HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-19 - Orange Coast Pilot~•s .. ss ... 2 .. 2•2 .. s•2 .... •s ... s .................... ---------------------~~- J I ... , coum IDITIUI FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1982 ORANGE COLIN TY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Economist forecasts recovery for , 1983-84 By KAHEN £. KLEIN 01 1"-o.&11 Pllol Start T IH· nal1u 11 's lu ng awu1t1·d t!<'Onum1c rt'(·ov1•ry wall 1.akt• hold 111 19tt:l amt ~am ·~round 111 1!:11:14 . at'l.'l.>rdang l t• tht> Ftr~l lntl'rSuH1• Bank uf Cullforma':. :lUlh annual t' t' u n v m 11· f 11 rt' l' a s l g 1 v l' n Thursday by Alt s un Lynn Reas1•r, lht.· b:rnk;s v1t•t• pres1d1•nt and s.•111ur t'l.'Onum1sl Thi• grus.' n<1llonal produt't wall nst• :I.Ii pc.•rl't.'n l in I YUJ and <I ti per 1· 1· n I 1 11 1 9 I.I 4 . H e as l' r µ l l' J I (' I I' d • h ll I h I K h u11t•mµluy1111•111 lt·v<·ls wal l dt'('lillt' only -;JighLl.v Lo I.I J.X•n •1•11t hy 19H<I Th I (1 u & h t ht• 1J rt' J 11 l 1· d n,·ovt•ry, mflalltm will t•u111111u1· al a m;>dt'rat1· ralt'. w1lh pnt•1·:. rising ..in avt·rag1• of 5 5 t1) ti f'>t'ret'nt OVl'I' tlW nt•Xl lWO yl'an., Ht·aser scud .-- In Ornng1· cGunly, long·ll'rm l' om m 1 l men l:. t 11 1 n 1· r l' a:. t• u <ll'fense Spt."nd1n~ IJy th1· Ht•aga11 adm1111s1 r<.ition will Ix· a nt"t'Clt•J ' El'ONOM Y ST A YS f''LA T; St>e story, Page A:J µlus 10 tht• li1gh·tt•1:h11olo~y .rnd ;wruspUt'I' industry t·o111·1•ntn1h·d twrc·. sht.· srnd As always, ll)(f'l'i.IM'll tOrlSUlllt'I spt.·mling ~ill IPad tht· t'l'111lon11( upturn, h1~i.x.-U out by Llw mon• expans1v1· Ft'lk•ral Hl'Sl'I vc· poli1·y towan.l monl•tcuy growth whkh Was begun in July "Tht•rt• UI l' t WO 1ms1ak1•s I he• ~\·d1·r al H1·i.1·1 vc• u Jll makt· whit Ii w ti I t h u 1q.(1 • t It t: I <J rt• c· a s I dra.'>lll'ally," H1 .. 1st.•r swd '"l'lwy l UI\ i,l11w llHlllt'tiJry l(fllW \ h 'harµly and s tall lhl' fl'l'llVt.'t y or fall lo wkc • any til'11on Lu n·slra1n growth" t•aus1i1g antt•1t·sl r<Jlt'S to nM.· ~ 111vt.-slt111' pt•r<.'l'IVt· Llw Ft•d has ab;11H.lo111•d 1 Ls 1.rnltt y lo 1·1111trul 111fla111111." sill' :-aid "Tht·y'll (tht· l><l'Jrd) havt· tu walk ,1 vl'fv {1111· luw a11d lht•y don't h.iv~· ;1 Vl'l'V g11od lrnt•k n ·nird f111 .1vu1d1ng 1111i.LUkl's." :.Ill' !>UIU ~~·0111111111Hs t•ni h•d up on lht· wrong st<.h • of Lht· f1nant'ial d1v1ning iod last sprmg. she• said, w ht•n <H'l'l'lt•ra Lt·d •monl•lary 1-:mwth t·aus1·d Lh{•m LO prt.•dtt•t rt'l'Ovt•ry for this yt'i:lr Bul tht>n, <1s tht· mom·y supply lcvl'lt.'Cl oH, lht• (.'COIHll'llY dtd ltkt•WtS<l , throwing tht· nation 111t11 an even dc-vpt•r n.'l'CS:.ton But Thursday'i. fon·t·asl 1s 11111t'l' Lh-un 1ust anotht>r pie-in- lhc·sky pred11:t1on. HeaS(:r v1d Families should expcr1cm·1· r..1111 1n r ea l Incom e dur1111< 11 11 re<:over y period and bus1nc·'""' will 8('{' a rebound of 20 IJl•n • ''' an their operating profits T ha t profit increase, huwc·v1·1 Reaser reminded, may only 1111 -.111 that businesseio will cat.ch UfJ 1 .. the prtc•-recession levels or 1 97~1 And though unemploy111• 11 will n o t be c ut drama tic:;ilh ~ause of large increases 111 lit· (See RECOVERY, Page A2, I R Vl .. E C D.., Not ..,.... by Nctw19 Koefllt'r With a flurry o f parra j es., the ir native s h awls., Gua temala n da n cers practice fo r perfo~mance to night in Irvine . Future ballerinas from Guatemala study dance • in Irvine By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Dally Piiot lleft Qui e t , a l ert and c rowded, the 28 Guatemalan girls studied Art1St1c Director Hal o·Neal as he demonstrated their next ballet move ~t the South Coast Cullural League's cent.er in lrvmc Some of the girls were barely taJJer than the three metal prac·t1ce barres in the chilly room But sllll tht>y studied his feet, caught up in tht• romance· and d1s(:1pltne of ballet O'N<'al swung Lht' arm of an old n•cord playt·r back unlu a worn n~·ord of piano music. t:allin~ out ballet movements by their Fn•nc:h namc-s He moved along the· rows of dark·ha1red girls. turning a hand here. p1votmg a shoulder there. movinl( the figures apart to prt'VC'Ol t'oll 1sions "Many times you wall havc a crowded barrt' ... ht• told the l(irls 1n English during a paUS(' ··Evt•r y studio In Nrw v .. rk C1ly IS cr11wdt'<i Y1)u must lt•am Lu wm k w1lh 1l, know how to arrangt> yourselves and hold your pv:.111 ons " The girls looked around self-ccrnsdous ly, edging apart, watch111g him for instruction. Observing all thlS from the sid e was Coralia Penedo de Valdes. teacher of the girls at her ballet school in Guatemala City. and her husband Dr. Rodolfo Valdes, a urologist. She brought the girls. who range in age from 6 to 18. to li:.vme Nov. 4 to study with O'Nt>al and sl.aff L<>ac-hers Rosalia Whitney and Beth Eis1even. Although il is autumn in Orange County, 1t 1s vaC'a tion time for students 1-. Guatemala The girls and seven adult supervisors an· paying their own w ay for the ir trip and lJ\StruC'tton. They plan to return h ome Tuesday Meanwhile, they are stay.,,g in a nearby motel. preparing their own breakfasts and lunches and moving in an old, white bus they'Vl' leased from an Anaheim chureh. (See BALLET ; Page AZ) County courts to be reorganized Sakioka I land to b e By TEVE TRIPOLI 01 the Dally Pilot Steff M ore courtrooms will bt' committed to crimmal trials and an additional judg£' will help speed the· adman1stralaon o f famil y and cavil ldw under a planned reo rganization of the Orange County Superior Court Incoming Pres 1d1ng Judge Richard &aC'<>m , who will take over adm1n1slrat1on o f the expanded 50·1udge system Jan l, said Thursday that 1m·reasing casC'loads C'aused by new laws and other fac to r s made the reorganazal1o n ne<."f"SSary Beacom said that passage· by voters in June of Propos1L1on 8. -INDEX- from Di n t>y lo P layhoy to new~ a nd. w('alh.-r - cable te levision h a., somelhin~ for {'Veryon{'. Page n I. • A5 A4 84 5 8 2·3 C6.10 B6 B6 C5 AR At Your Service Bulletin Board Busines.-; Cavalcade Classified Coaucs Crossword Death Noti!.'es Edi tonal Entertamnwnt Gardenmg Horoscope Intermission Ann L!:lfderr Movies Wt'<'kf'ndc-r A6 82 Weekendrr B2 Wl..-kendt•r 84 AJ Mutual Funds Nati onal News Public Notices A7.84.B7·8.C5 Sports Dr Stelncrohn Stock Marke~ Televlsion Theater1 Weather World News Cl·5 B3 85 TV Log Wttkender A2 A3 the so called V1cums· Bill of Rights, ts the major contributor to the mcreasN:J l'nmin<il casel<Jad b t'c au se of 1t s prov1 s 1o n s mandating s p C'ed y tria l 1n l·nmmal cases Bec·ause of Propos1L1011 8 an average of 18 Lo 20 t'Ourtroom.s prt'se nll y art" involved an cnmmal Lnals every day, Beat•om :;.aid Only 10 an· allcx-atcd for Lht• purpost• Beacom said he· will US<' all ftvp new Judges granted lhl' 1•ourl to increase to 15 the number of courtrooms committed to cnmmal proceedings Th o ugh that numb<•r 1s less than c·urr<'ntly US('(f, &>arom said he will StrPss SJX'('1ah1,at1on 111 cnmmal affairs among Lh<• 15 1udgt>S, and thC"1r fam1l1arity wi t h the !>ystem should six'C'd prO<'l..>t•dings enough "° that rhc 15 courtrooms wall b\' ablc-lo handle tht• load S pec-1aliz.at1on 1n t•1v tl and family mallc•rs also was a factor 111 his de< 1s1on to add on('· half pos1lt0n to thl· current sanglt• full-11mc· fan11ly law judge. and anolhN hctlf pos1t1t1n Lo the three• f u 11 11 m" Jud g c· c; who ht• a r motu111s 111 nvil s uits. B<•at·um s.iid Other ~ h a nges under tht• rt'(1rgam1.at1on 1ndudt• Ass1gnm1•nt f)f S<:vcn Judges to the civil JUrV pam•l which will handle nv1I lawsuit tnals of lC'SS lhan twQ weC'ks' l'xpected duratwn and will dc•al with few c r sell l C' men l h l' <1r1 n gs &·acorn said the "very tough. no nonsense" policy among the 1udges hope-fully will sp<'ed cumpleuon of l'lvil suits lx'fore Lh<• pant.>1 -An effort to parC"e l more rumpll'x cas<.-s civil to ar bitration spec1alasts. removing tht>m from the court sysl<'m C"Ompletcly Assignment of two full-time Judges to mandatory settlement t,>nferenl'L'S for civil sulls RC'locat1on of thrc-t· Superior Court Judges to Lht> Wc><;l Count v <See COURT . Page A7 ) J udge Beacom Grisly slaying re-enacted on tape By JOEL C. DON s!'l f ·dt•f .. nw wh1:n St·hul>l'rl Of tM Delly Pilot ttalf t•onfronwd him somC'lime befon• A meticulously dc•tatlc-<l. and at midnight on Ocl 15 Schn•iber times graphic. videotaped said he df'C1ded lo chop off thfl account of the murdl.'r and h<'ad and bury IL on a nearby decapitation of a M1ss1on VicJO hillside l)('('auSt' he fell he didn't man by his roommate was played have enough time to dig a hole to an South Orange Cou nt y f11 the entire body Municipal Court Thursday Munic:1pnl Co\Jrt Judge John Cody Leo Schreiber. ~9 . A. GrifCin ordered Schreiber to confessed t o t h e gruesome stand trial in Superior Court Dec slaying and then volunteered to 1 The accused man as being held show she riff's jnvestiga,lors -at m Orange County Jail w ithout the crime scene -how~e killed bail 24 .year·old IX-nnis &:hubert by Schreiber was arrested Oct. IH knocking him down and kicking as he got off a bus 1~ Sacramt"nto his face six timf'S with h is rig ht to transfer to anoth er bus to hC"el On. videotape. he then re Hl)S('ville. In an Interview with e nac-t<'d how he cut off lhe 11uthonl1es there. he said two computer programmer's h«'ad men attacked Schubert and he with a serrated boning knife won flc-d Orange County becauS<' he as a.. gjft aqd buried the ~y m .. felt these "black ,mATket" merv the back yard of the vktlm s Via were after \.tim . · -( , · Guadtx home. Wht>n he was brought back to Schreiber. a Montana state th<" rounty. he rontinued to tell ment.al hoeplt.al ewcapee, said he sheriff's deput1et1 that he h ad struck h is r oommate o f five bccn r unning f rom somc months a fte r get fl n g ln tc1 a unidentified organltatlon for dLSpute over m1113ing centerfolds several years, fearing he would from the 1la1n man's Playbo.Y be k1llcd magazines. He later told 1heriU 11 deputies that he had taken thi' nude pictures The McDonald's restaurunt employee claimed he acted out o( I After nearly five h our11 of videotaped Interrogation w ith two depulie14 Into th e early morning h ours o f Oct 19 . Schreiber would not budl(e from <:ody l..eo Sch reiber his story. Afte r a lO·minute break. however . h e s udde nly decided to t a lk to a n o ther 1nvest1J(i1tor, JRmes Sldebotham. ln an hour.Jong interview that 1U1rted with the words "l did kilJ him.'' Schreiber confeaed to the rrlme and described In exact de ta I I how he mana((~ to got th .. budy out of the house. cut oU th e hl'ad a nd narrowly ma ss discovery by Schubert's fathe r. who had driven lo the house. The murder victim was to leave on a vacation on Oct. 16 and he was supposed to get to the airport early lhat morning. His parents grew concerned when their pre-dawn phone calls Went unanswered. Schreiber. throughout the videotaped confession and re- e nac tment later that d ay in Schubert's home, volunteered in a lively fashion to show h ow everything occurred. He showed no remorse during lhe nearly seve n hours o r videotape d interviews. As the tapes were shown over a three-day period at h is preliminary hearing, h e watched th~ TV monltol' with \\\\le°" lro ··~ ~. H e ac k nowl e dg ed t o Sldcbotham that h e h a d purcl1aaed a five-volume set of booka Utled "How to KJU," the firs t o f whic h contai ned information on decapitation. And he aald he had killed a Milea, Mont., t.ul driver In 1976 u a sacrifice to Satan beca\m~ he thought the ritual would he lp lmprov~ hla life. (See CONFESSION, P11e A!) ' iniproved By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM DllllJ Piiot 81.eff Plans have begun to bual.t str eets and sew ers on t lt• 165-acre Sakioka property, 1!11 largest chunk of undevelopt I land in Costa Mesa. Earlier this w eek the C11' Council authon ied city enginc•1•1• to s tudy t h e c reat ion of :111 assessment d1Strict to financ:e 1111 ronstruct10n o f streets and oth• r road improveme nts that "'1 11 connect the still undevelop1·d property with nearby Soul h Coast Plaza Town Center. • Earlier this year , develC>p1•1 ~ from Curci-England subm1tl1'<I plans to build 1.3 million sq11·111 feet of commercial office spal·t . two ho tels a nd 500 to 7011 condominiums on 80 o f the an 1 ~ east o f South Coast Plaza Town Center. The proposed condomin111 rn project and t h e two 350-roo111 hotels a re sch eduled to c111111 before the ci t y Plann ln>..: Commission in February: tht· r emaining land is still bP1111 farmed. If the asaessment distr.ict 1' approved. the city governm<'nl will sell $5.6 million in bonds 111 flnance the construe.lion. Ttw annual debt payments will lit assumed by the landowners Curci-England Co. In T orrn111 • and the Sakioka family . Though not unique, th1· financing plan la the first tn thl c ity that Include• th1 development of open land. i.i11d city engineer Robert Brock. CUn:i-J!:nllMd '...tt6dals t)ftW aaked the city to include 3.2 om· ... of open 1pece for the financing of parktni. Mike Oberst, project maMJ<''' fo r C urcl-J:n a land. uld th1· required open apece acreagt" w 1 II benefit the entlnt dty. Ob•r1t uld the comporn would be unable to l.natall all th~ atreet 1mprovementa at one< without the cre•tlon of on UlellrMnt dbltrict. - 1'2 Ofange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday.. November' 10, 1982 ~' ,,,_:.:.-;.~~TJ ~R:.=en~t~-. =c~O;..._ri~tr~o~l~r-u-le-ir~k~s~s~u~p~e~r~v~iS~o"'!!!!"'lmr-s.....1.. ,,, • C f • ,.,,,..,a • • By Jt;t~F ADLER · t ht.llr .Sacramtntb lobbyh1\ to enthualaam tor pMrt1d ptAting an vlalonary approach to tK>lvln& ' "" 1nu ... s.or••• OfllM OllllY "~ ..... lmmc>dluttly ae(>k corrective the protinirn, Mor11m lillld IOm4: of lht' c·ounty'a hou1ln1 Orunftt• County'lii lJIOnttt·ra11g tealtlullon Board rrwmberl often ''Certainly thett will btt le.ta problema . .. CONFESSION VI EWED. • • At first, Schreiber said ht> ~ntcnded to bury Schubert's body m a shrub~vered hillside near his hQme. But he changed his plan because he said the site was too l'Onspkuous. Sct)reiber said he cut oH the head after th e phone rang a number of times at the house. buried It In th<' hole he had beglJn to dig earlier In the nearby hill. He said he placed the head and knife in a shopping bag and Corr ection A sta r-gazing par ty al the Experience Center Science Museum in Irvine will be staged Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m. A news story W ed n esdny mistakenly reported that the e v e nt was s c h eduled 'this evening. T he Experie n ce Center is located at 3531 Old Main St. in the C ul verda le Villa&e . Admission is $2 for adults and $I for children. BALL.ET. • • Chief Deputy D1stnct Attorney' James Enright discounted Schreiber's cxplanutlon for the decapitation and said h<' would press for a f1rst-degrl~ murder charge against the suspect. burang the hearing, D'Cputy Public: Defendt-r Ramon O rtiz tried to have the videotaped cunfess1on suppressed, arguing his client did not have a speedy arraignme nt. S(•hrcibcr was arraigned on Oc:l. 20. Ortiz a lso c riticized the S heriff's Department fo'r not gelling a public defender for Schreiber. However, before each taped inte~iew, the accused man agreed to waive his rights to have an attorney and appeared at no time to h esitat e as h e recounted the grisly slaying of. his friend. Dr. Valdes is dance troupe physician, part- time interpreter, bus driver and has even served in One emergency as bus mechanic. But despiie the one breakdown, he said the trip has been a pleasant one and an excellent chance for hls wife lo introduce some of her students (she has 130 in Guatemala) to American culture and new'instruction. "She is always looking for something better for the studio," he explained. "That'.a why we came here and why we went to Denver last year. I don't know where we'll go next year.'' The Guatemalans also are enjoying the cha nce to ):>rin~ some of their culture to · California. Valdes proudly displays pictures of places and native Gu,at.emalan dress from several books he carries. Their most a mbitious presentation t.akes place tonight when the dancers perform a program of Guatemalan folk dances a nd one ballet piece at 8:30 p.m. at the center, 17302 Daimler St. · The cen ter is west of McGaw Avenue in the industriaJ sectbr of Irvine, south of the Newport Freeway. . O'Neal said he has enjoyed his work with the Central Americans aod the honor of being selected to teach them. ''Seldom have I met such a warm, frie ndly and charming group of people." he said. "I hope the community will join us here at the Cul\ural Cen ter in welcoming these neighbors "ftom Central America." Dr. Valdes said he has plenty of responsibility taking care of the girls, who he n oted are daughte rs o f good families in Guatemala. The girls practice six hours a day and have made appearances at Disney1and at a fashion show in Anaheim, he said. "Sometimes we go past 8 o'clock in the evening dancing and they don't say anything," he said. "They want 10 learn and are willing lo sacrifice." ln the background, the piano music played, dozens of ballet slippers slid over a smooth floor and O'Neal counted out loud in Fren('h . Mano la Ma ria Mencos pr actices in I rvine. prnwrum to boost thl• number 4lf havt• 1tlltt•d thc>1r oppt>thlon to dc>vt>lopc•r ink'rttt the rnott "Any nt-w uniu waJI hctlp 1Ulve l'ounty uport mcnt unit s by any form of rent <:ontrola In the rt'lilrk:tlve ifw program. tht-k-N problen'\i," Moraan .aid. "Any providing bclow -marke.t' county. lntere1l,'' he e xplaln l!d . new unlta wlll help hold rental lanom·ang to developers and And' Super visor R oger "''Devt!lo~ni wlll b.-rel.Yet.ant tO rat.t'tl down and tht-vacancy rat4" financ:lul lt>nders could be Stanton, one of the program'• part1c1p1i&tc unlt•H the income wlU t>e1m to ('n.~p up " jeopurdizl.'CI by tht.> mudvt.irt.cnl primary 11uppQrt.cra, thrc:atened 11treum 111 more predictable." Apanment unlta built *under inclusaun o ( 11 rent control to withdraw hla support for the M o rean uld h..-be lieV<e1 the program wowd be privat4tly prov1s1on in the stat.e's enabling bo1ld luue unless changes ln the developen would not be deterred desip.CJ, construct.t'CI, owned and legislation. law arc o'btalncd. .. . by. program r egulation• that managed. but mu1l be built Pnsst'Cf l}y the L<?gislaturc with It wllS hoped the ,50 m illion requ ire 20 percent of all unita within three )'t>MMI. county support last March , AB b 0 11 d I as u c: w o u) d 11 p u r cons tructe d be rented for 20 Devel opers could use the 66~ permitted counties and cities coMtruction of between 1.500 years to famllle1 earning le11 mongage bond money to build to issue tax exempt revenue and 2,000 apartmen_t unll8 In the than 80 percent o f· the area's a nywhere In unincorporated bonds to finance below-marke t c.'Ounty, helping to ease a low 1 median Income. $~1.7~0 for • Orange County or in any city rate construction and mortgagt> percent vacancy r at.e. Final action family 0£ four in Orange County. th a t h aa opted t o join the loans for m ulti-family rental of the bond lsSµe probably will But the bill allo requires that program. units. not come until early next year. those u nit• be r e n ted a l 1j he c o u n t y had b ee n A similar program aimed at "affordable renta." proceeding with plans to issue finand ng single-family housing 1According to legal opinions $50 million worth of such bond11 at below-market interest rates re'nqercd by both county <.'Oun.eel this year -the first rounty in has succ.-essfully been operating and the COllnty's bond attorneys, the s uite to take advantage of the in the county for two years. ''affordable rents" m e,aoa a n ew 1 aw -wh e n it , was ·To dat~. bonds totaling $129 . maximum monthly rent of ·25 dis cove r ed that th e bi 11 milliot'I have financed 1,794 new perceh~ of the lamily's monthly- ..anadvenently required a certain homes, many of whkh now are net income and, in some cases, p e rcentage of th e units be under•constr uction." explained less. reserved at a specified rent for Scott Morgan , a Stanton aide It rs those two w ords that lower-income families. familiar with both programs. s up e rvisors contend are That discover y drew the ire One of the corweque nces of the tantamount to r e nt control, earlier this week of Oran-ge rent control-provision's--inclusion lhreat.eoing_ to acuttle what they County supervisors, who directed will be to dampen developers' had considered to be an almos RECOV~Ry:--. · From Page A 1 _labor force, the percentage of the tot.al population employed will reach record highs by 1985, she said. · U the current recession is the penance the U.S. has had to-pay. Cot: years o f d o uble-digit inflation, the punish m ent has ·been a heavy one. The naliol')81 economic ou put ts no 1g er today than it. was three yean ago, Reuer said . · The effects of the. two bac.k-" to-back· receaaions the country has e ndure d have been felt everyw'1ere, she said, even in "recession -proo f" Orange County. ln the last year. more than 12,000 jobs have been lost county w ide -w i th l osses es pecia ll y high among manufacturers of durable goodl like furniture and machinery. ''This recession has been deep enough..ind long enough to affec' • almost every ind1,1str y in the nation," Reaser sajd. The aerospace industry , which accounts for more than one-third of the total m~nufacturi ng employment in Orange County, has lmt about 2,000 jobs during the past year, she said. But ea rly in 1983 these industries s hould begin recalling workers laid off this year and gains I n e mployment wi11 continue into 1984. Orange County's housing industry ·will remain a point of concern even with recover y. Reaser said. because of the mgh cost of housing. The median price o f_exlstiflB homes h as been pushed to $13S:OOO-m the coamy -20 percent above the state's Alison Reaser m e dian price - 'b y large population gains 'and decreased spec ulation due to low e red inflaiion rates. Some relief for the housing iruius tr y is f o rthcom i ng, however, Rctaser said. ·"The easing of 30-year fixed mortgage rates will provide some rebound in housing," she said, "but this will not spark a · riew boom in housing. Home prices are likely to Incr ease 2 to 3 ~t over the next-couple. o! years." . ... Panel eyes retarded • ID Irvine A panel discussion w ill be s taged Monday in Irvine for officials from-Suuon Ext.ended _ Care Services to talk to res1df nts about plans to locate three greup homes for mentally r etarded . ·Y o u t h s I n r e s i d e n t i a I neighbor~. . .. The session wall begin at 7:30 . p.m. at the G reentre Elemenlary · School's Media Cen ter, 4200 Manzanilj. It was organi!ed by members oLtlte klaf Concerns Committee of the Universil¥ United Methodist Church of Irvine. Scheduled to speak are , Alice Coyne, program d irector for . Sutton, a~ John-Brady, -a-. school psychologist for the local achool district who specializes in 1~ial educal\On. Sutton officials are in the process of buying two homes in Greentree and one in Deerfield. ·· Each home is planned to house six d evelopmentally disabh~d youth !I. a nd two adult aupervlsors. · . Sutton, which already operates two such homes in Fountain VaUey, is hoping to' locate many others throughout the rounty. It s goal. T o h e lp its handicapped clic ntele adjust to independent living in residential ' surroundmgs. Homeowner associations m the two districts, however, h ave objectt..>d to the plans. They have filed a joint lawsuit claiming that the houses would represent c o mm e ri c al ra th e r than residential uses and there fore v iola t e their communit y regulations. Sutton has a commitment for a $5 15,600 loan from the fC<teral }jous1ng and Urban Development .De partment to fina nce its purchase of the three houses. currently in escrow . ln addition. the Irvine City Council has given $7-3':000 to cover design a nd ~ administrative costs. Rain decreasing o ·Br E SPORTS L Tl). Coas ta l Pertly cloudy thla allernoon with Chance ol rain dec:tN91ng lo 10 percent Hight 62 10 88 Tonlgllt: Vwlat>te douda. l.<MS 4e to 56 Saturday Some morning cloud• otherw!M lair. Hlgfla «>:> to 10. FranC•ICO Bay ., ... Forecaal«• recorded 0 23 ot an lnCtl of rain al the LOI AngelH Civic Center Thuraday The hlGf1 et tM r.Mr Center •as 61 a.gr ... Thunday. matet11ng the rac0td cooleet high few Nov t8 set In 1893 end tied In 1950. Ski resons -. In 01)9faUon ... th rnanutac1urect enow .,~ the ctodc with Mture'• whit• atufl lalAng at eleveflona ol 7,000 !Mt O< higher. Nonhwesl wind• 12 to 18 knots ---------- Tem peratures NATION Aaln. th11 afternoon Light variable •Inda tonight anq Saturdey morning becoming -terty 12 to 18 knota Saturday 11ternoon. Wind wavea two to lour feat Westerly ....,I• one to twO t"1 lncreealng to two 10 lour iMI tonight and SatUfdtty. 6ecotnlng P•rlly cloudy thll 11ternoon Variable cloud• tonight and S1turdav mornlno. ~ek Saturdrt "' Lo flTc. Albany 46 24 ,..._ w,,,.,., ~. NOU I.IS 0.01 Of COMle•c~ Fronts: COid .. Warm WW Occluded ~. Stationarv ••• AlbuquerQue 57 41 23 Anct>orege 15 -03 Attanta 53 49 94 Atlantk: City 56 40 Austin 84 53 -===-aNtiLnoon Baltimore 5e 34 Birmingham 59 50 17 BolM S2 " 32 V .S. summary ao.1on •9 33 Buflalo 5 7 33 Rain •long the weat CoHI eu<tlngton 49 24 ••tended from aouthern Charleaton. S.C 64 55 .08 Wuhlngton throu9h centrel Ch811nton. W.V 59 46 Cellfomla Tltu..Oay, c.utlng local Cherlolte, N C. 56 46 05 lloodlng In the San Francleq> C~ 53 30 .,.. Clllcag<> 53 27 The atorm dumped 4. 1 lnchea Cincinnati 82 50 Of rain on FOfMIVllla. Celif .. 8.38 Cleveland 59 39 lnCheS on Wllllta, Celll .. and Marin Columbia, S C. 80 55 0 I County. Calll .. got 2.28 k>C'-o1 Columbu1 57 47 r a1n during the night. · Oenaa-FI Worth 58 51 • Eurek1. C1lll .. go1 amall Oenvet 82 28 Ph'oenlx Pltta'>urgh P0<1land. Me P0<11ano. Ore Reno Salt Lalo• San AntoolO San Otego San Franclaco Seatlle St. Louie St.Pet• Tamp• Spoltane Topeka 7ucaon Tulu WUhlngtoo Wlehl1a ee 59 29 59 •3 <17 26 54 <19 . 17 <17 40 ,22 55 35 H Ml 68 se 59 55 1.90 45 42 .35 5S ?a' 11 81 50 4 1 28 52 34 01 63 so 58 48 81 41 52 44 Sacflmento 53 45 Salinas 81 se San B«nardlno « .. 1 San Otego ea se San Franc:IKO 59 55 San JoM eo 53 Santa Ant • 51 Santa 81rb11r1 82 so Santa Cfuz 59 50 Santa Monlc;a H 5<I Stoekton Ml 441 Torrance ea 52 CANADA CllOlf'Y 21 14 Edmonton 15 9 MOf'ltrNI ·~ 21 Extended { hall1tone9 and wind guated to eo Dee Molnee 63 35 mph neer Gold 8Mch, Ore. Detroit 52 32 CALWOMtlA Rain Changed 10 enow al hlg'* El Paeo 87 52 02 Bekeranetd ele11allona and traveler• Falrbanlla -18 -211 8eratow ad11l1ortea warning ol toc1lly Flegatlfl 43 3e 34 Big Bear hffvy-.rlOW _. ""'* -----~ .. ~17 . 8llttop Calllornla Slerre Nelladaa north OI Houlton 7 I 80 Blythe YoHmlle. aa ••II u In the lndlanapolla 57 38 Cllafln• 1oulhern mountain paHM ol Jackaon. Mlaa. 71 50 .05 Eur9ka -1«n ~ Jac:Qonvtlla 71 a2 -r FrHno Tra.....,. ~ wwnlng of JunMu 23 22 Lancul« 1:~ hHvy ano• elao wer• i<anw City 54 42 Long 8Mch 1 Into Frldey for the central La• v~a• 87 37 i..oe Anoelee end touth-•le<l'I mountalne of Loa Anotfle1 81 Ml Monrovl1 ldllWI ~phi• 63 53 Montebello EIMWhera. rain --ltefed Miami 81 17 MonllWey from Olllahoma acroaa N•l«n MllWeukM !It 28 Ml Wllaon Mluourl, lrom Hllholt acrou Mpla-81. P1U1 &o 35 ~ Alabam1. and lrom Tannea-Nalhllilla 81 49 Newpor1 Beach acroae GaorQla Ind Ille Carollnaa. New Orleant 77 62 02 OaltllllO --New Yot'I 55 <14 Ol'ltarlO ..... r:-·n-·r:.--... _-" .. ,.-~ .... ~ .. ~.Alallk,,.Qlr .. 44 ,. ..... ee ea 41 It 74 ea eo 59 55 417 81 84 ea 82 4 1 ell 85 eo eo "' .. t2 69 !~ forecast 23 27 -Some COMl.i CIOlllll ~ 41 then latr wltfl high c:toudl. OUlt)o 52 WM\. to nor1fl'Mllt wtnc11 at tlmet 50 In mountain•. HtoM In coeetat.. 48 •rM• 88 lo 71 etwf ao.. q 10 53. • 50 Mountain r-1 ,..... 4a 10 55 53 and IOwt In 30a 10 law 409. 58 47 30 54 M ,. 53 66 45 ~ 90 441 Smos Wh.,a to oall (toii lrM ) ror 'lltaet~letlon: • Or1nga ;(IOOI~,, Loa ~nt .... Oou11ty: (8001 ~,-i.r··~ . .. ,~ AOMO 1,aaoda Center: (IOO) 242..... • ,t.Ja 11orn1a . ~ " =: : · ==·'='" ..., ......... -.. ________________ ..... ;;;;;;,; ____ _ SOUlhem Clllfornla -__, lrom a damaglnQ. atorm lhat douMd the ,.., of fM elate. 8llCI thl• ...... llght ~I ... ...,.clad 10 encl by 1111 waalland, 1111 NalloNllf Wellthaf ~ Mid lodey, lllf·RIPllT Tides TODAY kon<I IOw 1:54 p,111 o.o "TM tlOrm lronl bfutlhad ue by," u ld weather 1ervlca apedallll'loott Mtt!tlat .... ..... Cloudy lklaa atlould continua .._. A.. -laturday with IOfM 111*1 wtndl Zllma 1 a but a oecraHl!IO chance or S111t1 Moniea 2 2 1prlnlllaa afl•I' eoma power NeWport laach 1 t fellurat, mudtl~t 111d minor ' Ian Dlaoo Coul'lty 2 t ..,. ttlpClftad In the Ian Outfooll lor latl#day, unta cNllOa· t lwf lll'N 13 12 10 10 ---A" 1 1 1 1 .... ... 2 a a 2 .... °" aw aw· aw w IATUMAY 1 Flfa1 hlgtt 1:04 a m 1 i' Flftl IOw 4.21 am , I laooncl hlgtt 10. 47 a.m t.O hcond IOw 1!4' p m 0.1 '"" .... today It 4!41 p,m t rltat 8alur• It '·'° a m. Moon... M Ht Pll\,, ,... ·-... ATTENTIPNI Racers, Gals, Kids Boots H•rt! Let's Milke Them · Work I I ' I . SPORTS LTD Moat of ua have had the experience of akl boot• that ..,. cold, uncomfortable, or • aloppf tit. If rour boota tit poorlJ now'• rour chance .... t aome expert help FREii Anr _.., evening IN•1:00to ... i&we here to trr and aotve rour ~R1~···· Th• Hrvlc•• Wiii ... (a 1n11n o"•r1• tor •nr m,!tterlal• uaed). 2131 I . Coa1t Hwy. Corona del Mar . 671-9700 • ' '• •• ' , Ornnge Cou11 DAil Y PILOT /Frld11y. November t 9. 198~ • .-a WORL D De Lorean probed ... u~ s .-econom~ remain~ stubborn _______ ~ LONDON (Al') -The Northern freland poll<.-e arc lnvesligutlnl( the Cln41nl'ell ot . John ()(' Lorean'r bankrupt .auto ~!ant In Belfast, the Brituh government . announ(-ed today. l The Times of London reported that the receiver, Sir Kenneth Cork,-had found evidence of mlssfog funds. The paper said "the amount is believed ·lo be large." (De Lorean has a distributorship for hi~ exotic car in Irvin~. Calif.) ·T h e g o v e r· n m e n l announcement came in a reply by Adam BJJtler, a junior mlnh1tcr tor North~rn Ireland, lO ~ quetitlon ralaed In ttw Hou1t• ot Commor\11 (>Ver allegt'd gupt1 in th.-<'ornpany'M &a.'<>Unla, . • A Cew hours bt>lore De Lor~an was arrested in Loe Ange le s on OcC. 19, the Br-ltish government announced it was shutting the De Lorean Motor Co. down. De Lorean. c'faarged with cocaine traffic king .aod racketeering, is now free on a $10 million bond . The company's private debts are estimated at between $58 million and $64 million. Walesa smear denied \tiA 8 U I N {; 'r<> N t A P ) Kt.'vl1uns lt11 n 1111unul Mn>w th (l&Ur1•1i downward , the• govt'rnmt•nt 1rnid tuduy the natiomd l'\rnmmy ~wyt>d flut in \ht.• July-Septetnbt'l' quartt.'r rather than lrwh111g up~1.rcJ u fu'St t>stlmalru 1'h(' C.:ommert•t• ·Dl'purlmt•nt report also said U.S. l'Orp<Jratlons' profits roac s ltgh\ly in the quarl,er. llowev<.•r, they rt>mainoo ot a low lt•vt•l. Neither pi('Cl' of news was li kely to surprise gQvernment oftic1als anc.J private K'Onomlsta, who arc •Menerally agreed that the recession movt>d into a 16th ·month In October and may well be conlinuinJ( yN. • The inflat1on -adjuste d , o r "real," gl'Qss national product stayecb:it an annual rate of $1.478 t rllho11 , tht• twlll4.• WI 111 the llf'{'Ond 11u:artt•1 . tht• nt•w r•·~rt said Com mt•rct• Dt• p&& r lm t• n t cconomltlt had ti11tlnuuetJ lain monlh · b4.•fort• ull economic daw for the third (fUUl'Wr WU 111 -that thert• had been a-pin Ill an annual ratt> o( O ti J)('rcenl. Sin<.'(' tht-n, pffic1ali aa1d newet rt-ports espcclally one showing tht• foreign trade deficit higher than expected for the quarter made 1t Jik(.'ly rC'al GNl> would be revised downward. Real GNP the broadc11t measure of U.S . econ,omlc activity -is a rigun: designed to include all ~ood11 and services produced in~ given period. Before 'll~j uttm ent for inflation, GNP roec 4.7 percent to a rate of $3.081 trillion in thr quarter. WARSAW, Poland -An official' of the Roman Catholic Chureh today denied that the 'church hierarchy had any knowledge of any tapes and ptct~res of Solidarity leader Lech Walesa in sexually compromising situations. rel~ascd from detention last week end. The NBC "Nightly News" reported Thursday t h at pictures, tapes and documents also implicating Walesa in alleged financial irregularities were shown to c hurch of(icials.. It sai_ci the materials could be used to "discredit" Walesa if ne attempts.to return to public life. Stat~ college chief • tax increase NBC-TV reported that' the Polish government bad s hown Roman 'Catholic Chureh officials such material shortly before W~lesa was China cabinet shaken PEKING ~ China replaced foreign Minister t{Uang Hua and Defense Minister Geng Biao today, the official news agency Xinhua announced. No reasons for the-Cabine t shuffle were given. But Huang, 69, has been reported ill for some time and last year took time ocr from his job tw_i~ for treatment of a kidney infe~tion. Vice NATION ~--. Foreign Minister Wu ){uequian, 60 , succeeds Huang as foreign minister. according to the news agency. The new defense minister is Zhang Alping, 72. The announcement came three days after Huang and Soviet Foreign minister Andrei A. Grom yko met in Moscow and called for the normalization of relations. 19 million 'quit' smoking_ ending at midnight Thursday, the cancer society said. SAN Dl EGO (AP)·-TtiE chancellor or California'& slate u n Ivers i t 1 es c aJ I e d for an immediate increase in taxes to h e lp raise money for the financially-str apped "tate- c.'Olleges. · "To be blunt. W£ need a tax increase in this state right now," said Chancellor Ann Reynolds during a tour Thursday of th~ San Diego Stale campus. (Cal Stat e Fullerton in O r ange County Is part of the s late universities system.) • Reynolds, named to the post about two months ago, suggested that California s h ould start taxing .service indUltries such as valet parking, laundromats and "those men's haird ressing places which I have seen o nly in California." in an effort to raise mor e money f or higher education. "They (th service industries) are not taxed and they should be made to pay their fair share," said Reynolds. who was ending a three·day visit to the San Diego State campus. During the visit, the new chancellor met with campus faculty arld admlniStralion and student groups, in addition to local busin ess leaders. She voiced her opposition to stude nt tuitio n within the 19-campus state college system and offered con~inuing support tor increased minority hiring. She praised the syst e m 's acade mic standards and endorsed the <.'On<.-ept of tenure for faculty members. While supporting increased minority hiring. Reynolds said "it's not as easy as it might look." "I was the first woman in the ,physics department at Oh io State nor because of any reluctance by· the department, but bc..:.cause very few women had the degree," she said. She said this situation tan be corrected by 'having more women and minorities in what have been white mafe dominated disciplines. but it will take time for the results to· show from these efforts. . On twtlon. Reynolds said she is extreme ly reluctant to see it introduced. NEW YORK -More nicotine addicts than ever gave up cigarettes for t he Great American Smokeout, say cancer society oHlcials. But a tobacco company spo k es man says the Smokeout won't affect sales, which are expected to set a record this year .. "W e 'r e .ecstatic," said Charles Dahle, a spokesman for the American Cancer Society, which reported 16 million participants in last year 's Smokeout. "lt!s a tremendous jump. We marvel al it." Packard tabbed • winner An estimated 19 million cigarette smokers, or 36 p·ercent of America's 53 million adult smokers. uled candy, prizes and plenty of moral support to kick the tobacco haoit for 24 hours But David Fishel, a spokesman for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco in Winaton-Salem. N .C ., said the a nn ual smok eouts have had n o impact on cigarette sales. Sa,n Diego County • ID Sj>viets raise suspicio~ .. WASHINGTON - Secretary or State George P. Shultz, just back from Moscow, where he attended the funeral of Leonid Brezhnev, says the Unit~d States should not be lulled by conciliatory "mood music" fra-m -the K"remlin's new leadership. Shuhi. said Thursday that if relations betwc n the superpowers are lo Improve, there must b e a Sovie t "change in behavior." He added tha t tt\e Reagan administration is ready for a "cart.?ful. thoughtful" effort to improve U.S .-Soviet relations. Despite allegations of polling booth irregularities, San. Diego County officials have certified wrtte-in Republican Ron Packard a s the winner of the !\3rd Congressional District race. Orange County supervisors are scheduled to certify the results of the Nov. 2 election Tuesday. The s prawling district covers northern San Diego County and part or southwestern Orange County. Registrar Ray Ortiz certified the results of his co\Jnty's balloting despite aJJegations from IllmocraUc runner-up Roy ''Pat" Archer that voling booklets had been defaced in the San Diego County portion of the district. . Packard, a Mormon dentist from Carlsbad, won election to Congress even lhoUgh he had lost to Republican Johnnie Crean ln the June primary. He became the third person elected to the House of Representatives as a write-in. Archer finished second and Crean, t~ GOP nominee Crom San Juan Capistrano, came in third. . I STATE Helicopter forced down Pla_nt closing brings fears Immediately ~fter taking off from the Mat ine Corps Air Stali-on In 'fustin, a Navy helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing Thursday afternoon in a vacant field in MILPITAS -When the Ford Motor Co. closes its plant n ext year, some workers fear they won't have a future in the boomtown 'they helped create. · Like many of the 2.386 auto workers told Thunday the plant wUl close no later than June, seat uaembler Bob Mattish said he didn't know just what he would do. . But Ctty Manager Jim Connolly said Mattish and others may have better odds than they think of finding new work. "We're in a terrific boom of broad~ning th~ industrial tax base of this city," he said. t:rash cuts power to homes in HB Woes beset food lines Electric power WilS knocked out in about 2,000 homes and businesses in Huntington Beach •at 3:07 a.m. today when a car struck a power pole. SOUTH GATE ~ Angry. frustrated and joblhs. thousands of auto worke rs · and others have waited in vain ar.. a closed -down General Moto.rs' plant in food lines beset by delays, rip-offs. counterfeltinl( and shortages. United Auto Workers Union member Tony Mao joined some 3,000 people waiting Thursday 6for $55 • worth of groceries a·t $10 outside the idle South Gate plant. 10 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. He was lajd off from GM's l)Jburban Van Nuys plant · W nellda . Bi11 Compton, area manager for the Southe rn California • Edison Co .. said the affected area was bounded by Newland and Lak~ strecl.1 on Jhe east and west and Atlanta Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway on the-north and south. Power was restored in most areas In about an hour and 30 minutes, Compton ~· What 41<> you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you lib' Call the number al left and your meaqe will be recorded. &nnlCribed and cWtvered ~ &he ·~editor. " The same 24·h0ur -.r11wenn1 servfce may be usecTto i'if9l'cl'Tlt· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must lntlude their name. aad lelep,bone nwnbel Jw_terific.aUAA.,..,No clreu\•l~-. calls. pleue. Ttll us what's on your mind. -,- OR»«IE COAST llllJPllat ...... OPPa ........ 11.,C-.MIW.CA -~ .. t .. ,C ......... CA.- Irvine near Myford and Bryan roads. authorities said. The pilot. Capt. Bob Wills. told officials that the transmission cover dislodged moments after takeoff al 4:30 p.m. No one was injured. Lt. Col. Barbara Weinberger said the helicopter Is on l<>1q1 to a Navy squadron In China Lake. and was making a .. routine test flight. Thi• pn.,flui ptl·tuu• 1111prf1vl·c.J only 11llghtly In tht· lhlrd quartt•r, tht• rt•port iwld B...tor1•-t.ox ('Ofporull' prof11.11 rcllC 4.8 pt•rronl to 11n 11111\uul rfilt' of $ l 7Y.Y billion aILcr rl111ng a 11hm 0 I pa•rc·ent 1n tht• st'(•ond quarter. /\(L1•r·tax prof1ti, ro'>c 2.4 .percent to o rate or $111).1 billion after a st'<•ond-quar11·r gum of 1,J fX'rccnt. M any c ompu~ll.'S hnvc reported poor profits or none at all this year, wuh"salcs sluggish a nq,,.,,roduction cut back Al- though profl L'1 rose a bit an the third quarter, the y were far below the annual raL(>s of $233.3 billion before taxt'S and $1&0,8 billion after taxes in the same Economist Micliael Annison will discuss "Who' on the Cutiin Edge of Change" Monday at Masuda School, I 7 415 Los Jardines West, Fountain Valley. Admis.sion is free; Phon~ rates to go up in 3 coast cit_ies Telephon e sc rv1ce·'in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Lagun3 &och, areas served by General Telephone Co ... will c:oat more next year due to a rate increase approved Wednesday by the California Public Utilities Commisaion. Phone bills for recurring monthly charges will typicalJy be -up nearly 75 cents come Jan. 1. a company spokesman saii:f. General Telephone originally requested rat.es be increased by $113.9 million for 1983 -with the lncrcaS<.' coming In the form of a customer surcharge of 23 'percent. But the commission granted arollhd 45 percent of that -a $50.7 million increase. with a 10.23 pe rc(.'nt surcharge -to · offset anticipated loss of earnings caused. at least in part. by the recession. The surcharge will apply only to recurring monthly charges on all categories of phone service - residential, business, measured- rate .and "liCeline" service, the spokesman said. The extra cost will not be tacked on to variable charges like long-distance calls and telephone installation fees. quarwr lu.11t yt·11r On tht' oth"r hand, 11luq11h ck•nu.nd hall ht•lpt-d k<.-t•p pm-et._ from r11ing 91 qukkly 911 h\ r N'(•nt J'-'ars. Anothn figure• im•lud~ Ill tuday'11. report said ln'11.1tfon -as mea11ur<.od by the lJr1.111d·bascd GNP lmplrc1t prk't' df'flutor -f'CJll(' at an annual rat.t> of 4.7 penoenl lh tht• ttl1rd quarter rulhcr than thc 5.4 percens. C'stlmatcd (.'Orlll'r. The ·annual rote' for ' thC' SC't.'IJOd quarwr was 4.6 pcrc.·ent. · • · As a general rule, there would havc to be sold l(atns in real GNP for two straight querteni bl1forc: lhcrt· would .Ix-wide agreement the rcc.-cssion had ended. And that c learly has n 't happened yet, with !he f1gurP rising at a very modest annual rate ot 2.1 Pf'r<.'Cnl an the second qu~rter after plunging at rates of 5.:i percent and 5.1 percent in· the l wo prc:.'Vious periqds. M ca n'whl le, lhe L·a bor Department r e ported f ew e r p eo pl e ar e filing for unemployme nt benefits, but man y private eco!lomjsts st,i ll think the jobless rate w111 go over October's I 0.4 percent in the months ahead. · T h e department repo rted Thursday that 629,000 ne w c laims for unemployment compensation were filed in the first week of November, a drop · of 23,000 from the wee)< belore. F.conomists say weekly claims over 600,000 stUI sigmrl-a-:rising unemployment rate and s tress that weekly figures are volatile. The au t omobi.Je busine ss •continues to be a leade r in l a yoffs . The major car manufacturers reported that the number of workers on indefinite layoff this week rose to a record 254,914. Temporary ·layoffs fell to 30.450 from 41,000. Jack Lavery, chief economist at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, ~oner & Smith Inc., sajd in his latest economic report that he expected the unemployment r a te to average 10.5 percent in the cur,rent business quarter ending Dec. 31. And he forecast an increase to a peak of between 10.7 percent and 10.8 percent next year. Morgan .Guaranty Trust Co.~s econ omics department is projecting an ave rag e unemptoymen t rwte of 10.4 percent for the current quarter, rising to a 10.5 percent average ln the first quarter of 1983 and 10.6 percent in the secol')d quarter . Reactivation of San Onofre reactor set The Unit 2 reactor at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is sche duled to be reactivated this weekend following a s hutdown Wednesday to repair leaky steam -generator tubing.' Southern California Edis0n Co. officials said the tube aUowed ocean w.ate r to enter two generatdrs. The generators run on pure, distilled water and sea water is potentially corrosive. The leak was discovered by technicians early Wednesday and the newly licensed Unit 2 reactor was shut down an hour later. Edison s po kesman David Barron, whose firm is 80 P,ercent ow.ner of the seaside reactors south of San CJsmente, said technicians were flushing out the generators and would plug the pipe which leaked. Barron said the leak occurred rn a condenser pipe. -· ----------~-------~ -- STORMY WEATHER This rainy season can' make c•rpet laying difficult. Many stores have to postpone Installations because of rain: No place to cut carpeting and open trucks. At Alden's, we have a clean large warehouse, and covered trucks so hat materials won't get wet. Even when there Is r generally· cut all our jobs In the mo g , I surlng clean merchandise In your home. ome In tallers c"1 the JOb9 In C!trty stl'H11r0r~rmui_.... 011 from cars will pick up on the back of carpet, and work through eventually to the surface. For safety's sake, buy from Alden~.al Sometimes amalt details make all the difference In the jQb. ,. Themet P. Meley 'llbl•"* onc1 ci...1 h11<111,.. O!•oc:• .....::~..,~ !S L key Wwlta Vl(e ,,_. w o,,.ct0r °' AcMn!WIO .. ,....MMellHR c-., ...... , . ...,,., Ohcldt ol ~ ...... fCllclllatioll , ' : iiiiillitiOii: "custom dt:2,•ri11· . ... .. "'1yl, p11q111t wood, & ceramic floors • IU PLACIJiTI AVE. • COSTA 118. Cl 11121 • W . -. , • (. . Santa Claus and tht> All- Amerkan Boys Chorus wlll help celebrate a Chris tmas program at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 26 at South Coast P laza Town Center. ~ The l ~-hour free program wlU lnclude the lighting of a 45-foot t ree, songs by the· choir and appearances by_ • •The Fo u nta in Valley Community H os pital is planning several three-hou r courses in the ca rdi o - pulmo n·ary r esuscit a t ion process and the He lmlick procedure, which is used to aid choking victims. Classes will be held o n • -Tiny Tim and Scrooge from Sou th C oast Re pt'r'to r y Thea te r's. production Of "A Chris.tmas Carol." .D e v e l op e r Henr y Segerstrom and Ccista Mesa Mayor Donn Hall talso will be at the Christmas show located near Sou th Coast Plaza Hotel and lmpcriaf Bank Building. .. . Thursdays, Crom :r to 10 p.m. In the hospital's~·auditoriwn. 17100 Euclid St. Class dates are Nov. 23, Dec. 21 , Jan. 2~ and Feb. 15. The charge is $4 per class. Cl~ sizes are limited, and reservations are required. For · information, call 966-8168. .•A four-hour seminar on Admission ls $6. Tickets are building masonry walls, brick available at the college ticket work. patios and walks will · ofCice and at the door . For be offered at 9 a .m. Dec. 4 ·n-m-ol'e · n1orm a-tTon c a II O r a n g e Coast College's 556-5880. science lecture hall. . Suit hits· s hOes for Mesa fall · No ruand na lhOf!ll -~~ t hew, dulrna a C:O.ta M.,_ woman who allt-ge11 ln a law1ul\ lhal dreta Nhoe11 1he purch aaed at th• , Nord1trom South Coaat Plaza store caulied ht'r rp allp and fall from a 1J«.'Ond-1tory bak.-ony last yl'ar. ~a~ of the alleged. lnjuries s he suffe red In the fall to a concrete driveway below, Lorelei Phillipa is aaklng ifor $4 million in damages in an Orange County Supl'rior Court lawsuit filed Thursday . The lawsu it clairns the fall, which occurred the same day the shoei w~re purchased while they were beihg worn for the first tame. w as c a u sed b y the "extremely slick and slippery condition of the ou tside bottom" of the shoes. The shoes, accord in g to t h e suit, were dangerous, defecti ve and unsafe to wear. Named as defendants in the case were Nordstrom's, Mozerati Delizia, the shoe manufacturer, . . tp c ,s h oe Cil istributo r and wholesaler as well as the woman who res ides w h ere t h e fall occurred. -. The suit also alleges the railing at tt)e residence was riot· high enough to prevent Phillips' fall. ·. -.. ~ NAUTlwS . .P '-alllOlllCS ~ H·e.lp Us CelebrGtel . . . Sip Beer and Wine and Munch on Hors d'Oeuvres • Saturday, November 20th _ 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. . . - $ 7 0 ·2 for ·1 $p~clall· I· . 1 yr. - 2 people oi ,. · 2 yrs. -1 person ·First Visit Offer! ..... Classic, classy Autos Classified ~dvertising In the ~ Diiiy Piiat You can Charge DAILY PILOT -Classlfled Ada 642·5678 RUFFELL'S urHOLSTEIY a1 f'rl Ice .-.s... 1'22 HAalOI IUD. COSTA MIU-541-1156 Get Into This Holiday Scene LINAHORNI· N~ 26-n.c.mmr l, 9, 8, 12. 19, l~& 29 Decanbcr3•4 BEllE-~ Dccanbcr 'Z7. 28. 29. 30 .• 31 JOHNNY MATHIS January 28 • 29 • I A FllZGIRALD Fcbnwy4• s These extraordinary concats desaw a special begtnntng wtth a fabulous dinner at Maxwell's by the Sea on the HunUngton Bea~ Pier. You wtB then be chauffeured to the show tn a delux~custom coach. wtth a ho.tas iirvfn~ye>UcOft\p11mmt!llV"C~tds~-t+-l.JhJ. after which your ruawd orchatra seats ~ • ..wtJl'J"lf"Yb'i'trllh'l"lrelt poss"l&li position to ~these arat entertainers. TEAR nns AD our FOR~ REFERENCE Space .. llmlted. C8ll today! ~P&:ctfie Goast Box Office At M~u·; on the Huntington Beach Pier ~ 7141536-8826 . 7141540.-3669 . --" _....,._ HJtS, 10 All·& PM -'llCMI-......,..-~ ......... "" CiMl• 11101e111 or•"°"" 'fltMCIPl*111111111<Mllf9"-AllDllM~ ' Put Vounelf In This HolldaY Setting ThlS versatile hohday setting makes any room complete The only thing missing IS you1 You·n find plush foam furniture com- bin~d with sk?e~ oak and brass accent pieces to give ycu the comfort and good looks you'n enpy 16ng aher the holldays have passed. A. The 69" wide Sofa-Sleeper with wooa sup· ports unfolds to reveal a super soft bed Reg 249,95 Sl88.88. 8 . The 27" wide Lofa makes a cushlony chair. Flip it open and it's a bed. Reg 129 95 174.88. Both are made of stur- dy compact foam and covered in a d'urable cotton duck fabric In rose. brown. and blue. The oak and brass accent pieces haw clear glass tops and shelves. C. The 64" taD etagere Reg 119 .95 is 179.88. D.The 40"Wfde coffee table Reg.69.95 is 149.88. E. The 26" \.llide end table Reg. 49.95 is S39.88. • §ii?$= A ~~ Mllill=· HtJNTINGTON lllACH 7470 Ec11n19r Ave./Opeft MON • .flRI. 104, UT. a IUN. 1M COITA -.A 1?M Newport llvd./Open MON ...... M, SAT. a IUN. 10-I SANTA ANA 2111 I. a-.. k/Open MON ...... 104, IAT. A IUN. 1M -.0 MO! °' "'°"9 0-a.t\ "919!\ llfft ... O tO Sloe• 011 MClf'4I •• ·~ Cl" Sole "''" t h .... ,. .. I I I 1 I f ' . Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Frida . NoV9mber 19, 1982 . DEAR PAT: I've heard you can Ule boric acid powder to ~et rid of cockroaches, but It seema to me there a aomething you have to add to it. Can you teU me what thla la? B.P., Costa Mesa Boric acid powder 1111 Me• found to " more effective ID coatrolU.1 coclroacbet. tbu otller more potea& cllemlcal1. I& does not repel tllem 10 tlley doa't lean to avoid It, and boric acid pewder provides lon1·la1tln1, Inexpensive control. It cu be pt1rclaa1ed at mo1t dru1 store1. Blow or spread I& la U.e dark, warm plac~1 wllere tllese IHec&1 lllde, and In cracks and otller places wllere-tlley crawl. Tile "added ta1redleat" you refer to may be powdered sagar sprinkled on top qf tbe boric acid powder. AD apartment. building owner .told Savings Bond11. I've searched everywhere for them and now I'm very worrit'd that there's no way to redeem thej\e bond• since we ~an'\ pre9en\ them. What \lhould I do'? _._ • H.E., Corona dcl Mar Write to the Bureau of Public Deb&, Division of Securities Operations, Claims Section, Wasll1Dltoa, D.C. HHI. lachade you name,' carrea& a dre11, addre11 wlleD &lie ...... were i11aed, deaomiaatloa, perceata1e ra~, l1sae date, maturity, ud certificate numben, plH yoar Social Security aumber and a,. explanation of 'bowtlle bonds were lost. • • ........ ,wor\.h or J Objttl d'Art -l.ouiH lea Pouelain Figur~ -Sign AYS sometime ago tba& Ile mlnagf1 to maintain • '' Got a problem~·Then write to excel~t pest control by placln1 boric .acid I !Ci•l Pat Horowitz. Pat wilfcut red t.ape, N 0 o· ther newspaper br1· ngs' you m ore . ·. P,!Wder la email alumlau~ tin• and spri~kllng a -getting the answers and action you Jillie powdered sugar OD top. n eed to solve inequities in · •of your city council, planning.commission, • ';'vernment and business. Mail your questions • f rllllf • Sltll'dll ..... .... 19 & 20. Auction ..... It I p.m. Doors open 1t 7 p.m. Savings bonds lost . to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange ·sc hool and college dist rict s and cou nty 1 DEAR PAT: We m oved recently a nd Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560• Co.9t.a Mesa, gov ernment than t he ~;ap~pare:;:;~n:u~y~h;a;v;e~los~t~a~n;u;m;bc;~rof~Se;rl;es~E~U~.S;·::::!=C=A=.=9=2=62=6=.~~~~~~::::!::::!::::!::::!~!!!!!!!~.L_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~--,_;.~~7- .J . EN 'S SPORTSWEAR PUTS A LABEL ON QUALITY quality and value. and nowhere is this more apparent than on clottling bearing the Nordstrom label. Our v ., own all <XJlDl knit shirt is a pertec1 , exanple. Betind the exclusive sailboat k>go lies more quality and aintion to delaM tt\iWl you .• find atyWtwe else for the scrne price. It's COf1llruct8d of all COllafl in· . tllrtDck fabric. has a taped collar. ' well8d shoulders and sleelles. cross .. Slllched and reinforced mother of pa1 bulluls, two ply knit ~lar .. J Rf cuffs, reinbted split side in 13 colofs and can be machine washed and tumble dryed. You 'd expect to pay more for this kind of l quality, but our prices represent an outstanding value. We're proud of our Nordstran label shirts and we're equally proud of our prices. Short sleeved knit shirt COOleS in white, light blue. pink. maize, red. plum, black, bfight rwt. jade, .... cobalt blue. dusty blue. purple or eggplant. Sizes s-m+xl: 22.50. In MEN'S SPORTSWEAR. Cenilos Center. Outside our local diallng nas in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. call toll free 1·800·432·7175. • ... . - nardstrom~\~' ~~~~~ , (' . ~ I. tput bl~Om in Christmas . -.. T~m-e'll be ~•ctua In bloom thu some pinching, ·ro ·keep them "hale Chrtatmu and a roee that isn't really a a nd hearty" durina the holiday i'Ole. · ~aaon. give them a place 1., or by a ~ C hristmas cactu s Is a 16vely sunny wlndow and keep the aoil molal blQOming houseplan.t that displays but oever aoagy. h will bloom for multi-pe ta led, tiered flowers that several weeks up '*Alli the e nd of hang from t):le tips of succulent green January or early February. Thia la the Items in bright Christmas red, pink, time when. you wilt cut off th~ faded eerise or a combination <if white and b loom and pinch bac;k a ny thin ~k. It makes a wonderful prt?&ent growth. • and while you're at it, be sure to pick Find a cool, dry shady spot so It can .one up for yourself. rest. During this rest period, do not This plant makes few demands water or feed. In Mareh you can move beyond watering, light fertilizJng and it back to a partially sunny spot and . begin a watering every three weeks --.-.-----'----.--.--or so and by A pril every other we'ek ·111111111 CHICllllJ Sc!~~e~~~ hou~p~ant food un!ll ---------· ----·-Then decrease watering and ~ Be sure to lift the tubers or your tuberous begonias and store them . Wet soils from fall ancl winter rains will rot those left in the ground. · • Lawn mower blades that were moved higher to help conserve water during the hot s ummer months cai:i now be lowered. • Check out the long canes on climbing roses to make sure they are secured . Winter rains and winds might l~n them. eliminate the fertiliter and provide s ho rt d ays and long nights b y covering the plant at night-Or put it In a closet. The common names of Helleborus are C hristmas rose or lenten rose lx.>cause of its charming open-faced flowers and Its blooming limes. The ·Christmas rose usually blooms from • October to January, the lenten rose from January to April. Plant both for a longer blooming lime. · Their flowers are quite striking - the Christmas r ose Is while or Mums add right touch of color I Holiday ~ecor goes natural Whal better way is there to bring traditional warmth t,o a home on Thanksgiving day than to deoorate naturally? Use small branches Crom trees wilh autumn-h ued leaves, brigh t ly colored persimmons, pomegranates, berried branches from shrubs, nuts or chrysanthemums In full bloom. Chrysanthemums that b1oom in myriad colors and forms can add just the riJlhl touch of color to any part of the home. TO HEll' CHURA TE OUR 112thANNIVEltSAltY KIMIALL HAS OfFUEO l'IANOS TO US AT A SPECIAL PAICE. THAT'S WHY WE CAN OfFElt TH YOU AT SUCH A GREAT SAVINGS. 1870 IS THE FOUNDING YEAR Of SHOMAN CLAY SO WE AU OFFERING THESE l'IANOS TO YOU F~ NO MONTHLY PAYMl!NTS UNTIL We Finlnce Ow Customers, No ... • lnn C...,.., To Dtll 11th! • • It's clean-up time. Fallen leaves and most faded s umme r annuals should be removed from the garden. Winter annuals can be planted to give your garden a color .boost. . greenish white turning purple with· age and the lenten rose is greenish, purple or rose often splashed with deep purple. Of course, one of the most colorful decorations Cor the home is branches of berried shrubs. This T hanksgiving you could use them around candles wjth nuts and fruit c reating a m emorable centerpie<.-e on the dining room table. Or put them around the base 9f houseplants. OPEN DAILY 10-1 P.M. ',1 •1: •.• .. • .A. ·iirr SUN. 11-e They can be planted any time of the year and are very attractive with large. deep green, hand-lake leaves. If you don't have any berried shrubs, visit your local nursery and pick some up. They'll be in berry so you'll be able to choose the exact co)or you want. Look for toyon , pyracantha. cotoneaster and ~oily. SOUTH COAST PUZI (UllD I.Oil llllOCl'S -) 141-11411 Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULT ANTS (714) 751-2400 ~ -~-LLDYD•!i ~ lM oorde•-1 sl11111 4" Bedd ng Plants Pansy -CALENDULA - Vlolos -Snap -Stock _ · lee. 11.11 ... • •• 89° FIElJ PllSY ReWGfewn ........ ... ~ '4" ..... f . .. .. .. M ....... -..ct to -on -Ille_.,""°""' I l·I~ on .-cted ..._ °'*' Mon .f'n 74. a.t I~ ..., 9-5 Lloyd's Nursery ~nd Landscape Co., Inc. 2038 S. Newport llvd. (ot aoy St.) Co•t4!1 Meso, CA. 646-7441 I lori.,t .<;pee i11/ Extra nice, cool end refrHhlng. BOSTON FERN -BARE·ROOT ROSES ARRIVING SOON ••• -Sine• Jf46 Ha1li5ms . NurHry • Florlat ............ c .... .... .. .. .... -... ...... • \ • ·- What to do wlMtn you'N hit by Cll bit IClll bill. ' Unfortllnately.gas.rates are gotng up. ttke weatherstrtJ>DitlJf: and caulkl~. · On top of that. the forecast is for a Installing a low-tlow-sn~rnead. Aila ,cold winter. · wrapping your water hearer in an ,. So even if you \re insulated and kept insulation blanket. your thermostat at 68 degrees. you're Then call the Gas Company for even going to be hit wt th a bigger gas bill. _more gas-saving Ups. But we can hef ~avoid getting Our Consetvatlon Hotline nurpber tt 11ard In th ~ , -4124~~~r _, , ...... :-· ' After .you pick yourself up, start ~-1 --Please give us a call. We want to looking for other ways to save gas. Q . help you stay on your feet. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA gaa COMPANY -. ,.• f . ' • , r • Or u11uu ContSt DAIL V PILOT /Friday, November 19, 1982 ~ COURT REORGANIZATION PLANNED. • • • llEMESTER IN PARIS * .. From Page A1 • Courthouse '1.n Westmin1Hc'r. where it is hoped they wlll h a ndle t he entire c riminal caseload emanating from that court to Superior Court. The • three judges to be asaianed - James Smith, Phillip Cox and James Perez -all have worked in that court.. prcvioualy and should speed p~in's there· becaU$C of their famHiaraty wUh lawyers and court staff, Beacom said. Beacom s tresse d that the familiarity of judges with their · area of law and work environments is important to the success of the reorganization, Antique Show . Huntington Center mall today thru Sun. l ast s how before Christmas. Ca11 Home Free on MCI -E.T., you -anyone con co ome-ony aoy'"Ttl Dec. 23 free f ot the holido.ys from Hunting· ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3 -min. long distance coll by MCI is on us. Koppy holidays. P\RIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUeLK: HEANNG NOTICE IS HER&BY GIVEN that a public hearing wtll be held by the City Council ol the City of Cot1a M ... on December 6, 1982. In the Council -Chamber• of City Hall. 77 Fair Drive. Colla Mesa. at 6:30 p.m .• or H 1oon thereafter aa Pfectlcabte: on the totlOwing Item· REZONE PETITION R-82· 11, Jeff Cllamley, autllorlzed 11g9n1 tor Dan Arthofer. 240t EHi 22nd Street. ~1 Beach, for permission to rezone property located at 171 Eest 18th St reel, from R2 ~to R3. Envlronment11 Determination: Neg11Jve Oeclerlllon. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lhll 11 Mid time and place, Ill intern led peraon1 may 8P9Cl8' and be heerd by lhe City Coondl on the 11oremen1lon«I matter. • EILEEN P. PHINNEY. City Clerk Publf•h•d Orange COHI Delly Piiot, Nov. 19, 1982 5122-82 NI.JC NOTICE NOTICE OP APt'UCATION TO S ELL ALCOHOLI C UWRAQaS N-bel' 15, 1982 To Whom II Mey Concecn: HAINES, T.,ry M. & Werren M. we l!C)plylng IO the Department of AICohOlk: Bewrage ContrOI for "41" ON SALE BEER & WINE (PUB. EAT PL) to 1911 llcohollc beverages II 9895 WllnM Ave .. Ste. G .. Fountlin V9/Mry, C1. 92708. Published Orange Coast Dally PllOI, Nov. 19, 1982 5121·82 Pl8JC NOTICE "9UCATION NOTICE OP •GA TlVE OECL.MlA TION The Coall -Me11 Pl•nn.lng 08pattrlient has propoeed to lllff 1 N41g1tive Oecl1r1llon reg1rdlng the environmental lmp1ct of the following propoeal: Oe•lopment Review DR-a2-20 ,for Anthony M. ~nget. 1ulhorized egent for the Bering« Family Trust, 3055 Capri i..-. fOf development review for 1 ,_ 3180 square loot commercl1I building for property located 11 1151 Baller Street In 1 C2 zone. Envlronmentll Oetermln1tlon: ~tMI Oeclaratlon. F.or funher lntorm1tlon. pte1H call the Pl1nnlng Oep1rtment 11 (714) 7~·5245. Publi1hed Or1nge CoHt Dally Piiot, NoY. 19, 1982 5133-82 P\atc NOTICE FICTITIOUS M.latNEH U..STAff.....,. The' following peraons .,.e doing ~-(1) CALIFORNIA LANO TITLE COMPANY; (2) CALIFORNIA· WORLD TITLE COMPANY. 1010 N. Main St .. Santi Ana. C1lltornl1 92701 Conttnenlll Lend Tiiie Com9anY I• Caltrorni. corpor111on1 80 Unlverlll City Plaza. Unlver11l City, Cllltornia 9 11108 ' Contlnentll Land Title Co. Richard J. Morre Vice Pretjdant This 1t1tement WU filed with the County Clet'k of Orange County on NoY. 12. 1982 FalltM Publl1hed Orenge Co11t Delly Piiot. NoY. 19, 2ff. Oec. 3; 10; 1982 511M2 P\RIC NOTICE l'tCTmOUS __,... .. NAmlTA~ The fOllowlng pereone 11e doing ~-TAKE LIFE A LITTLE EASIER. 19392 St. Jude, Santa Ane. c.NfarniL.92 705 --Clr1dy A. Rabin. 1931281. Jude, ~CllllfOmle t t?et AocMlle Ann At0gew8y. 15058 Proepeot Avenue. Placentia, Celllomle t2e70 TllM~lloonductedbya Olf*al pannenNp • n. 8'81-t -flled with the County Cler1I of Orange County on NoWmb« 8, 1H2. . • ..DOM74 Publl1hed Orange Coaet Delly Piiot. Nov. 12, 19. 2', Dec. 3. 1112 4919-11' Ml.JC NOTICE I r '1mnfJ¥•!"-·~f Tiie following per1on Is doing .,.....__ M E AICAN NUTRITION GUILD. 90I L~. eo.e. ""-· Cel9ornla taM Wllllam o. lheart, IOI L.Oftllbetd, Cotta MeN, Cellfornla ... TNI ~ II oonducted by 111 ........... w-.n 0 ...... TNI *""'-" -Meet wltll Ille ~ Clar1I of Oranga Countv on Oct. d, IM2 ...... ftulltlelled °'•T. Coeet Deity ..... OClC "·Nov . 11, 11, "" 1 C 474l-12 • I I lx'l'aUliC It wall t<tdUl't' <'I l'Ol'li and discourage lawy~ra who might otherwlac ·uae de-ying tuctk1' "There's nothi \bat acttlt.'11 a case likp cer\aintt,' sPacom said. "When lawycn k now w ht>r<• they're going and who they'n• facing,. and thc>M judges hav.-u record ~in-aimllar cuea). they know what to expect. A's a l'l'SUlt they (inwyera) are less likely to bring motions and more Ukcly w settle." Beacom said he "touc hed bases" with everyone involved before finalizing the changes. He also lauded t h e efforts of outgoing P residing J udge Robert (Oftlcl•I Or•nge CoHI College Pr09r•m) lltt•klt·i. 1n ('Nlu<:Jng (.'Wwlo:.td11 Nol Only APRIL IN PARIS thmng h111 twu·Yt'ar tt•nn . Aleo J•n., Peb., Merch, fk·lk'Om said thl• adcJatum of as M8r a June 1113 many as ninf.l nf.lw flll'\'ti to the <.·ourt may CUU!I(' minor problema ·-NO AGE LIMCTATION - of int'>tPCrh.•nt't' initially, but he Full college cred lte, round trip Air France said he is c onf1drnt thost: Non-Stop,llvewlthFre nch famlly or penelon,all problem wall bt• 4uic kly meals, eJ(curelons, ALL FOR $4600. Important ovj~~ition to thl' five new meeting Nov. 20. 11 a.m .. Orang& Co aet judges. four current judges are College, Social Sclencee 101 . c:onsldcrt'CI li kely cundldat~ for For Info: CeU 558-5800 or 142~8181 promotion lO the st.a\(' appellate •--------------------court by Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr ~fore .Brown's term of office ends, Beacom said. There ts no official confir mation of those appoint me n ts a l pre sen t. SUIOOBACK ON CWB WAGONS. S700BACK ON BRONCOS AND VANS. NOW THROUIH DEC.31, 1182. Tbat'I big mour. 11'1 100 percent du.ct llom Pord Get the mon., an the lorm of a cbeclE or apply at to your down payment. Tall• d•~'!!! L~Ca:A.t~=c::r~ltld~ I -· •soo BACK ON PICKUPS.· '700 BACK 011414'1. 10" °'' ... IVllnMINO IN THI HOii ·\ Tliru-Silurdav November ~ ' ssoo BACK ON RAISERS~ S300BACKON COURIERS. lllQtbl• ... rue: ... built betel .. AuQ\111a6.19'2 Llmltld to IMtdents of Almlla. NOWOU, Ca1d0rnla. Wcn11111g1on and o .• ,. .. ._ __ FORD TRUCKS FORD DIVISION - .. ·. .. ' f • • 1'8 Or nge Coaat DAIL v PILO r lfrldov. November 19 1982 a•11. l.\.lllll tti£1.ftel, _ ,,,,~fltN'l/llK~ l'T...,..t .. . .. Criticism ·won·'t mend ~' .. . ~ilapidaied higl)ways .. .,. Tl)e'Commission on Cullfornm Fn•t•wuy -"'1 hit•h-wns suppost.'d State Gove rnmc>nt Org<inizu~lo11 lo huv<' been c:ompll'l<·d in 197Y and Economy, otht>rwisl' known as and h:Js munugt-d to 1:01op1L•tt• only the Little Hoover Comm iS$1on. is about h ulf o f thl' ti.ooo milt•::s of c h arge d with wt•t•din·g o ut frt>t•wuys includ<•d in thl' stute's government was t,e. • . master plan. This week U) Santa Ana 1• 'J'o all u f thciw <:hargcs we wasted about six hou rs of tune: in a lllUSl ask . what clw is n ew? The "h earin-g " on de lays in th<.> Brown administration's rcluctam.:c planning and c.'Ons trUl'llC>n uf stall' to spend money on <.'Omple ting, or highway projec.·ts. The hearing even m:unt.aining highwa~ und turned into u fingN-pointing Gia'n tur<.'o's personal insisten ce exe r cise d evo ted almost th<it mass transit' is a better exclusively to castigating outgomg m vcstmL·nt than frcl'way,s, have Gov . J erry Bro wn and h is tong tx.-cn discussed. analyzed and appoin tee. Caltrans D1 rc<.'t or arguL-d over fr.Qm one e nd of the Adriana Gianturco. st.at<' to the other. One after a nother, offidals , But wit h Brown a nd ranging Crom lvan Hind crakc.~r. Giantur<.'o both nearing the end of c h airman o f t h e Cal1forn1u their terms of office, t here's little Trans po rtatio n Commissio n t.o point in reh ashing the cr iticism. Orange· Cou n t y Sup.c rviso r What's· needed now is some Thomas Riley, heaped blame on conc r e te i}la nning to g e t the Brown, Giantun;o a nd Caltrans b k h for de libe rately s talling needed h.igh way program ac on t e road , if neces.5ary by changing the West Bank cost to U.S. ·ey_ed highway p rojec ts in order to rules of thl,f gam e so t hat the stretch highway funds a nd avoid Transportatio n Commission has WAS HINGTON -S tunnl'd by The $ioo million annual cost estimatl' financing an lsra('h polic:y that dooms ra es. --• ~1---~~.,.~..JIA....U:ll.;:-m~uc~·t:h_U~.S. tax mont•y o( Israel's t'Olonizalion of the West Bank R<•aka n.:.s peace plan. In a prtv"3te This. officials cha rged, was a , some real a udtfiobrity tha_t ~~·u~ot hl'lps fina nct> .srae s. sc tleti\iil~im?l:t'tia:n1m1Htt--c;c;r;,1rrzRntnn111tt,,~']rt'lt61rttT111"'e "'4fT-1o011m11r-PfMl'e-~;9"'"'~8cBetr1¥a~·e;;,..~,!l;.tt~t..-'"""41-'N«iMM''U!Mt6n, thf-prendt'nt and sec• t'unYtlf specific Brown policy, diligently manipulafe Y anti-tg way absorption of the Palestinian Wcsl Bank. a forml'r deputy mayor of J cr usall•m, stall• agr<'t:d that in the words of on<> carried .ou t by G ianturco, a policy fa c tions i n· ot h er-areas of an oogr y George Shultz has ordered and an Ol.41.Spokcn f<><" of Begin. Mideast.: ins1dl•r, "somt' eggs may have to be k government. aides to supply him with exact figures -sp<.icmli.st.s in the State Department have broken" wht•n Begin next arr1 vc.--s at the that will ta e years to overcome as ld be be poss ibly leading to a threatened Oval Offtcl'. inflation steadily increases the cost T his s hou a num r one redut·tion of U.S . aid in order to save the r of highway eonstructi.ori. pr i o r i t y lo r t h e i n co m i n g Reagan peaet' plan. I -, r:, Ca ltra ns, it w as ch a r ged, administra tion . Let's forget about Shultz's exploration into th<> political °' '" c h ose to ig n o r e th e s tate Brown an.d Gianturco and start m1hl'(wlds or U.S. aid t.o Prime Minister -----------~...,' E~ "? Trans po rtation Comm ission's • t rying to 'undo the mischief that Mcnachem Bcginls government followed 11111 / IRll authorization to proceed with has so badly de te rioratcct what overdue briefinBs by top aides. They projects s u c h as th e st ill once was the natio n 's finest s howed that B<igin's government now unfinis h ed Cor o n a d c l Mar highway system. s pc.•nds about $100 million a year Loss hurts (air i!IJage Where is Rubt'n Bohorquez.? And where are the thousands of dollars rye collected from persons wanting to see the blood less bullfigh\.S at the Orange County Fairgrol.lnds? Bohorquez. who had. been all smiles a s h e faced i nterviews before the scheduled weekend bullfights, h as disappeared. So. apparently, has 'the money. Ripoff? We don't know. The police say they can~t get involved unless d e liberate fra ud. can be s h own. S o far, circ umstances h a ven 't warran t e d further investigation. Officials a t the fairgrounds - a s tate-owned facility -say Bohorquez paid $4,900 for the use of .the a rena. TheyJ say Bohorquez passed what they described as a th o rough background and financial investigation. (attributable in one form or another to U.S. aid) to supply homes for Israeli sctlll'rs. despite President Reagan's a t;>pl'al fo r ::i "freeze" on a ll new settlements. Shultz J<nows Reagan's Sept. 1 peace plan is dead unless Begin rcvcrst•s his settJement.s policy. BEGIN'S· FIRST attack rejecting the Reagan peace plan annoyed the Ifoagan adminislralion, but was written off as prelimina ry Begin bombast and not final. Now that Begin is fl outing h is accelerated expansion o f J e wis h settlements. the administration's mood has hardened. Reagan could issoe this warning: Fn.>ezc settlements or take a cut in aid until settlemen ts are frown, American taxpayers wall not subs1d1ze the coJlaose of the Rea'lan peace plan. at'Cumulated voluminous data of their o wn, a ll o f whi c h conforms to Bcmv('nist1's. Until now, Shultz had been unaware both of lht> exorbitant cost and of the mt•thods Begin is using to induce Israelis to movl' to the West Bank. Shultz was shocked to learn that new West Bank housing is supplied at I~ than one-half its cost in Isra e l proper ; that basi(' Sl'rvic."CS and utilities are fre<!; that some mortgage loans o( up to 80 pen:cnt are nut col lectcd so long as the buye r CX,<t:Upics his.new home. What hil Shultz hardest was the implication that U.S. aid to lsrael may be essential for Begin lo s ubsidize h is absorptfon policy_ Shulu saw irony in tht' f11c t that Aml•rican taxpayers. suffering from deep recession and 10 pl'rt'ent unemployment; may b e WHETHER AND HOW to break those eggs 1s undecided. In the• past, every time a president hinted al cuttmg aid to lsracl to promote American national inwrests, the pro-Israel bloc in Congress fought bac'k and won White H o u se Op<;'rataves think at might. be different tixJay. providing ant1-lsraeh fc.>elings that erupt<'Ci a fter the Lebanese invasion and the Bc:.•1rut ma~<;acrc have l)Ot dissi pated entirely Even so. thl'rl' art' othC'r risks Any hint of U.S. rt·Uthallon <.vuld ruse Israeli .opposition parucs tu Prime· Minister Begin in n na tio nal front Beg1n- watchers a lso fear that if the· U.S. cut has aid. he would starve the rc.•st of his government w ful fil l has dream of 100,- 000 Jewish St'lllers by 1986. For Reagan to uvo1d those risks, and continue to use U.S. tax dollars to subvl'rt his peare plan. howt•ver, carries gravt>r penis . It would suffocate Arab hop<.'S. ins tilled by swe<.>t music played for Arab leod<.•rs an th~· White House last montl'f, that· harmony with lsracl lS no longer the dominant tune in Washington What h asn't evaporated is the a nger felt b y hundre d s o f bullfight enthusiasts who paid for tickets ranging in price from $5 lO $30 for s h ows tha t never occurred. On Saturday. BohOrquez told those who s h owed up for the bullfights that the fairgro unds arena s urface was too soft for competition. He told atte ndees to return on S unday. Perhaps those checks were n't as thorough as they s hould have been. Beyond that. it seems only prudent that fai rgrounds officials review the policies under which outside promoters are permitted to u se the governrnen t -own e d iA governor cOntent to stay at. home Many did. S.y 7:30 p .m . Sunday -more than three hours after the scheduled s tart of the bullfight' -there were no bulls, no matadors. There ~as nothing save a crowd of angry fightgoers. Police w ere called. Bohorquez told officers that more than $3,300 in cash receipts was missin g. He told ticketholde rs the y could call his Los Angeles office for refunds. (Our reporter has yet lO receive an answer at the number Bohorquez provided.) • facilities. . W e suggest those officials seriously consider a requirement that profuote rs post a · bond to cove r any potential l osses ticketholders migh t suffe r. They might even consider using the fee paid for use o f the a r ena to reimb urse the disgruntled bullfigh t ticketholders. This might help protect the image of the fairgrounds which, unfortunately, has been tarnished by the Bohorquez a ffair. Opinions expressed 1n the space above ace .those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authbrs and artists. Reader comment is inv1l· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone !7Ul 6•2·•321. L.M. Boyd/ Chicken[ eed Some big poultry farmers 'put marigold ._petals in lh~lr chickenfeed to make tl\e skins of their birds lllrn an appeali ng y~llow, I'm told. Q . Is the dolphin a fish or a mammal? A. Both. There's a. highly ed ible fish ca11ed a dolphin. ~ Hawaii, It the mahi mahi. In Mexico, the dorado. Then there's a porpoise also known as a dolphin. Nobody knows why both wowtd up with that name. Q . How long after it's dead can a snake still bite with reflex action? A. Up to half an hour. Cardinals in the Roman Catholic Church wore bright red robes. So that sort of red came to be called cardinal. It wasn't until later that the bird wu named in allusion to those robes. .. The word "war" is spoken far more frequently than the word ''peace," reports our Language man. As k several people to name an animal with anns growing out of ita head, and more often than not you'U draw a blank, until you men~lon octopus. A maJOr side benefit for Ca1Jfom1ans resulting Jrom the e lection of George {)(>ukmcJtan as governor probably wasn't even a factor with the voters in deciding who they would vote for. Nevertheless it will be no small ma tter that for the first time since WW II, California will have elected a governor who won't be distracted from his 'joo by Presidential aspirations. For the fact is that every govern& eh..'Cted since 1942 has been an instant Presidential candidate, at lea'lt in his own mind. This includes F.arl Warren, Goodwin J. Knight, Pal Brown, Ronald R<'agan and Jerry Brown. Two othl'rs, U.S. Sen. William Knowland and Vice Presid ent Richard Nixon sought to become governor solely for the purpose of using the offac-e as a launching pad for the pres!~ency. BOTH REAGAN and J erry Brown were barely m office as governor before they s t arted campaigning for· the Prcsidenc~. but i:ione have abused the office as much as Jerry Brown. who lefl the: state for weeks at a time to pursue his personal ambitions. liut Oeukmejian is a different breed of cal. While both Reagan and Jerry Brown are possessc..'Ci with tremendous egos. the Duke is a much more humble personality. lf he holds any notion about gomg to the White House it is a deep dark se<:ret an the most inner recesses of has mmd In any evN\t, si nce Ronald Reagan obviously intends to seek a second term, ~: l-•• -l-•• -,1----9 the opportun it y r o r any oth e r Rt>pubhcan to seek the Presidency in 1984 will not arise. And even if it dad, Deukmej1an's squeaky v ictory over Mayor Bradley hardly establishes him as a form1dable~natfonal Cllndidaie-. - In fact that narrow win makes it incumbent upon the new governor to get his house in order as fast as he can wJthout any outside distractions. He must n ot only we ld to gether the Republican Party but build strength amongst the independent voters and the moderate Democrats. But has first order of business wall be the monumental task of selecting the top hundred or so people to head the various stat.c agencies. A multitude of other appointments to lesser jobs and the many boards and commissions will also be lime consumlmi. Equally as important as choosing has "team," will bl• the pb of resolving the statt"s f1srnl problems. Afll'r the eight years of JC'rry Brown's prohfsC' spending tht' state tr<'asury as not JUSl empty, 1t ll> in a deep hole S&nC'<' California 's constitution forbids dl'f1c1t spending, D1l'ukml'J1an is confronted wtth a nQ-win .,situation in which ht> must slash a billion dollars of spending within his fu-st sax months in off1 ('<' or auth orize tax i ncl'l'•lS<'S. FIRMLY RESOLVED not to raise taxes. his aim to cut spending will run into opposition from a legislature still controlled bv liberals and biR !Jpenders. One thjng h" has going for ham is the advantage enjoyed by all newly elected governors, thl' so-<>alled "honeymoon" period which lasts from 90 days to six monlhs. If he is bold enough to come forward with a straightforward plan for cuts to balanc.-e the budget and presents them properl y to the people, he could achieve his Roals without new ta.xes. It will take grl'at l'Ourage to propose the e limina tion of superfluous state agencres. most of t.hem crl'ate d by Brown, and cut loose from the local governments the umbilical cord which has existed sin<.'C.' pas.sag<' of Proposition 13 in 1978. Political commentators change few minds Every year, the letters .pile up from readers who want to know why I don't write more about political problems ~ issues, as most other commentators do. When I answer them, I always ask h ow muc h they have ever been ., "opinions." This is why most political dialog ls.so full of abstractions about "freedQm" and "justice" and "equaUty" and "opportunity" and all 5uch catch- words. us. parties, systems, theories, nations and all. Man musl get to know hlmsell better, both to a ppreciate his potentialities and to accept his limitations. He must be offered the chance. somehow, to escape his bondage from lhe dreadfu l abstractions by which he hves, and for which he often dies Outlook must be shaped and guided by insight. • - When you think o f C h arles GOoayear,you lhTnk ot cn •most __ Y_o_u_g_e_t-some n-o-tlo.; of h o w We inherit or assimilate our opinions In these matters, and then we tum them Into frozen systems and ir on-clad theories; and It makes little difference whether they are royalist or Mancill. Cor eve.a .antcmJa. f ioally sh!pwrecked on the contradictions and conflicts w thin the human penonality. NCllJlin& elae • .&1 bQUom.. ii wor:~___.-.... writing about. And nothing else is truly ser iou s, no matter how solemn or porte ntous it may may sound in the · public prlnta. probably. But Charles G oodyear clifficult it is to get rid of cockroaches didn't think of car tires. When he by the fact that a roach can live invented the vulcanization process, it several weeks even with lta head cut never occurred to him that rubber might be U9ed for any eort of.tires. off. Q. What wu thia country's biggest Evangeloe PapethanUllou, the man • year for baby blrtha? wh.o composed the music for the , A !J~ A wlrie ~ ·°' loM' ...,.. > movie "Chariota of Fite," can netq,e.r outcrowtna their teerw U'l19 year. • ftll4 tmmc nor wrt•'\\ • p\;&f, ... ORANGE COAST Daily.Pilat Them•• '. Holey '·" ,, .. , Jene Amari , .... ·' •• [J. " lart..a Krelltlch (JI • l ,0-J" (JI • Influenced b y a commentator who expresses views very different from theirs. What they are looking for - what moat peofle ace looking for -la a confirmation o their prior beliefs, not-•- quHtloning or rejection of them. Swift once observed, "You cannot "',..._.. ·~ ......... r.-~t ... noi been rcaso~ iA'(o' ~ ..... anil. of course, most of ua hJlVl' not been reasoned Into our bulc political and IOdal and economic attitudes. W e have adopted th•m ohen unc.'0111Cioualy. u a remit of our Mrly oondltionlftl and experience; they come from hablt, cuatom, back1round, prejudice, flnendal 1tatua and ethnic or18ln. •monc ott.en. W• beliew whet we find It c.'Olftfortinl and convenient to beliwe. arwl UWn .. 1& for rational jullUlcatlf»n or CJ'\lr MY CONCERN is with the basic values necnury lo sustain 80dety, and with the underlyln1 attitudes of Individuals, not with' the 1lorfou1 abetractlons they may publicly proclaim. I am convtnced that politJcal problems ""' MWI' .. ...-.wc1 -&be ppiit.ical -level -or by political leaders -but only when enouah J*>ple ln any IOCial order undentand Ill own motlvea and rtC."011'111 Ill own tnmt needs. IHt only when we eut belGw tbe lewl of polltb. and IMk fw a ccin.-s •t of vaJue1 on which to bMe our ldklnl. &hat we have an1 chance of IUl'Ylvlnl and flourilhlna M a pennaMnt ...-. an this llobl· PellUCI dMdla -lf .It ,.. on little mon than pre)ldlee. '*"°" and~p.lt,... ......... .. . . \ Thc·y say 97 ~m.-nt or proplt' are good cltlll'M but tht! mt'dta focus almost totally on thl' 3 peMnt who ,tv.-tht' ~t of u. a bad Um•" Why? D.V. ........ -............ .-.. ..... ....................................... ............... ...., ........ I ' ' . ' . ' • Orange Coast DAI LY PILOT /Friday, November 19, 1982 • 1'.9_ r-----...:.....~----~~..,.-~~~~~-----~-r-~~-~~~--~~~~-~~~----~~~--,.~~~~~ r I ( . . . . -· .. . , . . . .. 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Our new Cash Maximizer account• will not only pay interest higher than many money market funds, banks or savings and loans, it will also pay an interest bonus of up to $100 (IN MORE WAYS ·THAN ONE) high interest account. It's a no-risk investment that provides the liquidity and flexibility you need in your· port- folio. You'll be able to write checks and make withdrawals with your Cash Max- imizer account. And to simplify your bookkeeping, you can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement• which investment is insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of California's leading bank. And that's a combination no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply ·· when you open it. That's a deal that's hard to beat. But then, the c;:ash Max- --imizet account is-an account -that's _ lists all acti~ty in this account and cer- tain of your other Bank of America accounts. Of course, your account will always be accessible at any Bank of America branch. And unlike a money market fund, the money in your Cash Maximizer account will be earning interest from the time you deposit it until the time you take it out, instead of sitting idly in the mail. fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America when you open your Cash Maximizer account. It's a bit of a wait. But we promise your patience will have-its rewards. hard tO beat. You see, the Cash Maximizer account is much more than just another TIIE SAFETY OF FDIC INSURANCE. But perhaps most important, you'll have the added peace of mind of knowing your 'BANKOFAMERICA \ BANK ON THE LEADER™ ; 9MH&Of AMlllCA NT•t.A t•> • M1Ma111 flllC . .. .. . ... ' .. . .. •.J Automatic tr1ns .. AM/FM stereo tape. power steering & air conditioning. (960ZXT). $2895 ' .... 1111 llTSfl 1111 NITIAC 200 II 11111111 Economy 4 cylinder, AM/FM Economy 4 cylinder. 