HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-17 - Orange Coast Pilot. ~ --· --· . I • , . . ; r THI ORANGI COAST COUNTY IDITIDN '1 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1A82 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Delay Ill highway projects blamed on Caltrans • li)' S1'l•:VE TRIPOLI 0 1 the Dally Piiot Slett D1·l.1y!> 111 tht· pl.J1111111.: ,Jlld l' 11 11 '..\ r u 1· t 111 n o f S 11 u t h I J 1H I 1111-{ln' ·•Y pto.)l.'ll:. till ludtnl( \ lllll IJlo •lltlll nf t ht• l'11ro11,1 dt •I M :.11 Fro-.·w.iv art• n1u:.lh tho• {Jull of (.',11lra11,, tht· .... t.ll1· 1~·1'·11 tmo ·nl ol Tr;i11..,port;il1011 'J'h;11 .• 11 lt•ast, w ,,.., t hl' 11µ11lll m of most w1tnt•s:.1·.., wlw lt-:-ltfll'cl Tu1·..,1l.1\ <11 h1•,1ra11g>. h1·lcl 111 S .int.i t\11.1 hv tlw <.'01111111..,...,.1111 1111 l'.d1fu1111,1 S liJll• (i11\l'rn1111·11t U1 g.11111.at1011 .111 d l•:11111n111y known ,,.., Liii' l,11111· llo111v1·1 l 'nmm1ss1nn I '.cr1 .. 11._1,· '"'·'' d 10·•.t11111111 v I 111111 ,, \ '"I 11 1,tl, .1 11d .ti I h11 l ,o l ,altr.111-. 1•·1111•,1•11t.1l1\o "'''''' • 11111 .ii 111 I ho • l1.11i...p 111 t.1lrc111 ell 11.1r l1111 111 1'111 111I111.1h .... 11d (""''Ill .... "·" l.11l1 ·d 111 ll" ,l,1to· h1gh\1.,1y 1111111>, p111p«r h ro ru ... t·d ") r1'\11g11111· 1h1· IH-t•tf 1111 grt)\\'lh Ill tlw h11o:hw.1.~ -.~·,11·111 .11111 d1·l.1111·d pro.14'\'b ll .... lo',ldo•l ... hip d1d 11111 .IPJll il\'O' llf olo · ... 11111 , 111pti.0111 111 do ·r ... r101111 ''"' ('.al1 l 11r 111.1 T1·"''fl'"1.1111•11 ( '111111111,'olllll Ill 1.11 1 \ tl11•111 11ul <>r.a11g1· (.'1111111, S11 p1·rv1 ... 111 'l'h 111n ..... Hali·.., . .,u1l111r11g the· prohlt•m!'i 1A•h1d1 hftvc· dt·lttvt-d County indigent health care guidelines set. By J EFF AOL.ER Ot the Dally Piiot Statt Orangl:' County .. uµ1·1 v isors ha Vl' a pprovC'd h1·,1l1 h l d rl· gutdl:'hnt'S for thC' t>t>unty's poor in prl'pa ra t1on for 1<1 k1·0Vl'r 11[ ml·dtl·al progran1s for 111d1g1·11l adul ls no longt•r 1.·11v1•r 1•d b11 Ml'dr C;tl Approll l'J wa -. 11 q •t 11 f t•llg1b1 lily s tand,1rd:. for t ht· 1nd1gpnt ht-alth l'an· programs as w1·ll ,,.... .,1;1nd;1n l.., 11utl111111g 1111' ;.('l>JX' of 'olTVlt'<'' "' b,· µr11v1d1~t tht• nt't'(I\ Mt• a n w h 1 I t'. ,, c nu 11 t y nl'got1a11ng l1•;in1 ..., 1·111111nu1n°g to mt•t·t w1Lh both the• Orange County Mechcal As.'>OC1a\1on and the Southern Calrforrua Hospital 1::0unc1l 111 an e ffort to work out a program 1n which thE' l'Ounty w o uld con tral't with prrvatt• hc·alth care prov1dt•ri. for s ud1 S4'rV ll'l'S The county, ho!>p1tul 1.·ouneil a n d · m t• d 1 c a I a s s 11 l' 1 a \ 1 o n r 1· µ 11 r l t · u I y art· 111• tJ rt n g d~rt·t•11wnt u n a µ1 o p1,...,il that o 11Uld 111: \UIJllllllt•tl hi 'UJM'r\'l'-lll'o tn "" ft·\\' ·" :m dav' Bv 1 ts <it·t 1u n i'w·Mla y, thC' lma~d M't 11110 pl.1t·1· t•ltg1brl11y '>tanchiru:. for tL<, 1nrl1g1•11t ;idult tw.tlth cart• plan that mirror thcis1· o f tht• t-uunty gt•nt·ral rt•ltd pro g 1 a rn a wt· 1 f J r t' p I ci n ;1vail.1hl1· to thm.o· "'hu 4u<1hfy for n• 1 11lht•r w1•lf.in· µn1gr ·'"" To bt· 1'11g1bl1· wh1·11 \ht county tak1•!> ovt•r thl' 'ldlt• 111d1g1·nt ht'<ilth 1·art· plan J~1 11 I , <in ,cµpltl'.tllt Wl)ultl havt• lo be a l'OUlll v rc·s1clt-n t whtN' monthly 111co1111· dtx•s n ot t•Xt't'<'<..I $;!-tO 1f ht· or sh<' ..., i.111glt· The rnt-ome hmll would bl· $580 for a family of four Abo. applKants cannot havt· p;·rsonal pro,x•r\y, Pxl'lud1ng a 1•t1r. w orth m on • than $1 .000 or re::rl propNty l'Xt'l't'lltng $5.000 ElrR1btl1ty for ml·Utlal s-.·rv1t't'S., (See GlllOES. Page A2 1 o 111111111 1111111.t 1111• (.'rno 111,1 d .. l l'vl.11 1•10 .. \\.1\ .... 11d (',ol11.011 •. "·" II fll ,dt di\ ... t..J l1•d 1111' fll lljt'O l '1111 o 1ho 11 .1ll 'Jllll r,rt1n11 1111111111 ... ...i1111 1111 11 lo •d 11 o t1!11pl1·lt·d Ill l1ri!I 111 ... 10.111111 11111\111g J111 w.11ol 1111'1 1111plo·1111·11l,1l111r1, tlH· 1'r i1~·1 I h.i.., li.·1·11 lu•lcl lip hy ... 11uty .1r11I 1 o· ... wdy," Htl1·v "·'"' ··W1tlt c•.wli "olHc·1·1·1·lt11g v1·;11 , l'.tltr.11" h,,.., .1t 1t·111p1t·d 10 --.11lr-.1.111t 1.dl v '"' 111k tlw proJ" l · Hilt v .... ml d1·l.1y-. 1111 pro.14 '<. ts ,111 h ,1.., 1h1· fn·t·w.1 y "lran:.latl' qu11 k lv 111to doll;.ir ... · d11ll<.1r:. for t1111c'i11u 1·d L·o11g1•1-l11111 t o I .~ l1 o111-.1K11 tal11111 ._y-.,t1·111 \1-.0·1-. .111d d11ll.11"1 1111 r.1p1dl y 111IJ.it1r1g "'"Jill 1011,1r 111l11111 .ortcl 11glit of \\ ,1\ I 11•,\ ... 0 H1l1 v ,,,\ 111g rho pl.01111111g ' \ ._ I I Ill ' . I ._ -, II h Jo I I I 11 111.1111pul.011 11 11· .11ld1 d 1 ti .. 10 -.h•Htld llo · "le ,., lo"'' dr .ogg111g Cl\'1 'I C I I I IC ,ti dt 'I i...rllll:-0 • 1~:111 Jl111d1 ·1.1k1·r , d1:111 flt.ell 111 1111· (.'.dd111111 ;1 '1'1 .111 ... 1101 l,1L11111 L'111111111 ...... 11111 .... 11d <'.ii 1 r.111:. u ff111 .1b h.ovt· ... 1.ol ltd p111jt·1 l'o h1•1·.iu,1· thl'Y \l.1·1" ll\111).( t11 !>\I l' 1 t h h I g h W ,J \ I U 11 d 'o 111 .111111tl.1nn· wrth lht· Br11w11 Adn11n1,.,ll'al1011 µ1'11 l v 11! 110\ AP Wltepholo A!'!trona ut William Lenoir , who joked a hout jalapt~no peppers and at(' some in orhit , s how" on•· g iven by congratulato'r y crowd a t his arrival back in H ouston. Bull promoter disappears Canceled Costa Mesa fig ht leaves empty ha nds By JODI CADt:Nfl t:AD Of the Dally Piiot Statt E v f' r y 0 n l '. s I 11 u k Ing r 11 r bullfight pro 111111<·1 Huh1·11 Bohorqut•z Th<'rP an· tlw m<1t:1doro; who rt·turnC'd t o M1·x1u1 M ondav (•mpty handt'{f, tlw bull rancht;I suit wa1tmg for his mont•y thl• Coors bee r d1 stnbut11r and tht· C'mbarrassed publicist .ind thr I. 200 bulH1ghL fans who wpnt home Sunday wrthout w atC'hang a fight Not th<' 11111· tht"'v p;11d to <;1~· any w av P ol11 1· 1•,tllt·d lll tht> Ur,1ng1· Count~ f<11rgrou nd-., had to q11t>ll th1• ,1ngrv beer- dr1nk1ng < rowd whit h wa1lC'd mun' than thrc•t' hours for the· bloodlt•..,_.., bullfight tx•fo rt• lh<• 4 µ m ''"'"I was c ;11wc•llt>iJ Ho1hor4ut'7. -t.~ told polic1· I h;1l db<IUI $:1,:\5() 111 t.1 ... h \o\,J.., 11\IS..'olllg o:tnd thdt he· h.id no 010111·.v 111 JIJV for tht• bull-; or lht rnat.idPrs. mlll h i..,., for rt·fund., C'nsl.1 Mf•S;.J p11l111· Lt Jcil·k Calnom '-<ltd tlw n 1shlC'r s luffr<l tho· d,1v"; rf'('(•tpl!> 1n hl'r purst• :ind kt•Jll no rt'ltlfd 11( "'twthc•r Reactions mixed on By ROBERT BARKl-~H 01 the Dally Piiot Statt A bid hv formn lra11 n...,11 l1 ·n1 FC'rv d o un Aharlpour <ir11I hr.:; w lfp D o r 1 "' t o < o 11 s t r u t t r f' ., 1 d <' n I 1 ,J I u n 1 I s .1 I t h t• Huntington HJrh1111r B.i) .ind R<it·qul'l Club rs 1 11111111111·nnlo( a m1 xt•d rf'l'.'r•pt1on T ht• Ahadpoun. art· al\t>mpting t o wrn ll un11ng111n Ao•ao·h approval fo r a dt•Vl·lopmcnt plcin that would allow con\\ruct1on o f 48 umdomm1um un1l.., at tht· clubhouse a nd marin;i on W a nH·r Avl.'nu1•, 11• mrlt"' 1·;"1 o f Panfir Coast l lighway A public h cur1n~ on thr prnJ.)<1..,c•cl lh1;t•1· s to w structun•o; was h1 ·ld h<•f11ri • thl' l l1rntrngton Bt·..il·h pla nning 1·ornm1-;s1on TttM(fay Oli;(ht But 1111 ac t1 11 n c·.111 lw 1,1kc·11 untrl ,o po·n cxJ ror 1•fl\.'ll1111lllt'nt.;tl f('\'lt''A l'nds rx~ :1 Ttw 700-m1·mlw1 I l11n\1n~t11n llarbour Pro pt·r t \ ()\A. n1·rs A .., 'IH 1 a t 1 o n e n d o r .., <" d l h • propo,dl L la1m1ng ti pn· .... •rvt''> uµt·n 'P"l't• whtlt al"'' pr11v1d1ng .in ,un·pt.1blt• nun1l.11·r of hous ing units Charlt•!> &·11n1·tt . ,1ss0<·1<1t1o n d1n-c·t11r, pra1sNI lhl' d1·v•·l11pml'nl pL-in lie• said 1h.11 Ahadpour · h.immt rr·d out tlw proposal w I I h t h (' w h "' '. c II rn rn lJ '" I v w •111ng .o ('r,11 k al rt ·· But n11I all wc·ll 111 do n ·s1d1•11L" tn thL• an•a or $ J mdll1111 homl'S fr·1•l thf' ~1mP w<iy Luis l'ard<"n~s S r . who ..,;11d h<' lrv<-s dm.><:tly a1-rn..,_, till' bay from thl' prnJt'<'I . 1·la1m' that th't' tht l.111, p.111.l $5 or $:!11 for thC'1r ..... 1i... It "'"'" 1mpo..,.,1hll' t o 1.1kul.i11 .in 1•xal't loss. ht• said /\' d;11 krws.., swPpl uvt•r the• fair g1 oumb. B11horqt1t·1 ,,oolhed th1· t·rowd'._ rising ctll~l'r <ift!'r pron11"11K lo rdund tlwir morwy Mond.1 y rnornrng I la · gav1· tht· µhorn· numbc·r o f Jll o ffrl·t• 111 Los Anw·l1·-. Nunwrnu-; o alb to th1· busrrwss "'1·1H u11.111<,w1•n•J Tut·sd ;I\ No om· l'nnm'l·tc•d with thf' PVl'nt has tw.1rd rrrrm Bnhorqu1·1 N ol 11uhl1t ...,t M.1r\1n K,11\l' 1S1•1• IH LL FIGllTS. Pagt' A21 BB condos Ah:adpour.., pl.in to l1tr11 till' bay Jl1d rarqul'l 1 lub 11110 "J little fi;1lbo.1 8.t \ t 'l11h " 111• was rt f1 1 ring lo th1· f.1-;h1n11abh· Balboa Ba \ Club 111 Newport &·.1th ' H1 •..,1d1·nL ... oh.14 ~ I \t> lhi-. k111d 11( o 11111n11·111.tl c·n1t·rpri s1• 01'M·raung m ·ar thl'1r h11m1·<>.'' h« s;11d Ahmlpour. 4Y. smrl c>arlicr this w1•1•k that h<· p;11d $4 '2. mrlllon for tht· I.\ atTr fac.:tltlV m l980. I IP .:;,110 ht· n<'<·ds · r <•s1dr nual 11H·nm1• lo mak1· th1· fciC'lltlv a pa v 111~ pr11rxis1 lion 11<-sani' h1• s pt•n\ $I '2 mill 1o n f11r th1• n·f111 lnshnwn1 o f tlw n •,1<111rant alot1t' a .1oh 1•st11nntc'(I lo 1·os1 $200.000 I ill,rttg l.iXt"• Iii.ii p.o \' 1111 11c•w 111.11 , ... 'l'lio 1.-,ult 111 th.ot 1111111 v 1.1. 111 11 .q 1pl1t·d to l1,111~.po1 t.111111 1 \\ tll 1.rkt y1-.1n. for (. '.il1l11r 11r.1 111 111,1kc up .111d U1.111go· <"1111111 \ 1 ... 11111• 1·i..,1111pl1· 111 why 1111, h ..,,, I l111ol1 r:1k1•r , .. 111 11111 1 lt•tHllY ('.tl1r1111 .... I lll•'l 1111 Hol>t•r l W ;1tk111 ... ,;i1d pr cijl'o I d1•lav' .tr•· l':1u ... 1·tl l1 v lt11 · ''"w '"'"'''" 1Jf u·rl1fv111g t l11•111 .111d l ho l.11 k 11 1 ..,, Ill 111 111111 .11 '"" 111t'AC111 ft•t 1!•1<Jl <.111d ,l,llt• hudgt •I pl,11111111g ,and high"'·'' pl,11111111g W.t1k111 .., ... Jrd t'.alt1.11a... a... t111111111ll1•d to c.:11111pll·t111M tht 111t• r •.t.110 • highwa y ..,y:.\1'111 u11d tp c·11111111urrog 11.., .... 1ud11•:. 11f :.11lut1uM lnr o 1t1Wdt·d l1iot1:.p111 lL1ltOn o 01 r rdc 1r ,, .11111 111 uo111g huth 11' • c 11:.I I f ft-t 11 \'o• W .JV t 'n1111111, ... r1111 l'h:.11r111.111 N.1than ">li,1p.-ll ..,;11cl lw w ... .., di:.lur lit-ti by r o l"'r 1.., 1 hat 111T<h·d p111J•·c.:t11 cuuld 1101 lit· lau111·hed rr111111·d1:ou·ly 1·v1·11 ii h·grsl.1llon to Ju11d tlun1 1 .... pa..,•wd on the lo·dc·r-.ol l1·v1·I 'ol.IOn s 11 . ., ... 11 'oatd till· 1111111111.....:-.wn ''di h old 'olmda1· h1· .. r111g:. In N111tlwr11 (.';tl1forn10, an<.J 1x·rhaps 11u1n · ho-.1nngs 111 th1:. pHrt uf the lSt' .. IWAl>S, ~AZ.I Chee'ring ~tops as astronauts tackle reports SPACE C l·:NTEH. llou..,111 11 (A PI Thl' l·het·rlng st11p1wu and lht• p;.1pt-'rwork ht·g.m t11d..Jy for 1h1· four astron.iuLs h.it k from th1· f1r ... t <:argo voy,1g1• of -;pan· ~hu1tl1· C11lumb1,1, now facrng thn·c• wt•t•k., of d1·lir11·f ing ))\ f I 1 g h l ti 1 rl'l' t o r s a 11 d ..., p <i n· c ·ngtnl«·ri. A>.tronauts Vam·t· Brand. Jo~.­ Allt·n. Bob Ovt•rmv t·r and Btll Ll•nmr. honw from ~p.itl' ror ll"SS than 24 hour.-.. Wl•rc· to ... tart w ork l'arly today on thl• ptluL'>0 rt•port ol thl·1r f1vl!' d;.iys 1n orbit For lht• nPxt ihn·c· w 1·t-ks. with ll ffil' ofr for W<'l'kcn<.Js and h oltdavs, lht· :.is lronC:tu ts will undergo eight h o urs daily o f dC'briefmgs They will be-grilled by fltght dtret tors. s pat·e c ng1 nct•rs and. th<· luught:s l qucs11on<'rs of cill, th1·1r ft.·llow astronauL ... ·· 1 · m µruud to lx· <1 nwmbcr of tlw gang uf four," s;Jtd Brand, ui;1ng a nickname adopted by the f1r .... 1 lour nwmbc·r shuttlt· t.•n ,w "W<•'1t• som1·llmt·s known as th1· ·can dc·ltvt·r· cn·w ," ht· told a Wl'kom111g tTnwd o f 500 <iftt·r the astro11au1.., flt'W Tul·:.day from tht· •huttll·· ... California landing 'olrtp l•i Ellington Air F'urt.·e Base no·:ir th1•1r h11mC's and the John...i111 Spaet· Ct·nter in Tt>xas. From 1<.aunl'h at the Kennedy Spat«· l't•ntt•r in Florida last Thur'><l..iy to a flawlrss landmg Tu1·sday morning on a t.'Oncrete runw .. y rn tht· Mo J;Wl' IX.-sert, the fifth m1ss1on of Columbia l'n t.·11unt1·rc.·d only onP majo r probl1·m Comp o n e nts in two spot·<· suits failed on M onday, can~·t•lmg a planned spacewalk An c•n g1neer1ng study to dct<'rm1ne why the suits failed was to start today at the J ohnson Spal.'t' Center The failure will furc.:c m1ss1on planners to include a spaC'C walk m o ne o f the next ISee CRE W. Page A4 ) ------INDEX---- "E11(ht ownc..:rs had Lhr.., hdore us and thrv all loc;t m on c·v." hf' ..,;11d "It's -:.rn Vl'iff" old ,111d IS 1hl.1p11lat1"(I " J\h,1rlptJU I .... ,rlf 111' OJ1('nttl'iJ •l tlrv1ng nnd s.dv:i~1· buSllW!>S 111 Iran l'lf•forc • lt•;1v1ng 1hr ('ountry twrnn • thl' ov1·rthrnw of lht• ..,hah Pro(f'si.ion a l football -mi!'lsin~ for •·i~hl wN•k .. n<I" -iis h aC'k. T h•· Hu ms tn lk nhout thf' shikt· s c·lllf'nwnl und Sunch1y'.., ~u nw in Sport .... ru f(" EI . At Your S~v1n • /\ 7 I l11rc.N.'t1µt' H;! Bulletin Ro~ A.. Ann l .nn,!c•rll {\'l. AusJnN-.'i B4 !) Mnv11·<1 t-:~ Ciwalti11ll· 82 N11t 11111;tl Nl'W~ A.I c1a...s1r1<'<i Fl F'4 -H l'uhlit· NPl1t·1· ... I":! ·I l'nm1cs 06 S pm L-. ~:1 " C rOMword 06 Dr Sti·1111 rohn B:! TX•ath N11t11 t" ~·2 S tnc k Markc•I-< A~ f,drtori11I l\(j T1·l1·v1o;1011 ~~Ii Entl'ru11nn;wnt 1-:~l Th1·11t1•1 s E.'i f ()Ctd Cl I\ J)I II Wl'uthPr A'J. ( " ...... ,. ~ . -~ ...... . ,.. ... Duk ll;1rlow, .1 -.pokt•..,man for A h 11 d po u r , l 11 I cl p l.1 n n 1 n g 11in1m1~<>11111 nu·1nh1·r <1 that thC' fdt·1hllt•s at tht• Bay und fulc-quet duh w nuld tontinu<' to 111cludc two tl'nn1,.,-e0r'·~· .. "'rtvate C'luhhou~', ba11quM 11afl, rnvat(' l'X':lt'h, sw1mmini;< pool anc about 140 IMmt 111t~ in th<' marina Tht• Ahadpours previo u s ly proposed bulld1n~ <12 guest t· o I l ,1 g l' s o v I' r A s 1• m 1 • subtl'rranc•an garn((e Th<' plan WEL'! rt' j<>c·tl'CI last yf'nr by the t'll y co u n l' 1 I a f t £' r pr o t t' 11 ts b y n·~1d1•nL11 fSC't' ('ONOOS, P ARl' AZI H ow do you greet a gobble r? V•·ry c·ar f'full y. Thal's wh a t .Matthe w Roark, J o8bua Lyaton a nd S<"o1l (;ull lill di10<"ov«'recl at Yorktown Pre-sch ool in H unting ton U.-n<'h . Morf' rt>au~tionR, Pnp;e BI . , . ( f.A2 C'lt1rnQft \.onat !JAii V IJll 0 llWt1C1nAsc1ny Nt1Vntnhet I I lid' .,,,-------.,.-A-n-im_a_l_. -tr_a_i_n_e_r_j o--.. -h-le_s_s_ t. ... ,. c . ec1· • , o.I i• ont1nu stories I UIDES APPROVED -. • • ,. . '#1H bt-dt:kl 1111111'(1 Wlll'll 1111·d1, •• 1 ~ca rt• IS nl'l'tlt•d .111d wfll Ill' rev1t.'wed ever y thn'I· m11111h :., I •tact'Ording to th(: ~t.1 111l.1nb ' I ''"A , ;Y1 ed t cil I ~1·1 v111.,. to h1 · H~ov1ded by th1· pla11 will h1 · i' /~int t.ed to lwn I th ca11· :.t:rvw1•:. 1'w~IC'h art-> ('011S1t.l1·n"I n·a~111alil•· "'a'nd nel"essury to pl uh'(:l llf l' 111 prt;'Vent s1g111f1l'lllll u1!>:thil1tv .1.t ti r o u g h t lh· d 1 a g 1111:. 1 :-. or , •{'Catmc-nt u f drseaM'. /ll1ws:-. 111 .. .in,.,rv." tJw ~t:tn<.lan.b :.t.11<· • I .'Tht? at•tual Sl'Opt• of 11\t'dH .d · ~(l.rv ices t u lw pn1v1d1·tl will 'l,i ti p e n d o n t h 1· I l' " 1· I v f t1e 1mburSl'nH·n1 the -;tat1· "' ~t.ed to rnJkt• It> tht• c:ounty u ndertaking th1· program h e top priority, howl•v1•r, will Lo provide emcri;i1·m·y n1t'llil':tl ~l'I VI\ l'' hot Ii 111 Ji.1111 •111 .11111 lllll fl.'11t•11I 1111 tlt•IM' fll'l ,1111'> wh11 q11;1lilv lur ·"·'•i-1.1111·1· t '11 u111v i.:11v1·111tt11•111 w.1, lt•11 1·d 111 ·'"lllllt' lt''flllll'>llHlll\ 1111 • ,111· Im .111 1·-.11111.1\l•d 1.1,(1(10 llll'dit'.11ly 111d1~1·111 udlllh 111 <l1.111g1· l..'11u11tv ;.t tc·r th1· I .1·g1,l.t11111 1111111111·.t "' l\lt·d1 l'.11 p111gr.Hn 1·.rr lit•r 111 tilt' vc·.11 -.h1ft111g tlw ltur d1•11 It 11111 1-1:111• l•J ('llllllllt'!'> Tht• -.t~111· ,llll will t1111d tlll' I 11\lll\ V J>l llJ.:I ,1111, hill tllll V ill 711 u c·r, c·11l 11f t ltt• 11•\'t•I f1111d1•d ll111n1gh 1\11 ·d1 t ',d '1'111 11111111~· h.1~ 1101 hudg1•11•d ,1nv add1t1<111:il lumb tor th1• pr11g1 a111 t•lllwr Ounng f1:.c·al l~Hl H2 . Mt•d1 Cal paid $:m n11ll11111 for tlw l'a11· uf lht! <·oun1y ', 1111•d1l';d ly 111d1g1•nt :1dulL' · OADS DELAYED? • • • l e . bl' fur t' fur rn u I a 11 n g commcndat1u11~ for th1• gislators and th1· govt>rnur 1111 ow to corrC't't tht? problems .-H e expa·ts the t'Om1ng l·hang1· ULLFIGHTS "H e s till owt.'s ml· half mv m oney," said the Lu~ Angt•l1:-; eub llc rel a lions t·X~l'U ll Vl' "I ~ven't the vagut'St 1tlt..·a wh1•n• he 1s. It's be-en wry upsetting " N o t bu 11 h a n d I<· r M a n u t· I Correia, who cla11ns to havt• dema n ded his $12.000 !et· 1n advance after allcgl'dly losing $7 ,2000 from B ohorquez four years ago. Correia said he s helk•d out $3 10 to return the pt.•nnilt'~ !P.,4ladors to Mexico. · ""I don't want lo ~'<-' him 1·v1•1 ~"6ain," Corrt•w s<J1d ul ~o\t•rn111·,, ,1m.J \\1th 11 lht• dlll111:.t u ·1 ta1n repl..iu·m1·nt ul J-.',,. I t rans D 1 r l' t· tor Ad n a n a G1a11lureo, l11 lwlp changl' tht· dc·par t1tll·111':. d1rc'(·l1011 • • • lhl· Jn•11a -.urfJt't• "''a:-. luo :-.oft 111· told tht· :rno sp1·1·tator" to rL'lurn Suntlay f'a11·grnunds off1c1;.1ls said tht•y Wl're paid $4.~()0 for USt.· of tht• facility and had dun<.· whJt Lht•v thou-ght was a thorough bat·kgruund and finan cia l ln\'C><;tlgat1011 of Bohorquc•z "Our staff t·heckl'd h i m o ut and c•vt•ryth1ng seemt'Cl to ~ all nght," "·"d t.11r bo;.1rd µn•srdC'n t Burr W1l11am!> W 11 d 1t II llll til 11 11 I II I' I .J 11 h 11 ('11111 p 11l111q(11 wli11 111 ud1· lic .. 1dft111·~ ~ ft1•1\ 11111 111 1111\ ll>tt'I' •• 11.11 k• d .1 I \\<I \l'oll 11111 lie•' ()\I '.!.I 111 I .11111 ( 'rn111t1 y S.111111, writ 11111 work 111tu111 '1111JI Ill 11 VIII\' ,111d 1111ght 11111 W111 k ,111ywl11·11· 111 l '.il1 ln1111.1 .• 1u1hu11111·, '·'V t\ 'U I ll'et It \ I /11 I Cl I W Ii II Ii tll I ... 1ug1·d 111~ 11111111zil trn111111g at'I 1111 lllllC' llllllllfi, 111 ,1 \l'lllf')lll'Oll V ,, r 1 11 .1 ,, 1 I . 1 11 11 l' 1111 n t 1 v , < ·.1111 1•tf1111i.:•>. .Ill. 111·v1·r ilti111111·d •' 11l~ 1111'""'" ltt 1·11:.1•, ;wn11 dllll-( ti1 1•ol111· Lt Bolt l.1•n11•·n ~111u tlH· 11w1th·llt 111 w hld1 \ 1111 H~ I\ 111 h1111 \' St11p:i111 uf Uµl.11\d wa:-. 1·a1 111"<! :JO ft•t•I uut 111 1111· a11•11 ,1 lt.v .J Sil1t·r 1:J11 t1g1·r, polwt• h.1v1• 111111fwd Ca111polv11g11 tlt.11 hi· won 't b1 · j.(rJ11lt•t.I J l1t1·1"1· 1·v1·11 11 1i .. uµvl11·:.. Le ·111wr1 s;111I M1•a11wh11t., thl· tr:A11wr's rww w1l<I 1·111,. hllVl' l~'t!n 1mpountl<'i.J 111 t h1· n·ur of l .lut1 \uuntry lll'ClfH'l lY IJy lh1· 11ll1h • flld\ u11J <;111111• 1>1·11.11 lnll'r\l, whll'h 1111,. 1·1 \c•d l'.1111pulu n ~o f•H 111 vtt1lutlorn1 u f 1'4:rm1t uml n1~1111o1 11·1o11ilut11111i. Tlw t"tll> prulmhly will 11111 lx· dt•-.1111yl·d hut M'lll out uf lh1· ~ll.Jh· ,1( lht• l't't'lllllnll'lld1lllUll of w •• ,. d t• ti H CJ I\ [) u vu 11 . w h II tnvt·~lll(i.1 1.4.'d lhl' lllCldt•fll, :-,;11d P.11 Muor 1., publ1l 1nfur 11iat11111 orlwt•r for tht· :-.1..;.Jll' agcm·y. t'11111polong11 was S(."hl•dull·t.I ln llf.JIX'JI' t11<lay 111 On.111g1• Cou111y IJ<1rb111 Mun1t·1p.il Court 111 Nl·W µort &·uch fur arnugnm<-n t h•·lort• Judgt· Culv111 Schmidt. H;.,il Morgan, s upervrs 1ng di:-.trtt·t allurrwy, sa1<.l hl• will t•1.1mh·nst• till' JO Fish and Ganw c1 t<1t1ons into two char,'tt·s Oµc.•rating Without a sx·rmit a nd ruJJur1• tu 1111HUll lht· rc·qu1rcd tl11µ1Jh· KUil· lw\Wt"(.'11 th1• unl1nol.I und th1· uud11•111't• Thi· m11x1111uni p1·n1tlly fur t·11ch ltt u SZ,000 Ctnt• urul/or u1w y t'tH' In JI.Ill. Antonj( t ht· d1u rg1•1> Tht• 11.t1111·1 ~wd 1111 1w 1 ll\ll (or hr:c :-.li1•w .irul tw fallt'<.l tu0 111swll thl' n·qu11 t·d doubh· gotl' lwt w1·er tlw tmlmlrl!ii and thr• t•r·uwd. , '1'111• llg1•r 1illjJ~)t'U llUl Of 1111' ""l(lt• gtlll' ;.11 tlw l'Ulll:lus11111 uf till' Ott ~:i i.huw A.-. tht· audll•m•t• Wi.1:-. 1ns1ruct1•t.I ltJ wulk towurd ll l' i.l .. h y I I'!> l r I) 11111 s . l h t• t' a I J.{r;1hh1'tl llw boy 111 hrs JUWS and '""'l'1t'<J h1111 111Lo some busht·s . C:.unpolongo eha!ll'<l thl' cat and I n •t•d thr· boy S topani ldt tht• hoo;p1 tal M o nday a ft er rl'('Uflt'l'~lllllg (111111 lllJUrlt'~ ti> h1:. skull ant.I lt•g 1'1w trainl'r also s uffeH·d st·vt•ral t.lce!J gashes. donations pushed -'fhe start of the 1.984 Olympic games rs more-ttian 650 days away. But Ro~rt Clifford says 1t 1s time Orangl' Cou nty gets started rais ing $320.000 to send a thletes to the quadrennial t?venl m Los Angeles. -N.eve r mi.nd 1,ha1.-.-t.h~n~'t!--­ s tate raised Jess tha n that fo r tbe ill -f ated 1980 gam es, says C hHord who 1s confident that Orange County can do its part to s upport part1c1pant s in the Olympic gamC"S scht>dulcd July. 198·1 ' . ~ot the Coors Beer drslnbuwr. 1who asked t u r~·ma1n : uniden tified "H 1• gave u~ a J ch eck. I don't know 1f it's good I In th1· fulurt• tht• f.11r l1oard may requrn· all lt'il!>lng grnuµs 1;i post a bond ;rnJ t'OnW !~Con· thl1 buan.J for formo.il <.1 ppn!VJI. so1d Williams In an 1nwrv1t:w 1..i!>l Wt't.'k Bohur4un 1dc•nt1f1ed h1m~·lf a:-."' w1n1• 1mport l'r and s:i1d flt· t•>.pt'<.·tt-<l to rnuk1• :S7tJ.OOO frnm the hullf1gh1 to don<•ll' to St M<.1rv·~ Chun h 111 Lo:. A111.!t•l1•:-. D•IJ Pffot lleft ~o by Patrlc1l O'Donnell Fnydoun Ahadpour st a nds in front of backhoe involved in The outgoing president of Air Cal and l'h airman o f Orange County U.S. Olympic: Committee told the Costa Mesa Cham~r of Commerce-that h e plans to tap busm t>ss leaders for some of the contributions. finall y ~ot our (d1spl'ns1ng) t r a i I e r b a l' k y t• s t e r d a y (Monday.)" n•d••n •lopnwnt of Huntington llarbour Bay and Racque t Club. Bohorquez also t'ancc-1eo tnc• fight schedult>d SatunJav. :.ay1ng I Inju;red birds get food ·More than 40 c<1ll:. pour1'\I 111111 l h e C row n V <i 11 t• y A n 1 m ,, I H ospital Tut·i.da,v f1:11m pl'oplt· vulunt{'('rmg tu suppl~ frl·:-.h f"h to thl• IO pclll'ans i.hl'ltt•rcd tht•n · sint:t• their b.•aks wen· mut1lat1•d A rood shnrtagp '" S{>rts on·urred 'late last WN·k wh1•n recent fish d<mat111ns slmn-d dui• a dedmt• m f1shm g haul:-. .it local har bun. But Tul'sdJV. aftt·r lht· b1nh pl ~ht was w1dl•ly puhlinZt·d . "tons" of offt•rs wen· rt'<.'l'IVt"<1 hv tht" hospital. :-.aid Dayna Brook~. ,fl!a nager o f the hospital 1n ·~na N iguel ·''A cat food t't•mp;.ny dtmiltt·d I 11011 p 111111d' 1ol 111 .1l'Kt•r •·I ,' Br ""k' ,...1111 .111d 111 h1·r lo1·al llllllpo11111·-.. h.1\1 p1tth1·d Ill·" \\ 1·11 'v\'t· n • g111ttg lo gt·l ph·lll\ 11f f1:.h " ,1w :.<J1d , Th l' µ 1·l1 t .11\.li. n 11 kn ;. 11\l' d P1n•"thm P1•tt . Hq)l .. 1t Ru-.1:- Nu11wr11 Cnu. c ... r.tn(), Short). Grumpy. J1mn1\ Dur,11111• .ind H,11h.11.1 w1 ·1" f11umJ 1n (l\:111l'l4·r \\ lllt 1111'11 l.11 .,ik_, h.11 kt d 11ff JU't bl'lu \\ th.-n,.:-.;.1l µ,1-...-..1g1•<;. Tht 11 uind1t11111IS 1-:u11d. Bronk-. .,,11d .111J th1•;. 1·11lll't'll\'1•ly K•• th111u~h c1t l1•;L-.t :m pound:. of 1 .... h d d,1 \.' mu-.tlv bon1l•1 .ind 11\.ttk;., •• \ - CONDOS • • • From Page A 1 In a relawd :.id1on involving th<.· dub, Huntington H arbour n ·--1d1·nt rAI Sundht•q,: ha~ won a $!'ill() Judgm1:nt frm Ahadpour 111 sm :cll darms n1ur1 S u n d h C' r ~ t· I J r m l ' d t h c· Ah.1dpuurs 1 lo'\l"rt tht• club tu m1·mtx•rs twD y 1•ars ago. making memllt:rsh1p h·t•s wurthlc.~. In a t·ourt appt•arancl• 111 Sepll·mbc-r. Sundbl'rg said hl· clatnH•d that Ahadpour •·was doing t>vc·rythtng in his power to gel member... to default on their mcmbl•rsh1p i.o he 1:ould keep lh1:1r adm1ss1on r~ .. Ahadpour. who <lid not con test ~ht• ac.·twn. Sut<l h(' ('losc-d thc- fal·1ht1l·~ for n ·pa1rs lie said ht· offNl'd to rt'fund duc•s l o all members Cooler Thursday Coastal '1:!~-Clou<J• 1on1gn1 ..,,n ~I lows 49 to SS Moslly =dy and cooler on Thursday Chance of llQl'll rain sno-s eaalng Thursday afternoon ~· ThUrldey SS 10 68 ~1n Pf obat>lll'Y 20 percen1 @11ewhere . t rom Po1n1 Conception to the M e~1can de< end ovl 60 miles Light rlable wind• becoming not1'-I II 10 IS knots tonight. Thu1soay w•lh an '""easing chan<.e ol hghl ••In in alternOOfl along northern ran9et Lows 1n lhe m0<mta1ns may raacn 2S High• in Owens Valley snould range l1om 48 to SS w1lh Iowa from 30 10 3S Snow in nearby movn1a1ns al>Q'ole 7.000 leet WIU \lllpecle<l 10< Tnursd8)' Northern deserl highs were lorecut from 60 to 67 w•lh Iowa 1n the 30s< Temperatures In the IOw desert may ren~ lrom 6S 10 73 ..,,, h lows 1n \he 40s Te111pe ratures NATION Na~ Wea_, Se""Ct outer w1ten. lr>ereasing to 10 to 20 knoll on Thuraday Comblnod aeaa and SW911 4 10 II feet. Locelly light ver1abte wend• tonight end T'h<.lr9dey. lnereaalng 10 weal IO IOUlhWHI 8 IO 16 knot• lllufldey ene<noo... wcth 1 to 2 toot wind w1va Albany Albuquerque AmarHlo Asheville Allan11 All81111C Ctly AuS11n HI Lo 43 21 52 29 S8 JO 50 t9 NOAA US Oep1 01 C_,,,cttce Fronts Cold ..... Warm WW Ba111more I us Biiiings • • Slln1fll(l r y Blrmlnghem 8llllT\8rClt Rein end Wind howled ov .. lhe Boiae Nor1~ Ntly.-,08)' . ..,,h •now Botton latllng In the mountaJna, while rtlln B.--ntvlle wa1 reported In 1he lower lklflalo Milallli\)p4 Velkrf 1 9ur1;ngton Si.ow.. -e K•llered lrom C.Sper "'""n Kentuclty lo lhe lower Char1et1on. SC 'GrMt Lei< ... end rein and drizzle Charletlon, w v cOYeted ... ,em Teus. Char1011e N.C Sltlea were cloudy over Ina Cheyenne Allenllc CoNI, U well H OYe< Cf>leegO aouthern Artzon1. 1ourhern Clnclnne11 Celltomla end from the Oaltotaa C1eYe11nd to the not1hem Roci11ea Columbla, SC A ,_ allowef• tell In Florida Columbu• end AIUOM ........ log developed Oallu-Fr Worlh In the coutel ~ ol CelffO<nl• O.ylon Ski" In Melne end much 01 O.Ove< N9w EnglenO -deaf. Dew MOCnft 8c:att8'ed ~ ~ • ,_ ~rott ltlunderltorm• .... l~t ror Duluth letet todey lrom the IOU1heut9m El Puo Pleine to nortllefn Florid• and the FlaQtt•ll othef IOUth Allen11C Codi ltl.... 0.-MI Fella Rein wM llltety over lhe low« Hll'1tord MINleeP9i v~. end rein alto Helena WM expecied lrom the nor1h«n Honolulu and oentrel Pacific Cont lo the Houlton northern RocillM. A '9w 9h0Wer• lndlanlj)041s .... fot9CMI over ..... M .. tco JKkaon Miff end Ntzone Jackaonvllle Temperllur•• eround the Kena.u City netlOn 11 midnight PST ranged lat Veg•• from 11 In HlbblnO, Minn . lo 73 In pme Rock S6 33 lOV•SVtlle 43 27 lubbOCk SS 43 ~mph1S 44 22 Mllw1ukee 42 29 • Mpls-SI Peul 52 36 Nunv•lle 40 20 New Orleens 47 25 New Yori. 43 28 NorlOlk 63 59 Norin Plalle 35 27 Okranoma Coy 42 21 Omaha Orlando 4 I !~ Phi111delph18 60 Phoenl~ ;~ ~ Plllsburgh 46 24 Porlland. M" 34 2 7 Porlland Ore 39 24 Providence 34 2J Raletgh 61 24 Rapid Cory J6 21 Reno 53 38 RIChmonn JS 22 Salt lake 58 21 San Anlon10 41 28 Seatlle a7 24 Shreveport 32 18 Slou• F1111 82 42 S1.Pe1e-lempa s4 23 St Ste Morie 40 29 Spokane 48 24 Syracul8 35 18 Topeka 79 70 Tucton 58 51 lulaa 57 23 Wuh1ngron SS 2J Woc;hlla &• 44 CAL.,OfUflA Apple Valley BakertllC14d 42 32 60 38 4S 29 81lfl lOW 40 25 S6 33 80 76 35 26 39 21 47 2.) 60 39 46 33 !>3 J7 •S t7 so 33 •3 26 67 60 .. a 25 71 S7 :!5 19 45 25 47 44 u 29 52 '17 54 22 S6 38 SI 32 S2 26 S6 SJ SI 48 49 ., 49 27 77 83 37 t7 40 Jl 45 37 St 21 84 53 60 311 50 34 ~ 23 62 38 52 44 8? 46 ~W•t. Fle. ,• Ciali/Omia Mor• cl0ud1 -m•ybe even rain and enow -.,. ••peeled in SoutNrn CtlllornMI. Ille N1t1one1 WtiMMr SeMct aaya ·~'?:=s---~U~-Rf_R_IP_IRT_ Loa Angelet hlQh• IOI' Tnurld1y -• lorecHI 11 87 wllh • 20 percent onenoe ot rein •nd IOW9 ,_ &3 Cculel ., .. lllOl\1 -· .. PIClld In .,,. mid 40• with doud)' 811118 and IOWll In Ille •Oe. Tile w••ttier H rvlce torecHI · unteln night from 4$ lo 52 '"'' e..o11 AWW Zum1 1 81nle Monle8 I ~!)0(1 Bffch 2 San ~o Covnt(i "I CN• ook lor tiurlld1y \uri lurf .... Prcl 2 12 2 11 3 12 3 " Lilli• cl\1nQC1 ' • twen •• .w .... A•t .... Dir 1 ~ SW I ? SW 2 2 SW 2 2 SW .. ~ .. ,. -Rain~ Snow~ Shower•• Flunieal!!) Beaumonl 68 45 Bog Beil• S2 24 Bi!ttop S6 26 Blythe 72 48 Co1ailn11 68 53 Eureka 57 48 Fresno 48 43 I ancAster S7 40 long Beacr• 69 53 Los Angeles 65 57 Monl"Ov•o 67 49 Montebello 66 52 Mon1erev 62 ., Ml Wll1nn 52 43 Need let 67 49 Newporl Beech 68 so Oa1tl11nd S8 39 OnlarlO 67 48 Palm Spnngs 72 5 I Pauoene 71 S2 Peso Robles 61 40 Riverside 65 47 Red Blult 43 38 Redwood Clly 60 4 t Sacramento •2 J7 Sell nu 65 42 San 8ernaro1no 61 ., San 01990 70 58 Smog Where to oall (toll lrH) lor • leteel amog lntormetton: Ortnte County: (900) «5-3828 LOI AngtlH Counly: (100) 242•'°22 I Al-"°8 and Sen e.rn.r<ttno owntlee: f900l 3f7·4710 AOMO (pleode Cent«: (IOO) 242-48" Tides 1'00A." Sl!Gon<I low 4 }"T P I'll Second high 10 &9 p m THURtDAY 0 21 3 7 Flral low 3 24 1 m 2 5 Flrat high 9 40 1 m 5 7 Second tow 5 00 p m 0 0 Second high I t 55 p m 3 6 Sun Mii lodly II 4 48 p m rl-Tnursdey II 8 27 Im Moon rlM• IOdly •I 8 t7 • m ' Hll al 8 31 pm • Mile Square Park parking fee set By PJIIL SNEIDERMAN Of lhe Dell1 Pllol Stall T IH· F11unta111 V;,tllt•v C:1tv Cnum·tl has dt"<.·1d1•d to put· an C'ntl 111 Crt·t• parking at lh1• l'll) Hl'\'l\'..i\lon Cen ter 111 Mill· Squ;11t• P.11 k T~w l'llU nl·ll vol l'd Tue!>da Y n1~ht ti1 instJll ,, gait <irm ut"llll't' .sncl t•> n1lll't I 2:'i c1·nt s fH'r vl'l)I( It• Thi· gult• \'1111 he• plan·rl .it tlw parking lot t•ntranl'l' un B111okhurst ·Strt•l't .11 111·11 A\ t•llUt' Tht• l'l>U nc:il rl·Jl•1·tl•d a staff n ·111mm1.•ndatwn tha t a guard s h<it k hl• burlt and ,J p.irk1ng att1·ndant b<· h1rt•tl for nusy n'<.T1•,111un hours Bob Conkt" l'llV n~<·r1·;~twn rn.111.1g1 r said th<• s'yswm will bo· s imilar to th1· g.iw arm and om· way c•x1 t spikes used at the M1k Squ.ir1.· P~1rk t•n\rancc on Eud1d Strt·•·I lit -..11d 11ff 1C'ials .11 th 1· coun t y -owned park said a p;1rk111g ath•nctant 1i. m•edt•J 111 t·,1:-.t· lrJll1 c t·ongt·:-.t1on and µrt•\'l•nt g;:1lt• vandBlism during bu~' hnurs C11uk s<11d s u1·h an ;1t11·ndant WtJUld l llSl lhl' Illy $11.7110 .111nu.1ll~ C11u11nlman Ekn N1t•ls1•n said hl· 'favurl'd lhl• parking gall' 1·11n1·l·pt but s uggc·stNJ th at lhl· ... ystc·m bt• 1mpll'mC'nlt-d 1nat1ally without an atl<·ndcint 111 guard !>h<il'k 11 vandaltsm 11t.'('Urs, <:111 JI tt•nd.int <·nulrl bt· :idd1·d foll·r. ht• -w1rl 111· ,11"' n·t11111nwnrl1'<I that ,, , .11·d 01 PJ!'>;' :.ysll•lll tx· dl'Vl•lop<·d to JJt r rrnt fn•4u1·111 n •1·n•.Jtl•lll 1·1·1H1·r UM·rs 111 p.iy an l''>tabhs twd pdrk111g ft'l' for a p.1r\1cul ar pt•nod Thi· 1·1 Iv fl•t•rt•allon n1mplex mt ludt·s l1•11n1s and b<1s kt'lball 1uu 1 ts. b.Jll frcld!. a nd a rt•t'rt•.1111111 1.Juddang Fountain Valf('V uffH·1als expl'l'I t ht• :!:1 n·n't ft•t· to gene-rail' about S:!i.IHJll a nnually to he-Ip oCfsct rt•l rt•Jl111n t't'ntt•r oprra t t ng l'"fX'l1Sl'!'> II no vrohh•ffi!> anS<', thC' gatc- :.vstl'm u1uld bt• ins talled and bt·g111 rnllt'\·ttng by lute March, w .. v 111· Osborne, c i ty public wnrk' cl1n"<.·tor. said Suh\ rnt·ting $4 ,000 Cor the l'l1m11H1tt•t.I g u a rd s hac k . the· 1•4u1µ11l1 ·111 ;ind mstallat1on will m:.t .1hout $1:1,000. he said. The res t will l'Omc from fundra1ser s ($175 per couple dinner 1s schedult'CJ tonight at the Copa de Ora r~Laurant) and throu gh the sale o f Olympic s tyle pckl·ts. ski hats and pin~ "1 h t' Olympics are the single most important event," Clifford ~id Tuc.>sday. "The whole nation mourrL-; when wc lose " W ork by the tf.'s Olympic Commrtt~ continues a fter the games e nd with l'On tr lbutions gomg to t.raimng future athletes and to pay for food a nd lodgmg l'Xpen!WS Tl c-c.-omm1tt('(' was formed in 1~78 to const ruc t the US Olympic Training Centt>r in Colorado Spring~. where p otential i)ly mpic and Pan American Game Contenders are trained , Orange Cou nty business leaders on the rommittee includ e D e nni s 'Landesman , D o n Oliphant, Cochrane Chase, Dave Bake r . Diane Dailasis. Tom J ackson, Sadie M c M ichae l, Dale Dykema a nd W e rner Escher. Tic kets for the O lympic games are expected to go on sale in the spring with pnces ranging from $5 t o $85, acco rd i n g t o a spokesman for the Los. Angeles Olympic O rganizing Committee. The s p o k esman said that a modem pentathlon will be staged in Coto de Caza and wrestling at the Anahe im Conventio n Cente r Efforts to bring a cycling event to Mi.ssion Viejo and a s h ooting rom petition to Coal Can yon are continuing . according to O ly mpic o rganizmR o fficials. WOK SALE and DEMONSTRATION* 6 pc. STEEL WOK SET INCLUDES: WOOD HANDLES, COVER, WOOD STEAM RACK, CHOPSTICKS, REVERSIBLE RING ANO COOK BOOKLET SALE --$19 -9 9-. PRICED I *DEMONSTRATION SCHIDULi Saturday, Nov. 20, 11:00-3:00 Corona del Mer a Weetcllff Sunday, Nov. 21, 11:00-3:00 Herbor View Offer Good Thru 11/23182 Limited To Supply On Hand • ... ..,... 17th St. 1t lrvlM. Newport hectl. 942-t t33 -~~· ~.,, Mtouei Or. et" Sen J1<>quln, ~ BMcf\, 844 .. 570 C.... ... ... ~. Coaet Hwy., ITS.HOO ~ HtM9 811'111 Anl C1ny0n Rd .. \l lmptrlal Hwy:• 282 I • STATE Edison halts work .e on geothermal ,plant By Tbe Au t>clatcd Press HEBER Conslrut·taun of pt'rhops the natio n 's fi rst eomme rG·ial !o(l'uthc r111 ul pow<.'r plant gc ncr utt:d l>y undNground hot w1Ht1r hus bl' l' n h a I t e d d u t.' • l u u n unfa voi'ublt• ruling by sta te utility regulators. its buildl'r says Soutlwrn C.ltforniu Edison Cu. aru1ounced Tuesday at sto pped devl.'lopml•nt of tlw He ber plant ahcr an Oct 20 Public Utihucs Commission ruling whit'h said Edison s h a r e holde r s --n o t ats·· ratepayers -must assume m u t: h u f r tH· • p 'r " J , • l' t • s C111'.in~·111l ris_I\.-. • "'l'h'IS I S d l'f i 111l1•ly II ~l'lh•1l·k,'1 :mid Tum Sp111·ks. prmc1p;il l'ngint•c•r for .£.dason gt·1J lh1•rn111I proJcl'ts, ''but w l''rt•· look1n~ at v1.1r111u s uftw1nut1vcs tu k<'l•p it from bt•111g a sc.rious setback." T hl' plant six miles north or the Mt.>x 1l'an b ord er n ear Calt•X1C'o would h nvt• bPt•n fudt•J by undt>q~round hot w u t e r t o produ c c 47 ml•gawatlS of ck'<.'ll'lt'lly al an esti mated t·ost o f $Hli.6 m1lhun Carter blas ts Reagan •I .. ·Fo rmer President Jimmy Carte r s a ys Prt•s 1d e nt Reagan's economic sanctions against companies aiding a Sovie t gas p1pd1nc was a ''t errible mi s tak e'' a nd Orange CoHI OAILY PILOT Nf9dne1d•y, November t1, 1982 Tax reduCti~ri date ch~nge ln.rille . . . 1l (>M1-~STto:Al), fl'Ja. (AP) • 1'1 t•!<ltlt•11t Ht•uwm l'IJIU l.od&y Ill' muy alik Conj(r'l•hli to •J>f't'<l up tht> "' frc•1tw dalt• of the· third yeur of tlw 111>< l'UI plun from July 1 to J on I "Wc•'n• th1nkl1U1 nhuu\ It.'' said Hc·ugun. "Wc•'rc talking about th11t." Rut he ttuld n o Cloa l dctt•illioJl h(ls bct:'l mad Sj'seuking with reporters as he 1ourt.'<I an (l)C.h1blt ot Homestead Air ~'orcc &fl<' of drugs selZcd by frdt'ful agl•nts, Reagan 11ald the uppt•ulln~ Ullng about moving up tht' datl• w hen taxpa~ers.. would t>cncf1t Crom the cut ls that "it would stimulate tl)e 1ceo,np~y. 'That's whol's so a ppealing about l l .. Earlier, in Washington, White !lo use e conom ist M artin S . Feldstein said moving up tpe · date of the withholding change axes EZ as r • '• woulu provllit· u boowt to twlµ pull th(• N 'C,)llUnlY OUt o f ll prvlonat•d rt>t.'t'i111lon by puttlnK an addlu o nal $14 billion an t.'QMumt•r hand. &n the di&¥dvantaa(' would bt' that It wouJd increalK' a budget deficit ulrc.•udy headed for record levt>ls or •t50 billion or more. lu approved by Congn'811, the average 10 pt!h.~nt reduction In ' personal tax rates would be e ffc.'l·tive Jon. l but would not bf. reflected In tax payers' payroll · withholding unlil•July I . The proposed chang<' wo uld bc>t,iin the withtloldlng J an. l. Administ ration sources. who did not want their names used, said Treasury Secretary Donald · T. Regan fint proposed the Idea irbout 10 days ago aa a way to get the eoopomy growing again and ht•lp bring down urw mploynwnt Tht• IOUrl't'll !Ulld thaJ Presadent Rt•1A6(i.n 111 lrllt•retitC'd In \ht! 1d4•a but th1H F«>ld11it>in 1md budget dlrt>ctur Ouvld A . S tockman OPJX*l It A Jan. I e ffective date would r~qulre ·congressiona l approvul during the special post-ok-CtJon ~Ion that geta il&.ar\A!d wt.er lhlH month. Sonie udmlnistirattion otflclals doubt the .Dem()(·rallc· c.'Ontrolh.>d House, where there is talk of repealing next year's 'la>< cut a ltogett.er. would go along #Ith moving up .the effecu ve date-. Congress Initially approved the tax cut in 1981 as part of a th~ee-year program for lowering personaJ income tax rates by 25 percent. A 5 percent reduction w ent anto effect Oct. J , 198 1, and u 10 Vf'rttt•nt l'U\ wok f!ffect lut July 1 •·c1d1tl·ln. 1n a meetinc~h reportt•rs, rcfutM.>d to uy • tavor<rnovlna up the tax "J t h ink that •Ince that's na actlvc•ly wlkl"d about lnte"""'y, I'm ~oing to pus on ana!Net.'PI that, he said. · , ,, Asked to state ttte proe .-ad rons o·t tb (l Idea, hci Aaid the qlain adv~ntage ls "to add a little b'fJ>f a s timulus to the economy, l y putting $14 billion of additi~ money Jn the hands of tax~~r'I ovt:r the year." ' . 'n l 1 •• On the negative aide. theriax cul would increaR! the budlfet deficit, put upward presau~·ion Interest rates' and, lherelqre, d1&00urage spending ir) in1's;est r a te-sensitive areas sue~ (pa housing and capital ihvestme''H· t-----1--Reagan Hfled the embargo to "save face." Ca rt er a l so b l as t ed Reagan's "radical'' 1 ... :onom1t· policTPS and sa id thC' on1 y rt•ason his ~onomi{' package w as atTeplt•d by Congress was as c.i "pultucal rcww·d to a n<'wly ck~:tc.'Ci president." WKSlllNGTON (AP) -The • Informal Rl•venue Service, frying t o moke t ax forms Unders ta ndable to a t y pical - cighth-gradl1r, is offering sinkle • Brushing asidl• any notion h e may aga in run fo r p re s ident, Carte r t o ld re porte rs Tuesd ay he was ,defeated by Reagan in 1980 because the• AmC'rican p<•opl<' Carter is un a six-t:ity tour to promote his book, lilied "Keeping the faith: Memoirs of a Prt'Sident." Cops to award Turkeys LOS ANGELES Safl· · drivers may lx: pulll'CI OVl'r to the side of th<' road and g1Vl'n "Goo d Gu y T 1c k cots " redt.-'<'mablt• at a supcrm<1r ket chain for a T~a nksg1v1 ng turkey. the' polict• department says. "The officer who pulls you over may not be> tryang to tell you you're a turkt'y but WORLD about to give _you one,'' politoe' Lt Dan Cooke said Tuesday. Exceptionally good dravers who ar<.' observed by police to h a v e d o n e so m e thing uniquely t"ourteou s on. the rood wall be targeted for the "negative t'itauons," he said. The turkeys may be picked up at Ralphs Supermarkets, Cooke said. people an easy nl•w form. Bt1l it-~ Sl't.'S li(tle chant'C of simplifying thl• jC>b fur mos t Americans. 1 When tuxpayers file their 1982 n ·turns s lHr ting Jan. l, IRS is a nlll'IJ><1l111g lhal about 11 million smgl<' pt•oplc will use the ne w mant-gn'l·n Form 1040EZ, a one:- pagt-. l l·linc docume ntllia l oHtt·ials say is as easy as a tax form can be. T hose who file Form 1040A, th<.• pink. 22-linc two·page s hort· form that's bee n around a while', will ftnd an easier-to-read format whoS<.' front page is.broken down ullu s..•vt·n· distinctive steps that tin · kt•yro specific areas of the mslrul·tions. · Three Americans freed !-"or thost• w ho must file the long Form 1040 -we ll, not mut·h ha~ changed. The 1040 is still blue and confusing, has 71 lin<.•s a nd o ft e n -mu s t b e nct'ompan ie d by add i tion al S<:hl'Clulos and forms to spell out • va rious types of In come and dc:dul•tions. such a1 a new write- off of up to $1,500 for working P A R ·1 S T h r t> c homeward-bound Americans arrived on a night flight from Africa today after Ma rxist A ng o la r e le ased the· two me rt'ena ries and ptlot from prison an exchange for thrc.>t· l S o v a e t soldi e r s and 9-1 · Angolan hghters. As part of the swap. anti- M a r xis t Angolan r e b e ls released an a rchbishop, a French nun and a Dutch priest. the International Red Cross announced today in Geneva . The R ed C r oss h el p e d n e gotiate th e t'Omplicatcd exchange. Me rcena ries Gary Acker, 28 , o f S a c ramen to a nd A rgc n t in e-bo rn Gus tavo Gn llo, 36, of Jersey C1ty.N .J .. had been imprisone d since their capture in the 1975-76 Angolan civil war. GeoHrey Tyler. 32. of Lakeland. Fla .. w as arrested in HJ81 -after a forced landing in a hght plane h e wa s del1 ve rang to a cui.tomt:-r couples. "It will be very difficult to m a kl' new i nro ads into s1mplifyang 1040'' because of the complexity of federal tax laws. which now cx<.'CCd 2,000 pages, Nelson Brooke, who is in charge of lRS forms, told re porters Tuc11day. A walk on the wet side A nimble-rooted willet walk11 the surrline along the Balboa beeanrront looking ror whatever wille111 look for in the .. nd. The breaken may crash around the"'" but you never see the.e agile birds get a dunking. • '"I • tJ ..,.~ • JQI ISSUC~'! Greece to aid Poland Brooke and IRS Commissioner Roscoe L. Egger Jr. called a news conference to get publicity for the• nC'w Form 1040EZ. which wi ll SOVl' the IRS a lot o r pr on'S!>1ng time 'and a little .rt· ' • 'Tl morwy · BY JOEL C. DON he exi~ bus in.Sacramento on investigation in Sacramento ~ _ ATHE NS . G1 <:P c e - Pr e m ier And r ea s P a pan dre o u 's soc·1 1-1 l1 s ~ government may attempt to pe r s u adt' th e Eu rope a n Common Market to Ji ft 1 ts economic sanctions against Poland's .martial-law regime, the G reek n a t ional news agency reports. It made the comment an a story on Tuesday reporung t h at P a p and r e o u h a d re t urne d Tuesd a y f r o m NATION Moscow \\ hN~ ht> mt·t with S ovie t and Po lis h leaders following lhc funeral of thco• late Pres iden t Leon id I. BrezhnPv. In 1t -. rep o r t on Papandrcou's talks wi th P oland 's martial-law chief and pre mier, Gen. Wo,)C:lech J...ru1elski, the agent·y said G n.•l'tl· a lso mig ht ask the Com .• 11111 Market lo provide economic aid to Poland. "It rl·ally is easy a nd tha't's M"tMD911r,...at.11 his way to Roseville . The difficulties in getting an aJl.irie why we ca ll it EZ," Egger said. A preliminary hearing for a W d eo tape of th e alJege d flight. "It's as simple as we can make man accused In the decapitation collression, in which Schreiber' -- 11 " · -slaying of, a male friend was to reportedly reenacts the crime. Chief Deputy District A~ So, which form to use? focu s t oday o n whe the r a was made in the early momlng James Enright said he expec The 1040EZ may be u sed purported confession, recorded on Oct. 19 by Orange County South Orange County Mu · · f)nly by single people with n.o on videotape, would be admitted sheriff• s Departm e nt Court Judge J ohn A . Griffin dt•pt•ndcmts, no tax credits, and as prosecution evidence. , investigators. admit the tapes as· evidence.J'he taxable• income under $50.000 -At the first day of Cody Leo hearing is to decide if then? is all of 1t from wages, tips and no Schreiber's preliminary hearing Ortiz argued that his client e n o ugh evide n ce to send more tha n $400 of inte rest. A T u esday. D e puty Publ ic sho uld have been arraigned S cJlreiber to Or a nge Co~ new deduction of up to $25 for Defende r Ramon Ortiz said he within 48 hours of his a rrest, Super or Court for. trial. .) t·h a r i lable contr ibutions fo r would try to stop viewing pf the which would have been bf late taxpayers who d o n 't itemize tapet.,.because he said they were Monday night.~Oct. 18. Schreiber is accused~{ · · dc'Cluctions may be taken on any mad@' after the suspect should But sheriff's detective David his roommate , 24-year ·.-i ' of the three forms. have been.arraigned. Mann said Schreibel'oCOUld not be Dennis Schuster, and · The 1040A is fo r a n y S c hreiber. a 29 -rear-old transported back to Orange decapitated,rema.insm a · taxpnyer with taxable income Mo ntana state me nta hospital County o n Sunday, O ct . 17 · grave n ear Schu s ter's \Ji under $50.000 an wages, ti~. -~~~·~~·-w~u~~~·~~ted~-~~_t._16_•~-beca~~use __ o_f_t_~ __ ro_m~p-~_u_~_n_o_f_th~e~_G_a_u_d_i_x_h_~ __ i_n_M_~_i_o_n_V_~~t~~~ Teacher shortage viewed 1 n t l' r e s t • d i v i d e n d s a n d une mployment compensation. ll can be used to ~laim the new dcdul·taon for w king rouples, or. to take a er t by the working WA S HIN GTO N - Education Sccretar)"'T .H Bell says he may try to swm the growing shortage of math and science teachers by launching a new federal program to help train other wachers to fill the vacancies. . Bell said in an inte rview Tuesd ay h e ma y s eek legislation to provide money for summer institutes or other fe ll ows hap programs to retrain tt'ache rs. similar to We're Listening ••• 642·6086 h9r ..... federal training programs that fl ourished a quarte r - century ago after the Soviet U nion launched its first sputnik sateltite. Bell said his department's budget will be under tight co ns traints next year, but some _pi tjl ~ money could come from a projected savings . of al least $500 mi!Jion in the Guaranteed S tude nt L oa n program d ue to lo ff lntt•rcst rates. p\)Or . The b c 1040 can be used by an in idual taxpayer. It must Ix> d, for example, by so meo c who i t emizes. dt•duc ns, con tributes to an lnd 1~ al Re tirement Account or diki s n child-care credit. ~~\Ir from now, 'Egger said, rR pcs to have the 1Q40A simpll so that some who now must fa the long form wlll· be able to itch. But it Is unlikely the 1040 will ever be as simple 1040EZ, he added. What do you like ab~\ the Daily Pllot"'Wh Call the number at left a nd your message w.i be recorded, transcribed and delive red to the appropriate edl . The same 4-llour answering service may be used lo record lel· tcrs to lhc editor on any topic Mallbo" contributors musl include their name and telephone number for verificatlqn. No circulation <'a lls. please. Tt>ll us what's on your mind. CIH1'"9d edw9rttUntl 71 ..... 2-M71 AU otltef d9peft1Mnts 142-4121 Del¥wy ......... -ORANOE COAST MAIN Ol'Flca ~-•y '''°"' II ''"' l)o no1 n••• you• P•.,., b• :~ ~~u~::,°'~f1f ~. _...,.., Daily Pilat ........ St,. C ... • MHA, (A. If..,_, ... IMO. c..ea Mne. CA ... Gem T$lk 0 8y.J.C. HUMPHRIES Cntifi,,J G•mo"'-i•t. AGS WE'RE READY for lhf" holid•.•tt We've jult come back from the 2~th annual Fall Pacific Jewelry Shdw In Loa Anselea. where we Sol reedy for the holiday 1eason by 1ettin1 up to date on the late1t 1tylea and trench in fine ~welry. More than 600 ot the wor1d·1 1eadln& manuhcturera a nd diatributon exhibited there. We like the kin of bel"I at>J. to eUend a lhow of tM1 type bece~ it enebla UI to _. all at once IO much of the m erchandhe eveila ble for ChrtatmM. Thia hel .. ua to meke • bettec' •l«tion, and thet ti.neflta- our cuatomen beceu. &My know they will be ,.tune thtt wry let.eel In llyle a nd de111n . The merchendile ordered at the 1how will be in our ...,... In N"StW Ume ... -. . ....-,~.r;,.wmt.. Give a gift of holiday 1parkle that wtll l•t a lifetime. GNe • beautiful LK IDEAL. CUT DIAMOND"" BY LAZARE KAPLAN -•diamond that has been palnttaktngly cut to the exact proportlOns that bring out all its natural brilliance and fin. ) ''h\uoow, a°"o Sufld•Y 11 yov oo nor ••c•v• fOV' ~fl~~~~!: • . -. .:.-:-r14otlf ... ' ',.--~ Publt\hM and Ch141I f •IKlll••• Off~.., happy to 1how you our holiday •iectlonl and _.. If you don't ...... wl\h U1 that the •lectlon ii orw of t h e widest, most complete htah.quality colleetionl of ~•Ir)' stfta In man1 yean. We'r. v•ry proud of the 1m ldale \hat we hew been able to HHmbl• for O\lf cwtomen tflll yar. ICDp by and let ut match your tlfl '"'"' to our As the diamond exi>erta. we invite~ to come ~· ID .. OMt 1111-..1 dtde.emdlmr:lnd& ~ .. and aelect one that will make thla an ldeal1 Christmas for the one~ low ) btOit ..... .., Jan• AmcHI hecut1Yt Ed1t0f L Kay Schutta Vice ,,.~, on<! O.ttclOf °' M-•••••"'9 ltaym•nd Maclean C0<'.,<>11.f Mkho•I '· HCltV•Y 0·• 9'10! of MOf~ 11111\Q 1C.,culo11on1 le<•~ cl"fl2' ..... ~ e1 C•IA Mew c•= IUPt '4-~rl,.llMI.., <8'rler W 11 llV ,.,. I M f'llOfttN •• -~· •• ~ w J. C..JJ_,J.,;., J.-1.,., 1:l111&11'...i11.~"'i':.. @ § ~ --· ' A·• 1882 - Star · gazers set .. . . .. party -in Ir.vine E x p e r I t' n <' <.• d u n d prosp<:ctivt• astronomers are anviled to u star gazin~ par,ty ,Frid a~ t•v e n1n g at the • Expertl'Ol'l' Centor Scacnce Museum in. Irvine! Organizers say thcp'll -set up s<•veral tell>s<.'Opl'S at the renter at 353 1 Old Main St. in Culverdall' Villag<' for a guide~ v is ual tour or tht· • Mc•mbcrs and guests of tne Scripps College Alumnae Association ~ill su~gc an B. D alton Booksto r e in Fashion Island. Proceed s from the e~ent, including a percentage of aJI -sales at the Newport Beach ,. • "Estate planning for fhe , 80's'' will be the topic of a ; two-hour seminar at 7 p.m . Nov. 30 in O r·ange Coast College's forum. r. Att o rn ey R ic h ar d i!' Saa.vedra w ill le ad th e .: works hop that will look at f ' I' .,,_ ;1 •"You Can't Take It With !'! You" wall be presented by the Huntington B each High • School drama d e partme nt · •. Thurs da y , F.riday and .,"· Saturday nights. ;. Performances will start at 8 f, heavens. If the sky is dc>udy. other astrononikal programs · will be offe rc.-d. Adm1ss1on to the party is $2 for adults and $1 for childrer.. It will run from 7 to 11 p.ru. More information can lX' obtai n ~d by c allang the E x p c r i e n c e Ce n t ~ r a t 552-t:l228. I . books tore, will go to ll sc l\olarship fund f o r distribution next spring to . tudcnts from the Orange Cqast. The. fundra1ser begins at 6:15 p.m . Call 494-7321 or 64 5 -87.24 f o r f urt h e r information. the impact of the Economic. Re<'Overy Tax Act of 1981 on est.ate planning. · Admission is-$4 at the door. Tickets are also available at the Costa Mesa college ticket qffic:e . p .m . a t the high schoo l aud1tonum. 1905 Mam St .. Hunungton Beach. .: Tickets can be purchased fo r $2.50 at the s tude n t act1 vit1<.>s orfil.'<.· or for $3.50 at the box office. . . Line j,.mmed.. CREW Tl1LLl~.G STORIE~ 014., TRIUMPH . 'e ve n without . From Page A 1 . • I • • · ~WOliPlk''ahulllt•fll"h"',ortal'ial11 llw.coldt•1111plk<''~1n tlwra1l11 thttt ~'I t '• fl l lv1n1 , b r ea1hln1 · · .. Jk Maid. llnk''<i t~w ~t W'ld ·Wt>t1l {'OO»ta. cu•atlon that fxdtt't \h e pace w a Tht• 41ilrcJl\UUl laiurwhe~t two Offkl•l11 ~1<.l lh~ lWO llMU'lllte,... lmaginauon," N· aald . aatt:lhU'll for payan.c {'\.Ull/IClll'nl In ownt•d by Satcllh<· BualnHll Lenoir WU aav<>n • jlllapeno Bfo;DMINSTt-:K. NJ (l\P) a plcturc·perfl't<t lnuu1eural of ttw Sy1tt·m1 1.ind Tt•lt•1a1 Canada, ptpptr and deh(lhu-d the crowd A llPN'iul tt•lt>phnrw num1wr •huttlt• as 11 <'Omrht•rclal haull·r of wert> In orbit und b<'ing n.-1&d1l'CJ by popping h anw his m0uth. The .. Ii I to· It talk c·arato for norm1&l o..-•ratlon.. aat ronaut had c.ho.en '•lapeno {•ni.a ... nu p<•op (• 1111111 VI' s "Our flrin ll)b W'68 lo dt'llvt'r "Thf' Untt(•d S tatt•ll Spac" ,.. bt>twt•en tht• !ipucc• s huttl\• ,. l .. peppers as hla "fre1h fruit" :.uuronaulti and mi61iion control tht' two rtMLellitt'I i.and wt.• did lhut Transpvrta ion Sys lt.•m is in d u ring the miuion and h la. druw more• than 1 malllont.·allli In a flawlt.'llh wuy,"laid Lt. Gt-n. opcrot1on"" Lenoir loJd a fondnet11 for th4:,hot peppttaWM despitt' cam-t•llation ol the• Spal'l' Jamt."S A Abrubarl\llOn, auoclat~ c h l' c r in r, now d th a t had an ona°'"g JOk.:. • walk, a spokl>swoman says. adnunastri.tor for the Natloou gatherc-d n th<' chill)! predawn Abrahamaon aa\d lf the apace As of 9 a .m . PST Tuciufay A~ron11ut1ca and Spac~ twun.aowu\cllColumblaland. iJUits are fixed in time, /A api(..-e h h · I Vi I It Adrnlnistrution. After flying ~omu to Texas, walk will be planned for the w en t l' Sp<'C•a u • a•rvact' "We're-sLondlrig on the ed1c of the a al r o"'l\ au t s to Id the sixth flight. If the ''fix .. takn was drSt.'Onnt.'CWd, 750,763 t'all<t in ....... l I 00 .... 1·d"'r a revolution," he wck.'Ominu crowd that th .. a·rs waa the Unlwd States h ad been W'l•u , ... "' " "' lonKer, Abrahamson uld, lhe dulledthroughthcsp<iclalphonc said, comparing the flra l a"fanlallllcvoyaa<•" space walk would be on UJ1ht number, said ~hary, 0 commen:ial ClJght of the llhuule Al!n called the spacecraft S('Ven. now acheduled for next spokc..>swomu'n /for ~AT&T L'..._o ..... ng----w th'e'"tlrsl train that went et1er "ewelMmt." ----"SPlrtnir:------------::ml Li,i<..'S Department. , Anothe r 308,000 calls from overseas had been dialed , she said, noting that f1gur"t.' was an estimate 'pending a final tally today. . . "It would have bt,>en higher If the space walk had oe<:urrcd," she' :iald. "We had let people all around the world know that islen if\." The space walk was canc.-eled because of defects in the space shuttle astronauts' $2 million spac..:C suits. A call to the special number cost 50 cents for the rlrst minu te an d 35 c,:J?nts each additional minute . With the average call lasting 2 'll minutes, reven ues would bl• about $10,000 m ore than the $1.2 milion grossed d uring the J une mission, Ms. Zachary said. A flaw in the phone service oc-curred around liftoff and about 12,000 calls in the Northeast 1id JlOl get through but w e re counted in the total Refunds will be made to people. billed for those calls, she said. RUFFELL1S UP t«>L STll Y ........ ., .... s..e ltZJ HAJIOa ILYD. COSTA MHA ~ ~4 .. 1116 Mttynnis schrlitnlMleri: 2.99 I am 1nd1genous to the AmaLbn, peacelul and l9nd of sw1mm1n& with two or lhret of bl'-bl~ sistm See me at Aquahc lrop4'als where I am on sale under the !Ille "Stiver Dollar" lor only 2 99 Remember those great Thanksgiving dinners you enjoyefi so much? The Newport Beach Marriott invites you to have an Old Fashioned Thanksgiving turkey dinner with us. You 'll be carving your own tu rkey and the leftovers. belong to you. ":·'~.· For a..1lled A4 ACTIQN Call ·. Our holiday entertainment will be the famous Marriott twin pianos . For mformc11ton and reservations Phone (714) 640.4000 Ext. 6l00 J .. ~ 1 II ANNOUNCING'' Jewels of Newport's " First Annual Yo~· can recover approxtmately $2.00 of taxes ?or every dollar you Invest while participating irfl a highly profit~motlvated PRE-CHRISTMA--S SALE 3 DAYS OllLY!! rfy t:o,J,parison , _Shopping THURSDAY-SATURDAY NOVEMBER 11-11-20 investment. I • Recover taxes pald·ln J979, 1980 a 1981. •Flexlblllty of amount Invested. _ • Available to. lndlvlduals and cbrporatldns. • Act NOW for 1982. .. .For mor e information., private confidential .~ppointmtnts, or a 90 minute tax savings seminar, · ')iot:ail: · ·. GERALD. L. KOZAK FINANCIAL SERVICES (714). 644-2525 •Not a security or a li.mited partnership. BLACK~ .. . FOUNTAIN YALLIY • IANTA ANA • GARDIN ClllOYI TORRANCI • CIMITOI • tAKIWOOD • ANAH191 --------- --- . . Take Advanta1e of our Annual Pre-Chtistmas Sale and Save Like Never Bffore on: · WATOIEI -111111 -EAlll#a 'flMITI -llA•llll • l'IAILS lllAllfl.ITS I l#Alft ,, ;, •• , .... ,. .,,,. ,...1 ...••• ,,..,. ,,,,., .,,, ,,.,,., , .........•• ,..1,, .... ,.,,.,. ,,,_ .. ....,. ... ,.,. .... ,., ... .., .... .,..,. .,,.,, ..... ~ _, ,,,. .. ,,.,. ,,_,. ul• ,.,. llft •II. H,.. i•n. tff• IHil .. ltr ••1 ii•' •I llH /nNl'11 ~" ;, ,,,, ,, .. " ,,., .. ..,, ., . ..,.,, .. , ,., ....,. .. , "'" .... ,..,. ,., •. 1 ........ J .,. •• ,,. SEIKO • ltik• Laulll1_ 48% OFF 11.,. 1115.00 lo 11000.00 . ,,. MB ,.,,,.,, Oyster perpetual Dey/Oat• ,.....~ llLI •••••• .. CHRl8TMAS LAYAWAYS AVAILA8LE WATCHIS l'•ICI• roo &OW ro AOVl•rlll 1000 ~lltol Street North Suite I N~rt leach • SAYIUllTO 60$ L-------:-~" 1 llLIYI &.O:ZEI WI · ~ -~1~11~-.-,_ ·PILlll WITllEI 41% IFF Now From '33.00 • I SH LOCAL ABALONE DINNER 'l 7 .95 • Includes choice of soup or salad, and potato or rice pilaf . .. / · Call For 1 ~1 ReMrvations ·;,,~tlJ . &73-7721 iB}{f,~~~1:~:) IOI . ~ BALBOA • E •. lalMI 11n. -~~- . . . . ROUND•UP CHECKING Fl NALLY .. , An easy, way to earn our . high repurchase plan rates on funds In your checking account! Earn 10.00°/o on your balance over $2000. --=-= Rate atj.bfecl_ to char:?.Q3 daily ' . ROUND-UP EXTRA CAS Deposit any amount In the Big Money "lltound·Up" Checking Account. and earn 5'1t'~ if your balance Is $2.000 or leas. Every lime your balance exceeds $2,000 the Big Money wranglers at Far West will ·corral that exceu cash and herd ii Into a high Interest fund that pays our .high repurchase plan rates. You'll earn those rates on eve('y dollar over $2,000 - until you need your money a day, a week, a year or longer! And. your.money 1s insured by an agency of the Federal Govermenl up to $2.000 Your balance over $2.000 Is not insured by the FSLIC, because It Is not a savings account or deposit. Instead. It Is secured by obllgallons secured by the U.S. Government or a VS Governmen\ Agency. The aecurltiN are held In a separate account at one of lhe largest commercial banks In the United Slates. and pledged lo Far West Round·.Up Customers • When you ndd It. write a check. ti your balance #o~.000 you'll 11111 earn 5'4"9. • So. round-up your ready cash and' apply for "Round-Up" checking. today! ,__.:-., DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado Dene Point. CA 92629 (714) 881·3368 HUNTINGTON RAC 191" Magndla A"'ve. Hwnlington BMch, CA 92646 (714) 963-2900 • <' •WPORT •OCH ,J '4001 MKAl1hur Blvd. Newpott BMch, CA 92880 (714) 833-8383 (213) 29f-3080 Read all todays _news everyday •~_i·111 Plat inHte ... 1 -, \ • • .. i , 17, 1982 . ... fho~sand Steps dOne, lag~On d~edging . O~'d Rt;CONS'ftHICTION Of<' llw Thuu .. u11tl ~Wile> Jkal'll .1n•b .... o,t.111 WHY Ill S41uth u 1..iu1i.1 hllll bt•t·ll l u111pl1•h'tl MlfM 'I Vl!o.1111, Wl'I I' 111r111111t'tl Tlw $I :.W.<•OU 11..11\l'lt1u1111111 ~>f'OJt:t'l IJy llu• U 0 W11n111C'k ( 'on!ll ru1•tton <. 11111pu n y "'.111 l'Onlph•l\'<I fJy 1111 .Prt .in 111•.ull11w ... "' SEPAllATt; PROJt;t'TS It• ,,x·,,und 1£u1·w1 dock ln)t fut•illtlt'l' oil N1•wpur1 1l11r lOI 111ul tb d11•dMt' 'itw N1•wpcu 1 Du111•fol l.11<\Hlll n11• moving turw111·d t11llow1n~ approvah; hy Lht• Ornnw• ('(lul\ly Board of 8upc·1·v1Mll'1>. T lw botll'd Tu1•i.tlny 1•11\lonwd th1• two projc.~·ts for lht• N<•Wptll'l B1•11l'h uft'll .. w.hwh will l'oNl utmost $I :! mLlll11n l)V th1• u nw llwv un• <:Ompll•ll.ttl ' ' All0t·111111g mwwy frum 11 ud1•land1t m.'l.·uu11t, -:surx,•ryii«~ vntt-d to pn!C't'\-d w1th-rlt.,-ign an reas1b1llty s1ud1t.-s (01· t'1w mJd1llonal gut'Sl boat slips ~dra1..•t•nt to lhl• Orungt.• County Shl•riff's lK•p:u'tnwnt Harbor Pu1rol offH'l' at Nt.'Wf)Orl ~1y • FL"us11J1l1ty 11tudit>s should bt· <•ompll"l<>d 111 a~t u month. Construt.·tu,m Muld ht• hrushl'<.1 by JU!y 1983. :l<."l"Ordmg lo Sura Jl:wan. a cqunty En\fironnwntul "Manogt>m<.•nt Ag<.'11l'Y off\dal. To1al cost of the adthtional ll<.K'kmg spat!(' is budgl•l<'d al $90,000. · • qnodgmg of tho Nc•wport Dwws lagoon wall C ..,,. ADfttlt ... 0 Ml•CHA-.otll l'OUC'f ... -................... -. ........_ ____ , __ ....... ......... -..-........... ... --........ ....,.._ :::..:.. -:: :: ::.:..:::.':: -.-. .. -...,,.,._ ____ ~~---·~ ...... -•.. __.... ..... _ -~ ............ -_.,....._ ...... RCA XL-100 19" ~ s294 19" Dlag. Meat. Color ,.,.vision ~~~---..~--~~~~~~-·· CDllTY . lllliT..::·~~- ' . Jlavtm N.lld 1h1· dn'tll(ll'll( up1•rnt11111 will 11•11111vt• app1wu111ut1•ly th1t'\' IU 1l)Ur htt•I 111 sPdlm1•nl l7!l,OU() ,·ub1<. .. yu1dH thut lws hullt up owr 1111' y~n, 'fh(• pn 'M.·nl <.ll'l'tlh of till' luguun .1v1•wl(1 '~ wl'll lwlow ttw I II foot tl•·pth 1l'i d<'!il~twrs i11t1•111lt•d for IJou ung and 11th1•r 11•l·n •a1 111n11I f)Ul'!)OM.'b t'11u11ty ofl kw ls un• hopin~ tlw llJt•dh..jlll\• 01x·ralibn ct.in l'Om1m•11c\• b y Augu1>~ J!lti:i. •• !> TWO NEW MEMBERS of thl· rnu11t y ,J11v1•111lc J ustlt-1• (.'omml1>1>10n 11rc.• f;(:lwtJull•d to)>t• sworn ·1n toduy l,y Pn•s1tJmg J uvl•nllc• <.'tfurl Jtttf).." 8yt1on-K-Mt><MtHftt\. -- .South Lugunu rc1>1dl0nt Mll'h1wl Nis.-..•n, 1111 Or angl' <:ounty nulrV<'. oncl Manu<•I SC'pulv1.tJa, of El T oro, will JUlll the I :J·ml•mlx•r l'Omm1s. .. 1oi1. whwh OfX'fUll•i; IJ~ lhl• IOV('Sllt.:allVl' und adVl601'Y arrn 111 j K\• liUfX'rllll' l'OUrt (.'00CL'fOll11{ JUVel'Ult· JUSltt'\' matt~·rs • N'~n 1s u formt•r county proba11on offlt.•t•I and '''~'.~nlly 1s u p.'11 lncr o r N1s...<otm, Jorw~ and Stl'l'll, u pr1vatl' murr1agt> and fam•ly t.·ounsch11g • 19" Dtag Measure 5 266 19" Dtag. Meas. CokKTV Gotcntor 'Auto C()I()( con1104 ws1em •OP<d on D1Ctu1e ond IOUnd e""o0"1 cOlo< r>e<to11nonce will\ ill 100 1e110b<h1V llCA s UO•ltlil<:I ioenoeouto cha .. ,., '°"''O'led lot ou•slOl'ld•no pe11otmonce .,. ou..,e· .... ~ul'l"CJ _ • Q'\O JDnQ M Auromot.c GnlO< COt\l!ot ooo r O·"' "" Coo•oc:• on A.,.rornor-.. Cor••os• Colo< t•oc .. ng l(.A' ..ic:.e• A.. .uf "•' t'llO~• mo'"' pc.lute lube """" oo•eo VHf ono ,.., f'\()l'\N>1 """'be!~ ,.,. .......... ---.-... ----· .............. I 2s1 Fot: .... ,~., ---------..... -...... --t.10.......,... -- 8eoud1u1 llorost mums on os ~ad C(ll()ts 6' / Clom pots "'''" lo.I w•OPOl"O An octeot q.11 1'101 IOlts • 1.-97 ~· ,1l 111111l1,1l111 j.l ~!olllj! ,11 llVlll·" Ill tlH IHUlll~ OrH 1111 111• 1111111 u l ,, l11c,1l 1>uhl11 11·l,1t11111 .. 111111 SUVEI\ VISORS ALSO 11wluwtl i1 $·1!),000 (•>q,. ·11d1t U1 11 '" 1>ludy WllV., t11 llflfJI I/Vt• ll 11tf1t· t lu v. al1111•t 111'.I\ 1lv ll'UVl'lul J3n,tol SlrN•l 1111111 ·u 111v1•1· ... 1v f>11 v1· 111 N1 ·wpor1 H1 .. 11 It 10 Mam ' 8t11tt•t 111 C>rn11g, Tlw .. 111tlv, 111 I)(.• rn1111Jlt•U·tl hy Mcihh" Pu 1 v & /\l\i.cit•iult·~ 111 fullt•t 1111), 1 .. lii l>t• 11 <~io1>,1:r11 11v< • ·1•rtw 1 .11111111~! 1111 1·1t11·~ ol Uru11g1., ~m11a Ano. N\•Wpw 1 Bc·...i«h ttnd <.'11s t11 Ml•sa uncl 1·01,1111y • W IVl'l'llllll 'Ill. Trallw1 .. 1,1wr1" .11t• lt11µ1n~ lO p11i1,..11 11111·11ff1r 1.11111lt·111 1·k , :11111 11u:1111i.ISll•lll tr.;l'f1r flm.• ... i. dunng th<' l'!JU!'!>t· ol ttl1• !J-monlh 10111< 1>tudy II ulM> Y{ill oflt • i.11nw .. i.h11rl 1t·rm i.11lut111n' lll t1 affH· -prohlt•rmr-:tlong tht· fhoroughf.'..1 • Co,l 111 tlw i.tudy will h•· r1•1nthu1'4·d to tht• 1·11untv IJV t h•• :.t.1lt• Oft1<'<' or Trallw Saft.•ty \\'hwt) will P'''' thrnu~h lt•tk1a l·l(1 1111t tur1d•:ror lht• p111JH:t .... ORANGI':' COLINTV A .,_w,'>'ir Hi:1d .Jal·<Jb1t w:.ii. t·lt, 11 ·ti I 1r..1 \'Ill' p1 l ·,,ul<'n I of lhl' Cu Ii f Ul nia As~t·i.s.w·s A '>'>ot·1a11011 lai..L \\ t•t•k du1 ing lh<• org:ln11.<1lu111·, annual mt.·l·ting Ai. I ll'hl v at" pn·'ildtml J.1t·oh' will IJt 'l.'11mt• tht· organ1t.1lwn·.., µn·s1dl'l1l n<:xL y1•,11 Th<• • • . l'<ll'·u < • 1s-..on It' JO n ... 1< t•n w;1s l.' l'< le to a si~·un<l ll•rm "' ai.~·'>sQr la~I J unt• D • .11/y P1/v1 County Bunmu 3 For OPl!N DAILY 9 .9 OPl!N SUN. 1O·7 5 399 Potscrubber • Dishwasher Du•oO!e l'e•rr· Jlut· '" te•.o< ~ v'-te wosh se •ec•'°" ! e•e "oin no o.:•.on ' . . ' ChoPSlff Mam Sandwiches Oel1Co<XI\ chOIX'eO hom $0nQWIC~ 11e~ tx>•" 4-lnch • 12" Wicker Planters Color Plants Thlcl( ballcel we<J\19 wtck• S)lal'lter . ... -.. ---· , -··~ Onion leta eo OIW:lf'I .. " '* pockoge vour 9Qflng gOrCMl'I now ... - .: , ~rn~urn[nomrr UJffiIB~ l. Neglecie d . child~~~ . , deserve fre sh start ~ . ... . ,. . --. It IS ll sutl fati of Ii f(• Chll l HS population in an art•t1 im·rn11st•s. so do th l' s u l'i a I prob It• m s i hat int'viw.ably go with <:rowding. In o nt'l' rut'al OrangL' <.:oi,mty, t o t' o n s l ;; n ti v u v t' r "'l ' l' th t' unfortunatt· youi1usw1·s. -.......... •!for c.xamplc-4lu!hofi1i~., hl:i'vt• h ad Last 'wl·~·k tht• t·ounty Board nf Huµ<'rvisors movt•d lo l'USt' th.ut burdt•n by approving 1ht• h11·1ng u ( t.'ight udc..l1tlonal social workt•rs and ~1 support staIT of 15" af an annu:il t·ost of $559,5(i5. This movt' is {'XPCi:Wd lo l'l'dUl'C the :!V<'r<\gt• ('<iscloutl o l ~ 1 t·as<·s ix·r workt•r tu u mun· m anagt•abll' 69 ('<JSt'S. ' .. ~ deal w ith a 70 pcrt:c nt tnlTl'<lS<' in rt•ports o f a bust>d o r nl'gk•c:tcd c hildre n an just u thrl'c -y t•ar ix·riod. .. And tht•n · now an.• nu fowt·i· tl)un 2,100 l'hildre n in tht• l'uunty'.s ;. dcpcndem ·y su pervision prugrwn. Th<'St' art• youngsters w ho hav<· b t' t• n p 1 a 1.· l' d u n d t' r 1· o u r t jurisdit·tiqn as a result o f ubus<.'. n cc Abou t 35 pl'rq·nt o f th e c hild ren c.·a n be le ft in thc.•ir own h omes. The rcmaindc•r arc placed in foster homes or an the c.·ar<.> o f r e l atives . But a ll mu s t be super vised by social workers who chl-t·k on their well-being and try ;to ht•lp part•nts through counseling ;a nd educatio n al programs. The ; averagt• period _Qf dt•pendent·y is- ) 23 months. • This is a heavy burden for the •county's Social Ser vice Agency Jwhi('h must provid esocial workers Tht' l,.mard's a<·tion brought words of nppr<.•t•iation from pt'l•siding Onange County Juvt•nlll- Cuul'l Jutlt:w Byrnn Mt:Millai), who thankei..I tht• s4pcrvisors on kibs a nd o ur batlt>r ed sol'ial \ or·kcr::. .. f o r r(,'m l'd y .g a situation that was bc.'<"omi ng. as he put at. "in tolt•rable.'' .. h is unfortunate that ha rd. e<.1rnt•d tax doll ars must tX' SpC'nl to· remc.>c.Jy sud1 social ills as the int:n·~sc in c hild abuse; but pc•rha ps lhc investment will at , least IN a fair number of t}lc children ·g row up to cnjo~ more normal and produc·tivc lives than they olh<.•rwisc would have known. f Lake ~ m~rks beginning ~ Motorists driving across tht• co Jll mi t m c n t fo r ~o n tin u in ~ • f)a n Diego Cree k Bridge o n .dred ging. . " rJ amborec Road a fter the recent . A's o f n ow, the dre d ging .<;.ainstorms may have thought lhl.' projt'<:t has used up itll first $3.7' cw "la ke" below the br idgt• was million of funding That s um was jus t . a pile -up o f rain w ater . put tog<'lher with $1.4 million !Happily. that's not so. Tne la kl' is from the stat(' Cll'an Water Bond ;}\ere to s tay a nd it marks the Act, $1.:i million from thC' s ta te o eginning of the-restor.a tio n u f Ene rgy Resourt·t-s Fund and $7.00,- ppcr Ne wpo rt B~, too lon g O_QQ..Jrom tht• statt• Departme nt of buried under tons o f silt washed Fas h a n d Game .. a l o ng with- jdown the n e ek ovC'r m a n y contribuuons of $8:!,000 each from twintt'rs. •· th<' d ty of Newport Beach. Orange 1 In a six-montl") projv('t, with ·County and the lrvirte Company, :Crews working two 10-hour shifts which a lso donated a site Cor ~ d ay, mo re t ha n 500,000 cubic disposal of the excavated material. ~yards of mud w ere rcmovod from t A· second -phase s tudy .for 'the Bay. additional dredging h as bee n Two is land s h ave b een comple ted and there is reason to reatcd for the ben efit of birds hope additional Clean Water Bond 'that flock to the area, and the la ke funding may be obtained. fn ow h o lds e n ough wate r t o It wall be a long time before ,accommodate kayaks a nd canoes. the Upper Bay can be restored to t In r:ition. five \\•eirs to catch its one-tim(' fame as a ,favorite spot ,sedime are in place a long the . for fis hing, boating and water- •san Di o Creek chann~I. 3~0.000 I sklin~ .. but sut'Ce~ful -completion • cubic yards o f silt h ave b c t•n of this importan t fu-st step s hould · :excavated from the ch an nel and•"-go a long way toward persuading Sthc t-ounty is ready to let c<.:mtracts state authoratil.'s th~t ad_dational 'for a silt removal ·project in the support w ould be a n investme n t m :upper reaches of the creek as its thl' publil' ant(•rcst. · • • fOpiP1ions expressed in the space above ace those of t~ Daily Pilot. Other views ex- .pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader Gomment Is invit- ,ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA '2626. P~ (714) '642-4321. =8ou.sefiy maligiied? ~ti editorial from the Sacramento Bee Anoth e r m y th debunked . ~ccording to the Wall Street Journal, p science historian at Michigan State µn iver s"ity has d etermined that houseflies -so long condemned and m routinely executed for allegedly ttlng between garbage pail and nner plate, carrying disease-causing 8e rms -are actually harmless. ~pparently. it Is only theore tically ~ible for flies to pick up germs In pne place a n d d e p osit th e m J<>mewhere else; in real lif~disease­ ~rying bacteria are toc5'Vlllnerable to turvive the trip. · Although we feel obligated to ublicize this information, we doubt Jhe h ousefly's reputation can be t~habilit.ated. Too maf\Y,. generatio~ f Americans nave been rai!;Cci to be OTHER VIEWS soldie rs in a ba ttle against fl y con tamination in which every ·American home, as the Ladles' Home Journal once wroie. is "an outpost on the firing line." And entire Industrial empires have been built up to arm the public with fl y swa tters, fly sprays. flypaper and window screens for the crusade. h 's terribly unfair. of rourse. to the maligned files. but. on the oth~r hand. 'they do seem.to prosper annoyingly. despite the unjust war. Even the Michigan State researcher admit • h e docsn 1t "r ea lly ha ve particularyy warm feelings for them." ~erhaps he s hould have let we ll enough alo11e. .M. Boyd/Drinker 's toast f That drinker's tOast ''Here's mud in our eye" originated in Australia, but obody remembers ~ow or why. Those i n your fa mily who. mber the outset of World War lI t.eU you that in 1941 you could •. a gooci-vaeuuln cleanerfof'110.~9 payments of 50 cents a week. Q . Says here \hat 1f the sun were as lg as a beach ball, then Jupiter ould be the size of a golf ball. Saturn nly at big a -a Ping Pong ball, and he smallest planet, Pluto, no blger the head of a pin. I waa taU&hl ercury was the smallest planet? A. Like wise. But in 1978 an 1tronomer named J ames Chrl1ty ltooYered that Pluto hat 'a.moon that ,..... -.... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilai . ~.,..,,_ .... , .. , ., 1iw ,,., "'J• w .-1 ••• !\I ,., •• MrW ..._ ... , COH•-1'<• If ... n .. , .... Mrw <.• •ltlt , tricked the telescopes. The farthest and 'the coldest, Pluto Is now known to be the smallest, too. Twice a r o und the ~oasts o f Australia is equal lo on<.-e around the ,world~ • • · Q . Who invented the C-ortune teller's crystal boll? • A. A rontemporary of Shakespeare, Qne John Dee. In IMO, it was. Dft made a name for hlm1elf as a ma the m'a tlclan while warden of ManchesterCollete In Enatanct. Pirates of old ch<>lt' the bi.ck flag u their 1ymbol, t>ecautt the re1ular • navies of the world once recognized a black flag to mean "Look for no mercy." Thema• '. Haley '" r~ lene Am9rl f •f" I' (JI Ill! • ,Pa~emaker1 safety vs. prqfit WASHlf'GTON -Pacemakers, the tiny bat.t e r y-operated heartbeat regulators, can lite rally m ean the difference between life and death for their owners. If ever fhere were a case for strict government safety regulation. surely it would be for these vital devkoes. Yet, last April, in an incredible display of arrogance, the board chairman of one of the nation's five· leading pacemaker mimufacturers thr-eatencd to pul his product on the market whether the ,r oocl' and Drug Administration approved it or not. THE THREAT CAME in a tel(•phone conv~rsa tion-between Alfred Mano. chairman of Pacesetter System.'