50 + utile. No ptlL 960-0587 Lg 1Br Condo, belcony, MCUre. 1425 mo. IS42d, new cpt, encl pa- tio, ettecti carport. 1550. 11t/lalt, dip, 631-7900. Jahn Agt. - * ~ • •1-•t 00 • .. .. ,. ... '·" :1 .. , . • . . • • I • • • ~. '· Or1nge 9QHI DAI~ Y PILOT IThur1d1y, November 11, U~8a Brill bit • in brain removed KL CENTRO (AP) A Wl'tlk a fter havlnat on inc h·long drill bit removed from his bnln, 52·year-old Miguel V1llicana ls ready to walk out of the hos~itul. "Its Incredible," said Dr. Travis Ctlvin, the doctor wtw removed the broken bit from Villican1'1 brain after a freak •ccldent at hi$ El Centro auto body shop. · The father of three was In stable condition, according to hospital oftlclals, and ''ready to go home," his daughter Rosa Marse ViUicana, 25, told The Associated Press. "It's remarkable he's alive a l all," said Calvin, who retrieved the bit in a five.hour operation last Monday at El Centro Community Hospital. He said it was "miraculous" that Villicana suffered no permanent damage. After piercing Vte s peech c~nter, the one· eighth diameter shaft stopped within a centimeter of Villicana's brain st.em and "came close to major arteries on the left side of his bra.in," Calvin said in a telephone interview. "If it 'had gone any further, he would 11ave been dead," he said . Remarkably, Villicana continued working after the accident, drove home from work and didn't go to the hospital until he "noticed his balance wasn't that good." his daughter said. Calvin said the bit passed far enough into Villicana's brain to paralyze him or destroy his ability to speak. After tripping and falling on the bit, only a small wound was visible on his head, Villicana said. He sought medical attention only because the wound would not stop bleedln~. It took hospital Memorial readied . APW.,......o Migu,el Villicana with brain X-ray. x .rays to·reveal the drlll bit. "I was very worried," said Villit:ana. ''But I didn't feel anything." ,,. "When he came out· of the operation, the doc~rs ga'!e ~little hope. They thought he would be paralyzed. if he llvt..'<l at all," the daughter said. "Now he's eating and talking. The doctors say he could be out of the hospital in three or,our days. It's just a miracle.'' • "I'm astounded and pleased," said Calvin , who said the bit was cemoved by "backing it out the same track it entered. "I've seen a lot of gunshot wounds in 15 years, but nothing like this," he said. Winner ·eyed - $24 prize, gets million NEW YORK (AP) -A man who thought he had won $24 in the state lottery waited three days before coming back to claim his priz.e -and discovered that it was $1.6 million. The man entered the Ou.Barry Pharmacy in Brooklyn Heights last Friday, punched hia numbers ihto the Lou.a-romputer tem)inal and told worker'S he-had-matched four numbers, state spokesman George Yamin said today. He said he wanted his $24. The pharmacist, Berna rd Wohlenstett.er, told the winner the computer showed h e h ad picked all six numbers ~rrectly and c:tire<'ted the man to the Sli\te Lottery office at the World Trade Center. The man at first did not show up and Yamin said it was feared he had misunderstood. But as it turned out, he arrived late Monday afternoon to claim his prize. His name was not released. Lotto winners have one year to claim their money. There are two large priz.es outstanding. Yamin said. People who won $383,750 last Dec. 12 and $587 ,276 last J,an. 16 atW have not appeared. Jan Scrubbs (left), preside nt of the Vi etnam Veterans Memorial Fund, talks to veterans of the war at the site of the memorial in Washington. Dedication is planned for-Saturday. Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8Ut lNH8 NAME 8TAT1!MENT The tOllowlng penooa ere d0tog bualneSa .. SINGERS, UNllMllEO. 119"7 la P1lom1 A~ FOUflteln Valley, Callfornl• 92708 Thomas R. Anlal, 8947 La PaJom• A\lanue. FountAin Valley, lllTH llTICll Catitomla 92708 Joyce Anne Anlll, 8947 l• P1lom• Avenue, Foun111n V•lley, C111tornl1 92708 Thia b\Jalnas Is conducted t>y • genetll partMtShlp lhOmas R Anlll BROUGHTON direction of Harbor Lawn-a former owner of Regan This 1111-1 wN filed with thl JUNE E. BROUGHTON, Mount Olive Mortuary Brothers Sheet Metal. a Coun1y Clerk ol Ofenge Coun1y Of'I resident o( Colla Mesa, Ca. 540-5554 member of the Newport Oelot>er 14, t982. Pas,,ed aw~y on ~ovember 9. PURCELL. SR. Harbor Elks Club for 33 Put>llahad Oran 1 Coe:,1=~ "*tC NC>TIC( MUC NOTICE PlalC NOTICl MUC NOJICE YOUAM•Dl,AULTUNOUI A YOUAM•DUAUUUNDD4 ·---~---· f ·tttt1 0 I I 0 0, f 11 U IT DA TI D DllO OP T_,.T DAftD AUeUIT D119 OI tMllf M m?i NOTIC8 °' TllWTll'I IAU , ........ llY tt. ,.._ UNLlll YOU 11 1t71. UN'lll YOU UICI 1 11J t UMLlll Y fAI .._.., ... iui ACflOM fO '"OTICT ACTION TO ;llOTIOf YOUR ACTtoN to "'0" YOU YOU Nill IN Dl,AVLT UNOIA A YOUR 'R0'811TY, IT MAY II "°"'RTV1.f!MAY .. tol.DATA PllONllTY,IUIAV•---ATA PttDCWTUTOATIDJUHf 10, IOLD AT A PWLIC eAU. 1' YOU "*-to IM.a. 111 YOU MIU M "*.IC 1M.1. •YOU ... 1M ttlt VHLUI \'OU TAKl ACTION NllD AN llPUNAT!Ott OP fMI IXPlANATION °' THI NATUM llPlANATIOM OP fMI UTUM TO PROTICT VOi.if' 'M)PUTV, IT NAJURI 0' THI 'ROCH DIHO CW THI ,_OCllCNNO AOAIHlf OP THI ,_OCllDtNO AQMflT MAY ~~OAT A~ IALI AQAINIT VOU..1~YOU IHOULD YOU, YOU tMOULD CONTACf A YOU, YOU 1HOU1.0 CONTACT A " YOU NUO AN IExPLAHATION CONTACT A LA1nlR. LAWVIR. LAWYIR. 0 r r HI! N "'T u Rt 0, T H ( NOTICI °' TRUITll'I IALI NOTICI Of' TRUITll'I ULI NOTICI Of' "'UITll'I PR<X:HOIHQ AGAINST YOIJ, YOU T.t . NO •• ,. T.t. Ne. *11 IA&.1 IHOUIJ) CONTACT A LAWYfR. NOTK:C 18 HEREBY OIVfN, lhet NOTICE IS HIA!B\' OIV N, thal T.8. Ne, aa.. On lhl 10th Oly of 0.0.mblr on WMllttdl)I. Nowmber 17, tH2, on WtOnlldll)'. Oec:embtl 1. 1H2 NOTICE 18 HEAl!8Y GIVEN, 11111 tN2 ... the hout ol 11 00. m .• , 11 9.00 o'CiOC'lc am of NICI d•Y· In 11 8 00 o'clock • m ol 1110 oey, In 'Oii WtctnMOay, Oacembtf t, tH2. thl Ith l•r .. t enttllt!Ct o1 the ~ Iha rOOfl'I Mt Hide for cono~una lh• room Mt H id• IOf condvcllno 11 e oo o•o1ock • m. of elld day, lo County COUflhouM, IOC••ec:t 11t ?00' Tru1IM'1 lllM, Wllhln tha otllot• ol 1 ru1tM'1 Stitt. Wllhln thl olllct1 0-1 lh• room Ml Nlde IOf c:onououno CMc Ctnttr Otl111 Wffl, fOfmerly Rl!AL. l!ITATIE Sl!CU .. ITI I Al!AL f8T/\TE Sl!OURITIE8 TruatN'IS .... ,Wllhlnthtotfio.tol known It 700 W11t Ith ftreat. HAVICI;. loc111a •• 2020 North HAVICE. IOC•lld •• 2020 North RIEAL E8TATI! SECURITIES MIUllld If\ IN Clly of Sante Ml, BtoadWl'f. Suite 20t. In Iha Clly of 8'CMldwey. Sul~ 20f In lhe C11y ot SERVICE, lo<:ettd 11 2020 North Courlty ot Or•n~e, 81811 Of 811111 Ana, County of OrlflQI, Stitt Sent• Ana, Counly of Orengo, St111 Broedwly, Suite 208, In thl City of ~Ul)(l llLtl'!~nYICa .:..~.~NYT, l1NCl·!!,!_An•l• of C1llforP1lt. REAL ESTATI! of C1llfornl1, t AN MARINO 81n11An1.Couo1yof011Jl041,St11a" ,.,.., u,..,..,. _.,. llECURITIE!l SERVICE,. C•Hte><nla s Av ING 8 AN 0 I. 0 AN OI C111lorn1•. REAL F:6lATE Corp011Uon, .. Truel .. ulld« °"° corpor11lon, .. duly apoolntad A880CIA TION •• C•llfornlti SECURITIES SEfWICE '. Cllllle><nl4 of fruit d•t•d J11n• 10, 1H 1 Tr1111" undaf Ind pureuMt 10 lht c:o rporellon, 11 duly 1opo1n1ed corooratlon, 11 d~I§ 1ppoln ltd tUCulld by Dina Mln1ul1n power ot 1111 conferred In lhll Trull .. un!Mr and purau1111 10 lhe Tru11M under Ind pu<tuanl 10 tht Alllltll, en unmaflied PeflOn and ~tin Dted of Tru1t axtc:utecl by power ol HI• c:onl1rrtd In th•l power ot 1118 c:ont1rr1<1 1n thll llN:IOt Mlolltlan AIMUlll, a m11rt.o GRANT l), MCNIFF and DOROTHY cerl1l(I DMd of Trull •~eculld bY Clflaln DMcl of Trul l ••ecutld t>y ptrlOf\. reco<Clld on June 30, tH' I!. McNl,F, hu1ba11d and wllt, WAL 'l'ER M BUSH end 61KO S Dl!NNl9 ~ SCOTT td PE!NNY 1. 11 ln11ru'"4lnl Numb« 0 280, 8oolt reco<cltd JtltUtJY 28, 1112. In the BUSH, huebtnd •n<f Wiit, llCO<"dld SCOTT, hu1b1nd and wife who 14120. Page 884, Ottlc:lll Atc0tdl. office ot th• County Recorder ot AUQllll 29. 1977, In 8oolt 12358 of 1c:qulr1d 11111 11 PENNY SCOTT, County of Otano-. Cllllf0tnla. r.:; Hid Couoly, u Rtcorder'1 Ottldal Recorda of ~ill Counly, 11 rlCOtelld Auou11 21, 1971, 1n 9oolt 10 MC\lfl.,, lndet>tldntM 111 '"'°' lnllrument No, 82·032402, t>y P•O• H59, Recorder a ln111um1n1 12807 .of Olflc111 RecordS•Of u ld of Bank ot Amet'lca Netlonel Truel rH1on of • breech or d1t1u11 In No. 47 t53, t>y 1111on ot 1 breecll or County, 11 P-0-1032, Rec:Qreltf'1 •114 S1Ylf\GI AMQOlellon, • nellonlt p1ym1nt or pertormence ot th• det~ll In payment ot pertormanc:a 1n11rumen1 No 29777, t>y "''°" ot t>anklng HIOCllllon. by raMOn of ot>Ho111on1 H c:ured lhereby, ot 111t obllg1\lon1 MCureo thereby, 1 brllCll ot dlteult In P•Y"*'' °' th• brt1ch pt tht obllg1tlon1 lnc:ludlno lhll breech or d1t1ull, lnctudlng th•I breach or defeull. performence of 1h1 obllgllion• MCured lhereby. notice of whk:h Notlee ol which wu recorded Jul)> Notice of which wa• recorded aec:ured 1111r1t>y Including th11 w .. recorded on J~. tN2 II 21. t982. 11 Recoroer'1 lnatrume111 Februlf)' 24, 1982. H Rec:ord1r1a bruen Of deltull.' Notice of wtlleh ln1trum1n1 Num~ -62·282087 ot No. 82-252892, Will &Ell AT ln1lrum1n1 Np 82·084792, Will w11 recorded August 3t, t981, In Oll1c111 Recorda 'ot nld OrtnJll J PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE SEU.ATPUBLICAUCTIONTOTHe Book t4180 of Ofltclal Record• ot County. end more lhln three HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. U ld County, •t p1g1 tOH. moothl hlVI 1lapaed 1lnc:1 SllCh lawful~ of the UnlllO Stet". lawtul mon.y ot Ille UnillO S111es. Rec«Oer's lollrument No 18749. r1cord1tlon, wlll Hll II public: or • Clahler a ch.all drewn on • or • CHhlet'I chta drewn on • WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 1uctlon 10 lhl nlg.hlal l>!dd« ror atlll Of netlonal t>anll, • alll• 81' 11111 °' nlllonll t>lnk •• lllte Of TO THE. HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CUii °' .... Calhler'• Clledl orewn' leder1f crlOll union, or a llate or tlderal crec:tll union.' Of • 11111 or CASH, 11wtu1 money of lhl Unltacl on • a1111 Of nalfonal b111k. • 111te tlder1l 11vloga and loan aalOCtatlon tec:tarel 1111lng1 and loan u1ocl11tlon S1et1t. °' • caalller'a check d11wo OI lt01r11 c:r«i11 union°'• 1talt °' domlellld In lhlt atlte, all payebla at domlc:ilecl In 1hl1 11a11, ell peyet>le 11 on 1 it•ll or n1llon11 t>lrlk. 1 11111 fldetal saving• and loen ueoc:l1tlon the lime of Ille, ell rtoti1. litle Ind 1111 time of' Ille, all rlghl, 11111 and or llder.i craclll.Jlrlion. or • 111t1 °' domldled In lhll 1t111", (p1y10le 11 ln1tres1 held t>y II. H Trull•, In lnlereat held by II, H .Truatee. In ltOetal 11ving1 Ind lolll IHOCllllon time of Nie In i.wfut money of the lhll r"I property silulle In H id lhll rMI proplf'ly 1l1u1110 In Hid domlciled In ihl1 a1a11, 111 ~Y.•* 11 Utlltt<I St1111 of America) wlthOUI County end St1t1, dHcrlbed 111 Coun1y 1od Stet•. <11tcrlb1d 11 lhe time of Nie, ell rlghl, lllle and c:ov1n11nt or werranty, ••Prffl or fOllOws: loltows: lnllreal hlld t>y It, 11 Tru1t11. In lm1>lled, u to lllle. ~lion Of lot 48 of Trec:t No 56113, II PARCEL t 11111 r111 properly 1llu111 In Hid 111cumt>r1nc11. 1'111 ln11re11 lflOWn on a map reco<dad In l>ook Loi 110 of TrlC1 No 6788, 1n I.hi Col.Inly and S111a. d1tcrlt>ed 11 conveyed to and now hlld by the 293. PIO" t t 10 13, Inclusive ol Clty ot 1r11lne, 11 per map 11CO<ded follows: 111d Tru1111 under H id OHd ot Ml1c111•n1011t M1p1, recorda ot In Book 2 t8, P1g11 19 to 27, A L....nold lnt«MI in and to: Trust. In end 10 the tollowlng Orange County. C11lt0tnf1. lneluslva of Mitl08ll1neou1 MIC>$. In Lot 68 of Tr1c1 No. t 700, u dlac1rt>e0 property altu•ted in the The llraet addr111 or olher tn1olflclolth1 Coun1yRec::ordlr-ot anownoneMaprecorded lneooti County of Orano•. S iiia of common d11lgn1tlon of Iha r111 Hid County. 52. pegn 1 and 8. of Mfacellaneou• C1ll!Ofnl1. 10 wit: property harelnat>ove dlacrjbed 11 PARCEL 2· Mapa, recorda of Mid Counly. Loi 16 Of Tract No. 9778, in Ille purported to t>e· 1783 Kinglet An 1111m1nt for tupport end The 1ireat addren or 01her Ory ot Captttrano S.ach, County ot Court, Co1t1 Miii. CA ae1tlem1nt where said 101 adjoin• common dea1gn111on 01 lhl r11I Orange, St1t1 or Cakf01n11, u per Th• under s I g n Id he 1 I by 1ny other lol In Htd 1ract, 1oge1har property h1reinebov1 deacrlt>ed Is map recorded In 8ootl 4•9, PllQll d l1cl1lma 111 ll1t>lllly tor any wltn 1111mants lor e1111& or purporled 10 be. 1312 Sant•n•ll• 37 and 38 of Mlacell11neou1 M1p1. In lncx>rr9Clnesl lo said 1treet lddreee overhangs, Where such 11ves '" ferrlCI, CorOt11 del Mer, Calllornl1. lhl Otllcl of I.hi County Rec:ordef of Ofotherc:ommondellgnellon. constructed In 1ccord1nc1 with The unoeralgned 111ret>y llklCountvr Said Nie wm bl mid• without 1pp11e1t>le munk:lpll ordinarlCIS. dlec111m1 ell llablHty for any EXCEPT lhlf1from all coal, oll warrenty, 1xpre11 or lmplled, An 1111m1n1 logllher wllh lnc;Ofrectneu In Mid 11ree1 lddr"' end 01h1r mlner•I• wllllln or ragerdlng 11111, ponaulon, 01 1111menta tor 1uppor1 a nd or olher commOf'I dHlgn•llon. underlying Hid lend, Intending 1ncumbrlOCH, to Htllf'f thl lllllemlf\I wtierl H id IOI 1djoln1 Said l~le will t>e m1de without thereby 10 lnclucf1 ~ny and afl prloclp11 t>1l1nc:e of lhl Nolf 01 any oilier lot In Mid tract. togelhlf warrenty, axprau or lmplled. lnorg111lc 1ut>111nces (lnc;ludlog oil other obllglllon 1ecurld by H id with a111m1n11 tor e11111 or r1g11dlng 11111. po11111lon. or Ind nllural gHI now kllOWfl to exlsl Deed of Truat. wllh ln11te11 and owrh1ng1. where IUCll ""'" '" 1ncumbreno11. to 11U1 ly the or hereefler dlac:o,.ered, having other 1um1 11 provided !herein: con1truc1ad en 1ccord1nce with prlncleat b1l1nc:1 ot 1h1 Note Of 1ut11c11n1 1111u1, aep1r111d from plu1 ad111nc11. ii any, under Iha 11)911ca~ munlclpel Ofdln1.llc;e$. otner obllgolfon secured by Hid lhelr lltu1 u • part of the 1111h, to term• ttltreot Ind lnter .. t on tu<:h The s1r111 1ddr111 or other 011d ot Trust, with 1nt1re11 and t>1 mined, piped. pulT\PICf, querrled. ldvanc:ae. end plu1 ftea, charoet common d11ignat1on of the 1111 other 1um1 11 provided 1n11eln' dug Of Olherwlae remov.d tor their encl ~of the TnJ1IM •nd of property hltein•t>ove detctit>ed 11 plu• 1d•1nc11, 11 eny. under 1he -n Nk• Of lhllt own apecltic UNI. the truata crMlacl by 111d Deed of purported to t>e tO Queen W,.ath 1arms thlreof and lnter111 on IUCll wilhoul, tloweller. Iha riQlll lo use Trust. Th• totel amount ot llld Wey, lrvlne. ellht0tnl1 adv1ncea, and p1119 ttea. cnargn Illy ol lhl aurfac:e of ..ro lerld, u obllg1llon, lncludlng r111on1bly fha 11 n d araig n1d here t>y end e~penMa of the Tru1I• and of rM1r11ed In lhe Deed recorded fn 11t1m1lad teu, cll1rg11 and di•cl1lm1 111 tlat>llity tor any lhe truat1 cr11ted t>y Hid Deed ot Book 1375. P1g1 188, Otrlclal eiq>en.., of lhe TrutlM. at the lime lnconec1nna In aald 1tt11t 1ddrees Truat The 10111 1moun1 ol Hid Flecorda of Hid Counly. of lnltlal publlclltlon Ol lhil Notice, II °' other e«nmon deaignatlon obllg111on. Including r111on1t>ly Tn1 •ddreas or other common 1121.257.49. S1kl Hie will t>I mede wllhout 11t1m1t1d feH. cherges end dealgn1t1on1 II eny, ol th• r111 Oeted: Octot>er-25, t982. warranty .. 1xpre11 or lmpllad, expen-ol the TruslM, 11111111me properly d11c:rlb1d above 11 "l!At. EtTAT~ICUIUTllt regerdlng 1111•. po111111on, or ol1nill1tput>hc:111onolthl1 Nollc1.f1purported10 t>I 2"7625 Vl1t1 De U..YICI, ancumbrancu. 10 utlaty Iha S52,747.0t 0on1. Captahano SllCh, CA 92624, 1 C•lllernl• corporetlon, •• princlp•I b1l1nc1 ot lhl Note or 011ed: Novemt>er 10. t982. lhe underalQned Trua111 dlacl1lm1 ,,_.. other ot>t1Q111on aecured by Mid REAL ESTATE any ll•bll1ty for any 1noo<rec1neas of O.ol. llor9lr, Pr-. Deed of 'fru11. with lnt1r111 Ind SECURITIES SERVICE, the 1ddr111 br olhlr common -N. • .....,.,, w20e other 1unis 11 provided therein, 1 Cakfornl• Oellgnatlon. if any shown hlr .. n Santa Ane. CA 92708 plus 1d111nc:H, ii any. under lhl c:oiporelion. II Iha lfOflllkl prope<ly has no (714) 953.e&tO 1erms thereol end irtler"I on lluctl 11 Trustee. 11rk1 •ddreu or other common Put>ll1h1d Oreng1 Coul Delly 1d11ance1. and plus 1111. cherges By (SEAl) o J Morger. de1lgn11ion, directions H to h-10 Pilot, Ocl 28. Nov. 4, t t. t982 Ind ••PltlMI of the Trual• and o• ua Pres.dent loc111 1uch property mey be f 4756-82 the truat• cr111ed by Nld Deed o4 2020 N Broadwey. Su•ll ot>lalned from Ille Benetlciery undet -----------lru11 !Tht total amount or H id 209 111d Deed of Truai II whose PUBLIC NOTICE oblige Ion. lncludlng rH1on1bty S1ni1 Ana, CA 92708 req""t the Ille Is 10 bl condllctld. 1111m11ed fen, cherqu and Tll. (714) 953-6810 purauen1 to 1 wrlllan raquesl FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAlllllE tTATUllENT Thi follOwlng persons •re dOlng l>lnlness •• LAURIE 'S HAIR HIDEAWAY, 2•00t Allc:i•. "110, MISSIOn V1e10. Calltornla 92692 L1ur1 Ann Toohey. 2423 t Sp1rt1n. MIHIOfl Vle10 C1hlorn11 92692 This l>YllMll 11 conducted t>y 1111 indhlidull l eore T OOhey Thts ~11: 'f'f'I Wll lllld Wtlh \Ill Coun!, ... "'11 ot Or11199 County on NoYlml>lr 1, t982. F200IQ Publllhld Orange Coast Delly Pllol. Nov l t, 18. 25. Dec 2, t912 498M2 P\8.IC NOTICE ,ICTfTIOUI 8UtlNl!18 NAMI tTAUll(l)n' Tne tollowlng per101 1s doing bYslneae u YORSA LI ND-' STATION. t637 t BHCh Blvd .. Suoll 240, Hunllngton SlllCll, Cllllornla 92647 Rendell w. Bl•nchero. 9381 Follr1tone Clrdl, Hunllnglon Beach, Cakfornl• 926-4 7 This t>ualneu It condUcte<I t>y 111 1ndMd\lal R1ncsaH w Blanchard Thll lllltmel\I WH filed With the CounlY Clerk of OflllOI County Otl NO\'lmbar 9. t982 ,..,.,, Published Or1nge ColSI Deily PllOI, NOY 11, 18, 25. Dec 2, t982 4987-12 expenMI Of Ille TrustM, al the tlm1 Put>llahed 011ng1 CoHt Delly tut>milled. within len deys from Ille of mlllll publlclltion of thl1Notloi,11 Pilot. Nov 11. t8, 25, t982 11111 pubhc:alton ot thl1 Notlc:I. 10 S40,465 09. 5002·82 1ucll Ben1flc:11ry 11 lhe fOllowlng Dated No~ber 8, 1982 1ddr1ss. BANK OF AMERICAN SAN MARINO SAVINGS NATIONAi. TRUST AND SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOC· PUBllC NOTICE A s s 0 c I A T I 0 N I L 0 A N IATION, u Truat• NOTICE Of' OltlOlUTION ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT 0# ,AflTNUltHtP c4327, FORECLOSURE SE.CTION. a Cahfe><nla Corporellon, 8~ REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • Cahtornle corporation, 111 Aganl By. DJ. Morge< ill Pretident (SEAll 2020 Norin 8ro1dw1y S111t1 206. Santa Ana, CA 9l706 Publie nottce 11 hltet>y gotten lhlt 45 SOUTH HODSON AVENUE. K•RL ... ZIMMERMANN. Ind ALEX PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 91101 " "" The unpaid balance o4 the nole KRESHEK. here1oto11 doing aecured t>y aa1d Dted of Trust. with business under lhe llc1111ou1 firm lnterNI thereon, 11 provldad In l8ld n-and slyle ot CONTINENTAL noll 1dv1nc:a It any under the PASTRY II 542 Eall 1at Sl•MI. ,.,,n. or llld D••d' ot Trull City of Tusi1n. Counly of Orenge. nc:ludlng ••••. chergu 1nd Stlle or C1hl0<nia, did on Ille 3rd lllpel'IMI ot Iha Trust•. as of the dey of No••mt>er. t982. by mutual dlll of the lnltlal publk:atton ot the oon1en1, dissolve lh1 teld Notice of Sall. 10 wit: S22t,78t.55. 'ltrtner1hlp lrtd te1min111 lhe~r N1m1, Strlll Addreas end re!llK>n• H penn1ts lher .. n -Telec>hOne Numt>er ot Truatee or Slid t>uslnest In the lulure wtft t>e P«wn condUc:llng NII 11 conducted by Alex Kretehek. and, D•ted· November 1 1982 5003·82 who will P•Y and dl1ch1rge all CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY -----------ll1blll!les end cset>ta of the firm and COMPANY PUBLIC NOTICE receive all monies. payat>le lo the 45 s HudlOll A,,. Tel 1714) 953-6810 Publl1llld Oreng1 C0&1t Delly Pilol, NOYamblr It, t8 end 25. 1982. -----------firm Puadlnl. CA 91101 ' RCTTTIOU9 BUteNElt Further no11c:e •s nereby given Mer~yn R Muwea NA• tTAff•NT thll 1he undersigned wlll not b• EK OtflaO Agent The following persons are dOing responsible, from thla d1y on. IOf 2t3157&-5907 blialnell 11: eny obllgatlon Incurred by the Put>llshad Orenge Coa11 Deity KAM<ORIAN &.KOPP PAIMIING OU-Lor ln tile n&rl'.HI of lhe firm. Pllol Nov J t 18 2.5 tt82 COMPANY. 612 Shull L-. Cosla Oetld 11 Tus11n. C1111orn11 thll ' -' . . 4883-82 Mes.I. C.hfomle 92628 NOY 3, t982 Guy Alan Knke><lan, 6 t2 Shute Put>hsned Orengo Coaal Dally Lene, Costa Meaa. ClhlOfnll 92626 P1tol, Nov It, 1982 l>eur Frencll Kopp, 21982 4990°82 NOTICl o• OtttCX.UTION L1kelend Avenue El Toro. Of' 'A91TNER...,. C1htornl1 92630 PUSUC NOTICE Publte notoce 11 h«eby Ql\'ll\ thll ThtS t>uaineu ii conoucted by. MORELAND OEVElOPMENT gener11 perlnar"'4p NOTICE Of' '9W'AMTIOM C 0 MP AN y . 1 C a II torn 1 a Guy KrlllOflan 0# corporet1on. end ROBERT P lhil statement WIS hlt<I wlln Ille •OATIYI O«Cl AflATIOH WARMINGTON, an lndlYldull PUBLIC NOTICE 1982 S he 111WV1ved by her NEIL J PURCELL SR., 1_e~ra. a member o f the Pllol. Nov 1t, 18. ~5. o.c 2, 1982 children Wahnella of Costa a residen.t of Balbo~, Ca. 'Kntghll of Columt>u. for ~5 4988-12 rta.IC NOTICE Mesa, Ca., Roy L . of Pas.sedawayonNovember9 years at St. Joachim s filil1CNOTIC£ 1"1CTITIOUtllUSMH County Clerk of Orange County on The IMM Randi Wit« Olllrlet heretolOfl dOlng blJtinHI Under lhe Oc:tooer 22. t982 11 preparing • Negatl.,. Deder•tlon tlcllllous firm name end 11yl1 ol '*"" fOf 1he project Clelctlbld below ' M 0 R El A N 0. WA RM IN QT 0 N Put>lilhld Orange Coast Daily "Dr9"" Neglll'\le Decletallon IS on VENTURE. Counly of Ora,.. S111e Pllol, Nov 1 t. 18. 25, Dec 2. t98~ 111• at 1h1 Dlalrlcl office, 18802 ot Calilornle. did on Ille 19th day of Arizona , George o f 1982 He is survived by 2 Catholtc Chur ch and a IC~ NA••TAn.NT • Bakersfield, James o f sons.Nell Purcell Jr and member of the Colt.a Meaa NOTICI Of'AYALAalTY The followlng i>erton• 1re doing 4948·82 Bar<IMl'I Avenue. Irvine, Ctllfornla, Octot>er, t982, t>y mu1ue1 conMnt, 1 n d la av 111 • b I• tor P \I b 11 c d1SM>l111 1111 H.id pertne<lhlp and ~Ion A NegatlYI Declatetlon tlr'1Nna11 111111 reteliON •• part,_. Wiii be conaid«eO for apptO¥al Of lher..n Indiana and Mary Ann of Da·~id p .. -u 3 d' aughten 1Men's Club. Friends may call _ .. -u• •-~ 11 m-.,. MnTIC[ L V N d I " ~ .. ~ • t th tu a r y on ...,.. -.. ~ ~· ) BAANJON. 2322 Azure SlrWI. ""~ "" 81 egas, eva a , 3 so Carol Hammerbeck Joyce a e m 0 r PurS\lent to ....,.!Ion 8t04(d 01 san11 An•. C1ht0<nl1 92707 'ICTITIOUt BU ... lt survived by Ci grandchildren Bert and Susan Roebuck 7 Thursday. N ovember l l, thl lntarnel ~"'Code, 110tloe II John s Purput1 2322 Azure NA• t TAftMINT and 7 great·grandchlld~en. aranckhildren and 5 ore~t· 1982 until 9:00PM. Mase of ~~ ~~~h.,•t,!",r ant,.,";J1"orr~E Street. Santi A.M . ceiitorn11 92707 The lottO'#lng perlO!la -dOlng Private interment services " . • Id Chrlsdan Burl.al will be he ld ""' ,,_ ..._.... •-•v THE Andrew S Miiier 8 Al ond t>ullMll 11 W •re held under the grandchildren. Crypl• e on Friday. Novem'"-r 12, CREAN FOUNDATION,. prlYlll • m fAll RIVER FIREWOOD ~ 11 b h Id .,.., tounde11on, 11 t111ll1bt1 at th• T,... '--· lr\llne, Celitomoa 827t5 " ___________ ....,.se~vaces w1 e e on 1982 at 7 :30PM at St. tound•llon'a prlnc1pa1 office tor TNa.,~ • .!!.. conducted by• COMPANY, 32 Pinewood Ortve, Fnday, November :1;2• 1982 Joachim's Catholic Church, lnlpeCUon during regul# buliona John 6-~. IMM, California 927t4 1A&.n1RMttC>N IMITH & lVTHIU WISlCUllf CHA"1. 427 E t7th St Costa Mesa 648-.9371 at ll:OOAM al Paci~ View with lnlermenl at Holy hour1trom9.00e.m.to5:00p.m by nu1111emen1 wu tiled with the P~Dr~ ~= 'S:::9cif~! MemorialPark.PadficV!ew Sepulcher Cemetery, ~~~';n.~~~~·~:.110r:~ tyCl«lrotOrange Countyon t2714 Mortuary, Newporl Be•c h Oran1e. Ca. In lie u of publlettlon 1>81'9. 1982 Thilbwlntll 1tconductao1>y"' directon. flower• donallons may be The lound1Uon'1 ptlnclpal omc:e ,.,.,. lndwldualo c J~· BlJBLAND m•de t o the American 111ocatao et 1HOO Flllrctllld, 8utt• Put>llsh•d Orange Cout Diii)' --!50, lr\llM, Celiloml• H715. tot, No¥. 11, t8, 25, Dec 2, tN2 Tiii• •t•t-t Wit fifed with thl G E 0 R G E '1' H 0 M A S ~ Society of lhe Ralph 1 4950-82 County Cieri! ot C>fenge County on BURLAND, a rnide nt of Mart.in Renewal Minialriee, f~ll~n~l~nmtn~!.:!,.91 th•1------------Octot>et t8,·t982 C:C.ta Mesa, Ca. for 24yean, PO Box 7712, Ann Arbor, Al.,i N O'i<.Hl(EIQ.I "81C NOTIC£ died Tuetday, November 9, M lchl1an 48107. Pierce A .... tant Sectetaty 1982 at lhe age of 89 yean. Brothers Bell B roadway BRUCK, KAANZ & PERRY H e w11 a retired s upe r· Mortuary dlrecion. ~o':'FC:. ~. lntendent of &he L ocal Newpott BMcll. CA 92MO Jab.co Products Plant, He It PubK•ll9d Ot•nte CoHt Da1ty s u rvived by a bro ther, J 0 H NSE~l~RA R LES Piiot, No•..nOei 1t, 11111 Phillip Burland of Ceresco, 500t·l2 Mlch lian; 2 sons, Carl"bll SENIOR, r uldent o f "'8JC NOTICE W edel of Apto1. Ca and Oranp, Ca. Pueed away on lllC""°"9 ..,_., M axwell Bu r land of Nowmber II, 1982. Drvowc:t M 0 u n t • I n Te r r a c e , husband of Pam, belovt-d W a 1 h l n It 0 n; 4 fa ther of Jeffrey, M ike, 1randchlldren, Donald ~~u:!do1~•.= =~· ::~~ W~ John. Recltatlon of th• Wedel and alto aurvived by RoHry wlll be held on 1 1 r eat·1rand1o n . David Fr~Y.1. November 12, 1982 Burland. By mutual family et 8:0uPM at the Harbor a1reemen t no f uneral or Lawn M emorial ChaJMI .memor ial urvlces 1u e M a• o f the Rffurrectlon planned. N~!.'::t.~I~ a'."'1 et·~~~'. Jolchlm'• C...thoUt Chutth •• REGAN 8;HAM wlth interment OIX:>ROE EARLE Rf.O. lmmecllately f0Uowtn1 •\ AM, reeW.nt of Newpon Harbor 1.awn ltemorlal 8-m, C... P-9 away an Park In lieu of now.n the November 9, l tl2. He 11 family ,........ doMdonl be ~-:----~----;,,..,,,ilMt, IUMwd ~ h'9 wti. 8tmkw made 10 the WUdUfe W1y 1 Reph of Newport 8"ch, Station IUll 1.-lule Ca., t aona Oeor&• J•rl• ~ ~ aa.d. 1en b1•n. Jr. of Wahlnaton ""'**-Vaut;, ea. or Tt.- ancl Chari• ltamforcJ of r.maa1 .._. ~'*' ~~~ ~= oC o, .... Co. BerHYM ~.~ • .,... a.nn.tt =r.z::l.