HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-16 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORANGE COAST COUNTY IDITIDN ltJf~;t>AY NOVfMHfn Tti 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . I Bergeson hopes to thwart , ....... t., .... •.· .. · ,·~-~ . • f soaring camr>aign funds lh STE\ l·:--M A IW I.I·: Or' 111e D•lly P llol Sl•lf I« 'IH•11d111~ 111 "11.11 "•'"4lil><·d ..... p11l1l11 ""''·•t.:• \,,, 11\ t I 1111111 1111 d 11ll.11 I ollllflollgl\ 'fll'IHl111g :\,.., 1111,J\ \\11111,111 l\l.11 I.Oii H1 ·1 ).!• ..... ,, I\ N1 \\, .... I l~·.11 11. I' l l!lt.,1d1•1111g l1·g1 .. l.11 11111 '" 1111111 d1111.1111111 ... IP p 1.J1111o1 I ( ·;11 II P·• I~!"" l~·rg1 00.11ll -..11d li·gi-..l.1111111 1 •Hild ht• d1 .ol ll·d '" I •·q11111 • o111d1d.011 lill I.d i 11ltt•l l1t llhtfll \ 11,.d ttf 11 111 f1 .I I I I 11 I I oo J \\ f 111 f 1 • •111 I ti "t' '" 111tl\ \\ 11 I 11 11 If 11 I 1. I t .. • 11 I • ..... 1 .. '·''" 1111 \\1t11l.I I'''\•"' p11l11111.111• 111 •111 t.,,1d11111 "I' 1111 11 111 1 " \ I I ' '111 I . I I ~:I ... I. 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I" t tr II g '" I• I I I\ I ' I ~ •J I I •• I (.I IJ J ll 111 ':> B1 .11111 g111 d1 d t '11lt111ol1 1.1 1lr11111i.:lt l11gh 1l11ud ... 111d 1,.!111 \\ 111.t , ... u11 '""' h l 111 g •111 tht , 1.t11 tt• 111u1 Ii d1 ''' 11 •111 l<u11v. ,,, ,., ,, l1,l!lll/fo11t 111111t1•t1 · :-.klll 11i.11 -.1f .., 1111 t "..!1 1111111.1·, M t1p\'1· I ),,..., I I l·'.,r 11 \ 1111\' 1111"11111 :-Of~~1.ol10.,I ,(11wph ,\Iii 11 l'lllft Ill tlll' l'1){0 kpll. "l11lt· \.\'ill1;1111 l.1·111111 '""PP''" lt111"' II 1111•• " "';ti 1111 ,, 111\.\ 1·1 d11k II· .11111 f1tl11t H1 1IM·J l O\'t l lllYl'I ~ g111 th• "g11 1111 rl101l111 hu1n' l 'o tl" 1111 ... lll•Jl'lllllg .111d .ti ;, .1:1 ,, 111 tltt \ 111gg1·t1'll th• fl){ kt·I' l11glt .t!111\'t· I h1 l11d1.111 ( )n .111 '( )11 lltrtt . g•HMI bur II 11111l1r1111·d Br .111d ,,., tlw ... 1t1p lit·;1dt·d 11110 l·~.111~ ,tlllt1•"(llH·1'1· Thi· lir;1k1ng nwkt·h ... to wL'd tl11 · -.ltutll1··, 17 4 00 111tl1· .111 hour 11d11l.Jl 'l'"1·d ;,ind ,..1;11 It'll ti frum' IHI mil•·' l11gh 1111 ,, lt111g f)),11111~ ISt:'l' Slll"TTLE . P a gt· A'! I Nuke • unit .fueled B\ KARE!\ 1-:. KLEI:'\ Or' lhe Delly Pllol Stell }o'uc·l l11.od111g .11 thl' 1 '111t .I r1.llllll at 1lt .. s .. n ()1111 111• Nu1 l1 •.11 t ;•·n 1·1.i1111g St.1111111 ... o ulh 111 S .111 l'l1•1111 1111• l>• g,111 lttd,I\ l1dlol\\ 111).!. 1-.'ll.tlll l ' •II ol 111 \\ p t1 \\'t•J tt·-.1111g l11 1·11 ~t' 1\1 11 11 d ,1 ' Ii' t h 1· Nu 1 I 1 ,, r I(, ·gu l.11111 ' L '111111111 .. ,11111 I 11 ·' ""' ,\ 11i.:1·l 1 ... 111 \\ ... 1111111 It Ill\ l\!111111.1\. Ull/111 J l '.tll.11111111 , h.111111.111 rd th" NKC ',11 d .l 11 Ill\' I , 11g.1II1111 111111 .dlt·g.1111111' o f t.urlt\ w1·ld111g at 1'11 • pl;111t had pr11\'1·d 111•g;1t1v1· "'l'h1•r1· w1·n· no 1·1111111111111., lound tit.ti \\'11Uld flrt•\'1'111 'it.ti'! ur. at l l•<J :..1 111 :'i p1·n l'ltt p t•Wl'r," P.dl.11lt1111 ..,;1111 Thi l1l·•·n<.,1 • .llow., l11<1d111~ 11r '.!.17 ur.1111um ful'I .1:-.. ... ·mltlrl'' mto tilt' rt'oll lOr :-Oil II 1·~111 h1· 1t· ... 11otl lo n1:•k1· :-1Jr1• 1•\'f'r~·1 h1ng w ork i; p1111><·1 I\ ;111 NIH. 'fllikt'-.111,111 """ ,\ 'I'{ 111111 lrc1•11..,1· will Ill· .1ppl1t'd 1111 111 11\'1d111g llH' t1·,1111g grn•o; \H•ll. .\:.. 1•.1rl\' ;" lh''l 'Pl 1nK Tht· .;1·1·1111d l1n.'rb 1· will .dim .. ,· full 0 1x-ral11111.tl p11\\'1•1 at ll111\ :1. lw ,;iid l.J1111 :i ha:-. und••rgo111· 111 .. ,rJ~· :.! (1 nl 11 11 I h :.. 0 I I I .... I 111 g •• II d 11li..,.·n·:1110 11 II\ 1lw NHl' but h.ts 111•\'('f h.1d lt1t·I 111 II lw l11rt· lw -..11d 1'1111 :! .• 1 ... l,lt'l 11•.111111 ,11 1h1· S.on U1111l 1 •· pl.1111 , 1:-. llJK.'r;11111g .11 .!ll 111 :ltl p1·n T rtl po\\'l'J U111t I. whwh l1t·Ka11 t1µt'r<1t 11111 m I YliH. Ii :1 " II 1 • 1 • n ~ h 11 I d 11 w 11 f " 1 1•.11 thc111,ok1· mnd1fl!'.1t11111~ \.\i'h 1·11 Ll111t 1., 1 •·1111111·d 111 ..i·1 \'ll t· .,.,1111'111111· 111•>-t M."" Sa11 Un11f1·1· will 1111111111· 1u11\ t lw lu11rlh 11ud1".ll I"'" 1·1 f,11·rl1tv 111 tlw 11at11111 111 h.1\'l' 1111•'1' n •,11·111n; 11pt·1·.1trng ,1t 0111 ,. Tlw plant rs ow111·d h v Suutlwr 11 l 'al1f111·111a 1-:dt~on and ~.111 I >11•)(11 (;a~ & El1;·t rw Co S11utlwrn Calrl111111.1 Etl1:-.011 ',~.•.,.,.'llan Davtd &rron AArd dU:• r;1cfioortivl.' h11'I wh1('h 1~· bMnt( load1•d 11110 1111: n •;u·tor ts w11rth $/I') mlllion Thi• !'OJltfll\'l'J '' 1>\'1•1 lault~· wrld1ng w:1:-. 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I l••ol 1111111 •'•" Ii l .. 11 11 ' l·~·I 1111111 p hi... l I I• I I, ... 1.t H t1\ A11d 11' II Jll t'"'"' Ill ' I 1111 1\11 ... ;1 1)1·1 !\1.11 11 .. 1111 lo\\ 'o• I• ,\ ........ 4H i,illl 'f\ S t q •J •l•l I l•IJ 1h1 .11•\ I l••Jlflt• Ill 1 .11111• I r 11 11 . i.,., '111 1 1111 11~"" "''''"''Ill 111 •h · ll•'.11 l o\ H1 1 ro h \ t• \\ 11.11•111.11111111 .I ~·'-• N lttf IHft lllllt Ii· I ..... 1.i .... 1 .. 1111 I I "" I' "" I I '"I I 11 I • ' I I ' \ ,I I " I 'I'' ' " 11 1.od o l.1 ... I 11 1"11111 11\ 1'''11 11 Iii Ill 1j,1 .tlt'.1 \\.olllllq' 111 1 •11 1 ll l• I Iii "' ..... 1 1111 I' 1111.11 1111• \·'I'" 111 111;.i k t h 111111 11 I I ,ti I t• I l • .ugg1· ... 111111 .., ""\' 1111d• 1 ... 1111h I I\\ -.t.11\ t ,1 11 lid !11 ii \11 h tHl l11d 1,11 111111 l h \ d 111 lot\• I \\ 111 11 l t 11 l\\.i \\t H 111111 11 1 1.tl1 1I .t i ( 0 1 tl 1 1111 1 l\l•n . l 1d,.,1, "'••H I 111 t ll q.I'" ·•I:"'"'" 1111.t llw11 ' I • I " II I I 1 I ' " I f: l.1 I I ·' ' .. I 1 I I " .1111 I I \t ~I HI Ill ill 11 t•11et\it'•' ,ti,d 1 .. \\ I' .j .. I II "" 11 11""1''' 111 11 tit uf ,\l111h (,1 ti\ d t 1ttfod t "''"''"' 1.1.!1 11•1 ll11l llto '\\I' I Jt I , 11 1 '' , I' I,, 1.111111 1 I \\ t t t I t I 11 \h lt111 l l P p1•1••1ll•t1 •. 11d (1 1 11 \ .j, 1 1 d11dd1 ~-'111 1 ,o1 .1 ,.ll l ' 'i I 1 I • J I ' J I \ \ • I I I 11 I I •• I. I" I 11 ~' '. ,, It 1ild \\ 111 1 I It II• .. , ' \\~• ··~" l.1111\\ Ii I '11 ltt 111•• I "' l1t 11" 11.I 1111ltl 111 .1, ol l t 11. I 111 I 11 d1 '1 f1 I II II flu 111111 .. 1 l lh .. I I' " I, j" II • ' 1 I I I, 1 Hall new niayor of M esa· lh .IOl ll L \IH".'111". \II 0 1 lhe Dally Piiot Sl•ll I "11 111 11111.111 I), •1111 I I.d i \\ ..... 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Rain likely (:oas t a l Cloudy Wtlrl .,t14h1 rh•H•t ,. ol ~Or Ink les (')r hght showw' tornght c...11aoce ol ra•n on W!'lln••sOAv ~O ~rcen1 C oa stal lo w ~· •rla n 1 4 Coaslal 111011 63 •n•aNl 68 Wa•,., 6J - ( lse whe r e w '•d, t ~\.CHTI no norlhweslerly 10 10 }( H>O'' W&Onesday woin ~ 10 II toot seAs Othetw1se soulhwPst t o w est winds ol 5 ro 1::> •not• lh•• arternoun w llh onn 'Oot w m ci w ave s S n u tl"l ""''"~t ~wl'll Wedne5dRy o t nnfl u1 , I•-'"' Clouc.v with c han<P 111 I 0111 -;ho wer l .. ~ . .'Hlllllll<llT ~fl n tell on 1'1P P•l11->m .,. Southea!it enn Northw'"'~1 fl!A,ly IOd8y w1lh snow llH lhfJt •ntAncl ov111 Washtnglon 9111111 <\nnw lell on p&<ls ol !he ex1r11me Norlhoesl The SouthtU\SI"'" ''"" W8 S con11nea lo p11rts 01 rio11oa and lhe r11ln In !he Pac•hL No11t1we-~ W9 S &Cc;ompa ntl'd Uy A lj81e ~8rn1ng The u111n turnf)O to ~now es t11mperatures caofP<t "''~nf1 8 00 SOQW 8fS O t Pfl 0 lh .. mounlllH'S 01 New E nglA"C! ClouC!y '~11!5 c;ow•1P<1 "'"'" nt Ille uppe< Gret>I I "''l' Wtl'I"'" lnd1ona eas1a1n 1ow11 ano II" southern Plains a"d ,It'"._ Nl'Hfl OVtttC8SI tn 8()U\h CIH"'l1r .. j f P • R~ S~•es were 181< otsewhf'!fl Scattereo s howtH s wer e lor~sl 101 lalA< IO(lOy OV{'I lhe sou1'-n hall o l FIOfld!I nn•ltwrn C ttlllo •n•a eno lhe PtH 11'L NOtlhw esl Htin and '""w wt•ru tUp(IJC1~ over northern MnntAnn with f3tr !lkles aero'' th.,. ,,.,., nt 1h11 nttllon lom pe raturf'l'i rtt O~;no thr nation e11rly lhts moin•ntJ • "''0"<1 lrom 15 In EimlrR N V 1n 16 "' Wosl Palm 81!11ch ,,., California LOS ANGELFS tAP, <;ome of 1he n4p lthovlt1 De gon4! Ir om • Southf!r n CellfOr n1& "" ftl !ak 1~s begin 10 Clear an<l 1empeu1tur"" w•rm·~ llfterrnv. en• ... l>!>"l•t WN1he< s..'1\oe Slly9 • l O a A n g e I e 8 h I Q It s I 111 w.o ... klay _,. lorllCAll nee• 70 ""'"' lows n11a< !>J C.oa•t•I .,.,. high• ..,.,,, prtldiCI"'-' l<om 6 7 lo 7 t •llh lows l<Om 46 lo '>• loo WlldnMday The wettlf\4!r •4!•VIC" lor11caa1 hlgfla In 1he mounl•lnt lrom 4!; lo Ml wnh lo•• mo11ty 1n lhf' 30• Oweoo V1ll4!y 111gha ohoul<l be f14Hll 50 Wllh IOWI In 1118 308 H lg tle In norlh"'" d111erl1 We<lnea<l•y ••r• ~i.p11c1110 10 reng. ••om 58 lo 115 wtth low• In "p 4 t~ "ou~hPtn <JP.SPr\ h•Of''i """'""' 1 ,,_ "">' trnm 1,q 10 7S-, witn ., ..... ~ ., ("(" , •• ., t)J NA TION HI l o Alt•ar 1 .1 \ ', ·" .. At ,,.g,•• Arr a• it 1-t1th ,,, ;•· A<;P'lt•, ti• 4'tdf '•• A'I•'"' Av>'• P,a\1i,,.lf,f• R1U•,11J-. h•'""'"O' IT h•C.fl"'.-tf1 . ',.' 43 H ·'' 4 l ,lfi .,,..llO'W We•~' S.VC• •,,., \f. >-0>.A u., Ooot ot c o .. ,, .... ,. Otfl'.I• 40 ,0 4; "~ 4 -I Ill Frunt1 Cold..,. Watm 99 B ,..,,,,. f\UIA' "I 1lrt• auu •h Au•ltt\J'•i• < a~r~""' C ,n;Ul\f' '11 (.hafl\l n W\/ C tuuHtP '"' ( h~(PIHU! (hu i'l011 C .. •O(!Mfl8H ( lrv.afmH1 Clmb•e "'' ("nlt1mt10' Oal r1 Win o.-.n ..... , o.,,""''"'""'· Ufll"l•I Q,1tulh f I Pil._fl r .rn h.rtn~..-. f +H(JU ~ lftq,tafl HftrtlorO •tPtPf'M t-tonnf1il11 t toostntt lnttu~''"~ JAC\i t;n M', .Jac.:.~Srtvll~ JU'H'A\I Kfl'l'\ (.11v I AS VoQA'i. LllllP Rt')t ~ 63 ~9 3S '7 •2 .n 4 1 22 60 -~ 4 1 20 ~4 '9 41, )4 ,. '}l 19 }4 j 4 23 61 24 16 71 '11 J8 I'> ?? '>II 'I 4 1 ,'fi J7 ]4 32 18 62 4? ~o 01 )4 1~ '>4 2J 48 2• 35 16 79 10 ~6 51 ~/ I'..\ ~'> lJ 6 4 H 41 71 41 17 Nf>w 01l0an~ NC'4W VOrll NOllOI• No Pleltt' O~IR C·•~ Omnt111 (l,tnnrJo f,tuln(t(1h11t Ptio.,.no P 1t1Sb\HQh P!lond "'" PU~nd -0•1' F>,ov1o~rir11 n1tlP1Ull HAO•d C•ly Af\r\U Rtrr•mf'Jr'C1 <;All l '1"'• .. San Anlon11> """ O•t'QO ~n frnn S68111A Stufl!'Vt1ptHI S•ou• r oll\ SI l oui. <;t P T .i m siA <;1 <;1,. ManP C\pn~nn .... ';yr~l ti'UI tuµ<'•• Tur~nn rol'n WARh•nutn W 1t,l,1tn 60 J9 46 JJ 'SJ J7 45 17 50 11 41 26 f,I 60 46 2~ 17 ~/ 'JS 19 45 25 47 44 •4 79 s:> n 54 22 5 1 21) '>0 21 4 7 ,. 56 44 69 ~o 5 1 44 48 4 1 49 J5 37 12 40 29 R8 60 J3 26 34 :>9 40 n 41 11) II ~~ 46 ~I\ 4 7 ?9 4!• 3 t I os J\ngtol••' I OUl'\Vllln "" 18 ·~ 29 71 ~I 40 I'• ~Ii H 48 71 80 /fl CALIFORNIA ttilllt'!f~'"'hl 411 4 7 I) 1 uhhO<lo Mf'm J)h 11 M1Am• M llWlh t ... l'P '"4pl• !;IP N1''i.,lVtllr ·~ lfi lfl 'I Al ?1 tUvlh•1 f w ttll ;t r ,,,,nn I ,lfU 11,lnf Mll'"t'Vllf•• '"4onte•~~ 59 48 46 4J 110 40 46 60 11.~a-...~s_uR_f R_IP_DR_T Suri Suri Suri -..Ch Avg Mu Prd l1tmA t 7 It Sanl• M 111111 • I ? I I N"*por1 B"•Ch ? 1 11 San Otego (,l)u111y 1 ? 1 t Oulloolo lor w.,1nea<lay A 11111• mc<"U" , Swell .... 2 ') 2 ') Swell Dir w w SW SW Needles 69 Oakland !>7 42 Paso RODlt'S 60 42 Reo e 1u11 58 38 Reowood City 65 4 1 Sacramon10 44 J7 5alonas 63 45 San111 Bar bn•" 60 51 San la Man~ 67 SlOC klon 48 40 I hi!• ma! # 76 U~1ah ' 58 Bai slow 70 39 BIQ 8Pa1 5 7 14 Bishop 58 n l ong 8P8Ch 75 46 Mt Wilson 59 42 Newport 84!8Ch 62 49 On1ar1n 73 42 Palm Springs 78 48 PasnCleM 73 66 San Gabnel 78 42 Sa" JOH S7 36 San1a Ana 76 47 SantA Cruz 66 43 f llh<><! """"" "" .. PAN AMUlllCAN AcApulco Bar!Jado< nMm11rjn Oog<lla • 91 7S 86 75 73 64 64 Wtte<ll lo c11ll (loll lrt!U!} lor 1a1est smog lnlorm•llon Orttnge Covnly CllOOI 445·38211 lo• Angeles County (8001 242-4022 Rlversl<le end S en Bern•rdlno counties (1100} 3117-4710 AOMO Eplao<le Cenle1 (11001 24.2-4~ Ti<les TOOA'f Second low SeC'on<I lugl) 3 48 pm 10 14 l)m WI DNllDAY OJ 3 9 fir" low 2 59 a m 21 rors1 htgh o 14 a m a 9 Sl!Cond low 4 n p m ·O 2 S11Cond high I 0 S9 p m 3 7 Sun s 111t 4 49 p"' ••••• WlldnHO~y 11.27 • m 11 It 111 d uH I l tlllt• •I 1111 11 ( h,tt }~I I 11t1 l1 I •••• , '11111 1 ' ••• I 11• 1111pl11111111111n1 un ltu d .1\ 1d f')11· .l.1\ 1111: l.1-.I I lo I J 11 ,., 1\11 11 1111 "I 111 .d11111 . ": ..... \' '""" Witt II I \1 '\ d I " .. I .... \.\ I\ I 1 I 11111 ' l ; '· .11 v • .dl•1•1tl ,,, ""' \\l o1lll11• .......... .i 111•.. 1.j i ll '--.1111-..1 ~ 1• \\•It ' .111tl .11 i \ ll ij' ol1 S 11t1'>.I I •II (",II \ .11!1 ,., ti M t 111111 111d1t .111·ol '" 11.,,.i "1111 ·' .t1 .111gl1111: 1:•·,11111·. 11t •• 1 "' :0...1111 .... \\111dtl Ill \t'I "II .tll\11111 \\ 11.11 l 1.1ol l1.q 1p1·111 ·d 111 111111 I '111 111 "111 . 1•11l•·11·d d1 ·S1111..,~1 " 11111d11111111111111 1111 111 I I .! .1111·1 fll 11~ld1HI lu I dllH .......... wt• lt•U,, 1•1111111 "'"""''"·' 1 ... 11 1111 o111d ''""' d Hit 111 ... l11d .t1.1111•l1d \\fl it .111 , 111 I ll• tt•td .11111 \\1ll1 111'> l.111 ..,, \I" I\ 111 .111 II l ; .... 1 \ ..... 1ol ,\1 t lllf' ••It I \1 1, it "' I I J• IHil It• ti I• I• ti 1\11 1t .. 11 11 1 I 11' 1\11)(111 .. , 11111 IJ\ 1111 f l .dll I ,,.., 111 ,lt• II d llllt• .11 ~•IH I .. 1 • t ,if Ill It .1 111 ' .1p.11 l11 11•111 ( :1':11 \ ,.11d l lt It II ... 111111111·\ I •.•• d 11· '1111 • I " 111. '·I I 111 I I I I 1.1 I J\J, l l 1lf1 \\ .1 flt J''' .... t , .l t ;H td lll1ltl \ 1.I d t '""'"'I'···•, ,,. .... , • ..,,,,.,,. ,,1 .... ·'''' .l1·d ... 1o1 Jlll "I ' ''"' .11 .. 111 .J I 1 .. 'I . I \oi llllll• l\11\ol '' 1111 1"''' 111 1111 1q11 •11111111! 111.11 II· 111 •• 1.11 11 11 11 ii 11 .. ,.i ·'" 1111 )lilt •I I ••\ I I \\ 11 11 \\ •'' I J, ·I'' I • I 1 t I ' I 11 I·'\' I " I I I 1 1\11 111111 11111 ""' 11111 1111 1\lll~' 11 111• It di• td ll •ll 111 I• l lll 11 I., t .tll •l \Jo l l••ll 11.111 Iii"\ I ti 111111 .1 I.oh • \ 11 J., 1. " '' I I ii \\ H iii.Hi ..., ·'I •·• I t llH ,, , I 1•l1-.1·.1 111 1111 1'"~"11 11. t .dli ti l"H \ •' tit 1 I lttfl t•• g•• In '"' I''"" 1 ,, jot 11111• I 111 .111 t11 . .t111 , ... 1.111 .\ t l1 .il 11.1 •. di 1111 11.•1•1•1111· / "' 111 .. 111 .l \' l \•111111 ·1 "·''" 1111·11· I ' 1111 ,, 11·1t1d1o 1 \1111'1111· 111 Ind~ M1•l11111 (11 tit• l ttlU ,j, t 1111 111 111 .11 d Iii• .11 g 1111w 11 b 1\1111111,1\ ,ti lo I lit .II I\ .t 1111111111 n J 1111 \ 'lo I 111111 0 l1tl1 •d II• I "II" II I d' ljllf.ol f 11'1!1 11\1,d "' .1111 , .. "'''"I I •• •'' ·""'"' !Ill I" II I " I II \ • 1111 "I ... I ' I ... I \\I· 1 I • II ii ' ' ,. J ' \\ ' ii ". l' ·' I .. I I I \ 1. \ I 11 • II.' II \ '> I 11 ,J 11 ol ~'.J J< Id JI I I I 1111•1 1.tld . 111 .. 111 1,, 1' " 111•~ 1 .. ,... flt.Ii l•Hlh, ,il111ttl t fll t I \\l'I k ... '"'' 11 I llHli •11 1111 lllt.tl l!>J.l.U-''1-.1~ l1111"-.,1111tlf11 1 \\t t"'lll ~·11 4 f ,lU l Project faces obstacles lh l'lllL Sl\EIUl-:HMAI\ Oi'thu O;lly l'lllol Slall ,\ N··v.11111 I u ..... 11 tl1·\'I 111111 I it;1~ t 'XI •I t ''"1•d llllt •I (•'I 111 I 1111ld111~: 11111111 · .... 1111 11'1'" .tllll '>11111 ' "" '"' :!7 ;111 1•' 1111\\' 11(,'llJlll'd Ill 11.111 l1\ 11t1· f 111 111t.1111 V.tll1·\ 1>1 1\'1 111 Tl11·.1t1·1 H111 "'''1·r ;1I h111tllt , 1111i...1 111 1 l1 ".11 1 d lwltHt· ;tllY 1111 .... 11111111111 I .tll i>t •j.!111 '1'111 · gro111ml l1·\1·l 1' 1111\\ t•o1 1 111\.\' 11-1 1111·1·1 l1·1l1•1',1] 11111111 pl't·\'1'11111111 ,.1,1111 lan l-. Soil w 11ulrl h.o\'1• t•1 111· 1nwk1·d 111lo 1.oi...1 1111 p1 llJl\.'l'l' .111 ;,,·1•r;1g1 11j ", ... 11 t..• ·1 I :.! l1·1·t 111 "'"II)'' pl.11, ., Tiu 1·>..1:-.t111g d1 "'' 11 1 "'" 111111.1111., •• l.1rg1· 1111111 ·1111.1111 111 111 p1•.tl . .tll Ill g.1llH' 111.d1·1 i.tl '"·" would 11111 ,1R.l1·qu;t11·lv '>1 11 11~111 .. ~ll'UI IUl'I' ,\~ ,f 11''1111, '1111 1111>11 · 11111·1' lllll"l 111 • 1111p 111 t 1•d 11 1 1 111\ljll I'!>" 1111' jll".ll d Jll 1111''' th.tl 1·11u ld 1.ik1 11111 111 1111 1·• \( ·,11 ... 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Cf) 0 a: <( I (/) :::> CX) ELLIS AV. d11\'1• Ill lflllJll'l I\' U111 ,1 Flt"ld-.111111· ..,1'11••111.1111 flll '>1111•'11 l'l'll'lll l\' 111 th•· t ll\ I 11 ll 11 • I I .... \J g g (' ... I I' d I h I. 11111,11111111111 11L ;tlm11:.t :!Otl g.111h 11 111\\ 11h11u '1 l \'µ1 · h 11n11''· plu' ,·;11 111p ' ... 11111·~ and 1111111 ·~ 1111 I h 1 pi-•1 I1111i... 111 th1• pr11pt·1 t~· l.w111g H1 1111kh111..,t Str1·1·t ;111d Tallw1 t 1\ \'(' 11111 l'11' 11t'l 11 1;d, ;11·1 1;1k111g " k1·1·n 111 11 11 · ... 1111 lit" p.11 1111111 .,,., ..... ti 11 ,1,1 If'' t'11 -.t 11 1-.11111· 111 lht l.t..,I l.1rj.!1 l.111d .ii• ........ 1111 111 IH · dl'\'1•l1111t·d Ill 1111 1 11 \ tollhtd1· 111 lltt• llHIU,ll 1,tl ''" '' ,.111111-! 1111· Sa11t.1 t\11.i H1\l'I' !\ltoll ' 111111<•11.11\I tilt• 1111111·11 ·, 111111111• 11 1.d .1r1 ·.i, 1·1·uld g1•111·1.it•· -.1glltllt ""' .... t11 · ... t;" 11•\'t'llll• 1111 1111 I II\. \\'h1tl1 "·" I 111.1111 "" 111 .. l ol 1 111 .... 111d 1-. "'1·k 111 g 111 I Jll,11 ,L!t t h \,1.\ l>."I' ,\ I I It I t I I \ ., I t If ll t•" I I· 11 l tl .t11111· 1, I"'' 1.,g 111 1 "" 1111l•pt 11d1111 1 111..,ull :.111 tt• I \'.dll.111 1111 dll\'I Iii IH lllJl 'll:.' \\ 1111 11o11 l11 11l,11 .ollo 11111111 Ill Ill'> • t 11 1111111 1 1 1,11 tfl'\'l•l l11Jllll•l1\ J•••I• 1111.il . /'"\ ( 11111 1.tl-. I 111111"f111 I'll \ .i11d tlw h 1 ld ... t111 11 lf•lltp.111\ .1g11·1· 1h1·11 · I'> I 11111' I 1k 1·l1 h1111d •• 111.ljlJI ,f111pp111g 1·1·nli·1 n1u ld h•· built o n li11 d11\'t' Ill b11d l ll't'ilUM· llf It~ 1111t11g111.1lttlll ,111.J lw1'.1UM' II I~ 11111 1·111..,1· fl) 1·x1:.t111g 11 1.db -.ud1 ,,,, S 1111lh l '•i.1~1 Pl;11.1 . I lu 11\111gton t'1•11 t • 1 .ind 1111' W1·..,t 1111n..,l«1 \I.di l111llll'llt.11t·h .11111 ...... B1tH1kh t1 1'l SI 1 • 1 t I 111111 t i"-d11v 1· 111 1:. ;_, .. 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II \llU g 1·I 1 111111111·111;!1 "Ion·~ 111,1 I 1 I"" d u\\ II \fill 1-(l'l lltJ 11 \ 1•11111 I 111111 I h 1•111 .111d "lll1l' .011.11\ ... 1-. "'"'"" th.ti 11·-.1d1·nt1.d tl1·\ t l•IJlllH Ill d tH'' j/.i\ Jiii' IL'>t•ll .. Tiger • • v1ct1In, 2, goes !Jonie Bv JOEL C. DO:" Of lhe O;llJ Pllol Sl;ll l.111 It t\111111111\ S111p .1111 \\ ·" 1111 1 • 111•·1 11r .1111 11111111 l\l1111d.1v ;..., 111 l1 ·l 1 M1s,.11111 l'1111111w1111" 1!11-.1itt.tl .JI 11 I I wt Ilg 111.ttrlt•d l1111·" w1 ·1·k~ .ti--!\' 1,, ,1 S1b111.111 11g 1·1 B ll I I Ii I . '.! \ (' ;11 II I d " II \ , l u 1t l1111g a ~t~rll•d lw .1r .111d 11tlw1 tu~:-.. n 1uld h.ordl~ k 1·1•µ h1~ 1·\'t'' I ro 11ll h1, 1ww b;1ll\ In 11\hl'r 1,"111 n "h 111• ;\ 111 h1;n' "a ~ 11 ·•m·1·n11g fn1111m1u111·:-. :-.urr"-.·d 111 th1· U1 t '.!:l .1tU11·k .ii l.11111 l '11L111t r \' S;1f:1n 111 l n •1111· ll11-.p11.tl 111fH1ab ,,11 d th•· 11111tlt•·1 N.11 11111 Stn p.1111 ~ti _ lt11t'\ I'''' lt·dt:-"1·11'1 1111 11 l.d 1111 \\ lult "''111ng li1·1 ""n .111d 1-!·"'1 h 11lli 111 .t h1 .tll h\ Ii J1t1Ul11t I'.! 1111rn 1 1,,,, 1 ..... 1 \.V1·d111•>;<l.1:- I\ 11 • .t 11 \\ h ti I'. I I' ;1 I 11 I ' I .J II h II ( ',111q111l1111g11 .. 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N .1111111 h1 ·1 1111.1111 """ (),,\·r.t. .i11tl :\111111111\ wi·n · to1k1 ·11 11t1l of tit• lt tt'Jlll.il I ll .1 p a ll' or ""' 1 l1 l1.111-. 111 a \\.11t111g ca1 :i11d ·' \\111111111 (I ll' l1,11k 111 lh1·11 l 'p l,11111 11111111 l\nd 11 .tfljtt'.lrt d 1111 \\ 111 .!1 l.111111 \' \\ .i~ d11111g JU'l 11111 ·~o-.. ·,! fr )~I \~ -. I It I 1 J.!I • .. , I Ill l.1l..111g Ill\ l.11111h 11•·1111 ~ ... ,11.J .!II \l·.01 old l ' 11 I•· :-..1 .. , •.• 111 1111 1 'ul11 1 a nt l ,i!l11 I 11j 111-. lt •ll l lh I hiJd If , ... 1.\11111111\\ I t.1!..1'11 11 I "• 11 \ \\' 11 Ii• .... m l 'I 11 ·., 11111 ..... 111 .I ·"'""' 1.tlk111g .tl111U t ll I 11• 'I'' 11 \\••II t IH1tlwr him 111 11t1· 11111111 • Tlt .. 111.:h t\11lhn 1t\ d'"°'n 't ""'"' I•• "·", -.111 It ri·d .:11\. 1x ·rn1a111•111 11111111•-. I 11 '"" h.1 \ 1 111 und1•1 g11 'II 11 1 I. " I .. " I II ... ll I g I. I \ ;1 II " ,1dtl1 ! 1ll11,tl 1111 d11 ;ti 1.11'1' 1111 l.111 1.1111•11'> h 1 1 .. 1·1°1\'l•d 1111 hh lo• ... I .11td •1111 It 1~ • .11111rd1ng 111 llll,Jll l .il puld11 1 ... 1 K .11 hlt•1•11 l\11 11111 Ill•\ I )111 1111' "I II 11>1111·1111·<l lhJI 111111..J ... 1g11 ... 11! p.1rat:-·"~ .11 111111 111 11!1 · lllJlll :-111d11'.1lt•d 1111\ ·., .... hull 11111wn111· 1111gh1 1~1·1· HELEASE. Pagt• A4 1 . . , . C-::ril;c1tifkf ..c:\lter11atiJ:r:5 .._ One thing 1s a t<1ct marrr;ige 1\ an 1nst1tut10 11 th<lt 1s here to s tay. and thf' tl<Je o ld tr;1d1t1on ot exch<lng1ng vvedd1ng rings looks like 1t will • be ;iround tor ;i while Also Bu t where d()(>S 11 ~ that your nngs must look hke grand· mother's. o r tor lh<lt m;mer. llke t1lnxxt evf.'ry engagt"ment <111d Wf'dd1ng rtng you Sf'f' 1n most sto res M <lny \!Off'.'\ VllQn't property tell you what you <11e buying er ei<pla111 to you why yo u e1re p;iying the right pr1ee To prorect you a9<1lmt this. \IV(' h<M' ra ken the rnystery out ot com· paring d1.'lmoncls an<f will L'lke the time to edlKMe ~ 1n the d1fft>reoc~ 1n qualities ilnd price. <1nd tht'n subst.:1n11<1rl' wh<lt 111/('">le s;11d w11h a money back gu;irantee Ttlere (Ill' ('X(tl1ng altPrnCltl\/f'\, <lnd 'We <tr(' proud to show them to yo11 At Wyn<lh<lm Lf'1gl1, we de\19n <1nd han<1cril'1 tt1e mm1 For str.i19ht h one\t P11pl.:mat1on. unique des19m ;m d g11;11an1eed value. Wyndh<1m Leigh IS lhe \(Off' th<ll SP<'Ctoillilf:'S 111 engage· ment and ~•rl<J rings • ~1Q1ie and t'l!Cltlng collection ot ~lllf'nl .\id 1Nf'dd1ng ring\~ ;ire going to s~ ~ rc-cogniu that you <1rc-1ndMduals <1nd our Jf.'Wf' fry re flC">cts t h<I t u ndl"rs t.wd1ng ~1ng rings av.~•l<lblc rrom En<Ji19t"ment rings aviltltlblr from Sl75 S4SO ·wyn11hain Le1g'"1 ~~rr.PR • 127 FclShlon lskV'ICl. ~ BMch. CA. 92b«J Near &JllOCla \Xl115hirt' "· ·c_ -- • • t ) r ----· . . --·· ... .._, U1 .111qu Cri11bt DAILY PILO I/ I llW•\l1ty Nu ""mlHJr 16 191:12 ' ~· .I" WORLD ' Dr~f t sign ups hack ~t squar~ one ·~ Union local worried about F.ord shutdow11 1\111 .l'l'I'.\~ 1111 l•01lld 1\111 1111 (°11 .ll\M tl)l ol\ tol,1111 li1 II' 0111 1,11111\'l'IH d 1111 •\ 111.1\ , ...... 111 11111 •111pl11\t•d ·'1"11·· l•111ol l\l11tu1 ('.111111.••" 11." 11.111 .111 Ill dt I''" :.t 111h 111llt1 1111111• tl11 lo .t1>oll 1tlll\ 111 l'I" 1111' 1• ·•·ptloh pl.11th " \ 11111'1 I , \II I• l \-'\ 1 >I I\\ I " J.111 , ii • otoll .11d 111 " l111llvl 111 l11 II~ 11 1 1 111 I 1 t I ' :-.; . j II .I 11 -. I • t\ '\ "'~ r~ I\ I..,, 1 H H 11 I t l 1 u~,, I' I .111 I' T It' I ' . " I" I "I I I~··· ii i.(JS J\N(:t-:1.t·:s CA I '> A I 1•d1 I ,d Jllofge', (."ltlll~ II 11·~.il 1•·1l1 111<1ol1t v , t11 l>1i.1•d llUI 11·g1tl.tllllllh tlutl l'l't!Ulf0 \' 11111l1C111:. 111 v111111g 11w11 lu n ·g1111t •1 l•!I Liu· cl 1 .t I t ., 111l a Is 11 s ;,1 Id l h 1· gtl\ ,., 111111 111 n 11ino1 s1·l1•1·t1vl'ly pri ,.,,.,·1111• 1 l'g1:.Lrallu11 n·:.1sl\·1's . 111 kii11 lk111~ uut Lht• g<lv1•11111u•nt 's c.:.o.i:.1· aga111:.t :!. I v1·.1r nld J);iv 11 I Waytl', US • ~)1st1111 .Judi''' '1'1·11 y liatlt·r J r nd1·d M11111l.iy Ill.it till" S s-lt ·c·11ve· S 1· r "-LJ1 S vst1•111 s h11u Id la a v1• W:tljt•d :1i1 1L.1y:. fo r uu lalll' 1·11111111t"1 1t hPl111·1· 1•t1l111Y111g :1 dnitt • '"" 111l111g 11 ~ ( II• 1111 l 01!tll I "' Ap1);·;di. ll.11lt•1 ~di.11 IU~·d Ila.ti Iii• II llw •'l'lll'.11' 1111111 11•ve·IM'll gm•1·1"1lllll'lll had Vlt1li1ll d W,1y 1t ."J' lf..ttt·I ,., d1·11'1'•11 . 1111' 111d11 tfr'\t •f).I In-.· :.1tc ·1·c:h nghts undc•r th <• U :-; .1g.111i-.1 W.1vt1 · \\Ill IM· rc>tn'<l.1lc•d C1111sl 1t11111111· by pn1S4't'tll111g 11111\ .111ol pr 1111·1·d111g-. w ill n ·-.urrw. Vf11.·;1I "fll>t•l11·11L-. uf th1· dr;ilt 111 T1011 -..i1d I I• Ir.rd 1111 lurlhl'I .dso nt1·d th1·· g11v1·rr1111•·11t '-. 1111111111•111 n·l11:<:il to lq111 11v1 •r 1•v1clc·11u·. M,~1 k H 11:.1·11J~au111 , c1 11t• u l a11d 11:< 1t•rus:1l uridt•1 the J111.·1n 111· Wuvlt· ~ ;1 tt11rrll'v~. i;;,11c.J lac wai. 111 l'Xl 'C"lllrV•· .IJl'IV1lo ·1o11· 111 1dlow ··p!1•,1:.a11tl.v :.l ~111111·d"" by t11r>~ Wii1t1· I loww t·ou11sl"1 11r 1':dw111 111l111g .. 1111l lwlwv1·:.-1f 11 1~ u 1-1lwld Mt•f's1· lll to l<'sllf'y 1111 .q1j)l'HI. th!· 11:1111111':. l'IHll"c It wa:. urwlt•;11: h11w l l.11tt·1·, d1.dt 11·g1:.11al1t111 :.y-.11 ·111 may be.· r 1 al 1 n g w o u I d •ti I 1 • c.· t L la 1 111v.ii1 d n •g1:.tl'al11111 p nll·1·s..., or tt1t · l11u1 ·•it 1111 •:.11~ tlll' wl111l1• dr:1r1 1s 111t•ll 1·11nVll~t1 ·d o l n·:.1 ~l111 g 11111 ." lw -.111d • 1\ 111111111 1 ••.. .1 ...... .1 l'vl1111ol,I\ t Ii .. ~ I·' .. I d I " ' I ' II' I .t'. I I "1: '""·"~: ,,, l\ltlptl." .1;.:.1·11 11tl\ tol.1111 , \\ 111111 1•1npl11,·-. .tl11111I .' It It I I I 11 I 11 11 \\ 11 I k 1 • I -. 1\ 11•111p:111v 'l111k1·,..111.t11 d1·11wd pl,.,,, t.• d 11-.i• tho• l.wrl11 v " \\ 11 I t ~ \'•c • \ . : n .,.L ! .}ti '1 P t u ~ '' ... I I 1 I I ' ' ' " " d ' .. .t I I 11 1· 1"'.t.olol1-.lwd ' · ·· · r "J?rsti":1n1·,,1 ')'>Mt'l:1rn:u m 1) ·1ssu~d l>v f11rnw1· Pn·:.1dt·111 .J1111 111 y Ci.1 rJl·r 111 I ~lltl rT"~1': I r:i t'f1TTT"-'rtfr g-1w1'rr1'1 MT-i1 r--, " ... I ' rTI1:11T1iT" ..;/ii Ir I h <• I i I 'I·''' H !I 1111lli1111 1111 ·11 h ;1V1· ll.1111 •1':. d1~1:.11111 "°' 11plwld, tht• 1·11111pl11·d wi th th1· <1e l , wllrl• 1·7111\'11·11•111~ 11f 111111 11th1·1' d raft Grad s tandards · s tudie d , I.OS ,\ Nt a :1.1-:s Tlt1• u I\' -.1111101 d1:.111t t '-. 111 •\\ (." ,1\•1, .. ~:1• g1.1d1· 11·1111111•1111•111 I"' \\ Pldd h1 . .r 1Ii11·I1 ., \\ tol rid ho•t tollll" .f • ht git 'H ht1ol g1 ... 111 .ol ltoll I l'tl lllf 1•1111•111 u11dP1 0111 l111,1rd •"•·11ilw 1 ·-. p11 'I" ,,,al •·\\'1t lr 11111 Ill"\\ p11l11 \ 1111 ,., 11.11 u1111 11 l,11 .11II\II1o .... ", •1'"" 11 111·11 111 .di I-i nd-. "' 1·111111:.111 .111tl Jll-.t1l1.1hl\ '" 11 "" 1h111·1 11111)1'11\'1· g r :1d11.1t11111 ..,1,111do11 d -.. · lw.1 1 d 1111 •111111 •1 !<11111 ·11.1 \Vt•llll1.11d1 .... 11d \\ l1t 11 -.111 pl ''l'""'·d I h t 1d1•.1 I\ l1111d.' \ Tho 111.tll• I w.1-. '>('Ill Ill tlu• Ii " 'I I ti " I·. d u t • • t I ti II 't I I It" 1111>11,..111 t 0t11111111111 • 1111 , 1111-.1d1 ·1.it1 .. 11 Thi' h11.11·d \!•It'd l.1 ... t \\ 1•1•!-111 11 q111n .1 111111111111111 I . ,1\ 1•1.tg1 111 .ill ''d'J' th\\ 1ll1 1111 1.1 il111g ~:1 .1.f1 Ill .111\ 'l.1 1 .. !111 t ... 111111 ·111-. 111 . I \ ( • I " t I ' .• I I I 11 ,,,,,,.1111111.l.tl 'l'"lh .011.t ' I I Ir ' I .. ' I I\ I I I t ' .., II ' It ... , I lit t 1 l1 ,11J 111g d1•l t<1lil l ~~ oolld ol I t 11 I 1 • 1111 Anti-s 1noking a pprove d ~ .. \ N IJI t-:t ;u S11111I-.• 1, \\di 1l11 l1111g1 •1 111 ,cl1l1 11 1 JHll I t·1i::1n·1t1 ·, 111 11 1.111 -.11111 ·-. ,11111 I t•l'l.1111 't't111111' tol l f0">l.ot ll.1llh u11 d1 ·1 ap11•jk,..,,d1111.11 1111 111t1-.I\ "l'lll"''d '" lht s .... llt\.I!" (."11 \ l "•lllll ii Tht· , 1111111 ii p . .-. .... ·.t th• pr "I""·" tlu1111g .• 1111, t111g 1111 1\1111111.1 \ Ill .111 • I 1 .. 11 1 .. -.tn°ll,l!ll1111 llat Ill\' 1!17 1 NATION llllt 'l111 1l,ll•L dJ dlH.alH1 I It ' II ' \\ ... 111 ti 1, I 11 1: It 'It I• 111111-.· .ti t "111 d u l1·ol 111 •.• 1-.. '11• I I Ill .l.11111.11 \ I 11 ,1 d d I II " 11 II I I \ . I I t '1111'1"'' I \\ 111 ,,, 111111111 d I• 111 . .J,, .111 1111 lllj•I I•• 1•.1.1hlr•h "IUt•h.• llt t ,tlt "' l••f ffp H 11••11 •llll•klllJ.: t 1111'1"•''' 1"11.11 I'·" t "' "" Ill• .1-.lltt I'"' 111(. , I I , , I l 11 I \ I I 'I/I I U.S . ., So vi e ts 'thawing ' 1\1< )St '( IW llnH· 111 1111111111 ,, I 111•11 • .i11 · Sl).!lb Il l .1 -.ltghl 111.t\\ 111 US -So v1t•l ro ·l.11 11111-. S1111·1 lht· tl1·:1th ol l'1t ·~1d1 ·111 l.1 ·1111111 I Hrnh1wv. both thl· Whitt• !11111:.1· :i11d K n·111l111 h<1Vl plll 11Ul lt•fll ,1(1\'t• lt•1•lt'1-. ,1nd 10111·d down ,.,,lllH 1d tl11·11 -:ht ill d w11•1w111 tlu P·"' IW•l \'t ·:1 r ... ()11 Sund:iv. \'1u l'rc•-.1d1 11t l ;.1·11rw· Bu ... 1) 111 1\111-.c.•1\' 1111 R11·1h111 , .. .., llllH 1.ol. I 'II'' -.-..·d l h (• .. I t. t v I II I h" I".. I " I 11 d 1u 1 d a rr11-. ~p1•11d111g 1,, 11., I\\ 11 -.11p1·1 ii"'"• I°' :\11d 111l l\l 1111d .1v I h1· 111·\\ So\'11 ·1 ("111111 11u11i...1 1';11 tv 1111:....-.. Yun :\ 11d I 11p11\', p l• •dg1 d Ill Ho ·ol Stp1.1n· dunng Hn·1hr11 ·\ ':. ltllll·r;ol ltl t'tl•IJ>l'l';tlt• \\ tlll ,111 \' rwl111n th<ll :.h11\\"1·d ~11111l.1r 111tt•n ·:...I All 1111!> led uµ 111 .!II minut1· 111"' I lllL! l\ln 11da' :ti tl·rll•>cm Ill th1 Kn·11~1i11 11.-t \\1'1 ll Hu,..h J11cl :\nd1 ••H"'" th" h 1gh1 ..,, ,,.,.,., \ "'"·" t '" t\\"(•(•I) llto f\\'tl I !•111111 It, Ill 111111\" th.111 t 111 t ,. '' •• 1 ... Iraq's g ulf war c o s tly HA <.;111 >1\I> l1o1q T'"1 \"1'<11'' .tllt·I th l111n' ,\lllllll d ;11111 11 .111 11.iq l111d-. tht II IJogg!•d d u\\11 111 ,1 t11:.th . unp11p11l;1r -.1,ol1·111.111 11 "'' 111-. pow1 ·rl1 ·,.., 111 1 111 I \V1·~t 1•1 11 d1pln111.tl~ ,inti 11list•n '1•rs ... ,1\' 1111 war h;1s STATE I ,, •.•• , .. d th1· l 0 'l"IJlll•lll\ .111d , l.1111 ... d th•· lrn·~ 11! :!0.0(111 t11 1111.IHlll -.11ld1t·r-. ··P1·11pl1· d1tn°I u111h•r-.1.111d tlw ".ir :mu wn11ld 111-.1 1 .. put .ill 1·11d Ill If . -..otd Ci ll\ \\'1·,\1·r11 d111l11111.t1 wh11 11·qw• ... 1dl .1111111\ 1111l\ IRS r eports 011 • income \\' 1\S ll I N(;ToN Thi ln1t·1 n ;il H1·\·1·11u1· S t 1' 11 • ..... \ ' I H H t ti u I' I ' ... " I 11ldl\1d11.d-. \\tth 1111 111111 ' ,1h11\ I' $:!1111 llltt) U"·d dt •du1·11tm~ .. net• n·d1t-. '" '' 1111 nllt .oll th1·1r r.-de •r-;11 1111 111111 \,o'.\. i1;1l11htv Ill 1\1/lll Th· 11U1tll\<·I 111111.1-.i·d 1111111 11 1 111 Jlt711 .1n11rd111)! t11 1h1 I I< s :\ 1 t lat' II g I 1 I t " • " I.' ' I• 111111"> Ill• rt ....... ,, "' """ I I" 111 111 111 1•11111 llw 111J111I" 1 ttl 1111.!h 111111111'· It IUI 11" I,,,_, .!.• I" II t Ill. '" I l!l ll'..1lo R e agan vie ws job a·ids \A./ ,\ S 11 I N (; T < ) N 1-'r1·,1dt·11L l<1 •aga 11 , l.i1·111 i.: g 1ow111g nmgn•s:.1011;d t l.i111•11 t11 d11 '<•1mt•thing :1hout l11gh u111•111pl•1ymt•n1 . 1s t·•m.;uh·ring pri1p11.,;ifs to ht•l'p youn ~ pc·opfl. w1thoul Jobs and workrr~ nn lnng -trrm ta :•oft 11(f11 .. ,,, 'av 11111 tll·· .... · .11l1111111-.11.1t11111 111111 1.d:. ,,,1d M1111d:1\. H1•:1g.i11 ,.., 1·111w1·rnl·d .il1rnil 1ir111)11:..tl-. I h.1t will p1~1,·c• 11111 • 11-.1 I;. 1111 .111 ,1drnin1 ~1r;t11t111 ~•·<·k111g w :1v:. t o r1•dUt'\' ltudg1·l dt:'fiC'IL<;. whwh ('ould rrad1 $'.!till hilli;,n in t'1st;tl 1~114 es l~alates ~/,y 'war' No·\\ pnrl Bl'at"h-t11.1st·d A irCa l 11.1-. .111111111111·1·d a plan· d<•s1gnl·d '" 111.ol"• 11 1h1 · .. d1111111u1nt air 1.c11 11 ,· 111 tlw h1 ·:ivilv Lrall1l'kt·d • 11111d111 -.p.11111111g N1 .1rthl'rn ;ind :-.; ... 1q11·111 ( · . .iit .. 1111:1 I '111lt ·1 lit•· pl:111. 'dwdull'd to 1-:11 111111, It" I I >.•1 I. i\1rC:d will 1111 • 1 111111• 111:.11 llttl.111111 st·ats on I,.!.' 1 11~~1.h JI' I >\"I e k l1t•l\\'l'l'll cl 1 'I I 11 ,o I I II 11 ' I II S II II I h l" I' II f ' . .!11111111.1 1111 S.111 F r.1111·1..,.·11 l'b ~, .\11 .1 .11111 S.11 1.111w11te1 .\11 ( '.ol \\di IH""' 1h1· 11uml11:r 111 1 l1gl1h 111I"1·•·11 S11uth1·n1 l "o1l1 1,1 11t1.1 .111 d N11rth1·rn I '..111 .. 1111.1 d1 -.t111.ot11111s b v :{U d,11 h I' 1111r1hh11uml ;u;d 15 ..... 111hl11•ll11d 11111h·r 1h1· µIan 1-'111 1111 11r-.1 11111 • ., 1\1rC;d will 111 II I 11••11 -..top -.!'I \'11'1' bt:l\.\'l"l"l1 1 ·"' • \ 111.:1 It·:. :111d S.111 Frane1st:o ,, 111111 1· 1111.\\" :>l'l\'o•cl bv 10 11 l IJ1 ·1 1 .1 I rte•I" oqn·ra t'1ng an .1v1·1.1gt• t rl 1111 r11 111 :.top flights JX'I' cl:I\ ii1 •t!l111 1111g l>•x b . /\1rl'a l will 111i<·1,1t•· II\•· 111111-~to1,,.. pt·r day on J 111 I .11.., :\11gl'lt·:. San 1"r<11w1st·o 111ut1• Uv 1·11mp:en,11n. S<tn -l>11·g11 has1·d l';,nl1t· S11ulhwt•st 1\11 l11w~ OJ'l<'l"1tl':. 17 flig hts pt-"r d,1\' l1.-!We•1•1l tlll• lWO l"llil"S. Arrl":rl will 1m·n·a:<e from fivt: '" '" tit« 11 t1111hl'r 11r 1k1ilv no n-~'"l-1 J l 1~li1 ~ hl·lw1•1•n U.range· ( 011u111:-.., ,J.1h11 Way n<· Airport .111d S.1n Fr .111• 1-.c·11 ;ind from th11'1 lo tour tht· numln·r u f l ltghL-. lwtw1·1 11 Oi:111g1· Counly .11111 (.).1kl.11ld S1·1 v1n · .it ..... "di l>t· llll n ·,1i-t·d 1111 11111\1·' li<·t\\1·1·11 Bu1h.1nk and < 1111.11111 .11ul 111111h1·111 C;d1r11rn1;1 dt 'l111,t111111-. t\11 l ",ol -.,11d ,\1il':d -..11d tl wli l 1dl1·r ;, -.111" 1.d $.HI n11.td.1y fan• on 1 lighL-. I 11 I \\ 1·I'11 ; ol I 111 :1 r k I' l ~ 111 I h I' ( '.dtl111111,1 c·11111cl111 th1· bUSll'SI .111 I 1.111'port.i111111 111:irkl0lplan• 111 t 111 "111 Id Tltt 1111cltfoy pnc1• will •111 i.:011d o n ll1gh1s ch-parting 111•1\\ 1•1•11 Ill .• 111 and 2 p.m . I\ Jiii :oil\ .1 I •(•r111d nr tfl{' tfay with 111\\1·1 p.1-.-. .. 11gl'1 de·n1and J\11 I '.ol will ol lc·r <1 $52 c.Jisc:ount I.in· 1111 I lights a t othl·r ttmc>s on a 1 .1p;111t ~ 1·011trollt·d basis. Hcgular 111w \\ ·•'" r.1n• "" north-south 111\ltt '' \\ill I (•!ll;llll :1t $75 I 1 S . \ " h 1 c h t" o rn p c l l's d111't lh with J\1rC;1I on Orange I · .. 11111v o111tl Lo~ An1'(l'll·s roulC's ....... ·' $.1.! rl.11 11nto.way rarC' on J lrl!hh 111 ilw C:ollf11rrna torndor It .tl-.11 11lh•1,.. a 'J1<·<"1al $25 one - ""' t.1n• 1111 I.rte• night rl1ghL'i lu•t\\ 1 •'II Lu.., J\ng1·ll·S and San F1 .1111 ,..., , , 1\ I'S,\ ~pokt•,.man said thC' 1·,111 ,, I \U•Ulcl b<· r«Vlt'Wing 1\11 l '.ol '-. $:1H d1;.<·oun1 Ian· lx·forC' d1 ·11•1111111111g wh1·tlwr to malt:h 11. 1\-. :\1d. 'al 111\Tl':ISt•s SC'rYIC'(• in 1111 111nqwt1ll\'t· Caldorn1a • 111 1 1d 111 I),., I 11 wil 1 sus pl'11d ..,.·1\'111· 111 111111 l!l lll'r p111n ls 111 1t..; 111\'t· ~1:o11 11H111• ~~·stt·nw 11wlud111g 1\.J11111 1•n •\. F11•s1111. l":i1~ Vq~<is and 11'1111• 'll" ' :--01 •1 \"11·• · '" l<t-1111. P11rt land and _-.;,.,,1111 w ill 11111 lie· .tll1'l'l\'d bv 1H, 111:1111.W}l• /\1rt"al 11l tw1alss:111l ~· .")· We're .. Wh.rt 1111 "111 hk1• .1h1111t ftll' Dari~ l'dot'' Wha t rl on·t you like., l '.ill 1111 11umh1·r .it h ·ft ,111d ;.11l1t 11w-.-..1g1• will fl(• n -t·o rdt·d., l1.111'"'T1be:d ,111ll J1·ll\0t•1"1 1d tt1 th1· .tpprnpraalt• 1'(htor ' Listening ••• l'h•· ~am1· 24 hour .1n~Y.i•nnl( M·rv1rt' m;iy hc» usl'd to rt'cord let ll•r-. 111 th1· t•ihtor nn :an' lop1r M:11 lbox contributors mus t indude 1h,•ir n ;rnw .1ull t1•l1•phonl' numbt•r fnr \t•nf1ratwn No r1rrulatton ,.,111-.. pka:.t• 642·6086 T1·ll "' "ha t 'on "''ir nund M''' ,,., ,, ,,,, ', '1• 'nt a.'"' " ! Ii ('I ,,,, 11 10 1 " , .. , .. , 'j • '"'' ,r,o1 ' 1 • I 1 fi"" .11tu•J ~ h · -_. 11 r,-.1 .. •lll• 1n ,.,,,, ~)11 ' t .~ ... "'" , ' ''>C l' IJt' I I !Al • 10 "~ ,.,,,fj ~ 1•1• • l t •I t~ t~•-.r•lfd QrCllllef Ion hh,it.. ... ........ <>•''O" l •!ti',, A•-i\'\ M1-4JJ 1 ND'l~111P9"-' Hotif,,.,..1+• H,._,,. & w,..., .... ' ~ ,,., '"'°'' 1·10 taQl.I'••• .. ,.,. . .......00 ' I " ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . Thomo• ..,. · ~ ·.. . '""' " ~•rt •'llUl1\hfll Ofl'1 ( h1t•I t .,.., ·•'•Y"' ( W11 '" Jon• Amori • · Raymond Mocl•on f ~'"~it""'" l t11H•' ( ''"""'''" l. Koy Schultz Micha•I P. Harny v.rlf p,,.,,(j .. nt 0·'"'"" nl ""n•~f'hfl(J _..,,, "''""""., f)f AcJ•"'"''"U t ,,.,1lot.1>n Clu11tled •dv•rtl•ln9 7t41'6'2·H 71 All other d•p•rtment• 642.,.321 MAIN Of FIOE JJO W••l 11 .. SI CO\I• "'"• C.A MIO •ctd''" Bo• Uifl01 Ca.t• M•Y CA 9'1t1' ._,.( onct 1 I"'' on<t1t0f' CMtd At C01ot1 MfW , C•HfOf"tA flJP\ 1'4 fl0CH !.ut't\t r1pt10f\ f>y t•'""' \41Smontt\ly bw m 1ul W, \() H\Qnlhly T • 0' """ (0118't Oa•I';' Pilot •It" •f\i(f\ i\ (ctm- t)1nfl'-tl th~ Nfl'•\ PtP'\\ t\ put>f1\1Wd by ttw Or_,. (N\t Put)h\h•"Q ComSMny w,..r•t• •dltlClft\ 1r t OYbl•\~O Mono•• ttHouO" 'rtd•Y tor Cata NWw N,wp0'1 8ff(t\ •tyf\l1nQfO" Rt •C.f'I ,O\lfttatf'l VeUey. Ir YOn• I _,,. ll•A<" \ooJI" C "'"' A ....... ,....- ld•t•on '' C>Wl>t•'""d \.tlv.r._,., l l'ld SiwMeY\ TM prtn( 1p11 OUbtl\htnQ pl1nt I\ at llO Wt \t l•'f S4,... P O l!o• IW.0 ,.,.,. M••• C oltlo•nl• ,,.,. VOL. 75. NO. 320 , \ "Tlw t·uurt t·:11111ot do~t· 1l:. •·ve·~ Lu Lh1· lal·t tlwt tlll' p nx:lan1.1t.11111 lwc.:anll' d l\"t"ll\lt' a nwn· :!. I d.1.v:. afll•r 1l wa:. puhlts hl'<l 1111 1h1· Fed1•ral Ht•g1stc.•r)." llatlt.•r ;i<ml 111 :11!:1,IHlll 1111•11 have• l:11 h·d to :.11.(11 11 · ... 1-.11·r-. l'liuld Ix· 1ive·r turn1.J lip ll S A1111rru ·v St•·ph<·n Tr•1t1 ..,;1111 the· JUUg••"s ord1·r would be· .1ppt·ah•d 1mnwJ1a1..Jy 111 1h1• 9th "' Wlrephoto Jew ll urri~on of PINtsanton finch.; out tha t 't.wa lk." hutton~ a l ('rosswa lks a rt•n~t tlt·~ig~c·d with gia nts or un i('yrle rs in m i.rul. W:1v1e., a l1111111·r ph1lus11phy ..,tt11lv111 .ii Y.1h • U111 ve·rs1ty. !><JIU, · I .1111 v1·1 y happy right now IM·• .•u"· tlw JWlgt· has <l1srn1ssl"t.I the 1 :1:.1 I th111k lllll>I 1s a big \'II 1111 \ 1•11 11..., a11d a big :.l'lbcit·k 111 1 th1· St•l.1•l l1 v 1• St·rv1cc , ..,,,lt·111 . 111··ri1-. dt'l l~ltlll . I la lll·r said hl· l'l't 11g11111·d .. , ,II' w1dt·:.prt'il<l 1·tt1·1t 1ho11 ,, d1·l'1s1un granung d1 It 11d;1111 ·-. 1111.111111 tu d1srn1ss dui· 111 1111' rll1·gal µn1inulg<illon ot ttw Jll 11da11wlhm will h <ivc· on th1.; 11.1t111n·:. S1·l1T l1v1· Se·rVll'l' n ·gl'>lr;1t11111 progn1111." Bui lit· :.aid th(· govt:rnn11 •11t f;11lt ·d l!I J)l'IJ\'(• W:i.y ll· h cid -A<tl~ b1·1•11 I h1 • :.Ulljl't'l u l St·ll'l'llVC· cl1:-<·111111tlo1t11111 111 thl· prust·t'Ullnn 11f oli.d t n ·gi:-11 .1111111 n ·sistl·rs ... l'1·r,:.1111:. pn1st·cu11·d for l:11ll11g tu n•g 1~ll'I" havl· cnns1slcd '"lt•I:-'. not largl'iy, of vocal 1111n 1 <·gl'>tn1nt-.." Hat L<•r nolt'<I Brown names Daniel Brice l<J Judges]!ip IJ;1111e·I Brit'\'. ;1 prost·t·uLor in Lht· Ur~111g" Counlv 01slrrct Altonwy·~ 111 fin·. w;J~ ~ppornt.cd.. Mo11cla~· to a lllUllll ljJ<JI <'IJUrt JUdgt':.h1p h y outgurng G ov. Edmund Brown .Jr . Hl'lt'l', :i:l. will n ·plc.ct· Judgl· Janw:. Franks 11 un Lhc· N orth Orang« County Mun1dpcil Court lx·nd1 111 Fullt·rton. Franks has l:><:l·n l0 l1·vutc·d to sup<.•rior l'11ur1 judg1·:.h1 p. B r11·1· spc·n\~·1ghL y <'<trS as a 1Jr11·k l.1 ~·t •r lwl o n · taki n g an 1ntt•11·-.1 rn l:1w lit· a l (C'nded Calilorn111 St.ill• ·univl·rs1ty Long B t·al h :.ind thl· P aci r1c Coa s t Unl\·l'rsllv &·hool of Law. B<·l or~· 1·om1ng to Orange Count v . Brin· W<JS a d e puty d1:.1r 11"1 <1ttor111•v 111 tht.' Los A n J.! l' I t• s c () u n I v d Is t r I l" t . . :atlurn1·v·s office· and a n 111v1 ·-.t1gateM-in ihal 0H1c·C'0S M<iJUr. F1 .1ud 1>1v1s1nn I I•· 1:. ;, nwmh<:r of th<· count'v ,Hid -.tall· h;ir aSSl ll"lallll11S, and a lo n111'1 ch;11rm<lll of the l'OUnly li;11 .• :-. .... ic:·1 .. tuin· ... l·r11n1n::1l s..'l.:tton . B1 ll'•··s w1 f1-. Nina. alsci 1s a pn1:.1n 11 .. r 111 llw Orang<· County J>1:.tl'lt I /\lt11rrl\'\'0 s orflt"l' PRICES UP, PRODUCTION DECREA SES . • From Page A 1 Tht• pnnw .rate· Is t lw b<1s1• hank:. U~t· lt1 l.ikulal<· lllll'l"C'Sl l'h;1rg1·-. 1111 sh11rl·tl'l'm loans to t·11rp1 1r.l\t· t I w :lls M any la rg<' t'ODl1Jan11 •!. borrow al rat<•:. lx·low thl' 1n1m1• rat1·. whll<· smal l bus in1•s-.1·-. ty111t·<1lly pay orw It> IWt1 fWn"1·11t;1g1· pnlllL'> ,1h<1v1• lh1· pnnw S om1· t't·onomish an· Vll'Wrng th1• 1"e·d1•r.JI lh·:.t·rvt· Bourd's l.1tt"st m111wy-supplv n· irt as a -.1~n th.it 11111·n •:.1 rail•:. 111 gl'nt•r;d mav n11t dt'l line• mlll·h furtll1 ·1 111 tlw. we•1•ks a he·ad l\J\'<tnWh1lt·, l\\"11 h.111k:. Cnx·k1·r .111d 8:11\k 111 i\nll'rw:1 an riou 11 1 1·d lowl'r 1 .r It·-. 1111 l"On:>Ullll'I" lo.111:. Crol"kt r l•"''1•ri·d l'Cll l·s on aul1imoli1h· lu;111s. hoat 111:111-. .111tl a \'.1r11"1;. ut h11rnl' t•qu1t~ and honw 1mpn1v1·11wnl lti:rns Tht· hank ;i lso a111111u111 •·d • I Hey, why are you topless? lti\\'t I pl t"i1•1 rt•d lt11('rt'~l ratt•S for 1>11 11 11 \\1'1" whu arrangc- .111111111:1111 P·'' nwnts from ·lhl•1r l 0 111e l-.1·1 B.111k t ht-c.:kang at-,:ounlS lrnht·d tu ,, :-a\'111gs :ll"t:ount. lnh '"'' 1.111'' on loan s for lll'W au los d ropp1•d to I Ii 5 pl'n·cn t: lr11 1n 17 :!:1 pt·rn·nt with at p11•ll'rt1·d r;1\1· or 15 !:I JX'rl"l'nl. t ' .... ·d .111l11mobll<' loans dropp<'d• t11 17 ;, I rnm I H 2;'} pc:rn·nt with a. 111 ,•11•1 n ·d r:1h' 11f 17 Pl'ft"C'nl. ; Well, I just bought these pants and I didn 't have · enough money left to buy a top to go wi th them. ~~• I I Did you know that this week only, Bldtique has "The Rack "? Buy any pant off "The Rack " and you can choose a top off "The Rack " for FREEi +.--.,. • __. .J .. ' ~~ . -' ·a~ Bu~ ~an 1 borrmv-;~'.1/., .;Jt imtH I get over there? 346 7 Via Lido, Newport Beach , In the Security Pec1hc Bank Bide. • '" • 673-4~10 j t h It" I "We mty be nard to find but everyone Mys we re wort • A ·I 01 u11uu Coaut REl ~EAS I~ • ... From Page A2 1h11 lt.1\1 d .1111.i1•• djh•tl11111..,11I 111.., 111,1111 ... 1 .. "·"" ,\111 I"'"' ·'l'l"'·111·d 111 Ill' .1:. ,iii I I ,..., .ilt\ -,•uu11g-,l1•1 l11-. .. 1g1· ••:>, Ii• \\ .1:-. \\ h"1·l1 d IHI l •>I l ht• 1h11'>pll.d .d1111g-.11ll' 111 ... 11Hllhl'4 ,tilt!, 11.dl\ hr 11111\'I 111 .., IH'.td ".1:- '1•\ ,:tt•d II\ ,1 ht•1t l.•fl .111d h1 · v •• 1:- .. 1 l111 JI ::.111 J \' L' J LI y ,ii I l lll' l1•l1•\ l!iliJll l ,1l1H;l';h ,111d I \'IJOl'll'I'!'> l11ll11\\ tllg 111111 1111111 1111• p1 •d1,1lf'WS '""" 111 tlw 1.111111\· 1·ar "W1"11· li,1pp~· '" hf' go111g h111111'." '·"" C'.1rl11s, .it 11·1 ... 1ull111g 111-. s l.1lJ1111 .w.1g1111 \\'Ith 1t1;.•:-., )-:ill:-. .illd 11tlh•f 1111 M llh ,\11tlt11tl~ h,1d ·t l'11'1\'1 d du1111g 111 ... h11sp11.il -.1.i,v Tl"' 1,.,, " ..... .1t1.1t h.1·d .ti 11·1 his f.111111\ .111d '"lll l' 14•t:ilfVl'I> '' "" 11,:d .1 .. 1\11\\ 1.illt·d ''.Ju11gl" J-'.1111.is\" ,1l lh1 \\ ild .1111111.il µ.1rh. Thi I ' '1 .11 old llgl'I' apµ.111•1111\ h.ul 1-.l.ilk'd 1111111 J l1°IH1·d ,111•.1 ,111d g1,1hh1•d .A11th1111\ h:-tu' l11·.1d. d1c1gg1ng lh1• lt•f I ti tt•d I hild lfllll 'llllH' 1w.1 1 li' ln1 ... h1 •.., \\'h~·11 ''"' 11g1·1 \\ .1 ... d1-...11\'t'f'l'll ]l>llSI', \'!Sllul '<\\I'll' ,.-.h.1·d 10 lt•;l\'t' th1· .111•.1 .111d \\ .tlh. lfllll ........ ll<llll J.tl'llilll'' I .11111 l'olllllll \' 111 ftl'tab MISfk'l'·I tlW SI I l'.lfll,'> 111 ~llllll' f'.11 k MU••sts 1·.1u ... ·d tllt' l1g1·1 lo .11tat·k till' d11 Id Thi• '"'' w • .-. wn•...il1•d fr<'c' ;tlt1•1 lli1: olllllll:tl's f.11·1• Wai. .spr;1y1·d hy .• l1.111wr with a fin· 1·x1111gu1slwr T h , . ... h () \\' h ;1 s I> I' ~· II lt'lllj!lll .11·1 l y d l st'l!lf I I llllt'cl , ., ;1lT111·d1ng 111 l.1011 l 'oun 11 y spokt''"''om.111. V1rg11)1a Braut•r · .. .. . .. .. - Dellr Piiot Photo br LM P1rne Tlw St11µ:i111 f;tmtlv ts lll'111g n •pn st·ntt·d bv N1•\\ pot t llt·:it·h .111.,rm·~ Etlt·1•11 M1111n• A l,1w:-.u1t ,1g.111i-.t th1· an1m;tl p.1rk ts c.'Xp1·1 1<•d -;11nH·11m1· n1•x t Wt•c•k. l\lfoon· -..ml Anthony S topani holds hands with his niothcr Naomi .who hold:-. his new br-0the r David us they leave Mis ion Commun ii)' l'ospilal Monday. FOUNTAIN Y Alt.EY • SANTA ANA • GARDEN GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM 2 f irins seek De Lorean Co. l>ETHOl'I (,\I') Tw11 olh·rs lo t<Jkl' ovl'r i tlw L: S "'"'t' 111 tht• lk Lrnc·an Motor Co . 111l'luding .1 $10 :1 rntll1011 1>1d by thl' au to m .. gn.il1"s Iii othl'1 . w1•n· l>t•fort• ;J fl'dl'ral bankrupll':-0' JUdg1• tc11lay ( '1111s11lul;i11 ·d l11t1•n1.iu1111al lrw of Columbws. 011111, ol f1 ·n ·d $1 :!;1 1ntll1011 for tht· un~olJ US 111,·1·11101 y ol 1>1· l.11rl':in t'ars. µ~1r1 s and· d1 ... tnliu1tu-.h1p 11ghts. plu' .iso;ump1111n ul $8.7 m1l11011 111 d..tils l-\·d1c ;il A;1nk 1 uptl :-. .Judg1• Gc·orgl· Woods • w.i:-. ... c twdult·d to rult· on thl• <1t·qu1:-.111on lal>t \\'l 'l'k. hut ;1tlJ11Urt1t'<I tlw lw,1nng uftl'r n'C-eiving th1· Sltr:l mtllt11n offt·r from ChJrlc•s Ot.• Lorean. O\.\'IH'I of .1 L .1k1·\\ 11o1d Uh10, c.·Jr dt·all'ri,h1p a nd Don l\l,1s...,. '. "ho o ..... n' IA.• LurC'Jn and Cadillac t·ar dt·.il1·1 ... i11µ!-o 111 Pl~m11u1h Jnd L<tnsmg. M1l'h Ot.· Lon·;in M otor filt·d for prolN'l10n und1.·r Chap1<·r 11 of th1· F1-<h•rdl &111krupll'Y Cock in Oc:tol~:I ~hot ti\ .tftt·r 1Lo; fountkr. J ohn Z De Lon·.in. ",.., .11 11 <,lt·d 111 Lo-. Angl·ll-s on flxlcral drnJ.! t h.1rgc·-. 111\'ul\ mg<• $'.!4 m1lltun cocaine deal Thl· h;mkrupll) JUdgt· -..11cl ht• wnuld g1vt· t·n·dllor ... ,, w 1•1·k to 11hj1·t t 111 lhl· t1·nlal1V<' ~t'lllt·1111·11t 111 \\11trng .• 1ml -.c.h<-duh·d d hc•<Jr111g fill· l!>1.la\ Tht: lllllf l clo1 kl'l .,how ... ohjt'l'l,ton~ l1> thC' Cnn~oltd:1lt'<I "11t• huvt-l:K't'n ftl~'CI bv Sir K1•nnl•th 'Cork and P,1ul F' M Shl'Wt•ll. go\'l•rnme nt- appw11ll·d l'l'l't•1v1·rs ovt·r ... c·t·1ng the dl'funct Nnrthl·rn ln•land Ot· Lon•an plant. Massey's Capitol Cadillal'. and Dt• Lor<:'an Cacl1llac. own<:'d by Charlt'S rx.'LorC'an: and l\li'O othl'r l'rroil<>rs. HCA Auto \..'•1rµ. :.md Audio Systems Int· 01· Lort•<.i'1 Motor attornl'y Lawn:nt·c K. Sntdl'r l'sl1ma1t'l! th<· l'ompany OWC's $17 million <'<.1t·h to lh1· ~~rent·h automakC'r Rcgie Nat1onalc- d(·s U!--1111·-. H1•naull ;ind the govc·rnm<'nl of Northt·rn ln·land. ~~> m1ll1on to 1Lo; frade crc•d1tors and SI m1ll111n to U S dt•alN:-. which handle th1· ,..1.11n h ·s<, sll·t·I -.pm ti. lars madt· at De Lon-.111·., plant in Bt•Jfa:-.t 20~ Off IVHTIHING IN THI STOH Thru Salurday November 20 WHtclln Pin• 17th and lrvtne Newport Beach 541 ...... Y oald you believe . . . FINANCES CAN BE FUN! .W JOU lla becomi~ a 'rmincially awar~ •••~· Wom•n'• Financial Learning orllaliop off~n an informal, 1mall-11oup -;rz::: dllit ~an opportunity for • llld lhitly.d....._ dUrinc and after •1111tattca by prof .. tonal conault.anta: • lnYntmeat Broker A1tor.iey • Real &aate A,ent .... • Cer161W fi .. .W . e WOMEN'S FINANCIAL ' ~~LEARNING WOR~HOP ' I r The .Cha~e of.-the • Sav~rs' Brigade!- Imagine, a VISA Card with a 71/2% Interest Rate! It y11u'rc currently ray111~ 2 )% nr mnrc for )•'Ur VISA cr1-.l11 card. here·~ ;i way 1~u1 of high H\lt'fC'I r,ll\!~. _. H11u~h11IJ FeJcrnl'~ VISA c.uJ ·~ ~rec1ncally ,k,1g11l·J f .. r <.,wcr,. Ju'' ,rn.11n1.1111 .1 SVz% P·'"~1ok 11r st;i1emcn1 ,,win).!' :1cc1111nt wnh u~ for SIOOO m morl! anJ \1c'll 1.h.1rwc y11u only 7Vi% on your VISA clrnr~es.• • Think ifi It! While you're c.u nin!! SYJ% 111tcrc~1 on your ~avlnj.I' y1111'rc J':lYtn~ only 7VJ% f11r y11ur VISA charlo!cS. ~I 'ffMlt ,rxi per nnnum. ~ ··b .:.._...:... ·~~~~~~:.....-~~-. T~ert ar~ no annual membership fc~ anJ fou pny nn transaction charf:C (l1r ~'1ur purchases.,, Y11ur crcJ1t limit 1s half of your pl~geJ account._ 5'1 you can -.et )'\iur own limit up to a maximum $25.000. Here·~ mPre Jll'kxl new . We'll pay off\11ur current 21% VI A 11ccount t.:il:ince. Y1111 cnn JotCI ml~f these h1wh intcrdt rate char1o1c:. h): ustng \lllr 7VJ% VI A crirJ to pay nff your current high mterest rote VISA CarJ. Just let u kn1lw h11w much )'UU nee~t and wc'll l55uc .-. ca h .1Jvnncc m ctw~r the amount y11u (lWC. - ' We'll even put )'\lU In charge 11( your own repnymcnc schedule. A~ l1m~ as your VI A hnlanc:c srnys unJcr your crcd11 limic. month!)• ~'}~ ...... ~.:it · ...... .. raymcnts-arc l\\lt required. Of Ct'UN!, finance dlarl(tS accrue anJ will l'C adJcJ tn )'1ur nc~ m1mth's 'tarung bal.mcc. But you're the ~)~11f ~'(,ur uwn payment 'iChcJulc. -· Jmn the avers' Bn1o1.1Jc tsl\1.1)' unJ JlCI the best VISA ph1n in tuwn. •;111\-. Annu~I r.-zu:n•~to:t R.•1t (.1 nwnihh ~"'"'" r.11t' ,,f (12~1\. 1•f 1h11 1.,~r.11:c J.111, ... 11.rnltl )VE'RE NUMBER ONE Household ttderal came in fint with the hlahat ~rcentap rate incrtaK in tttervn amons all la~ S&L'1 In Cali• fornla accordlna 10 a rteenl LA TIMES survey. ~ your money l1 sak and llOUnd with Household Federal. A ....... ......... COMMNY llNCI tl71 ill • Al'llAHEIM1 H$ NO. EUCUD AT CRlSCENT AVE. C714) 771·7440 • CtlllTO 1 I HU SOUTH 5T. Clll) .. 14-947\) • INDIOiltl\lJ\l HIGHWAY 111 C714) l4l·J494 •LAKE ELSINOIE1 HQ60 Ml SION TRAIL C7141 fl74·104) •LONG 8EACH1 4 ,,J ATLANTIC l#IE. CZ 1l)4l b-6\16 • Ml55lON VllJ01 l .0.1 MAR(1UU/TE f't<WY. C7141 ~M-"900 • NlWPOltT HACH1 001 MM,• ARTHUI IL\'0. C71 4) llJ ).IH67 • llV!ISIDl1 7800 LIMONITt AVE. 714) "8•·'9'4 • Mflf'TA ANA CANW>N1 '7JI t . SANTA ANA CANW>N IUl. {714) 998·8181 • WISTMIN9Ttl114011 llACH ll\'O. C714l89lol491. AlSOOfPICtS IN SAN DllOOCOUNTY. MONDAY. THUUOo\Y 9 A.MA RM .. fl I MY 10 A.M •• 6 P.M .. SATUIUlAY t A.M.·NOON CMOST IRAN<:HH1. ' ' • .. I ... Marine sanitation guideli11es called a 'hoax' "MEant• aanlt.nuon dt'Vict• r<'g ulMtio11s by lhc U S. En iromn<.•nt~I PtQtt'\'lion J\gl•ncy amuum.io a hoox ~ pcl.ratl'd on lht• A~rican Public." Thill was the Indictment' of tht' EPA prt1sN11L>d by Trevor Clurk ut the Nutlonul.Bc>atln8 F'e<lerawon meeting an Fort Lauderdale, Flu. Clar~ as n physicist who hnli just fjn[<>h<.'<l two years of c·omp1linjt all known. s tudie;; of .water po llution wh!l·h shows-that none. of tt 1s ttrll>ulllblc to rCC'rcationul boating. Tht• NBF is publis hing Clark's tindin~ 111 an 84-pugc bibliography w hich was prcscntcd at the mceling. Copies will be sent to kcy member 6f Congress in the NBF's efforts to have recreational wa tercraft excmpt<.-d from L'OStly and burdensome rcgulutions . requiring currying maran(• sanitation devices for wntf'r pollution contr9l. Clark'• hook qu11tt·11 t•xh•n11(vt-ly froni lho ~xtboolu as w~ll uii tht• ltit'hr11f.'ol J>Mpera tht>rnllt'IVCI to 1il111w lhut thn•ul!i tu lw.1lth ohd tht• ..wlolY twvt• ~-en gl'Olilly t•icu~t·rutt.J • Tht• l*pt'lii :it·lually Kh<1w that tht-pollution -r..(lm bout.'l •• opt•r1ttt'<i by r'-'(Tt'aUonll boatnlt'n 111 ull bul lht• t•lt-un<•s t of wat•r11, 111 too "mall to be MeaKUrt't.i by lh~ l)t>lt lfoehnieiana known lodH~ ._'l'Ordirr.rto Clurk. -- ''111 facl, som1.· of tht• pupt•1'fl whic.:h th1.• EPA ha:; claimt>d to nlU!il dt•urly dt..nonstraw the threat do not mlmtion thi5 foa•m of poll\.ltion nor small boata," Clark wrote. New cadet on duty Clark Kaid somt.• of" the.' \·ht•mkais allo~ect ill marine sanitation df'vk-..~i; art· mort• harmful to thf'. ccolu~y lhan body·wastt•s. • J u} 1 t' Kau s o f · .. I . • .. •4• Orange Caatl DAILY PILOl /Tu••dey, Novembttr 16. 1982 .... .. V all~y boutique set l • • . . .. - 'rhc• Ci rc•t•nbroo k Fo unuun Vall,·y l1011wc1w1wr ... Asttudat.aun wtll ?rf)Mn:ocnr 1t~ f1lth m;int111t (.'hns t1.11ai. Giits Rout111u1• Fnduy and Saturday 1.1t lht• (irt•1•11l)l'l111k Cluhhoust•, [ H:!22 San tu .Jo1Hw11:1 St .f<'ou11taatl V11ll1•y Tlw• 1ml1· how·., ;irc• 7 Lo H pm. I-' l'I d a v a 11 d 0 a . 111 111 :i p m Sulu1u:1y. C'lill!'!W \ .JllUll LIJJll~l Tht• w 1111)11 w ill 11•c-rrvl' $100 l)1.,11ll11H· II'<" l>t~· I :ind r•ntTitnt~. lllW•l l1v1• 111 lht· M1•sa wa11•1::-dl~ll'll't ut i'a 'l'o 1•n lt•1 w 1·1 tt•. Cunst:r vu t10 11 ltfra. M1• ... a C11n!.11l 1d u tc•d Wu Wt D1'itl'lll. IHH:I l'l:m •nlw Ave·., l'ost~ M1•i.;1 Hunlip~um 8t.'1H~·h hab -31 nations ~oon ~ay have nuclear bombs j ~~lt'":~~lln~n~hr~~~;r~~~- at th e Californi a Highwa y Patro l 's Sacramf.'nlo acadt'my.. a nd is now assigned to lhe CHP's Westmanslt'r o!Ckc. l\rh uiitl 1·1-.11li. 11t•m:..on Milt• wall 11wlud1• wrc•alhs. C:hr1 stm1.1:. stm k111gi-, holiday tJ1•1·oruL1u1lh. cl 1M•ou111 _d~Jtl11 ng. Jt'\"t•lry and '"111dy Tlw t•v1•nt is (rL'<' and op1m to tlw µul1li1· Suµt·a v1 ... 11-i. at ltvam·'s Fant• Arts l'4 11t1·r 111 llc·1 llagc· Park un.• n ·11 u111ng v11lunJ<•1·r~ tu sc·rvl' as g.ill1•1 y d11t'(•nt.,,,.,1ud10 lt'<.·hnacians, °";"', NEW )'OHK (J\P) U.S . military analysts say J 1 l'ountrit>s. many o f lhem involved w i th longstanding <hsputes with their neighbors. will bC capabll• of producing nuclear weapons by the year 2000. the New York Times reported Monday. The analysts. cnlng a recent U.S. intelligince survey. told the T ames 'thal tht> United States would be forced to consider the possibility of nudcar war with nations other than the Sovit•t Union. ,~A continued e ffort should bl' madil" to reduce By PAT HOROWITZ Of IN OellJ Piiot Slaff DEAR READERS: The Na uonal Safety Council (irges kitchen "safety dircclors" to put · up their danger s igns warning family members to stay ou t Of the kitc~n wht>n Thanksgiving dinner is being pre pare(!, unless· they are asked to help with specific chores. Organize meals. decorations and ol'her activities as far ahead of time as possible. the cou.ncil suggests. Frantic preparations ·are tiring and fatigue can set in fasl. Confusion contributed b~ kitchen snoopers and sniffers could prove disastrous. Pref>are as many foods as pbssible in advance a nd get help to take that big turkey or roast beef from the oven. Th council notes that bubbling fondues are festive d fun, bu t safely precautions are necessary. Cen the pot on a fair-sized table so it can't be knocked off. and pul it on a metal or fire-resistant hot pad. Don't fill alcohol burners too full. The fuel expands when hot and can spill flaming liquid on the tablecloth. ..,· The council also emphaSizes that as a holiday host or hostess ybu are responsible for the safety of your guests. Pour moderate drinks (only one per hour is advised). a nd stop serving an tiour or so before you expect people to leave. If there's a high-spirited gucsl in the cro-«'d who's driving. acrange a cab or other transportation when n 's time to go home. . • Got a problem? Then write to 91.. Pat !forowitz. Pat will cut r~ tape . • gewng the answers and acuon you need ro solve inequities in 'g;;'vernment and business. Mail your questions, to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. &x 1560, Costa Mesa. CA. 92626. l CARIBBEAN CRUISE/2 For The Price of One (Air Fare Not Included). Eleven Oays /6 Ports.