! \flc .. of Sylmar •. and G lenn RahmOC'ller, director of the FDA's division of Card1ovaFular {)cvie<..'S. Rahmoellcr wrote a confidential m ~m o ra ndum se tting d o wn his rt>Colkction of the conversation . Pacesener had been Involved in a regulatory tug-of-war with the FDA for months. T he agency had g iven t h e compa n y permission to implant .Programahth AV pacemakers in 500 pa tients for a ca ref~lly m onitored clinical study. Data on the device's safety • and usefulness would then be weighed 1n .the compa n y's application fo r permissipn to market it commerc1ally. Mann evidently chafed under t he ,rest ra i n ts the FDA hfld put on Programalith AV. esp«ially when he saw con1Petitors marketing similar . ' dev ices. In F e bruary, he wrote Rahmoeller: "We do d1ffer1 somewhat in o u r assessment of the benefit-to-risk ratios. ln som<' cases we may actually be more Jll:I 0111111 conservative than the FDA, while an other cases we believe FDA action to be overly restrictive.'' an· April 5. Mann phoned Rahmoeller and requC's U.•d' that the commercial markNang ctpplication for Programalith AV be rev1ewcll at a forthcoming agency meeting in May Ra}ynoeller said ~hat might n ot be possible. because the meeting agenda was a lready full. and furthermore the FDA hadn't re<:eived updated data on the Programalith climcal tests. "In respon se." the internal me mo states, "Mr. Mann said that if FD-A does not review this application, Pacesetter may h,ave no choice but to market the device without appro~~I." Mann then added weight to his threat by invoking the names of Rahmoeller's boss and a powerful Re publicar senator "He said that he has been offered help through Dr. (Arth~r) Hayes, FDA commissioner. and Sen . Orrin Hatch. (H-Utah), that he has not sought this help but may do so," the memo states. As RahmoC'llcr se t d o wn th e conversation. he expressed "con cern about Mr. Mann·~ statements," and rcmandl'd the board chairman of remarks made by another Paccscu.cr cxcculivc at UCLA. "when he said that the welfare of \he company comes firs t, the n the patient and then the physician." MANN'S RESPONSE, according to "the memo, was that "he wall not market the pacemaker without approva l unless h<' feels a) that he has 'to artd b) his lawyers believe that Pacesetter w1U win 1n t'Ourt." · Rahmoeller confirmed the contents of the memo. Thougt} it was not anumded for public consumption. he stood by his decision to record has version of the conversation. "I can•t let people ·make threats Like that and not document 1t.'' he told my associate Tony Capac:cio. He added that Programalith AV has suJI not been approved. but that the company has not made good on Mann's threat to markN the device without approval. Mann characterized t he memo as.. Rahmoeller 's "1mpress1on o f o ur conversation," and said, ··1 would have interpreted it differently ." Then, with perhaps uninte nded <'Onde9('Cnsion. he shrugged 1t all off by saying. "This is not a big issue . We decid<•d to go alon g with the FDA program." Political slogan mak~s little: sense Do you think millions of Amera<.'a ns dcc·1ded to vole f or Re public a n candidates instead of Del"l\ocratic Ones bl'cause of the new Republican slogan "Stay the Course!"? I doubt it. "Stay the Gourse" is lhe worst politlcpl slogan f I ever heard. It sounds fo rt>Ign. suited and altogether unfamiliar as an American phrase 1 suppo9(' what President Reagan means when h<' uses at is, "Let's k~p going the way we are.'' That may be a perfectly 1ood idea, but it just does n't sound natural coming from a big, tall. strong American who made his reputation as an actor in <.'Owboy movies. I spent 'half of Wednesday tcymg to find out where the phi:ase'camc fro'm. It sounds to mcJike a pretentious statement either by a rich sailor with a big yacht or by a Britis h huntmaster riding to hound s . CBS Whit e H o u s e corr·cspondcnt Bill Plante told m e Reagan ust.'CI il several times an campaign speeches, but Bill said Jimmy Carter USl'd lQ use it all the time. Helen Thomas. tht> ~ood and veteran UPI reporter. says Lyndon Johnson kept saying "Stay the course" when he ,was talkin,g about holding on In Vit>tnam. 4 AID 11110 o\fer night" br we have "staying power .. " We don't "stay tht> course." I've nl•ver stayed a l'OUl'SC' tn my life. Reagan is trying to get us to give him a littl<' mor<.' time because he thinks he can get his (l('()nomic plan working. That's understandable, but why doelln't ht> find some othe r way to say it? He rl'ally means "Press on.'' When Calvin Coolidge was president. he said, "The words 'Press on' have solved and always wpt solve the problems of the human race ' Tt-.: last pohllcal slogan as bad as Reagan's nl'W one was Gerald Ford's W-1-N. wh11:h s tood for "Whip lnfl at1on Now." Thl'r<' h,avc been some great "'·TV: Victim of success It was feli at first that television would "destroy". the movie audience; that peo ple .who receive d' free entertainment al home would ceue \o pay for entertainment in motion picture hOUAeS. Thia prediction baa •urned out to be faltt". Movle -eudiences· are wreuing • ~· 111111 01111 ~ yt'ar1y, dH p1trthe' rtae tn admtaion pri«'!I without a commenaurate rlR in the quali~ of films bei"I offered. Thia may be tlie best year. flnanclalb, that r ~~~1'~'tnr~~~ of the l<>1iltkl in TV pf01fammln1 ltalf. Televlllon channels an on the air at leut 18 houri a day -and there la not enouah material to fill them to \he public'• ullafaction, n.n by the low.at llandardl. ShaketpHr•, ah unusually ftrtlle d .. matla&. man .. .cl '° write only 36 pl1ya In hil entire lifellme. At thf. rat. of one a wft'lc, his producUon would haw • been exhausted in one aY-week segment o f a sHics, which is standard for telev1s1on. The main reason so many dozens of "sit-com" ana other such programs rise a nd fad e so rapidly lies in the omnivorous appetite of TV for material -i..he. medJum....eau -U.P m.aterTi!l ravenously a nd inceuantly calls tor mbre. The sheer volume required to fill voids is e nouah to overpower tht> combined talents of the world's creative COl'Jl9. It Is not limply a quest.ion ·of ability; even If the abllhy were there, \he demanda are so vast that they could not bP fulftlled. lronici.lly enough. televlSion has bttn the vlt•\im of Its own s u cceu. h haa become 10 popular, watched by 10 . ..,.,.,, .. ~tt· -tlm pl y run nln1 o ut of material. I read rtttntly that wlthln the span of four year• precedln1 the Clvll War. Edward Eve~tt. the moat famous orator of hit a1y, dt'JIVt'red hit len,thy "Homap to Georp Wuhlngton' 130 tlmel to dlfft'ftftt •ud~ around ttw countey. Wllh TV. ~ would bf enou1h what would he hltw u9ed on the ottwr I ~9 OCCHlont! pohut-al slogans. though. ..,,, "I Like Ike'' was short and catC'hv .and 1t f1ttt>d on a campaign button b<.'tter than the n1.)me "EiSC'nhowcr." A slogan should have a catchy rhythm to 11 :Ind thl' 'lx>St ont'S always havC' h~d . T hey are •, th<• ont~ thac m.ak e the history books: "$pe;:\k Softly But Carry a Big Stick" was Theodor (' Roosevelt's I'll bet Reagan washes he'd thought or that one first "A Chic ke n 1n Everv Pot" was Herbert Hoover's in 1928 JUSt before the Dcpresa1on hit. "H e K e pt Us Out o f War" was Woodrow Wilson's an 1916 JUsl befor<.' W t' went to war. "DON'T SWAP Horses in the ' Middle of the S trc•am" was used in Abraham Lincoln's t'ampaign in 1864 and it's the same basic adC'a as "Stay the Course" bul 11·i. a lot catchier and down-to-earth. Wh~n Lin<-'Oln was nominated by his party convention for re-election to the ofrtci! oC president, he said. "I do not allow myself to suppose ... that I am c•alhl'r tht.• greatest or the ~t man in •America bul they hav(' concluded that at 1s lx>st not to swap hol'S<'s .while crOSSing lh<.' river." His party took the slogan from that.' -T~s tM wey--Ltt'K'Okl .... uy ~' but Ronald Reagan doesn't go around upstairs in the White House an his robe and shppers saying to Nancy. "Let's stay the t'OUl'S('. dear." 1f hl· did. I thank sht''d say. "Comc oH 1t. Hon You've ht-en making too many S pt.'<'<' hl'S " I was never sure from my h1s\ory book what "Tappeconoc a nd Ty lt>r Too" mc•ant. but even that would havl' made a heller lkpubli\:an sJ<>&~n 'his yrar, .,ow.- would this be as a bumper stickt'r: T IPPECANOE AND REAGAN. TOO After all. w<''rc all m thl' sam<.' boot togctht•r • Supr1·markl1\ chain on TV <'lalmie to hAV.- lnw('lllt prlt'C'S be't'IUJM' Of no glmmlt'k!I Or 1an.. tht-n•forf' rm h1dch•n t'\Mlta A~ they iclvlna away fn•t• tv t1mt• for matkt•t ada t~ cfuv•" • NOT SO l>UMB ...... , .. .-_ .......... _, ............ . _......, ..... , •• _ .. lllfllenJIS F .... ,_. ....,.._, ........ ,Nil. I 4 a \ By PAT HOROWITZ 01 '"-oa11, Hot ~··" DEAR ·aEADEHS : Tht• n ew full . • • "Consum~r lnformutrun C.:atuluH," pulJlislw<l . qutu·tcrly by the Con su nwr lnformot iot~ C cn l (.'r 0£ the U .S. Gt•n t•nd · Ser vit.·t·R Administration. lists more thah 200 fnx• or. r(.'~nubly priced booldcts on sub.)(.'t.'ts rangmg . from finant hil securit y and o «art•t•r dcv~lopmcnt w home security a nu chllu t---+--:acvelopmeiil. -VOU1l find pubffi:al1onn>n ti d1 •hnqu,•l\l i11 1)l1y111~ tht•1r vc•h1clt•-lypt• UIXt'l> If rnu1J1l1• hunw uw rwrs rN•I that th1•1r dt.>hnqucm.•y ww. dut• to 1.·1rt·um11Ull14.'f.'ll bt.•yoncl tlw1r t•>ntrol. ttwy twvi• w•vtotl months urtc.•r· th1• 1.Jt•llm1ut'nl'Y ~tult'. lnstc.•ud of lht• formc.•r six m1111ths. to (111• a IM 'lltlun to lx• n•ln~tall'd to the.• vl'111dt> ty pt• tux sysu•m. Th111 low al'>o ollows mulli le• honw ow1wrs who art• µ<1y int( vt'l1lcll•-tyµt• lax.c.•s tu vuJunwnly tra11+1fc•r lo th1• lon1i pr<_!PC'rt y tux rll ll!>. This mi~ 1,.: a<rvantag(l(>Us--for (•lch•rly ur J[-..iblt'<I ow111.•n. of olucr or lowt•r vulut'd moball• homci. who un• l'l1gibll• for thl' h o nwo wn(.•r 's tax l'XC'Ol pllOn UOU humt'OWnl•r a~l!>Wlll't' • to hold the line on.everything from 1nflatton to calories. If you want to guard ugams t a financial ripoff. for cxamplt'. le t "Do You Six·ak Cn.'t.lit (226K. $2.75)" help. It's a cll•arly writte n explanation of the 12 most t'Ommonly usc..-d legal deuses on loan· agreermm ts that you should understand bt!fore signing ;:iny credit contract. "A Woman's Guide to Apprentu:C'ship (228K, $3)" explains paid training op portunity m cons uc ion, manu ac urmg or e serv ice trades. "Health Style (653K, free)" featul'cs six behaviora l tests that can help you identify areas where you m ight improve your ltfestylt> and reduce the pote ntia l risk for disease. "Weight Loss (6471<,, free)" explores some of the-myths about dieting and p1:.ovides facts abo ut the trendy diet plans o f the d ay. ''Sod:tum Conte nts o f Yo ur Foods ( 132K , $_4.25)" can )1elp, determine sail intake - especially important for those on a low -sodium or reduced-sodium die t. For a copy of the "Catalog," w rite to Consumer Information Center.-O<!partrnent CA, Pueblo. Colo. 81009. Mobile home I ees DEAR PAT: Someone told me that a ne~ stat e I aw w 111 r e d u c e mob 1 1~ b om e registration fees next year. If this ts true, bow much of .. reduction is involved? S.C .. Costa Mesa SB 1343 reduc.-es mobile home registration fees from this year's figure of $22 to approximately $6 per mobile home seclion in 198'3. a n d $1 1 pe r sectio n in 1984 and . subsequent years. It also atlows mobil home owners who were considered delinquent on their mobile home fees between July 1, 1980 and March 1, 1982, a nd were transfe rred lo the 'local property ta~ rolls, lo resume paying vehicle-type taxation if they wish . Amnesty forms for filing for this reins tatement to veh icle-t ype taxation are available at the Department of Housing and Co mmunity Development, 28 Civic Center Plaza, Room 639, Santa Ana. by phoning (800) 952-8356, or from .lhe county assessor's oCCice. The forms must be Ciled no later than June 30. 1983. Another new law (AB 3382) a Hects mobil h ome owne rs who. in the future, ar·e An addational law <AB 1324) mod1rws tht• so-t·~1 1l1'<.I "17-yt'Uf rule." This rult.• has all owt-d mubal l• honw p;1rk ma~ngt•m\•111 lo rc.oqu.1n• tht• n •movt\I of mobilt• humt-s With l't'rllull a~c.· or siw gruups from a park upon rt.·sull'. Ni of Jan. l. 19H3. SUl'h 1N 1ct1ons arC' hm1ll'd to i11swnc.-es . in which the mobile home d0t·s not t:omply . standards. is s igni/1canlly run d ow11 or an dis rC'pair, or is less than 10 fl-et widl'. • l Another law (AB 2532).t•hangt-s l~c way an which the us<.• ta x on tht• salt• of a currt•ntly registered mobile home is delermincd. As of Jan. I, 1983. the• tax will be.> based on a used :... mo bifo honw g~uidcbo<)k upprovt•d by tl-!p • Board uf F,qualawlion. Ownt•rs. selling lhcir mobik• honws dir;t't:tly to anothl'r prlvat<• Jfarly will be.• ublc.• Lo n't0l•ivP h<•lp indcl(•rminlng lht.• use lax from tlw Santu Ann office oJ tht.· Dt>portnw nt of llo usang anu Cnm.mun1 ty Dt•vt•lopml·nt. T-shir,'s on way DEAB..PAT: I ordered a T-shirt Aug. 9 from Turbl International. My $6 check was cashed Sept. 3, but I never received the T- sbirt\ I've called Turbi no less than 18 times, witlumly_one call retJtrned. At that time I was assured my T-shirt was in the mail. I've also asked,, for a. refund, but haven't received that either . .Can yo'l, b-:lp? R.S., Hu1tington Beach T urb1's owner will <:ontact you per:.anally about your non-dt•hvcry problem and "take care of it." No cxplanalion was offered for the dolavcd mer ch andise. no r for l t\C lack of t.'Ommunication with vou. .. . • • . Got n problcin? Then write to 't 1 Par HorowllZ. Pat wil/ cut red tape, - Kf!rring the answers and action you .-. need to sol ve in equities ii] government and business. M11il your questions to Pat Horowitz, Ar Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA. 92626. . · 203 OFf---------__.__~-----­ EVERYTHIN G ·IN OUR STORE SALE ON NOWI Doors Open 9:30 a.m . One Full Week thru Saturday, Nov. 20 ... Sperry T opllder Florlhelm Cole-Haan Saddles Dexter Welk over Nik• AdldU Tretorn Kadi Clark1 9-W..t Life Stride N1tura11zer Nlchl1 Ektlter Brown Lazy Bona We1tcllff Pl•u Newport Be•ch Sebego , L.J Simone AMer-HOYrl Little Capez10 Annie Shoes Bass Weejuns Deck Shoes. so~, Plu1 Others ·17th •nd lrvlne, 548-1114 All Acce11orle1. H1ne1, Bonnie Doon, Interwoven. W1gwem, ind ladles· ll1ndbag1 Inventory on ll1nd only I • .... _.....__"'" "' 011mge Coatt DAILY PILOT /W9dneada . November 17 1981. • We are c.tebratlng our annlverury this month and would llke to ahare It with you by reducing our prices 50% to 70%. Theae rugs are all hand,made from rug woavtng centers of Pet1la, India. ~aklatan, Romania. and China. . • THEii iii OILY I FEW EUIPLEI OF Tiii FAIULDUI SILE! llH "~ lale ~ Reg. .... ) NAMS . Pr Price Name Size Price Price lndo Hem 3'x2' $1·50 s 59 Princess Bokhara 9'x6' $1950 s 899 . lndo Chinese 4'x2' Chinese 4'x2.' Chinese 5'x3' lndo T ~BA Tabriz 6'x4' Chinese 6'x4' lndo Hem 6'x4' Shahza deh 9'x6' Tabriz 9'x6'3" Antiq ue Turkish 8'6"x5'5" •••I o• o • o 1 • o l•I• •I••• •I ...... , .............. . . . . . . . ..... .... .. . . . . . . ....................... •••••••••• ••ti • •••••••• ........................ •' o' • o oo '' • o <ll • 1 •II I•• 1• ....................... ....................... . . .. . . ··--,, .......... .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . • o' o' •o oo' I ' o' Io '' o 'I ' ...................... .. .... ' ............... . . .................... . . . . ........ .. . .. . . . . . . ....................... ... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . ' ........... -· ......... · .... . . .................... . . . . . . . . . ...... .. ... .. . ... ' . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . :::: :.'#".::;";.;·: . . .. . . . ........ . . . . . . . . . ........ . ................. ..... ····· ............ . .................... . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ........................ ...................... . ................... ·..:. ....................... ...................... . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. ... . ...................... ............... ~ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ........ . . . . . ...... .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : ! : : : : : ~ : : 200 • 75 Chinese Super IO'x8' 280 99 Super Rekha IO'x8' 650 250 Dhume 10'x8' 800 299 Chinese 12'x9' 550 .199 Rounds 3'x3' ·6'x6' 550 199 All ~lk Chinese .. 1250 499 All Silk Chinese 32Q6 1250 All Silk Chinese 900 ~o All Silk Chinese Fantastic Fall Sale -:~-.¥.'ft-/ .. ON A SELECTION OF LADIES SLEEPWEAR, FALL DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR, SWEATERS AND COATS. ASSORTED I STYLES AND COLORS. .- COME IN EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! 2'x3' 2'x4' 5'x3' 6'x4' ................. . 3400 1350 180t1 540 1200 450 2500 750 200·900 75-350 600 250 800 299 1500. 699 2400 950 & \ . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. ......... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ... . . . . . .. ... . ... . .. . .. . . . .. . .......... .......... . . . . . . . . ........................................ . . . . . .......... ....... .. . . ................................................ . : : : : : : : : : : : : : ,. : : : : : : : : :~ . .................. ·' ....................... -· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. ......................... . : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~: ~ . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . : ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Newport Fashion Island 644-4411 . At Mr. Elliot's: South Coast Plaza 557-6080 r-- Our Cbrisf•ils 6ilf To You Shopping early has its rewards-especially at House of Almonds. Ber:iuse now through November 24, we'll pay for the postage. On any House of Almonds . gift pack of $9.95 or more. Anywhere in the Contlncn- tal U nited States! Our colorful gift packs arc unique presents that anyone on your Christmas list will love. The choice is yours, whether it be natural almonds, Jtic_kory amo~ed : almonds or a little of evervthlna. They're all fresh. crunchy and nutritious almonds. Our sift packs arc thouahtful, imaainatlv~ and tl.cv're always in the best of yuletide ap!rlt. And now, FREE HOUie of Almond sift pt1ck poataae •••w •••.av.- Free Gift Pack POstage South Cout Plaza Sherman O.k1 Galleria lJppt•r Ll·\'d, N~nr Scnr.. 5'.'(11nJ L.•wl (iH) ;~7.5 lM 111 \) ~'-SIHt> Buena Park Mall l 'l't"'" '-4.•\d, :\\•nr ~1.wC'11 171~1~~1 ~~11' ] Nonhrldae Fashion Center Lak~ood Center Mall 2nJ Lewi. Rcc"n:n An'·'J" .w nnJ Aull.~'-• · ~ .... ir ~ten '"\ ~I Amo Fashion Center ~ ~1·.1r nu111 .... I.• t arn 111on. \~~ 11111 rn \''7l' ' 'Nooiner ~ frtt Gi/t W...,, •All Ma;or CredU Carda•~ Mal Oi/u l '· I \ ,-- .. 1- onored l . , Bob Scruggs hus" been named ufireman of the y~ar" at the Laguna' B~ach Fire De partment. Asner to _ attempt merger .: By ROG EK GILLIOJ'T ·-··•ect ,,_ ....... LOS ANGELES - Bolster'ed by r ecent... board election, Screen Actors Guild President Ed Asner will renew his . drive to merge with the financially troubled American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, a source close to the sftuation said. · A propose d SAG- AFT RA merge r was narrowly defeated in a May referendum. largely because of resistance generated by Ch arlton Heston. a conservative who has repeatedly · posed Asner's efforts • broaden the scope of t union. ath one-third of the member SAG board directors up for ction, th1? so-called r slate" won all 13 against candidates eked by H eston's p, known as Actors , rklng for an Actors d .. he candidates were fWllQUI& for seats in the Angeles area, where of the union's 50.- members live. "I 'm enormously delighted.' Asner said. "It shows guild members 1Yere not misled by the cinards . . . a.bout ,how the board was taking the guild in an improper direction." Asner• described the r9Ce as a choice between "thoee of us who regard ourselves as progressives and the reac tionary faction pushed by Heston." .But Morgan Paul, who w9rked for Heston'r slate, said, "We're not pleased with the fairness of the election and we're not pleased with the results. We're still bucking the system. ~·1 hope they don 't interpret this as a rMndate," Paul said. How eve r . a knowledgeable union souroe who asked not to be identified told The . Associated Press that "the results ove rwhelmingly reaffirm the need to move ahead with the roerger. and it will be treated ua priority." The source said "the first order of business" wilJ be negotiations for SAG ' a-pr i m.e.-time.. contract, which expires June 30. _.,..__ ''B"uCarter that's out of the way. the merger will be the priority," the aource said. AFTRA , whi c h repcesents radio and t.elevtsion workers, filed for protection unde r ChapTer 11 of the -bankruptcy-code Nov. -2 l!' New 'York O ty. IHI •a111.·1 'U I II-- -CID99nWI I B 11 IGUIWAfll-Ne MnllOGMIMCll- 5" ... '"0' ..,_~ ...... v-o... ic-..... _y_..,... COIT~-641·12" .............. ...be __,r495.occn llftt c..-. C.,t '4 .............. ...., ,, .. ........,.,. M •t1•11111•ta•ta1-..e ........... tlie_.lla.,.. , ........... .._ .. ....... 11 .......... 0.11111111191ttllllM ... , .................... ,. ............ .. .. ., ..... , ................ ,e-.WM1•111 .. M•1t--Cll It •111 .. •IWeC..., c.~...-.i ............................. pe ........ -............. ( ...... ..... ............................. ..,....., .......... . SELF SHARPENING I KITCHEN INIYES l llCO 'llCIUlllCI' I PAllMG IMll 01 ltun .. n . 50-PC'. STAINLESS STEEL FLATWAIE sn POICRUt ON SIEB 7-PC. COOKWARE SO CHlf'S J CAIYING INlfl. INlfE L~lt 12.M ,. ( '' stuan 11au I 99 Service for 8 in· eluding 16 tea· 5poon• and two 5erving piecu. _,PO<l$W1 In ~wnne, 2499 Sharron or Heave,l.ly c: pa"erni. TOUI ... mKG Wf CMOICI I u PAllSllllMI I WHITING ' DILU-XE STATIONERY sn . FULL 2 4 °/o LEAD CRYSTAl GIFTWARE POL YSILI REAL LOOKING FLOWERS HG. 6tc U. , .. s1 ~!Ubl: ~:e~O-:,: 2 2 9 self or gift ~ivi11g. Sill •mart duign•. 1 ":,er' &ell, Heart lox, Row Bowl, Cream & Sugar .et • Butter Okh or Candy lo11. ... mXISlAP _,STOCISWT 3-PC. KITCHEN ENS EMILE 199 Useful kitchen brighten· en. 15"-26" towel, dish cloth and pot holder .... STO<llSWT YOUI CHOICE: e U•INlT SAUYIGNON • llAHC DI IUNC e Z•FANDll IOSl • COlOMIAID e GAMAY •AUJOUIS 750 ..... MATEUS IOSE 01 llANCO . 2r2 ....... AL&ff •1tM1 ........ & ..... . ............. , ... _ = ...... ,"••~mt•lllll-· Cu•tom made life· (llOl(I like flowers. Many 3 decoroiive u.e5. fOI 9!9 CHOKE WALNUT FINISH 1 7 -IN. WINE IACK DICOIATOI ACClllT llOlDS 1 1onus 2499 Cut barrel dnigri rock to keep and d isplay your wine. In beautiful gift bo11. _, STOOS LAST GOODT•ES GUSSWAIE l•-K.-11 PAm SIT llG. 19.99 1299 6 each: 15-oz. beer, 12'h· oz. beverage, 9-oz. rocks and 8 'h-oz. wine glau . llYAL 5-QT. CIOClt POT -n0111Wu1wme l .. IAIAILIUD """""'=::..-.--~ _llG. !t.tt llMOYAlll I llS*ICIOCI CllnAmlA ..,._ .. .......... ·-... ·---........... • 1999 The versatile big capacity cooker. Crock removes for easy cleaning. "3350 Or T o m Turkt·y holds das~ ut Yorktow.n -__.,~ Ma tthew Roark, 4, Huntington Beach , Jo shua Lytton, 3, Founta in Valley --· WCONESOAV, NOV 17, 1982 . · . " . .. -' • CAVALCADE STOCKS . 82 as 'JA·11~011' la tt"' /IUIS qu~~Z(• ,. ·--- ... M i~t y R iver.a; 5, Matthew Roa rk, 4; Bra d Ma rkle, 4, a nd Ryan Cl.ia rk~ tl;;-a11-nf lluntingtun. Bench, entoy v i itor Tom ~goe s to school There's a lot mon• Jc34!.s k about turkeys than ·-.White ml'at or dark?" Ch ildren at Yorktown Pre- sc:hool in HunLington Bca~h had their chance to saw up a 6-month~old, H olland W.hitc vnriNv that v lsitc'Cl them as a prelude to Thanksgiving. •. The beak was the fir8t point Of fascination. ''Why docsrft the bird have lips'!" asked one youngs ter. "L e t 's ca l l it Beakie!" exclaimed another. And the fleshy. wrinkled wattle pro mpted quest ions. too. Thc obscrv<'rs notit·cd that it changed color from red w h C'n warm to bluish w hen cool. Th<' turkey w ns brought- into the dnssruom to gin• a 'bellc t perspective• regarding its heigh t -about desk-high, ihc•.samc as prnst o f .lhc children . · On<' l·hild last year figured out t he bird's dl•stin v a nd n •fuscd to cal his holaclnv cn tr<.'c. N o one• m<.1dc tht• <:onrn'<:tion this vcar. . .. So WC' won't fc•li them that th<' :lfl-pouncl turkey drcssPd out at 28 pounds yesterday. . A1•ril Ryan, 5 , lluntingto n Beach,.gets chan ce to pe l lht" visitor Pul(t• 8 4 • •• 0 • D : Over-looked deduCti'ons Could cost_ you I . . By LOUISE COOK Aa.oclated Pr ... Writer Arc y~u chcaung yourself on your taxes? The fine print .an the instructions that come with your tax ~~~~~~ntains downs of deductions and credits that are easy to l {040 'i.i.i ..... ~~r~ ... ,;; WP. 1~ "There are a lot of deductions out there that they (taxpayers) ·-·--11 1111 -----_,.., ... _..._ ___ .,--,---.-,--,-- Trimming· y our taxes I!/· ttle standard amounts that can be deducted from your income for . sales tax 1C you itemize deductions. You can deduct more than the-;. hsted amount. however. 1C y~u can prove you spent more. ..., Crawford recommends keeping careful receipts through the year :.:;1 and adding them up. In many caS<'S. t)c says. the deduction as · "t•onsidcrably above what the table otfcrs." ·-~' Casualty loss deduCUon. You can deduct unjnsured ··:,Jl .. probably aren't taking advantage of," said Thomas W. Crawford. a <;. ......... ,."'Y~"";-:; ... Y / ,,.._ ~ r::-:::a: ™ partner lrrPe:tt. Merwick. MitC"heli"·&-Co. --·------~-~-----~~-'Y'·~~ --~.-.·..-'i"" There also are new savi ngs available this year as a result of -· ., .. ~----.1-, .. -...,....---i"------ casualty losses that cxceed1$lOO if you itemize deductions. Suppoee•> there J.U.I. lu-c.Jn )'Our .b.uu.sc 1bBJ., causcs_$4..QOO worth of • _ the 1981 tax cut. - ' Taxpavers who do not 1temi:w their dedu<·t1ons. for l'Xample. ~" are allowed for the first tame to take a deduction for char~ble ~ ·contributions. You can Cleducl 25 percent of up to $100 in contributiop.s: that's a maximum deduction o( $25. "It's peanuts. - but every dollar helps," said Sidney Kes.'l, director of planning and tax policy for Main Hurdman, an International acc9unting # company. The new law also 1flcreases the credit available for working paren ts who paY. for child carcF.The old law llrmted:thc credit to . ro percent-of-tap fb $2.000 tnaexpen9e'S' for one: dependent or-$4-.000 for two or more dependent&. The maxlmum credit was $400 1ot one dependent and $800 for two or p ore. . Starting this year. you can couTlt up to $2.400 11n expenses - $4,800 for two or more dependents -in calculating your credit. The exact amount you can claim as a cn.'C!it depends on your Income. People with adjusted gross Incomes of $10.000 or less are entitled to a credit of 30 percent. Th<.' pcrqmtage declines. araduaUy. to 20 percent for adJusted gross incomes of S28.000 or more . Here's how it works: ~ "' Si.ai)poee )TOM ~ An• ibcivne_ol '3~.ooo and swnct. llJJOO Oil._ day care for your chll'd !IO you can wotk: You a~ cntlt1cb'1o'1f ~ ~ credit of 22 percent of that $1,800 or $396. NOTE: There Is an important difference between deductions and credits. A deduction ls substractcd from your income, a credit It subtracted from the amount of tax you owe. The value of deductions lncrea1es witti tax bracketa: credit• arc worth tho Nme dollani-and-ccnta amount to everyunc>. • You may have to file additional forms to take advantage or Jlpcclal cred(ts, but the siwlngs probably arc worth It. Herc arc aomc deductions ond Cl'l'd1t.s you may hovt• mlS.'IC.'<I: • . . Tlu•r <" i8 m1 impo rtant diff,•r<"1u•,• bet-.·t•rn ,,,."""' itms a nd ('rt•d fts. A llt•(/U('I ion ;~ s11l11ruf·lf~d from .t-fmr illeonw• 11 crPd1l i~ su bir11,·h'tf T r:nm th.,~ 1Uff(>1m I nf 18 v· J"'fir> t!tn•. -Contributions to political candidates. You are allowt"d a credit for up to 50 pert'Cnt of the contributions you make to pohlll'UI l'llnd1d .. tl'l4 Wit h o maximum of $$0 for an 1nd1vidual and $100 for. a married couple filing a joint return. The contribution docs not have to be in cash, says Crawford Suppoeae. for ~xamplc. .vw .ci'loe &.:.rMCeplJon-1.W' xour ~ ~..._ .. cvana-. coffee arid tfoughnuts. The ceet of--tht-•coff~ at'td-b1hnt* count& as· a contribution. ' -Residential energy credits. You may take a credit of 15 pertoent of the flrat $2.000 you spend on qualified eMrgy-savlnc Items. h doesn't-matU?r wht'ther you own or rent your hvmc u long as you actually pay for the item involved 'naere art' ~v~ral restrictions: the house must be your prmcapal ~idt-nct', It must hav<' been romplt'led be-fore April 20, 1977: and thC' dev1ct>S Installed must flt the list of approved 1t<'m.' -Sales tax dl"duction11. Tables provldc'CI with :vour n'turn 1t111 damagt'. your insuranc.-e covers only $3,000. You can deduct $900 of the uninsured loss. This deduction will be trimmed sharply as a result of the 1982 tax bill. Starting next year. you will be able IQ deduct only those amounts over $100 that exceed 10 percent of your adjusted gross income. If your have an income of $30.000. for exampl(', you can only deduct losses over $2,900 -10 percent of your in<.'Omc less $100. You may want to increase your insurance· , , coverag<' for fµture years to protect against non-deductible losaes. · •• 1 Work-rclatc-d cxpC'n~. Busmc-ssmt'n aren't the onl:v ones who can save some money on business deductions. Wage earnera al!IO can get a tifi'ak on tome tU!mlzl'd deductions. Dues you pay to , . beioft8 k> • uniorH>r e prof~ eoetetY" are~ for ~ examplt' .. So are uniforms which a~ l!'CIUll't'd for your job a~_are • not suitable for everyday use. Fees paid to an employment agency ... also are tax deductible. as long as you stay In lhe same general ; ()(.•c:up.11111nal ftt•ld and lll'l' not l'('imbursc<l by your new I employer. l -Adopuon exp<mk'S. You can deduct up to $1 ,500 in •• <'X t>t.>nses 1f you adopt o child with special needs -one who la I ehgiblt• to n~'Civc> payments under the Social Security Act ad11pt1nn u~"•l>lJnl'l' pmRram., Children who ht into this l'Ulcgory , generally arc handicapped. are membt>ra of minority groups or • ·~~rp~~ wtµrb,..l:Qlt.~Jl hard %_11~ ~~" f~ -Sli:-.~' .-.:li,llf Crawford said many people not o"ly overlook deducUona, but also art' afraid to take them becauae they may risk an audit. "Th<'y're afraid the IRS mi1ht ronw In and question thftn," ~e 11ald. But Crawford uld an audit donn't haw to ~ a wrrifyinl cxperwnct' The problems. he •Id. Ot'CUr only when you haw no proof. nu nicc1pts Savl' l'verythln1. Be prepared to document your C1l111m~ II vou rt•port 1111 your lnronw and you haw all your doc:umt>ntatlon. Crawford •YI· "thert>'a no re890n to be ecared." t • • HI . 0 111noo Co at DAll Y PILOl/Wedneadav. tfbve~ber 11, 1982 • • . - GOllll 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIFr -, • • Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • KJ 9 l;;'KQ432 ' O A9 • 942 ' WEST t::A T •6 •7432 ~ J85 ~ 1076 O K 8653 O Jl04 •KQJ 6 •A87 SOUTH , . . T he bidding: ••tia WHl Nertlt Ea1& I • P..au Z <:I p.., 2 •• PHI 4 • Pall .......... Opening lead: King al •. · It pays to know abo'ut the percentages. Uut that know· ledge is no substitute ror good techni°q ue. Because of t he opposing 4 a club distribution. nioe tricks ar uy for North· South at a no trump coni.ract. But thel conducted an ex emplary auction to get tp t he i.uperior contract of four spades. t-:xcepl for a lap•• in ~hnique by declarer, hi~ - side wo11ld have turned a handsome profit. West led the king of clubs, and the. defe nders Cfuickly •took the nrst three tricks, fft· · djnl In the East hand. The jack of diamonds was cover· ed by the queen •nd king and taken with the ace. Now declarer had the probletn of findina • way • to dispose or his two losing diamonds, and only one could go on a high heart. Hearts would have lo be Htabll1hed.' Oedarer was 1ware l iT miH1n1f ·r1rd1 In a suit wur• mor• likrly tu brf'ttk 1·') than 3 3. ·To proh•rt irg11in11l that, decl1rt•r cashed t he ace kin1 of'"hearts then r uffed a heart with the ten or spades. Iii~ inlt:nUun wa\ lo dra'" lrumpa in three rounds. end 1ng in dummy. and then cash hi• high hearts for diamond diacards. That pl'n came to • naught when Wes.t -show~d oul on the second spade. math•·matlu wrr• rorrt!ct 11 wu hi• timing· that wu faulty. lie should havt' tea1ed tr ump• before 1tarlinic on heart•. When We.t 1hows oul on thu second trump. declartlr musl . change horses. S inrr North'• trump• can no lon1err bt! used u Oft entry to hearu, dl'clar· t'r must fall back on a :.I :J split in the 1suit: IJeclarer must dra-Jill the trumps. then ca*h hie high hearts. Whe 0 n the suit splits evenly, th,e COl\lrac:l is sare. +A Q 108 5 ·A9 •• 0 Q7 2 •• 1053 Declarer had lo e,nd up a trick short. ,.. .lfOIOSCOPf BY SI DNEY OMAaR T hursday November 1s· ARI ES (Ma rch 21-April 19): Ops)osation 1s 11vt•rcom e. you em~rge victorious in business or t•;.irt•er compe tition. Be •r eady for sign ificorit l'h'.\ngcs, unu~uul ·CQmmunication and nc}ed for basic revisions. TAUR VS_(Apr il 20-May 20): R eview 1io:;sib1lities for expanding base pf operation, Open Imes of· communication , study [ravel possibilities, pursue-educational or publishing project. ~y ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I HAVE FEW REGRETS A&OUT THE THINGS l'VE DONE, B UT MANY' ABOUT THE THINGS I HAVEN'T' DONE. GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): Define terms. .ivoid becoming involved in financial dispute. • Individual who wants you lO co-sign may be sincere diversification, flexjbility, willingneS;-J to make hut <-'Ould lack necessary financial resources. inquiries, to try new Ideas and to be vers'.atllc. Focus CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Play waiting ' also on visita, tripe, rommunications from relatives. g<.1me. Review required wnere legal matters enter SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)~ Specific µic·iure. 'Check rights. pemilsSions. Capricorn and de tails come t o light concerning payments, .mother Cam•er ltgurc prorrunentJy. collections. Cycle moves up, you are on brink of what could be a financial bonanza. LEO (July 2:i-Aug. 22): Burdeo is removed, · PRICORN ""'"" 22 J. 9 Co 1 you reach more people. confidence' is res~ored and CA · (LA.-c. • an. 1 ): mp ications vitality .thakes <-'Omcback. Accent on employment, arise but you are able to resolve d ilemma. Cycle nutrition, dennndents, willingness to fulfill basic high. moon emphasis on greater independence, ....-added confidence a nd circumstances which take ubhgations. · • sudden turn in your favor. · VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Focus on senti~nt: . . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Patience is c·h aldren. spccula<ion and ro mance. Highlig!lt required _Individuals who can.help via financial mdependence. creallvitr. new starts and willingness backing require time to check w ith s uperiors . to get to heart of matters. Member of opposite sex Decision will please you, but more time is required dt>clares feel1Ags a nd cou ld be sincere. than originally anticipated. 1 LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You' are able now to PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)> Mystery is solved rise above petty pohti<.'S, obstacles. Family member :.._what had been a source of fear , doubt c..'Ould now removes ob)cc·tio n, d ecides to coopera te and become a reason (Or celebration . .Answers come deserves something in return. from behind scenes -term9 will be properly SCORPIG (Oct 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on defined, your position will be vindicated. EZEKIEL 4:9 BREAD '"" bf~Ml W .. \ <•rM~ 10 lull1U ti. pt(llTll~ ot l><rMI ~"'9 IN Ult ol ..,... •t'C-ldtd Dy tnr ptophrl Ett•url"' tr>r ~ <fnlut~ M10 Gl•wu MIO ~ ate COltNWWd 10 form " complt'ft p<otrtn wen '" '' IOUtld on molll meM 6r f'99l " you tYrl wonder now pmonro on t~ 811>1r "vt"<I cin br...S ~nd wMrr DR.. PETER J. STEINCROHN DEAR OR. 0STEINCROHN: I have a dear frn~nd who was very ~areful when her 4-year-dld was in or around their pool. She never took her eyes oH him. As a resull, he was never in danger of drowning. Yet , this same friend was care leH running.the tap water in the bath&ub. One day, she left him for "a minute." When she returned, he was terribly scalded. She rushed hi• to the emergency room a nd he was a patient in the hospital for three weeks. Fortunately, he recovered. How often do you get lett.e,a like this? -MRS. M. DEAR MRS. M.: Not often enough. Warnings like yours should prevent many scalding accidents. Each year, more than 2,500 persons are treated in hospital emergency rooms for tap water scalds - most I nvolve bathtubs, showers or sinks. Many are severe. Some are fatal. T he usual victiois are those under age 5 and over age 65. · Children who were left unattended usually fell or climbed in to a bathtub of scalding water. Or. they were playing with the hot water faucet. The hot water heater thermostat shouJd1be turned lo the lowest setting that will allow household hot water needs. A setting of 120-125 degrees Fahrenheit will prevent many ¥Vere bums. One ~timate Is that 80 percent of homes have their water heaters set at dangerously h igh temperatures. Call your electric or gas company for Instructions. In some areas, the local electric and gas oompany will adjust the heater withoyt c harge. • To repeat your warning, Mrs. M.: Mothers s hould test the baby's bathwater; never leave the <.'hild alone in the bathroom. rt ctn .. only w""' I wnrtt Drr.w:I I~)' wr•r f'it11nc) I 8 9 c Reg. 1.45 1 Vi lb. !Oaf NATURALLY GROWN FRESH HEN TURKEYS ·~17 L8S. TOM TURKEYS 16-JO Lm. CELESTIAL SEASONING TEA BLE~DS Cnoo\r 1nv or 1~ 1011ow1ng popuw It.> l>lf'nd\ Reg. 1.49- SLEEPYTIME, MANDARIN I .• 7 ORANGE, CINNAMON ROSE,, 19 COUNTRY APl'l.E • 24 IH 1N191 • THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS TM clrlkoous in.tel< ts a good IOIJICf -'"of wtln-..0 •'JUllf'IO' touKt ol IM tlWl'tllll ~ral, pctltU.iUITI I Ill 1.45 La. UNSALTED PECANS ~' • Pf<'"" ~ Of n.o1ur111 cootc1t 1 Of t..en <hOp tntom 1n10 11 rrtlh grttn WI.tell Tntlt' r.tw rMlU!"I Pf(llMl llft .o gooo IOlllCt of 1111amon 8· I (t11<11m1ntl ""' • ) IN!i'ClnJ ~ - t .95 ~ .. 1.69 .... TURK•Y T-~-9'-IUIW)'\ .. .._..,, ..... _.,,,_ 10 ~0 , __,,, ''""' \Ill DONT USI ... HOllM()MS NISUVATIVIS Olt ANT..OTICS SATISFACTION GUARANTEEDf Sale Ends Sunday, Nov. 28, 1982 UNDllSRG AODOPHILUS STRAWURRY FLAVOR Assisn 11i rt•tll01c11.,9 and IP· t it.Jt>losrung tav0tat>IP .nttslln.11 flora Each rtil\PC)On con1a1ns b<lhOtlS 01 ~ll'CIP<I sir <'••n or IM:tobac1111 Acrdoph1lus and tkilgaroc;u I P•l)I 3.10 ~ ""' _.,,.,, ~ ..... (rH m Cont-I 10 ... Al~ Vt<.O, Wlltl """""'" II 0 Incl E -ntlp1 promoct 1 llTIOOlhtr .tnd moor suppi. Complf AIOfl 4 OYM(tl 2.60~ e;:==::~ LINDBERG- VARSITY PROTEIN POWDER -· =~.": .,...... . ..... l}C .... ,v~;; "''•····-• Thts 80.., puxe1n 1s a compl~t prott1n hkt that found In milk, ~gs or r1sh Na1ura1 varnlla flavor f·lb , l c1n 5.95 ;?c; LINDBERG NATURAL VITAMIN !E Natur al1r.J1Jptla Toc.0~101 lrom mu1ect 1ocopht'1ofs 400 lnternatt0nal Units our mosl popular s11e f 00 capsults J.as~ 1.09 NR DOZIN . . ., J)Jo:AR ANN LJ\NUl':t<S I hJv•· h41:n tr1•11 n<-d to Ch1ull{• ryr thn-..· y•·1.tn. Wl• <lutt·d •111,L· four y1•ar11 l.K•fort· thut 1';v1•1· jjl11t:1• I l11ivc· lrn11w11 111111 l'v<• l>Ctin conccro ~c.l ...ah.uut the wu.y h~ 1'(.4.UCL'Z.<•JiJTll' (t1onK•11m1·11 ht• µ1m•ht-s) wh.c:n tu: WLmts t.o 1how 11(h-t•llC>fl r am u mus& of hhwk and hlu•· rn:ark.x ThL'f w1•t k my lt·J<~ and arm!>, my l>1,1tt1.11:kw 1and my i.houldt·f'll look us II I had bt-t•n Ill u car uc.'tidtint I mw.t Wt•ar long sl('<•V<~ and dark he~· lo c.•ov1·r th1• brualiC-s · I havt• told Ch<irlll' n •1>t•a ll '<'Jly h1· 111 hu1·un&JN• ond that il is £•mbarrus.-;lng LO ijo nround wilh mark.-; a ll the time. His rL·ply 111. "I cun't ht>lp 1t." t le 1s a wondt•'rful hui.tlanc.t ~X('t'pt ror ttlas on.• fault f nN~d lo know what tu t.lu 1.tl>oU L ll. - LUMPY ANO PURPLE IN JAMAICA DEAR LUMPY: Charlie Boy bas a touch of tlle sadist la him. Thia means he gets Ills jollitt from infllctlnf physical pain and bumilla tloa on tile object o Ills affection. To put it simply, be baa an obse11foa that needs to ~e worked out with a therapist. Insist that be get · profe11ional help lrefore bl~ pinc hes a nd squeezes tura Int o AOmetblag more serious. OEAH ANN LANDERS: Nu problt>m. I just n<'Cd a good laugh. What 1s the Cunnat-st lmc• you've • , ? -' ' ' • ND . 'DEAR IZ: I've never had that queilion before, so I think I'll answer. "Anyone who looks like bis passport photo is too Ill to travel." . DEAR ANN LANDERS: Th;.tnk!:>g1vang is almost here and my husband and I ~rt.> having the same.• ~rgument we have had for the last seven years. &th Tom's fa{Tlily anc.l mine hv~ wrthm fou r mllt!S of us. I get along fin<.• with my an~laws. No problem: Tom gets on OK with my family:Every year since Wt!'ve been ma rried we have had Thanksgiving dinne r with Tom 's ra"uly. H is mothe r lS a terrific <.'OOk a nd prepares for this event a week in advance. She has the whole bunch - aunts, uncles, cousins, at least 22 people. She won't let anyone bring anything because she wants to do 1t a ll herself -including <:.leaning up. The next day she goes to bed for a week. _. My parents have never said anything but J _ know they miss me te rribly.at Thanksgiving lime. I am life onl~ one of four children who isn't present. Mom and Dad arc 10 years o lde r than Tom's parents and Dad has had two heart attacks. l believe this should be taken mto c.'Ons1dcraLion. Tom's reason . for insisting we go to his folks every year is ttlat his brothers' wives always do. I don't like to remind him that two hove parents who are divorced and the third doesn't speak to her mother. • Can you help me? -ANOTHER STUPID TURK.tY IN DES PLAINES DEAR DES PLAINES: TeJI Tom tbis year be can go with you to your parents' borne or go alone to bis. Seven years is a long time to be absent from your parents' holiday table. Next year go to Tom's parents. The following year, to yours. 'Do tbe same for Christmas if the problem comes up. It's only fair. -~ ORGANIC APPLES Wr vr contrMltll to buy 10 I on1 01 r'}•n ovlly 91ow,., .tppl" Olll'flly ,,,,.,, " 1111'1 O•t l II ""'t l'ttQll trl tn~ ~'"'"' 8nC> Int CIWr>l'I ol I,,.. 1.trm lrl•I Ill ln.11 l!'4'1t' llMt ~·u rvw ~tn 11•own r•'<'•f' ww~ r940ll'Xl~lf'nitml'(f .. lt'f 1"""''9"'-''0W,,.., Wt h.t•r .,., ou• "~" "'''°""'''on ""' SOd Conlt'IC lht llttl Mt 9 1own"' I~ fffl· ,,,, UM'C HWI OCntt ll'llOI"""'°" I .... c .. IOI,,... I.Aw 1rqu.1tt ~!Qtr .... t 1~~1 in; produu ~' Otg.tnitollly 9'0W" R•D AND GOLDEN D•UCIOUS APPUS 9 ( CASE l"tltCI 4 (,._.I LIS.J 118 l8. HOLIDAY FIOUR$: Mon.-P'rl. 9:00-9:00 S•turd•r 9:00-6:00 Sund•r 9100-S:OO . ._ .. VEGETABLE SOUP UNSALTED •.ch, 'Ylrty HUIU'I V.orlry V~ Soup 11 th<k w11n wgr1;111>•t' not <ntm<.tll Mid \r.OM)fttd Wf(h n"lur ~I §9:: IP<cl 15 oz. "et· 1.25 STONED WH•AT ... ......,..i:....:..111 CRACKERS •ll'ilt=~l c.,..~,~._._. ----wnu1 cr•drn c.op1u1r 1~ • ,..,_.,, of Old lotnc' b11-1ng No ~· or ll}'dt09"n.ottd Sllort•""'9 Unv~td NDV VEGIT f1y lh•I ~llf•I LOW ~m ,,,_ __ _ v~ ~uiooong on mo11 lost! pou-ry ~I.Id\ vtel"l~I '99\. .-no rwn soup1 .ono i.tvto Th11 " ont or our hO!lf\I Wlltl\I 1.29:: .. ~ •• • ·. ·-' • Bish.op ~fi:Orange .celebrat~s bii-thday, but · a ·little early I . • Ornngo" Couttl UAILV PILO f /WecJneiduy, Novm11ho1 1 /', 198' 113 • Ne-..~ Arts) Junior prograID slated llunt1111.t1un ll.irh11t11· (;l,\lld ol tlH' 01atlt-'•' (.'ou11tv 1'1•1lur11u111( Ar h C1·n11•1 ht111 11nr1t>uru·t'tl tht• Two down oranHl' ~olC balls umJ u doierl orungl' l(wlf .ll't'S Wt'!'(' prCiK'nt~-tl \0 tlu> Most Ht•v W11lmn1 R. John'itm, ... bishop o( Oronl(c.. ut a dinrwr twld m the Grand llutt'1 to murk his b1rthctuy. Actually; h1i. birthduy 1s Nov. 19, but with his busy sd1~dule hl' <.-elebratl•d a hlllt• l'arly, Tht• l'Vl•nt _was, hosl<.od b,y Jhc..boanl or dir<'Ctors o f the Cntholu· Sodal St•r\>kcs, u non ·d<•nom I nu t1t1na I cou n1w 1 fng wi ll be lwhJ 011 1tw 1wt·1rnd floor to'rtduy and from 11 a m lt1 2 p.ni un tlw sahw duy Can1pus C1u1u 1111 will bt• h•uturcd in u trunk show tioort(t' Uoldstel11. rt>prt•st•11tut1vt• of <.:ump &•vt•rly ll1lls AppaH:I. will prt•M•nt Informal rnuc.!1..·llnt( Nuv 29 If\ Bro-.s Plum dl•partml'IH from 10 11 m lO li pm • • fnrmatum 11f •I rn·w JUllllJI f)IOijri1m 'flit' J'('I furman~ Art-. Juntoa ' " m1HtJ11-,.-tl of "4°V1•11th, t·1glllh 1.md 11tnth ·~r.uJ1 ·1:- (.'ultu1 al t•\'t•nl' tm tht• ant·mb1·1' will b(• outhllld lOU.1\ ,,, Ull IJI 1t·11t.1Wlll prnM• jO) ;Jl 7 f} m, • an tlw hun1t· 111 M1 .11HI Mt'> B•·r ,.ar d St1•111bt-rg Mri. .Julmn Mar x 1-. .1dull ,1d v1w1 agt!nt'y. . Elizubt•th Pt'<irotll of Lagl>Qu Hills was also hono n •d and r<.•ct~ plaquc from supt>r visor Rog<.'t Stanton. chairman of the fund-raiser. NORDSTROM. Thursday a trunk show or Jov Stl'Vl'nS drcs.~'S Wiii bl' CO NCERT: Thl• Cu l1fornia Repertoire OrclH•strn will muk1..• its debut upi)carunt'l' In Orang<.' County with a pcrformanl't.' Sunday. l'(ov_4!l ut Golden Wcs1·Collcgt• in Jlunnngton Beach. ~ The con1..'f.'rl bc>gms at 2:30 p.m in Forum 11. It 1s the first of four ron<.'Crts al Golden Wt-st ro-sponsorcd by th coJ tcge, the L ong Bu('h' Symphonic Orchestra and Cal Stat<." S · SI I ' Long-Beach. ~ upt•n '"'or an on, 'l'tw l 'A.I t haplt'l ot th•· Nt•Wpurt llur 1.>01 Gut hi. o pNwd Iii. i.N·ond M'""''" with an oru•ntataun l't'Cl'JHlon ul tlw C11rn11;i Clt'I Mar hunw 11f Jll rwt At·n~i.I Tlw 1~lv1 .. ory hoard to I his gruup ant'ludl•S Mary Ann (iohl111an , B1·v1·1 ly Monag<i l. At·ngsl, Lun l hartf•1rd wrth Su~an Stradt·r a<, gi adl• l<•vt•I cha1rrn<•n luu-.im ••••• • ,,.,, For C1aMillH Ad ~ ACTION . CaU A ~D-~Of . .., ... ,. I present.eel. 1n Town Square from 11 a .m . to 2 p .rn. and a scmir\:'ir on acces$o(il'S is Sl'l for 7 p.m. On tht• first floor. An all day trunk show of silk dresses from tht• Savvy Department Admissio.n is $3 gencrul and $2 for \' if'loriu llumihon . St!fdents and-Gold Key curdholdcrs. · • .------------'----:-----~====~=====:::::========~., Housewife still runs the household Most wnmL'll 111 America and a b r o a d s h a r <' a c o m m o n respons1b1hly that o f handling the hou!Whold. This is tht• v1Jw o f Birthe Clausen of Nol-stvl'<i, Dc.-nmark. who has !wen touring the United States and 1..•xplaining the role a nd conccrns of Danish women. -Sh tf' ·Was o n an exchange program. sponsort•d by the Gnwc E. Frysl ng<'r Int c rnat1onal Fellowship that is ded1<:atcd to furthe ring the und<>r s tanding between women of all countries. On h er la,<1t stop s hc met with members uf Fountain \131ley's Pink Hawthorn Branch of the W omcn·s Natio nal Farm and G arden Associa tio n anQ U;1.e Huntington Vjew and Golcf'cn West Garden C lubs. A me.mbl..'r o f the-Danish H ousewives' ASSOl'iation. Clausen said ht•r organization hus a s tronfi( ant<•rcst rn environmental 1..·ontrol for tht.> fam1l v. ··Our l'ouritry 1s unfortunall' that ll does not haVl' naturol n •sourc:t•s bclow our land." slw so.aid. "Therefore we must rt•ly on farming und educat ion as our major1 resour1.·cs fqr . a strong fomily lifl>." The work force in Dl•nmark, 'luuSl'n said. pays 55 ·p<>r<.'t'nl of tht•1r inc·ome in governml•nt taxes. wh1c·h prov1dL• a hl'lllth vrs1lor rn thC' home for womt•n who have jus t g1v•n birth·. complete medi('al a nd housang car(' for thc elderly and s1C·k. and tu1uon -free education. "The wom-ari's roll> has bc<•om<.• an important part of our non- polit1cal program," she said . "Wl' have just introduced a paper lo the Danish government on 'What IS lht•.valUl' of a hOUSl'W lf~>''!" A n o th c• r c· o n c· <' r n o f h 1..· r orga n1za11on. sht• i.a1d , as tht• 1 mag c o f w om t• n t h u t 1 s portrayed -0 n . colnmt•rc1a l tl'l1..•vision ··wonwn an• alwl1ys dc•p1c·tc'<J :.ii. young. slt•ndc•r and b<.•autrful," she s:.11d. "This is not tht• caSt.• in thC' ::aVcr:.ige houS('hold." Clausen said the· Danish pt'Qplc a r e highly 1nflucn1.·t•d by Anwracan tclev1s1on shows, and, although e<:o nomi<: cond1t1oris rn D e nmark' and Am<'rll"a arc similar "our pl'uplt• thrnk that 1..•vcrvunc· m Am<.•rk·a hvcs like the• <.:a!'it on. 'Dallas' " lJurrng Clauscn's stay m the arca she was a guest of Dorothy and Jamc•s Nail and wa s t·ntl·rta1ned by m'<•mbC'rs o r I J''ounl<iin Vallc•y brum·h of which · Dorothy is pres1dt•nt. l.OSE . WEIGlll'-Sl'AllT TODAY USE YOUR MIND INSTEAD OF DRUGS (The Secret .of Mind Control) Friday, November 19, 7:30 P.M. ' ~irrilted Seating -Call For Reservation Given By Melt Away· Mints when you ·buy two packages for s49•. reg. 2 98 each Fashion Island Westcliff Plaza Newport Bndl 17th I Irvine Ate., Newport Bud! 'I Pre-Christmas All Plants t J; & Baskets v~ 10~40% OFF ~ . ·Nov. 17, 18, 19, 20 S,eclal late IHrs: 10:00 l.M. • l:OO P.M. Open Sundars Starting Dec. 5 Thru .Xmas 12:00-4:00 I Would like To Thank You For Your Continued Frlendahlp a Patronage Over The Years. Happy .ffolldaya a Love To You All. Suzanne Mccardle ,) Thin11 Ftom liddle Earth 11114 ••111111 (Oor1or T1l'9rt I •aa11H1) , ....... , .... , ROURT EMMET DOWNING Ul D.O., Ph.D., M.D., NJ>., J.D. C)y., .. v-. in Predioe 642-5982' AT ZONTA CLU9 "2101.IRVINE AYE. IM:t--..._. ...,_ H 11 f 'l 840-6030 . 842-0972 ~ L-1 o,,.n D•llY 983-31&& lla1dwln. ORGANS(Jft) PIANOS~ --'"- .. .. . .. FBEE ORGAN ~ONCERT WITH-i<.evin Cane from the Baldwin Factory Intro ducing the all new Baldwin Marquee Model # 19 l . Micro-Com put e r Organ . ! · Thurs.~ Nov. 18th at 7:30 P.M. ORGAN AND PIANO C:ENTER 217 E. 17th ST. ·COSTA MESA 645-2471 [)R. JAMES MEL TON Nationally Acclaimed Speaker & Author will present a public lecture entitled ''TAJ/IS t:llARSE OF YOUR UFE" The seminar is on Sunday. Nov. 21. 1-3 p.m. at the First Church of Religious Science. 101 1 Camelback (between Jamboree & MacArthur) Newport Beach. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $ 10. All are welcome. For ·'1 rt•c\I fo.H1t t hr!> Th,1n"i.~iv1 ng, M'r Vl' d l'liciou1> I ltHwy B.J"t•d H:i01-lii ,1JdT11un tt1 lhl' . tJJditiun,11 turl..c..y. You r gut•l>tS will .1ppr1..•ci,1lt' thl' varic..'tv. ,md vou 'll 111..l• thl' (llf1Vl'll1 l'l1Cl', b~•( c1 lll>l' Wt.•'v l' 1 dont• <lit lht• worl.. Im V\lU, A h<lm bv .rnv othc..'r n.1mt' doc:.n't 1,1,11..• tlw ~lml'. Wt also fraturr who)r smnktd and ovttt roasttd turktys. GIFT CERTIFICATES REDEEMABLE ANYTIME CORONA OEL MAR -3700 £. Cooat HIQhwoye (7M) 673 ·9000 'ANAMlM-lM WIQoeCent« • 1222~, lt'Oc:lllll'tllttt4 (JM7 .. ·IU' ll TORO -UI TowerPforo Nofth•2'601 Raymond Woy• (7W) 137 ·3122 tlJNTWOTON BEACH -'9069 leoc:h llvd.• (7M) 9'1·1575 ~ ORANGE -Ml9N. Tualtn • (7M) 997 ·9960 , • • RANCMO MIRAGE -71 ·63' Hwy.•• (7W) 346 · 3194 • • ... 9'\&ER9IOE -6276 Attlngton Av• .• (7W) 611 ·9611 - ft.,,., COAST TO COA•T UM + ALA•KA • HAWA# ., • • ... · '" vf-.A ,, ..... .,.,,,, 'W• .... \iefA ' I A A(lf,..A. "~'A~ "'It .•,yy/I. t I • I A"-a ... rlll'--0 >4 14 ft A i ti f,U·l 4 •' l'•'' "'9: ·~--" ••'"'9t.-...... .. I ' . - .1 is • • ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC FOR A~ULTS. PLUS • • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest Information from tides to t emperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbormaster. • • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drlveume freeway and hrghway informa- tion from the Orange County office of the Highway Patrol. •• • • STOCK MARKET REPORTS . . -Twrce (:ta11y. the most up·t_o-date Information an the world of frnance. as it perca.ns to Orange County. from Bob Schiff of Memll Lynch 1n Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS -Expert advice from U ~.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olymprc Development Coach Kevin McNarr. twrce every day. . • • .. • CONSUMER REPORTS · -Listen ror KOCM's own Consumer Advice Specialist Mary Ann Price. She's . . • • out _Jo help yout Two trmes ea~h day of the week. · • News -More than JUSt headlines , and a specral emphasis on Orange County • ENTERTAINMENT REf'ORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM wrth Herm Boodman •• A ~LOS•R LOOK • • -KOC M's own weekly detailed rook at pertinent news topics. with· Joann Reynold~ and ~usan Vaughn • COMMUNITY PORUM -An award-w1nn1ng presentation ot the Junior League of Newport Harbor. arred weekly only on KOCM , delving Into the unique interests ot our area • • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL A-f. 1 OJ.1 • • • • • L.. - -:.r ... -.¥'"' _... .. • --- . t .. • • . r. . ' t ' ..l B·I Orarige €oatt OAIL>t'-PILOT/Wtdnetetay, Nov•mbe( 17, 1982 Puttillg the. squeez~. on ·At let• t that' what GM clai111s 'lem on law' i. do i11g to .it By JUDD EVERUART A-lalM ~IHe Wrll9f HART F O lU.>. Co nn . - lt's lll'<'n in l'!rt'('l Cor J!>e weeks, und 110 -r ur, lh1.r na lion's first "ll•mon luw" ho.s not gt•rwraled an y comph\int~ from rll'w t·ur bU)ll.'N. But tlw nulion'11 largest auto comJ>l'ny says tl;w measure unfairly M.lUl'l'ZC.'S nt•W C.'ar man- u fp<'lUl'l'l'S. F . JamC's McDonuld , prl'Sit.!1.-nt and ch ief opt'.'ratlng officer .ut Gen e r a l Mot0r s, s uys th e Con m.'<'tk ut law dt'Signro lo give recourse to car buyers who flnd themselves s tuck wnh de fective • .a utomobiles 1s "too rigid " . In a speech earlier this month in New Britain, McDonald said, - "I dM't think th~ typc.'S of laws are nt'Cded. "They are too rigid, they dog an .already busy legal sysll'm and they're not in the be-st inte rests of consumers," he said. . . Promotiohs ,hold· spotligh~. · N. Larry Alie, 4P. hai; bt't•n appoinwd ~·nao; vke presidt•nt and chlt'f financial off kc,, of MarJne Na t io nal Ba n k o f Santa An a, Harbu ra'nd MacArthur Boulevards, m the t'l•nwr of the South Coast metropolita n area. Michael P. Ferguson has tw1m nam(•d v1t'c· president or finunt'C of PndcMark Corporation of Costa Mesa. an international franchlSt' orga niwuon for independent prupcrty and msualty msurance:- agents. Junuurv. Markt•n h oi. b<•t1n in vunoui1 c.-d iumo.I posllion"i. s1nt't' IUtH Mar vin lllfrwiti of Wc.•stmms te r h as been named m:m::igl"r of the new branc·h office of MerrilJ L yru·h , Pwrcl', Jo'(·nner a nd S m i th, In c .• 20C Manchcst.c•r St.1 Orang{•. Ht• will head a staff of fi vt aC<.'Ount l'X('t.'ut1wi.. William 'Cecil, Edward Harris Allyn F resh, Lorraine Flxler and AnlboDy Keyrel. Robe rt M c Mas l e r h as J0 1hed th e tax Officiall known as "An Act o n ce rn 1n o BH~*~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-~-----~~-~~~.-~·~9~~n~~rtmmt of t~Mt~nala~unu~~rm ofFm meeting and inc:cnt1vc trip programs for Gericral and Company o( Nl·wpo rt Bcacn as s tarr .. W a rran tics.'' t h e m e a s ure requir.es automakers to re fund the purchase price or replace a vehicJc if, after four aucmpts, a problem cannot be fi xed, o r i! the veh icle is out of service at least 30 days during one y~ar. T he m easur e w as bitter ly opposed by the au to ind ustry d uring de ba t e in t h e 1982 legislative session. California has man ufacturers if th~ buyer gets 1 t>e m ocr a t a nd author o f the no sa~sfaction from his dealer or .. lemon law: calls the G M plan a the local "zon e of{ice" of t he "clear c.'Ontraventlon'' of the law manufacturer. bl>causc or its birfding aspects. He McDo n a ld said G M 's o wn worked with O M and the Better passed a similar law but it d~ not take e ffect until.Jan. 1, 1983 . a rbitration process is better than Business Bureau to get t h e the lemon law.Ji allows a third: company to comply with the . "We don 't an t icipa t'e a n y complaints a t least until winter. because the law only <.'Overs cars purchased a fter Oot. l ," said Joanne Zak of the Connecticut Be tter Busin ess Bureau. The bureau will handlearbitration between car buyers a nd auto par ty voluntee r me diato r to st.ate:, new law. . liste n ~o argumen ts from the "We have fina lly put t h e · buy.e~ and G~ an~ th~~ ~ke a burden where il should be and decis1~n. which is bmdm g on that is on the manufacture r " both sides. unless the customer w . · decides to take the oompany to oodcock said se".'e ra l d ays ,.,.. t before the law went into effect. .. .,ur . -St.ate Rep. J ohn Woodcock, a (See LEMON, Page 8') Ogden gets ¥ice presiden cy a t Fluor Ha I ph-b :-Elgden-ha bt'en promoted to vice preside nt, o perat ion s s upp o r t f o r F l u o r Corporation. U se lnlwtll' At/ service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number w i ll appear _i n your classified ad . : . we take your messages 2~ hour s a day . . . you ·call i n at your conven i ence · Ogden was forme rly vil'e prl!s1d e nt o f t h e O pe ratio ns S upport gr o up at Fluo r 's Dan ie l Interna t ional subsidiary at Greenville. So uth Carolina . As an o ffi ce r o r Flu o r Corpor a t10n1-he-.now re p orts to D a v id S . T a ppa n, president and- chief opera ting offtc.-er. during offi.ce hour s and get the r.esponses to your ad ... this servi ce i s onlv $5 .00 week. For more informat ion and to Ogden will serve as a m e mb e r o f th e Info rmation S~te,ms task force, w hich has r l'sponsibihty for a ll l'n g 1n cer 1ng a nd cons truction activities associated with t'Omputer opera tions.romputer sys-. terns and programming. o a ut o mati o n , and telecommunications. place your ad ca 11 642-5678. .. 8Y2% fro.mus <9% annual yteld> I • ... but only SY2% from banks and savings & loans. Don't settle for less-Interest Is compounded dally, cr ed ited monthrv, and there·s no penalty-for ear1y withdrawal. . so what Is your money doing over there? ~ . -.WESIERrt· THRIFT&~ Cotta .... zooo HarbOr ltvd. C71•» MS-5115 Or1n19 1111 I. Kltelll Ave . 171•» ft7·1100 AS5':ts0Vt'r S140mllhon with more than aooarter of a ceowrv !.ef'Vlng ca11forn1JOS Minimum SSO balolnec • Avc11t.Jble to CA ~ts only ... ~.,our Professional · Florist R.CIWl'r 29 15 Red H111 Avenue ' A-108 Costa Mesa! Stone Mill Business Park 641-0810 L Excellent profit Potential 100% to 900% 1st year Write Off Sl,000 • S10.000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PllSONAL TAX CONSULTANTS (714) 751-2400 TIX SHELTER PROIRllS Excelent Profit Potential 1 to 1 to 5 to· 1 First Year WHte-Offs $5,000 to $10,000 Minimum tnvestment J Natlonwlcle Flnancfal Atlwlsor• (714) 547-0693 'Ill the ......... ---- Electrit Com pany or Southern California, has been ac.-countant appoint{>() vire prc.>s1denl m charge or group travel and mt>eting planmng for A to Z Trawl 'PlannC'rs, Inc., of Orange County. · Kathleen Latham and Michael Be nway have joined thl' international ac.'t:ounting firm oC Arthur Young and Company of Costa Mesa. Latham, whc.. ' 'specialiit>d in health care and data processing, will serve as senior consult.ant, management services dc i>artml,!nt. Benway.., wi ll ~rvl' as a data proc:essin~ cons ulta nt assis t in g c lie n t m a nagc m e nl by conducting reviews and special studies of fheir departments. Fountain Valley resident John. N. Baker has been named senior vice prcsidC>nt and division administrator for &'Curity Pacific. National Bank's northwestern divis ion. He joined Security Pacific in 1969 as a loan trainee. 1 Tadao Ta guchi, 54, of Newport Beach, has been elected to the preside ncy of Toshiba Amerka. Inc., h eadquarte red in Tustin. T he firm is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tot'iba Corporation, Tokyo. · Charles T. Mool'e of Fulll!rt.on, vi<..-e president loan administration of Valencia Bank, Santa Ana rec..-ently graduated from the Patifie Coast Bank ing School in Seattle, Wash. Lane Publishing t:o. of Menlo Park announc'<'S the a ppo1nlm<'n l of William R. Marken to editor of Sunset Ma.l{az1ne. N am ed execullvl' ed itor in Media Systems Technology, Inc., Irvine-based manufacturer, has appointed Ron Carroll vice. president of marketing and sales. OVER THE-COUNTER NASO LISTINGS .. NEW YORK IAPI , .. ,.,. It\'> It '"\r'G' .... r ····· ..... -~yau 1~10'> NA$0AQ ~ =~ t>IJ S.I '" w"' "" Ml"ll P .. rceSS 1'~ IS TIME OC ~ ~ UPS AND DOWNS _,,,. """"' llidt ~w lweSoUI 2' """ Pil'lkrtfl .. 67 Tem1>41• 41"' 0 4. --··aH~ Cm~r """ ,,. J•m.Oy 14' • 14' > PIOllHI l ~21 TA11clem ,.,. ,, m•rllel mAMr\ CmwTel 16\'> II~ JertCO 1t' t ll\• PIHllN '1 I Ttc11mP n •>H • 4 p.m P rltet oo l'DI (Oft Pep ,, ,, vJJitly J. 16 ~> P051ll ·~ ""' h lcmA ,,,. 71'. NEW YORK IAPI TIW tollowtnQ 11'1 11'1< lllde , ..... ,,,....llO Corell\ •'.-.. 1' JCKlyn I 11"• 1t PreSGNl 3S )St• ,,...,,, 11 11'. W.OW\ ,.. 0....r IM '°""'er ~rllOOwn •comm' ,:;~,v: 111.. 111 KAl\)I pt II 10 Pr\SI eyn :n ... )2\, ~~~0T1 •• • •'4 ~::~o:r"..:·'= ,':::' .::.~· ~~: ..ron I<>< 'TM '· I\. I KAlv•r lS.•• I Pr09rp ) 31 t ,.. 1'-. -.sue~"° tMo r;~ ~T!H;~". o. s ~•m•n 11 11'• PbSvNC 14''> ..... Toyol• 1 11. 1\oit r:,runt 01 <,,.,. r119ArOlftl ol "°'"'"" 14\o " elySv 1 ,, .. ., P11rt Ben 1'1-\ 1911 AFAProt D Y> JS ' 0.ylM 174. Il l<. KlmlNll 11"' n ~~ftf,' """ 11 Wlli • 4'-1 4\. ~o !:~r~ 1•••"9 .,..,_ w .,. '"'1 AVM Cp ~ J"° oe .. , 44. 4 1).1 Kino1n1 I~ ,, 19•;, 1'<\.o tfl(_0 ... 0 ~ ,. ..0..d Nel -Pt<<enlA9e '"-"91'' ••• ,,,. Ty,onFd ,, 71'. A<U lnl ti"-171'> g::~~~· IH• I KloofG )l'l't Jtl =:r.;;i ~ ... UnMCG•I "' J ,,. , dllte•ence tie-n 11\f! P'""'°"' cto"'nt ~r::~ \~:!:! I~ 111 '~~:1:11 11\· •• • •• ,., 19\1 bid ortce •no 100 .. ' l•\I Oid once Dewey El . ·~ IO'l't 11 AN•H · .. ,. US Enr S' • S'' Adv Ross 4~• ·~ 0 1.Crn 111, 1' 1(11110• "'· ,., Ao.dSv SI'• 11~ us s ... 71\> 714, Afl8 PI It 1111'» ~nCr11 it ZIV; L.An<• ' U \1U\i. flobbMy n 13 US Tro l)l 1 ,,. .. UPS All«>lnc aJ M "°'" "''' 1''ft l -AH , .. s Aouu ·14"' 241• UVAB'll .. .... Am•ru >'-31, O.llrGn lt'e l11• l •neCo M s..v ~lier "-4 u nvEnB , ... ••• N•""' Ull Ch9 Pel\ ~rJ.~~ Up Pen ,,,, u •. AF11rn 7h I 17~> II lflnvl ~1' ~leco J2 ... U V> v .. IA 14 741 • 1 ~r'i:t::" " • 4 UP ,. . AGr .. I Jt1;. ~ u•. u .... L1n8rd • »''• n1;-SIHetGd 30" .... V•INell tt•• u•. 2 4 . ~ UP ll, ~~".~f .. , ~"' ~~ O..nkO ,.~. 2'\'1 :W,''" 11"-ll V SIP1ul '°'-~. ) l ot>Brk h 1 IJ.I• . " Up 71 • Ovrlro" ""'° II ' »'·• 3S Scr1pH 20 JO''> v ... o .. , ,, , 10 4 011..,""' 2•· . "' UP 21.• A=• •lio ,..., U llWM t2Y> ll' M FOil .)\. )! t-·· ..... I~ llelcro 111. 111' s Scll~rn ,.. . .... Up 2'0 0 ~·~•"1 , .... Econl•b , .... 24\ MlellGE 11i,. II -· ll ..... Vic1,.eSI s ,.,. • Ad• '.: 11 1 . ... Up U J _... '" 1~ EIP•tEI 11 ,, =I Pt l \• I~ Svc Mer 2311.~ ~=~ .... 4'• ' come J 1.i. . "-Vt> 1• 0 ~ 1~11\'> Eldffl e .~Is MA I ~ s sw-1 ,.,. . tt'loo 7J • Kl/ Pll '°'' . , ... Up IJ,t EleNU<I WMnEI IJI. 11"-..... 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Up " 9-HE I~ 12'-FlllMln ,. 7S MIOlll•• M6 .. ~ StertSI ?'> ?"-r.:...~:w ;r. n· : .. ,,. ; '1 :~ Vo t .5 ·-ocA ti I 1 I• l\'O ~l~':f~ ~14 Nlidl8k • H H Slr•wCI »•> J:I'> JO E<lllmb IS Up t.I IMltFr G\.o O \ft 2t:: J._ ::~,~~G -11 S..INr" S6'·> ~ n • • NOi •DDlt<AOle " PA11IH•r ) .. Up .. t:l\Mll 11 111'1 ~:~·"' In.. II'. S..oerEI 1 • , ... n P•<CHI , ... . , Up •• n... S\o .... FleNTi'A ,,.,.,,,._._ ... Sot•·~ -..--7J l 111E•OI , ... • .. Up .. .... ,pt 11 ).16 11"' ,. •• MonfCal to •o•. 14 ;rr:.:"' )70 • JO Vo .. .... l ' • >71• 37•1 l'llWOCb "-•.. =1 n;.,n~. ts .... . .. UD I 1 levMet U u~. F<><ttlO ,., .. tl'!l H lO l lMICo Ul<I 16 Fr-Cp I) 14 MerVl•n 14 ... t4'• DOWNS· •1rdSon ,,_. 11"1 1-rAMEI " "" _, .. ,., 1H > ""• llr1cl>r s-.-~ Fr .. SG 12 ... l2h Mwller 11 n ....... U ll ~;i. Pct .,,_, n ... n~ FrM'lnl .._ . Nerr9( lJ lJ I IRIS >~ Oii 20 c ..._, "" 14. FullrHI 2Jff> 1>~ NOe ... l•t 114. , ~0•"91 , .. • > Oii ttc 9'wTom "" •-GnAu1m ,.. M• ._,_s n...n-.. > l 111< • 1 Olf 11 1 •ucllO.. 11 111<. GftOeVCI 14-2h NYAlrl ~1.E NASDAQ SUMMARY 4 J•<O[I« 1•. ., Ofl 11, "'"'" 3'\ot ••• ~RIE\I " ·~ Nk llO<i , ""-• '"• Off .. , ~:11~ I~ 1J~ vt;l-n I•~· h Niel"' A • AllAEn ,, . ... Oii U G •11115<. ISh IS Nlel"' I .O'· iO~ NEW YORK CAPI Moll .Cit~ ower 1 i trFSL 3 • \J °" 1• l CPT ~ 1"-Gr•yAdv n 11 Nik• I w: ~~ "':.-!::•~ ':-~"'It'"' -.!'ec1 N~SO I _,,.,, , .. ... ()If ,. 3 0111111•1 .. ~. 12•' NGarGt CalWISv 41 Gvrocty" ... 11. NwtNOt 11'9 llh MCI s. l,4M,1GO ,,. I u.. "It. • S<rlPIO , .. .... Off 'W.J iAllH ~ 410 10 ._IEI 11"'1 2 Oii IJ.I f.: IS.i. I l·I• H41dton j ... JI I Nwsl~ 17', II'• A#leC 111,600 JO JO'• I"' n 1111er1m • .. Oft IJ.S 11 Ml II H•mlPI t li. .. ,, ,.. .. ,. .,,, .,~, E""lno. .0..100 1 IS1• 3 :l-16 IJ AIOS<llr J\, "' Oft IJ,J Air .... 4 ... H•rdwll 1'-'"' vj.Nucrp '-'1 Gr•""St. • 46<1,600 IS', IS~. I• ll Hertel t 31. .... g:: U J CeteCP 2' 1A Hrp,._ ' .... 114. Oc••ner u ,,, • Sr"•'"•' . os.100 "• 1 • • • 1. 14 ~fnPM" )'> v, 12.S ~...... "" 11 Ha~.: u u~ §!!~.~ II 41'> MGF 0 11 isl. 100 ,._ Jh '-IS ynHom 1 .. ... Oii IJ.S ... ,,.1.. -)11.. H• I 11\. 111'> 0 111 45"' Cllubb 311,JOO Sl'I SJ 111 " GerMd l SI• ~ Oft tt.S Cllrm$ 17~ 11'-~~~· ,,.,. ~· .. Ferro o. s ... ,.. . • 2'1,'IOO ••• •• ) 1. 11 PwCo•'" 11. , Oii Tl I CllAl1H --....... " OClatT~ wtl<. 11"9 F11jlP 1. .... 14\• 10• • .. II °"'ii: wl s•' "" Oii 11.0 C""1LH .. .,., 11 ...,,_ 7,,. n. PC.A Int t~ i: ··:r . 263.700 JP. tl'> I 1' 8"V "ti )'loo " Oft II.I CNlUll It 7t -.. f IJ'M I P-.11 , .. ... °'' 11 s C-Slh SJ Horl&lh ,..., . ~0•" .. ~. It\. -· eel 241 r:' .~.~-:r u i.-. 2 Oii ,. .. Clrflco .-. .,.. IMS lnl u ~ •ui;i .. ;"" ,; .. Otcll""" 1,m n 111v\ISL 4'• .. Oft II.I CltrSoG• "" 11"-IS() I~ IS .... , I A,,_A 4 .... °" 11 I ~ltrUIA t4\i. O t.. tnt r•lncl ··~ "" ..... •EM 1,._ 14 1 UMlt.,,eecl 1.6'1 14 Alle1M9 II , '· °" II.I lh Ull a ~ l111e1 ..... .,, -I•' 2'\ n .. TotAI '"""' 3,314 ~JOI,, ::: =·· ~ ng:k >~. 1·1• Off II.I IMllJL ,.,., DY> lntrcEnr ,"' . PwollE•P ~ trn • ., Off II. I C~p , .. 111o lftlt rPll ,,, .. ~ ........ ~ ... ~ TotAI Wlft SI l3t -11 •on , '· ()If II I 1n1mec1 111. "', Pettibon MUTUAL FUND ' • •. s.1 .. P II -c10 .. A-A - AAR J .. n J2 ACF f,I, ' lit AMI' 1.» , 312 A~RCP 114 AMR WI< • HI AMR pt a,.11 10 4PL 10 '' ARA I 10 IA ASA ,_ , JOI AVX J2 :i. 10 A1111La11 .. 11 1sn Acml( I .o 1 1• Acm•E " Ub M ' "*"Dt CWIO U AIME• f fS. SI Uh -. AOmMI 10o 11 1t -AMO• .. tOf AAlftlf ~)2 I llt:I '1~• • I"'""' tO UJ.t 1' • I~ ,..,.,. • Jn•""' lrflrd .IO 10 lll 3'\l>-1 lrbFrl tO 11 ti "'"°._ "-IMo•" 0 f\/o ... l1P plAJ,'2 . . t »i., .... II P dtll ,17 , ll •A• Ito laP pl ' . , 160 WY'I + l\ol ~P 1..1 11 . .u .. •· n v. "' A11P pft 16 lt300 ,_,\'>+I .......... ~• • c1-'"' • ' 1'; " ...... 1011 '" lll'-• .. ~.. Mel " IMllMll ,, .... 141 I' ,,! :I ': ""' . :: fl ( .... (.... ("' ~ I • U O• ~\') t 16. t IJ 1:: lt ... al II .. t l! :t llJI =. .. , , ltlf ~-• t: 1i I• ., ".... ..... ="· ..... di ~ ....• "" "" ' 1• ••• ,..~ .... ,,, to t • ~ .,. to I U._ 2.a I .. t1i., l'I ~ t". ·:o ,,llo . '"" • = ~: . " t':: . lo; ., 1.1'" ,J .1 ... 11'1 Lt l,tO t 410 IS.... , pl J . tMG IS .... prltJ,10 . I 1•'-, ..... ,., US .. •100 Ullt 14 ycoP1 IA I 3' ,.... • "' YftAm ~I • ._..,_ ''-' \lo GG 1 .JJ It 1'I Jtlio• ~'.:: .: R 1:f ~l: • .,,. 10 ••'-Ye I • Jh l•\o llV.. ""' IJ't .. ~., ... 311... "" '~·· • . . . Poon~ plummets for third day • LONOON (Al') Tht· 2r1Pl:i1h pound tumhh·d &nOlht•c;)*O Ct:lll.li agairut the dollar to<luy Ill H WHVI' ol selling. wh1h· th(• dollur declined 11.cu111i.t rrWJor turnmclc.11 <•lsc.1wh1·rt•, Cold prict>:> r<~·. • The pound. duw11 5 t•tml.t> th1K wc..-•k to or.ound $1.60, wms lx•mg aold hcovily ":all owr F.llrnf)f' und London.'' !U.lld one dcal~r. . 1'hc i.hde took &he· British eur~l·rwy tu wllhrn reach of it.soil time-low of $1.56 in Oc·toht•r l117fj wh,•n the lnll•rn<Jt1111\ul Mone-wry l''und c·~1mc> to tht> hM"al rl~'UL' or U thc>n lrO~bll'd l.;1hu'r govc>rnmt•n& 5,300 cars recalled DE'TROIT (AP) -General Motors Corp. 1s recatling 5,300 cars 'from the 198:! model yt>ar lx.'t'iJUlK' df faulty wind11hield wiper motors that could makt' wipers stop working or cause underhood' fires --In-a statell)(!nt Tl.K'&day, th automaker s~ud t.hc- ears involved arc early pruducuon runs or the O~dsmobile Toronado. Buick Riviera and Cad1llal' Eldorado and Seville. Owners will n..><.-eivl' letters from GM and rcpmr work w.ill be done al dealers free or charge·. / T~y recall renewed WASHING'I'ON (AP) -The importer of stuffed animal mobiles that were recalled because of their strangulation hazard three years ago is renewing e fforts to r<.>call the potentially dangerous toys The Consumer Product. Safety Commlss1on said Tuesday as many as 180.000 of the colorful mobiles may stiJI be in use across the country. 'fhe importer or the toys, R. Dakin & Co .. IS offering a full refund for the toys when they arc ret~rncd. Consumers who wish to keep them are advised to cul off the three elastic strings susp<mding the toy and contact the c..'Ompany. · -- STOCKS IN TltE SPOTLIGHT WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOIU( (API NOv 1' ~-· 4Ml•OO roci;~ IJ)f "' ltll M • NEW YORI< tAP/ No• It Ad\111\Ced '~l, 0e<11ntC1 m Uncl\......S 17J Total 1u.-s ti7 H X E W H I 1..-. l ME~LS ..... "11o '°2 Ill w H S "' ... 1 NEW YOlllC CAPI -Spot nonle,,ou1 melel P<ialS locley C~per 70'o·72 c1n1a • pound u S dOltlnlllON Le9d 2 l'\-26 Cetlll e pound Z1'lc 34-42 ~ ... pound, dolt-od Tift S6 0629 Mllelf W .... CC>n101)tll• lb """'""-76 COl\lt a pound. N 'V ...,_, 5365 00 pe• llesk • N ~lell1111m S343 OO·S345 00 troy ounce. SILVER 0::,::d'f •nd Harmon S 10 565 po1 1101 GOLD QUOTATIONS ., Tllo ~194" "'- S-led wO<ld 0o4cl P<ICee IOdly 161..~"don mo•"'"' 11•1"1 $412 60, up ISL~ lllOfl\00" flalftf $412 50. Up ~ "'"'-'413.50, up 17 25 rt--. -~ iOr llOlldoy z..... .... .,..,_ .... "413 25 up ... 75 '*'· "'14 25 -Id . S H...-r a Kor111111 (011lr dollr ~"") 412 so: up SS 00 .. ~,...., ....... )~12~ UC> 15~ ,...., .., ..-1~)313 UC> SYMBOLS If It f I oats, chances are .... ZO Trn IS Ull 6S SU• ll\CIU,S Tr•n UUls U 5111, 1001 '1 IOIUI "1 10 IOOI 00 U Q .v .. 1 Ol IO •20 .. .,, .. 10 " 111..U Ill n Ill" 111 SI 0 '1 Jt?.n JM OS -00 )ti) '7 U I 10.m .000 0 J,061,100 1.n1.100 15 0'7 ,000 AMERICAN LE,AOERS '• ~ "-" .... ••• " , .. H• ,~: '• ... 1''1 , ''• .~. ~. , '· '• ••• ... ~ P(l Up .JO.l Up 1<.1 Up Ill Up llt UP 13 0 Up 11• Up 11 • Up 11 I Up tt Up •.t Up t • Up ,. Up U Up IS Up •9 Up ,. Up ,, Up •• Up '• Up • > Up •l Up l1 Up •I Up St Up S• P<l Oii ". 011 ,, s 011 "s 0 11 11 I Otl 10 7 0 11 10 s Oii 10.S Oii 10 l 011 IOt Otl •.• Oft • s Otl • ' Otl t.1 Oii • 1 Oii •• 011 u Otl ,, 011 t1 011 • ' g:1 a Oii ,,. Oii 11 Oii 't yoltll read about i t---__ _____. in the Diiiy Pillt 642-4321 .. .. n •Coast DAILY PILOT/ ednHd1y, NovemMt 17. 1882 pace shuttle due for overhaul ith n1ore than 1 U 'n1illion niile on the <1donu•1t•r, · s~i11 1"~·11cly fur-t.ui'ie-up · CA P E 'ANAVJ.o:HAL, Fla tAJ>) :rht-shuttle C.:olumbia 11 due for a ' 0 • mo n I h I u y o v t• r u n d a • • h u b I l lll>illty .. ovt•rhaul following Tuci;duy's tf'lu1·n from spa<.'