=. ~~·~~~;: ..... ---...... ....... .... • ftf ...,. La•n·llOU•I Hit'•_,..., i 'lnwweH ........ =• ..... ,1_, Publl1h8d Orenoe Coen Dally PllOI, Ocl 21, 28, NOY 4, t t, 1912 4823-82 NII.JC NOTICE ·---·.--.. ~....... Oii ..... , .... ,, .. c.te .~----------"" "' ...... MO-HM. 'I • 1P dl11ppro11al by lh• Boerd 01 EXECUTED AT COSTA MESA, Directors OI th• Dl1trlct " Ill CAllFORNI/\, lhil 19th dly of ITIWtl"O to be l'llld 1t the Olllrlcl Oc:tot>er. 1982. 'Jttlc• on November 22, t982 II MORELAN().WARMINGTON 8.00 p.n• VENTURE H11Clquert1rs Bulldlng -Ro..__ p w •-1 Certltlca111 ot Partlclplllon • .,, ";d,vldualarm • .,. on loca1ton-11N02-~ A--. and -partner lr11ln1, California. Siii and EXECUTEO AT LOS ANGELES l1•1ti.c:k of hee0qutf1efl bullding CALI FORNIA. lhl1 t91h dly ol end 111uenc• of Certlflcll .. ol Oc:tot>«, 1982 Pllrllclpatlon 10 relmburM adllancet MORE.LANO OEVELOPMEN'T from C1plt1I Rlllf,ve Funds of COMPAN'( 1 Perin« veriou1 lniprOYl!Mnl Oiltrlcla uMCI J A Gordon, Pralfdent 1 o pu r c h••• bu 11 d Int • n d Rlcllerd K. Jemlaon IMptOYefT'lr\11 To benefit rlaldent VICI President of Ille trvtne AWICl'I Wlt9r Olatricl Being en lhe plflnws 011.0 NOYOmt>er 11, 1982 P11t>t11h1d Orenge Co111 Delly 9Mt)' J WllMler PllOI, NOY t t, 1982 8ecfelll'/ Publl1h1d Or•no• Co111 0111 Pllol, No111mb81' 11, tH2 5(J08..8 "8.IC NOTICE l'ta.IC NOTICE 'ICTTTIOUe ....... NAmtTA~NT Thi tollowlng l)eflon 11 dolog bl.I"'*'• DOUBLE CHECK C>n All, 3975 The tollOwlng oereon 11 doing lllreh, Sul•• F, Nlwpor1 BNdl, CA t>lllilf-. •· tlMO TECHNll(S, 171 E Al'fefllde, ANOflES ALOY CALVO 5'61 ~: t~e ~'1::'!'r ~2 8 :::.1e1d. Hun11no1on hecil. ~A Enclll411 A.,,. , RoltmMd, Clllfornta Tiiie. bullneu 11 oonduet.o by 111 e 1110 lnclMcluel { · - fllll ~ II c:oncluC*9 11Y 91 Andrw c.two ~Jeff I' T ~ r...-ltatemen! -.... wtlfl 1t1e lhit llaltmenl UWll Iii.cl with lht ~ c:;ni,~Of8119' °°""'Y Ofl County Clttlr of Ofange County on • ,1lllltl Nowm&* f , t912 l'vbU1heel 0rJllO• Cout Daltw ,_.11 l'tlot. OCt 11. 11. NOv •. H , .,..- lllubll1hff Orant• Coaal Oattr ....... "'°'· No¥ 11. 11. 25. o.o a. 1eea 4H1.U • 1~~-~~---~~~~~-Ml.IC •ta I Orange CoHt OAILV PILOT/Thurtdly, November 11. 188 DI Mlle NOTIC( g ic f«>TICE MllC NOTIC( MllC NOTIC£ MllC NOJICC • nu.~, .. ,~a.u'" ::-:: : , :c:u:T, .. ::~~F: c: ... ,., NOTtOI °' T.WITHI• uu •UNt!IOft COUltT °' llPTIWI ?.o.:·· \HM.HI NNUMW 11.-. II YOU ~'t..°'2r.t'Ar.ri tWf f!I Dl«MA"4ff&rc~1 c:J~~~ '°" TMI AC TO ..-OTIOT TAKI ACTION TO PROTICT , "" T A~ f "IC AN y ITL e COMDmONIANDMI~ .,.. Civic Ctt. Dr ..... 'fOUlt NO.HTY, IT MAY II YOUR PROPHT't, IT MAY II INIUlllANC& COM,ANV , 1 ltl m ... AT A "*'IC IAL.I." YOU IOU) AT A PUMJC IAUL. YOU Ceifornia CO<l)Of8llO!l, It ''"''"· YOU AIU'. IN OUAUl.f UHOllll .... AM. CA 11111 =AN ~noM CW TMI ... 0 AN llC"-ANA11C* Of' TMI Ol IU«fflOf frutt• °' Sub•llhllld lHAT CfRTAIN otCLA.HAflON Of MAWAOI °'' TUM°' THI NOCllDtMO MATURI 0, THI llflOCllDINO TrutlH. ol 11181 c;eitiln Dlld ot COVINANTS, CONDlflONI ANO HTITM*tfl1 KYONG IM CHOI AeAINIT YOU.J..!.C!U IHOUl.D AOAIMIT YOU VOU IHOULD Tr11e1 uHuled by 'llt mth M RFITAICYIONS OATlO JANUAltY ltllPOMOINT1 VOUNO eHtK COlfTACT A LAWTUI. CONTACT A LAWftll. AIOI. 1n unm11fled wom1nl 1nd 21 1972, OP 1 Hl e AV8H0Rfl I HIN CHOI NOTICI CW TWUITll'I IAU NOTICI CW TllUaTll'l IAU rlOQfdtd 8eotemb41r 11, llrt H HOMlOWNIRI AHOCIATION IUMMONI C'..-.v LAW) T.t ..... -T.I ..... -• INl.f\llT\lfll No 94H , In 8oOk 1330'4. \)NL.fl8 YOU lAKe AC1'10N TO CAii NO. 0-110ll1 HOTICt!" HIMIV OIVEN. lllll HOTICI 18 HEAE8V OIV(N, lhtl P•o• 19611, 0111,111 R1oord1 ol PAOTeCT '!'OUR PROPERTY, If NOTICll Ytll 11 ... Mtfl t!IM. tft W~. ~-24• l9H, Oii Wedl*dly, Ne>wmb« 24, IH2, Ortng1 County, C1lllornl1, and MAV le BOLO AT A PUILIC SALE TM -I IMJ -.Clff ... ,, Jtll .. t:OO o'oloc\ t.m. ol Mid dey, In ., 1.00 o'cklek • m, ol Mid dty. In PlllWtlll 10 lhlt c:er111n Nolle• OI IF vou NeEO AN EXPLANATION •"'*'' ,_ IMlftt ..... -llrillM the room "' Midi IOt GondUC:llfl9 lhe fe>Of'll Ml ~ IOI Cond\IGllllQ O.laull lhtttundtr rtcordtd July 0, l HI N ""Tu A e 0 F THE J'tll ........ 1111tr1 IO .... ..... Tr\ltM'e ...... within lheofllole ol TrutlM't s.i.. Within the off;c.e ol 13, 1992 11 In 1n111umen1 No PAOCHOINO AGAINST 'l'OU, YOU .... .,.,_,._,. Mlow, , llllAL llTATI! SICUAITllS llll!AL l!STATE SECURITIES u .240208, In BOOll ol Olllolel OHOUl.DCONTACTALAWYl!A. llyouwl1hlo-k lti.ldv1cto1 ,11.-v1cr. tocaltcl 11 1020 North SERVICE, IOG•l•d •I 2020 No1th AtoOldt of .. 10 County, wlll under On Wt dnttd•y, Novtmb•r t7, •n 111orney In 11111 m•ll••· you •Olelw•y, Sul11 IOI, In the City ol 8rqedw1y, Suitt 2oe. In the City ol •nd purtu•nt to .. Id OHd or Tru11 19H. 11 10:00 1.m. or 11 10011 thOllld <k> to promptly IO lh•I Y~' tMI• Ana. County or Or.no-. Sl•tt Sent• An•, County of Or~L St•I• "" 91 ""bllC tuei~ IOI cHh, 11wluj 11\ttttlttf .. m1y ~ rtH On•b ... •I ttlPonM or pltfdlng, 11 any. may tit or Ollllornl•. lll lAL 1!8T1\.TE Of C1lllo1nl1. REAL ESTATE .... n , 6 I I h IMPERIAL llltd on llmt l lCUAITtll HAVIC!, • C .. llC)(nl1 SECURITIES SERVICI! •• C•lllornl• ~~~i •. 0! ~:h~!·:~ec~1p~~!bC:. l'l'N~ e"u1~6'~~.0 .. ~ ~own Cefller Av 11 0 l u. t. d ... t Id 0 oorporellon, H duly tppolnltd corpor•llon. 11 duly tppotnl•d to "'d TrutlM drtwr) on 1 lltt• OI Otlvt. In tht City ol Coll• MH•. dtJ1111uf1do. II lrlbur1•I p11rd1 Truet• under Ind purllJlnl 10 IM TrullM under end pur111anl to tht netlontl btnk, 1 all It or ltdtlll CO u n I y 0 I 0 t • n g •, 8 I 91 I 0 I dtoldlr COfllfl Ud. llfl lllldi.nol1 • "°"' or ••It conltrred i.-thtl pow•r or HI• conterrtd In th•t c:rwlt union. 0, 1 *'''' 01 lederel Ctltlornlt. th• BAY8HORE8 ....,... tt'lt Ud. rMltOJICI• denlro certain Dlld Of Trua1 ••eoufed by Ctrl&ln OMd of Trutt exeouled by uv•no• Ind loin IUOCllllon COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (lh• ........... I• lflformeci.n ... J UOfTH C . Pl!TE A8EN. who THOMAS J . LANPHIER en~ domleli.d In 11\la ttale, 11 lht main "AHoclallon"I. through Ila d111y elttw, ecqulr'tO tlti. .. Judy c. Peter-', MARGARET l . LANPHIER. tntranc• 10 Ftret Amerlc1n Tiii tpl)Olnled eo-nt Ind l llOl'""f, LEE ll Utlt(I dOtl IOllC:lltr •• reootcMd Sept..,,ti.t 29. 1880, In lluebllnd Md wit•, at joint ·~•nta, lnturanc• Company IC>Clled .. It H DURST, wtlON ,,, .. , •dd•H• con1110 dt un lbOgldO •n .... look 13763 ol Offlolal ~d• of rto0td4MI F•bfU.llY 17, 1962, In the Ettl Filth St•tlt. 1n the city or Santa Ind leltphon• num~r 11 thown • e u n Io. d • b •' f • n e c •'Io ••Id co .. nly, II peg• 15 u . olllc• ol th• County Record., of Ana. CtlllCHnle. •II lhll llghl, tit .. btlow. Will SELL AT PUBLIC lmml<llllamtnlt. dt .... m1net•. "9cofct.r'1 ln9trurnent No '°°10. u ld County, u R1c:ordtr'1 and lnlert1t convey.a 10 lfld now AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST tu fleputtll •tc:rlla, ti hay llguna, by rettOfl Of • ~h OI dtfllUll In ln111um•nt No. 112·054 1511, by hlld by 11 Uflder Mid Deed of Tru11 SIOOER FOR CASH (payable al pued1.., rtgttlr9da • t141mpo 'eymtnt or ptrlormence ol lh• rtHon ol 1 breach or d•l1ull In In th• proptrly allualtd tn H id time ol Nit In ltwtul money ot the 1. TO TliE RESPONDENT Th• obllgellont H Curtd lhert by, ptymtnt or performance of th• County and Sllll dMCllbed u : Untied SltlH) pur1u1nl 10 th• petitioner 1111 llled I pttluon lnc:!Udlne lhtl IHNCh or dt lt ult obllll•llone Hcurtd thtreby, Lot 3 ol Trect No 7ot9 .. per power ol ttl• conl1rr1d In lh•I c:onctrnlng your mamtl)I ii you'"' Noeloe of wtllc:tt wu recorded July lnc:ludlno 1n11 breach or d1t1ul1, Map rtc:Of'dtd 111 BOOll 328. PllQM 9 cer1aln o.clarallon ol Co¥1n1n11. 10 lltl • rMPQnM wltllln 30 deyt ot '°· 1962. M Alccwder't lnelrurMnl Notlcit of wtllcll wu rtc0rdtd July 10 11 1nclualv• ol Mllc1llaneou1 Condition• and RHtrlcllone (Ill• lht dell 11111 lh•I 1ummon1 la Ho. U ·2'5CM7, Will Seu AT 22. 19'2. u ~der'a lntl•urMnt MIPS In tl\e olllc• 01 the COllnty "CC&R'•"I 11 recordtcl 1n B9oll Mf'Yed on yQU. your 0111u11 may.,. p u 8 LI c Au c TI 0 N T 0 TH e No. U -254340, WtlL SELL AT A.c0tder ol Nld county H79, PtgM 575 •• NQ, lnc:khillt, entered Ind '"' court m•y lnll( • HIOHEST l lOOER ~A CASH,• PUBLIC A UC.Tl ON TO THE Exe.pt all Oil, oll rlghll, mlntrell, Ollk:lel A4lcord1 o1 Or~ Count)', llA:lgmanl conllll)ll\Q Injunctive O< llwflll monl)' of""' United Stll ... HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH m1n«al •IOllll. n•1ut1J ou. rlghte. CehlC)(nll and wllhOul covtnllhl OI Olher order• c:onctrnlng dMllOn or 9' • cU'lltf'a d\Kk drawn on • lewtul ~ ol lM Un41ed St11n: end otlltr hydroc erbona by w1111n1y, ••prua or Implied, pr?Jp•rty, apol/111 1upport. c:hlld Mat• OI n11tlonel btnk, a "'" OI 0t • culller • c:htck on • 11111 0t wllatlMWf natM known Th•t mey regerdlng tllle, poaHHlon or C\ltJody, chlld 111popor1. •Horney ._,..., credit union, OI 1 atell OI netlonal btnll. • tt•I• or federal be within or under 1110 land, encumbf-, ell thel c.oeln rNI 18". COtll, 1.nd eucl1 other rlllllf ti fecltr'el •Y!not Ind loen 8MOC:letlon tfedll union, OI a 11111 OI 1.0..81 100-t11tr wnn the P«Pltuel right ol ptopetly tllulled In tM County of mty .,. gr.nled by IM court Tht domldled In Ihle ttltt, ell payebla II ttvlno• end loan auoctallon drllling, m1n1ng, uplorlng, and Ore'no•. Slit• o l Celllornla, g11nl"1m1n1, ol w1g11, l1k1no ol the llmt of ..... ell right, lltla Ind dOtntclled In 111111t111. alt pay11>1a II operetfng tntrt lor. end etOllng In dHCrlbed u follow•: mOl\I)' or !>foperly, or other c:ourt lnt-t htld by II,•• TrutlM, In the ti~ ot Ula, 111 right, Ill .. end and removing Ille .. ~ trom Hid Unit 80 ol Tract 7338 •• authorlied proceeding• may 1110 lhet rMI property t lluett In Hid lnlerHI held by It. H Truttet, In tend °' any othlf land, Including the conlelned In 8ooll 2116, Pegea I to retull County and Stell, dH crlb1d II lhll reel property 11tu1t• In H id right to wnlp91ock °' dlr.ctlontlly 15 lnc:luelva. of Ml~l1neou1 Maps Deted: Octoblt 27, 1982 fOllowe: 5 T County and S1111, described H ortn and mlM from 11nd1 othlf 1111n In the Olllcl1I Record• of Orenga fUN:y Grent, o.t>lllY lot of rec:t 5005 u per map loOowt. tl\OM htrelnabOvt described. oll 0t County. Callfoenrnle, l•w Ot1lc.-of Y.T. LN rtclOf'ded In 800ll 1~. PegH 17 lo PARCEL 1: Lot 80 of Traci Nu, gu well•. tunnel• and ''""' tnlo, Th• alree l eddreu and other 720 W. 1ttll It. 18 of Mlacell•ntOU• MIP•. In lh• 103411, In the City of Irvine, County through or ac:rOM the tub1Urf1C41 of common OM1gn111on, II eny, ot Int Coel• ...... CA t2t27 ofllc. of th• County Recordtr ol or Orange, Stitt of Calllornt1. as th• tand ntrelnabov• dttcrlbed. rHI proptrly described 1bove Is (714) 845-HSO Sllld County. per m1p recorded In Book 474, and 10 bottom fUCh whlp1locked or purporlld to be 17641 Brlllany Publlslled Orenge Co111 Dally The 1t11•t 1dd1111 or oth•r Paget 16 through 111. Mlacellanoous dlreclionally drilled wella, 1unnal1 Lane, Huntington Beach. C1.lfl0tnl1; Piiot. Oc1. 28, Nov .. 4, 11, 18, 11182 common de1lgn1tlon ol the rHI Mepa. In IM ottlce ot Int County and 1h1fl1 undtr and b•nHlh or turther, -Ung lo llld real pre>perty 47411·112 P1'°'*1Y htreinabova dHCrlbed It Atcordar ol Mid County. ti.yond th• eallerlor llmlll thereof, Is In lh• nlJM Of RICKY 0 . JAMES. ------------ purporttcl to 1>41: 31011 Tiii Wt~. Ex c • p I 111 o If. g a• •no ind 10 redrlll, 111unnel, equip, e tingle man. PUBl.IC NOTICE Coel• Mwe, Cellf0tnl1. nydre>c11rbon IUbllllllOH and other metnteln, rep1lr, dHP•n end The underalgned Trust a• The un de rato ned hereby minerel rlghll, Without l\owever. the OP4M'•ll eny such wellt or mln11, dl1cl1lm1 eny lf1b11t.,-lor any FICTITIOUS 9UllNES8 dl1clalm1 •II lltblllly tor 1ny right 10 enter th• surface ol H id willlOul, llOweYlr, tha tight to drlH, lncorrtc:tna11 ol lhe 1trt11 1ddre11 NAMI ITATl•NT lneorTectflllM In Mid ''"'' lddr ... land down to• dl1tenc1 ol 500 feel mint, 11ore, explore end operett and otntr common dHlgnellon The lollowlng perJon• .,, doing °'a°"* common deeigntllon. lrom the 1url•c1 thtreol, u tllro..gh IM surface OI Ille upper 500 atlon. II any, lhown herein. bualna" 11. eld .... will 1>41 mede wllnout rectllltd In lht Deed rtc:Olo.d Mey IHI of Illa subturflCI ol Nl'c:t land, ~llO .... wlll.,. m.W. to Hllsty EVE CATCHER, 2485 lrvlnt werranty, exprHI or lmplltd, 23. 1990, In boo« 13815, PISll 157, ., r-ved In Ille dtld rtc:Olded tn• obllglllon Hcured by, end Av1nut, No 4, Cotti Mesa, CA regerdlng 1111•. potHUlon, or Oflk:lel Atc:Otclt. Febfutry 28. 1974 111 Boolt 11084. pureutnt 10 tn• pow1r ol 111e 02827 encumb1enc11, to Hllely the PARCEL 2: EeHmtnll H HI Pege l l69 of olllelll rtc:Ordl conl«red In Artlcit I of lM aboYe RICHARD JOSEPH KASPER Pf'lnclpel b•l•nc:• ol IM Nole OI torth In th• S•cllont entltltd The ,1,.81 add•tn 0, other rtlertnCIO CC&R'e; end l)Uftuertl JR . 2485 rrvtnt Avenue, No 4, othef obtlQetton MCurtd by Hid "C.rtaln ea_,,tt lor Owna<a", common dHfgnallon 01 u ld 10 Altlcit 1. Ste ol th• CC&R'a Iha Coste Mau, CA 92827 Deed ol 'fruit, wltll lnttretl and "Support, S•lll•mtnl and property 11 purportlld 10 1>41 3571 Nola ol AIMlll'l'ltnl end Clelm of LINDA JANE ROLFSON, 2485 other "'ma aa provided therein. encroachmtnl" end "Common Nutrri-o. lrvlne. ce~lorn11 Lien wH recorded 1g1ln11 Iha lrvtnt A.....,u., No 4, Costa Mtsa, pl"9 edvenc.1. II .ny, under the °'*-IY e-i.nt" ol the Anlclt Said Mia wlll 1>41 mad• WllhOlll a bove describe d rt•I prop· CA 92627 • *"" ther90f Ind lnter .. t on euc:tl tntlll1d "Eutm1n11" or lllt covtn•nl or werrenty. IXl>fl" or erty tor nonpeymanl of d uH This bullMtt la conducted by• advencet, and plut •-. Cflerges 01ct1r1t1on ol Cov1n1nts. Implied. aa to 111 ... P<>IMHlon OI and HHHmtnll on Muell 18. l)IMfel pannerllllip encl..,,.,_ ol tht Trvat .. end ol Condit Iona end Aulrlcllont enc:umbre.ncw lo Nlltly the unpaid 1982, ln•tr-1 No. 82-094265 In Richard J K11per Jr tht lfUltl c:r•lecl by uld 0..0 of ~lbed In "SUBJECT TO"' below belenc• on 1h1 note or nolH th• Olllcl1I Record• of Orange Tl'll11lllllfTMll\I w11 hied w1t111n1 Truat. Tiie tottl amount ol Hid (IM "Otc:lerltlon'1 leCUfed by Mid o..o of Trual. 10 County, Celtlorn.e. end fur1Mr. tM County Clark ol Oreno-County on Obllgellon, Including re1ton1bly PARCEL 3· Eettmenta 11 SUCh with $3l,O~ Ill, p1ue IM loflowl1l9 Nolte. ol O.lault 111d Eltc11on to Oc:tober 7. 1982 , ••tlm•l•d 110 , ch1rge1 end _,,, .,. penicu1¥1y Ml f0t1h tslimeted co111. txpen111 and S.W llMctlng Mid rMI property WM FIMlM ~of IM Trwt .. , 81 the llfN In IM Anidi tnlllled "E-lt" adlfencn 11 the 11~ of IM lnltlel rllCOldtd JUM 3, 1982 In, lnclut/YI, Publlahad Orang• Coaal Otlly of lnltlalpubllcaltlonolllli9Nota,ls of 1111 O.Cl•rellon ot Coverienta. publlcellon ol this Nolte. ol Sile. uln11NfMntNo.82-1H1571nlhe Pllot.Oc:t 21,28.Nov 4.11.1982 133,809.26. Condition• end Rtslrlc:tJona "'4.606 72 Oftlc:lel AaoOrdl of OrllllQI County, r:==--------•-M_1._11_2 0.ted: ~bet 2. 1962 • delcrlbed In "SUBJECT TO:" below NOTICI TO ""°""TY o..... Celllornlt. REAL ESTATI: (tht Muter o.cter1tton") under tti. YOU AM• O.FAULT UM>llt A lht 10111 •mount ol the unpaid PUBl.IC NOTICE S(CUAITIES SERVICE. Mellon Section IHl•dlnga in auc:h D«ID cw TRU•T. DATID .,_,... 22. balenoe of IM obllgeuon MCuted , ___ FlC_TI_TIOU __ .-.u-8-... -.-.-- Ml.IC NOTIC( ,. .... MOTtcl Of' TIIUITU'I U l& -, .......... 1 -.TMT llOTICI TO "'°'., • .,..._ VOU AN IN DlfrAULT UNIJfR ono ()fr TlllUIT OATl!O 4·21·8t UNLHI VOU TAKI ACTION T '"0Tl!CT YOUR P"OfllllllTV IT MA'I' If SOLO AT A PUftLIC IALI rr VOU MUD AN l)CPLANATfO or HU: NATURI or TH fllAOCCIOINO AGAINST YOU. V IHOULO CONTACT A LAWVER On NOv.,,,btr H , tH2. 11 10 AM , HOMB AICONVfVANCE COM,ANV, .. duly tppolnttd frijllll undt1 tnd pur1u1n1 lo 0Hd 01 Trull r1cord1d May ~. 11181 ... Intl No ·5765. In bOOk . page • ol Olllcl1I Record• In lht olllc:• or IM C011nty Fl4ICor1.t•11 01 011ng1 County, Sitt• or C1Jllorn11 •~ec:uted by Jam11 F Feney ind Linda L '•hey WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1bl1 11 11"'41 ol 11i. In 11wful money 01 the United StllM) 11 th• m11n en1r1nc. 10 City HIH, 1 Cl\/IO Center C1rc ... 81N, Ct 0262 I •H 1tghl. lltt. end ' 1n1., .. 1 conveyed 10 and now held by 11 undtr aald Deed ol Trull In 11141 property tltull•d In H od Countv and Stitt dt1trlb4ld u Lot 45 ot TrllCI No 5006, .. per mep rtc:Ofdlld In Book 183, peg11 IS ind 18 ol MlfC41111neOua Map•, lll•d tn 1111 orr1c1 or Iha County Recordlr of .. 1d O•anga County Tiie '"'" •tldreH 111d othll common .,dH1Qn111on. II eny, or tnt rH I p1oparty deac1l~d eb,ovrla putported to be" 3139 Bolton W1y, CO.II Miu, Ca 92828 Th• underalgntd Trustee d11cr11m1 any lllblllty tor any 1ncorr1C1nau ol the '''"' 1ddreu end other common dHlgn1t10n. II an)', l/lown herein Seid 1111 wlll be mtde, but wlllloul cov1n1nl or w1rrenly, 1aprts1 0t Implied, rtgerdlng !Ille, po111ulon, or enoumbr1nc111 lncludtng leu. chargu ano e•penMll of the Trustee end or 1h1 tru111 c:rHltd by utd Dead ol Tru11. 10 p1y 1111 remaining principal sum1 ol the no111(1) 1M1Curad by said OHd ol Trust to wit. I 11, 700,00 with lntertsl thereon from 10·21·81 11 20 percent per 1nnum as provided ,,,...aid no111(1) ptu1 costs and any ldvln<:411 ol 1867.60 wllh 1n1er .. 1. TIHI benlllCltry \llldlr said Deed ol Trull heretofore 1xec:u111<1 •nd dellvtrtd to th• undtr1lgntd • wrlllen Ooclaratlon ol daf1Ult and Oem1nd lor Sele, end • written Nolie• or o.11ull and Eltc:llon 10 Seti T~ und ... aigned c:auMd said Nolle• ol 0.faull and e1ec11on 10 s.tf to be rtcOrded In 11141 county wntr• tht rNI ptoptrly .. loclleel O.t•· October 25. t962 HOME AECONVEVANCE co M Mid 1Ju1tea 3220 C Bree Canyon Rd Otemona Ber. Ca 91765 (714) 598·11111 By Hti.n Lombardo. Alat.SKY. Publl•h•d Orange Cout Dally PllOI, Nov. 4, I I, 111. 1982 •!~82 NIUC. NOTlCE • Celil01ni. corporation, Artldt entitled u 1o1iow.: "Owneta tm. l1Nli8S YOU TAfCI ACTION by th• properly to be 1010 and u Trullff, Rights and OullH" "Ullllli.s and TO l"ROTECT VOUlt '°"°"'"!! reuonable ullmtted eosta. N.Allll« e TATfMENT IC-G2114 By: (SEAL) 0 J . M0tgtr. C1bl1 T1levl1lon." "Stdeyard tT MAY 81 ICX.D AT A f'UIN.K; 1xpen111 ano edv-el the UJM The lollowtng pertona ere doing .-C•AL COOltT OF lt•Prffkllnl e1111m1n11." "Support end I ALI." YOU NllD AN ol the lnlllal publlclllon of the bulln4MIH CAUf:OttNIA 2020 North Bro.Owly. S.ll!em41nt," "Encroachment,'' and EX,LANATION M Ttte NATUltl Nolle» ol Sti., Including •llorMy'1 LEHMAN FISHER CO • 333 COUllTY OF OttANOI! Suitt'~. "Community FllCUillH E&Mmeot." °" ,.... l"ROCll DINO AGAINST ·-and c:otll, la 12.270.00. eut l7tn Slrlll, Coll• Mell, No.°' .... JYdlcW Dia. Sant• Ana. CA 021oe PARCEL 4: EaMmlflt lor fngtttt, YOU, Yoo IHOUl.D CONTACT A Oiied! Dc1oblt 21.J 962. Cam0tnll 92827 1%71 N . ..,. ... , .... 1t Telepllone; (714) 9S3-8810 -o••H and t1retl purposes. end LAWYER. 8AYSHOltle C MM UNITY Hal Lehman, 734 Via Lido flllterlOll, CA t2l36 Publlahtd Or•n11 Cot1t Delly drelnagt In, undtr, through and FIRST AMERICAN TITLE AllOCIATION, l t1 H. Dtl,.1, ftl Soud, Newport Beach. Ctlllornla ,LAIN'flFF: UNION 8AHIC, 1 Piiot, Nov. 4, 11, 1 • 1982 ~OM 11111 portion of LQI H end Loi INSURANCE COMPANY, eltorlttJ 1r1• •t•flt, Ill Tow" 92~ln0t Flllllar O'Bryon. 47390 cc:;'::.~~·~AN TYLU 4872-82 42 of Trect 10334, H '* map filed • C1l1tornl1 corpor1llon Ceflltr Drhrt, lult• IOO, Coale •• ----.. ---.,.-..,..-TIC(-----11n Book 445, PlgH 25 lo 39 Dan Onn.,od, f\lthorlUd offteer Mt1e, Ctlllor"lt HUI, (7tt) Amir Drive, Palm OtMrt. C.lllCHn,. S OLLY; DOEI 1 thro.,9h 10 ,._ "" lnclualva. of Mlsc.il1naous M•P•. 114 E. Alth SI 141·1111. 92260 . lncMIYI. -----... --._------1 records or 111d County, 111own Sent• Ana. CA 92702 Publlahtd Orang• Co111 Dally Tiiis butlnMI It cond~led by 1 .r IUMMONS ,..._ COmmon Aoadw E»libll I of Piiot Oc: 28 No 4 I 1 1982 ganerel pannt<illlp C•I No. A-41512 MOnc. TO CMDn'Ottl 81 ·~on 17141 558·32 l l ' I ' v. ' ' Hal LAlhmen NOTICll YOll NH baan eutcl °" .... ~ 11111 Supplementary Otc:ltratlon of Pubhlllad Or1ng1 COHt Delly 4729-82 Thi• ,,.,_, WU lilad Wtlh IM TM COlll1 _, dacWe .... I ~ , ..... •101~-U.C.C.) ~~=~::,d~'!=:us~~: Ptlol, Nov 4, 11, 11, 1982 PtB.IC f«>TICt County Cltr1l of Orenoe County on ...._. ,_ .... Merd """81 Nolle. 11 ht,.by given.to 1111 1990 in boOll 13704 pages use t~ __________ ce_5_7._e2 ___ ..;.... _________ ~l:>I>« 1e. 1982 ,ov ,.....-•ltMJI JO_,......,.. credltort of JAMES G. WHITE JR. 182 ~. ol Ofloel A«otdt of •-·tC ..,..f"'r K-G12'7'1 • F1 ...................... , Mlow. Tf'lnlferor. ,,.._ ~ IOOr ... tlld Orenoe County. ...~ "" M IUPINOR Ceufl'T Of Publlllltd 011ng1 CoHI Dally II you Wlah 10 ..... tht advice of le 2925 Collage Ave •A·IO. Cl1y of The etreel iddrn• 0, olher K..ens1 C .... CNIMA Plk>I. Oct 21, 28, NOv 4, 11, 1982 en 111orney In this matter, you Coste Mwe, CA 92Ut. County of common d11lgnetion or 1111 rHI ~AL COlMT Ofl C~ OI' ORAMCM! 4824-82 lhould do to promptly to 111111 your Orllf"8. Stet• of Celifornlt thet • property Mrelnabova detc;rfbad in CAlWCMINIA 1't Clwtc Cir. Dt. w .. t • wrt11en rNponae, it eny, may 1>41 i.A trentler la about to be ml!CM to . s 1 Cl'NTlllM. ~ COUNTY ._.. AM. CA D'ntt PtB.IC NOTICE ltled on tom. OOH L PICCOLO end VALERIE A. purport ad to be. 11 nowapp 8' JUCMCIAL OllTNCT , l A 1 NT IF,: NAT I 0 NA l 1------------AV I e 0 I U 1 II d ht a Id o PICCOLO T11n1ler111 whou ~-~~algntd hertby 700 Chtc Ctr. Of. Wttt AMlltlCAM TITl.I IMIUltANCf FlCTtTIOUI IU ... I S demeftdldo. l l trlbunet putd• b"1lne11 •ddrH1 11 1350 Carl dlacl1lm1 ell lleblllty tor eny leMa AM. CA CO..ANY, NAME ITA'TlmWT I dtcl* -~· Ud. tin~ .. • StrMt. City of Anehelm. County ol lncorrecl,_intatdttr .. tlldd<est ,LAINTIFf: ,HILL" M. DIFINDANT: HAROLD I. The lollowlng ptr1on1 "' -que Ud, ~ dentro 0r-.. St•I• of Cellfornla or Ollltr common ~Ion HUTCHlltl OM end MAflY •• TA no.-; ltAYMOND .... , .... Ch dOlng ~.. • .......... lflfofmacfon .. .,. Tht Pl'°'*1Y lo be tr-Mned la Salid .... wUI be INldl wltl\OUI HUTCHlltSC* THOllA8 I. ITNNCMR; ,ATNClA PARTS INTERNATIONAL. 2901 eloue. o..ctlbed In genarel u . All llOdt In werrt nty uprau 0, lmplled .._ ln.taaR: ~.ALTAR IAV1NOS Dow Avenu., Tutlln, CA 92680 SI Uated d•H• sollclt., 1f trede, ftx1U<•. eqvlpmtnl and OOod di ' I I t ' DtNMOANT: I~ L Niil. a L 0 AN A I I 0 CIA Tl 0 N. • JIM SL EMONS IMPORTS, INC conH)O dt un eb091do en HI• Wiii of lll•t Miii-Order P.ntyhoM r•o•• ng II •• POtltH on. ::· '"'""' y c. NEIL. WllTllllN • .,,., .... ,.: ,Alllf(IR llCAOW • C1l1foml1 corporation, 1301 Oulll •• u n I 0 . d. b., I a II• c ., I 0 s .... lluttnet• known •• FLITE· :~~.::i·~:1~:. ':i :::1~'J1.' c: .. u Tu "L E. c "0 w COWANY, INC., • CtfttO'•lloft, SI .. NIWl)Orl Bffch, c~ 92660 tmmad11lemenl1. d• .... marww1. LINE Ind locelecl 11 21125 ColMot other obllgatlon aecured by u ld COltl'O,_A TION, e Cetuor"le UCUAl'TY AL.U«D KflVICH, • Thia bu-It conducted by • IU 11~11 8'Cflll. ti hey atguna. Ave. •A·lO, City of Cc.ti MMe. CA Deed or Trull wltn 1n111ea1 and _,.,..-. ~ GLANZalt, llMll ~ _.....111ten; 'ATNCIA COfl>OfltlOn. ~Mr reglalrlde • llempo. ~~ty of Orengt, Stale ol olher auma 1i provided 1hareln; DOfl t ...,..._.. 10. 1f1cMM. .OW Md 00.1 t ttlroutf' *• Jim Sl~on1 lmporta, 1. TO THE DEFENDANT A clvlf .......... -. .... (I If d lhe Cito•• COM,LAINANTSt llMNilM. Inc <:ompl1lnt hH been tll•d by Iha Th• bulk lrenel•r will bt .,..ue • van<:"· tny, un 8' SUMMDtee JOhn M e.\tnger, Sec: pl•lntitt ega>nll you II you wllll to contUn'lmaltd on 0t eller the 30th lerme lhertol and lnterett on 9'ICll 1.-T L. .... Md '"""-IY C. 0 N I IC 0 ND AMENDED Thie lllllmenl wH lllld wtlll lhe deltnd this ltwaull. YOll must. within d•~ of November 1962 et 10·00 ectvencn. end plue '-· <:llargas Mil. COWLAINT Count" Clell. ol Oren,... "~·nty on 10 d•"• 111111 this 1ummon1 11 ,,_ • end ·~ of the Trv11 .. Ind of . "· • "" .-vv , A. · II -over E~-Corpor1tlon. the trusla c:r.attd by Aid Deed ol CROl•DIRNDANTI: '"91..l#' CAN NO . .,_..,. Oc:too.r 19. 1962 -ved on you, Ille with this court a wtlOM eddr-la 23800 Aoc:kllllld TrueL Tl'le total .llTlDunt of Hid M. HUTCHlllllON, llAflY I . NOTICll Ytw "8ve Merl 111H. ,, ..... written ruponM lo lhe COfT1pl&lnt. BNcl. 81•. 2N. El Toto. CelifOtnla. obllgtt16n. lnciudlng rHtontbly Hu Tc" I It. 0 N' w I • TI fl N Tho oowt '"81 dtcldl ---:..:: C;D. DAL y LAW COM'°"4TIOH Unlut you do IO, your-"-1.Mlft will Thel the tut dete for tlHng c:lalma ollmittd 1811, cherg81 •nd Mu Tu AL 1 • c "ow wtttlwl row Mtflt "-" 17 C"-°'• .. 1"1eu Dr. be entered on eppllcetlon ol the le Hovernbor 29, l982. expentee of the TruatM, et thetlm. COfl,OflATION. 8 Cellterr1le ,av,...,... wltMfl • _,.. "8ecl Ntw"'1 heeh, CA t2'IO plelntlll, Ind lhlt court may enlet I So fer •• la known to the otlnltlelpubllcltionoltlllsNollct,ll corperellon ANNA M. flOH tM""8f......,.btlow. Publlalltd Orenge CoHI Delly fUdgmlnt 1g1lnat you IOt lht rllllll Tran•l•r .... •II but1n111 ntmH 127,7118 12 EICOIK)WI, iNe .. '1WTZ Ql.ANDll, 11 you wllh to Mell the ld\flc4I ol Piiot, Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, t 1. 19112 d41meno.cs In the compleint. wtllCll e n d •ddr•u•• uud by l ht O.ted: Novombef ,l, 1982. eed'bol• 1--=1o, .........,., en ettomay In tllltm•tter, you hould 4641-82 could t'ltult In g1rnl1llm•nt ol T"""8ror for tht put """ .....,.. REAL es TA TE SECUAIT I ES ... ~ON < .. do IO prOl11j)lly IO tllal )'OIH written W&Olf, lalllng of money Ot pr()perty -= -· SEAVICE. C"°'9-COWl.AINT rHPOJIN, II eny. m1y ~ flied on rta.C NOTICE or otn•r 11ll1f ••qUH\fld In the 0.tld: ~btr I , 1982 Trust.. c-.... ,_,, time. CO!npleinl V~ Lie~........ C&llfomle COfPOJltlon, 81 Trust.. NOTICE Y• 11wft "'"" lwd. AV I I 0 I U e I 1 d II I e Id• AC~:.::· 0.led Sapl«11blr 28. 1981 -"" .. ........., o O""EA p ........ ...... __._. dtt111ftde4o. I I Trl•wftel pwrde Robert R RIM, Clark Trentdar-J M ~ • 1ta ru TM -· ..., -:..C: ...., _.,. w, • 1 • Ide • Tiit following pe11011 11 doing CMrlott• F-t. Deputy Publla"-d Orer19• CoHI Otll N lroedwey. No 206 w1ttltut ,.W ...... ,._.. - -W. = dtftlro ~a M D<*OV~~· INAR -..... u.... 1 1"'"" y II Ana. CA 12708 ftll ,........ ...... a _,.. ,_.... •• ...-::=-. --.. . ....,_ -INTE1'CUL TURAL GROUP FOA ..... a, . d iMO ......... ...,..., 1 • ..,, 14) 953-4110 IM ............. ,...... -.... . _.. ..-S G -5001-82 Publl1IHIO 011nge Coul Deily II you wltll to ..... the edlllGe of ..... IN LES, 528 11111 Slrttl •B. LM a,...., Cl\ a.7t ----.. ---,,,.-..,..-Tvot----Piiot. N0¥ 4, 11. 16, 1962. en ellorney In thlt mitt.,, you l l 'utt•d dou eollc:ller •I Hunttngton BMcn. Calltorni. 92'48 Publitlled Ortnge Co11t Dally .--""'-. conMJo d• un •l>001do en Nte Dogen M Cucelogtu. 62' 17111 Pilot Oct 2t, 28, Nov 4, 11, 1982 4873-82 lllloUld dO '° ptomptty eo tllll your aeunto , d•b•rf1 ll•cerlo Street •8. HunUnglon BHGll. 4642·82 ACmtOUe MWH 1------------.wltten re•ponae. II tny. mey ~ lmlntdilt-ll. dt •t• "**'· ce111orn1e 92848 MAm STAT'lm.NT '1aJC f«)TIC[ hied on time tu r~tl MCl11a, II hay elgune. Thll ~la conducted by en Tht tof1ow1r1S1 per900e 111 dofnO RCTl1'dla -.,_.. A Y I I 0 I U 1 I t d II • I I d o pu9dl -19g1etrldtl 1 lltmpo. Ind~ .,._ • NAm UATDmWT dt••1tdH9. II trl•wntt ,...._ 1 TO THE DEFENDANT. A CM1 Coven CUC4lloofU S U 'I It I 0 Ill C 0 U fl T 0 F FASHION OE81GNS. 220 VI• Tiie following peraon la dolng .... otMr~U.~•== compltlnl 1111 bffn llltcl by the Thll 1111_,1 wu (!ltd with fhe CM#ONIA Koron, Newpol1 BHc:h, C.lllornla bu..,_ u · ...... ... 'W-'9ft plelntlft egeinat you. 11 you with to 1Y Clerk of Ouir~ County on COUNTY Of' 0.-AMOI 12913 DESIREE JEWELERS 230 E ........ IAo .. __ , ... defend thll '-9ult. you"""'· Within 1obef 18, 1982 In lhe Miller ol IM Appllcallon or K Ctet~•e:lg11hl,c!~om1"'• 17111 SL, Coete ....... CA 82627. 8'T:"u11•d dtHI tOll<:lltr •I H d•'t'• au .. tlllt tummona •• p u 0 c ,.._o I JENNIFER LEE BRICK for CNlngl ..=· ~-· IC • I AYDIN IPEK. 24701 VI• San ~onMjO d• un 1bog1do en .... Wwcl on )'OU 1111 with thll COUf1. ub •ll•d reno• OHi ., y Of N_ ... _ F8fflllfldc> Minion VlelO CA 92692 ~ r r wfltlerl ,eepor;. to lht compleinl. PllOt. Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 198:t CAii NUM9Slt Attll17 Howard L. Wloht, 220 Vie Thll t>uirr-"~eel by.,; .. u n I 0. d. b er I h. c., I 0 UflNM you do IO, your d918'111 ..... 4582·82 OMNllll TO IHOW CAUA l<oron, Newport Uteoll, Cellf0tnla lndlYldull lmmtdletomant•, di Mt• mantre. ~ ltf'll•rll<I on •ppllc:11ton ol tne 'Git CHANOe Of' MAm 02tl3 : A...-_,. 111 raepuwte -1ll, ti hll't' elgune. ..i.i..ttlf, Wld this c:ourt ,.._ tn'8f t "8.JC f«>JIC[ JENNIFER LEE BRICK llal flltd e Thia~ It conduc1td by en •-· ..... putdt -reglatred• • tltmpo. ,..._... .._, tltlon I 1111 n IOI -~..._.. lndlYldl* Thia 1111-t -llltd ... th IM 1 TO THE CAOSS.OEFENOANl · ~I egelnlt you IOI llHI relltt flCTmOUS MllMll P8 n 1 oou -· _..,_ c..,. ~Wight County Clttk of OrllllQI County on A cMi ~· "•.,..., flltd by derntnOed In IM c:omplalnl. wllleh NA• ITATl.MINT •llowln: petitioner 10 cllrr, Mr Thia .. ellnltflt ... llled with IM Oc:tobef 18. 1982. • IM c:r~ent egelnlt you. could rout In garntthm•nl of The '~· • per'IOfll .,. doing name om JENNIFER LEE RICK ,. _ _, ·c..,. of Or Coun '1-It you w\111 to cJtfend lfllt ....,.. wegee, telllnQ ol money or property butlntM u i 10 JENNIFER LE.E JACOBS -~ 25 , .. 2 etio-ty on Publl•h•d Orange Co11t Dilly ....,., mutt Within • days •lltr thli or othtr r•fltl r•Qu111td In lht THE FLURTS, 124 Su nut II I• hereby ordered lhll •II ..,....,._ · · PllOt n... 21 28 NOY 4 11 1962 •-• ............ h ,...-. .... , peraona lnl11e1ted In the mlllfl' .....,., • ~.. • • . • 462842 tummorll .. ..,..,., Oii you, n ...... ,...... -o;;;· Ft orua.v 5. 1981 9T:':~1 • Lagun1 941ech., CllllOfnlt tlOIMald IPPM' btfCHI Ihle OOUr1 Pwbll•htcl Or•n-CoHt D•lr -------------1 thl• COUl'1. written teeporlM 10 ... _, ...... •• ,,__ .... -. No 3 •• 700 Civic: •• ~_..."""L UnlMI you do to yo.JI Ltl A. .,....... C..... Tt!OmM ~ Burt, 124 Suntot '" ...,.._ ,.,_, Not. Oc:1. 21. NO¥. 4. 11, 18. 198 "8JC f«)TIC( .....,,.,._., •d ...._ ~~ C•nter Orlv• Wiit. 81nle An1. 4889-82 d•l•ull Wiii .,. tnttrt on LIVMON. IMC. 9T2.,,.65-1 • l'O\IM hecll, CelilCHnl• c ... fOfl\l•. Oii o.c.mt>tr8, 1982. •t ------------'9C11T10UI ..,_,. •pp II c •II on o I 1 h • c r o U • 1o 30 'Gloclo. a m ind ''*' tnd MUC N()ftllot ...-ITATlmWT compl•lnant and Ihle co11tt m•y ..., ...... --. ..., * Steven J Suri. 124 Sun111 ° ·If· -h '""" I .. ...__, ~yovlor '"-~, .... CA •tt Twrtot, L--· h4ICll. Celllomle ~· tllOW ceu... MY .. _, • .,., -,,, .... ---.. Th• lotlowlng pttlOfl It doing '"., • ,_,,,,._, -~ ___.....,. ~) ...._ ..... 1 _.... .. .. , H id petition for c111ne-ot .._ --... ......_ ... , ..... oemendtd Ill ""-·-·I· --..... ,_... ..... 8TAT9mNT ...,,_HALLM.~Af( CONSTRUCTION wtllGtl cOUld r-" In pnlellmtnl Of Publllhtcl rano• CoH t Delly ,,.... c.win lurt. 12A aun... -lltlOUl(I not "llfltl - T!M lollowfflg ,_,ton It doing COMPANY. INC .• Celllornle w11991,l•tnc1ofl'flOM't'orpr°'*ty Ptlot,Oct.2l ,Nov.4• 11· 1:1i~~ '!1."!:9· Laguna lltedl, Cellfornle th~a"::'J':':f'o~!'~.'uo:f'b~ ...,.. -~lltlon 54U .,..,_ Othl9 Of 01h•• rtfltf requHl•d In lh• .._ bl h d I lh Otll Piiot • '"> llll OENt lllEAL TV· ~> ........ . ,.~~:. ____...... ...._ LOii Wlllielnl, 124 ··--pu " • n • 'I • llllGINT All OCIATE8.· c ~.Hufltlnglon 8Mcft,,,_,_ -~ ... .t. • .--1e, 1112 MUC NOTIC( _, ,. _ _, n.-~ ol Sll"8ftl crrt\lltoon, ) ·-.,._ ..._...... trreCe. L..-ltocll, CellfOtftla pyl>Utfttd 1n thll county ti i..tl .-1ouH INVI STMENTS; D) ltolend '"~ 1141 JHmlnt ......,. ......... '*"' .. ,., ............ __...!of four COJIMCll'iv. MGINT ICHOOl. 24051 caw ' c f _,. C......... °'"" H 1 h • Thia ~ It....._..__,..,. ,_ t "'-..._ N~ i._... ...,.., CA OltT1. :='· Co111 11•. •II or11I• ~a-.•"-"" c:erp. ~'to'!.ct::~iJ~·~~ .......,_.., •• wffllt prior 10 th• dty of Hl<J .-0111.-T JOHN DONOHUE. Ttllt ~le t.onduGtod bY tn t1Ut .... ..._. 1103 Code, l tete of Callfornl1. the 'r'Ofl!'*:,, ~:d Octotler K, 1992 '1Ml TQleroclt Dflw9, No. 411. \lftfflOOtj)Ofllecl HIOClallon Olhef' HUnttnoton lwft.:. CA '"47·5"9 1111der"91lell .... et public .... ""'9'Memtfll ... llled Wltll 1111 , .... NI( OOMlHICHINI ._~CA nen. ~ · (714bl41-tcM1 .... -"1 ~ -1-c.-of 0r-Coun ... on TNI ~le Oii--.... -"*' • ":'~· p.,.............. rang• Cotti Dellv •• Ollffl¥»Ui " on .. _ ..., _.,,.. " llllCMMIL I. lllC~ --•• •• vn--• dey of NO¥eMbef, 1 12, et 1:30 1.W It, IH2 .. ....., ..... 1114, ••If•· Ttllt ""'"* t -fled with IN ,...., OOt 21. Ho'I 4· 11. 18. t962 o'Oloell pm .. Ol'l lfle prefl\6Mtl .._., ,_, c.. ..... Cell'or'llll t Mft TNI •••='.:. = 1'11 ~ a.tit of Oretio-County or 47N-tl Nici pt ... 11aa bllfl etoftd, ~ '"blltfltcl Ort: CoH t Dally Tiii (JM) ... nit ~ Ollftl ol Or-.. County Ol'I OCtOCler 1t, 1M2. ,_ MUC NOTICE ~. ~ .. ~~!'°'1n'"' . Oct. 21. H . 4, It, 1962 ,..u'blltited Or•noe Coaat Owl~ --......:.... -1-'"" "'""' r_,.,. ....,_ iM 411S.e2 Piiot, Oc:I 28, N0¥ 4, 11, 11, 1NI -••• ..... ,uOlltlltd Or•"O• 00111 O•U) MnTioue .,_.. Olly Of Cott• ...... Cowtlly of 1------------1 • 4749-12 ,........., °'~ co!r-9°= PllOI. Oct. u. 21. Ho'/ 4, 1 !:..,1"'1 ... ..... STA~ Of••· ..... Of Ctitfornle. th• PWUC NOTICE ............. f M .., ._ 1'he followlrll Pl'toM -d6lrlQ lltatli0ft141 t OOclt. Ghltlllt Of --• .....,, f, , , 4, 11, I ...... It ""-* proPlf1Y dllct1lltCI llelow. rii'Mia"iiA ________ ..... .;.;.;.;.".;;;.2 PWUC NOTICE COMMl lllCIAL HOMI! AHO "' .. meftlra °'' "" ----...... PIC1"IOUe --fWUC llJTa HIALTH ,_OOUCTI, 11311·0 o.tld I.Mii -H lloue, 4 butlfllm-..-• .. .... ITA,_y, doll'I ._ 0... V.. ldlool Dlllrllll -=~'°"A~H = ~ .... J 1', L ..... :::' ...... I ... NCftlW. ~ WAN!lllt :• I.TD • I ....::.. felo•• pertOfll .. ----~ M 111 n Tiii N ~-=•lflt '*"" It dol"f GUIALDO FLDOll, '"" ..,_ -,_"""" .. f:T.'L.:' ~'::f:.I· It • ==i'~=llAN HL Tl I ~ •-.. • ..-..,....., IA.IA TM.1ta. ,.,,. ........--... 1n1011t1ur1t, ..,.. 11t. W•flllll••· •• tt1• ..... '1tt•t1 .... rt1Vtl " N ~""' 'c •"Mii t 1117 '!~ .r.1u111 n i, "'-... Vo> ..., ... .__ _,.._ CA l"'3 INllll Wlltl Miii.....,.,.. Ptld for et • ..... · ;.....-;.;,;, ;;.. .............. ;.;; lrcfl ·~r11n91on IHOh, CAl't~IN I CUI VAI. IOll -..... °' ~ ......... ="" '""""""°"....... " D L. JACKION. 1101 11 ,.....,.. ,,.... ...._, ,..., ""'llt Cler• r--••llll, ttunower l lvd .. 1.a1t1Woo4I, CA ...-.. Mid• II. lfllltllW • 1;1,.... A MIC*ION tllO W . .....,. • .,. .... i• ...... AM. ·--· I~ ... -... ----'°"' ~ ... """ .. ~ ' . CA ll101. --·41• ... -· H i i i 011r,.,1 •• Clrolt •o. LOii M. 009UM 32.Q.O ................ lll'ltr .. Ul ... ft Ill O•••·•· ..... CllfOfllOfll, CA MONICA OI LA "'°""' '"' c.... ... r.n.,..... .. ._ 1111111 ~fft4F A1MOto •--... 'OAtMN tM "9fll of ............. ....._. lt11t -.Dr .. AlllllelM.CA-., ::..-:-.-~.r=-= ..... Ill Gtld by lfl T1'll ~-le~ lly. I ........ ......., .-tw. 0... n. ...,_II ••1111 I t1111 ~-M iii 'W a .. ...._...__, .. .,... ..,.,.....,,.*" ••• ,,..., .. ~. ,.~o ""-""..,. fllM'lll . to ... ..._ .......... .._ ,,.,.... ,..,.. *I ,_. • L ~· =-.:::::.·.:.=.:= T ...... .,.. .. _......... ~~........ -.................. -~=~-= .. i''"l•flloaH •cifll I td1t IH &:::, c:."'i:.°""11 0....., °" h•lltflll Or•"lt Co111 ~J1.0Nfllo--rTtill. -I •P 19M) ""'"1 t ~ Doth',_, NIU I u '· tt, ~ • ·-.,_ l !::irisid •• -' Diii; llUUJ' 11 °'r.r:. 0.... = ............ ~tt.,.. ._~ .. ~~~...:......... *•n• •·•:..:. .. ,.... - PtB.tC f«)TIC£ i I , 6 • 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 !~~~!~.!~!n~1~ .. l~m.f~~ .. Pr.!m!.fml ••• IMflfM~:W-•••• 1.'M ~ flofN 1200 ~ft , a .. ut 2 t t)' 1101111 on 4 II'. • Ba. !Mr rnuttt Ceo81, wl~ elip • t>r aultl wtlrplO. ur o•• too lh1 .,.. I tHO mo '•· 2 boll 111pe avell Avllff now C911 HO· ... M 12600/mo tH-247' tor~· Ceoll .. ~.!-, ,,,. llH fl tAl:AT HOMe w/~ •!••••••••••••••••••• & l'lt1b0r vu 1 Krt • 2 2 8r 1•+ tt condo. cat· 11ory hornt on Clllf Of Pott. Mii pet OK. f.525 heh rtvtl h .. cno1n tfltry. 16 M"9. 770•1111 kllc:hen, llDrllfy, lrple a , ......... OOfOtolll vu Otc/llOIM 1111 UH Of l hlltel llYltlO f•t8JM" ••• 81960/mo Dog olt ••••••••••••••··~·· 702·21117 A a H lnvett· TwnhH 3 IA, I~ t)t, Jll\rllt, pool, gar, NG. llr, mtnll. $736. 892·1836 llt1cl11•tv• W"tolltf VIiia, ~over Or. mHttr 8Ull• °'Wllrplc. 2 Br 2 Ba pool, Jecu:n:I, tic. I 1100/mo i\?3·3313 Of 675-3103 nnawrmn . '•-'••• 11.l•t•ld" 3100 ..........•••......••• *** EXCEPTIONAL 2 80. OEN ONLY FOR THE OISCAIMINATINQ, S7SO. Agt. (71414ge..680• *** I Ntetly new 1 1tory 3 BA and ll1>r11y. 2.150 ~ ft E1u1c:utl,,. homt, on '" ltnd. Hlohty upgredtd by prolttefonat d~orator, _a_b_d_rm-, -1-b-,-.-0-.-,-,-o-• 11curlly •Y•t•m. poof Colla M•••· Morn and' 9'>1 FOf ..... IMM. I 5 5 . 1 2 4 7. A ft• r 3 or ..... 09tton. Roady tc 1148-149 t dull Cell agtnlt at 648-5002 ~'.'!!!~!!.!~!~'/; 4 8d~~3 ·~~:n. WI ~H!!.!!!!~ ••. 1l!f pool lrvln• T1rrece BaVftont, em 1tudl0, ulll• prim• toc:etlon, outaleo· pd, quiet ""~d alllglo. ding vl•w ol 111rbot & yrl)' 5425/mo. 73-3900• oc:een 13000/mo C1ll .. , ... 407. t280 or coll•c• l••l•HI• J111 2121572-4230 dyt. • ••••••••••••••••••••• ....... ,. L&..a... Wlntllf Rental: 2Br. pool, 1 ... ..... hOUM to bch 1550. Pleya D Large epaelout dup1t11. A e 673-1000 1 'h bdrmt Spic & epan, ---------nr •hopping. Step• to BAV FRONTAGE. Maeh, I b o a c h 'I' t • r I y . pier, prllg, 2br, $800. 1br 7 t4/985·5822 coll 01 1800. UllL. pd 303 E. A wknda 675-8720, Edgewater. 1/871-2866. 2 & 3 Br 1750/mo: 4 Br Deluxe 2 Br. 2 Ba. lrple. spa $1250/mo. Hev• ltlPI to beech; w/d, oa· 01her1, Fflld Tenore, egt raga, no P•I•. y•1rly., 631· 1268 $750/mo 845-6958 alt I L y 2 BA & <leri. 2'h ba, near .. •_PM __ . ------- MllCh. $1100 mo & MC. 8111 ee.ch, 1 8A. utll, yrly, Open Dally 431 WHt· $450 mo. 1823 w. Bal· , mlnalllf Ave 631·5881 bOa No 2. 213·~ 1·3065 208 Cotton, 3 er. 2 ea. C.1••1 111 lfat 31U 4 • $825/rno yrty. 1 •••••••••••••••••~•••• 840-.8208 Agent Oc:1en "'-· betutalully turn lownhouH. lrplc, Spec 3 br, 2'h bl vlfy pool & petlo 1 1095/mo. C:lean twnhM, pool, !Og... I 673--08118. X~·1:!i $800tmo. AGt,-c.,-,.-.-.,.----J-1Z-4 Condo IOI IHM, Bl\lll1, 3 ~;~•l•bd;;;,••.;t~··s;9; Br end unit. bldl door end up. Enc: garegea. 10 pool, 11~ from ten· 21 to Newport Blvd CM nl! club. S 1000/mo. 2757 548-4988 Vista Umbrou, N.B. F 1 bd 1 *"•5 Dale ~-2364 urn rm AP 1· ..,.. P eno up. Enc gerages_ Newport HMghte,. luxury 3 2 110 Newport Blvd CM br, yerd, $675 & $850. 548-4968 I 64a.1eoo OIU IE •I I L 0 T c L A s s I WATUFlllT .... ALL UTILITIES PAID 2 BR. plul dtn, 3 BA, beyvlew, 12000/mo, veerly. Oona Chk:lletlllf. 644-6200. Comp1re btlore you rent Cu1tom dealgn leaturea. Pool, bbq, CO'!l'rd gerage. IUlrOUR· ded with pluah landllC8· ping. No peta. 1 BA, Furn $515 365 W. WlllOf'I 642· 197 t llWNITYILUIE e1u111 CO(ldo. 3 bf'. 21'\ b1.. h..titwl L......,. formal~ rm. fem .. rm., Gu, Wtlllf Paid. P•tlOI. tnel patio, comm.. pool w/pool Jacuttl aounu Dae: 4 S 1150 644--0335 tennis 'COYns. ~leybeli •11 5j)m court•. A«:r .. lk>n room. ID Clntntt 1n Jr. 1 bd, tum!Shed, 5430 •••••••••••••••••••••• CeH 557...0076 HIU llde ocean View 3 br 1---------c:onvtrt den 4 meld'• S390. •ttrec:llYe furn apt Quart•rs $2000/mo lrg Petlo. gar. Ma(ure. 213/449·2828 quler. no therlng. No pets 2234 A Rutgers Dr. 180 degreo OC .. 11 YI-c M (213) 454-51~ lrom Dining, Ll'lling. Otn .,-.,-,---------atld Kitchen. 3 8r & Dtn $375 mo DI• mobtle 2~ Bi lmmecul•I•. home No Pitll. Quiet, 11200/mo. No Pllt. tecure 1901 Newport 67l.-&a32, OWflllf. 81Vd. 646-8373 LUXURY CONDOS. ntvet Beaut. E.llde 1 Br $440 llv•d In, lovely view ol ulll pd. Pvt & lrg weler 6 llarbor 2 BR 2 1146-463 I BA Of 2 BA 2 BA & 11uge"1'""2""7_5_2-,oom--s-.-,-rp-lc-.-Pf'!l- bonus room entrance. utlls pd. New Oll1rter l•altr carpeting Beach ctoso. 498-8122 842·4014 MerrHna, 4113-teae t---------- IJ.•J•H l ... ~'!f!~~~.'!! •••• !.~?. l-/Leue Option 4 Del. 2 bt, c:ovrd patio, comml pool $650. 4117-1657 People wtlO Med Pooplt Thal'e .ntl Ille DAILY PILOT SERVICE OIRECTOAY " .. •bcutl For Ad Action CaU a Daiy Pilot AD-VIS(I 642-5678 F I YOUCAll I COU•T I '· 011 E c• •ss1RED. D 6 4 2 • 5 6 1 8 To help you H ll Items you don't need To help you Ond It.ma you'd lffre to buy To help you publlctn .,, ... "' Of mMl•an ----~· Orange QoHt DAl~Y Pll!Or1lhUfld1y, Nov1mtMr I I, Utla ~.!'!!!!!!~ ..... ~!!!!~!T! •••.•••••.••• f~!r..-.!7. •••.•••••••• 1f~1!!.'h!f,.!!!!!H.. ~d!.-.{SA •• , ••••••••• ltMP.!f~ .•.••••....• !~~!~!~~,!~I ........ 1 !~!!!I............... !1!.tJ!'A ••••••••••••• ~.'!~I ••••••••••••••• --------·Our Olllce• h•ndl• all t!XPC!fl. Cll(penter do.. Cuatom AemOOIA.chfn• TIUI H VAS l)CP DUNHAM " you 1unt vour hou•• ABC MOVINO-..... oat• lhd hang toge• AOOFINO At!PA.IAI tr Ht of law Prompt, add'nt, rtmod. dtcke FrM NI Ouallly 2nd to HOMl IMPAOVIMfNr IU ALLY CUIA.N, Call Oulok. Cartful Service the( HtllQ, Hl~1 Up. Small Jobi OK. Fret !l 84 Per DIY ccMteou• Mtvtce FREI! Skytlght• a rCH)el11 ,,.. nonel U•nclel Conti Toppedl1emo¥ed Cte.n A41m~·repaJre•lencrng Linda 6811·0318, Oood l.nw '"" ~ 0410 11otetar wall• 8311-0730 HtlmatH, cau Tom Of th~t'. ALL you P•~ I oon~t1111on 6'9·11335 -"-I _Oen, ee2_.oa_1_5_ Lie: 418570 5'8-42/ 1 up, llwn rer!OV 751·M78 9*1rtcal plumbl~ R•f• 8TAAVINO COLLEOI! en'jltme Chuck. 542..a392. tor• A~greulve Allornev. No llHttr Orath•H Non. 2 big, none 2 1maJ1, TH lalll Hiii cJ~,O~OtryF .. , , ,8!~'0!830 liOUSl!CU!A.Ni'Nci" oooc 8TUOElllTS MOVt"'O l••t 1••••'1 lftH8I 30 dly ad " ln1u11 Con1u4tatlon; Flnlth a rem'dl crpntrv From· A 10,.z we do II ell Ltwn•trM·•hruD ln111n " " """ "" L rtlt Trtntpor11tlon Cx I CO l.IQ. l 124·438 ••'•-·••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• In the Peraonel lnJury c ..... Aeler~t 4119·3105 714·&16·943CI llQ 425711 Tr" trtmlremoval Call Jeck enytlme, pet'd.1179 016e lntured 841·Cl427 ••ORYANT~S * M0811.E SERVICE l&tlY ~4·~=11co1.v•ry, No FH . REMODEL • Comm-Lawn Malnt1Ao1ot1tt1no Oay Of night ~~ c:ru;;;, .. HOU_MC_l .. -n,-~ WATCH us OAOWI WallCQYerlng oval RMCr..,./Hew ecreen• .. '"" c,, .. , l1nlt1 Fr .. "tlm•I• 548-IOt!I I , All fypet Cl4 -13'3 N81CM t1lttv ... 2·9552 PM.I" •••,.'••••••••••••••••• ruldantlll, 11n1nt Im• #11 I•• with a Per1on1t Touc ....... ,, ,,. .. ,,,u.,, Snempoo a ., .. II\ eleen .provemante, m•Jor , •• E\lper Oardener & Olean •••••• .,. ••••••• ~...... Call 8•th 850·01133 ,,,.,i.,, ,,,,, C1n11 IH I I I .. """ •1-.lt"TllY •••"•"••• ••••••••••• Color brlgh1tnera, wht p1tre, Bldg r•nov11lon. upa Tr" trlmmlno. Fr.a DUMP JOBS ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• !!.!!.~•••••••••••• WILL SIT lri my CM home. crpll • tO min. blHCh Gode correctlone, etc 20 111 Pett e41,1oti & Smell Moving Jobe liouaecl .. nlng, rellaDtt Fllf Plllfllt CUSTOM wOOd Piiio CIQ-L£0AI. $£C'Y AVAJI., fenced yerd, hot ,,,..,.. Hall, Uv/dln rm• $15; e(f: yre Or1nge Cty, t>ondtd. Call MIKf Cl4&· 1311 t rel Own trenap AeH by Rlcherd Sinor I.IC. "'"· redwood deck• f Temo or F/T 6 yr. civil DO IT NOWI ltk .. , .... ,. Vour Dally Piiot Servtce Directory Rep<e_..11t1¥e 142-llll, 11t. S22 r ... rate•. 6'8·2874 room $7.60, ~--.. 11 ,· Ina, Lie If 111t&O1 Pa. Lendtc:aplno·Yd Clnupe YOLANOA. 8'2·0405 280 ... 4. 13 .. ,. of h•PP" ,,,.,,... Aendy 84 l·OCl22 " c1•-1 .. •1 exp. Xlnt Sli, v"""" TrM 1tlmlremo¥·Malnt HA.UllNG-GAADINO ' ' :.!::: • '"" ... CHILD CARE my hOme, c:rv H . Guar etlm. pet lombo Con11 Anytime Irrigation Jim S5t.o1211 dtmollUon, clHn-up HOUS6CLEANtNG locat cu11omer1 1lllt1tlli.,I typing, word proo. & 1unchl•nec:k1 rnc:ludeo. odor Cr pt rep1lr. 15 vre 11112·831'. Conc:rata a 1,.. remo¥al 8"-sclll'dlnavlan Ledy Thank vou. 831·44 10 •••••• 'ft .... ,._ •• '........ ollenl r1l1t1on1. Bkkpg Large yard 6'6-71139 ~!r~. ~6~;f2; myHtl -.-H-0-.-.-.Ta-.-OT-IO_I_, 111111111 WAITll Quick Mrv. &42·7838 e11p'd 648·2171 INT/EXT PAINTING ED'S PLA8TERING Nontmt<r 411&-e938 ..... H-' Lie "420802 Pt•n• Mowing. edglno, raking, HAULING • •tud1n1 hH liolldav liOUH CIHnlng. a WALLPAPERING NHI P•10*· lntlelU. '"' ••••••••~=~f•••••••••• No StNm/No Shempoo FtMnclng A¥alleble ewaeptni: Free 1111-tga truck Sa mt low low r1tea, ••llm11e1 Cullom work FrM ut Reatuceot &4~8258 •••••••••••••••••••••• Compultrtzed bookkee· Stain Speclellll Fall 141·1l00 metH. 6' 5737 rAIM Prompt. 759·lll78 Sherry 751·114'1, Sharon1 Rfft SteYe 6'7-4281 PLASTER PATCHING TILE INST~LLED --------111 ping from $50 mo. Alto dry Frff .. , 839·1682 ---------1 JAPA.~ESE GARDENER CdM Thank you, John. 857-5317 j PAINTER Nl;EDS RHIUCCOI lnt/ut 30 All Kindl. Ouarlllteed malt 1111 & peyrotl Ca11 .. W•wrk/'!f SPECIAl.IST· matnt ' WORl<I 30 yre exp, lr\I/ yrs. Neat. P1ut 545·21177 Rell. John 840-9217 M~l!f~!/.~!!'.~!!!• _~_2_-2_4_3_0 ________ 1 ~!~!~!L~~'!!!!! ••••• ••••••·,·,··,·,··,····••• • ct~n up. trimming. Low !'.'.~/.•••••••••••••• {!~.'!!!!!!. ...•••••••• , e11t Acouatlc celllno• LIC Plaater & atuc:oo repair No ftH .. nlll Exl)eflenced Carpenter l•illlll Cement·Masonry-BIQf::k price. FrM Ht .. 5A8·11483 2411r II -:-1 141-1111 COMM't..JANITORIAL 3887IO Free Ht. lob too tmall • ••••••••••••••••••u •• Remodel/Add-onlAepalr •••••••••••••••••••••• wan ... cust. work. Lio. Cablnet1-Pullman .. Bara Jeni•'• Gardening 'Furnaee·poo· I-water heat & CARPET CLEANING _D_•_"_11_P_•_1n_11_n_o_8_4_7_·_5_18_& 25 yrs t llptr Tom SLOW RATES S 760-2685 548·8854 CUSTOM HOME BLOR •381057 Rob 647-2683 Wall Ul\lla. C142.0881 Clean·UPI. trM trim & Dee'1 Cteentng ~ervl~ 845-41110 8A5 4203 Tree trlm/remov, OIHn needs SMALLER JOBS melnl. -~ 540•8035 New 80,()90 BTU Furn8Cl9 Uo Bonded 963.5474 t5 yre eKp. t'IT\ amill, m~ ' • up•, mowing 554-7017 Moonlight Draft1m1n between hou .... Free Orlveways·patlos·Wllkt .., .. ltl•1/ ---------·• a th1rmo1tal lntlltltd prlce1 ert lfllllll Ron lla•Ai•'I, T I I ml liorN1·Add'n1-Remodet1 Ht. Cell Dan 537--0342 Blockw111ll•·muon~ IN •• ' .. ••••····••••••••••••• I.awn -.er¥IC• lrom 118 •800 00 (7 •1808 8., 2 . L••lltl••l•f. 660-6477, 6&1-8849 •••••••• ••••••••••••• rM remove . tr m ng. Member AIBD &45-1871 Free 111, raH 892·"557 • · 1.. • u l •••••••~•• •••••••••• 2•1. II "1•11121 emtr09nCYMflllce Lie& C.jj I·~ ELECTRICIAN-Priced· mo Yd CIHMJPI, w... EVE'S'LANDSCAPtNG· Lowut r1111I Prompt; •11r ; • • tnlllfed, 536-0914 ', SLIDING GLASS DOORS •••••~~••••••~'•••••• THOMPSON CONCRETE right, 1ree Htlmale on d ing, lree work Ken .... , •it.a/ti I • h I nHI prolu1lonat1 15 40 get water,,..ter $225 --------- tnatalledl Remod, add'n1 Cabinets & Carpentry Pa11os-drt¥-•YI· lerge or small lob•. _1184 __ ._10_&_3 ______ ,!'~ •••• ~~•••••••••••• ::;::i ,·~~~Id• 84~~;~ ytt 111p. 636-7149 ATLAS PLUMBING & fal1tJ .. & concrete. Lie. 38188 t. small }ob• & r1pelt1 foundations •393383. Lie. 39~2 I. 873.0359 K&D Landscape Matni Painting, ptumblng, alee , RALPH'S PAINTING Heating, 1peclellztng tn •••••••'•••••••••••••• Joe 892·1327 Free Ntlmates &-45-2003 842·8482 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN RHldlComm Cl•en·up. drywall, Ille, carpentry. Old Country lendactpet, Chrlatlen Int or ext repairs. 845-1888 Mott subJectt, K·14 •-•-M B c C 01J t klRMI S 1 kier 548 2489 M1tk 54&-7&18 "Anything outside the Rel 538 98118 D1y/ev1 S5 & S101hr nalflfriaf. -mn C11Nal1Y ac llh o. oncrete . 1 . WOf . rttn pr n eya • ---------1 home " 04 5·55117, 1• reas . • S SAVE$ 20'Yo • 40"1. Mr Moro1n &45-517& ••••••••• •••••••••••• •••"•-•••-'••••••••••••• conll, alebs. welkt. curb, Free eat. &3l·5072 SAM FUKUMOTO'S Iii J / 675 605& CUSTOM PAINTWORK Plumblng/liell 112117031---------~~~;.r.~s!tt~~:~. FHE ESTillATHI guller & dock. Alto re· ELECTRICIAN Gardening, clean up1, •• ~~~~.~'·''···••••• --·-------Comm'llreald, 111tpplng. Guar. IHI Res/comm Wialn Cl11al•f. .,.,....., 'pair 552•5810 Smf }oD1IRepalrs. Lie. malnt , tree trim, aml ROBIN'S CLEANING #11•a1Y etetning The Job that 537-4378 GG •••••••••••••••• ••••• enentle l. Answering Re.aaoneble prtc.s: test. 233t08 C 10 5 8 5203 land 8'5-3540 Sefvlce -I thoroughly •••••••'• .. ••••....... t 963 5474 li8 "Let the Sunlhlne In" aer¥1oe, aecrettrlal & proteuton11 wotk ... CiJJI C111 ___ ._. ___ 4_·__ tc:ape CIHn houM 540,.0857 BRICKWORK. Smet.I Jobe. s Pe• k • I 0 r 111 e I • Call Sunahine Window business 11rvlce1, mall custom work tool No job •••••••••••••••••••••• RESIO/COMM'UIND. I'""•• Newpot1, Costa MeH, 498·8580 Iii•••"'" Cleaning. Ltd 64&-&8S3 box rental, word prooea-too 5mall 0< too blgl C•· Lr.~('t!:i:r.lo~r YJc:i;,~ 20 yre Do my own work. ••••••A•••••••••••••• TIRED OF HASSl.ES? lrvlne. Raia. 875-3175 lat CLASS PAINTING ••••A•••••••••••••••• 20% Monthly Oltc:ount sing. Tetex-Fec:almlle, bln111. kitchen remodel PC Lie. 2780'1. At ... 8-812CI TRACTOR WORK: Ex-Ouellly cletnlng help It ---------Wallpeper, lntlE.llt A• AC RAINGUTTER order entry, pegers·leaM & finished c11pentry . rM & H. NB 675--0781 ---------' Ct¥allng, compeellon, here! Rafa. 980-7452 X·pert brtc:k a cement pelra FrM HI 1179-52114 Bonded-lne-tlc 83'47&4 buy, detll apace rental. elect./ plumb.I cablnetll Lo Ing mom wlll care lo RMH El1ot-Aemodel1,I backhoe. 20 /." exp. llDllEWDll work. Nwpt/CM since FrM eat. 1·524·5824 WINDOW CLEANING RESID. & COMM'L " · r Add t t 19611. Cell now & Hve Painting lntlext rutd. ---------ANSWER NETWORK coonter1ops. I do every· your c:hlld 1.3 yrs, my I on • . g • r • King Equip. 83 ·73112 645 8512 comm. Cllm work. Reta. IHfi•• 631·9131 (uk tor AV.) ~!~g~;:;.~11rt to fin1sn1 _c_M_nome __ ._s_4_8_.0_'3_4 __ • :;~=.·,~:W~:~;81c:,-.-,-.-,-~-,-.-----WllTll ·Broc~/Brtek Wells. Con· Free nt1m11e1 631·4959 ••••••'••••••••••••••••-------- FREE EST. 58I·1132 A • II (114) 111 3211 C1•lt1tt•11 C.a111J -\-~----r .. -0..-...... ---.. c·.~~~i~:·M;~~;;·· orete Very rau. Lle'd Hui:'-~::':,~~~= I """""'" .!/..~•••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••'•·•••••••• • -...., Roofing • Plumbing High quatlty housework. Bob 873-53871536·9900 f!l!.~i!I.............. Lie. •411802 548·9734 knock• often when you ~lwways, Parking Lot Remod a Repalra. FrM 1 • .a. httaa. I S.1 ~11~ Drywall • Stucco • Tiit Eblxpe~lenced., depe11· nde--.. -~--------Farthing Interior Oealgn use result-getting Oalty Repelrt. Sealcoetlng. nt. Lo rates. Decks. P•· Lie. 30688&. Remodel, t6nu Remodel J.B. 6'6-9990 a. ,,oneet, nte igent, ,.fr••f. Ii GINO STRtPP G IHf PIHlEMt Piiot Cla11llled Ads to S&S Atphll 631-4199Lle tlo. Sieve 752·9556 Add'ns, Cabinet•. u. 41-!Nlllculous, ltexlble. 1 am •••••• ••••••••••••••• Vl~~MC S:ott 645-~~25 0on·1 re-roof, repelr at re.ch the Or1nge Coesl 8'6-858616'5_.844 ---------' Carpentry. Ctblnet1 th• be' I . Pho n • *A· 1 •Wiii* Ir• ct Ion o I co• t . market. Dan lialtbero Grading Custom Carpentry by Dick TOP QUALITY WORK Plumb . Dretn Cleanlng 073-7012 alter 8· PM Top quality. 25 yr Hp. E11pert wallc:overtng In· 857•2890 Phone 642·5878 & Paving Co. Res/comml & Nell Paneflng. IOfmlct, HeYe aomethlng 10 Mll7 AT REAS. RATES Elec1rlcal . Tiit "dlkdays. AU day Satur-Compell11¥1 rttH ataltaUon Reat. Consul· Lie. 31176804 842-1720 door•. etc. Ph. 8'2-8809 Claullled ed• doh well. Lle'd . Joel 647-4425 Rafe Don llCl6-0149 cfay and Sunday. No overtime. 730-1353 tent Autonfnt. 581·85llO Cl1111hed Ad~ 642·5678 ~r..r.1~!~!!.f~!!'i!!'!. A,,tl•••!• A,,11•••!' ,,,,, ... ,, A,,,,.,.,, .t,,,,.,.,, A,,,, ... ,, f•nhiH I'"' ••• ,, 411S ,.,,,, ,. ,.,,, 4300 . Ollitt ,..,,, 44H •• -.,,.,,.. u.,.,,,,,.,, u.1., .... " U•lru•l••" U•l•t•I••" U•l•t•i••" I u.1 I JllO •.. •.••.••••.•••••••.• . ... .. • •••••..•.••••. • •...••••.•.••.••••... ~I 314' ··~··••••••••••••••••• •••••:•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• .' •••••• !.!•••••••••• 1 II fllE Prof M /F to shr 3 Br Tired of crowded freeway ... ··,·,··,······u···.:,··1··m···· J.J,~, 1 3101 f~!!~.!!!!! •....• 1!.~1 ~!!~.!!!~ •.•..• 11.~1 ••,.•tl•1••• 31~1 .. ~, ,,.,, ,,,,, WWlll HUI I CUii ~~g7~~n~~:.1~;:;~~· .