· Elegant New Cruise Ship. Dec. 11th thru Dec. 22nd. Cal Mike Murray 644-7348. FRESH LOCAL IIOBSTE~ DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pil~I. • Tlaeres maly one FneCrowns. fine dining. •3801 EAST COAST HICHWAY CORONA DFL MAR. CA (714) 760-0JJI ' ' tlw :1pr1•mJ of nud1•ar w1•upons l'tlpalnhty, par- lil'ularJ~· to nalions hu.-slllc. or poll'lltlally husulc•. lo United StatHI lnll'r<'slS.'' $ltd th<.• report Dcfonst' GuadancC'. a dasstflt'u f1vc-yN1r plan of slrategic d1rcct1on for the arml'<.l for'<:l'S. . ThE> analysts siud uny nucl<·ur· confrontation with a foe other thun lht' Sovit'l Union would ~ lamllcd with small lal·t1<.·ol nudl•ar WC'apons USE.'{J, the report said. Kaus was among 108 · ·cade's who graduMtcd fro m the academy as traCfil· offiC<'rs. -.. Wu1<•1· ideas ? l'ui.ia Mt·sa rt•s1~c,>n t1> with a u111qu1· 1d1·a for savmg watt.•r un· u r· g l ' d l u 1.• n t c• r l h c M 1.1 s a <'11n..,0'1.1Cl:i lt'<F Wa tt•r Dis t r11.·t ... p1.4hlwhh ,11111 n't.~·ptaunasts. · Tlw 1u11t•1 at th1· Jl'lrk ut V~ll' 1111tl Walnut .1vt·nu1•s prov ides ,..., .. 11 UIOUllU :.irt ... pll~r<lrn!> for ..adult ... and d1fld1 t•n lnformc.fl1 on ahout tlw I" og1 .1m!'i I'> uvailabk• by l';1ll111g !"1~1~ 11171$ ...____:--·--- ·LAST .. WEEK 1i0 SAVE ~15% TO 40.%· WEDG·WOOD 'CHINA IN ·OVER 50 RATTERNS. • Bone China • Adams fine English irot:istone • Queen's Ware earthenware • Midwinte,. stoneware. Wedgwood. The name alone says quality. Beauty. And every category is .on sale! So now's the time to start a set, add to a set, or give a· gift! We show just one pattern frorr our extensive co11ection. It'• ••Y wth our Chl1111 Club. Ncrfinance charge if all payments made when que, -up to 27 months to pay. • Dining Accessories, 650 •Minimum purr;ha# UOO. Sub/flct 10 crfldil app«Nll/. J .. • • ~ pnc. -"«tllle Httoug1> NowtmbM 2 r. 1982. I ·. Com• mHt Lord Wedgwood, •I South CCM•t P.laa. ,.,..,,,.,,., 11. Piers ~nthony "' Weymouth, 4th Lord Wedgwood, will be here at Bullock 's in person! He'll sign your purchase of Wedgwood, including ~BRIDAL . ~REGISTRY that of the book "The Collector's Wedgwood," ... t ~~~!!!!!~======:::=::~g Meet him, 12 to 4. ~~w~~-;:;;--Attend his Informative Use Bullock'• BrkMI Registry. your personalized record of gift preferences and needs ·~r SOUTH COAST PLAZA, 3333 Srtstol, CM .. 556·0611 Shop Mondsy·Saturday 10·9·30. Sunday 1_1·6 Kutani Crane bone china 5-pl6ce place setting. Reg. $ 140, 1111 way to'/ive. seminar, 1 to 2 . tAt '~price . Win • Ja.,,.,w•ie Jug. This graceful design, valued at $125, _ .,_ . from· 'ihsA collBction nt new taupe Jasperware, may be yours! Register for drawing. No purchase necessary. Winner need not be present. a.t • gllf ·with purcltaH. This blue ·and white • Jasperware Club ashtray, s 22.50 value, is your gift with any $100 purchase from . . the entlfe Wedgw09<1 collection. ~ • .... ,,,..,,.,. ..,,,.,, of valuable Wedgwood collector's pieces . ... loNIJ ,,,,,,. ..,,,,,.. featuring Wfldgw(X)d, on display. \ ' ( Orur;ou Coft'11 OAI Y PILOT/fuosdny, Novembttt 16 , 1082 • · . ..,} . . egalized . aliens n.~t JJ local .re.spQ!JSibility Lund authonlll'S II\ ureas Multi t'l'sult 11i :i gn ·u ll;-,-111l'l't':~ISl'd eavily impnl'lc..•d bi t~1l' influx of h u rtl l ' I\ I 0 I' gc..· IH' I'll I w d ·f a l'l' l11l'ga l alil•ns .ar~ undl•rstm1duhly pn1gr•arn~ that un· I und ••cl by ~nc~rnt'd about till' po tc..•tlliol c..·ountrc..·~ lw 1wrsons w ho huvt• 1111 nune1al t>fft·t·t ·OI t ht· S impson· oth~r suUl'Cl' of us.,.1stancc• azznli lmm1grution Ht'fotm a nd -l1n (1wt. unly law a b idin g and 011trol /\cl of 1982. now making 1it•s1.'ntly sdf-sui)fX>l'llllt{ pl'l'sons s way through Cong rl'SS · w o u Id l) l' l' \.+ g l b I\' f o r l h c..• 1 • Ont' V l1rs1on o f.the bill , which lc•gal 1za t1 u 11 prugra nis, bu1 a ddresst.>S 1 Lsel f lo l'SS~l l ia I ttffic:ials ,~1ghtly 'Poin t out lh<tl <>for m s in U .S . i mmigro t i o n t•vL·n I :.i.n11l1l·s w 1th t lw b t•s 1 e<>lil'.'ies, h as b~tm passed ?Y. t~c i ntl·ntion~ rnn'"rall UJ)i>Jl har·d tinws ;>enatc. A second vc•rst()'f)· 1s OVl'I' a 1wr1od ol 'ft"<.iri>. u ndt•rgoan.g 'll.o,u s1.• <·um mi llt'l' ' . '' . • • . • ~earings during tht• lame duc:k ..• Both. the.. llo~~c :rnd ~c..nat• • . ' -.. ; . -" • ~·ssion. but Tii'ial-passngt.• l'OWld-be v1. 1 s tuns o l t hc 1 mm 1 ~~'!11 on -a.-- dt•layed until early nc•x t yt•ar. n •form nwm.urc• hav~'. taKl'.'' this ----------------.~-..;;:;;;;;;;._ ___ :-----~-----------------"!"!"""'-"!"~---- . . Ill LO cons1d1.•l't1l1o n . r ht' Sc>n a l l' H . I • • -I -. For COUn tl<'S h~e ~OS AngC'lt•s vt•rsion , strongly f;,_ivon •d by lhl' sse1n r ·oya escape ar· tis• 't ~(Id Orang~'. t h <: p n nc..·ipa l c..·onc:ern H<.'<.igan ad m inis tration providc's a . U . •. . . . · 1s the possible impact .On wcHru·c.• < • cosls. s hould p a ssage.• or t.hi.· b lcx·k grant pr~r~~ to h C'lp stal<'S measu r e s uddenl y lvgaltzc the and !0<.•ahtics providing c.•mergency WASHI NGTON T h<' assassinauon ·s ta-t u ~ 0 r • i.. 0 u s, ... n d s 0 f nwchca) C'<tfl' or. other ,scr v tc..'{'S to ··Tht· Pult•sunian movL•ment (could) a::.s.ai.s1nation a twmpts. :rnd has a l o -. "' ~ ,, ' r H ol Bashir G,l'maycl dc monst_rated._•h(: d1 1·n t" 1r·1tc• 111t0 rad···"' .,~1.~ • ., .. ar,oup· m· O"U(•d to surv1'v•• his own death undoc·uml'n ted a liens. w hile aithc l-hJ;' le~hzed r~tdt:'nlS. h('-ousc< danger or a lJ.S . policy dependent o;{-a w ~ 1(·i?'.-'in cum l>i n~t;~'th~tht~ -dc.~yi°'ng stunis--at . \h~ <.'()n trols nf htg ~ same tlme leaving the m ineligible' b-1 I I -u+h 0 n -z-w;....-l. ~ f tl-d efil I -smg h:l ndav idU1ri-in-an -area-w-here rcvqlutton aryfort·cs-1rrthc i:c-grorr;-would pt't'<l cars,-pl-ant>s and twllc:optcn.. So ....... "-- for many fc•dl'ral aid progra ms. g~v~~n n1e nl. l o re1m~u 1·sc 1 ~.0 murders and t-oupi> arc commonplace. pose a gravl' thre&t to thl.' moderaw Arab of his c•st•apes have ~n bizar~e. Once This, a<.-co1·ding to a s tudy by p:rc,cnt ~r all . s ta t<' .wcJ g.ot.1~ Yet this is the position t he United St.at~>s govt•rnnwnL-; in thl.' region. Israel ~'t·nu. a<.•1d w<as substatuwd for Husst'l.{l~ nose thC' Washingto n D.C..-bas<.'d Cen te r P.' ~g.ram s _'?£ s~pporl f~r th~ has put itS<.'IC in by the crucial role it drops., but the royal •onuses apparently for Labor a nd Migration Studies ~cgahzed r.cs1dc-nt.s fQr thrt~ years. as.<;1gns to Jorda n's King Husscm in the dt•url'<.I up bdort.• h<.• had to reach for the . . O . C . . · · 1 11 t· I u d 1 n g e d u ca l 1 0 ~ a I lkugan p<:•acc plan for the Middfo East. dt!adly medtctnc• dropper . .On another c.o~ld cost ra nge ounty,withits l'X J>t'ndi1u1'1.'s,.a n d including OC'(.'a!.ion.hestruyt'<l intoSymm alrsp<k-e t•s t 1m ated 80.0.00 _u!"1docun~en ted J)rugrams par tly u r ·fully. fund•·d The St:ary Catt is that HuSS<.'in is nearly in an u1;wrmcd nlan~. and eluded ,the I l $13 II ·th as vulnerabll.' to violent overthrow as ,. a 1cns. up o m 1 ion ove1 ~ec l>v "lat" un d ·iocal t ••ix"s. 'Ptw pun.u1ng M1G!> by diving straight down th rh th I I r ,, ... ,. • ... Gl•mayel was -and from many of thC' JAlll 11111111 d h Y<'ars , . roug t' genera . r<' IC' adm1n1st rat1un fet>ls this gua rantat• same sources If anything, the re art.-ev~n 1111 an uggmg tht landscaJX> all th<• way rund. 1 h t• same study estimal<.'d ol lull rc..·unburst.>m<.•n t c:ould result mor~ discon tented clcmen lS that havt• back lo Jordan the ('OSI tu Los Angc..•les c;,o.u~ly in u .. windfall" for the stale~. reason to gt•t rid of Hussein by any dNermmc..'Ci to vent this threat through Mor~~Jtlhun on<'<'. Husscm has snurred could be.· in c.•xccss of $100 mll1ton means avn1lubl<'. the overthrow of t he J ord a nia n ohut rt'l.J<.' um a_~ng hrrs army officcn. by over thl' same period. O ra1\g<· County supt•r v1sors t c gu tsy l'Xp<."uicnt o appearing in their h d . .1 h . W 1..: mon a rchy, and can b<• expected lo I d .1 • h k'll h H ThL· immigra t ion rl'form oill av<• lrt.'t'll'u l e 1r a s iung ton BOTH TllE C I A "nd th.,, Sto-l c m1cst an uar.ang t cm to i im. is I b ... " greatly expa nd its covert coopera tion t d h ... b h d would NmiL alie n s who huve-u byisl lo s upport lh~ f4 ndin g Dl•pa rtm(•n t conside r Israel to be with rt.'volullonary movements." mo ~!:t.·a r" as uct'n adm hus ch• ohn a '"""--~. ~ .--7~ rovisions o f he ·' version o f · . num"'"·r o occasions. a n t ou~ ot crs f-'-~--i:es~:-Q..-n<l~~U\A~~t.n..-.1..........J.!U-'-LO..~~~~~~:!!.;-Cf~'""~~~~~~!.._J-_.1..iW!l.:il!iUl-~y:.;i1.1£C:.si...-:1D.i;ca.L:~J.W~l..-'L....La.... __ J.n..tUJbCJ•u..lQCOS..-.lsL•a~·il'l~1~s~sceCCJn:i...aaii...\lwa1~llw1n~g!t-~~i>A-n ht-. ptt~cQ. H u!.S(.•tn'always apply for p e rmanent rl's tdenl tht• bill and hav<> dirC'1.:tcd the !><>urct-'S tol my asiocmtc Dale Van Alt.a to subv<'r t the very Arab moderal<'S who c-..aml• through' ~ :;Latus immC'diately. ThosC' who l'OUnty's S0<.•1al Services Agency lo thc lsraclis art' believed to have tried in might l'vcntually agree to a general came• be twt•t•n that dau: and J::in . lx·g in plunning for tht• possibility. tbl: past to terminate Hu~in's rule and pcat.·c an .the Middle East -simply THE GREATEST threat to his reg1Il1e 1. 198.0 would firs t bt• givt>n that the..• bill will Ix' enacted . possibly his life.. lx'l·aus<.' these moderull's want Israel to canw Jrnm the Palt..•stinian guNrillas temporary n •sident ta tus. with This 1::, wise for esight. The Well aware,.-ef the Is raeli menace. givt• ba('k the West &nk. wtw floodl'<l into Jordan from the W~>St adJUSlml'nt to pcrm~uwnt s ta tus <.·ou nt y s ufft>red· f inancia lly lluSSl'in has for med a new palace guard I THE Bank afwr the 1967 war. In l970. faced• :.ifter thn'C• Vl'ars. . . lX'l«tUSC' of f(•dcral foot-dragging tn of loyal &'Clouins whose twin miss1on ..is WI I E dR HUSSEIN 'h~ refvamphcd with anan·hy, Husst•m unll.'asht•d his. . h ~ 1 1. k pa ace guar . can prol<'ct 1m rom IS loyul o ..... 1,ua·n-ll'.,, •ml'.'. on th<.· Pall>sllne But thC' rwwly l<.·gal n ·stdC'nts 1 h f d r v · l Jo protl'Ct 1m ·-,rom srac 1 t'Overt attac s d . ...__ 8 Dl"U ·" .. <' u n Ing o IC .na m esc as· well as Palest in ia n t err-o r1 s•s . tVN'SC.• ~nc:mlC.'s remains lo hue seen. ut L1tx•ra11on Organ1i.at1on Core 'Sand drov<"' would be C'Xcl udc"ct from s uch 1't>fugcc· s upport programs. It p C ~ h~· has survived for more t an :m y~ars tht•m ciut (I( Jordan • I d. · I · · · A I h Id 1...~ b d . residl't1t Reaaan. in formed of the IA's h h b' -f 1. 1 l' e ra programs a s 1c to s. o u nol•A-·SU V>t•tc to s imila r 'k" ..... now, t roug a com ina uono .poauca T-·1a.'"'· thc1ugh ,Pal ...... t1n1ans i:nake up .r-suspicions, 1s nown to .x. Ups<.'I. at past 1 1 d f vu -' "" Fam 1l1 es w i th Dependent problems wi t h newly legalized Israeli attempts to oust Hussein and ska~. JX'ri.ona t'Uuragean a little bato 65 pcrc..·cnl of Jordun's popula11on and ChildrC'n , f ood s tamps and a liens. They, like..• t h e• refug~. suspecU.the lsraehsaresttlltrying luc dommatt·lt)l'ma.J0rprofess1ons.Hu~in Medicaid for three years. o r SIX s h 0 u I d r emai n a f (' d (' r a I In J uly rnsr. th<' teen-age Hussein "will not a<.'Ct-de to PLO demands for an years in the c:ase of thOSC' who first responsibility, not· a new burden lsrael'i. ~<'adstrong determination to was standing bes1d<.' h as gra ndfather, c•xpandl-d prCM•nCC' m Jordan," ac~:ordmg ~metC'mpoi·ary resrdents. imposed by-th e f e d ·c r a l pursucits narrowgoal of retainlng thc K ing A b dull a h , w he n a9sa ss1n s .to a Pentagon intelligence report. Nor This. t·ounty "officials fear. 1 1 t West Bank. and its leaders' repeated murdered the monarch at a mosque in will he let the PLO use his cou]ltry as a . / ~ _ government upon oca axpayers. statement!. t hat Hussein must go', arc East Jerusalem. H ussein CSC'aped death bas<' against Israel Despite this, the _ regarded by State Department CXJ>('rts when a bullet wa~deflectcd by a mt--dal Israeli still want lO get n d of the kuig. 7'..T • • 1 as both s1mphst1c and: in the long run', on has chct1l A yea J.atcr be became king_ Footnote: Any allegation that the 1 ~ e w. an .t1-a1rport p oy C'OUnter produc:tivc. A recent secrc>t when hlS father w~rcmoved becaww of I s r;H•li govcrnm('nt had or was department document summed up the mental 1lln<.>SS. ~tl<.'mpllng tu overthrow or do bodily sit uation this way an the wake of the Sint'l' tha t fi rst miraculous escape, the .harm to K ing Hussein. said on lsracla T h c s c· em i n g I y t 1 r e I es s ('rusaders against noiS<' cmanatmg. from Orange C o unt y'i. Joh n Wayh e Airport arc takmg a new tack ill their battle to quiet the. Orange County sk ies. They are turning to small daims court actions. More than 100 ind1v1 duals have filed claims with the clerk of t.he county Board o f Supervisors. Should the claims be denied by the board -a virtual certainty - the .indjviduals could Ci le actions m m unicipal court. The state Supreme Court pas r ulPd t h a t the small claims proces.<; may be used, in cases involving a irport noise impacts. That ruling was based on a case involving San Francisco Inte rnational Airpor t. Individ uals filing s mall claims action may seek a maximum o f $1,500 in damages. But there's a twist. A new action may be filed t•vcry 100 d ays. or roughly three· times per year . Thus. it is conceivable a single claimant -if he prevailed - cou ld b e awarded m o r e than $4.500 per year. If unsul't'CSSful. h C' would get nothing at· all • County attornc•ys are s till assC'SSing the ramif1cau ons of use or the SmaJl 'cJaim S p r_<X.'CSS tO W tn damages ovc•r the alleged tmpac..·ts o ( jet nmse. For example , who would defend 1the county in small c laims court? Attorn<'ys aren't pcr m1ttl'<l to litigate small claims actions. Would it be the · airport manag e r , the cou nt y adm ini s trative o fficer, the- chafr m an of the Board o f SupcrviSQrs who would, carry the. county's case'! If not. w ho?'·· W hat if \he county prevatlsJn th(' actmns? Wha t iC .. t loses'! Wha t 1f it losc·s in som e. and wins in others? These and other ques tions exist. T h e r e i s n o q u estion however. as to w hy the a1rport- a rea reside nts arc pursuing the ·small claims route in their latest r ound o f attack on c..·o unty government. • ft is ha rassment. pure and simple. RathC'r than seek a n('gotiated settlement with county o fficials over operation o( the airport. th~ litigants have c h osen a r o ute whc>re thry can sue and sue and sut> agciin. . Lt•banon wat: d1manullve kmg has survived at least 16 Embassy i.-pokt>spt•rson. as ··non!>l!nsc."' Militant pot growers grabbing land Not sane•(• the boc)ueggm g days 01 th(' 1920s has an illegal activity become so w1d~spread in CalHorma as the growing of ma rrJu ana O p e r a ting. a s an bootlegging . o u tsid e the l aw a n d therefore not burdf'ned bX regulations and hcensC's and permits or even the need to pay taxes. the cultivation of the noxious weed is a highly prof itable e~terprise. ft is even more so w hen n can be done without th~ need to own the land upon which it is grown. And. aa:ording lO the authoritative outdoor writer, Wilson K . Lythgoc. tha t IS what the current breed of marijuana growers have hit upon. T hey have moved their operauons on to publtc lands w here they ar e growing their crops with seemmg immunity. SINCE ABOUT HALF of the \otal land area of California is owned hy the f e d e r a l governme nt unde r th e jurisdiction of t he Bureau o f La nd Mana~ement, tht> U.S Forest Service and the U.S. Park Service. it provides the illegal entreprcneu~ with unlimited opportu'n1t1es t o <•ngage at•tiv1t1t'S • • in thC'1r Theorel1cally thl' public lands. such1lS the Cort.'Sts. arc withheld from private ownership so that all may enjoy them. But, as Lythg<X' obSC'rvC'S, there 1s little riding, hiking or camping or any other llll WITlll enjoyment by the people 0 1 many ol the public land a~ these days because of the fear of encountering gun-slang ing mar1J1mna growers. "An yon<' who approaches a manJuana gardc•n I~ 1n JL'Opardy." Lythgoc.• wall told by U.S. Forest Service represen t.atiws. "Law enfor<.'t'ml'n\ Qfftcaals es!iniale that 80 percent of the growers are armed. Some plantauons art' also protected by booby t raps. trip w ire devices w ith grenadt.>s or shotguns attachf-'d." 'Loner' spa~ks resentJDent With the sprNtd o ( m:JnJuana growing on public landi; has t-ome the' demand froin packers, riders. hikers and other outdoor pt.'<>pl<' for a<.·Uon by the officials to makl' the areas safc• again for their cn.)Oym<'nt ' But while each or th<' federal og<mC11?S involved have pll>dgc'Ci l'OOperauon with on<' anothC!r as well as t he state and local 1<1w t.•nforl'<'nll'nl off1l·ials to hall the illegal l'UIUvauon of public lands. their combJlll'CI efforL'i have been ineffe<:tive. As Lyth&,Of. points out. ma rijua n a cul11vation in somf' areas has become a sigoifie.'ant eronomic factor, 90 much so that local authorities tend to look the other way. They defend t heir inaction on the grounds the man Juana growers have b ecom e the mod e rn moonl ight bootl<'ggto•rs. local heroes and "good old boys." and there is no public support for enforcem<'nl of laws -against marijuana growers O_eini~s ~~p~esi~d ~e_space a~v are t'10s4t._ol the Dally Pilot. Other views ell· -r .. _,0 ._,6 -. , __ pressed on tt•11s p~e are those-on heir avtncw~ ert as ts. Reader commeft\..;s..fft·....i-c-. ...__.-rn_o"-.... -;.::=~,.._---. ed. Address The Daily P ilot, P.O. Boll t~. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714> -The "lonH·• may respected, but THE FACT IS that the public' attitude on marijuana h as c h.a n ged , a fac t recogn ized by t he sl ate Legisla ture which has r edul•ed penalties for. marijuana possession and growing from felonies to misd emean ors w ith the maximum ~nalucs bcmg six months in jail or a $500 Cine. or both llf>~l(_cond~c~ ·Js.:4'.IPP'Jf'_ tor ib, J)c» .... 77;-!l'h\s~~;i,o ~UQ.tl)e gcJio.i~.ML ._ moat often 1t as merely a s u5sf/rtlfl' fot in opinionsl:>!(mcdlcn1imd oTner expe1ta 642•432t. · he is always resented by hi$ colleagues, imitation of 1t. ~ to the effec-ts of m~mJuana with half T h e best kind o f present is of them viewing 11 as pon-addactj':"e a~ L.M. ~oyd/ Not . so smart ' English asll'pnomer Edmund Halley was so smart Ile figured out the exact · C):cle of the <.'Omet named in his honor. That's pretty sQ\art. Even so, he thought the earth---was hollow and that some sort of weird lif might exist deep wltt\in it. " Q. Don't some poems have lltles longer than the pocm11 themselves? Do you know any man w ith one of the following first namet? Ton , Aad, Truus. Uus. Henk, Kick, Plm, Hol, Bas, Rood. Common names, these. for men in The Netherlands.· Am toying with the notlon of givinf, up my old motto -"Wrong again! ' -fo r this n e w one: "Pobo d y'a NerCcct." What do you think? A. That's right. But the only one that comes to mind at (he mQment is .. S trickland GIUian'a ''Lines on the Did you know that the Jaycees Anti quity o f M icrobes " In its siarted out as a group of lft"t.Otalera entirety, it reads: "Adam/Had 'em," dc<jicated to prohibition of liquor? ~~--..-.--""":"~.-.---:1~-.~:ntr"1);p~~~~ ......... ._. ...... _...,..~ ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat" ""Oh\"" trV'f' tt .. ,, Ot tf'\• rt•I '' JlO W•\t ••• • :lf ,., .. W W A.ffttr\\ t••o'~"'"' to"-' !Mt , .... -~ ~· .,.,. A • T homo• P. H9ley t I ,\'ff • Jon• An)ori I.. t •• l I I • larltoro Kreiltich ,,.. ''i'''' I \ for he seems to be passing a critical Judgment on the m, whe n he may be something that is just what we need to non·-na rl'otac a nd some cla iming it exchange for what we want. bcnef1c1;1l in the treatment of cancer and -I feel sorry fo r couples with .other a1l~cnts. different t<'mperto1turl· zones: one always As Ly,th~. cootl'11ds the lime has .... wantmg a window open, and the other Mml' for dec1s1on. Eather lake alcoholic always fee ling a dra ft. (There Is no bevcrng<'s. 1t should be legahzed1 or IYlllY 111111 t.•:q u itable w ay t o r esolve 's uc h a effecuve action should be taken to make difff'i<'ncc.) the pubht· lands safe again for the The l't!Currcnt flurries of agitation people Lythg~ suggests that rather for banning certain books In 9Chool or tha n atte mpting to halt thl' l ll'cga simply making a .limiting statement public labraril'S recalls the sage comment cultivauon on pubht• lands by arr~L<; ond about h imself. m1a .t.' by Cl•re Booth Luce, hl'l'S('lf a ('nnvk•t1ons. thl' National Guard should _ "Furt'ign policy " la 8 pretentious dt'vout CMholic: "C e nsorship . li ke be <.'ailed an to S<'arch and df'Stroy th<' a nd m islead ing phrase, for every · charily, ahould begin at home; but, Illegal crops. regiml''s rorelgn policy la aubetantlally unliketharity, It should end there." th<.• same to make the administration -It bH been my experience that look good in the short run, reprdleea of "fint inapreasions" .... more likely to tx- the poMible l0ft8-run con.equ.nces for wron1 Wht'n thef are neaat1ve than the country or the world. when t~y are pmtUve: I have far "'°"' Our aociety txalts irulivl.dua.l.-.nftrn chanm my mind about IOf1lt'OM I HhJUl~•nt , Y"'< .. ~oloatc•U.)' di.liked 9nljfst m"Uftl lban. about 1pcaklog. the grcateat ·1r•n·rrt'lttort MtMGM·l wU' drawn to. (Ollt ~ ao l'Omt•I not from solo efforts! but from right, It IHfTll to me, to form a hasty t•omblning wuh othen to Kd>mplh•h opinion unleD on(• Is equally prompt In what nQnt• ~·ould do alont' -whethe r It • n.-vla.l ng It wht'n It ts t'alled for.) bt· a sJ*'t' mi!lllion . a string quartet, or a -&mt' chlld~n IH'm "respona1blt" aa1hng rac:e. while they are alil~ toddlt'l'I, while othtta Ont• can only, admlrt-thr 11elf-are not ev.n wh.n they have 1iopprd honesty of tht-dubfoua promoter who bein1 U't'naprs; and i\ 8"ml to~ It'll a ronft'lll'd. "Wht'n I'm rich. It's on P8Pf'f; mau.er of \rail)in& than of tem,,.,.a.,,.nt, wh<'n I'm brokt>. its for cuh " H pt>clally a mon1 slblln11 who havt" Wt llkf' to think that our support of ~wn_ up in \he umt t"nvironrMn\. r. Not oil un•·mplo~nK·nt ll& MOJ.:.rn.mt•n\'11 fa ult; 4,800 mure bct·amt• un.-mployt'd just last Wl'ek b«au111• of thl'ir follow· work..r•1' 1trlk.-. · . ~. ....., ......... _ ....... ., ........ .. _......,, ... , ............ 1r•r• ... .,..,• ..... ............... .... t .. \ I • . -I I -0.il:'fi:rid .ca~le(J _. biggest in -decade · Q[f shore field ct;mld produce qp to 50()_ million. barf eis LOMPOC (AP) · Authorltu'" now onnoUtlt~'<I <kt 21.by Cht•vmn USA Int , it..'t'm l'erlaln thut an oil dlsc.-o'v(•ry ocr the un.d Phllhpei Pctroll•Um ('o ' J>ArllWnl Ill South<'rn Cnltrornau cou11t is th<' bi~(.'Sl th<' slw • Clod in mor<' then ~l dC'<.·adt• sanct• Alaska's ''Th<• ru Lt• of t' x p_loru t lu n .111 Prudhoc Bay flt•ld lt>d lo tht• Trnns._ n~lt•ratang ut u rupld dip," 11wtt• CJ.11l11tul ;Alaska P iP<'hnt.• Systt•m. • · · ... Conmussion OXl'<'UUVt' d1n>c.•tor M1~·ha..•I 1 lniliul l•sllmutl's of tht• giant Point • Filither. said ul tht• unw. "TN-qut'lltion Argu e llo £1dµ. about 160 1ml lt•s now is Mw mu(·h h; too mlh'.h?" , norlhwl'st or downCl3wn Los Angeles off "'-:::Poffil 1\rgut'llu 111 only 1.1huut ISU mfl1•11 t h e coast ncur~ L ompoc. placed the fxwn Santa ·&rbnn1, WhPcc. 11 tl11111struus amount of ret.>overitble crud<' oil it ('Ould ·oil spill m Wti9 kllll'<l hund 11•dM uf umls produce at 100 to 500 million t)arrets. - -and drPw publlC' wruth But industry arialysts affd others now ''h 's a tremendous new cJtscovC'ry," pn•d icl it n1 ay ('On tu1n OIH' b1 ll1 011 Stephen Chamberlain or tht• Amt•rkan l'e<'Overable barrels, or about 42 billion Petroleum Institute told the N~w York gallons. •' Times last week. • The field m•ar Vandenberg Air Force No one is prcdlc'ting. how<.•w r. that Base has drawn u cautiOU\ rcspon!W kom Point Arguello will ultimately be as s t a l c c·o a s t a 1 o C Ci c i a I s an Cl large as Prudhoe Bay. discovered in 1968 e nviro nme n talist s s ince 1t was and estimated to.hold up to 10 billion hurn•l11 P1 udhut• Bay'11 1111 11 a.h1r.pNI •outh ·uc.·n"'-' Alrulku thruu.ch lht• A uk~ p1pt•luw und provldliei um· 1111lhon bi.rrt•b& daily to Allv•ricun oil produ(·Uon l.A.w. thun u down f1t•lt.1i. 111 tht>' Unltt'd Suau•s art· believed to c.·utTt•nlly t·ontam 500 m1lho n or m(lrc barr.·11 or n •c.·ovt•rablc mf. Twµ of thus(• ar<• In · ... .. Califol'ni11'a KPrn County. · · - Donald L,. l''cCJ1C\.W. scnioi· fuclli unalytil ut tht• brokerage house of Thomas & • Md<rnnon, uid Point Arguclln 111 "poK.<ilbly a 1tUporg1anl." If,• n-.Wd that '"lnitiully il was thought tht> Prudh<>t:' &y lil'ld had only a-billion bArrels." An oil fil'l<Hielieved to hold mor<.• than 100 million barrels is duss1flcd as a • "giant.'' while a field wnh mon• thun o n c b I II i o n •. b a r r e Is 1 s <'a I I c.• d a "supergianl." • ~lderly, chronically ill are-urged to· get flu shots now WAS HINGTON iAP) To lower Departm·ent of Health and Human their chances of flu comphcauons. the Services. recommc:>ndc.q 1early influenza .elderly and the t-hr'Onk·all y 111 should get vacCina tions for those at high risk , vaccinations. bcfoft> winter. an.d shoutd because he said it takes llbout (our weeks pall<.•nt:-\ with hea rt, lung or k 1dnt•y diseases. diabetes. severe anemia, and those taking m<.'Clicauons which tower • the body's rcsisianc.oe to illness. also avoid smoking, says a government' for the medicine to &ake full d(e<:t. health official. • The high-r isk ,group s h o uld be . Brandt said that as many as 200,000- Dr. Edward N Brandt Jr:., the innocula ted ro utine ly, he sa id . The people hav~ died as a result or flu I .. .. .... . You can recover approximately $2.00 of taxes for . eyery dotlar you Invest whUe pa~tlcipat.ing in a-highly . prqfit-motlvated investment. -· • ffecover taxe1-pald In 1979, 1980 a 1981. •Flexlblllty ·of amount lnveated: . • Available to lndlvldual1 and . 'corporations..!_ . ... ~ Act NOW .for 198.2. For more ~to"rmatlon , private confidential appointmtnts, or a 9CTminute tax savings S4(minar; call:· · \ ' . ··.GERALD L. ~OZAK ·FINANCIAL SERVICES (714) ~-2525 ·Not a security or a limited partnership. assista nt secre tary for he alth in the roup includes J>Crsons over age 65, epidemics sinc·c 1968. • .~~~~~~~><---:.~~~~...;....~-.,...~~~...::....~_;_~~..;._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~ t:vers.eas . - program at OCC ·· . Registration IS undc.•r way for Orang<' Coast College studc.•nts wishing to s pend th l• s prin g sem('sll'r s tudy ing in Paris. Or ange Co a st ins trut·t ors Min<'tt.c Carter. Brul'e P iner ;ind J oscph Tomc.·hak will be tca~hmg French . art and .anthropology daS$CS to students part1l'tpating .m the six-month ovc·rSl'as program. Cos t is $'4 ,60Q a n d mdudes a ir fare. room and board and two field trips to Normandy and Strasbourg. Dcadhn(• for rc•gistration 1s Nov. 20. For more tn format~on , ca ll 556-5800. , Pendle1011 sch e dules public auction Camp Pe ndleton has announced tha t a public aucl{on w ill be held al 9 a .m . December 2 1n BuHding 224 I. Among the 250 1tpms t o · be· o ffe red include gene rator S('ts, fi r(' ext 1n g wis hers. food cook i ng and ser v ing equipment. ammo boxes. tents. floor polishers .. r e f r igerators. s p ac:c heate r. wood pa llets. d othc'.il. dryers. vehicular equipment cpmponen ts. f olding cots, airc raft components. snow shoes and television sets. The items will be on dis play for i nspccu on beginning November 23 between 8:00 a.~ to 3:00 p .m . dail y exce p t weeke nds and holidays . . THI IAllL'S • II MIA-.. earn sac••• . -··-""'-.. --• "·'· 71707 • ~ Tlnle si.n. et Y0ut Door (Cal Stew• -y,,.,, Alee) CcKTAMllA 641-1289 1st• ................. .....,.. YU) 495-0401 I t..nC-...Cpt1aoo ~ .... ..., ... ....., ... .., Auto'& Homeowners 0 UOl8$ By Phone ~· IAlllTTIRIMCE .. , Old Newpwt mhld. NewpcM1heoh,Ce. a1-7740 ·Call Home Free on MCI .... •E. T .\..you 1... cinyOM ".:'-_ coll hOtM any doy 'ti. ' Oec. 23 frH for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone cent•. Your f rff 3 •min. long dis tone• ~~"" Happy holidays. '~ . -- ,._ -- Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined hat..C1gaieue Smok.Og I~ Dangerous 14.Yow Hulth.._ • •· v •. --- It's .... .. . '. • ·- - • .. . , ~/mg; If~ slim. It's ef.,,t. 17 mg ... ,., .. , i.4 mg. nico1mi IV. per cptn• llY FTC method I ) ----..1-. • . ' Orange Co'a11 OAILV PILOT /Tueaday. November U,, 1982 . ' ( . #I 1 .. . - ·. . . .. • \ . • I· -. . . . ~ l ••.. ,; ? -k --- . - . ". (BUT NOTOU«EYET). . . . . f . -. .. . ·.: . . - . . ·cet ready. Bank of America readily accessible at any'Bank of is a u . o ·m rOOUcethe-eash---i---it"TTllPT1rr!r"hr!.rr.n:n··. Tfin-c-m'Ft'!i'n_ -c-tih!21~~~~~~~...,_t'\A--h+1~~~MPi ..... ~---.!I Maximizer-account, an-account · -your money-can-trlways-be wmk-. - -:Fhe--Cash Maximizer account that will pay high ~nterest rates ing, earning interest, instead of ·is not here yet. But it's coming. Jike a money market fnnd while · being in the mail on its way to or soon.• We promise patience will providing the safety and CC?nVe-from your money market fund. have its rewards. . . rtience that no fund anywhere But-perhaps most im~rtant, . •Anticipated. availability by can offer... you'll have the added peace of . Pecember 14, 1982, pending f~al With-.the Cash Maximizer mind of knowing Y.OUr investment .£ederal regulations. . . account you'll be .able to_ write will be insured up to $100,000 by .~JIAIUQIA; Tu'rLEA. CJICR'., checks, and your money will be the FDIC* ~d backed by the . 1»11~n ·'" 1 n~ ~ · ~ ~ -- _. -. ' . \, . B~NKOFAMERICA ' . t I • l .. ...• c ..... . • .· ' I -.. ,. lUESOAY, NOV .}U 1'>Ui' CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION .... • ·scout-A-Rama -. tOTI PaintM t~pcC's, a makeshift lo,g .Ferris wheel. m mputcrs and ha ndmade box cars all found a place Saturday during the annual Scout-A-Rama a t the Orange County fairgrounds attended by more t'han 50.000. 1\bout JOO Cub packs. Boy and ~gll• ~'Out troops aod posts -we re represented during the · celebration to display crafts.and hobbies thl'y have masterro an scouting. At a hand1caJ>pc.-d e iftiibit blindfolded youngsters walked across planks to understand how they would manage ii blind. .. . For many of the SP<'C\tators. the day seemed like a trip back to thl' ru~ Americap W_cst., a~ boys scrambled over logs and swung down a tree anchored rope chain. A Ferris wht't.'I, built out or tree limbs and rope and· • powered by strong adults, seemed to re one or the more popular a'ttractions during the day . · Alongside the more traditional . sport.s e~ knot tying and cooking wer<> modern exhibits or skateboarding. computers and · hot air balloons. 82 87 88 Stuart Brennema n. 8, Cost.a' · Mesa figurro he rollro about 30 \hin flour tortillas that were quickly eaten by the hot dog and popcorn munching crowd. A Santa Ana troop composed of youngsters from Vietnam, displayed a wobbly wood plank to demonstrate the difficulty of crossing a monkey bridge over water. Eric Davis, 9, Laguna Hills at Scout-A-Rama l'imothy Elliott, 8, Huntington Beach 1. . . . • !l,.tlll.'iOIJ i.'i l llllO llg d1os1·. 1·i11•<I /'o,. HA l11 .... 1u1·l1 i· ,,llJ.rf• /I(,. ..r Delly Piiot Photos by Richard Koehler l¥ ou Can shift deductions and save tax money . . By LOUISE COOK A-leted ''"' Writer -·t I lannin In the ncx\ few weeks can save you a lot of money on the federal tax return t at's due in April. ' The key to success lies in_!fl~k.!,.ng t_!te •ost o~ur deductiOflS -itemtzing them if you can to get-more t an t e starKJard amount and timing your s~nding to take those deductions ~hen they're worth tlle most. • Speeding up your spending for deductible items could be.a particula r Jielp' this year. Tb rates are going down as a result of the 1981 F.conomic Recovery Tax Rate and that means 1982 d~uctions are worth more than 19.83 o,nes. The first thing to do is figure out whether it's worthwhile to itemize. The standard deduction -oCflcially called the zero bracket amount -is $2,300 for a single penon and $3,400 for a married coup)e filing jointly. If your deductions adQ up to more than that amount. you should itemize. Suppose you arc married and expect deductions of $3,300 this year and again next year -$6,600 over two years. At first glantt, you'd be belt.er orr with the standard deduction each year -$6.800. • AMume, however, you can· move some of those deductible itemS Into 1982, boosting your total for this year to $3,800 and dropping next year 's to $2,800._You itemize this year and UBC the standard $3.400 deduction next year. You've trimmed your t.axabl<' income over two yean1 by $7,200. · • ' IC you expect a big boc:Nlt in your Income next year, you might want to defer your deductions. since the higher your inc.'Ome, the , tug~.....,urc Lax braeke&.and.a~ more the extra~¢:,~~ / worth. /II. tnan1ed' roup1(! "°1th an Income of $25,000. forexample, Is In the 29 percent tax bracket: an extra $400 of deductions cuts t~•lr tax bill by $116. A couple with an Income of $40,000 ls tn th• 39 percent bracket; an additional $400 in deductions i11 worth $1~. Thomas W . Crawtord, a partner In the accountina firm o( Peat, Marwick, Mitchf'll & Co., said, however, that "If you don't anticipate any drMtk change . . . what you want to probably do la accelerate your deductions Into the earliest year poMible ... " and Crawford said there are lot.a of things middle-income taxpayen ~n do to speed up thoee deduct.Iona. ·:_._Trimming your taxes -. -II- -..... - - - ----· r - - -_. ----11040 u:---...-..-.-;..,;m.;;; 1JfP/. . . Tht' lnwn•t..t nn ·• inurtg;igp, for C'xample, 1s usuallv indudc'<fin th(• paymC'nl du<' early tn th<' month following th£' period in which tht• 1ntt·n·~1 1., <l<'luully al'HU<'d . Your Dct.-t•mlx•r inl<.'fl'l-l 1., mdudt'<f In the.• mortgage payml'nl due tn the first days of January Makt• that paym<.'nl Dtx· :J I instead of Jan. I and you can d<.'<:luct thl' interest on your 1982 return. Note: You cannot prt'JX•Y 191:1:l lnter<.'Sl in order to get a deduction; you con dcduc:t only thnt int ~<'Ill which occruro in t 9R2 Amonij other thmgs you can do: Comlidc•r curly paym<'n of your 19ti:l n•ul <'Slate U\Xl'S. You AH~ allowc:d tp PY<'e'l)' tht~ tllXC'S. Suppoll<' you normally ~<'l :i rc.'al estate tax b1ll ,m Fclirt'bry. Pay it,hefort• th~· t•nd of this yt•ar and )CU·l\a~ 19112 dfocjuctk>n. O Do you ~xp«:·t your 1982 w1thholdinR to be.· too 11m111J to cov<•r at.a~ or l<X·al taxes, ffi('a ning you will owe money 1-rn April t:>? ~Urnalc the paymt•nt and 'IM.'nd it in lx'fol'\1 ON-. :l 1. It's a 19tJ2 deduction. • · Att you phmriang a major purchase hke an automobll('? Makt' It thts year inst<'ltd of IM'Xt IO you can dl'duc;t \h~ tMtftoos tax «,1n your 1982 return Cj"larltable conlribut1ona are gt•ncrally d<'<luc11hle m lhl• yt>ar wht-n they are made. If you're consid<'rfng a gift to a c harity, make It and deduct it -thia year i~tead of """'t. If you make regular gifts every year. consider doubling this year'·s contribution and skipping next year's, Medical bills also may offer an opportunity for flexlbUtcy:-Al\d Sidney Kess. dir~tor of·tax planning and policy for the aC'COunting Urm C!.tlYtain:ihL~--1hcrc..iu dual ~~-foM> · _ mroical deductions. Not only are this year's deductions worth mor<' because of the decline in tax rat.cs, but it will be harder to deduct nwd1t·al t•xpcnses in future.• yt•ars lx"<.•au&' of the' Tax Equity and F1S<.·al Rc.•sponsibility Ac.·t or 1984! • Under current law, you can deduct any out-of-PQCkel mcdll'al e>tpenses which exceed 3 percent of your adjusted gross inl-ome. · ~.ou also can deduct half of your premiums for health msurall«', up to a maximum of $150. . . Starting in 1983, you will be able to d~ucl only those t'>-f)l'll!'<~. Whic.h ('Xl'l'Cd pc'N.'<'llt or your adju~U.'Ci grOSS 111t'OOW There. will be no separate _deduction for h<'alth insuran{'~­ pn•miums: they will be lumped with othl'r mecht'al CXfX'llS<.•s If you can schedule a vi.sit to th<' dootor or dentist in .Dl'Cl•mbcr Instead of .tanuary -and you pay the bill lx•forc.• tht• t•nd of the year you can Include: the out-of-pocket t'OSl m calculating your 1982 dt'Clut.·tlons. Suppose you t'am $25,000. You pay $500 for health msunim•e. Your unrcimburscd mt'dlcal bills the on~s the msurnnn• d~n't t'OVl'r arc $600. To figure your drouL·tion untkr c.•xlsung law. takC' :J pcrc.oent of $25,000. That's $750. Su">tr\lct $1 50 worth +r health Insurance premiums: that's one dc.'Cluction. Add tht' rC'mainlng pr~miums $3~0 ' to your ml>di('al bills for a towl of ~~'ti.·~~,. ot $2001 .. :rot.al d~uct100: $:\50 Jif~xt year. l'n thC' same 1Utuut1on , ymM"wW 1•t no dedU('Uo,,w! · sinct' your cxpenM.'S do not exc.'('(.'(J $1,250 or 5 pt-rccnt of' your adjustro gross inc.'Omc and then• 111 no scparatc dt..Jut'tHm for henlth insuranre prt.'fniums. ·, Now. IUppote you nl'l'd llUlt'll. Your out-of·p<l('kt'l l<c~t will be $50. If you get the glallk'll thla y~ar, you'll be obit• to dt-<luct the C011t..sllll'<' you'n•• alN•ady over the J pt•m•nt thrt-shold If you wait until n<'Xl year. you won't g<'t u pt>nny: l'vcm with thl' extra $50, you won't be OVl•r tht• 5 Pl'"'C.'nt thrt'Shold. Nex&: Dedaetlon •ad Cre4lt1 r I I• • ' : HI Oranoo Ooo1t OAtt v r1uH /l(• !tdny, Nov~mlu 1 16, .ee~ · ~·~ffiW ffi[(Bffi[fill .. ' .. • , Gf)llN ON lllDGI BY CHARLES t:i GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF .. Reference 'offenSlve' . I ... ~:ut We1i vulnt'r1tblt'. South deala . diamond• and played the lun1 or club.I u .. dliJtardl'd a . • diamond oft thlt trick. and . DEAR ANN LANDEHS: May I l'Om11w11t 011 • tfw reade r who Muggcstcd th~ tlw lncrcrnw 1n hpml)t)Cxuaillty l'OUld be 9'uc tu thl· lut•l thut IM~1· n)Jmbcra oJ men are Cindtng tcRSuy·~ wom~n 100. .dfmandlng af\d too bossy, so they turn to mcmbt.•n, 0~ their OMIA.UX (Or-inl)mi;lcy tlS w e ll as· :11=··--- NORTH • S•ft <::>JtU OAQ •&QU WEST £AST South 1howttd hl1 aplld alx card ·~de •uit by makinir u • Jump rebid 11 hi1 t'rond lurn. Sin<"• NC>rlb wu nt!ar minimum (or his lwO OVl'r one re1po1t1e, he could do no more lhan ral1e to gam ... Wi:1t led' hi8 &1nglt'tlln club. E111t WOii the (jueen wltb tht' acu and .returned the deuct!. Wut ruffed with the jack or spadH Ill and shl!led to a diamond. Sudden ,ly, a simple contract wu ~n dange r ol going down to '<lefeaL. Jt•seemed to declarer · that Eut'a return of the deuce o! clubs was a suit preferenc.-signal for a dia mond. It the diam.ond rinease · cC1nf1d•nlly up•eted tht ktnK tu win. To 1111 ucter ron 11t•rnation. Wt11t rurled with • th" d•uce and ..xlt•d with th• ktnR .. of diamond•· Although, d11C'larer ruff.ct th11 trick. he wu 11tranded with· a heart lost'r. • cornpunlonship? He could be righl. • Your answer wasn'~ bad either~ You'l•xphi'im·lr tl)at homosexuality is not always u prl'fercnc(• that it is a way of life and many gay men and worhpn seek profc$sional help in an auempt to be~ome heterosexuar. You aJso said counseling usually doesn't change them, but It can help them accept themselv~ as they are. So Car, so good. You tlu!.n referred to h om osexuals a s "side-saddle tenors." I couldn't lwllevc my eyes! Ya1/might just as well have said "fags." I'm sure I am not the only one who was offt'nded by that insulting referenee. In the past you Have always · dealt. \'<fith this subject in a high.minded. fair and · admirable ~nner. What happe n ed to y our pro!es.<1ionalism? -SHAKEN AND LET DOWN IN YOUNGSTOWN . · DEAR Slt,\KEN: Get out the wet noodle. That column must bave6eeNi'lll'eD verflite"~lri[lit • .when my typewriter went on active duty and my good sense was AWOL. I apologize for my t empora r y lapse in judgment. It was awful. "7 DEAR ANN LANDERS: R~tly you told a man who had neglecLed to Cilc b is iox rcwrns "00 NOT CALL THE INTER.NAb llEVE.NUE SERVICE. CALL AN ATTORNEY.'" That was very ggQ<i advice. I wish you would also have added "and an accountaot." Before the IRs-trnotifled, all past returns should be filled out and the money enclosed. And don·~ forge t to add 24 percent, which is the ~nalty. I didn't do that during.the mon hs it took' me to :-care up the cash . I just notified \ht' IRS tht\L I was in arears and wanted to pay up. Instead or being nice about the fact that I came forward, they made my life hell..-, • HOIOSCOPf 8¥ SIDNEY.OMARA Wednesday, November 17 . ARIES (March 2 1-April 19): Tron out details con!'lccted ":'itb .proposed journey or lon.g-,range pro.)eCl. You II piece together details and arrive at valuable insights. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What appears to be an innocuous comJnUnicalion could contain hidde n meanings. Be analytical. reaa bclwt!en lint'!; Financial resources are spotlighted. need for legal· references becOmeS obvious GEMIN I (May 21 -June 20): Hi g hlig ht dipl.omacy. willingness lo wai l your turn without _ being pushed asiCle. Means go slow, but make clear that you don't intend to abandon rights. , C ANC~R (Ju_ne 2 1-Juiy 22 ): F ocu s on employment, basit 1SSues, ability lo separate fact from wishful thinking. One who shares basic concerns seeks guidance. ·• LEO ciuty 23-Aug. 22): Emphasis on chaJlenge, creativity, willingness to imprint your own style. Spotlight on change, possible travel and a variety of communications. Relationship grows stronger , commitment is made, romance intensifies. VIRG-0 (Aug. ·23-Scpt~ 22): Emphasis on involvement. security. willingness to stand tall for rights. Transaction can be successfully completed. l:Qcus on wider appea1, remova l of saft'ly traµrds:- LIBRA {Sept: 23-0ct. 22): Highlight new starts, willi!!&!less to be direct, independent and lo display courage of convictions. Express ideas in creati•e. original manner. You discover not.! tha t had been misplaced. · l wonder why thl; IRS 1s so f>UlllllW toward thOSt.• who conw clcun·und they ~t tht> cheats and tax -dodgers nlont'. fi'IH ST -llAND KNO'WLEOOE DEAR F.H.K.: Accordlna to my consultant at Arthur Andersen and Co., It Isn't &li e IRS tllat should be blasted -the man wbo wrote Is tbe duP\my. , . •U •H V'KHS v>,H 0 K 9815Z o JI04 •a •AJU52 SOtJTH • AKQ 1097 <::> AQ 10 0 7S • ••• The bidding: 8 .. tli Welt Nort• Eaat 1 • PaH Z • PaH One should always file, and ff be doesn't have the money to pay Ills taxes, be should so state on bis return. The ones who fall to flle are those wllo get'lnto trouble: 3 • Pua 4 • PaH Pua PaH • Openi~g lead: Three or •. . lost, dec!Arer would have lo rely on the heart rtnesse for · his contract. Wt• know that thert art' "'"ptltli among you who would 1u11e•l that declarer 1ho'uld not have 1.ccepted Wot'• Tack of 1pad11s a l face value because it would mean .. tha~ he had been dealt two bl91Wr singleton1. We prefer to live full credit lo West's clever falsecard at trick two. Had he ruffed the second club with the two of trumps rather than the jack, declarer IRS does char1e penalties, but In certain ilistancea tbe-peaaltle.a are forgiven If the person Thendeclarc rremembered ' would h~vc '.had no._chance to l'iltntrow-j1nt-nvie. ·-..... --------•-.-~9UJl§QJilJL~ftj. \9, lhat West ltad ruffed the se:. go wro11~ He would ha ve re cond "ctu'l> wttlt Tne J&ckOT----4-~d oit 'flness~ ?•rboi: spades. H. that were indeed 1: uits rather than hope that Weal's only trump. there was .... he could get a diamond sluH As to wby.J.be IRS punishes the ones who come have reached an unbeatable forward while the cheajs and tax.dodgers are left fotr spade contract. But a alone, the answer ls obvious. They haven't caught clever falsecard by We t up with them yet. turned a silk, p0urse into a sow's ear. a much safer line for the con· on a high club, and the con· lracl. He rose with the ace oi' tract would ha ve coma home.· 'ONFIDENTIAL lo Heard ll with a Third Ear: Soyods hke you also havc .... nn extra mou\h. The Jn(ormauon_was told to_you in conTidcnt't'. BffilIBiilgr-::~~~==;.;;:~=~~========::!~~ tO "just a few close Cri~nds" was dislorat and"Tacky. T Admit 11. apologize and keep your trap shut in the future.'. JOUI HfAlTH What's Lhl' story on pol, cocaine, LSD, Pc.:J>, DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN dow11t•rs, spe«i,'! Can yoµ t>andle them if "you're.' I careful? Send for Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "Th<' Lowdo.wn on Dope." For eac:h·booklei ordcr<'d, send $1, plus a long. sl'lf:addres.ttcd, s tanuw d e nvclape-(37 cents postage) to Ann L:and<'I'S. P.O. &x 11995. Chicago, 111 60611 . POT SllOn BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TME FUNNIES,- T.HINGS AAS' SAID AND DONS ev PE'OPL£ WHO A~E' N Or TR.V~NG TO BE FUNNY. ~,_,._,. "'DEAR DR. STEJNCROHN:-Wbat does a Job have to do wllh fatigue? I laave a friend; we·use to 8e inseparable. We worked at the same type of°job In an office. At night, we'd be full of energy and often go out and have• 1ood time. Then came the change. He was offered a Jeb as supervisor lo a factory offlce.-wltll two dozu workers unde r him. He was tickled at flnt with this new oppdrtunlty. But, now he Ian'& sure be bas made the r(gbt decslon. He ls always dead tired. We ,rarely 10 out. My own energy hasn't diminished a bit. My question: Is It po11lble that a ).ob can change a person like it bas lllm? Woaldn t be be better off glvinf •r.1be new work ltefere lt makes a sick-man out o h m ? -Mr. O. Dl:AR MR. 0 .: You're talking abOut that ol' debbil, stress. h cai\l'aise the proverbial havoc with the n~rvous system. Common reactions are fatigue anct insomnia . Som'' l·an make the changes your friend ha$ made and go higher witho ut any de mons trable sid,e-effects. But, many find they are physically and • . c•motionally rull.. up to QrOmotion.s: As in thE! Peter Principle. they reach the eve o1 t ett' incompN<mcc. Result may be more serious than fatigue. Ulcers, hypertension, heart allacks are well-known comphl·auons l hope your friend realizes he is unfit for his now promotion (1f his 'docto11 finds no other reason for his fatigue). Th<:'re's no Shame 'in sliding back a nou:h LO some mort• comfol'l.able' job when health hangs in thc> bala~c'C • DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: For lbe past few years, our npin l!ealtta·toplc or conversation was cholesterol and triglycerides. That has let up a bit. Now all I hear about is salt. Is it as bad as all tbat? -Mrs. N. DEAR MRS. N.: Not for everyone, but it's true that thousands of apparently healthy people invite hy pertension iC they have an abnormal salt intake And 1L is definitely forbidden in iarge amounts for t~ho &lreeely suHeF-f.rom-.-h1gb-blood pres.sure or heart disease. ~ . . Dr. StC'incrohn welcomes reader quest.ions but is sorry he cannot answer pe~TlfJ/ mail. Letters of w idest 11llcrest will b<.> ans wt•roo in His column. Send your question.<i to liim, in car-e-of lht• Daily Pilot. P.O. &x 1560. Costa MC'Sa, Calif. 92626. ~OR~O(~t.2~~v.2 l):F~owthro~hoor------~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hu.nch -firs\ 1mpress1ons prove valid. You're being pulled in two d1rec:lions -family and bus in<.'ss requir-eme nts could clash. Consider financial needs, commitments. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec .. 21): Elements ol t.iming. luck ride with you: Suddeh turn of events fa~ors your posltion ... Lunar emphasis on initiative. originality. inde pendence and success through personal appeals. -CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):.. Pa'-e slows, you have opportunny lo gain se<.'Ond wind, missing pieces fall into pla('t'.'. Visit to hospital could~ on., ' . agcnd~. A~UARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18.): &.11line needs. make inquiries. open lines of communication, Social hfe a('(.deratcs. member of opposite sex finds .vou lnterl'!ttmg an(! makes no seer.et or it. PI~ES (Feb. 19-March 20): Support comes from surpnse sources. Emphasis on business. career, standing in.community. Purchase or gift helps make residence more attractive. . ' BEDWEITER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED ,... ................ -.................. .. ..... ..................................... .. ........ .................. ___ ,.. .... ,..,.,,,,, ,,..._._ ............... .,. .. ....... .._. ................ ,....,.,, ........... .. ...__ .............. _ ............... ...... ........ WMIW1ua....._....., .. ,..,tr,1.....,,.,, ... ............... -.......... -=~~~!!~~ !~~.!'!': ___ ~ ... 1aC NCIPIC lefT'INMTIC*M.. LTD. 1 311 Fin.~-.WI~ ·I I ~AMNTINAllll. : • ' AOCl'll:U ' ii ! CITY lfATf. ZI~--: , ..._ . ---: I•---· LM tl1t CU4 1"'-•·sot I .·. '• . ·.· . ': •, -~Off IVUYTMINO .. nt1 llOltl Thru Seturdey Hollember 20 SWEATERS * SWEATERS * SWEATERS / c Cardigans Orlons Wools or ' I Wool Blends Soft Oflon V-neck. Nine colors by Carmel. Other V-necp evallable. WOOi Blend by LOfd Jeff and 100% lembswool by kord Jef1 end Pen· Clleton at $25, $40. end $48. -Pullovers -V-Neck or Crew Neck Cooler Oays Are-Coming . . $~.00 Orton'urik stitch card. AllO '°" orion at 21 .00. Lord Jeff wool blend $30 Cermet wool et S~. Pendleton tembewoot et Sl5. Great setectl on of ladles 1wee1er1_111u1tr•ted 11 Nen Oor-.y v. neck • aoll orion. AllO h•v• round neck pullovera and car- Cllgan1, and fanclee end novtlly 1w .. 1era In Qlloo ~nd wools. From 112.00'to SI0.00' •' =-· ' ~NNUAL YIEl.D , 7 to 31 days. Choose your term. FSLIC i{lsured to .$100,000. . / $20,000 minimum. Rate fixed for term you choose. · Aufomatic reinvestment at then current . ANNUAL RATE • .J /-· rate, if you wish. · Su~•ntt.il 1nt~~'1 r--n•ll) ~ Hrlv w1thdr.w.11I ----~---- ----- .. ~ ...... --.. • S,he's Qn • • Ut·nni~ \\'a} ll(' "ilh Anwlia and Muri) l .ot'"' -..-rece1v1ng Jewels of Newport'• First Annual end now As admin1strator of -the Community Service~ awaras program fo r Disneyland Mary Jones is usually. on the giving PRE-CHRISTMAS ·SALE ;_3_1111 OILY!! '::~c:.A·:~::·:.:.:~•~~,;:;:~"::.AY-~~~- •IAVIU.TO, _end of things. but at the Goodwill Holiday fashion show, she was on the receiving side. Try 00111,•rison ShoppinK 1.t• Ah'1lf111orow NiiiiM-- l'tt-Cltrlsbnn Slit ""'~1(1 LAI fflrtr S.for1 on: "' -60%, .,,,.., _ _,_~ wn · WI · IUllI UMllUJ'll .... J o n e s . · w h o s· e philanthropic activities span Ora nge County, was escorted by two Disneyland toy soldiers It It HI .... ,..., nplM ..,,. • .,., to the stage o f the Miii ..,...,.,-, ,,_.. .. ..,...., Disneyland Hotel, and --' ,_., ,._ "",..,,NHH. IN heard proclamations and W Nie, .. • Hf..,...., .., commendations from ._... ..... .,S-'._•,,.,HH Don Roth , mayor of Nlel#llS.W.H,....,....,, Anaheim, Supervisor IHtifll,.,. _, tw.,., Jwelr1,,,.. ·It ,.. ,.., ,. ,,., ., "-"' ,, ...,.,., Harri e tt W ie d er. .,..,....,_.,,,,.,....,.., Congres s ma n Jerry ..... l••••tlf j .,,_ .,,,, • .,__--¥.Pc-c-a-'-"'lte..o.crson and President tt!t-;.m-;::z:rxi===~:d~---­e a g an . J'oneswas presented a golden Goodwilly statuette. Ame lia Lm·kncy of Newport Beach was chairman of 'the fifth annual event. auended by 380 and hosted by the He lmsmen . a support group for Goodwill. . . _C 1 a i r M c N a f e r narrated the fashion • Seilitu.nlt 40% IFF ,..,. ,,,,;. .. ·-· Now From W .00 -~ CHRISTMAS LAYAWAYI ,AVAJLA..i AlL 1 .. _ 1H 0.01111111 110111 11AIET I IJMITIEll WA1CHI$ iiliYlisomzu WITUU 45-10%.,, PIUll WITau 41% '" .... ,,_ ..... · show as styles from her Tus tin s t ore were model e d . Music in k ee-pi n g with th e "Nutcracker Suite" I ~·------------..._ .... ___________ _ theme was provided by I Jean Tandowsky and the Internationals 'With T, Dun ca n St e wa rt. Marines from El Toro in dress uniforms escorted ~pj!i!Z2~:::Z:Z:tx:l~!:Z!:%22:2:%Z?llzizz::ttz::z::azc:lC7ZZ2:7~!2:!'