(' - With mort• than 10 m1lhon m1lt'S on IL-; udonwll'r, 1lw shi p will bt• rclurn<.'<i 10 Cnpt• < 'u1111v1•rn l 11"' mud1l 1LJt1u 11a. 11., IWXl n11s.'i1tlll Ill lo lt•11 y II UIUifUt• lll>lll'i' luhoruwry Into orbit 111 luw &•pH•111hN I 91i!i • . The shu.llh• pruJnun will t'Clllllnut• ul · un 1nt·n •tuit.J chSJ as Chul11•11tt<•1 Kt'lli '1t1> dt•but and two addil1onal tltJ(h ts bt•fort' l '11lumbw flu"' 11f(uh1 With 1w11 ~hlpw. NASA '• 1t huftlt• l11u1w h Ht h1•tlul1• llll'l\'U'4'S Ill ftvt• llt')(I y1•11r - (.'ulumbiu Iii bl•mw modlt uttJ to mukt• th•• l'ab111 an•u mon· h11b1t11hl1· fol' • t'111rv i11~ t lw ~l-llll't.•l11h m11111 11111 's 111 K " p.·riu'111 1·n·w Spa·ce ·launch-vehicles on ,shuttle had HB ·connect-ion Two comlllUllll"illHms Sllll·lhlcs wen • Tht• I WO laun('ht.'S ~t·rl' bt•ll('Vt'tl lO be Tiii' blllt•llllt'l\ Wl'rt' luflt'\I mlo orh1l hy • • • .1'1urnlnum• . Ledger Paper Glass .. Computer Paper . Tab Cards Magazines Cardboard Newspapers *bought on Saturdays 8 · 2 laundwd lnlo o rb1l (rum lhc spa~'l' lhl• firsl from a manm-d vt'hl<:lt• m span" Puyluud As.111sl Module•" (i'l\MH). shullk• Columl>1a by t·ommcccaal spa<W tal't:ording lO Charfos OrW..hl. d m-ctur of Tht• mission nbounJ tlw <.'olumti1a LOCATED ON ADAMS AVE. BETWEEN HARBOR BLVD. / launch vc>h'idt.•s dt.•wlupt.'C..I m Huntington space program11 lor the Mt•Uonnl•ll m;uk1'CJ lhl• nmth and 10th luundu.·~ fm AND FAIRVIEW IN COSTA MESA. PHONE 556-5981 Bcac·h: 1 ______ ~D~cl~Ugg!l~as:?_' ~A~st~ro!!,!l:!!)a~u~u~t-s~Co~m~i.>a~n~v0_. _____ _t'.P~A~M~s~· .::.!s1~11~t·•::_· ~l 9~8!QO.:....:. 1~tl;!'l'!,!!111~·J~11~1 L' !!;tu~0;_?;1~·d~11~h!..I _J;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yvle gift idea ·_· the hot seat INDlANAP-OLlS (AP) -'--For $30.000,.y.ou may ow n y-o-u.r ve-r y ow n • electrk chair. used in seven executions in Nevada, two loraJ art dealers say. Partn e r s R ober t Fitzgerald and Donald Runtzinger wanl to sell a n au thenttc e lct·t ric t·hair. . , "It came oul of lhe Nevada S t a re ~n itentiary where it as made by prisoners in· e 1920s," Fi tzge r'l.ld said. "When I heard it was for sale, I checked wi th th e N eva da Historical Society to mak C' s ure i t was authenuc." he said . H untzinger be lieves the chair is the Sf•c·ond oldest e1et·tric cha ir in the country and was used unul tht• 1950s. LEMON ... . From Page 84 "W e do n 't ackno wledge lemons." G u s B u·e n z . a G M region~! public relations manager. said last April before an auto consumer confe rence in Ch icago. "We don't lhmk there is any such thing because -i"'e feel that if you have :ii probiel'{l with a ca r. il f.~~p~~~i~n l o the easure had also come om the state's 700 car ealers, who (eared that ~stomers would blame h em rather tha n the anufact urers for alfunctioning cars. · lJut F.dward Simmons. t hief of the dealers and ~palrers ·division of the ta l e Motor Vehicle epartment, said (hose ears have subsided as ~ealers have come to IJnderst..and lhe statute. "They're nol going to ave to take lhe blame or probl e ms ttiei r stomers have thal are yond their control." he id. Simmons said t hat ny car dealers thouRht he law applied to any our repairs to a n ew ars, not to four attempts fix the same problem. State Cons umer rotection Commissioner ry HC$lin. who. with immons. has tried to ducale consumers and ealers about the law. a ys s h e 's satisfied onnecli~ul's law is a • 'measure of protection hd a tool to remedy the ru s trating a nd o m climes over- helming problem of w ning a lemon." "Un fortunately , too any new c ar ransactions turn sour, he vehicle spends more _ .. in lhe repair sh~p h a n on the road. its wner walching lhe lock on his warranty icking away," she said a brochure about the aw distribulej' by her Hice. The BBB 's K ar l racey said provisions of he lemon law are to be ncJuded i n n e w -car ~rators' manuals and arranUes. . At & h e-C hi c a 8. o- onference earlier this ear , Clarence Dltlow, ead of the .Center for uto Saf e t y in aa hlngton. urged o n aumera t o u se a ederal law to sue If they I they have received hodcty ~hend'9e. ••1(..._ ..... far If," Nid Dltlow, an uorne·y. Under the 1975 federal w. the Maanueon-Mo. t, comLUMl'I can aue if hey haveb't received efund1, repairs , eplacementa or other at.t1fecllon on a ny efectlve warrantied roduct. ' \ , .. -' TOM • • .. . ANNUAL · PERCENTAGE RATE ' •· to save. And when you add these financing savings to the special year-end prices offered by many GM Dealers on '82 models, it's your best opportu- nity in a long time to drive home a real bargain. Tens of thousands of people have already taken But they're going fast. So you'll have to act advantage of participating GM Dealers' special quickly to ge~ the model you wan~ wi~ special 10.9% GMAC financing rate. And so can you . year-e~~ sa~tng~ and low 10.9% finan~tn&:. Qualified buyers can finance any new '82 _ _ ~~etpat1.ng GM J?ealers are _con~but1ng to Chevrolet, Polt.ac, Oldsmobile, Buick or bnng you this attract1ve-10:93 fi~ancmg. - Cadillac passenger car, or GMC or Chevrolet Dealer contr;ibution may affect the final light-duty truck. or van, at just 10.9%. It's the negotiated price of the vehicle. Offer ends great rate break you've been waiting for. A rate December 31, 1982. ... that means lower monthly payments for you. This is ~ great chance -.. - • . . . .. WEDNESDAY. NOV. 17, 1982 . • ,. SLIM GOURMET ca SUPERMARKET SHOPPER 01 I ·. />r,,«·t·s~·d 11otal'''•s lf•a 111 • ~·ill1 lnu•o11 ·1111d f.•11gs (01· 11 f ri«•11,l/y M't•t•l t•11d IJr111u·h . Mf.•11us 011 l'11gt• (:.5. Microwa:Ves speed· up· holi.day f'i~i~gs- By BEA.ANDERSON Of Ille o.at1 Piiot lleft • • " . When it <.'Omcs to entertaining thet·c is nothing like a microwave oven for .$8Ving time. Ho t appetizers in a mintttc. stuffed mushrooms in fou r. hot punch in 14. And there are other bonuses, too. drumsticks tlth th~ meaty end on th<.• 01,llc r edge o.f the dish. • . -Find the oven's hotspot (tht•y all have it) so you t·a n avoid owrcooking. A s1mpl<.' m<.•t hod is mkl'owa'{ing cht•ost•-toppcc.J corn chips (I minutt' on hi'gh). Cht'CS<' will melt firs t in the hotspot. Stop the C'~cle. turn the• tray for mol'L' even ('()()king, and restart. • For instanc-c. food can be served -As ou u;idc·edges cook first. while' piping hot and fresh -not always stir from outsidt.• to the dried out from a warmer. Cleanup ccnt~r and from ,th<.• center to the work also is reduc:ed as rriost f~ outside. can be prepared tn serving-dishe(, -Som<.' dish<.-s are covl:'red for provided they are microwave ... raSt.cr cooking, If plastic wri1p is proof. used, be sure to remove it away These· are some of the highlights from vou to avoid a steam burn. of a Newport Beach demonstration -.-'Pierce o r pri<.>k p l a s tic by dietitia n, columnist and \iuthor p ous h es and all f oods with Pat J ester. membrane or tight skins, such as He r program, geared to the egg yolks. chicken livers potatO<.'s holiday hostess, featured recipcs and acorn squash: to prevent them included in her new publitation from exploding. . "Microwave Cookbook• The -Use wax paper for a IQ<>st'· Complete Guide." Directions are fitting cover allowing steam to developed for two coo"ing speeds escape while cooking corn on the -I 00 percent (high) ·a nd 30 cob. pears or artichokes. percent (defrost) because "most -Limit use of paper plates and __ _ microwave oven s h ave these cartons to short cook.ing times. An ·cycles." exception wou ld be f r ozen Throughout the demonstration vegetables. as the ke crystals wiU at Robinson's, Fashion Island. the provide enough moisture to keep forme r food ed itor of "Better the paper from drying out a nd Homes and Gardens" in'terspersed possibly igniting. helpful h'ir\ts: -Only use ute nsils that arc -For appetizers with ch aps or microwave safe. To be sure, re fer crackers as the base, line a serving to your manuf.acturcr's use-and- tr ay with paper towe ls (white care guide. . only because d ye ~f._!rar:isfer to As if by design, as· Jester was the food) to abs moisture, _:JT1ak ing this final p o int, s h e keepin~ t~e crispn of. crackers \(~moved ·a non microwa.ve-safe and chaps mta~·t. . plastic measuring cup containing -Arrange ,an a d~ughnut shape syrup that h;u! been cooking near the tray s outside edge. The several minu~he heat from slo w est cooking a rea is d ead-the liquid had partiall y col.lapsed center. For meattoaf or a cake, the container . place a glass or cus1.ard cup in the He re are r~ipes from Jester's cente r of the baking d ish and then program. fill a round it. Arrange ch icken (Sff HOLIDAY, .Page Ct) . . -- -.- • . . . Toppirig Off f~ll witli caran1.el ·apples Falltime is also funtlme when you bring together two alltime f avorltes -crisp and juicy. apples and wonderfully delicious caramels. And the fun soon becomes a family attair when both the experienced and beginning cook make Caramel Apples at home. Picking the apple of your ·eye Topping off the fall with Caramel A pp les is a si mpl e and easy do-It-yourself way to enjoy a. wholesome So what'• keeping you from meklng Ceremel Apple•? You wlll need: 1 14-ounce beg ceramela snack. Keeping· a few tips in mind. will help ensure a perfect treat everytlme. Teke out: eeucepan epetula ehortenlng • Crisp and crunchy apples such as • Once you've selected the apple of your Mcintosh and Jorfciffians are p-erte-crfm--eye-;-tnmole-wtttl care-to avord addrrrg"OTT.-r---- 2 tablnpoona weter · 4-or-5 medium •lze appln 44 or 5 wooden ellcke • wooden epoon w~.,.,,... cookie eheet J • Caramel Apples -especially In the fall dents. when they reach their flavor peal<. • Apples like it real cool. Store them in the • When making Caramel Apples remember refrigerator or in another cool, dry place. that beauty is more than ski n • Wash apples before eating them. Dry deep.Choose apples with a smooth skin apples carefully for Caramel Apples. so without any soft spots. which can end up the melted caramel will stick. as brown spots inside the apple. Hints for · a ·perfect caramel apple • Use low heat. Caramels and other sweet treats can scorch easily if heat is too high. • Cover the saucepan as the caramels melt. Uncover to stir, and once caramels begin to melt. stir o ften t o prevent scorching. • Watch the caramels carefully. They will be slow to start melting. but once they start. they melt quickly and should be stirred constantly. • Stir caramels gently with a wooden spoon to keep air bubbles from forming. • Choose a deep 1 V2-quart saucepan to assist in dipping al:>ples. • Humidity can cause caramel to slip off apples. !Choose a dry place to store completed caramel apples. Do not store more than a day or two. ---~~~. ----------~~-----~----------~~--- .. . ' 1 Recipe for the basic caramel apple • Unwrap caramels • Place caramels and water in heavy 11/2-quart saucepan. • Cover • Cook over low heat. stirring frequently until caramels are melted and sauce 1S smooth. • Place sheet oJ wax paper on cookie sheet. • Lightly grease wax paper. • Wash and dry apples. • Insert wood stick into stem end of each apple. • Holding stick. dip apples. one at a time. into hot· caramel sauce. turning until well coated • Scrape off extra sauce from bottom~f apple with spatula. • Place apples on greased wa x paper. • Cool until caramel sets. • ?tore in a cool. dry place: do not refrigerate. . Topping off fall variations To make a truly fall spectacular Caramel Apple. dip the coated 'apple in chopped nuis....candy .coin or dec_otative _candles bel ore chilling. Don't hold back. - express yourse~ thr,0ugh the topping you . c_boo~e to aq<L,__ -~---_ . • ' • nott CoHt DAILY Pll.01 /Wednesday. Novemb•r 17. 1882 Holiday' .. far e frorp· OtiCrowaVe · (Frum ('uver P11t1) MERRY CHRISTMAS GROO ~ ( 1 11 pnundi.) farm rape.· pc.•un; -4 t•ups t.•runlx>rry juk'<' t.'UC.'kt111l :J l'Ups dry t'tod w1111• ·~ •., ~u1> .i.u1o<ar 1·• <'Up Kt1ld1•n raisins ti <.'lllnumon sll<.'ks l wholt.• nulml'f( ti whole.• dovt'S 1n <'UP <.•ronbcrrx liqueur Pl<'rt.'<' pcarsitwic'f' with n lurgQ fork, Wrup e:ich pear in a small l\qUUrt• or wwwd pupcr, twistmg ends 'to SC'al Plucl' in u drd<' In microwave oven and <.'OOk at full power fur 4 minutes or until tender, n •arranging Ont(•. L1•av1• pears wrapped and SN aside. In a dt.'Cp 3-quart casserole or microwave-safe punchbowl. rombinc (Tanberry juice, wine. sugar and raisin$. Til• cinnumon stkks, nutmeg and clov<.'S in cheesecloth, Add to cranberry mixture. Cover anc;j microwavt• at full power Cor 13 to 15 minutes or t unul bOiJing. Stir well. S tir in cranberry liqut•ur. ~i cup 111.1.ior '1 nip hutwr 01 muruuru11• l h•uspuon .ci:ound 1·1i\n111111>11 ") wiu1 poo11 1111h 1 ~ l'UP J\orw.,y I <·up goldt•n ruil'lllllt I "<.·up snlpp-d drwd upm•ots.or ix·u<:ht"- 1 n 12-mdl aqu1.rt• mil'Mw4.lvt• lmkanf( dl!>h, <.'Omb11H1 popcorn, pt•anulll. l'IUllClow1•1 kt·• rlt'ls nod «.'Ol<tlllt:tt. Toss w mix Wl'll. Set Ollidtt. In a glaas I-quart ml•aaurmg c.•up. t.'Omh1m• sugur. butlt'r or na.ar6(11r1111•, dr111:'1111011 11ncl sul( Driizll· honey in10 sugar m1xlUl't'. Mtt·rowuv1• ul full powC'r for 2 mmut<•:., or until boiling. stirring om·<•. Stir wdl MJt'f'OWllV.l' Ill !iU pt.!l'l'l'nt ror 5 minuttos, stirring on<.'t'. Pour over pop<.'<>rn mlxtun.•. Mix with 2 forks, coaling all pieces with syrup. M1crowavt' at 30 pcrct.'nt power for 5 minutes or until hl'att•d through. stirrlns-on<.'t'. Stir m raisins and aprit'Ol.8'or " 1x•achcs. Cool completely. Store in a tightly t•ovcrl-d t'Onluinl'r. Mak<.•s 12 cups .. · .. I I , I I ' Tastes .Bitter Costs less than Tender Chunks Microwave at full pow~r 2 to 3 minutes or. 41).til heated through i'WR1ovc spke bae. · To serv.e, unwtap· bals.ed pears .. .ind float ih .. grog. IC desired. garnish grog with pear sli~ ahd wholl' cranberrit•s. St.•rvt.'S 8. S'Q!fFED MUSHROOMS • - -l packaglttrozcn spinach soufflc. dl'fruswd - 12 fresh mushrooms ' '~ ¥ ..• ~ ~IJJf!Jll ?2(!)@ NACHOS 24-'rouod torUll.a chips CannC.d chopJX.>d green chilies l 1n cup shredded Cheddar cheese Taco wasoning n1ix Place tortilla t.·hips in a cirlcle on a paper towel-lined 12-mch microwave pizza plate. Top l!ach chip with a ft•w chopped green chilies. Top with shredded (•hccsc. Sprinkle chec..>Se with ~ season mix. Microwave al full power a minute lo a minute and one half or until cheese melts, turning the piate once. FRUITY POPCORN TR EAT 2 quarts popc:orn, popped ~ l cup salted peanuts l cup sunflowe r kernels. ¥.i cup shredded CtK'Onut 2 tablespoons butter or margarm(• Pimiento · ,. Removl! stems from mushrooms and reserve for another use. Wash mushrooms and pal dry on paper towels: Place butter or margarine In a cusiartJ cup. Microwave at full power 45 sec.'Onds or until melted. Dip mtuhrooms in butter or margarine. Fill mushrooms with spinach souffle . Arrange mushrooms in a cln:le in a 12-iACh microwave pizza plate, propping mustfrooms up along edge of dish. Driz.zJe witb any remaining butter or margarine. Garnish with plmlc11to. · • Microwave at full power 4 to 5 minutes ort.1ntil heated through. giving the disb a. half turn once. B.cmove any smaller mldhrooms as soon as they arc cooked a nd. continue mit:rowaving r emaining mushrooms. Let stand one minute. Serves 4. 0 I ON ANY SIZE PURINA -1 Moist'n Chunky I ~ OogFood ~·Cl~~·i~ . ·---- llO ____ ....... __ _ ='=-es:--==---= ---..•-·-==- FREE lnTRODUCTORY -----:=: ...... --.. -9L_ ::=-... = ........ -::.-----· :5§" -c-~,,eroe =-=-==-IC -----------·-2bb00 l0l&f&f3 ------------... --ORDERFORM Fm TIDY CAT3"10-lb. Bag Offa: To receive yoor certificate. tor one fyee 10..fb. ~ 9f New Tidy .c.t 3. complete this fofm and &end it, together with one proof.of~ INI from either a 10-lb. CK 25-lb. package of New Tidy Qlt 3, to:"-Jw,c.t 1-"- l!O.lm '900-lC---.._.,5Z7)(). °'*•~January31. 1113 rtome~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORDERFOltM AnnourDw 77w Finl O'lridma IW Allthorlzetl .. th• HlllllllWI Ftanll, "The Huwnty Cifts" -...... '"' ....... """" c-. ......... _..,tht.._._ :z.!. --'"' ,...,inAn< ... __ loollhl• SlfJt ,.,,, __ 9-"'"s~.!'\!i '--Act...i 1uuflldUW r .... -~. , __ --choO• ._,, .... ..,.... .. n.._~(---5ooo1J MMITo: Tbt New E~ Ccillecton Sodcty 237 SIWMtll Rold• P.O. 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""'--bt-onl)0W'lllllit~otlllt ~ -...-"'"-_ .. _ ..... ........., Aly<'.bor--0 0 --gi to-·--·w11-,...111ru. ....... 11u.._ .. .,.llOll ..... ..__.. ...... ___ .,,_ .. lllo_tl~lf lllo- (12 ..,_ ....... _,,tllll_. ___ lllo_.....,_ ------·-..... ::;.ei.:::..-n:i-=:i .:.'!':;:".:.-,..::; ~-=-.::::== .::.-: I __ ,,__ ... ___ . ___ .. ____ ..... e --··--"--···-"'°'-"~ ...... Ilia llW ...... ... ,,_ ..... n.-..,~IOJ .. .._ .. lfll-Qlll ........ -VIQblflf _. __ ,......,.,,_.,_laa ·-.... ~ -~ .. -.- Flour, Pillsbury Frosting I Supreme and Pillsbury - - - - - - - - - - - - -Plus Cake Mi x -along I with MAJlrIN REPUND I STORE COUPON ~ CERTIFICATE (opJ)081tB) -and receive coupons ~~ JSO valued at a tota.1of 11 for ~~~ree Pillqbur~. 1 · :!: 8 DI. or ladier _,of l'illabarTa a.9'" l'lou co ·--&... ""'_ .... _....,Wlblllt..-ollllt ~ 11 • .A44iUcma1 ea.oo I ~ .. :4.::-Oil.--""....,..... .... ......_ ,.,._ .. -~ ·--•..ia-,_.11r111o•.U..ol M--7'bAD 0, OMh ...-.......... _,,..:::::-.. --:...-c~~..:.:=-::=::::::::= :. Look for the Plllsbury I _,......,_,..,.._ . .,. ___ ... __ ., __ n. __ ,.., "'n'iple Refund Proof" in ~ :.-:::.-:.":...-,:-.:.:::::..-:::::.=:.":-=~= e vnur drooer's ad between --··--11---···-,, .. -,,..__, .................... ,,_ e 1· _" _ _..n.-..,o..a.,IClllD.~D-.CAlll.---1/mlllf l• now and December 3, ·--....-.-1ori.. .._ ,_..,,.... -~---.-· 1982. You can triple your 11 refund by 1noluc11ng I · · · the'"IMpleRefundPfoof" - - - - - - - - - --·-- - -along with your prooa or I ~~U::-~-T M&D.-DJ,BBWIJllD QBB2'1rl~ p~able to you and the DD'l.m null WOAD. grocery store of your o ~~=~--· M,yname ohotoe-,good for ANY I l'Ui.tiwy~~<~,.;;&lld __ _ merohandlse. p~) "'-•nd me ooupona valued M.y grocery store n&me ™pleYour Re~ I 0 ~~$-.PUJMN.ry _w,y_~ __________ _ I ~·ad"'"" .,., ClliY ~ Zip expires Dec. Sl, 1988. 5~ano GO! Mall oouponwit.bp~°'~&nd~p .. ..,,. '"'°"7 -~ lJl Mldluon Your .Refund Proof" to Th.• Pillabury I • 10 qo ll In OOUpoNI ClomJ>UIY, BOX 1943, ~polla, MJI 8&4eO ._ __ ,_...,., __ °""'--_,....., .... _,,_ ""' ____ ,.._..., =:-i.:. o:=:.:--..:..~..: =:.=::-i..: :".:.!'; ~",.:.. ':?. ~) .... "' -- • lldreshe~Kleasarebakingal ~. ©The Pillsbury Company 1982 ACT -FAST · FOR FANTASTIC .SAVINGS- up to s.2.so off San.ka: Now' s the time to take advantaee of this special limited time offer-up to $2.50 off San~· Brand Decaffeinated Coffee. First, redeem the two 5()t coupons attached on your next purchases. And if you send us three proofs •· Of.J>ur-ehase with the attached mail-in certificate by ,flltUMY 15,.JQll..--'Jl.Mnd_you two~~~R good on San~· Brand-Instant, Freeze-cJ'fiftd 01'" .... '>' Ground. . . I , :ft I It all adds up to a big $2.50 in savings-~r· don't mist itf --..... ,..__...119 1 - SEND FOR WXJR-·COUPON REFUND TODAY. Gee two 75• ~when you eend In lhll cenificate with 3 proofs of pwchMe• by FEBRUMT 15, 1913 . Md to: Sanu• Bl'and Refund Ofler, P.O. Box 6205. Kankakee. llllnols 80902. ~·-·-----------~--------­Addrell~---------------------City State Zlp ==-.::~-=-u: r::;:;:. ~:..:.·:::. '::':....."":=-~-ltc.......,~ ---·~- ........ ~ ..... , ,__ .... .,._ •• ., • ....., ,. ................... ~ ..... ,IN( ................. ..,..,.u-..... c.-....,_ .................. . • ('.I Or"rng Coost bAfL V PILOTi Wed1101:1uay, Nov•mt>er 17, 1982 • DOYOUWAHTA HUSB.AND? •• Are you a sln~le woman looking for that Mr. Right? If you ,.re, then~'' . International could t:>e your answer. We don't make exerbltant promiiserbut , what we do, and do well ls provide the meansbywhlchyoucouldmeettheman you seek. . Over the past several months, Mates International has placed advertising In over 30 western countr~es looking for slngle professional men who V(ant to marry an American woman and relocate to the U.S. Over 10.000 qualified men answered our. ads. These men are aged 25-55, of various religious denomina- tions, speak English fluently, and are financially stable. Their profeuiona range from doctors. accountants, & professors to computer experts, lawyers, . and businessmen. In essence. they are employable within the U.S. job market. • employable now and not just when th~ econo!'1y turns around. , What Mates International offers you is a no-risk opportunity'to examine and verify that what we say is true. We will send you a complete information packet containing the following: a high gloss booklet on more than f0urty of these available men, a complete exp,anation on how Mates lnt~rnatlonal works, a fact sheet on U.S. Immigration Laws, and lastly, the details on our directory ·• that contains the photos and biographies of ·over 3000 of these men. The best 3000. . . -To order the information packer containinq all the photos .and data as described, simply send us your full name and address and a check or m·oney order for-$2.50 ($~0 plus ~9·cents posts~) to: MATES INTERNATIONAL 99 FOURTH AVE #4070 OTTAWA,ONTARIO,CANADA _, ~ :' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---s s :.._.~~~~~~~~J .. MAJ"ES INTERNATIONAL -A NEW MAN PEOPLE TURN TO CLAM ... BECAl1SE THEY llMJW cnm PEOPLE .\BE 8El.LlllQ. ~lllnl( evavlhlnl( from moi~vcln 10 plallOll ll's lhf' na1 Ul'f' of peof)le 10 • dlM"Ud Old hobblc-s and take up nt'w ones. (or famllk-5 lo movf' . and 11trow And lhf' ~1on~tha1 onre ~rvt<l tht"m Wt'll nulllYt' tht'lr uvfulnf'"'K That'•iqeood rwws for v~ wtwn · rhanll(d In vour llfr nttHAllate a purchase or I wo Chec'k claMIRf'd- 11 mav rnakf' t~ <'hanl(eS a lttt~ mott an'ordable Discover·· Wbat's cooking along .the Orange Coast . ·in the ran. --~ ... .. ~ . .. , -. " _.,. J . .. ,. , ... J \ .. • • HlllFI p1'aent1 .• ·~ ., .- ·' \ .. ·. 1982 CMA. FEMALE VOCALIST : OF THE YEAR~ I ,. _rn_NJIE _9:oo e·.M ...... ......___ RECORDED LIVE FROM THE -. SPONSORED BY HUNTINGTON BEACH HONDA HlllFI II' I I.. .. oast ... Corlling Dec. 8 in the ~~~~~~----~"""'---'"""""'~~ lailJ ·Pi -· ' ... . ' I 1 .. I • J I I I . "' " • . . • . . .. ~Pt ·1 or new look • In classic ·brunch· menus If you're> St'archang for 1 mstanl mashed pot-11lllC'R, a Ce s l l v c Id ca for 1.1 eggs, d~viled hnrp. l'l1lvt.'tl fr I c n d l y weekend und hr<'ddt•t.I Ch,.>ddar brunch , opt Cor easy cheese. With a toasty clegan(•e by mixing golden crust s tvddet.I -pf'OCCli.ie<i pot.aloes with With chopped chives_and p o p u 1 a r b r u n c h a moist center of potutocs ingredients such as eggs• and bits of ham, 1hc puff and cheese. . -has an inv(ting light Set your tabl<' with t exture and sub tle Nrd1ant bouquets of sun-flavor, remln18CCnt of the kissed· chrysanthemums delicate soutfle. • a nd other fall flowe rs; Another great wllnary w I. t h t h i s g l o w i n g idea for the• weekend is a mbiance. bring out ·Potato Brunch Pie. A entr.cs that delight the simple combination oft eye and e xcite th e . hash bro wn potatoes appetite -Idaho Puff with onions, dried ~C de Terre and Potaio and eggs makes for a Brunch Pie. quick, luscious 001elet. Tasty Idaho Puff de IDAHO Terre entree is a blend of PUFF de TERRE I Jl ,. k 11 _M (• ( :. I. OUOl'('I) irutJtnt ffil1!ih<•d potutot'8 (f(>r 5 lit'rvinws) 2 t•gg11, 11t~parawd · 2 c1uUL (<t 11. ounces each) deviled huin 1 c up a-h reddl·d Cheddar chl't'lle 1 3 t ·ab l ra p oo n s chopp('d (•hives . Prt•parc ma s h l•d potators according to p1tcku ge ~rcc t1011 s omitting c utte r a nd r educing salt to ~ teaspoon. Jn small bowl beat t:>gg yolks, stir in ham, cheese, chives and prepared m ashed potatoe8. . In sma ll bowl .of t•h•t·11·11· mu,1°1· l>1°ul •'KK whlll.., un11I 10llff, i(t•utlv {t>ld 111111 polt-'o mlxlurt• Spoon 1111x11111• 11111: lour b u.c.t 1• rt• ti I O f1 u ll l' 1• t' u 11 t a r d t• u p s o r md1v1duul i.oufflc• dasht~ &kt• m u a75 dt·~ll't.' ti' OV(.lll ~o llllllUll'l:I or Ulllll goldt•n brown. YIC'hJ: 4 ·st•rv111gs POTATO BRUNCH l'IE 1 p ut:kag<' (5 .5 oum't'S) clohydrntt•d hash brown polatol"s with onions I Jar (:.! 5 o un('l'S) s I 1 c t• d d r 1 l' d b l' e ( , t•hoppl'<J 6 '1ggs--- 1 • teaspoon Pt'PIX'" . J~1 1•p;11'1• pol11l111•11 hl lu1 ~(I' 11k11l1•1 .111·1111l1nl( to p n c k tq.( t · cl 1 r 1.· 1.· t 1 o n 11 , 1·l111111111t111t( ...-:1lt und U d d 111 U l ht• c•l1'11 fl I' t•jl cJ I j t•d IWt• f W h 11 e-,.....__L,_,.___._ potot oc·a, 111 t• 1·oo kang, b!•al IO~(Mht•I t'Uf.t'• and IX'Pf>l'I Wh1•n p11t.1t'cH'1> ur<> dont•, µu!kr i'gl{s ovc•r llll'm. (.'1Klk ov<'r mt>dlum ht.•at 5 llll11Ul C'S, frcqu<'ntly running :i sputulu nr kndt• <ll'ound the l'<ll(t' ur pan to nllow -, unc:oukl•d <.'l(l(S' to run. under1wath C:ovt·r Cook 5 mmull's longt•r or unul top IS SCl. Yield: (i M'rvmgi.. .. Ey~-opening· :_en trees a.t . rnid-morn.ing ' ' bread and dry mW;tard round out the flavor of this easily prepared dash. If th(' l.'Vl"nt ca lls for something unus ual. pr e pare Brunch -time Bacon &kl'. Bucon. m·c. zucchini. and olives-bake Puff dt• T t•rrc blends· mashed potutoe ·.; _ Chcddur c ht•csc and ham for Jig ht-heurted hrunch clish . · . ,. (See Eye.opening, C7) 1 DOCTORS are recommending acetaminophen , the aspirin-free ingredient in Anacin-3, m6re than any..othv..-- aspirin-f ree pain reliever. 2HOSPITALS use ·.acetaminophen, the non-aspirin pain reliever in Anacin-3, more than any other limit two olttn pe1 pvrtlllst. CoupOll 100C1 I onl1 for combln1tlon white/dirk orders. Customer pays all apploclblt 11111 t .. Oller eapores November 28 1982 I Prices m11 vary at p1rtlcll)ltln1 loc1t!Ofts: · Coupon cOOCI on11 In Southern C•lllornl1 I whtte rou ste the membtrlhlp &HI of the Ktntuek1 fried Chicken Anocl1tlot1. \, l ,. 3~==TS acetaminophen, the aspirin-free pain reliever in Anacin-3, more than~y. other. rAKE 3,ANACIN-3~. - " .. . .. .. • • ~· Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Wedne1day1 Nov•m~r t 7, 1912 .. . . . ~ . .. . Potatoes a~d soup rank high. in , 'cornf ort~ foods categ9ry \ . 'l'h i" clc· lit• iouti. "OUft "'ilh f)OIHIO dumpliu~"' i1it Th<.'r<.' llr<' cenuln 1'08 ~ unlil ll~h tl y Whh fluun·ll hontls tor111 1>111 111 w ith i.l11111 ·d ( foods that give people a browned and c1·1sp .. lk· UllO 16 bulh1 Pr••iw. :l or 4 spoon and k•·l'P WHI 111 fH'r •·"8 lo worna feeling of comfort nnd m ove fr o m ht.t11 t: &f'l of thl• rl'11''1Vt>d l'i'Outons lfrpl-u1 "11 1t•ni..11nin u Uft IJ c·olcl d8)'· well:bclng. It muy be the asidl· • Into C'l'lltt•1 uf l'<H'h hull, cl 11 rn pl 111 K ~ S <.• r v 1• ( ;ullc·d St•vc•nth aroma. the t<>xtun.' o r In lorfW bowl c·ombuu-molding dough u111und 1n111wd111 tPi y 111 soup just th e ml•m oril'S powtm•:. and egg. Max in 1h1•111 Makl•i. Ill Jumphut(s Ave•nut• Potulo associotcd with it flour. salt, peppl'r and In Ou1.d1 own bnn~ ~ · • N 11 11• I' f11· k 11 ~ic· cl Oumi•lillli( Soup~ A b owl of h ot soup nutmeg t o b·ll'nd 4uarts wuu.•r und l 1.•ru1111111\(uh1Jut I cup) ranka among the t op thoroughl y . Mi x 111 ll'USpoO" suit to rnlllnij 11wy ·lx·i.ul>s111uwd ii i'!oi from ra hion "comfprt" foods. So do onions and parsley. boil Drop half of t ht1 A potulo·ha!>l•d soup 111 dt•;,ig1H"r Perry potatoes . Wh e th er , Turn o nto ligh t ly dumphng!Sintuwatf'r.Uo u lwallhy udth11on tu a mashed, baked or boik'<i. floured board. Knl•utl not over<-rowt~ Cook Ill nll'ol. as wt•ll us hc.•mg o Elli!-.' file• of they always seom to put until s mooth and firm. m1nuh$ uwr high ht'al (Sec POTATOES, Dal fu v~u·ih· rN·i1w"'. people at east>. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~...,.,~~~--,,...,-~~~....-~~~~~-'-~~- So what' could be a ~ beuer c.'Ombinatlon than a d elicious soup with heart y po t a t o dumplings'? I t 's As nutritious as it" is tasty. Lots of tender chicken. vegetables a nd 'the potato dumpli ngs make I.his. soup a main dish in itself. I. Add your favorite bread. a green salad and maybe a glass of wine. There's a meal that will warm 1.he coldest winter day. and is easy on 1.he budget. Chicken is alway~ a good value and. potatoes are SI.ill one of I.he bes!. food buys around aljust pennies per serving. Seventh Ave nu e Potato Dumpling Soup is from Perry Ellis' file of favorite re<:ipes. Perry. Coty award winning fa s hion d esign er. considers potatoes a basic in his food "wardrobe " because they are both co mf ortab l e and compatible )Nith so many different types of dishes. Having a so.up like this for lunch is one way he enjoys fitting a nutritious relaxing meal into his busy schedule. Next time you 'r e · looking for a way to warm up a cold day or need some pampering. try Seventh Ave nue Potato Dumpling Soup and fas h i<>-n your own comforter. SEVENTH A VENUE POTATO DUMPLING SOUP 1 chicken (3 1, 2 to 4 pounds). quarte red 2 1h quarts boiling water 1 l a rge o nion . quartered 2 s t a lks celery . quartered I bay leaf 2 teaspoons salt ~ teaspoon pepper 3 large carrots. cul. in I-inch julienne or thin slices 1 112 c ups s l iced mushrooms· 3 tables poons lime or lemon juice 3 tabl es p oo n s chopped parsley Potato Dumpling;; (recipe follows) In Dutch ove 'n combi.ne chicken. water, onion. celery .. bay leaf. salt and pepper. Return lo boil. Cover'; reduce heat and simmer l to l-'h hours until chicken is very t ende r . Re move c hic ken p1eces: cool slightly. Strain broth. Return broth to Dutch oven. Add c;arrots, mushrooms. lemon• juice and parsley. Rel.urn to boil. reduce heal and simmer until carrots are tender. about 10 minutes. Meanwhile pre pare Po1.a1.o Dumpl i ngs (recipe follows). Skin chicken , remove meal. from bon~ and cul into bite-size pieces. Add \0 soup; simmer 10 minu~. Adjus l. seasonings If , needed. Ladle hot soup in to ser'\'tng bowls. • Drain hot dumplings with slotted spoon. Add 3 to each soup b owl. M a k es 6 m al ndish PO'TA~O DUMPLINGS 4 to 5 m e dium potatoes (about 1 Vi pounds) 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 3 slices bread. cut in •}, • inch cubes l egg _ --~ cup Uour l 'Ii teaspoqns sail Vt teaspoon pepper 'h teaspoon nutm~g 'h cup sliced green onlon5 3 tabl es p oo n s chopped parsley In heavy ~~ .... ptc:--. cook potatoeS, covered, an 1 to 2 lnch'ea bolling water wntll fork-tender. about 30 minutes. Drain, peel and 1hake potatoca In 1aucepan over low heat to dry thoroughly. Ma1h or put through ·rar. · Meanwhile . In saedlum tklllet melt buUer over medium heat. Add br .. d cubes. . ---- BaSic . Mall.le! • Spread your table w1lh a tower food total from the iow price le•der • We 1ai.o pride •n our trad111on of qualtty selec1ion end low prices • Counl on Lucky for a rower load bill for your holldey leas1• BONDED MEATS FRESH TURKEYS ZiKICV filfms Gt-A Htn ~Tom 10·22 lll\ BONELESS TURKEYS Armo.w lutetr 11.HtfO FfOltn ~.88 lb 139 ~!,H~NS ucn1 39· BONELESS Lo 199 WHOLE HAM Wltff AOClfO 5 1 l~ f\JltVCOOl!fO ~~~~ENO.RIB ROAST ,, 1.78 ~!;!~5~~~.s~'. .. .. .. . .. 97 ~?.~~~2,~2~~! ........ 1.97 ~P .. ~'!;~c?~ ....... 1.59 ~~~oE.~ .~~~. ~.~~~~~! ~l• 99 ~!~!.~~ .~~~!~~s. °' ... 1.48 ~~.~~~.~~~~ •• 1101 "' 1.39 Virginia Herrin S8ved 113.08 v1101n11 • own _.. t ""°"'"' 10t1tH .,, 1• '1 t..uc~,, TN -a<~., .... 1tem1 '111111 111,..llllflltt of M• c;twocf 19' .... Ill n ''"' , • M••"OI °' I'' Ill " 1.ve•v• ,,. ... 111••1' N\, ,, ~' , • .._ • o" . -. ,, .. • • .. BONDED MEATS CANNED & PACKAGED pa VI.ASIC c\ fw1£KLES '10ZJ¥ 129 rLAOYLEE 45 SUGAR · POWCltf'fO l'9flt 16 01 llO• e or 0¥11 lrown pa BROWNBERRY 79 c\ !!~f !!"'?, ez Bok • '0n1on ' rs.c~~~1~·~.~.~ .. ~1~011n 1.59 re.~~ .~~~~~.~.~Kl\N<.,. 1.09 I~~~~~'!_;uPREME M1x1 55 Ot f'AOf.fliW 1• 01 IC)\ • I ~~.IoE.~·~ ~~~T.~, ... 2. 79 !!~~~! ... ~AV~ .... "' ... 29 f'1S.,..EA.1SONED SALT 1 79 " f!ftl ,,, • CANNED & PACKAGED rBROWN'N 59 SERVE ROLLS ~f~~f:ttn 11 Ct Pt9 e r~~~ ~~~~. . _,.Cl..,.1.15 r~~~ .~~~.~1.~ ...• 01 .. , .69 !~JZ':~~ ~~I~ ·•ore~ 1.69 !P~~~.E~LA V~~s. • c•c .. 1.07 r !:1!.~A~CHIN? c.~R~~~.1 .19 CANNED & PACKAGED r~~~!~~~ ........... °' '°' .89 r~r~~.?LJ~~ t0lc•u99 OAIRY & FROZEN r JOHNSTON'S 179 r~~~~ARl·~·~.A~.s .. 01 0 ... 5'5 PUMPKIN ~~~eo• r~~~!'.'~~~~~ ... •101 (U•49 r~~~.~:~~~uT .. Ol .. , 1.49 r~!~L~ .~~~~~ .. ~I~~~~ .... 1.39 r~ows ....... ~. 9 I ~~~~.~~A.L:L.o~. ~~E~~ .... 5 9 t11~BY'S .PUM.~IN . • "•·~· 79 r ;~~~~~~!~ SAUCE \ C* WWQ(HN• • • • • • • • r~~~!~~ORH r~ SUEUR PEAS . . . ' ., llOl •~.39 o I .~.49 0... "ct,._, .. ,..,"'"""'"' ...... Cl'Cf; to••tftt,, ........... -~ ,, ,,,.., ... _., __ , ... ., r LADY LEE 179 t~;ReA~ c;ai crn , floonos •• Ravon L,!DV ~BU!~ ~1.87 r~~~.-~.1~.:r.~~1.~0lt.,.1 .09 I!~!~P.E~ T .. OP~I~. ~., .~.69 I!~~.~~. ~~RG~~.1~ ·•01 <'~ .59 !~D~c!-~~ .. ~~~.TABlErs01_, •• 79 ..... "'"' .69 I~~~~RHOUSE ~~•011<' .89 r J~~~:r.~~·~ ~~~~ . .ei.~. 2.49 r~1~~S .. ~YE PE~. I ~c,-.,, .• 49 r~~I.~~~ !~~~~~~ ... ... -;:;-;; .. 95 llN0"•19 The DlacOllll S~rke DAIFW & FROZEN !!?l~~.~~~~.~ .~·~~ tA! ••• 1. 91 r·~~~ .cR~~~, . . "" "-.89 I ~!.~~.~~~.~~ .,01(1-1.09 DELICATESSEN ITEMS r CUDAHY :1059 HAM 5 lb cannecs can r~~~~~ P?L~ ~~I.A~ ... 2 .19 r ~!~!. ~~.~~~1~s ... Cl .... 19 r s~~~eN: ~Oll~ .• 01 .... 79 r ~~;~~.~~. ~'~. ~~~~!, -~ 1.19 r·~~~~~~!~GS ••01 .. 1.39 rs~~e~,~~~.~~. 90/M 1.59 r~~~~~.~s~ .... tOl .. ~.69 !L~~~~~.!~~~ •.• ~ 2.29 r e1~1~· HOT LOAF .. ~ •tOl 9"4 . 79~~~ , HOLIDAY WINES r ~l~~. ~UN .~1~ . -v• ... 3. 99 r~~~:~o"!~~. ""'"'" 2.99 I~!~.~ M••• 2.99 FRf SH PROnt JC[ EXTRALARGI PECANS NtwCrOI) HAWAIIAN PINIAPPLE '"'"' .,,, ' ' ' I . -.,.. . r • .. sweet treat ( ~orWay~s lefse 1s for the holi(lays or · eve_ryd~y 111 Mexico.1t •s tlw s µr 1 nklt·d wi t h lo.rta lla ; in Frum·c. thl' t·lnnumo11-s ut.t111'. l\'fiw l'rcpt• But 111 Nor.'¥ay, m akl•i. a" d ('l1 c 1o u :. the s ligh tly l<•ss wt•ll· bn·ukro s t , s 11a t•k o r kno wn but <.•qu'411y dt•siwn And 11·:.,1'1uh'k delil'aous.-rtat puncak1• is and t•asy to prl'l.NA " too. (•ailll<l lef&• • whl'n you s ta1• wit h T radit ionally made anstont mai;hc'<.I p11t;1l0cl), with m<1stw c.I potatoes. LEFSE this holiduy favorite as a -Pr 11 part• 1·n s l u n l .s pet·ial trc>at lo sor vc mashed potalot•s a:. year round B~-t•rro und dirt'<.'lt'<.I on pu.t·kugt• for 4 ~Chiffon· napkins in festive tones of almond, coffee, p€ach and white add color and beauty \...__ - to your holiday table decorations. So harvest 1 5~ in savings now. -FeastYQm~s on Chiffon. ....,..__. And save 15~ - r I .... • I \ '\ . 01 J1 U'' l:uu:.t UAILY PILOIJWocJ11t1a.tluy, Nov ('7 • S1·11"'ul iouul Sc·n nclinu' iun .. "1·1·1 ~··•·ul. fur A'f•lt•hruliou •tr I '\ l 't') till\ Urt' .. 1 lw,.•• l'im·" ••fi(iuu , ....... ., '"'~'~ ..... ( :all•·•I le·I":'\:, lht•) 'rt• clrlinoui-. "ftr•·ucl "ii h lmlh•r ancl io.prin~lc·cl "ilh .: i-.u',:ur. Even Finicky Ea~ Love The Meaty Taste: You know your dog wlll love Mealtime because even finicky eaters love the meaty taste! Mealtime is mode wtth real meat and bone meal. Then It~ basted with rtch, hot, meaty juices for a richer, meatier taste. Available In large or small crunchy bites~ I ' • ·o 1982, Kol Kon Foods. inc MeO'time 1s a reg1s1ered trademark of Kol Ko(l Foods. Inc r ~· Orono CoHI DAIL v PILOT/W9dnesdov. Nov mp ... 11. 1982 ----= . • .. • Yitamin.-r ich· puinj,kin· sweets are · sugar.i.free ly BARBARA GIBBONS I r Tl> (.' l l' r p l' l I' I Pumpk10-Ea tc r' huct ·n wife and (.•o uldn'l kcl'P her, It's probably b«.•uuw he gre w so pudgy and unpleasingly plump o n a ug ary pumpkin desserts: While pumpkin 1s very low in caloril's (only H l a cupful ... and vt.?ry rich "' in vitamin A), pumpkin pi e Is p u f f 'e d u p celorically with lots or sugar as well a s s ho rte n ing, t'ggs a nd cream. These r ecipes a re st.igar free; they are light on the o ther culor1c lade n ingredients . as wel). NO -BAlS.E, SUGAR· F REE PUMPKIN CHIFFON OR P IE F ILLING l e n velo pe pluin gelatin •;. cup <.'Old water 2 cups ( 16 ounces) c o o k e d or c a nn ed unsweetened pumpkin Substitute to equal ~ cup sugar 1 'h t eas p oons pumpkin pie spi<:e 3 egg whites ~-teaspoon &all ·1 Sprinkle gela t in o n told wate r in a small saucepan; set aside until gelatin ~ftens. Then, melt gently over low h eal until gelatin clears. Combine melted gelatin with pumpkin, sugar substitute a n d spice; stir smooth . Combin e th e e gg whites and salt in a n electric mixer bowl; beat until stiff. Toss raw zucchini ~n salad One of the Joys o t ~exican cooking is the co lorful use o f vegetables. Often they are served c risp and uncooke<l, as appetizers or in salads. Wa.x beans, green beans, tomatoes, corn. squas h , gree n peppers and chiles are vegetables we e njoy daily in America. Many of these indispe nsible fOods have been used for ~nturies in Mexico. Gt•ntly but thomughly lold tht• •'lO< wh1l<.'lt into thl• pumpkin mixture. SJXl"n Into four dt'SIK'rt cups and c hill several h<>Ul'ti until li4!t. Mnkl'S rour sNvings. 75 rnlorlcs each. (Or, spoon chiffon Into a c.ool prd>akcd or rcady-to-1111 8-or 9-lnch pie11hell, If d~sircd.) SUGAR-FREE BAKED PUMPKI N PIE Small single pieshe ll 1 V. cups cookt.'CI or (•a nnt•d unHwP1•t1•111•cl U 111d\ ''"ttli• plc11hl'll pumpkin purr · ... Ill lx•'t 11•,Ull:C, UM' a 2 lartct• 1·t(~k U llH'h ~la'' pH'p.111 , 1•, cupi1 luwfot milk l1t(hlly .,i,,uy1·d w1 1h . 2 t Ab Ii• ir p o o n s mok111..i "pruv <.'Orna.wrc:h f' o Id p 11 • ta~ II 1 n t •' l YJ l <' U 8 p Cl 0 J\ ti fourthll, lht•n o pNl Ill the• pumpkm pil' liplt't' p 11• p u n u n d Kt• 11 t I y 1h l<'aspoon iwh su·t:tch it to flt with your • Sublltltuw to t>quitl l , fln,t•rope.. . cup "ugur . Co111b11w rt•m a1111ng To 11ovC' calorlt•s on 1nt(rt-d1Cnl.'I, cxc<.•pt sugur piccrust. strl•tc.·h a small s ubs ti t ult'. ond bl.'at pit>crust to fit u lurgC' :smt'>Oth. pan. Bt•ut in half of tl,l' Defrost o smoll 7-or su~ur subsutulC' until hll•lldttd 'l'hl'll Mf111Clll half or clw lllt• fllhn.c 11\lO 1111 m11n t lw f'IC'lllll'I S pr111klt• 1•vl•nly with ---•. -----th t• 11•11wln1nf( 11ut(ur 1w1 v1ng11, ltJO l'Ulo r lt•• 11ulJNt1tuk (itmtly e11>0on (•:wh on tht1 n •rnu111l111( ftlhn((. PUMPKI N M\JFFINS • t'OV(•ri n g lh,·· i;ugor (l'ht'"' t•u11 lw11wc•<•l i.ubs11tutt• or nu11-i.w1'<•l) ." Pluct· on the bottum 1-'i <' u p d 1 l' t s h t• If. u ( II p rt• h l'(j l(• d II 1111 Hill'llU' 125-dt•J(rt•t• OV(•n, buk<' 20 it1 cup sk1111 null<. to 25 mmut<'S until filllni;.: I lurg<' l'l.(g is SN . Ht•movc promptly 1, l'UP <.'Oo lw d or C 11 o I . l h <' n c· h 1 11 n1n1wd un1-o w et.'ll'f'H•d thoroughly. Make11 t•lf<ht pumpkin pure<· 2 C'UJM (jUl<'k bl!lt'Ull m1~ I 1 'i l 1• LI Ii p o u rt 11 pu111pkm pw 11p1l1• Optional. substitute• to l'qual 6 tabh•spooni. !ltrJ(ur batwr t1nd oJ!{r ju11t u11ul lumpy Spray 12 mufln'I t•u ps with cooking spray . Spoon abou t .,. (.'U p C o m b 1 n <• ll i t• t margarinl'. milk and ,.~. &at Wl'll. Add pumpkin :.ind bN1 t smooth . S11r h1\.'11u 11 m ix &nd lfPlt'<' tut(1·t h t•1. udd \CJ lh<• OOlll•r 1ntqlt>l)('h muffin <'UP Spranklt> t·vcnly with ttugar 11ubl,t1 tutt., 1{ d1·s111"tl (.'ow·1· with rt·mah1111g battC'r (With out 1-owtoe'M•n<.•r. simply sption t h e battt·r 1ntn thl• rnurrl11 t•ups.) • Sak(' in a prehl·~""·d 4 ~5-dl'~rve oven about I !) minute s , dbn 't ovl·rbokc . Ma k l's 12 rn u f( 1 n s , u ns:l <' r I 2 5 l"alont~ t•u(.·h. .produce , desert grown first of the season cochella 9rlplhit . 3 ..Jtoo local grown .. .f reah and crispy hean sprouts 3 ..}1.00 extra fancy, large texas ' ·uice ora es •.• 39 specials ., hollay nut rv11t new crop!! shelled pecans bulk only ..... ~4.J9 •. 2.98 new crop!! shelled tiJ!l~nd! =u~~:~.1.59 1 new crop!! shelled \ I An exa mple of a colorful. authe ntic combination of Mexican- s t y le vegetables is Zu c chini Salad . lhgredie nts include s\iced zucchini, onion, green chiles, and ripe oJives. The salad is tossed "{ittl a light oil a nd '?negar dressing a nd topped with c heese, "queso fresco". Greek feta cheese, Parmesan, or ricotta cheese served as tllsty substitutes if ".qu eso fresco" is not .--::-. .-.walnuts bulk only 2 sft -------· 1 ...... 4.29 •. • 7___._c____, available. . l Thia salad is quick and convenient t oo. The ~gredi en t s ca n b e pared and tosaed with ressing on e ~our ~r re before serving. It ts p e rfe ct dinn e r ~cco mpan i m e nt t o xican ent.rees, grilled is or steaks. · I OCCllJNI SALAD l l pound s m al l z~cchini, thinly sliced 1 2 quart.a water l tablespoon salt l l can (4 ounces ) l-hole grean ch.Hes~ ained 'h can '(2 ~ounces) ced ripe olives, drained I " cup dressln,-Romaine lettuce Feta c h eese, bled Parmesan ch eese, ted Soak zucchini in w ater a d salt 20 minutes: ain. Seed chlles. Cut c es in half, ciosswise. Hee lengthwise Into -inch pieces. Comblne i cch lni, chilea, onion olives. Add dreaelng de9ired: tom. Chill one our or longer. Line 1 rvlng b o wl with lfttuce leaves. Top with • flad mixture. Garnish • th cheelle. 4 to 6 eervin&I •DRESSING . ~cup on ~ cup white wine Oteupoon p.rllc .. it (. teupoon pepper te•apoon dry tard 1 blne lngredlenu. ffhake·unUl thorouahly ·~le nd e d . Serve ~ drelli"I with ~:~at veptable 1 cup • • ]J ~ :... tustin -newport only l fresh californla grown · chicken hreasts •. 1.6 1 lean boneless \ 1 1 sirloin tip roast I "I= .. 1.49 •. 2.79 marinated heif kahohs . ~ "'· •. 1.98 \ now taking orders for yo(Jr·fresh irvlne ranch farmers market t. hoHday-turkey ·--ht111 ~--==-=Prime _ rihf ff f . . ~ ----cheese of the week ... made from sheep's milk ilnporte~ feta ... 291 vienna lean round comed heef . •· S.49 t . • freshly cooked b.b.q. whole chicken• • no dealer sa1e s • limit rights reserved tustin · newport only fresh rain~ow trout"'· •: 2.9I , 2•19 cocktail .shrimp (a holiday treat!) ,... •· 6.49 1•. S.98 fresh blue point oysters "'· .... 40 ... .2S fancy · snow crah meat "'· •. 9.98 fresh l ittle neck "t· •. 2.98 .L • • , . . . bakery ... .. Acorn sqtiash · ap.d miCrowave oven are a ·n autumn a'finiiy A m1<•r o waVl' u.vc•n , mukcs 1t easier, quk kcr. safer, and c heoper tor squash lovers lo savor· the golden goodm•ss or this versatile vcgeu.iblc. An al'Orn squash c.'OOks in 8 -9 minutes by microwaves . comparc.'Ci to 45-60 m inutes with convcntion·a 1 baking. When several squash are microwaved s imu'l - taneousl y , the time and energy savings are less dramati(· but still !lignificant. Another advantage of ruicrowaving a cori:i squash is e liminating the knife-slipping dangers of tryu\g to cut through the h ard s h el ls while pre paring squash for bakil'\g. ~ Before microwaving squash. piercing the shell is all that's neede<t to allow steam. to escape during cooking. Seeds and fiber from squash are much more easily removed after squash has cooked rather than scrap"ed from the raw she 11 s . APPLE FILLED SQUASH 2 1H.·o rn &quash llul v1• N4uui.h 11ntl 11•mov1· M'C'(I' and {1llt•t l (uhout l ', pou11~ <•ad1) ~ sd1op out i.t't'(ls Sc•w1011 Jlhll'C'. c·ut Kl<h• down, in l can (20 oum·cs) l'liVllll~ ll~htl)' with &ih shallow pun Bak<.· u1 :t50 appl<-pie f1llinf( •. and P'-'PJ.WI'. Spoon plt• d ,. te ,. ,, c t1 f or :•:; ii 0 2 tnblt•s poon s f1l11ng 1n10 1HpH111h minuh•K TUf'n c.·ut idd t• chuppt>tl onion ha I v 1• s . 1' ll µ w 1 l h up, l!t'U!lem ,·uvlli(-s with . ~. teaspoon ging<•r stufrln.c. . snit and fl''ppt.•r · Sult and JX'PJX'" Plal't' Miro squash un Co'mbim· pw hlling •,, t•lfp liuttc•r: or baki n J,l i.ht•t•l und with onion ant.J g111gc.•r; marl(tirln~ m i c r o w n v c• H • 13 divide• among i.quash . 2 wbh.•spoons watt.•r m in.Ill IC II puw,•r 111· Ccmtinut• buking for 15 I c up c rumble d , until hot thro~l(hout , mi11u tl'li. Th(•n top S<'asoned stuffing mix rotating once·. squut1h with stuffing · Wash squash and stab Sufncicnt filling for ~ pr<'pnn>d by l'Ombinlng several times with point mc·dium or :~ smul l(•r mt·h<.'d butter, watt·r. squash (4 to Ii halves). and ·stuf{ang mix. Bakc-of sharp knife. Place on Non -m11:r uwnvc 15 acJd1 t10fla l minutes rack in microwave and CQOk 14. 16 min .IHI G H rm_c_trh=o=d=: ='=i=a=I v=e=s=·q=u=a=s=·h=:='=)(=·r=o=rc=sc=·=rv=·=n=g;:. =:::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii powt•r, turning squash over halfway through cooking time. Remo~ squash from ovel) ·when they just start to softc~. Let stand 10 mfnutes to complete cooking. Melt butte r in 2-cuep glass m e a s ur e (mi c r o wa ve 45 sec./HIGH). S tir in warm water and stuffing mix . In 4 -cup glass meas u rj n g pi l c h e r , microwave oni o n 34 sec.IHIGH power. S tir in "pie filling and ginger ; mi crowave 3 -4 mi n ./HIGH p o w e r . stirring on~ Bittersweet truth about sugar subs Free Pens ~8=. ~ ~4\o~1~rchase Sprinkling an artificial sweetener on a bOwl of _cereal or in a cup of •coffee in the mo rning does not necessaril y make break fas t less fattening, according t~ th e California Dietetic Asoociation (COA). I t seems logica l e n ough to eq uate sugarless with calorie- free, but the bittersweet truth is som e s ugar . alternatives have just as m any calories as the real thing. Sorbitol , used extensively in sugarless g um, and fructose, the s ugar that occur s in fruits and honey, have the same number of calories -about 15 per , ~ -. . ,,'~, __ .. _ .......... , , , .• . , , .. # # c • , ·. "' . . . . .. , ... . • I . - t e aspoon -as table sugar. Mannitol has half the calories as sugar. but is .a 1 so h a 1 f as s w e e l. Saccharin, probably the most. popular option. is lh e only s ugar alternative on th e market that has no calories. · By know i ng the ca l ories of t hese dif f erent s ugar substitutes, the consumer can be better prepared to manage a balanced diet. For optimum nutrit ion. the CDA recomme nds_ eating from the four food groups -milk, meat, vegetables and fruits, breads and cereals. Glatte Cricket ~! -I r'°J [lspo5ct>le lJg1ter -----------------Crickal Free Pen Offer Te ....... "9, .............. ,.. ........... ,.. ................... .,.. .......... ............ A IUl-v.t. l'lt .. Hiii: 1. 11111--.... Z .... CINI"-: 'IWlllllllt Cl14*ll UIMlrl Or Ole ........ ~ u...., Or°"' ....... Crtmll utMlr Or Ole ... Crtdlll IJtM• . 3.11' .................... . Mal to Cndrd FrH Pm Oii• PO lb 2411. Bo'1on. MA022n·2411 ,....,. Sll1d my 3 "" ,,..,., Mlle Plfll IO Nllne_ ~-- Cly ' sae.__ Zlp -. .___,....,.,_..... __ ,,,.,,..,_. ....... _ ... __ .....,.°""' __ ..,~ . ··-~-............. ,..... ............. __ .o._..,..,_ .... ,...0¥ .................. · ----------------- .. Oru11ge Coaat OAIL Y PILOT /Wedneld1y, Noven1bo1 17. 1982 •• • Give your taste buds' more Umm, Umm after every crunch with delicious Planters 11 Cheez Balls. They taste better than the leading puJTed cheese snack. The fact is, all Planters" Snacks taste teniJk-whether they're Cheez Batis. Com Chips, Cheez Curls. or Pretzel Twists. To help you go from ho-hum to Umm. Umm, we'll save you JSC on them. ave A 1•plt• fi llt·cl 1o1~1uu1oih (•omhitwi, lrt•mm rt•foi ttf lht· uulumn tmrve·~• for 11 d.e•li<·ioufoi \/Uriulion on lhe wuy lo ;,t•tn• 1his vt•ri,ul ilt• ""gt'lu hit•. Mi<;ro~u\lt' oven t·ookti i l rn less lhun I 0 minult'b. .on fresh, hOt · Pillsbmy Biscuits. -I f { -...... ~ "'*-" ...................... on any four :JO-biscuit size cans Of Pillsburv Bt.attennllkt Country or Butler* Biscuits. .. .,.. I ' 1WI Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Wednesday. November 17. 1982 Does red. meat re'ally, deServe its bad rep ·? . . OTH\' WENCK QUESTIONS WE ARF.r trre• l'rll'Jl uod 11.chtl y •111th•1l 11umpjtlt1 111•t•d11. lhl·111 out .fl\ u 11h11llow unlll tht•v .m· wry dpt'. Pnail mmuni. 1·1 p1•11 JU.!L! plunklliM W•· i·ubt11 In h1.1 1 COUNTY HOMI ASKED: l1111w11 Wuwh llw M'l'tls ('ian Vt>U ll•ll ml' how to h u k 111 ~ p u 11 ~ t 1 r but uthn varlt•llcK on: UH w1•ll off lht• tn >t• 14'!> uiJ (.'it ht! r n i • l , u l w h £t t .. c..... . Q. Cun you a ivl' c I II s 1• I y . a fl .. ,. • I 111ak1• th11M•'1 U('l'UNltinu l ly c..lu1·111u mlltl 1111d nunu:otrll~t·nl Mosl J>t'rMl)lfOOntl la '"'· fomou~ •·alt.•ry? , .. .......,. · me dtr<'Ct1ons fm• 11:1lt1nai clCC'wuonally tx'C.·uu))(• thl'y A S '' u k th 1• roa,1111u 1•vi•n wh<'n HUii firm l.x'l>l wh1•11 tlwy un• "'fl The• 111.ory la tru<', but "''t.I don't e"'t ~..i m"at" ~a~d,."~!11astln(( aunflowt,•r· w1ll lll'Ol"Ch t•uily 111 thli1 uni;lwllt>tl µumpklni.c>tidt. ~ • ~ If yo u hove• tht• rlpt• crnd tlw flv1>h '' no l'lanwi. hw \lt' been " ''°..,,. "' '""'h hlffh ' 11 ... i\.' I( 1111 10 II 2 J)l'l l/l'llt !lll lt Q Wt• h uvt• II astnnut•nl VUl'll•ty Of Oflli<lf,I jt•lly Ilk(• m(•nlll ~_. t h ~ .. "I only give m y ~ osTION OF ( Ot.'U 0 protect l e · tKU•~rt.J, fl l'lltmaxll('l-ds .liolullun 1• l'UP sail · fX'rl>lllllJ10 11 tn•tt in ollr fH•r,.1mmo 11 , y uu (•a n 'QUr. THE Jo b o f u waite r who .taP'llY red meat twok~~ . . A . Sp r c ad w 1th 1 l t· us p o o n l)t'r tiallon of wutt•r An bor kyurd t-low cun you allow tht• fruit lo ript·n to DAV What Vf'1y, vt>1y nt•cds It d espe rately . •hrc:e t imes a wee · s unflow t"r seeds in a v1•gt•tabll' oil pc.•r cup-o r uvt•rniKhl M)jk wall aUow tt•ll wht•n p..rsunmon s tht• sofl slagl' 1>n lh<' lr<.'C, big name In lht.> winl• Hlnta: The wines come lhwe are statements we shallow pan a nd place Sl't•ds, then re.NUil ~It lo pcmclruttuhrough arc• rt•ady to pick'l or pk k tht• fruit whe n lndu11try wa1 obst>rved from Sonom a, though l.ir h e ar I m~ f r 0 m ttw pan in the renter of -. • • • th1• outt>r Khcll. Roast \he . '. . A Somt• varit•tics mu tun·. but still firm, orderll'\g "Perrier" t.o ·go tht> wine man doesn't, c onsum e r s w i th theovcn.R00,5t ~'t'<ls at ... Q.Whenwe wt•n• sa lt£•d Sl'Cth a t 2 50 ~r pt•r s 1mm o n s u ·c :.and r1pc•n ut r oo m 6 0 -5 0 w i th hi s andth<'rt.'!o'taurantil 10 J~~cased frequency. · 400 degree F. until they, kiuH ~sl'd l o bu y dt•14n•1•11 F., sprt;adang astl'inu1•1\l ond pu1:kl.'l·y twnpc.•rutun• C h a rd o n n ay u n d San F'rnn<.'lfiC'o ,:;'But often. when we , __ __::,_ _____ ,;:_ _________ ..:.._ ______ _,;.. _____ .....:.... ___ ...;,__...:_ __ _:__--,-'-----------------~ -------- Uk., "Why do you think y'P,u should eut less red mc at ,"nhe p erso n doesn't really know! Or the person may give a vague answer such as. "Red meat isn't good for you, is it?" First, to set the re«.rd s traight . r e d meal (meaning beef. pork, and lamb) is a he althful .. nutritious food . It s upJ1li es esse ntial rients, particularly tein, minerals such as . copper, zinc, and B mins such as niacin, amin, riboflavin, and acin.' hen "nonred" meats such as chicken, turkey or fish are substitute d for red rg,pa t, you get st of th e s am e rlents, except iron. n is lhe.-nutrienl that s most frequently a c king in diets of omen and children. In animal foods, the color is a sign of the nee of iron in the of two -proteins-- e globin (in red blood s) and myoglobin (in ~les). Light colored h, such as white meat hicken and fish, has about half as much as red meat. ou can get iron by ng a variety oLpJant oods such as dark green egetables, dried fruit, ried beans and peas, anuts and sunflower i d s , wh o l e and che d grajns, bran. wheat germ. . he iron you ge\ from ts is poorly utilized the body compared to h iron from meat. ·ng meat along with se plant foods helps r body make better of the iro n they tain. f red meats are so tritious, the n why ave they gotten this eputation o f be ing mething we should eat ess of? ~ o reasons come to d. First , growing rest in vegetafianiSm s 1 e d t o t h .e mulgalion o f the roven idea that plant s in general make a healthful diet than I foods. e cond , d ie tar y · deline s have b een duced by ce rtain ealth -o ri e nted rganizatlons and by gencies of the federal ernment, suggesting _.... .... 11rners eat less meat nd more fi s h and hicke n as a way t o uce the saturated fat their diets. In general, red meats av e mor e f a t and erefore more calories han poultry and fish. dditonally, meat fat is uite sat ura ted while ultry and fish fat is ore polyunscttur~ted. urated fat is thought · crease the level of 8'1esterol in tJoie blood ~hile polyunsaturated ht seems to help reduce: ~tod cholesterol. q~hus, pe r sons ,who ~i v e... hJ g_h bJ...o._o__d Gf>lesterol levels often are advised to-eat-less ,.._t and more chicken, 'Klh, or plant> prote in f'OfJrces in o rde r t o '-kre ase the ra tio o f polyunsatura t e d t o -.&rated fats in their diets. O.bu t nutri•ti o n Mhoritles do not agree 0.t this change should Vmade by ev1'ryone, ln •er words, that normal .-.lthy people should l!Mke this dletar}'. char:tge Ya(• precau_taonar y measure. Since rno.t of us get · more fat, and calories, in our diets than Is healthful, orie way to ~ thil fat ls to eat le.ta 1neat and more ....... 11dft*, ..... An6ther way Is to. choose leaner cute of me••· trim away all vt.ible fat, and prepare meat in waye that allows M to cook ou\. For example, drain off fa t when ......... around beef for • u oles. orni\ br-..d or other binder in "*&loaf or meat ball• ...,._. It at.>rbe fat. ..._ ~ en;n )'OD the LOWEST PRICF.S : Jmt-lq. ~-~ ...... , . 1·LB. ROLL Whippinf.! L.7c Cream U ..... .......... ~ ... ,_...._ ..... ~ ....... ft b ..... tj.' lrM& Sm lolls Cr.111bcrr~ §3c Sauce • No Gamer; .No Gimmicks .. Everybody Wins With , 1fl,-~'"7 Staters LOW HOLIDAY PRICES! ,,, .. ~ Cock 0 W.1lk 1.ftC Y.trns ~ .. •1.8'7. ..•1.79 .. •1." .. •2.19 .. ez.s' ••.-THI ,-.. CUSTAllO . Plllllki• Pre Di.1111011<1 49c Foil -"".:' .... f ... 11 ', • r ) f '1 ! J '" I ' 1 ,/\1 I • ~ I I '' I r f '' • ' 1 I ) .. " ~ i I ti I I ' ' l l I ' I • ' ' • .. • ~ " • ' • ' ~ i • ".. ,,. r I t I ' ' ' : I I I ' ' • -..... .. a • • .. How ·smart ·shoppers speiid refund money 1 H • '1.\tt'l'IN ~l.OANt-: S1 \ 1•1,il 1lt1111ll1i. ••H•I .t~kt·d I t•1tdt•1 i. lu h •ll 1111' wh111 '\ht•\ tlo \\ 11h .di ftt 'u• h •h\ I u IUll 'I ,, .. ,.· ul, '"I I '' , .... u "" .. 'I 111\ ••••• ~ .... IJ4'. k11111u• u l 1101111,.,,. W 11 you• n.1m11 oml 11111111• • 111 t1 ...,o .. •-1~ •llt'<o·I 1>1 111•11111 f •llllU. ('><M,, I I 1987 W11111I 1'11 I tt••h,.11t11 l'tutll 1111\j l h •''"' u t,.11 '"' t "r 'H'"•U '11'J'I t l ,. I tO at •I 111thlit n '" \JUI~ l I .... f J IHfu• I ( (\""" UH1 'utyhH.f ti um• f •l ift' ht•( It 11111. 111111111111 lllPllll . ,.., • ., I t .. 11 l\l'llil• t.111111 Yl/UI f\ollllll ....... 1111111 .... 1111 •• J hy ti t11r••t1 111(.lnu w1111 11 11111111 r111111oa ll•l•llQ hi •II ul Ill" Ul\j1Nl11111'-lth0 11111 U1uv11rut 1111ldu'I CO\lto numU.Or l'''"'" f~ 11 11181 {1~11011 I Alloh tu ' f 1101 Pl I tlt0t hl!IH i.1<11111 ""''" 1111 f!I' 11111• w.111 111 .. i.ouruo,..,. ""'' o 1 lw m11~,~·v 1 h1·v .... wv I 1 nm ('11i1 pn n'._ ,1 nd 11'11111t1 .. "I lf't•I th11 t 11•lu111I 0 1111\t'\ '' lud, \ lur nw." Sll\'S A11111• Yu1•l::.1111 of Pli1tmll'lphlil "Su 1.us1• It wht•n I ga111hlt· 111 tlw casinos 111 Atlu11t1C' l'1tv I h u Vt' 11 ' I h t'l' 11 ;1 I) I g wumcr. hut 1w1 tlwr h.1\·1· I h l•t •11 a lug loi.t•f " • INOWY u1 ... h 1 1 "-luna 0 11 ' lho~ Hl9r Ooamnic~ N 0 '•8'.U1 '1111111 lh "'nfl1t f OOIJll l)11 Oort v .. 1 c .... u .. Ut• \'oor l;tulltt"' ""' tt f •••oy W11·.111o 10 111 ''""' 1110 ..... " of ·~·J 2L flHHt• l n .... , \if, ~.nc1~v uHt ., af'l'lt Jthtq•~-· ~t '\11111111•d •111\/~•P" f •Jlll u Jul., I OL T C'j o.t SI (lllt'r I\•\."•" 1 10 th ti 'U"( ut• ll:"d:IHJ 1hf• ,. c1wo d •t•luu,1 rvuu •'"I '"" 'ft'UUJ ttvh .,.,111 ""' wt•1<11 "'' ~I 00 ltt11111 11111 lu111t ul l"'t) l!>tt< '"llY m111 ~ .. ,1 I' "~ 1<11 • ul !lull Ju111r><1 ll11H 11< 11111 011111.i., JulllhO flu1 ~ l •>o• tm o~ 1111111 011 Ill• 1J..11.l11g11 ... ,. ..... J111111 10 tl)ftj flt-. I If• M JO f• .. tftll I 1'1111111 Ujl 10 St r1 .. 11d Ille r•Quuto4 111tu11CI lorm 111111 ""' t 1111•11•1•• l'tllOu<.I (.;11t1+1 ,.,.1111>(~• met 1~111 a111111 lr<>m 01.111 11.u11u1.1, •1111 tut out end tlt1CIO•tt lltt• 11'11." m11rkl!4 on lh• Ul~l f1+UdlJ( It lt•I Oil 1114! lom1 Hie C.t1<0 proov~ta 101 *Nch you ••• 1.,1e10~11•u 11111 p1oor1 or 11unhu.., f apllfll O.oe 3 1 1118:.0 1111:.t VI VA 11Aa11u11ng Ueel\er Ate el•• 1 ,. •' 'lbarme10 :i•oup Me•tu• mg Ut11~e1 S1nd lht •t!i!U•••O 1afund lorm 1nel ••Ohl SIMI• of Ouahty llom V••~ 2 ralt pee-• .-io 3~ ""'' PIM'i• ano h1ndhn(I fAj.111 .. Dae 3f 982 • 111111.11 "' Pl•lf• ... 1111 .. l'lllpt'I ••Id 11141 pan.,1 11um 11 t>o" of Orajlll CflM 'olll•lllll{j the lltllllflleftl Olllekly At11ewt lt.ain l•pirH Dec 3 I 1111a TUMI 50 Cent 3 Roll RerunCI Boa 3Nt 5t•rnl0fd Conn 069011 1$ancl Iha llgllllfl ll~~OIYI Iha purC:hatot ol two Tu • 3-1011 wtlP• 1111 Un1vt11MI Pr fCOO• tymbOl lrom the bac.k Of ne rumt wreo t1n<l you1 naint 11111 IOd•tu on • PMIC• of P•IJ•r E•f)llH Oto 31, .t98' • •AYllll ChllUren a Cn~w•lil• Allp111n I 1 Cath R4!tu11d 81110 II·• requlraJ r•fund form 1 11ct 111.- UnivetHI Ptoduct Cod• 1ymoo1 penel• hum 1n1l'e 1Jt1c1<10•• ot Bayer Chllo1an ' A1pot1'I (•po .. Jan 31 1118J CONTlllOL 'I Rt1fu1111 Oller Send ll)t rtQu+ta<l tafulld IOfm •"d th• entut 01111•1 tdtltln tbO•I ot COlll!OI t• 28 01 ~(j CIO•ult 111t1, alOtlg With lhl rt!(jllllt II~ Wllh the potcha1<11 p11c1 c1rcled hPlflll <.11tltd ,..,,. .. I.ft 1ncluClt a1uay h11u1d 1 1.11 lly p powd•• w 1111 Doc r ~omn,.n<l4111 I nlrn11t111 E•Q11H June 10 llllJ • llLIUN kUI I I !Wlund 8t1o0 Iha ·~.O <ttlor•ll l(ltt11 ltl4 In. en111e hOnl panel O• tronl ~WI l l()fl' t1 • o unt.e 1 ounce obor t l•cwnc• ,.,. ot 6 e••u" lltrr &IOl>g w•lh Illa teQISltl tape w1fh ttie.purchllM p11c. c11cl..O E•pda June t 11183, 1, , llt•lolM' Sandt•r:-. ur lluu:-.ton. Tt·xa:-.. i.avl•d SI ,4li5 0 11 her gron·nl:., lul>t vcar und usl'<i SOlll\' 1>f ll 0 LO buv u nm:row.1v1• oV<"n . M nrnr Colon of Yonkers, N.Y .. bought a s<'I of lovl•lv t•hrna. Chris C ~IL u n 1 n c; f N l ' w to w n ~qUUl't'. Pa.-:-!-purchasl'd n t' w I 1 v 1 11 g r o o 111' fUl'lllllll'l' t "R1•fund111 g.. madL• ll poss1bl1• for our fanuly Lo gN U Ill'\.\ j,>t.11111." :...ay_, C h 11r l t'lll' Erb uf P h 1 I a d t• I p h 1 a "Whcnt•VL'I' l get ttrt'CI ol c llpp1ng 1·oupons and saving boxtops. I ~o play a huppy lUlll' 0 11 th1· piano and Lhrn'k about how I got iL! .. Mrs. J om1•s Bodl'Y of Anderson. Ind .. used ht·r savings to pay f1:•r part of ·a vacallon tu Hawaii Linda De La y of Colu mbus. Oh i o. 1s pulling away hl•r t'Oupon and rl'fund savings fo1· a trip Lu Californw. I got a eard from &:11th H arrington o f Williamstown. N.J ., who told me s h e uses h e r coupon money, Le fcc•d four t<~ts! ' ·• 1 took my r efund savan~:-. ~and ust..d Lhem to surpr 1:.l' my husba nd wi t h u wo nd erftJ I birthduy dtnn<'r a l a posh rt•staurant." says Judith Mtllt•r of Cl'n LNt•ach. Long lslund . ~Y. ··He was s h1x.'kl•d ' This year I'm gom~ to surprise him not only with a dinn<'r. but wllh a Broadway show.'' B<'<• from Bradlev Beach. N.J . can't do her own shopprng and her daughwr h;.is. lx.-cn doing it. "She won 't accept mont•y or g ifts for h<'lping ml'." r<-ports Bea. ··but I an ist that she keeps the <.'Oupon money. In this way she doesn't feel that she is taking money from me and I reel ihat I a m helping I her a little." "With th rising ens or h1ght•r edueation. my husband and I are now setting aside our cou pon and refund sav111gs for our daughters coll ege fund," sav.s Janet ~nia. of Baton Ro uge. La "Although Meredith 1s onh• 7 months old. we felt that the sooner W<' got. s tarted. the better our t hances of !:>eing able to afford to send her to college. Who knows? She- mlly become a college graduat e ~hanks to coupons and refunds!" Siste r Marie Antoine tte of Newark . . N.J., was a missionary an Africa. She now US('S hf'r refund savings to Sl•nd packages there.. M adel in e T o f Rochester. N.Y . uses her supermarket savings to support the Community C upboar'd "Our cupboard helps Sl'l}tor d t1ze n&. who f ind 1t impo!-s1blc t o make inadeq u a t <' p<.'n s1ons s trCt('h to cover t heir needs. It also helps With evierge ncy s ituations where people have lost their homes." C o nn ie P oame or Seas ide Heights, N.J ., sends part of her coupon and refund savings to St. Jud e's Children 's Hospital in Memphis. Tenn. "It g1yes m e a warm feeling to be able to do this," says Conni<.'. ·;1 know that I am in a small way helping other peoplt>." . CLIP 'N' F ILE REFUNDS Cleaning P r od uc ts, Soaps, Paper Products, Bags, Wra ps ( Fiie No. 10) C11p out 1ht1 ,,,. and kMI) II ¥11111'1 tlmllar c ash-oll coupons , bavaraga rafu11d Ollar• with t>avar-oa coupon• for uampla S1'rl COltecllng the na.decl Pfooll or purchtM wn11e toOIClng ror the required fo rm • et Iha • Mjp«INl'lt"-;A. ~·.,tnd mllQIZIMI. l!ftl ..nel'I 1t1d1ng Wtlh Irland• O lla11 mey not be 111allebtt In ell i r eas ol the c dountry Allow 10 weak• ro rttetll4 aech refund Tllllt refund offer• art wor1h 11100 ' Tlittt ollt•• don 1 1aqu1ra lafund loml• NCMTHIMf ~"9 1 t Ollt P 0 80• • 1:10 l<•11~1llaa Ill 801102 R1ca1n lour 26·etllt c~· each good IOI 2~ Ctnll Off eny two •·PtCk• or Ncwtheln Bllthroom T1ttut Stnd Iha tPaeltl 'tl•WI 11 00 Of! Nl)ftl'Wlfn" r'"'"I J I 1~111 I I lh+Wtt UllMI • r "IJ1lorll I l.'1111111 '""''" . AIAWICK 0 111•1 ft11et•1.,• $~ ~O Ill Cc.lllJJOllt IOI C1H1Jtll ' .... h All W,;nd Ptu .h !.11<1111 Huy •,11111~ Ou.ird S1•1111 11111 11•c1ui1t•<.1 1«111110 1011n "''II "llV lwn111roo lt ot f>urchu~u 11011 -tm.1><1 I'""' /111 OllUE ~II< horn •C.1111 i I C111h llulunu l;fl•lll 11111 ""'"""" 11 lu•lll llJllll lllltl ol• fllllUh 01 IJIJIC.1111~" t101I• 111•111 llHJ·1111111t p 11 l"IUll¥ Ill 01'111 '> •llllll 11 lh !lflllfll ~l"htlll (,yp' l 01>~ lvt llu• 101111 t-11 lh1• IJUd\OOCI•' l •1•'111'1, IUl'I' JI t•11J:1 '°UllllX '°HDL $I fleluntl Ollt•• St111u llot0 1oqu11od rt!lu11u rurm 111od • 11111 llul w111gh1 allitomenll h om tile l•tmt 1>011111, ul IV.O 04 OUll~ll 01 tou• :J2 ounc;e Pure. Hl'Ovy O\Jty l •Qu•u L uundry Oe1eroo•111 plua 1111i 1t•Q1•t<tt 1n111 .. f •11111J' U1·~ JI Hat• " • tafund roi m you 01n wrne 101 A $"1 ot\und, KorC1ht1 Ec;onomy P•<.k ~tb•ht, P 0 1174jl. Cllntor>. tow• !1:1738 Thia otter Up11t1• Jan I 11183 ThHe o ll••• reqtwo 1etund rorma AMMI NI s I Ralu11a QfllH Sana the rtQuoftd 1efu11CI fo11n anu 1h1 reg11111 tape w1111 he pu1t t1ue pric e of an f I-ounce till of Ammen\ Mad•cet•d Powde• "'" 3 '· 1118:. Diii. I CHOLL'I All1lt1t a Fool I OUtetl Clt111 o11d t,oopo~ OJJM- E R Sau11>1> & Son• lllC ~M sfo 50 in coupon11 ro1 Sq~lllb p1odut11o Sond tho raQu~~jlf 111tuno form a nd tht 110111 PMitl horn lilly CIH1A1a 00,it Eid,,._ 'Otte 3' 11182 , ,,, i haH 0111111 do11 1 1 equ1re a 1elund lorm Proaui.11 76·Cant Ca1h• R81unCI 8e11d lltt 11qu1111<11tru11d f()fm and th• llv11-d1g11 11umber flom 11111 bollom Of llW 'Ortt11lnt1 Wllllt'I• OH GLAO JO Pl.'lc11111 011 $9le OlllAJIL c ... 7S·Cen1 Cun Refund Oil .. P 0 Boa PM 237, El I I : ---Dalry/DeU VCllU•--- 1 59 Ralp .... fWlb 8 ~ s:r · • SOur Cream c:C. .~ Atmow Golden~ noun llltrftb<Dled Boneless Turkey FI0ShfienTU!'key per lb .89 Ctnnamon Rolls ·~ .89 futterbasted '!~iCey s:r • 79 Whiwirlg cream ~ce. .59 sWiitB~tterball s:r .95 MilCi"ciled'dar ::: L29 9 labryYcdues __ _ i:' 1:1 . P.umlolplll pkin Pie .....1 L""' 9>"-rai r11• 1on11~ 79 -Y7 rtoaen.$.7 lb lt.•g Swtll Twltey Lil' Butterball Wilson Ham ':' 2 aa1p111 2.29 ~seam -= 2:39 ~~~Loaf ~ L29 West em Oysters .acll 1.39 tn1ermrt1onal Hawaiian ,._ 79 ---• Uquor 'lfilu•---• Dinner Rolls °" • Rhine Rose or H~y lwqundyUltr btl 2 79 ---~Shoppe Vcduea•••• Gallo Chab~ Blanc • sWiSSSeatt ..r:. 2. 79 IO Ploof '7 9.8 Popov Vodka --:-171.!:i 1.. ~~c .... eltaga , 3 99 Em1vTimes 110:: 4.98 wua Ml< ..: • FREI !l9.fY.. wtth purchase of '249.00 or mo~ of ur .. or car •mce from any parttctpattng Firestone dealer. Prices effective Nov.18 thru Nov. 24, 1982 c......,., ""~ ......,o_..,c......,.&11,...•....,... Wt,., .... Ille 'lflll'le lroatt o< ,., .......... --.. .......... er......,_, ,...,.._ leleM le,.. .. ..,.-' t ........... IC• ao tnl ......... lelllltill,.oc• ,.._...,. e1~ ........ _ Of .. OMOllOf'lel pf.CO• • IUCH I WllD lll l~:-TA IEA • tamCTCll IUCH rmo Ill um. llllS aa.ua,AT .... - -~MWJ.U u .. -. ....... -••. 17211 n• 11" 111111 cO'liee llaU •and Potato Chips Ubt>T• Pumpkin Switch • Save with Ralphs/Bullock's spectacul HoUday Maller ... over " 9252.00 available In coupon. ICIVlngsl U you haven't received your mailer. . · stop by Ralphs. .. pick one up and join in :r< the celebration with super coupons and h 2.35 '.67 .75 super holiday specials. .i •t• JI ---PrQduce Yalu• --•rfi• c~ Slcmd rralh • "JG Mushrooms ::: • 1; ~ Ne• Crop.CoWorruo Avocados Larg• Tangerines oocb .49 .59 ~ mnc.ua -Yanis llatna N-styte '7ft rrntt Graan tond ~~~~~-~-~.-,..,..-Celercv-~~~::;__~ Turkey Gravy .-12: .69 Dellilolll9-Wbole S"'eet Pickles •;: 1.49 ,__and ,._llc»plw Mushrooms .57 Ccii'1ada Dry Mizers ... 1 :: .59 oac 69 French Fried Onions '::; . Mtiic8Dieat a:--: 2.49 ~no.or. Royal Gelatin .49 VelYaty l ed Yams rrasb Ha wouan Pineapple ~· lb per lb , I ---Frozen Food Yalu•---• '.'ilfr luc:u Eye '•1l• Cut (\.,uh.,, Mixed Vegetables Gi88ii'.'Beans i>&Cil'ail(f o ilions P't'e?hehs .~? .49 .st .89 •)rft '•1111111 M ...... a,,.till .... Oftlr. .')ITI ...................... .-. .......................................... ,,_..,'!91'1 .............. 'fl\ ...... "............................. ~ -----·--• -.J ') eatllu.1.--.. =-·•m lMnl.-mt,MIM&• .,.,, •DUI-.-UY • ._~ .. lllllf,M...., .. Hi --, t1rl ' • r . . ... OQ4t CoHt DAIL. '1 PILOT /Wed11•ad•y. Novembo1 I .Fish & Chicken Plnn~r -•2.69 Hearty chowders made in minutes Orw usually thinks or ht•nrty, homemade soups simmering ror hol'lrs on till' oock or the· stove - m•cding the Jong. slow C'ouking to bring out the:, m'<.·cssary flavor. Not so with the mushroom soup rt'('ip<.'S below Chi c k en a nd Mushroom Chowder and Nt'w Engla nd Fi s h Chowder contain lot.5 of fluvor (and protein) plus thl• good "mea tiness" of mushrooms. Mushrooms absorb the r ic·h flavors in tht' soup, yet they're amazingly low in calorics (abput 130 in 3 whole pound.) C hi c k e n and Mushroom Chowder is rl'm1n1scent o f thfrk su u th e rn gumb os . Conta)ning t omat oes. o ni o n a nd ce l ery simme re d in c hic·ken broth. thl' soup is givC'n extra body with rice, and 11'i. seasoned wsth bay ll'af and ground blac·k pepper. New Engla nd Fis h Chowder is n ot unhke the region's famous clam chowder, being a thick , milky ' s tew . · CHICkEN AND MUSHROOM CHOWDE R 12 o unces fr es h mushrooms 2 tabl espoo n s vt>gctablc oil 'i cu p c h o pped onion 1 i cup sliced celery Z cups chicken broth or bouillon 1 can ( 16 ounces) whole tomatoes, crushed 2 tablespoon s rice tuneooked) f 1 ' teaspoon salt 1'1 teaspoon ground black peppe.f I bay 1ear 2 cups cubed cooked chicken c·e l <'ry, !.a ute unti l tendl•r, about 5 minutt>s, Add c·hic:ke n-..brot.h, tomatoc'S, ril'<', salt, black pepper a nd b\Y leaf: bring lo a boil. Reduce h e at and si mmer , covered, until rice is almost lender, abourT-'im-it- minutC'S. Add chicken: c.'Ontinuc to simmer, c."Ovcred, until rrt·c• 1s te nder, about 5 minutes. Re move and discard bay leaf. Yield: 6 cups. NEW ENGLAND FISH CHOWDER 12 oun ces fr es h mushrooms 2 tablespoons butter or margarine I c up c h o ppe d onicms 1 / cup diced carrots • 1 ('UP wat<'r · 11 pound potatoes. pc>C·ll'd and d1cC'd (about 1 cup) 1 pound cod fillets. cut into I-inch chunks 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 1 tablespoon original Worcestershire sauce 1 waspoon salt QUALITY BEEF 11~ teaspoon thyme leaves, crushed 'I• teaspoon ground black pepper · Rinse, pat dry and slice mushrooms (makc.'S about ~ c ups ). In a medium sauce pol melt butter. Add mushrooms. -onions a nd c.-arrot: sauu.• until t en"t:ler , about 5 minutes. Add water and potatoes; bring to a boil. Beef Rib Eye Steak ~~ Cllolilly Beef Cube Steak = Ground Beef Patties ~=..,_,~ Reduce heat and simmer, covered,' until po ta toes are tPnder. about 15 minutes. Add Cish : continue to simmer, covered, until fish flakes easily when tested with a rork. about 8 minutes. Sliced Beef liver " .. 0.::-0--. -1 . • a==;, FRESH PRODUC£ SAFEWAY HAS THE LOW PRICE* 01 U.S.D.A. GRADE ''A''. liVEISIDE 01 CALIFOlllAI, 101-IASTED TOM '"'"' c..i... s 1 '' Wore• Ad<Ntl • IJ It) •. • '3" Canned-Ham S&Cµ•J.llllJ,t:=' " 1251 Pork Spareribs t::Z: • •113• Yoong Turkeys ""'!:'i:t:- &rook-A-Roma Sliced Bacon Western Oysters f'.:~~n!:o Cooked Shrimp o::!o m~ -===;!;I DAIRY MAS. WRIGHT S BAKIRY Sour Cream~ ""' 89' Breakawa~ Bread Rinse. pat dry a nd slice mushrooms (makes about 4 c ups). I n a medium sauee pot hC'at o 1 I u n.t i I hot . Ad d mushrooms. onion and Combine milk and flour: gradually add to sauce po t along with Wo rcestershire sauce, salt. thyme and black pepper. Cook and stir unt i l h o t , about 2 minutes. Do not boi l. Garnish with pms ley, rf desirro. Yields 6 cups. , Fresh Broccoli Banana Squash Onions Ft..:;rc:-~ '° 10• Party Dip~ (lci:.1 I;-59' Granola Bread {ir: Hair analysis fails a s diagnos tic tool Hair a nalysis -thl• drying. straig htening growing practice that and d yei n g w h i le c i a1ms t o r eveal s hamp oos a nd <'V<'rything you always condltionc-rs may deposit ""9 11" Celery Hearts F•• Cottage Cheese ~~ 11" 30-Slice Bread Russet Potatoes • 25• Green Onions ~2._,.. 49' Ice Cream -<ii,V:::,,.. ~ 12., Farmstyle Rolls Fresh 41t Yams • 29C Mixed• Vegetables .. Smirnoff Voclka fewn Mevw m-tt----.u.aDt<'d to know about lead. zrnc and selenium w=~~ your health -is about on the• hair. as accurate a me thod of In additio n , metal diagnosing nutritional levels are difft'rent for status as a cr ystal ba ll. males an emales. the accordi n g t o/t"" and o . and Ca ll f or n la Di,«!'t c t i peop e with b l ac k , Association (CDA). brown ;)nd blond hair. ''A~al yzing h~ir for Environmental pollution, essenl11i)I trace minerals c}'ilo rJne from swimming can be a useful tool. bui pools and even sweating some people have tak<'n "'can affect trace-element the practice a s tep too far JevC'ls. GROCERY GROCERY LIQUOR fAOllN Oet two great tastes In our Fish & Chicken Dinner. Each dinner has a «;rlapy fish fillet Qnd two tender ~ whltemeat Chicken Pianka, served with fresh cole slaw Jlnd gol~n fryes. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Cm.ta Mc'3 "'"' \outh ol \..o t>. .. ._., t .,, .,; 10~\ ht1t1f ''°"' 147 lS JC'ffrC'y RJ •' w.i.,.,1 1.,,, (lfl '•"'•An• I wr 1 lr11lne Ille .. , Clft1 herTeClnAiMIGet ··~ by using these minera Is round in hair to. among o ther things. diagnose vitamin dcfiCJcncif'S and a tl e rgics." soys Doris Co n ste nlu s, RD . prt'Sident of the CDA. Painting your entire nutritional picture' through hair analysis Is impossible because so rnany fac.'\Ors can arfcct the results and , ultlmk .y.•t.h~ c.•ont.'Cntration of a trace clement or metal In the hair m ay not b e c:ons1sJ.ont wHh concentrations of thnt <'lf'mcnt in body tissu"9. "The. simphdty oC hair analys is e nhances its appeal, but thert' arc just too many variables lo draw a ny conrr,•t<' co n dusion ," says Constcmius. If yuu fc(') you need nutritional guidance. th<' CDA r<>commends l'Ontac;ting a physician or reg1sll'n.'