~~~-:,,N= :°:'.:: n ''"••• I 2 BR HOUM+Duplwx NEW BREED APTS .ct .. • •••••• ••••••••••• VIWIE Several prime loc:ttlona belch that your tamlly Beeutlful & park llke wllh 2·bd~~~·;1,~·~;;;,·dp•j..,~ 333 E 2111 St. CM 10-CI 1 Br. & toll. Bacil & 1011, ••••••w••00•••1U1••••1••••••• In Sade!lebaelt Valle)' to F9~9ar'•' r0oomo~yma281eA"!""omede, could uN on week~ terreced pool vrtv Mature non-~kre 6'5-65&9 645-8t03 Frptc. rec room, pool, New 1&2 bdrm. luxury choN trom. Feeturlng 24 " .. " as • vecetlon unit? For •Specious Apts no Pel• $650 X 3 · 111eou 1, OH & weter ptld Spic. 1 & 2 br, tovely apll In 14 pl1111. 1 Bdrm hr 1upervl1lon, planned Bal ltlend $285 mo. oc-leHtng Information call •Privet• Pellot 21317119-"195 257-9792 ......_~BftU No pets. From $465 393 plnH & ltrHma. ttc. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ~~.'~.;;11!::1 :;~ recrHHon, exciting c:upancy 1 t/18182. Con-The Cepletrsno Surf •CoYered Perking or (714) 673-3986 ~-u ,......., Hamllton, C.M. 845-4411 galH, entry by phone, IN NEWPORT BEACH $885 + pool•, tennle, gourmet meals & lrH tact Carotyn, W111rtron1 Center. &81-6292 or •Dining A.ret S --•-·· 2 B 2 8 btt· lge rec area Incl. gym, Sl""les 1 & 2 Bdrm local lransportalion. Cell homel 873-8900 831•50&4, •Walk In Ctosetl $295 nice blChefor, ret· AIUT9fm p........,1 r e, pool & IPL 8'6-65111 .. ,. •-e"~t1 . waterlallt, ponds! GH Biii Miller today tor the Sh ...._ 2 2'h FP 2 --------- *Home like Kit ..... --, ponstble pereon ullls BHutltully l1ndsc:a~ed Ina. lrplc. ger, 1575. No ...., ',.,..,, for cooking & heeling exciting delalls r -v• br ba, ' hoel•--'" LM....a-1 ,.,...,, ' Pool pell. A¥all lmmed A¥all, now I Br. I Ba. & Townhovffl paid From San Diego 7"" 7l•2 95t 3952 ger, C.M. Fncd yd, OW, -.,,. 1 blk to Huntington paid, no p111 106 E. ~arden apts. & pa. lierDorlBaker. 546-8009 downatalra apt, dewshr, From $560 'Frwy drt¥e North on vo· '" • S34o+ John 873·1701 Prime lntarttcUon of Center, tranapot1etlon & Bey, Apt 9· etlosldecka. No pell. prl11ete petlo, tingle ga· On Jl)lnboree Ad. et BHCh to McFadden to "111li1a 11111111 llSO -.. -oo-m_m_e_te_w_e_n_te_d_lor-lu-.·• MecArthur and Jimbo· ,......,., Bachelor $3115 NEWL V decorated. c•n· s J~ -.. .,., " ~ r~ $1 ,,.., ... tt Sub · -•·· $395. 1 Br dplx. Utll pd ... u rsge. No Piii, w1ter in oequln Hiiia nd Sa aw t n d v 111 a g a •••••••••••••••••••••• ocntront hse nr BalDot ...... ..-...... · • mLm11s FaEE •11 e ee Betbo 1 Bdrm _..... tral area. lge 2 Br. ger. P •I d • ..I 4 5 o I mo •••1to0 I , .. ,. enllebte. a20 or •••~ '" · yAYe. a 2250Vanguard5'0.H2CI yard $475. ~ __. 1 11Ht4a18 1 93-519& IOOI FOR RENT! Pier, Panoremlc ¥law, t200eqft1orlyear.Cill 21 88ddrrmm From ~1155 Pen. No pelt. 647-11~.5 6191753·0719 640-e187 545-2000. Agent. no'"· yrly $300 mo 675-9308 S "3 •20 8857 ... 38r, 28•. CPI•. drpa, Indy. c;I .... LA QUINTA HERMOSA. LG. clean 1 Bdrm. No 2 Br. c:erpet, drapes, pool, newly redecorated tn a •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 2 bedrOO{f!. 2 beth• a 2 Fem•I• 20 to 25. share lg SIPEI IMUJll 16211 Parkakle Ln. 1 blll P9~•7= S::i.5106 ~":':'' t~ 2d~·0~t~: ~e~IOP=. ~ 0~~c:~. '~04"',_~•1•;~, out $950 mo (213) UllU MAii 1torle1 In Twin Peak• tn 2 bdrm, 2 t:>• furn apt tn• Exec Suit• Incl. rec.pl . w . ol Beach, 3 blka s. · 131 e. 18th. 846-6818 s 4 50. 64'. 5939 or 536-7953 332·4051 MTll Ill Lake Arrowhead area. Promontory Potnt. with• , 1 ot Edinger ... &47-544 l C11u1 Iii #u JIU 18 t E. 18th . .,.2-0858 648-5978 Be1utllul ltrge 4 Br. en-Wkly rental• $115 up Hu bullHns & llreptace prol Phot~tpher. Non :ric:. v m':ir"~a~cfi~: ~~~: * $350/mo up Bach . I •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 11" ea. TownhouN, clad pello, lleps to Color TV. Ire• coll••. F1111. test & dep0$11 r• &mkr Rel. 75 mo., •,t ponll\19 to your Du1tne11 & 2 B I rn & I n mnTIMt.lll Sp.clous2Br.IS..$425. 2 Br I Be In 4-plu, Dulll-tne.NWc:arpet.c:ar beach.Yearly.61s-4'1ll I MAlld pool & slept lo quir ed, Cell (71') utll 631-5978, eve Mdt Adi 405 FW)' In pool, .~.~~8~92 Flor~~.: Large 3 er. 3 Ba. many Duplex 3 Br. 1 'h ea. clten, no pets. 14301mo port off patio. t'h to ocan Klich'• a¥ll.t. 18 8 • O 2 8 Cl or (7 "I 676-3763 ~ V lndlv. Otc.. Mo/mo. 842•2~ 842•3172 amenities. SllOO. Cell SA75. Laundry tsc .• pool. 271 "8" 18111. Pt. be.ch. $5501mo. 191 talt 2 Br. 2 ea. Condo, Ea1t·I 1185 N Coast liwy, 667-0657 weekday ...,.. 2 Prof males seeking MIF from 1325. 9&3-6«5. · Anthony days 642•5757, 54&-1155e 12-7PM. 6'4-0452 dep. &31-7900 John blutl, upgredes, ettec:Md Laguna e.aeh. 494-52114 nlng.1 alter 6 p.m It no 10 shr lg, very nece be•----------L••••• I.Mi 314 -& 'Wknda 831~ Agent g "• O e No Pet• enswer. pteue keep med ~Ulno• spllHe¥el Retalt & olftce apace ••'••••••••••••••••••• · lllTAIT Ill AYAIL&lll .. $9501mo. 5511·11«. S90 & up with kitchen. trying! 38r, 288 apt. C<IM $280 t¥alt.ote. 17th St. Cotta Luxury atudlo, free HBO. The Shores In beautltul Ea1tlllde $825..$0351mo. Lovety 2 br, 1 be. upper 3 bclrmi 2~ be, fireplace. On Bay, 2 bdrm. 2 t>a •• ::.e=rs.~4~nlron1 Mo-Ltrge Big Ba1r Cabin. mo. + ,.,, utll. Catt Seoll Mn1 from 1250 s I. to phone, maid 19rv. 1pa, Corona del Mar II•• 2 Br. 1'h Ba. TownhouM. unit tor rent Bultt-lnt, carp•_.•· ;•PH, •tove lrplc 1 etr gar Prlvite 1 Pool Table. color TV. 2 Of Jim &75-8838 eves 400 -.1. 6'5-34n S130 wk. 4119.3015 newly reh.lrblthed 1 & 2 all bulll-ln•. tndry rm, carpets. drapes, no pell ind r rlQ. • ~ garegel • Beech Good nAinhbor· Balboa Penin.uta. Prtvi1e Ir pie'• Sleeps 14. bdrm apts from $550 a carport, yard/balcony, 1 chlld ok. S5001mo. laundry tac1111 ..... 2 t kt ··-·• E 1 7 5 N • Fem to ahr 2 br condo wl2 IEWPtlT lllTUI ·~rt ,,,,. 3111 up lor rent. Cell Helen emell pet OK. 780-0734 or 031-4402 to 8Hch. Ava II 1211 hood for couple or tin-ntr ance. 1 · 0 11'l54!>-6918 gtr11. Own rm 1200 + ul~. Fufl Sena Sull• OCEANF.RON•;c;;2:;·e; Git>ton 644-2811 TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 Gerl. S650. 538-2050 g~~0,.'J,1~9p:f3•2 t82• :~r:~~f or cooking. PdALM ~E2RT1 co.NDOPoot. 7 Poot/Jae. 775-6148 ...... It Ill OISTS SI lJy week or month. 1 Br up, MW c;rptvdrpe. Flreplace, pool, d leh· 2 BR I ea, lpk;, nr Fedco. 18r apt, 3 blkt from •Y•..,..... • sps '"· • $650 ..... Furnllhed 673-7873 1 block oce1n, enct1d -sher. pvt petlo. X Lg Newly decor, tge patio. beach. child & pet OK Clean 2 Br. lrg kitchen, Chrlstlen F. nonsmkr. apt tennta, etc $75 dy. l1•l•h W1•tH 4115 All you need tor one OC.,..,,F"ONT r•~""' 3 Br. gar. No pell. 1625/mo G11den I & 2 er. on El o•.r S525 mo. 56t·&130 '475 mo. 980·71&5U ~~~"HI. Ti'roP24 1c21 1 ~.~8.15111!! prty · Sen Clemente. nr _a..::~4:..--062:.=:.:7~-----l•··········.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·1 monthly feel ~"" n -.-875-8589 tide $480, S580. •--t ~~ .,..,,, -" "" beach, rete. 1225 & 1 640-5470 2 BL Wlhr(dryr, no Pel• · 551•2~1. t Br apt Alt new lntkSe, ~~I!~••••••••••••••?? LIDO. GORGEOUS 2 Br. utlt1 498-4582 V~~~· 1C. ~~~ 2 ~.c •• c-::.d':. IHI IT HO. 1 ---------Winter $8"" 673-e&tO JIU no pets neat nice Huntington Beac .. 3.• FULL SERVICE SUITES -. C.111 .,., S3751mo. 64S-~20 2 Br condo w/petlo. pool, ffplc. petlo SlOOO lMM Lge, beaut rm wlpvt bllh llPI 4• $700. In ll'le VII-bdrm llouH. 1o~i11 oi Desk~ $275/up On the Deach hotel I •••••••••••••••••••••• 1U, JU. JU. epe. 1885. 738-1215, 076-83511 nr be.ch, H.8Ught11¥ lege, we.Ill 1oevery1hlng. Adam Xlnt felt. Prlvlite0tflc9 $495/up room apt. kllchenette & BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. 2 Be Newly decor. GH pd. 2 Br. l 'h 8a, $450/mo for 970·5117 Mr. Weber. rm & kit. prl¥. 1300/mo 815·4333 beth. 1urn 11 he d Frplc, erw:1 gar, ctloloe encl gar. dw1hr, 11001, 2 P«torlL 7" w 18111 Newport lig11 1 Br, yard 96&-21151 -::::::-;:::~~=-;~;)~~964~.0~33~2.~8~4~2~.0~100~~~ N • w Port B •a oh S300/mo. + 1300 d•P area. Ddll• pref. 1575 bt>q no pets. &42·5073 St &48-11507 U.•o IHd 3141 98'IO'· SA25 21 X t3 n room for r-t, I I •a. ~Jll '_7_5_2_-6408 _____ _ 0 3094 M W/Fedco ::''••••••••••••••••••• &40·7114 ..... 1•11 I II ••Ml w ~-· 1 • ~,,,, 2308 W. ceentront, ece $485. 2 Bdrm. refr'lg, pe-2 B 1-1 -•• .,..,. drNm hOUN M"a v.,. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~•,,..'"ant .. ~ hetlqtee ... Area N.8. 873-4154 2 bdrm. l'h ba, fireplace, tlo. no peta, DdUl11 pref. SsOoi~: --"115"" 3 bdrm, 2 bl, p11lo. 2 bike de $400 neg. Lux Condo Nwpl T91'r-••••'·-·-·•••••••••••••• 114() Ml 11 et 80c per f1, BAVFRONT. Em1 1 or ger. no pets $495 724-A J-. 873-71&7 ~36Cle 10 minutes ao. ~Laguna to Deeeh. Pets o.k. 1750 751·32114 2br/2b•. pvt lac 1350. Dana Pt. •Ingle 11or•ge. Incl urn. 9 10 24 mo, .. at on Dint Point s mo11 moo. &73-3728 Resp M/F 6'2-9545 Jim MCUred, street entrenoe, N"'9 rate 2 bdrm . $9 Ol mo. 548•7510 STUNNING lerg.e 1 Br Clan28r-.wlthpetlo,no ttcluded scenic: Dlull, Lttgetum.rmw/pvlbalh, 34097 Oranada, 180 841 3212 d 680-1178 dys, 873-3909 2 Br. 1 ee. Eutalde. quiet ~trden apt. 710 w. 1&111. ......11, s430lmo. Ilka new. 2 Br. widen, 0C£ANFAONT • Cu1tm nr occ. $ll00 mo. Fe-Newport Height• Town-673-3313, 4113.0803. • • Y • • ..., "" xt 1 rt t llo decor, 3Br 2Be ug. ma•-hOUM, Deel.It, turn. Me-983-1983 E¥ neighborhood. no pet1. t. 54&-9950. ra arge P YA • P• • .... s Stor•g• garage 11ng1e •~501 -·• • 1725/ c 11 1mtnltlH, yrly 112 0 5•'"2573 "-ta ........... & lure temele. .350 • • WANTED.· ·-..... k-to near IChoohi. -mo .......... 18th/Pomon•. 1 Br, g_, g mo. • ..... •.....,. ...._ 11•2 0111 M••• """"" --...- Spacious slt1glt, ont & two bedroom IP~rtrMftb. fVIMSltED or UNfUINISllED AUUTIUTIES PAID. HEALTH ClUIS. TENNIS SWIMMING plus mudl "'°"' Sorry. no pds. Modets optn @lly 9 to 6. Oakwood G•deft ApM'bHnts Ntwport eUcwNo. 8801rMtlwt. (It 16111) 64S-ll04 -& 5 ,_ 0.. h ' .,,_ 681 &U 1 M F t 5 mo ; 2Br 1BI dwn 800 I &48-7655 · ehar• office 1p1c:e. nr 631 1 5· 1 Bt. down1tetr1, d/1. I ••t ~· -•. 3"0210 °D' 1 • b. •1 mo. Mtlur• pre 7400 w . GENT non·tmkr, kitchen '501mo ••·port •1«01-o u11 ... "I'd •••••••••••••••-••••• v .. • • r ve Y o ~u emplo.-o~ ~o. M/F to 111r.3 br. 2 bl ••2-4""'7 ........ da-"" • • " '" · ,. 1 BR. cplt, drpa, stove. :1pot1, wet~~~·! c ... YllW eu at 2'583 Santa Oontrnt. 850-111112 8.7586 ,~ •v• '" house. N.B IBack Bay). -wv .... '¥ Incl. Deel! provided. c.11 lndry Id. evao now. No ·no pate . ........,. gent, From Dana Pomt'• most Clara EASTBLUFF S300 incl. ulll 631-6220 Detached gertge, 400 •q 752·S334. pett. 1375· M8""3a2 no 1" 962-0217· secluded acenlc bluff. Spacious 1 Br. patio, Ovlet hllllide CdM. 8d & It. use for storege Of ot---------- $350: Large 1Br apt. No SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 Be, Uk• newt Only 4 unit•. 2 .. 011~.,,1 ... ,, bldg. pool, ylew, no peta, Be Wik to Prl Bc:h Prot • re;pon1 F Hlkl tic., In comm'! area, nr E X...,.,.lnl loc. ~Nu emt., •1n·•. petL Carport, leund 1aclt, Beam celllng1, ..-v. bet, Br widen. Xtr,a lrg private ,.. ......, ..,.. "llO/mo. 8'4-47Cl7 Furn'd Ut. Incl, Prl Ent. MIF to lhr 2 BR •P1 17th St & Ortnot. CM. 311 w WllSOl'l.&3t-2l77 wood cab .• no pet•. P•tlo. From SJ2Slmo. In Laguna Beech, nnet ---------S300 A.her 6 Of Wkndl Tennis, pool. •P•· CM. $150/mo, Call 9-5, M·F, 1co1'ng or law olltce. Lrg I Br I B•. pa110. $500. :;;.:~~5:4~1~.·· ~~11 ~ .. 1-,.~41421 ~1 M·!:, ::~:.!7t:.~~:~ 2;:,.~u!~s13e!;;._1_60-_1_64_8 ______ $276 9711-2436 _u_2_-4_2_1_0 ______ S300 __ ue __ . 1_20-0 __ 1_1_1 __ Lu. agt, 845 -918 1 ...... .,...,...., • ..,.,"' w, hlaledpool,aut>-gertge, mo.751·31111 Room for rent. Fountain ------...,.--Ollinl1•l'1 4411 lula,.,lnW HN 780-9534 eves. 2 Br. 1'h ba, 323 e. 1&1h to -24583 Sln1• Clara •levator. L•••• only Ve It• y , 12 15 mo .. Male or female t8-30 to •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• bd deck St No peta. Gar. 1825. Super ,,.., 1 9'. Villa, 1 S650 & up. Wit llT 540.5393 -• 111111 3 bdrm, 2 ba hou-*HLID lffllll* Retell etore at 2e60 AYOn, 2 upttelra, patio ' Slerfl Mgmt. 6'1·1324. ea, em11t & coV:. private. 330 Cllf, gw-.... No. La-fll •-M With I ma .. Ind I I• 1 MO. FREE RENT 1Cl85 eq. It p1119 & car Olf, WID hook·up. CIN $ OO/ • 3 33 3 -..-_.., Small lutn rm w/pvt enl malt Buehard & Gar· I rm to 2800 ""'· II. gartge .... 1 .. 8Jn. So Cit Plza. No Pell Newer 2 BR 2 Bt. $475 3 4 mo. " • 1 • guni. 1 blk to bch, no NEW galed 20 Town· & b•. no kit .. pref me-fleld $225 mo '"-ullt ... $525/mo 540--0117 BR 3 Be wf2 car gu, 493-<>903 (or h.lrnltMdl P • 1 1 · 16 1 5 m 0 · home. VILLA.OE COM· ture amp! M nonemkr. 842-1.&12 Ilk tor Jett Fr $l.l& •IQ. l1. AdJ C..a1tf11l $625 No pela. 780-1418 4114·&404, 844-4311 MUNITY. 2 Br. 2'h Ba. Cd M I 2 5 0 I mo A.trporter Inn a Frwya. b•IW 4415 Lrg I bd Apt, Wat-side. °' &42·152& evtlwkndl. * * * 2 Br 2bl, lrplc, deck, 1800 tq. tt. of pure IU· 675•2156 UllN allll C.ll AM 833-3223 •••••••••••••••••••••• completely r.o.corated, EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO. trHI, charm, •A bllc to Kury. Oar89ff, 1P411 In Pallllal M1nalon. pvt 1Cl17 Wntclllf. N.B. 258 RENT OR LEASE: ~ 2nd Hoor, Relrlg. 1386 •2Br 2Bt . Nur S.C. DEN ONLY FOR THE o c • • n . No . and . e very home • muter Larae hMlt 0.1.. pool, spa, kit, prlv. call to 4000 eq, tt. lat floor. remodeled ho!"• with 84().4t79 Plaza, S.A. Luxury Con· OtSCRIMINATING. $750. $1125/mo. Incl utlt •ulte, dtntno room1. room for rent $196 mo. 760-8181 A.gent 541·5032 •arr'°'· Cornmtzonlno. 2 Br. w/ger 1440/mo. do. w/poot $575. No A.gt. 1714)496-0804 &40-6829 wood burning~. 224 111th St Hunt 8ch ad to Newport Bl¥d orpll, wa1tr pd. 2178 pate. 1133.-8974· * * * .,.~-------.-,-mlc:rowt¥e oven1, pct-960-88311 M:.,~C:.r:'~t 't,8~~!~.~~ ~ •~25!1:C-S~· &42·1334, 851-11889. "E" Plac.ntlL 638-"120 •M-VercM 2 Bt. 1 Ba. .. •• , •• ,, • '' ¥11• patio• & yard•, gar-H'"RBO" VIEW HO··Es .... 25 -·· rorn t M lq .• -,,,-,--,,-,,-,-, ----1-5PM Newly redec:. l 4115. No •• •••••••'••••••••••• d9ll9f provl<Md. EleQanl " ,... ,., empl= prof .., mo. .1 per aq. t. any xtru. •• pell 833-897'. UmllT On Ooll Cour11. WHt 11Y1ng orttt 15 mlnutft 10 CdM hOUM, lam .. kit ... 8-1 Call 557-7010 ... 1'1 4• Ea•tlllde 2 Br. quiet, MW 3 bdrm1, 2 bl, HnOy Nine Condo : 2 BR 2be. 2 S.C Plue or O.C. A.tr-prlV. l2'5 720--0375 Am for r9'11 Belbol lele 400-900 PLUS t400 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• carpll, gua9e, rrd, 2BR 1'~ba, dlw, Dtttne, beach. Xlnl eond Mon· car ger, wlopnr. WUhl IX)r'I, J utl ea11 ol New· ••ttll #llfll 4Jlf Cottage. $250 mo. A¥all PenthouM Baytron:'\u1: '!t~al ~Pc),,2~~1~fo\nt: pool, no ~s. 167 Imo patio, gar, no pet•. S525, thly or v'!Y 11500 P., Mo dryer. Lower un it w/ por1 ,..Yd, & llO. ol Sin ••••••'••••••••••••••• tmmed. C111 all CIPM t•. parking. patlo1. dondo Ctrcte, p a T Mngr 24 "B" Orange 548-4291, ... 5-11857 Ownit 644-11513 patio. red ecorated .Piao<> Frwy. l 10001mo. MMUI •m 675-4200 873-1003 Huntington. e .. ch. _A_..,._. _______ 1 l'h Br. g arage. v.,o, 17251mo. 1141770"1950 83l·5439, 2473 Or•noe Wkly rental• now 1¥til liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 842-2834 Ull .. IUlf .. I S25'11no. Wutelda ••• , .. ,.. llJ11Ju F!ala Jiii Aw .. Coate~. $105 a up. Color TV. MIF to ahr 3 Dr, 2 b• ·--•••• --------Ne led/Se .,.1-07&3. No'*'· ,,_} jM ••••••••···•r.••••••••• ac..nrr 1 yrtv 2Br 1Ba PhonH In room. 227' hOUM on Canal tn N,8, ..,,., __. Stor•ge yard. fenced, nr twpcMt ' 1 lrg. Bt. well! In c:loMI, ...................... Ctaa Loma ltrge 28 A. r 1 1•000• · ,.._pot1 8l¥d CM Ill, IMt & dep MS-.2495 0 C. AIOM>" -· Prof. lillfbor and Baker. 60 X 1700 1611\ Sl tr pie, dehwahr, lg P¥t. Aedec:, 1 bcl, refrlg, quiet, ... le hMfl 28A nHr pool. La rge ;!2ln~· mo. &4&-7445 . Straight M nontmllt to IN environment. Mt aervtce, 150 11. $225 mo. Ltfgtr <•• Oovtrl patio, pool, epa, no pet•. l4lO. S.. mgr 81 1922D Nr. Hunt. Htr. 1 bt, enc deok, ¥aulttd cetllng, ---------11---------1 2 br, 2 ba E/Sld• CM °'no lrlllt. lndMdUDI of • ., .. al90 eYtll. 642-.5113 SAT5lmo. 54e.2o7 W •I I a o • Av• 0 r gar 1350, H2-7780 COYll'ed p11tc1no. etntrll Bactl apt," blk to beach, 8 [ A C H I RE 1 1pt, 1250 + utl11. D~• ltc.a or d4ltk tpeOe. 160 549-8181, 720-1444 ~~!!~~~~~~~I *O... 2 8'. rw SC Pfau., _7_80_·93_7e_. _____ ,. 8 d d air Won't l•t at 1670. l 400 mo. lncld• ulll. n n 8-42·5'4&; ..,. '42~20 eq n • 3500 eq ft. t MO. 8 .. ..__.1 • ~ 8d •-C « r. en, CfPt. rlC)el, •••1429 , .... •a•7 ~~~~~~~~~H~~FA~E~E~7~59~-89~11~18~~~1 2500 aq It ntar Hoag 11111..-r 2 bdrm, 2 be. SltlO mo ·1111 June In cl u111 . ,752-94et. 95CM>tl1 ... 0..• '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. f,_. Ba. walk 10 belCfl. 225 La Paloma. S..751mo. 837·7918. ·"· ... .,... 9')I • car . 1 rm ... ,51mo. atport ..._....,. •~sot ,.,..,.. .....,...,.,., $84/ k ___,._,. I 2 Ii"""' --••ate --.... & $41111. No pete. 762· 22 & lllUndry fec:lt. C• Stu OloM lo ..,.....,., .... mo. W Roommate ,........,,. Of ...__. .........-.,.,,_ 1_.117 2338 540 3eee HO·t aH , ~0·118' ah .. .,..., ... ,. 1111 ......., , br 1 D• on Penlneula ...... _ Mii rettroom. 1900/mo . 2 Ir 1 ... c:rpt, dfapea, • Of • 5. •••e'l••••u••••••••••• 3 BA 2 aa l9frtQ l Dnnt Refrlgerttor·Mald·POOI USO plus ·~. 11t, lut & .,,.._ .-Automotive ok. 8~r blt·ln1, no f>lttl, 1440. 2 Bt. 1~ 81. ~ lnhee, NO lfEEI Apt. & Condo yrly IH "1 11oo Xtni Nwpt 8l¥d a Wiiton dep, 113-8"0 A.ttr.cl!\19 Nette ue>tt9'r1 6'&-aH 2272 M9J*.13Ml927 no 1)911. 14t!llmo. 1918 ~rL~·p~ r.nt~~:':2":"~-:: cond. Aft 4 & wknd1, _C_oa_1a_Meu ___ u_e-_t_7_5S_1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil =' =p~ "::: -2400--aq-ft-.l-7_20_/_mo. __ '7_111-. Brand epenklno c:IMn. 2 Wal9ce • 102. &31-3871 · TO LIVE \ anytime, 862-7856 Pl11e Knot Mott! on COiiet MIF .,,.,. 28R 28.' two PIY phone, 1 Sii& pr mo & Ptacentl'a. Cott• MeM. BA 1 ... I cer OAf, no Large 3 lk 2 8a Town-•H I"" 1 & 2 B/I ~ Block to be~Ch, 21r, 8edl spt. Smelt No 99' or H wy , NB 8 tepe to llOfY ·apt In CdM. Non-Pf Mk. Call 844•7211. 648-1184 pe11. 1 660 mo. 288 llouM In quiet compleJI, .p=:,:.e11qo brlglt~':ls M 75 mo. laundry 1400 mo Incl ocean . Wkly ratH. smkr S350 per month, -,,_------.-,-.- S anto Tom••· A.gt. terg• pool, garden 191. •5 acr• of tleautlfully Yf1V. 11111111ee. Ml-0440 ~cable a phone. llllnPIL ......... .,.. •• ; ••••••• &42-8318 1ln£61875 6'6·3381, tandecaped aurroun• ......., Ml-4189 lw Ylla lettl 'A ttectrlelty. Alter 9'lft AlfllT 1111111 Stcwaee 8pace 12' it 1t' A--1r PM Bl.UFF APTS e7 1149· OlrlOt, 1 lhot>Plng 3 DOI. 2 be oar. ,,_. BAYOOfl Wiiiy rent• now '""' 7to-0832 With uH of reception, ,. .. doof 170/mo. plue -·-.. 2 8'. 2 la, f Br a Loft. lllTe--• Ni I rWyt ...... Win'-w ..... _.. _....__ TV on ~· cont room. lt"Cfl. --.... I 7 0 a eo . d •Po 1 It• .. _.__, ... ~ -• 111• ""'" ·-'""'-"'•""""" ..... Rmmt• to thr 28A 18A. ........... ., .... a -d,...-:::_ 17'"·4 114 Ne wport .,........... •• Chlld Ok, patio, ¥law. •·oo·l41"1mo. 2 Br. 1 • 80\ltet ll'M • •a-.. .,..__.,.., ... •· , ... _. b'-Wint~ "81• • b"' furn. IPI .,_ .. C M....... .....,., -..... ... ...... .._:..... ••••••••••••••••••• lrplci, encl o•r •• g11 -.............. &!-..... , __ .. ry • ITT no ~ B h I I ....... .,._., .., ... .,. .. "' .. -. -owe-Mtll & -,._., ......._ __ , •-i .... """' ......... ,.... ,_,,., J! ~..... ao • or. great o o Hoel concl M---. Of dt1count ttepe 10 mo I.\ utll .,.2.3311 .. ,.. ··----..----·------~~ .......... ~·. :=·, "'",.'V:..~· .., •. room, beamed .. .-..--,..,.., I l t"OOI -·:.::.:.! 8eac:ll 34311 8o. Coett Mrv fYlll. ~-If -~ .. ·-· . (h r den O rove 2 a 3 s~"'· -.mo. No '*'· No lft1 ~ 1 C.. H8 1R .... la·1MI Q. " mo. vwne r HW'f OP 4&e.S727 Female to w wltti M:C. ~ Call~z;00 -;:::.--MM ldrm, "421 lo '625. .• Nt..e101 rtnt ~It req. o.. l twn ...._/Werner .... 2 .. --..... ... •t3 ~ .... , looa 7 '41780-01 •• ,,...~i ..... .r.r.n • ... .... .., _....... .. d9lill TSI.....,.,. '42·1903 off IMotl • -· . """'" ...... ... ftw.... ..... ..... ... .... o. 211 lltO, ~ I * •-•a.....ah!ffl. ..... •lt•r•t•· w ahrld ryr M-. Vero., lhatp ........ ...., Aclroea from ...._ 111' •• wnm·.-•••• u.~1 ~·.~9 ..... 1.".'U ~-_ ---hOOll= CIOM to 8o .... ~ Pott leedl Cldf Coulw. t M . 1411, ~ • ._, llM o,,ty fCH CMNT to l__. M "1lel 10 wtl llW , .... ...._...... -~·-••••••• •••••••••••••• CM • no .,. •• 112i .... 2 IA 1 .... bttne. ......... deCOf. P90'., "' ........ ento¥ lllfr ~ ,. -i'ftou.. IP1 .,..,,,. ----lp!:.Y-~~ ~·~'. mo ,,, ~ ~··.;..~/:;i":z. -laTM.I ""8 No,petl. 41M171 m~ nome. 1u pe r b e::;;., I H Olmo + w: ::..-::: l . Hr. frptc, 11100 mo. 2 If TOWl~oi• t'.4 II. C all 840·1111 ell e. 3 a 4 It Clo9etoW81• • •·, .. c.ndo. _. ' o. every ciomtort oap 12$0. ...Utt ........ .- 87540t7 fMnO a ........ lltt-171·*•· • lot PM! """ a idurn ,...,,,.: *""' ..,,,_ Mutt • ..,.. to " • .....,. ...._ •t .,. ....... -,.. toe citien "J*I. llftedled ge. Ille, .. .,.ittte.. lrall• .....,,, C..::r ~.::t· wrlr. • "· u1.a.~ ~ ~ -;.;:.-... r •1.LP! .. o,'..!, .. IP •. 2!;,:, ~ "=· ': '1'"4t11· ._.. ~ .MM 111•• .. 4111 in ........ '°' Clullfled M mo. 1A. .... llOO ... IGIHmv. -.._ dt9n Of<. No pets M?I. Nwpt Hgtl I bt, I b9, r.ieTemt-••••l'M1' IW9. req. ACTION or 111r.--~ TIW tuteal ttraw In lfle Ml-t124 •••fllou1. Avell. now. 18'. I la•· fK ...... •----------• CM• ·~ w ....... Detty ,1101 -' .............. , _ ''''""• ... 7400 ..... --..,.,,... v... .... ,... • .... .. ~ • d M IQ ... 71 - -..-...... -.. '"'"' N tl; '*'"' ,_ .. -... V-._. 1.49 , .-, "t .. _.,... O• I "° ;.... ' \AW I Dt, 1 ... llf, .... M .. '" -~ Mf.1171 ..... 'f:~ty, Mlllf, ILL ftlte """ wltft a 321 J tntl '9 f/w. U OI I Heflore ..... W. W Cill ._, now.'7 • Ollr lllM Qa lflc4Ad ~.~ ... ~~~·~,,~,~,~··~M~-7~ .... ~~~:;;:;:~~;;~1:·=7=IO==mo==Y=~~ .. == .. ;;:;·=·~~~~~~~~:.L~'~ .. ~·="":::.:.:::::...L:~:s;;;:;;;;:;;;;L::::~~:;::~~.:L::::::::~:.:~.:=~ Orange Co&tt DAILY PILOT IT~ I •::.."'.H/,.~I/ t!!m.'.1! ........ 1.~ff IJ!.'l..,M'll. .... 'l'.ff ~l..fM'!l. .... 1.'.ff '1!1..rtM'll. ... J.'.ff ~'lm'......... ... &11.'Jm ........ m ~ ... 111ff f1!'1c.W.,..... .. ... •• ;.-.................. MllTll -· • 11.&&a&... '• ...... .,._..., (•_._..) * a ..... 11 * ••• 11111 -lleoNI M footer aflOell .... .. •u·~~,..n New to L A. t>Mut • tnt.. -..... ~-0 1 j ...,.... -•.. Lt...., ltfl 1 to to' tong, Mt per tt. 1mm1cu1111 ue.ero11aa -. .. .,,. ,.. • ., uoant. aop111111ce1a<1 ~ng Full 1ifne. '*'time, c1ey PU.NT""' f fff tupp ~ oomr.ry wo1 11.,11" lm_.ect. 1,.,,.. 11 .. , • ., MY'lfN co1i.1111i.ia io. intetl~, .._ ,...._: .... a a...,,,.,,. ,,. lady, Miki fln1ne ••· thlft ,...,.,,. .oftedullt 71"-11 .. IOlt II .. h.tlllllMt lllOI 1 on 1111 /lri, llOO, N0-4tt7 -----= ... .,, moat II el ooup11, • 10 0110011 •••°Wfiit ............ cure ~1nll1ma11 for YI· Aool~ If\ QerlOfl 711 e a111llalll1 Wiii train Wf111 I Unul OAK ''"IWOOO. YOU fof t -..... ,1111 ftoml (Oot7Hl !Ilk. ll~aut lttonM::.wport ~i:":O~~;·~,'c:''~~f~~ Bifboa, lllt!Oe .. w~~~M~~lAK ~2 ':::~~-:.~· mn l<lflg llH w1tetb9d, alnl flllCt< UP °" WI OILt. ~ I Med. At.Mic • ~) f11ftC* •tafllnO at 'Oottt C .,~ IO .... ,. W It p 0 8o ---•-1 T""""'" con1r1e11, prlc:tnn --8 ~ .. A211 attu. UIOltllt VII• 49'·8741 wtc• M.,t.c a»op, low Mf .. Mat 7 ti• n1. t>uty. Ill e.. t • .,,,., . y . • • -· •-,,....,, .. 8elel 1119 .. gu oven with two vrr .... •278& tVM llOuft ru11 elee1ronlca a ..,.... IPM, 157-0IH IMO Cotll ...... t2tl2t bpandlnO NI Credit .. llm•tH, po111no 10• .. -..... "°'• dtll!Wlr• on ltlt French ,,OV•nol1I ldrm lM 11111111 VH, 'A4.lto jMIOI, ...... 0 cerd compeny h" trtl• COUf\11, bMll1'9, •n•-01 .,....., 9htlt 11 blOk of r•nct• •~ w/dbl b9d a CSr hnd eomeone you tow '"oludW• t plnnaket. 7 c:=:.=~h"::"btl ntng po11tlon ·"·" In ln~ul rl11 .. op'ep1r1nP. Ult...... ~Ullwlt ... l'I "•buno ~~ •• • MO 611'11007 -~~'!.~eUltP~t wfncti.."12t,600 OfftCe MCIVllA 1, l'lt their credit dte>I ~· Ml A\llN Pttale Cl· IA LARY flll.UI COM· --..p>"....... .._.. ..,_...,., ,..._ It 7 .,, II O : l'I 0 m 1 1 • oen1 mvtl hlw 1•2 ~· cut.tor, cQPlef, typewtl-MtHION lac:kotound th Atillng I tllO '"" 1IH m11tr111, box for Ill occMk>n• <kllt IMl·lf30 Clll IM.o Ot ou1torner MfVICe ••Pit lar, ,.,9' Cott•,..... 11our11y, hardwire or (714) H,_...1 de.,. 1prlng1, tramt, hHd· d1cor1t1ng ldeu. ----· -----• ~.!f.~ •••••• ....... HHOOORI ROBINS I() liCJ • , 141. Ii',.', .. ,. ".> ( f J ,,. ~ t ""' , .. • 11() llUlm ... 1 ........ 161·11M5 . WL atlll LUii '''· 2nda, a,~ '"" ......... Boyfriend. eac:ort. rnooe4 a gOOd cornmuntoa1lon Area 11 t2t Pl< mo I ty1tffTl1 MlllnQ rtQulfld (n4t 40a.HOO •"" •I· bOtrd, jd cond 17&. 873·44 t9 17' lldMy l"Meuf• Cratt, ~ to Tenn, PO lox •kill• CRT ••Pit P'I' mo •• .,.,i.nc.. 8erns thl• HHYY phone cell• 10 tar SQ m IMS-'24 c= w/ltaller I 011. 6271·54, Senta An•, Ca Con11c1 Anna l'techl ad •nd yovr reeume to 1ud1 provided by Id• W fer llttlr Rtltlgeratot I t50, Ilk• ll)(Mlntl!Cl•hctrlarlt!_utyp!."'.!!!!r,.. I 4 .... 7200 .53 l tudebaket Cflemplon 9270•. M 0 n • Fr I •• 4 • 3 0 • !Ob No 0.2534. PO Bo• "'"'''"II Som• tr•"•' -------... ... ..... 76~7932 t5102 1.01 Ano•I" CA from time 10 tim.. 1129 Hammond OIOll), , new D1cot1tor couch ltt&/OBO. 8117•1390 tll' HOBIE CAT, complete II peH cpe. Nice oer •lllllllW• 900 US not taler than hnd rMUme wllh hlltory a300 Mlrtorld drHMf, Wtlonat, grn/Yeltor no-w/trlr. 1,300, 131-30t-' 13750. 213/6t2·17t2 .I.IT .In CRT Typlll "Hdtd for 1112i112. 01 .. rnlng1 on HOh job marbl• top, 1300. L .. d· rel 1400. Bunk. b•d w/ ""'""'•H.. •It IPM .... 0808 dY•· ltt4 .......... . nrtft ...... h1'• FOUNTAIN VALLEY "4-1 111 TAB Tel•• Ottlce. (714) ···-·m to: • . •d gllH wlnoowt. 20 dr••-$174. Watn1r I W••IH .· '"' SANTANA 2-2 two ault•"' 9 ii , d w d vv Model•, dancer•. eac:ortt 170-1111. 3001 Aedhlll~ --It llH pc,, m 11 c . 11111, dryef both tor I 160. Dbl •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111, aplnl\lllar, qu1c1c Mii t 4 «000 oo Y e· 8«19·&913, ~ U hrt. Bldg 5, Ste 108, CM Nall1 Nalural'l In the I 1500•1t000. Brue t>«j, bid 1125 751°1911 Wanled: 8A8Y CAIB. llto prlee tt,500. gen, ll3, · •I Piil IYllll CrulH Ship Job, 111 occu· ~~!'r.M~~=·~i~~ :i~~ c~:\~ t1~°.'a.9t: ~mt 101Jo;. .. 117!)..Pomona, QUEEN 1111 •ofa bid, ~R d~P~!1t5o1rent, "" ni.