5 speed, stereo tape, power steering, vinyl AM/FM stereo and custom top, air cond., custom wheels, & wheels. (391XFN) low, low mllesl (669UBT). . $3395 . $3495 . \ ON A NEW MIT.S.UBISHI CORD -IA . HATCHBACK, SERIAL #550198, .VS. A COMPARABLY EQUIPPED NEW DATSUN · 200-SX, HONDA PRELUDE, TOYOTA CELICA GT OR vw SCIROCCO . I I I SURPRISE! ON A NEW .MITSUBISHI TREDIA SEDAN, SERIAL #500243, VS.· A. COMPARABLY . EQUIPPED llEW NISSAN STANZA OR HONDA ACCORD I I I SURPRISE! . . ON A NEW MITSUBISHI · 'PICK-UP, SERIAL #200356, VS. COMPARABLY-EQUIPPED PICK-UPS FROM FORD, CHEVROLET, DATSUN OR TOYOTA •• I SURPRISE! - ALSO CHECK OUT THE TURBO-DIESEL PICK-UP -.THE FIRST OF ITS KIND! · . Economy 4 cylinder. AM/FM Auto. trans .. V6, AM/FM tape, Economy 4 cylinder, AM/F stereo cassette, & aun roof. power •teerlng. vinyl top. air stereo c111.ttte. & roof rack (IT16813) cond .. & low mu .. 1 (31'lUZJ). ( 114267) • $3495 •3695 $4495 OP£N ll>fl>AY -SAlUtOAY 1:30 to 9 SUfl>llY: 10 to I • I 111cm •111 mm FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1982 CAVALCADE BUSINESS COMICS Bank of TV monit.ors call attenti.on to Satellite New Channel, a 24·-hour news channel launched by Group W. ·. . ..... I ~ A1111 IJa 11dei-s i 11 't afraid lo print criticis1n of media .. See Page 82. '\ D o· There are many cable services available Cable TV . ,., FrOm···Disneyland tO · Playb.oy By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 0(1Noe11,,.....atat1 Dumbo, the animated elephant, is Hying across a television screen a t The Disney Channel's exhibit. A few steps away, a nude centerfold model, minus the staples, is displaying her curves on monitors in The Playboy Channel's showplace. These a r e two s t ops in a huge vid eo · supermarket offering program services tailored to a wide range of viewer appetites. · The re is 2.4-hour weather information, non- stop n ews, assorted sporting even ts, unedited movies, boisterous rock music and over-sized vide.<> games. • Ther e ar e -representa tives for a Spanish channel, a black entertainme nt cl\annel, "adult" channels, family channels, business channels and a health channel. There are channel .elector devices, satellite reception dishes, and anti-piracy equipment. This "supe rma rke t" is the 14th Annual Western Cable Show, sponsored by the California Qable Television Association and occupying several massive halls at the Anaheim Convention Center. Nearly 300 exhibitors -from Acme Ladders to ZeJ'jth Radio -are presenting their programs and hardware to an estimated 10,000 members of the burgeoning cable industry. The array of video. options seems to he~ald an _ era in which people will need to look no ~rther than their television sets for nearly all of their entertainm~nt and information needs. ·· · Indeed , one conve ntioneer explains that tec hnology already exists for two-way ~able . transmission. It won't be long, he says-, before · people will be able to do'much of their banking and shopping via the slim cable snaking from tpe back of their television sets. There's around-the-clock weather to ' watch, too. Members of the cable industry have reason to be both enthusiastic and cautious. Current Cigures indicate 29 milJion American households are n ow served by cable, and the number is increasing monthly. At the same time, cable p~ogramming seems .~ms to be diverting more and more viewers away fr6m'network shows. The three ne tworks' share of the prime time audience has dropped from 86 percent-last fall to 82 percent this faJl. . But while the number of companies offering cable program materiaJ is growing, many ·of these businesses are no t yet operating in the black. One well-promoted service, CBS Cable, (QJded after ita advectising revenues feD far short of expectations. StJU, the mood at the Anaheim convention is general upbeat u the people who operate local cable systems get acquainted with the peopl~ who supply them with programming and equipment. In some cases, deaJs are consummated during the convention . In other l/lSt.ances. a program service is several months away from ita first broadcast but wants t.o-begin promoting Itself. • One such service is The Disney Channel, which begins broadcasting 16 hours a day on ApriJ 11. As might be expected, tHe service will dra w from Disney's movie, cartoon and television library, show some ori~inal pr<>l{rams and s potlight activities at Disneylahd, Disney World and the new EPCOT Cente r. A ·colorful Disney Channel brochure claims the .cable service will be "as welcome in the home as a cherished family friend." ''You put the Disney name.on something," says Jeff Thompson, a trade show coordinator for The Disney Channel, "and people recognize what goes along with it." The channe r s wholesome family cipt)edl is what caught the attention of convention visitors from Magollon Cable. which serves 750 su bscribers in Pine a nd Strawberry, Ariz. "We're interested because it's a Mormon community, and they'd like to see something other tban trash," says Tom Vandenbosch, manager of Magollon (.;able. People at the nearby Playboy Channel exhibit might contend tha t one man's trash is another man's treasure. Formally, known as F..scapade, l'he Playboy Channel has more than 300,000 subscribers in more thari 200 cable systems nationwide. Subacribers pay an ex\ra $~ lQ $10 per month for the privilege of viewing a video version of Playboy's monthly magazine, movies like "House of 1,000 Pleasures" and other features such as ''The .Playmate Guide to Aerobics." "We think one of the advan~ is that you can watch this in your own h~. ' explains Jim Forbush. a Playboy Channel represcntative....::.some cable operators h~ve ~n concerned about offer41g these programs, but a survey showed that 85 perrent of the people think adults should have the right to watch whatever they want in their own home.'' Between the G-ra\ed Disney Channel and the adult -oriented Playboy Channe l are the more mainstream services that provide a stead y diet of uncut movies, plus some concerts, Broadway plays and other specials. The mainstream giant is Home Box Office, which debuted as the "Green Channel" back in 1972, with just 400 subscriber hqmes in Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Tod ay, liBO has almost 11 million s ubscribers and more than 4.100 affiliates. · Ln the second place we-try-ha rder position is Showtime, with nearly four million subscribers. How does S howtime try to outdraw giant HBO? "We're p utting e mphasis on series prograf'Jlming," asserts Brad Johnson, Showtime's West Coast director of program development. lie col'Kends that major movies are often a one-time draw, but ·continuing adult dramas like Show.time's "New Day in Eden" a r e more successful in ret.ainirg viewers. "It's a way for a service to distinguish itself from the others," he says. · . In r ecent years, some a dvertisers have expressed interest in getting their co~rcials on services Jike HBO and Showlime, which now have no advertising. They point to the relatively af{hie nt subscribers for these services. But Johnson says there is little likelih_QOd Showtime wilJ begin airing commercials . "(The lack of commerictals) is one of our main · selling points," he says, "and it's one of our main ifferences with network television." • ~ut .if one's taste runs more toward Pac-Man tha n "Poltergeist," there's Play Cable, an all video game channe), launched by GeneraJ Instruments and Mattel. . Jim Wiesenberg, marketing vice president for Play Cable, says subscribers pay about $12 to receive 20 different video games each month. . He says a regular·video game playe r who . subscribes to Play Cable saves·the expense of .ne.w game cartridges; which can cost $30 or more apiece. With purchased game cartridges, he adds, there is , also the problem of the game becoming obsolete or no longer cha llenginJ( to the owner. "With these (Play Cable) games.'' Wiesenberg asserts, "you never get bored -you get better because they're very sophisticated." atellite transmission r eceiving dishes ' Llule Jennifer Bl•nehanl (left) of Pine. Arla., enjoy• Dllney Cable, while John Raf •nello ( •bo•e) portray• Merlin lo promote the Game Network. T.he Playhoy Ch•nn!I drew• lot of •lleatloa, too • . J , u· • Orange Cooat DAIL. Y PILOT /f.rldoy, NovemlJ r 19, t982 • Eaat.-We1L vulnerable. North deals. NORTH ' . . • GOif i 011 lllDGf S Y CHARLES H. GQREN ANO OMAR SHARIF I • l'aaa l'a111 2 ..-' ..... 4 ' ..... ..... ,... . lour h1•11rt11 wn' a lavdov.•n ll14L t•Jll'•·lh·{ll ch•1·l11rt•r til••.~ thwurlt>d onw lint• dtifen11t> . Sine·•· 11 1111dl' or diamond cont1nu1&l•C>n wou ld preunt dt'clarn with hi1 c:onlrac:t via . , • A4 OP.t'n1na lt'lld; "ueen or •. W1•" led tht• ciucen ol 'lJ11ttit•'I, and lll fir'lt glance it mil(llt 1wem thal tht• <'llntrart hing1•4J .. olt>ly on derlnrer'i. out on this trick. tht rin~n .. woJl<t huvt' buen marked and Lht rt" would have been no w11y tl\11L dtc:larer could have losL more than a di1mond trick and two clubs. u rurr 1luH. ~•l w11 forced 1. ~ DEAR ANN L~N DKRS: Be<:ausc you are a nl•wspuper person I am sure you will n~vcr print this letter. I n.'ahze it's only human to try to protect your own. but I wish you media folks would sh~JX' up. In this mornang·s papcr .1 read a Unltt'd Press.1 rl'lcasc that said scientific studies have now prov~ that people who drink coerce have a /ow£'r than normal rate of cancer .of the colon, kidney and skin. (;:I ,\ J 104 0 985 • kQIU Wi:ST EAST •QJ 86U •K973 (;;I Void ;, QU 0-1060 6' QJ2• •852 . •AJ9 SOUTH • 10 <:::i K98762 0 AK7 Tht•rt• an· two wnys lo win ability to divint• the trum11 111 hr1dgt• nevt'r take 11 ~1tu•t•on. llut South wu abl .. v. rong l(Uei. ... or Pt'rfrct your. u1 find u 'llr<' lridt line technic1ue. or lhl' tWO, W(' rt'l(ard(eSS Of WhO hl•(d lht' recommend• the laller. It is itJUCt'n or trumiii.. less llkttly lo backfire, • As.llw cards lie, 1';11st West Declarer won the firlll httve a lfood sttcrifirt> at rour t ritk in dummy and 1mml' spades. However, we do not diateJy rufred :t i.pac110. Next, 10 shift to a c:lub. IJetlarer played Jhe 11ut't'n from dum my. 1-:u t rulized_thal fie .,. would Sljlll bt' end played if he took tht' ace. 110 he ducked. Declarer countered by s1mp ly t•idttng wil h a heart t:ut. wa !> forred to win, and fac:ed I be ~hoicc of presenting dcclarn "with his contract eilht'r YIU 8 rufr Siu((, Or by l&ading a dub away from the About a year ago there W(•re scare stories In the press and on TV warning people against drinking coffee. Th~y wa experlment:s wtcb animals showed it had a definite link with cancer of tt\_e pancre3.f. +713 The bidding: huh t'it hei of them for foil ~ •• madt> the furs1ghted play --fiiK to enter t t' auction a-t -of rnimtng-the king of trump~ this •ulnnability. Not that fr~m hand. Had East showed When Wu11L 1howed oul on this trirk. dt>clarer provt'd that ht' had not taken a wrunf( view. lie cuhed the an· or hearts and the ac:e king or d1amondl1 , then exht·d ~It h a diamond. £ast, aware of a looming end piny. did the bt•st he rould by jellisoning his two diamond honor undt'r the ace king. so West was aDJeio win fhe thml diu mond with his Len. .lC'e into dummy's king. -t:-ittrl"r way. declarer could -- lose only O!M' club trick! 'When my husband read that. stQl'y "-'said, "No more ('Of fee in this house." He refused to le t me buy 1t. and I have missed .my morning coffee terr ibly. This rl'Cenl good news makes a lot of sense. ll was the rl'SUll of an 11 -year study by a h ighly respected Norwegian scientist, ana if anyone should know .arything about m £fee, it's the Norwegians. If you print this letter, I will eat my hat. -M.L . IN DANVILLE · .OEAR M.L.: Sta rt. nibblin', sis ter. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My mother raises German shepherds and has had a lot of success sbQW.ing them around the country.. Last year or e.of mom's oitches won best of the breed and the show. That prize-w~nner was br~ lO another prize- seen . Mom wanted to na me the cu test ooe Ann Landers, but shC' was afraid you might be insulted. So she namC'd her Sweetie Pie. instead. We are sure Sweetie Pie will be another blue-ribl;>on· winner. Thought you'd like to know we have a dog dqwn here who was a lmost named after you. - FLORIDA READER DEAR FLORIDA: Please tell your mom It would have been perfectly alL.dght ii Sweetie Pie· had been named Ann Landers. I would not have -been insulted. In fact, my granddaughter Abra · named he r dog after m e and I considered it a compliment. • • DEAR ANN LANDERS: Whenever young ix·rsons write lo .you a nd say they want to have plastic surgery to c6rrcct a nose they don't like or c-ars tha1 Sllt'k out, please ent'Ol.lrage thcun to do it. I am 5 1 years of age and have hated my nose ever sint'l' I was a young girl. During my wen yt>ars 1 begged m y folks to let ml' have plastic surgery, but they sn1d they c.'Ouldn't a fford it. 1 met a mcc guy who said my nose looked ·fine to him. We were marriC'd and raised five good children. WhC'ncver I mentioned gettirtg my nose dont> he would say. "What for? TherC' is nothing wrong with It " • If I could afford it and a doctor told me I had only three months to live. I would ha\re.,my n'osc done. I wish plastic surgeons would give a break lO people likl' me who can't pay their fees. -ONE WHO NOSE-IN N.Y.C. DEAR ONE: Start saving NOW and I'll bet anything there's a kind plastic surgeon around who will ma ke your-dream com e Cfue. (Send mea picture when tt happens!) ·North' Eut South Weal. POT SHOTS , BY ASHLE!GH BRILLIANT I 'h\ afraici there may he ~·tki119 al>ou.t myself tnat I'm 1111111 By P..HIL INTERLANDI oH:.agunaaeach Come and celebrate lhe grand opentneof ourneW lnrtne • Drexel Heritage Showcase store! 88 exquisite mvironmftltaJ room settings completely appointed down to the smallett detail to help you pick the perfect furniture for your home. And savings on every fwmiture group to make the pr.ices irresistible. Plus, •• a 1pedal pit to all our MW Mlpbon, a CUI of Guardtma.n Furnllun Pallh. )Ult ~ this ad Into our lrviM store and • can ol thle marwJoul polhh II yom:s free, no purci... ~I Caerdsman Furniture PoW. ,. mrndr .. , • • ~-llllr,!irms: clanlna, ~ ~'I& Your wOOd Offer good through November 30, 1982. HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA • Saturday, November 20 ARIES (Man:h 21-April 19): Ordl•rs from top may lack sub.'iluncc. Heed your own l'OUnsl•I, kc•l'p oplions...opcn. s teer clear of s<:hcmi;.'li tbat promise somt>thlng for nothing. Fot.'US on amb1uons. t'aret>r __ oppo_nunllil'l>, 1nv1t ;H1on to JOtn prl•stig1ous .TAORUS <Aprtl•20-M;,iy 20): What app<.•art!f out of n 'al·h bt."t·om(•s av<.ulabll.'. Long JOUrn1..•y is distinl·t possibility. Focus cm 1..•ducattun. JUSt1tt• and dt•f101tion of spi1·1tual valut•s. Y\.lu'll Ix· dt•pling with 1nd1v1duals whu know how to t•nlt!>l support lx•hind S(.'('11l~. GEMINI (May 2 1-Junt' 20): P oint nr vic•w d1ffc•r:; from ur1g1nal con<·(·pt. You 'f'(.•altw now that t·urn•nl w:-.ks <:annot b<.• shovt'<.J aside· with 1mpun1ty. Many who sha1·t• your inlt'n•sts will rally to your support.,Dramal1t· t·onfronlauon OC't:urs wuh Aril>s, L1br;,i m.1l1V<"> CANCER (June 21-July 22): Break from past wi ll prove b<•nl'ficial. Stnvt• now for grt•atC'r indl·1>emdc11t.'l'. l>e•. willing lo li1k<' cha net• on your own l'apal11llt1<·l>. Take i11111at1Vl' in c.Ji;;covt•ring IC'gal r)ghL._, pt.•rmiss1<ms. Leo play!'> signifil .. ·anl rnlt•s. Lt:U (July 2:i-Aug 22). A1wnt1on ('t.•nl<'n. un family rt•lallCJl1~h1ps, baSIC lil~ks ani.J dltllOgUC• With dc•1>CmdcnL-, Lt•arn by tc•at·h 1ng. make an•wntb to lov<'Cl om• fur l'l't'l•nt t•rror or m1:-.t•alculal1on. I lunl'h prtivl'l> al'<:uratt• Aqua nu:. antJ· anothl·r Lt•o f1gur<• I prnm11wnlly VIRGO (Aug 2:$-Scpt. 22): Pt.'Ople comment on your t·han:.ma you'll Ix· at·t1ve. perceptive and i.r;ivl'I opportumty 1s prt.':><.'nl. Social life accelerates, s1><"t·ulat1Vl' Vl•ntur<· is spothghwd and timing is such that you 1·11uld WIQ a t•onll'St. LIBRA !Sl•pl. :l:i-Oc..·t 22): Be willing to revise. r1•v1c•w and n•bu1ld on a more• suitable base. Focus on ,af1.•tv; :.t·t·unty and appraisal o f property. Ct•1111 .ii 1~%Ut'S. basil' concepts dominate scenario. Hl•movt• lnlb, get iK'CtJUnting. be aware of facts as I ht•Y l'XISl. ·SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): ""Emphasis on movt·nwnl, anquinl'S and on introduction lO exciting nwmlx.•r uf u silt• S<.>X. Puzzle pia'eS f~ll into pl~-e 'o soml' a lll'l't'l>sary dul'S G1·mi111. Virgo. Sagittarius persons f1gun· prum1m·ntly. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Activity l'l'llll'rs on homcfront relauves visit, adjustments w·t• madl' and gift c:ould be n>t.•e1vt.>d which aids in b1.·aul1fymg h ome l!Urroundings. Emphasis also on paynwnll>. (..'Olk<:l1ons. ability to utilize materials al hand. . · CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Program gets going aftt.•r innial delay. Focus .on resurgence, rt•1wwt'Cl vitality, ability to .dC'f1ne terms and lO be at Plght plaet.• at cru,·1al moment. You start slowly, but build unul you are first alTOSS finish line AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Forces appear S<.'Hlll'rl'd: but you anstinl'llvely k,r.')w right move and will allr:tl'I l'<.1publo allies, Individual who aided you Ill pal>I muld make· rcapi)earance. PISCES Wt•b. 19-March 20): You strike chord of umvl•n.o.11 appt•al people want you to succeed. you attral't supportt•rs from vonous quartcn.. Focus :1!-.11 on fric,nds. hoJX>s, ability to make wishes come tnll' /\nc·:.. Libra •rw11vc·:,, f1gurt' promin<•ntly. 20% off good white china For 20 years we've . imported good white china: and the close relationships estab- lf9hed wit1l suppU~ overseas enable us to offer great values. In fact, our prices haven·'t changed since 1980 - when we lowered them I Who says Inflation Is j~evjtable? Shop Pier 1 today. .., ... The new ANAHEIM 509 Katella Avenue. 772-2472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boale¥arcl. 540-7117 ' •• l T· .t0!!R ~~~E~!!HN -. DEAR Oil. STEINCROHN· cm tearfUt every til1l{' one of our rive children romc.>s down with the flu. After relldlnc much lately about aaplrin beina Md for chlldien with ihe flµ, I'm naturally upeet about the compllcadon known as Reye's · Syndrome. OUr own doctor says to foraet It. It'll a . rate oomplicati°". We still aren't sure that taklng) the upirln cauaea Reye'• sy11drome." Ncverth~lcss, I'm-concerned: How do you feel about aspirin and Reye's! -MrL G. DEAR MRS. G.; As your doctor says, "Forget t it" -but not entirely. Reye'a.Syndrome Itself .ls not an "old" illneaa. It was first reported l>Y an Australian ph · , R.O.K'.. Reye-and associates in I . Part of the JOY of Thanksgiving 1s creating a beau11tu1 environfhent tor this special <lay. All o ur arrangements are custom designed to your specit1cat1o~s . . Starting at s 15 · . . _Thanksgi¥ing Special -~' . ~ ' DELIGHTFUL HOSTESS Giff ,1 plant baskt'I 10 txprtss yol'' plt'asurt' 1n bt1n9 1nvllt'd 10 snare 900<1 let1owsti1p, 900<1 rood. an·a 900C1 cfleer ' ELEGANT CENTERPIECE 10 tnn<1nCt' your bounrtous ainntr tablt' in autumnal colors 10 ctltbr<Jlt' int a<lvtnt or int Hohday Stiuon I Delive ry Until Noon on Thanksgiving Day Here Comes Santa Claus Santa Claus Arrives this Friday NOV~~ >' 9 at 7:00 PeM your flWWfte Christmas Carols wllf be IUftf by the Aa Anek1n loys Chorus """ ~ncft at: 6:00-7:0IM:OO P.M. . South Coast Plaza Village ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . Onpltmentary Hot Chocolate wlll be served to 111. LOCllted at Sunflower & Bear Streetl Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 751·M85 - ... .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, November 19, 1982 .. THE · Perhaps the most drama- tic statement of a car's value is not made on demanding test tracks or grueling racing courses With one notable·excep-hmited warranty. Plus a 6-year tton. The BMW 3201. ~m1ted warranty against rust According to the July perforation~• . 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide. · In sum. the 3201 is a car It's made on the forb1dd1ng blacktop of the used-car lot. the average 3201 sold over that remains truly appreciated the past 3 years has retained over the·years. While other cars Where drivers take their automobiles 1n quest of the most elusive of trophies: the coveted rewf!rd of high resale value. an astornsh1n~ 94 5%Jof its become truly depree1ated. original price If you'd hke to sample the In fact. the BMW 3201 more immediate benefits of doesn't 1ust surpass most cars the3201'sperformance. 1n its retention of value. but you can arrange & I And where th~ learn. to their chagrin. that their cars are far leSS' coveted than they had expected also 1n the safeguards 11 pro-a test drive by v1de~ along the way I calling your nearest Every BMW 3201 1s backed BMW dealer. bya 3-year/36.000-mile Mmm11'1• ... •••" .... -. f\1,1-t,11fi fY't,jf!''ttit.lf '"-";'~I••' I.,, lit',,,• •••''J .._.,t'• h U ~ c!' l/v,t•,. ,, ........ !· j ,, WO'of".. P• I I 'N .,. •t , ., t t•t.'·JI )-•• ,,... f ' ..... ' f 'f r '4t' H1J ~ .,.., · • , 1 ' I '. f,,.-w ilft-17 tJt t 1 tf " • ,r '1.,,.,\ •"-u t t\of '>'• ,, cl IX/ .fiMW I ft ,,1t /1 ,,.,'4.d I th tWJ.-H ...... .,.. • • .,. 'Ill • 1Ht"'1 ' ' • ' ~ • .Ji •• ' t. ,. ' ' ti.·~ /' ~ I o1 H1 I I hf"\'(,' . r lfl YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS. ARRANG.J A THOROUGH TEST _DRIVE Alhambra Carioga Park La Habra Newport Beach RtY~rs1de Clll1WY IOI S111Nt11 ... MOTOISA&IS :=.. ..... ... IOJUIMl,IK. Cl F ·-1540 Jd11boree Rd· '7850 lndldnc1 AYe 7050 T~ga I 8.1 l West Main Cdj,J l11d 850 North Beach Street (21 ) 346 3144 Blvd . (714) 640-6444 Pl4) 785 4444 (213) 570-8444 (213) 691-6701 N()( th Hollywood Santa Ana Azusa Glendale NClfKIMW (714) 522-5333 ~[ .. ---... '-. -·- SAVMl ... ,1 .. 800 South Brand Lancaster 4270 Lankersh1m 208 West Ftrst St 791 East Arr(YIN Blvd --Boulevard (71 4} 835·3171 Hi~hway (2 I 3) 246 6543 45:?01 N Scerra (2 3) 967-5331 Hwy (213) 7616133 Santa Monica Hermosa Beach (805) 948 6004 N01Walk OCUll mlllS Beverly H as VISlll POUi ... MUCO IMW 1820 Santa Moncc.s llfftllMWOf 2901 Pacific =Beach 10840 flfe'>lone Boulevard llYlllYllW st Hn; 9022 Wilshire IUClllMW 3670 Cher~ Ave Blvd (213) 829-3535 (213) 868-3233 (71 4) 636-6775 BowleYard (213) 273-3980 Camar 110 IW WATllllS 1MW 411 Da•i On-.e (805) 4 2-8878 (213) 889·2312 PlllUC NOTICE (2 ) 37 0935'' HuntITTgton Park (213) 427-494 llClll&lllHll (714) 636-5790 lllPOITS Mission Vie~ 6000 Paci Bl .. d SHM9K VAWY •c2131583 1901 lllPOnS, ... 28402 Marguente Pkwy (714)-831 2040 P\B.IC NOTICf Patm=c; VJ.A CMS ID. 4095 f OSI Palm Canyon Drr\/fi' (714) 328 6525 FICTmouS ....... I"""'°" COUWT Of' •11G1 .. ,,,_ STATE•NT CALWC>MtlA NOTICI Of' '1LlllG The tollowtng 1*90l'tr 1r1 doing COUNTY Of' LOI ANGIL.El Of' ~ATION TO l>U9i,_. as: 200 W. ~ ... 9l¥d.. -.C:MAU ACCOUNTS' SANTA ANA ARMY & NAVY, c-..-.. tA IOZ20 Of' AM IN9Ulll• E 1002 E 17111 StrHt, Santa Ana, ~ Cenlrel Dl9trlct TYN .. CO..CTION Calltornla 92701 MAMIAGI Of': WITH M ANCH ACQUISITIONS UNITEO MILITARY SUPPLY "ITtTtONE .. : LILLIE MAE Tllll ,, 10 Inform t"9 public that. WEST , INC .. a C1lltornla .. ATM under Secillon 5113 22(b) o l Ille .corporation. 1002 E. 17111 Street, MWONO«NT: .IAMEI LEITER Rulel end AegulelloM tor tneurance 5.,,11 Ana, Calil0<nla 92701 .. ATM ot Accoun11, Downey S•vi~ and This ~ 11 conducted by a llJRWONS (f..._Y LAW) Loan Auoclatlon Co111 Ha, corpor1t1on. c-No. aco Mn2 c a111om1a, Ml lltld an IC>Plieatlon UNITED MILITARY • NOTICll You lteff bMfl 1ued. lor pe<mtsslon lo lnct1-11CCount1 SUPPLY WEST, INC. The court m8J decide..._, rou ol an insurable type by r .. 90l't of MlchMI Sherman wlttMllll ,_ b11nf lleerd IHllH• Ille ecqulllllon ot bfanch ofllcel ot PreelOlnt ,_,......... wtttllrl JO dlya. ftNd Western fldefal S1vingt Ind Loen This 1t1letnent was flied Wtlll Ille IM .....,,....klfl llieklw. A11oc1111on, M1r1na Del R1y. County Clerk of Or1nge Counly on 11 you with to Melt tlle 1dv1C• ol Cal1torn11. IOc:ated 11· October 22, 1982. an ltlorney In 11111 melter. you 1301 Burting1m1 Avenue, LAw OMoe9 of 1llO\lld dO ao promplly 1IO tllal your •Burlingame. San Mlleo County ,,_.., M. Howlfd rllC>Of\M Ot pleadlng. if any, may be 127 N S1nt1 Cruz Ave , Lo• 110 Newpcwt Cer11W om.. filed on llme GetOI, Santa Clara County ..... 2IO, A V'I I 0 I U I t e d II I a Id o 1662 H1m11ton Ave .. San JON. Newpcwt hech, CA 92llO dem111d1do. El lrllt11n1I pued• Sent• Clara County F200JU ~ -"• Ud. 1111 ..... , ndl 1 1« 11 Big Basin W1y, Sar11oga, Published Or1nge Co111 01ily .,._ .,. Ud. ,.....-cllMro Santi Clara County Piiot. OCt. 29, Nov. 6, 12. 19, 1912 de'° ..... LN la lllformecklfl .,_ 2 Bayl\IH Shopping Center. S"1 4750-t2 ...... Bruno. S111 Mateo County --------.....;-==~;.... SI U1t1d Ou•• tollcttar 11 700 WllCll R~d. Palo Alto, Sanl• PlllllC NOTICE onMIO de un abog1do en •at• Ctar• County 1 u n Io , deb er 11 II 1 c • r Io 2945 Tiie Vllllgel Parkway, San FICTITIOUS 8U ... SI 1nmedl111mente. de 11te manera. J(>M. Santi C11r1 Counly. NAm ITAftmNT au re1pu11ta o alegaclon, 11 ll1y Anyone may write ln•l1vor or The loilowlng peraone we doing 1lgun1, pued• 11r r1gl11rad1 1 protest Of 1111 1ppllcallon Your ~ aa: tlempo. commenll ml)' dlsc:uu, but are not EXCALI BUR LIMOUSINE 1. TO THE RESPONOENT The limlted to. IM IPC>llc:.,,1"1 record of SERVICE. Onl Newport Pl-. Suite p1llt1oner 11u llled 1 petition pertorm1nce In hllplng to mMI Ille 7&0, Newport BH ch, C111tornta coneerntng your n:1arrlage. If you fail c r • d It n • • d s of II 1 Io ca I 92MO 10 1111 a rNPOf\11 within JO days ol cornmunlllll Four ce>plel muet be J MRP TRANSP ORTATION, lhl dill 11111 tllll iummon1 ii rKelved by "Supervlaory Aoenl, INC .. • Callf0<nl• ccrpor11lon, One Mtved on you, your dellUlt may bl Federal Homa Loan 81nk ol 8111 NewpOt1 Pl-. Sult• 750. Newport entered and 1111 court may .,,,., 1 Fr1ncleco, 800 c111tornla Slr11t, leKh. Clllfornil 92ta0 judgment contllnlng 1n1unct1~ or Poat Olltc• Bo• 7 114 3 . S en J M R P other orden oOf!Olmlng dlvt.lon of Fr1nct1Co, Ca1ttornl1 114 t20," by TRAHSPm.TATION, INC. prop1r1y. IPOUH I aupport. clllld November 211. 1N2 An lddttk>nal Alcll1td S. Paul. cuatody, child 1uppo11. allorney 20 day• to aul>rnll commenll m1y Vici f>rllidlnt 1-. coata, Ind IUCll other rllllf 11 be oblalned. provided IUCfl r--1 ll"9 ll•t_,t -llllO with t111 m11 bl gr1nled by Ille court The 11 r1c1 1ved In writing by the County ~3 1~::"lllQI Coun1y on g1rn1111m,nt of w1ge1. llklng ot ~ AOl"I by NoWmblr 29, Of:toJlte ~ ' f'O<mtY..0£.,R!QPtrJ:i...Jlr O lier COUf1 1912. MiGll' I "'""· · 1utliorT1eapToiiii"cfTng r'r'lay'"'l•o .....,.,,,,. ...,...... • 1v9111111i.1 ~ Mifl • LAw r.utt pro1111 m1y r1Qu111 1 n o r1I ... tu•-.......... Oiied Nov9mblr 30, 11181 ar~I on Ille ~Ion M ... ._..... ,.._, ) JOhn J. Corc:0t1n. Clar'!! forth In Section 543 2(f) Of Ille~ 0.. .....,..,. ,...._ D. Cot11n1. Dlpuly and A19ul1tlon1 for Ille Flder11 .... 7W -· ,.----...., -Pubtllllld Ot1ng1 CoH I Dally S1vlng1 and Loen Sytlem. fe>t I *"""-r--o--,-.. Pilot.Nov 5, 12, 111,26. 1912 protetl t o bl con1ld1 r1d ·-•896-82 tubt11n1111, II mull 6e written "ubll1h1d Of1nge Co111 0111, ____ ;;;;.........;...;..._____ rec:llvld on time. and cont.in et PllOt. Oct. at. Nov. 5, 1~. 19, 1H2 "8.IC NOTICE ..... Ille lollOwlnQ: t) • "'"'IT*Y of - ________ 4_7-=-.U-the ,....,.,. IOr h proteet. ,, .... .... ,. tPICMo ,,.....,. ..... '° Ill Ille "8.IC NOTIC( l'tennoul -• 1pptlc1tton ~ 111 lite ~1·a ~r c~W'f'IOereoordl;=·11111•1ec111 • r id..;.w:. ··~ "7'("t. -..-----· -OOlllO l>utlnlN .. flnlflClll .... INllllll. ~ ~ penoftl -BASHFUL BAGEL. u o 11141 prolHt, Ind 4) •llY MvetH THE PAATAAN COMPANY, Hltbor Blvd • Co111 M•u . 1t11ct1 on yovr or9anl111ton or Van Nuys -... --5230 Van Nuys Boulevard (;> 13) 788-1791 P\RJC NOTICE LmQM. NOTICE Nolle• ta hereby given tllet purau.,,t to Section 19h end or A B. 750 Clvll Cod• St••• of C ... tornle. The 111ldelt1gned will ... at Publlc HI• by Competitive 91ddlng on t h e 27111 d ly of ~ 1912, 11 00 a.m on Ille SW..._ wllere Mid proPerty hail tie.I ltored and wtlldl .,. localed al tm«natlonel Seit Storage. 17901 Morgan Lane , Huntington Bei!Ctl, Coul\ly o f Ofl•n ge. S tale ot Ctlllfofnla The •bendoned QOOdS, Cll•ll•I• dHCrll>ed below In Ille mall.,. of L-• Or .... -S~ "&4 SMiie Star -Sp,_ 11 105 AerOfl $ouQher'I -S~ •II Herlowe Kb1te -Space • 131 (car ~•I OMut• Spacznskl -Space •62 HouHno119 good1. paraonal ett1c11 . tool1, r1frla1tor, boll tprlng1. bids. end mrtc111aneou1 llemt. Landlord ·--1111 right to bid al 1111 Hie. purc1111e1 mu11 be made Whn cun only and pa1c1 for 11 the time of purcll-. All purcllnecl gooOI .,. llOlcl 11 11, and mu1t be r9fflCMld 11 the time of purcilleM Siii IUOjl!Ct to prlOf ~tlon In 1111 event of Mltlefnent b•t- tandlofd, MCI obltgeted party O.i.d tlllt 4th day on Novwnber. 11112 lntemellonal Seit Storage 17801 Morgan Wine ~= Bei!Ctl, CA Publtlfted Or1ng1 Cout Dally Piiot, Nov. 12, 19, 11112 41147·12 P\RIC llOT1Cl I t ........ F Calll0tnl1 9282' conllftlllllt)' wt11ct1 mey r..it lrOll'I 25111 I . FalfVltw reet. --• 8yt1k Ent1rprl111. lno • • -.>towll ol the ~ton llM• Ana.~~...... C111tornl1 c0tpor1tlon, 3420 W ro-i ~ IOc* II "'9 llPClllCltton ..aJC llJnCl ,,..._,"°"""V.:.~ nett • 'c~dll1m 8tr111. 81n11 An•. enCI 111 commenle llled el 1111 llOTa CW AlfiUDATIOll Aon1td Miiier, 144 l(Vlllow _,ornll 12T04 fllClerll Home LOii\ llrlll of ltn T 0 I ILL AL D 0 M 0 LI C l prlno•. OlenCle le . Ci lllornl• Thie bu*'-II CIOfWNctea 111 • F r1nc1eco, unleu 111y 111'1l h ~ t lttO oorporltion IMMrillt .,. ..._. 111 ilw "°"' ........., 1. 1111 T1lll .,_,..,_. te oonduC*I by t I~ e-.-.. Ille pulllC OlldOMe If )'OU '*'9 en, To W11on1 It Mir c..m: o--• panMflfllp. J.,,. M. o.w.tte. QllHtlOllt COllH r nlng ...... OLllN, ,_.,tel• ... MA ..... ~ Mllier f>rellOenl prooedllf9e, oon1eot Ille lliPervtorY N1noy o. are::'~= cc:~~~=..~: ~~~=.. .... eo: ~ =r:::,:z=:: =ii·~r~.:::=: °"""It, tMI. , .... I ,_., '9ot, Hot, II, II, flU ~ ... '"'' ....,. llfeel, l'V~ Of•nte co .. I Dell)' Pulllllhff Or1noe Co1t1 o.lly ...---------~m;1._. lllOll, Ce ....... ...... OC. It. Now, l . 11, 11:....!.."! l'llol. NO" I. l 2, tt. 2t, ''Hoi-tt Went A4 Help1 Ofeftl9 CMet Deir --4~ 142·Jjl11 ........... tt.... .. .. .... .... . • Handling bill collectors I • • lair debt act protects debtors from abuse and harassment · By LOUISE COOK ......... ,._ W'*' , I I ones. Ii aent.•ra lly covl"rll onl~ what ~ known u "third-party bill c.'Ollecton -peopli' hittd '° collect debt.I owed to 10m~ne else. It does not, for example, co v ~r 1o m eo n e fr o m 11 depa~tment 1,1ore who 111 &rying to collect m oney o w ed to tha.t de partmenl a10re. Wht.'TI tht• ball.a 11t.urt pilin1 up, the! bill t'Olll'l·tor rn.ay nol be far bt•h1nd • T he m~·re mc nllun ot lhe words "bill c.'ollt>('tor " lll'nd• llhudcJcra throutth m<>11t people, but federal luw prott.'ClB dcb&Ors against many of ihe thlngs thl'y may ft>ar. T he. protection COIJlC.'8 from the Fair Debt Collectil7n Practlct.•i; Act which prohibits harassmen t, thre a ts a nd o thl'r a bus ive practict.'S. T he law allows a bill collec:tor , to con tact 10meon e other than the debtor -'an employer. for example -only to diaL'Over or verify the debtor'• location. The collector muat identify hlmtell or he nielf. but can identif)'. ha. or her employer only if r~ired to do so. Collectors cannot reveal the f~t that the consumer owea money and are not allowed to uae a post card or ln any way reveal their debt-<X>llection activitY.. A bill t·ollector cahnot, Cor e x am pl e, ca ll you a t a n mt'Onvenlcnt or unusual Ume generally before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m. He can't keep calling you at w ork if you say il is incon- venient. He can't tell your boss or your co-workers about your debts, unless you say it is okay, a court says it's all right or such a n announc.-ement is part of a <.'Ourt judgment. And he can't threaten you or your family with harm .. · A bill collector who violates the Fair Debt Collection Practi~ Act may be sued by a debtor for actua l d a m a g es, a ddi t io nal damages up to $1 .000, court cost.a and reasonable attorney's fec.'5. There are some restrictions in the law. It applies to personal, family or household debts, but not to business or commercial . Stewart Construction finishes Mesa· complex J .A. Stewart Co111tructloa, Co. of Westminswr has completed the six-story Financial Center West., the tallest of.(k,-c. complex on 17th atceet in Costa Mesa. Ow.n«;d by J .B.S . F inancial Center West, Ltd .. professio n al o ice space, plus subter ranean parking. Tenants will have unobstructed views of the valleys. mountains. Newport Bay and 'Catalana Island. Corporate oHices of Tbe West Companies have been re located to #4 Upper Newpor t Plaza. Ne wport Beach. 92660. The move resulted from expansion of company acliviues and those of its member firms -Golden West Capital G roup. Inc .• a real estate investment and development firm. Sea West Construction Co. and Sun West Brokerage Co. The telephone number of T he Wl'St Compan ies remail\s (714) 851-9322. Offices were previously OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND ..... Ivy I'd JP GrVI I .. CllllY llllBI--- located in the Beach . Joining the 15-member family of Ha'Penay Inns is the former Ambassador Inn on 2277 Harbor Blvd .. in Costa Mesa. The Phelan G roup, owner- operators of both chains. in addition to other motels a nd apartments throughout C.lifomia, are phasing out the "Am bassado r " na me in favor o f the successful "Ha'Penny" approach. The con version of Ambaisador Inns from Sacramento to San Diego is expected. to take six months. a n d will provide Ha'P enny w ith 19 locations throughout califomla. Un NL Grwtll la.to NL Mut Stir U.11 15 . .0 N .. H T 1.5' t.JO Nat Avie N•-J~ oEl.c 810<1 .... ""'°'". Sy1t~ ~ a.n.nr JlfylftCI s •..-sy • ~·t wt E-1 H•MrlTr MDCCp Cmt>Term HitrtCI I Me•'d.d P•vlm.r Com•lr l•Mr Ar .. nGp •utoTro4 SupMIO CoMO OvleEn FlnNw WI Ylc1••$t UI~~ .c.i:t, ,.... . " J • ~ •'-+ H• ,.~ . "' ,,._ . "' ,.. ... 11\, • ,, .. '~ • 1 i, .... h ,. .. ,-,. ~ • 1 11 • 1llrt J'loo • "' J.,, .. ') '"' ,. ..... ,,.., • \1 ,... . , '"" . ' '"' . "" ,,.,, • Ji.. '"' .. '• 1 + ~. 1 • ~. l " .. . . "' OOWNI oi. "' -"" -"" I ~. ~. 1 .. "' ~. ~. ... .... -'"' Wt \., Wt -"" -... -"' -1 "' "' -"" .. -~ "' P<I " Up .. , Up 01.t Up D.J UP 29.t Ull n.e UP n 1 Up n.1 Up 11.7 Up 2'.J ~: ~H Up 11A UP 11 .J Up ... 7 UP 1' 1 Up 1'.7 UP 1'7 Up "' UP IJ • Up H 0 Up t• I Up t•A Up 1• J Up t• J Up 14 I UP t• J ~· ' orr U J Off IS I Off ,. J Off •••• Oft , •• °" ,, • Oii ti I Off II I E 11.I II.I 110 Oft 11.e Off t.J °'' '·' °" • s orr " Off " orr .., Off ... Ofl .. , °" '' Off 11 Off 7.t °" 1.S g: ~:l ()fl 11 Sl11Ta ID NL 5lr1t1nv 7.• I,,.._ llrlt Giii t1A NL ~rlll 11.11 1L1' T:..=.,~!-12 ! .... 2'ft)UJ .... '·• '·" .. Id ••n..• 1'.D 11 It ta NL 11 2S It.» lt 01 NL l~ ~t ..... NL "" NL NL == J NYSE t:OMPOSl"fE .TRANSACTIONS ou~tiu10.t 11tcLuD1 t•aou 011 t .. 1 ••• 'f'O•ic ••Dw1u, ••t1•1c. ,,.,, •onCHI. 01uo1t ~·D c111c11t1tAT1 nou 9a .... a1tOUA1tbllH>•faDl'I' '"' Nll\DANlllN•llNlf , 1u. 1ue2 •• Oil f i.rrns agog . over off shore find LOS ANGELES (AP) -.. 011 compnrH(•K are eagerly Unlna up for permit• to lncrcaK> drilhng' operations In a new field off the central rom.t of California that appear• to bt-the biggest domcstk petrolt'um diK'Overy In more than u dl'<'!!de. . . The field In the Sant~ Maria &din off Point ArMllo could be large enough to aff«t world oil prices, according to an authoritative trade publlc·ataon. Petroleum Intelligence Weekly said the reserves may have "International lmphcations ... that <.'Ould be far-reachina. for the induatrv and the Orf'anizatwn of Petroleum Expe>rllnfi C.ountries (OPF.C).' Analysts say as much aa a biJlion barrels of recoverable crude oil may lie in the basin whiC'h stretches about 130 mtles north from Point Arguello, a .' foggy promontory about 150 miles north of Los .Angeles. The biggest previous di'scovery. Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, ha.s reserves estimated at about nine billion barrels. Air fare war escalates NEW YORK (AP) -Two of the nauon's biggest airlines have jumped into the New York-to-California fare war started by Capitol Air, bul the little airline says it doesn't mind the competition. "It's sheer .lunacy ," said Lawrence Anderson, senior vice president of Capitol, after learning Thursday that United Airlines and Trans World AJrlines; were matching Capitol's new $99 fare. "i love it. It's free advertising. They've helped us a lot.''~rson said. , Olipftol. a former charter carrier with 13 jets, was on the brink of bankruptcy :in 1980 until 1t began flying scheduled transcontinental servi('(.'. Between them, TWA and United run abo}J.t 550 jets. Utilities to aid needy LOS ANGELF.5 (AP) -Low-income i:ustomers will get help with their winter bills as early as next month through a fund set up by Southern California .Edison Co .. and Southern California Gas Co., the utilities said. San Diego Gas & Electric also will provide help for the needy this winte r. Edison said Thursday u p tO $3 million wiU be made available. The company will provide $500,000. and an additional $1 million each to matc h contributions from the general public on ''a dollar- for-dollar basis." Electric rates will not be affected it said. . . The utilities said in written announcements'they will use one or more local charities to distribute the' funds. but plans weren't yet finalized. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ·WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAK (AP) Hov. 11 T-.z. ... ,.. ,.,. 110 3 NEW YOAlt !AP) Hov 17 MET~LS TocMy 42' IH 111 '" 41 ' Prwv. O.y Ul !tll in en n , NEW YOFU( CAP) -SpOI nonlarroua ,.,.. .. PflOll today; C••~' 701\\-72 cant• • pound. US CIMtll\etiOnL "-" 21~.2$ °"'".pound, ZIM 31-42 _,._a pounO, ~ICI "" .. 0740 ........ w .. ~II lb. ~ 76 QW!tl I pjbtcl. N Y ...._, $365.00 ........... N ~ SS40.00434t 00 1'oy ounc:.. SILYEI DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOlllUAPI f i,..1 Oow-J-~ •"9'• -T""rW.y, Hov II STOCKS JD Incl °"" ...... Law C-0. 1D lrl'I II Ult ., s.. ·-· Tr.., Ullls 6S 54• .•• AMERICAN LEADERS N•llM I L1GaftlS¥C 2 EmpOE plB !::'.::~Sir S 01hrl1Hou 6 HMW Incl 1 GTFI t.1'pl I At1J'•GtP t Ttm11tl'lt llf• IO lllU<.oll ,, -te•I• U Lh-11111 ta KC SllWI"' ,. •1t1'hlr9t U Oll£CI >• ,. P•tflOPtr 17 Unl'erll IWfl II C¥1t F rllC ttPerml.., •HIUI-' ··~····· I I lllA rlSeu Inv :::=r P<I. Up ll 3 Up 16,7 Up 16.0 Up 14,7 Up 1•.6 Up U.S Up U.O Up 11,9 Up 11.4 Up 10.t Up 10.I Up Ill Up U UP 1-1 Up 1-1 Up 1.7 Up U Up 1_2 UP 7.1 u, 7.1 Up 7.7 UP 77 Up 7.J Up 7.4 Pel Of! IU Ofl IU Of! ... Oft ... Oft ••• Off 1• Off u Oft •• Off SI Ofl SJ Off u Oft s.1 Off st °" •• Ot1 • t Off •• Qtl •• °" •J Off u Otl ... °" •.I I Off ··~ Off •• .. I· -'-I .. .. Orangij Const DAIL V PILOT !Frid y, N~vembor 1'9, '1982 I THE •. ",..~,. CIRCl'N "That's only half a hlJg,, Mommy. Use both arms." ' by, Brad Anderson '1 -·-... ~··· "The doctor doesn't want to see him, either!'' THEY JUST O~OPPED WHAT'S THAT CAA SOME DAME OFF' STOPPINC:J OUT IN MAYBE SHE'S A NVF'.SE FRONT OF THE OOIN6 ON DUTY' HOSPITAL'? ACROSS 52 Alcohol. 1 ~IUd 2 words 5 Came out -54 Waited 58 VlfSlfin 10 Heave 59 Arab clolll TMURIDA Y'I PUZZLl IOL YED ..,.--1~~~~60~hon 15 Sopfano. e g 6211M1ibu.,_.&tiitiiiiiiii 16 W1119llke 65 Chimed 17 Play parts 67 Santa - 18 Penetrate 69 lt¥9ftt 19 Exotic tall 70 Grut Barrilf 20 Gtend • Jslllld swtfllng 71 Shoe lief 22 St>tnrllktr 72 lib helter 24 Hombres 73 letter• 25 Nart1tts 74 Obdurate 27 Mllodorous 75 WIVlf 2t H•d Cindy DOWN -.. ~tot#.-..-;....-..-lit 2 Dotty 28 Piie• 33 Bay Artt lort 3 C"l)ablhtMls 29 Angry 34 "n·a --4 AMoy 30 USSR erty 53 lower trldt" SCrosscountry 31 ~ 54 PlitYl"l!CMd 38 Jiit """"'8r Hr nt91tlYI 35 Color lmpar•5 Taper off .o u S Atrny 7 Smell birds ter • H Rallll'• mate Mgaotl I Aqua INll 37 b1991'ale 57 Actor Robef1 42 Sflowroom t Epodl 38 Hindu c-• tO Trudi part "Olympus" ~ _.,. t I Tt•• Wint 3t SttOller 45..... 12 Oregon City 41 Moribund °"*"°'' 13 T"'9lfold OM 47 OoclfN 2 t f .. t lllencl 43 Acedemy ff Moll 13 FllltlcatlOnl 4e "(-'of • ,,. 2t w.e.... -.. 8 I Ont trllllonttl· Prtf1• 13S.blrd .. Sold tl'9trol .. Top1Cor9, ii I BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Th1re'1 one In every crowd." , DE~~IS TH•; '9E~Ac·•; ·Hank Ketchum ______ .... ~~ -" • • Pt:.4Nl'TN SHO•: •GORN • ,, HERE YOO A~E ., . A NICE CUP OF TEA AND AN EN6U~ MUF'F'IN ! r ••t ~8' ,. W l~KERBE" ~ I JUST~ HAVE SO't'IElHIN& r-OR t,()J HERE! "' ,. FOR •ETTE• o• t•e• •o •11 ~1 \F ELIZf\Be.iH CX>ESN'r Ut<E. rut/ClflJ?. W.'I~ I ~ ·:::,-/ ('j ~ I a_ -------c.--·--- A'JD 'X>O'l'.E 6000 AT MA'TH ... by Charltl M.,khulz I MATE ·TMHI '-6 ANO \ &IEAi..FMT' ~ES ... ~~ by Gus Amola by Tom 81t1uk --.ct . -. . Orringe"Coalt DAILY ~LOT/Friday, November 19, 188:? \ , 1~"' MUC •TICl MOC •nee MUC..,ta~ rua1e NOYG 11 l·l~...-...-~~~~~-:'~~1-...-~...-...-...-...-~~...-~--~~.,.._..;_.,.._ ...... ~--...-~ _. _, • ...... NOTtCI ~ ""'9lll'I ULI N0TICe W TMllTU'I 1AU -.oaTANT NOTICI LeM 111. ,.....,, t l oen No • T,I. 111. llC flt " YOUA PAOPl!ATY 18 IN NOT101 OP T'M111'11'1 IAU 11100114 O/HUTCMINS~ NOTICI '01111CLOIUAI! llCAU8E· YOU T.a. 111. ~ f 9 Ho 1 003ff YOU AM IN OIPAULT tJHa.A A AM KH!f«> IH Y<>vf' PAYMUH8y YOU AM IM Ol'AUl T UHOlA A PonoetOM f'llllll\Clal C«llOftUon DUD°' TlllUIT. DATIO JUNl!.!!1 IT MAY II IOl.D WITHOUT AH OHO M l!WIT. OATIO MARCH • dUIY ~•led,,,,_, .. ullOef IM 1tl0, UNl.191 YOU TAl<l ACT!Uft COUlllT ACTION, Md~ may Ila,.. t , tt7' UHLlll YOU TAKI lollowlnl CleM:ll~ deed of 1111 .. I TOPAOTtCTYOU..P..OPfRTY,IT tN~fiO'lllObflngyouteooount ACTION TO PflOTICf YOUR Will I LL AT PU8LIC AUCrtON ,MAY 8l SOU> AT A PUllJC IALI. Ill OOod tttndlng by paving ... ~ Plll()PfRTY, IT MAY H 80l.O AT A TO '"' HIOHfl!IT e1oot• roA I ,Ir: YOU.HUD AH 019\.ANATION r111r PHI Clue PljlllAttta ptue PUILJC 8ALI " YOU NllD AN CA.811 fPIW•blt ti 1111141 of~ ... In ro F TH I NAT U Al 0 F TH I P•rmllleCI GOii• en Cl t•peneH IXl'LANATIOH OF THI HATU .. I iewtUI mon.y ~ 111t Unlled Ol~!:~:l I PlllOCelDIHO AGAINST YOU. YOU wfttlln lllrw tnOllllll llOl'llJIMI ~le ~ THE PROCl!l!DtNO AOAINllT ell r19hl, IKlt tnCI lrll•MI c IHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER, INt notlG4 Of deleult WM recorded YOU. YOU el\(>UlO CONTACT A 10 lltld now 1111<1 bv n utw* MIO On ~ml>M 3, 1112, 81 t :1t Tiii• •mount le ltHO 00 Hof IA.WYER. D d ... , T ' "M .. HleRITAOE ESCROW. INC_, I Ocitobef 2 '· 11112. Ind ""'" lnqtHM On November 2t, 1112. ,, •· 16 ..!!in.ti .. J::.,:.o•h• properly Cellfornle corporation H Owlr untM YG'K ec;c;ount beeor!* current AM . OSL tlRlllCir; COMPANY. M TAUSTOA 9Ef'NA()INE A Nl'.ll, appoln•••d TrUllH under •nd You m., not 118119 lo pey 11'9 ttltlft duly eppoiftted Truetee under Md HUTCH HVlOHIN80N ,,.,,_,to Dted of Truat l'eCO(Oeel unpeld portion Of your 1c:coun1. pvr~I 10 Deed of lruet 'fOOl'ded BENtflCIARY MISSION IAY ~~ 1110. u ~.No. t771. In even lllougll lull p1ymen1 WH MAA 17, tt7e, tnel. No lfttO, In MORTGAGE COMPANY ,aen41 Puo111n1d Orung• CO•ll O•Ll'I P1101. Nov 111, 2&. Qec 3. 10, 108;l ... 6053 112 -f31163, P* 137, of Otllcllil delMnded, bul you mull P•Y Ille bOol< 12800. f>loe 1MO, ol Oltlcl8I Alc()(ded December 4. tt81 .. Aeoofdl In the otflct Of the County MIOUl'll lll!fd •bove. Rtic01d• In tile ollloe of, ... couno.. l"•lf No '446 In ,....,.., 14•1'" ,__ Aeooro.r ot Orange County, Sta• Afttt 111r .. mon1111 lrom tl>t dll• ~der of Orlfl09 ~ty. lttM ii':s o1 Olfic:lal ~ In~,_;·~ of C8llfornlL Eucuted bv EAIC M. of recordellon ol 11111 documen1 ol catlfOfnll. e1tecvted by Pemell rJ lllt Recorder of Orangt Couniy, PlalC NOTICE 8AUNS WILL SELL A'f PUBLIC i=:d81• ol recordellon eppeert 0 Tw ... • alflOle WOf'n8fl Md Icon 8eld ci.ect ol tru11 deter1WI the 'ICTI...,..'a llUllNlll ~UCTION TO H1Gl4t8T llODIR ). un .... 19-Obllgatlon being D. Hotlttlef, e elngle man, Dmitri following 1t• .. nlTIMINT FOR CASH (pay•ble at time of Nit lotecloMCI upon pel'mll1 • 1on111" TarH •nel Vlo111 W.rle TerH Lot 111 TrllCll No' •009. 1n tile '" Ml.IC NOTICE Jn l•wlul monty ol '"' UnlleCI period, you llave only Ille legit tight llY1banc1 Incl wife .. lf\ltlor, WILL City of Cotll Me11. County ol The lollowlng pereon 11 Clotng at .... ) It the front entuwie to !tie lo et.6p ll)e lor-ecto&ure by P•ying SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO 0r811ge, Stell ol Clllltornl1 ... per bulii~u'~enE 615 Tllrougll 51'., ,ICmlOUI .,.._ .. City CounllOUM, loc:8teel on Sanf8 the entire ll"OUnl dellllnd•CI· by MIGHEST llDOER FOR CASH m-.i recOtOed In bOolc 141, P80I" Laguna Bffctl. CA 112e~1 TIWI =!T:=-: • ...,,_,, An• BlvCI., betwHn Syoemort ~creditor-. (pay•ble et time 01 .... In lewlul 10 24 lnclu11ve, Ml1ce111neou1 JOHN 0 PEfBLES. 6 J6 bu··~·•• . .., v_.,, Street 81\d 8roedw1y, 88n1• AM. II you heve eny qunt1on1. you money 01 the Unit.a Stat .. 1 tt tile Mepe. In Ille office ol the coun1y c -· ... -Callfof'nlt aH.rlgf'lt, tlllt llnd Int.,.. 111ou1e1 con11c1 •lawyer or tll• front entrenoe to tile old Or•noe r-der of said couniv. Tllrough SI . Lagun• B••cll. A SOUTHWESTERN MAN• eton.eyed 10 anCI now lleld 11y " tovernmenlel egencv 'Wlllch m•y Counly Courtllou ... louted 011 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT U~DER A 92861 .A 0 E M ENT ... N 0 A EA l TY Linder Mid Oetd ol Truet In tlll hew IMured y<Nr loan lent• An• Blvd between 0££0 OF TRUST DATED 1212191. Thi• t1Uline11 It conduClld by Ill COMPAN_YJ 2915 R.Ohlll Avenue, brOpetty llt118ted In Mid County ,._ember, YOU MAY lOSE 8)'cariiore 811 end·~ IMt8 UHLES$ YOU 'PA.KE ACTION TO 1ndMdual. 8'11111 A·IU4, Colll ...... 112t2fl Wlt8te dllco1bed ai LIGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT Ane C8lll .. rlgftt lltle Md-... PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Jofl!\ G .....,.,.. . Alden p Perr; 7f~ C8rbon : ,ARCEL t: • TMC'E PROMPT ACTION. conWyed IO Ind' now lleld by It MAY BE SOU> AT A PU8llC 8Al..E. Th11 .... .,,,..,, -hltCI '<Miii Ille Clrc ... La Pliml. Ca. 90623 ~• Ttte £Mt h81f ot Ille W•t 111111 of NOTICf IS HEREBY GlllEN ,,.., und .. ealCI Deed Of Tru1t In the IF YOU NEED AN EXPl.ANATION ::OW'ty Cletk Of Oranoe County on JamH Fl . GM1lnger. 28020 SoutlleHI qu•rttr ot th• ~I 10 Artlcie l/111, Section• 1. property •l•u•teel In aald county 0 F J HE NAT u RE 0 F T 11 E 'lovembtr 9, 11182. Grenlflftt B1vo .. •C. Palo• llero .. ,,_., quarttt of Section 10.. :t 8!)d 3 of '"• Oecl•t1llon ol 111\d St•I• dMCribecl -PROCEEOINOS AGAINST YOU. F2t"'2 Penlneula, c •. 90274. OWftlfllp&Soulli.Aange7Wlll,of Coven1nu, Condlllona and Lot 334 of Trect 1712, In Ille YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A Publlslled Orange Colll OlllV Tllll 1>14,-1• eonducltcl by 1 !tie 88n Bernetdlno Merldlen, In IN Aeetrlctlona recorded J~ 13. 1880 City of Coell Mell, County ol LAWYER. Piiot, Nov 12, 19. 26, Dec 3, 1082 generel ptr1nerllllp Countv of Orenge, St•I• of In 800ll 13835, PIQU 1111·883 of Orenge. Slit• of C811fornl•, •per 1118 Pllcialr". Coeta M .. •. CA --,. 6018-82 Alden P Perrv ' Calltornle, according 10 an offlolll OfllClel Record• of Or111ge County, m1P recorded In booil 50, pegee 32 1128,_ Tlllt 11e1emen1 w11 llled wltll 1111 plat of Mid lend flied In Ille dletrlcl C1llfornle, I bre•cll ~I tile 10 38 lnctuelve, Ml•cellineoui .. 111 • •lrMI addr"' or cammo" "8.IC NOTICE County Cl«k of Orange Counly on liwtd Office. ob 11 g e I Ion o I Pa Y m • n 1 0 I Mepa, In the office of Ille county Clellgn1l10n ol property 11 111own • FICTITIOUa auliNE11 Nov 111. 1982 Exoept eny portion 1"-ol IYlllG 111111"*'" hes occ:urred. Nolloe recorder of Mid COU11ty. llOove, no wetr1nty le given u 10111 N.ula ITATEMENT non1o b .. erty of the ~ decrllled of Mid brHCJI •nel llen WH hi.,<! EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oll, complet-u or co<rect,....I" The Tiie lollOwlng person II doing Publlllled Orenge CoHI Dilly PUaJC NOTICC rtaJC NOTICE .....,, .. 'ICTIT10UI IU-H 'ICTITIOUI _,._ .. MAim aTA~ N.u. BTAR.NT T1>41 lollowlng pttlOfll we Oo1ftO Tiie IOllowlng Petton• att doing bu11ne11u ~-CAI• CLINIC. tMe PIK«illl DU I< E T I M B E R R 0 0 F Avenue. Bldg. "B". a..11 Meea, STAUCTUAES, 2841 Dow A"etlue, C1lllornl1 92827 ~ Tuetlll, Celllorni. 112880 Scagllottl Oac:ar 1 530 w. Wlleon Peelle COHI Tim tier, Inc .• a 1'4.15, Coste MIN, Calltofnla 02121 C8111ornla corpor•llon. 2841 0o,. Getto Hor•cto. 1&H Amuo A--. Tuecin, Calltorni. 92680 Drive •3. Huntington Beecll, Thie~ 11 conCIUC1ed by• C1Hf0fnla 92847 corporatlen. T'hla bull,_ la conduetad by 1 Pacific Coatl generll parlflerehlp limber, )no ~ 0ac:ar ScaGiiottl Tflla 1181~ .WU flied w1tll tile lhla 11•1-I wu Ned wttJI I.lie Coumy Clerk ol 01ange Coun\Y on County Clark of Or~ County on No'I. 2, 1982 November 2. 1982 F201 t• '-1141 Publl1lled Or•no• Cont Oally Published Or•no• c o111 D•lly PllOt, Nov IS, 12, IQ, 28, 1982 PllOI, Nov -S, t2. 111. 26, 1912 4908-82 4813-82 _,;;... _________ _ I lne: A~t 12. lllll2 u Document No, 0 • • • m In • r a 11 an Cl o 111 •' benellclery unel•r Hl<L O#•d of b'3s1ness as Piiot, Nov 19, 28, Dec. 3, 10, tt82 • &eolnnlng at I point on the SOutll 12· 12114 ol said Olflcl•I Record•. llydrocarbon1, below a dlplll of 900 Jrull. by-r111on or • Br .. cll or I FEDE RA TED TA)( S ERVICE 6l t4-82 .. -IC llftftl't llne ol 11ld SoutllH1t qu•rt•r. No peymenl of P"' due •mount• IHI. wlllloul tile rlgllt of surf-deleull In 111t obllg1Uon1 Mcured ,752 w 19th s 1 .;0sta 'Meaa. CA.1 '"-""1 ~ ~TITIOU8 .,.... •• Ml.IC NOTICE Soutll 0•33·00" We11, from• IM*tl "--red Therefore, IM Slrcol entry. u reett'Yed In IMtruments of tflereby, 11ere1ofore executed eod 92827 PlalC NOTICE ,ICnnoua .,..... MAim ITAT'lmNT South 13•49•40" l••t. 11.93 *' lr"'"9 8u9loele Park I Aesoctallon nKXl'd Cl II d I Ill d I d 'ft.... f~ d torn Ille w---.. 1~ ~ -...... ooee hereby elect 10 c9UM 10 be Tiie atrHI eddr••• ind ot"'-r • vere 0 • un era on• a An1r;iony Porcero, 4 12 Herding 'ICTITIOUI 8UllNSll .. ._ W All•MT """ --.., pereons are OtnG __ ., "'.._, f ·-Mitten Dectar111on of Default end s 1. Balboa. CA 92661 .. a. aT·---NT The following perllOnt we ........ ~ ~-= Cllr1MI COUfM on !tit C1911.., line o4 IOICI, Ille Ollowlng Cleecrlbed rHI common .._._ .. ,Ion," eny, of IN o..n.nc1 tor Sele Ind rlllen notice T .... ,.,_ Cl bu-'~• u ' """"" ROSE MANOR, 24843 Illa SMwr""'o ~ ,._ .... ..__,..__. propel'ty to aallaly tile obl""•Uon: r••I prop"'-w'erty 0-... ~,1 .. _ ... e"'o~ 1, • w T111s business IS conelucteo by an lie 1o11ow1ng peraona ere OlnQ ........ • -,_ -,,_ l....aT A .,... ~ ....., v •• of bfMCll end of elecllon to cause i!ldlvldUll ' l>UllneSI 85. COASTAL AS8001A"TE8, 3151 S•nla Cruz, Min ton lltejo , W Soutn 83•4 4CY' f:•, lt:Ol 1911t " " purported to II«. the undetalgneel ~o--•11 U ICI -Anthony Porcaro £J}IJC'ATION COAPOAATION ..Alrw•y. Sulle C·t, Cotll MeH, CallfCN'nle 02t82 1,.. '"• deed to '"• County ol PARCEL 1: 1129 Arbor St., Cott•~. c'A property 10 aatlaly Mid obllglllonl, Tf'llS Sl8tem~>nt was hied Wllf'I tho OF ···ERICA ·soo Clm"'·• Drive Celllornl1112628 -Tllomaa A.. Barber. 24843 VID Or11ng41. recorded ln·book 1430, Unit 2-C, In the City Of S1r1t8 92828 ~ d 111 fl 111 Cl I Cl ,..., ~ ,... • J C Ml I VI I peg. SllS of Olftd8I Aec:orde; thence A"•· Coun1y of Orange, St•I• of Tiie u neleratgned Tru•t•• !~.--..!~no•,' ...... oel ~~-!!_••gndn•of ICNouovn1,118Cl«'k19.82ot Orange County on Sul!• 3411 Newpo11 8eacll CA C P . M .• FI NAN C AL Sent• ruz. II Oh • o , "'-'-' 0•33 00 c.11torn1a u lhOwn Ind dMc tbed ..._....., --.,._.. 112860 ' ' ENTERPRISES, INC .. a C~nla Celllofnla 112892 """''II ' " bit. 1320.00 f..i • . ' dl1clelm1 •ny llabllllr for 8ny electlOn to be recOlded July 7, 1982 . F202241 Ed C O A a Ca I II 0 1 n I 8 c4rporat1on, 315 ( Alrw•y. Suite J8mH Zakll•r Jr .. 24A7 1 lo the Nortll Nne of the South half of on tlltl «*'!•in CondQfTllnlum Plan lncorrectMel of Ille 91reet eddr-.. lnetr. No.· •2.2"•a•'" In Offlcl... • C-,.._ ••--c-•.. la "2~ .._..._ EJ T Callt~n·• 92630 Mid Souttleaet · recorded J 111 1080 1 8 all " ,,.....,..., ., Pllbhshed Orange Cont Dally corpor•llon 4500 camput Drive 1 . ....,.1a -. -·orn • .-.-·· oro, --a..... querier. l3t40 p...!'e~e j Olfk:liil ~ 0 d and otller c:ommon deelgr\atlofl. If RecorCI• In 111• o ffice 0 1 the Pilot. Nov 111, 28. 0ec 3. 10. 1982. Suite 348,' Newport Beacll. CA TN• bull""' 11 eOl'lcluc:ted Thie ~ 11 conducted by a ,_., ••oept any portion tflereol • ..,... 0 or 1 any lhown ,..llln Recorder of Of1noe Couhly. • 6117·82 92,,..,, corporalfon. ' ..-a1 ~. tying Weeterty of tile &.I tine of the ol Or~ County, Calllornle. s'11d HI• wlll be made, but S1IC1 Set• wlll be mid•. but 11--------_.____ """ · c p M ThomU A. Bwt>er lind CIHcrlbed In the qultcl•lm '" EL 2· •llhout covenent or w•rr•nty •llllout c0Yenan1 or wur1n1y, Mlle NOTICE Thi• buSlnlW ll conducted by• FiNANCIAL ~TERPRISES '·t"I• IU..,_,I wu flied with the deed ,_.ded July 1111N5 lft book An unCllvlded 4.1 percent .. .,,_ °' Implied. rtgetdlng Ihle: • ...,.. ... or Implied, reglrdlng 1111• COtf>Ol•l~COA C. P. ~ ~ Clertc ·of Ol'ange County on 7598, .page 143 of Ofllcl•I R«:onte. lntereet 81 • tenenl In common In po•MMlon, or encumbr•nc.. to po .... eion, or encumbrances. 10 '1CT1TIOUI eu ... aa Richard G Nllhanson. Seqetery October 25, 1082 'Said land 11 Included W1tt11n IN anCI to Parcel 1• 11 •llown on 1 map P•Y Ille remaining prlnc:lpal eum of P•Y Ille remaining prlnelpal eum ol N._ 8TATl•NT President Thia 11e1ernent was flied wlfll f'1e . F21D0423 •H ellOwn Oft a mep filed for In Book 1.40. P•gH 1 end 8 of Ille note(al MCUred by Mid Deed of the nole(I) MCurad by lald deed ol 'Tiie following .P•rton la doing Tnis atelemenl w., liltcl wttll the County Clerk of Orenge County on Publltlleel Or•nge Coast Oally record In boolt 12. P•Q• 1t of l'ercel Mapa. ••cord• ol Hid Trust. wltll ln1erHt thereon. ea Trust. with 1n1er•1 u In 1eld nota tiuslneee u : "-··-i" Clerk 01 0 ,.,...... County on N.ovember" 9. 1082 Piiot, Oct. 29, HoY. 5. 12, 111, 1082 AKord of Surwye. In Ille ofllet of Or•no• County. excepting proYlded In Mid note(•), 8dv-. provided. advances. II any, under PF INSURANCE MARKETING. """'Nov' t'•. 19•2 -·.-FaW1 4748-82 '"• County Reco rder of Hid t"-efl'om Condominium Unl11 1·A, II et1y. under the terme of Mid Deed Ille term1 of aeld ~ ol Trust. 901 N. Part! Center Ortve. No 1210. v " p d o c 1 o 11 Oounty t .... 1 E t G 1-J I L 1 N ' p .......... c•-Ttt • VACCARO ul>llshe r•no• OH I .., .. _II' MnTll'C. . ..... • · • • · • · • • • • of Trual. feH, cllargH •nel '"'· Cllargea and expen'" ol Ille S1n11 Ana,j::allfornla 92106 "'" PllOI Nov 12 111 28 Dec 3 1082 ..--.n. nu ,.,.. PARCEL, 2: • l·A, 2.C, 2·E, 2-G, 3·A 3-C. 3·E, expen-of tM Tru.1 .. 11114 of tile Trull .. end of tile trusts created by . P•ul Flacller Fruchbom, 4733 OM Newpott "ace · · ' ' ' · 4A7A-8:! --------:...---An HHment for lngren end 3-0, 3.J. 3·L. 3·N, and 3.p lnclullve 1ru1t1 crHted by H id DHd ol Mid Deed of Trust Corll1nd Ortve. Corona Clel M.,, lult• t010 • flCTITIOUI 8UllNlS8 egreee 81\d puOllc utllltlte over ttlet located 111ereon. Trutt Seid 1ale wlll tie lleld on: Calllorrna 02825 Newport hech, CA l2'IO PlalC NOTICE NAMf ITATl!MENT portion of tile Soulll 11•11 of tile Except Ul•r•from •II oll. oll Tiie total arnounl of .. unp8ICI Tuesdey, November 30, 19112, at Tlltt t>usl,_. Is conducled by an F202MI The following peuons are 001ng So4JtheUI querier of Section 10. rlgllt1, mlnerel1, mlner•I rlglllt, balane.t of the ol>llget!On eecured 2 00 p.m. •• Ille Cllapmen Avenue lndlv1dual Publ11"8CI O•ange Co111 D•lly FICT1TIOU8 .,..... t>utlnell "- Townahlp 6 Soutll, Range 7 WMt, ol n•turll OH rights •nd Olller by the properly lo be 1old end entrance to Ille Civic Center Peul Fru¢11bom Pllol, Nov l9, 26, De. 3• IO. l9&2 N.u. ITAllmNT CENTER FOR CONTINUING ~ Stn Bernwdlno Meridian. In the hydfoearbon1, by wllat-ver name re11on1ble eatlm•led coau Bulldlng, 300 E1at Chapman Ava., This 9181emenl was llled with the _________ .;5..;.l.;..;lll;..·.;;;.112"'1 TM IOllowlng pereone ere doing EDUCATION PROCSRAMS, 3867 unty ol Orano•. St•I• of k"!'!':';1oe9tller1 ~~ steam, anfd .!" ••e>en-anc1 adv.,_ •t 111e 1me Orenge, °" County Cl«k ol Or•nge County on "8.IC NOTICE t>u1inn1 "' Birch St .. Newpo rt Beach, CA C811fomla, llOC:Ordlng to an oflldll Pt-• derv ... rom •ny o ... e ol tlfrinlt11I publlcellon or the At 111e lime ol lhl t n111al Oclotier26, t982 • · O&ZDESIGNCONCEPTS,66~ 92660 • plat of Mid land llled In IN OlltTtct l~ng, 11111 may be w1tllln or Notice of Sale 11 Sl2.013.37. wtlidT publbllon ol 11111 n011ce. tlle 10181 F200all STATa•NT OF WITHDRAWAL Peulerino A--. No. K204, Collta Francis E Gonnles. 2529 S lencl otta, Included wltllln • atrlp of u n cJ • r 111 • P • 1ct1 o I I• n d I• comp()Md of Ille followlng: emount.of·the un1>•kl b1lance of tne Published Orenge Co111 Dally FROlll ,~ MeM. Calilo<nla ll2e2I Townsend Stnl• An•. CA 92704 ltnd 40 feet In width, tlle center 11ne llerelnabove described tog•tller Prlnctpal 155.292.34 · obllgellon -•ed by Ille above Piiot, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12. 111. 11182 CWIAATING UNDIR Oercy Cllerlotte Prell, 555 Allee O Gonzeles, 2529 S of wnlctl la deecribed u lollowt: wt1t1 the perpetual rlghl of drllllng, lnlereat 15.258.12 CIHcrlbed deed of 1rut1 end 4699-82 ,.CTtTIOU8 8U9INlll NA• Pauterlno Avenue, No. l<204, Colt• Townseno, Santa Ana. CA 92704 Beginnlng•t•pojntontheoantw mining, exploring •nd operating Coet111,472.91 Hllm•t•d coall. hpenHs, end 1------------Tll'• following person hu .,._,Cllifornlai2e29 Francese Gonales 1111• of Sllverado Cenyon Aoed, tllerefor •nd storing In and TM l>eflelk:.•a"" under Mid Oeed adv.,_ 18 ug 8l4 38 Mt.JC NOTICE witllelrawn u •-el ft .... ,,., from Zeryne Wood Pr•tt. 2n Eul Thll statement was,,~ w1111 the '4orth 73• 18'48" Eaet. 79.00 teet r-ino the same from Mid land of Trust 11erttof~• executed end The~ bid ~Y ·.,. ot>tllnecl 111e 1>¥tnerthlp •;p;;.,if°;" ~ the Del Mw Bl\ld,, Peladena. Calllornla County Clerk ol 0r1;cou111y on from Ille lnterMC:tlon of Mid center or llnY otller letld, ~udlng Ille right dellvered 10 tile undereloned a by ealllng (714) 937--0Me Ille day FtCTTnOUa -•• llc1111ous bus1ne11 n•m• of THE 111101 NOY 18. 1982 fine wltll !tit Nortll«!y pcoion91tlon lo wlllptlock or d1rec:llona1ty drlll written Deetarlllon of Default and befor-e the lale. ..._ ITATPIEMT HARBOR COMPANY 81 (lorm«ly) Thie bU"-It conducted by a F2022oM of tile Euterty 11ne of lot 1 of Trect Ind mint from land• olller than Demand for S•I• ind a wrltlen O•ll• October 27. 19112 Tiie lollowlng person Is doing 1300 M•rlln Line. Newport Beecll, llrdlted ptr1ner8tllp. Publl•ll•d Or1n9t Cont Dally No. 1187, 81 per meip recorded In lhOM "-elnabove deecrlbed oil or Notice of Deleult 'and Electlon lo TO SERI/ICE Q)MPANY business al! CA 02663· (now) 471 Old Newpor1 • Darcy C. Prell Pilot, Nov. 19, 28, Dec. 3. 10, 1982 book 38, PIOH 41 1nd 42 ol ON ......, 1unne11r end ltlaft1 into, Sell. The u110..110r..O «*l8ed Mid u Nold Trual... • l I B l j R T Y E )( P R E S S Boutevera. Newpor1 BHch, CA Tlll11tatemen1 wae !lied with .,,. o;nan.11' Ml9Cellaneout Maipe, In IN ofllcie of tllrough Of ecroas tile aubeur1eee ol Notice of Default ano Elec11on 10 8y Katll'-1 M P•1tlc:i., MORTGA'l;jt", 3157 e+rcn s1r .. 1. No, g2e&3 -Coanty ~ of ~-£ounty on 1------------ t •• county Recorder of Hid the land llerelnebov• CIHcrlbed. Sell 10 be recorded In !tie county Alllatent Secretery j2e1. Newporl BHch. C•llfornl• Tiie licllllous busrnen nem• October 27. 1H2. Plait NOTICE COunty, Mid' point being on •curve anC1 to l>Ollom suoll wtlipltoelled « where tile real property II IOC8ted. One city Blvd. WMI, 92860 t1•1emen1 tor the pa.r1nerttllp -,,_ 9USINEl8 c~noeve NortheHttrly 1181/lng • dWecblonaltv Clrllled wtll•. tunnela, o.1e: October 21, 1082 Qr1n99. CA 112eea , Angell Bond. 385 7 Bir.ch llled on February l3. 1980 In tile Publltlled Ol'lnge Co11t Dally FICTttlOUS r4dlul of 240.00 feet, a radial" to end anal11 under end benealh or DSl SERVICE COMP~Y Tel· (7t41835•1288 Sl•MI. No. 261. Newport Buell. County ol Orenge. Piiot. Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12. 10, 1982 Tiie 1~T,!=~e ·doin" eflCI point tie.w South 73•11°40" ll9yOfld tile h1erlor llmlte thweof, •Mid tr"9M P bllell d 0 I COHI Dell Cllff0tnle 92MO Full Neme anCI AeldreH Of the 4?t7.a2 ~-""' ,.... " . .. --H -end lo reelrlll, retunnel, aoul<> -~ ...... ll1rmt... e~ JJ'l.198i .a~~ Thie bu*-' II condUC1ed by en Perton Wltlldrewlng Donald ~· ------------~c::~ GIFT DISTRIBUTORS. ~~~~~~·~ri~•~ ~~~~-=====-=~:~~~~~~~~~~--------4~om~.~1~~~"~·~·~~~~=M~···~e~w~~~.~===~~-~.w~~~TIC[~~---21™N~M~~~·10. '*""" r.f:. of M •oo•OO''; ttlinoi euch well• or mlnH wltlloul. 17141 54t.ein PlalC NOTICE Angela Bond Newpon BMch. CA 112eeo ,..,,,,. 11• 1•401• hat. 11.21 r..e to "-ver, tllt rlgllt to drill, mine, By L-o.. O.dl ™• 91~1 •at tlled w11n tlMI Donald s. Redln9tOn ~~aT•~ ~.';'8 .. ~ant Ralllal, 27336 ttie bagllwllng of • oune cor.:aw 9ION, explore and operate ltlrOUQn Truet ~ ~ COURT OI' County Cieri! of Orenge County on '111111 -.. • _ .. • ssroh ~having a radlul of 290.00 IN~°' the upper 500 fMt of Publllhed Orano-Co111 Oally CALWORNIA October 28, t0112. Pubhshed Or•no• Coaat D11ty Tiie fOllowlng peraone ete doing Nogel, Miss Oh Vleio, Cahlorni. l•t: thenee E .. tef'ty 114.M lwt 111• aub1urlece ol tile lend Pilot. Nov. s, 11, '9, 1M2 COUNTY CW OllANOa ,_ p1io1. Oct 29. Nov s. 12, 1t, 1982 ~ -9219?· ~ 11kS ciww ~ e _.,.. ,_...,,.,_ deec:ribd, M ,._..., ...... s..2 1't a.te c ..... Dr • .,_. Publl~ Oran~ Co111 Dally •7tt-t2 BON APPETIT. :i.31 E. P.af!G Thie~ II conducted l>y •n -of u•14'00": "*-8olfth In Ille deed from Ille lrvlne ..... AN, CA llN1 Piiot. Oct. 29. Nov. 5, 12. 19. 1982 Coal! Hlgllway. Corona del Met, ~ 1i'ir20" Ee.I, 13.19 ._.to IM~.• corpor1llon, recorded "8.IC NOTIC( ....._., ttie.......,. ,....._ 4741-82 MllC NOTICE CalcfotNI t2826 R.R. P•tel ~9 of • cu"e conceve Ac>fll 20, 111111 In 8ooll t3112, P-U-•I GARY BROWN eftd AGATHA • S•lly's Inc ., •. C•llfornle Thie etal_,I wu hied with Int h8Wlg •,.._of 740.00 1910 of Oflldll Recorda. FtCTITIOU8 WU MOWN,.-.......,...... PlllllC NOTICE FICTlTIOUI ..,..... corporetton. 1851 P0t1 W .. ttiourne, County Clerlt of Or•nge County on . f-.t; ttlenc9 e..1er1y 223.20 teet Alto except tllerelrom tile NAm 8TAT'l...n CITATION (PROeAff) ..._. ITAT'EmNT ~ .8lacb.. C8111ornll 92690 ~.2..J.982.. --lllbr!O Mid curw. ttwougll • oentrel lllbeurtece water rlgMa. but wttl\out Tne lollow\no peraone et• doing c-.... AD-zt'41 FtCTTTIOUa _....., Tiie followlng per90f\S we doing Thia l>u"'-Is oondue1ed by 1 • F101157 ...... of 17•18'55"; lhenc9 Nofttl the riQtlt of surface entry a1 re· bu~ 81. THE P£0PLE OF THE STATE OF NAME 8TA.,._NT l>ullnul u . corporation Pubhahed Orangf Coast Deily ~r13'40" Ea8', 40.72 .... to !tit eerwO In the deed from Tile Irvine SCHNITZER , S AU l T & CALIFORNIA Tne lollowlng pe11on Is doing TOC J0C ENTERPRISES, 1158 Sal1y'1 Inc: Piiot. Nov 5. 12, 111. 26, 1982 b•gtnnln~ o_f a curve con~ve Company. I Corpor•llon, recorded. KINKER. 3354 1 Blnnecle Onv•. To RICHARO A RUSSELL You bUlinMI u : · Sendca111e Drive, Coron• del Mer. Arthurs. Arctllbalcl, . ~ 490S.82 Sfouttw!y navtng a ,.._of 780.00 Aoftl 20. 19711 In Bool( 13t12, Page Lagun• Niguel. Calllor-nla 112677 ere hereby cited and required to UMF CLEANING SERVICES, CA 02825 I/lee Preli<lenl f•t: tl'lence Easterly 160.39 lwt IS10 of Otflclal Record• Rober I F Schnitzer. '3354 1 appur •I • hearing In this coun on 2864 Sereno Plec•, Anell•lm. Amt Beth Rende/I, 9393 Emery Tllll stetemenl wu liled witll tile PlllUC NOTICE e1ong Mid curve through a centrel Tiie record "'"ted owner ol Ille Binnacle Orlv•. L•guna Nlguel. December 17, 1982 at 8·45 1 m in C•lil0tnia 92904 C1 Circle 12, Foun1ain V811ey. CA County Clerk ol Orange County on ----.;..:;~~~:-=::::::.::-:---a!Mlle of .12•05·30••: 111enoe SOUttl proPttty more commonly known ae Calll0tn11112877 Dec>t e. localed al 700 Cllloe Center Wenda Faye Getat>ulll. 100• E. 112708 November 2, 1982 FtCTrnoua .,_,, 84"38'30" Eut. "8.00 feet to the 1t10 Eut Wa.rn.. Avenue, n~C. Reymond M, S•ulf, 27113 Dr , West. Santa Ane, CA 92701. Washington. Orange, Calllornle Temare Lynne w .. nbefger, 958 '1t1141 MAm 8TA~N'T w.at line of the Eut 11e11 ol the Sant• Ane. Calllornle 11 Robert E. Gtorlett• Circle, S1nt1 Clare, end give •ny legal reeson why, 92888 S1ndceslle 011ve, Corona del Miii, Publ1ahed Orange CoHI D•Jly Tiie lollowlng person 11 doing Sout'-1 quarter 01 the Southel8t l.8rton. Caltlornl• 9S05t •ccording 10 lbe velllled peullon Tlll1 t>ulllnMs II conducted by •n CA 92825 p1101, Nov. 5, 12. 1Q. 26. 1082 buaifleaA R Tee:F'O Fl 0 eS1 G NE RS. qoaner of Mid MCtlot\. · Oeted: Octobef 21: 111~ l<.8'1 A. l<lnker. 18245 JIClllOn flltd """'" 1'111 court TIMI P11ret1tal indlvldu81 J«lmfer Kay Weml>tfger. 1158 41123-82 f.1tcept th•t portion tllereof SIRCOllRVINE BUSINESS Oak• Drive. Moroan Hill. California Rigftts of tile alleged l•tller lhould_ Wanda Geostiuth SaodcaStla Drrve. C0<ona def Mar, 1------------Oeslgnmall. 29l5 E Redhdl Avenue. lrv::ludtd wllllln parcel 1 ebfte PA.RI< I ASSOCIATION 9S037 no1 be terminated TlllS 91etemenl wes filed w1fll Ille CA 92825 PlJILIC NOTlCE Coele ~ Calllor-nie 92628 "*1ttoned. By: Dian• Sl•ler Thia t>Ualneu la oonOucted by 1n oettcl· September 10• 1932 County Clerk of Orange Counry on Tll11 t>uslneas 11 conduc:led by • JHn Celekelle. 17090 Sin Seid lend le lndUded wttllln the STATE Of:' CALIFORNIA) unlncorporeted HIOCl•tlon otller W•ll.,. T King, Oeputy Nt.veml>er 9, 1982 generll panneralllp FlCT1'TIOUI ..,..... Rlc.,do SlrHI, f ou"t•ln llelley. •r•a •flown on 1 m•p filed for )la than • pannerehlp. ,..., • ..._..., F1ttlOI Amv a.th Fllhdan NAME ITATW....,. Celilornla 112708 record In book 82. PllO• HI of COUNTY OF ORANGE Aober1 F. Sdlnttzer 1110 Chfttnut ea. • Pllbll1lled Or•no• CoHI Oally This •latement wu l11ed wtlh tne Thi lolloWing persona •• doing Thll butlness is conoucted by en Aeco<d of &urwys, In the office of On October 28, 1te2. before me. Tiiis st•tement was llled Wllll the ....,. A-. CA aro1 Pilot. Nov 12, tll. 28. Dec 3, 1ta2 County Cler1I of Orange Couhty on bu~ u : lndMdual. the Counly Recorder of Hid ithe uod•llgoed, a Nolet)' Public In Counry Clertl of Orenge County on (114) Mt·•M7 4994-12 Nov. 16, 1982 0 & V STAMP CONCRETE, Jean CeleltetlC County. •nd for H id State. pertonally No~ber" 2. 1"2. Publltlled Orenge Coast O•lly F2ClllM7 102 12 Constitution. Hunllngton Thll atatement wu llled with tf'll No. •tr Ht adelreu of tile j8p0Mr.O Dl•n• Slater. known 10 ,.,, .. Pilot, Nov 5. 12. 111, 28, 19112 PlalC NOTICE Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Delly Beach, C1hfornl1 92846 County Clerk 0~8~1enoe County on common dellgnatlon 11 known to me to be Alr·M•n•o•r of file Publl1lled Ortnge Cout Delly 41199·82 FICTITIOUI eu ... aa P110I. Nov. 19, 28. Oec 3, 10. 111112 Oomlmclt J lngr1llla Jr .. 10212 N_,l>er 11. 1 the truet-To o11t81n dlrec:1lon to tt1e1 elleOutad Ille wftNn Piiot, Nov 5, 12. 19. 21, tM2 N._ aTAra.NT 5118-112 Con1tltullon. Huntington BHCh, · C F20ti'r tile ... --..""''_ cont--.. u~~-;;~ 11_ 10 me 10 be the 4791·82 c.llf«nl• 112846 P.ubll1t1eo Orang• out a ly b. ~mi1 ~"',"_y"-i': 'Tisi"''°" WllO executed th• wltllln --PlllllC NOTICE Tiie lollowlng person 11 doing l'\llJC NOTICE V~te C811aned•, IS& Pono Piiot, Nov 12, 111. 26. Dec 3, 1982 lfllVESTMEHTS, liC .• P.O. liox 1;1 netrument on b•h•lf of tile Pt8JC NOTIC( K..aa bUlk>eN u Place• 12. Vista. Ca11forn1a 92083 S020-ll2 Lomita, C•llfornl1 90717 bV lcotpot•llon tll•r•ln named, and aTa_._ .... _ -•w a• OftANQI COUNTY SPECIFIED PRODUCTS C0 .1 FlCTIT10UI .._.. TIM t>u"'-' Is condUcled by 1 eubmlttlng a written t9qUll1 wtf111n IK1tnow1edged to me tllet 1ueh .. , .. _,., _. .. ,,....... -BUf'SRIOR COUllT l6 Lupine, Irvine. CA 92714 NAME ITAR•NT general partnerllllp ..n ... _of the 11r91 publlcetlon of c:oroor1tlon executed tile wltllln fllMlll ~~•• -c ...... "'-. °'· w .. t GREG ANTH O NY The following peraon 11 doing Dominick J. lngralll• Jr. -·· t I I II B Laws ~~...... ·-..... ....... HOLLOWATY. 15 Lupine. ltlllne, CA but4nMI "· Thil 11•1-I -flied with Ille ~ ed. ----l>U'IUall 0 • Y· FtCTITlOUB .,_.. ..... ...... AN. CA lll70t 1127 t4 CAl..COAST PAINTING 18872 County Clerk of Ora-County on The uneleraloned Trustee !or a , .. olullon ol It• Bo•rd ol Tiie lollo•lng peraon Ila• PLAINTIFF. JAMES U MANNING Tiiis busl,,... la c0n<luc1ed by en Pllelpa L•n• Huntington BHcll. November' 2. 1982 . .,,.. Cllwclalm1 any Heblllty for any ow.cton. withdrawn .. a generel ptlf1ner from and CATHERINE M. MANNINO. Individual. C•ltfornla 926411 ,.., ... inc«rtetMM of the 8trett llddr-. WITNESS my ll•nd end olllcl1I 1.._ ~ .. ..-....-a.._.,_..._ 1...._ OEFENDA..,T: MOUNIR 0 . Gr_, A HOll-llY CleelgnatJon leell ,,.. ,... .. _ .. ...,. .....-.~.., vr,,_ .... '1 ..... • 8'enl J. Collin•, 1&872 Phelpt Publlalltel Or•not Coesl Dally ::. : c,::'1 . " . /el Linda L Socelo llctltl0\11 bUllMSI namt of THE ~:=~·~~~~~~~,~~~;~y Thie,,.,_,, was llltcl with tf'le L-. Huntington a..c11. C81ll0tnla PllOI, Nov 5. 12, 19, 28. 1ff2 SalCI ule wlll be m•de. but Publl•lled Oren~ Cout Delly H1300ARBMO~::_~M~~~I MARDINI, JEFFREY 8 BEAVER, COunty :::ler1I of Orange County on 928411 4830-82 ,........ .,_, 12 I" 2 .. .._.. 3 1"•2 .,_, ~ ... ·--,...... -· October 22. 1092 This ~II conouc1ed by.,, -----------wttlloul covenent or werranty • .--• .....,.., · •· v, .._. · .., CA 92683 (now) 471 OtCI Newport MRS JEFFREY B BEAllER. AllEN ,_, Individual P\B.IC NOT1C£ expr-or lt'nQlled, tegtlt'dlng title. 4998 ·92 Boul.,.erd Newport BHCll CA R. SNAPP. MRS. ALlEN R SNAPP, PublltlleCI Orange COHI Oall) Brfl"lt J COlltnl po•••lon, Of -bf-. to t2183 . • WILLIAM F .. NORTON Ill. MRS. Pilot, Nov. 19, 28. Dec. 3, 10, 1ff2 This ll•ltmenl WU 111ec1'wtlll ,,.. ,. l'ICTITIOU8 ~· :'ft~~~~~ ofof "8.lC NOTICE Tiie' llcllllou1 bualnHI n1me WILLIAM F. NOR'l'ON Il l, WAL• 5110-82 County Clerll of Or1nge COUtlty on MAim 8TA • ..._, -7 _, 9tattmenl for .,. partnerlhlo -l(ER & lEE. INC .. a C1llfornl• .. _.,. MnTM>r October I. 1082 "llle following 1141;1on 11 doing TNst. wltll lnlereat t~on. •• 1 '9C11TtOU8 ....... ftltcl on Ftbruary 13 lNO In IN corporation, JOHN FITZPATRICK, ..--.n. ""'~ ,,.,. ~ •· prOYlded In Mid noM(e). advwlal8, N.u. ITATDmJIT C-ty of Orenge ' MARY ANN Bl.ACK. CALIFORNIA Publlal'led Orange Coaat D8lly 0£VELOPER'S SPECIALITIES. lt,,ny,undtrthetermaoflllidDeed Tiie following 1141raon II Clolno 1'\111 N•me ane1' ACIClrMI of the EICAOW SERVICE •• C1lllornla PICTITIOUallUaM.. --....... 2"' .. _. & 12 t"' t912 1781 Wllltll••. COii• M•••· or Truet. , •••. Cll•ro•• Ind ~ .. : corpor•tlon OAlllS WINTERS ..... ITATSmNT ........ ""''· •> ,_,,.. "• • ~·111 .... c.ilomi. t2t27 .,.,.,... of the T"*M end of tM A. MARINE AGENCY. L TO.. PttlOn Wlltldfllwlng: DoNilCI = s l v ' L L Ii. E s c R 0 w Th• lollowlno P41t10n 11 dolng " Rend1ll D•vlCI RHHI. 20'3 trHll cre•l•d br Hid Deed ol 2M• B•yellore Drive, Newport Redington, 1330 Hampelllre • COAPORATION, a C•llfornl• bUlineel" .. _IC Mftftl't St••• Avenue. Colla Meu, T,,,_ a..:tl, Cellfornlt 112813 Newpor1 Beectt. CA t2MO corporMIOtl, WILLIAM J. VAUGHN, B J '1 POOL SERI/ICE, 20 r-nun~ c.llfornill t2'27 irtle lotel _... of the unpaid Wllll•m H. Rlnkenb•Cll. • Donalds. Redlntlc:i,_,. lllTl!RAN ESCROW COMPANY. Fremont Lido Puk. Newport --AC=:-:-,=1n==IOU8==-=.=u-::1::•::·== .. =--· Tbll .....,_ .. cond\lcted by.,; ~ ~ Ille Oblgttlon ltCwed Callornl8 COfllO'•llOn. 262S Ocean Publi•ll•CI Or•no• Coeit Dally INC., • C•llfornll corpor•llon, a..ctl. Callt0rnl8 ~ aTA~ llldMduel. PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTtTIOUI ....... NAm8TA~N'T The followtno person 11 ClolnO ~er. MARIO'S FRESH PASTA, 514'• w. lelt>oa Blvd_ Ntwport B .. c11. Cellfornl• 112183 Merlo Zenetll , 21562 Ann•merle, Lagun1 Niguel Call- !Gfnlt This bullnw• Is conducted b~ an lnCIMduel . MarlO z-ttt Thie 118t-• ... 1lled wtlll ,,.. County Clertl ol Orange Countv °'1 October 27. 1982 ,_ Publletled Or1ng1 Coul Dally Piiot. Oct. 211. Nov. 5. t2. 1~ Ml.IC NOT1C£ . by tll• property to be IOld end ll!Yd.l eotona del M•r. Calllornle DENISE DENNING, THOMAS B. Join Cllltwood, 20 Fremont Tiie ICJllowlno per-. -dolr'll Rendel AelMI r•Hon•ble Htlmated CO•t•. '"21> Pllol, Oct. 29• Nov. 5• 12• tt. 1112 LlE. QA.RY w. WAAREN. •nd Lido Plrk1 Newport Beeoll, bU*-ae: Tllle llllemlflt w• flleO wl111 Ille '9C11T10U8 ....... .,.,._end...__ Ill IN tlml Tll6I buelneM II conduc'ed by.,.. 47JIM2 DOU 1 tflrough 60. ~ CalUornle GLENN'S TACl<LE IHOI', 3011 County Clerk ol Orlf'I' County on _.. aTATlllbn of the lnltl•I publlc•tlon ol Ille ltldMdlMI • Ml.IC NOT1C£ MJUMDNI Tiiie ~ 11 «Inducted by an 19 Hubor Blvd , Cut• MIH. Nowfnber 2, tll2 The lollowlftt penon 11 oolno ~of Stle le ... Utl.63. • W.H. Rlnltenbllc:h • ote ,_T.....,.., C~ lndhridual Callfor"nlat2128 ,_,,., ~ M: olfu~ undtr ~Deed Thie 9111temenl ... flied wltll the • u, E "I 0 R c 0 u .. T 0, c.. .... • 111t Joen Ctlltwooel -Glenq G. GOWtn, \llt ··-· Publlehtd Or•noe CoHI Q•lly TOMY'S HAPPY HA.NOS AHO 11e1 "-ore e11ewttc1 and County Cieri! ol or.,. County on c~~ MOTICI. Yeu 11 ... "911 8"d. ,,,,!~ 'c'~~of'.!!" llltclc witll Ille Strtet, Coll• llittH, C•IUQrnl• Piiot. NOv, 5, t2, 11, M. t982 HAIR, 1138 Hubor Blvd . Coe11 =:;:ed 10 the under•lgned • ~ 28, 1982 COUNTY °'GRAW n....,....., ............. ....C vvvnly ..... ....nge ounl)' on llHH l 4855-12 Mw, Ce111orn1e 12828 no.-'Dtcl«f Sllllonle of do.fllllt and 0 c ~ly 111 IM......, el IM Aoe•u•rn .-.C 1111':: :::.~ ......... ..,_.,., 11• 1912· ,.,.. c.o1yn s. Oowlf\, tes1·......, ~ _ HorHn A. 81ndef1. Hott' ...,..'..and or • , en • written Publllhed rengt 011 • el._ i...-. ...._.., c,... _,_ -llrHt, Coet• MeH. cau#Oint• "8.IC N01~ Robin, Uk• Fort1t, C•llfornla ~Ice of Defautt Md ltectlon to "°'· Oct. 29, Nov. 5. 12, 11. 1N2 .. ........ ....... ...... R ....... Publlell~ Or•na CoHI Oelly IH2I ~ .... The undetllQtlld C8lllld 181C1 · -~72M2 CA• NO. A1,_ " vou wllh 10 leek the edvice of Piiot, No'I. ti. ''419'' Dec S, tll2. Tilll ~ 11 conduc'9d 11y en PICTmOUI WU Tllll ~ II conducted by 811 Ntlloe of ~ 8nd llectlon to •-ic MnTll'r OflDIR TO IHOW CAua& en •ttorney In 11111 m•ll•r. You · 4955-U lndMcNel ...._ ITA..-.n lndMdUal ltl to lie reciorded In IN COUfltr ... _ nu ~ '°" CttAleQI OP ..,... lftolACI do eo pr~ttv '° tll•t your Oe.nn Oerllld °°""' Tiie tollowlno 119''°" I• doing Ncw-A a~ ...,. IM,..,~......... - -·--a-WHEREAS. Ille •PPllC•tlon of written rHpon ... II 1ny, m1y be ~ NOTICE ...... ·----... ...-. -llllllrl9l8 •: llllt •l•temenl wH •1t•C1 wllll ...... ~ -·--~......... ··-__ ,, --...... ::: THOP • ·w-NCe co .. ,, ..... w. ""' ,. _ _, -.,..,_ • TO m.L. 84'Mn L..-""'°" lor cNng8 of llld on tlnML. ACTIT10Ul'-IB County Q1rt1. 01 Orlf'I' County -· ,., ..,. ,..... -~ die County Cllrtl ol ...,..,. -..-.. ,. , HlAIT ACH llCROW, M.COMOUC ..,,...,... name w ti.II f1tiy ,..... w1tt1 the AV 11 Or U 1 U d 11 • e Ide um ITATW OctoW :ta 1111 OCetn Front. Newport .. ICh, Oft Octo1:1er N . 1111 .. -,,...,. ctetk of 11111 C-1. end It ~· -:::::~ ""'••••· 11 trtlMtAet .....-. The followlno P4tfl0n I• dolno ' ,_ ~ ,_ • Clllll'oli• OOijNl ... i ITTI ..._.." Miii ._._.. ~a.Ml .,, .... u •• Ulal..---.A181na .... = !?! --Publl~_ °''"" CCH11t.l OtlllV RICh81d LM uwrenc•. 11011 PvbMlled 0t8fl .. Coelt Dell~ •TNlll98. 9f: ~'IAlfJTAURANTS,INC.W eppllc~nl dHlrU lo heve -... ~. PANACHf.2'1 Marine A*""-Ncic. Ootlt,JIOv:""I. 11;,1, 1Wf' ~~~1-'"--~t-a•UA. .....,.O.........._,a,..,a.~-~ .. --..... ~ INured ,.....,,_ COfP • lllMMtl 10 th• Oepanmtnt of ~I• n-chlNld to the • • dlll. "'-le ---'-... · ....,_ "'8rld. Clllfornle 1*2 4117.lf ._...,_ tmlW ••«-• Aalt'lt ~ ....,.,._ ContrOl lor "'1" propOHCI neme of Clirlttopller ...... Hugtl L Myf\811, 114' Qranct --Tllll ~II COtiduoteel lly Ill teoo& ~ ~ .... ON IALl Kllll I WIH( (PUB. EAT. Louie Hummel. 11 Ull•d dHH aottclltr •• Cll'l•I. Belt>ol •e••nd, Callforlll• "8JC •na ......... "8JC NOT1C£ •too l't..) to ... elClohOllc ~egee Ill NOW. THlMFOM. It .. herwby COftMjO Cl• un •bot•do Ill "'e Ntl2 J Ill L. ~ N:TmOUI ...... • llan Huwe. c:.Mofnll t14ot ti tit lprlnJld•I• HunUngton ordered 11\et ell PetlOM In..,._, I e u n 10 • Cl• 1> •'I• "e C • r IO T1'ila butlntM 11conouctecl4tv an MOYHIOUI MIH•U Tiiie ~~Or .... llld,._~ ': um aTATlmWT ~. SI,.._,_ .._. CA tH47 ' In tile Hid matter 01 Clllft08 ot lnWMd!M_.., de •• "'"*'· ~ _. um ITA~ =. it'",iia lf'I' _,,, T~ loltowlno .,.,.on 11 doing ln'tdtl8,......... ~ Oren.oe Co•et D•lly n•m• ·~., before the •kwe· ., ~ ttOflta. 11llty1119unt, , HUgfl L ~n 1M tOftOWl"I perton 18 dCllllll • · ,_ ..,._. ,,....... ..... No'I. "· tN2 enlltled COur't, In.~.:.~-~· Oft ........ ., ,....., .... a 'llf!lflO ,..... ........ " ... lllld ....... ~ -0 • B ltNTf.flPRISH 18400" ••"'11-~0t-r.x ..... cl_tf_!•t·:...w 15142 -!tie t&th cMy Of o.=111•. '"'· 81 t TO THI" Dt'1NDANT. A Chtl ,._ ...... ~ of Or-Coun ... on I MATTHlwa oaeGN8 •• , PttllMIMd °' .... C"9t °"" . •V ......., ---..... !tie"°"' of tO.IO o'lllocll *"' 1"'" 00""'-81nt ,_ee oe.n mec1JW "'• ~" 11112 -...... '' T 1 3 MATT H 1 w I A 'No ,..., Olll. 11• NllW • ._ti. ~i....-= ~-~ 11' Hwntlnfton ...... Ho., ti,"· 1• --PUalC ll)TICf: end tllere 10 etlOWaeuM.11 lflY""' pllliltlf! llllnet you,",_ ..... to • . Pl8Mn AHOCIATl8, Sult• 64, 11101 _,.. KUlllT W. OONSBAC,., 1111 1 ..,........ llCftTIOUI h1ve, wily 1111 1ppnutlon for ""'"4.,,......,..,you1111111 . ....-Publlthed Ot•n111 Cout D111y u1r-1tt '""w-r •• Mlllleft __ .,. -fu11re Or ... _._, 8Nctt CA ,, 'fCi.. -_ , K::a _,:•gr ;.:: ot ,..,... Mclul .... OI .. ::..w:.. ~:~"'mJ.; ~ ~· '!-11, ~Ole~'!! ._r-~ ... a ' .~..---·- 1 11t41. " ·-·-.. on ' I nie ~ .,.,_ we dolnf IT IS fuMHIA C>iClelO""" I ""'191\ ........ .11...tlll oompllllil. __ .,. -~,.,,,......,,~~.J.~ I JI! )•••;fflOIMICI ""'"' "°"'..,.rm:' ......... ... ~of.°'°" .............. u.-you dO '°~....,.... ~ -·-....... ......., ~ ' .... _ ... ,. "~ ·' ':":("' TJll =..:~ .. -TICHNICAL ELl9TAONIC tlllOMNGICOAITDAILYPl.OT, N lftt9'WCI on IPPlic.tlon Of 1"9 ........ n: .................... ., .. .,., ............... -.... n. .::: .. w ... ~ .. .__ ---.., OllTR!BUTOAI, 111 Orcllerd, • 1•••IMPI' of ..... puU•IClltl ........... and 11111 GCMt "llY --a ·-;.....-If~ ... ---"""""""· . MANUPACTURtNe ,.__ C11ft1 of Or ... CoYM-, Oii -...._..,A t2114 pri'ltlCI 111C1 puOlleNd lft .. dlr ol .........,. ....... you fOt tile rellf ._ .. ,_, -T ......_ ,....._~, I Ill • OOCO .... tlJI ...._,.. QNll, M1H11r•men1 1'1eoc11111. e Coet• ...... Ce>vfttt of °'=· ,._.._,ft\ tt1e ........... ~ Tiii ......... ,.,.... II ...... _._ · COM,ANY, "t~.~elt tltlllOe ... • 1 MUI-; .... Cllllnlll..,, C111rorn11 corpor•tlon, 1 ti °"°' • .-lodow (4) r 11 .... , '"ult In 91rnlllll'Nllt o• ._,._ • '* ••i-.ll -,... ""'119 = ....... C .. llllll ,.._ 111ai1u11d ••• ,.111, 1111 OeettMl. trvtne. CA H 714 ..-e ptlOf to"" ......... -..... t•lfll of~.,,,...,.., c A " "'°"9CTI -~1 CtllMy ~ .. Or-. CoUlllr Oft ' ~ °'r.?l COMt = \ Cltdl..... """""'°" ~ "'-IDllllntM le conM1" by e '°' ~of NICI 1PPl1te1o11. ., atller rtflof requett1ct In t,_e "*!:.~!!:..~c:i·~: •r'9':rf ......_....,, -~ °"'-mt.=: Nit. ...., ti, "· 0.. 1'.ttMI 1 .... , _,.. .. Ion. DATID --... .. I. 1tll '°""*""· ..--_. a.. -""' o....-Celfillllll ....... llHnf .,.,.. Oeor9eH ContM11 ,MMC OOM1N1CH1N1 Dllllct;Ntyll, Itta ....... ow-. mi .................. .,. lfli'l ......... I --· !£-::, ..._,,._. ...... ~..... "91. A..,....., Ollrtl n. ................. ., • -"'*...... .. ,,., " .... = " a.:._ .....,..__ • Glor .. H. CclmNu, ,,.. • ...... C.., ...., ...... °'9lllr 11• 11111 •-Cl • a llin -.... LMJ . .. ""'llt lfteft =•,..1=UI~ ... lllll• IMllWllfllldwlttllfle ;.;..,_.,''-IMIOlt..... .......... OW.A a.: --,_ .. ·-=sl.J19t:O-, ...... . - -.. ~-.. ---°"" of°'""' C-ty Oil ........ '-9. .............. -""'., , .... -""'... ~ Or . 0...1 Dlltf ~ ,'9UNllll .. ....... .... t -....... _,,,.. ......... f .. ,... wt:.J===•*""' ...... ~-~~"9C:---,...,....,1.11.T1t.1'!!..._o..1rtJ .. ;Ji Cla~ft'9 ,,...~t•°'" ... L-~ ~all--°'""' COMI Dellr Pttelltlled °'.,,.. C...t DelfJ "*' ..... 0rlftl9 CWt Delly '=~ t:T. "-c= ••. I ...... n-1 ..... ,.. • ...:'L"-:..t..~ :.-' .... ..... .. ...... ,_., • J. II, -.._., .... 1t, M. Ote s. f~.1.-t~ Not, .... t. 11, lt", H . t• ,_, .... t. ti, 1'. II, 1111 no -_.. .... ... ..... "" " -. _.... ~ ' t' • I awe-w , ' ....... 4MCM1 ""7 fl;.... • If, ':~tt.lf Delly "90t CllllhCt A4J J ...... '-.:._ 'I -_. \ ' .... • • _." I ... '.~~ - - .. 118 Ur 11gu Con t lJAll-Y r11 0 l /I 11tl,1y, Nov11111hm IU, l'IA2• . I PWllC NOTICF Ml.IC NOJtC( PUBllC N011Cf NlllC NOJICC NlllC NOllCl NM.IC llOflct '~ --'.• PWliC NOflCf ~ JWUC NOflC( • NOllCI °'mhl.I cc •UIJ~t·----WP •n CH·W NOYICI °'""''"' .. IM.I CH ·-NOt1ClOiTI1U1ff1•1 IALI NC»TICI Of NUlftl'I ~ Of MA&."' AlV NO'flel Of lAUlfll'I IALI NOflCI Of' fl'UITH'I 1~1 NOTICI C#•_. NOllCI Of TllUHU'I IAU LMft No tU.-,CIL.IAION a.... .... WWtl o\T MVATI o\L.1 .... ,. .,,, •• T. .... ....... YOU ""' .. DIPAULT UNDall A , .............. D ' 8 No re; 0118 RH T.a..... ..... , ...... , .. .., No.o\tCllMO YUU AllflNUlf~JllVNOCRA N011(.( DllD 0' TRUIT, Do\TID Y(>i.IAfl(INotlAUlfUNO(HA YOUA"( INOHAUlTUNDIAA HfflMf.S 'l'\ANOIAl. FINANCIAi. c~rio.. Of 1" Ille Sul)AflOI (.;Ou1t 01 11 .. !>Ill• OH 0 Of rnu:.l'JIAI llJ Al"l!ll '• YO" AHi IN CIC.MUI.. t LINllf'R A .lo\NUAllY' •• t ... UMLlll YOU OHO ()# T RU&f,,,. TEO ' 24 12 0' r 0 0 I • t Ru 6' DA l [Cl CORPORA llON .. dU/y ~POllllld • ANT A • A'" A" A •• Cl"'' 01 C1t1101n11, lor lhe County ol 1 81 UNI f' !l \'OU 16MI -'t:llUN tH l.b 01 I llUS T•. OA Ir 0 To\I" ACTIQN TO 'ROT•C f UNll S YOU T-'Kf ACllON JO llPHMDl H 6 llHQ UN~£fJ8 Tru•I•• u1101tr lhe tollowltlO •~olnleCI Trutlee 11t1Cler Ille Oreng. lOf'ROtft.f Yt>UHl'llOl'rAn ti t>CtOQLll 1t. lt79 IJNLl :l(I YOU vou• , .. 0,.UY, If Mo\Y .. P .. 0 1ccr YOUR l'AOPEIHY IT YOU lAlt( A(;JION TO PROTECT dMCrtlilMI a.o bl llU .. Will sru ~ Cletctloed deed of 111191 In Ille Matter OI mt f .i11111 u1MAY 0f h0ll>A111.llUUllC'fl.ll IAKI ACTIONt<>PAOH<H YUUll IOLDAT4ftUklCIAt.a.W VOll Mi\Y0llOlOATAl>VOLIC9AU YOUll JIM(WlRIY, IT MAY llf AT PUllllC AUCTION TO THI Will 8llL Al PU8LIC AUCTIOtil Ht11y Oethl, ~·•'MCI . . If YOU NHll AN I )(f'lANAllON PflOPfHIY.11 ,,_AY IJI SOIU ALA NllD AN ...... ANATION 0, 1 .. " YOIJ N(rl> ""' [)(Jl~ANA,ION SOlO Al A l'UBLIC I AU 1r YOU IHCiH[SI OIOUlli I on CAOH"io THE HIOHltT llDDlft ,Of' NOJICe 11 lleroby 9MJn ttHll 11'41 0 J I 11 l NA l V fl ( 0 I 1 11 l PUULIC !.All II YOU NU U AN NAlUftl 01 THI 'ROCflDINO 0 J I 11 l N NT U I\£ 0 r HH NtEO AN tlll>LANATION Or THf (j,llVll>lt el llrne ol Hiii Jn lewlul C.ASlt IP1tytbie •t tlmt Of .... Ill 1.11\deflllglled wttl lfllll Of flt1vatt1 nle, Pll()(,.f fOINO ,l.QAIN~ l YOU Yt'lU [)(PLANA 1 ION 0 1 I IH NA 1 llflf AOAINIT 'f0~1• YOU IHOULD PflOCHOtNO AOAINST YOU YOU NA I Ul4( 01 1 ltE PROCH OtNG ,,,Onty 01 ll'le UnlleO lltelet/ ell .. wful fl'IOM'I OI lllt Ufllted I..._} 10 lllGIMN1 11\0 '-' ~ .ubf«1 :111oui.u (;Of.jTA( I A lAWV(ll 0 1 ntr PnOc;&.lOIN(; AUAIN I CON'to\CT A l.A•YI• B•tOUlO CONTACJ A L.AWYlA AC.AIN'' YOU YOU SHOU~ 0 llghl lllle A/10 lnllfMI COf'llllt)'ed lo ... rlgfll, !Ille""°.., ...... ~ to c:onllrmeuon or Hid $1.1p1ttl(I( Ofl fl<14. .. mhi1 10, 1082 1111 1100 YOIJ YOU SllOULU CONIAGI A NOTICIM On,rl01y,°""8ml>tl 10 lff~•· CONlACl AlAWYEA •non11wlWOIClbyllundefUldDeea IO""° now IMllCI by" under-Mid Court, •t lht Office of Mr AO & ,., M v L fl u ll r. 0 'H n v t cl I AWYfR TRUSfll1I ..... • I& A M • c u • ER v I c c 011 H'l>vttniber 28 108,, Iii ~ 16 (II 111,111 Ill 1n. P<CiOtlflY heretn•lllf Deed ot T ru•I ,,, ll'lt properly MEAO, 1101 Oovo St.. S111 t70. J,.OltPIHIAl.ION "(,11(110111111 On Ofk,'")11>411 tO, t91J2 Ill II It. T,I No.1•7tM/of COFIPORArtQN,. C•lllorn•• ,l.M U'll :J(ltVICl COMPANY •• OtlK11b4td llelelnaflet deec:llb4MI NewPQtt 0.Ktt, Couniv Of Or1111g• rorpUll•lllHI ... \luly llfljl(lllllOll (I Ill Sf CUAITY Al.LICO GI Hlll(..LS On 0..C.t!f"ti<lr 10, 11111<1 111 II t!I Co1porel!Ofl ai duly •lll>Qln11d duJY .... l)j,l(itl'l.0 lru•IM undtt llJIO rRllS TOR RAMON LOPEZ T R u 6 T 0 A JAM c. L 6tatt OI Celllotnla, •ll lht rlglll, """ T1u1'lu.-unu111 o/\u l>UUUlllll 10 ... Uulv 11ppo1n1tt0 ltUtl• under 0 "°' k • m (ltl 't1d11y Iii 11141 Iron! TrutlH u11d•• end puttUIOI. to pur'tu1i11l'10 OteO Of rru11 1111.orOtd JAMIE lOPC/ JAMta J ORAY • l I V IN 08 TON and JOAN c It'd lnttr"I ot IMIJO d«HWO illlht 0-.d of lru~t rt1r1>r!JIKI Apr11 11 lllr\11 purau1n1 10 Deed Of T1u1I 1<nhllt\CI to 11141 010 011111gt Oo OffC'I Of Tt\Alll r~Oto.d M"Cll 4, OclO(Wf 1, 1910, 111.i No tH7, ltl BENE f'ICIAR'f MfRCURY LllltN08fON, 1111 wlle lllflt of dellh Ind •II Ille lil)hl 111 .. 1911 II 1nt11 No i tlJll b•Hlk rlC;QlcMIO °'IOW ~ 1918 111 lnltr Cnu1t110. ..... IOC1t84 on SIUllll An• 1992 ... 