.l~Z:rl?:t:2:2:2tllf./ t~e m odel s . " ; 4'8.m wilh ,.....l" a ddlar_ iat• ~. 1d~14ob ~ Huntington Savings knows how to treat a neighbor. No matter how little you have in your checking account on al',ly given day, your money will still eam SWYo interest. o..dM1<ht'll Not only that, but your clCCount is serviced absolutely free. You can write as many checks a<t you like and never pily a service char~c. We call it No-5tring., C ht.'CJ..ing, because there's no minimum bal.1ncc required. No service ch.ugc. And ~till you get 5'/•% interest compounded daily , on every dollar. l"in't that the kind nf checking account you want, lno? CD HUNTINGToN ~A.~ ni. ~s AND LO.II , ""1.V ~ AltOCIAllOfl I t!J67 Wamc'r Awnue, c;onwr of ~n Wnt in Hunll"Kl~n ~h 'l . . . ... 011111uu Co 1~1 11All V PILO r lluet<h.1y, Noveml>e;· 16 t982 Ill BENSON&HEDGES . .. j:. • • 0 • .. ._ L .. .• ·- ly 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. ----Open a bo~ today. Warning: The Surgeon General.Has Determined That Cigarntte Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. .. ,.j .,,. • 6 mg "1ar;· 0.6 mg n1co11ne av. per c1gare11e. by FTC me1hod. 2 PEOPLE FOR THE PRICE OF 1 112 PRICE SPECIAL · ~re making 1t .ea51er than ever to get irr' · Come in today and get two people for the shape . price of one-a special non-renewable, one- Stop by for a free guest tour You 'II find the yea[ membership for half the cost of our regu· finest h1gh·eff1c1ency controlled move(Tlen.t far annual plan-or.112 off for one person. exerctse equipment available Running & sWtm-Mosr HOIKJ.y Spa HNhh Clubs Me accessible to the ming at most clubs Jazznast1cs II for women. mobthtywnpa1red, persons with dr~blhties, mcludmg t~ Whirlpools. Sdunas, steam rooms and more. blmd, ~re we1rome ~.Holday Spa 1 kalth (tb ~-forMenand~ . -Feature-r1~rat~ gyms fo; men an·d women, avan•ble"1'tllys a Wffk. An1h.;m Announcmg our new kxation, 310 So M.gnc*, r block So. of Lmcoln on MagnoM, (71') 951·3101 · Cerritos/L•kewood 11881 Del Amo Blwl m Cernros •t "°"""-J blocks EASt of 605 ffft!M1' (113) 91'· 151' Miu/on Vl~}o 14401 Alrcia P*W)l at s.n a.go FrMW~ (71') 110·081l W.Stmlnstw 6757 ~stminsttr -•t Golden ~t. (11') 891-3387 Cost• ,.,.. 2300 Harbor Blvd' (teh1nd TPtnlty Orllfl}. (1'4) 549·3368 Or•• 612 East K1r.lf1 M , ~tofTushnAwi . (71')639·1''1 -·-~ ... ,( ..... ""'-·'"} ; • -• aday· Nov mlie~ us. 1982 • Personal Income In the U.S. A~ 1111 .,_, cepha peteonel lncocne by~te McNUtt ·new: cable bo'Ss K9,: _. ,• . . .. LAM t~·•uoo ~ 11,000 '° '"~· J . Uoau.ld S. ~h'Null hm. l14•1•11 &-•lc•t tuJ iii. J(1·1J1 1.tl 11w11111g1 I ul ( '11111n1u1111y t'ah~hlllll, th1 t•.1h ll' 11 l1>v1 .. 11111 .. y,.11·111 w h1d\ 1wrvt•• :llT.11011 -,uhM·nh1 ·1 "! 111 Ir v1111• ,11ul l1Jt l~ ut Nt•w1,.11 I ll.•,1d1 :ind 'l'u ,.l111, r111111 d1nu t o W.1rn·n I> f l)(, v1u• p r t·i.1d1·111 , 1 nu11w1" rm Tlw 11 v 1n1 C11 111p11nv (.'ou11111m11y C.1hlc•Vl'>llll \ IN a wholly owmod II VllH' t'u111.,,111v i.uf)lj1d1m y u••nHa •< .......... h, will t\OlU\4' thttl lu1~· 1au.;cou1 ull1• t ~. urn 1·ohl mom 4.lml ,, dark 1011m A mujl,,. pw 111111 111 th1• Joh 1·111111lt. w n ... tn1t t111n 111 i.µt•dully d1·\IMll' d 11wd11 •• r rnlm ll't1 v 1111d h1it(hly tt·c:hnwal ph11wl 11111-1. 111111 • ., fJlflU\6( :uul u1n lrnl <.'.lrl'Ultrv Anhll1.:lts 1111 \Ill pr0Jl•1 1 :11 t· 11111 011nlelHn Ac11w6•1cs, l!!I•,. ol Nrwpo11 llc·m h 0 . Mof9 tlwn It t,000 • u on Of' y, • ., ' Stock 810 A\11 DolM • AEL Ina II•• 114. 0 8Mt 4 II I• 4 ... AFAProl 33'> » DolllDA' • :~':1~~ 2H: 21~ g:~:ynE1"" :~r:~~ \~t :!1. g1:m~ AdvRou 4'-4\.1 DocuOlv All8$h ll h If\', Dollrc;n .. I~- I • ( )n 101~ lU 1 IU .. At•t•ordinf( lo l l .S~ f :01imwrt•t• ·- Ut·1m;·t m•·111 , . ( f;uliforniu runkt·rl onaong lop l'lltalt•s in Jerms of 1tt•rso11nl iru·omt· for I 'JH I • .,~ .,~ UPS AND DOWNS ~~ 14 IS' 1 • 21',, JI\, N6 W YORlt "!. 11~: "'°"'' . .... ~kNull. w ho Ii.ii. lit•c•n Ot'llll.C t<t•iw ral managt•1 of lht• c•ahlc• n m1p1.1n v. wu" u dlv11111m~I <:ontrollt•r ft.Jr The• lrvuw Compuny n·:c~mic1bl1• •fur Cornmu111ty (. 011)11t•v11uon, lrvirw Wol'ld Puhllsht•rs a rid ll)t' torporutc: sUtf l' dc•partnw nui 'h<•lort' Sll'Pl'ln~ In as m:tinl( lwu1l of the• t:ubll• 11j11tt..ni.. , -• llcdlcy Bullden ol Luuunu Hills bt·~u n / l'OnNt1•u1·11un this m 1111th 1111 :1 11(.'W Ml'<h<:al &frn cc•!t LaJ.> at the· UnlVl'l"MlY of California, lrv1nt• T ht• 7,00U -M1uan •-foot lat.;, to be..• UIK.'<.l for bionwdu·al.a11d Wt_~tt'rn ~lrllnl'W Ii. h11l<h11u ti pn· 0 l10J11Juy i;;1ll'. 111 11·1 111"' a "Lil>c•111111m" fl.lit• ·uf S4!-lff or h·~ {or t'llU1.1du 1p ll'>JVl'I l.1t•uu11 hy 1)1.1(• Ir, ht•lwwn On.uagc l'outlty und HllV 1l( 2:1 po inl'f an thl• W*'fit. lri 11tld111wr t.11 tlw $2~11 lttn•, ·Wt'Hl<'rn as ufl't•r lng a furt• ol $~ml or )('!\.-; fHr rouncJmp tr .. \l\•I to Nl•w Yurk"'. C.:hil'1.tK1J, Wushl11"1on, O.C:., &ltimort.• or K11usa11 City lx•gun IJy 0.'l· 15. Roundtrip tarea of $4•17-An<'lwa·ugt.' unJ $.t!n-~·uubanks urc ulso ovuH:abll· MUTUAL FUND HEW YORK IAPI C•PT .. 1 10 21 NL Hlln(O t .,. NLj Inv Mii 10" II •t MSB l'O 1' '1 NL le 1-tt •JO N~Sl•ln Roe FO• TM loll.,..lllQ Cl"° Ctn lenn .. I C,p HI Yid 10 I• NL •IDS l~ l -l1) 0 Mui Ben '1 J7 IJ .. Pt O S.,vl(K 8•1.n ll OJ NL lt.!'t':11~~·~:~~ ~rln lOQI II 0 LI Mun ., IT NL Inv 'lk IHI 11 10 -•G•I ,~ .. Nl MOOT 1'n· NL ·-I .. NL •Hon ol Se<urlll ... C.l>f~~llor l:~191 ::i~\~ :~= ~t l~: ~~'I~~ 1::J ~1~1,01 'frtin.NL ~n~':.':,, :r. =t ~~~~ ~~~ =t 0 .. 1.n. '"' •• ,. HIYIO t .. 10" !aelMll '\I NL In• Anh • 11 s 21 Orwin s ... 1J Pru SIP II '17 1l Ol !>lnSpl •> 91 NL Ille ptl<t~ .. """'<'' HIMvn JJ 10 1312 <oo1T<11 IS 94 NL ISi.. ll llO NL lncom I ~ t lO l'"lnfm h1no\ S.nT• 121 1NI. ....... >o0<urlllO. ND•< • "Of II JI """' y" Hl, Ivy FO 11 "8 Nt T• Ftt '10 10 ~ C.on• 1.U. I)' Sl••lln• 1 II "' t0..10 n•vt bet<\ l u M 11 JI 11 ~ Tt,.nO ll n NI JP C.rlh 14 00 IS 77 MllO..•I 1' '' NL lnl EQ If 1• IS Slrtl C.lh 21 II NL ~10 IN•I fl-.1 C.nl !>111 1119 NL • 1n•ri<l•I Pr09 JP 11><0 Ii. <I JO Mui Snr •2 l>l I'll. Cif'OrO IS lJ .. H !>.lnC>•lh II U 1111 011#1 o~ -.gh1 (.hfrl 1'0° 11 .. 10 •J Dyft• ... NL J•n~ 10 71 NL NHUl .. ll NL C.r•lh II .. '1 SS T•" MOO •• 22 111) tvo1uo• plu\ ~IK np Olt UH NL l'NCIT • U 0. NL Jdhn Htntock ~·I Allli. '1 111 Nl • He11tn Ill I• II lempl•lon...c;_;•-Chftgel Mondfy 11o~1 .... 1 1911 NL• lnoull •10 Nl 8-l•UISll N•llM· 1191 NI. H1"Yld l•.-i 11 .. GIOCN ,.,193100 Soll "'Y OIOnl"' '°""'" Int on• I 0. Nl C.r••h 11 ?l 11 '1'I N•• !>et~""<"' • •ncom •IS I ?4 Grwth 11' 191 Acorn f. 2• S4 Nl Fund 11 .. 1214 fsllnv ... 16'\ ¥~ Gvl 8 •S 9 40 8ot1M> II 'l:l I? 16 In vol 10 I• II It WO/Id 1010 72 08 •Dll 11 JI Nl (;""'" I •s Y/I 8 nd Ap :4 ·~ IS 14 • ~~ E• '~~ ~N... Bono l 4 J H ?pi n "~ ll •~ lrn• CH 10 34 II )4 lht mott encl down lhl! "'°'' bHe<I on AIM F\ind\ lncom I OS I 10 r 291.. Pl>S>ftj(. "'' "" l oyol• • f l, l 'W percent of <lltnOO r"911•0I~\ ot voh1me CvYIO. IJ 10 14 01 Opln t JS 10 11 urlfv<lll l wnC GI ?9' 1 JI Purt8 en 11 11'1i TWSIEa 44, S lot M-J Grnwy II 4' 12 0 ra M ?l .. 2J 4J • 1J 10 49 ii{ 4) SI NL TwnC Sel ?1 11~> PvlDC•P I Ho II'~ Trl(Ol'O 2•'> JI'> No M<"rll!K Ir..,, no DelOW U en· Ind HIYIO 9 1• 10.. OIU a(,lh Q 11 S? NL Opln I <iJ 8 '4 •In w J JI NL TwnC UI S 13 1'19 I'• QufkrCh 191•20' • Ty!iOflFO 22 72'' -0 Hel eno O<!<t ff\f-~Nlnoe> •r~ '"°' l\IPflf F 1,i I~ llN•l.3 w•llllnh C.ADll ,1 ll) 21 0041 .. Tw•1•EQE• I •' I 1-• r<1orl lO s.tiOJ ~ 1111 SAICKP•hull~lnv,.''.," I) Oii USGArAw1Gn rovlp SS Nl ~~: rl:! =:r.:.f/ 1 .. I'• UnMcCill lt...,11~, ::::orence betwffn lhl! P•nlov• clo\lnQ :m~~:~!n f.'u<>Q, Comp Bo 100/ IOllJ ;; W•ll noi 111i N.:-11onw1oc ;o, • OP•• U..JI U II tU~o it1s NL • 10\o II RH YU ~" ~~! ~~ t:: . J~· ,~;: or•c• •no IOOaY"• 1"'1 bl<I "'1'• A 8•1 10 Ol 10 'It Comp I'd 10 01 10 ,. Fo•lt• s l'I s" Summ 11 71.1l 18 NAlntd t ,. 10 01 (,rwlh 13 II "S9 ln(O 10 .0 NL ~:~;J:\. ==~y' ~:;t~ ~~:'t~ ~~~: UP'S Am(p Ill 1'S on<OfO. 12 7• NL l'nO Gln HI s.a ltt<h 111H~l6 NalGtn l.0111'A SO<t<.I )014 NL Sbll l:LS1 NL :~::;-! 31~: >; .. ~r~.~~ AFurn e:>. '"~ DunkD AGrHI , 40 40~1 Dur Iron ~ ~:_.' ~luK,,:or :1,'~ ,st u11u .. ~~1~~ ,:~: i:~ ' C.mN1~'!!t1 us.•,• ,c."1g. P<t. s~~~ :~ ~ :: F, "f'~~~llnuh~n:rn Ff~1~\ ~~? ~t Kei~,~L:•,111rn Ni~~~~Fuw :~ ~: ~ S<gm;~ Pu~i: ~t ~~!:~~u.i a ~t-l'o<'...,..._ _ _,. .. ~.. .-~ '• •~ ~ ' 12 1211• ...,.. \ UP • ll.9 Grwlh 11 0117 OJ t':'<uonme~ ~!!! 11 S Mulfl 9,1 9-S~ ~U\ 81~~· u ., Grwln 11 Ill ?l-Sf, lncom 11 SI NL Ae<m 9QI •.91 ll\• 1' SIHelGO Jt'o 2' 11 IN 11 17~ 2) 1 Slllcn EI 14• , >.. Up JI.) -v "~ 9• ,....., I ll IU 71 ll II I 11 I' S 7 NL Con Inc II .. 17 SO ~~ ~ ~~I ., .. 61h 11!.o'w1 1~: li'-J H h1n IS J• 1 Up JO.• I~ tfl :gj; :l!,!r•G \! ~ IJ r~11\\n ~:i.:-Nl ~~~~ if:;' ~o~ntuz 11 ,;MB o ',_ii NL. Flouc 11'.~ lO 73 :~n~r~ ~ .. m~ ~:!~~;~ -Ao .. ur ·"11 6'1 EIPHlll ARe~Mg ... 1•1. ,,, EIOtr Be :~g~· .~~ i~t: ~l~O:', AngAGO 7'\,~ 1'4. enrDov ~::fJ:f1 m~ m: EnrMel I IS.I• 2 l·I• ArO•nGp S Si. EnA5v 311 • ln01I ~::~~I 5 ~! ~'W ~~:o/~11 I~ 1r-; F~7' Avntek ?1'-?!.._ F•rm(;p Jt'> ,...,. M<Ou•Y 8800 \I ~ FIOICCff 1S'l9 2S1'. M<RHO B•lroCp ,.. I"> F18kSy\ )91' "'· Mld\•W 8allyPP /\lo 11.. Ft8ostn Ill>,. ldC•P ~·noHE IJ'I,. 121• FtEmpS U1'. ?4'• MIOI RH i@Mf(H Q ,,, •1• FIWnF1n •'• ~·· Midi&-~ B•ulFr .. ..,, FIHllks ,, •• 12"-Mllller 8'1yl$Mk Ill'> II.._ Fli<'l{o r ?I'• Jtlo MIU IG 8 Mllno Po. .. • Fl•NFI• 19'> ?9 Mole• • 8 en1P1 h '• s.1• Flurocb , t \, MonlCol 8elll. ' Jl\lo JI ... ForttlO 11\oo 11'• -.. cp 8evMot ?l lllo FN nkCf IJ i. Moor•P Bllll>Co IS•> 1•1• Fr•'!llE I• I•' 1 MorW>ln 81rOSon 12•~ 12"-rff'S(; ~ JI MolC.IUI> 8 11'1Cf\r SI• S"-Fremnl I'• t -lier 81yvoor 12' • 12'• FullrHB 2, .. 7S NerroC Bon•nt n > 2~ nAulm ..._ S• 1 HDa l• 8rwTom I I • nDovu , .. n a HelwllS 8uc:lll>ff II .. lllt RIES! H Ill HYAlrl Bullets ,. .. 1'~• .._ 1 Nk •OG 8urnuf.S IJ .. ll'• vEl'n ,..,, IS Nlelsn A" ~~} "' 1:' 1 .~~: ~=::~. I~ :t• H!elW> 8 C.IWISv J'I'> .0' 1 lflnlSI 11' > U• 1 :t• ~ Canr•OH l'i •• • yrooy9 • •'• 1'• N 1~G' C.pEn IS-16 I ~·· ::,1; s .. Sr N:_,,p s C•PAI( ·~· •4-•rOWk .... "' A'o•• CareCp n 24 rpA-11'1 111• v)N11<rp Cetus 111 > n~ HarpGp 2• U I o Ocu ner ChfrRlv 3 ~> 31 HtrllNI 21'• :it• 1 OollvyM ChrmS 11• • 11•. Heh nor ' ,2M• ,.,,. OhiOC•• ow.r1H 16~• 16\• H9nrdF •S" ~ OllFerro c.nm1.u 11 11•, Holobm 2' • 2•, OtlerT P C.hHUll 19 11. Hoover ll'• 141 o PCA lnl Cnul>b SJ"-S1• 1 ~rl1Rs l.._ 41, P•l»l 8 Clrllco ~ •'• IMS lnl 21' 1 23 P<G•R C.l11So()• n •. 11•. ISC 16\1 161• P•u•oP CIU UIA 0 •S-1.. lnlr•lno 1•' • PMrMI c1u u1B 4.J'•.. lnlel 311 ~ JI"-,..na Enl C. •rkJL JS•11 ,. lnlrcEnr l '• •'• Penlar s ClowCp l>w 7~ ln1orpn ,., ,.,.,, POOPE•P ColrT le 1•'> ,, .. lnlmtd II_.. I 1'1 Ptlrllt ro10Ga• 'l>l? ~•• lnlmtCi• "''' 11'1 Pelllbon Free Phone ·Call Home ·~ 4\ Soao•le ~1 =11rlcro5 4 lntMolMI ~,,, I l'o sn:.. N Ptrl 7.11 111 onlMul 6 AGb • 36S·JllO Cu\ Kl l.'I'/ Ill T•t!,E• ~SS 811 SMurllV Funo1 ~icln<. 1:1'1 ~~ 1,.191,' SvcM'r n~•.1•Vo 11"1~0·~' L ?,'•, •' ~.n"°pur,osA ,.'· •• '.' u 16 1 TuE 91t 9SI OP'l•r ONTC llJ7 181J CuSK1 7 14 7.80 eEu r Of!r :J." Bond IYl•820 Mnuonrni ·-··1· -·~ • -P ~n Ml I .St 9.l'I try C:tP 4 '111 16 19 Grwlh 9 •9 10 •S Cu~ SI 18 ?O 19 8'I nroy IS o• NL Ectul~ 6'1'1 • <18 • v• ' J'11 3'1• t:<m 1 ,40 40v. llaN8 J3._ ?l"" 7 Phn•M11 ?'• • '' up 2io Amer Generef Dolaware Cir-Opllon 610 o•• Cus !>3 809 &84 C.uaro Jl80 NL lnvhl •40 1011 ~tEno •.IS 101>6 ~'.; li. si.:~oul ~~! ~~JWw•s!nEEnr' ,1?t·. 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Ventr H 11 2110 Del.. 10 tt 11 91 Equll s 61 •OS L.,.lnglon GrP \Newt Inc I 01 HI Se11om•n Cirou'f fund "!! lO' > lO"'I SwEISv II'' 19 Wellr•u lflt II• 1 tJ J-•11 3• • 1' Up 18 1 ,Cm s1• 12 IO IJ •Dir Cap 1 SJ NL C•I T • • S) • t1 c:;p Lor 11 •? tl •• NlchOI• ti tS ~L C•pFd 10 6 1~ 46 Inc om • -Nl I'• 9'1 Sl.tndyn 31'• 32>.. WIWtrO s IS\o "' 1 14 Nv<l5'>1 10 I' 1 Up 116 Eich »3' NL. DodC.a QI 7," NL Fund> Int GoldlO 30 NL. NE 1nTr 011 NL C.mSI~ 1711I)11 Lev GI 11.0 NL .._ Ill~ II>.. SldMiCtO IS'> IS\e WOIYAlu 71 I ' I' I. n~n 2• • 311 Up 17 I Fo • 11 QI 1• -'"' C a I 10 '° NE I r1 10 •' NL G Ill I,.... I • SPI Sii IJ Sil NL 11\. 11'• SloReO\ .. ., 61'' Womtl 13': IJ': I. NVAi,1 J 11• ./ 16 ~m •"" DoOC• ~ 1119 Nl mrc• • • " C.NMA 110 Nl nw , row ... .o, S. n ?n llll..,hme J6o,311, l ~PP::.~· G'°"'t 7•,IO NLore•8uo l•O.-NL lnvOI 101''1013 C.r-92' NL Nova Fo• 149S Nl Into 111Sllt011ontt ~'J\i?.O ... -.,,:., Sier I SI ,. • '"' WOOOLOI 3J J.l ... 11 MK fllrt\ '• • , H•tl>r 13 «I .. 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'" • Bir Mun1ln • 11<•" Price """°' •n••>I 61 IS., S7 NIW• 1• l'I Nl lJ' • 11\> T01fl fu ue• • I 72 ~~~6' \ 1?" 1~: Oii t1 l Hl~nt Ill• n OI l!•<h 31 21 NL I OS DI\ 6 .-I ?I PacFo 10 )II 11 J1 Cirwln IJ 9J NL S1taom•n ~unch Pint 12 80 Nl 1H1 11t-o N-lllgh\ 1;; 1J l(V Ph ' ... , .. Oii 112 Monlh 1091 "11911 M•O'!I , ... ?111 105 C.rl ISS? 1•81 PMI• •:i.1001 lnc:om ... NL· Am Ind JJ? NL . NL No load lJ'1 1' New lows 24 22 M .. n 80 ·~ NL IDS H•Y 31J :t8'1 Spl llal 1040 1117 lnll 1004 NL A•SOC 9) Nl IWll'\ cn•rQO'I l l· ·~.Tola I WIK .... l14,000 u Zenlb8 ,... , ••• Oii I ~! ::: ; ;: '~~ ~..... 'II S7 NL I OS ND • ?I • 92 Mid AM 1 0. 112 N E•• IS 11 NL "tn•tlol I SJ Nl I P•evlou\ Ody \ Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% _ tst )'eac....Write... Off $5;000 :-S10,000 Minimum Investment . - Gvl ~< 'I 15 NL I OS Prop • S8 I IS MMkODI 10 J7 NL N Horii 15 S4 Nl Ocu n •JD NL qvol• ~-------- Now thru Dec. 23 M~I and Huntington Center w ill give owoy over 15,000 3 -min. long distonc;phone calls for the hol idays. Just vi sit the MCI holiday booth in the c~nter of the moll. HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL lAX CONSULT ANTS (714) 751-2400. STOCK DIVIDEND .... For the third consecutive_ year a stock div been declared by the Board o f Directo will be distribute d on Dec. 22. 1981 to end of 5% has . The dividend areholders of record as of Dec. 3, 1982. HEADOUARTFR OFFICE COMMERCEBANK BUILDING 1201 l>o\.-c Sr. Newpon Benett CA '>2'16Cl (7141 R!-1·9'100 MEMBER FDIC • BUENA ~ARK REG IONAL OPFICE M21 Knoll A•-e. 1Knbn & Sanla Ana'Fwy.I Buena Park. CA 90021 (7141 7J9·2711 • 1U.l1 fllll·0:-:-1 SOUTU COA\T REGIONAL OFFICE J210 Piirk Ccorcr Drive Costa.Mesa. CA Y2626 10pcning Wlnrer 1'>1121 F.ach dc~rtor m .. -.urcd 10 $100.000 PEOPLE .COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: .... . . coupon Savings, ~omplete Stocks, . Local News and Sports, ind Advir11sed Val~·~ AEADING ·!NJOVMENT ' .. 1 · .. - 1· DAYS A WEEK A' r Liberty National Bank realizes the importance of a quick response. We understand that executives and people in the pro - fessional world work long and irregular hours and are often tied up betWeen ID and 3. So we bring the bank to you, whenever you may need it. . If you're a professional person with a growing prac- tice, give Barbara Hauck a call . She can help you with . cash management problems, retirement programs or a loan for investment purposes. You can reach Bar- bara, or another bank account officer, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m ... daily and from 1 to 5 p.m. on weekends by calling Liberty National Bank's Business Line. 800-4 72-8529. Put Liberty National pank to work for your business. TAKING liANKJNC TO BUSINESS # •-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-ii One Pacific Plpa, 7777 Center Avenue • Huntington Beach, California 92647 • (714) 895-2929 Stral~kallv locatld rwr lh1 lnlerS«tion of &«h Boultrttml (Jrtd th1 San Diego ,.TwWtJJI • Mnnber FIJIC and Ftdtral Rtw•• Lobby Transaction Hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m .• Monday-Thursday • 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Friday • .. ~\._. '• .. I . ~~---- " . : -.. .. --.. J ..... Of llH')ll CQUll DAILY PILOT /Tuesday. Novembef· 18, ·1oei Ml•" IO I .ol#\ Nol ,.,,, NOi ~1.. N•I ... 1.. N•I .. ( 11<1\ CHI•• ('IV pr,,_, {IO•• (lft p ( ...,. c;10 .. (l\Q ,. f hO\ {IO"' C"O Jo l .... c;.o .. 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IB I . .. 18 ,, O\j\lf tR . .'1 u 93 10•, OIEI pl. Got 1100. :1o1• .... , Syn!"'. I 20 I~ ,,. S6'· •• AlpllPr · 4 "'' • .... cnmpln ..... 1139 21 • Eqtl f 11• se ' 11 nP-r 2 .. 11201 21•• • 1 Y.MM 110 1a )88/ 7'\• ,..m.tl. .o 11 .ss ,._, , SvK o , n 1• no M•,, •. Alcoa I 20l61 ... ,,~V, Ellml--pf ~ . 10____. Esrn-.rl<-lc .. "10"-17, 6f • ' l,._,..104 ":'71llt I . ~1nl>l -'J-U-• t•I ff'Tr .... rurer -;-30 rf <ii ,,,!'--.: -T A,,,.. .20 n1 ,,.,. ~ Cllml pl 4 .0 . l:JJ 47\> Ito EtQulr s .. • ,, ,.... IP-ot2 10 • 1700 181w ,, .. "'"oCp .. 94 Yl1'" r(llrk n2 40 1 Ill ,.., .. roK n ·17e ll 311 uJ8•· •• ' Amrct 1 32 II 1' 17~ Cl\amSp ID i. ~ 9Vt-W EswaC llOt> 9 42 11' 1 '• IPow pt• 12 00 3l{• '• Y.l\nln \ 90 49 11" rlmeC 74 l1/:l :IA'• ,, fleCO--t .. 8 101 10.. '• Amrcpf2lt0 S 2'1V.' 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"mE•P 220113641 66!/, ,._, ChlPnl .301111 ISO IH• FrWstF lA 13'> " ntRl'n 19~1 18 l-41 1J\, I Moore( 111 IOS le<• SvNM 2'90 1 U1 1S'; • 1 Ten< pr 1 40 ' 1 61 '• 1 AF•mll • .o II 139 .. ~ !· CllkFYll .40 21 AO IJ~. F";trall' 11 136 10'. '• lcpS. 1 10. • S1 ,._. '. Mot•M I 04 I :I093 10 s EG 2" • 1611 214' •• ,. dY,n s ,. ~19 lO' ,, AGnCp 120 • IO'M SS'~-f\, (llrhCI 2~11" }• Sl ""'" --. 79 J'• It nterco 2 • 10 n• S8'·. '• l\i\oran 11b 12 o• 171, $EG pll 41) • 11.. 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I • A~rll .. 10 63 ~ • i., Chry wt 331 l'• Fed PB I 20 1 180 7'1' • '1 BM 3,M 13 t1le at•• '• Mohol• 1 .o 11 1803 14 I'• SEG pU 4l St y20'o, •• Te•E~I • 10 1 111 ~', \• AHo SI S.I . tc)l 13\IJ-\oo C"'Yi Pf 223 11~ FdSQnl ' IO 12 S' lh• '· ntPla• I 04 IS llS 1S1• • le MIFu•I l .0 7 7 lHo 11 SE pf 12 75 , 1100 104 hEl pl 2 81 I~ }SI,. ~ A Home 2.20 11 2400 •:»tt-,,_ CllurCll 1 II llO 39 • F~OSI 2.10 10 2'11 "'• : · nlHarv 1131 H , • 111\unfrd ~• S 84 U'• '• SE~ pl1,70 1SO •l' • Te•G T 2.11 •6 SOii 30 '• AHOllP J .. 1S 616 • ~ ~ ClnBell 2 n ) 13 31:\o Ferro 110 1) 26 13'' v nlHt pt 'a 11 10 • '• Mntd pl •0 20 a.. '• SEG pl7 10. zlO •l I TUlnG IOI> U 101 J7 '• AMI 52 1S 132 33"° ~. CtnG E 2 1& 1 2S.t 11 FfdUnl 2 IO 6 29 2J n!Mln 1 6ll •ll <IS 4. • " o,\un.nv tS 11" 1, SEG pUI 08 1140 M •, THIMI 2 2S 1ll08 11S', 2 AmMot I~ 6 • ClnG pl 4 ,.30 31'• Fld<•I J 26 11 14'-l-ntMn pt • I 36 ~' Mur•hC 1'~·1~ '61> 18' 1 ~. SEG pli.U dOOb tll" ''• Te•lnl OS :10 1071 I '• ANetR n 3 s .,., 35 .. ClnG pl 9.'JO . 1JOO ,. FtQQI• ... 140 2• 4. ntMYll I .0 1 101 JI'' " Muri)() I s ... ,, • '• SEG pf1.4() 1120 ·61 hNM• l 16 I IS n • •• '. ASLFI• 114 14 -.. ClnG Pf 9.21 . BOO 10•,. FnCp" • .. IS 481 37'• t'1 ntP•pr l,40 1>1003 4S '• "-""¥012011 66 20'• '> ublt<k •I 11, '• hOG•• 21 U U91 30'•• '• ASlllp .... , 120 I~ ,,. ClnG pl •• n-tlO 12 I FnSBar 9• ••• " ntR•<I •• ·~ . \) o,\ulOm 1 .,. ,, ,,... • ...blo 12 ,,. n.' •• hP.c 30 12 14 24'• '• AmSld 1 . .0 16 114 16'10 11'. ClnMll n 22 •111 1'1~. • ' FfnlFeG JI 18 I< ntTT 2.16 11611 37 '> lil~trSL 11l 700 11~ R Cem 8 34o • : • Te.a.UtU .2..0ot o 3418 ll • '• ASlerll 3t 10 74t 14 -\\ Clli<rp I /1 • ,...S Jlte 1• Flteitn 6ll ,... IS' r TT pfO S M 49'' t~ -N-N --·~ 1 76 b 2"4 u~. , TOii In 2•2 J~. '• Amstr I I llS 57t,1-lV.. 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A-pfJ,111 . 1104-~, '"' r"G~1PIS 1 8 ~ f:{'· Fl•EC .10 1• l5 """ ... tore pt e.12 aso n~. '• NMlneS .n.. ,. ,,,. 1. llR•• 1,01. 10 11 10~ ~. r.,oeo es •'4 :: Anlatr 20 t• m ll'h-"' om,.. n '' Fl•PL 1.36 6 11s1 JS-.. ~ Jere pt I •SO u , ,.Pr" ii~ a "' JO.... "' ..,_nE,,Q ~.! ,•!>. "' ,r-OK1o, I• 1 ~ !21~ A"'• St 1 IJ ,..,.. CmbEn 1 .... 1 ... ~., .. I Fl•Pr(I I.ID • ,. ""' "' er( pl ,,. ·--NS.ml ., ,,.. ~ .JD2t -•• Ile M ' -• ·~ '• Ant""r 4-20 M 7'1• ·;·~ Comos S .?• 12 ._ 11 FlaSll <40 !T• 111• •• •rC pt 13 SO t.O ~'• .. NtSvln I .. t 7SJ J3 .. • "-M<t 1 ,_.. '• foYRU' 31 717 ..... , ... -"Pe<ha. • ..2A ' m.. U!&1' \jo ComMtt , ... ~·" "-""'~ 11 ata 13'> .... tr<;J)I 11 t50 "'. .. St«'d-..OL • AO • • _l.. -'-1111 • free~ ' .IP tt.....11:1 ~· ApCllP U!' 2e 41 mi -,.. Cef\'1il! V "ff,,... ,,.\1" Flowr s "lO-rr-TI ...,..,. •-V. erC-p 1'"11 l ,r, "l:e •IT511 J 150 llr. ft elcllC ... .i 291 11 • T'rane I 3' 10~,1(1 1' • / Apl'w pf• II . . u 31\4 CmwE 2,IO 1 2141 1• FIUOr ID 9 1314 ,, .... '. • ... re 7 .. • 44 ... • , ... NtH/1 n, l ' I ~· ... •P"lr '" •••• '. w Cp -,. 1. A Pw pfJ IO .. • "1111> • w CwE pt 1 90 . II 1~ Foote<: 120 ' 11 40.. .. ewlC pl J6 " Nalom 1 40 to·-Ill'> tlt..C. .., ·; S7 12~. •• w "' ,. 10\14· ... .. ~ • .._ m ; , .. 16~:_ ~ CwE pf 2 •• 17 1µ,.-FooOM , Sill 1'1• •• ewt<r IC! SS S.._ •• N•ln\ pl •. 1• U.. l,'1 •i>N'V I 40 1 ,. 71•, .. W wtA .S ttl 1 '-A;('h0:: 14b 10,.,.. IH..-\\ Cw EE pf 11 •• 70 · zJOO :311> -I"' For MIC J 40 II 119 CJ\, ~. JollnJn 11• "311 M~• le NevPw 7 .... 6 .SO 11 • NV pl J 11 , S I~> WC pf t '" 11 ie~ , , A I PS t.Sl 7 914 22.. 1J> Cw pf I · ISO ••· FlDHr 1.» 10 11 • '• ollnEF C> 211 ...... 1-.. NevP pt I.Ml 1600 IJ RNY plCJ ti 11 l•", •,.. WC pf '·'° .'. U l>'i• '• A~I;. pl 3 se 93-29 -..., C•E pf 2 ., .. •4 ll'I<. FtHowd I ilO IS .0 .. l .. t. lollnCn I ofO • 117 JJI, ... NevP p( 1 JC) zlJOO II•• RNY DfA2 tOt tOJ "" t. WC pl ,_... 12' 311. ~ Al1Ppt 10 10 tlOO 9S -CwE pf I «I.. · HO ........ F~IWll . .U 8 713 141, '• IOhnC l>f 1 a 41'1 f .... NevP pf I.ts .. , 2' IS'•• '' •P511 '"> •• llS 151-'• , • ...,,, I 511 I )U JJ'\>a \\ ArllBSI 451 •• -» ·~"''j,.; Comes 1.• I 41 "~ FoaSIP ... II 11'1) •• JOfllljn tO • , .. 20·~ \-i N•v.OS n tJ '12... '• lltpBll I -' 323 ,, •• '"-rtnlll< 2.16 •• ' II... •• Arlllt ,· '9t t ill '6~-~ ComtAI 13021 411 ~. FHbt I I 04 4 SO S3 '1t orat~ 1 I S U«. NEn'QEI J 1 1• )2\o "' Ra:g:k Ptl 12 10 291, 1 ARlly . SI "°"' ~. Al'lllRI , ,., 1 CoPsyc s .3'14 21• 3";'> I F.qitM.c~Ml..10. ,,.,. tsl; ~-osle.n .9'211..lts9 .ll4 2\> NEnP Df1,7L •-1l'•. °' u 1 450 I• _ __, --tM '~ .. tJ Annco I 20 11121 11::': . ~~ 1~ ~ u ,,_ I FrlQI 4' IO ...t2 ll'' '" Jo~MIQ 1 AO • ,., 2S--. ,, ,NJ·Rrcr~·7' 1. • ~ tv II II 119 .. _... lo r111c pf J.11 7'1 36 • > Arrnc pf 2:10 :: 1 21'M-~ c::~ n 1602 lO -~r--:::: ·: · ~~ ~~1' ~ 01 n -~?KJCi' •'• '•~~~pl 3:~ .~ .!:. : ,~: ~R,,..r • ,~ J~ ~ rtnKn .OIJ.. • A :~::::,',, 1~~6 m ~t'.!-1"' ~j~ 2 ,/, !l l! m: F:::• pt 1 ·u .. JO 21 ,, LM 1 m m• 11, =~SS p1p1o~ ~ ~10 ;f.' • ', R::::' pf 1 .. 10 s: 11 ~g,t''p11l'°'O ~!8 ~: •• AroCp ID 1 1 1s•1. • c E 1·-1 9 1• • G-0 -mart 'lb U'lt 1S • '• • • • Reallam tO 1 n 17 "i.; rGP pl 2 50 16 11•, • '• ArowE '1t 13~ •.. \. onn n -• GAF 10. lll ..lU.-.. aluAI 60 1'4 ll'• ,,,Newell 110 1' 1S .. lo\ Runrd «Ill 1U II\. ~' l'r•iOh . • ll 6\•• \, Anra 22 SI S 16~:-~. Cn11NG 1.10 I 19 20: G"F Pl 1,20 SS 1b '• •! S'1>1 c 15 1 SI 2 Jl'IWlllll .1116 13 il1'• It Ronin • l t 1149 50'\ • •• ranwy I ID I 411 14 !lo Arvin.. 11216 AO 11~. ''\\Cont•< IDl6~ ~ ... I GATX 2.40 I'°' 26'· l liC• .OU S•O ts ... ,, Ntwml 130 :11! .. ~. R•ylllpf4.10 . Sl •s•. r•~•r,1 .. 1 ~ 26 .... Arvin pt 2 . • ,,,,. ... ~on~d:' 6: s 20 11t' ... GC" .IOI n .... 234· •IC pf I JI ' 10'. I Nwf)•tk ·" 1 2'11 6. • lt•wln pf • IS u1os1 •• ~. tiCOll J.81•. 243 20 • ., Asar<o AO 128 21'h-"' °" p .. I I GEICO ~ 10 111 41l r a1vs1 102 11 NIOAP I'° • alOOl ISlo "' ReyMll I ID U.1 u~. ', ricn "t 2 so , 131<, '• "'111011 2 40 6 l2S mi.-~ ~°"~Is' 1rl 'i11• !l '•-' GEO .1• l •SJ 114" •neMI .2110 3J 1• ,,,Nl•MPI ') 40 . v•SO 27 .,J lltyM Pl4:to • -St •• , Soln • io 142 ~ •• A•IO pfJ". IJ 3''h . on I ' -' GF Eqp II ... •neb I s 611 161• "' Ni•MPI a 6ll y200 71 •2 .. ~llVci< '·· 11 :r.2 11119 1 rlall'd ~ IJ 2• JJ~ '' AtdOG --211 l2t o~ ~. ~;:~,r; :12 ~~ 1 GTE. 2 9l ''1111 ,,,, CtyPL J.16 ''"' m. '• "'N1l•~P'1 3. 9010 Yl001800 2931~> ' .. Ra:fT 1,ID II .. 1S I... rl-•Pc 11• so 20"r-, •• AactO IJf 4.7S St 7• -Y; CMNG t. • 17 n~ \ GTE pf 2 SO •I »'• CPL llll IO • tl60 30 I .,..p Y ' ~ = r•n I Ml 12 •S2'1 SJ•• t ..,. rlcntr '6e I 1.0 • , 0.. Allll-I tO 14 1<23 11~'+ l\. s >+ GTE pf 2 ... tt?A 11'1 '1 CPL pfA,JS , 11200 331• • '• Nl•MPI.• 8S y.00 lS'"• ·lie Gr pf .. lie :14 , I'> rlco 16 ' • 8'> to AICyEI 2.21 9 62 20~-~ ~~~ 1f : ... zs'r, I~~ G•lHou .52 10 111 20\h ~> CPL pn :IJ 4. Ill> '-Nlalil\pt ~ 1.f? • Y200 .. S9S'· • \ lleAICI 90 i's 1)0 .. ~, "' rlnly SO 10 129 14'1. '• AllMtro °"' ... s IVt c p 17 000 u 1'0"1"Gannen1111 17 ll2 s1• ... 1. CSou •u 238 ........ NlaQ.Sll al-I , • R-llw 140 17 ts,.... rl1Eng 1021 9S II'• I; Atllllcll 2.40 6 ID17 JI\.-~. c~P: Cn :l 1350• s; , , Ci•PStr .so 10 67 2S -1"'9 •n-GE 1 12 • 2IO II '-Nicoll n .11j 19r !! !?"" ' ltof>ISft 1 '° s ro. 711 • "-uoE P t.92 6 176 11.. •• AllRc pl J,75 . 1tAOO JS • llr. CnPw pl 31I :rocnt .; GesSvc 1.36 t_ JS 11 anNb 1.481> II 44 11~• '• NICOR •• n'• 4• ltollln• St 15 •11 111> ... w1nOJ I 1011 6 IS_.., '• AllR< pf, ID . .J ·~ s~. , -GHrhl 36 .... I ,,., anPl t 2 "° , :It.I ,. •t NoblAI . 12 1 .,. IJ~ '" Re<llG l,7tb s -lb-" .... r<ol,.b 70 • IAS "'• lo AUACP .lSe 2 116 17-"" Ccn;w ~l.: • ~ ~:t Y: O.ICo I. 12 10' 2 .. 16 •Pl pt2 1J 4. 10\, • \. Nor SO n l ID 7 112• SS•1 111 Roc:llTI 1.04 t 113 2'1\<o ~, rltr It() 1J .. It'• •• Auo•t 32 n 121 31\> Y; 11 w '" • .,., · ' GemCa 92 40 ' •It• ety In 86 11 \o Norlin 7 0 18 • • Roc:-•I 1 ~ 10 "'80 •2 ym'(lr 26 19' 11'•, >.. A\lfoOt Ill 18 4'l :n -v. ~n~w pr~ ~t iii'• t' 0.l'flln 2 AOa • Ill t.Sl, •Ir 9f I... I 1'11 • 11 > Norstr n l.30 7 l4 31'1. Rat11t pf 1.3S s 73•, s -u-u -AvcoCD I 2' 9 lS9 14"' I:\\ C::p'" pp~l.23 • 6 .17. ,· GAii'¥ •• ,... •2 19\oo •Ul8r ,. 1•3 11.. h Norttk OI 3 118 ,.. 1• ~l"H 2ID12 •l 1• I AL 30 114) 29'• 1, Awry 9012 ,,_ 16ltt ,._. .. --, GAmOll 60I> 12 ,,. JO'• .... pl I.~ • ,IOir" lf"AC~l II) • JI 1n. Oftrln s 101 ,... I) (ii 2.0ot • u 11 •• A~ntl ' t 16 ... S9 -It;, CnPw pr4.02 • 65 19 ' I'\ Gn8csll • S 14 Uw tll•r ,JO 10 t1 IS-low" '• NoAPlll I 10 9 J2 .... '• .... pf J 13 3 JOI•• •1 GI pl 1 7.S 1100 tll1 Avon 2 e 11n ,.~. II': CnPw pl'l.'3 • 1 18'-· •· GClnm J .S211 !75 141,. elloiHI 1 SO 9 90J 16«• .. NEurO 2 •It 9 'I~ 10>.. '-ollntn rl 2JD u~. " MC • .o I 411 9'> 1, A.,. 11517 S1 ,,~,-·.g:wt:"1.0 '111U ~"'T GClllmptM 11d1St'o ellwCf AO I 6' ··~ W NoetlUl1.2t 7 m n ol""' ... ,., "'• '· NCRu >II ·~ A.,0111' 20 211 --2~. Cntl"-0 ,~. s SlJ ~ 1 G11D•I• . JS7 14... •n•l 10 3 es 6\.. '• NlndPS I so 10 .. s ,,.. '• 0 rncp 21 S21 ., :· SFG J tO • AOS 40•. ... --· -.,.t GnOyn n 16 1402 30 •nml .'16 19 IOot l~ NoSIPW 2.74 t 1'30 7<1>., onson JI 3 ., nllvr J J1e 1 2S so-,, t~. B•lrnco so • $47 1•V•-I'" CntGp pf . .. 11, • GenEI J,40 11 26Jt ""' yUltl .1 20 7 IJO " NSP• pf),MJ zl60 30'' I .,., .90 ir 21 16'. nlNV •• , ... lSI 10.ft 1.,, B-r11111 " • IOC>t Jl\t,-1. CntGp Df4..SO. • 35. Gnflch 2.4010 .. 3 •l•o •rrGI .. t ., I '• NSPw pU °' . 140 u36 • '• oo•r 1 Got I• m u 1. • C•mP l" 16A 61•· ''• B•IOOr .» 16 11 13\oo • ''• Conllll 2 1101~ 11 ~ I GGlll -41 19 t•' 1 erG pl 1.70 • 13 20\o '-NSPw pf4 10 • tlOO :M•.~ • °"'"' QI l 1129 9.ft .. nCerb l 40 9 Jill SS._ I BaldU J •I 128 •H o I~ Conlhl I.St 8 1IO 11.-"GHOsl s 50 1 ..e 16'• trrM< 1.10 111•9 18\o '• NSPw pf4 II tlOOO l~•• 14> _.,, pl244 11 H•; b nCol"r >O ll 16 18'• '• BldlJ pf 2.0. I 136 • CID•1• ,S5 IO 1• 3' -~ GnHOU• .JO q )41 IS.. ..,,,,, II ,,.,. NSPw pl• St. 11000 39' ,, c Cos 1.04 10 101' 19~ •• " nlOllC 1.-C . 12 41; '• B•llCp s I 04 7 221 ll\1 I, COflwod I 40 10 12 3S'h Gnlntl 50 IS 1:141 •9• 1. t'J"lnt S 48 11 Sl 11' 1 I '°orll Q 1 4S 307 6011 • ~' oylD t '1e S 1211 31' 1 , '• 11EIK 1 .. t •19 14 1 • B•llyMf 20 I 3:>19 n~~ It: CookUn ,01r St J>;, .• GnMl\fJ 1 ... 12 560 SJ•' '• i~ I 110 s lltll 24''1 ... NlllO•I 0 .• n 3'•. •• '-'"' 1J216 31 SA>... • • nEI pl • .tlOO :IO''· B•ltGE 2 ... 7 1171 2111> . Coot>< l.Sl s 821 u I~ GMot 2 ol0e II l9SO s.1. ... Id prB • I SI •• , Norfrp l IOtl IOOJ "°" .• "''Oii ' ' ,., "'' . , "El PIM • ., ,.,. .; BallpfB 4~ 110 40''>• I ~DI g' a.:g II J3t n • 1~ GMot 9t J IS 6 31\o "-IO'tf. 4 I J<i J~, ~:· !>NilAtr 10 19S 1101 J9 \oo y41!1H" I 16'4tt Jlloo ,.. nEI pl t.ll 10 16'• ,,· BallC•I 1.20 14 l4 .22~ '\\ .. ~, ... II 32' ! GMOI pl • s . 21 ..... .. ~.~ ~ u il .ui! ...: NwtBcp 1 IO I 170 l1 I roerS l.Cllb 11 10'2 w.. 11£1 pt,,,, 1 110.1 • B4111Tn .30 • '° 611>-. ~ ·~ l GNC 1112• nt u.. '•• • .,... NBcp. pll IM • .. SOI-, I -.....,, -El pfH • • tS50 se•' \. 8aN•o .90 ll 45 36 ~-GordYt• tO n .. 1S 1 (;PU • 'II .. , • • ~· 11031 1S u lo\ NwstEn I 401$ 154 ••• ,. ~,. SC~ 20 u 140 15~1 .\.. OllC•I 1 • lltt 211. '• B~P" .to , 11 17 \• Goreln .M 12 13'9 II~ " GellR• $ l.Ol tc 146 61~. 111, ofmor J2 19 IJ'I 121• ~ N•fll pf2.IJ II It , '• SC.., 2 I •14 ".-... nPe< 1 IO 12 UIS O • • BkHY l.AO S 10t .. 1 Cor11G 2.32l1 '31 .. t .. -1 GnRtofr 31 ..... 1, ope" 1.AO Jl 300 le"' 1 lll•tllld 7M 2 6St' »'•• '• SFN t.t• IO n JI , l\o 11lro~I lO 1740 10._ 1• ..... v. Ill.,,. 21~1~ Cor81k I.IOI• ., 2' • JtGllSIOlll ,_ .. ,o 517 .,., ... -rpl to_ 6 ., •• 1• Nw1PpT2JO •• l• 'PST"K .nu 10 ll't1;-"9 ·y1pf I l240 s.•, 9'111Arn 1.17.tl..S 23'4+ ~ COwles . Ill ID •7 -1 GTFfpf 1.JO 1120 ""-r-lr 97 •, !llWStW ID •• II '°'' . .;. =... 4QJI 1'2 :m~ ... lllfOr t ,., ••• •-. a11A1tty 1.40 12 1t1 31"'-tr. Ccox1Cm ,.21 !! 1..._ 401~ ~ GTlre 1 SOb 3'11113 21'• • '• •:.rnr ~ :2•J ~ • 4:--Norton 112 , .. 37•· 1. as 1 12 19 .a n~ .,. nBtlld 20 21 '" 1, 8-Tr 2 OS S 7a '-2'1>-lO re 0 •• • "' Ge11HO 1S1 c>.. '• Un m .,.. , • N9rSlm "I.GI 11 '"4 2b '• Sc , J 4\, . ~ Bro pf 130 S ,.. " Bit.Tr pf , "I . II 2JVH .. er-1.60• u "° Mo"-\\ (;nRIKI 10 SI 191 l He • ... yocet .llt 2J 7 l'I· • • NOVO ne 11 "" 40'. 11. lifGdS WI • . 61 ... ,.,. CblfV .. n 1.. h •. \o Bil Tr pf 4 22 . 21S u39\~ • ., CroR• :M tOl9 »I'> I~ Genst IO , ~ 1710 '" wsor ,10 • IO 1 • Nyeor .Sl 16 IM s.~. '• 5alewy 1 l!O I 1/l .. ,.. t, nE"nro 1.31 • 1.u 11'• "' .. • • Newport Beach .fir~ ·rep.arts riet Joss 1 t A m 1·1 H"an t>.u•1·,..c•llrJ". Nc•\4 putt 81•ad1 tr,,,. I 11Jlllt lt •d'ii 111.•t lus'( 111 $U7:i,llQO. o r ·I:! l't•nt.:. fJl'I l'UOlllltll\ sh1111·. m1 1•1•vt·mwi. (11 $f> I ,b27,0UO 1111 t ht• n1fit· nl1111th" t•ttdl•d S1•p1. :io. 11t\01d 1ng 111 J11hn W. Klux. 111·1".,1d1·n1 'fhttl w11h:1'1l!'I WJ\h 1wfu(~JO)(' ,,, $'.t .• tt?,0011• IW ,$1Oli,111t 1l'WllU1•i. ol SIH.7112.tmO for 1ht"llk1• 1x·1 t•1<l 111 IU»I I l't'i•11 lO H $:i II m1l111111 downw.11·tl l'l:vulualmn c1l 1t·l1I <•i;l:t11. p 1 Oj('\'ls .ind u~·t·1vubk"; I w1h 1 Pal l's\:~ ;i.111·)., tlw t•ornp:Jny had' 011t•1.,1tmg pit•-tux p1t1lns ol $~.ti 0111111111 Im llw nuw n11111tlis 1•ndc'tl S<.•pt :m . ..ylmh uwluth'\J .1 p1t• lax lvs.s 4f u }JJll vxlmatt•ly $I :t 1(i°1 ll1on 11ust111111•cJ by th1i 1•lt·l'lr1mks d1i.tnhu1mn o p<·1.1tiu11 :wq 1111·t·d !" 'Junuu1•y. Amd'H'illt P 11t•t•S(.'ll('f' ('011s1s ls ur thn·1· pnllll:JI y llfJ<•IHllllJ.: d1v1smni;, 1''11<,t•i.(•lll'I' llo11ws Im· . 1 hl' lt111<.J ckv<'lupllll'l'l l'll'l1ly l'O ll'ill'Ut 'IS ti Wltlt• 1.tfl«1 o f n •s1d1.ntwl h11mc·i. :.u1d Kolltl ' vumnwn:utl -and 1111.Jys11 1al p1 OJt't'ls, Woo<llt•ul Mo1 ll;l:it,W Co . mol'li.,iugt• 'bunk1·1 i. WhtJ cm~u\all: and lil'I Vlt'C-' FHA. VA and t..•onvt·1111onnl loa m, for ou1s11ll' 11w1•:-.trn·s. Shaklee sales • increase SAN 1'".HANCISCO (AP) Sh<ikk•<· Cm p. hw. I L'P.!!l'lt.:d l)l 'l s.tlt.-s.of $472 m1llmn. ~ sLlgb!_m~st• lw _ 1lw fiM:~il yt·:ir ending Sl•pt. :m althou~h thin· w<1s " if P<'hlW tn' rtl•l lnl'IJl'lll"': N1•1 s,ak·s int·• <'uS<'d by alx.iut $ U! millLon ovt•r the· pr<•viou i. Yl'<H', th(• t..·umpa11 y rt>porwd.' NM 11wmrw d1-<:h1wd sliglHly 111 $24 m1lhon. or $:U!O 1x·1 s h a 1't '. •fmm ttw $:,M .5 m1 1l111n, or $:1.85 per shan'. thf:.pn•vwul'\ Yt'.11'. • th<• nutrition und homt>-carl· produ1·t,s l'ompany n •1.><>r t't•d that a non ·rc'l:un mg ('hargt.• of <"lght l'PAt :-µ<.·r" i:hun· n·l~11t'<-I 10 tht• closing or mtinufut·tunng fal·llities 111 flsn1I 19HO was d<-dUt'll•d in the• IQJ,!rl.h_g!!_.irt1·"'""1 ~---11---- ' Utility tells dividend Tht• board of d1rt'et1Jr:. of San D1t·go Gt1:. &·· Ell'l ll'll has dcdan•d a quartl•rly dividend or 45 .) l'('lllS per share· on the company's common sl<x:k, llw ~.1ml' <fm11unt paid in the prt'vious qut1rlt'r . J'hc.\d1v1dcnd is payable Jun. 15 lo shiJreh9kll•r:; of l'l'\"Ul'd on D<'I.· 20. Th<' utility scrvc·s pw 11ons of MlUlh Or;,p1g<.' County. STOCKS IN THE· SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NE.W YORK (AP) -Salo, • p m Mondity price anO net changes of mo llfteen most ac11ve New York Stock NEW YORKIAl'I f tNt IJow JO""' ..,0\ lot Moncuyj NO• IS ITOCltS <. E•cha11ge Issues. tr11111ng nat1011ally •I JO tno •021is1o;n S6 •Oil 6ll ion ., '' •• m0te \t<an $1 20 Trn .,., 10 -Ml SI 431 $0 •36 "° e 11 ~ ~1911 I.ow Clo•e Cll'f ~=~:~11 n ~~:= ,::: • !: U Utl 11923 11Ht 1114 11A•~ .O~J _, .. , In~ i 014,-11u_ _H o ~~-"11" co. 1 s 1'1• O'I 199 ~ sie'~ r:'lllo>P•l m:~· -~ • :... Tr.,, 1,746 SOO' s.uc .. ~ ™· ""' .. ...J,l~· ·'k---'"~~~-----.1~0· 7'. •• ~.-:-~~-,,.-=i Con•u Pow "6,'IOO .. ._ .. _,,_ PeoslCo 67S,700 J'l'o 2h Ortnrllld 6.i.AOO l H • ~ .,. S.•"Roell 614,IOO JO '" ""Rlcllfld s».600 ll\o •'• Arner l•T ~ -61'• I c;.,, Molot\ 5411, 100 SS 1"9 Clllt'1~¥C• )4\000 ~9\• 1 ... Oc.tl~11t P.t S19 SOO' 191, l> 'WHAT STOCKS DID MEW VORIC CAP! Nov 1S AdV41nUd Oe<;llntd Un<n.,,otll Tota1 1u.,., ,.. ... 11111111 Ne.., lows WHll t AMt a ()0 TOO.y •n 12•5 m •'It• 100 ' NEW YOl!K IAPl Nov IS MET~LS To":l9 50t ,,, 813 # 7 NEW YORK tAP) -Spot nonfeflOUS melel pm:es Monday Copper 71·74 cents" pou11d. VS '1..,1t11a11on1 l.aad 2 1 '"26 cenls a PQUnd Zinc 38·42 ~1ra pound. Gell•~ Tiii S6 1 )66 Metals Weel< compot11e lb AkHlllt"'"' 76 ~IS a pound N 'I'\, Metcvrr S36000 per nu~ ll>l•llnum S3•3 OO·S3•5 00 lro~ ounce NV SILVER \ AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Sales 4 p m -~onday p11c;e and net changfl Of 111e 1cn mo•I ec11v..· American· S1ock"'1!X"Cl'l30gC- lssues 11adlng _n1111ooally 11 more 1n1111 PCI Up Ml t· Up '2 ~g_ :a~ Up 95 VP I el· Up U, Ull LO• Up lft ~: ,.~ Up .a. UCI a.J <. Ut> 61" Up ··~ Up 60 • Up S 8,• Up S I VP S ~" Up S UP S '· ~: ~A. Up 4 9 Up • t • BarOCR St .. J3l ., .... ,., CrckNl(pn.11 .. tl 22-.. GelluPI ,·JO IS J'7 • "' 1•. ~to 11l.•I~ }0 ': 'f. I ~ -0-0 -"JoU• '.. • 7 131,, '· 11111 pf J '1 11 ,.. ' ... Bwo wl .. 4 19'~ "' CCrmsc" I.CW I~ :: ~f~ ~ G•Pe< AO tc •II .. 1 '• '• l"E p1 le> 1 ·~ \> o ... lnd .t• I tSJO ""' '-m•ul t '°f·-.JO It'-• 1tt 11111 pf UO . tl100 11 B•nGp ,to .. :M U>;o ... , Crwl. t" ~J •1 ._ G•E:pf l,2• to JI', '• l.CCPP • l 1.1 , •lllltP I SJ 10 l )H, Rt0P \ 12 I 3M. 140.i -~ 11 U pf • S )0.... ft B-r ,11 .34 7 ..•. CrocllN l.AO 11 tlS '14•. '-G>I pt 9 1" 11 1111 ''• ! -l.-L -NutrS n .1• It 1s1 ll'• '• 5aa•C. '6 11 10ot :it•> "• 11111"' l '1 S P.I ni. t i Ea I •• IO " '3 1 ,.. e I 15 -• "'G• w pU 76 t 19\. • '• , • ciP•I 1."I elW 191, • 41111 • .0 > ~ ~. ' Vllll•d~-10-1'-'3 -~ 2 r .• IJ tn-fPlt-1~. Crlel pl. tl .• ,541 .,.,, .... G• pfJ,. :· • 20 ~T~ f 2: • 119~ ~~··.I ' O<clP pU.16 1 JO .. •'-01.c>i 'a • 2-7 '''• •• Ufllllllfl ~ 10 n 1S'' '• -GOLD-=DUOTA TIONS t~9 '' '" s Pct -011 TJ:7 : 011 lSl ~ 011 IS J OU U7' Oft l•.J 011 130 • 011 ti 4 .. ...... UI l! m ,.,.._ \\ CcrZ•111BJ, ,.M.12'· • ..J.043 nSI• .... G•Pw pf1.7S . 12 7P• .~. s ,, .. 711 I l:>tctP pf) tO •• I •• "• ~B t>e IJ ,.7 '"'. '. UJ•tBk 1 24 • 101 """ ... tc.. T.l6.,. 8' Jflt•-W• rum • •-''· • GePw pf7 ID t2UIO 60» ' "' O<clP pf2.50 l9 17• • ~. 16a111t 1~ 4'< 22 10 ~ UtdMM ' ll 61 • 1 • ••lltTr ... " '7S •11<-I• c, ... 1 .. 11 ° '!! 1!~ ! -I!; G•Pw .. 7 n .. t!OO S.lt+ I :,.us:~ 2 ... s 2~ ,~~ ..... CkclP pt112 .. 10 1.... " n 11 ,,. SS'-11. UPkMn n ,. • '• .. YFlll .. 2• ·~· "' Ii II n -.. ., -• GerllPd al lt • .,. 22'.,., '. J . • ~c1P pft.30 SI u-. ltltt I .. It » "'-''• USFOS s 01• 10 tl . BayStG 2.32 e 10 1111) • tt CCvlnE1 n I 1 20 Its ·~ v. rbS< • II tt "1 m1 '• :1:'tnt ~ :1. 4!; ~ .. · • ' Ott u 61 . '°' .. Fe-t t a s 7ll• .,_ VSAlr It 1 141' U•11 .... ,, I 12 IOI 3114 Ill urr II( .10 I ........ II • 1 .. • • ' •r Tiie A~tecl Prnt Select~ wOtld gold J)rlces Mondav . .. ...:J \ • . . . • • .. .. l 811 lH :a Ofl 10.S '• 0 11 10 • 0 11 •1 •. I ~ ~ :--r :-r.-- Ott •• ()fl •• &:: :~ \, 0 11 ••• 011 •• 011 •• ()fl .. 01~ I' oi• e ~ Oll £> ""' .. ,,.. I 0 .~. ~. '• ~ ..... ----·-·-----· 1 .. ... 0 1 UlQlJ Cou•I llAll Y Pll-OT /l u111cJuy, NO\/e1nber 18, 1982 .. ---Musicals, dT.ani~ io· oV,en ___ .,._ 1 I I I \I ' I " I I I I I I I I ,\ \ ', I I I ' I I ' I By TOM TITlJS · 01 llM Dallr Pllol •••If A p.111 111 "'·hh1111 111U..hu.,·1I 11111'-wals u11· h1.•tnu r1•vlvt'tl th1' Wt•t•k Ill tlw d111111•1 tlll'uh•l b; whilt• Ut:l's D1•11111,1 W<tl kwlwµ 11lf1•1•11 u Wt•:.t <:011111 prt•mwrt'. ,. .. vHw1•e•1w v Tu~ld, tlll' 1),111um B111 IM•1 vi Jo'lt't•l S tn•l'I'' :it UC lrv11w 'N ~'1111' At ti. V1 lla1i1e• T lw u te•a w:1:1 fili 17), on 11t11j.(1• 111nlj.(ltt thrnuj.(h Sa1t11 d ,1y 111 Ii fl II\ Th.-nn1"1·11 I 11l'we 11n11·1.,, h o t h 111>1·11 l ng W l•ll11i·si.h1y 111~h1. 1111• "F'1n11111·., lfo1 11 liow" 1 t Scbusteau's W11l>l D1111w1 Pl • .1yh1111,1• uusl "Mt.·t•t Mt• irl St. Lo1m1"-, 111 th1 · I l111'11•q 11in Dinrw1 Ployho u"'" UCI will Jlrt>st'nt ii thf"l'•"IHl(hl t'0-'111g!•Jm•111 111 a new play c11ll('tf "l..'"' Nrght'i-. Light111ng " "f inum's H111nbow." nll"w11h ln.;li ta~llu. .... y uml folklun" wall pl;.1y .m 1111kl1111h• t•11g11ge•nw111 ut \111• Sun C.!lt1me•1Ht• t1111111•1• tlw:HC'f, I <Ill Avt• P ko ,," Pt>rfurm:11w1•:. "111 IM' g1v .. •n m~htly 11)(t'i•pt Monduy .... a t varying c·urt.11r'I t11111·s. with I l">t'I vallt11\..., availabll• a l 492-9950 ~·Mt•t•t M1• 111 ~t Lollis," u turn-of·tlll'·t•1•n111r y mustcal populant1·d 111 tlw Judv (.ial'land muvw of th1.• 19401'. also play"' (Ill 1ndd1111w run at the• l-larllxµJm , :~:>O:J S. 1 lurlJor Blvd , Santa Ana. It ubo r uns on a Tut•sday thrnuto:h·Sumlay s<:ht·dulc ut vary a Ag llmL;i. with rt'M'J'Vallons takt•n nL Y79-551 I. "'l'h1 • N11o<h1 ,111 1tw 1•111111111" 11 Sucldlt•l.ml•k <.:olk•M•' 111 Miu ion Vw.10 (H:U 4051.l). t·~111d u<illlK Jo'114l11v and Suturduy ul H 1i 1t1 and Su11lt11y ul :1 pm • "'l'tw ~~l<'ph.111t M a n " 111 (;o hh·11 We•HI l'ulh .. ·1.w in '1l u 11t1ng1<>n At·uda (tl!M 1>070), Mlv111~ finul t>c•rlormum•t•s ~'r\duy <ind Suturday ut II p u1 . amJ. Su111fay~t t:~UI ,. Comµfe·t111" ll\l' loc:.11 swue· pic·tun· i'll'I' I IVl• oth l•r µrot..lu<:taom. <:o nt111u in l( ttw 1r 1·e·s1wl'l1v1• UCI gr:l'ttuatt• .,llldt·nt Jamt•S Sluwwk 1s d frcl'ltng "Lust N1glll's Lightning" by Oavu.1 Michael Enl'kson. wh111h µn•mH.·n ·d in Dt•nvt!r earlier this yt>ar. Erw HutJ11" Mur+t Dam•ri, Julll' Grant a nd Thom W;1tls l0ump11sc lht· t·ast of th.L· drama. wha<:h wall lw pn-st•nu'<.f Thursday through a 8 .Ill' Ill th!' L1ti.lt~ ... Thl'i1W.r .r 111 833-66 17 for t1l'kl'ls. Four lo~:al produe·twns hl•ad into tllt'1r 1111111 WCl'k<•nds along thL· OrJn~e C1mst Th<>y .1n•: ~ "BrothPrs" 1m tlw Sc.'<.·tmt.1 S tagt• oC South eoast Rept•rtory. o!'>:i Tµwn Ct•nwr Drive, Costu Mesa (9~7 -40:J:i). play111g tm11~ht through Saturday ·a l 8:30. S \.lntlay al 8 ar\rl "1<t0kL•nd malllwc-s ut :~ P·"l· B.uh.hling Brooke --cngul(L•mun t11: "The• U1yint•ri.'' on the mu1111-U11(i' of South Ce>.J'\l l~·pcrlur)1, (i55 Town L'e•11tc•1 Drive., C1mt11 M l1Su (Y57 4U:t:4) w 1'th pnfomHHll'l 'll Tu1 .. 1d11y1t thrnug~ ~a\urduys ut II p.1n .. S u1ulrcyw nt 7.:w i.ml wh•ke•nd :.afll'Pnoons at 2::m, throul(h U1'l'. :.! • "L a'I Ah1H•r '' n t lhi• W1•1t t 1ra l 11 i.t1•r Commun ity Tlw:~wr. 7'1.7'1. Mapll• S t . W1•'\t111h1i.,U•1 (9!:15-·U 1 :n.,rll't1nin~ ~·rulay1> unll S11tu1d11y11 111 II :m through ()('('. 4. • . "Thl• Solid G old ('11d1ll1ll'" 111 llll' ( ·,,..,111 M1•M1i C1vtt· P l:iyhou s t• 0 11 the• Orun J<•' l'uu 11t v Fnar~rnunds, 'us111 M1•s11 t7~H ~1 I Ml). 1111 111UM•' • ' • .. • ~ ,. f Th11nksg1v111~) al 11.:IO 1111111 l.lt'I· ·I "C h 11111<•r 'l'wu" 11 1 th• S n11 ( '11•111,.1111 • Community 'l'he•utc•r., :.Wi! Ave· l '11 hr1llu, S1111 C lt•rrw11 u · (404! O·Hl!>>. pl.1 y 111 ~ F1 11111.Y" 1111d S aturdays at ti 1>.1n thro uj.(IJ 1>1•1· ·I. "'rw11 und To M11k1• s,.,, .. u1 t~~·· lll1111h1Hl1111 &•al·h l"'layhuu'4·, Mu111 S tn•1•1 111 Yrn kk1 w11 Av1·1'1111• _ _1.0 1ru.-S<-il.d1ff V1llat!t' i.h111>P11•~ 1·1'11h ·1 Cl! I'/ 1-111r1>. c·u11tinu111g ~·nct11y11 11nd S11turJ11yi. 111 II :111 tl uuu~h lA'<'. ·I.' Fu~zy lip J proves se·xy -. LOS ANGEL ES (AP> A fuzzy UPJ>l'f hp muy Ix' beLWr than u stiff upp<>r lip w he•n 1t coml'i> t.Q...fil'X....J!QQ£.ul._a t lc-asl for 10 sport~ und s h ow busi1u·~s pt•rsona ht1es citCalor t t•1r "'Mustiichc' P owC'r," T hP 10 mc>n chosen. for the restrained, c lcga nl Jim• o f their f acia l h a ir and its pr'esum1.>d 1rres1s t1 b illty to th e o ppositt• sex ran g£> from C<?"flpar a ta vc H o l lywood n c Wl:O..mcr Brucl• Box)<:itner Lo vete ra n Rock Hudson , a nd from gray-ha ired , Clign ificd form er C BS a nch o rma n Wulll'r Cronkite to Mllwaukc•c• Brt•wc•ri. baseball p1u:hN Rollie F1ng1.•r s. w liosC' m ush1l·h1..:' c url!. vallainously a t thl· e nds. · Also na med to the hs l w e rw a ctt>rs Robcr L F oxworth . lia l L inde n, T'om Selic<'~. C h a rles Bronson and Bally ~ William., along wath Tro -Turner. owne r of Cable News Ne two rk. T urne r \ I I ) I I I Ii . I I ( I I I ... I I: \I \I I I I I~ ·-···~ --;aARQAIN MATINaU '* Mond•r tllru l1turd1r ~ All Pertorm•ncH before 5:00 PM ·~ ..... • ............. HlllNya) "T .. MAN 'f10M7 INOWY NVIR" CNJ ----- .. AN CH'FICIR AND A •NTLlllAW' 1111 ·----- Broadcasting an d the A tlanta Braves. "CflHNHOW''"" The Muslat·h e P owl'r h on ors w ere• bestow ed • • DOUY I Brookt:' Shidds looks as if ~lw ~1t·p1wd oul of the '50 s . ----·-. from 1962 to 1972, then ha lted for 10 years because :~~~~t h:c;,"~o~~' ~~ u~~~!;' !~:l~s~~~~ ••11,t~· Korpuriki of the Ame rican Barbers a nd Hairstylists' ••• , •••-•••••-, .a. ~he blowl'!t a bubble a t Nf'w r o rk •!'I Xt!non di co d~ring a be nefit fo r tht• a tio nal Council o n -~--Association, wh ich selects the w inners. ·~~~~~~~~~~-=====-la--~ .. TIMI aANOfT",.. Aleoholism . he was the eha irwonuin. · S _ervice exp·CT!Jds- Tickets to e ntertainment acliv1t1es an CahCornia an d Nevada are now ava1lal:!lc t h rough a new outle t in Fash i_9n .lsland. Newport Beac h. Located an the Ski & ·sports st.ore-, the--new Tick etron o(fers reserved-scat uckets to theater ~ ~ctlvllles. con~rts, anq spor~mg and special eve n ts an Orange Coun.ty, Los A ngeles. San F ranch;('(), San Diego a nd Nevada. Tit'keting also IS available for • some New York shows. --? The new outlet 1s open from 10 am. to fi pm. Monday throu~h Satu rday_ the send er . ~C> ---.. ~-~~8 ---NOW PLAYING ---. -. I IMA M.inn Btu Piil • 529 ~339 'CMTAIH.U EfwltOs Cinema Center 9U 414'1 tOSTA Ml H OllAllGE UA Cofle<nH CineGomt ~·o o~'" 6'3• '!.~3 El TOflO • OAAllGl E...,trM S~~ • SI.JO¥!' Ouv..aii m 58SO-&39sm --· .. ·-~~::;.. . ....-.. . ·~·· . .,. .. • 7 I . . · WllTMl .. TUI f0.,ard$ Contl!li WC$1 491 393~ HO 'AllU MlCl..,10 T0~1'1411 l'NGMJOlflll • " LUXURY THEATRES 111 ••u ... sa..itia1•YS2.a~u0tWf.tw•• S 113fijj¢•1ull61~ ZSJ/~~,) S FOi Ml EICITEmEllTI Vt11tOur ... I' --~::--._ ..... __ , __ :..":Co lAl<IWOOD CENTER SOL1TH ....... ~ '" "SORCIMIS" 1•1 ------· ...... , ANAHEIM OlllV l IN '-"•'-• 119-MIO ~ . . . . .. BU[NA PARK '• •t '" UM __ ...,_,_ llMOJO " .... LINCOLN [,lllVI IN " -'• FOUNTAIN YAllEY Dll•VI tN _..._,_,.,_,.., , .. ~·' '/fl .. r i 1j • ,1 •, .... , ....... -. "MIONCO, M.L Y" .,., --Jr- lA HABRA ' .. ., ..,,. ...... -------- 1)1.'ANG~ 11.1.,1 ·• -- "TIMPetT"1"1 ---"MY FAVom'!, YEAR"'"' "CRllP aHOW" 1111 • ----·- --·-...... c .... ... , I • IAll • .,..flUCll -WllT-fll ~ 11114 ~' lel•lld Nll•PQlt C.,•"'• ~ I'"'"°' C..ltlfto) W~I ~711 ~339 M• 0160 134 ?~~ J tU I 393\ MllllCMIYllJCI F dw11ch Vttfli I win IJO b99 -.. -.. . t10,..._1ac.0Pt1etoa1•1~•t , • I I . -· T9'1j ~ BIG GEOR6t! t ',\,.IL'' f lRCl'N ~ "I thought it was a piece of pie." ' 4 by Virgil Parten (VIP) ~.\R~ADl:KE by Brad Anderson PE'.\'.\IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum .. ,...~ ,_-.-' y--~ I ·ffo r -----'-, 1""\ . I • ~( ' L r--c: -'----\ -_,..,,.-~ ."Remember, last birthday, he even ate the candle!" Jl'DGE PARKER NO I WE'LL 00 OUT ANO SHOULD WE PICK WAIT IN THE STAT.ION TONY UP NOW, WAOON HE DROVE OVER MR C 1 HERE I HE VVON'T 6E HERE.L.ON61 i- THERE'S 'ONLV ONE iHING t HATE WOR5( THAN GRAPEFP.OIT ll·fb .:RM 11'!6 '800~ '8l.LLtNS lSHOW~ 1r ro~MMJ, KAYO. ACROSS 53 Alaskan ' I Damage n1hve 5 Vlltlin • 55 "-I 10 Fasllron Humbug!" 14 Jal -56 Goodies 15 Cholefic 61 Sleeping 16 Shorlly 62 T ell(ling lo 17 Zoroastrlafj blow up 19 $pit _64 lido money 20 Attract 65 Aecel....,. 21 Asian ltle 66 Elll>OI °' 22 Chooses Cubs 23 Chemal 67 Not as much compound 68 -nous 25 H1wall111 69 Sluggish trt1t DOWN 26 Frnnlc nahve 1 Reek 30 Se1m111 2 Oanlsh meas i:+ot~~~~ 31 Tool par1 3 9omb1s1 34 Leer• · 4 The Sou1t1 24 Chari 36 POflendS ol Frenc:e 25 s Ame< 38 Three It ' 5 Uncovt'r brtl(ldy 39 Meed li.tW!fl-"1Pucw10 '' 26 WQaMt 2 word• 7 Chase VIP CAnal leA· 42 Clue 4 woids lures 43 ~s 8 Fut 27 Jibe stetue 9 Undllule<I 28 Koy hockey· 40 Manner 41 Tally 46 Smug ones ···""*-51 -Ol !>tef 52 Toi TNT 53 Lolly . 54 R09t't~ l '! •• Ao.-10 eotot Isla 45 -lldl'lll 11 WOfltl 1000 29 HOOMgOW 55 Engljtft mot* ._....._,.._. ..... ~7'rongun worcta 3tllOUfM 49 O.dln lfeas 2 words :12 Boteflecl '° A of ET A 12 .. do Ill ' 33 lna11umen1t 91 St.,_, Vin· 13 Windups ' 35 Readier cent -18 ftyer 37 Sump 57 A9ff 58 lodltO lhtllb ~9 ~ Me.clCO ll!dlan eo Sff111o - 83 Through p 0 ~ ! i "' .. } . : by Harold Le Ooux I'M 50RA'I'' MR PASSMOP.E EX'PIRED AOOUT TWENTY MINUTES A,001 ~ .. ~,,Ai . , • . Orunge Coa I DAil Y PH 0 I /.f'uad.1y, Now mt,.:r Hi, 198? . --...-...... .._ by Charles M Schulz PUNl'TM ---------.. -------... -.. --~---------- L.IMPW ~IZAFU7 (IN~IANPOM'S ANSW&:R 10 VAFFY. POCK). 0 t THINK SLUGGO 15 ONE BIG BUMP ON A LOG • I DON'T CALL MY BOYFRIEND A BUMP ON A l..06 r-- ·. ANO···IN TMe~T Til.AOrflvN Of! a:'.~. WOOE~. THE: eit,>TW:I<: 1-5 ATM~OT.J OFF.ellt ~\JES4, • HE HAPP~NS TO BE A BUMP ON A ROCK Ol)J<. TROIJBLES Wll..L • -6VON.BE lfiZ)(.JTE O, GA/'Jl:I, oa..i£~::nve \!=:.-#"~~ ,....__~--~.:'l.JJ.J~~ .._J..-...4-1_....;;._ -~ABOUI~ WHERE. DID <.(O(.} WORK BE.FOR£ ? '· .. l .. .. •• .. . ... 01ci11q DAil 'I ~ll 0I/l1U,11dfly, N0Vt1mhtti rn. Hit!~ I By FRF.D'ltOTlll-:NUtmG Af T•vM6ell WrHer • NF.W VOHK 'l'hl• L'1v1l W<ll Realism big 11\••J.l•lltlll' t'1v1I War '1'1111t.., I I 111111 tr111 .. .i 111 I •I ···h h.11111 M l'lll ... lhtl l 'BS .. 1111 h.111 hi 111.1k1 Ill.Ill\ 111 t h1• hllll 1111hlJI\' • concern. tilt•\ 1d1 :1 hv 1111 .u 1111 .. wll11 pl.1.; kc~v 111 .. 111111 ol I 1~:111 l•!>, IOUl h ui, (.:I I g u I \ I' I l k u"' "Ii I •• h u Ill , und "Tht• Ahat• und tlrt• Cm~" l'Ul'h took f11lJI' \ll'"' !I ro f111"h "Comp111't'll lo u-.," s11ld th1 • 111llll, ' 111 d)UfUl' uf till' h•lt•v1,11111 11\11\llt'. ·· ·t:ont• With tlw W1rnl' Wll" .1 bl'L'(.''il'" "lt WU!.;{lllllo ... t a 1t•IU1 II \II 1111' ,1111·1 .. 11 ul 1.iui.t," WI''"' I }tt\'I ... "'1111 w.111 lw<.l t-111111· h11,·au u11 h1111llt1lt "Ulw· .inti Mrav w1•11• .H ll ·•Alllll " l11cl1•1•cl, "'rhl• 1\1 u1· m11l I lw Oitiv." whwh hl\r-; JI:--.iot·111ltl 11( ~ 1h11'l' 111 .. 1~llmC'nl.s 1nr11J.(hl at !11111 l 'h.1111wt i . "11' .1ln11i:.1 11hM ..... 1·d with ttw 1w1•u 1 aev 11f 1111,torwal lllllllllllllt 1111tl 111 111•1 ·'l'''''''"· llll h1dlllf.t ( :1·11 lt11IK I l I'. 1.1•1·· .. li1111l .. "In• h , .1 .. 1 1111111· 111.111 '!.\,01111tn11·p1111h111· "'1'111•11• ·h.1v1·11'1 111'4711 111..i11y <.'1 vll Wu1 11111vw-. d111lf' lwfon·." Mtrrkl'll "1t11I "Wt• 1·ould11'l - bon'nw 111udl ·• Whol ll11·.t. <:ould hmrnw 111l'llHl1•d l'!rrul. ~·t vhn's u111lu1'1tli; fro111 th1• HM I 1nuvit•. '"l'lw v 1>11 ·d W II h 1'lw1 r Hoo ls 1.>11.'' 'unit 1·11s111111l'1> 11'11111 "Gmw Wi th tlw W111d." 1'1l11wd ill. t!l:~J. 1.1111 olll " " · .. p,,. k. ltll. ••Jlfll'/11111).t Ill hl"I I 11 .. t tc·lt·v1-.11 111 d1 .111ia, 1 ... 111•111h1•11•d l'htldh1111d p;111td1•1> Ill his liuim ·llm 11 \(llw11 ul<l Unum umi l'o11l1 •dl·1.1l<• sohltt·1-,, Lt111rdwd 1111 ~lt•1x.·11dcm'I· llay t'1'l.'k II& ulMi u rl•rv .. 11t ad11Jlrt•1 _ot Llm•oln um.l hus 111(11 1• \,hall 1 ,0(~) hookli ahout th1 " l'1v1 l W.111· prc:,111uc1r•!.~l11 hh1 pe 1 !llHWI liurnry. , i , Sou Mol'kl•ll. 1.1t·nll 11f 'HS' nunlscl'tl'S unit, &lld rt•uhsllL wai. dl'l1ul · · · ~. • a prime c.·om•t .. m in tlw 7R clny:-. rL-quirl•d to shoo t tlw 1.hn•t• purl scnL-s 1l'hu1 took tlw pn>Jt'l'I tu rurul 11orlhWl'St1:rn Al'kll1)sas For 1•x11111pl<'. Uql' Tocn. t11> G1•n. Uly~1~ S Gl'anL, IU.'llbll'd. or\ bhooting 1l S<'t•iw ogurn hl'l'a11s1• hl' rt•11Tti1•d lw had pluy1·d LIW rt~ht handf'd Cron \ writing u d1~1);1td1 w1th. l11s h.•l't h:rncl Wlw11 Pel'k p111,11•11yNl G<•n. Oougtas Mal.' Al 1hu1 on film. hl' l'l'Jl't'lt•tl ht•uvy mukl'Up. But Lirn .. 't1ln'1> lt.11..'t.' 11>. t·l<'ht'(i In t.'Vf>l'Y sdwul t•hlld's rtll'mory, 110 th<• hkt•aws.-; hud lo IJt• 1•xacl. And 1l lb ' Almost li,000 lc><:al pt•oplt• Wl'rt' judgt.-d to havl; tht• nght lnok'or~ made thcil' TV ell-but as 1..•xtras. "Tht-1r fa1..·cs hud t\rkans u s writtt•n all ov1..•r th1..•m," Markl1ll smd . ··Thl' Ion~ h;11r an<l Ith.WI hair Ual'k th1..•n was dus1..• to what they're weanng today" • This 1ntt•gn1.y 1mpn·ss1..•<l his t orst'al wrttl'I' William C Davis. 1..•d11.ur or thl' munthly <.:u:-.r'unws. ut t•uursl'. hl•lp transport t lw Vll'Wl'I' htlt'k 120 yt«1rs "Vou'v1..• ~01 ·111 h aVl' duthing 1.htll lnoks lik1 • it dtdn'\ jU!>t C.Onll' J)Ul o l a l'IOb~l ... M nrkl'll said · C1v1l Wail r<'·l•naN1tw11t grnups brought th1•11 undurrns nntl weapons to hl'lp :1utht•nt1<·at1· tlw L'uni.tdl·t·m~ lc>h·v1s111n's h·ur ''' offl•IHltng v11•W l•rs. tonigllfs boll h• i;('t•111•s an· quill> graph it'. "We• Wl'l'l' a" vtoll·nl as m'<.'t•ssary to show that wnr 1s no' J)<llnlt>llll," M:11.kj.•tl suid "Wt• d1d11't c>xploit, bu l 1 l wuu Id h a V<' b~l·n a d1~"'' v1~·l· 111 p1 <-'M'll\ a n antiSt!ptic l't'l'k ulu•udy had u lung, l('an . L1m·ohwsqu1· look llii. du1ly ma k{· up rq~1 me..• n 1 n<.'I ud ~·d 1t'l'1•d 111g tu~ ha11 l11n• und RUlltng pllll '.>' lwlu111I 111'> l't.tf:.. Collt•t•n Dt•whur"'I 1•orlr~y"' n Vir~inia former'" wift• who !"t·•·"' lwr ..,,;n (Unn 'hor) druwn in lo the· turmoil of lht· Civil Wnr in ~'Tht• Hlut• anti thl·J;ru y .'' wur ,_ S1111w of lht• aultwnu<·1ty 1:. CHJMOVIE * * "'1 FOOlln' Around" ( 1980) Gary ' BuHy, "Fa111et Btown: The E-Ot Fl ,_ country l>OY lri• 10 wtn a n~ aa a wen , 1 APOll<>" ether Brown 118' t>etulllul, 1oph1111ca1ad 10 ac>c>tec111e his heritage a llrangt myatery to 80llle college coed awey lrom alter v1111lng hi• lick In Ihle alory aboUI the· bbl lj d V! llndt•lhef ·o · blinding e1tect Of1rO'l1 o;n-. KN BG (-1) H.00 "Gavalttn." (.;u vilaJ1 Jl> ::-:.,,/hup;.~_::y CHI ** "TtteGreat 1Un-lflil>Per .• c;l m~rkc<4 for d1•ath by a J upum•st• dun aftt•r 'PG' Adven1ur•" (19711) Jack ~d~urA• Of Teen·•-hL• l'('<..t.ivl'S H l'l'l'l'mc>niul sword th;1t tht•y • 2:008(1) CU .. EWS Palenoe. Joan Collins A • .,.., ..,,... NIGHTWATCH young bOy 11 abandoned Scienll•I•" Some wtnnerl h<l VL' bt't•n S('l•king for gt•nl11'Ut tuns. NEWS .. Wllh ,,,. Clog In the rugged •~--oh~l'--"lhil 8~1 n·._~Tm•l~e~n~t -1-~~~~~ ~~--;-:--~,...,.--=-1--~~ .. .mi.lillr;___~--~'--~·J:allanRocklel ou19 c• ce KABC p) 10:0 0 "H a rt t o Jl:trl." •••'h "The Howling" 'W ;::i;.:C:=.::. J c>n nift•r innoc:t•ntly in volws ht•rsl'lf and 1~~~!:~ M~•,!. ~a~~~=~ ~!~~~r~~~..:,~~~~Y 1:00 I a• NEWS CHAAUE'S ANO£l8 Sabrln.. Jill, Kelly Md Bosley go undett:OYet in • l.,ge h<>SPft•I to find OUI whO Is •119Clllng, nurMS 9ndwhy. 