-0431 t92t ,.,, Model A Town ....... r,•t1on1 •"lltablt GrMI tlon "" tor tomtOM w/ 9Quat Oppty empt M/F · • -...,...., eicctttent condition .,..ay. 3'.·• ,,U...,.. llll a 8 d a n , I 1 o . o o o . ~:w ~~lh~n~,,:d,:'!'c:~ lllllT1 lM-tl11 ncome opfer.unll~ For HI cllentet. Mo1t IUP· 8e1Hman mu11 bl ag· $100 151·0t29 #•111'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 87M'8t. white tnt.,Mt rel" ere 24 hrl. by awotntment ~~~o 312· 88·434 ' eitt pll .. Included In rant. grtutve 'a hive exttn· A11.llP..m 1111 Sect Oll·wl'llte pl1yp1n, l•1trH1nt1 ,., Curt11 Hawk 81Uboatd, ·21 SSK too Merced" IO'#, c.tt on our eJq)lf'ta SPIRITUAL AEADINOS HHlth lneurance avatll· al"• knowteoge 01 all • •HAABOlrAREA•••• IO~'x7', 4 ottoman, •••••••••••••••••••••• Xlnt condltlon IO% complete, 15300 et no Ghatgt to help you Advl~e In all mat11r1, lllf'l&l AISllTAIT bit typee ol merlne tlectr<>-APPL"'NCE SERVICE 1270. &42·9008 YAMAHA 8a1t A"'P· 1700. 157M104 080 v.lth your probleme. Z• love , marriage 4 bu1I· Full time, front & back Judith 55t-8070 nlc1 lo' th• PIH1ur1 Wt M1I recond • GUif. Tractor IHt bar 110011. H.ed With• double IS" .. ,, IU11 AoldttM Rec>liear nllh f'undlng. Call ArL ~=~:·S:.'~~ Cca~i:·~: 1xpertence, REA, X·Ray Menlc;url1t. We need http boat tndutlry, bOlh In· epptlenct1. 949.)(177 bookcuo , Orlenlel PV ipeek., cabinet. All ~.. "1f 54&-3f42 549·1174 857·1422 Siil Clem. 492·7296 Lie. req. Salery open. now, girt , .. "Ing, •Jtl>I-lid• & outtldt ...... lull ·-... -1 t1mp1, antique wicker In ucellent condition. •••••••••••••4•••••••• 4 ft I Id 1111 .. -.,-,,.,.,,. -,, Some S1turd1ye, bent· rlence In ecryllGI, Ml•· time, lelnt ~-btrleflt•. I Ill •tr-cnr. cOtlN lbl, 3 IOtH, ~ BOAT SLIPS AlliAILABLE: ·····"·····m ...... . -.... , ... SIR VEILLANCE lit•. Newport Beach.,.. lion Vle)o. 495-5212. • ....... , LH 967..a133 king platform b«j, much 111-0lll 1 .. ,. Newport 8141ch: 25', 28', LARGEST J£EP DE.ALEA ....... ~ ......... le.! ~:~~:8.'mt'or in. :tr~e:8~~~v.!1~k~d; •ii.111111 llll· 5 .. :.u~·~~~e~:!~;,H w.~n'~.,·~~~·· :zigr~1~~·~ .. ~~~3~~ , r!'2~!~4"f",~0:··9~r ~::;::.c, . • I.I, l&nll0. ·... HOLISTIC DIET 847·8032. S1am1tr1s1 pit, exp o'ly. Aefrlg 1200 648·5~48 I hrl. ' C1tm P.A. aylllm, Votee4 Mon•Frl. . your J EP, ' rtlll• "'-at II ' . n ' ol the Theater IPIC•. Hlghllt Dollar Paid S ellil ' & ' LoM weight &. lmpro"' ..,..nt CaJI 499·t985, 30848 19.5 cu It Fr'lgldllrt tefrlg Queen 1lze tole bed, cabinet• w/t!i'' Allec1. SLIPS AVAIL, Huntington Cell Gary Gt1y pecf~·• '!f~ ~~9 2nd heellh wtvllamlnt & ~perd 1fen0,ced0rRth.Oo.dAon"-,1c Reapontlbl• position dn CoHt Hwy. 8 Leo,. w/top fr..ier gold 1325. brown, xlnt cond. 1125. horn• & pwr amp w/ H • r b our 8 • Y . D • -·-• -·-htr be . Cell° Heidie ..... doc;tor1olflce.FfT Good 54e-o489 • 848-2319 Ilk StOOO 140.5545,-8*17158. ll-9 -_, Robt. Sauter NH(CM 415-2731 prac:tlce In MIHlon Viejo Benefit•. Cetllornta LI· Secretary, ex per w/11 · ::~~!&t4 • new. · PM . a 4 o . 4 o 9 7 . .../8P/llUILT R.E, Broker 8d Rtlltor1 ArtL 830-3703 ctnH LllQUlla Hiii• .,.. bookkHplng, lull time MAYTAG WASHER & """' from BIChtlor apt 2t:S...3l·37&4 2524 H~ 81vd CM &42·2171 1145-0e1t ~ I 855.t104 w/benell11. CM aree DRYER. GOOD COND. Chalre $30·60 Relrlg. GulbrlnMr'I Orgen. Rl11to. P I lid cu-S""'-5494023 84~7770 WIOOW HAS 1$1 for TO' a .,.... hqlluf Fryer 842· t 183 1250 both. 553· 1482 I 150. Wall decor, bath ThMtre atyte, Modtl K, r me o ""'l'• no ....,- RE Loan• 10K Up No hmm S3U Part time. Fri., Sat., Sun llllfll room ruge. misc. wl externtl LMlll Tone P•~. no llv•·•board,, frNkl IHI Credit Check, No Pen-·······n··:;;;;;;······ 5:45 AM to 1.45 AM Call Sc:enty Panty now hiring llOlnllY AMANA REFRIGERATOR 133-048t Cabinet 648-ti98 50 + 1550/mo. PP .•••••••••••••••••••••• ally. Oennll9f' & A.Moc. ,._... 873·2040 before 2 PM. lor lalhlon lhowt, Exp'd Good general 01111· 22 c:u II, 1ldt•bt•lde, 3 month old SHly Siar· · 13 t·3871 or 875-2860. Toyota '78. AM IFM SI•· 1573.7311 Stop emoklng In 1 hrl Cloeed Mon and Tut• preferred. 549.5444, word proctHlng ellpe'. white, $175. 55:). 482 tight Ultra OuHn bed IUllEI llll llfTll Lower Newporl Bey reo 0111ttte. Small (Atk about gutranleet) MIYlll t••lfl CM rltnc• helpful. New Mull Mii quick, SMr1, 2 with frame. Ptld $4I&. Natural WOOd, 1325. SHpi 30-33tt. $811. eemper 1hell 12 t 75. 114' ltUI YIEll At10 appetite control & ..., Co1ta Meu office. yr old refrlg. w81 $400. Nit tor 1225. 545•8551 A •laall 1550·t8911 John Sidi tin 1S.24tt 17tt. 873-68111 •117ooo5K ~Imo•· .~nc·~ud·~~ ;~~.lm:::~~ntpui~~~ ~. ~r1J>~~·~~~~ :::~ •lllLI 62l·792t •a II 12 O o I O 8 o . New Queen sized Weter Olllt• l•1alt111 I Sw11 .. An ch 9.5.•·,-ee-E_J_C""•_m_t'""n-o,..P"".-u-. ,..,..~w 16% lnUll due 17 rnO;. •peaking&. leeching. ting pay. Call 537-2880. BODYBUILDERS S CRET 83t·888t Bed, lhHtt, bl1nk1t, Lid 11111 548-4501 eng, itereo& uphol, EllM sec. by rHI 811a1e 111• For tnformetlon call EHi-mi (OIYIL) ATHLET~:R~R SUR· E ARY 2 Relrlg'• $240 & 1300, heater, mattrn• pad & e ••"'•!f!!~! ••••••••• W1nted: Sllp, Newport 111 7• 649·3831 • come lrom national Call Jim Lites , •IR MaJorBrokertgtFlrml• w .. htr&dryer,l15tea. dre111r dttwert, FlllPlllF ,Bch,40'tt1wter. '79Luvplellup.20.000ml, compeny & pe11onel M.S.WPhone 673-5379 CMI engln-wtth IPIC· wentad by amateur pho-NIMlng en excellent ty· ToHter oven, Mr. Col-1400/080. 875-51599 FILE C'ABINET 1225 642-3050 good condition. AM/FM N 1 H Mii Cent lallzatlon In ttructurel tographtr lor phytlque plit with nood phone IH, blender, other •m '"73-5886 SLIPS AV.IL Cor-· ,.,_, c:a11., 14100 firm. guarentM of equtc:>ment wp ypn er dynemlce rltk anu· posing (no comm'l'uH ). p1uon1Mty"'10 ec;t H • appllanc11 C::ell An1wer Lloyd's Truly Snooty Fur· "' " ~-..,.. 499-4409/499 5595 ..... • $83,000 tek" It. FrM Con1u11111on. I can sment. R11eercl"I upe-12~SIO pr day. No t11p. 18111 Helatant 10 Bro· Ad ,705, 842·4300 24 n I t u r e . C en tu r y ltll 1117 Mer ArH. H ft. Call • !9';/1~4 O • 1 115 0 r lpnc10r~1c.uhc"'~·daol\'l•bts rlence In dynamic ene-n e c • • • • r Y Br• d kart Sant• Ane. Early hrt. , "Champell•" bedroom •••••••••••••••••••••• Linda 955·2473 wkde '7t9anGkMt.Clu't'tuc1k1,r"d1cu1el ~~d """"" ..,,..,.., l'fS" & probablllatk: me-2191597-2131 morning houre. Plelle set. 7 pc Dining Rm Sat. SlamlM mile kitten, PIK• 8-5 .,. Tru11 Deed tor sell, $55,,_8_15_._10_1_8 _____ ... lhodl or PhD required PAIT TUii m• ContiCIMrt Pratt. ... ITtYE Sii. Steeper/Sol•. 25' Aman• s .. 1 Point. 2 mo• old.1-.. --,,-,-,.-.-,-,---· w/c;ebov•r tad Ger. 000 •• 13%. Du• June "' iJ , ~ry $211.50~yo~· JANITORIAUlhop. ldt•l 1147..0tOI 2-4 PM 557·9752 •It 8PM R•:~Fre1ur. •ld•/:ld• 150. 140-3406 iii "" $4700/0t>O 831-8259 t983 Linde late. A«;entJy •• !f.!f?'!!~••••••••••• r~me to: · ' for retired or older per. Gattera & Setler gH dual ~ t 4 ~: 9 3 • 8 ~ 1 ; , Pit Bull P~. 8 wlct, fl· •••••••••••••••-'•••••• '&4 GMC PICKUP told lor $ t. 1 mllllon. J•k WutH 1011 Wesley, Structural Me-I d ' Iller 12tbs. mother 40lbl. M ft Itel v. ton, run• JIJnt. Follow• 2 trust deed••••••••••••••••••••••• Ch8lr~lcls1.A.~;.~~~ IOl\.l~Rs::'A~~~. Secllr1't•Rrnta1llpoy11lt1.l.on In :r:1ir1~':10 ~-:.~::, 493.1757, Kenny Mutt"'' $60. ~-87113 NEWPORT HARBOR. 11000/Qbo. 557-8964 totaling $1525,000. Wiii Youn" married man will ""' ·--....... • ...,..... ,,,.55 p od n.. HB $17" 4"4 2'""5 dltcount to 25% yield. do Qentr•I hendy WC)(k. 92880. '" 1 ue11on "'· active t:i•wport Ceotar "· • • u.. lat••• S.lt1 flEI aelttt Facllltl" lnc:ludt: head, V••• ISTO St111e 875-3215 Cell •"•• &. wktnds, Part·tlme '"'Phone 1011. Realtor 1 offiee. Front Single gl111 door, ga1, ••,•'••••••••••••••••• Gd. watchdog for anyone lhOwtr, Pklng, live· •••••••••••••••••••••• 972·9525. Hk tor 8111. Engll\Mflng c1tor1, work da.,., C.M. oltlce po1ltlon require• 1uto. over range oven, Cnl• #n• alone. Very hHbrokan. lboatds welcome. l800 All .... ,,.,.,, I 1---------1 Hrly + bonu1. cell Claire good telephone volc:t, Meglc Chef. new 185. •••••••••••••••••••••• 75t·t058, 549-0209 mo • 1,1 1 Hou11work dulred. MJCIAllCIL 5<40·15391 . typing. 11\orthand & llP· 494·2695 673-8540 ,..,,... I/ Newport/Cotta Men. PHrance. R .. 1 Htete IWIP llllT Great Dane puppln, re•· 17' Sllverllne, 140 hp, IO, Wit I l•u' EllftllEEIS Part or lull time work from uperlenc• helpful but Naar new 2 door rtfrlot-Every Sunday, lam-3pm. eontbly priced, mu1t Mii, ~M/FM call., tull ctn· •••••••••••••••••••••• Houri open. Rtlefenees • hOm• operetlng I typing not UMr'ltlal. Prater local rator, 16 cubic IMt I 175. Orange Coett .College. 548-9331 vea, Caulk In• trlr' wt All••unmt•ll flll :..~ ;!;'ou"t. Phone 0 Hf\llct, details, Mr'ld Mii rHldent. For lnltr'(lew 867·3939 Fairview & Arlington, lmll brltt. u .ooo 080. • •••••••••••••••••••••• • An range County ma-addr••••d 1tamped call Mr&. Duhl 11,_I Co1te Mesa. Adml811on 540-3042 SCRAM LETS nuleeturer i. lo<*lnQ for en\lllope Tack'man, 2 t·A w-·•-I y1..a..., 0. Jirrrln -free to buyer•. Seller Grey with white chHI •--------:-:~• • MASTER CARPENTER qualllltd Englneere. Wlntergr~. lrvtnt, CL _, • ,.. • ••• ,.................. ~•llonl/ Info. ano 1tomacn. long hair ... ,. ,,.,... "" seeka employment In TheM poettlonl require e 92714. Realtor• 64-'""9 IO GIRL'S to IPd 8ehwlnn, 55g..5880 Appro• e wke.. 960-9528 •••••'•••••""••••••••• ANSWERS are• cabinet shop. BS In ~~ or M.----------28", Ntlnt cond. 1100. F'rM to GOOD hOrne 887-0790 Mertln chenleal Engineering. Part time Seer"'ary, hOurt R1c1ptlonl~/Secrtlery. eso-0220 DRY STORAGE gc::. ~ Maturt, attracll"• Lady ~~11;::1 ~ :: ~ble~'.t~~ General office. typing, -80'f9--2-o·-,-blll-e-.-,-lk-,-n-....,-t O:U~~~ll~:~~:'. :;:: ~!.!rJ~~ Monthly boat 1torag1, IMPORTED =re:..~nou-:..C~,!,; enelytlt. alrcftll •true· Bo.x 1560, Coete Mela. =:: 8:;1~~~-$ 4 4 or b ~· At 1 • r r•o. camtrH, clothH, BHu. Hammond Organ eny ltze, 24 hr MCUt'lty, My friend llYM In a YfKY & 11~pr. tood rvep. Ex-turH and have good Ca. 92828-0580. Send T8L Mofnt. '42·1803 11:30pm 142 .. ml1c;. 3089 Molokll Pl. A·100. 8Ht otter, 143 lrM ltlUnchlng 1xetuelvt neighborhood. ptr. NB/CdM only. tecllnlcal writing alclllt. 8 reaume on typing a ehort Jr Qlrl•' Raleigh 319<1, 24" CM. (Harbor/Giiier) AYI. Vaquero. San Cte-llWPtllT .-S The local 11undromet $8/hr flexlblt 760-t358 buic: knowledge or op-hand lpeed & other of· lllllTAIY/u.t.le wht, blut, llkt new. 11711. HUGE' FAMILY SALE r::::~~PSat 11113, 10·5 1111 .... lay Ir II UMt IMPORTED Wiier. · · · tic• end lreneparenclt• flee 111.perleoce. an.p per90n MICled to &44-8989 Furn, book•. ctothH, --------:-:-,. 144-0llO •--I • ' .,_ •I• WutH 1111 Is hlQhty dtellabte •well Pert time high school or WOflt In faet p.ced N.8. misc. all kind•. DON'T lkl&f. lllli---------1 ~! ... :!.~14 ..... f.".":'! •0 '"•iii.iin11T•••••••• 11 fiuency In Spenl1h. college 11uden11 ntld«S comrn'I rtal Mtlt• omc.. I .1u 1-MtSSI 3238 Montena, ••••• •••••••••••••••• frut l•llM Cornpenutlon 11 In the to help _. home reed) Good opport. for per.on l_.f CM (ott Gleler) Fri & Sat t 9 8 2 S k I Neut I q u I •••••~•••••••••••u FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: M2-llll Conetn.ICtlon ~ low 20'• with llberet for~~ & holiday w/eaoet tYJ>1n9 end die-•lnllb llZS · ' "2001". Only 31 houla. helpful, tor new Co1ta fringe blntflta. Contect perty. Call ett tOAM, t~ MIMI and word •••••••••••••••••••••• lniM Alao heve a 1977 FOr• c..,.,., "1t I M ... ottlcl. '21·7021 the lollOWlng State Em-976-3731 proc111lng uper. COn· •••••••••••••••••••••• mule 110 20 tt ... llkl i.t f ployrnent Oltlce tor an t e c t T 1 r r I e a t .. 14t/ ... ft. Saturday Only, 1..e pm All N E w I C e 11 ( 7 1 4 ) •••••••••••••••••••••• ActMtl•• DlrtclOr, PIT, Interview: Plft·tlme Potltlonl. 7t4/e:J3.2900. R·11 flberglael btanlltt Item• priced lo Mii 21 842·2000 & uk for Jlfn. cabovw~t!: f:.::: :;,,•rtY°:~'. Good Monty. Mr. Mlk 1---....,---/IDt----1 lnlulltlon. Celt Nd! JICkton, lrvlne my, Jr. If out, plHH ~. corMr JICkL IJSO. 642· • Arny Ill 552-eeo7 Ananclat ln1111trnent nrm l'lt-tMI '--u• ltMA .....,_ mrnlOI' (714) 845-seN 111 Wttf 1• .. It. Phltbotomist lor medlcal f 0 r 1 ducat 0 r 1 . "A1k about Gu Co Re-""'·•••••••••••••••••• I. ti '-'• "" -------..,-,-,.• Meture couple 10 mt· PlllM call 633·5634 n n ... •--rM IOI •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ---------dept. MC'y. Xlnt typ. & -Moped, excellent c;ond ............ "" l•• • .,. •••.• , leb. Laguna Beach, Ptrronnet/communlcetlOI ~~~~b~ ... ~ .. ~~~I EST·TE· s•LE .'r.! •• !I ................. ,.tl•H ., ... "'~ nege t6 unit bldg, quiet PlaymltH Small world S/H r9Q'd, exec. teer•· Amerleetl Standlfd 1 pit-t Dey only Set NOY 13 I 1urcl11 rowing mech. saoo. Call Jim Loet: Irish 110., fem, mey -tilde location, expe. (211) 121-1412 549·3877. Pro chool tlllt.I ex.p. a mu1t. Nono-ct with tupply • com· AM lo 4PM. By appt. Only 1250. 675-9&47 968-0723 rlance prtlerred. Send T --'"-· '"--flt •• k p f d Call mode, white c;htna, ,_ Etegent fuml1hlng1, tr•· , be -erlng Teui tagi. '"um11 to Ad • t085, Equal Oppty Empt,.._ ........... ' """'"' 1' '"'0"' sm ' re erre ' $275. 494-2895 Oltionel & antique. Rere Skla, Rossignol 180 '· w/ Veepa ·100 Scooter, wind 2300 Mesa Df. E Senta Dally Piiot. P.O. Box _,_ ~l'."4'· Im.med em-_5_.53-09 __ 4_o_. _____ 1 8/ld dtllgner item• from Salomon 228-blndlngi, thr.td, ractc & ~e tile, Ane HI&. Much IOYld la· t580, Colle M•H. Ce. ExperlenCled Cooks n... ,...v, .. ~.. Servers. 5 yrt exper., New l1ro• breH outllde 5000 ICI ft. Laguna Bch. n•ver u"d $t75t080. lo ml. saoo. 875-4'33 mlty pet. BIG r-d. any 92&28-0560. ded tor dinner hou11. -R-e.l_n_G.,...u-1-ter-tn-,-, .. -..,-.-M-Ul-t between 3·5PM In Pl'· candelebra chandelier, home ,94.9373 Ron 644-3665 Into rm a ti on c a 111---------Night&. Day Shift• evail. hive own treni II you ron. Bot) Burne Rtltau-elegant, 'h wholeule · SCUBA p dbl 60 1 kt #1,.ltfCIH/ 546-19\8, 64().-4404 ArUlt Good Pay &. 8en1t1t1. 111 not eaper. & rlllal>lt rent 37 Falhton Island, t95 404-2895 I•---*,..,. S ro 811 · ,,_,.n II ~'OUT Apply be~ 2 · 8 PM. do nol bothtr to call. NB Apply In per.on. ..-.9r.;;•••••••••••••• 175· •••••••••••••••••••••• u..s ltW ...... M' s t VICTORIA c... ' "" AMERICAN LEGION 493-8t83 73 Honde 750. 811CC, Lo11 In Reuben• pklng ST~;~~. 0990 Dove St 642' 1242 Service Stetlon etten AM •••• I!!.'!............ RUMMAGE SALE Nov Mens' cultom Balley Mertell *Ironic Ignition, lot. Rewtrd. 759-0254 ITIST N. e. REAL ESTATE SALE· thltt, epply et 2500 San ns ..... , , 12, 13, 14, 9AM·7PM -•suit $t00. Sia lrg YOlhlmura ~. Ju•I LOii rhlnellont bar pin PUT n•E SMAN. Need 2 IXP•· Jo1quln Hiii• Rd .. Co-Compl•t• with Doubt• 215 151h St. & Selbo• 493-8t63 rtbullt, ldnt condttlon. • FAOT•Y TIAl•I rltnced people In com· rona dll Mar ~ Drive printer end Blvd. N.B. Baby Item•. $800 83t-2589 ~~.!~:<>::.::::: Te.,.,.,, All lhlft1 avaltablt. Ideal mardal & lndustrlll raal 10ft Wiii S3t-4720 hehld good1, gemu, Robert August 8 Ft. tO ,78 Yam-'"a SR 500, 1930 _:;-1• ,.-57 .. -04...., Ollrfs .. as weft for mature wom811 over """for• IUCX:CISlful &. Tefe!':1one Sales 1oot1, turn, TV & mite. Inch round pin 1ur1 ... ..., " '"' 30 89" H60 growlnn firm. Belt wor· pa•U11 •..., I• ••• l'IUI boer d . $ 150 O 80. orig m II••. $ 500. 5 houre dally. Mondey · ~ .. ., -,.,.. 11 -6"11-03 t8 Found Bracelet, vie So. thru Frldey. Afternoons IVERPAC CORP. king c:ondlllon1 In New· Duperately netd 20 •••••••••••••••••••••• #Jinll••H•I IOI 545-8558 ---------1 Cout Plaza Pt1klng lot preterred. Experience 5455 Production Of, HS Po r I 8 ••ch · people to work from our Free to iood home •• .. •••••••••••••••••• I I 70 KawaHkl too good by 8ullock1. Call to necesaery Stert Imme· Girt Frldey. typlnn. llnht 714/648-5051, S1nte Ana olflc:e taking Al1 redb•le1 I hlpherd d moc. 1-way tlokttd to1 Detro0tt ,.,.,.,, ~llHIHl,1_1: cond .. IUS or btSt offtr. Identity 841·9291 c • • Phone order• lor Fltmco ov1 • nee • room. Metro. goo t II 11/2 , 1 •~• 6415-9401 dlatety. ell Pereonnel. bookkeeping, order dMk llAl llTAR ll&.11 Proc:41ttlng No exp nee 497.,..985 Amer. Alrllnes, $too obo. •••••••••••••••••••••• -----..,.....---:=1 Found: Sm Cocker Spa· 842""321· Ext 2n ~-3927. Well toceted P1nln1ula wi train Student• an,. Free to...,..... home YOY"" 673-1291, 673-•252 Relrlgefs•'s°''· Nghtt, tr1 ... 1981 Yamaha SR 1155 CC nlel puppy, vie Brook· o•ILY PILOT Office hes open dllk for · ~ """"' .. ., zer. a 2 comp • nk, Strltl Bike. Mint' cond. hurll & Hemllton, H.B. • " HEALTH & NUTRITION aggrenlve lllH and moonllght•ra welcome. Germen Shlpnefd, good Brand new Guardlen cuh register & 1011 95mpg. $750. MS-0490 Robins' Van Conversions FUITUtlTW (with purch ... I ASK FOR OET AllSI NEW llAUIAITll VAii llUMltll IWOTY• lllMl&lf == '110IM .... (t20211) 111,- • .,. .. IRfll (087VUA) ..... 'l'I NtlEIWI (239052) ..... • .,, , •• OAMPll (82Mt9) ""' '11 F•I YU (Al8«145) 11111 Theodo(e Robins Ford 2080 Harl)or' 81\!d COSTA MESA IMJ ... 11 IMl-1111 9e2·7938 E 0 E Need 10 peoc>le to loM Gener Up to 1200 per w .. k. w/chlld'tn 548-979~ waltler, Miis for $90, wlll mo r •. 6 7 5 . 3 7 2 4 ; · · 11-28 lbs In November. :'r:i~.~ull. Pl~! C11t between t:OO & 8:30 F Ger S"-2 take $50 541-7011 549-02t2 '74 HONDA 750 4 Into 1. A•ln flulH ffM LOii Tiny whit• dog, YI<: ......... ·--er EnjOy counseling people. , pm 554.-0444. em men ,...,, 'f'I New blttery, llodc, tune ••••••••••••••••••••~ H•bor & San Otego Fwy, Unique Youth~;..... Appt. 552·0775. 9. tO, _R.E __ e_1_s._1_900_____ ell thott, lov11 kld1. RABBIT JACKET n. Wi• lllnt 1975, 54 ... 7879. WE PAY nr F1dco Rewaro. . .. 1..s -----T .. ......_ ... ..., Great watch dog, u 12. S8S t.: . , 557_....53 Service n .. d1 enthu-__,..,_., • ,........ r 493-4t38 850..()220 1 Jliti/. It.~ 1111 Yemaha, SR 250 G, t990 IP IOWI -Foun--d-:_F_em-.-Bm--P-1t_&11_1 ~,:~~~~1~:!~~ Hn°!!::~·~~~~!n·~0~!:: !;~~:r1.'~i =~ ~:~~ ~~~'5,~ut::.a f•tlll,.,. llSI SURPLUS JEEPS . CARS BEAuTiFu·L .. is~~·RCA ~xlt•r 1• Wind:~·~· T type dog. Nr. M .... Ir· p1r1onallty. plea1ant 11urant 251 E. Coe1t ding, light typing. So. Beech •••••••••••••••••••••• • BOATS, meny Mii for Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. L:::=:, =.e7N · FM 11111111 W'9 A"9. 545-95511 alter menners, good phone Hwy, NB. Up to S5 oo for CoHt Plaze erea. Call ---------* *' BtJY* * under $50. For Info cell $ t 48 F rea delivery. · IUI .... 5 voice and leglbll hand· llne cook. Apply In per· Mon, Wed & F'rl, 9·10, TILIPHIE IALEI t ·312·93t·t961 ot Open Sun. 'l• YA ... ITMI ---------• wtltlng. Clerlcel end 1on. 545·24315 aak tor Or. Wiii Tt1ln, EHy SalH. Good uted Furniture II. ?~39A. TV John'• 84&.17158 1500/obo. ee&.2149 ""111/mAlt F~~:~: l.~~~.o v~~m~~~ tupervlaory exporlence •II ILUlla Chou. l•O·SIO/day postlblt, Apptlan011-0R I wlll Mii llWI• lllGI Ml Senyo AM/FM N.-8 trad! • -i.11~ 2•~:TA~Eg'Ad . ...._, St CM Identity helpful . Av1llebl1 Re~eptlonl1t1Secr1tarw, working 15 hrlday. Call or,!;~y!:.-St-wlttl. ss'2·t'"t5 player. Locttlng fut lor-•IW , •-'I_._ ....... ., " · 3-10pm. M·F. 1235 per Cer' MMnu.I. Mature & " + ' 833·3752. -·--·-. .,...... v ward.DXloealSwltchlng. ,,_,~... I -- 645-8357 wee« wllln quellfltd. Call rnpontlble peraon ,_ 1 Y P • 5 o "' P m • =:':"':"::-:::-=-:::='.=.,.....,,-=-:::~ ... 1111 ••• -·1 ·-•-1 ••-Front 10 A.., Speaker ...... _...;mw••••••••• Mt.1a l I.oil: M Calleo cit, on 842-4321 Eat 3-46 frOM did. Top wegea. Cell $800/mo. + bonua. TEXAS REFINERY CORP. ---·-•--Fader. 140. 982•2113 Rent: 28' MOlOf home, --------- Nov. 5. Dana Pt area. 2·5pm E o E .i-an 4 pm. 648-2342 _5_5_7_·2_5_20_._____ need• meture pereon -11 ii1ftR'l-iiiiiiiiiiiTPii•iiH:--1450 552·18t5 att• 1 pm. 11p9 a, tully loaded. WI llY ,.,..74 ---------1 now In Orang• County ,._ '45-1818 (PIUI) l50 rewerd. Ml·..., lo1telltr tor Dllhwa1ller• RECEPTIONIST al L11 957..a133 Running •hoe:, 1~7ro· 21" ZENITH TV .... IAll Found targ• grey cat Auto Parts Driver and Weter HMten Ell· DESK CLERK tit m11 = :::'g~ ~~ -7.-... -,.,-btd--. -~-1-81-.-xtnt--~~·;,.r:~ a' 9"A 155: st2s tobo. ca11 Wkd'/9 Ao yet Holiday 1111-.. YllKI comptettly dectawed. L 0 c t ptf'd ont,. PT. poaalble 4tt-5394 Box 711, Ft Worth, r.. cond, wl h•• board • ... •. 30 ..... ,....,. .. G..._._ con11ln•d mini-motor erg• reno• 1,;oun Y 7~ -iiui'iiiiiiiiii• 7810t • S40-T05t -· . ..........,........ ..,.,. home, 197' Toyota, 23, ~·s=~ ~::· Votktwagtn dMlerttllp II _FT_.------llUI ......... i-tef, 1100. 979.9290 000 mt 18450/a-t ofr. looklng for embltlou1 ··-mMm a-TUYIL ••-e3t-31113 houel. C.M. 649-0563. perwon to IMrn the part• -----• Glril Bedroom &tt, wtttte, -=--::--:::"":'.".:~-::=~ h .. bUllnne. Outltl will In· Elltentlw model home Unique tady'1 clothlng Orange County Comm'I 3 pc•. Good cond. "oound: M, •d·8 11 hw 1d'"'a· elude •tocking parlt experfenc• required. 1 k ~I Sabre Agency. 2 years l200totter. 494~3807 og. v c. ua er ... ..; ...._ ___ do not ,........ ·~ • ore ••• ' ener • c; C II b t .. He .... 255t s>k*llP & ~ -..--......... , -~ lady wlflalr fOf f . exptr. a 'w .. n ., •NTIOUE C .... ,,.., (Wood) Adami, · bl 0"9t t8 ~.,.,·41<1 & ""you meet 11111 Quall-end/or modeling 111pr. end I PM. 71 ... 873·241' " 115. N;'utkal. Found ha.,.. a good drMng r• • llcatlon. PIUH eall helpful. ~ In per1on. •I Ol91U lfll F•m•I• Retriever Mix, pord. Apply In pereon: 78«1·3337 (9·5 M·F). • 49t-4771, Ale11ta Naturll Witt treln. D-A_1 tor ..:._ 75 t·8l 33 Bliek; Mala UlaM Apao, 'Jim Marino Voll1wegen, LAURA MERLO & AS· FHhlon•. 280 P:orHt ........... ·~ King Sia b«j .. Twin Brown & Wht•: F "t87tt 8'41ch Bl\ld HB. SOC. A¥e. Laguna IMch. tired mllltlry. Mature (In box 1prlng1, a Melt, ~+poo. Blk & Wht. · · 22912 El Pacllk:o Or. ege) lndtllldual for 1*11 Mutt 1111. 642-9008 NIWJ)ort Beach Anlmel Babysltt., for llr'llne 11• u.guna Hiii• People Wh<> need peof)le time work Wiii grow lftto ---------Shelt• 125 M-.. Drive werde11. CdM. 12·15 thoukl el'#a.,. Cfleck the lull/time Mutt be pre. Rittt ....w.t upho4 rc>dler. c M e44-3e58 ' ldyt pr mo. No wknd1. SELL Idle Item• with a Servtc:. Directory In the 11nt1bl1, 'bondabl• & '*Y comtorteble, 4 yr• ' . ~6 Dally Plot Clllllflecl Ad DAil Y PILOT pftytlcllfy ~. C11 Old. 170, Pti ... 2·tool • ""FHll fJ CARPENT£A (RNt8H) VIGard,. tH· 1315 for King ~ltlon ~I ····~·~·;;;··· St~~~ .. e$. Jll OPPORTtlflTIS 111 w':e~=~ FUii °'pen PHOTO MOOEL.S CLERICAL &. PHOHE IN UCOAT8/0AHCEM CONTACT P08fTION8, ourcAU 24 HRS 1neuranoe a phone con-Electronics I Comnuicatlons ..... , tac:t 111perlenot pr ... ,. red. '1111lbll '10Wr•. Call * VI01rd , 111·1311 ** (2;5pm) -----------· ........ .... Cocatall Pinon needed. °'r' ... ~=~ :tfnt.rr,~· 2~:r:: Jeauut~euna. LOCI.. 3t0t f c.e ~. OdM . .. ••II •• Tourllle. COMPUTEA TICHNI· eenkAlftlfleatd, AIMf· CIAN ·Verify.,._ oonft. ............ 06nera. Al .,... .,.. ............. ..eootM .,,.,..,.14433, klr". do celtlHetlOftt, tn2 H91lor II. CM qlty check, trou••• cotoe · Would t0¥9 to :o:'.I. 'Tint~ "~~ l*tY -~ Cell "" Ot ....... k•thy ·"~""''· (113) ~~ ....... u ' .• ..,,' ( 7 14) ;o,dlir':9,"C:::- 12M1• • Ct clrNtry. ~ ,_. Womllt I tMn, Nlell wlUI • .......... 0111 •17.fftl AA In eleottontour I "9 .,....."'........., .. ......... ..... ''""" ____ .....;...;.._ ......... -... ....... ... ... llM -... 1911' ,..... ....... -. ::.~".:-;.~ .... ............ ...,.,, ' ' I 2 t3" Tltel, '75'e, ""· Cllt Seem et 846· 7061 llU. New Air lrulll with ac- MllOf ... ~ uMd • COHHfll ( HtYROLfT ' '''1 )4b-1iu0 ... llYll Top dollare !or Sporta Cert, 8u91, Campert, 9t4'a, Aucfl'• Atk IOt U/C MOR --....... 117'1 .._.. BMI. HUNTIHOTON BEACH ..,.,. WllTDI L•tt model Toyot11, Volvo9, Ptcllupe I Vent. Cllua..._, Oran09!Coa1t DM.V "'1tlO"T/Thuraday, November 11, 1912 .-hi.JI/ IA'!t ... l.t Top Dolar Paid FOf Yow Clfl .......... u...l•·•rt"' 2tH HetbOf IJIY,, I Cotll M... &•0.6030 HIGHEST CASH lmml· dl•tely fOf your Yef\lcll, dom111to or foreign 551·8285 ATLAS CHRYS&.a-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Colla Mesa Tel 5-46-193' 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway off Her~ Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales. Service. Parts Service Dept. open Monday thru Fttday 7:30 A.M. to 5 30 P.M and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. O(l Saturday HACH l...oaTS 8'8 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel 752·0900. Clll us, we're the specialists for Alla Romeo, Peugeot, Saab & MaMtall. THEODORE IOllHS POaD Modern sales. service. parts. body, paint & tire depC1. Competlthle retes on lease & dally rwitats. 2080 Herbor &Nd .. Costa M .... 642·0010 Of 5'0-8211. . MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE BOXES • NIWPOH DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport Beach. Tel. 833· 1300. At the trlaN.11e of JamborM, MacArthur & Bristol beNnd Victoria Station. Sales. Service, Leaalng· & Parts. We make great dealt! • HAIHS CADIUAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel. 5'0-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sain. Service. Leu· }ng • SADDLllACI IMW /SWAIU 28'02 Marguer•I• Pkwy., Awty ~wy •1t W. offer whet no bank or lease COfnJHlny can 1 !:•pertly stiffed, moat modern service & Plf1• dept : 2 One of the Southa.nd • most experienced ..... & le•mg scalf. 