11191 No 1:1·07&720 ol bOOll 13:J~3 Paot ICI ''· ut Offi<:ltl A v I N 0 s A N 0 l 0 A N 8 £ N f, I c I A R y I ANT A trld Int« .. , t!Wll Ille es1a10 01 ••kl 1 •on1 0•11)11 I 107 n l OH1c 1111 NO .l0~2(), ltl bOOI> 1'110 I PIO• Blvd • Detw11en •• WEST £RN O"IClal ~O<dt .,, Ille°"'" of Ille ~·O• In Ille olf~ ol tllof Co~mly A .. SOCIAflON •etOrO•d AUQU'1 8AR8AIVI SAVINGS ANO LOAN d eceated hes Ot quir _,0 by ReCOr<11t "AU<.Ull!O tiy HAMON 1806. QI Oll1tl•I RtCOr(la In Ilia M 1)1 VA l COA POHA I ION 111 Coooly Aecord« of Orenge COllnly. ~der Of Ortooe (;ouniy, St.lie 11. IN IM lntlr NO 1181$1n 8ooic ASIOCIATION, • ootpotellol\, .,,_Allon ol 16w or Olht11wl"" Qlfl{lt I OPrS ANO JAMii l O l'l !, 111 ulltCI 01 Ille County Jl11,011l111 of Ctt1110.,11e Co.por•llon. H Jrutlll*, Cllllornlt Wll'\ SEU AT PUBLIC of Ce1ttorn111, H~u111<1'1>y KIRK T 14116 pege 681 Ol OlllClltl ~ordt Aecotded Mlfefl :17, tMO • IMtf 11!\n tn fddltloo 10 thill ot sllld 11u110" on chu ollll.u ul lhu 't:uuhly Ot11f'!Of County, Gt11e 01 C1a1110111la ff.' lluh•t11ut11<.t Ttualllot, under lllo AUC flON l 0 HIGHEST BIDDER k USS f I I a II <I JU I) ITH A "1 Ille olflc;e <>I 11!1 ~eco1der of No 32781 In book 13&& t, page 41 Cltc:oMMd, II Ille II~ ot dHth. In Aoc;ordf'I of OlllrlQ•• Gouttly ~'"'u l!••tult<I t>y CATHERIN{ M~RtE I UlUlll of Ttu,1 ·~·eut•d Uy JO FDA CASH (PIVlble ., lime of• ... RUSSC~l . nu•n•nq •nd Wlllt ... O••not Covrtly. ••Id 0..0 ol lf\ltl of Olflciial fllecorO• In lhe olftot °' and lo ell 111e certain Aelll l>'Oi>OflY o l CelttOt naA Wll l Stl.l Ar 8ARNE11, • 11ttgle wQ1t11h1 WILL l'HAN.tO Jfl, lletem tall4!0 ftutlOf. In 111wlut money ol Ill• United lrutior < d•llC.r•w• 1111:1 f01lowi11g th• Recorder ol 0tang1 County 1hu11e<1 In C11y of Coatt Meso PUBLIC AUC.:TION TO HIOlllST SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION tO "eorded J•nuery lb 1080 U 8 Uleal MONIES lol US T BE WILL u£ll Al PUBLIC ~UCTION A i.1MlllO!d Hltlt In el\CI 10 lOI .. Id 0..0 ol truel Ottecrl.,_ tM C unt ~ Of O•eng1. Slloll(t o i B•OOER f OR CASH IPilyDt>le t 111Glt6Sl BIOOEfl fOR CASH lnllrum•nt No 15629 In Pook TIENOEAEO IN CASH, 'CASHIERS TO 10()11[.Sf 8100ER fOR CASH ""or lrotel No 7028 lrt Ille C•ly qi l()llOWtng property Clllllornlo lfnl() OI tell! 111 !Awful moooy or lhe IPD~at>te al llmt ol •It Ir\ h1wlul 13401. P~ 7$8 Of Olf1c111 l*U<dt CHECKS. OR CIEATlflEO CHECKS (PrtVll>le Ill lime Of •tie tn llwlUI Newpor I Boch. 'et p•r mill LOI 1~ pt lrecl No 11552, in Ille Counly ol OrRnoo. ~Ila to o t Unlle,11 Stuh•'I 111 tllCI Soulh money ot the Un1tt0 611118'1111 11141 ot On1no• l,;011nty C1111101n11t. will 11 1111 l1on1 1n111nce lo Ill• Old money Of Ille UnlttO St1te1) et Ille ·~•>•dell 1n DOOi\ ~68. Pege 413 10 city of Irvine. County ol Or~. Oautornla. ~n1t11n1.11 10 011111110 County old ltont 11n1r1nc;e 10 th• etd O•ll"O• 1011 II µubllO tuc11on to Ill• hlQheal Orenge Coun1y Coutlhou ... looeled lront 1n1ren"4t to ""' Old 011no• 47 lt1<.lua1vo ol mlte41111nll04Jt maps, -S1e1 .. 01 Clllfornla •• .,._ on • A i>o•hon ol Lot 13 01 Newport Courtht•11n C11y u t Silntn Ann Coun1y CourthouH, 1or.1te<I 011 llld<le• for CA$1l, poy1bl• '" l•wlul on s111111 'An1 Boulevard, bltl-n Counly Courthoute. tocalod O(I 111 111e Olllce of Ille eountv 1eco•041r m~ lharlOI r9C!Ofdecl 1n 8ooll 410, Hetgllll, 11 an own on a MDP Ctll1f0fn10 alf rt0nt llll(l 11n<1 lnlt11•11 S• n 11 Ano B lv<l . 'bt1 we• •l money ot Ille Unllod Sto1e1 11 IN 8ycam6ro •5,, .. , and 8101dw1y. Sen'• Ana Btv d • bel we •II Cll •aid counly P • g • 1 8 to I 2 Inc I u 1 Ive , rtcorded In book 4, P•oe 83 01 con~ov•d lo an<.1 now lltld t>y 11 Syc1mo14 61 & 9roedw•v. Sentt t1mo 01 sell. I~ 1nterffl col'lvtyfl<l S1n11 An•, C.irto1n1t Ill •IOhll tllle Sycam0te SI 6 fl•O•dway, S•nia YOU ARE IN OEFAULT UNDER A Ml1cell•neou1 Mep1, record• of Mlscellaneoua Maps recoroa 01 under •..ild Oeell 01 Ttu11 in Ill• An1 Cahlornte, ell r1g111. lltle 11110 10 and n"ow held by 1110 ftuflH 1nc1 1nllfHt conveyed to end l\O'# An•, C•l1rorn11 '" rioht lltle and OffO Of TAVST OAlEO 7-30-81 Hid Orengt COUlllY ' Mid Orenge Counly, Ot5Cllbed .ia properly lllO&Uld 1n ,~Id Couniy lnl81 .. I conveyed 10 Ind now helO under flld Deoo of Trual 111 thl held by II unoet Hid OeeCI Of T1u11 11\ltl .. I conveyed lo •nd now II.id \JNLESS YOU TAKE ACllON TO YOU ARE IN OEf':AULT UNOEA A lollowt; and Stoto desct1bed t by 11 under .. Id D1!e<J of Trutf on t~ properfy 111u11tw In Hid Coun1y In ll'le properly 111u1teO In Hid by II under Hid Oet!d Of lruat In Ille PRO-t l::C T YOUR PROPERTY IT 0£EO OF TRUST DATED MAACH • Beginning 81 the most Northerly Loi 56 ol T•llCI No 7028, In the properly s11u111td tn s1110 Coun1y and Sllte det1crlbed Ill Counly end Stele i:lHorl~ II properly llluated tn Utd Coun1y MAY 8~ SOLO Al A PUBLIC SALE 111, 11180 UNLIE88 YOU TAl(IE ClOfMf of Mid lot. belrty a µ<>4111 in Clly of Newport Beacl'I IS shewn on ~no Slat• ~·Kflbe<I.. l'ltClll ' That portion ol Lot 1 OI Lot 10 of f1M:t No eon>, In Iha end 51811 detcrll>e<J ot. If YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION AC TIONI TO PROTECT YOUA lhe SoutllHsterly line 01 Or•n.11e 11 n11p recorded In bOOh ?66 peg.us PARCEL 1 UNIT 2, Unit 2, 11S rr1c1 Nq 9873, II 11\own on a "'41C: Clly qi Cotl l "41111, County Of 1,,011!1 of TrlC1 2387, In lho'Crly 0 F I HE N A 'TU At OF TH f: PAOPERTV, IT MAV 8E'60LO Al A A\.enue, 8' shown on HIO Map, 43 to 47, 1nclu$1Yll ol _Mracell.tooOul shbwn end de}ined on tllel Gtflaln recorOell IP Book 05, PagH• 27 Oref'IQI!, Slete of Celllor.nfa, II pet OI Cos11 Mato Counly 01 C>r11og• PAOC(EOtNG AGAINST YOU YOU PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NIEEO. AN thence Soulh 50 EaSI elonQ. lhe Ma1>1 an rne Office ol-1"1' Co.1ncy cdnoomtnlun) plan recorded and 28 of M1scell1neou1 Maps, 01 map recorded in t>ooi. 381 p~ 1 Stale ol Celllotnla •• per m•P SHOUlO CONTAfT A t AWVFR EXPLANATION OF THE NATUAf ,,.or1neesUltlr oour10aty 01 _,,Id' l.ot. Record"' 01 i..i1d Counly .. September 19, 1978, en book m0te pertlc:\ll!l<ly>-dt1Ct10.CS bet°"' 10 3 1nch111ve ol Mlscell1n1ou1 r1;cordeO tn book 70. poge 33 lni •ddr~u o Hl<I prope<ly 11 OF THE PROCEEOl"O AGAINST 425 3 feel to the true point 01 E•e<'itllnq 11\erelrom ull 011 °'' 1284 7, Ptg• 930, ol Olllclbl •no made• l)tl1t 1\111801 Mepa, In 11\e office of Ille Coun1v M11Cetlaneou1 Mop1, in 1110 ollote ol I 946 Pon lockale1q11o Piece, YOU. YOU 8HOULO CONTACT A beginning: thence South 50 Eosl r1g1111, n11ner11,, mineral roghls, Recoros 01 011nge County. PARCEL 1 Reco•dlfOIHldcounly tl'e Coun1yRecorderolMIOcoun1y Newporl Se•cn, CA 928e0 "(II• LAWYER i! · elong said Northeaatorly line 60 no1urt1I gaso rlght5 and Ol lltlf Co11100110 J Thol Porllon ol lOt I of Tract No Tfle atrMI 1dd1ea1 and olh•• The Stree1 adoreu ond 011101 tt1eo1 1ddres• ol common fl.ddreu 01 ••Id propert I• feet: thence South 40 Wesl 162 57 11yo1oc11bon!t by wt1111oovt!f nmne PAAC£L An undlvlOod ,.., 9873 It 111ow11 011u Map1oco1deO common Oll'ilne11on. II any, ot 1tu• colflmon deS1on1111on 11 any, ol tl'ltt lle8lgna11on ·o1 properly le shown 2 Choate, 11v1ne. CA. 92714 T a. 1801• lllenc:I Nor1h so West 00 leet ~nown !hill may be wnh1n or uode• 1n1ere$I in eno 10 Loi 1 of Tr1et No 1n Book 425. Pagea 27 and 28 ot rail properly 011<:rlt>eo •bove I• reel P'OPl'•IY described above-la at>Ov• no we1r1n1y la given 1110 It• 11 no w1rr1nty •• 10 complel.,_ tnence Noreh 40 Easl 162 57 ieei the piucel til lend 11ere1nobove 10182. "' 11111 Clly ol C0tte Mffl. M1scell111eous Maps, thown M Unit purpotled 10 be 3185 Airway purpor 110 10 be 6110 V1c1or11 complelen-or correctne11)." The or cotr4IC1ne11 ol nld eddr ... to the-true l)Olnl 01 begtnning descnbed, 1ogo1n., wllh Jll8 County ol 01tnge, S 1111 ol 7 on o Condom1111um Plan recorded Avenue. Co111 Mts1. CelilClfnfe S11eet Coste MN•. Celltornla btnellct11y under Hid Deed of The bentfldery under -Mid Deed More commonly known 05 237 perpeluiil 110111 01 cJ11ll1ng. m1n1rio Cuhlorni& es 1nown on a m1p tn Book 12614, PllQil 1061, 0111<:111 1h• unoeralgn•d d1ect11m1 eny The under119oed Trusl8e Trull by 1e11on 01 1 breach 01 01 Trust by )eason of a bfeecll °' Palml' Slreel, Costa Mesa, CA eMplo11ng <1110 oper1111ng tnerotor recordeO In Book 429, Pagot 22 Record& enll lll Decla1a11on ot llablllly ror eny 1ncorrectnet1 ol tne ditcletma any llall1h1y for any det1u11 In the 01>11g11lon1 aacur.o deleull in tile obtlgetlon• MC:Ured • Termc 01 8818 oash en lawful ano sto1111g 1n ana removing thfl .ind 23 ot M1sc1ll11neou1 Mapa. Covenant•. Condllions an• 1trHI 1ddreu 1/ld other common 1ncorrectnea• of Ille itr861 lddress 1 •hereby, heretofore e>11eu1ed end thereby. heretofore executed end money 01 the Unlled States on sa~. Stlme 1rom said land or any other rocor di or Or 1nga Co uni y. Reatrtt llons recorded in Book 0111gn111on. II •ny, 11101Nn herein and othttr common oes1on11t1ort, 11 1Cl•llvereo to Ille underalgn•d a delivered lo the underelgned 1 or PMI call'l end t>alance evidenced lan<I 1ncludlng 1ne 11gllt t o Celtlornla . 1og1~her with ell 12828, Page t88, Olhc1ot Records Seid sal• wlll t>• meO•, bul •nv. shown harem written Oect11a11on ol Oeleull end written Oec:IM•hon of Default end by note aec:urea by Mor1gege or "'"'PilOCk or d11oc1t0na11y dr1U encl 1mp•overnen1S thereon excepung PARCEL ~ • without coven1n1 or w11r1n1y, Said 11le well t>e m1011, t>ul Demand for Sale. end wtlllen notk;e Dem11no tor Sele, end wrlllen nolic:ie Trust Deed on the properly 10 lt>ld ,,,me frcm Lm<111 othe• 1han lhOse therefrom conoom1nium Un1f1 1 end An undivided 011e-101.1neentll ••press or 1mptied, reg1"7!ng tllle, w11hou1 covena111 or warranty 01 breach and o• election to ~M 01buiacllendolllecllOll 10 ~ fen percent 01 amount bid 10 t>e her1t1n.it>Ove oescri1>110 oil °' g _, 2 1oca1ee1 tn8'eon ( 111411'1) lee simple lnlerell as 1 postesslon. or enc:umt>ntr>etl 10 eapreu or 1mpfle<1, rl'lgard1ng l•lle, lhe undersigned to sell 11ld 1111 unoerel9'1Md 10 ••II ••Id deposited with bid wells 1unnets 111td 1til)llS into. PARCEL 3 An. e" c I u 11 v e Tenant 1n Common 1n eno 10 ell 1ha1 pey the rema1n1no prlllCIPl l sum of possession, or encu,,,1>11nce1. 10 properly 10 ullsly •llkl ol>li91llont. prC>pel'ty 1o Mllsly Mid obllgatlone Olds or ollers 10 t>e In writing and tllrouoh or across tm1 su1>surlaoo 01 e&M'men1 1ppur1enant l.O. e~ unit ,~pocuon of l.01 J ot Trtcl No 9i73, Ille no1et1t-..cvred Dy 1!9fO 0..0 of pey•llllt r~ ptll\CU.lal .&um J)f and lhereaflar lhe under1lgn1d end thereafter Ille undet•lon•d wlll ~· received 11 Ille el oresato 1h11 lnnd hl!mln11bove da~orlbed, IOf Ill• use end occupancy of thOse as ahown on a Map 1eco10ed en Trust, wl\'1 lntt•HI thereon, 11 the notttfll SftClured by aa1<1 Ooeo ol ceused ta•d nolltt of b•911Ctt~O of ceated"' .. 10 i\ollee Of brdtl'i end Of office et env lime 81141, I toe llrU and 10 bOJfQl1\JUCI\ Wll!P~ or PQtUor>a °' IM ,...,,... -l'l\Or'I 9ooto-4~~. P1ges 'IT and ;!8, U provided In said note(s}. 11dv1noe1, Trost, will! 101er•st 11rtJrtr0n. H election to.be ~corded Jul)' 13, AIKUon to l>t rKotded July -2 t puOliceltan Mreol alld ourore dale d1te<;t1onalty droll~ wells runnels l lH des1Qnated In the Oeclar1110n · Co m m on A r e • • • on • II llny, under 111e t11ms of tile Deed proYldecl in 'Wald note(s) •<1v1ooe1, 11182 u Instr No 82·241530 In 1962. es lnllr No 82•252381 0j 01 sale. ano 1h11f15 und11r eno be'le&tll qr of Res1trcllons end shown on the Condom1t\1um Plan recorded Merell of Trull lee•. chergee and exl>lf'-II •ny, u~oel Ille termt ot H!O Deed Book PIQtl of OttlCl•I Record• urd Ollrcill Records Oole<l lhls 17111 day of NOY\cmber beyond me e~te<IOf 11m1ts lhe•l'OI conaom•nNm pllln for each unit 29 )li781n 8ooll 12614, Paoe 1061, ol lht Trustee end of Ille 1ru111 of TruTt lees cll1roe1 and in the office ol the flleeorder of Seid nl• wlll be mede blll 1982 end Jo reorill re.runnel. equrp f'ot tnlorm111on only Code. Olllc1al Records, rec«ded 1n Boak c1eeled by Mid OeeO of Tru.11, to tapenses 01 the Tru.iee and of Ille Orange Counly, Seid Hie W>ll bit wlllloul covenent or weir~nly Frenk F Moad 111 ma1nce1n , 1epair du~pen ano 15·044; AP NO .. 936-03-00:? 12823, Page 1811, Oll1c111 Recc:wdl' wit· $184,443 01 !rusts creeled t>y Slid OHO o f mnoe t>u1· without coven1n1 or ••Press 0, lmplted, regerdlno tltle: Anorney 81 Low operato any such wells or mlnn lhe street eddrJISS 1ind other EXCEPTIN G 1heret1om ell The 1>4fnellcl11y·undtlf Hid Oee<t 'T1us1 warr1n1y, expreu 01 Implied, POfllHlon, or encumt>r•nces, 10 June Geiser Logan w11hou1 llowPvP1 1110 11ght 10 dt1ll. common desfgnallon, ti any of the minerals. O•I, gas, pe1roteum. olt>et 01 Trull l'lerelolore el!ecuted end The 101aJ nmounl of lhe unpa10 reg&tding tllle pouuafon, or pay·lhe rernelnlng prlnclf)tl eum Of Lela E. Ge1ser mine. JtOrE' ••o•ore .lnd aper110 renl properly dllcnbed nt>ove Is hydroe11rt>on sut>slences end all dellv11eo 10 1111 undersigned• t>alance 01 the obhgatlOn secured enc1o1m t>rance1 , 10 pay the Ille no1e MCured by ukl Deed ol Co-Executrt~ of the lhrOuQh 1~r surl3C °' lhe uPPCf e>urpor1ed 10 bt :124 I Orange Ave , undergr011nd water 1n or under °' w7illen Ooc1ar111on of Oeteutt end t>y ll'le properly .to be ~010 and rem11n111g pr1nc1p11 aum ol the Trull, wllh 1n1erea1 11 In Mid nQI• Elllle 01 se•d Oecedont SOO IHI 01 Ille sut>MJrfac:e of lh(o Un11 B . C<nll Meu, CA wt11Ch may Oil produced from .581d Oemeno 1or Sele, enO • w1111en reasonable et11me1eo cosls note(•) secured by n ld Offd of provided eovences 11 eny, uncle• Put>lished Orange Coasl Daily land tte10111abov• descrtt>eO, 11 the undereigneo Trus1ee Loi wllleh und8'hes a Pl•ne parallel Notice of Oeleuh end Elecllon 10 eAPensea eno ilOvances 01the11me Truel wtlh 1n1er111 11 In tMllO note the 1e1ma ol aeld Deed ot Truet p1101, Nov. 18, 19, 25. t98:15 l2G.82 resefllt'd 1n t11a a~ lrorll Tne Irvine d11cl1lm• any lleblllty for env to 1nd 500 '"' below Ill• present Sell The undersigned cauM<! sa1a of the 1n11ia1 publ1cet1on of the provided. edvencH. If •ny, undet lees, chargee and ••l>lfltM of t"9 Company a we• 1' I/" g 1n 1 ii 1ncorrectnen of lhe ltreet address surlaee of s&•d Lot, for the purpose Nollce ol Default end Elecllon 10 Nolle.a 01 Salo •• $23.272 7A, w111ch the lerma ot aald Deed ol Trull, Tru11ee eno of tile 1rut11 created by Co1por111on recordt'd rcbruary 22 and olher common deslonauon, II of pro1pect1ng lor, me •~Plorauon. Sell to be recorded In Ille c;<>unty is composed of lho following lees, cl'larges and expen1e1 ol the Aa•d Deed of Trull. Seki IMlle wilt be 1977 1n book 95411 pogo 652 01 any Shown nerein de v o Io pm en t . prod u ctl on. where 'the reel p10P8f1y Is 1oc11110 Pr1nc1p11 $20,636 59 Tru11ee and olllle trusta ueeted by held on Wednesdey, December 1, Olhc!llAeco•ds Seid u1e will t>e made but oxtrilcllon and liking of u 10 Heme, S1ree1 Aoaresa end 1n1ereS1 Sl69035 n•OOeedolTruil Sal<fnlewtUbe 1118211200pm ellhlCl"lllOman PUBlJC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINHS NAME STATEMENT A11ent10t1tsOlrt'CIAO10 the ID•I w11nou1 covenant or 'W1rr1n1y minerals. °''·gas pelroleum, otllef Telephone Number of Tru11H or E•c>enies $945 80 held on Monday. November 29, Avenue enirenee lo Ille CtW:Cent• 111a1 1110 011, e1c .. 11 ••cepled 11om e-press or 1m1>lled, regarding mle. hyOrocert>On subilonc11 and wale< pe11on conducting slle Is c B Tne beneloe111y un<ler taJO ~ 1982 Ill 2 00 pm II the Chapmen Bu11d1ng, JOO E. c111pman A*-, T.he following perscms are C10109 t>oSiness a.a l VIDEO CROSS ROADS. 103 E 7th St • Costa Mesa CA 92627 Cro ssroads C.ip11a1 Corporation. a c .. 1.eorn1a corpora11on. 12 Mldalgo lrv.ntt CA 92714 the description 01 lhls Qu11r11n1eo possession. 01 encumt>rances, to from said Lot by me1ns of mines. SERVICE CORPORATION, 1 ~f Trull lle•etolore executed ana Avenue en1rence1otlleCMcCent8' 1n1neCt1yol Or•noe.CA and ony policy issued •f\ 1ne nama ot pay tne rem11nlng p1t11c1pal 1um 01 wells, derricks or other equipment Calllorma Co1po11111on es Trustee dellvereo 10 1he under11on11d a 81J1ldlng, 300 EHi Chepmen Ave , A 1 111 e 11 me 01 1 lie 1n11111 a purchonu• at a ••It• unc:le• 11>td Ille note $6Cured by said Deed Of from su1lace locauons on ad1olnl"'ll et CICG COflPORATION, AO""'> rwclltert OeclaratlOn ol Oelaull and Oranoa Ca publlcatlon ol 111111, notic., lhe 1o1el Oefl<I or ltia~ ... 111111.<> cont.wi ~ Tru11. w11h rnteresl I hereon as or netght>0r1ng lano 01 lying outside 6850 Canby Avenue. Reaeo1, Demand for Sale. and • wrttten At the tome 01 lhe 1n111a1 pub· amount 01 Iha unpekl balance Of"" 0<1 taceptt0n PfOllldod tn Htd note. 1dv8nces. 11 011ne ellovc deset1bed Loi. 11 being Cehlornl• g1335 -(213) 342-3408 Notice ol OCfaull and Elecllon to aw :on ol thts no11c:1, lhe 10111 obligatlon -.cured by 111e ebove Tl'le s11~e1 1odr111' i1n<.1 01ner any under the terms of said Deed underllood 11\at the o-of such Otte October 22. 1982 Sell Tt>e unclers.gl'ied ceuled laid amountoflheuoplldt>alenceolllle oescrlbeO oeed of 1ru11 •nd common O<rs1ona11on. 11 1 y of lllO OI Trusl I••• charges end m1ner111, Otl, gas. petro!eum. olller E.&tculed by 8r'!C9C COdtlf end No11ee ot Oelaull ano Elecllon to obttgauon sec;utto by the ebove Hllmlled coata. e.penMe, eno ·real property d6 cr1bed above 11 8•e>enses of the Trustee •no 01 lhe hyoroca1t>on substancet Incl w;ater. S1,1re111 R Coder Seo to be 1ecorded on Iha coun1y Oetcrlbed deeo of 1rus1 and lldvencea 11 $160.118.71 To This business •s conouclt>O by .> corpora lion p u 1po11 e o t o b n 19 4 6 P !> • t trusls creo1ed by said Deed ol 85 Jet lorth at>ove: shall nave no CB SEA II ICE where the rl'al properly Is IOCllted Htl"l•led co11t. expenses, end Cletwmine thl ae>enlno b<O, you mey Loc:k!.le1gn Place. Nl'wport Beach Trust rrghl to enter upon the surface of CORPORATION, Datu Oelot>er 26 1982 I •dvenc; .. Is $29.115 68 . cell (714) 937-0968. Crossroads Capitol Corp Julie Bynon Sec:relary T•~asu•tt< CehfQfnotl 9Z660 The 10111 amount ol the unp11d the above descrlt;>oO Lot nor 10 UH ea TtullH DSl SERVICE COMPANY Tl\1 openi"" bid mey be obtained Date, Octobef 29. 1982 I hi' un<.1er11one11 1 ru~•·· 0.llAnGe ol Ille Obllgauon S8CU<ecl any of lhe Mid LOI Or eny porllon By CICO CORPORATION. es H IO Trustee t>y Cllllno (714/ 937·01166 tl>e Oly FIN AN c I AL This statement ""ils t.IC!d "'''h lhe County clerk of Orange Coun1y on Nov. 16 t982 011c1111n1> anr 11.io1t11y 101 .iny by lhe proper11 10 be aold end 1t.e•eo111>ove said ptene pa1a11e1 to agen1 3200 8'1stol Sttaet. belore Ute sale CORPORAllON incorrectness of 11,. ~HO~tl .><IO•t'$S 1&110n1bt1 11st1mal8d co111 ano ~50 1ee1 oelow Ille P•esent By Ra&e Mlf'/ Colllns. Cos1• Mesa CA 112626 Oare Oc1obef 28,. t982 OF SANTA BARBARA. 11no OllW!• COIY'mon dMog111111on 11 f'~pen-tncl 1ov1nces al 1ne ume so1h1c;11 of lhe nod LOI 101 any Trustee Oepartmenl Tel (7141 64g.9911 (Eat Hetmu Financial 11 UIO Trustee an~ Shown herein ot lhe int1tal publlcat1on 01 tne pu1po$4! whotsoover Publlat>ed Ort_nge Cou1 Diiiy 5811 ,.X:orl)OlllJon By lo SERVICE Seid u1e will bw mode but No11ce Of Sate rs S 136.057 48 PARCEL 3 Pllol Nov 12, 19tf6, 1982 By Aondy H1gg1ns as said Tru$18'e COMPANY, agent F202237 Published Ornge Cu .. ~1 Ou11y Pilot. ""Nov HI, 26 Dec 3 to 1'182 5068-82 .. 11nou1 co•en4111 or "'.1u.in1y Tna._~f.c:wy unaer UlO Deed Non-1>xclus1ve eaaemenls 101 48"2·82 Trustee Officer ey TD SERVICE V1c;kl J Andr'<lge, ~ ... pren °' 1mp1,..o ·~1•d·ng lllle 01 lruSI lle1e1olor1 execuled and acc ess Ing re•• egress -Publl•heO Orange Co111 Oa11Y C0Ml'IANY AQenl ----Auillant SeetttNy :>OSMS>o0'1 01 t'ncurnt.ranc.e~ 10 dehve1e'O 10 1ne undersigned • e nc 1 o •chm en I s u PP or t PUBLIC NOTICE P1lo1 Nov 5 12 19 1982 By M•rco 8•ttneS. One Clly Blvd , W•l :>ay rne r m.H1•no pronc•p.tl sum ot "'""l!n Declaratl()(I of Oeleull and m11ntet1ance, repaus ana tor othe• 48!12·82 Ass1s11n1 Sec:•etery O.enge CA 926&8 lhe nOIOCSI Mieurtd 01 tl•ll Deed 01 Demand lor Siie and ....,,1111n purpoees over Ille common a1ee NOTICE INVITING llOS One C•lr Bhld Weit 17141 835-8288 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Trust w11n. 1nte1u1 rMreon. as NQl!ce 01 Oelaull and Electron to and over lllose po111ons of Ille NOTICE IS HEAE0Y GIVEN that PUBllC NOTICE ~1ange CA 92668 Pubh5hed Orenge Coul 01o1y NAM£ STATEMENT ~rovlded in SA•d 1101eu1 odvanc~ Sell The unoers1gne<l causeo said asaoc1a11on proper11ea comprl50d 01 seo1e0 p/oposatt will t>e reoe1ve<1 by 1e1 17141835·8288 P11ot .Nov 5 12. 19, 1982 The lollowing persons ••e do•no I any unoer 1h11 1erms of '6ld OeeCl Not1ee 01 Oellull end Election to th"-recreotoon areA easemeni ana Ill• C11y of Co111 Mose11 1h<1 oll1ce CPP30l311 Puo•t~heo Newpot1 Hart>o• Newa 4853·82 buS<ness IS ,, T ru11 , ... , Cll••oes and $ell IO be record4HI In ,,,. '4Unly ·~•Ml euemenl 11111 ~et ol 1119 Coty Clerk" Ille City Hell, 77 NOTICE OF TfllUSTEIE'I SALE Pres1 combined Wlll'I tlle Orange ,_ ___________ _ WALNUT ltllL LIOUOR 1d61 >•e>en~ 01 11\e T1u11ee and ot 11>e v.hore the reet P•ooerly •• loe.tted defined 1n the •bO-robed plart F•.1r Otive. Cot•• M"8, Cehlo.nie, NOT J;:S No 175583 Co111 o;iuy Polol Nov 5. 13. 19, PlBUC NOTICE ReOHi1l l u111n CA 92680 rusll cruteo by nod Deed of Dale Ocl<>bet29 1982 •n d the 1b0Ye·Oe1cr1beo untll lh• hour or 1100 em on YOU ARE 11N DEfAUll 1!182 Ch• Myong Ho 14661 Rtlel Hiii rru\I lor tho amount reinon~bly Secu111y All.oo 541<vrces Oec;18rahon o.c.m0er 23. 19'2, 1t whotll 11me 485l·82 CPP..,.. Tustin. ~A 92680 1s11mated 10 be $ 165 758 16 53~2 l.Jlurel Cyn. •2 t2 PARCEL " I hey will t>e opened put>hcly end UNDER A DEED Of TRUST DA TEO lllOTICl Of T'llUITla'I SALE Cho Ha Ja. 1466 1 Reo Holl, rhe beMhetary und111 1111<1 Deed NOrlh HOllV'NOOCI, CA 91601 E•Cllllive easments appurtenant 1eeo alouo 1n the Council Cn1,,,bef1 SEP1EMBEA 21ST. 1982 UNLESS MLIC NOllCE T.I . Ne. L•IGn TuSlln, CA· 92~0 )f Trust herecolote ereculeO llnd (213) 980-41412. E~I 2354 IQ Parcels No 1 eno No 2 lor FURNISHING ALL LABOR. YOU TAKE ACTION 10 PROTECT -YOU ARIE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Tlllst>uS1ness 1scon<1uctt>Ohyttn lahveroo 10 Ille under51gned a Judllh R l(e;il1ng, descnbed above lor use and M ATERIALS, EOUIPMENT, SYOOLU0R}T~RAOPPUEBRLTtCV.5~lL£MA1FYYOBUE NOTICl80·tMm, 'ILINO Of C>E£0<>FTRUST.DATEOJUlY30, ndrvklu•I w111ttn Oecldr1t1.on 01 Oet11v11 eno Aast Vrce Pret1den1 occupencv lot (ye•dl. (dec k) TRANSPORTATION ANO SUCH NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE AP,LICA TION TO INCREAll 11170 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Mvong Ho Chi )emend 101 S11'" end a .,1111en Publlsned Orange Co111 Dl llt (g11age1. purpostl dellned II OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY BE NATU"'E OL ·T .... E PROCEEDING ACCOUNTS 0 , AN INIURAeLt TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT ~I~ ~-:·· .. ~·h=-o~·-~~·A~·~-~h~ ... ~~~M~·,;~1 ..... ~ .. ~·AA::~·n.=P:.::~~O!.,I .!N~O!!•_!IO~~~fl!,_!08':!!!:~3:.... ~19~8~2 reslnc;teo common ••• ., on lne REOUtREO TO INSTALL Sil E " ~ n MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. Counly Clttll ~I O•ange Counry on >et< lhe undersiqne<J C.JUSIO eaio • ...,, • .,, auOVl·dlStrlbed i)ee •ru•-.,,. 1 ·-··~ --~ AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD TV'IE IN CONNECTION WITH IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Nov 16, 1982 '40toce of Deldult ond Elecflon to-------------ass1oned rn 1ne •bove·descrlbed COSTA MESA, CAl,IFORNIA vv• ·~v "~m '-, 8"ANCM ACQUlll'bOll(.S)_ 01"11't~Aftl~--:--iH• F2022S0 )ell to be recoroeo 1n the county PUBLIC NOTICE plan • A set ot plans s6ec1Uca11ons and On December 3, l982 al 9 Hi 1111~ 11 10 inform the publl<: 11111• PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Put>llsheO Orange Cout O;aoly ~hf'te the real pr<>Pcrty 11 foc,ued NOTICE TO CON'TRACTOfll Tiie Sluiet addre11 enotor Other otllltf contrect c ocumenls rna~ bit A M • AMERICAN SECUAITIES under Secllon !>63 22(bl ot the SHOULD CONTJICT A LAWYER. P~ot Nov 19 26 Dec; J 10 1982 Dale November9 198' c •LLING F""'•-s common des1gna11on 11any.1a 01>11J11ea en Ille oll1ce of 1he O.· COMPANY•• duly eppointd RulotandRegulatoonslOflnsurence On Decaml>tf 10. 1982.119:15 SOS 1-82 VEAov<iO SERl/tCE "CHOO~ L DIS T'RlcT' 0 , ange purported to be 1095 Mesa Blull p1r1men1 ol Leisure Se1v1e11 77 T<uslee unoer and purtuen1 to 01 Accou"11• •n<I Sectoon 545 14 01 1 m . G 1 BR ALT AR o EE o COAPORATIO'l "' 0f1Vt Costa Mew C• Feir OftVe. Costa Mesa Cel1l0<n,. Deed of T1ust retO<Oe<I Sep1 24 tl'IO Rules l r>d Regutellons tor Ille C 0 M P AN 'I' I Ca I 11 o' n i a M Su•d TruSIH Count) Department ot EducetlOfl Sai$1 S.ale .,,.111 be made wrthOut up0n ,_Pl 011 nonretuncla~ lee 1981 u 1n11r NO. 31819, on ~ f'IOIWll Sevtngs end Loan SVtltm corpo•elron, as duly appolnled Bv Susan W11t1am' Cuunly Supe11nlt1ndon1 ot Schools wetranty u to lltle POa$9$s1on or of $7 00 II bidders requMI piens 14'232 pege 82, of Olttc1a1 Records Wettetn H!Oeral Sev1ng1 .and Loin Trustee unOtr end punuent to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS AutllOr<V'O Sion;ituta Bl 0 0 EA DL l.H E T uead;a v. encumt>ronces tor the puipoM 01 end speclllcallol'IS t>e malled 1111 1n ll'le olhce of the County Reco.c:lef Astoc1a11on, 13180 M1ndan10 Ww;, Deed 01 Trual made by CHARLES L NAME STATEMENT ()(lf.A)rnb<'r 14 t982 111 1000 AM payt~ne ot>l,,..tlon.I S«ui9d bv ellerna wt~ be SlOOO...., set ol ,Orange County, S tate o f M911n1 Del Rey. Calllornla, hlS filed PO..-TER and JU .. E E POTTE". The loHowt..,.. ......,._. •r• d~nn • 401 N Brano Blv<' PLACE OF 01D REC'"IPT Oren-._. ' •-,..., Cal I E t..., b EOW•RD en '9"'pllcatfon for permission to ' "" " ... ,...,._ •• ~ 9 -·.,, "t nd CA 9 _.,.. c .,.. satCI of Trust 1nclud1"" the lee Eeeh t>•d ahlll be made on 1~ 1 orme ~ecu vv Y " " n·-.. --.. a..,, WI'·. ,...,_ 10 ~·-buSiness H ., "'11 aie lcv-> Coun1y Oepert.,..nl ol Eouc111cn "• M MORRISSEY ANO JACKAlEEN 1nc1•ete accounll Of en lnwreble _.,...., "" ,.. ....... -·• FLORAL TECHNlOUES 6832 fel 12131 't00-"2485 ...._ 215 1300 S Grill\O A~~. ano eapenM 01 the TruSIH end of propoaeJ torm 1nO lrf Ille mlnt\ef M MORRISSEY .... I> d nd ~1 I"""' b a•·~ Oft"· ~qutStllon ol en tndeblednesa In favor ol P 0 C ......... ....._... ·--Ille lrulta crealecl by IMlkl OeeCI OI prOYlded 1n lh8 con l rlCI ·'"''en • .,e ,,._ yr__,,, ,..,_ ,...,T""""•• HOMES AOCE'"'ANCE VIJla del Sol, Hun11ng1on Beach ublllhed tln8!c OH\--ly 01dg 0. Senta .Ana CA WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Drinen 0"1C41 Of C.hlomfa FedefW ,... ,,,,_._ ~' Celflorn1a 92647 P~ol NO,. l9, 26, 3. 1~f, 82 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION ~1':!911:,v:,n~:.~::~,;:,u;~,'~nOw;~ ::c~':n~aen~~: t>:~ac:r~l~I~~ bo~ TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH S1v1ngs & loan AQOC1etlon, 54170 =·:01::0~~~~ Ilene Wood. 6832 VISIO del Sol.1-------------· -NAME Telephone System O••no• U"Pll<1 principal I nd ll'llOfHI of tile C8Shlltf. cllec:k or • bid t>ond for IP•Y•l>l• ., llm• o1 SAia on lewlut WllShlre Boultw•rO. Lo• AngelH, NETTLETON COMPANY, r-ded Huntington Beach, Caltlorn•• 92647 PUBllC NOTICE County Department of Educe11on, Notl(s) tecureii by Hid Dee<! 01 ,..01 1, .. lhan 10 per()flnl 01 lht money of the Unlfe<I S111es) 111 the C1111orn1a 90036 located 11. 2163 Augvll 3. 11179, u INI No 4424• In Cynlhla Cooloy 12553 E 200 Kalmos. Co11a MeH CA Trull, to-wit s:ta.383 06 amou!ll 011118 bid, med• payeble 10 lronl en1t1net 10 Ille old 011nge No•th Orange Mall. Orenge. boOk 132511, page 1 t7, 01 Offic:lel Cueste 011ve Cernlos C11tlorn1a FICTITIOUS I USINESS PL.ANS S SPECtFICA TIONS Oiied Novembef a. 1o82 11141 City ol Colll M.. Counly 1.our1hou11 l~llld on CellfOfnll g2665 Records In Ille ottic:e Of the County 90701 NAME STATEMENT AllAILA0LE FROM Earline Ree .. es WESTERN MUTUAL 1 Tne conlreClOt llllll In lhl S1n11 Ane Bl vd ' t>tlween Anyone mey write In l•vor or Recorder Of Orange County. Slate Nanc;y Keyser, 95112 RoekPO<nt .Tl>e ro1to .. 1ng persons ara dc><no & Auoc1a111 Communic1111on1 CORPORATIC»4 perlormence of 1111 wori.. end Sycamor .. St ena Broaowey, SAnll orotesl of Ille 11>pllca11on Yo11r ol Cal>lomta Will SELL AT PUet.1C Drive, Hun11ng1on Beach. CellfQfn1a bus1nfl~ et Consultants 38753 Yucc1 TrH. 700 So Tustin Slr"I lmprovemenll conform 10 111, Ant CA ell right. htle and 1n1tre.s1 comments may dltCUts-.bul lfl not AUCTION TO HIGHEST BtOOER 92648 I • ) T H C R 1 G H T P 111 md a l e. C A 9 3 5 50. I el o range. CA 92687 Lat> or Code bl Ill• State 01 conveyed lo end now held t>y II 11m11eo 10, lhe epphcant ,record ol FOR CASH (peylble at llme ol Mle Thos business 11 conducted by a CONNECTIONS (bl CONNECTS. tel 8051273-0055 lei. (714) 771.,. 100 Cehloinla end Olher laws 01 th• under u1d Deed of TruSI 1n 1ne perlorm•nca In llelplnt to meal Ille in lawful money 01 111, Unlled gene.al P•rlnershlp LOVE CONN EC l J (di PART\I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllll ~, IUCh TruatH Siiia of Celllornle applloeble property 11lu1ted on se1d Counly c red II nee 0 t o I 111 I oc I I Stet .. ) el lhe Iron! tnlrenoe lo Ille Heney Keyser. CONNECTIONS. 1012 Brooso D11ve IM Orllf'gl County ~lmer)I of By Clletl Fernawortll thetelo With the tltotPtlOn only 01 llfld Stale ~lbed H communltleS four copies mull be efd Oringe Counly CourtllouM, Tn1s 1111emen1 was hied "''th lhe Suite 106 Cosla Mese CaMorn11 Eoucauon Counly Supet1n1endent Trutlee Salee Offteoer sucn varlallonl u mw; be requtr«i Loi SO of, Traci 3648, on the Clly received t>y "SuperYt10ty Agent loceted on S t nll A ne Blvd., County Clerk of Orange County on 92627 o f Sehoot• Orenge County, • 'SY'ClrTIOfl St & Broedwey, unc)W l"8 IP8Clll llltutes purauenl 01 Cos II Me••· a1 per map Fedlf'lll Home Loan Benk of Sen ~Sycamore SI. & Broedwey, November 2. 1982 Karon Karine Mer11n 18 Cahlo1nt.t l\('te1nalllf ref8'red to., Sent• An•. CalllornJa 10 "Jfllc:tr proceechno• he<CMH\der tte rec:orded on Book 1211 Peges 37 10 Frencisco. 600 C1lllo1n11 SlrHI Santa Ana C:~ .. rlgttl 11118 F201162 Lemon T1ee. 1rv111e C1111orn11 SUPERINTENDENT ' will rtc.ive Publlshed Orange CoHI Dally Ilk en And which have not t>een « 1nc:1ut1ve ot M1scetlaneous MIPS. Po 11 0 II I c • Box 7 9 4 8 San end nt«nl • 10 81\d. now Put>ll111ad Orenge Coasl Da11y. 92715 up 10 1>u1 nol t11ter 1n1n 1ne above Polo! Nov t9. 26. Dec 3, l982 IUe>etH<le<I t>y Ille provltlons 01 tl>e records of aald 01ang1t CoYnty Frenc11co. Calllornla 114120" by held '0 11 undat !Miid Deed 01 Tr~I PilOt. Nov 5, 12. 19. 26 11182 Tonne S l(et>llng 18 Lemon si11eo 11me \HlaO bldJ lor the 5103·8~ labor ·code Prelerenoe 10 flbor The 1t1ee1 eodrus end 01her No~ 29, 1982 An 1ddlllon11 20 In tlle'I properly altu•l•<I In Hid 4903·82 Tree. Irvine ~l.t0<n1a 927 tS ewerd ol I contrecl for lllCI above -------------.,.,.,. be orven only In Ille manner common dtslQnallon 11 eny of Iha d1y1 10 aut>m11 cornmenl• mey be Counly end Stele detetio.d -. ------------Linda Ann Hall 2184J Canyon proiect PlBLIC NOTICE provtded by law rHI properly described ebove It ot>lllned provtoed auch request 11 Loi 75 01 Tract No 500S, In the PUBLIC NOTICE °'"''CO.ea Mesa Calolornia92&27 81dsShlllbe1ect!N9din111111>4ece NobldshallbeCOMldctredunlet1purported10 iw-18~ Ol\IO ~. rect11ted tn w ro11no t>y Ille Clly 01 Coall _. .. a. Collnty of ---------~~-~----This bUsiness 15 conducle<I by 11 1aen1 1tteo ebove ena •h•ll be "ICTITIOU9 9U ... SI 11 11 made on 1 form lurnllllecl 0,. I to.11 Meu CA 92626 Sup•rv1sory Agent by Nov 29 Or•..,,., Stile 01 Celitornla. • ,,_ FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 0-~1·1 pat1n6 ••1\1p """'"41Kf an" put>ltCIV reed •louO ill NAME STATl•NT I Tiie unde•slgn•O Truste• 1982 -·...--AM" '"'T•TIEME..... ~'9 a ~· w..-y , Ille CllyOI Cotti M .... en<! It mad• ~ ....... recorded In Book 1113, P-N .. "'0 " "' Karon Karina" Marfin the above at11led tome and 1>4-Tiie followfng peraon II doing In eccOl'dence with the "'OVlllon• 01 Olselelms •ny ll1blll1y for 1n~ Anyone sending e sub111nllel ·;~ 1• -• MilOellaneouf M---. In AV I AT 1 ON SE Av I~ ES Th•• 'llatemen1 will hied 110tth tne The SUPERINTENDENT reservea. buslnes• aa: 1118 propoMI requirements Incorrectness of 11\e 1tree1 eddrest protest mey req<rell •n or11 1118 Off~;. the CO\lnt" A_-;;; of UNLIMITED. 3901 Westerly lece cou,,lv Cte<k of OrellQI Coun1y on the 11gh1 to reject eny or ell bids or ' COOL SURF, 2 to Lugon11. No Eecll OIOOlf mull bit leceOM<I end •M other common. des1gn111on. 11 ergumenl on Ille appllcallOn u Ml Mid Count". r -Sulla 107. Newport Beach. November9 1982 10 waive 1ny tru1gula1111es or A,N__,,,,18eac:h,Cahlornla92&e3 enl ........ n"--eln ror1hlns.dton5432(f)oltlleRulM 1 C ' 92660 ·-,.w· e11o Pt~ll1lied H required t>y lew .,.__ '""" Tiie alreel eddress end olnet el• omi. F201"5 an1ormal1t11ts •n eny t>ods °' in Ille Kevtn J Murphy, 210 Luo<>nl•. Tiie City Council of Ille City ol tld •••• wlll be m•d• bul end Regut1t1on• tor the Federal c:ommon .....,.....,111on. 11 .,,.., or Ille American Free Enterprise Put>hsheO Orenge Co•1t Da•1 bidd•~ No A. N.....,,..rl Beech. Cellfornle wllhoul covenanl or w•rr1n1v Sevlngt end Loin Swllem For • ......,.., -·• I d ( M --.. w Coste Meae ret1r11es Ille nghl 10 ~ ' 1 real pr,.,..rly Oetcrtbed above 11 Assoceallon ncorporate • Ptlot Nov t2 t9 26 O"'G 3. 198 8100 1 mu51 1ut>mtl lhe n1m11 92663 re-t enw or 111 bidS expresa or tmplle<l, reg1rd1ng 11U. proltll 10 bl considered ..,.,..;o-1 be llle c;.,_. Sl C11tlorn1a co-<pore11on) 3901 4952 82 ond adOreuoa 01 eacn sub· Tiii• 1>u11ne11 is oonducttd by an ,_ Eiieen p Piii posseulon, or encumbrlnc:tS, 10 1u1>111n1111, II mual be wrllten. ~-o CeAlornla. .. WeSlerfy Piece -Sul1e 107 cont•oc1or who will ~rlorm work or ndlvldu1I Cny Clefk the pey the rem111ntng p11ne1p11 sum of received on time. end contetn 11 Said ••le will be mede. t>ut Newe>orl Beach. Cehlornla 9'6ti0 PUBLIC NOTICE rttnder ser"IGH to the con1rac101 In KeVln J M<Jrpllv C the nolo(1) secured b• uld Dead aJ leest 11\e lotlowlng 11 • aumm•"' ot Th l>o d NI b • ' lty 111 Mesa ' " without coven•nl or werrenly, '' 1 Slneta ••con uc1 Y a c:onnec11on w1111 Ille pro1ec1, Tiii• 1111emen1 w11 hledl wllll lhe Put>IJShed Orenge Colt! D•lly Trull w1111 1nteres1 111ereon as the , ... on• for the protell: 2) IM ••PfMI °' lmplled, regarding ii,ie, oorporll on FIC nnoOs IUllNESS • ll>fCll'flno .. 11a1 work or servrces wrtt Counly Clerk of Or'1199 County on p lo1 NQv 19 26 r1182 I prolllded In said no1eta), aov•n<:*S apecllk: mellw• objected 10 in the br 1 Amerlc;an Free En1111pri91 N,l.ME STATEMENT be sub..c;ontrac1.o OcJOC>tr :is. 1982 1 • • ' 51'J.42 u eny. unde< tlll,terms 01 aatO o.d apphc11ron or. 1~ the 1pp 3 111e 1 an1 • ~..N~er\CC:1~ '":n C: AUC>Cllllon. tnc Tiie 1c>11ow1ng punons ore d0tng No bidder n1ay w111101aw n11 bid f200UI ol Trull, lees. clterges aha community MfV""' rec;oro. , ectt, Ille note NCutecf by Mid Deed of John M Davisson, ovsoness u . • · · lot n perood of Sl•ly 160) d•Y• ••ter Publlahed Orenge Co111 Deily a.a-.,._ NOTIC eJpensea of the Truatee ind 01 the tnc:ludlng tny retevent economic Of 1 11 Seclfres CITIZENS FINANCE 1425Z 1118 dale sel for the opening 01 bid•-Pilot, 0o1. 29. Nov. 5, 12, Ill. 1982 '"""""' E 1ru111 cre•ttd by Hid Deed of fin•~•• inlo.M111on, which support Trull, "'1,'..!' .!:'"•" 1.!reon, •"• ,Thia 11a1emen1 was flied wtlto lhe Culvtr Orlve Sutt• G. lrvrne, i\ pe1 fo1mance bond wlfl be 4743-82 Trust the pro1ea1; end 4) •ny adverse provided"' -d note. -11-· Cou 1 Clerk I Or Cou 1 on a PICTITIOUI IUIMH I 11ny. un(!er Ille letms of aald Deed n Y o enge n Y C.11torn1a 92714 required prior 10 aioning 01 Ille •-IC ..,,,1.,.r NA• ITAtt..,.T The tolel 1moun1 of the unpaid effect• on your org1n zallon or 01 T ru~I. l•••· chergea •nd ~ 19. 1g92 CITIZENS GROUP t/'IC , 1 Con11ac:i The perlormanc:e bond n-. "" ~ The 1,...,,__ d t>llfenoe of Ille 01>11g1110n Mc:Ured communllv wttlcll M•y r""'1 from T fl'"°5 c 111to1n1a corpQ'9llon 14252 11'1111 be 1n tt>e lorm Mt IClflll 1n :lie -~-.,. pereont .,, Cling by tne properly to be 1old end 111>Prov1I Of Ille eppltc:allon ••penMt of Ille ruatee Publltl'lld Orenge CO••• Deily Culver Qrlv• Su11~ O. ltvin• Cont19'I Oocumenta ~~A..,...Tl•NTll Duel'-S u reuonat>le eallmeted costt. You mil' looto 11 Ille 11P9iicat10n Tne total llmOllnt Of Ille unpeld Piiot Nov 19 26 Dec: 3 10 1982 u -•• MO ~EY MARKET CHECK II t belence of lhe obflDl110n --• ' ' · • C11111orr11a 921t• lh Robert Pele<son Tiie loftowl"" do CA SHING CENTER. 1707 S e•Plr'Sft •~ eOv•ncee •lllltlorw end 911 commenia led 1 lh• by lhe properl" 10 be aold and 6 l l5-!I~ Thi• busine.st Is conduoteO bV a County Supe11ntend11n1 butl .. •• .. .., Wton• ere Ing Broollhurat, Anellelm, CA 92804 of the 1n11111 pubhc:ellon ol lh• f'eder•I Homt l.oen Bank 01 Sen i eeson•bl• eillmtled cotta, ----.. -.. -,C-NO--Tl_C_E ___ coroor1tion olS11hool1 nell .. OOR •• ••Eoic•L CLINIC ... A"'OLO J, VOSS. 1•5 No110eol S11e11S80,04873 Frtncltoo. unttu eny 1uc11 , • ._._.A ........ ,1~111 ........... .-~• C11 .. ~~1 Gr-·p. ,_ Put>llll\Ad Or•nge Co1•1 Diiiy .. " "" ,. • n n • T... I _..._ Id ,,,__.. .. -1·1 trn"l b" law from A ...... ·--..... -· ·~ ·-"'""' ~~· ~ ·~ ~ • 3303 Hert>or Blvd , Suite H·3, Coe1• f.mera10 9•r. l.1g11n1 B•1c11. CA ,,. bent IC••ry u .. .,.... u ,,_... '" '"' .. , •ra •i1 "' ' of Ill• fnltl•I publloallon 01 1111 "ICTITIOUI 8USINESS Moc:haef W McGuire. Pilot NOv t9 26 1 82 M .... CA ll262& ~26$2 Of Trull 114Helolore eaecuted and pubflc dlldolure II you l'lt-ve In)' NollCle Of Sele II 1107 lil3 7I NAME ITATIEMENT Presldenl 510'·82 ST.-MPER MEDICAL CLINIC RICK ELLIS SAFFOA, t7t70 dehvered lo lhe undtrtlQned 1 quUltont concerning tllHtit The bttNlteiaty ""*Mid Deed Tiie 1ottow1no per eon 11 do•no TnlS tlatement w41 lile<l W•lh Iha ·-'C NOTICE INC • • CellforYlle <:orpOtlllOn, 3303 BllMweter Lene. Hun1ino1on Beech, ""11ien Declaret1on °1 Oeleun end ~' 0 c • d 11 '•1 • c; 0 n 1 • c 1 1 h • Of Trutl llerelolore neculed and Dutlness 11· Coun1y Clt!I~ of Or4111(1t County O•t nivu Harbor lllvd • Sult• H·3. Cost• CA 02&49 Demand lo< Sele. end • "'llten uperY\tory "9enl at Ille Federal delivered lo ine under1lgnff • OLPAAK'S CORNISH STYllE Nov1mbe1 9. 1982 ---F,-C-T-ITIOU""""--• ...,...-u~.~ .. ~.~.---M .... CA 92926. RON.\LO l PHA~ES, 8029 N Nolle• 01 0.l•ufl end Ei.c:llon lo Home lollr\ B•nll 0' San FrintllCO written Nolle• 01 Oef1ult end HOT PASTIES. 3 0alun1 Coutl . CAPflETZ & l(ASOAN NAMS ITATl•NT Thie ~ '• conaucted by • 11111 Av•. PllOer11•, Arllonll 15015 Sell Tl'lt under•lgnecl <ill.teed Mid Put>.llslled Orange Coe.al D•ll~ ti.c:uon to Sell Tiie underelfned Htwoor1 Buc;ll Ci\ 92663 2091 he!-C9111et Drive. Tiie lollowing pereon 11 OOll'lg COfSIO'llllOn Thie ~ 18 condu<:ted by 1 Notice of 0.l•ufl end l!lectlon 10 PllOI. No" 12, 10, 111112 502t·I C.lleed Mid Notice of Oefeull and &alb llrtGUU. Mf.UJlJlL..3 Sult• 200 t>ust.na.• Stamper Mecltcal CllnlC :IOfl)OrlllOn w IO 1)9 r41COrded Ill Ille county __ .,. llnlTIC( ElecllOn to Sell 10 be -Nd In 81run1 Cl-Newpore Buch 1:'11 '"'"9', Celllurnte-'tt-LAIRD UlmPMS'ES. mu ~ --'p 1111 ...... -JIM'~ pt~!!!!_ .--"" Jbl-"IW!Jlt ---.-- 92&63 F20llt0 Spruce T•M Ln Irvine. C• 9271$ Nell 8 Sllmpet. C0to Ille M~'::AN s c s '1CnTIOUI-.. "IOCiTiif' -· --Tl••• butiness IS condUCIO(I t>y on PuOhlhOO Orange CO.SI Dally Tllylor w Llltd 111. 17642 Secy Jet! Vote A E UAIT!!,.. NAMI ITAYnmn O.•• October 28, 1912 lndMdl.ill PitOli Nov Ill. t9, 26. OtlC :l, 1118~ Spiu<ie Tree Ln , lt'Vlne., Ce. 92715 Tritt ••ettment Wit lllad wllll Ille Tlllt l talemenl wit llled Wllh tri. COMPANY Th f II d I OleftALTAf'H)IE£0 GOMH.NY Be1h v Msr~holl • 5018·82 Thlt butlnett 1, conducted by an County Cltfk of Orenoe County on Co...111y Clefk 0180tangc1 COuntv on ~·0•~0!'3~~:, ~o .. oi:''"0 pereon 11 0 flt ctoc0R081ERT E WEISS Tnlt 1111ernent wu h~ willl 11141 IMivtOUel Novtmf:* 9, t982 N~~ 1. 19 2 1'11•1 Stnlt Rota CA 115402 "1 ECOLOGY OOMPANllES, 2 IN APOAAT!O ~'le c::2 °1 Oreng., C(!Unly 00 Pllll.IC NOTICE flllt 11~~~ ... ~~'i..: With Ille P11blt1111d Oreno• coe~:Y Publttlltd Ot1nge Co.II. O••ly i;~:i (fOT) 54•·331o h i ~g~l .. ~C:.Yv ":AklJ~~J ~ ~~ ~=4°' ~ ,ICTITIOUI IUSINIH Cou111y c1.,11 Of Ot•"Ot County on Piiot Nov 12. 19, 2'5, Dec; 3, IM2 Pttot. Nov l2, Ill, ff Dec lo IM2 By 8eff1 L Pavtenllov, ~AINTENANCIE COMPo\NV. t \t:~~~. Publl•h•d Or•no• CoHI Dally NAMI ITATIM9NT Nov t8 1982. 6017~ '4·92 Aatt S.C.t1rtrY lCOlOQY MAINTENANCE ... - •Pllol, Nov IQ, 26, Dao 3. IO. l982 Tiie loltow1no o.<tons "' doing ,_ •-ic 11n1TM"r ------------Publl•ll•d Or•ngt Oo1tt 0111v C 0 MP AN Y, I . f; C 0 LOG V ~°'T'!.'!!...!'° Agent 5069·8~ l'lullMtl ... Publltlllld Orenge COlll D•lly .--""'""' Pia.IC NOT1Cl Pltol Nov 12 10 :ie 1ff2 LANDSCAPING COMPANY; • "" ·-------------AMERICAk AEi80URCE;S P1IOl Nov 19 2e Ott 3, 10. IH2 '1CTmOW9UWM • . . 4947·82 ECOLOGY CONITAUCflON PubhtlltO Or•no• CoHI Otlly L P\B..IC NOTICE ENTCRPAISES. 12 R1e>o11no S1rewn. 50!i 12 ...._ ITA~ • PICTmQU9 -• -C o M loA N v , 7 I co 1. o G v Piiot. No¥ II, ti, H , tMI ltt11ne IOl'Jl.11 _8}.116 -~--------__ MAlll lfATW "8JC !>TIC£ DIYalOPMINT COMPANY, I 4....., • ~~""'1'm~ oe y l"'~ " ""'Q""-,.. • ~ -~~wlt: ~ ,_..,, • ~J ~,..... ~..-. •a o 1.ct•' ,,. o, • 11 T" k':i.: .. ,_ ••• ···-St111m. lrlt11'1t, Cillllornl• 92715 -----------SCHOOLHOUH FO" THI ~. • PN: .. 1~~., .. ~ MANMlllllMf l:OU'ANY, 1t371 "8JC llmCl ~ Tiit following pe,,on It doing BellA H 1110 , 12 Rlpptlng flCTmOUI 9UllNlll NHOl.I l400 IMNI A-.ut No CHIAPPI 8, 10:11 (I C•ffltnO -'" lttect'l llVCI l""9 IOO Huntlnflon •uelnetl H Stream lr~nt. c11111orn11 92715 NA• ITATlmNT • l II, NeWpOrl IMOll, OellfOrnll Orfw, ea.ta Mae, CA tNH The lollowl"t ri-rton II dolno 9Matl. C.MOrnl. .,...; mTICI OI' A#UCATIOll CIE .. cTEU!.T70•M7 8M•~•TrOf,Sclol1RtE• Wenleol.o."1.•l•it<tDtl'lt, ll!e 10110.inn,,,.,eon "Oolno ,..._ OHUL H 8 0HN •• MAiiow. l>u~v-~CAlTA .. " .... ......._ "°'10 Cwcero ... l l,ryClrole, fOlm.L ,.. " " ~ • ArcNll. CtUlorn11 0100t t>utineM.. • -"""'-Cf0110f1 111 ....... WW... CA t17tt "" .,. "" 1_.. l-._-, HunWtcl'On 1111'1. ~ N1tt M.COllOllC ..W.AW • ~. CA t2t2t Ven Wen l.o. 33 ll Sler1t bttvt, SU )A 1953 NO • !Owe. Cotti. A,._ INI p 0 lo. nt. 1111iot JIN J IOMH. I M ..... lrvlne, A.,.• ~ C, lnrlM, CA 1:1714 Tllll ~ II oonduCtecl " lfl ft..a W1Ni.tn £ PIQ8. 30A2 Yukon Ar'-ldll C.ittorllle t IOOI M.w. CA t~ --· llleild ~ --' CA tt714 SUIAH C OOl(KIN, It I 11 Vie ~ To Wl'°'9I " ..., COftliefft Cttde. Cot•• MeN. CA 112G29 Thia l>UlllleM II cond\lc:lld Oy • Su••n M•1c.llue. 1953 No • TNi ~ .. IOlldllal9d " "' T ... llutlrltel II COlldl.ICMd by .. itlClllCe. Dell• Point. CA tltlt "°" I i.-o ALPttrl ""'AUMNTa. MO .. 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Nov •• 12. It, 1M2 P1'°1 Nov It, 20. Otc 3, 10. 1112 ""°' Oat " "'°"· •. TL 11 ,.., "°'· Oat "· Now, •• "· ti. ,. ""9fltfltd Dr•nte £!."~ D~~·J Hew ICNMllltflt to ... , ""· ..... 11. ,..,. '""'"· " Oto &0$ 1•82 002·U 50H0H ' ' ' ' ....... 47'4-11 Piiot, .._,, 12· 19• ft, .,_ .~:: CMMlfleO fld• dO 11 well, IMt-11 • PUBLIC NOTICE PUBllC HoTICE \ • ' • lllljPllll . ... FRIDAY. NOV. 19, 1982 ClASSlfllD . A T'1rn( ei-) for.:the .better . . UCl's new floor leader }earned f rorn mistakes By JOHN SEV ANO o<tM~Noe•laft • With aU his talent and ability, one would have figured George Turner to have a smoother existence than he's had. But that hasn't been the case with UC Irvine's newest backcourt ace .. Turner has gone throµgh , some hard times, trying times, time; during the...past...li>.Mr, years in which he has missed practices •. missed games, missed school, had brushes with tile law and, yes, even spent a few days in jail. To meet George Turne r, though. one would never have thoul(ht all that to be possible. Not only is the 6-<i, 185-pound UCI guard amiable, but he also possesses an easy-going demeanor and an Infectious smile. So. what went wrong? Well, Turner explains It was a combination of. nQt_ wanting to acc;ept ..rnponsibl!ily co4_Rled with a dash of reality. A hometown basketball hero ana hot-shot player out of Hitchcock, Texas, the only person George Turner wanted to listen to when he graduated from high school was George Turner. "I'VE MADE SOME mistakes,'' said Turner in a soft-spoken manner recently. "(But) people are going to say stuff the way they want to. "I don't think I screwed around that much or had a bad attitude . . . but people are going to think what they want." Turner's problems started shortly after his senior season at Hitchcock High, where he averaged 31 points, 18 rebounds, 7 assists and 5 steals a game. ' Understandably, after being named All-· City, All-Conference, All-State and All- America, Turner was inundated with college offers. He wanted to go t.o the University of Houston but, with some guidance from his parents, decided to attend the University of Texas instead. "I went to the wrong school from the start and then I didn't listen." explained Turner of his association with Texas Coach Abe Lemons. DePauJ, when he started at point guard (he played on the wing the r«;St of the.time). "I held Clyde Bradshaw (of DePaul) to' just two pdlnts in one game and Quintin Dalley (of the University of San Francisco) to 16 in af¥)ther," remembered Turner fondly. , EVEN TURNER'S personal success, , though, was overshadowed by rumors or jealousy among his own te~tes. who thought he was shooting too much. "I reaJly didn't consider myself a star . ~ 'That · (being in prison) must be the roughest life in the world. It was terrible. People were shooting up -t h ere a 11 I h e-~ t i m e . My ce mate iised l~-wanl me to hold· the rubbe~rap ·for him. I wouldn't dd 11, though. I tlidn't want to get in'l"olved.' , there (at Texas)," defended Turner. "l just took what was open. But then I heard there was some complaining that I was scoring too much. · "Everything went downhill from there." Turner started missing practices. then games. Finally, he just left the squad all together. . At "the end of the year Turner met with Lemons and the Texas coach suggested he come to the W~t Coast to play at Santa Ana College under Rolland Todd. Turner came. but that idea proved to be a bust, too, as the only thing he got out of It was a 90-day jail tenn for receiving stolen property. ) TURNER .EVENTUALLY served 60 days of his sentence -and learned a valuable lCSIOll in the proeess. "lt was terrible. People were shooting up in there all the time. My cellmate used lo want me to hold the rubber strap for him. I wouldn't do it. though. I didn't want to get involved at all. . ''I 1remcmbct 1 used to Sl.ay up all night because I didn't want them to stick me and 1 was afraid they would. . "The worst part was being there." Once released, Turner wanted to do nothing more than go home. But he was introduced to UCI assistant coach Mike .Bokosky who, in turn, set ~ a meeting wit.h.Saddleback Coach Bill Brummel. IT WAS WITH the Gauchos that Turner got his life squared away agairi. Like a seasoned veteran among novices: Turner took the communi ty college basketball world apart. He scored 21 points, averaged 7 rebounds, led Saddleback to a share of the Mission Conference title and was rewarded for his e fforts by being named to the All-state teatn. "lt was pretty boring," agreed Turner to a question concerning the level of ability at the community college ranks, "but [ knew • it was something I had to do. I knew if I went to a JC it would get me back on the major college level. ·"I came out-here (to California) originally to make it. And once I set a new goal for myself 1 decided to play ball and go to school. I knew I couldn't afford to get in any more trouble." Turner has made such strides that today he finds himself at UC Irvine, where he will be the team's startiAg point guard when the Antea,lers open their season Wednesday against the University of Alberta (Canada) at Crawford Hall. Turner is not only being looked upon to score and pass, but to provide leadership · and stability to a young senior-less team. Both roles he accepts readily. .. • ' C6 Still, Turner played hall the 1979-80 season, averaging approximately 14 points per outing as a fresh.man. And, as Turner proudly points out, the LonghoJnS were 7-1, losing only to Mark Aguirre-led "That was another stepping stone ... Turner admitted. "I knew I had no busin~ being in there. "That (being in prison) must be the roughest lire in the· world," he added aofUy. .. "I can play the role I have to . . . tpe role th~y (the coaching staff) want me to," said Turner. "I can lead the team, and I don't have to do it by shooting. I'd rather throw passes and give assists." That statement. in itself. is a pretty good (See TURNER, Pa1e C%) .................. ..,M*o'M Guard Ge:.;le Turner is hoping to provide I ership and stability lo UC Irvine's basketball team. . . Bruins' KnowleS ·braces for 'the · big one Lee Knowles By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS o<tM D9llJ Noe ..... It's Big Game week for Lee Knowles and the rest of the UCLA Bruins and that can mean only one thing: use. "It's always· something special." admitted Knowles, a Marina High product who has seen an increasing amount of playing _time at his role of; inside llnetiacker on the UCLA defense. ''To beat them, we're going to have to play excellent defense. It's going to be a battle all the way:" he said about this Saturday's confrontation at the Rose Bowl. Knowles must be getting used to that type of game. Although the Bruins (4-1-1 in the Pac-10 this 9e890n) have been averaging 33 points per conference . game, there have been few breathers. UCLA opened the conference slate with a 24-24 tie a~ainst Arizona. then Sunset CIF entries· .face rugged tests By ROGER CARLSON Of'"tMD.-, .......... The first of. three stepe to the ·CIF football playoff finals is on tap tonight with njne games :lnvolVlng Daily Pilot area teams in action, moet notably Sunset League representatives Edison', _, ·Fountain Valley and Huntington B each along with Newport Harbor from the Sea Vie w League. Kickoff in each instance i.s at 7:30. Here's a look at each: ~respt v1. EdtlOD . Crespi (8-2) i.s the wild card team with a No. 6 ranking ln the Bia Five ratinp, and enten with 11 -reptttetft>n-fo.....-pufti•t.i uound attack behind a big front fine, lncludin1 8-6, "5-PoUnd John Kidder and 6-5, 225-pound tl1ht end Lance Faria. Both teall1I feature an l-offen1e. but Edlaon'a 1tyle may revolve around rhe paaalng of 1 quarterback Jon Nowotny. Edlaon, a co-cham_J>~on and ranked No. 10 in the BAI Fie~ 64-1 ~ ~~. m\ONftlt c.ouege. YI. F ....... Vallef a co-champion in the Sunset League, is a finesse team compared to Loyola. It's at Huntington Beach ffjgh. I Hantia1toa Beacll v1. St. Fraacl1 St. Francis is No. 7 in the Big Five rankin1s despite a 5-5 overall record. Mike Kane is the key to the runnlng game fdr St. Francis. Whic h boaala 6 -6, 245-pound t•ckle Tom Riley within the framework of a very big line. A ICnee injury is not expected to keep Danny Thompec>{l out of the Huntington Beach lineup. It's at Glendale High , located at 1440 E . Broadwa.~----- N.wport-Bart.or YL.Norw~ Newport Harbor enters with a dist1nct advanta1e in terms of sb.e and figures to (live Norwalk'• defenalve llne •"•tern teat. . Norwalk la 5-5 overall. Bob · Bobldewicz (6-1, 182) haa thrQwn 7 TD~· Harbor'• Sailors are CJt ~Uh~J-'!} Steve Conference pme ii aC l!xcellior Hl1h In Norwalk, located on AJondra , east of Cerritos Col.Je8e. LB PelJ ••· Maler Del rebounded with a 42-17 win over Washington State (a game in which the Bruins trailed 17-14 in the third quarter), a 47-31 victory atCaJ (the game . was tied 31-31 early in the fourth quarter) followed by a romp over Oregon, the loss at Washington. and a 'three-point decision over Stanford last Saturday. • The 10-7 setbaCk to the Huskies was the most frustrating game of the year for UCLA and will more than likely cost the Bruins a shot at the Rose Bowl game come New Year's Dav. • ' -The Bruins need a victory over USC Saturday, combined with a Washington State upset over Washington and an Ariw"a victory over Arizona State Nov. 27. "Arizona could win, but for Washington State to beat Washington, we it doesn'( loo k t oo promising," Knowles admitted. "The game against Washington was a tough one for us, but I thought it was one of our top efforts d efensively , holding them to 10 points like we did," said Knowles. "The team showed a lot of spirit coming bacK' against Stanford like we d id, though." Knowles is in has Uurd 'jear at UCLA. but still has two years of eligibility remaining foilowing the end of the current season. He made the decision to red-shirt last year and has not regretted the move. "l played very Uttle my first year here and it probably would have been the same thing all over again," he said. "I was optimistic going into this year because 1 felt I had a good spring. But I never expected to be play in~ this much." What he was expecting was to come la bil -but Loyola la even 0111er, with 0-8 Chll Kmninlld the key co a front line thllt 1Venp9 21f pounda for the ~ (8-1-1), r.nked No. 4 ln the final Bil tlve Conference poll. Brendan ~rair.en .. Loyola'• ~. l>ut ·it'• the power runniq 'IAIM that la Loyolll'a forte. Fountain Valley (4-e), allo One of the better matchupa of the Bil Five flnt round la let for C.errttoe eone.e wtth Poly'• Kirk Janee (8-0, llo • .) expected co 1tve the Monarchs' cfefenH a lat. Poly la No. D In &he .. Five, Mater Det a. ranked No. 9.'"l>oly'a (lee IUNSt'I', Pa•• Cl) Jell Wa•hln11on and hi• EdilOll fflp 1eammate1· . meet Crfttti tonlpt at Onn1e C-o.11 College. ' ,. \ otn:tre-bench a a fint-subelitu~1.-.--­ Blanchard Montgomery and Ron 6utl«:r But Montgomery was declared inelig1bk at the st.art of the aeuon (he's since lx-<>n reinstated) and Butler bas been sidelin<.'<l with strained knee ligaments. He's been asked to play both strong- side and weak-side inside linebacker with the return of M_on,lgomery. ''l'vt• had to learn both poutions, but the adjustment isn't that tough," said Knowles. Knowles is third on the squad 111 tackles behind Montgomery and safoty Don Rogers with 34 unassisted stops and 15 assists. '1Lee is a very intelligent player and a very aggreSsive one," his coach Ter r> Donahue said. "He's also a hard-workin ' guy." The highlight of Knowles' UCLA (See BRUINS, Page CZ) Kings' win, hut lose LOS ANGELES (AP) -Tlw Los Angeles Kin1s beat the Detroit Red Winp in t~eir lat(.>s\ National Hockey League gamt. but they weren't in a celebratm~ mood afterwards. That's because the injury bug struck them again. Center Bernie Nicholls, who leads the Kinp in pis 900rro and tope NHL rookies in potnl!i, s uffered a tear of the m edwl lateral ligament in his riaht kn<'<.' In the first period of 'fhursd<1y night's game acainat Detroit. 1 k will be sidelined for at least four weeks. "Lollinl Nlcholla is a bil blow. naturally." aaJd Loa Angt'h"• ~h Don Perry after hia tt-am'i. 4-tvTctory avei"lfte ~~ "I don't know If New Haven (th<' Ktnp' minor ~ teem) hf+"4 anybody to aend &.m. ·•we mi&ht have to move Stew Bozek back to center and bring up a left wl•r lnateed." · Th• Kln1• have loat thn·t· centera to Injury thl1 aeeson, ---~«'-> rott"'. 1n addition. aU·••nr w lnaer Dave Taylor a n tl ct.tenaeman Peter Helander an· akleUned with eeriom lnjuriel Neverthe-., Thunday niaht'& vidory rUed the Kln&I' rec·nrd to 8-'1·3 and moved them to within on• point of flnt·pll•«•• Sdmonton I• &he lm1tht• DM9'on of IM NIWI c;.nipht·ll · Conferenee. 'n. Rid 'NlftP Ott• In 1Mt place In the dlYlllan with u 3-13-4 nmrd. • .... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, Novem.~•!.. 19, 1982 ~--------------............ ....1-...;...------~ Bryant dismisses ~three senior back$ From AP tllspatcltet TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -Coach Bear Bryant kicked three senior runhing backs off his Alabama football team Thursday, sayiflg they did not have a winning attitude. 1 -. • Bruins atop alumplng l1lander1 Kut .. Crowdt-r 11wrc'ti 11 11ual and ~ Wi*hlt.f'd on anothl•r to ,,.~ Bo.ton to a • 3· I vic tory uvt•r tlw Nt•w Vt>rk blandconi In a matchUJ> or th•• Nutlunal Hoc:key Leaau<•'a top two ti('fenaivc.-wumai The Bruins uxtcndl'd· thplr w1nnln1 atrer1tk to four iramet, whll.: lht• 11lumpang laumdt!n&' lt·11d In tht• f>alrick Dlvl1lon was rt•dUCt'cJ lo flv(• points . . . R• Flockllart'1 n•bound aiual at 4;53 ol the• Clnal pe riod hrokt> u 2 ·2 lie und h•J Philadelphia to a :i-2 victory ovt>r Calgary . . . Steve Situ&& nNtt'<i a pulr of goall um.I wwl1111-d on another a1 Montm11l dumpl'd QUC!'bec, 7-4, the third straight wm by tht• C4lru&dierw over the No rdlquea \his sl'ason Mlnnl'aot a llnernates Dino Ciccarelli and Neal Broten comb!ned for two goa18 m thl' rlnal pt•riod 1111 thl North Stan edgL-d Buflalo, 2.:1. Union chief still dissatisfied Unio n c hi e f Ed Ga r vey. EIJ exprcssmg dissatis(actlon with parts •Im• or the collec,lve bargaining agre<>ml'nt , Sailors ~ack1 . . *** * * ... Team effol-t NeWport holds off .El Toro • ID finals ** lifts CdM .. lmbernin.o nets four· • • ID Will • "I am dl.sassoclaJing three players from our football team -Charlie WiUiams, Ken Simon ' and F.arl Collins," Brlanl "said. "This is a result of two things.; No. 1,, don't think they have. a .---...... ----winrtlng att.ltude to help the team; and 2. now they can have all the time they need to study. unanimously approved by National . Football Leque O)Ynt'rs, initiall>d portions of it °Thursday, but said problems rt.'mam. . And union president Gene Upshaw said he believes the vote by th<> l ,500 players who strljfk for ~7 dafS rnigt)t be close. ~)'..!'~~D1!;;, HAN~Y 8y ROGER CA:LSON N H b H • COUN T._._...... INC PA..... Of Ifie Deltr ...... ltelf cwport ar or 1gh, Bill ...,_....,.. · l..ONG BEACH _ David Ba rne tt and water J)olo are lmbernlno's four clutch goals synonomoWI over the ~cars w ith w ould make it appear that CIF championship c ncountNs corona del Mar's 7.5 vie!Ory over ' "They need to pass their work and get a n education like the1 c.a me here to do and if we Wave any more like' them, the same thing will happen to them." .... ~_J Asked i( academics was The initialization came during a d ay in which all ,28 NFL teams. including Wednesday's recalcitrant Chicago Bears and Detroit Lions and locked-out New York J ('ts, returned to practice for Sunday's and Monday's games, the rlrst NFL action on the fie ld since Sept. 20. and th e triumvira t e that l9Sl CIF '1 ·A water polo represents one of the perennial champion Long Beach Wilson ~o w e r s i s I n i h e 4 -A h · h' ThurSday night was a one-man c amp1ons 1p game for the 14th effort, but don't be fooled. t i m e a g a i n t h l s The Sea Kings o( Coach JeH season. Barnett's charges defeated Sea Stites utilized every asset in their View League roe El Toro, 7-5, in bag o( tricks to qualify for a shot a semifinal game Thursday at th e C IF c hampion s hip afte rnoon at Tus tin High to Wc'Cfnesday night at the same site d h . 1 ••LL HR•n ""STITH -Belmont Plaza -in a nip- a vance to t e tit e game J and-tuck contest from start to Wednesday. They w~~o agairm. fmish. Sea V1e.w League-arch~ival, D~ I Corona del .Mar. The aame-wi RUSl er.s1___ • "lmbemtno;'-said Stites; .. he'T MYANT the primary reason. Bryant said, "Academics had nothing to do with it. They just didn't ha'ie-8 wlnning anitu.de...Pn o.r oil.th field. It's best for them that they spend their t.ime studying." "Bryant, whose CriP.lB<>n Tide Is 7-3 this .season , said the dismissals w~re permanent, meaning the players would miss the final regular ·season game. against Auburn Nov. 27 and the Tide's expected appearance in the Liberty Bowl During a meeting in Washington, D.C .. involving Garvey, owners' negotiator J ack Donlan, and lawyers for both sides, the union released a statement Crom Garvey which said. in part: "l ,haYe today lrutialcd all as~ts or th~ ~reement where aarccment has been reached, using the Management Council docume nt presented Nov. 16 at midnight. Naturally, where agreement has not been reached, the attorneys will a\tempt to work ou.l the differen<.-es. Minor suggestions have been proposed w whic h management may respond." be played at Be lmont Plaza Just~ God, awesome, but I was Olympic pool in U>ng Beach. · pleased with a lot of areas. Newport, under Barnett has top se d d "Tom Temple had one helluva won e ight CIF water PQJo cr~wns e e game, and Rick Scott drove. his and lost five times in the title re.ar end orr. He .ea med three or gam«.'. This year marks the 14th-• four kickouts. timl' ln 4the last 16 years that In tourney ··And Eric Paulsen did a t gainst Illinois Dec. 29. . .. Last year, Simon was involved in an Incident in which 'he fired a shotgun but retained his status on Uie team. Williams got in Bryant's doghouse in 1981 for failing lo report to the training room as }nstcucted. Quote of the day Tom MaJU1aa, Marietta' College football ~ coach. who resigned recently with a three- year record of one victory. 25 defeats and ' one tie: "My deciilon is based on our losing record accumulated over tbe last . three years. Our players deserve the opportunity to experience the excitement that cornes from winning.'' Newport and Barnett have made de (ens iv e j ob o.n R a ndy it to th<' titl~·game, dating back to McCormick, shutting him out." World Boxing A ssociation • 1967. Only m 1972 and again in U oldcn West College, in quest The victory. before 1,000 fans, lightweight champion Ray "Boom l973 did the Tars fail to make the o f a f i fth s traight s t a t e puts the Sea Kings into the CIF Boom" Maaclai, s hocked by the lragjc. finals. community college water polo finals for the first time since 1974 outcome o( his championship fight "I th'ought our defense was championship, has been seeded and it'll be against the only team against South K o rea's Duk Koo Kim, h as ver y good but o ur offense No. l in Wednesday's four-team to tarnis h a 27-1 record - , postponed his scheduled title defense against stunk,.. Barnett said following S o u l h e r n C a 1 i C o r n i a Newport Harbor, which shares fellow American Roberto Elizondo, matchmake r the wm· over El Toro. Ncwpor\, championships at Saddleback the Sea View League crown with Rodolfo Sabbatini said Thursda}'. Mancini was never trailed but never could put -COilege. the Sea Kings. scheduled to defe nd his title against Elizondo in a ny distance between the two Coach T om H ermstad 's "Long Beach Wilson played St. Vincent. llllly on Dec. 18 . . . Cleveland h Rustlers. who were expec&ed to Ind. . h ... _ d Ed W .. i ded teams, cit er. c l in c h the South Coas t extreme ly w ell," continued ians ng t-.... n er a tson was tra to In a league outing earlier in Stites, who ente red the game San Diego Thursday m exchange for right-the seaS<m, Newport won by an Confcren<.-e championship today with a concern that his team hander Jaan Eicbelber1er and infielder-against lowly Mt. San Antonio outfielder Broderick Perkins, the American easy 16'4 margin. College, wiH face either Citrus or w o uld be looking past an League team said . . . Former.Notre Dame "it was str k tly a lack o f LA Valley in Wednesday's first· opponent it had already bested, Mancini postpones next bout Coach Dan Devine said he would consider the concentration on· our part that we round play. 8-4. during the regular aeason. Cummings nets 30 In Clipper win miss c d so many shots on Th R Although the CdM coach was vacant head coaching job at•Michigan State i( the oHense," Barnell said. "We hit '' us tiers, 19-3 prior to obviously happy with h is team's Rookie forward Terry Cummin11· m post is offered to him. Michigan State Coach the wood. around the goal too tod ay's game. boast a 11 8·4 success. it wasn't totally artistic scored 12 of his game-high 30 points Maddy Waters was fired las t Sunday night. ret'Ord over the past five years. Se in the third quarterThunday night as eHective after the team's game Saturday against many times or missed the shot LA Valley and Citrus, which as the a Kings blew four of six San Diego rolled to a 107-98 victory Iowa . . . Despite rumors to the contrary. the entirely." finished in a tie for the Inland one-up chances. ove r Cleveland. The victory was the second o( Pittsburgh Pirat~ said Thursday they have no Whilt• El Toro lost, Coach Don Vulley Conference championship ··w e weren't patient on the the season for the Clippers, who have lost nine plans to trade right fielder Dave Parker, desplle Stoll was happy with the season. with 7-1 records, were scheduled six-on -fives," explained Stites. games. while Cleveland fell to 1-8 two straight sub-par seasons. weight problems Newport scored the only goal to meet tod ay at Rio Hondo "We tended to be overanxious." Elsewhere in the NBA. Alex Engllsll poured in a ndthcfactthathecan becomeafreeagentnext of the first quarter whe n Colin College to determine that lmhemmo'sfourgoalscamein 32 points and Billy McKinney added a season· season. Th om pso n hit with 2 :21 co nfe r e nce's entry in the the second and third quarters, high 30 as Denver snapped Phoenix's five-game remaining as a de(emive battle tourney. sending tt:ie winners from a 2-2 winning streak with a 118-107 win . . . Sidney erupted. Wednesday's Golden West situation into a 6-4 lead with one Moncrief scored 19 points and J.alor Bridgeman Television, radio After El Toro 1COred on• shot game is set for OO<'n, while Long quarter rematning. had IO of his 14 in the fourth quarter as TV: No events schcquled. by J e rry Wisdom late in the Beach CC, the Me tropolitan First it was from four meters. Milwaukee overcame a 12-point third-pericx;t to RADIO: Basketball -Wash ington at second period to tie the count, Confore nce champion, will (ace then with patience. rifling in one --1---.~~w-vorlr,89-'1 . bakers;--7-:20 p.m..-Kl..A.C.(5.7.11)_ ~~= ;;.me1 ,~~~~back _with Saddtebe<."k -0 °4-10) at 1:30. The from the hole. He skippe~ in ----------------------------------------~ ~n 8 mmuie-chanipions!di> game is set for 5 -a~ frem-tM-t.l~ouirt=imiP:-~ later a nd NeWport was in front, the same daf. expanded a 5-4 lead with 17 ticks ~· 2-1 at halftime. The host Gauchos or Coach leCt in the third quarter from Grant Stanley's goal made It Flip Darr finished Pacific Coast four meters to make it 6-4, the 3-1 early in the third pe riod Conference pla y with a 6-0 eventual winnina maf8in. TURNER. • • . BRUINS' KNOWLES. • • From Page C1 indication of the transformation Turner has made. "You l ea rn from your mistakes." said Turner . "And what• I learned is that you have to listen to what the coaches say. Basketball is not a two person game, it's one. "Sure.' I could have gone to other schools, but I wanted to play here. I wanted to play with Ben (McDonald). "This team here is something special," Turner says. "We have guys like (6-9 Tod) Mur~y who are as quick as some 6-4, 6-5 guards I've seen. I feel we have the best d~fenslve team in the conference and I know we tulve the best shooting team." Much of that is because of Turner. although he won't take From Page C1 career ca'lle early this season when the Bruins. seemingly beaten in Michigan, rallied to defeat the Wolverines in Ann Arbo r. 3 1-27. a game which UCLA trailed, 21-0. At Marina, Knowles was a member of the '79 squad that knocked off Westminster. 17-7, the first Viking victory over the Lion:i in 17 years. That Marina outfit reached the second round o( the ClF playoffs before being eliminated. An AU-CIF selection his senior year, he was recruited heavily by the Pac -10. Knowles was contac te d b y Was hington, Stanford and California, as well as UCLA. He Clnally decided on the Bruins. "As a youngster, I a lways any credit. "George is ver y coachable SUNSET. despite what some people have thought," offered UCI h ead • • coach Bill Mulligan. "He's the best athlete we've had here and he could easily be the best d e f e nsive player in the conference. From Page C1 game is quickt\ess behind a big ' line, while Mat.er Dei has shown a solid passing attack behind quarterback Roger Reynoso. "H e's been just great in practices, on time to all of them, and he's going to school." · EUEWHERE in the Central "I'm r e ady to ~la y," said Conferen~. Saddleback. High's Turner , now sporting a smile. Roadrunners try to rebound aft.er "I've been away from the big their &.l.Nt loss of the season leagues for two years now. against Artesia (4-6) at the Santa "l know It's going to be tough. Ana Bowl and ii heavily favored; but I t.hfl:lk I can make it. I've Loara's Saxons (6-4) Invade never really considered myaelC a Mission Viejo (8 -1 -1) in 1 bad student. I just got lazy. I'm Southern Con!erellce duel. aa not a bad £UY, either ... I'm Just well as Hac ienda Heights tough on the court. ""Wilson's verilure to CA»lstnm :_"Today, if someone has _Valley. Wi.bon is 8-'2 and Capo la something to say to me -even if 7-2-1 and each l ea lures an it's a 10-year-old kid -J'U listen explosive offeNe. Laguna Hilla to them. I want to learn from (4-6) is a definite underdog at .. people. Lo8 Altos, where the top-ll!eded "l know the mistakes I've Conquerors await with 8 -10 made in the put ... aM I'm not quarterback Mike Smith and a "1t01hg to do' it any more." 10-0 record. before Wisdom hit a penalty shot record and are seeded third, ~hon cloeed the gap to 6-5 and Craig Popp scpr e d as while Long Beach CC is the No. 2 wfth 4:49 le ft, but Temple's Wilnted to play h~re." Knowles recalled. "And when I took my trip here, I loved the place. My parents wanted me to go away to school, but I Ce ll ttiis was a very good move." Newport AJayed a man short to seeded team.-Eithe r Citrus,or LA d I f th ni h comi knot the count a t 3-3 going into Valley wllJ be seeded fourth. ~~ l~ Jefl ein ~ ~an-~' the fina.J period. The Southe rn California situation, sealed it. John Morrow Go al s by I an De V r i es, champion will host the Northern h d h Cd M 1 Thompson and De Vries again put California champion Saturday. a ~.c 0 ~ er h goa '.a Newport in front, 6-3, with 2.·12 ~ "' i h d scram mg p near l e net in ~. .. n a one-game s ow own the first period. remaining to. set the s tage for a for the state title . No regrets. In the classroom, Knowles doesn 't fit the wild 1COring Clniah. In addition to Wednesday's Goalie Joe Roh had four Popp hit with 28 seconds left. Southern California regional sparkling saves to add the total DeVries added another for tourna ment. a four -team touch to the Sea Kinp' triumph. UCLA Newport with J 3 to go and a Invitational tourney will be held "In the end it was our pressure surprised Grg Wilson shrew one al Saddleback. Santa Ana and defenae that shut them down," from beyond the center line that Ventura will square off at 9; added Stites. "And Imbemino -:~ stereotype of the dumb football went in with 3 seconds remaining Cerritos and San Diego Mesa will when things got tough ,he:· player taking ".Mickey Mouae" 1 _C_or_th_e_Ci_na_l_El_T_o_ro-=-'g.;..oa_l. _____ t_a_n-=g'-le_a_t_l_0....;:3_0_. ___ ~----sh_l_n_ed_." __________ · courses. An economics major. his • curriculum includes classes in :: psychology. 'C 11 . ~ tb. 11 H hisi<;~;.~~nbif~·~me~: , 0 ege .l 00 a ~- the"' these days. PlayiJll football has a way. of sapping one's E:nergy. "After practice, it's very llATURD= GAMll di(ficult to get down to the books C USC..,._ UCLA •t AON Bowl IC119Mel 7 a1 • becauae you feel ao faUgued," he f 12 50 o.m I said. "You just want to Ile down a ~11c111gan at Ohio s1.,1c11anne1 2 at 9·30 and sleep. And you really can't 9Jenfo<d a1 c.t1torn1e study on Friday becauae you're Nlzona at Oregon -t ~ing over the game plan for Bowling OrMn "'· Long &Hell St ~t Anehelm Stadium (7:30) turday. Frenc> SI. al Neveda·L•• Vee-. n c.rs1 ... Fullerton at PKlflc:, n "There's no way the day of the Colofecto s1 at San D19gO s1. rl game. so the beat t1mee for me Ut8'1 s1 at Sen ,,_ s1 • n S -. d ~ •I Or9QOfl SI _, • are prob ab 1 y UTI a y and WMfllnOlon at wMNnQton St. Monday niJ(hta." cae Pot; (SlO) •t ca1 Po1y (Pomona). n PortlllMt 81 .. Cal Stal• NortMdge, n With two more years left at ......._ UCLA, Knowlea hasn't decided =:-::.:~~ on his future. Though not ruliJll Hawaii at ...,. Mealeo out a profeulonal career. he'• avu at Ul9h all tic W.. St. at Ncw1Mrn Atllona re S . I ...... "If the o.,portunlty came, I :=.-.. ~ ~....,. 11 w4UJd c:ertai~ amaide.l: it..'..:-he • IMU said. "But I'm leavln1 m yself t--..:.._.~Wyoinlllt~~!J.:.:.:T~•~ee.£~-1 p---." ·open. l plan.on playina the next Ho\/ftflfl~ Tedi two yean and then. see what r..... 11 ~." happena." TlllM et -.. r;:.:. Knowle1 had a more .IOWL.ltMlottlgenll. Immediate concern rtght now -1n11w et Pur1111e •topping the use offen1e ==·.ric=:· Saturday. IC~ at ,.._. Central Mlc:NQan al N0<11'1ern lfflnola mlnOll St at 81111 St Weatetn Mlclllgan at E ... ern Mlefligen K8"11 St. at Ot!lo U. w .. t Texaa St. a( Soutl\ern llllnol• ....... South Caroline al Clemaon Nor1h CarOltna •I Duh FIOrida St •t LSU, n loult'olllle et Memphla St. Nonh Carollfla SI. II MlllTll. Fla. MINlalppl 111. MltalMlppi al JICllaon L~ Tech al SoutMrn MIPlulppl, n Kentudly et T-- Florlda et Tulane. n TennMMe-Chatt.,ooga at Vaodefblll Maryland 11 Virginia Virginia Tech 111. VMI at Nortotll W"tern Cerollna al Appa11e111an St 11 T--St.n Mor9Ned SI 11 E•t•n Kentuctly The Cltldei at Furrnen SW Loul91ana •I McNeeM St .. n SE L~ •t N1m0111 SI., n NW loulalanll at NE Loultiena. n Mlddll T--SI •l T--Tectl .... ., JOHNSON &SON preaenta ... CGU.IGI ............. .,,., UQA .... ICMOOL POOTMLL AT rn mn I * ..... _.,.. ... • ldlaon Charger• va. Cre1pl LIV21 TONIGHT 1:11 IW KWYE FM10I • ... Callfwnla * Mlchl11111 "9r Ohle St. * Metre.,..... • .. Gus Quinonez Teresa Bitrrios ·Mater Dei, Uni ·teams tO heat '. WALNUT -The C1F Southern Se<:tion cross country finals at Mt. San Antonio &>liege will be held Saturday morning with Mater Dei and El Moden~ favored to fight It out for the men's 4·A crown'. In the women's 4-A division, Universily H1gh's Trojans are the team to beat. Saturday's slate features the men's 3-A and 4-A finals at 8:30.and 8:50, respectively. followed by the women's 3-A and 4-A at 9:10 at;lti 9:30. The men's 2-A and l·A follows at 9:50 and 10:-10, then the women's 2-A and l ·A r:ap the moming's liCbedule. Sunset League champltrn HunlingtofLJ3cac and Sea View League representa tive Newport Harbor are also featured in the men's 4·A, along with .El Dorado, El Modena, El Toro. Lakewood. Millikan, Newbury Park, Palos Verdes, Thousana Oaks and Villa Park. Among the individuals competing are Gus Quinonez, Martin Cueva, Greg Baugh, John Edwards, David Callis and Steve Waythomas of Huntington Beach; Mitch Eddy. Ricky Martinez. Jim Toner, Rob Arsenault and Sean Dolan of Mater Dei; Newport Harbor:'s squad is led by Doug Kiner. Al~ competing is Corona del Mar's Dave Anderson. Among the gull$ of University High's women's squad, the Sea View League champions;-are Teresa Barrios. Susan Armentrout, Julie Se leine. Judy McLaughlin, Melissa Partin and Jamie Nourse. All but,.Seleine are members o f the 1981 4 -A champions. Edison's women's team is led by Leslie Pratt. Costa Mesa':> Julie Morris will also be competing. Uni stops Marina in .wonien's tennis University High's women's 'te nnis team surprised Sunset League champion Marina. while Laguna Beach, Edison, F.stancia and Mater Dei each posted victories in the first round of the CIF playoffs Thunday afternoon. T he T r ojans edged Marina. 10-8. as Unfs K evyn Baker topped Lori DeLaat, 6-4. DeLaat was the individual Sunaet League champion and had gone through the leegue 9eUOn unbeaten. Seniors Monika Brishka and Ch ris Middleton, -UFrMWm°'"'mirnbeil':oriie-doubte-1tean~tti>'Hhel three matches. • In other 4-A matches, Edi.son's team of Cheryl Howell a nd Nicole Simmons won two of three .matches as the Chargen advanced to the second round . 10-8, d espite bein g swept by CdM's number-one singles and doubles team. Estancia's Catherine O'Meara, the Sea View League's individual champion. did not lose a .~ame in the F.agles" 17-1 romp over El Modena. . Laguna Beach, whk:h has won C1F titles the last th ree years (once in 2-A and · twice in 3-A), opened Its 4-A post-season competition by beating Westminster. 14·4. Sophomores Kelly Conkey and Joanna Naylor team ed up to win their three matches with perfect 6-0, 6-0. 6-0 scores. On the 3-A level, Mater Dei ousted Cypress, 11 -7, as junior Pam Sarmiento and sophomore Maria Prietto each won all three matches in singles. MA-OTH STAY AT CRESTVIEW Near .Warming Hut #2 . CALL 545-7115 After 5 P.M. NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE -.:> SUNDAY BRUNCH 99e t .. J:fO 1712 Placentia 645-8091 COSTA MESA ~ 631-1762 ~(. ~~ \ ~ ""Wli.DOW FA8DIOM'i -CUSTOM DRAPERIES ITC. • . • . FOR YOUR NEW OUTLOOK '~o~ S&LI 60~ 10-DAY SERVICE -WOllllMSHP f,. """' htlNtn -eu.tom. Draper ... -Level« Blindt -Vertlde Blindt -Woven Woode .. Otange Cofalt DAILY PILOT /Friday, November 19, 1 9S~ ('I , Pirates look· for second straight State title I • •• J.'RESNO L tuil )'l'IH . th•• OrtHll(l' l'OllKt • l'ollt'JJl' nwn'a1 < rtllolt 1 ou11t1 y 11•.1111 t'OJlt urtltl 1 ht• '111t.1 ll• ~"mmunll y t•ollt·ttt• 1 l111111Jil1111,h1p tlw h111tl wuv lx•llUllj( lht• ISll•ll"x ht•st fUlllll'l'li .1fll'I -..0111111~ for lltK'Ond pl~-v in lo. 41w11 c-onft•rt•1wt'. ThinAC• changtod dramalll'Olly this lk'tU1on wh<•n pt•nmnlaUy touah Gr<ltiltmont WIAll movtod from lh<• South Coast Confrr<•nt·•· to thf• Paclf1<.· Coust Confercnc.'t4. • -That move<>pen1'\f tht• door fur thl' Pirate rnc.•n ot COMCh Larry Grl'<'r to take thl' South Coast Confcren<-e crown this i;eaJoiOn, By wlnnlnlJ thc1ir finn conference• title 1dtK't' 1905, the Bu'-11 quali fic.>d thei r first seven ru nnc.•rs for thl' s tal e championships which will bl' held at Woodward Park hc.•re Saturday. But once again, the Pirate> runners will have to beat their old ncml'8is · Grvssmont -. which ran away with thc;PCC crown . .The Sues' Lalo Terraqucz captured the Individual (.'Onfcrcnct> championship last w~k by Type Plow profUe non reinforced. Regular highw ay service chains. For m ost domestic and import passenger cars and I ight trucks. 25% OFF MUfPY. T-gollon metol con With ipOUI. .. ' Clll). 'S C<>IJNTll Y c•Joc:klng a 19::t~.9 ut La Mlr11da Park In the South (cwt l:onft•rt•™'(' rarwla . Ra~hl ~hand him w• k'ammu\t.' Bob Em:kson who rt~'Ordtod a I 9:41 and third·pla<.'t' ftn1shi·r Uary Daily ( 18:42) also or OCC. · Other OCC runners <.-ompellng Saturday In Frt.'tinu are Mawr· Del High grad ·Mark P.kMai.lcr, who finistwd fifth In the ronferent.'t" -championships (19:41:1); Puul Merryman (sixth, Hl:49): former Cosw Mt..-sa High 11.11r Stoll LaCrosac• (IJ('Vt'nth. 19:51); and Bob Adams (eightti. 19:52). ... "We're g oing to get some good team '-'Ompcd t1on frotn Gr088monl, Glendall•, MoorpArk and Long Bcac•h CC." prt.'C11c:ts QCC Coach Gordie F1tzel, who guides the Pirate women. Top lndlvidual1 who figure tu challenge· lhl' OCC c:ontingcnt are Grossm.ont's R lc:h ard ... He lps remove rust & oily residue. Easy to use. AS107 SUPIR SIALIR Helps stop dangerous cool· ing system leaks. AS127 197 14.Soz APSS2 39!. AllTI PRllZI .. SMRKOM4TIC. CA••, .. ..,. •• ~ With 5bond ~~~, 98~! •• • • llH ~ ... ... M.11911 MATS 11" herM67 ... Ar11wni.hurt.wr. Glc·nduh"H Andy l>wmil1 ond !;un .111!.t• Cl"'! Som Tori •'14 Top h·urn thJ't•.1t from Nor tht•t n C:ohfo1111a I lt(lll t''> tu h1• Anlt•l ll'illl lhv1•r. W t11 lt• th(i OCC: m1•11 wl•n• cuptur1ng their l1111t( llWCHllod <.'Onfcrt·nc.•(• tltll', 'h•· Plratt• womt•n wt•f(• makanj( al st•vtm 1itra1J(ht Put·NI by t·onh•n 'nc:t• champ Kam DcVltas ' (l'x l':C:.liso11) tho OCC wom£•n took the South Coast Cun I l•l'l'llC.'c.• <.·humpionshi p and qui)latlc•d Nevc:n 1u111wrs for t'rc.'Sno as well. D<·V1Lus clo<.'kc'<i a 17:47.5 at La Mu-ada last Wl•t•k . Her stiffest <.•hollenges figure to Come from . Ml Sun Antonio's Mwingu Sou~ (17.56 10 thti c.•onft:rvnc·t• (·hamp1onsh1ps) und Cerritos; Penny Millc•r (llUi). Other .CCC women making the trek lo Fresno • nr<.• sisters Janine and Kathleen Dube, Sue Zika. Dawn liuwt'. Barbara DeBont and Don Price. Janinc.• Dube finished fourth in the <.-onferent-c chumpionshlps with an 18:40 docking, while sister Kuthlccn was.Jlixth with an 18:34 effort. -ca. Coo1t Guard approved. non toxic. pu1h but· • ton dl1eho'rge. Autolite ~ Manufactured by Monroe. Easily Installed, custom tailored ride for e::::!!ll:~ any load. ··~ ,, __ ......, ___ _ I •• Present polo setup "distiirbs Hermst~d- Golden West College coach cites costs, other inequities to current format All of thl' <.'Ommunlty collcg(' water polo roachl'S In thi• stnte of California. being or sound mind. got togNhcr lwu months ago to prcsl'nt a nafty, cost· saving, rational Idea Cor.,post-season tournament play. ()Q the other end or this pl'CS(.'nt.ntion was t._e state's Committee on Athletics. lls job is to oversee anything that has to do with community collegl' athletics. And in these hard times, thl' commlltec, understandably. is concerned with trying to save some money. Anyway, at this meeting. Golden West College Coach Tom Hcrmst.nd, with the support of all the othe r wate r polo <.'Oach es, explained that the plan in lorec for this season's. tournament play was not only full of inc-qulties but also too expensive. Bri&Cly, what is .on tap next week is a Southern California regio~al wurnamcnt involving four conference water polo champions. It's a single-elimination· affair with the ·winner advancing to the state c hampionship match. The same thing will be going on in tl:ic north. Such a plan differ s from the '°urnaments of the past. Since 1977, the top eight teams (champs and runners-up from e.-ch conference) have competed in ,J he regional tournaments ~nder a double-elimination format, with the top two teams from the north and south CURT SE EDEN meeting for the s tate tournament • t.•hompionahip. The advantage of the t:l&ht-team tournaments, Hermstad and oth e r <.'Ol.lches will tell you, Is that it gives some dc~ll'rving water polo teams a second chance -even though they may not have ~on their <.'Onference crown. Under this year's format, Golden West wil} go to the regional tournament. Santa Ana and Cerrilos -two "ery capable water "°lo outCits -will not. Hermstad knows all about post-season water• polo tournamen'5. -His Rustlers h a v e w p n. r o u r s t r a I g h t s t.a t e championships, five of the last seven Southern California titles and 14 straight conference championship&. It is Hermstad's position that some oC the non-conferenc.-e champio.ns d~rve{ better. Any one of them, he points out, is capable or knocking off his Rustlers or any of the other three teams headed for the Southern California tournament. In fact, two years ago, as the South. · Coasl Conference's No. 2 team, Orange · Coast College defeated Hermstad's Ku»tlt•nf In tht> first 1eamc• of the 1~le &QUmament. Colden Wf'#t bounc:.'t.'d back to bc>t1t the PiraU!'I In the champlorwhlp pm4! of that t0urnament, but lhc la. .-.prtWnwd the only blemish on a 9IM rMord over ·the paat tour ycua for Golden We11t prior to thla aeuon .• Under Hermstad'• propoaal, which incidentally, wu knocked down by tht•' COA, th e re wouJd b e no statu championship game. Why, Hermstad reasoned, should a school 1pend $2,000 to $3,000 to travel for one game? "Our proposal was to eliminate the 1wte and ju1t have eight-team regional tournaments. Thal'• what ls best for water polo," Hermatad not.es. "We gave the committee a proposal that would save money and was supported 100 percent by the coaches 1., the north and . south." · . The COA told Hermstad and his t>ther lobbying coaches that It waa trying to look at all 11porta in the same light. "It's a lack ~f knowledge and just not having enough feeling for-the individual sports and their idioayncrasies," counters Hcrmstad. "They're nol willll'\8 to look tat each sport differently." Throughout the tense negotiations, cool heads prevailed. Ther e were no tantrums from the coaches aJld "no one got ticked oH," Hermstad says. "But in no way, is It the best thing for the kids." On We dnesday, the four b est <.'Ommunity college wawr polo teama in Southern California wlll meet at Saddlt>back Colleae to detennlne one of the two llnallata for tht' 1&ate UtJe. But Henntlad will let you in on a little lt'Cret. While the Southem California tournament 11 golns on , four oth•r 1chool•~ namely Ventura, San Dieao Mesa, Santa Ana and Cerrito9, will al80 be competing at tile same 1lte. h '11 called the Southern California Invitational Tournament, and game tim<.'