111 L 't'NH SHACKELFOAO • w·A·s·H B.J. t>Orrows S200 ftom Ch9tla 10 ~ 10 hit .,fe, only 10 have Ch•rleS "ke lldv1111111g41 ol him in vari- ous w•yt ., HAWAII FIVE.O McG11Trell 1$ Ir.med f()( lhe murder of hi• glrl-lriend . " -~ John and Mae Murphy (Merlin Olsen, Katherine Cannon) become parent ·in ufathe r Murphy" on KNB€ (4) at 8. • OVEREASY Guest: 1rl81 l•wyer Mervin 111a of war bands. "lllCl<><y • g•ngll~• to 1 lru1\raled Belli 0 gardens," lood aod gas police 1.wn. 8i> HlJMANITIES rarionlng and lhe.Jll9 Bend fD NOVA THROUGH n4EARTS SQl.lnd along wtlh ~ial "Ad"-"lur• Of Teen·Aoe "Painllng. Creallng A' guest Ralph Levent>erg. a Sclenllstt" Some winners P04nl OJ View" survlv()( ol Ille lnlemous ol lhls yMt'I Wesllng· Cll CBS NEWS Bataan Oealh March houH Science Talen1 ®J ABC NEWS c;J MOVIE S-ch, wt1oM k'll«e11t <B H8C NEWS * • • "Love In The Alter· r•nge lrom allkworma lo G) WHArS MY LINE noon" ( 1957) G•ry COQC)llt, 110llf cells, llTe lnlrodueecl ~MOVIE Audrey Hepbum A detec· Q **Ya "Where The Spies 11va·1 d.ughler becomes 8i) MYST£AY Ara" ( 1966), David Niven, 1.n11wea1ed In a bachelo< "Falher Brown The Eye Of Francol,. Ootleac A doc· from her father's ltle and Apollo" F•lhtr Btown hM '°' ~ lnYOIYed W11h sets OIJI 10 lnlrlQUe him. a 1trange myw~ lo aol\le mu rd•' and espionage 7:30 B :JOH THE TOW.. In ltli9 atory atMM "'9 while conducting bullnas Featured: 1 r.._, ~ of b11n01nQ eftK1 of llgM on a ~aloreign~rnenr. ~c..~··~~~~+--:;~~ ·c;l \.WJ MOYIE the CMI Wwr; • look al lhe UOVll 1 * * "lee Casllel" (1979) .-t 11MWapy uaed 10 ••'Ao "Harper Valley Lynn-Hoity JohnlOn. Rot>-comb91 cocaine abuM; • PTA" ( 1971) Ba,bara by BenlOtl A promlling relirfmenl hOm8 IOI' elder-Eden. Ronny Co.11. A -V young llgure lkater Md ,It_ entn\111 aot«•. ...,..,.s young mottler her l>Oyfrlend llnd IUdden D a FAMll y FBJO Wllh a gfMt dee! of IO M1CCeA hatd 10 c;C)98 Wllh D LAVERNE'.& 8HIRl.£Y appeal ln1en110na11y raUIM whec'I She Is~ 10 train a COtl/PA~ the con~auve ~nt l0t a pre-Olympoc competl-8 EY£ OH LA. of (ocel ec;hool boerd lion Featured. a look el LOt m.mberl · MOVIE Angeles gnosts: a report MOVIE ... • * * * "The Runner Slum-on why LOI Angelel' is , * *'"' "Any Which Wwy blet" ( 1979) Dick van d1Ulcull place 10 IJUfct\aM You Cao" t UllO) Clint Dyll•. Kllhleerl Oulnlan " 1 car: JOl\nny Mounlalr EMtwood •• Sondra Lodi•. CathOlic priest ii tried IOf .join• the Reine ~d· Before lettllng down wltb the murder of • nun with era IOf a new exerclM llld h• girt and pet prangutao, whom he had 1>een -m M0 A'S'H 1 w.11at• fighter e1gne peeled of having an atlalr Hawkeye, Tf8PP* and up tor one ,aut. luefallve ~~VIE Spearchucller try lo 1111e a match. 'PG' -K0tean girt from bondage .(D)NCK~IN •• * "Rich And Famov•' 10 81'1 Amerlc:an Ml!QMflt. ~ (198t) Caodlt:e Bergen, 1 (1) TICTACDOUGH Sc>tlnglleld aingl ".IMM'• Jacquelin• Bluet MACNEIL / LEHRER Glrt" 8fld °"* 11111 In 1 'f.hroughoul Ille ups and REPORT ~ lfom tM new down• of lhelt reepectlw GD MAQtC OF OIL ~ .......,..._.re In llt•r•ry careera ano PAINTIHG • Loa AngelM. romantic: lives, two women g YOU ASKED FOR rr (I) MOYIE • depend Oil lhelf lrlerldshli; • MEl.OOYLAHO . * * '"' "HllPP¥ Birthday '( o I« 1tabihty. 'R' TEL£TH0H Me" (1NO) Me11Ma &le 1:20 llJ NBA BASKETBAll 1:00 9 Cl) 8M110 'EM 8AC1< /4.ndetlOtl, Glenn Ford As Loe Angeles Laluws vs AUVE mtKder beglfll chopping Phoenix Sun• 8lidl Ind Gtona fly off In .-•y at her circle of elltlsl t'30 I AUCE •• H H.'s ~ for • jungle friendl, a prep ldlool ..,,_ DICK CAVETT piCnjc. unaware lhal Bucil lo< WOtrl9a lhel IM may be Gu.t: authOr Jan MOtrta hH eonlracled deadly !fie next vietlm -'>! poeel<- (Part t) (R) mlllarla. b1y ~· 'R' D OAOWINO'tEAAS D QIFATHERMUAPHY ......... "' "The Chlkfl MiOd" (Part 1 .,...._ M .....,..,. i.... * * * '• "D•y FOf N"'ht" WQ!NEWS ..... u.,...., s ..,, ovet lhe .,, BAANEY Mlll.£A btrlh ol lhell llrlt cl)ilc:I is ( 1972) Jacql1911ne 81saet. ov«lhadelwed by Win's llalentina eor--DWect· Oletrle11'1 old glt'llrlend conllic11on thal he is oo ed by FrlftCola T""'8llt lrom hll daya 81 a catn9U• tonger lolled by "*"' (Part "The 111191 8l'ld lollel of ftlm radic.t 111ttt1 1119 12tlt Pr• 1) • pertOfmett are 11vdled In 1 dnct. D MOVIE movle·wllhln·a·movle I WORLD <>fi' P£0PL.E • * "Empire OIThe Ants" · 'PG' 1;00 C88 NEWS io.. 111177) Joan Collins, Robert ,9:30 8 dt LAV£ANE I N8C NEWS Laosif>g.,Based on 1 110<y SHIAL.iY ...,.ppy DAYS AGAIN by H.G Wells V1etlm1 ol 1 Lave<ne, duped lnlo rob- lOtl Beth chOOSM • M'W FIOnda real·estale swtn-bing a bani!, 11 m1118keo n•lural ctilldblr1h method dler are lured 10 a re.note lor apmeone ftM and Mil· enct--9"111111...filnzie-.... 1141<'4----.-·mr-i41f14*d..f0.die (P.an. &>Q coach. 1111acked by giant, rwngry CD CHAAUE'I ANOEU1 I ABC NEWS c;l anlS nie Angel• hit lhe t>Mcllel HEW8 8 ltJl HAPPY DAYS io trllCll 1 ldller who~ THREE'S COMPANY Fonzle llnd1 11 hard to. his 111etlm1 wlfll matllve Stanley plane to Mii the accept ~ Joanie end Nndealt ... llj)8r1menl hOUM " an Cllachl switch 10 foll! muJlc • 80 YOU THINK YOU l\lefaary surp..IM I()( In order 10 appear oo ,.... GOT TROU8lU I JOKER'SW1U> &f'1 ao'i1P t:00 ~~BLUE AHO 8U81NESS The wedding of Corinne "May 1M2·t.Uy 1M3" A ~MAGAZINE 8l'ld °fl!" It dl1ruptad by lhe Qand PrNChef w .... \a.I Q!_OOnfs mother. jWarren OalH) 110,.. A pf\ol0Qf'9C>her Wtlo COi-• P.M. MA0AZJHE reveoge wherl his eoo II llct1 thOll of male der· A ph()logtl!PMf wno COi· llllled by a Union 111911, neree; • profile of drag 1ec11 llhOts of male der· Mary 8lld Joneao-mer· r-Shirley Mu40owMY. .riefee; hOW 10 beCOme a rltd, Lule II c:.ptured Ind 111 ENTtRT AINMENT beluty q_., wtlh ~ Maleel!Y rM919 1111 11111 TOHIOHT hold ltMM. Sou111ern eoldler. aoc lntervt.ws wllh JOhnny • MOVIE Pr..ideflt LJnco1n j()regot) Calh and Andy Gtllt11h. * * ~ "M8Q'1uM F0toe" P9dl) ..._ hll Emaocl • OMHOE..OOUNTY (1973) Cllnl Eaatwood,.Hal p8'lon Prodematlon tPlrl T~Y ...... tm~ lt42. ,,.,.bfOQll. A SM Francltco. ~ \DJ detective tr-----ol 8 ~ GAVILAN •Otcll Cevetl IOoka 81 lhe murders •di nolorloue Ga'lllan 11 marked IOt 'CHANNEL LISTINGS 01 On·TV II. Z·TV . 1"'" At'io" C tClnttmol (fl CWORl NV .. N V f7J (W1'BSI il l (ESPN) • ~· (5'\oWll'"!_) • "'°" lof" • • IGaCJI• ~ Ntlworll) dMtll by 1 J.,,._ ci.r wfllln hll glrtfrlend glvet him I --iet twOfC lllllV M\19 .,..., treelllnQ '°' ~eilOnl •9 THNtl CO»r'Alt't ~ ~:g11~--= up lot 1M l'llMI °'**" ·~OQ '*"" '*" "°'" ....... llldNPPlfl; TIM ...,,. ..... c,rtlN'I ,,.... cr.•----torel.-. • .-¥ ...... .. .__To M1nrY Mlflllnl' Clullel: ........ 1101arce11a.arelntrodue.cl. J o nathan II\ a tro ubll-u man 's dt:adly r9'>0fter 11 meoac:ad by a 1paln1u1a11erlaleondltlon, i IOL.DONE8 ' '-st•ard't fo~· a ·tx,lovC'd storybook h<'roinC'. -=--=~·:-"'' 10 1>e a :n=:=Of'l"::':s A doctOf bfCOtMI llil own 2:30 I~ ,. (0) • • '"' "1119nds In The guiMapiClwtienhellaccl-KCET (28) 10:00 -"Sound FL'stival." An ...., .. _ S1ream" (1977) George c. dentally upoaed to radla-. r L (I . d k • • • .. .. ~ ... d A Pale Scoll, Claire Bloom Based lion cvl'nan" o a l.In · avorc roe a nti _...,. • :1• ij·-.. ·-· · · __ _,._ "" H0tM" (1"4) .Oregory oo the novel by Ernest .. ~ rhy tnm and b luc>s ft•aturang the L os P9dt, Anthony ouinn A Hemingway An 1so1a1a<1 t:30 Ill tTO& Angl'lC'S·bascd rock band , Tie r ra, and 20-year feud 11e1"'"" a •rt1st 1sl0tced tor ..... 1hi1 Vlolel. Judy. OotlllM and · · Sh .1 eo-,. ~,.j Sp•ftl•" 10w·"1t •ftd a local hidden amouons whec'I Ns ,.__ ••· H .. _.....,, tv'rc.·us.-.1on1sl • ea a ~ov .. :uo. -· ... ,--· ""' epol -• art .... ".,, t"~ police chief ends wilh the three estrenged sons a dandeltlne dlrlnef With dMlh of one of lhem come 10 viStl htm 'PG' • • ano!Mr man. 3:00 8 MOYIE 9 "* * "TI111 Tlme F0tf1Y· G MADAME'S PL.ACE 1 •CPC1Ul REl'ORJ * "Btue Magic" ( ttl 1) ••'It ··Once You Kosa A er" ( 1990) Claire Pimpare, =-~bul -"'°'" DOCTOR IN THE Candida Roy ... San)an· Strante<" (19701 Paul V..IC80t Van Patten A al •-' ler when 1l ~ Iha FOil. A woman lmlll• Bunle. CarOI Lynle'( A Pl)'· Frlnd'l-Caoadlan gi(t lalls ~ I~ mantlOf'I II _ MldlMI and 8lnghafTI bolh Mven gu.-t1 io party al Ch<>ttc lrlel lo get a gollef In IOYe wtlh a bfalll /4.lnettl· haunled 1 George apply for the same pOlition her my1teriou1 castle 10 klll her psyc11la1n,1 can college studenl stuOy-&obel MOVIE In lbe IU'gery depanmenl g MOYIE CD ~HUNT •no In Montreal PG' * * * "The Brtdgel Al (S) INZAAAE * * * "Ghpst Story" 3:10 (I) MOVIE 7: 15 ii.*~* 'I Senl A letter Toko-At" (l~) Wllllam ·John Byner lhOWI you (198 1) Fred A1talre. John * •'h "Happy B1rlhday To To My love" (t9Sl) .. Holden, Grace Kelly The thing• ,.,.,., than lruth HOUfff!\11117 My1terlou1 Me" ( 1980) Mell... Sue Simone Signorat. Jean personal 11.,.. ot men WhO larger lhlll'l lile:anci ,..., deall\I begin 10 deelmtt• An<>erson, Glenn FOfd A• Rocnef0f1 A middle-aged auuggle~ 10 survive 111 Ille lhan any1lling you've ....., lhe ranu of a anwitl circle murUer begins chopolng woman Who has spent dangerous be,llleflelds of -'· of elderly men whO Illar• •way al her circle ol 8111111 mos1 of her adult ttle cat· Ille K0tean War are as IOt· 11:30 8 Cl) QUINCY both 8 m0f1thly llorytalllog friend•. • 1>'9'> school Mn· 1ng for her Invalid t><Oihe< tuous H lhe war 111111. Tl\e 1UIP4ICI in • -let oi gel·logether •nd a ·so. '°' wOfrlel lhal she may be decldn \O write a letter 10 CO) GINO VANEW se• crimes veni• hi• hotlil· year-old MC:ret. 'R' the next lllcUm ··or possl· a -spaper lonely hearts The Cenadlan pop singer 11y on a counMlor 10 rape 12:30 D QI LATE NIGHT WITH bly lhe killer 'A' COiumn ·PG' • perl«ms "I JuSI W•nl To vlcllmt (R) DAVID LETIERMAN 3:15 {Z) MOVIE 7:30 (ti)** "Fa1Ung In love Slop" and "Ltvlng Inside D (BTONIOHT Gu.ta: comedian Tom · * * • "I Seol A Leiter To Again" ( 1geo1 ' Ellloll Myaell" In 1 conce<l laped Holl Jonnny C•raon. Sharp. disco 11ar Grace My Love" (11181) Simone Gould, Sosannah-¥~ ' G·-u Rlc"-·d n~•·-1 Jon. S"'notel. Jean Rochelort' during'• tour ol the U.S. ...... · ··-...... ,.. .. n, · "' man goes to Ills fvllh and Canada anlm•I trainer Huberl • COUPl.f.S , A mlddle-aged woman ~teunloo in tl)e belle! (%) MOVIE w a111, the Oak Ridge Boys CD TOM con\.E: UP who llN apenl most of her can retlve lhe ..,..... * * * ,,., "C.mal Know1· " 8 (II ABC~ ' ClOIE adult Ille eating lor 'he( of the pul. 'PG',,...... .age" ( 19711 Jack Ntc NIGHTUNE ._,.Paul Williams. Invalid l>fOlher dllCl<Jel lo l:OO (C * *. "The Great '°"· Ann·MarQfat. lwo I YOUAIKEDFOAIT • L0\1£.~ wrtle' teller to 8 newlP•· Muppet Caper" (19811 COiiege lrlen<tt ep8lld MV· THE JEfRMONI !['a!:' And Tl'ie Pickup" , ~· k>nely neans COiumn Cb8'1H. Grodin. ·Diana etalyeerabeforeanclatl«. Tom's latest~ trip ~and P9UI ,..._. 1:30~MOVIEFAITH20 Rlog ~· Kermit, gtld.-lon d~lng lite may be Ille IMt If H*' t ........... _ -...... "L-Fome ~ Gonzo trace • '"liiFll-flll"-.rtilO .... ld'lll'm'-f---1~ wbo W8 It.....__ ,_ ,,. .. ,._.w.,, ~ J ......... ~ ...,_ '--' t ~. Fiirii?' Plijfii'1 .......,. ··Bad-n...--rfVlllD' La,::::--:-G•~..,_.-'-'""""".~ MCtr Oif>et'• gi(1friends. 'R' ~with • w•-... , _...,,.., 10:00 D a ST. E1.SEWHEAE • ART Of 9EJNO father .. In 1811 IO Howard Ari G1rlunkel. Hervey t:OO •• ··~ 'It'• A G<Mt Or C.vanero h•• lo break HUMAN \111111 him to uk tor her •Keitel A ~ve PIY· .,_.....,, •• (lll49) Oorll n... lheJ1eW1to•~llll..C®Ple 'TheOuterClrcte" hand. choallalyll 8nd a styilll'I :,;;;'C.rion. A 1~ !Nit their upec1ed Cnild CD Piil lA TEMOHT ltl40 8 Cl} MCllllUAN 1 young woman begin 8 mental dlfector c:onvtnc9I will be oorn Wllh Down's Host Dennll Wlloley ~ lragtc romance '" Vienna the 1t11t1 111e1 they don'I Syndrome, and Or. tD .~ The McMlll8n'• vacation 'A' want 10 wor1c I« Nm Aucnalander If-lo deal (J)_, .. OE; 8l'ld lamlly reunlomo Seo•· g MOVIE (0 ) • * * "a.d*ella'' ,.,111 his own __ ....,,..,.,.,, * • '' "TNe eon1...io.I.. land wrns lilto a tragedy * ••• ~40r1-Ot war • .. __,,.--, 8 whel1 Mac'I unde la loood (1954) Ronald n-.,,.an. (lll68) J-Fonda. Milo II •• NEWS (t9 11 Robert De Nwo. ,,._., O'She• A daring tpace HART TO HART Rc»er1 Ouvell. The usually deed. (A) 09wey Martin T..o POW• neroine ol tile future Jennifer Innoce ntly MP81•1• Mlfldl of ""° 1:00• MOYIE from the United Stal• encounters_.,..,. gelP· lnvolvH hetHll end brotnerw. • Loa Angalel ** * "W C. Flalds And contW-lnlalligenc41 work NII and 111Mllnt, Jonalhan 1n 8 troubled ~ ~i..e Ind an Me" (19711) Rs>d·Slelgllr. wt111e AP9Mflng 10 have man's deadly -di for 1 llll'lbltlOul Romao Catholic Valetle Perrine. C.lotla Cfaclad under communlat b1lo11ed slorybook Pt' ... I. con-ge during 1 Monti recalll her years M lndoclrloatlon der in*t"'• Ion R' a deYOted and 1ormeoted S:40 (I{) MOYIE 9a1~DF£8TIYAL WMOYIE .,,.., ·. companion 10 the mut« • •''\" "/luw WNct1 ,W•"J. M eventng o1 rock. rny1hm • * • "Long Ago, Tomor· comedian You Can" ( 1980) Cllnl and blues fealur• the row .. ( t971) Nanelfe New· 8 MOYIE E .. twood, Sondra Locke ligllt• and aoundl of Tier-man. MalCOlm Mceow.11 A **'A "Haunll Ot The Before Mtlllng down-Wllfl ra. Md lntroducee Sheila l0tmer ledlel' man tall• In Vert Rlctl" j 1972) ,Lloyd his gltl and pet Ofangutan, EacOY9do and ,her gr.oup, _ lo.,. with another patient ~. Clotl• leedlman. 1 t>are-lillad light« 11gn1 Qlo-Cho.San. •I a convalelcent home The 11YM of _, wealthy up IOf one last, lucrallve ID llOOY IN QUESTION aftet he Is dlaeb'ed Jn a )If Mtlwrl •• br~ mateh. ·PO' "Bt .. lhlell" Or JonaUlen soccer QarM. together on a mysterious 'J:41 (C) MOYIE Miller recrHIH aome 11~40 THE ~!(Ill toumeY to• tropical Island. **'A "Wher.r'°The Spies 11111-centUfY experifnenta Tueeday Weld, Tommy Lee <!I MOVIE Are" j19e8) Dellld Niven, 10 lhow how the un<>er· JOfl9I and Willlllll'I Katt * * * "Advenlur• 0 1 Francoile Ootteec A doc· 11and1ng ol breathing 11ar Ml the N. Richard NMh M81CO Polo" (t9381 Gery tor becomn lnvolwd with IOfms the buis ot motl play ~· an nlner'ant con eoop.r, 88111 Rathbone mutder and ~ modem~ n man wflo 1u11111·1 a lonely The 1ravet1 of 13tll-centUfY wllll8. ~ tlll*- • THE V1AGINIAH...,. -··yearning f()t low ~ M•CO Polo ..... lot a loreitft dep.Vtmeol Trampae II ,..iped by . 11:41(t)MOW •eo<:Hll• 4.:00CD TOPO'THE dog wtien he must deter· * * * "TlwM ~Of Tiie • M0VW ~ mine wlllcll of IWO saioor! Condof" (1975) Robert •• ~ .. , Could Go On 4:30 CD IUUWINKLE gitll i. Illa SW-ot an old Redford, Faye~ A !Jlnolnll" (11113) Judo/ Gar· proapectOt ~ tMder emplOywd land, °"" Boe«de A ling· (C) MOYIE ~the CIA -• Inlet· • Vllfl• !tie '°" lhe gave • • 'h "The Purtutl -Of D B. nlll lreec;hety when .. of up tor adoPflon, crMtlnO eoop.r" (1981) Treat Wll-Illa c:o-worllen .,. ...... problem• tor mottler. llaml, AoOer1 Duvall A llnatecl by I 1111 man wflo II flthef and c:l'llld thief lllyj41Cl!• •~and nowst ... lnghlm. ~~ paradlutea IO Mlety over 1t:oo. INTERT~ 0re900 WCtll 1 1on1H1e 1n TONIGHT lnterviewl with JOhnny stolen money. ·PG· lnt8f'lllewtl ,with Johnny C88fl 8lld Andy Gl11tttt\. CR) MOYIE Ceall and And}' Gr1ffllh 1:20 (J) MOYIE * * * "SI ranger In The I l!!.J!I LAIT WON> * * * ''Soul hem Com· HouN" (19'75) Keir Dullea. _, .. ,.. Ion" jtlllt) Kallll Carra· ~ho.I •••"Joa" (11170) Petet dint,"-' Boothe A murdef« hldee In the •ttlc oyre. Dennla Pafr~JI: ll'OUlt of 8 college 110fOl'lty llOUM Enraged over 1111 daugll· · men on weelltnd on Cfwiel--eve.--_...._ __ ....._'LJl'lmf\«nlnl tn~N' ·.........,. ~ (I) A NEW DAV IN EDEN lllpple dN9 -· a man 1'IPDU .....-..-...... - A ~I lamlly tum1 a anlltt Ille wllllnQ IUflPO" ~~ ..::, ar~. , .. . amall town lnto._a. model o( • f-lk:al barroom "' -.,......-" rejuvenation project (P811 bigot In bringlnQ the lllp. 1:aee 8NeONIWI 5.1 ,......_ p1ee 10 their k,_ • ~(Z)MOW g_, .. _ ·. CD~· \.v.I • * •+ "Nlghthawlll" • ,_, .. ~' * *'h ''The PUr'IUll Of D.I . ( ltl 1) Sy!llMI• Stallone, * * * "COwboy" (IHI) c,o.ptr" ( 1N 1) lrMt Mn Biiiy Dee Wiiiams A lougtl Jacll Lemmon. Glenn Fotd. llaml, .....,, Duvel. A New Yottc Clly cop hM hll A hOtel dertl t-"' up with thief .,.... • pllr'9 Md wortt cut out tor him ...,.,, • cattle!Nn 10 dttwe • herd psacllutel to MilllCY over one of Ille -'d's moet of cat1te to Mealco Or..,on wllfl • fof1ur1e "1 • at*'-'PG' dangerou1 ' 1erroi1111 UW..~ 1:11CC>..ovi-' artMI In 1111 cfff. 'tr 8TYLI * • .. ,___.. 1 t"71l ..... .... -· • ...,. "Lowe Anerllll ~.. _..... ., "" .-TWOM N1W1 Dell erld Diani -100 lflr l'WI Oeefl, ..... V.0-. A (0 ) MCM1 to f11 acque1tn-' "Lowe rtdl plln\dOl'I °"'* II * * "The New MventurM And The 9ur( Hultleftd" dleturtMlll '-1 1111 ~ Of Sno-WNte" (1971) Harry lurton 11 _, dlUOflW'I an.erM1 In 1111 Marte Llll•d•lll, Geby ~ In 1111 --· IOO ,,.... --· lncludlng OM Fuctll Tiie adUll eclven· lnvoMcl tfiet II llgll""9 for 1111 Ir- Wed•e•d••: .. D••• l•e .tlorlr• · 6:00. e * "The Fnt Time' ( 11112) Tim ChOllle, t<n11a Erlc*llOO A ~college lreah· man ""'° hat been 18119h1 many IChemel 10 capture • -·· fancy. dlllc:Oll· ' en that IOVI la m0te Important than cheap thrllls ff (%) • * • "Love In The ,,. Aftemoon-(19!1'T/OllY Cooper, Audrey ~burn A d~••tc:J111e'a !l•ughlar becomM lnlet•led In a bachelor lrom her lather'I Ille and NI• out to lnlrlgue him • l ~CO> •• "The New AdY811· lurn Of Snow White" (1971) Marie Lll)edatll. Gaby Fuellt The edult adventur• of Snow While. Sleeping '-"Y and Cir!· deralla are told R' 1:41 (J) * • '4 "A Ctl .... For Roblrl Hood" I 1"81 ..,.,.. lnthenl. Jamel HIY* Robir\ HCIOCI and his Dend of merry "*' ... oeit to ctettwone • Mii· appointed dlct1tor ""'° hM ..., .,_., 0¥9' lhe ..,,. 1:00 (Cl * e •-. "ThrM Warr I- • * • ··~Island'..' Mllel Buchanan, Simone Buchanan. In 1830s Aus- '\ralla, two young1ter1 eaeape lhe clutchft of ' corrup( govern0t (%)**"Secrets" (1971) · JacqCletlne Bluel, Per OscarrllOtl An e1tlr80fdl· n1r11y beaurllul young -atlemptl 10 sort ~ the conluling lrag- menll of her lltl by dt1lllng Into a auccaulon of roman Ile alfalrL. 'R' ..... ···~ "Sutlmetlne Command" (195 t) WlMlam HOiden, Nancy Ollon A Navy aub ~Ider. IL plaOlled """" Mlf-dautlf conc.nlng • PMI acddlnt wttldl COit -""" ... 111191 10:00 <:cl • • ·~ ··s 1 i-" 119191 Cher'llt Bronaon.~ line IMsMt. A former crime f~ter·IUfned·delective II hlf9d by a WMltlly Mm lancler lo -a* of lnefimlnatlng ledgers. 'PG' OD * • • "Fatller Agin" ( llllt) Hal Llndeft. Tlmollty Hutlon. All•[ their mother"s dMlll. 'two boys are 1et1t to ltv. with their la I her. whom they have not ~b.eir a.nt . dlvOfce five year1 _..,. (I)••~"~. T~l'N1J• St_.~ Gfanger, Walt• ,..__.. TlwM Brlllell IOldiet9 ... tlonecl,lln ll'ldla tall• ""* dllt ... ..iouaty, but IPlfld Qft·llOuf• getting Into trou- ble 10:30 (Z) ••• '" "Searl-'.' ( 1932) Paul Munl, a.orot Raft A 11malt.llme llOod· tun• ,,_ 10 tt1e too of the ......, during ~kiri 11 :00 U)) •• * "PYeny Meidl NA In A Row" (1111) AoCll """'°"· Angie Oldl"-" A guldence counealOf. IM Idol of • bfty of lligll tcllOol beaut•. -Ill wt1n a teacher erld • PollCe caplain In 1C1M1'9 Ille~ tery of _ .. c.Mer1lllCler li~'A' r A~ ~·A' S:i:~~":: JOttN DARLING by Annatrong.&· Batluk (I) M>MAHCE: TUT Of LOW ~31 ', •••• (lj 111 at tl'Lu.--.. ttoet: ludl Henry. Oueel: MWI....,._ • •llNDtOP ... .-:::.:~~ &:i:'°'IM A.._ toe rOllMrY end ,,...,,.......,....,... ..... ...,., .... °"'°' .... .. I ... .• • ·- TUESDAY, NOV. 18, 1982 ' Gearing up The UC lr"ine basketball team is being put through its paces in preparation for the Anteaters' opener · · againM-the Unt\lersity of__Albem:ta W4:dnesday, No".__24;-Al>ove from left, lle rb Li"se)'-llfiikes a point with "1/oy Carme n, Tod Murphy goes up to grab §hot, Ken Bardsle y s nares rebout'd, and Coac.h .Bill Mulligan e)leS the proceedings. Meanwhile, at left, George Turner skies to fir,e j6mp shot o·vcr Murphy, and at qight, Ben McDonald takes a quick breather. . -----·. . }· ..... .. ' D•llY~Pllot Photoe by Alch•rd Koehler ' .. 'Revamped conference awaits ·~we;: Rustlers, with a Ji tile h elp lrom their friends, at Harbor.; open Friday By CURT SEEDEN OftM Dell) Piiot atllff , When athletic directors from Southern California community colleges got ~ together earlie this-yeartd" revamp-- ># gports conferern:es. the coaches at Golden West College knew just what they were getting in to. Following ill ~he footsteps o f the Rustle r football team. Coach ·Jim G r ee nrle ld's 1982-83 Golden West basketball outfit will now toil in the ·predominately Orange County South .\Coast Conference. · It should be noted tha t the South ast Con(erence -is conside re d b y · mmunity college experts as one of the ghest basketball conferences in the s tate. l think it's the beSt conference in the sta this year," admits Greenfield, w ho h guided t)ie Rustlers to a 70-54 record through four sea10ns of South~rn Cal Conference play. •'Most of the teams ar.e sophomore-oriented. Top to bottom, It'• probably the strongest there It." he adds. Unfortunately (or G r<?enfl~ld , _....90~omores are•at a minimum an his : .=..a..,....a. But he ~ hw.r~ftM.,._ aome experience from an unlikely source -former Southern Cal Conference· mate LA Harbor. The Seahawk1 'disbande d their baaketbaJJ program thla aeuon, and a trio of 90phomora must have liked ""h•t- they uw latt le_,., when \hey faced · • Greenfie ld -they tra~eN'ed to Golden West and figure p lneintly ln· Greenfield'• plans. One ex~Seahawk. Ed Dorham, will bl' among the Rustler "811en Friday nla&ht when Golden Weat trawlil IO LA Pierce fol' itl RMOn 0~(7:30). A 6-1 'forward out of Lon11 S.ach J ordan, Dorham will join returnera Sherwin Durham (fl·O f(uard). TyroM .. .. Myles (6-3 guard) and Sheldon Revis (6-5 forward) ii) the starting lineup. The fifth starter figures to be Orange ... ,Q>ast. CoJJege tritnsfor John Krcsich . a 6·' '!Ophomore odt of Foothill Higtr. - "Sht'rwin 0u"1am will probably be our leader," GntenfleJd aays. 0 "1 think,· he's as good as any point guard I've seen Jnd he's the best at the fast break that we've had for as Jong aa I've been here.'" Greenfield's bigest roncem is how to generate the ume kind of offense bis 1981-82 team did behind the high· scprmg trio of Trulett Hatton, Darrin Bowen and Art King. . "We shot '2 pHC.'enl (rorn · the 'floor and 7~ percent from the •line lut year. I would have to aay we'r e going to be better defensively than offensively," Greenfield tays. · "We're just g~ng to run and shoot and try to make it exciting. That'a the style we bt'Jleve in. We1J uw a comblnauon of defeMeS -man and zone -depttndlng on the aituation," he adds. GrffnfteJd aays that In time. eithe r Frl'd Poindexter or Denni• Ja~ -the other two LA Harbor tranafera -could 'Nork' their .,.,-Q!!e M ..,... u~. Poindexter la a 6·7 forwafa whffe J ames la a 8·6 forward. CHe.nfteld'a freshman crop lnclude5 6·5 Marina gradua .. Rick Smith and 6-:> R1<.'h Murray out of La Quinta .. ,,._,.... aubetitucet r .. ht now, but that could chan1e." notetJ Grttnfleld. lndntinc the> unt'el1ainty of has Ruatler aqu.d. O\ht'r freshmen lm·ludf' 8-~ ~uard Larry Bower from La Quinta; 6-0 guar Dan Siber out or Westminster: and 6·5 forward Terry Uandridge from Rogers. Mich. . , "BecauSC' of hi~ size, he (Oandrid~) could play a lot. He's inexperienced at th<' mom('nt but time t.-ould take care of that." In fact, tim<' is what all of the Rustlers apparently will need to gear for the ruggc d Sout h Coast Cohfer enC'e schl'duh.' . • "Our biggest key is to play w ith consistency early and find out.just where Wl' or<'. to:v<'~Y game is going to be o struggle• but we're gofng to win our'"' shurc.'' Grc.'<'nficld lldds. "tr we C'an flplsh in ·the top fouai oi: fiv<'. l'll be elated.'' Greenfield adds. Lnst S<'ason. the Rustlers jumpro out to n great start. winning eight of tht'ir firs t nine pr<'·Confcrcnce games . Howt'vt'r, thtty openl'd confercnt-e play by dropping their first t~ by a total of six points. Golden West finished with a 20-11 ovC'rall mark, 9-5 tn -confcrl'nt't.'. Qoldeft ............ Nov 111 et LA Pierce. Nov 241·27 •I Mere.cs '~1~-.fAnl~~~Oee~"·­OOIClen W"I Toutney; 0.0, t7.i"t -II COiiege of 9"UOIM T-ner. Deci. 11·30 -Co11et1 of~ '°.::1 -....... Anli': JM.. -~u11111on·: JM. " -t,;::-•·, Jen 15 -Mt Sen ~nlonlo", Jiii 1f et •, JM H -c.rrttoe ': JM. 11 -et OfMge c-i· ,.e«> I -c.,..,...· ,. .. I~ -If Mt SM Ant«llO', '" tt ~ ComotCM'' ,.., 11 -•t c...nee·. '• 13 Ofenp0.-1' All.--"9'"8'130plll ................... T ownement ..,.,,. tlmee to be eMOUnCed lollltl C09ll COitfelet~ O"'"" lnOteeted by .. .., .. .. ~ . - Football · strike tO end? NEW YOHK (AP). Pa ul Martha, a running bat:k turned lal.\l y l•r who las t Wl·c kend lx'l·am(.• a mutually agr('(.'<i-upon go-bl'tWl'l'n fo r the National Fuotbali L l'ugue owners and pluycrs. belit'VC.'11 a sl'lllement in tht• 57 ·day·old strik(' could l'Om~ tvday, t was.a b tl Ut the o nl y t n g mutually agrl'Cd upon Monday night. Ncllhl'r side.• <'xpn.'SS€.>d any optimism. And neither agreed on just what th<.• probll•m was. A s midnigh.t appr oached, ry'lartha stood in the lobby of a . ..._ m idtown Manhattan hote l and sa1 · >ml' 1mc 1s e enm c s ho~ld· h avl' un ail-inclusive agn'l'mcnt." Unbe knownst to him. though , union chief Ed Garvey was at a different hotel, Cinng a salvo at the owners for wh'at he t"alled their "union busting'" and da1mi ng th e Manage ment Council had pulled bal·k earliur offers. "There 1s not a deal that is even close," he said. And shortly thereafter . J im Mille r . the M anagement Coun d .+'s publ k r c la tio n s d in.oetor, observed from.his offic.-e: ··We're not too c:lose-togt.'tReF-7 -' '"---ti and said the owners' offer had l:x'<'n "restructurc.'CI," not reduced. · The n -Ma rtha's o ptimism want.'CI A.b1L "1 thought we were going to get, together. earlier in thc."cvcning. but things got late," ht.' said. ··1 am sull optimistic. but it won't be tonight. Some of the m a n a g c m c _n t J)'e? p I e w e ·r e disappointed at the remarks Ed nYrlde a t the ·press confere11ce: I am stil l opti m1 s.~i != fo r a settlement tom6rr9w. The sudden surge of activity wa s accompanied b y th e d isclosure of T ex S chramm, president of the Dallas Cowboys and c hairman o f the NFL's Compe titioq Committee. o f contingency scheduling for the rest of the season. a_ plan calling for a 10-game season and a full playoff Slate employing midweek wild-c:ard games. rGarvcy insisted key portions of the owners' most recent proposal had been withdrawn b y the Management Council, that it had • reduced severance pay for older ' players. eliminated incen-tive bonuses a nd reneged on an agreement to reinstate wnh back pay player reps cut before the s triJ<c be_gan . . Stevens .... honored • . . . . . for heroic·s By ROGER CARlSON otltleD..,ltllot aleft -Clear ly. If anyone needed a . pick\,\p. it was Fountain Valley . High's Barons last week in t~ir Sunset League football duel·with Marina -which brings up the subject of the Daily Pilot's Player of the Week -Brett Stevens. The 6-0, 180-po und junior ' entered the game with his side trailing. 14·3, and p ossible elimination from the upcoming CIF Big Five Conference. But he turn~ the Barons on with ·a 6-for-Q performance, eluding touchdown passes of 10 nd 39 yards to junior Ja mie a'ft, the winning score coming ' h 1:37 remaining. . -- · We needed somelhing to ha n.'' says Fountain Valley . Mtke Milner. "I thought t be able to do 1t for us turned out, he •did. "I ally happy to. see It happen or him, he has gone throug1' me rough Ji'mes this year. as as our team.'' .. . S Levens e g an t ~~""e~l,_,,9...,8,.....2,..;,..... campaign as tht> Baroris starter, but he was replaced in the third quarter, of Fount~i,rl Vall,Jy's second gam~ and un,tl lT hia performance F riday, which catapulted the Barons into a share of the Sunset Le-sue tille. Just five pass attempts in the next seven games. good for 12 yards. (three rompte tiona). were to tr"1Spire-before he made*hi• entrance into the t.ltle decider. Then, all'l)ott.J~ti'-*"°"' ·raatiton with a sc nr.r:.it added , h e w e nt to work. ronnecuna for gai"f of 10 .. 3. 2 and 17 t..f ore aotn« to Craft on th• two acorlng pl•ya. Heh requlrioC a acrambUnc llC1 befOft W\loedlnc. Hi. efforta, combined wl&J\ Craft'• t'lutle'h c.tchee, lilted the . Barona 10 a 1'1·14 vtdory. .. ,r . .. . tt No sponsor caus~s Guthrie "to quit l From AP dispatc hes PUEBLO. Culu (AP) JanN .-Guthr1l', thl• first woinun tu d rivt' n ra<•t• car m thl' lndwnupohs 500, has had tu give up racing h<..'(:aUSl' 'qf lack of a sponsor "' Tlw 44-vmr-old rat'l' dr1wr, who fi nishl'd ninth' 111 ih~· 1978 Indianapolis 500. is now work111gl'm' a(I insuranl'<.' company. traveling around the t·ountry giving lt'c tures on safe drlvi11g. • ' S till, she would prefor \o l:x• l'UC.'1 ng. • , "I havC' somebody looking. ~or 1.noney jor me-. If the find d o n 't. I w on 't," G uthr1t• said during an interview hl're lusl Wt'l'k. She said that after the GUTH"IE ninth-plact• finish at the Indy . . 500 sbci thought she would have n9 problem acquiring sponsorships lmd fast. reliable race cars. - . " l as cau. me cons1 era e 1s ress a .. did nu go on and get the.> better cars and so o'n." PORTS MAiiBA.G . S.addlehack defended SporLS-&i1tor~ _ . _ In regards to the distorted plconastic rhetoric s'pcwetl forth recently in a letter to the Daily Pilot from the han~ of an uninformed and now infamous Mr. Jam~ Cee. 1 would ask that Mr. Cce tak(! a closer, realistic look al Saddleback College's football -ncirds. . _ • It was nice to see that Mr. Cee took enough interest 10 look at the Saddleback media guide. but rather amazing from his lcu cr. that he had actually looked at it. Maybe he was just reading things he wanted to read. In regards· to SaddlC'back's schedule. ln. 1981 Saddleback beat San Diego Mesa, ranked seventh in the state and the c·hampion of the mighty South Coast Conf~rence; beat Ventura: ranked ninth In the state; beat Santa Ana .. ranked in the Lop 20; beat Riverside, (6-4). Citrus 16-4) and Antelo~ Valley. the state Division II champion. During 1'981, the Gauchos defeatt'<i three state-ranked teams and six teams wHh winning records. The combined record ef Saddleback's opponents was 57·50-1. . This ~ear the Gauchos have defeated Gglden • West, 3-3. but undefeated ln Soutli Coast play. Southwestern. which was ranked eighth in the slate and urde fcated when ·Saddleback played them. S till to come is R1versiqe. 5-1 and ranked. 14th and then a ranked bowl team. • A couple of other miscoru.-eptions by Mr. Cee. Saddleback voted to ent~r into the South Coa,l t nference on its first three votes and only reneged hen Compton and Mt. San Antonio were added., · econdly. and most importantly , the vote excluded football c'Onferenccs . , The teams you mentioned that Saddleback's Cootball rec'Ord book is full of. i.e. Gavilan, Redlan ds r rosh, Cypress. Napa and Occidental Frosh are all rrams that are responsible for some of Saddleback's worst defeats. The Gauchos played all Uve of thot1e -tams in their iirst year', 4 when they had ~n all- eshman team. When the Gauchos wer e in the Desert Conference, Saddleback. wasn't nearly the size of G'le other ai:ea community colleges and knew it ~uldn't compete. But even as early as 1972, the Gauchos had teams that c:ould compete. witness a 9eCOnd round· state playoff loss to Pasadena. 7-3. Du~ing thC' last s~x years the Gauchos have played champions of other conferences in bowl games and have. won five times. Against non-conference teams the Gallchos arc 38-8, excluding their first year . You see, Mr. Cce. Saddleback's record in non- donference play rs just about as good as it is in Inference play. . Lastly. you made an crro°'r' in your uninformed · pfanauon of the stheduting process. The games Saddleback played against LA Southwest and 'nte lopc Vall ey were d one by a computer . faddleback had no control over those games. ' The gam<-S that wert> scheduled, Golden West ind o ·range Coast this year and -Ventura and 0range Coast last year. wcr<.> scheduled by the E lege. Ventura. which perennially has one of the Le's top teams, got ured of losing its season -ner a od t e(used . to scliedule Saddleback · ymorc. _ •i G<51dcn West an_Q 01'.!lnge <:oast have a history .. If tootbaltexcellence-and Goldeo est=fna~ .StTIT ye f <!t a oowl bid this y~ar. Orange Coast IS 3 natural Eal and. while it's cfown this year, Saddlcback·has yed them since 1976 when Ken Swearingen :.me head coach. Orange Coast has won two lonal championships and will be good again. anta Ana has-won thrC<' national titles. more than ny other Orange County school. but lost two or its ree games last year in conference . . You ho9e proven one thing Mr. Cee, "Cceing is 0 a wa s revm-. ...._ __ _ ., • I David De Berry - . Sports lnrormatloa Director Saddleback College o lley ball learn in action 'Two games Involving a pai~ or area teams a rc · led j _of tonight's CIF 4-A women's volleyball ampionship quarterfinals with Newport Harbor Maler Del and Wt•stminsu·r at Lagvna ~h. Corona del Mar will host BanJ.a ff!onlca and n Clemente is at home to No. l rated\ Mira' Cos\a complete lobe 4-A pairings. All &..-: . .JI" "! 1 hcduk'<i for a 7:30 st.art. ~ ln a small schools game. Newport Christian, the o. l rau•d team in that -d1vu1lon. trav<'18 to adwlck m PaJO!I Ver<k11. ~ . - PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFEC18 .. USC-UCLA ctaah on TV Saturday Suturdny'11 P1u:llj1.• 10 l'lt111 h •• bMWJ)W' Mvulii US(' und Ut'l..A win • • l1e \f'l..viw<t hVl' on ChM011t'I 7. wuh · Lhe_.prt! 11ainc_..w""'-*trtL f u1• 1 :.!:30 _ and idckutf .-1 for IH>O 1n tht• .HOS(.' Howl 1n Puucl1•na USC Is 111't•hg1blt• to p11r11dpn111. In post St-u11on pluy. while• UCI ./\ will IM' nlll'ltllK (or 11 mujor bowl wtth Its du111n•H ol rc..·iwhln~ tht~ ll~· 81lwl on Jan. I Nlun. ~ • Enrlwr, CBS (l'hunn~I 2) unnounccd it VJOUld 11l')Ow tho Michlgun·Ohlo Stutt• Big 10 maµ:hup with the prl•-g1.unt• show at ~ a m. and k1t·koff CH 9::10. Mlc:h1g1rn haM a lready ,ll8alun'tl ilJiielr of u bttrth In thv Hose Bow1 NC'w Yt•ar'li Day.- Quote of th•day. J erry Stovall, Louhuuna Stow fooluull coach. whoae.,team Is raok,A.'d il>Oh nationally and has a 7-1· I rl>c.'Ord: "l will not at'l'epl a t'On1ract t'><ll•ns1on. I don't want i onc. I don'l need oiw ... Now. if they want to Jlive me a raise, tt\at's firw." wants to play on N<>w Year's Duy. "If l were Joe Paterno. I believe that I woula want to buy as much tim(· as 1 possibly could.'' Mickey Holmes told the "'ew Orleans Quarterback Club. Penn State is said to bc a leading candidate Lo _face Georg_ia m the Sugar Bowl. Georgia, . J • '· #' • OBS to atfow Pryor;Arguello .bout ('HS \\Ill te ·h·V1i'oot· 'u 11~b111mlrnl'll • '"tltl~ w1·1•k1 •11d 11r l11s1 .. 'r11l11 v'i. W11rlcl •U 111(111~ A i.,111·1.1111111 Jll111111 w1·l t1•1 w1·1uh1 l h.11111rn111,l11 p t1~h1 · hd\ l 'l'll A11r8A l'ryor rrnd Aloi• Ar1uelto nn tu. S p111 i.. i-;111u l.1y 1oh1tw U 1111' Nfo'L "'nkc· u; sl'ltlltd und ~i.111"~ .111· pl.1y1'll Suncluv t ·us u11nuulll'tod ttw lll!ltl will lit· .,111i.wn S,1l~ml.1y Sa11 J)"'lW S 111h' '" 1lw t:howt· 111 hu1h 1h1• nwdia and 1·oadl1•s 111 "111 1lw W1·,h·n1 Alhlt•tlt' ( '11nl11rc•rwt• bui1kt•tb.1ll lltlc this IM'WiC>~, ut.'t'orcJinl( to 1>ullw condu1•1t•d ut I ht• •·ondu~aon of the• WAC Bui.kc•tt>all (.:h11w 1111J Mt•d1u Ul1y In lX•nvc.•r Suntl&1y Coadi F.A. Dry, ~ho JuJn't build 'f•·>rns t'hr1~11.111 Untv\•r:;lly's fllllt'rmg football pro~·u111 wllb t•nouJ.:h v1t·111ri<'!I lo plt•uHt• tht> odnH111stru1wn. wus f11'1•d Mon<luy. c•ff(•c·t1 vc.1 ~u11day · TCU. which pluyi. u• •r1•1t11s A&M Sutu1d11y , ha~ fomp1l<-d a Ill 50-:l rt'l'ord undn Ury, who t•11m17 tu TCl.1 from Tulsi1. ·.,. . . Television, radio lt"'ollowing arc the• top sports evc>nLS on TV today. Ratings are: vvvv c•Xl't•llc•nt; vvv worth walchlng;.:-v fu1r , v forget 1t <j} 6~20 p.rn.. Channel 9 V' v v NQ~ BASKETBALL: Lukcrs at Ph()('nix Announcers: C-h ick Hearn and · K eith • Ericks6n. of the seuon to daw. P hoc•nix and Los Angck"S are in a virtual deadlock for set:ond place in the Pac1Cic Division. two games behind undefeated Seattle. The LakeN are 7-1. while Phoenix is 8-2. RADIO Basketball -Lakets at Phoenix. 6:20 p.m .. · ta at Kin s 7:20 .- • Co1inors .. out1asts . \ . . Borg ln e"khibitioa ~ l . . .. INGLEWOOU lAI') Jimmy Connuri. dt'fc•utc.•d Jl11rn Hor". tJ~:!. i O. fl 2. m a S JO().ooo • ll'nrw. c.·xh1h1llo11 1w1td1 hdou · 111vr1• tlwn 14!.HO<J funs ;_11 tl w Frn·um Mw~uuy 11lf<li\ l'cinn!>n. t"C1lh"t"tc'Ct $75,000 for thf• w111, trn1 fi fth in i.il' 1•xh1h1qo11 matchc.•i. u~111ni.t Bort1. who rl'Ct11Vt'(J $:l5,000 "! huw tu f'li!Y good tl'nnj~ wlwn I play him." Connof'!I ~1d of &rte "Anyh1111' w1• play t'iK'n othc·r wt• J(N p!iycht.J up. One or th<' oth<>r 111 A'Jlnl( tu blow ttw othl•r ont• off " JJorg hl'ld M'fVll't' only on<'t.• 111 tht>. first St.·t as Connors, :w, JUmpctd out to a :i 0 \c~d andWcnl 1m lo win 1t 6-3, , Borg cam<.• ba<:k in tht· M.'Cond set .. brc..•akmg Connor:.' service lWl('t' to takt' a 3--0 IC"ad and win th(• set t>-2 with l'Ommanding pl&y. llokilng· a 5-2 lead in lht• third set. Connors brokt> the 26-)'car-old Swedt"s servll'C..' m ttw final' K<imc tu take the match. · 'l'h<' mat<.:h last<>d one hour and 45 mlnul<'S. It was Connor,,;' Si'l'Ond victory over .Borg in as many days .. The three Het.. matc;h fvrmaL Q[t•w boos when · • I lie . The annuum:cment was news to fans who.,had expt.-ct five s<.•ts. . . A spokt>sman for the promoter. W. E. Stampl' and Associalc.'S of Los Angeles. said there was a mis understanding because the e xhibition wa~ always intended to be only" th ree sets. Thc announcement that only three sets would scatwred boos . ' . TAX DEDUCTIBLE .TAX -DEFERRED SAVINGS.· BUILD YOUR FUTURE-NOW 1 • .. ., . . TOMORROW BEGINS TODAY WITH IRA~. "InClividual Retire{llent Account." The best financial advice. Qpen an-IRA -even if you're_ . already covered by a company pension plan -and make sure your tomorrows are comfortable and financially secure. Consider this: · · •With an IRA you can deposit up to $2,000 in your tax deductible account eac~ year. If both husband and wife_ are · employed, that's $4,000 tax deductible! *Taxes aren't due until you withdraw from your IRA at retirement age. . · Deposit up to 15% of earned income to a maximum .of $15,000. While tax savings add up, so does tax deferred interest earnings. Imperial has two Keogh plans whiei:h pay competitive inarket rates. ::.But the time:to move-is-no~Your*eogh account must open before the year's end to save on 1982 taxes. Then relax, you have until April . 15, 1983 to make your annual contribution. __ ·~ 7 , . . ./; /' / WIN A TASTE Of · ~3~· ~~ EASY RETIREMENT. While you're building those tomorrows, s~e how good retirement life can be today. Come int.o any participating Imperial office and register for a trip _ for two to the exotic Bahamas, Chances are you'll be in a much - · 1ower tax bracket by F,hen. --compliments of Imperial ~avings and Eastern .Ajrlines -the airlines that earns its wings every day, serving more than 127 cities, 22 countries and .~So while tax savings year after ~ar are the big· advantage, don't forget high tax deferred interest too. Imperial' s rates make the most of your money! ' DO-IT-YOURSELF • PENSION. DO IT NOW. And if you're self- employed the benefits -·..::of our:Keogh plaastack- ... u~ even better. .. . . -' ,, one Magic Kingdom. · Winners will stay at either, the luxurious Paradise Island or Britannia --· ._. · Beach Hote( But hurry, you must register before December 10th! -~ So ptan for the good life tomorrow, and get a taste of,.it today. Both available now, at Imperial Savings. _where tomorrow begins today. -. - -- --2=-•--- F • .. -·~. , '-.J .. NHL =-=-~-·---cA..,..u ~ir Lot Alemhot MONOAY'I RHULTI . (ttl) ol H ·nloht quarterhoue mHtlng) FIRST flACll' JSO ynrda W.oge tOom1ngut>1) 6 80 5 40 4 W Pete Alo•oki. (Wa•d) 10 00 f 00 Ao..k1n Punc11 t0r'llll'-'•ll !1.•0 Alto • aG~a t •tlu11•0 Right. r re11way Rockete• lh111k II Out fancy Ltlgl'nQ Flyt1'1g Pol.cy Co..n11y Ballter Fh!flt rantasy Time 18 37 S2 EXACTA t2 71'1>81Cl $86 40 HC<*O RAC!. 350 ya1d1 Sc1ou1a10t tfryd)I 8 40 3 80 3 40 RoanaD1t t8a1d) 3 20 2 40 Funn~• 1Myteel 3 80 Alla"Tt<:l!O Oupe 0. Lu ~ N•tuuol Bar Mesa Cna1g ... Deadly Joan T1llOP Sp.ce l•mo 19 17 THIRD RACE. 3~ yatOS van1ura FOll<s IChvr) 10 80 6 80 3 86 Ala Hatt !Fryday) 5 80 Also 11ceo S1mp1t M1n is111man Roaorunno<. Block And Tac111e Arnie Boby Rebt Chick. Spectecul11 B1C1 Don Ou10 Time 18 O• 12 EXACTA 19· ll paid $40 •O FOURTH RACI!. 3!>0 yart.t• B11sy Betty 1Broo~s1 5 20 J G.O J 20 P1oud Dukey tWa•<ll • 5 60 4 00 Fu SI Crush tCreoger) 3 80 Lil Lady Love. Do Azure fold Shes A Turn Two. S11vor 01111 ncvda. Rarso Some Ctan • Time re 09 . Sl EXACTA 13·81 PJ1d $27 20. FIFTH RACE. 3!>0 yord~ like To Go (Tonks! .8 80 5 40 4 20 Jet R8111000 1Myle$I • 5 20 3 •O Toms Crean• Mac111ne IM•tclll'"I 3 80 Atso r a cod My Bai Ad mu al M"'"" W1nilow Ban Bondi.man H\!il1 Classy Lrttle Top Chick Scats Clobber Noconas Cherokee T•me t7 95 S2 EXACT A I• 51 P"•d $5 t 80 !llllTH RACE. 870 y.l105 B.-;teon.al Bar (1 nk11 7 60 3 •O 2 60 EloLt!Jng l~Mt'lla) 3 80 2 60 Speedy Ba1t 1A•ms11ong1 2 60 Also •ateo Ptt~dys ltutU.i Pu11sar Juogte-Brat Time 48 '° SEVENTH RACE •00 y;11d~ ,. Taste o le.u tlackeyl 10 80 4 20 4 40 Mighty POllCy (Traasu•el 3 60 3 '° KOOl NalMI tCa•dOlil) 7 40 Also raced Nevaoa Lamb G111 Tne 0<>10 Rebs Assured S•lve< G1ey Fo• Time 20 23 S2 EXACT A t4·31 pa10 S29 40 i2 PICK Sil t3·9·3·•·3·4) p"Jld $55' 80 1.,,-,a wrnntng hckets (ttve hOf&el paid 520 40 w1t11 ,525 winning ttckats (lour horses) EIGHTH RACE. 3!>0 yoros Easy Jets Wind• IAOr I.. 8 80 4 80 3 60 Mr Boone Bug 1Care1oza1 • llO 3 00 1n11ep1!1 Man 11 Ollkll , 2 80 Also •acet.t McKay West ~e.Hure lnis Ontruc~ P11om Bug lime 17 77 • S2 IVCACTA14·31 D••a $J• •O NINTH RACE. 350 yoro1 Charlott es Bug tF1ydy1 6 80 5 00 3 60 Sunset Fo•y Lady (Creager) 9 60 5 20 Uocootestfld 1M1tcne1t1 8 80 Also raceo T elco JOt' Joyou1 Jay Hollo Sta• Famer Chet Tru Ba• N0<10 Hcro-a•d He!Zrnkr. Hrts A ~at>Drl Timel8:1lc.. S2 EXACTA t8·51 paid $72 80 Attrtndance g 21~ Top 20 The fop ,,...,,Y leama 1n !tie AHOQDltoCI Press coftege loo11>111f poll '"''" 1~11 1J1ac;11 •Otes in p31....,lhOSK eeason 1ec0<01 and 10181 l)Olnta I Gf'Olgt• 147) 2 So MvlhOO!SI t81 ;J Peno S111e 121 4•N1blas.ka 121 _..$... WasllU101PI\ _ 7 Fto11da State 8 Amona State 9 A1kansas 10 Clemson 11 UCLA 1:1 LSU 13 M1Chiga11 14 Okllhomu I!> Southern Cal 16 Witst V11g.nro1 ' 11 le•as 8 I 0 9 t·O 7 1~ 8· I 0 68:> 7 I I 627 8· I I 5'8 7. t-1 498 8? 0 495 8·2 0' 480 7.7 0 387 8·2·0 298 6-2-0 211 .. 19 Mary1an6 • -7 ·J O 69 20 Tulsa • 9·1 0 45 Community college $ATVROAY"S GAMEl South Coa1t Conference Go1oen west 11 Fullenon Orango Coast at Slln O•ego Mesa Mt San Antonio 11 Cemtos MIHlon Conler•nc• C1tr"5 at Saddleback River $Ide CC at Santa Ana Paloma< at South,.H te<n •tropolltan Conference Bake<sl~ 111 Santa Mon•ca CC EfCam1n0 at lA.P1er~e. Pas:ioona cc at 1'e11 lher~­Compton at W8$t Los Angeies t p m Eut LOS-Angetes 11 Rio Hond6 l05 Angeles cc 81 LA Sou111 .. es1 , WHtern Stat• Conference Glendale •• Hancoc:i. I 30 pm Los Angetes Valley at Santa Barba•a CC Vent1>ta at Moorpa1k Foothill Conterenc:e lmpe<1a1 Va~ey at Ml San ·Jacinto 7 pm Oeset't at San Betnatd1no Mt< aCosta at Antl!IOPll Valley All _games at 7 JO p m u~•ess oth-•se 'otea High .ctiool rankings CIF lNG FIVE CONFEllElifC! Poe. Team. record l"olnte I Servile (7• 11 t40 2 Cottoo (8-1) 124 3 Alemany (8· t· 11 lt:l • Loyola 18· I· 1) 8B _ 5 LB Poty 16· l-21 73 6 C1e51>1 18·21 48 7 Bishop Amat (8·21 41 St FranctS !5·51 4 1 ,9 Mtlt!f Oet 16·3·11 37 10 Edison '(8·3· 11 J2 CIF SOUTHERH CONFERENCE 1 Los Allos po.01 2 El MOdrtna (9-0,.11 Foo11\1ll (9·0· I) • 4 Esper.,.,za t9·11 5 • HH Wilson t8-21 6 Lynwood 18-1· 11 87 7 Miss.on V•/O 18· I· I) II Santa Ana (7·3) • ;------o;.-ii!ii~kftl!Mt.m;..m.2.11 • S2 82 47 •O 31 30 23 17 3 3 Exhlb4tlon match (at l119lewood) Jimmy Con<>o•s (US ) Oet B1om "80•9- ISweclent 8·3 2·6 6-2 tConnorl WIRI 115.· 000. Borg wins $25 0001 Grand Prix tournament (al Sao Paulo, lrHll) f lral Rouod 811191.. • Jose "u1s Damiani (Utugu11) del F'1va,do • · 10 •• VIiia Patk (8-3· I) 0ow ... 11~·~- CIF ClwnlAL COtff'ERINCI I FUiierton ( 1().0j 2 El Toro t8·21 3 Saadteoacl< (9· I) • La Habta (l.6) 5 Rancllo Alamitos (9· 11 _6 Los Am~7·21 7 WHtlfn (7•31 8 Newport Harbor (6••) 9 Sunny+illb t5~ JO BefttlO.,~ I 7 ·31 Deep tea fl•hlna 87 S2 60 •6 41 34 26 23 12 8 •mylhe Ol•l•MH• t"1fmll•nt I W1tUt$•i\il 1u,... W l l Of QA l"te ,, 4%1<4" II \ I 1J "'> l'I f II I ltl Ill Ill I II l ·~ tl Ill ' '" l ... , b.' •tJ. •Lt'll"h v~ ...... u ..... Nofrl• DMelon \ llK •Ut• Mnu1 .. loj.o•·• -t.at l tMAI• tu11u11u O~t1tJ1t 10 J ~ ,., ... , .. 11 1 I 111 lff /l I l 1 I ll'1 f7 I~ 4 I '~ '•f hb IJ J II J 47 84 •I WALE& CONFERENCE l"attlck Ol•fflon NV thf•UUh•t-. t:I 1 t1 1rt11l11ll .. ltJlll.. 10 8 NV "'"'11111 • 7 10 WHllllllJl<HI IJ I P11"111'1Qll !> 11 Nvw J .. ,, .. .,. 1 J i I Adlm• 01•\alon M<>Hllt•••I • 8011c.11 0111•111 .. Aull•lu l4a11lrnu 11 4 9 ·tr A f; 7 7 !> II M•nd•, • lcoteo NC? ljUnlt't 6Clledu'80 Tonleht'o Gameo Mo11t11•,1t 111 11.-1 llOtll lfu .. 1011 Jt,.0Ul'l>t.<C. t:,.111.i•v "' w .. >1111111.,,,. • .'~U!>btO 1776J71 I bh IU '1~ l '>0 bl ... 1 'lr3 9A ll 6 '>7 83 ll ) d I 6o l!> , , t.3 55 11 ' 8~ ,., '° ~ 75 1.0 18 2 '>i.. !>G 11 f Om<"llOn ul New YOt~ tr,tJr>d,.r• t Nv"' Jt"~ ..... 1'1 St I OUI~ M11in OIJ "' King • P<•tr<i•t •l v,r ... w••J .• HIGH ICHOO All·•·· View i. ... IM Flrit Taam B•ooke Ge1tlt191on tCorona del Ma•. Soph I Ilene Heu (COIOM dill Mar, St). Mandy Kenney tN.,wpo11 HarbOr, Sr). l lsh Olswung 1Newpo1t Ha1b0r St !· E1a1n1 Oden (Irvine, Soph ). Shennon Rtoden IE1tanc1a. Jr ). Kelly Hogan tE11anc1a Sr I MVP -Pom Lawr cnc. !C0tona Clel Marl lecond THm loura Asper INewi>Ott Hll1b0t, Fr I Tino.' Phillips !Et l 0to. S• 1...Beth Pric:eJNewport Hart>Of f>• I Amy Hatheock !Estancia. "J1 ) Sulltle Garvats tlrvlne Si I. Heather Mennealy <El T0<0 Jr >. 1<&11 McGu1nness tCOtOf\4 Cl4ll Me• J1 l ~ > . "'1!JA lllbnd.,·. 0.- .. No 'O·'"'•• sc11t..iu1ec:t • Tonlgh1'1 Oameto Lall•t1 at P11oon11 (Cllaonet 9 at 6 30) Houston •• New YOf• tnd1<11\11 at Milwaukee Kansas City at San }lnlon10 Gotdl!n Stat~ a1 Chrl;ago AllJnt3 at P.or11and Oen•<" at $tin Otego . Mondar'• traneectlont ..aAHeAU Americaft Le .. M • KANSAS CIT V ROV ALS Announced 111 r Hl\t Mc AH dtt•anai!jl h•trl'f nad come 10 1e-ms on a tN-y• .. coot•8'1 MILWAUKEE BREWE~ Add4!0 Oave G11c .. and Pat Oot>M>n 10 '""" coac11rng stall f1<8d HAl•y w.,,,.._ coec:h National Le .. M CHICAGO CUBS Ou11tghted Alteo If.prey p11'n~· to Iowa ot the Amer.can AUocat1on- CtNCINNATt RCOS Asuo wa·-· on C1on1 Huro.e oullielder !Of the purp()M ot O "'ng h•m ,,., un<;ond•t~t •etellse • .PtflSBURGH PIRATES Nameo G1eg 010 .. n raoto TV coorcunato• 91Td P.attf Pay1•~ us.11an1 O••KIOf ot P•omo(rons ana co;_:~n~t~:~~11~g•:,ec:r.ANTS • Added Httm Sarrette ano Oanny Ota1k to th811 '°"'"'"ii tt•" IAI KETIAll Nallon•I ea1katball AHoclatlon W,ASHING fON BULLE rs -P1 .. ced Spencer Haywood. fOf"'a•d oo the 1n1urec:t 1 ICSHV'il llSI HOCKEY .. .. f!l •lll JI Cnu~I t~All y Pll ()I/ I uu ,If 1y, Nuw mt>• t! 11.1, Pla,,er~ of ihe. week'==-==-=-- Uon Pryor, C'uronA dt•I Miar -.-----;----:-. ---:---11••il A Ii :.! jUllllll , ltt• l.UU~hl tlttt'\' j)tl~~ htt IJ:! )'itt'tl!\..,.--1>111/I' '"' >(Y"ll 'I I-'=___,;.~ 1m lucl1111< it .io varcl "4'ttllttM ~tllkt• II 11111 t1uu1 ll•ilJ.u I.. " I " " " 1'11ul W11h1111 th a tl1•ll•11!\IV1• hf1~ k, Ill' 11.111 loUt 1111.1-.-.1r.t1•d .111tl l11~Jt II"""''''" t.11 kt ..... 111\I ''" 111w111•pt11111 F•>1 tlw M·,1"11111 lw l'ltllKbt l·I p.1.-..'t'!\ f..i1. :WO y.i1d.. a :.!I I 1tv11i1~4 •'1(itJJ11.tt't 1.1t1lt I P..-•n Sc·burb, ('011&• Mt1111 'l:h1!\ Jtjf) JMHHlli 1>1'111111' IWll W.1y Kl111 ttl1 r.lood IJUl f61 tlw Must ... 111g1>,at "'tll'ttMVt• ~uu1 d :inti dPft·n ,1v1· tat·klt·. 111 11t..ld1111 111 t11 Ith. plal'l··ktd\111~ 111· kwked a :!·I ya1d lll'ld g1111I , 1:1v111g 111111 '!IX lfl•ld /{II.ti-.'"' till' y1•iir, 1 ~1. :Ill. :1i.!, '!.7 ;1!td '.l:i y:11 J:o. Mikt· Kulpa, Edl1mn A 1wn-yc•:11 stul lt•r :11 1.•r•1111·1 1111 l•:cti~u11. tlil~ :llH-p1lund M'llfOr was 111w 111 th1 • k1 •y 111i:ll•du·11ts 111 Jo~lt'ol111's 11\Sldt• runnrr1g U•llllt' 111 .1 ;,W l<I V ll'llll y llVl"I' CX•t•an Vll'w. Shawa Cardjn, E l Toro · A Ii :l. 2 10 pound si·mw; l11wb:wkt•1. C.:t11dtn w;.1s 1·~·d1wd w1lh ntrw wlu .ind (1vt.• ;i,<,ts lt·d lltl kh·s. Jtu11g with an mt1•nvpt11111:Jnd1·~1us1'tl :t tu111bl1• 1n .. ~I. Toro's ~-7 v11·tur.y 1iv1•r. pr<.:yioui.ly u u!11•at111 Saddll'l>Ltl-k. giving 1-:1 Tont a sh~1n• of the• Sc>a Vww Lc•agu~ 1·humpmn .. t11p Hl• t·ompl:·tt'l.! :l t ut :s:l pm ... .., .tll<·n;µti. roe :127 yu1 tb and two toud1downs. g 1vmg him u Sl'U~lrl 111wl of 98 lor-llH fur l ,:.!:rn .yurcb an(I Ii TD!\ Also iJ l'ornc rbnt•k on dl·lt•nst'. this 175 puund st•n1or had iJ touC'hrlown-savmg l:ll·kh• among his four unm .. -;istcl.l ·tind Lh1x•<' ass1StL•d tn('klt•s • ar • a Her 1.c , unllngto11 cac 111!\ !;IH-varl.l kkkorf n•tur11 for a to uc hdown ignitt'C.I his tt.':un's 24-1·1 va·tory uvt•r W(•stminstt·r , propelling lht• 01lt11s 11Ho lhL· Cff ptayofb ft1r tht· firs1 unw m Hi y1•ars. Among his sc•ason statistic:s arl' 671l yards un I I Ii l'~u·rws, six t·a tt/hf'i. fw 5Y yan.b and 5 T l)!.. · Andre Willis, Irvine A 5<Y, 180-pound M•mur halfbat k , Willis n1mbll-<l for a 5 . 7 UVL•rag<• on I 0 L·arr1C•s, ht•I pt ng the· Vaqut•ros hold un to a 7~6 v 1•rdll'l ov1·r 11 val Un1vt•rs1ty. l''or tht• :.e:1son he> rr1n for lli:i y,;int~ on . 34 carric•s. I Casey O 'Callaghan, l1aguna Beach •. A third ll'am quartcrbaL'k all M :.t!\On long. O'Callaghan stcppt•<.I m for thl' inJurt'Cl Thad &ta!> and l'omplt•tt.•d 5-o t -11 fu r 84 yards a nti 2 touehdu wns in thL· Artts t:.' 23-0 v1ctorv ov:r W oodbridge:. llc'i. a 5-IO. 1 55-~und jun1nr. · :"t'ltvt· Uru11h, l\c"'porl ll11rbur 111 1111111111·1 hlut• 1 hlp 1 llurt. lh1· H,111'1rr~· 011t• 111•m" :11111v 1.111 h'u I Oh y,inl, 1111 :w t ,11 1 H'll, 1·uught four p.1!\-.1'!\ 1111 .jo v.11 it~ "'111 ,.rl 11111•t• toud1dowll.:\ lg<vlng 11111\ Iii lu1 1h1· v1•,11 ), J.llllllt·d :i 11mt~f 1>r ,1! •Ill vard .iv1•1 .lg• "/111 ltatl II 11tl1tM.1\ot1 •d t11t kit-:-. from; ht!\ 1111ddl1 l1r11 IJ,1 k1·1 po-.t d1 •.,pih· 1111-.si11g 1•11u11~ WN•k t1I fll oll l~n ht•1-.11lM 111 itltll'!\S · 1. II Jim Garton, 0 l'l'Un Vil'" r A Wl(lt• t l'l'\•lv1•1 ;i11d d1 ·l 1•11i.lvl• l1u1·k , tilt Ill!'> pou11d "' 111111 rnugh1 :l ''-'''''' for fl I yardi. 111dud1111t ;i lifi \••Id M 111·111~• ,J,y I 111111 qu:11 t1•rl1.wk l'llad t-':11 ~1 ·.1 u I 11 ,d.,o t;11<·l·1·1·pll'll two .. :Clti.011. ,11 "'rl'' 1"111 1ltr 1.1•.011 ltr 1.iu1 . .'h1 I.I I'·""'"' l1,1· :.w:1f ""'" I Orlando So!ia, Saddlebat·k : A :!O:!-p11u11d '''lllrn uml 1w11 w,w "l;11 t1•1 JI <'t•nu·11 and clt•l1 n .. iv1· l.tl'kh· S1NJ wa!\ t•1t<cl1ll•J with ''x IJl llllill ':/ t,1( kl1·-.11d !o,.Wkt•d l ht• qUi.lrll:rbfil·k On('(.', 111 m ld1l1011 to grad.ii~ 11111 v1·rv wtlll ugatn!>l El Toro'J dt.•lt.·n.,1vl' mt,.ritn I John Ualdikoskl, L nh crs~ · · 1 ..11w TtoJ..1ni.' t.jUJI lt.'r~~ck 1>1-x t'Jllll up "1t h 7 urw-.-.1-.u·d and ti a~tstc'Cl u.it·ktc.S. lfll luJ111g t \\ t1 11U..11 ll 1 h.rl k ''"''ks Ill Lhc s hQwdownl w1lh 1·1tv nv;il 11 virw 111. tlw .. 1•a..,nn's finulc ·· . Tim Valenzuela, ~cslminstcr · A 1 ~7-pound·JU1t1t!l'antl th<• L111ri.~' No I pa~1ngj l:.lrgl'l_all v<·ar, ht• t·aught H p:.t!<.S('S for 111 yards andl . · · ' . · · · · ual't4.•r~4<-'.l:Unt--• I ht11so11 .. ·oc. th•-:.~, 1'-lon h<• <·~ught 44 ptis.Ws for 6l:S yards. an nvt·r<Jgt· ol rwurly 14' y:Jrds per n 1Cd'i d<'s ptlt· manv inslum·t·s ut cJouuk· t'<>V<'r<ll:tl'· . " Kevin Armslron~. ~oodbridgc 1 A twu-way s tarlt•r 111 w1d<• rt•t·~t Vl'[ und fr<.'l' ~ti Ny, ht• int<•rt•(.•p\c-d a pass und ui. the wam'i. IPatl111g uwkl<•r 111 lht· Warrwr-.' fina l<> <1 2:i-O loss :.it bg,una Bcacli with most of tht• cam m 1si.ing lx'lausc• ul cl1M:1µlt11.1ry n·a-.on~. ' • Lakers supply tes t for Suns PllOENIX (Al·'> Vc·u:ran puwer for ward Maurin· Lut·as s;iv' h1-. Phoenix Suns have fared wi..