<l dicUtlan. With · mere ~ f9VLboda of analysis. they can help delc-rmlnc if you a rt' maintaining a balanced diet Swelt Plclcles ni!' '1" , ........ C:.'1" J MnhtNllOWI . .... .. ,,,, ... ·.a::"; SAFEWAY e1n CEmFICAnS Diel Is o nly on<• o f lf'Vcral variabll'll that can Influence tracc·mcuil concentrations In h air. HMr can be dama~ by The CDA says you can best nchlcvt• maximum nutr'lllor\ by <'ating th<' fo\Ar basic food grouP111 - milk. mcnt, vt'Hc•tablea wnd fruits. brctads und <'Cf'('DI" EvlPOf attd Miik '~ 49' Snack Crackefs ~ 1t11y8'1111 ~ ~65• Krin Creme , ........... c:. ......... ....._.... hr a..,·-·..... ... ......... c... ll. ,,........................... ·9'1No.CMM ...... •J,L..-.h- ••, ............... AM \ • ltOI 11ff ' .. ,. • • • I ' t * 01111"• Co11t D~LY PILOT IW•d11eld1y, NovemOttf 17 1982 Bl PoJatoes and soup rank· high • • tFrom Cl) hl'urty mui n dish I l<'rt' are moro 11ug<!1itloru for lncludina these IOUJ>!I m your m<'nu planning. A aoup base Is l'&sy and <'COnomlcal. and once you make the bruit>, thl' variations arc endless. L e ft over meals a nd vegetables can be added, as w ell as your ·own fayorlte sea~nings. I 11 poundaa potutot'li JI UN 0 AR I AN CURRIED POTATO t·I to 5 lll\'tllu111)1 fM't·l1-<l POTATO CA BBAG E CARROT SOU .. : Mix und aalkt-d ~•·im:h lhkk SOU P: M~ Into 1111u11 rntu uu1• bu1• ~ 1 U'IJ'.1 In :l·"IUBI t !IUUl'l'P IHl uu ~1· :1 I ""' I 1 ~h t Iv h~htly. p11rkt"(J l4h11-.hl('d -over ml'ti1um hl•ut. mi ul<.• JI 111· kl' 11 H h 1 1• ti cl 1· ct , urro1 ... :l tuhlt\apuun'> on 1 o n I n bu t l 1· r !1 cohl.x1J.:<' und I \t'U!>l)Ooll l'l111pJlt'tl pun1ll'y uml I jo minutes. Aud wntt•r. dill wc1•CI 8 1mmt•1 111 2 t1•:il\poo1111 l'Utr y bouillon un<l pot.U04'1'. m111Ut1-N Max 111 11Mlt und puwd1•r S1 111nu•r 1 ti Bring to boiling. Cov1.•r p1•p111•r to 1ai.h" 1111nut1'8. Mix 1n salt und and l'ook gendy until Ctlt'~UDAK POTATO f1t0~hut•r to 1ustt• potatous a rc tt•nch•r, AND Ct;LERV SOUV: Makt•s ahout 2 1111urt~ about 10 minut s. Mix tnlo ~ur l.NtM.· :.! cu~ (ti to u N(•l'Vlflf(S). . In two batchc~. bh•mt thinly slit-1'< <'t.•lt•ry and NOT~~: C:u<ikt•d dk cd .. l lulimilc•cl 'nriulion"' wilh ~h.-nclclition of diff t•rt•nl vc•l(t•tuhl..•;,, 11wu1• und ,.. •• u.,nu inf.(.,. T h e potato's flavor marries well with many other foods, <.'Ontributing Its earthy flavor, but never overpowering the others. until smooth In C'lt'l'll'iC· .,, 1casp oon t h ymt•. poultry or llll'IU, tihl'imp b•lcndcr . Ke t u rn to Simmer 10 mlnul1·:-.. Sur ur sllt.~·d 11uusugt• may ht• saul-cpu11. Use as· a basl· in J 1,J t.•ups sh ruddcd add<'tl tu soups oncl for one of tht· following Cht!dciur t.•ht.-t'St• und Nall l]\'lltt•tl throuf(h ·ro,. mom ,..._su_u_p_s_-. _________ u_nd 1x.·ppcr to taste 4'11.h1•i. mu"•'" 1>olulo-h mwd "'ot u HlronJ.( l'u\1orilt• fm· m11i11' di'41t llH'lll. POTATO sOUP BASE 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 large onion. sliced 5 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons instant chicke fl or veget.a ble bouillon This skill • 1s ea.sy Making good soup often seems difficult but it is a skill that can be easily tnastered. Even whe n the y ap p e ar formidable, many soups --require only a careful blending of the simplest ingredients and some tasting along the way. What's really important is that you .use only the f ines t and fresh est ingredients. Here ar~ the recipes for Swedish Yellow Pea Soup and Savory Chili Chicken Soup. Try one! SWEDISH YELLOW PEA SOUP 1 smoked ham hock 1 p ac kage (16 ounces) split yellow peas 1 large carrot. minced 1 onion, minced 1 l~k. minced 1 bay leaf 1 can (lO'h ounces) beef broth water 3 beef smokie links pinch allspice pinch dry m ustard 1 can (12 ounces) flat beer toptional) 'h teaspoon coarsely ground pepper In a large kettle or 1--_i.Jl' ...... """-""'>en comblneJwn hock,; peas, pre pared ~les, and bay leaf. ·~ beef broth and 6 cups water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer; cover and cook 1 hour. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking. Add more water as needed. Remove ham hoc k from soup, discard skin and bone; mince meat and return to soup. Add thinly sliced beef smokies, a l lspice , mustltt'O; peppe r -a nd beer. Taste soup. Adjust seasoning to taste; add salt if needed and he'at through. Makes six servlf\gs. SAVORY CHILI CHICKEN SOUP l large c h ick en, about 4 pounds 'h c up c h o pped onion 1 cup diced carrots 1 bay leaf 1 tablespoon salt 1 can ( 1 pound) tomatoes. drained and cut into wedges 2 tablespoons nour 2 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon chili powder 2 tabl es p oons minced parsley ~ cup toasted sliced almonds Put the chicken, onion, carrots and bay leaf In a ge pot or e e. K<JO water to cover and bring -toa rr.-· - Cook abo ut 1 5 minutes; stir in salt. Reduce heat; cook until c hicken Is tend er. R e m ove and ·coo l chicken. Skim broth. Add tomato wedges to broth. Make a paste of flour, butter and chili powde r ; stir Into hot broth. Cut the cooled chicken ln pi eces, d' i a c a r d i n g b o n e ; return meat to soup. Hea t through, adjust seasonings. Sprinkle with earale y and almonda. · Mam six aervtnp. If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In a O..W~· cl ... lfled ad. Cllll M2·5671 •nd a f rlendly •cf. vlserwm hetpyou turn your wheels Into c•lh. l I FARMER JOHN BACON I P00M0 Pl\CMGE ~ UI 11£141.AR sucm l."12 -~ I Bell ,,..,_'"'°"'~ 49 LMge Avoc-SOS .,. • '«il•\llA(A\lllt l.Oole Turnips N~(l\C:tttf.,t~ Rc:d Emper~pes ~OlJi'<l& ()([A'""''' rah nbe~ I <\'ft,~ W't Persimmons '"'ht't Jumbo W•lnuts ,...,. .itit ',...,,,;J,_""' Chestnuts ,_,INHOl&.tolh'<: ~ Mcintosh Apples ''~'l .... ,.l,\\)lll Brown Onions •ft t ,...,~ lMfeTeneer'"iet .. ~ti .33 .... 29 ".98 , ... 29 '" .59 I • .79 ".39 ... 99 DELICAlFSSI N . -l·t~1~~.~~~---.:~ /" 291 .. CRAN ERRY ]49 ~~COCKTAIL 48-0W'<E 80rn..£ 1"-\ Ith 11' \'" I r Vons Mixers a~~ ... "tc'Ottt"l ... ~ reen ...,t om ..&... l&Sks .. Wftl Plcklff .,,,.. .. !)Ifft ~ nFem•ndo &rt~·~·c.;~'; ¥"<10 ~·o;:;;.-l \IB~~ on1 Id !'tuts w.•'C'I I"" l'Vo...,.,.f ... Chatnuta ~~ .69 .65 .49 .59 .42 .49 ] 4'9 ..99 .89 )09 )99 .51 .33 ,. I f(J{J( )f~ ••I I"' "" -··~ .•. ~ .. •''fl ~ --. .;::. -·~-: • \I'"'" t?t'"t~ ...., ... .,._ Tl!ytor c.lf. Celerl ~~~·-... ~~~141--1 299 519 459 399 ~... ----~"2---, .,...- 399 ,_, GROCFRIF· S "ol'~"" < ·~·--... \ob ,,~ •. -••. .. '7' • _---. ~.... .. -• M ,, C"" "»'TOV.. C"ll>M£00lt Dote Plnupple ~U> ,."""-r t""'°'o~" Libby's Pumpkin ~eco.p~ ,_. ""''°' ,.,2 .. ro FuglCobflm .69 .79 .79 279 '"' ] 99 DAIRY PRODUCTS cw;~;::·D~ 399 -~--.:11.N<,. ~ 2 99 lift~~ , ·5.55 ~g;c .. -699 ~ .. a-- ~ 9" CHAMPAGNE. ~aonu: Wlfl'E • ....ll'flClM ..... n.u ..... ~ II'°~ >1. llN. CALL ca1J) ....... "°" LOCAnoft Of ITOlll ...wlT "°" "'°'AU. ITl.M NfO ..... '",.,. "° ~ AT"°"9. ....... oaW». 6\11 w jtOfHU .l09MCl'1.la.IAIUllf00.PltHl'IONIDLMll!OAl.MIS .. lllT~ ~rtna ~Y . .,., ITOltU ~ '111'1 ~I),,"" l nA'ft A -.'tll. ...,..,...TOM llACM ~CHI •ACM ..,..,..,. •ACM 1mM1 ~ NUWTAlll YMl.IY l'OUnMI Y~l.IV _....., ...... ,,.,, ,_._.__ ..,...... .,. .. ,...... ._, ...... ,...., n•Mr1u11 1T.._,. c:.::: 198A 8M NM OANTMllO W OANW--LAW l&U *L'"" .-o..,..a... _,C:.....a1411waD11_..,. _.,........... ....,.......,,.,. .... .....,.. ..,., ... ....., • .._ - I• i• .,. ' I 1 4 Hti . .. . . 01,111110 C.o.11tl 'OAll V 'p11 0 l /W11cl11l''>d 11y Nuvt~ml>1•1 17 H18i' r THt! t"AMIL,. CIRCl'N by Bil Keane by Vtrg1I Partch (VIP) .. .. If· 11 "Hero worship." "But I don't eat with the bocks of them." ~:\R,. ~\ Dt: KE by Brad Anderson DE'.\'.\IS THE ,.E'.\ACE ~"~ .. "Why don't we move his doghouse to that vacant lot down the street?" .ll'DGE PARKER , YE&, CERTAINLY 1 I'Li.. TAKE MAY .. MAV I vou e>ACK 1 we·v~ eEEN SEE MY FATHEP. WAITIN6 FOP. A MEMeEP. FOP. A FEW OF THE FAMILY TO MAKE MINUTES r AP.F'.ANC:iEMENTS 1 1 E"IStJ£ CAiie .;-~ f 1/.17 I MEANWH ILE, OUTSIDE THAT'S THE SPENCER FA"'M& STATION wAC:i0N' TONY MU5T eE INSIDE' LET'& DRIVE PAST lT AND 00 AROUND TO nE EME~NCY ENTAANCE IN THE F\ENI'! I MAT£° TME FOZZV FEELING. ACROSS 46 Container I Vegellbles •8 Family mem· 5 Basic food bers 9 Gem un11 52 Nalls I HAiE TME C()U) F'l.OOR~ TUllOAY'I PUZZLE IOlVED 14 One and -56 Sooner than 15 -horse 57 Mountain ISh r;:.F.~~;.R~IF.E~ 16 Si>t•no up 58 Last nouce 17 Destroy 59 Rotate 18 Ninth hour 60 Rhine leedet f9 German gun 81 Tempo 20 Baseball sta1 62 Strolles f(lhn .11 ()l>vnlH'lll .18 '"' .I~ EjM't~111 ~~ Ml A1ilt!f"Jlfl!ll< 4 I S••lh " ~"1 4:' ""' "'"' •Iffy wily of •• °''•l'I ... 9IPf'd 630tary 64 Angered 65 To Shelter DOWN IRHd 2Hafdefi 3 Epithet •Ow ol 11111 5 Ptodl!Ctng 27 Not giddy ... -~. 1s.wi ~oul 7~ 31 Htl or - 8 Undf'rsto00 32 Coallait 9 Known at 33 Hlllt@f 10 As ol 3• Conqul'I' lhumh 3~ Tnddll>r 11 St1fh"•11 36 Actrl'S~ I? Crt11r.111(1 M KIMIOO I I C<1111f1hM Jll C11nv111 tlflm 21 H11fll1lllfl •2 Vttlitles ''l~ 44Hlld1191 24 Prongt .S EntengMd • 7 Cogr1111n1 4~ kingdofn 50 H~ 51 AHton 52 ctiette 53 Sflrub IJCl"lll ~· Pueblo t--+-..-.+-+- d~'' ~,. rn.m!Wlr HWlflflfll .. Hank Ketchum , • • PU~l'TI ME~E S TME WOltLD ~AM005 ATTO!tNEti' ON Hl~WAY 10 TME COVRTMOUSE ... , Tl' M8L£• ££DN . . 11AN UNINTENTIONAL MISTAt<E A80UT WMAT TME TRUE FACTS ~E IS A 'MISTAKE OF FACT"' --------II t l P• NOOZ, S~EIS! WHEN I ~e----UP1MIS MOF\NIN'11lif:V WAS A N~W 'i'E:AH .. I wot. SOlffA L.1'1.-~ IN-ml? 1\:WE:E:~ PISAPPOIN1"E:P. YOUR Fl?.IEND, IRMA, 15 IN THE BAHAMAS,· ISN'T SHE? • YES·· DID SHE SEND A POSTCARD? -~ AND IHf 5 6 1H£ UST Ck JOBS AT WHI~ I FEEL..'1 HAVE .50/VlE €1-PERIENC.E ! DAVCRRE-18 A FACT. ITs R Wff'/ Ot= L.IFE! .. by.Charles M Schulz LUNCH IS Al ON£. THl~TV I by Tom K Ryan I·~AD A CAFETERIA STOD<.> HALL R:>R 1H~EE. . CfEAR6 ! f Otange Caaat DAILY PILOT/Wedn•ld•y.·N~ember 17. 1982 Spoil f 1:1mi!y with ~native haute c uisine Wh<'n t ht-family needs a b1~0C spoiling at a fall Sunday dinner, hea;ty Amerieon fare with a spticial touch is the· solution. Fruit accents robust meats beautifully and elevates a simple dish for family and friends into a fin e exal}'lple o f American harvt'!ll haute cuisine. Bana nas with -C.:ut nw111 into I.I 1 indl t:uboN. Comb11w fl our. salt and pt•ppt•r 1n pluslw bug. Toss tnP:ll t ubt•s in scasont-d flour until w<'ll t'Oatl•d . In largl' skillet heat 011 OVl'r nw d1um heat; brown flo ured mcut cubt's on ull sides; remove und set usidl!. Saul<' onion sht-t's and red and greeq pc pp<>r strips just until tender. ui HlUI ~, 11Hnull'K Add .curl1t·. t·urry l''rwdc·r , ht•t•f bru1h unct h1•11\l y t·rt•um, i.lirnng until wt•ll blcnc.h-<I • Hl'lur n browm'{I nwul 10 s11 ut•t1 Co<>k ovt•r • ml" d 1 um h t':; t u n t-s I thoruu~hly lwau•<l, Add t•ot·onul, r aisins ond bunarw (•hunks. t-lt•at 4! manutt'h Y_IELD: It sorvlngs. • pork and lamb will whet .---------------------- the appetite. Stuffed Loin of Pork with Glazed Prunes and Bananas com bines the down-home delightful t a s t e o f co rn bread stuffing, bananas and pr\lnes. ,. A remarkable glaze of bourbon and pan juices, flavored with mustard a nd brown sugar, leaves the fruits shimmering with flavor. The e ntree is one to satisfy the more active appetites at your table-at this time of year and provide a goodness to be remembered.··~ T.o d res s u p a tradi tjonal lamb s tew, try Banana Lamb Curry, at1 exotic and delightful treat for both fruit and m eat. Green and red peppers and ye llow onions provide dramatic color pla y .t h at's e nhanced further by the white of coconut Oakes. the deep tones of' dark raisins and the gold of bananas. The bananas also-give a sweetness to the savor y meat curry. You'll find this a u nique way of putting inte rnational flair into a countr y supper. STUFFED LOIN OF PORK WITH GLAZED PRUNES AND BANANAS '3 .pounds loin of pork ~ cup butte r or margarine 1/2 cup c h o pped onion ~ cu p c h opped celery · ~ teaspoon salt 1 eackage (8 ounces) cornbread stuHing mix 2 large bananas, peeled and diced 'A c up f i rmly pack ed light b r own- sugar ~ t e aspoon dry ml.lstard BONILlll RUMP ROAIT BEEF 1·· 89 llOUNO , '8. • LEl'S·IALK .. . .. --. TU.RKEY! BEEF STEAK Ll~IT 2 69 LB. FROZEN ALASKAN·BV THE PIECE .. , 1 2 9 8 KING IA1.MON ................. '8. • . Froren Aloskon K1ng·Cen1er Cut SALMO~ STEAi( . . .. Cooked & PHled COCK TAIL BAY SHRIMF! .. , .... LB •.98 LB 3.98 Fresh 10-01 Jor PACIFIC OYSTERS.. . .......... EA. I .18 -f,.~h Eastern 'It ·Pint BLUE POINT OYSTERS ......... EA. 2.29 c Tt•m1ttin~ your fn m ily wi th 'of Stuff t•d Loin of Hou"' f.(lnz•·d with. ,,runt•,, u1ul hununu"' i~ u JJUiq u c· wuy to j inlruduc·c J\nwrit·u n h ault• t•u ii.,im·. LIAN GROUND BllF DOES NOT ~EXCEED 22% FAT w. 1h cup bourbon Cut pocke ts in Join between ribs. In large skillet, melt butte r over m~dium heat; saute onion and cele r y just until tender, about 5 minutes. Add salt, and -NABllCO-- CRACKIRI --HIAVY DUTY-- RIYNOLDI W•AP _YLAllC__ . IWlll ltlCKLll ---"=-~ • stuffing mix, blend well. Gently fold in bananas. Stuff dressing into cut pockets. Use wooden picks to secure openings. if necessary. Place roast • on a wire rack In shallow roasting pan. Roast in a 325 degree oven l 1h hours or until m ea t thermometer registers 170 degrees F. S prinkle with brown sugar and dry mustard QY_er m eat. Pat into place. Pour bourbon over meat. Return to oven and roast 15 minutes longer or until glazed. Serve with Glazed Prunes and Bananas•. YIELD: 8 servjngs. •GLAZED PRUNES AND BANANAS 1 ~ c ups pitted. large prunes 2 large ba n anas. peeled and cut in chunks Soak prunes J n hol wafer 30 minutes until pfump. Drai n . Place prunes and ban ana chunks in pan with pork 1 o i n. d u r i n g l a s l 1 5 minutes of r oasting. Baste with pan juices occasionally. Serve with pork..!_ol~ "i:JANANA -LAMB CURRY - 2'h pounds boneless leg of Jamb 'h ~P flour 'h teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon pepper . V. cup vegetable oil 2 medium onions, peeled .and sliced • , 2 medium-size· red peppers, seeded ar1d cut Into strips 2 green peppera, 'weded and cut 6ftf0 m.- 1 elo~• 'i:~He, crushed . 2 to 3 tablespoon• curry powder 1 can (lO'A ounces) condeNed beef broth I cup heavy cream 1 cup (laked C.'Ot'OnUl 1 cup dark ralabw 4 medium bananas, ~led and cut In ch\Jntu r HTR ASST VARIETIES h 1.-t ~r UU WUU• .59 ASST SNACK VARIETIES SMALL PKGS .99 ~--~--·--DIUCAnaalll T•IATa ...._ _____ , 8 OZ. TUBE _:~~~~~~QLL1__78 ~ lllLLl8U•Y· COOKIU 15·18·0Z 1.29 ~ TUBES ASST FlAvORS PHILADILPHIA &•AND CRIAMCH-1 soz .78 • .99 21 oz 1.39 .. LB. aWllT YAIU. ~---llllll!!!!!!~C-VlllllllT ..... fOHa------. ..... 10 .. PlllG SHIN(;fl!lD 49 l ·OZ TUI e 9-INCH 37-0Z. JOHNSTON'S I .. 9 PUMPKIN Pll..... • 1 - CAW Plllll ltlAI loOZ. 1.19 C•OlllANI ROLLI s:~~~:E 1.39 ~-HOLIDAY COOllWA•I-... TU•KIY ROAlllNG PA• HOLIDAY ... aa ... na ••-••.s.a.n. =•==.r.-.---2~~---=- E·Z FOIL ALUMINUM l NO !f lt •!fWA•I •OVA .. BABY LOAF PAN BY E·Z FOIL FOLEY TURKEY I ASTER 6 PACK TURKET LACERS 99c "'9 . .,, .. 99 . 99 .39 .,., .. _vtl--~----------------M ... ,-UDOMAI• CHAMltAGNI 1':0•· HtNOOE TOFU .. . . Ajinomoto Katwo Hon Doshi 2 29 01 SOUP STOCK JR1l'6" 1t"1~l~rx,.."· Cro1y & Tokyo 3 5 or l'l!t HAPI RICE RACKER~ • Wei fC!< I Loa <;,rn MANDARIN ORANGE ... Sola• NVLON TOWEL -·~··" ... --......... -:" ,, .. , -------• .. ~=c._, ________________ _..._,,.....,,......, ______ ~---~--~------~~~ ....... ...,..._..~~._, • .. ., I Oren • COHI DAIL y PILOl /WednHday. November 17 1982 eafoo'ds tui-ri 'meals into festive · occasions S.0..1footh t•on turn t•an run uis hargt• &Ii II 10 4 pound11 wholt• rl11h, llday m~ol11 Into 12, 15to20.or20to2tito drcaat'ct (u1u• rockt111h , I live (>elt>brat ons. Hert' the pound, clc>pt>ndlng on Chlundt•r, litkt• whllf'flN!\, a e s ugge atl o n 1t ror the variety and the arC'a :.almon, or a (•t>ntl't s ellflsh lovers tor tht• the~ are produet'<.i In ,. h u n k • of II n' H t' o d , f rthcomang ho11day Followan" arc> thrt'l' seiAbaiwor»abk•fl8h) n: holld .. y-insp1rcd rt'l'IJ>t'il I 11) cup• ~·hoJJPl'd Fres h c lam s (\.r e from thl' Caldornln un1J4'l•ll-tl 11pJ)lt• p o pular f or holida y Ffsht"PiCR Assot·aotlon: · l cup dlcro ct•IN'Y entertaining. No couking note that fresh poucht'll l ( 12 OUllC('• box) necess~ry. Serve fresh rls h is suggested as un rorn bread 11\ufflQI mix clams on the halC-shell economy s ubstilutc for · '"'cup rrwltf'<.I buu er with fre8h lemon wedges more ~xpensivc shl'llf1sh UP a.nurgaran(• and a "Zi pp y cocktail in the Gala Appetizer I I 2. l <•asp o o n ce. Ball recipe. · choppt•d frt>s h mint or Hint: Ask fish scrvic.'t.• FESTIVE BAKED FISH pun;lt•y lerk to open clams and • W I T H A P P L E 1'" r c,s h I Y gr o u n d 9e shells .• Pla<X' clams STUFFING ' ' JX'PfX'r I t h j u i c c I n t o t'1 ontainer; refrigerat e ntil aen.Ung timc. When ead y ·to !'le rve, fill a rge bowl with crushed ce, set s hells into ice , hen spoon in clams with uice. 'When purchasiQg shell ysters, make sure that hey are tightly closed. :! l u h I •• Ii fl II 0 " II c·Mppt.J Hrt't•n on~ns • Ju1n of l lt~no11 i tublt11f>Cic111i. upplt· Jllll'I' OI Wllh'I C..'11mh1nc• ul l lntcr•-<hN\Ui t•Xl't.'pt It-mun uncJ ·appll' JUil'l' Fill an11dt• of f111h ond lie or 11kt•wt•r to hold stuff ink· In. Ploc~ fish in an oik-d l'C)l)Sling. pan. Add IL'mon and ~ppll• juke. Buko in 350 dc1'tel' oven for 10 minult>s per Inch of stuffed thk'knt>SS of fish mt•asurt•<l at th1£kt•s\ portion. Baste fr1•ttU<•ntly with tlH' liquid In thl' p;a11. Exlrn sluffang ~·t111 IM· ph,tc1>tl In grt'i.IM'(I t u!>M•rolc'. M o k t• 11 I 0 t <1 I Z 11t•rvl11K-" • GALA SEAFOOD ARr.ETIZER BALl~S I poumJ bf'WJJ>C'I' 111 olh1•r h•Ut\ Osh .f'lllt•L-; 3 ('Upk watt•r . l tc•nspoon sul t t> o l..an c l's 1•rt•11m chc•e!w v, tt•aspuon gad 11· •puWdl'I' S<'vt•rul dnshf•s uat•o SUU('(' i tublt"fpUUllH f1m•l y l'h<'l'li ('. bl t>nd II) fJY'-lt•l it , ('fllb ffi(•lH , dwppc>tJ l(fl't'll OOIOO fJl 'i6'il>nlng11, ~rt"'ll CJnlOn, ('OClkc•d 11hr11Ttp, frCJJt:n :1 tuhlt! poons lt•mon hmtuu JUlt't', fl;.INlc·y i.lnd p11· wok•·d f 111h 1lkk1. jUltl' ('OOk1•d (l'ih U"c' ll 1.°Ul Ullll hlh' itll(• pU'<'t't 1 1 t• u p 1· h 11p''1• <I l (• u 11 p u11 n t o " h .1 p 1• for .1pµ.•u11•r !l(•rvlngs p.1n.loy , nuxturt.o 111to 111)\Ull bulb, ~ • u b I t• s po on s I cup fuwly t·hop,x'<.I !toll in nuLH Chill until • holth.•d 1.:h1h SUU<.'t.· touslt•d w1Al11uls or r 1 rm ~ 1· r v t' 11 n i,, c·ui>c·at.Hup al111111u li. too1hp1t·k~ 'fht'l>(' l'l.111 IJC·· i LuhlL•11puons fre•h PI a c <· f 1 111• t !I I 11 l o • IJr<'purC'd IWV<'ral h11ur11 bulllt'Cl hOl"S(•rud111h . bollinR sailed Wah•r'. uh<'ad and kttpt l·hlllf'd :J tabh·spoorui lt•mon CovPr, fNurn to . hua)lng u n I i I iw r Y 1 n ~ t I rtH\ JUIC'l' , o nd !'tl rn111t•r fi s t1 just Makl.'!l approxmmtt·ly 72 ' Grolcd rand I rom until 'i t flakes <'asily appetizer halls. urw h•num whl•n tt•stt'd with·a fork ZES TY COCkTAIL Mix nll angred1cnta, (not over J lo !) manuLcs). SAUCE chill. Can Ix• mad«.' up to Ht-mow dny bonf'S and T1J scrVl' with poal'lwd .:1 days ahead. Makes fl1ikt·. Soflt•n c.•ream fi s h !.ll1·ls, C'l:..ms and :..bout on1• cup WITH THE FINEST QUALITY FOODS AT· ~ow PRICESI ny that are partially pen should close quickly hen handled. K eep \.anshucked ysters in the coldes t rea or the refrigerator; t.pre with the deep cup own so that juices wiU· at h e th e oyster s .ALLmnl'l --l•IAMTl.4PM tantly. rap oys t e r s in a damp dishtowel to retain • <fpti mum m oistness. <t>ysters can be kept at t\ome in this manner for t.\vo or: three days. I If econ o m y is the 'ighesl pr iority In oliday pre parations, lecl the very · tiny oked s h rimp for ktails and salads. ed shrimp can run as 250 to 350 per nd. a r ge raw (ca,ll ed ·te or green sh rimp) • • ISIDS ,.. --. ~n tarJs I I Rai si n -s tudd ed g-eamy rice pudding is a fpvorite family dessert. q.&dled into bowls with a ~llop of cream. it's the ~rf ect finish to a urely meal. But these ys of life on the run 4emand quick-to -grab cjessert.s and snacks. not _dishes that must be eaten * the table. l Raisin Rice Custard 'farts can solve the ioblem -easy as pie. ey're raisin-good rice dding in individua l stry shells. Easy to epare and de liciously iced. these pudding tarts might be served ~arm for a fam ily dessert, or kept cool in the refrigerator for a ta.sty between meal bite, any lime. RAISIN RICE CUSTARD TARTS Pastry for 3 slnf.le crust 9-inch ple5, or 18 p repared 3-inch tart shells 'h cup uncooked rice 'h cup water 2 cups milk ..._ 'l'i cup whipping aream 3 tablespoons sugar el: ¥4 teaspoon each cµmamon and nutmeg . Dash salt 2 eggs. beaten t· 1 cup raisins Sweetened whipped P'eam (optional) Line eighteen 2 11'1-inch ~ffin cups with pastry qpugh Prick generously with a fork: chill 30 minutes . Bak e in ~ehea ted 400 degree oyen 10 to 12 minutes, dfltil golden brown: set lside to cool. ' I In saucepan combine rJl:e and water; bring to· boil. Ada milk, creatn, sug,ar. spices and salt. Simmer, covered, over .fl!edium heat about 30 rrilnutes, u ntil rice Is sort (Jiquid will not have a"baOrbed completely). Stir in eggs and ~aisins. Spoon mixture Into prepared tart shells, dividing equally. Bake In preheated 350 degree oven 12 to 15 m inutes. Serve wa rm or ollllled, with whipped cream, if d esir ed. M a k es l 1h cl'o7.en. • Note: 1 cup cooked rice 'ty be subetituted for · e uncooked -omit • ' 11 l jJier:•11 YI •• ~-' lt'1golwtteel1 ,you~ll move It ., ........ . ~ ... , ... ... l•Ufflld "' d. • . . . . NAVEL--ORANGES NEWC"°~ IWIET AND .IUlCY HILLS BROS. COFFEE . . _ .... .. • 111 .La. CAUUFLOWIR .. 49-----QOLDD DILICIOUS " a 59----·-••••n •08TONRRNS _311 ~----Dll,,INBACHIA 411 -na.•-.. -·-"'' - CRISCINT M>LLS ~.---. ··-·--·---~".'!!!...-.......... ___ , ___ 1" ~'~W>.!!!~.~· -.... 11• NIPGI _,,. MrUT AllD MILO !_R!.2.,~!~~R RADISH~~ s:•1 RID IMPIROR QRAPIS .. sr -·-·· -SPIDIR PLANTS-.. ~--.3'' ---'"·---KALANCHOI ··-··-5" ca-~ .. .._•_l'Of YLA81C awalT PICICLD 141 UNC._.-.-.-N'8 WILD RICI a91 __ ... ________ . !!'-"'!! ~~ ~~ ... _. ____ .,. !!!'~~-~-~ AA •unlR j• '='• ..... ITL 2' CAllFORNIA 1i1 AVOCADOS aUTTUIY .. OOTH '0" 8ALAD8 O" IN Dl~I CUllllON'S 5 , -!.'!!!!I!..... c 1a.oz. aox T. •WPORT BUCH HT •COSTA MEii • , llllJPllll WEONEIOAY. NOV 17, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT E5 TELEVISION E6 ' . . Mo1111r,·h!'j 11jJ.t;t•I S11ilor~ in (.'/It' 'l·-A volleyball· /J/11yoffs. See 11u1it1• E4. Shortest NFL . , .. . season ever to resume . . Union decides -it will 'fight so1ne of the fights later' This week's .. games NEW YORK (AP)· There wall l:x> football on their decision but to let th~ make their own Sunday. It may not bl• artistic, .bu1 at will be dcd. aon on this rpajor point in their laves," said S um . prof~ional. The Na tional Football League strike is White of the Detroit l..Jons. a member of tht' union's ovt-r. executive 1.-ommittee. One simple question had to b<.• ~answered · The strike, ~hlch lasted 57 days and cost Tuesday night: Did 1,500 football players want to owners and playe~ upwards of $275 million in lost play football, or did they want to stay on strike a · · revc.nu.es ~nd ~ages, was the longest and most 58th day :--and perhaps the rest of the already expensi~t; an s~rts hlatorr. seven days lon~cr ~nd -fractur~ season ..:_ to try and squeeze a few more $125 m11f1on more expensive than bruieball s strike dollars out of the owners? last summer. . "We concluded ," uniqn 1e f ' Garvey Th~ resl,llt oC t~e NFL strike is the short~t toncedcd, "it .was better to ge on with th season season an the leagues history, nine games. lt took and fight some of the r'ights later." / World War D for the league to cut its schedule to 10 · T . . . . · games in-ihe 1940s. And in the' wake of the strike ls I he umon s ~x«uhve .commmce voll:d to pass the biggest playoff field, 16 oC the 28 reams going a ong the owne~ offer to th~ 28 player reps then ·beyond the regular season for a berth in Super voted to acce~t 1t and pass ll al~ng to the 1,500 Bowl XVU next Jan. 30. players, but without recommendauon. Two weekends of games were playt..0 before !raining camps opened today. . . the silence descended last Sept. 21. Six remain, plus They know 1t has ~n accepted by a.ma,JC>r!tY one weekend t9 be made up from the eight that of the reps and we felt 1t better not to preJud1l'e were blitzed out of autumn. Then eight teams Crom Phew, it's Over! Ram players relieved by se~tlernent By JOHN SEV ANO Of the Dally l"tlot a .. tt h 's finally over. Fifty-seven days and eight football-less weekends later, the owners and players of the National Football League have at long last reached an agreement. For most of the Rams players, who reported to Rams Park at 7:30 this morning, it was a settlement long overdue. "WE'VE BEEN WANTING to get this over with from day on<.>." said offensive guard Kent Hill. "l think everybody is really excited about getting back to work." "I'm in a lot better frame of mind than I was a few hours ago," added linebacker Jim Youngblood Tuesday night. "l had almost given up after last weekend." . "Pe rsonally, I think it could have never happened if there had been some honest and fair negotiations from the beginning on both sides," chimed in offensive center Doug Smith. Unfortuna\ely, for eve~yone concerned, the strike did happen though and now teams must try to pick up what pieces are left. THE NEW NFL °"s(ason. which calls for only a nine-game schedule coupled with an expanded playoff format (eight teams from each conference as opposed to the usual five). leaves the Rams in an extremely precarious position due to their 0-"2 start. With only seven games remaining to make up any ground, the Rams can't afford the luxury of a bad start or "off" performance. They have to win immediately and , everyone a'ssociatcd ·with -1tle organization knows it. "h 's going to be tough to ge t them back into playing shape. But ever ybody's got the same problem," noted Coach Ray Malavasi. "We have to be read y but we (as a roaching staff) have been ready to g<,> for the last eight weeks." How schedule will work Here's how the NFL schedule will work for the rest of -the season: -The 1982 season will resume Sunday, limited to nine regular-season games with an e xpanded and juggled 16-team playoff format.. -Teams will resume play with games originally scheduled for this weekend. -Only one of th~ eight weekends missed during the strike will be made up and each team will play at least four of the season's nine games al home. The makeup games will be played the weekend oC Jan. 2. -Eight teams from each conference will qualify for the playoffs, 16 in all. six more· than the usual six division champions and four wild-card entries. -Eight playoff games -four in each conference -will be played the weekend of J.an. 8".:9, with the winners playing the weekend of Jan. 15-16. The conference championshipe leading to the Super Bowl then would be played the w~kend oC Jan. 22-23. -Super Bowl XVD will be played Jan. 30 in Pasadena, as origlnalJy scheduled. "But the fact i want. to play and I want that paycheck again overrides any such thoughts. 0 1 still think most of the players are in good physical shape. You have to remember, when we go into tr.sining camp (in July) we don't w~lt a couple days to hit then. We get into hitting each other right away. I'm sure we'll be able to handle the hitting, although a few guys should be sore next week." Added Jim Youngblood • "If the guys aren't ready to play, as Car as being (See RAMS, ~age E4) each t'Onfcrc•nct• wall tmtt•r lhl' playofCs Thl'rl' ore, or l't)UrSl', formalities. Th<' 28 club ownNs must rataCy the agrt.>ement today: the striking players must do the same by 8('(.'rl.'l ballot next Tuesduy. And dL>spiw Garvey's warnin~ that "Wl• ar<• not out uf the woods yet. This thing is not y~t ov1..•r," at a ppt•ars tha l must of ,the battles remaining will Qe fought betwet'n hissh-marks and soaJposts for pieces of turf and not over confere nce tables for RCr"Centages of this or millions of that, Almost lost in the avalanche of numbers -the union's winning severance pay and bonuses and, of course, a wage sc.ale -is a provision that permits • the union to act as the sole bargaining agent for all players but rookies. "It was a major, mapr step forward," Garvey' said oC that provis ion. "lt was one of the keys to the settlement. This is .as important to us as the draft is to the league." The draft will continue through 11}92 instead of (See NFL. Page E4) 8undey Rem• (0-2) at Atlanta ( 1-1) (Channel 2 at 10 a .m.) San Francisco (0-2) (Ill St. Louis (1-1) (Channei 2 at, 1 p.m.) Kansas City (1-1) at New Orle11ns (1-1) Tampa Bay (0-2) at Dallas (1-1) Washington (2·0) at NV Giants (0-2) Baltimore (0-2)'1lt NY Jets (1-1) Cincinnati (1-1) at Philadelphia (1·1) Detroit (2~) at Chicago (0-2) Miami (2-0) at Buffalo (2..Q} Minnesota (1· 1) at Green Bay (2-0) New Eng rand ( 1-1) at Cleveland ( 1-1) Pittsburgh (2-0) at Houston (1-1) Seattle (0·2) at De~er (1-1) (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) Mondey San Diego (1-"1) at LA Raiders (2-0) NFL player rep Stan White of Detroit (left) and Gene Upshaw of the Raiders join NFLPA executive director Ed Garvey to announce end of 57-day strike. The Rams will open their ''second "8ea&Jn" Sunday in Atlanta. Of course wha t 's being questio ned mos t concerning the players quick return to action is whether they'll be ready to accept th. physical punishment oC· an NFL rontest on just four days prepat'ation. Sunset League could go 0-3 Friday night • "I THINK WE CAN be ready to go," off~ed quarterb~ck Vince Ferragamo who. according to Malavasi, will still be the No. 2 man behind Bert J ones. "NaturaJJy, I thank the team in the best condition will probably prevail on the outcome of \tie game. As far as we're concerned. I thank a lot of key position guys are in good shape. • ''But these are all crucial games (for us). The only good thing is that we haven't played anybody else In our division yot. Those are the ont.>s that are {Cal critical, especially this one Sunday in Atlanta." i' There seems to be little doubt among the players that four days is an awfully s hort time to get ready to play. But. as Smith explained, there's really little choice. • "They (the owners) are asking a lot but there's really no other alternative," said Smith. "I'd just as soon get a couple <?f weeks of practice in before we go out and play. "Still, we're all very experienced football players. I think we can stage a good performance in a couple of days -although it might not be the safest." WHICH BRINGS UP a good point. -What •bout the players' salet.y? Isn't the injur'y risk too 1'1gh due to the players lack of shape? · "I've thou~ht about that," ·Smith conceded. • Meanwhile, the three Sea View League teams are all expected to win playoff openers By ROGER CARUON O(tlle Delly Nots.- The Sunset 1.eague. a dominating force the past few years in the CIF Big Five Conference, is in th~ untamiliar role of across-the·board underdogs Friday as the first round oC the eliminations unfold. And. in another twist, the Sea View League. now situated in the ClF Central Conference, is favored to sweep the opposition in the first round. 1It all starts Friday nigt'!t with 7:30 kickofCs. Here's a look at each game: Cresl'I .-s. Etllson Cresp1's Celucs have racked up an 8-2 record and enter as the Big Five's "at-large" team. the No. 16 choice after each of five leagues sent three teams to the playoffs. A year ago it wu Servite in this situation, and the Friars responded with a 14-7 victory over top- rated Edison, snapping the Chargers' 32-game winnfng streak in ttae proce19. • Crespi finished in fourth place (3-2) in the Del Rey League behind champion Alemany. The Celts have pounded away out oC an 1- formation behind a front line which features 187-pound tailback J ohn Callahan and 185-pound (ullback Jack Wagoner behind a Sizeable offensive line, which includes 6-6, 255-pound senior John Kidde r and 6-5, 22~-pound tight end Lance Faria. "' ~'=•'7:30) Frldar Crespi vs Edison et OCC Craepl by 3 Loyola w Fountain Valley 11 Hunt. Beach Loyola by 7 Hun11ng1on Beach vs SI Francis 11 Glendale High SI Francia by 7 Newoort Harbor vs Norwalk al Exoetsior Newport by to LB Poly vs Meter Del al Cerritos College Poly by 7 Ar1esla vs Saddleback at Santa Ana Bowl Saddleback by 10 Haclend« HeJghtS Wllaon at Capo Valley Even Laguna Hilla at Los Altos , Loa Alloa by 37 .. ..., Bellflower vs. El Toro at Mission Viejo El Toro by 14 At quarterback are Dave Patric and/or J ohn Laufenbt-rg. Patric. a 6-3 junior, has .completed 48 of 80 ~'l<'S for 602 yards and 4 TDs, while Laufenberg, the brother of Indiana University quarterback Babe Laufenberg; has hit 21 of 38 for 307 yards and ll TDs. Crespi's defensive hne averages 217 pounds Crom e nd to end and the offensive _front is big, toO, averaging 213 pounds from tight end to tackle. Edison's game gets a lift with the expected return of linebacker Tony Johann. Lo.J'ol• .-s. Fo•nlllfn J'alley Big is the only way to describe the Loyota Cubs. who enter with an 8-1-1 record, lncludinl a 3-1-1 record in the Del Rey League. The Cubs boast an offensive line which Upa u.· scales at 2 HJ Crom tackle to tight end, the defenaiY_F front averages 215 pounds per player and the ~ of the defense is at the 191 -pound level, so.~.} definitely • biR task for \tie Barone. ~:· · Brendan McCracken 1s the Cubs' q~ He has completed 43 of 83 for 513 yards and 3 ~. s.tatiat.ics which }>ear out the Cubs' tendency to ~ ruonina game. .:~ ... . Richard Brown is Loyola's chief runner witflf, 5.3 average gain per carry. · ::: ' The oHensivc line features 6-6. 265-po'* (See PREP, PaJ(e El) ;-· ' • ·:•a. !::~ Pirates getting physical, bµ.t it may Dot he. enOugh :::J.t MURPHY EASY ~}·-t. ~ MVP WINNER ::r~· By CURT SEEDEN You might' say the Pirates are getting Gillis. "He's a leader on the court, o Ot tt1e o.-, ""°'Steff physical. playmak«'r, a good ball handler and an a verx n.nl' shooter and plays hard all the tanil', Ci1ll1s ~ys. .,!..\ N E W, Y 0 R ~ ( A P.) ~~. For the past. two years. Orange Coast "We'll 1 definitely be" s tronger on the e>C{~llcnUhOOtM, Last year with Bcasll'y College basketball coach :randy Gailis boards," prt.~lcta OIUls. who 1s entering In thl' llm•up, he didn't shoot much. Th11 had to rely()n two~harp-shooling guards , his seventh seuon at the OCC helm •nd year he should double his scorans to carry his team through the rigors o( owns a 95-77 record with th• Pirates. ciVC'ragt• " ttie South Coast Conference season. "We've got some guya who are physlcaJ Thf' other two sophomores arc 6-:l NoW·departed Chris Beasley and G~ and uren't timid about Pn& aiter the 1orward David NaNOn who s.ay hmlwd n.ohnfeldt ~ .. up t~ tr~ ~~·.u: .:....:....J.M-.'.t--...--_...I•• •UHR: all lhldt!t\~ the paJJt two SC3t!OnS, but when Gillis vur-«-rttrti from ~ made d ' Co11l'lt' \ranafer Ll'land Bruce. who unveils the 1982-83 edition or the Pirates frt;Shman players, how~er, and t~y ~ playl'd for thl' Rustlt>rs thrt't' years ago. Saturday n i'4hl aa,a1nst vlsitlnr. gomg to have to play eman belkl'tball, Bruce. a 6-3 1uard, avt>rafied 12 .a C l ,, . Gillis add1. MiraCosla o ege (7.30). there wll • How young are th• Plratee? Only 1>91nta per 1aaw when he payed at Indeed, be a new look to the Bucs. three 1c:>phomoret lfitee the l"Olter, and Gold.n West. A church milalon took him Glllis'squadisloadcdwlthfreahmcn. o nly one o( tho1e three -Tim awayfromcommunitycollc1cbaakl'tball which. of counrae, means It's loaded with Krohnfcldt -saw conliawnt playln1 for 1 few >'""'· Inexperience. But this eeason, the Plra~ " tlmf'. "H'"'• excited 1bout play:na baaketblill wlll be much quicker and much taller. \ "Tim's a rHl eolld pl1yer," boast.a a11aln tand ht-'s In eXt"t'Ut-nt tthape lA"l' 11 '. Gillis' most P.romising fresh~n are- Ci-~J N<•wport Harbor Hi1h graduate Garlnn Morton and 6-8 forwards Brad Guess (University High) and Leon Synwanskt (Garden Gro>le High) "G,1rinn lA one ot \tie mo1t agrcssive ,_,.. rw ..... -Giiie ~· ·•He's not al oil afraid to go to the boatds nnd h<''s one of the t>Ht reboundc-rs I've t>Ver t!E'('n for hla alze." In 0\Mll, Gtll~ hM an All·8" Vit>W Lca1u~ pt'rformer who avera1ed 19 poln\I per 1•m• for the Trojans la1t seaaon. SyQ\8naki, meanwhilt'. played three yeara at Olrden Grove but then ISH PIRATE&, Pap Bl) Outfielder Dale Murphy. w ..... .power-hitting and ability to drlW in runs led the Atlanta Br.we to a davuuon title, today WM na...t the National Lea,u•'s Moa'J Valuable Player for 9d2. '_ -~ .... ---~)&$,,~ namt'd on all 24 bello\I, Hlli outdistanced St. Louis Cardi ou\f le Ider Lonnie 9ml\h for annual 1ward liven ~ a..tllll Writ.en A.arietion ol Anillb.l Murphy drew 14 ftntg vota frona tt. penel .... up two writers from nth I dty, -· -• SI OAIL.V PllOl /Wttdneaday, Novemb•r '7, 198' .. NB.A players W.on't give back, . . .... nor g1ve .1n With the• !ll'llhmH.m l 11( lhl' N l''L llltlk": lhc ~ .. porl111fl I u1thh.ll of lhl' hmd wlll pllWit' tor o c•up of ~ft'<' IUHI Pf'l'J>:trl' (or o vl~1I of the ngonlH of the NBA unt.I 11.K labor probll'ms · T lw bnsketb&ll propl<' ort• to bt• c:ornmt'n<k-d for SPORTS COLUMNllT - '-.t't.•ping their negotiations with n the privacy of their mt'<'llng plut'C, but gt••lll commotion can bt.• t XfX'.'lt.tJ inonwntarlly. T lw gt11wral public w111 ht'ar Crom both &1det1 1111t•e it Is ck•ar a contract on a ne w working Olo{rt.>enw nt wlll not be tor.tht'Omihg until afwr the . two aid<'S hove spent c.-onside rable time on th<' mat. • 'l'hl• .football udvt~rsarles were so /~r a part it was J1Cflcult LO u ndersta nd the lssucs. Pn"Sumably, t.hui wall anvolvl' money TIM-NBA players arc the most la vishly paid of a ny indus try on tlw f1K't' of tlw 1•urth and ttw owm•r:, Ifft' hur1111~ cfos pt.· r'U l c I y. · · Well, you can just inuiKine the crea tures or tht-' NBA giving monl'Y back to the proprl(>tors. As a T he bas kt•tba ll thing ma y be even mort• drf hcult. T o bt"g1n with, NBA Commissioner La rry U'8ncn 1s on rt.'(.'Ord as staling the players will have L•> agrc~ to soml' "giv<: backs."· Wha t this means is that the playt•rs will be asked to relinquish some of t lw bcnelit.s tht•y already enjoy. College bowl lineup starts to take s~ape · matwr of fll<'t, thl're 1s rwws lor Larry O'Brlt•I\ Tlw .players want more money. The play('rs will take cuts in salary and Cringl'S ·Sure they will. And two moons will float across the California sky and u rn~nth of S undays will be torn Crom the calendar. · Bu~ks surge behind Johnson The Mlwaukee Bucks. behind a m season -high 32 ppints by. Martaues · Jol1.111on and 18 by Sidney Moncrief, o~ned a 30-point third quarter lead and raced to a ll5-l03 Vlctory over Indiana lo highlight NBA action Tue sday night ... Elsewhere, Bernard Kina lk.'Ored 13 s traight New York points at one stretch and finished with 26 to pace t.he Knicks to an easy 120-93 victory over College football's postseason bowl lineup is beginning to ta ke shape a lthough orricial word must wait untU games are comple ted this weekend. EE -winless Houston . . . Reggie Johnson stole an Inbounds pass and scored on a layup with 10 seconds remaining lo give Kansas City a 105-102 win over stroggllnR San- Antonio . . . Alex En,ll1la scored 39 wmts and DH 1sel contributed 28 as De nver raced to a 136-130 edge over , San Diego. The Clippers, now While berths a re not o f(icial, h er e's a te na tive list of opponents for the postseason clashes. subject to cltange pending results of games this weekend: Rose Bo~I -Michlga11 vs. Washlng~n. Sugar &wl -Georgia vs. Pen'n State. Cotto n Bowl -SMU-Arkansas winner vs. Pittsburgh . O ran ge Bo w l -O klaho ma-N ebraska winner vs. Florida St. (IC Seminoles defeat LSU), Pittsburgh or Notre Dame. Fiesta Bowl -Arizona St. vs. Oklahoma- Nebraska loser. . Sun Bowl -Texas vs. North Carolina. Aloha Bowl -UCLA vs. Maryland. Liber ty Bowl -AJabama vs. Illinois. T a ng,erme Bowl -Auburn vs. Bos ton College. Holiday Bowl -WAC champion (probably BYU) vs. Ohio St. Bluebonnet Bowl -LSU (if it bea ts or ties Florida St.) vs. Arkansas-SMU loser. G ator Bowl -LSU-Florida St. loser vs. West Virginia. Ha ll o f Fame &wl -V a nde rbilt vs. Stanford (if it beats California). · Independence Bowl -Miami, Fla. vs. Tulsa. P each Bowl -Iowa vs. Tennessee or Florida. California Bowl -F rJ!SOo SL vs. Bowling G reen. JOHNSON 1-9, p\ayed withQut Biii WaUon . . . Myclaal Tlaompson scored 20 of his 25 points in t.he second hal( to lead Portland to a 106-87 romp of Atlanta . . . Reuje Tllea1 scored a game-high 29 points and backcourt mate Ronnie Lester added 17 to lead Chicago past Golden State, 125-120. The win was the fourth in 10 contests for the Bulls, while the Warriors lost for the fifth time in nine outin~. Virginia tops college cage poll Virginia, led by 7-11 All-American Ra lph Samp1oa, is the pre-season choice as· the No. 1 team in The Associate d Press' major college •• basketball poll. Georgetown is ranked No. 2 with North Carolina third and Kentucky fourth. UCLA was placed in the No. 7 slot . . . Clemsqn President Bill L. Atclaley made his first reference to penaltie's facing the national football champions by announcing that Clemson won't appear in a post-season bowl this year . . . The physcian attending 0.k Koo Kim said he wouJd meet with re latives of the seriously injured boxer to decide IC they want to diBCOnnect the life support systems keeping him alive . . . Montreal • Expos Coach Steve Boros will ~ named to re pltK"e Billy MartiD as manager of \he Oakland A's today. according to two San Franciaco Bay ·· Area newspapers , . . Bob Teledo, head footbalL. coach at the University of Pacific, announced he will quit Saturday after the final game of the Quote of the day sea9on. The Tigers are 1-9 going into the game Darryl Dawkins, asked if there was any . . . University of Oregon Athle tio Director Rick . t--rjc""·rT1· fi'1caJ1Lr-:t111r~ ... -ttno-ttln1""e-1f'1o1'i1rr.-¥-t-tr.,,"'"1..,....,wttth-1!'.tw-+--11ay announted-that-lhe contract of head football P hiladelphia 76ers.and will ·wear with the Coach Ric~ Brooks has been exWllded for two New Jersey Nets: "It's my birthday. I was years through l986. bOrn on the 53rd of November." ' Televrslon, radio Goring, Islanders topple Oilers Following are the top sports eventa on TV b G . tonight. RaUngs are: v v v v excelJent; v v v · Tw~ goals by Bute or10g and m th watching ............ fair· ...... foraet It. three points from Mike Bossy led the ' w(j)or • · e New York Islanders to a 4-2 vicLOry 0 · Cb I 9 V V V over Edmonton in a meeting o{ last 6:2 p.m., anne season's top two teams in the standings . . . NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Dallas. Elsewhere in the NHL-Tuesday night, struggling Aanouncers: Chick Hearn and Ke ith Vancouver fo ught from behind three times and Erick.son. finally salvaged a 4-4 lie with Detroit on a goal b~ Darcy Rot• midway through the third period . . . Keith Acton scored two goals and ~ted on two others to lead Montreaf to a 7-1 t.rouncing or HarJll>rd ... Brian Sutter scored three goals for the seco'hd lime this season a nd assisted on another as St. Louis blitzed New Jersey, 7-2 ... Peter McNab scored twice and picked up two assists LO lead Boston past Quebec, 7-4 . . . Bobby Carpenter scored two goals to pace Washington to a 5-3 w'in over Calgary. The Lake rs. who had their seven-game winning streak snapped Tuesday night in Phoenix. will be looking to start a new one tonight against the Maverit:ks, who are currently in third place (with a 4-5 record) in the Midwest Diyision. RADIO • Basketball -Lakers at Dallas, 6:20 p.m ., KLAC (570). •. --.t.llElll OUR Siii AID IOOTS __ twhlch don't look Ilk.!_ rentals)_ A~L NEW EQUIPIE~~! Visualize yourself In this \ ,..,. '.\ plcture, nett standing In a ~· ·tt rental line when you arrive at '>~~1~· th'e ski area. Ji',l.l~· We re n t F I s c h er and µ~ ..... 1!!11 Rossignol skis, Saloman Boots. Our rental faclllty Is newly lmporved and will help take the hassle out of renting. BESEllrE IOWI ' llNTAL PACILln LITTLI ITOlll ............ .. ~ .... ·-, <11•> .. , .. ,.. . • •• . Tht• mrnwlity of th<' pt•oplt• who play In th<' NBA hWi probuhly tx-.•n e.wbllHht-d . You wondt•r now uboul tt>•· i..•t•r••bn&I l'Mf>ad ty qf liOffi(' of tht• f>t'C>J>lt• who own tht• ~•ma T tw t'fitlnMAtf' of tht> numlit·r ot NBA frunc:h11k-s maklnl( mom•y mdl'<'d brf•akln6J ('Wn rurcly flOt.14 1111 hlt<h wt (our. You hear t>ven lcu talk about 'rh~ pn-c1iw rt•QOn JnO!Jt ut tht• NBA uwrw111 un· p1ArtldJ)IAU11a1 I• oot In tt\4.) l"us.1 dt•Mr II I», hoW<'Vl'r, quit•' <1l(•1tr that tht-(ranchllil'l'I wh1d1 ilr•• for aal'· San D1<•go and Clt.,v1..·lun<l, to rn1•11tl1'9n a w uph· un• a.dhng qu1w unhkt• hot.c•t1k•"ll ~ • tlw uw rwr11 bt•"lnr\lr'lj( to "6kt• u rc.>alistk approach to aalarws. • Thia 11 not to auqt'St th(• fritnchlKt> opc·rotoni an• not wathout idl•wi on ways and mc1u\s·to make l'Ods rncl'l A r ('cent "li uggl'H tion was for the SU(\.'t'liSful frall<:hlS(>S to sullll1d iw thOflt• opt'rations Tht' rwxt thing 11J fot tht• ownqr1 to n.'(:aptua • i;i1m1• kine.I ot fliu:uwial hN!Jth ~hrough lh•· t·urr1mt • ll(•gotlauun.11 fur & rww working ugrt•wl\C'nt 111 fact, tht.• propri('tQni have• oln..•11tly J111play1•t.I a bit of m UllClt'. whkh urc• ailing. ' F'or instum't', the Dt•nver team dCX'H not have th(• cap1.w:1ty tor tur•ning thu same sort of profit as the• Los Angclt:s Lakc•rs. Th£'refore, the Lakers w9uld sha re spmt' of their wealth with the Nu(IJcts. T hc·y hav1• arulwah•d 1hut 111 u: uf tlw lh111g,. ttwy will takt> a way from Ltw 1>lny t•111 11> thc•1r ngh l to fly fin;i d &SS. As m1·ntiont•d earll,·r , you quc•stlon the• mcmah t)' of the• NBA owrwrs Thl'Y ar paying tht'ir pla~rs anywhNe from $200.000 ltJ $2 million A guy holding his brt•ath waiting for Jl!rry Buss, the Laker owner, to agl'("(• to this display of charity will soon t•xpirc. a year, wh1<:h 1 obst'(;'nc . , Tht>y will make this up with tourist far<'l)'! Tlwy will also haVl' <111 1·vl•111tu l sth kt.• s ·uns settle long scor_e; top La.kers PIRATES PHYSICAL· .. • -PHOENIX (AP) -It hAd all the flavor of a playoff game and · for the Phoenix Suns, it was a chance to t1ettle a six-month-old score. The Suns, swept in fouc straight by Los Angeles in last year's Weste rn Conf cren~e semifinal series, beat the Lakers 113-105 here Tuesday night in their'first meeting of the 1982-Q3 National Basketball Association regular season. . "We feel we're a much belie r ballclub than last year and we're showing it," aaid Phoenix Coach John M1lcLeod after his squad won its fifth game in. a row and improved its overall record to 9-2. "LA is always awfully tough and th is win gives u s the confidence to know we can play with these guys." TWO SUNS who remembered last year's playoff failure we ll - guards Walter Davis and Dennis J o hnson -combined with newcomer Maurice Lucas to snap bos Ange les' s even -game winning s treak. · Luca s poured in 27 points while Johnson had 10 of his 14 in the fourth period 'and Davis nine of his 24 in the final quarter in- sending the defending world •champion Lakers (7-2) to their first loss s.ince the season-opener. "l think L ucas made the difference in the second half," said ~ Angeles Coach Pat Riley o.f the 6 -iJ powe r forward acquired in an off-season trade with the New York Knicks. "He l\as made them a different team and a lot more aggressive. He has added a different dimension." Laker center Kareem Abdul- Jabbar disagreed. "I don't think Lucas has made much of a differe nce to the ir team at all," said Abdul-Jabbar. NY rehires Martin? NEW YORK (AP) -Billy Martin. who has been man~ger of the New York Y arlkees twiet\tf. and let go twjce, has agreed to join the Yankees as manager once again, according to the Ne w York Daily News. Martin, 54, and Yankee owner George S te inbre nner have re ac h ed agreement but no contract has bee n signed, the paper says. FrOl'Jl Page .E 1 . movt.'d to S yos,">Ct, Ne·~ York, for his last prep ~ason. Gillis has suffered one e&rly blow already, in the temporary luss of freshman Jeff S tephens. a 6-2 All-Sunset League performer from &:fison High. S te phe ns . who a lso plays bast:ball (which 1s one of the r e a son s h e c a m e to O CC) s uffe red a fractured thumb ·Sa turday when a llne drivt.• caught h im on th~ pitche r's mound . Gillis hopes he'll be back in a couple of weeks-.· Other n ewcomt•rs to watc h include Deron White, a 6-0. £irst-tcam All-CJF pe rformer from Valencia High; John Berry, a · 6-2 guard from Marina; and Darrick Morgan, who prepped a l L e w Wallace High in Gary, Indiana. Other forwa rds joining the Pirates arc 6-5 Steve Shattuck from Villa Park High and 6-4 Shaughn R ya n rrom Albuquel'que, New Mexico. The Pirates' backup post man is 6-8 Paul W e ar: o ut o r Ra ncho Alamitos High. _ "We've got to play tough pre- season games in order to get ready ror this league ," Gillis says. "The c o n Ce r e n ce is unbelievably st rong this year. "I've heard a number of major ~ North Stars blitz King~ I NGLEWOOD (AP) -Center Neal Broten struck for two of Minnesota 's four po wer -play goals" in the first period to lead th e Nortn-S t a rs to an ""8 -3 National Hockey League victory ove r the Los Angeles Kings Tuesday night. Defenseman Brad Maxwell touched oH a Cive-goal outburst b y the N o r th Sta rs in the opening p e riod whe-n h e eonnec ted on a 60 .. footer past Kings' goalie Gary Laskoski. Minnesota then drilled four straight power-play goals against ~oski ~ build a commandjng 5-0 lead at' the end o( the first 20' minutes. Bobby Smith made it 2-0 for the North Stars when h e connected at 5: I 0 on a power play. Thirty-nine seconds lat.er Broten made it· 3-0. Gord Roberts and Broten's second goal of the night finished off Laskoski. College football '"""80A ra o.u. c.n1r., MldllGWI •• Nort,..,n ..,_ M1~. 0. at Cinclnnall, n llllnola St. at &all St Tundy Gillis college t'Oachcs say that this lS the toug h e s t Jun io r college conre re nce 1n the n a tion . I comple tely agre e w ith t h at statement." Gillis points out that every t eam in t h e' S o uU1 C o<1s t Conrerence -with the cXl'C:ption of his Pirates and Ce rritos - won at least 20 games last season. And" Cerritos and Orangt• Coas t wt•rc· p1l·k1:d to fimsh 1-2 last St.·ttson. OCC is co ming o ff a 13-15 season, a campaign w h ich was ' marred by th<! loss o ( several pla yer s f o r o n e r eason o r another. This season, Gillis has been pleased b y what he has seen from his young squad, but -admits the rood to success may be a slow -on . ··Our biggest proble m is lack of ('X perient.'C," he says. "We'll start four players in our season open<'r who have nev<'r playt.>d a game at Orange Coast Co llege. lt's going to take us a wh1I(' to pull things together " OfMOe COHI eclledule Nov 20 -M ir• Cosle. Nov 26 -Rio Hondo, Nov 27 at San 0..00 Mesa Otlc. 2·4 Mllef Eeton lourney. Dec t0· 11 ~ at Skyline Tourney. Dec 15 - P8'om•. Dec 18 -PlllCH'naf: 0ec: 21 -er Cll•u•. Dec 28 -Senta B•rb•r• (et Hancodll, TBA, Dec: 29 -al Ha...coc;k J•n. 5 -•t Fullerton•: J•" 8 -Cypress". Jan. 12 -•t Mt Sen Antonio•: J•n 15 - Compton·: Jan. 111 -et Ceultoa. Jen 22 - al Sar\t• Ane ·: Jen 26 -GOiden Wnt • Feb. 2 -Fullerton •• Feb. 5 -•t Cyp<ess •. Feb. 11 -Ml San Antonio•; Feb t 2 -•I Compton•; Feb 18 -Certttoa·. Feb 19 - Sanl• Ana·, Feb 23 -er Golden w .. 1 • All g•m•• begin •I 7·30 p,m". unfeas Oll'lerwiM noted Tournament game lttnes to be •nnounced South Cone Conlerence games lndicaled by an asterl9k. 8ATURDAr• GAml W•t•n M~ ., E•tem Mldllgan , .... Kent St. at Ohio U • USC ,,., UCLA •I Rote Bowl (Channel 7 et. Wftl TexH SI •I Soulllem lllincQ 12:50 pm,) ._... Michigan 11 Ohio St (Ch1nna1 2 •I 9:30 South Carolina at ClemlOn • m I Nor1h C•ollM at Duke StanlOfd at Celllomia FIOrlde St. at LSU, n Anzona et Oregon LOUllVlle at Memphlt St Bowling GrHn 111. Long Beech St. at Nor1h Carolina St •t Moaml, All. AMNim Stadium (7'30) Ul11l11ippl vs at1: I 'SIP at Jackton Fr-SI .. Nevada·L• Vegu, n LOUl9iana Teen .. Soutn.m ~. n Cal Stale Fullerton al Pacific. n Kanlueky al T---. COiorado SI ... San Diego SI .. " Florid• ., Tulane, n Utah St .•• San Joie SI., n Ten~ttanooga ., Vanderbilt ~-~ ~8&VlrQlnia Wnhlnglon .. on St -Vlfglnla Tedi \IS VMI .. ~ Cal POiy (SLOI at Cal (Pomona). n Wfftam Cal'otlna at APP91ac:flien SI 1t Por11Md SI. al CaLStale NQrt!lndge n _ --T• SL. D. ----"9d!M MorlflMCI St. at E..-n Kentudly Nolr• o-at AA FOtce The Cltadal at Fwman BolM SI ., ldllllO SI .. n SW loulllan• ., McNMM St .. n Hawaii ., New Mexico SE Loulelana •I Nlctlolll St.. n B'l'U al lltah NW Loulalan• •• NE lou191ana. n Weber SI ., Norlharn Ar11on• Mlcldle TWIMIMll St ••• T---Teeh ......... .... T e•u at Beytor Aulgera al Prtt IOwe SI .. Olrlaholna SI Syr-.. w"' Virginia Ari!-at 8MU Holy Cr-at Boeton College TCU •t Te11• A&M Colgllte •t Bolton u Wyoming at Tu-El Puo. n Delewere •I 8uc:tlnell HouMo:,:J-Tedi er-,_ at~ T •ua· on at 1.81!\81, n Penn et Cotnell TulM Ill Ncw1ll Ttue St ~ VIie al Herv•cl ....... Lehigh et l .. ayette • !Owe •I MlcNgerl St American lnlematlonal el M-'luMll1 lnCllMa at Purdwe o.rtmoutti et Prlne9ton ...._.. 81 Wlac:onlll'I (Ml CatOllN •t Temple C:O.CWedo a4 1(-SI. Ka,,_at~I •• " ..... ,~ Celte .... •• :t.a~• ·ot &&X&&"'I from tlHI J;..., ..... v.·iil· .. 1.r.i+ .. Any Mal.e or Model at the Lowest Price JOHNSON_.a;..,...,........,;f &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. 8YU over Utalt * USC over UCLA * Stanford .,,., California * ~-·1 .,,., Ohio St. * Notre Dame I • PREP FOOTBALL. • • From Page E1 .. 1.aekle Cruh< Kumuu,ka '·'They uM: an 1 nnd 1plal hm:ks," lillYli 1-'ounluln· Valley Cool·h Make Malnl'r. Mllner's squad posted thr<.>t.• 17· 14 mumphs during Sunset Ll•ugul• pluy to pull out n t.'O· championship ofter u ru!J{(l>d noi1 ll•ugue scu11Cin '" whlch the &rons ~re winlcgs. Breu Stcvt•ns. wns 1hl' catalyst lO lasl wre'k'~ come-f1 om-bt't\ind Vll'lory against Murl11.a. •but Milner ays he won't make u decision on his swrung quarterback until al lt•asl T hursday. possibly luu•r. Huntln1tton B1•ach t 'tw St. •·r•ncl!i Like 1'-0untaln Vall ey. St Francis lost five in '1 row, theo cam(' on likP gimg-busters, winning Its last four leagul' game's to l'luim the Dl•I Rey Lcaguc title. Mike Kanl'. a ltiO,pound senior t.ail ba<:k, is the heart of the offense. gaining dose to 1,000 yartls In cons1stent fashion. Typical of Del Rey League teams. the Golden Knights go to the air about 10 limes a· game. Tom RUey, a 6-6. 245-pound senior tackle, is the key to the offcf'l$ive line. while the defensive front gives you a 215-pound look . backed by 195-pound linebacker Carlos Albuerne. St. Francis runs l\ ughl slot with an I-formation and uses a pqwer game. much in the manner of Edison; according to Huntington Beach Coach Greg Henry. . · "They're very basic," notes Henry. "and they don't make many mistakes." A major borius for the Oilers is the condition of star running back Danny Thompson. who was back on the practice field Tuesday after undcrg9ing an arthroscope on his knl'<-' inJur:v Mond~y . . Huntington Beach answers w1lh its Delaware w inged-T, a tailor made o ffense for the Oilers' personnel, a nd assuming T hompson is at Cull strength, the • comb Ina ti on of q uarterback ~r.ic .Lawton and the swift Carl Satterfieltl gives the Oilers rhon• ·than just a passing shot al lhe Ucl Rey League champions. Lonll Beaeh Poly 11s. 'itlater Del The Jackrabbits have been one oi lhe real puzzles of •he year bccaUSl' of lht!ir up-and-down tendendl"S. Kirk Jones, a 180-pound senior tailback and sought qy many majOr colleges. int:luding a hard rush by use. has scored only 5 touchdowns w ilh 914 yards chalked up on 153 carries. An ankle injury has slowed him considerably. Receiver T yrone McCulloch has caught a touchdown pass in each of the last six games. He has been averaging 20 yards per catch and is the ·obvious deep lhreal. Newport Harbor 11.s. N orwalll. . . II ever a mismatch aru>eared evident -it's h ere, where the oCfensive thrust of Newpor t's running game boasts size and strength, in contrast ·to Norwalk's small and young defense. The Sailors of Newpor t Harbor boast 6-3, 207-pound tailback S teve Brazas, w ho lakes advantage of the !;>locking up front by Dave Cadigan (6-4, 231), Greg Jacobs (6-1, 217), Brett Hagadorn (6-3. 206) and Brelt Kacura (6-0, 204). Norwa lk, which is 5-5 over a ll, bu t t he S uburban League's No. 1 entry with a 3-2 record, offers a defense which includes two juniors and a . sophomore in the line, and that group averages 17;J pounds per player. Norwalk's offensive line is light. too, with only one player checking In at more than 190 pounds. Tailback Joe Rios. a 5·9. 172-pound senior. and qua rterback .. Bob' Bobkie wic z spearhead the Norwalk oHense. _ In other games involving Sea View and South Coast entries: ARTESIA VS. SADDLEBACK -Artesia hasn't been able to hold any of 10 opponents 'to less than 13 points a nd is trying lO rebound from a 26-0 loss to BellOower .. Fale Manu. a 5-9. 170-pound junior fullback, is the key runner for the smallish Artesia ere~. althoug h.Jeff P hillips (6-1. 245) gives Artesia some size at defensive tackle. BE LLFLOWER VS. EL TORO -Quarterback Mike Wilson (6·2, 170 sr.) is the key to Bellflower's double slot offense. with one remain ing back tiehind him. His chief target ls Mike Benjamin, with Tony Cannata (5-11 , 171) the key to the running game (5.0 yards per carry a nd 6 TDs). El Toro's runqing ga me figures to be challe nged by an eigh t-man front, but Bellflower is at a definite size disadvantage. LOA RA VS . MISSI ON VI E J O -J o n Derakhshan ian (5-10, 153 jr.) is Loara's two.way weapon at tailback and safe\y. Coach Herb Hill's Loara S axons de pend on d efense first, then a running game offensively behind a solid front line which averages 210. Silvio DeUlgatta (5-8. 164 sr .) I directs the offense al quarterback. Jeff Toben (5-10, 164 sr.) is I:.oara's top runner. HH WILSON VS. CAPO VALLEY -Capo figures to have its hands full with touchdown twins Tom Tui-ker and Andy Nicasslo of Wilson. TUfker (6-0. 185 sr.) has run {or 20 touchdowns ( t.179 yards and a 6.3 average) and Nica.ssio (6·3, 185 jr.) has thrown 12 TD passes among his l.296 yards. His favorite target is his brother. David, who has caught 45 for 683 yards and 9 TDs. The latter has a punting avera~ of 43.2. .. • ....... •PAIADEIA 110¥1 c...,.... • .......... . ... ,,. ..... . .... ... ,,,., .... ,.. . " ... ,. .. ,.. C.K. Mondarl • Clllllll •"" .... . ........., . L~. '4" ', •CAIOU , ... .... • lllOHO • TllOUIMD CA_. 0111 . c ....... . '"' ... ... ,, ......... , llEITW ~' . ...... to•·•'1·Uta •"EMfT . .......... . left .IMlftte ,,. .. ,..,,,, Jacll Danlels ...=-. . Wiii =.•1• Times Early ' C11JllUll c·ou11 OAILV PlLOl /W,,dnHdoy. NOllttmba'r 1 7 ,'1 98~ •'PALM . ........ • BRAND OPENINBI RIVERSIDE LIOU OR • PAJIOUMA BARN c1n .,.,81 ':-c"..:" . AT 11 t U ·ff•·UOJ •TOlllAICE f'Nlllc CeMI Hlfll••• 6 A"u J1J.11J.0701 lAICASTEI • AIAMEIM .... 1 Otfl ''· hutfl l\lclld A A ... I a ereedw•J IOl ·Ml-OOH 7,.·ff1·tff2 Old Smuggler .... 1.71 ·~·~·. l•. --~ ::.~ Dewars . Scatch ..... ....... .......... 1.71 ··~~·~ ~ 1.71 •1711.:.. Ur. • . .'~ Ur. --'·h'• . . Natashka Vodka .......... 1.nlf!ll Ur. ,.u I . Seagra~·~ V.O. ~ Canadian · Blue Nun Llalramllch ~ 7.:. s711 = •3• Canadian Club Harvey's rlstol c ...... -·l:.81711 ='&" CABERNET SAUVIGNON LIQUEURS "Wine of the Week" Clllte8U Cllnluer ... ~~~ ......... = .... Charles .......... ~.!.~~ ................... !: '4" Spring Mountain ... ~.!~ ............. ~~ '9" .......... ~~.!~ ............................ ~ '4" llartlll VA ............................ , ... !: '13" ComMdon 3 Its ................... !:. '9 .. Counolllw VS ....................... !:. •14•• Hine VSOP ................................ ~~ '1911 Charles Krug &r9y ......... :: szn Wine Discovery ... ~~ ................ !: '2" c.nus Celellrltlon ............... 7.:. '13" 1117 110 .,'Ml ........ , .... , .... ("-").......... ~--llemy·M..Un VSOP ................ !: '1 r -COGNACS ............. ~~ .................................... .. lnndllll'n ........................... !: '18" a.a.. Chew ..... ~~.~ .... ~ ........ !: ~7• W "'110 '5" Hlnnl 1111• Cr8"berff ........... ml. Mlra11a11 .~.~~ ............................... !: ·'4" ,....._. }.~ .......... :': .................. !: 'II" Clmlbard •• ......., ............. ~ '10" Southern Comfort ,;.: .............. !: '511 Clllaway .. ~.~~ ............................... !: '7" l1llldlctlne& ... .., , ........ ::.' '10" lllv• .... :~~~ ............................. !: •4• Colnll-.................................. !: •1r LAGUNAHILLSVS.LOS ALTOS -MikeSmith. the 6-10 quarterback, has thr:own 21 TD passes, with his favorite targets being 6·4 'h Mall Stark (53 receptions fpr 543 yards) and 6-5 wide receiver Daren Davis (43 receptions for 573 yards a nd 10 TD!I). Los Altos is the No. 1 seeded team-m..-'h44-•-l-~al.f!ll•llllllL~:;...J.IL..::~h.:IL:_ Southern Con ference with a 10-0 record. College x-SMU 2 over Arkansas Washington 18 over x-Washlngton-State Florida State vs. x-LSU, even x-Clemson 21 over South Carolina .,. USC 1 over x-UCLA • Mlc~lgan 1 'fl qver x-Ohlo State . ,..w est Virginia 161/a over Syracuse Texas 8 over x-Baylor Notre Dame 8'.lt over x-Alr Force Maryland 14'-" over x-Vlrglnla • Note: Georgia, Penn State, Nebraska, Pitt, and Oklahoma are Idle this week. (From Harrah'• lport• look, lleno) ~ (.) ~ =-=I.I ......... !: r ., •• ...... •••• 11''1711 ........................ =r.~ ............. !:'12" ~-:.. .......... !:. •2•• =~~~ ............... ~ ., .. :'91'J ...................... ::. ., .. ...... "' Miii 11'111 .................................. 1111. ...... U Cok1,T1borSprSte 6=$·189 t:a; '. .. .. -~ ..... I Or ng Coaat DAil ... PllOf/Wedneadav. November 17, 18112 .. • S·ailor:s; CdM, ·Artists • Will •! .... ~ .. · .. . .... ;;: . ' ..... .. By HOWARD L. HANDY Of the Oellr ,_. llelf Muwr l.>ul lit~h. bt•hmd tho h1tlll)(l of Chr11 Donohue und tht.• blOt'king t>f Kuthy &lU'i', UJ*'t No 3 roted Newport Harbo r in five gamca Tuesday night In CIS 4'A women's volleyball action on the winner's floor. to t • ot r. ll'M t.M a&oppl'd San Cl.-mrntr in four l(l&OM.'tl, 17-l?>, 1~·12, I~· I l, 10-6. In oth<'r quarwrfmal mat.¢hct1, Corona del Mar had a struggle with Santa ~orllca ~ut won thf'C(' straight by scores of 15-13, 15·13 and 16-14. Laguna Beach topplc-d Wcstminstt.•r, 3-1, winning thl' Cinul two games by Identical S<.'Orcs of 17-15. ''W" hrai ounwtv.-.," 1.1 dl11Uppoln\t'd Nt'wporl Coach Mlk~ Nt.'f«' uid. "I 1houaht 1hey (Mater Dl-i) carrw out m that last ganl(' 1A&Rrt'llA!wly and we• w •n.• C.'Ol'\lt'rvatlve. That wu the dlflt-renct>. "9vt>tall w. 11 ~am, Wt' didn't play biwtly. M'alN O<.>l pl11yro well. I thbught Tu1h Ol11wang played well fot us und Annlt! McCray had one: of tht> lx-sl gaml'li !Ute ha11 had this year at middl'• blocker." Newport Christian d'•feated Chadwick, 3-0, in the small schoo!S semifinals at Pal06 Verdt.'S. · The CdM Sea Kings will play Laguna Beach at e1 neutral site in one semifinal match Thursday night while Mbter Del meet.a No. l rated Mira Costa When Nct-ce spoke 0£ beating thenl8(•lvt>11, ht> was reforring mainly \0 the inability lo get the servic(' In Jhe opponent's L'OUrt In the' final game. The Tars had she services Into tht> net. Loa AIMtltoa TUllOAY'I Maut.Ta (7ttl ol 51-48te .......,.._.. .......... ) ;1111T ltACI. 400 y11ds ~ on Otd Blut (Pine) 6 60 4 00 3 00 BM• 0.-1 !Cfii~I 9 80 5 60 Chell 8o+O Selly llCkey) 4.80 AllO taeed G den OiSlflC:I, Comfecl•lt, Nen 0 love, 0uts11ng Tigtr. au.ci. 10 Wlllt Up. January JuncllOtl, S1>1ing V-11• Time "lO 78 12 UACTA ( ICHJ p..O S67 40 HCOMO MCI. 400 yetds. Sovert4Qn EJgn1 jDmnozl 2uo a.eo 4.20 ~bGro1ia~hamp·tPau11""1 400 260 Pops Dancer (Lackey) 2 80 Aleo reced Table Tomer. llS a Aeallly • Really Rockln. F1ra1 Apollo. Jon1111on1 Jenny • Time 20 45. THMO M CE. 480 yards PIUle W1engler (CrNQt<I 4 00 2.80 3 00 .... Vanlurt (BleV>MI , 4 80 3 60 Geme B•-• (Frey) 12 20 . AltlO rectO CemOIO Cle 0.-o. LOYIOQ A•-. MOOn Call ... Golla Go Gel Om. Proepeflty. Shemtc:o. KeJa WNp Tomr 2035 12 IXACTA (7·91 paid $14 60. FOURTH ltACI. 350 yerds SM T•oublt Aun (Bard! 8 00 4 40 3.80 Boons Atvellllon (Peul1ne) 11 40 • 40 Truly A Clltc: (Treuurtl G 80 Alto ••Ced Maka Mno, Kii• Caper, 0ui>11c:e1e llkeoll, lie Vanaque. TOI> Em UP. Mlloa SI P•l•lek, Gaos Tome 11102 12 EUCTA (5·91 pekl S63 00 f1'TH llACI. 400 yttds Deck• ruci-1CMwi1 8 20 4 20 3 40 E»y Awards (L.edtey) • S 00 3 80 Spring Fury (Vek!atj t 00 AllO raced lnilellon Hed98. Milo St• .... CM1no Ct-Two, Alafli<m Sfvewd N Alctt. TW1n Saltly. My EHy Swoon Time 20 44 12 UACTA 17·3) P8>d S36 60 IOITH MCI. 300 yards Tonkewllll (Veldtz) 10 20 4 20 2 to .1411 Feel IHerl) 3 40 2 40 .14111 0 Luck ILec:key) V IO AllO flCed. Cnarger Go Big. Sctwytt< KIO. J4111y Jagu1r. Passing Affow, Fasl fc>f'#atd Time 15 411 llVINTH llACI. 350 yerds M,.. Oer1 (Werd} IS 60 5 20 4 00 Coutal Aockel(Tonksl 10 80 11 00 Nubleclol Jt1 IF~I 11 80 AltlO r•~ Londys K1ply, Caslronove, Shady Moon Sor. H11 Gellenl Bug Ne"Y ClltC:ll Go, Jel"1'f Peyc:h«k Tome 1797 12 UACTA 18-5) paid S 113 00 12 '1CIC Sii 12-7-5-7-8-61 pelO S1,930 to with 18 wwung teltets (IMI notlft) 12 P>ci. SI• con101allon paid S29 00 w1111 355 ""'nlnO. tlellelS llOUt not-) EIGHTH llACE. 350 yerds Sound OI Summt< (F1dy) 16 40 9 80 5 60 • Cl'ilil\O (Bird) • • 1 I 60 9 40 Rlcto L ... (P•ulttwtl 3 ao AltlO •Ke<I Jimk•I•. N1 ... Nine Fo•l•ol. F'MCh Pk:luw. -Reba POiiy, Seymour s- Time· 17.86 l:t llACTA (fµ) peld $12640 MNTH MCL 400 ywds , Mic:loey ~ IFlotts) 17 60 • 40 4 60 Mlee Mlgllty Auler (Dominguez) 13.00 I 40 Aftllebel (Oelotnbll) 4 00 Al.o 1aced Spec:1c1ee1 lynsey, Jonnni. lalnb. Am1r•un, 9c!1npn Windy, Mo CNll Flow. Shake Ur Dooly. Tlny Kingdom. T 1me "l<r,,.. 12 IUCTA (5-II peld S327 00 Alltndance -5.424. - AAT'I A'==Zutt) -28 enottr• 1 aculpln, e "'"Phetd. 11 rock flt!\, 280 mllCkar•. 11 bonllo. 20 IMtel OAVIY'I LOCKOI (New~ llMclll -3.4 tnglerl 15 ltnd bess. 306 rod! r,pd, 120 mee1u1~• OANA.JtHA"' -40 engter1. 7 ec:ulpln, 10 ~. 20 rock lllh. tt rnac:k.,81, t2 1¥¥lll0. I ... --I llM. •ACM -53 englert cebeJon, 21 ""'111e 11111. t tlheapllNd, 151 rod! llsh. 121 ·-ood. 151 ..._.._ . ..., ..... COMllUNITY Cou.IGe 0.....WM\ 11.Ctn .... 1 Cemtoe 3 I O 1-5 GOiden Wetl 2 4 4 3-13 GOiden Wtsl a<;Ottng Nady 4, Ott Vetle 3 Salyer 2. GreM 2, Lund 1, SI~ 1 HlOH achoek. c .. ....,.... ··~ ...,.., ,., lll9'IM 1 M1tlne 2 4 0 1-7 Newpofl Harbot 3 6 4 4-llS Matin• scoring Denney 3, Z1ke1ky 2. Smllh I, Hoplltnl 1 Newporl Herbor ICO•lng 0'00nnet(~. Slaniey 4, Jtppt 3, O.~r ... 3; ThOn\ptlOn 2 , ll T-t.e-, ... t Sunny Hlb 1 2 4 1-G El fO<O .. I 3 3 2-9 El TO<O llOflng Young 3. PDP!> 4, w.._. '· Leg•end 1 c..-de1Mer11.110.. ... 1 El OOtado 0 1 0 0-I C0ton•,.. Mer 3 3 5 2-13 Co•on• d•I Mer acorlng lmbern•no t , Temple 4, Lool~row 2. M0trow 1 OTHIA c• "-AYOf'P acOflla . .... long Beech WtltOtl 14, Wilson Hactencla H900h1t IS .. A Tusun 15, Ttlou9tr>d O•kl 5 RMwlide POiy 8, San cien-1e 5 Foolhtll 13, lndiO IS Ville Patil 14, MIMIOn Viejo Ii 2-A s.r .. 1. 12. mu 4 Cel>fillo 12. Gatden Glove t los AmlQOt 11, San Merino 8 Le Puenlt I 2, Alghelll 10 High Khool ...... DOto ALl·SOU'TM COAIT LflGUe PlnlT-Erte Bu<ke (Sao Cltmentt). goe11e. r.,ry Cronin (Legune Hiiia); SI••• Halul 1San Clemenle); Sean HOl>Pef IOene Hillll. Tim H0ut~iaslon Vleiol. ChatlH Sommtf ·(Sfll lel Cualg Wnllenec:i. ICec>lllfeno Valley) ._.....T_ Glenn flec:kenlletn (Mllalon VttjO). Mall Hunl (Sen Ci-tt). Dan Mille< (Lagune Hllfll. goetoe, Rene Romero (Legune Hlh). Jeck Ayen (Mission Viejo). Kay Slle hl (Laguna Hdls~ Jjm ~(Sen Clemtnlel Mosl v.....-Player SI-Htlus (San ~lei NHL . c...,..ucONJllliiJICI ...,....._ Edman Ion w~ ...... Celgaty VllnCouYtr Mw..ota ChtCagO SI LOUia T0ton10 OeltOll W L TWGAPtll •• 4 .... 22 8 5 1 72 &5 11 • 1 3 70 71 11 •• 3 .. 19 19 7 10 3 70 .. I? Nonie ... 12 7 I 84 70 25 10 2 5 7t 58 2& I 11 1 72 7t 17 4 7 5 58 .. 13 3 12 4 51 .. 10 WAlEtccw.....ce· ~ ...... ~ NY 1-..s 13 a 2 " 58 28 ~ • 10 • 1 77 113 21 Wuninglon 7 1 3 II 64 17 NY Att>gers 7 10 I It 79 15 P1ll111ut9h 5 11 3 13 14 13 -Jerwy 3 12 8 58 IO 12 MMM..._ 12 4 3 .... 27 10 • 3 70 59 23 112n1220 7 7 4 76 .. 18 5 10 2 eo tJ 12 T_.,'e ...... Minnesota I, IC ..... 3 MonlrMI 7. Har110td 1 Boelon 7, Quebec 4 W1tnlngton 5, Calgery 3 ' NY ltl-• 4, ~monlon 2 • St LOUii 7 . .....,, a.r..y 2 Oelrool 4, Venc:ouvtr • T ........ 'aO-T&oe1NY~1 H"110td el Plll..,.,,gft -Jersey el OllleaOO lkltfelo el WINllC>eg ~lleral,Klnee3 "'ac.r.~ ...... Monneaota 6 I 2-t Los Angelel 0 1 2-3 ,.,... ,.,... I MtnnttOte, Mb ..... 2 (Aoelttll). 2 341, 2 M,on-e. Smltn 9 fYouno, "°'*1•1..5.10 (PPI. 3 Mlnnt101e, 8ro1en 4 (Bellowe, McCarllly) !i 41 lppl. 4 Minnetote. Aobttle • 1 (Young. P•vnel 17:34 IPPI: II. Mifl....ota. 8'0ien S (Btllowl) ~.27 (pp) Penaltlea -,.~ln!W.JA~~ ,....tiMn. w•:·u •. " ·metdl, 4 14, "-''· Min, 1&· 14, loe ,.,..._ 8enc:tl, _...., 11y ,,_ ... 11 '4, KorM>, \.A. 17 17 leceM "9rtM IS MlnnetlOll, .wow. 6 (MHwell) 1$ $3, 1 •Los AllQ4NI J.'01 11 IL MU<t)fty) 18 22 Penelllff -PllHI, M"1, 1 J3. Smnll. Mon. t 10. OouglH, Min, 11 $4, NICllOlll, LA, 14115 TNN,.,._ 8 •LOS Angetee, $~ .. 2 (Cllarlfew) 6 23. 9 Los A.let. IQllltlOll II (k0tebl 7•01; 10 Mln ... IQll. MecAdem 5 (h-) 12.41 (Ill). 11 Mino Pltll 4 tMec;Ad•m) Hl'OO Pen.,, ... -P1lell, Min, 131, F'lell, Min 12 29, ~. Min, 11 55 Sll011 on Q9tl Mlnn .. 011 21~32 L-os Angelol 11-12· 13·31 Goaflu -Mlnnuo11 Meloche lo• Angelff, Lell<Olkl, L ..... d A -10,231 NBA WlaTIM COM'IMNCI ~ecltlc DWtelell W L Pct. Ga S..111e 10 0 1 000 Pl>oen4• 9 2 tit 1~ LellMt 7 2 t3e 2~ ~ s. 455 5'.\ Golden Stele 4 5 444 5' • San °"'90 1 • 100 9 ....... o..w. SanAnlonio t 4 IOO KenMI C.ly 4 3 571 ~ OellU 4 ,5 444 1·~ o.n-4 •. 400 2 Ulah 2 I 250 3 ~Ion 0 t 000 6'.t • u an• CCWIM~I AltMtto.,........ ,W L l'ct. oa PN!lldelphle • 8 I 989 Boslon 7 2 778 1 -Jereey 5 5 500 3'A Wutlltlglon 3 8 333 5 Ntw YOtk 3 7 300 5'~ c.tr•DhWM -Oelrool 7 3 700 Mitw.ul<M t 4 too 1 Allanle 4 S 4•4 2'h lndlene 4 5 44• 2~ c~ 4 • 400 J Clt¥eland 1 7 125 5 T_.,'ee-.. Phoenlll I 13, Lall.,. IOS New YOtk 120. Hou.Ion 93 Molw-M I 15. lndlent 103 KenAt Clly 105, Sen AnlonlO 1\)2 Chic;ago 125, Go+dtn S1a1e 120 P0t11ano 1oe, A11en11 t7 Oenve• 1311. Sen ~o 130 T ....... l'aO-.. uei .. •I Otlle• Houston el Botton Golden S1e1t el lndltna Oetroolal~ Sen Anionic> •I Wahlnglon Ntw JefMY 81 Ulell All.enla 81 S..llle SUM 113,"Ull.,. 