!I will be intermingled with lhoee for tt\c Southern Callfornla reg1onali tourney. Hermstad says he's checked the rule book, and as far as he knows, there's nothing in It that says an invitational tournall)en\I can't be played. Each team participating In the rnvltutioilal tournament was charged $50 and in return received 30 tickets to be distributed to friends and family of the team members. The money pays for' the officials. Also i'n return, water polo• enthusiasts can see eight of the best community college teams in Southern California compete on Wednesday. In the end, one team will be heading for the state ch~mpionshlp and another wlll lay claim to an invitational title. For that team, the pain of settling for ~nd place won't be quite so bad. .L .awren.ce, CJM . overpower Laguna ~rojans, Stanford , at Edison A f .. t-cl<>11in1 USC women's volleyball team wlll entertain Stanlord Univertlty'1 Cardinali In a WCAC match at Ediaon High aoniaht .at 7:30 with the TrojaN honing to pick' up 11Jme sround '!Jl 't\he vl1itora and San Diego State ii'.' the conference race. The Trojana de feated UCLA Wednesday night to remain clme to the two Hdera of the WCAC r8'.-e. The win brina USC'1 record to 22-7 and 10-3 in WCAC play. Stanford and $,Diego State were 27-8 and goh;ag into this week of pla There are nine former area players on the twcl team's including a . pair of outatanding freshmen, one on each team. Kim Oden, a middle blocker from lrvine High, was ClF 4-A player of the year last season as the Vaqueros won the Southern · Section championahip. At Stanford this season, she has been among the leaders in hilling and blocking for the WCAC. She leads the circuit in kills with a 17. I avera~ and is t'hird in· bl~k s whh • 1....a average. -others on the Stanford team ff'Qlll this area include Kari ~ush, Shear'ree sets record Sea Kings to ~eel Mira l:osta for title Saturday, Mater Dei bel!ten ~~~~r~~!.:r~~r':k ~;~!! "l did it', I did it." came the cry Murphy, sophomores from over the te lephone Tuesday By HOWARD L. HANDY bi While Lawren<.-e was the catalyst and the Laguna Beach; and Terri Bryson, morning. Ofra~"::.~~ce was ther~ when it _~_O_L_L_E_Y_H_fl_L_L ____ · 'o ne the Sea Kings turned to when a freshman from El Toro Hi~h. The speaker was weight lifter <.'Ounted and her domination as a hitter led 3!! necessary, Ilene Hess did an outstanding Tracy Clark, a freshman from Dale Shear'ree after he had .the Corona del Mar High Sea Kin.,,. to a 3-0 job in setting the ball for the Sea Kings El Toro and a left-side hiller, was b h d 700 9 d .,.... • h with Cammie Doder, Kara McGuinness and · e nc presse · poun s CIF 4-A women's volleyball victory over even w en we a.re down. She's a champion named athlete of the week in the M d LO t JI l . Id · .. Brooke Herrington aiding Law. rence in the on ay se an .a · ime wor Laguna Beach Thursday hight at Newport rn my eyes. · WCJt.C aft.er luding the Trojans record. Harbor High. BilJ Ashen. heati coach at CdM until this hitting department. Mary Ann Muller to victory over San Diego State The record will not become ·In the other 4-A matchup. No. l seroed season when he moved to Laguna .Beach, played we U at the net in blocking Laguna with 25 kills, two service 8()CS official, however. becau!iC it was Mira Costa defeated Mater Dei, 3-0. CdM had mixed emotions aft.er the mat.ch. shots. • · and three block assists. She leads · h · C • d Co For the Artis ts, Christie Weldon, Paula not se t w 1 t a cert 1 re and Mira Costa meet at 7:30 Saturday night "I'm htppy for rona but I'm sad for the WCAC in hitting percentage · · I · d · La • d diploma•'-" I J Berney a nd Anna Reigel were the 1 n t e r n a t 1 o n a J u g e 1 n at Marina High for the 4-A championship. guha, ' he sai . UUUJY. " wish with a .411 average. attendance. Under International All finals are set for Marina bemnnlng with could tear myself in half right now. mainstays. -P )if · "--~· · l &• L ori Uranich, a senior from ower trng ~1auon ru es, a the l·A at 9 a.m. "I ieel we have had a very good season at ''I knew this would be a tough match," M \ 0e· H" h d F . Id d h t b La ._ __ , II I' d th a er r 1g an ountam true w or recor as o e Newport Christian, the No. 1 seeded guna ..,....,_,ca y m oing e same Lawrence said. "But we worked real hard, p e rformed with a certified team in small schools play, fell to Boron at thing there that I did at CdM. We have a hard enough that we felt we should win it Valley along with freshmen Lisa international judge in a_u end· Valley Christian,3-1. .., youngteamthisyearandittakesawhileto and .wedid." Niedringhaus (Mater Dei, Th 1 h Newport Beach.), anf:f Leslie ance. ~ o~ Y one ~n t . e -1 Lawrence, the Sea King captain and top put things together with a new coach. I Lawrence is playing with strained W l H here lives in h ball t.edl think we set the basics for the futu"""' thi0 li · h J f kn b · h ha Devereaux or El Toro, are the es ern em1sp outside hitter, put t e away repea y •.. .. gaments m er e t ee ut is appy t t other area players on the Trojan Canada. · for the victors ahd when trouble seemed season. she will return to the ClF championship team under Coach Chuck Erbe. When he se t the record, he imminent from the Artists. she turned them "Corona ~t played better than we did game as a 1enior. Whe n she was a a cc e I er ate d qui c-k I y , then back with hard smashes to the floor and tonight. I thought we played well but they freshman, Newport Ha.rbor de feated the 1n an earlier meeting between hesitated about halfway to ·the away from the reach or the Laguna played better. We made more mistakes and Sea Kings in the title mat.ch. the two teams at St,nford in full elbow extension.~ left arm players. • that's what cost us." , "Boron is a good ,JLam and they WCAC play, Stanford won, 15-5, appeared to ng a bit but he ·:Pam is probably the best outside hitter "Tonight 1 expected Laguna to play well • scrambled and hit balJS at us all night," 13-15, 15-5, 16-14. 1n the more pushed on and held the weight rn all of the ClF," Coach Harold Noriega • and they did," Noriep uid. ''Bul we did Newpon ChrisUan Coach Billi Wilder said. recent UCLA Invitational, for two seconds to complete the said after the match. "The big thing aboul too~ we played it just Clf'e po6nt al a time "We are a little injury-riddled and made Stanford w• the winner, 1~13, record press. .her is that she's_ ot the guts to fCO for It to the end.'' some mental mistakes." 13-15, 15-12. Sports on TV Sat.rday TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -NCAA TODAY -Brent Musburger and Pat O'Brien examine how the bowl selections are made. 9:30 a.m. (2) -NCAA FOOTBALL -Michigan at Ohio State. 12:30 p.m. (7) -NCAA FOOTBALL -USC at UCLA. 1 p.m . (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Hecior "Macho" Camacho f18-0) vs. Greg Cover90n (30-0) in a scheduled live 10-round heavyweight bout .. 2:SO p.m . (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN - Wind surfing on San Francisco Bal. 3:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Two PKA championship karate matches: Jean Yves Theriault vS. Curry Roop for the middleweight title and Bob Hunter vs. Eddie M cCray for the super middleweight crown. Also: Unlimited competition in the International Aerobatics championships. 4:30 p.m . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -Bill Rodgers, four-time winner or both tbe New York and Boston ma rathons. (28) -SPORTS AMERICA -Marty Hogan meets Dave Peck in the finals of Jhe 1982 Catalina Pro-am racquetball tourney. _ RADIO · Football -Rams al Atlanta. 10 a .m., KMPC (710). .Sanday TEl:..EVISION 9:30 a.m. (2) -NFL TODAY. 10 a.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Rams at .Atlanta. 12:30 p.m. (4) -NFL '1%. l p.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Franclax> it St. Louis. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Seattle at l>envw. Mt.IC NOTICE 1'1CtmOUI .,_ .. N,._ITAftmWT Th• lollowlng pereon 11 dolnt ~-= CINDERELLA FIOUAH, 714 Ad1m1, Huntington l11cll, ~12141 A1ctWc1 A. 1owtw911, 711 P9Clla Cotlf~~ Clllfornil .... Thie~ II ~ed by Ill lndMdUll. . Nc:Mnlfll.~ Thll ......... 6 Mid wltll Ille County Cllrll of Oflntl County on Ootob9r H. 1M2. P11blfellecl ·Orlfttl Coe~ ~.Oct. 211.Ncrt.-S. 12, ii: iiil' 43M-ll . • "'· ~~~~~----imiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~;;;;;;~;;;;~ _, . __ ,. __ _ M'IW ...... 5' le )170 ( S.....T-l-•T-0.... CCel Store -Y-"'-I con•IMIA 641-1219 ,.,. ............... _.... V1UO 495-0401 tlttt C..... Cql I www Ct. .... ......, ... ,._,.....,., Free ·Phone Cal Home Now thru Dec. 23 MCI and Huntington Center will give away over 15,000 3 -min. long distance phone calls for the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday bootti in the center of the moll. e e e e e • • ....... Spar•PIU8S ......... ~ .. ........... _.., " -~ so• Ael•MI engine ' power you didn't know W9I there! ....... ,. .. I~ so• 55~ • • e e e e e e GUNK ..... . , .... • • • • • • • • • • ~-..oJln• Auto,,..tle Tran•mlsslon Fluld e e • e • e • • :CIYMER. ·~ • •namNUAL1 • .A .... Y ................ AUi·..,_• ....... • Al'n·•..-.Pt•lo AIM• Te~~ CoroU. • e e e e e • • • e • : loW.9.1 • =~ . . -. - : Car Care Products : s11n11I e e Your Chole• ·Flasher ............... u .•. .... .......... e e • • e • • e • • • • e • • • • • • • • • .. •• ec: ............... JS~ #llllC ................. :. •::.. ........ e .,... .. .. , ....... , e INl1t11llon e • 12 tSll , 'Rlll'a1M! .....,,.. • e e e e e e e e e e e e • e • • • • • • • • e • e e e • e • e e e e e e • e e e e • 1111,ort Ill U.8. A•t• P•rtl ........... COSTA tEA e South Co11t Auto ,_, NEWPOIT BEACH e lWted Auto Psts 611 W. Biil• At Mstol • 2902 W. Coat ,.....,, e 551.2500 • 841-9363 • • - . . • ' Loe AJelnffoe ntUlt8DAY'I MIUL Tl , ......................... ~, 99& "-M9r'• ...... l(lflM 4 0..IOll I ~lll'I ), H9w \llJfk lol....-e I Plllladelphla 3, c11oerr a MlnnetMMI t . llilteJo MonllMI 1, 0ueMc: 4 , ............. WtlllNOOton •t. W- Kln .. 4, RM Wine• 1 .._._, ....... 0.troll 0 0 I I ~Ange!M I 2 I 4 , ............ I l09 A/loelet, Fol 11 (Kll'llll, HocllcMlt), 11 34 (pj)) ,..., .. ,... .... ... Del, 1 ••. Oi••· 0.1, 10 1t. Oita, 0.1. 12 13, w.-•. LA, ~53 .._..,_,.... 2 lot AnQelee, M Mulpfty • (Autl.OWtlll, Bolek ) 11·3? ' LOI Angelet, Holm•• 1 (Slmrnerl f' 13 Petlelt ... -AlleltOW91ol, LA, mlnor-m1jor, 1 .41. Sl•l•n. Del. double mlnor-m1j0t, e•me ...,,1aco11duc1, I 411, G. Smith, Oet, 111"19 millConOuct, 9·41, Fo1, LA, 1-1 07. Lewi•. LA. II 39, Laraon, Del, Ill 39 ·NIT llACf: S&O ywda. ' Gtllndpe Wlnie ('llNN) 1 00 3 20 2 40 ~ ......... 4 Loa An9•I••, Event 4 (IHllHon. Oulloty ConltOI (P~ 3.80 2 40 Yulloo Aaml>ltr (ArmalrOf111) 2 20 Ai.a r~. Faal Tu, Bal>M M41rtlnl, Oona Put ,....,.; 11.29. • UACTA (2·31 pe1e1 $27 80 •COMO flACI. 350 y.,~a • ..., .. John Jottn (Mlcl) tl0.40 10.80 a.GO Mr X Charge (Tr-•) 3.2o 3 00 Sptlt Tiie Shwl (Hert) 10 40 AIM>·~= , .. , EM1•. ao-eion AM*, One Wey RIO•. Wiiy L.ump Lump, Roell SoliO, UIOy Liu TWo. SomelllndMCletwy Time: 11.92. TleM> flACI. 350 yeroa· Golie Be Ptoo-(Pini 4 20 3 00 2 40 s..y SNrley (ei.tlna) 12.20 5 tlO Tidy PueblO (ll<OOka) 4 00 AllO •eced. Flllleth, Hera Cute, GOiden 11<..0, Jetamott•. OulCk SOlullon. Ive Got Wings. Time; 11, 12. a UACTA (&-3) Peic1 $57.40 'OUltTM flACI. 650 y.,Oa. Slue Pool 111too11a1 9 oo ,:1.eo 2 40 Ellel C.llQ!IUP~'"!L 4.20 2 t10 HIQllet Oro.. (FrjdaYI -2 40 M90 reMd. L.-~ I.ell. Nutl"*' Newt. S-. Trve. lme Zipper Too. Time: 27.79. • UACTA (1·7) P1i11$2380. '1n'H flACI. 350 Y•da. Key Roell JM (CrdU) 8.20 4.80 3 tlO Wllel • Dolly (Tonita) 19.tlO 13 tlO UIOy Selene ICl\8-l 1 00 AllO teceCf: Ma Joell'WmU•. Roy., Plan, C..,_ In, 81allop B<et, s-llltle Mema, AmOf11I Ille Stara. Time; 17.93. II UACTA (M ) pelO $132 tlO. llXTM uca. uo Y8fd• Martin Bov 1ve1c1e11 22 eo e.oo 4 oo SelUtdey Wartlot (Cruoer) 4.00 2 80 Welto (Arme1rongJ 3.20 Alao •ec.O· ICepleu Ord••. Z•H Milo. RelM • 8ouql;el Time: 44.93. MvaNTH llACL 400 ywds. HMvy Oooa (Frey) 14.80 · 11.00 e.60 Kltlyt 1<.lp~el (ChaYN) 7.60 4.20 c-Im Felt (Harl) 3 40 Aleo reced! Cre 89' Moon, Tu Oh Two. Flying "-· Wll Wln, ~ Red Time: 20.58. II UACTA (2·51 pekl $138.20. • PICK llX (6-&-1-8-2-2) pekl $372.20 wllh 71 WlnnlnO Udletl (lour llOBM~ $2 Pi<:k Six conaoletfon p1ld $7 .00 with 1,242 wtnnlng llclcet1 It,,,_ r.or-) $2 Pldc Sia 1erelc:I> contoletlon paid $36.40 with 56 ~tlc:k,eta (two "°'-· one ICfatctl) llGHTM llACI. 350 yarda. lnlt)'I l>eliQl11 (Broo«a) 25 40 5.00 3 20 C1MP H Go (Her1) 2.60 2 20 eeey Sandi ICl\e'W9IJ 3 eo Aleo raced· Ea El Te, Siu!• Ta, Red Maalaa. Time: 17 .61. • IXACTA ( 1·5) pelO $52.40. • ~RAC&. 350 ywda. ~ •OUMr (Clgr) 5.IO 3.20 2.80 Outepoc:ll• (Hert) • uo • 40 IJrlOjM Hondll rnion-1 uo Aleo r-o: ~ Clwol. Wind Md flte, Ber Klr,.oom. Meelied Ed'lo, EM\' llctl. Jelltln. ,...... 0.0. Time: 18.20. • DACTA (7-4) Pe10 139.tO. A......_.,S.lh. -~~-"::Tl (,.. ef...., ............ wtlftil ""'*1 RACa. I lurlonga. ... Phl9oe (V1Nla) 27.IO 10.tO 600 ~Tral t"-l 500 380 P«lla Room (Wlilllngtonl 5 ~ AllO receo: CocOI Mika. Commit1 .. 8abe. 11'1 Customary, Golden POiiey, Eye Fltll, Coulee Gitt, Whill*'lncl Sel, Trundle Bundle. Berry'• Pt"-. Time: 1: 10 215. MCONI> llACL 1 1116 mi1et L1W<1y By Gum (OrtgJ 13 oo s.eo 4 eo Royal Wlncla1orm (Olivar•) 4.40 3 80 All In Jeat (Hewley) I 20 Alto raced: 8+a111c J ewtl, L•dy Rc-edrunner, Curlew·Time. Momcel. Thi.1 ... IO Thorns, l..,.. Negre. An Ari.. Vobrentl)' Mein! to be Mine. ' Time: 1:44 415. II DAIL 'Y DOUm.E (~) paid <$206 00. TM9ID llACL 9 lurlOngs EOgoot• =Ortega) "80 29.40 12 00 HuCltlel>erry (Pinc:8yl 4 60 3 40 Oulek SIUCIY (H I 5 20 ~ reoed: Pt~ Gummo, Minnie Haw HIW, FUhlon Knowledge, l<nll Two, Rau0t 81.oe. Time: 1: 10 4/5 • DACTA (3-1) pa.cl $1,434 SO. '°"'"" RACL 9 furlorlQI SolendlO l<nlQlll (p;nc.y1 S.oo 4 20 2 20 ' Khll Devy (Bf.ck) , 4.60 2 40 vno..-Men {Toro) 2 10 AllO r-o: Edge °' Hight. s~ C..tutg ,... My BIO. Time: 1: 10 115. • RACTA (1·3) pekl $62.50 "'™ flACa. 1 1116 milee on 1urt. Mr. Reector (Slblla) 21 20 12.60 a oo Mlclnlta Copper (H.-YI 15 60 I 20 Aompln' Al* (V---.) 3 IO Alao raced: Hllfble Quayle. La Nq!re ,._, Talk, Azure T1tne•. L01111 Uva l lle KlnQ, Jlwanf, COid. Tfme: 1:42 315. • UACTA (11-4) peid 191100 eamt MC«. 1 1ur10ngs 1111'9 .Jee s.t (Mc:Cnl s eo 3.20 3.20 0' Arciu-(Slbllla) 3.00 2.80 Casey Poone (V---•I 5.20 Al10 r".O: L• Ou1trlene. Kh1I Ster, Gaor91'1 Flirt, Monpropre Cheval, A ......_ World, Nemos. Time. 1: 10 215. .. WCT tOWMlllleftt (11 =='..:.::'-1:"':"'' Freddie Sauer (South Air 1) del Paul McNamee (Auatralll), 9> 1, 1·3, Tom GutllilaO<t IU SI def Cleudlo P-118 (11ely), 6-3. 9-4,-at11lft TMC!ler (US I def Ru- Slmp1on (Hew ZH l111dl. 3.a, 1·3, 8·3, F11nc11co Oon111 .. (Paragu1y) def Biiiy M_lrtln LU !LJ,_6-t. 9-4. Bangkok Cljjik: ........... ,........, leooM~ ........ Ramnh. \<tl1hn1n \lnd11) dal Olcll Sloc:ktot> (U..S).. 4"' 6-r a.A: Metty Devil (U $.) del. H•r04d Tiw-(WMI Germeny~ 5·7, 8-3, 6-2; ZOlten KuMnzlty (Hungwy) oet M0t•ls StroOe 1u·s 1. 6-1. 1-3 ' Grend Pfl• townement ( ................ , ,.,., ......... ....... J alfo V•IH CO (COIOmbla) dal. Peter McNwne•• (Auatr~). 7·5, 7-41 lecead~ ........ VllllSCO Oet Juan A--0...0 (Spain). 2·6. 7-6. 7-8. AnOrH Gomez (Ecuador) d•I CHiio Molla (Bfuil), 4-41. 6-2, 8-3 ~ JOH l11i1 Cl••C·Al•l•nd ro Gallik•• (Argeoune) Oel, Egon AdM\l•RoGky Royw (U S ). 9-4, 9-7, 7·9 Hlah ""°°' women CW 'iJllT lt04INO PLA'YCWPI ~IWIMI OelHI (M) IOal 10 Beker, 4.9, del Lef1bwa, 64, def Corlmen, 8-2, Cleue (M) toat, NI. won. ~. 6-2. Alberta (Ml ioat, 2.a. 1·6. 4.9 0.-... Harrla·Slanlleld (M) Iott 10 Eruahk•· MldOlelon. 3-5, lo.t 10 Lucu-SeQal, 1-e. oel. 8rende·H04abitd, 1·4, loll10·N9lllem (Ml Iott. •·6. 5-7. won. 1·4; K H1lleb11nd·t Hollebtancl (Ml IOet, 3-41, won, 6-4, 6-1 Eatancle17,llModeM1 O'MNr• (EJ def~. 6-0, del Blttlrll<:, 6-0. 0.1 Luc:iclt, 6-0, Ehlef1 (El IOlll, 1-6, won. 6-2, 6-0, Barb8<ln0 IEI won. 9-3. 6-0, 6-0. Oe4illlM Lancalt•-Cunnfflghem (E) def W-· Moy.,, 6-1. def. CeMy.ClouQheny, 11-2. def CllriatlenlOft·Robblna. 6-0: Orall•Ceray 1£1 • won, 8·2, 8-0, 1·1, Ferd•·Wed1wot1h (El won. 6-0. 6-2. 6-4. ...... c:-....... ........ • 8'N1fl (El IOe1 10 AIQUI. 2 .. , def Roe«, 6-0. oel 1)ler, 6-0, Ki;. jEJ IOel, M , won. &-1, 8-2; Sel<M IEI IOel, 3 ... 3 .... won, 6-4. 0.-... Lon·&Ne 1£1 loal to ~fnelgn. 2-6. def OOOCIDody·Mara, 1·4, del Sune• Van-bpey. 1·2, H~ BlnwNMlll (El IOet, CM. _., 7·5. 7-6. TrujMIO-t(tubnlll IEI IOet, 0.6, 4-6, won. 6-4 ~---M,Wul I 11118 ....... B<own (LB) loll to Bellun, o..e. Oel t.e.o., 6-1, Clef Hora. 9-0; Tr ..... (l8) loll. CM, 8-7, ='' 9-1, W-1• (LB) lorteit'C• won, 8-2. .,..... GOdfrey.W.._ (L8) Oel. Belkln·Muccllo. 6-1, def Mert!Mz·M-•. 6-0, clef Sheti>-Fr .... e-0. Pldt-sugi(lS)won. 6-1, 8-t.-...O: Conkay·NertOr (l81 won. 6-0. 8-0. l-0 ....., o.t 111 c~ 1 ........ S1rmlent;i (MO) clef 81IOWitz, 9.1. del O.CWIO. 8-2. def Glendening, 9-1, Prlalto (MDI won. 8-2, &-3. • 8-2. WJnoert (MO) loet. 1-e, o-e. _.., w .,..... Spinner-Akin (MO) loat 10 Yenewln•· Phillps, 4-6, def. letllwll·AoOtiguel, 9-1, del CouWo ... &urge11, 8-1; ~Writer (MDI !OSI. 3-1, won. e..o. 8-2: Cf9Wford·S8'inder1 IMOl loll. 1-41, 1-6, 2-41 C~4-AICOMI PelOS Vllt<IM 18, C<ilWr CllY 2 M•rymount 13, San Merco• 5 Vlllll Perk 15, Serl Gorll()nlO 3 L .,,.,.,. 8eecfl 14, WM1mlnel• 4 Glendale 10. a.-ty Hills 9 Edlton 10. Corone Oel Mar I R04llng H•!I. ~tmno V~ 9 (Rolling Hilla edv-on a-. 14-63) Eatancle 17. El Modene 1 RadlendS 11, H.....i 7 \JnfVerailY 10, Merine I Santa Berber• .. we.tlel<e (LA). PClcl rain FOOlhill 19, Moreno V'*'J 0 Mlr .... le 12. Dene Hilts 3 CW .. A ICOMI Sell Merino 15, Cemarlllo 3 C..rllot 9, Connelly 9 (edvance on ~l "~· 11, Glenclof• 2 Wlllon (LBI 18, Downey 2 Ketelle ta. Tro., 2 Upland ,o, wa1n<11 a _.. P04y (Riv.) 13, San GabrAll 6 M11er Dal 11, c~"' 1 Peramount 10. Lellewoocl e Cleremont t4, J w Ho<1h 4 l.Otl Allot II, Lot AlalnitOI 9 (84•ancft on een-1 • LI Cened1 10, Hert 2 Sunny H1b 16, Aemone 2 . ~1:t.~~o Dionne>. 18 '6 5 Oetroll, Pelleraon 1 • (L840UClur). 17'47. Pllnllllel Kelly, LA. mlljor, 14:41: L.,eon, Del, m•IOt. 14 41 hit on Goel -Oetr04t 5· 10.13·29 Lo• AnQliM 1•-e.11-211 <Joell.. 0.11011. St•l•n. Mlcaret Lo• Angelea, LUii-i A -1,203, w • ..,~­ HIGHKMOOL c••A_ ... .._ NewplWt...,._7,llT-1 El Toro 0 1 2 2-5 1'19wp0tt Herl)Or 1 1 I 4-7 El Toro tco•lng· W11dom-2. Popp 2, Wilaon I Newi!Otl Harbot ICOttng lllomPIOft 3. De Vrlel 3. Stenlay 1 c.-Ml il.t 7, L• ...... I Cot-Clel MM -2-a. 2..-t-7 Long Beech WMIOft 2 0 2 1 -~ CCJM -.cortng: lmt1ern1no 4, Tempie !, Mort-1 LB WlllOn ICOllng lnllkeep 2-H....00.f 1 1 Herniated I, 8-1 .-_ -- CW 1-A U ... 'INAU T uaun 7. FOC>lhlll 4 Vt .. P.,k I , POiy (Riv ) 6 c• •A •lmFINALI Senltt• 19, C.CWlllO • Lot Amleot 11. L• Puent• 9 wo:;~ C•4-AI_ .. .,. Mita Cotta del, Meler Del, 15-41, 15·1. 15-11 Cotone Oel Mer def L~une Beech, 15·9, 16-14. 1~12 c••A .......... MMlbotough def l.JI Oulnta, 8-15, 15-9, 15-7, 11-15, 16· 14 l.oa Amlgo1 del Cajon. 8· 15. 16· 11, 15·10 IS·ll c•a·A ........... llkawood dat Jorden. 5-15. 19.14,. 12·15. 15-9, 1$-10 ..,... le H•bt1 def. LB W1l1on, 16·9. 15·1, 1a.1a, 15-11 C• 1·A ._.,_. Rfm ol the W0tl0 def. 29 Palm1. 15-9, 15-6, 15-7 Sente P.ule def LA llaptl91. 15-5, 15-3, 15-9 c. ................. Boton def Newpor1 C11t1111er1. 15·6, 15·9. LinllelO CIWIStlan Oel Branr.ooel, 15· IO. 9-15, 15-1, IM. . DAVS'Y'l~=-~---t -82 engta•a. 21 bonito. 1 cow cod. 215 -··· 211rodc<CCIJll.4 111110 ._, I -OAllA WMAllP -..,..,.._I i.e. 2:t belnllo. 11 tNC:ketet, 57 roct. cod. I rode fish, 1 ~. 14 -.n U AL MACH -14 anglera. 3 calico b••. 3 cow co0. 126 rook co0 , .... , -37 englttl 5 bonito, 3 halibut, 100 madoeret, •rook lltltl. 500 ~ C ..... ecore ClncinMll 20. Ml8lftl (0 , 10 :-"PU~ .. ,...c...._ &ervlte 37. ten Gor9onlo 7 ._.u11u"c.....,_ G ........ 2t. Apclte Valley 23 (OI) 11111 llTlal Pmeal90rMaS ml...OA9WAY MOITUAllY 110 Broedway Costa Mesa 6'2·9150 -.. IM.Tll8 .. 0M SMITH & TVn&L WIS1CLW CHAPIL 427 E 17ttl St Goel._ ..... 646-9371 PAC911C YllW ··-A&., ... c.m.a..y Mortuary Chapel-<:remetory 3500 Pecific y..,, Drive Newpott Beach 644-2700 LIGHTER P ark. In lieu of flowers Zonta Club of Newport G R iA C E 0 L I V E donations to your favorite Harbor. Servicetl under the LIGHTER, resident of Coeta charily. Glaeband-Wlllen direction of Harbor Lawn· Mesa, Ca. Palled away on Valley Mortuary. (213) Mount Olive Mortuary or N~mber 18, 1982. She l1 656-6260. Coeta Mt'l8. 540-~~54. survived by h er children MOLL Dorothy A. Hou~. Oorleen SEWELL A. Sheets, Louie R. Burdeu, ROSE MOLLP:nl of J O H N E D W A R D Thomae Burdett, Donald ~rton·~· 17 tl~a2·s~ TAYLOR SEWELL, JR., Henhal and Wiiiis Llthter onla ~ br ~ h~ relident of Colca Meta, Ca. and..C;arolyo Andenr;m. Allo au TI:U Y r Pueed aw1y on N~mber 8 grandchildren and 2 Bf8 111'•vnln, dauh ghte• c, • .-tr. t9ft; 901 vlnd brhtl great -grand ch ildren . eth' een uyie n , 1 i ter pare nt• John E . and -Services-will be held on J u n Slnovuky and e Mar .. rn Se..wdl ol Co.ta Friday, November 19, 1982 arandchlldren. Servicel will Me.. Ca .. daU1ht.er Claire at l:OOPM at Harbor Lawn 6 e h e I d 0 n S u n d a Y · ~ell aNf liat.erl. Michelle Memorial Chapel with Rev. November 21, 1982 at Mjma, Pa\rlda Lewis, Suean Paul Al exander, Flrat 2:00PM •t the Harbor Lawn Copeland, Mary Urnon&elll Melhodlet Church oJ Coeta Mount OUve Memorial Park. ancl r.wUe Huthft. Rotary Men ofllclatln1. Services Servicetl under the direction will be recited orr Friday, unde r the direc tion qr of Harbor Lawn-M o unt Nove mbe r 19, 1982 al H1rbor Lawn-Mount Olive Olive Mortaury. ~40-6654. 7:00PM at the S\. J()hn the' ortua_ry of COt1ta MeH. Baptlei C1thollc Church, 1 · •• iQ , ~ • . 102i Weat a.ur . IX>RIS.JAJU'BALJ:l'KA. Me.. Ca. "-9 Of ENGELHARDT reeldent of Hunt1n1ton Burial will be'held o n FlfANCES 8 . ENGEL· &e.ch, Ca. Pltllld 1w1y on 8aturdayi..,.Nov.mber 20, HARDT. reeld~nt o f November 14, 1912. She la 1912at ll:uuAMat8t.John ~ Beech. Ca. She w• 1urvtved by her hutband the BepU9\ Caiholk Ch~ the Clt_y Treuurer of JwUn and her br«her J91Ck lntennent et Pacific View Lquna Jllleeh. <;a. Beloved Van Manar. S.W.-wUl be Memorial Park. In llw of wife of Leeter, cherl1tMd held on Sunday, November flowere contribution• mother of Bn.a and Bet .. 21 , IH2 et 2:IOPM at the "'911991.t IO the AIMMm for Ent-lhardt. de\IOtlld ._Of Zonta Club of Newport the M...Wty DI of an... DavtdKahn.Sel"YkeewtUbe Harbor, 2102 E 15th St .. Count:r, 1971 Int 4th held on Sunday. November Coeta M .... Ca. In lieu of Stnet, sw .. 3. Santa Ana, 2l. 1981 et l:OOPM al lld.n flowm the fam61y NqUllll Ce. 82705. Pacific View Ch1pel, Ed•n Memorial donation• be made to th• Monu.ry dtredon. - D ~ A I L y c · L A s s I F I E D • .. Orange Cout DAILV PILO T /Frida , November 19. 1912 ClASSlfl.ID 642-5678 !~.~~~ ....... !~.~~! ....... !mfi.~!:W ....... I!~.~~ ..... . f!A.~~f. ••••••••• J.l.!I ,,,_~~1'. ••••••••• 1.1.!I '1M'.1'. ••••••••• J.ljl~'!.'l. ......... !.l.!I . Ull 111.11•11 MUST SELL! VACANTI Pr)nw J .1do Nord balfrunt ~ bd1m, $~ heth . I LICt-'· R ... ., t'OOd :l buet. .Up1 $1·*·000· Anxious ownt.>r! :J Bdrm. den, hugt• Rt•mcww•lt-d 3 Wrm. 2 hath + lar~ rt-c rm , cornt<r lot, lots ol trf•(•'s. Completely bt-am c.'f'1hnp, furnli~t'd. paOO.. $420,000 rcfurb111h<'d. $69.600 m rx111ting loam or ,,., . Gn·ut for Isl time buyt.•r or lnvl'Stmc nt. $100;~00. ..... 117-llOl FIRST TIME OFFERED lhadmoor Hart>orVltw .. Completely remo deled Newpor t Harbor. ocean &.:Catalina Island VIEW HOME. Featuring: 3 BA. f.amlly room, 21h bath, 3 car garage, poolt Jacuzzi & much more. $595,000 Fee .$495,000 Leasehold Open Sat/Sun Noon to 5PM 26507 Lighthouse Ln. Corona del Mar IJ h•er/lrtbr (114) 144·4112 ,,., ,,,,,, ......•............... ·~ -.tS.r EQUAL HOUSING OPPOATUNITY ••~l1laer'1 letice: A.II real estate advertised In this newspaper Js subject to the Federel Fair Hou11no Act of 1968 which makes II llleQll to advertise "any preferen- ce. 11mt1111on Of dtscrlml· 1'!8llon baaed on race, color. religion, H>t or n'atlonal origin. or •eny lntenllon to make any such pr1lerence. hmota- llon Of dtscrimonallon · 11.IEITIC IEWPllT 111011 S.,I.,. will sell, eKchange or lrade the missive 5 eorm "°'" witn ~ mering pool. bubbling •P• and breattitaklng vl-s of Back•fSay-and city llghtal Excellenl term• and ju11 reduced 10 $799,000·call nowt 646-7171 THE :REAL ESTATERS ********* •UYFltlT1r MIT II.IP llllY IUOI ... Price 1411,HOI 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 bdrm·den-2 bath. OPEN DAILY 1·5 &1T 11tv11m1 llUL T•l lWIEI •HO·l11l• PElllllLI 1111 (k'(•an & Jl'lty vlt•Wll Marlnt' room, 4 bdrrtl. a IJo.ith, ~700 111q• fl. Sl.:J35,000. Ck-eanCront LlllA · 11LI IA YFlllT Lugoon v1<•w from ti bdrm, 5 buth, playroom, dark rm, dt·n. Boal shp Now ll.000,000. 1111111 PLACE Spc'CtacUllW' buyfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, :! ba dn 2 boat spac.'<.'S. RL-duct'd-ll,S00,000 FAllUlll UICI Nt•w 4 br, 4 y, ba, custom French Normandy "1'!taW 1.2 prime acre hilltop Sl.2~.000. COlllDI IAYI Coronado Ii.land cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR I l ' f\' y ". d, D, ,. ~ • b ;, ! '> t, b , REDUCED $100 000 lotMfrHt-lltrit 1111. 3 Br.'/ Ba, 2 years new. Designed as home or duplex, $550,000 cash-ptlce effective JanuarY, 1, 1983. lllVE IY 4111 WSl•E cau 111-1111 ., -111-1111 Ttils newspal)ef wlli nol knowingly accept any advertising for real es- tate wN<:ll Is 1n Y•Olalion of the law ********'*•-·----· nm•nm Elegant H1tbor Ridge 2 Br couple home. Superb dec0<, wttlte brick, ui.. 111ulted c1lllng•. •kV· lightl. Seclud encl apa ofl M8R IUite. RM111tlc: price; -llnan. Bif'-nle Dixon 751M100 HllU1 Advert!· sers should check their ads daily and report errors lm- m e di ate I y . The DAIL V PILOT as- sumes liability tor the first incorrect insertio only. ......... . .•.•.••.............. ...i ,,,,,. .....•...•............ ...,,, ,., ..•.•................. 111,ooe . llllOTllll Priced S8.000 under last comp1rable sale In the area. Nine year old 3 Bdrm home on 1 huge Eastaide lot. A Steal al $ t 55,000-act l 81t f 646-7171 THE :REAL ESTAT!i:RS LOOK For our new regular weellly IM IUre IOIT llOW- CISE Every Saturday In the Dally P110t Cla9lilled1 IEI ·ALnn Best opponun11v priced Monaco In H1tbor View Homul Snow• lllt• a model and Miier Is ex- treme!)' motivated Bring any rea1onable ofter. Priced to HU at 1209, 9001 648-7171 THE REAL ESTATE RS * •u .... On the golf courae. Cullom beeutlful 3 Bdrm home. many, meny ••· traa 1278,500 wltll 10% oown owner will carry at 12~%1n ... . .., ........... . 141·'1 CIHlllted Ads trl tll9 an1wer to a 1ucc111ful g1111Q9 or yard .... , lt'I a 1>11t1er way to tell more people• . JUll+ = UTIIT m111 EKcep11ona1 end untt . Two mastlll' suit ... COUid quiet cul de 16C, private be double own.. F1nt-with subtle colon!. good aatlc aeparete huge loans, prlve\e patio, lee· bOnul room, perlect fOf aehold. $224,000. at udlo, teenager or mother-in-law. Beautiful U,...1001: t1C)Ml'.S end unit. Everyda~"• a Aealtor1, 97~ hollday with pool, ienni1, ~~~~~~~~ private patio. etc: .. etc r. •a llllY Cell 5441-23 13 THE :REAL ESTAT~RS llllJIY ..... man Nr FALLBROOI< 11 ecru 6200 1q ft hm • tennis court. etc. $875. 000 Owner wUI carry Call 7 am to 1 pm, Mon thru Fri. 2131731-4962 IPPllTRm knocks ollen when you use result-getllng Diiiy Pilot Classlf11Jd Ads 10 reach the Orange Coast market Phone 642·5678 Actcer•••1 te c .............. .... ,., ... , ...... C:... Ike. 17111 to 17111) all ,.,... .... ...... .. , ........ _ _ .. ,.. . ....._ .. , ... c--. Cletti .,.. llew II~ le11r llMel In I .. ......,_..,.. .... ., •• tft ....... , ... ............... T"e allt••e•t 11 ........_, ........ ......... ,........ , •• , .......... 11•-· Meet ••• -. re1111tre = ..... ~ .... --. Tiie DAILY f>ILOT ,...... ........... ................... ......... _, .............. a ••llr ~· •• 111e O••••• Ce11111r CNl1tl II. --... •r •••el e11t .................. e .. ,llefte Ille LIOAL ••All~......,. ••t . Ill fer 111era .............. ..._.. IUIY STIED II Ulla lovely comer IOt In an area ol pride-of · ownetahlp llomel. TrM Nned 1trMC1 Maniieured lawn1. Beautiful hard- wood floor1, big room1 throughout. Unbelieva- ble amenlll••· •Oler water 1yatem, C*'ltral air. Oalt kllchen cabinet•. new c arpellng. new paint. enclosed patio, fruit tr8", etc., etc Cell ~3 THE REAL ESTATE: RS llUlflllT Builder'• own home on Ula froot row In exdullw Cameo SllOf' ... W.V.S break on the prhrall belch below. A apecta· cular locatlon tor tllla spadoul .. bdrm., .. bath home. Luan tropical landscaping O.flnltely one of a kind. $2,500,000 ·Sellar will finance. 17141 '7J.4400 Iii JI 611-JUI HAR•OR flf SIDf'N T1Al RE Al ES f ATE SUIVICES ~-....... Live on the sand in this 3 story ~nt.emporary & enjoy incredible v iews o f surf & coastline . Recently remodeled featuring 4 be dr oom s & fin es t o f appointments. IN NEWPORT CENTER· 644-9060 • 11~ ,. •••• :.~ •WT191 .atl • Spacious 2 stor y home perfect for e nte rta inihg or 1'11 r ge families. Featuring 3 Br & family room. formaJ dining & a large lol on a quie t, priva te cul·de-sac!! Price for immediate sale at $287 ,000 & owner will carry over $100,000 at 12"!! Call 759-150 I or 752· 7373. e WITDfHIT 111111 I IUP• • SenaaUoMI e xecutive home featuring 4 Br. enormous living & dining room , 2 fireplaces & 'room for 55' boat! Only $559,000. FEE with asaumable financing. Call 759-150 I or 752· 7373. , ' J • c.:• Or1nge Coa8' OAILV PILOT IFrldly, November 18, 1882 !~.~!* ...... ~ !~m.~.h.{~.: .... Jo'm.~.1m .... ~ .. &mtf.frrm1r.1Mf .... ., ,.,.,,." ,_._,m.v;111e~ .. !'.tm.FH!''f'A~ .. ~r..'!!!t~!!.!!!~.'!~!~ A,.,,.,.,, ~,.,,.,.,, ,,__,, , .... ..,,.,... .. ...................... ' I ll 181•"'" . fl ~ u iH .r.:m ............. m' ..,. , ...... mn. I. ftflOeel ~ ~ "-'!rtn.~1! .. l.~f fn!t.!!ff ...... l.~f .~H.h!! ..... !.~if r.-t~'..~!!!n .. 1.~ff ;::.-!:: ................... f.ft .. f ......... .. - •••••••••••••••••••eel .... ···Pc lnclud:a poo~ 1 ,:~~. LIDO "l.f 3 b01m ten1 Jlr 18•. I 1IOry, INQ. Oc:e•n view, OHUlllUlly -C.ll .... UM lmt,... •Mllll ---·-· COIHll 4 ' I rm, 4 iii,11700 met cpt/Otpt, (illln, lrplc. I Mf .. ALD 8AY 3 Br i lur" townhouae, trplC, ._1••111 Jll ................. rr.:: O.teo"-d 3 bdtma, 4"' 5 ldr, 4"' ... ~tty. 3000 You own IN !Md ,000 <>ceantioe 'i" new n d1hwt111, tiHmed c•I· 11. 1700 •Q II Jr pie pool a p1110 11095/mo •• :.w:r.::••••••••••••• ba. hCHM on 9reenbell aq ft, + 0-too eq tt 1q ft. Sir. tam rm, 21.; IJl-f• I 1 OCCANr RON I ~ bdrlll, llnv1 at~ flden 1140 DflCk P•ilo, wllh ape 1173-0IM 2 ,bdrm. 2 ba ,_., dph1 MarCOfl'\nWnllyttMle& ollMllcotlylomeQOMI\ ... VllldeOreenbelt,naet • t611700m11 Biii mo Cell Mr B11m•n lt800 t m-> yrly M1tu1•11on-amk11, POOi. I t 14,000 In llllUln. view, 1 illk 10 biec ll POOl 2 h1 belOw mattiel .... IULn Orundy A•lr, 67~ ll'J8 • 6541 24(1() 2 1S I 11 7 6 2 2 & & or "••II • .,, _ 11 no Pit• $060 X 3 • loer l a2u ooo w• ,.... ap. 01& 304!7 "' -2131199.4195 257 111•2 ian:·11sloooou ow, .. n, oootlle !_2~!~·~~.P ~OWMf tlon. '111r 144.01)4 lNTS WANTED ' Or ' DI! 81g C1nyon 3 er 2 8• lrplc.. bll 1111. • •••••••••••••••••••••• Of (7 14) 673·3Uilll On • • • • • "'..,.'""""•I""' 161h MQl-aln c:onuo. 11200 mo l'l4IW decor HOO lncld• ~· t>r:-i" ill. walk to b•Kn, r uin I bdrm •Pt• 13U · St 6 1718 yrly 113Q-71M 1 •II 6 gard•ner 1148·7200 17FIO Cell 49,.·6841 111 end ul). llnci.lirag11. 13116 t Br dl)llt Ulll pd ....... UTlft -I '*° 4 to 8 Uf\lt bull· --8 or wllndl 2110 Newpcif.1 lvd CM 417 E>-8-y Ava. Balboa /nlM lff4 Baek Bey atM, 3 Ir. 2,~ d lng1 In Newport or ..... , IUll MESA VfROF 3 br, 2 be, '548·4 P•n NO pell 647 I 156 •••••••••••••••••••••• a. HOO aq. It ~lly ttunltngton hKll P,... Completely hunl•h•d encl y8td. lrplc, ger Woode Cova, 2 blkl 10 ·1 .\ 't I • >I, < 1 > --~ ID ; . . , An abund1nc:e of HI•· aona to buy. Conv•· nltntly located. Three bedrooms. Open lloor plen. POOi end ape. Now $242,000. 111-llM ·-WAITS tlT1 2 Br condo, lmmac. end unll, bfidt pello. loll of privacy. S 1.12,000. ' ly o.n.r. LIKetront 3 Ir git•. ptlvll• «*ftmunlty •• c 111 b r 0 k. r • I live M<lroom•. a.,, ena 1760/mo 557.2~_2_ oc:aan. Old 2 ·~ w/1ep Olla II ••• . e•CHtl.OA . Woodbrld9e, b9tl IOC•· $396,000 5'4 Down. WIN MW4&4 _ meld'a quwttill 80 leat NICt 3 Br 1 '-' Be, len<;, :~~.~~~2 S 1 'O Q mo ALL UTILITIES PAtO y~~'1 "J11 c:ib:1fv':' lloft. Make olr. 51Sl·Hl6, c:onMder trldee. etc I need t 30 10 &O 4nlt oo m• bty with pier Ind )'lld, b1lc;k BBQ, t pet B11ctteloi1 1410 1141;1224, .. 5 Mon/Fri Armitage AMlty bldO In Oranoe Co. 11111 1llp 101 t hr'H bo111 OK. nr So Cout Plua '--al ·~J 3111 Com1:itre balor• you -87S-Q56t 04~ t 'ldrm 1480 ~-... WteA~• 714·'4•·2414 maliee tenee p,.... call 13600 l'I•• monlh llntll $72&/mo 751·7102 ::7 ....... -r.~-:........ renl Cullom OHlgn S tudio apt turn or un· t31 f tlth ~-08141 -. -----• brok• •I 955.3454 July 111 ·a:i or 12 montht --3 Br 2'~ a. In guatdea te •1urH Pool, bbq. lutn G.at.1ot. wHher, 18t E tlttl 142..0S56 5 br, 3 ba. POOi. Jee. _ _ 1111 $4600 per mon1h Ve1y cute hou~ wl!Nhll• g a•• comm u n 11 y c;ov'rd gerage, 1ur1oun· dry ii 1 S 3 !. O /mo ISpeclOUI 2 If, 1 e~ o.nattegt 551·8829 I.a. TllPlll Agent, 631·7300 • plckel lance. E/1lde 2 17115 /mo Al/all 11ow ded with pluah l•ndtc•· 1173·27111 Duplex 3 ar "'~ ea 9UlfU llCI Int.... -. .!_R. 16~6 mo 1145·9028 Lea .. option POHlbl•, ping No pell . -------1475. L111ndry laG .. p()OI •• Aaaurn.11 ~le1TO& •••H1U.Jru•J1t«I 3t>d,2ba FmlyRm,No 780•11111 1 BR ruin 1515 c.,.u,1/#•1 J1H s4&-9551t2-7P._. .11.u.ls OWC w/20% dwn Rent •••••••••••••••••••••• Pila, 1754 IOwl , Meaa ADULT COMMUNITY 2 3e5 W WllllOfl 842·1971 ••••••••••••••••••••'::! lhould be 1111( pr year lt•111l 1111 Verd• I I 1 6 /m o br;, den. 2 ba, lrpl Nt -y 1111U 1 a•1 ITE" Tl MUI Fireplace, pool, dllh· TOWNHOMES. 2 bd#m, 113t·7370, 5411-3648 ~··••••••••••••••••••• 844·1838. comm. pool. 1800/mo , -•r-.,..... Large 3 Br 3 Ba many wuhtr. fvt patlO X 'i:5J 2 ba. upper unit In mini LEASE OPTION 731·25 14 or 494·1177. hHtH.I Lll41Hfl amenlllea St 100 Call · Garoen & 2 Br. on / condlllon, Sp.011cu11r unurs FOR RENT EtStde, sparkling 2 br, G••· Weter P•ld. P1ilo1 Dorouw 673·7975 or aide . 1480, $580 VIEW with loll ol prlY11Cy. HARBOR RlOGE n\1111(. yerd, gar • pool $575 2Br 281, lrplc, 2 Cir Qar': wlpool, 11cuu l. saun1a. 759.9 joo 557·2841 Highly upgraded. Loena mo Mgr 24538 Orange wshr·dryr/relrlQ, lnc;d yd. ..001, courtt, llOlleyb•ll ---1-.----.. -1-... - era Haumable. st 84, Custom View Av 1700 mo 8'43·0221 eou111, Racreauon room Clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba dplx, • •-· 500. Home •M)SSION VIEJO* E~utllle 2 Br 2 Ba condo #i ... i l Jr 1 bd, furnished, 5430. Piiio. ger. A11a11. 12/4, Newly decor Ges pd. S675-S726 air cond . dbl garTo. llf!Mtl I Jll Call 667--0075 SHO. No Pth• 719 He-•ncl O"· dweh,., pool, •• ••'"•••• •••••• •••••• • --llotrope 972-9406 bbq. no pe11 842·5073 SSC),000 opUon money mk:ro-wa11e 011en. nr o 2 Br. 2 Bl Condo, 2 car $375 mo. 01 11 mobile , 4 Bedrooms. 5 Betha £.II ltt ,.,, "" *IRVIN~ -CoHt Plan 1850/mo garage, near Hoag Hoap home No pell Outel, Applle. i,ken 1 Br duple•, $46S. 2 Bdrm, refrlg. P•· •• 299 500 •••••••••••••••••••••• 5760 Av1ll 1211. Fred Olbaon, $750/mo 'Wiii Mii $150, aecute 1991 Newport to hwy S.ama, cpl, trpl, llO, no pell. a:dult• P<•f. ' · 2 adj. R·2 lote, Ceplatrano •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• Re/MIX 55~·9400 000 wllh 10% d o wn Blvd 1146·837.3 stove & refrlg. 01111r,.1 724-A Jamet, 873-7787 Balcll. 182.000 a1. OWC $750 2 BR, tplc, !need p1!10, 840·5324 . pkg. $450. No pets. Rel. N .. ~ 181h/Pornon1, 1 B1, et t2"e 496-1542 w/open beam clg, new Exel W•tcllll Villa. Dove< ••;!:••• J req Fri. 9•5. 417 Iris. 1 B•. down1talft. d la, One acre r•aldentllll 111eW *HUNT. BEACH• cpt, very nice. 1695 Dr. muter aulte w/lrplG 1140 1 Br. Garden apt NeWly carpoll, waler pd, t child lot. riding tralla, prl111le $700 831-0921 2 Br. 2 81. POOi, J1euzz1. •••••••••••••••••••••• dee , blks to beach ok, no pet• 1400. Aoefll, I Newport Helghla older 2 etreel, Sen Juan Capl· Modern 3Br 2'~ba, Well· :cefJ.~~63"0. 673-3313 Yll HlllYE ITI 1600/mo. 675-(1496 no fee !1'2..0217 . .. ,.., Br. t Ba. dbl car garage, ;~~~~c::~\~~; ~ale, •WESTMINSTER•S725 Sid• house $79511'!)0. .. •• L.,. I l..l.. . ee,_ ·r~~I _!~rk llke wllh 2 Br .. lrplc, s.011e. pal· SPACIOUS 2 Bd, 1 B•. IMIMt'11 1111 flllll 50 11 117 Al lot. , 63 t-3566. 720·4 t 52 -MT• ... -. .. """"' cony. 111-. no pell $700 Beam oelllnga, eerv bar, .•••••••••..•...•••••• • .... -11 1185.000 .... 111., ,,,,.,,, •CHILDREN• work Lero• •P•CIOUS duple• •Specious APll lnclds elee 322 Hello· Wood cab . no pell Victorian s tyle ho use, -461 Sante Ana Av. , 1.,.,1 ._.00 3 l'h bdrm• Spic & span. •Prlvete Pallos trope 675-6024 Open 1475 . 2256 Maple ocean, city Ughtt,_ view, On"' 8 .... , old1 5 Bdrm 2 548·5041 aft 6 ... Br .. 1 Be., gar .. flflW kll., h 1 s 1 •Co _,,, p kl 12-4 548-7358 Of 873-8803 3BR 3BA 850-3806 '' ,. 1,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••••••••••••••••••• •PETS OK * lrg yard. $680/mo. $_1120 nr • opp ng. tepa o , ver.... •r ng ---------• llOIY hm w/3 bllha. lor·l'I P'lm Deaert, Monterrey plus $200 dep. req, Call b •a ch . Y •a r I Y" •Dining Area IDT UY I OOW N-2 BR 2 81,1475. 3 mil dining end util rm! cc Plan 300. s;jOll, lake/ eves/wkna bel 9 pm 7 141985·5622 coll or •Walk In C1ose11 BR 3 ea w/2 car gar Owner •baolutely mutt BAUit min vu S189K 1100 19. 951•5863 wknds 675-8720. •Home hke Kllchena VIEW II 0411 $625. No pets. 750.1418 MlllPtlcejuatredUC.Oto 111\ sum.PP.714/855-4151 VIWIE 2 8R ... __ .2,L be.-ar I blk to Huntington Lr9 2bd,2b1.dlnRm, 0t 642·7526evs/wltndt c.n.. ,,, ,,., 1112 ...•.•.••.•.••••.•.... $145,000. Cllll 979·5370 LIQUIDATION 3 Br, 281 "'.,...., ,. .... Center. transpor111ion & kllchenene, newty deCor ---------IAlllflOIJI NOWI r llllll WILLS lale llVESTMEITS Frpl, gar , No pets beach. SttOO mo & sec. trwya. wleanhtones Great Old L•rge 3 81 2 Ba. Town· Vi..tw-Hb• .. Oc.an j)11ll1esa. TeonJs Condo Range-u t plu$ .see. Open Dally. 431 West· 111UTllS fm C d llA L o c • t 1 o n . house In quiet compleic. PoollSpa~S .. <>_!arH" BJGCJNCIJSJQll 2bdrm,2b• Toploc. (Jl·~aaAA 1700/mo.648W.18th. mfnltetAve.63l;5e8t lBdrm From l 515 S"140<Hmo lease. large pooj,gardenMt~ ... -Orfttfln. 1'2·7638 0¥rnr C'VWV 499-t8f7 Spec. 3 br, 2'1t l>• very TownhM unfurn 760-lll01 • Ung $675 64~·338.J~ Reducec:I to $329.000 On golf count, 20% dn. "-I _, llllf AGE T. NO FEE clean twnhM, POOi. jog· from $650 2 675-59•9 Open Sundsy 1·5, Vacant. ahow anytime, -w 1~~~~~~~~~4 br. 2~ ba. 2000 sq 11. 1 .,.00,, bdrm. 1 ba. pool. deek,1---------1033 Whtie Salis CdM-·L-----.::...---egt.-$1,296.000. 1100'~ 1790/mo. Kid.-& pats x ng. elc. ... ,mo. Agl LA QUINTA Hj;RMO&A carpo(IJ, BIHot. 641am M•sa Verde. sharp UPS· 740-1751 • Wlll81111E 973.n91 or 74!0·1397 •• ~l!!~••••••••••• 4 B;, CdM S900 OK 548-4210' 44-1 440 1&211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk celllngs. 4~52 Shore t•lrs, 2 BR 2 Ba. b llns, $5000 dn, owner must '!~!!~!!~~~!!~FOR RENT·L•ke11lew, 2 Br. Ip. Biii Pen $600 Condo tor leese. Blulla. 3 W. ot Beach 3 blks S. Crest Ln $600 650-0473 n-cpts. encl gar, lndry 11112 Bd condo Ex 11 i: Oregon Ranch, 200 t Br, baytronl 1900 Ftl Ull Br end unit. beck d00< ol Ed•nglf ... 847·5«1 rm, no pets $575 mo tllT llm ml 11111ma~ u 111ing ~I-F:!d~1:'r,:'l'n ~:~; acrea. $400 mo. Call 2 .~~=~•r.n1ULS 'n'oo 3 or 4 bd ~I ~-In 10 pool, 119'» from ,.,,. * $350/mo up Bach • 1 C t .. 31•~ C97a911385~80.11 s,6 apll 6. lnllle Terr... n1nclng. 1117,400. Redu· vi.w Homet. Muat -to owner Bob Meyer (7 141 -stresllglou~ M:~ Verde nis club.$ 1000/mo. 2757 & 2 Br unfurn & lurn .• ~!.~.!':!!~•••••••••~? · .. ·ask or am ....... ti 111,111 cecs from $110.000. Call ac>Pf•. Open HOUM 1 10 ~86·3500, home (714) PllP lllll&IEMEIT Formal dining, 2 frplc: & Vl•I• Umbrosa, N.B. pool, 1pa. 18992 Florida 2Br upstairs. quiel. encl PALM MESA APTS Pendlne foreclolure ror-for Mark. 644·8325 or 5, Nov 13. 1918 Port 661-7622 or Berl (503) 111-1111 more 5900/mo. C•ll D•,. 640-2364 842·2834, 842-3172 . gat. no dogs. 1110 Vic· 1561 Mesa Dr e" draatlc action. A., 559-6442. Che! .... N.8. 947•3538· home 15o3J Deirdre 979·5370 Af· Lido 1111, 4 blf. 3 ba. ea•IPl-1 a-s Io r 1 a $ 4 9 5 /mo $400 Unlurn 1 Br. SYme tat w/o qualifying. 1;,==~~~--u~;!iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiil:~~~7·~3~2~16~~~~-.-::-I -$1400. 222 Via Palermo -r~ .,., 631-6812 ah 10 Call btwn 9 .... 546·9860 c 1 28 n ''--•u Billi llSf FOR SA E 1 fllmlll lmlll 1 & 2 BR, pool. spa, --------orner Ot r, ,en, ::"l'ee••••••••••••••••• • .... l ·Lakey I W. Veraallle• • .,25 111•& fflll 675-7188 880, no pets, turn. at1ail. 1ir--.J 2 bdrm. 1'" bl, llrepllCje, pQOI, apa. 770.5968 • O regon Rench. 200 .. ..., -~•r-gar not 1 $495 Ullll mus .... YllWI eeraa. 2Br hae, 2 corrllls. Lido Park 2Br $750 EKIC 4 Br 3 81, formal 2 Br. COll:J,•· Newporl '11') Ul·tltl '""™"" 549.'7510 ~~ s "111111 mll LllllY 3 Bdrm, 3 ba. aell· trout 1tr11m, 2 moblle ~~ni~::C~er S~~ ~n~n~dt!m~l~r;n· /~~'f· ~~~ta~~lk:.o:i0~::ekJ: 8081 Holland Cr, HB 1 Ir 1210/•t. Jiii 2. Br. w/gar s•40/mo 2 bdtm, 2 ba. den. Pri· h I horM 14t". $225,000. 30 erwn Slater/Werner I • .. • ced u,nder market at Don't mift lhls dellghtlul uc ;gx; or ease OP· yr 10% tln•nclng. Call Udo Ille 2Br $1650 $1200/mo Selec1 Pro· gar. $750/mo. Avall Qff Beach 1tl I. • 111ta. le crpts, w•ier pd. 2176 $275,000. Owner a lngle 1e11el ho me In lion. ,500. · owner Bob Meyer (714) Oce1nlront ~Br $1400 pertlQ_751·3191 12·15, 64S.6825 waterlle4a le fHI•· • "E" Pl1eent1a. 636-4120 759.1666 paradise locatlon Deco-Open S•t/Sun 12·5 586 3500 h (7 141 Partly turn. bleh apt All • 1 SPM ---------•rated • te•turlng 2 BR 321 King• Road. · • • ome •FllllSIEI $525 Cute Cape Cod 2BR SIEWllll utll paid. Single female OJ 11 ollihlrHI 110• -·-------• 661·7622 or B•tt (503) 1BA wood tis. new cpt. only 1 blk Hunt Bch ti C..I• #IN 1114 plus den, m•jeatlc ltr•· CONDO 2 B 2b 947·3536, home (503) Udo Isle 5 Br $1800 drf!S. fenced yd, brick, 2.3,4, Br·S750·1 1250 Pier. $165 mo. Shery ••· lllE IEW IUIY •W •••••••••••••••••••••• p ie ce. 2 patios, spa, ot ocean and 'city.•s:i:-; 947-3216 Lido 1111 2Br . 11100 no pees, gdr 645·2566 mo. Fred Tenore. agt 960-2551 belore·8PM 2450 le.,ert lh4. t lrg Br. w11~ In closet •Y 118-a central air end security Bayfront 2 12000 631·1266 or 631-271 t " Owner wlll .sub1ldlze tyStem. $199,000. Anita uchange. $259.500. i.•tAfl, F11•1, Ef1yfron1 2/den $1600 2Br, tBa. downstairs, tncd lrplc, dshwshr, lg pvt payments ror 11 moa. 5 Schandel M4-e200. (~~1:1~0~1g'_•~•'14 '""' 11IO Freah 2B• $675 !~,.'!!'!{'!J~!!V..!.~~1 BAYfRONT L••HI l11d 3141 vd ,& gare"ge s 5oo mo. ~~t715°1'mpoo1o. 'ac>•5· ~9°.21>!'.'7· Bdr m. 3ba In MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• Lido 1Br $1100 ••'••••••••••••••••••• 764-0986 .... '" .... VERDE. $189,500. Prln Fii LEASE FIH Stcurltyl2Br $1250 Why throw •way ren t BALBOA ISLAN D 3 Luxury studio. lree HBo. •---------PINE BLUFF APTS ti: MacnatJ · lr'fmr. only. 544-8390 Mon lhru CONDO· 3 Br 3b• and 25 A •I d Waterfront Homes w~S~2Jgu, celn20o~n 4.3 Bdrms, 2 ba. excellent phone. maid serv. spa. E/Slde. sparkllnf i br, 1 Br & Loll. Child ok, Fri. Punl•r'k· .~1.07t,5COos011seM11' .. or R•""'~o "C:t,~ ~tt1'f!.e ReallOfl 831-1400 ~ents $1~5K • $2~~r cond Furn or unlurn 1130 wk 499-3015 ~~\~gg~r24f3oe° o 5~ patio. Ylew, trplc, encl •• •.. toi;;aJwlne<y,pefso11or mo11e 0 ln . take over ~ lmmed. possession. 2 -Av ran.-gar., g11 stove. dtah· 1 1 1 h 11 11 · mos. minimum ranlll llfWMll ••ti 3111 washer. spa, lndry rm. Ulll• ., t •---&. 1-• group o aer ous w ne· .. ,... s are appree11 on. ca S 1 5 0 0 I m o 0 w n • r • •••'"••••••••••••••••• Large Bachelor. pvt pallo, $650/mo 911& ftlll ,....., --· _, -l&Y llAl.n mlKers wftO WIN malnteln , • l 3111 Sue al 891•5556 644 9513 . OCEANFRONT Diii 2·4 Br 859 w 19th St Coste SPllAC 631-6107 eeeel"iiiueuuuuuu ltll MM Ml-ttlG well cared tor 8 yr old .... !'!!'!!~.~ .......... 2 Br 2ba condo Quiet all . h By week or mont h Mesa $315 mo · 11H,.. 1inWrNIT IEllm ••• 1111 Cabernet Sauvlgnon Penln Pt. 5 BR. 3'1'1 ba, adull, uc:el loc ..;,d .... rater •• 673-7873 2 Br 1 Ba in ~-plex. Red119or1tedl Gof~I 151 -· vines. For det •lls OR. lrg patio, $1200 mo. !1kup, encl g8t. $575 . On the Goll Course In Bachelor w/1011. PV1 patio clean, no pet1. $430/mo Large 4 BR family hOme 3 bd, 2 ba, largt•lot. on ~~~~~~~~~~I 7 1 4 I 6 7 3 • 4 9 2 6 . to m<1."Agl 673-9060 631 1098 Big canyon 548-0632 OGEANFRONT large 3 Br $425 Also studio relngl 271 "B" 16th. Pl wltll 2 ,.,..,.__Pree-Sir\ Btrnardlno SI. Aa-1 ..,. llUll 2131393-54118 · ' --• 2 Ba. wshr/dryr. no pets Slove. utll pd. $375 644-0452 age loclltion. tbfy. king $2.S,000. Mauma-...,. .._ C•t•H 11/ #•1 1ZU . EXECUTIVE Beyside Dr Winter 1850. 673-6640 645-6404 ... ml ble Flnence. O.t1Ched •mEll· aa111! IHI •Mlf •••••••••••••••••••••• "••ll•fft• w1terlton1 home. A11all 1---------1 Br. Trarlers 1247/mo ... G•rage. JICU.UI. Dav• ....s ....... , ... Old CdM. So. of PCH, 3 Br ... d 1141 lmmed. 4 Br, 4 Ba . Ill On the beach hotel 1 $450 2 BR, g1r. upper, end elec $150 MC Ho 957·3228. Et1entng1 46' lol: 3 Bd, 2tla, den. •••••••••""••••••••••• houae. No pels. Call •••••••••••••••••••••• amenities $2500/mo room apl. kllchenene & child OK. Ho pe11 132 E. dogs. 133 E 16th St., Sp COLDWeu BANt(eRO 831..0143 din rm, lrplc, lg ~allo, FOR SALE OR TRADE Diana. 631· 1266 Lg tBr Condo. balcony, Boll tllps 1a1so evall b a I h '. I urn Is he d Bay 541-5331. 646·2325 42 642·9193 Clsd Sun &ii-====~==--1 high be•m cell. 3700 A1uc1dero Central Duple• •I 717•,_ Orctild 3 MCure S425 mo. 955-2473 $300/mo + 1280 dep. e\I Beaultlut Townhouse near r .... , UEST wl l 75K dn. Open hae COISI Exec 3Br & den Br 2bl Oedc view 2 Car 842·7042 2306 w Oceonlront. EfSide, c ....... 3 BR 2 Ba, Sun 11/211 1.5 pm. Pvt view home on 2 aciea, • • 1V. Br .. College. NB. 873-4154. ·~., 1>ack b•Y 2Br. ""' 81 -pty. 673--3146 oak lluded site 1225. gar $950, ~D'; 540-4988, Beaut. 1 sly, 3 br, 2 ba Frpl $575. patio, 2 sty. c8tporl, wet bar. lrplc, yatd, llin 3 bdrm, 2'h bath. lowest o o o Free & c 1 e., eves 640·9Ll9 · home on quiet cul·d•· 642·3850. agt. S675 mo 640-0997 decll.. enclld gerage w/ price In Cr•t. 2 car ga-la• J••• Owner/bkr wlll l1nance 2 bdrm. t ba. Cape Cod tac. $850/mo. FOf eppt. EXCLUSIVE AREA Her· $350 Lge 1Br upper apt, auto door opener, no :r,·d~~~~ ~1::"'F>!:: ••• ~.f!~'!.'!! .... /.~f c~u'~:Yd~0~~~.~~~r;,,o: ~~:'':~e1l1.~o~~'.ed s~~:~~s::~~!c::. =~::Cn&:·2';;:~~-~~~ n6~r.;~s7731t w. ~4~~42 s 6 5 o / mo _ .. __ _ Your own pvt spa In the bac:kyard, 3 Br 2.Ba. aep. femlly rm. fplc, 117,000 dwn. Low Interest rate. 979-aoee Agt. tennll & spa. Mosl dell-$5000 Down 4 Br. 2 Ba . Call (805) 466-4043 tor 673-4771, 833·2900 $550, ask lor Keith. ge_loll. on 'I• .._<1,. w/ WESTSIDE·lBr. stove/ 2 Br lrplc rable street. Walk to covered P•llo. vaulted Into BIG CAN YON 2 bd. 2 ba. 962·4471. 966·9053 treet. Wiik 10 F111hlon relrlg. lndry tee, wtr pd. SSOO/rno. bNch & Shopping. Prl· celllngs. commty pool LakeArrowhead 2600s.f goll cou r se vtew , Bike to beach 48R 2b1 Island, beech, pool & No pell. 1375 mo 540·3866 :1,!!.,~175,000. Avatta-Sl\7.500. Clll 497·1657 "°""· 1230.000. >Cini h· S1l00/rno ' .... 3 bd. 2,~ ldeaUJllJ'"Y hOme. Lg echool1. Gardener Incl 846-4362 Yl/fU Timi . n•nclng For sale or b•. MW decking. carpets tncd yrd. New cpl thru· A.,.. Jen lat. 759-0060 -~--V----2--1-, Spacious 2 & 2 Ba, bit· - WHlsU•llll 1111 Ir~ $100.000equitytor & drapes 1995/mo M. out. Gardener Incl Nwpl HOt• 2 Br. 1 Ba. VllrY erde tg t>r. " ln1, lrpte, gar. 1575. Ho Sharp 3 Bdrm, l1r9e •••••••••••••••••••••• So. Coa 11 property. Fetguaon & Hahn Reel $750/mo Pat 968-7096 ...,. & ~-""· &4"'•9095 bl. gar. pa110. no pets. pets. A111ll Im med. corner lol, RV acceaa. 1101 llLIW llPI. 71411166·6898 Eallte. &42-1113 ,... .,.... 'v "' UINISllED or 1525 & sec 979-4383. H•rbor/Baller. 546-e009 Spa, MW peln1 and roof, 4 B r 2 '•• h o me 4 br. 3 ba. bonus room. E1atbtull condo. 3 Br UNfU_.,._ 1 br avail now utlls "" 1 b 1,,. 1 d copper plumbing, ouf de $1 050/mo. 1105,000: Chatmlng L.agun• Beach CHARMING: 2 81, 1 Ba, den. d in rm, trplc 1-level on luSh greenbelt ..,.,.-.ii:.u '345/mo.' c 111 '993.5f5g r, "''·•·stove, n ry. aac 1tr .. 1. GRl:AT Fl· lido ealty Long lerm HSum. In hOme for Coron• def Mar lrg rms. burn cell, blkS • ' '00 AYlll now w/pool. e.amed eelllnga All UTIUT1l5 for eppt. Pata cona $395. t920 NANCINO TERMS. M-R&H lnt1ealmanta duplH. Cheshire Real 10 bch . 1900 /mo . 1163-4785 lhruout . ceramic tile PAID,H£AlTM Waltece. &40-8029 king only $106,000. Call 673-7300 752.2197 E1t1te 759·1877 675-11496 S. 2B oountertops. new carpe-1 Br. amall. util lnct 1350 •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 S40-1151 T HEMET E11ch1n~ MO, 3 Br. 1•,; Ba. lrpl Good O~h. ~opue~ S ~·,~s· rn'. ting & paint. Possibly the QUBS, TENNIS Pre I et. t person . Ba. Newly decor. $495. ~~~~~~~~~I ride '<!ully In horM. lor 000 I _... 5 000 l. ti 11100 / most eomlortable horM SWUIMING plus 962-7940' No pets 833-8974 t: good motorhome end .. r m ... et . • oce on. mo 17142 221 1411\ St. $525 In lhe BluHe. 11200 uch ''-LARGE FAMILY HOME $5000 lttm. 3 Bf. 1'1'1 BA. equity 28' • deo. t'ltba 759-9570 Of 673-4565. mo 842-6415 760-3825 m mort. _..,. E/Std• lge 2 BR, 2 Ba, Eaalllde lu11ury In a pint on out de sac. 5 BA 3 Ba, 22 • 38' pool In w111• horM Gd c:ond, 1 btk to 11 M ,.. no....., Modtts petlo. gar, S500 Avl 1- 1 2 bf 1 be refrlg ~-HERITAGE poealble fr!.lew querl•a. minster. Bal $87,000. Seer's Shopping Cntr, 2 ""'' ... ••f 3Br, 2 '1t 8a Condo, 2 etUFFS r~ 12/5. 283 C1brdlo, CM. d~. ~g.;, BBQ: RV mccess. Owner an-S1290/mo everythln,. blka to Medlc11 Cntr ·••••••••••••••••••A••• pools, Kint cond.1895 3Bdtm,2'1t ba,lam.new optndilly9tD6. Open House 11·19&20, y•• Incl. 1 5 15/mo. ·-R F A LTO RS •a-11•• Jtloul. M-~ nnanee. E ti S dnlWn 91\oPC>lng WANT· Houae end Duple11 4 ent mo (2 13 1 789-1932. dee 1975 760 8384 0 le --~ et 4PM. 1531·0994 1• •. 631.•1~1 _.,_ --1221.ooi. ·~In Reel a m1led value 12 . Rt or condo I~ beach e it!.~J'J 2111 ~5~9 ! .. ~ 862. 0435 7 0 . I 7 t 4 I or. . • • Wvwu .. v .. ~,:.e ,.!.8!."'.:::: &tale 142-'311 =· ~~P=~~;f area Can add cash .,,..,. 1&"11111' Wrdell Al•'lm~llSl 2c:! 1~ "t~/:~fZ· 2 Br. 1 Ba. 571 W. Joann. ln.Juatrtd.tollOO,ooo.t----::.-:-::::1 -=l-:-----1~---=-~:....:..~;..;..._;_1 1·927-3~71 1'1'1 Br. gerage, yard. CLOSETO BEACH Lg e•echome, 1pecta· ·-_ N 'pt 5570976 Upsutra. No pees . SUNCO'"ST R.E ....... llyn ~r Oft IHI II $525/mo. Westside Brand new 3 Br, 2'h Ba culer 'iitw, lmmed OC:CU· New....t leada/No. 0 • •· • or $425/mo. Sierra Mgmt. ,.. ..,_ 1 fl 'Ill Hunllnnton Ha rbo ur 1u1 0763 N t S r~ 648-4198 ·~1 132• Coombs. 831·70110 & 3Br. 2Be , "ew • 1' "' .,.. • • o pe a wlprlv sundeck. Lota of pancy, 2000 mo. vrly. 8801rv!MAYt. .,... • .. 645-1e15 GrW\btt/ POOi. lndry rm, #;ijj;i;.;;;0 • 0 ••• ~~!":0:~~o~~co~~~'c,d~ 2 BR House & Duple• wood. Skyhghta, builllna, 875-7873 {•t 16111) 2 BR, dpl11 w/enc gar, re-2 Br 1~ ea. TwnhM. Eaat 11 •• ... I. •1..0.... A·l cond. Owner (213) I• s.I• 11• down any locaJlon Call 333 E 21at St C M and trpl. All ulil pd. Dbl Bluff a 3 br condo. nr 645-004 dee. gd "::Jl,hborhoOd. 181h. St. No pets. Ge· _,... -'-.50i7i·i5826iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••••••••••••••••••• 213/592-2859 dya 10em-6pm car gar. Child OK Drlv. Tennis Club. newly de· SSlO. 559• 1 rage. $625/mo. Sierra 3 BR 2BA fp. 'i\ lot. must II Two bdrm NB, newly de-645-8103 845-6589 b Y • 9 2 1 A I 1 b • m •· eorated. Crp11, drpa. Newport led/So. UIE ... Mgmt. 64t-t324 Nllln10da. 1·1093 YILUllLJll corated o11er800sql1 ... ,.,, EASTSIDE,3bdrm,2 be. 536·7979 patio, OW . $800 . 1700161t1St, 1 Br w/lrpl. d shwr ,AlmostNew.2•try.2bd, ·~~ Liii. 1 Bdrm, Ptaro 3 with Ylew, =~e Lo dn .. tenns. •••••••••••••••••••••• F. R. room fireplace, •••ti•flfa 6?3-30e9. (2t3)281.0305 (al Oowrl welkin cioeet. pool, ~·· 2 b•. encl yrd. ger, dec*I AHumeble on lhl• 4 fl11pl1ce, garage par· ---------• ..... TtnliAH fenced yard, g<lnr. c:pla ••rN•I 1141 Ocean w adult condo. 2 64Z·Slll BBQ, Laundry. On w/lrg & patio. Kida, Peta OK bdnn home! Aefurbilhtd king, security and 111 1'""'9ef ,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• and drapes. $900 per •••••••••••••••••••••• Br 2 a. $950/mo Va· p11t patio & carport $845 A11all 12-1 Lorri kitchen,,,.., paint •nd amenities of 111ewpor1 II-2011 48 w / encloted .. INl 111,., 1111 mo. 111 and last plua 40' dock, patio, cHlck, 4 c1n1. Della, 631·1288, S475/mo Up. poolsd, Wkdays 547-9571. E1111 low melnt. yardl very Ying. Low down. Aaaumla porc:h. 2 BR. 2 BA. Cor· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1400 277 Roblnhood Ln Bdr 2 Ba, 3 c1r garage. egt. wlbalcony, cleclor ceiling & Wknd• IS0..0223 deitlreb6e ., ... juat re-excellent financing_ ner lot. llght lnlerior1. We ........ ., ..... 556-1737 owner. 2131592-4905 .. ,., •i•I HUI FlllT lolt & pri11 enelosd ger, $'-""RP EISI lt29,000. • _ _.--.__ LelMI lease opuon. •••••••II ,. ,, 2 bdrm. 2 bL $850 mo 1495/mo. No pets, 2650 ,..,. de, aeparete 4uctd lo -S 127,500. Call MJ·l.a. This II the Beet Buy lo -.,....., 3 bdrm. 2 ba wtlh large •••••••••••••••••••••• . 1111 Jun• 1nc1 u 111 w. lath. 2 BR unll. fned y111d, encl 979-5370. f ... Town 540.5937 ft.II ... -... yd · Remo deled kllch, lmll 1144 Hiii aide ocell\ lltew 3 br 752.9468. 650-0e&l l\Alnules from lhe bMch gar. new cpt1, no Pltl llmllllll ltltll .. le 11• dbl• g•r. $"725. Dri11e by ...................... con11ert den & maid's LUXURY 2 BR. 2BA. · C • 11 5 4 O • 1 1 5 e o r ..... rtr ......... • 894 W. Wllson. Call IEITALS q uarters 1 2000/mo . toUIFlllT Marble pullman top 1179-3848, elk fOf Pam J PHE ·\t .11/tlFH ' BARREn REALT Y 4 YHrs Old. 1 m l 10 559·5001 1 to 4 ..,.rms, st•rting 11 21314411·2828 2 • 3 .... eullll. by wk ,... "'--t d beech Deluxe w11her llM• ,,;::;.. .. "" • " "' ..,_ore or '8'191 Eutllde Coet1 M .. 1 br end d~. 4 mo old. Mint Eesllidt, reap adlll pre-_,., 10 S2000 180 degrff ocean view mo. Agt 875·8170 PIUtn wlw earpell duple11, garage, yard. blind• thruoul. 2 BR. 2 "1NI !erred. 2 br, 1 bl, ga· lrom Dining, LIW\Q, Def\ Walk in Clolets 1425 mo. Agt 675-1142 a ..... -~=~;;;;;;=Jba;·]H~-~bw~n~rtdl~~ICed::•o1 ,.,,,.,.,, .,,, ~7·3~7~~ .. $ 8 2 5 / m 0 and Kitchen. 3 Br a ().en. BAYFRONT PrlY1le patloe wkdays; 700-7241 Sun· Buy bOCtl fOr 1325,000. 132,000. 8'45-e325 •••••••••••••••••'!•••• v .,.... 2~) Ba. lmmeouleta, Ho BALBOA ISi.AND 3 Gourmet Kitchen ,_d-'syt'--.------ 1154 s.nta Ana St,. o-.c -la NW NEWPORT 8CH 9·1121·, In Lge Penlneula Pl ••ec 4 2 br. 1 b• Drive by 2652 pets. 673'6832• owner bdrm 2 ba hOUM In eJtcel i:~~t=~~ 3 BR 3 Ba, bl lell9I IWnh· ~~~ "'' pt1n onty. Very excttlna MW Vlao-M. H. Perti, PCH. 17500. bf, 2 be, ape, lrptc, avail. S1nta Ana ~ve Uolt 2. Oo IUNI J.Mi J"' cond Furn or unfurn l.MM1d'Y me, P"' yatd, !pie,,_, 2 \ l'lerutyte39'3J>ahome. Lt1m1g970.1459 • lmmed thruJune. no1dlsturblenant1 S450 •••••••••••••••••••••• lmmed pouaulon.2 $550/mo ~830 blk1SCetPl.851.et90 Exc•ll•nt opporlunlty 2 Roof top garden, frplG, .. 11200/mq, 111, lul, MC. mo. 85t-t228. Beaut. 2 lly hom9 on mos. minimum renl•I. IR 2 Ba. condo, -01, hot tub stepa to............ dep. 875-1853 -... Canal, w/boet lllp. 4 br. 11500/mo Owner •••ll•slf• •u1S.11M ctubhN, greet So~Cst ' .,....., .. IHfi ,,._,. UH lge llV. •rH. 11250 mo. 644·9513 •A P I $7"""" EZ e75-t77 t •••••••••~••~••••••• C....ffl• 1111 2ttry3 Br.11mllyroom A11·a1 1 no w. C alli---------IHI 314 IHI J141· ta.ta oc. .. • .vu. n.~ t ......... -... ""-.... •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• tll'me. Property Houae, ..,........K on ,,.. -.... _... Ind spa room on cul de M0-1488, 536· 1435 lor ~ 1eafrt 142-3a50: 1142·1010 MT UITD • st. NB. Newly~ For,.._. Glamorou• t Br NC near •ff schoole appt (egt) Beautiful a the moe1 • ··-In Ind out. 3 bf .. 2 be. Condo. Frplc, pa11o. 2147 Irle Pl. E/alde CM Turtlarock, 3 Br. 2 81 ti I bid Kennebunkport .... -·-2 poof~ 1750/mo Avell 11--~--'-I pret g oua g. over· ' .... .at.w leeut. condo. 2 br. 2 be. Lt••• or le11e/opt. "50/mo. M~33at . up1talrt. br.. 1 be. • · · "4-4603 lam, dining, trple, private _,. ••• 1 kl 0 a j tt Upper level 2 Br 2 81 downstelfl. Ml". 10% Dec • 1144-7211 Agt. Jacuzzi, prof decor. ap-f•lrlnl•W 1411 °0 ng eeen • Y· condo w/Wlllte plantetlon down OWC balance el II-•• ..___ Jll'_. 3 If. 2 S.. !amity room. pllancea 2 car gar-o-•••••••••••••••••••••• Newly decorated by fl· doort. Try ..... optton. 13.9%1or5yra.OrMtlor :::::.~••••••••••? Peta. kid• 01( 1115 eommty' pool & tenn11: 28R condo, pool, lrpl, moua dfflt'r Compl. 1205,000. 144-1020 1ummer rent111. 1731, 4 tw. 2 be, LO 9onu1 Am. 2 I 3 I 5 t 4 -4 4 3 O evllil Dec lat ltt51rno carpet1, Orepea Stanton ~ ~ :.. ·/,';oo';:;:· · ...,1·······"~ .,_ IULllDD 000. Armi&aoa A•a1t1~ GllLl 'l6d&...llAO 7141"8·2'30 1141-2353 1525. tea-e524 5pnl lmmed occupancy. All on Moyw Piece rw. 19th, ~ 9lD 7t4-5-44-24M. · 5..,·9t55 WTm Sing,. family hOme on 7 SC PGla, , br I 1>onu1 10an'tmltt1M'H 11 moa old. Hr, t'M>a, ay owner. Corner lot, •.it11n/ .... '9UI Jiii C1ell\, 3 Bf, 2 a.. den, acre perk. cul-de-u c rm, ernenltlel, 1ve11 now, llUlflllT 1130,000. Call lor ~ 3 br/3ba a 2br/2 b1 lllllll 1-1111 IM •••••• .. •••••••••••••• frptc, 2 car var 1780 1cro11 lrom lge comm l500 13t·2551 3 ... 2 a..,..,,.._ Furn/ AtGHT MALTY 885K. Aaeume 1721< tat •••••••••••••••••••••• W•IV gorgeou1 htrbor 645·M15 POOi. 2 bdrm. 2 be. tern .,. ......-171-1111 To. ow c 2nd T 0 4 p1e11 C.M., pride Of ow• Yltw, 31r. 38-llltly lllm. 3B 28 ........... 1 ond room. flreplec:e, petlo. _._,,_...,. ht8'1W unlurn Winter or yr•v 762·94M · ner1h!p. Gd lln. HH. Deep Ha 111111ng, golf, ~'•tt •--:tY7~ o, ~ y111d, pett contl· eTH"ee.H'.;r ........... Wtherl dryer Inc ud. •u=s-000 675·0073 or tennlt, hOrH raclng, ~...,::91•2149 "'° 'detecl. two cer 9erege LI._ l•btMI 1111 leeutllul 11tew or oce.n .___ 1.... lllW LIT 855-2249 theater a olh•r e"ltr· -~, plUI garage opener, lea· ~:r.r.":"••••••••• """*· oocue> -· .,., •WP•IT teinment 11111111 111N rnomt Wood1tt11m 1pllt·le11el ae HOO ifldudet garCS.-layfront, Ml ll1udl0. utlle ••••••,!••············· --...... ..... ... company No hOlt "°" c;ondo. 2 br & den. 2 ba. "". •••oc ..... cabl• pd. quiet emolYd """"· BA c H ! L 0 R Furn I • ... tlMJ 1110,IOQ Ptlde of ownerlhlp. Gel nemt II we arr1n'• It. ow, r.trfO, 3 car 0., Nr 552·4489. &4t·M$t. yrty. S4251mci. 173-3800. unlur" Yrly 111 utll pd. CIOH to oc .. :m; DRASTICALLY REDU· fin. 1295,000. . 11000 wk. b•N 714) pool No pelt. A11•ll Ouellty 58r •Kee home. ..... ...., crpt, new drepea. • ~~ ' C&D to ...,, PAHOM-1176-0073. 16&.22~.!_ 842-tHO 1700/f!'O. 111-1179 Turtlerock~I lllanda. ,., ~ :'~ ... ~-:9· all lfteNCI MIC Vllft of 9A., S ..... , ... ;}ef __ ,;likul .._. JI -tlilf.. ........ ~ ,. • t • ,,.,., AP· OCIAN. ~ ....... euuo•••••r.m...... .~:.i;::::-•••••••• 8eeut .......-...._ 2 .... 2 .... Goe.DEN RT1!9 • -.... .. ' preclatlon. Financing 1a .. le. CA&.L T DAY. C.M ~--·..-. ...,_ IA I L · """""• ""• -· 752.1•-= ....,~ bf MOO 1br winter ,.,,..., 1450 mo •vetl1Me. Cell he at .... ,. I "0 D 0 I". s tr.:.i~3~,a,'.' c-;r-p-' -.... QI IHH/Opt. ..... .... ft • • • Ulll Incl. No P•I• .,..... plmb'ng • HK. at~: '"'n/unfum, ChOloe loc 1880/mo. 545-3331 Lall.tront 3., Wooelbrid· 1:'.;.!:.',L·1r:1,~·· Ma.tt30, 913.7944 - --mllOle loert It ,~Int s tllkt to M4YC. Actoae COfldO 2 bdrm 2'be .. lt.00/rno N1·M15, -~------~ lt15K/o tt A9ent ec tobefNn8bMCtt,fM1 N•u uc1 erand n.-14,-112•.l-IMon"" DlaMr.nA."911.ltPllOIAa•••ll ::-=au"=!ia:.~ 142·..... h1ve UH Of outboard All n pool and per~ La-...._. BM ~ "~7are!:.= ..... •A" = llLI n -r~. 3 •. plue Ira A/C. '111111 now. 1790 t'mr.:'er.T."'n .. emll' AvJi ,__ 1 ... ibfffllf ........ .. _., ,_... .,... --I~ room. Noe "'10 I NO-H4S ~ OCIAN '"°"' -· ...,._ ·~ .UM ,.. ,..,.... UndMded "' .....,.., 1rt uo. e>wnert flOme,,... ""uoo· 11111""' on lllUlf &... ,,_,.,, .nn r.;r.-.mnT. ... u.n WI U JI•~ Til!f*lrtt Of • MW "°""' ti 1111111 eel bld9 In wer llefore ....... ~ HUI~ llU tlO dlO w Of llatttOr, r.;.-m.TI9 ...... l'l'e1T ·•arfront, lllU• ltle, .._ • ..... ,.,._ ~.!!'Jrl? a. IN "*'Y HuntlnQton 9Ncft. CA °"'* Joree, t7Mltet 2 Br, 1"t aa oondo lo tutf, mtn1. Jl»r, 31»a INDlovt ,. ept .... lo •· 3 etory Min lrt ... fitter 1111• II. lllr ...,.... In todlY't cMlll· Call 7'41H0·241 I tor Coaat Plue Low oo..n. Hcur1ty, .. H1me, •P• bdt a -... ~ lftO. Hr. trptc, "100 mo .. .,. fltcl OOluf'IWlll 141·1171 lnfoffnecton. went Adi C111141·51711 181.000 141-oeet ltlOOtmo. 4 ... 1009 NI ut• en.eon t7'4Gl7 , I • t c Wasn't he the Ambassador from Austraka under Teddy Roosevelt? -·--ro ~-;.., "11 rnu" !IOI '"" •ho tor •hal 1 l\tn!ll'bvn'Po•I ·~ dOn t IM bold -)tlll If nol .tlol!f ~nllfbuft._I Ii ""'vi U d•\1•11(1"''' dillt•tnt •IM•lllltnl llQot ~ II S•,w11nd Vi!l<l(P 10 lfunltnslOll 80< h $"*lfld • ""' '' ' rr•ull 01 IOtol4•y 11t•\Onfli1'11 p1oltuoon11 f"~nn•"' ll•t ~111(f Of 4llPM••ft YOU dt\thf ~ prrlrtt lilt"" ol ~••~·• 1"1 11.,llf ~'""' ~ • lnrf\I .. ,~ b 1~· lilt•'' ••d qu•fl P."i.h (••"'4 ~. ~•lllftl 0<u n br•tln Add tu th•t ltM•• coi.rh \••lllllJ•"t Ir•~\ • HM .1nd • 1 on1tn•tnl l~ul•on nur \~opp.nc •"-1 •ll)!Jln1m•nl ~nd rov •t ·c111 A P'••• 111r011t ow11td VI i!Cll\ 1• l\olllf thtft h ""tb•"'Po•l'I• ~ !wt tlPfoO(lftl -.... 19'1 ~ -iW""''~'' "l)fll s~o oo w,~ ''~Ii~ Hvnl•"Cl•lfl "'"• ',... H11nt111tlo11 IHcll C. 11U1 ., .... , "°"' "" ~ ~ ,,_., .... ""''~ .. ltttll " Mil~ f"'ft 9'11 Oii llAJ~ IO~~~ ( ,. ,~.~~".{":1.~ •••••••• :~~tr~~!' ............ ~~~!~!~~''''········ .. ~!~r ............... r!~'.!~~ •.•••......•• ff!ff!'! •••••••••••• , •• Tll ..... Miii 28 YRS f)(P DUNHAM ' ........ • •• I ..... • g111 •hd hano IOOf· M081Le SERVICE ~.¥!!!!!~ .•.•• .. ~~~ ....••••••.... fer.J.1!!!!!1 •••••••• f~.'!!l.~1,.!!'!!!~! •• Dfl~aya, Pt1ktng Lot emPoO & tttam ctHn Con1r11c101 eap'o 1r1 111 HOME tMPROVEMENl T 111 2.. t e•P Jhe1 Heng, aelect Up· Aetcfa.ne/~ tcra.n1 l •wn•trM.wub 11'1111811 WUTll op qua 'I " 'I holeter w1111 839·07ri0 NB/CM onl'I 842·t552 TrM trllh/letno,,.i • A«nOd .. .ftpatre·lencmg Competluve rat•• .....,.,~ .. --1111.r"-... *! •. ~A!e~~~1 Repairs, Seatcotllng Color br~hlena11. wht trade• new con•tr. re· S&S Aephl' 631·4 t9'iLIC erpte • I min blN<;h mod & an~ll IObe lie IOf a Oen H.ttberg Grldlf\O & P1vl~ Aetlcomml Hiii, 1111/dln rmll• J,~· •VO room S7 50. c~ 1'10, 3 lf209 67~91>86 f!'.'~.!~~{":1. lewn MalnllAotollllit\Q el9CltlUH>lum~lng No OY9rfliM 730-1353 _,,,,.,,.. fM::s:J88'- rrM .. 1hn11t 648-&0eS C8l.J*'lry 83 &&3o ~lgh qu1llty f!W~6i ABC MOVING l -lf II - - JACK OF All TRADES C~rltnceo, <Jepend1 Quiet., C11el\JI S ..... vic. .!~'. ••• ~!! ........ :. flit t w ...... r 01rdener & "6elfl I h I I I 111"""1 .. * •8AY '"NT'S~ * •••••••••••••••••••••• ~..... " Cell Jaek all~llme, be, onee • fl t ...... LOW r11es 1552 04 tO W•"•over"I..,. n-~~·el TILE INST ALlEO Uc 397 4 842· 1720 chr $5. Ouar .r,1m ~I 30 d'{(.. ed Odor Crpl rep r 15 Y" In I OllTOI up1 lree lrln1n\l"i!, Fr• 0 IAhl 676 3014 mtllcutoue. llex1bl9 I 1rn ..... .,, .._....,. G ••• Peto 64 t•IO&e •Y 0' n,,......:.. • 1 h • b •, 1 Pho 111t STARVING COLLEGE _.11 l~P8• 642·1343 A" Klndi. u1r1nteec1 ~!!!!~11! •......••.••• eap. Do work my .. 11 IAILY Aela. Sb4·0123 Ctblnet1•Pullm111n•·8•rt A'4gre11tve At\ornay. No -----/l /l 673-7012 altar 6 PM • SlUOENTS MOVING Aeti John 840·9217 IAIMllll WAITll .~! • .a.C•••••••••••••• weekdays All di" S1.11ur· CO Lie T 124·436 1•111 C.n11 • •-~-, PILIT !~!!'!/.~~'!!!!!! ••••• Wall Unt11 84:.>·0881 ea lniti•I Coneut11llon. IUMI llUOTIH Pereon11 Injury Cases, No Aec;Olery, No Fee CemenH•A•tonry·Blocll Walls•Cu11 work lie ~!!~1!~1. ........ Mowing, edging, raking, DUMP J088 0 cJ s di ' 641 8'427 •••••••••••••••••••••• '111 "'"'" •weeping Free Ull· ,. 8M811 MOlllrlg Jo~ ey (In up y • ::-:~r: us cinow1 U&TOM wooo patio co ···-;-L·ow·RATES·r ··· ma 1 &45·5737 Call MIKE 846-1391 Quality HOUMclNnlng vert. redwOOO deck• & TrM 1r1m/remo11, cteari JAPANESE GARDENER-HAULING·GR1'01NG With. Personal Touch r~!!'.'!~1.............. fonc!9~~2 .UPI. mowing 554-7017 Supolyllnst•lllAef>llr . 494-85111. • •381057 Rob 54f.2683 DO IT NOWI Lge selection Also Incorporation. bu11ne11 SPECIALIST mo1n1 . demollllon, clean-up Clll Beth 9S0-0933 FIU PAllTlll ll••ti!f..l•J.'!;I Tree remo1111, trimming. clean up. trimming. Low Concrete & 1ree removal 11ouHcleenlng, rehllt:>le. by l\lchard Sinor lie ···e~~S ·.;.:,.9;.•EAiNG... -gency MtVice, lie & &u hr lalllra OrlV-1ys.pallol•WllltS hardware. Bob 646·2923 1dvlce. Reasonable lees IVI Your Dally Piiot 75~1962 Bloc:kwall1-m11onry -Free est, rea• 892·4557 llHltlt•I . price Freo eat. 548-9483 Quick serv. 642-7838 ref. Own tranap. Aeaa 280644 13 yrs ol happy Ne1t patchel lnlleitt. lneured. 536..0014 Jessle7s Oa~g---L-IGHT HAULING _:!.OL.ANPA 842•0405 local cuslomert Rest~~· 645-82~ '•'"'•• Service Directory ~~{'!!!I ••••••••••• Rap<aMnllllve THOMPSON CONCRETE ..•..••..•...• , ....... ELECTRICIAN Priced Ctean-\Jp•, tree trim & & CLEAN-UPS HOUSECLEANING Thank you, 831 4410 PLASTER PA TC HING ••o;.:os••,• "'au•bt'.•••\•,•. •K•:,•;•• malnl aervlce 540·8035 Free est 642·2657 Also w1ndow1/app1cs PAINTER NEEDS 30 ... .. -K&O land..,.,. ..... MaJnt. -H'"UllNG·studenl w/lge eaa 662•2674 111181 WORK! 30 yrs exp, Intl Restuccoi lnlfext 01y1...,. 5 & $10/hr _ __ ...........-" yrs Neat Ptul 545-2977 Mr M0<gan 645-5178 M'1d•••'lmH1lj .. Baby11t1lng lo my hO!'W· · llC'O ELECTRICIAN Resld/Comm Clhll·up 1ru'ck, seme 10 re Les. c1ean1no lady with e•per ext Acoustic ceilings Uc 142-Hllr tit. 122 WILL SIT In my CM home. Patloa·drlveway1· right, lree es11rnate oll tenc.cs yard, hot meata, lound1tlon1. •393383 11rge °' smell jol11 r8M. ratet 548-2674 642-8482 Lie 3945621. 673-0359 ......... ,~•••••••••~ flexlble hrs. Loving mo-Ct•ltHllllc C.•11•1 Quar. work/Ree& rales Sprinkler 1y1 548.2489 Thank you 759·1*76 Would llke houseclea· ~8780 Free esl. ll•ail•• Wi " Cl hi Moonlight Or1tt1men thef 642-tl872 • .••••••••••• •••••••••• F 6 t &:it 5072 S'"M FUKU-MOTO'S ' John nlng by the day Good Davis P~g 847·5 186 ••••••••'••••••••••••• ... ~.~! ... ~~•••••••• Home-Add'ns-Remodets · None 2 big. none 2 small, ree s · • " 1 554 6655 'f 24 .. r II ':' HI· 7121 "Lei the Sunlhlne In" Member AIBO 645-'1871 l•ll•n From A to Z we, do II all -ELECTRICIAN Gardening. clean upa, BHI;•• res • --lowett rates 'Prompt, 40 gal waturheatar $225 Cell Sun.nine Wind~ -----~-,.....,.-:-::--1•••••••••••••••••••••• 714-675·9468 llt 425781 Sml jobs/Repairs lie m1ln1 , tree trim, sml ••••••"'•••••••••••••• H•u•iilll•f. nett proteSSIOf'alt 16 Cleaning. lid. 54a-8813 slnl,tD,!~,o~~DO. adod~n~ ~~.OsM.!!OllMEERBJLOOBRS REM ODEL • Comm-23310.S-C-10. 548-5203 landscape 645-3540 I 26r u Hl-7121 ~········· •••••••••• yrs 8JIP 636-7149 ~, ••• ,,,,, 20"/o Monthly DllCOUftt .. '9\11 ,,...,rvu • '"""" ""'" ---~ t heat OLOER COUPLE WILL ------••••A •••••••••••••••• ~ & concrete. Uc. 361681. bel-hOuNS Free realdenllal, lenaot ~m-RESIOICOMM'l/INO Clean ups· Trimming Furnace· ........ ·wa er HOUSESIT, XlNT REFS. RALPH'S PAINTING AC RAINGUT'{ER WINDOW CLEANING Joe 892-1327 ·HI. Call Oen 537-0342 provemants, major re-20 yrs Do my own work Sprlnklere • Maint. N-80.000 BTU Furnace 543-5241 673-1951 LOWEST RATES Bonded-ln1-llc B344764 RESIO & COMM'l pairs, Bldg renovetlon, Uc 278041. Al 646·8 126 Free ets\ 642·2657 a thermostat 1n11alled -----Uc 380015 536-9898 Free HI. 1-524·5824 FREE EST. 581-1132 .............. ,,. f f.~;!~~!#l~! ..... . cOde correcllons, etc. 20 --750 oo ,,,. I 898 6512 J 'I• '•I l-""".".'~'-:-'.------1 . ..;._.;.=.:~=--......:....:.... __ yro.Orange Cty. bonded, FIMH Elect -Remodels, Tiii PWT IOC S · ,. t4 • _ .!!.' •• !!•••••••••••••• CUSTOM PAINTWORK I Ii •A' C1blnets & Carpentry Smllt Jobs & repairs Free estimates 645-2003 Ins, Lie • 191801. Pa-Add I t Ion•, ga r · Indoor plant care. .,.. leui1t COMM'l JANITORIAL Comm'l1res1d, stripping, .! .. ~~!.!"··••••••••• •---------· lombo Conat Anytime wrkshops, Low rates Uc Free ell 631·2259 ••••••••~•·•••••••••• & CARPET CLEANING elalnlng The Job lhll J.0 . Horn Refinishing It• Ln lt•lirtss Mouldlng1, Fireplaces. Add Rooms. 35 yr1 eap WAY ,._.TllCTIH 962·8314. •325738. Ins 646-7378 ------Painting, plUt'lblng, elec. Dee's Cle1n1ng Servace s P 11 a ks Io r 11se1 1 Antiques, kit cabinets. Th1t all coqtr11C1ore wtio .IAPAIHE UlllEIEI drywall. Ille, carpentry uc. Bond.c:t 963-5474 498-8580___ line painting 645--0664 perfe><m wotk over S200 Clean Lie No 276943. • ._ 714·859-9905 C11••ln Lie •420802 Plans ~~~~~~~~~~ ••• ,-.-••• -1•••"••••••••• Fl '" I = Remod. & Repairs. Free nanclng .. vallab e 839-5035 Mark 546-7816 • 111 CLASS PAINTING· 1 .. 11. . Including labor ind ''HELPING HANDS" ~!!~!~~!~f•••••••••• Wallpaper, lnl/Exl Ae· ••••••'-•••••••••••••• z:.erU~t~':i :~~: l~j9 ¥!~~}~~ ............. . AEt.100. SPECIAUS eat._ Lo rates-OecltS. pa-142· 1200 JG Allen._Llc. 202752. llo. Steve 752·9556 1--1-1-1-.-1-11-11-... -.. --.1--1 ~1'41 -UHi .... T-AA.C;TOR W.QA~EJt. cava(lng, compaction. backhoe 20 yrs np. King Equip 631-7392 You name 11. we'll do 111 Old Country landscapes, p11ra. Free est. 979·5294 Hubei Rooting-all lypes. tore ahould 10 Slate In Ed ~BobbL240·0275, 24 "Anything outside the Swanson & Son Painting· New-recover-decks73 their advertising. Con· B6hded. 494·t9lO EXPEA. carpenter does SLNCE 11162 •212542 TOP QUAlllY'\\IORK' AT REAS RATES hrs home.·· 6 45 -5"59 7 , (4omplete ext 1 story Lie. 11411802• --649 4 tractors and consumers, • I · 67~ name ~ S386 lftdlv.. a. Plllt.lltt' wotwcl Meryo4r~-Aa.wri•• ltmtl add'ns, remod. decks. Mike Macar-!Cfl ••••• ••••" •••••••• ••• • Skylights & repairs. Ffee Ill· 1271 50% OFF FIRST MONTH est. Dan, 841-4592 t:....' . •• ~~~-~~~!!'f........ .. dyal roqms from $45 + 00 't 001 repair at (714)558-4086 with 1ny R09fN'8 CLEANING ~'!!!!'!( .......... _._._.. materials Reis. Insured fr; c i'j~r n 0 t '-0 54 questions. Contractor's Lic'd J.Qti 547-4425 Dependable, .att0<dable, , ___ __;.. ____ ~_, __ H_O_M_E_IM.....,...P_R_O_V_E_M_E_N_T_, ~.!.".~":1 •.••••.•••.• essential. Answering Custom Carpentry by Dick ALL TRADES TIEES • .. ,l··· S8(111Ge -a thoroughly BRICKWORK: Small jobs LIC 205!t41. 631-4870 857-2890 St••• license Board. 28 ••••• •••••••••••••••• cte•n hoO"se 540·0857 Newport, Costa Mesa. .,1 11•• 1...;.---------1 Civi c Center Plaza. aervle-e, se"Cretarial & & Nell. Paneling, lormlca. S bualness services. mall doors, etc. Ph. 642-8809 AEM~~~~~~O'N Topped/removed. Clean Carpentry • Masonry ,-, ,.. 1• ROOFING REPAIRS Room 690, Santa Anti. Roofing . Plumbing II you want your house Irvine, Reis 675-3175 .. ,-.-·••"-••••••••••••• Small jobt1 OK. Free CA 92701. box rental, word proces· up. lawn renov 751-3476 sing. Talea·Facslmlle, C•t•I S.ffitl IH• 1'11Hiffs Lawn •ervice irom ~ 111 Drywall · Stucco· TUe REALLY CLEAN .. Call Bio~ Walls Con-Farthing lnlerlor Oesfgn esllmeles Call Tom or1-:======== Remodel J.B 646-9990 Linda 669-0318, Good creta Very reas lic·d. HANGING/STRIPPING Chuck. 542-8392 I· Rel• Bob 673.5.3671536•9906 ~c Scott 645-9325 i---.------Of.., __ -try PAnAl'.,.lea.se ••• ,-.-••••••••••••••••• SINCE 1~2 212"•2 • """" -· ' -..-· No Steam/No Shampoo "" • ~ mo Yd clean-ups. wee-txz'N=RIPN~~~~· Stain Specialist. Fast Mlk1•1M1ac1•2r7ewlctl1 ding, tree work Ken 631·9131 (uk !Of A.V.) dry. Free est. 839-1582 • 964·1083 CPr your old eote Carpentry ·•Cabinets Plumb • Drain Cleaning Electrical • Tile Refs Don 966·0149 HOUSECLEANING Good --Expert wallcoverlng In· A I w a y a 1 1 a I e I rats. Transportation E•· SELL idle items with a stallahon Reas Consul· ctassllled·re1d the ad per'd. 979-9756 _0~1ty P1101 Cl~ed /.~ 11n1 Assignmt 581·8590 every day. &42·5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH .SAVERS for Merchandise· under 11,000. Sell With EASE! I YOUR OLD STUFF.FOR NEW GOODIES WITH A Ctass1hed ad 642-5678 OLLA RS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. 3 3DAYS LINES . . , .... refwd1bh htn ..... , .. , . CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 • IU•1lri1J ... 1.1 "" ....•........••......• Al'lf•l•I• A,,,,_,.,, Ar.11•1•1• Al'tl•••I• .,., ,4000 l1•lll1,. lt111 4310jl1•l•l1 11 li•t• 4311 !'J!!~.~!~!~!.. .. !.~!f !'J!!t.~.~!~!~! .. ;.!.~!f n / i iH 1fi J '16H U•/.,•ldH V•l•t•iliH •••Uiiii"iiiii•••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~l~·;,;·~;~:;~;·,:··s~: *IELIXE tfflCEI• FUll SERVICE SUITES ... '!!.'!!!'.! ........... ••••~•!ffl .................................. 0 •••u••-;;;;:· .. ;~:t1 IMlllUTE ocean t·ront hse apt With 1 MO. FREE RENT Desk Space S275/up "' w • .. ti 3141 • ..,..,, • _. 11111 Ill working mom & son 1 room to 2800 eq II Pn11ate Office $495/up C.11• #n• 3•Z. •••I flN •• 'I.'!!' •••••••••••••••• ••••'l••••••••••••••••• Wkly rentals S95 up FllHIS 5400 mo 650•1105 From $1 16 a sq h Adi N e w po r I B ea c h ••••••••o••••••••••o .... 3141 Color TV, free colfee, Ofdelt & largest agency Alrporter Inn & Frwys., _7_5_2·_6408 ______ ---t NEW BREED APTS ••••••••••••••••••••• • ~NbrVI~/ 0 hNted pool & steps to All ctlents screened with Share 2 br. 2 ba house. Clll AM 833·3223 •·I ..&.1 _.., .... a. 1 Br. & Iott. Bach & loft. WlllL&IE Very n · m ocean. Kitch'• avaJI. photO. & r~erences. lido Isle, 'bay vi-. sllp ••"'•••• ..-ta S750 up. 2160 ft lndu· atrial . Offioe. 1810t Re- dondo Circle, P & T Hunt1ng1on. Beach 842-2834. Frplc, rec room, pool, Spic. 1 & 2 br, lovely Incl. ulll1. 494-1810 985 N. CoHt Hwy. Credits· Cosmopollta(I Incl. $450. 675-3321 DELUXE SUITE 940 sq It II 80c per tt. )~.or & Wf1~5p= plnH & 1tream1. eec •• ....,, ... i 1111 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Laguna Beach-. 494.5294 Good ~Ofnlng Amer!Q Shr w/Nwr I eaecuuve, w fe f mf lltl ~~11rlal9eto 24 mo lse et No .,....a. rom _.. . ~atff, entry by phone .•• -.-..-.-.-••••••••••••••• IN NEWPORT BEACH T"-T Show 8 r re I -·-Hamltton C M 645-4411 & c d s a 2 8d 90 & up wltll kitchen. •• omorrDW • be1utllu oceanfron t 8 4 1 • 3 2 1 2 d a .. 1 • • · • e rec: are• Incl. gym, NO FEEi Apt. on ° ln9•. 1 rm. ....-1y Ocetntront Mo-•'h off* to all wtlO home, $550/mo. tst & S 1 SO/sq U ·Leise 963 _11183 Ev ' Specious 2 bdrm, 2 ba, pool & ape, MM59 1 rentals, VIiia ~t• Apertments t'"" 87" .97•0 need a pi4lce last C111 63 1·8056. 642·4644, M·F, 9-5 675-49t2 Brok•. & Townhou.-., J-"" Ill studio. Excellent East· ...... WILi '",--------=--::-From • ......,. ~~~~~~·~··~-~~~-----LIM a. f FFICE SPACE for leaae, ------ ,. .-..... -•-.1-•1 ..,••·-~. 4••r ..-ea •n. full Mrv'-e ....... •".00 tide IOC. le10. 720-0844 Lrg 2 & 3 BR townhouM ii\ Block 10 beach. 2Br, On Jamb«• Rd 11 Lars•..... -ti ... , ,_ _,_ "' '"T ..., O< 720-4891 ..,.,11,......., ..-, 1.....,., ......... bright & eiry. S675 mo. Sen J.....,.Uln Hill• Rd room tor r6nt 1195 mo . T •••••••••••••••••••••• Ofllce, 650 sq 11. over per sq tt Nr Jam!:>oree & ..,.. _..., -,,,_ ._.. yrty tee 82$3 .._.. 224 19th St. Hunt. Bch. Newport Heights. own· Oulet1M1tu re/ Arllsllc night tac 5500 mo lo mo MacArthur In Newport St0f808 y81d, lanced. nr • H81b0f and Baker. 50 )( 150 ~ S225 mo. Larger ., .. ellO avlil. 549·8181, 720-1444 2500 aq. It near H.:>eg Hoap. separate ottlC8 & re11room . $900/mo . Automot111e ok. Bkr Cnt• • .,. l•U Hunt. Hrbr. from S545. · -144-1111 -883 houM. betut. furn. Ma· needs rental reesonsble or lse. 552-7730 evet Beach, 714-553-9255, •••••••••••••••••••••• Children OK. 840-6807 2 Br. 2 Ba. trom $525. "6o 1-------..,...-980 9 tu re tem•le •S350. 8 ttt,,...----....,.-'"'.'"'.~--1 Detached 2 Br. gar, trplc, petL Acrou lrom New· On Bay. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. rea Bachelorette 1pt In &46-7555 640•5172 bet am ()( 8 Tired of crowded fr-ey aslc for Petty 2400 tq tt. S720/mo 17th. trg patio, quiet, $5115. 1Br •Pt. 3 blkl tr om port Beech Golf CoutM. trplc 1 car gar Prt1111e eKehlnge IOf bebyslt11ng 9prn. commutes North? Would ...,_ A/O lftiee & Plaoentla, Costa M98. 337 e.: 18th St. 675--6736 beach. Chll4 & pet OK. 545-4855 · Beacfl. Good nelghbOr· & work 545-0034 A~. Straight M nonsmkr to ahr you like an ottl<:e 11 the NGTON ,..., .. CH 4 648-1164 &45-8286 $465 mo. ~7165 hood tor couple Of sin-2 br, 2 ba EIS1de CM C. Ii I 1 43SI beach that your fimlly HUNTI ~ · ---------2 Br· Weat1lde Costt I I bct1 2 Br 1b WllTll lllTW f• S 1100. 673·2 162. EAN 8AEEZES Jog or apt. S250 + ullls Dys •• !!l!! .. !f •• !."....... could use on ~-ends bloel(e 10 beach 550 sq ,,.,.,_. 4Jff Mesa. Carport & pool. ""m rom · a. & • B Ct t t 10'"M 6 9PM bike to bch Cheef!Uf rm, 642-5446: evs 642-5620 Dana Pt. alngle stor-. •• 1 vacation unit? FA• It. av•il at SOc. includes •••••••••••••••••••••• ••15/mo. Cati """8533 011111• "211 3 "" r OM 0 wa er, " ' • -..-... ~ tllitl 53• 7u-. St S s• N t ... ...,,,... -tu & t ·~na ba. turn. linens. etc TV -.. red s1reet en1rance teislng Information call u es v-"""" orage pa ... -por-----------1----------t rn un urn. re-• eeautllul large 4 Br en· Fem shr new X·lrg condo, ........ · · Beach YILU COIMVI MADDOX APTS: 1 & 2 br. ble. all amenlltes. Brotler clad patio, steps 10 kltch prlv Uptype ma· so. Cst Plaza. All am· 34D97 Granada. S60 The aplstrano Suri 2156 Newport 81. CM., ___ • _____ _ Nice qulet surroundlng1 675-41112 675 •• 19 lure,stabte.r999 Clean. men (7t •J 557-4329, 673-3313,4113-0803. Center. 6S-t-6292 or Ideal 1nsur. acctg, law #.'i•-U••H•I Spacious E.Slde Apts. • · · beaoh Yearly ..... 1 let B s orklng .. -· & $450-1550. 842·8788. AGE 2 b 1 b . • nee ,qu u y w (213) 515·5700 Aak ror Storage ~arage. srngle. 831-5084" olc. Lse 720-0771 lnl·'i 41$0 Encl gar, p1tlo, dshWhr Bet g.5 lA r. a, gar. 2 Br 2 Ba. Condo, Eaat· person No smoke, no -. etove. Most utll free. No · d/w, 5308 Sa•shore. blutt unnrades llllGhed dnnk. Poot, Jac S325 mo M1rti 9x2 • osta Mesa hetlleit Ltcatittl For lease-Otllce 3 rms ••••••••••-•••••••••• ---s N beach 1 br 1 ba trplc S750 mo Yrly 1162-4914 • ... ' Incl utll. F-to •"r 2 br ___ ... o w/2 $50/mo p I I 1200 sq tt Gooo tra~ tiUNTER'S SPECIAL ,..... . r • • • • . • . g • r • g e N. o Pe 11 i-1r"11. 0wn'"'' rm s""'200"' + utll 642-4907 wkdays rlma Intersect on o good sign & t114>osure. fl4' motomome. lulty 1811 1 Br, 1 person · $435 gar., yard. Avail. Dec. 1. 1950/mo. Ss9-7144 631-2288 MacArthur and Jambo- 18 _. 2 . 3 Beach Blvd, H B contained. 495-9171, 1 Br. 2 persons $465 536-0297 evs fntMd ,._, "'' !--------1 1 ool/j1e. 775-8148 a'(e 1U11·,., •••l•I 44,.. ree $1 per sq It Sub· .. 2 Br. starting at S510 . ••••"••••••••••••••••• oom w/bath k tchen pr 11 ""',. -1ease avallable. 820 or Call 776-8803, 2323 Elden "ue, CM Deluxe pool11de Kira large OCE '"NFRONT • Custm Br , I Ba, garage. sun pool, Jacl..tennls court. nr Shr beaut. N.B. lurn 2BA •••••••••••••••••••••• I • /l I'' 842·7sOS 2 br, 2 ,ba •. bit-Ina, dec"or. 3 B r 2Ba up, dec:k, upper unit. 1 blk OCC. Uvl n·smk $225. apt w/mature quiet empl IUITiflL 1200 Ml fl for 1 year Call OFFICE & DESK SPACE •ll•n• 8"' f (lswshl': 1 ~miles beach. amenities', yrlu s 1200 from bch, 212 30th St 646-3340 F 0V8f 35 W/0 pool $325 ..... , orm• .Sandy 213·820-8857 In Downtown Laguna IU..•H llSTAllT II No pet s . $500/mo. mo 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 $600 mo yrly. 675-3206 1----------·~ utll 642-6492 above World Savings •••••••••••••••••••••• S36-<8362 ., . Kltchen, Lndy Prlv. With use of recep11on, llPEI lllUlll overlooking main beach .. "•"' 2 Br. 1 'h Ba twnhse. mo. Mature prs 7400 W. ,. .,,1.~ $250/mo or Rm & Brd. Shr nu condo, blk 10 ocn conl. room, kitch, phone. Exec Suites incl reeepl • Ans Serv. Aecept & copy "-"-•It. SlfS B ulltlns, l1und rm, C'ge 2Br w /gar Super Ocnfrnt. 850-111112 II• .,1••••11 " • 1350 ladlesonlywlrels G1r, micro $265. Tracy. secretar11l & word pro· sec'y servs. conl rm , mach 497•1744 ••• ~r.::::-;;'•••••••• carporttgar. yardtbalc. ctun. close 10 bch. EASTBLUFF 2·ei:i,"$46s~·Y·;;;1:~·~;; 645-7629 631-6543, 549.3421 cesslng Mail & message kit . mall handlg. Res· ...,... IS Small Pet OK. F/p . s•95/ o 964 4686 ' ,;~. -all. aanatately II pon••ve to y~·r buslne .. I • Ill l••tll ~~If ... 2c ..... 51mo. .. m • • Spacious 1 Br. patio. decor. pool. nr beach, F s b ""'' • ... ~.. ... ""' -•II• ... ,.. HW 1...,... ......... la .., .,......., 53"7330 Ml N· mkr lhr eaut. desired. Call: Judv. _....,.s '""'· 405 F""' In •••••••••••••••••••••• a _,..... ,_ 2617 25•3 · .,.. p ool. view. no pets, bua No pets. 498·6277 B 1 p h ' '"""' ""' -• 2850 .. fl bl ltl d .. a boa enn ouse. 7141780-0100 F.V. lndiv. otca . Mo/mo Retail store at .. von. pro 11 e, •KC 1ng an 2548 oriange Ave. Near harbour/beach 2 Br S590/mo. 644-4767 Nr SC Hosp. 2 BA. 2 Ba, 1220 mo+ utll. 675·1508 ---------• from $325. 963-6445 1665 sq. It. plus 8 car funllll Give youraell thls 2314 Santi Ana Ave. 1 Ba condo, 1-sty. patio, WllY -atlo pkng ••as mo No UEOITIYI MITES --... ,.,... 641-8777. gift. Part time or full can for appt TSl u Aml gar. retrlg. Avtll 1211. -· ~. · ... ollege Parle area. CM, C.M. MW 2 br. 2'A be furn Full service. Keep your Aetatl & office space .,.....,... time. Small c•pllal ln- 642-1603 ...,, S600. 8-40·1589 Tm llm ...... 891•1544 furn. •oom, shtre bath. condo, M/F nonlmkr, 2 overhead low a protea-1111il1ble 17th St, Coeta Booth rent111. WK'f reuo-\191tment selling 1 unique NEW gated 20 Town· S225. 557·27\1 ctr gar, lge yard Pe1s slonal Image high Pre· Meaa trom 1250 1.t to nable Mtuton Viejo. pereonaliled coatom de--.n home. VILLAGE COM· 11•1• b• llll welcome Alllll Imm stiglous Westclitt 1raa ot 400 1.1 &45--3477 837-4897 signed line of luggage, ....... , MUNITY. 2 Br. 2'A Ba ·····················~ •• ,,,, •• ,,,, 4100 _63_1_·53_5_2_· 5_2_5_·4_3_6_1 __ Newport Beach 881 Do· llWPlllT AIHl9R. ,.__ ~-1 hand bags and acceeao-1600 sq. tt. of pure tu-2 Br. 2 Ba. air, patio, 141C. ••••••'••••••••••••••• MIF roommate 1h1re n-var Or Ste. 14, 63 1·3651 -'"" -.-••"• rles. The Income le unll-~u~d :m~•N:e:.7,,c~~ aury. Garages, spaa In ~~~~~ii'13 s535imo. IUUll llftl Cd M house. non. Full Service Suites l••l•I• 441S mlled. Call soon for t aet mo rent req . every home · master • · Wkly rentals now av1ll emoker. neat. steble 1617 We11c1111. N.B 256 SI Oil OllTI SI W;;t;,~·e(».900"~.'lt,·,; mote Into. Neeta Quinn, $400-$4151mo. • Secu11tyG11ts sui te, dining rooms. BNutltul 3 Br. 2 Ba. con· $105 & up. Color TV. employed person. $280 to 4000 aq 11 1st ftOOf seso ... Furnished Ole & ..-nbly ol blk•. Calllomta luggage UnU· 2264 Maple • P('OI & Rec Room wood burning flreplacea, do, overlooking pool, Phones In room. 2274 to S290/mo all 6 30 A.gent 541·5032 All you need !Of one 54a-23l4; &42-5114 8VI mlted. 714/75f-8581. Call lo '" Inside TSL • 1 & 2 llR Patio ApCs mlcrow111e ovens, prl-n •e r S . C p I a z a Newport Blvd CM (wtldya) 8-40·5190 ,4.lrport area • Eaec. Sul-monthly feel Olttce/Work·Stor1ge, •---1 Mgmt 642-1803 • ~Iden Un4SCJIMO 11818 patios & yards, gar· Sf)SO/mo. 646-0688. 848-7445 C 3 F .,25 450..,., tt 640-5470 ..... ,_ • Oishwnllers' ll80s Clen8f prOl/lded. Elegant M/F 25-35. Shr M ~ ... rom ~ • ..... 438'.t E. 17th, C.M. $450 ........ ,,. HIS WllTLAll YILUll • JoO to 8ea(ll & ShOos Nvlng onty 15 mtnutaa to * 2 Br. I 81, off M8'QAr· E A C H AR E A hM wllg yd. $210 + ulll S1 per tq. ft Many xtru . 1111 IPAOI 0• mo. 646-2559 AM or PM ••• ~:::-;;'•••••••• Bachelor & 2 Br apt• S.C. Plaza or O.C. Air-thur Blvd., So. Coaet 111, last & dap Avail Cell 557-7010 Attractive rustic upetalrs Mini Blind cleaning ser· avail. Poot, spa, laund port.. Juat east of N--v 111 a• SS 6 o I mo ttU/Wk n ow . 5 4 8. 5 1 6 o o' 400·900 PLUS 1400 sq It setting. We supply deell, SELL Idle Items wllh a 11lce. & equip'!. S 1200. rm. No pell. lmmed Oc· pon 8111d. & ao of San 648-4887. fO't 848-6636 msg PenthouM Biytront Sul· apace, cQC)lef You sup-Delly P1to1 Classllled Ad. Mutt sell due lo ot• cup. Diego Frwy, StOOO/mo. ltll ~· JU4 RefrlgefatOf·Makl·Pool Penthse. Catalm1 view. ta, ptrklng, patios _pty phone. & 195 pt mo -bualnen lnterfft C611 BIChelor S375. CLOSE TO BEACH 831-5439, 2473 Or1nge •••••••••••••••••••••• Nwpt 8llld & Wiison CIOM to bch. H.B Pv1 enl 673-1003 • deaAI c.it 644·7211. Olliff l••IM 44,, Paul &45-M18 ' 2 Ir'. S525. Unique bacil. w/lott and Ave .. Coate M.... Very large upttalrs 2 BA, Costa Mesa 546-9755 & b a I h . S 3 O 0 mo 1------------t-""---------I •••••••••••••••••••••• p~ zero '82 a '83 Income 955 W. 19th St. TSl lrpl, eto"'9 and refrlg. All 1 Br. 1 Bi Steps to •,;, blk to baac;h, newly Pl .,. 1 •• 111 C 1 538-0794 tu. legally, -r-eiund• Mgmt '"•5 8122 s • 5 o remod N-stove & re-na "no ... o on 089 I • 711 '80 "l;;;e· 1 ta et """. U111 pd . .. I mo . beech. 1550/mo. utile I"' G. ,.,. ___ AWi Hwy NB. Steps to Poolljac 4 br ho,,,_, SC Of • • 11 • -••,..,•I --M , ... 2_.;.,....,.., ••2.1010 Joe, at 714-551-1452 ~~ .. 8!!'.-,. It Y re 81 50 •• 3523 000 down. 400% return .. _ • i ··~ 536-7979 Included Property Hou-'""' at on ..,....n . • w I I Plue. M 21·35, ltr, OFFICE RENTS ••• s 100.ooo write off, SI, •••••••••••••••••••••• DELAWARE PINES """ --""" .,...,.\M..., namkr, 12 • .,..1. wrnty Hurry! 838. 11111 oan1~·~s1 ~. M!:i.n::':,:eo:= BAYFRONT ~~.'~.!a.f~ ...... YM IHI I PUIEI 2 P=.12oryb•PJr:rw ~ clUdec:I _,le blutt. Lllce $480 mo IA2..aao7 Ch1rmlng •tudlo, I blk Re11on1bte rates Kit-otd ,_1 Only 4 units, 2 Br ,111221 0.-are BALBO A ISLAND:. 3 from bch. sun dk, ocean Ctlenettn, phones, maid FerMle, 25-35 years S33 wi den. Xtra lrg private Bdrm•. 2 ba, 8Jlcellent vu $350. 