•11 in tht> I lr!\l I ii Na' mnal &skc>tball A!.SOC1ation ga1m ..... th1!\ sw1sml ilnd .irl' now rL·adv for the acid CliAnl King,.Ma1 rina b k h lt~t lhl' dc•fc•ndmg world t'hump1C1n Los Angeles L'onvl•rll'< run11mg ai: . l 1:. lt!2-pound· i.t.•n11ir Lakl•r!\. d.dl·ns1vt.• W<·~lt• l<:d Marina's dcft>ns1vt• as.c;auh with Thi" Suns: H-:!. ho!\t the Lakt·rs. 7 .1 tonight at SIX lead •rn.d 10 ass1Stl'd tat'kll'S, ~nt'lUdl~.l~ ,.lWtJ till' Ariw na v;:tC'rtlllS Mt·monal Coli'sc~m: It'll bc-quarte~bat·k sat·k~. llis ru.mble rl'c~1vu,ry a t the _ tht.·tr fir!\t mL•ptihg s1nc:c»May 2 when Los Angeles Fountain Valley I;> li:d lo Bil~ Marter s 12·yard TD capJJCd a .fuur·gumc-Wl•swrn Conference SC'mifmal >run, which had 'ht' V1k111gs m a l<l-3 firy;t quarter playoff serit.•s sw et>p owr Ph~·ntx with a 112-102 leaci. win hc>re. · 1 .• J~ Birmingham, Ma ter Dei • • A 6-3, .'l 45·pound ~mor who h as sevt•ral map r rollegC'S watching closc•ly (Arizon a, Ar1wna State and most of the PCAA a nd WAC schools), he had six unass1stc.'CI ta<·kles m what was otherwise a tough cfefensive night for th<' Monarchs (Servfte won. 42-7). During 1ht• <lfl <;('USt>n. the Suns acquired th~ ' (j.!;J Lul;as in a 1radl• with the l\lew York Knicks. He' t urnmtly h:ads th<• l('am m sc;:o rmg and rt'boundmg and eontnbulL•d 21 po tnls and lO rebounds in Sunday night's 102-94 Sun!>' wm at Portland, .. A game hke this 1s a JX"rk going mw the Lake r game." said Lu~fter he!pmg to beat his t~f Trail Blazer tean'unat<-s. ' . , .. • Ba•bosa !Brallll 6·• 7.5 Alb11110 Tous (Spa1n1 del Jose GatCla tSparn) 6-3 6·2 Berna10 Bo•leal.l !Francel del Ram1ro a BaneYIOBS tB01tv1111 8-2 6·3, Hanr;;, 011oeme111e1 1Ch11el det Oartos Chabatgolty 1araz111, 5.1. 6· 1 Ju110 G~s \B1az111 aet Pl!d•O "!.6vOllodo 1CMe). 6-4 1·6 ART"S l ANDtftO (N-pott llilecll) -14 )nQlttl 2 b8ss •5 bOnito 24 mackerel 9 .rock l1sh 2 sl1('epshe&d 1 sculp1n "93ck smett Nallonat Hockey League • Quartcrbackg' h are h o nor SAN-FRANCISC O (-AP) Tom Rams<.•y. the quurwrb:.t~·k who ll•d the UCLA Bruins to a vwtorv over S~nford and J o hn Elway, wt•rt• nam «d P ac1 .f1 c-IO ·bffcnsiv<.• P luy(.rs nf tl}C' WC'l•k l\fond;,iy. · r. Men'• tournament (at Do11mun\I. Weil Germanr) Flr1I Round 91~1 .. Mark Dickson (US ) dtf Chns111n Geyer tWest Ge1many1. 6-2. 6·2 Pll Dupre tU S i del Stan1S1a• B1ne1 1CzechQS1ovah'8) 6-2 6· I. Ch•P Hooper IU S I oel Mttce Ceh1ll tu S ). 7 ·5 3•6 6·3 Pascal Porlpt 1F1ance1 del G•ann1 Oc~po lltalyl 6-4 6·• Fredd•t Saue• tSoutl\ Ahtcal del 'idu~• Od110• ~··1 62 &-2 DAVEY'S LOCKER (Newport laecll) - 23 ang_teo 1 cow cod 5 macke<el 2!>& rock coo ·s-sand bus • DANA WHARF -82 1111918fs 3• DHS 91 bOnllo. 18 cow cod 318 maclo.e<el •35 rock eoo 9 sheepsllead. I sculprn SEAL IEACH -!;() angte<I 50 maelteret 70 •OClo. COd. 120 •oc" h$11 22 percn .LOS ANGELES KINGS Ratutned Deen Kenneoy delenseman 10 Brando'\ ol the WM tern HOC:klly league OCTROll Al:O WINGS Recalled Randt Laoouceu• detenseman lrom Adirondack OI Iha Ame<ICan H()ckey l e ... g..., NC:W JERSEY DEVILS Au•gned trndsay M10dleo1ook goall&ndet lo Wicll1t1 ol 1no Central Hockey l eague Recalloo Snaw11 MacKenr•• goat1ende1 lrom W1C111la A's r eady to name College f oot):Jii11 manage~ OAKLA ND (AP) The Oakland J\'s will ·name their ne w m anl'lger Wt'Clnesday. four w eeks after the Jinng vf Billy M a r t i n . '"i t w a s· announced Mor;iday. ·-;. .. A-I § .o., _a,;..,n.e W. ~~ c onfe r e n ce was --Sch eduled r'or I.Oday to announce a pla yer signing. The American League c lub .selected severa l p l ayers 1n baseball's recent re-entry dtaft. A 's Pres 1den t Hoy .Efsenhacdl fired Martin, the t.eam'S"' manager for three seasons, during the World.. Series and said he woul<Pname a successor before Thanks giving. Eight m en were Interviewed in Oakland, and Eisenhardt talked to a f ew o th e rs by telephone. Tne cand idates include c urrt'n t major le.ague COACh CS r~ Bol'os 6' Montrea l,' Mat L.anic!r· 9fW- St. Louis, ~y M iller, of Baltimore, and Jimmy Leyland ol the Chicago White Sox. a long with former Angels Manager J im }~rc"osl. The new manager· w1 II be named al a J0:30 11 m n c w 11 c o n I e r (' n c «' W'-'<Jn~ay. THVf'IOA Y'S GAME Miami. O at Cu'M:mnau. n IAT\JttDAY'8 GAMES W"I USC vs UCLA at Rose Bowl (Channel 7 11 12.50 pml Sllnlord at Calitornia Artzona a\ Oregon Bowllng Green vs Long Beacn St al Anehelm Stad1vm (7:30) Fresno St at Nevada-Las Vegas. n Cal SIAte Fullerton at Pac\llc:, n Colorado SI. al Slln Diego 51 • n ... , .l,ltah·SI al San Jose SI., n Mon4 ___ ,.QI~---- • Wathlri(l!On al wa11111ng1bn St. • Cel PO!Y tSLO) at•C•I Poly (Pomona). n POl'ttend°SI .i C•t St91e toiorthl'ldge. n lllocklft Noire Dame et Air Force 80tM St at ldal)o SI • n Hawaii al New Mextco BYU 11 Ul•h Weber St el Northern Artzona louttl•"' Tu .. al Baytot Iowa St at Ottta11oma St Ant.,, ... at SMU lCU at Ta11• A&M Wyoming 81 T ..... EI PlUo. n ~atT-TKh.. .... TaXM-ArllngtOn II L-. n TulM at North h ll .. St ........ Iowa II Mleh~ SI MIChlgan II Ofllo SI (Chartoel 2 at 9 30 •am.) • 1nc11an1 111 Purdue MinneaOll at W11CQn11n Colorado al K-.a St Kanta• II MIMOU~f LINCOL Central M1Chtgln II Northern llllnolS lttinOll SI at Ball Sii W"letn Mldllgan II Eastern Mldligan Kant SI al OhlO U ·-West TeKH SI et Southetn ltllnoia louth Soulh Carolt11a 11 Clemson North Caroltna 11 Duke Florld1·St 11 LSU. n LOUISVIiie 81 Memphis SI Nortl'I Carol1n1 St al Mleml, Fl1. l\AISSIHlppl YI MIHtHlppl al J11ek1on Lou1111na Tech at ~oull'lam Mltslaelppl, n Kenluclty 11 Tenneaaee Flotld1 at Tulaoe. n Y~lfancJOO'A. I\. V'1\lllt0111 - M eryllllld •t Virginia \/Jrglnla Tech v-. VMI Jlt.ltorlOlll • • 'We.,ern C1rot1n1 et App1lechl1n SI 11 Tltfl1141$-SI , n M oralle9d SI al Eaatern Kentucky The Ctt9del 11 Fllfm•n SW Loui.l1n1 at McNeeM St • n SE lou111en1 11 Ntchotla SI • n NW Loutalana II NE lou111ana, n Middle Tannet ... SI 11 Tennet ... loch I HI Rutgare •I Ptlt SyrlCuN •I w .. 1 Vtrglnll HOiy Cron 11 tsoston College Colgate 11 Bos<on.u Delaware at Buc.11na11 'Brown II Cotumbla Penn at Comal Y•ll at Harvard L ... tgh at Lal 9Y11te Amertcan ln11rnattonal at MHsact1v11tta 01ttmouth 11 P1111t1ton EHi C1rot1na 11 Tllmpll :.c •• # .t,,,.Xltr.f from the J:w...,,, -Sfw1.l.J.1 M'6 Marltor llYd., C..t• ..... ...... Any Make or Model at the Lowest Price Mk •bout °"' guwenteed .._...Progrem l Th<' O(.'fens1v<• Plnyer o f thl' Wt·e k is Wa shi1ll-!to11 's O~an Browning~ who made> IO tackles 111c:lud1nf:t two quarl<'rback sacks. . . JOHNSON- & SON presents.: .COi.UGi ............. IYU over Utah * USC over UCLA * Stanford over . C!aNbrNll *' , Mlch.igan over Ohio St. .. Notre Dame over Air • Per Year .. (Based on \wo-year program) P.rogram ln clude.s: • R.aquetball0 . ........ -A-• -Saiila ... ~ ... ·: · .:M.i ·,. Whirlpool .. • 50 meter pool0 , . •· Nautilus Fitness Center• ·Non Prime Time Only ~ FACl.ITES INCLll>E: • 44 Tennis ewts • 20 Racquetbal qwts • 50 Meter Olympic Pool• Training Pool• 2 Basketbal Cotlls • 2 Voleybal Cwts •Nautilus Fitness Center• Aerrbtc Progam • T OOOl&ments • RWld Robins• Chalenge Ladders• Cinics lf1d Lessons• Professional Instructors • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservatiins • Snack Bir • Social Acttvtties • Jlsyda Prrqam •Qi~~~ t..-UZzl L~ e ~ •· 1· Steam• Spacious Leiker R • 1Vt(U9• Babysitting · · FOR FREE. TRIAL VISIT CALL 546-85 \ Big .. ·pI~ys aid Winners Long gainer. . ' . .d ecisi ve · /\s lhl'V h;1v1• hh•n a ll 'll'll"u" lunl(, uiwt• ug;1m 11 was-41w big Wlllll'l'•lhlll lUl'lll'd lht: lldt• for winm•t'i> in prt'p routbull. • Uirl ~at~rfll'ld's ~tt yal'd kwkurr rt>tw·n f1ir a touchdown 1gn1tvil 1 ht• 0 1kr11 lo a 24· H v1l'tory uvt•t' Wl•siminsw1·, propt•lll11g llu111tnlo(l11n &•uth 1111U llw CIF Big F1v1• Conft•rvm•t• play off:., lh1.• fir:« ·playoff appl'arattt.:l' for u ll1111ti11gtu11 R<.•adi ll'utll s 11w1• l9ti6. And DPrl•k Gr1ff11hs turiwc.J in ,, 51i-y ard ~onng jaunt for Edison tu sp:irk his lNun's :!0-14 (kc:1s1on uv1.•r Ol'l.':Jll V ll'W: whwh KUVl' tlw CharJ,ll'I':. a poruon of tht• Suns..·t L eagul· l'humpHmsn1p. Jim Garton a n d Todd Park1.•r l'ach st'Orl1tJ. on u dl'Cp p;iss fro1ltOt•(•;m Vlt'w's 'hud P an:wau tu ~1\'t' lli1son a S<:art•. • Don Pryor. :i JUnior. l',1ught u 50-y ard !>l'or1ng iJilSS from Paul \Yat:.<111., but (orona dl•I Mar w:is unable to hold on to tht• 7-7 Jttr'th1.• sc.•ort• pruv1dl'C.J, los ing, 2 1·7 ' ..,..,. lchectule N!lV Ill Wbhlfl!JIOll Nov ~ I Ot11111111 blov 26 f 1oltJi;n St111i; Dec 3 Port11no: Dec 5 Phll1detp1111. O.C 8 Pllo•nlx, O.C 17 Ntlw Jet'My, Dec 19 OlllH'. O.C 21 -Utah, O.C 30 Seelfle , > Jen 2 Detroit, Jen 19 San oi.oo. Jon 2 1 San An1on10, J111 ~3 lndlaf\a. Jan 26 -Mllw1ukH ; Jen 28 -Allan11. Feb. 6 Kan ... City, 1:50 pm.: Feb 9 - Ulah, Feb 13 NB~ All·1lar G1me, 12·30 1> m . Feb 15 ..... San An1on101 Feb 23 Boston. Feb. 27 -Denver March 9 San Diego, Marc h 12 Chicago· March 16 -PhOienJx; March 18 - 1<-.ns11 City, March 20 -011111, Merell 22 - • Sea)tle, March 25· -San Antonio; March 27 -Houston, March 29 San Diego. April I -New York. Aprll 8 -Golden State, Aprll IQ -Phoenix, Aprll 15 -Seaule. April 17 -Portlend. • All game1 pleyed 11 the Forum All games al 7 30 p m unless olhefWIM noted t Ttcllet Information • Tickets •re priced at S 12.50, $8.50 and S7 For more lnfonnatlon. call (2 13) 674-6000 .. . . W11111on Wetllf 500 NASCAR Cup Grand Na11ona1 11ock r road race a1 Rl11eralO• ln1e1nellona1 R wa~ Sunday, NOii 21 F1nel event I t 30·rAc:e w 1n11on Cup 11rl81 IOf 19112 llh rrell Wlllrlp and Bo.bby Alll1on 11ylng or. ,,,. thamp1on11\tp 10 be determined I hi• race • Comqtnlo race Warner w HOdgd<!,'1 300 Grind American 11ock c11 race, Salurday: Nov. 20. , The Wlnaton W""'" 500 will be conlesled 011er a dlatanc• ot 502.18 kllomelere (311.78 mllea. 119 lap1) around Rlv•ralde'a nlrwHurn. 2.6·mlle road courae. The Hodgdon 300 11 303.84 kllometere or 188~6 mile• an?l 72 laps Ouallf'tlng runt on Th raday and Frlijay. Nov 18-19. Puraes Win on We11ern 500 - ·s243,320, War(ler w Hodgdon 30Q -. $37.900 ... Starting helCSs. 35 cars in row1 of twos for bom rncc-s Speed records One·lap qualtfylng Wallrtp, Buick. 114.981 mllea per l'IO\lr. 122.031 olapsec1 time Race recotd for 119 l1os. Wallrtp 107 069·mph (2 53 28) Hodgdon Oua111y1ng, Jimmy lnsolo •. Camaro, 117 585-mph (I 20 2 14); Race record 103 759-mph ( I 59.50) Related event s Ambauadors goll tournament, JUru a Htlls Country Glub, f I Hiii i NOii( L 01 rAV'> 1 ll t IM l V(IU Ahl II' Orf AUi l U'i()I H A (j r I " IJ I • I H u 8 0 A ' r ~ ,, 1•rrM11r11 '12 llJIO UNLr'>S VC)U IAl'ol ACllUN 10 PllOll C.I YOIJH f'ROl'f:R Ill' II MA f lit: .... 01 u A I A l'UIJll(. '•Al I II rou Nlll> AN 1111'\AllAltON (JI fill NA I UIH f)f lllf J•f\Ol.Lr UltiC. i'C.!dN'l I VOii YOU •1IH111L l.I <..ONIAl.I A tJ.WYffl ,NOll(,( ~. H('JU' bY t.1v[t1 11;111 cl w.d11w••l11y 1.i. ..... 111111•1 II 1u11:.i •r 9 oo n c1tl(I. 11111 n1 11111 onv 1n ""' room M•I 111~•dt1 1111 ~1111ou .. 11n11 11u~l"4l t ll••• • w1111111 lh4' ulti~;" ul Rf AI l !..IAll 'l f C..lJllllll ~ .,rr1111<.c. lbWlhlll ill ~(J(IO Nnr tn IJ11>11dwuy ~1111" IOL 111 1111 t.11y 01 5•11111 Anu <..ou111y ul 0111111111 •l11lu 0 1 c.11110111111. nr Al r '• 1A1 r $£CUAITl~S srrw1Cl .. C..111111;111111 tOllHJll'lllOr1 u• (luly ~llflt'llltlll(I I 1u~I~ Ulllhll ullO J>ljr1>411111I IQ lhM pow•• 01 1nlo c.onhH11.11t •n th.ii c11r1a111 ~d of I ru,1 1•1••• •ll••O l>y EONA M C.U RflAN ~ wuJQw reoo1oed °'100<>r 1 111110 m Uoo~ 13769 OI Olhcu1l Al•tOtd~ OI tu11l CO\lnly (II P-IQO 17711 111-c;o•ll r. 1ns11ume111'No 1~7 ti/ •11111'011 ol o or1t11ch 01 (.1111,11111 .,., ""~m•1n1 or per101m<.1nC• 01 flu• ot11t11n11on1 Sl'tU11•(.t 111011•uy 111t1ud1nq 111 .. 1 t:m1aq1 or dlllilull N01tt.11 ol wni<:n wllS rKOtded Aug.J•I 11 198:1 H Ae,ordljlt • 1n511ume n1 No 8~·280 llf> WILL SELl A 1 PUOllC AUC.llON 10 THE HIGHfS'T 6100£A FOA CASH IJwful morwry al 1"41 umieo S1a1e!> or a co,r11e1 • chock dtllwn on 11 state or natto<1111 bank 11 11a1e or lederet cred•I un1011-11r a Mnto or lodoral 1av1ng~ .. NOTte:I Of IAl.I ~ l'IAt. "'ONltTY AT "91YAH IALI .... ,, ... Ill Ille lu,erle1 COUii of the It ... 8' CeHtefnla, lft tlld ,._ IM c-•• .. °'.,... In .II• M•lta1 "-' thw (.1'>11.,..••·'"''"'"'' Ill Ohv-Agne• M~C~ll •~II C.llvene A , M~C•ll l.bllMtv;ilf4' 11011c.r 11 tifArli'f 0111tN 1ne1 II-• \11111 .. llW\lfl"d Will .,..ii 111 l>tiVlllll 1111 tu 111~ hig1t4111 11110 U.•~ddl!t tl/hjtlf 1 Ill ttJflfHllllllrJfl 0 •1t1d t'iu1J4111111 <.;01111 on or •ne1 r ~6th t1•y 1)1 NO\lemller 1981 111 t lliC" Of J11m•• l Rubel, J• "" y •I law J•Ol:t 111a Opo,11u. AOO!ll 202 Nww~orl Oucri Oilhlornu1 f1'663 t.uunly ul LO• Anijul~ f.111111 of (.;1hlu11111t ull II•• 11ghl iill(• and l!ll!Hb~I OI tOIU C:OnQIYlil,.lt ill Ill~ t•m• ol Cll!Blll and 1111 lhO 11gh1, 11110 und 1"1t•rt1at that tl•c u\loli; ol 0111 i.on1111 vo ta11 ht•~ 11~uv11t1 1.1.y op11r•11on ol low 01 011t1;1w\s11 011!11• 111an or on 100111011 IO !hill Of HOO COfllVIVlllOI! al lhe l•me QI OOitltl Ill tllld 10 1111 the c;&1U11n reel prope•I/ .. 1ua111 m mw <..our\1y QI O•il•l~t< St11111 Ill Cahlornla p•tlltul1111y dt"o4:111lud .1• follow• to wtt l 11tt.Sou111euterly ~Ifft 01 111e N0tlllwe~11111y 100 lffl QI Loi No 5 1111<1 IS3 Har l>()( Oftllld T111C1 No 1 a. 1>11• map recorciea •O Boo~ 12 P dQI! J6 M11,at1a.1111ot.1 Mi.in •utOfll) ol Orenge Cc..mty Tht< p1oper1y " c;ommonly H!IU118d IO 0\ U O 2 ltl Stllllll C..o~ll Mf"..& Cllhl0<n11 92627 Tho~ ,011 '' sub1ec:1 to 'uHel\I ll•t>\ 'ovenantt tOlld1t10fll res1tct1ons. re1erva11ons rtghls rrg'hts ot ..., • .,. and llOSl'tnents or ••u ''arl "'all•rfu·lu B l·at·h)., oe ay n u "0 '-~ Celebrlly Parade, d o wnto wn Riverside, · 1h1s 51.)11' 0111.1 .. y~bte 11 1he ''""' <>• Tttrms ol uito cash •n lawJul k1~:kofl return for TD Sat\irday, Nov, 2 t, 1o a.m. saf(> eu 119111 lttll' Jndlh;e1e~1 lltld money 01 the United States on 73 Ertt· Ka r man (Manna.). TD run Tlcketa: Thursday _ General admlaslon. by 11 as ·11u'11J1> 1n 1n 1 reJI cont1rm1\llon of 'i.ale or par1 cash • 0 f property s11ua111 111 •B•d Couhty .1nd 1o1nd belonte ev•denced by no111 · tili-Jun G arlon (Ot·1.•a11 Vtl'w). T pas..., n>m 111011 20 al Cat Stole Los Angele•: Nov, S2, Paddock, S 1 Winston Western 500 Stale. desc11bfl<I ijG 1011ow~ .. ,ureo by Mortgage or Tru~• Oetld CIH.td P uriSl'all • ' • 23 _ al La Verne (8 pm.), Nov 26 _ a t practice, Warner W. Hodgdon practice (9·5). Lot 86 ot Tree• no 1872 11\ pe1 on 11111 propeny so sold Ten 57·-Sonny Ll't' (Costu Mt·~\), ktl·koff re turn Pcppord1ne. Nov. 27 -Redlands.' Friday -Gene<al '-dmltalon. S3 . Paddock. 1ed'Ordell 1n Book 53 p"ge• 47 10 44 percent 0 1 omoun't bid 10 o.e •1 • .,. Dec 3.4 -at svu (Hawaii) tournament $2. 9-11-Wlniton W"terll 500 and Hod~on ot m1so1111aneous moos. 1n intt oll1ce oepos11ed w11h 01d · • 56 ~n·k GrtCftths (Edison). o run 300 pracllce 11 1 uoo do 300 II · 01 111e counly roc:orOtH 01 ''"d 61ds or oller1tobCI111 wrounro and (times. 10 be announced): ~. 6 -at Hawaii . · • -, • g n qua 1ng ... l----------....<.J~!l..::~,u.;iu...i:;..ciuu.:.1'-"Ui."-'JW.....-XJu.;.J:U.......a.~~·~~~,s~f1~·o~m..!.!...--l---ll----i?ili~~ .. Oee-&--Gat-T----.Aoo.,.,-,1"1"~-=--......,l------ll---~~Gala.-41~opee41t-4tW!tei1>-4~~--w+l~Ofl---t--..... ~~":'1-'.:-:-'.:":":-:--::-::-~:-:-~":'!";"~+=wn11~1~b~•~'~•~ce~1~•e~d::.:;a~1~1~he~a~10~r~e~sa~1d;;.... ____ _ "'"'"-Y ""' ""'"· w t 500 llf I 125 ) • The st reel nddre£& 01 0111er o ice 111 any 1me 11 e 11 Chad Partst•a u • al Chapman. Oec. t6 at PacJflc Christian: es ern Qua Y l'\Q cara · .,. c;ommnn des1gno11on of '11te redl pubhcauon -tiefeol and before dole "0-Don °rvo1· (Cor·ona "Cid M.L1r). TD pass rrotll Dec 29 al Color Country Claaslc 11BA)· Salul"day -General admission. s5. pco ..... ny h<>1.e1naoowo dUSC11lled IS ol 1818 The right IS 111served to v r -' Paddock. $3. 9-noon-Wlnaton Western 500 "'w "" p }iul W atson · Dec 30 -at Southern U~ah Stale. pu1po11ed to be 9H Governor 1111ec1 any 011d all bods • J an 4. Concordia College (Nobrask'a)~ · qualltylng (1U•cars). t p.m.-Slart of Warner S1re~!I Cost.1 Meta. C1ihlorfl1& oa1ed '"'' 131h day ot November. The season's biaplaymakers .. -Jan 7 -l aVerne.Jan 11 -westmoht:Jan f W,Hodgdon300 . T"e "nderst gneo hertlbY 1982 " 9 I c I B I (8 ) J 18 ·uc · Sunday -Gener al admission. $12, 111scla1ms all 1111bit11y 101 any 9H-Jamw Croft (Fo untain Va'lll•y ). H ar 14 -111 8 apl 51 P m ~ an. -Paddock. $4. Grandatandi s•. SS. S8. SIO, 1nco11ectness on $ll1d woo1 adO<fln S r Id Lj o. h) "5 J H N owutnv San Diego, Jan ~I -at Cal Lutheran (lt"p.m,). or o11\er common des1gna11on Pat•tc•a M Andrews Conse1vn101 ol Ille Person ond Es1ate ol se1d Coflse•vatee 'atl'r 1c ( r unungwn cx.•at· : " o . Jan 25 _ al Point Loma ,8 pm.); Jdn 28 _ reserved. 11 a.m -S tart ol Winston Western Said •o'llll~ t>• ll"lade w•th\)ut (Edison): 92 Stt.•vc• Br:izas (.J:-llowport H arbor), .>i.zusa Pacific 500. warranty, p1eu 01 1mp11ed 9'1 -D a nny T.+iompson ( Hul'Pl ington B l•:u:h): Feb 1 _at Biota (8 pm.), Feb 4 _Pacific Overnight parking SS per vehicle. Children reg1rd111g 111e pos'1en1on or JAMES L. RUllEL. JR. Alto•,,., a11ouw B" 'im Garton (0c.."t.•a n View). J erry E ldridge (El Chrislton. Feb 5 Alumni, Feb. 8 _Cal ~ednerer8112adlmree111•10011 aoncc1oym) P.anled by an adult encumbranc;es 10 sa115ly 1ne o---.o B 11 B F b 11 F p I F b s "' p11ru:1pal oatanc;e of llW Note or Toro). Richard Agu1rn• 1Malt'I' Dl-1): 87 I apllSI. e resno aci IC, e 1 -Tickets on .... through Ttt~etron outlets 01,.. obllgallon lt'CUrild by U•d :M22 Via Oporlo, Room 202 Newport .. ec:ll, Ca. 12ie3 (7141 813-4172 ~·larl"r (Marina ). 80 Stl'Vl' Oprtan (Mater Dl•1): .al UC San Dl~o. Feb 18 Poml Loma : Feb including Sears and Montgomerv Ward atores · Depa 01 Trust. wilh mierHt ond iv ... 22 -al Azusa F'ilc111c (8 pm \. Feb 25 -LA / 1 ·' o·n~ sums •• prou d•d 1h• eon 79-Ric h ard Agu1rrl' (Mall'r D<.•1). Gary lunuzz1 Baptist end at lhe Rlve<llde lnternat1on1t Raceway piu;'advanc;; 11 a~y ~ und;,' the Allor,,., for ConMrv11or Put1h1ti.,d Orange Coasl Oa1ty PllOI Nov 16 17 23 1982 (Universit y), 78 V t•rnun Wa llen~ (Edison): All games s tarl al 7 30 Pm unless · ticket office For further lnlormatlon, call t8fms lhereol and ifltetest on sucn 77-Richard Mcndow (Hunlmglon t!l".ic h). S tew _,,.__..., __ "'"'otl~_!rwisetfnd1ca1ed ' 653· 1161. aovanc;es a,.6 plus tees charges ~ 5055-82. .. and e•~ 01 lt>e T nnte.r ono ot Was hbon ( W C's t mrnstt•r). 7ti-Gary l an~21 "•••••••••••ljllll•••••••..-the 11us1s c;•eaieo by ur0 Deed 01 NJLIC NOTIC( (U ni vers it y). 1;J Erll· K a rman (M a riha): Trus1 llJe io1a1 amount Of said 72~Dann y' 'Thon1p son (Huntington. B cat·h ). obl1ga11on •nclud•"G ••11sonab1y .S'. -,..54 NOTICE OF -estimated tees 'harQtt• all'd 70-Arl H a tf1t•ld (~.'can V1l•w): 69 -Pat Dubar hi d k• upenMSolJhe T•ustee ;u1he11me TRUSTEE S SALE (Mater Ot.•1). til:l Dun P ryor (Corona de! Mar). w .• · ~ e ·on ·ma· 1ng· rnoney ~~'.~~::'~bhCallOn OlllilS Nohce 1$ Lan l't' M"artin (Cbl'Ona dt.•I M ar). 67 Carl SatN'f1e ld o111eo Novembe• 15 1118~ I Hunting ton &-al'h), L ann• M~1rlln 1torona del REAL ESTATE YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST OATEO NOVEMBER 13 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERlY IT MAY BE SOLO AT At>OStlC SALE IF YOU NCEO .AN EXPLANA'T10N OF THE NATU f;IE OF THE PROCEEOING AGAINST YOU VOU SHOULD CO.TACT A LAWVER Mar): 66-Lo u'w CC'l'du (Huntinglon &•ac h )-. Bobby WIMBLEDON. England (AP ) -The railways A ttenda nces a t W imbledon were d own 42,000 ;~~~l:;r~•~sc;~~RVtCE William s (S addlt•back), J im G a rlon (Q:can V i1.'w), w e nt o n strik e . It' rained day a fter day. Thousands for the 13 days. compared w11h the, 12 days o f the os Trus•~ 65-G lcnn ViC'1ra (Manna ): M -Hkahrd AgKuirn• o f fa n s failed to reach Wimbl<.'don for the tennis 1981 tourna m t!nl, Burn<!tl said. H e reasoned the ·~r J~e;~d~n~J Morge• (Mate r Dc.•i), Darin D:rn1l'ls (W oodbridge). cvin c h a mpionships. · r ain a nd the rail s trikes between the m cost the 2020. N Brooldw11r s1e On Oocemoe• 6, 1982 at 11 00 A M LEWIS and BOUE:t'IEA £NTCR~R IS ES dt>a TITLE SCR'vlC.ES aw duly appo1n1ed Trustee under and punuar'll 10 Ceeo of Trust rl!Co•de<l November t9, 19S 1 as tnst No 21478 1n t> • 14295 page 123G. of Olf1cfill .Bradlt'y (Saddlt•bal·k). 63 Chris M a ndevillt• All-England C lub 200,000 pounds ($360,0QO). 206 (lrvin t'), J amw W t•slOn I Un1vt·rs 1ty ). T odd Cugc Yet t h e pro fits reach ed a stagge r ing 1.53 And yl't thl' m oney still tumbled into the club's Santo Ana CA 92706 (Saddlcback); fi2 Bill M:irlN (M arinu). Johony million pounds ($2.75 m illio n) -43 percent m ore tills. Salinas (Irvin<:). M 1k t• Zaldivar ( Unrve r s ityr. •han the,.rocord f'ig\Jre<:>f 191fr.'_ I ~ ··w e s till do pretty welf. c..ven if the weathe r is .u l Bill Russ('ll (WoodbJ:.uigo..>~rru Vtciru That, a nnounced b y the All-E n gland Club a ppalling.'; Burnett said. "We h ope it will never·be • (M arin a ); 60· Jami's Dunn (Ii untington Beach): M onday, is the latest clia p tcr !n the s tory o f the JlS bad as that for W imbledon again." 59 ~Nod Jont•s (Edi!.onl. 57-Eric K a rma n glam o r o u s spor ts cvunt that can 't s l o p m aking W imbledon sells a penoentage o f .the Cen ter 1Marma). Sonn y L<.·t· ('Cosla M esa ); 56-.Lance m on ey. • _,,, c;Aurt and No . I Court seats t hrough t ennis t'Ounty· M arlin (Coron a dcl Marl. Mike M el.am (El T oro), · Wimbledon i.s the only m ajor tennis event'\n associations a nd clubs, and the rest 1s sold to the Gre g Ga~c1a (Irvine,'). K <'v1n Finney (W estminste r ),· the world that wi ll n o t accept any f orm 6f pubhc b y ballot. 'Dere k Chffiths (F.d1soni,. 55-P al Dut?ar (Ma te r _ ~l]lmereiai\sponsorship. It pays its own way end Thts year o ne app1ication in l~as successful. OPi)· 54-J e r ry Eldndge (El T oro), Gerry Grah am promotes 1~ own merchandising p rogram and e l)ds All the other applicants had their money sent back (F.di~n), Blake Smith (Saddleback). Toda P a rK.cr up w ith a Bagger su rplus every year . because o f t he ,huge over-demand (Ocean View): 53 -Chip Ris h (Marina), 52--K evin All the money is handed over to the British Burne tt was ask ed, since the f)ernand was so B r adley (Saddlcback ) C hris M ::md('ville (Ir.vine), Lawn Te nnis Assoc1a11on (LTA). which has to pay h eavy, 1f the club could no t make Car more m oney Ron H ayes (Co ta M i:sa). 5 1-Dave Patte rson about one -third of it in tax a nd plow s the rest bac k by pric ing Cente r Court !teats higher (Corona d l'I M ar). R ich Rector (Marina). Eric into the d evelopm e nt of British tennis ''Probab ly ," h e replied, "but l am n ot salisued K a rman (M a rina). Bla k e F e nnl.'I (El T o ro): S ir Brian B urne t t . c hai rma n of the All-it w o uJd be the righl way to go abqut it 50-Gary Ianuzzi (Un1ve r s1ty), C la rk Patte rson England Club •• told a news conC~nce there were ·"W e w a nt as many of the British . public as (M ann a), L ance M artin (Corona d el M ar). R ob three main reasons for. th<' incrcaseq profits: possible to come. U we c har ged 25 percent more !or Lowe (Nl•wporl Harhor). Don Pryor (Corona d c .. l 1. Ticke t prices w ere higher and w e nt up to J25 seats. it might k eep a lot o f people away, &1th ough Mar). each for the Cent.er Court on finals day . no doubt m o re seats wouJd be botlg ht by busioess 2 . An e 'x tra d ay wa s aC?ded t o th e firms.' .. Last week's s t.atis tic a l leade r s R us hing championships, which e nded on fl Sunday for the Wimbledon 's revenue o f 11...S m1lhon pounc:ls first time. T h at brought in extr a tell-vision revenue . ($2.70 m1lho n) from ticke t sah.>s jus t al:)out paid \h e 3 . Wimble d o n's m e r c handising program tground expenses. . doubled Its profits t o 1.26 millio n pounds ($2.26 It a lso earned 2.07 m i llion pound s .($3.76 m illipn), mainly because of ,increased busln~ in million) from broadca.citing a nd te levisio n Joos. lt J a p a n . Tho usands of Japan'ese buy clothes a nd paid o ut 610,474 pounds ($1.09 million ) in prize l. Danny Thompson (Huntington B l'ach). 20-146 : 2. Derck G riffiths (Edisan). 2 1-131: 3. Em K arm a n · (Marina).-11-127: 4. J ohnny Salinas (Irvine ), 2 1-127: 5 . J erry Eldridge (El 'To ro ). 17-109, 6 . .Bobby W illiams (Saddlcback), 27 -109; 7 . S teve Brazas (Ne wport H arbor). 20-106; 8 . Wally Grant. (Costa' M esa). 22-10 5. • jewelry bea_ri ng th e Wim~ledon logo. · money. · f:. High schopl football log Passing • 1. Scott Davjs (Estancia). 2 1-33-0. 327 yards. 2 'TDs: 2. T im H a nson (W est mins ter). 16-22-0 , 19 1. vard s. 2 T-Ds: 3. C h ad Pari~au (Ocean View). i0-27-1. 191 yard s. 2 TDs: 4. P'aul Watson (Coron a dcl Mar). 6 -15-0 . 108 yards. I TD: 5. Mikl' Wells (Newport H arbor). 9-16-1. 99 yar ds. 0 'fD. Receivmg I. 'Tim Valen iucla ( Wl-stmins ter ). 8-111: 2. Curt Woods (El T oro ), 6 -60: 3 . &.'Oll Covey ~tapc1a), ·5-81: ·4. S teve M1kuhc:h (Est.aJlCia). 4 -76: 5.· Ray U nnson (F.Jitancta). 4-68 Scoring 1. Steve Braws ( Nc.•wport Harbor ). 18: 2 J amil' Craft (Fo untat a lley). 14. :i. Dere k Cnrfiths (Edison) c Mikul ich (Es ta n c ia). Danny Thompson Huntington Bc-ac h ). 12 each Field Goals I. C hut·k Smoot 1Founta1n Valley). 4 5 Y!l~ds. -,_c1 .. bTHBS ' ...... OADWAY MOaTVAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IALn lH-.HOt4 SMITH & TUTMl1 WISTCUff C HArtl 427 E-17th St Costa Me sa 646-9371 lllllH IDTICll KARN ' CARL E. KARN. J~ge ~;J . a resi denl o f W estminste r , Ca. Passed a·way on November 12, 1982. He ts survived by his wife EleMor, son C3rl E Kam. daugh ter Wendy 0 . Karn. brolher J ames K arn a nd m o the-r M ilrl ~il ...K-3 rn SUNSET LEAGUE Neon ( ... ,.,, u PunahOu 10 El Oofado 0 ll••t• 7 BaMtng -7 Mater Oel 23 Ma11na 21 Hunl•ngton Beach 11 Foun111n valley 13 Weatmonsltt 20 Ocean v-CIF ltl..AYOfFS Nov 111 Crespr Fountetn Valler (4-t) 1• Mater Del t3 Foo1h1n 12 SI Paul 7 Servile O long Beach Poty 17 HunllnQIOn Be•ch 31 Wat1m1n11tt 3 Edison 17 OcHn View 17 Menna • Clf' PLA YOf'fl Nov 19-Loyola SEA YIEW lEAOUE Ccwona del ._ (1-7) t3 1 HunllnglOl'I !Mach 7 O San Clemente 6 7 Caprstreno Valley 20 23 EstallCla 7 0 Sad<llel>atk 7 O El T0<0 16 13 Irvine 3 7 CQal• Mese 14 7 Uni'tlftlty I• 7 !llewpOrl Harbor Coeta Mne (2-1) I 2 &an•• All8 12 Sa1mago 24 22 LOI Alamitos 28 6 Un1versll) • t3 17 1••1ne Ill .13 Saddleback 6 1 El TO<o 14 3 Coron• det Mar 7 1 Newpor\ Harbot 17 17 E1t1nc11 '" 14 . El Toro (1·2) 21 Cypress i. \/~a HuntlngtOft llffch (7·3) 2• Coron• del Mii 7 ~ MIUIOn Viejo NewPort Harbor 2 E111nc1a 2 Coro11e def Mar 29 Costa Meta 10 Loa Alam11ot 0 55 Lo• ~mlgOt t• 5'1 Boise Grande 21 23 San Ctememe 28 14 Fouruain Vali.ty 17 16 EdllOrl 21 '111 Ocean V111W 28 20 Ma11n1 14 2'1 WNlm111111r t4' C" PLAYOFfl NOY 19 ., SI franc11 35 un1ver111y 37 lrvlne 11 SadOllbKk CIF PLAYOFFS Nov 19 BellliO- Eatancta (Ml Ocetn 11- 14 LaQUl'll H1f\1 30 San Clemenle 1 CorOl'll defMer ._Ina (M) Newport HarbO< San Lui! Ob1tp0 FoothMI \II El TOfO • n Unt11«111y 0 11 Newpofl Harbor 13 IS lflllflt L• Quinta Mrll1kll'I EdllOfl 0 ' ( Sllddteback 1 S '2 Coat a Mes• 23 0 2• 3 27 7 21 21 0 3 ~ 21 25 t• 10 17 10 35 29 7 26 22 7 10 -0 f7 19 0 7 15 13 7 14 0 --. Saddtebeck (t-1) • 20 S1n11 Ana Valley 14 20 S1n'1 Ana s 211 u Habra 27 31 lrvtM 7 21 CCHona Oel Mir 0 35 Coll• MIA 13 •t Unr.,tfstly 14 21 Newi>or1 Harbor 20 43 E11anc:ia 21 7 El TCHo -Clf flLA'YOIFS 9 Nov IG Artesia Unlweralty (S-7) 2 WOOdbrldge 17 13 Tusltn 20 24 Laguna Hills 20 17 Cosl• Mesa 6 0 Newport Harbor 48 0 Eal•n<:•a 27 "' Saddleback " 15 El T0<0 35 12 Corona del M11 7 8 lflltnl 7 ..... "\( .,., ... I OUTH COAIT LIAOUI Capfetrano Valley (7·2-1) 8 Foollllll 14 7 Esperania 29 27 Corona del M•• 1 57 O.n11 Hiiis 0 37 Woodbrklge 7 7 ,Minion 'Voe)O 1 63 L1tgun1 111111 13 2• Chino .1 2S Laguna Beach 0 22 San Clemente 0 15 2r- 23 CIF PLAYOlfl Nov 19 HH W1llOIJ 0 <15 21 "'<13 17 Dana Htne (1·t) 6 OarcMtl Oro\19 G_ P1111 X • 6 ~an Ma1~01 \San °"'Ool O Cap111rano valley 0 L.agun• Hide (4-1) ' Irvine " 0 E11anci1 " .20 Un1ve<S<ly 2• :i'O Laguna. Beach 7 22 M118ton Vttto 36 14 Si n Clemeoi.-JO 13 Capoalrano vauey 63 27 Dana ti1ll1 1• ·20 Woodbr~ 21 36 Otamond •• 13 CIP.-f'LA YOff'S • Nov 1t'" at Los Allos Mlealon Yleto (1-1-1) •6 Tullln 6 10 El Toro 0 21 Carson 35 31 lndtO 22 36 L1gun1 Hille 22 7 Cap1s111no \/alley 7 36 Laguna Beach 0 •2 W OOd Orldj)I 21 2• San Clemente 6 38 Dani Hills 6 Clf' PLAYOFFS Nov 19 -Loara 20· ~...,.~a 6 MIOll°"' • -3 Corona 1111 Mer 0 IS E11anc1e 30 28 Wo<><1br1dge 3 28 Hununoton Beach 23 10 Laguna ~ills 14 14 Dane Hlill 1 g Laguna 'Beacn 6 8 M11st0n VleJo 2• 0 CdPISlratfo \/alley 22 W~bfldte (5-5) 17 unovfltaily 2 14 lllllne -15 23 01.~~ 3 3 San ~nle 2S 1 C1111•1lr o llattev 37 J7 Dena Hllf 16 I• 1 21 Mlstion Vtt 42 lei 171•1 'l53 6810 Pvul15hed Orango Coa~I Oao1, PllOI Nov 16 23 30 1982 -5054 82 j PUBllC NOJICE f><OS m me ollote of lne County __ ...._·-------~~-=~::----. co•O~• ol Orange Couflty •f1CTITIOOI •u....-.s ., orn•11 Will SELL AT PUBLIC ' NAlin ITA.TEMENT •.· ., TION TO HIGHEST EllOOER The rooowlng persollll .,. douig F CASH CASHIER s CHECK OR bu.,,_. ea CEATIFIEO CHEC'K (payable al VIGARO VIDEO IN\/ENTORIES 11me ot aale 1n lawful money ol lt>e 1,SOO Adams Avenue. Su11e 305 Untied Statl!ll at Ille "°"' ~ra,,c;e Coste Meu, C• 92626 10 the OLO 01ange Coun1y 0 n • V 1 de o ~Pe In C--(I Coo•lllOuM. IOC:aleQ Oii Saflla Ana Calltorn1a corporallonl 1074 Blvd ~llOoHn Sycamore St e Redding SI , Co&ta M.st Ca g2626 B•oadway Santa Ana Cal1lort>1a a11 This busmen 11 conduc:le<I by • 11ghl.• l!tle and 1ntMes1 c:onvl')ed to corporation ano now Mid by 11 und« N •d Deed ON 1110E9 TAPE INC ol Trull 1n Ille prOper'h ~1tuated 1n Oa1110 Lei91lton. , setd County and State desc11oeo as Pr8$11Mnl Loi II I ol lratt No •003 •n 1t>e City Tt\ls st•t-1 was hied ""1th the ot Newport Beatn Coun1y ot County Clefll: ol Or•~ County on Or•ng&. Slate of Catolorma ilS Octobe< 22 1982 s"°""" on a map lhereol retO<ded •n FJOaU Book ta& pages t3 14 15. 16. 17 Pubhshed Orange Coa11 Oally is 11 19 of Miscellaneous Maps PllOI Ocl 26, NOY 2, 9. 16. 1982 tl!CO<dS ol Mod 01ange Counly •717·112 r1us1or or record owner DANIEL ------------------IN 8AllEY •n Uflmarrltld man fUBllC NOTICE · lne street addre55 and other ----....;.,.---~~~:-:----comm0t1 dt1tgn11ton. 11 any. ol Ille FICTITIOUS 9U91NES9 reel property desc:nbed above 19 NAME STATl•NT pu1po•ted to be 111 \,I NOA ISL.£ The lollow1ng person IS do1nq DRIVE , NEWPORT BEACH, business H • CAl.IFORNIA 92660 ' THE IDEA TRANSFER GROUP. The unders1gnl.4d Trusue; 11777 M•'" Slrfft No 242 Irvine, doaclo1m• 11ny llabll•ly lor any Cal•lornla 9271• 1nco11ec1ne11 of Ille streel address Alan Wiiham Boot 1•0 Yo•b• end o1her common destgn1111on 11 No 6. Tus1on. Co11iornu1 92680 any thown hefOJn , This busmen•• conducted by an Said sate will be mllOe out Individual witnoul c;ovenant 01 warranty, Alan W Boal e~pren or implied 199ard1ng 1111e. Tiits s1•<-1 was !oleo W•lh Ille possetSIO(I or encumb•a,,ces 10 • Counly Cle•k ol---Orange Covnty on pay 1he L1npa1d balanu of the October 8. t982 ,,0ieoJ securelt by said oeeo of f1"'24 Trull 10-Wlt $1140,747 91 onc:ludlng Publ!shed Orange Coatl Oa11y 81 provided In said note(s). Pilot. Nov 9 16. 23 30 19'2 ad••noet 11 any. unde• Ille tefm' of 035·11~ said OHd ol Trust rees. charges ------.,.-----IC---T-IC( _____ aria 8(Plf'MS 01 the Trustee and of .--. NO 11\e INsls ctealed l?Y sa>d Deed of --'1C--TITIOU----,-__,----.-.---'Trust NAm ITAftMENT The bener1c111y under Oetd ol The 1011ow111'g peraon " doing Trust herelolo•• eaeculed and bUll,_. ea· delivered to t11e underStgnad • SERI/ANT MAINTENANCE wr1llen Oedaratlon o4 Delaull and 25211, SlockPo<I Apt 214, Laguna Demand for Siie and • w1111en Hills Calflorn•• 92653 Nouce or Oetaull and Election 10 Robetl B S1t11en1. 25211 Sell The undenigfled cauM<I Hid Srockport. Apt 21• Laguna H1lll Notice ol Delault and Etectoon 10 Calolor111a 92653 Sell to l>4! recorded In th& counly This bu1111ets is conducted t>y an wner• lhe rPal l)roperty 1s localed lndil/ldual • Trus1ee Of P•rfY C011duc:lln9 sale Robert 8 Sle•enl TITLE SERI/ICES 506 Santa Thl1 s111emen1 wee toled with lh• Monrca Blvd Suite •06, Santa County ~rk of Orange COYnly on Monic;a, Cet1lorn1a 90'101, tel (2 13> October II. l9S2. 39g~~~~S November 10. 1982 '1..., LEWIS and BOUCHER PuOllahed Orange CoHI OAllV ENTE~PRISES db8/ Piiot, Nov 2, 11. 18. 23. 1982 S '·· •11111-112 Tur er.,,ce, • _____ ......:.___________ .. aelO TtUllM Nil.IC NOTICE FtCTITIOUI muiliH NA•ITAn•en nit lollowlng f)araon la doing bUllnMI el; A~T AOVENTUl(I:, S2 Cyp1 .. 1 Tree u11e. 1rv111e, Callfornle 927 15 Janet MM Stl\'llfll, 32 C)'Pf"I T1ee lane. Irvine. CeHlo<nla 112715 Tllll l>Ual ...... IS QOndllcled by In lndl~al Janet Mee SI-I Thill 11e1ement wes l11ed With the Counly Clerk of 011nge County on Ocl<>l1« 21. 1982 ,_ Pub11aha4 Oreae• Coall Oen, Piiat. Nov 2, 9 18. 23 1912 ,.. 41120·S2 By DIANA FEIST 'ti~ Pr;nioem---.-Publlahed 011nge Ooasl Cally P1lot_.ov 16, 23, 30. 1982 5031·112 rtalC NOTIC( l'ICTmOUI llUU9M N..a ITATl•NT The lollow1ng person 11 doing DutlnlM .. AUTO DESIGN CONCEPTS. t 780 Monrovta AYlflUI, C-11, Cotte MeN, Calllornla 92fl27 Earl• Paul ~OOk .:._27 IO·A 011ewa1e Avenue. Hunllngton 9Moft, Celolet-92648 Th•• bu-ta conducled by en l!'CIMdual ~----......... ------....j Eafle Peul Cool! Businessmen ,.CJPIC ••• .,.., .. AL,AH Cem11ery Mortuary Ch•pel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beac h 644·2700 •COti41ar MOITUAl llS l~Ba~ F r 1 <' n-d s rn a y co 11 f o r v1s1tat1o n on Tut'sday. 10 Novvmber lti, 1982 fro m 30 2:00PM lo 4.00Pt-1 and 11 7:00P.M to 9;00PM at Dilday ~; 81"9tht<rs Mortuory t'uncral 1 sl'rvlce w i ll be held o n ~ We>dncsday, Novcmbt.or 17, 27 1982 ·at 3:00PM aa Dilday :: B.9thcrs C hapel it 17911 • Beach Blvd .. H unl ington 14 Beach { lnturment to be> 13 ·private. Dilday Broth ers 12 ttl~rt .. 842·7771. tO ~anll­ WHlm1n••• Hllllllf1i110"~ Foun11111van.y <>Mari v ... (2 .. ) E'1•nc1a L• Ou1111a Cyp1e11 21 14 20 15 11 1'1 1 1 10 20 24 ~; ~~ lrwtne (M) L19un11 Holl• WOOOblldge Tu1ton Saddlebee~ Cotla M•• Newpo•I H11bor CorOllr. dll ~· E118ncr11 0 .. 1 . 31 t7 21 13 18 37 13 Ltguna Bffch 16 ) WC>Odbrod(le 7 Sin C1otmen1t ' 14 L19unt Hill• 3'1 Monlclt1r 6 MllSIOll V .. jO 21 n 3• 57 21 37 14 27 14 38 21 0 24 . " 10 o.·-~ ~ Legun1,H1lls leguN'thac: 20 23 I f ~ou are doing 'bus1 n e~s un der a f1C'tltlOlU Rtulnf'Sli '\lamt you are rt'qUlrt'd 1~ by law t lluiint>s11 and 21 tiro/tumna CocU>. Sec. Thlt 8111-1 .,. .. llltd with the Counly C*k ol prenge COunty on Ocle>W 21, IH2 ~ Publf1hed Or•ne• COHI Delly PllOt Ocl 28, Nov 2. 11. 18 .. , ... . 4700-82 MllC NOJIC( I 111• 4'4-141!1 ../ Laguna Hill' 768·0933 S~n Juan Cap1stn1no , 495-1776 ,- 1• 21 0 28 14 14 SuMy Hittle W..ternl w.e1mlfltlet M•r•n• 11un1111gton•8"c'IY ,..ountaln \/alfeV Ed1"1 W•l11tlMI« (I~) 1 l • Quinta 11 P1Clf1Ca 0 COfnll80I\ f LonQ lklKtl W1tton 1 Oc.-n ¥• 1 r Ollneatrl Vtlley 21 Mtrtne 14 (dtlofl 14 H\lnlll'OIOrt leecll 2~ 1 El TOfO ~llfsi,(' -~ • 45 48 17 ~o Newport HarbOf (M) 8 M111n1 10 3 Cyp1n1 16 10 Wii•1m1n11er 3 17 !1 Toro 1 o •8 Un1Ytr111V O 14 2 I lrvlnt 24 r 45 Ee4ant•• 17 , • 20 Sldclltl)atk 21 ~I :lie COii• Meta 7 31 '1 Cor0111 HI Mllf 7 ~1 tJ 24 LafUMltNch (M) II S.vo1111W1 ? ....... ,. 1 L1igun1 Hiiie 21 Dana Hil'fl 7 Bofllla 0 M1tatOll Vte10 8 San Ci.wntnte O Cep111r •f\O \/Alley 23 W0001>11<19t Loeal events in the ,, , . ~ :i ,20 ca :t Jl 38 32 11 7 211 0 1; {791Ni 111 1711»> lo /1w a 1 F"IC'tNtotu Bust'ftua 14 'Vome Stattment ond ,. hoot' ti pubhsh~d for ., four COMfCUtlW wttkl ,W1': at th e DAILY l'I tor ran h~lp with both. Call tht L.EGAl .. DEPARTMl:NT ar 642 ·4321 Ezt 332 /or furthtr '"'°""°''°" ' Nh.IC NOTICC . • MllC NOllCC -------°'"'1 IUHltlOll COUllT M YOU AM ... OlrAULJ UNOH A flCllltOUI Mii II tf6f-en Oii NOTICE 10 Al.l PlRSON8 WllO CALlf'C>Mt&A COUNTY 0 I ID 0 r T It U IT DA l ID , NAllll trAllMINT AUNDOMialNT Oii UM Oii liAVf Cl AIMS AGAlt~ l BANl:Ofl °' oaANOI 11,llMelll a, t•1 UNLlll YOU 11.., 11.11·••"1\1 11.,.,111 "'" '''""II PICTITIOUI M.1'*'11 NAMI • .. {M ORTGAGE 'I LOAN OftOlllTOIHOWCAUll TA l(I ACTION TO PROTIC J .,.,.11,.,11111 • • • •ill'"" •Cl lt!nht• 1111>1•1 11•• lit• tollciw1ng 11111e11n• ll•v• C 0 RP 0 fl Al I 0 N 0 fl ANT f()fl C~ Oii MW YOUR PROPlllTY, IT MAY II lAllj C) I/ II l\11IH• Av4',.Ull tulhlw111 d1Mt/uNI dotn ul 11ult O&Mll041•1 ll\41 UM Ill ti .. (1CllllOUI CtlERll\IHOTON O(NISON AND OR CAii II AU ... 7 IOl.D AT A,llUeLIC. IALI Ill YOU 11111t11+ t \lll!ltttl• lf}7 14 • ~11 l s l 1 A I 1iuu1-1c.. AUCTION l:IU•ltl .... N•m• • R08EAl J011NSOH OUMA:l or k 11\f MilllW 0 ui. A •llK;lllOll 01 ... o AN tll!PLANATIOM OI THI ,l!o<ll•lfl I I ll'tf'l<>t t.O t v11111 f!I 1111 Ill( Ill 'It lllllUI fl f OH CAI nOUILA CUI flVO 'A .101 f I N AL 0 ATE T (1 _, /\ K ( fiAiv.ti CAIM[lllN .fCOflO 111111 NATU .. f M THI HOCllDINO Vuion•I• 111 Cl""'""I" I ""'"'fl" CASH UMyll•ltt 1ol t11t11+ nl .... 111 '•AUJJO CUI 1!\10 b A 1:11 0$0 APPLICATION rOR PAYMLN I llACHACl tlL N A.COf:IO nll<IOt• AQAIN•T f'OU, YOU I HOUl.D 11. t,f4 t.twfut 111•il·f'r ul lhH U111t11•I ~l•I"' rono 8 A 4000 Mlt Atlllut r R 0 M T H C AC Al r S I A T ( IOf CflllllQ4I of NllM CONT ACT A LAW'l .. I ll•lli l 100 I •11••l!Jt !Ill j Y••lll .ill rogot tlllfl 1ind tnllo••I lnllvl'V"d Blvd !Julle 3000 New90fl ~. • AfCOVFRY FUND 1lfi!RY o\NN f.COAO MOll\4• 01 HOflC:I OI TAUITll I IALI \loh11t1.1 •11111 11++11111111" C 11!10111111 to •nel 11vw l•tll.I tl~ 11 1J111l11r Uld 9"60 NOTICE IS •IEREOY GIVEN th•I th• Apotlcan11, ha• hied. 1>911\1011 Ill • '~·· No ,.... ~141/, ,.. • • fl••lfll "' I 111~1 II• .... I" 1111•1 v "" r l(lltloC.a Bu.in 1th N1tlllf' l~RulEllllhtFundlOfedUClllOn, 1111• C:OUll 10• "" 01d•1 11110-.ino NOIJC( 1 •• tllfllllY WVlN tflul ololln ,, ""''"''"" •C.082 "''"'''·•'Jl"!l...Crtll41@ ••l•rt•d 10 •bove w•• lllpd Ill 1te•11rcn lrll.I tKOvtry PUIPOtH p • 1111o 1181 lo <;n • 11 \j t Ii .. , Ofl We\lll~l\l)I. Oii< 11ntlo1tt I 11111/ Watlllt•v~ l ttllM ll1111tont1lon 'lj•1l(ll I 11 IJ ' • n II I) 0 N td !J l 01t110t Cll\lllty 011 July 14 1911<1 rtalC NOTICl ~~· t GtASSIFIED .~DEX ~I £st"'* '1 ········~ .......... .. ~ 1($) provr<lel for paymtt\l ~ P•raon1 '""name liom ·sAMH (.A fHl'f1IHf 111 II 00 "tlOC.~ I rn 01 1t1•d uuy •II (,uhlotrn• \JJll411 (,llNl'llNl1HAM t1• lo 1111 11111Jtwich••I I •te No '1'3290 wh0na.,.01>1&1n.011n111ue1gments ACORD tind RACHAEi EUCN tlletoom ... 111"'''•'"' 111"dU<;.!11io Aoll•tt J bttllm 11 1ull1111J • .. 1n1e1u111ne1 fHVflllV A Otupu't;uervoBo\ 8o1QueOe 41Q•lntl llc:••fl-1 reai ellltt b#Oltttl ACORD 10 SARAll C1'1tt£RINE lru.1tue lo b11l0t '*'U1u1 !11• UllJ4.e• ol '>llllfh 7JO All.I \11.t 1 Wit~ lilg1m" Wt •ofttt lt'.HY u\ 10 1111 UH1.f1v1(llf<J Ouv11not t9 t;o1que d• lOll!lll or Hl.-P•••on• fht 1udQmtnt lFWis 'Aco'no and Rf.CHAfL ll(illl ,ll;tATl fr l(;Ulllllf!'! llit1rh 11111r111m,t1l<li'il "~tnt10r~3t11\•1111n1t111u,m1n:<111 "t9•1co-Or.M .. tco mu11 bO 011 ground1 ot f1aud, ELLEN COYT HE ACOA() SlllVICl loc;alel.I <>I J0 20 Nollh 1111• l>u1111t111 11 c;l)ndul'tlltl \JY I O t N\ f IC I A fl Y WA Ii l (, 0 Tl11t l)U~ln41 .. 11 t:Oml\11'..t.O by " d•C:•ll, m111epre1entelfon C)t 11 11 lltrtby oodet•d 111111 11r 8101u:rw1v Su11e ?00 1n "'" t.•h vi 111•n .. 11I vo1111•r~111p ' tNC.OHl'ORlru c Ml>l 0'1'1 ffl nrQ11t111100 • c;on'lefjlOI• OI tn1•Hvo\d• .,,Cl'""" P•••On• Interested tn the IMllCI• S11nu1 Anu Cou11ly ol 0fll11Qd. St•tu ntr.llnrll r I ovi10Y' P(N'.1ION I fltJIH 'UNO (;AUPO CutAvO. ~A • T 1 .flact Yetr A•. CaN &42·5678 • \>e.Dalllld on. lr11n1ac11011 IOI which alOfHlid tl)peor b•IOI• thll COlt•I 01 C.<111 10• n1.11 At Al l}>' "I ~ Ill•• A11llt•nltll1! WU~ hied ........ tnu n.x.011h.llJ. MMy 11!, Ultll o4IJ lntlt fhomll c. Snell. D real •Jlilte llc:41!lee ,, ro"ulred Tht In Department NO 3 at 700 C1y1c ~rcuflll llS SCRVICl . u C4lllln1111u Gntulty ChHl!oOI Onm1111 (,o1111ty Un No 207~ t Ill ll<>Ok t4060. P•ll* 604 C>ittctor Adrunlo MOUSES rot SAU PIOl(lllOfll r,elattng to Ill• Real Ct11ter 01lve W11tt, Santa Ana. !.OIPOrllllOll II .. dulr 11111111111tu\I 0( IOIJUI ?9, t!182 • OI 1..)11111111 1111<:00!1~ "' th• .,lllCll ol lhll IUlltf'hlunt Wll• lllod With tllo' 1 ....... 1 I: stole F'unel c:a11 t>o 1ou11d In Calltoau• on Dec 1 1981 11 IO 30 ltu\llla u11rtur 1md purau11111 to tho F2CIOIOS 11111 flo·<.~•01<1r 01 Orll11Q1J Cou11ly C01•1tty.c1411k 01 Ornn110 County on K•ll111• "''"" C81tt0tn11 Bualne" 1110 Prol"tllona o'ctoc-•• m , et1d 1't1tt1 and th4!rt powe• ot Ult• cont11mHI 111 tn111 °lbJt1lt11lt!'t1 o .. 1nu1• t oil.i 011lly \utct Clot•O ol 11u~1 11e~C11tlud 11111 Ocio11111 18 t082 • r.£~~~~,:.~~~:~ Code 1ecooo1 10411 10 10483 etiow coui• ,1 any tney hav• wllv 1.e•ti1t11 Oovd ot T1u111 it•l'tut.,d oy P1ff{f ·Nov ? ll. 16 w 111111 tollowlnQ woµ1111"-P11D4i~111111 0111ng11 COHt 011lly .... , .-.... 0•1 ._., Tha amount that m1ly bt paid Hid J)elltlo~· lor challgll of name SHPHC:N C fOROr 11 A1nQI., n)All , '4.7Cl() 82 Lot 10 ot 1•11 I NO 9:Jf' n• P1t()t Ott i6, Nov ~. 9 16 .1982 • ''"'• """ ~:,:' c1~~:111111eri~:~.:~~ns~i.~ 'h:0~d1~,~~!° C:~!'f!':ini111 copv/ot ~:;t,~~~2°:1'~ri~11~9nu~!~d9 :;; PUBLIC. NOTICE :i~,.~11:.\" .~~~ 1117"0~~:;?,;~,~:~ 4709 - 112 -1'!5~::·.11~, ~r tranucuon 1s20.ooo •lier 1111, o•de• 10 show cause fe said C<>unty, .it ll"U• 1613. IC 02331 ~LM1ll<.ollan110u• Miii>' Hoco1d• 01 "*IC NOTICF ...... ,..,. ......... . January I, 1980) Furlh111m0<e. lh• oubll•h•ll In the Daily Pllo~ .• R8COHh••. IM!tutntllll No 368•~. O"ANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL O·y~!!9. :no[ur,1NtvOC('orl~Ou'L"r'"uNO£A & JOU •1t1 ...... o•F•ULT UNOElt • :~~: ...... ~. amount lhBI may be paid oul lo all n•wspaper 01 gene ... I clrcuta on, by oeuoo ol 11 ll•f11Cl1 I'll dflfautt 111 COUAT ""' ,.. ,.. ,. • .. ,.. 5 .. .. '"'•••, 11,11, •, clalm•nts II llmlled to S•0.000 P8l publtahe<I 111 lhla county at I ast peyrnent or 11erlormu11i;11 UI 1111• · DEEO OF-TRUSl OA I fO MAY I ()llD OF TRUil DATED JUHi 3. ''°'"~'.'("'' t~•nsee fOf tta"-aac.uon1 occutr'ng once 8 wpett fOf rout cOnMt4tllvtl ObllgJteontt ~•Gurtte.l thft"bY HAR80R JUDICIAL DllTRICT t981 UNl.-CSS YOU fAt<f ACftO~ IM1. UHLlll YOU TAKI ACTION Miut1•\••I"' alter January I, 1975, •n<I Pflot to WHkt prtor 10 tne Clay 01 said 111c1ua111g tnut llrtOICh or d11l;1ull .-01 ":"'~" f°':,le<tfltd TO PROT£Cl YOUfl PROPCflT'I IT ro PllOTICT VOUA '910PEATY, :::.~~!:,.:.''' Jaou8'y 1, 1980 anCISIOO,OOOpet llflll..,, N0\1C .. o(wt1~1l wasrec()(dl'OJurw .O. 1 51 MAYBESOlOATAl'UBllC •• Al.£ tT MAY el IOLD AT A ,UaLIC '""'•••'•H•''""" Hcensee for transactions taking oat;:d Octo.l>ef 18 1982 23 t987 05 Aa&:;.Ofcs.t • tn,uumut\1 Newpott .. .oh. CA IMI0•1MJ 1r YOU N[£0 AN (XPL.ANA TtON I AL I , If Y 0 U NEE 0 AN ::::~:t,. plac:e alter January I, 19~ The Mark A Soden No 82216033 Will SE.ll .-.r PL1'INrfFF MARS liALl O~ THE NA TUR( Or THC EXPLANATION OF THE NATlME ._..,,, .... cielms egaonlt the Real Ettate Fuo<I ftU B Lt C AU C I I 0 N T 0 I H ( INDUSTntt'S o COIPQIOllOll PROCELOtNG AGAINST i'OU. YOU OF THI ,AOCEIDtNG ACAINIT 1h••m••·•n due to lilt ec:11v1tle1 ol ,.at estate Judge ol the HIGH ES I BIOOCl't ~OR CA~H DEFENDANT TESCO IOlll)orty SHOULO CONTACT A lAWYtA YOU YOU IHOULD CONT"ACT A 111'' '1• 'l••n ••I• Sul>Ofl01 Court k now o a • l E 6 c; o "' C 927 1.•w'y•" t('l lST'l[ ltc:en-Banc:o1 M0tlg908 & Loan "8ftcMflOll .. lawlul ,moouy ,,, th•• Umtr>d 'Sto; e~ c 0 MM u NI c AT I 0 N s N c No II We>! ... or• lfl/11111. A 14 .. K • " " Corporalton. Grant Ch•111ng1on EaMr / Ot II t a1n1et ~ C.!111<.k dtawn on o • 1 "· '(n o street IOdrt" or c;ommon NOTICI Of' ..,,.,,.,.,~•I• Oenlaon and/or Rot>etl Johnson 1111 .. ar-.-.••'I state 0< nat.onal t>.,nk . " state 01 parnner•tl•P cor"nposeo 01 JACK des1nooteon •~ '"own above no TRUSTE1·1 IAU Aptr1rMno 1" '•'" "'· t• .., I ...,.,. I"• n. -1 ..,. GASAWAY Oka J GASAWAY " ' TI No _..,.. !!<•,r,,~!•11,•"> • Publi•her'• •otice: :~~ All 11• 11 1 ,,,,,,. ,;\Jv1•ll1~ <I · :~ H 1td ·:~:~ t ::: 7,~.~h:r;~:•t~~ ""' I J·I "'''"'" J No I 01 1'16&' :::.:, ...,, ~" l" .~ • • ·~ ;11tqu1 to ili!M .-Iv• lhtt •it,. I tHffttPfl· :::. 1,. , 1111t.1tiun (Jf d1~t1m1 ~ I•.* H Jll<1f tJ,1 .t•~• t4H ... t~ / 1 ' to• r • litJ•<ir• ~u, Ot 111.111_.1 •• 1 ''"'''" Of •Uy :~. 11111 "''"'" ti) n11•1k,. any I•· "'1;11< II llll'll'H1t1(.l' ftm1t<1• := ''''" (JI (111 .. t1M1tUU1on ,, ... """ 114111 uumas appear 1.,e.,. O t~c.,,..,,. '"' S-la Ane.~CA.9110I eoera cr .... 11 UlloOfl Of a. 111111 Of HOPF BULKELEY RtOHARO wa!'enly 11 given a1 to 119 • • • ---••• .....,.., ma;tlmum flab11t1y ol 1ne Fund 1 she'd O•en e Cout ledewl i.av•ngs '""' fo1.111 uw.crntoon O.!:i!E~~..IAC~~ ,~ille,..n~ot"'"c"o,..,1111lf'Cllel"'lnt''Bill!d"&l'Olf+"""'N"'O"T"'IC""E•l8Sll)':'H-+~"'°"EW-V*'G'"'1v,.eMN.,.... 111tn!l;11;Jo.1f""-""::ilm::---#~;i'.i::'iii";:J;iii,~~·r.~~~ ... ~· ~: A";:rr•'---fm-f~IHl~5+~)o.El.y.&f~----• c.,mm11a1oner hes roquetted lhe 19112 the 111110 ot ~.11 ... 111! ,·,gilt toll!' ,1no Al'fA'N'A"r 1111.t•v•du1tlly <ind as 11 ot Tru!I by renon ol a ore.Jc;h 01 11900 o clOCk 11 m 111 sakl day. 1n 1;..pt•••~ 1".: .. ~.1. .~, 1;ourl to jOln all potentlll c;latml .. 8 l·82 1ntere~t hc•ICI b• 11, o• Ttu~lilu, 1n partnN Of rESCO lormrly known as "eta 11 in tht\ Ol)hnattOOS secured 1"8 room Sitt Hide 101 con<IUCllOQ '""'"'' ,. ,,. ,.,.,,.. 10 Ser~ Sl)Ould Check ~" ' I ESCO COMMUNICA TtONS, INC . " u " S '"""n' .,,.,..,.,,, " h d d I hd 11geln1l11lt Fun<l 1n10 Qfle action. so I hat I trill property Situate 1n S81d HOPE BULKELEY IW1d d II d t!lefl!by heretotoro executed Ind lrultff S ates wllllln,tha OlllCllS OI '"""''""' "'""'" "" I l:llr 8 S 81 y 8 that tilt court c:an CIOllltmln• WhlCll PUBllC NOTICE County end Stale. dHCtlbeel u . )VI ua y an deltverod to the undersigned 8 REA l EST ATE SECU A Ir IES '''" r.,. '•I• '~ l ors tm claims are valid ond dllllde the tollows .,,. 11 p.iriuci 01 TESCO 10'""'"" uen ""-l11ra11on ot Deteult and S£RlltCE ioc•ted •• 2020 North .,,...,1•11"• lrt• ~·•· ·,·-..,,,• repor err -k n o w n o s T E S C o wri """' 06 C t ll'wot• 1 .... ,. k ... u1 .i m d a I e I y T he amount l\vltlable tr om the Fund FICTITIOUS aUSINESS lot 23 111 Bloc:k 13 OI SectK>n 3. CO MMUN IC ,_ r IONS INC Demand for Salu. and wtlllen notice Broodwey Suite 2 , in the llY O '"••l•' •• ~''"' ll'J• 0 t · among those people having valid NAMI STATEMENT Bal boa 1s1a11e1. 1n tile C11 y ol C 0 S · • ot weac11 •nd ot et1Kt1on to c:auMI Sant• AIUI. Counlr ol O.ange, State :e~ !.:~~i,';!'."' rui DA IL y PH:{) T as-clalms The 1011ow1ng oerson 1s doing Newpott BOJCh. aa pe1 m.ip RI HABO J NE · lncJiv•dually and the undersigned to sell said ol Co1t101n111. CO,A.STLINE EOUlTY. 11 • .., •• , ..... ,;1.,.,... "", I b ' f You may be entitled to assert • business as recorded tn Boo~ 7 p..iou 15 01 as 8 pall nor 111 TESCO formerly property co aallsly said ob1tg111ons INC a Cahlo,,11a corponrnon es Kul .,,1,,. t ,.~.... f..~ sumes 1a 1111 Y or Cl j i t th r ""'-· e 01 I 0 SE C M ell .,~ , th II I I. 11 ow 11 a 1 1 E SC 0 d h I h " ,: d I •PPOlnteel T1 •!"" nder a"CI " 1 • I 1 i. 1~ th fl SI Correct ll m age ns e un .. ..-eus VETERINARY H u All IK anl'OU(o 'VluPS.'" e 0 IC:e 0 CQ).MMUNIC.AJIONS . INC, QOES an l enla tflr I e unue11o1g11e... u y u. -u " nU ,.. • • •• •v ,..., e r 1n ~m1rnra111lJCtT01n>rrearntare l'"RJfiCllCE 2oa-Rm!nest tne-eounty-f'eeo1det~l~1tyr i>O · • ceustl<I so1d notice ol b1each and 01 pursuant '10 the power of sale 1£NTllS I loan tranaec:tion invo1v1ng real Coste Meae. C&lllornltl 92627 Tbe ~11001 odd nus or otltar. 1 • iliclu~°lrMMON·s elae:llOfl 10 oe Aocordod June 14, conletred in lhOt c;e1t;tin Deed ol ,..,....,. l wrl>h,..<J •11~ ••"•'S•e-r.lt•O•n-o-n•y_. -- estate licensees Boncor Mortgage & D• w11t1ain Joel Pa~co. 208 common des1gni11ton ol the real CASE NUMBER 51242 1982 a• Instr No 82·2011r, I 111 Trull executed by Sl EPHEN l ttwH•\'nr"'""h•4 c Lo• n Corp o 1 e ti on, Gron t Roc:hesler Street, Costa Mesa, prooerty ho1e1nobovo desartl>ed is said Olllciat Reco1d1 ~ARlES/OROE." SINGLE MAN, 1!~~.~~~':n~ :.~1• "' CherrlngtonDenlson ancJ/or Robert C11ilfo1n1a92627 Purported ~o be 315·31S .., NOTICEI You hew• been tued. Satd sete will be made bul reco1ded July 10, 1981, 1n Sook p n......,.,. •.• m•'-' j~'. Houses lot file Jonnson Dumaa If you wish 10 This business is conducted by an 0111mond Avenu1i Balooo lalnna Tht ce>11rt ma~ decide agaln•I you w1111out covenon1 or warranty. 14134 ol Olhclal Records ot said T•••ll<N•••tw•• ,..... ••••••••••,••••••••• .. putSue •claim ag•insi the Reel tndlvtdual Cahlorn1a without yqur belnt heard unleH express or 1mphell regi1d1ng Ullo. County, II page 876, Recorders 10"""""•ulnl 11:'!, RH/ Esl•lt •' f$tate Fund. you must c;ompty Wllh Or w Joel Pasco T na un de' s1g ned lie, 8 by you r•epond wflhln 30 d•Y•· R•lld POSSOS510fl 01 encuml)oances. to lnslrnment No 12443, by reason OI ~~;::~ t~;" .,ff, •••••••••••••••••••••• Iha requirements aet lorlh in This 11a111meflt was f1ted with the d1sc:laJm& alt 1111tJ11tty lo• ,ony 1~ lnlorm•:'c:" 11eic:_wih 0 k. 1 pay 1he rema1n1ng pnnc1p11I sum or a b•eacn ()( delaull In pa~menl or """ ~•r• 1 Ctner•I 1002 Business and P101ass1or\$ Code County Clefk 01 Orange Coun t~.JO .sa•a atreet eddttu. you wis 1 0 see 0 0 V_!! ~ 41lcH1011:1,•l-aecu•~ o..c1 ol peLlormaoce. oJ LllAl-oblJ~a~~t---,r ~:;: h\'!~'.; l m ~ •••••••••••• • ••••••••• • sections 10•11 and t0•72. and no Oc:tobtr 29. t982 or other common destgnotion en 81~l~rnuy in thl~t ma\l~rt you Trust. woth rntNest a ••Cl not• secured the1eby, Including that 11 • .,..,. ~~. SELLER HllHLY tatet then AP<ll 15, 1983, you mu5t F200IOI sa1e1 sate "''" be mode wtlllout snou 0 50 promp Y so 0 your orov•ded advances 1 v. unde1 breac:h CH default. No11c;e ol which 110"•' • "o"~ - It .. 1n •PPhcatlon IOf payment trom Published Or~oe Coas1 Deily wa11an1y. ei.preu o• 1mp11ed, w•llten •e5pon.:ie '1 any may oe the 1e1ms ol u1d Deea. ol Trull was 1ecorded June 29 1982. a' ~~\\=1.' !:!! MOTIVATED Ille Roal Estate Fund In th• court Pilot, Nov 2, 9, TI) 23. 1982 rega1d1ng lttta pou 1nc1on. or hied on hme tees cho1gl."$ and e>-penses 01 the R1c;or<1e1 s Instrument No "'"'" .. r k•M·I· , • ., Wo;ll mamia1nod nome tn actton in wtllch your ju<lgment 47~·82 encumbronces. 10 _.111.sly fhe d AV 1: ~ 1 ~1• ,• 1~ h ~ •J_~ 0 lrustee and ol tlle trusts crMled by 82·224004 .Will SELL AT PUBLIC ~:;;!;':':.,11~!;~~ 4-•I c;.r 111,11, Par Ii area ol, agatnst the said real estate p11nc1oat balonc;o ol the Nole 01 •m•n • 0 • r una P • said Deed ol Tru51 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST L ' (,.,., .. ,.,It••~ ~ llc:ensees was obtained, and a copy P(JllC NOTICE 01he1 obl1ga11on secured t>y sa•CI clectdlr conti~·~~~ • Sa1<1 sa1e•w 1lf t>o hel<I on' B1DOER fOA CASH. lawful money UlhnM••hl ,.., ( '" tJ r.AP.~J 4 Bdim ot 11'141 appllcalton must be MrYed Deed or Trust with lnte1est ani' -~ 'w:--ro we<1nesoay December 8 t982 at ol the Un1tecl States or• c:11sniet's u.. ........ 11 .... 1 ,. . ., tl)fn ·•1 1"111'il v.•lh Clack·. oo 11'141 Real Estate Comm1u1oner. FICTITIOOI .UltNEas other sums .as pro1r1deel lheteln ~130 d&la. u le fntormec:lon que 2 oo pm al tne Chepman Avenue chl!dl dr•wn on a slate Of ne1tona1 l:!."!~~·111•~1.i !~~ 1111!1 h•torA.ice formal di·· an<I by mail on Roc;h11";1 E Nielsen • NAME STATEMENT plus acJvancesL 11 ony undet tno • 811141• • entrance to tne C1111c Center blnll a state cv federal c:•eel•I lto'ftl•h;,,.111..i """ f1111<1 01 dl'n big yar<I Oepuly Attorney Ge11erat, at the The tottowlng pe11on Is doing terms 1tiereol and interest on such ' Ust:d 0111~• •:11c:•ta• ~t Building 300 ~ Ch"pma.1 Avenue unlOn Of• State or le<ler1ot salllflgs 0 ,.,.. " ,.. -Att•.>c:111r,. hnenc1ng address Ml !