105 ' Loa ANMUI -Ratnlld 8, W•n 11 Aoo.it..Jat>C>et 30. E John_. 8. Nl•on 10, COQClet 4, w&rllly 15, MCAooo 12 TOI ... •s-.t7 15-20 105 ........ -LuCH 27. NaM9 11, A4-11S, Devi. 24. D ~ 14, Mecy 2. Scon o. Coolt •. K•-4, Hlgll 1, Thlrdkill a TOllll 4M4 21·30 113 ..... ~a-... LOS Angelee 28 3 t 23 23-105. Phoenll< 28 27 35 25-113 ThfM-OOtnl go9ia -None Fouled OUI -N4AA-...A.Douad.e...-..L.o~~ (Abelul.JebOat 1&1. Plloenla 30 (...,_ 111. AIMI• -Loe ...,..... 23 It ~ 71. Pttoent• 33 (Devi• II Totel loutt -Loe Angeles 2t, "'-'tit 1t A -13,211 "' .......................... , .. ._.~ ,.,... ...... Andtrt Yerrld (9weclen) . ~Mir (Spein), .... 8-A, t-2. Twn Gullill-(US.) def. ~I U.... (Wee1 Oerrneny), 5-7. 6-3, 7-t; Merit ViMe (U SI def. TonWlo i...,_ (nelyl. 7-5. 8-7, .... Mice De P......, (US I def. HAtW l(ery (AAIMrlal. t-3, 6-1 WCT ....... e11t , .. .,. ......... ..._..,,_ ,.,... ...... ........ Tomu 5'nld (W•I °""'*'YI NI Herotd Solomon (US). 7-5, 6-2, Ht1N ~di (Wul Germenyl dtl Httoon l1mell (Zlmbabwel. 3-t, G-3. t-3, AuaMll Simpson (New ZNlend) def. Vljey Armllral (lncllel, 7 -5, 11-4: T9m Gull1k1on 1u,s.1 cler Belesz Teroczy (Hungary), 7·6. t -3. Frtnc:l1co Gonietez (Puerlo Aleo) def IE•IC F•omm IU S.I, 7·5. 7-t .................. IU9JKT LUQU9 """'-• (llAI 9 'I ~: .. =-.::.~ 0.U.I (Merine) del IC!p (lditon), 6-1, 6· I, B•lkln IWHlmlnller) del Aeattvo IEdttlOo" t-2. '"° OeLUl (M•..==(W-•). t-1.S...O , ................... Stll ... Smlttl (IEdltonl NI Allletl._Khlua ter~-A. &-0, 111 1· l '••O Ml 4E01ton) del Herrll-Slenlleld iMerlne1. 6·3, iµ .,........,...., ttllll·SrnJUI adl&OAI !lei, HOwlll· S-(IEdlaonl. t-2. t-2 (W-• IClv.,_ 10 llrtl r_. Of CIF lndi¥ldulll pt9y0fte, Dec.. 4 .. UC !Mne). ·-.Sailors, CdM, El Toro advance .. The Sea v iew League will be well represented . WATER POLO in the CIF 4-A waler polo semifinals Thursday as •. three teams -Corona deJ Mar, Newport Harbor .•:· and ~ Toro -each won quarterfinal conte!n.s ~-= Tue9day. • The top-aeeded Sailors of Newport Harbor had top-scoring honon with four pla Nl'h, while .Art little trouble in disposing of Sun set League Jeppe and Ian DeVriea had three •piece for the representative Marina, 16-7. Sailors. CdM, meanwhile, cruiaed io a 13-1 victory over The Vlkln11 ( 18-6) were led by Durell El Dorado in its match. Finally, E1 Toro. the No. 3 Denn y's three "°9ls. - repreaentalve of the Sea Vlew wfgue, won a fne 1!J Toro Chargers (21-5) won their game .. · 1queaker from Sunny Jiilla, 9-8. . when .enior Marc Youn1 IK.'Ored with just two ).,:: ·Thursday's pairings find Newport Harbor .minutes to play. •• facing El Toro, with CdM plued •1alnst Long The Charpn, who trailed 3-1 early, IOt! two Beach Wilton, last year's champion. Newport and goala from YOW\I and another by Crata PoP(» lo "T twy tm-d to 6(iv1• 11 i.w1o1y tmtl• 110 did. wt•.'' # ubh• to ploy a Jpu~h dc•fc•naivt• game and a• 11 rt1'uh M1u~·r llf.'i Cooch MLtqlt• Bt.whan iwld. "I told tht•n1 k•·pt rallu"tl ~olnt( und put th•· l).i.H 1wuy " • bt•lorc tht• fourth gunw. 'It aU ('Otn.•11 Uown LO thu1 l.'f>runa 1M Mur ~·h Harold Nurlt·ica ft'h th•· mau•h h '11 \ht• whok-lt'UOn ' Nalnt• uboua h111 win owr Santa Monl.c:a "Thc-1. 11uddcnly l\Oppl'<.I bwkcrins und workl-d "ll walj a total. romplett> team f'ffort.'' he aa1d t.(>tNhe•r. fhllf 111 a tcrtWt b\lnc:h of kld8 with u lot of "Th111 tt•um 111> 11t1ll improving a~d I'm vt:ry pl9uc:-d ht•art and they wantt'<i h . • with tti•· wuy th1 •y ph~y1'(f tonit4hl 'J'h(• 11t:un..:· wer•· "I thought t'hrlJS (Donohue) and K:lthy (&k1•r) tl"ht :u'd m'C'·k and·O('(·k thf' whol.-'Nay." did an oui.wndlng-job Cur UI tonight " "Swlla At·rkc•b1lt• ond Dt•bb1e Mohk>r playt.'<i Oonol\Ul' 111 the ll'Um's oµtt11dc hlllt•r whilt• W(• 11 ror Ull IUi tu tll'fli wh Ill• L111a Mohler u &k1•r CP"!'C' off the bt>och 38 u m1ddlt' blocker. rn·i.tun;m . did II ~uod JOl> Jiervmg, Sara llumphre°ys. "I'm calling thi11 on(' a wain vktory," Lagun:J a l>1wk row !IJJ('<.·luliln, pa~'<i well and played great Bt'ac)l <.•o c:oul:h Blll Ash~·n said, ''We needed tfof<'nl«'," N<.•wpor( Chrh1tlan Coac·h 81111 Wildt.•1 cvcryhudy to play well \0 win uffd that'll what we smd. got Nc·wport won tlw first two gamt.'8, l ~-12, 1~·3 .. "It flaS a classic match up of d power warn tht•I\ ft•ll lwhind in the third, J -1 J lx•forc pulling it (WcHtmmstcr) against a fincSSl• team. We were out. 15-13.' HIGH ICHOOL POOTIIAl,L Flrat round Dlevolt ell• ,.,. ,_ ,r.., el 1:a un1eeJ ..... , c• 910 Piiia CONFHINcl San G0tgoni0 (4·61 v1 Setvlle 17·1) •IL• Pelma Park (fhuf.O•yl LoYOI• i& I 1) ¥1 ,_ ..... Yelley (4 GI GI Hunlington Beech 8••noc> Amel (8·21 •I Lakewood 1e.1.11 Altfn1ny (8 I· II e1 Fonlen• (5·4· ti .._11,..tOft .. ecll (7·31 vs SI Franc11 (5-5) II Olen<lale High LB POiy (6 I 21 ¥1 .... ., Del (6-3· 11 al CerrllOI COlfe941 Cr.spl 19·21 ••· ldltoft (6-3-11 at Otange CoeSI COlltOt M1U11<•n (6·31 el Collon 19· H C1' C INiiiiL COMPllll:NCI &Din Grondt (6·5) •I FullerlOfl ( 10.•01 Mewpc11t HarbOr 111·41111 N0twalk (S·SI a1 h<*1k>• H1gn R1nc:ho Alam1101 (9· 11 al B•ea·Ohnd• (5-4·11 ArtMI• (4·61 •• Saddlebk~ 19· II •1 Santa Ane Bowl U Mlf.Ot 14-el •I La Hable 14·61 Ve1tnc11 (4·61 •• Los Am1go1 C7 ·21 a1 Ge1denGrove ' S\lflfly 11<111 (5·4181 Wesletn 17·3) Btltfio-(7·31 YI El T0<0C8 21 II M1won VtetO (S.lu•d•yl CIF IS!f'I"' CONFIMNCI LllQUn• Hiii• (4 T lot Allos I 10-01 • Stnle An• (7·31.,. !Cennedy (5-4· 11 a1 Lll Pelme P8'k Lo.tt \6·4) ti M1n>e>n V1t10 (8·\·I) El MO<ltna 19·0· 1} •1 Dowhey (6·31 Rowland (4·111 va Elperanu (9· 11 el Vefenel• ' -V~I• P•rll 16·3·11 al lynwOO<I 19·1·11 Hecoe nde Hel,hll Wll1on (11·2) 81 Cec>1111ano Valley I ·2· 11 Peram<klnl (IS-3) •• Foo111111 19-0· 11 el Tu111n .......... .....,.... NIQHKHOOl c• 4-A o-1e111u1e1a Mira Cotla def San Cltmenlt, 7-15 15· 12, 15-11. 16-41 Mal., Del def Newporl Htrbor. 18-lt, 4· 15, 8-15, 15-t, 15-10 • lagune Beech 0.1 w .. 1m1ns1er. 15·5, 7-15, l,7·15 17-15 CorOl\a del Mer def Sent• Monlce, 15-13. 1!>-13 lf-14 ctP Jo.A Ow1efftilela Me1ll>Of0Ullh .,.I A1eed1a 15-13 IS·S. .. 15, 9-15 15-& Loe AmlgOt de! ti OOteoo. 15-2, 15-8, 15-13 l • 0u1n1e def San Gae>t•. 15-3. 15·9, 11-11 Ceton dtl S en Me•lno. 16-7, 13·15, 15·13, 15·5 C1'2·AW .... Lekewood del Gl•dtlont. 15·0. 15-6, 15-7 Jorden dtl Colton, 15·4, 15-9. 15~ long &tllC,h W~son de1 Camentlo. 15-9, 15-T. fS-11 le Hebr• del Se n Gorgon10, 13-1$ 1!>-2 15· 1 15-5 CIP 1•A 0....tert!MM Atool Of Ille WOtld de1 lnglewoOd, 15· 1. 15-5, 15-0 29 P81rna def Ce'l.a>.sas 9-15 15-12 15-1. 16·11 lA 8ec>l191 del C'"no 12·15 15-13. 1!>-t. 15-13 • Satlle Peufe oel BIO Bee•. 15-5 15-6, 15-0C9' ............ ~ Newpor1 Cllflallen Oe1 Ch~. 15-12, 15-3, li-13 . Boron def T•on•. 12-15, 1s-11. 1Ci·14 • 13·15, 15-S Llnhelcl Chr1t1..,, de1 Alo Hondo. 1S·7. 1'·1t, 15-12. 13·15. 15-9 8renlWOOd def Fhnlfi009 Sacred "-1. IS-., 12· 15, 11· 15. 15-11. 15-13 TUHdaw't.,_... ~AAL ATLANTA a'::::r ~PIM! No•uo, pitcher, 10. -~ COf>lrtct MlltlTUU. ........, ..... , ... AA1••te1cltl.C1 ... ilell1 MILWA~E BUCKS -Pieced O••• C-S. lonrard on lne lnl!Ktd hst IOt five oa::8sH1NGtON BULLETS -Signed Carlo• ~11trd-to1werd Placed ~ . •-d. on Ille lnlU'td -'!'9lltll POOT8AU Ulllletll ...... , ..... u..- USFL Nemed Peler A Auocc:o MllflAgef of llQIMlnQ and bf oedc:tt1 couaoa OREGON -Ealended lht conl•ec:I ol Aicft llfook•. l'tetcl IOOlbtll ~ lor ,_ ~1 lhfOUOft 11et. PACIFIC • Announc.O Ille •eslgnellon ol 9o«I T OIMo, '-Cl loOlbtll COllCll WASHINGTON UNIVEASlTY ·or ST LOUIS -~ Ille realgt'lellOn ol K*1 Henderaoo~ head lootball coech. ... RAMS RELIEVED • • • Frolti Page E1 m s hape, 1hen n's tbc1r Cuull. They doo't have anyone to blame but the mi>elves,'' said the Fountain v .. 11ey resident. "l'M NOT SAVING I won't get tired. I'm sure I will But that's when everyone has to rt•ac:h down ror that little extra. . "The contact will hurl, but physically I'll be ready to play." And. as Youngblood points out, th<' Rams don't have the luxury -with an 0 -2 record -of working their way into shape. "The only thing we have going is that every team is In the same situation,'' explained Youngblood t'OnL-erning other teams physical s ta tuses. "It's when you're hurting that you're going to have to reach down into the gut and come up with a good ball game." "We definitely won't be as sharp as if we had played all along . but it won't be an unprofessional game, either," promis~d Hill .... We 'r e a ll atx:ustomed to the system, even the rookies. It will ju~t be a matter or-gellin g back and gelling t~e timing down. "I THINK the biggest thing now 1s getting back into contact shape. That's eoingto take a little while, although it's not • impossible lo do." No matte r what physica l obstacles exist. the-consensus _appears. to be thl' players arc happy being back at work. "I look at our situation a.a if our bal'ks are against the wall," said Hill. "W e're gping to h ave lo <.'Ome out righting and t.!:)' to win seven games in a row. Thal ~­ not sound easy, but I don't think it's 1m~1ble." IJAsTLY, WAS 1t all worth it? Did the strike help the players'! Well. union members will vole on final ratificatjQn of the new agreement next Tuesday. In the meantime, players are reserving final judgment of their strike until they find out just what they've acrom)>lished. "l think all the gu~ realize that we made a good stand." noted Jim Youngblood. "We may not have got what we wanted, b1,1t we did get an improvement. "What I couldn't undt!rstand is how a bunch of grown m en couldn't ·get toge.ther and sellle this earlit•r. If I had been sitting in a room for eight hours and looking at someone's ugly race across from me, I sure would t.ave worked out something just so I could have gotten out of there." "I'm jU"st glad a settlement was-- reached," added Ferragamo ... It's just unfortunate it ha.d to last so long." STRIKE .SETTLED • • • From Page E1 expmng, along with the t est of tbe agreement, in 1986. And. 1( the league chooses, it will be moved from ihe. las t days of April to th e f1rs1 day of February. And the United States, Football League. which has yet to have a game, a strike or a bargaining agreement; may find itself on the outside looking in while college players flock to the NFL, where the money will flow more freely. Th contract i11 woi:th-about tr.'6 billion over five years, $1.28 billion for 1983-86 plus $60 million in one-shot bonuses and about $240 million in previously negotiated salaries this year. Here, essentially. ia what the union won for itself: -A meaningful wage scale, one of the buzzword phrases w hich had owner s clenching 1.helr fists and shouting "No way!" The minimum for rookies will be $30,000 this year, $40,000 the following two and $50.000 the final two. The minimum rik-5 $10,000 for each year of service lO a maximum of $200,000. When the negotiations began last Feb. 16, the players sought a wage acale, based on a fixed percentage of the owners' revenues, lO run from $75.000 to $600.000. • -Bonuses this year ranging from $10.000 for rookiE!s to $60,- 000 feor urth-year players and up. ey had called a similar oHer early two months ago an insult. The players had called it a bribe. -Severance pay for the first time in NFL history. ranging from $5.000 -eor second-year players to $140.000 for players of 12 yl'ars or more of servi<.'e. The players had wanted severance of sn 000 per year. Here. essentially, is what the players ranoo lO get: -A fixed percentage of the gross. The players bejlan their . · PRl.IECTilllSTS LMIEI onnr quest with banners proclaimin{ "55 percent." What they wounc up with was about 46 percent ol the league's $3.5 billion projectec revenues. -The elimination of free agent compensation. lJ'hey ca.rm away with a partial vici.ory. 11 \von't be so costly for a learn tc sign a Cree ageni., a first-rounc pick being the most it can lose. · -A central fuQd. money paic by the clubs for salaries anc other cnsts. and...admini&l.erec independently. a way ol prol<'Cting high~r-priced veteraru from being CUL oy COSl-COnscioill teams. -Ince ntive bonuses additional money paid for performances on the field or fo1 rect:iving specified honors, such as being selected to an All-Pro or Pro Bowl team. * NPl NATIONALC~ .... W L Pct. Pf' f'A Allant1 I I 500 ~ 52 N.-Orleans I I 500 21 .._. 0 2 000 37 54 San Frertc:11eo 0 2 &et 000 38 47 WeShln(lton 2 0 1000 64 47 Plltledelpllle 1 I 500 ~ Sil Oettn 1 1 500 52 43 St. LOUIS I f 500 a 31 N.V. Glenta 0 2 000 33 43 c-tr• Gr"'1 Bey 2 0 1.000 42 42 Detro« 2 0 1.000 341 24 Mlnnetota 1 I .600 39 33 Tampe Bay 0 2 .000 23 38 Cflago 0 2 .000 10 27 AMPICAN COWIMNCa .... ......,. 2 0 , 000 81 31 San~ 1 1 .500 35 22 Kansaa 11y 1 1 500 28 2e Denver 1 1 500 27 ~ Seellle 0 2 000 21 ~ ·-· Mleml 2 0 1.000 • .. 8Uffal0 2 0 1()00 37 31 NY Jets 1 1 500 51 sa Hew England 1 1 500 31 ~ 8e11lmore 0 2 000 S3 .. Cefttr81 Plll~gll 2 0 1.000 a .. Cinc:lnnell 1 1 .!IOO ., ~ Clellelend 1 I .!IOO 42 31 Houllon , 1 .!IOO 2t .. u1m1 IRTirn TRUTERS UIFllAUI wu.an are lhe home t.eama for Thunday'a games. take a 4.3 lead and I.he ICOl'e 1ee-•wed •hlr that. -: ~ hca\ PJ 1'oro a\ 1\ntln Hlgtl (3:1S ..... wtth Puw fllmhinl .61111 ,._ .,..._, ..... 1e-~= ... ;:..:;~;_; • , . m) three. ...._ ,_, ...... .., .,_., "'""',,....., .,, ....... VfNI written letters or~ will ~ .... ~ p. ·On the community colleie lev .. 1, Oolden West The See K1np (28-1), the No. 2 eeed ln the ua. They"'°'*' be lddt'HHd ao the 8outMm ~or IATll Dllenot Two Looala. eao Geneva 1"'91~ """"'....,. clobbered Cerri\os, 13-5. leavina th: Ruatlers only toUn'Mlment, bneaed to lta victory behind the .... ...... Cellfornle ..... We .. b'Wd 10 IM"'°"' petty .. United Artllta. I one win aw~ from the South 'tout Ccxifeftnt'e pi. of •nior Daw imt.m&no. ctwnpionahJp . .,. Tom Tempa. tallW duw ttn. hlnwelf • m The SatJOn (23-2 overall), 1eecnn. only 1-8 at Dcndo ~ to lheol only llx ._ 0. entire half~ outacored the Vlkinp 4·0 in the third pine. • period tO ~t the pme •w•y. The Ruatlen, now 9-2, 10t rwr Fell from Dave O'Donnell and Orant Stanley 1hared Scott N8dy In ..Uy defmtlns the F•koM . TIMll .. 1111 llLPll • ... , ' • .. I ·Horro films lack ·suspens'e ? . .' , Ld$ ANGF.Li':S (AP) Vlm't•11t Prlc't•, who hus t.t•rnCit-d auJ icnt.'t.'S In ¥Udl claiwll· horror fllnllil as "Thl' RuVl'n" ~nd "'l'lw Pit and the Pf.'ndulum," 11ayi; .h~'s disappointed in today's ain.a1•¥ofl1f'ly ('Xplicrt Calnlll. "l thank al's kind of an l',><ploiwtu.>n thln.c," he &ays. "l thank some ot them arc' u•1·ribly well mad~ bul ... th<.•re's no suspense becaulilO you know evcrything's going to Ix• horrible. You wonder how lhcy'rt> going to lnp cutting somt-•<.me's throat in the.> first &<."Cnc." • The elegant actor. w ho despite his richly British tones was born 71 years ago In Sl. Lquis, r ecently comple ted filming a nc.w chiller in England, '"The House of the Long Shadows," which he describes as an old-fashioned mystery. "We'll see whether it works br "'hether the kids whnt you to be slked up," he chuckled. On the heels of filming Gilbert and Sullivan's ··Ruddigorc" in London for cable television, and hosting the PBS series. "Mystery," Priee is onstage at Los Angeles' Westwood Theater as writtt" Oscar Wilde in a onl'-man show. "Diversions & Delights." "I've always hao an interest in Wilde because he'.s such a marvelous writer and character and aU," . said Price, who in the show ·depicUJ Wilde a year . before his death in (900. . ·' . Although broken by his imprisonment after his love affair with a young man became the center of scandal. Wilde never lost his biting wit. "Even at the very end of his life he made a w isecrack" P rice said , exp laining tha t the Impoverished, dying Wilde took a look at the the sender -·~-~~~ _.,.~ ---NOW-PbAYING ---... !QM Blea Plu1 52115339 COSTA ... Edw¥cls Collelllil Center 979 4141 COITaillu UAC-S 540 05114 llTGM Ellw11cls~k set seeo OM.at °'*'°"" 834 7553 ..... Stadium Onve-ln 63118770 WlllMIUTU Edwllcls Crllllll Wesl 891 3935 II fF '1 () \ 11· ..... (l l 'I. I \\ \' I I ( I II I I \I.I. YOl H 'I· 1<.lllHIH:" \Hill I (~ •' • " I I t I\\ ' I I ' I I I, ~ m!! --L- ( LUXURY THEATRES ) W-;..·y.11e111t .. illcsmus2.-... -.n:-.... ~ S 113Mjij•Xuil61~ mJ/~:::~, ) S FOR Rill E mEMl YllltOur ... 11h11bl>y ~i.llpupt•1· In h111 rnwn und aaad, "One.• of ui; has to go." "And ht• w1•n1 ," 1urnl Pritt• "Thul klnc.J u( humor hi w 111ri• " • Prlt't' awttl hc.•'d hkt• '4> i.'(• 11101·t· t'<>n\l>d)' 011 film "I thank tht• l'c.•tc.•1· O'Toolt• movie.• •My t 'avc>rit•· Yc'llr'•is gc.•tunU l*l:k to the• kind o( t'Otf\t'tly thut I tmjoyt-d whl.'11 l WUR iiruwlnt( up," h<' IKii ld. Aru.I h1"d hkt• to do somt! wor~s by William · S hakt!a1pebrt'. CllJk'\:lully "Kma l.A•ar." Pn<.'t.' .i;uuJ he'd ulso bt• huppy tu pt•rform snwllt•r roll'fl in a· top-notch rept>rtory. Despite his llUl't.'t'l>!i Ill films and Wll.'v1sion, th~ sllige renuun11 his Cln;t love." "ll's the profo&Sion really," Price said. "Th.l' theater ls sort of thl• gath<'rlng plu<.'t' of tho arts - t'OS\Umes and IK>cncry and makeup and dan<.'t!, The t~cater is really the wedftlng of the arta.'' Cellist to perform The Laguna Beach. Chamber Music Society presents an evening of music Thursday with a performance by Jeffrey Solow. The cone.wt begins at 8: 15 p.m. al the Laguna Beach High S<:hOQl Auditorium, 65.0 Park Ave. • SOiow w ill perform music by Handel .. J.S. Bach . .Beethoven, Shostakovich. Faure and Davidov on his et>llo The cellist was w inner of the fi r!l\ Gregor Piatigorsky Award of the Young Musicians Foundation in Los Angeles. For tickets. call 494-2822. HAl'CJMAD( f1LMS ""-• T-lME BANDITS "'The Wward of Oz' of the '80s" is Back! ............ Ut ........ MAnK HAMIU · HARRISON F0R0 CARRIE RSHEQ BIU V DEE 'MlJJAMS · ANTHONY DANIELS ,_OAlllOllllOW!ol' 111.--~ P(IU>w..-.w ,_OI -.. llMN KERSHNER -.Gl4R'I ~TZ -.. LEIGH BRACKETT -LAWRENCE l<ASOAN -.. GEORGE LUCAS ....... -GEORGE LUCAS -.JOHN 'MUIAMS ~~~:=.:=-.:::.~··,..... ar.:-.:-= !Wdi. •: STARTS Jl'RIDAY ..., .... fashion section every Su~! I • Orange Coa11 DAil Y PILOT /Wedn•1d1y, November 11, 1982 • F.a * 8ARGAlll llATlll-* MDMlay.tllrua.t.ruy AH~-Mtere I• "1 1'-".,.... , ... ,. .. .... ......,., ~1111 •DOLaY ----- lAl<EWOOD <E NTfP SOUTH """" .. ~ .. ANAHEIM [,l.'l\t IN ...._ .... ._ ... 179MIO .. P, I 1 l I~ t. P MHi , .t ., _.,. ___ _ llMCnO LINCOLN :•k'VI IN MAN Off1CU AND AMNTLEMAN" .. 1 -~--- "~ 8AllDfT"NI ----- wn ... •"'--~-"In',.~ ftAW'- --···!!.!~ &CALL ...... ,. -.... _., WJWll ~ ...................... ~...-.. ............. ' ---18th SMASH WEEKI --- -.. ..,..., IUCll ...... WllllltUll• MINI ... Piiia ·Ellw11di Ht•llOll,Cllltqlf ClfleClolnt I O•~tda C.llffllf w.,, 621 U31 644 0760 834 Hb3 89t 393~ ........... [,_WclsY ... lwin 8301190 •-•.uv11e1°"1._t_1 ' • \ l ' I - I I i . l. Or ngo Coo11 DAIL v PllbT /Wedne•d•v. November 171 f982 • 'JYuclear· War.' powerlU.l portrait l t lnvc tigarion (luiut•y (Juck Klugmun) · investigalc sl;iying of small-town bully tonight al 10 on Channel 4 . \\I·'" f".,I) ·\' By •'R1'~P ROTH•:NBKRG tlot•unwntar1t•11 ubuut llUl'll·11r •'Ta•...,.Wrtter w ur fo:orl u•r t rfi11 yt.•tu', NU<.' Nt-;w YUHK A pumpkin, tu lkt•ll 11 l111u1 ttw t•fft•C'lli uf u Htu11Jln6( 111 .lut u h u111un lwad , IH nud1•ur 1•x11lu .. 11111 ovt•r Chlt:u~o • i;hn•ddt'CJ by l'><J>IO(hnw t(lli1'-' A Tht• ABC "1ow11 ll. In dt.'la1I ll•K of lumh ,,. burnl 111 11 t.·r!11p "T h111 l'i u Cilm a bout fUl'li. l''u l't':f 1•r 1.• t•hurrt'<I be•yn nd whll'h mukt· m.1 pohtkal point," • r1'C:ogn1t1on ~1y11 11u1 ruwr Ludovw Kt.•ntwdy, ThL•rt•'lil nuthln1 namby-pa1nby bul don't lwllt•w h Ah houKh 4bout lht' way Brlu11h 1duvu11on pohlll'larui Ul't•n't un tJ w rrogrum. portruy11 the e fft"<:\ll o( nudt•ur an unt1-11ul.'lt•ur pu1~11 o vit'w rs war In ''Nuclt•ur War: A Gulde to dl'ur Armu~t'<.Jdon," a BBC import Ot1--''A Guuh• tu Arrm•l(t.'(ldon" ,. a publi~· tcll'vision toni6(ht "Dt 8;~0 pOWl•rful ond jutrlng portrait, o n (.;h a n n t.• I lHI and at, 9 o n dt.'s tg nl•d to ag i ta tl' vil'W ers Chi1n1wl 4!8. S o mt'. h o w ever, w 111 say 1 t T, h t.>. d i s 1: I a I m t.• r a I t h l ' cros.'lt'll the • borde1'1i oC good tasll' beginning of lhe broadeast T lw prt.•m ise is tha t a o ne. "Decide.now wh.~ sh ould or nH•go t on bllm b h as b el•n shouldn t w a tc h !i h ould d t-t onated ove r S t. P a ul 's not be rcgardt>d In th<.' same way Cath t•d r a l In Lo ndon . Can American lelev1sion warns about residents oC the 1mmed1ate a rea movies Cor mature ;.111di('n('<\S. It IS survive? Would they wa nt to'! not an idle advisory. The· documentary begins witti Ameriean a udlcnt'<.'11 huvc l'<>mt• imal(CS of lithe dancers in tights to e xpec.t sober. even-ha nded and leotards as .they stretch and· cwengulll\ ll'om cer1a\ll deeth TUBE TOPPERS , wu1111 up. "'l'tw hunum body I» u 11·,1ullt• 1h1n.c." Ke•111wtly Huy11 T hi· 1wxf :m nunuL\'li lllu1nrr11t• llurnuntty'a nnMnat.d l uteal118l tht• hlmll, tlw twut uml thl' rud11111vn f rom Ull 11lt1Ulll.' bomh A i. h ,1ri.h s t u t 111 t tt'H ll ll uut 101lldpu11•d t·a~uulut•fi an• n •ad· aloud c..l1Npai.i.1onutt•ly. p1ctun•11 ~ruphwully i.hc>W the • po1e•111111I hun1u n d1•vust.;11Hm • Ai. thl· l'I ft·l·t ul th <• bo mb rn o v <• 11 f u rt h" r ·r r o m t ho1· l 1Xplos1on, wht•rt• dl•uth ttet•ms a l'l'l'\tll nty. thl• "~U l'VIVOI'~" Ill'(' Hk,•ly ·111 sufl'e>r fnwtur1'<I bun<.'8. X ·f'OYlll iJl'l' S h o Wil Winds . a t t .000 mph , wi ll wr1.•ak havot:. Flymg glas. .. 11hl't'S throw.ch tht• pumpkin, with an old woman's face supcrfmpt)ll(.-<l. ln t h e m os t 11 t o m uc h - wrem:hmg ~ucnt.'l'S, ll}ake-up is used w indicate how facet! would look a ft.cl' the sca ring hea t of the b last. • • MADAME'lfLACI TM gh09ll ol Orouctio and Harpe> MAr1I Mardi for • fottune In lhl manelon. ~:JoMSchieldel. euav~ GuaeCa: Outtl ....... and llndyo8fllw, Lee Oraari- WOOd, Michael Palin. PtlWfMI and OeVld Yor1c. eNUCUMWMA · .-ro AMIAOIJX>ON TM -.eta °' a nudlar bomb d91onatacl ab0\19 St. Paul'e Cethedral Ind Ille attllllPll °' Brftlltl coupial to ,.ry out cMI ,...,_ K NXT (2) 8:00 -"The Blue. a nd The G ray." Conclusion of three-part series about the compelling, frig htening and som e times glorious eve!ltS o f the American Civil Wa r. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Dynas ty." Blake a nd Alexis arc locked in a powe r struggle afwr the reading of Cecil Colby's \\>ill. l.'00 ••• NEWI I CHAAUFI AHGELI r•commendatlon• are .......... Ill • 30-mlnule lrttllfl ~arr. 1n me MCOnd hall, CharlH McOowall IOOk• .. cMI -----Ill-United ........ · KCET (28) 10:00 -"Between a Rock and a Hard Place." Documenta r y explores how three West Virginia coal miners of d1ffc:!rc nt generations feel about their work a nd their lives. r . The Angllla ·lak• on the rolee ol beby81ttera wtMlr1 the lmeglnatlve ' 11·~- 0ld niece ol a former client ct.line to have wttneaed 1 murder. eaoAP Cetol ..._ Jodie .. the altar and Mwy Miii Butt Ille It,_ about .. affair. • M"A"l"H When Hot Upl thinll• • mlgttt .o. ~t. the ody rabbit IYAilable for Ille t..C II Redar's pet Fluf • a. HAWAI RYE~ Mc:Oarrett t-up wlt.h 1 T Oltyo policemen to llf>d the IOUfC. of a gunrunning ~·tloo. • OVEREASY 1:;-1: auttlor Morri. W•t. ·~ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR I .. ~ ..=liopmenl" MCNEWIQ tecNEWI WHATIMYUNE MOYIE . **~ "The Party" (1NI) P .. er s.119'1, Cleudlne Longe!. A milch~ lndlen actor ct .. 1 .. utt« C'*>I wnen he er..,_ • IOClal patty. CB)MOVE ***"I Go Pogo" (1980) Animated. Vo le•• of Jonelhan win--. Vlnelnt Ptlce. Tha ln09t popular ~t ot OkeMnotl .. Swamp deddel to run for pr-'dent. 'PG' .MOYE **'~ "The Trouble With Gina" (19et) EM1 Pretley, M~ W-. A tr....iinO sftowmAfl runs Into al ION ol trouble _... l11Y- • ~In a~em town. 1:30 G NBA llA8KETBAll 0..... M-'du vs. la. AnOt'll Llllera ·=CAVUT o.-t: aitflor Jen Morris. (Part 2)(A) I IEWINQ POWER . QINEWI IAMEY MIU.ER A ~ MIO won a IUlt agalnlt Hams Ylllts the prtclncl. • WORLD~ PEOPLE (I) l.Aff'-A-THON A ~len hott and four comic contnt111ts wtto compete 1g1ln1t ona another Af• leetured In thll unoanlored comedY game ltlOW. 1:00 I C9!I HEWS tecNEWI • HAWY,MYS AGAIN • Hl'IOC relgnl M Joanie ~· to prove Ille'• • r...,onllble baby-litter wMl't .._d and M.ton -out ol town. I MCNEWSQ :.a COWAll'f Stanley Mb the ..,.n- m.II bulldlnt .. .....,. went• to -Into me "IWlnglng" de\191o9rMnt n.tdoor. 11=~ MPORT Cl) P .M. MAGAZINE An lntenllew with Dolly Parton; 1 day In the llfa of a CNlll director. QI INTPT~ TOMCIHT An~ wtltt ~ r'oMNcie COUNTY TOOAY (J) AA1 &cM MNCe MACI-A tallnted troupe ol young .,_. )olll Choell Verdon Colt (Lee Majors ) tries to save a circus orangulan in 4'The FaH Guy" tonight at 9 on K~BC . .(7) ~- In a muelcal Nlute to the b..c of Broedwey. (J)MOVIE ••• "WNllle Down The Wind" ( 1912) Hayley Miiia. Bernard Lee. An eacapad murderer 1Ufrendar1 to pollca lnltead ol deltroy- lng Ille lallfl "' Ille dllldr.-i MIO~hlm. 1:*>. 2 ON THE TOWN . FN'ured: a baNnd-U. • --IOOk at tM mW- --''Tha Blue And The Gt-r'': ., IMeMew wllfl Qt9QCl'Y Peck • I• a ,MA:, ll'EUO LAVW. & ltMLEY 100/tll'Ntr • .lftONLA. Feetured: I hultland and wile parac:nute teem: the lat•t ci-. fad, 11arch blocltera; the controver1y over •P•rm bani!•: a par ... °' 1960 lelfllona. • M•A0 1•H ~ twrw IMlltll to IOIW a raafl of roObertel ~ wtlldl he II the prime IUll)eet. I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL.I~ MllOfn' • IUMYAL "Orangutana: ~ Of The Wiid" ,...., Ul1lMN narrat .. a~ IOOk 81 I.lie gentle and lntallgent orangut.-i. and the effort• being mede to MW tM ~ ll'om exttnctlon. -~MUDFORrT **~ "franc:llia" (1951) Shell~ Wlnten. Joel MoCtee. Al'lw lier ,..,_ II murdared, 1 girt with ~ ga1nce on h•r mind retuma to town and oparw • gambling ,_ ..... Ille -tuatly find• lier ~ry. CID CONIUMER AiPORTI PRE8EN'TI ''The Oollarl •And S... Show" A 100k II tak.-i this month 81 the molt .._.. ttve w.; ol lllmng pelf! and Iha ~ w.; to dean hend-w..,..,.... I t:OO. Cl) THE 8WE N«J THEGMY "June 1183-Summer 1885" JonH mourn• Mary'• deettl and c:mctlM upwlthtfle~~ W .... ; _ ...... John recondlll with Matf, but It unable to -Mark, and raluml l'lorna to Virginie_ where lie IMml INC 1M femlly r.m .. -.... "' ., .,,..,.ldlnt ..... (Part 3) eatNALNOPU Feetured: c.taan Stldly'1 Wiidiy wedding; • 75-)'Ml'- old ~ jogger; • Jrldl-ahol golfer; • conlaM for Iha "Ultimate v-Gtr'l. 'f .:=:-! • MO:llE • **'h ''Froga" (1112) Ray Mlllnd • ..., Blott. wtllle Oft • ..,..., °"""" • "*' berlt on ...,,..'II 11.,ou ....... -· • pree-"" lie hadn't oour"9d on when IWarnpy creetur9I ,.. ..,., 10 murder him and ...... .,,.., . • QI TALU OF THE GOLD MONKEY (I) IOAP ~ thrOWI a party for the two eecapad con'lilct• hld4ng In lier ~t. • P.M. MMM'ZJHE An Interview wttf1 Delly Parton: • women MIO ••J*ienOM • --form of nlghtm•te celled a ··n1g11t terror." • MOVIE **'" "McO" (1974) John W9Yf'9, Eddie Albert. A police officer U-1'11 depettmantal QOfruptlon wtlanhe~ ..... murdared .,.in. -a member of • crool!act ~ring. e IURVIVAI.. "Or..,._: Orpt\WW Of Thi Wiid" Peter Ulttnov narr"91 1 doae-llCI looll at Ute ganlll and In~ cnnguten. and ... effort• being made to -me csc.:.:m edlnc90n * * ~ "St. ,_.. ( 1918) Cflartll~.-... tine a... A '-c:rWne reporter·tumed..-.cttw " hhd by • ~ llm f9flCller to r-a MC ol lncrtrl*Mltlng ........ ·PQ· CB)MCMR •• "lot c-etel" (1919) lynrHiOlly Jot!Morl. Aoll- by a.neon. A promilllig young llgur9 .... and lier bOytrlend find lllddlrl MICCall herd '° cope ...... "'*' Ille II~ to !fain for. pr..otymplc ~ tlon. . CD>MOVIE ••• "Pretty .... All In A f'Ow" (1911) Rock Hud- eon, Angle Olddneon. A guld.-counll6or. ti. Idol of • a-y °' high ICfloOf beeullae. worltl wl1h • teadler and a pollca c.ptaln In IOl¥lng lhl ~ lary of ..veral a-leedar ltlllnga. 'A' Cl)llZNN John ~ .,_ you tlllngl str,,.., ltlM """'· larger ltlM ... and unler 11w1 anytNno youw - --' -~ . **~ "Vive lei Vagas" ( 1"41 EMI Pr..iey, Ann-- Margret. A Lal Vegee 1wlmmlng ln11ruclor ~ the object of llflldlon for • ...,. cs nut and ......... Mind. l:30 (!) CMML.11"1 MQIL.8 The~lll .......... auppoaed UClde "' • country ..... wflo -about to become • drug '"'°""" for ... police. e 80 YOU TMNC YOU GOTnD•• • llllCUMWMA -TO ANMGmDOI" TM 9"eCtl of a nudeer bomtl dMotie•• ~ 8t.- PAlll'• ~•and die .................... t9 """ °"' cMI ,...,.. recommendation• are ........ In • »mlnUlll lrtlllfl dOOulMIUrY: '" .. HC:Ofld 11111, Cllartea . CHAtlll LJSTINGS McDowell aodll .. ctVll ...... plW Ill"" lJnlled ....... (J) _. KOVM:e· ~Ol--W. .... • • ICNXT (CBSI • ICNBC <NBC) e etTl.A etftd.I. .ICABC !ABC> • ICFMI ICBSI • ICHJ·TV (Ind.) •KcjT CABCI e icnv (Ind.I '• KCOfl·T'V Clnd.I .• tcCIT fNSI • KOCI f P8SI (G) On·TV <II Z.TV .$1) "80 IC) !C.tnerN•I (WOAI NV .. N.V • @ CWTHI (JI 1£SPNI (Sllowtlmt) • '"'1ltflt • !O*e News f!Mtworl!I John ........... ...... -.... ... ,,. .. ...,.=:•• au for "" _....,.. ..... ..,.... ........... ................. LelM!Clft, °'*" a.a ~_ ........ MM • ..-•• ,,.. MGTIOI L1'I ................... ......... c ee1MIMLLM Cdl ""' ...... «*WI • eou>Ota ,...._.. ll'om prllon. an •-con decldM lie _., 1111 ""-.... bed!. (J)MOVIE * *."' "lloodbrothen" (lt1tl Aldlard Gere, Tony Lo -.io. A young man ci-to tw9lk femlly v.o- ltlotl by WOflllllg Ill • hoaP- 1.iwd b dlUdNn ..... than "' tM hMvy conllNC-don~ --=-••JIMm...UW.___ __ ~ Aalll ~ • cheeltng IOAfldll lnwoMng 1111....., In the lcflObl MS1P11P9'. • M-'DWl"8 PLACE Plllllarton'• Old glrffrtand and "long-loal eon" iwrM. au.I: Olcll Shawn. (!)MOVIE ***~ "Oial.M For Mur· cler" ( tt54) Rey .,..._., ar-Kelly. After lalmlng ol ,._ ...... lnfldlllly, • man decldel 10 IWW lier ........ d .• ...... NC> -. a-Wllenton IOOkl el the llv•. tut•• and ...., ol Iha first,.,..._ C8ll OClloNltl tllrough ... .... and .... CD> A NIW DAY• IDIN • THoel WIN ntl DAVI t0:00•al~· Quincy'• 1ttamp11 to ~ttla~ol• llllllM-bul)'••-pllceled wMn .. the r-. .... Ir)' to ... c:ndlt b ....... llU:- The ,.... °' Cd'• .. ,..... In • sio-' llNggie .,.._ ..... and Aleldl. MldlMI dup I ~ Ifill to ~ Almlll that lie II lier eon, and Fallon llartl WOtlt on La Mirada, i NON-ACTION ~ .. ..._A Rock And 'A Hard Place" Kenn.th Arlk'I _. ........ doe> ~ ...... ,_ .... w.t Virginia ~ """""' ol dlfllrent ~ "°"' .... lllloul "'* WOtlt andttllirllvM.. • ntl MAGIC OF MNCe "The Romantic 8det" Oeme Margot Fonteyn focueel on tM ..,.... beller1nM MIO dot'lllllated 19'h-cantury bllllll; - ttiOutlng artlll• lncluda ...,.,, Nagy,~ Por- ter. Aolend ...... and tM ~ ...... .1Ml._.UM • A '°""' lngglrl bumtltll through a HrlH of mllNPI .-i roull to --llOod ..... bllter OOll- lnlnlaaon """ .... , .... (C)MCMI ·~ "Bod)' And Soul" (tllt) Leon INK Kenna- "'1r _,.. ~, A ~ bllcll tWM to pubilfW?tllll to ,... tM "*llY .. ,.... for medi- c.I ldloot. 'A' CB)MCMI •••'h "The HoMlng" (1H1) DH Wallace. Petnak M9cnll. A woman repor1lr II ,...__, tlr a It.., wtlo _.. 10 be 1 ·' ....-..... (J)MCMI ** "Goodbye, e"e*' ...... c11m .,._ ........~Qnlnl.A ~ woman'• Mardi tor .. ullilftltt 9'otlc ............ to. ~·· r 110.,.11· .fllCMI ** "Juet A ~" (M1) Oewtd losle. Kim No¥911. All .-.ocreeto ,,.......,,..,.to 8ertlrl .... WOfldW•lto .,.. .... """" .. --...·rt -IPL ,..,..,, ...... -•••• of ........... _.. .... ,.., lllL.tl .............. . .... _....., ...... _,1lllnllltlf• 'a ................. .... ._...01 •• .......... a..-. .11:00geC1>Qle ·IA~YMGHT Holl: • U1r Totllln. au.I: Howard ltlcn. • •llMCHOF ... "Myllery Of TN Morwr ..... I TMAT QUIZ IHOW 8'WilCJlllAN l'MNC*X) W9*I a dlllreught rape ylctlm alloole and 11• one olller ............. hlrllft cftaroact with ... degr.e murder . I ..... MPOR'T DOCTOR•M ~ MlcMal ...... with tM local .... °' .. party ... (J)lllCMI • * "lectlt•" ( tt7 t) JacquelM ...... ,._ o.c.r-. An ...,_. Mrltr MlutlM rount WOl'lml ........... to _. OUI .. oonMlllO .... mania ol ..... by drifting lnlo • eucceaalon of romMUcehln.'A' 1 t:ao. Cl) MCtm IUNICIR'8 PUCm Arcllll II ._ lfloallld when ...... Glorta and Joey 1how up on ~ ........ and ....... lie lllldl OUI wflr lfl9)' - .... (Pwt1)(~ eaT01•• Hoet: "°'""'Y Careon. Gueet: .,..... w.rwlck. •• MC .... -.n.M I YOU MICID POR rT 1"1&1CdONI ....,._ ...... to ..,,. :r-".ocu. °" 80QETY .... LA~ Holl:°"'""~· 1.:.o.m • ... ,...,_. In l- Agaln" CtHO) EIUott Gould, 8t ••all Yortl. A -... to 1111 lllgh tdlool reuNoft In .. blllll ....... OSI,.... .. fDOd *'-of Ill pell. 'PO' CD>lllCMI ** .. Young .......... (197') hi Por1"d'· aw..- tlna Ulldllefg. A ~ merrted couple .,_,.. lfapped In • wt*fpool ol Mr ~.-.,. 'R' 11:40 CJ) lllCMI *** ''"--'CenWall" (1t1t) w ..... 9elny. Jule a.n.ele. Alts • PfO foot- blll .... , .. II..,_.. eurtl)'~ byanllllpC ........ -lleMrl• bodr"' ......... lnduer trta11at to _,.... Mtg 111: 'PG' '1:11 CC> lllCMI **"''~&Co." ( 1t7a) ... llrtlln, Petrtdl .,......_A,_. lirt ft. ..a.to PwtltolllODIM• """ l9INott modrl but .. ..... "'""""' and .... Ol*W • ......., lucnlM ........ ...._ ..... tl:OO lln'Cn'M .. fT TOlafT NI.....,,..., wllll,,.,. n=·~WORD * *... .......,.,.. (1111) Cllrletoptter Mltettum. IMrry ......... ~ YllltllkelO ... ~ln punult.,. a.to ....... 1=·-· ***'h "Pal Jofr/" (1957) FrllN! Sinatra, Alta Hay- worth. 8MICI on a ltoed- WIY ~ by Aodgar"I a Hart and • ncMI by John O'Har9. A wealthy IOdllllte llMnCll • nlgMclub for en ·-·· wtlO ,... * • -lowllr dlor\ll girt. • LOVI. ,._SCAN ITYU "ear.toot In The Park .. P.,. ..,... to help out at r..ov. *** "OllUllon" (tte1) Petridl Pearcy, JoMpfl Cotten. A prh1at•ck.lt)' -.... In love with .. petllnl'• hand-young ~·A' .... Cl) lllCMI **~ "luddlnf)'. Love" (1t1t) Cindy W111i1rM. Paul Slllrw. A J'Ol"IQ -.. om IM g111tto,... 111 love ... • ,todl/llt prOfftll .... .• ~-. 11:11 •• I.Aft NIGHT WITH DAVID LITTIMIAN 0-11: Myron Collen, _.. Emllr Pregar. AtKty Kautmon. 1~UP Cl.Ola Gumt: DDlllCll Nllfllflt. • LOVl, llllCUCM ITYU "The ..,.. ,.,. and Cor1e gal a,... ..,.in on•""" ..... (J)MCMI • • • ... ''Carnal KnoM- adge'' ( 1111) .... Nlohd-'°"· Ann......... T- oolllll fl1lndl ..... --.... ,.... ..... end.,... ~~ ... byrfWtngand~ .... -. ............... ... 1•• fllCMI ...... .,.~.Joe'' (1111) ,,..., ~. ~ ............ ~ ~--·-­...... ciruallda dur-· ~ * *. ''Greet CeltlstM" (1Ht) Peter O'Toole, ....... .....,, flldnlt· ad by • 1-'Y arTlved .... "'*· CatNrtne me °"91 ,_ '*" lnlptlloliad and ~ '°"'*"' '*"· (!) MCMI ' *"' "ludly T-" C19S4I John Wayne. G•bby ~ A cosCloy trill lo clMr hi• lftMtllcl! of c:ia.v-ol --r1*llery • lllCMI • * * .. ........, .....,. . ( ,..,, JOlll ClllWfOfd, ZecNry 8oott. .............. •nd enticing carnival ..., It left blltlnCI In • tmlll town .._. lfte ,,..... up ... .,,.,_, -----~' • 1NnRTM91JEfT TOlafT An IMrrvlMI Wlttt Jana r-• * * "M Fii Down" Cttu) Eve ...,_ Saint. W.,.... 9elny NI lrNlllt· .......... 111111. ••• ..ll(tll_. but .... ....., """ • -...lful vllltor. 1: 11 (II) MCMI" ··~ ''TNI Cotdl•ID"I" ~~ ...,.,., De Niro. Dlrllll. TM ....., .... "°'* ol two ........ a LOI lwlgalll pollDI ..... and .,, ............. Celllolec ....... --.. dUfiftO • ---· ..... Tht• 11t•}(nw hlll or1 how rx·op.ll· tf hould lry 10 prt·purt' fnr 11 nudt•nr 11t1.1t•k tukt• on tht• t1lmu1·d 1111 of u M11n1y Python flklt. For t·xu m pll'. 11•11id t•1Hs within .1 t•e•rtorn ron~c· ol the bla t who I ul111w the· 111i,trut t1on11 of ttll' Br11111h uuvt•f llllll'lll t•ould HUrVIV4• "for 17 M~1111d!C," th1• broadt:ai.t lil.IYll I r1 on,, hr H' r p u rt or t h t• prufo(ram, _. husb;mc.J and w1fl! orl' m1kt•d to llvt· two Wl'Ckii lnrudt•ii i-h<.•ltt·r !~6 1nch('IC wides ond no mon· than 12 fc>l't long. Th<.•y may sto1:k 1t with any thing thl'Y Ilk<· M 1 d w a y t h r u u g h t h t• <•Xpt•rlmen.t, tlw l'Ouplc• say they - ft•t•I woozy <1nd untumfortable an their cr am ped q uar teri.. A week later, ot cxpt>riment's end, the· n arrator asks v aew eri. to imagine the situation aggravated by rudiat1on-rnduc<>ci vom1 ting and c.J1arrhca .. \. .. ,. I - Wodnesduy, Nollombet 17, 1082 ClASSlfllD \ . I • • . . . . . . Looking for a career in,sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, .. classification 7100. . HlfW to ·eat Rich This Year · Slitting . . lmni Zero1· · Don't wait f.c-r sucCess. Maka it happen! You are ·noi only .what , ·you a·re today,. ~ut also what .you choose to become tomoi'roVi'I ' . . Sure -time• .-re tough and making money la harderth•n ever·-but th• people Hated below •r• raking In th• dollar• after '1•vlng aent tor my rri•t•rlaL You oan do the ••m• If you have a alnoere dealre tor extr• lnoome. T•k• a minute to read thl• •d with an open mind. It could r••lly ch•n1• your Ht• and m•k• your eeoret dream• oome truel .,. '--.. • !"> • ! . • 17 ,000 In 2 montha--i•mea 8eatt Levlttown, PA • 130,000 In 1 montll-.tlll Wlllte, Loa An .. leet CA • 18,230 In 1 montll-Thom•• Clol•, Ullo•, NY • '40,000 hi 1 .,.ontll-Geor1• ••'!""'8"' cMton,111 . • 118,000 In 3 weeka-VlcHorW., C•rplnterl•, CA • 111,000In18 d•ra-lteve H. Nowlln, lndl•n•polla, IN • 120,000 In I montlla-lt•v• Murpllr, M•nll•tt•n •••oh, CA · • 1100,000 In 4 montlla-••nl• Konloov, Gr•nd ll•plda, 111 .. · . .~ 11,000,000 In I montha-Geor1• C•mplon, Loa An1elea, CA . ABSOLUTE PROOF . YOU CAN TRUST ME CERTIFIED . Here are the 11gurea 'of my actual bank Why? Because I've accompllahed the .SUCCESS ITORIU deposits for the months of May, June. personal and monetary goals that I've ...,. I• IUtMnlloatld ..,_ my ~ and July 1982. I reveal these confidential set for myaett I haw all the material woru. You .,. ~ the IUDDI .. of figures not only to prove to you the prac· things one could reuonably wish for, th•• peraone. It • bean effeotlv• tor · tlcallty. of what I'm doing but, mainly to Including ownership of property, good them-why not tor~., ,_..monllla.,. encourage you to do the same. With the Investments. and even Arabian horses. =:c:=l~~r:tm'rl.::: Unltld ll9tle · material l am going to aen'd you,· these I want to share my succe11 plan for mak· • ' .could be your bank deposits. There's Ing money with thoae who are ambitious no mystery to It-I tell you exactly what and wllllng to follow my ln1tructlon1. .. to do. It can make you rich: Mey4 ....•........•.•.•.•••..•.••••.•.• l,ltl.44 -1 ............................. " ... a.6,acM.-74-- Meyt 1 ............................•.••• l,llO.l7 -t 1 ....................•....•...•.• t 4,000.00 ~4 ........... -~ ................... 11,111.• Mey11 ................................. t~•t Mey21 ..................•.....•••.••..• l,ao7.42 11ey 2s ................................ t 1,001. n Mey27 ............................. '. ..... , ... . -27 ...............•.....•..•.••.•• : ;:,:102.• fOflllt f1llb June3 ................................. t2,t4t.a June4 ............•............•.......• 2,477.17 June• ................................. tl,000.00 June •.................•.•.••••........ 44,424.20 June I ......................•........... 3,lla.00 JuneJ1 ............. · ..........••..••.•. 11,-.11 June 15 ............. \ ................... 1,117.12 June 11 .................................. 4,000.00 June11 ...........................•..... 1.1•.a June 22 •.....•.................•. : ..••• 10,474.'M June21 .............. : ................. 11,116.11 June2t ............. ,, ................. 11,111.14 TOTlU117,0U:31 July 2 .....................•.....•...... 4, 152.00 July 2 .................................. 4,nt.17 Jvty1 ........................ : ........ '~--· Julyt ...•.....•..•............•..•..... 1,717.11 ROOM FOR-EVERYONE · Why would I Invite competltton? The fact la, I don't look at It u competition. The money-making opportunities are ao tremendous that tnere'e plenty of room for all who are motivated to Improve their ~ituatlon-.. Do you have the motivation? YOUR SECRET DREAMS . COMETRUI! My progra 1 has nothing to do with fra hising, real estate. the atock market, ous a. 'dlamonda. pyr- amid sc mes, oil wella, energy conaer· vation, salesmanship. multl·leVel aelllng,, positive thinking, door-to-door selll"9, telephone sales •. or calling 'on. busi- nesses, neighbors, filmily or friends. $ 17,000 In 2 MONTHI "M•d• over $7,000 In two month• ualng your advice.... -J•mn F. S..t 8 Hiiitop Ra.d, Ltvfttown, PA 19058 s 11,230 In 1 MONTH M You "•ve whet my appetite for auooeu. .Fol/owing your augg .. tlona, I did $8,230 worth of 1'ualn••• In /u•t one month." Thom••Clol• 2817 GeneaN StrNt, Utlc•, NY 13501 - s •11,000 In 3 RIKI • M ••• ch•na«I my I/fa I followed your In· structlona. The rHulta-$18,000 In th• fl,.t three wee/cal I know that I am on my way to richest Tho•• checks loolf 10 be•utlful. Thank you, Mr. Powers." Victor W. Carplnterla,.Cfllfornl• ~O 13 PRAiie FROM IXPIRTI . "A comprehen1lve guide on how to make It big by an outttandlng ennpre· neur, Melvin Powl"1 whO did ttartlng . from iero. How h• did It I• cle•rly ex· ·plained. H• •h•rN with you hi• know/· edge and 1ucce11ful experience In m11clng mon•r ... could repay /ta coat• thou1andfold. . · Wuft/ngton Newaletter June 1980 TAKE THI FIRST STIP Thia II the moment of truth. Do you really want to be rich? If your anewer 11 "Yea," follow ygur lmpulae now and order my matertal. Remember, It 11 IOid on a 100°1'.·money·back guarantee ba111. You can Improve the quality of your llte. It's really up to you. It'• an excltlng_proa· pect that can come true for you. lllva It priority. Take the tlrat atep on the exciting road to r1chM. You'll be oleaantly eurprtMd and de- lighted with your newly-found knowl· edge. eaoedally when thole beautffu~ green dollara art rolling In u they ~ave for others. STILL SKEPTICAL 1 . BE MY Ql,fEST . . . • ' • ? . • I guarantee you'll be comptetety Id•· . fled and dCited wtth the lllu8trated ma-· : • July. . ................................. 3.M0.00 July11 .....................•.••.•••... tl,511.03 July,, .........•••.•.................. 11,000.00 It's perfectly legal and requires no pre-. vious business experi~nce. It is equally good for both men and women of any age, and you can begin just as socio as you receive my material $ $20,000 In e MONTHS tertal that I aend you. Furthermore, I wtll ~ l'fOt even cash yot.1r check or money or· ; • der for 30 days. If, for any reuon, you feel • Jvlf ti .......... , ......•............... t ,IM.15 July ti ................................. 2,113.IO July 20 .......................•.......•. t ,540.11 July u .•.•.•...•.•...•........•.......• t.J7t.lt JulyM .•.•..................•........•.•. IM.00 JulyM .......•.... : ...................• 7,113.21 TOtlL 11,..;n1.s Three months' total: $422, 1·51 .59 "J certify the bank deposits listed above are correct and are on file as required by tl)e United States Federal Trade Commission." Melvin Powers MY PERSONAL STORY Now is the time to do something about your future. Everyone has secret dreams-and yours are about to come true. Use my know-how for making money. FOLLOW MY SUCCESS You may be wondelthg if you can really believe what I'm saying. My answer is, .. Absolutely yes." I've even revealed my confidential business de- posits. Those ligures are factual My in- fortnatlon for ·you is not based on ab- stract theories~ It's based on cold, hard facts which have been successfully proven and teated over many years. • Twenty~ftve years ago, I waa having a rough time making It wlt_h the various jobs I had. I WU IO bogged down making a living that I didn't have time for any· thing elae. At times. I even worked two PICK MY BRAINS Jobe. Everything wae ~ng up except my Gtye me the opportunity to show that 1 earnings. Since I dkJn't have a college can help you achieve ftnanct.tl aecurlty. education. a trade, ~ any apectal trafn· My material clearly ex~lalns my Ing. I ~ whateve~ jebl I could get try-money-making technlQue with ·~·to· Ing to fl~ myself. Uke you, I worked follow, atep-by·1:•P lnatructlona. To con· -Mid and felt-that I deserved •break. My--vlnce yoUffiit ..works, you get a one- mlatake waa In ho~ng and waiting for yeai 100-4-mOney·back guarantee Do someone to give If lo me. It never you know any other offer fo match that? · ~~eaperatk>n, 1 ~acddentally die-Here ls your golden opportunity toJnveat · covered a WtJ:tJ of making extra money In In your IUCC8ll. my apare time. It wu the beginning of a wonderfuf new· direction to my ltfe. The MONEY·MAKING FORMULA ·--_,.rMUtta we.ca_bllttaWban I had antid· ~ My material reveals In detaH my IUC· pated, even In my wtldelt dream& Soon I .ceu·money formula and how I keep hit· wu able to quit nw dead-end )obi and . ting the Jackoot •n and aaaJn, making devote fuH time to l*ng my own bol8. It mltllone of dollars. You can, loot In fact. l -wu the end of my flnarictlf worrtea. give you a practical, proven, telttd guide • At IUt I t.ed the money, pe.oe of ml.nd, that wtll help you realize your flnanctal Ind time nece.ary to rellty entov Nf• ooala.11 It·~? Yet. once ~ have the and my loved one& I had the freedom to fhformatlon I give you In ~nlng . ht\ IOaf. vtallon where Md when I guide on how to achieve You wtl wanted. play golf and tennte frequently, ream to dupllcate my technique tor your purlUe my tdJblea. and do 811 the ttinga own aUccN& . I .,_.wanted to do. H *&a my dream You may -WOflV'-idtr.,,.-~I am lhartng my come true. ~~for rtohll It my bullne• fl 10 ~~m:.=r== .. -~ ~~~\:~=~~ ·, with my aucc•• plan. h1Ye taught Olh· lhartng knowlldal that will make money .,. hoW to do II. and am wtlng to .,...,. for you and at lhe um• time make wtth )'OU "'.'f. ~ ~ money for mt. Alld the happy IUOCI• Ale you ... to ...,.. one evening to atorltl of = l&dt • ~ who Judge wtm 1.-. to ._1 1 hope'°" · tOdk mv ma llftoully. · "By.using only a couple of your. sugges- tions, I personally made $20,000 In a tlx- month period. Mefvln . . . priceless and I highly recommend it to anyone." Steve Murphy 1142 Manhattan Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 $ $30,0001n·1 MONTH "Following your advice, I did $30,000 worth of business in one month. Many .thanks. M Jiii White Los Angeles, California 90019. ·s $40,00 the FIRST MONTH FROM A LAID OFF DE1'ROIT AUTO WORKER MThe tlpa and Instructions grossed me 140,000 the first month and the money Is still roHfng In: George Bowman 43726 Simsbury. Canton, Ml 48187 . "'" .. ,OOOtn llOAY& "I earned owr $93,000 In one 28·day pe- riod u1lng your technlquet. Never before have I m•de 10 much money with 10 little effort. 11'1.,,k• for your good .clvlce. • · Stew H Now/In 5019 0.rt1y Ltne, lndlanapolla, IN 48226 ... .,......../I'-....... - $ . 1100,000 In 4 MONTMI .. UalnQ ~r fecMlqu.1 .,,d-expert/H, I m•d• over 1100,000 In four month& KHp up the good worlr." S.rrle Konlcov 40I Btoedmoor, Grand R•plda. Ml 49506 . .S 11,000.000 In I MONTHI "I wa ~bloke .,,d In,,,. d$th1 the material will not bring you rlchel. I'll i return your uncashed check or money , order immediately. No question• aeked. 1 I'll g0 even bne step further. I reaHze ytJ\J don't know me and you may still be skeptical about my offer. Put your mind •t ease and postdate your check 30 days from today. You have everything to gain by cashing In on my unique know·how for making money. Good luck as you take the first step on the road to riches. 1 c 1112 by MIMtl Power8 -~----·ORDER FORM--------1 . 385-Day, Money-Back Guarantee! . Dear Melvin: Yes. I want to invest in my future. Please send me your material with the absolute understanding you will not cash my check oc money order for-----1 30days. Eventhough it alt sounds too good to be -e-e-+----i true. ptease rush me How To Get Rich for twelve dollars postpaid. Enclosed Is my_ --~--------- ( ).check (.) moneyorderfor$12.00 Oat-.~ _________ ............ ;..__ Name --~/Pliiii==-~)Wfjfj=-::------ Address _________ _ City _--""---------- Stat•----------- of d.,,,...,,, ""*' I read your fft•terl•I. a.- llM II°' lfA"' five mon"'8 I dltl 11,000,000 Zip l 'llflliff'fA .1184 ........ "-~ ' • .. . .i .., of JIClfOltalng • bulldlng worth 01611 to l Pl•-send your order to: 1500,000. ' My wltM '"' ,_ ,,..,, o~d t1w to • !.'/ . Melvln Powera )QI. Howoen ,...,,,..,,. ~.,.. l -11 a'',,.,,,. Monie• .:tt'{' ~= I 11111 ••--....... I North HollJwood, c.llforrile 1119 I I '·---------------------------~ r • , I - 'ernergency~pFoducer . . MllC NOllC£ PICTITIOUI 9UllNIM NAl9 ITATl•NT Th• lo4lo,.•fl0 polltonl 111• dQlrog PWllC NOllCE 'ICmlOUl-11 NAmlTATIMINT Tri• 1<1110"''"9 pe1apn 11 001ng bullnll•• .. Robert Cinader dies 1111\fff .. oc1.us1vr 1N11f'a11UAtlON' 212 II NOf Ill 011lf1d A¥911119 511111 .. Ana C..lhfflllWA 9'70 t Sh4t1tv How•rd ?11:1 tr No1fh MINUff MAD[ PMOIO l.A8 7091 •111~' HununglOQ. hKf1 C.i.10<1i11 62~41 • Hu•ilfd M111l l<O(}fltOll '&t42 ' . ~ -LOS ANc.a:u .·;s (/\Pl 'l' .. h•v1111on pr udU{'t'r ltoU..•rt A. Ginudl'r. w hOl>l'. 'F.nwrl(t•rwy!'' 11t•1w11 W WI priu114.-<I (cw Hit notlth\wld4' 1mpuct on pur11111t•t.ht· ('Ort', hall dwdl or l'IH\{'('f ill Encino ,lfOHplt.ul. Ill' WU8 58. Cimtdt•r , who d lt•d Tuc11d ay, wuis uliu exc1·ut1ve producer ol the "Quincy,'' "Adam l:l" and "Ora"rwt 1966" TV KCriea u wt•ll u four mini- series! "The lmmjgrants," "Thti Rebels," "The S eckcra" und "Condominium." "Bob Cinader did mol'l' to lmprov<' l'merger\cy medical care for pt>0ple tn the United Sta tes tt)an a ny othl'r single individual." said P e te "'# ,.. ~ Sc habarum, chairman o f the Los C d . . . b ., I o· B - F . Ange les County Board of Supcrvlsor,i. on omanaum u1 t a ong 1scayne. ay m lorado's "'Emergency!' showt..od public officials J)ade County are part o( a glutled market a · ... that lives ca_n be ~ved whef! fire · I · h b I ( h Id' k de partments tram their personnel to pecu a tors ave een e l o mg eys to be paramedics." apartment they can't ell. Actor Randolph Mantooth, a friend who had worked With Cinader until ·There'S pandemonium . in the condominiunts , , · .°"Y SUSAN POSTLEWAITE 'i"1M>Cl•led PrH• Writer • MlAMI -Scott Kranz put down .payments o n thret-l uxurious ·~ondominiums worth $720,000 9yerlooking turquoise-blue Biscayne .Bay a nd waited for his money to t{IUltiply. • ,.;., That was thre<.> years ago. in the sul>urbs who can't sell his unit," he said. At the feverish condo peak in 1978 and 1979,. entire buildings sold out In h ours as people lined up to plunk down 20 p·e rc('nt even bcfor l' thl• concrete w~ poured. Apartment pri«'s soared. (\t the Grove Isle d evelopme nt in Coconut Grove, the price o f a unit jumped Crom $113-.000 in 1979 to $133,000 in 1980. B y 1981. a similar unit was selling for $171.000. recently on the new television show "Knight Rider," said Cinader will be buried in a private •c eremony Saturday after a public m emorial servke. •:H is wife is obeying h is wish ,'' said Manto o th , wh o s tarr ed i n "Emergency!" "Bob always said he hated funerals and said the only one tie would go to was his own. But he d i d n ' t w a n l a n y p o m p a n d_ circ1,lmstancc." Born in New Yor:k City, he dropped out or New York University during World War II to become an Army logistics expert. Afte r the war, he returned to NYU and studied pre-law but gav~ up on a lega l career when he went to work for the United Natio ns as head of itS publica"tlOns dlvisron. He iierved as a roembcr of the Los Angcll·s County Emergency M<.>dlcal Service· and County Fire Services Commission. 0v€'r the years, Cinader received honors from a variety of public safety and m<.'Clica l oq~an1zat1ons bL"Causc of h is TV s hows . Among t h e oruaniUlltons were the International Associatio n of Fire Fighte rs, the Ca llfornlo Fire R esc u e a nd Parnm<.>dk'S AssoCiauon, tl'ie American Trauma Society, the America n Mroic·al As.'>OC'iation and the Institute for Emergency Carl'. . Mantooth said the memorial service will be h e ld a t 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Forest Lawn 1n the Hollywood Hills. Cmader is survived by h is wifo, ac·tres! J<:'an Aubul·hon. 01•1111 Av•1111• ~n•• A111 C11l1foo111 11110 I ~ Mlllilyn I 111!41y '~2 1r No111t 011.nd Avenuv 61111t11...An1 c.11111orn•• 112 t() I ' fhll bu111111n 11 1.u110u<.11'(J lly o 04t09tlll P81ln•rt11111 Slletry How11•U rt111 "11om11nt ,,. .. _, lil«d wllh 11111 C<><1nty Cklrt. or Or11no• Cour11y nu Nov1tmOll1 ti 10112 ,20, ... I r net I ir1o1 (. 011r I l •(IUlll Hllll I .1l1l0tn111 tlO&:J • 111o, hu••" .. " •• tmw1uc.1.u t>r 1111 llKlivld~ ow110 M ICoci.Jton '"'' u1nu1111 ""'" hi.c.t with llwt Covot y C.i.tll or 01111911 C<>unl y Of\ Nov .. mi..r to , 111112 • .. ,.,. Puolt•hud orang• Co111 Oally P1lo1 Nov 17 24 0.0 t, 8, 1982 • -606$ .. 2 Publ"1111d Orang• C..o•ll D•ll~ -----------Ptlol, Nov 10, 17, 24, Dec: t , tH? Pla..IC WlflC( . 4952·82 ______ ...,..;._...;.;;. __ _ Ml.IC NOTICE mtmou1a1 ... 11 PICTITIOUI Ml .... 11 NAMI ITA.,._NT I he following p•reon 11 doing bu•IOOH H IOI AB PROlECTIO N lhe lu1lowlng Qttrton 11 dq1ng "'Y&ll::Mi (bl ST ENTERPRISES l)u51nfl·~ BS <> ' NA• aTATl ... NT PROP!A llES OY fHl SEA ~73 t Brant& Circle Hun11ngton 4 t9 N Co••• Higllway 1 agunu ICh C11l1f0rn1a 112846 BelCtt California 926st Arnold w1111a111 Br•bender, Pllrle R p,..,..., 3294 1 PINO 21731 Bren• .. Clrcl•, Hunungton -.. • B1111ch Ca11l01 nia 92648 MU fl()r ... Sen Jvan Cap111r1no, Tnit bulll\Mt II COl\dUCled by 1111 Cal1l0rn111 112875 1ndivioua1 Thi. oos•n11n 1• conduc:led lly an A nold w a,.h•-" 1nd1Y1duOI r """'"'e< Peill R P1eg'* • Thlt 11.iemenl ..... hied Wllh the ThtS Slftement w1,111ee1 tellll'I lhe Counly Cler~ of 01ange County on County Cterk ol Orll(IOe Coun1, Oii Oclot>er 19 1982 Novembel 3 t982 F201t... Publllhld 01ange Coa:t1= Publllhlld Orange Ct>HI 0811)' PilOI Nov 17 24 Dec, 1 8 1982 PllOI. Nov 10. 17. 24. D« t' 11162 5063-82 4962-82 PlBl.IC NOllCE "8.IC NOTlCE flCTITIOUI Ml-H Na.ITA'QmNT FICTITIOUS eu11 .. as ' Th• lollowtf\g per.on• we dOing NAMI! STATfllllNT OuslneN aa . The lollow1no person~ "'• doing BASHFUL PALACE, 226• I business 11s Cleud• Circle, Laite Foreat, SOUTH COAST A"T ANO Ceitlornla 112630 FRAME. 2821 Monterey Ave Costa Beverly Krlluteln, 22841 Men, CA 92628. Cl•ude Cl 1cle. Leke For•tt, PAUL l'REEMAN WRIGHT, 2821 C11tl9rnl1 92830 Monterey Ave .. Colla Mesa. CA Peggy Jo Moore, 3 14 'A 92628 011mond, 8elboe laland. Calllornl1 . Megan Wnghl, 2821 Mon1erey 92662 AYO . Coata Me~a CA 9262fl Thi• butlneM .. conducted by a This buS1ness 1s conduc1ed o~ an generel partnerahlp 1n01Y1dual • Beverly Kr11.Uteln Megan w119h1 Thll ai.tement was hied wlth the Tt\•$ a1atemen1 was llltO wlflf lh• County Clerk ot 01•noe County on Counly Clerk ol Orange County on October "11. 1992 Nov 5, 1982 ,,_1 F201441 Publllhed Or•nge CoHI Dally Publl6hed Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Nov 3. 10. 17, 24. 1982 P1101, Nov tO, 17 24 Dec I 1982 4843-8' 4910-82 PlBl.IC NOTICE PlBl1C NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNIH ~,. When the bottom dropped out of ~ mark~ Kranz. like hundreds o( .other speculators who invested in •South Florida condos, found himself )iplding th e keys to apartments he didn't want. • "You watched the disaster "happen, .. he said. "It was almost like the commodities market," said Carol-Leach. a reaho r on Brickell Avenue. a · plush, a palm- lin ed street q_f luxury nigh rises running along the bay. "The prices of Luxury units kept going up a nd up and up.---rhere were a lot o f invt.>Stors. A lo t of money Crom o tH o f the country . People were paying any k ind of price for a luxury-unit on the water." Civil War aids CBS "ICTIT10UI ..,._.. NA• STAU•NT NAME STATe•NT The lollow1no. pefSOOS 811 00.ng bus1nen as . The lollowlng per1or1 II doing Wll WRIGHT S ORANGE t>u.~:.-ORT . WEST IMPORTS COUNTY 3355 Via Lido Suite 215, ' 'Kranz said he thought he could make a flat down payment and then ",fJip a contract" -resell in a year or two. That way, the apartments would "be out of his hands before lhe building was even finished. He could -avoid c losing costs a nd m onthly -!_T)Ortgage paymen~. • J• K ranz 1:>9ug ht two units al Brickell :'ltey. one in a r ow of s wank .waterfront condos being built along :»rk ke ll Avenue. He paid $143.000 rand $276,000. then paid $300,000 for a 1'hird unit in another building. All \l(ere on high. floors. with spectacular :bay views. r,."'Now he 1s selling one at a break- even price. One is leased . H e is prepa.ring to dose on the third and will have to make hefty m onthly · ~yments until he can find a buyer or renter.. The rondo market ts "at the lowest ebb that we have seen in a long time in terms of sales.'' real estate analyst Charles K1mball said. . ..:.:•·condom1 n1ums are being foreclosed on; investors can't sell them ·o;. rent them. It's getting to be a preny ~financial tragedy. The worst thing ~l happens with condominiums is '\Ohen they build too many. We h ad ~erbuildmg here." · l!t1l n addition, the unanticipated cost ~ bank financing, with interest rates 't-~aching 17 percent, doubled the costs ot k t!eping a unit. Kimball estim ated the inven tory of <1ansold units at 9,500 \n Dade County and another 9,500 in Browcft-d County. ~bat is three times the number o{ a.msold units three years a go. Owners ~nd d evelopers are carry ing a n uwentory of about $950 million: he 91.iid . •.;·Since January. the average price oC a condominium has dropped about 13 ~rcent. But real estate agents say !b at even if )Tlterest rates fe ll, it w ould take two or three y~ars to sell ~e empty apartments. ~. "The wholt• market is in a state of •rollapsc. Not only are the speculators 'l>eing wiped out, but also the n ke guy Some speculators unable to sell their units are now going to court to try to get out of their contracts and recover their deposits. "P eople don't want ta dose on the . units and don't want to live in them,". said Leach . An extreme example occurred at the the P alace, a 41-story Brickell Avenue t ower t hat was the firs t venture into Miami r eal estate by Harry H elmsley, h ead of the company that owns the Empire St.ate Building in New York City. About 20 people who put 20 percent down on some 60 apartments have Ciled suit in Dade C ircuit Court seeking to in valid.ate their contracts. The suits include complaints ranging from leaky windows to Catlurc:-to complete the building on lime. But Phil Blumenfe1d, a Helmsley aide. said 40 to 50 percent of the apartme nts in the Palace had been sold to people who bought more than one unit. He dismissed the plaintiffs as ''people sp eculating and then finding out they gu~ wrong whe n the marke t fell." "Jus t be.cause som e b od y's a speculator doesn't mean they're not * entitled to the benefits of the law," ' re torted Dale H eckerling, the la wyer handling the s u its. The building is mostly empty. Only 30 or'40 of the 256 units in the Pa lace were occupied in Sl'ptembet. a nd even the sale of the $1 million three- story glass penthouse on the roof 1s in jeopardy. Ricardo Pines. a Ve nezuelan businessman. wants out of his contract because h e says a rooftop cooling tower blocks h is view. O ther buyers and builders a re n't bothe ring with the courts. Kimball estimated that banks were foreclosing on the banks' hands before the real estate market rebounded. DEATH llllal 'Sober' Neptune CREMATION BUAIAl A I SE.A ' 646-7431 • 'The Blue and Gr~y' popular fare 1658 •·· A ,..__ ' Newport 8e11Ch. CalilorNa 92663 ...,P9f'lor venue, ....,.,. M.... Newpo11 Circle 1ntern111onal Cat1IO!'nla 92627 I~ 8 Calilotrwa eorPO<•ltOn. 3355 R9ymonO Uon Brink II. 207'~ VII Lido. S...lte 215, Newporl 8e8dl. 42nd Slreer. Newport Be1c:h. Caltlornia 112663 LOS ANGELES (AP) -CBS' Civil War mini!le'ries ''The Blue a nd the Gray" made a s trong showing in Its ope ning salvo Sunday night a nd helped give CBS anothe r te levision ra tings victory for the week e nded Nov. 14. The opening e pisode oC.. the eight- h o ur, three-part his torical drama placed second in the ratings compiled by the A .C . Nielsen Co. CBS' "60 Minutes" w as· the No. -L.sho.w and it was the third time in three weeks the magazine show finished on...!Dp. ''The Blue and the Gray" was in dirl'ct competitio n with ABC'!> showing of the movie "Superman," -.»hich was No. 18, a nd NBC's movie "The Blue Lagoon,"' which was No. 22. It indicates tha t the Civil War still has a strong pull on Ame ric a 's attention. CBS also has a long term comm itment to show "G one W1tl1 t11l Wmd." which h as gotten high ratmgs in previous showings. . CBS was first an1ong the networks with a rating of 18.9. ABC was sc-cond witlT 18.0 nnd NBC was third with 14.2 Thl' networks say thtS means in an averagl• prime-time minute 18.9 pert.'t!n t br the nation's h<imes with TV were tuned to CBS Other progrums at the top were the priml·-t1mc soup oper as, ABC's "Dynasty," in third place, a nd CBS' "DaHas," in fourth, a n d the> ABC comcod y "Thr<.'<.''s Company" in fifth · plaCC'. CBS had l.ix of the first 10 shows · a nd ABC had the other four. NBC m1s..,t.'CI the tup 20 altogether. with Its hight'St-ratcd show. "Facts of Life," planng 2 lst · The nl'Xt half o r the T op 10 was the COS rnmc•dy "M ·A ·S-H". ABC's "9-to-5," adapted from the hit moVie; ''M agnum. P.1 ." the light-hearted CBS dNl'Ct1ve s how set in Hawaii~ ABC's l'Omt>dv-advcnture> "The F all Guy". and a · rerun on CBS of tht• lhl•:.t11C"al ftlm "Private· BenJ<lmtn ... wh1rh 1n:.p1n'<.1 the· CB;> series .. CalilOl'nla 92fl63 Thlt buslneu 1a conducted by an c~:,.~::::,-" conducted by • lndlv10ual Ne-.port Cllcle Raymond L Srinl\ II lnlern1H01'181 I~ Th11 stetemet11 waa lllec:I w11f1 lh• Les11e Jane Lollino County C.lerk Of Or1nge County on secretary t rea.surer Novembef 1, 1982 Tn11 it1o1emen1 was filed with the f20t011 Coun1y Clerk of Orange County on Published Orange Co,st Dally November t2 1982 Pilot. Nov 3, 10, t1 24, 11182 ,201M1 41782-82 Publ1sned Orange Coast Daily -----Pllll--lC_NO_Tl_C_E ___ Pilot Nov 17, 24, Dec 1. 8sd::.~2 "ICTITIOUS 8U.,_H NAME ITAnMINT PlllllC NOTICE The lollow1ng pereon le doing 5235' business ... FICTITIOUS eu ... as THE AR TS IN ORA NGE NA•ITATE•NT COUNTY. 3851 B1ren Street. Suite The lollow1ng person 11 doing 503. Newport Beach, C1f1101nl• bus.nass H 92660 ' OUIET DESIGNS-NEWPORT. Madelyn Beth Weich, 4799 E 525 Supe1101 Avenue Newport <>Geen e1vo , No 4, lOllg Beach Beach. C.hl0tnl8 96223 Callf0!''"8 9090i K111\ R Heyl 11155 Carbon This bullness IS conducted by If\ C1ny011 Ro•d Chino. Cflilo1ni1 1ndlvldull 917 10 • Madelyn Beth Wetch T hll business IS ~ed by 11'1 This flatement was filed w11h 1ne 1nd1...0u11 County Clerk of Orange County Oii • 1(1rk R Heyl November 1 1982 Th•t "•lem«1t ..... Med '"•lh the ncnon Count)' C•tttk 01 Orange County on Publlslled Or1n9e Coal! 0111y November 12 19112 Pilot, Nov 3. 10. 17 24. 1982 F201MI 488t-8 Put>hsn•CI Orange Coast Daily -----------1P1IOI Nov 17 24 Dec t 8. 1962. 5009·82 PlMllC NOTICE Aspirin . ,, warning stays NOTICE Of OllSOlUTION °"""" ........ PlllllG NOTICE NOTICE IS HERESY GJVEN lh81 ,ICTITIOUS ..... SI Mie Putner1hlp $lo1ng t1u11neas NA•.STATElmNT WASHINGTON (AP) Despite threats of a legal c hallenge the government says it won't back away from· its plan to require labels on aspirin packages warning about the purported link between the medicine and Reye's syndrome, a sometimes fatal d isease. A grot.I)> of pediatricians. backed fi~ncially by the two major aspirin makers, said Tuesday it wo uld file a suit in Boston's U.S. District Court 1f the government doesn 't abandon the proposal while more research is conducted. H ealth a nd Human Services Secretary Richard S . Schweiker h a-; proposed the labels to discourage use of aspirin for children with flu o r chickenpox. The group, which calls itself the Comm1ttet> o n the Care of C h ildr •n is undtr the name di Courtesy AulO The lollow1ng person. are doing t: • Body With the Generel Partners ol business u . disputing Schwcikcr's contention that. Joseph A ·Pa1a110 and Oouglu B "c Ks TAG E e NT ER . there IS suffidc>nl evide nl'C to link Albert. 727 i..guna C•nyon Ro•d . 'tAINMENT. 931 w 19th Street. · · l h R • d I I Laguna Beach, CA 9265 l was Sune 20 Co11a Mn• C1llfornl1 asptrlll w t eyes syn rome. t a so dluot11ed by mutual con11nt, 921\26 · suggests th(' government diSC'Onlinue ellec:tlve October 31, 11182 All Douglas Frank S••tum. 2841 u public awart•ness campaign on the debts owtno to ttt. P•r1nersn1p and Boa V111a 011ve. Cos•• Mesa . b . all c1a1m1 egalnSI me Pa11nersh1p C1t1lom1a 92626 . SU }IX't, ' will be received by JOtOPh A. MllCll Krouse Jr . 931 w 19111 Sever al committee mJ;.'mbers Pal•llo at 727 Lagun• Canyon Street. Suite 20. Costa MeH, C'l a t m e d l h c w a r n t n gs w o u I d Road. Lagu1'111 SellCtl, CA 9265 t C•hlom•• 92627 . . . O•led October 31 t982 This bu1meu IS conducted by • discourage the use of asp1n.n for JOMph A P11 .. 110 geo«al pa1tnerat11p · treating o ther ailments where no Je"r., 111• How-94-Oftlc" . Douglas F St•tum I _1 • , 1IO ....._.,. C ... ler Dr. ate. 2IO Thll ll•lemenl WU hied wHfl lhe a lernat1v<:' m .. -u1cat1on is appropnatc, Ne..,.cwt hecfl, ca. aeeo county Clefk of Or81>Q8 County on In responsl', the Food and Drug c11•11ae-1'n November t2. 1982 Adm tn1stral1on issued a state ment Published Orange Coaat o1111y ,..,.., . . , Pilot Nov 17. 1982 Published Orenge Coasl D•1ly re1tcratmg the agency s belief that the 508e·8' P11o1. Nov 11. 24: 0ec 1, 8. 1992 warning labe ls are justified b y soo1-82 available scu.-ntif1c data. ThC' Ofru~c of Management and Budget 1 evaluat ing the warn ing label proposal. wh1l·h was made m Sl'plt-mbcr PlBl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U-U NA• ITATE..wT The following .,.,son, w• domg bullneu 11 drivers also . ~ Ill danger Al HOUSE OY: BOOKS, 8) H08 SUPPLIES. 252, Alona St., Sant• An•. CA t2706 •Our lllerature 1e111 the complete slory of our G R A L~G:TE~ (. 1 V E MARS~FlELD, Mass. (AP) -years have been in competition to ~~~-,ff .. _,_._ · LIGHTER, resident of Costa Cotnpetltton among,.tatea for the see who can pass the 'toughest' an innocent motorist's bc$t St•rtlng c~ancc o f wanning acquittal lies • New Robtrl H Sima. 1925 E L• Vela Sp 2, Orange, CA 1121!66 Lindi L Simi, 1925 E I.A I/eta Sp 2, Ora~. CA 926e6. Thll bullln89S 11 Conducted by I llmllecl partner~ Rober1 H Sim• lh11 •t•tement ••• 111ec1 wtlh the ...... _Mesa, ea. l!aued a t ough est n e w law against new drunk driving law s. ?J:!~====~~~~November 15, 1982. She-is orunl<en rivlngcan~ "ba "Thi s is bad O('W_S_f_o_r with h ir ing a law yer to track -d~to-testify--about-·-~--Bualnua -ouruy Clti'k.~ Coun111'1uM.m_ _ ___. Oct t9. 1982 .... ClllOTHHS mlMOADWAY •-'---.i._r--MOll'TVAIT- • 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 survi ved ~ her ·children news" for the sober motorist as the drunk~n ddver. whic.h is Do rothy . A . H ougan , well as the intoxicated one,"' fine; but It is also bad news for Dorlcen A. Sheets, Louie R. defenae attrot'My F. Lee Bailey the Innocent motorist who runs ~~hornfl< Burdett, say& fo • handbook of egal afout of a tu"" who is convin«'d DonaJd, Hersha! and Willis advice for motorists. " L I h d C I that his future lies in arrests, not g ter an a r o y n Bailey, who WU acquitted of a Anderton, 8 grandchildren d k d . i h 1 ·convictions, and who likes lo and 2 great-grandchildren. run en riv ng c arge ear ler exercise the power of h~ office Ser vices will be held on \hi.s year in San Frand9C'O, said just because •it makes him feel IAU11MGaOM.-.-".a.uu:ua.a~miem.bec....LIL..l9B2. there is a new atmOllphere now, good." SMITH & TUTHtU at l:OOPM at Harbor Lawn -rneTectriclty·in the air of traffic Th e bo o k co nt al n • a WISTCLW CHAP'll Memorial Chapel with Rev. regulation. · description of the drunken 427E 17thSt PauJ A lexand e r. Firs t d Costa Mesa Methodaat Church of Coa\a " ..• The cops have decided to rlvin& laws and ri1hc. of the 64fY9371 Mesa, offi<'iating .. Services set BOme flette publk examples defendant in all 50 ~-and the rAC.-C: Y•W MIMOllA&. rAll Cemelert Mortuaiy Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Dr1ve Newport Beach 644·2700 NsCOIMtCll MOITUAllH Laguna Beach ~IM·941S teguna Hftt 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 • 0 under tha d i r ection of of their new hard UM, probebly author aaid he hoped readen Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive to ICal"e driven into going easy would take It with them when Mortuary odf Cotta Mesa. on the booze." traveli"fl. 540·~554. In h is book "How To Protect Moat of the 89-page book, B.AETZ Yourself Against Cops In acheduled for release Thursday. HAROLD A . BAETZ, California And Other Stra~ge gives Balley 8 chance to aet the resident of Garden Grove, Places," the attorney Hid • final word on his February arrest ca . pa ;·1 e d a w a y 0 n recent wave of new lawa hu led and aubtequent three-week jury November 15, 1982. He 11 to problema for lnnoeent trial. He ,._Id it'c."08f hlrri mor(' au rv lved by h i• wife motortsc.whodon'tknowhowto than $140,000 to mount a M a d e 11 n e M . Ba .e t 1 • exercise their lepl rt1hta In a sU«'ftBful defenae. dau1thera Madeline D. police ataUon ~a.on ... I••~*-· , , 1~ , ,, .. ,::.",lie •~11'. .. b., huitr' ~ B f • u r h * m p I 4 ' .. , have no 1ympat y with 11xten1rvttty throu 1\ou' ,, srandchlldren. Servlcee thoae who drive drunk, for a 28-year l .. al career to defend . were held on Tueaday, rnovi"I motor vehicle ta a hlahly cllenta auch as heire11 Patty NovemtM!r 18, 19U at thf' danieroui tnatrument and Heenl Shew and ''TM 8oaton Harbor Lawn Memorial requlrea a aober operator to Strana!er,'' Alben DalUvo. Chapel with Interment minlml1e lb daasen." Beiley Polfce automaUcally auap.ct Hrvlcea Immed iately ..-.... anv .motorist they .... n ov.r WM followln1. Servlca under ....... _ h " ,,_ the direction of Harbor ·"But In reKttnc to the MU\ual H an out-of-atatc-drlv~r·s La w n · M o u n t 011 v e toll of camaae atnwn aJonc our ~. Balley Mid. Mortuary of Cotta M... hiahway. by drunk drtwn. state BrHthalyser teat• can be MO-MM ......_tuaw cturtnc the ~ two n..-.. ,uy, ~ ...,,.., and_ the m o tor ist 's activities anCI appnranct' tn the hours befor(I the arrest. "~p a very f!llen Jemper.:• Bailey also advised during an Inte rv iew at his M arshfield horn<' "Speak ver y dis tinctly. Follow the offll-er's instructions on ttw field aobriety thts (such a.~ wolking a 9tralght line) to .the l etter becau se he's got an absolute right to do that on the faantat odor of akohol." Bailey ur~ motorists to ask for police perml11ion to call lawyen or friends be(ore being taken to the police station. Such a call <"an prodUc. a witness who c an later t u tify that the defen.dant'1 words were n ot slurred and hia, n\en\al IUlte was sharp. he •Id. A final S.lley tlp: demand an Independent blood test. The mot.oriat must pay fOf' It. but It ............ ~II-• CIMI -~ any rllal!d .. at~ .... 