49ll-4 l7 I ter'llce, z ch1nnel mo· i::.:= ~ .. No ' p1t10. From S725/mo. 2 Wnl, 2 U T•lllat cond. Furn or unturn vlea SANDPIPER MO· Call 681·6441 or M·F, Tennie, lpa, near beach. Im med. poueuton. 2 o Cit Plaza ,4.rea. Prill TEL, 1987 Newport Bl\fd. Fern. roommate lo lflare 2 11-5, 643--0212. Orl"'9 by 2202 H ... Circle mo1 minimum ren111. entrance. Bath, Refrlg. CM 645-11137. bdrm apt In C0<on1 det tosee24587 Sant1Clara 714-IMI0-3745 S1500 /mo. O wne r WIO tor wrk·g m1tur•1--------..,...:::-Mar S250mo 1173.52941 -----,.-.,,..-"."'.'.""-i---------1 644-11513 lady S300/mo. lncl'1 VHlllH .,,,,.114111 -.,,._neat (2) 1·8r' Vlllu Br w/91r, etove & dlhwr. l-----L---,.--3 utll'• 545-1553 alter 4 ••••••••••••••••••••• Plll.llTMY -~ 1mall & cozy, prl: Child & small pet OK. Lido Ille wat«front "i pm 1rll City Utah Condo ;;;-i:xury 2 b~be. 1111e. S400·S425/mo. $500/mo. 536-79711 :;~•· 'lrly S 12 0 i=--:-'°'-"-en-:-t.-:bea4--Llt:::llul:-:-:--:H-:8 Steepa e, kitchen, walll cathedral ceiling, trplc, 873-3313. 493-0803 (or AlK TO BEACH 1 Br•---------hOfM w/pool '250 to lkl Ifft. AV911Dec11 to iundeck. ell imenltlea. lurntehed) Stove &..refr.IQ. l350..Lmo. 2 BR 2 Be dph1, down•·, _ _!Ma-al~~61.61,~.w~:!1~08~5~ 18 $450, 71414H-o314 Wiil f hr w/p rot. ~· * * * 538-f97D t•trr. fpfc, f1fW.? 1-111 condo, Mammoth, 2 813~881 aft 1J gar. U 0 0 mo. Ag t . leeMnt turn rm .• kit pr'lv, 8r' & loft, 3 Ba. Nellt to Room In CM EXCEPTIONAL 2 80, AhllK TOI BEA&CH:.._. B~· ,_e1_s.._t&4_2 ______ , nice yard. Adult teCmlty lodge & chairlift. I 150 l 225trno ...,_ISO utM OEN. ONLY FOR THE c e o~ a ovte pr";~c( Ith 40' dock for~ home. E11t1lde M nlte 494.1940 &41":49•13 OtSCRIMINATING. S750, it2~,mo~~/979~ · boat. 3 BR 2,,. be.. con· Prater retired wom1n "Of, (114)4te-4804 '---------•Clo. S1200tmo w/doc:k. 1200 549.sne IQ BEAR • Beeut 3 8r ~ble nMt MIF, to * * * 1"'8• U44 11000 without. 850·1190 u;,:;t;hed Rm. Private ctbln. Frplo, color TV, lhare 1atoe 2 t>d Apt In ----------1rh:.i'.:k;:~;·9;;j;tl~~: .._M_r~._._L_ono_· -'------:::~e~3 ~=•El t!!':· ~e~e 1:15 0 per d~• y =~d~d~~: O~I~ * * * graded, lennll, pool, ec>e bdrm, I bll apt, Newport tudlotcondo blla of S350~mo, lnol utll I '550 832·2838 Height• Area CloM lo IF rmmte to "*-moat wwm Springe 1111 In Sun 141-4055, Gary EXCEPTIONAL 2 80, H~• ~$426 mo .. , bMut twnhae, In Unlll V~ I t t OEN. ONLY FOR THE ~--!Jl~--~r.::-9£ ·"'!.'. ..... 'Yll .,. .., w •eec ICU ., ,....,. •• .,..,.J., OllCMMNAT1NQ "'°" · ' "f"tte1mo .rae·y1..,,; ·~·• 'ean'b'o 'blo~• AOf.{714)4tf.tl04 . ... ""' ~ 8r' 2 Be, lblooll b.cf,, 761-2178, 8Yte 562-t310 rat 8 1 • C 111 J 9C II I e b a I c h S 2 5 0 I m 0 * * * 10 mlnut• IO of Leouna Np I 8 h 0 r... I e 3 5 842-940' teC).N05 on Dtn• Point'• moat 940·3787. Avail 1211. 313 Creacent lay Or ----------------~-1 H c tudtd 1cen1c bluff, I A 2 1 ,, 2 bike 10 Muat ... to appreciala lntlll,. ••n 4J• 2 Room• avail. for Fqulat Loi 8tuctlc, Orapee. Cat· Ilk 2 8 /d 0 39R on , ..,,.. w/kHohen, ........... r. ....... ~l' mature person rom e: "----v1~ 1280 a MW, r • w en. Naeh, patio, pele K. ...-.. ro ....,IO 1 .... a -If --•-I 1 7 5 & par I u 111 . ' ..,...... ...... 111ra larga ptll/ate !)Mio 17llO mo. 17W721 ,. •• "" rm, ...... • ""' .,_ •--1 __ ut_r_e_ee_1_-_11_9_2 __ 1 1725/mo. C.it It 1-644 I 1-----------to bell I 00 M bdrm Aoommai. wtnled to atw _&_M-_1_2_4~----- or M·F, 9.5 &43·0210 OCIA..,AOHT Mao 18' UllP9f 1111, petlo, Bel lllNlnew/mom• .... t .. -v lrO OONtl w •u•':r-DrM by to ... et 24517 Yrty: 2 br, I be. no pat1, v i ew of ocn . 1 400, ~-1215. uc11 p0 Nine, uo 8cf1 PYol to • 1 .!~-,.~1, ,=.•ant;:;;.;.:.•:..::::Clar:..:;•;__ ___ .t"'.1:-:::1'.':":'"000-:1::mo::".-:.,.:-:-:2~-G2-=51=:-:-IM/taat (Wiii Mt) Obi gar OWn beth 178-1142 aft "'' 1350 1nc1 utll 1at, -.-..,. evell for rent. .. 1.1090 s t•t a MC. 494-12'4 •••••••••••••••••••••• e•n lront 1 br, part . ....; 281' 1 be, Wltbar, 1-----~--:---Guaat l'louta. lull kif., turn Adulta. No pell. 324 I!. I l l bot llvd ....... P9n. let'"' llnfurn Quiet S*•On, f'O pets, llOO/lnd utfl. 4t7·10t2 N"llO/mo, Walk IO OONfl Ute of houM Pref , .. non •e m k r. I 4 5 O, or bey 1ttl04112 t to mete Acroee from 8cll 11CM)617 CltMlhed AOt 8'2-&4171 5 M·f. IHO t13..o312 '•m non·tmkr to •hr hlboa ...,., 3 " 2ba. 1128 /mo & utll 173-517• When was the last time you saw office rents at 99• per square foot? • Airport l ocation • On Site Management • Utili ties and Janitorial Service Included • Office suites ranging from 350 to 2400 square feet • One to 'three year leases available Prices effective November 18-23, 1982 . 4500 Campus Drive Suite 116 Newport Beach, Callfornla· , '(n4)9lf-OOM <. Leasing Ottlce Hours: Monday-Frtd•Y 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Special Hours: Saturday Md Sunday Nowmber 20 and 21 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Full Comm/alon to Brokera !!!!l'.!!.~ .. 1!d! 1111.man1.1111 1 '1. 2nds. 3rd•. '"" ......... nrttt • LHm ..... FOUNTAIN VALLEY M4-1111 R.E LOA NS, 11t·3rd, 90%, comm'!, con1tr , ... f\lndlftg. 143-1645 ~ ,,.,, ................. ~ u.uma ~w,~'r-""' ro··~'"' ~ Sattlet NH/CM A.I. lrotleJ Id AM!tora 141.1111 ..... ,, WIDOW HAS .. fof TO'a ~~ •· Demleoft a M1oo 17'-nn '""' 0eect '°' ..... ua. 000 at ''"'· Due J""• ,. Uncle .... "'°'""Y eold tor I 1 1 mllllon FotlOwe I trust dMcta ......... 1111.000 WMI .....,..t to II"' ytekl ..... 7 .. utl Ill ' ( .. I ca Orange Coast DAIL. v PILOT /frldly, Novem~r 19. 1982 A•~"'·'"/ ,,~1 . ,.~ ... i-.11..'!i~"' "ff••)·•••"' 11 .. w~~ ...... "9U !PtA'JHt •••••••• llM :I,_ .... 00 .. ·-· «~•.'!J/t~!!.~! ... I~ lmlffl.'11~~ .. l!tf ~, 'I • ~"' ,.,.. "--,.. • •••••••••• • .-m., ..... •••••••~':1 ~ .... , ·-N• t•nt ry 'J 1 •utt :l _ _._ .. ....... :;.·.~ ...... 6 Angell WIHllQPy HMrl rl(l)9flenc!ed "0 A ,_. \Ill\ "" APPUANCr Sl HI/IC( ~· ) mo Oh.I Drown .. .....~ . • OWll HOim ...... ~lk ... I. UIOUM. 111• 40· &O'lt oll all •hi• In *' .a ,,__, ...................... ..,.., .. SE"n(yany HANK>H AREA •AlfUYPll ~.,... .. • YOUR w u • -., .... ...... ,...,. 1,1• Style cut hair wllo~ & d•d tor OtthodonllG We .... 1eoorw1 . 9118' 7to.t"3 ~ 14 13 '40·0394 ttOCilt while they tut ... ;.£......... .... care Onlw 18 P1rm1 Pt..:tlaa In MllllOn V•jO lrvln• Af O.vet09m.n1 ~ &41 3077 Hl 'r • "'--ov-i tlll ~ ...... Oceenlronl Wheehr0tk•. HllY .1 • .., *'"" 310'" '11m '""'' Jron1 office "'-·111t _ _.,,, ................ ,,, • ~ ,_.. ..... o pt•--111 130·131 vP Mr Mel a .. ea.._ .. I •Y •-.. -· vv Y......., .. _,..,. ""' '•' • t~-. '"f"" $kl boot. ltlt>Ot 871-861 -··• -.. Ulra tharp pe11on 101 mrr..-tufnll • ltOfl'I the .. II ~ I .;;,. ~ ·-·-• ""' Cocktail, crulMe, wec:I· f04·9t0~ IM"'lll p--w--full llMe pu•ltl011 M1i•t l" 05/ 8133 ,~11 :'iiouee Cheu: ...... l't•..... • ! 1 :J' • ,iL.~ )I l tO Sink I ll 6l3 3128 flSCHl!R 110 w/OAZf dlnga. eny IOClal ev«llt • -b•. ••ll·at•rlttr. ho• t 21 • •• '11 •I'-'1 , > FANIASlic GAR SA.Ll 81NOINOS 1no Will coorcUnate •II aer· lf6H11 I •vllllablt 10 117 SOlhr In accurate •= 11111'0· W•~':;~~I ~~~ea ~~=~:·~,;~~·. m~{,0~. i .. "' ' ~ l 1 1,'I( All 11er1u brucl new. OavkS 661·8674 Yloee. 842..c>GM la11t1ttle. 1#1 our publ ,.or lee Into, pHbne Wld Hper "-tr"' l :lOO ,. .. 6 t.11411 antique dr ..... e. '1\llfa-OA8A .. IAU ADI NOW ~ a, I trg/1ml 72 Ctatet, Irvine f.ISCH(R l80 w/llCt .. •tt• t.-aJ ~ ·-...................... call ~l'·:lMO ICIHG Call 141-611:l ._ "' ~ robe 957·'62& aft 6 ClAIWllO IT can1 ".., Tt1vr•/W11d 780· t:lS4, lne w/Marker binding• ::r ................... OYllllf ln1trUCllOf\ Qullll .... ''"' IJI. -. -lllOW I :1 1se.eoos uk IOI Llflda s2eo O•vld 551:ee74 II you haw been huff Of ln•lltute grid Rock, jau. 04'0elll Bright ,_ __ tor •-aay LI .... , "7 ...... lilt • Injured In an accrdent MltO. '4'4·4"~ d1vor1llMKI wori~cor.. -· • • .. , •• 6' alt....... ,.,...,. I POOL TABLE • ull ll NOROICA SKI 8001 s end with to find out ••--001 Y•cht Corp, 1831 Secreter Ill pu•1tto11 In REF RIO~RATOR 8 wood & upholtt•r•d lt1t1'I ftt•lal• V1lf;. tourn•m•nt $450 Ph Men'• u I S t20 ectly what vourrlghll are ..__..._., • Pl~tla, CM •cllve, Newport Center f:ro&I ...... a dr, Sl85 Dining Chair•. a cac>taln .............................. --. .... ,-,. .. ,... 846·1301. 831·73:491p O•vlo 561<11814 from • line group of II· :::ir:"'d:tt ............ ~ . Realtor'• Ofltce f>ro"t 893 90e0 llflCI 4 t90Ular WOOd like *•WANTED•* Coll•CllOI.. Avon Old 8 'I P v I P I Y 19 9 9 , '°'"*·Call &4?-80l7 ck J• W••lf4 .1111 Hoate .. /Hoat. po•1tlon1 office po1111on ,.qvtrea new 8 plain dining JIJNI( JEWELRY camerH Hldt-A.'e.a, 700·6HIO N•w l onsi ~ur Al"' Ski 547•8010 '°' 1 tree legal ...................... avallal>ll Apply in ,,.,. good tele~on• vole•. Matchl~ & d;, chal11 High oactl ••IY Boll• ot ttl 76t·N 75 atovea, mite 11.rn l(wlck Handcttlted corl'll•ulk ~1~ Jrf"e~f. 8, &100 conaullatlon Young mar1led Man wlll aon betw .. 1\-3-5 Reu· ~f.i· eflOrtRh"':' & ,:f •tee. go1ci ,.rlglc:llfrt. ct1•lr 8eCI lratntt"tlQue •It•• lll•-4 . Sat tock•, uied rit1ck, <JOU group S3 50 Oraat -,,_-,-,-,,-,..-·-,_..-,-,-;; g~rf'~~·~ ~·~~.~~~: ~~~. E. Lee Reataur•nt. up;,,~~~. h~~P'~~ bu~ ~~r~;,,P:J~~~rlt.co,n5i: double btd. ouch ...................... bathroom 11x1uru. Bio gm, c111111m11 1r ... tioh· lltlf lt1l•ll••I ...................... 971·9526. ask'°' 8111. ~--------no1 ee~1a1 Preter iocat 648· 1944 848-5219 MA.TEANITV WARDROBE F'old <1oor1. C101t11ng d•y <Secor 843 w l~ttl I•~ fHS Found: LadlM Watch In illilf .l&llfllllll rHIClent f or ln .. ivlew a OARAGE SALE · Si 10 16344 Sha la IN ar C.M Sit 9·5, 548-0135 ••••••••••••••• .. ••"• F11hlon I eland. PleaH ll<lnt Houseclean "911 Ser· E.11p'cl, 7 ~o pm.\ 1 :30 call Mrs Duhl A1ttNI Ill I ForlT)al dlnlnc> table, , & 12. Page Boy & MO· ~=bo1 and E Fri/ iiiM e1ec1ron1c 60 type. 8 a r I 2 at o Ola. • m Ok• Identity 875-3777 vlGe • NB/CM. lable pm Mission Vltlo .,.. WnltJ L Tee. It. ...................... Fr Provincial 150 th•1hOOd Sat, Nov 20. writer plua ••and Xlnt luc•t•I Chlomt, xlnt cond f(UI) ADS ARE FREE Cal: Ml·Mll Lost "large brown r•bbil, 111t. Hunllriglon Beacn Call M ·F days 213·539-9140. ext 203 Reh on reQuest 1425/hr.54 1•3~1 1. 549·9876(nochtlr•I 9,4 2140pal,8111"-SA.T&SUN Gar--7-S1141 cond 1950 955 ... c38 $700040·0394_ 842-6470 Aealtorl 4·4910 PUBLIC FURNITURE -.. '""' • LIQUOR CLEAK:-::SUN~IQji;th:il.J~~~~~~~~~J • Spygtaa• 1'1111. Corner ~ Ct1t•• ltl #II Baby Items. loys. clo-754.778(1 . Sw•u IOH Htl• WHIH 1111 4 PM-12, Wed~~Un. M~:i . llO'Y/010 * •uctlON* g1oup (2 twtne). Ilk• n-. ...................... th••· mlac. 1(1839 Mt --Grandfather ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••• •••,-••• .. ••••••••••••• ft wtcorner oak tbl 1350, SPYGLASS HILL' Furn, £den• For 1818 TWO PERSIAN RUGS A.rllst have Cash Aeglater .... Flnlna.t Investment firm I • w. lalOPll 644·4201 lamps. go·c•rt, tdys. --clock. 6 vra Old. s7oo or (Herttl. t 1'x9' & 10'•7' Uy.UT i:-. 14/hr to Stall Apply '°' educalora Personnel N:!'l u~ ~rm, Ill/log -cloth••. F. Prlc:'t doll !~!!!"!f!!~.~.~t ... ~ olr. 64~ Tony Will trade lor cH1F1, Ste- Wkdy.s AM , 1888 Pia· • communication•' dept rm. dining rm fumlture. T:ie!!'s1':0~~ec~~c,~~~~· hou ... All top cond. GA.RAGE SA.LE-Sii Nov Magic l1le club mem· reo 6008 ARTIST • cenua. c M. sec'y. Xlnt typ & S/H bookcues..1. appliances. Xlnt Cond. 962·38151 SAT/SUlll 9·4. 29 Cam· :lO. 9A.M-4PM. 17101 St 'berehlp, uve $500 •••••••• .. •••••:•• .. • .......... ...... req'd Eicee. aecretarlat PLUS LGT~ MORE. brla Or. 844-4201 Andrews Ln HB. S.Wlno Great gift Ide•. Pfl. 8EAUTIFUL 25' RCA PAIT·TllE Fabulous working conCll· exp. • musi. Non-amkr a•y1: ••YE s•YE 8' .Sola, Earth ton ... In leltl•H'I ••:• mach. furn, mlto. 5!12-4&19; 855468~. RI-.Color TV i yr wrnty. hons No eKper nee. We prlferred. Call 553.()940 A Iii .. a excellent conc:llllon. chatd SH8 Free del ivery te.,.,.,, Ee We honor BolA. MC, ,150 962-3851 SLEEP WEAR hole· STOPI Yout ChdatMa---Open Sun ....... ..... lrlln, -llChOol CIRCUS s 'Y/~ECEPTIONIST VlSA. Cashier'• Checil• ..... prices. Sal/Sun ltlopplng needs wilt be Sewing machine. jr golf TV John'• 646-1786 MAXll\AUS 7111 No. Hllf· Please apply In persOll & Calh. NO PERSONAL Fo1 ...... King alt• water· t 1·20, 11-21. 8·3. 1509 Slllllled. Lots of country clubs, A.mpe• music Ml· ---------~h:u0~~~d~:.11~ •• ~~~~~: bor, Fullerton 870·6t92 w/rek!me. Co111 Cata· CHECKS PLEASE Food bed complete. enyllme Sandcutle Or CdM collectables & MOrt at chine, antq mantel. po-Advent 750 La.rge screen pr.elerred Experience :er.lt.~~S:.ns!! ~":ly5 ro~~~~~S:nta3!~~. W. available. 1tem1 subject Chris 662·3308 Garage Sale: clolheS, fur· lowe3s0t pri9cu. Sal/Sun ~;J ~:5b41e. 644·6426, T V .. e1~~ \oo"md L~ necessary Start Imme· to presale. 0 11 white 2 pc secuonal, nllure, ski equlpme'nt, 8•4: · 21 l3th St I 1 • screen · dlately. Call Personnel. Medtcal Sall Avon · Work close to 11111111 &llOTill good cond. 1250. relrtg. vacuum 7(,7 Avo· blk PCH) flllWMI _6_4_2_·l_s_o_3 _____ _ Lost • Old English Sheep 642·4321, Ext 277 CHIEF T'ECH tor olllc• hOme. I'll teach you how 2075'1\ Newport Blvd CM 644·8848 cado Sit/Sun MOVING SA.LE: Furniture Eucalyptus & Orange 'Teae mdt A.40700 reel· to· Dog, Weal Nwpt. Re· nlllY PILOT radlOIOgy Salary depen-Sllefl 553.0125 833-9625 ·~8·8686 I di t appliances. toys m11c S180/co1d 1/678 4•63 reel 4 head•, good cond w • r d ~ 5 3 6 • 0 7 9 4 , ilft dent on exper Mission Lrg ant que n ng toom Sat 9·3. AntiqUff & col-8182 Bryant Or. Sal/Sun • " $550 957· 1830. Mike 648-4800 VJeJo, 495-4700 Servers, 5 yrs ••Per.. table, pecan & walnut. lactables, clarlnet. Ille BACKSWING, reg. $349, --------- Found: M blk & gray dog, ____ E_.o_._E ____ 1 Medical asst. tront and :~~w. -:;b 3eerPnM• knes~.·~: ll1nl11 , I020 ornate. $400 or best ol6· cab .. baskets, laropf, YA.RO SALE 1991 t Car· only $289. Sati1lac11on Sylvania 25" Color TV • blind, deal. al1hrllis. E/ AuPalr for care of hse & 2 •••'"••••••........... lei. Man's drener. lrg toola, turn. C11h. 409 menla Lane, Fri/Sa\ Nov guar. 546·0729 $175 Side C.M. ~2•5087 children. Rm/l>(d·salary. back. Typing, EKGS, rant 37 Fashion Island. 11" lllLI lllE drwr, antique walnut. DeSola Terrace 19120. Household good 955·2380 Irvine Found: Male black Lab. Nr. Warner end Grahm 840-8382 exper. refs Mall Into to. Venlpuncture. 645-1720 NB Apply In per10n. 115 631_ 1762 $200 Of best otter. Used furn. akl eqpt. new TV 1982 Encyclopedia, 4th G S T 7•39 p t Medic I A t t t & bk f bed, Scandinavian mod· Ct1I• #tu remote control, h"" duty Gr to H S. level, S 175 Panasonic I ant screen ··racy .. La ama a ss r 0 c. Steward••• for luxury ••ongoose Super Goose ular, S125 Of best otter. u u•••••••••••••••u• chrome bu""""' w.,/hltch (orig $600) 731-.4560 color TV. S350tbst otter 11180, 8uena Parll. Ca. PIT IOf busy G.P 3 yrs yacht for c;ruiHI Into ..., ... ..., 548·4338 90620. Incl phone ti. I e~per. 548-9319. Mulco 18 and older. Chromemoly Frame. All ~2-6980 IW&P llEO for GMC truck. Nice ENCYCLOPEDIA liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Found. Young Male Ger·Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij Medical Bacft"OITTee. Ex· Murt-i>e ffee to tfa¥81 :~~ m~·::~."#io~~d. New king ,n. "Al(loo"L: Every Sunday 8am·3pm Chrlitmaa gilt Items BRITANNICA. Ill man Shep. VICHa.roorf BANKING per. Nee G.P In N.B. 760-2581 9·5 only, Fe11her Bed, Mall/box Orange Coait College. Toors. Houn wire a, Mt· -00 vol -9256. 838~3 Y-op of rhe ITne Ht·FI System, Sony 110 watt r~ Phillipa tum A.lteu SSOO /best otter 675·5195 MacArthur. 894-0809 FILE CLERK/ 631·5301 TAILOR • • New Mens 10 9Pd Colum· spr Oflg oosr $950. sec. F11rv1ew & Arlington. rine Equip, toya, 19431 PEG BOARD 4·xa• '/.~ Ill.I llH Must be experten<led In bla bike Reg S180 sell $600 David 551·8874 Costa Mesa. A.dmftslon C11t11h Circle, Sat-Sun. Painted a framed S7 wl garnet Miii"". Lost CUSTOMER ltFre"r .,...., .. ,, alteration•. 957.gi73 !}2200;60645-3 1 lO or Lar'le S'eGt Sofa w/bed free to buyer•. Seller 8·3 631-7685 , • .., -• .. Subdued floral print. ~vetionsl lnlo. 1 • _ Newport Cametback BLIPlllE 556-58110 •rYl•t 6 wood block p rin ts. -Poat Office Nov Hth. Part lime. women more 1 Glrl's Red 10 speed bike, Xlnt. $325/ofr. 759· 1 t96 ••••••••••• .. •••11•••• "Sharaku": "Chintz" I~~~~~~~~~~ REWARO SERVICE sunable. Cat neoessary. lll.lllTHI $50. Hand mower, TV stand, Fostoria, Fr. Prov. bullet) 553•8191,644__..635 Call9to3PM 548-4903,845-0272 FURNITURE · NEW Garage and Chrl11maa m11c Sat. Nov 20 Gorham flatware 25 In Zenith color Wal I\. 213·949-0574 ext 17 we neeo good people to Mull raise Cash Boutique Sate, Rain or Northwood, Irvine. 951•7906 Remota control. Xlnt Found: Lge M puppy, •Entry level position Mboet Ht up appointments I Wltttl ltllwiH lilt PrtceS stilt 11 Shine. 9·5 pm. Sii & 730-3609 cond. $175 962-1523 Great Dane & Boxer, bu•E1xnp0e1rlne~c8e15aprryelerred Hbll~wood Relerrat ftom our N-po11 Beach 3 spd, xlnt eond, $190. Mattresses & found. set Sun. 13th, 14th. 595 BRA.NO NA.ME OFFICE lflutll••H•I brown I ah. SA Hg ta. v~ C 1 1 & office In the evening '°' 842-4618 or 831·5785 Twin 177 • Full 197 Fayette Circle c M .., _,. IOll Marantz Stereo. cuaette 979· 1478 •Competitive talary and ompany or moves • 55" 4309 FU AN ITU A E 0 es k ••••-deck & BSA Turntablfl benefits TV Com M e r clals Hollda~tnns newtravet liJUi•I . OueenS147 ·Klrig S167 .,.. chalrs,conternp.'#altlng .................. ~ ... S230 8•1·0531 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Length -Gummy Feble ·Allege BAGGAGE Gralflll seen In weight r e d u c I n g, s a t o n · "Working out here Is a ' little like taking an air· plane trip, They help you lose your ·excess BAGGAGE." •Medical. denttl, paid Cbackground or non· club. alary + commls· •.... ,;•1 IO'•i! Sola Beds $197 Avon & Christmas goods rm chr1. ctlrome & glass Wanted lntelevlslon Car- vacallon etc. speaktngonty)ls leetllng slon +bonus. Call .... I::~ .... ~ ........ ~ Sola&LoveMetl247 madewithllneuel • dHk 4 drwr Hon Ille 1rldge. ' model types & ot"-s tor1_8_33-_3_7_40_ .. _11_er_1_P_M_._ Sola Dinette w/4 chrs Prices real tow IOll $1 cab. More qual. Items In 867-3939 ... ,, f ll•1i•1 commercials 11uch as TtltJllut _ leln HW He/ 14. Ft. S97. or lets. November the mint cond. 215t tihchet·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lii••t•t For lnterview,-phone 640-5100 Michael Grimier Asst. Op. Officer Linda Grtlflth Supervisor Fasnton -ar. Cosmetic, R-19 tlbergllH blanket DISCOUNT FURNITURE 201h,.8 to 5·1t's unique! son. Ste 190. Fri/Sat 8·5, w•m• ••~•~•••••••••••••• Health Club A.dvertl· A.dulls, hrs 9•12 &for, lntullllon. Call Rick 1959 Hart>Of .Btvd 914 Dogwood St, C.M. ph 833-8308 • C.•t1•I IOIO sments. Special need for 1•4pm, •ludente s.9pm. Cotta Mesa 831·8809 •Christmas Boutique* _._. l .,.~ WARDROBE CLOSET ••••••••••••••••••• .. • Beauty Contest types to conduct ChrlstmH 170·1111 ,.111 •• ,.1 f killable tor t>eclroom IUllll FUEL HOI No experience neces· lundlng campaign tor !'Alk about Gaa Co S302 Ruel -colored couch & 2 Garage E111te Sale. Lots .................. ••• STEREO RACK FOR SA.LE sary. snapshot required socially han~ped Rebate" $300 S S of goodies at reasonable llPll IALI for components 642•4644: t.A·F, g.5 on Interview. By appt and undlrprivl chll· 1~~~~~~~~~~1 ~1t3omtan .. s,;,, 0es' o1" Tat. Prie41S 304 Hanover Dr. Olllce/mulll-famlly 984-0332 aft. 6 AMERICAN dren. Salary & bOnusee. i: • r•:.-.•c~ona d-' .!ar.". C.M. Fri/Sal 9-4 2"'"""5 Via CA'zada Lai-... , • • I (213) 464-7514. 13s0 plus. p/lime. seoo c .. ,,., • .....v "' "''..., """ .. 1' •••••••ff ~ I ,0,911 Multi·lam11y swap meet ge and sMall furniture, #idr•I ltmtf HZI STATE BANK Newspaper stutter for LA to S1500 lull time Fun & ••-••I •• Pr 01k1g:11 cocktall tab· "-·r St. S-"--' c ••. toy:, t ool•. clothe•. •••••••• .. •••••••••••• Times. 2 hrs dally. 4 hrs rewarding )ob Mr Telly ••••• a.............. ._ 11 Sees I 9 3 I .... .... • ..,.,. .... ,.,,, .... ,, •• '!I MA.RINE ELECTRICl'"N 979 ~18 Cannon 35mm SLR eq ...... • • • Sit Nov 20th, Bikes-cllha boo •· Nov. 20 and 2t. .., " " 500 Newport Cente< Or , ~~,"~f3n 548-8Ul °' --"""-------LenMS, flller•. caM ttc 409 OeSola Terrace, Everything priced to sell. ...................... Oeslgn/lnatalt/Repatt -mw" II L__.. Newport Beach, CA ft~ IALll l100..S250 646-2374 Corona del Mar Chlldren'1 Sample Sak • ''°'•---a. . YAMAHA. BaH Amp Qlty work 549·2520 Ev ··---• 0 E lfFIOE ••••111 SIMI 18mo, 3T, 8, 8 Sat ........ -• Head with I double 15" ... .. • Pretty gray female Tiger E. · · • -Sludenls, Housewives, lftMlli Yi4tt l•tre Wood 8drm Set. drsr w/ 24555 Los Serranos, .. -.94Jie•••• .. •• .. ••••• PV 11P98ker cabinet. All 111 ,,.•11•1 ca~~ll~t~~·:hri~r~~rv~e°::liM=l~F=======~I ~~~e~o:~k~~j~~.'~c~~~ ~:~~~~~~~l:'!.ci~'ou";:~ w/everyttllrig incl. Canon ~~~~d/~~~~;!~'s~~ Lag. Niguel l&IUll IW In excelljtnl condtllon ~·!f•••• H30 Banning & Magnolla). Ii roll. AJP, A.I A, phones. wage. Apply In person.. z.oom. $600 675·9275 675-5810 S••·Sun, 9.4• 2 Beach ' ILIW"' S800obo. • 5~;~k01 s··h·;·~~ib~~~d~ Huntington Beach. Plea· Banking iyplng & misc Nwpl 8ch 2925 College Ave Suite Ekalite underwater hou· Sml dinette 511, $80 Sofa. ~l~s01::sAs~~r.emS:' !::' ~~h~ ,,,°~,:~ IH-1111, 1~1Pll short stem. 11lnt cond, .. ca11964·0332afl.6. P/T TELLER ottice.675-61t0 A -3. C M . or call slng &tete-pl\Otole7islor good cond . SIOO 245 E l9lh C M Buick Opel Spoil we. $225 645·5383 Part or loll lime work lrom 754-7332 • Cannon A.· 1 Complete 545· 1471 or 549-9676 · • gon, Whirlpool gas dr)'r, Bau aco':'.stoc 370 amp, ... ,, ''"" ltHO For our Corona del Mar ho--operatinn a typing Typist Ge---at Olhce $350 •• (>erl 548·4903. 3 Family Sat 9·3 .. 1954 color TV, Queen water· Vega 18 spkr & bass •••••'•••••••••••••••• Found: M A.u11. ~· brn • & wilt, gr"n eyes, Back Bay area. 968-0687 Lost : Shepherd Mix, blk with tan markings.. N6me "Gypsy". Re.ward offe- red. 646-7806.1)46-1451 ,,,,...,, JJSI ......••.............• L.91 I ¥1111~ PHOTO MODELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCA.LL 24 HRS 111-0201 ""' ... ' '""" . 6~5-0272 Carved Spanish lov-at Sand-"ing Cr. A.ntlq"-. S 7 9 ' Olfiee. Experlenoed· Pre-service detalla send self nPllT .. 19 ..,, """ bed. 4 spkr stereo, Dolby guitar. 800. 6 5-275 Classic 18 Lapstrake C • · • bench w/storage. 0, bed 9011 etc !erred. all Tom DrOSl<.y. •ddreued stamped IEID&L lfFIO( EIMo 8Mm sound pro1.. 873·5302. Udo 1.i. i---· --· -----catMlle deck, stove top, Fender Busman Amp Cenlut bay boat, 4 cyl, (714) 760·9200, envet099 Tackrnan, 21·A Need tell motivated Sankyo caMera, editor, "'·-ve1·---8' _ .... , • Lots of misc. 1tem1 gullars. clothlrig and loll 100 wall. (4)12" spk.re, Grey 3500 675-6161 l&UfHlll Elll&L ~~~4:.0feerl, lrvlne, Ca conicienllou• oerson: acreen. S575. 84&-14~ °'~·· "''~· '""' • Sat/Sun 8-4 more SAT Nov 20. 8A.M like new. $325. 968·6128 74 Cahlorn1an. all llber-1&¥111111.111 Good benefits.-Great matching chair & otto· 2850 Royal Palm, A. 2650 Vista Orn1da, Ol.'11 t • • glass, 10 w/ClleV'f Eng Equal Oppty Employer PA AT · TI M E . atmosphere. Newport frH t• FH 1045 Man 1230• ph 67~009 -----'------Btulls. 840•8268 01 ntf •1•11•11 • Vansen Trailer, good • •• • • -RECEPTIONIST-some Beach. 851-9625 ••••••••••••• ......... Beautiful single canopy IAIAll IW 644-6286 L•!f!!••f l•S running cond 11795 Pvt IUITIOWI typing. 2938 Daimler, FrM to good home with bed Excellent condition. Baby llM'lt, misc house· TRINKETS &, , REAS· ;:;~~. 6•;,;.;.;;·.,:;;s"~i; Party Call 847-5666 or SA Call AM 754-6789 Wlll•ll P1'•1&1-n ya1d Ab901utely the CU· $50 548-4903, 645--0272 hold Items. Toots, ctoael H•"'"' gar sale. 504 Fu.I· _._ .. Gd cond $95/obO 536·3008 with cllentele Balboa ..... test, gentlest, prettiest. doors. etc 908 Peace Pl -.-.,.,_ ------Island salon 673-.4013 Plant Mfvtee (Int) ~s a v a 1 1 a b 1 e t r 0 m well-mannered 6 IT\O old 5 drawer lireproot M9vy CNr Bear and Paularlno) lerlon. bet ISlh & Cl•y. 548·5468 5.48-7285 ofc 16 Sportcralt W/40 HP reliable malntanance $6-$11/hr In our pul>t Springer Spaniel/Lab duly ltllng cabinet. SSO. Sal/Sun 8:30·2 30 Fri & Sal 9•5• ' 50 Johns6n MotOf All Elec· person P/T. Some plant KING lee.537·21180 mix. Loves people. 831·1241 5·F1mlly Sale. ·Antiques. SHARP SF7 COPIER Ir l e . S tOOO OBO exp. preferred Own ..,..4-5464 MOVING SALE. Every· ctothlng, etc. Sat only Any P•6P!'s·-553m830.1 new 536-4553 or 557.9499 trans 5411-5022 1----------12 pc plaype"' aota set, 1hlng goes. Furn .. tables, 9 5 Fi E bl It Ott .. Old English Sheep Dog, 6 camel color. xlnt cond. dreaaera. beda. toots. • · esta, u · 1---------14' F1t>erglau V. f1sn1s111 BEAUTY , sti I S ,/T SEO.nu' #nr~Jlf mo old. A.KC. female, $600 831-t241 w·----... 19"' .. Monr~a V1111 del Oro• .Matched custom mOdular 30 h P Johnson trlr, * * * rt I ••• •••• ....................... d I --.... v.. --I 3 desk .... 2 exec ' 1 $60I) 645-6079 Protu11onfl woman Ali; IM nee s ovlng home Bookcases(3). 24•151178 Multi-Family Gatage Sale. lff -· flnt te<.'y, Ill or part Conl ... 1---------- l"lllti. ,lrl. Looking to add to our needs administrative .. .'.!~~............. S411-S868 ea, wldrop-leaf deell. dk Small eppl., draperies, Antiques, Edlsofl Phono-rence & work tables.~· Sabot w ith 3 H P f staff. 1 experienced sec'y to work 20 hr wk.. --~~~i!ij~~~~m!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil walnut, $150. 831·1t41 ctuldrens ctolhlng. toys, graph, lurnilure. bikes. aola. aide ctia1rs. lampe motor S250 Open 24 hrs• day Make-up Artist. Richard Excell. typing & phone WESTMINSTER AB8EY .... ,,, 11111 & .. I kllchen Items, rocking etc. 508 Catalina Or. NB. & tables. 845·5383 963·5272 7 daye a week ..-sonanty Call •It 6PM ANTIQUE MALL S I C j:arly Amer. heavy pine h '· ... Sat only Jacuzzi. Sauna. Local• Ouelette. 200 Newport ..-· 11751 W A weet. 011lng ollle & din aet. need• r•lln. c '"·tables, mucn more. · c 111 dictating mach w/ "well 11 Tourists. Cen1er Or N.B. I. le1v1 message w/ Mlm1r191• ..,. Shec>herd ml• adult fe-Batgain S200 831·1241 Sat only 10·3 1898 M .--11&.1 tranacrl~ & head HI, 24 It Sl<IPJACK '-========:==! naMe, qu1111tcat1on1 & GARDEN GROVE male needs good home Parkcrest (west end ot S50 8'45-5383 Twin Votvos $15,000 BankAMerlcard, Amer· I· AM phone number 554-8103 Moving . can't tatce "-· "L" SHAPED 3 PC 19th St). No Early Sales! New queen b•d •120. --·-------983-64n lean Expr .... Diners. All O&llKT + F11111 975.0578 ~~~~~~~~~I p,.111 call 942-0100 °' . SECT SOFA SET double bed,~75. 2 aofu, Fine office furniture 2~~~~~~~~~ -lcome 714/645-3433. OllPlml t---------1 • ....__.. 1•-1 984-0332 sm. 831 -1241 Furniture, tools, fishing green and l)rown plaid. Orig. HerMan Miiierr: • 2112 Hart>orB1.CM P/TIME SALES -·..-.. -· . o .. r. misc. Set/Sun MtS100.wl1Jte froat lree Eames c h airs w /48 Grand Banks tw dal Ellper·d, retlable. Farrell Holiday 1how today thru JtwlJ1. "11 10·4. 732 Weelo Dt. trio•. S:tOi> ttou.11t -..ei-Supetb lmpor-trawler, A/P, new radar. c=swir!~~.'~: ~ Const. 645-9711 ~~p~t1~f:r~~ ~v 2 ~a1~unt l~g10~ 7 mo old male Golden l.ab ;;,;,;no'e;;r~~;~·;;~ Pvt Pty 8000 aq 11 anti· plants. S5 to sso. Sall ted European desk SA.T/NAV. SSB. -ather K•thy anytime. (213) Olaerltttt'I Sitttrl telephone sales wort! on ltf Bl • :'5 rwy mlic Obedience trained. shaped, pierced. •P· qUff, lamps, furn & deco Sun 20th/2111. 11 Ka· ch111rs A.II lille new Prl· rec .. wtr mkr Beauty. 8 3 • ... 5 7 1 , 1 7 1 4 I State He'd & bondod beh•ll ot national com· Beach • H 586"8260 It S t 9 5 843 w malll Courl off Superior oed to sell 2151 NIChet· s225.ooo Must 9811 .. .. , allTllAlll •-w pralMd $700. Belt offef ems. • • · in New po r 1 Cr e • t. son Ste 190 Fri/Sat 8_5 Trade TO or '1 P11n only 527·7186 agency Must be 20, own panles. Friday A.It er· -· ... llU-f•r•illlf llSO 675-5840PM 15th 548-0135 642•7247 ........ ,.. • •· • 1!1P (619) 459-3103 trans 2 Yrs College or noons & Weekend• •••••••••••••••••••••• lhJ~ Women & men, relax with . . * * Investment Diamond MOVING SALE Kg 01 On "" p k B B t 18' related 111pr req. Call S4/hr guar + lucrative ASSISTANCE LEAGUE ~ I BUY * W bed 9 .. T z, 1 h--.t I ltlller I ... _ AL-1 '°'·v· ac et •Y oa · a~· 645-37411 bonus Incentive prog· WPO 'I'{ 2 28 eta, appral•ed for •ter • 1 V en th Ne.::;;i Beach Sat ,,...., .. , _, fiberglass, teak decks, ____ 4_9_1_._s1_18 ___ 1Chlldcare In my home. 3 rams Sa.lei E•i--Pref ~~LL R~~ Good uled Furniture a :!Te~~ ~16.:o'°CC::. =·~~~~~.n;;3~ J:::i: l 1/20th from 8 10 3 New $15. 648-6773 JC.Int cond . lull cove11 Custom Fantasy Phone school age children. 3 but will train the rlgnt 1 t07 JAMBOREE RO A.ppllenon-OR I wlll aell 63 !·9056. Apt 10, 845-0388 powe1 mower. moped. ltll ,.,,_~_2~·-3_2_11 _____ _ ConVlfNllon with Barbel hr/daily, S2/ht, 5 dayi. ~erson. For Interview, NB or SELL IOf You Glfl'I clOlhlng an4 bite• ....................... IC1a111c 22' Century A•· MC/VISA 24 hrt Own Trana. Call alter Call Mr. Patteraon at SUN. 11/21, 10·4PM, IUITlll &.ntll #IUtll••Hll ,., China, glaesware, gifts. toys, umbrella i troller. GOLDEN RETRIEVERS ven Michigan boat w/ Call 838-0701 5:30, 979.9051 545-5778 A. D M I 2 0 0 .......... 1•• H21 ...................... FostOfla, Nippon, Capo PUPS -AKC S:lOO lrlr '13500 5~9082 ' -••• --W Hut• di Mon.II. oranb1rry. SUPER SA.LE: Fum. ap-8orn 10·28. ~6·1040 1--·---'--· ----~,~~.. Childcare. Grandma's UAL Ellln Ill.IS 213--439-.4100 I"' n1111111 8 to 20' long, Jee,,_ ft. 1817 Oriole. Sat. 9-3 p llanCH , hou1pl1hold Ooberman Pups 5 kt Bay Launch 20th Century helper wanted 10 help Well locat· .. P~lnsula Ar.~J'I••-llll ....-acoes, dee Items. ants, · w Lapstrake 18'. In boald petty entertainment grendml a.re'°' her 2 .., ... ., ..... Les 957·8133 775·1491 anyllme. Garage and Chrl1tmu etc 208 44th St 10·4 Old. no PIC*I.. • 12500/oller. 642-8552 798-8538 558-8538 office has open deetl f()( • ................... . Boutique Sale, Rain or .,._ S25 642-..798 yng r•ndchiklren. PIT, llc'd aggreHllll Hies Frlgklalr• relrlg, 2 Or., lop ,, lar ...... IOAK FIAtWOOD YOU Shine, g.5 pm, Sat & sun .... only. dys. 875-1835 - •llTl•lllll• Verla le Hrs. O.P. Area. and rental perton. Gen· ltteter. Great' cond. s2o ea. 831-1762 PICK UP OR WE DELI· 20th & 2111, 595 Fayelll GA.RA.GE SALE. furn., Great Dane Pupplu, ... ,. i.JJ 1111 T's ..... llln 831-6268 or 493-2637 erous comml1el011 tche· S 2 5 o or beat o If E I S I VER. 493-8748 Circle,• CM. (Ott Paula· an1lque1, lampa, much R .. s. priced. muat Mii. .. ... i ............... . Models.:!r..eecorti Computer dule. Play• R .E 548-8648 :;,,~1~er~:.n °•· Flreplaoeheat exchangtH r lno & Ludington). Mor4'S•t/Sun9-5.1855 646-9331 Orntt~·ltt. 869-8913, open 24 hrs. Pl•UllMEIS 873-1900 Coldapot Relrlg S225, 63!-1782 8" stack opening. con· 558-4.'.l09 Pon Manlelgh Pia ..,...._, Art ,..,..,, w/MD on u ketch, lhr Eicp•rlenced in DEC/ Whirlpool relrtg S295 aerv e heat $55 A little bit of everythlngl 34 FAMILY GARAGE Teeeup.IO)l·mlnlature expenaes, MI F, exp nee SPIRITUAL READINGS OIBOL. Mutt be know-1111~ K1nmore wHher S95 Mediterranean couch 957·3282 Hshld Items, toys. car SALE Benefit tor Nwp\ 546-2848 Send re• um e Io Advice In .. matters. ledgeable In RSTS/E. Good phone 1>9fee>n•llly. Frigidaire elec. drver fl'homasvlltel. hardWood Exercyclfl like new Spee-stereo. etc. Sat, & Sun. Harbor S'occer Club Boarding & grooming A.<111 1040, Dally Piiot, lov1, marrlal)e & busl-RSX cit RT-11. Fulltlme l ite typing, all empt~ SSO. 548-8872 conatrucllon. Gd cond. dometer & mlleeQe 9d· 8·8. 3060 Fernheath. Boy' a Schwinn Bike, Box 1560. CoSla M .... neaa. Also counHllng. position• Salary com· benellls. Newpott Cent· Wash« & ~ Set •Int ~un!,~!:: 7~~~1·8tto~ )u1table S75. 957-3282 .,. •.--SThhotguFn ,101sdlng ~Kii . G!!::~~•ts1'oo''g· 1 yr.1_C_i _9_2_84_8 _____ _ t815So.EJCamlno~. mensurate wlthHpe _., RonJ k S .,,..,., ur. r . at.-..un . . ••t••-111eet* Sall Clem. 492-7298 nence. Apply In petson. er. Of ac son cCSnd 150 days 933-2850 BRIGGS & STRAnON 3.5 ...................... 9·5·30. t701 lrvtne Aw. 042·11&63 - C I S 644--4242 EOE 842-03411 1-• .. 1 h hp Q8I mower w/catctler YARD SA.LE. S19feo. non CM NB BA.BY KOi. beaUllllJI cond complete FIUNlf CltClJS all ornla ystem1 A•· New detuxe ""'ng c 1111. EJtcellent condition. working color TV, elec 1 each elle\¥>f'IC & 1nstrumen1-~ aoclatu. 2845 Meu IECEmOllST ~~ator, wortc• Ofeat. ~;'=~~~rs''· 4 SlOO. 548•3038. Sat-dryer. & ml•c Item•. 1978 Triumph motortycle, (Jape,,... Colored Carp) atlon Wiii 11n1nc1 or U......... Verde Or , E .. Co•ta Merc9des B~z dealer. Alt 8 714 5J8 4423 Sun. all day. Sat/Su n 9 :30·11PM , bicycle, lamps, 3M deltl 962·41280 trade IOf Income proptf• 11141 ••..w Mela. 54&-9716. Apply In peraon 10 Jon • • · • Oak canopv waterbed 21942 Latcetand, Et Toro. copier. n1w buket. AKC Toy Poodle Sliver. ty. 2131592·1573. Maaaag• Parlor. Gor· O..,.ter p,.., • .., Reynold•. Salu Mgr. 16 cu fl, 2 dr, frat ''"· with heater & Hner. new. 1 PUI U9I ClOlte. huge lion plctlK8, $250/ofr 875-3884 01 '12 UL 2• M ..... Q90"' glrte 10 Mrve you. Experienced with per1o-1301 Quall St., IMwport S..11 Alfrfottator S100 11500 Sacrifice $500 $10 each 831-1792 !~!l!!~l!J~...... book•. olothee. 750 Ad· 839-1258 or 547-0435 .., Oplfl from 10 AM untM 4 .nal computers & perl· Blach. 833-9300 962·ec>:M ~=t~::::~·:.:i::.,~ 1 S.t French doors e· w/ HouMhokl 1tema, ceramic ~~1\ff' ~~rt~ ~ ti..., I tJ..ai"" $4000 837-3248 A.M. 7 days• week. Free pherals lor tutoring on Reetaurant Help Need9d. Farberware Solld State ISO. Call Answer A.d t1ar<1were $200. 883 p ollery, clllldren'a Crn1 Sun °"1y 9•4 .......... -:-:. ......... ldo 14, •3356, w/trlr buffet. 711 No. fiarbor Apple II System Posalble COOk ....... Walt"person" food pr~aer wl epeed fl Towne, c.M 848-9783 garnee. 2 occ. cllfs. SAT SACRIFICE: Storey & Good cond. St895 or Btvd. Fuller1on 1mployment as prog· ....... Bus''peraon" .. Ex· control. UMd once. MO. •580, 842-4300 2~ "· only 8·3:30. 18377 Santa More famllles are-·"--~Jlfll conaote piano VI· best oll. 848·2179 or l1W'JM112 rammer & consultant In perlenced people Prtl 048--8173 BABY CRIB. Wood, used. c.:::;..::r!. t~.·s~~ • Blllnd• the caml)lrig "bug" this tued1 ·~ lf5:l000 .EFOf ~~lckt_73_'l_..00_5_4 _____ _ ALL .,MAJOR CREDIT M ure. 1179.0«0. XLNT working environ· RefrJg. s .. ra Cold•POl, 125. baby walker 15 Call 83l-l113 Mllltl04e family. Set Nov rear If you have • cam· .. • • xce ent Cat 25 beautiful cond CARDS ACCEPTED •ST •OUllG m • n t In B 11 boa. copper, tro•lfree. Sl50. m-3901 *lot Mani. 20th. 11 am. ClothH, P•r that's not getting cond. 494-41177. Oflglnii owner 846-1989 T-8ERRY'S w/10011. 0£.per.-ln wet· 87s.7e211 See Sat. 11·3 II 400 0.. HEAOBOA.RD, French Sunday Sal.,, Nov 2t • toy•. ml1c, b lcyclu uled. Mii 11 now wlln • MMOl'I a Hamlin ConlOle wlins & ...,.., 0o-90 g1rtt (lo go) ding and fabricating ReetllH'tnt Sola Terrace, Corona ct.i carved queen 11 Fruil-W9ddlng drn•. old and 18410 Sfnl• Euoeni•· _?la .. llled A.d Plano. Perl. conc:I 2 yr~ Wll IHI TllPml 8et·8t14 rtcfd. 846-0588. 8 AM • y•11 llU Mar wooc:I . $55 844-1099 ~ ·~~~ !!1""· neY9f old 12"5, ph; 873.0122 4 PM • e bluff u ............ ....,., .. ..,,,., or 872·1220 wlMyatlc 30' R1g1lme Prot. to.,_.on M. 20'•t---------t la lQO,.kJn.Q tor lull & Pl Near new Microwave I • complete Armatel dlnMr lll11tll,.,..1 _, "'"'"'•,..• Ml raci ng •loop, :lO Kt• • ••• k. ,. •• II 0 n. h Ip. MllTll Pllllll time help, day ()( night e ' o..n-. "''"' -.11Mr ... II .. ----aerv-b ... Dell! ..... .._ ...................... .. .................... Spin•• Plano. w/bench Cl 0 w n w I" d s 7 g 0 0 . m I nd. d I ad y . Experenced Of will train Oppor1unlllet f()( adYan· Call 875·4009 N1w maU,/ht;~ ;;;d offtc:e Chair w/otf .. drat· :tPC iOYS SUIT Ian . ., A::H .. ISTMAS BOUTIOUE ~ cond. Hee, 1J .,. ,,,.,., 2131864-41204 Full and par\ lime. cement. Apply 2 to 5pm, GE Ollflwahlr, nr new. p e d baa•. I 2 5 O. tlnf llble, lo" more. 11·20. quality never Gift llemllnclud ,._..,.,, olr. 873-1133 .., 1-~--,.._--d----,,.,-- ENJOY RELAXING ma•· 499-1986. 30849 South 899 Cou1 Hwy, Lag Bch Almond color. $250. 117&·127S 49 ·lt08. :2l Gten• WOttl $80. l44~•0et N8. ..S.12.·"Plll· 11tlt Frlml Oulbran.-n Pf.tmtere Or· ':r.' •• ! .......... .. Mf' In the privacy of Coasl Hwy South L•· SalH/retall tor M1)or 87&·4009 Whit• hlldboard, drH· neyre, gn. h. Prom/Chrl1tmH Oreu Ln .. H.B. 840-1H 2• gen, xlnl cond, beal 0"" L BOARD Curll• yOUt home: offlc:ie or boet oun• Dept Store Chrlatmas SCOT MAN Ice Mall•r Mt'. deek/ctlr. not'llltnd, Roy, Doutton Lady Aprll alH 5.7 tong wo rn Kirby Vacuum clean•r OVlf Sl500, 790.07911 Htwti: Gd oond. 1515. by • m • • • • u • e . CPA firm hu opening for help Sat & comm. Lisa 150. 1751 Ptua def Sur, melt. 1150. 99).1482 wlfh<lrawn. 1HI. mint. onc 1, q'uallly SH 135. Call Sunday only: ()ell~ playlf pleno, 831 ·3588, or 720·4152 e:Jl-3209 a tull charge bkkpr. Mutl 213-4152·7'40 Bal Penln. 875-4009 • &PYOL.ASS HILL: 9 drwt M V ':5t1I tU5 844· lOM NB CMll only. 046-1141 NI m a'n 7 et a c . S 5 2 0 0 WOtk bl experienced Mulllple581ea SEARS TtHh M••her. dreuer, 2 nit• ttnd•. ... ., • LM llLLlm .... lle•IMI 11311-.4112 Wlnd1urfer, child'• mdl 49 PARK AVBll )l;r,sr. '·Hin., •• ~111naPU1 M6-3Me Lady 21. tllr, dHlrH poelllofl ----"'"'· c:onipanlon. ot drlvtr, Dl8nM. lo• 11480, C.M. _, cllant respon•lblllllH. TY llllZlll 11& Goo<I cond. 1151 k Ing h db rd I 3 00 . lrvtn• co .. t Country Ctub Helium t1a0oon1 dellllt· 40·'°"41 off •II ••'" In Alu• #11 Xtnl cond "50'1>9' Off j:';JZ "P•n C all P l •1• del Sur. lat. 844·4201 OdM membtrshlp tor ••I•. ,.. anytime t73·'41t atock whll• thev IHI ........................ 813·t 133 " • I ·~5 , ... ( ·'I • • .:. "'· ir.._. _ .._.._ S 1 SO O I o If• r ~ W°lleJwork• 1tl2 9111 Nau t1qu1 ia'lna Winter .... CPA firm has ne•d for -.... ...:!w..._a--•-C'~~~~;.:.:1.t ,....,...,.,;....,. '!!!~-. ...... :st?MI• · ~!'!·~-~. ,,,..._, __ ~ MIOMn~ ••Perl•nced 11 .. 11 ac· Proteselonel ._llllng ... ,.... .... .,... .. 1u111u1 Harbor lal••d ,.._ .. ""'"' ""-....... "" I <*Intent on a ~ diem aelelperton. ltrl'I ••tr.. HotPolnf, almond OOlof, GermM Vinyl v~ 8lm--· '30/0bO. 846-72'4 "'L'°°'-QAS DAVIA mule 110 20 " . llU • bHia. Data proceaalno meiy lar09 cornmla110n, '380 pr. CM241 :!•·.)Cini Cond. S275. ~o::'o:•t;~:= RHl9n' ~ '°' "'10. '60 Call 811nd•y only. NI! W I Ca 11 ( 1 t 4 >Ifill, 11111 ••,,.rlence 1mpor. C•fl working In a protected 0 1418 belt'l aold '°' frac110ft of w/Pf -..,. 111 CMlt only. 046-tf41 NI •U·IOOO a Mk for Jim-...._ ...,. 841~125 tet'rlt0ty wttllln Orenge Little Mitt Mu"•' 111 on • 2 'f' 04d 71" It eouctl, "'-Ylllle. Aleo lllver. CNM, --~,1 Aefrlg 8'd•Dy·ltde, IC• '"Y· Jr If out, Pl .. H •• :eir.: ......... T~u· County Sell~ M-Tuffel, ••ono ct1H • Dlu• whit• with tin Crye.tel & Ottental cet· mllr, wl~becll ah•lr, IMvt" 11119fl IOAT IUPI AVAi'-~~· mTM. umTUIT Vf'tlelno tor TV M.,.. •P4CS.r and rHd 1n ttte baokground UH or s-t• 1154731 MllY OUty ell ..... eoord· end ...._ ... , 1111 --m -~ IMdl 21 • H · 'vii lllM. front I Dec• llN, flll netlon'1 taraeat O•lly Piiot Clualfled DMt ottw e.eo-.752 trpe, 10' 11 I ' 1100. -• .,._.., IO', 35', 40', & •S' Cell ••perltnoe. AU., X~"9) local .-iy pubtlcatlon MCtlof'I about Mtte Muf· CAT '-Yn• "-coat. JUnl 71CM114 ltOOI ,...._ ..... iOJ 8"tq ~ 140. ~ IO. Ul·4U4 lrom l •I , Lio. reCI. l •l•ry open e.n.m progrem provl· ttt'• Tufftt and bOuG!lt " leautltlll Or .... aollCI oek condition and Quam-. CA,.PITINO 100 11 wtlltt. ,.,, tell • ., .. ,... Nordloe •• •i..., lao,0tlM_ti,,.Mon....,.,,,. .. _,r_1~----- ICMM siturdar-. beft. d•d. some pert·llm• tor Sits You can,Nll ohln• cablne1, 100. POOO M0-1114 ................ :A · c u•...!.i...'•ok 1110. polel.OoodOOftd 11 .BLINAVAn. """'- ..., Netfpof1 INdl.,.. ~ For....., .... ,. your turte1 and Iott Of "44 t119 Meal v.r-. CounlfY Qull ft. fed 1111 11Mltt"'4 MO... flOlllPI, ...... 11 H 1 r11 0 u r I 8 -.. De IU·UIO Aft s cell(714) ..... 140 Otllet tlllno• lflrOUftl IOLID MAPLE "DOL•· '"II MelftlMlr9111p '"· • Dtaftlftf ,., •• •di ''" ............................ 1 ...... ~ ... "42·1~1. 1"8/Wtt,,_ Delly Piiot Cl•Hlflff BACK ..a<:t<P 1H lllT 000 A....., A4 •?OI, WANT ACTION? 'ldO NO. • .... ~ OOftd. l40 oc p M , I 4 O • 4 O t 1 , 141-IOal ,'?•lf!'M Adi_ _'!I-I"" Adi Ctll ln·Mfl ". = CONO llO. M ... 1111 Ml-4JOO, l41Wt ~Adi Ml·M11 140o01M ......... ..._..,. 211-43141 .. . -- •. - • .. ' Fot l .. M: 250' of dock ~In front of~ N.8. rMleorent. ldMI IOf broil.,. ()( dMler ---boeta. 842-9988 .. ~''*'' ~ ...•................•. '52 Mercury Flathead, r• bll. Cl111lc 14' M1hog hull . Inboard . 714-525-0987' DRY STOtAGE Monthly boll 1tor1ge. any Ila, 24 hr MCurlty, "" leunchlng • ...... , ..... 1111 .... .., Ir .. ...... ,. '72 YAMAHA 90 Low ml. GrNI c:ond. $270. Dave &31-2157 1NO YAMAHA 400 ~ "' del n, M50 °'beet offer. 87~1ft7PM HONDA 1NO 750 F. Ell- cellent cond. $1595 080 842,.()878 1NO Suzuki, G.S. 550 SL. Al new. On1, 3,000 mil••· Blick & Chrome . ~TFe30) Super Blf~n. 1200. 1982 Ronda 750 Cultom. A. new. Only 2,000 mllff. Two ton•. Red & Ctlfome, (4W4542) GIW AWfl'/ Price .... $2200 Dealer Enqulrle• Wei-come. BAUER MOTORS 2925 HWbor 8IYd CoetaMeN (714) 971-2500 ..,....,,wr, . !!~f!!!!r. ..... {ff 17' Self-cont. Mini, 80" wide, '78 Toc11, low mllee, 17700. 1-3513 ~!ff.frl! ••••...• ~"'°w= ADW""9IN TIM prtee of ....... Id• ,,.,......., ....... .... ... llt .. Wflllll9 ..... .......... ~~ dOff .... ''"'"" '"• •tZ J?H ..... ,__, ,, .... .., '"9. "'""" ............... ltltl9ft e9ft1Mt 411evlo• ................. dOOUIMflllfy Pf9Plrl· Uon ot11r101 union .......... ll*tnod ~ ........... " . , ... , ... "" (with purch1ae) ASK FOR DETAILS! NEW OIUl11&1111 , ....... llLllT ... ..... URll&ll , ...... '11 am •FU (120281) 111,HI 'lllMlllm IC>e7VUA) ""' 'll-Ull 1239052) llHI 'llfmu.11 (62M19) ... '11 F•I W&I (A1~5) 11111 To Pl•u your "P'11t Rftult" Service Dlrtetol')' IMI .•• , Cell Now 642·1671 w.111 DICK MlllFR MO!OR\ ,1, ,·, • Tmlm .. , We .nMd your 1r1CS.-ln1 ----...;;=== Clll Of' -our uMd cv •--~-f'l'-men1ger Wolfg811g Jur1--•• nek ' •••••••••••••••••••••• . -•mMt Liii 1001 llW we C8fl help! Before you s1i.-Servic.LN1lng buy, check our unbell•- 3670 N. Ch9rry Ave. bl• Hl•c llon. "S1vlng1 LONG BEACH Ind .-vice todllyl 11• 111-1111 lllYEllm UUllalllll 2850 HlfbOt Blvd. COSTA MES~ Ml-IMO DICK MILL~R MOTOR\ f• ft . ' ' ·. . ..... lllTI.I 11• '73 good body, xln1 molOf' & 1r•n. 1u10. ,_ tlrn. 643..e485 '72 VW V1n Body good cond. AM/FM CIJll, Rblt eng w/Porach• p1r11. Ou8I Weber cwb. 12700, 547-7188 Scot1 Or1ng• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday. November 19, 1982 ,., , Dear Customer, 'llT-1111 (159701) -12111 'll PllTI 1113295) 12411 Theodore Robins Ford 2080 HatbOt 8IVd COSTA MESA 142-1111 M0-1211 197t CADILLAC COUPl.DI VILLI 1104YSO) s3995 197~ CADILL~~ SIVILU • - (475358) •• s9395 1911 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI ASTRO IC>Of. (tAHL.536) 512,995 St.rtlng ..... Buelneu Acccordl111 to c • ......,. .......... 1141 Pfof9•~ c.-!Soc. 11tl0 to 111301 oll ........................ Uftdor • nc:.ouo 11-M11ot Me O ..... _Ill """ '"° C..., Cterll ............ ,.... .... . ...... ....... ... . ..... , ... ..,.. .. •••• 111 wlllcll the ...-.... -tho 0101oae111 Jo __ .., __ .. _...,, ... ,........ , ... , ........... .. ..... . Mo•• ................ . ,,.., .. -to .. .. _.......,_, Tllo DAILY li'ILDT ,,._ ........ .... , .. , .... _..._. ... ......... __, ......... -.... •olly oor•ICe le 1110 Oro111• Co1111ty Coll-..... ...... .., ...... our COllWOlllelll ofllceo Or 11'110110 Ille LIOAL D«li'AI'~ .. ,,..,,, • lat. JJI tor aore .............. -..... ••tufiQmH We have huge savings for you with our 10.75% A.P.R. financing and large dlsc~nts. Many of our cars also have free OPtlons. We offer vou the finest cars at the lowest prices. For example on a $10,000 Capri the discount runs around t1200, the finance savings are almost tt,000 on a 48 mo. contract and free options are as much as tHO. We have an excellent selection of most mOdels fr:_om Lynx to Lincoln and are very anxious to sell them as truck toads of 1983's are comtng In Dally. . . • ' -.. COUPON CHRYSLER. -V~i;UE: .. COUPC.•SS .. BRAID flEW 1982 SAPPORO . . ~--s55 1 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE ..................... 4 · Serl al a 80 1594 . MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .................... S8662 ATLAS CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH'S PRICE ............. :-.............. $5584 ATLAS CHRYSLER , PLYMOUTH'S PRICE .............. : ............. $]079 CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPO.~ ............................................ $ 300 CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPON ............................................ $ 300 YOUR SPECIAL PR~CE 11\llD llVf 19~,3 p\ClUf ' . usclll!, 14791 ower s\eer\ng. senal -rn\ss\on. p \ rn\rrors. Peed vans dual rerno e 5 s "e\ seats. bUC" GIANT SAVlftGS 011 TOP QUALITY USED CAR A/C, Vinyl , top, AM/FM stereo with ~ , track tape, cruise control, tilt wheel & wire wheel covers. •473331. 5 8295 19IO DODGI ROYAL MAXI VAN 12 passenger. Loaded Inc. 2 tone paint, dual air, custom moldings. auto. trans., pwr. steering & brakes, radio & much morel (148786). 19IO MAZDA SD626 Air conditioning. AM/FM stereo. 'custom I nterior . automatic '""Sii95 1911 DODGI DIPLOMAT COUPI 8 cyl.. automatic trans., elr cond., pwr 1teerlng & brakes, crulM control. Ult wheel, wire Wheel cover1. radio, wsw tlras & morel (1ATN441). • BRAID IEW 1983 PLYMOUTH RELlllT 2 DOOR Serlal ..-114900 4 speed transmission. tinted glass. 4 cylinder & more. FOR FLEET SALES · AND LEASING 5 4 1 4 INFORMATION, CALL 19 3 JOHN MEAEplTH • SERVICE HOURS: M ... AY n•• nlD~Y 8100 A.M. T• 1:30 •••• . IUl•AY 8 100 A.M. TO llOO lt.M. . IEED CASH? WE •'IY TOP DOWR FOR &GOD CWI · ·BRAID IEW 1983 CHRYSLER "E" CUSS 4 DOOR SEDlfl Serial = 116645 Air cond .. A~/FM stereo, tinted glass, auto. trans .• front & rear bumper guard bodyslde molding. dual mirrors. speed control & more. 5 10. 164 ' . PLYMOUTH .. imports BUILT BY MISTUBISHI MOTORS ... CHllOllAllOll 1911 TOYOTA 1979 PLYMOUTH 1976 PIUGIOT COIOLLA 515 COUPE Economlcal 4 cylinder engine, AM/FM stereo. power 'steering, air conditioning and more! ( 1CGJ436). •5495 1975 CHIYILll NIWPOIT SIDAN Auto trans . air cond . AM/FM radio. power steering, power. brakaa, .wlllte 1ldewa11 tires and morel ( 130NKK) • HOllZON SIDAN 4 cyhndef engine. 4 speed transmission, air conditloolng. radio, wsw tires and morel (632XNX). 5 3295 1912 CHIYILll LelAION COUPI OpOon1 include elr conditioning, automatic trans • AM/FM radio. vlnyt top, power ateerlng, power brakes I w1w tlras. (100304) . • 5;04 DllSIL SIDAN 4 cyt. engine. standard trans .• atr cOfld., power windows. sliding sunroof, AM/FM stereo & morel (357SLUI •3 95 19IO CHIYIOLU CHIVITTI COUPE Economlcel 4 cylinder 4nglne. auto trans .. redio. till Wheel. custom lntMlor, wsw tlr•. a\r cond & mOf"el (789ZBA). Illy Pilat MAIN OFFICE mW . .., St., Coeta ...... Ca. Mall eddreu: Box 1541G, Coeta Meea, Ca., 12121 Telephone.142-4321 Protrr1U11 information is provided by the networb · stadons and is subject to charage without notke. -Intl•• TV Antenna ..................................................... Page 4 llaytirne Drama .......•...................................... Pap 6 Tube Toppers ................................................... Page 5 Sports .. ..... .. .......... ... . ... .... .. . ... ... .................... ..... Page 8 llaytirne Schedule .. ......... .. ...... .. ..... .. ..... .......... Page 9 Evening Schedule ......................................... Page 12 TV Puzzle ....................................................... Page 39 On the cover . . . Jim Cooper, a veteran Orange County newsman who has hosted KOCE Channel 50's ~·Voter's Pipeline" ~program for the pasi-·nine years, is now at the helm of a new KOCE series entitled "Jim Cooper's Orange County.' The "Voter's Pipeline" fonnat was dropped to give Cooper the chance to focus on a wider variety of county issues. Although political subjects will not be discarded entirely, the new program will cover other topics such as the county's cultural scene, its trash pro.blems and educ.ation concerns. · The half-hour program mixes location film material with in-studio discussion by experts on the week's topic. "Jim Cooper's Orange County" airs in the old "Voter's Pipeline" time slot of 8:30 p.m. Fridays. with a rerun at 10 a.m. Saturdays. r #" llTV aaa-· Soaps stars (2) KNXT, CBS, 8121 W. Suneet Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. ('4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. J\lameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, '4151 Proepect Ave., Loa Angelee Ca. (I) KFMB, CBS, 7877 Engineer Road, San Diego, oa. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway SM and '47th St., San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC,~ Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. on Yule LP Q; I udentud tut several soap stars llave 10Uea togetller aad pnd•ced a Cllrt1tmas alb•m. II U available la record 1tore1? If aoa. wlltere cu I ,.reuse It ud wllo 11 on dte aJbam? -R.W., Fon Myen, Fla. -h······· .. A: Candy Earley, John Wesley Shipp. Mary Murray and Frank Runyeon are 10me of the stars on thia production. It is not available In record stores, but can be putthued through the mail at a price of $9.98 P.lus $2 postage to Pink Wins.a Productions, 250 W. 57th St., Suite 2507, New York, N.Y. 10019. Q; 11 Rita McLa•plla, Ute actress (21) KCET, 4401 Suneet Blvd., Loe Angelee, Ca. (50) KOCE. 15744 Golden Welt St., Hwltlngton BMch, Ca. • wM playM Carol, plq to rehn to "A.1 Ille Werld TarH?" -W.P., Plalafleld, N.J. A: The character of Carol, ,which Rita has played for over a decade, will be '""' but lpartncly. Rita has been m11de a non•contract player along _..,...., 2-4) CBS cable ~~hw:A.~..!:: ~ 2 Friday, November 12, 1912 with several other per'for~en, relation), who ha1 played Chris =i;.~ the show debuted ln the Q: wm tll• ellaraeter of Jackie ......... IN .... • .. 0 ...... IJPI?" -L.S..~Va. · A: Jackie -''ldlled" in a plane Cftlh but no body WM found. Lana· .._ IQ9J» lw bow "no=" • iMiinl ._ )11 t I •'1 wtD rwtum. At ..-.t. there are no ....... to brtrw the char8d.er a.k. But )Ult wait tor Ju1tln -Jacki•'• widower -to hook up wl&h somebody and then H• If •h• chanctm,...... The New r Piiot 'I Nina .loves Steve Seaps,-e----, Fun with.-, words· TV Puzzle, 38 Sweeps Sunday "· 0 TV Antenna, 4 ,, . . . •Nov. 19 -Nov. 25• Jim C~per of 'Jim Cooper's-Orange County.' (Page 2) :-- ,. • -TV Antenna Ho\N ·to survive a Sweeps Sunday By PHIL SNEIDERMAN OfttM D..., Pffot Ste" The year is 1859. Lloyd Bridges is worried a bout losing a pair of working hands on his Virginia farm because his son John prefers to sketch birds. Finally, he allows the youth to seek a newspaper job in Gettysburg. "Write me about them fas t northern girls.'' John's brother !t3YS. CLICK. A sh ip carrying two children to "San Farisco" catt•hes fire. The children and the ship's cook become lost rowing away m the fog. FinaJly. they're washed up on a lush , apparently uninhabited tropic:al isle. The COOK finds a barrel of rum. The boy finds a skull. CLICK. ' gt. O'Toole (Gerald S. O'Loughlin) at the Battle of Bull Run in ~The Blue and the Gray .' Marlon Brando. m a white robe, has a warning for his fellow inhabitants of Krypton: "This planet, I tell you, will explode in 30 days!" "J or -El. be reasonable ," his and different television tastes choose comrades plead. among the three? Is it possible , I "I," says Br{'J'ldo. "have never been wondered. to beat. the networks at otherwise." t heir own game? Could a person CLICK. watch all three programs, switching W e lcome to a n oth er Sweep s al commercials or other lulls in the Sunday. November is one of those action? months In which advertising rates are Through the miracle of a modem set according to the ratings. So the remote control channe l selector. I n e tworks let the Nielsen •folks decided to find out. measure the audience for some typical CLICK. prime time programming, right? Artist J ohn has 'just sketched John Not a chance. Ordinarily. viewers Brown's trial. Stacy K each , a must select the least objectionable mysterious observer at the trial, asks program . but on a Sweeps Sunday John to remove his likeness from a there's certain to be. a surplus of s ket c h . Whe n the young artist riches. This is the day the networks complies, Keach returns the favor by will serve up the first showing of a lining up a bar girl for him. John blockbuster t heatrical movie or an responds timidly. expensive, heavily promoted made-"Am 1 ugly or Something?" \he girl for-TV production. asks. Remember that Infamous Sweeps ''It's not you, it's me," he mutters. Sunday in 1979 when the networks "I caught me a real virgin," the girl simultaneously aired "Gone With the says. "°'lou're in luck, aon. I got enou"h 1t---~~a..'-'-tbeu:1o1~t!.u"r'ltat..ahowing 0 1 "0 ex rience for both of us." Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and a e two'Klii."'CiirtOi OOi'i\l'nt new television movie \nUUed "Elvia?" CLICK. That sct)edule clre w angry The Blue Lagoon children have complaint.I from many viewers, but magically grown up to be Brooke the networks haven't changed their Shield s a nd Christopher Atkins. tactics. This p ast Sunday, NBC Atkins gives her a Christmas gift of presented the first network broedcut JX'&rlJ. of "The Blue Lagoon," the Brooke "What are they?" Shields uka. Shields movie that was a huge hit • "What do you thlnk they are?'' he purpose behind his ad opted son's super powers. But he .knows they're not for kicking footballs. The wise father then keels over from a heart attack. CLICK. . Some Southern rednecks approach the cabin where Paul WinCield. a free b l ack potter. has been hiding runaway slaves. Nasty Warren Oates informs him that the slaves will live, but Winfield must be hanged. "Slaves are worth money," Oates snarls. "You, free man, ain't worth spit!" After he sees the black man killed, artist John exclaims, "Don't ask me to fight for this handful of dust. It's not sacred soil -not any more ." CIJCK. . Brooke Shields has foWld a pagan idol dripping w ith blood from a sacrific.-e. ''Richard,'\ she cries, "I saw hjm -the face that Paddy said was the bogeyman. But it wasn't the bogeyman. I think it was God. And He was bleeding ... " CLICK. The teen-age Superman is alone in the Arctic, listening to Marlon Brando's voice. "Even though you've been raised as a human being," Brando says, "you're not one." CLICK.. Artist John's underage cousin has enlisted in the Union army and has just lost a cockroach race. He dupa his stomach ln pain. "What's wrong?" uka a buddy. "Ya got the screamers?" CLICK. Brooke Shields is acreamina. She • too grabs her s t omach In pain. ~uddenly, the r e'a someone else crying.' "Why did you have a babyT' Atkin& asks. "l don't know," ahe repliee. Loll Lanfl ta ~na. too, .. the lalla from a buUdlna. "Don't worry," pya Su.,.rman. "I've got you." ' "But who'• got your• uk.a Loia. CLICK. Lloyd Bridges ia divine tn the Blue Laaoon· among teens; ABC trotted out Its replies. "They're ~rblet!" He"ond at\wtn1 o( the. au~~~.._ ~ . .:t..a1'i:--• ... movie· "Supe rman," this Ume Jor-!J'a son haa t•~aped the CLICK. ~~~1-1 ... ,~~~" CLICK. preeented all on one r)ight; and CBS explosion of Krypton and pown up unveiled Its expen1•ve new mini-on Eanh u • teen-.,er who can kick eeriet, "The Blue and th«'! Gray." footballa into orbit -when no one II So how would a family ·with one wt looldna. 4 Frtday, NOYember 12, 1982 r~ Jr:~~~=.~-.: Brooke Shlelda jUlt lhot a a.t.l 10ld.ier. CUCK. CUCK. CLICK. p cu. My nmota mntrDI unit lhal1ild aut. JUlt In Ulm, I think. AMC-JEEP ORAMGI CO~ST AMC--JllP-llMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-1023 - SADDLHACk IMW /SUIA'U 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 83 I ·2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600· Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROUT 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-12QO CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 'ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN MIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133-1300 FORD THEODORE ROllMS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -5~0.82 I I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON &. SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTA AMA UMCOLM·MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa A na-547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZD+ 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC IOI LOMGNI PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster . 192-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI . CHICK IVHSOM. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street : Newport Beach -7S2-09JO TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvo. Huntington Beach 847.·855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO YQLKSWAGEN 1871 1 Be-ach Blvd.. - Huntington Beach 842-2000 . VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 . . --. - -l>ayti1neDrama Nin-and Steve make love during storm By LYNDA HIRSCH · ALL MY CHILDREN: D\lring a torrential sll:>rm Nina and Steve find themselves alone and make love. Ruth feels guilty after Kate suffers superficial wound from gun Joey was holding. Ruth turns tbe gun over to police. While Benny is attending a Gamblers Anonymous meeting. F.nuly Ann swallows a safety pin. Donna and Estelle rush the child to the hospital. They are involved in a car accident. Later, Estelle dies of her injuries and Chuck fears that Donna may go in to early labor. Leaming of Estelle's death, Brooke calls Benny and decides to return to Pine Valley to offer him comfort. Opal, intent on keeping Glamorama open, begs Erica to drop suit against Glamorama for the injury she received during fire. With his bandages removed Ray is still blind. ANOTHER WORLD: Facing Mac's ire, Cass tells Cecille she must find another lawyer. Henrietta tells Bob she's through with him. Susan and James share a kls.5. After James makes jabbing remark to Julia in cla&<>room. Julia tells James she loves him. Needing Sandy's help to get info of the art dealings, Brian asks Sandy to make overtures to Cecille. Blaine tells Sandy she's all (or having Cecille deceived by htm and then dumped. Larry continuing to have trouble with Clarice due to her over-protectiveness of the baby. After a dinner date with Sandy, Cecille returns home alone and is overpowere0 by a group of thugs. AS THE WORLD TURNS: John survives the pol!lOn and then is nearly electrocuted. Thinking Arie l is responsible for the attempts on his life, John orders her out of his life. James and Dee admit their love for one another. Dr. Moller believes Bilan has been the go-between for Barbara and Gunne r. Gunner visits Paul. Betsy has continuing daydreams about Steve. After sabotaging Steve's truck and blamin~\it on union officialB, Craig drops his glove which Margo discovers. Stan assures Steve that his investigation shows no link between damage to Steve's truck and the union. Ellen made head of the Volunteer Services and then tells David they can no longer 10Ciali1.e, With Annie's twins due in two months, Jess suggests she give up medicine. CAPITOL: Following another argument over Jordy, Thomu aaka Uzbeth if she loves Jordy. Jordy becomes bartender et the F.asy Rider. When Lizbeth tries to make Thomas eee that Jordy needs help. -ehe aaka Thomas what the hardest thing he ever learned to do was and he tella her •---.wJto-welk,!!-which-embarrauor I .!zheth._Wlth TyleL, and Mark being held captive at Niahoba, Sloane telll Sam Clegg she wanta a visa lnto the country. Trey telll Myrna to pay Danny Dtnado an)'1hlng he wanta for the tape, but that Frank should not steal It back. T~y entel"ll the hoapltal for his surgery after he and Kelly pledge their love for each other . Sam unaware Myrnl framed Judson as being communist. c "'{>• YS OF QJJR.UVES:-Uz~ -~Tony'• \lfmother Daphne in tlopes of'p'1\WI tn(onnatlon abotat the DtMera family. Li.% i.8 flndlnt It lncreulntlY dltfic\ilt to deny her love for Ne.I. Sandy la fearful that Lis rMY die or !me the baby due to her "°'#lh pregnancy. Sie.,Mno and Anna teem up to ruin Roman Brady. Tony, ~ by ~ht of David and Renee's marriqe, pta Clrunk and edmftt that he'• 1Ull o'a11•1d by hll loW f« her, evwn I Frtday, November 12, 1H2 ~ . though she is his half sister. Gwen decides to ruin Sandy and Don's relationship after Don tells Gwen they can no longer be together. Mickey prepares to escape from jungle. DOCTORS: Paul arrives a t the murder scene and ·discovers that Billy has been shot twice. Steve and Carolee devastated by the news of Billy's death. Paul thinks that Luke heads the top or the murder suspect list. Natalie fears that BilJy's murderers may come after her and she slips out of town. A psychic tells Carolee that there are more dangers ahead Althea intrigued when Jean-Marc te lls her he belives in eternal youth. Mike Powers furious when he learns Maggie has agreed to. marry Murray. Adrienne becomes nervous when Jeff wants to invite her mother. Felic1a, to their wedding. EDGE OF NIGHT: ~ky takes Val to opening of the theater. Raven IS furious and she accepts Ian's date. Ian discovers PasC'al with a gun and Pascal demands a sample page from the phone book. When Ian refuses, Pascal shoots Raven's picture. Tammy tells Miles that she is available. Barbara does the same thing and Mi)es tells her that he feels they can no longer work together. Meanwhile, Nicole is trying to believe Miles when he says she's the only woman in his life. But the rontinuing calls Nicole gets__from everyone is making her doubt Miles. GENERAL HOSPITAL: The district attorney puts a warrant out Cor Luke and Scorpio. He also warns Jackie and Joe that 1£ they do anything to block him he will have criminal action taken again.st them. Harper admits to Joe that the Durbans paid him off, and t~is proves Luke's Innocence. Basil plots to take the money and run, Angry at Susan for continual drinking an·d lack of care for Jaaon, Allen decides he wants custody of his son -an Idea that Monica abhors. Susan throws Heather out. Heather decides to move in with Scotty, but Scotty decides to move in with Susan in the guise of helping her take care of Jason. Lila tells Edward she knows an about his illegitimate son. After going to bed with Rose. Mark realizes that he'1 not over the death of 'his wife Katie. Claudia's parents against her marrying Brian. GUlDlNG LIGHT: Realizing Mark and AmanCla have been !oven, Allen wanta Amanda to step down as prelident DLSR!uldlntJ but she refuaes. When Allen tells Jennifer hJa belief that an ana ar were VO Vea"'in nrs KHl.NQS11ftr, she reveal.a that she'• pregnant and asks Allen to halt any lnvestig•\lona. In London, Mike's invcstigption of Brian turns up nothjng. Mark t\eada back for Springfield but wW need therapy. At Laurel F•lla, Floyd and Lealle Ann reconcile. Ed Is getting more mobUU.y In hi.I hand and plana to have Tim give him physiotherap_y with the hope lhal he can one day return to surgery. Rebeca'• ba~ an removed and she LI trul)' beauuf ul. When R4:be«a hMn Quin~ N.ine n.m~a·• _.~-, . • ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Tommy Lobo planta a bomb under tllnt'a car. and Clint ii unable to IW1 It. Clint and VlckJe are wed M Roberta Peten linp at the nupdala. Sievt wanta to to ttraJcht but he ii wamed that the bum wW not allow 00.. Steve learnt that Kann la ln Cape Cad and ,_. afser hft'. Aa bcinp Mllnl a video .-tee ,., .. , --.... ft9 ..... • llAn.mwll A iith• .... llUll .......... .... 19M.. llf--4••• ... , ........ . .. .. . ..... -lalunlllf -1 ....... ~A ..... ••I A11ll1 I ...... .....,.. ..... , .... _.... .. w........, ...... WI.II I 111111 1Jtw .. ....................... ~111 ....... c•1-._. .................. .., .. ...., Gil Gerard ....._............ · · lars in 'H ear _ .... II\' no Evil,' the ._ s'1ory of f ormcr •• • 10e "°"" ,... PAllTMD detective Hilt ~uu .. ._..-. ...._ .... • ... .., ., ,... Zerby who was :-:'!':~:;:.~:..= nearly killed in ...._. ......._ _. ......,. an explosion (1 .... ) --.. ~~ UOIUNC IPICW. ;w.::.. ~ :.:::r.':-~ -..... et1f1111t11t111 ........ ....................... -.... .... ....., ...................... CJ(111f.) -Taesclay --.... ...n ...... Alec a.II•-......................... ...... ..... ca.... ..... , In ...... le Cene't ..... to..,...._ T.._, .... ......... a. ...... ~·.-..~ .., -... ., ...... i"Rtt. ..... .,. . _ .............. .:':""' .......................... ..... (.._ ,, (11111.) --,.. UMVAL ...-. Of TM ...... -.....~w111a.....,., .. 2 ................... ...... ...,... of._. MttM, t11 u1l 4 • Wll a lllJllR lfllJ .... .... llJJJllts-,r1J II a Md ......... (1 lw.) -'l'llancllly --,. • IMTA ,_ 1111 11IB 11M1 T1w'M lilil1rm1lll1..._. lllnn• ._.._ ......... a. ......... ... ..... ,, ... , e 8 YUM wmt twllA lh • (;"9 ...... ·-1111• .... • ·--..., of 111l1rt1I MIRI "-~ ....... ,, ...... , .... ...., .......... .._ ..... lllP••-... ClarJC1l11•MdUnla......_, set off by a motorcycle gan g, Saturday al 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2) . Sir Alec Guinness will star in 'Smiley's People,' a spy thrille r which airs Tuesday and Wednesday al 8 p .m. on KCOP (Ch . 13). .. · People who 'York at the Bank of Albuquerque consider their handicapped customers a valuable asset . So they've lowered teller windows to accommodate customers in wheelchairS. They've learned to speak sign language to the deaf and hard of hearing. And they offer special classes to help mentally retarded . customers make full use· of their bank. All because a group o.f cgpcerned~­ people, both disabled and nondisabled, g-0t together and made an effort. The same kind of effort that's being made in communities throughout the country during the 1982 . National Year of Disabled Persons. If you'd like to make an effort, cqntact your Mayor or County Commissioner. Or write National Office on Disability, Suite 1020, 1575 Eye Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20005. Friday, November 12, 1982 5 • - - -lporls -•l'riclay ___ _ ._ .. (() MOTORCYQ( UCllQ Coo• ... of IM u.a. Nell•Alll a..i111a..,.. "°"' C.... ...... C..(11v ....... , HI (D COACMEI COMEll laturclay l#IWWW 1t:9 [OJ 9ICAA POOTULl W (I) lflOl11 IA1'WY ldt1•t1d ...... of...... tkt111 .... .......................... ( ...... X.#tOR ...... Qer'dell Ill .... YOftl); ... "'*'!: of ... Hector c....ea11Qrea ~-~ ./~~b..t ( .......... v...., .). (I ) 1:118 9'0fllno.. ••••••it ...... ii ... PKA IC.-... CMrapl1rllhlpe ( ...... -....... c...~ -··~ ... II 1tr•ll•Rl1 Ala wlla; ~....,, (.._. feMI D'9 L8C, WIL). (1 ........ , . ... IR. __ ___ ._ ... • IOllll co:;r of ... DwtaM .,_....I.... -.11 d Wiie .......... , .... ,. ............ ... ~.ut; ................ Cap, ...... .........,..,, .... IJdl •tlllilboul; 8 we .... of ... T_, AJifll I C..... Herrero 11-ro••d W•A l••lor IJdl ••11111 .. I I 1l1n ..... ( ...... Mlllllo CllJ, LI.). (I In.) -...... ~.------1 (I) lflOITl .. Y AU: A TWILmr PORTRAIT no ......... of ....... of .... ._, .. ,.. . .. ,.. .... . fW AILI~ ;.,.um&~ 1' DAm1UlL ......... of hit-..., F' 111,ft. ....._ N 11..rt .._ (rro. ..... AIW 1111 ... ta 4 KJ.).(lln.) l#IWWW ._. ..... ay .......... l#IWWW •W ~ llOCnUU. .............. :::r-.. PIH l.u .... ll'lliilMK (II) (I --. •(!) COUHI f'OOTULL W hln1 ... ~~ :::.:.,11 ..... C1 11 o ....wradn•••-r ...... .. ,.,..,. w• ...,.. .-:A ... Ill & ~ ......... _ ......... .. Oft ........................ .. ... u.rsa•tolNsl ,._. .. ._ Pfa 11111 ... H .. jll'ICI II& (1 .. ........ , __ ---~.~ flOO'IUl1 ......... ....... C.....T•l.-.(1 ..... ..... , Model 4810 il"lellrl111• 9'1'DK Seid Stitt t::=:~ ... ~~=1ilf::;;::::;;:~~· 1000 .,._ Matrta T• • MecUNcll Trill • Cont ... ., $ .. 1479" . •t~'Urdlna with u ml'tl!Wi of lovfl. She r.1""'9 to .-o him, thun glvt!lt i;..•wrul <"lmdltlorui If tht•y ure to bo marnf'd -an Ul'tini;i ,.ur,•t<r of twr ow11 rt•lt11a11t• uf the; muvle "Blood Moon," und ~<t·oncllh1Ll11n ~Ith Bo. '111 t•voryonc'a 11urpr1M!, AlW ""rt<t'11. Hn b, Our111n und CWIHIC" '"°"" Into hottil. Dorian dl0lllr•'8 to build u m11n1don on the wlw ul Mor<:llff. lltlrh 11ugal'li. tht'y -<lo ~ome•thlnic on 11 mort• modt'ftl 11Cale . RYAN'S HOPE. Kam Mgn11 '"''''pUlnt~· of movlna Into t'<>-op Kirk haa givon hl•r. S tw vow11 ncvt>r to lcuve tho hOWk' Kim lnvlte11 SenC'Co to bubyl!l t for Arly. Sht> thl·n rip. her clothN off, acrat.cht'ti hcn1Cll. und claims that SClneca bcMt her and t1tole th~ baby. Kirk tell& KJm that 1he CAn remain at his house Cor ·protection. Scne<.·o 11 arrested. J ack's !ricnd Carol upset when another pl'Oltitute la round deod. Dom Is paroled. Joe tells S iobhan that they cannot resume tht>lr marriage. Even though they love each other. lhere'a too much d anger. Siobhan <.'Onsiders going underground aB a prosiitute to lu rt.• the murderer. Seeing one oC Amanda's blackouts. Pat vows totnelp her. S EARCH FOR TOMORROW: Warren suggests to the guerrilla leaders that he, Brian, and Suzi be exchanged Cor some or the leaders' men being held captive. Sunny arrives but she gets no aid from the government. At the hotel, Sunny and Keith discover a ll th eir video equipmen t sha ttered. Di5''0Vcred by S unny in small village hospital, Ringo te lls her that h<' 1s the only survivor of the plane crash. Warren escapes through a window leaving Suzi and Brian beh ind. Suzi and Brian arc told by the guerrilla leader that .he will see to their execution. Martin suggest.a to Stu that his gambling club be put on the Riverboat. Christen goes to Stephanie saying she ne<."<is money ~ause she's carryi ng Brian's child. TEXAS: Wanting to save her marriage, Judith pleads with Grant to forgive her for not admitti!'lg she had large debts. Brett upset because Ricky is paying more attention to his singing career than her. J .T. realizes Ashley's sister, Allison. is the one who stole Gregory's birlh certiCicate. Vick ie welcomes Hunt back from his priest retreat. Hunt plan~ to stay on at the station . Althoug h Mark looks through his little black book, he r.eaLizes the only woman he wants is Ruby. George anguished over Maggie's plot to murder Grant. YOUNG ANO RESTLESS: Mary discovers a lump on her breast and sees her doctor. She learns she tnust undergo surgery. J ack secretly pays .Jill's debt to Saunders. AlliSon tells Earl she wants to wait till after Christmas Cor a d ivorce. While dancing with Paul, Pam feels the bug in his back, throws water in his face, and screa ms she knows he's working for the cops. Victor redeems Nikki's bracelet and takes_ it back . Victor tells Kevin he adores Nikki despite his promise that he wa nts Nikki to s tay married. After hearing what Pam tol.d him, T~ny te lls his ~hugs t~t Paul must be done away wath. J ohn impressed wath Kevin. Seeing Kevin with Ashley, while she's trying to make Brian jealous, John decides Kevin w~uld be a g<><?d man for Ashley. Have a question about your favorite soap or soap scar? Wriae to Ly nda Hirsch, clo Field Ne wspaper Syni:licate, P.O. Box 19620. Irvine, Calif. 92714. She will answer as many questions as she can in het column, bu t the volwne of mail makes personal replies impossib1e. ??NURSING HOME COSTS?? • I , :4 Do Al facltlt1 Chara• Tht Same? NO YES C1n Cf(t In Tht Home Cost MoN Than f 1clty C1117 Adml11lon to a nurelng facility can aometlmH be a period of bewllderment and dlitre11. BeoauH patient• are encountering a new environment. our 1taff haa been trained to attend to their need• with courtesy and reaaaurance. • Whether for <Shbrt-term postoperative convalescent care or long-term care for th_!t chronically lll~r aged. you can be asaurec:LUlaLour faclllty malntaln1 the hlgheet standards In the provision of skilled 24 houri nursing care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits e RIHAalLIT ATION PROGRAM • FULL AC:TIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS e WHIRLP()OL TUB W/HYDRAULIC LIFT • e T.V.'S IN ROOMS:-WIDE SCREEN IN· LOUNGE . . Please Call us to an~wer your questlOAS about nursing home care: 1111 SIPEll,l. IYE. IEWNIT IUCI, Cl 12113 .714/646-7764 Adnistrator RAY MMICS fbsq Dhctor ESTID CALDWEll -Dayti·· • Coal. 10 " ' .. .... 'f:t""CM.Tlllt =:£t ... .., ... .. "' ~ .. ----=_.,llU..., .. ==arr, .. ..,, . .. ... .. ...,,Ml CCM• DIMIYMUUll_..""1 a.Nllau•ra,..~-. Telly Sava l~s stars as ~Kojak' weekdays at 3 p .m. on KllJ-T V (Ch. 9) . • .. .. .. mike macarewic~ lie. # 212542 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1962 2nd STORIES -FAMILY ROOMS -BATHS FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE DESIGN ASSISTANCE Friday, November 12, 1982 9 _.,, ..... _ 11ov1es- -· "'The Siege At Red River" (t954, Western) Van Johnson. Joanne Dru. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) ' • "The Big Trees" ( 1952. WElSlern) Kirk Douglas. Eve Miller:. (2 hrs.) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Connor ( 1 hr , 46mrn) CS) "Back Roads" ( 1981, Comedy) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (%) "True Confessions" ( 1981 , Drama) Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall ( 1 hr .• 50 mln.) -ct) "The Pursu11 Of 0 B. Cooper" (1981. Adventure) Tua1 Williams. Robert Duvall i! hr., 40 min.) W (O) "The P\Jtsu1t 01 O.B. Cooper" (1981. Adventure) Treat Wiiiiams. Rober! Ov,vall. U hr .. 40 min.) Ml(HJ "Loophole" (1981. Suspense) Albert flnney, Martin Sheen. ( 1 hr, 45 min) (%) "Airplane!" U980. Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty. ( 1 hr .• 30 mtn ) l::m(S) "The Runner Stumbles" ( 1979. Dra- ma) Dick Van Dyke, Kathleen Oomlan ( 1 hr., 39 min.) D "Three Days 0 1 The Condor" ( 1975, Suspense) Robert Redford, Faye Ovna· way. ( 1 hr , 55 mm.) •ct) "Mystef)' Of The Million Dollar Hockey Puck" ( 1975. Mystery) Michael Mac- Donald. Angela Knight. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) CD "Breaking The Sound Barrier" ( 1952, Orama) Ralph Richardson. Ann Todd. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) •cm "Flash Gordon" Ct980. Science-Fic- tion) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. ( 1 hr .. 50 min) (%) "The Meanest Men In The West" ( 1979, Western) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. ( t h~ .. 30 min.) W et) "Secrets Of Three Hungry Wives" I Christopher Mayer (left) as Vance, Byron Cherry a s Coy~ and Catherine Bach as Daisy of 'The Dukes of Hazzard' Friday~ at 8 p.m. on K NXT (Ch. 2). (1978, Myst9fY) James Franciscus, Jessi· (I) llOY• "Ice Castles" ( 1979, act consls=I of 12 inules who dive from ca Walter. (2 hrs.) Rom 3 e "Zorro. The Gay Blade" 11981, Com-ance) Lynn-Hoity Johnson, Robby a 5-foot · board. edy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. C 1 Benson. A promising young figure skater I .., and her boyfriend find sudden success ... · hr .. 33 min.) hard to cope with whe<I she Is chOsen to --~~ .. Cl) "Deethsport". (1978, Science-Fie-train for a pre-Olympic competition. (t ,_..W tlon) David Carradine, Claudia Jennings. hr., 53 min.) Ii_.... · {?_hrs.) 090¥ll "Badge 373" (1973, Drama) all 1-.r CD "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Com· Robert Duvall, vema Bloom. A New York ..,.llCL Hal Holbrook edy) George Hamihon. Lauren Hulton. ( 1 City cop wages a singlehanded campaign narrates t~ doc:Umentary detelllng eftorta tw •• 33 min.) against a Cflme syndicate. ( 1 hr .• SS to carry out Hltlef's plafll tor a eetlng a (%) "Spirit Of The Wind" ( 1979, Drama) mln.) ~eme Aryan race. 40 min.) .. &:,*!.., _ . Sytvealer Stallone, 9lly Dae Wlllema. A Chief Dan George, Slim Pickens. (1 hr.. llMnllY&.m CJJ .,. "Nlghthewtl1" (1981, Creme) .. <Ill "The Cockeyed Cowboys Of Calico -tough New York City cop hat ~work cut COunty" (1969. Comedy) Dan Blocker, MICll out for him when one of the wOfld's moat Mlct<ey Rooney. (2 hrs.) ,,,,_ br 1MI ~ •u Derel( dangel'out terrorists arriv.t In IW City. 'R' ~~.-"!~..._ .. ____ Bennett directs this drama beaed on Hen-1 hr .. 39 min.) (1980, Comedy) lily TomlWI, Charles ;yJ'llTiil°r"Tl\f WlhO* Of The DOYe·----iE-'_ .. ...,,, •• µa· -tf..ftl881818r1~Q--a11111'1'8.+ .. -......0 - 12 Grodin. ( 1 hr., 24 min.) Where an American heir ... In London Rob9f1 Heys, .AJlle Hegetty. Alter en alrth-cm "Mr. Blandlngt Builds His Dream ~es others see themselVes fOf Wl'lat er't crew f ... to food polao11t119. a Mr· House" ( 1948, Comedy) Cary Grant, they really are. •tarring Roeallnd Ayres. (I "°"' former wer pMot le pr~ Into •- Myrna Loy. (2 hrs.). hr.) vice and must contend with on-boetd hy9-...... ur-.. --e:s•~ --n . , ... .., -.... Q .. UIY "Colo-Aectal c.nc.r" Al-American tootbtll and beeket· ••&°'ehem.Q Frtdmy, November 12, 1982 • DIS CAVITT Guest: avlhof Germ11ine terle, a MOteti.... control tower and cllCfMt. Gr8"art I) (R)· • • llleCSrnemon... 'PG' (t hf .. 30min.) CC> "Cerbon Copy" (1981. Come-, ... .,.. :',l;=:tJ::'~t~ = : ..... Feetunld:•~of that he hM •~own eon who It ~. footbell gema between UCl.A Md 'PG' (1 hr 36 .) USC; en lnt9Mew wtth Sheron Oleel of 11>w:iiiw1it1 l edo; .... al... ~~ ...... U.S. Na11onel Chalnf)lonshipa from Cotta Mete~. (~~min.) I! .... , .. ,.,,__ 1.-naaa•• .. •t ... ~---A-aa.-~ "::'..~=:.....::.:..-:::: fl.&-... =----.-.-.... ,,_ •ocmM =:.o._~,.....,.. tlpa on enterlnQ cont•tti an rinal lllm:::1 -Dli!llme Caal. ,. .. .. .. ==rw. l'nm(M). ....... A ....... C'Mlt NW . BG · •••w l'S'P--~ ... ,., -·-r..==u. •• r --~ ... .., 'Nlmt'--...., la1ml CllQll ... -·~ E==..., _ .... IOMI w=:,OT'f9 ra...,. u-1 arx..Mn WMAntwtm•I• •• M. .... 11 ... ..., Wtlalml . LCMN• .,.....,= fU=-.. _., .-rYMC--l'MU) -··· .. , .. ..., :::.~ -~ __ , •• , ..... (M) WCYOn..-. --... 'i'lllCU .... -...-r ,..,,... =m=, MlllDWCMI ----) coau. (llfl) ........ ('111) .. -u-w. mu., :9&"LITOM~) '1111-·-IR.fU..a M\mlNn~ .,.,~ :.ea:. \,.,, ca.• = &C.:MMIT~ .. ... . :n::1n. WllO WMfl TO• A l807 (llfl) -.Mt~ UT (90M) ---,::· -Tiii) -• 11.C.: MITTMAISMMtG ('111) .... .., ==--c::r..r '°"'"' ....... =CUIST= ftlUMY-(llll) ~Cl.Oii ... .., ~~· ra ..... "*"······ u-a-.Y 1ca.A11Y Tlll&fa&• a.JPATa I NMftCCMll' ,,,,_ Ol 1"1 NUllT: llMY MD LCM-..... ~nm =---= . L=='l-,...,,,., ... lrmT(ll)Q ••ClllM.JllA.:l(M. Tiii) ll-:W~ .... (MI) ......... .,...,.. &ICmc fX19Alf'I (It) vmDMBOI .,. tll NUllTI = ~--.=-J ~.:-=-=~ ..... (l\11) '°"" JICIU • (II) (MOM) .. , ... OllWll'W NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT1 TRY OUR • DAILY SPECIAL Eojoy Trnyaki•Trmp•u11 'Sh...JU ber prepend by ~r lamouo Japanrw (.nrf '...tBttr •'41'inr • Now Open For Lunch Mon.-Frl. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 e nesday ~gisA JAPANESE REST AUR A.NT 3840 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-3933 t ,, 1----MAlllCW-.,_ .. ... ,,., --. ...... ......... --=A :In .. , _.LUCY _, .. _§.., --'"" ... , lltf M.iM.-TftWa .... _.. -•-.U.CM> W·a; IR.lnm!~ , =~Fl .,. ..... ........ ==-;;r-> t•r ••w f-.3 ~uu. .. - ;i", fll.l<n. ..... ~11200~-... ~ -,.,.,.,(.lub __ .,.,..l'® .. bo'l'<'<W .. ,.,.. *'"' ., ,,_ {VJ ., ,,.. pr<l ,,.,,, boo dlnong '°"" lot ·"~"' You rno) do.Ml t•• ~ ""'" '1lC" llJOO ~ ....... v.-• .n., _ .,....oniy 1100' !l... """"""" a..tn I"'"" <lib\ " .. .......i ., ........,, ... U !t&lldonq\ ....a~ 19 ~ C.U.. 113 •..;.. logt~I • ....,_ °"""'"' .,,.., l.\.,i 0 °"""II -• I.Ill • 8rod. ~ ......... Yt<J~·-f\-8 .. ~• ""-, ....... A<q-•""19w •S,..,~•' --·-°""""' - Friday, November 12, 1982 11 .. -l'riclay Coat. secret mission to the NO<th Pole. ( 1 hr.) e lmlV..,. Guests: Bob Hope. six of the original Mousel<eteers. Joan Embery. Aobefta Rack. (1 ht.) • a1) mw. "The Pursuit Of O.B. Cooper" II .,_ "Any Which Way Yoo Can" (1981, Adventure) Treat Williams. Aober1 ( t980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Duvall. A thief skyjacks a plane and para-Loci<e. Before seuung doWn with his girl cf'IU1es to safety over Oregon with a for-and pet orangutan, a bare-listed fighter tune in stolen money. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. '40 signs up for one last, lucrative matcf'I. 'PG' mln.L l1hr .• 45 min.) " -• Cl) FM.Cal a.IT Melissa's baby is 11tl illlaUlt born prematur after she visits the -.,._,.mm • IODY • U11'Dt "The Heart Of The Matter" Or Jonathan Miller looks at the heart. circulation. blood pressure and ~~art sur~ ~ 1 hr.) GO WAT PW ill ' I he Cfl8rl&r- house 01 Parma" Falsely arrested lor murdef. Fabrizio falls lnJove with Clelia, his jailer's daughter. while Duchess Gina Sansevefina does everY1hing 1n her power to save her ~~ (Part '4) ( 1 hr.) d's raue . . lllP•l•lf•IW-·-----1• ~~"Enter ~he Ninja" (198t. Adventure) Franco Nero. Susan George. An American martial arts expert sets out to avenge the murder of his best friend. 'R' (1hr .. 30m1n.) • CZ) mw. "True Confessions" ( 1981. Orama) Robert De Nlfo. Robert Duvall. The usually separate worlds of 1wo broth- ers. a Los Angeles police deteclive and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest. con- verge du~~ a murder investigation. 'R' { 1 hr .. SOm~ 11111 :o~OFllAn&AllA A behind- the-scenes look at the multi-media Broad- way extravaganza. "Beatlemania." Cf) SATllDAY ...r 8 • .,_.Remington and ..aw Guest: A~lxon. Laura investigate the murder of an 1-ce&r,n~---· ... author's husband al a literary party (I ,,_ Cl) WP hr.) I'. e... •IUICMOl-1"1 QIBT Dan tries to rescue a 111AT QUIZ"'°" kidnapped heiress. and later Is mlstakenty l.-TIOFUll,.UCllCO sought as a terrorist along with Cody, Art -IM "Culture At Fof'ly Below" A alnd,~A.~· i119.>•-look at Alaska's cultural explosions as a ,,_ -_._. result of pipeline and windfall profits and m mAT mlAI "Llberly" Dr. Mor-its large doses of Western culture. timer Adler declares that there is no such 1-••..,.y thing as Nbefty Itself. ( t hr.) DOCTOR•ntl- CC).,_ "Lipstick" ( t976. Orama) Mar-.,_"Ode T<1 Billy Joe" ( 1976, Ora- gaux Hemingway. Anne Banc,roft. A top ma) Robby Benson. Gtynnts O'Connor. fashion model Is humiliated and frustrated Based on the song by 86bble Gentry. A by her unsuccessful attempts to sentence tormented teen-ager's past experiences the man who raped her to prison. 'A' ( t complicate his first true romance. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) hr .. '46 min.) (H) 11tl ,...,. ...... _. llU. The <D .,_ "Tiffany Lust" (1981, Drama) unpredictable British comedian portrays Arlene Msnhatten. Veronica Hart. A various characttlfS Including a striptease young wile leaves her husband and artist clown and a henpecked husband embarks on a &erl&S of sexual adVentures. who uses his video remote contrOI to i! hr .. 25 min.) freeze-frame hlS unbearable wife. (1 hr.) CZ).,_ "Out Of Season" ( 1975, Ora· (I).,_ "The Incredible Shrlntclng Wom-ma) Cliff Robertson. Vanessa Redgrave. an" ( t980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Old problems resurface when former lov- Grodin. A hOusewile finds it f'll\rd to cope ers meet again at an otf·seasoo seaside wtien she suddenly begins to shrink In resort. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) at llf.a Of 11tl NIMT: m.1.Y Derek Bennett directs this drama based on Hen- ry James's "The Wings 01 The Dove" Where an American heiress In LOO<lon makes others see themselves for wtial they realty are, starring Rosalind Ayres. ( 1 hr. size. 'PG' I 1 hr .. 24 min.) tW dl).,. "The Mummy" ( 1959, Horror) miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliilll ............ ...,.,.., *5 IHI CCIQI lll1llway COl"Ofta del Mir Mt:N'S TllADtT10NAL WEAll '"' I hool(' '""° 1ho11 for qu1lll) I 'pata1rs do1mu101r- o/I oround Pat Morlt,(1 you con Javor thl' i ucctas/ul look1 '" d ou1 trod1t1onob-to1lo~d />JI ~ tro/t1nvn who corr- dt11gned from 1uperb ~abric• }or your comtort 1• Friday, November 12, 1982 STARRING BALBOA FUN ZONE Join .. Newport NOW" At the of a 6I f<enJ•zvou6 . . . As the Residents of Newport e1~~~1#---- :Jl.a,./.6 /o,. tlu ·m,morf •6 · * Th•nkaglvlng Holld•J lpecl•I * MondllJ • Wedneect.J • Prld8J et 7 p.ni. CABLE CHANNEL 10 • ' - l~Mlll,.n =~=:1;r•on • ··---·----......,,. .. ," .. • umTUU. l oe Angelel Lakon1 • 1111 Waahlog1on &1i.11 (2 "'' ) • MOWI "Tt\tl Day fh4t HOI LlnO Oot Hot" ( 19G9. Ornmft) Ct18rle& Boyer. f1oll urt Taylor A young m1rn liuds t'fmaull 11wolved In a OIUl(IOIOUll nnd c:omf)luic 1ri1ornat1onal Oiplonoge plot whon ho plc:kll up tha wrong trunk at 11 Horcetonu ~I (lhr ,30mfn~ • .. • Cl) 1'MI Mii W MAZZA9 Enos ueta m<lf• than ha was expec;t10f when hi& lodlar It flnatty detivefed frQll1 J!Ofage at the PQ_lk;e station ( t hr ) G • Tiii ~ W llATnllW ITAi Pam and Ma11hew &et out to !Ind Pem·a uncle. who has mysterlouGly dl8{tppeered over the Bermuda Trlangle (I hr,) e mwll "R911enge Qt The Creature" ( 1955, Horror) John Agor. L0<1 t1etso11 A city 1s 1e11011ze<:1 by a sttenge creature who IS half men, hall hsh (2 hrs J 8 (II ~ Benson teaches en eco nomlcs course that Krous hes lo poss 111 Ofder 10 keep her 1ob D II mwll "The Red Bldge or Courage" ( 1974. Drama) Richard Thomas. Mtchaet Brendon Based on the novel by Stephen Crane. A Civil War soldier demonslretes true courage allEtr panicking 111 his first ene;cs;ncounter ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ; P& IUCll'\Zl'W A sweeps1akes winner olfets Ops on entering contests, an an1mat CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Gary Bar311oski UE;\l> \l'ITllOlT J'AI\ ' .. IOI OC>fllltt~ Of 12 111\ii.a wflO div• from ll 35·100Mt DOe1d ... " r, Majttlyk" ( 1914', Advon· lure) Chatlet 81onaon, Linda Ct111,.1 A 11)9!oo grow.i lrorn Coloredo dileovell " COOIUlC.I Ital ~ put out 011 him by lhe Malle end 1t1ugglet 10 eteePo 11 mob hll IJ'On (2 hr1 I 8-IM "Colh.ire At FOfly Bal<>w" A looll 81 AIUk•'• eullur11 eicplotlon1 OS II ralillll ol ~II~ Ind wln<Jfall ptOlll• nnd Ila lar=of WHtern oullure. I W -•Mwn WML -"A S1nr1 ror ttoua· Ing?" Guett Batb111 r Atexondor, lir&I vlOe prtlldenl, Smith Barney. Horr11 llPham & COll'Plny. Ct) .,_ "Rough ~t'' t 19~ Adven ture) Burt ~ynoldl. Lesley-Anne Down A B1111th 10Clallte lurH an fntem11tlonat tewel thief 001 ol rettremenl 10 belp hor steel $30,000;000 In dl&monde. 