3. l;.llmlnetjon of the middleman by '-'ng dNf8' dlfec:I 131·2040 Mission Vlefo 495-4941 • CHICK IVHSOH POllCHl-AUOl-YW •t5 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport Be.ch 873-0IOO. The only dNllflhlp 1n Orange County with theM """ great mak" under one r091! • ALAM MAGHOH POMTIAC.SUIAIU 2480 HarbOr Blvd . Coll• Meee Tet 54•4300 ...... ~oe. Leaaino Mr. Goodwrench" ....., • IOI LOHGNI ..otmAC 13600 Beach B lvd Wes1m1nS1er Tel 892-M51 Orange Co ... nty s oldest and laroe&t Pontiac dealarsh1p Safes. Ser111ce. Par1s • DICK MILUI flATILANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats (n South4Hn Cal1lotnle" (Loe.led 1 mte north of Soulh Coast Plaza near Main SI and Warner Ave In San1a Ana.) 120 w Warner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SAHT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E 17th StrMt. Santa Ana Tel 558·7811 Your Or1glna1 Dedicated Oetaun ONler • MllACUMAZDA We've moved! Our new locatlOn 11 1'25 Baker Slrfft, c:o.ta u.a. Ttl l •lr-3»4. Stop by & '<lftlt our modem anowroom end '" wtty we re the • t Ma.rd• dealer In Southern Cellforn1a Sal ... a.vice P1r11 and Leaa1ng COSTA MISA DATSUN , 2845 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Tel 5•0-6•10 Serving Orange County for 16 years I Mlle So. •05 • SUMSIT FORD, IMC. (Home of Willie the Whale~ 5'•0 Garden Grove B lvd • Westminster Tel 636-..010. • OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Oerden GrOY9 Blvd:, O•den Grove Tel. 530-9190. E•clualvely Volvo to co.,. all your Volvo reQulrementa. New•UMd•Salee•Leulng•Pwte•S«VlceeBody Shop F,...,ey cloee In the l'IMrt ol Orange County at Oerden Grewe Bllld & Brootthur9t. • COMH&L CMlftGUT 2121 Herbot atvd .. Coete MeM. Over 22 ,...... ~ Orenge County! Sal ... !Melng, MfVloe Ciu 141-1200; tpeelel perte tine, ~. ~ ltlop One; 7M-0400. . . 111111111 CIAIJ ClllT 110111- T HUHS[) A Y N l l V l MI II 11 1 1 I' HI.' , >H/\N<.t <.OlJN i y l Al It OHNIA I~ CE.N TS Newport financing firlns face .-eceiv~rship By S~E TRIPOU or-. .......... An Orange County Superior Court judge has ordered the American Home Mortgage Co. of Newport Beach , plus three related firms and the personal uaets of founder John Rinaldo, Into receivership. Judge Phlilip Petty said Wednesday he was Issuing the oriier because attorneys for the state Departmeni-of Corporatiops had convinc:ea 'h im that the approximately $60 mH\ion Invested In the firms by aboul 6,000 Individuals 1 hould be protected. Rinaldo and his companies can· avoid the order if they post a $20 Woman slain; son held By STEVE MARBLE oflM DeltJNotataft A 15-year-old Laguna Niguel youth was taken into custody early today on suspicion of murder after the body of his mother was found buried In the backyard of a L aguna Niguel home. • Nonnan Franklin, a student at Dana Hills High Sch ool, was arrested nearly eight hours after the body of N orma Alice Shoemaker. 40, was found in a shallow grave near a vegetable garden. The youth is being held a t Orange County Juvenile Hall. Investigators have not detailed a motive in the s lay ing. A knowledl(eable investigative source confirmed that Franklin was Shoemaker's son. Orange County Sheriff's Department Lt. Wyatt Hart said the body was unearthed late Wednesday ahemoon after the woman's husband, 6obert. contacted police to Inform them he'd found blood on their bed. The hus band originally contacted police Tuesday morning to file a missing peraons report and told officers he had not seen his wife since Monday morning when she left for work, Hart said. HG.Jidde fuvestigators arrived at the 25122 Monte Verde home Wednesday and reportedly noticed a mound of soft, loose dirt in the backyard resembling a gTave. Police said both the husband 1(stt NIGUEL, Page XS> . . million bond before the order takes effec:t at 8 a.m. Wednelday, however. An attorney for the group Indicated he will. appeal the order. The state has claimed that Rinaldo and the companies co- mingled funds In a way t)lat minimized returns. to investors and gave Rinaldo virtually free use of the money for personal i.nvestment. Department of Corporations Deputy Commissioner S teven Gourley, argui ng that· the financial empire should be placed in recelvershJp, said the state's investigation indicates that the companies are losing money but juggllng the 1011ea between · firms. "What we're dealing with is a constant rolUng over to prevf:nt any Inventors from caahlng In (on· their lnveatment1)," Gourley uid. But American Home Morigage attorney Howard Harrison aaid the investments were not In default, that retirement funds held by the compani~s are in federally Insured bank ~ta, that less than three percent of the money had Peen loaned to "affiliate" companies by American Home, and that the state had received complaints from just 45 investors -less than one percent of the total - Wha t's that white stuff? durlfli a 16-month lnvesllgaUon. Harrison acknowled1ed that some of those who have borrowe d Investors' money through American Home have defaulted on their loans, but he called the defaului a d rcwnatance of the current econornr and not "ttributable to R naldo's snanagement. · • State attorneys countered that Rinaldo has aJJowed investment In already bankrupt holdll)gs, extended Joan ma\Urity dates to deiinque nt borrower• and otherwise made It nearly Impossible for investors t o retrieve their fund• once invested. Petty, aaylng that receiverahip It's Orange County's lint look of the season al snow San Gabriel Mountains in a ·7 :30 a.m. picture today. a top the was· "bolh app roprlale and required by law In this malt.er," ordered receiver Danny Santucci of Newport Beach to take control of all the holdings In question next week unles1 Rinaldo and American Home produce the UO million bond. Though slate attorneys had argued that the bond should be at least $60 million to pfotect'the investors, Petty called the $20 milljon orde r "except iona11y aµbstantial" and appropriate in the case. . • Rinaldo and . officers of the • companies are, in the meantime, under a temporary restraining order limiting their ability to alter or remove company records Tyleiiol capsllles to be destroyed By JOEL C. DON or-. o.11r ,... ,..., LOS ANGELES -Johnson & Johnson announced today it intends to recall and destroy all Tylenol capsules and reintroduce the product In sptcially seaJed containers and packaging. James E. BUrke, chfilnnan of the New Brunswic.k, N.J.-bued company, told a press conference televised on c losed circuit nationwide that consumers will be offered free replacements for Tylenol they might have thrown away In ,the wake of the poison deaths of seven people In the Chicago area six weeks a110. Those capsules were laced with cyanide. He -said the new tamper- resistant product should be on store shelves In a few weeks. On Nov. 21, newspapers will carry advertisements· offering a $2.50 coupon toward the purchue of any Tylenol product. In addition, people can call a toll-free number to receive i nformatio n on replaci ng diacarded Tylenol. The number is 1-800-232-2222. The coat of the r ecall, destruction and replacement of the products could exceed $100 million and Burke emphasized that the cost would be absorbed by the company. "It won't come out of the hjde of the consumer," he said , In reference to the cost of the replacement. program. He noted that Tylenol tablets,. which were not affected by the poisoninp. will remain iILStores. Eventually, he 1'l9ted au over- the-counter medications will be (See TYLENOL, Pqe A%) or initiate major tran.actlon1. Should the r ecelverahip take effect next week, that order will take the fonn of an lnjunctlon accompanying It. · Attorneys for both aides aald lhey w e r e un1ure whe ther Rinaldo and the companies could ralae the bond money. Harri8on, who called the bond a m ount ••unu1ua lly high," Indicated that he w,ould appe~, arguing ~hat Petty's order ahoUld be overturned or, if that falls, that the bond.should be reduced. T he appeal is expected to be heard before next Wednesday's deadline. Council to • miss hearing By STEVE MITCHELL oflhe DeltJ Nolateft Orange County ofCicials will consider an Irvine Company proposal Tuesday that would aee up to 3,600 dwe lling units constructed in Laguna Beach's bac kyard , but city council members won't be at the hearing. It 1eems the countyl s Environmental Management Agency scheduled the meeting the same night as Laguna's regular council meeting, and d ty officials did not find out about the EMA hearing until they saw l ega l noti c~s In a local newspaper. The county meeting, acheduJed from 7 to 10 p.m. In the HaJJ of Administration In Santa Ana, is to help the county determine topics to be cover ed in an environmental impact report on th e Irvin e Co mpany 's deveJopment proposal. Laguna's bi-weekly council meeting begins at 6 p.m. that night and City Manager Ken .Frank said EMA officials intend to go ahead with \heir hearing. "I can only 8Sllume they didn't know the ir meeting would coincide w ith our council meeting.'' Frank laid. However, he said a city official will represent Laguna at the EMA hearing, and reiterate the city's concerns about the Irvine Company project. Luxury hotel envisioned for NewpQrtCenter When the company submitted revised plans for the 2,150-acre project to the county earlier this year, Laguna Beach counc:.11 members almoet simultaneoualy submitted their concerns about the development plan. The compan y proposes building up to 3,600 dwelling units on the pa.n.-el along Laguna Canyon Road between the San ~~ Free~ay and El Toro By STEVE MARBLE "' ... ..,.., ......... The Irvine Compa n y , unsuccessful last year in e.UUng citywide support for expanding Newport Center, unveiled plans today for a luxury hotel at the Newport Beach shopping and professional center. The request to construct a · 325-room hotel comes less than a year after the Irvine Company abandoned plans for a $126 million expansion of the center in the wake of a citizen referendum campaign. That expansion plan called for office buildings and a hotel. The building r equest also comes on the heels of a fierce city election In Newport that fc:>c:U9ed ----llDEI- Soggy sands at • Edward• Air Force Bate will not we leome Columbia home. Page ~ 7. A8 A8 C6-8 B2 Dl.03-6 m 02 A8 83-4 B2 82 83·4 ce Al . ca,m.a Cl -4 B2 C'I • BM ~ largely on how quickly the city should continue to grow. The Irvine Company lllid the. hotel, if approved. would be constructed on a five-acre parcel near the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. complex and would be operated by Fo ur Seaaons Hotels, a Toronto-baled firm. Public hearings on t he r eq u e1ted 'en eral plan amendm~t wall be held n~t spring. Four Seasons, which owns the Pierre in New York Oty. Four Seuona Clift in San Frand8co, and Olympic in Seattle, h.u not rele~ architectural plans for the proposed hotel but Aid It would not be a convention Rlellarcl Nixon al thll 19'3 photo. I' ' faclllty and would be built in a "garden-like" setting. The hotel would be own ed jointly by the Irvine Company and the Canadian firm. The hotel chain was the firm that was to operate the hotel the Irvine Company requested last year. Four Seasons reportedly spent recent months repack.aging the hotel plan and lobbying local elecied leaders. Another c hunk o f \he Unlucceaful plan to expand the circular center al90 is resurfacing. The Marriott Ho\e l Corp .. which OWN a 377-room hotel [n Newport Center, Is s ee king permiaslon to build a l2-atory addlUon to its facllltles with 234 new hotel rooms. The expansion project, to be reviewed by city planning commissioners next Thursday. wouJd make the Marriott the largest hotel along the Orange Coaat with 611 rooms. The Marriott abo tasted defeat last y ear when the I rvine Company's expansion plans went up In smoke. At the time. the Marriott's own building plans were tied to the Irvine Company project. The Marriott reflled its planl earlier this year. Thtr fact that the two hotel projects are surfacing a week after the city elections has not been overlooked b y those monitoring local government. On last week's elec:tion ballot was fet another referendum- threatened development -the Banning Ranch project. Voters, by a comfortable margin , e ndor sed the d evelo pme nt project and turned back the referendum. Jean Watt, of Stop Polluting Our Newport, said the election result does not mean smooth sailing for developers or an end to dtiz.en referendums as a tool for dumping d evelopment projects. But Carol South, president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of c.ommerce. said she interprets the election result as a "vote of confidence" for a city council that has been charting a pro-growth c:.•01.u-.e. The units, ranging from custom homes adjacent to an 18-hole golf course to affordable units, would encompass about a third of the acreage. The plan calls for phased dedication of 1,151 acres aa public open 1p11ce, Including ridgelinee and hillsides facing the canyOI\ road and in Laurel Can~on. A l~-acre golf courae, when added to the public open .. apace, would amount to about 16 l percent of the project area 81 open space. (See MEETINGS, Pase Al) Brezhnev era ends with death at 7 5 BJ STEVEN R. eva,T ... 11111111 .......... M OSCOW -Leonid I. Brezhnev, who ruled the Sovi~t Union for 18 1ean. purauetl detente with the We1t and railed hla country to nuclear parity with the United Sta'8, hu died. Rew• 7&. ~ dllCI Wednaday at UO a.na. (M~ tilM), but the official announcement wH wi\bheld unUl 11 a .m. totlay whU• mueuverln& for • MICCftMf· "M11n behlnd the 6wer111w. Ra .. u. or , ... KrmaUft. leaderahip includln1 former KGB chief Yuri V. Andropov an d lon1-t1me Brezhnev as1o c late Ko n 1tantln Chernenko, the two men molt often iouted u Ukely ~ l#i U * Orange Coat DAILV PILOT/Thurlday, N'ovember 11, 1912 -1r1111-. ------ 'Irvine patriotic parade set Dec. 4 BY GLENN SCOT!' or ... Dellr,......., Irvine'• Americana quotient wlll rise another degree in December when the city Is graced with Its first full-fledged holiday' parade. • • The Dec. 4 parade la the third apon.sored by the Irvine Kiwanis Club a1nce the city was formed a decade ago. But this will be the f.lrst Incorporating all the trimmings of a tradjtlonal holiday parade. New this year will be the marching bands. I The Kiwanis parades in 1980 d1'Nl '81 were staged on July 4th when achool was out and student musicians were vacationing. ,,Although the parades offered t !-heir· share of excitement, they • missed the oom-pah-pah that ,,..,.~anizers sought. So they shifted the event to an early Saturday in December when marching band eeason is still in swing and the holiday sp!!'lt is in the air. ~lnll• Hands from the city's three ., 1 n ,high achoola -University, Irvine 1,:,., ,a n d W o o d b r i d g e -a r e ,<i scheduled to march in the parade as well as one from Tustin's Foothill High School, the El Toro t:~ Marine Corps Band and a few t.•t 1 junior h(gh groups. 111 !J o;v., They will be among the 54 0, ·::entries with more than 1,035 ""' :people signed up to ·pass along the one-mile parade route in the rh'1 eastbound lanes of Al ton .. , ~·Parkway. The parade will begin ;; :,at 11 a.m. from West Yale Loop. Parade Chairman Dick l:-011,Hermesch said his club members l•.. • thope to make the parade through ... t,Woodbridge an annual event in ,,d • Irvine. U they succeed, they will ,,d give their city a parade to rival other ooastal traditions. L• At a press briefing Wednesday, .. ,., Hennesch s8id l~ organizations. 'l<.I• 'still can enter the parade, which' 11 .. ,· •• haa a theme thla year of "Salute to Youth.'' Entries do not need to be professional acts, but should be mor~ than a group of children walking beneath a b,anner, he noted~ Current entries include clowna. antique cars and novelty groups, he said. "Our (eelL--.g ll an entry has to be entertaining," he explained. "But we'd like as much local participation aa pouible.'' Interested people can contact him about entriet11 at 552-4551 , Trophies \lo.ill be awarded ln 12 major divisions. Special judges will review equet1trian teams and the marching bands. However. Hermesch said local bands will vie for ratings rather than against each other, at \heir request. • The Kiwanis Club expects to spend more than $2,000 on the parade, aside from volunteer labor. It hopes to recoup much of its expenses by offering a pancake breakfast beginning at 8 a .m . on parade day at Woodbridge High School. The city government, meanwhile, also is donating about $2,500 In services and salaries fo1• police and public works personnel. So far, club members have not announced their grand manhal for this year's event but they say It will be "someone of interest to children and students" to flt the theme. The sponsoring club originally wanted to stage the parade on Barranca Parkway, the main thoroughfare in Woodbridge. , Members agreed to shift it to Alton. which is less traveled but alto less developed, at the request of men::hants Crom ~oodbridge Plaza Center. Appreciative men::hants have since volunteered to help acquire bleachers and have weeds c ut along Alton. Ruben Bohorquez -·----Clltl 11• • Bull to survive Mesa bullfight By JODI CADENHEAD OflMDellr ......... W i n e imponer Ruben Bohorquez fla1hed his moat Irresistible arplle, adjusted hi• Clery red beret and tat down to di1cuaa what haa become hla favorite suQject: the bullfight scheduled Saturday and Sunday al the Orange County fairgrounds. BulHlghts? In Cost.a Mesa? Ql)ho"l'!ez admits that the idea might seem strange to many Americans whose image of bullfighting is etched flnnly in the old Hollywood stereotypes that depicted the fights aa a strange mixture of gore and romanticism. · Missing from the old films was the religious, cultural' and ethnic roots of bullfighting, said Bohorquez, who has been organizing the events in the United States since 1979. This wlll be the first time Bohorquez has brought 1he bulls to Orange County. "Bullfi,hting is a cuitural spectacle,' he said. "They are held on religious holidays to coincide with days off. It's a way to entertain .crowds." The Old California Spanish Fiesta Days and Bullfights this weekend will also include a rodeo, flamenco dancing, a horse exhibit and Spanish food. The "bloodless" Bullfights will begin at 4 p.m. each day. By not killing the bull the event remains legal in the United State11, Bohorquez said. The banderillas, a spear used to anger the animal, will be attached with glue. ln Spain and Mexico a bullfight ends W'ith the dramatic death of the bull by a sword. In t~ weekend's fights, the mataaor instead will symbolically place his hand on the bull's hindquarter. Hunting is far more inhumane, said Bohorquez, a self confessed animal lover who claims to have never shot an animal and owns eight cats. "Thia la no mor~ danaeroua 1port than • motorcyde ra<.-e or a rodeo," he uld. "ln all the1e eventa there'• a chance aomeone might be hurt," That chance turned to tragedy several years -so when a youna matador dropped hi• cape and wound up being the waet ot a charsing bull. He suffered a broken shoulder and a sprained neck, Bohorquez recalled. "All you have between you and an at'ddent la the cape," said Bohorquez. Like all animals, bulls are colorblind. The magenta cape is used strictly fQr audience appeal. The bull ia excited by the movement of the cape and not its color. · "People don't ge to a bullfight to aee blood and an anLmal killed,'' Bohorquez aaid. "The only reaeon the animal is killed is because next time he would learn to charge the man and not the cape.'' , All of the bulls used in the United States exhibitions are from Mexico jllld are kept on a ranch in Rivenide. Following the fight they are either returned to pasture or slaughtered. Even If it were poesible to kill the bull in this country,, Bohorquez said it would be pointless because its meaning would go largely misunderstood. "In the United States it would lose a lot of its serious aspects and its sense of history," Bohorquez said. "There's no place here that has a sense of histol")' that you would find in Spain and Mexico.'' True bullfight aficionados appreciate the art and the spectacle of the performance and place little importance on the killing of the bull, he said. "Bullfighting depicts everything that is honorable in a man," he said. "It's theater and entertainment. But it's real because the man's life is in danger." -Tylentil ~apsules will ·he destroyed hy manufacturer From Page A.1 i:equired to be similarly packaged in tamper-resistant containers according to new federal Food and· Drug Adminis tration 'l<Jl regulations. :1d • The' new Tylenol capsules will 11. i be packaged in specially marked un 1 boxes with . glued flaps. Also, a bn1 plastic seal will cover the cap and ~nf'.neck of the b ottles and an inner-foil seal over the mouth of -·"· the product would have to be 1tl 1 proken in order to gain access. l•ait. Burke explained, however, thllt there's no way to make a -. product tamper-proof and FDA officials agree with that assessment. "As a company we hav~ made the unequivocal commitment to rebuild thls business under the Tylenol name," he said. "It will be a long time before the full impact of this senseless crime can be properly assessed," he added. "It has introduced us to a new form of terrorism and 'brought the potential for new fears and concerns close to our homes.!' The press conference was held in a New York hotel and broadcast via closed-circuit television to 30 cities thro~hout the nation. Reporters in Los Angeles, Chicago. Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. were able to ask questions through a two- way audjo hookup. From Sept. 29 to Oct. 1, seven people. including a 12-year-old girl and three members of one . family, di~ soon after taking cyanide -laced Extra-Strength Tylenol capsules. Fo11owing the Cloµ.dy outlook 'Teniperatures. NATION Coastal Partly cloudy wJth a 1llght 1;han1;e of ehowart Saturday. eleerlnO &inday and lnereulng do&ldl Mondey. CoeetM.,.. ... heft hlCIN from the upper eoe to the mid 70.. ~ .. be In ... 409 and 50•. MOl.lntatn rt•«HI ~ In Iha 50e w\th lowe In tha ~it • ancf 30s. Albany Al~qua MdtOfaee Atlanta Atlantic City Balllfnote 8lnnlngham 8oiea Boston Buffalo Bur1lngton Cllar1ot1a,H .C. " U.S. summary E fl"l ~ ,,. neevy storm that battered ~ 1-J' SoutNm Ca1i1otn1a lllO\l9d. _. Columbla.S C. and dropped rain ,,._ tha o-t =~Worth ~ Wltly today, wNle rllln ....,. acfOlt Iha Mid-I and ~= patU of the SOuthaael. ....... Shower• and• few O..MoihM thllfldefetlOW9re llngered over Detroit pane of Catlfornla whlle rain Duluth 1;ontln11ed ai;roH the lowar El PMC> eleolaWOna of New Mexico and Falrt>anll• Mione. Snow kept fallng on Iha Flagetaft mountain• of Nevada and H8ftford Callfornla to tha Colorado and .. onoUll ..... MeJcloo Aocki.. Houlton Aaln •etched from tN cantr.. lndla11apoll1 · Higfl Ptalnt --~ and Jedllorl,Mlt&. 90UtMrn ....,,.._ lo nortllam ~ !lillaeourl and eouthttn Iowa. --SfloMrt lllao ... ,,._ Otctehome ~ City end ,_ LM veoaa A few rain "'°'"'• 9Pflnlcled Utlte Aoctl the 1outt1 Alltnllo 00.C, rllln NII Loa AnoalM over 01110, and drl11le WH ~ repGfl9cl °"' _..,._ Mlcl\lgefl . ., Mtmllhle DenH too wae forming In Miami aouthern rcJahO and aHttrn ........ ~ MPl-81.Peul Rain waa foreceat for later NIW ~ ~ frGnl .. _,.,.. Pla6nt to New Yortl Ille ..-car.. Laka. end anow OtdtflOftll City -........ from Iha Colorado Omehe ....... to .. "°"""" ........ ()fllndo ...... """*'*"-... ~ ,......... '"""llOl1f •• ,_ "'°9nlll ........................ to .. PltlllMgll Mkl Ml11t111pp1 9.eMy. levef• PortlMd.Me. .... ...,.,_ ......... frOfft Portland.Ort nortll·Ceftlfll 111cl norflleHt ~ TMll ..-~ lllCI ~ ""'° ~ to IOlltlWn and -*91 Slit Llk• ---· lnow -for-• tot ten AntOnlo .. &A .... • 49 24 91 a. .oe 29 17 72 45 59 41 83 45 73 40 43 2S 55 34 44 29 49 29 70 43 37 22 .01 48 40 .81 10 42 49 42 .01 74 M 57 41 78 85 SM FranelKo &4 41 Selittle 39 27 .08 St. LCMl!a 64 52 .01 SP<*-43 40 .37, Syrecwe 34 32 18 Top911a n 91 14 09 18 ~::r 40 33 47 w-on 55 29 -~ .... 85 7'4 Wlmlla 78 8~ • •4 78 37 72 45 37 34 .71 72 82 ... 30 .12 73 55 67 6e 1.48 71 39 74 61 71 74 ... 40 ... 37 36 t.22 1• ... ee • 71 80 11 41 .oe 81 82 M 42 71 57 .01 53 41 51 27 51 36 71 •1 H QC> .f:t 61 34 71 .. .. 57 ., 50 •1 .32 49 32 &4 51 40 29 •s 23 72 80 70 51 75 80 17 •e 73 52 ,.. GI....... ..,, °"'° luMr Ill*-• e11pect9cl ----~-----------....,;--.,..... .. _.., CllM COl9t to ,.... .................... tie ....... • ..i '"''" ....... IMfOt• ell"" ..... fNMtfllt~.N."., .. ,. ..... ,.. 9111111?· "'· lllf llPllT . ' San Frincttco 50 411 .22 Sall Jott 48 41 .36 Sant• Ana 65 61 .71 Santa Barbera 58 42 .55 Sante Monica 84 50 ·" Stoct!tl>fl .. M .3t T anoe Valley 35 09 "ANAM Actpult;O 13 73 Berbadoe 88 11 Bermuda 72 .. curaceo 88 80 Fteac><>tt 81 .. Ol•edel•,.,• 91 42 Ouedtbipa .. 70 H.,,..,. 71 72 Klnpton .. 78 Mor!t900 Bl)' 14 70 Multlln IO .. Martde .. 70 Melllco City 75 17 Mofltener 71 11 .._, 12 70 .............. IO 16 T,.._. .. 71 ..,.,_,. .. .. TltW • .. deaths. Johnson & Johnson. a tainted with cyanide. federal law enforcement officials division of McNeil Consumer JohNJOn & Johnson reportedly still has not turned up an arrest Products Co .. removed the was once a leading producer of from thousands of leads and product from store shelves and the acetaminophen-based pain several dozen suspects. asked consumers to return reliever. Before the Tylenol And the Tylenol killings have unused bottles. scare, the company commanded spurred nearly 300 "copycat" Authorities have found eight 37 percent of the $1.2 billion ! n c id en ts involving the bottles containing cyanide, six of market for analgesics. That tampering of food or drug them purchased by poisoning figure slid to about 7 percent by products with f h emicals, victims. the beginning of this month. insecticides, needles, pins, rar.or Two other bottles were Tylenol, according to reports, _ blades and other harmful discovered through chemical accounted for more than $400 substances. The fears of testing of products returned to million of the company's $5.4 poisoning cast a dark cloud over the manufacturer. More than 8 billion in sales In 1981. this year's Halloween which saw million capsules were tested and A massive investigation relatively few trick-or-treaters as ~less::=_t:..:.h::a:..:.n:.......:.7..:.5~w..::e;:.re=-.;C;:o:..:u:;.n:.:d:......:to::....:be;.=.... __ la_u_n_c_h_e_d_b_y'--l-o_c_a_l :...• _s_ta_t_e_•_n....;d_~;.;;;...;_n_,ts;-deci-...'