11.a. he uiG. "Mentlonin1 that you know tM mayor or the pottc.. chwf ii 1•nerally unwlH," h• ~rote. ··Moa1 tUnea... &hJI aa taken u a 'put down' to the offk'er' and " !NY Wl"ll bl" that he domn't C91'e at all for .tdwr the mayor or tht chlt"f -runnif\I in OM of m.tr frl.ndl would .,. )mt ct.ndy ... • A e n: or d1 n 1 1 o Cellfornte9ue1Maaand ~rofHaloM Code {he. fTIHl o 17UOT all- peraona ==r.., buatMH '"'"' a • naiwe "'ua1 me a etatelfteftl wtlfl the CovfttJ Clerk aftd flawe It pullllafted fOVf' ttttt•e ......... .,. .. ,..., ..,,.."' .... are a tn which th• ltualHMle ....... T•e elel••eftl II raqulred llW lew IM le MCHHrY In ....... .... , • .,, lt••lneH no ... . Me1t banh re-ulro proof ........... .. OOllHlterolel ....... . ne DAILT PILOT prowldel .......... Ind publl .. lleft .., ...... We have ...... AUIHlfY ,.,... .ftd INlntllft a dallr s'erwlce 10 th• Oran1• CoufllW .. ,, ... ooftve1tten1 ...... 1 er Keno 19'o LICIA,L PARTMINT ......,, . UI t•r Mere IAfl•••• ............ ,, .. ftlll!tlSllPd Or'9n1fe•ee. .. hift""~ Pilot, Nov 10, t7. 24, Dec 1, tH2 _ 4960·82 P\B.IC NOTIU flCTITIOU8.,... .. NAmlTAftmMT The tollowtng pe1aon 11 doing bullnell •• NEWPORT NEUROMSEAACH 'll°'8''168.."2l ~ Cou1t' Ntwl)Ott 8 .. eh, Celilornla 926e0 Mani E Anoer1on. M D . 21 9outllempl0" Co11t1 Newporl 8Mctl' CelllOrftle •21111 • Thi• bu..-te conduc:l9d by an ~· MerllE ~.MO Til!t at~I -Mid Wlttl N County Ci.rti of Orange Cowlty °" ~t2.1ta2 ,._ Publl1hed Orl"9' Coll! Dair, ~-.Nov ,,, ~·. ~ 1, •• ,.., IOM..U ' • • .. , .. Orang• Coaat L>All V PILOT IWedn .. day, Nov•mber 17, 19&2 ' ----. i--~~~~~~--~~~~-~1-~~~~------~....ii.... ......... , rtaic •nee -, •ic Nemet -1 Mite "°'ia MLie NOTICl · . • MLtc ,.,,ICl " MUC ..a1icc -MUC ..aw rmuc NOia · --' w.-. T·t-' -•OWT'-..u.IY NC»TICI TO OOlmlACTCNll ....._ • -•1141•-11 = .e:iiiir NOftCI OP TflUIHl'l IAl.a M011CI CW T'MllTll'I IAt.I IC"°°'-.DllTlllCT CALLING'°" IMOI . N011CI r. TtlUITft'I IALI '':ni.ITAflU ..o.r::.Of }P'I IALIT .NOTIGI ct~ ULf . ...,.ti ' f,, ..... _.... lllOTICIJ~,ADWTION 8ch1101 b1a1qtt COAST T, .NO.•·tl11t 11~l"'' ....... """"'"~'1e~·"IJ00tO .,JllTMllT _,.._ On December t, tta2 11 tOOO IWCMnUITllOTICITO OflllMaUTIONOP <;.OMMUNIJYtOllfOt 01:srn.c1 lflllN!!!!lnNOTICI Du.;..;";.··"•,.......... .... .-onAMT~ VOUW•WAULT.,._A A.M U 8. JAUS T Of!ED 8ERVICl1&, NONRTY OMlllll INTINT TO LIA.. llld OeaullrL• i 00 o'Cloell p n1 01 TO NONllTY OW.R U.NIVfASA~ tMJ.'ORT lf. 1110;! 1 TO "'°""" OllD OI TllUlf DATID M"I .. INC. 1 Calll01n11o011>1H'ah011WhoH • YWAM .. Dll'AUlTUNOlfl A ·~u· DllftUCT tit• 2110 4•~ ot 0.Wrflbef, IH2 YUU Al'll tN ot•AULf\INOIR A 0\1111181y laM, ••unlll\QtOn S..Ch YOU AM .. "'"""' ...... A *'· ...... YOUTAaACnoet 10dr1te ta 2110 J StrHI, 8vllt No OllD CW TRUIT DATID MAV ti, MAL NONRTV l'l4t1 e or lltu ""'•IPI OlllGe ot me OHO 0' TAUST. OA TlO l /10te I c Ill "" "1'"~1 01U fW YMllt IATID llMCM TO NOTICY YOUtl ...un I, 81cr1men10, Cllll(lrl'lll 110818. 1tl1, IJNl;IN YOU Till AQTION 9IO NO, "'4 01r1Llt>1 ol f11trchulng, M• b4ttty \>Nl [le VOU TAICI ACllON TO 1 .~:;; "1,i"'"o.o11ev 1N41 Ou1411 II 1111. UNLlll VOU TAKI ff MAY II IOUf AT A~ whott ttl•pno011 numO.r It lllHI) TO ,._OTICT YOUfl PAC>HftTY, NOTICE IS lffrtf&Y OIVrN lllAI llalUwln C.ou1 Comm'lf'll't Coff11ge PROTfCT YOUR PROPfATV. l't Bly LMt Cl lilornla 07648 ACTION YO PllOTICT YOUR I Aj.~.i.1' '( 0 U Ml-D 44$-8080 ... Altl•I IQt RUOICON IT MAY .. IOU> AT A lllUellC TltC rOUNTAIN I/Al lf\' ()Cl'IOOl 01111lc1, 1370 AOn!ll• Av• (.;Qtl• MAV BP eoLo AT A PUILl<l 8.ALt • tng11t' c ()IClltV. 19841 0111e1 "90NllTV, IT llAY • IOLO AT a IXPL.-.TtON °' , .. llA CO , wh() .. lll<frM• It 1'QO River I AL I . I, Y 0 U N I ID AN 016fRICT l1oe 1h1Cl•1eo th•t 11141 MHo, CAlllO•lllA O,fl~6 ff VOU NEEO AN ElCPLANAllOtl Bey Lal\9 CIAllOft1hl i26"8 1tU1tJC IM,S. • YOU .-0 AN 0. , .. ,._OClllNNO P111l Ofl~•. @Ktlt.,._llO. Ct1Jlor11~ 1Xpt.Af4ATION OI THI NATUlll IOltowino r•al P•Oiitlly Wiii ool Ill" fl1 01vlll ld•t1llllC •1too N1me Of THI! NdATUAI! OP' TH ! Rol>°erl N W••att, &O lllfl\.ANATION O• , .. MATURI VOU, VOU IHOUl..O CONY~.A Q6et$, whOM ltlfl:>hOnl number 11 O• THI ltAOCllDINO AOA .... T nt141d•dlot CllHIOOlll P<llPo•n Qorden W111t COll1'0" Enaroy PAOCHDtN AOAINl'T 'fOU, VOU Pflnc;aton RlllWlllO M llago, Of' T'MI l'ROc .. DINO AOAINeT LAW\'M (01Q) 024·30001 ., lru•IM. ol lllat YOU, YCW ltfOU&.D CO..TA~T A KilLh1n (ml •lrnutrt VM 011" w• Mat1•0•11Wll 6~•1Mi Bld t tOO SHOOLD CONfACT A LAWV!fl Calllornia Ori10 1 • VOU, VOU ~CONTACT A On 'l'uet<ley, No119111bef 30, 1•. ce1t1111 Deed OJ Trulil •i<.e<:lll~ by 1.AW\'lfl,. per f1t(ll11h} •II BUSHl\RO SCIK)Ol Plll(;!I PI011a 1frt on 111111 Ollq ol On O.C..mblt• I, 11112, 11 1000 Chirj•olle L Wal tit 50 LAWY91l. ·' !ti I 1 io • nr , IMPEAI.._ ROBER1 UOULLON •• llngl• man, -On November 30. 1Ha. II 10 00 ioo•l<•O 1(1090 r11ucnt1Qll l 11111, Ill• Ouuornr, Pll~tlt..tl ,f tCtllllO .,,, IMPERIAL CORPORAT~ OF Pr Ince• on. lhnChO M Ir •i•· NOTICE I~ HtAHr 011/EN ...__ I AN c 0 A p •• c It 1r 0 r n I• •! 10 in undivided 118 percent o'clqok am I 1r11, 1.o• A11oe10 Hun11no1on a.uh CaJ1I0111111 1111m11r111 Jt>flfl POll•r. Trailer AM£AICA 11 duly appointed Calll0tnll o2i10 That ulldef 11'10 ~ Y!rtllt ol ,,.. corpor1t1on. u duly 1ppo1nl9d lnllrHI. NICHOi.A'S BARIOLtC, • Corporation, If' duly n11n1td O• • Tht Boo10 01 Trutiett 01 lhe rac1111v. Cuee1 Com.rP,.COllfol 0111, T•utltt unoer 1nd puf1u111t to Thlt lkl•IMI• HI eond~ted l>y e PfOoMIOM of that c:erlllin DMd of Trullee unoer and puraU.nt to alngle woinan, asto an undMded 28 1ub1t1tuled I ru11ee u11d•1 1nd rovn1•111 l/Mlay $c110111 Ot1v1c1 I 3 7 o A a I ffUI . cc,." M t••, Offd 01 Trull 1ec01ded June 111, Q1119tll p1ttnerllt\lp t rlltt d1ted ~aroll 22. 1HV and OeeCI of Truat rec:orded July 111. perc e111 1111411111 , P,t,TRICK pur..,1ntto111e0..Uot trut1d11.o 11•01v•• 10 ion• 11111reclllllH10 C•l1to11ll11 o"ne Tei 1114) 1te1, u ln11. No 30024, In bOOlc w.M Dickey recorded In lhe offlc• 01 the tH111 1n11r. "40 17=44. bo II BARTOLIC 1 11ngl• man u to an M1~ 115. 11111. eucU\lld by tltnry 1no1catikl •bC111t 'um'Jtr I"• 1111r1' 5611 5707 14 1oe. Paet ee 1, 01 0111c111 Thlt ll•l-nt w• n19<1 wltll n.t Aitc0tdel' of ltwt County 01 Qranoe. 14131, p1ge 102, or Olli t undlVldod 22 percent' lnto1ot1. Cllld "•her, • married "''" ii Illa •Olf °'"' COrldlllOn• •ttt•d In "'· NOTICf IS HERf!lh' OIVt N 11\11 ~orclt In IN ottiee ol Ille Count~ County Clettt ol Orang. C~•y Ofl ltttt Of CllllOfnll, on Ap(ll &. 1912. Aec:ordl, 9114'0\lled II)'. JOHN CAMPBELL, a 11ng111 man, ea and 1141parate property fle1olvho11 ol 11\t OoarlJ, RHotutlon 1111 11>0ve·n11t11d St;hOOI 01t1uc.1 01 AecOrO.•• 01 Or1noe Coun1v. State N01f!Mbel 12, 1882 .Ill Votume IN8l. 11U •t 111'8. of Ch••• and Grace L. C~, 10 an undlvldOld 22 ~1·1n111r1t1, RKorded June I. 1981, 111 8ooh 1'10 83-12 0t11111i; C°''"'Y· Ce1ttornJ11. 'l)hnO ol ceioomia ••tovle<I by ALv.N E • ,., .. Ottlo111l Aecord1, uec;uted l>y "°"band and Wiie u jOlnt • 111 as 11nenu In common' end 14080, Page 1212•77, 1n11rume111 f1111 rn1111mun1 monthly leue oy 011e1 lluouoh he Oov•!l•l11g Ht;LL.,ER end MAUREEN HELLER, Publl•hed Orange Co••' D1tly Arthur C Potta ano Ruby 0 . Pot11. u 11u1101111. In the ottl~ of recorded Februarv 26, 1882 •• No. 818 ol Olllcl11I Aeco1d1, In th• PllYmtnl IOr 11111 II"'" or ltlo loa.e BOltci. lll•1111e1111r reterred IO •• hueb1111d tllO wlle, Will SELL AT Pilol Nov 17. 24. Dec 1, 8. 1982 HuabenO and wtle u Joint t~ County AecOlder of Ottngt , lne1rume111 no 82·06877', .01 olftc• 1>1 lho Aeeorder of Orange m'h0011111h110T1t,,b•_l1•,,•1n•,.,'mh'm"o'n!i1llhly~e•pe••' "01$f AICT '. wiu rec111vo up 10 .. but PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIOHEST ' flMll.JI' _.. Truetor, to 8unkl1t Service Stll• ol Calllomla, WILL SELL A Olllclat Record• of Otangt CO<irlly, Coun1v, wHI SOit II oubllc auction to ' ,, ... ' 1101 1111or lh811 tlll& ubove tlatell BIOOE~ FOA CASH (Plylblt II Comp1ny, • oo rpo11tlon ... PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Callfornla, and pur11.11n1 10 that Ille hlghe$1 blddef for cath (payable Pllymllnl ror &ubHQu•nt pe1lod1 11m11, , .. lf<l 1>ld1 ror 1t11111ward ol e 11rne ol 11111 1n l•wlul money of Ille l'UBllC NOTICE tru.tee, and S'fA'TE SAVINGS ANO BIDDER FOR CASH (pa~abt• 11 cenaln No~lce ol Oolaull and II the Ume ol elile In lawful money may o• ud1ustt1d by the Conaumer co111r11c;11or the 11bovo project United &111111 11 int NOtlh tro111 LOAN ASSOCIAllON, a Cllllornla llmt of Nie 1n lawful money"':\: Elecllon 10Sell1hereunder recorded o~ the United s1e101 111 the Pnct 11111e• onnu,ul av1111g11 610 .. 11holl be roc11ve<1 m u10 plllce en1rance 10 tllo C~n1y Courthou11. NOTICI °"IHI...,,., IAt.I G01por111on. H 8-llOllfY, Unl1..:t Stel.,I el. tlle tronl Of July 12, 1982 as lnatrumen1 no. Ch1Qm1n Avenue ill\lrtnQe 10 th• rell•Cled ot lho ,11no ol lhe IHH ld•rllllltd •bOve, end thall be 700 Civic Center Ol'lvf w .. 1, 811111 "-AINTlfl'l "'Rl.t(ll, INC. etc. And pur1<1anl to the 1eque11 ol lmperi.l Thrift and LOltl WldlftO t 82·238268, ol OUlclal Record$ ol Civic C11n1tr Center Bulldtno. 300 £ period A 1oc:ur1tv Uepoalt m11y be °'*1t0 and 1>u1>llc1y.. rHd alOud 11 Ana. CA all rlQht, till• end lnJerHt DIFl'NDANT: IACK IAV the owner and holder ol the 102 Weet Flrll Street, Ctlyoll'41, ••Id County, will under and Ch11pmen Avenue. In the Clly of 111qu1red prior to oocup,ncy the nove·•tt•tl time and place conveyed to •nd now l't•td by II CINTlfl PARTNlfllHW, •••·et el proml11ory note eeoured by Ille Stale ol Callfornla, llt right, tltle and pyrsuan1 io ••Id ~ 01 Trust sell Orange, au l4gtn. 1me. and 1n111res1 Olo commlulon 1h1>ll M Pllld any Tt1er1t wllf bo a S25 oo depo111 under ••Id Dffd or Trull In 1ht • No . ........, Deed ol Trull abo.ve referred 10. lntM•t con~lld to and now held 11 publlc euollon for cuh or conveyed 10 and ndw held by seld lli;ensed roo) 1\:11~1• l>rokor In 1n1s rttqulreCI f'<>r eaoh se1 of bid p10JM1rty allu•t•d 1n 1110 County By Ylllu• of cin •xaeuuon lsauod And by rHton ol lh• <lelauh 111 by 11 vtlder Mid OMO ot Tn,111 In the Cashier's Check, drawn on e .iat11 Trus\ee under said Doed of TruSI Jn regard. 1111d 1ho111 ·lhilll b• no documentl to 11u1111m1oe the111 return and State de1Crlblld 11, 1111 Augull 26• 1912 by lhe Suporlcv th• p1ym1111 ot Hid p1oml1tory property tlluated In $aid County or nallona.I bank, estate or leder1f and to m11 oenoln p.rope11y sltulled doducuon Hom Dily Proposal ln 1n good condition wlltlln 10 day• A SUBLEASEHOLO E8l A TE IN Coull, eounty 01 Orange, Slit• 01 noll 1nd l he brtach ot 1 he and State oetc:1I~ u · cred).t u.nlon,. or a sta.te or !.Oeral io tho S1a1e ol Cahlornla. Coooty Of determining Iha h1gh!!SI 1tspon&lble allttr the btd oponlng date ANO TO. Caltlornla, upon I )udg!J)9flt tnterlld conditions 111 said Dffd ol Tru1t 1..-T A • • saving• and Jo•n asaocl1tlon. Orange, described as follows· bidder E'.oc:h bid must conlotm and be Lot 110 ol Tract No 3$'19, In lhe in favor of PRES·KEE, INC .. 0 pro\l'kled, • Notice ol Oef~ll and Lot 7 ol Tract No 0552, lhOllfn domiciled In the S1a1e ol Calllomla, PARCEL 1: Seolad proposals to lease s111d 1upon1tblt 10 me con111c1 Clly ol Newp0tl Beach. H tkownbn Ctlllornia co•porallan db• SMITH Election 10 Sell U11d1r Deed of T•u•l on a map 111e<eol rec6'o.d In~ 81 tlle North front entrance 10 1he Loi 100 ol lrao1 10347 In the property musl Le rec:e111ed by the dooumonlS 1 Mop recorded in BOOk t2(1, pages BROS CO., 11 1udgmt1n\ credllort having been duly 11cou:led 11 410, Page1 9 to .~2 lnclut"IYe, counl y courthoute. 700 Civic ~lly ol Irvine, County ol 6range, delt1ga1ed,.olllcer at lhe Fou1113l11 Each bidder Sl\jjll eu1>m11, 011 lhe 18 10 21 1nclu1lve ol Mll(ellaneoua •nd agalnsi BACK QAY CENTER provldad lor by l1w ln ..aald Mlacellaneou1 M1p1, record1,or Cen.t•r Drive Wesl . Sanlo 'An•. Stato ot Calllorn1•. cis per map Valley School D1s1r1c1 ~duca11011 form 1urnl1hod wHh 1he contt"act M•r.•· records ol Orange Covnty. PARTNERSHIP, 15 fudgl'llent Recordef'• Ollie• on July 29, 1982, .ald Orange Counly. Calllornla all Iha' lgh' tltto an .. r-or .. ..,. In Book 469 Pane' 37 to Center, 17210 Oak Slreet. Fou11t11111 .. ooumen1s, a 1111 of the p'opo-.-. C"l lorrlta. debl0<s. ahowlng 8 net balance of In <>--~ INST >i82 281481 Etceptlng lrom a pottlon of lntereat conveyed ,; nnd now held 3g ot"''M1s()ell1neous Ma?s. In the Valle'y. Catilornla. 92709. no tatttr ~ubcontr/.IOIOfS on Ihle pr~1ec1";; .The Sl•HI 'lddrou and other S$l,696·82 actuatlv due 00 H id SUNKISl S0ERVICE COMPANY .• Mid land all oil, 011. mlnetal• and by 11 under said o.-i ol Trus1 m lhe oltlce ol lhe County Rec:o1der ol lh&n 2 00 on No~mbe/ ~_2, 1~8:> 1oquired by the Subltlhng and comsnon dasl,Qnalfon, ti any. of lhe judgment on the dale 01 me corpora lion. 11s Ille pre11nt Qlher hyclroc1rbon ~batlllOllll ~ property slluated In seld Coun1y said Counly. Before .icceptlng any wrllhrn Subcontrllllllng Fair Practices Acl. r111 ptopertv described abo¥e 11 lnuen~ ot aaid •11~ut1on. 1 hllle 1ulhorrztd and acling Tru11ee below a o..>1h of 500 IHI Iron• tile and St11e dHcrlved .11: Cit y of PARCEL 2: proposels. tne dolegaled 0H1cer Govt Code Seo. <4100 et seq, pu1pooted to be 4501 Wayne Ro1d, levled upon •l1 lhe right, 11119 •nCI unc:I« tal(I Deed of Tru1t. aror ... ld, aurface ol llld land, bul Wlll\out the Costa Men , County ol Orange, Easemenll aa set forth fn ih• $!Tall call tor oral bfdd1no Any Each Oldder mull submu with his Corona d.i Mar, CA 92826. lntereai 01 Nld iudgmenl debtora In on Wednetday, November 24, 11182. riglll of entry upon lily por1ion ol ,St1te of Calllornla, d89C(lbed as: Se~lon1 enlflled "Cet11l n per so" who h••· n11e1otorc bid c1r1111ea or c .. hler'1 check The unO•r•lgned T1uate1 the property in ine Count.y 01 al the tiour of 10;00 o'clock am. ol lh• 1<1rll09 abOve a deptn of 500 EXH191T A Easements" lor Owners" and submitted n writlon bid en may pa~able 10 lhe DISTRICT or a bid disclaims any llabllltv ror eny Orange. Stel e 01 Calilornla , M id day 11 the Nortl't front anlranoe feel. to IAll•. m1rkel. mine, •11~• PARCEL 1; Thal porilon ol Loi "Support, Se111emen1 end submit an orat bid exc;eed1no by cit bond m 1he rorm set rorth 1n I/le fncorreclnets of Ille s1ree1 eddren dt!ISCtibed as follows. to the Orange County ClO\lrthOUH. or drill lot Hme H rHerved In 1 of TraQt 9813, In 11<.e Clly olCosta Encroac11men1". ··common rea11 live (5%1 percent the hl(lhest con1rae1 docllment$ In an amounl af\O other common designallon, II 0119.1~~ :,0~::.e8~8':,'1f,~~~~.o~~~'. 700 ClvlO Center Drive Weet. In the dteda from Mervin L BoN t'd Meu, .. shown on a map recorded Driveway Easement" OI the Artfcle wr1l1en bid The highell 1eapon1lble no1.1ess tn11n 10% oHl\e maximum 1ny • .nown herein. Clly of Santa Ana, County ol Wttnda L Boae, ,u co-trualMltof In Book 425 Pages 27 10 28 ol entitled "Eatemen15" ol the bidder Shtll be '"quired 10 e11ecu1a amounl Qf bid as a oueranlee that Said sate w,111 be made. but 85 shown on,..a map thereol Orange, Stale of Calllorn11. WILL the 80M Famlly Trull. dlleO M.ay Mlscellaneo~s Maps, sho1¥ and Oecl rira llon o l Coven ante. tne tornf or 1111se. such 1orma1 has the bidder will e"tor ln to the will\ out covenant or warranty". recordod 1" Book 15• PD(IO 29• SELL. puriwant 10 lhe poww ol aale 21, 1976, reGO<ded In Boott 11912. de 11 n e d as Un I 1 2 on a Conditions and Restrictions horetorore been appr•ved by the proposed contracl 11 the same ia expr"' or Implied, 111g11dJng !Ille, Misc;ellaneoua Maps, records 01 oonleqe<I In said Deed ol Trull.and, P-oe 21, and In Boolt 11962, ~~ Condominium Plan. recorded in recorded In Book t3664, Pege 84 Board 01 l rusl!MIS awarde!) to him. In lhe event of possession. or encumbtancee. to sold Ofenge Couniy. w1thou1 coven1n1 or warranly 22, bOth ol Olf~lll Aecorde. Book 12614, Page 1081 0Hle4al OUlclal Records. Tne Board 01 Truaiees shall ma!le fa1tu1e 10 enter Into said cor)lfaot pay Iha remainlf\O'Ptl~ipal IUfTI ol kno:~o~:'.'Y2~t 1"\~~~n~::'v~~~~~ regardlng 11111. possession or Also excep\Jng lrom • portion Records. PARCEL 3: • " the de1ermlna1lon as lo wl1ethef lo such security will be for11111. the note St!IOUred by 11ld Deed of "' encumbrances, al public auction, to o f •a Id I• n d 111 o 11, g • • PARCEL 2: An· undivided one-Easenien11 as such eaSt!lments tease said htC•lilles wllh ten f 101 The DISTRICT reserves the rlQhl lrust, with 1n1eres1 thereon. 11 Colla Mesa, Catllornia. the hlgheSI cash bidder, In lawful mlnerala, and other tiydroc:artrdn four1eenth (11141 l"slfnple fnlerest are particularly set forlh In the Say~ alter receipt ot b1ds to ro1ec1 any or olt bids or 10 wal¥e proV'ldt!ld In said note, advanCift. II Together wllh all end singular money ol the United Stetet or fUbltances lying below• depth ef as a tenant in common In and 10 all Artlcte entitled "Easements" of tt1e 1ntorma11011 concerning lhe an~ lrregulwllles or 1nlormahtle1 In any, undlr the 1erms ol Mid Deed the lenemenll, heredllements and AMerlca, all tha1 certl'fn relll 500 leet from t1141 1<1rface of uld lhat portion or Loi 1 ol Traci 987311\ Oecler a lion o l Cove n,an IS, porposal s'1ould be addressed to· any bldr. or in lhe l)lddlng. of T1us1, tees, charge• and appurlenenc:n thereunto belonging properly s11ua1ed jn Ille County ol land, but wllhout the right ol entry lhe Coun1y of Orange. State ol Conditions and Restrlcllons FOUNT A.IN VALLEY, SCHOOL The DISTRICT has dbtalned from e•pen1&1 01 tlle Trus1ee ano of 1tie or in •re•se aoperialnlng. Or1noe. S1a1e of Calllornta, 11pon any ponlon ol the 1urfMe Calllornla. u s.llown on 11 map recorded In Book 117116, Page 420, OISlRICT. 1n10 Oak Street. lhe Oirec1or 01 1he ~artment or 1ru11 created by said 09ed of Truat. NOTI EIS ~EREBY GIVEN tnal deecrlbeo as follOws· abOve a depth ol 500 feet, to,...,, recorded 1n Book <425, Pages 27 HeadlnO(•I In such Ar11CI• enllllt!ld Fountain Valley. Calllornla, 92706. lndus1nal Relattons tl)e general t or the amount reasbnably on lnursday. December 9· 1982• al PARCEL I: • market, mine, oxplore or dJIN 'for and 28, as "common area" on a 11 lottowa "owners' Rlghl9' and (71•1 842-6651, A11111111on Naomi pre11a111ng ra1e of per diem wag,es In tstlmoted 10 be $14 i..soq.oo 6~~11~~:."7~~;v~' ~~11~rlg~e! An undivided 1114 lnle>rest tn 11me H r11erved In deed• from Condo m lnlum Pl1n recorded Dut ies. u111111es and Cable Wletand. Business Serv1oes me locallty In which 11111 work Is 10 • Tiie benellcl1ry under illld Deed 111<1 to Loi 1 of lracrNo. 10095. In Virginia Fltp~l(Jndet r-oed March 29, 1978 In Book 12814, Tetev1s1on. Sldeyard Easements" FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL oe perlo1med tor each craft or 1ype ol Trut,1 nera1ofore executed and Wesl, City of Sanl8 .Ana. County.or lhe City 01 Costa Me11. County ol November 11, 1976, In Book 119'1. Page 1061, Ofllclal Records. "suppor I and Set II em en 1. DISTRICT. BOARD OF TRUSTEES of worker needed 10 execute the delivered to the u11d.,slgned a Or1nge, Slate 01 Caltlor".'.~·1,:;'11~~1! Orange. State of CaRfornla, as per Page 1919. and In Book 1198,, ----ElCCTp-irngth"81~Trom--ai1 Erftr~.-cnmtfnt . rni:r-•cumnn1m1y :iamero. Woesr--'CO'riliielS"ucni'OreSireas rollows! WrT11en-oec:1ariUoo or-diTalllran1r"'' pvo~•~'°" ~0 1·-~· ... •· map rlltl>rde<nrreoo1<4&r.YIQWS Paar.tt20';'1ro~r~. mlnerats, oil. gas pelroleum, other FacUltla E¥41men1S." Cterk ol lht!I Board Craft, Claulllcatlon, or trpe. Dem1nd lor SaJe, and •· wrllten bidder, for cash '" lawful money 01 and 7 otMlsc:ellaneout Maps. In the fhe atreet addren ind 011,.r hydrocarbon subs1ances, and all The unpaid balanee and estimate Daw No'l'ember 4, 1982 Wage flat• Notice 01 Oefaull and £1ec;Uon to Ille United Slales. au .the right, title ollloe ol the County Recorder ol common <IMignalion, If eny. of the underground water, 11'1 or under 01 ol oosta, o•penses and advances as Published Orange Coast Dally The 1a1est publlslled wage rat11s Seti. The undersigned caused llld ano Interest 01 said ludgmani_ said County. real property deacrlbed above t.. wtllch may be produced from SSJd ol October 161 1982 11 $34,687.77: Pllo1 Nov 10. 17, 24, 1982 are on 11re and avallable tor Notice ol Oefau11 and Election 10 debtofl 111 the above .described Excepllng therefrom Unll• 1 10 purported to be: 12 ChOote. lrvtne. land which ul)derlles a plane pa1allel sald amount will Increase until date . _ 499!),92 1nspec11on In the olhce ol tl'te Seti to be recorded in the county properly, or 90 much thereof 811 may 14 lnoluslYe es 1hown on the C1Hfom1a. 10 11nd 550 leet below lhe present ol sale. Oirector. Phy$iCal F1c1lllle1 Wtiere the real prooerty ls IOcated, be necessary 10 sollsly sald Condominium, Plan recorded in The undersigned lru1tee surlaoe ol sa•d land tor the purpose lhe s1reet address or common PUBLIC NOTICE Planning t 01te: October 28, 1982. "'ec:ullOn. wllh accrued lnleresl and Book 13828, Page 1336. Olllclal dl1cl1lm1 any lleblllty 101 any of prospec11no tor. the exploration, dt!lllgnallon, II any, of lhe real The foregoing schedule ol o•r M'EfllAL COAPOflATIO,.. OF coats • Record•. lncorreotnHe ol Ille stile lddr..,. development, production. property described above Is NOTICE OP TflU&T!E'S SALi! dlern wages 1s based upon a A•MCA Daled 81 Sanla Ana, Cahlornle, Also e~cepJlng lherelrom tlle 1nd other common deslgnlllOfl, It extraction and telling ol said pvrported 10 be' 13 Silllleal, t<vlne, T.&. No. 1210UAI REF StOI' working day of eight (8) hours. The em c-pte• Dr. November 3. 1982• 1xclusi11e right to pounalon of alt any, lhOwn herein. minerals. oil. gas. petroleum. other Calllornla 92714. E)(EClJTEO BY: .tAM~S·E rate tor holiday and overtime wor1< Sen Dteao. CA 1:2123 B•ad Gates -th<>•• areas daa1gnlted es S1ld sale will be made, itut hydrocarbon subslances Md water The undersigned Truste• GOULD & KATHY' GOULD shall boat least time and one-hall. (714) 291_.... Sherllf,.Coroner balconies, glflQt!IS, patio 1n<1 deck •lthoul covenant or w1rr1n,y. lrom saljl land by means ol min.es. C1lsc1a1ins any llablllty for any NOTICE It shall be mandaU>ry upon th.e Rat,..._ Cluillllleltelll, County 01 Orange are a ' as shown on s •I d etprt111 or Im~, regwdlng \IN. wells. d erricks anO/or other tncorrec1nessof1hes1ree1addtHS YOlJ ARl:'INOEFAULT UNOERA CONTRACTO R to whom the Truetee'e .... ontc.r Calllornfa Condominium Plan. • poue11lon, or encumbrances. AO equipment from surlaoe locations and other common deslgoallon, II ~is~~ 8~L1~~SJ03'i~i;re ~~';'.1~~ contrac1 is awarded, and upon any Published Newpott Harbor New• By K. Brown PARCEL 2: P•Y lhe remaining prlncipel Mlm of on adjoining or neighboring land or any. Shown herein. It sube-0n1r11c1or l.lllder him, to pay not Press combined wltn the Orage Sergeinl Untl 13 as 11hown on tne lhe n019J•) NCUred II)' Mid Deed Of lying outside ol the abOvo described Said sale will be made, but TO PRO ECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT tess lhan lhe said spec:ltled ra111s 10 Co111 Dally Pllol, Nol/. 10, 17, 24, Hurwlli, flemer, MacDonald Condominium Plan 1b0ve refe"ed Trull. with lnterHI thereon, u rand, It being understood 1ha1 lhe without covenan'I or warran1y, MAY BE SOLO AT A. PUBLIC SALE. au woncers employed by 1hem tn the 1982 • I Meade to. • provlo.d In aakt nOleJI), edvanc.. owner ol such mlnerals, oil, gas, express or lrnplled. regard•l\Q till•. IF YOU NEED AN E.><Pl.ANATION c.xeoullon ol lhe con1rac1. 4847-82 .., Newport Cenler Dr .. "1555 PARCEJ. 3: • II eny, under the lerma ot Mid Oeed petroleum, other hydrocarbon possession. Of anoumbra11ces. 10 OF T HE N ATURE OF THE No bidder may wnhdraw his bid Newpor! Beach, CA 92660 The e11cluslve r i ght 10 ol Tru11. feea, charges and substances and wller. as se1 lcwth pay the remaining principal sum of PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU tor a period of fortv·llve (45J days Plalnlllf s Attorney polMISlon Of l)'lose portions of Lot expen-of Ille Trustee and of Ule above, shall have no right 10 enter the nld note MCured by sakl Deed, SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER aller the dale sel tor lhe opening of NtllC NOllCE Published Orange Coa~t Dally 1 deecrlbed In Parcel 1 above, lrusla created by 11ld Deed '•f upon Ute surface of 1he above With interest thereon~ provide<! in 19~~ "';,~~~7g~Al ~~~~r~e6'P1 bids • STATEMENT OF AIANOONMENT Piiot, Nov. IO, 17, 2.4• 1982 dHIQnated as G-13, CP13, 0-13 Truet. for lhe amOl.ll'lt reuoneltly deacrlbed land not u911 of any ol the said Note, ldv1nces. 1f any, under A o a y me 111 ii on d and a ,.. UIE ,,..,,, 4964-82 and P· 13 on 11Jd Cond0"11/llum .. tllnated lo be: $91,629.04, , f t 0 ... I TRUST OEED COMPANY. INC. es vr _.. p p To.-.._...,,,~ .~..._ --'-' --o.:... sald lend or any porlion lhereol tho 1arms o •• d eeu: ees. duly appolnled Tiustee under ind pe1lormance bond wltt 1>11 required FICTrTIOUS llU._11 NAME NtllC NOTICE len and IS eppurlenant to arc:elt ,.., --·-• "'"""" .,_, .-above said plane parallel to an<!. 5~ oharo11 and ,exgense1 ot lhe pursuant 10 OMCI of Trust 5-30·80 prior 10 e1tec:u1lon ol Ille contraca The lotlqwlng persons have • 1 end 2 ebove; • of Trust heretofore beCUt.o .., feet l)etow t.he pr&Mnt surrece or Trvltee and of lhe rruslS creeled ded as lnatr No 32411 iri and shall be In lhe rorm Ml forlh In abandoned lhe UM 0111141 fictitious FtCJJ110U9 .,...... and more commonly known •• delivered to the underalg~ • the said land for any purpose by said Dee<!. . :' J3622 P 552· of ouic:1a1 lhe conlf1ct documents. bullnna neme NAm ITA,.._NT 2157 Pac1lic Avenue #A102, eo.ta wr1Uen Oedarlllon of Default lfld whalaoever, recorded, In Book The Beneficiary under sa•d Deed Reco da In the~ ot' t11e County A mandllory wall<-thru wlll be OAESS AFFAIR 19093 Beach The lollowlng perlOl'll ere dotng Meaa. Ca If. If there 11 no llrHI Oemend lor Sal•• and • wrltNn 13196, Page 1843, omctal Records. by reatOn ol a breach or delaull In Reo~rder 01 Oran 11 County, neld on Tuesday, November 23, BrYd .. Huntington eMch, California bullneea ea: address, dlt101lon1 mey be Notic:. of Default end Election ID PARCEL 3: Non-exclusive the obllgalfons ••cured tlle.reby, Cellfornla WILL SELLg AT PUBLIC 1982 11 10 Im. 11 Qolde(l Wes! 92~8 , LARAO ENTERPRISES LTO .. obtained _~y.i.wrltten reqUMt to Stele Sell. Tiie undenlgned c:eilMd Mid eeeements for acceu. Ingress. heretofore execu1e<1 and del""9red AUCTION lO HIGHEST BIDDER COiiege. You m~t attend Ille watk· The Flctlttoui Butlneu Name 6588 E. Paaeo Diego. Anehelm , Se~.,,.. Loan "8eoelatlon, 222 Nolle:4 O! OeflUll and Eleo1ton IO egreu. enc101chm1nt. support, ~1ne Trust~~ written Nollc•1~ FOA CASi'f loayibte 11 ttme 01 Ille lhru to bid 1he !,O.!_, ,., refetreO 10 ebove wu flied in Cellfomla 92907 ~;5:,2~. A=t:':~'e.,Te ::!,~011~ r~n ~~ malntenanoe. rt!f>ali..a, and tor other .....,,au11 and .,._ttofl to CAUM ·-tn llwful mone 01 the Unl(ed Purauent to .-...IOn 4590 "' the or1nge Countv on September 28; L1wrence Englllh. 6588 E ..... purposes over the common area underSlgned to sell Sltd property to SlatH) Al THEY NORTH FRONl Governmen1 Code of the S111e of 1979. Pueo Diego, Anaheim, Calllornla Oepartm41nt. no1 later t hin Datr. October • 1 2 and over 111ose porllons ol the satlsty said obl1g1tlona and ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY Calllornla, Ille con1r1e1 \llrlll oonlllln CaMn o. l<lraollenmenn and 92807 N~ 23, t982 for ttie l)UfJIOW IMP~RIAL BANCORP '' auocl111on properties comprised ol thereafter on July 9, 1982 lhe COURlHOUSE. 700 CIVIC CENTER pro\l'lslona permitting 11141 ~tut Janet R. Kirchenmann. 24382 A , H . Roth af'?m e I . 60 4 ol peylng obllgatlont eec:vreO by ea Mid Tt\letee 1 Ille recrea11011 area ._, and underaigned Cl!Ueed aakl notice of DRIVE WEST SANTA ANA CA. Ill bidder to su~lllute Mc:Uflt .... '°' Fetcon Lane. El Toro, Calllo•nle Ctubhou1e, Newport Beach. Uld Deed ol trv.I. By; Joeeftne C. Vuqum. the str8!11 euemen1, all as allown breectl 11\d elec:llon 10 be reC-Orded ighl 11119 end lntereat con~ 10 1ny moneyt wltllhtld by the Di1lrlc1 92830 Clllfomta 92"3 The tot•I amount of the Uftpaicl " ""omey In fllCI . and dellned In the alt<>ve-desc:~lbecl M lnet~t number 82.-23~ 15 of ~nd now held by II under aakl Deed 10 ensure performance under lt\e This busi,_. l8 'conducted II)' 91' Tiiie ~ 19 conducted II)' a .,...,_ or thll obllgetton ts 11111,· f 120 S. Roberteoo BIWI •• plan and 1he above·detcnbed 111<1 OttiQtal Records. 01 Trust In 1119 property situated In contracl Individual. llmtled perlnerstllp. 000.00 Interest S 12.759 08. end Loe Angetea, CA 900311 , declaration.. 01111<1: Tnte 26th day o! Oclober, sold Coun"' and St•I• described u : Governmg Sofrd Calllin o. KirllChenmann A.H. Roth-met the eallmaled amount of co1U, Tel~ 12131 27~7 p A R CE L 4 . E 11 o I us I v e 1982, Lot 53 ol Tract No 12114 1$ By! Norman E. Walson This statement WIS !lied with the This lle1-\I wu filed with the 9llpellMS and advencea Whicll 'Wiii Published Orange Cout Daly easemen11appurtenan110 Parcels 1 FIRST lOS ANGELES Sh<>wn 011 8 m11> recorded ln e'oott Secr11ary, County Ctellc or Otonge Covnty on county Clef11 of Orange County on be lncvrrlld by Ille date ol Ille ia Pilot, No,v. 3, 10, 11, 1~ and 2 described at>Qve, tor use and CORP., , 41 Pages 40 & ,.1 01 Mtscellaneous Board ol Trustees November 5, 1982, Nowmbef"l, 1992, $1.1311.10 4831-42 occupancy tor (yard), (deck). Trustee , Maps In the oltlce ot the Coun1y Published Orange Coasi Oetly F12MOI '201077 Oiied: November 1, 1982 NtllC NOTICE (garage) purposes. Oell ned H By: Joe Tentschert rec:0<der of Orange Counly • P1101, Nov 10, 17, 1982 4971-82 PubU1hed 011nge Coasl Dally Published Orange Coas1 Dally Sunklat SerAoe Company rHlttloled common areas In the Published Orange Coast Dally The Slreet •ddre&S IJld otl\er • . Pllol, Nov» 10, 17, 24, Dec. t, 1982 '"PllOI, Nov 3, 10, 11. 24, 1982 . •corporation 'IC .. t1 above-described dectarallon, as Pilot, Nov. 3, 10, 17, 1982 4832-82 common designation, 111ny 01 the NtllC NOTICE 4779.92 4785-82 By Oavkl Cha\/ler YOU AM .. DEFAULT UMDmlA assigned In t~e above-described real pr.operty described •bova Is • ;~1~ :~=~SL DE trD OF TR U'I T DAT l"O plan. . -purported 10 be: 458 Cosla Mesa . CPP-21142 •-te 'NOTICE NtLIC NOTICE ..,.,._Rt. 1tl1. UNUll Y'OU The purported Slreet address or Pl.IJLIC NOTICE Strt!lt!lt Costa Mesa Ca NOTICE OF TRUITE!'I IALE l"WK. ' Sloc:ktoo. CA 95202 TAKE ACTION TO ,ROTIOT olf'ler common designation of said The undersigned dlselelms any T.I . No. F·2J14/Heller ·•-···-(2091948-n16 YOUfl ,,.O,ERTY, IT MAY.,U property: 1105 Mesa Blults Drive, OFFICE OF THE 8Hl!fl IFF· liablJity for any lncorreclneas of the NOTICE ""'""""' "'-":;.':':~:'!':!"-c....:uu..-Publl•~~dsl~ange CoHI Dally IOLD AT A "*AC tALL • Cos la Mesa . Calllornle NO C~fl streel address and olher common YOU Afll! IN Dal'AULT UNDEA A • ""'""-4>•-. :~T::~1· .. ~•"-P..tlot, Nov. 3. 10. 17. 1912 4837-82 •ED AN ECPLAllATION Of THI WARRANTY IS GIVEN AS TO ITS COUNTY OF Oftt.HOE deslgnallon. ii any, llt\own herein. DEED OF T fl U t T DATED ~117 ,1 h• • , _.,,n.J vllh ~.,,, h•• m I' It! I" I. I I' 1.i• u NATUU Of TM "'OCllDlff C 0 RR EC f NESS 0 R NOTICE OF SAU Said sale will be made bul OCTOllR 7, tMt. UNl.ESI YOU -·-......... __ .1. __ ,,..-•-IC NOJICE AOAINIT YOU, YOU INOULf COMPLETENESS. Narne and UN DE fl DEC fl EE 0 F without covenent or warranty, TAKI ACTION TO PfllOTECT •llY -· Jo> _,Pl oo l"WK. CONTACT A UWYD. address of the l>enlflcl1ry 11 wnose FORICLOIUflE express or implled regarding lillt!I YOUfl ,ROPERTY, IT MAY IE ~-_ ---, ---~ _ NO-I TO ,Alt'NI NOTICI Of """9Tll"t IAl.J request_lhe sate le Qelng eondu~led: Plalntlfl: WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE possession. or encumbrances, to IOLD AT A PU1UC It.LL IF YOU _, .. -_ .. .,_,...., .,._., __ «• ___ .,._,__ ..:.--REIT.. .... '9C.-11 Rrst Interstate Bll~k ol Cafff6rnta as ASSOCIATION. ate. vs. Oafen<lant: pay 1118 remalnlng princJpeJ sum 01 •eD AN EXPL.ANATION Of n. 11• "'••• ••• i••••• t .. , ... ••u. Or•nc• "'""'1· c.111 ...,,., ••• ' TUaU.NOCDDI 2M01ll4 Truslff. tor Granile Home loans. DOUGLAS E. JONES, et •I. No. Iha note(s) secured by said Deed or NATUflE OF THE PflOCIEDINO .. -···-------·-----.. -~=----On December 2 1982 et 10tao Ltd. Serles 10f4 Mor1gage Pool. 35.75.92 Trusl, with lnterHI I hereon. IS AOAINIT.zou YOU SHOULD .... -rl ~ ~rt~11:1~.~o~~== •. m •• p A c IF t c s ENT t N ~ c/o GRANITE HOME LOANS, LTD .. · 1. tneundersigned, BRAOGATES, provlClecS In said notels). advances. CONTACT LAWYEfl. ·-·-·--•n---.. ·--·-=--.••.!.·~--·-··--Joc:eedl reeulll"CI lrom the Nie of COAPORA.llON. a Calllorn 1400 River Perl< Drive. S1cramento, Sherltt-Coroner. County ol Or•nge, II an)' under the teems 01 lhe Deed On November 24 t912 11 10 oo --··--=--h d corporation, u duly 1ppoln\ Calllornla 95815. Olfecllons t,o the State ol Celllornla., do hereby certify o f T;usl, lees. charg•s and A.M .. BUCKEYE RECONVEYANCE L ni ..... ' .,..,..., oo ••" .... '" "' '""•1,• ..... c.111 "'" ~ ., ' _ J::c~~:.·~3•~9~~operty 91 on Trullee under and purau1n1.t.o abow property may be obtained l>y that by virt ue of Decree of t1tpenses 01 Iha Trustee and of the c o M p AN y , 1 c 1 1110 r n 18 !''"•·--•---, All ctlims must. be In wnllng .,_, Deed of Trvl1 r-ded October~· requesting same In wrlllng from the Forec101ure and Sale 1n the lrusts crelled by said Deed Of oorpot111on as duly appointed I' Jon• .... ,1 91,0 '•" .... ••fl••,.,, .. , ....... ,.111,..,,u ~.o.ir must conteln aulflelerll lnlormetlon t981, 11 lnatr. No. 4046, bd~ benellclary Within tO da~ lrom the Superior Court ol lhe County of Trust. to-wit: SI t, 162.27. Ttuslee undet tnd pursuanl to .,_ .. _____ -and proof to nlel>ttsfl 1 clelnlent'• 14243, page 1248, ol Ottlo(el first pubtk:ltlon of this notice. , Orange. Stale ot C11tfornl1, en1ered The benellcl•ry under said Deed Deed of Trual daled oc1ober 7, tlghll 10 111 or any p1rl 01 the Record•, executed by: Ruth Porw. Said sale wlll be m1de wllho(.11 on Augusl 10. 1982. 1nd recorded ol Trust heretofore executed end 1981 recorded Novamt>er 13, 1981, , -·M-•·--·-.... -•···--------··--exoeaa prOQMds, Clalmt mull be a married woman, u truator, In the covenanl or warranty, e1tpre1S or Augull 10. 1912 111 the above delivered 10 Iha undersigned 1 as 1n11. No, 1'35~, In ~k 14~89, ;:::.·.-=::::..":::'.::.:;-.".=:.;:.::;: ·~=-;::=:;.:-.=::::-:=.".:;,;."';;-::;;..-, filed 'Wllh ttle COUnty, on or before ofllce of the Covnty R~~· Implied. as 10 tille, poSSt!ISSk>11 or entitled action, w l'ter e ln written Oeotaratlon of Default and pege956,olOttte1alRecol'dtln the -·--··-·-·----,·---·-Oclober 27 1983 ot~M yovr Orange County, State of..._,..,,_ enwmbrances 10 soltsly the unpaid W 0 0 E> BR I 0 GE V ILLAG E Demand tor Salt and 1 written office ol lhe County Recorder of claims c~t be ~.a.r.ci WILL 'SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIQN balance due on lhe n4?te or notes ASSOCIATION, a C1llfornla Non· Notice 01 Default 'and Elt!IQlion 10 Orange Counly. Slate of Celifornla.-::--• -:---,,_---r-:-. -"'""'"'.~°".:"'c!!__ -The pertlea 01 lntereai the TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CA$~ secured by said Deed ol TruSI, 10 Profit Corporation, the above Sell The underalgned caused said Execuled by ELIZABETH 1. •• •·· ... ~-~. •·--CUl.-, w •f h (payable 11 llme or Nie In tawtUI wit: $53.468.71, plus the lollowlng named Plalntlll, obtained a Nolice 01 Oelaull and E•eclion 10 CORZINE, a widow WILL SELL AT ~.__.... " ... :· • " " H~or ~ =i:1 1:"!.... .. ,.: ~.! money ol Ille Uniled Stat") II: esttmaled oosts. expenses_ and juOgtMnt and decree ol foreclosure Seo 10 be recorded In lht!I county PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST ~ • ~~;;-1,;;_111 .. _ ... : _, oullld• theT1 1 ront entrence '° advances at the time 4?f the inrt1at and Ull egalnat DOUGLAS E. where the roal property 11 localed BIDDER FOR CA.SH (payable 11 • • -.. ··-_ ·-----•· Pl Dene Point Coll> 91 11• AP Law ye" t I e t n 1 u ran ce publieatlon of this Not!Ct!I or Sale: JONES and RHETA A. JONES, Name Street Addreu and lime 01 s•le In lawful money of the -.... -.....:.:.;....: ~--122•130•89 (formerly ;22•130•43 Corporallon. $20 Nof1h Mlln Street, Foreclosure Fees and Eapenses delendan1s. lor lhe eum of Two Telephone Number 01 Trualee or United Stales) at the tront outtlde • POI) S1n11 Ana, cetllomta. ell rigllt. ttlla ... S 1.428. 7 4: Any Advance& ThOUNnd Eighl Hundred F'orty One person c:onducitng Hie 11 CHICAGO entranoe to the Contlnental Home -(2) Bllan Koottien· AP 165-251· 18 and lnl-t con¥9Y9d to and now m1de herecifter wllh Interest & 581100 Oolllfs, lewful money OI TITl..E INSURANCE COMPANY. Loi n building at 434 South Euclid, :=::::: _,_ (fOlmertY llt·307..3c)) held II)' 11 under Mid Deed of TNll ''::,~:~~=•s;,.,. tlleUnltedS111a.andbyvtrtueol1 3255 Wiishire BIYd .. Loe Angeles, Anaheim, CA, all right, title and , •• _ -~-· ~" -•• • __ ,. ~·":-. _""::';:.:.:.:-For your oonvenlence. claim In the property eltuated In~ You ·-IN _r'"Ul.T ,__. ... writ of enf0tcement ln tald action Ce 900l0. Tel.; (2l3) 311().3940. 1n1erest conveyecl to and now hekl • -• lorm• and fnrormatlon regerdln" County and Sl•t• delctlbed •· t ""'"' """''"" v-n .. lasued on Octow 4, 1982, I am THE HOPE TRUST by II under Mid Deed ol Trull In the • llllnO ooecfUr• m be oblatned Lot 70 of Tract No. 6493, Int DEED 0 F T fl UST, DAT f D commanded to Mii ell Ille f><OP9'1Y DEED COMPANY property 11tuetlld In n ld County 0 =.:::..--:::::;::-O :::=:-:= ::;:::-:.~_::,--" 11 63g' N. Broedw::. Room 3()6, City of Colle Mell, County 'ANUAflY %7, tea. UM.Ell YOU In the County of Orange. Sta~e of 11 rrusiee ' and State desc:rl~ as: • .. ...... _ • , • --• .. . ~ _,,.. Senta Ana or by ClllHng e:M-3528 0.1nge, St~• ol Calltornle, u " TAKE ACTION TO PflOTECT. Callfornla, deKrlbed .. follows: By: Chicago Tiiie Lot 15 of TrlCt No. 6407, County -.,~ ~. -"o.:11~' bef-8 'e.m end 5 pm mep reeot'Oed In 8ooll 223, ~ YOUfl , .. O,EflTY, IT MAY If Pr\AC6L 1: Ullfl No ~ at Insurance Company ol Orange, Stile of C.ellfornl1. 18 .. __ ,____ ••O~ •tt10 ROBERT L CITRON • · 28 lllr~ 21, Ml8oelllneoul M ~ED!~~~,.~-:~~ Caho!" •1 n1 d dp•1scr1b11d Jn..'he agent • per m1p recorded '" Boo!\ 237. ·~~..:::-·--" u:io ,.1n County Tu Collector-Tree•. In Ille o ,.~. ottlle County Recor .-. ..,..... •..,... -onuom n um an recqr ... e ... on By ArmaJld c Saucedo paget 40 1nd 11 of Mlteetlaneou1 of Orenge C6unly of 111<1 ...._,nty. NATUflE OF,7HI! PflOCEEDtNG J,anuary 12, 1977, In BoOll 12031. ' AMI 'Seoreta;y • Mjlp9, In the office ol Ille County ·---:u tu Publlthed Orange Cont Dally Tiie etreet •dd•ea• and olh AOA~f!! .. T YQU, YOU SHOULD page i680 of Offlcl•I AICOfd• Of Pu1>1tsh1d. Orange Coasl Dally Recorder ol sakl County, 7::"---·-___ ,__ llli! -l•)') -p NOv (' 17 24 1912 common Geaignelion, If lflY, of CONT,.T A LAWYER. Slkl County: ~~ULl7..2L.19A2 The_.l_lrtet 1dd1ea• Ind Oibar. flot. • ~· ._ • l1•11.PtO~r1Y.J19"dl>tt ~-' 1--------· ----•v, PAAC£t r.-Arr 11nlllvtd8chme· 4871:8'2'COmmon oe.IQnatlon. ii eny, of the •.::.r.::::S::.'l.::'.:.-=.~..:;-::::.-• •,~ ~.~ ' .....,_..2-purported to be: 2018 Ptlalerl RUBICON CO. seventy lovrth (1174) ln1er .. 1 u • ----rear property de•crlbed 11>0·1e 11 ·-···--··-1...... 010 PUJlllC NOTICE Court, Co1t1 Meta, Callf01r'I 11 Slid Trustee Jtnant Jo oommoo in the lee ln1ecnt -tC NOTICE puipcrtecl to ~ OtGlllO MIN _ __ _ OH26. _ er.1;1.S.TruatOeed tn9!!dto.W.Common Are1ofLots ... -. Plaoe, Santa An• Height•, CA "~.a---· "'' "" PtCTl'TIOU8..,..... Tiie 11nde111gned Truell 1-------~~~:.=!'No:+-~,:'°.;,2:C,:r~9.e:::~om31, FIC~:,.~• 92ii~ undJr1lgne-d Tfu11n·' ··~--!.-. -u' --: f.l~J--Tne r=n:'i!,~. dotng~~:..:~·::"'~l:~·f~' --Sauam~tOI c•111ornl1 lncllHllve ol-Mllcell.1.1eou1...M.ap• Hh• i::g periont llYe doing dl1tl1f!T\1 any ll1blllty for any • -· ..... __ , --~---·; 41,au ·-··"• buelnesa u : and othet ~ dellgnetton, ' 95116 l lCOfdl ol H id County, •• such 1ncorreetnea1 or Ille street lddr ... ··-----"'C>l=',;;'lffl..'ln..T -. LES CAPRICES. 24421·2 Alta Iffy, ahollln her91n. By: Ketll~ Curlen term11 0etlneclln lne-Artlcleentltled bu•lr::-e•:'p 0 A T 1Av 1 NE 11nd oll'ler' common detllgnetlon, 11 ------t -u.o, v11ta. Dana Point. CllllOfnla 92629 Said Hie wlll be mede, b1 Alllelant Secretary • • "Oertnlllon1" of the Oecl11r11lon of • T ,02 eny shown llefeln Lavauda Hoo1en Sowell, wllhout covenant or warr1nt 1918)448-8880 ,. Coven1nte, Conditions and ACUPUNCTURE CEN CER,9f7 5 s'11d Hie wlll be made wltl'I .. _..,. MftftH P\8.IC flOT1C[ 24421 ·2 Alla Vlatl, 01n1 Polnl, •~l)rett Of'lmptled, regarding tttl Publleh10 011nge Cou1 Dally Reatrlctlons recorded 'on July 29. Mrwtln Suite 240• Irvine. A , 1 without covenant or war;1111 , ... -.n. ""'._ CaNlornta 92829 poll)Ulol!. or encumbtancet, t 1 Pilot, Nov, 10, i7, 24, 1982 1978, In 8oolt 11830, page 793 of 1 Donal~' Ad ~~u~•e,8o~n~a expreu °' Implied, 1eoardll\Q 111~. 1u'IR1 o R COURT Or I U 'IR I 0 R C 0 UR T 0 P Leonor fllc111 Merrifield, 130 pey 1tle remelning prll\olp9l IUlll t ' ~----~"'",. rc=runri;4!70-82 Official Ftecor!91 ol NICI County (Ille ~~i:,::.::i;.1 2~92 M1rtln Suile 240 po1-..11on. or -mlltancee, 10 ..-· ~. _ ~--... -J:AUf~ ··-'"' ~ • .u•ec.o ...s.&A.C.46aeMe. -.QQlllW 91C'ndJIW,llld Deed . C 111nTICE "Oecl1tellonl '). . CA e27t5 ' pay Ille refllllinlllQ PtlndPlf eum of COUllTY fW CMlAllQI ,,.DmlfflW'~ Clill10rnt1 92872 ' Truet, wlL'I lnl•rHt tllereon, 1 l'\Rt "" Propecty 11 more oommonly lrvr;· bu Inns ·11 conducted by a the "<>'el•) Mc:urect by Mid Deed ot In tlle M1n• of Ille Aptlllcetlon ot In 111e Mlttef of 11141 A,oollc11lon of Thia bu.,,,.., ia ~led by a provided In Nici notl(1), •renc~ FtCTtTIOUI ......... known 11: 10 P~ Vlell. Irvine, 1 ti! Tru1t, with lnltreal thereon. ee PAUL JAMES QRAY l"or CMln9e of J9Mli.t SMtTH·McCOY lor Chenge gener11 pert119rthip. II eny, ~Ille ler"'8 Of Mid 0.. Callfornll. • corpora ' 0 provided If) .... IMMef•I. adlt~. NetM. OI ~ L•veud• Sowell of Trutt ...... Clll(gH 1n .... ITAJIMltn . ToOetller *1111 alt and ·""""' Ille Donald A. rupe, It fl),y, ur!d9r ttte terme of Uld Deed C:A89 ll&Wll A1~ CW -AU... lnlt at~t WM flteCI wttn ~lie ..,_._. of IN TruelM MCI Of .._ The tcttowlng '*'°"1 "1404"" tenement•, h.•red1tament1 and ~ ~c;Orupe 0 0 8 of Truat. ftu. cll•rOH and -TO INDW OAUIS Oll09R TO lttOW CAUl8 County Cltr'll OI Qfenge c°"'nty Ofl 1ruett created llr Nld Deed c ~ i'tAR NECESSITIES. 613 IPf)llftenencet thereunto belonging P -.lderll. · e&t*IMI o& the Trull• ltld of the POii CMINM Of..,... FOR CHAN01 Of llAlll Novemblt 12. 1942. Tru11. tor 1119 •~t rMIOneot L11'111PU• A"9tlue, Coron• del Mar. Of In anywise IPP9ftelnlng. Thll ••• ~.fller'lt wft filed wllh the tru1t1 crlltld by .. 10 0Hd or PAU\. JAMfa GRAY "--·· JENN'''" IMITH McCOV hll ..... Mtlmeted 10 be: ~440. ,., Ceflfornta 92825 PUBLIC NOflCE 18 ~EREBY c t Cler1l 'Orange County on TIUll. • • ~n!on "' tNe ooun for .,, Ofclef ··~ • p.lllloll "' llllt court for .,, Publl•h•O Or•n~· Co111 Otlly T1le beneflolery Mid °'" Berry A. Rlct, 513 larlllpur G IVEN Th•t on Tt1ur1d1y, O:n,~ 1682~ lhe total amount of the unpeld ~pellttonertoellenge!Anler order tltO*lflgprtltlontf 10 Cflenge P•lot, Nov t7, 24, Dec 1, e. 1ff2 of Truel llefetof0t9 ~en ~-2. 1tU , II t0.30 o'Cloclt · · ,,.... l>IUnH o1 the otlllgellon lellured ,..,.,. trom ~IUI .l4llNe Gtey to P..e Illa/Mr nemt ~ .1tnn1r.r Smith O<>e4:J2 dellHr•d to tll9 undeHlgned :=· Coron• del Me1, Calllornta e.m. of tllot <ley II M•ln L\)bby, P bl h d 0 10 CoHI 0111 by the property 10 bt told and ,,_ Klalr. MoCor to JeMH9r EllUM!h Smilfl. Wr'ltten DecleretlOn Of o.t.Ult In Llaa'M. Alce. 513 Latkapur COIKthOuM, 700 CMc Ceri11r Ottw Pllo~ ~~ 9 10 if\t Oii:.. i lH~ reaao911>le eallmated ooat1, It le llereb;r ordered llllt ell tt le l1treby ordered thet •II rtlLJC NOTIC( Demand tor l•le. end • wrltt• dll M Caltl t Weat. City of Sent• Mt I Will Mlt • v • · • 4ie; 12 eiioen... encl ldVlndli .. Ille tirn. penone lftt.,..teet Ill tfle !Tlatltf s-•-tmerelted In the melter Notloe of Defeutt Ind l•lofl t =~· CorOf\B Af, llfll I the lbOYe O .. C1lbed. prOPltty, • 01 lf'll tnlllel pubtlolllon OI Ille 1PPW llefOfe tlllt CCNrt efONNICI 1iPPM1 before lflla court fllCTl\'IOUI W81 .... Tiie "D!r.!lrted _.... ... Tllll ~II cc>l'dUCled by .. = ~:. ~~ MIJC JIOTIC( ~ =·~3::.0 ~ ~.=-== : .. ~ =·= = ~.:.:w:,:1 :!.~ i',!: ~ Tile~:='!. dOlnt :ic::. ,..,...."':, :'~ Qeft9fel pamw~ to 11t11ly U ICI fvdgment with ot Tr1111 lltfetofort e•ecultcl lftf 111 Deoa11ber I, '911. • Ctllklfnle. CW1 _..,..., I . 1112. •I OullNM • .,._. IN ,.., '""'1Y 11 loMted, .Tl'llt II~ Wiii rtlld *Ith the lnteretlt end COllt. to Ille lllOllftt FICtnlOUI IU-dlll)ltred ·ro tll• undereion•d • tO:IO O'OIDc* •.m:.1 llld "*' end 10:30 o'CllOGll a.m .. w tflen end WllTCL"' CONIULTANTI, OMe: OctoMr I?. 1111 ICOur\ Ctertl of ()f1n9t County on blcldef, lot ceetl In lewf\il ~Of NAMI ITATl•NT wrtltel'I 0ecter1uon Of OeflUll end.._. lftOW _.., 11 .,..., ,.._ ..,_ t11eW Clellle, 118f1V t119'11191te, 1115 WHICllll Drive, Newporl PACIFIC ll!N TtNE f0cl~ JO IH2 IM unttecl 81..... ,.... Tiie 10110111!1'19 "''°" II doing Dttn•nCI for ••'-· •NI • •rllttn .,., .... pelltlalt for Ctllnte •• Wiiy laid "'"'°" tor Gflaf19• of ...,, .... Ct11Grn18, G • ..,, • 0 I CQNt • W:_A_ IMNCH Deted It Saf'ta Ane • ...,Jfornie, .,...._. NOtlol of Oefeull Ind lteallOll to MIN lflOllld :~..rlnlld. name lflOIAd :::-.=--°"" J. f I, 4 rv111e re~ • '' Jaii¥C."""""" · • ~ • llA .N 8 0 N 0 AND M 1fta 1111=~ _...., tllct Itta~ ... •-al 111..._ .. ,_ ~:. !f'."';' ~ · ·~ , ,.._...., -~· ... ., .. _ _ _ .._ .............. ~ "'1• .,._, ~ r..;n;:; •r -... I .__... 0 V 11'1 ...,_ ........,, ,_,11 -n>..c6'oner Fountain V*'t. CA tt'l'OI. ... to be rlCOreled In the countr -In Ofef119 C.... _ _., publt1f'lev In tJll Dattr IOI. a _, · 'CIVW, m....-8lgNhn '"bllelleO Oflt)tt CoHt' Delly Courltyl( :::.···CA o.n Wllllef loftd. 17317 ..,, ....,. Ille,...~· located ~1101, • n::=:' or ........ -·--or ...-.~ ~. ~~ = Newport lelot\, ..... ~ ... . 7 24 Dec 1 1 1111 Ir. · • ~ ..Illa •I . 'ountlitl Valtty, CA IU'OI. o.t.. Oc1CIMI ti. 1tu ...... lfl tllli ~ pulltllf'led In 11111 COUllly at lelll _._ ~ ~ CA 1C10t1 .,., Nov I • , ' • -..., "'-" Tllte ~ .. conducted II)'.,, • IUCKl!VI ... CONVIY· ....... ono• ....... ,., four OflGe I ..... '°' lour ~ ""' ._._ " ........... .., • Tll: ltft) '1t-1IOI ------------iHIC1CIY, MIUUM. ·~· ndWIOlllll ANCI CC>fllPANY ...... "'°' to"" -WMfll prior to tf'lt d•r of Hid ....,.. '*""'•o . .... ...... Cltatve• _.cou.nTA OlnW.lond 4'41 ~. dMld.__. ~ ,,._. .vower lllf k~ I You call _, ~ ....... Tiiie atltemetll wu llleCI -'iii Ille Anlfltlm, CA tHOI Detotl: ~It. 1111 DoleJd OotoWr .J!.,!.111 ""9 ............ lllld _. tfl9 &.-11 l ..... 1 0.... .... -:iounty Cterk ot 0ranoe County.on 7 f4·" t· 7CW nwM OOM•llCH!.HI PfllANIC ~NIC""91 COul'llJ Cli9f" at _°""II t:9UMJ 1111 ._ ...,.... --. DAILY Pll.Of .. Ttftt CA -)Ct 14. 1112 . ly DMOll '°" ~ "'.. -.... .. ... °"°'* ,. ..... _..___~ -~-............. A__, -; ·~ AIMOftnd llll'IM• lupirtar Ceurt ._., C0un • .........--'ul>llehecl Orange 00111 Otlty J>111>11t11ee1 Otano• CoHI D_1~t1 Publl11ted Oranoe C09e1 hi'Y '"ltllllled Otaflle Coaet Deltr l'u1th1tl9CI Orange Coett D~y "-llMlltted Orlftl9 ~oett ~ll••r1 Pultl..._, Orente c ... 1 oa11 .&:.a•.1671 fl'~ Nov, 3, 10, 11, fNt .,_,No¥ 10, 17, 14, 0ec l.1...~ Piiot. fliov, 3, 10. 11, INJ ,_., N09 I .'°• '1', ... 1tU flllot, Noe.'°· 1?. ,.. Dee !.i.-~ ..... Oii. 17. NO'I 'I, TO. '11~"!. ...... Nov. I . to, 11. t111 ·-.L .... 41ff.lt ·-4171·11 ........ -,__ - ' I•' I Orn11ou Co111t DAIL v Pl~ OT /W dntadny. November ,, , 1912 • l'tBl IC NC>TICF MN·8llH N01'1C'€ OF' DEA'l'll O'F JOSEPH 8. ZELLett ANO PET ITI ON TO ADMINISTER ESTATI'.: NO. A 116 03. To nil lwlrK, h••rn•fit•1m 11•11, 1•n ·d ilo r• .,nnd 1·0 11 l 111gt•O t uedi w r. u( JUM!l'h 8 :lA•llt•r .ind p e 1io0 11 w ho ltHl,Y. tw 01lwrw11w 1nt~·rl'lltlo<l In tht· wlll (ltut/1)r 1·~t.1•l••: A f>t'lillon h1111. bl>t•r\ l1lc•d bv Hilu Zcll£1r. l1ko 011.11 M ~·lll•t In tlw Sul){'rior Court u f Ora.ngt• Co1.1nty n-qu1"'t111g • \hat Rita ~llt•r, uka Hiiu M 7.l'lll'r b1.• appoi nte d ti!'; per.)lonal rt•prt•st•n1n11v1· tu ad m111 l11tt•r t ht• t•\1;111• n( Jos..•ph n Z....llt•• u mfo1 tlw I ndt•p<'nd1•n1 Ad n11111i.11.11111n o ( E:'il.V.U>s Al't. Tht• p1·1111on ii. ~•·l for twanng Ill Ot.•p1 No :I at 700 C 1v 1l' C1•1111•r D t 1vt· W1·st, Santo A11a. Ct\ Hl701 011 D<.'Cl'lllb<'r l , l!.18:.! al Y .rn am II-" YOU OBJt:;C.:T tv the l{rantlng uf \ltl;' Jk'Utwn, you should t'1tlw1 iipp<'Jr at th1.• : hearing. Jnd :.t-.l1• ~our ~objtc"ct111ns ur fill> "r1 1ton obJN:ltOllS With tht' l.'OUrt beforl' thl' hi.•a rlng Yo ur apJ)('arant.'t· may l:x· 111 µt•rstm or by you r allornt'y lF Y OU A H 1'~ A CREDITO R or a t'tlnl111ge nt creditor o f thl' dl'CeaM'tl, you must file ym1r d a1m w 11h the court or prt>sent It to thl' persona l n•prc::.t'nl,1t1vc appo1nll•d by th1• lourt within four mont hs from the d a te ·o( first 1ssunnt•1.· of lcllt~rs us provided en Sl'l.·uon 700 of the Probaw Cool' of Callfurn ia T he• llm l' for £1hng clntnts w ill nut expire prior to four m(,nl h:. from t h e d a te o ( the h t·uring nouC('d above. Y OU MAY EXAMINE • t 1he file kept by thr court If 1 you arc tnlcrestc•d 111 the esta tt' ;-you mayfilr a l't'QOest' with the cuurt to rl'n•1vc spec."ial nolwe of thl• filing of the invcnlorv of lhe <'Stale asselS and oi' the peuuons, account s an d re p o rts dcscr1bt.'<1 m. Section 1200.5 of the Californw P roba te Code. Reiter & Reiter , 3600 WilsJiire Blvd .. Ste . 22%0, Los An1eles, CA 90010 Publ"n~d Orang• t·, .. ,,, I> 111~ Pllo1, Nov IU, 12 17. WH! Pla.IC HOTIC£ •H-20409 NOTICE. OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.8. No. F1171t IMPORT ANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER YOU ARE IN OEF/IUL T UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST, DATED 9.7.79 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION NllC NOllCl NOTICI 0' T"USTll'I IALI ~mMI ltlftut7 VOV AM IN D"AUL T UNDl9' A OHO M TRUST OATID NLY ti, 1M1. UNUH YOO TAU ACTIC* TO '"OflC:T YOUlll PROH"tV, IT MAY H SOLO AT A ..U.LIC IALI . I, YOU NEID AN UPUMATION 0' THI NATU"I 0' Tltl PftOCHOINO AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A LAWVIA-JIOT ICE IS ll[RfBV (llV(N th81 Mlt.R Vlt>TA H N4N(.;IAL .-.c , • ~vr11Qr111o00i 767 Notlll ( Str .. I, Sou Dern111u1no, Cullt<.Hlllll 111403, ll'~fll\l\116 Numb•r 17H ) BeO 0~3 1, " 11111 pr:'.IS(lnl Trvllff und111 lilt lloed ul lrul l i-etnufltt1 ~llllOMO "''" ull tu Ill• hlQh•ll btddll• IOI 1.11-11 111 lawful mon41y ol Ille Unll.0 s1111-. w1111ou1 w111111111v ~111nv 11111d ul ~ public 111.1c:11t1n nt 1110 umo ano PIOGll lhl!\IQllnled bulow, In Ill• <.;ounly ut 1he Staie ot C1111orn111 .ta.ion11ltt<l below all OI Iha right. 1111~ llld 1nll'ffl~t now Mid by N ld l rua11111 in '""1 10 elf that c;ert11n (JIOP•rt~ WlllCh •• llluftl8 on Hid County 11111.I 1$ dQS<;rlt>OO below The "'~" adoran 11 nny, ot 01hu tuonmon d1111gnu11on 11 any, ot 181d prOC>4f•ll' 1s $el torlh below S.110 OIMld or l•ust wu oaecu1ed ll.Y thll Trustor 011,•oneled bulow and wos r ecoroeo on 111e dale, 111 111e Dool. and "''"• Page aa Doc1.mon1 Nvmbe• of Of11c101 Records In lh11 OlllCll of Ille County Recor du• ol s~od County. all t11 <h"1011oled below •nel conveyed i.aut P•()flelty lo 100 Truslee tneretn spec111eci s,1111 ol lhe prop1111; ... 111 be made purauont 10 \ho demario of lhe Benehc.tary urn.lur Sllld deed ol trull and by rvason ol dalAull 1n the po;ment or perlormence o f ObllgilllOllS secured by SD•d deed of 11us1 1nclud1ng 111@ dl'laull, notoee of wllich wll.5 rocoide<I on 1ne dale, 1n 1ne t>ook 1111d 01 lho PB<Je, and as Document Numb1U-ol said Ofllc1al Rec.ords os designated below lhe 101a1 .imount 01 Iha Ul'P••d t>dlllnce of lhe obllgatlOfl secured by sat<! oeeii 01 lrt•St and u 11ma1ed cost\ e•penoc. dlld advances Ill lhfl 11mu ol 1ne 1011101 publtc1111on ol 111" No11cc ol Trus1ee·s Sele 11 dos1g11a1ed below · As used heretn T rustor' Stiall be deemed to mean lruJIOfs" ti more than one Trustor IS de11gnatad below ond Ben111oe1a1y" ahaH be deemed 10 mean ··Beneficiaries" 11 more than one Beneficiary e1t.eculed the Nollce ol Oelaull nere1nab0ve men11ona0 The 11me end place of se1e desc:•1p1fon of s 10 propa11y end Olhcr-data ~ '°'9b0-.-.. IOllOW5 County Ori1nge Trullor HARVEY DORL4ND, AN UNMARRIED MAN Deed of Trus1. Recor'da110n Dela July 24 198 I Book· 14 IS4, Page 924 Document No 34759 No11ce of Dolaull Recordauon Dale Juty 23. 1982 Oocumonl No 82-254387 Time ol Sale 10 00 4 M Wednesday, December 15, 198 Piece ol Sale Norlh fron1 eniri.nee ro thi! county courtr.ouse 700 C1v1c Center Orive Wesl, Santi An~. Ca T 01111 ot ot>llgatlon and esumaled C0$19 8•1)enS8$ 81\d advaf'C81 Ill 1nt11a1 put>toc:ation $ 126.0 12 8~ Street address or olher common dMtgnotlOn ol sa,d properly 460 I Ap oo1sw ooo Circle, Irvine Ce1tlcrn1a 92714 Oescrop11on of Property LOI 36 of T racl NO 7236 01 per map recorded 1n Book 282 Pogea t8 10 2 I 11\tluStve ol Miscellaneous MilPs 1n tne 0111ce of Ille County Recorder of saict county Dated Novemb~ I I, 1982 0 F T H E N A T U R E 0 F T H E INC ! PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU ~ • 1 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER MAR VISTA FINANCIAL, 'I On DECEMBER 8, 1982, 81 \O'()C) AM. IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA as duly appointed Truslea under anCI pursuent to Deed ol Trusi recorded Sept&mber 14. 1979, .. lnSI. No. 14554, In b<>Oll 13309, page 616, ol Offtolal a cowor1111on, Trustee SURR & HELL YER A Prol~I Corp By Joann Georgalhs AllOfneya tor Trus1ee Published Orange Coasf Daily PtlOI Nov 17. 24 Dec I, 1982 5012·82 Recocds lh the off1Ce Of the County ------------Recorde.-s of Orange County. State ___ ML __ IC_NO_IT_l_CE __ _ of Cellforn1a etlCIJled by THOMAS N6TICE OF SALE OF N KIER, a wido-. WILL SELL AT REA~OPt:RTY AT PUBLIC 4UCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR C4SH (P8"1ble al ATE SALE ' No. 115* lime of Mle '" tawtul money 01 ll\8 In the Superior Court of the united St11tesl at tne North fron1 Stale 01 c .ittomla, In end for Ula enlrance to Iha County Courthouse. CounlJ of Orlfl98. 700 CMc c.nter Dr•ve Wesl, Santa 1 n 1 h e M a t t e r o I 1 h • Ana. CA, all nght. lttle end 1nler11SI Conservalorstup ol OllV-.._8,_ conveyed to and now nald by 1t 0 II under H id Deed ot Truat In the Mccan, aka ltvena A. Mc • • Conse.vatee property situated In H id County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet and S1111e dftcr1blld 85 the understgned will Mii al Prlvale Lot 63 ol TrllCl No 1700, C.ty sa•e 10 the htgnest •nd best btdeler. 01 Newport 8N(:h, as anown on • map reoorde4 In Boole 52, peges 7 •ub1ec1 10 c:onlormatton of " and 8 of M1-i1aneoua Maps, In tne SuperlOf Coun, on °' alter tile 261 olflca of th• County Recorder ol day or Novemblf 11182. al Iha ofllee 1>1· James L. Rub411, Jr . Allorney 11 said County. lllw 3432 Via C>l>OftO Room 202 ficel>tlng theralrom •11 oW,9as, N~rl Beach. Celllornla 926&3° m ineral s and h ~d roc arbon County 01 Los Ange•••· Stale ot tubal~ '" and under aaXI land, Cehlornta all the right ltlle and bul without the right of surface onlerest 0j said con-vetee al the entry 10 a depth or 500 feet, time 01 oa.tn and all the rlghl, title measured lrom I lle au rt ac e &I'd 1111eres1 thal Iha nlete ol H id lhareol, e1 ret er ved In deed conaervatee ha• acquired by recorded tn boo!< 13309, pege 613, operation ol lew c• o111erMse other Olllc1e1 Records ot seod Orenga lhan °' In addlllon lo lhal Of said County conservalee 11 Iha lllT~ ol de111h. 1n The s11ee1 eddrass end Olher and 10 all Ille certain laal properly common dealgnatlon, If any, 01 Iha s11ua1e 1n Iha County or Orange, real properly described •bo~a Is Stale of Callfornlo. partoculArly purported to 1>8: descrtbed as follows. to-Wit 1315 Bonnie Doon• Terrace, The Soutllaaalerty 60 reet ol lhe Corona def Mar. CA 921525 NorJhwes1erly 100 feet of Lot No 5 Tile u1'dera1gned Trutl,ee Trect 163 Hatt>Or Orctlld Tr.cl No 01sclalm1 any llaolllty l o• any 1 111 118' inap recordld in Book 12 1ncorrec'lnen 01 the street address peo• 36 M lscelleneous Mapa end other common designation. '' records 0j Orttnge Covnty · any. 1hown h11retn T ne property ii commonly Sa•d sale will be made. but refetred 10 15 140 21st Street without coH nant or w1rran1y. Cosia Mesa CellfOfn•a 92627 eapre'$J °' 1mptte0. regerding Ulla, Th11 saie 11 aubteel lo current possession. or enc:umbr•~•. to 1axe1 coven•n•• condlllon1 pay the remaining prlpe•Pll aum of ru1rci1ons rtserva11on1 rlghl•' 1ne note(•) secured by H id Deed ol · • ' Trust, with Interest thereon, ., ;~~~~·ol-way 11nd enemenll ol provkled In 18ld notll(S), advances, Terma ol sale c;ash In tawlul rt any under Iha terms of H id Deed mo" Y or Ille tJn11ed S1111es on 01 Trust, fees charges and conltrmal10n 01 sale or 1>¥1 casn e .. pen-ol the Truslae and 011na trust created by satd Deed 01 rrusl and balance evidenced by note • ucurl'd by Mortga~ °' Trusl Dee<! ~e--.mount • an-1>fle on the properly 10 1ora-Tan eslimalad to be S60,300 00 The beneficiary under l8ld Deed P8rcen1 of amount bid to be deQOStl@d Wllh bid ol Trull heretofore necu1ed end Btds or ollera lo be 1n wnung end delivered l o the underalgnad • will Ile rec .. ved al the alor••• d ---'!ten O.C:ltrt lJO<l of Oeleult end olfic;e at eny-t~ 8fte,..u.e ..._, Demand for Sale, and • wrtllen pu1>1tca1ton hereof enel before dlle Nollce ol O.faun and Eleel•on 10 01 Hie Tne righl 11 reserved to Sell. The undersigned ceuMd aald raioct any end all bid• Notice ol Deleun and Elaellon 10 Dated this l3lh day of November Sall to bl rlCO<ded In the county 1992 ' Where 1111 real property II located Dale Oc101>er 28 1982 IMPERIAL CORP OF ·---~MEAICA P111nc;10 M 4ndrews Conwrva1or ol tr.. Per~ 11nd e11a1e ol aatd Conservafee JAMIES l . RUelL, JflJ. Altorne1 el Law 9797 Compte11 Drive. San Diego. CA 92 123 (714) 292-M80 E11ret1111 Ohembefleln M22 Vie ()pofto, R-202 .. ~~c .. ..., _.i_T_~tlM't Sale Olfloer (TH) 17J-4lr.l ' .-Uowsneo Newport Harbor,...... Preu combined with the Orange Attorney for Con-.. tor Coast Dally PllOI Nov 10 17 24. Published Orengl! Cont Bally 1982 ' ' ' ' PtlOI NOV 16, 17, 23 1982 5055·82 Nil.IC NOTICC P\&.JC NOTICE MUC 11)11Cl P\ILIC M)JICl lte>ftCI TO OONTMOTW MOTICI °' ....... "*91 .... M lllC 0 APPLICATION TO lltOlllAll a..a.d P'CIPOMll •DI 1eoelved ~Tl •I Ille Office OI f'lefll OC-atlon MTN Ml Chief oJ Plant Optret10111 Ill, OP cmtfAm r 11rv1ew a tale HofPllal, HO I UAel.mll .... lllLATID H111>or Blvd , Co111 Mee•, CA u.TI 02620 unlit 2 00 p m on Oec.nlt>et I 1111 II 10 lnlotm tne 1111111ic; 1n.1, tO, tit1, 11 whleh time tl!eY wlll l>e un<111 l•cllon &U H(bl or Ille publlCly opened and reed tor Ru ... 11no A4tguiallonl tor lneu111ice performlno wotk H ~rnllh •II or 4 1;ooun11 Hemet f •d•r•I 111101, n11t•rlel• toola ·a nd Sev1noa a110 loan A11oc:1111on. equlomerll ~ 10 "INSTALL Hemet, Ca111orn11, "" llled an WAjf( WAT!" HEAT RfCOVl!lllY •OPllCetlon 101 permlHlon to IY81lM" .,, ...... WMI• waler 1nc:1 .... ICCOUllll QI 1111 lnM•ble heat recO*Y •~tern on the c:en11 el type by rHllOfl Of the "'4H'11Pl10n of Leundry w .. 11 wattr •'telem 11 certain l••llllllltl end 1ell11ed _.e I etrview Sllll ~,.,., LIOlndrY Of Pecll~ flOlr• SaviflOI end Loen The· •y•ten1 llltll De lnatlllld 11 a Aaeocllltlon Cotta MeM. ClllfornHI, complete unit 1..oy 10 Clt)ltate on louted 11 the 10110••110 branc;h 1114 ex1111ng w•t• ...,.,., tytttM. at offKW 209 leel 8ttct0ft A-. Fairvi ew S tate Hoapl1tl, In Hemet. Callfornll frld 41157 b9t acoo rcianc• wftn plant and Florida Avenue, ~I. Ctlll0tnla apeciflc!allon1 fher•lor Anyone m•y wrllt In favor or Preference will be oren110 10 protHI 01 lhe appucafloro Your bid dart properly approved H comment• m•y CllllWM, 1.>ut .,. not • Small Bu11ne11• In eccordence IUntled 10, Ille appllcanl • 1ec:ord of with Section HIM, et aeq • flue 2. perform1nee In helping to ,,_, 111t Cehtornfa A<1m1n111rallve Code c: red 11 need 1 o I I I 1 Io c: a I Apphc•1tont ror P<•lerenc:e mu11 bl commun111e1. Four coe>lea muet l>e tubmllled to the Small Pu1lne11 received by "Supervl1ory Agent, Ollfce. 1823 -14th Slreet, f.ederel Home Loen Benll ol San Sac:ramanlo, CA 95814, not 1111 Franciaco, eoo Calllornl• StrMI. lh•n live (6) calend11 oaya in Poll Office Bo11 79•8. San odv1nct or bkl apening d11e ThiS Franc;1aco, Cellfornla 94120." lly prelerence applies ti> proltcll Novemblf. Jr, 1982. An llCldlllon81 where the ettlmated prolect 0011 20 dtrya to •ubmil commania may llllCeedl $26,000 bl Obtained. provided IUQh reQUMt Bid propotlll• mull bl aubmltled 11 r11celved In wrltlno by the tor the entire work detctltled Supervtaory A.Qelll by Novemblf 27, lhe<en OeViatldn• rrom p!llll end 1982. f'UlllC N011CC IUPllllO"-COUllT 0' OM.lf'OMIA COUNTY M oaANCll In Ille Malter ol lhe AN>llUllOll OI MARIC PAUL f"fNHOOI< 111d ICIRIC DAVID P[NMOClt '°' Cnanoe ol NM\e .,, .... CHIOS" fO IHOW CAUll '°" CMANOI M NAiii MARK PAUl Pt!NNO<.:K 11110 KIRK DAVID PUIN()(;K have Iii.cl II f)ellllOll II' Ihle COUI I IOI en OfcJef flllOwlflO Potlil10#181 10 ch•nge 11MH1 namu H tc.111ow• F1om MAHt< PAtJl PENNOCK to MARK PAUL MUELLER lflO hom KIRK DAVID PENNOCK ro KIRK DAV ID MUELLER II. II nerelly ord•••d ,,,., •II perlont lnl••••ted 1n the 'tl•ll•r aloreuicl llOj)eer Dtl0f8 I~ CllUll In Oec>•rlmtnl NO 3 81 700 Civic Center Drive Well, Santa A111, CllHlorn•e. on Oacemtier 16, t992, at 10 30 o·e~11 a m , er1<;1 11110 •nd lhet• anow C8UM II env ,,,.... h• ... why Hid pelHIOn tor c:hangt 01 narne should not be granted • 111• further ordefed th•I ., copy of 11111 otder to enow c 1u1a be published tn Orange Cont Oally Pilot, a newapaptr ot general ,1rcula11on, publillMl<I 1n ltit1 county al leall once • weal\ lor tour conMCullve ,......, prtor to lhe day or "Id heertng Oeled November 1, 1982 FRANK DOMENICHINI Judge of me SuperlOf Court Put>ll11led Of1n9e Codi! Dally Piiot, Nov 10, 17, 24 Dec 1, 11182 • 49S8·82 fl)8C•licltlon1 Wiii not be oonlldered Anyone aandlng e aub11ant1al and wtll be c..-lor retectlone of protetl may raquaat an or•I bids Tne Oepertment hu the right ar9umen1 on the epp1tca1rori u Ml to w&1ve env lrregularlly In • bid or forth In Section 543.2111 of the 1------------- 10 rajeet any or .all bld1. Rul1e Ind Regulltlona tor the PUBLIC NOTICE No bid wllf t>e contlO«ed un .... 11 Feoerll SIWlnga Wld loan S)'9tem i.-------------1 • made o n • .iandarel form For a protest to be conaldered 'tcTITIOUS •u-ss turn1S/llld by the Oepattment and Is aubatanllal, II mu•I be wrllten, NAiii STATl_,.T m1da 1n eccordanl:e with th• r.c1tvtd on time, and contain 11 The following person 11 doing "ln11ruc110n1 to Bidders". 1e111 the IOlfowlng 11 • ~mmary of bUllneta 81 Prospeelivebldder1m1yex1mlna the reaaon• tor Iha pro1 .. 1. 2) the BSA 39, 9201 Haatharlon and obtaJn ptana. t1>1Clflce1lon1 encl specific manera objected to In the Circle. Huntington Beach, California bid forms b~ calling or melting a appllcallon or In Iha eppllcanre 926415 . request 10 Iha Ottk:e of the Chief Of community eervtce rec:ofd; 3) rac11, Kenneltl Francis Smlll\. 920' Plant Oparallon• et the above Including any 1118Y1n1 ecotlOmlc or Heatherton Circle, Huntington addreu, 1ai.p11one number (714) 1tnanclaf1n1orm1tl0n, which support Beach, Ci~lornoa 92e..6 · 957-5212. Iha protHt: and 4) •ny aelverae Thia buSlnlM 11 conducted by •n A payment bond, Standard Form aflacu on your organlzallon or lndlvidual 807 In the amount of fifty p«cent of community whlcl\ may retull trom Kenne1n F. Smith Ille c;onirec:t l>l'lce mull eocompany approvel of Iha epplioetlon. Thll at1temen1 w11 llled with the every contract Involving an You may look at Iha applicallOn County Clerk of Olange County on ••pendtture In poeea of $25,000 and all comn<enu llled at the October 18. 1982 The 1ucce11ful bldder wlll be Federal Horne loan 88M or Sell f1117W required 10 execute• contrec:turel Fr1nc11co. unle11 any euch Pubh1hed Orenge Coast Delly agreement In the form ol a materlet1 are a.empt by law lrorn Pilot, Nov 17, 24, Dec. 1, e. 11182 "Standafd AgrMment, Form 2" public dlteloeure. If you h•Ye any 50ll2·82 which ehaJI be 11>lndlng upon the que1t1ona concerning I heee Slate of Calfl ornla only upon proc:edure1, contac t the approval by the State Supervtaory Agent al Ille Federal In IQCOl'dano. wilt\ the prOYltlonti Horne Loan Bank ol San Franc:iec:o of..$ec:lion-1770-ol..tbe-L.abot Code, 11.blllh_eO...Q.tlfllll CoHt Delly the Department hH 11certaln•d Pilot. Nov 10, 17, 11182 1ne1 tl)e genef'el prevetling rat .. ot w•oes applicable In 111t county In ...nlch Iha work Is to bl dOM are t hose rate• eatellll•h•d 1nd publ11hed by the Director of lndu1tnal Retatlon1 COJ11M Of l"8 wage rain are on Ille at 4118 ()fff()e ol the Chi.1 ol Plant Operahona. FalrVlew and er tne Department of D'velopm ent et Serv tci e1 haldquar1ere ottloe. • Siie ln1pecitlon wtll be held ThurSd1y. Dece1T1t>er 2, 1912 at 10.00 a.m Fairview State HolC)flal Vk:tor 8jefe14te Chief of Plant Operatlona Ill Publllhed Orenge CoHI Dally Polol, Nov 17, 24, f982 504~f;2 PUBLIC NOTICE YOU ARIE IN D«fAut. T ~" A DEIEO Of T"UST OATIO HPTIEMNJl 17, 1M1, UNLlll YOO TA«I ACTION TO "9M>TICT YOUlll PlllOPllllTY, IT llAY •I SOLO AT A "*.IC SAU. W YOU NllO AN IDLANATION OF THI NATUR.I Of THI PftOCllOtNQ AGAINST YOU, YOU IMOULD CONTACT A LAWYEl. NOTICI OF ""'8Tll'I SALi T.l ..... 11210 PUBLIC NOTICC . ....,., To All lnlerNteci Parties 411415·82 The Stale Watef Reaourct• Control 8o8rd (St•t• Boerd) 11 n• ec:ceptlng l>ret1m1nary propoMI• for the Water Quality Management PllMtng P1ogram iSecllon 205(11 - Federal C'le8ii Wat .. AC1) California e•pec:ta to have S3 CS million aYlll•ble for 11119 program duf1ng f! Y. 1982-93. II It llllllelpeled that moat ol theae tund1 wm be awarded during the aprlng Of 19t3 •lier the Stale Board approvea the f•nal 11rorkplan1 and receive• en •PPrOl>f'tetlOn from I.he Envtronment Protection Agency The IChedule callt tor 11\e Slate Board lo approve the prellmlnery project proposals In January, 1963. Thefefore. the prOP011111 ah<>uld bl submitted lo tile Stele Bo8(d no Iller then Friday. December 3, 1982 Cop1u ol the Request lor Propoul may be obtained by contecllng Jean Ladyman State Water Aeeouroes Control Board Special Projects P 0 Boa 100 Sacr-10. CA 95IO 1 Tel (9181 322·2968 Publlthed Orenge Coeal Dally PrlOt, November 17, 1 .. 2 507'-82 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Wednesday, December 8, 1982, " al 9·00 o'clock a.m ol Mid d8.)', In the room 111 aide IOf conducting Trustee's~. Within Ille olfloel of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, localed al 2020 Nortll Broadway. Suite 20f. in Ille Coty or Santa Ana. COunty of Oflnga, Stale of Calllornla. L & B FINANCIAL flCTITIOUI _,._ .. CORP •• Caltlornl• corpoi:1110n. •• ..... ITATl•NT duly'appointed Trust .. undef anCI The following '*-'' ... dOtng put1uan1 to the power or ule bu~ 81 c;onferre<I In 11111 ur1a1n Oeed ol PROJECT 213, 29892 Ana Trusl eaecuted by BRENDA Maroa Lane, Lagwna Niguel. SCHABARUM, en unmarried Calllornia 92877 woman. recorded October 2, 11181, Laguna Development Inc: .. a 1n Boole 14242 of Official Record• ot Clllfol'nla COf'poratlOn, 298$2 Ane aetd C ounty, et page 547, Marl a l ane, Laguna Niguel , Rec;oroer's 1ne1rument Mo. 2532, by orn11 92e77 _ reason of • breach or defai.11 in Send Calle, Inc . e Californoa paymerit or performanc:e ol ti>• COfporatlon. 296111 Ane Mwle ~. o bhQallona 11cured there,bv. Lagune Miguel, Clllfornil 92t77 1nclud1ng that breech or datault fhlt bu"-•• concluc1ecl ~ • Notice ol which waa recoreleel Q9t*el l)M'tntrlllip. August 12, 1982, es Recorder'• John A. Hlggllrd P\8.IC NOTICE ACTmOUl-SI INAmlTATl-.n The following peraon 11 doing bu.._ .. : OCEAN WORKS, 281 I VIiie Way. Newport Beech, Callfornle 92983 -Conreel Arthur $chweb6e, 2222 Holiday Ao•d. Newport Beach, CallforNa 92MO This ~ la conduc1ed by an Individual. COnred A Schweblll Thi9 1181-1 WM flied with Iha County Cletll of Oranoe County on November 1, IM2 ,... Publl1heel Orange Coalt Dally Piiot. Nov. G, 10, t1, 24, 1982 4811·82 Nit.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS ..._ .. NA• STATl•NT The lollow1n9 person 11 doing t>ulfneu n BETTES BOtJTIOUE, 9029 Allanll, Huntington Beach, c.-. 92148. " Brenda Sue 0'1111fen1, 22382 Harw1cn Lana, Hun11ng1on Beach. CA92848 Th•• bu1tne11 Is ci;>ndueted by •n indMduat Brenda S. Galllfent ""8 1181-1 WIS filed wtlh lhe County Clerl. ol Orange Counl)' on Nov 6, 1982 noMtO ""'bll•h•d Orange COHI Dally Pltot, Nov. 10. 17, 24, Dec ·1. 1982 4913·82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUllMl ... H NA• STATlllENT The tollowlng person 11 doing buW-a. STEVE !RISH & ASSOC 2097 Sen' JoeQuln Hills Ad Newpo1 1 8-ch. CA 92MIO Steve Irish, 14 Mlnera Trail lrvlne. CA .J This bull.-1 It conduct by an indlvldllel St-lrtlh . TNt 1111tement wa filed With Iha County C..,.. of Orange County on Nov 5. 1982 "°' ... Publl11>ael Orange Coast Daily Pltot, ~. 10, 17, 24. Dec I. 1982 4914-8<' ln1uumen1 No 82·28172e. Will Thia 111._1 wee fllecl With ltl8 SELL AT PUBUC AUCTION TO THE County Clertc of 0r"'98 COunty on •----.. ---IC-NO-TICE ___ _ HIGHEST BIDDER FOf' CASH, November 12, 1982 r-. lawful money ol the UMed Stet11, ,.,.. or a c:ash1er'1 checll. drawn on • Publllhlel Orange Coeet Delly 11a10 °' national benll, • llate or Pilot, Nov 17, 24. Oec. 1. 8, 1982 lader aJ credit union, or • 11111 or 500&-12 lede<al aav•noa and loan 11toc1e11on -------------domltlled 1n tllls •••t•. 111 payable" P\8.IC NOTICE 1he 1•1'1!8 of ..... Ill right. title and -------------1nteresl held by It, H Trull ... 1n flCTITIOUI ..-ss lhel real property 11tuate In Hid • NA1m ITA~ Coun•y and Slate. described 11 The lollowtng p«~I ate dOlnQ IOllow.s· bUllMN 11· l ot 131 Tract No 2341. 11 P8f COMPUTER PlC, 18001 Sky map recOfded 1n 8°'* 76. P1g11 3 P11k South. Sulla 0, lr1tln1, CA and .. of M•acellaneout M8P8. fn the 9271• oflice or the County Recorder 01 S 1 a p h • n S Scott an Cl Sltd County AllOClllll, 18001 Sky Petk South. The streel eddrau or oll'ler Su11e D, Irvine. CA 9211• common deslgnelion ol Iha rHI Th•• bUllnell I• c;onclucted t>y a i.rroperty hel1tnabove delc:rlblld II QOrpQrlllon purporled 10 be. 1284 W111on Stephan S Scotl end A--. Coll• Miii, Caltlorn11 The undertlgned l'lereb-y d11cl11ma all llablllly tor env lnc0trectn-in Hid llreet lddr- or other Cornt\lOf'I dellgnetlOfl M1t..,.. W Gr111nberg Stcretery Thlt llllemen,t WH llflld With Ille County Clerk ol Orang11 County on Nov 5. 