«th below U you te11 to business, u adyances, and plus IHI, cnarges conse1o 41 un 8 oga 0 en es e 1n lhe Coty ol Orange CA and IOan 1Sto011ron domic:11ed 1n BUSINESS, INVCST· 546 U 13 oursue a c;l11m aga111st lhe Real S M C P R I N T E R S & an<! eapenses 'JI the Trustee 8lld ol • • u n 1 6 deb 0 11 8 11 ace'10 A 1 111 e 11rn.e o ~ 'tie 1n111 a I 111'11 t1at• all payaOle 01 me time ol MlNT fl'"'AMC[ Estate fund baM<I upon the actions STATIONERS. 22722 l1m1>er1 St • the trusts c;reatlld by said Oe4ld ot inrne<liaiameni•. de esta maneia. publlc:•llon ol '""' notice the 101111 sele. ·~ ught htle end interest held • " " THE REAL ESTAT&:RS ol real e~••• ltc:enseas Bancor Suite 1702. El T()(O, Ca~ 92630 Trust Th• 10111 •mount of said Au rt1tpuetta escuta SI hay alguna, amoum 01 ttle unp11a 1>a11nc:e 01 the by 11 u l rustee 1n 111a1 teal • • ~~;~; ~"!!..'(~· ~.! • Mortgage Obrporallon Grant Oonthale P Redd~ 15581 \Ian 01>hgt11on 1nctud1ng reasonably l>U~~~~1'~E~~~~~~ civil obhgahon lioe<:ured b't the above PfOP41'tY s•tuate in sa1<1 County Ind T ::::~=~' = Cnerrlngton Denison alldfor Robet1 Buren SI · Westmlnster;.Ca. 92683 astrmateel lees c:herges and com'"enl halo bo!en hle<11> ptantill descr1bed e1e11<1 ot trust 11ne1 State. ciesc11bed es tott11ws fllono>•ut• .. • 1o~1i---------·-• Johnson D11ma1. you will be ThtS bu!llnesf ts cond1JC1e<I by an eapenses ot the Trustee, et 1ne to~ ,,. ' Y 1 e111ma1ed costs· e•ponses and "fllHllllT A'' ., .... t ~ .... ,.,. ......, ~ 10 nave walve<I your tight ln<lovl<lulll ~ of 1n1t1at put>1<Ce11on ol th•• Notice •• a~ainst. you 11 you wish to dele~ eovanc:41S 1s st 12 100 llO An un<11v1oe<1.1148th interest 1n "''"'••• .. Tit. • ~ to any payment lrom the Fund Oonthela P Qedely S.333,831 00 th 5 lawsuit, you must lltllhon _I.o de.leurune the operung 1>1d 1nd to the I01low10g dasc;111>e<1 I.ind ANNOUNCEMUITS, based on the acts ot aalel tlc:ensees "Thlrstaterr<enT waS'1lleaw1th tn In ad<1111on to the abOve oroperty ~~ vou may call (714) 937·0966 Th11 po111on 01 &lock C of If you are not capable of llllng en County Cterk,of Orange County oo said obhgauon ts sec:ureel by Los on you. 11111 with this court 8 wuuen oa1e No•ember 8 t982' Corona det Mar. es shown on a map r£1SONAlS & Apptlcatlon tor P•yment at thl• Oc:tot>ef 22 19112 .l\ngeles County ~•opetty. rHPQ.11541 to tho• comptaint Unless T o SERVICE COMPANY •elorded 1n Book 3, Pages 41 and lOST & FOUND LOOK Fc11 our n ew regular ir;--- l'o<-'i·~ I) !ti JIUrll" time.I but intend to pursue your F200314 Dated Noveml>ef 3. 1982 you Co •0 your Cletault wllt oe as 1a1<1 rrust.e 42 ot M1sc:ell1neous Meps. record's c;tlllm BQe•nst the Real Estate Fund Pubhshed Orenge Coast Dally REAL ESTATE e'lleted on appltcallon °1 the By Cindy Schoonover ol Orange County, Cat1lornla, in a court •cllon, then you must mall Pilot O<:I 26. Nov 2. 9. 16, 1982 SECURITIES SE:RVtCE. plotntttl, and thll court may enlei 8 Au1stant Sea1etary :jescrtblld ., lonows by January., 14, 1983, • "P<ettmlnary 4651·82 a Calltorma c;o1p.. Judgment •l><l•nst you for the •ehel One C11y Boulovard west 8eg,inn1ng at a point ol th_e Slstemenl ot Interest" setting out at Trus1ec. domandad in ine C:omplaint. Wh•cn Oranoe, CA 92668 Southwestetly fine 01 Ocean Iha bufs of your lnchoele ,Claim to PUBllC NOTICE By (SEAL) O J Morge1 could iuutt tn gernratiment 01 Tel 17141836·8'88 8ouk!verd. north 50 deg west 42.78 the address aet lo•lh oe1ow 111 President wages, latono ot monuy or prooerty Pu1>1s11110 Orange Coo11 0•1ty leet ltom the 1n1ersect1on thefllol Any ques11on1 reg11dlng the ffCTITIOUI .UllNlll 2020 North Broadw11y. or other rehol r•ques•ed in the Pilot Nov 16 23 30 tll8;1 .ttth the no1thwesterty tine ol 011nha subfoc\ ot 111\s nottce .1hou1e1 be NAME ltATEMENT S!iil8 206 • tomf)lainJ 5004·82 .Avenue ttormeily 3 tat Avenue) as dlroc:ted 10 the following person The IOltoW1ng persons are <IOlllQ S!Jn111 Ana. CA 92706 DATED rebiuary 16 1982 1hown on tatd ma&>. thence S®th R1ehard E Nletsn butlr;:5~. ·~E M 0 0 E LE RS •• o-:i Telep11ooe 17141 953·68 tO ~ PETERSON, PUBLIC NOTICE 40 dtQ 49 west 151 95 IHt to an Deputy A110ln41Y Gener•I ... Published Orange Coul Dally '-'k. ron pot!. thence south 49 deg 37' 3580 WllShtre BouleYatd sm.erald fovenue, Balboa lslil••<I. Piiot Nov 9 16 23 1982 By· Gtnger Howell, NOTICE Of' TllUITl.l.'I I ALE oll8'1 to lllt ordtnery high Ude of lhe ~~=lea CA 900IO •li':::'~1=~~2M Wiggins. 20;.> • • • 494°"82 HEMAI', ~~ & ROUSIO T.l • .=ncw:-=:~~~nl~ ==~e~:!r: Published Or•nge Cout O•llY Emerald. Ball>OI lstand. Cat1l~n1• MLIC NOTICE 11110 Ventur• 91Vd.. lulte 1201 You..-• ... DCfAUlT UNOEll A .l\Pfil 3 1942 ~ an ec:llon entitled • Pllol O<:t 26 No ·2 9 16 t91l:l 92662 • Encl-. C911f«nle"1.. • DEED Of! TRUeT, DATIO MAY I. Countv ol o .. nge Vs Shirley H ' . ' y • ' 47 tO 2 Pel• Pain-I••· 202 Emereld. NOTICE OF T"USTIE'S SALE Tel. (213) ~1·3'00 1111. UM.Ell YOU TAKE ACTION Wtltlll. 900 Ot'*•· Ca .. N"o '40024 ------------·-ti_ B1lt>Oe 1.t1n<1. C•lltornia 92662 No. TO 1o1s Publ11he-C1 Orange Coest O!lllJ' TO '°"OTECT YOUll "'ONRTY. in the Superlot Court ol the Stele of PUBLIC NOTICE Thtt buSIMN ta conducte&-t>y • IMPOflTANT NOTICE TO Pilot Nov 2 9 l8, 23, ~82 IT MAY K IOLD AT A PUeLIC Celll0<nl•. 1n tnCI for 11'141 County ol ------------g41118fal pertnerlNP PflOP(f'TY OWNIA 4822-82 I A L E , I f Y O U NI I D AN O.ange, a. 04t11fr41d copy of wl\!Gtl flCTITIOUI ""..... Mariana M wroo'ins YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ...... ,c NOTICE lfllltl.ANATION OF THI NATW.1 Clact• WH racotded Aprll 3. llM2 N,... STATE•NT Th .. llatemenl WU filed witn the De ED 0 f TR us T DA' r D ,..,_, OF THI '910CIEOtNG AOAl .. IT in 800I< t t• t. Page 353 ot O"iclat Tilt tolt6w\ng oerson• ate-Oolng County Ci.rt< ol 0.11111• County on FEBRUARY 9 1981 UNLESS YOU NOTICE Of' TllUITEl'I IALE YOU, YOU 1"°'1LO CONTACT A Rec:0td1.·thtnc:e notlnerly elong business u . OclOOtt 22, 1982 -TAKE ACltON TO PROTECT YOUR LMn No. U0-331/NfWeEMIY LAWYER. '81<1hlgh11<1• ltne lo en lnle<MCtiOn HUNTINGTON PARTNERS. F200l11 PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A T.I . c..... On TueMla}' Oec:embe< 7 1982 with a line whlcn beara IOUlh 57 LTD. 330•9 Catie Av1•Clor. Suite C, Publlatie<I Oranga Coast Delly PU8LIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN THOMPSON 11 10 00 A M . TRANSAMERICA deg t2 _, lrom a po-nt on the San Juan Caplttrano, C•hlo1n1• Piiot, Oct 26, Nov 2, 9, t&. t982 EXPl,,ANATIOl\i Of TH( NATURE VAL B 1'N CORP as <I uly llTLE INSURANCE COMPANY as southwesterly line ol Ocean 92675 "~;92 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST 1ppornted Tru1tee under lhe dulyappo;nte<I Trustee under an<I Bouteverd, which 001nt rs Hunter En•rgy Corporation, -------------YOU. YOU SHOUlO CO~HACl A tolfgy.,ong deed ot trust WILL SELL pursuant to Deed of Trutl recoreled tlOrthwHl~ly 16" 22 feet lrom the 33049 Calle AvlB<lor, Suite C. Sin Nil.IC NOTICE LAWYER AT PUBllC f.UCTION TO THE May 7. 1981 as intt No 87t6, 111 point ot 1>410lnn1ng, 1nence notltl 57 JuanCaoistreno, Cahl<Hnlt 92675 On December 7 1982 at 1000 HIGHEST BIDDER FdR CASH bool< 14049 pa99 172. ol Ollt<:laf d41Q 12:eas1 lo U>d sou1n....este~ly ~ h E Ph e I an. Jr • FICTIT10UI BUltNESS 11 m BURROW ESCROW CO a (payable 11 Lime 01 ,.,, 1n lawful Rec:.ords In the olhce ot tti• County llne ot OcHn Boule•a1d. lhenc;e Calilornla corpor111on, 33049 Celle NAMe 8T~!~~J!!T c:ALP01~1QJ1._il CIUll/. tnonev 01 the United s 1etes) all Roc:orde< ot. 011nge County. Stitt soutl\weaterly \64 22 fHt 10 the Aviador. Suite C. San Juan Tne lollow1ng persons a~ app n1eo Trustee un<le• en• rignt 1111e an<11nterll5t conveye<I 10 ot C1hl01ma E•ecuted t>y Aobelt J point ol IH!g•nn•ng. together w11h Ille Capistrano. Celllom11 92675 business as -putSuant to Dt>eO ol Trus1 recordecl ar\CI now hel<I by 11 unde< said Deed Krogh. a martted man, u his IOl4I exc.lusi.,. trghf to use and occupy HUNTER ENERGY CORP MOBILE METAL .4NAlYSIS, feb1uary 11 19112 H inst No ol Trust 1n the.,ropel\y here•noller end seoar•te.propllfly WILL SELL IPll!mtnl NO E·5 1n the Channel Ralph E Phelan. Jr . 24113 Viste Corona. Dana Pe<nl. 82-0503"2 ol Ollic1al Record' tn tl'lo desct1~d AT P,LJBllC AUCTION TO HIGHEST. R tel A~' Im en t Bu lldln g , PreSldenl ' Cahlotnoe 926211 olloc:e ot tile County R.icord~•I OI T R U S T O R J C R R Y R BtOOtR FOR CASH (payable at hefelnaller c:atte<I 'Bu1ldln9, ' end Thl• atatement was llled with the Robert T. Nokoft, 2•113 V1s1a Orange County, Slate ol Cal!IOfnto tHO M PSON and PATSY R time 01sale1n lawful mo11ey ol \lie garage 1pac:e No L2·42 and County Clerk ol Orengo County on CO.one'. Dono Po1n1, eehlbmla eaecutcd by RICHAAO W CROFT THOMPSON, husoon<I and w11e·as united States) at lhe Chapman t1orag1 compartment No l·S·34.,. November 1. 1982. J 1 y O e v Id Haber, 1 t 3 I and LORRAtN~ ~ROFT, hu5bano 1oint tonani. .tvenue en1rance to the Ctvk: Center both appurtenant thoroto. all as YATES ANO NISSEN ompass Lene No. 205. Foster City, end wtle Will SELL AT .PUBLIC BENEr!CIAR1' VALENClf.,Bl'iNK. Buttdtng 300 E Cheoman Ave designated on the plel 8llil~heel A fJroffftlonaf Corporation Cltlilorni• 92629 AUCTION TO HIGHF:St BtOOEi;I 11 CBlllOrMI corporation Orange, CA all ttght. title 1ne1 thereto end madn I part lhereol, Allorneyt at Law lhis business •S cond\ll:ted by a FOR CASH f poyabte et tome ol sol@ RJic;oide<I sept11mlle• 18, 198 t as in1e1est co1w11ye<I 10 and now tield togethe1 with n rtQhl ol way tor IM N. Mein SltMt, Sult• 1000 general partnership 1n tawlul money 01 ttle 'Untrnd instr No 24336 111 boot.. 14225, by 11 under sa1e1 Deed ol lrusl'!t'I the 1ngless end eg1oss to and from said lent.a Ane, Calllornle 927014511 Robert T Nokoll s1a1es1 at tne Iron! door of Bu11ow page 9u 01 0111c1at Reco1ds in the properly 11tuoted rn said County apartment •nd garage space and a ~ F200l51 This atatement wa.s Irle<! with the Esc.row Co 2070 N Tustin Av&nue oflice ol the Racoidl!• ot OranQe and State oescribed as non·eac1u11ve right in common with Pu&ll1hed Or'ange Coest Oe\ly County Clerk ol1)renoe County on Santa Ana Catolorn10 all 11ghl, 11(1e County, sa1<1 dee<! ot 1rus1 oetc111>H Th41 Easl t32 leet of tne West olhe occupants bl said building to Pilot. Nov 2. 9. t6. 23. 1982 Oc1ol>ef 28, 1982 and'•nte••st conveyoo'to and now the 101tow1ng property 396 tee1 ol Loi 804 ot Newpott u1e lhe elevators PUtage ways, 4817·82 F2007M held bytl~der s3J<I ~ ol Trust Lot 2 of liacl No 6992 1n me Mesa Tr1c1. •• shown on a m•o drlvtwty1, Pul>llc porloons en Nil.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNESI NAME ITATEMl!NT The lottowtng person I• CIO•ng business as. COMPUTERS 0 US OF CAllfORNIA 330 I s ~arbor. No 110 Santa Ane. Callf<Hn•• 9270• Computer Town a Caltlornla corporation, 190 tO leu1el P81k Roed. Compton. Cahto<n•• 90220 This buSlnas ts conducte<I by a eo<porallOn Computer To...n Joseph l Spada I or a • President This Stllement WH lrled w11h th• County Clerk of Orenge COUnly on O<:tober 20, 1982. F200037 Pubttshed Oraoga Coast Oa11y P1lol. Nov 2. 9, 16, 23, t982 •818·82 PtJBl.IC NOTICE ftcTmou• •uSMH NAM£ ITATEMINT • Published Orange Coast Deily 111 IJle p1operty 111ua1ed tn ,.,Cl City ot Irvine County ol Otange recorded tn Book 5 , Page 1 ot :ommon equipment, g11dens Piiot. No" 2, 9. t6, 23. t982 C911111y Md s1.-1e oesc:rtbe<I H State ot c111101n1.-as per map M1sce11aneou1 Meps. 1n lh• 0111c:e ot "'alk1. Clock •11<1 •wimmtng pool en<! 4821-82 Lot 83 ot Trac:t No 3625 Ctty of iec:orded.,. Book 30t pages 33 and the County Recor de• ol U•CI 01he1 c:ommu1111y teclllllH ol uld -------------1cos11 Mrn CovQly ot Oronge 34 M1ace11aneous M•P• 1n the Count>' bu1tc:llng Of appurlanenl thereto PUBLIC NOTICE s1.-1e ol Calilorni~ .is 1nown on a olhce ot tne County Rec:order ol Tht!1 street ae1<1reu •nd oth•r The stree\, adel•en or other map 1ne1eol 1eco<~ 1n BO'>ll 130 u•d County c;ommon deSfQn•llon 11 any. 01 111• common det1gnatton of Ille rel! FICTITIOUI .UIMIS NAME STAn"9(NT The tollowlng person 1$ <101ng buSIO-8S' VARMIT GUN LEATHER COMPANY 7132B, No 144 Garden Grove BIVll WestmlnSl C11ilorn•a 92683 Joh Ou1n110 605 t Chippewa Drive. Westmrnste• Cal1torn1a 92683 Tn1s bus1nen rs c:onducteo t>y .an lndllll<IU•l • Jonn Ou1n110 This s1atemen1 wu tiled with the Co\lnty C~tk 01 O••nge County on 0<:1obe1 29. t982 f200I01 Pubt11hed 01ange Coeal Dally Piiot Nov 2 9, 16 23, 1982 4762-82 PUBLIC NOTIOE Paltl!S 7 8 9 ano 10 ot YOUARl"INDEFAUl.TUM>VIA IHI property describ.id above IS J)fepeny lltr411n•l>OVe desenb«I IS M11cenaneous M•P~ rKords ot o E 1 o o F • T "U IT D 4 TED purl)(lfled to be ou1port•d to be 2525 Ocean Olange County Cal1f0tn•• IEPTEM•E" t1, 1911. UNLESS 824 Weal Etghteenth Street 8oultlvllel S E , Apartment E-S. The 1trf'et 1dd1en .ind otht1 YOU To\KI ACTION TO '910HCT Costa Me» Cahl0tma Cnann•f Reel Bldg · Coron• de! common ,Oet&Qnation 11 any of tilt YOUR PllOPEATY, IT MAY aE The un<1er11gn•C1 Trutte• Mitt Caltlo1ma 1u1 1:11operty desc11bed abov" II• IOLD AT A PUe&JC IALE. IF YOU d1sc111ms e11y. t1eb1hty 101 any Tiie unde111gned lle•eby puroorleel 10 1>e .)223 Cofo•~Clo NEED AN E~NATION OF lnc()(rt!Clness °' fhe a1ree1 aOi:lfHI dtJ~ertrrr Ill ttab1h1y tor •"Y Place Costa Mesa~•hlo1n1.1 NATUAE OF THE '910CEfDING and other common Cll\SIQl\•llon If IOc:CHrectne .. 1n a8'<I IHMI t<ldress The uTI<lers1gneC1 lru1tee A01'1NIT YOU, YOU SHOU'-D any sno..nheretn 0101 .... commonele$tgn1fton olSctaims any 11ab1hty lor an~ CONTACT A LAWYflt, Seid s•t• wtll b• m•Cle Out Setd "I• '"''" 1>41 made "'1thou1 1ncorrec1ne11~ ol tl"le 1trl'et &dd1ess 5712 Southall Terrace Irvin&. wlthoul co<1enant or wa11anty warrtnly ••Pr••• or implied and other c;ommon dos.goatton ii cai.f0tnia ne><•ss CH 1mptied, r41g.,d1ng Ill ... 1eg.,Cltng 1111• poueu1on. or any lhown ~·e1n '" 'ell e a1r~t 11ddress CH common possession. or encumb,.nct11. to enc:um111enc;es to s•llsty the The-IOlloWlnQ P41110nl .,. dO•llQ 'FICTITIOUI •u-11 • buslnns ... NAME ITAn•NT Said sate "">" be m•de bul des1gnation 1-J stiown above no pay the rem111n1ng p11nclpal sum ol p1tnc1pal b1lance ol the Note or NllhOut coven1n1 O• w1tr1an1y wa,,anty 11 given os 10 Its thenote(e)secure<lbyHJdOeedot Ott141f obhijlllon tecure<I by Uld ••Preu or 1mohed. 1egnre11ng title completeness Of co11ectnflN) ·· The Trust. wl!tl 1ntetes1 th•1•on, n O"d of Tru11 w11h tnterut and posseu1on or e11cumbronces b•nct1c1ary under" said Deed of p1ov1ded 1n &aid note(•). e<1v1nc:e1. other 11.1ms H p1ovrded therein, 1ncluC11ng tees cho•ges an Cl Trusl by 11111on of• Drench or 11 any, undef fhe termsol 11id Deed plu1 advances. ii any. under the e~penses of tile l 1uslff lf1CI 01 ma oetaull 1n the 01>1.gatlons seaured o t Tr u 11, t oaa c: h • • g 11 s • n d t411m• lllefeol and tnterast on such tru.is create41 by H•d Oeed ot thereby he•eloto•e executed end e•penSft of the Trustee •nd ol th41 a<1v•nc111 and l)lu• lees. c:h1tijH Trust. to pay the remaining p1onc1oa1 e1e1tve1ee1 to ttle undersigned a tru••• created t>v Hid Oeed of tnd •~penMt ot the Trnstff •11d ot sums ol Ille note secured l>y seld written Ooc:larellon ot Oellult and Trust · Ille 1tust1 created by Hid Deed ot Oeeo ol T•u&t to wll ,533 802 20 Dem•nd tor Sale, end written no11ce The total amount 01 tlle unpaid T1u11 The total emount ol Uld with intereit ttiereo" lrom F11tb1utry ol 1>reach end ol election 10 cause balance 01 me obllgatton sec:ured 01>tig1t1011. tnctudlng reuonabl'JI 11 t982 di 'T5lltrcem per annum rhe undt1*1gn&d 10 Ult said by me prope11y 11> b• sold Ind u11mal•d ~t••· CIHHgH and as p1ov1ded tn said note ptut c:o~t• prOpl'rty. 10 111lsty said obllgollon•. reasonable es11m11ed c;o11s. ••P«IMI ot th• TruatM, at •ne ume ano My ed\lonc;e' of S6.6Gll 00 w11'1 1nd 1herea1te1 1he undersigned expen981 trfd edvancH at 11t9 llm• 011n11111 pubhcallon ol 1hit Notre. ts AMERICAN SALES NETWORK. The lolloWtng persons are dOing ..iGQO ~ warrlf< Avenue. Sult• 0. bullne11 11 · Sertlll Ana, Ctlllornta 92705 OISTINCTl\IE CARPET & 1ntf'rtst c;&used se•d nollc• ot t>reac;h ond of ot lhe lnlll•I publ1ca11on o f th• $368,808 S3 The t>eneJ1C1a1y u11cltr 101d DMd elec:tlon 10 be rteo1ded July 30. NOllC:e ol Se .. 11 $e48 2t• 8" Dated 0<:1ober 28. 1982 Nellon SUUI Control UPHOLSTERY RESTORo\TION, 910 corw•11on. a 1111n0<1 c:orpor111on, Llarel P11ce, Colla M-. C1!1lorn1a 11100 E Wam411' Avenue. Suite 0 , 92626 ot TruSI heretot0<e oatcuted "Ind 1982. 11 1n11r No 82·265202 ot The benel1Cla1y unel411 ••Kl Deed Coast101t Equity Inc: .. det1vered 10 th11 undt•slgned I said 011ic1111 Ae<:or<ls • t T1ust ner•totor• e•t<:uttd •nd a Cautornl• C:OfP<>f•llon, witUPn Oeclara11on ol d•laun •nd Said 181, will bt mede but e1e11vered to the U11<1e111gned • \ as TrualM. Sanll f.n•. CahlOfnll Richard Navarren•. 910 Lierd O•mand lor Satt1 Jnd 41 wntt•n without i:ov11n•nt or warronty 1111en Decta1a)l6"11 of O.teult and 8y REAL ESTATE Cal Produc:ll Comp.111y inc , Place. Cosll M•N .. C•llf0tn1a 92628 (penOtflO) • Cal1lom11 cO<poretlon, Ml,hHI J ,,.,, •• 11098 El 3303 Htrbor Blvd • C·9, Co••• Ama111to, Foun111n lf1Jley, C.ltlornltl M .... Cehlorn•a 92629 92708 • Notice 01 Default •nd (t~toon to a•preu 01 1mptted, r~ard1ng lltle emend 101 Sile 1nd a wrllttn SECURfllES SERVtct. Sett l ht! un<lf-fMgned c;.w..., sa.O l)Otses11on Of encumbrencet 10 NOllCe ot O.laull end E1ec:11on to • Cttllornta c0<pora1ton. Nottc:e ol O<ilault and (lt~c:hon to o•v 11141 1em .. n1ng p11nc1pot aom ot ell The und41fl>Qnecl cauM<I ,.1d 111 Aotnt Th\1 bualneu 11 c:onductecs I>)' • This bullrlelt IS c:on<lucted by • ~1 to be rec.t><d•cl 111 too county thO note(•I Meuted b)' Nld OMd ol Nolte• ol Oelaull end Cltc:l1on to By 1SEAl) DJ Morgt>r wt>et• the real propert; It loc..1tlKI Tf\111 with 1ntHHI as 1n saJ<I not• Sett 10 t>e tKOf<led In lh• county 111 Presi<lent hmlted pcirl-lhlel .. g41Mfal par1n.,!lbl11.. Cal ProO\ICtt Rlc:fl.Md flqvarrell• BURROW t!CMOW CO orovtdM advances. 11 tlf1f ul'flltr" tfiM" rAJ properly 11 IOCllto -,020, N 8rotdw1y Slll MICI\ .. MefC:~IO This stalemenl WU t11ec:t with the 2070 N Tushn AW' tfloe tf'tmt of Hid ~ or Trust 0•(• November 8 1982 206 Sent• Ana CA 1-charge1 •n<I axpense1 l)f Int TRANSAMERICA TITLE Sent• Ana CA. 92706 • PrMj<lorlt County Clerk ol Or.nge County on Thia 1101-1 was hied with lhe OG1ob4lr 22, 19112 171• l ~Sii !1212 lrustH and of the lrUll~ crHle<I by INSURANCE COMPANY Ttl (714)~S3-(o8t0 Publllh41d Orange COHI 0•1ty PllOI Nov 2 9. 16, t98J Ctierrl Wyt~ 11,.,. t•l<I Otto of Trull 830 N Mlln St•Ml Pubh•heel Oteng~ Coot Dally Said •••• wlll be held on S•nfa 1'n• CA 92702 County Cieri! of 0.81\i11 County on '20a10 0ctob41f 21. 1082 Pubt11ne<1 Orange COHI ·Delly Ptlot Nov 16 U JO 11182 • W..,n411d&y Decem1>41f I, 1982 al 1711'1 ~7·9571 !I04!1·82 2 00 pm 111 ltie Cnaom.,, A\oenu6 By Hor!Mtt C Moon fl0r7M P11o1. ~1 2t. Nov. 2, 9. !8. 1N2 Publlshed Ortnge Coast Dally '-•11!12·82 4834-82 Pllol, Nov 2. 9, 18, 23, 1982 "765-12 Nil.IC llOTICE flCTITtOU• "" ..... NAM1 ITATl•NT Th41 IQltoWiflg petlOOI ere dOlng ~-THE OA\llOSON ANTtOUE 009#/tf'Y, 1Nl•A ..... I~ 11.Vfl , S~t Ane. Ca H?O&, J1nuh 0111td•on, 44• 11111• Roma. ~port BMch. Ca OffeO Matvln D•wld•on. •44 v111a Roma. "-'>Of' ...... c. 02eeo Ttll1t>utlneM11-C~ed by t11 ~ ""'""' Otwldton Tl'tlt ttat411nf'!I wCll lll4ld wM the COUnly Cl9rll of Ottnee County Oft OctObef 21. 1912 ,_., PuOlltlled O"nilt COHI Dell~ Pilot ()a 2t. NCI'/ 2, •• ''· 1"2 4tff.U ------------1n11enc:e 10 tht Civic Ctnler f.»I Sec.t••erv "8.IC NOTIC( Bulldthg 300 E .. 1 Chipman Pubh1hlld Ort nge Coa\t D•1fvt----==~'::""'!~==~-- .l\v1nue rn the City ot 01ange. Pl'°'· Nov 16. 23 30. 1982 flCN!:!!O",Tl•eAJTl ... _ ... T .. ,ICTinOUI ......... flCTfTIOUI IU..... CalifOfnlO 4ff5·82 -.. .. NAMa ITATW•NT NAMI 11''11•NT Al lh• 1lm1 OI ll'lt tnllllf Th41 lollowlng peftol'lt lf41 doing The 1o11ow1r1g peteona ••• doing lh41 foll~ ~ton• ere dOl"i! pob1tcat10tl ot 11111 no11c., tht 10111 Ml.IC NOTICE out•'*••• · butl-as bll1tne .. •• amount 9t Ille unp110 blllllC'l Ol the 1---------'"""'----~----1 TRIO GRAPHIC SERVICES, K H DONUT • ICE CREM E ZEE MEDICAL BERVICE, 72U obllg111on HCU•,,d t>r .... lbOv• ,ICmlOUI Mii••• 1052 tulv•r Orlv•. 81111• A·'29, SHOP, 14358 &rookl!ur•t, Oar<ltn Murdy C1rcte. Hun11no1on h1ch, ducttlftd d••d o '"''' enct .....,.aTATl•NT trv•nt. C•lltOfnl• 92714 Grovt, C•~lorn1a 926"3 C•tllornia 928'17 • .. 11m111d co111. up•neH. and T ne following peuon te doing Wllbett A SAnlo, N bpltr\Mt iHOOlfl.tfMI Kllltrul. 3701. No. R L G EntttprltH, Inc • aovtnctt 11$139385 31 • 11w1nt. Cal1l0tn1t 92115 .0 ,,.,.\:,., (.w, tMM, ~ ,Clltlofnlll corpor•IOll, 1111 Murdf. ofo p -.r _. ~~ THI P,.CKAGI POSJ. t 71 J!~"'~ellfalll!. •8 92715 ClrCMt1 Hl)nltnglon hat.II C•Mlotnl 1ft~._-1 .j.'.,;~ . " A1~.9'llte '1',~ ,,..............._ ~u:.oil .. •t271t 8hll'lll Kh1rr11I, '"310 !, NO •C 926"7 , 011• N()vtm04ll 2, 1912 1 8eKtl Cll1for"ll 0*' J tr r 'f 0 t n 0 WI Y • t1 I I l P•rhl-Lane, trv1nt. Ca11forn11 Thll bllllMI• 11 con<IUCttll bV a Wll BAN CORP .... Atch••d 1Jnw1n, 111'2 lfolntnl Arm11ronQ Avenue, lrwlne. t2715 OO<l>OflllOl'I .. Mod Ttu.... Or'lw. Santa Ml. 01Mtlorn11 tt~ C.itloml1 t2'114 Thie"'"'"-.. condUC.led by an R l 0 'tnlt!Pfi .... I"" By TD SER\liC( co Thtl l>Utl-II COfld\lc:ltd by, an Tllll l>lltlNH .. conMtea by • lndl'Mlltl lilobett l OoOClt. eoent l'dl¥icl111tl ~81 P4111MtlNP H~ Kharrul Pt"'""' By Ctn<ly Sc:hoonCMH' RIChUd Unw•n Wllbtrf A Santo 'Thi• ... lemtnl w~ ltlllcl wtlh 11141 Thi• lltltllltllt WH llf•d With A1111tan1 S.C:r•ll•y , ..... 118141tnenl WH tiled -ith Ille Tl!la 1111-1 •• "'" wtttl "" County ()erk Of Otanot Counry on the Couctty Cflfll of Ota"" County One cnv BMI W1s1 ounty Clerk of Or•f1941 CbClnty on Cout'lly c•r. of Or.,. Counly Oii Oetow n . tM:l on Oc:toOer n . ttll OrllllQt. CA 92'68 Mlf t 198' Oetoo.t H 1N2 ____ L ,_ ~ T .. t7 t•1 &3S·l288 ,_ ,,_.. Publllhed Orange COHI 0111)' PublllMd Oran .. CoMI 0.11., Publlth411' 01•nt• COlll 0•1ly Pubt1~h•d O••no• COHI O•llv P11bl•th4ld Or1n9t COHI 01lly P110t:Nov 2. 9, 18. u. 1M2 Ptl04 Oc• 2•. Noll 2 .•• ti, , .. , Ojl()f NoY 9 1• 2J. 1M2 llol Nov 2 9 11. '3 1"2 Piiot Oct "· NOW •2 •• 1e. 19'2 •76t·a2 ....._12 ..... s.e2 11u-12 41H ·•2 . PUBllC NOTICE c L A s s I F I E D •• A.n~'"",.'' t•._, PorJI l-'C•INWn\ ....... lo..od r ... ""'•t•• '°"'•' l'hi1bt• ,.,..\ .... S!IYICES !WhWf' V1r.,tttlf) EMPLOYMENT & N£PAHTION ... IA•tr'W~ JObW•Ate-d• pY.IMH "It. I MllCMAM8tS£ ~== .. ....... _ :::i:; .... 4""'•'• c ... , ••• c. ........ CM> O.C• ......... v ... t'\frNtw.-C11-~ 110 ..... -G-. ,.,.. ... , ............. '-'ff-A,,..,->. .,w.1,.,,....., Mlwt'U•""""• .,,_.~ 'CV\tnl1M4tU'IW',.. Ufrt4'f' t wrn 4 t 4••• ..... h•""""'" u•-e•• '-'••fllt "i••fl\1111n ~ .... , .... .,, 'ilClr• flnl•.,UN tlitf ~-/!d..u ..... "".,,..; BOATS & MAllNE CQUIPMCNT r; .. ,.. •• boflh \t•1N '-'''''° .. ., .,, ~. #II -~~·k iOAT SHOW- CASE (vN~ Satur<lay 1n tile o .11ly P•tClt Clil'>Sllieds . LOW IOWI . a 11an1 V.lt 11n1 p11rga1n p11ceo 4 Bdrm r: ... er ltxer with •11.>•khng pool and bub· 011nq, not ~pe• Ju~u re<lu· Cl'd lo S 135 0001 Call 6•6-7t71 THE REAL ESTATE RS ,) ·,, ---H * f! ·•ua HlllE On '"" gofl cou1se Cu~lom bt.iutilul 3 B<11m 11om.-m11ny many fix· h<t $279 500 Wtlh 10-fe down owner "'''' c:arry el t:' mterl.'91 Roy McC1rltle1 llltr. 541·1121 . ********* •HYFllOH• IOU SLIP &•h \hnn• t.q'"' Moth ro-.u lklil.\ R~•• t IUr-t•t tto;u \•11 ..;!. .... Mtw Price S4H,5001 18 BALBOA coves 3 Mtm·don 2 bath OPEN 0 All Y I 5 llnlh "IP" 001 h "'1•1> ........... ,~. 8o10 "°''' .. TRANSPOUATION A.irtr•ft t •mPtr~ \al~ At -.1 t:ttt\t1t (au • =:-~· d;..."I".:' ........... M"'1Jr ltt1'h '•I• Htm Tt••lt"H 1-ra.rt !'.;~";:,~.~·:·•J."' lUTOMOlllE l.f'Mt•I • "'*"llH• -.,J ....... M•i"UalM._. \ •t\u lh ~~tt~tt, .. h ••,.......•Lt••'"' y, .. ~. ,_ AIAvL..•'•Ati. A"*wW•flllH AUTOS, IMNIT£0 t,...~··· \1h Kumetf \...i \ .. , .. ,. '"""'" "ll"' ~ { ·~· u.1-11\ ..-~ ... ,,.,. ..... ''"""· ... ,.,., J.-l\.lofft t\4tm..nA••fUa 1.111\Wcl\IAI "•'"• ..... ,,,.,,~..,..,,., .. 1. .llUll llHI t'•"'"4'1# .~ • ...,'11~ l\iin~h~ =~:~fu,n._ RO\.-r .... r.;: ..... ,., .... f@)OU Tmu"~ \vt•\••ltA \ .. , .. t ........ AUTOS, MlW -. .. ..,, f7 91\ ART lilOYHIETII RUL TOR OWHR * 150-9111* ********" COUMlRY FllHCll UTAH N rALLBROOK 11 ac.•l''I 6~00 5Q II hm ttnr11s c:ouu e1c;, S875 ooo o"'""' ...... 11 ea11y • u 1 am 10 1 pm Moo thru Frt 2 t3 731·4!162 Pried Te Sett! B .. 41UI llt't O•aled Condo fuller1on-81ea area Nr C\)!tl'(Je 2 BR 1350 ~q It Owner mo111rale<l St l':l 000 bst o lr Cl'\ I 1344 Or 11529·3798 1 UCLUSIYI So. Coast Shrts LM(ll! J B1 3bi1 P.lllO t1orn1• w •l"moly rm Sul>!lr ,1,i.umt1hlll 11i.0<1 rate to.i11• E•11ov h•llul•lul 10119 ,1tH1 , .. c u11ty gatest (,,omm 0001 und e1uo· h'1Ur.e• 11'8.000 Ctll ll(IW 97'1°!>310 ~"~· I ,,,, - '"· Read Ille CflSllh•d ldl for I thf' oesl deals in 1pa1t· c ,..,!....-men1 r~n1a11 8"2·5&78 \ f . -1 l I 1l F ti •I I A ' ' •, 1 • • ~ ! •, ,~. r ,,. ...., .... l ---~"'~a .. ""-'\ .. , ... 1 .... , -· Y'IN _, ,..., ,..., ...,. .... .... I ""\. usinessmen 11 l/llU 0 rt d''"'ll bua1nt\1 undtr o f ll'ltl!llUJ flllll"fU \uml' .111111 art 1rq111rfi1 l>ti lau• 1 t1"3tllfH o~ ,.,,,, .. !.,tUl'IJ C'lldt .. '\#(' 11~10 10 rl9Jlr1 to /1l1 o fH'lllli"·' R1111"ut ••••••••-I• \'amt' Srntl'mt"I and . Tumyour ·~a. .... Into UHltle ca9". can Dally Piiot claalfltd Ml-1111. ' ha t•r 11 f)11hl1Shff Jor I f f1111 r ('Omf'C'ul n• wttb WI' f 1 i•r D.AIL~ I 1111.0 'ran M'P' ....i . lwll/I Colt flit l.t:GA • I> ~. I' A H T \f I; "\T o I ~o 0 21 1:.11 JJZ lor ""'"" 1nll>n!Mll10W •' , 1.t11r1p11t11 642-4321 .. • -• Ortmg v. No1111111hu1 Ill. t082 LIH llLI 111111 • P11m1• l~hi• NnnJ b.1y~)11l !) W1-111. ~ 1 h.tlh LR•' L ll • 11lr ru11d 2 &.11 11h1• $I .~(Kl,000 Hl•moJrkd 3 bdrin, 2 h.Alh + lui 64•' u~ 0 1111 .. l>t•Mll l'l'lll1]8Ji• turnit.hl'tl, 1).llUlll $42(1,000 PElllllU 11011 Oloe•.m & Jl'llY Vl(.'Wj M11rtn" roorn. ·I Wrm. a hnth, :'700 *4 Ct Sl.:Jll:'>,000 C'>.'t•1111frc.ml Liii& ISLE llYFROIT ••lltull .H UUU llUll Ct11um11111 111 n•w '1 ••Y fllllllll'< 1111111 n•·m • ll• t.im Hn uuol11 ll'1 ll ~h~C.11 .......... 1 ll1• .IU"• J IOI U•ll·•t llU•llAt'.. "" \.t!U lo •1111 $'>11!> OOU '"•t1ll111 l11iunc1• Nu 1t11111 h'O 144·4110 . T l\ Y LOH < 'O ' I Lagoon vww fro111 Ii l.Kh 111. ~ hulh, pluyrornn, dork nn. d,·n 80111 11111-1 Now. $1 ,tlOO,l)OO !-••-----• IAYSIDE PUOE coLDWeu BANl(eRO !::ifX'l.'lul'Ulu°r l>uy fronl dplx 'l hr. 'l hu up, 2 hr, • 'l Lia c.Jn 4! bout Spal't'!l lll.JUl't..J $1 ,50(),{)0~ .. FllRl&llKS R&ICH . Nc•w 4 l>1'. 4'' oo. rus1'm1 Frl•nt·h Nvrm(lnd Estatl' 1.:l prime l~t·rc hllllop $1.2:)0.000 OOllDllDO CAYS Cornnudo lshmd (.'U t bayfront lot s~· boat doc:k Plans ava1f Now $370,000 w/tcrms Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 BoyHl" Dr.,. "' B 67~ 6161 PRIVACY t ClllM N B,'s back bay Pvt 4Br. FR 'homq MBA Wlf P Fr drs to sectud rr yard Country charm Asking only $285,000 w/J1ln1 h· non avail Blnn1e·oo1on GEORGE ELKINS CO • 751!-9100 HLIOI COVES ElSTSllE COST& MESA Cul <le sac toca11on1 No- 1 h1 ng this tow on this large OI II IOI ~ Bdrms owner Will CllHY •$I 19 000 l:J,_.l()Uf" fi()Mf>S RanllOIS, 675-6000 . SPH~S Mill COllOll Ill MIR $211,llO Nl 01 4 Clt',111 ouplt>A F"rebhly p,11n1Cd 'I umt~ 2 BR & 1 &A l h•" 1., ,, torceu 'SUh! Ownm will c,11ry J)liper TruO•• nr 'OnSldl•r c10s1n9 C051 101 dciwn l)Jymenl Cell 101 11'nts SPY&USS llltl E \ 11 ;;orchnthy v ... luf' HI S11_ygl.tH. Tt11ce Ile drooms F amity room Portsmouth meodtil P1111a1e cour lyor<l -..11h po111 .>nd spo Propu11y rugr1ty uJ)grade<I ttuoug hout S4!>0 000 131-1300 llYFRDIT lmr1aculn1e Now Bedlord mdl wllgo game 1m ups-IHESTORS • teirs ,& tge tam rm WlllT I LOCITIH! \I >II./ 1lFll d A • \. IN o I I Ml It!'• S 12,000 DOWI Will ht'i!J yoo CIWrt lhl~ Ill Vt'ly :.l IJOrt•I 11oc.1I ll(>mo f Vt•I y Ul)fjl 1ICIU JUll S 11 l •.00 1lk1 648 070'! I U4,ott E. Sl4t OM 20A Ip. :I WI• """" Sl'll In ::>O dy, 63 I 1093 HELP Ul o ..... .,, llJ\ bou9n1 11110 111111 .1t11J mu't !>l n th~ gt11gi•OU!o 4 Bd• Ill Mt>"I Wood., norm• rvery up 91 Jdu Oun I ""'"" tho~ M iJ II t• o·t I o f 8 k r H1111tio1ton leic• 1040 ······•········•••·••· SPACIOUS IHCll NOME !> B!J• " Ha 3-sly, 3000 • ~q II i <1vur 900 sq fl ut b11tconv ~01nu ot11an \/tf'Yy ' blk 10 tltttlCh $285 ooo r P Seu owne• m ndt houser 111 ?06 15111 S1 536 1718 MD. u -flo ouau llAIWOH lUJ)(;-tr; cu .. 111111 Vtl•w 11111111• $:'\U,000 0µ111111 11w1111•y I Jk~l111!1t11.'<. ~ l}.111.- $1 WY.~tl<l N1•wpu11 Hu11Jhl~ cite.tu• 2 Or I Bu <1lll CJr Qtllll!ji' '•0 JJ. I 17 Rt IOI $165 000 46 I s mt .. An11 AV•' -548 5()4 I nit 6 TRADI T 10\AL REALTY C,1osl' lq ocean 3·3 Py<n•s s noo 10 s2000 6111 Juin . s 175K 10 $'215K Move on Cui1t11ao -I 011 tJkO over stu·ueO ilP· •••••~•••••••••••••••• prec131•011 f"1nancono WIDOW DISTRESS 11v1111111>te C.ill Sue at . '/ OCEANFRONT "'J bdrm, I Bit S700 m o Btll 'Grun<ly Rllr 675°6161 Oct>:in llorit y•ty.4 t;>drcn. Lg 1B• Cone.to, bulcony ? car go1ogc> and '*tub securr $425 mo Stull\ t;_t.indo 3 t>r "'J'' ba 101m.il uin rm. tam rm encl patio. cornm µool $ 1150 644-0335 Oii Spm 675·7650 " 642-7042 E Blull condo 3 br den. 2 , ba Nr 1en111s Club Housts Unlu111i1•e' .......•.....••..•••.• G1ne11/ 3Zl2 . ···:·e;.· CdM ·;900···· Beoul t s1y 3 llr-~ Ila PQllO t1plc 2 cnr ga1 ho mt• on qu1e1 ctJr:de-1 6 O O 5 q 11 Le as c &!IC S850/mo For appt $890/mo 760·0-679 960 8468, 536-1435 ~ Specu1c.uUu VJA.w_ eooL Sllorp 2 BR 2 B .. vacanl • spa & 1erin1s $1995/mo $550 a~k for Kelln .Hrllr Rdge. 760-9307 ., FUINISHED or UNfUINISHED ALL UTILITIES PAID.HEALTH CLUBS. TENNIS SWIM.HNG phis much mott! Sooy, no ~ts. Modtls open dalfy 9 to 6. .. 1mt101J\ ? Hi I e.1 $4ll!l Qu111r• 3 R• 1 l.Ul ~47•, l11uncJr{ h•t. oonl '•Ml 'l'J~f> I? 71'M llSTllT II! f 11•11'11h• $6:1!> S63"11mo "I Bt I • Bil' T ownhou~~ ,111 1111111 Ill'> (norv rm c """'I y1v<111>ntconv. \111••11 pc>J OK 1 :-Ol Mg{111 I 642 IGO:l f11upt.ic•·. fJOOI d•-.h· WO\h4!r fJvl t &llO X \.g 0dr<Jt·11 l & 2 Br on Et \tdC $4(,0 $S6 ~ !i!.7 ?841 ..,, Oakwood G~rden A~rtments •Nftl101rt kM'.h/No. 11R. HR. 3111. NPwly decor Gas pd encl gar (1w5h1 pool IJ~ no pet~ 642-5073 (al 1~1h) 645-1104 Neyport BeM'.h/So. 1700 16th SI r~i·;:i1 16111/Pomona 1 Br 1 B.1 downsta11s dis car port wote1 pd. 1 ch1t<1 o~ no P"IS $400 Agent no IN• '162·02 I 7 ' SPACIOUS 'l Bd I Ba ••••••••..ii Bi>um c1;111ng.-.• serv bar w ood cat> no pef'S. l~t Oqvtr) 642-5113 1 an $375 mo .Olk •o S475 ?:>56 Maple cicoiin poollsngl adll 548·73!1C. or 673-8803 p1eti 642-5002 • Nowcr 2 UR '2 Ba S.415 3 CEHFROU • BA :i Ba w/2 c;ar gar '2 t. 3 bd 11va1l by wk Of $~ NO pPtS 760-1418 mo Ag1 6H 8170 or 64? 7528 evslwllrids --1•2Br 2Ba Near SC" BAYf RONT Ptaia~S.A. Lu...ury Con· BALBOA ISLAN D 3 dO wtpool $575 No Snndy beach & pier and chp IOf 45' boal Priced urider market orid owner will exchange or teasel optton or ? Pleasant 4 lldrm home tfllh •deal ltoor plan lor dally hvtno and cuuat entertatnfog $475.000 1ee downstalr• Beaut 11a-d in-ine ettv ot Oram)~' wl badm1n1on couri 4 Next j o GG und SA Fwys Bdrms & 3 !laths A per· 1 & snapping Two ~tory ~ect family home $723. , wi'J BR. 2 BA . dl'CO 00 raled 1n OdtlhlOrl\!~ Prtl 891 ~556 SALE'. l1vi11t 1044 ······~~~·~······1 C11.vr>11119 3 bedroom 2 o.11h 2 s1ory ocean 111ew homl' 1n i.1111 rovely San Juan C11pistr<1no .on a 2 Br Ip Bat Pen $"00o l B• baylront $900 2 Br ocnlrnl $1100 JICllS REALTY PROP MAIHEMHT 111·1113 961-447 1. 968·9853 2' 81 den 2 Bo wet ban Bike to !leach 4 BR 2ba lrptc 3 car gar• pool bd1m 'l ba hOUSI' in O•'"' Pt'tS 833-8974 - c;ond Furn or unlurn ('BA 1 ba <11WOftin~ lmmud pon ei51on 2 1H1ho gar no bets $525 mos m1n1mum rental 548 4<'91 645·9857 ' 1714167)-4400 sen t ty rented tor IJIJI H .. JIJI $695tmo ·se11e1 very mollvat~d Assume high •deal tamllv nome Lg S6951mo 553-0255 • $-1500/mo Owrivr t Bdrm $425/mo Carpofl & taundric tac;1I Ca)I Siu I 4':17 2338 Of 540·3666 tncd yrd NC&'• 6AAl·9513 - Wl\Tli{I KONl llOMI !'. IM.. REAL ESTATE 631-1400 ttAAB-OA First fD S~4.500 G1seli1 "' Turtlo Rock 4 lldrms :>' b.1 Of1U level Pro· le11&10111llly ctec:ora1ee1 BtMut1!41lly h1ndscape<1 llllCI< Ytlrd p 110 COv~r 1111~ 15 o mu~t 100 belorn d1•c101no on anything priv,11e cut de 511<\J. Manv upgradet Movt! in cori· d111on ... en llelow ,,,ark· et 01 ·cov•!>e Ouick sate dt•\lrO<l WISh to rel~le CM 496 J88? " BR '• BA BONUS ROOM OEN DIN RM S1epo; to beacn Lovely 4 b01m.$1100mo Imme<: Comm pool & 1enn1s PHTllOUSE Oulrt SUlllT &IY m1s1------1 Water1ront property, pool. leqnlS court, call Tim Rhone today on this eac111rig p1opert y 631-1266 720· 1263 EICULHT llY 3 B1 on coun11y size tot Furri rncluded Full prfee $107,000 751-3191 . One of the ways homes &.re being bought and sold today is with Land ·con,rac\ (Con\rac\ for Deed) Jenktni. 644-6200· 110,000 UHH•&RIET etSf' $229 500 $5000 Down 4 B• :> Ba c:overed p11t•O vauMed . c;o11tngs commty pool Sl17.500 Ca11497·1657 FHllSIH IHTALS FRPLC ••.•,'>'! Avail Ve1sa111es $625 now 963-'4785 Lido P.irk 2B1 $750 Haoli•i'toa Ponu1 Baell .5350 Cke3ntrn1 3Br S 1000 H11H., 3242 L11Jo l!lk> 2Br $1650 ;O .. d~;·;.·,;;·~~·k••: Oceanfront 3B1 $1400 Bdt 2 Ba 3 car garage owrier 2 131592 •905 tease option HFIHISllH Lido ISll' 5 Br $1800 Lido ll>IP 2Br $ 1100 ltvi•e 3244 ....••......•.......•. 546 5704 • Lido Isle 4 bd 3 ba $1400 22:> Via Pa1e1mo 675-7168 2 Br collage Newpor1 Hetgh15 redwOod deck!> 1>r1clo. walk s w ooded qar S7501mo Avail 12· 15 645-6625 .. 2 Br 1 Ba N!'Wer--tnhse-. 1'10 p{'IS $495/mO 1916 wittocr 102 831-3671 Beouttlul & on th" most pr,..~11q1ous otdg over tooll1ng oc;con & 1et1y l~nwty d~COrlllf'O by tu mous desrg~"-Compt Lar94' 3 8'-2 Ba .. Tow.n. tutn L~e 2 B• :rf>a Pool rouse in Qu•et complex, 111c bO:\t slip $ HOOl'J"O "t.i1ge pool gar~en set· tmmau occul)~noy Alt ling S67 ~ 845-3381, 10um c.all 675 3738 675 5949 · llSTllT II! Altn<>lil new 2 '>10fy 2BR I' , Bath corido oveftoo 1\1!>0 po<>! & spa Seller e~ttemety JYIOl•v<lled H1gn ISi TD & soller will catry ~rmgtll no1e De· co1a1f•O on earlhtones large p.i110 ne<ir S A Shopping Ctr & lret•· ways $85.000 G1soto Jenkins 644·6200 '!!~!1.~e.'.L~•.'!!1 .•.•. /1101'.i/f Homfs Baytrolll :> $2000 Baytrorit 2/don $1800 Fresh :?Br $675 RHTILS Sin Cle•eote 3216 1 10 4 bdrins s1ort1ng at •••••••••••••••••••••• A111t•eat1 Ua/arairh' i~"j);; ·;,j~~·;·· .. 3i06 ~~0~o~~.~~"!~t ~a~~dr~ room bPamed ce1hngs No pe1s No las1 monlh rrn1 oepOCJt 1eq· Call ~ Macriab -lrYmt! .. 573 CAM"'5Dl·IRV!tft B~ Ownf'f Lukelro111 3 B1 Woodll.' 1<1gc 6 M toc;o 1t0n Mok!;' Ot/ 551 9615 C,10H 'e/ #11 1022 64 1 8224 8-5 Mon1rr1 ..•.•..•••.....•...... TRADE you• bormq income pro- pc>rty or outgrov.n res• denoe w1th.o large eqv11y for thos neal rur.ttc on<l roomy 4 odrm 3' ba nome 1n WALi( 10 THE BEACH CORONA oa ~!l!!'!!.~il.".~{ .• !.~~~ MIST SELL CHDO 3 BR 2 bd upper corricr El Nig<~ CC Goll Cour- ~t' H1qnly c~,,,i & upgr ad d P ean view Xlnt torms 59 500 17 14)831 -6335 111•1831 1216 MAR LOCATION wllh ·······--spectacular 180 deg oceari Ca1a11na tstand and naro0<, wt>-Puce<! al curt,.,... a ppr a ,,\, orice ct $475 000 ice Owner h3!. ~ t~5.000 equity ill'd will Cdrry 2nd 144-1211 Fol Sile 1100 Liilo IBr $1100 . $600 to $2000 Hill stdtt ocea11 view 3 I>• .....•.............••• .........•.•••........ ·&rttnluf Park ?0 •48 w t enclosed porch 'I BR '2 BA. Cor· '!WI IOI ilghl 1nt1>nOr 5 This ·~ 1he Bes1 Buy tn Towri 540·5937 • $0(.wllyi2Br $1250 Wat!'• Iron! Homos Reallo1s 631· t400 Bilbo• Pt11in1al1 3201 .......•.....••....... le•c• Pt0rHtl• JJSO Penm P1 5 BR 3•, 011. ••••••••••~•·...,.••••••• DR trg'Vat10 $1200 mo Duplo~ on the sarid 30th to mo Agt 673·906Q •513 !' ........ "-I · s1 NB Newly remodeled C ' I u; 3222 ~w· lVM •n doct out 3-..0L 2 ba .!!~!'.'. •• ~.:!~! ••••••• ups 1.:m, 2 br 1 1>.i Old CdM So 01 PCH 3 Br 1 yr 1oose 3 br 2 ba. <1own11111rs M1ri 10•1, house No pets Call fpnc;cd comm pool T down OWC bal•f'Ce at Diana &3 l 126& water $900 mo Call <lYS 13 9•._ lo• 5 yrs Grea• tor 851·3003 evs 85 t-8180 summe1 ren1ats $735 JHMllE ClHI Turtlerock 3 &r 2 Bo 000 Armtloge Realty 2 Bdrm plus den Tennis, lnm d1n1"9 lrptc, private 714 S44 2484 pools Guarded comm 1oc;u111 ,prof df'cor 3P· Luase $1600 per mo pllanc:es 2 car garagf' Da,ltxes/ 640 1212 r.omm1y poot & tennis Uoits /01 Silt 1100 Ouple• al 717 . Orcl'•d 3 avail Dec 1st S995 mo •• • • ••• • •• • • • • ••• • • • • • Bt 2t>o «Jeck v•e-N 2 car ~6·23~3 4 Pie• C. M pride 01 ow· gAr S9SO Dy 540 4988 Qualtty 5Br f'•f'C hom;o l'IPrsh•P Gd. fin $295, eves 640-9219. Turtlerock H1ghlari<1s 000 675 ·00 73 ·or $1750mo Ava110ec 15 855-2249 • -Co•I• #eH 3ZZ4 GOLDEN PROPERTIES TSL. Mgml 642· '603 i:on11e1t den·& maid s Quarters $2000/mo 213/449-2628 E-Ooy1ron1· L1ttte Isle p1N 3 l\tor y <1elu~e lr9 ~Br lrplC $1800 mo Mesa VPrde sbarp,ups- 67S·3067 11111~ ~ BA :> Ba. bttris. 180 degree oceari view Iron'! 01n1ng Ltvong Den ,,nd K1tche" 3 Br & De" 2 , Ba Jmmacutatc No Pt'I~ 673-6632 owne• • 01 1m 1'10 POIS $575 mo ' lb ~ new cpts. ericl gar tnd1y Penia Ji 3101 c1111 5•0· I •S8 att 6 •··~··••••••••••••••• g79 .. 3&48 aslr for Pam ~ IJ<11 m :1 ba newer dpl• -S1ol1 Ao• 3210 yrl~ M.ituu! non-smkra '2 Br I Ba ~tudro POOi ••••••••••••••• •• ••••• no pet' $650 JC 3 carport pvl pat•o chfl- 3 Br 1' •b3 cori<lo tip ale 213 799.4 195, 257-9792 drl'f1 OK No pets $475 pool 11-ac;anl cpl pr et or 17 U) 673-3986 646 1824 SS75 646-6308 • $395 I Br opt~ Utol pd SHsel le.d 3211 417 E· Bay A"e Batooa a~·;~; .. 2 .. s·t; .. 11•;:r,·;·~~ P1-n No e>eh. 5•7 1155 Canal wlbOat slip 4 br • BACtiELOR • lg" ••• area $1250 mo \lrty ultl p<I $340tmo - A ~ a 11-n o w C a I I 20 I E Balboa Blvd 960-8468 536-1435 IOr ti75•9 .. 6:> 646 1319 appi •<l9l1 Coroa• ''I /1111 3122 Tusti• 3110 •••••••••.••• ••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• STEPS TO OCEll 2 BI 1', Ba C()(\dO tar- port sml pet OK $525 851-1999 770-9191 Da1Jexe1 l ngt' :I Br J Bo many omeri111er. $1100 Cert Oorolhy 673 7975 or 759 ci100 PALM MESA APTS 1561 Mesa Dr $400 Unlurn I Br Call 1>twn 9·4 !>46-9860 ~ t>Orm 1 Ila llfeplace oar ro P'-'" S49 5 548 7510 1 BR cpts d<P$ stove 1n<11~ tac•I avail now No f)f'I~ S375 &46-4382 :> Br w •gar S·UOlmo c;rpl!. wate1 pd 2176 E Ptocent•a 636·4 120 1 5P.M A financing pla.n wherein the . ' lll\IL[ Y \. PJn ~IG[l Ch.arming Laeluna Beacn •••••••••••••••••••••• ?5i2· 1589 noml' 101 C01ona oer Mar Eos1s1de condo Clean -3 dupteK Cneshlfe Rear br 2 ba den lrplc 2 cu• Ld~Olronl 3 Br Woodbf1d- oe s 1400 mo 55 t·9615 li• 1·8224 8·5 Mon/Frt U11/aroi1h4 3f00 2 Br I Ba B"glll & aory trptt sun deck, c;arplu1s tPaSt" no MIS S650 mo 760 1713 LllE IEW RUH IOW· seller loans the buyer funds with which to purchase a property is known I'S -a land contract or contract for deed. A down payment is required and periodic payments a.tan agreed-upon interest rate and 'term or loan. Impact on buyer • ~ ., paymen\. monthly payment.a. lnt.G. ,;t ~as.es and term or loan may 'be negotiated • No lenjthy waning period to qualify for loan ASSlJL:l\1 [') -tiiiiiiiiiii_riiiiii _____ BY OWNER. reduced • S50 000 llor 30 davs HPLH onlyt Now $~99 .SOO 3 PRICE REDUCED 10 BA 2'• bo pool·Nwp1 S-250 000 3 Bd•mS ? Hgl!t 5 11 lrv1tlo Ave llolhs plus studio apart· 833·9773 otc, 558·4982 ml!flt aoove garaoe Flr~t home lime o lferod Walk 10 snops 1>us etc Owners are recep11ye to your h· rianc1ng needi; Spec1t1c;ut11r Vtow Poot spa tenrits M4'" sell $445K 5\'1 dn 7Ti0·930~ Esta le 7!>!-1A77 • gar $800 545-6685 3 bd•m ~ ba w1lh large Iacoae PtorHtll ZOOG yd Ftemode1e<1 k•tch •••••••••••'"••• •••••• dbte oar 577!> Orive by C M Hugf' quahly <1upte.o 894' w Wilson Call 3 trplc 3 gar. coppe1 559.500 t plml> ng s 125K. SSSU· --mab1e toari at 12% int Eastslde resp adlls pre· $1751<;/o t r Agent lerred 2 br. I b1 go· 6<12·9666 r II g e $ 6 2 5 I m o 673-7544 SIU IY OWIER $825 3 br 2 ba, near 142-1200 PETE BARRETI ... REALTY UH ISLE Ul'ldivodl'd • mierest in scnoofs Mesa det Ma• OPEi WEI 1·1 15 units apl llldg '" Tiact New crpis, paint$ Hurihrig1on Beach CA drps 2 car gar 1ge yard 113 VII RIVEiii Call 71A/960·24 1 l for trptc mature only please Charming 3 1>edrootr ontormat1ori 011ve by 2782 Mendoztl bN1ch homP 1n nn exc;Pt -14 lttTS -l 642·0634 01 974.202 1 ll'f't 1oca11on very close· to clullhouse activities P11ced at 9 2 x's gross 2 br 1 ba Ou\oe Dy 2652 teMts 4 swimming Fell Includes pool. 1enri1s Santa Ana Aoto Unit 2 Do .•..........••..••.... 2 bdrm. 1 1>0 ga1age Co!t l a M esa M o• ri £H•OI Ilic• 3241 9 5 5 · I 2 4 7 ' A I I er 3 •• ,................... 646·6481 HARBOR OCEAN FRONT Nu 3200 lu• nm on blull 180 deg vu ol harbor 1urt mlQS 3br 3t>a. securit y, sauria spa S 1900/mO •96·7009 EMERALD 8AY 3 Br 2 Bo 1700 sq It lrplc brlCk pa110 w11h spa $t600 i mO :> 13 876 -2255 or 675-3067 1 Br t Btt 1r1pfe) gar pa- 110 uove & relr1g 524 SI A ril'IS $600 ulfl pd 536 1•53 wkOyS ~/.'.'.'~!~ !! .!!!!'.i!!e.~ Bilbo• 111 .. , 3106 ........................ 6ay1ron1 sm studio. ulila pd qu•ct emptyd single yrly S•25Jmo 673-3600 lilllH PeoillHI• 3101 ..................•... Winter Rental 2Br. pool I house 10 l>Ch S550 Prayo RE 673· 1900 C•1H• ''' #11 31ZZ .•••.••..••........... GJrl1QI' ap1 I' 1>1 OW gar PVI N O pets S6!>01"10 6 12 r Jo9m1ne Open d111ly 2-4 642-8367 Clf'an 3 lldrm 2 bo dplx oetta gar A1101r 1214 $990 No pc1s 719 He hOlfOPC 972-9406 C•sl• 11111' 31Z4 •.••..•..•.....••••... 1 11g Br walk 1ri closet lrptc dshwshr lg pvl patio, poof spa rio pets S4 75/mo 549-244 7 Brand spanking clean 2 BR 1 Ba 1 car gar. rio pc>IS $550 mo 266 Santo Tomas A g l 642·6368 .. PINE BLUFF A~TS 1 Br & Lof1 Child ok patio view frplc enc;I 01ir • gos s1ove dish· washer spa tndry rm S650tmo SPMC 631-6107 •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 Bo Newly decor 1495 No pe1s 833·8974 2 Br ro .... nhouse I'. Ba I or relrog SIO\oe tndry 11vmg g d1nmg area. k•I· Petti cons $395 1920 chen frplc a11achect ga- wanacl' 640-6029 r age po o 1 & spa • Becomes ow ner by recording .or contract • Receives deed w hen contract :f!l1d 1n ;,--+-~--fuU COITEMPIHRY IHCll llllS 1urf'!S 11 unique c1rculai c:ourts 4 yrs new In not d1s1urll tenants $4150 1trep1ace bt1Ck Pll•o g Ocearis•de mo 851·6226 Assumablf' l1riaric1ng 1 11& 2311 avatlaDle on lhl!<.e 3 Ile I 0 II 8 Y .t.118 <le 11 e e I v· 1 Br quiet ymO mg FP B Completely private 1 RO&HS llULn no dogs edits pref Jst 2 br 1 ba walk 10 bekh. $750 Call 494-584 t all 6 Ot wkl'l<l$ o ... an view beaultfully lum 1ownhpuse lrplc pool & pa110 $1095 mo 673--0896 2 B• 1 Ba 571 w JOilnri S6251mo 631-4984 UpSIQlfS No pe1$ 2•Br 1 Ba 1n 4-Plex $'!25rmo Sierra Mgmt cte11n (IO pets $430 mo 641-1324 ' 27 f B 16th Pt dioom untts near •g bd•m & I ba1h upsta1n Plus dep $4 15/mo Cororia B"8Ch $369 I 000 644_7020 ."'''" bulilde cn1ranco lllTS 646·9586 Lll&O llHL ESTATE s349 000 I UH IHHI i•c••• OWNER M U6T MOVE • Salee agreemeni dea1gned to euJt Hf! 1211,000. Act· Beaullhll condo 2Br Cost• lfeH 1024 1•2•41&1 28a tsellse option partJcular needs ••••••••••••••••• •• ••• "' " 54S-<.t339 £1 1 M' I JZSZ e Fort.ax purpoHa can be treated &e an • Apattmen" wonrnd c M EAST SIDE 3 BR 1 Be •• f.".~ ••• !I.".~•••••••• IEWPllT VlllAIE Inst.aliment sale thu• exposing ohly SELLER HSPHITI e ty "'1!stcnBskhr~yer cari close plus 13mlly room $700 3 Br 2 • Ba In guerde<I lt111tihll L1•41c1pt down payment and principal payment •CDLLHE Plll• " mo tst. tast. dep No ~:~5a,~:":i.':a~."~~~ Gas Water Paid Pa11os In year of nle to caplt.al gains T-n•s tine Mme has Ileen 673-7300 556-6171 pels 212 L11t1an Devon Lease option possible, w,pool jacuu t saunas • AddlUone.I profit from 1nteroai , rernodeled tnrououtll ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiia•il 11 Units EASTSIDE c M , RE 642·6368 760•1077 tennis courts. volleylloll tmpacl on seller f!l.~,!.!'.i!!! •..• !.~~~ f~!!!.!!!~ •••••• !!.~1 C-onOo 3 Br 2 , Ba Furn t lldrm opts S385 V~w alnt toe rec critr and up Enc oarogei; $775 mo 497-3973 2110 Newport Blvd CM S•8-4968 2 Br I Ba Maple All• Upstairs No pets $440/mo Sierra M gmt 641-1324 2 Br I Bl\ Twnn&e East 18111 St No pets Ga· rtlge $625 mo Sierra Mgmt 64 1 1324 644-0452 2 Br I Ba $450/mo far ..1.Att'•SOns 755 w 18th SI 646 9507 2 Br lrplt $500/mo 540-3666 -,-' ----'Clean 2 Br w11n patio rio Almoot N •w 2 suy 2 lld. Pf'I& $430 mo 2 ba encl yr\l qar. deck a 546-9950 tiEW BREED APTS r -.. lved on oonrrAot •· Besides 3 bis tho ownef g 0 0 ... 11 n a c .courts. Recreation Loom """' • • Jlas added 2 sllyhle& In · " n 1 n g 3 Br 2 Ba lrplc. bit-Ins. AOUL 1 COMMUNllY 2 Jr 1bd,1urn1sht'd, $430 -------•.c...Ret.a.lne..d8'4 uM !l,S:Ol\t.r-.C:UA.Pt,ld.;l{h,_. .... ~mly rm & re-lilvd 11141 3 .._.... lOxgrosa Pr1nc only new decor $900 lnCl<ls br don 2 ba. lrpl Nr Call 557·0075 -(ull -• -llllchtln coun1ers Priced ..n:w ,...-i5i·6 !71 -gardener 61.6·n50 cornm...c;>ool $800/mo bl. vun..s $375 ·mo or~ mobtle & pa110 KldS. Poll O.t< $64 5 AVOll 12 · 1 Lorri Wkdoys 547 957 1. Evos & Wlt1~d' 850-0223 1 Br & loft Bach & loft Frplc, rec room. pool, 18C\IHI 981 & water paid- NO pols From $465. 393 Hom111on C M 645·•4 I 1 .. The land contract is aver¥ -· effective way to buy/Sf'll .prop~rty in times or high interest rates. A· real estate professional can guide a buyer/seller 1n this transaction. a I $ I 3 3 • 9 0 O w I Wna W'5W UNITS WANTED MESA VERDE 3 br. 2 ba, 731·2514 o1 494· llH nome No pets Quiet auumanre 1tnenc1ng11 3 BClrm 3 be sett ericl yard. trpl(), gar If'' 1 "l ii 11•~7 1"91 N C a 11 7 5 9 • 160 2 or exchange or tease OP· t nf'ed • to 8 un11 bull• $750/mo 657-2382 •• '.1!!!~ •• r.1!1! •••• '!!.".. e~;~r:45.{373 ewpoit 752·7373 t1on $683 500 dings 1n New port or Open Sat/Sun t2·5 Huntington Beacn Plea-Ni'e 3 Br 1' Ba leric HOMES FOR RENT Free Bacheloretle opt In excnarige tor bobys1t11ng & work 545 0034 Aslam 32 I K R o yard bttclc BBC:' I pet llTQ'I 0 • 9 e c a 11 b r 0 II. ( a I OK. n1 So CMSI' Plaza 955.3454 CONDO Z Br 21'10 view $725/mo 761·7102 H . 01OC.f'i\n1111d city Sell or 1 riee~ 11 30 10 50 unit ve7Ycu1e house w/whlte ••1••11•• ochnngo $2!'19 600 bldg '" Ornngf' Co. 11181 p1c1101 fence Et 11de 2 11tMtSStON VIEJO• .. ti 3'Jf0 Open da11y Un11 2 14 •make, sense Please call BR S625 mo 645·9628 $675 $725 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' .. EA• ••111E 1Verst11ll ~ Closed gate! broiler al 955-3454 Yll IEIEIVE ITI ---3 bd > ba Emty am. No •CHILDREN* SAU i.11 l•t hl1 UOO Pat< 175• towa Ma.. 9r.rutlM • pmrllll-e-wtth P • CONDO 'J Br 3ba end •••••••••••••••••••••• ~erde S 8 lS /m o •PCTSOK• ternteedpdnl nee s,1un 9 ed tn Ma1e uM view ot Costa Mn& VIEW LIT .,~4 183J ~ •SpaciOus APU. Verde 11 500 3 BA p;Jrk Sl47 500 sen 01 -6 •P11vate PatlOs nurry call K ey 111 ••change Nvar Hearst Castle in ETS1oe sparllll g 2 br •Covfred Pa1k1no 962·7788 -Com1>na Pines For de-,1 YILUftr •Dining Area ....,. Waiker & Lee SH~RP EI S1de. separate :> BR unit lricd v1rd. enc:t oar nt1w cpts. no pets Call 540 1158 o r !179-~848 nat. f~·Pam Eosll•d• Cosio J est> 1 br duple~ gurage yoMI $4?~ mo Ag1 875 1642 wkOllVS 760· 724 I Sun days 3 BR 3 Be bl level twnh me-twl ylt'd lplc. new btloS S Cst Pl 96 1-IMKIO 2Rr upstalfs qu111 encl g.ir no dogs 1110 Vic 1or1a $411 5/mo 631·6812 •ti 10 - I I " Al DIE El 1 Nj ] llllH UJ ll&Ln 1a11s tall Ha1ry Fredenct. ~~d M~~'24f3°9q o!~~: 95 ..Wat; •n CIOM!ta I I IWIH WILL OIRIY Hl·HH Hl-HIO Av llYESTll.ITS •HonlP like Klltllel'IS llWNIT . Fii 10 Yll/11'Yt Ml·ll11 lllTllll 1 btk to Hllnttngton IPAIT•ITS W "0 ~~~~!'i----(11.r1~1.r112000 Ceori1er trnnsportallctn & I · R o F E y I Ith ' "• oown you cen ; Ctose 10 an 3 Od1rt1, ~ • • • frwys~· 1 Ir llHI••· ,111 ~ ..... 1--..1-1;;._.;,l,...i ~ j ~~~~In~~~~' l~~o~~I: LIM llUll be no pe11 54~ 3520 AGE T. NO FEE I Ill FIH •till. It ••h. "It . t painted tn eric.f Out Ter lllTllU llLE •••1118, ...,,, EMec;ullv• 2 Br 2 Ba fGndo , I 8d1m 1-rom S51S water•f41, h YHal• l~.p.._...;...p;;...;;;,~J : rfl1c toee11on Ao1ng 45 101 3 Bd 2be d•n 111111 • 1400 w/au cono dbl garage .,_, a.-a '"' townhse uMu1n: •,.El: IJ II ••H•rtn IH• ... Z A 8 E l . $147.000 For 1J'J)o1nt •••••••••••••••••••••• mtcro·wave oven m So ;";'0';11iilio':1';';9oo•••••• .. lrcim Sv'O I I I r ~~~~: ~-~":'c~=:.ci·~~~ me.~~5~0 see .call g:~hr~.~;:·~~.:o :;:~o . FOR RENlJ! ~::1~',:J~';r~8~?=. BAYFRONT .~~~~~· ..... .... -_._. __ • _-__ didn't rMllY .-Vow oiore or wl l f'6K dll Ol)•n llH (.l•'M 55i P400 w nr h 3 bl HIO 1'*''" ltw 4 • Sp11c1ous 2 Br 2 Ba. bll· ins lrptc gar $575 No pet5 Avail 1mmed H111borl Bakt>• 54&·6009 2 lldrm wllh )'Md $525 Kids OK Single Sl~y 963 7~ 645-5735 E11stslde luxury 1n a pme IOrPst 2 br. I ba 1efrrg Mhwslil'.,-~~ gas 1nct l515t mo 714 631 6741 o ••• ,.,., Jllf ....••••...•........•. IOIU YllW From Dani Point s most ll'Cluded sc;enlc bluff l•ke 11t•w• Only • un)1'. 2 Br w'dnn Xtrll l•O prrv.ie p1110 F"1om $125/mo C11ll 661 84~ I or M·F II 5. 6•1·0212 OflYllt by to •tw1 24583 Santa Cjera Supe1 11~1'1 121 1·8f VIiias t 811 •m•lt & cozy. prl• ~M• S490·f0&1rno e't!l-33'f3, '493-0803 (br turnllhf!d) ·1.__...L_:_T_.:_· .... ~-... l'"'-oarpet. ~ 1''11' irt•!ttf'"\ "°"' 2'~room'2a..-• 1 ..ai..:~1-.,aac::;---=-:: •"~'~ ,.lANI>-' Of , '8f.•lerdoWMW11'1.tnc • " ply Cl73 •3 146 ' "'"' " rm ivnu ""'.....,-'llTlll"f II ~..,..'Ot ••t~l 500 I I G c_..._ ..,. chvcl11• qvor..i ·it!!!!I!!!! ~tOflH In Twin Pftllk• In f ullel alonQ c11m11 • cond 'Furn or unf~,,~ • 1350/mo up 8acl't 1 yd 1J 1 "•0• 1 mo I I r I 11 !:.J.1 "' ,,.. "'':'J -"' ll UWPllT lllllTI l lllu• Arrowttund are• 1p1tlftf an<I rHd in the Im med. pOIM .. IOn 2 & 2 Br uqlurn 6 rurn • 75 " 8tl ""' ,_..,No .....,.. 3 bd 2 be. large 101 r>n ~·• bwtll-tnt & llrf!P'llC• .t>•tly P1lut Clu11fled mot m1n1mum reni.t JIOOI •&>• 18992 Ftor1d11 EtS1<111 •p1tkll11g ·2 br, * * * •""",,,' "'""*'!f-D. unu s IH r r I' r r I Me>;• ltf'llliltt .,. gt11f1ng Sen ••1r111rdlno SI Al 1111 11111" depo111 re· '\ecllOtl •h<lv• Mill• Mui· '1500 /m o O wner 80-283•. 8•2·3172 r•HO 011 . poof U7G l'ltCtPTtONAL 2 10. SI. sau~ th• camping b··o· thi• .. 1 .. 0 1 .... ~ 000 ....... -• q u ~r 'd C 1111 t 7 I "l '1et • rune1 •nd bougtil 11 /8•4·0513 mo Mgr 24~38 Or•nll• v "" ,u ,. • .,. .. , 10., O"'Jllll Ot 17 1'4 ) tor S0~5 You C•n Miii La. m.-li J7fl Av OfN ONl.Y FOR THf • W, 0 1fAIOV 1 r 1m11i I I I ] I ] ytar 11 YO\I h111e • o•m· bl• 'tnance De111cned 6&7-0657 -kc.fay eve· your toll•t and 1011 0, 8ACK8AY 2 er & oen. r.r.~.:;"r.;;,....... · · D1SCR1MtNATINO 17&0 !0 GIT~ • • • _ • • PU lhllt'1 not OttllnO Oar tOll J1cuu 1 01y1 ninq1 llfljtr 0 pm ti nn ot hft• thing• l hrOugl\ 1mmac IU0/!'110 Ve• Lu~uty aludto. lrM HBO L11rge l!tKMIOr IW' pallO AOI ('1414" M0<t - --un a-.... • -·-UMd .... II now w.lh • 0'17 !Int l!ve1111101 11f\IWIU ptuu lltep Oally P1to1 CIUllllad cant Cell .... Aodg9fl. pnon• mll•d ttrv •P• I H w ""'SI Coal * * * _..-?--________ .................. ·~.,.---•-•_• ___ •_aa~.11 .... _ .... ____ ..__c_1•_ss~1="~=d=A=d:=;;;:.. .... ~...t=8~3=t=O~i=•~3~:;. .... ~.:-,.._~"~Y•~n:Q'~--~....;;:;=...~.J Ada c1111 842 &&7e .L;o~3-1 .... '?le .... ...:;110~';;;::;;;;;;::::::...L-1-1_3_o_~_k~4-tt~30--'&....:~:J.;;~,,,...;:::"' .... tl~t5 .... "'-o ............ .J...=:::::::::::======::::-; , • f \ ,, I l ·I • I • '• ' . . • . . • Orn11ge CoHt DAILY PILOT iT~Hday. Novemt>•r 16, 1982 t •t -----....,....---------s ' ' I 1 ' u~.~~!e:ou0p~1 ~~'!!!!'!l.h!!i!! .•.• f~-.!'1. ••••••.••••• f~1!!!!ttt,.!ff!!~! •• 60% OFf rtRSt MON114 R•moo & 1'11>1111 ''" WAY .. YRllYlll ~dobla ollor(ltibla, .,., lo 11tt11 0.Cka po ~" 420802 Puma euan11111 An1w1111no 1(0 !'11evt n:'-0556 fuiancuin Aviltllbl• serv1co. aec;eiar 1111 & .,. ~!!.•~!·~ ............ P.'.~4r!'!!~ ••.•.••••••• TU IRlll 11111 C1tr~w1111y C110111vt• l i'l\0'11 llMI '11\rub 111\11111 ~1111111) 01111n Cle .. 11111{1 f11<ft hl1ll/fl\fl10vlll [lo ho •I 11111 l(IWll Ma1111111o1aulhng , fllllh Don Otitl 0140 ~~~!!!!~!'''········!!!!~!~ .....•....•.... r~~~,~~ .. , ......... . 1111w or tlASSLlS'I •A· 1 MVlff * W• 0111t -ho 111mo 1ogu Ouaflly 1.t .. 1111110 hulp I lop qulllll'( ?5 yr ll•P tht11 lh111g lt'IOtl UI> t1111"1 f11l1 1160 14&2 Compt\t1t1v11 11AL11t hQlatnt wall' 810 07'.IO No ov11rt1m.. 730-1151 11nv11rn1• ~!!!!~1. ...........•.. l\OOr ING fil PAlllS · '•mllll IOb• OK r .... t<•llMfllftt C•ill l om or (.llUI k 1>4i (i;,ij40 tor o 30 day ad 111 lht bu11ne11 services, meil Custom C11rpe1111y by Dick 141· 1100 bo• r1111tat. W()I 0 p1cx;e1· .. Nl!ll P1n8llng. IOllTllCll, llng T ele1t.f 1c11mlte, doort etc Ph 642 8809 1 ... W4HIH1 r1410 11~tk11lll\t' 546·6<lfl6 28 Yli~ UW OUNttAM C.111Jat Oo1d1me1 A c1•1111 UPI Trff lt1mn1111g f:rea to5t 1"111411 64 I· 1011-0 HOMr 1MflROVfM£N1 AcmodeJ 1•µ111.1.a hm1.mg • 1Jl(l1.111cn1 (lt1un1>1no Qu:..~~A~~~l~fVIClt r!~~~~~~~~!.oho•• f!!~!'!ooo•••••••••••• low1•Un1 !»62·0410 * •fHiYANl'S• * MOBllf ')(RVICf ....... W&ITll SINCC t002 21"142 IAIU ptLtT Order eutry. p11ge11Hi8M buy, de$k space ron1a1. f !!I!!. 1!!!!!1 •••••• :. Mike MaQliltWICh lftgl\ QUllhly hOUHWOlk SlARVING COL.1 l'Of Sl UOCNTS·MOViNO CO Lit. T 124·436 tnaur.,d 114 Hl42l WATCH lJ5 ORO~ w1111cov11r1no 11umov11J R1>r,crnt111s/"(11w 1ert-111111 All tydtllt 6<t2 t'\43 NU/CM 011ly 64?·0552 111·1111 corpe11t1y 63 1·8f13() 111¥101 lllllOTORY 00 IT NOWI ANSWEA'NETWOfll( 631·9131 (ask IOI AV I ~!e.~!~~aeeaeaaeaAeea No S1e11mlNO Snompoo ~111h1 Spe<:lollst F11e1 J!ry F reo est 839· t b8:l HOME IMPROVEMENT 1 IAllHlll WAITM A~L. TRADES Mow1110. eoou~ rak1n11. JACK or ,All H1ADFS <.1111 Jilek 11nyllntu, J11)11rterlttttl, dQPttndll IJle, honoul, 1n111111gan\, · INlllCUIOU&. fle~lble. I am tho bell Phone 87-3-70 14' alter 6 PM wNlkrlllyl All tloy S1tu1 <Illy 611tl Sur1day l•tl• Cor111 • • , ~····•••••••···~······ l1t111~1J1/ l11vit11 CUS f OM wood patio co· ••• •• r. •••• ••• ••• ••• •• Driveways. Parking Loi Repairs. Seelcoaung S&S AIPhll 631·4199LIC SMmpoo &. stefull c1et1n Color b119Hte11erJ1, wht c1p1s • tO min blttaoh Hall. hv/dln rms S 16, avg rQOm $7 50. couch $10, Chr S~ Guor ellm pet odor Crpt repair 15 yrs ei.p Do work mysell Reis 554.() 123 l\CMOOELIADD'NS 1w1111p1n9, r oe eall· 84 t_8967 mtltt'!S M:>·t.737 Duy 01 11111111 fl76·30t4 HHliH . v41r,, HlOwuOd decks & Pf'\OFESSIONAl JAPANESE (.iAROENEA SPtCIAl ISl rn111n1 , clean up. 1i1nrn~'!2 Low prl(;e rree tJSI .qs·9483 ...... ~ .....•.....•.• r11~11~1 ••••• ,. ••••••• lt-.. 1cns Rondy 641·08:>2 Sf CRflARIAl !lfRVICF •••fer s .. ~,. Voor Daily Pttol Service Olrec101y f.'.~1!!!.!!'~~~~!~f. •. , .. OUMP JOBS Fiii PAllTlll • 7~4 G31i8 . r!~!!!!.t~·~!r.. .•..•.. Representative Dan Hallberg Gr&d1n9 & Paving Co Resfcomml Uc 3978804 842·1720 'H2-Hll, .... 122 A ~~~~~~~~~~I .!!!!!!I! ••••••••••••• -Our olllces handle oll U'1li .. 1ll••H•li~ aree1 of law Prompl, •••••••••"~••••••••• courteous ~rv•c-e FREE bper!enc;ed Carpenter consu11a11on. 549-9335 AernocMll A.dd-«1/Aetlalr --- -700-2685. 548·8654 Aggress1va AIJOrnay. No - -f"ee lnillal Consu1ta11on, Moonligni. Draftsman , Personal lniury Cases. Home-Add ns-Remodelt No Recovery No Fee Memti.r AtBO 645-1871 494·8591 ' • lnslotled/ Remod, add'ns .!.~~ .. !!'··••••••••• & conc1e1e Lie WILL SIT In my CM home, Joe 892· 1327· fenced yard, hot meats: reas roles 548-2674 .....................• Mouldings. Flreptacea. CUSTOM HOME BLDR Add Rooms.135 yrs e•p. • needs SMALLER JOBS Cleon Uc No 276943. between bouses. Frtie f !!!!~!/.~~'!!!!!! ••••• Cemen1-Masonry-8lock Walls·Cust WCM'k LIC 381057 Rob-547-2683 Dr1veways-pa11os-watks Block walls· masonry Free est reas 892·4557 THOMPSON CONCRETE c .. ,,.,,,,, s. .. ,., ···········'·········· 11.J. ll•ff••• • s .. uc 306888 Remodel, Add'ns, Cabinets 646-85861645-4644 ---None 2 big none 2 smotl, 71'·859-9905 es1 Call Dan 537-0342 From A to Z we do ii all 714-675-9436 he 425781 ~." .. ' ll•ki••. . . ---AEMOD SPECIALIST JG Atten. Lie 202752. r~ •••••••••••• , ••••••• REMODEL • Comm - Cablnats & Ca1pen1ry res•denllal. 1enant 1m- Cob111cit1 Pullman1·Bars WaN Un111 642·0881 lJHltita/ J8$••n's Gor<Jenmg Clean·UPb, tree trim & m.i1nt se•vl~ 540·8035 ELEcr·RtCiAN···p;tc·:~ Ldwn service from $18 right. lrev estimate on mo Yd ctea""i'ps. woo· IGtqe °' amall )ol>s ding tree work Ken LIC 39682 I 6 7 3·0359 1}64 1,083 I ~ . LICO ELECTRICIAN KllP Lnndsc.ipe Malnl • Ouol work/Aeas rates Res1d1Comm Clean-up Free est 63 l-5072 Spr1nkler sys 548-2489 ELECTRICIAN SAM FUKUMQTO'S 4'3310&-C-~ _ _ RESID/COMM'lltNO Ch isllan 'will do er a 20 yrs Do my own work r e n u c 278041 Al 646·8 l26 ups hauling, lree tr1m II yd work 850-9844 Cre11n ups • T 11mm1ng- Sprinklers • Ma1nt Free est 642-2657 -& Smott Mov11ig Jobs , Call MIKE 846 1391 HAULING.GRADING demo1111on clvan up Concretti 4 ire~ removal Quick serv 642·763e HAULING • student har lge 11Jlk Sarne 10 .... rates P1ompt 759· 1976 <£.!M Th~nk you. John LIGH'T HAULING & CLEAN·VPS Free esl li42·2657 ..••...•..•.•.. Hlir II 141-llH Furnace-pool-water heal New 80.000 BTU Furn&c;4? & 1hermost111 1ns1otted $800 00 1714) 898-6512 !~,!.!~!~ ....... . II yOl• wont your hOu$., R£ALLV CLEAN C4111 ll11cJ11 689·03 18. Good Aela by Richard Sinor Lie 2806411 13 yrt 01 )1 t.>PJ local customers co s Pl AS TC:RtNG Nftill PillChet 1111/QAI 'Rt:~t\H:C'Of> «145 8258 HOUSECLEANING rels ,lions l hank you 63 t-44 tO Good PLASTtn PATCHING El· .PAINTER NEEDS Rnlucco• lnl/e~I 30 per d 979·9 g WORK! 30 yrs ,HP. lnll Y'' Neal P1u1 64S.2977 ·~' AcOIJ~llC ce1llOQS lie 366780 Free est ll•aii•• OQv1s Pa1111111g 847·5 t86 ••••••••'••••••••••••• 20r H Ml·llH 15 yr~ tt•P I'm small my 40 gal waterl\eater $225 Houseclea111ng reliable prtcos are 5rna111 Aon rel Own tranap Rea 6S0·6477 66 t-8849 S SAVE S 20-1. • •0% YOLANDA 842.0405 Lowesl-rates• Prompt. Ph.1mt>tng1Heai 2'1703 Guar la'>I Aei./comrn AllO WlfldOws/applcs yrs HP 636· 7149 963-64 7 4 HB Reas 662-2674 ttvt~s RALPH'S PAINTING • JHilori1l .•••.....•..•.•••.••.. COMM L JANITORIAL & CARPET CLEANING Oee·s· Cleaning 61ttv1ce uc Bondea 963-5474 LOWEST RATES lllal,Dlllll Lie 3aoo 15 536-9898 ····Ac ·RA7Na·urreR···· CUSTOM PAINTWORK Bonded·1ns·llC B344764 Comm'l/resld. stripping. Free es• 1·52<1·5824 s1a1n1ng Ttie Job lh!JI ltliaidiia• AMH Etec1-~emodet1, Addll~on&. gar - wrkshops, Low rales ltc • 325738. 1115 646· 7378 t;,.lia• . Painting. plumbtng. elec.. £ •• •.~.'.'·'·'·••.'•.f. •••• • • ••• T• llc:.._ •••••A•••••,..•••••••• drywall. tlle. catpentry, ~ I::,-: TRACTOR WOAK. Ex· Mark 546·7816 .Old Country landscapes_, speaks tor itself ••••••••••'••••••••••• 498·8580 Cablne1s relinfstied by 1st CLASS PAINTJNG neat. t1censvd lemole K Waltp~~,~·~ 'A•· Adams.-U0-9617 '}. U&.7111 cavatlng. compactton i-~.H~E~L"'!P~t~N~G~H~A~N-=D-=s-:: .. --1 "Anylh1ng outside tne ~ :S.=:. backhoe 20 yrs e•p You nome 11, well do 111 home • : 6 4 5 • 5 5 9 7 . Kmg Equip 637-7392 Ed & Bobbi 240-0276. 24 675-6058 · pairs F1.ee_es1 979-5294 ltoolial. ,, .. ,;.. ·H~b;; A~~t~~o·~;,;;~;;;· Tile ...........••......... flLC INSTALLED AN t<1nd1 Gua1a111ee<J Rl'I' JoM 840·9217 ,,,, s,,.,;" .....•.•••..••••...... SLOW RATES S Tr1>e 1nm/rcmov. cte•n up• mowing 554-7017 _, Tree removal 1f1mmlng. emergency service LIC II inaured 536·0914 '!.".~·!!~~ ............ . Most subrects K· 14 Day/eve $5 & s 101111 Mr Morgan 645-5176 ~!'!~!'! .~{~~'!!'!f ••• '~ 'let the Suns111ne tn" Call Sunshine Window C1ea111ng. Ltd 548·8853 20% Monthly OtSCQUOI WINDOW CLEANING REStO 8 COMM L FREE EST 581· 1132 Bonded. <t94· 18 IO Small jobs & repairs provemen1s. ma1or re· What a w onderful World Free esllmates 645-2003 pairs. Bldg renovallon of Shopping, right 11 C• •I code correcuons, etc 20 your hnger11ps ev8'yd1yl •• !1!. •• '1. ••• :;.:.-::;. yrs Orange Cty, bonded, Dally Pllol Claullled ·ins, Lie = 19180 1 Pa. Ads. To "Place your ad. EXP ER cerpenter does lombo Const Any11me TOP OUALITY WORK JI. I hrs· AT REAS RATES la lala !!~!~~!l .....••....... BAICKWORK.-Small jobs.- Newport Costa ,Mesa. 1rv1ne Reis 67~·3175 ee'T••••"'-••••••••••••• ~ I Farthing Interior Desrgn New-recover·uacks )•--------• HANGING/STRIPPING Lie <'4 I t802 549.9734 To place your message uo'd Joel 547-4425 ••••• •••••••••••••••• Ho•1ttl1•aia• ~ . Catpenuy .. Masonry •••••••••• •• ••••••• • •• C. l•al~ Roohng • Plumbing ROBIN'S CLEANING Visa-MC-Seo!_ :..1-6_4~25 llHF PllOIUM?' • beJore...lM' -- -reading public, • .!..... . ••• •••••••• Drywall · S1ucco • Tjte Service·. a lhOroughly Expen wallcovering in Don'I re-root, repair at phone sta11a11on Reas Consul I r e c I 1 o n o r co s I Daily Pilot TIEii R~~ ~: ~6·9990 clean house 540.0857 Topped/remo\'ld Clean SELL Idle nems with a Heve somelh1ng 10 sell? 8tock/Br•ck w ans. Con-1an1 Assign111t. 581-8590 8.57-2890 ciassllied. 642-5678 cre1e Very reas L1c'd ------ calf ~2-5678 and lel add'ns. remod. decks. 962·8314 Class1l1ed Ad-Visor help Skylights & repair$. Free YoV esl Dan. 841-4592 CtasSlhed Ads ~2·5678 up lawn renov 751-3476 Daily P1to1 Class1hed Ad Class1tieo adS do 11 well Bob 673-53671536-9906 Want Ads Call 642-5678 Seit Idle items &42-5678 p rour okl eofa DOtl:.AR 0-A Y DOUGH SAVERS for Merch~ndlae under 11,000. Sell )tOUr no-longer needed Items for cash. If It d0esn't sell, we'll run itanother 3 days FREE. One Item l~ES · .. OLLARS per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. INDft ............. llltn ..... '1•) 3 3DAYS ~CLASSIFIEDs642-5618 A,.rl•••ll .,, ••• ,, A,.,, ... ,. Y!.t.•!!~!!!'!~!!!.~~! ~!!.'J}! •• 'f~~!!!..!.~~' !'!!!t.~~~~!~! ••.• !.~'!f "'•"•"•,•H•• ~ Uil/•t•l•AH U•l•1ai1t«l Uala1ai1AH • IELlll IFFIOIS ••I• • 4.,S •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• FOR RENJI Ou1e1/Ma1ure/Ar11st1c * * •••••••••••••••••••••• B•aliafl•a /I, I .. j 31ff ..... , .... Jiii ne,eds rental or shr. 1 MO ·FREE RENT HUNTER'S SPECIAL ~!!.,.r. .. -.~1 •••• 1.~tt!lr!!!!~ .. .11 •••••••• 1.~ff '!!!1..Vf!!.'.-!. •••• 1.1.tt! SPIRITUAL READINGS ASST BOOKKEEPER. Full FOUND ADS Advice In ell mallers. lime position In C.M 19 1011e. marriage & busl· aut w/p1yroll and in- nesa AISo counaetlng vo1c1nv Must be able 10 J ' •j ll~O •• '!!f!'! •••• ~f ••••••••• ··-·••••••••••••••••••• • 640·5172 bel 81m 01 alt I room to 2800 sq ft 24. molorhome, luliy sell •••• !!!••••••••••••••• o FEEi Apt. 11 Condo ·~ Block 10 beach, 2Br, 2 bedroom, 2 baths & 2 9pm Frorn $1 16 a sq It Adt cont1lned 495•9171. 1en1ats Vllla Rentals & 1 16 stories ln Twin P11k1 In Alrpotter Inn & Frwys llllPIPfll Anl bright a ry 75 mo Lelle ArrowhHd area C.1•••1 fir l•al {35' Call AM 833·3223 A LOVEL y PLACE 875·4912 Broker yrly. 963-8263 ••••'••••••••••••••••• •• ,; •• i.;1."''/ fiaHt• • ARE FREE 1815 So Et Camlho Reel. nanClte pressure and . San Clem <t92·7296 meet dHdllnos. Strong Hes bu1tl·ins & fireplace Dena Pt slngle storage 161f WeSlclrfl NB 258 TO LIVE Br.) Ba from $525 No .olAIJIHT F1111. last & deposll ,.. secu~ed. slfeet' enrrance: 10 4000 sq 11 111 ll00t • :PHooomllesyp!eP/vbl.2_ & 2 Br pals, Across from.Hew· 3 b<lr,. 2 ba gar.·great quired Call (7 14) 34097 Granada $60 Agenl 54_,_-5_0_3_2 __ _ .,.. po<I Beach Golf Coorse loc Wllltef 7 6 8 • 0 2 8 6 or ( 7 t<t) 673•33 13 493-0a03 ~ ••••••..••••.......... •.. , ... , •5 ac1es or beeutllulty 545-4855 M7-0e57 weellday ------·-----~area . bee Su1- 10a1nngd5scaped 1urroun·1--.. -m--.-.-1-IT-.. -1--Bachelor. greet loc nlngs etteor 6 p.m 11 no Storage garage. smote. tes From 225-450 sq ft "" -yearly answer pleese keep 91120 . Costa Mesa· S1 per sq It Many 11tras Cal:· M2·Hll ... ".fr.!!!!'!!l ... ~f ~~~~~~~~~~ • Nr Frwys 11 shapplng 3 II 4 Br Close to water, TSL •••t •••·lll• trying• $50/mo Cell 557-7010 OWN YOUR • Quiet erea lurn & unturn, reuone---• • 642-4907 wtldeys OWN BUSINESS! • Sorry no pell ~-... 1menitle9. Brol<8f PALM DESERT CONDO. 7 --400.900 PLUS tJOO sq f1 • J11n Shop • Chll· (l14) Ul-1111 676-4912 .... , \ 4M deys Dec 2, sips 4 Pool, Delached garage. 400 sq Penthouse BaYtronl Sul· dren ·-a Shop •Ores 8081 Holland Cr. HB •----------•••••••••••••••••••••• tennis. etc $75 dy It use tor llO<ege CM' of-te parking. pa1101. Shop $5.900 lo$t8,500 Btwn Slltertwa,ner Nwpt Hg ts 2 br. 2 be, LU• llAOI 644-0627 114:41. In comm·1 area. nr E 673-1003 ln·Store Training Gr end Lost lrl&h sett8f lem. may 01 -a11ng Te11as tags 2300 Mesa Of. E Sa1111 Ana HIS Much lOved fa- mily pet BIG r-•rd. eny ln lorm.111lon call 546-1919 640-4404 spacious Avltll now -· ---11th St 4 Orange, C M. o Fl 1 t·• off BeKh $700/rno 645-7400 -• IHl•h,. IA•n 4,,, $150/mo Call 9·5. M-F. pening •turea ns ... Wkly rentals $95 up ••••••••••••••••••••••, 642•4210 •lllTI llALI* 111<1 Can Right Now• Ms Losl 11f9 F blk Lab m1•. Color TV. tree collee. Secluded condo Niirpt __ 0 c Airport eree Prol l•B•••r•ke111r•(il209-lil8•2•6--499-1-I white patch on chest. W•WI LAROE 2 br, 1 b1, gar. Spec 1 II 2 br, lovely d /w, 5308 Seashore pines & s11earns. sec. $750 mo Yrty 962-4914 gates. enlry by phone. lge rec area Incl. gyrn. pool & spa. 846-6591 PARK H PORT APARTMENTS heated pool II sttpa to Terrece lurn 2br/2ba, O//~ I I I Ull emrlronm4'f\I, luH -v!Ge. Ilea collar. vie ~dams II oceen .. K1tch's a.veil pv I l•c $350 M If ••••••••!~.~•••••••••• 0, no frills tndiVtdual of Nat I lci\ool publlah1ng co Beach, H 8 Reward Eva. 985 N Coas1 Hwy, 642-9545 • hoes ordm spaoe 1so esf 25 yrs. WOfk boot<s 960•8635 Lagun11 Beach. 494-5294 +lewport Heights Town· IUITlflL sq 11 . 3500 sq 11 1 MO lor jr II sr HS's $60,000 "SllWll" s90 11 up ""'1h kltchen, houle, beaut tu1n Me· llWNllT OEml FREE 759-8978 CHh + Inv 556·7135 Losl 'Med Sile fem. Whl Avart now 1 Br 1 Ba. CO C B VNG weekly Oceanlront MO· lure lemale $350 Wllh UH of receplion. _ _ _ ll•••F II LN• SOZS dog. ti.ige ears oocker downstairs apt, dswshr, UNTAY LU LI I tel 675-8740 646-7555 • cont. room, kttch. phone. IESI SPACE c• ...................... m111 Lealher colter ~E- prlvale palio, single na-IN NEWPORT BEACH secre11111al II word pro· . . RUL ISJ•W'tf.'" •••• rage No pets. waier Slngtel: 1 l 2 Bdrm Balboa Penmsula, Pnvate Slratghl M nonsmkr to ahr cesslng Mall II message Altr4C1rve rustic upSlairs ••--WARD. 646-4739 P.a 1 d . 1 4 5 0 I m 0 Apartmenll E'n 1 ranee $ 115 No 2 br. 2 ba El Side CM llfV avail separately ,11 selhog w e. supply desk. 111. 2nds. 31C11. ~lhS Dog Male blk & gray, 545-2000 Agent. no lee. & Towntiousu smoking or cooking. apl, $250 + ultls Dys des11ed. Call Judy, space. copier You SI.IP· Ot1te11i1I blind & deaf W/arlhrlt1s From S560 675-339t 642-5446: ev1 644'-5620 7141780-0100 ply phon\. 6 $95 pr mo Tklff I Lt11 A11'1 Nr Maonotla St. C M •· IAllllEllS WALi On Jamboree Rq at 'Lge. beaut rrn wlpvt balh Prol M /F lo shr 3 Br ----1-1-1-----pr desk Cell 644•721 1 FOUNTAIN VALLEY 642-5087 Lrg 2 & 3 BR 1ownhouse San Joequln 'Hlns Rd. nr beach. H B Light liv beechlront apl Nn-smkr. * *' -964·9111 ' apts. encl gar. frptc. Near 144· JIOO rm & kit pr)v $300/mo $310/rno yrty. 548·41<18 HIOITIYI SllTH · IEWPOllT CHTtll ---LWhosl SuGn NI 0"w14 hladieEst Hunl Hrbr lrom $545 968 2951 F 11 K Ful~ Service Suiles llEFllllOI lie o d ale at Chil"ren OK. 840·6807 3Br. 2Ba. cp-ts. drps, . Fem shr"new X-lrg condo. u hservd1cle. &eep ylour SS CIT COSTS IS ISi. 2nd and 3rd TD's Toro ex Greal sen II· " t d d • So Cal Plaza All am· over ea ow pro 85" mental Value REWARD new Y re ecorate m '" Lare• 1t1e• "'-• ... • 1 Im g hi h P e $650 .. 1 h..... Now is the rime 10 ac1 IBr apl 3 blks l rom l $950 (213) -• men (7 141 557-4329, siona 8 e g r • .-urns"" 714·546·6009 · ou mo roorn tor renl, $195 mo ' 11""ous Westchll area of All you need tor one whit• 1n1er11t retN ere FAMOUS CIRCUS Maiiroos M••••oe P11lor Gor-geous orris 10 NrW you. Open trom 10 AM until 4 AM 7 deys 1 -k Free bulfe1 719 No Harbor Blvd. Fullerton l14·1l0-1112 All MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED T-BERAVS- Go-go g111s (to gol 6,69·8914 Prol foreign M 2o·s seeks 1ela11onsh1p minded lady 2131854-6204 typing and compu11110- n11 sli.llls e must Cal~ Carmella 714-545-2666 BANK TELLER lmmed1a: le o.,.ntng lor e11perten· ce<S teller 111 our Buena Park reg oll Good 1n1erper10nal communi· cetlon skills Eye for eccu1acy & attention to dj!talfs Equal opt emp mll 714-739·27 I I Wmotll with c1ten1e11 Balboa tsllnd sa•on 673·4013 ---CllllH/.HST/ tss Hamburger Hamlet 1545 Adom1 CM P111rne .Hr$ open Dav or eve Apply 1n person. 2·5pm ENJOY RELAXtNGmlS· ClllTH PEllStl S"age in the prtvacy of E•perenoed or will train yournome,oll1ceorboa1~F.utt end part l ime by a mass e u a e 499-1985 30846 Soulh 631 -3209 Coast Hwy South La-guna 79 PARK AVENUE HCHTS 710-1111 H llrs ~, .,,,. CPA hrm has opening for ' o full charge t>l\kpr Musi bE' e•pe11enced Mul11ple chenl respons1b1ht1es Salory open Call 641-0125 ~==~h,;,~h~go~ 1~~1 OK. 332•405 l 224 19th SI. Hunt Bch ~ 13~ 515•5700 Ask lor N~port Beach 881 Do-monthly, lee! tow Cell on our e11perts Fou;;;-B·,-11-S-he_p_·_X_M_e_d ---------4 er 2 Ba, 40' lrom sand. 960-8639 8' ' ver Dr 61e 14. 631·3651 640-5470 el no charge lo help you S11e Male Dog Wearing I I CPA llrm tias need l o• '•ml from bch 2 Br Iba l b t • d k Sh l"'e 2b 2\ "'a FP 2 with your problems Ze· cot1a1. no l""S 532·3832 Ill•••. B•P~rurnced stall ac-w • cony 0 sun ec HARBCR VIEW HOMES ' " L r "' · • ' fr --y" . Htr.Jttl S31 countanl on a per diem Oall Hl-4211 $950 /yrly. Furn ? Cd .. house. fem . kit gar. C M Fncd yd. OW. DELUXE SUITE l•liHll ll•I•/ 44SO nllh Fund ng Celt Ari Lost larg .. brown rabbil o 645 0340 m $340+ John 673-1701 •••••••••••••••••••••• 857-1422 .. • •••••••••••••••••••••• oasis ••a processing MADDOX APTS. 1 & 2 br. -pt1v $285 720-0375 -------W.ttr Frt8t 1141 Retail SIC>fe al 2650 Avon -1119 Hun11nglon Beacll 5 Angels W/Happy Hearl expenence tmpor Call Nlee. qurel surioundings On Bay, 2 bdrm, 2 ba, lady authOf w/beaut pool 2 Prol males seet11ng M/F S 1665 sq 11 plus 'Clf 110111•1••, fHd Ca 11 M • F d a 'Is Style cul hair wllove II 641-014'5 S<t50-$550 8•2-8788. frplc I car gar Private -.I garden home in'1t11 m'oesdh'celg1.lin..,..gsysnplcellt·lbeeave .• I 6~2-~i~:.qM~~ ,;::au . .gara.ge 6411·8777 Dfftl1 SOJS 213·539·9140 exl 203 c$3aOreS305nUly s~. P!.'ml_s CAT T_y_p_is_1 ne_e_d_e_O-fo-r "'Bel9·5' --Seech Goooneighbor-Teff CdM Wishes 10 ----•••••••••••••••••••••• Found pel rabbit, vie • P ""' ... e s T"B T 1 011 (714) hood lor couple or stn-• 3Br. 2Ba apt. CdM $280 L' ... -·-, c ... ,ttid 111 ••m1• 7541-9904 " eex ice, Nr beach, 1 br. 1 ba, frptc. gle $ l lOO 673•2162. share wleultwated ledy rno + '\ viii Call Scott ,.. ••• 111'1. • • -Orange Ave & Santa 979· 17I1 3001 Redhill gar., yard Avail Dec 1 8-IOAM. 6•9PM s-450 + 760-8601 or Jim 675•8836 eves Olhce. 650 sq fl over ••• ~!~!~!! •••.••• !.~~! Mtrf&llt C.. lac. Isabel CM lden11ty Bldg 5 S1e t08 CM 536-0297 evs Room nr OCC. pvt home. night lac $500 mo 10 mo RENT OR LEASE Newly Spec1ahz1~ in tat & 2nd 548-7337 -- ---------Beaut1h.1I large 4 Br en-,.. f.'em 10 shr 2 br condo w/2 or tse 552·~~ remodeled noma wllh TD'• since 1949 -------SdHll I OllfltlH IHVICE Deluxepoolsrde1t1ralarge ctsd patio, step.s 10 ~ 5~r7~~2~· girts OwnrmS200+ullt Tired 01 crowded freeway largetol Comnflzoning, Robt Sattler NH/CM SCRAITLnS l••IHtli•• •1115 Ellper nee . p1ohc1ency 2 br. 2 ba. bll·!n1. beach Yearly 675-4419 sm r, • Poolljac 775-8t48eve comrnutesNOf1h?Would BdJ 10 Newport Blvd RE Broker BdReattors lft• •••••••••••••••••••••• wlltgures, tO key by dswShr ,.., miles beach 2 B 2 B C d E Furn rm & board private s;;;t>;aut NB. furn 2BR you hke an offl()e at ttie 642-1334 851-9889 642·2171 545·06 I 1 ANSWERS Piano touch, ne1vy phones. No pets $500/rno ' 8 on ° ast-f\ome. Ft v~'1y Fl Oynemte Eltper Plano & light 1yp Excellenl Co 536-3362 bluff. upgrades. attached_ ch' I s 11 an S 5 mo apl w/m1ture quiet empt beech thllt your lam1ly Wanled 600-900 sq 11 for WIDOW HAS SSS ICM' TO'f Demean • Foyer Composition Lessons benefits lnlQrmal olhoa g a'• g e No Pets 962-8074 eve F over 35 W/Opool1325 could use on weell-ends ofc & essembty or btkn RE Loe11s IOK Up No Bl•"e . Mortal "Mu11c1ansn1p be lore c M Call M1the alter 9 £•••• lf•tA 3141 $950/mo 559-7144 '• ulU 642-6-492 as a veco11on unit? For 5,8•2384• 642•5114 evs Credit Check. No Pen· .... 1 • t 646-0t62 645 5800 ••1••••••••••••••••••• _..., __ ---Room, t<11chen. Lndy Prrv D0""8 SHORES· Need 2 leasing mfor rnallon cell ----atty Denn1Son a Assoc TREAD sea es 11m • IGElll YllW OCEANFRONT • Cuatm $250/rno Or Rm II Brd ~ml Tr•• Capistrano Suri lale1lti•I 673 7311 Al department store •-I Oeh Counter Days FI T. 10m1nu1esso olL1guna ~~~~r1•1e~.B~r~vB;,~Co $350 Lad1esonlywlrets 0 ~~~! 10;v\~1 b~~u~ c83etn-5te08r. 661-6292 or l••l•I fSOI Tr"st ""--d lor sale, 555• wll'..'.~-dsale dllld~1•• s11o ~.f.!f!'!~!., ....•••. Tues-Sat Ask lor Harold on Dana Poin1·~ mosl mo . :lBr lBa dwn 800 ~9 645_9515 ~ ... .,..., ... cro...,., you n rea Y Jo)i W••IH 101 or Duane 495 Eas1 17tf\ seci.ided scenic blull, •• 1 7400 w v B h 1 i 2,i;. lacelleit Ltc•.111--;750·~;·2·1j,0 j;0j~d~: ooo •t m·. Due June w•lk You more or tess •••••··~··•••••••••••• SI c M Ilka new. 2 Br .. /den. mo me ure prs acan1 ac e or -. ,.., Sing'te mother wtahes 10 ,_ strl6I . Olli~-18101 R-1983 Linda tste Recently 0TREAD_c_a_1pe_1____ 1 d 111 ,..._ f n1 850 919" 542 3597 730 7165 P t " """ v· Id I SI I 1111 Young f" e man w lllTAL •SSISTA•T • •Ire large private 'patio, _.,.._n_r·.._11 __ • __ ".......;-....-• • or • ' share lovely Mesa Verde 11me Intersection o don do Circle P & T so OI m on ••tNa•/t s•so do ge11erat handy work II garage. $725/rno. Cell EASTBLUl'F 34082 Amber Lantern, home w/rasponslble le· MacAflhur and Jambo• H II I 'e h f"ollows 2 trust deed• !~•••••••••••••••••~•• Call eves & wllends, Full lime. front & back 661,.644 I /Jr M ·F, 9·5 Spacious t Br, p'atlo, Dena Polnl male, wetk 10 achoota, reeaes, 811 !:il~bst~ 1182~u~; 84u;:2~~~ :_n. BJ! c ~~!~~~I S1~2~·~~•0YI:~'. 972·9525, esk for Bill eiperience, REA, X-Ray ·• 643-0210 Drive by 10 pool. view_._ no pe1~, res111uranl s. slorea. &.-& I~ Lie. req Se1a1y open see al 24583 Sa1111 $590/mo 544•4t67 Blllh #11111 -'llO thelle• 1 dlUd o11 ·No l200'SQ. It tor 1 year. Catt Stal'• ·'8fd, ·~;-nr · 8t~ 97!J<H4'1 ~ • PHOTO"M00£L~ Sorne Saturdays. bene, Clara ••••••'••••••••••••••• 9 m kn g n 0 pet 1 Sandy 213*820-8857 Harbor end Beker 50 X ----SCO"'TS D cE"Rs B•I; WHIH 1/IO 1118. Newport Beach tNee Oceenv-. IBr decore101 •• , UY IUWI MTIL 546·3831, 557·6207 llPIR lllllAlll 150 II $4'25 mo Lerger Atl••••t•t•I•/ o5TCAll I AN24 HRS ....................... 6 4 2. 6 8 8 0 A f I 5 • Tll II.Tl Wkly rentals now 1va11 HOUSE••ATE-S' erel also av911 ••t••••I•/ lll-IHl UGlllTAIT 642·6887. Eves/Wknds apl, garage. N°' Lagun1 s l05 & c 1 TV ... bee Sulles 1nct re<:epl.. 549·8 t81, 720-1444 ,.., c 8' 7 8032 1 blk lo bch. no pell. NEW galed 20 Town-Ph lup o or2274 ROOMMATES sec'y aarva, cont ~m., ----Hll I l1eal onS1ruc11on a11pertence • $575 mo 494-6404, home VILLAGE COM· onu n room •We cOn'le 10 yout kll . mail handlg Res· 2500 sq 11 near Hoeg •••••••••••••••••••••• helpful, tor naw Cotta Dental 844-4311 MUNITY 2 Br 2'~ Ba Newpor~:~~4f5M •All ref's checked po1111va 10 your bullness Hosp separate olfice & '--•I ••tit•• SZll * * * ~lhce 1•621•7921 Experlenceo A 0 A nee· 1600 sq 11 ol pure tu-,________ •Photos laken needs Adj 405 Fwy In res1room 1900/mo ::r••••••••••••••••••• lff fl p rl Advefll-• ded f or O•lhQdonllc Very Charming 2 bd, 2 b1, Jtury. Garages, spat in BE .A .. -C H AR EA OldHI Ao-ncy 832·4-134 F v ind1y oles Mo/mo Automolln oll 8kr If you have becin hurl 01 II I I tr II Pflft.I prac1ice m M1ss1on V1e10 2 story. lrpl, wood panel. every home • meater _ from s325 9413•6445 645-6266 1n1ured In en 1cclden1 Open 2~ hrs 1 day Afea 830·3703 · deck, 1ree1. '• btk/ sulle, dining roorns, Shrnucondo.blktoocn 2400 .,..11 11720,m~ anow11h1ohndout e•· 7days'-" •EHi .. ocean , No and , wood~rnlngllreptaces. , $84/....L Oar.micro S"95 Trecy Re111t & office space &Pl8C.nua,Cosll M ... acllywha1yourrtgti111111 Jecuul Sauna Locale NO EXPERIENCE NEC DRIVERS wenled over $825fmo. Incl uttls mlcroweve ovens, pri· W" 631~6543, 5"9-3421 av•ll•blt t71h SI. Cosll 646_1164 from a ftnt group ol al · 11 well 111 Tourists we TRAIN 11. wlecon car 11 ins M~5629 vete patios & yerdt. ger" Refrlgerator~lid4'ool Meea '''°"' ~ •.I 1orn1ot Call b'47·8017 or eankAmerlcard. Amer· N •• t •PP" er •nee E>cean front I br, pert Cl-provided f~I CO I ••--5•• "75"' lalboa Pelm11GVU •Int•-• So• "'·-11 Ane' c-• .. ltatlOn can Ellpren. . . All r • ---------• NW04 Blvd & Wiiien M/F N·Smkr ahr beaul AOC> t I 64~1.:'111---il"tte&--.ctr.:-m~---titNIO'O tor•~"G9t OU-. $7 89[,h -f51 0451 turn Adults No pets h11tng onty 15 minutes to ll I ,..... .. .,... ,, S220 mo+ utll 876-1508 FULL SERVICE SUITES ~ ..,.. ....,, .,.,_ -•com. 7 t41645-3433 TO' STA T EJtpeoenced Cooks nee• S80011net util. 497-1082 S C Plaza 01 0 C Air· Pme Knot Motel on Coast - -• 1654' Minnie St Clo11 56 •-2112 Haft>or Bl CM • ded 101 dtnner nouse port JuSI east ol New· Mature perton to 1h1re De.-Spaee 1275/up & 405 Fwy 646-7~14' ,,_,I foe8' J,,_ O -----Local Co now taking Night a Day Shifts avail OCEAN VIEW port Blvd II IO of San Hwy, NB Slepa to Cheery NB llome Prl· P1i1111e Olfic. $<195/up •••••••••••••••••••••• c EDS . Would love 10 •CJPllCallon1 IOI PR • Oood' P1y & B4!nefltt Verynic. I br $500/mo Oteoo Fr ..... , $1000/mo ocean Wkoly re t u vacv No ..... 1296/mo N ew Po' t B ••ch 1111... fffl 0 S p1tty w/y0u Cell Sue or Adv~11·•ng ......... ~ry a""I" ..... ,w~n ". 8 pu , Incl utllt 494~1810 63-1!5439~'2473 Orertge 645-0440 +.;tit Avlll now Cell 752·6•08 •••••••••••••••••••••• F UNO Mata m•• hep Katlly anytime (2131 Mer~n1":id111~;-c>;par1: Mon' Sal """v1CTOR~ A~. Costa •• ,.. IHI .,1._ ..... Joen ..... -11 .--Storege Space 12· • 18' blk tbrn Mtx Spantef 6 3 4 . 4 5 7 1, ~ 1, I 90 Do 5 •• "'-----•He . • ~"·v• ___ hllttHftl 1111 Ahl 38" d<XX $70/mo P!UI puppy brn, whlla, blk 527 7116 menl STATION 9 118 I t er Apt 1ppro• I mile Wkly rental1 now evell Neel I re19 F fmmte Id 940 llq n 111 900 pet n. $ 7 0 1 ~ c de po 111 Ft!m Red trllh Setler wl CALL MA JOHNSON N B BAYFRONT lrom beech Wi k Itch, cOIOr TV on Cl· 1hr 3 br 2 bl CclM apt t!lCI ulll t to 24 mo lse at 8 7 3 ·,. 15 4 N ew po r I r•d cot I I r. 2 tam, mix 17141 528· 1000 IHHAl lf'10I 842·2357 ble Winier Aa1e1 .....t>lg l 2Jl.O + u 111 Tory a•m« 1att 84tech Samoyed whte/blk M, A 11 1 ***NEAR HOAG BAL BOA ISLANO· 3 2 BR 1\, BA.1495 Bdrms, 2 b1, excellent 83 1-3888, 645-M22 co11d Fu<n or unlurn -lmmeCI. po11aulo11 2 VERSAILLES 2 bd. 2 bl. ~ .. '""'°'MD' rertfal Tep Floor~. N00 .. ~1-1·~--.... ~.:ttt•t ....... "·"''"2'3S 6441·0513 tiii VERSAILLES, lovely 2 BR 2 81 dp .. , down•· tu, new c•pellf'l9 , edll 1alrt, tplc, OIW, 2 car MC .t>ldg Pool, ape, gym o•r. 1800 mo. Agt Refrl9 Incl 1575 mo 10 875-1142 mo "91. 780-M 17 28r . 181. o•rege. sun cMci!, upper unit. I btle from betl, 212 30th SI MOO mo yrty 1175-320I ....... 2.3.4. Br·l 1H·S1\5o mo 'red fe11ore, ag1 83H2te CM' 831·2711 dl1cQun1e Sltl)t 10 752·7132, 873·<10&3 8 4 1 3 2 I 2 d 1 ya --------bl!\ ml~ ft" c:IOCked 1111, 1 s •--hpefMtneehl!PJul GOQO Beech. 34311 So Coett ee3-1H3 !v • #l•ll••H•• Newport Beech Anlmel UYllT typ lbtllty, prollclency Hwy OP 496·5727 C M naw 2 br. 2't ba lurn. ln,./1 flll Shelltr 844·3858 125 w/llgur11 10 kty by conde>. Mlf nontmllr, 2 ...,.,. lhlr O. I. •••••••••••••••••••••• M ... Or CM llTIST IOUCh Eacetltnt Co bl· l••I BMH fl1f oar gar, lge yerd. Pell Xtnt toe Nu eml in&. • netlts lnlorm•t 0111ct •••••• ... -•••••••••• wtioome Avell Imm • f:OR RENTI Found C•mera equip· Pllf •• ~.M ..,., ....,.. f' 1 •r.m .,,.._,~., ~';¥_,or I'," om• " iH "'"•· o:ma ... 1-.,_.,. «'hm1 •r eM MID t 11111 • •~•• • ,_,, ,..1,a -2 l>Ddroom, 2 bat"• • 2 6 .10-.IPM 793-t97t. Npl ....... -.. _..., Stvet•I pttme •ocauona 'f'l!.TJ.nP.;ll' •• lfe.f ~F1t1t1~~.A~!..' .. °' 14113• ... 00• etorlDI 1n Twtn Peeli• In .,.. -11 -• rn Sllcldleback Valley 10 _..... -Lelle Arrowll•td art• Found Mii• Auet ,._.. I hours d11t,. Monday Ch"""" Ir-,. ...... ..-"4 .. - -1 per 1q 11 Hf Jtnnt>ortt & Htl butlHT a ........... ;"•rd Brown a w"tte 111'11 'rlOty Allernoon• v...., "''' ••-",."' •• MecArttlur in Newport .. ,..,.._ " prale,,ed E•P•tttne• h• euperlll•lon. pll'\ Hunttnoton 1 .. ell 3.4 IHOl'I 7 1.,.583,9265• l"lftt 1111 dDf>Otll r•· •ell lay trH. NI ntettHty llttJ Im~· rec1e1t1011 . eulllng bdrm flou11. 1outll ol atll lor Petty quired Call C 7 141 Pleaee ~ .... Oll7 cllately c .. i MeonMI gourma1 m1111 I It•• Ad • m )I 1 n t ,. I 1 _ 718 • 0 2 I I or ( 7 14 I ... 2.432 t bt 277 loc:1t 'tran1porlallon Cell tf4·~21 ... 2=0100 H7.oe61 WMkdlJ ev.- lotl 1.ron IOc:lty fOf Ille , _ s.tt with £ASEi ninoe ..._ a p m " no DALY Pl.OJ ••citing oet... 11 1 • 8MW answer pltaH k••P 768-ff1'2 l&t-7217 ... Idle"°"" Mt-1171 Cl .... flod Adt &42·54171 lrytnot \• l 0 I ' \ • ft°' Cleelllltd Ad · • ACTION Celt ~= ....... ,. j .. • \ ... ' • C'I ~~~~~~~.~~~~-~· --~~~~~~~-~-•• Ot flA• Coast DAILY PILOT If u• da~. Novembef 18. 1812 !'.11..'!f!.~ .... !.'.!f !1.'1..'!1~!11. .... !.'.!f !'.'1..'!1!'!1. ..... 1.tff ff!~........ fm!fw.!t.~~ .. !'!!! ... ~ ,,,_' ..., ~.-.1e .. rt11.'11. ... l.~ft ~it'!!.IP.mtt4....... ~.-.'!!..lf!m!tt ....... ~1.'lli.V.'fJ. .......... HIRlllG P /Till ULll · ai:c·vmrcrP110N111 *·*' BUY** 1!1 •10'"" 0 ... ~0i1 b1r:.d···~·· •••••••••ii••••••!•m • WI PIY •&.11•• · fflJ MU 1144 ,,. .. ," II.fl n ·J'lt••• •Pf'J~ tn P•f1on u• fn '' " H .::._.. r. •••••••••..•••• r:e •• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• Suppl•rr1eot ye>Yr 1ncom. n•v .. uHd 117610 O -· TIP •• L Ill 'II II' -IU 'JI MOI tat or111en 'I 1 Come 111 I ... ~· Hero WOtklng young by dOlnO lnt•r11llng wlr .. umt O .. I Clll Q(IOd UIMl•J •urnlturt • '4un 844·3tt& NI WPOAT IMHIOll • .._ 6K e ' 8tKh'1 llnetl ~lion ll'!lnctctd •&Q4H wo1n111 I iti.pllone ..... "'°'"on n"'~ Corp 340 I W A1>e>111ou1 OR 1 will NII ftcllillff lnclucT"• hte<I. v SI-' Gf9\I 3 000 ml Can 1 1"i teupa~ll tl ol p 11v1o11a1y o•n•O men bthtll 01 r11t1on11 com· fotdhllll S•o'• ~na Of Sfll tu• VOii llfll, lftl•111•I, 1hower. plllng llv• Pll nB 1111 640 tt&ll eveiung• . ::;•n~~·i:~f:;68 l'orecht • Audi 1 ano $ -J>an u FttOS\' 1\.Tftr 9£1\\LIC.t. .5 lAlJOfi 1 llltlll j"""' .__ llff ao.tdl wetcom1 l600 -AUi ···-,.,,.,, -•• _ • '1I •• 'IOllr.tw~ 1080 noon• & W1111.1hd1 l•ll<J. Pll•m•. H1>41f Ao -........ llt NII •• r.:~ • ..., .... ,.......... '"" PllTill/Mall •••••••••••••••JI!.'!:! ...... ~:::::::3!~ $41111 Qva1 I lui:rallv• ply $111111 SlllllM, 111h I •. • lC>l-111 OMOUIV HIO,, ,,.. 81:Hl!>A0 ..... -.nt'I & f(IUnd'J' and blec.I< lftl -.: bom11 tnc•nllve prt1Q 1111101 Newpo11 IU11Ctt I Ill P•ITHI h1111 urv1H1 1n1mpon I "" :14W '••11>0< 811111 •u an.1111 c.r 1c1 • " • ~ew r;:;::t i~=r::,:·1.i~1:02 ~~·.J,'~!,~·= ~~~' MIU lllMI l.•• 11!>1-1133 ~~".! for'::111~j!>~~;:~v ~DR.'!,y •• !s~'T.~OR!.A •• GE ••••• I c~;~.iO:A PllUll f:I ~~"~·1~2 ~1~~·"'' ·~o~~~ Stall PotHIOnt p11raon r or 1n11rv11w, Anlmal Cr1cll•r• Pro Ouetn tilt aota bed ..., I•~'•, Ml·1dl -•• -·-813 0900 YOU IUST Cati Mr PatltrlO,, It oucob11• hll tmrNdltlt brnwo Aini 1.ond $125 • "i ·; '"' M hi b I to • ----~ fJr..1 114 c, 1111 11,VE II. 545·5718 opon1ng1 lor 111rac11vt 648 '13119 •••• !~~ .. !!!~~·•••••• 60~11!1,:. i:•hr • ... :!~1~. WI llY I ~fl) 0 7 ~·M;~~::·~;':;"t1;;~~ -~~.'/~!•••••••••••••• f\~~L fSTA.TE SALE c10110-cu1 tlnoers with L•rp.i "''k wooCI deu. RrAVllt~l ?'i" J\CA lrMl11unc.h11111 OLUI Ull . n•od!•:1(1wOrk 1 1300 Tll UllllT El,ERIEll'a( SMAN NHCI 1 .. Pt· 131> ctllflCI I com~y t• ~/Jl 111• O•awv.a, 30•60 Color TV 'I y1 wrr11y .... , Miii a•a fl•I . :t4&..082 llU....,.. llV rteh~d aalHP•reon In POl!tlf~• h ct1!4lnt P•~& SOS 845·03!11 S..148 ~roe dttivery •--L la Ir. -~ -., ... S11n.W.11<11714) 984-5354 cornmerc1a1 & inC1u11r1a1 D•nelott. For audittQn, l w111 •IH bed 'Wl wC>Od Open $ut1 1111 -J c ~1161 1111 ot l•tO mocMI IOw ,.,, ..... retl fl~ll lor I IUC ~:~.147~: v Id 0 re tn • ftllnl@ nHtlll• .. I a l>OlC fV.Jot1111 846· 1786 ltt•ft 11 3100 Well COHI Hwy •••••••••••••••••••••• gt-Cuchlltct In Southetn Ho11e11es/Lln& cooks, cesslurl grow111g firm 1 prlni, Ilk• new S06 S AM/r M N 11 1 llCk N4twf»'I 811<.ll MEISTER CaMmn111• s.e o. today' needed Reuben s Fie•· ee11 working conditions SOUS CHEF • Persona 7~9•0 99 Cash Oi•ly •111~0 •1 r, • llMll•ll•• 1142·9•05 UIOI taurant 251 E Coast •n Newporl Be1oh bte,IO< privaleclub Htgh ., • • ptnye1 lOClung ost or~ :!I!'..,..-.-.............. •'•I ITIS Hwy. NB UP to SS 00 lor 714~6-46-5051 "O•litu gOll ~~·r•-pavl Ollk Canopu Wettrbed wurd 0.K le><;il Sw•IChlng ,. .. -,,, ••'I ,., NllOll/1111 OUILUO ., k Appl In per • .. • ""v -'·· , rrom 10 Renr Speal\tf "'' ,. ., ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 _ _, ine coo 't • IEOEPTitllST • hon. ove1 -1ho·coun1er .. 11h hl'ater & Uner now. Feder $40 962·2883 l1al llZI '79 SPYDER 7000 136 I Ha1b.,. Blvd 2000 ••••t>O• Blvd son ltlVIC• •96·5767 IOI 't500 Sacrtl1ce s~oo arter 6 pm •• ,................... 1111 llYll Xlnt c;onll Mwit anc11het O•tOtn Giove COSTA MESA ;ostees/Hoal poaii'1on1 lor medlcat otc, Mon, tnhtr9tl!W Srngte Nquvuu .Beel & C1bov•r Campe1 tor Im· $5000 897-6873 Salts·lenfflt l_.0-1111 avalloble Apply In pet· Wel1 Fn. p1111son1 soun-· • m11111oss with headboard Top of _lhtl tine Hl·FL pori !luck: boot, i teblll· Top doll11<1 for Sport,. Lt•ti•I " son between 3•5 Reu· drng. light iyplng. So Ttlt,lttat -lal11 $50 Call Ant wer Ad Syatem. Sony 110 watt wrA.,.J:ornti Jacki S75q_ C11r•. 8ug1. Campers, II••'• 11J1 ban E. Lee Restaurant, Coast Pla111 area. Call Adults, hra 9 12 &101 ·580, 6•2·4300 24 hrs 1t!C. Ph1U1pi. 1u10 , Alte~s (7 14) 645-5898 914 •·Audi's •··-••••,::•1•1••1•,•111•••,•••• 11t4 IH-2111 NB ~.o;:2V,:3•: :s:r:o~·~?· 1.<lpm, atuC1en1s 5·9pm S.d5. dreuers. lamps. Best oller 675·5195 Aa.lklMlorlWIU/CIHMGR We can-help• <>•tort y~· '69 Por.che 9 1 IT. ofa.n""", 1971 51111110 Lo rn1 F\)lly •oaded Cn11tcoa1 gray $7000 A97 .4 118 - -r ---to conduct Chnstmu labtes • c11~1r1 ••usT Ad 1 750 LI ..,. ee .,. I / .... ""' ·-lattrttr Ftllqt Chou funding campaign 101 SELL ~4.0So5 M~ " ven roe ~r n ... 1t11rrt fl YtLllWAlll bu_y. check our unbell • 2nd owner. 94.000 m1. on 76 StV11le mln1 cond ' PLANT PERSON soclally h&ndtc11ppeo T V · e>1cet ~ond W! lfHllll llSO tlla selection. uvtng1 or1g eng. good body & sunrt lbaded S59~ Of 7 t4·675-5029 RECEPTIOl'IST' and unde1p11Yileged ch1I BABY CRIB · Wood, used screen S IOOO Tom L" •••••••••••••••••••••• 18711 S.ach Blvd onel aerv1ee today! ,'lltH $6500 731:5383 betl 01, 557•6185 Part-time, ev-enlng• & dren Salory & bonuses $25, baby walker $5. Call 642" 1603 ''11 lllll ll 1ll HUNTINGTON BEACI~ • lllYlllln eves, Tu11tn Lllll SECIETAIY weekends ·at Jim S1e-S3SO plus p/ttme S80C 839-a901 astt for Mar11 Pioneer sG.o50o 10 band S395tobo PIP 540-3231 142·2000 .. 'El I lll"IOE . 5 7 356A coupe, many 1970 Coupe de Ville, Xtnt Excellent r.lulls required mons Imports/Mercedes 10 St500 lull lime Fun & Twu\ BED Sprang frtme per chJonel equalizer ---Sao ~ -., new parta, eye catcher & Condrtton. low Mtlu Nwpt Bch 673-11201 Benz Cleale1 Apply tn rewarding 1ob Mr Telly mattress lurned wood M UST SE L l Gar Y ·1:sti:'g~ X~erl con~I. WAITED! 2850 Hart>O• Blvd Sloat 111 S7800t OBO Mus• see Ip appreciate LICHlllllS,lllOE pe1sontoJonReynolds, 979-0618 hdbrd Xtni .<-$95 . 960·1233 ---S9S0ttistolc 979.5595 \.art model T6yo1aa. .CO.SJAMESA. 895-otSI!> .!3000 (714)962·!1121 _ Licensed Insurance POO· Sales Mgr 1301 Ou1111 760·0157 ieac mdl A4070G reel-to· ••usT SELL ,76 Gl 1000 vo1vo1, P1cku'ps & vans l.u-1140 911 SC Targ";19ao 381< 'T6 Si{lllfe. Xl1fr CCJnd h~--~~~~~~~~~~~s~·~~N~e~w~p~o~r~t~e:e:a:c:h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e;e;1;4~h~e~a:d:s~~o:o:d~c:o:n:d~M~~~~~~~~~~icj~ilu1 todat ' . ~---·s s · o 7 ~~~~ed. mu~""· r • · w~ ~lld~~ llll~ll~~7;8~A;c;c:o;r;d~~~x;·~m~o;1o:o:n~.~m~1 ~~~u~~~e~n~s~~~n~r~·~·~s=~~o~o~:8;42~.~8~4~8~8~E!a~~!Y_~~~ own agency today We St!fl•Or Clhtens We wil New mall /hlr, wood p ul xtra 1 us . are 01"8 ol Ame11ca's Restaurant Help NIJ.ded 1111n Gua•anteed Houri\ p 0 d ba s e S 2 S 0 Musi SeJI Brand New $2000 FIRM 645· 123.f S4250 557-6100 ,... CllllOrCI ta rm 81low l11Stes1 gro• mg hie 1nsu· Cook . Waot"person" wage Apply In narson a1 o~a cat 100 Scan 1e / -wholesale b lue book 71 Coupe 0ev111e good . . Bus"p.erson" Ev· 2925 C6lleg1e A ... v~e. c •• 675·9275 """' r , r w '78 T h e Ill J., •• ,, 1130 s2~.900 Call Answer Ad ~!~.~~smC~~~~~g H~~~n~; penenctd peopte" pref or call 754.733'2 .., • accesso<1es 5325 obo Alm~~~mtew, ~66~v m~. "" ...._... ••'••••••••••••••••••• No .. 653 642-43oo 24 h7s cond 90.000 mo S 16001 557-5085 s 160 0 T 0 m l~f-c .......... _ . 79 XJS. 811 original __ • __ _ negotiable 645· !389, 641·0959 XLNT working environ-,,, •• , Sllll ~ --644· 1700 ask for kll· m 8 n 1 1 n Ba 1 b 0 0 TELEPllOIE SALEI ••••'••••••••••••••••• ._ .,. I 642· 1603 "u .. .,.,. H0.'4'7 equtpmenl w/1usl 7800 t3 9 14. cute & )"ellow. Chen LOSE WEll/!HT •• •,,, ,..,, • ,..., 81 mile& Maroon red wt AM/FM tape, $4950 a 675-7829 Will Tram, Etsy Sates ~.!~••••••••••••••••• b · 1 '80 HONDA 650C stored WE Ill sadle leather int $17, OBO Looks like new C6ir1'llt HZI .•• _.... a Con-Restau,ralnc'o IELL S40·S80/day possible YARD SALE, 1tereo,.non •• ~!!f!!!~ •••• , ••••• one yea1, r\ltW battery, 0 0 0 ca I I M I k e 557-6185 •••••••••••••••••••••• • • ~:;~~g2 6 hr/day. Ca11 wt>rk1n·g color TV, elec C.•11•1 HI ~~:.~ ~4 ls t 4 o o o e O ~g~~ ~,:~~ ~!~~~~~ 7141994-~ eat 37 1171-121 Perulte Ill II Fiim sult1nt1 to lose 0 IS looking for lull & pt ~rav1~'su',, ~1.~co'.~·:...: •••• ii1iii";iia.:ii0i"" Fiii AHUIUL 1111 ltrill' E•lra0f'd1nary 5.speed We have a good selec· I 21 IL • time help, day or night 21942 Lakeland, El Toro FOR SALE 11•1'111••11, l•lr, Oormier·Oellllo XJ6 SEDAN Cust om Black lmron tcl~enwoo:e1~•.E.W & USED • uS In I Opporlunllies for advan· ll11t6H,iH __ _ 642•4644, M·F. 9•5 I I l~O CIEYltLn Chestnut color. 23.000 Paint Black leather Int • cemenl Apply 2 to Spm, ••••••••••••••••••••• _ 0 --~ _.__lff ••• ~~Ve'..!!!~f~~ ••••• "!. t8211 BEACH BLVO miles Call evenings w/bltck leather ~caro month, n1tu-699 Coast Hwy, LIO 8ch Alllif.•11 1005 J1wln IOTO ,.. .. • • • 17' Sell-cont Mini, 80" HUNTINGTON BEACH 640-1959 ld8111 c seats Tinted r 1 11, W •Ith RelallSates A~~iq~;·-r;;;di;•5;;;~~ L:d?s.-~~j~·.;;;;dj,;;;~ w/MO on 44 ketch, shr wtCle, ·79 Toyota, low 14l·llll, Ml·IU1 '69XKE Coupe 6cyl A2 windows PQllshed CIESS I UllH Machine To be rell· hand cralted woven <Se· expenses, MIF, exp nee miles. $7700 631-3513 ~-~lack on black lmmac. wheels w/nffW Pirelli H Ith I I t • if s100 !l46~ns s e n-d , ea" me 1 o ~ A•IN l.•t-tl·~ urea Custom Ads. Al· ( OMNEl l C HE-tllOLET -' . II u re-llLIMREI mshe • 11 g n s l ze 8 s I 0 0 . Ad .-1040, Dally Pilot. • ·1 • I 1110 ••••• '1 ••• .,-..... !:'....... 19.800 Pl.P Call AnsweL pin-a sound Sytiem. • C I Salts Casi.itr all 12 noon 675-5274 80• 1560. Costa Mest, :!!!.!!'.t./.~ .. r.-. ••••••• A•~ 1111 Ad -654, 642·4300 24 Custom secur11y system.,_-"--.;;;;.;..-'---tlOft Oo ppt. Full/time temporary Cl· •Anllqua .-.ue1aon• Diamond Eamngs. hetrl Ca !t26•6 Terry Trailer. 9· 11 28', •••••••••••••••••••••• hrs. RaClllt detector Pravata '77 Malibu Clas51c Wgn. ,. \ '~ r !14b-1200 all 812,_. shier tor writing up Thursday Nov l8th 6. shaped pierced, ap~I-1981 7-;--Hp 0~ north side PCH, Ne IO b~l IOOO T1rlte II••'• 11,I owner $2l.900 Wk dll nu tires. nu paint runs • .., Chrastmas sales. Good PM. Amer1can and Euro· eed S700 Best ollet s 7 5-0 o L v m 8 s s 26.000 mites, fully loaded •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 13 ·59 2 • 4 0 2 5 · or grea1 $2495 493-8163 · wllh llgures, quack. with pean lurnllurt. oncludtng 675·5.L40PM Motor '275 970-l459 sunroof. gd cond like 714·846·7303, E11es and or 498·1774 MCeH~rlcEaFt TECH for olltce neat handwriting. Con· tll.bles. ch11~s. d1essers -, 968·1085 new $13 400 OBO wknda 71'-842·203 t ---~-tact Janet Poland , Tall chests. vanflles wlth IH .,._, 8 • 5 8 2 11 E · '79 Custom Nova. 2 dr. radiology. Sa~ry depen-645•5021 . morrors. ptlmillve clock•. lli1ttll•11H•I '"' II, ·,..1al18Htl 11111111 Ulllit. 1110 857 9&8 v 8 1 • lel11 l•flff 11SI auto, etc. tilt whl tinted dent on ••P8' Mi1slon -glass wares. loys. and •••••••••••••••••••,•• J.niff Hll •••••••~••••••"''••••••• · 4 days ••••••••1•·-·•••••••••• glass 1 owner 37,000 Viejo, 495·4700 Sates 1015 or small items 1001. mw• bl --...................... 6118' all steel trllter, heavy ~5 Audi Fox "411eds little *1 D£AlER l.N U.S.A. m 49 1 6 •. 9 s 8 3 3 2 0 001make o fr Med1c111 asst, front and EIPElll•I buyers premium. CALL 6 to 20' long, 36« per ft MARINE EtJ:CTRICIAN duty !Ires with spare work S 1000 or best ot-bac~ Typing, EKGS. SllEIPEllll CHARLES lor more into 775~~91 anytime f OeatgnllnstalltRei>alr $375 49.-.2595 ter 857·4167 mrA Dl/CD 6•5 1720 l •• Auctoon~ OAK '"IREWOOO YOU Olly work 549·2520 Ev --------'-'"'l'V ~ Venipuncture, .. • SALARY PLUS COM· "" ""'' "' -r A 6-rri ~ •79 Audi Fox,. 4 dr. am/Im ~ •• ...,.1cal Asst lrt & bk otc. MISSION BllCkground In 556•9901 PICK UP OR WE DELI· IHll 1•wt Hf0 .,. tt, •rll cass aor iclnt cond -l'L.)'l\...L 76 Monza 5 spd, >.lnl, runs well clean. 1 owne1 . $1250 O• bsl 640°4573 "'""' • d II " VER 493·6748 •••••'•••••••••••••••• I . .,.IHrin HIO S36ocitobo· S.8-6581 ' ea.per 548-9319 systems selling requKed • .,.-&•••••••••••••••••• SURPLUS JEEPS • CARS Nord re tug Full yacht P~INT & Ille body wortr. JD JOI TOUI ..,_,..Ito 11" ...u-Good shape Auna hke PIT tor busy G.P 3 yrs security. har wtre or A••'i••t•• lw 1981 l1berg11u diesel •••••••••••••••••••••• _ Ill UI ~ ~_,cllfGD'4-.JlllON'I '70 Chev Monte Culo Medical Beck Ollrce Ell· ti11avy Ql\one calls to HARBOR AREA • BOATS, many sell for trim, the bell eqwpped up to 50•;. oft your est • '41TMAI°". Clf9I .-.n IN new $900 /bst o l r leads provided by ad· ~PPLIANCE SERVICE under S50 F0< Info call ever bullll 4 pages ot 8111 042.0100/1164-0332 -If & . ,,,. ITI _642-25W per. Nee. G.P. In Ne verUslng. <:ome tr•vel We sell recond .. guar 1 3 12 93 1 1 "61 e•t k $59 500 .. _. ------63 S30 ., .. 0•1 • --• ~ geai • as Ing · • ;-Pon1-1·~ Rattu ~his, $75, 1-1 Iron\ 11me 10 lime appliances 549-3 , 2239A 0111 897 44 50 h ., -, " flll •.. "' •••••••••••••••••••••• C61zd11 HZ5 Send rtS\lme w1lh hlstor ce • • ome .4 Pontiac Honeycomb fAClllYI . 1983 sues "19""77""c•h•r•y•s•1e"r""c••o•rd••o•b•11:0 llerelllaa4ittr or earnings on each lob I-HY APft.IAIOll ~ 0Ctooer1ett Sou11e~r 5"8•593-0 ___ whls $150 857·6257 ftft Ftr litter to· Les 957-8133 90 min. tape tst issue. Classic 19· Lapstrake -Mn•ll UltlGSlllnl All pawer low mileage l Part tome. women more IH 10IO Washer.Dryer 5125 ea t1eaut11u1 Ge<man music, Century bay boat, 4 cyt, A•I., 1'1 "'• -NOW tlR£1, _ow~e1 $2995 495.9171 suitable. Car necessary 0111ty Pilot. Box 1560 01shw11Shtr S100 11m11ed quantity. $14 95 Grey $3500 675·6161 ..................... ULll·lllYICI llmHn .. , 11140 IH" C II 9 I 3 PM ea lion Lu, 1658 Supt· IMPORTANT NOTICE We're your Saab LEA ,.,, v a 0 · Cosla Mese, CA 92627 Rettig. $200 646-5848 ·7• Ca111orn1an all fiber LUllll ••••••!••••••••••••••• s G · · • •••••••••••••••••••••• 213·949·0574 ext 17 rlor. CM 631·8665 .. • • TO READERS ANO IN speclahstal We 11 •71 FORO Mavenck Good equal Opply Empi M/F Gallers & Siiier gas dual glass. 10 w/Chevy Eng AOVERTISERS 83 1 ·2040 495.4949 Cleating now on lhe en11re cood 3 new ures. econ 26 OPENINGS Seamst1eu pit, ellP only 01ten. gtass d'oor, stove. Pert.Wt .IMllUi Vanson Trtller. ~ood The price ot items ad-' l&llLllAOI IMW hne 01 models' SH us $85-0 ,94•3211 •UllOiA Call 499.1995 30846 etec111c auto Elegant• Beach Por1 wllh dee· running cond S 179 · Pvt verltsecl by "9hiCte dea· 2a402 Mtrguerite Pkwy Yau cml lffor'll ID NOW! --------" lft Coas1 Hwy, s Leg j175 494-2695 king, many e1111as Trtde Pany Call 847·5666 or te•S "'the ventele c•assl· Mrsstori V1ejo lluy ,_, .. ~ Wll lllPlllTI 75 Fo1d LTD 2 Cir r11d10. MARKETING fOf euto or seN '°' $1500 536-3008 lied ad11et11srng columns (Avery Exll off l·5) 1eaz fl'Dlll aar New ttres 62,000 m1 IEPIEIEITlTIYE IPllATIHI ElEO ':'~~10°c'i;e;~~~~ 0~:~· Phonemate. automatic 24 It SKIPJACK applicable Ines. lteenM, NEWPORJ. BEACH · • 642-1388 -Ent"" level position with Look 1n9 for versallle, 494·2695 tetephon4 answer In~ Twin Votvoa Sl5,000 transfer IHI, finance 112-llOO ·7~ FORD RANCHERO llClnAIY• i 1nQle glass <10or. gas. 642·6211 does no1 Include any Open Sundays . $0UL 848 OOve Street Xlnl cond $1800 ., career m1~ded mtture m ...... •ne I emote $18 963-6477 charges. f-for.., po1. F 11 1 d d c 4as1 growing speclativ . • • 2 I ••·'" w r lutt"n control dev1c-••L-1• 1•~• u Y oa e us1om. goods maikelong lorm • lopnotch nd1111dual wl Near new door re rtge-494-2695 ~11 d 19~ Sales·ServtCe-Leellng :'~.~•••••••••••••/."!! Ork Brwn w t wht lnl , $15,400 !!9ses~l~te!~. eaellent to;p. & steno rator. 16 cubrc feel $175 49· GranO Benk• Nr.,dll certr cat1on1 or et r 1112 ..... -Stlel·"·---·Le--'"" 5325-0 obo 714.754.7799 skills for opertttons eic· 1367-3939 Anne Klein 1011 leather lrtwter, AIP, new reeler, documentary preptra· ---· DOWN siiiil"uoi"'• wkdy5 ecuhve Salary commen· REFRIGERATOR Jeans. 5nevet worn. Slz• SAT/NAV. SSS. weather tlon charg111 unless Nice Selecllonl --surale wtexperlence and Frost tree. 2 dr, 1165 12-14 75 548·2739 • rec , wtr mllr Beauiy. otherwise specll1~d by • '74 3 OCS. A speed lllAll •75 Ford 9 pass wgn Arr. sllrU EaeUent Co l>ene· 893·9060 Pinball S6 Milltori s Man 6 $225,000 M ust sefl the •d~User (96-0NAe1 'f -LEA E 111·Ht0 •II •Ml fiS, looks/run• greai tus Informal otlrce C M player $275 raae TO or? Prln. onty bt' / * '76 2002. 4 •Po . loa-• $1800 891·2089 Catt Millie alter 9 am Washer. Ho1poln1 Ooluxt. 645·2963 pp PIP (619) 459-3103 lf8ft ded (255PLV) •i•'••d · 1..,~1 76 Granada_G_h-,a-5-0K-mr, Managemenl Pay 1714) 964·5354 (24 hr) 645-5800 hke new S250. ,Cl•""' ISZO * 79 5281; auto .. lea~ :~ •••• -. •••••••••• !."!. 111 n1 cond Must sell 841· 1226 Les Paul copy and Fender ... ,, S.JI 1110 •••••••••••••••••••••• tiler (5343820) ParH1me telephone soh· cilors, work days. C M Hrly + t>Onus, can Ctaore 549-8391 IEClnAIY Good general skllls, word processing -eape· raence helpful Ne.,. Co51a Mesa oll1ce 1·621·7921 IEOlnllY A1chltect's office Phone, typing, etc 5A0.7623 Part or lull time work from home operatmg a typing se<vlea, details. send sell addressed stamped envelope Taekman. 2 l ·A Wintergreen. Irvine. Ca 92714 Receptionost/ Secretary ______ ..;....__ General o'll lce, typing, P.a•t·tome Sales Work phones. p11r1/t\me, non. S150-S300/week Ask for smoker Ctll for appt Greg 646·5781 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 Playm1tes Small orld 549-38 77 Pre ChOOI Teacher. t>enetrts, Mon· Fn. lull time Imme<! tm· ptoyment. PIE-SOlttl TUORI Ch11st1an ministry. Must htve early childhood educat ion classes or pre-school teaching Ill· per Co"a Mesa 642·9181 11oanaay 1.E. Secrelarllll position 1n active Newport Center Realtor·• office. Front Olhce position requires good ttlephone voice. typing. shor1hand & ap- pearance. Real estate experoence helpful but -not essenual Prefer 1ooa1 resident For 1nterv1ew call Mts Duhl w .. i., •·,.,..,a.. Realtors 644-41110 Chllmp AMP 1225. •••••'•••••••••••••••• lltlll HA"ll * .80 3201. 5 spd . sun '8' TR4 eng recently reblt $1995 PP 96.--2123 MAYTAG washer & dryer, 644·8189 81Qge51 30 looler-alloall Shay replicas, plckupe & rool (&&gzoK) New "rakes, retr end & -r:-I fi.f1 :!.~. 5~~~ia1:!!~~~00 trvine-COast Country Club Immaculate llberglau coupes A lo choose • ·ao 3201. 5 spd • air lop New ton":"~~~ .!!!!.~ .............. . member.hip 'or •• le Columbra 30 Interior from! (006788) (Stk cond P ASX048) W0Bel01 m5a512nta8 1 3n11 '77 lrncotn Townca1, 4 dt bigger l han most 35's1 Au•a3 p I 1 · lo see Xtra Cleon S4800 l•i1'i•1 s 1 5 0 0 I 0 I I e r . ..._ .. ) rlCff *'"' ng .. 111-1 l1 ll•l11i.J1 1115 714-675-8651. 568-4722 ~7!v' ~orhe~~:~m~u: •r 11,lffl 206 w tst. Senta Ana M.tto 494-7aaa •••••••••••••••••••••• eeautolul Harbor flaland with Martec prop, low Closed SunOty VeJj1111•• 11'/i lhntitk IHi • •• 21t/ -Ft. home told All 1111tlqun l>Ou•• Ful! elec:llOfllCS & CHOICE INVENTORY @ ,,·.·.·.·.·.·.··.·.··.··.·.··.·.·.·.·.·.··.·11~n··,,4;:··;,·;;i~~bit~~~ R·l9 lit>erglan ~ankel and custom furniture VHF Auto ptlot. 4 uh VOLUME SALES ~"'" '7' VW 8"g. •-ml"' Good ,.H, '"' & .,,. lnM.ilttlon C111 Rleti being so4d 10f' frac1ion of Including sp1nn11\,er. 7 G cond Body lf'I gd cond tery $975, H 8 962·8679 value Also Sri-. China, winches S29.SOO blfice $2500 OBO Call An•----- 110.lllJ Crys111 & Orlentat car-8 9 7 • 4 4 6 O • home Ad 624 &42·•300 24 tvs • •• '."····"' •••••••••• H •• S.'. "ASll 1bout Gas Co $302 pet• 675·3738 549.593-0 I I I I IL I IE I •~ ~~~~Ae~b~ll~a~"~~~I Lyna '•coat Xlnt condr-2511 MacGregor Sailboa11-----------IMW '72 vw, good condition. llH MtrUfJ Oa,ri :; lion end qu11t1y 53000· wtoutboard eng, radio, ·53 Studeballer CttempiOn ... .._.a."'""*"...., Mtch A· 1 Mu at sell. Whlle. low mlle•ge A~tean Sttndard 1 P49-6,.0•5324 head. stove • Genoa 5 pau cpe• Nice ctr Stles·Servlce·Leaslng 1w1--. t~ , ,950 or best ollar , ____ 6_50_·_A6_9_7_· __ ce wlth supply • com· 18500 Ctll all 7 pm S37~ 2131592-1792 850 N BMch Blvd H mode, while cnrna. r.-Hetlhlut coml>Uttr 64K. 3 984·6371 .... leilH...... Lt Habfa 675--8728 !!!!~~'··••••••••••!! S27S 494-2695 d r 1 v o , It rm I n 1 I, 1211111 1980 VW Pieliup. fuel in-•73 Musting Grtnde 4•RS·232 ports, CP/M 27' Feather Classic 19411 Ford Woody Wa-• M-c--'-1 Benz I 1.... LX _,._. 1 "' I b t•'d ~ F Open Sundty v• ....., ec ""· m..,.,.., s ereo Runs good New t11es. V8 ,.ew arge rass ou., e S 2 5 0 0 9 7 5. 8 6 7 8 Ut, dry. v11y good gon. $13.000 1• ..... ftl wlauto reverH, 4 spd, auto $1500. 8•0-5581 c1ndelabrt chandeller, 675-11540 cond $3900 675·7063 II llY low ml. perfect cond t--------- tlegant, •, wholeute 11129 Ford Model A TO*n --... , '-IT •79 1 1 A/C A I S195 494-2695 Mesa Verde Counlry Club ••1' Sall hat• s 8 d 1 n . s 1 o . o o o •-then checll With ul We'll n15ew150s~~c6~!~ Shell au'i 0~ r!\·c;ll • c~~~' Full Membership. 126, beaulllul conO complete 675-6161 g:, ~eed..::~ ~=:,e~; lhow you over 46 superb -------""""-----• $4000 631·5009 C•••lll I 000 Answer Ad ;;708, olectron•c & ln1trumen1.1----------used Mercedes Benr In ·79 Convert Bug E11celi------------r..; .. 1al . 103• 642-4300. 24 hrs euon Wiii 1ln1nce or 4 W6HI llrlrn llSI manage.r. Wolfgang Juri-stock Inspect, Select & oorid. em/Im caas. magi. '68. excel! cond,.. 70K •••~•"""•••••••••••• l1ade f()( 1noome prOP«· •••••••••••••••••••••• nek Tell 0t1'vet Cons1Cltr 60 a 11 w h It e 3 7 K m I o r r g m 1 . • u t o • lltMi.i YWH o~.,. a,o200BTU lorced a r heeler. ly 2131592-1573 LARGEST JEEP DEALER L• IUll ... mos purch•se w.' sensr. $ 7 9 0 0 I 0 b 0 d y • $20001080 4%-6e2t / In the West w/eve<ythong mcl non 75 1•8162 '12 Ill Jt, M hM. dffperalely needs S•les·ServlCe-leulng ble pmts or tllow us lo 6"5·0110, ev 760· 1574 '66 Mustang, new tires zoom. $600 675-9275 $4obo 837~248 your JEEP ~870 N Cherry Ave tallor 11 lease to sull your 'll IUlllT Ill Greet C.rl Come see 11, PIT answerrng service. No exp. nee. 35 WPM typmg req Call bet. 7-•. Mon Wu Fri 760-7000 EOE P{T secretary. 4 hrs dally, 20 hrs week General Ins oft , tyQlng etc Allstalt C M 54'0·1011 ('. ,. • llUJ UYI l&UlllS Highest Doller Ptld LONG BEACH . .-ell Up to ayf1t2•.000 2 dr, ·•r, •MtFM s1-eo. ,_63_1_-29_2_1 ____ _ IH ••• .,.. Helium balloons dehve-~lltH~ IOl5 Call Gery Gray (114) Ill llM mlloH warrtf!IY .. "' ... ·- SEO nu'/l.E.t... L:bi1~~;,;5:,1;;·;i;•;,•9 red anyllme 873.'4419 ':': ••••••• !•••••••••••• t••-1 -••t ; lt11t ti l•,.m, IH MW tlrff S.6-6355 ~. OU1•••il1 1115 Old 11 not bl k Curt11 H11wtl Seill>Oard --0111 7 14 or 213 6 73·5494 evea ••••••--•••••••••••••• Sharp person needed to C::e 84:.1~8 1' ac M•l.1;e•I -~ $600 Of' trade for Hobie AMO/.IEIP/llll&ILT 111111 llllTY'I MERCEDES '77''t 1 t Bl '67 Olds, 1 owner. low work rn fast Paced NB • ••II 16 Cat 675-6104 eves 2524 Harbor Blvd . CM van. 0 m.. au· mllel Ale. PS/PB. 4 dr. comm'I real estate ollic. Kittens 6 wks old Bo11 ••• ~!:!~•••••••••••••• 549-8023 645-7770 tLlllT '81 380 SL. 7000 mt Ware punkl, new rad 11· iclnl 11ln1 cond S7501obo Good opport for P8'90n trained 540·3A7 t or IHl1, lli11 & wllHI• $38,000/090 cond S4500 752-lAOO Wkndsleves 494-4627, P /T IEOlnllY wl exctl typing and die· 650-1375 YAMAHA ease Amp OHki 111' fHrkl ISIO 213·832·8979 ext 2S&3 wkdys 833·6881 tap~one skills and 1word Head with • Clouble 15" •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •70 Mercedes 280Sl. Im· 71 Ctmper Pop Top, one .67 Dodge ., T van, 318 ProfeHlonal woman prooeulng e•per con· Ftte Fe eoicer, 1" yr PV spetktr cabinet All BOAT SLIPS .-.vAILABLE· Toyota '76 AM/FM Ste· ot the best. $36~. auto. ~w 11alves & toes need• •dmlnl strttlve 1 act T • r r 1 e at Good with Chlldran In excellent condition ~port S.ac;h 25'. 26' 110 eassette Small S1les-Servtce·Leas1no mac oompl "'11 re· 213-592·2110 x 1n 1 c 0 n d s 7 2 5 sec'y 10 wor1t 20 hr wk 7141833·2900 Nee Cl• Iovi no home StlOOobo 30'. 35'. AO . & 45' Ctll cemper snell S2175 ~ r A Dl n:::o cords 2 tops, tuto, air. Ellctll 1yplng & phone 7600488 t•t.-ll 1 •--l'L.)'I '-'"'l'Vc:.A $17.500 851 ·6228. '711 Convtrllblt Stereo, 548-4109 pefSonallly. Call alt 6PM llO'Y /ElEI • • r .._.. ~!~:~~44 from 9•5. 6'""66_18_____ DJ..S.l(Xt·~ 720-1090 M AIC. lo ml. $7995. r;.,. HSJ & le1ve message w/ Ftnanolal lnvestmenl firm l•m'8ff 1111 '711 OMC truck. dull glll ---•ao~.:1,.0 •82 MB 300 o Chtm· Phur>e 673·1220 •••••••••••••••••••••• nam1. qu11lillcaUon1 & tor educators. Personnel •••••••••••••••••••••• 81111 1couetlc 370 1mp, SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington lank•. lull service bed -•"'""I''"'..,_ pagne metalllc, pollslltd II II.IA .. 11IOO '76 Pinto Wag 4 spd AM p"'°'n6-numb er _ commu..WC:.llon'' «Mot. 711 GOid prjnl Sola Vega 18" 1pkr & ban H • r b o U.f 8 • y : D • w I c 1 bover I ad de• whtela. cu st om pin 1 am/Im s 1500 · • 975-0578 sec'y Xlnt lyp. & S/H -. 175 gunir.180<t 87s.:n75-840"-5545. M6-17 • ..~ N1~ '81 BMW 320l, !\Illy IOI· S111pe 3 OfMhnt-P.I P ell 1640cc tng. new r:1in1. 850·3~1 l.54·7386 ---------• ieq'd, Ellec secretaritl 546-2776 alter 12 noon .--1 P M , 8 4 O • 4 o 9 7 . Tr"" El C 1 • did. bu"-nSUIT!e IM 5 PM over Sized llr•. A /FM -·------You don'I need a gun 10 rlll 213·431·3764 amrno mmac #,_ ca1Mt1t ~3·6415 '73 Ptnto wegon .-spc1 AIC exp • must Non·amllr Wroughl lrol) Room d1vl· •••••••••••••••••••••• _ S 1.000 paint lob Mat· Clll 557-9752 aft4PM 530-102_0 ___ 1 IWll __ 1 ll.. iadialt. very reliable "draw fast" Wfltn you preferred Call 553-0940 der. 8'11I1 S50 McCaw blue f. gold. ta"?I Pr•me Lado Sllp, no Skip. tress, stiell. sunroof. 11e-:-70 2 .. ,,,.,.S ClesslC C...... 'll 2111 ..a•• s 1250 OBO 673-3447 111 plec• an ad tn the Dt1lly 631-2250 $950 1 p11r . no ll11e-1board. rto. mo rt SA ,975. """" '"' , ·73 good body, 11lnt 5 .f.ilot Wint Ads! Call now Stll lhlnge last with OaUv 1--"'"'.:'---:~~~-::-':"' 645-2963 p P. so·+. 1550,mo. pp 845•0953 11lnt cond, 4 spd, sllvert Sunroof AM/FM. sllver motor & lrtn •uto MW __ ~·5678 ~ Piiot Want Ada Ing Becked Chr. luffed, 931•3671 °"1175.2860, --------blue New trant, clutch, blue New tlrts. Xlnt tires 543-e.-85 ' 'H Pinto Wgn, new ang 11voc1do velvet. w/wood Cockahll 'll·f-p. 111 tires Lo ml. 17450/0t>O. cond Must 9811 Best qt-e .. cell cond See 10 ep- ... . UQml11.IOl-PI ... Thia ls the job you have dreamed about. NationaJ AAA Organlz.aUon In weight co ntro l aeekt experienced, attractive motivated sales pros to sell ou.r unique program to. female proapects. We pay you while you train . Opportunitin unllmJted. . t.=. ..... , ••:::.w Olllll • NEWPORT BEACH • HUNTINGTON •EACH • C09TA••A lflm, l1om Beal• Sl50 Beautllul Baby only A111rtable rmmedlattty. 40 Auto 11400 631•0908 720·1332 ler Eves 759.0644 68 vw Westphalll Ctmpr, precletfl $15001080 t73-3e00 ~ 135 957·8170 to 45 It Stilbott pref -......:.-------784508l-.,,.._ 111 IUPlf Cond 13.000 942 • .-274 & bran kit· Pair of Fioch1I.j;.1_ou_1_o_f $8 50 11 Wat., end Po· '82 Crievy FIO V-8 lono· ~'!~!. •••••••••• !~~ . -• .000' : 720-1848 ----_..-1 Ch. n I b I • 1 2 5 • 1.._ nest, h•althy sa pair _, 673·2162. 6·10 AM bed. auto tr•ns, PIS, op Ilona. 44.001 ml '1l•••t6 ,..,.. • • f'V ... d 6 9 PM PIB le900 846 6791 MINT PtlCed lo "II ·7 I Bug. n-rldltll, new ••••••••••••••••••••• 6"5-1389~ 8"4· 1100 uk 1~9~5.7~·;:U~7:;0~-:-:-=-:--:::':":"':::-hin.niin;"r:iii;;-N;:-;;~------·--·· if Mia "'" 645·8730 p. In I • m Int c CUL :.SQ CbamP. excell Gonjl, _re_~-------=----Ofle pair of M41¥)' P'4tG ftft~p. l'"wpor FOfd '17 E150. AIT-AJC. • 6"' 230 S-L -"'· btn Int, 12400• fo()()"64:vT1• ~ •• m_:, ~ .. ~57. \J!-.. 7,.S.-t __ _ 0 '""£N SIZE B"'D, a1mo11 Cocktt1el1 165 pair Bctl. 40 trtwllr ., ,. "" ..., .. ;,u " 09 v.. " 842 3050 dual ttr!l\a, 45f( ""·mini auto. 2 top• 113,000 ev VW-lleefle ----new 1125 645·1389. Brelldmg toe 957.-8110 • cond Only 13195 lie 979-11151 OOOd Cond S1195 1nllM eMJ 644-1700 ••II for kitchen 'GOLDEN RETRiiVERS SLIPS AVAIL Corona def 1$307 539·7411 Dir . _-z=-= --644-5585 ••••••••••••••••• ::.1. PUPS • Al<C 1200 Mar Are.ti H It. Cell • '116 2;,uSL Cpe, htrdtop I -'87 F1rebi1d GOOd cond ·WTlll llfA Born 10•26, 648•1040 L_lf.'da 1155·2473 wkll1 ., 01 lf•I convert VlfY ci.en. ape. '72 VW Squartt>ack. Plf• New t1re1 and paint, Imported lttlltn, brtnd 85 ,., '' clal l>f~• $11,500 Call feel Condition, ortoln•f 11mt lm lp 011 Rune. new seoo 6~ 4697 -•••••••••••••••••• .. •• (213)5112·28511 675·1238 good s 1100 080 ___:._ • "HH I '!!r,•••"" 30 8oel altp, 11111es up to '67 Oodgl ') T Vtn. 311 ------"6 0318 111 3 ~·lrlnerator . II.Inn Wlltt ••••••••••• ••••••••• 3 0 . ... • -• , b 0. t -..to new llal\let. or.. 73 OOSE. tmmtculett, u I 111·e . '"bed·wlth all 8CCftlOflel SACRIFICE Storey & I 2 0 0 I ,; 0 A" 5 )(I n't c 0 n d I 7 2 5 ~~~~~~~~~! AM/FM llpl LOOll• ·""' :!.?'! •••••••••••••••• : 71 Ponlo;;;vii1e, VJalnul l>ookcate. Mid· Cieri! conaOlt ~ano 11•• 8~·4643 • &41·4109 1180 tlOZ>C 2 ........ 2 new I 11.950 080 rt 1 ,......._ h-•~ 2-<tr, all ••lraa, t>oard and frame. Orff• lued •1 1 12!000 EFOf ~ulcll , mi1et..~ 18~ 657·6115 ................ ...::..1 11000 7S1·116~ "' wllh mirror eno mite: Hit 14., • 11c1 ltnt Dock tor 40 Htl boal No A•,., Walffl •I .,,. ·~ t '81 -3-00SO-. -turbo oa1. ... -•r All In good cond cond 4114-4177 llve a boarde 3 bfll1 ••••••••• .. ••••••l'ee• -2-211 751·3478 .,....,,. & ...,,.. eon.oi. (1tl/Pavlllon 173·4921 J IWlv ,,-,-... -~--.. I iJ.r~ :1 :;'O,: ~°' COUii\ ......... .,.. C":Jlt~l.-..... -' ---..,. , • ap.~ L8lf-=--... ~-·r.1~""1fj=~-!!!!-~1-~.....J nal, Ytllow. 'green. OIO $299!1, ·~l22 boll A•klng 111,1100. Paid bcelfent C4il'W9., • orange llOfll. Oullltd Of en-122 714/846-4005 --~~---!1 .............. 1!.i. 8Nu uoo 15Wtlt .,,.. "" # 80.\T_SUP____ For YOVI Cert ll7t.2IOZX • ...,. Miii.' MO Midget, 1977 Conv. Double bid Mtttr .. lftit .... -. ................. HUNTINGTON HAA JI-I -tpd. 1.u• 1n1. AM/FM, Ylt!OW XI.NT Cond W W .. new($eely) 1125 uu Siii Nau11Qllt BOUR ~..!·.!'~~,.., AIC ...., '" ... N200 cat. onl)' 47000"" Prl· ..... 7~2·1ttl ~2001.,. th'•.2""'• 138 •• !'<>"',0a,_ 133·tt03 C21316H·2t30 ....,.., ....,_ 8llfd' 111•1559-~1.,._1 & ced 101 q111c11 I•••· ltMH.-IMI '" .,..... •• ' ' COllll Mete f40.M30 wllnctl IH.00 U• • 3 7 I I Ind COIT"' M1•• Bunk bid unit IL thape) m\111 1/0 20 O 11111 Cl•Hlfltd Ada art lht 187~121 .. - DflWela IMIUdH In 10-HI W I C • 11 C 7 14 I antwer le I tucce•aful HIGHIST CAIH Imm•· 77 01t1un 11!10. 6 tpd, • --•-t• ....... , Far Ad Actillt: .. Cll a Daly Plot AD·VID 642-5671 . .., llCUon TOP Of lint 142·2000 a all! for .JllTI· 0-IOt or Y•d ..... It'• I dltlll)' '°' '°"' VINClt. 51,000 ml. Micllelln ,.,. N ~ -.J·~.,~.~,:-..... =--.-.-=1:':', .. ::o=:=-- M II tteaau JI 76 my. Jr If ou\. pt.... M111f wey tot• mcwe dornHUC or lote19n ·~~~-'"'· U471 !!" • J::z:::::::~~~~============:J~ru~.fll~11.:.:~~~~~ ... ~·~•~m: ... ~•~lt'~~:::::l~Pe1:0~9~'"~':=~~~::116a~t-a~1&~_:~~~1.~'4~---~~~::::~~d.:-3:~~~:!:~::::L:.~~'4~l~~~==~~~~~~~~1 t .. '· ' :. • l , \ Be·rgeSQn ··t.Opes fo. thwart . , . soaring. campitign funds By STEVE MARBLE Of .... 0.-, Hot ..... Resp o n d ing to what s h e described as public outrage over m i ll ion d o llar campa ign .spe nding, Ass-embly wo man :Marian Bergeson, R-Ncwp6rl Beach. is oonsidering legislation lo limit d ona lions, to poll tlca I campaigns. Bek'gc.>son said legislation could be dr~Ctcd to require candidalt.>s for stat'c office lo accept o nly · money that origlna•es within the district for whii:h clt>clion, as sought She said this would pn•venl polilacians from loading up·on m oney from large statewide political '8Ction committees and other specltal inlereiit power~. Bergeson, re-elcct<.>d lo a third Assembly ter m thi s~ month, pointed t>ut som e stales c>ven ~rices up slightly . . ~as . pro·duction dips By The Associated Press h a ,v l' 11 m i l s o n h o w ·rn u t: h individuals o r. pollll<:al committt.>es can funne l into a cand1datc:S war ch<.'Sl. "l don't know all the answers lo tht• reform qucsu on," said Bergeson, "but I think many agree tha t it's liml' for e)('(·tion reform when· campaigns reach these astronomical figures and whe,n pow~rful lobby ing or six-caal ii:it.cr~l groups can J>?Ur against a ballot proposition." Wh i le Be r geson dad n ot support the beer and soft drink deposi?-bill, sh e said the $6 million used to turn btick the proposition "de finitely represents special inter<.>sts." · , • . ... . :-. . . ~ • . ' . Prices at the wholesa)i level we nt up slightly in October and production dropped for the 13th tim e in 15 month ~. th e government·said today. A major bank. meanwhile, raised its prime lending rate to the industrywide level o f 12 percent. Without the highe r car and 1 trul·k _pric~~·wbolesaJe prices would have-remained l'SSCntially - unchanged from September, tht• department's Bureau of Labor StatistR'88aid. -. The October decline 1n industrial production was,thc bigg<.-st sanee the 1.1 perc:-cnt arop last April and another sign th«? r<X.~1on was continuing. at least throu~h last month. Citing other examples in this month 's g e n e ra l e lection, Ber g eson p oi ntqd to t h e Assembly distrkt contest.. in Los • A-ngeles between Tom Hayden and Bill Hawkins in which more ~ mil)lon was spent for a post that pays $28,110 a year. S h e also p o inted t o the <.'<>ngressional ra<.-e In which l oser Johnnie C. Crean spent more than $1 million as'an.example of the election process being out of control. The SftaCc shuu.1£. Columbia touches do"1n on the run.way at Edwas;ds Air for ce Base tnfs morning, comp eting its fifth misst0n. The Labor Depa_ument said · prices a t the wholesale le.vet edged up 0,5 pe~nt last month as food a_nd energy prices both fell slightly a nd auto dealers introduced higher-priced 1983 models. The· n a ti o n 's i n d u s t ri a 1 production Cell 0.8 percent during the month, the FederaJ Reserve Board said . October's price increase of 0.5 percent represented an annuaJ rate of wholesale inflation of 5.7 percent. But for the first 10 months of $982., wholesale inflat.ion was 3.3 , . f)ercent. IC tMt rate' persists for the rest of the year, it wouJd be the smallest full-year gain since the 3.2 percent of 1971. Mesa 0Ks .. tow-er • pro1ects The Costa Mesa City Council trps approved cons truction of a ntne-story hotel and three high- rlse office building~ south of the San Diego Freeway along Bristol · Street. • The decision clears the way for California Pacific Properties officials to comtruct a 495-room )}ote l and three. seven-story office buildings and a one-story bank and restaurant on 13.6 acres form e rl y occupied by Montgomery Ward and Co. Councilwo m an N o rma Hertzog. a c ritic of high-rise developme nt south o f the freeway. cast the onJy dissenting vote. Greg Butcher. a spokesman for the Cali fornia Pacific. said the C.J. Segerstrom & Sons affiliate plans to purc h ase the Wa rd building next month and begin construction of the hotel next spring. S everal nea rby r esidents criticized the commercial project, saying it would increase traCfic in the area. Although the hotel falls within ihe 85-foot.Jlmit adopted by the council for buil5fings ·south of the freeway· aJong_ Bristol, residents protested an additional 14-foot prl>jecti o n for m echanica l ~uipment atop a portion of the (See TOWERS, Page AZ) - Meanwhile, on Wall S treet the Dow J o n es average of 30 1(1dustr ial stocks fell 1'4.62.pt>ints to 1006.81 just before todey's close of t.rading. · Bergeson, who is considering a s tale Senate bid In t.wo years, Space .shuttle 'deliVered' ~Cht•mkal Bank in New York, t he n a ti o n 's !iixth -largcst l'Ommcrclat bank. raised its prime r a te lo 12 percent after it . undercut other major 'banks by lowering its prime to 11 .S percent on Oct. 22. It was the fi rst increase in the W<'ll-kno'wn rate in nine months. and the latest in a series of signs that interest rates are leveling oH alte r four m onths of steep declines. . (See PRICES, Pqc.tt) spent $110,000 in her successful By ROBERT LOCKE rc-etection e ffort. AuocleMd "'"• kienc• Writer "We n eed a process where t:UWAt<U!:) AlH Jo.OR CE candidates and 0CC1ceholders BAS.E -Th<.• space shuttle would be accountable to people -t'"E'lllrn<'d to Earth rocnry as a within their districts -not to -rioo-and--true carrier or space poJitical actio n committees or. cargo, its {'Ommandcr exulting, individuals from other parts of "Yes sir. we deliver." _ the state" W ith dawn's early light She noted that even local city sh ing orr the American flag on c·ouncil races seem to be on the big its c. the sbuttle cut through dollar treadmill and used the dese clouds lo a centerline r ecent N e wport' Beac h c ity landi '" election as an example. An enthusiastic crowd, many "It's so costl y to ru n a huddled around bonfires a nd ClilJTlpaign but spending $50,000 stamping their feet in the desert -for-a-council wet is too much." chill. screamed wildlv as the The crunches were worse than the hurts on the southbound San f)iego Freeway near MacArthur Boule\'ard. Firemen had ju t removed a person from car, below, when \'&n pulling traile r, unable to stop for jammed traffic, jackknifed. I spa,·e. s huttle returned {or its The motto', repeated o ften firth la·nding. during the flight, was "We "We've been o n a fantastic Deliver." voyage," Vam:c Brand said. "The United States Space Making it look easy. the .Transportation s ·yste m is in spacttrafl commander steered operation," William Lenoir, one Colum b ia over California's Of the two missiqn specialists Mojave Desert and glJded to a aboard. said later . smooth stop with more than 5,-Columbia flight five was the 000 feet of concrete left. r first operational mission of the "Arc we down now? Arc we world's first reusable spacecraft. on the ground?" he joked. Now. with more than 10 million "Absolutely, it was beautiful," miles on 'its flight log, the ship is said Roy Bridges at the console in scheduled for a 10 months rest Mission Control. "You certainly while it undergoes an overhaul. lived up to the motto on this Challenger; the next ship in Oi~ht. We kome home." (See SHUnLE, Pa1e ·AZ) .Nuke • unit fueled By KAREN E . KLE IN 0('1MO..,Noelleft Fuel loading at the Unit 3 reactor at the San Onofre Nucle ar G enerating Station south of San Clemente began today. following issuance of a low -powe r testing licen se M o nda y by \he Nucle ar ReguJafury Commission. Two . Irvine Crashes cause massive jam Jn a Los Ange les news conference Monday. Nunzio J . Palladino_.~chairman of the NR~. said an investigation into allegations of faulty welding at the plant had proved negative. "There were no conditions found that would prevent start-up. at least to 5 percent power," Palladino said. ,. Two rus h -h o ur traffic accidents that occurred within a quarler-mile'"'of each other Mond ay even ing in Irvine . created a massive traUic jam for commuters in the southbound lant.'S of the San Diego Freeway. The accidents, whic h both occurred about 5 p .m .. le ft southbound traffic backed up for miles a s radib broadcasters suggested alternate routes for homeward-bound drivers. while work crews mended fences in freeway median. California Highway Patrol rt'ports on the accidents were still sketchy today. In o n e o f the accidents, according to Patrolman Rick Stevens. witnesses said Richard Burch, fl7. of Santa Ana tried to chang~ lanes while lowing a travel trailer when he veered to avoid sfowing traffic n ear MacArthur, causing thl' vehicles to jackknife and lhe Jcad vehicle tQ roll. The li<.'en9e aJlows loading of 217 uranium fuel assemblies into the reactor so it can be tested to -make sure everything works properly. an NRC spokesman said. A second lia?nse will be applied for. providing the testin1 soes well, as early as next spri111. The second license will allow full operational power at Unit 3. he said. Unit 3 has undergone nearly 20 months of testing and observation by the NRC but has never had fuel in it before. he said. Unit 2. a lister reactor at ihe • At Your Service • A5 Business 84-5 The accidents occurred in the dark near Jamboree Road and MacArlhUr Boulevard overpasses -a 'stretch of the freeway that congests during the peak-hour crush even without accident.a. TraCCic was s till crawling t.hrough the-strc.U:h t.wo hours a fter the accidents occurred OHice rs had not submitted written repo rts today on a multi-car a<.'Cident that ~'CUJTed north of the Jamboree exit. It w-as unclear whe ther the 1wo- at.'Cidcnts We're relall.'d San Onofre plant. ii operating at 20 to 30 percen t power. Unit l, wll~alion..w..,,,.1114.~~-1 has been s hut down for earthquake modifications. Cavalcade 82 Classified C5-8 Comics 137 Crossword B7 Death Notices C4 F.dltorial A6 .Entertainment 86 Hon:>11a>pe B2 Intermission 86 Ann Landers 82 ~~,,, la Mutua l Func\s 84' N,atlonal News A3 Public Noiku C4-5 Sporta Cl-4 Dr. Stelncrohn 82 9lock Market.a & T•leviaion 88 Theeters Be Weather A2 World News A3 ' . Newport's Pacific Mutual shows . ignificant gains Insurer shows economic rebound Pacific Mutual Llfto Insurance. the Newport Beach firm that baa ~IOWWlhH~ economk times, hu reported a significant gain in earnlng1 In l't'C.'Cnt montha, The ln.1urance firm, which was reporting a nef 1011 of H .8 mOllon at midyear, la now 1howln1 a net gain rrom opttatlona of $3 3 mlllion at the end of nln... month8. Addlllonally, th• company rePortt'd Its 1urplua impt'C)Wd by $7 million, up 4.3 pem!nt from by another 108 poaitl0111 rec.'en\ly Accordln1 to nine-monfh last December and up, more than lhrou&h an early retirement and flaurea. le ln1 ranee Urm .._.™_.,...,.,... ..... 1-. ~·r••~ ~\ ...-• w o1 aeea While company offtcl11l1 The firm. hHitquar.8ftct-tft ~Wt btt. heralded the financial' numbers Nf'wport Cttnter, has 'alao Fram \hll. mount, thf nn paid as a sign that thlnga are looking lmpo1ed a ('Ompanywlde w aae out '444 llHon in b9Mflta and up for the firm, they said the freeu and has hinted that dalma. taha and dlYtdenda. reported •amanp will not affect another round of layoffs naay t he company's pus h toward l'Om(' at the fini of tht> year. Comp-.ny Hlf'tl reportedly 1trHmlinln1 o~rat«>na Paclfk Mutual has been have' tt'Khtd $3.09 billion. up Pacific Mutual. which amp~ hardftt hit In aroup lnaurant"l', a $10~ million In the lut vor 3,000 worken nationwide; hu dMlion thal sells ~~I and , lafd off 225 peopl• In tM s-•t Jiff' lnaunn<.~ policWa In l"OUP Pacific: MutuaJ la CaHfornla'a two vnr1 and redUt'fld , .. st.aH plans to bu1hM..... larl"t ,_. ...... carrk-r. Whe n' Unit l is returned to service 9()flletime next May, San Onofre will t>.come only the fourth nuclffr power facility In the nation to haw three ~ operating at ~. The plant Is owned by South•tn California Edison and San Dt•ao Gas & · EIC'Ctric Co. Sou the~ California Edison =:ifw tue\~fC1= aa.dl!d lnto tlw rHCtor la worth •o mtWon. The c:ontrov•ny over f 1ul\Y weldln1 waa 1enerated bJ S . Karl Kent. a form.r~allt1 control m.pertor at tM l "I ~ cen't bltiliw \be N wauld 10 ahMd wtth the ...._," lie uld Monday. ,-' .. 2 I ;..;.~Murder-jU~~ he8rs of alleged i)Joi agai~st gay .. men c. By STEVF. TIU POl.I OJ nit D~t"l'llOl ltetr pl I) by I W1, f)I tSllll 11\llUllfti. 111 "upprn 1 thc•m~·lvl'S ol lt'r tlwlr 1 ,•lc•oso by pr<!Y.lllf.C o n oldc·r, Wl•ll·l<l·dd' homo:>1.1xuul 111t•n It'll to tlw b1·uwl 111un lc·r .of A111hun y L1af dHfou :ca in hi~ Nc•wpor'1 l3t•11c.·h 1:ond111H11Hlllii lost y1•111'. a 111't1st'\.'Ulur dJ1tnc'\.I Montluy Ourrng upt•nm~ Mi.(Uuwnt. .. m I ht' l ri u I 0 r J ti ml' s Ml' I l o II. d1•Sous11's lll't'UM•t.l k1ll1·r. t)\•put y Dist rn·t At tor·nt•y Pat 0l'ury told JUrors ·ix>lln• W t'l'l' ;>,bll• to lrlll'k l\ll'lton clown l>t.~::1us..• h1:. prawn . l11vt•r , J1•ul11us or Mc•l ton·,. 11'lat1011shrp with u wornun, told p6l 1l'£' uf Ml·lton's nllt•f.:l'U 01•111 v "11111 th 11 ·Ml'ltun 111111 Ju 1uulc:IkiyU. rlill lover WIJJ.lc• tlll' IWCI W\•I\' lllt'IH<f'rflll•ct .it l'.11trutu111 M1•11'' Colu11v. :-;1111 ~ul11 Obahpu, 1..in'l. tlf I 1nd 1h1'11 v lt·q m !i \hrough t•'111i.1'l I 1l•d .. iulvc•ttis«nwn ti.' 111 u h1;111q:-.•xu11I ·· twwi./>u 1wr It w ns through ~urh a11 m , whwh Cl•Jry dt""'r1hc'll 11~ d,•Sml!>.1'" ·•f.1ml \'I ror," 1h.1 l 1lw IW11'bt1.'Ullll· ;1l:4llllfllll'<I Wllh thc• v1t uni. tlw p111-.1-t·u111I·. aid •1 111vnlvl•nwnl with dl'Sous;1. C :C·ary d1•sc.·1·1l1t•d th•Sousu us a11 a n1111.111~l y v11l111g l1111kin g 77 y1•ar· old w htN' 11·u1• !IRt' Wttl'I ·nut krww11 \•v1•11 111 m(>Sf of 111 .. f1wnd:. u1111I ha' 1k•.1th 111• saul dl'Sou-.a. a w1Jo}vc-r fm 10 Vl·ar:-. nt ·tlh• l 01111c• <.r h1 .. th::11h .'·had l~M·d class1f11•rl SHUTTLE. From Page A1 • ·-Hall new the fleet. is l>t.•ing readil•<l ut Capt.• Cai\avcral lo wkc thC' next thrt.>t.• fhghts. beginning with flig ht six. . . NASA's as..,<x·1att• admin1stra lur for spact• flight, s:.11d thC' span· ' walk scrubbc•d on M o n day lx.'Cause of spnc'l.' suit failures may · ' be Laken thc•n "if WC' arc cer lain ' Wl' understand exat·tly what • WC'nt wrong und have l.Orrt'(.'tcd 'I ll •• J oseph A llc•n recalled th at .J a fter h e and Le noir dc_ploy<.'<1 two :. c•ommunicalions sawllitcs last week Brand rommentcd 1hat thl• 'only f!iEht ~bJl'<'tives left wt•rt> an · EVA (extrnvl•h1l·ular al·t1v1tv) a nd a landing. Allen said he 1 .re;opended: "If we huvt· Lo makt• a choil'l', we want a safC' landing. It turned out we md(• that l0ho1t·c." A s in prl•vious landings. vend ors opt•ratin g fr o m m akeshift stands did a brisk business sl'lllng mugs, cap!;.' T - shiris. glidC'rs. patches, j.ackets and photos rommemoraung the s hultle. J im Cl e ml•nts of Anahei.m . who was SC'lling· T - sh 1 rts a nd caps. said l hl• spectators W<'I'<' a pleasant group. "W e'vC' found jus t sup er 1 people with the shuttle." said Clements. who has done> bu'>iness al prC'v1ous landings hcrl· TOWERS. • • ' From Page A 1 M·,:cn-story strul'tUrl'S or of Mesa By JODI CADENHEAD 01 the D.U, Ptlol Slett, Councilma n Donn lli.111 was l'lcctcd mayor of Costa Mesa Monday night. Councilman E'rk J o hnson was sclC'c·tcd as Vtl'l' mayor during ·a Sl•t·ond. Sl'l'ret round of balloung. --· · llall. 53. a former planning t•omnlls.'11ont•r who has servl>d on lhc cou:hcsl s inct• 1978, w ttli <'l<'l'tt•d unanimously at 'tlH· tx.•ginning of tht• mcNmg by op<.•n . ballot • lla ll w ill S<.•rvc.• twu yt•arl> as may or. H e replal·es A rlt·nc Schafc•r who turn C'd ovt•r ht'r gavt•I after kading the• d ty two yt•urs. Schaft•r . along "!ith inc-umbt•nt Councilwoman Norma 1 IC'rtzo~ won rl•-e ll'(·t1on Nov. 2. Ha ll .. who has bel.•n VK'C mayur Stnl'l' 1980. smd he personally r<-qUl'stcd a St.'<'n•t ballot for thc s<'ll'l't1on o f vice mayor ufll•r r('<.'<'lvtllg r<-qUC!SlS from scvcr,al- counc1I memlX'rs for the position It was th<' first time m the l'lly's .29-year h1stnry a st•c:n·t ballot had bct.•n uM.'<i. said City Cll'rk EllN'n Phinn1.•v. . Call in g the St?l'r;., ballollng "highly unusual." Hall told the audtl'nt·l' thal 1l would savt? l-ount·il mcnmers from navlng to nominate thcmselv~ • 111..lvt•1 t11;111~ 1111 ••t111111• '"'"l' 1lmt·" 11n1•Hll•d 1111 11 n1i11111 tlwh 1.·h<tl'l(t•, rn mtfJ•T mhrr h nn11,,,rrxtu1I • < o-tt~ d l1 o• ~~ ~~ l>c·Smh.1 "nf'thl l,flflk tor 1tt1tl -nrncltMnituum on lht--tlaty ~1r'"1ht• 11n.1,11111.1llv li.1\1• """' "'tl1 11 11111 , i.l.1v111a,: lu .. t Otl Ill. Mt M1 •lt1111 111 h11>1 B11lc•111 Wuv ( 11111h1111m1um w1•1H ulon1., ( it'<ll"Y i.uld Wh1•n Ot·u1 v ,...ml lhut Uuyy, 1it·1.·111.i Boyd m •xt i.11w Mc•llon, GNU')' d1•S1111~ ... ·., 'l11l ..l11 wliwh tl.-Suul..1 nlf,.l(l•d hc• was ww1r1ng li4'Vf•1;il cl 1• .. r 1 1 Ii 1• cl h 1111 "1· I I ,, .... o 111t'l.'t~ •11 dt.•Soui..1'11 1 ·wdry 1111d I.• V\'.11 111.t I 111111 N1 w poa l 1lr1v i11l( (!(·S11u1w'i. 1·a1· (i\•ury lil-.1d1, ·i11·l1·11111111·d 111.11 th" 111 .11J• ~·~I Md11111 111dlt·att-d to Uo;-1( 1h1• g1-rll r .ti pn11tl1.• 1h,1t h1• .11\ll wllh n ·.:i.want(li11H f.(t'1>lUr,•" th,11 t 111• cll'I 1•ntl.111 t ( MP1l1111) w1.··l'l· tl1•Sc1ti-.;1 wuuld 1wv,.r It'll :111y111lt' I• H•k111g 11..-" wh.it h111I happt•111·t.l 111 han1. /\It 1;.1 1-11• v 1• t 11 I v I s i L:. t11 1'11lwt· w h11 f'lllt•n •1J. dt•Soltsrf N' 1h•S11u .. a ·., hu111l·. Boy d a 1110 t•1111(l111111111u111'un Oc:·t 12 urt1•r tl1•tc•1111111\'d iii.it "llwi·1· Wt>n· 1w1ghh111:. h('l'.lllll' susp1 t·111u., 111.111\ 1h1ng .. wo1 th 1>h·UIJ11 g l11u11d d1·S.Ju:;t1 hound .111d Jlllk•·<I ·1lwn•.'' uml ,111 .• 111fjt'l.l tn u1tro<lu1·t· 0 11 h1!t h1·d ... 11a11gh•d with .111 r.'Jt•r\1111 t11,ch•Suu~1. U1·,11 y said. · c•l<'l tr 11 • 1·111 d .lllll w ith h•~ Ian • But Hovel . \vh o h a d lwt•11 wv1·wly bt•ah•n, G1•ury ~1id At•llnJ< 011 Uuyd'" lip. p11lll'l' ~~ M··lliuL.111 .... A•= _,_, .. ,. llV 1twrt--at-\l!r, u bar -Ste f'ht 11 1lt·S11u..,;1'i. '.ir tu l\-ttw• h i.. :1p.11 J1111•lll, (it·m·y ~11d • U1·l••11 ,.t• 11ttor1w•' H~·h111 d U1111111·1, w 111', .:.dmllll•d tll.11 M1•llu11 .,..l11i. 111 JJlll\~H~i.1111\ •II II I.HIV 111 tl1•S1111"'a '11 f"l!l'>l'Shl<>O'> "hqi .1rrc·-.u'll, lqld JUI VI .. lht•V ... 1i.11u ltl llu .. l•I y l'lU111111w Ho yd·.., 11 .... 111111111v "' t·lw 1111t·1111lln~ 111.il I lc• l hi11 J1·h•111\·d Boyd wc "th1· JI I I ,. d l 11 v ,. I'. • w h I) w II ... "dt''J>l'l ·•lt•ly" 111 lov<' with Md11111 , but ".ii. lrut l'l't't•1v1ng lllU\Ji ,1111 nt1111111111'1111 11 IJt'(.,llJ'><' M1·ho11 h11d 1111Jv1·1I ,11110 ,1 L os · A11~1·lc' "om.1n 'i. :1pr.rt111t•lll al lc',I Iii" 11·f1•.1>;1• 1 r (Jiil fll'IMlll ll1· t.1lllo't.l Uoyi,l.'., 1h•11111t111 lo ijll 111 ,..lll~ ~.1.!!cl~t.Ll....;11 "Im lrl'•'"'' JcttlutUy tl1.it "h6tat MH-4f .. ~ 11.11>11111g .. 111 1111..111Hy ·• H1111 111·1 ,,111l•1ht•r 1· IH r111 11di•111llll· c v1t.l1·111·1· to link Md11111 lu tlll' 111u1d1•1 • ,.....,.-;Ju111J !< l1:·;11d thf' argumc·nt" M1111tl:.iy .1fJc·1 n1••rlv a rrlf'lnth uJ J iii v -.1•lt1 lltlfl .A'lld<'tl -l\.·1.1u-.c • 11 •~ :r c :1p1l;1I <pol<·nt1.il ' pt·n.dty I l'.IM'. :1lm ut IHI IJI 11~.p 't l1v1' tlll'tJl'S I lf'li l Wl'l t' llllt I ll H•Wl'I 'lf•fJUl'lllt•l y hV 11t1t11·111•\., 111 .Jud~c· H11 lw1.-1 Jo'111g1 I ,1lc1' .. I fi.1111111..•11', .t IJl 1.K.'t ..... 1h.i1 1011k ahout thrN. WC'l'kl> S1•l11111111 ol th1 f11111I p11m·l.-.b look .Ollfl lht•f Wt•t •k Ill 11p1•11 1 llUIJ... NB dev~IOper eyes FV . P:r()j ect Uonn llull ·A suur'l'<: sajd that Johnson was (•IN·t1:d on a ~{-2 vow. with s upport l·nmrng from himself. Hall and ~kht1fN. Ed Ml·F'arland an\I HNll.Og voted fur Hertzog. lht' S(IUl'l'<' s:lH'f. Pnor.111 th1.· vow. J ohnson askt'<I thitl thl' off1 l'C of city H t· d t• v c• I o pm t• n t ·Ag l' n c y chairman ht• M'parawd from thl• dutil'S uf Vt<:(' mayor Normally tht• VIC.'<' mayor, presidt>s ovt•r the RC'<h:vclopml•nl Agc>ncy board of dfrt>clors it' m1.•mb~rs art: · m<'mtx.•rs of thl' t'Ount·1l Hall told his colleagu"'s that :.upport of Johnson should Ix• intNpr<'l<'U a:. backing for the splll in the· v1t'<• mayor's duti\.'S. NkF'arlund ob jL'l'll•d to thc l' h u n g c• . s a y i n g t h a l l h e r e cl c v t• I o p m e n t a g l' n c y _yhmrmansb1p hl·I~ prt•pare th<' Vll't' mayor ror thl• probable .)Ob or ma,vur . -· . . A Newport B<•uth cJ1.•vl·lop1.•1 Bui ·s1•v1.•ral hurdh•' nius1 lw ugnL•ultur:il t.lw 1'h1· fo'ountwn h as cxpressct.11111c.·n~t in bulkhng dt•ar1•cl b1.'fore :my mnstrul'l111n V:.illcy Plunn1ng Comm1s.<;1on uncJ home!>, oflit•ci! and storl.'S on thl• em1 l~'_Wn l'•I V <.·ou n t·il would h avt· l o • • · s 11uw loo · roVl' dian •t·:. 111 th<.• ..7onmg thl• Fountain Volley DrtV<'·ln I(>"' tu m<.'l't ft•ll1•ra I fl oo Jn g<·n1•1 a pan C'!\tgna 1u11 Th<':llt•r. pn•vl•nuon swndartJs. Soil would lH·fol'l' l'On1.tru<.·t1on cou ld Decapi ta ti on suspect;s ~earing open A pn•h minary hl•anng for Cody L<.'O S<·hrl•ibt.•r. a<.'(:U:.t'<i in t hC' · det.:ap1tat1o n murdc•r of a Mission ViC>JO man, OJ:ll'nl·d ioday I n s () u t h 0 ra II g l' c 0 LI tt1 .v Mun1<:1p::il Court in L aguna N1gu.,J. Judg(' J ohn A Grit rm d<'mt'<I a clc•rl•nse rcquc•s t to dos{• the• h(:aring to tht• publrc clue• to publie1ty about th<' c:aS<.". The hearing 1s to. d l·etdl' II S<:hre1ber s hould s1:1nd trwl 111 Orange• County Suµcrior Court Sl·h n•1 bl•r. a 4!9-v<.•a r -o Id Mont:ina stalt' ml·ntai hospital C'S(·a~. IS aCl'U)lt...JC>T the grt!oly ·murdt•r in mid-OC.'totx.•r of l)lmni& S ehubert, 24. whose budy wus found IO a shallow gravc• In thc• b.'ll'kvard of his honw at t:JJ42 Via Guad1x T h t• v 1 t· t 1 m · l> h c· a d w a ' d1St·nvcrl·d burll'd on a hil ls1dc· about a quarh'r of a milt· from thC' huUS(' haVl' to lw lruekl.'d 111 to raise.' tht• pnJCl'l:d. propNty an avcrag<: of Sl'Vl'n fcl'l Ut•spi ll' l ht•-.i· ohstadt•s, th<.• I:! lt•c•t 1n somt· pla<.•t.•s frl•ldston<• Company of Newport Tht· existing drtv<.'-in soil &•al·h h as ob1.<1l m·d <in optum w wnwms a larg<.· <.·um·l•ntrat1on o f purt.ohast· thl· <lrive-m properly' pl•at. an orgahk rnull'rtal thi.lt and hos appro:.ich c-d r o untain would nut adt.-quat<.•ly support u Valley off1l·1ub with preliminary s truc·turl" A8 a rt•sult, s till more dt!Vt'loprne m 1dc'i.1S. filli'r must bC' Imported tu f\ 1-'il'ldstont· ~l·hl•m:.it1 <.· l'umprl·i.s the peat a ,prcx-css prcsNllc<l l'('l't•ntly tu the-•ci ty th.it n1uld le!k t•.ont• to thrl't' c·uunl·tl sugg c•!>ted the VVi•rs l'Om;tructmn of ;ilmo:.t 200 gur£in . Tlw land IS now zon C'<.1 ror townhOUS(' typ<· hom<.•S Lagunan held e Ill heists A !H -yl'ar-old Laguna Beach m<•n. arresll•d M onduy on s usp1<·t0n of robbPry o f 1 wu M1s~n Vlt'jo ';ink4witbin ao hour. muy oc rcspolis1blt• for a' m ;1 11 v a s t h n· t• o t h l' r b a n k holdup" m south Ora"gt' County, au1honl1<.-s saad today. Hnrrv R Showalte r was urn·stl•ci lollowing u s hort car c:hast• through Mission Viejo and £1 Tui u during wh1c:h the suspct:t 1!> al11•iwd 10 havc tossc>d a bank lwg rnnta1mng mor{• thun $17,000 out of his n1r wrndow , pohl·e said. t h<.• man h('ld up two MtsMon Viejo branchC's of the Bank of ·Anwnl'a. nl'll1ng more than $4!0,- 000 A dc·pury rrponed spot1ing 1.1 man n-scmblmg the blmk robbt-r lx•hmd a gr<x:cry store several minutes a fwr th1.· sa-ond holdup und gave chase ""' All of th<' money was rt'l'•Nt·n·d. offu:t'rs said. · Sheriff's depuues said they now tx•ht•vt• the arrested man ls tht• saml· pt•rson who held up three otht•r Bank of Amer1ca- hrun"h<'s in tht· soulhem poruon uf tht• l'OUnl~ within the last \"\•ur "(f you sav an 85-foot limit then i~is an a:'). foot limit•and not an 85-foot limit plus 14 feet:· said ' Roy Andreen. president of the Mesa Del M:v HomcownC'rs Assoda uon . \. Nick Carras .rit~s today St'hre1bt·r 1s b<•ing ht•ld at Orangt· County Jail without bail Tht• hearing 1s cxi>c'<·tcd tCJ lust tWl> days. Orangl· County Sherirr·s Dt·par111wnt dt•putll'S said lht• t•haM· t•ndt·d on El Toro Rtwd rwar Hcll'kf1l'ld Boulevard at about :1 p.m whc•n thl' allcgl'd bandit s m ashed into a parkt•d lrUt-k. ·. Shuwaltt•r. bol.1ked on arml'<i robbery charges. IS bemg h e ld In Orange County Jail. &ii was set al $:!5.000. 1 Support for th.c devclopmcn1 ~ame from Les T h o mpson. presiden t of th e n ea rby Broo k v iew 0ondom1n1 um association. Butcher said Califorrua Pimfic 1 1s not botherl•d by a proposal 1 made last·month by res1dents m thC' area want in~ lo construt·t a t'Ul ·dC'-sac on Pau1ar ino A ... ·cnue to blol'k through lraff1('. The 1 suggestion is now-undcrsurcty1>y - c1ty staff. Fu'ncral services for fiick G . Carras, a Newport Bc'IK'h resident and. bu.sincuman who died las t week in a T-0~yo mcdlcal clinic" will Ix· held today in Seaul~. Carl'aS , 52, c;>wncd rout automobile dealerships in Orange County at one point a nd was active in real est.'ltc developmc-nt a nd the-retail grocery Qufilness. A n ative Qf Sc_a-Llle. ll"e 5 u c ndl·cr lhc Un1 VC'l'Si ly of Washington an<l r ecently had • been a r<.'Sadent of ~rbor Ridge. , H<• 1s i;urv1v<.'<i by h111 widow Gloria. a nd fo ur daug hters. Cindy, Grorgcnc, Michells and Auntl'. Otht•r surviyors include • his m11tht·r. Eugenia Carra.. and two sisters. Kika Gt?orge and Babl Carras - Tht• rain1ly asks that m~mroial l'ontr1bu11onM !')(' d1rcctl•d to the ~ J l u 1 l '-R 1 n1>-0 A Ca n c.a Hl'l><'arch Cl0nll·r. 114!4 Columbia Sl. S<:attlt• . Rain· like!y • Coastal Cloudy with alight chence of aprlnldM O< light ahow«s lonlghl Ct\lnQe .ol rein' on Wedneed1y 20 peroenf Co11111 low 54, tnleno 46 Contll higl\ 63. lnlend 66. Wei«• 63. EIHwhere, winds becoming nO(.l hwealarly 10 to 20 kno11 Wednftdey with 5 to 8-toot ... , Otherwise, 1ou111we11 lo well wlnda ol 5 to '12 llno11 thlt elternoon with one-loot wino weve1. Southwell ,..,ell Wedneadey of one to 2 feet. Cloudy wllh chence ol llghl ~. : U.S. s1111u11ary .. Rein fell on the 1x1reme • SoutheHI end Northwes1 eerly todey, Wllh enow ferlhef lnlend owr Wuhlng1on llale. Snow lell ,. In perta Oii the extreme NOrlhHtt. The Sou1111111ern rein wH conffne010 Plrl• o1 FIOtlaa. and Ille rein In Ille PllClflc Nontlweat WH eccompanled by • gel• wernlng. The rain turned to lllOW • aemperecurea eooted Inland, end snow el eo fell In the mountelne of New Englend. • Cloudy tlllw COll9ted much 01 11\e U9P1f Greet Llkff, _,.,,, todtana. ~ iowa:.nd:;tfllt IOUUlern Plaine. encl ...... ..,. OWfCM1 In -·~· T-Stllea ._. fllf ......._.. Sc1t1ered ehOwera were ~ 10<ecait '°' i.ter lodly -(fie ' IOUthern hell ol FIOrlde, n0<1'Mlfn ' CellTornre and lh• P•clllc North-I~ rain and anqw were •KPIC1ed over nortl'lefn Montena. With ,.., .... ecto.. '"' rfft of the netton. Temperatur e• erouno lhe • netlOrl .-ty llMI morning ranged lrom t5 In Elmlre. N Y • to 74 In W•I P.-n 9Mc~ tla.!- California ( LOS ANOELl.8 (AP) -• Some ' of 1M nip lflcMl6cl be gone from aouthern Cellfotnle air " .., ... beOlfl to dear end cemp«11Ui'11 .,._ .. lltlMfri Ille Nallonaf WMftler .... MY' Lo• Ano•••• hl 9h1 tor w.d'1 II di) were IOtecafl ,_ 70 """ Iowa -13. ~ ., .. lllalll were predicted from 17 to 7 f wtltl Iowa ff om 41 to 5' tor w.drllldlr T emp e ratures NATION HI L4I Albeny-43 Atbuque 52 AIMflllo 58 AnchOrage 31 A•heYllle 50 Ali.nte 56 Allenlc Cly 43 Austlf\ 55 811timore « e+mngs 42 Blrmlnghm 52 81sm11c~ • 40 BolM 47 Boston 48 Brown1Y1le 63 Bvttalo 35 8Ur1ington 42 Casper 4 1 c11at1t1n sc eo Charlttn WV 4 t Cher111e NC 54 C~ne 46 Chicago 34 Clnclnnell 39 ~ -34 Clmbi• SC It Columl>UI 3e Del-Fr Wth 53 Oeyton 35 Denver 56 0.. MolnH 41 Detroit 37 Outulh 32 ..e.~111....~-==---~&2 Fllrb1111l1 20 '"00 34 Flegltaft 54 HerttO<d 41 ~ 35 Honotulu 1t Houtlon M lnoneplll '67 Jec'kan MS 55 JackanVlle 64 ,,_ 41 Kana City 42 Ula Vega• 60 Lltlle Rock 0 Loe AnQliel 7 t Loultvife 40 LubbOek 58 Memphll 48 Mlemt eo MllwM.. 35 ~8~P It ~ 47 21 29 30 20 19 33 27 43 22 29 3e 20 25 28 59 27 2t 22 45, 20 29 24 27 24 23 24 21 38 22 2t " 24 16 j,i. 07 t5 23 24 ti 10 11 23 23 44 27 32 38 29 57 25 33 27 71 2C 21 23 CM.WOttNIA Bl~tfllieto BIVfhe EUtllll Freeno L-ter ~ Monter9V IO 38 ... 3S S3 37 45 17 50 33 43 " 17 60 ... 25 n 57 35 19 .. 26 47 .... .... 2t 52 • 'Z7 54 22 51 20 50 27 47 24 58 44 ·=-· 5t .... ... 41 41 3S 37 12 40 2t II IO '3 29 34 29 40 22 43 30 77 55 41 3e 47 29 45 3t ... 47 72 61 41 4~ 43 80-40 ... -eo - The "9tllef Mtvtc. fOfeceat l!llfll 111 tfll """'"'9IM "°"' 41 to lwf hff hff .... .... .... I If Wlttl Iowa lllOl1ty Ill , ... ~. ...... A.. .... '"' t--OWIM Vlltey llleM lflOOlct " ZUIN 1 I 1 1 ne. 10-. Iowa 1n tfll * '-''' '""°'*9 t 2 11 Hltll• 111 nortllern deMrte NewOOtt 9e9dl 2 3 t 1 Wedneeday wet'I ..,..ctlf 10 · ._ D1100 County 2 I t 1 range ttolft N 10 ti wlltl 10W1 Ill o...r.oei.., ~A ""91 .._. A• .... Dir I I w I I w 2 I IW ..,_ -· IW II \ ~ .. o.kllnd 57 42 P-Rot>lel IO 42 "911 81uft 51 31 Aedwood City 15 4 t Secfwnento 4' 37 Selnaa 63 45 -Sen11 lle1bata 80 5 t 9-nte Merla 67 ~ton 48 40 "'*'"" .,. ~..... .. ..,,,_ '° • Big Beer 17 14 Bishop M 22 Longhech 71 4t ~Beecfl =: Onllllo ..13 -l'ilift ~ '71 ......... 73 • Sen CWWt9' 71 41 Sen.Jme 17 • Senta Ana 71 47 SenMCl'\ll II 41 Tllfloe ¥1119¥ !Wt 1• PM AmRICAM Ac:.,eoo ., • 7.1 a.bedoe .. 71 8emlllct• 73 .. ... 11 Smog Wl'lef• to call caotl frM) tor .. , .. , ""°II lnforlMllOll: Orange~:"°°'~· LOI An91IH County: (1001 242-4022 ........... a.n ........ ciountllec (IOO) 317-4 7 10 AQMD lllllodl Center: 242-4111 Tides TODAY lecol1d• '"'"' 0$ ........ 1014p"' u -•AY '"' IOw ... '"' •. , ,lrtl lllafl t . t4 I m, I .I l9concf' IOW 4.11 p m, .0.1 ....... tO·lt•M U lull ... ta ':41 ., "' , rln1 'l'VMI ... ., l;fT .... , , .. 'f iger victim, 2, goes home. By JOEL C. DON. Of IM D..., Hot lllff Lilli<' Antho ny S topa ni wug th<' l'<·ntt.·r of all<'nt1on Monday as he ldt M1ss1on Communi11 H ospital after bc•ang m ault-CJ thrt'c ":eeks ago by a S1bt•rrdn tiger. But 1 h e 2 -yNir-old boy. ciUtC'hmg a stuf'fecr bc-ar a nd other toys. rould ha rdly kc'f.'p his eyes from has new baby brolhcr. born whale Antho n y was n x:ovcring from injuries s ufkrt'<i in the-Oct. 23 attack at Lrl>n Country Safari in (rvine. Hospita l o fficials said l h t' m o thc•r , Naomi Stopan1 . 26. u ncxp«·tedly went mto lobor while visiting he r son and gavt' birth lo a ht'althy ()-pound, 12-nunt.:l' boy last WC'dnC'SClay., Ml•a nwh ill'., Lruin c r J ohn Cumpolon go. :rn. who ran th<' wild animal show where the boy was a uac:kl-d, has ~n charged' with opt•rating without n~ry p(•rm1ti. fr om th e State• Oi.•µ..irtmcnt of Fash a nd Gamt• H t• was to be arraig ned 1n C t· n l r a I 0 r a n g r C o u n l y Mun rl'lpal Court today . Tht• t·harg1•s hl<>d by th<' Orang<' -counry-D1Stl-1ct Attorney's offit't' 1nc:luded unlawful i mpo rt-· a11 on a nd p ossessi on o f wild anunal~ and nine counts o f failing to meet minimum cage s 1 z l' a n d d o u b I l' d 6 o r n-quir<·mc•nlS Noom1. her infant son David. a11d l\nthonv wen• tak.-n out of lhl' h11i.p1-t al 1n a pair o f \.\ h(.'<.'kha1rs lo a wa11111g car and u wdtom<' trip bat·k lo tht•1t UJ>l:ind home. And It appcarl'CI th1 wh11lc· fnmlly was doing just ftnt• • .. , Ct·l·l gn·at, I'm raking my lamilv homl'. .. said 28-ycat'-old 'Cai tu':. Stopan1. the C'X.uber ant l.1th1•r ol h1~ fourth <:hrld .. 111":-. (Antho n y) takc•n 11 prl'll~ wc·ll.'' hl' said ''He'i. no1 :.<.,1n1..I al.x1ut t.ilkin_g abou t 11. I hopl' 1t won't bother him m the I u 1 un• ·· Tffiiugh Anthon,v d 1J<.•sn't Sl'E'm ltl h.1vt• i.u(fl'rl'<I any permnm•nt lllJUI 1t-s. ht• will huve to undergo Sllnll" pla:.t ll· s urgl•ry and 11dJ111onul mt•cltcal t·ari• for lal't•ratmns hc• rPct•1vl•d on his lw:rd and om • k•g. at'Cording lO ho:.pll3 1 puhlll·1st Kathlt•l•fl l\kltnl'rnl'Y Ool·t11rl> · \\ 1.·1 t• concerned that ~mw in1uol '1gns o f paralysis at · th<· tmw of till' injury ind1cau'Ci lhl' ,bc1~·s skull punC'ture mi~hl (S/e RELEASE, Page A4) • .. ,.,~ltit5~lternaliPes "-~-==--;;:;ene thing is a tact. marriage is an lr1stitUtlon that IS ~ to Sta)( and the age old tradition cl~ 'Nl!ddw1g nngs loolcs -rt Wiit br around lbr a whllf! also. But ~ does it say that your rrngs must look ltke grand- mocher·s.c or tor that maarr. like ;11most M!Y ~mMt and wiedding ring you Stt 1n most~ ' ~ are exciting atternawe. and 1.W are proud. to show thml to you At ~m Leigh. ~ ~s1on and handcratt the most ~and excttJng collectlon of~ and 'ltllddlng rings )'OU~ 90ing ID ~. ~ recognlu that you are lndMduals and our ~lry refl«U that unc:tmtandlng .. • • Many StCRS ~l properly ~I )'OU W\C1t )'OU are buyino or e.J(plaln to you why you are paying the rV1t price To J>t'OlM ~against ttlis. l.W ~ taken the ~trty out of com- paring diaponds and wilt take the time to ~)'CU 1n ctr clftltle as ., qualities and prrce. and the(l suC>stantlatr what wr·~ said With a money back guar~. For straight hOnesr e~lanatlon. unique d!Pstgnr ana -g~rant~ value. ~dham Leigh Is the store that special~ In ~ ITM!nt and ~yig rings . ~Ing rjngs Mtlllble from S 175 Engagtment. rings Miiiabie from S4 so l .. . .. ... . . .. . . . Or~ngo-Coast OAILV PIL b 'J/Tueaday, N0\18tnbet 16, 1982 • ·scientist Chid·es EPA.-rules .Marine sanitation 61:Jidt!line called·n 'hoax' <·M1&nm• snnitauon tlt'\lk~ n •gulot1om. by thl• tJ .S . Envirunm<>ntal l'rott'<:Uon A~t'nt:y :.u119unt lo a hoax perpNrawd on ihl' Am<'rlt•an Pubht'." This was the Jndlctmcnt of the EPA pn•sNlll'd by T re\lor Clark ot th<.' N'atlonal Bootln8 1'\'<ie>rauun rnt!etlng in f ort Lauderdale, Fla. C lark 111 a physicj,st who has JUll fi1Jlshl1tl i.wo years or c,omplllng all known stutlh•s of w:)ll'r pollution wh i<:h show11 that.nonl' of it i.<i attribuu\qlt• to rccrcutlonal booting. ' , Theo NBP as publishing Clark's findings in a)t 84.page bibliography which was prcs~mt<.'<i at the meeting. Copies will be sent to key member of Congr<.>sS in the N8F's eCforts lo have rt."Crealittnal watercraft exempted from L'<>Stly and burdensome regulations rcquarang l'arrying marrne sanit<.1tior\ devk'<.-s for wnll'r pollution control. ' C:lnrk'i book 4lto1t•11 t•xt1•n1elvt•ly from tht• textbook• us wt•ll 11!1 \ht• l(l('hf\it'ul l*J>t'rt thc.·mail'lvl":' to :.hu~ thut I hH·J~'i to ht•uhh amf th1· t'('Olof(y huvt• bt>en ft'YIMly C>ClllOttiCUltod t " The> papt>nt acklully 111how thut 4hl' pollutaon from boots, operatt>d by n.~·n•atlonal i.,ootnwn in all but thl' clean0tit of watl'rll, 11 too 11mull tu bt• measun•<I by thu bt•st h.~hl}icumia known today, ~'t.'Ordln~ to C lark. "In f1wt, sm11l' o( tht• paJX•ni whid1 tht• EPA has d mml'<l lo most c:lt>urly Jl!mom1trult• tht> threat do . not mention this form llf pollution nor small boat.'I," C lark wrutc. Clark snid sonw or ltw chl!m1C'als alluwt.od in marine sanitation dl'Vll't'S are more harmful to tht• .x:ology than butly wpstt•s. · Juli•• Kuuii. ' . . New cadet ~n duty Ari · a\lcti~n ·in. te· /\11 work-. by Rockwell n n<l ('onnle K Ina w'111 lw u111on~ t lit• pr1n1-. um·uurwd 111 ti pm. Jo!·rltWY~ durrn~ a llt•twf11 al R.•ur· S trl·t·t St·hvol 111 Coi.la Mt•sa l'n11.•t•t•d s fiom tht· arl uut•llon hy I .a ( ;ah•r 111 cit• San J uun Wt 11 gn. to lw 1wt 11 .1 1·a111p 11111in~ for l1hh w .ult 111 111 tlu• .. dwul Ad1111i._.,1tt11 }' $1 ~Ill ,Jl I ht· .J1;u1 11111:. d'11.,uv1 •. ., will ·I><• M•r v!'d 1'11•v11·w 111 1111' worki. ht·g111s ul 7 p111 .11 llll' •wh 1111I, :~too Ht·ur St n •1 •t. Ci l'ila M' ,.,:i 31 ,nations soon may hav~ nuclear. b9mbs Juli.I! ~'bu s o l Huntington Beut h hui. · compltttcd a thrt.'t.•-wN•k cadet tra minl( program a t t h t• C a I 1 r ore. n 1 a Hig h-way Patrul:s Sacr amt.'nto acadC'my a nd is now assigned to the CllP's Westmlnswr ofril'<'. • A dui.s cfo1>1gnt·d LO t·cr tify pt•up)t• .J!1 l'lHT~ 1t•a1· gm. for st'!( d"1t·1iM· puq>cllt•s w1Jl bt• hl'ld Wt'<ltwi.day, IJl'I.'. I. al 7 p.m at tht• Lt·g11m l'unimun1ty Ct.•nwr. :3tl4 Lt•g11111 St , Lalo(una &•ad1. l'ui.1 lot till' du~.;. s ponM>r«d :b y I ht• L.1gu 11 ,1 Ruul h P o l 1('(• l~:p<11 l11Jt.0111\ Ni•1ghl>orhtl(J(J Wull·h l'rngt .m1, 1s $15 fo'ut infurmat1u11, C'all l!J7.;i:U 1, t·xt 2H2 NEW YORK (AP) US. mlht.ary analysts say 3 1 ·countries, l'l)any of them involved with longstanding d1spult.'S with th<'lr neighbors. w ill be.- capable of producmg nucl~ar weapons by the year 2000. the New York Tim<;s reported Monday.· , The analysts'. citing a rect'nt .U.S . intelligenre be forced to l'Onsidl•r the poss1b1lity of nuclear war with n attons other than the Soviet Union. "./-continued effort should be.-made to reduce . ~~~\ ""''"~ ~' Turkey Day- safety tips.· By PAT HOROWITZ Of IM O•llr Piiot Steff DEAR .. READERS: The Nattartal Safety Council urges kitchen "safety directors" to put up thei.r danger s igns warnin g family me mbers to stay o ul of the kitchen w he Thanksgiving d inner 1s being pre pared, unless they are asked to help with specific chores. Organize mea ls, decorations and othe r activities as far ahead or time as possible. the -council suggests . l"ranlk prepara tions are tiring and fatigue can set in fast. Con fusion contributt.'Ci by k itche n snoopers and sniffers could prove disastrous. Prepare as man y foods as possible in advance and get Help lo talce that big turkey .or roast beef from the oven. The council notes that bubbUrig ·fondues are festive and fun, but safety precautions a re necessary. Center the pol on a fair-sized table so it can't be knocked off. and put it on a m~tal or fire-resistant hot pact.. Don't fill alcohol burners too full. The fuel expands when hot and can spill flaming liquid on the tablecloth. · The council also emphasii.es that as a holiday host or hostess you are responsible for the safe ty of your g uests . Pour moderate drinks (only one per hour is advised), and stop serving an hour or so before you expect peop1e to leave. If there's a high-spirited guest in the crowd who's driving. arrange a cab or other transportation when 1t"s lime to go home. '. . • Got a problem? Then write.:to ._ 'l Pat !forowirz. Par will cut N!'!1 tape. - getting the answers .and acaon you ~ n eed t o so/ye i n equities i n government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz. At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, f'.O. Box 1560, ~ta Mesa. CA . 92626. CARIBBEAN CRUISE/2 For The Price of One (Air Fare Not Included ). Eleven Days/6 Ports. Elegant New Cruise Ship. Dec. l lth thru Dec. 22nd. Cal Mike Murray 644-7348. FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER T DINNER '8.95 Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. ~ *': ; Call For I .1 Reservation• ' ~ilri 673-7726 -~iltww;n~-.... .... ~.·ON THt: PHllNSUL A. IOI ' 07'LBOA. I. lal ........ Fine dining.· •JeOl EAST COAST 1-ilCllWAY C~ONA OEI MAR, CA (714) 760-0331 tht· spn•.1d ul nul'lt•ar Wt•upons l'a pab1f1ty, par- tu:ularly to nauoni. host1 lt•, or putt•ni1ull:v hosliltO: tu United States' 1nwn•gts," s;.ud the report Defense Gutdam.'C, a class1f1t.'<.l fivc•-year plal'I of strat.eg1c dirt.'<'l1on for th<.' armed fon.-cs. Th<' annlvst'i sald a ny nuC'l ear confrontation limited w ith small ta<:l1t·al the report send. Kaus was among 108 from the academy as tra rrk offtt.'l'rs. • • A l u 1 ll u n · fr<• e d ass 1 n t.•h1ldl11rth 1s sc.:ht'<lulc.od for Monduy al t,ht.• Cupistr<.1110 Adult S<:hool ' t.·on .. t-c.·u11v1• wt·t·k., Crom 1>.ao w 10 p.n1 :1t 'ap ... 1r .. 1111 Vullt.•y High & l11w1l 1-'111 mon· anl11rm:.it11m, l'l.111 t ) LA·s ·T WEEK TO -sA.VE 15% TO ·40% WEDGWOOD CHINA .. IN. OVER 50· PA TtERNS. ~ • Bone. China • Adams fine English, ironstone • Queen's Ware earthenware • Midwinte,. stoneware. We(igwood. The name alone says quality. Beauty. 'And every category is on salef So now's the time to start a sel, add to a set, or give a gift! We show just one ' pattern from our extensive collection. It'• ••1 wth our CltlM Club. No finance charge if. all psym'8nts made when {Jue, .._, up to 27 months to pay. -· , Dining Accessories, 650 . •MinimcJm purchQe $200. Subject to credit approval Sale prices effectMt thrOUQh Nowtmber 2 t. 1982. I ~BRIDAL ~REGISTRY Use Bullock's Brld•I Reqlstry, you; personaltzed record of gift preferences and needs. SOUTH COAST PLAZA, 3333 Brtstol, CM .. 556 ·0611 Shop Monday-Saturday 10·9·30. Sunday 11·6 ~----------~ Kutani Crane bone chins 5-piece place setting. Reg. $140, 1112 • Way to live. \ Com• m .. 1 Lord WedgwoOd, at Boutlt- CO.•t Pia~. Not1emb« 11. Piers Anthqny Weymouth, 4th Lord Wedgwood, will be here at Bullock 's !f_ person! He'll sign your purchase of Wedgwood, incluping that of the book "The Collector's Wedgwood,"·-· .. , Meet him, 12 to 4. "'Jfffend his informative seminar, 1 to 2. fAt regWlr pnoe Win • .la.,,_.,.,. 11111· This graceful design, valued at $125, from the col/~tion of new taupe Jasperware, may be yours! Register for drawing. No purchase necessary. Winner need not be present. • a.t • gift """ purcltaN. This blue and white Jasperware Club ...ifsnrrst, a 22.50 value, Is your gift with any $100 purcha~ from the entire Wedgwood collection.. I .... ,....,,. ..,.,,,,, . of valuable W.edgwood collector's pJecyJs. -. ... loNIJ ,,,,,,. _,,,,.,,. featuring Wedgwood, on display . • I ., .. • I' .. NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS 4N0f &flOelt l•Cl.UD• fa a on O• f•I •IW voe•, lllDWIU, l'&e;, IC .... ~, ... OU IOI l &•O C 1•Ct• .. a fl lfOO I IC•& ... H &•O lll'Oat&O ey , ... ,.&tO 11110 .... , ... t J , . NB81 CLOSING 1,008.11 Newport Beach firm. • I reports net loss Anw 111 .in 1'.11.·(•l>l'lll•r. N1.•wp1Jrl 8 l't1ch. hJ» r1·1l41r11<d a llC'I ,.,..,,, of $H?:l.OOO. or 42 <.'t·nu. 1x•r c.x>mmon ~har1•. 1111 11·vt•l\111•:. or $r11.(j~7.00ll fc)r lhc· nine• mo nth ... 1•1\Cl,1•d .St•IJI :iO. ;1t't'01'dir1~ lo .John W. Klug. prt•i.ldt•rl't Thul t•1111tr;1;ci. with rWl rncomc• 11f $2.56-7.000. 11r $I llli, on 11·vp11uc·l> ol $ lli.782.00() for lht• l1k1.: p(•rrod an l~H I Shaklee sa1es • increase ~AN F'HANCJSCO (AP) Shaklt.'<' Corp ha-. n ·p<11 tt·d rwt !ktlrs of $472 mrllron, <J'slight 1nc:r(':l!i<' for th1.· n~·al year t.'ndmg St·pt. 30 allhough thc:w wu, a dc•d11w in rwt 111<.·omt'. • Nl•t suit's tn<.·r1.•aSt<doy about $18 million over 1hc pn•v111Ul> v«ar. llw c.•ompany r eport('d. -Net im·nmt• dt•d uwd ... lightly lo $24 mrllion, or s:i 80 ~r sh;u·1!, from th<• $24 5 millron, or $3.85 per shi.lrt•. the prevtuU!; VVill · Thi• nutnllun und hom('·l.'<1 re pruduc.·ts <.:ompw'l v \ r1•1>c11 wd that a n11n-rc'\·urrrng c·hargt• of crght c:('nl~ pN shw<: r1:lah·d lCJ tlw d osing of mi'lnuf11c.·turing fadlttil·s in f1S(~1 1 19HO wus dc-duct<.•d in tht.• fourth quarter. Heme 1 Te•tl Ind 7 hlecomCp , O<d 2.1..- • Hal Homel S KrogerC.O • FICrtyProp 1WnUn •611111 I K'-IW8 '" ..... ·--10 UAPefll. Ml" II A~rlGrn n IJ_I_ II ~o CO(p 14 TE PF U ••nord 1' E•.,., PO 11 Je11.-.. lt-r ... Eno It 11 ... ..,, JO N kelell,,tl f'I I 1 SolllflrtiCp n F11lntr1tllcp U r<tnS488' 1• Alcos1-U AMO t i. All•n Ill< SYMBOLS. ~ .. ... ... s" u ·~· .... '• ,., ,, ) 1 " \o I I l '" ·~ 1W !loo '· Pct Oii IS• Oii .. , Oii u • 0 11 II S Oii 11 • 0 11 111 Oii 10 > Ott 10 J Oft •I Oii • 1 Oii •• 0 11 • , Otl I 4 Otl I l Off I 1 0 11 I I Otl 10 Otl 11 Ott 11 Off 1"• °'' a.s Ott 1 • 0 11 1.1 Oii , , °'' , 1 Of• 1 1 METALS NEW YORK •AP) l'l'lelel P<tCl!S IOOIV C•!' .. •• 10 ... n cfna • 11011nf dallnaltO<\ti Leed :ll • · 26 <:enlS a l>Oll"O ZklC ~·2 cent• • pou<>0 <Mtlt•tw~ fin $6 ••22 Met .. ~ w ... ~ coml>O"•• tt> ~ 7& ce<>IS a riounCI NY Sii•., $9 ~3S l)e• 11oy ounc:• NV Cc...,., SOOI ff)Ofllf\ CIOffd Mon Mefc..,, $3.6S 00 pe• 11a~ l'lalln11m $3• 1 00 S3•5 oo 1ro~ ovnu· N Y RD GUOTATIONS ., n.. ··-··-...... Str1~1eo .. o•l<I QOld ""'"' 1ocuy LOlldOA •o•Aln9 II.Ing $•0• 00 up $0 75 LondOfl etterAoon llalng S•07 50 "" $• 2S Perts ....,_ 11•"'9 5"°6 2S US1 SI I:' Fr.,.lllwt fh"'9 S•OS 98 liP $0 4 I ZIHlc" lele efler-lh.lfl9 $40! SO ut ~so bl<I S•09 SO asl.ed HandJ I Harmen only d.111) quot11 $A01 SO up $• 2S lnoe!ftetd oru. !Mid~ 4\IOle 5407 so ~ ~25 E.....-.,d on•r da4y QllOte $427 ea v11 $4A1 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHJ SILYEI r \' .. ... ;.... :.: I : ... : .. ... "' Ho"SIY ano Hllll'lln $9 640 POI ,,... ountft . .