_d..;:..;ced to play it safe. A ' S P. E C I A L S)H 0 WI NG ~11rmtY1 Rt>ek,~ell by Uadro Slaviak'I Jewelen wirb s,.a;.J peat O.vid Groaman invih» p>U to 1ttcmd our uclu1iH 1bowin1 of the new Norman Roon.u Collection ,,, Uadto. I .. r Or1noe Coatt DAILY PILOT/Tnurtday, November 11, 1982 * Al ,_11:11111 -------------- WORLD I Poles free Walesa ami d new strikes WARSAW. PQland (AP) - P e l a nd 's martial law authorities have ordered the release from internment of Solidarity leader Lech Walesa who has been held since martial law begain Dec. 13, aovernment spokesman Jerzy Urban said today. The news coincided with the announcement of the death of Soviet leader Leorud I. Brezhnev in Moscow and ca me 24 hours after nationwide strikes called by the Solidarity underground in Poland were qlunted effectively.' · Urban had indicated Wednesday that because the work stoppages were minor, the martial law ~gime might go ahead with plans to Tift military rule by the end of the year. ·E x plos ion r ips T yr e notiClcation of relatives. I r ' Orange Coun ty'~ old courthouse sch eduled • for rehabilitation with the hir ing of arch itectura l fi rm & (or the S:"l million project . Delt~ PlloJ llluetflttton by 119'1 ,_,_ . TYRE, Lebanon (AP) - An explosion devas~ted the Israeli military government building in this southern Lebanese city today, killing 15 A rabs and some Israeli soldiers, Israeli officers said. Israel radio said 40 Israeli soldiers were wounded. Israel radio said wounded lsraelis had been flown to hospitals in Israel, and a constant stream of helicopters roared in and out of 'T'vre evacuating casualties. · Courthouse rest.oration advances The Israelis refused to say how many of their own men wer e killed . p ending NATION Three L eban ese rescue workers 'returning to Sidon, north of Tyre. said 60 people were killed, and tha t most appeared to be Israeli soldiers. Kin visit m e morial WASHINGTON (AP) -In their silent search of black granite walls for familiar names, the kin and friends of those who died in Vietnam are conducting their own people 's ceremon y on this Veterans Day. (Photo Page D2). At Arlington National Cemetery. Defense Secretary c,.aspar Weinberger was speaking after the traditional wreath-laying. honoring Raymond Weeks. credi\ed with the \il,a of changing Armistice Day. which observed the end of hostilities in World War I, into a holiday honoring all American veterans. But ·veterans of the Vietnam War and relatives (lf those killed or missing there are not waiting for Saturday's. ceremony dedicating the new monument. By JEFF ADLER Oft!M o.a~ Hot •••ff Arc hitectural firms from Newport Beach and Irvine have been selected by Orange ~unty super.visor s to design and e ngin eer th e planned rehabilitation of the old county courthouse In Santa Ana. Morris Lohrbach Architects of Irv ine and Rolly Pulask i & Partners of Newport Beach plan to collaborate on the $3 million project to upgrade the turn-of- the-cen tury red sand stone building located at the corner of San ta Ana Bo ulevard and Broadway. Supervisors also instructed county officials to prepare papers to lease a portion of the building ·to the state for use as a n ew division of the 4th District Court of Appeal and to trans fer the building's title to the Orange County Harbors, Beaches and Parks District. Title to the old rourthowie now is h eld by the Civic Center Authority,•whic h used the building as security for a $22.2 million bond issue in 1967. Wednesday's action by the board would Initiate the process by whic h t h e t itle will be transferred back to county government. Supervisor Roger Stanton said state lease o f s pace in the building will bring the harbors, \ beaches and parks dlstr'ict between $170,000 and $200,000 annually. The rehabilitation project will bring the aging building up to current fire and earthquaJ<e safety standards. Construction is expected to begin before Dec. 31, 1983. ' Except as a backdrop in several recent movie productions, the old courthouse has been unused for Brown n ;imes judges Two municipal court judges were elevated to the s uperior court bench and a municipal court vacancy filled Wedn~ay in action by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. , Nortll Orange County "Municipal Court judges James AlfonsQ, 52. and James Franks II. 42, were named to the superior court bench. the governor's press office said. They will earn $63.- 267 annually. Press aides also announced that Stephe n Stewart, 48, of Newport Beach. was appointed to a vacancy at Harbor Municipal Court. Newport Beach. Stewart will earn $57,776 annually. several years. But the building served as the seat of county governmel1t and housed most county offices in addition to the courts well into this centurv. The board approved the $3 million project last July, spurred by. legislation then pending in Sacramento w hich would have allowed the state to take title to the building if the county did not proceed with the restoration, The a ppeals court br anch slated for the courthouse was approved by the Legislature in 1981. Attorneys have long insisted that the four-justice division of the appeals court was needed in Orange County because of the region's growth as one of the state:s legal centers. Besides the court, portions of the 30,000-sq11are-foot structure will be leased to other groups, such as the County Historical Commission. And at the White House, President Reagan was In a spontaneous ritua l, they look for names, 57,939 of them who did not come home. School si eg e ends BURKE. Va. (AP) -A distraught high school dropout who held up io nine hostages for 21 hours in a s c h o o 1 b u i I d I n"g h e r e surrendered peacefully this morning, Fairfax County police said. Braddock Secondary School.'' Police Chief Carroll Buracker said at midmorning. "The individual gave himself up peacefully." 1rvi1e--. ---=--~~------~~~~~ Garcia resigns Ponderosa Homes pos.t "W e are pleased to announce an e nd to t he hostage situation at Lake STATE The 18-year-old. identified by police as James Stevens, a former student, took nine hostages Wednesday while looking for his estranged girlfriend . D e Lorean ca se .bail cut coca me. The president of Irvine-based Ponderosa Homes ~ne of the largest homebuilding firms in the state. resigned Wednesday. Details of J oh n Garcia's resignation were not made public thLS morning as he met with top executives in meetings at the company headquarters at 2082 Business Centet Drive, Irvine. One colleague, h owever, said Garcia plans to follow a pattern set by former presidents Mike Toohey and Jim Peters by venturing into business on his own. Garcia has been president of Po nderosa for four years. Industry officials--said this morning that the resignation came as a surprise, ~ul they played down economic tadors. "They've gone through sor_ne turmoil just a s every homebuilding fJnn has," noted l;'hillp Bettancourt, e xecutive director of the Orange County Chapier of the Building lndustry Aaoclation. Bettancourt said Ponderosa has "certainly been a newsmaker in the community'' under Garcia's leadership, pot only by producing top-of-the-line housing but by participating in community activities and charitable events. A subsidiary of Aetna Life and Casualty Co ..• Ponderosa was ranked second in saJes volume in a survey taken earlier this year of Southern California homebuilding firms. Its sales volume was $86.2 million in 1981. The "Blue Book of Major Homebuilders" estimated the firm built 1,130 homes last ~ear throughout the state. The firm employs about 400 people and h as offices in Santa Clara and lrvine. Patrick Coleman dead Among its recent projects are Park Paseo and Windstream in Irvine's Northwood Village and Los Tesoros in Orange. Garcia's resignation is the latest in a series of surp.jse A Mass of. the .Kesurrection will be offered ionlght in Los Angeles for Patrick Coleman of lrvine, a well-known trial lawyer and former Los Angeles County Superior Court Commissioner. Coleman. 55, died Nov. 5 aft.er a long illness. He had lived in Irvine the past four /years. announcements to come 'from ilhe He is s u rvivo'd by twin county's major homebuiJdlng daughters. Mary Patricia and companies. Among others ~re Anne Dorothy, and former .wife Peter Kremer's resignation from Dorothy Coleman, all of lrvine. . presidency of the Irvine The Mass will begin at 7:30 aC' Company and a decision b y Our Mother of Good Counsel Broadmoor Homes to withdraw Church. Crom Orange County. : LOS0 ANGELES (AP)-A federal judge reduced by half the bail for William Morgan Hetrick , a co-defendant with automaker John De Lorean in an alleged $24 million cocaine deal. but Hetrick's attorney said his client still couldn't post it. Hetrick and Arringto n were arrested Oct. 18, one day before De Lorean's an-est at a h ot e l ~ear L os An ge les lnternational Airport. De Lorean. who the government says hoped to bail out his failing sports car company with drug profits, was freed Oct. 29 after posting $250,000 in cash and the balance of his $10 million Brezhnev era ends lVith death at 75 ~ ' • ' ~ From Page A 1 treaty with President Richard M. Nixon. Hetrick, 50, was indicted on federal charges of consplring with De Lorean and Stephen Lee Arrington , 24. to distribute 220 pounds of bail in property. ' President Reagan , offer ir.g condolences upon the death of Brezhnev. said today the United Stat.es wants "tQ work toward an improved relationship with thE Soviet Union." Injure d actress 'optimistic' LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ac tress Eileen Brennan underwent four houra o f reconstructive surgery to cepalr facial fractures she suffered when she was hit by a car Oct. 27 on, a darkened Venice street, a hospital s po k.e .• w o m ~ n s a I d . .Brennan, 48, was "very alert and aware" and in good conrut.ion after the operation Wednesday at Danie l Free.,.an Marina Hospital, spokeswoman Christie Plank said. ..She feels optimistic." Doctors alao rern«Wed a splln t and corrected bone placement tn her left leg. In a letter to Vasilly Vasllyevlch Kuznetsov, first deputy c hairman o f the presidium o f the Suprem£· Soviet. Reagan called Brezhnev "on e of the w orld '1 m ost important figures for nearly twc decades." He also asked Kuznetsov to convey his sympathies to the Brezhnev family. In a separate s ta t em e nt, de puty White House press What do you hke about the Daily Pilot? What dol\'l you hke? Cal' the number at left and your message will be recorded, tranteribed and delivered to the appropriate editQr. ' 1'he same 24-hour answenn1 aervlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. MaUboii...contributors must Include their name and 1elephonf' nul'f\W forf'e •• Phon. No drcuhrtton calls. please. • .. . Tell us what's on your mind . ORANGE COAST llllJPllat Themea , . Haley rlibl"'* Giid Clllef E «<vi.,. Otltc., Jene Amari 0l ay1Mntl M.d.an EAKlll••• [dolot '°""*' L K8J Schutts Vicel'r...-. Giid Dweetot ol ~·IMIQ Kenneth N. 0 1••1 4 Ii. Ouw>t ol ~ CtH alftM ............ n4*2·1171 AH olMf dapertMenta M MU1 MAIN OPPICa .......... c ....... c .. ............... , ........ , ... C..,n,M .. 0....., C .... ,.._ .... ~ . ........................ , ........... ,IMIW.,. ........ _.. .............. , ... •11• .... 1119Clel '9f"'ltll•o .. C'""9M- secre tary Larry Speakes said that the United States would send a high-level delegation to represent the ·united States at memorial ceremonies in Moscow. The official T$SS news agency to take advantage ot said today that the president and party secretary-general had died a "sudden death." No cause of death was given ln the official obituary although Brezhnev has been ailinl( for a ·manuracturer's---........, ~rror fn overshippingl • • • ~ years and there were reportll he suffered from heart troublf, a, stroke and cancer. ~ Brezhnev led the Soviet Uriion longer than any man exc pt. Stalin. llllll lllall----------..... ~ ...... ""'!"""--~~~---------------'..._ __ .._ ______ ~---------o'_an_cae __ c_ou __ •_o_A1_Lv __ P1_Lo_r_1r_h_u_r~-•.r •• N_o_v~em-ber....,_11~.-1te~2-•_..,~,,.... NIGUEL SLAYING ... Festival of Arts seats hew hoard Nearly 100 La1una Beach Festival of Arts members braved wet w e ath e r to see thre e incumbent board member• re- elected and two long-tim e volunteers honored. Festival board preaident Anne Chase waa returned for a fourth' term, and board members Philip Freeman and Jack Kemp wlll begin their second, three-year terms on the panel. Presente d w ith life tim e membe rships wer e pionee r Pa.geant o f the Maste r s participants Margo Goddard and Ed Hobart. ' Goddard posed in the first . "living pictures" production In 193;i in a sculpt ure called "The ~rs.'' She was the first nude model who ever posed In the half· century production, in which famoua worka of art ar~ r~· created ualna live modela. She poeed aa the ~ flaure in the lirat Paseant o f the Mastera two yeare later. and conti n ued her volunteer "•still-life" repreaentatlona for . many years. Hobart, a former La1un£ Beach lifeguard and polloe ofCicer, represented a sculpture In "A Moment's Rest" during the first Pageant of the Mastera performance. A year later he po9ed as "The Blackamhh's Helper·," and continued a8 a Pageant volunteer • fnto the 1970s. · ' In the 1950s. he helped with 'the Don and Ivy Wilson Puppet Show on the festival grounds, working the lights, sound and stage effects, and, on occasion, ,pulling a few puppet strings. 'Baldwin. ORC.ANS l1ftl PIANOS · .~..:::, s1oo5oo Drnticaly Reduced to-~ Long-time Pageant of the Masten vol~nteen Margo Goddard and Ed Hobart wete presenlea: ~ith iil~time m e mberships to the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts . a t annual m eeting. " Off• lnited to lrdldts Bench _ Frtt Deh•J Pianos & Orin Sta On ~· 1Mt1 Oct, 31, 1912 ORGAN AND PIANO CENTER SW!S SS . s N M 217 E. 17th ST. COSTA MESA 645-2471 ti!:.~ Sr: '};JI"'~ ~/90~" . 6-10 6-10 511)-10 4·10 "A _ ~ ~~·· -:./ \ Rassa . . . / l The soft sun "-----~ cork wedge sandal for comfort with style. • -•L.1tjli~ l!!=~---------11~1 SHOES ............ .. 99 FASHION ISLAN D ... 759·9551 . . ................ , .. . CAL-MART TRAVEL SERVICE __ SALE ENDS 'TOMORROW 7"" . CARVED DETAIL SHEIHAM WOOD ACCESSORIES From lndla Naturally ruddy brown shesham wood In new designs and uses. TOWEL RACK 5" dla. rings 4• wide x 12• long 3.99 MIRROR VASE STANDS -Withstand 4• sq. 1.17 7" long 5• sq. .; 1.57 !5'11 • wide e· sq. 2.17 4·91 ti EAT RESISTANT CLEAR GLASS JENNA TEAPOT • ACCESSORIES From East Germany JENNA TEAPOT Famous and beautlful pot la complete with Inner glass stralner/lnfuaer. 5" tall 32 O"f-18.88 WARMER WITH METAL TRAY & VOTIVE CANDLE HOLDER 5y,• dla.x3V." tall 8.51 CHOCOLATE ADVENT CALENDARS FromWeat Germany • Each little "window" has a chocolate treat to help count the days 'tll Christmas .• 2.6 oz. Chocolate 10· )( 131/1" • 1.84. each FROM OUR SPARKLING • CHRISTMAS SECTION EARTHENWARE fi'.~l!I~~ · "CANDLE HOUSE · · · From Taiwan Colorful house lets the candlellght show through the open doors and windows. Assorted Designs ----- .. From Page A1 and lM l&·yur~ld IOI\ were at the hOUlt when the arave wu dilcoYerwd bu& choee not co watoh u kiv•tl1atort, armed wl&h a March warrant, du1 ln\O the ~. hart 11ld th~ woman wae buried about three feet deep w1d wu wrapped ln a ahee\. He said she had been ahot once wlth a amall-callbel' weapon In the upper tono. Police aaid nel th er the hueband nor the son remained at the house Wednesday evenina while investlsaton searched the home for evidence. ,. Hart aald th• youth w .. arrHted after evide nce waa dlacovered lmpllcatlna ¥• 15-year-old. He would not 1-Y what that ~ WM. Nel1hbon, who e~~aed ahock 9YM the killing, ~ Shoemaker u a friendly, rwat woman who wu active in Fourth of July actlvltlea in ll h• nelshborhood and ralaed vesetabie. and rabtMta. ' One neJVibor Mid the couple had lived there about three ytfars ~that the arret1ted yQ\lth WU Che woman's son from a previbua maniap. IJ MEETINGS CONFLICT ... ·~ From ~age A.1 But Laguna council memben submitted a list of concerns about thepropoul two months ago, and a city repretientatlve will be on hand at Tue.day's EMA meeting to review thoee comems. The c ounc il wants t h e envirol\menl8] report to evaluate the effecta of trafflc on exiating r oadways; flood con~r ol measures· the effect on the view TRAY 10· dla. 2.88 NUTCRACKER !51/i" long 3" deep 2.81 lj I I of motorist.I on the canyon ra.d. and whether the public would have acceu to lhe open lands. They able> wanl to see a ~t­ reven ue analyaia of public servi~, grading impac~, and altemallves that would include J1 less intenaive development. The Hall of AdminiatratJoni ii located at 10 Civic Center Plaza in Santa Ana. •, "' IJ NATURAL WOOD STEMWARE HOLDER RACK OR TRAY From Taiwan Handy rack to attach to underside CLOllONNE BANGLES From China Oellcarely multk:olored and delightfully detailed bracelets In a1..,..--.. .... of closet shelf or use as a t•ay. Holda·approx. 12 glaasea. WI'.~~· 10· x 17• ):, ' .. • ....... -.) 4 99 :' \ :.:.-_J ·-• \.:;:::1 r-::. l:O'fi:IS ~lS· 4 ilfZE&-~._.,. 4 • dla. x 2• deep to av.· dla.x3" deep 3.79 to 8.99 CANISTERS All 4 'I•• dla. 5.99 5· tall spartdlng assortment. 2~· dla. 7.77 each HANDlOOMED COTTON CHECK TABLECLOTHS From India 3Y1 • dla. 9.49 e· tall Y, • checks and stripes are Interwoven to form gingham like patterns. E'Aach alze come In basic &ones of Red, Green, Orange, Chocolate or Gold. 4" dJa. 12.99 Rolling Board a· x !5" Utensils Approx. 7 V1 • long HANDCRAn IAIKETRY BAMBOO POTATO !5" long x 3V1 • wide 1.49s.1 ~*AIR FARE SALE! • ' SAYE NOW! "DEEP DISCOUNT AOUNO-TAIP PRICES". Lk>e ANGIL.El AEO. COACH Ol!EP otSCOUNT 'NflA TO FAM F,.E Anw1lo 341.00 ... lelUiliOi9 111.00 ..... .. ,, • ....,. 7IO.OO .... ......... 111.00 ...... ~ M0.00 .... Detroit 711.00 --II..... 571.00 --Madleon 411.00 ...... N9w OftMne •.oo __. Otcl9MfM City m .oo ,.. Omft 471.00 --Ol'telldo 7IO.OO 171.9 ,...., City, 8.0. 110.00 --• ...,.,., M0.00 ... T°'8d0 •. 00 -· T°"911• 904.00 -- SAVINO& , ·= ----FLY ! LAT£R ---· ... --.,. . .,, . =-•Lower f .. ~If.,.......,.. befof9 Da 8 llber 11. CAL·MART TRAVEL ERYICE (714)957·2590 , ... ~-:.~- • "PACKAGING" From lndoneala Wonderful containers for glfta, treaaurea and potatoeal PALM GADGET FINE WOVEN BAMBOO I llZll 2• deep .79 6'h • dla. e• dla. e• dla. x 4'h" tall to 10'h • dta. >< 1· tall a• tall •• tall 1.41 1.• 1.71to a.-. NATURAL GA WAUtUT l'INllH llNTWOOD DINING CMAIM l'rom Aomenla Hendeome hetd· wood °"'" have netural W0"9fl a.fie ...... NATURAL RAMIN WOOD lftEAKl'AIT IN HD TUY From Hong Kong Natural wood alata rorm a hllndy folding tray. I Yt" tall 13• )( 22· IOUD lllCHWOOO 8UTCHIR ILOCK DINING TAM.I l'rom Vugoelavta Natural beeohWOOd Wtttl I llght oil flnllt\ II petfecttr crafted Into • contemponwy c .... lc. Orange Coeet DAILV PILOT/Thurlday, November 11. 1982 * "9.JC NOTICC rtalC NOTIC( NllC NOllct MLIC NOTICl "9.lC NOTICl YOU AM• _.AULT UMDlfl A YOU •-. DlrAUL.T •-•A CM! ll11f .... , .... ---Tll'I I"'• -----:~or DllD or UUIT DATID r.W°'l' uutt.JATio NOTICIOP""'9TIH'IAUI -=JFIJ--,._ TO -oif"~ e:t'=\':cL"#:lt , ••• ~or'~o ..... TO '"o'•'°"oT T.I .... '"" DIOLj ~ OCMITY ....... YOUll ••o~. IT MA y .. !it= -"o=.'.: IT ... " .. NOvto1l!Mf ~4. \112 •I , , 00 • n1 009m0NI Ml't'WT10MI ,.. cwi:_~~· .... ML.DATA U&.L•YOU ATA 11AU •v011 flA8T AMt! .. ICAN Tl'tll 1 YOU A!l'f' , .. Dfl'll.UlT UNDUI ........... 01 ... ... MIDUMAftOMCWlttl IDANIXPLAMAT'ICM .. OPTMI INll)RANCI COMPANY • THAtC(RlAINC>lClAlllATIONO, ..... AMOP1 MATURI °' '"' "90C:llDINQ NATUfll °' '"' PflOCllDINQ Ctiotoin1• '01r,01•llOn, •• frutl ... COVINANYS, CONDITION• ANO NTrTIOM"i ICYONO 10' CHOI AOAINIT 'tOUw:.t" IHOUl.D AOAINIT YOU YOU IHOUl.D 1 t~C•tW tUllff or Subtlllullcl 1111HIKHIONS OATE.:0 JANUARY flllPONDINTI YOUNG IHll( CONTACT A I.A CONTACT A l.AWYtll l lutl ... of 111•1 C•ll•ln Dffd of H . 1tu. 0' 1 Hl BAY8HOAE8 .... CHOI NOT'ICI OP TllUeTU .. IA"8 NOTtCI ~ T9Ulnt'I IALI liutl •HCuleO by fllatemeh M HOMf.OWNIAS AllOCIAllON IUllllllNlt ,,._y LAW) T.I. .... -r T ...... -AIOI. en unmaui.d WOMl ll, and UNlUI YOU fAl(I! ACTION TO CAii NO. ··-1 NOTICI II 1-tEM.IY OIV(H. 11\11 NOTICl ii HEMBY OIVIN, 11\et ttcO!ded 89'1~Mf t I, 1978 at PlllOTICT YOUR P"OPl!RlY, IT NOTtCll Y.v Miff ........... . on Weclne9dey, Ho¥wllb9f 24 tff2. on Weotlelclay NcMnlW 14 1911 IMININl\t No M55 111 IOQ6I \3304, MAY H IOlO A.TA Puel.IC IAll!. T-.-' _, _... ...... ,.., ••• 00 o·Clloc:k Liii of MIO Oay. In •• 8 00 o·dodi. m Of Mid dey, ~ ,.,. , .... 01uc1•1 AaCQldt or ,, vou NUO AN l>IPl.ANATION ....... ,_ ....._. ....,., ~ Ille room ... U1C1e tor cioncluelll'Q Ille toom Mt Midi '.Of c~lll'IQ Oranga County C:•lllQ•lll•, •110 O I' HI I! NA TV A f OF TH l r::,......, _....II.,.,_. - TNIM'• ...... wlll'llrl Ille otflcee of Tl\lllM'• a ..... wtlhlrl the~ Of ~· lo ·~· C.flaln Notk:4t of PROCH.DINO AOll.INIT YOU. YOU ......... ., ~. ~Al EST A TE 8ECUAITll!8 Ai Al EITATI! llOURITlll Del.ult 1n.re11nO•• recOfdad July IHOUlO CO..TAC:T A 1,AWVl!R "you will\ to ..... Iha adViCe ol RVICI!. lc>eated I I 2020 NOttll HAVICE located at 2020 No•lll l3, 1012 .. 111 l11t1r1i111anl No On WaOM•d•Y· NQVM\.,., 17. •n 111orney In Ihle Miiier, you oactwey. IUll• 206, In tile City of ''~'Y" lull• 2oe. In the City of H ·U Oaoa. 1n 1001>. Of OlllGlll IHI, •• 10.0Q • Ill Qr I• eoon "'°"lo do IO ptomptly IO lhat VQUf lent• Ana, County Qf OtMge, Sl•I• Sant• An•. COunly Of Orange, 81•1t A«lorOt of MIO County, will Ul\def IMrNfter .. mty ti. tMaOft•bll ••• reeponat Of pieadlng, II ltly, 11\IY be OI C1lt1ornl•. REAi. E8TATI! Qf Callforn11, Rl!Al ESlATE anoput'"!ll'lllQlllClo.ciolTru.t fl\a 11ont 1t~t QI tllt IMPIRIAL ~Ofltlme. llCV'"llH SERVICE •• Clllfornla SECURlfll!S 8ERlllCI! •• C•lllornla NII II public lilct~ IOf CMI\, 1•~1 IANI< I UIL.OINQ, ... TOWll c.nw Av I. 0 I u.'."' h. •I ill. corporation, H duty appointed corpQr1tlon. H ou1y appQfn\tO moMy 01 the U~lltO 8ttl•• 01 Drive, In the City of CQJll M-1 illtffta114il14ll1. II trllll11111al 'tltill• Tr\llt.a under and PllflUanl to tile TruatM undtt and put1uan1 to the Amatica, • calllla< • ctt.ck PtYaiH count y of 01allg•. 8t•t• or _..., OOAlt• Ud. 11111111dl1nttl • po-ot H I• conferred In that power ot ••'• contarrad In lh1t to Uld lru•t" dr•wn Oii • tltt• °' C a11101nla , ~h• IAY81't0REI Ml...a .,e Ud. ,......... ....,. °"1aln Oaad of Trull tlllCUltd by l*111n 0..0 of ltull tltlCUled by n•tlonal baotk. 1 •tatt Qt lt<S.,el COMMUNlt'Y ASSOCIATION (the 4ta II .... LM le t11'-MMloll 4W JUDITH c . PETERSEN, whQ THOMA S J LANPHIER and cradll union, Of. altlt Qr fa4trll "A11ocl1Uon''I. thro11g11 '"duly ....... ~ea lltlt U Jucly C. PatarMn. MARGARET l . l ANPHIEA. llVlngt end loan IUOC:llllOn lpC>Olntld aoant and •tlotnty, lEE ll Uflt<S CIUH IOllCltlr ti ~a.cl leptamo.r 29. tHO, In hutban<I and wife. aa )olnl 11nan11, Oomlc;iled '" thll •1•1•• •t tht 1111111 H. DURST. WhoM '~"' addr ... conMIO de un •bog1do an "'• 8oo11 1S7'3 ot Offlc:lal Record• of r-dld Fabtulf)I t7, t882, In tile an tr i nc• 10 '"11 Ame•lct.11 TUia 1nd telephone number la al\Own a 111 n I o. d • b • r f • h • c • r Io ••ICS County, at page 1518, olflca of lh• County Recorder of ~-"''-Flt 5compe1rrv,~tadof•s' 1!4 below, Will Sfll AT fl UBl.IC: ~lfttntntt, de Mia m..,.,t, Alco«Mt'• INlnirnenl No 400t0, ••Id County, .. Racord••'• ...,II th trMI, n he ... ty an. AUCTION TO TH( HIGHEST au raepWtl• ateflla, ti hay algunl. by,_ Of a bfMcll Of def""! In lntlfumenl No '2·064156, by Ana, CaHfornla, Ill that tight. tltll BIDDER FOR CASH {pay1blt al PlllCM Mt 1tg1tlrad1 a tlampQ. payme nt °' pe1101manc• o l lht raaeon of a brHch Of defaull lh ano lntt(atl cOIWl)'ld to ano now ume QI .... 1n lawful mciney of the t 'YO THE Rl!lflONDENT. Tiii ot1lle.a t1on1 11c:1tr•d thereby, payment or parto rmanc• 91 th• '*4 by 11 undlf Hid DMCI of Truet United Sl•tH I pu11u1n1 to Ille petlllone1 11 .. filed • petition tnctuqlno lhat 1>11-.Ch or default. obllg1t111n1 11c:ured thtreby, in tlle prQP•tly •lluatao In ~aid po-of ula c:Qnfe1110 In that conc.rnlng your ,.,.,,1aga If you fllil Notloa of wnlctl wu ~Oed July Including that brHch Of def1u11, C<>Vnty end St1I• deecrlbed .. oertlln Dlcl•t•llon of Cowntnta, to "'-1 1awonM wllhln 30 d1y1 of 30, 1112. • Aecor<Mr'• lnltNrMllt Nc>tlce ol wtllc!tl wu rao<;>ra.lcl Ju~ Lot 3 01 TIKI No. 79" aa per CondltfQ(ll •nd R•1t1lctton1 (t.tlt the d•tt Ill•• this 1ummon1 II Ho. 12·215047, Will SELL AT 22, \882 ••• Racotdllf'I lnllrvrnant MIP flCO(d•d In eCIOIC 3i&. Paget. ·•cc&R'•"I •• racorO•O In l oolt Mfwd on )'OU. your dtfl<Jlt may bl J'Vll.IC AUCTION TO THE No. 12-254340, Will SELL AT IQ 11 lnCIUllV• 01 MllC:tllaneou• 8978 P9gll 575 ti MCI lnc:lutlve ant"ad Ind Iha COUfl m•y antar. ~GHEST BIDD~R FOR CASH. PU~LIC ~UCTION TO THE MIPI In lht offic: ..... lhl County' Offk:ill Recorcll ot--Oran0e County'. Judg,mant CQnlllnlng lnjunctl¥t Of lawful moflty of the lt/llted S1alM. HIGHEST' BIDDER FOR CASH, AtcOf!Ser 01 eaJd county. Cllllornle and Without c~t Of oth« order• concerning dlllltlon ol OI • ceetllar't cflKlt drawn on a lawful money of 11141 Unit.CS StatM. , Er.C491 •11 c>ll, Oii ilghtt, mlnwata. w•rranty. uprau or lmpllad. prQperty, •pouHI •upport, cNld 1111• or national bank, a 1ta11 or or a c:aaNllf'• chick on 1 11111 Of i'nlnar•I right•, n•tural ~. rlgl'lll. regudlng tltla, poUHllOn or c:u~tody, chlld IUl)<>eOrl, auorney tedaf1ll etldlt union, Of a tlllt Of n•llon•I benk, a tt•t• or 11<11111 and otlltl llydrQcarbQt\t by enc:umt>ranc:ta, Ill that cenlln rHI ..... COlll, llnO tueh other rallat u Mderal Mvlnell and loan euociatfon credit unlOn. Of 1 11111 0t lldlral What~Wf nlml known Thlt may proptrly 11tU1tld In thl County cit mey be g1anllcl by file couf'1, The Ootntclfed In i'lil111a11, all payable al uvlnge and lo•n a11ocla1ton b• within °1 u11oar Hid la nd, 011ngt. Slat• of Celltornla., g1rnl1hman1. ol wagea. taking of the lime of NII, 111 right. tJ111 11nO domiciled In thll llata, all payeble at tooethlf Wtlh the perpetual right 01 detcllbld u fQllowa· mc>ney Of ptopeny, or Qther court "'1wM1 netc1 by It, .. l rullM, In the 11~ of ..... all rloflt, 11111 and dillllng, mlnlnfi, oplQrln9, •nd Unit 80 of Tra ct 7338 •• IUthorllad p1oc:ee<11nge m1y also that rMl PfQ91ftY alluate In aald lnl"••I held by 11. H Tru11 ... In Ol>ltMfng lhllf• Of· and llOflng In contaiMCI In 8QOlt 28'. Paget 1 to r_,,., CQUnfy and State. dHc:rlb•O H that rHI proplflY situate In aald I/Id iamovtng the..,,.. from salCI 15 lnc:luaf\le. of ~ Mapa Dated October 27. 1962 fotlowa; County and Stat•. described 11 land or any 01'* IM<l. includ•ng tile In the Oltlol•I Record• of O••f'IOI NMcr Gflftt, Daputr lot 5 Of l1acl 5005 .. pat mep fotfOWI right IO wfllC>aloc:k or d1t1CtiOt1tlfY County Clllfoanrnll Lew °"'°" If y T LM .,_dad In Bodi 183, Pages 17 to PARCEL 1. lot 80 ot Tract No. drlM Ind mine fiom lllldt other than The '111Ht 10d1et1 and other 710 W. 1tltl iL 11 of Mlaceffaneou1 Map1. In the 10348, In Iha City of lrlllne. County lh<>H harelnabova dnc:ilbld, ~I Of common ""6gna11on, 11 any, Of tht c .. ta MaN. CA 9127 office of the County Recorder ol of 0tanoe. Stitt ol Calll0tn1e. u QN wall•, tunnel• and 1111111 nto, real property deec:1lbed above la (714) Mf-eMO Seid County. per map recorded In Book 474, thiough 0• ec:rou tlia aubaulface 01 purpQ1l1d to ba 17681 Btllltny Publl1h1d Orange COHI D•ll Ttla atrHI 1ddrH1 or other Page• t6 through 18, Mlaee11111eou1 lh• lend heralnabov•. daacilbed, lane, Huntington IMeh. Callfomla; Piiot, Oct. 28, Nov .. 4. 1 I. 18, 188 common dHlgnatlon Of the rHI Maps, In tha office Qf the Courtly and 10 t>ouom •uefl Whopttockad or further VM1lng to aald raat property 4748-82 propatty haralnabove delc:rlbed II Recordet QI tald County. dlrect1011ally drilled we111, lunnete 11 In th9 name of RICKY D. JAMES •. ------------- putported to be: 3108 Taft Way, E • c: •Pt I II o 11 • g • • • n d and •h•fll under •nd benMlh ,bf • lllngta man Ml.IC NOTICE Coata Meal. CallfornlL hydrocarbon 1ubt1anc:et and other beyOnd the ••laflor llmll• theteof. Th• und.trllOf\•d T1u1te1 1------------Tll• 11nder1lgn1d hereby mineral righll, withoul ~.the •nd 10 radrlll, retunnal\ equip. dl1c1elm• 1ny ffabltlty to1 eny F1CTtTIOUS .., ... ,, dltcla lmt all llablllly for any rlQhl 10 ll'llllf the 1urfact ol Mid m11n1ain, rapelr, deepen and lnc0tractnM1 of the etrMt addr-NAMI ITATl•NT lncon'.ctlllet In Mid 1trM1 addrass lal>O down 10 • Olltance of 500 feet operate any IUCh -11• °' minet. end othe1 common dHlgn•tlon The following per10t11 are doing "'Olhlt common Oeeignatton. from th• aurtaca lharaof, u without. hOWeve<, the right to dnn. lion "any,.,_'**"· buliMM u : Seid Mia Wfll bl mede wlthOut r-4vad In lhe Died .-deO Mey mine, 1t0ta. explOfl 1nd operate ~ ... Wiii.,. mact. to aatlsfy EYE CATCHER. 2485 Irvine watranly, .. pru1 or 1mpltad, 23. t9IO.ln~ t38tS,p1191 t57, throughtlleturlaceortheu~500 t~ obllg•tlon HCurad by, and Avenue, No 4, CQatl M•n. CA r99ardlng 1111•. poneulon. or Ottlc:lal Rac:ordl 1111 of Ille aubaurlace Of 18 land, pur1u1nt to the power of ula 92627. encumbr•ncu, to ullsly the PARCEL 2 E11emanll H Hl as r...ved In 11141 dMO rlCO<"ded COl\fefred In Alt.Ida I ot the aDo"9 RICHARD JOSEPH KASPER prlnclpaf balance of lh• Note Of forth In Iha Sacllons entltlad February 28, 1874 In BOOll llOS4, rafarenc:ed CC&R'a; and purauant JR .. 2485 lrvln• Avenue. No 4, Qtl\ef obllgallon aecured by H id "Cettaln e1semen11 '°' Ownar1", P• 1169 of offK:lal record• to Ar11cie 1. See ot the CC&R'• the Coall ~. CA 92827 o.ed of Trull, with lntar11t and "Support, Salllement and The llllet •ddran or other Nolloe of A-I and Claim of LINDA JANE ROLFSON. 2485 Qlher turns •• provided therein: Encroachmenl" ano "Common common dulgnatlon °1 said Lian wH racorOeO agalnll tha Irvine Avenue, No 4, Coeta M .... plu1 advanc:", 11 •ny, under th• Orlvewey Easamant" of the Artk:le propttt~ 1• purpoltld to be 3571 •bova duc;rlbad real prop-CA 82827. ..,_ tNrtol and lnt«•t on 1UGh •nllllad "Euement•" oLtll• Nutmeg, lrYIM, Callf0tnli. arty fQ r nonpayment Qf du11 Thie butlnelt It condueteo by• advanc:ee. and plwa IMI, char11414 Dec laratlon ol CQvan1nu, Seid 1111 will be m•d• wllh1>ut 1nd 11H11men11 on Merch 18, gene<al P•rt,,.,thlp. and lllpentM of 11141 Trullee enc:t Qf Cond1llon1 end Real1tc:tlon1 c:ovenant or ••rrenty. expr~as or 1982, lnttrumant No. 82-094265 In Richard J. KUPI< Jr. the ttuall eraetad by said Oead ol deecrlbed In "SUBJECT TO·" below Implied, •• 10 lllla, ~on or the Offlel•I R1cord1 of 011n111 Thll 11a1-1 we• flled with Ille lrull. Tha ,total •mount of Hid (the "Oec:lar1tlon"I ancuml>fancM to aatl•fy the unpaid County Cllllomla' and further tlll County Cleflt of Orenge County on obtlg1tlon. lnc:ludlng taasonebly PARCEL 3. e.~ts u tuell bale11c• on the not• Qr notH NQtloe 'ot Oll•u1t' and Elac:ttan to October 7. t882 Htlmaled teu. chargu and ~11 ata partlc:ullt1)' Mt forth eecurlcl by aald OMd of Trust. to SIM ef*:tlnQ Mid rMI ptoperlywu F1W114 ~of the TruttM, •I the ti~ In lhl Ar11Cle entitled "EaMrnll'lt•" with $31.08• 81, ptua the lollOWlng rec:otded "'-3 1982 In ll'IClutlw Publith•d Oreng• COHI Daily of lnttlel pubtlcetlon of this Notlel, is of the 0ec1arallon of Cownanla. Hllmatad coat•. eapel\HI and a1 ~t NO. l:t-11ii157 In ttMi Piiot. Oct :21. 21. Nov 4, 11, 1982 133,809.2& Co11dltlQnt •nO Rutrlctlona adVlllClt 11 Iha time of the initlll Otfldal Aaccwdl of <>r-. COUnty 4M7-82 Dated! Nowmb9f 2. 1882 Oatcrlbed In ··suBJECT TO:" below pubtlcetJOn of IN• Nollc9 of Sala. Cehfomla • 1=:;;;.. _________ _ REAL ESTATE . (Ille Mui« C>actarahon"I under tl)9 SS.4.508 72 Tiii total ltnOUt'll of the Ul1j)ald "8.IC NOTIC£ SECURITIES SERVICE. Mellon Section heading• In IUdl NOTICE TO "'°"fn'V OWNPI 1>11..-of the obllg1tlon Mc:Uted 1------------P'ta.IC NOTICE • Celltomia e0tpot1tlon. Moc:le ant.tied .. tOltowa· "Owner• ~C:-n:.~~~'?'i1':"J by th• p1o~r1y 10 be SQld ano F~:A~I K-G2174 .. Tlu•t... Right• and Duties· "UtHlli.I .no 1971 UNL.111 YOU TAICE ACTIOM rauo11•bl• ut1m1t1d C:Olll. T1141 followllVI --ton• -d"""' ................ C""'-T,..,. By. (SEAL) O. J. MOtQlf, C•ble T111vt1ion." "Sldeyard • eJ(PlflMI and adYancia at the time ~ .... ~. ~· .... ,..... ~... -c .... ":!...::::!' ...... Ila Preaiclent Euements." ·· Suppofl and TO PflOTECT YOUlll "'°"""· of th• lnltlel publlcatlQn of the .,.,__ ---'"'""' .,__.h ........... IT MAY H IO&.D AT A PWLIC , LEHMAN FISHER CO., 333 C,......,,.. _..,....., """ ~. ... ......... y. Salllement." "Eneroac:hmant," ano I ALE IF y 0 u NI Eb AN Notloa of Siie, lncludirG auomay. ....... ' ...... -Sulla 208, "Communlly Faclllu .. E-nt." ..,,..,. ..,.;..,TION O"' TH"" NaTu•• 1-llnO coeta. ls 12.27l>.OO. EHf 171':,,!2 117111· Cotti MIH, No. OfM91 NckW oe.. Santi Ana, CA 92708 PARCEL 4· EaMment for lnQr-• .,,,. ..... _.. r "' .. "5 Dated: Oclober 21, 1882. Callloroll •cv 1171 N . ..,_...,Awe. Tatephone: (714) 953-6810 agrHI and atretl purpost1. and OF THE PflOCHDINQ AGAINST eAYIHORll COMMUNITY Hal L1hm1n. 734 Via lido F..,lon, CA ... Publllhld Or•n1.1 CoHt Dally draltlaga In, under, through •nO ~~OU SHOULD CONTACT A AllOCIATION, L" H. Dunt, ffl SouO, Newport 8each.1Cat1fo1nl1 ~LAINTIFF: UNION eANK, 1 Piiot. Nov. 4, 11, I • t982 la'Oll thal portion of lot N end Lot FIRST AMERICAN TITLE alter111y an411 e1enl, tH Town 826&3 BMnOt Fllhef o·efYO", 47390 C~~~·AN TYLEf 4472-82 42 of Tr.ct t0334, .. par m-i> flied C111tar Drive, l1111ta toO, Coale la ------------•in Book U 6, pag .. 25 10 39 INSURANCE COMPANY, MHa, Callfe,llll tlt21, (71') Amlf Drive, Palm Daaert. Calil0tn SOLLY; DOii 1 llirowtll 10 "'8.IC NOTlCE inc:tuslve, ot MllClll1MOU1 Mapa. • CalllQrl\tl eotpotatlon 141·'97 922eO ~ -----.-.. ------•records of H id Coun•z. shown ~ ~o;i IUlhott&ad otflCiar PubtlaheO Orano• CoHt Dally get"':~ ~~ucted by • ~~~ NOTtCI TO CMDfTORI ~~~O:..,~:.•: Santi Anl. CA 92702 Piiot, Oct 28• Nov. 4• 11' 1M2 Hat Latwnan NOTICIEI Yeu hewa Miii ~ Of' euuc ~.. -·-e:-, (714) 558·321 t 4729-82 Thie .iat-1 w .. folld wfth the n. _, ,..., dacWa ...... ,_ ( ..... 1101 .. 107 U.C C) Covenan11. ondll1on1 and P.ubllshad Ora.ni• Coast 0111'y ...... 'IC Mftl..-c Coull"' CWlr Of o...,. COi.iniy on _,.....,. -.......... llMrtl _.... · • • Restrle1~ rec:ot6ad on Auoust 16. p .... ,_ ""' ~ ., •--Nollce It hereby oivan to thal 1980 In l>OOll t3704 peon 168 10 dot, Nov 4. 11, I • 1-2 Oct!>bet 18. 1982 rev ,......, wttNn • .,.. "9ed c:redltor• of JAMES G. WHITE JA. 182 l~lu-. of Oftd al Records Of 4657-82 ec...-n ,,_ .. ....__...,. ...... . Trwwf9f0t, wfloM busin.s ad°'eu aalO Ol'lllOI County MftTICC ~ CCMMT M Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally II you wlltl to ..... the ac1..ic. of II 2925 College Ave. •A·10, City ol Tha llrHI a<Sdran or o thai ____ Ml..,...~IC=""~-=--~= C~OflMA Piiot. Oct. 21, 28, NOv. 4, 11, 198! en atto1nay In 1111._ mailer, you Coale.Mm&. CA ~Cauncy. of commQn dHlllntfll)l'i Of'tll• ,_81 llC.-0121'1 • COUNTY 0. 09'ANOa ·· '4624-82 ahould do IO promptly IO thll yOUt Orange, State of Cllfllomle thet •1p,-.. herlln41bove delcrlbed In ~-••• COUttT M no Ctwle Ctr. Of. w... 1----------·---1 written rt1pon11. II 1ny. m1y .,. bulll. lranefet 11 about to be made to ....,... " . s --...... AM. CA ll701 .,._IC MftTICC ftlad on time. ~L.PICCOL0an<IVALEAIEA.rr:!~'6:~t;n:•· lt nowepple. CIE.Nn.A~=ACOUNTY PLAINTIFF: NATIONAL ,IC:::_r:,._11 AVllOI Uelad ha 1ldo PICCOLO Tran1lereu whosal Tha u nd•rtlgneO hereby .AIDtCIM. DISTMCT AMUUCAN TITL• INIUflANCI ,.,..,... --4fefft111d14lle. El lrlllunal puede bu1. lneu addllH 11 1350 Cert disclaims •II llablllly 101 any 700 Clwtc Ctf. Dr. w .. t COMPANY. NAMI ITATI....,. daeAdlf ~· Ud. 1111 eudlenc:lll e StrMI, City of Anehalm, Counly ot lnoorractneu in Uld stt:eetaddreu IMta AM. CA D•FINDANT: HAROLD I. The IOllQwln9 pa11on1 are -... Ud. ,.....-dentra Orange,SlataotCallfornla. OfOthefcommon....._'-6 tlOn , INT l'f •HtLLI~ M TAYL°"; lllAYMOND ~. PANtCI; dolngl>l.lelMttu: ....... LMle lll'-'-ten.-e Thi ptC...-... to bl transletred fl S-"~ ............. ~-':.. ~ .. -~ ~ .. A : r • TNQIMI LI~ PAT'MCIA PARTS INTERNATIONAL, ::eot ~ ,,_., ...., -,.,. ._ .,,_ ,..., ..... , HUTCMltltCSN and MARY I!. • a..cnbed In Olf*al .. : All stock In waflanty, eapreu Qr tmplleO.. HUTC..-ott I~ -.a.TAii SAYMOS Dow Avenue, T111t1n, CA 82680 I Us lad due• •ollcltu al trade.flxturM.aqulpmentlfldgc>od regarding Ihle, poueuton. 0 , a LOA.N AllOCIATION.i.. a JIMSLEMOHSIMPORTS,tNC , c:on .. IQ 0• un abogado en"'• will of lh•l Mall-Order Pantyf\<>H •nc:um1>rancu. 10 Htllfy Ille eer,.,attltl: PARICIR alC"u• a Celtfotnla CC>f'pofa\lon, 130t Ouall I I u n Io, d a I> et I a ha c er Io Salee bullnest known as FLITE· principal bllt tlCll of Illa Note°' COWANY, IMC .. I_,.,..._.., St. N9wpclrl Beedl, CA 82680 lmtnedlai-ta, de •ta ~ LINE end toe.lid at 2925 College other obllaallon aecured by said MCUllfTY AU.JSD UttVM:~..i • Thia ~ II conducted by • au r~• MC11ta, al hay algUN. Ave. •A· 10. City of COlll ~CA Dffd Qf 1'ru1t Wtlh lntMnt ano c ...... ..,.. ••• 4 PA.-olA COlpofltion Pllldl -raQ111rad1 • tlampO,. ~~2!:-~ty of Ol'ange, State ol other tuma at provided therein: 9ROWN Miii DOSI 1 ......... 100. Jim Slamon1 tmpOftt, 1. TO TH£ OEFENDA.NT. A d'llil ...,,_,_ 1 •~ 11 d ........._ Inc. complaint hH bffn flled by lh• Th• bulk 11an1f1r will be PUI iov~ .... ••· any, un er the .UWC*I Jotln M :=:·Sec ""Mltlfl -""-·t "~ II""" with IQ tetms th«aof and 1n1w111 on tuCh "' _ .. • ,~ coneummeted on °' •fl« tile 30th advinut 1110 plus ,_ c:haroes O N I a c O " D A M I N D E D Thia alatarnent -wtth tile defarld thla lewlull. )'OU must. within day Qf NQvember. 1882 •l 10:00 eno e:xpa0-ol lh• TruatM and of COllPUIM'T County Ctell ol Orange County on M day1 altar tlllt aummona 11 A.M. •t GtOY« Eectow Corporellon. tile trusts craatld by aald 0-S ol CAM NO, »a-M • Octobef 18, 1982. llfllld on you. Iola with thll court a wtlOM addr ... 11 ~ Roc~field Ttull. Th• total amounl of 18id NOTtc•t Yeu line "-" iued. F1_. wrttt., retPonM to the comt>lalnl. BIYd. Ste. 2N, El T0to, CalilOfntl obllgatlQn, lncludlng llHonabty n.a _....,.....,. ae-:.C C.D. DALY UW CORPOAATIOM Unlltl you do ao. )'OUr default wlM Thet tile tut date IOt flllng c181m1 ulimat•d leu. c:h atgH and .,....... ,.w 1M11tf ..._., 17 c.,.,Me fltata Of. be •nttrad on •PPllc:atlon of the 19 November 28, 1882. IJIPlr'-ol tile Tr\dt .. 11 the llnll r-r..,.nd ..... • .... ,_.. ....,_. ....... CA... plalntlff, and thlt c:ourt m1y ll'ltllf a So far u la known to tha of INllal publlclllon ot 11;11 Notk:l, It ._ .....,,.•••• ...... Publl1hed Orange Coast Dally )udgmenl 1galnl1 you for Ille raft« TranaferMI, 111 buelnass nemas ,27 788 12 " 'fQV Wllll 10 ...-the advice ol Piiot, Oct. 21, 28, Nov.•. t 1. 1882 demanded In the complelnt, wNch ano eddraua• u11d by 1111 oetac:t ~-1 1882 analtomeylnthllmettar,yQUllOuld "643-82 could 1'9Sult In garnlallmant of Tr-ferOf tor the pest ttvea yars REAL EST ATE SECURITIES do to prcimptfy ao If* your wrttlen ----.,.-_-ll'_Mn_f_ll'_t ___ ,wl(Otl. ••'"9 of money Of propatty are: -. ""'R IC"' raaponee, II eny. m1y be lllld on ,.._ nu ~ or other ••hat requt11ed In tha Deted: No¥ember 8. 1882 "" v ... time. ·------------complljnt Don L. Plccolo .... ~~·:. ion T A Y I I 0 I U • I e d fl a t Ide ACTIT'IOU8 .,._.. Dated· Sept~blf 28, t!ll 1 V...,._ A,. P1ccoto ....,for c:orpot•t •as lllllM .... '"'41 ... 11 Trlll11111el pur411e ..,._ ITATI_.,, Aobar1 R. FWI. Clark Tiwr.r-J. ~O~~.P~:·206 ....., ...era Ud. 1111eu••IClll 1 The lollowtng P•••on II doing Charlotte F•t. Deputy Publlthed 011nge Coast Dally Santa Ana. CA 11~706 ...-... Ud.le,....... ...,. ~NTE~ul•• '"&L G"'OUP FOA OOMOVM. IOMIM a 9"All Plk>t, NC>Y. 11• 1882 7141853-88\0 ·-r.--· ..._ LM . ""--*' ... SINGLE~ 52Smh St1111 •8 . :: ':~.'~a:- - _________ 500 __ 1_·8_2 Publl•h•O 01ang• COHI Dally ..... ~ -...-.. I . I U111d d111a IQllcltu at Huntington lleactl, .,..nornia 82648 Publlshad Or•nga CoHt Dally "'8.1C NOTICE PllOt, Nc>v. 4• 11• 1 • 1982· 4873•82 eonMIO dt un abogado en Ht• Dogan M. CUoeloglu. 628 !7th Pil<lt, Oct. 2t, 28. NOY. 4, It, 1882 '1CTmOUl9UllNEH N ... ITATDllNT Ml.IC NOTICE Thi fQllowlng pareons era doing ACTITIOUI .., ..... ~ 11; ~ ITAtt•..-r FASHION DESIGNS. 220 Via The tottowlng peuQn 11 O<>lng K0ton. HewPOf1 hacih. Callforn•• ~ as 82913 DESIREE JEWELERS, 230 E. Clara Oladyt WIQhl, 220 VII 17th St .• Cotta ....... CA 82627 KOf'on, Hewpof1 Beech. Callfornll AYDIN IPEK 24701 \111 SM t2983 • Fernando, Mlulon Viejo, CA 92tt2. Howud L. Wight. 220 Via Thie~ ii conduc1ed t>y en Koron, NawpOf't UM<rh. Callf0tnl1 lndlVldwt t2M3 Aydin lpatl Tiiie bullnlM la c:ondl.lctad by an Thi• 1111_, wu fllld ;ttth ma ~C..,. Glad Wlgh Cou11'y Clark of Otanga County on TI. ... ,_, w: ftled '_1111 thl October 18, 1H2. ,,,_ A County et.tit of Otanga Counly on Publlshad 01ange co .. 1 Dally OctcMllr 25, 1882. Pilot. Oct 21. 28, NQV. 4, ti, 1982 NOOU7 462M2 Publllhed Ortnge COHI Dally fltlot.Oct. 28.Nov. 4. 11, 18, 1982 ~2 PK:ftnGUeWH ...-STA,_NT ACllTMMISWll ,.._STA~ The lotlOwlng paraon I• dQlng ~-· HALLMARK CONSTAVCTION Thi lottowtno PlflOn la doing COMPANY INC a Calllornla ~-.. (Al fllOENT REAl TY: (8) COtPOfltlon, Ml2 .,..,_ Q{,IYI. REGENT ASSOCIATES: (Cl ~~· Hunlinp>n 9Mcfl. Callfofnle .. lQINT IHVES TMIENT8: (DI Roland 11111,-841 JHmlnt MO«NT ICHOOl, 24061 Catarina C Mi' C I t I ..... u.ine Hlawal. CA t2t77. SltHI, 0111 .... • I orn. .. 0 .. 1 .. T JOHN DONOHUE, ltM1 Taoleroca Dtlff, Ho. 411, 80llltll ~.CA 12917 .• '1111 11u11rwm la CIOnllMleaO by an ............ llloelert J. Oondlue '11111 1...._ll -IMd with Ille ~ Qartl of er.,. County Oii 0.... ti, tlG. ,_ f'llblilMd OfMtt C:Qalt Oalf) ,_.,Oct It ••• Now. 4, 11, 1ta ----------- ... .::'!.~ = u;;mr .,_... ___ M111ra" Tiiie IY ..::..~l"t "''°" 11 dOlfll ~ ............. ~ MJA TMKa H'Jll OtWyYllw T.....,. ,.....,.., 11. '911 lreM 1rct1 •D, Hun11no•on 1 .. e11, ' ......... "" ........ .,. 111111 ..... , • ,__,,. V1Mr ~. ,..., Hatrlat Cler• T-nrew•ltt, =-:-.. "=tr";:=.a':::t HUt DaltJ1wl1w Clrcta •D, .... ·--.. ~.~:::r: ...... Clllf0f"6a '"47 ............ -..... .. .. conduCtad ~.,., n __ _, .. .,... ........... .-. .... ... ........ ,,.... ......... ... ..... ~ .. , ......... .. -··''"!' ~ .......... ,,.,,.,.,. • ~=·~ .. f1•4f .. ,., .. , ,,.. _, .• °'-c.... Dilltr ~ ...... "·fl.,,,,.. ttn.a ••unto, d abarfa h a carlo S treet #8, Hunt1n9tQn BHoh, 4642·82 lmmedlatamanta, de •te manera, Cllff«nt• 82f.48 tu rnpuMta eletlta. 11 hey alguM, Thlt l>Ullneat Is conducted by an P\8.JC NOTICE puecla -teQll.trad• • tlM\pO lndlviduaf 1. TO TH£ OEFEHDANT: A CMI Dogan Cuoalc>Qlu I U P E ti I 0 fl C 0 U ti T 0 F compta.lnt hH been t1i.d by the Thie •t•t-t waa flied with the CA&..IPORMA plall'ltlfl lgfllntt you. " yw wlall 10 IY Clal1c Of Orange County on COUln'Y °' OAA.NQ9 defand tflla lewtuh, you mutt, within Octotler 18. 1882 In the Matter of the Application of 11 daya alter Ihle 1ummon• 11 ,,.... .JENNIFER LEE BRICK. ,:"' 0Mnge -...a Itta wft11 11111 COUft a Publl11\ed Orange CoHI Delly of ,.,,_ wrttl«I:.::;.. IQ the eompillnl Piiot, Oct. 21. 21, Nov 4, tt, 188'~ C .. -A11111'7 ~ )'OU do ao. your default .Iii 4562-82 0111D1R TO IMOW CAUM .,. ll'ltared on 1ppllcetlon of the POii ~Of' MAim plalntlff, end "* court mey ant« a i--..... ..,ML ____ IC_NO_TIC( ____ 1 Jf.NN!f'ER lEE 1A1CK Ilea Ned • Judgment eoa1net you fO( the rettet ACTmOUe .,._11 ~ltlon In 11111 court '"' an oroer dernlndad In the compleln1, Which ..... ITATUm#T atfowlno patltlorllf IQ ChlflQI IMlf could rHut In g11nl1hment of -from JfNNWEA lEE BAICK "90ll• lelclna of mol)ly 0t Pf<IC*'IY ~~ pet'IC)ne -doing to JENNlfER LEE JACOBS. or otl'l•r renal r1que1t1cl In Iha THE FLURTS, t 24 Sun••t It 11 llaraby ordar•d lhat •II oompllint Tarrao.. 1.-•na 8eacfl. C•ltlc>mla perM>nl lntllfMtad In Ille mattar Olt.o: F'°"*'Y 5. 181 t t2t5 I ..,.. , llOl'Mald appear bef°'9 Ihle C:OUfl ~ A. .,.... o..tt In Oapartmanl No. 3 at 700 CMc ...._ ~ TilomM Jot 8uf'I. t24 SunMt Cantar Drive We11. S ant• An•, • __ 1 _ Tarr-. leouna e..on, CallfOlnta Calllornia, on ~ e, tN2, at ...... _ -· 2M1 10 30 o'clodl •"'. and ''*' 91'\d --:.~~-:..:-8tevan J Burt, 124 SunMt "*-tllOw cw, If""" thlr !\Pe, i ..... atTace, ~ Beaofl. Calltomla wtty Mid petntOfl IOI cllanoe ot C 0 11 I ,_,. 11*"<9 ftOI lie 91ante0 Publl1Md range Olll • Y .-.. CIMn Bun, ti• &INet 1111 ""11* 01__, lflet •copy Qf Pllol, Oct 21· How 4• It. 1:1Jr~ --· lAIQUlle 9Mdl, Cellfo(nla tl'lll Oldl• to 11\ow ClllH b• ~----.. 1.. 0 ,_ put1rl11110 In '"• 011ty Piiot, • ~ r lou .. _ ,.4 _ _, .,.._.... of gefttf .. cWculalton, .,, .. , L..-lleecfl, CalltOfnla PlfblllMd In '"" COlll\IY at ..... onot a _. lor blf CONMU'IW Thie llualr.-II r.onclucted by • ...". '''°' lo Ill• d•y ot Hid ,.,,,..,. ~ Tllll It~ -!tied '#Im Ille Dated: October 21, 1111 C. Qf Or Countr FMHK OOMINICHINI lotlaf ••. ,.., ""' on .an• .. ...._ ,,.., .,. .......... •lt4, Pull!"'*! Oftf\Ot CO .. I 0.lty ~~ tatM , Oct 11. It, Nov 4, tt, •ta PubtllhM Or~ COtll OWiy ·---------~--.... "'°"()al 2t, Now. 4, t 1, 11. 1111 -..c JID1IC( 474MI 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y f!.~.fflr.1!1!'1. •• ~m,fllNNIA~ •. lmlfn.fd. .. ll!tt.IP~!M .... 111.f .... '*"'· t200 tel ft . •••ut. a ••JI horn• on 4 llt. 4 11, ,.,.. matter Cllltl. w/llOet •· 4 or. .u••· w/llplO, 3 Cat o•· -1111 ., .. 11160 "'° rege, 2 l>Olt tllot evall f.nJA. now. Cell MO•t4N U500/mo t 5'6°24U tor appt (eotl wkd1ye t-5 • T.••"• ---,~ AETREAT HOM("''"°"""' •T.'1r'••••••••••••:r."a' & llarl>Gf VU 1 8CH • 3 I Ir 1'4 .. ~. C*• 110tv home on Cliff Dr. Pott11 ..... ""' 'r,3,;~ae heh 1eve111 .. OWt1 entrt.1...;•..;.,;.n-_ • .:...:....;'----- 1111c'*1. llbt.,y, lrl)IC I ,..,..,..., gotQIOUI VU OfC/hOl'n4t ---6-A.J Jflf ult 01 1ha•tJ 11vlng •• !.~•••••••••• I 1190t mo Dog oil TwnllH $ IA. 2'..t ba. 752·21t 7 .. l H lnY•t· ltnnle. poot,p , NO, air, ment1. S736 lt2·te36 E1u1tua1ve W•lctltf Vitia, ..?Oll'•t Or, maater Wit• '-llrplo, 2 It. 2 ... pool, tacunl, etc. It ,00/mo 1\78-3313 or t7W103 ~·· .... '.!!""f~~ .. 1.~ *** EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO. Wll1IUff -OEN. ONI. Y FOR THE I Newly,.... t ltory 3 ... DtaCAIMINATING $750. 11\d llbrwy 2,160 IQ.ft. "91. C714)4N-t80' :cs~~':..v ":;~ ':: * * * PIOfHlforial cMcOf'ator, 2 bdtm, ' be, 9araga, "curlly eyatem, pool c 0 ,, 1 M • 1 a . Mo, n andapa.,O< .......... 965·11 47, Afllr 3 Ot leaM Qt>llon, AMdy ic 84t-e48 1 d•all Call •g11U1 II --------- 84fS..50t2 he/!!~.'f.!~!¥!~ . 4' Bdr~,3~m• WI ~!i!!..J!lf~!. ••• ll.!f poof~ lrvln• Tarrace Baylront, am •tudJo. utll• l)(lme lc>callon, out11en-pd, QUltt tmplyd ling ... ding view of harbor & Y'fY "425tmo 873-3$)(), OCHn $3000/mo. c,11 Ja./ ... 497 · 1280 or collect 1..U.•I• 1111 2121572-4230 dya. • ••••••••••••••••••••• •---L~e 1 a..a.. Winter Aenlll: 2Br~ pool, 1 --.... ,.. holdl to bdl S550. Ptaya Large IC>ICloul duplex, R.E t73-1900 1'~ bdrms. Spic & spen.1----------nr t hopplng. Step1 to BAY FRONTAGE, beach. b ea c h . Y I I r I y • pier, ptkg, 2br. SSOO. 1br 7141985-6822 coll or $800. VtlL. pd. 303 E. wttnd1 &75-8720. Edgew1ta1. 11871-28&8. 2 & 3 Br $750/mo. 4 Bf Deluxe 2 81. 2 Ba. lrplc:, 1p1 S 1250/mo. Hava ltapt to l>Mch, wld. ga- otllerl. Fred Tenore, ag1 raga, no pell, yearly. &31-1266 $750/mo. 845-895& aft 4PM. 2 BR & det'I. 2'.oi be, neer blectl. $1100 mo & NC. 8lk ee.ct1. 1 BA. utll. yrly. Open Dilly. 431 w .. t-1450 mo. 1823 w. 811- mlnst« Ave. e31·5e61 bol No 2. 213-941-3065 208 Collon, 3 Br. 2 ea. C.,... It/ llM 'Tit S8251tnO. yrty. 1•••••••••••••••••••••• 840-8208 AQent. Ocean vl•w. betutlfully turn. lowntlou ... ltplc, Spec. 3 br. 2'Ai b• very pool a patio. $1095/mo. cletn twnhse, pool. jog--1 873-0896 . glng, tic. $800/mo. "91 ---------544-1440 C.11• • .,. 3114 ---------..................... . Corldo for leaN, 81off1, 3 Furn 1 bdrm •Pl•. $385 Br. end unit, back dOOI' and up. Enc g aragee. to pool, steps fr<>m tan-2110 NlwpOf1 Blvd CM nls Club. S 1000/mo. 2757 5'8_.tea VIiia Umb roaa. N.8 . Furn 1 bdrm aplL S385 P Dalt 840-238' 1nd up. Enc garages Newpott Heights, tuxury 3 21 10 NlwpOf1 Blvd CM t>r. yatd, 1675 & S850. 5-48_.eee I 6'6-7800 IAll ••• I L 0 T c L A s s I wanu.t -Al.L UTILITIES PAID 2 BA. plu• den. 3 BA. Compare balore you b•yvlew, S2000/m o . rent. C u1tom design yeerly. Oona Chlcheeter. t1a1ure1. Pool. bbq. 1'!1841"14-~62.00lll.l!ll!lf••l!lll eov'rd ga1ege, 1urroun· II did wllfl pjultl landaca- ptng No pe11. I BR. Fum. $515 365 w. Wlleon 842-1971 •WPllT ftlllE 81utf• condo. 3 br, 2-A ba.. .. ....... L.aHM.,. formll din. nn, tarn. rm.I au, Wat., Paid. Palk» I encl. ruo. comm. pool w/pool lac:uzzl IMJnU 0ec: . s 1150 844-4335 tenn11 ·~. vottev~i an. 5pm • courts. Aecr .. 11on room la Cl_.,. llti Jt. 1 bcl. IUl'nlahed, 1430. • •••••••••••••••••••••• C•t 557.-0075 HIH llde oceen view 3 br . . convarl den & maid'• $390, ettracllve tum-apt. quarttre $2000/mo. l.rg P1t10. gar. Malure. 213/4411--2628 quiet , no •h•rlng. No ----------1 pell. 2234 A Rutgerl Or. 180 degr" oc:ean view C.M. (213) 454-5104 ~,:' K?.'::: m · =. $375 mo. 0111 moblle 2'h Ba. Immaculate, homa. No SHiii. Quiel, St200/rno. No pete. secure. 19111 N•wpQrl 873..a32, owner. Blvd tMe-8373 LUXURY CONDOS. never 8-lt E.lide 1 Br. $440 lived In, IOYlly wlew of Ufll pd. Pvt. A trg water a llarbOr. 2 BA 2._84&-4 __ tl3_1 _____ _ BA Of' 2 BA 2 BA & htlgl $275 2 1oom1, lrplc, prv bonul room. entrance, ut111 pd. New """' lelltr c.rpetlng. Beach c:loM. 49$-8122 842-4014 Mauaana, 493.aeag •----------,,.. , ... ••• ~~!'~ •••• !~~. L .... /~ Option 4 bd. 2 ba. covrd pello, comm pool. se50. ,.,1-1ss1 I p~ wtlO need Pwople Thal'• Whet ttle DAILY PILOT SERVICE OtAECTOAY la Ill aboutl For Ad Action Cal a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642-5678 F YO CAii I co: E Cl*SSIFIED. D 6 4 2 • To help you H it Items you don'• n .. d To help you find Items YoU'd 11111 to buy .. J NYSE OMPO ITE TRANS ACTION euoT .... , l•Cl.llOI , ..... , .. , ••••• \I ............ , 1'4C•••C •••• •on..-. OIHOlf .... Cllte••••Y• UCK• I UM AMI It ••t •l ... He I Y TMI •111114at 1•tt1•n UP 10.21 CLOllNG 1,Gl4.73 \ Coast ports eyeing new coal demands SACRAMENTO (AP) -Coal shlPmf'ntl th~h California to Pacific countriea are likely to rise substantially during the next 20 yean, aaya the atate Energy Commission. • The report. out Wednesday, aald Pacific countries sµch as Japan are shifting from oil to coal for electrical power and other industrial uaes. The report said the capacity and number of West Coast coal ports will have to be expanded if expor~ are to keep on rising. Expansion plans are being considered in Los Angeles, Long Beach and Stockton. The constru<:tion of terminals is being considered In Sacramento, San Francisco and Redwood City. · Los Angeles plana to expand capacity from about three million tons to f,;ve mllllon by 1985, and Long Beach plans to expand from three million-plus ton.a to 10 million to 15 million tons, the report said. Playboy faces cuts LOS ANGELES (AP) -A $52 million drop ip revenue has led Playboy Enterprises to lower its rates for advertising in Playboy magazine and vent~ further into pay television and home video produ~ Christie Hefner, the 29-year -old daughter Of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and president o'f Playboy Enterprises Inc .. explained to compa.ny sha.reholders Tuesday reat1C>ns for the company's Wk of profitability: "The continuing •weakness In virtually all segments of the economy and the effects of inflation, unemployment and wage ceilings have taken a lar,e bite out of the consumers' discretionary spending power during the 1982 fiscal year. This has had its impact on the single copy sales of most magazines, including Playboy." As a result, she said, the magazine will reduce ils 'circulation rate base for the January 1983 issue (rom 5 million monthly copies to 4.4 million. STOCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVEI t l