'PG' (-' • hr.,6~ml~ (!) "°"' ,. . CID .,_ "True Oonlesslons" ( 1981. Orama) Robert De Niro, Roberl OIJ\lall The usually separate wOflds ol two broth ers, a Loe Angeles pollce detective and an ambthoua Roman Catholic priest. con verge durlng a murder Investigation 'R' ( 1 hr., 50mln.) (I) lllOVll "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fonoa. Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel agalnst thefr subjugation by a male chauvinist boss. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 60 min.) ._."The Enforcer" (1976. Drama} Clinl Easlwood, Tyne Daly. "Dirty Harry · • Callahan Is to1ned by a female rookie 1n his pu1w1t ot 1 group ot CaUtomla flVulutlon er• totrCHltTnv Sin rrenollco 'A'°.(I hf , 38mln I -1AMl•TMIPA&Y • .. 111 TMI .. OID ccuu r.u. con- roc:111 a bull~ l>OXel whoM glllfrlend he'• I~ ... 19ALnmAT NilCI "Tap Oonciln"' ftlnullakktr 11tt11r1 Olockwood 01p1uro11 lh• redlacovery ot tnp <lancing old nnd now. Uh1.J • WAU.rrmr-""Stan ror Hoot· Ing?" Ooetl' B11rb6r1 T Alourn.Jer. ll1at vice pteeldenl, Smtl_h Bornty, Hama It.Pham & Company • _.. c:cunY "W&~lon Anlgn men1" Convreumen Jerry Pauerson. Robefl Badham, Dan Lungren. and Wlf. llam Oanr'9meyer ·dlseusstfl changes In &Oelal aecurlty wllh Jlm Cooper. • .. UZI llOWll "Task Force" {1949, Adven- ture) Gary Cooper. Jane Wy1111 Naval officers atrugyle 10 appropriate funds for carriers during World War II (2 ~ .• 30 mtnL ... Cl) NU.Al JR and Bobby's true col· ors emerge as they llQht tor con1r~ of Ewing Otl. end the tamlfy he& va11ed emo tlons when Miss Ethe invites a genlleman friend to dinner. (I hr.) II GD ~ -Mfchael and Devon are pitted against an earlier prototype of their computerized car that lacks KITI's concern tor tiu~1;/te. (1~ 8 0 ,,.,.lUT A ICM tBO Ralph and Pam's wedding day It disrupt: ed when lhe President sends Ratph on a Allled Lighting Is · Your hom~tow(f full s~rvlc~ lighting c~nt~r We are Southern CaHfornla's Most Complete Selectlon of Ughtlng At Competitive Prices. * Over 100 Unes In Stock * We Repair All Makes of Lamps * Jnstallatlons * Over 20 Years Serving > --* See Ow Complete Soutffem .\ldrl\ t....1 l ... hr' •lrlk~ 1 ..... tU3<' of ('00' brnJ1n11 p<>sture. A i.udden Selectlon of Callfomla's a---j.-->llOllUU.cUID<W .. ~CC.LUW•c:w.nL;...;lJ1.>.llAY' hp•ncna--"'Df'Yd...I JJ:P1W"ll.&t..l.il,::.•....:s.51\.1.illbl.l4w1&1.-l1IU.Mlll•A ... ~(t.p.p1wnali1l,-tt1-----E'4e~ltttlr1ngig--FFt1•rin"1------fui:g:-;fi~tliin:ti9:4Nla'.:e::etfi~"~:t=~ .... rn1...ihp.nr11e111s1 ran IN> wrall' 111,,..lolrng. * Energy saving C:hrn•prai·i .. · 1,...,. , .,m•..i1,r •lru<'lllldl 01l1ui.1mrn1 wh1~h hdps fluorescent rr"uri• normal nrrvr 1ro ... mu•··lr ~1r .. 11g1h. hulanrr. anJ nex1hrl11y. It fixtures ri·l1"'"' 1hr dg•1ml111~ I'"'" .111J rnalr• your I.irk n"xihlr aga111. .t T n I""' 1·111 t111urr "' o•ut•·n• , .•. foll<>'-prop..r lwndmg pro<'rdur"s' ~ (ll '\r1fr lwr1d lrom "dl'I 1111h (:!t \r1rr lift a111 hrav1• r1l1Jl'CI h1glm ~ than \OUr '""''-I st \I""" l~··" 1h1· uloj('l 1 1uu will lif1 141 o\vord ''"'!.'~ cMrn1n11 u11bald11•l'•I le.HI•. ll11liJ he1\\ uloir• h do"' lo 111ur lxxh . 15) I o\101d ~uJolr11 111•nrml'nl• ur "r11rrloJJ111~" ol musdr' ~IOH' d,.lrlic-ra&rl\ >"•Oj!lllP. Ir!(• 1111111 lur" l'r~"''IHrJ d> U >f'IVIO'!' HJ th~ l'i•llllllUllll\ II\ d r. gary baranosk/ Cl llROPRACTOR ( 714) 675-3492 2345 E. Pacific Coast Hwy .. Stile D. Corona del Mar COME IN AND BROWSE You won't believe our selection, you'll love our prices and our very help;ul sales people. Hours Mon ·Fr• 8 ·6 Wed tit 9 Sar B·S 30 Closed Sun ,. 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa tacross from Nurserytand NurseryJ 646-3~37/646-8194 Friday, November 12, 1982 13 -l'riclay Cont. makes othe<s see themselves IOf what they realty are. starring Rosalind Ayres ( 1 hr.} (£) CCIUl4m FOOTUl1 PMVllW (I) a:> ... "Exit.. Stage Lett" Canadian rockers Netl Peart, Alex Ufeson and Ge<S- dy Lee -better known as Rush -perform their hits including "L•meltght." "Tom Sawyer" and "Closer To The Heart." ( 1 hr) CZ) mw. "Agutrre. The Wrath Of God" ( 1972, Drama} Klaus K1nski. Ruy Gueira i! hr .. 30 min.) tatt(BJ mw. "Prince 0 1 The Clly" (t981. Drama) Treat Wiiiiams, Jerry Orbach. A New YOfk cop Is caught between federal pressure and loyalty to his fellow officers during an Investigation of widespread • lice COfrup11on. 'F!'i' (2 hrs., 45 min.) W .-:A'I TOPlllt IWUllUll ~ (1 hr.) mrmr~ ._. ..... 90¥IE "The Explosive Genera11on" (1961. Drama) Pally McCormack. Wii- ham Shatner When a high school teacher IS suspended fOf claSSioorn discussions or sex. !)Is students rally 10 his defense and force a crucial confrontation with school board offlclals ( 1 hr . 30 min.) all MOVll "Colossus And The Headhunters" ( 1960. Adventure) Kirk Morris. Laura Brown. An earthquake sur- vivor rescues a deposed queen from a herce band of natives. (1 hf. 50 min.) (£) ........... cm m¥ll "GhoSt Story" ( 1981, Horror) Fred Aslalfe. John Houseman. Mysterious deaths begin to decimate lhe ranks of a sman circle of elderly men wtlo Share both a monthly S1ory1etung get-togelhe< and a 50-~old secfet. 'A' ( 1 hf., 50 mtn.) ~-"Hands Of The Ripper" (1971. Horror) Enc POf1er, Jane Merrow A doc- tor dlscOYefS lhat his pallenl is the daugh- ter of "Jacl< the Ripper " ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) !':. "Enter The Ninja" (1981, Adllenture) Franco N8fo, Susan Geofge. An American martial arts expert Mia oul to avenge the murder of his besl friend. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) · CJ)_. "Back Roede" (t981, Come- Sal Fleld. Tom Lee Jones. A • ...,..,.le'"""" • 4 ............ . hool<er and a down-oo-his-luck boxer meet and head west in search of a new llfe. 'R' ( 1 hi .. 35 min.) Ct m¥ll "The Eiitor08f'" ( 1976. Orama) CHnl Eastwood, Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry ' Callahan is joined by a female rool<ie In his pursuit of a 91oup of California revoluttOO- aries terrorizing San FranctSCo 'A' ( 1 hr., _36 min.) 119 8 m¥ll "Rosemary's Baby" ( t968. Honor) Mia Farrow. John Cassavetes A young woman Is horrified to d1SC-OV91 that he< husband has promised their unborn child 10 a coven of witches. (2 hr$., 40 min.) CC) llCMI "The .Pursull Of 0 B. Cooper" (1981, Adventure) Treat W1lllam8. Aober1 OuvaH. A thief skyjaolta a plane and para- chutes 10 safely over Oregon with a for- tune in stolen money. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. '0 HI min&=., ... I .,_ .. :/f'?{!f!//r.971. Sclence- Ficlion) Robert ~~=·~Id Pleasence In the world of the future where humans are reduoed by drugs 10 automatons, a man and woman escape their bonds and faM In love. (2 h<a.) t'WCZ) m¥ll "Alrplanel" (1980, ~) Robert Hays, Julle Hagerty. Aftet an alrhn- er·s crew tans to food poisoning, a ner- vous former war pilot is pressed Into ser· vice and roost contend with on-board hys- t8fia. a secretive control tower and cllche-fllled memories. ·po· (1hr .. 30mln.) .. .,,. (!) m¥ll "F'tghliog FOOis" ( 1949, Come- dy) 8owefy Boys. Lyle Talbot. The Boys swing Into action to expose a gang of crooi<s who are running a boxing racket. HI WOii.i> AT LMm l hf.) .. ~ "Men's International ChamolonshlP Ana.ls" Jerry Hlleche< vs. Mike Velten (R) cm .,. "Bad Timing" ( 1980. Orama) Art Gartunkel. Harvey Keitel. A possessive psychoanalyst and a elytlsh young woman begin a tragic romance In Vienna. 'A' (2 hrs .. 3 min.) • •()) .,. "JOSI Before Dawn" (1981 • ) Geofge Kennedy, Chr18 Lem- mon. Ave young peopie on a campinQ expedition Hnd themselves in the m1d$t ol a bizarre •family of animal-~l<e moun- taineers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:11g mw. "Chamber Of Horrors" (1966. Horror) Patrick O'Neal, Suzy Parker. A homicidal maniac amputates hiS chained hand to escape execution. but returns seeking revenge with a hooked stump. (2 .{Bl.ow. "Llpstiek" (1976, Orama) Mar- gaux Hemingway. Anne Bancroh. A top fashion model is humiliated and frustrated by her unsuccessful allempts 10 sentence the man who raped he< to prison. 'R' ( t hr .. 30 min.) l:ll~mmDAmPOOTUU_..,. ~ ........... llCMI ·•stranget In The House" ( 1975. Horror) Keir Dullea, Olivia Hussey. A psychollc murder8f hides in the attic of a college sorority house on Christmas Eve . (g hrs.) M CZ) llO¥IE "True Confessions" ( 1981 ,. Orama) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall. Tile usually separate worlds of two bl'olh- ers. a Los Angeles police detective and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest. ~ verge during a murder investigation. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50min.) •CID mw. "True Confessions" ( 1981, Orama) Robett De Niro. Robert Ouvall, Tl'le usually separate worlds of two bl'oth- ers. a Los AngeleS police detective and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest, con-VBfge during a murde1 lnvesligation. 'A' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) .. e m¥ll "The Mark Of Zorro" ( 197'. Adventure) Frank Langella, Giibert Roland. A dating 19th-century swordsman stages deadly duels with his enemies. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (() PllOll M •YAM» Lm Action highlights ltom the Cenedian Football Lea,ue. •all 152211111UB 4111 e llCMI "The Affal1s Of Annabel" ( t938, Comedy) lucllte Ball, Jack Oekle. The glittering world of Hollywood stars and agents hOlds excitement tor a young newcomer. (1hr .. 40min.) •1~-1oa11 MrYc-....1 ...... .. w.T .... Effective face fift & toner .......... '25" Cle1Mifll oil: nite cream ........... 117M Moisture crt1m: h•nd lotion ....... S2QM All sil items S63.00 value. SP£CIAL 'SI" hnd cMck, wtth tu+ 11.&0 lhlpplng to ••aat111r111 •••Ill• •••••tin" 411 E. 17th . Co '>f.l Mf·c;.1 646 16 84 f.O ... I0315, c.ta Ille, Cl 12111 f8 Frld1y, ~ber 12, 1182 • Pt1t1 Cuthlog, Ctviltophlt LN Archee OIOgilt• Miii .i .000·yMl-o4d 'mummy, but llt WIJned Of danQtl If they try IO deMCt11t lt1 tomb ( t hi , 66 min ) ,,... (I) .. "rlallh And n1ec1t" ( t078. Advt0.lu1e) f\oott O.vte. Trlci. Stmbef• A tlVIH llOtlelng man !Milli up with •11 equally daring lady tor • high IOMd joy rldt that llOUMt the l tltnllon oron army U ofllcle11 (2 hi• . tO min ) 1'GllllT Hott JoMnv C1111011 uetl BOb U.Ck~ 11.':.=.rr TR*YJOm .... , ·-DAICI "Tap Oancln'" Fllmrnokl\e1 rlsllan Blackwood c aptures the redlsc011ery t>f tap dancing old and new l ht,) DAW»ll-- .. LA~Condy Lightner, found er of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. discusses what to do about drunk driving. best-selling author Judith Krantz tells what makes a block·buster book ( t hr ) ([) .ollT1C8l1lll (a> llO¥ll "Ladles· Night" ( 1980. Come dy) Annelle Hoven. Lfsa Deleeuw 'X' ( t hr., 15mln) Cl) llO¥ll ''RICh And Famous" ( 1981. Orama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis· set Throughout the ups and downs ol therr 1espec11ve lllerary careers and romantic· lives. two women depend on thelr friendship 101 stability 'R' ( I hr • 55 min.) GMCLUI 11:11 CC) llO¥ll "Roch And Famous" (198 t. Orama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis· set Throughout the ups and downs ol their respecllve hlarary careers and romantic lives. two women depend on their friendship tor stabllity 'R' (I hr., 55 min.) -1 BITlllT~Ta.mn' OTMILAITWOll» llO¥ll "Cry 0 1 The Banshee". ( 1970, Horror) Vincent Price, Elisabeth Bergner. A British magistrate obsessed with ridding the countryside of witchcraft Incurs the wrath of a sorceress (2 hrs.) Cil ... ' m llOCI COMCIR"'-.-T ----- --------~ ------------ t Chase ·(Robert Foxworth) surveys property th.at · is in dispute on 'Falcon Crest' Friday at 10 p.m. on KNX1,: (Ch. 2). I LCM. .-c• snu llO¥ll "Paternity" (1981, Comedy) Burt ffi!ynolds, Beverly 0' Angelo. A bach· elor In his fortle!l who wants to be a falher searches for the right woman to bear his child. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11:90 GD ICfY ••WWW Guest: jazz singer Linda Hopkins. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) eccuua · (!) ~ "Catllf Empire" (1958, West· ern) Joel McCrea, Gloria Talbott. A hated caltle boss see+<s to double-cross the men wtio sent him to jail. (2 hrs.) I LCM.._ C•IMI ,,.,. • '"'...r: lal.f Derek Bennett directs this drama based on Hen- ry James·s·~·The Wings Of The Dove" w™!re en American heiress in London __ -5£1UU~S -ifif+--i£)-~·~d(.~ Corona del Mar Medical Is A Meaical Office In YolK Own Backyard That Will ! ake ~~~~ 0 ° 0 fe:1riveJ<.~wdcrs, nc. .. .. ~~~£ 3';/>ff~J'/ Classic Jtw•y for Today's Ckssic F nfions Diamonds • Ptarts • Gemstones COMPl.Elt DIWY SOVICES Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mar Custom Designing Remounting • Repairing Manufacturing -. (~14) 7ICM7l8 2610 Ent Cont Hiahw1y Coron1 del Mu, Ci. '=· Acr_,,_ __ ,~a..- w. .... -.. r.-.... vi.. ...i-..c..11. Friday, November 12, 1982 15 - -lalurclay Cont~ 1 ~'11°'1111 (II C IM RaAl "Soup For PreSI· dent" Two mischievous boys conduct an election campaign lor class president ~)- • ~he Far Country" (1955, Adventure) James Stewart. Ruth Roman {_2hrs.) 9 __, • WAlDCOLOlt wmt ctla aJUI l lRO-\'IMI IC-•lllDcm •TOllCYCU RACalQ Coverage ot the U.S. National Championships from ca.aa Mesa. Calif. ~s.) (8) IOlllQ'I : _.,. NltTI (Q)_,,. "Charlie Mullin"' ( 1974, Adven· ture) David Hemmings. Ralph Richardson Q hrs.) CZJ .o¥ll "'True Confessions" ( 1981, Orama) Robert De Niro, Robett Duvall. ( 1 hr., SO min.) e _,,. "Vigilantes Return·· ( 1947, Western) Joo Hall, Margaret Lindsay ( 1 11:11 h'··r~ I ..... Ml amUCMI IWTAll> I:: "Abbott And Costello Meet The Mummy" ( 1955, Comedy) Mar1e Wtnd· SO<, Michael Ansara. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I IMllC OP oa. PMl'l'lll IRO-YUM .,. "Belle Starr" ( 194 t, Western) Gene Tierney. Randolph Soott (2 hrs.) (I) ... "Legend 01 The W1kf' ( 1980. Drama) Dan Haggerty, Denver Pyle ( 1 hr .. 40mln ) n:lllll).,. "Unconquered" (1947, Adven- ture) Gary Cooper. BorlS Karloft. (3 hrs..) -8 AT Gm Guest: authOr Leonard Wlbber· i (1 hr.) nla~IJMoocmt-• _,,."A Man Catted Sledge" ( 1971, Western) James Garner, Dennis Weaver {?hrs.) • llO¥ll "Masters 01 Kung Fu" (. Adventure) (2 hrs.) e llOODlllmrrt W "Getting Into Drawers" Roy Undef'hlh demonstrates the Ins and outa of drawer IJlaklng with dlller- lent ~~~t;ji;:_IOlollon. ........... --~ .... "Fitts Of Foly" ( 1973. Advet'l- turel:Bruce Lee. Maril Yl. ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) -ICMPOOTIAU. Mwmt5 I CllDIO 1----... "I Go P " ( 1980, Satire) Animated. Voices ~Jonathan Wlnte<a. Vincent PrtQe. ( 1 hT. 20 min.) e .,.. "Saddle Tramp" ( 1950, West· e<n) Joel McCrea, Wanda Hendrix ( 1 hr., 30 mlo.) we (I) ifOITI IAn.AY Scheduled: live CO't9rege of the Supertkatee exhibition teetUtlng top tlgufe lltetert (from Madi- eon Square Garden In New York): five CQ\'tfege of the Hector Comacflo I Greg ~ ;:-ni:.t°"'~E~ '~qm t.-. ""'·, • . ) • "KM!«• Klllmanj9ro" ( 1990, A~tute) Robert Taytor, Ant~ Nltw· I. (1hr .. 30 min.) ••1 IW __....,. .. "The <Met ~n" (1962, Of• 18 Frtday. Nov.mber 12, 1982 ma) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara (2 hrs.) • IOVA "AdVentures Of Teen-Age Sci· enlists" Some winners of thlS year's West- inghouse ScteOCe Talent Search, whose interests range from silkworms to solar cells, are introduced. D (1 hf.) ID WI.a.A Sc~: covera~ ol the PKA Karate Championships rom Montreal .. Canada): cOYera~ of the nter· national Aerobatics Championships (from Fond Du Lac. Wis.). (1hr .• 30ml~ I OCUllaM-MllDi-IT ,...I llDllAL IODIO .,.. "Harper Valley Pl A" ( 1978, Comedy) Barbara Eden, Ronny Co11. (2 hrs.) (2) _,,. ··spirit Of The Wind" (1979, O(~ma) Chief Dan George. Slim Pickens. ( r.,40min.) t.11 F-TIIOOP ICM.TUii OCU11•m-.-c1•1T ... "The Drowning Pool" ( 1975, MyslBfY) Paul Newman, Joanne Wood· ward. (2 hrs.) (I) WACKY._. OP ml11WI .._ Guest Mon~ Hatt. · ., •. ~...., -..,,.._ .,. "Pony Exptess" ( 1953, West· ern) Charlton Heston. Rhonda Fleming. ,g, hrs.) • ·:.ni:.r=: ~~~~Ising: Tricks Of The Trade" Master merchant Len Mattioli compares his techniques with those ol the prasldeot of e large adllertlt- i company. ~A·llm .:OllDc:mmliY ........ "The Fourth Annual Ven- triloquism And Comedy Show" Marlette Hartley hosts this return engagemenl featuring the wO<ld's masters of the magi· cal art of ventriloquism. (I).,. "NeYer So Few" (1960, Ora· ma) Frank Sinatra, Gina LOllobflglda. (2 hrs., 5 min.) O .,_ "Paternity" ( 1981 , Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Beverly 01 Angelo. ( 1 hr• 35 ~ • "Red Sundown" ( 1956, Wnt· em) Rory Cslhoun, Martha Hyer. ( 1 hr .. • 30mln.) MtlMIWOUllOlllllMI ..... w . ....... --"Culture At Forty a.low" A took et Alalke's CtJltut11 eK~ as a r89Uft of plpellne and wltldt1• prollta and Its latJ18~ of W•t•n eultute. 1 ..... -... ~·--- charactf!fS he does. ·1..nma.,. _._. ... "Any Which Way You Cen" ( t980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. ( 1 hr, 45 min.) CD _. "Flash Gordon" < 1980, Sci- ence·flctlonl Sam J. Jones, Max Von §1.~1hf.,50mlr\.) I lQ} "Green 1ce·· ( 1981. A<Nenture) Ryan O'Neal, Anne Archer. (1 hr .. 55 min.) · (2) .,. ''Design For LMng" t1933, Comedy) Fredric March. Gary Cooper. ( 1 hr., 30mln.) •@ ~ Ml a lllOlr.a.A Soheduled: coverage of the PKA Karate Championships !from Montreal. Canada); coverage of the nter· national Aerobatics Championships (from IFondit.f ~~m~) ICJal llDcm Nnm INllf A scientific explotation or athletic perlorma.nce wNct'I can aid ath- letes In lmprO\llna their game. (R) e.,. "The ~eat Acmntvre" ( 1954, A<Mnture) Klell SUcf<Sdorlf. Andln Nor· borg. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) • .._ "Ralls Into Latamle" ( 19~. Westem) John Payne, Marl Blanchard. (1 hr . 30min.) •1awmnou .......... "·-... "Dragoo On Fife" ( 11NIO, Advet'lture) Bruce Li. (2 hrs.) • <II lllATllT 8'0ITt LI ..... "Affirmed" Host: Ken Howard. .... ''Butch C8ssldy And The S4h dance Kid" ~ Western) Paul New· 1J1an, Robefl d.~) Qt ,,,.,_ OP llm • lmLY Derek Bennett direct& thle drama baed on ~ ry James's "The Wings Of The Dow" where an Amef'lcan heir.. In • London IJlakes ott\ets aee themaelvee for whet they rdalty are, starring Roeallnd Ayres. ( 1 hr.) !!ccmvlm-.JLD .... ''Wordl And Music" ( UM8, ) Mlclley Rooney, a.tty Garrett. -~,_, .... .... "The Petty" ( 1988. Comedy) ~longlt. (Un.) ----·· -·=-...., .... u••• "811 ----· Hole! Ken Howwd. . .. . I • L-.---- •CEU,.___,. CC) ... "~ Cut" ( 19'9. Adv911 turt) $ut1 nc>ldl, Ltllty•Anf'l41 Down ~tit .. &a min. • "Gholt Stcxy" (198;, HllfrOf) td Aat•lrt, John HOUMmAn ( I hr . bO min.) .. .. "Th41 M•d Ooct0t QI M1trkol .. , ..... Ir*· ~·,~looel Atwill. Una -,~= 1hr .. 10mln. ... our ... "PTIMe 01 The Clt " (1981, •m1) l reet WHtiams. Jerry 6rt>ach (2 i ,46mln.) .. ,., .. .. .. "OUI Of Season" ( 1975, Dla- mal Cllff Rot>artsoo. vanesaa Rtdgrave. 1 hr .. 30 min.)• .. ~-u.MOO ..•. "' ~--,.., .. "Dating" mnmm &SIU .. .... ,u. IANmAT_..,._. .... •W.CTmM.-"Women's Bas- ketball: Shoollng" Guest: Theresa Grentz. ffi) CB)llDN "The Great Adventure" ( t976, Orama) Jack Palance, Joan Colllns. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) · .. PM&.•IM&D .. CGL&mfOOTUU....W II) .. 111AftCAT ........ XI lftMI VG1:1•~nm ------lf'l,_JU Ill .-TMl'I ... MIUflTI WMSY .-0 06 ICllATIWI ....,.. Guee·=~ .. Cl) -"Ice Hockey: Passing And Receiving" Guest: Bob Johnson. {R' . NI Mm lWllDI• IM.WlllCl9~ .. _. •·t . TmM.IDll MWT ,_IOLMTM C111m JSD -u111..o· ,..,_ TOIAPGl IBLTM .,,. "The Drowning Poor· ( 1975. Myslety) Paul Newman. Joanne Wood· ward. (2 hrs.) Cl) VIC'I y~ LOT (D) ... "A Happening In Hamelin" i!.975, Adventure) (2 hrs.) (I) M IOU -Captain Kidd's burled treasure and two mysterious strangeis add up to suspense and adventure for a -~boy. Mfti iiiMz "The Westerner" ( 1940, West· em) Gary Cooper. Walter Brennan (2 hrs.) • 1:11 (%).,. "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow, Keir Dullea. ( 1 hr.,35 ~ .,.,, .... I M.ml'TAUI --· 9 P~ I Ln1ll MICALI I MClll Ferdie· Pacheco (left), the nght doctor, and Marv Albert bring their wit to rightside on 'NBC's Prime Time Boxing' special Saturday a t 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) . I IKMDAYIYAlmQOUATM •Lim 11llCIA_. c:afTmGUllTIULTM_, PDMMDlll) .,.. "I Go Pogo" ( 1980. Satire) Alllroaled. Voices ol Jonathan Wintef-. IVi~rlce. (1 hr., 20 mfn.) .. llUUlrlPUlm E~ck In The Saddle" (1941. IW~~jn) Gene Autry. Smiley Burnette M01'Nlll ··-·~--­~·-.,._ il91CAll...,. ITOll'f MWS .-T A scientific eKploration of athletic per1ormanoe which can aid ath· letes in Improving their game. (R) (I).,_ "High Country" ( 1981, Orama) rtm0thy Bolloms. Linda Purl. (1 hr.. 32 min.) G .,_"Trail 01 The Vigilantes':.( 1940, Westem) FranchOI Tone. Broderick Craw· f0td. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) .. ,Cl) .. _./MMD-OP~ · · wo. waw.o•AmAL.1 WOT•TOM IOITom06TMI llA MDUll"l .-a . m IQIDCI. Tips for better skiing: • .. --- ~*= ~.:,r~) J~ v,,. Cen" ""'"°· Comedv) Clint ~. ~ ~ .. 1·rh/~., _ n11--•_.,~ . ..,. , .. "=With Bir .. " == ... ._. ,,_ ..... eomn .. "Lovt Me Or L .. ve¥t" ( 1966. I) Ooflt 0.y. Jemt1 Cagney (2 ~ ....... CH) .. "r•thlf Flguft" ( 1981. Or.,na) Hal Linden. Tlmolhy•Hutton. ( 1 hr , 40 min.) . "'~"' al) 110Y11 "My Favorite WHe" (I'""• • C<>medy) Cary Gt•nt, lftfle Dunne. (~ h11,) (Z)llOYll "Gholt Story" (f981, HorrOf) ff9<1 A1talre, John HOUMIT18n .• ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) , •aJ--"CapeF•r'' (1962.SolpenM) Gregory Peck, AOISert Mltchvm. (2 tv1.. 30mln.J.cu ·115-.ar .... '=-~= Of The Red Witch" ( t948, Adventure) John Weyne. Gig .°'ti.(~ ''The County Fair" Tht ohlldren dilcowr the tun of eooklna and i=:~ic.=;Jor the county fair. 9'.--·--·~ . ... "Under Wesl•n Skies" ( lfM•. western) Martha O'Oriseoll. Hoen Beefy. JJ. ~ 30 mink _ ---·-•IU&/AIMW-lllllA& llCIM'YDOOl....,Q l&lmDCIUM ... ---'* U..,. Bob Vila and his crew tackle the Insulation of the old ferm- house's new wf~·-e __. CCMITY "Washington Asmgn.- ment" Congressmen Jerry Patterson. Robert Badham. Oen Lungren. and Wil- liam Oennemeyer discusses cl}angee In soci81 seourl~with Jim Cooper. . m=-~"Concert For The Americas" Drummer Boddy Rich Joins Sinatra rn a contett aMtie Atlos-Oe Cha· von Amphlll'leatre In the Oomlnk:an Rel>UbllC. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) -1-Ill Ill ... "Apache Uprising" ( 1966 . Western) Rory Celhoun. Corinne Ca~. U hr .. 30 min.) ., Tiii ~ ... Al'fU Sir Galahad jolns Lancelot In search ol the Holy Grall; Guinevere is captured by Agra- vain and his soldiers. (Part 6 ~ e nanDATCOCllml wnM MCOI ..... • "Pilatt Of Mussels" Jacques Pepin demonstrates how to choo6e. clean and P-!&P&re mussels in a var= ways. llDCMNNU-• Cl) ... M .. Yamt U. Action highlights from the Canadian Footbell League._(R) .. ..,. "Return Of The Dragon . (1972 • AdVenture) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris. ( 1 hr., 31 min.) ,... ... .,... Friday, November 12, 1982 17 ~ ., ' .-lalunlay Cont. 8 • ... iiBT ITllOlll Kimberly enters title elimination bOOt (from Atlantic City, a candid picture of Arnold In the buff In a N.J=. (~hrs.) Rl:~~;ontest. Q I _,'*.__ I ,_. UW1 IOAT On a Thanksgivlng Day T..&. MOOIB H~er goes up cruise. the crew stop speaking to each agains1 an ambitious detectllle wtlO Is other. a little boy is torn between two determined to aJ)prehend a dangerous fathers, and a girl gets. a surprise when gang ot robbers before Hooker does. ( 1 she Introduces her flance to her parents hr ) O ( 1 hr.) · • G .,.,. "Blood On Satan's Claw" (!) .,.,. "The Green Berets" ( t968. ( 1970, Horror) Patrick Wyman<. Linda Orama) John Wayne. David Janssen. A Hayden. A rural 17th-century English vii-cynical, anti-Vietnam newsman lravelS on tage becomes the scene ol strange ritas aSSlgMlent to the front lines with a bold a~8f a farmer acc1de0tafly uncoYe<s the team of American commandos (2 hrs .. bOneS of an unearthly fiend. (2 hrs.) JO min.) • .,.,. "Meet Me In St Louis" ( t945. • llYITaY "Father BrOW!l! The Eye Of Musical) Judy Garland, Tom Drake. Dis-Apollo" Father Brown has a strange mys- appotntment reigns as a SI. LOUI& tamlly tery to solve 1n thlS story abOOt the bUM· dlscover they must move to New York just ing effect of light on a sun-worshipper. Q before the World's Fair fs ab001 to open. 1! hr.) • ·s,J CH>.,.,. "So Ane" (1981, Comedy) j hr~ "The Bridge Al Remagen" Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden. A stuffy col· ( 1969, Orama) George Segal. Robert lege professor saves his father's flounder· Vaughn. A tle<ce ballle rages between the 1ng garment factory by Inventing a new Arnencan Army and the Nazis tor control ~of ladies' jeans. 'A' ( t hr., 31 m n.) ol the last remaining bridge across the (IJ .,.,. "Paternity" ( t981, Comedy) Rhine. (2 hrs.) .J Burt Reynolds. Beverly O'Angelo. A baoh-1 ~Tm Guest Shlriey Ve<rett. elor in his forties wtlO wants to be a father GDtmt "little lnjustlees: Laura searches tor the right woman to bear his Nader Loolcs At The law" Anthfopologlst child. 'PG' ( 1 hr,. 35 min.) LaU<a Nader compares the way legal sys· (I) .,.,. "Southern Comfort" (1981, terns In Mexico and the United States set· Orama) Keith Carradine. Powers Boothe. tie disputes and consumef complaints A group of National Guardsmen on week· i ) o (1 hr.) _ _.. end maneuvets In a Louisiana bayou _..__.. spari< a amaW gue<r111a war with a commu- llOWll ''Three 0.ys Of The Condor" nlty of backwoods Cajuns. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 .(1976, Sutpenee) Robert Redfo(d. Faye min.) Ounaway. A r8998tch reeder employed by (%).,.. "Ghost Story" ( 1,981, Honor) the CIA uncCMW1 Internal treachefy when Fred Astaire. John Houaemen. Mysterious al of his co-worilera are asaasainated by a deaths begin to declmate the ranks of a hit man who la now atalklno him. (2 hfa.) smetclrcle of elderly men who share both CJ) 'Amm TM.I nmAM' "Har.el And a monthly llorytellina get·together and a Gfetel" Ricky Schroder and Joen Collins 50-year-old secret. •Ff• ( 1 hr., 60 min.) ttar In a tele of two lost ehldren who fall .. (fl) .,.. "The Long Watt" ( 19~. My~ Into the clutches of en evll witch with an t8'Y) Anthony Oulnn. Charlet Coburn. An lnutlable appetite for chlldreo. ( 1 hr.) amneele victim ~ thet he Is ... ''The Howtlng" (1981, Horror) 8Clcueedof murderandrobbery. (2hcs:l_~ Dee Wdece, Patrick Macnee. A women .. t8 .. ...., A ftlm be9ed on tlle atgry ' report• la menaced by a klllef who eeems by Willa Cather of a 1mell boy's relation· to be a werewolf. 'A' (l hr .. 31 min.) enlp with three adUltt whose llves he .. (fl).. ~~.(t ~:.r~ -· • &• ..._ Grand1ather Strei· (I) CiOUm North Cjrollna ton fnilt1s that Ectwerd and Rlcicy )oln him 111. St John's In the Hal Of Fame "Tip-Ott on the ~ at a dinner held In hll honor. Clatlle" from Sprlnglleld. Maas. (R) (2 QI ... "Bollhol Ballel In Rom«> And h1$.) JUiiet" Yuri Zhdanov and Gallnl Ulenova e .,. "True Con1ealons" (1981. atar In thlt fllmed vef8iOn of Pr<*olleV't Orarne) Aobef1 O. Nll'o. Robert Ouvall "Romeo And Juliet" chOreographed by The ueue1ty aeperate wor1dl of two br6th-Le¥ Llvrowky. (1 hr.) .,., a Loe AngetM police detective and an e .,. ''The Prtva1e Ute Of Henry VIII" ambltloua ROman Catholic prieet, con- (1933. Drema) CNf1es Llughton. EIM verge=: murdef 1nvee11gat1on. 'A' ( 1 Llnchell'-• The hearty Engllett king takM tir .. 50 mlr), eevetal ~hrt.) ·-r----,,~llt-'M•m= Of ~~11 (198 . -:WAIY laAm An ambitious Orame) T,_t WMlama. Jelry Orbectl. A country t1r1gef flndt hlmtelf the star New YOfk cop 11 caught between tedefal attraction at 1 MCOnO-rate cate. aoo a PfelMKI and loyalty to NI fellOw omc.rt d!Yorcee tia ndl to receive 1 fortune If ltl8 during 1n kM&tloatlon of ~ can MvtYe 1 horfot-fllled weekend. t;J ( 1 D corrupclon. ·A' (2 hra. • .es mn> hr ) -I ... "Hear No Evil" (Premiere. IJ .... "S (0011111)" (197 1, ) Oii Gerard, Bernie Ceaey. Ari ~) werren 9-tty, GOidie Hawn. .,,.,ldeS*,,...~m-nt polce deteciM c.tNa out rwo cUprlts •• ct'8lld 11 over Germanv hll own llweet'r"°" of • mot= ~ 1 bank rot>bafy In Hamburg. (3 r "" E~~ '!'\ r --<i::ii1.-,.w-• -Cowf• of the~ .... 'LOY9Me0r~MI" (1956 ton I Eddie o.'111 16-roynd W8C Dotti o.v. Jerntl r~ A. ~~~ -1-... -0:7.0o. HamehO 11>f~ boUt' ~. bUt baoOn'lel ~ when he cowtragt of The Toryy Ayell / ...,: iiJ'oll"i•!tn., a Mn.) ,.,. 12~ WIA ~ l'llldlll .. A -'-n. I IYIJ, ~ To Dln- 20 Friday, November 12, 1982 _.. (1142. Comedy) ~ Woo19y, l Belle Davis. A feisty cetebrity stranded because of an accident decides to help out aUus h0Sl$'..home... (2 hrs..)... fD llO¥ll '!All Al Sea" ( 195&, Comedy) Alec Guinness. Irene Browne. A ship a captain sutlers from a disastrous malady, seasickness.. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) · CIDVIDIO M80I • .,. Nm fOOIUU. ....... "Air Force" (1 hr.) ...IAnm&Y..-nP• '"'I WM't*~LA vs. USC (2 hrs., 30mln) • .,.,. "West Side Story" (1961, Musical) Natalie Wood. Richard Seymer. A Wast Side boy falls In love with a Putf'to Rican glrl. adding fuel 10 the lire of a. New York gang war. (3 hrs., 20 min.) e .,.,. "Magnum Force" ( 1973, Mys. tery) Clint Eastwood. Hal Holbrook. A San Francisco detectiVe traces a serlea of murders of notorious gangsters 10 a frue- 1rated police team. (2 hrs.) QI _Tm Guest: Shirley Verrell. CID .,.,. "Stranger In The House" ( 1975. Horror) Keir Oollea. OIMa Huseey. A psychotic murder8f hides In the aUlc of a college soror1ty house on Christmas Eve. Uhr., •o min.) W.,. "SQueeze P!ay•· (1981, Com. dy) Jim Harrls, Jenni Hetrick. The glfl- frlend9 ot sottbell players decide to form their own team as • way of avenging their ~leot. 'A' (1hr .. 30mln.) llJ .._ John Bynet &howl you thlngl , • stranger than truth, tar~ than fife, and • zanlei than anything you ve eve< Men. CJ) ... "Thi lbt Nudle Mullclll'' ( 1975. Comedy) Cindy Wllllame. Bruce Kimmet A down-and-out Btoedwlly pr~ ducer plans to ;r1l lnt•ett In hll lat_. project by ata It completely In the nude 'R' (1 tv.. min.) 1W 111.) .. "I, The Jury" ( 1953, Mytl8'Y) Bltt Elliot. Preston Foster. BMed on the novel by Mlci<ey Spillane. Mike Hammet tett out to avenge the murder of hit ball friend. (1 ~r., 65 mln.l ,_! ____ ,... e Unm&Y ~ U1J Hott: Drew mint°'•· Guetta: Squee,., ( 1 hr .. 30 1 .. ~ittle FllUll And Big ~· j t970. Orama) Robef1 R9dford. Michael • Pollard. TWo mototcycllts leaW behind a string of br<*en heer11 • they roar ttvougti the West on battered blk• with ~· dftema. (I hr .. 55 min.) i ... "Hustle" ( 1975. D'lma) Burt Reynolde. Catherine OeneiMt. The ,._ "''""' . ..,.... ... .,, ___ _ glamorout call Qlr1 reechel a orllll point during the lnvetltgatlon of a young ~ .,, .• dttth. (2 tn:. 15 mWI.) a .-··~ Balet 1n Romeo w JUllet'' Yuri Zhdenov Ind Gallna UlanoWI atar In thll fllm9d Ylf'8ion of Pl'oecoftWI "Romeo Arid Juliet" chOrtOgfaphed ~ ,~g~.J .. ,_.. .. "Hlgtl SChoOI Memoriel" 11. Or.ma> Jamie am.. Amine I ,~1'! } r-·----" .. "Ooodbr9 51"'·-·-• Dr*M). ~ 'f(rilltl. ~ A baUfUWOf'IW'l'I ~ b lht llltlmllt ttotlo ........ bftnal hlr IO a ~ ..... -."' (1 hr •• "°"*") ·-''TN &M11*0ft'' u.~r.. :>r..r:t:.• ... ~ .......... ,... ............. ..... llM ma1ktt In _,Ch Ol 11\1 tlltlryU.V loote 2!.YMO:..:. llJ OI umtlM.L Nortl'I CatollN w. 81. John'• In tl'lt Hall Ot rame "Tip-Ott ls••t=lngli.lcl. MtM. (2 hit.) · .. "Tl'lt ClrMt ~ c.p.t" , eom.dy) Chtri.1 Grodin. Olano v.":;· 40 min) MOWll "So Fine'" (1981. Comedy) ~ O'Neal, Jack WGJden ( 1 hr .. 3 I (%) "°-"The M .. ~1 Men tn The West" ( 1979. W"ltrn) Charl&I Broneon .• Lee Marvin. (12', ~~ I ...... I.. ccurry .. llCAA flOOnMLI. ... Ill--·-... u-a-...naef9111'f MICI ~ MOWll "Hllc:hed'' ( 1971. Adventure) Sally Field. Tim Ma 1 l'leson. ( 1 ti<.. 30 min.). QI DMCI "Bolshoi Beller In Romeo And Juliet" Yuri Zhdanov and Galina Ulanova s1ar In this filmed version of Pro61oflev's . "Romeo And Jutlel" chOfeographed by lev LavrovskJU 1 hr.) I Mnal lml-TOMULAIY -POOT&ft91••11 .,. "Fa1hef Figure" (1981, Drama) Hal Linden, Timothy Hutton. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) · CD).,_ "Caddie" ('1981. Drama) Hel· en MOfse, Jack Thompson. ( 1 hr.. 4 7 min.) , G M lllOTICTGM __ .. ...., .. ,.~!:!'... . ~·=GoesOnBoard" (t971, Adventure) Inger Niisson. Par Sundbefg~ Pippl escapes trom a ship and tries 10 dodge thieves who are afte< hef jewels. (2 hrs.) I mr••11•rrRCW. 'fllB'I Cf/9111'f .,. "White Lightning" ( 1973, Adventure) Burt Reynolds. Jennlter Blll· lngsley. In exchange for his release from prllon, an •KS*t dri-. 1f1ill• • bergeln With ledefll .uthCHltltt to help tmath • e l ring. (12 twa.) _. "At T1'1t CtOlllOIOI" txa:>k>tallon ot wlldMfe' 1 t trugolt for aurYIYtll In modeln Amtrlea teal\#8 many endaoger'ed "*""*'· blrdl anO lilhet Chai hi~ "4tYtt bMr\ filmed before. ....... MOWll "&.le Slttf'' ( 19' I, WMltrn) ri.tney, Rand<llpl'I Scott A daring women ltev .. htf hofne to t>ecom• rho lea<* of an outlaw bend at lhe oloee of the CMI War. (2 tva.Ja.. -1•1:-e. .. . Wiii A_, A fUm bued on lhe etO<y by Wllla.Cathtf of a ama.11 boy'a relatioo- ahlp w11n •tv• adult• whoN 11vee Ni changet. ( t hf .. SO min.) 1.., ...... W ,... Neal Gabler and Jet· fr~ Lycn review "Cr~" and (IJ ~~-"Concert F<X The Ametlcai' Otummef Buddy Rief\ Joms Sinatra lh a concert at the Allos De Cha· von Ampl'lllheatre ln tl'le Dominic.an ~· ( 1 hf .. 25 min.) e.,. "The SurvlvOf" ( 1961. Fanta· sy) Robert Powell, Jenny Agutler. A pilot survives a catasttophlo 747 crash unscra1ct*s llnd searches '°' the man ·n'~~~~ .. 2-4 min.) ...rum __ ...,, MCK•BI•~ M .-y IOYI I IWl:T ... llYl- 1 ... .. .._ .. ...... F •t .... U •IClmJl cAUN m ll oa 11 tF•l HDM.. .-T ........... AU.am&nmtmAT Am...U. M11'0 IACml Coverage ol the NAS· CAR lnte<natlonal Sedans (from North Wiikesboro. N.C.) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD .,. "The Last Chase" (1981. Sci- ence-Fiction) Lee Majors, Chris Makepeace. In a WOl'ld of tl'le future, a tor- "*rec. w dl!Wf llnd 1 ':.T. c:om-putltf ·~ fjght lhe govet • PfU. crlptlon 01 automobi'" 'PO' ( t hr • '° min) (%) .. "Tri.It ConteMIOnt" (t98t. Otame) Robtft De Nllo, Robert Ouva11 The U4IU8ly eepatllt wocldl ot two btotl'I· "'· a Loe A~~ dtttcl!W and an amblllou• AOman CelhOllo Pl'"'· con· vefge duflno • mufder lnvettlgetlon 'A' C 1 hr .. bO mln.J e -.AMDW "Can~ Nuclttr Wtap.. ont Accident Happen •••?" Sttvt Tal- bOI ptOOea the tlldden hitloty ot nuclMt weapon\ accldenll, pinpoint• whefe nuclear wupons are tiored In Northftn Calilornill and unc~• laPMt In 1t1t way )he m11111ry htndlel theae weapont • ·1=¥· . m -Fat\.Wed: an lntetView with • HoPe at hie home: a tool( at rock atare lhet hevt died lnc:IU~ Jim M0trl· aoo, Jlml Hendthc, John Lennon end Keith Moon. i ':'C::.ameo ~eatufed: a para- chule jun1Qing cleis; gourmet Ctief GeOI°' Munger demonstrates tilt stuff~ mush· room recipe; • look at Tijuana's new cul· rural cente<. I ~71-:: .. tmll tie Greet AdventUtt" ( 1976, Drama) Jack Patance. Joan Collins. A yoong bOy Is abandoned with his dog In lhe rugged Alaskan Roeklea. ( 1 hf .. 25 min.) . , · (0) ~•A DO:ml IT• Hlghllgl'lts ate presented of an evening earlief this year In Los Angeles In Which a stellar gathering of actors. comedians and muaiciana got together to raise funds 10< tl'le Natlooal CommltttMrfor an Ettecrive Congress. G coui.."1UnUL.L Arizona Wlldcats ~. California State Titans (2 hfs.) ... Cl) WALT ...., _Aci<beerd's GhoSt" A COiiege track c<>'Ch (Dean Jones) gets saddled with tl;le ghost ol the ' lamed pirate Blackbeard (Peter UStlnov). who has been cursed to wander in limbo Ufltll he perfOfms a good deed. (Part I ) (t hr.) OPPORTfJNITIESlll------L . . IN ELECTRON/CS & COMMUN/CATIONS ---1~ • • • Lnrn a MW ele/11 • O.v•/op LNd.t8hlp • Male• "9w Frl•nd• • Enjoy twgular Civilian Lit. 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa We Iller ••• • Exc.l,_,,t CarHr Opportunlt,_e For H.B. Graduate or Equlv.i.nt • Training For PHple With No Military Exp#lence .• A~ 17 or prlot to 35th birthday • Opening• for Prior Sena lndlo,lduale SOUND INTERESTING ... ??? CALL TODAY 979·7363 (betwMn 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.) CINDY OIHatNG SSGT. Friday, November 12, 1982 19 .................. ----------------~~--- f ·1....a •-econ ,__ ..,.... , ... TU .am "Hansel And Gretel" Ricky Schroder and Joan Collins star in a tale of two lost children who fall into lhe clutches of an evil witch with an lnutiable appetite for children. ( 1 hf.) ·1111111-MDAYI (%) _.. "True Confessions" (1981. Drama) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall. ( 1 .. "'··~· .. ~-"--* ,.. CUI,_ '"Religion And Sexuali-ty: Sexuality Confronts The Clergy" Oouo- las Edwards ~s al how religious lnSlltv- tlons~re with the sexuality of both cler and . (Part 2) i ... l • .. ,.-.. "The Howling" (1981, Horror) Dae Walleoe. Patrick Macnee. (1 hr., 31 .. m··----c.T•l-IGD mlle-------c....w_:_,. ..... "Smoke Stopping• Guesta: actor Sam Jonee. actrea8 Damita Joe Freeman. "*::.==c' Robert Gfove. i ,..._,__"Are Unortho-dox=r=• Effective?" • ls=.TM-A<e" 11966 ~) Oevld Niven, Francoile Dor· IMC.~~~ Cl) flOOIML Notre Dame Aght-rl ':" r All F~ '~ ~~) "Ool- lerl And s.r.. Show'' The mo.t eftec!Ne pM'I le-.. and the leelt expenal¥e Wll'f to daefl twna-..n.blel are examined. (D)M--01---''A Oort Houle'' A women (JIAla Herrie) aMrtt her own Identity aft•. confronting her hutbend'• (Chrlltopher Plummaf) lmmoralty In a tetepiey beMd on the pley c ... lblen. (1hr .• 30mln.) -"Legend Of The Wiid'' (1980, ) Dan Heggerty. Denver Pyle. ( t hr., 40n*'-) -~·--=" . -·· .. , ... 22 Julie (MacKenzie Phillipa, seated) tells Ann (Bonnie Franklin, far right) she'1 planning on having her baby underwater on 'One Day at a Time' Sunday at 9:30 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). Glenn Scarpelli, Nanette Fabray and Pat Harrington are stunned. ' -" . ~------_-_ -_ ------ «WY ?.-hufwy PIOUt-and ttle "'°" · beotleb In town. 'PG' (2 hft.~.\ ...... 1RldeftOfV~" (i963, M..tlt\H) AicNrd Ccn e; Vllleol Llnd- tora. Atter hie wlle le rnur0eted, •pr~ tOf' Mlltohel tot the lcJlert tind ,...,,. up with a man ~ wu robbtd ot Na ... ~,ht .. 36mln.) tW. ."To Sir W1tt1 l-o-.." ( 1987. Ora· ma) Sidney Poitier. Judv Geeeon. A ~k rNn leechet hit ttudentt more th9n wn.1 the textbOOk• have to offer ettet ICCfPI· Ina • Job In an Eatt End London tChool ~hn.) -,..,...,.._ -.. "pody Anet-8oul'' ( 198 I. Of•· ma) Leon fauC Kenned)'. Jlyne ~ rtv. A young bl9Clc tume to Ol'ldWlllng 10 r• the money he needt lor -medic.I IChool.. 'R' ( 1 111..:. l'llin.) • -1-·-.. "Big Houle U.S.A." ~=· ama) &odefb CtewtOf'd, Ralph -er. A ca .. ' mef'l18 FBI irwOIYement when a young boy ii kldl'lllpped from • Nonh Country camp. (2 hrt.) Qt MCl-MIOJ A ttlm bued on the ltory by Wiiia C.t"8f of a emd boy'• relatlon- sfllp with thr.. •dull• whole llvee he ~-OGIT~UM11 Coverage or the Super t ChempionthlPt i!!om Topelca~n.) ) (1 hr., 30 min.) .. (8) _. "The For " (1980, Orama) Marton &and<>, George C. Scott. While lnveeJlgatlng the murder of• cofleegue, a veteran cop uncx>Y9fl • conaolracy Involv- ing the auppretlloo ot a 1ynthetlo fuel for- mula by en oll cat1el. 'R' ( 1-ht., 67 min.) .. CD .,. "The French Woman" (1981, Orama~ancolle Fabian, Dayle Haddon. 1 A bot being ktPt open by a gcrwn- ment subeldy ii the ~ of mYfder and poQt1ca1 IC8ndel wtletl a VIP cuatomer ii w,~~-:;,<1 ht .. 37 min.) mTOf•IHfJ....._ ---9GI I .. "Ben" ( 1912, SulpenM) Lee court Montgomery, Joaeptl C.mpanel- la. A boy befriends an Intelligent rat. har· boring hfm from the police. (2 ht1.) CD) .. Hf ..... ,,.,,.,. (ff1S. ()•· 11'11) MIN 'onf91ne, JONI a.tftlf Ii t~IOf VWi le l9d Into I Ide of c#\jQI MO • e-.... , , hi 20 "*", "The....,.~ Of ...... ( 1171. ) Mii F111row, Kelf Dullea. After ~18 ffom en emotlanal etleil. • women purohleel • to.-INI IPOM'• ~be haunted. 'A' ( 1 hr., 36 min.) W .. "Ghott 8tory" (1981. Hotror) td Aatalte, JoM Houaeman. My11etiou. dellhl beglt'l 1b deelmlte the rank• or • .,,,.. circle Of elderty men who INr• bOth a monthly 1toryttlllng ~·togetlW and a yMt-old eectet 'ft 1 hr. 60 "*'· .1 .. "Kone Coat " ~=· A~· 1ure) Rlchatd Boone. v.. A young woman dlee of • drug ove<doee end the man who QIYe he< the druQI rrut anewef !IW 1oucih. ~felt*. (2MJ-----..hW~ WMdcata" (1843, cMntura) John W•yM. Martha Soon. A pretty-ICOOolteacher ouettd from • .,,.... town for having wrhten • oontr0Yef9ial bOOk becomet the oblect of romanflo rlvalty between two Oi<i.nom. oil men. (2 hrl,) • ... "Return Of The Dragon" ( 1972, ACMnlure) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris. A martial arts expert Jqumey1 from Hong Oto Rome to ~ • friend who It In whhthemob. R' {1ht.,31 min.) .... -... .. ''Siar Spangled Girt" (1971. ) Sand)' Duncan, Tony Robefta. A petriOtle, Q111-nex1-do0r type becomee lnYOIYed with two ultra-radical campue 1~1 ht .. 65mln.) IAUA,.._ · .. "Emily" J1978, "l)ral'na) l(OOJI ark, Victor Spinetti. In 19209 England. a teen-age glt1 comet of age through an attalr whh an Ametlcan IChooltMCher. ( 1 ht., 25 min.) Cl) ~ umTIML North Carolina vs. St. John'• In the HaH Of Fame "Tlp-Off Ciueic" from Springfield, Mau . (R) (2 hrl.) ... · llD'8 "Anatomy Of A Murder" TI~9. Myatery) James Stewart, Ben Gau.era. A amall-town attO(ney defends an Army lieutenant who II accUled of klll- lnQ •·man autpected of attacking hit wife. ·~rwn Corntort" (1t11. am&) Klt1b CefraOirle, Powett Boolht . A group of Nltlonal GIMrdlmen on WMlt· end "'8neUYefS In a Loulel9na blYo&' -.park • smell guerrilla w11 With • commi.i- nlty of beckwoodl C.)une. 'A' ( f hr., 40 min.) e..,.. "True Contullone"· (1981. Drama) Robert De Niro, Aobett Owell. The uttaMy eepetate wotldl of two broth• tfl, a LOI AnoelM pOloe detectNt and In' ambltloul AOman C.thollc prielt, con- verge during • nuder llweltlgalldn. 'A' ( 1 ht., 60mln.) (%) .. ''Ghoat Story" (1981. HorrOf') Fred Astaire. John Houlet'Mn. ~etlOul deathl begltl to declmete the rria Of a tmll cllcle ot elderfy men who lhare both a monthlY llOfYtalllrlG get-t.-end a ~year~MCl'et. 'A' {1 hr .. 60Jl'lln.) ... .,_"The Man Who Would Nol Die" "1976, Myeler~) OOfQlhy Malont. Keenan Wynn. The aklpper ot • ullng boat finds hlmMlf hunted by pollce, the FQI end the Mela when he plckl up a ~and • vegrent off the Carib- (i)"" liiftii" 30 ~ . ~--~In L0¥9'!l~lreom.-<M George s.g.I, ~ AnepaCh. A dlVorced man becomel • jMlolJa IUltor, trying to win hit wife t>Kk. 'R' (1 tw .. 57 min.) • TEN WAYS TO AN EARLY GRAVE 1. Your job comes lint; personal contider•tione u e aeeondary. 2 • Go to the office evenings, S•lurd•y•, Sundayt, holi· clay a. 3. 5. 7. 9. On evenin.-when 10• don't JIO to l~ olfice, tak~ 4.. the briefcaae home with you. 6. ·ru .. t because yo~'re lat . Don't eat a restful, relaxing mea4 alway• plan a conference for your lunch hour. · Accept all invitation• lo meetings, banquet1, com- mittees, etc. Regard fishing, hunting, golf, bowling, billiards, cards, gardening as a waste of time •nd money. 8. Believe h's poor policy tu take all the vacatiOn allowed. you. 10 • If your work calls for traveliq, work •ll day •nd Never delegate responsibility to othen; carry-the drive all night to keep the next morning'• entire load yourself at all limes. appointment. Harbor Lawu ·Mount Oli\te Men1orial P.Jrk · Mo1iuaiy · Crematory Printed' As A Public Service 1625 Glsler Ave. Costa Mesa (G••••r Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) Ph. 540-5554. Friday, November 12, 1982 21 ' • -lunclay Coal. Hayden (2 hrs.) • .,_ "Butch Cassidy And The Sun- dance Kid" ( 1969. Western) Paul New· man. Robert Redford. (2 hrs.) e.,. "The Quiet Man" (1952, Ora· ma) John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. (2 hrs.) • WMJ."81'-"A Start For Hous- ing?" Guest Barbara T Alell&ndef. first vice president. Smith Barney, Harris IJ.pham & CompanY.· • .,_ "Korosh1" (1967. Adventure) Patrick McGoohan. Yoko Tani, (2 hrs.) .... ,.11..,.••-- (C) mW1E "Where The Spies Are" ( 1966. Suspense) David Niven, FrancotSe Do<· lea~hrs.) ([).ollTm CHI .,. "Sphinx" (1981. AdVenture) Frank Langella, Lesley-Anne Down. ( 1 hr .. 59 min.) Cl) L.VP-A-11al A comedian host and lour comic contestants who compete against one another ere fea1ured In this uncensored comedy game show. e COUHI FOOTPU. Bowling Green =iS~•&.:.~ong ... ch Stolo '°"' Ncl m llATDI • IUICll ·-•••ITC.-•-na'IDAY COCllmWlnl ~ ,._ • "Stew OI Chicken Wings" Jacques ~n prepares a ric.based casserote. (.£) COUI• POOTIAU Washington Huskies at WaShlngton State Cougars (2 hrs .. 30 min.) cm llAI r•• ._._ • c:c.:ll'T McGovern ~ such favorites as "The Morning After' and "Can Yoo Read My Mind?" In this dellghttul conce<1 pre&enta· tloo. ( 1 hr.) (J) '&& CM DMCI llAClm A talented troupe o1 young danc«s )Oln G~ Ver· don In a muslCal salute lo the best of Broa=. • "ThleYeS" ( 1977, Comedy) .. ,~Wt:::•N&J _,_Guest: John Simon. ,_ &m "Is Thefe A Way Out In The Middle East?" Guests: Amoe Perl- mutter. proteseor of polltlcal 1Clence and aoclology at American UnMlfslty; DI'. M.T. Mehdi. prelldent of the Arab-American Aeletlone Commltt•. ( 1 hr.) • ,.. .. _Bob VIie ~the meny remodeling J)O!llllblltlet '°' the ·--~-...,., .... -......--.erifle~ landlcepe lfchltlCt Tom Wirth. CD _.. "Grendel. Grendel. Grendel'' ( 1982, AdYenture) Anlmeted. Volcel of P.t.. u.11nov. Keith Mitchel. (1 hr .. 30 • ~J.wR&I .A au.ca: Gene CO.ton, ~~AonrWtPT~. (1hr.) 11t1w•-•um••&orne very ,.,,., Inhabit.Intl of the llnd of Oz hell> • young b6y end hll woodM\ mend In tNe fllmed at9gl prOductlon ~ Chldrtn'I -111::-ir "'II' J 1 tit .. 46 ,- ........ c .... i! . ..v:.Hz &I• 24 Frtdmy, November 12, 1912 Bob Hope will tum the spotlight on the Pink Panther on 'Bob Hope's Pink Panther /Thanksgiving Gala' Sunday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 9 mw Ma • DUD John Kanl and Winston Ntshona Portray two men living In South Africa In this play by Athol Fugard, wtilch exposes suppre&Sloo and the Apar- theid •;temJ:1 hr .• 30 min.) •mw• cm .. "Robin And Marian" ( 1976, Romance) Sean Connery, Audrey Hep- t>urn. ( t hf .. •5 min.) CJ) 11.C.: m ...r '*-Cl•-Animal· ed. A caveman and his ptehlatOflc pals oelebtete a mosl unusual Thankeglvlng. ........ -1·----L. --...... "Plppl On The Run" ( 1972. Adllentunt) Inger Nlleeon, Per Sundberg. Whle keeplog en eye on two young rune· WllY'-Plppl goee <MW• weterta• In• t>er- rec. r~ • beby from an angry bull Ind ~Jr~,;. (2 hrs.) ==----....... .. "Mogembo" ( 1~. Dr.,,.) --=~=atr:t en...,, oonfllote 8flet. (2 tn.. 30 !} .. ''Gelot" ( 1978, AMnture} Aeynotdl. Uiuten Hulton. NI •· rnoooeNner end • ........,., report" fMfTI ~o ,~ 1t1t ~ of • oorrup1 po111-•WUMi.1 l mcmn IOWA "AdVentures.Of Teen-Age Sci- entists" Some winners of this year's West· inghoose Science Talent Search. who9e Interests range from sill<worrns to solar cells. arelotroduced. D (t hr.) ct).,. "The Grut Muppet Caper" < 1981. Comedy) Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg. Reportefs Ketmlt. Fozzie 81\d Gonzo uace a fabulous s1olen jewel to London. 'G' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) (l[JllO¥ll "Ode To Biiiy Joe-.. (1976, Ota· ma) Robby Benson. Glynnis O'Connor Based on the song by Bobble GentyY. A tormented teen·ager's past experleoces complicate his first true romanoe. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) (I).,. "Heaven Can Walt" (1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julie Christle. · Aller a pro lootbaff star's Ille Is premature- ly claimed by an Inept angel, the men Is given the bOdy ol a mllllonalre Industrialist 10 continue~-'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) ·1--· .. ... CUI ill Cl fala"ICCUlf . Gno~ .,. "The Longest Yard" (t974. Comedy) Burt Reynofds. Eddie Albeft. A IOfmer pro quartert>ack clolng time In • Southefn prison Is giYetl the job c:oechlng 11 group of convicts fOf a ~red footba• game against the guerdl. (2 hrs.. 30mln.) I ... ,. ... .. "T.R. Baskin" (1971, Drama) Cendlce Befgen, Peter Boyle. A arn91- town glt1 finds employment In Chbao. bUt has dlfflculty adePtlng to blO-dtY ife. -~hr··:=. • i---Phineas and Jeffley try to rescue Prelideot Llncoln from Confed- efate IOldler'I. bUt eccidentelly end up In London where they meet O\er1ea Dlc:Mnl. t! hr.) • M.IY'I .... " • ""' Featured: unuauel sports. clel8lc can. bOdy "'9tch--ers. the meMlla of time. and netunt'a oddltlet among ln9ects and analla. ( 1 hr.) ...... fUCI ~ =-"Margaret Whiting" Thie muelclen oertorma with • combo of llx lnatrumentell9ts, ... turlnn the tof'OI "Cleat Out Of Thie Wortd. ;~ "I Get A Kick OUt Of Yo.J" end ''The Sona II You." I Ml .. ,_..U-~ .,.. "Forwf In The Cloudl" The dM urldll WOltd of the tfoPlcel rein tenet In ttle Cost. Aleen mount.lne II ...,, 1 hr.) - •• -' ' . I ....... =r~·J ..... Hlgtillght1 ot ~ Bow1 VI. .. , COw vt Miami Dolphln1 .,. .. ~To Biiiy Joe" ( t976, Dt•· mil Robby Benion. OIVMll O'Cot\l'IOf ~ht., 48 min) .,. "Robin And Matlin" ( 19/8, onuaneel Seen Con~ry, Aud11y Hep • li11hr.,45 min,) --.nu.AT A 1-.n' lllOl1IAIT The hlgh111J111• o the career of lorm4ff heevyweighl ch11m ~ Mut\amlTWl'd All ( I ht ) • llOWll "Jack And The Beanstalk" =52. Comedy) Abboll •nd CostellO. Blef~•) I .,. lmMJt (JI nlllM 110W11 "Charlie ChM I" Paris" ( 19•5. yatery) Warner Oland, Mary Brian. ( I hr •. 30ml~ I ..... . ~ ...... Correspondents Lin da Wertheimer and Cokie Robens join Paul Duke tor an up-10-1he-mlnu1e sum- ~~~I activities. 1 ........ llOWll "The Great Mu pel Caper" 981, Comedy) Charles ~odln, Diana R ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) POOIUU. "Eastern Final" (3 hrs.) llOWll "Pa1ernl1y" (1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Beverly 0' Angelo. ( I hr • 35 min.) 9 lllOWIE "T~ Liiiie Prince" ( 1974, Muslcal) Richard Kiiey. Gene Wilder ( 1 hr .. 30 mill.u. ,-la: "Welk, Don't Run" (1966, Comedy) Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar ~hrs., 30 min.) -· ~-mT °' ml .. NOfU !TI)C) Guest$: Sandy Duncan. Billy Dee Williams. violinTSt Oy1ana Jenson, memo<y expert Har=Vine. {R) ( t hr ) l:F TO•A..al--WAU t1mT WBI .. A Start For Hoos· Ing?" Guest: Barbara T, Alexander, t1rs1 V\Ce president, Smllh Barney, Harris nm & Company CM.Ulll..CIWIL. tW .alTI u.AY i IAm'TULL University of Kentuck)' Wiidcats vs. Russian National team (Ir~ ~Arena In Lexington. Ky.). t2 hrs.) e llOWW "Tammv And The Bachelor" (1957, Comedy) Debbie Reynolds. Leslie Nielsen. (2 hrs.) e ~ THIAW "To Serve Them All My Days" While David searches the coontryside lor a runaway sludenl. a policeman arrives at Bamtytde with news ot a.:=-=~~!11J1 hr.) ! mMI "The FOfmula" ( t980. Orama) ~tloo Brando, Geo<ge C. Scot I. ( 1 hr . 51"mln.) I U&IMRIW 11:11 tll Ml-wmtDAW>~ 1'llllY CGll WllTTMBI mMI "Tammy And The Bachelor" ( 1957, Comedy) Debbie Reynolds. Leslie N~;,g.~~--l ........ n.JUIN1111Mn llOYll "Ice Castles" ( 1979, Romance) Lynn·Holly Johnson, Robb)' Benson. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) tQ) M --.. Oii 1Ut I I ''A OOll'• HOUM" A woman (JUU. Harri.) ttMrt• he! own ldentltv atl., conlrOfltlng het hutblnd'• (ChrlalOQhef Ptumn1-1) 1mmou1lity In • t_,.v bated on the pla't !Henrik lblen I I ht .. 30 min) --~·s 11" < 1ea 1. A<tvontvr•l •r• l • LelieV Anno Oown ( I hr, 69mln ........ .. ,.,_.,... •·BMu JerMt'' ( 19). 01ogro ~y) Bob Hope, Vera Miies, (2 hf& ) • .-AT S& QT Li ICll "The Chartet· hoole 01 P11m1" Fal~ arreated 10r mut&w. Febf~IO fllla In lovo with Ciotta, hl1 jalle<"I daUQhltf, wtlllo OupheM Gina Sansoverlna doet everytllf~ 1~ 1 ht)r powor 10~=·~~~ '1R lllMI "St. lvtt'' ( 1976. Ad"enture) ~riff B<ontOll. Jacqueline Bisset. ( I hr. 34mlll.) (I) llOWll "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1976. Fant11y) WarrM Beattv. Julie Christle (I hr.,• t min) tD 110W11 "Mark Of The Aenegada" ( 195 t, Western) Ricardo Momalban, Cyd Charisse. In the 1820s In California, a dar· Ing outlaw geta an offer he can't refuse .. ,'rorw:.r;.=r~W '"'n.) !U,!'J»~(/I w.I ....,... .-T-~EIAVIOR -llOWll "Once M<>fe, • Wtth Feehng!" ( 1960. Comedy) Yul Brynner, Kay Kon *ldall~ IBMAW ~ . ADMl-11 llAT\m "On The Edge Of Paradise" An explOfallon ot a 300-mile-long arch1· pelago ol Islands In the Caribbean, a place of great natural beauty lhrealened by 20th-century lndus1tlali2a11on. is pre· lsen;i.J~,.. llWICAltlOU91-n CR. POOl'IAU. "Western Final'' (3 hrs.) CD) llOWll "Rich And ~amou&" ( 1~ I, Orama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis· set. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) CZ) llO¥ll "Gh-OSt Sle><y" (1981. Horror) Fred Astaire, Jonn Houseman. ( 1 hr .. 50 mln.1_ tm I (I) TO• A..alllKB ... 11IOCIP IOOn Bell (Madge Sinclair) nurses Kunta back 10 health alter his 1001 is amputated: they eventuallv gel married and produce a daughter. (Part 3) (2 hrs.) (!) MOm "Rio Grande" ( 1950. Western) John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara. (2 hrs) 9 A CM:llT • Tml IOUAM Animated A cricket named Chester has the unusual "abil~roduclng sounds like a violin. •i.-r.. ... ...., rm ca.•• ..,.. ..... ---n ... "Dol- lars And Sense Show" The most ellec11ve pain killers and the least ex.pensive way 10 clean hand·washables are examined Cl llO¥ll "Bustin' Loose" ( 1981. Come- dy) Richard Pryor, Cicely Tysoo. ( 1 hr . 34:.J.. tD "The Lone Hand" ( 1954, West· emJ Joel McCfH, Balblrl Hell, ( 1 ht, .. W3() r:.l, ... IWUn .... .,. "fhe Rov..-ioe 01 rtanUnlteln" 19&8, HofrOf) Pet9' Cull'Wtg, Fr•ncte !Mot~~~,l~l.,._ .. "Rnlly 'Round The Reg Bovl" 969. Comedy) P1ul Newmen. Joenne OOdward. (2 hll,) • llOVll "ll11111e C~" ( 1956, Utam.) Von Heflin. Aldo Ray. 2 hf" I 1.-&~ Guell rtey Vtfrtlt. ' CMIWIWifl ........ m.OIY 110W11 ''The Gambit!" (HM~>. W•t· e<n) Kenn~ Rooert. l .. Pur*, (2 hra.) 00 llOWll 'Focilln' Around'" ( 1980, Com· edy) 0111y Busey, Annette O'Too14t, (I hr. •1 min). 00 llOWll 'Duradrk" ( 1968, AdVenlure1 • Johr'I Miiia, Richard Atltnborough. (1 hr,, 6!>mln) m D Cll CAmlUI "Alcohol" The e11tent of 1he ptoblOfll of d1unk d<lvlng It eitamlned 10 lind 001 INtlat'& being de><» 10 atop Iha fa1ali11et oo l~=ayt. Y" I ~Bolahol Balle• 1n Rom.o And Juli.JI" Vulf Zhdanov af\9 Galina Utenova star In thlt hlmed ver&lon or Prokotlev's "Romeo And Juliet" choreographed by Lev Lavrovsky ( 1 hr ) I ::::11 ... m.NY 1:9 lllTllOrf ....n IACa Ptltf Amell examines the plight ol Iha Ametlo8n euto Industry and what factO<ies In Detroit ate 1ry1ng to dO 10 lmprOYe the situation. ( 1 hi.) -1~1\mu.&A. MOVIE "The Glass Slipper" ( 1955, .,. Musical) Leslie Caron, Michael W!ldlng. .. ~hrs.) III MOVIE "The Callfomla Kid" ( f97 4, Wes1ern) Vic Morrow. Martin Sheen. ( 1 hr., 30m1n) ~~ca11a 1-......a1T ~9Cll.08Y MOVIE "Jack And The Beanstalk" ( 1976, Fantasy) Animated. ( t hr .. 32 nun.J (Q)llOVll "Islands In The Stream" (1977. Orama) George C. Scott, Claire Bloom. l! hr., 45 min.) C't llOWll "Gawain And The Green l(oigtll" ( l hr .. 30 min.) (.%) llOWll "Live For Life" ( 1967. Orama) Yves Montand. Candice Bergen. (2 hrs., -110==== • AT,.,.llOWlll &Jml-·-.... MCl.A«rf A film based on the stOI)' by Willa Cather of a small boy's relallon- shlp wilh three adults whose llYes he changes { 1 hr., 30 min.J • • -•All-TO. Host Mark Shields looks at the interplay ol politics. power and~ln the nation's capitol. Gf)D--llHOmWIW -tm llCI NOfU .. 8 COUN F001UU. UCLA vs. USC (2 hrs.) ' Q IUllDAY Location: Hunllngion Beach Adoplton Fair at Golden Wes1 College. ( 1 .hr .. ~ M-.comuca,1ona . '1 llO¥ll "BIOocl On Satan's Claw" ( 1970, Horror) Patri'ck Wymark, Linda Friday. November 12, 1982 23 -.Sunday Cont. CZ) llO¥IE "The Haunltng 0 1 Julia" ( 1977. Suspense) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea Aller recovering lrom an emotional crisis, a woman purchases a house that appears 10 be haunted 'R' ('1 hr , 35 min ) .. trn QIU w .. 8 Cl) 0. DAY AT A.,_ A 11ery pregnant Julie returns home seeking Ann's support tor her uncom1en11onal delivery plans. i art 1) ft.DUIQDOm MatYMmil llO¥IE .. The Roaring Twenties .. ( 1939. Drama) James Cagney. Humphrey Bogart Three men. trrencls dunng World War I ballle Oller d1Herences of opinion about lhe boQllegg1~ racket (2 hrs ) ct) llO¥IE "f!r Ives' ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bronson, Jacqueline Bisset A IOI· mer wme rep011eHurned-detec11ve 1s hired by a weaflhy ftlm lane.er 10 recover e set ol 1ncr1m1na11ng ledgers 'PG' ( 1 hr , 34min) (S) llO¥IE "Prince 01 The City" ( 198 1, Orama) Treat Williams, Jerry Orbach A New York cop IS ca,ughl between federal pressure and loyally 10 his fellow officers during an 1nves1igat1on of widespread @lice ~·r 'A' (2 hrs . 45 min l -8 (J) OM. llD. Gonzo and his colleagues work together to save lhe hie of Trapper John. who has been seriously iured tn an accident ( I hr ) .... WO.PmnlDAY CMAMT .. Margaret Whiting" This muSiclan performs with a combo of six 1nstrumen1a11s1s. lealunn9 lhe songs "Clear OUI 01 This WOf1d.' '"I Gel A Kick Ovl 01 You'" and "The Song Is You ... e NOfUI • AlllJICM MT (Season Premiere) Russian·born painter Sergei Bongart shares his enthusiasm for creel· Ing as he teaches al his summer w04'ksh0p in Thornton, Idaho, Alexander Scourby tdts D 8 ..... MOIT ..... ''The Unpleas- antness Al The Benona Club" Ahet the general's bodY is e.11humed. lhe verdict of "death br, natural causes" is changed to "murder. ' (Part 3) I I hr) (() _.. TMUTIR IUT 1¥111 GUMTa :== "Sphinx.. ( 1981, Adventure) Frank Langella. Lesley-Anne Down A ru 1htess black market anliqulltes ring auempts 10 stop an Egyptotoglst trom dis· covering the whereabouts of a prlcelelS statue she was permitted to view 'PO' ( t hr . 59 min) -1 = ..... ...,. AlmAl.I _,,.MUM -1M "Vldeo Ari" A delltlll!QO ana llJ!Vf'Y or lfie-woiks 0 arflifa fri tflli new art torm. • TOIY _... ....,_ ''Sefgeant Benjamin" Tony Brown probes lhe lacl< of power blaclc actors have In dramatic tele- visloo productions. fOCUling on Hal Wii- iiams, lhe lead male In '"P1tv11te Ben)a· min." ••cua .. , .... , .... ,Ml tW ••= ... Mmr ,..-"Cell The Medl9 S. Nlled'r' ~ media ~ ...,.., Beron; MlchMI O.On.t of the Freedom of Information Commln• of the Amettcan ~~·~ 1--.-=:: John Simon. 28 Friday, November 12. 1982 9 mAI ,.... .. Neal Gabler and Jef- trey Lyons review "Creepshow" and "Hetd1's= ... ~ ::l.\::l.TID IBlfY HIJ. The unpredictable British comedian portrays vatlouS characte<s Including a s1np1ease arhst clown and a henpecked husband vaio uses l'lls video remote control 10 l~m-lrame his unbearable wife. ( t hr ) ([) .,_ "Blowdly" ( 1976. Comedy) Pepe, Helen Madigan A Slrugghng hair- dresser finds tllat he is in demand IOI mOle than his proleSS1ona1 ,services. ( 1 hr . 15mln) (Q) A .. DAY• IDlll CZ).,_ .. Aguirre. The Wrath Of GO<l" ( 1972, Olama) Klaus Kinsk1. Roy Guerra In the mid tSOO's. an e.11pedltlon of sparr. ish conqvlslad<>fs search for the mylhl081 lost city of El D<xado ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 11:11•• ... CC) MOWll .. l:ha Gamble!'' ( 1980, West- ern) Kenny Rogers. Lee Purcell A profes· StOn&I gambler takes a 1ra1n rtde through the Old West to help his estranged son and finds romance with a shady society lady a~he way ( 1 hr , 40 min.) ::1MPllAL , ....... IAMY F-.. Can The Media Be Trusted?" Guests· media Crttic Murray Baron; Michael Gartner of the Freedom ot Information Committee of the American Ne'Tf.aper PubllShers ( 1 hr ) i ,~,i::_ 1MI llOOllll llZWI Ullll • DEAD John Kanl and Winston Ntshona portray two men living in South Africa In this play by Athol Fugard, wtiletl exposes suppresslOO and the Apar- theid system. ( I hr , 30 min.) I TY~I "Pittsburgh" .,_ "The Star Maker'" (Part 1) ( 1981, Orama) Rock Hudson. Suzanne Pleshelle. At a post-premiere party, a Hollywood director pressures a 17-year- old aspiring actress, while his wile makes her own "discovery " (R) (2 hrs ) (()IPCllTIC8f1WI 1MD .,.. "The Star Maker" (Pan 1) (1981. Drama) Rock Hudson. Suzanne Plethelte. At a post-premlete party, a HoltywOOd c:tirectOf pressures a 17-year- old aspiring actren. whlle his wlle mekes her own "discovery." (R) (2 hrs.) 1W I 'ACI 119 llA'IDI MC ... -a;•cua MEA'I am 1L ""..,.. ~ Hoste: C1rOI Lawrenoe, Stan Moo- _---.~....:.:: m. Guesta· ttJ!Ol... Zl<DbJlltU.-n"Joriii. WI m Shatner (1 hr.I ~~ ."101 Caa1tea" ( 1979. Romanoel Lynn-HOiiy JohnJOO. Robby Benton. A promllinG young llgure Ulster and '* bOyfrlend flrid IUdden auoeess riard 10 cope with when lhe It chOeen to train tor a pr•()lymplc compellllon ( 1 hr .. 65 min.) (Q).,.. "Montenegro" (1981. Come- dy) Sueen AntplCh, Ertand JoMphten. A negltclld wti. traYele 10 Stoctd'lolm end 1tt11f With• men the met. In.a nliC!dl" ""(1 IW .. 40ftllf\.) •'Lttn· LOOM" (1981. Corne- ) Alclwd Pryor, CIOlly TYl(Jl'I. A bum- botglar, I COlioemed ~ eight cHchn !Nik• • frighttMg ~-.,·~ ~ buL 'ft (1tw.,34 "*'·> -· -"8WMI November'' (UI• Drama) Sandy Dennis. Anthony Newley. A terminally 111 young woman takes in a d1lleren1 lover every mon1h 1n order lo help them with problems, but compltcatlons anse when she falls In love with her November friend (2 hrs ) t19fJ 90'llE "Joe Kidd" (1972, Western) Clint Eas1w00d. John Saxon. A sllent stranger 1s hired by a weallhy landoWllef to track down a gang of Mexlcan-Amerl- cans who have invaded the territory. ( 1 hr , 40 min) tl9 (!) Tilll COTill: W ClOll Guest: Adrl· enne Barbeau. CE) COUHI FOOTIALL Rutgers Scarlet Knights al P11tsburgh Panthers (R) (3 hrs) llO¥IE "Road Games" (1981, Mys- teryl Stacy Keach. Jamie Lee CunlS. An eccenlrlC trucker, a beautiful hitchhiker and a psychopathic klller traveling the same route play games of life and death. 'PG' (I hr., 40 min.) ' llO¥IE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. 11011or) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. As murder begins chopping away at her c1rcte of elitist friends, a prep school senK>r worries that she may be the ne.111 victim -or ~osslbly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr , 48m1n) IMCZ).,_ "The Fom1uta" (1980. Drama) Marton Brando, George C. Soott. While tnveslig.ating the murder ot a colleague. a veteran cop uncovers a conspiracy rnvotv- mg the suppression of a synthetic tuel fOf· mula by an 011 car1et. 'R' ( 1 llr .. 57 min.) U.(C).,_ '"Drum" (1976, Drama) Warren Oates. Isela Vega. A rletl plantation 0wnet is disturbed by his young daughter's lntet· est In his male slaves. Including one Iha! le fighting f04' his freedom. 'R' (I hr .. 50 min) W10IL-ICOTT ~C9Cll CMAMT "Margaret Whiting" Thie musician pe<torms with a comb<> of tllx instrumentalrsts. leaturl~ the IOtlge "Clear Out 0 1 This World." "I Get A Kick OUt 01 You" and "The S~ Is You." tll a ... U0 "'VfdeO Ari ' A definition and survey or lhe works of artiste Iii this new an form 1= "A CIOCl<work Ofange" (1971, Science-Fiction) Malcolm McDowell, Patrlclc Magee Oltectecl by Star*y Kubrick. When police capture the leeder of a teen-ege gang of rapists and murder· 9'9. the method of retiabMlt1tlnQ Nm PfOYeS even more thrNtening to IOOlety "R' (2 hrs., 17 min.) W 8 AT • Gueet: Hemlhon Jorden. aulhOf and former catnplllgn meneget fOf ~4•tv. ... CB> .... "The Howling" ( 1961. Hom:lf) Dee Walleee. Plltrk:lc Mecnle. A. woman reporter II mtnac.ct by 1 klllef whO ...,,. to be a wer"°'f. 'A' (I hf .• 31 min.) .. , ... ~ATCll MC ... llM Al ---• .,_.., McGo¥ttn elnQe IUOh tlYOfltte " ''The M~ Att.,... and "C.tn YOAJ AMd My Mind?' In Ihle de41gtlt1UI OOfUC1 pr..,,.. 1100. (1 hr.'" • •1 ... "The Htippy Hookti Qoee To f 111'!t••". (1/171. ~ •• RHthe1ton, 010f~8"'4HOf\. Thi lfreprettiblt Xtvter. "ldet ~lo the U.S. c.pitel end ""°°*9 tcwne '*Y Mntltllle aectet ~ta. 'A' (, tw •• 21 -1~.., ll'ltMB I .. - .. IUili.yCont.-· ca> ,._ 91ATM "Conc4tf1 ror rtie wt..n hit grown olllPfina gethtt f0t 1 111111 murdet btgjlll &P look Ilk• !tie '"' ltlillQ America•" Olun1mtt Buddy Rlctl IOln• l•ITillY 1tunlon ( 1 Iv., 30 min,) wtlet'I 0.0.Qit. Loulee Ind Florenoe go on Slnllra In a cioncorl at lhe Allee De Ch1 00 llOWll "Fbtatime" ( 188 I, Dratn1) a rnvezt wr-hert'~ (~I)~ von Amphllhealle In the Dominican Jim• CaQfWY. lioward t. Rollna. Amid I -... • ,,_ '-·-~bile (I hr 26 min) the eoclal upheti11al ot 19209 New YOfk,.. •MA Bot> HOf)e ~llH I OCIU.m fOOiiMi CSUI-w Stookton on vppe1·cl111 lamlly lrlea 10 hold on to the 201h annlYer .. ry of Pini! Panther lltmt hrt.) 111101110" at an angry black IHdl a mu111n1 wlth tPeOlal guttll Julie Anclrewt, Rob4i1t .. Cl) Mllll ..... fllMll BllllO ond llQhl agaln1t Ille 1ael11 •lablllhrnent 'PO' Wagner', ONn M1tlln, Aobet1 Pr•lon and epl\ilnlt toice • 1tuo11 A1 eh1e to t>ullO a l' h11., 3~ min ) r the Pink Panthtt. (2 hie.) • mueh-oMded MOOlldbathruom Cl ) -···~ • oellmf SP<lng· In -8. 09' Ponch 11nd Bot>by try tu h•IP llold lllnijt "JHM'I Qlrf" and othtt hita Tn .... &e;ap. f1om Alellraz'' o daredtvll motoltyc1111 proporo tor o o pertormunce from the ~ Unlvorul I 197 . Adlltnture) Cllnt £utwood. lump, and ~ome lnvOlved In tho Spoc1111 Amphlthe•t11 In LOI AflO'lil• ( t ht • 30 Patrick MoGoohlll. A hardened convict i ml)IOI. ( I hr l min ) mlkll ellbor•I• plan• to bf Ilk OU1 Of the .,..,.-.r11111111K a MoVW "Rich And Ft1111oue" (1981 , .-cA~Pf~lton·Q (2hta .. 20mln.) IMn MOUITOll Matt Is called In 10 OtaN\8) Candle• Bergon. Jacqu.itne Bit· , ...,. lnve.tlgate when two go1geou1 lllegu(lrdt1 set. ThroughOUt the upt find d0wn1 of IMitW Cl W• "To Serw art kilted by • greet wnlte shark ( 1 hr ) their r.epec:llve Uter1ry c.rleft and hem All My Deya" Oevtd runt Into some I " . ...,. r00\8ntlo llvtl, two women depend on touah compethlQn trom within his own· ,._, _. their trlend5hlp fOf 1tablllty 'A' ( 1 hr.: ~5 rankl an(l from an outllidef ~ he ..,. "Soaquateh" ( 1976) Oocu· min l -becomet a candidate lor headmett9f' ot mentary. Seven men encounter a strange, -1~PALW&L B1mlyldeSCl'lool. (Part 7) D (1 hr.) halt-human creature In a primitive back .. Cl) W Clark Has to make gOOd on e lftiiMW "F1ther Brown: The Eye Ot woods area. (2 hrs ) h s tall tales about h s new "glfl" when his Apolfo" Father Brown hll• a 11range my&· I ~nm Guest: Jotin Simon eccentric lather Visits. 1e<y to IOllle In this St"'Y a~t the blllld- MTim "F0tes1 In The Cloods" The I M -.A~ Ing etttct ot light on a sun-worlhlppet Q dark undefwOfld of the tropk:at rain fOfest IAT\IDAYmcT 1! hr.) In the Costa Rican mountains la viewed llO¥ll "Butch Caasldy And The Sun {IJ llOm "Gholt Story" ( 1961, HorrOf) U hr.) dance KJd" ( 1909. Western) Paul New· Fred Mltelre, Johfl Hou&eman. Myst«lout ID lllAITW9CI ntlATM "To Serve man. Robert Redford. In the late 1800s. a de11h11 begin 10 decimate the ranks of a Them All My Days" Davld runs Into some pair of good·natured bank robbers flee 10 small circle of elderly men who share bOlh tough competition from within his own South America. where viey meet with a monthly storytelling get·togethe< and a ranks and from an outsider whim he their deStlny. (2 hrs ) SO-year-old aecret. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) becomes a candidate for headmaster ot aJ 11ZW1 MIGi • OIAD John Kanl and CO) --"Rich And Famoue" ( t981, Bomtylde School (Part 11 Q (I hr.) Winston NtshOoa portray two men IMng In Orama) Candiee Bergen, Jacqueline Bis· CC) llO¥ll "The Galheflng ( 1978, Ota· South Africa In thlS play by Athol Fugard. set. Throughout the ups a~ downs of ma) Ed Asner. Maureen Stapleton. long· which exposes suppression and the Apar· their respective literary careers and time divisions among members of the lam· theld system. p hr., 30 min.) •romantic lives, two. women depend on ii of a ,dyi man come out In lhe~ope~n~ _ _J .. ~~UCl)Jl:M!_!!~A!'!!ll~l,D!•!!A~':.'.!'m~a~k~e~-be~lle~v~eC" ___ ___!l~he~l~r !!_lrle!n~d~sh~lp~l~ot~s~t~ab~l~Ql!Y_'.'~f1'._' __ _ rSOUR ROOM ADDITIOll G~allfy for Energy T•x Credit• DOUat•~A ... IN8ULAT•DGLAas Nol only doe• 11 cost ltsS than convtntoonal con. m strucllon. 11 1110 huts your home and may have .Q6 tu crtc11t1 u well An uollc room with ad1ustablt ~ 1llad1119 I/Id ven111111on For do·1t·youru1lers wt include ont man tor 1 day to instruct and 11111 you ' o tOfrt ctly Stt a moo.1 1n our show room u shown In Sun1t1. HOUH 8uu11tul & Home and Garden I CM Sl<UOllS Alll"lll/tO llOlU Hus: MDII. ltwv fri. I lo 6, Sit. 10 to 2 27812 Forbe1 Rd. Laguna Nlguel 831-5670 llC •391503 Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer . CALL 641-IJOO , Far eo_,l•••t_., C111 lldao. WISTCU,. CHllONACTIC OFflCI Dr ...... ._ ..... 200 W..edtffDr .. W.101 Me....,t.._. 1-C.Ce!I •IM_. ......... Most ln1uranoes Aooecited Friday, November 12, 1982 25 Cl) MOWE "The Incredible Shrinking Wom· an" ( 1980. Comedy) Lily Tomlin. Charles Grodin A housewife finds II hard to cope wnen she suddenly ~Ins to shrink In Nllsizei=!::I~ ~ "::!!.. Visits with three new male TV siars: Jack Scalia. Lee Horsley. and Jon-Erick Hell.some; John F Kenne- dy's personal photographef shares film of l'"'l~=~ 1---:'..:f IWA -POP This opera stars performs some of he< work, including a Gershwin medley. •••• ••.-r CH> miat'UL -Dick Cavett looks at the et"a of war bondS, "victory gardens." food and gas ratiooing and the Big Bend sound along with special guest Ralph Levenberg. a SUMVOI of the infamous Bataan Death March. CD .,. "Enter The NlnJ8" (1981. Adven1u1e) Franco Nero. Susan George. An Amefk:an martial arts e)(pert sets out 10 av&llQ(l ·lhe murder of his best friend. 'A' (1 hr .. ~mln.) (%) llO¥'I "The Formula" ( 1980, Orama) Marlon BrandO, George C. Scott. While Investigating the murder ~f a colleague, a vetet"an cop uncovers a conspifacy involv· 1ng the suppresslon ol a synthetic fuel for· mula.1..;~,~~1 hr .. 57 min.) :le:::.,..,.,.. Featured. a look 81 lhe new book "Hunks"; a giant auction and party for the biggest stars In Hollywood: a search for the perfect gift under S IS0.00. ., .... , ... U,_l-..,IC09MY m•u. ~llCTAC_,.. IMDtm'IPUCI ...... " ........ _,_Guest: Sidney Sheinberg. IMClm./~.a.f W ,... Neal Gabler anct Jef· trey Lyons rll"ilew "Creepshow" and ~·s =~ .J (Q) ... "The King Of Marvin Gardena" ( 1972. Orama) B<uce Dem, ~ Nie~ son. Two brothers. frustrated With thelf llvel, dream of retiring to 9:. troplcal pera· ----1111itP • ove Slave. Of The Amazon" (1967. Adventure) Don Taylor. Gianna Segele. A South Ameflcan e)(l)ldltlon studies Amazon tribeswomen. ( 1 Iv .• 30 min.) •• .... ,_ Weemawee High'• Cir• W.etl Sf*kS Johnny Into forming • hit own rock bend • • • LmU..._A .. __ _ Lauta and Almanzo teem INt ~ .. be foroed off· 1helf land when the '9lroeo oomee to Walnut Gl'ov.. O _O)w~ -·-~.,..deltM> .. ~ ~ Martin. Jame& Stewart. A "*' 10 help hll convict bfOthef and hie IMO eecape by ~ t)lnw8" •• hiltlD- ... 2.:;h. • • F41tUNd: ... ,..,. of a fettw and hll IOn Imm • eub- meroed er. two-min ~ .. and l'90t le Friday, November 12, 1112 pick-up trucks; Japanese surgeons blast , away bladder stones with dynamite; a man tries hot dogs with electrlclly con· dueled through his own bOdy. ( 1 hr.) Cl) Um ..... G.,. "James At 15" ( t9n. Orama) Lance Kerwin. Melissa Sue Anderson. After moving across the country with his family. a heartslcl< leen-age t>oy leaves home 10 return 10 his sweetheart. (2 hra.) i ':: ···-A vl6i1 to Bercelona; John F. Kennedy's pefsonal photographer shares lllm ot the late president and his ·~· e .,_ "Duel" (t971, Suspense) OennlS Weaver. Tim Herbert. A vengeful trUci< drlVer 1$ Intent on IOl'olng a highway motorist ott the road. (2 hrs.) al -UI "Momart" Fiimmakers make films of their mothers ranging any· Where from angry 10 humorous to loving. {Part 1) • lllMT ea a• c• "The Charter- tiouse Of Parma" Gina poisons the Pnnce ot Parma to avenge the lmprl8onment ol her nephew; aft8f he escapes from the f01'1ress. Fabrizio Is oblMous 10 all but his love tor Clelia. (Part 5) ( 1 ht.) e M1'1m "Forest In The Clouds" The dark underworld of the lropieal rein forest In the Costa Rk:an mountains Is Viewed. {!hr.) CC) ... "Rich And Famous" (1981. Orama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis· set. Tivoughout the ups and downS ot their respective literary careefs and romantic lives. two women depend on their friendship for s11blllty. 'A' (1 ht .. 55 min.) (l)lil .. ll89!TN ... ,_,.,.111• CID IT-IOClll •t "She~ Holmes -The Strange Caae Of Allee Faulkner" The master detective eearches tor stolen love lettere In this stage produc- tion. taped at the Wllliametown Theatre Festlval In Masaachulens; Frank Langella and Stephen Colline Star. (2 lvs.~ CJ) llCMI "FOi' Your Eyes Only ' ( 1981, AdventUJe) Roger Moofe. Te>pol. James Bond tracka a crlmlnal Who pur1olnect a top aecret B<llleh delenee deYloe. 'PG' (2 l'lra.. 5 min.) .... "The Last Tycoon" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Robert OeNiro. JMnne M«eeu. In the H9lfYWood of the-19309. one men'a ~ mak• him the friend of at8'S. the f1frvV ~-hungry axecut""9. and the moat bectilb In town. 'PG' (2 tn.. 2 ) .. •atc11 ..... _. •••• (1979, Orama) Jack Lemmon. Jane Fon-da. After his warnings that an atomic pow- er plant ts headed for a meltdown go unheeded. a nuclear engineer takes OWK the control room. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) e _, .... Gurits: Stella Parton. Tlm Matheson, Judith Krantz. Paula Nel- son. Gregg Bufge. Linda Gray (t hr,) ..... IMS Gf NKI "The Magnificent Beginning" Dame Matgot Fonteyn traces the roots of ballet from lhetr royal begin- nings in Versaille$. and reveals the secrets of an 18th-century theater. guests lnciude Roft!ind Petit. Zlzi Jeeomalfe, and student• ~he;r~~~hr·CIAI. "Egypt: Ouest FOi' Eternity" The wortca of Ramses II are featured In a IOOk at aome ma)of archaeol<>gk:al projects which are uooovering and presenllng the legacy of theEgypllan~.ri (1 hr.) (l)Ta•UI .. ...,,. (I) ... "AM Quiet On The Western Front" (1930. Orama) Lew Ayres. Louis Wothelm. A German youtti ~Y entet1 World Wal t. but !KSol"I loees hil encnant· ment as he gets a firsthand view of Its hof· rOI' and deStruction. ( t hr .. 45 min.) CJ) ... "Aguirre. The Wrath Of God" ( 1972. Orama) Klaus Klnski. Roy Guerra. In the mid 1500's. an e11P9<11tlon of span-lsh conquistadors search tor the mythical 1ost ::.of El Dorado. ( 1 Iv .. 30 min.) ..1 Cl) &r Dick and Joanna help Kitti bring hl9 Minuteman Cafe llP 10 code 10 keep II from being condemned. CJ) ... "Goodbye Aqaln" ( 1961, Com- edy) Ingrid Bergman. YY95 Monland. Neglected by hef lo'W. a Parlalan ledy accep11 the attentions of anortw men. (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD> ... "The Postman Alw8yS Alliga Twbl" ( t 981. Drwne) JaCI< Nich<*on. Jelek:a Lange. A young woman and her kMlf PIO! to murder her hulbend. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 31 min.) •@ ._ "Goodbye, Chertie" (1964. 9<>me<'Y) Tony CUrtls, Debbie~. Shot bY an Irate huebend. a pleybQ'y II reincarnated u a Qlr1. (2 tn.. 30 min.) -·Cl)~ I CM:IY 1.leutenent Samu-111 pure hie c.reer on the line wherl he buck• the opinion of a eenlOf ofllcer and lelte the pr.. that a 1ir9t etrangls II ~ for a ..,... 6t nuderl. (1 ht.) 11&•=· •A -.. 1'NI QPeJa ttert l*torme aome ot '* WOik. lncWlng a Oenhwtn ~· • • mAT ... "Equality'' Mortimer Adler and 811 Morer9 dllcl-. !he..._ of -~'Thi .HauntlflQ Of Julia" (Um. ) M6a f'enow, K.it OullM. ( t . ~min.) • "Ttv• Warrlof•" ( 1977. Orame) O\leld, CharlH wtlltt Eagle. ( 1 hr , [ ,) 'Barbartlla" ( 1968, Sci.oo.Flcllon) Fonda, Mlto.O'Shea. ( 1 ht., 38 min.) • "Ttit LMt Tvcoon" (um,, Orama) AOW<t DeNllo. Jeanne MorMu. (2 hra .• 2 .. df:lau..t For LOY9" ( 1971, Sclenc•Flc· ilOn) Tom Belt. Joan COlllna. (2 hta.) .,.CZ) ''Out Of Seaton" (1975, bfama) Cliff AObtrtl40. vaneeu ~rave. ( 1 !'If., 30 min.) 79(!) "Song Of The Thin Man" ( HM7, Mys+ · I~) WMINlm Powell, Myrna Loy, (2 hte.) 79(1) "The RUf'lf'lef StumblH" ( 1979, Ora· ma) Dick Ven OVl<f. l<Jithleen Oulnlan. ( 1 hr .• 39mln.) •CC> "Are You In The HOUM Alone?" (1978, Suspense) Kathleen Beller. Blylhe 0.nnef. (2 hrs.) . CID "Loophole" (1981. ~) Albert A!'lfleY, Manin Sheen. ( 1 ht., 46 min.) cm "The Octagon" ( 1980. AdventUl'e) Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleef. ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) e "Runaway Island" (AdVenture) Mites Buchanan. Simone Buchanen. ( 1 ht.. 35 min.) trtl(J:) "The Formula" (1980, Orama) Mar· Ion Brande>. George C. Scott. ( 1 hr .. 5 7 min.) • ... "Diamond Jim" (1935, Orama) Edward Arnold. Jean Anhur. (2 hrs.) • • "Brannigan" ( 1975~tery) John Wayne, Richard Attenbor • (2 hta.) -cm "Pretty Maids All In A .. (1971, Mystery) Aock Hudson. Angle Dickinson. L! hr., 32 min.) Cl) "Battleground" ( 1949. AdVenture) Van Johnson, John Hodlak. ( 1 hr., 58 min.) • e "Fists Of Fury" "( t973, AdVenture) Bruce Lee. Marla YI. ( 1 hr., 43 min.) -azi "Piiiars Of The Sky" ( 1956, Western) . Jett Chandler. Dorothy Malone. (2 hrs.) .. CZ) "Ghost Story" (t981, Horror) Fred Astaire. John Houseman. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) -CC} "HM>et' Valley PTA" (1978, Come- dy) Barbara Eden. Ronny COx. (2 hrs.) -u•---•m•- -• ''The Ox-Bow Incident" ( 1943. West· ern) Henry Fonda. Dane Andrews. ( 1 hr., 30mln.) • "Along Came Jones" ( 1945, West· em) Gary Coop&<. Loretta Young. (2 hrs.) (D) "Love & Money" ( t980. AdVenture) Ray Sharkey. Ornella Mull. ( 1 hr.. 35 min.) (I) "Rich And Famous" (1981, Orama) Candice Bafgen, Jacqueline Bisset. ( 1 hr., 55 min.) • e "Thieves" ( 1977, Comedy) Marlo Thomas, Chartes·Grodln. (2 hrs.) .,.(%)"Out Of Season" (1975. Orama) Cliff Robertson, Vanessa Redgrave. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) -CC) "Rough Cut" (1980. AdventUl'e) Bun Reynolds, Lesley-Anne Down. ( 1 hr .. 52 • min.) W CH) "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. i1 hr .. 45 mltl) W CZ) "The Meanest Men In The West" ( 1979. Western) Charles Bronson, Lee . Marvin. ( t hf .. 30 min.) . --. ---------- ~ The Walton girls (Kami Colter, Mary Beth McDonough and Judy Norton" Taylor) join their father (Ralph Waite) for '~ Day of Tha nks on Walton's.Mountain' Monday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). ••"Rich And Famous" (1981. Orama) Candice Bafgen, Jacqueline Bisset. (l hr .• 55mlrl.) t:a(I) "Sklfte Ahoy" (1952, Comedy) Esth- -~W!,Hlams, V.Man Blaine. (1hr .. 49 min.) • ~ 'Three :J/qfflofs" (1977'; Orama) Randy Quaid, Charles White Eagle. ( 1 hr . 49mln.) CB) "Falling In Love Again" (1980, Ora· ma) Elliott Gould. Susannah Yoo. (I hr., 30mln.) CD "Children Of Rage" ( 1975. Drama) Helmut Griem, Olga Georges-Picot. ( 1 hr:. 45 min.) •• "Good Riddance" (Orama) Charlotte Laurier, Maurie T1fo. (1 hr., 40 min.) 419 (I) "Legend 0 1 The Wild" ( 1980. Orama) Oen Haggefly, Denver Pylo. ( 1 tv .. 40 min.) .. CD "Big Mo" ( 1973. Orama) Bernie Casey, So Svenson. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) •all "Ano1her Time, Another Place" (1958, Orama) Lana Turner. Barry Sulll· van. (2 hrs.) • trtl(%) "The Haunting Of Julia" (1977. ~) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. J 1 hr .. 35 min.) •CC> "Harper Valley PTA" (1978, Corne- . cfy) Barbara Eden. Ronny Cox. (2 hrs.) ..... .... l!r!'=:rrRCIAL : ~=Q ....... ·-ow. UIY Guest. psychlatrtSt Or. Ge<· lald~Y·Q . ~ ~ .--r-......... -llCMI "Pretty Maids All In A Row" ( 1971. Mystery) Rock Hudson, Angle Dickinson. A guidance counselor. the Idol of a bevy of high school beauties. wens with a teacher and a polioe captain In SOiving lhe mystery ot several cheerleader klHI~· (I hr., 32 min.) II "Runaway Island" (~dllenture) Miles Buchanan. Simone Buchanan. In 1830s Auslrt'llla. two youngsters escape the clutches of a corrupt governor. (1 hr., -135 i=·--u.mYm181 MJCI . DICI CAVITT Guest· authOr Germaine Gr~rt2) (A) I INT ~ 1m A poor farmer learns the value of his son's education after the latter Is kept alter schdol for breaklnQ a chefry tree Fl"fday. November 12, 1982 27 . . ,. - -llondng llovies- .. Cll "The Runner Stumbles'' ( 1979. Ora- ma) Dick Van Dyke. Kathleen Quinlan (I hr .. 39 min ) •CC) "JOOn And Juhe" ( 1955) Peter Sellers ( I hr • 30 min ) cm "Race For Your Life. Charlie Brown!" ( 1977. Comedy) Animated ( 1 hr . 25 min) g "PrlSOOer Of War" ( 1954. Orama) Ronald Reagan, Dewey Martin ( 1 hr., 30 min ) •all "One Desire" ( 1955. Drama) Anne Ba)(ter. Rock Hudson (2 hrs.) NI(!) "Nora Prentiss" (1947, Orama) Ann Sheridan. Robert Alda. '2 hrs ) 19 CC) "The Four Horsemen Of The Apoca- lypse" ( 1962. Orama) Glenn Ford. Lee J. Cobb (2 hrs .. 30 min.) cm "The Forroula" ( 1980. Orama) Mar· Ion Brando, George C. Scoll ( 1 hr .. 5 7 min.) II "On The Righi Track" (1 981, Come- dy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. ( 1 -hr .. 37 m1n) •CID "Fathef Figure" ( 198 1. Orama) Hal Linden, Timothy Hulton ( 1 hr • 40 min.) CZ) "True Confessions" (1981. Orama) Robert De Niro, Robert DuvaU. ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) •• "Deported" (1951. Orama) Jeff Chandlef, Marta Toren (2 hrs.) • • "Three GOdfathefs" (1~9. Westem) John Wayne. Ward Bond (2 hrs.) (J) "The Foor Horsemen Of The Apoca· typse" ( 1962. Orama) Glenn Ford. Lee J. Cobb. (2 hrs , 33 min.) e "Deluslorl" ( 1981. Mystefy) Patricia Pearcy. Joseph Cotten ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) • -ct) "The Intruder" (1961, Orama) Wil- liam Shatner. Frank MaJtwell. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CID "The Great AdVenture" ( 1976, Ora· ma) Jack Palance. Jdan Collins. ( 1 hr .. 26mln.) CZ) "Deslan For Living" ( 1933, Comedy) Fredric March, Gary Cooper. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) -till "Don't Give Up The Ship" \ 1959. Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Dina Mernll. (2 hrs.) tWe "T.R. Baskin" (1971, Orama) Can· dice Bergen, Peter Boyte. ( 1 hf., 30 min.) 1W(t) "The Last Time I Saw Paris" (1954, Orama) Elizabeth Taylor. Van Johnaon. ~hrs.) Cal "Paternity" ( 1981, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Beverly D' Angelo. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CZ) "Spirit Of The Wind" ( 1979, Orama) CNef O.n George. Slim Pidlena. ( 1 hr .. 4Q !!*' -.............. . -· "lnlemo" ( 1953, Drama) Robert ~an. Rhonda Fleming. ( 1 hr .. 30 min .. ) • "Land Of The Pharaohe" ( 1955, Ora· ma) Jack Hawtclns. Joen Collins. (2 hrs.) CR> "Foolln' Around" ( 1980, eom.dy) Gary Busey, Annette O'Toole. ( 1 hr .. 41 • min.) -Cl) ''Ghoet Story" (1981, Horror) Fred -~~·1J:~-;1~ w<Q .. ~·Jw..~n~~0r3:ma) ·aiu. ~h Taylof, Richard Burton. (2 tn.) cm "Ceddle" ( 1981, Orama) Helerl MorN, Jack Thomoeon. ( 1 hr .. 4'1 min.) (%) "81. Ivel" ( 19'18, AdYentlKa) Chatlel Bfoneon, Jecquellne Blaael. 30 Friday, Nov.mber 12, 1912 James Coco and Doria Roberta are a pair of itinerant street people on 'St. Elsewhere' Tuesday at I 0 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) . •())"High Country" (1981, Drama) Timo-!.!!r Bottoms, Linda Purl. (1 hr., 32 min.) \) •UtJ ''The Greet Adventure" (1978{ Ora ma) Jack Palance, Joen Colllnt. 1 hr., 25 min.) • CIJ "Toby And The Koala Beat" /1981, Fantasy) Rolf twrla. ( 1 hr., 20 min. • "The Chlriete Connection" 1973, Advent~•) Bruce Lee, Robert S.ar. ( 1 hr., 47 min.) CZ) "Ghost Story" (1981, HorrC>f) ·Freet AstU., John Houeeman. (1hr .• 60mln.) •ct> "John And Jule" ( 1956) ,,.. Sellerl. ( 1 hr .• 30 "*'·) (I) "Rece For Yeut Lile. Qwile Brown!" 1977 ..CD> ''The Otf9noe" (1973. Drame) s-i ~. TreYOf Howwd. ( 1 hr .. &4 min.) • ''Retum Of The Oregon" ( 1972. AdYent\ .. ) Bruce Lee.~ Noma. (1 hr., 31 IN\.) (%) "True Col1fmlco•" (1911, Or8me) ROb8ft De Niro. Aotiert ow.ti. ( 1 l'lr .. ISO .. ar:~l.afld Ra.._ .. c1•. W•em) r• ly ~George~ (2 In, 5 min.). • -UIY Guest: Golden Aqe of ~ atar Walter O'Keefe. c;> ... i -·-~-.,. ' .. "The Drowning Pool" (1975, ery) Paul Newman, Joenne Wood- w•d. A pflvala inll98fig81C>f II hired by a weelthy Southern olt heifaes to dllQCMr the Identity ot the author ol an lncftmlnat· Elen ~hrs.) ••Fl °' M 1-.-Afrtcen .,. forced 10 ell8f their ~ rlee-dd wy of life • ranchers encta.dl on their wter holes and llUnttng lendl. . CI> .. . 'Contrect On Chel'ry Street" 11 ~Frria..21.\~ "lit'°.,.,, • ., hldM In lt\I 11110 of • IOfority "°'* on,Ctltlltmu Cv. lvL -·==··----°'*·· Bldrtey ShWibtlQ ===·· .. "Eerie ~· HOlrOI 8h0w" ror) Oemook: torcee end eailh~ hOI rcn combine to make midnight lhe debClll ,•1•=·2em1e ) . ·--·-_,__ . ........... RllCltC>O --''Mom&r1" Fllmmtktl8 INll• flml of theif mothe<• ranging •ny• Whet• !Tom engry to humorQIJ9 lo fovloo 11111) IUlllll.alT 1 __ .,. ... ,.._ '"*' A lelentlllc explofatk>n etNetlc perlormanoe whlcfl can aid a1n-~ .. 