1982. fl014M Publl1hed Or•no• Coaat Oally PrlOI NO'V 10. 17, 24, Dec I, 11)82 Said aai. will Ile madl without warranty, ••preu or tmplled, regarding lltle, poue111on. or encumbrances, 10 ••ll1fy Iha ptloci,QaL.11.tltrui• I I a Nole or 4889·92 0111er obllgallon aecurad by aarat------- Oeed of Trull, with Interest and ------------ ollltr sum1 H provided ther•ln. l'tB.IC NOJICE plus adv1nce1, 11 ,.ny. under Ille FICTITIOUI _., terms t~ end Inter ... on -*' NAlm ITA,._,-encn. ,nd plul '"9 CfletlM Ind eJtpenMS of the Truet .. end of The IOl!Owlng plr-'8 .,. doing the trust• created by llid Deed of .,.,..,_. 11 Trull The tollll emounl of H id D & J ENTERPRISE. 879 obllg1hon. Including reHon•bly Governor Street, Co•I• Men, Hltmated leH, chargu end Calllornil 92t27 flCTmOUl ..... SS NAmSTATIMEfT The lollowtng person 11 doing bu.._... . A· 1 CARPET AND INTERIORS, 1701 Pomona, Costa Mase CA 92927 SteYe R Peterten. 1857 New JerMy St., Co91e Mesa. CA 9~27 Thll °"11.-1 it conducted by en lnd•lllduet. Stllve R Pater118'1 Thlt 1181-1 Wat hted Wttfl 1"8 County Clerk ol Olange County on Nov S. 1982 '201 ... Publithad Oren9e Coaat Oaily PllOI, Nov 10, 17, 24. Oec 1, 1982 4928-82 f\B.IC NOTICE ••P84"1MS Of the Tr119tee, at the ltme Jemea Edward Lynott. 879 ol 1nme1 publlclltlon of thll Nott«, II Governor Street, Coal• Meta, 11067lfl1 Calllornil 12827 rta.IC NOJIC( Da1a<1· ..,O'ilm.,.,. tr.rtn -....ooua...auilit.~~J\tlloi.::• Lt•========-= L a B FINANC'tAL CORP Governor StrHI,. Co,fi°""1i'i'l', Tlfl"OT'C,,.,,.,.'r"~• • Celilornlll oorPO<etlon •• , c~~~"':u~~~!:. 11 conducted • c~C:::..O. H Truet... ..,_ .. ~ 1'I Chle Ca•leMMw ... , By REAL !STA'n Dorie M lr".'°'1 ,_. .,_ ... -alECUAITtU ll"YIC&.-.JerilliT. l~ .... AM, C• .. ..,. e Cetilornle corporetiOn. Thlt etatlfMflt wee Neel wttll the Matier 6t tlle ActootlOrt P.llllOfl ~~ ~tMOfgef 11> County Cterll of Or.nge COUllt)' on (Stepparen'I kENNETH RAY llt Preeldent ' ~ber 12, 1M2 STEPHENS, Adop~11nt ?020 N lr<*lw•Y. Pullflt""'CI Oranl!:ccoa:'o':! • c~A~'°l':J: ~ S111te 20e. ...,. 9 ..... T F Senta Ana, CA 12706 Potot, NOY 17, 24, t, • 1-THE PEOPlE OF THE S ATE 0 ........ .... soos..n CALIF~IA, flCTlTIOUS MlllNISS flCTITIOUl ..-H Tel (7l4l ......._lO To MICHAEL 8 .. ANTNl!A ...... STATIMINT NAMI STATI.....,. Publlahed Orano• Co11t Diiiy ...... --You .,. hereby cited •nd TM IOlloWlng peraont are dOlng Iha lollowlrlg l)ertorlt .... doing P1IOI, Nov 17, 2•. Dec 1, IM2 .--""'-r~ 10 ilPPM' .... ...,Ina In °"..,_ • °""-u : 8070·t2 '1CTITIDUe _,lllill ti• court on FllbNl!ry t t, 1115 81 0 a L SUPPLY CO~PANY, ACCOUNTS RECEIVAILE, ... .,. ,._ 9IAlm eTAW 141 tl'll Ill °"'8r'ment I . tooeted 350, No H2, AVOC-adO Slr .. t Coate 1800 E Garry A-. Suite 118, .--JIO,_ Tiie IOllOWl"t petlOn 11 dOlng et 700 ClvlC Center 0tl"9 WHI. Mela, Caltfornla 92t27 81<111 Al"a. c.for-n1a 92705 'ICTITIDUe ..,_. 11ue1net1 • 88rlt• Ana. C.eomit 12702. anct to Dabofe S. Hintz. 350. No H2, Jamee Kenneth Davit, 15500 ..,... .,..,_. ~IUITV-.urt •MORlll 9111e any lea•• r• .. on wlly, 1 .AvO''aff ltr•et, Co,I• ~·· T_. Y .... ~'No tt, n.M. T~ t;-..,_ ......... unml ~ ID lie lllftlelt Ml•!>t'· c.itlofl'lla tltt7' 'Cllllornni 02Ae '1 ~....... t , M.-.1ft9'011 IHCll, WM! ~.TM ld09"811 1,.pa Marlllflen, 3llO. No H2. Renell Ao1nn1 Oavte, 15500 o c 11 Umltad PertlWlfllO t2 C8111omte U..7 Mlcl\lill S18')11414"1 Wlletpley by Ille Avoodo .,, .. ,, COiia M•U, Tuliln VIiiage Wey, No It. Tuetln, Nevone. """"· ~ .. .,,.. .._.Marti Kopeteon, 1 ... 2 .,..ttdler, ~ "8r Sleontna ~~le ......... -t ........ • Cltllforn411112MO JONI w °'*"'9, tt .....,., lrnHll'M Cqurt, l .. un• HUii. "'°'*'not lie lfjlldtld , '* --.............. -VJ Thie~" oonOllCtlf or 111 llWll. CtMotftle ttn• ~ neu Deltd ... ...,.., 12. 1N1 • 1*1••lfll0. lnClivldWI Thll ~II CIOftCMt9d or. ,.. "'--.. oenductecl or Ill ., """"'I I(,., Otew• I. "Htnu J-t<. ~ l+mlteel '*'""""" ffldlwtdull. o.ue, Ulllf• Mertltrllrl Rane44 R. 0.1119 Jofln M °'*"" Hclwe'd M KopellOn llAMY & trllll ... Thll ~ .,.. flltCI With the Tlllt ttetement w. llted wttfl tllt Thia 111ttmenl .. llllld w1tt1 IN Tiiie ......,_, .. lllld wllll 11'8 -.... llNll. County c.ti of Orenee County on COvnty Clt<'ll ot Orange County on eoumy Cleft! of Or111t1 County on County C..... OI Or11119 CowMy on .... • Hovemc>er 1, ltt2 t n ~ I " f 1ffJ Ho¥wnb1r 1t. 1"2 No\IM!Mr I. IM2 ......,. .... C ..... - """' ,.._ ""• CrMt ..... ftublit11t1d Ota~ t.011t t "'''''I Publllhed Orar19e Coaet 0•11~ Pu .. 1e11ec1 o,.,... coeac Deify Pul»llMed OrMM Coe11 IMltr PvMllMCI Ot111,..CoHI 0111 Plot, HO¥ i . '°· . "· ~ ... ea P~t, Nov-,, ro, tr,'~ 1~14-ea Piiot. ~ 11. 1•. oeo. ,, 'to':'n """'· -.. "·"·a.. "·~~ -. . ..., ''~"'· O.C:.l. •J.~ ... 6 4. 2 5 6 7 8 ! .. I L 0 T • 5 6 7 8 .. • CllSSIFIED INDEX !!!!!.~~ ..... . ~'!'.~ ••••••••• }~ ,,,..,..,,Cal 142·5&71 .... .. ... = 1411 ·-·-... ... :::: IW , .. _.1111 --l-1t ·-1 .. -,. I .. 1• ·-... ; ·-·-J• 1• 1• ,. -, .. -,. --- Rt·mocMt'd a bdrm. 2 bMth + Wjt-~ rm , t>Nm cc•1hnp, furrll&Md, patit.fl $420.000 . PElllllU •ME ~·an & jl•uy vltowa. Morlmo room, 4 bdrm, 3 ~th, 3700 11q tt Sl.38~.ooo Oceanfront Ulla IW llYFlllT l'Aaoon v1t-w from 6 bdnn, ~ bath, playroom, d1trl< rm, dt-n. Bolit slip. Now $1,000,000. UYllMIUOI Spt.'C.'l:.c:u1ur baytro11r <tphc 2 bf"; 2 b:i up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat IP'k't'l>. Re<l Ut.'t"(J-$1,500,000 Fllllll(IS IWlll · New 4-br. 4 i,, t>a. <'USU>m F~nc:h Norrrumdy F.aww I 2 Jklme acre hilltop $1 ,250,000 IOllllH llYI Coronadu lall.nd Cl.ISl. b(ayfront lol . ~· boat doc:k Planll avail. Now $370,000 w/t.rnns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR j l "' ) y j. l 1 I .. ' "'1 H !'_; , [) t, I,.,' ~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!~ -a..i 111•1• UCLlllYE ----J!Qt -.. --... ... -... .. --·-UM ---$010 !1111 ---- ~ ) .. ml ml ...................... .. ..... , ....... IOUM. HOUSING O~POlllTUNITY P1~1ilhr'1 htlet: All real estate edvertfsed In 1n1s newspaper ls subject to the Federal Fair HOU$&ng Act of 1968 Large 3 Br 3ba, patio nome wllam11y rm Super assumable l1Ned rele loan• En1oy beaullful lelle I and sec ur11y g1te11 Comm pool and club· nouael S 178 000 Cell 1•1 • • I I \ f ~ I I I t:/·. H l - COLDWeLL BAN~eR O whoth malCes II 11!ega1 lo ---·"- advertise "any preleren· --ce. hml1a1ton or dlsc:rimi· ••11Rs11._ nation based on race. , 1141,IOI color. rellg1on. stx or Orasllc red11ctlon on ta- n111onal origin. or any bulo us 5 BR lem1ly lnlenllon to make any home Open. bright & aucn preference tlm1la· c:he«ful plan 5 in 1mma· toon or d1sctlmfnat•on ·• "cullle cond•hon, upgre· T j I ded & eapanded near h 1 newspaper ""'1 not schools, sltuated 1n knowingly accepl any ildverllsong for real es-park•hlle aetting tate whoeh is 1n v1011oon a.4-.... of tne law. 1111 ................ . -----... ,,. ,,, ,.,, Mit •••••••••••••••••••••• .,., ,,,.,, ··········#··········· c..,,., 111a ............•......... ,. Prke4 Tt S.Hl ion Beaut decorated Coodo. 11• fulletlon·Brea area Nr E•EUU llY 1111.-College 2 BR. 1350 sq. _. n Owner motrtvated. "" S119 000 bs ofr. = 951-1344 or 11529-3798 W•lll to everything from tflis 4 BR; family toom cllarmer. Including 6 tennl• courtt. 4 poole, ----------911 --... --.., ------ Tll llUT eno one .., .. 11ona1 ~·· vet• aendy beectlt ........ EITDTlllDI Fit toi Royalty. lllis ultrt i::::::::: custom maS111fplece -· i 1111 you Huge 5 Bdrm. 2 ttory nome with cour- 1y1rd entry, pr1vete 1h1mmerlng pool and bubbling ~ accent ttws merbi. lldOfrle<I peaece Unbehevable elegance •• under $850.000 IHI Acl IOdav, c.11846-7171 THE REAL ESTAT:S:RS HmlT1I SllSIT YtlW A prldt ol ownership home 1n Harbor View Hiits • 3 bdrms & family rm A beauutul prolee· llonelly pt•nllld yatd & lovely covered patio wtlh • nangong boug1lnvlllt $347.000 l H 1714J 67J.44M IJIJl631111 MARIOR ' "' .. . . ....•.... ~.'!!.~ ...... . ••••••••• J.ljfl ft!ll.tfttf •••••• J.,ff ,... ...... 8•1 l•t• 1 So laylront wl~r. tl+p tncrtcJ w I 06dtt INncl coll .... ", on •C1101n1ng 1011 Re markable oopl'y tor ••· m11y Of IWP*t' b de\191oper pkg I U00.000 Don De Thomae. . 711-1100 LIW .. M ........ ,. HIQhly UC»Ofllded 3 lelfm home wlln huge back Vlfel LJ1109 t'11llet bclrl'll & laundry Im Cheety & ~IQl\11 OwMI' la an•IOUI Only S 109,000 Call now 970 $S10 \ t 11 I tl /' 1t .. ' .. .. . .. 011111yt Co at DAIL V Pll OUWttcJne1t01ty, NCJvt1mbe1r 17, 198i ... ~ .'!!. l!r.. •••••. IMtft.t! A* ...... . ~~'l! ............... 1~.~~ .. !!tt!.rer.N.~ .. ~'!!~!!.!!!!.'!! .. ~=~ "ti":1aa.1 -: ~ ........... I.If f'mfr!t.fm!.,J.~f • • _,_ ... ~ C11t1 ... ' Jllf lltw I IH1• ~Ill ... ..,, ,,.,. 1111 •••••••••••••• ••••• ... •••••••••n;"';l"•••••••• •• ~~.~f!r:ff"9 ............................... ffl •••••••••• r •••• •••••••··············· l!•M •.-. JIM •·• '""' Mft IU11 llU lllTllllTI 1n Par.It II HOl'llH a bdrm1 2 be Ma119r tul; II fl•• ~•Ylle 11udy and alllU"I Abtolutely gor· oeou• '1ome btller tl't•n a mQdlll 1113,too l.AMll 'AMtl V ttOMC on WI de NC 8 IA ' Ba ooatlb .. II\ llw Qullfletl AV 1cce11 Ow~1 an a!0\11 May h4llp ltnln(e 1'2~ 000 Uev111 f~HI (tit!• 8•2 6.1411 NII. 1.PIP.I. •11f le"!I J 111 • It• 11e11 • fi"oer.~' .. •••u•••u'IJ ':'l'n••••••••••••• • II • ' • 'i l\H ' d•n ? . 1).-r)41111 $upolf ,. •• , ,,, .... , v .... .. H•••••• ••• •C11oul11 Mau d•I M111 b41at ti 11 100 mu & MC c-~ ....... ..i.....a... ote "J ftr t H1 ~f tnlt• t a,. .,1 & pn Wt ........ ., ..... T1a1;1 N1rw <.1p11 11111111' ---· 110 1411 1At!l1mo 1e 10 ..,,,. 11~00 •1~~'/imo • -..... , Ltltff ' ... MdrOOfll W1ll.Ct1 10' 831 UT I 613·3113 493 080) (01 Pl.II .. le .. tr.. ~i. 11;1011 l 01 'l (hi Tuwr1 lur,.11f1edl ....... 1 -. h'>U"41, 111 q111111 c.ompi.tt. ~~··~~'"'·- ,,., Q40 J>OOI 911d1rn Ml * * * L•... • . ..,.,.. ...... IHIQ 107 ~ 64b 3391 ~CCPTIONAl 2 BO IUI..... Ill·•• llM •,Q4(1 • 0£.N ONLV FOR THC A co1; llreot•ce wtlh .. ,... r Ulull tondo, 3 br d•n lllTllT Ill OISCRIMINATINQ $760 wOOCl aoo QlaH fo w111m • 0 <''. l•ll Nr tton11 'tub $400 S• ttilmo 2 Or I Agl 17 1'~!1e 6904 y~r Wllllet lllQhll ti>enl lt•/•H/• "' 711 81 _,QUllll Ydl1r10 11101 F1P1, Poillo lrplc., ' Cl( Qllr (D or 1!.1 JIUl)ltfdrll 111)1 louodry * * * Ir' tnll 3 8drm I 1&9 000 •••••••••••••••••••••• 110 uno• .. I Pl• • 000 I UNfUlflllSHED 1oom bunmud tvlll•111• , -044 7020 lg• Per11111ul• Pl •HO 4 Plue d111 $41blr110 l11001m~~,oJ 0~7~.-u r~o I ... ,, No h•"' mo111h blTll• LIUTiff 1114, .. I. II•• Lllll Ill&. llT&ll ~~ ~ :~ 11~1111 :•J>'~ ~~': 846 '.15llCI 8 1 P ~,~LIOUTIH~~TLIJEHS 111n1 d«po111 1uq C1u llOI OU 3BR 2BA°tp 2 car, mull $1200i roo, 111 '••• a.c OWNEll MU5T MOVF p11u1c..u •• •l•ri Ool. ,. • t::A 1•,1 Mu1111 642 1603 ... ,,.,, .. ,,,,. Jiff Appeellng 3 Bdrm 2b• 11ell In 20 dye 831· 101!!. •-• J••• <'!!> tlTt> 111r.:i 8euu11tv1 tondo 21ir. ~~. &A~:~111;J.99fc,S/mo CLOaS, TENNIS M'"'° VArdo ihMrP up• home wllh lge 1amlly 1m ftllOLllllll --?Ba lo/tu uo1i oo SWIMMING plus 1111r11. 2 BA ') El.i. 0110;, ........... , ......... . ..... ,,. .. .,.,. A l 0\)£1 Y PLACE and yard 101 c111tdrtn 10 ULI ••• ~~!!!'.~~t ... 1.~~f ff!!~.!!!!~ ....•. !.'.!1 ~46 3'\3fl :>1 Br1e de;, 2 lla, w•I b•~· much more! Sorry, r11•w Gfll1, 1<11'' our, 111d1y P11Y Owner Wiii H•l•t tt57J~Jlt,.,.. $6000 Oown 4 Bt 2 Ba , 4 t>r , 2 bu, Lg Oo11u~ fhr1. fAS TSIDE 3 BR. 1 611 '~,' c;er. g~r; l'OO .-M• Model im no Petl11 1575 rno 10 LIVE •llurney/Pvl I & 2 Or •Pooll1p1/bbq w~linenclng S 184.995 . P;1ce •leahed In MHI , •--· cover•d Plltio. veuU•d Ont, E't1l<Jll, S!l!>O plu• 1011111y room '700 $ Q~lmo b63 ,02~1; no"'.... S C•ilt ~410-1 1 !iO nil a. Verde $1 tt.600 3 8R. ce1t1ng1 commty poof 5418·6155 Alo 111t. t111t dllf) No S1t1.1t1 •o beach l ovely• Optll dally 9 to 6. 01•1 "tll48 a~k tor Pam - wAnK1woN1 ~~2~;f98 c111 r<ev 11 1111,500 c111•9'7·1657· P••• 21? L1111un 01.v111 od1m,&11oomo 1mm11t Oakweod PAlMMC"AAPT!> llOMI !'O low, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi-iiilililiiiJ I.••••• 11; •• ,J lifl . ~!.'!r.!!.!fl!~ ••• l~~! AC 6•" G:JGll Comm pool & lttonl5 10,ut Me-sa Dt REAL ESTATE ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Ot•11 IHI 111•11 LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrn1, rarr~ 546 s104 Garden Aparbnents $400 .Urtfurn 1 B1 631-1400 OHH fN Plllf •llT Sill... ••··~··••••••••••••••• 1m. 4 Be $1700 mo fH•l•i• V1Jlt• 3Z34 Lido lllt. 4 bd 3 bo. .. __ •--..... /No C.nu t11wn 9--4 S46 98GO ---------llYlll •LYll 3 BR 2 b• uppe1 corner #•jd1 •••11 ••••••••••••••"••••••• S 1400 2:12 V111 l>alermo ,_.._.., ~uo ' 2 bdrm I' b fir toe.., •b uc.111& 01 beau1tlu11y lnnd"OP4td 1urroun· dlllgb • Nr rrwy& & lhOPO•l'IO • Outet 11e11 c ...... '''#II JOJJ Plultt, 2-llory, ut>oraded El Niguel CC Goll Cour-fll l•ll 1100 OCCANFRONT 2 bdrm, Why I ti row uwoy root 07~ 7168 880 IMM A11t tfit1 110 P"~~ 'f496 ••••••••••••••••••••-2SR, 2' •BA M irrored 1Mh Hrghty cu,lomlzed &· •••••••••••••••••••••• t B 1 $ 7 00 mo B IJ I wtwn you can own 4 J l•I l~Jhl ,48 1510 • Sorry no pell '114) 141-1111 808 I l'iolland" Ct, ~B Btwo S1~1.,1Warner Oii 84tech llVlll TllUOE wardrobes, neutral vporaded Pa111a1 ocean lrtt1le1f Per• Grundv Alu 675-61l1 w/$1200 lo $?000 PtiY 2 Br co11ao1 N1•w1JO•I 645-1104 " · •111 AAA tonea, p11quet floor. air view Xlnl t11ma $159 20 48 ltncl Md h • -mentlt $ 17SK S2 tl>K Heights, tedwood deck1 ;t Qr w/Qfl! 6440/mo _.. · • -"" 0 pore ocean front yrly 4 bdrm move 1n • lak-01101 bttc;k wolks woodtd .......... ..-•---.. /So. • 1 ·• 2176 T cond ,2cargaraoe,prof 500 (71 4)831·6335, 2 BR. 2 Ba, Corner 1o1. ~ceigaregeandhOttut>-' ,.......,_..---.... c•P·~ waer IJv w~:~ ~::. ~~'';q ~I ~ f1nd1caped w/pallo 1714) 831-1216 light lntet101t This II Ille 675·7650 share epprl'Cra11on call gar S 7 50/mo Ava II I 1700 16111 SL r P1,1cf'nlh.I 636 4 no W~I lovely pallos end gar-P11n1111on 1hu11ers: Besl Buy 111 To11rn , S\16 at 691·5556 l2 l 6 845•8625 (atOomt 1 5.PV Spac 1 &. 2 br lovely de"' own~ wUI finance Swedish tlreplece, l>QOI & MtlllNll INt• llfl 540·5937, egl 2 Br 2 Ba Big Canyon llEWllll 6 ,.2 5113 Liil lrW llrllf llW pin•• & ~1reams sec •• spa Fabulous fixed II· ••••~••••••••••••••••• :r Mclll1n cc>noo, $1200 mo. B••li•tl•• • -s; s; I g111es entry bY phooe, 1ubtt.11nt111 Isl TO al wmable IOlln s 134,ooo T'wo bdtm Nt5, newly de· yrly 832-794 1 all 5 • •-... JZ40 2 'l 4 Br-S760·$ 1250 1 110 Ur walk rn ctose1 lge rec. area incl gym, 12~• Int. 10< 7 yr term A Debbie Fialt 844 6200 lllffl 1111... corated over 800 sq II ------•t• I mo F1e<1 Tenore egl • lfplt dshwshr lg pvt pool 4 spa 8•6•6591 leuehold estate. P(ieed n ........ -••• You own 11\e land 2.000 $62734:56006161.o dn . terms ....... ·v.1.,•;1•H l~·~9~·c·;;;~~·b;l~~·n·y· 631-1266 or 631 2711 OCUI fllllT PJlrQ root SPll5~90 pe2·~57,AY-'ll ~ow to sell In lee sq 11, 3Br, ram rm, 2·~ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• secure 542~ mo 2 bd1m. 2 ba $850 mo $,.7!.i mo .. .... ., .. 1 Br 1 Ba 144-1111 ea. Wide Greenbelt,,,.., Ct ti 1Z02 4 BAYfRQNT 1111 Jun!' Ill Cl u111 2 C101¥nsia11a apt ds-ht, pool Far below maiket fllWPtlT IUCI •• !.~~-• .. •••••••••••• 842"70 2 752·9466, 65-0·088 t Brarid ~µnnktng Clean p11va1e patio, ••"Ole ga- $235,000 Wrll lease op-Bel Alie Home. l1gl\1 4 8r. CdM $900 Beaut 1 sly 3 br 2 bu BALBOA ISLAND 3 1 BR 5375 mo bl~ lo !JR 1 Ba 1 t.ir 08' oo. r•oe No pets, water ~========~~~llOl'l;~B~k•~·~6~4;4~-0~1~3;4~~ 1n1eriors. 2 bdrm 1 balh, 2 Br Ip Bo>I Pen $600 home on qu1e1 cv•·d8· Bdrms 2 ba. oacellenl oceen-poolls1tgt ucJll pttlS S~SO mo ?1>6 pa 1 d S 4 5 O Imo i "'°"' kllchen, e-pallded I Bi. baylronl $900 'ac S8SOlmo For appl. c.ond Furn or unlurn prel d 642•5002 San 10 T omos Ag 1 545-2000 Ageot, oo lee llv, drnlng 11eo Youog 2 Br, ocnlroJ $1100 960·8468. 536-14311 ag1 lmmao posseu1on 2 642 6368 ' llUI fllW Slll,000 let In lhe heart ol lhe village • a rare secluded 2 story on 8 40 It R 1 IOI wl seperale artls1·1 Sludlo. Just a short w11k to the beach. Ideal for remodel or now con11ruc1lon. Owner wlll help flnam:e. OllL 144-1211 nlfUI EITATI ... I AH•••~le FlalHil& Back Bay area, 3 Br. 2'~ All 2 Bdrm•. enclosed Be. 2500 sq, JI. Security ga1Hges and palios, ex· oate. private community celleol rental area. Ow· $395,000 s•;. Down Will ner will also consider consider trades. etc. carrying 2nd TO. Near Armitage Re.atty shopping. Asking S 175. ___ 1_1_4_-5_4_4_·2_4_8_4 __ 000 C111540·115 1 ~HERITAGE 'lEAl.TORS ... ,;.,, .. LEASE OPTION Adults & pell welcome • .IACOH llALn Sharp, 2 BR 2 136 vacllnl 1 mos m1nrmum rental ICHIFllOIT PINE BlUF'F APTS •Ullllll WALi ~4,~00 640-59~7-Ag~ -PlllP llAllAIEllEIT $550. aslo. tor Keith SI SOOlmo Owner 2 & 3 bd avail by w~ or I Br ti. Loll Child olo.. Lrg 2 & 3 PR townhouse llllHllOll 20141 111·1113 962·4471. 91,18-9853 644-9513 mo Agl 675-8170 o:itro view lrplc: encl ~~I er~~lb~arir'~~c·,~:~~ • 4 uears old 1 mt 10' BACKBAY, 2 Br & dun, !Jal SIM stove, dlllh• C OK 8 6807 beach Deluiui washer Bike 10 beach 4 BR :.>ba. •mmoc $8501010, Va-B'VfRQNT wost101 spa tncsry 1m h1ldreo •O· flllllllH llHTALI ideal 1em1ly homo Lg C II R A d n $650/mo 1Br apt, 3 blks l rom anddrye1,4moold Mtn1 Versailles • lncd y1d New cpt lhrv· cont 6a 118 o gers, BALBOA ISLAND 3 SPMC •. 631·6107 beach, child & pet OK. bbltn~s thb1uou1 d2 BRd. 2 Lido Paik 2Bf $$672505 ou' Garoene1 In Cl 63t·12 6. agl bdrm 2 bO tiouse'" e•cel " Sr I Bt'.I In 4-plox, $465 mo 960-7165 a n&S een re uce to $750/mo Pat 968-7096 EXECUllV( B11yslde Dr cond Furn or unlurn ~ - $32.000 845·6325___ Penln Bach $350 3 waleilronl homu Avail lmmed possl'ssion 2 cli"lln oo PCIS $430/mo •,mt 11om bch 2 Br 1ba -Oceonl~nl 3Br $1000 4 bl . ba. bonus rqom. 1mmod 4 Br, 4 Ba au I 27 1 ·B" 16th Pl c II Ill •211 At11,.1/11l1J1JZOO L•dolsle2Br $1650 den din rm lrplc mos mioimumrenia 0440452 I ... •••••'•••••••••••••••• Oceunlront3Br $1400 $1100 Avarl now amen111es S2f>OOl mo $1500/mo Owner . ---13 AOllEI 963•4785 Boat i11tps also uva11 644·9513 • 1 6• 1ra11ers $247/mo MADDOX APTS 1 & 2 bt Asking $330,000 Zonttd 955·2473 and t>lec S.ISO sec No Nice, quiet surrouodtngs tor.,, ac lots Recorded llflllltllH H 1· I Opn Hse Sol 11AM·1'1M PHTHOUSE/Ou fr1 dogs 133 E 161h S1 . Sp $•H10-S550 842-8788 mep,on 31 lots, tentative Udo Isle S Br $180Q. •• ••I •• 246 ()<Ind St S7SO/mo 2 Beaulllul & 111 the most 42 64,·9193 Cl'ld Sun Bel 9-S « 1 1 A 1 Lido Isle 2Br S 1100 H•rh•r 3Z4Z prestigious bldg over-Nt beach, 1 br. 1 ba, frplc. ~.:' 81 1c! 's~~-Baytront 2 $2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Br, den ltplc. 2 car ga-100~1n9 oceaib-A-jelly 2 Br lrplC gar yard Av8J.1. Dec 1 HARBOR RIDGE ~ated oeer Fooiena Bayfronl 21den S1800 40' dock patro deck 4 .,119" Ne"41y de<:orale<l by Id· S!>OOl mo S36·0297 evs 631 7370 5'9 3546 Fresh 2Br $67~ Bdr 2 Ba 3 c11r ga1119e 11• B1 College mou!> des19oe1 Compl 640·~-- ••ti IHO __________ , ............. ~ ....... . C.I • lllf IPAOlllS IUOI ... ••••~•••!!!;•••••••••• S Bdr, 4o;, Ba. 3-aty. 3000 •Y SlO OOO .. SQ It + over 900 SQ. h. 1 , of balcony Some OCleln Owner wlll sub1ldlze view. 1 blk 10 beech. payments lor 18 mo•. 5 .$285,000 F.P. See o- Bdrm, 3b• In MESA In adj house I I 206 15th VERDE $189.500. Prln St. 536-1718 only. 544-8390 Mon lhru •----------Fri IYiH ' lHf ............... , ..... . Cadillacs lo Go-Ca11s Whllever tbe Fad Roll 'em oll Ille matke1 With a C11"llied Ad Call Nowl 642·5678 ,,.._. ,,,, .... ,..... »ht >UM JJ.,._ •O. ,.....,. :~= ·.C::: , .. .,. Jl~ ·~ . ..,.,.,.. . ......_. . ........,_. ....... . ....... ,,,...,., .. ...,,... tlf_.. 4olLM ,, ........ u .... MO..-.... ".... di"• ... .. ..... ,,,.,. '41}\.-.. ..., ............... ...... ,,,.,,,,. .. .. ,..,... ., .. ,... . . ....., n...,.. ..... ,.,....,. r>•w• WO..-. ""-.. .. ,... _ ..... .... .... . ........ ,,..,..,... 11c..iw-..... •O.-.• ..... .. o-.--.... •O..--. •• ._.. I 1° j•F I~ l El I I E s c A E I ,' . I I I' I . l I A N F L I ~ I My dumb •U(lt hu 11 fe"'Dflle I I I. I .. :; IC10t. She hU -all hi• . • . • movlH. Hit IUt n-la ThOUaa.ndl end h11 llr1t 8lld I C A T ': 1 I I I mlddle n-are --. ~ I r lJ . -•~!'"~..:: ...._.....__..._..._ _ _.___. -........ ,,.. .... No ' -- ---· To help you find Hema you'd ~ lo buy ' . lD .. you· "' lll -..... ,,,_.,.. .. fMlceM _.~ ... ennounoemen• , Custom View Home $50,000 option money 4 Bedrooms. 5 Balhs Sl.299,500 • • . Lido 1Br $1100 owner 2131592-4905 Frpl $575 furn Lge 2 Br, 2ba Pool BAY TIMBERS Secuntyt2Br $1250 lease option 642-3850 ogt 1ac. boal sltp $1700/mo Spacious l Bdrm, lrplc Deluxe poolside atra large 2 br 2 ba . bll-1ns, oswshr 1• • m~es beach No pets $500/mo. 536·8362 TR\Dt TIO\,\I 1-?l \I J) Waterrroni Homes 1mm1>d occupancy All POOi & mo•~ Reall<lf"S 631-1400 lni•t 3244 ~~!..~~'."!!!.'! ..• ;/.~~~ 1oam call 675-3738 141-1113 as•IE OHll 2 Bdrm plus den. Tennis. pools. Oua'rded comm. 0.11111•1/ LeaM $1600 per mo. U•i t1 /11 ,.,, " 640-1212 :·~;;·c·M"~;~;;·;,·~~: ouptu •• 111•,c, 01chld. 3 oershlp, Gd lln. S295, Br 2ba, deck, view. 2 car 0 0 0 8 7 5 • 0 0 7 3 or gar $950. Dy 540-4988, 865-22•9 av" 640-9219 ....... iiiiii.:s······· Hill Side ocean Yrew 3 bf A,.,, .... ,, NEW BREED APTS convert Oen .\ maids ., , 1 Br & loll B~-• loll 1 10 4 bd1ms, sterling al q arte 5 $2000t mo u-. .. 0 Lge 281 w/ger Super clean Close 10 bell. S495t mo '964·4686. 536-7330 $600 10 $2000 • 2u3 9r2628 U•l•r•i••H Frplc rec room. pool, I 144 • •• •••••••••••• • •••••• • 1acuzz1 ga~ & wautr paJd Tur flerock. 3 Br 2 Bo lam. dining. ltplc. private '1acuu1. prof decor. •P· pllances 2 car gor11Q11. commty pool & 1ennrs. a11an Dec 1s1 '995/mo 646-2353 180 degree ocean vrew 111' .. 11/1•4 3106 No pets from $465 393 lrom Otntng L1v1ng Den e:a•::,;~•n• ... •L;;,~:·~;I~~ Hamilton, C M 645•41411 1 Br • fP8CIOUS walk In and Kitchen 3 Br & Den. ' closet Clo11e to shop 2,. Ba Immaculate. No pier, 3 story deluxe 119 Specious 2 Br 2 Ba. bll· cnlr Pool, leundryroom, pets 673•6632, ownet 2Br. l1plc. $1800 mo -ins. lrplc gar $57S No gar s46o plus sec 675·3067 pets. A vail 1mmed 19221 Delaware la•lfl ,,.,. 3211 Lge 2 BA. 1'> ba. fplc. lge 11arbortBato;er 546·6009 •••••••••••••••••••••• I $775 $ 5 l.l•H •·••d Jiff Beiut 2 sly home 00 view sundeck yr y 2 bOrm with yard 52 ••'••••••••••••••••••• Canal. w/boal shp • br, mo 1st. last $300 sec Krd5 OK Single story ICUI YIEW lgl' h11 11ea $1250 mo ~o pets or gar· 325'' 963•7600 645•5735 10 mlnulet so ol l.aguna Av a 11 now C ••I rand C~ .673•42~ •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 on Dana Point's most 960·8468, 536-1435 tor Ba Newly decor S49b sefluded scenlc bluff, eppt fagl) l•lh1 No pets 831·8974 llke new, 2 Br. wi den, "•~ll1tll 11.U.1.U 3101 1 br relrig, 'stove. lndry xtra targe private p11lo. 11 •••••••••••••••• ... •••• gafage S725/mo. Call •r•Ii•H 1100 2 bdrm. 2 ba newer dptx Pei. cona $395 1920 S6 t-6U 1 01 M-F, 9.5 •••••••••••••••••••••• yrly Mature non-smkrs Wallace 640-6029 6•3-0210 Orrve by to 2 bdrm. 1 be. garage. no pets $650 X 3 EASIStde luxury in a prne see 111 24583 Senta COSIO M••• Morn 2~1799·•195. 257-9792 lOfHI 2 bl, 1 ba ··"~· Ciera 955 -12•7, Aller 3 or(714)6733986 6-46-6481 • ... dsh...,_sher enc gar BB · Vety Charming 2 bd. 2 be, On golf COUf'M. 20% dn. V11c1nt. aflqw anytime, Ch11mlng Laguna Beach 2 bdrm, 1 be, Cape Cod ,t. S 1,295.000 name 10< Corona del Mer Completely 1emodeled. -----Oualtly SB1 e11ec home, 73-7761 °' 780-1397 duplu Cheshire Reel Prfv Bch. $1,000 mo Ea1a1e 759-1877 673·4771, 833·2900 -. Tvrtlerock Htghlancss. $1750 mo Avail Dec 15 GOLOEN PROPERTIES 752-1589 Lakelronl 3 Br Woodbttd· ge Sl•OOtmo 551-9615. "641-8224~8·5 Mon/Fri ----$395 1 Br dPI• Uhl po !I 85 I l'IC I $ b '51m0 2 SIOty, lrpl wood panel, A h . '-' •17 e Say Ave, Balboa 714;.631·6741 oeck. trees. 'l blkl .!/!'.'!!!~!! ••• !!'!.... Pen No pets. 547-1155 2 Br 1 Bi 571 w Joann o c d • n , No end, ..,... •BACHELOR • Upaurrs No peu S825tmo, incl ullla l••i•1•I• 3111 Yrly. viii pd $340/mo $425tmo sierra Mgmt 640-5629 •••••••••••••~•••••••• 20 I E Balboa Blvd 641· l32• Ocean Iron I 1 br. part Wrntf( Aent.i 28t, PoOl. 1 615-9662 ~3~9 2 8r 1'> Ba Twnnse Elll furn Adu11S' No pets W••H ""' 3241 house to bell 1550 Ptaya ------181h St .. o pets G•· $800/incl ulll 497· 10e2 ··'··················· RE 973 ... 1900 c ' I .. 31Z'• ,. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT ----•1'•1 t ,.,, " r11ge 5625/mo Srerre OCEAN VIEW Nu 3200· lu.x hm on bluff 8AY FRONTAGE, ~acn. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mgms 6A 1· 1324 • Very nk>e t br. S.500/mo 180 deg vu of harbor pier prkg 2br S800 lbr STIPS TO tCEAI Almost N-2 slry 2 bd incl u11ts 49•· 1810 surf mlns. 3br. 3ba $600 Ut1l pd 303 E ,Large 3 Br 3 Ba many 2 ba encl yro gar 09cks /f, I.. . 3111 Sse1900curoly !a9u6n7a009spa Edgewater 11871·~ ~~~~:~~\:~.1~~75c~1: io pa5110 Kids Pets OK • .'.'!r.! •••• ~! ........ . Imo . Cert••''' #11 312J 759.9100 $64 Avarl 12· 1 Lorri NO FEE•. Apl & Condo EMERALD BAV 3 Br 2 Ba 1700 sq II lrplc brick palro. w11h spa St800 /mo 213 1876-2255 or 675·3067 1 Br 1 Ba triplex. gar, pa· 110, stove & retrlg 5241 St Anns S600 VIII pd 536· 1453 wkdys •••••••••••••••••••••• Wkdays 547-9571 Eves rentals v111a Reo!als Ocean v11w, beaulrlully 2 Br 1 Ba Bnght & atry 8 Wf\ods 850-0223 675-<1912 BtOker. furo townhouse, frplc lrplc. sun deck. carporls. pool & peoo S 10951mo lease. no pets $6501mo SHARP E/Side. sepaiate ' Block to beaqh. 2Br, 673·0896 760· 1713 . 2 BA untl. lncd yard. encl bright & airy 5675 mo. _ ___ _ _ gar new cpls, no pe11 yrty 968·8263 C11t• #11• 31Z4 Garage apl. I'• br. OW, Ca 11 5 4 O • 1 158 o 1 ------ • ••• •••••••••••• • ••••• g" r . p v 1 No pets. 979·38•8. asll tor Pam 2 Br 2 Ba lrom $525 No F"urr 1 borm apts $385 $650/mo 612•. Jasmine pets Across lrom New· and up Enc gara8es Open da•ly 2.4 6'42·8367 EaSt$10e Costa Mesa 1 br port Buen Goll Course. 2110 No5~~?~~:~vd M clean 3 bdrn\. 2 ba dpi7. ~~f~e~o 11!~~g37s~:6i2 5•5•4855----- pat•o gar A11a1I 12'<• wkdoys 760·724 t Suo· WllTlll llEITALI CASI DE DID ALL ~JTILITIES P~IO $990 No pc1s 7 19 He· days 3 & • Br Close 10 water, turn & unlurn, reesona· ble, ell amenities Broker 675-•912 llotrope 97~·9406 · 3. BR 3 BB bi le\lel 1wnh· C11t• 11111 3124 ••..•••••...........•. t m" pvl yard !pie ntw 2 blks S Cat Pl 851·9990 2Br u1V5ta11s quiet. encl Nwpl HglS 2 br1 2 be . gor no dogs 1110 VIC· spacious Avell. now 1 0 , 111 s 4 9 sf m 0 S700tmo 6•5-7400 631·6812 all 10 LARGE 2 br 1 be, ger. dl w 5308 Seashore $750 mo Vrly 982-4914 PARK N PORT APART Muns ... .. t . . '~ ... .. -• Orange CoHt OAll. V l'ILOT /Wttdnesday1 NoveMbtlr 17, Hl82 1 , ·ii . ftffl!f.!!ffM •.. ~ ~!IA~!'.. •.••...•.. ~ •• ,f~!r.!.hr.!n ••••••.. llr.!~'!.•! ........... ~.: ~!!!.-.!-.c •• , •••••• ,, •• ¥.~~!~-.c ....•....• : •.. !~l!!!!!~~!r •••..... Drlv.wav•. P111klng l.01 Shll"IJOO l tteam Cl ... 11 fl CC1 AtCIAN Pllouel l t1wt1 \Ill vu.ti from 118 llAUI INO ahJdenl hll~ ~l 84 Per Dai R•p•lra. 6Hleo11t111g Color t>rlghttnera, wht rlgh1, hae hU111111e on mo vo ,1,.1911 vi>• Wff· 1011 •ru<;k lhnln low NllllWlll !!!!!r .............. . -~ ABC; MdVll>m Ou1c~. Cdrn)ul Storv1cu !~N.~!!~~~~! ....... f!!!!~~ •••...••••••.•. • •tmYANT'S•• MOBIL£ SERVICE ..W..ttcovnr1n11 R*'mOlllll ReKtNni/Ntw 1er .. ns • se.s Atphll &31·4190lio c1p1a 10 min blHCh. 111011UI11111111 Job•. 01110 1f•ICI work Kai\ a · l'iClllljlt 7tl9 HH6 WAITll hat' a ALL you Pll D' H 11 .. ~ 0 C11 Hllll. llV/dln '"" 116: •vo Lie 11966' 1 (173 03511 '"•4 IO"':l Tl\Ank you. John for I an I uvrQ Ill ng r()Om $7 60, COYCh 1 t0, "v " I ow r1JIOI ~'12 0410 SIARVINO COLLI.vi: All 19r>er• 842 !:143 NBl <:M on\)' 842~9552 11tl1 C1v111 l1t11l11i•I l11ri111 30 d1y a<l & Paving Co A4talc:ommt c.tu 16 OIJll 1111'11 ~I I tC'l> l'LCC llHCIAN K&O ld11<11eA&i11 Milllll 1 lc1Hl HAULING IHIJh qu11U1y ll<>UAi1WOrk 1n the Lie. ~976804 841_; 1720 l'ldd• Orpt repair 1[; yre Ounl worktneu ro101 R~lldl,Comm Ctu.n VI> & CLrAN-OJ'S hp11riel'lced. dep11nd11 SoTVOliNfS MOVINO CO Lie T 124•431> 1r111urod 64 1 6421 WA Tell' US GROWi cu~q;oM·~~·p~~.~·~~~ ····pRQFESS~ONAL'··· UIU All•~•lf.I exp Oo wort• rnyull i;,._ •II 63 t 807' Sr11111kler ay1 !1411 2480 Fr••-(IAI 042 :1657 lllO. hl'lniltl. m1ei11ue111. Pll.lf ••••••• •••••••••••~•• ·Reff 554.0123 FL~ClRICIAN OTO'S ml'l1Clil6us, llCVClblt! I am Our offices handle ell ,1 -Jobum11polra Lie SAM fUKUM • H11ll•1. tho ti o e I"-Pho r\ o vi<r~ rt1t1woo11 Ot!ch '& !lfCAE'TAAIAL'$~VIC1! f(incl!s nanctv U4 1 ·062' /54-6368 111¥101 areas of law Prompt, C1•Ht,,C.,,1nt1 _...,7~3'°'3""1L.I ·C 10 548·5203 G11ronr1lng Chitin upa, •••••• •••••••••••••• 673 70 I? 11llctr 6 fiM 11i•tl•• llllOTllY courteous serv1cQ 'FREE "(:(i;;;~1.;;:;;~1·.,.~9~~k· ~ m111nt · 1101.1 tnrn, arnl Hhr II Hl-llH weektJtJy~ All <Joy Sotur· •••••••'-•••••••••u•• f!~!!!~~·~~~ ....... F!!! •••••••••••••••••• eo·s PLASrEFllNG TILE. INSTALLED DO IT NOWt ••• ftr ... ~,. Your Dally Piiot Service DJrectory Aepresenlallve H2-Hll, i~. H2 consultation 549.9335 Walls•CUll work Lie RCSIO OMM'L/IND lon<1•c:o1>11 645 3540 ~urn11c11 11001 w111er 11en1 duy 011<1 Simony , ' 1111 PAllTlll --- -20 yrs 0 my ow11 work C 1 111 d j l)y Rlcllord 611101 Lie A~gresslve Attorney, No 381057 Aob 541-2683 Lit~ 21604 I Al 646·8 t?G hfl1tt nn W o c 11an New 60 000 H !U Furr111oa Ou&llly liuu1Juc.l11<i1lfnlj 2/JOOilA t3 yr• ol hllllOY ~ tnltiul Conaullallon - ---ups. huuhnu fret; 1rlrn e. & th11rmo111111 111111ulllHl wllll I) Po1snnnl lou~ll Pt_ASlEA PA'l"CHING • •-• ~ • Dr1veway1-p111os-walks RM ti Ete<;t·Remodeta~ _'JfJ worl\ 8!10 9844. S800.00 \fl4) 8911·65J~ Call Beth 650·0933 . locnt cu11oml'rt A •11ir;cot1 Int/au 30 '"' -1r111 · ~~"~;:~v1:/~.ryN~a:::· Fr!:o9c5~~:!'!;m::~~~57 A e1 d '11 on s . g e r · -ciotm vps rnmrnin9 1ttunk you. 63 H• Iv ' yra Nii.ti Paul S•5·2977 °00"$"i."ow0R'.:;es"r000 494-6591. THO••PSON CONCA".JE .wrkshops, Low rates Lie Sprin~lora -M;alnl. ¥.~,!.!~!~~•••••••• t1ousecle&nlno. rRellohle PAINTfR lJEfOS 11 .... Tree tnm11emov, clean ' lnoorporallon. bvsfness "" "" 325738, Ins. 646·737&, Fre11 est 642·2657 ~e6l.~~O~{lfl$P 64:-~~05 WOAKI :.10 yrs uxp, int/ •• ~!'!~!'!#............. up$ mowing 554·7017 Neat po1c:t1e~ 1n11exr All Kindt. Guarantt!4!Cl RO~IUC.C09 645·11258 'Reis John 840-9217 advlc1,1. Reasonable rees 10:,,'~~~:'c;~~tv:3;~~83 • '~ Gr1dia• -, MITIOILOH MlllT'S ]~~7~~ouF6r1~~ ~~:inor. l ic Hhr ED Hl-1121 Tree removal. trimming. 752· 1962 642·6482 I ~ -••••••'••••••••••••••• ""Home rep81r/Rernod ~IOUSECLEANING D P 8 7 5 II 40 gal w111erheater $225 emergency service lie IL -'} "ijj'1111 TRACTOR WORK Ex-vFlx·ll Setvlce Also wlllOOwstapplcs uvt~ &tllllng 4 • IS - -Insured 536·0914• U'llit•1l l1at41lf•• l••riilli•t, -Ci""'lrl-tll~11 "'~••r•J 161~ ~4nu1.,.. c:ovnttn". comuue;tion. · •Carpenlly •Plumb;ng AeM · 662-2674 uves ts y'r-. exp rm small. my $SAVE$ 2ov. • 40'~ ---, •••••••••'••••••••••~ •••"'•••••• ••••••••••• •1 -~"' " "' E r C •' Pt Ii /Heal 271703 Exl>tffenced Carpenter . WILL SIT In my CM home. •••••••••••'•••••••••• · · flock hoe 20 yr$ -p. • tee • '"· arpeniry Ho•i••itti•t. prtCQS lire $fllilh• Ron urn '"0 : T11torio• Remodet/Add-on/Flepetr Nono 2 big, none 2 small, TOP QUALITY ORK King Equip 637-7392 •Drs.Moldlngs·Cnbinet5 ••••••••••• ••••••••• 650·6477, 661 ·8849 Guar las• Alls/comm •••••••'•••••••••••••• fenced yard. hOI meals, Frorn A 10 z we (l~ ii all T RE s A TES •Shelving •FBuCe1$ 10 • OLDER. COUPLE WILL. 53 7.4375 GG ~OSI SUbj,;CtS K· 14 760•2~115 548'6654 reas. raies 548•2674 7t4-675·9436 lic 42578t .A A /4 H1•tlr,••• gar dr sprrngs Big or HOUSESIT, XLN1 REFS L"ow.,sl ratest Prompt, 963-5474 HS Day/eve $5'& $10/ht Moonllght.t>raltsman l•i1'1t1 ------lo.----Lied Joel 547·4425 ••••• •••••••••••••••• ·1miall I we do It ulll Risi, 5.>43·5241 673-1951 neat prolessionols 15 I . tt. .. Mr Morgan 645-517AI Home-Add ns.Remt>dels •••••••••••••••••••••• A EM 0 0 Et ·.Comm· S.rtli•i•• . . Carpentry • Meso11ry ellocienl service 20 yrs / ·yrs ellp. 636·7 149 .!.'!'J.! •• ~'!..,......... --- Member AIBD 645·1~71 'CUSTOM HOME Bl.DR residential, tenont Im-••••••••a•••••••••••• Rooting . Ptumbtng exp Lie ""B352651 J1•ilori1J • RALPH'S PAINTING CR G TTER W' tlo Cltl • • SLIDING GLASS DOORS needs SMALLER JOBS ~~fr~~,.,,B~~~~·,.~~·v0;11~: TREES R~;:;;~!11. ~.t~c~~6.~~~o 95 t -6067 "'Co'MM"l°jANiroRi>.t.00 LOWES f RATES Bo~Cled~~-11~ B344764 •• ~'! •• ~ ••••• '!!'! ...... . Installed/ Aemod, e<lcl.'ns between houses Free <1 1 1 20 Tonped/re. moved Cleon & CARPET CLEANING Uc 380015 536·9898 Free est, l -!>24·!>824 'Lei the Sunshine tn" & concrete:· Lie. 36168 t. est. Call Oen 537-o342.. _c.y~s ~;:,:1g~ C~;.sb~n~ed. ~lawn renov -,51-9476 Carpentry • Cabinets Pllmttng. pfumbmg. elec . oee·s Cleaning Service Call Sunshine Window Joe 892 13'27 ~ Plumb . Drain Cleaning drvwall, tole, carpen11y 9"" ,,. 1 CUSTOM PAINTWORK l1li•id1i•1, Cl~amng. Ltd. 5.46·8853 · · Cdi•fl ll1kit• ins. Lie " 191801 Pa· TH 111111 SOllE Elec:tncot. Tile , ••ark 546_7816 Lie Bon(led .,.,...,4 4 Comm'llres1d. s1rlpp1r1g. •••••••••• ••••••••••• 20•1> Monlhly Discount ••••••••••••••'••••••• lombo Const Anytime A 0 966 0 9 ..., ti . stiltnlng The Job 11101 Cabinets refinished by --cabinets & Carpentry 962•8314. Lawn-lree-sh1up lnsta\ els. on · 14 ' -£111 1t1•1•1 •""al licensed female K WINDOW CLEANING • •••1l11tlwt ... ,,. T If L --"HELPING HANDS" .,. s pea II II I 0 r 11 s e II "' . . RESID . & COMM'L Mouldings. Fireplaces Fr!im:!',i:a~e! ~~~ WAY CllSTlllOTIOI law'~Ma~/~~g::~:ng 2~oV~~ 1~:R8~~:::r You nome 11• well do 111 oici"c~~nt;• ,·;:r;d·s~~;;s• 498'8580_ ----Adams 760"9617 FREE EST 581-11'12 . Add Rooms. 35 yrs exp.-----Lie ='420802 Plans _!lee estimate 548·6065 Remodel·repalrs.tenclng ~~s & Bobbi 240•0275• 24 ~ ~':J~h'".9 6°411~s~ '9~6 1s1 CLASS PAINTING-JD Horn Rel1niShlng Clean Lie No 276943. C11•al1r Financing Available EJtpor Gardener & clean • electribal-plumblng 675-6058 V 5 • Wollpaper, tnt/E•t Re· Antiques. ktt cabmels.1---------- 714.959_9905 •••'•-•••"••••••••••••• 1••-1•00 10... 631 8530 pairs Free esl 979·5294 , t111e painting 645·0664 Stitt LIW ll•••irts" Remoel. & Repa1rs. Free & & ups Tree trimming. Free carpent.,,. • HooHtltllfi•I, _ • ~~~~~~~~~ est. LO rates. Decks. pa----------est. Pele 641-1096 JACK o rACL T0ADES ••••••••••••••••••••• ll••••tv ,, f ' Roolin• Thal all con1rac1ors Who REMOD. SPECIALIST tlo. Steve 752·9556' lltt• A44itiH1 I c II Jae!< lime ROBIN'S CLl:ANINCJ •••••••'•••••••••••••• •• '/..'!!'JI. ••••••••••••• ••••••'••••••••••••••• l>er1onn work overS200 JG Allen. Lfc. 202752. SINCE 1962 -"2 t2542 AlllElll& WAITll 11 any • Service -a thoroughly BRICKWORK: Small jobs. Far1h111g lnliwor Des;gn Huber Rooting-alt types 1nclu<11ng labor an<l aoneled. . 494• l8l0 EXPE,R. ca~p.enter does Mike Macarewlch Mowing. edging. ratvng, ~Y or mght. 575·,:?14 clean ttouse 540-0857 Newport. Costa e-iesa. HANGING/STRIPPING New·recover-declls ma1ern1l!i must be licen- add'ns, remo<l. <leeks IH-1271 sweeping Ftee folSll· Hioli•• . SS S? tr~tne Reis 675 3175 '!_._•sa,MC Sc_ou 645-93~~ Lie; -4 t 1802 548-9734 seel. Unlicensed contrac-A•lrlffli•li S.rritt Skyllgh1s & r~pairs Free mates. 645-5737 ••••••"•••••••••••••• TIRED OF HA LE -• -__ :._ 'T-tors shoulel so state in •••••••••"•••••••••••• est. qan. 841·4592 HOME IMPROVEMENT-:..._... DUMP JOBS Ouallly cleanmg h.111P is Block/Briel\ Walls. Con· Export wattcovertnp tn· ROOF PllOILIMT their advertising. Con· soi OFF FAST o ALL TRADES JAPANESE GARDENER & Small Moving Jobs here! Reis 960-7452 1 cre1e Very reas Llc'd,. stallallon Re~s CMsul· Don't re-root, repair al tractors and consumers, D:~endabl~. all~rd~~~. C&usN1oem1·1 CPaan1peellnngtr.vlobry!cicak, REMODELIADD'NS • SPECIALIST. ma Int • Call ,MIKE 646-139 t ~~ -- --~Bot> 673-53671~36-9906 ~nl Ass1gnm1. 581-859~ fr a c 11 on of cost contact Mary Gron<Jle al l I I d 641·8967 clean up, 111r:nmlng, Low ----II you wani your house -----Wh 9a1s shd •14~g toge-857.-2890 (714)558-4086 with anv essent a · ll renta · wor "'oor~. etc. Ph. 642·8809 F 1 548 9483 HAULING GRADING EAL LY CLEAN C 11 ~ '~· ' p1ocesslng. Tele.x.· "' " price. ree es · • · · a /fori•f . ther Hang, select UP· --ROOFING REPAIRS questions. Con1ractor's Facslmlte. order entry. "ll'l!,I •ir•i'tt C0080l0l0l0•000lfi0M0000W0.l0k01.·~. Jes!le's Gardenlrig dCemol•1tto&nt. clean·uapl LRln,da 669·0S 18• Good •••••• ••••••••••••••• noisier walls 839·0730 Small Jobs OK Free Stale license Boarel, 28 "' .,, ~ c oncre 11 ree remov · ~s_ _ •A·l MOYll"'* any11me · C1vrc Cenler Plaza . pagers-lease buy, desk ••• •••••••••••••••••• • OUSTOI lean-ups. tree trim & OIJ1ok serv 642 7638 -• es11ma1es Call Tom or space rental. · No Steam/No Shampoo · mamt .. serv1c:e 540-6035 ..:..., AOOSECLcANING. Good Top qu;11ity is yr exp ---Chuck 542.6392 Room 690 San1a Ano, -ANSWER NEi'WORK---Sta1rrSpecfalist.-Fas1-£ab1nets·Pullmens•8ar1t t·hJve-somettling 1o ~e111 refs-Transportatron-Ev -Compe1111v11-1.etes· -SE<bl:-1ote-11em:rwlth a · --<iA-~2-7-01 631·9131 (ask tor A.V.) dry. Free est. 839-1582 Wall Units 642-0881 Sell 1Clle Items 642·!\678 Clessll1ed ads do II well ' per'd 979-9756 No overtime 730·1353 Dally P11ot Classified Ad Want Ads Call 642-56781=======:==~· \ Cpr rour old eofa DOLL~R ·DAY DOUGH SAVERS · for M chandlse under ·~,000. Sell you no;-Jonger needed ttems for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be-priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercljil ada .. Call .today for full details~ ·3 3DAYS l.,INES . : _ CLA~SIFIEDs642-5678 OLLARS .. (Non-refundeble • .-.;. ..... •1.o1) A,.,,.,.,,-:-..... . 4000 •••l•I•,. ,.,,, 431i 1 .. 1.1. W••IH 43ZS Ollitt ••• ,., 4400 •••I•,,... SOZ5 £111 I,.,,., S300 Sdool• I •• 1.-w .. ,,,, 11 BI w. IH 1100 D•l•t•ilA~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ····•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• t•111atli•• 1005 •••'•••••••••••••••••• .!.1. •• ~~•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ullll IEACi au1e11Maturet ArJJst1c • llWPOllT 'CEITlll· REAL ESTlll LIUS Losr . o1d En91tsh Sheep •••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOMER SEllYICI LEUL SECllTAllY • ..,..,, IH1i 3111 •ITlll Ill JOllUTE n6eed40)Jr7e2ntbeat,re8aosomnoarbale, Full Service Suites 1st. 2nds, 3rds, 41hs Oog,dWe5st3N6wpOt7. 9R:-Piano • EJ1per nee .. proficiency Excellent skills required ··-··"················· Wkly rent a" $95 up. FlllEIS 9pm., • •s CIT OOSTS s• . 0.etH•llf :4~:4600 • •. Dynamic El(per P1ono & w/llgures 10 key by Nwpt Bch 673·9201 VERS.ILLES 2 b'* 2 ba c 1 TV t fl • • ,. , .. I~ I L A , Compos11ton Lessons touch, ll"-"V" phones. ---" · '" · o or • ree co ee. Olotst & lar,.....I agenty. • •6"0 ... Furnt•hed nr eu SS I -------" ' LOSE WEIGHT Top-floor v1·ew $800 h t d 1 & 1 t ·--,._ lo I / ~3SO ., " ~ Found M blk & grawldog. • Mus1c1an5h1p belore 1oght typ EJCc:e1ten1 Co ·• · · · · ea e poo s eps o All chents screened with _,,.,. II t• ,, All yo· u n ....... for one FOUNTAIN VALLEY -' N "' 8 c 11 t t 955 1515 731 2835 fi rr ,, ..,..,.., • bltnd. deaf. arthrltos. E/ scales"! 646·0162 t>enef1ts Informal office ee,.. onsu an s o • • -oeearCl<ilc ·s ava1 .. photos & relerellces. .:.,••• •P•1•••.•••1•••,•o••a•g•e• • monthly lee' • 964·9111 ' ' Side C •• 642-5087 Guitar tns1r---uc11on Gult~r CM Call •"Ille etter 9 tose 8·28 lbs In a month. 1 BA VERSAILLES 1 1 9~5 N. Coast Hwy, Cred1ts.'Cosmopo1ttan uana singe 5 r · o M M "'" • ove Y L B h 494 5294 secureel. street entrance, 640·547 • , ·------arn 645-5800 natuf<1lly wnh Health & vu, new cerpetlng. adlt aguna eac · · Good Morning America 34097. Granade, 160 FULL SERVtCESUfTEs llo:J::l,t•, Tr••~ Found Mate black Lab. lr1St1tu1cgrad Rocl\.razz, Nutr111on Co Appl sec bldg. Pool. spa, gym. $90 & up with kitchen, The To11mo11ow S11 h_'.!.W 673_3313• 493•0803. "Desk Space· • $275/up 1 SOJS Nr .Warner and Grahm misc. 644·4666. DHTAL ASSISTAIT 857-87<1:4 Refrlg Incl. $575 mo to weeltly Oce.anfront Mo· *'-a. o _. to a .... o ---! •••••-•••••••••••••••• 840·8362. Full time, front & backl111•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mo. Ag1. 760-8617 tel. 675-8740 ••• ,;~d a ~·c1·-1111 5~~';8~ g~:~:· ~1~~1:· ·~r~a~epO~fl~~ B$:9a\~l~ • I .I. sam1~ ,.,, ... ,, . sass ~.f!'!l!'!!'!! ••••••••• ; ~f~~r::nqces~:~y· ~p-~~ M nagemenl 1 Br. 1 Sa. St ep~ t o Balboa Peninsula. Private • $50/mo 752·~08 Mtftc-Ct,Oe. lac. •••••••••••••••••••••• Jou W••IH 1015 s s d b lttlt• Marll19- beech. $550/mo. utlls En 1 ran c e S t 7 5. No 642 490'7 wkdoys I h A Spec6altzlng' rn 1s1 & 2nd t. ••• •• •• • ••••• •••• ••• • • ome aiur ays. ene-M T I lnclude<l. P.roperty Hou· smoking or cooking. $eoluded oondo Nwp1 • · ,l11H1&fe1 0 rel , :TD's since 1949 tlllA I YICll·• Young maffled man wrll 1115• Newport Beach area I .. • ra 11is se. 64~·3850, 642-1010 · 615-3391 · Terrace furn 2brl2ba.-Garage In Costa Mesa for 940 sq fl 11t 80c Ptlf ft. flobl Sattler .NH/CM PHOTO MODEL:S do general h..ncfy work 6 4 2 -6 6 8 O A It 5 · It""• Year Carter pvt 1ac. S350 M·/F stora.ge OX20', $65 mo 1nel um. 9 to 24mo1$8 at A E Broker Bd Realtors ESCORTS/DANCERS Cati eves & wkends, 642-6887. EvesNvknds S •• BAYFRONT Free Bachelorette apt in 642-9545 . 631·0921 same >ate . 642·2171 S45·06J 1 OUTCALL 24 HAS 972-952!>. ask tor 8111. 847·8032 tart your .new career on exchange tor babysitting --.---8 4 I . 3 ?. 1 2 d a Y s -. --_ _......___,___ Ill 0201 our 3r<l shift, eam1ng $4 ..........._ !J~LBO'A ISLAND: 3 & work. 545-0034 Aslam. Newport Helghts Town-0/11tf ltot1J 4400 963·1?83 Ev WIDOW HAS$$$ lor TD's ~~~~-~~~~ H•J• W•attd 1100 Dental Up IO S• 5o as you be· --e-artns. 2 ba, exr,,llent • -I It C ~ house. beaut furn • Ma-•••••••••••••••?.•••••, RE Loans 10K Up -NO ~ •••,-•••••••••••••••••• E•perienc~ A 0 A nee-come more exp'd You cond. Furn or unl,urn. ...r&t HC •••• ture female '$350 •IELlll·OfFlaES• ,OFFICE SPACE for lease. Cre<lit Ch~ck. No Peo-'*** Arus1 de<J for Ortnodontlc ...YiJ.IJ be. p.rAJllOltlO_Lo_ lmmed. possession. 2 room ror rent S 195 mo 646-7555 1 MO FREE RENT lull service lease S3.00 ally Dennisorl & Assoc LAYOUT prllcltce '"Mission Vie10 mgm1 & SUP8'\'1Sory le· 224 19 ... s H Bch 2800 ft SQ lt N Jamboree & •t1ant1"s Parlor Area 630·3703 vels Call· 714-537-4840 ·mos minimum rental. " ... I. unt. Straight M nonsml\r to sllr 1 room to· sq. PC!· • r '673-7!.l 11 A S 150 0 1m 0 . 0 w n er 960-8639 f C From $1 t6 a sq It. A.pi MacArtllur in Newport ' · ---Oi 2 d ARTIST ------Interviews held every 644-95.13 HARBOR VIEW Ho••es 2 br. 2 ba E Slele M A1rporter Inn & Frwys Beach 714-553·9'255, Trust Deed tor saJe,tS55, pen 4 hrs a ay DlllYEllS Ptsititu Wed 6-7 pni at 111 Del ... apt, $2-S-O-+ urns. Dys Call AM 633-3223 • a'sk for Patty · 000 al 13% Due June ' ~Clays a week PUT TIME Mar. Cosio Mesa E. 0 Udo Isle waterfront"lrg 3 CdM house. fem .. kit. 6~2-5446, evs 642-56iO • 1983 Linda isre Recently Jacuzzi. Sauna Locols • available to $17 50/hr In E, er. 2 Ba. yrly s1250. pnv. $285. 720·0375 Prof. MIF 10 shr 3 Br 1617 We5tcH11-N.B. 256 llelltr• A'IC lffiot sold ,0, $l 1 million. as well as Tourists TtM,trllJ our publ For lee Info ~~~~~~~~~ 673-8886 Lady author, w/beaut pool beachlront apt Nn-smkr. to '1000 sq. It. 1st: floor. HUNTINGTON 8EACtl 4 Follows 2 trust deeds ~:rilt:x~~~~~~ne~:'~,; ChrishllS wer~ • '":ca'."'""11':'5':9:7·:2:8::-:8:0:K:l:N:G==IMedlcal ---~-----& garden home In Irv. $310/mo "rly S48-4148 · Agent 541•5032 blocks to beoch 550 sq iotaltng $625,000. Will 7 3 3 5 rioti<s datl'-Monday 1----CHIEF TECH for office 2 BR 2 Ba dphc. downs· T . Cd•• WI h , A E S fl. ava11 al 50¢. includes <l1scount to 25% ytel.d. welcome 141645-4 3 , DRIVERS wanted, over talrs, lplc; D/W, 2 car err. ""· s es to Fem shr new X-trg condo. trporl area • JCee u1-ulllllles 536-7504 S111ve 675·3285 . 2112' liarbor Bl CM lhru Fri<lay Afternoons 18, wl econ car & tns radlolOgy Salary depen· gar, $600 mo. Agt. share w/cultivated lady So. Cst Plaza -All am-tes From225·450sq.rt preferred Experience Neat appearanc$ denl on exper Mrsslon S75-1642 $.450 +. 760-8601. men. 17141 557_4329. Si per sq.~· Many xtr~s. l••i•UI IHI•/ 4450 A / 'COEDS • Would love 'C? necessary Start 1mme· 751_0451 V1e10. 41.95-4700 ---------·•Room ,,, OCC. pvt home, (213) 515-5700 Ask for Call 557·7010 ••••tt•••••••••••••••• •••••t••••~I party 'W/you Call Sue or d1ately Cell Personnel. E•per1A-nc_e_Cl_C_o_o_k_s_n_e_e_-Medical asst. front an<l 2Br. 18a. garage, sun Retail store at 2650 Avon. •,·••••I•/ Kathy anytime 12 13) 642.4321 Ex1 277 ~ ,,_ deck, upper unit, 1 blk pool. washer'lelryer, non· Mark 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq II. ,., • " ' 6 .3 4 . 4 5 7 1 . ( 71.) • · dad for dinner house back Typing. EKGS. lrom bch, 212 30th St. smkr. $170. 730·9326 Shr i"e 2'"r 2'>'"&. FP,' 2 Penthcxise 8aytront SIP· 1665 sci6.11 8p717u7a 8 car Wll I l•••I 527'-7186 ' DAILY PILOT ~ V t 645 1720 " u v t e pa kt ng par 0 5 g~rage. ..1. . •••••••••••••••••••••• Night & Day Shifts avail !mpunc ure. • $600 mo. yrty. 675-3206 Furn. rm & boarel. "'lvate ~'· C M Fncd yd , OW, • r ' 1 #i ~ 5..a Good Pay & Benetlts. Medical Asst lr1 & bk olc.. ,.. 7 673· 1003 Bootl'I renlals. very reaso-£H•f •t tn •-Wort'en & men. relax In E O E Wlth40'dockforpower home, Ft. Vlly. Fl 4o+.John63-1701 ---------1 •• 1 'I V' I ••'•••••••••••••••••• amassage · · Apptyt>etween2 -6PM, P/T lorbusyG.P 3yrs bdat. 3 BR 2th ba, con· c:hrls'tlan $225mot·2-P-ro_r_m-al_e_s_s_eel<_l_ng_M_/_F IHI SPACE o• ~~r.:e97 SS on '11 o. II )'OU have t>een hur1 or call 497-5718 ASST BOOKKEEPER Full Mon-Sal. VICTORIA exper 548-9319 do. $1200/mo w/<lock. 962-8074 eve. 10 shr lg. very mce bea-Attractive rustic upstairs .rn1ured In an accident ume posi11on 1n C.M. to STATION, 990 Do11e St S 6 90 "•••trc1•11 'and wish to'f1n"' out ex-Costom Fantasy P•one asst. wl pavroll and in· N B 1000 wlltiout. 50· 11 Room. Kitchen. Lndy Priv. med celhngs spllt·level setting. We supply desk. "' . " c B ' •• L ~'tly whal your rights are anversallon with a1t>e1 ~voicing. Must be able to M~1ca1 Sack Olllce. Ex· per Nee G.P In N.B .... ra. ong S250/mo or Rm & Ord, 3Br. 2Ba apl. CdM~S280 space. copier You sup-•1 llll ~~15 ~ c s & $95 • "' • "'"' from a fjne "roup of al· M /VI A 24 hrs nan<Jle pressure end tcu.F•llT $350. Ladles only w/refs. mo, + ,.., u111 Can Scott ply phone. . pr mo A••E•N•:•o••R••L•;:•s•E•••N•e•w·t~ torn1es·. Cati "547·8017 or Call 638·0701 m<>et <lea<lllnes Strong 38 288 " F 645-7629 orJ1m675·8636eves prdesk.Cafi644·7211 • .,.,.. , .., r. , upper. urn/1----------t----------remodeleel home with 547-8010 tor a free legal . EXOTIC DANCERS typing and' compv1111to· unfurn Winter or yrly. Vtcant Bactieior $275. Fem 10 shr 2 br condo w/2 Wmfll lacge lot Comm'l ioning, consu)tallon. aochelor/Bachelorelle n111 skllls a must Call Wsher /dryer 1nclud. 542-3597 or 730-7165. girls Own rm $200 +viii. llWPHT OEITlll adj 10 Newport 8tvd. £•ii • ••••ti SJOO party eniertainmept Carmello 714-545·2666 Beautiful view of ocean. 34082 Amber Lantern. Poolljac 775-8148 eve. With use 01 reception, 642-1334, 851·9889 •••••• .!!••••••••••••• 738-8538 558-8538 BANK TELLER. lmmedla- tmmecl. ocwp. D&f\a Point. Shr beaut NB. furn. 28R conl room. kltch. phOne. Wani'ed-600-900 sq.ft for Bo~. escort. model te opening for experlen· BA C H EL 0 R F i "Peaceful Area in CM for apt w/ma1ure quier .empt s.ecretanal & word pro-otc & assembly 01 bikes Reply 10 Tenn. PO BoJC ced teller at ou1 Buena · urn emp. mate over 29. No Fover35 W/Dpoo1$325 cessmg Mall & n>e&1age 548-2384 642-5114 ava FOlJNO ADS 5278-54. San1a Ana. Ca Park reg oil Good unfurn. Yrly all ulll p<l. smkr 662-2216 -' '> ulll 642-6492 serv. av11I. separe1ety ti 92704 Interpersonal communl· general 63t-5301 HLIOA UY CLH --.-,-,-1 .. -1-.-4;-.. -,-- 111c11uet Cl1111t Fer ,,. .. r Clt11i111 PtrHI Par l 11me. women more Musi ha11e transport&· suitable. Car necessary. llon Hours wed/Thurs 4 Call 9 10 3 PM • pm to 12 am Fn. Sat & 213-949-0574 e)(t 17 Sun 6 a~ to 2 pm Plea-1---------- se call for an appt llllYAIA IATlllAL 645-sooo ext 521 FHIS New crpt. new drapes.1----------1----------Clesore<J Call: J.udy, l ti ._, . ARE FR.EE ca11on skllls Eye tor beam cell. tmmed occup. . DOVER SHORES-Neeel 2 7141750-0100 • ••111., " •llTllHOlll* accvracy & attef'ltlon 10 &HEHL OFFICE . Needs exper clerk FT. TSL MGMT 642·2603 B•llll lllllll 41 rmmts for my beaut l••l•I fS .,1 llllT SNln Cletalls Equol opt emp E.,.per1enoe tielplul. Good Apply 1n person. t231 _l_b_<l_rm-. _1_b_a_a_p_t.-N-ewpo--r,-t ···U:wi"iiiTE'C"" ~405 r;;1S Av a 11 n 0 w * 111 • ;7;c,·~;·2;5C,"ii~~~~~: Cal.· •. ra ml! 7 t4-739·27 I 1 typ ablllly, prollCl!lnCy No. Csl Hwy. Laguna Heights Area. Close •o ----------ElEOITIYE lllTES stria!. Office 18101 Re-Models. danoer~. esco,.. IUITIOlu1 w111gures. 10 key by _B_c_n_. ______ _ Beach. $425 mo. Wkly rentals now avail. S1ng1e mottler w1shU 10 Full service. Keep your dondo Circle, p & T l•f·Hll 669·8913, oper\24 h.r:... -1ouch Excellent Co. be· Patt-tlme Sales Work. 557•0975, 546-4198 $105 & up. Color TV. share tovety Mesa Verde 011erheael tow & protes-Huntington. Beecl'I. SPIRITUAL READtfoijJS wllh ,cllentele Balboa neltls Informal olllce $150~S3001wee1<. Ask for B Phones In room. 2274 home w/respo(lslble te-slonal Image high. Pre· 842•2834 • ~~~~~~~~~ Advt.ca in 811 m•t.ters. Island sa1qn 673-4013 CM Call Mlllle alter 9 Greg 646-5781 2 Br 2 a. block to beach, Newport Blvd CM r lk h 1 ~ -,. am 645·5800 . Npt Shores . $635. 6467445 . mae, wa 10 sc oos, SliglousWestchlfarea "' ---------·• 10116. ·.arrtage & busl· OAllllT + FlllSI ' Playmates Small World. ' • restaurants. stores. Newport Beach.'881 Do· Storage yar<l fenced. nr ness Also counseling Hostess/Host positions 549.3577 Preschool _8_4_0_·_37_8_7_._A_v_a_u_. _2_11_. __ ,B [ A C H A R E A theater. t chll<l ok No ver Dr. Ste 14, 631-3651 Harbor llOd Beker 50 X Hh5 So El Cimino Real, ClllPEITEll ovo1labte ~pi;ly In per· Teacher, benelit5, Mon· • 5 m 1e n g . n o pet s . 150 It $225 mo. Lar99r _san Clem_ 492.7296,, Exp,r d. reliable Farrell son betw~n 3,·S Aeu· Fri. lull ume Imme<' em-IH c1.;,,,.,, 3111 548-3831. 557·6207 ELUIE SUITE area a~so avail • -· Const 645-9711 bon E. Lee Restaurant. ptoyment ••.••.••...••..•.•.... $84/ k --UH~O~u~s:Ciiiii""r===~~~~~ S~.'!::Ji~~~~""::'--+-r-:-:f.::7::::=:=::;+~~~~1-tllt*tljfV!~~t-VIJllllEll7111STTiil~-f>lce--: 2 BR. $465· etrly. new W ROOMM"TES Wiler Frelii 11•1 -1 tss -----• Pll-SOIHL TtlOIEI decor ,_,...,,.ooi. .,, ~~)OU! S 1 50tsq II Lease. Im Hamburger Hamle.L 1545 lattrier Feli11• "" ~~ry. ·M01t- t>us. No peta. "98·627 Nwpt 8JV,f& Wilton · •All re"s c"~ked 642-4644, M•F. 9-S Lost 1119: F bllt Lab mill. ax US / Adams. CM Plllme Hrs PLANT PERSON have eartv C"'llClhooA 2 St. 2 Bl. Conelo. ace..,. Costa M-· 548·9755 • "ho•o's 11~""'en open Dey or eve Apply ' " u .... -,. " W A f white patch on chest. MllSSll 8 Parlor G):Jr· In pe. raon. 2•5pm 714-675-5029 educ111ron cl111H or view. $650/mc:is -Pine Knot Molel on Coast Oldest Agency 832-4134 L • rel •ra. 645·6266 Ilea collar, vie. A<lams & geou& Iris 10 ser..,._ 'Jou _ pre-school teaching ex· 545.9911 Hwy.2Dane VIiia Motel Shr nu condo. blk to ocn. ~~~~~ac~~~qm'~· ,g~~ -24-00-.-.-q-f-t.-S-7_2_0_/m-· -o-. -17-,-h, ::~~:~ B. Rewarel. Eva Open Ir m 10• AM ulit11 4 ComPIJ)ultelr •AMIE•S H~l~~srr?~/:~~?t~~~~·t~ ~'1e2r 91f1 o st a Me se. Nr SC Hosp. 2 SA, 2 Ba. Wkly rentals now avall. Oar, micro S265. Tracy. or IN. 552-7730 eves & Plac:en11a, Costa M••• AM 7 Y• a week Free n n you're missing the best .....__: -----patio. plmg. $485 mo. No W/kltch, c:olor TV on c.a· 631·6~43. 549-3421 646· t t64 Lost Sun Nov 14. Ladle5 buffet 19 NO. H9rbor Experlef'IC!ll<l In DEC/ bargains 1n town! IHSlfled Ads 642•5676 pels. · ble. Wlriter Rates • big Tlr•d or orowd4td rreeway ---------White Gold Watch al El Blv<l. F llerton 0180L Must be know· ·891-1644 discounts. Steps t o M/F N-Smkr shr bejtut commutes Nortri?Wout<l 1100 SQ.II. ore warehse, Toro PX Great senll· 1 -110-1112 ledgeable In ASTS/E, Beacl'I. 3431 t So. Coas1 Balboa Penn ,house. you like an office at the lllnt loc .. So. Santa Ane. mental Velo.le REWARD ALL AJt)R CAEOrT RSX or RT· t 1. FullUme .... II bl Jiii Hwy DP • .C96·5727 S220 mo+ viii. 675·1508 beach thtal yolir family 1652 Minnie St CIOff 55 •.714-5.C6·9009 C S.",..,.."?.UA-,. LiQl\.s....S.Wv. coma. ::•••••••••••••••••••• could use on week-ends 6 405 Fwy 646·7512 -• 2 Br 2 Ba con<lo. pool, IEEI a PUOEI Mature person to •hare II It? F --Found Blk Shep x Mad ·BEAR.Y'S mensurole Will\ ellpt!· . Jae .. tennrs. So. Co11t c:heery N.B home. Pri· aa 1 vaca on u~ or Size Male Dog wearing G 1 1 (I I 11eoce Aj)ply In person· Pin• _1rea. 840-9905. Reasonable rites. Kit· vac:.y. No tease. S2951mo l1Hlng Information cell $t11••• llSO Coller no l.tg& 532·3832 o I,?.,!!" s o go Californle Systems A•· a S$ ch9"eltes. phones. maid + utll Avail. now. Call Tiie Cap111r11no Surf ••••••••••••••••,••••·~1 ___ • __ ...,.____ -~-8_9_14 ___ -.ociat ... H4S M•u _84_2_-_20_1 _•f_t _4_. _50_._-_1 aervtce, Z c11an"9! mo· Joan &l~OVtl" · C-4•~ 1.~ 4 r SJ~~ ~ 12 x 18 lo.I tarve brown rabbit, f>rof t 'Vf'"-M.-K' ¥•••• o. .&.,. Co•t a 2 St. 2 Be. air, MC. gate, vies. SANDPIPER MO· ' ---831-508.. 36 <loor $70/mo. Plua 1119. Huntington Beach. uek relatlonshtp-MeM S46-91te pool No pets 1535/mo TEL. 11167 Newport 81\ld. Neat· & resp F rmmta to S 7 0 sec · de Po s I t . c a 1 1 M , F d a y a d 1 'd 213/H0-9513: • CM 845-9137. 1hr 3 br, 2 oa C<lM apt l11tlle1t LIHllH 6 7 3 • 4 t 5 4 N • w Port 213.539.9 t.10. 11111 203, ~1~1~ ~6204 ~ Y OHml PEI• ---------·t-------~ S260 + u'll Toru Prime lnt•rsactron or Beach --~ E•-r-ee .... or ... Ill train ... ,. lMIU 1111 752·7t32. 673-4053 ' MacArthur •nd JtmbO· ._ Found Piii tebbll, VIC ENJ()'( ELA)(ING mas• rufi ';~d"part tlmt ••••••:;a•••••••••••• Int ... ., fl1S r .. 11 per 1q 11 Sub· •> l' Orange Alie l St1111 aage In the prtv•cy of 9g 985 308 6 s h Cflermlno atuello, 1 blk ••••••••••••••••••••••CM new2br 2• beturn l•H, avallable 820 or ,.,_.,,.,.,, lsaoa1. CM lelentlly yourhome.oftleeorboat ~n~;, Hwv S~uthP(~. .trombctl.aundk.oc.an 1•FIU corrdo wF 'no~mkr 2 12001qf1ror1vear.Call l••l•I• 4110 S48-7337 by a masseu•• vu, 1350."499""171 ...... IUEI car gar, lge yarel P~ll Sandy. 213-820·8857 ··~·uNre·Fi·s"si>!ciAL". Fcii:i'No M-11• ml• Shep .83_::_3~ gun• . ~--• 1.L~ ... t • II I s· -CPA firm hH opening !Or ..,...'!"'nll ,.,., .. _ Several prime 1ocet1on,1 ... come ,.va !Jlm. llnl IAIUUll 24' motorhot'M: luHy Hlf blk/brn, Mix 1>1n111 •lull c:hargli bklo>r Mu•t fl,,.,,._ ,,. In Stddleback VeHey to 631-5352, 525-4381 Ellac. Sult .. Incl. recept .. ·contained. 49!·9171, p11pp~. brn, white. blti.. 49 PARK AVENU£ iM t•.,.rlanoed Multiple •••••••Te"••••••••••• cl'IOM from. Featuring 24 M/F roommate •her• new atc'y Hrv1 conf rm F«n AllCI trlll'I Setter. wf lllllTI cllenl rHIJ'>l'lllblllll .. --hr •uP8fvl11on, planned C<I M h o uae , non -kit., mall l'landto.' A•t: l11l•n1/l•n1t/ red coner. 2 f•m. rnh1 Salery.open Call recreation, 1>1cltlno amoker. neat. •table .............. to-.... _.___ • Samoyed wl'lte/blk. M. Jll-1111 .. 1 01,. .. .BU" gourmet mHla 6 rr•• ~'°'1-,,.,. ....... ,~ --• ~ t~'*~ml~11-t9'T~~d!oci*~ecl·t~lll~,,f::~~!!~~~~~· ~·~"~"~· ~~~~ . ..., tifii•~ .fllll:::._1"5tr .. 11•. e. to -.1111nit0. att' . '""'· ft &tu I If.""*' M -:: ~a:.r~ ~= !:ti~':C:.ey for the (w1c<1ya1 e4.o.s1eo fr~ 1325. "3.&44&. ..!ffr............... =~-or tt:· • 121 ,.,..,1 :;=.:n:d. aS::"ci:.; Htf5, TowntlouM from 788-71.C2 8·9~7277 Mt)t; 25-35. Stir CM 311r Aeilii ' 0111,,. ap1e1 .... c ,,,.,,., '"' baall.. O•t• proot11i119 •... ,,. + I tennt• tlM w/tg yd. 1210 + utM. llYaHlbll. t7tl'I 8t. Cotti 111. 2nd and ''d TD'• Found •m•ra equip• ••• .. ••••••••••• .. •••• exptrfenc1 tmpor Call .,.1;,,,11:.0::ndal oa~ I • l ,. •L f• lat. IHI & dep. Av•ll M•N from 1250 1 I. to Now 11 1rie·ume to 1~t mant. cont ect bwtn 5 Anoe!• W1"1PC»r HMft .. 1.0'88 tor cootilne a fltttlng .l!'tf.•1.t'lll! •• ,". •• "ow. 5-4 I ·5 180 or 400 1.f 4145.3477 wllttll fnt.,.11 r•t• l't• 9·30·1PM 7t3·tt7t Ni>t Style cut htlr wllOve I . - paid. ,,0m l tn Diego 2 l>Orm. 2 be View •Pt 848·M3e mao -tow Ctll on our t•Plfl• arH -------oara Onty H ,.•rm• M Vo!l P'lfW*'I • "'°"' ,rwy drive Nortll on Promontory POlnt eeo. PenthH, C1talln1 view. Tfltn1d"9 of I,,.._ ltOIM II no ch•ge to l'lllP you l'ound Male Allll Siie· 130·1U ·up Mr Mel'a ·~IOI .. DO!nl 4---JIP.._.., __ II l .. EIT PlllTllll -ua111111l.oow11.:000- This is th~ job you have dreamed ~ ;tbou\. National AAA Organization , tn weliht control 1eek1 experienced, attractive motivated sales pros lo sell our unique program lo female"prOlpec\a. w~ p ay you while you train . Opportunities unlimited. We Have/o"llon•J>!-' •• , ..... ? .. ~·· • HUNTINGTON •ACM •COSTA •IA leecfl to Mc,addel) to Female, 25-35 v••r• Old. ciOM 10 bell ti 8 Pv1 enl '°' apmg? ... "" meny wttll '°"' Pfoblema. Z• !)flerd erowri ' wl'llle. ., ... 9904 ' ' I ,. ... ~ ......... I t 1 w I n d V 111 a 9 • Cth Al'ltwll' ad No 633. a bat h 13 o o mo • ...'"'8 lft lod.Y'• olMll· nlll'I "undlng Call WI 81 c: le 8 • Y •' • •, NII 8h0i at "°'"'· 11·1 lo find • "o"'• rou l'!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!iiii!!ii!!i!!~~~~~~ (1t4llH·51fl. 942•4300 2• l'lra. 536.079.C Jltd OC)!UmM. f41·H'71 857-1422 , ..... Call tot-0917 wfth......... ...... nttd. ·H'71 1: • .. F • 1 Oruneie c;ori.t OAIL:Y PILOTI Wedne1day. Novomt>er 17. 1982 ..., lNNJm ......... ~t ~, ll!t..W. ....... IMf ·;=~ ,,. l!tr.t.fw.111.., .... ~'11.lltrrtttt ...••.. ~.".'!!..If!~ ..•.•.. l!"'·rnt ......... . ... U .I-• • ••• Uel ••I' w ..... •••• •• it ••••••••••• •1 A•"I . t•I .1 ... ,, 1'111 -..uA1 111f ~"~ 11.'f ,,_ ••• 1 dnwr WOOd eto ..._.,..1111 oonct 1llet -L "l" I •••~ ............... i . Ji"A••••• ............. in1•1'............... , ... ~......... •" New m1u.1._.,, •ttf ........ _.."''OM etto"onlo 1 in=:..~ • .._ \ a M ~ .. TlfM 'ltPOfaolletl1T or.,.;.. 71 laYllle. mlaJ cond =~NJ~ 1 • •' 11 IO 141•Mlt, 141-rtU Ofc ltlo,,, Will flninei 0,' :"ou~~·:i-:~·ro ... 1~:.. 28 000 mil9e, IUfly loaded t•I llfln J 2M 0Wfl9f, 14.oOo ml~ ::fof~~ .. 1:8° OI P/T NCftlllty. 4 ..... dlly, ---~----..,,,.....--··~'"° CWttilf° lfllde '°' tncom9 PfOI*• '''"'' f00t7H) ($111 tUlltO()f, oo c;onct I.Ike l(.Jt 8.fDAN orio •no. 0000 body I • 201W•w.j1,0eneflllN. ___ 1ttGold pnm S AnyPll*.lmofnew iv 2'3!512·1'73. A30MI "'C•••t•ttlugil new 11!1 400 010 Cnw111nu1 aolor, 23,000 11rn IHOO t31·6U3 1'1fO'CouPidtivllie.XM• oil .. tyolna 9'10. All9•• ........ ........ 1'7&. 64S·63l!I ---.. , P,llll I 459.:-e1 I I I! v • m11111 C•ll tv.in111011 ev ... tutttn Condttton. low ~llH, C M. 5~·'1011 thuracl•Y Nov. tlth. e 5'8·271511tter t2 1'00" I tOO u , • 3368, wllrlr 8~7 CS84 t.111v1 6A.O Ulb9 Miill Me to appteci•I• ,/' •...... , PM. Ametlcll\ •nd (utO-Wr®Qflt Iron "°°"' dllll· ~·= ::·er'.:~··~ Oood ciond I IH5 O• 1~ A11<11 F'U• NMHJ• lilll• '1111 xKr Cow• 6 c.yl .. ~. ••llf ._,. 1!." i:sooo 1114> M2.f921 -• pean ,,,,n11ure, lnctudlng ·dei. l '11t t 150. • NC'y 111 oi 111,1 COf'I,. b .. I oft 6~6·2119 or wo11o. s1000 or !Sett ol· 81aci. o" b••c:k tmm11C1' r ••• ••11•••••••• .. -:;i 76 sev111e. 1on1 Cond ~~~~~·~1:~~~1.~~.~.~~ tab*. cl'tllr1, dr.._,, ~ '31-1250 rence & work table•: 732">064 ltr 857 4 t61 ~ Sll,1.100 PIP C1111 An11wer *1 DflllR IN U.S.A. • ,uuv toaded, mu11 Mii .• ~·., to w~~ 20 ... -•. Tall chltt•. vllllt ... with wino 8ec;kea Cnr. tufted, tot•. tide en.It•. lam,:>a l!ff ·79 Autll Fox, 4 <Jr anilfm Al.I ~5•. 6•2 43()0 ?4 S6000 6•2·14U t'erlv ..... , v•" "'"" mlrrora, p1tmlll118 CllOCkl, & I 6 6 1111 ... ""• d hr~ ~ AM l al• Eve !ICC:fll. typing A phOl'\e glatt w.,ea tO"t ll'I'" •vo<:edO v.lvet, w/WOO<I lib 81 4 •&3113 •••••••::r•••••••• He CIH, Iii!. Kl!!J. ClO!I --. , per•onillty Call eh 8PM lot• 01 •mall'ttns: 11>% trim, ttom Beal• 1150. c.; CllOt•Orio mact'I ;1 Curll• H•~ S••tbo•rd $3600/nbt> 548 ~081 .,,,, • 1131 ·n couo. O.Vllle. gOOd I. leave m•U•O• wt b~ra premium. CALL ·873·3800, lra(lscrtber & h .. d ••t. 1600 or tracle lor Hobie ,,,,., 11IZ •••••••••••••••••••••• cond. 90,000 ml lf!W>O/ n•ITI•. quallflci111on• a CHARl.ES'for more Into. 0..._ ParQ1'9I & bfaM 1111• HO e•5·&383 .. 1e C1u 676·8104 ...... . .:;r. •• ~ .......... ,... . ~,.:::~~:-..:;;~·~ nego1111111e 6•5· 1311. AM phone·numb•r, L M. AuctlOfl..,. Cl h cl n t b I I I 2 6 , --. : 6All AOARO Curtlt f flllaHl 0r/HI fffl Of9t -..n tt•t 044 1700 ar.k tor kit· 975--0578 556-9901 845· 1389, ts••· t700 •tie •tfl IHT 1u1w1t Gd cond. 1575. ••eel'••••• .. •••••••••• £htm ,/'IMIP'•••11 A i 1111 to11t1tchefl. , ;••••••••••••••••••••• 631·3560. or 720·4152 LAAGl!ST JEEP DliALER 111" . l'l'•O Cll-11111 1111 •s ... l••I l•Ht McC•w blue & gold, l ame work In the Wnt • • •r Su~ment your Income .l'r.•••••••••••••••••• OUEifll SIZE BED, atmo1t S9~, . dltperll•ly need• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••u• by doing intereetlt1g HARBOR AREA new S 125 645· 13'89. 645•2983 pp Wlndeurfer. clitld • mdl • your JEEP. 1983 SAAB ID D PlllTJ telephone aales work on APPLIANCE SERI/ICE 644· 1700 Ilk !Of kitchen ....._.,_ Xlnt cond. 13&0/bet olr. )iiOh••I Oollar P•ld S We h•ve • g~d a~i.e· behall 01 netlonet com· We Mii recond., guer. LU-I llfl GOLDEN RETRIEVERS 873·1133-.V.'""' -··~ ..... · · Call G9fy Gray NOW HERE! uon of NEW & USED panle s. Friday After. at>PlilnG81. 549·307'7 ,_ PUPS · AKC 1200 --IUIU llUT HI •I llllVICll ChevrOl•lit noons & Weekend•. 1111 IPPLIUOU . Imported Italian, brend 8om tO.:_~ l46·t~~ ltlll, Sl/11 IMO /,UP/llllllLT ~ • We r• y01,1r S••b. I.EA· let • • " •••••••••'•••••••••••• 2524 Harbor Blvd . M 83 t·2040 495.4949 ,. yvv bonus Incentive prog· Refrlgerelor, king water 010. no papers, BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE. 549•8023 ' 545.7770 IAHLE•••i IMW '41tMAIOA. dealing now on lhe entire reme. Sales Exper. Pref. Walhlf'·Oryer $126 et. bed with ah acc•to<let. $25 842·11786 Newf)Otl Beach: 25'. 26'. ----tlrte ol models! See u1 but will tr~ln the right Dlahwaahef $100 Walnut bookcaae, head· 6p ~I -., P -.. ,. ~o· 35. 40. & 45. can ,. a. ISH 26A02 Maroue•ile Pkwy ·""If & ~OWi peraon. For Interview, Refrl0.'5200 646-584'8 board end frame Ore•· 1 H• H I llf e42.4644 'trom ·9 •5 !!~.'.".~••••••••••••••• M11111on Viejo ---.. , IUOll llNITI COMHHL CHE~l!OLET ' .. )41>-1 lOu S4/l'tr gua·r.-+ tucratlile .... 57 81<>3 new~. 650•4697 Doberman Pups, 5 wks l>Hkl 1110 c LUlllll •0"11 ,u0 1u1 ~ SING S""''lat11111 we're Call Mr. Patterson et Gellert &·S•ller gas dual aer with mirror and mllO.' leacup·toy·mlnlature Mon-Fri. · Toyota '76 AM/FM St.-(Avgry E•h oil 1·5) flGUnl · 545-5778 o11en .otaasdoor itove Alt rn good cond . 548·2848 ---reo cauettt Small Ope11Sundoys 8480oveSt1 .. 1 ·77 MallbU CtHS-. Won. REAL ESTATE SALE· elec:irR eul o Et~glnle 751·3476 . Boarding I grooming SLIPS AVAIL Huntington camper shell $2175 14HUIUIU•tUllU4'JlM NEWPORT BEACH nu Urea. nu paint. runs SMAN .. NeJd 1 e11pe-,$175. 494·2695 . · 'eeooraior couc:h, secllo· ~41i;5~05u ~.:.;1&6 ~.; 673-66t8 ~ ~ ---712-0IOO great i2495 493·8t63 rtenced eateaperson in Slngte gtaas door. gas. net., Yellow. green. t/~~!.'.,..!!J~!•.l.'!f PM,, 9'4 o . 4 o 9 7 , '71 E• Camino tmml!c· ~~ !!~!~~!!.f!~.~ .. 1.~if l•Nr•. 11 °' 496·_17_'1_4 __ _ c:ommerciat & lnd.ustrial auto. over range oven, orange floral. Quitted. SACRIFICE: St,orey a 213·43 t-3764 S t,000 potni. tob Mil•· 1 Soles·Serv1ce-Leaslng f'••••••••••••••••••••• ·19 Cuwtom Nova. 2 dr, • real e11ate tor • suc· Magic Chet. new $65. Beau $500. 752·898~ Clark consore pleno va. _.. lfffS. •hell. sunroof, sl&· 1112 IMW CLOUOIT Sates·Servlce·Leaelng au10, Cle:. lilt Whl. tinted cesslul & growing llrm. 494-2695 . Double bed. Mattress like tued at Sa200 FOf quick Prime Lido Sllp, no Skip. reo . more $4,9°75 Nice Selecllonl You c-afford 10 I SlllLHACI . glass, 1 owner .. 37.000 Betll working conditions $ 5-0 .E per• no live-aboard, a.5-0953 . * ··14 3 OCS 4 speed ... , m1 $3200/make ofr In Newport Beac:h . Near new 2 door refnge· new (Sealy). $125 sate 14 · itcellent 50'+. S550t mo. PP ---· ' bu · M ed SHAH · 7141848·5051. rator. 16 ~blc feet s11s. 7'52·8981 cond. 494•4877· 831·367t or 675-2860. 'll FORD F-100 1!6?7~AfJ02. 4 spd .. loa-~y~ ~ es 131·2040 411·'941 496·_9_113_o ____ _ •101..,.HIST 667-3939 Bunk bed unll (L shape) M,uon & Hamlin Console Available Immediately. 40 Auto, S1400 631_-0906 <led (255PLV) $0 '76 Monza 5 spd. Mint, "" D 1 d d I 1 Piano p~1 ~ond 2 "r• -. ,79 ~28 1 •11'••t" g7-runs well. clean, 1 Qwner, ood REFRIGERATOR rawers me u e n O· v• · " • ~ 10 45 II Sallboa1 pref. '82 Chevy, F IO V·6 tong· * " I, auto . ea· •· • "1 -G phOne personality. wer section. Top 01 Lille old $2995. ph. 673·0122 $& 50 11 W 1 d Jher 15343820) •••••• ••••••••• .. ••••• $1250 or bat. 840-451 ... I.lie typing. au employee Frost free. 2 dr, 5165 _Ma 11 re ss os. s 1 7 5 . or 672-1220 673 2 ~6;r :~o ~~ bed, a1,1to ,,..ans, P.fS, • ·iio 3201, 5 s~d , sun '6~e:R~,~~~e. ~:~~lye~•:'~ 1960 Chevy pickup,~. ton, -~Illa. Newport Cent· -893-9060 752·8981 Spinet "1ano. wtbench. ~nedr.6-9 P. •• ' • ~900 646-679\ root 1659lOK) I R bl VS t er, aall for Ron Jackson Washer, Hotpoi11t Deluxe, ,. a m '80 3201 5 d I lop -N,j!w tonneau cover. w cmpr. e t • au o. 644-4242 EOE. like new. $250. Whtie headboard, dres· Good . cond 1900/bst Lower Newport Ba~ ford 77 F 150. A/T. A/C, * d ( 1 "SX,048s> P • or Well mainllllned. 52900 steeps 3, stove. lcebOx & ser. desk/chr. nghJstnd. olr. 673-1133 ev Slfps 30·3311. S81t. dual tanks, 45K ml, mini c:on "' DOWN OBO 552·1!311 to see dinelle Exet1en1 cond. HOEPTillllST • 84 t-1226 mall. $150. 963-9462. Side lies 15·24ft $7ft. cond. Only $3 t95. L1c 131-3111 auto $1150 or bes I oller tor me<llcal olc, Mon, MAYTAG washer & dryer, SP G SS H . 9 lkii•• 1093 S w a I es An ch 9 . 5 . 85307 539.7491 Dir. 208 W 1st, Santa Ana ·uoJ'L•-•t•• 9110 -. 554·2079 7 Wed. Fri, pte.asanl soun· elec:. $325. 848·9800 Y LA ILL. drwr •••••••••••••••••••••• 5~8•1501 Closed Sunday LEA E "' • "' 67 "I c 1 3" 4 0 dfe•ser 2 nlte •tnds 9 8 2 s I N 1 .. •••••••• •••••••• ... ••• -"" am no ' · sp • ding, llghl typing. So. ·eves, 525-7819 wtlnds. e • e • 1 k au I q ll e possy traction rear. new c k Ing h db r d $ 3 O O. "2001". Only 38 hours. wanted: Slip, Newport VHI fS10 CHOICE INVENTORY . Coaat Plaza area, all Matching washer & dryer. 644·4201 Ccll'A Also have a 1977 For· Bch, 40' trawler. •••••••••••••••••••••• VOl.UME SALES '72 VW Bug. Engine mint pa1n1 $2500 648-4588 Mon. Wed & Fri. 9.10. etec, gold. Frlgldat;e, I1...rotd 7'1t fl couch, Rust mute 110 20 It : .. like 642·3050 Q cs~~o· ~':foY ~.ff~~~~:; Ci Ii 9115 545-2436 ask lor Dr. Dryer perfect cond, ~ J NE w I ca I I ( 7 1 ~) Rob1'ns' ,., ,, • . .• Chou. washer, nds work. $50. ·b lue while with ta n 842~2000 & ask tor·JI~· SLIPS AVAIL Corona det Ad 624, 642·4300 24 hrs. ~97~·c;;;Y·;·c~;d~ba. RECE,Tlo.IST 646-1944 ~=;.~J!~~!o.1!5~5 or my, Jr. 11 out. please ~~~:~e5a5.::7~t.w~:~ I 0 I I 0 LI II EI All power, tow mileage. 1 Frlgidalre relrJ9. 2 or .. top teave message! Van llW 1980 ,vw Pickup, fuel In; owner S2995. 495.9111 Pe1Hlme, evenings & freezer. Great cond. 1111/PUYPll ., . 8·6 ~ateu~o· \J(;evme~see.\slespr!(Td, f•r' IH weekends al Jim Sle· s 2 5 0 0 r bes 1 0 II. 5 p•~-. 3 .Jo old. • Br~n. • 1,1• ~--:., llH 30' Boal allp, takes u.......,. Sales·S~rv1ce·leasing I t /M cedes """9 m, v-• .., •· f. -, ,,-N c • 5 ~ e Bf d low mi. perfect cond. •••••••••••••••••••••• mBons dmp~r s A er' I 546·6648. seoo. 760·t863 ·I'••··· •••••••••••••• 3 0 . ·p 0 we r b 0 at . onvers1ons 8 0 each v . new Stockland Shell Th d enz ea er. PP Y n Skis RosslonOI 180's w/ S 2 O O I mo,. A I I 5 . La Habra eo ore person to Jon Reynolds, Cotdspot Refrlg S225, . Salomon 226 blndl~ga. 650•4M 3 122 1333 @ $5150 846-8060 Sales_ Mg 13.0-1-0.u.all-W.blr.lpo_ol 1eJrJg._ S.2.95---,..,.....S.l---never used i175/0BO FIEE TAlllE TlllP opeisunooy ~ 1 • • El<l:el -• St:.r Newport BeaC:h. Kenmore waaher S95. 6 wood & upholetereo Ron &44·3865 Dock tor 40' salt boat. No cond. em/Im tass. mags, RObl.RS Ford 833·9300 Frigidaire elec:. dryer Dining chalre, 2 captain , live a boards. 3 blks (with purchase) flestaurant Help Needed. $50. 546-11672 and 4 ~egul•. Wood like l"1t •nlHll•I Easl/PavlHon. 873·4928 ~SK FOR DETAILS! flll•• Inf ;1; 9W0h b'i 0; ~ K d ";Ii Cook ....... Walt''peraon" Washer & Dfvet' Sat 11lnt new. 8 plain di ning ,:, MS Newport 60' mooring with . NEW We need your trade-in! 645-0110, ev 760·1ti74 . FIH TIHI TRIP ....... Bus"person" .• Ex· cond. $150. ~atra;.~gfh back elqasy •••••••••••••••••••••• boat. A1klng Slf.500-. 01••11 M••flll Cati or.see our used car • '11 •••11T ISL perlenced people pref. &42.03.46 d''*iii"'b'~mecent '::' Local beauty salon 1181 714/846-4005 - -manager, Wolfgang Jurl· l301 ~SI,,._....,. \ -(with purchase) XI.NT working environ· Ret~erator. works Gree!. 6~i52~9 e . ouc . hair dryers. shampoo 30· BOAT SLIP VAIS llllMITEI nellkl. I IUCH llW 1"1133«11JO, 21'1~ 2 dr. alr. AMIFM stereo. ASK FOR DETAILS! m e n t I n B a I b o a • S 1 chrs & revolving 1-1ry HUN Tl NG T 0 N HAR SELECT VAIS new tires. 546-6355 dys. 675 7829 · 573.5494·eves NEW • • ' Aft 6, 714-536-4423 Forl'llal dTnlng table, case lor sale. 645-5963 BOUR IEll·ClllP Sates-Service-Leasing _ _ llSTAll ll's Restaurant I ' I IOIO Fr. Provlncl8t l 50. fF. Wil 833·1103 (213)592·2930 lr&lllUll 36_7LOG~GC~~~~ve Mercedes Benz '11•1t van. lo ml, Blau· 10.ll'X. , ... _1111 . TIOO IELL .!!r..!!•••••••••••••• 549-9678 (no chajfs) Bill lft1H IHI IHll l,.H I PAOIFIOI ("1') 1•1-1710 SllOP AllHll FIR punkt. new rad'ls. xlnl OVER 20 1:s'WCK rs loordng for full & p/ 5 speed Be•ch 'Crurser s I H'll c bed •••••• :1 •••••••• ~~····· .... ,t -· ., •, TllE IHT .. , -~~~dis:~soo. 752-1400 l_mmedlate O.liveryt time help, day or night. $95. Call 760·8801 or pyg ass 1 : omer BEAUTlfUL 25 RCA •• !.~••••••••••••~• • • ' then check with us. we·11 1~~--------"t Opportuftllles for adVln• 640·5100 Asll I()( Doug group 12 twins). like lleW, Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. IO ft.... '11 um HllFH llllHE -•n·a show '"'U OVEll 46 superb 71 Camper Pop Top. one · " w/corner oak tbl 1350, $ F d II · (120281) _. '" "-f .. $3650 cement. Apply 2 to Spm, lu1'i• 644•4201 148. ree e very. NEWPORT HARBOR. ILIEST used Mercec'!S Benz In u lne best · 699 Coast Hwy. Lag Bel't ••~lb IOIS ~ J~~~'s 8-46•1786 Facllllies Include: heed, 110,ffl stock lnspec:, Select.Ir • 213·592·2110 Sates/retell lor Major •••••••••••••••••••••• J1Wln 1111 shower, piling, llve· $ Test Drtve• C.onslder 60 '79 Convertible Stereo, Dept Store. Christmas ••••••-I••••••••••••••• Sanyo AM/FM N-8 track ~boards welcome. $600 '11 lllC SllFEI mos purchase w/ sens•· A/C, to ml $7995. . help. Sal & comm. Lisa llW 210/ •-, ft, Lady's gold wedding ring. player. Locking fast lor-mo (087VUA) bte pmts or allow us to Phone 673· 1220 ... d OX I t S ft h' ~13 55•0 11111 tailor a lease 10 suit your 1----------213-65.2-7340 ~-19 f11>etglaS$ blanket hand cralled woven de-war · oca w c mg. " • .. Sates-Service-Leasing · 'II II.IA •• 11.-insulatlon. Call Rick s i g n size 6 $ 1 o o . Front to Rear Speaker IY"'IV needs Up to 2yrst24.000 .,_ Seamstress pit, exp only. 11 .. 1-• 675-5274 Fader. $40. 962·2883 IHl•1 11•1,,.. '11 HllE •&XI NJI CARVER. miles warranty . 1640c;c: eng. new paint. CaU 49.9· 1985. 30846 -• f1 8 •••••••••••6'19•••••••• 111•11 tf l••trfJ llCI over sized t!res, AM/FM Coast Hwy. S Lag. "Ask about Gas CoS302 Diamond Earrings. hea.rt • er pm. DRY' STORAGE . (239052) R:ll£flX'E·BMW · Dlat 714 or 2d ~ cassette. 543-6485 : Retlate" shaped, l)lefced, appral· Advent 750 Large screen. • 11111 --11>""""'°°'1.-."'"Q MERCEDES 1----------llllOUf· sed $100: Best offer T.V .. uc:et cond w/ Monthly boet stocage. ~~1'"'1...,_ SIPll IHTLE 11IOO ..... tml lllO American Stend.,d 1 pie-675-5840PM tcrMn $1000. Tom lee any i tie. 24 hr aeciurlty. '11 fHI QgPll ---------1'81 380 SL, 7000 ml Wire '78 good body. xlnt Looking for verHlile, ce with iupply • com· -842·160·3 free launching 16286191 '70 2800CS Classic Cpe. wheels. $38,000/080 motor & tran, auto. new .car-minded. miture. mode. While china. MW #iinlluH•I •Mf ~ SG-9500 10 band llWPHT .al llffl xlnt cond. 4 spd, sll11er/ ::2:::1'"'.3:-:-8_3_2_·8-:-9_7_9'::::. =:::--:--1.;..ll_res:...:... ~5-43:..·;_64_8;_5;.._ __ _ topnotch lndlvldual w/ S275. 494·2695 •••••••••••••••••••••• per c:nannet equalizer. 1111 IH• •-Ir II blue New trans. clutch. '70 Mercedes 2~SL, Im· 68 vw Westphalia Campr. exellent typ. & steno . . mW• 2d --MU S t SE l l Gary _, tlrt!$. Lo mi ST4SO/obo mac com pt. serv re· super cond 13.000 .• lkllll foe operations 8ll· N-large brass outside II to 20' tong 31k per f1 IMI0·1233 _, 144-1111 '11 Fiii YAI 720·!332 cords. 2 tops, auto, atr. 720 • .-..8 ecuuve.Satary commen· candelabra chandelier. 775-1491anVtlme · (A18845) ·79 BMW 7331 ·Atp1na. 4 $17.SOO. 851·6 226: I •-nd elegant. '4 wholesale • T-mdl·Mo700 reel-to-• · Id-11111 ·71 B•"' -radials n~ eurate w exper .... nce a ,195. 494-2895 OAK FIREWQOD. YOU = 4 ...__,. ood d •I•••-'• ... • · 1pd. many xtras, lmmac, 720-1090 eve ...,, ·--· v -lklll. Exellent Co. bene· PtC"' UP OifWE DELI· ·-, ... ...,s.g c:on . •••••.,.••••••••••••••• $111.600 or S1500 TI O -pa.tnt. mint cond . fits. Informal offfce C.M. c..,,,. I VER" 493-6748 S660. 957·1830. Mike c,.,.,,, la» I s e • 8 5 5 . 8 3 2 5 '82 MB 300 D. Cham. $2400/obo. 964'..9774 Call llllllle afler 9 am .. , ,., 1030 . Must Sell .. Brend N•w ... , . II Theodore dys/494·6061 eves :a~;:,:.·t~~1;·tg~IS~~~· '69 vw Beetle 6A5·5800 •• :;i~•••••••••••• Phonemat•. automatic Beercat 100 Scanner w/ ••••••••• ••••••••••••• stripe. 3.000 ml P/~-all GOOd Cond. S 1695, ........ -.&..& tn.a..-•---·a telephone answering acoesaorlet. S325 obo. C.bowf Camper tor Im· 0.11•• • ITZO 5 p•• 644.·55115 IEllOUY 1111 ... , llSNUL llLI '11 MISTllll ( 137049) 12111 '111111111 (1 15497) SHll '11 FAlllMIT j138A22) UHi '11 FIESTA (A78550) 12111 'll , .... 1159701) 12111 • Architect's oftlce. Phone. typing, etc. 640-7623 -w,--...!='9 ~.,,..non machine w/remote s1ss. 557-5085 pQl'I truck. boot. ·••bill· _Rjob'ns Ford ••·•••·········••····• .... v•v•1""··• """' "' 494 2895 1------.----1 zers, corner Jacka. 1750. I .:=:=::;:;53o ;;;'o;;2;;;o;::::==+.4·7~2e<VWH.0S,quarebeck. per· 1.:,:r00t:::,:m.::_.~S600=::...· :.87:.,:S.::::;9:,:2:.:_7:,5_1.;-:::=-' i7..::i:::-~;;-;:;;;::; Sylvania 25' Color :rv -(H .. t9"5-5S98 lr21 l'ld1t~1neH----;.;n.;,.m.;r-...... ---77"r"' • II ti •llUS Anne Klein soil leather S\75 2060 Harbor Blvd. 675·1238 ''" •• -Jeans: never worn. Slz 955·2380 Irvine lf1i.ttT1lo1/ COSTA MESA Sunroof. AM/FM, silver ---------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilKit~~;~·e·:.;~·~7:~·9~; 12· 14. $75. 548·2739 •---ion llS 1'2·0011 14G·l211 blue New tires Xtnt ·72 vw Van Body good 11.n•-I.I "' --cond Must sell. Best ol· cond. •Mt FM cass. Rblt _, • trained. 540·34 7 1 or Pinball S6 ••1·111on S ••an. 6 ••••,••••••••••••••••• ,. Th d ...., ...., 'l -• R1ll '67 Dodge 1~ T Van 318 fer Eves 759-0644 eng w/Porsche parts eo ore Secretariat po1fllon in 650·1375 player. $215 Top ol tl'le tine HI-Fl -· · Dual Weber cerb $2700, • active Newport Center 645 2963 pp S'19tem, Sony t 10 watt $395/obo PI P 540-3231 auto, new valves & tires. '78 450SL, wire wheels. all 547•7186 Scott Real1or's office. Front Fre~. Fe Boxer.-l~ yr. • · · rec. Phltllps turn. ARecs •---~------i Xln t cond S 7 2 5 • 111!!ii!!!l!o!'llMl.,..~~!1!! opllons, 44.000 mi ollicepositlon requlres Good•wllh Children.cement M i ile~· $500 /best o ft er . '79HondaXLSOO.SKml. 548-•109 MINT Prtced!o-'11 11lOVW0.1Ytrt. Robins Ford good telephone voice, 7N60ee~is881ovlng home. Wheelbarrow type .• $1 875·5195. ~SSOm/pg. lpe9r7I:... c5o59n5d. -.7-S_C_h_e_v_y-,-~-,-o-n-.-R-u-!\$...:.· ~-=::=;iiiii;;i;;;;;;;;~ill! Mrs. Ates 645-11730 $1700.· 631·4118 Mary typing. shorthand & 8P-..,.. 831·1173 '19 bat 0 r · •· and fool(s great $3250 2060 Harbor Blvd pearance. Reel eetete Free lo good home with Les Paul copy and Fender MUST SELL '76 GL. 1000 646·8252 alter 5 pm 1980 280ZX 2 plus 2. Low '65 230 SL. wht. brn Int, 1980 VW. Vanagon. I.ow COSTA MESA experience helpful but yard. Abeolu1ely 1he cu• Champ AMP $225. . Golclwlng._ full drHsed, ......... ,.~ 1111H mneaoes!~~~~o :~~i6~8'.ops. $13.000, ml., air, am/Im cass.. 142-0110 141·1211 not ~Hal. Prefer local test. genOett. prelllet1. 644•11189 .. ,, I •I•• plus xtra s. Moil see .••• -•• • •• •••'•• ... ••••••••111••• mag whls. new llres. 1----------resident. For lntervl-well•menn.ed 6 mo Oll:I $2000 FIRM. MS· t23'4 WE PAY 111 llh•I HO z '66 230S_L_C_p-e.-h-a-r-dt_o_p_&_1 e~ellent cond. $8450. '71 FORD Ma11ei'lck. Good call Mrs. Duh( SpriQger Spat1leVLab lr'ilne Coast Country Club •• ~.f!~!••••••••• Low m·ile11ge 5 speed convert. very clean,~-Days 642-1835 eves cond 3 new tires, econ . •... ._ L T...a..r •-1 1 membership tor sale, ,,_ I Hll '78 Triumph Bonneville. • 1 1 s11 500 It 673·7388 $850 494·3211 ._., •1--· m 11.'Loves peop e. S 1 5 O O I o t I er . -•111 Almost new, 4000 mi, TOP DOWR Excellent cond. $7600. c: a price . • •---------1---------Realtor1 &44-4910 844·5464 714·675·8651;568..,.722 •••••••••••••••••••••• $1600. Tom Lee. 640-6046 (213)592-2859 V1ln 1772 '68 Wagon, clean,iuns 10 wk male black kitten. ....I FRL ml 642·1603 Fii llEI GAii t979 280ZX. Blue Mist. 5 73 450SE. 1mmacutete. •••••••••!9••••••••••• godd, needs broke work .-TAlf/Ust... Short hair. Free to gOOd qeauliful Harbor Island FOR SALE •• •• Ul•ll spd. Lux Int, AM/FM, AM/FM tape. looks like # 1 Vtf'9 li•r $ 5 0 O, 4 9 9 • 5 5 2 1, tiom41 645<5257 h~me sold. AU antiques 642·4&44, M-F...9·5 '80 HONDA 650C t lored -A/C, .... ~ Tir-. 111200. new. $ l-l-.&-50 OBO-. __._ ....... _,........_ ._4_99_··_5_53_5 _____ _ Sharp person needed to . d t f It one year·, new ballery. ~••/llllRI ....... g• 55"' 6185 •• ..,._. -••1• ·-work In leat paeed N.B. ~ngc.':o~:rr~~~~~ Ortwtea.a.-ltc. c lean St•OO OBO ..._,_ (714)559·5021atter7&, .,. '75 FordLTD.2dr.1adio. G=~~~:eperott:; f!!!l! •• 1/1!!.......... value. Also Si!Yef, China. w/MD on 44r'ketch. lhr '494·3141 24~~~~E~~d _w_ltn_d_s _______ '81 3QOSO. tu rbo dsl, SILES, SHYICE air, New 111;•· 62,000 mi. ...,...v•• ,.,,.,,, Cryattl & Oriental car· expen9", M/F, e•p nee. B •-/~ 77 Datsun B2 10, 5 $pd, sunrt. as new. Warranty, All LUI• Xlnt cond. 1800 w/excel. typing and die· •••••••••••••••··~··•• pets. 675-37~8 Send re• um e . to #•1•1 ••n, -f ' 141-4100 57,000 ml. Mlchelln tires. $31.500 Must .sen. Oller OVERSEAS DELIVERY M2-1388 tephone skills and wOfd ••WANTED** A0 11 1040, Delly Piiot, •••111111... I 141-1411 green w/blk tnt. $2475. PI P (619) 459·3103 EXPERTS ·7~ Ford. 9 pass wgn. Air, prooesalng exper. Con· JUNK JEWELRY Lynx ¥. coat. )(Int condi· Box 1560, Costa Mesa, •••••;(•'••••••••••••••• ---------645·5262 _ .. ,, 11~z PS. 1001t1/runs great. tact Terr I e at Bolles of 111 751-8875 lion and quality. $3000. ca 92646 17' S.lf·C<>f't. Mini, 80" WE llY ,.. .. 714/1133·2900. 640-532• wide, '78 Toyote, tow Priced t0< quick sate '67 ••••••.•••••••••••••••! UILE llE 51800• 891•2089 ---------111 f•lf · 1---------11981 7 '1t tiP Outboard mites. $7700. 831·3513 81 ••• 1111 Dalsun RoeOSler. xlnt MG Midget. 1977 Conv, VILVI Ford Torino 76 SEC'Y/RECEPTIONIST ••••••••••••••••U•••• Heatl\klt compu1er 64K, G Mot-. $27.. ..,_ 'd $2100 •~s ,..675 Yellow XLNT Cond Srd ,.280 I ~ " •-11Rll con ~ "' · 1""'4 Harbor Blvd. (un1, • Ptea1e apply n person YARD SALE. stereo. non d r Ive . 1 er m r n a I . 968·10115 fHllln fr1nl ll'J, -car. only 47.000 ml. P11· '"c'"osT• Mes• 554 •• 037 w/resume. Copst Cata· working color TV. etec 4xAS·232 ports. CP/M •••••••;/'•••••••••••••• ·73 Datsun 1200. Au10. ced for quick Sate., "' "' maran Corp. 3401 W. dryer. & misc items. S 2 5 0 0 97S ·116 7 8 IHll, #li•,.•an Terry Trailer. 8' 11 28'. 8t,OOO act ml New llres. $2600. 646·3718 and 141•HIJ l40o-141l £iltnl. "IHS Fordllem. Senta Ana. Sal/Sun 9:30·5PM. 675·8540 '-"'in 1111 north side PCH. N.B. stos'o. 642-5449. or 857·4222 •••••••••••••••••••••• . SERVICE STATION at• 21942 Lakelan<f, El Toro. Mesa Verde Countrv Club •••••••••••••••••••••• $ 7 5 0 0 . l v m •as 891·7513 'l2 Vtht. 11110 '80 Mer1t VI. 26K. !OedeO. " MARINE'ELECTRICIAN • 970-1459. t-----~---0 .. J f7<ff 642·9386 all While, alnt cond $10, tend, Plume. exper. Af>· • .,,..,, ,,_, F;ull Membership. 128. n->r. /I tall/Ree>w -------~.,.,,.,,.i ,,,,,.,.,. 9121 •'····••••••••••••••••• ---------500 631·1133 pbt.Shell Station. 11111 a •••-..••••••••••••••••• 000. A111-r Ad #'7~8. ~..,,n ns 2520 frllltrl llt/U,. II •••••••••••••••••••••• ·11 Manta, ne~ tires. lrVfne. ,.._,..., Beacl't 3• FAMILY GARAGE 642~00. 24 hrs. Ofty wOfl!. 549•25 Ev •••••••;/'••••••¥••••••• '12 IELIRUll needs eng work. $300 A•lll, DIH '77 Lincoln Towncar, 4 dr. ·--... ~· SALE Benefit for Nwpl ...... .,,;., 81111' all steel traller. heavy•------1----11----Steel gr..-3 000 ml c an 5'98.-062t ~._-••••1•••••••••·~1• Xtra Clean. $4800 ·---•Em Harbor Soccer Club. eo,200BTU forced air heater. • duty tires with spere. WIK ~· • . ----• _ •• ,. ~-494-7818 ...ws... Thu 1 F 11 s 11 Sun 17 L.1-••I HJO $375. 494-2695 Top dollars tor Spor\s 1_6_4_o_-1_J_:>_9_e_v_e_n_ing_s ___ l•11tie ITSO ••tt•••••••••••••••••• 1----------- Anlmel Crackers Pro· r r ... •. · 751·8162 ••• ";\~•••••••••t•• Cal's, Buga. Camper! •• ,..,: 1•1,., •••••••••••••••••••••• Come 1.n & see Newp~rt #llt•t• 1111 ducllons has immediate 9·5:30. 170 • Irvine Ave.. Suiukl 5 hR. o~boerd, A•,. l«Y/n lltll 914•5, Audi's !~ •••• ~ ............ /.:.! MEISTER Beac:-h' 1inest select1on ••••••~•••••••••••••• t opening• for attractive. NB. Lift 11&.L.S short i tem, xln.' cond, I.,.,,.;.,,. H Ask tor UtC MGR HAllE Ollln'I ot prev!ously <?wned 1110 ller"'J o.,rt I clean-cut singers with , Helium balloons dellve-$225. 8-45·5383 ••~.u.uu.u.t.•-".ll.Hu• ·--·-wlOll Porsche s. Audi s and W!We.Jow m!leege _ ____jj •1----·rap dence & comectf ex· f•nil•ll -IOSO 'reoiiiyUme. 6734Ut" IHll ,..,., H4I PAINT & lite body work. ••11 1&-r•n olli'iwegens. 650·4897 perlence. Excellent pay & •••••••••••••••••• •••• Beau• bblt coet i.-.... ._..••·--··••• up 10 50% on your est. VIUIWAIEI fllllll t3603alr~~~1r0~v<1, fl'll.O M benellts. For audition * . ra . ,,.... C••esl~ 11' lapstrake Biii 642·0100/864-0332 18711 BMclt Blvd. ...... ~ ~ •1 ••• , •• ,, na F C .11 D a VI d G r e. n ' * *I Bllf* mint cond. HUNTINGTON BEACH IUUllllP! •-1 le--'-••••••• •••••••••••••• I · · $30/obo. ·~"72".. Cen~ bey boet. 4 cyl. ... adl I 17.. -ti• '""'' 1 c M S 4726 v .. .,. -G 3500 •75 6161 4 1.. r a I. "· ••2 2000 -445 E. Coat.._, . 9, to ml. Al . 4-cyl, • • • Good used Furniture &•----------• ray. • v • Mike -• LHtilll • Newport ~i)'• auto, ocell. c'ond. I SOUS CHEF • Peraona· Appll~OR I wltt Mii SCRAM-LETS •74 Cellfomlen, all fiber· S.11-9045 WAITED! · lH 111·2111 973.0900 $4000 631·5009 ble, lor private club. High or SELL tor You gl811. 10 w/Cllevy Eng. -4-P-o_n_tl_a_c_R_a_N_y_w_h_ls-.-1-7-5"", '68 11 d 101< I .,a.Hly golf COIJ'M! pavl· IUSTllS llOTlll ANSWERS VanHn Trailer. ~ood Lat e model Toyotu, :cl7!1!2 Good Cond, l•ki H1' · eace ·con -· lion over tl'te co nter 4 Pontiac: •oneyc:omb •••••••••••••••••••••• o r t g m I , • u t o , • se~r~lce i96·S78~ for 141·1111 IH-HH. running cond. l t 79 . Pvt whla $150. 857-8257' V011to1. Plokups & Vena Reblt. New speakers. '75 Opel Sport Wegon. $2000/0BO 485·8629 Betout . Cease •• ..P•ty Call 1147-6886 or ----------• Cell us today! 1 16.295/0BO. 68t·3732 AMtf M cass deck A1 - Int . • I Ill FllllTlll· Final . ArQ&lc • .....,53-6-300 __ 11 .... ______ •A•lfl '11t.'1. 3100 west \..OHi ~ eve. wkncls c:on d l Must 1811 'this '66 Mustant. new llrn, ' .. ,. S.. "57 81'"' CAST OF . ,. " '' Newport Beacih •H "'211"' Great Carl Come -ll. I ... • ff Les ' " -...., t4' f tberOllSS V, 11911/lkl. •••••••••••••••••••••• 6~., 9~n5 '57 356A Cou"e, manl wknd. Bett olr . ..., ... ., " 1~ 1•2 ... 27 -.. My dumb eunt nae • IMPORTANT NOTICE - -,.._. ,... " ... • • ,..dulla, hrs 9·12 I /of Queen size sofa bed. favorite actor':' She hH 30 II p-; Johnson. 1rtr, • new perts, eye cetcher •73 Centurion MW trana•----------t·•--itudents 5 ......_ b •Int cond "t25 $600. $46.f079. TO READERS AND fill · IT atttei at 178001080. /FM '1 ru '0''~•--"... _.111 • ,.....,, • .....,,., rown, · • · see11 all his movtea Hit ADll'EATISERS •••••••••••••••••••••• "5 4515 air, AM t ... eo. Ill .!:::::°::~••••••[.~ lo conduct ChrtatmH • IM&-2389 tast"n1me II tl!OusMoe liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif The price .. , ··-· •cl· '79 SP'VD&R 2000 • ...t. seoo. IM&-3&58 ··1 ~ •... T v•A, 311 tun ding campaign for . d _... _........._ N ft SKIP.JACK ... • ..... .-_....__. t SC v -~,, -· eoclelfy han=ped Twin elre bed wlwood. -an his llrsf -m.....,. T .. Votvoe 116.000 ~tied by 'fttllc:le 0.• Xlnl cond. M___....,1c9 11 • • l•ge, IMO. Sit( 10 luL-c:lc Slcyllrk, not wto. hew v1llvet I lltee. end underprlvl CNt· frtlfM. rMttr ... & bo11 !\Imel -CAST °'-H3 6477 -· '" ""' veftlcle CllUl·I~~~~=~~~~ MOOG 817-4619 "" e eu.,,.. • .,, ... .,, pt,ny. but runs great. x' n' c 0 n d . s 1~. ctren. 8elery & bonu.... •e!lr:'V· Ilk• new 195. Hvy duty 111 gate. eccrd· • tied aovertlllng cG1umn1 WI HY .,,..... IT Bt•upunkt 11ereo c11s, a e o o o e o E ., 1 548·4109 13SO ...... p/llme. S800 7"'°"" GMfl Only. type , 10 . 11 e'..S 100. • does not lnohlde eny USED CA ... a T .. UCKI ••....-n'•H•••••••••••• ClllfQrcl Al1rm Below 94e-t1to• Oya Ne·5731•·811-------t1J--'1-• •1~J"tl'""-, & .,. 48 Of9nd IMlcl'.fW def epptlcebte ''""· lleen•. ...... ., -a •Tl•t whoteute bfoe tlook · ' ,. •• ,. to•....,'"" """· un Oak Cenop~ Watertled 7vu.0124 1 .... AIP ,_ i.d. uentfer IHt, .ltnlnce COME IN OR CAU FOF\ -$24800 Calf An-wer Ad ~u;;;;1·· -•••••••••••••••••• • t,_1t~1 job. Mr Telly. ...11"~8-·'1·flinerl • '1,..soo' CAAPETINO 1100 •ct "· SATINAV, sa.a . .!.tr* cnarg91. '"' f()f air Pol-na......... W• Cer\ .,..,,, hfor• Voll No S53 M 2·4300 24 hrs ;:r.r.n ......... _,, '76 Pinto W•o 4-1pd. __ .,,.. ________ ,, """'· •er c • beloe sand. 1450. 300 'Cl rec .. Wlr mkf. Beauty. lutlQn control dtvlce •• ci.rniz"° buy. dleek our unbftlta· ' 'Ii'= •mltm 11500 ..... llLll ~!'.!!_!'owlut~e~-!bo•d.,&d tt. fed, $125. 875·0551 ,1 225,000. Mual Hft. cerllllcatlOJ.11 or deiler • lite M lectton. HVlllO• 13 1 14. cute & yellow. l&0-3637. 154-73116 ....... _ ........ T......-Toor? Prll).only d_..... .:.. •ndMr¥1Ce lod•yl AM/fM tape. 14850 3 Ptnto-....... A-8tudent•. HOUMWlllet, 150 Cell Anuwer Ad r_.. • I~ • vvvtnen .. ry p1ep•re. 1112f1 BEACH kVO. __ ..,. 080 LOOlll ltlle new. --.-·· .._.. , .. ~ ~. W. d llseO, -Ma~4300 2,. h,.. #edfi/ . PI P (81914&9·31 • tton oh•r9u unllH HUNTINGTON HACH , ......... , 1 557•811& ol '!.~~b. ~~ rldlel~9f...J rtll•lll• train.. Qmrenteecl Hourty _ ••ltJl ... ll MJ olJ'lerwiM 1pecllled by Nl ... 1, ..... 11 llUI I... lltl -• "' _....., '11290 ._.., S7S-3447 8" ~·=P8'90f\ 8t 8ed1. dreHefl, 111n91, ••;;;"••••••••••••••••• ttle edlltl'llMr. HIO Hlrbor llvcl 1111 UI Plrttltt Clllfomlel ... "' todlJI_& _______ _ 2925' Aw, oC.M., 19bl81 6 chairs. MUSTlilililiililiiilililtililillilililiiiltililillill COSTA ME&A f11treordln1ty 5 epeect • -''74 Plftto:::.'i ,_ 11n9.,. or eel,~ I SELL. 8'«·t805 M·E YAMAHA Bue Amp.1----.,...~--==t C11ttom Bl•Ck '""on ••••• ... H•ed wttl't I doullle tJ" ltl •• Pelnl 81Mt1 teether Int. 811°"'· . IO ti>' ---111.D BABY CRIB~~ PV apmkttr Cllll!Mt. M 11tliA"81~-N!!~lliJ ttl bllCll IN ,._,o 2900 HarMr llWCI.. Pf ... 11800/090 . -wi'TNrn--:T.~ -..-. -. • !lfiliiiiiii~wiiii~li~--~~B~.,_.~d!E.il!I "":irw.lllimt tdkt c ccilla•iiiiliiUI~~ -l40·110ldl" --•ble. ..__, -tor........ .-..., · • I .. .. I .. 1-1• • ,1--T HD ......... fr 1-..-INI 1 held ,,.,,. & ._.: I"" c". Ntoe ~er w n .. owa. r-o llned 9• :_o:~ino1 ... •'"de,. can mw111 .. ., .. ·, _.T·___:.-~~~~~!!~=!!!!!!!~ lllM. can en'? onpmi •• ...,a __ ,•llO'...., . .,.t _WH __ t~·,...1111_..,._ -------wh••'• wt new Pfr•lll • ...,.J150. _._ wvvu ...... ,. • .J...-ffJ llfH CuetOlft Atll Al· ~ 'Dor--edo--.. --~ 1iiiii;;i;:;1 lttlbrd. Xlnt, 115, H eccMlltla lft ..... l-""::::-::'~'==·=:'Wl~~--1 ....... ....... n·a'Hi .. •HH•••••w• ~~!!,!OllftCI l)'lllm. 000 ....... I • 1• rn••••-,.... __ 11_1 _____ , v ... 11" •t • -.. rr ~ '"' "°'' w-. we. ·~~:;,,•~,,::a::C:: MU"·c..-=::: l'::e ... ,.,,. ..,.. ... ~m,.:::~;..:;:;;.;;:~;.:.,.;;~ • v • f I • b I • f r o m ...,_ end ........ at 1 guitar, MOO. tn-1171 !::.· ~.'1Tl.&" llft, ';'~-10H10.....,,,.Hl~t'"'T,....,C_A_l,_H_l_"'_m_•_· mNff. M1rocn red w/ CIWMf, U1.IOO Wit di. "'."!9""=-+---~-.,.-::-~llW'iii.'/11 •••••••••• •• .... , 1/tw. In °"' publ. ,....,...... ,,..'""' rrenow IWt AMp tt21 P-OICI Moclll A Town -.v fer Woll' wtllet9, ••tll• le•thWt .,,, I ". 2 u • I. I • 4 0 I • • 0' ,.,, ..... Lo ""-,._ . ., t Pont Gfen VIiie. -K~'"°==· -~·=m=·=:H=eo=~I ..... OllHlfled I• •II 100 ...... ,.,,. .. .,.,_ ... -... .... •• d." • ''. 0 0 0 . dOIWHUll ,,, torttlOft • 0 0 c • 11 M I II • ', ........ , ...... lflCI ........ c ....... .., R~!.1.. alt •P•t••· _ -... 142·1111 ••new. ittt ..... , .. ........-,.... 17Mtl1. 111.-t 1'41114.-.0 111ur wllntla 1'4-14.._t &1000. 411 .. nt 11wu 71f·ltl2 ___ ::;:====:J:::;:::=:::==t::=========~--_.;i..;;.;::=.,.a:a;;~~:.;;;;;;::d:======~~::c;==;:===::1===;a;:.liaia--=al;;;==~====;J.- · SHH I J .... . ,. IUiD IEW. 1112 SAPPORO COlJPON CHRV·sLER .VAl:UE ·. COUPOMSS Serial ~?0347 MANUF.ACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .................... S8662 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ... : ................. $6641 ATLAS CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH 'S·PRICE : ........................... $5584 ATLAS CHRYSLER, PLYMOttTirS-PRtCl'--.. -... -... -... -.... -... -... -... -.. ~·.JLl_..LJJ------CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUP N .. --~.................................. -360- CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPON ............................................ $ 300 YQUR SPECIAL PRICE &IAllT SAVlll&S 011 TOP QUALITY USED CAR 1971 CADILLAC · SEVILLE · \/.top, AM/FM radio with 8 tradi tape. Tilt wheel & wire wheel covers. r 473331. I 1980 MAZDA 50626 Air conditioning. AM/FM ~ereo, cust om I nterior . au t o m atic transmission. (978ZCG) 1911 DO DIPLOMAT COUPI 6 cyl .. 1utomatlc trans .• air cond • pwr. steering & brak". crulM control, tilt wheel, wire wheel covers, radio, wsw tlr• I morel (1Al'N44t). '5395 4 speed transmls-s slon, radio, bucket seaU, trim' rings, body side stripe & more. IRllD IEW 1113 · Pl YIOUTH RELlllT 2 DOOR Serial "114900 4 speed tr<ltlsmlsflion, tinted glass. 4 cylinder & more.· FOR FLEET SILES . . - AND LEASING 5 4 1 4 INFORMATION, CALL -19 3 JOHN MEREDITH BRiii IEW 1183 'CHRYSLER "E" CUSS 4 DOOR SEDlll Serial = 116645 Air cond., AM/FM ster'°. tinted glass, auto'. trans .. front & rear bumper guard, bodyside molding. dual mirrors, speed control & more . . PLYMOUTH import~ BUILT BY MISTUBISHI MOTO•S .c ........... 1911 TOYOTA 1979 PLYMOllfH 1976 PIUGIOT COIOLLA 515 COUPE Economical 4 cylinder engine. AM/FM stereo. power steetln9, air tondlllonlng and more! ( 1CGJ436). '5495 - 1WS CHIYRll NIWPOIT llDAN Auto tr1ns .. air cond .. AM/FM radio. power steering: power brakes, white tldeWall tlf .. end morel ( 130NKI<). ,, HOllZON SEDAN 4 cyhnder etlglne, 4 speed transmlUlon, air conditioning. radio. wsw hrea and morel (632XNX).- '3295 504 DllllL SIDA"f . 4 cyl. engine. standard trMS .• air concl .. powtir windows. sliding sunroof, AM/FM stereo & rnorel (357SLlJ>· '3-695 19IO CHIVIOLD CHIVim COUPI . Economlcal 4 cylinder engine. auto. trans .. radio, Ult ~I. custom Interior. wsw lir ... air cond. & morel (7&9ZBA). . ., • • THE 111111 CUii WI [)NI "()A I' N11vt MU! fl I/ I 111,' ·BY STEVE TRIPOLI orttie DeMr NM ,..., · Delays In the p~annlng and construction of Southland highway projects :-Including completion of the Corona del Mar Freeway -aa-e mostly the fault of Caltrans, the state Department of Transportation. That, at least, was the opinion of most witnesses who testified Tuesday at hearings held in Santa Ana by the Commismon on Califor;nia State Government Organization and Economy , known as the Little Hoover Commission. , Pane lists ·heard tesllmony from six offk:lals, a nd all but a Caltrans re presentative were critical of the transportation department .. The officials said Calt-rans has Cailed to use state highway funds properly. refused to recognize the need for growth in the highway system and dflay'ed projects Its leadership did not approve of despite emphatic orders from the California Transportation Commission to carry them put. Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley, outlining the problems which have delayed agunata es . • view of signs lit · from within The Laguna Be ach C ity Council has asked the c ity Planning Commission to study a proposal to ban all outdoor signs that are lit from within. ... I really think it will enhance the village character of Laguna Beach and will really make it an even more desirable place for tourists and visitors," said Dan Kenney. the councilman who initiated the proposal. "It will set us apart even more as a community that respects the environment." Kenney noted that while he served for three years on the Board of Adjustment prior to his cily council post, only one " application was approved for an interior lit sign. He aa!d the city should go ahead and aet up laws to back up its distaste for that type of out.door advertising. "I'm not worri'ed about the material being used. I'm more concerned about the light emanating from within," he added. He cited the Northern California coastal community of Carmel and Aspen, Colo., as role models for Laguna because those cities have placed severe restrictions on such outdoor busin~ advertising. Under tt\,e proposed ban, Laguna Beach businesses would have three years to r e move interior lit signs. Kenney -said he hopes businessmen would follow the examples of Oceans and Las Brisas restaurants, First Interstate Bank and others that have opted for signs lit from the outside with spotlights. And since the city hasn't approved many interior lit aigrw in recent years, he said he believes the proposed ban would give all businesses •"an even footing." .· 1:1111 110111 () H A N < • t < <> lJ N i · J\ l If <> H N I A J ', ! ~ N f ', .. projects blamed on Cal rans completion of the Corona del Mar Frf'eway, si.ld Ca hr ans has re peatedly stalled the project since the transportation commiaslon ordered It completed In 1979. "Instead of moving forward Into Implementation, the project has been held up by study and re-study," Riley aa!d. "With each succeeding year, Caltrans has attempted to substantially shrink tht,: project." Riley IMUd delays ·on projects such as the freeway "translate quickly Into dollan -dollars for con ti n u e d con g es ti on· to tra~s~rtatfon system uicrs, and dollan for rapidly lnfl~tlng projt.-ci. construction and right· of-way c.'Q8ts." .,. Riley, saying the planning system "is subject to manipulation" added there should be "less foot-dragging over critical decisions." Ivan Hinderaker, chairman of .the California Transportation "'CQmmisslon, said Caltrans officials have stalled projects because they were trying lo strelch highway rlunds in ·accordance w Ith the Brown Administration policy of not Astronaut William Lenoir, who joked about jalapeno peppers and ale &ome in orbit, shows one given .by congratulatory crowd al his arrival back in Houston. ' raising t.uxt'fi that pay for nt•w roads. • "The result of tha l policy, when applied to trallllport~UJon. will take years for California t.o make '-'\:>. and Orange County as one example of why this 1s ao," Hln•raker said. But Deputy Caltrans Director Robert Watkins said project delays are caused by the slow pro<.'eSS of certifying them and the lack of synchronization bctween~fe<tcral and state budget planning and highway planning Watkins said Caltrans 1s committed to completing th~ intcrstuk' higtlway sy•tl!m and to continuing 1tJ1 studies of 10lutlona· for c rowded transportatron corridon. and to dolna both In a C..'Olll-effc.tctive way. • Commlsslon Chairman Nathan Shapell said he was disturbed by reports that needed projects c ould not be launched 1mmedlat.cly even if legislaUon to fund them is passea on the federal level soon. Shapell said the commission wall hold similar hear.Inga In Northern California, and perhaps more hearings in this part of the . (See ROADS, Pase AZ) -- I Cht;er.ing slops . as astronauts tackle repO:f.ts · SPACE CENTER • ..Hous ton_ (AP) -The cheering stopped and the paperwork began today . for the four astronauts back from the first cargo voyage of space shuttle Columbia, now facing three weeks of debriefing by flight directors and space engineers. Astronauts Vance Brand, Joe Allen, Bob Overmyer and Bill Lenoir, home from space lor less - than 24 hours, were to start work early today on the pilots' report of their five days in orbit. For the next three .weeks, with time off for weekends and holidays. ,the-astronauts will undergo· eigEt hour• daily of debrie(lnp. They will be grilled by flight directon, space engineers and, the toughest questioners of all, their fellow astronauts. "I'm proud to be a member. of the gang of four," said Brand, using a nickname adopted by the first four-member shuttle crew. "We're sometimes known as the 'can deliver' crew," he told a welcoming crowd of 500 after the astronauts flew Tuesday from the shuttle's California landing strip to Ellington Air Force Bue near their homes and the Johnson Space Center in :I'exas. I From launch at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida last Thursday to a (lawless landing Tuesday morning on a concrete runway in the Mojave Desert, the fifth mission of Columbia encountered only one major problem. Components in two space suits failed on Monday, canceling a planned spacewalk. An engineering study to determine why the suits failed was to start today at.the John.on Space Center. The failure will force miaaion plannen to include a space walk in one of the next (See CREW, Pase A•> Hotel growth debate due Flu·or gets bullet train Newport planners to hear request-for-more roofus By STEVE MARBLE or .. D9ltr Net ..... Plans to expand the Newport Center Marriott Hotel with a 12-story addition are expected to do what development ~hemes in Newport Beach always do - generate a controversy. The request to enlarge the Marriott by 234 Tooms comes before the city Planning Commission Thursday evening but commissioners predict it will be late December before they vote on the plan. The proposal marks the second time in a year that the Marriott has asked permission to expand its 377 -room hotel. Prior plans were tied to the Irvine Company's $123-million Newport Center expans ion project. whictl was aband_oned in the face of a· referendum. Ray Kovacs, manager of the Marriott, said the need for enlarging the hotel is great. He said the facility regularly turns awaycus.tome~. . Kovacs· said he is not surprised that there would be some community resistance to expansion. · "With the expansion of any hotel in ~ny city there's · always some concern in the community," he said. "But this isn't just some roadside inn, this is a four-star, first-class hotel." Jean Watt, president of Stop Polluting Our Newport, said her group's concerns should be well known by this time. Watt said she is concerned about the amount of traffic an expanded Marriott wowd brln~ and the effect a larger hotel ii\ Newport Beach would have on demand for increued air service at John Wayne Airport. . "What we're getting ia the Newport Center plan all over again -this time in bits and pieces," Watt said. "It's the old railroad approach -someone· out there knows what's going on and we're left with the task of trying to find out wt\at that is," said Watt. A second remnant of the defunct Newport Center plan has also surf aced. The Irvine Company has asked permiaaion to build a luxury hotel In Newport Center. That request will not reach the plan~Jng commiaaio~ U!!,til next spring. Health care guidelines OK'd. By JEFF ADLER orttie .,.., Net ,...,. Orange County supervisors baye appt.0ved..hulth car guidelines for the county's PQOr in· preparation for takeover of medical programs for indigent adults no longer covered by Medi-Cal. Approved was a set of eliglbilUy standards for the indigent health care prosrarna aa well as standards outlining the ~pe of services to be provided the needy. M e a n w h i l e , ·a~ o u n t y negotiating team Is continuing to meet with both the Orange County Medical AJaoclation and ·the Southern ailifomia Hospital Council in an effort to work out a program In which the county would co-rrtract with private health care providers for such services. The county, hospital council a--nd medical a"8ociarlon reportedly are nearing agreement on a proposal thal Professional, football -miuing for eight weekends -is back. The Rams talk about the strike settlement and Sunday's game in Sport&, Page El. · At Your Service A7 Horoecope B2 Bulletin Board A4 Ann Landers B2 could be submitted to supervisors. in as few aa 30 days. By its action Tuesday, the board Be'-in'4> place eli&lbi.U&y ,_ standards for Its indigent adult health care plan that mirror thoee of the eollnty general relief program, a welfare plan available to thole who qualify for no other welfare programa. To be eligible when the county takes over the state indi1ent health care plan Jan. 1, an applicant would have to be a county resident whoee monthly Income does not exceed S240 lf be or she la aincle. The income limit would be $~0 for a family of four. Al90, applicants cannot have peraonal property, excludina a car, worth more than $1,000 or real property exceedinl $5,000. EligiblUty for medical IM'Yicee will ,be detennlned when medk:al care i1 needed and will be reviewed every three months, ~a.:··· JM..-t 1 lw• ' • u •:.;i.;• •,. Cavalcade 82 National NeWI ' A3 ~IOI.he~, • 1 ... ~edlc.f'Htvtnrt \o'bt Clusifled Fl,F4-8 Cornlea 06 Crcmword 06 DNth Notices F2 Editorial A6 Entertelnment .EG Food Cl-8, 01-8 • Public Notla!S Sports Dr. S\eincrohn Stock Marke~ Television Thea ten Weather .. F2-4 1:1·4 82 & F.6 ~ A2 ~rovldttd by the plen will be 'llmJied IO heelth c:are lef'\1cea which an~ ....-nable and .....uy to protect llfe or prevent 1l1nmcant dlubillty throu1h the dla1no1l1 or treatment of d ...... m.-or ln)lrV,11 the....,. ltate. (8" OUIDD, Pip Al> contract By GLENN SCOTT or .... o.1tr Net ,..., Fluor Corp. of Irvine .has been named project manager for the 131-mile bullet. train system to be constructed between Los Angeles and San Diego, 'Officials of the American High Speed Rail Corp. announced today. Fluor will be responsible for coordlna ting subcontractors during the· engineering and construction phases of the propaeed route. · The firm . also will establish budgets and control costs, said J . Robert Fluor, the firm's chairman. who appeared today at a news conference tn 'the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles . • "We have tunneled throu1h the Andes, installed railroad track throu"h the Buahlands of Australia and buried vast s t r e t c h e s o f p i p eJ i n e underground and under sea," said Fluor. "After all.of our YNl'I of multi-national experience, perhaps it ii only fhting that we should demonstrate Fluor'a lkilla (See FLUOR, Pa1e AZ) I Bullfight · promoter disapp.ears By JODI CADENHEAD or .. ....,,... .... ·Everyone's lookin~ for bullfi1ht promoter Ruben Bohorquez. There are the matadorl who returned to Mexico Monday empty handed, the bull rancher ltill watunc for hie money, the Coc>ra beer distributor. the emberramed publldat and the 1, .. --~~r-Ul..Jl.ullftahl Um -~k How do you greet'"~ 1ob ler ~t~1 without wnrrtn1· Nol the 01W they paid IO -Very e•relully. Th••'• wh•t Ma1thew anywa1 . .._lice called to the Ro•rk, Joehua Lyuon •nd ScOtt Gapllll Oran .. C.Unty felr1round1 'had to ~I tile _..., beer-diaeo•ered al Yorktown Pre-eehool in drinktn1 crowd whle1' -walled Hu111in11on Beaeh. More reaction~ P•1• more then three houn for th9 . Bl. ~~--=~ 4 'I l ' · 1 l • Orange CoH\ OAIL V Pll Ol /Wttd11n1u.lu~. Ntvttmb•r 171 1U82 J J d~------------------------.U ~:f;UIDES APPROVED · ... .'(I Th'c actual i.t'Upt• ot rrwdlt•nl r1•1111hurs1•1111•11t1 1111• :Hu tt• IN a111er vtces to bl' µrovtdl'tJ Wt 11 ' t:XJ'('t'll.J to mUkl• to tht.• l'OUllty •d e p e n d on t h l' 1 l' v t' I 11 ( for undPrtu kml( tlw p rot(n 1111. bf . Tlw iop pd111 lty, ht)w11w 1'. will n L·UOR lx• to provltfo c•my rJ.tl'hl'Y nl('<h<·ul l e • • • iwr vu.•t•s, bot h 1n pa lll'nl 011tl '<1 'ln our own bock yard." nr If built, t he bullt.•t truan would Ylbe the first of its kind in tlw United St.ates. Backt'rs est11nute 1t :n .. wlll make a nonstop run bl•lwt."On l~lhe dowrttowns an•as uf Los m_l\ngeles and San Diego in 59 ,qmiJlutes. ,~ Lawrence Gilson, prt-s1dcnt or MJ~merican High Speed &iii. smd ~re than three-quarters or the $2-bUl ion budget Cur the pro~'t't ill be sp en t in the United \a tes, mostl y~allfornia . m-e r I c a n 1 g h S p ee d officials are re lyi g on tech nology veloped In Japan to build tfie lifornia system. out-patu•nt. for t ~111i.t• 1wrf11111s who quahl'y t11r ass1stam't•. Co u n 1 y g Cl v '-' r 11 n1 l' n t w as l'tll'l'l'd to nssu1111• n•sµo11s1hilhy Cur t11 rl' for 011 t.·sumnwd 1:,,000 ml'd ic·a l ly u1t.11gent adulti. in Orange Co u n ty o ft e r t h<• L1·~1:.laturr t rimm<'<I its Mc•d1 Cal prow·nm car hl'f 111 th'-' yvar, ~hafting thl• burcl'-'n from stau.• to t'OUntit'S Tht> sta l<' s till will fund tht• county program, but only nt 70 p<'rcl'nl uf t he levl'I funded thro ugh Ml'tl1·Cal Thl• m unty ht~ not. b udgeted a ny a dditional (unds for Lhe progr~u\\1t•ithcr. During Cisc·al 198 1 ·82, Medi- Cal pJ1d $38..miU1on for tht.,..<.·ar(' Tht• 1aui11 uf ltw I llH·I Olyrnplv MUll11'¥ Ill lllUrt' Jhun tJ30 duy~ 11w.1v Hui 1t11t11•11 l 'llflorll 3'.•Y ll 1' 111111• U 1 u r1 u1• l"u11111 y ~l'l>S Jjl.irh't.I 1 .11.i.111~ $:4W,Oll0 to ~ld "thlc•\4.., to tht• ljllUl~l'OlllUI l'VC'nl 111 I .i" A11~t·l1•" Nt"1t•1 n1111u that tlw t•ntln· stuu· rn1M'd lt-to.S thu11 thut tor tlw 111 l 11 ~1·d l !UJO 1<11 111 c11 . 1rny1:1 Cit I fo1 d wh11 ti. c·ont1dc•nt thot Orung1• County rnn do ii.II um I lo su p purt port11.·1po nt11 i n th<• Oly1npil' j.(llllll'S sd1t'd\~lc·d July, llHM • Tlw outl(Ui11g prt'tlldt.'nt of Air Cal and t•ho1rmon ur Or"angt' County U.S Olympu.· Comm1u.ec told the Costn Mt·~• Chamber of Comm111'\·t• thot hl' plans to tap business lt'adt.•rs for some of the t·ontribut1ons. T ht• rc•11t will 1,·11 m to f rom I undruii<t'I h (u S 175 J>n n1uph• du~•·r 1" i.i.·hc'tlulc'<i lonil(,h l Ill tht• (..'op 11 11.l• Oru rt•11tuurur\l) unJ throul(h ttw iwh· of Olympk· 1tyll• jat•kt•t>t, ickl h ut.JI and plOJ1 ··1 tw Olymp1Cli an · ttw 11anglt· lllOtlt lmport.unt t•w11t," Cli fford said 'l\wKduy "The> whol nut1on mourn# wtw n Wf' IOM.' " Work by l~ll' U .S . Olympll' CommilW\' conrlnu,•s a(wr th<' ganH,'K t'Rd With l'<Ul\rtbU\101111 t(ulnl( to traininl( futu1•t1 nthlctt>ii and to puy for food. and lodging <»cnrnscs. Tl c t'(11nmittee w UH rorm•'<i 10 i '1n8 to c·on s t r u c t thl' U .S Olymp1r T raining Center in Co l orado S pri ng11 , where pote ntia l O l ymp ic a n d P a n Amerit•an Game Con tendl'l"ll are trained. I • O raa n.it• Cou0nty bulln (•ll h•ac.ljnc on tht• (.'Omnllltt't' lndudc..- lh• n n 111 L ti nde•:.mun , Uo n Oliphant. ~hrane ChQM•, 01.v4t Biakt•r, Dia ne.• Da llusis, T om Jadt ... on, Sadh• Mc.'Mic·hiwl, Da lt• ' Oyk<>ma and Wcrnt•r FA:hcr. ' · ·r 1ck<'lJt for tht.i Olympw .can~'"' urt• t'XJ)('Cted to go on t1alc in tht• 11prlt1g with prk.'ell ranging from $5 lo $ti 5 , accord i n g to u • spukt-srnan for l~ L oH Ang(•l\"IC Olympic Orgunizlng tommittt't•. The spo~sman said .that a mudl'rn pcnt.athlon will ht.' st.al(t.>d m Coto dt' Cuza a nd wresllintl al the Anaheim Convention Ccnwr. Efforui lo bring a cycling eve nt to Mission Viejo a nd a sho<>ting t.'\>mpNlllon to Coal Q myon are l'Ontinuing, according to Olympic organizinit officials. ' Hobt•rl (.:lirford Construction is expected t least two years awny. to be o.f th <' t·ou nty's mt•d 1t.•a ll v indigen t ath.ilts. • John Wayne Tennis ·club r~tW~ Mortgage firm held ULLFIGHT SNAFU • • • being . m. event was tuncelcd. orquez. 43, told police that ul $3,350 in cash was missing d that he had no money to pay for the bulls or the matadors, much less for refunds. , Cost a Mesa police Lt. Jac k lnon said the cashu.•r stufk d e da y's· -receipts in her purse ROADS. • • s t a t e, b e fo r e form u la ting r ecomme n d a ti o n s f o r t he Legislators and the governor on t,ow to correct the problems. He expects the coming change f governors. a nd with it the most certain re plac-eme nl or al t ran s D i r ect o r Adria na Gia n turco. to he lp change the departme nt's direction. case and kt>pt no record of whether the fans paid $5 or $30 for their scats, It vras, 1mposs1blc to ca!culate an e xact loss, he said. Numc-rous calls to the business went unanswered T uesday. No one connected with the event has heard from Bohorquez. Not publicist Martin Kane: "He s llll owes me h a lf m y money," said the Los Angeles public r:elations_e~ecutive. ·~1 haven't the vaguest idea where· he is. It's been very upsetung." Not b u ll ha ndle r Ma nue l Corr"1a, who cla ims to h a ve · demanded his $1 2.000 fee in advance afte r a llegedly losing $7,2000 from Bohorquez four years ago. Correia said he shelled out $310 to return the p<>nmless matadors to:Mexico. Tht' John Wayne Tennis Club a posh 16·<.'0urt te nnis cente; foundC'd eight years ago by the la te a c tor a nd a group o f .. investors, is being sold to a· Newport &ach developer. . A forma l announcement was to be made today at the club by the prese nt majority owner , Ke n W illig, a nd ~embe rs of t he Wayne fomily. The c l u b , w h ic h has 680 members, is being sold to J ohn R. Ward or Southpor t Dewelo pment Corp . at.~'Ording to Julia Chase, a club member and spokeswoman for the facility. Less than a year. ago. Willig announced the club was being sold for $2 5 millio n lo a group of Newport Beach investors headed by James L. Kelly and Burton E. Smith T h a l d l'al. however , f e ll thro ugh St!Vc ral months la te r 'when the two men were unable Drug charges filed aurgla r y a nd fe lo n y c hild endangering charges have been filed against a N~wport Beach woman accused of dr ugging a 5-year·old Cost.a Mesa boy left in her care, police said. returned homC' T hursday to find a stereo. television set, lamps and pictures missing from the Costa Mesa home. • to sell limited partnerships in the d ub to mem bers as was planned. J'Amy Lyn Owens. who was cha rged in a com pla int fi led Tuesday in Harbor Municipal Court will be arraigned Dk. 6 m Sant.a Ana, according to a court official. Owens and her sister, 17, were arrested last Friday a t their e wport Beach condominium. The younge r girl, whose name _w as -not re le ased . is in the custody of her grand parents. Elizabeth .Hamrn\<l told police that she hired Qwens a week ago i)t oday t o watch h e·r son , ~·{.; h r is l o p h e r . S h e s a i d s h e Christophe r , w ho a llcgedl ~ app<>arcd to be in a tiazc.'Cl stupor, t o ld his m o the r that t h e babysitter had given him a pill. Costa Mesa police L t. J ack Calnon said tests oonducted at Hoag Me mor ial H ospital in Newport Beach. where the child was take n, showed the boy and been g i ven a d ee p muscle relaxant. Hammad told police that she kept the drug m her medicine cabinet for stomach problems. 1r tried 11n<t"oonvi~ Owens could face 10 years in pnson on t h e b urg l ary and c h il d endangering charges. W ill i g , who e x pressed irritation over the scuttled real estate transacllon. put the club back o n ' the market for · $2.8 million. DNails or the latest sales - pm·(' have not been disclosed. T he ~lub , no w in e scr o w , prt.'St'nlly is owned by WilJig and investor W.T. Pascoe ill. S hares m the facility are al.so held by the Wayne est.ate, P ilar Wayne and • John Virtue. • The facility. wh ich spreads over nearly five acres, I~ located o ff Jambo.re e Road a nd is adJ3cent to the Newporter. · It was not 1mmed1ately ktaown whether the namt" of the ctob. the only entity Wayne lent his name to d urm_g hlS life tune, w ill chan~e. ~~ CoOler Thursday ill . I lnc:realng -cloud• tonight with ovemlgtll tows 49 to 55 Mo.tty cloudy and cooler on Thursday wfth ~ of llght rain ~· ncreaalng Thursday afternoon H'9h• Thursday 65 to 68 Rain p obabllity 20 percent Elaawhere . from P ol nC onceptlon 10 the Mextcan l>Ofder and oul 60 miles Llglll a rlebl • w lnda becoming ,_t 8 co 15 knot• conlght. OUI« wal«I, lncteulng lo 10 to 20 knoll on Thuraday 1mc;omit1n1Jd -anc1 swe11 4 co a • Loe.II)' light var~ winds onlght mnd' Thur9dey. lncreu.ng 0 •••t to I OUlhwHt 8 10 16 no11 Thuradey afternoon with 1 0 2 loot wind ··-· Thursday wllh at\ increasing cnance of light rain in allernooo along nor1harn ranges. LOW$ In Ille mountains ~Y reach 2S. Hight in Owens Valley $110Uld range from 48 to SS with lows trom 30 10 35 Snow 1n nearby mountain• above 7.r.oo leel was expected for Tllufllday. Northern dH ert highs were forec:ut lrom 60 IO 67 With lows In ttwl 30t Temperatures In lhe IOw desen may range rrom 65 to 73 wltll IOWS tn lhe 40s T en1peralur es. NATION HJ Lo lqllOtlel WHIM< ~t NOAA U S O.Ot ol Cornm.,ce Albany Albuquerque AmarlHO A~lle 43 21 52 29 S8 30 50 19 Fronts: Cold .. Wt11m w. Atlanta Allanlk: City Au111n 8elttmore e11n1111s BlrmfngMm Bltmlllek 8olse 8o1too 8rownS111lle 9ut1110 B\ir11no1on Cup41r Chatluton, S C Che1le1100, WV. cna11ot1•. N c Clleyenne Chk:IQO Clnclnn111 Cleveland Colvmbla, S C Columbus Oellls-Ft Wonll Oeyton Denver Dee Moln .. Oettolt Oulu th !I PAO flegltaft GrMC Falla Hartford Helen• Honolulu Hout ton lndianepoll1 Jackeon. Ml11. Jact1eon111t1• Kan1a1 City Laa Vegal Ullle Rock 56 33 Lou11vllle 43 27 Lubt>ocll ~5 43 Memphts • .( 22 M1lwaukH 29 ' Mplt-SI Paul 36 Nashvllle 42 52 40 47 43 63 35 42 41 60 41 s. 46 34 39 • 34 61 36 53 35 58 41 37 32 62 54 40 48 35 79 58 57 55 64 42 60 45 20 New 0t1een1 25 New Votk 29 Norlolk 59 Notlh P1e11e · 27 Oktehotna ~ily 21 Omaha 22 Or1al1do 45 Phlladelphil 20 P~• 29 PlllsbUrgh 24 Por11and. Ma 27 Por11and. Ota 24 Providence 23 Raleigh 24 Aaptd City RenO 21 AIChmond ~~ Salt lake 2 t Sen An1onio 2e S.llle 24 srw..-.pon 18 Sioux Falil 42 Sc Pet•· Tempi 23 St Ste Mane 29 Spolt- 24 SYf8CUM 16 T~e 70 Tucaon 5'I TulN 23 Wuhtnglon 23 WiChlla 44 32 38 29 40 25 58 33 80 76 35 26 39 2t 47 23 60 39 48 33 53 37 45 17 50 :t3 43 26 67 80 46 25 77 57 35 19 45 25 47 .... 44 29 52 27 54 22 56 38 51 32 52 28 58 ~ 5t 48 49 '7 49 27 77 83 37 17 40 37 45 37 51 :It S4 53 eo 38 50 34 64 23 62 38 62 44 ~ 4e Rllln. Snow(m Beaumont Big Bear Bishop Blythe Cllallna Eurella Fresno Le~5ter Long Beach Loa Ang81H Monrovia Montebello Monterey Ml Wilson Nead~ Newport Beach Oakland On I er lo P"1m Sprtno• PaHden• Paso Roble• Rivet Ilda Red BIUll Redwood City SfcfemenlO Sellna1 Sen 8ern&1dtno Sen Diego Smog • Fl&Wries * .... St!!lonlrY ••. 68 . 45 52 24 56 2e 72 48' 68 53 57 48 48 43 57 40 69 53 65 57 .. 67 49 66 52 62 45 52 43 67 4 68 50 58 39 67 48 72 51 71 62 61 40 65 47 43 38 80 41 42 37 65 42 87 47 70 51 Wl'lef• to oell (toll tp•) for ....... ~~·· °""" . (IOO) 4'641HI Lot An ..... County: CIOO) aao4022 , 1 ,.....911CSIM .. ,.. • ., OC111111191: _, 111 .. ,,. • AOMO ........ CenW: (IOO) ........ :~r·1··111 .. ··1-1 .. 1~~~ .,= .. ~-~--~-=-·-~91-.. ~n::.·llr~ ;: oa • 37 ' • .... A .. 1 1 2 2 ... -2 2 2 2 . ... Dir SW SW IW IW ''"' tow 3 24 a m 2 a l'lfll l'llOl'I t .0 Im &.7 SeconOIOw S ot pm 0 0 Seconol'llfll 111111pm 311 lvn Mtl CO(tey 11 4 41 p m , "'" Tflur~ .. 1.2) I fll "'°°" , .... lodey It • ,, • "'. Mtl It 1·3t pm •• Going lo. rly on Tha'1ksgiving holiday? R~ller rind ride lo John \'\'.a ne Airporl. Air travelers find parking lots full Parking lots a t J ohn Wayne Airpo rt.. ar e full a nd airpo rt officials are advising travelers to fin d-alte rn a t ive m ean s o f tr a ns portation to the airport throug h Thursday. Both the duy and overnig ht parking lots filled up after 9 a.m. t.c>day "due to heavy commuter traffic this week," according to a U~rscly worded announcement from the Orange County public information office. . "W e h ave n o ,idea why it's h a ppe ning ," s a id L o r i Buoncompagno, an assistant to air por t operations chief Denis . Ho rn. "·lt h a ppen s o n ce· in awhile. maybe four to fi ve times a year." A i rpo rt o ffJc1a-ls cou ld r e commen d n o al te r nati ve parking areas-to passengers "'ho · in tend to park an d fly, bu t s tro ng ly s uggested they be dropped off and picked up. · P a rking proble m s at the airport are not 'new to county officials w restling with thorny problems of a irpo_rt growth. . Just last week'. Murry Cable, airport m an age r , told county su pervisors that ''lhe adequacy of the present airport parking can only be projected to about the end of 1982." Faced with the inc r ease d d ifficulty passengers are havin~­ i n fi nding a place to pa rk. supe rvisors agreed to proceed with the design of an l .800~r parking lot at the airport's nvrth end. The 20-acre lot, which could cost $4 million, could take as long as three years to complete. • in trust Amt'rtcan Home Mortgage Corp. founder J ohn Rinaldo, whose lawyers claimed as late as last w ee k that their cl ient's financial empire was secure, have forced a judge to place those h o l d ing s i nto imm ed i a t e n :1.·c1ve rsh ip a fter h e filed a bankruptcy petitio n i n L.os Angeles. JUdge Phillip Pc u y had given Rinaldo, of N'ewpor t Beacn , a chance to raise a UO-million bond t o k ec•p con t rol o f h is empire at an Oran ge County Supe rior Court h earin g last· week. It became obvious that the bond w as not forthcom ing in tim e for Mond ay's deadline w h e n R i n a ld o f i l e d th e bankruptcy petition. Pe tty's response to the action was to orde r receiver Dann y $Jlntucc1 to ta k e immediate control of the Jllew porl Beach- based empire, and not wait to take the reins today as h ad been scheduled. An estimated 6,000 investors have placed about $60 million lfl R1n aldt>'s h a nd s thro u g h American Home Mortgage Cor~. and three other firms. S t a t e inves t i gators claim Rinaldo has jeopardized those investments by loaning almost all of the m io ni ne d i ff e r e n t borrowers. some of whom are ip default on the loans. They a.tsp claim Rinaldo used the funds it> loan himself money for persoNfl inves tme n t virtua lly free of charg1>. 2 appointed-to Lal{una board T h e L agun a Beac h City Council has ap pointed Wayne Peterson a nd Yana Ruzicka to the Board of Adjustment. In m a king their d ecis ion Tuesday from a fie ld o f f ive contenders. council members said all applicants we re we ll-qualified for the board, which oversees comme r c ial a nd r es id e ntia l d esign and r egulates zoning ordinances. The council rejected J o hn Hefti's bid for a nother two-year te rm on the board . sayin g i t wa nted to give more residents a cha nce t6 serve. Peterson. 42. works for Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. in Newport Beach and has lived in Laguna nine years. ~ Landscape architect Ruzicka earned a m aster 's d egr ee in architect ure and land planning from the Institute of Technc~logy in Prague, Czechoslovakia. She has been a Laguna resident for nearly 10 years. ' l'h other business, the c.'Ouncil asked the plannin_g commission to review apparent loopholes in its h e ight r e gulatLo n s Co r comme r cia l and reside ntial structures. Mayor Nel l F itzpa trick suggested some builders have ''s ubverted " the city's 36-fool he ight limit. Because of Laguna's hilly ,.terrain. some people have measured buildlbg height from the highest curb when property has frontages bn two streets, he said.· ''If we're going to respect t.tie terms o r this community t hen we've got lO have sLructures that ·respect it (the height limit).'' Fitzpatrick said T he council a lso set up a permanent committee to study cable te levision services available a nd public a ccess throu g h Chanrwl 10. Ken Frank. city ma nager. was directe d to see ., w hethe r a private consulta nt s h o uld b e hire d to s tud y Laguna's cable T V needs . Storer Cable TV, which has a ca ble franchise with the city, will be as ked to provide a character gene r a t oqd e vice t o s how programming schedules when shows are not on. And the city would like S torer to provide equipment for locally produced cable TV programming. WOK SALE and DEIOllSTRATIOll* 6 pc. STEEL WO~-~SET INtLUDES: WOOD HANDLES, COVER, WOOD STEAM RACK, CHOPSTICKS, REVERSIBLE RING AND COOK BOOKLET ,:~o $.19.99 . ltUIMONITllATION ICHIDULI 9aturd•J, Nov. 20, 11:00-3:00 Corona del Mar a WHtcllH 8unc:ler,Nov.21,11:00-3.-00 tt.rbor View Offer Good Thru 11/23182 Limited To Supply On Hand .. ~ j _, . .... . .. Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, November 17, ..~ __ .,.. .. ' Dow Jones Final UP. 19.50 CLOSING 1.027.50 . .. • LOfHX)N (AP) Tht> Br1ush pound tumhl<>d a notht·r• two l'Vnls ugamsl thl' dnllar today m u W<1Vl' of st•llang. wh tlt• lht.' d ollur d••<.'lin1:d ug;11n 111 mOJIJr curre ncu.-s l'lsewM n•. Gold pric.'t~ ro~t· The pound. down ~ ct•n Ui this w1.•C>k 10 ~round · $1.60, was being sold hc-t1v1ly "oll owr Europ<.• and London ." said oni• Jt>alt.'r. The slide took th<' J3rit1~h c·urr\•m·y to w11 hsn reach of 1ts all -time low of $1.56 111 Octobt•r 197(; wtwu the lntc.·rna\jonol MonNary Fund came to tht• fo":nl escue oC. a t he.to ltoubkd Labor goY{>rnmwll. . . 5,300 cars recalled Toy recall renewed 'WASHINGTON (AP) -The lmportC'r of s tuffed anunal mobik--s that were recaJled because of thc•1r stra ngulation haw rd three years ago is r<'n ewing efforts lo recall the potentia lly da ngerous toys. The Consumer Product Safety Commission :.<11d Tuesday as many as 180,000 of the l'Olorful mobiles may s till be in use across·thc country. • T he importer o f the toys, R. Dakan 8/. Co., is offering a fun· refund. for the toys when they are returned. Consumers who wish to keep them arc advised to cut off the three elastic strings susp<>nding the toy and contact the company UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK IAPI nW lol-1"9 l"t -· 1"9 """" Y0t• S.oci. E•<Mfl9e 110<115 --•-s "'-t i..w -"" Ille-• -..,_ tlle ,,_, .,.MG on f!'<~I ot <-.e , ... rdless ol vol.,.... Ho :c~ lr8dinv"-S2 ••• il>tl· '*"· Net --cenf-.e c~s •r• ,,.. Clllf•r•no 11e-.. IM Pfe"-clo"no prl<• •llO -V I i#s m. P'•<• N•,.,. Ult C"° Pct 't l•G-..ISY< 14 • 1'-Up :tO A 2 world Airw s 1~ Up 10 o I! ~=':"~ ,! ... ,:: ~: :~; S S.vlnCp 7\.'J • 4. Up 11, t • GF 8111£111 • s•. • n VP 10.S 1 EmerR.O \ 21•~ • 2 VP 10 4 I 1.enMr ~ • I'• Up 10.1 I~ ~':.l'J:c:' ~lu : 1:: ~: u 11 USGypm pf 4Sltl • • UC> '6 l Gollin\ Alk 1' t '"' Up '4 ! t.::r.:.:i"" ,:1· .~ ~: g S EtM~ Ch 21\• "• Uo I.I 6 Cordur• Co 16'1t I'• Vp t.J ' ~.,\'/:.fc' ~.. ~~; ~: u ' Slgc18usln ' u• I tlo Vo •. ' OIGlor pf A llh ,._ Up I 0 1 ColllnFclS ,,,, "' uo , .. ~-lncluSt 12 .. • '• Up 7• Prol•r tnl 1'11) , 2 VP 7.l A Etteflne , •••• '"' Up , l Int R0<tif DOJJ~ ~ ~ Uo 1 I N•me l.nl CllQ Pel I PStno •.S2of l\.o I Off 10 J 1 HRT ll'ldlltl Sii> ~ Oii 101 , ,,_,, J , .. Oii t 1 A S..O.n c,. . ,.. '• Oii I 1 ' S AteP ._.... S1 SI.. Oii I 4 t Cllo<kFOH 11'• lo Oii t • 1GTFI1141111 M 4 Ofl St I WelU•m. pf I ~, 011 .St t ~--111.. I Off SS tO Tle9r MOt .... ·~ Off S.J ti c ... tr!ION 1l'> \> Ott .S.l a ~:."'N<M i . ~ g:: ~ ~ IA NIM J,«lllf U... I'• Oii S I u ""411k lr '"" ,... ... Off '0 It~ 11. ... Oii •• 0 tG.s '"' 1-) Off •• II Atw.sWlt1 pl J0'1 1 .... Off 4 1 " f.1'€•<11 " ,.. 1-. Off • $ • MAPCO u... ti• Oft 4.l ti Tea1n ,,..., 11 1 °'' •a JJ E-rce 2•• '• Off 4 1 tJ T-Sl\tp Jiii> ''°' Off 4 2 i. Gno,n 4 npi 11 > Oft • • U GllRH pf8 17.. ~ Off 4 I SYMBOLf • ME1Al.S NEW YORK C4Pj rnec.i llfwi.. •oct•v e.,, •• 10• •• 12 cenll • pc.uno u s clftliM(IOtll ~ 21· .. 2e cenll • pouno nnc 38-4i c:entt • oounc1 oei...,e<i Tin $6 M:!9 l.'etel9 Wwl< <omPO.,t• 11> A .......... 76 C*I" a pounO N Y Mefcwy '36S 00 ~ ''-'~ "!ell_., $343 OO·S34!> 00 1ro1 °""'" NV GOLD QUOTATIONS •• t ,,.. .. _.._. P1"9 Selliet.O -'d llO'd pncn coo•r Lonclen ,...,,.,,., 111tn1 $412 60 UP S5 10 • Lonclon eUernoon 111tno S4 t2 SO ug ss,.':.. .tt .. -"' .... ~ 13 50 up $1 25 fr9"1r""1 ctOMd f0< llot.o•y Zlltkh tote .....,_ R•lne S413 25 up S4 1 S l)lO l4 IA lS aSl!ecl Mondr I Harm•n (ontr d•llJ quol•) l4 12 SO uP 15 00 · l ....... d IOftfJ deify qt;Ote) '412 Ml UP S500 • lntelt' .. d '""'' c1.i1, quotol "•33 13 "" SS 25 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER HlllOy el\ll Htrm•n $ 10 S6S ~r lroy - • • ..... .-.. .. -. r • I .. •• \ . . . . l·~I * Orange Co II DAILV PILOl /Wedne1d1y, November 17, 1982 • ., A ,. NBA pl8:y~rs won't give ·hack~ • ID . With the St'tllt'mcnl of the N•'L 1tr1ke, the toportlng tulthful of•the band will puuM! for a cup of t'tl{foe and prepare for .a vigil o{ the aaonlt'll of th.i NBA and its labor prol:tl ms. '!b2 basketbal~ple 8J'!' to be commJ!n,,<!~or pmg their ncgotfa tlons wTt In the privacy of:.---tTUCKER their mt.>etlng place, bul great l.'Ommotion can be l•xpcct£d momentarily. • _ Tf\e general public will hear from both sides • once it is clear a contraet on a new working ogrl'e rnent will not be forthcoming until after the two sides have spent considerable time on the mat. The football adversaries were so· far apurt it was Jifficult to undenitand· the issues. The basketball thing may be even more difficult. T o begin with, NBA ·commissioner Larry O'Brien is on rec.'Ord us staling the players will have to agree to some "give backs." What this means is • that the players will be asked to relinquish some of • the benefi ts they ol~ady enjoy. . Presumably, lhui wlU lnvolv• money. The NBA players arc tht! f'llQil laviahly paid ol any Industry on thl• fat't' of the • l'li rth und the owrwrs are hurling dcspc'ratl'ly W~ll, you can just imagine the creaturt'S of the NBA giving money back ·w the proprietors. As a muttt-r-o{ fact. there 1s n.cws for Larry O'Brl<:n. The players want more money. The players will take cuts in salary and fringes. Sure they will. And two mQOOB will float across the California sky and a month of Sundays will be torn from tht! calendar. Bucks surge behind Johnson ThP, mt'lltahty of tht• IJ''Oplt.· who play In tht.• NBA ha11 probabl)" bt-en t.'tltabl1'ht-d You won~r now 'llbout tht' ("t•rt•bral capadty of .iomt• t>I tht· J)t.'Qplo wtto own th<· ta•anui -1'Jw estimate of Lbc nymbn uLNBA Cra"''h lseH making mont•y. 1n<Jec-d bwaklna even -rarely IJOt.'tl ll8 high aa foCJr. You hear ...ven lcu talk about the ownt•rs ht-ginning tu tak~ a l"eahatlc approach to aalarll>a Th11; i• not &o llugkt>S&. tlw franchl1e operators • are not without ldell8 on ways and nwans to make e ndR meet. A rece nt suggestion waa for the suc'<.-.>ssful CranchlRt'!I to subsidize thtl8C operations which are ailing. For Instance, the Denvt.•r wam docs l'\Ol have the capacity tor turning the same sort of profit as the Los Angelt.>s Lakers. There(orc, the Lakers would share some of their wealth 'with the Nuggets. A guy holding his breath waiting Cor Jerry B~ the Caker owner, -to-agree to this display of charity will soon expire. . . Tht.• prt'<.'llK' n •a11on mot1l ol ttw N RI\ owrwn. an: p1i1rtlt'l(>Mllnf U1 not in the ll'{llll • h•ur It i•, how(•vt>r, qujl(• clt•;ar lhat tht• fritrM·hlM"K'wh1th tare• for .alt• San Die1eo and Clt•wland, to nw.•nuon u c'Ouplc• arc k'lllng qulw unhk(· hotrnkt~ Thi' nC!xt thinf( 111 for the• owrwn. IO rt'<'i&plure· some kind ol fauanclul h(!:&J th through th.-curr~t n~gotiatlona for a rww working agn..:ffi(•nt. In fact, the proprlt.'tors huve aJn•ady dliip layl·d u bit of muscl~. Tht•y huv1• lradkutl'ci LlwL 0 111• ul tlW things they will take awuy from 1tw playt.•r·s is their right to fl y firsl cl~. • As mt'nlloried t•a rli't•r, you q uestion the mentality of the NBA ownt•ri. Tlll'y an • paying their players anywher<' from $4!00,000 to $2 malhon a ye-dr, which is obscl•nl'• . They wwl make this up With tourist fares?. Tht.·y' w1i1 alM1 ._1vt• an t•vt•111lul i'\trtkl" Suns se-ttle PIRATES PHYSICAL. • • The Miwaukee Bucks, behind a m I season-high 32 points by Marques 0 ng SCO re,• Jollnson and 18 by Sidney Moncrief, opened a 30-pO'inl third quarter lead From Page E1 moved to SyOSS('t, New York, tor his last prep season. and raced to a 115-103 victory over_ J.nllJJaDa..J0,-11-..... •-akers highlight NBA action Tuesday night op .I:J Gillis has suffered one early btow-already-;-in 1hc-temporary loss of freshman Jeff Stephens, a 6-2 All-Sunset League performer •college ~owl line-up starts to take shape Elsewhere, Bernard Klng SC.'Ored 13 straight New York points at one stretch and finished with 26 to pace the Knicks to an easy 120-93 victory over • -winless Houston . . . Renie Jobnson stole an inbounds pass and scored on a layup with 10 s'.econds remaining to give Kansas City a 105-102 win over struggling S a n Antonio ... Alex En,llsb College football's post.season bowl EB-scored. 39 polnta and Dan 11el lineup Is beginning to take shape~ ••• _ contributed ~8 as Denver although official word must wait until raced to a 136-130 edge over 1 ted th. k d --San Diego. The Clippen, now games are comp e lS wee en · ---"* 1-9, played without Bill While be rths a re n ot offici_al, here's a . Waltoa ... Myelaal Tbompld acored 20 of his tenative list of opponents-for the post.season 25 points in the second haH to lead Portland to a clashes, subject to change pending results of l06-87 romp of Atlanta ... Reale Tbns scored games this weeke nd: a game-high 29 points a nd backcourt mate Rose Bowl -Michigan vs. Wash ington. Ronnie Lester added 17 to lead Chicago past Sugar Bo't-'l -Georgia vs. Penn State. Golden State, 125-120. The win was the fourth Cotton Bowl -SMU-Arkansas winner vs. in 10 contests for.the Bulls, while the Warriors Pittsburgh . lost Cor the fifth time in nine outings. .Ora nge Bowl -Oklahoma-Nebraska winner vs. Florida St. (lf Seminoles defeat LSU), Pittsburgh or NoLre Dame. Virginia tops college cage poll Fiesta Bowl -Arizona S t. vs. Oklahoma- Nebraska loser. Sun Bowl -Tex.as vs. North Carolina. , Aloha Bowl -UCLA vs. Maryland. I,.iberty Bowl -Alabama vs. Illinois. Tangerine Bowl -Auburn vs. Boston College. Holiday Bowl -WAC champion (probably . BYU) vs. Ohio S t. Bluebonnet Bowl -LSU (if it beats or ties Florida St.) vs. Arkansas-S MU loser. Gator Bowl -LSU-Florida St. loser vs. West Virginia. Hall of Fa me Bowl -Vanderbilt vs. S tanford (if it beats California). Independence Bowl -Miami, Fla. vs. Tulsa. Peac h Bowl -Iowa vs. Tennessee or Florida. California Bowl -Fresno St. vs. Bowling Green. Quote of the day Darryl Dawkins, asked if there was any signiUcance lq the No. 53 he wore with the Philadelphia 76ers and will wear with the New Jersey Nets: "It's my birthday. I was born on the 53rd bf November.'' Virginia, led by 7-4 All-American Ralpb Sampson, is the' pre-season c hoice as the No . 1 team in The Associated Press' major college • basketball poll. Georgt:.town is ranked No. 2 with North Carolina third and ·Kentucky fourth. UCLA w as placed in the No. 7 9lot·. . . Clemson President Bill L. Atellley made his first reference ·to penalties facing the national footba ll champions by announcing tha t Clemson won't appear in a poet-aeuon ·bowl thU year . . . '!'he physcian attending O.k Koo Kim said he would meet with relatives of the aeriously Injured boxer to decide if they want to di9connect the life support systems keepina him alive : . . Montreal Expos Coach Steve lforos will be named to replace Bllly Martin as ~nager of the Oakland A's today. according to two San Francisco Bay Area newspapers .· .. Beb Toledo, head football colich at the University of Pacific, announced ne _ ill quit-Saturda~ after lhe final game of the season. The Tigers are 1-9 going into the game . . . University of Oregon Athletic Director Rick Bay announced that the contract of head football Coach Rlell Brooks has been extended for two years through 1986. · Television, radio Goring, Islanders topple Oilers Following are the top sports events on TV Tw • B b G tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv o goals by utc oring and ~ h h' . vv f ·. v f · three points from Mike Bossy led the ' wort watc mg, air. orget it. New York Islanders to a 4-2 victory (;) Cb I 9 v v v over F.dmonton in a meeting of Last · · 'lJ. 6:20 p.m ., anne season's top two teams In the standings . . . NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Dallas. Elsewhere in the NHL Tu~ay night, struggling-._ Aanoancers: C h ick· H earn and K eith Vancouver fought from behind three times and Erick.son. finally ~vaged·a 4-4 lie with Detroit on a goal by Darcy Rota midway through the third period ... Keith Acton scored two goals and assisted on two oth~rs lo lead Montreal to a 7-r trouncing of Hartford . .Brian Sutter scored three goals for the second time this season and assisted on another as St. Louis blitzed New J ersey, 7-2 ... Peter McN~b scored twice and picked up two assists to lead Boston pas\ Quebec, 7-4 . . . Bobby Carpenter scored two goals to pace Washington tO a 5-3 win over Calgary. , The L akers, who had their seven-game winning str eak .snapped Tuelday nigh't in Phoenix, will be looking to start a new one tonight against the Mavericks, who are currently in third place (with a 4-5 record) in the Midwest Division. . Basketball KLAC (570). RADIO Lakers at Dallas, 6:20 p.m ., REllT OUR Siii Alli lolTS " (which don't look Ilk• rentals) ·ALL. IEW . EQU,PMEIT! Visual'lze yourself In this ·picture, not standing In a rental tine when you arrive at the ski area. We rent Fischer and Rossignol skis, Saloman Boots. Our rental faclllty Is newly lmporved and will help take the hassle out of renting. 'PHOENIX (AP) -It halt all the flavor of a playoff game and for the Pha<:nix Suns. it was a cha nce to settle a six-month-old score. The S uns. s w e pt in four straight by Los Angeles In last year's• West ern Conferen ce semifinal series. beat the Lakcrs 11 3-105 . here Tuesday n ight in 'lhetr first meeting of the 1982-83 National Basketball Association regular season. "We feel we're a much better ballclub tha11 last year and we're showing it," said Phoenix Coach John MacLeod after his squad won its fifth game in a row and improved its overall record to 9-2. "LA is always awfully tough and this win gives u s the confidence to know ~e can play with these guys." TWO SUNS who remembered last year 's playoff CaUure well - guards Walter Davis and Dennis Johnson -combined with newcomer Maurice Lucas to snap L os Ange l es' seven -game winning streak. Lucas poured in 27 points while Johnson had 10 of his 14 in from F.dison High. . Stephen s, w ho also p lays baseba ll (which is one of the r eason s h e cam e t o OCC) suffered a fracJured thumb Saturday when a line drive caught him on the ~itc her's mound. Gillis hopes he'll be back in a couple of weeks. Other ne wcomers to watch include De ron White, a 6-0, first-team All-CIF performer · from Valencia High; John Berry, a 6-2 guard from Marina; and Darrick Morgan. who prepped a t 'L ew Wallace H igh i n G ary, Indiana. O ther for wards joining the P irates are 6-5 Steve Shattuck from Villa Park High a nd 6-4 Shaug hn R ya n fr o m Albuquerque, New Mexico. The P irates' backup post man is 6-6 Paul Wear out of Ranc h o Alamitos High. · "We've got to play tough pre- season games in ord er to get ready for · this league," Gillis says . "Th e confe r e n ce is unbelievably strong this year. "I've heard a number of major the fourth period and Davis niffe • of his 24 in the final quarter in Nortli Sta· r· s sending the defending world cham pion Lakers (7-2) to their first loss since the season-opener. bli· t ...... z Ki· ng~ ''I think Lucas made the . difference in the second half.'' INGLEWOOD (AP) -Cenie r said Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley of the 6 -9 power f or ward acquired in a n off-season trade N«;al Brote~ struck for two of with the New York Knicks. "He Minn~sota s _four p~wer-play bas made them a dilferent team. ,goalstm the fu-st period lo lead andaJQlroore aggressive. He has ~he. N orth Stars to a n 8 -3 added a different dime nsion." Nauonal Hock~y League v1<:tory Laker center Kareem Abdul-over the .L os A ngeles Kings Jabbar disa reed Tuesday rught . ''I don't t~nk Lucas has made ~ Defenseman. Brad Maxwell much of a difference to their touched off a five-goal o_utburst te tall " said Abdul-Jabbar. by th_e No rth. Stars in t h e am a • o p e ning period wh e n h e connected on a 60-footer past NY rehires Martin? 'Kings' goalie Gary Laskoski. Minnesota then drilled four NEW YORK (AP) -Billy Martin, who has been marnlger of the New York Yankees twice . and let~o twice, has agreed to join the Yankees as manage r once again, accord ing to the New York Daily News. Martin, 54, and Yankee owner G eor ge SteinQrenner hav ~ r eached agreem e nt but n o ~ntract has been signed. the paper says. straight power-play goals against Laskoski to build a rommarlding 5-0 lead at the end of the first 20 minutes. Bobby Smjth made it 2-0 (or the North Stars ·wh e n h e connected at 5: 10 on a powe r play. Thirty-nine seconds late r Broten made it 3-0. Gord Roberts and Broten 's second goal of the night finished off" Laskoski. College foothall TMUllSOAY'I GA• Mleml. 0 . II Cincinnati, n IATUllDAY'I QAMRI . . ... USC vs UCLA at ROM 8owt CCllannel 7 al 1250 p.m I MlclliQan al Ohio SI (Ch1nnet 2 11 II 30 •ml StanlOfd at Clllllorn11 Atlrona 11 Oregon Central MicNoan at Nottllem lllinolt lllwlOll SL 11 8all St WM!em Mlchloln II Eutem MIClllQan Kant St. It oNo U. w ... Tau. SI. at Southern llllnola 14111111 Soutll CerOlltla at Clemton Nortll Carolina " °'*• FlOflda St. at LSO. n Loulllltfle at Memphil SI. Tandy G illi~ -college l'oadws say that this is the toughest junior .college. confer e nce an the nation . I completely agn•c with that st.a temen t.'' G illis points out that ever"j tl•am 1n th l' So uth Coast Confcrcnl-e with the exC'eption of his Pirates and Cerritos - won at least 20 games last season. And Cerritos and Orange Coast wt.·rt• pil·kc>d L<> finish l-2 last 'Sl•ason. OCC 1s coming off a 13-15 season, a campaign which was marred by the loss of several pla yer s for o ne reason or another This ·season. G tlhs has been pleased by what he has seen from his young squad. but admits thtc> road to sul'cess may be a slow one. "Our biggest problem is lack of experience," he says. "We'll start four players in 01;1r season opener who have never played a gam&at Orange Coast College. lt's_ going to take u.,;; a while to pull things togNher :· Oranae C~t ecMdul9 Nov 20 M ire Colla. Nov. 26 -Rio Hondo. Nov 27 81 San Olego MtN Dec 2-4 Miies Eaton Tourney; Dec t0-11 -II Skyline Tourney, Dec. t5 - Palomar: Dec 18 P1lom1r; Dec. 21 -al Cllrut. Dec 28 -S8nl1 81rb1ra (at HlrM;OC:k). TBA. Ooc; 29 -II H1ncock Jan 5 at Fulleflon•. Jan 8 -Cyptns·: J111 12 ~ al Ml San Antonio·~ Jan 15 -Campion·. Jan t9 -8t Cerritos; Jan 22 - 11 S1n1a Ana·. Jan 26 -Gotden Wes1 • Feb 2 -Fullerton•, Feb. 5 -1t Cypress·. Feb 9 Mt San Antonoo•. Feb 12 -at Comp1on•, Feb 16 -Cerr11os·. Feb 19 - Santi Ana•. Feb 23 -11 Golden Wal' All gamH begin II 7•30 p "'· unless otlletwiM noted Tournamen1 game tomes 10 be 1nnounced Soulh Co1t1 Conleranca gamet indaled by an Hllflslc Bowllng GtHn YI Long BHCh St. •I AMhaim Stadium (7;30) F(etf!O SJ. ~8de·l.~~!Q''· n Cal Sta .. Fi.#ton'at p...,...,, n Coton1do St at a.... °"'00 St .. n Utah SI. af San JON St . n Mont1n1' at Oregon SI Nortfl ClrOllNI St. at Miami, Fla. MIMllalppl vs. Mlllllalppl 11 JllCllcton Loulllana Tedi at Southern MIMluippl, n Kantuctcy at T- Wuh1n9t0fl at WulllnQtOfl St Cal POiy (SLO) 11 Cal Poty (Pomon1). n Ponland St. It Cal State "'°"1hrldge. n ......... Notre o-11 Atr Force Bolte St. II klMlo St .• n Hawaii at New Maltlco avu at U\#1 Weber St .. Northern Artrone ......... Ttaaa II 8aytor 1oW9 St It OtlltflOIN SI M-•IMU TCUMT-AaM ~ .. l-EI PMO. 11 Houeeon at Ta• l«h Tn•A111ngton et Lamat, n TulM It Nortll TeaM SI ....... Iowa II~--'~' --lndlenl .. Putdua "'"'-'a .. Wltoonlin Colotado et KanMt St ~ .. Mitaoul1 Florlda et Tulane, n T•w 11111C"8ttanooga11 Vand9tbllt Marjland at Virginia Vlrgillla Teet! vs. VMI a\ Norlollc Wtlletn Caroflna II App1l1dll1n St ti T-St .. n MoretlMd St. 11 Eaatem Kantuclcy The Citadel It Funnan SW LOUlllane 11 MdMaa St • n SE L~ 11 NlllflC>lll St • n NW loulliene 11 HE loutlillMI. n Mlddla T-St. at T-TICfl .... Rutgara at Pitt Slfl'aouaa II Weal Vlrtlnla ~ er-.. Bolton ClOleOI Colgate .. lloalOfl lJ_ o.lawere " luctlnal ·-.. CoMnbla "-' .. Comel Y•at HanlWd Lalllgll •• L.atawena Amartcarl ""'""'IOnal al MHNCtlu9att• Oer1mowlfl at Princelon E.• ~ 11 Temple JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLI GI .............. over Utah * USC over UCLA * Stanford over •I 11111r1•w1 .. ~·.f • .,,,,. froin ,,,. --, • .... ~ • ..-4...,.,;:; .. ·~··~ llNTAL PACILln LITTLI ITOll .......... .. .,_ ........ OM>Rf-IMI. • .1'#111,,, ~ ,,;,h, Any Make or Model It the Lowest Price Alll lboul our .-• 11111 .......,. ..... ··-·~ * Mlch .. an °"' Ohle St. ·• Metre .,.,,.. \ •