1n lmf)rovlng their game. (A) llOWll "Emmanoelle" ( t974, Orama) yMe Krls1el Alaln Cuny. ')(' ( t hr., 31 min.) - (%) .. "Out Of Season" ( t975, Ora- ~) Cliff Robenson. Vanessa Redgrave. Ofd problem& reeurface when torme< lov· era meet egaln at an off-season seaside reeort. ( t Iv., 30 ~ twe CJ> .,..... llA. Gonzo gets _ =with en unwanted prospective bride he saves the lite of an Arabian deUQt\ter. (R) ( t Iv .. 10 min.) •mTGJCMIOll Host. Johr"1y . Guests.: Beverly Siiis, David Brink· Rlch~R~ ( 1 hr ) . &I 1• llF I W I aa.-Shirley Knlghl, & d [)ou(lf and Jane Alexander star In t y which recalls the decade ot the t 's in Amefica through flva separale oi~mln.) ,. tA~ Host: Dennis Wholey ty.) . .cm..- .. "Penelope" (197t. Comedy) Betgman, Geo<ge Murcell. Two men t to save the ancestral estate of a dedldetlltlamlly. ( t hr .. 25 min.) =. -:"' "Aougtl CUI" ( t980, Adven· lure) • :esfey-Anne Down. A British soc te lufes an lritematiotlal jewel thlaf out ot retirement to help her steal $30.000.000 In diamonds. 'PG' ( t -1hr··::M:.l-nwr llOWll "Sam's Song" ( 1969, Orama) Robert De Niro, Jennifer Warren. The arrival ot a beautiful blonde upsets the for-4 mer1y stable working relationships of a group of filmmakers producing a political documentary. (2 hrs.) ; :r "The Big Sky" ( t952, West· em) Kiri! Qouala.s. Dewey Mar11n. Explor· ers travel up the Missouri River to Black- foot Indian' territory despite the hazards. ~~ ... DCMITIU l15.,.. "Blood Beach" (t98t. Horror) John Saxon. Bur1 Young. A pair of police officers have their hands lull when they lnYestlgate the cause of beachgoers being sucked into lhe sand. never 10 be seen 9 in. 'A' (I hr .. 30 min.) • llOWll "N!Qnthawks" (t98t , Drama) -- ----------------- 6yMtlttf Ot~ Bi11V 0.. w....:n. A. tWQh New YOlll City cop Ml NI we.II CUI out lof hllli wMfl 01M 04 the WOfld'I mo.1 da11gerout t4tf10tlll1 artlv" 111 hie city. 'R' -1v1;J,.mm19 '"11'19 Otten Qloye" ( 1952, dventure) 011nn Ford. Oer•ldlne Broo+i1 A World Wer II Y914tfan uett lnVOlvOd In murdel w1l9fl he ttlurne to France In 1e11rch of a Jeweled.QIOYe hidden durl'!Q lhe we·-:·· ( I hf , 65 minJ -· • Ull wmeDA•U1'1'1fi•l-u .... (r~te· lttm dlteclor Frank C~ra, ()()fM· dll~ndefton, oolreu 1101 Kint nm coma"'~ ouee1. Jemet . -' LCM.• c•IT'fLI ~ flOOllM&. Notr& Oeme Fight· IJll ltieh at Ali..Eot.c.a..Eal®Oi <A> !3 hrs.) CZ) llOW'I "$pl1lt 01 The W~ (1979. O.~ Clilti..~'..~Qe. Slim .Plckent A yOUflQ bOy ~ ,. Nlilldlcap to become the World Champion Dog Sledd· er. 'PG~~O min.) :1,; COl'l•r-Columbo contront1 a charming poet who Ill Involved In an llleaat gunrunnfng operation while representrng an wish peace group. (R) ( 1 hr., 20 min ) .. CO.,.. "Nunzlo' (1978, Drama) David Proval, James Andfonlca. A young man trjes to help his retarded brother emerge from his own fan1asy world Into the maln- W lstr~=llfe. 'A' (~hr., 27 min) UMYf._ .,.. "Jack London", ( 1943, Blogra- P y) Michael O'Shea, Susan Hayward. An adventure wrlt8' relates his pefsonal experiences from his days es an oys\Af pirate up through his work as a field corl'&'- spondef'lt covering the Boer W8J. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) -a .... f..al: IWA -'°' This opera stars pef1orms some of her w~k. lnclu~a Gershwin medley. ® "So Fine" (198 t, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden A stuffy col· lege professor saves his lather's flounder· Ing garment faCtOfY by Inventing a new 11 of tad~ans. 'A' ( t hr., 31 min ) 1:11 LmcAllTllY o:a1111T .... "The Octagoo" ( 1980. Adven- ture) Chuck Norris. Lee Van Cleel. A wealthy young woman hires a retired mar- tial ar1s champion to protect her from ter· rorists trained by the mysferious Ninja cult. 'A' (I hr .. 43 min.) Cl) llCMI "Rich And Famous" (1981, Orama) Candice Beroen. Jacqueline Bis· set. Throughout the ups and downs ol their respective literary careers and romantic lives, two women depend on their friendship for stability 'A' ( t hr., 55 min.) ta II .... "Home For The Holidays" (1972. Suspense) Eleanor Park8', Julie. Harris. A man asks his four daughters to visit '!or the holidays when he beoomes convinced his second wife Is trying to kill him. (I hr .. 30 min.) (JI..,.~ TOlllMtT W (C).,.. "Are You In Tl1e House Alone?" ( t978. Suspense) Kathleen Beller, Blythe Danner A pretty young high school stu· dent Is catapulted Into terror when she learns she's the Intended target ot a psy· 119=~4.i.~ATCM ~ .... :, ... , ?!: .. "lhe CNnw eor • .-.. .. 73, ~·> an.. l•~.....,. tf A "*11111 lllll etuo.nt .... out IO ·~ the murdtt of hie IMdltf In wt*=ft I rf111l Mlhool W .. l!\volved 'R' (I hr., 47 rnln) n tu ... •'Tfue eontete1one" <t••. Oferria) Aot>tt1 oe Niro. RoOett Ou¥ll The utUally 14tptrllt WOfldl of hWO broth· • t fl1 ~ LOI Angelet police deltclhll Ind en 1m1>1tloul Roman C•tholle pneat. c:on-vw~" ~ a mutdef lnvtt'lgetlon 'R' ( t hi .. ~ •1= "The Haunting Of Julie" (Um, $utpenM) Mil F1trow, l<tlf ~ Aflef recOV'lflng !Tom an MI04ionel etlllL • woman purcNIMt • houM ttlet .,,.,_. to be twunted. 'R' ( t tw • 36 mn ) •OO--"Loophole"~·~) Aiber1 Finney, Mtrtln • A C)rirnNI -111aatllrl'l'll1d '8nd • 1...,Cats wtMtct plln to tJlecutt en •bofete benk r~ ...,. ........... , .................. -LondOn~hr .. 45 min,) ' ·1=-. . .. -... . ...... llOWll "Rich And FamoUI" ( 198 I, Orama) Cendloe Bergel'.I. Jacqueline Bi.. 181 Througtiout the uPt arod downl of their respective diterary careers end romantic livee. two women depend on their frlendShlp l0t 11abillty. 'R' ( 1 Iv .. 55 min.) Cl) t1•M11m••••u• Highlights ot. the '80 Wintef ~In Lake Ptadd, N.Y. (11) .. ''.ltwl King.Of M'ervtn Gardene" (t972, Orama) Bruce Dem, Jacil Nichol- son. Two !>fathers.' frustrated with their lives. dream o( rellrlng lo a tropic.I per-. dlse. (2 tvs.) • · CJ) Ill: ,__ lnU The mytht and reaUlie-. of teenage kWe. peer preaeure and changing morals ate eumlnad through Interviews with teens, parents arod teachers-. ( 1 hf.) -~ TOPO'Mm••11 11'~0t Fufy" (1973. A<Mln- ture> Bruce Lee, Marla YI. A 1n¥1lal ttts e.11pert finds unexpected danget whet) he goes to work In a Bangkbk Ice f&et()f'(: 'R' ~hr., 43 min.) -...... • • llOWll "G!loat Story" (1981, Horror) Fred Astaire, John Hooseman, Mysterious deaths begin to decimate the ranks of a small clrele of etder1y men who lhafe bOth a monthly storyte411no get-together and a 50-yeer-old secret. 'A' (I hr' .. 50 min.) 41:11® .,.. "Any Which Way You Can" ( t980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood, SonO-a Locke. Before settling down with hie girt and pet orangotllfl, a bare-fisted fightef signs up for one last. luorative match. 'PG' .. ~~i.'t'J , ..(ttl ....... •-Tumyour • unusables Into e usable e cash. Call • D•llyPUot e cl•ufflecl M2·5'11. Friday, November 12, 1982 29 --Taestlay Coat. -(Ill .. "The Wlld Heart" ( 1952. Ofa· Ernest Navara A bane or pirates kidnaps (D) --"Paternity" ( 198 t, Comedy) ma) Jennifer Jones .. David Farrar A lusty an atomic scientist to probe his mind for BUrt Reynolds. 9evefly D' Angek>. A bech- and lovely gypsy gwl from Wales lets hef ways to control the worid by meall6 ot elof In his lortles who wents to be a father heart rule he< head when a handsome atomic energy ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) searches for the right women to bear his strai comes to town. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) taa D ClfUTf .-Y Wint DAVIH.,,_ chHd. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) tW 1•(I)9 e .,.. Guests: film director John Sayles. comedi- 1'1111Y W an Harry Anderson. Grant Tinker. (1 hr.) •1 G""Mlsslon To Morocco" (l9S9 . • .._..,._ ecowm TllAT-lllDW Cl) nm comJ: UP Cl.Oii Guest: Uv Adventure) Lex Barker, Fernando Rey. nmn Ol IM ,.AM:llCO Uttmann. . F~ the murder of a man wlCtl Yitai .... ~LOWI. .-UCAllllYl.I . information about the exact locetlorl of • I 11 ..r nm-•M lmA OI) rich oil depoeits. &A American oll baron IOCNI••-.,. "Three Days Of The tondor" seta oft on an intenslYe lellfch lot the .,. "There's No Sax Like Snow ( 1975. Suspense) Robert Redford. Faye microfilm he left beNnd. ( t hr., 30 min.) Sex" ( 1979. Comedy) Judith Fritsch. Dunaway. A research reader employed by CD.,. "Body And Soul" (t98t, Ora· Franz Nusennedef. A busloed of young the CIA uncovers Internal treachery when ma) Leon leaac Kennedy, Jayne Kenne- womeo looking tor action on the slopes all ol his co-workets are assassinated by a dy. A young black tums to prizefighting to arrives in a small mountain village ( 1 hr , hit man who Is now stallllng him. ( 1 tv., raise the money he needs for meclcal 20mln.) 57mln.) sohool.'R' (1tv.,45min.) CD)--"The Bawdy Bed" (1976. Fan-cm --"Dracula Exotica" {1978. CZ> --''The Meanest Men In The tasy) A tall<atlYe hotel bed relates stones Romance) Samantha Fox. Jamte Gillis. West" ( 1979, Western) Ct'8tte8 Bfoneon. of tile various patrons who have used 11 ·x· ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) Lee Marvin. Two outlaws ltlate a hatred {1tv .. 20 min.) CZ> .,. "True Confessions" ( 1981, for each other and a love ot dout»deaJ. Cl) mAm John Byner shows you things Ofama) Robert De Niro. Rober1 CM-all Ing. ( t hr .. 30 min.) stranger than truth, larqer than Ille, and The usually separate w_orlds ol two broth-... e .,. "My Blood ~ Cold'' ( 1885, zanier t~~'f1hlno you ve ever seen. ers. a Los Angeles police detective and an Horror) Troy Donahue. Joay Heetherton. ttll 8 (I) Quincy tries to p<ove that a ambitious Roman Catholic priest. con· A gir1's life is endangafed wtien .,.. frozen hot dog waa the weaPon USed in e verge duri~ a murder investigatlorl. 'R' ( 1 beoomes lnvolYed With a man who c:da e!..,lson homicide. (R) (1 hr .. tO min.) hr., 50 min.) her by the name of a tong-deed anoeetor. a. MmTOFCMIGI Host Johnny -· (I) WM1All l WW Sally's sectet ltn.)_ Carson. Guests: Lena .Home. Ila Lostsch-admirer kills a petty thief who tried to steal •-· er and her turtles. (R) ( 1 tv.) · her purse. (R) (I hr .. 20 min.) .. 19MC .. -.n.m wa.,. "Bralnst0<m" (1965, Ofama) ... "Just Before Dawn" (1981, •111mtN11T Jeff Hunter. Anrie Francis. A young man ~) George Kennedy, cnrts Lem-•&: •• deVises a scheme to kiH•hts lover's hus-moo. Ave young people on a camping DMl:I "MacMillan's Mayerllng" Lynn band and plead Insanity, thus risking only expedltlorl flnd 1~ In the mldSt ol Seymour and David Walt discuss their t~--commitment. (2 tvs.) a bllarre family of anlmaHlke mo1.n- roles in the two llotlt dOcumentary of thtS 8 "Of. Goldfoot And The OO<tnl taJneets. 'R' p hr., 30mln.) aoclaimed p<oduction with excetpts from Machine" ( 1965, Fantasy) Vincent Price. • ... "Three O.ys Of The Condor" the perfonnanoe at ~t Garden (2 Frankie Avalon. A coonMng dOctor coo-( t975, SUspenM) Robert Radford. F~ tvs.1.r coc:ts a ....... n to rob wealthy men by creat-..... ---y ... -·-'-__.._ .. m..--1 --~--~ ~-W··"·-~11-~ --Ing a number ol female robots that will the CIA unc<MWS Intern.I trMC:hery #hlf'I ,. LA,_, Host· Dennis Who'f!y appeal to their prurient Interests. ( 1 hr.. an of his co-workers are .....,_led by a _, ~hr __ .,..).,,,._,__... • 30 min.) hit man who le now stalking him. (1 ht., -;;;;;w-.._,,_ Cl) .,_ "6eButv And The Bandit" ) .,. "The Wild Geese" ( 1978, ( t946, Western) Q(lbert Roland. Ramsey 55 min. Adventure) Richard Burton. Roger Moore. A":i:~rrs.) _ •CC>_. "The Baby Mak«" (t972. Dra- A group of daring mercen&1ies travets to I a.-T ·-· ma) Barbara H9ffty. Sao1 Gtoom A South Africa In Of'der to save a deposed .. chlldlles couple arrange for • ~"ed ruler from the new dictatorship. 'R' (2 OIL NOTULL "Western Semifinal" gift to bear them a cNl<S. ( t hr., 56 min.) hrs . 15 min l ffi) (2 hrs., 30 min) •1N1111• Cl) llO¥ll "So Fine" {1961, Cotnedy) ... "The Anal Countdown'I (1.980. 8CJS I '" Ryan O'Neat. Jack Warden. A stuffy cOI-Sclence-Flotlon) Kiri< Douglas. Martin M .. "Fether Frgure" ( t98 t, Dreme) lege professor saves his father's flounder-Sheen. A myster1oua atorm at Ma tran-Hal Undln. Timothy Hutton. After tf1'ir Ing garment factory by lnvenllnQ a new sports the atomie-poweted airetaft calTier mothet'• dlelh. two b01S .. _,. to he tjpe of ladles' jeans. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 3 f min.) U.S.S. Nimitz back In tlrne to December 6, with"* lather. whom they,_... not.., • .,. "Return Of The Df'°°'1" ( 1972. t9" 1, positioning the veS9el between a1noe their .,.,.,.11· c:tNoroe Ive Y9lll9 ... Adventure) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris, A Peart ~art>or and the adVanclng Japaoeee liar. Ct hr .. 40 min.) martla.1 arta expert journeys from Hong fleet. 'PG' (1 hr .• '43 min.] Kong to Rome to l\Aln a friend who It In W (J)--"Ghost Story' (1981, Horror) W 1Wl'•W) I I ttoutMe with the mob~TR' ( t hr., 31 min.) F ed Ast Ir John H M.-erioue .. "Murder In The Slew Treda" _ ... ,. , a •. ooseman. 7•• t7 ~) ......__ a-.-......... ,__ deelht begin 10 dectmllte the fanll.S of a -r-7 _.._ ..__, ._ i-~--"W1.1'Jr.iiiiiiiir::'80ay-~tt"Soct'-'-t1~t--~-i1--ai•m••~ft~c~he~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~'*~'°"~le~murdlred:::;~~end::~ ma) Leon laaac Kennedy. Jayne Kenn. a monthly atorytelllno geMogetl\et and a the ftf. A vouno black 1urne 10 prtzeflgh11no 10 60-'E NCtet. ·A-1, hr .. so m1n.> pro-.. • ~ Oeid for by lhe ralle the money he needs IOf medical *I .... OtE IUIT u· ....... il"'" 30 ....... , - achool. 'R' <t tw., ·~~Jn • "O.kota" (t9"5, Westem> ••u • I&...., John Waynt. Veta AallcOf\. A lend war .. ''Gholl 8tor(' (1M1, Honor) •LMT-reeults wtien Croatia try to bum out -'*t ~John...,,_,...,...,.. "Twenty-Three P90et To Baker far~I hr., 30mln.) dMttll bee*) tD .......... ,... ol 1 eet" (1956, Mystacy) Van Jotwon. CC) "Tl'4. Drowning Pool" (1975: ..... olroli~~menwtlO ... boett Ver• Mllea. A slgf\lless ~ywrlgl\t MystetY) Paul 1"wman. Joeniw WOOd-I~ "°'Jllllna~.--. end. 11tempta to con~ polloe ol a murder ward. A ~ate irw.tigatOf II hlNd by a m8'0'9I· 'ff t ,.,,.""ION\.) I he OYefheatd. (2 hrl.) Ith ~ oll .._. t ~-~ Of Wind'' ( 1971. • wet y out .... n .... , ... o .,_..,,....,. ......_ n-8lm ~ Iha ="r of the ~of an lnc(lmlnel· .... ---~ me) Ja.~t!'~~n~A ~:-·~~·:,,_ .. (HMIO, Ofama) -~~": ~' ~ 1nnoo1n1 women 11 led to Mitton •· 'llG' (1 hr .. '*>.,.) -.uctlon -"" -...... lo --==J·.=-....~ •• l=t ,ia,~mu vttttan cop UOCoYtn • coneplracy rrwo.v-• .... -..• ,,.,, -· Ing the tuppr111lon of a ~lo_,.. lot• ...,_,,., .,._._ -ft)--''Tha Fetluloul Wortd Of .Mae llf°'-:&~t hr •• 57rNn.) loDinll. UMllM. An_. ~ .. (1981, '~> Louie TOdt. ---OOIWl11Undt•llftijtf11rr· ..... -_ ...... I ... ?! fr., .... , 32 Friday, November 12, 1982 •1 11 I • • ----- ' I -· ------ I I • 1 •1== gltellloela (Pwltt u· ( 1 tw ) ru ,... _. "eonoett ,. r... .. Airierlc:at" OIUl'f\!Mf euddy Aldi iOllll a.YIAIAll A "The Coba" '81Utt''. An •1t•ml· aim•• In 11 concen at the Ahoe Dt ~ ..... a nttlon ol U.8 ~ndtnce on foreign von Arnphllhtatu1 In tho Ootnlnican •& ..... An rngtlth clelgyma.n IOUloet ol 1tral9Qlo mlntfall vflal lo IM 6fpubllc ( 1 hr., 26 min I portom'll an ••OfCllam. 1 look •• hon'l9I MIOIC** and 1tMI lndultrltl It PftMnl· (OJ _.. "The rOfmuta'' ( 1980, Drtn111J that wer• ~chaMd lhlOUOh the 6N11 ed. Cl (1 Iv.) Miiion Brando. GeofQt C. Scolt Wh4ll calak>Que lrom 190810 tho fl>30e • Wt'tmi "Ftthtt B«>wn· The s.c:rot invwtlg.ltltig the 1nut<* ot • eollMGt». • I_., Oirdtn" Whlll vleltlng Paill. Falhel vet«an cop UllC<MWI 11 coneoir~ fiwolv. -~ TCllllNY 8'own'1 ~· ot .dttec;Oon are teetod Ing the 14.1pp19Qlon of o eynthetlc f\1411 tor· I! W when A dtc;lapltat9d body II fc,>1111(1 In a mul~n Clll cotlfll 'R' ( 1 ht , &7 mitt,) __.._. Q!!dtn. Ll ( 1 hr.) (Z) 1 "81. lvet" t1078, A<Mnturt) • ••n-..n u;,i .,... .. lhe \1.1.P.1" ( 1963. Of11T18) Charlot Orooaon. Jocqvellno 01 ... 1 A l0t· ...... Ell21beth l 1)'1()(, Alohard 8ur1ott At pet· mtr JOurrneNll ii hlfod by t wMilhy lllm lllMI "Ohott Story" ( 198 t, Hooor) eenoe<• ot a ~y9d flight await take-off fancief to roc;ovei a &et of Incriminating r9d Altallo. John HouMman Myste.IOue In tho VIP loutlQI ot 1 londOn elf port, 1hel1 le<lgOft tn-.JCctutrigo IOI • 100,000 (I ht , deethl begin 10 doclmat1 lho ranks ol a NllN become COl'loully lnttttwin.d (2 30 =.. emall circle or otoerty men who Ghlro bOth tn l I om e monthly atorytelllng ~t together and a (I) .... _,,...,,,_,,..... .. O I TO I Mr. Hort. Judy, Oor'llef and 60-year-otd teeret 'R' 1 hf • 50 min.) QI)._ ''Tho Howtlna" C 190 t, Horror) llidlei turn o di58strooa sftu.tlOn Into • (%) llCMI "Splrll 0 1 T Wind" (1979, 0et Wallace, PatriCll Macnee. A woman wild cooge Hno when It 18 rumor9d that Otama) Chlel Dan 080IU1t. Sllm Pickens. rftJ)Of'18f It menac.d by a klller who aetrot ~Y MC:wi<>fl\o 10 b4t laid oll. A y90ng bO)' ove1como1 his hsndk:~to to be a wertwOll. 'R' ( 1hr .. 31 min.) (!) I "Aoes111&1n·: ( 1956, Otama ~ tlietlr~ ........ .,...,,plAh.9~ ......... &111 .... ~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1Ml1'P'11i1&1lollil .. "· 'PG' ( 1 h<.. 40 min.) Twice" ( 1961. Orama) Jack NlchollOh, • ec girt In rmany ca ms o I oaMIGI CCUITY TODAY Jessica l,nge. A young woman e()d hot aurvlvtng hOl1 10 the Czar of RuNlt C 11'11 ... IOvor J)IOt to rnurd4'f her husband 'R' C t hrs , 30 min ) 19. I Olll M YOWi Featured. a VISll 10 hr., 31 min.) O:f)llOWll "foolln' Around" (1980, Com· 1hree honeymoon resorts 1n the Pocono ~ "Oo Tho Right Tr&ci<" ( 198 t, edy) Gary Bu&ey. Annette O'Toole A Mountains, Penneylvanla. a tour ot n0t1h ) Gary Coleman. Michael Lem na.lve country boy tries 10 win • belu1ilUI. Boston, Massachusetts. a look at the New beck. social WC>fker tries to llnd • not· sophlsllcaled college coed 11woy lrom her England lllestyle with on 88-year-old mal home lor a train etallon shoeshine boy snobt>lsh flonoe arl<,1 her eqvotty uppity tarme1 In Camden, Maine. with a talent tor picking the ponies. 'PO' lamil . 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) l lBPM&Y,.. (Jhr.,·.37mln.l -· n ... M-Abagtadyandhel Ll-1-.naCOlll'AllY 1t11tll)MLM1lll,M&Y • t>ewidered male confound Dr. Morrison m Olll LA. Featured. .an IOSlde look at ... 0 LA_ I-.., Laveine, I acing When he suggests a Ufa-saving Of*8llon. hlna: a t11p dOwn Chinas Yangtze River. the death penalty, deGperately hopes tor a at)d DI. Beale decides what 10 ~ with a a prollle ol lop designe1 Halston: a look al irdon fr°'!!_~flOf (Part:?) ,..., terrorist under his care. ( t hr.) • measu1es ol dieting. IOYOU~.~..,,_.....,. 11• ... ACOOU. Ma "M&QMlllan's Mayefllng" Lynn lWrr JO IWlf Jonathan.•Jennller PUCI Seytt10Ur and David Wall discuss their and top company executfvee are lleld .. ~.--.... Rlllff roles In the two hour dooumcmtary ot this hostage by crlminal& scheming to secure ,. acclalmed production with exoeep1s lrom Han Industries funds. D (I hr.) .,. ~Tim GI.lest. Arthur Ashe. lhe perfoimance at Covent Garden. (2 e -..n flOfU Smiley's lnvestlgatioo ~/&...-9CMIT hrs.) leads him to two old colleagues. Toby Est· IMCMC~OI.'~ M llll .,_"Kiss Of Death" (1947, Myg-erhase, the man Vladimir ShOUld have MOWll "Peggy ( 1950. Comedy) Dia rery) Brian Oonlevy. Victor Mature A contacted llrst. and Connie Sachs. a na Lynn, Charles Coburn Two vivacious captured robber refuses to bargain until retired 1esea1ch coord1nat01 With a photo- slsters vie loi the coveted crown ot Rose he discovers his tetlow thieves didn't giVe Q!!IPhlc rnernor,,jy./lar1 3) ( t hr.) Bowl Queen while one has a secre1 advan-his share 10 his tamlly (2 his.) · • _. A&. The king ol Lai1n tage over the other (I tir .. 30 min.) •8 (I) MOWll "Country Gold'' (P1emie1e, musle Tllo Puente and the classic Latin .. e (I) -• IACI ALM Buck Drama) Loni Anderson, Ear1 Holliman. An rhylhms of Ra¥ Ba1etto are featured In a becomes the targel of a deadly group ot aspiring singe< Ingratiates hersell wlttl a salu1e to the big band sound ot 681sa. ( t terrorists when fie tries to help an old popular country enlertalner who gratefully hr.) trlend and his lion. ( 1 hr ) accepts the young woman's quiet. unde-ID 10DY • GUllT1CIN "Blood Relations" 8 e fATIB ~ Aller the birth of mending companionship. (2 hrs.) Dr. Jonathan Mllle1 looks at how scientists John and Mae's daughter. Will runs away 8 e UftM Gavilt!n Is held captive In over the years have viewed the function ol andrtells 1n with an e1tierly woman who Cuba by a Russian scienUsl as par1 ol an blood and how tOday's (Jndefstanding ol It teaches children 10 survive by stealing ingenious plot to get his deughle< Into has helped control drsease (R) Q ( 1 {Part 2) (1 hr.I America. (I hf.) hr.) e MON~'War wagon" ( 1967. west@fn) 8 9 ~CC.AllY J~~k. Janet and (C)MOWll "Llpstlcl<'" (1976, Drama) Mar- John Wayne. Kl1k Douglas. A, cowboy Te11l's foreign houSeguest mistakenly gets gauK Hemingway. Anne Bancroh.~ top defrauded of his gotd·rlch land plans a the imp1esslon that Jack has proposed fashion model is humiliated and ~rated special type of vengeance with the help ol marriage t6her. o by her unsuocesslul attempts to sentence a gunslinger, an Indian. a drunk and a (!) ,.....__.. the man WhO raped her to prison. 'R' (t thlel._(2 hrs.) e _,..,.Guests: Steve Landes· hr., 30 min.) 8 9 MA1PY DAYI Fonzie risks loslng berg, Sylvia. Paula Nelson. Robert McCall, CJ) A .. DAY • -A powerful lamlly Ashley t01ever when he lets an old girl-Robin Manson. (t hr.) turns e small town Into a model rejuvena· friend spend the mghl m his apartment. o • -..n NOfll While searching the !Ion llOJ:t (Par1 7) D .,_ "The Owl And The Pussycar' scene of Vladimir's murder. Smiley d1scov· 0 "The SUfVivor·· ( t 96 I. Fania- ( 1970, Comedy) Barbra Streisand, ers an important piece of evidence (Part sy) Robert Powell, Jenny Agutter. A pilot George Segal. An intellectual becomes 21 (1 hr.) survives a calastrophic 747 crash lnvol'Ved with a part·tlme prostitute. (2 • llYtmY "Father Brown: The Secret unscrat¥hed and searches for the man hrs.) Garden" While visltlng Pans, Father 1esponS1ble. ( 1 hr., 24 min.) CD... Brown's powers of detection are tested '9 M ••Ull • , ... llAQAZlll A look al tl)e begin-when a decapitated body is found In a -m~1'm Guest; Ar1hur Ashe. nlngs ol a mystical religion; an English Q!tden. D ( 1 hr.) -..11C1:111TOPLM (Part 6) clefgyman performs an exorctSm. 1111 llCWl"''the Cobalt Blues" An euml· llOWll "Gho81 Story" ( 196 t, Horror) e ~ ~ Alec Guinness nation ol U.S. dependence oo foreign Fred Astaire. John Houseman. Mysterious • returns in the role of British 1ntelllgenoe soorces of strategic mlnel'als vttaf to the deaths t>egin to decimate the ranks of a agent George Smiley In JoM 18 Carre's aerospace &nd s1eel Industries Is present· smaN circle ot elder1y men who llhlre both sequel to "Tinker. Tenor. Soldier. Spy." ed. D (1 hr.) a monthly stOfYlelling get·t~ther and a As the series begins. Smiley comes out of (I) -l:OUIQI POOTIAU Washington 50-vear·Old secret. 'A' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) retirement to "clean up" a murde<ed Aus-Huskies at Washington State Cougars slan'expatrlate'sabortedplanlodamage (A) (2hrs.,30mln.) Friday, November 12.1982 31 cals. "Fiddlet .On The Root," "Floreno," "She Loves Me" and · nex with the aod ot Margery Gray CarOI Wilcox and Roten Jones. ( 1 hr ) • -=a CAYETT Gue~t David Nivert i ar12) (Al -POWEi MO¥ll "True Confessions" (1981. Orama) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall. The usually separate worlds of two broth· ers, a Los Angeles police detective and an ambitious Roman Cathohc poest, con· ve<ge during a mwder inveshgatlon. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) Cl) MCK •MtDAILD II COJIC8l'T Spo"V° field smgs "Jesse's Girl" and other hits in a per1ormance from the new Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) g ilO¥ll "Paternity" ( 1981, Comedy) Butt Reynolds. Beverly o· Angelo A bach· etor IQ. his torties who wants 10 be a lather searches for the 11ght woman 10 beaJ his ,..10E~r.:m1n I ':i, ":lb. A prol1te of fashion deSigner Calvin Klein, J look at the enor· 11n~.=;:'n1ry-western music ....r~TOMGKT ,_.. CtJllllltf a:i-swu . ••••••..aRT MO¥ll "The Kitllng 1<1nd" ( 1973. Dta- ma) John Savage. Cindy Williams. Aller 18Mng two years on a trumped·UP seK charge. a young man is released from prison and begins seeking htS revenge 'A' 1_! hr., 35 min.) CZ} MO¥ll "Deslgn For Living" ( 1933. COmedy) Fredroc March. Gary Cooper. A tree-thinking young lady ot the world sets .. up housekeeping, first with an artist and then '8 playwright, Only to dump them both to marry a third man. ( t hr .. 30 lmlnJu.. CCMm TODAY 19 mA IAlll1Ul1 Los P..ngeles Lakers vs. Seattle SuperSonics (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 19 e I Cll lMl TIMI Featured: a visit to Mount Rushmore. South Dakota; a look beck at the day Rapid City. South 0.kota was destroyed when a dam burst: a look at the statue of Chief Crazy Horse: a visit IO Colmoe HIU. I !,!!!I:.,, co."" n."'&iiU. FeetlHed! "Dvnaety" star leads a lliQl'lt with the Blue ~---!p'.!ol~~. a~~iaiW Ngl'fftAm: a 01111no Shenghal~ on dM!k dfMng; a l~TAC~ AlekleS ..... " ..... _,_ Gueet: Soott Meredith. ... ,..--.r -& "KlllM Of The Plal4" l..ndOn Nlflllet • ttUdY of the big game anlmets IMng on the S.tngetl Pllll'l8 of ~t AITlca, fOCutlnQ on fha Intri- cate relatlonahlp thef t.Wt1 bttweerl pr• ~m•..,..JS:Y'-·' --··-· ·11n c-n aiac. lnvttetlontl" OIVmolant Bert Conner. Jim Hartung end ~ c.hOv are '-tured In thlt yeet'! competition. (f hr.) •OOU.~UCIYl.*(f • "'" 30 ,, .... ) ,. Friday, November 12, 198~ ., .. -............. m .a~ Featured: a men who lives In a llghlhoUse: a male wet T-shirt contest: a barbe<shop Uif batlies; a JO. ~ar-old man's pet worm. (1 hr.) U MO¥ll "Futureworld" ( 1978, Sc:lence- Ficflon) Peter Fonda, Bly1he Danner. Two reporters dig beneath the surface of a fan· tasy w<lfld where patrons pay handsomely to live out their wildest drea.ms among a ~lion of robots. (2 hrs.) •OTM.a01Ma.~J91<el& mystllled by lellefal bn.llhes...wlULdeath. Sarah trails a sueplclol• Japanese bomb-er. and a brawling 'Oennan soldier stM>WS w~tr;~~ hf.) i ":.:.' •W A profile of fa&hlon deSigner CaMn Kleln: a took at the enor· mous POQUlarlty of oounlry·westtrn music in England. • -.n ~ Alec Guinness returns In the role of Britiltl Inf~ agoot George &nilav In JoM le c.tre'a sequel to "Tlnktr, 'fallor. Solder. Spy." As the series begins. Smiley comee out of retirement to "daen up"• murdered Ru&- slan expatrlate'a aborted plan to damage Soviet Intelligence. (Part 1) ( 1 Iv.) ~ Im. Featured: rttuata end feshione of a lox hunt In Westchest« County; car· toonlsts Pat Oliphant ar'fd Paul Rigby: Ft • Worth, Texas <*ebrat• h's "e»w town" status. • UWIVAL "K.,_ Of The Plain" Michael Landon narrates a study of the big game animals IMng on the Serengeti Plains of East 1.klca. focusing on the Intri- cate relltlonshlp that exists between Pf• dators and their pray. ( 1 hf.) CC) .,.. "Three Days Of The Condor" (1975. Suepenee) Robert AadfOfd, Faye Dunaway. A reeeerch reader emptoyed by the CIA ut'ICO\l9B Internal treechery when all of his co-workers are .....alnated by a hit man who la now stalking tn. (2 In.) (!)...,..... (I) ... "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Beetty, Julie CMetle. Attar a pro footbell atar'a llfe II premature- ly claimed by an Inept angel, the man la given the'bodY of a~ lnduttriallat to continue IMng In. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 41 min.) e.,. "Boardw81k" (1979, Drema) Ruth Gordon. L .. Straaberg. An Old oou- pte retuee to .....,. fha nelafibofhood they have spent most of their lwe "' ~ urben crime and poor Mng concltlone. ( 1 hr.;40 min.) ... 1 ........ , -·--------. _,,_, A mullCal biography of -===~ & Top ..... from IN U.8. end Cene- da PfeMn~· "*"°'"" trom Hatv8rd •• ~c.. tor the beneftl of ltmrtr1 Fund. · ( 1 hr.) (]J) ... "Ode To.Illy Joe'' ( 1918. Dr• ma) AoC>bY Benion. Gtvnr*. O'Connor. 8eMd on the IOflQ by bbie Oentry, A tormtnted ...,......, pell ..-1enow ~-"" ... INe '°"'*'°'· 'PO' ( 1 il~~,.-.. ~·==-=~GA,,:. ~ '* alrllrlend wNI on a llQClnd ~·hll .... (2tn.. 10 m!ft,) • ., .. ''Hiii .. '°' ....,. ,, .. "'8me) l""9 MIOI~ ._, Dim. A ~ol....._. ......... tD ... bed< the Getmans at any cost. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) • -· (I) ... "In LOYe With An ~ Women" (Premiefe, Comedy) Jotln- Rtttef. Karen Carlson. A stuffy junior law pattner falls In Jo\19 wrth a fr..-plrlted woman 15 years his seniot. (2 In.) a e m fAC'll fll I.Ill Jo'a lrlendship Witt\ a co-wcner is strained when &he 1s ~a promotion 0\191' tn. D • 0 ,. NU..,, When a~utlful bell jump« retuae. to fly, Colt ends up taking --her on a cr~try ttaln ,,.,, ( t tw.) (!),....._ • -... Guests: Arnold Schwer· ~· Gayta OlinekOYa, Jemes F~ t.00: I eny Jw1 Moore. ( 1 tw,) • ..an~ While IMtching the scene of Vladlmit'a nuder. Smiley dlecoY- ers an Important piece of evldenoe. (Pert &(1 tw.) MIWfllauDlG llSm&,_ Top lkaters lrom the U.S. and <Ane- da preaent • lkatlng apectaCUl8I lrom Harvard UnMlreltY'a 8rlghC Hockey Center !Of the beneft1 of the Jimmy Fund. ( t ht.) (I) CfUOOU•L "Eastern Final" (R) (2 hrs.. 30mln.) a;) ... "The Wedding Patty'' (1969. Comedy) Jiii ClaybUrah. Shertea Ptlugef. A beChelOf prapatlng Tor a W9lt down fha ... la followed through "" hectic hoUrs INdlng up to the c.emony. (1 tv .. 35 -i"-==-Wtllle wefting tor av-and !.!en. to 8ITNe tor Thenklglvlng ~ . '*· fha tamlly laeml that they fie\19-been 81199ted at en entl-nuclaer dtmonetratlon. (!) ... "Galllght" ( 1944. 61-::::J. Cheftel Boyer, Ingrid Befgmen, A cal hU8bend eeta out to dr"'9 hit wile • Insane. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) ·---''Shetdon Hamic*'' Thia compoeer perform& 10f9 "om hit muaJ. ca ··flddler On The Roof.·· ''Ror9lo,1 ' "''She Lowa Me" and "Aelt" ween tt1a aid of Mergety Gray. CafOf Wlcoa end Aober1 Jona (1 tw~ • CM•au -"Golden· City" r om BoeJey r9COIM1ta fha hlltory of San Ftancllco "om the 1841 gold Nlh ttvough "" devesYtlng ~ of t908. ~ llOfll "Ice Castles" (1979. rnll'Cel L~ Johneon. AotlbV Benton. A promllfrla ~ llgln *8W and ,,., boytrtand lrid alddln ~ herd to cope wlttl when n II ct-.n to trlln for • pr..otymplc oompedtlon. ( 1 tw .. 30n*\.) -· _, CMt1CY llWeettgatea • .... who .. ~• lhlltcNcl•~ .. \ ----------- . . ----------------- ·rr:·DtlutlOn" (198 1, My1tery) P1trlcla cy. JQMQtLCgJttO (I hr , 2& min I • "The lntrudtf' ( 1981, Dt1tn1) Wll· m Shlll'lef. f'.11nk Maxwtll. ( 1 hr , 40 min) •cm ''Ju11 A GIO<>I<>" 110& 1. 0t1mei) O.vld fJOwle l<lm Novik. (1hr.,30 min,) CJ) "TrOe Conf"810n1" (1981. Dtame) Roti.rt De Niro, Rob9rt DuvaH. ( 1 hr . 60 min) •GlJ "Heller In Pink Tlght1" ( 1960, Come- dy) Anthooy Quinn, Sophia Loren (2 hra.) •CH> "Raggedy Ann And Andy" (1977, Adventure} Animated. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) Cl) "FO(oe Five: Starvengerstt ( 1901, Sci· ence-Flcllon) Anlma19d ( 1 hr., 40 min.) • fll9(f) "Mississippi O.mbler" ( t953, Ota· ma) Tyrone Power. Julle Adams. (2 h1a.) e "Three Daye Of The Condor" ( 1975. Suspense) Robert Redford, F,aye Ouna· wa~ (l tv~M,rn!n.) • .. CC) "Secrets 01 Three uHiao•y•W.._.rv.es111'..,' ~)nll----~~=~-~ • CID "Ode To Biiiy Joe" (1976. Orama) Robby Benson, Glynnla O-COOnor. ( 1 hr., 46mln) cm "Charlie Mulfln" ( 1974, Adven1ura) David Hemmings. Ralph RlchardSon (2 hrs.) •G "Great Expectations" ( 1934, Ore· ma) Jane Wyau, Henry Hull. (2 hfS.) ... "Beck To Bataan" ( 1945. Adven· 1u1e) John Wayne, Anthony Quinn (2 hf~) • • O "Gawain And Thd Green Knight · . ( 1 hr., 30mln.) M CI> "Al1planel" (1980, Comedy) Rober1 Hays. Julle Hagerty \ 1 hr., 30 min ) -CC) "C8rbon Copy' (1981, Comedy) Geor~ Segal. Susan Saint James ( I hr • 35m1n.) .. CID "The Incredible Shrinking Woman ( 1980. Comedy) u1r Tomlin, Charles Grodin ( 1 hr . 24 min. cm "Ice castles" ( 1979, Romance) Lynn-Holly Johnson. Robby Benson (2 hfs.) E (I) "Sklr1s Ahoy" ( 1952. Comedy) sth· er Williams. Vivian Blaine. ( 1 hr., 49 min.) -Ill> "Never To Love" (1940, Orama) Mau1een O'Hara. Adolphe Menjou. (I hr., 30mln.) twO "The Surviwor" ( 1981. Fantasy) Rot>- er1 Powell. Jenny Aguuer. ( 1 h1 .. 24 min.!. t1:jl (%) "The Meanest Men In The West ( 1979, Western) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ttll CC) "Love Me Or Leave Me" ( 1955. Musi· cal) Doris Day, James Gagney. (2 hrs ) CID "Sphinx" ( 1981. Adventure) Frank Langella. Lesley-Anne Down. ( 1 hr .• 59 min.) .......... _Movies_ -· "Unknown World" (1951. Science-. Fiction) Bruoe Kellogg. Marilyn Nasti ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e "Up The Down Staircase" ( 1967. Orama) Sandy Dennis. Eileen Heckart. (2 hrs.) (I) "9 To 5" ( 1980. Comedy) Jane Foo- tla. Dolly Parton. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) -·"Atlantic City" (1980, Drama) Burl Lancaster, Susan Sa1andon. ( 1 hr., 44 min.) .. (%) "Live For Life" ( 1967. Drama) Yves • Montand. C8ndlce Bergeri. (2 hrs.. 10 min.) W (C) "The Gathering" (1978, Drama) Ed Asner. Maureen Stapleton. ( 1 hr .. 30 -... . Richard Burton guest stars·with Lee Majors on 'The Fall Guy' Wednesday at 9 p.m. on KABC (Ch . 7). min.) CID "Ice Castles" ( 1979, Romance) Lynn·HOlly Johnson, Robby Benson. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) cm "Pretty Maids All In A Row" ( 1971, Mystery) Rock Hudson. Angie Dickinson. i! hr .. 32 min.) t:a(I) "Heaven Can Wall" (1978, Filnlesy) Wauen Beatty. Julie Christie. ( 1 h1 • 4 1 min.) • Cl "The Trouble With Glfls" (1969, Musi- cal) Elvis Presley. Marilyn Mason. ( 1 hr , 45mln.) a.co "Dirty r11cks" 11981. Comedy) e11ou Gould, Kate Jackson. ( 1 hi'., 30 min.) cm "Raggedy Ann And /.ndy" ( 1977. Adventu1e} Animated. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) (%) "True Confessions" (1981. Dtama) Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) · W (C) "C8rbon Copy" (1981, Comedy) George Segal, Susan Saint James. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CB> "I Go Pogo" ( 1980, Satire) Animal· ed. Voices of Jonathan Wlnle1s. Vincent Price. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) cm "Rich And Famous" (1981, Drama) Candice Bergen. Jacqueline Bis.set ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) ct "Gawain And T.he G1een Knlg.ht" ( 1 hr., 30min.) ,.CO "Circle Of Two" ( 1980. Romance) Richard Burton. Tatum O'Neal. ( 1 h1., 40 min.) (%) "Ghost Story" (1981. Hor1or) Fred Astaire, John Houseman. ( 1 tv., 50 min.) •Ill> "'Love Me Tender" (1956, Muslcal) Elvis Presley. Richard Egan. ....... ~ ---~·--MC ... n rA ..... .., ....... Gm 1A1Y Guest: Judy Collins. Q me ... t1•mBf-lllllMllBIAVICll .,.. "Love Me Qt Leave Me" (~955. Musical) Doris Day, James Cagney. A mobster marries !he siogef he made famous, but becomes enraged when tie can't control he<. (2 hrs.) ®lllMl "The Incredible Shrlnklng Worn· an" ( t980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles G1odin. A housewife finds It hard to cope When she suddenly begins lo shrink in size. 'PG' ( t hr., 24 min.) (I) MOU.YWOOD Hol!Ywood reporter Bill Harris p1esents up-dose reports on the people and events which are making news In 1he production and glamor capital of the movie industry . • • .. ._A new maid becomes a _1y_::~oaltttleboy. · = ..... ''Sheldon Harnick" This oomposer perlorrns songs from his rnust- Frlday, November 12, 1982 33 _ ................ _ 5.il5 C' .. Secrets 01 Three Hunpry Wrves" • •78 Mystery) James FrallCISCUS, ~ ca Waller , (J hr . 55 min.) WI 0 "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney. The Who (I hr., 20 mm ) .. @ "The Reluctant Astronaut" (1967, Comedy) Don Knotts. ArthUr O'Connell. ~hrs.) • H CZ) "The Formula" ( 1980, Drama) Mar- lon Brando. George C. Scott. ( 1 hr .. 57 min ) .. cm "The Learning Tree" ( 1969, Drama) ISY1e Johnson. Alex Clar1<e. (2 hrs.) NI (!) "Wee WIHie Winkle" ( 1937. Drama) Shirley Temple, Victor McLaglen. (2 hrs.) 0 "The Trouble With Girts" ( 1969, Musi- cal) EMs Presley, Marilyn Mason. ( 1 hr., 45mln.) .. ct) "The Gambler" (1980. Western) Kenny Rogers. Lee Purcell. (2 hrs.) .. Cl) "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980. Comedy) Lily Tomlrn, Charles Grodin ( 1 hr., 24 min.) CZ) "True Confessions" ( 1981. Drama) Robert De Niro. Rot>ert Duvall. ( 1 tv .. 50 min.) .. cm "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Adventure) Orson Welles, • Burfield. ( 1 hr., 3-4 min.) Cl "Day For Night" ( 1972, Drama) Jacqueline Bisset, Valentina Cortese. Directed by Fr e ncols T ruff aut. ( 1 he., S4 min.) • "Imitation Of Lile" ( 1934. Drama) Claudette Colbeft Warren William. (2 lvs.) ... "The Alamo" (Part 1) (1960, West- ern) JoM Wayne, Richard ~. (2 hfs.) -® "Ragtime" (1981 . Drama) Jamee Cagney, Howard E. Rollins. (2 hra .. 35 min.) Nicholas Colasante is reticent to reveal his feelings for his new neighbor, ¥urphy Cross, on 'Cheers,' Thursday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). (I) "Imitation General" ( 1958. Comedy) Glenn Ford. Red Buttons. ( 1 hr., 28 min.) -<Ill "Somme<~" (1977, Drama) James Ralph Richardson. Qobby Henrey. (1 hr.'. GIUltoBfoal.AlldeValll. (21n.) ~. El~th Eisenman. (2 hra.) 45 min.) CDl "My F'"8¥0flta Wife" t1940. Comedy) -ct) "Harper va•'-' PTA" (1918, Come-W CID "Paternity" (1981, Comedy) Burt CiryGrant,lreneOUnne. (1hr.,30mln.) <M Barbara E~~ Ronny Cox. (2 hrs.) Reynolds, Beverly D' Angelo. ( 1 hr .. 35 Cl) "The Formula" (1980, OrarM) M•- (l) "Design For LMng" ( t933. Comedy) ·min.) ton Bfando, George C. Scott. (1 hr .• 57 Fredric March. Gary qooper. ( 1 Iv .• 30 •CC) "Rough Cut" ( 1980, Adventure) Burt min.) min.) Reynolds, Lesley-Anne Down. ( 1 hr .. 52 · tWe "The Gree\ Adventure" (19~. min.) • I 6 Adventure) KjeM Suckldorfl, Andera Nor-Cl> "Legend Of The WUd" (1980, Drama) • -. borg. ( 1 hr,, 30 min.) Oen HIOQ8!1y, Denver Pyle ( 1 hr .. 40 • • • *'!!.-.. 11:11 cm "Tim" (1981. Orama) Piper~. ~.) .... _ Mel Gibson. ( 1 h< .. 35 min.) • "Patetnlty" ( 1981. Comedy) BYfl -- Aeynolda. Bewrly D'Angelo. (1 hr., 35 -·--N ...... M1dM · .. (it·l,AilnWhloh W•y You C.n" (1980, =ft'Q -~ "Houle Of~yeeo. HorrO!l Comedy Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locka. ._. ___ ,.. .... , t1110&111 Pin. ~,..,.,..,,, .,.,,.,.., ... , "il3'Jfr---~if.lHw.f'l,,..,r,...._f'Mt.. ----.iiliiilii.fftnii:tt.a:~-..rct-tl'1'iNiiidt---i min.) "J8ck And The 8Mnat8*" (1978, The Or~ ... "lm=t," "You,. • "Sandy The SMI" (1186. Or*"'8) 8f'ltasy) Anlm8ted. (1hr.,32mln.) The Beat Thlna." " Tr9n To Heinz Dracha. M8rlanne Koch. (2 In.) •CD> "The La.mlng Tr99" (1989. Orama) Geora19." ''Hit The Aoed. Jlck" n "I CZ> "A1rp1ener· (1980, Comedy) Robert ~Jotnon. Alex one. '2 tn.I can a.. ~ Now" .. p-• 1n ~Haya. "'8 H:R { 1 hr .. 30 min.) 'SOlr11 Of The Wind'' ( 1979, 0r8m8) ,,. hlPed perbn•ice from the Ol9lk -"Chitty Cl Bellg Bling" (19M , Dan George. Sim Pldc ... (1 hr.. n.tfelnl•Analll& (11w.) utasy) Olde. an ~ .. 88lly AN. ~·> ·-IMf ''Tfie AWi' To Cit" cau.t: How.. (2hrs..30mln.) -'Tha Little Prince" (1174, Mullc8I) eMontl~C CC) ''The cn.1 Muppet c.pet'' (1981, d Khy. Gene Wider. (1 hr .. 30 loc*~lictlol ---.. ~r--OIOdln, Dl8na Rigo. ( 1 -"*'.)"A Chdenae For Robin Hood" IGhool. 8netCoa0 ~ ..ri ,_ \ ~ "Ice c.ati." ~~ Aomllact) -· AcMnture1 Berrtll lngtwn. Jemee • If;&;•·-~ . Hirt. hr., 53~.)...,.., ....... (, -·~ ~r:Jc... (1183, DrerN) _.,,_ Uttll ....... • "Boer~" c 1919, DrerN> FMti Poitier, U111 SMl9. er tws. 1 1n .... .,. n ehortl. c1 "'·· 21 l <lOrdon, L..StrMMM. (1hr.!.40"*'-I ' GembW' (t980, Wt1141m) I) W "Doctor oo.t1te"· ~ F'8"1My) AogM. lM Purcell. (2 tn.) -"Ant WI*" w., Yau Cln" x H8rrllon, 8em8ntht .' (3 tn.) -"' ,.._ LM!d'' ( fN 1, ONrN~ tlO, ~) Cini ......... londrl w "The Fllllen ldof'' .. °'8ml) .. a.rte. CelNWI Nelbltt. (1 hr., 2 Looll& .......... ~ ... M 3• Fl .... N '-'*"> RPll09W.-,i .... d v r u."J, ovember 12, 1182 •• "The ....,., ltfeteg9m" (1170) 11gn1upwone•---lllllDIL • Ii~-. lngll In Ver ..... end ,..,.... lhe MCftlt ftlll .. .., To 6'1 {IMO. CofMciV) t 1n 19th oenlU;IY. thMltf, gue.111 lnclUde Jane rondll, ii.non ltne wori.1ng !Oland Pell!, lll1 Jtinmalfe, Ind l lUOentl Womtn ttbtl t llwif IUDjUgAllOn bV Qll'=ll'IQ Dence Schoel I 1 tw.) • male ch111W t be*. 'PO'· (l nr .. 60 CC) "The Ollhellng" I 1978, DI•· min,) ma) Ed A11ltr, Mauretn Stepltton l ong _!:.,..,.~~ tll'M dtvl9lon1 among memt>ort al lt\9 ltm• 111 •&Alf- lly ol a dying rntn come e>vl In 11\e open ._ "How OtMI' WM Mv Valley''. whtn hll gtown otftprlnQ gathef for• llnal 941. Oram1~W11C• PidgeOn, Mautten l•milv rtuNon (I ht. 35 min l 'Hat• • w -i.w... f•...itu , ....... ,... Cl) ... "E11tt1 The Ninja" .. 11981, 1Clfl81 and ec~P,~ whTt;" pi;',,: Ad'lenlurt) Franco Nero, $utan Oooto-~'°'the fUlutt. (2 t1r1 ) An Amttlcan nwtlal .,,, ••Pf'I Ml• OUI Cl)l9W to Alf9009 the murdtt of hit 00.t ftlond ... "Flight r0t Ftttek>m" ( 1943, 'R' ( 1 tu , 30 min ) A<fvel'llUft) R9M11nd RuteeM, Fred Mac- .... "GhOet StOly" ( 1981, ll()frtKJ Murray. An embltloul 1villll• Rndl her ri-ecs Att•llo, John Houuinan MyttOfiWs love lite :~ ~ ~ of her •lal dellthe ~In 10 deelmate lhe 11nk1 01 • IUCC98MI. 2 htt. am1N circle ol oldttly men who Iha re bOth !UM.• ITftl a monthly tloiytelllng get-together Md a llOWll "Good Alddanoe1• (Orarnt) 50-year-otd eecret 'A' ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) rlOlle Leurler, MaU<le Tllo. A preco- • M flllll'I 010111 i 3-year·old't obtetalve love 10< her .. (ff) -tlmDllWllD ~ llLl The mothef provokee a dottruotlve 8lbllng unpredictable Brlllsh oomedlnn portrays rhlel~ ( 1 hr .. •O min ) • 111rl0ul characters Including o &lllpteose -· CIJ llOW9 "The Ultimate Werrlot" ...attlsLcloWn..nod. a heopeckjld h•lllhand---~~SeieMe-Fletlon)f:¥ui 9t)'tll18t:"'MelC who uses hi& video remote coo1rot 10 von Sydow. The ctepyty of a commune lreeze·lrame his unbearable wife. ( 1 hr I that survived a wOtld pl8gUe In the 2181 a-.~ Guest Sooll Meredith century IS estlgned to Jake hie commancl- tW I 'llMCMt • (l)Oftll_ •... e<'e pregnant daught" 10 a Mfe ltland. nllliYllllif .. De LATl_,,llllMDAW>liii l'I Guest: Matllu Hennet. (I hr,) 1MATCUZ_,. e CCUlll ltmTIOllM .. MGICO (!) nm 0011U: W CUii Guest: Marvin ltftl Featured. rltuals and fashions ol HamHsch. a lox hunt In Westchester County; car· I UM. 'fmCMlm.I loonlSls Pat Oliphant end Paul Rigby; Ft. -w.Tal "Sheldon Harnlck" This Worth, Texas celebrates It's "cow town" composer performs songs from his musl· • status. eels. "Fld~ler On The Roof," "Fiorello," ~• 11•11-.r "She Loves Me" and "Rex" with the ekl DOCtall • Tiii _,. of Margery Gray, Carol Wiicox and R<>bert mWll "Sometime Sweet Susan" Jones. ( 1 hr.) ( 1978. Qfame) Shawn Hanis, Herry ([)M.ITOR'f:LMITLM(l.f Reems A young g11t ls trapped between CIJ mWll "The Last Chase' ( t 981, Sci- two personahhes fighting for control of her ence·Flcllon) Lee Ma)ors. Chris mind. (I hr .. 16 min.) Makepeace. In a world of the lulure. a lor- (ID llO¥ll "Trashi" ( 1981. Scleoee-Fte· mer race car driver and a teen-age com- llon) Lisa Deleeuw A demented scienll&t puter expetl fight the government's pros- trle; to perleet the ultimate female robot criptlon ol au1omoblleS. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. .CO l! hr .. 10 min.) min.) CJ) mWll "The First Nudle Musical" tM(l) MO¥W "GhOst Story•· (1981, Horror) ( 1975. Comedy) Cindy Wiiiiams. Bruce Fred Astaire, John Houseman. Mysterious Kimmet. A down-and-out Broadway pro· deaths begin 10 decimals lh«t riJnks of a ducer plans to spark interest 1n his latest small circle of elderly men who share both prolect by staging It completely in the a monthly storytelling get-together and a nude. 'A' (I hr , 36 min.) 50.=ld secret. 'A' (I hr., 50 min.) tW8 Cl) MCltm.,.... PUCI Archie Is we "Anne Ol'lhe Thousand Days" doUbly shockoo when Mike, Gloria and ( 1969. Orama) Richard Burton. Gen&- Joey shoW up on Thanksgiving. end then v~e BujOld. Anne Boleyn meets With he learns why they are there (Part 2) tragedy because ol the will of King Henry IBl VIII. (3 hrs.) D • t.-n Host: Johnny Carson (1 8 mWll "Plymouth Advel\IUfe" (1952, hr.) Adllenture) Spencer Tracy. Gene Tierney. I tll MC ... .-nm The Pilgrims lace hardShlps bOth before lOU AlllD llClll rr and-after landing a1 Plymouth Rock, ( 1 MA I IM hr .. 30 min.) ITM~ A musical biography of (!) mWll "Rattles" ( 19•0. Comedy) Oii- composer Igor Stravinsky showing three via de Havilland, Davtd Nl11en. An amateur l s1ages of h,!!_ ~lie. (Part 3) ( 1 hr.) ll'tlef makes sport ol Scotland Yard end JOCUI _ _._.. falls In love with one of his victims' nieces. Pll LAlmQHT Host: Dennis Wholey g anaT_.,T.-n ~ ~Tecena ~ =' FUU..-CCIWTACT IMATI Coverage (ftS mW11 "True Confessions" ( 1981. of the World Super Lightweight Ch,am- Orama) Robert Oe Niro. Robert Duvall ~nships (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) The usually separate worlds ol two broth· llUftOYOllTlll• ers. a Los Angeles police detective and an W mWll "Orum" ( 1976, Orama) Warren ambitious Roman Catholic priest, con· Oates. Isela Vega. A rich piantatlon owner verge donng a murde< inveshgatlon 'R' (I IS disturbed by his young daughter's inter· hr , 50 min ) est In his male slaves. lnckJd1ng one that is • .,.cua fighting lor hts treedom. 'A' ( 1 hr., 60 tW(C) ~ "Emily" ( 1976, Orama) Koo min.) Slark. Victor Spinelli In 1920s England, a t:llCH)mWll "The lncroolbte Shrinking Wom- teen-age girl comes of age through an an" (1980. Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Char1e6 affair with an American ~oolleacher Grodin. A tlousewlfe finds JI hard to cope wt...w~Eto.Nir.111 l!ll• 'PO' CI hr • 7(111ln ·w--= ... "8daQe To lhundor Aoe1t•« 106•. Wt1te111) B.trry Sunrvan. MarUyn M111wtll Fe•rlnu • l)(oblem of loy1111e1, 1own1people l'llre •gunmen to UIUll.,. o ~ill job'°' the loCel i.wman. t I hr .. 30 W ;'"-' Scolt 9.ic> Ind 6tw .. Nofth 1tar ln·the crazlelt blrJhday pnrty 9119r p t\(., 67 min.) ,.. w• _.. ''Badot 313" ( 1973. Dfsma> ~ Duvall, V"'e.na BIOOm. A New YOO! City coc> wtGff • llnglehandod C$Mfl iOf1 agelott • crime 1yndlca1e. ( 1 hr , 66 min.) -,w ... -.rwAlCll • ·-···-. .. E!a • ml!6hark River" ( t954. Ofomo) teve Cochran. Carole Merhews AccUMd ol mutdef, e ooe-llme CIVIi War eoldlo1 ntdoe out h1 the Ewtl'gladft. (~-l)r-;-.e& ~min~. nJll.._ .. "The Life And Tlmet Of Roele he Riveter" ( 1980) Oocument1ry. A loOk Is taken a the many women Who went to work In the delense plan18, loond- rles, fac1oilell and assembly llnet during World War II. ( 1 hr., 6 min,) •aJ.-..ATUlm M CZ) .. "Splfll Of The Wind" ( 1979, Orama) Chief Dan George. Slim Plck,fns. A young bOy overcomes his handicap to become the World Champion Dog.Sledd· er. ·~1 hr , 40 min.) •CID :·s hlnx" (1981. Adventure) Frank La la. Le&lty·Anne Down. A ruthless ck market antlQultMtfl ring au~s 10 stop en Egyptotoaist from dJs. covet the whereabouts of a .Priceless statue was permitted 10 view .,.. ( t hr., 59 min.) •CC) mWll "Three Days 01 The Condor'' ( 1975, Suspense) Rober1 Aedlord, Faye Dunaway. A research reader emptoyoo by the CIA uncovers Internal treachery when all of his co-workers are assassinated by a hit man who Is now stalking him. (2 hrs .. 10mln.) -·1=-tun . WC't Y#:lllf LOT (II) ,._ '91ATU "Concert FOf The Americas" Drummer Buddy Rieh 1<>1ns Slllftra In a concert at the Altos Oe Cha· von Amphrthealre In the Dominican -~~8'' hr .. 25mln.) • (I) Ill ICMOCI. Tips for better skiing. ffilmed at KHllnglon. Vt.) (R) 1:11(1) _.. "Enter The Ninja" (1981. Adventure) Franco Nero, Susan George. An American martial arts expert sets out 10 avenge the murder of his best friend. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ... 0 mWll "Ghost Story" ( 198 t. HOlfOf) Fred Astaire, John Houseman. Mysterious deaths begin to decimate the ranks of a small circle of elderly men who share both a monthly storytelling get-together and a 50-year·old secret. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) •• mWll "Werewolt Of London" ( 1935. Mystery) Henry Hull, Warner Oland. A doctor dlscoVers after being bitten by a wolf thal he beeomes a werewolf durtng a ~~~ma=n.) CI>~ Friday, November 12, 1982 35 ) - 11 hanclg Cont. of jazz. ( 1 tir.) • ODYmY "Myths And The Mound· builders" Archaeologl&L&-•ludy huge earthen mounds scattered throughout the central United States which were 00111 oy ~American lnd1ans (A) o ( 1 hr ) (I) ...,. m&TIA "Conceft For T'1e Amer1cas" Drummer Buddy Rich 101ns Sinatra in a concert at the Altos De Cha· von Amphitheatre 1n the Dominican ~blie. ( t hr . 25 mon ) G 90Wll ··zorro" ( 19 75. Adventure) Alain Delon. Stanley Baker A Spanish nobleman bec:Omes a swordsman and urges the poor to rebel against a despotic military q;ennor (2 hrs ) I ...... ,.. ·-••• ...,. •• www ... _,._Guest: Vincent Canby ~ POOTIAU. Bowling Green Fa l-oons at North Carolina Tar Heels (3 hrs. 30min.) -!Ill MOwm "Three Men On A Horse" ( 1936. Comedy) Joan Blondell. Frank Mc:Hugh. A meek ltttle man gets into a h• whefl the wrong people lind out he can I wtnneis at the races ( I hr 50 mon ) tW 1•C1>@•--'ftmAY-..T •11MCH01-111AT .. ..,. ITm1I Ol IAll PIUICtlCO l'nLI Featured· various rock Stngeis perlorm vldeO rock, a combination of stattH>f·the-art video iechniques and spe- cie! ettects. • 1• 111•-.r IOCTOl•m~ llO¥tl "Blume In Love" ( t973, Come-<M George Segal, Susan Anspach A dlV°'ced man becomes a jealous suitor. trying to win hlS wife back 'R' ( t hr , 57 min.) CO.,.. "Squeeze Play" (1981, Come· dy) Jim Harris, Jenni He111ck The girt· friends of soltbaH players decide 10 form thelf own team as a way ot avenging thetr ~·'A' (I hr., 30mln.) CIVMOWll "Olympic Fever" ( 1980, Come· dy) Kristin, S~a. A physician prescribes an unusual remedy for a female athlete's c:flclency. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) "The Haunting Of Jolla" ( 1977, ) Mia Farrow. Keir Dullea. Alter r9COYefing lrom '9n emotional crrsis. a woman purchaees a house that appears to be haunted. 'A' ( t h< • 35 min.) tW e Cl)~ Quincy searches tor a teen· eget' wflO has been buried alive with less 11\at 24 hourt worth of air. (R) (1 hr , tO min.) • romantic lives, two women depend on w1• •--oum11rr their t11endsh1p tor stab1h1y 'A' (1 hr .. 55 llOlll "T.R. Baskin'' (1971, Orama) l1'llO ) Qindioe Befgen. -Peter Boyle. A ~ ' 1-c:ua town girl finds employment In ~· 1tt1 ;'#;="1..,rw ltxJthr~~~Y adapting to big-chy . llCWll "Between Heaven And Helt" W -.C11w.LmilllWA1IWIM ( 1::156. Drama) Roberl Wagner, Terry • Cl) .... _..ATCll Moore. The war teaches a yoong Soottl-... erner to 1udge hos fellow man more charl· •tm llM:ml Coverage of the tabty. (2 hrs.) . _1BM~.=;.~waterf0fd. Mich. ~ '::. ··Gunga Oio" ( 1939. Adven-• •&A lure) Cary Grant, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. .,_ "The Unearthly" (1957. HOI'· Based on the StOfY by Rudyard Kipling rOI') John Carradine. Allison Hayes. Prison An Indian waterbOy becOmeS Involved Inmates become the sacrificial lamba fOf a -with B111tsh mlhlary action in the moun-mad doctor's nelarlous medical experi- talns ot northern India. (2 hrs.) ments. ( 1 fX., 30 min.) eLCM..-CAlllm.I CO llOM ''The Sea Wotves" (1980, au CID llCWll "Paternity" ( 1981, Comedy) Adventure) Gregory Peck, Roger Moore. Burt Reynolds, Beverly O' Angelo. A bach-' During Wor1d War II, a group ol Btl11sh elor In hls '°''ies who wants to be a father bUlinesslnen form a YOIUnteer r9glment to searches for 1ne right woman to bear his destroy a German spy nest lo Ifie Indian child. 'PG' ( t hr .. 35 min.) Ocean. 'PG' (2 hrs.) '2:9 D GD LAll W wmt DAVIHMll W• (J) 11DW11 "Goodbye, Emmanuelte" Guests: Carole King. comedian Fflchard ( 1977, Orama~ SyMa Kristel. Umbef1o Lewis. (R) ( t hr ) Orsini. A beautiful woman's teefch for the 9 COUlllll ultimate erotic experience brtnos her 10 a (!) TC. conu: W' Cl.Oii Guest: Agnes startNng reellzation. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) Nixon. am (C).,.. "The Gamblef" (1980, Weet· • UM. .-c All Im.I ern) Kenny Rogers, Lee Purcell A PfOIM-©) llCWll "Prince 0 1 The City" ( 1981, slonal gamblef takes a tra1n ride tlvough Orama) Treat WllNams, Jerry Orbacl\. A the Old West to help his ettranged son New York cop IS caught between fe<lefal ind finds romance With a lfwdy society pressure and loyalty 10. his fellow otflcers la!fy along the way. ( 1 tv .. 40 min.) during an lnvestloatlon of wldele>read (II).,. "Any Which Wey You Cen" police corruption. ·A· 12 1\rs., 45 min.) neeo. Comedy) Oint Eastwood. SOndra t11419 (() MCCLOUD Four bendts df8'sed In Locke. Before 99ttllng down with hla glt1 t890s frontier apparel hold up the bank and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted llght91 where McCloud ts staging a mock robbery slQfls up fOI' one last, tuc:ratMI match. 'PG' to demonsirate new security deYlces. (R) (J 'lla:i min.) 1_! hr .. 20 min.) •• "Generation" ( 1989, Ccmedy) t1141(!!) MOwm "Ski Party" (1~5. Comedy) Oe"'cl Jensaet\, Kim Derby. A father pen- Frankie Avalon, Dwayne H1c:kman. A pelf lea whefl he leetns his newt)Md dlUQtlt• ol college men pose as gifts 10 find out and IOfHn.law p1$1 oo dllhtt'"ig their wtiy a fellow Classmate Is so SU()()9Mf\ll In own baby. (2 hrs.) his romantic endeaVOfs. (2 hfs.) · (!) llA.-T CO MOwm "NIQhtllaWks" ( 1961. Drama) (I) ... ... •Y• Lim A~lon Syl\lester StallOne, Billy Dee Williams. A highllgtltl from the Cenadllln FootW tough New York Clty cop has his wortc cut L~. (R) out for him when ooe of the world's moet e m111 "'rhe Anal Count$k)Wn" ( 1980. dangerous tetrorlsta amves In his olty. 'R' Scienc»-FlctlOn) Kirlc Oougl9e. Mertln ( 1 hr • 39 min.) Sheen. A myatetk>Oll storm at -tnin-we MOW11 "The llluttrated Man" ( t969, IPO(ts the etomic..powefed aircraft oeni9r Science-Fiction) Rod Steiger. Claire u.s.s. Nimitz betk In time to December e. Bloom. A woman pet1U9dee tw hUlband t941, poaltlonina the ..,.... bleweln to have his body tattooed with tymboll PNtl Harbor and the ad\lendng JliC*W relating to events In his life .• (2 hrt.) iPG' (1 tv., 43 min.) 8 MIMI "House On Haunted Hll" -Niii• ( 1959, H()(rOf) Vlnc«lt Prioe. C.rol ..... ftl!IJ!l!I' ... '! .... Of D.B. ~· Ohmart. Guestt at a party are ofter.cS .,,. rvr•••n S 10.000 eech If they turvlve a honor-Med • AcMntln) Treet Wllltma. tin a heUnted houM. ( 1 tv., 30 min.) A thief lkyjM:Q I.,..,. end.... , . !W''-="'--------~w---~3':-':-1!' :.at~ .... ~~~~~IJ.."o:-4(.uta.15~ ---l~ru!I. 0 MtMY 9'tlf Oreaon wtlh • '°"' estern) John Wayne, Marlon Bumi. A iWi trorenmonev:"HF~ ~ ':..ii&liisfiil .. The•IDlil••spldet's Stratagem" :=~!'18"~-:e: ~ ~ ~= ~ii.. "IM For Ute"=; Orarnl) 1970) QIUllo &ogl, Alida VaHI. A young bOf::j:. tn.) -~-Motltand. Candice . A "*' man ~ the tru1h bltllnd the mytfl I _., ·-· encountert hit Qlrtfrllnd _.. on a llOOftd Of hie murdlfed "two" father (2 hrs.) ..... ,,... ~ ._.. (1966, ::,,moon wiih 1'111 wtf9. (2, tws.. 10 l ~tr.T.tr.: • .,,,; ... -:=ai...-~ .. ~ -~:=.11....-. .i.: ~ •• ,.. ~"Gi <.1.J!,·~ ~l (1980, ~ ) OrtfMh Jonel. P9lftoll. -"Prince Of The Cit)'" (1981, • ~e) Burt~ Leekty-Anne Down. llecla!Nnto ...... 11'91 -1 ,_ -""" .,,_.. • ..... -~ .. -·--:-·,··1 ~.'(~:~~==t('J4 m'WW-tt8!J-A ~ .... E ., ~~:Jtl0n2 ..._°' ..... 5 ~11f .. d ~ &2 min.) • ""~ ~-•• '::1·: t'arUDI...,,, •ft' ,,..,, .. ,,_., ... "The FONnllla" d1980, ,__, ... "Ice ""1t1e1 , .. -,;Rech Famout'' ( 981 , .. ..--~ 1 l .._....,.. ~ ...... ...ii..... MIOn ....... o.oroe . _.. ....... _ .. -~-1 111) Cendlot Bergen. Ja...._..,..., Bit-~Ing the murdlr ol a~. a ---· ~ -~ eet. l'fwoughOut the upe end dowfw of wter8" oap unoM19 e OONPhel li'lwoW-9"d '* .,.. ~ ~ .,._ th8lr ~ .,_,ery car-. end Ing the 1UPPi 111·1111 of a~""'°'· hanl to OC1P1 ... ...,. lhl 11 lfW'to 38 Friday, Nowmbet 12, 1982 lftAlb¥tnoll.,. W (ttw.,11"*'-) .,. ,_ • ~ ocwu1 WI L -J1__1 _~~---- ·1r:;~,, ···~ °""'· ,., • U. lliiifftl•H-Animal• td. A c.veman Ind NI ptehietOf~ pall !btett • moet Ul'IUIUal ThA. nklgMng. .... TU MAtm "HanNI And etll" Ricky 8c'*>der Ind Jo8n Colllnl lttr In 8 t ... of two IOlt ,Ohlldf«l(I Who 1811 Into th& ctutchel ot 1n evil witch with 1n -l'Ap;r"••fOfcNld<tn (1 hf.) ... ,.._ 1MI ~ IUll ThrM ting bMfl <lilCOYet Ille mlQic Ind wondtr ofChrl1tma1 let 1~ llrsl time. ( 1 hr.) I= ='ik OueUng; 11 woman Who hMdl an Otgtnlzatlon thllt help& tat peo. ~ feel bettlf abollt lhemaeNel. • •YUM wmt ....a~ Clips and oullekee oelebrele a quarter-century of enltflalnmenl from Ameilea'a lop ctr· 11---tOOI( .,.<4JOit lrt 1'tt9 ~-·­lures guest appe11r11noes by Gary COl&- i i~7:.i;:~ ." I I llO'lll "Mame" (197•. Musical) Lucille Ball. Beetrloe Arthur. A wealthy ecoentrlc becomes the guardian ot her ~~=aMd nephew. (3 I .. ~ Greal Muppet Caper" ( 1981, Comedy) Charles Grodin. Diana Rigg. Reporters Kermit, Fozzle end Gonzo trace a labulous stolen jewel to London 'G' ( 1 hr .. .-o min.) CD .,_ "Foul Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldle Hawn. Chevy Chase. A librarian enlists the aid ot an Inept police detective after She becomes Involved In a t>Wlrre series ol murders and kidnapping attempts. ( t hr .. 56 min.) cm 110W11 "Mr. Blandlngs Builds Hts Dream House" ( 19.48, Comedy) Cary Grant. Myrna Loy. A man from Manhattan <(nOV9S his tamlly to lhe "0tin1ry where he 1rles to bulkl a house. (2 ms > e .._CCUITYTIIDAY 198 ---.D •LOI .-it Featured· the migration of lhe C8hlomla Grey Whalell; an artistic rotlerskater; lhe Los Angele8 Jets. a track and field team~ the ~festyte of a boy who lost both legs In a ltra-.a:~~ on lhe Y-Clrcus. ftl Clll LA. Featured: a look at the new Him "The Dark Crystal," a movie s1arring puppets by the makers of the Muppets and prOdoeers ot "Siar Wars". skate- boarders. whO torn their pasltime mlo a ; a look al everyday lile 1n China 11CTAC ... ....... .ua 1'0UAll9 ... " .A ... _,_Guest: Vlncen1 Canby. ..am.1~-.r WJ» .-:A "Bighorn!" A band of . wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep Is ob6efved lhfough lhe seasons. from one i lna Into the next. ~Cll~TNl""A11WAM l.C.: M..,.. ~ Animal· ed. A caveman and his prehistoric pals celebfale a most unusual Thanksgiving (%) llOWll "Airotanel" (1980, ComedY) AoOet1 t~1V1i ~ 1'48ge!IV Alf• en..,.,,.. «'• crew f1MI 10 IOOd ocMaan1na. • ,.. Y(>OI fomwr • ., pllol 11 · pttlMdlnto _. vloe Mid muet contend Wiit! Qn-tl08td llYt- 1.,ie. 1 Nelrttlllt oonhol 10'!* ~ O*~cM­ lllltd rnem<HIN •PQ• t' rw .. 30 """' ~ mW11 "V .. Sir, Thll1t ~ " 9•9, Mullc81 Donald '0 Connet, artet Cot>urn. ~ pall of '°''"" 011 uvt 'a fOOtb811 tMm Ind lhelr ooech'l )ob, (1 hr .30mln) ' ... (I) 110W11 "Mary PQC>Pinl" (tM-4, i8nt•~) Jutle Andrt:wt. OICk Ven OVI<• ~ A me I woman with 1 1114nl tor finding tun II lrtd by a 11utfy Enalllh benket 10 bo a ntMy fOt hll IWO chlldttn. (R) (3 ht1&,L e • ,,,. Book·burnino 1~11ct IUrlece et tho tehool. and Coco 11 pr.-ured by her new boyfriend 10 epend the night with him ~ e "l wlligt\I zooe ~tcr· ( 1975, So*lc»Flotlon) 8ufl Aevnoldl. Jack Wnton. TWo 1t0fle8 by Rod Setting: "The Bard." who becomel an uneuccetlf-rur wrllt<'• new U811tan1. and "On Thln- d!Y, 11 eave F01 Home " In which mem---.-.e: own retur~ra. e (II CMACll When en angol"*l At flree the band. Joanie and Chachl end up pertorminQ al an lri.tl pub. D llCMI "Hercules In New York" ( 1970, Fantasy) ArnOld Scan~Arnoid Schwar-zeneggef. The st0tltd tifee or Ml. Ol)'fTlpus end makes a ii to Central Paik, where he tlnds more excitement than he bargained tor (2 h1a.) i .":: llAIAZlll Visits with three new male TV scars: Jack Scalia, Lee HOteley, and Jon-Erick Hexsome; a woman who heads an 010-nlzation lhat helps tat peo- ~ leel better aboul lhemse!Ves. • rB tTYU Featured. various rock singers pert0tm video rock. a combination of s1a1e-01-the·ar1 111de0 techniques and spe- cial ettects. • u.a. QIMlelCU "Boston's New Refu- gees· Exiles From Indochina" This docu- mentary on Southeasl Asian Immigrants Includes lnteNlewS w11h those whO' have seltled In Boslon's OOlcilest8f and Brigh- ton sectlons and e newly arrived family's flrst:J;)_n the ct~ 6i) PM'flE Neal Gabler and Jef· trey Lyons host an informative look at what's new at lhe movies. CH) tma'l llMTB UCI (l)llOWll "Buslln' Loose:· (1981, Come- dy) Richard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bum- bling burglar. a concerned achoolteaoher and e.ghl cnlldren make a trlghlenlng cl'OSS-counlry trip In a broken-dawn school bus. 'R' ( t hr .. 34 min,) g MOVIE "The Gathering" ( 1978, Ora· ma) Ed Asner, Maureen Slapleton. Long- time divisions among members of lhe lam• lly of a dying man come oul In the open when his grown offspring gather let a final !amity reunl<>n. ( t llr .. .45 min.) .. 8 QJ) ITAlll OF THI FAl&Y Buddy discourages Jennie Lee's romance wilh the boy nexl door. but encourages Doug· l's relalionshlp wllh a pretty girl. CIWla'I__, IOYOU,_YOUaor,._.. ... llCMI "the Splde<'s Stratagem" ( 1970) Giulio Brogl. Alida Valll. A young man uncOV8fS the ltulh behind lhe myth of his murde<ed "hero" lather. (2 hrs.) e _.,... .. Nee.I Gabler and Jet· Irey Lyons hoSt an Informative look at what's new al the movies. • M llU -''Wllllliw MM'' ~ hdle Altltft ioC*I et IM .. Md of enwonment•• JciM MuW. 1ne of Y;;I; N8tion.I P8'tl wi::RIQttme" (198 t, 0r81'N1) c.grwy. 'Howetd £. ~ Amid the IOdel uphteval Of 19209 New Vattc, an uppar-clau' tamly ttltl to held on to tredltlon 11 en •notY bltcll IMdl • "'*'-"' ffaht _.,.,., the riclll '.!'l~t 'PG' • 12 m.: S5 min.> •• •-S.rn •••the COICh'• pto-. EaJv. "'* girlfriend fOt a de••· 0 1IO Cl.m .. Oldllf The 'I Thankeglvlng reunion 11 lnt9"UPltd • whet\ they ... t)elleYe that Mutlel'• mollW hll )umOtd oft the Goldttl Gett Bridge. • . _, _,. Ou.eta: Rol:Mltl linowlcz. Bttey 8'enttty, 8rUOt We611. E Murotw. Judith Outet. (' ht.) .. "'rhf Lotl Continent" (IMI. i.nc.Ftotlon) Etic Port.,, ~ l<Mff. A lhlp c;etrylng llltgel tit~ " ~ In I hurrbnt. ( 1 IY •• 56 min ) ·----Ml Of.._ ''No ·~~,}"aW'f~~~ Into lhe Army, 1et1 the mllitwy on ftt Mt. ) •••ace "8• "To ~ All My Deys" Dlvld runt Into aome 10UQh oompttltton from within hll own r•nk• end from an outllder wtien he becomee • candidate for hlldm8S18f of Bamfytde School. (Pert 7) D ( 1 hr.) ~ .. "Harper Valley l'TA" (1978, COmedy) Barbera Eden. Ronnv Co"-A ve<y liberated young mother with • great deal ot wx appeal lnteMlonally 11111et the coneervatlve viewpoint or tooet IChool bol;d membera. (2 tva,) · Ct> .,.. "Paternity" ~ t98 t. Comedy) Burt Reynolda. Bev8fly 0 Angelo. A beclh- elor In his forties who wanla to be a tither aeerchee for the righ1 woman to belt hit child. 'PG' ( 1 hf., 35 min.) cm--"Green Ice" ( 1981>, Adventure) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer. An engineer and • sociellte attempt to rob a South American emerald smuggler ot a fonune ~a. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) llJ llOWll "True Confessions" (1981, Orama) Robert Oe Niro. Robert Dwafl. The usually separate worlds ot two broth· ers. a Los Angeles pollca detective and en ambitious Roman catholic ~t. con- verge dur~ a murder Investigation. 'A' ( 1 tv .. 50mlrl-.. 1 :\All Tony'6 sea-toughened tathet ahow8 up and tries to convince his son to become a merchant matlne. • di Ir TMll TWO Alldy sorprlaes Molly with hla new gltttrlend -a 35-yeer·old (!)' ... "The Inn Of The Sixth Happi- ness" ( 1958. Drama) Ingrid Bergman. Curt Jurgens. A zealous missionary leads 100 children to safety during lhe Jape- nese Invasion of China. (2 hrs., 30 min.) Cl)WDA•alJ,._(11) wi• e tmL mmr -Furlllo 1s 81ked 10 mobilize the entire precincl Into ectlon when, during a lllSlt to Ille Hitt Street at• tlon, lhe governor's dOg Is kidnapped and held for ransom. ( 1 tv.) 1.,, .... ~--~ATM NUCI Accomp8nied by Clattl Terry and his BIQ Bad Band, C.rmen McAM off9l'e t 3 of fier blQoest hits In a memorable hour Friday, November 12. 1982 37 • ., f The Daily P-llot It•• spa cl•I · hllp for__. wllh prollle~s al hal11e OI' WOik -Maintaining a household -while pursuing a career isn't easy. To help t~ay's women with those challenges the Daily Pilot offers a wealth of resources. S9lvia Porter advises on finance, Ann Landers helps with domestic pro- blems and Sunday's You/Your Money section· focuses on area business trends and opportunities. Other Daily Pil& rnoney savers for women include the Supermarket Shop- per column, advertised values, coupon savings and tasty recipes in We~- nesday'sf~ pages. . · And the Slim Gourmet helps women ke~p those food values off the family'~ waistlines. . Women also save gas with the Daily Pilot by finding their needs close to home in Orange Coast classified ads ·- Meanwhile·, the Ad Sitter telephone answering service frees women from staying home while their Daily Pilot classified ad works selling household itemsorbyfindinga babysitter. · Consumer advice and help with problems come in the Daily Pilot's At Your Service column. • Informative, in-depth features on neighborhood people, places B;nd trends are found on the Featuring pages~ Every d!y, all along the Orange Coast, women's lives are made easier by information and advice found only in the Daily Pilot. Subscribe today by calling 642-4321 or by mailing the coupon to Daily v Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92628. and local advertisements. --------·-----, Help me at home and ~k. · I Send my Daily Pi\ot su criplion today. I For a month's subscription mail $4.75 40 Mllr. NoVember 12, 1NI and coupon to Dally Pilot 330 W. Bay St.. I P.O. Box 158>, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 I llMDNI~~~~~~~~~~- \ •• I I I I I I • 30 "-Got Sixpence" t 31 -Masterson 32 Evita's supporters 36 Sixty seconds: Abbr. 38 He and - 39 -Albert .o· Grant or Remick . EIERIEllCY · DICTllS OFFICE A con.,.nlent flt•'"•tlve to tto.plt•l •mete..,Cll room• for. ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES ThOllOugh, Professlollel & P.e11on11lzed Cere .ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment NHded • tmmediete Attention Given WORkMA,•.fS COMPENSATION ACCEPTED 405•FWY ONN: 1 pAVSAMllC .aOAVSAYIAll I oc I • A.111.·11 It.Ill. AA-' f ~ (714) 7524300 t •••RG•llCY DOCTOU OPPIC• -M 4030 Birch St. Suite 107 Newport 8Mctl .. 1.ocat~ in-commerce Piiia • E 1 15on E = T your first visit = -with~----= SH wh•t w• h•~• to o,,_, = -. -:lllllllllllH:'iifllllllllllllll t7 -n.w ti Jutte on Lowe 1oer 20 AIOfllO tlgft 2t Thi -ol Ute ~ 23 NelghbOI ol 1.,. 2• ...,ch ,. TomotfOW H Della - 21 MIM Ullman 29 Oauata or Vateen 1 MlckorONn 2 Oehl or Oolonke 3 Hu1h·hulh outfit ' Mr. MaJdeft 6 Q6lne or Cerroll I Ptey1 Hawkeye 7 ComplM point I Mr. ,.._.l'1 ln1lgne • HodtOn~ 10 Sleuth Wolfe 12 Cou1tNu'1 mllleu 13 Ch1noe . 20 -·-u•• 22 Ml•• Reynold• 2• Hawaii --0 2e Played 007 · 27 Ending with differ~ • 21 S..a 33 Played Gomer Pyle . . •tTV_...... .. ..... Mlude: "'"· .. Comlftlrotlt '8 Ptaye Megnum '1 •• .,,. •t MIN Dietrich a M.Mau ... 13 VMan -fW ltack .• 0-Mltl roll DOWN 37 Mr. Croriyn 31 _Newaman lt.tley '° 011-., Stenography: Abtlt. . '2 -Klblbble '3 -All Nltht '8 -Ufelol.lve 60 TI'9 -Expedltlonl 11 e-···· SOLUTION · 3' Thelma on Good Times l5 Hero'1award • le ftlayed Doo Adam• . ·-•••••••••••••• ' llFllTlll Flllitll: · " PlllDI e .•4 : Al Men's & Bor' Hai'cut~ : 1en1or Citizen• 13so : (Over 85) .., • • • \)T-MAflt: B~~Sj To Serve You e 631-9654 • 2200 Hnar •d. at """'· c• • . (K-u.,t Plaza) I . • •• ••••••••••••••• Friday, November 12, 1982 39 I L I Yacht, decked out in its Christmas finery, cruises Newport Harbor during_ the Festival of Lights. • Boat parades. • • When Santa arrives in a 40-f oot scho.oner Forget all that stuff about snow and sleighs and reindeer and crisp wintry nights -this is the Orange Coast where Santa arrives on a 40-foot schooner wearing By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dally Piiot Staff Topsiders, a gold choker and a tiny alligator . This year, the parade can be viewed on his suit. n~htJy from Dec. 17 through the 23rd. In proper waterfront tradition, three Historically, up to 100 boat owners participate Jong-running Christmas boat parades are in the event and circle the harbor, passing scheduled in December. heralding the coming decorated waterfront homes in the process. holiday season . In Huntington Harbour, the parade is The granddaddy of the bunch is the known as the "Symphony of Lights" and is "Festival of Lights" in Newport Harbor,·a sponsored by the Huntington Harbour parade that started in 1907 when a gondola Philharmonic. This parade dates back 20 owner named John Carpa got the bright idea years. to string colored lanterns on his era.ft and 75 boaters .each year. This year, the parade will be held Dec. 12. In Dana Point Harbor there are no publil cruise boats but spectators are advised to watch from docks, harborfront sidewalks or restaurants. A complete listing of the events follows· --.Newport Harbor: the "Festival of Lights" can be viewed from 6:30 to 9:30 · nightly from Dec. 17 through the 23rd. ~ters interested in entering should call 644-8211. Spectators can view the parade from the deck of tht; Catalina Holiday. Tickets are $6. To make reservations, call 644-8211. pole his way around the harbor. Sightseers can view the decorated harbor The following year, as the· story goes, he homes from the deck of a boat that circles -Huntington Harbour: the "Symphony h ed · his · wi h · h the pn'vate harbor ... 1 ... t...•.'y from Dec. 14 of Li~hts" can be viewed nightly from 5:30 to S OW un1711am -t time t elg t '""&''"' Q. I I h -c~a:r:J:J"'~~~r_-:i· ~=-===-=-it:'=:==:"t=a-r:~-=-----tt-i-gh th"" 2•rd-. ---.......,.___ .. __ =--_.,.,·,... re ar:eour au "' eac n.i OU ules pad ling canoes i:};;illiu . IVU ... ~ • 4U'I:" -.u.wu uug~ .............. -• k .... f adul nd •2 f The whole thing was just crazy enough open to Huntington residents only -'runs tic ets are.,.... or ts a • or child1·en , to impress the ~ple of Newport Beach and, Dec. 11 and 12. un1der 182. Reservations can be made by · ca ling 40-1777. rather than kic the gondola ownet out of the Proceeds from the nightly harbor cruises harbor, t~ey decided to make it an annual go toward the Philharmonic's program for . -Dana Point Harbor: the "Holiday Hi event. ·providing music In the classroom for students-"t;tghtr'· nms Dec:-12 only, from 6 m s-p:m:-~- The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of The youngest of the parades ls the · Entran~ should call 493-9493 to mak~ · I · Commercv took over the boat parade in 1919 "Holtday Hi Lights" in Dana Point Harbor, a :reservataons and spectators are <>n their own ... • ... _:-.:A1Jnd Ji batrqrr ~~,Jn~ llnce. lix;,Year-old ~ pm'ade that. a~ta ~ly · ·'° lincl &he.~~~ ... ;......,.,..._.,_,,,.,,,~~,.~,..,~ ·-.-.l,j.. ......... .;;. .. ...:,"'.U"" .... N·~----------------'-·--------------~e_~ ___ A_,_._,h_• __ AI_•_~_,_._. ___ ~~------------------------~------~ CX) • , O> " O> 'Love ChlJd , A story tritnf!led .too lean • • • .... Q) D E Q) > 0 z Bl GLENN SCOTT 0 tJie Dally Pilot Staff· >. "Love Child" is a movie intended to ~ ~lebrate the true story of Terry Jean ~ . Moore, a. ttoublemaker-turned-good -;:; who won a legal battle to keep a child ~ she bore while serving a Florida c prison term. ~ While the movie has its moments of al inspiration, it lacks enough sfor y ~ development to give view er s a . .2 fulfilling picture of Moore as a ·champion of the heru:t. She can be. 0: -prof~ne and affectiondte. naive and tough. But can she be a mother? The 9Cl-minute film ends before we find out. _ It is almost as if the Ladd Company production surpassed its limited budget before it exhausted its ideas and ·filmmakers had to tack on the final scenes during the closing credits. If the production didn't do justice to Moore, however, it was more tha n s ufficient for Amy Madigan , the 25-year-old actress who played her. , -T~--e=Stras~g-tni~d-Madlgan w.as compe lling as the lost a nd embittered young woman victimized both. by a self-r ighteous criminal justice system and her own lack of principle. It was her acting arid the understated directing of Larry Peerce that gave the character credibility, from her violent outbursts spawned by a seven-year prison sen tence for a $5 robbery to her dependence on first a prison guard lover and then her baby. The Cilm is at its best, in fact, when il isn't taking its hasty editorial strides · tow ard a conclusion but instead pauses to breathe the suffocating air of prison lif"'. It carries a documentary tone at times, such as in its opening . when Moore narrates her beginnings . to a black screen. It was a low-budget attempt at catching the same powerful realism achieved in Warren Beatty's "Reds." LES IALLETS In another artful scene, Peei'f;e lets his came ra pan over the · prison ga·ounds to capture the various fonns of desperation: A black inma\e lost in e soulful dance, a white woman in a · blank sta re. In the background, a haunting, knowing monologue"(iOng from G rac:e ,Jones, "Walking in tbe Rai .. n. Peerre also captures the universaJ symbol of prison life, the cigarette. The time killer. The measure o f currency. T he crutch for anxiety. Th~ reminder of rottenness. The director doesn't have to call~attention to th~ cigarettes. There is · rarely a w ord about them. But neither is there a scene without a pause, a µght, a deep breath. These small touches. however. are hard-pressed to hold up a story that has been otherwise cut so lean there is little r oom to get comfortable.· A significant issue should have been tlow---M"oore -actuaUy--cared for.-her- baby (Precious Agnes Moore) among rob~rs. murderers and child abusers. The theme is raised but curfously abandoned without development. T.he state, which once so incompetently imprisoned this wayward. but genuine c haracter. so' t t\e film tells u s, sudde nly gets a vot~ of confidence that it can protect the child because it is cjrdered to do 90 by a judge. This judge seema no different than the first two-schmucks who blindly sentenced her to priaon. But viewers are expected to respect this guy. Alter all. he ruled in her favor. Meanwhile Terry Jean, who had serious problems coping with prt.on life earlier, is t.el11ng everyone she can make it now becauae "For the fint time in my life ; I 'v e gol a ,responsibility." . Motherhood is indeed one time· teste d method for helping some TllODIJIEIO d1 •OllTE IJAILO Sunday, November 21, 1982· 7 pm Crawford .Hall Ballet classics and modern words satirized by men dancing the women's as well as the men's roles. Hllarl9usf Flqor• -$10. Bleachers ...::. $7.50 Balcony -$5 Tickets Available at the ASUCI Box Office. For further Information, cs/I .. Amy Madigan and Jerr Bridges share a close moment in 'Love Child.' women "atrai&hten out." But the ending doe9 little to corroborate her claim. . In fact, it ia a surpri8e endina -but only becauae it occun IO aoon. ldmt of Mad.ipn 'a earlier movie performances were in made-for·TV versions. Thia film shows that w can handle the bi& 1Creen as well, although one wonders if "Love Child" wasn't conceived with ' TV in mind. At the going rate of $4.50 per aeat, movie-goers will pay a premium for a 90-minute film with an uplifting mauae that' iraditional ·vallileS and women'• ri1hts -can work together. But they'll be left to wonder how much more complete that message really could have been, Committee for Arts Presents: JOllf SCll41>ERMAN -LUTENIST. ' -T....,. Novembef 23-lpm Concert "811 Renaluance and Baroque Lute- Free Admission DIETER SCtlDRING-lntemationaJ Tenor TUMdaJ, December 14p111· Concert HllH Repertoire lncludea .. 1ectlon from opera, operetta, l'TW8tcal comedy, fofk, reflgious, & the art of Bef Canto. Gen.,al-S5, Sr. Cit. and Other Studerits~S4, UCI Students-$3. 'SIC-ALONG wftb the c.-.n SlfGERS .....,, Deoember 11 • ~. Conoert .... Dtrected by Sarah Kerr • Popular & ofd favorite tunM Co-eponaored by Junior League of " . STARTS TODAY e ==:.m ... ~ ==.w ...... w=::: ...... .. .. .......... . ... ~-- ...... 111 .. -... "'" llWI" .... E.- For furtherlnfo;matlon, please ca// 111-ean --•a.-1n41.,.... mtt••.- , ... "I . -l : -.... s #, • •• • By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of &lie Dalb Pilot 8&atr ' You donrt have to like marderous novels. King is a master at exploiting iombies, deadly vegetation a_nd everyday fears. "Creepahow" has its mammoth cockroac hes to enJO Y share of such creepy momer:its. such aa ·•creepshow." -a cockroach invasion and the light of a But it might help. man buried to the neck ilJ beach sand "Creepshow" is an old-fashioned as the tide rolls in. horror comic book come to life, But unlike King's novels. :ourtesy of two muters of the. chiller "Creepshow" hasn't a single likable genre. Stephen King, best1selling character in sight. author of "Carrie," "The Shining" King doeS try lo inject some offbeat and "Cujo.'' wrote the script. Georf.e humor into the proceedinga, but these Romero ("Night of the Living Dead'). e fforts are often steamrolled by dubbed the greatest filmmaker ever Romero's more literal scare tactics. to shoot in Pittsburgh, directed. When the gruesome corpse of a The film is a five-segment murdered man bursts ou\ of a grave anthology sandwic he d between · screaming, "I want my cake.'' it's IOrt sequences involving a fat.h"er who has of funny. angrily tossed his son's horror comic But when the s ame c orpse in the trash. What we view is a filmed graphically twists off a woman's head, version of that comic, complete with we're back in grisly "Friday the 13th" ads for X-ray eyeglasses. country. King a nd R o m ero a r e quite The above scenes are from the first successful in duplicating the comic segment. "Father's Day," one of the format With its simple revenge plots. two shock exercises. The other is "The one -aTinensional characters. garish rate;'' a boat a nast'f' creature htding colors and broad strokes of horror. in a sealed box under a stairWay. Unfortunately, blowing up silly tales Autho i; Kif!g makes has. a~~ing for the big screen doesn't make them debut as the title character an. Th~ any less silly. Lonesome Death of Jord y Vernll. "Creepshow" turns out to be a King is_ a dumb far:mer who touch~ a Halloween grab-bag of !i movie filled meteo~ate. then _d•sce;>vers plant hfe with more tricks than treats. Th~ sproutmg Crom his skin. 'fhe segment anthology e pisodes inc lude one is )tumorless and not very scary. complet~ dud, two pointless shock "Something to Tide You Over" exercises. one chilling premise with a features Leslie Nielsen in an equally cop-out e nding a nd on e little broad but much funni4:r perf?~"c.e masterpiece of horror. as a husband who l>unashes his w1{e s As he ryas demonstrated in his lover by burying h1m lo the neck. Lord Gtade l'rn.nt• THI LAS; UMCOlt-:-1 G I • •-...V1.t1J Pr00uero0n "' AilO<"'''°" w lll't ire ,...,, hr<ulW P,00u<*' MlllWI StllQel l'IOOll<tO MtO OitttltO Dy Alll1ut • ..,,...., Jt .in<! ~i ... , Ser~ Dy ~ .. S lr.o9w ~cl P on nn nov., ~ -~ou Dy """"1 Wtoo Leslie Nielsen reveals sinister plans lo Ted DanSon in ''Creepshow." This segment triggers some real chills. but King and .llomero spoil things with obvious climax. The production values throughout .. Crcepshow" are excellent. But glossy photography and special effects only cover up a dearth of wit and .imagination in the first four segments. You wait for Rod Sterling-style twist endings that never arrive. The movie's one gem is the last segment, "They're Creeping Up On You." E.G. Marshall, in a delightfully crabby performance. plays a «:fuel, eccentric millionaire who controls his empire from sterile white quarters filled with sophisticated electronics. The re's just one thing Marsha ll can't control -a little cockroach proble m that will reach e pi c . proportions before the night 1s over. Romero rounded up 25.000 roaches. including some giant critters from Trinidad.'iiind the-investment payttoH . T om Savini's makeup magic creates some hornfying monsters elsewhere an "Crcepshow ." but they're not one- tenth as shudder-provoking as the wriggly roach es that invade Mars hall~s breakfast cereal and Pventually swarm out of his drain. Marsha ll deserves some sort of special Oscar for holding his own with these six-legged c.-o-stars. The roaches, by the way. won't be around to pick up any wcll-df'Served acting awards -they've been gassed. Thank goodness. -:e N .. .. l ' • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----.,(, ___ ,._. __ ,. __ ,o __ ri_._._,. ___ ~)~===============---------------- (\1 < LUXURY THEATRES ) ~Tony Roma's ••• Finest in rings and ribs~ ,.. ............... .,.u ............. ~ ai , . . S m+Mjijebell6i6J4mil~~) S a; specials including meat loaf, veaJ parmigiana, _..__ 1 y Our n By JOEL C. DON roast loin of pork, pot roast and roast turkey, all ~ FOi Ml E-.11i;111a11 111t ••• "'l:t ~ Ot &be Dally Pilo& Start at $3.95. Al lunch time, those specials are a dollar K ~ ~ off. <1Jlid1··&s~ DJ .,.. Z TONY ROMA ·s. 2530 W. Coast Highway, Dinner entrees include coleslaw and french >-Cries or baked potato. ro Newport Beach. 642-9070. Open from 11 a.m. to My guest zeroed in on the baby back ribs. Mio-&,-J,1#;tl ~ill'''° :g J :30 a.m . seven days a week. Same mena all but · I decided to be somewhat adventuresome, _ ___;~;ii;:!.!--;;11iiiiRNi•liliiit ~ hours. Lunch specials $2.95. Dinners from $3. 75 selecting the chicken and ribs offering ($8.50). I -'P~ Bl Ci co $9.95. N o r eservations. Valet parking optedtopayanextra 60 ccntsforbabybacksand al HT& MCM -o available. 40 cents for white meat. Sllows •• U •J i1iiT:JO a3 The ribs are meaty and the sauce hardly of .!1t:;'N!;T'~.~~1!0~.T~oo~~L.SYW~alli-f~fiifiijj1;A~llrm ~ Just about everybody has an opinion about the overpowering sort. What's more. the P?rtion M!r.a.~lll __so_ ... ., C1> the best place in town for ribs. It seems no other is quite generous and would no doubt sattsly a laTv'RI .._....._.. ~ single type of food can elicit S() much gustatory hearty appetite even without a full order of 110f,\\1/,tll'i,1A4'00 .• 1:10asao1:101:10 101JO .2 opinion and culinary loyalty. Come on, folks, those wonderful onion rings. Chkken, because c;>f •?a4•&ii$fl2J6J.4 nlWMtl"g.:&' J a: we're just talkln' about ribs, not your mother's its thickness. is an art to be mastered on the _;: __ ---·----"''llT'I . S unday dinners. . barbecue grill. But the kitchen managed to CHIUSToPH•• •HV• I f-rTHEExTJlA-fD So it ls ,with great trepidation that this produce a most juicy and tender Portion minus l\l()~N()K m .f 0 TE.RRESTRIAL rC'viewer steps into yet another rib joint. And the burnt ski witltcooking fowl over SNwsot h. I ' 1---• 1 •' n-H......,.~td-h · 1:41l:M10:11 ••OO 1 :11 IO:JO No,._ t 1s p ace am t ~n-uon-:-n.-'S-3 ·., --· -v hot grills. Th(? Cries rate as hig as the rmgs, 6 ..1.wn 8770/KGllllD-chain that started in Miami, though 28 locations crispy and not greasy. The cole s law helps Vl'F STADIUM nationwide hardly puts Tony Roma's in the same refresh the palate. league with Taco Bell, Burger King and the Tony Roma's offers bar service and a modest pla''<' that blew up the clown. selection of wines. though true rib lovers know Sure there's better to be found. especially the best sidekick is a good bottle or two of beer. whe n your searc h for the perfect s lab of Entertainment also is featured nightly after 9 barbecued ribs takes you to some offbeat spots in p.m. Los Angeles. But Tony Roma's doesn't seem to • lncidentaUy, of the five California outlets, disappoint its fans and newcomers. and we were Newport's has the highest grossing restaurant quue sausCied o~ iw0crecent-v:· · --""" ,._ -. UHt lbellion:' -To be sure. this rib restaurant is known for ""'' i:. me sma · tts red-jacketed valet parking attendants, some -. .... IQJ,_COU"_....,.,~~.=!~- pretty decent prices for a Newport Beach eatery and a most casual atmosphere. But it can also be a bear of a wait on Friday or Saturday nights. No reservations means earlybirds have a distinct advantage. But one thing you can count on is good estima tion of how long it'll take to be seated. We were told on-e night about 40 minutes. The clock punched in at 48 minutes. Not bad. But hold on. This barbecue saJoon shouJd be known as a house of ribs and rings. You can't pasi up a Cull ($2.75) or haJC ($1.95) order of Tony Roma's onion rings. A fuU order is the size of a deep-fat fryer basket from where it evolved. Pulling the mound apart is half the fun, and you'll enjoy dipping these crispy rines in the accompanying barbecue sauce. . . Don't get this restaurant wrong. there ::. mor e to the menu than pork ribs. But it's difficult to choose anyth ing but the house specialty, an order of barbecued baby back ribs ($9.95). Don't feel aJone in your selection. ~ r estau rant reports that 70 percent of its customers Crom throughout the nation go for the baby backs . A s lightly ch eaper rib offering captures another 20 percent ~f the market. The remajning holdouts opt for filet mignon ($6.95). London broil steak ($5.~). New York steak ($9.95). pen-fried brook .OUt ($4.95) or barbecued chicken ($5.45). There ace also daily ( ..... :. .. ",•1.l.~f .,,.,_. • 1 .11 ~ D"-IN Open 1:46W•nllllts/1:30 Wwk_. QiWrtl Wtrl2frttUllesslllt .. The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. Willie Nelson Gary Busey --,LORD GRADE ~ESENTS "BARBAROSA" GILBERT ROl.J\ND ISELA VEGA • DANNY DE LA PAZ Written by WIWAM D. WITTLIFF Mutic by BRUCE SMEATON Directed by FRED SCHEPIS! Produced by PAUL N. LAZARUS Ill EJCtCUtlve Producer MARTIN ST ARGER A WITTUFF. NELSON ANO aJSEV PRODUCTION IN ASSOCIATION WITH ITC RlMS DISTRllUT!Q IV UfW!ltSM. PIC'TURES NID • '. \, ------------------1( Curreiltly Scr•~nln• )i:::. ::::::::~---------:--::-___,;---- ' 5 . . AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger . and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises but some beaut.ifully dcawn performances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and adult situations. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R, Michael Palin of Monty Python fame has the title role in this tale of a missionary who opens a home for wayward souls in F.dwardlan London. This watm-hearted picture has some amusing mo{llents, but they're offset by a boring love story and a surplus of undeveloped plot threads. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stars He~ry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert Macnaught.on and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer · space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years . ailttlc prad~ anyone can be as good as Bruce I.eel •ii ' l 1 "'111 "'' '\ • ! .. , 1 I H ~ - Movies now· sh(Jwing along. Orange Coast PINK FLOYD THE WALL; Rated R, stars ~ rock singer Bob Geldorf. Pink Floyd's album "The l Wall," inspired this nightmarish film, which ,. chronicles a rock star's overdaee. f POLTERGEtST: Rated PG, stars J obeth ...... MONSIGNOR: Rated R, stars Christopher Reeve. Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Superman cape for clerical robes in this tale of a World War ll priest who becomes involved in finadcial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully photographeCl film is long on shock value (priest has a romance. pries t dea ls ' with the Mafia), but short on motivation and substance. Williams and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the ~ supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the : direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for ~ suspense. z o .. J>UPERMAN ll: Rated PG, stars Christopher ~ Reeve; Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Sarah Doualaa i and Margot Kidder. The return of the highly ~ popular Superman sequel in which three aliem _. come to earth looking for Superman. aliaa Clark !D Kent. The love scene between Supennan and Loia ;O Lane created a stir when the movie was originally CD released. Ill bi ....... ..... .......... ..... , ... , .. c....... ...... ... ........... C..j9ec. ''''' •• ''~~l :~ ====-................. ... .... c.-er Clertl ... .._.,......... ... , ....... . llCWIJIJI _,... ... • , •••• wlll•lt tit• ................ Tlte 11•1••••1 11 ,......_ ...... .. ....... , .. ....... r::., ----· ... ...,. , .... ,. ................ .......... -. Tlte DAILY "LOT ................ =··-----.. .... _, I Wl\at.,,.f YOllf "OI~ e11t..,el11 .... 11t ....cfe ... YCl"'ll filld, Ill Ollf terge •-me11t, e clelicloue C•rve!' Ice Cr•-C•k• or lroi.., -.. ,.. 16' llelp .......... ..., ........... . . _ ......... ,. .......... ----------------·•~l•1··------------·--------------, This Is our way of thanking you . . . 1 The Can.el' Storets hsted 1n 1t11s 110 will give yOU 12.00 °" '-lwgul9r ... price of eny TOM TH• TUllK•Y -PILGRIM CAK•S -. I • s t " wt>en you 1>1ea.n1 !fl•• co;;oon at Miii of pu<chase i °"".,......,,_,..,a,1112 : CMl ll040-C_ ..... .,.,_._ ... -.C..,P"""-: AtCIM--el ..... ,, ... ...,., .... ., • I ,______ -----------------:~:·~-----------------------------' ,------------~---------·--.. -------------~·.,..·-----------, iBUY1,GET1FM+ HBUY\GET1FR&f! I ---e<*411. NJ·---~atM. i FU=ll ~ i DB.UXUIMI i : 1111111 :: ••• I : -----·-1. .,, .......... ..., : :=:=:,r::., : : .,...,......,.._,.. I I C..nal -.................. 'I c...111111111_..... ........ ~ ....... I ........... , I .... ...,._. ................ ,, ..,_ ...... Alfll ..... ..., .. _ ............ : • .. !'::-~'!-.~--·-----------, • ~.':! .. 2!.!1!'--«::. ____ ;. _______ , r 1• l ---~-·-~ . -. ! ~ t.orrents.-both emotioaal and climatic, e pro~ the glitter in Tennemee William&' "Night of a> the Iguana," but the gold usually is ~ in ~ calmer moments o{ strained communication and Z self-realization. • , >-At Saddleback College, both the·gUtter and the .g gold are in mint condition in Bcian Donoghue's ~ cra h smanlike prod~ction. Wti.ile the technical. -... effects are outstanding (this viewer hasn't seen a al better rain effect on any i.tage), the sensitivity of ~ Williams' story of people at the end of their rope ~ comes through with splendid clarity. al ~ ''Iguana" is a tricky piece of theater, often challenging its actors to mat.ch the special effects § which climax the first act. Its three principals must ii: exude separate levels of despera tion since they, like the captured lizard of the title, are being held j n check by forces beyond their control. The play's focus is on Shannon, a defrocked clergyman whose g .an got e tter 0 him and who now conducts tours of Mexican resorts in a broken-down bus. Stephen Thatcher plays the ·ro1e Forgive me, Father, · for I have si11ned. .. I have killed for my Cou11try, J.have..sJalen.for-1uyChur-eh, I hav~ loved a woman, a11d I am a Priest. MONSIGNOR •BARGAIN MATIN•••• ...... ., ........ ....,. All PetfOfl'MftC" bef0f9 5:00 PM CflaflS,...£11111sut1•......_.1 ~"1111 "THEY CAU. -MUCr .... --- "AN OFAC•R AND A GENTLDIAW' 1111 ----- "THE._.. aTMCia •ACIC" ------. "C;lllm'9HOW" ... I :..-:'t. .. ..nr..1 -·=-=- ., •• ,. 1;,'1»..0) "THI .... aTMCll llA~" , "111111 aANDIT8" 4'91 ·----------. --~-----a=t."L- lAkEWOO(l rfNHll SOUTH ,... • .. • ·•A pJ~y ·with glitte' ·Qnd $~ld • • ... BY TOM TITUS or ... o.t17 Piiot sa.n 'nlree more ~·perto~ of ''Miat.t of the Iguana"' wiD be pn!lellled, tanilht ind S".turday ~ 8 p.m. and Sund9y at 3 p.m. in the main theater on the Mtmioli Viejo campus. Reservaliona are being · taken at 831-4868. with the requisite aeethinc int.enmity (albeit in a ------------------ si.ngle key) and preeen~ a convincing picture of a man on the verge of neryous collapse. He even nwuijJes to match the elements in force during the celebrated storm scene, 90mething few Shannons achieve ..• Counte ring Thatcher's fervor with a beautifully· modulated perlorman<.-e as the spinster artist is LaDonna deBarros, playing her third Tennessee Williams heroine with a sense of inner torme nt harnessed by a reservoir of reserve. Her moment of quiet "confession" is captivating. Effie Baird "is less effective as the bawdy proprietor of the hotel, never really conveying her o n desires but suc.'Ceeding..,.more n a surf~ le el. Robert M. PurceU 1tives an articulate account of the artist's dying grandfather striving to complete one lasl poem ... rAClflC TllUlllU DIUff-111 SWAP •ffTI lllflta --· ---.. , ., AIWlfl• lllllYI ... llAllll llWI. lllft .. I OIAlll£ lllYl-111 .......... '-,._, , ... __ ".,_"_ ... ". . . ANAHE IM DI/IV( IN ._ .. .,_ .. . .,....., ... Tiii ..... ·~~-­-..... T-llAlf OUT •• :· '"' . C..'1- .. ·~ "' .... BUENA PARK [J~l~t IN " •, a ~ • LINCOLN [JI/IV( IN ,_...,._..., ... _ 111..a10 . ' FUUNI Al1"4 VALLEY c1'i' VI IN ........ ._ .. _"", ...... , ''CREEP SHOW .. ..., -"SUPERMAN II" tN 1 "TMIMM"90M •NOWY 111¥111~ fMI -.,._ •AllOIT•" •TMI ..... •~H llACll" tNI --WNbl ,_ "1111 OUT •• :· fNI a.ff--1.T."--"MOMCO a&. Y" .,.. C:..·11- ,.~ ..... I. "1111 LMlr U•llCAll 1. .. '::-'Nie AT ••--nnl _. C..·11- •M.4*1 •,,. DMll"llll -'WMMlllDll 1111 C:.·fl-1111 "'Cr' .. -·All-CM ........ Ull90W' .. -·"-"'"'--.,.. .. ~--..... '99 ... 0UT ••• -.... .__._ ..... c-.. ... , --~----. . . --.. _ ----------·---------------·-.. ----·---- _______________ .,_...,(Currently Scr .. nl1t9 ) ... _...._ _______ , -------! From Page 5 quest to Sttk out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer . THE C HALLENGE: Best Ame rican-made martial-arts film yet, plus a view of Japanese culture rare in American films. Scott Glenn is a foot-loose !ishter who sets mixed up in a 'bitter .. family feud in Kyoto' and falls under the spell of master .of the sword Toshiro Mifunei Directed by John Frankenheimer in top form. R rated for violence. NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CLASS REUNION: Rated R, this film brings familiar hish ! school types tasether for a 10-yeara-later party that .BAR.JlAROSA: Rated PG, mainly for violence, is menaced by a disturbed student. Moderately stars Willie Nelson and Gary Buaey. Thia la 1~ fwmy hiah 8dW>OI jokes and high jinks are mixed another one that w• J'e'lea1ed a couple yww aao into a mad a1aaher movie parody. and broulht t.clt by critical demand. Mei.on and 1· Buaey put in admirable performanc:ea as two YES, GIORGIO: Rated. PG, 1tan opera sreat outcaata who find a .,._ of family in Neb other. Luciano Pavarotti in his film debut, with Kathryn Deals with larger iuuea like revenc• and the =it Harrold and Eddie Albert. A comedy about an makiac al a lelend.. i: ~:;!!!u!t_tar (naturally) who court.a his throat .EATING RAOUL: Rated R, thla ia a silly .f comedy full of swtnger., prudes and Latin lovers. . A BOY AND HIS DOG: Rated R, stars Don There's IOnlething to offend everyone in the film's ~ Johnson as the owner of a smart-talkins dog. This satire, which is really an assault on hypocrisy. 1 " L .G. J ones film, based on a Harlan Ellison novella, IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD: aated PG, 3 was originally released in 1974 and has gained this is a compilation of the wont movies of all time i nothing in the way of substance or believability introduced by comics from television's Saturday .... since then . Night Uve and scrv Comedy .Network. . !D ~---------------------.... GllTAW WfMttlllUCll --.... -~ s... OIMt YArds ~ EdwltOS Mis.SOI ClllllloMt P'lazJ S41 2711 C-14t0ltl V• 111111(7Ul 4tH220 1342553 I ilO ,... llOCIP!tO !!!--I) A< A(J( a.-f ¥~ lillifH_~·_) Ttn1 Allj ,....it 'l!dm' '"'• The story of a boy suddenly alone in the world. 11nd. Qllllt'' I!) All' ·""r1JOT •nr" .... H~d • ., lh1u Th11'' 111, lhe men w o challenge him. And the girl who help• him become a man . . ~--·-_ .... ' ' ' . -·--• • ' ! ~.I ""'t \ Y. 1 "° ! ~ IS) CD N . ' "'· 8 N QO O> .- a) .... .8 E Q) > 0 ~ >. co 'O '\: u. ...... .... Q) 'O c Q) :x al ~ .Q a: -. -PINEmlllSTS LICIEI llT!!! UllTED ARTISTS THUTERS UIFllRU! We are loclted oUt becaUM we retu.cl to loee up to 75% ol our jobS, double the work load ol thOle remaining, and allow our expertlM to be utilized to enable underpaid, lnexperi.iced kid• to Mndle the highly complex equipment In the projection rooma of the United Artlata Theatrea. Management enopntlJ and ....,..,~anded th•t eech projectlonlat emptoyee MfVlce u many u .._..,..,. ec...... In complexea u much u......, epert. · We believe thla to be ......, to the 50-75% of the projectlonlltl thet would heve lost their Jobi under theae condl,llona. and Ul"9lr to the movie petrona who are peying tGp prtoe tor their tk:tleta, with the chence of aeeing Mb-•......, pnln tloft of the futurea they peld to .... we were wilting to negotiate, but the Company dlctalon.lly and enopnltJ LOCKED ue OUT. YOU Cll HELP! PleeM doft't go Into eny United Art .. t• l'Meler en,where. Your wntten letters ol support will be appreciated by us. They should be eddresaed to the Southef'n Auoclatlon of IA TSE Olstrlc1 Two LOC411, 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, California 92648. We wlli forward to the proper party at United Artiats. THlllS FOR YOUR· HELP!! Southern Association of IA TSE District Two Locals, Walter H. Blanchard. ·Secy-Treas. .. A funny. 9tirdD& envdoplng movie that vlewen of any age or perauuk>o an enJOY. Thts-ta~ ftJm tmt-accompltsbe. -~-n everything dut lt attempts. and does to expertly: 'beadnlJ ......... IDC>Wie ••• no one bu mott accurately c.aptuttd the men:urlaJ quality of ~olacenc:e duo (~tt Dtllon) ----~~'-'-'-'.,,.__.' _,.., p ·-.. -l~rd Sdlkkd. T-....,._ .. A MAJOR tn the traditlon of 'Bll.ILUING AWAY' and 1XNBlt 'TU' wtll mile you feel good to-be altvie~ -an-lttd - "w:mderfuL The movie's chum. humor and potgnance are all contained ln Dtllon's extrao rdinary screen presence. 'Tex' has a timeless air about it. You don't have to be 16 to be moved by tt-havtng been 16 wtll do." -0..ld Anwa, Ne .. -~ W< • Starring MATT DILLON • JIM ME TZUR • MEG TILLY • Bill McKINNEY <tnd BEN JOHNSON Wi«utwe Ptilducef R¢t'I Molltr ·Produced by rm ZtnnerNnn · Mwc by Plflo Oonaggio Screenplay bit' Chitrt,. H.Ns & Tim Hunttf • 8.tsed on mt l'IOYfl bi,-SC H.nton ·Directed bi,-Tim Hunttr ~ --• from WMt Otsntr-Pfoducbons ..........• -=:-.::.=.:.-......_~~ ~=-=·=·-... -~ ~~~~-STARTSTODAY ~~~~- AllAHE1• COITA MEIA ORAllll WH TMlllTER Brookhurat 172-~8 UA Ci11eN. 540-0584 Or1ngt Miii 837-0340 Ciftttlll Wtlt 891-3935 IREA LAI UIA H ACH ~ CUiil .,._,9, I aasslC 14 QI I ot f*V 1=-s tt*l 171 \QI' faVorlte r~ rt a NI 111 IDtl' movie Sta I •IV al the gang. .. 1117·~~J:!.,,-....,....-_ -.;-z=.:.~~-..::..~ 9 r-· I . ~ ~ THE MOVIE THAT . .. " IF,tS U UP WHERE YOU BELONG" ~EBAATEs ITS . / 1]thSMASH1WEEKt / -0 ha nev., bMn better Winger ... "" • 1• wonderful and G....._,ts terrtflo."' ~Crtlt • . . •A first rate, bNuttfully eoted, thoroughly Involving romance." ___.Meelln,THe..WYOM1- "The kind of love story for which the public'• been thirsting." -Oefte IMltt_ TOa.Y 1MOW ""R/\MOUHT PCTURES PflltSUITS /\ LORIM/\Jt-MART\N !U'Al'ID ~ /\ TAYU. JIAGKJ(JllD PU.M RJCHARD cntl!HlOIRA WINOal Ml onicER Al'ID /\ CZN'1'lZMAN Abo .. mnc DNID KUTH and LOUtS COSSETT. JR H 'Pl*y' Origlna I Music by JAO< NITZSCHE ·Written by DOUGl.AS ll/\Y STEW/\RT Produced by MARTIN ELl'/\NO·Oin:cted by TAYLOR H/\CKl'ORD ft' ,...--" /\ PAJt/\MOtJNT i:.'.:T\JRE • 1R -·------I I _ _,,"l":.1'=91 ;._ . MfA .. f'CNtTIUC. CMWIG( WllT-TDI M.lM &~ Plil/a EOW¥dS Nelf POl1 C-Cinedomt E.,...~CIS Cinema West S29 S339 60 0760 634 2553 891 393S MIHIOll •tUO Eaw~Os VtejO Tw;n 830 6990 .. ,__..._,,._ .. ., __ =··= " ..... ,. .. , ... -~ "THSY CALL .:..cu:'"rr ~-Mm MUCI" IHI WIWI •LaON • ,_ _ GARY M.lllY THEllAN ... SNOWY ~~ ,..,.. SATllUN. tllll' 4:to.t:a.1:40 I IAT. ONLY ,....,., ... ,, .......... _ . M°' F.wolm BARBAROSA VIAi m FRI. 7:15, 10ll5 SAT/SUN. JM 7:11.1e:JI "HEIDI'S SONG" 1•1 E.T. T8bftA· ............. """7ltt. 1:11 IATllUN. t:tl, ._ Mt.Ml.•• (N) Fill. 7:15, t:30 I ATISUN. 12:30, 2:45 5:00, 7:». 10:00 F"I. 1:30 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 4:45, 1:30 "1001 RABBIT TALES" to1 . F"'· 7:00. 10:40 SATISUN. 3:15, 7:00, 10:30 "HEIDI'S "THE LAST SONG" CO) UNICORN" 101 ~ 0 - ..... IO 00 "' FRI. 1:1~S. .. l:,.·11:-5c9, 1rtO:lr1~5 eff"-t--:;;7.el. IA U1La;311...---------t ... ,.,......, 1:1I , 1:15, 10:1I SATISUft. 1:00, 2:45, 4:30 •:20. l:OI, ... "THE LAST UNICORN" • ....... , ...... IATllUll. t:tl.: lllll ._ ... ,.MO ca, "THI LAIT UNICORN" 1•1 ""· ... l:tl, 10:00 SATISUN. tl:11, t:4, 3:20 ......... l:tl, 10:00 " .. IDl'I SONG"111 • ... .:. ~-··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(~ ____ 0 __ 1~_._,._,. __ ;.. _____ )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ao O> ~ "BROTHERS," the \\'.Orld premiere of a drama g; about family conflicts. completes lta engagement on : the Second Sia,e of South Cout Repertory, 655 ~ Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033). Final E performances will be given tonight and Saturday at t 8:30, Sunday at 8 p.m. with weekend matinees at ~ o p.m. z ~ "CHAPTER "TWO," a comedy-drama by Neil ~ Simon, is being presented at the San Clemente ·;f Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San -;:: Cremente (492-0465). PE!Tformances are given. ~ Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through Dec. 4. c Q) .:.c i :: "THE DIVINERS," a Depression-era drama, is on st.age in South Coast Repertory's !1'3in \heater, 655 Town Cente r Drive, Cost.a M~ (957-4033). -Curl.din times are Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 .Q 0::: p.m .. Sundays at 7:30 and weekend matinees at 2:30 through Dec. 2. ''THE ELEPHANT MAN,'' a drama based on a misshapen man's life, closes this weekend at Golden West College in Huntington Beach (894-6070). Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 and S unday a t 2:30. "FINIAN'S RAINBOW," a musical Irish fa ntasy, o~ns this week at Sebastian's West Dinner ~ayhouse, 202 Ave. Pico. San Clemente (492-9950). ·~. . '.-. "'.' ' • -4 .... .~I r"1 .. 11"H• ~· •l,1•~. ~ ~ ·-·-- What's happening along Orange Coast ' Performances will be lfven Ncbtly neept MandaJ8 at varying curtain aimes until furthw notice. "LAST NIGHT'S LIGHTNING," the West Coast premiere of a new drama about a class reunion, is being pretiented by UC Irvine's drama workshop in the Fine Arts Little Theater on campus (833-6617). Closing performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. ' "Ll'L ABNER," the musical version of the popular comie strip, continues at the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-41 13). C urta in time is 8:30 Fridays a nd 1Saturdays through Dec. 4. "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS," a musical comedy revival, is the new attraction at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana , (979-5511). ferformances .will be given Tuesdays through Sundays at varying curtain times until further notice. "THE NIGHT OF THE IGUANA," Tennessee Williama' 90Uth-of-the-b81der drama, c:ompletes lta · run at Saddlebac.11 Colle1e in Miaaion Viejo (831-4856). CJominc performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m.. Sunday at 3 p.m . "TIU! SOLID GOLD CADILLAC," a comedy satiriainl b6c .._, continues at the C-. ~ Civic pta~hou.e on the 0....,. C-ounty Falqp'ounda (7M-~la). Perfor"ww• are 1hunilays throush Saturdays at 8;JO UDt.ll n.c. 4. "SWEENEY TODD, THE DEMON BARBER OF FLEET STREET," wlnds up Its engagement at UC Irvine's Fine Arts Village Theater (833-6617). Final performances a~ tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. "TWO AND TWO MAKE SEX," a n adult ::"Omedy about extramarital affairs, is playing at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Main Street a t Yorktown Avenue in the Seadiff Village shopping :enter (847-4465). Curtain time is 8:30 F'ridays and Saturdays through Dec. 4. -All---------------- LOS ANGELES COUNTY ART MUSEUM. 5905 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angele&. ''Retrospective Louis Cartier: M.Mterworks of Art Deoo, 1915-1935'' See Diversions, Page 12 a.Tl ... ~'*-' C...t7M141 5 .......... ••111111 fllcllc'IMlllltm atm Edw .... ,, lllClll 581-SllO Orrft.111 171-tllO __ _... ___ I ' ,. at the Rusty ~eI\ca~ OPENING 2:00 P.M . serving our regular menu & prices featuring the largest selection of fr~h seafOoCf in Orange County as well as Prime ~~~5~f Beef ""'-~ CU'4>-~· . and Steaks 'f'Y-<"" Ancient Mariner Newport Beach Newport Beach on the Bay . Reservations accepted 646-0201 SE.ffEblFF Restaurant --==--.. THANKSGIVING MORNING BRUNCH l A.M. to 2 P.M. Special Thanksgiving Menu . 2 P.M. to 11 P.M. GU LL 1¥ E ~---~,,,,, oast Tom Turkey · ............... s-8 .95 ~han~sgil'i1'B New York Steak ................ ~11 .95 Leg of Lamb ....................... ~8.95 Stu ffed Local Lobster ......... ~.l 0. 95. 'lurk,e~ ~ttlt)flr' · wid, an ~ f,stot-'R 1'r'' mC1 Jtt1's oi-Se Dinners 1nctvde soup or .salad potato & vegetable. mince pie w 1111 brandy sauce, pumpkin pie, and choice ot coffee, tea or !:"Ilk Fora.MWM ACTION Cal A M&T PILOT AD-WllOI ...... ,. • 873-4133 400 Main St. Balboa Balboa Pavilion LET'S TALK TURKEY • Roast Tom Turkey ........... SJ65 • Broiled Filet Mignon ......... s1425 • Roast Leg of Lamb ......... S 1 Q25 • Standing Rib Roast .......... SJ } 95 • Baked Ham .. ......... ..... .... . s925 • Broiled Sea Bass ...... ... ..... s995 • New York Stea\, Broiled . S 1395 • Brotled Lobster T atl ......... S 1895 All emr ... Include IOUP or salad, relllh tray. and 1radltlorial deuert Serving From 11 A.M. to 9 P.M. ~ . :!; 2 I i .... "' :t Q. • ':< z 0 < ~ i .. CD ~ CD .. OD I\) Thanksgi¥in Dinne::;.:r~--~-Child~ AIMfl A411 .. 1Mit-----,;;..---t----r-\ Featurtng • Roas·t Turkey . • Prime Rib ... I. • Baked Ham • Halibut • Top Sirloin Steak A".,.,,... lndude ICM'P or NIIMI. Prtoee ,.,,... 18.95to113.50 potato, bre.cl. OeeNrt & t>ewrege. Serwd 12 Noon to •.P.M. ' . ... I I ~ ~------------------------------........ ---'~~·-----D-1_v_•_r_•_lo_n_• ____ .....__~~--~-------------------------------- Q) -a; From Page 10 ::1 ·on View through Feb. 20. Includes art deco items .8 such as clocks, vanity cases, jewelry. t BC SPACE GALLERY, 235 Forest Ave., o Laguna Beach. Work by California photographers · Z Diana Schoenfeld and Ron Leighton on display ~ Dec. 1-24. Public reception 8-10 p.m. Dec. 3. Gallery ~ hours 11 :30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. ... -u.. ...... ... Q) "O c: Q) ~ $ ~ QUORUM GALLERY, 374 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Wax encaustic collages; oils and watercolors by Walburga Schauer. oils by Winifred Smith. Watercolors by Lori Quarton and Chris Stevens Dec. 1-Jan. 1. "Gallery hours 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. daily. .§ ii: SADDLEBACK WESTERN ART GALLERY, 1660 E. First St., Santa Ana. Mini-art display opens Nov. 21 with wine and cheese party open to the public 5·.1) p.m . .Callery ho urs 11 :30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Mondays. 11 :30 a.m. -7 p.m. Tuesdays-Fridays, 11 a m.-5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. FRAMEWRIGHT GALLERY, 8740 ~hr lli l l41 gr 3\ 1111 "''" .. ' .... \'\It . -\ HEAR YE!!· . . ~ ~ . ·~, HEAR YE!! ThePllgal• N••er Hod It So Good! Your Choice: •l0cntT_T..., •VIiii•'• ..... .... ...... 51rt ... ., ... THAMCSGIVIMG DINNER Only s7~s. Dinner ~II Be Sefved 12-C)() Noon til t:OO p.m. MAD TOUI IHM•ATIOMI IAILT ,, Ave .. Fountain Valley. Open he>UR 6-10 p.m. Nov. 19 with artist Jerry Sc~urr.'Public is invited. BOWERS MUSEUM. 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana. "P re-Hispanic Art of Mexico, Guatemala and Central America" continues through Jan. 30. ''Shaman's Song: Rock Art of Western America" continues through Nov. 26. Other displays include Indian Gallery, Orange County History Room and "Afr!can ·Works." Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday- Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission by donation. MILLS HOUSE ART GALLERY, 12732 Main St. Garden Grove. Caro1.11el horses exhibited Nov. 30-~an. 30. Demonstration on restoration techniques and talk about carousel animals and memorabilia is 2-4 p.m. Nov. 20 and 27 and Dec. 4 and 11. Opening reception 6-9 p.m. Dec. 10 open to the public. · LAGUNA BEACH ART MUSEM, 307 Cli{f Drive, Laguna Beach. "Changing Tre~ Content and S tyle -Twelve Southern California Painters" a nd "Bagged Art Exhibition/Silent Auction" exhibit is Nov. 19-J an. 2. Galler hours 11:30 THANKSGIVING DAY BUFFET $9.95 12 noon to 8 p .m. Make Reservations Now 14982 Redhill 730-0115 at Edinger TUSTIN . a.m.-4:30 p.m . daily except Mondays. Abo, lecture ''Chancing Trends in Art in the '80s" is at 8 p.m. Dec. 8 with $3.50 admiaion for non-memben and filnr "Abstract Contemporary Film Shorta With Emphasis on Sound and Musk: Aa.unpaniment" shown at 8 p.m. Dec. 1 with $3.50 admission. ORANGE OOAST OOLLEGE. Fine Art.I Hall 116. 2701 Fairview Road, Co.ta Mesa. Lecture by artist Richard Turner is at noon Nov. 23. Admisaion $1.50 . . . -DANCE------ UCLA'S ROYCE HAI.Ii., Los Angeles, preaents Ballet Rambert at 8:30 p.m . Nov. 19 ahd 20 . Tickets $15 and $12. Information (213) 825-9261. · ORANGE OOAST OOLLEGE. ~studio, 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Improvisational dance workshop open to public for viewing is 2-4 p.m. Nov. 16. liaformat.ion 556-5506. See Diversions, Page 13 , ____ --!, __ ~---------- c. 'Peppe \_ Special Thanksgiving Dinner Roast Turkey With All The Trimmings Includes Dessert & Beverage Regular Menu Also Offered 1:00 P.M to 6:00 P.M Beach Blvd. at Stark 842-5535 - Huntington Beach . ~~~12~J~M~A~iltltiW~·~A~Yl.~~~~~~·~7;lol~MO~~~~~~~~~~fi~~~~~::~ii~~!!!!!!~~~~~~==~~iii Enjoy I :J~,Jz~vi"'I . ~i~' 11 A.M. to 9 P .M. Children'• Menu Available For Retervations CaH 494-0162 IH ie. Ceaat lwy. Located In Hotel San Mearten UIVIA IUCI Parldn9 on Premi ... · A :J'anLJgiving :J.eaJI Special Holiday Menu With Al • Prime Rib • Baked Ham • Fresh Halibut \ · Serving 12 Noon to 8 PM Reuben•s . Midi.ID 251 East Coast Highway 151 E• Coast Hiahway Newport Beach. 673-1505 Newport Beach. 67$-5790 --'----------------------~========::::i.~ _____ o_,_~_,_•s_1_o_N_s ____ _,~~--=-----------_,;.------------------~ Frorry Page 12 -MUSLCi------- CHAPMAN COLLEGE, 333 N. GlasseU St.. O ran ge. O r a nge County Youth Symphon y Orchestra performs Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. followed by Champagne reception in Bcrtea Hall. General admission: $3 concert only, $5 concert and reception . Information 997-6774 or 997-6871. CHAPMAN COLLEGE. Bertca Hall. 333 N. G lassell S t .. Orange. Ronald Smart w ill conduct Cha p man Symph on y O rch estra o n Nov. 30. Information 997-6871. S AN TA A NA HI G H SC H OO L AUDITORIUM. 520 W. Walnut St .. Santa Ana. Chinese Choral Society of Los Angeles will perform Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5, $10 and $25. Lnformation 547-0696. CHAPMAN COLLEGE. Bertea Hall . 333 N. Glas.sell St .. Orange. O pera Workshop will perform a rias from vario us o peras Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. Admission free. lnf.ormation 997-6871. · CHAPMAN COLLF.GE, Bert.ea Hall. 333 N. Glassell St., Orange. Chamber players quartet will app ear Nov.' 19 a t 8 p .m. Admission free . lnforma tion 997-6871. UC LA PERFORMING ARTS CENTER. Schoenberg Hall. Westwood. Pianist Theodora Carras Primes performs Nov. 20 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $6 and $8. Information (213) 825-9261. - ORANGE COAS T COLLEGE. Robert B. Moore Performing Arts Theater. 270 1 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Orange Coast College Chorale · will sing Haydn's Creation Mass on Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. Admission $4. Information 556-5726. LA MIRADA CIVIC THEATER, 14900 La Mirada Blvd., La Mirada. The Four Freshmen , Andy Russell, The lnk Spots and The Diamonds star in "A Time to Remember" Nov. 24 at 8 p.m. Ticket information 994-6310. • LA MIRADA CIVIC THEATER. 14900 La Mirada Blvd .. -La Mirada. Jack Da niels S ilver Cornet Band will perform Nov. 27 at 8 p.m. Tickets arc $11.50-$13.50. Information 994-6310. Thanksgiving Dinner Special • H11,1•I I urL1•\ • :'"l't'I Poa.ilo('~ fl '1ulhnc • l.rJnll!'rP $Ju('c> • l'u111pL111 Pw • ~oll S. Bullf'r 11 \.\I. to 8 P \I. t5alad II.tr Ml lnr1"""1r ~uU Dvu>rr .\l~nu \t.n s,.,...i 83.3-0080 s11.95 4250 ~1ARTl:\GALE WAY NEWPORT BEACH UC IKVINE FINE ART~ CONCERT HALL. Conce rt Choir and Cham6er Singers perform Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. and Nov. 21 at 4 p.m. General admission $4. Information 833-6617. UC IRVINE FINE ARTS CONCERT HALL. Lute n ist J o hn S c hneide rman will pe r fo.rm Renaissance and baroque music Nov. 23 at 8 p.m. Admission free. Information 833-6922. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CH.URC H. Third a t C('<:lar Avenue, Long Beach. Cal State L ong Beach's Ninth Annual Winter Festival Con,-ert will be held Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 5 at 4 and 8 p.m. General admission $5.50. Information (213) ·UIH-5526. UCLA, Roy<-c Hall. Los Angt-lcs Philharmonic ·presents S howcase of American Music Nov. 21 with open re hearsal 3:30-6 p.m. a'nd a fr~ c:on,-crt at 8 p.m. Information (213) 972-7293. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, 2701 Fairview Road. Costa Mesa. Four OCC jaz.z bands will be featured in bag band concert Nov. 21 at 2 p.m. See Diversions, Page 14 · Vfe paint a pretty picture on Thanksgiving Day. • 0.. • «r hrYed From 1 P .M. to I P .M. Roeet Youna Tom Turkey Roni Prime Rib of ... , ~ Old FUhiOnecl Apple i'V & Almond Ofeulng IU )UI ~ Roni Leg of Lamb Whipped HOfMl'ldlltt S.uc:. ,., S.vory Ofeumg, Mint Jelly Complete Wl111 All The Trimming• /. Chlldren'e Menu . I ReMrvMlone 411-2113 31109 Cont Hwy. I Ample Fr .. Plltllng Tift lllllM At OW llpe -6 - ...... &...-. - ·------~a~• .. 15 :!! .. 0 -~ i 7r" C9 ::> Q. C9 ... -~ ... Ci.'. I» ~ z 0 < C9 3 O' C9 ... ~ !" ~ <O ~ QI) l\) , I -------- ~----------4( flhrwrwl9• co O> ..-From Page 13 --· ~ General .mm.on JS. Information 558-~527. .x -mn--------~ HOLIDAY INN, 3131 Sristol St., C.OS&a M~. ~ People Sampler ge t-acquainted gathering for ages. ~ 25-55 Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. Admission $12. Information ~ 545-0840. 't:I ·;:: u. ...... ... G> 't:I c G> .:.t: COSTA MF.SA COUNTRY CLUB. 1701 Golf Course Dr., Costa Mesa. Get-acquainted dance, with live band, to be held Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. Admission $7. Information 545-0840. ~ ~ .NEWPORT #:ENTER PUBLIC LIBRARY, _2 Community Room, 856 San Clemente Dr., Newport ii Beach. Discussion of past life regression held Nov. 20 from .5-7 p.m. Admission $3. Information 551-1232. :Jke Slan/orJ fiouJe ~ Now taking rcservatious for ''our '/11anksgii·ing Feast Prices begin at $6. 95 Served from l p.m. 18926 Magnolia 963-0179 F~tain Valey ait Garfield -ETC.----. ---- GEM OPUA· PUPPST THEATER, Mtll9 House ArlS Complex, 12732 Main St., Garden Grove. "The Ballad of Baby ~" performance at 2 p.m. Nov. 26 and 11 a.m . and 2 p.m. Nov. 27. Admission $2. Information 534-2611. MOVIELAND, 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. Movie Memorabilia Auction will be held Dec. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the California Plaza. Admission free. · · ORANGE COAST COLl:.EGE, Costa Mesa. We will be closed on Tha.riksgiv1ng and we wisla our cmtome.rs a pleasant holiday . Underwater film festival presented by American Cetacean Society is Nov. 21. Also, w orkshop on "lmax, a technique for film-making," and seminars on dive safety,, ocean rescue and diVi ng history, underwater photography, California marine life identification for divers. Festival admission $4.50. Workshop admission $5.50. Information (213) 439-9554. •t ...._ 11.._ ·Mz.nn c.ta ... ~2JlJ[jlJ~O Join u~ :l-or :Jlrank~vi~ I Offering Special Thanksgiving Dinner Served 2 PM to 9 PM 640-1573 3050 E. Coast Hwy. C-dll ... cw.it• ....... Traditional Roast ~---T~~mna:...--~ along with our special holiday menu consisting of ... • Cornish Game Hen • Baked Ham • Broiled Scallops • Halibut • Shrimp • Swordfish • Prime Rib • Filet Mignon • Fresh Lobster Served 12:30 co 9 P.M. 536-2555 31 7 Pacific Coast Hwy. Huntington Beach Remember those great Thanksgiving dinners you enjoyed so much' The Newport Beach Marriott invites you to have an Old t:.ashloned Thanksgiving turkey dinner with us. You'll be carving your own turkey and the leftovers belong to you. ' Our holiday entertainment will be the famous Marrion twin pianos. For lnlonnlllon Ind rweNltlol11: Phone(714)840..t000Ext.8100 ----------------~( Currelttfi Han9ln9 ) ... ----------------~ America's changing taste in art during the last 15 years will be examined in a holiday exhibit opening today at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. "Changing Trends: Conte nt and Style - Twelve Southern California Painters" will focus on 36 regional works by 12 painters whose current interests range from modernism to post-modernism, including neo-expressionism. These artists. most of whom are working and living in Los Angeles are Bob Ackerman, Carqi:i Colvin, Scott G reiger, Marvin Harden, J a mes Hayward , Ron Linden, John Miller , Pierre Picot, George Rodart, Don Suggs, David Trowbridge and Artists show works at Laguna Beach Tom Wudl. The exhibition intends to illustrate similarities of purpose. content and origin In pain tings that are obviously dissimilar when eX8"lined superficially, according to a museum s pokes woman. Concurrent with the exhibit, the museum's Junior Council is s po nsoring a "Bagged Art" 2 exhibition/silent auctiol\ to raise funds for t he ~ Child r e n 's Education projec ts and for the I contemporary California artista program. . .,. Orange County and Los Angeles artists who ~ transformed the white bags into crl?ative art pieces g. ude Bob Alde re tte, Walter Askin, Billy AJ ~ gston, Ned Evans, Claire Falkenstein, George ~ rrell, Jay McCaCCerty, John Okulick and Bruce .0: Richards. ~ The Laguna Beach Museum or Art, located at z 307 Cliff Drive in Laguna Beach, ls open daily o except Monday from 11:30 a .m . to 4:30 p.m. ~ Admission is free. The exhibit ends Jan. 3. 3 C7 c» ...... ~ ........................ lllllil11r-r.7'""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---.i,-z:~·~ STAG CHINESE CASIO . 111 2111 PL..._.,.... INcll 01tWe J.fUf; 1r ~ .._ ............ .,.., '#tclw .. u.fl l:OOe.a o.-.. _ • ....__ French Country Dining 'Downey (213) 927-0133 ~ (714) 955-2755 They ell shire the knowledge r:A how to~ and~ euChmtk: French Country cuiilne. The Pleeunt ~ offers true home style French Countiy dining. prner1led in a · casual romantic~ DINING I EITERTAllMEIT GUIDE FRESH LOCAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 Include• choice of aoup or wad, an d potato or rice pilaf. Call For R ... rYationa ············~···········1 ()~ 4L Tti41 CUlil,_.~ WI ,,_,SI hi IOOD CIHlllSI 1000 LUNCMIS • DlfNIS • TIOflCAL COCKTAILS t~~£~fc'l~11J .-. Join ua for our ftrat annlverNry Lunch Speclal '3.9& All Dinners Include Complimentary Champegne Entire Month of Nov9mber 111-3122 40G1W.O.asthJ. ..,.... ..... /\ apec:illl piece for the roment1c. A MCn!t pl9ce on Udo Ille. T ouc:n.J ~ IClft b9y bn!eln. And the wwmlh cl a deAic Frendl ~. ; . ~ IAllUO FACIUTIH . ... cAiatNG * FOOD TO GO · . '"'! 1 Dan I .,.. • ._.,.."'° ~ I EITEITAllNEI GUIDE Chea Leunc can be 10"' tpeeW~--· ~ not)aln UI and cllccMr .tlMtM .. olUllollle ... ~bnO --=--=~~ For Dine (J)ut Advertising And Information Call Brenda Caponera 642-~32 I ~xt. 269· ' . ,... ... co 00 I'\) .. .. - J .. . • 16 ! N CID O> ~ O> "7 .... Q) .tl E Q) 0 z >. t1I "O ·~ u.. ... .... Q) "O c Q) ~ $ ~ ,_ § a: ... Runs Thru-~ *" ~--• 1. Jan. 9 _.:~·~· ~1~1~·:..-~ ~~YIN'°" ~ . 'TMI MtGHT nta't J -' • 11.e G•c.a 1N"4NftD ctWIPAQNa ~ GIGI ~ " y~~ · . ,...-•"'-' .... Op.. •••a: ....... •••mo•••••• (114) , .... ..-is MOT ---------..... ) DIRECTED BY ALLAN HUNT Breokfast Aeserv.ot1ons 494-9707 luncheon Pinner Oft tM surf ot 619 Sleepy Hollow lane loguno 8eoch .I. ~ CfB iA J6 #OW smK IUl1ICTOll IEAClf tT-t-n KING'S \\l:i( RESTAURANT Superb Chinese Food Buffets 354 ILL Yll WAIT Tl UT! $441 ·LUNCH DINN.ER ' lnclui:les 1 Drink Includes 1 Drink MON. THRU FRI. 11:00 TO 3:30 SAT. & SUN. 12:00 TO 3:JO DAILY 3:30 TO 9:00 SAMPLE OF OUR DAILY BUFFET MENU 1. Barl?eque Ribs 5. fried Rice ,.. ~: ~!~~~1 ~crk~~rk ~: ~== ~1~ung CausJttt 1 ___ ... _v~egetible Chow Mein 8. Almond Pir:!fikes ~II 711 .. EDINGER AVE. 11=~0 IN CitMCQ ENT.f R, H.B. •2.50 OFF ia ANY LARO• S I PIZZAI j r--------------------~ ~·-;: . •1.so OFF @ el ANTI-PASTA ; I ANY ••DtUM ~ ONLY'flO 1: ·PIZZAI j --------_.., -----------·---· -------------SPECIAL ~: 2=:..~~.~() g: ~ ~ ~~""" 1: Dlseover what's cooking along-==""'-'=== the Or:ange Coast In tht! . Orar:1ge Coast Geekbaek- Coming Dec.8 In 'the • 1 --.. ,THI IUlll ClllT f RIDAV NOV l MU~ R 1'1 1'11J/ . " I . . ' . CUii 110111 OHANGt ( UUN Ty ( AL IF OH NIA :l~J CEN r s . .. · ·EcOnoniiSt ._forecasts recovery for 1983-~~ By KAREN E . KLEIN Of .. .,.., ......... The nation's long-awaited economic recovery will take hold in 1983 and ga1n ground In 1984; according to the First Int.en.tat.e Bank of California's 20th annuaJ e co.no m i c {ore ca s t g i v e n Thursday by Alison Lynn Reaser, the bank's vice president an<l senior economist. The gross national product wiU rise 3.6 percent in .1g93 and 4.6 p e r cenJ in 1984.~ease r pre d icte d , but h i,Lh unemploytnent levels will decUne only slightly -· to 8 percent - by. 1984 .. Tttrough the pre d lct e d recovery, inflatidn will continue at a moderate rate, with prices rising an average or 5.5 to 6 percent over the next two years, Reaser said. In Orange County, long-term cqmmltments to increased defense spending by the Reagan administration will be a needed 0 ECQNOMV"STAVS F.LAT; See story, Pace A3 plus to the high-technology and aerospac.-e industry. concentrated here, she said. As always. Increased consumer spending will lead the economic upturn, helped out by the more expansive Federal Reaerve policy toward JnQnetary growth which was begun in Jul)(. "There are two mis~kes 1~-e 1' Federal Rewrve can make which will change the fore <.•aat drastically," Reuer said. "They ca n alow monetary growth sharply and stall the recovery or rail to take any action to restraln growth" caC&aing interest rat.es to rise as Investors perceive the Fed has abandoned lta policy to control inflation," she said. "Thtiy'll (the board) have to walk a very fine line -and they don't .have a very ~ood tra~k record ror avoiding mlatakea," the-aky prediction, Reuer said. she said. Families should experience gains F.conomlsJ.8 ended up on the In 1real Income durin1 "the .wrong sid e of the financial .. rK"OVery period and businesses divining rod last spring, she said, will 11ee a rebound of 20 percent when uccelerated mone tary In their operaUns profits. growth caused them to predict · Tbat profit increMe, however, recovery for this year. But then, Reuer reminded, may only mean as the money supply leve)ed off,· that bua1netR9 will catch up to the e conomy did like wise, the pre-receaion levei. of 1979. throwing the nation into an even And though unemployment deeper rec..'e,!l&ion. · will not be c ut dramatieally. But 'thursday's forecast ia because of large increaaea in the · more than just another pie~i.n-(See RECOVERY, Pase AZ) . . . . . ..... ............ ~" ...... With a · flurry of parrajes, thei~ native shawls, Guatemalan dancers practice for performance tonight in Irvine. Future !Jallerinas _from Guatemala study dance· in Irvine By GLENN S(X)1'1' or1M.._.,"9t .... Quiet, a l ert and crowded. the 28 Guatemalan girls studied Artistic Director Hal O'Neal as he demonstrated their next ballet move at the South Coast Cultural League's cent.er in Irvine. Some of the girls were barely taller than the three metal practice barres in the chilly room. 8orstW they~died bi&Jeet, caught. up · romance and discipline of ballet. O'Neal swune the arm of an old record player back onto a worn record of pjano mumc, calling out ballet movements by their French names. He moved along the rows or dark-haired girls, turning a hand here, pivoting a shoulder \here, moving the fleures. apart to prevent collisions. "Many tinies you will ' have a crowded barre," he told the girls in English during a fAMSe '' VJ:.Q'-&U&Jilo-in..N"C.W ,XPrk:::,g~ crowded. You must learn to wock with it, know how to arrange youraelvea and hold your . pmitiona." . . The girls looked around self-comciously, edging apart, watching him for instruction. Ot.erving all this from the side was Coralia Penedo de Valdes, teacher of the ,lirla at her ba,IJet achqol ln G"!8t.emala City, an4 het husband Dr. Rodolfo ValdeS, a urolollat. ' She brought the gtrla, who ranee ln ace fmm-.:6 &o-.18,.: to ll;)'ine Nq)f • I.a •lud)' walh O'Neal and staff teachen Rosalia Whitney and • Beth Eialeven. Although it is autumn in Orange County, it la vacation time for students is Guatemala. ' The girls and seven adult supe('ViaOrs are paying their own way for their trip and lnstNrtion. They plan to return home Tuesday. . MeanwtJile, they .are ataying in a nearby motel, preparing their own breakfasts and lunches and movtnc in an old, white bus they've )~ from an Anaheim churc;.;.h·-........--~-­ ($ee BALLE'\", Pase County cou ts t•i be reorganized 1NB hotel addition By STEVE TRiPOLI °' .... .,.., ........... More courtrooms will be committed to criminal trials and an additional judge will help speed the administration of family and civil law under a planned reorganization of the Orange County Superior Court. Incoming Presiding Judge Richard Beacom, who wiU take over administration o f the expanded 50-judge system Jan. l , said Thursday that increasing caseloads caUlled by new laws and o ther factors made the reorganization necessary. Bea«;om said that passage by voters in June of Proposition 8, ----llDEI- ' From Disney to Playboy to news and weather - cable television has something f 4;)r everyone. P~ge B 1. At ·Ybur Service A5 Bulletin Board A4 8wine9I B4-5 Cavalcade 82-3 • Cluaified . 06-10 Comics.. B6 Cro.wCl'd Be' Death lfotices 0 Editorial~ - -A8 -Entertainment· Weekender ~ 'A6 H~ B2 lnte on Weekender 'Ann 82 Moviel Weekender ' Mutual Funds B4 ·~ A3 Public Notices A7,B4,B7-8,0 Sports , Cl-5 Dr.81elncrohn B3 Stock Marketa m TeleYWon . TV Loi 11Meten Weekender . W•ther A2 World News Aa • the so-called Victims' Bill of Rights, is the major contributor to the iJlcrea8ed crimUW cuelOad beca use of its provisions mandating speedy trial in criminal cases. Because of Pr<?position ·.8 an average of 18 tO 20 courtrooms pres~ntly a r e involved in crimin'.al trials every day, Beacom said. cf>nly 10 are jillocated for the purpoee. Beacom said he will use alMive new .. dges granted the court to increase to 15 the number of court.rO()mS committed to criminal proceed ings . Though that number is less than currently ~. Beacom aaid he will stress By JOEL C. DON or .. ...., .... ...., ' A meticulously detailed, and at time• grafhlc, videotaped " account o ·the. murder and decapitation or a Mmlon Viejo man by hia roommate wu played in South Orange County Municipal Court Thunday. Cod·y Leo Schreiber, 29, confeued to the gruesome slaytnc aNI then volunteered to , show sheriff'• lnvestUiaton -al the crime .cene -how tie kllled 24-year-old Dennis Schuben by knoeklf\I him down and kkkinl hia face Ii~ Umes_.wtth his rifht hee1. Ori ~Vfaeotape,ni"lhen re- enacted how he cut off "the compu-ier pro1rammer'a head with a RITllted bonifll knife won as a &jfl and buried the bod~ In the backyard of the victlm'a Via Guadlx home. Sqhrei~, .. a Mon&apa 1ta)t mental boljjhal ~pee. Wei lli struck hia roommate of five month• •fter 1ettln1 Into a dispute over millinl cen\erfolda (rom the 'Wlaln man'• Playbbl mapzina. He later told aheriff • deputiel that he had taken the nude picture. speclaliution in crim1nal affairs 8Jl)Ong the 15 judges, and · their familiarity with the systerp should speed p~ enough so that the 15 courtrooms will be able to handle the lOad. Special~zation in. civil and family matters allo was a factor in his decision to add one-hall position to the current single full-time family law judge, and another half position to the three full-time judges who heiar motions in civil suits, Beacom said. Othe r changes under the reorganiµtion .include: -Assignment of seven judges to the civil jury panel, which will handle civil lawsuit trials of less than two weeks' expected . duration and will deal with fewer •ettlement flearinga. Beacom said the "very ~gh, n<> nonsense"' policy among the judges hopefully will speed ' completion of civil suits before the panel. . . -An effort to pa~cel more complex cases civil to arbitration specialists, removing them from the court system completely. -Aaignment of two full-time judges to mandalocy settlement conferences for civil auita. -Relocation of three Superior Court judges to the West·Countv (See COURT, Pa~e A7) • • Judge Beacom . . ·. . . . . plan bared . . By STEVE MARBLE or .. ...., ......... Plans to construct a 15-story addition to the Newport Center Marriott Hotel -a new and larger version of a scheme that was turned back a year ago - met with little resistance at a public unveiling Thursday. • The ex..J>llllded Marrion would become the largest hotel on the Orange Coast and one of the tallest buildings in Newport Beach. · · · Newport Beac h planning commiasioners postponed vetins on ·the multi million dollar plan until Dec. 9. The City Council . ultimate ly must rule on the project. Th~ only hint of criticism came in a le tter from Jean Watt, president of Stop Polluting Our Newport -the group largely res~le for -extinguishinC the Mar~>Jt's fir-fl try at expudtnc. ~ tf: who vowed her group WO\l ~ become more vocal M the Marriptt plan moves thfOUlh the pemment pcu't!IB. CO!"plained traffic studies for the expenalon . are Inadequate. The Marriott is seeWng penni9aiori to add 234 rqoma to Its 377-room fadtny u well u a ballroom. a video pme room, a subterranean puid"8 la& and a loun1e atop the IS•1tory structure dntfll'ed lO effer a 380-d~ ~not-f -tflittfe~w~etH't----il Beach. ' David Nd.lb. a ~nrnan for Marriott, said if expei\aed, the enti~ Marriott complex woulc;' net the cllf. nffl'ly 11 million a year In pronta from ..-and ll9d ~ ........ _....... .... · time In a ,_,. the Msriott hu approached th• clt.y for pernJnlon to ......... Liit year, the hotel chain'I projlet Wll tied to \he ll'YiM c.o.npuay'1 planl fOf exDMdlnl PWwport c.nw. The Newport l::en• npenllOn plan wa •PPl9Wd end litlr ~ ( ... ifAIUUMT, .... Al> • I I • .. Orange Co•tt D~ILY PILOT /Friday, Nov•mber W, 1982 ~,· . -' ~tlnued storle8 Rent control rUie irks supervis0r$ I • BY JUP ADLER their Sacraml'nlC.> lobbyl•t to OflM ....,,... .... lmm"'lattly 1Hk ~orrectlve CONFESSION VIEWED. Orungt• County'11 plonrt'rlna 1~11tlafton Board memben often program to hoo11t 1tw number ot havt.0 '1wtc-J th<'lr oppoeihlon to l'o u11t y up .. r tnwnt u11ll1i IJy any fllrm of rt>nl c..'Ontrola In the provldlqM bt•low rnarkt•t county. • • rtoanclnt< to dtivulop<'ra &and And S upt"rvl1or Roa~r At firs t, Schreiber said he intendcd to bury Schubt>rt'• body in .a shrub-covered hillside near his home. But he changed his plan because he said the lite was too conspicuous. Schreiber said he cut off the head after tne phone rang a number of times at the house. · He said he placed the head and knife In a shopping bag and Correctio n burl~d It In tht• hol<' ht• hud f 1nanclul lt'ndt•r11 coultJ bt• Stanton, om• Of thf' proacram'• begun to dig earllt•rin th<' 1warby Jeopurcll1A'tl by tlw lnudwrl<'nt. primary Nupporll'ri, threawn4'd hill. 1ndu11lun o f M rent cvntrol to wllhdraw his support for the Chief Deputy Dlltlru:t Attorney prcwlrc1on in tbe 11taw'11 t1nabling bond lu ue unlea ch.angc .. In the James Enright d111counted ll•g111Jauon. law are obtained: Schreibt:>r's cxplanut1on for thl• PaS8('<1 by the Legislature with ll was hopt.'<i th~ $Ml million decapitation ar\<l said he would <.-ounty support last March, AB bond i ss ue w o u Id 1 p u r press for a firs{-degrt.-e murder 665 p€'rmitwd £.'<>Unties and citlJ.'I construction o( between l ,~O charge against the suspect. to issue tax exempt revenue and 2,000 apartment unlta In the · During the hearing, Dcputy bonds to finan<.-e below-markct <.'OUnty, helping to ease a low l Public Defendcr Ramon Ortiz rate construction and mortgatgc , pcrcent vacancy rate. Final action tried to have the videotaped loans for muhl-Camlly rental of the bond IUu~ probabjy will Med units._ •-_ _not <.'Orne until early next9Year. • cvnfession suppre • arguing The co u n t y had been 1c· similar program aimed at his cllcnt·did not have a speedy .f I h I A star-gazing party at the arraignment. Schreiber was proceeding with plans to issue rlnanclng single· ami y oua ng Expe.rien ce Cent~r Science arraigned on Oct. 20. $50 million worth of such bonds at below-market interest rates Museum In Irvine will be staged this year -\he ffrst county in has successfully been o~rating 'Saturday .from 7to10 p.m . A Ortiz also c riticized the lhestatc totakeadvant.ageoCthe inthecountyfortwoyears. .news s t ozy Wean esd ny Sheriff's Department for .not n ew law -whe n it wa s To date, bonds totaling $129 mistakenly repocted that the getting a public defender Cor discovere<j that, the bill million have financed 1,794 new event w as sche du le d this Schreiber. However, before each lnadverten.!!}'.d ~equired...A._i'f.r 0 [L hgmq..!JilOY of which now are evenjng. . _,-... !i.&~~~~~·"'U-hi•~~-.,.~11•e~Jl'l1m1a.,,.1r--·p1J!f!l~t ~eE1'1!!'~l!l't'rlJrt'tie -.;inns ~e.L.Constructlon, e~alned i-.---'111we-~t'fcnce Cena.er-.i gieed-1.o-waive hirrlghts ur l'e!e~ a spedffed rent for Scott Morgan, a Sunton arae 1---toanai -ar3531 Old Main St. iD-have an attQme)I arvi appe1111Ped a& lewer income iamt . famufar wllh lsottq .. ograma. ~---....G~d a U VTI 1 age . no time to h esita t e as he That discovery drew the Ire One of the consequences of the -Admission ls $2 for adults and $1 recounted the grisly slaying of earlier 1his week · of Orange rent rontrol provia(on's inclusiot? for children. his friend. County supervisors, w h'3 directed will be to dampen develof)ers t1nthaaiMm for parlkl1>1tin1 1n °"' pr'Oll'am, Morpn Nici. "C.rt:alnly there will be ae. df'veloper lnkrftt th~ more l't'lltrk.'tive the J)f'08ram, the le. lnt.ereu," he explained "Dtovelopen wlU be reluctant t.O p1irtldp1ue unleaa the lncomt- &tream la more prt"dictablt!." Morgan uld h e believe. developen would nut be deterred by proa ram regulat ions that require 20 percent of all unlta conatruC'led be ren ted for 20 y<'ara to families earning leu than 80 percent of the area's • media n income. $21 ,750 for a family of four In Orange County. But th(' bill also requires that those u n I ta• be r to n t e d at visionary approach to 1Ulv1n1 aome of the county'• houstn1 problema. ·•Any new uni ta will h..-lp solve problems," Mor.aan 11ld. "Any nrw unlta will l'Wtlp hold ren&al raie. down and the vac~11":y rate wlll bejln to crl"(>p up." Apartment uni ta built unct.r · the procram would be privately. cte.igned. C.'Onltructed, owned and man aged. but muat b" built -wifhin thl"t't' years. Developera could u ae the mortaaae bond money to build anywhe r e in unincorporated Oranae County· or In any city tha;, has opted t o join the program. "affordable renta." • According to legal opiniorus P.anel eyes rendered by both county t.'Ouruiel and the counly'1 bond attorneys, "affordable renta" mea ns a retarded· maximum monthly re nt or 25 perce.nt of the f,amily's monthly net lncome•and, in sbme cases, ' 1ft-1irthl>•~ two Wffds-th.t inJrvi.ne -.:. super" leer: tantamount to rent control , threatening t.O scuttle what they had coru.idered to be an almost A pane l lscuss on w 1 e . staged Monday In Irvine for BALLET. • • RECOVERY PRt.:DICTED. • • "'officlali from Sutton £xt.ended Care Services to talk to residents-. about -plau lo locate three group homes for mentally retarded yo uth s in res id e n t ia l Dr. Valdes is danee troupe physician, part- time interpreter, bus driver and has even served in one emergency as bus mechan ic. But despite the one breakdown, he •id the trip has ,been a pleasant one and a n excellent ehance for his wife to introduce some of her students (she has 130 in Guatemala) to American culture and new inst.rucUon. "She is always loolting for 900lething better for the studio," he explained. "That's why we came here and why we ~ent to Denver last year. I don't know where we'll go next year." The Guatemalans also are enjoyine the chance to bring some of their culture to California. Valdes proudly displays pictures of' places and native Guatemalan dress from eeveral books he carries. T heir most ambitious presentation takes place tonight when the dancers perform a program of Guatemalan folk dances and one ballet piece at 8:30 p.m, at the center, l ?302 Daimler St. The center is west of McGaw Avenue in the industrial sector of Irvine, south of the Newport Freeway. . O'Neal said he has enjoyed his work with the Central Americans and the honor of being selected to teach them. "Seldom have I met such a warm, friendly and charming group of people," he said. "I hope the commun1ty will join' us here at the Cultural Center in welcoming these neighbors from Central America." Dr. Valdes said h e h.a s p I en t.y o f responsibility takin~ care of the girls, who he . noted are daughters o f good families in Guatemala. The girls practice six hours a day and have made a ppearances at Disneyland at a fashion, s how in Anaheim, he said. "Sometimes we go put 8 o'clock In the evening dancing and they don't say anything," -~.--h~tt-""'I'hey want to learn and -att--willifttt' sacriUce." ln the background, the piano music played, dozens of ballet slippers slid over a smooth noor and O'Neal counted out loud in French. Mano la Maria Mencos p ractices in Irvin e. Rain decreasiitg F'lanciaCO Bey -. ~ Saturday Novemoer :w reccwoecs 0.23ofen1nct1 of r9ln et e Tern atures th• Loe Angel•• Civic Center _ ..... _.-......_.,.=~---....... ----Thufldav. Ttie l'llGtl at tile CMc 40 Coastal Center w11 61 degr.-l'hur9dey. rnalc:Nng the record ooolee4 Ngll Pully cloudy tl'lls aflernoon for Nov. HI Mt In 1193 and lied In wltl'I c:hancl of rain dea'eaelng to 11150 10 percanl . High• 62 10 66 Sid reeorts _. In operation wtth manulac:tUr9d -sound Tonight: Varlllble ctoudl. Lows 46 the Clock With Mlure'• wNte"""' to 56. SatU<dey: Some morning _._ .__ ... 7 ooo ._ ctoucl• othenMM llllr. Hlgl'll e:i 10 falling at-•-"' · - 70 or higher. . ---------------------Nonllwat 'llllllndl 12 10 11 knots T e mpe rature s NATION .. Le Pre. Albany 46 24 lqtio/laj WNl"e< Sttvc:e 11111 afternoon. Llghl v1rtebl• wind• tonight and Saturdey morning becQmlng -'"'Y 1210 16 knot• Saiurday afternoon Wind wave• lwo to four feel. w..-.ny ..-one to two IMI lncrHelng to two to four 1 .. t Alb\lquel'que 57 41 .23 NOAA VS O.Ot 01 c-.. ,. · tonlghl and Saturday. 8ec:omlng partly cloudy Ihle aflernoon. Varlabl• clouds 1onlgh1 and Seturd..., momlno. ~.U Saturday Anchor8ge 15 -o3 Atlanla 53 411 .... Fronts:Cold ..,. Warm .,. A tlantlc Clty 56 40 Auetln 64 63 afternoon Balttmora 56 34 81rmlngllam 58 50 17 Us ~ ~44 ~ .. suni m a ry ~= ;~ ~ Rain along the Well Coaal BurMngton 49 24 ax tended from eoutl'lern cn.r ... ton. S.C. 64 55 .OI Wuhlngton tl'lrougl'I central Char ... lon, WV 56 46 Calllornla Thurldey. causing local Chlrlott•, N.C. 5e 46 .05 flooding tn tl'I• Sen Francisco Cheyenne 53 30 ,,_ ~ 53 27 The etorm dumped 4 I lncl'lel Clncilnnel~ 62 50 of r• on Fw•lvlh. Cell! .• 6.38 CleVeiand ~ 38 1nc:nee on Wllltt•. CeHt., and Marin Columbia. s.c. eo 55 .01 County. Cell! .• got 2.2~ lnd!M of Columbu• 57 47 rein Outing the nigllt O"'-Ft WOf'lh 51 51 Eureka, Call! .• got email Denver 12 21 hellel-and wind gueted to IO On Mqinee 53 35 mph ntar Gold 8Mdl. Ora oetroll 52 32 Rllln ctlanged 10 anow '' higher El Pao 67 52 .02 elevat1on1 and travelere Falfbenlla ·11 -2t advleorlH w1rnlng of locally f'lao9latl 43 31 .34 1-vy enow -. l""9d ~ IM Honolulu It 17 California Sierra NevllClu oorlh of HOlllton 71 90 Yo••"lll• ... ••II .. In th• lndlanlpoli• 57 31 1ou1hern mountain PUMI of Jeclleon. Mia 71 51 .06 weatarn Oregon. Jeckeonvtlle 71 92 Tr...,._. acMaorlee wernlng of JunMll 23 22 :::::r heevy enow 1110 were K.,... City 54 42 lntb Friday tor the oentrel Laa Vag.w 97 37 lflcf _,,_.. 111t1rn moun.._..ot. _Loe Angelft 6 1 ae ldetlo ~-----EINWl'ler•. rein wet K41ttered MIMll 6 t 17 from Ol<lalloma acrou eutern MliwM• & t 241 Mr11our1, 1rom lllmots 11cron -Mple4i. Pu 50 35 Alabama, and from TennH-Nllflvllle 9t 49 Phoenl• Plttlbufgh Portland, Me Portland, Ott. Aello Solt Liile Son Antonio Son Diego San Frand9CO Seattle St Louie 81Pet•Tampe Spolttne TC)9eka TUC90tl Tulsa W~on Wichita 611 511 47 ,. 47 55 &e I 68 511 45 55 61 50 52 63 59 91 52 c•~ 511 .211 43 2e 41 .77 40 22 3S 59 59 "1.90 •2 .35 49 .11 ... 41 .28 34 .01 50 48 • 1 .... S•~-to Setinu Sen Bemtrdlno Sen Olego Sen FtanclKO I Son JoM Santa Ana Santa Bafbera Sant• CNz Santa Mot1tca Stoctoon Totr- C8lglfy Edmonton C_..,A Montreel Ex tended ;;':::'° :: :: I orecast 53 4' 6t ae .... 41 &a 59 5t 55 eo 53 .. 5t 62 50 51 50 116 5" 59 ... .. 52 ~21 14 ,. • "" • ...,,..., 48 23 lllel'lop 61 27 SOIM oOoalll CIDlldl ""'-• ~ 74 41 then folr ...... ...,. Olauda. ....; Cetejjna ee 52 _, lo norlflwoll wflldll 11 ""-"-•• eo llO In mauntetne ....,.. 111 .-.01 Freeno 511 49 ._llto71"'4 .... 41to51 IMICMtar ...,. 55 50 Mountlln r-9 lllaflo 41 to N Lone Bead\ 67 6' and lowt In 309 110 lilw *>I ~~'-'" 91 N _,,.,. ovla ... 4 7 Muceteu•e a .3Q._Smna Monterey 62 64 ~ Ml. Wtllon 41 3" Wllerl to .... Ctoll ftM) 10; aero.. Ol«Qle and Ille C.ollnM New OrlNnl 11 12 ' -New YOftl 55 44 ""°"8· M 41 'lolOllTl .... :clllOio: ~-=: llMch 15 u 0•~-; ............ .02 ..,_ eo H Loa neet• County: 1aoo1 °"'"'° eo 41 ..,..., .__________ Olllehome City N 44 ~-l.!'Or/Ua .:Omltle;:::=Fa....z4';.f~ ... UC "'I J 1 f>le ·-\. u ,,; ...... C .. <ll ........ Pnoclon• u .4t ................... . • POIO "4*tea t2 IO -..,_,.7t0 ....,.._ ••.MIMD -~ .... 0\'~·--.. •iiiiiiiiiii• ... m!!lt.t•. ··-\ •• ' rro111 • • ....... ". ltorm ""' CIOueed 111e ,..r or 1t1e ...... _, ·1 ......... , lltlfll ~· ... . ....... .. end lly ... ~.I Ille NodOnol WMtflOr..,.. _ 11111111111 Tides • TODAY t.coNI io. l :M. p '" 0 • ~ ; "°'"' lfonl Clruefled "' &1. u td wtlll\•t urvlct ....... loott ...... Qoilfr .... ltlOl'1ll continue ......, ..... .,,,...,.ey...,.. I 11tu1 o doctua1111 1111110• of • 1ptt11lllH •rtor 101110 power 1111'""· mudellclOI ond minor • tloodlrlO ... ....-111 ltlO .... I • l - IAT.-AY ""' Ngll , :04 .. "' u "'91 to.w . 4:11 I .II!, '· 1 8eoM _,. ,..., e.111. • .• ., .............. , ..... ... ., . lun Mii ... ., ..... , '""·· • , ... .....,. ...... 11!. ., -.... , ...... • From Pag~ A1 labor force, the percentage of the total population employed w ill reach record h ighs by 1985, she said. U the current recession I.a the penance t he U.S. has had to pay for y.ea-r1 of do u ble -cUgi t inflation , the punish ment h111 been a heavy one. The national economic ou&put la no high er today than it was three years ago, Reuer said. The effects of the two back- &o-back receaaiona the country h.a1 e nd ured' have been , felt everywhere, ah e said, even in "r eceaaion -p r oof" Oran ge County. ln the .las\ year, more than 12,000 P.bs have been lost count y wlde' -with losses e~ peci a 11 y high a m o n g manufacturers of durable goods like furniture and machinery. "This receaaion has been deep enough and long enough ~affect almost ever~ Industry in the naUon,".-Reaser said. The aerospace industry, which accounts for more than one-third neighborhoods. The session will begin at 7;30 o r the total manufact.urin1 .p.m. at lt\e dreentrc l'!letneJ!"ry employment in Orange County, School's Media Center, 4200 has lost about 2,000 jot. during Manzanita. It was organized by the put Yett. she said. ' members of the Social Concerns Bu t early i n 1983 the'se Cornmlttee of the Univers ity industries should begin recalling United Me thodis t Church of workers laid off. this year' and Irvine. gains i n employment w ill Scheduled to speak are Alice continue into 1984. Coyne, p rogram dire~tor for Orange County's housing Sutton, and Dr. John Brady, a industry will remain a point of school psychologist for the local concern even with recovery, school district who specialii.es in Reaser said, because of the high special education. cost of housing. The median price S utton officials a re in th e of existing ho mes h as been procesa of buying two homes in pushe_:d to $13~.000 in the oountl Greentree and one in Deerfield. -20 percent above the s\ate 1 F.ach home is planned to house median price -by l arg e six developmenta lly disabled population gains and decreued y 0 u t h 1 a n d t w 0 a d u 1 t s peculation due to lowered supervisors. inflation rates. s~~ton. which already operates Some relief for the houiing two such homes in Fountain Industry ia forthcoming, Valley, is hoping to locate many however, Reuer said. others throughout the county. "The easing of 30-year fixed l t s g o a I : T o h e I p i t s mortgage rates will provide some handicapped chentele adjust to rebound in housing," she sajd, independent living in resi~ent.ial "but this will not spark a new surroundings. boom in housing. Homeowner associations in the MARRIOTT EXPANSION. • • two districts, however,. h ave objected to the plans. They have filed a joint lawsuit claiming that the h ou ses would repr esent comme ri ca l rat h e r t h an residential uses and the refore v i o la t e their com munity regulations. From Page A1 in the face qJ a ..re ferendum election. Neis h said the expansion would generate only 190 ~trips during the peak traffic hours and would have a minimal Impact on demand for air service. ~ ~ecenLsw::ve at the Marnou demonstrated that only 14 pcrcent or the hotel's guests a rrive by air at the / county airport. He conceded. though, the survey was not a 11Cientific study. .... If there is to be a controversy tJed lo the project, it may be with a condition that calJs for street i m prove men ta •near l he mtenection of Bayside Drive and Pacific ~l Highway. _ O n e 0 1 the •mP.rovement altern a tives ltsled inCTUcles adding a westbound lane to Pacific Coast Highway ~nd would mean removing 10 mobile homes from a waterfront park. Sutton has a <.'00'\mltment for a $515,000 loan from the federal Housing and Urban Development Departme nt to finance its .,-Ul'Chue-of-the hraa houses currently in ~w. ln addition , the Irvjne City Couricil has given $73,000 to co..rer design and administrative costs . OBIE SPORTS L Tl). ATTEN.TldN I ~ Racer.s, ~als, Kids ·-Boots Hurtt ·Let's Make .Them Workl I I I Moat of ua :=;. hed the ~of aid a thet were d, uncomforteble, or • alopPJ tit. ff rour boota tit poortr now'• rour cMnce to get eome ••• help FRIEi AnJ w..kclir .... from. 7:00 to l:OO P.M. •• wlll be t..re to trr end eolw ro-bocft r.-e-111a. The HfYloee Wiii be Rll (• all9ht cher1• lctr '•nr .......... UMCI). IDUR lllTS lll'T llYE Tl IURTI ' 2131 I. Coa1t Hwy. Ceron• del Mar 675-9700 NOW OPIN W .. NIGHTI TILL 9IOO j --------------~~-------------• ' . " Or nge C.OHI OAIL V PILOflf'1lday. November19, 1982 • .\I • WORLD De Lorean probed . ~onomy rem.a1ns stubborn U.S. ., / « LONDON (AP) Thi• Nor_thern Ireland .polwc arc lnvesllgatinj( lhl' hnant.'t'S or John De Lor~an's bankrupt auto plant In Belfast, th · British g o v e rnm e nt announced today. The Times o f Lond.o n reported that the receiver, Sir. Kenneth Cor", had round evidence of missfog ·runds. The paper said "the amount 1s be lieved to be large," (De Lbrean has a dlstribut.orshlp for his exotic car in Ir vine, Calif.) Th e g o v e rn me nt announceme nt came 1n a re ply by Ada m Butler, ~ • junior mlnisll'r for Norl~t•m lrt.•l14nJ, to a <jUl'fillon r1&1ii.'<t In thP HouR' of Commons over nll<'gt.od ~Uf'8 In the• C'Ompany's U('COWltS. A ft>w tw urs lH•fur<' De Lorl'atJ was arrl"Slt"d In Los A ngtrlcir on Oc t. l Y, the Briti s h g ove rnment announ~od il was s hutting Che De Lorean Motor Co. down De. Lorean, charged W1th cocain e trafficking a nd rackc tc-crink. 1s now fret• on o $10 m i llio n b o nd . Th e> company's privatl' debts arc l'S timated at bclWC(.'" $58 million and $64 million. Walesa smear denied church hierarchy had any knowledge of any tapes and pictures of Solidarity leader Lech Walesa in s e xually compromising situations. . NBC-TV repor\ed that tne Polish gov e.r n men t h a d shqwn Roman Catholic Church officials such material shortly before Walesa was last The NBC "Nightly News" r e p orted T hurs day that pictures, tapes and documents also implicating Walesa in . alleged fin{lncial irregularities w f!r e s ho~n to church o{ficials. I\ said the materials could be used to ."discredit''. Walesa if· he atte mpts to return t.o public life. · China cabine t s haken . PEKING -China replaced Foreign Minister Huang Hµa and Defense Minister Geng Biao today, the official news age ncy Xinhua announced . No reasons for the Cabinet shuffle w~e given. • But Huang, 69, has been reported ill f~r some time and last year tqok time off from his job twice for treatment of a kidne y infection . Vice NATION F o r eign Minis t e r Wu Xuequ1a n , 60, su cceeds Huang as foreign minister, acrording to the news agency. The new defense minister 1s Zhang Aiping. 72. • The a nnouncement came three days a fter Huang and Sovie t F o re ign minis t e r Andrei A. Gromyko mel in ·Moscow and called 'for the nQrmalization of re lations. 19 million 'quit' smoking N E W YORK -Mo r e nicotine addicts than eve r gave up cigarettes for the Great American Smokeout, say cancer socie ty officials . But a tobac co c.ompany spokesman s ay s the ·Smokeout won't affect sales. which are expected t.o set a record this year:. An estimated 19 million cigarette s mokers, or 36 percent of America's 53 million adult smokers, used candy, prizes and plenty of moral support to k ick the _tobacco habit for 2.4 hours '. ending at midnight Thursday. the cancer society said. "We'r e ecstatic ," s aid Charles Dahle, a spokesman for the American Ca ncer Society, which reported 16 million participants in Last year '.s Smokeout. "ll's a tremendous jump. We marvel at it." But David Fishel. a spokesman for R.J. ReynQlds Tobacco in Winslon-Sal~m. N .C ., s aid t.he annual s mokeo uts have had no impact on cigarette' sales. Sov~~~~raise suspicion WASHINGTON - Secretary of State George P. Shultz. jus t bac k from Moscow, w)'le re he atte nded the fune ral o f L eon id Brezhnev, says the Unit~d States should not be lulled by concilia tor y "mood music" from lhe Kre mlin's n e w leadership. STATE Shultz said Thursday that if rela tions be tween the superpowers are to improve, th e re mus t b e a Sovie t "change in behavior." He added tha t the Reagan administration is ready for a ··•careful. thoughtful" effort to improve U.S .·Sovil'.'t relllllons Plant closing brings fea_rs MILPIT A~ ._ When the Ford Motor Co. closes its plant next yea r . s ome workers fear they won't have a f uture in the boomtown they helped create. Like many or the 2,386 aut.o workers t.old Thursday the plant will .close no later than June, seat assembler Bob Mattish sa1d he didn't know just what he would do. But C ity Mana ge r Jim Connolly said Mauish and others may have better odds than they think of finding new work. "We're in a terrific boom o f broadening the industrial tax base of this city," he said. . ·woes beset food lines SOUTH GATE -Angry. frustrated and j o bless, thousands of auto w or kers and others have waited in vain at a c l osed -down General Motors' plant in food lines beset by delays, rfp·bffs, counterfeili~g and shortages. United Auto Workers Union member Tony Mao joine d som e 3,000 people w aiting Thursday for $55 worth of groceries at $10 outside the Idle South Gate pla.nt, 10 miles south of downtown Los Angeles. He was la id off from GM's suburban Van Nuys plant Wednesda . .. WAH 111 NU 'l'U N l A I' I -• . trl1 .1. ltu· iwnw wt 111 Lht.f11«'0nd lfovhll116' 1ht 1111 t h11111I ~1 11w 1h quu1u•1, ltl!' n<'W rc•port aia1d. fl 6l u rt• 11 ti 11 w 11 w u 1· d , th'' , Comm f.' rt' l' D t• p IH t m t' n l l.fOVt•rnnw11t 11uul tutluy 1 ht.' (•conoml11t1 had t•atlmlUt"d la"t rwUonul rc..vnom)' 11tuy"-cl fllH in month bt•fon• all (-.:unomlc tht• July St·11tt•n1b1•1 4uurlt•r d»w tor thl' thlrtl 4W11'lt'r wwi In rattwr thuu lnt'hi11K upwutd IUI that thert• had t)('t'n a g1lln ut fir t t'l4tlmatt'tl .. Mil annual t'lltl' of O.tl pcrct•nt. 'f'ht· Cummt•1 t·•· Ol·purtml•n\ SUK'l' ttwn. offlclala sui<l nl'wer rPporl ulbO :will U.S t'C>q>11rut1on1' report& t.'!lpl'\:iully one K~owmg p roC1tt; l'o!tt' 11 11.ihtly 111 the th\' fon·itin ... tQill.r deficit hJ((hl•r quarter. Howev••r, they 1 emttml'<i lhan Cl(pt.>c:tt'd for lhe quartt.•r at a low lt•vet. m»de It likely r,,-aJ G NI' would be Nt•itht•r JliN't· <J f nl'ws was n •viM'Ci downward. likely to HurprlS~· j(OVt.>rnmcnt Real GNI' -the broodt•11 t officials and p1'1Valt' <.>conomh;tM, m e as1Hl' of U .S. cconomll" who are ~wnt..'rally agreed that activity -is IA figure deiilgm.>d to the rl'Cl'881on mowd into a 16th include all goods 1i1nd services month In Octolwr and may well · produc:cd in a gi~cn pl'riod. be continuinl( yet. B..e...(Mre adjustment f o r The 1nrlat1o n -udjus ted , o r inflauon, GNP l"OiK' 4.7 percent to ''reol," grus:. national product a t'atc of $:J.081 trillion In the stayed al an annuaJ rate of $1.478 quarter • ~rg~~~ increase SAN DIEUO (AP) -The chanct>llor oJ CalHornia's s tate unive rs ities l'al ll•d for an immediate increasr in taxes lo h e lp raise money fo r the Cinancia ll y ·slrappe d stat e COll('ges. "To be blunt, we ne<.>d a tax increase in this state right now," said Chance llor Ann Reynolds Junng a lour Thursday of the San Diego State tampus. (Cal S talt' Fulle rto n in Ora nge County 1s part of the s tate universities system.) Reynolds, na med to the post about two months ago, sugg<.-stcd tha t Ca lifornia s hould start taxing scrvic:e industries such as valet parking, laundromats and "those men's hairdressing places w hich I have seen only in California," in an effort t.o raiS(' m o r e m o n ey f o r high er cdu<.'ation. "Th<.•y (the scrvk't• industries) <ire not ll:lxcd and they should be made to pay their fair s hare." said Reynolc::ts, who was ending a thrce-dav visit to the San Diego .J. State campus. Puring the vis it, the ne w <.'ha nce llor met with campus faculty and administration and s tudent groups, in addition to local business leaders. She voicc<J her oppc*ition to si.udent tuition within the ·t 9-campus state t.'Ollege system and offered conli!'luing s upport for increased minority hiring. She praised the s yste m's academic standards and endorsed ~ the concept or tenure for faculty members. Wh ile supporting increased minority hiring, Reynolds said "it's not as easy as it might look." "l was the first woman in the physics department at Ohio State not because of any relul'tance by the department, but bccc:tuse. very few women had th~ degt ee," she said. She said this situauon can be <.'orre<.'led b y having m or e women and minorities in what have been white male dominated disc:ipJines, but it will take time. Packard tabbed • winner San Diego County • ID Despite allegations of poUinfJ booth irregularities, San Diego County off1cic1ls ha\ c ccrtifit:d wr1le-m Republican Ron Packard a s the w1 nner of 1 he 43rd Congres.o;ional District ra<.'t?. Orange Count.y supervlSOrs arc ·•clwchtlcd w ~ he results or the Nov 2 clcct1on TueSClay, e c:prawling dis tric t c overs -.QQrtlaern San Diego County and ,part o f southweste rn. Orange County • Registrar Ray O.rt1~ certified the re sults o f his co unty's· balloting dcspitl.' allegations from Democratic runner-up Roy "Pat" Archer that voting booklets had been defa<.-ed in the San Diego · CounLy port.Ion of the dlS\net .. Packard. a Mormon d entist from Carlab9d, won election to Congn.1ewn though he had lost ReplatilioeP lobonia Crean Jn the J une primary. He became the third person elected t.o the House or Representatives as a write-in. Archer finished second and Crean. the GOP nominee from San Juan Capistrano, came in third. - Helicopter forced down Immedia~ely after taking off f1'om the Marin e Corps Air S ta tio n 1n Tus tin, a Navy Engelhardt rites Sunday Funeral services fop Frances Engelhardt are scheduled for 1 p.m. Sunday at F.den Memorial Park in the San Fernando Valley. . Engelhardt, former Laguna Beach city treasurer, died Thursday or cal'\C\!r. She became treasure r in April 1980 and resigned Oc t. 30 because of failing health. A memonal servit.-e 1s planned in the Engelhardt home, 1723 Thurston Drive, a t 7 p .m . Tu<.>sday . The family has asked that donations be made t.o the Laguna Greenbelt, P.O. Box 860. 92652 or Village Laguna, P.O. Box l 3 0 9 , 9 2 6 5 2 . B o t h a r 'e environmental aroupa. hehcoJ?ter was forced to make an eml!rg<:ncy landing Thursd ay a fternoon in a vacant field in Irvine near Myford and Bryan roads. authorities said. The pilot, Capt. Bob Wills, t.old officials that the transmission cover dislodged moments after takeoff at 4:30 p.m . No one was injured. Lt. Col. Barbara Weinberger said the helicopter la on loan to a Navy squadron in Ch1na Lake and was making a routine test flight. What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the nµmber al left and you r meaage will ~ recorded, tramcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour .n1wertn1 aervltt may ~. toTffOnt let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contri~ .. must lnclucS. their name and telephone number for veriflrtllon. No circulation calls. please. ..'.Idl us what's on.x.our mind. -·. OAAHOE COAST lilly Piiat The• profil11 pktun· lmpiovt•ll on I y "ti 11 K ht I y In the• th 1 r<I qu11rte•r, the rt1pt.1rt l!lllid. • 8dore•·Ull( <.'Orpt.>r<Att• pr<>flt.v rOIM.l 4\,ij pcrt.'l'n\ lO 1m unnual raw of $170.U bllllon Mtc:r rl!llng u shm 0.1 J>l'l'<'Nll in the • 1wcond quartt•r Afwr l<tX pnif1h1 r()S(_• :tool ~rc.:t.>nl lo a ratt• of $1 Jj),} billion afwr u i;e,'{-ond-quarll'r team of 1.3 1x:•rt'l•nl. Man y t•ompan1t•s hav t• reported poor profits or none at all this year. with sull'ii sluggish and production ('Ut back. Al- though profits ·rose a bit m the third quarte r , they were far below the annual rates or $233.3 billion before taxes and $150.8 billion aft.er taxes ih the same Speaker Economist Michael Ann isoo will discuss HWho's on the Cullin Edge of Change" al 7:30 p .m .. Monduy al Mas udu .School, 174 15 Lo J a rdines West, Fountain Valley. ' Admission i free. Phone rates to go up in · 3 coast cities Tt>l <.'ph o n <.' sc r v i <.'e in Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley and Laguna Beach, areas served by General Telephone CO .. will C06t more ne xt year due quuri.1r l.ruat )'l"Ur . On tht• utht>r hand, eluglah demand haa helpt-d kffp pi«-1 from rlalng 111 qulct.ly 11 In n •cent Jean. Another fl1ure Include In today'• report aaid inflation -111 meuured by the brOiatJ-ba.00,.GNP imphdt prk.r dt•flator -roee at an annual rate of 4.7 penoent in the third quarter rather than thf• 5.4 pe rcent c1tlmatcd carlte1'. The· 1&nnu1&I rate for the aavnd quart.er wat 4.6 perc'Cnt. All a general rule, there would havt' to be sold gains ;n real GNP for two straight quarters before there would be wide agreemient the re<.'t:'Sllion had ended. And that c learly hasn't happened yet, whh1_ the figure rising at a very moClest annual r1i1te of 2.1 percent in the tee0nd quar ter after plunging at ratea of 5.3 ~t and 5:1 percent in the two previous periods. ~ ri1~ 6-eb-o'f''----· .. peop l e a r e filing ror unemployment-bene fits, but many private economists still think the jobless rate will go over October's 10.4 percent in the months ahead. The depar tment reported Thursday that 629,000 new claims for un e mploym e nt compensation were filed in the first week of November, a drop of 23,000 from the week befQfe. -Econorhiata say weekly claims over 600,000 still signal a rising unemployment rate and atress that weekly figures are volati.le. The a uto m obile business ·continues to be a leader in l ayo ff s . The majo r car manufacturers reported 'that the numbei; of worl~ers on indefinite layoff this week rose to a record 254,914. Temporary layof(s fell to 30,450 from 41,000. Jack Lavery, chief economist at Merrill Lynch, Pierce. Fenner & Smith Inc .. said in his latest economic report that he expected the unemployment rate ta average 10.5 pe r cent in the ' current business quarter ending Dec. 31. And he forecast an increase to a peak of betw een 10.7 percent' and 10.8 percent next year. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.'s ,eco n om ics departmen t is projec ting an ave rag e unemployment rate of 10.4 percent for the cu rrent quarter, • rising t.o a 10.5 percent averaae·io the first quarter of 1983 and 10.6 percent in the second quarter. Reactivation of San Onofre to • rate increas~ approved W~W-J;ly the ~lifgwia _ Public Utilities Commission. reac tor Ser----+,• P hon e bills for recurring monthly charges will typically be The Unit 2 reactor at the San ':IP nearly 75 cents come :Jan. 1. a O nofre Nuclear Generating company spokesman said. Slation is sch eduled tb be General Telephone originally reactivated this w ee kend requested. ~ates be in<.'reiASCd _by f 6 11 o w I n g a s h u t d o w n $113.9 m1lhon for 1983 -with WedneSday t.o repair leaky steam the increase coming in the form ~enerat.or tubing. of a customer surcharge of 23 Southern California lliison Co. perct>nl. officiaJs said the tube allowed , But ·the commission gi:anted around 45 percent of that -a $50.7 million increa se, with a 10.23 percent surcharge -to offset ant1c1patcd loss of earnings caused. at least in part. by the r~ion. Tht' s urchargt> will apply only to recurring monthly charges on all categories of phone service - residential, business, measured- rate and "lifeline" service, the spokesman said. The extra cost will not be tacked on t.o variable. charges ltke long-distance calls and telephone installation fees. ocean w ater t o enter two generators. The generators run on pure, distilled water and eea water is potentially corrosive. The leak was discovered by technicians early Wednesday and the newly licensed Unit 2 reactor was shut dpwn an hour later. Edison spokesman David Barron, whoee firm is 80 percent owne r of the seasid e reactors south o f San Clem ente, said technicians were flushing out the generators and wot.dd plua the pipe whlch leaked. Barron said the leak occurred in a condemer pipe. ---- - -- - STORMY WEATHER This rainy season can make carpet laying difficult. Many stores have to postpone Installations because of rain: No place to cut carpeting and open trucks. At Alden's, we have a clean large wareht>use, and eovered trucks so that materials won't get wet. Even when there Is no rain, we generally cut all our jobs In the morning, Insuring clean merchandise In your home. Some Installers cut the jobs In dirty streets or driveways. 011 from cars wtll pfck up on the back of carpet, and work nrrougl\ eventuatty to the surface. For safety's sake, buy from Alden'..81 Sometimes small details make all the difference In the Job. . N / l. Key Schulh Vice '1tt'°9111 lf; r .. t : Mi&Jlif ifii: 0 111110111 it~~· rlnyt fJlltllllf wood, & cerllllk floors ond O..ector ol ~""'lllO • llU PLAClliT(A AVE. • COITA llD. Cl 11121 • P1111 ' • • • se011nar- Barbara S. TlrotnH. the youngest (.'0&1\missloner or the Securities a nd Exchange Commiss ion , will b_e. the reatul'cd speaker during a day-long business seminar Tuesday at the South Coast "Plaza Hotel. The theme or the day-long seminar is "You Can Do Business Wit!' Uncle Sam" • P.eter V. Ueberroth, president of the Los Angeles Ol ympic Organizing Committee, will be the featured s peake r a t the annu al m eeting of the Newport Center Association Dec. 10. Ueberroth, a member oI the 1Q:j6 U.S. Olympic water polo i a9d .is sponsored by the ·Newport Center S unrise Rowry Foundation and the Newpo rt Harbo r Arca Chamber or Commerce. ;J'he seminar fee is"$170 per person and Includes lunch. The program begins at 9 a.m. For more informa t ion, call 978-2081. team. will discuss the 1984 games and his role In getting private firms to underwrite- expenses for the O lympic games. The 7:30 a.m. breakfast meeting wm be held at ttre Edwards Theater in Newport Center. The cost for breakfast is $5. For reservations, call 640-1861. Suit JJits shoes'for Mesa -fall No dandna ,.he.-.. wt•re thf.'14.', c:lain\11 ia Co8w Mt'IW wurrum who allegl'I an a law11ult thMt drHa shors 11ht• pun·hoscd at tht> Nord1nrom South Coast P luza store cault'd her to 1dip and (1111 from a lil'<.'Ond·story l.Mtkony last year. Because -of the all«"ged injuries she suUered in the fall to a <.'Oncrele driveway below, Lorelei Phillips 1.1 aakina for $4 million In damages in an Oran1e County Superior Court laws uit fifed Thursday. The lawsuit claims the fall, which oocurred the same day the shoes were purchased while they were being worn for the first time , was cau seJI by ,the "extremely slick and slippery rondtllon of the outside bottom" or the shoes. I .. • Pre-Grand Opening -.PARTY! ~. uun.us ~ '-AllOBICS Help_ US c;elebratel . ~ . .. Sip Beer and Wine iind Munch on Hors ·d'Oeuvres SaiurdaJ, November 20th 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. 2 tor 1 Speclall· 1 yr. -2 peopJe or 2 yrs. -1 person. Named as de fendants in the case were Nordstrom's, Mozerati Delizia, the shoe manuracwer, the shoe distributor and wholesaler as well as the woman 1------------....;:::;==========::::::::::==:==:==:==:==::....:.::;:::::=:=-=. _ ___._ who r esldes where the fall OC.'Curred ,- The suit a1so alleges the railing at the residence was not high enough to prevent Phillips' fall. Classic, classy Autos . . Classified Advertising in ihe D1llJ Piiat 1 -_____________ ..._._...._...,_...._...,_..._.., _____________ .-.,_ You can Charge DAILY PILOT Clas~fled Ads 642·5678 RUFFELL'S 't'HOLSTERY ............ ..is...'" 1'22 .... IOI ILYD. COSTA MESA-541·115' ~et · Into This Holiday Scene CROSBY· . STlllS & NASI I NORDlbci 26. 27 • 28 LINAHORNI N09'9Dlher ~Dwwnb. 1, ..S, 8, 12, 15, 19, ~ & 29 _L • C:S::~-fe7~i Put Yourself In This Holiday Setting 1 ~~y.room.gvnplete The only thing miSS1ng lS you' You ·u rind plush roam lum1ture com· bmed with sleek oak and brass accent pieces to give ycu the comfort and good looks you ·n en)Oy long after the holid<\ys have passed A. The 69" INide Sofa Sleeper with wood sup· ports unfolds to reveal a super soft bed Reg 249.95 Sl88.88. B. The 27" WKle Lofa makes a cushiony chair. Flip it open and it's a bed Reg. 129 95 174.88. Both are made of stur· dy compact foam and covered in a durable cotton duck fa bric in rose. brown. and blue The oak and brass accent pieces have clear g~ tops and shelves C. The 64" taD etagere Reg 119.95is 179.88. D.The 40"1Nide coffee table Reg.69 95 Is 149.88. E. The 26" wide end table Reg. 49 95 is S39.88. HUNTINGTON llACH 1470 lclln=w./'*9r1 MONARI. t0-1, UT. I illUN. 1M COITA MQA 1714 Newport ./Op9n MON . .flRI. M, SAT. a SUN. 1N SANTA ANA 2111 I. llrlllal •. /Op9n MON • .fRI. 1M, SAT. I SUN. 1N "O lo40~ O• """'• l>o.•1 ...... , , ....... 0 "O $•oc-II" MOncs " 11ern1 0" Soi. Tl' .. ... .... ,. _, ,. ' Oraoge Cout DAIL V PILOT /Friday. November \9, 1982 NB NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS "t'Af"*' IMCLUOe HAOate• flt8118W \l .. a, .. , .... ,, •• ,,,.(, , •• , ... TOii, atfaelt AllO CIMC .. llAYI ITKS •• ....... ••• ••N•11• av'"' ••ID •110111n111at ...... , W IK ,_., ... Mt , .... '"' .... . . Daw "°"88 F-inal DOWN 10.85 CLOllNQ 1,021.M • Oil · f 1·rms. ~gog .over off shore find . LOS ANGELES (AP) -Oil companies are eagerl)> ~ining up for permita to increase drllling' _operations In a new fie ld off lhe .central coast of California that appe ars to be lhc brggest domoa~ pcl[()Jeu~ discovery in more than a decade. Arguel could be large-enough to af(ect wor 01 prices. according lO an authoritative trade publicalion. Petroleum lntelll~nce Weekly said the reserves may have "International implications . . . that could be far-reachina. for the industrv and the Or~anizalion of Petroleum Expartinl Countries (OP.EX,;).· Analysts say aa much as a billion barrels of recoverable crude oil may lie in the basin which stretches about 130 miles north from Point Arguello, a foggy promontory about 150 miles north of LO$ Angeles. The biggest previous discovery, Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, bu reserves estimated at about nine billion barrels. · Utilities to aid needy . LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Low-in<.'Ome cuslOmel's will ge t help with their winter bills as early as next month through a fund set up by Southern California Edison Co., and Southern California Gas Co., the utilities said. San Diego Gas & Electric also will provide help for the needy thi.s winter. Edison said Thursday up to $3 million will be made avail~ble. The company will provide $500,000. and an a dditional $1 milli.o n each to matc h contributions from the generaJ public on · "a dollar- for-dollar basis." Electric rat.es will not be affected it said. • The utilities said In w rit1en announcements they • . will use one or more locaJ charities lO distribute the funds. but plans weren't yet finallied. AMEllCAN LEADEIS MEW YOltK IAPI-s.i.. ) p M P"U ... Mt ,...,_ OI l'-.. n ~I .cllve -"-kM S..Cll EllC...._ I\~. e., .... l9N41w ....... -''· tl '·'>tu-2 ·~·· ••••• ~!·c. ... :: a\'t. ::: . &ftiP.!. "'·'· .~, lflC...... "'·-....... IC....,I!•• 101.a 1"> • '-~..._. IOS,l'CIO S3 'loo ~WM •1,JllO 21\'> o ~ Of-..Cll ..... .... • .. MCO ltft 1•.-,.... . "" IPS All llWllS Pel. Oft t•' °" ,, °" •. a Ott • > Oft •.> Oft ••• Oft u Off SA Oft u Oft SS °'' u ()If u Off •• OH • 1 Oft • 1 °'' u off 0 Oft •• °'' • > Qlf u "" 41 Oft 4 I Off 4 I Oii •• Off 4 I MElALS NEW' YORK CAP) -Spol no11lerroua .-.. ptleea todey c: .... , 10~·12 c•n•• • oou110. U.S Clet4inetl0n• ~ 211t.2e cenll •pound Die 36-42 aints • poun0 ~ao ""seo140 Met.i. WMI< ~t• It> a....... 71 c::ellla • l)OW>O. NY __, .-s 00,,., ..... ~ 1340 00-1342 00 troy ounce. NY RI IUUllTIOllS ., Tiie .......... ..... Selected WOt1d ~ ptl()ft IOOay L_.•11 lftet11l111 1111119 S• 17 00, up Sl50. L ..... .,..,_ tt11,.. 1417 60, up 19 10 "8rta ....,_ 1111111 ... 11 6S. up $9 19 , ................ lf02,up SI03 ......... ....,_ ........ .,, 25. up .. 76 bid, ... I. 25 ... ., Ma11•r • Mar111e11 only O••ly quo•• ... 11.eo. up It 10 .......... only o.ofy QUOI• 1417 80, up St.10 .......,.. only d8ily quot• 1438 ••. up ll!>S STOCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILYEI