HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-22 - Orange Coast Pilot...................................... ------------------------~------- / THE D~ANGI COAST COUN TY f DITIDN MONDAY. NOV. 22. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Reagan to announce missile decision tonight WAS 111 N t; TUN I 1\ I' 1 l'1t••.idt·11t l<1-.1g.111 " I'"''' d 111 ,1111111Ull• • Iii'> dc•1 l).1t>11 1111 dq1lo\ 1111-: 1111 h11g1• 111·"' J\1 X lllkllOlllllll 111,il 1111 ...... llt \\ llh .tll '>11.(1\). 111tl11.11111g 111 \\ 111 • 11 ......... . • lo:.t·h .,,,..,., .. I 1t ..... 111g '* hc·111t · I h.11 l.il't'" 11pp11-.r111111 Ill l'1111g1t· ..... ... Ad1111111 .. 11 ..il11111 '>lllll lt"' ..... 11d Ill :1 d \' .1 II l l' II I I{ I ••• g ,1 11 ... • 1111u1u1w1·1111·nt. t•),.pt•111·d I.alt• 111d<tV. tht•\ ur1d1·r.,t.111d lit · li.1, .... ,.,.µ,,.d .1 ll'llllllllll'llll.dt•lll ,,, pbn• llHl M X '"'.tJH •11., 111 ··llJ• 1 li,11 dl'(ll'd l.t\1111 fl ""I" •JI.II I .I .tl111111 I 111111 '" ~ IHJll ,, I I '"""I Ill 1)11 \\'t .. t 11111l1.d1h .ti \\,1111111\11 I· 1>11 • H.t ... I \\ \ II 1'111 I'" .. ult 1tl "all d1· .. "'' !lit J\I\ Ill I 11,1111111,tll\ t.Jc\l'><d .... , .. I. 11 ... I I' Ill , ..... I '1111 ., 111 I I Ii \\ ti I .1 "'" I "\ I I .. I I"" 1111111111 111,t llt'I ' ,111d 11 l.t1 l11ll" "1tl1 11 ... s .. , 11·1 111111111 'I Iii· I 111111· MX fll llJtl I ,, t °')ti'! it d II• \11 ... f .ol>l>lll $:If> lt1f l11111 S111 11 ,, d1·1il11v11w1il p.1111 ·111 \\111dd 11 1' 1111 " 1111'111\ •. tll1 d lr.1trh1.l1 111.1 .... 11 11 lhc .. 111\1\"il 111 1111' 1111v.dl•' \11 "1d111g 111 tit• 11111• ·,II .I 1111111' 1111111111111.: S11v11 I \\ .11 I 11 , I\ j., \\ I II al d tf I "tf ti I \ , JI I t 111 1111 tli11111~·l1 1.1.. h 1.1111.1111111111 d1h11 • .111.I llP' I"' 1111 M:"I. \\< ••1>''11' \\111tld .111 \ l\.1 t .. l.1lll1t h I I• \.oh,11"1 \ ... 111111 \\'li.11 111.tl\I , 11.111111111 \.\1111-. lht· l'll.Jttll' "" I' .... ,, .. ..,, ... p.11111g 111 t 111 1\1 :-.. 1111 v,tl1 ·, \\ l11d1 11.tll 11\\" !111 !->11\ ll'I I.ti/'< l ,tll '.I 'l'ht I I··~· I I I\] llJ I I IOlll I Jlf P ulm l rt·t· ... 1-0 ft•l'l hi~t. tl•·<·o ralf • &tw \l t•dit•·rra n t'a11 1111 a µ.t· of tlu· rH'\' P a('ific· h ·dc ·ra l S a ,i11µ.-. c·o mplt•' in ( :o i...ta '1t·.-.:1. Sa y ing it with palm trees Wh1•11 11 1.1111t t11 p11k1ng th• l.ind-.i .1p1ng f111 1111 111•\\ $I, m1llr1111 1'.111f11 r1·d11.tl S.1\111g,.. bu riding 111 ( '11-.t.1 J\.1, . .,,1 P1 ·1<·1 8r;.11d11w d1 ~ ·1d1 ·d lo /!." 1111 t 1111 ,1 lrnih Ill' b1111gltt I JO p.drn 111•1·' Ar.111d11\\ .1 l.u1d"' ·Ill'' .111 lt111·• l f11r tl11 l1utld111g .11 l'llh S111 1 I .. nd N1·wp11rl Roul1·\';11d l1k1·..., 111 think th• p.1h11 l11•1•-. -.111 n111111lr11i thf' ( ·11 ... 1.1 Mc...,,, liuilcl111g h.1\ • d r .1 n1 .1 t 1 / 1 d 1 t " n1 . , 1 • 1 1 • Mt·dt1• 11.1111·.in 1111.1~1 V.'c• \\ .11111·d ..,,,mt•lh1111• 111..,. . .11 HB lllOill A Huntm~lon &•dl'h w11m.111 has laun< hP<l ;i do~c'<I t·am1M1Kn to c·nroll hl'f fir ... 1 gradl· daughti·r into,, '>thool spl'l'th tht·rd1n progr.1m M.irll'tr• p .. 111111k.1 .... 11c1 ,11, It .... attcmdc'd ii n1<1nv mt-t•t1n).(:-.111d madf' numl'rnus l'nntacts w11 h ON:·;m Vlf'w S< h1M•I D1strrc t. st...t1· c'Clur:.ttrc>n offlC'iab and lr•g1.sl;1t11r1. Thl· nl'XI sl!•p 1n lwr h:1ttl1· will comp Nov '.!~ wh1•n .t st.111· D<'partmt•nt o f Erlu1;i11011 mc>dr<ctor v.tll •onduc r a ht·;inng into th1· d1-.pul• 111 llunt1ngl1111 &•aC'h 1'1•r1111tk.1 ,,iv-. 111 r d.111gh11•r C;irr1<• ll'<tVC''> out th1 r 111 pronOUllC'lni{ words hk1· pri•ll\ ...,.> rt sounds lik1· "p1ttv " Shi· ·""' \\Ith Iii• l111tld11111 .ti.I H1 .11111"\' 1'111 " t.11111: ""'' 11 1tw h• ·~~hr 111 rlt•· l1111lil111~'' :-..111lH·tl1111g lu111 to -.1, It c•t V.1>11ld li,1\'1 l1~1k1•d ltlllll\ .ig.1111..,I 11 M11t1111..c-. 1'.t'"1 11 g 1,, 11 11· I lt•g,1111 I t•tl ltf1·d h11tltllll)1 11\tghl th111k 1111 '"" t .. ·1·11 ll.tll'Jll.111t1·d 111 tl11 1 1·111 .. r 111 .1 Sp.1111-.lt \ rll.1 I h .1 I " I It I ' I I··· I I 1.11 , , I I ~I '<kl ii .. 1111 1.d .... \\I I I 11· •Piii)' '"' w h1 11 t 111 \ 'I" 11 1 .. ~11 11 111111 l" l.111d ..... 1p1 th• 1•11tqd•\ \\tlh 111 l•••I hri1lt p.il111 \l 111 •I tl,1 1 r' • 1q11111•1• d t 111111 "L'111L' at no l oss ornrL.., tl11 ·th ""1111 d 111 '-'"Ill' l1k1· hr11th1 I It ,1111111 )1 Ill hrudd1 1 .)U<.I ltVf' 111111\ltl'' ,f \\f•t k Ill rt·nwd1.11111n \\ 111tld h• Ip h1 1 l't 111111k.1 -..11cl 'Hut rt o;t·1·111' \h1 \ l1·1lt11 .111<111 111f1r r.ilsl h.1v1• .ill k111d-. 11! 111111 r .. r 1111·1 ·t111g,~ l1ul rh1 ·\ c .111 l 11111 lllV 1f.1ughl1·1 Ill ,1 11•1111•d1.d -.p1•1'<·~. prog;1r:1m f1v1 • ''111111tr--.. .1 Wf'<'k Shi· .... 11d -.h• , .ti 1.•1d h1 r d.tugh t1·1 w ti l d1 ·vr l11p prnblt·111-. 111 n·.uling and 'JM •ll111g l~'<-.111....,. of tht• "flt'•'< h pr ohl1 111 ... 'I ht pt ohll'lll' <.lw11 Id he c u1 11·1 It d 1111"' 111,1,•,1d 111 It ll111g th•·111 go un.1t11·nd1·d .111d '"" 1111 ... \\IH '' "ht• I lrtlllll'd ----INDEX---___, l1111ld1111'' .. 1.1 •II I ,1 h,dl I\ l\f\11 \ K .11 I \ .. 11 ii I t \ I"' I I "I .. II• I 1 11i.111 II'' I lut \.tilt\ ( I ,.,I ( 11 I ( lllllJ•.tlt\ Ill I ,11 ,\111:..J1·-. "I'' Ill -.1, i1110ttlh' II ,11 k1t1j' d11\\ It 1111 I"" 111 11 ,., .. ll.11d1 ,I flO fttld \\•I• lf11 ( ·,. '" 1'111111•1'.t'> 111 q111 t 11 111·1·., tit.ii ,111 • '\ 1d1 111 l1\ I 111 11 1<111~· I 11111 I" I 111 t I""" ' II• l111111d I h1 111 11 1111 l11111ltlll'l1111 I .tftl.tl \ Ill l'.1'-1111 II.I \ t1,<1l1 I J>.tl k Ill ( 1,1f d t fl (;I 11\ I 11>.11 ''·'" 1•111~' 1lt11111l1 l11d \\,,, for word s ( )1 l'olll \It\\ ~lljH I llllt'lldt•fll I I.di {°1111g,111 ..... 11d I ht -.p1·1·1 h tht 1.q1\ fll 1tl!l.tlll lt.1 .. h1·1·11 r•cllH•·cl l1\ .ihnut ,1 tlt11d th1 ... \ I , I I lttc .I lJ .... ' II f \. I r \ '1 \'I' fl' , 11111.11 k.., 1111 111 '-I"" 1 • .I 1-<h11.tlr1111 f11111h lit o.;.11d t)11 g11 I h,1.., lw•1 II lt•Slt·d 1 w wt· 11\ '>J1t•11 h 1 lw1.1pi..1-. from 1111· w ..... 1 l)1,111g1· (°1111ntv < 01111-..nrl 111111 1111 Spi" 1:11 l•~ltw.1111111 .tnd sh1• d1d11 I q11alrl\' l11r tlw pt og,r .cm C1111g.111 ... 11j.!g1•-.1 1•d that 1'111111tk.1 ~·t .• Jlll\.tl• dl.lj.!11•1'1'> 11111 n11th1ng .q1p.111·11tlv c .11111• 11( 11 ·Jf tlll'V • .1mt up w11h .1 ddlt n •n\ l>Jlllllllll WI d l•l'IK 111111 11 lw '-11d t''I"'< 1111).! tlw g11 I "' 1~1·t· SP EEn t . l':tK•· i\2 1 "li11 l1 1111 ,\11 !•11111 I • .II «11 ·1 1·.1 , .. 11 1, I' ·' tit tlll ti,, "'JI.ii 11111 11 .. 111 , •. 1-.I 1111 .tl1 d1 '""""' 111 pl.111 Ill• l11d11q• 1111 ( ,11 II I .uln1llll"li t1,1lHn1 .,, ht ltu I"' .. 111• I "h .. I k•" 1 .. '' 111.110 ""''"' ,., .. , .... ,,.,d lh••\ I,, ... I Ht ·~:.111' I'·" k.1g1· 111 1111 l11d1 ,, 1111111lw1 "' 'gt •1'-' I h 11pl111ll'· \\ 1111 h 11111:111 ht l>11d1 1111!• tlw ..,, .11·111 111 tlll' l'l~Jlh II tlu '-.11\lt'h di \1 l11p \.\.o\o, 111 111Ul1l11 I 110-.i•I\ '•Jloll 1'" l1o1..,lllg 1\ 111t1 11 ~· I f 111 •,I 11J1 l I I I I I'• • Jn tl11 ... 1t1 111 .111t1tl11 I )!111\1 1111 lo11g1 '' tr11·-. 1.11111 1111111;, .10 .1111 1...,\,111 111 ll11ld1 II\ .tilt\ th,1l \\,,.. f>c 1111,:' I Ii :11< if (11 hutld •11' l11llllt0'> 1'111 111111 • 1••pulo11 M•·'-11 .111 l.111 11 . .1111• \\It•· llpl1111t1·d ffl)lll .. Ill i•l1 t It d 11111-. .. 1 \ Ill H1 •..,1•cl.1 th.11 ,, .• ... d I ' I I fl • cl I II I II I \\ • '1 •o1 I 11111 rt I :\II tlu 11 11 .... 1t .. 1t\d h.1\t 1111 111 oltl1 Ill .t., lt111.1tr11i: tu the 11 111 \\ 11111111 ,, 11cl "111 pr olt.tld' 1,.. ff)\\ I 1111)! 11\'l'r lht l II\. -.lo,~ 11111 Ill ,1 11 \\ \< ,,,, \',111tlt l\'••tl said :'\l a r l••rw P 1·rout ka d1 ·111111\1• 1 ..... 111g.' .. 1111 llt•"' 111 d1-.11 il111l111i.: l\l x llll''>rl•·' .111111111( .. tft11111111.il 111111 .. L . .-.t \\•· .. k .,,,111•1 ..... 1d I« 11t.1g1111 ... ,,. .• 1.111,.h .11111 th• 1\11 l11ltl \\Ill .l'ik1d Ill 1111111 llf> \\Ith,,"'·'" 111 "·•lltl 11111 l\lX 1111.....,rl1 ·-.. 111 Ill' 111 .IOO hnlt·.., :-.111 It dt plt•Vllll 111 \\ 111dd 111111 I 111 Hu ... -.1 .. 11 -. '" gu1·-.-. "'111 11· 111• 1111 .... -.11 •. , .. ,, • Th.11 upt11>11 w;,,.. '>.11d 111 h.1v1 lic .. ·r1 l.1\'111t•cl liv Tltor11.1-. 1(1 ·1·il, ,1 tctp H1-.1go111 ,, '"'1"'11" o1dv1-.u1 J 111\\1·\1 I •"llfl I ' '>,llcf lhll:-t' f,1\t• ~111d11 ... \\"I•' .d11 tq 11 I\ lt.d11 ti 1o\1 I ll11 \\< 1•l..1·11d i\t tl11 .,,,1111 111111 .... 11111 ,., !'k!IU t lu v 1111d1 1 -.t11111 I th.it llt f1·11 ... t St·t I• t.11 ' < ""'"" W1 111lwrgt·1 •tlld I(, I cl fi,1tl cl1°l>.tlt d !ht• tit'\ I flll\1 t., ..... lflj.(0 tJlll.flC1-.,d Ill w It.ti "'• 11 • dt ...,. r 1 li .. 1 .,.., tough JtfHHH• I .di ... W1·11d~·rg.·1 "'·'' •,,111 tu h:.ivc· llflJ"I ltd llJ .tllY "d1•('t•Jl l lVI' 1 ....... 111g " .. 11·1111 ·111 111 th1· IS1·1· MISSILE. l'agt· A2l Valuable~ art stolen in • Mesa; reward offered 1'111 ""Ill I "' .• 17th ( .• llllll \ lt.tl1.111 p.i111t111g -.t1d1·11 1111111 ·' p.1dl111 k1 ·d d,....pla\ 1 _,...,, .ii lh• ()1;111g1 l'ounlv F.111g1ou111I-. 111 1'11-.1,1 Mc ·.., .. ~.ud h1· h.1 ... 111111 · hupc 111 t'\'l'I 'l't'lllg 111' $1:!.0IJll .tl'lp1i. ,. :1gt:1111 "SrntH·lk~h k 11c·v. v. h.d t 111·\ '' .. 11tl'd .ind 1111 v got 11 M11 ti.11 I \'.111 lltt\I dlll'I flll Ill tltt l11t1·1n.1t11111.tl \'tll.1g1 1\11 ~ .. 11• -..11d It Ml.1\ Th" lll1'>1g111 d p.1111l111g 'F1gu1,il Stud~·'-'·•" 11pt111l·d 1111-..,111).! 1•.11 h Sund.1\ \ .111 1111\t \\hi/"·"" lltt 1'•t111f111g ,, 11111 111-.111nl ...... 1d tltt· .11tp11·11· w,,.. 1111 k1·d 111 .1 I,,..,,. ;111d I It.ti ,111 .11111vd -.1'<'lll II~ gliarcl h.ul 111•1•11 l1111•d lo w.t11 Ii 11\'t•r t h1• l.111 g111u111t ... lturldrllg 1 ltHtk t'Vl I'~ l"""d1l1· ...,t1·p I 1tUlcl flt J>lllft•t f 1111 Jldlllflllg ..... 111 \'.111 1111 .... \',111 1111\1 ..._,ul h• 1., off1•1111g ,, ' I .! II fl I t. \\ •• I d I It I •• II \. 1111 .. 1 n1;1t11111 th.it l1·,1d'> It> the I I' I 11 \ l' I Y 0 f l h l 1J a I 11 II 11 g .ilt11lnJ11d tu th•· l l rh l 0 1·11llll\ \'1 111 11.111 "httol 1\1' 11111\' ht•IJt:'" lh1· II v..11d lw -..,11d "Thr., pa1111111g 1·s1><11.tll\ h1 ·t·:i11w 111 .ill thl' puhlrc 1l\ 1-. j.! •I I II I-'. 111 I II ,. I I \ It .1 I d I II I ·••lllt'Cllll 111 ..,,.11 .. 111 1•''1'"11"•· l11 the tit• fl \'.111 lf11\ I -..11d ~I VI I ,tJ lt.111111 I ' d1-pl.l\111g 111•111 ..... ll '"' .111 \l i~t· \a n llcn •· 1 "h1h1t h.1v1• p;11 k<>tl up .ind ll·fl l'11..,l.1 i\1,·-;a point· ,;,11d lh1· ~·u.1rd \\ h11 "'·'' 1111 du". dll • 111pl11\ 1 • 111 M 111t11 s, 1 ur1 t~ '-)c r\1t1· 11·1,.•rt•·d hi dtd 11111 h1-.11 .111\•tlt111g i'i1lr<·1· -...11d 11 ,., l ... ·lr1·v1•d the• 1 .. 11nll11g w.i~ .... 11 .. 11 ltc .. I -.orn1•\lmt• IM'l\.\l't'n 1 .11 h S.11u1d,1~ 1•vt·111ng .11ul Suud.n 1110111111g Till'\' '>did tlw p.1dl1" k ... tu th• dr..pl.J\ ld~· h.111 I)( ('II prlt'tl <II>< II 2nd p e lican g e ts artificial beak H\ .J OEL t ' DO'\ Ot'111e Delly Pllol SlaH A -..\ 111111 -.u" , . ......,rul 111 .... 1111 111 -.111g1 I\ 1111 ,1 llll11ll.1ll'd JW lt\.111 Ill 1 ... gu11.t Nagu• I Sund.,, ",,.. 111.irtt•d h\' th• d1'-l11\I n 11! 11\1 11llllt bird-. \A.tlh lh•·tr UJ•P• I 111 •.ik~ ltlf .,fl Iii 11.111.t l'IJllll I I. If f W If Thr1·1· 111 tltc• 111Jllrt·d hr""' 11 pt·l11 ans w1•11• l':tpt ur t·d hv lh• ()1,111g1• l'nuntv l!Jrli111 l '.111111 ;11111 -.1.111· Dq>.1rtm1•11t 11( F1 ... h """ (;,11111 nl!111ab .ind t.1k1•11 In Cr"''" \',1lh·\ A111111.il llo ... p11.d Th11·1 gJllll' \\,11d1 II' \\t II <,,( lllJlllll! 1111 h,1rhot .lfl',I fll J.!"1 1111 11th1r tw11 l11rd .......... 11d l>H; <,p11k1·-.11i.111 l'.111·1<·k Moo11• 1111,_,,.,,.r. 11111 t1I lh•· n1 ·wh 11111til;it1 •d pdll'<lll'o d11·d ,1'111111 .111 hrnu .tft1·1 rt wa., brought 111 th1 • li11sp1tal due· It> shock and Ins., 111 liliMwl. a1·u11·clinj{ to Crown \'.tll1·v 11110.,rrw ..... , mana~t·r Da~•n;1 H111e1k .... Thi• l.111• .... t d1scovt•r\. of n1111 t' lllJUI 1·d hr rd!. hrrng., to Ill tht• numlwr 11( 1wl11 .111., th.it li.1, 1 l)l•t•n found .... 1111·1• th1• 111u11l.1t11111 ... l11•g.a11 .1tuund mid (htuh11 Twi•lvt of tht• Im cf.., .11" hou.,c'<I 111 till' "pc·l11"111 w~1rd" o f tht• { 'r11v.11 V.1ll1·v h11sp1t;d . •J111· 1-. .11 l\1,1111wl.111d .111d .11111tlw1 ,..., ltt·rn~ , .•ll'll ft11 .11 S1·.1 W111 Id 111 Sdn I >11 g11 T"' tt uf t 111' h11 d ... h,l\'I' d ll'd 1111111 tlll'll llljlll 11'" \.\'rldl1ft• off111.il .... l~·li1·v1· th,11 .111 .111gn li:-h1·rn1 .. 11 111 I 1-..h1·1 ni<•11 .1 1 t• r 1·.., pun., 1 h I 1• f n r I h l' 111u11l.1t111n::.. wh1C'h v111lall• s tall' .ind f1·dt •r<tl bws Young1•r hrrds. ,,., " the• ca:-.c· with mc1"\ 11f the 111utdat1•d p1·l1t-.111s. -.how lilllP lt·:.ir 111 human ... and wrll i.tC'al .111t hc1vv bwt ,1nd gt•l langll'd 1n 11 .... hmg 111·L<; and hnc•., W ithout th1·1r UJ>f.>4.'1 IK•Jk.,, lht· 1w·l11.1n.., l'annut ft't·d th1·msdv~ .111d would lik<'I \' die· rn I h<' v. rid !\l1111n· .,,11d ·11·.., pn·tt" h.1rd f111 tlwrn 111 ,.,., tlwv w1>uld di\' 11ff pr<'lly quick." lw s:11d That\ whv off re 1als ht•lrc•vt• the• rww d1st·ov1·i·v .,ugg1•sL..., stJl114'<>11l' '' t 11nt1m11ng 111 mut1lat1• pd11·.ins 1·v1•n though th1· 111mc• has h111ugh1 1nt1·1 n.1111111.il rn1•d1a .11t1·ntu1n A ll'am of 'u' ~won ... JI tht· Cr .. w11 V.illt·\· hw.p1t.d Wl'ff.' tll'la~hll•d. h11Wt'Vt'I , V.llh their -.1•1·ond palll'rll to rt'lt'l\'l' a tSct' PELICAN. Pa ~t· A2) Counc il eyes Univers ity Drive • noise 'our fric·nclh lt•lt•plio111· 01 wral•n· i ... 11·1 t lu· ··u-.it•-.1 rwr-,011 lo ~··t lo lo ao". \l•·•·l 1114· 1u·oplt· lwhincl tlw \OIC't '"' o n Pa~c· B:l. t-:1111.1 Bomh1>t k Hl1 1\ 1111 I .. 111d1·1" I Ill ( ·.1vakarlt• HH Mov11•). ( ... { 'J,1ss1 f !I'd 111 .lHti N.i11u11.tl N1 w, /\:I C11m1t~ I>.:' I '11lil II N11t1'r''' 11:1 crc ...... w.11d l t~ S p11r1-. Ill l>t-:ith Notu ,., I> I 1)1 SI• 1111 r11h11 f \11 Ed1t1•ri.1I l\h St•• k M;irk1 t-. I 'h i-:nto·r 1.1111nwn1 (. i I ••l1•v1-.11tn <'II rood (.I ~l 'I h1·,1t1•r-. ( "i Hore"" "P" l\11 W1-.1th1•1 A.' -..-...... U} <;t,ENN S('OTT 01 th• Dally Piiot 111•11 11111\'11-.il\ 1111\1 .1 hu ... , '"" l.1111 •,11 1•1 I \\ 11111111~~ 111 h111d ,, \1 t.tl 11 ·-.11ft 1111,11 llt'l)o!hlw11 h•MMf'> Ill II \'1111' 1-. '>I lll'dttftotf 111 "'"'" IH · \.\ 1tl••111•d 111 111111 l.1111'.., 111 h.mdlc· JH11;·• 11·d 11.11!11 1rw11·;1o;1"; Tit.it 1·xp.11"11111 ltc'l\\t•c·11 ( 111\.1·1 1)11v1· .11111 tht• Sa11 l l11 •g11 Fr•, ....... , 1111\.\1•\1·1 \\rll .ill11"' 11.tllll '" 1!•'1111.111 1111111 11111" th.111 c If\ ... t.1111l.11d-. pt'lllllf Ill '''"111111.d ·····" !'1111-. ''" tlf ftt 1.iJ~ h,I\ t' <ft \ 1-.t•d ,1 pl.tit 11 t huild .111d h1•1ght1·11 f1•111 , . .., 111 -.11l 1t·11 11111-.1 • Ill v.. h.11 lh1·\ "'' .U I' ......... 11.tl1l1· lt •\t·I-. I 111 T 111 ·..,, l.1 v t lw Ir v 11 w t . 1 I \ ( 01111111 ti \\di I 111l-.ld1•I W IWllll I fll ·'l•J•I'''' tl1t n111c;1• n1nd1f11,1tr11n Jtl,111 1111 I 1111111 ii llll'\'b lll ft ,\I) p 111 .11 ('1tv Hall . 17'.!Clll .J.1111 lw ,, ,.,. H11.ul Th•· n111t;1• pl;111 ''ill 11111 t 111111· 11p 11nlil al lt•;1-.1 i .!ll p Ill '1'111· lt·111 ,. IH1ild111~ pr11gr11111 \\ill .dl1·1 t p1•11pl1· ltv1ng 111 l li11\'1•1.,11\ l'.11k111• ... 1. Vill.1~1· l'.11 k l'.i1 k,1d1· .ind T1•11 ;11·1· 1·11111111111\lt\ ,I'>"" l.tll111l-. l\1o-.I Of the p111po ..... 1l 1nv11l\'1" r111 ... 111~ 1111• lll'1ght Il l ''"'11111( h.11 k' ·" d f1•1111 ... Ill 'Clllll' I""'' a fl('W V. ,111 w111ild 111 ti•11,11111 lc'<I alo11g tilt' ,,,.,, -.1d1• 11! thP 111;111 F 111 th•· '1'1·11.111 ('1111111111n1tv As!'<•ll 1 .. 111111 . .1 fl\'t ft>ot "'.di 1-. jll"<IJMl't'd t11 ,11 I ·" ,, 't'( lll llV 11lt'.1Slff4' H··--1d1•11f<, h.1\ 1· 111mpla11wd th.it t•>.1-.1111g -.111 ·1·t l.1 v11u ls t•naltlr I r111"11•11ls lo 1111 1h11111gh th1•11 pr11p••11y t'atv pff11·1ab .ind .1s.,-;on.1t11111 ll'Jllt''l'll t .l t l\'I'' h;iVI' b1•1•t1 d10.:. ll>;,...,ltlfo( I h1• llOISI' :ltf Pl1U(ll111ll p111g1.1m -.11w1• M1111'11 1!1111 tlw ll1tH' of .111 1'111111•1 publi1 llt•111111r.: on th•• 111atlt•1 T h ,. $ I H m 1 111 o 11 , t r "c• t \\ 1d1•111nl( 1<1 sc h ••<lult>d to ht• f111.11u·t'<I prrmarrly with o $1 fi 11111111111 l1-<l1·rnl l(rant for ur11M1 11 ,1 fl II )lf01'('1S H1·111.11n111~ l'O'>I<; ,1rl' to h<• p11 k"tl up bv llw 1·1tv nnd 1~1ur11v. \.\Ill• h •lfll'lalt• th e· Wrllrum 1\1,,..1111 H1 ·~1un.1l l'.11 k .ulj.H t•11l to 11.11 I 111 ll111v1·,....1tv 1>11\'l' Tiu 11•1111 l>utld111g pn1gr .1111 1c; t•-.11111.tlt•d I tt c·n-.t $14 ~.ooo . 1 11 1 I 11 ti 1 11 g $ I I . 0 0 o 1 n I (tlllllljo{l'llt II'' ( 0 11 \' 11ffrl'1;1J... '•tV t lwv h,1v1 · 11111 y1•1 dt·ll'I 1111111•d w h 1d1 funding -.111111·1• to tap 111 .1 11·l11tt'tl mnttc•r T1w~d.-1y. the 1·11u111 tl .1!-.11 Iii llC'hl'll\Jlt'(I I.cl h11ld a pultlrc h1·ar 1111( o n rl'VISflll)'\ to at s Rl·nc•rnl plnn <'h rtptc•t on 11111 ...... l-'11llow1ng ;Ht' ag en da rtpmc; h'tt'<I for c'Ounc1I d1scu11.~1on I) Rev1111ona 10 ~al plan not"_,,,.,., tSee UNIVE RSITY. Paaf' A!) 7 , . :! .. ------------..------------------------------ '~ (l1,111uu Lutt~t l>All' I'll (II M 1111d11y NtlVtllttl>tH I.' !'HI.' ~ ---------------Laguna Beach ~,~\ Clcm<•nt(~ \\' Continued stories man's dc_•ath MISS ILE DE<:ISl()N • • • u11dcr probe \II .... 1.1 \ do,llli wit.,-.. 1111"1"·' ".1 ,, 111 dull d 1111 ... "' 11 ·11111111 tht• 1.011-.1 111 1d .1 So111 <'Ir 1111 1111 111.011 dqJl11v11w11t µIan , 1•x1·1•pt .i:-,, l"'::..'1li1llt \ Im tlw d1 ... 1.1111 f 11tu1 • w111ild dUHPUlll t' "''I''"" 11 .. l.1\ u .... g.111 JI, Jllgl·d '" 11111 1 1<111g11· ...... 1t111JI l1·.1d1·1-:. Ill .11IVJlll .. Pl 111' 1'llhh1 .1111111u111 l'11l!'11I .11111 to111glit I h o p 1 l''ld 1·11I f'l.•11' t11 11w1111u11 tlw 1\1 X "'"'" .11111 lt1, d1'l 1'11111 111 ,, ll·l1·Vl'4·d 'I"~· 11 w Ii 11·11 \\al I • .i .... , I \IV\ I .II llh ,· .. 1111111 111.1111 I' .111.t I• l.1111111 ... \\ llh tho• S11v11·t ll1111111 H ... 1g.111 l l'lUllll'l..I ''"'" '"' l".111111 D.1v1d. M d. 11·tr1 .. 11 ""' k l1<Hf\ W.1'> "'"' 11\1 ll'tf U ll .I 111 l>.111.1 11111111 lf.1tf1111 S ll II d .I Y ii ( t t' I' S l ll d 'j I 11 ,_: d 11 l' u 111 " II t s :-u p p I I I' d Ii v W 1·1nl11·1 g1·1 .111d 1h1· N.1t11111.ol S 1'(·unt) l 'nunnl 'l'ht· j.)ll"!>rdc•11t S1111d.1\ 1111•,hl 1\ I 11 .1 h.1111 K u1 1111·1 •" \\ ,..., 1•1111111111111.t "'""' 1111 .1111\.d .at -..,,111 l 0l1 11w111t· ( ;,.lll'I .ti I l11,p1l.ll S u ccumbs t•:v .. 11 h l·f11rt· hh d1'1·1,11111 \.\ "' .111111111111• d 1111' J\lX ''·"' Ill (111 I 11ugft -.fi·dof111g Ill (.°1111._:1 I '" s .. 11 1-:1111·-.t "' 111111111g-. () S (. , ... ii V 1' h ( · •' \' 0 II f Id I ' 111 C1111grt'"' wall :.la-.h MX 11111111·v I 10111 d1·1i-11 ... c· 'l~·11d111g 11111-. I .. 1 ... 1 \\ 1·1·k •• 1 I lou,,. ,1 ppr upr 1.1111111:. '-ll 111 "Ill 1111 t t •. ,. 11.11 I II\\ Iv p H"'''' v .. d MX 11111111·v hut 1111·11· illt• -.til l '>l'V1•1 al 11111 11d.., t11 111• fought lll tho· S1•11Jll• ,111d I lot"'' h1•f111t' lh1 1-. ... u1 ... f111.dl\ d1-..1ch·d Thi· µr <'1->rcit-11 t ·, d1•1·1!'.11111 1•11 l)<!Slllg tl11· M x l'Ollll':-0 • .1111~1 .. t I\.\" Vl'i1r:-. .1ft1·r ht· 1•n11·11 ·d th1· \A.'l11t1 i lou:.t· l' .. 11 h 111 tilt" .1d1111111-.11,1ll"ll H1·ag.111 .ind W1·111fl(.·1g1·1 111.Hll 11 dear l l11· ln 1sing pla11 .ippr .,v .. d by f1111111•1 P1 t·-.idt·11t .J1r11111\ l'ar ll'I .ind II\ l°1J1q.~1 t''' ",,... llll.ll'\ 1·p1,1lilt dl1 I fll' """ lllllllll 1111 ·1. dtJC.'k 111 lho 111.i1111.i .ii .il 1111l1 II :!:I p Ill <>r .t11g1• < uu11I \ I 111 111•·11 .il1< 1,11 d ,1 I 111 IM1.1I . d1-.c "', r .. d 1111 111w1 I\ 111g 110 I hr· d1x·k .111d bq~.111 1.111h1lfllilllll1llill V ll':-OUM ll.1l11111 Ull lft1• \'II 11111 J\ 11:11 '1111 l';1 t11il ,, ... i..1 ·"11.111 -. .. 1d K111 hit I Ill.I\ "·''. l1·t I 111, ho.II .it tho '11d 111 lht · d11t·k .111d \\ .dk1·.f lei\\ ,11'11 ;1 11•-.t11111111 Wftt 11 1 .. \\1•111 1111111.11d1,I( .1111 ·-.t I 111 'l"•k1·,111.111 .... 11.t 1111 -..;111111 111.1\ h.1\1· f.1111 II 11ff 1111· dt'l k llll11 1h1· \\,111·1 th1·11 p11ll1 d h1111 ... 1·ll ii, wk 1111 I '11 di K k PELICAN • • • From Page A 1 ltl!4'rgl,1-;s ht·ak t\ftt•r ;a ..!1 lim u· 111x r .111011, Hu-.l\ .1 JJ1•'1t.i11 wa~ d11111g grt'.tl. \\1th hi:. ru•w I.Wilk, ·,,11.t HnH1k' Co~la Mt•sa piont•t•r (;old it• T ... Wink It', widow of tht> city\• fir~I muyor, died Sun.l a~· al tht> a~t' of 102 . DR.IVE • • • From Page A 1 .. 11 \JH1vt•1-.11, f>flif' r J•"Jt> .,11,•1 u,tt11 '' ,.,rn.v.un \1 Nuw makeu" lu' A11111ttt! ~ ... '"'" , .. Alfv1 ,,,,~ ("' •ll1M1th •,. ~I n •. ,.,,,, LHO<Jfelm I , '"'IJ I ... I, ,,., rr">tfo l•I JP•H..oe:'~ fOf JUIOmf f·llt'~ H ... ,,tt, rt..11 "''' ll.lqt lld,i., Ar111.1t 1'111' ;1111111at d11(•tors hop1 Hu ... 1 v "ill lit• ;rbl1· to r l"lurn t11 tlll' wild .dun g with l '1111x'l'h111 lhi (11 ,l l111d 111 hav1 .i 111"W IJt·.ik .111.11 h1·d 1hr11ugli :1 1111v1·I 11•d1111qu1· th:1t lllt'lud .. d s t1·1·I prn:.. :.1·n ·w .... plall•:-. .011J .t pow1·1 ful 1>111w glui· Thi dtJc:trn·, .111· s iill tllllll'l lll"d 1h,1t tht arllftt 1.11 l-x·.1k.., m.1v rip (om,,,,.. , •I I \\ ht ·n th« ht rd!'\ d1\'t' 1nlo lhl" b1 lr1h•rq11·H•1ntneo1 f1n1')Ult rny •• m111t11111• Huntington Beach'---'-' _P_l"_"_'_'_"·_M_··-JcJ_•_·""_'_M_o_l>_•le_ .. _u_ .. _ ... _i_ .. _"_' ___ ·_l\_''_··_· ·- 1 -t- 1 - 1 _l'_~·_t_ .. _h_r_,~_h _______ _ Huntington trash fee delayed H untington 8(·a1·h n•s1d1·ni... will gl'l a Fl'fJrll'Vt.• from pa)111g J $~J.50 pt·r m onth hous1·h old t ra1'h r o lfC'<.'llllll f('t' 111111 \\(•1·11., ·•I.!" Ill .1 I l Ill\ I tllllll ii \'Ott l '11dl•r .i r11Ullf1<' l111wt.ll1l1 tli1 11 I d I II .. II ~ I ' \\'II ti Id 11 .. ' I. fJ I I I) .11lopl1·d 11\' I "1 and 1111 t l1.1r g1 111uld t.1k1· I flt1 l ill d,,,, l.ito I But 11tl111;ib ,,,111lt•d 111 p1111111 I IJ I· 111' \\' l ft .I I g I ll 111 ii ,ti l 1• 1 ('hr 1;.1111.1~ \\rll ll 111l1011uu· tnt n11·.1:.u11 1\do pt11111 \\ 1ndd l<.tk1· pl.u 1 111 IJlt• l 11~ 1 nilH'I .111d till' l'h<1q.(1• would g11 11111 1 1·111·1 I 111 lat1· .J.111u:tr\'. Tht' nr•w eh;1rgt· wa~ d(>st11wd to takt l'ffrl't about Jan I lollo\.\ 111g .1pprov.-1 l of lh1• ft•t• 111f II 1.d, '" \ • lllt•11 1;.1d l1t·l·11 t o·p .. rt-.. th:11 ;\I. I II d II \\ I ' II I d h ' I II g t h 1 • 11111111.am l' lip 111111gh1 .it .1 -.tudv ''"'''"'' d 1·;il111g with 1•111plov1·; p1 .. dw tl\'1t\' .111d .111 -111.11 \''I:.. 111 r ft, l>ud g 1 t PEECH • • • From Page A 1 11.,\.\t \I I M.111<f11 ..,,lld tud.1\ outgrow h1•r prnbll'rn bv tl11· <;t'<.'Otld nr third grade t\ -.11.1g d1 •\ • 11 >J wd l..-.1 \\ • '"h.. 1\11\.\1•\t'I \.\hl•ll ('1111111d111.111 f<u11 P.1lt1Jhun <• -.111111!-( .111\ 111 .111 .,1 1h1 f1 ·1•, had 111 "111 k I.tit .111d w • .-.r1'1 .1v.11l.llil1 111 \·1111· f111 . 1d11ptlnt I ft, \\1111ldn 'I ht· d11111g lh.i.t lwc ,111"· tlw tit 111 1-. n11t l1~t1•d rn1 th1 .1J.!1•1Jd,t 'I •1111>-(trt' 1111 I llllg 'I.Ill' .it -; j(I ,I\ lll\ IHlJllld , h.1n1l1<,... ..!IHlll 1\1.1111 St Cooi:tan satd th('rt· arc· s(•\'1•11 ll'wer spt>C'<'h lhl·r.ipy tc·al ht·r' this yt·,ff lx"<·auM· oft utba('ks and ..ibout :ioo fl·w1·r pupils an· be•ing ·•t'(:ommodated by tht• program lfp ..,,11d C;irr11· P1·1 out k .1 prnblc·ms r;mk <.it th1 hott11m 111 the h~t ant.I 11 wouldn't be fair lo at-c:f'pt hl·r ov<·r r tw n•s t wh11 n1 '<'d ht'! p flt.JI lr·ft ,1 .I I dt .idlrn k 1111 .id11pt111n (l\l.1\111 H .. t. l\l.111d11 !>.in Mai Alli-.ll'f .111d .l.11 k K1 lh -.uppor tr·d tit•· 11111111111 ''1th H111h F1nl1•\ Hutli B.1tl•' .111d .J..!111 Th11111.1:-. uppu'I d ) Tilt' tll· \'Oii Ill\ .111r th.ti '"' wliolo· JlflJ('l·dur 1 ""' 111 1.111 .di 11\'t•r tlJ.(.1111 It 111"" .rpp• "''' 1h.at l\l 111d11 ( '1t\ 111f111,tf, :...t1d th1· lo I .1r1 111 1•d1 .J lw1 .1l"I' II ;,..,fi 111111·< tltlll • "'" .11 •· l""li111g llfl\\ .11 d' ol $.I r11illl1111 ,, \1·.11 d111 Ill oll l 1111 lt·:1" 1r1 ll11111tfll\ I 11l!t• \11111 I .1t1 .llllf \\ 11 h t.: ii• .11.11 g 1·-. g11111g 111111 111 !1 • t ,11 ()f',11tg1• ('11Ul1l\ 1:11" r nn11 nt 11\\11t·d l.111oltill ,1t1•' Rain probable T P111pl-'ralure s EST R8rn ~ Snow[!:J <:oa.'i /a l Mos1ly tlOud) w'1r 40 t>O<CPnt chance 01 • :\1n lon•ght ""IJ 60 Pt'•ceot chance 01 rain h 1l'•d&y Coa•ta1 low 50 1nl~11d 4 1 Coastal h1Qh 6:> 111111n<l 64 Water 61 El5ewt11>1p winds sooth 10 southwesl 10 lo 16 ~no1s WoncJ wa"es 2 lo 3 lee1 Weslerfy swells 1 10 3 11¥1 Moslly cloudy "'"'" t:hancp ol r111n lon1gn1 ancl T111tSd3V Rao" re&che<l lrom 1'1e Mid-SI 10 1t1e Eosl today becom•"O log on Ille No1theas1 wMe snow lf!ll •n lhe We51p1n moun1a1n• and b1ner cold gnO!W'd 1'1e uppp1 Mtdwesl L1gn1 'din spread OvPr lh~ UOPtH 0 1>1n Valley Alld fhe Appa1acn1an mounla1M A dense log blonhele<l ttle mod 1\110 Norlh Allanllc coas1 anrt p~r\\ ot ll>P Gull CoMI Snow It'll! lrom Monl""" ro Minnesota w1111e smglf' d1g11 end below •e•o lnmpe,,tlure-< plagved lhe e rllemfl Nmth·cen1u11 pnrt ol the counlry Rain was to'e~9\t ,,,, later today acroH upper and Cf'nrral Cehlornon, rurnrno ro snow over lhe S•eHe Nevada Rain and •now also were lorPCaSI 1n Uloh ond Nevada with 'now u1nch•no through the Gt!lnlral and upper Rockies 10 lhe Dakotas end Minnesol8 Sc allered lhunoersnowf'« were p1.,d1ctl!d lrom 1h11 h!•M cooat to 1ne TennM8ea Velh1y and lower Appal11Chlan1 AnO 1 aln was lorpc 8'1 over ""' Orea I take• 1'1f! Oh•o va11.-v 1111d the N0<tn Allantoe CnAsl l ampernlure• llr1'111r111 lhf! nallon lhls mornlr>Q r ong'ld l•o"1 9 below te•o In Ho'Yrtl Mllnl 10 75 al West Palm 8eacn Extended forecast NATION HI Lo Pep ~ < 4J Of. '>7 30 A+03r1y AIClUQU•'"'Q••• Am:lri' Ar•t'lo•aQ• A4'hPv1!1..- Allanh1 At1an1• r:.1, Au'\11' Ba1t1m,,,P 8111tnq• B1•m1nq•1•• 81c.m.vc:-. Ou1~" Bn .. or· Brown.:;vtlP Bollalo Bu,hngton CilSPf'• C.1>arls1n <;( Oia•lsln WV Cnarl\IP NI Cneyt>nnP C.noc.ago C.nctnnat Clf!vPtand Co1umb13 ''\( C.nlumt1U~ Dnl r1 w1i. OaY10n Oft.nvM ~s Mr.ittP\ Qfltrrut Oululh El Pasl) rnorbnn•~ ra1go flAq!lall C:.rear f 1111• tfarllo"l Mt!le no 1-tonolulu Hou'\IO" lndnApo11, J~Ch~n MS Jae k~nvlle Jun"'"' Kan•a• I ry l B~ V<iga• L111111nnt~ Ll)IJl~Vllltl Lubbock Mempho\ M1nm1 M tlwAu .. Pf' Mpl\ SI Pnut NA~hvtllt! New O•ll!llM N-Vook Nt><lolk N Pla!lf' Oki• C.•1> Om11hn O•IAndo n 16 • l 18 ~· so ·~ bl 55 0 I '>8 50 60 GS 0 • ~8 SI 01 •'6 IS fj4 ';Q 17 0 ')6 2d ~7 46 117 69 . ' O• 10 ~8 57 't;> 54 43 11 )Q 26 61\ 57 66 58 '1 6J ~J OJ 4 1 n '>2 35 IT 64 5Q I 05 80 57 6'l 71 ,57 05 67 51 96 lb 46 60 57 48 l'O '>O l2 '·3 4 1 J4 /8 19 11 41 'I 5 0 I 14 4 4l ?8 13 8 ')() 41 71 14 73 69 8:'1 71 Ii() 47 16 65 16 61 n 8 ':>l Jl 55 37 l'1 62 84 60 73 38 12 66 16 1• .... 38 1~ l 4 61 60 18 64 56 ~ 58 53 '>• 28 10 37 5• 36 II;> 63 o. 07 31 01 n 70 95 011 0? Pti1l;t(JPlpt'11 I f.f) s 1 Phot>rn • 70 ~ t P111.-,bwqh "1Q S1 30 Pftland MP '-,1 41 Prlland O•P 41! 1h 02 Pt ov1dPn< f tffi 4 7 R.ileoq•• 6R ~ l Aap•d C1l1 ?'> }7 R .. no 4 \ ''> R1c.hmo11rJ 61 S,' sa11 lakt> 41 10 Son An1on1< 8 I &.1 <,pa!llP d~ 14 Stirf>veport 78 6? 17 S•ou• ran\ J~ ;>I SI tou,. Sli 4f; 15 SIPTampa 81 61 SI <;1e MArn• d I 3 I 08 Spokane .l? l'l :15 <;y19CUSf> <;~ 4 7 C}4 ICJ!>i'ka b I l.l Tvc5nn 11 4A Tulsa fili 4H Wa,hu1gton 61 '> I 0 1 W1ch1lo 61 lR CALIFORNIA &n• PrSl•Pld 60 • 7 flly111e &8 £urf'~3 'i4 Ab IJ rr~~no ~q •l lanCBSIPI 60 1•. Los AngelA• 64 '\? Merysv1llP ~4 M onlfHf'Y • .. n NPf'<llM 1;4 Oakland '111 ti Poso Rol>lt!, 60 • •, flt'd Blvll SJ AA 04 ill'c1WOO<I Lolv ,, I so 08 Ae"o 43 10 03 SAcremPnln 5'l 44 09 SnllnH Iii 4Q S"n 011100 lili '>7 San fran<l~o •,; 4<1 06 5enta 88rb~rll BJ A'i SOU Tit E RN t.Allf OANI A COAS TA L ANO MQUNIAIN M~EAS W>ow,-• llkely wllh '"o w 1n ll 'tl'l .-t "IOon u ln• Wedne1da y •nd decreHlng on Tllankeglvlng 0 1y CIHrlng lo ~ally fak~ ,.r1d8)' Hight In COH lltf area. 11fy 53 10 63 •f\!l moun1...,. 2 10 3~ "" 111g111 e deg1e11 w1&11 Frid ay low• .. ~; \7..-.-~-~R_f _Rl_PD_RT_ moelly 45 10 51 c0Aal1tl ''"' &n<I 20. tn mountain• Lows 111 5 10 10 degr••• colder by rrld•f morning . ... -...--.... .. hectl Zume Senti Monrc.• N-porl B11ac11 Si n Olt!QO Counry Qu!IOOll IOI f Ullsdl V .. ----·-.,._.... .... .-.---- I 1 2 auff MH l .) ' 3 Smlll 1nc1ent1 lurl ,,d 1l 12 10 " .... , AYO 1 1 1 1 .... , .... ' ) 2 1 ···" Dir SW SW SW w Show9f•• Ftum.sl!iJ Sanl8 MH11a S1ock1r"' Th,.rmpl u~1a1> Ba'"'''w 8111 AP.JI A1s1tu'' LOllQ 0.-uU M OrHOVU\ Ml W1"on NPwpO•l Ou.11 I• Ontnrio Palm SP""9' Pasaden11 R1'tlefs1d~ S11n A111na1d1n" San Jose San1n Ano T 0110<! V 11lley 6) 6(1 4~ 4•, li4 4;> 4q n -.,,, < I fi,' H ""' 41 1:)6 JI+ 6!1 48 f1A 41 fi• •!> 64 4~ ~'.I 4'J. ~.. 35 6• ~6 t.I 4 I 39 PAfll AMERICA Ac,,puJ<.u BarbBtlo• BPrmurln 8oqo1.1 C....urac~o Fr-pOol GuAdAlnr•• .1 Gu;,(tfl!IQ\,pn H;-t\lllnlt Mn Min Pep tiff 77 Al• /1 011 / 1 f1 I I 60 ~7 ttH 11 fif1 II I 4 I 811 iO 81 f.4 Wllere 10 call (1011 free) lo• 1a1 .. 1 1mog lnlormallOn Orenge County (8<10l U~J826 Loe Angeln County 11100! 2•2·40 22 Alver91de 1nd S en Bernerdlno countlee (8()()) 367·4710 II.OMO El>ltode Center (800) 242·4&ee Tides TODAY Second l11Qh 12 36 pm • 2 Se<:ond low 8 'i7 fl m o II TUl!tlDAY Flt 11 t11a11 4 •9 A m 3 0 f11~11ow 9lO•m 13 SN:ond hlQh ? ? 1 p m 3 O Second low 9 51pm 011 Sun llJ" 4 4R pm rtttJ' TuetO•y II 33 Rm Mooro H I• 10 49 pm otot ToetO•y• ri •!> pm A gaggle· of peng uins Dally Piiot Photo br Richard Koehler It \\a.., a I.on \O)ct;,.!;t' part y for lon~-tinw P•·ng uin '1alt S t.op p a tron Joanna lla l•·-llilton. rt•lurnin~ lo En~land aftt•r t•ig ht ) t'Hr.., in La~u11a Bt ·<wh. Sht> hold!» tlw 1wn~uin-!>thapt·d •·akt> a l t'4'11l4·r . Fri•·nd!>t won· Pt·11~uin T -shirt..;, a dmin·tl a pt·n~uin ice ..,c·1alpturc· and f«·a ..;ft•tl 0 11 hamburgt•r.., a11cl olht•r µ.ooclit·~ from \rdc•.., Jimiru·£ l..il<'h<'n . Banks cU:t prime lending rate NEW YOKK ( t\P) M.1J111 l1.111k:. 1·u1 1h .. 1r pri1111• ll·11 ct111g r.1t1· to1..l.1v b;. 11111· h . .tf .1 µ.·rC'l·nt<1g1· ptJ1nl 111 11 .> J)('ll't 111. tlw l11Wt'1->t ...i111 L S1·pt1 inlx•r I !IHO Among tht h,111k-. low1•r 111g 1lw1r pr11rn· 1.·rn1i1m·n 1.d l1•11d111g r.111.· wt·r 1 C"h.i:.i· l\l.1nh.1tL111 H .1nk .111d l 'h1 11111.tl Hank of !-J p1·1·u 11l Ir 11111 Y ~> J.wru 111. \.\ 1d1·lv \'11•\\'<'<l a:.. :111 111d1('at111 th(· Ft·ct 1~ ~1v111g doM·r a t tL·nt11111 111 t h1· -.t.illl'd l'<·or111mv r;11h.-r th.111 m.11r11.1111111g 11:-'lr 11 t grip 1111 till' 11111111·\ -.uppl;. .ind '" rth 1t 111·d11 r:111' h.i-. lal11·n. fr o m Iii 5 IJCll't·nt. 01 lll'r k r·y r;llt'S a lso h av1- f..tlt 11 At m~d dav, (or example. th1 t .i t•· on 111mm1·111al papC'r, 1 ... 111, 11! r l·-.1·r \ 1·-. ,1n111n~ largL' (Ill'"" .1lll>I\!'> .... 1 .. 11d .il 8 :175 111·1t1·11t It"":-.;,... high a-. 14 2:'1 11<"1\' 111 Ill /\pl II 1 Jllkl'<I 111 -.111 11 I .ind No Ii l't''J'<1.'l1Vt·I\ On f11d ,1\ 1h1• 1"1 d1•r .1I I! 1·"1•r\'1 • I\ 11, 11 d I 11 \.\ t • 1 l" d 1 1 · !i-..i·11u111 1 •• 11· 111 " t11u1 v 1·.1r 111\\ '!'111 f1•11''-I UI Ill tfll di" 1111111 r .olt " " tlw ""th It.ill por11t t IJl '"" • .Ju(\ '" 11111 tlw 1 •• 11· -.tood .11 1 ..! I" r t I JI t Th I I •• t I ' ,... II II 11\'I I lllg ftl \11.111-. lit lllt"lnl>«I l1it1lk:.. .a11d 11tl11•1 1111.011( 1.d 111:.l1llll1'111-. l •• t ... 1 1111111111 Cht-mital 1111d1·11 ul th1 11 ·,l 11! tht· indu~tn l1v l•1w1·1111g 111> pnnw ratt· from I:! p1·n · .. nt 111 I I ;, pt rn•nt, but 11·-..11111 •d tho I:! pt•rt't•nt lt·\'t•I last \\( ( k :c;ll\I I :ftJI\ lflt pl 11111 • fl'lldJflg Saks Fifth Avenues Storewide Clearance Starts Today 1h to 1/J Off! '\r)\\ /1nr / 11 •r11/11 ,,I\ u1g-.. 11n '/><'< 1.1/ ,,•ft•c 11<•11' /1<1111 I \ 1 'fllfl/.! < 11//P< r tom • Hl'tt<'r f )1t'" ( 111/1·1 /f(>m • /)1•,1gn1•r I)"'" ( u//t•< /lllfl' • • • H1•tt1•r \port,\\!'.lf \1•p,ir.lf1'' • •\ ( II\ t'W(',lf ( o//t 'C //(If)' • I •pd.HP</ \prnt,\\t1t11 • < 111/r•< ll<>m • •/Jt1\/g11t•r \/)Or/\\\l'.lf • \,/ ·\nt,l\tt< .incl \,/1\/w/011\ • ''"'' ..,,>w f\1111\ ,1nrf \port< f rt., '>t '' \ll\111,1,11< \\H',l/t'r • ( oil<•< I 1011\ ..,/ .. \11t.i,11c ()c~1gm•r • ( o//ect rom f .,,/111Jll /C'v..1'/n c oflt'< 11on' • I f,rnd/Jt1g C o/h.'t11w1 .. • '-im.1/l l t•.Hht'r (.oocf, • • / 11111()1 ( l)l)f( lin.11 ( ., ,Inc( '-ip11t/\\\('.lf • /1111/0f \\\l'.1/1 '1 .1111( n /1 Hhc' ( o//t '( /II II)\ • l,,/t't'/)I\ 1'.lf ,111c/ Ro/>1• ( u/11•111011' • /)('\/[.!flt'( (),1\ \\ f'.11 ( ""''( 1/011' • I..!.'> L t\ 1ng ( 11//1 ., 11011' .-[)1•,1g1wr I u111J/,.!('\\ 1 •.11 ( olh.•c '""'' • HlotN' Ho11 /1</t1t' • ( h1/dn•11' .111<11111• ft•t•n '\ pp.l r<'I lf1 k. I I J \ • ( nil<•< t 11 m ~port \\\I '.Jr r/u• Mt•11 ' \tow • • • l 1111\ l'f\/f ~ /'/,)( f'. I h<' Mt•n ' \tore•• • • \jJOthfllrt ( n/J<'((lfl/)\ t I)(' ,\ t I 'II ' "'t ()fl ' • • If., •1 """ I '" I~"' lt''"t1 ~I ,,, P''' • •f't/111 I 011, ' ' ,., '' • I , . ,,,, ''\t'lt \oh,f' 10 f'\l'I\ t1l11I ,,.,,,\I t • •• Only • o ff In rne1flt Oflpnrfn)IU1P't .. .. \11111/t ( ""'' l'/,1/,1 I 11 I /Ir"'''' \lf1'<'I I ''''·' M1''" .. I ' -. -..... - -· Or anon Co1.1111 OAll V Pll O I 1Mo11duy Novur11bu1 22. 198? 3 NATION Brown 3sks study on Olympic cost $200 million budget deficit loom for U.S. 13) The AssoC'iated Press Tlw lt•dt•tul l>uJg1·1 dd 1, II 1-vuhl bul11)011 lo S:WO lulli1m 111 I li.c•al l YU I u11 l1•!>:-. th1• ~OVl·r n11ll'nl s ub:.11111t1.tllv 1·u rbs s p1•11d111g. 1'1, . .,1dt·n1 Ht•ag.m'!> top l-c..Un111111i.t "')' M a rt 1 n S I-' 1• 1lh 11· 1 11 , chairman ol lhl• p11•::.1d1·11t ·, Coum·tl uf i-'A,,,.11m111· Adv11>1·1:.. :..11d S unJJy 111 Wai.h111glo 11 D.C. lhl• dt'f1nl fur llll' fowal year lwginning rwxl U1·1 l "will be sunwwh1·n · lx•t Wl'C'l1 $15ll .ind SlUO b11111111 1 I 1 lwn · .ii I' 1101 •,1gr11l I\ ,11ll ,11'\lllf)' hy ( • II II g I l ' :, ., ,1 II d I h I ' .1111111111 ... lt .i\llJn .. Although .11l1111111st1.11111n 111fh1.tl:o. h it\'\' h1111t·d Ill ,., .. 1'111 \\'t•1•k' lhJl !ho• d1•l 1nl 1 rn1ld ,11,11 . Fo·l11'l1·111's 11•d ink 1·,11111.111 111.11k1d till' '"'t 11111• •' "·111111 .1d1111111s11.11111n I) I I ' I I ,o I h .• ' p u h I I I I y .wk1111\\ l1·dgt·d .i pn•hlt•111 o l 1li.1t 111.1g1111ud1• 1-'t·ld:.tl'lll'" t 011111111 ·11!:. Wt'l't' mado· clun11g .t S1111d.1\' ll'll'l'a't 011 N Ht "s 'l\h-1•t tho · l'n ·~:-." lllinoi volt" rf11cou11l du e S P H I N C F I 1-: L U Ot·m1x:rat Adl<11 E S tt•\'t•n::."11 111 ha ... v11wl·d LI> d1•11wnd a n<t:ounl <illl'r lht• !>!alt• Board of EIC't'l1Uns l't•rt1f1t•:. Gov J <imf'~ H Thump1>on':. n · e lecuon victory 1s 1h1· dusest gubern ato rial nitl' in th~· s tate's h1sto rv An Asst><'l~;ll'd Pn•s:--;urv1·v 0 f t h t' (' ll U n I I I' ._ ._ It ti \\' l' d WORLD Th1llll(l'llll \\',IS o·lo .. ·lt•d \I) .HI llllJ>llll'dt•fllt'd th11d ll'l'lll \\ I t It l II l Ii , II:! II v tit 1 ·' I 11 I U 11 .000 tor Sit v••t\'>1111 ,, rn.11 gin of ~>.OW volt·:. or ll J:lli pl I l'l'lll Th l' .. I .1 I I ' B 0 J , d ll f Ell0l lll111' w a::. to 11ff1l·1allv JJ r " 1 I .o 1111 Th • 1 m p so n th(. \\ 111 II I' r' t II d ii \' W h I' I) I I 1·1•1 lllll'd 11·sul1s Hijacke r flees to West BERLIN A gu.ird pl .. ll'ed aboard a l'oJt,h duml·st1c flight al lhl' las t m111ull· h1,ac:ked the plant· <ind 11.:> 3 1 passcn gC'r s 10 l ht· U S A 1 r Fort·1• bas(' 1n W t•!.l Bl·rlrn Lodav. base off1uals ~1d A ·base off1e1al. who w;kt<i no l lo be 1d1•ntif 1t•d ~11d tht· unnaml'CI man. f1n·d six sho1::. into the air ;1 flt·r llw landing 111 .1pp.111·nl n ·lt•br Jtlurl nl m.1klnl.! 1l lo th1• Wt· .... t. lht·n Jl1mp1·d l1 11m 1h1· plctnt• mJur ing hi:. foot Th~· Sov1l'1-bu1lt 1\N.:!4 a 1w1n 1•11g111l'd plarw 1h1.· l'oli-;h ,.t;t11· .111 lint• Lot us..:s 0 11 1t:. dt111ll',lll l llght-.. I OUl ht•d d '> " n ,o t I :.! :\ ~· m P ST 11fl lo 1.tl ... -..11d Lebanon holds celebration BEIR UT Lt· b a 11 o n Batttc•red by war ,mt.I 1.X"CUptl-d by fort>1gn Lroop::.. L1·banon c:elC'braied its 111d<•pt•ndc·nn' day today. The m ·wl) rt'built Lebanese army kd a l'h('Nful paratk p<1st thuu,an cl-. 1if pt:opll' wav111g rl-<l. whm· ilnd g rt•c•n L e balll'M' fl<1g!:< along tht" linC' that ust·d lo d1v1dt• the cap11.al Pres1d t>nt f.mtn (;1.·maytc'I opt•ned the ct:ll·br .nwn .. w11h STATE •• 'fll't·eh Sunday n1gh1 \'II\\. 111g to n •ga1n c·ontrul of his lnUnll y w11h lhl· h1•lp 111 \\'1·,11·1 n ,ind Arab frit•n1h Srnil111g li r o,1d l\. ho· n •\'tt•\\, d tht· p..iradL· f 1om ;o s tand a r !•w vards I rom tht• luH th.11 d1\'Uic'Ci thi.. 1·ap11..il trlln Mu.,l1•m a nd Chi 1 .. 11.111 ~t .. ·toro; '111t·t· the IY75 7h n\'ll \\ ur unul ctfter 1h1• [..,ra1·l1 1111. '"111n t;i,t sum me r 1.1 1~ 1\N1a:1 .~:~ 11\l 'J 1:11v l•:d 11 111111I 111 11\\ 11 .11 11." t 1t '.1kd .o l.1i.k 111111· It• ,11111\ hov. 111111 Ii 1110· llllH t ll v111pa.-. l'liuld d1 .1111 .. 1.11t· l'td l1·1,, d1·,p110 · 111, l ll'i7 pl1•dg1• th.11 "1111 d oll.1r 11 11111 tho· ,1,111· 111 ( '.ililrn 111.1" will 1111111 tho· ( :.11111•" l'h1 111 .. 1 Jiiii Im 1111' t.1,k 11111 1· •>l ,1,111· 1111111.d s will Ill' lo d..t1·1 llllflt• \\ h,11 10·1111bt1t '<l'llll'lll 111 1h1· :.tali· 1h1· p11vu11· L os 1\111-wlt·:-. Olv111p11· 01 g.11111rnK ( '1111111111 wc• 1:-. willing to pay , s111d .t 'l"1k1•,11rn11 1111 t.l'k lol'C'\' c·htt'I (.;11·11 B l'r:.tllo{. (.';tllf orn1~1 ll1gll\•\'il\' P.11rol ">11111111>S11>111·r T h1·11• '' ,1 $llili,OOO s t alt• hudg1·t 111·111 th1' v1·.11 1t11 C l IP JFJ( death still stirs 1>1\Ll.AS (Al') Nl'arlv lWU Ut'l'Udt•s u fl1·r Pn·!>ldl·nl John F. Kc·nnt'<i\' was shot 111 Dalla!>. the lhl'tll'll'S. on w ho k11l1•d l11m and IA hv sti l l nurnbl•r 1n the hundn·ds N1nc•lt'l'll years agu t u<lay. K1·111wd y was mortally wo unded hY gunf1n • as h e was riding in a n\lJlun·a1.k t.lowntown A bl<x:k I run1 l ht· site of I ht• 1>huo ung stand' lhl• J o hn F Kt·nnNiy l\l1•11111rial. whl·rt: peoplt• h<ive gatht•n-d for a bnl'f sc•rv1t·t• evt•r y Nov :!:l s1m·1• 1963 Last y1·:11 the• body llf 111.·1.:used pn•-;1d1.•nl1iJI <IS.'><J~lll Ll·(· l larvl'y Oswalt.I w .. s l.'Xhunw <l. dispelling thl·Ol'll'' thal his grave was 1•mplv or 1n::.ll'ad hc•l<l the body uf .1 Sov11•1 s py · But h1s tonan John E S issom :, ii v s h ll n d r l ' d s I> f 0 l h l' r 1·111)sµ1 rat·y I hc•onl·S n •garding K1.·nrwt.l v's dl'<ilh s till rl'ma in. St:.sum o wnl'd a nd man aged tht· J•>hn F K 1.·nneclv Must•um 1111 I.I \1·or~ unul 11 drn.t.J on1.· · \1·ar ago II W<•' 1·.i:.1 ul lilt' Tt•xas St hool Bouk IJ.:p11s1 tnry. w hl're th1· W.i111·n Comrn1::.s1on said l).,\\ .def <ll'll·d .tlom· 111 'hooltng K1·1111l·dv w11h a l><ill a1.·11on rtflt- . ' l d II n ' l I h I n k I h ;1 I l h l' l' X h U 0) J l I o n '> l O p p l' d I h l ' '>JH'l'Ula11on from 1·onsp1 rdl'~ buff,." said Sissom "Tht•V. uf tnurs1·. all havt' Lht·tr 'own d If fl' f'I• 11 l Pp In I 0 n '> 0 f Whal hJPJH n1·d W1· an• awarf' of •;c• \' !' r a I h U 11 d rt: n pr In l C' d lu 111.,r>1racv thPor11·~. all 1Jil f1•n •nt ·· I n t t•:. II mo n v l' iJ r I 1 t· r I h 1 s mon1h. F:I Paso ctllorncy J UM'ph Ch.1gr..i ll'::.llftt'd 1n J S<in Anto1110 f1'Ckral ('l)Uf'l lhal t•on\'ll'lt'<I hit m iJ n C: h .JI' I t • !> V H a r re I<; on l'lainwJ to ha\'<.' assa!.s1na t ed K1 •nnC'dv 111.11111111~: 1111 th1 l{J1111·i. A 11111 111111 l11uhwuy put111I off 11·1· h11s IH"'" "I uµ l1J pl.111 Lill uppr u.1d1. l ·r .111( hus 11s k1•d 011{11111.i;l rii( n11111111ll1•1• l'r1•.,.ch •111 Pl'l1•1 V lf1•l1t•fl 1Jth to l.Jll•·nd u Wiik forl'ti 11l•<t•tlll~· 111 Sun ·a1111·11t11 u11 Dt'(' !I ltl d l,l U!>!> llll• t'lllll llllllt•t•'s 11111 ·111 11111 .. A Brnwn !>pok1·sr11an i.a1d 1n M.1y. wh1•11 1h1· govl·rnor lli.ll'kt·<l down I rn111 th1• plt•<lgl• 111' n1udt• w lw11 L11s Angclt•s bid for tlw ~at111•s, tlwl hl· nt•v1·r nwunt to rul1· 1Jll t <ill sta11· fundi. JUs l ;11d f(lr 1·uni.1ru1·tw11 of 01 v mp11· foe1l1t11·~ H1•publl1·an t;ov 1·l1'(·t (.;1•org1· l>l•uk111~·Jlu11 h.1'1 111•1 VOL ·~~. flllllllllln on l>la l" Hid fit.-I R•Hlll'"I Amunj.( ... 1:111· .tj(t•rn 11•r-. 11:.k1•d l11 f>lll Ur11w11':. \;,,k 11111·1· w1•11• 1lt1• )l'flUI l111t•11l Ill 1'1 ,111,p11t l..tllllll l.>1·µa111111•111 111 Ju ... 110 , ,.,111 <HI"• t)f E1l1t'I ~l'lll'V Sl't Vlll'' M.1J ( :1 ·11 l-'ra11k .I Sd1ol1t 1 JI , l'llllllll.Hldtllt( gl'lll I ,ii 111 C.11l f111 n1u'!> N.111onul ( ;u;u d . M1vs t11· has nul twl'n 1nv11t·d to 1tw Oly1np11 plann111M pron •s.' lh·gurCiinH Cl W 1·ust1> .. 1 n·r1t111 hw, 1·s1tmiJ H·d ll wuu Id 1;1kc· SJ r1111lao11 to ru11J lh1· patrol'' WCll k du1'1ng lht• g<1m1•:., 1h1 L u'> Angell•:. T inws ~td wd.1y Ba lboa fe nder bende r -J..l'"l,J.1111'1 111,, IJ~ IJ'ftrj ..Jui.I -'*'1•1 1 ll " .a~I 'U111 1'\.l'f" by A •• 1·111l1lv111.111 H1d1J 1 d K11b., f) S1•pulv1•d.1. would h.1v1· 11lh1wl•d th•· C'lll ' 111 '>l·('k 1•11 111pl~ll' n ·1111ht11 '0·1111·111 I r 0111 1tw Oly11lJJ1l' <..'111111111\\10 t o r 1•x 1w11dtllH1·1. 11 f.1\1·d t11 1111' ~Jlll\'1' Jlut th1• lllt ·"lll t IA," krlfl·d Ill lht• !\lJll• F11i.11111 < '1111111111 tt .. · Al th.JI lt111t Uly111pll ofr1 t11tls 1111l1t·1111«l t lw 1111n11111t1·1· w11uld Iii wdl1111.( 111 n ·1m1J ur!>t' t h1• l111-1hw.1v p.111111 l11r swr1l' <11 Its O'Xlll'll'l'' ... ud1 "' l'!>l'Urllnj( bUS(") 1 ,, 1 t y 111 g J I h 1 <.•lo·'> o n fn •1•WiJV' Oall~ Pllol Photo by Richard Koetoi.1 Fivt• people wt•rt-injure d , hut none st·rious ly. in thi tlut>c -car u<·cide nt S un<lay night on Wt•st Ha lhou Hoult·vard a t 2:~rd S treet in Newpo rt llcal'h . Tht-injur<•tl wt·r<· lrN1ft'(f at lloa~ :\1t•moria l Hospita l. Soviets mull president pick MOSCO W cAPI Thl' Cum m u n 1 s t P a r t v C t· n t r a l Comm1tt1't' ~gan mc:..·ting today to frll v;icam·1es 1n thl' ruling Politburo 1n th<' la::.t majo r leacJ1•r::.h1p t'hangC' likt·ly tx•fore a 111.'W pr<.>sident 1s named. Appointme nt of a suc<.:<.'SSOr to P res1den1 L evnid I. Brt•zhnev was bt•l1eved to be JUSL a few days away Brezhnev dted Nov 10 Yun V Andropov. Brezhn ev's sut'Ct'SSOr as the party's ge neral secr e tary. 1s widel y believed poised to assume the largely cl'remo n1a l preside n cy a n d l'on soltdatc h1s gnp 011 pt>wt•r But t hl' n a m es o f Fo rt•1g n Mams wr Andrei A Grumvko. i3. and Brezhn ev pr~teg!' K onsla<1lln U Chl'f'nt·nko, 7 1, also an· mentinned as t·and1cl<itt·<; for Lhe pb as ht•ad of s ta ll' Tht• Cl'ntral Co mm1tt1•c• 1s tho ught to decide lhl· prt-s1d 1•m v. even tho ugh t ht• task Ill'' con sl1tu11onall v wtth lht· Suprem e Sovil·l: or n a t1 o n <il Parliament. wh1rh op<.•n s 1t~ session Tuesda v Brezhnev's death stnpp<'d the Po litburo of its third top ml·mb<·r s incE> the Janua r y d<.'alh o l K n ·m I 1 n 1dt•olog1:.1 M 1 k hat I Su<;Juv who w..1s No 2 m i:l n tx·hind Lho • prc•:.1dc•nt rl11• longtime N o :.! man , Andrt•1 P Kmknl<u. re portt.><lly r 1·l1('l'U 01 ·was <•Ustcd la tt-last 11111nlh I lo>Wt·vt·r, there has bt-t.>n 1111 off1 c11d annuunecmcn t. Cou111ing K111k•nko ru. a member. 1h1· .1vt•r.11-W .igc of 1h1• Politburo 1s 111 ;$ 'l ... r:. olu StlVI( I sourl'l'S S<ild It was um ll•ar 11 lh1· l't•ntr.il Committee· would numt•ntallv fill all three p11s1 lion s or Just' two of them whC'n ti mc.•t•ts t od ay fo r tht: st '<'<mrl 11 mt· m I 0 da .vs· .. Bradley eyes '86 campaig 11 De Lorean son's friendship backfired LOS ANGEL£S MJyor Tom Bradley, still ft•<•lmg lht.' s ung o f hi!> fail1.,d bid for governor. say!> h 1··., aln ·ad!- co n s 1d e r1 n g .i 19811 gubernatorial t'dmpa1gn "l don 't think there· w ould b<.• any challPngPr on t h1• ho rizon that I l'i1n think 1>f that wo uld bt.• s tr1Jngt•r than my cand1dal·y," BradlPy S<11d tn an inte rview Sundav Asked about running for .rn unprecedent<'<l fourth wrm .is mavor whC'n hi" 11·rm 1·ncl' 1n t w u yL·a rs. tht· IH-yt•ar -old D1·m11l r.11 s <i1d ·'The po~1bd1Ly ol my running for publ11 offtt·t· I!> still upt•n. and 1h.11 -....v, tt as dt•l1111t<.'lv a' I \\ant to nghl now · l3 I .1 d I • · \' \\ h I) 1 \) s l l ti H 1· p u h I 1 c ,J n G t ' o> r g 1· D1•uk1111•;1<tn by JU sl :l'.!.2Y5 \'lilt·' ou t uf mon· Lha 11 i 5 m11l1011 c.i<;t Sd ld Ltw t•motum h1 fdt mn~t Jfll'f tht• dl'fc•,1l ''"' l'mplinc<ss • Th1·n ,,,m1· 1h1 li1111 .. Coastal waters untainte d LO S ANGELES Southe rn Cal1forn1a coastal waters. including the Orangl' Coast. appear unlatnted by mun1c1pal wastes. C'Ve·n tho ugh the 0<·can bottom 1s a ffectc>d by sewag(• o utflow. the d1rel'to1· o f n research proje<:t says. W illard B ascom. a bioche mist. sayc; "h 's very hard to sh o w th<.'n' 1s a n y damage Whal we do see is ch a nge The crttl<'rs llvmg out 1 h 1.• r t• r t• o r g .i n 1 z <.' d 1h1•mst•lves " Basto m 1s head o f t ht• SnuthPrn Califurn1a Codsl<il W ;1lt•r R C'seareh ProJl'l'l. which 1s fundetl hv the· ftvl' l ar~1·:-.1 mun1t·1pa·1 st:wag1.· d1s lrtl'L' fro m Ventura In San Du: go Ht• s a 1 d so m l' mar 1 n l' an1mal<i fire from sc•w.ige d1spos<1I l'lreas w h ile· othl•rs a rr drawn 10 lht• o rgan1t mailer NEW \ OHK (APl Crtst1na Fl•rnirt· De Lorea n s avs !he fm·ncbh1p lx•lWl'l'll hl•r son and a nt•1ghbor's c hrld lt•d lo her hu ... hancl'' mt'<•tmg with the hoy's f<ttht·r th<' FBI informanl who Wl'ls 1ns1rumental 1n automakf'r J 11hn Z De• Lort-an's a rn•sl on c·1ll·a inC' l'h<1rges "If. If. 1f ," Cnslln:.i wrote in ct d1.11 v ,,ht· k1·p1 f rom h e r hu<.b;ind", arn•st on Ol.·t I 9 lo hts rPIC'a'il' Oct 2!l o n $I 0 m1 Ilion h,111 ·I I \\ c· h d d n' 1 bough I l h C' Pauma Vallev hous<' I I w e'd stuC'k by o ur rule , nu ou t.s1ders. If Zac hary hadn '1 bec·om e fr1 l'n ds with o n e of th e 1w11(hbor's children three years a.!(o If w e hadn't m el the parc·nL'i, the father " Ex<.·erpls from the diary for the 1 1 dnys wpre publis hed 1n the N ov li P dttio n o f P eople mnga11ne P eopl e said th e n<•tghhor W<1s Jim Hoffma n , a 1.·on f1 d1•n t1al info rma nt fo r the FBI The magazine said C n sttna. a 32.year·old m odel, re fused to pose n ext t o 1he s p o rts c a r manufactured by her husband's t·ompany, w hich has gone into We're Listening ••• What do you like aboul the Daily Pilot" What do n't you like? Call the n umber at left and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let· ter s lo the editor on any topic Ma ilbox contributors must include their name and tele pho ne number for verHicalton No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your ~u~d o.lly "-' cw-., .......... Mon<Ny ''MHY It yov 1'0 ao::o ~·;• ~~:,·:r~ ~ •"0 you• copy w ilt Ot _.., 811v•dey end SuM•r II you do Mt 'K •tv• yOVt -O)I 1 e,. c.al o.IOIO IO a "' 81'C!Vo"'COPY ... be- ~ Ta, .... _ ' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma1 P. Haley Pvbl••l>a• ond (IHAI Eoe<uh•• O H101 Jane AmClfl ( "'~ultve ( dotOO l . Koy Schulta VtC.a ,, .. ~,.. nnd ()11KI01 ol lld>e•l•1•no Raymond Moel.on Comrol"' Mkha•I P. Hon1ey o~ec•Ot of Mot•••.no tC 11cvk'tOIO"I -. . .. ----........-..-·· . . ... --------~ _ ...... ---- CIH1Hled edver1111ng 7141942-54171 All other deper1ment1 142,..321 MAIN OFFICE lJOW•tl I.., St Cot•• .... M CA M•ll •cld,.. .. l oa '* Coot• .... M . CA .,.,. CooyrloM ,.., Or-CoH I PulllltlllrtQ C-y No ne•t tloflet, lllu1treUOfl1, •dl•orlal ,,,_,.,.,. w., .... ,.,.., ..... ,.,., may M ••D•odlKM .. 1 ....... 1..-<l•I ..-rmln too\ o• <oevr>Qflt _,,., VOL. 15, NO. 329 C hapter 11 bankruptcy "f hat e th at car ." s h t:' told c>d1tors "It's been the caus<.• of a ll our t roubles" People said s ht> agret.>d to sell her diary because. "while people are makmg )Okes, I want them lo knc>w what it's ltke for the family·· The couple have two childrc•n , 11-year-old Z al·hary a nd Kathryn. 5. Her agent said sh<' also n eeds the m o ney. according t o the maga11111• wh1C'h did not rcvtal how much 11 patd The governmE>nt contends that De Lorean. 57, be<:ame invo lved in a $24 m illion cocaine deal in efforl lo ra1S(' t·ash frn h t:-. foiling t'Ompany DeS<:nbing the ir f 1rs1 m N'1tng afte r De Lorean's arn•st . in cl Los Angeies courtroom . h1!> wr ft.> noted hts concern for hts fam1lv and the De Lorean w urkc,r's thro wn out of jobs when .ht· Bnt1sh go~ernml•nt clo!>~d the factory in Nonhern lrC'land "M y God. m y God." -.hl' quotes him as sayang "L ouk wh.1t thev've done• to m<' What am I got.n g to do .1huu1 all 1ho'<' \\Ur kt•r,, lh1•1r Juhs'" IDl· L1H c'an'!> major W Pc;\ Co.is l dea lt:'rsh1p 1s Ill Irvine I She declart'd Chaptrr 11 b ;i n k r ll p tc· y for D e L ore a n l\lotors a nd raised ball, holding only JO-minute conv<•rsat ions d<11i~ w11h hl'r Jaaled husband H1.'r sl'll1 ng their iaock tn the. New Y ork Yanket>!> basl:'ball team boLherC'd him. s hf' wro te. "becau~' ht' wantf'd lo g1v.· his p1ec1· of thl· le-am to Zachary sonwdn:v " And shl' 'i<lys thdt rc·admg the B1hlt• ha:. hc•lpt>d De L orPan cope. All th1' ha' ehangt-.0 him Th,... has brought him and has thn'l' brothl·rs together again, • b<indl'<i thl•m 1n IOVl' and unity." , , : our va.ry own ,.strei9hL 103 cufflz.d corduroy,s OUT l:Xl.st.91Z.lhng ard. ma5t fu nct.1onol p:in~ dunng thz. fol Lard wmuz.r mon~ thz. wlda. \Me\ la. ~ 6 bl'2.nd. of 88X cou.on and t2r. docron end thz. norrcw \S ~cotton and ~do.con w ch pont 1~ b\rz.nda,d. fbT fTIO)C.\Uffi Comihrt and dureb1hty tn lota \ , 20 9nzot.. ba~HC orrl. fheh ion cdora, mcludm~~. bl~. 91'02.n and bur$u.ni::iy.s ~ ' I . . • • ' ' l i\·• Oronoe Coast DAIL v PILO I /Mondoy, Novembo1 22. 1982 Fathe r he ld in death A :i I -vt•ar-uld 0 f l h r ;, l ' h a N h l ' l' 11 ordl'l'l'll lo bland trial (111 murdt•r after a son told lht• l'OUrl bt• bUW hlS (atht'r shaki ng und punt·h1n~ his i nf ant limtht•r Waltt•r Janws Rlul'k Sr of Orangt· :.obbe<l 111 his mother's :.irm:. and t' o I I .1 p s e d 1 n l h t' t·ourtroom aflt'r tht• ruling by Mun1l·1pal J udgt> Jal·4ut·l ~n Thomason. He was bcmg lwld in lieu· of $150,000 bUll . H is son . 4 -year-old Walter Blat·k J r. used a stuffod t eddy bear to demon s trate what he said he saw his father do. ThC' child said hC' had St.'NI his father punching the baby in the stomach one day "lx'CauSC' he was (·rymg." But defense attorney Wil.liam Cox c all e d witnesses durin g the <tlrnos t tw o-w ct•k hearing to sh ow that 11 -week -old J ako b Da vid Black 's death could have been atc1dental. The attorney sa 1d Walter Jr. had poun<.'ed on the infan t in play before Oct. 11. the day the baby was rushl.'C! lo the hospital gaspmg for air The infant died two days later with eight rib fr actures. two skull fractures and bleeding in the brain. alon g th e spi n a l co lumn and behi n d th e cyl's, ;kcording to a coroner's report. Cox contended the mjuries were :·accidental trauma that could have been inflicted mnocently by that 4-year-old ." Pathologist Walter F1sc:hC'r testified that the baby died from bram and s p inal damage caused by a violent sh a king r esulting in whiplash. There also was blunt force trauma. the doctor testified. Walter Jr .. known as Bunkie, said he did not run through the house and jump onto a couch where his little brother lay. Orange Pol1C"e D e t ective W illia m Yackle testifie d that autopsy results indicated bruises located on the baby's forehead and abdomen consistent wllh the s hape of a gold rmg the defendant wore. B oth Bunkie and 2-:t'car-old sister Tiffany were placed in th e county's Albert Sitton Home for abused a nd abandoned c hildre n when their Cather was' arrested Oct. 11 Black's wife. Susan. 29, hi s mother from Florida and numerous neighbors att<.'nded the hearinR. OCC talk to raise confiden ce P sych ofeedback . a technique for ra 1s1ng self-confidence. will be examined d ur ing a lecture Friday. Dec. 3, from 7 to 10 p .m . at Orange Coast College. Admission will be $5 to the session in Fine Arts Hall 119 on the campus; 270 I Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office, located in the college' Administration Building. Th e office is o pen weekdays Crom 8 a .m. to 6 p.m .. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. T icke ts will also be aold at the. door. "Biofee dba c k has shown people h ow to relax and use techniques to lengthe n their lives," says lecturer Alexandra She ppa rd . "N ow, psychofeedback teaches individuals to raise their spirits when they need to. "Th e t ec hn iq u e e n co u ~a§es se lf - confideintd, flhd hclM, lndlvkluala. IO dtaw upon \heir i.-. l'90l.I rcetl o "1ter \ I llv ~ ~ni mpl t or Information aboUl t~ le c ture, phone ~~-5880. ' . This Ad Effective DAYS . ONLY Monday _and Tuesday · Nov. 22 and 23 ~ . .. , .· Use Convenient SeanCharge For. Your Purchases "Each or these adVertlsed Items Is readily available for safe as advertised at all major Los Se•rs Pricing Polley It an ttem is not described as reductd or a special purchas --·---~-·-.. ~ ... ~_....~ .. ---. __ .... a .. Deltvery not Included In the .,sfeWng prices of all Items· In this m ' nd Orange County Sears retail Stores. Sears regular prices may "ary by geographic area, Is at Its regular price . A special purchase. though not re'duced. is an exceptlondl value. -.._ r" • 1 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Monday, November 22, t882 VA chief calls for reforms WASHINGTON (AP) -Rob e rt N i mmo. director of the Veterans Adminis tration , says many veterans suffering noth ing w orse than a case of hemorrhoids are drawing month l y disability checks from the VA. N im m o calle d for r e form o f t he VA 's programs of heaJth care and disability payments, bu t s.a i d i t w o u 1 d probably r e quire a presiden tial commission and a courageous president with the wHI to bu c k pow e rful veterans organizations to get anything done. "The r e a r e som e people in the House -and th e Senate wh o I wouldn't want to name but who understand that someth4ng sh o uld be d o n e , but they a r e outnumbered by thoc;e who ar e p o l itica l opportunists and who will d e m agogu e any issue to get the veterans vote," he said in a recent interview. Nimmo has announced his resignation and sai~ he will leave when a successor is confirmed by the Senate. Turning his attention on the VA 's system o( compensating veteran s for cond1uons incurred in service which impair the ir earning ability. Nimmo said: · · 0 u r ab 1 11 t y t,o rehabilitate people and g e t t h e m b a.c k i n to employable status has changed. enormo~sly a~ yet we r e paying o ut millions of dollars in continuing disability payments for such things as sinusitis. hemorrhoids and hysterectomies th~t are n ot di sabling." Nimmo said. • About 2 .2 mi llio n vete r a n s -o ne American of every 100 -get 'VA d1sab1lit);. to N immo announced WASHINGTON (AP} -T h e White H ouse today made the long- delayed announcement # that President Reagan will nominate Harry N. Walters, a veteran who never served in combat,. to head the Veterans• Administration. [{ confirmed by the Senate, Walters would s u cceed Robert P . Nimmo. Walters, 46, is now assistant secretary to the Army for manpower. His nominauon as VA chief was held up mol'e than two w eek s bec ause s eve r a 1 i n f 1 u e n t i a l oongres1men complained t h ey had n o t been oonsulted. A 1959 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Walters terved In the Army from 1959 to 1962 with the 25th Infantry Division, according to the White Holnf! announcet"Qent. During that tlm~. he 1erved In Hawaii a nd Thaila nd. He was in the Army Re1ervea from 1962 un ti l 1968. In 1963·6•. he served in the Army Re~rvt>$ Special fol"«'S · • I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday. November 22, 1982 Drinking water iests • • I still leave questions The City of Newport Beach has completed a series of tests that appear to have ruled out the city's concrete asbestos water pipes as the s0urcc of asbestos fibers in the drinking water s upply -but that still doesn't solve the problem. The asbestos fiber issue was raised a couple of months ago by il conce rne d Co rona del Mar reside nt who said he had been advisen by a UC Irvine can cer e xpert· iha t ingesting the fibers could be hazardous: It a~eady has bee n esta blis hed that inha ling asbestos fibers can cause can~r. In fact , asb estos concret e water pipes have been used for decades in d ozen s of cities a nd counties throughout the state, on the theory that they are safer than plastic t'Onduits. N e wport Beach officials, under pressure; agreed to Jet the city serve as the guinea pig and to spend $4,200 testing the asbestos fiber content o f the city's water supply a nd trying to determjne its origin. The tests , now comple te d , esta blis hed that the fibers are coming from water supplied b y the Me tropolitan Wa ter Dis trict and that the fiber 90ntent does not i nc'"rease as the water flows through the city's pipes. That is some what e nt'Ouraging, but the investigation s hoQJd not stop there. The MWD says the asbestos in its wate r comes from natural sources, from r ock formations that contain asbestos, and that readings of asbestos conte nt can range from a low of '50,000 fibers per liter to a high of 2 million fibers. The recent • tests in Newport showed a content of 140,000 asbestos fibers per liter. The city's utility director says the re is no re ason for conce rn because it has not been established that ingesting asbestos is harmful.. Dr. Cal McLaughlin, head of the UCl cancer lab, is not so sure. He now is conducting a private study to determine the effect of ingesting asbestos and h as promised to sha re the results of the study with the city. . Newport ofCic,als were 'we n a dvised to proceed with testing the water pipes, which apparently are not the culprit. But we all could rest a little easier if the UCI can<.-er la b tests turne d out t o be as J reassuring. A giant step ah~ad By g1vmg a unanimous vote o( approval to Huntington Beach's proposed LocaJ Coastal Program, the California Coastal Commission p{ovide d the c ity with what Mayor Bob Mandie called "the key to unJocking our future ." The program, five years in the making, will enable the city to proceed with s pecific plans for d evelopme nt· o f hote ls. m ote ls. office and commercial buildings a nd r eside ntial units in the deteriorating d owntown coastal area. And, if the s pecific plan wins commission a ppro val, which is expected by n ext summer. control of the city's 3,000 acres of coastal la nd will pass from the s tate commission to the city. By mutual agreement, a snag that resulted in rejection of the coastal progra m last year was removed from the plan approved by the commission. That involved a dispute pver future d evelopment oC a 160-acre s trip of coastal land extending from Bea ch Boulevard to the Santa Ana Rive r. The city and the commission had disagreed as to the . . • amount of this strip that should be designated a s w e tlands and left unde ve loped. Since the city's immediate problem is redevelopment of the central downtown area. it was mutually agreed that the disputed wetlands strip should be set aside for further study. Unde r the approved plan, s ix-story s truc tures will b S? pe rmi.tted in the Main Street- Pacific Coast Highway area, and _ e ve n highe r buildings will be a uth o rized if prope rty i s t'Onsolidated into joint ownership. Also in the offing. to take e ffect as soon as the specific plan wins final approval. is an earthquake safety ordinance that will require the r e moval or re inforcement of som e 50 older buildings now regarded as unsafe in th e eve nt o f a major ear thquake. Credit is due the persistent Huntington Beach planners who toiled for so long to come up with a plan that can bene fit the city for generations to come. while s till complying with the commission's s tiff c oastal preservation ~equirem.ents. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. other views ex· pressed on this page are those'Of their authors and artists. Reader comment is lnvit· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71') 6~1·4321. When children disappear An editoria l from the Sacramenro Bee Each year. 1.8 million youths are reported missing. Add to this the fact tt'ra t annually 5,000 unidentified bodies of youths are found, and the statistics turn from overwhelmi9g to terrifying. For those hundreds o( thousands o( parents, the nightmare of tracking a missing c hild is prolonged by the complexities o( over-lapping police juriS<Uctions and the lack of a centralized information source. In response. Preside nt. Reagan recently signed into law the Missing Children Act which attempts to ease some of the uncertainty parents of missing children must live with. The law creates a national clearinghouse of information, including name and description, to aid parents in searching for the,ir children. Th e Fed era l Bur e au o f Investigation's National Criminal Information Center computer will be uae d for the clearinghouse a nd OTHER VIEWS . parents will have access to it through bureau offices if they want to double check that their local police are cooperating. A nationwide listing of the description of unidentified bodies of youths will also be compiled under . the terms of the new law. The clearinghouse of information will do much to ease parents' fears that no o ne in law enforcement outside their Immediate neighborhood IS alerted to the fact that their child is missing. While the new law Is only one step in dealing with the problem of missing and lost children, it is a good one. Any fears of the misuse of th.!_ computerized Information are far outweighed by the positive benefits of easing the suffering that hundreds of thousands of parents experience on discovering that their children are mmlng. L.M. Boyd/ Dueling etiquette Q. In the days of the pistol duels, weren't most fought by men over women? A . N o, air, pe r sonal Insult• prompted moat. And most were bloodle ... The men in many casea acreed beforehand to follow certain 1tandard1 which prohibited the aiming of weapona and the firtna of more than one shot each. This waa not· ,,. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ,..,..,_ ... ,, .. ~ ~ ,.,. , ... , "' n• ••• "'' \t , .. ,. -4-...... ,.-......... . •MO C.,,. -"' t 4 •1oi. ' to say most were "lixed" an tear. Rather, it was a way In which a brave man who'd delivered an insult could say, In effect, "Look, l didn't Intend it to be thil aerioua. 1 don't want to kill you becauae of it, and I don't expect you to kill me. You decide." In IOl1le of these subtle 1ltuatlon1, it waa pouible on the field of hooor for a mah to !OR his honor by atmln1 to kill. JeneA,,_,I • !.er"'•• fO•Ot .__. ec,.11Mch Eo• • ,.-'<>0• I l•0t • Nancy's pet program cut WASHINGTON.~J. Are .Ronald and Nuncy lfougun strrrTon speaking terms? Tht.· pn..•sidl•nt's pcnnypinching minions nrC' d~l'rrninl'tlly t•hipping away at the firs t l~d y's favor ite gov<'rnment "t·hunty," th{· Foster Grandparents Prugram . Even as royalucs from Mrs R<•agan's book. "To Luvc a Child," a nd Frank S 111atra's song o f the saml' name art- tril•kling into the p rogram's fund, offlc1ali. of ACTION. th<' agcm ·y that runs FOl'lh•r Grandpart•nts, are ·whacking away ul fl'<lcral support for tht:' program. Tht'Y 1must un turning it.s functions - imd its funding -over to private c harit ies o r lo c a l c omm unity organiw tiuns, whether th<.>SC groups are ready w take on the responsibility or not. New York State is the bureaucratic chees<'·parcrs' first target. Federal funds for foster-grandparent at·tivit1('S there will be cut off at the end of this month, even though no substitute financial support has yet been hned up AS A RESULT, hundreds of foster grandparent.S. along with the r etarded children they have been serving, may soon be dropped unceremoniou.sly from the rolls. ACTIO N claims tha t New York's O f fice o f Mental Re tardatio n and Developmental D1sab11ities, which has run the program for the past 10 years. s p e f!. d s t oo m u c h m o n e y o n Parents of handicapped children have administration. &• that as it may. 85 expressed their satisfactaon with the way ' percent of administrative costs a rc• _ the state agt,ncy 'has been handling the picked up by the srute, ·not by Uncle progra m. especially with the state's Sam. The result 1s that more than 90 expertise in training volunteers to work percent of federal dollars goes directly to with physically and ment.<ill y disabled G ' children. In fact, they were so pleased with the way the program has been working that , r on Oct. 14 they held rallies in Buffalo -------------=-~..A.. and New York City to protest ACTION's JICI 11111111 ~ plan to pull the plug on the New York ---program. Foster grandparents JOined the the foster grandparents an the form of demonstrations. modest stipends -20 hours a week at $2 an hour. Even if private sponsors can be found to take up the slack, they'll be expected to put up only 10 perc.-ent of th.: s tat(> program's total funds. This will work out to a 35 percent cut m the program's overall budget. Obviously. there will be fewer foster grandparents work.mg with retarded children in New York. In an interview with my reporter James Cra wfo rd, Be tty Bra ke. the ACTION official in charge of the Foster Grandparent Program, didn'r-~arrcl with the arithmetic of the budget cuts. But sh~ !!till insis ted that no foster grandparents would be aff~ted by' the federal funding cutoff. Brake maintained that she must root out mismanagement wherever it occurs. whether m the federal or state funding. MANY PARENTS w.r ote to Mrs. Reagan asking for her help. The reply they got said: "The Foster Grandparent Program is very dear to the First Lady's heart. for it truly benefits two important groups -our senior citizens and our special chtldren. However, Mrs. Reagan has made 1t a practice not to become involved in budgetary matl(>rs." Mrs. Reagan's pr~ secretary, Sheila Tate. said the first lad y "wants to e nhance a nd e xpa nd the Foste r G~ndparent Program. (but) feels 1t shou ld expand through privat.e-sector rontributions." - ACTION has set up a special account to receive the royallies fr()m Mrs. Reagan's boQk, Sinatra's rt.:icord and any o the r money tha t comes in from the charity-ball circuit. How would you like to· play editor? ..... . . ~ We all object to some thing in our newspaper from time to ~im e. C.Omplainlng about your newspaper is one of the best reasons for buying it, and disagreeing.with how it covers the news sometimes. is one of the things that make a newspaper so interesting. So. if you're so smart, let's say you're , the editor of this newspaper you're reading this minute. You have juat one front page and one place where you always put the most important story. You know that readers like familiarity ln their newspaper. They like to be able to depend on things being where they always are. rt>DA Y, LET'S pretend you have four stories that have come in. As editor, which of these are you going to give the rllOSt prominent position bl your paper? 1. The war between Iran and Iraq has suddenly escalated. It looks as if the Soviet Union might get' involved any moment. It could provoke a full-scale war in the Middle Eas t with the potential for that leading to a worldwide nuclear war. It's plenty serious. 2. ll is being announced in Washington that Social Security benefits are being frozen at their present level for five years, no matte r what the rate of inflation is, and in the future, no one will be eligible for benefits until age 65. 3. The nuclear energy plant 30 miles from town has been taken over by terrorists who are threatening to kill hostages and cause a devastating nuclear accident If newspapers and television don't give them the kmd of publicity they want. Two hundred paratroopers have beer\ called in and are going to assault the plant m the next 24 hours. 4. Your London correspondent has exclusive information tha t Princess t:'' -•• -n-11-11-11---....... ~ Diana is pregnant again and doctors suspect it will be twins. You're the editor. Which story are you going to give the most space in the most prominent place? This was the kmd of question more than 100 news people, lawyers, judges, government officials and businessmen wrestled with over the weekend at a conference on journalism sponsored by C.Olumbia University and CBS News. These hypothetical news dilemmas are the brainchild of an impossible semi- genius and dear friend of mine named Fred Friendly. It 11 likely that his opinions have had more effect on your life than you know, and while 1 fight him on almost every issue, he's had a great effect on me. The conference was held at a plush resort hotel in Princeton. N.J .• and there were more important and interesting people at It than appeared in all the pages of Time magazine la.st week. The~· was a lot of heavy thinking. eating and drinking. b enerally speaking, I eat and drink heavier than I think, but I do not recall spending a more stimulating weekend in my life. Don't look to me for the right answer to the above editorial choices. There was little agreement among the people on the pallet who were faced with the questions by moderator Benno Schmidt, a brilliant young law school professor. Dan Rather and John Chancellor. for example , disagreed. Chancellor thought the Social Security· story was most important and he'd lead with that on' television news broadcast or in a newspaRCr if he were editor Rather said the nuclear plant takeover was most interesting. That set everyone arguing about whether unportance or interest should determine which story gets the most attention. SEVERAL PEOPLE thought the Iran-Iraq story was the lead. There were no representatives at the conference from any of the publications sold at the cht.>ckout counters of.supermarkets: so no pne suggested Prfucess Di's twins were Page One news. U this story made the front page at all, it would be below the fold. Which story do you think is most important? Most interesting? In your paper. is the lead story the one most Interesting to the greatest number of people or the one you know is most imporlant to the greatest number? It's easie r and a lot more fun to complain about a.,newspaper than It ii to run one. Pomposity-aestroys the JOY of tnusic It seems to me that a great deal of the apathy, lf not downright antagonism. toward what 11 known as "cl811ical" muaic rome1 from its formal aetting and atfUcture u much u from Ill musical fonn. . • Looking back on my experiences llstenlnf to chamber muaic, for Instance, . ~· m1nw· \ft the ps(onn.nca I.bat remaiQ mo9t vMd in my mind are them that "h\rmonlzed" with • natunl 18ttin8 md blended with the landleapt, not wfiere we ut on 1tiff chairt In mllltary row1 In a atarched attire. I &h&nk of the conaerta under the tent In Aar.n (Colo.> le "• IOUftle at "''Wll aerH" (N.C.,) wltlUn tllie h8ndcnhld .., .,.... at arm en.. (Wiac.). Not to mention the apedoua plau in Rappallo and other outdoor lltet 1n~nout 11a11m1 IOWftl. So-called ""9rloua" IUlic WM not meant to be taken Amberly or • • ., ..... , pompously. with hushed reverence u a cultural event, even though the most exuberant compoeitiona are often played that way. People tend to put 'l:>n their ''cluaical" f~ al a concert, just aa they put on theh' "religious" faces al a church aervtce. BUT BOTH religion and mU.lc are. meaninalftl if thiy are aeparated from the mainatream of life. Bech. Beethoven, Moaart. all the arut compoeers, were vividly aware of thla -\Mir music ia meent to penetrate to the care ot our humanily, not to float above In '°T!'e ethereal realm -reaerved for 1peclal oc.ualont. What W• call Ian," In the bro.dell ...,., la not the exclusive domain of a few exalted aoula, but a part of the wry warp and woof of human culture, from the moat s>rl mllive to the moat IDphlatlcated. Jt II not meant to be ~ that dJvld9, but aomethlnc DtUDl• ft • &hit formal aodal •tn.IC1urlnl ln Malt~ lhat tencle to ft9Ct ardtrdal barNn .,...,... the clallbl end 1he DODUlm' ,...., • &eraoua mu1lc, In • cl111 1ocletJ ........ IDGft .............. °' ' . I the more privileged class. for reuons that usually have nothing to do with ill Intrinsic excellence, bu'\ because It is viewed u one of the appu.rtenancee of privilege. It Is not enjoyed there as much u it la endured. Where It la moat enjoyed ls under the stan. In a tent, In a mountain lod1e. in a lofty barn, or In a plua dotted with tables and umbrella and caraf• of wine. .. llllll• Modem entertalnmenl and MWI rot. ..- of our lm•1lnatlv• 1kllh and ~-our abUlly to think ancl analyme. J'ODUMMY ' Street ·to get break McDonald's c0rporatc o wners Cigui:c their Buena Park customers deserve a break a break In a traffic median, . : tha.t is. · Warmc l Buena ,Park c.'Ontends a traffic median now unde,r construction will block left turns into their McDOnald's. And they arc suing the city to stop building. The corporation tried unsuccessfully last week to obtain a court order blocking cpns tructl.pn . The c ity council a lso refuSed the corporation's offer to pay for a break in the median that would allow traffic to tum in at the fast-food concern. T h e 14 · fio t -wide traffic d ivider will reduce busin~ by about $180,000 or 25 percent in th e s u mmer a nd' l S. percent for the rest of the year , according to Warmel estimates. Last wee k, S u perior Court Judge F.cl~d J . Wallin r e jcc t h e, corporation's b' to stop the project, n action Mayor Ji m Jarre ll t e r m e d "most encouraging." Warme l filed a $10 million lawsuit last month, but the council only refe rred it to its legal staff this week. No court d ate has been scheduled. - T h e d i v i d e r i :s expected to be completed by Jan. 1. and the city says it will continue with work as planned despite the suit. Baby's Inoyed safely With nearly 12 weeks of life and 1,400 air miles -behind her. tiny Rosie Hines is almost home. Rosie spent her first 11 weeks righting for life in a n in c ubator a t Ch ildren's Hospital in Ora nge, tar from her parents' home in Fort Worth. Texas. H e r m o t h e f'. 17-year-old Vicki H1nes, and fath e r J esse, 23, were expecting the ir fi rst child on Dec. 15. But Rosie arrived 16 weeks prematurely while the couple was vis itin g friends in Sou t h e rn California. She weighed only one pound. 13 ounces at birth --in the Western Medical Center-Santa Ana . The fra il infant was transferred to Childrens H~pital, where doctors believed her chances of survival were poor. Hosie had to battle numerous infections and couldn't tolerate mouth feeding. said Dr. Ralph Ru c k e r , the n e·o- natologisl in c harge of her care. · . By Thursday she was still being fed through a tube in her chest , but doctors had decided she was well enough to move closer to her parents. With Rucker at h er side, Rosie was p1aced in a portable incubator and flown 1 ,400 miles to Dallas-F ort W orth Airport where s he wa"S greeted by h er paren ts, grandparents and lots of friends. Rosie's home for al least another month Is the neonatal ward al Fort Worth Childre n's H09pital, where nursing s upe r visor She1ley Smith said s he was "doing just fine" after her journey. If sh e con tinues to improve. dbct ora aay Rosie mar be all the way hom e n time for Christmas. 1&111.·1 "'' .... _ All Cl 11 a •II ......... -.. -(( ··-" le 7110' ...... ,_ ..... .,_u... fl)ll .... __ ,,_ ~ CDITAlmA 641 ·12" ............. ---495-M01 .... ~cae· I ............ ..., ...... , .. ; SMIRNO.FF VODKA IO PROOF 1,75 LT. .99 Paul Masson EXTRA DAY CHAMPAGNE ;~:_4.99 Richelieu Y.S.O.P. BRANDY f:goF I 49 ML. PLU 13744 • Inglenook French Cotombard or Chenln Blanc WINE Chivas Regal SCOTCH ::::~14 49 PlU 13370 • Southern Comfort 8.99 750 ML, PlV •3375 HARVEYS BRISTOL CREAM ?50ML.8 99 PlU "3743 • Al.MADEi WINE • c:Mblla (BurgunctJ ···-2 99 ·~~~~ PlU "2t10 • Soave Bolla W~.ITE WINE .._____________, .~t2. 79 ___ _ 750ML.2 99 PlU •37.. • Freixenet Llebfreumllch CORDON NEGRO CHAMPAGNE HO ML. 750 ML. 2.49 4.49 Chardonnay or 7~]][ P\.U !03742 .. GALLO"GIFT BOX" a-Piece let hu 1·710 ML. Bottle of: . •"'INCH COLOll9MD •CHININ9uNC •lllOM I 8.11 .. B&G Partager BLANC 750 ML. ·2.19 PlU fl?747 l t ' .. ~ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, Novembet 22, 1982 • A RobnsatS 3ole . . s5.95 · EACH OUR 'EXCWSIVE FULL · LEAD CRYnAL STEMWARE · . · ·BY MIKAS4, 60% OFF AND M~RE. • Orig. $18.95 each. ChOOs• either pattern shown In gOblet. wine . .,,.· flute chempagne, dessert/champagne, or cordial sizes. and you can toast h<>Uday guests with the true sparkle and style of authentic full lead crystal al our lowest price of the season. Hurry In for best M lectlon. Roblnaon 'a,.Glau ware. 86. To order, call toll·frff 1·IOO·Ml·ll01. Ask about our Crystal Club Plan. RollNION'I COMPUTINZID WIDDING GIFT R~llTRY • Mak• '" eppotntrnent with OUr\CIO•ultant. at your n reat Aot>tneon'I. W.'11 racord your gtft pmerencel In eve ator• via the only computerized MMCe In 9outhlrn C.lltornla. Every bride 1 whO regtlter1 tn My Aoblneon'1 ~II reoetw 1 tof!'P'lmentary , copy of the lddl Quldl (whill quantltlel 1111) . I • • , Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, Novem1>e.42~. 1082 • • . . ~• J I WITH INSURED SAFETY PLUS A FREE PACKAGE OF · IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES • Announcing Home Federal's lnsll'ed MoneyMRet Pllll-andabolm adiantage for signing up immediately. The clock is running. A new law will soon take effect. And at that hi toric mo ment, Ho me Federal's new Insured MoneyMarket Plan will o ffe r you a combination of high potential earnings, mo ney manageme nt eonvenience and safecy . . . never befo re possible. A new, insured investment with transactio n privileges bette r than most money market funds -linked by transfe rs you contro l by pho ne - co a Chextra "" interest checking account for day in, day o ut cash conve nience. In shon , the Insured MoneyMarke t Plan stan ds op to the return and flexibility of a money market fund -· with o ne benefit" not a single money · market fund can offe r. Safety, insured up to $100,000 by the F.S.L.I.C., a U.S. Governme nt agency. ~ A soiid ·2.50/o advantage if you sign·up now. We're committed to make and keep Home Federal the best p lac;e for Ill f ,; , ._... ... I ur.11 rl JJJ_ I ., le f ' I t' I "} r .. You '11 earn an extra 2. 5% on your investment dollars for the first 6 m onths over the average yield on mo:iey market funds according to a leading index ~ you to make and keep your money. That's why we're making this 2.5% · bonus offer 4f you sign up immediately. But Hurry. This offer to earn bonus interest for signing up early may be withdrawn at any time without prior nodce. The minimum to begin is $5,000 (with a maximum of $75,000), deposited in a 5-1 /296 savings account -then transferred automatically to the higher earning account o n the first day the law allows. Not just money market earnings, but the extra advantages of free Chextra Interest checking too - automatically •. One of the most advanced money management tools available today is a Chextra interest checking account. . That's why we've made it pan of your Insured Mo neyMarket Plan. l-IOMEF W'bere you can bank on safety. . ·.i Free. With an initial supply of ~ personalized checks. Also free. Use it in good wealth. Yo u can also apply for the added convenience of Ove rdraft Protection with Check Guarantee. And your choice'of VISA• accounts o r Mastercard.nu Sign up today. Welcome . back to Ille growth, convenience, safety and strength of Home Federal Country . Home Federal's new Insured Mo neyMarket Plan is better than mo ney market funds. With a commitment and a purpose that could easily replace a great variety of other investments too. By combining hig h earnings with safety and money management convenience. If. you've always been a Home -Federal customer, thank yo u. If you're returning, welcome back. To Home Fede ral _9lwttry. Where you've always-felt better about your mo ney anyway. .. '!luhtt'n hi '4.llldird qu.iJlflalilWI ~N .. 'I .. \ llllJPlllt MONDAY. NOV 22, 1982 • CAVALCADE 86 \. • I • 49~rs finally IJel untrackt•d and into tl!e win colun1n. BS. • • s1 tua.t10.n sour ·Hanis ·pick up where th~y left off ATLANTA (AP) Running back William Andrews sail.I lx-ing sidchm-d for l'tght weeks was the only inc.'<'ntivt• the• Atlanui Falcons nt't.-ded for their convincing victory ovl'r the Rarns as thl" strake-shortencd National Football Leal(ue sea5on made its return. , · "We werl' high just gettinK back Lo play/t.saad the har·d-running Andrews who keyed the :i4-17 trlumph Sunday by gaining 119 yards on the ground, indudang a 19-yard touchdown scamper, and catahing seven pa.'i..'K.'S for another 88 yards. Quarwrback S tev(' Bartkowski was equally sharp, connC"Cting on 19 of 24 passes for 213 yards, ancludang a 43-yard TD pass to Alfred Jenkins. BUT THE CONTEST, playtld before a crowd of only 39,6~6 -with. 20,228 no-sho ws -an drizzly weather. drew choruSt'S of boos from the hQme folks in the opening quarter as the Rams broke oat to a 14-0 lead. But the boos quickly turned to cheers as Bartkows~l hit Jenkins on the 43-yard TD, rookie G erald Riggs scored on a 1-yard run and Mick Luckhurlit boott>d a 49-yard fie ld goal to give the Falcons a 17-14 halftime lead. The , Falcons padded their lead in the second half on Luckhurst's 29-yard field goal, Andrews' l97yard run and a 6-yard run by Riggs. The Rams' first period scoring came on a 5-yard run by Wendell Tyler and a 51-yard pass from Bert Jones tq Ron Batlle. T he Rams managed only Mike Lansford's 28-yard field goal in the sec:ond hair. "BOTH TEAMS CAME an better condition than I thought they would," said Rams Coach Ray Malavasi. "It was an NFL-<:ahber game. There were some good things by both teams and a lot of hitting. The timing on the spedal teams may have been off a little and the tackling was orr a bit." know. Maybt• w<.• art.'n't a good team," 'said Malavasl. The regular season has lx.-en cut from 16 games tu 10 because oC the striJ<c, and instead of divisional playoffs, the top eight ciubs in each of the two <.'Onferenccs will enter the playoffs. The onJy serious injury of the contest was With the hortene<I season, we've still got a shot, bul we'll sure have lo go like hell. I don't know. Mar be we· arcn 't a good team. ' -RMn• Coectl Rer lleln..i suffe red by Rams' linebacker Carl Ekern. ironically the club's player representative. who suHered tom ligaments of his·right knee in the opening quarter. Malav'asi said he would undergo surgery and be lost for the season , but he said there was no way to tt'll if the injury had anything to do with the layoff. O f the no-shows, Andrews said : "I can't worry about that." ''There were 20,000-some fans who missed an exciting football game. But, next week I'U bet the stands will be full." ANDREWS SAID he k<'pl in s hape during the 57-day strike by playing basketball three times a week and as much as four hou rs a day, giving him an advantage in his quackn~. "I'd take eight weeks,..off ~_,Jtime, but w ith pay," he said, drawing a big laugtt from the crowd of reporters around his stall in the locker room. "I think the layoff vastly improved us. The offensive line was mashing people. When they do that. it makes my job easy." , R~ms running back Wende ll Tyle r goiC into the end z'one for a touchdown unda,., but At lanta ra llied for a 34-17 wm. With the lo~. the Rams. who blew a 0 23-0 halftime lead only to 1osc 35-23 to Green Bay in their opener, fell to 0-3. "With the shortened S('ason, we've still got a s~ot, but we'll sure have. to go like hell. I don't The Falcons, now 2-1, after looking sluggish in their fi rst two outings before the strike, had "as good an offense as we .have all year and even last year," said Bartkowski. -Rebuilding • is nonsense to Mulligan_· By JOHN SEV ANO Of Ille D.&tr Piiot Sten UC Irvine basketball coa ch Bill Mulligan passionately dislikes the term "rebl.ftlding." "It's an excuse often used by coach es who onl y win once In awhile," he explains. where we're rebuilding," says Mulligan, who h as fashioned a 372-135 college record (. 734 winning percentage). "I'd •like to think this team IS more like We were two years ago." The Anteaters, who open their season Wednesday night (7:30) at Crawford Ha ll wath an exh1bit1on against the University o( Alberta. will actu,lly diffe r gre atly from the squad he fashion ed h as first year on the AJCl hope UC I will not only wan now, but will also be laying a Tbundation for the future. "The difference between this year and last year is this year's team has· better players, exceP.t for a guy hke Magee," Mulligan notes. • In 16 years as a college head coach , Mulligan has never had a rebuilding season ... or a losing one for that matter. · Even during the 1980-8 1 campaign , his first at the Division I level. Mulligan managed to produce a winner. lead ing U.CI to an jm pressi ve 17 -10 record . The only similarity between the wo as campus. t that they're both young. But. \has ear's version will not have the hkes o one Tha t doesn't mean. however, that Mulligan is not without concern. In trying to balance his troops, Mulligan brought in three freshmen, a sophomore and three juniors to join the three sophomores and two ;uniors already m the fold. "It will be interesting to take these guys out on the road and see how they react," says Mulligan an a cautious tone. "Oul' fu-s\ real road trip wiU give us a decent indication of what we have." ''If there's one thing Mulligan certainly knows how to do -it's win. And, despite the tact the 1982-83 Anteaters a re se niorless a nd boast o n ly o ne returning starter, the feisty Irishman believes this team will be no different. Kevin Magee a c · the malldle. Nor is al a squad f1ll~d inc1pally by community college transf . . • Deviating from the norm a little. "I don't ever want to be in a position . Mulligan this titnc has blended community college transfers with graduating high school seniors in the · After playing five of their first six games at home, Including Anaheim Conven tion Center contests against the Winston 500 has two chanips Waltrip wins national points title ; Ric hmond ~ns race By HOWARD L. HANDY Of the Delly Piiot Steff RI VERSI DE -Darre l l Waltrip says he is in the prime o{ his racing career and young Tim Richmond is just getting started in his. Both figured prominently in the W in ston Western 500 NASCAR Grand NationaJ stock car race here Sunday. WALTRIP GRABBED the pole position for the race and figured to stage a torrid battle, with Bobby Allison in the season point battle . Ins tead, o nl y WaJtrip was running at the Unish and h e ca ptured his second straight championship. R ichmond, winner of the NASCAR 400 here in June, made it two victories in a row at Riverside on the only road course on the NASCAR circuit. The 27-year-old from Ashland, Ohio, is in his second season on the Grand NationaJ circuit. He beat Ricky R udd by 7.8~ seconds Sunday. "We will cherish this year's championship more than last year ," Waltrip said. "It's super and I feel Junior Johnaon (crew chief) and I can relate to each other. I te ll them what I feel the <:ar needs and they can go home and get it fi xed. "I had some trouble ·with the gear box early In the race but we were able to finish.'' he w ould run hard and we wanted to keep up with him." Whal e Waltrip had som e trouble. Alli s on ran anto considerably more grief. He had tire trouble and that caused him any further chance at the title. Allison had pitted for a tire c hange but crew mem bcrs couldn't get a lug nut off and he went back to the track without a change. Before he could get back in, the tire blew and he limped through the garage area and was assessed a 30-second penalty. But jnstead of serving the penalty at conclusion of the pit stop, he went on the track and W<\S black-flagged, causing him to lose further time. When he returned the first time, he was In twelfth pface. then wept a lap down after the penalty. He had another flat on lap 76 and lost anoth<!r lap. Then on lap 111 he lost his engine and was through f~r the day. MEANWHILE. RICHMOND drove a steady race. appearing to have the fastest car on the tcack and taking advantage of holding the lead far more than 90 Jape. H e averaged 99 .823 miles-per-hour in the race that lasted 3 hours. 7 mlnut<"S and 24 ., seconds. ~ , ,. "I learned a lot about the track In the June race here and It paid _off 't8Y·" Richmond said. "By not a using the car, we were able to keep right up there. "He (Ruttman) started to~run me oU the race track whe n I tned Lo go by on the rig_ht. then I moved to the le(t and he drove in front of me again. After that. J JUSt helped ham out." RICHMOND WILL leave the vitamin sponsor he had this year to drive for runny car champion Raymond Beadle next season. Beadle has a new team he is taking over next year. "Beadle bought the team and I will be the d r iver . Reggi e Jackson may also be a partner but [ don't know yet." Terry Labonte was Injured m a crash a t turn nine with Allison and Richmond both clbse behind him. Labonte appeared to loee his brakes and crash into the wall just 24 laps from the fin ish of the l 19-lap event. The car slammed hard Into the metal railing and Labonte had to be pried out. He ' was taken to the hospital in • semi-conscious cond1lion with numerous fadal "t:ut.s. . .. "Bobbv CAlh son) was right be hind him (La bontcJ ,'' Ri<:hmond said. "I saw some ust and the car h it the fence and laterally flew across the tn1ck, Bobby w.-nt under him a nd when I got there, there was so ... much dust I couldn't Se(' but I got throu1h. "Whe n I w.-nt by again, I couldn't tell If It waa a tire or the suspension that broke." University '\If Oregon (Nov. 29) and Pepperdine (Dec. 4), the Anteaters will take to the road to play the University of Idaho and compete in the Wolf Pack Classic w her e they drew Southwest Louisiana (24-8 last year ). "Idaho whipped four Pac-10 teams real good last year and we get the Ragin' Cajuns (SW Lo u isiana) on a foreign floor:" Mulligan points ou t. ".Those games will be a real test for us." And. it will be a real test for Mulligan's fledglings, although he hopes a couple of juniors wiJJ help stabilize the pack. Forward Ben McDohald, this year's team captain, is one person Mulligan is counting on. He averaged 11.3 points and five rebounds per ~rune last year while (See UCI, Page 82) w .-ltrlp and Sobby Allison entered Sunday1. race only 22 points apart and either one could ha ve won the c h ampions hip. The.y sat on the front row at the start of the rece-, .ttJna the stage for thetr penonal t.ttle. "Really, all I did out there was turn the wheel and push tht> button. I was glad I had thl' ·car to get out front and atay there. If I had been radngwith Darrell or Bobby, we might have had 110mc problema along the way and one or wt would have gone out." Klchmond picked up $~4.730 for the victor)' with Rudd ~ and Waltrip third at the nnllh lint'. Waltrip will pick up a much larpr payoheek u th• 1H10n ch111nplon than the •21.1 ~O he Nrned Sunday. Darrell Waltrip acknowledge• his No. 1 "MY ~ plan WU to IHd. a fter ~ flht lap <aood for five polnta) Md -what happened from U...." Waltrip revealed. "He Mid I equared off and we feh Richmond and Joe Ruttman had a rouple of minor brulhea early In the race ~fore Ruttman went out with tran1ml11lon problft'N. Richmond •• the 1880 rook!~ of the ~r I\ IJ'(lianapoHa t.feft tumina full·Ume lo the 1UJC'k car drt'Ult. 111atu1 Sunday arter becomi111 the 1982 NASCAR ehamjloa. Wallnp wa1 third in the Weetern 5oO at Rl•enide, bui compilf'd enou1h point• to rlnlth 72 point . ahead or the rteld. ~ill Mulligan Nuggets lose another race to Lakers INGLEWOOD (AP) J amaal Wilkes scored 13 oC his 29 poin ts in the final penod Sunday night as the Los Angeles Lakers raced to a 143-129 National Baske tball Association victory over the Denver Nuggets. Th e L a kers ' tr i umph overshadowed a 45-poinl scoring etrformance by Denver's Alex t;nglish and a 31-poinl effort by the Nuggets' Kiki Vandeweghe. The Lakers, who never trajled, had clear command of the contest in the first haH. lead ing by as many as 25 points. But tht> Nuggets, with English leading the way. trimmed the difference to 104-98 at the end of the third period. After Wilkes h e lped the , Lakers pull awn ~gain early in the fourth quarter. Denver came back to move to within six points al 124-118 before Wilkes. Kurt Rambis a nd Earvin "Magic" J ohnson m ad e con secutive bHkets The Nugge t s didn't threaten a(ter that. Karttm Abdul-J abber added 23 points for the Lakers and Rambls ICOred • aeuon-hhrh 21. RAIDERS GAME TELEVISED LIVE With both Loe Anaelft Raiden owner Al Davia ana San °'• Charier owner Gene Kief n •l"ftln& to Uft tht "'.-cl N~ blackout, tonl1h.t'• · ~ o'clock) aame between \he Raiders and Char1en will be-televlHd on ABC. Channel 7 , It wu U\nountt'd. TM eou.um w far from belJ\I • 1tllout tonilht. but both ownen Hld they would allow th• ~anyway. " --· --~------~·---......... • 82 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, November 22, 1982 ,,,.--------------------------~ ( Fregosi. takes job in Cardinal system From AP dlapatcltes LOUl SVlLLE, Ky . -Jim Ill Frcgosi, former Angels manager and all-star shortstop, will be manager of the Louisville Redbirds for lhe 1983 Class· AAA baseball season, according lo a Louisville ncwapaper and television station. WLKY-TV reporled Friday thal it h ad .lc•arned lhat a news conterence had bt!en ~heduled ~on<tay by Redbirds owner A. Ray Smi th. The s t a t ion said · Fregosi's ofCice in Anaheim, confirmed that he would be in Louisville on that day. And, in a copyright story in Sunday's editions, The Louisville Courier-Journal quoted Fregosi as saying he was looking forward to his' ·new job. ''I had an opportunity to talk to several clubs," said fMGOtl Fregosi. "l'm looking forward to managing at Louisville. I don't know IC it'll be a steppingstone or not." · Fregosi, 40, would replace Joe Frazier, who ma naged the world champion S t. Louis Cardinals' top American Association farm team during its fi rst season in Louisville. Frazie r a pparently will remain with the . Cardinals as a scout and consultant. Fregosi rraanaged the Angels from 1976 until he was fired in 1961. He took the Angels to the 1979 American League playoffs, bu\ the team slipped badly the follow ing season and a slow start in 1981 led to his replacement by Gene Mauch. Quote-of the day David Berst, chief investigator for the NCAA, commenting on whether he was overly concerned about basketball teams holding organized workouts before the prescribed date of Oct. 15: "We're more worried about who's getting Trans-Ams than who's out there playing basketball." Seattle finally loses one Forward Buck Wiiiiams scored ml 23 points and guard Otis Birdsong •. • added 18 as New J ersey sto pped Seattle's 12-game winning s treak , beating the SuperSonics. 111 -91. to highlight NBA action Sunday ... E~where, Marques Jobnson scored 25 points and Steve Ml!, hitting his first seven shots, added 20 as Milwaukee trampled Indiana. 109-98 ... Damell Valentine scored 18 points, dished out six assists and had six steals as Portland crushed lowly Cleveland. 129-79. Rangers draw first blood In NY M•rk Pavellc'Ja'• thr, ... woub 111UI Iii tlw liUpt•rlJ uuultt•IHlll\M u f Ed Mio ' hl'lpt-d tht• .Ne•w Y1>rk Hutij(1"·" 11111 7 :I v1t•tory uvt"r tht• Nl'w Y m k l1jl11ntlt•1;, to hl6(hllaht NllL Ul'\1011 Suncluy ·1-;tM·w ht•tt'. Marian, Ab&on 1111d Pt ter SIH&ny 111p1h1111"l far Uve• goals and 11 IX)lllh 111 ov1•n•u11w W11ynt" Gre&1ky'1 thN't' tc<)Otls and tltx pu111b °'" Qu1·h•"· skated tO a wild 9-7-dt'<.·1s1on ov1•t Edmonton A pair of power piny ROulic und iwns1ttionul goalt('ndinf( by Murray Pannerman llfll'd Chica&o 10 a 3-0 whlwwuah of IA..111 oil Darey· Ro&a snapped a 3-J tw ut 14:!>0 of thl• thircJ period WI Vancouwr lj\ruck for four gouls m tht• final period to whip Wui;h111~ton, :; :s Brian Propp'a third-pcriud gtial gave.• PhllucJt•lphh• some breathing room and Stmt the.• Jo'ly1.•1'S to u :J-1 win over S t. Louis . , . Mike Kra1belnyakl ancJ Tom Fergus SC-'Orc'tl firs t-p<.•riod ..iooL-. umJ Roston goalie Pete Peelers madt• tht•m s tunt! up as thl' , Bruins edged Calgary. 2-1. Soviet team topples Kentucky LEXINGTON , Ky. VulOis m Vallers hit the go-ahead basket with 11 seconds remaining and stoic an inbounds ~ to set up Vold~maras Ktiomlchus' clm<·hlng dunk shot as thl.' So•ict Natio n al bas k e tball team stunned No. 4 Kentucky, 89-86, in an 1.'xh1bit1on g"mc Sunday. Vallers' hero1<.-s came after Derrick Hord and Dicky Beal scored conSC'Cutivc basket.'> to give Ke ntucky a n 86-85 lc•ad w ith 32 iwcunds remaining. Connors takes last match from Borg J !mmy Connors beat Bjorn Borg, • 7.5, 7-6. in the sixth and final matc-h of their exhibi~ion seri<.-s Sunday m San Francisco: Connors. the reigning Wimbledon and U.S. Open c hampion. won five of the six matches against Borg. Connors said he is now headed home for a 31/2-wcek break from tennis ... Air Force will mt.oet Vanderbilt in the. Dec. 31 Hall of Fame bowl, officials said. Air Force has a 7-4 record, including an upset win over Notre Dame last Sunday, while Vanderbilt is 7-3 ... Favored Prince Spellbound and longshot Tbe Hague captured the split divisions of the Ho lly w ood Turf Cup Sunday at Hollywood Park . . . American Hale Irwin firc..'CI a 3-und<.'r-par 65 and S{'Orcd a two·stroke v1ctoryr in the Brazilian O pe n golf tournament ... Calvin Peete, maintaining his third round lead, won the Phoenix tournament in Japan oy three strok<'S with a 7-under-par 281 Television, radio TELEVISION Following are the top sports cvf'nts on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. 9 6 p.m., Channel 7 V v v NFL FOOTBALL: San Diego al Raiders. Anaouncera: Frank Gifford, Don Meredith and Howard Cosell. With both team s agreeing t..o lift the blackout, the Raadet'S will match their early 2-0 record against San Diego's 1-1. The Raiders are one o( only five undefeated teams left in this strike-torn season. RADIO ..Football -San Otego at Ra1dl~ 6 p.m., KNX (1070). UC Irvine seeded No. 1 USC finis hes first IN PCil' A r egaua ToumatMnl 8CMdute IATUN>AY'I ~· 9 a m (Game 1) -U.CI ...., Brown 10 30 (Game 21 -clrvs. use L ONG BEACH -A s expected , the UC Irvine water polo team was named as the No. 1 seed in this weekend's NCAA championships ,here at Belmont Plaza.· Noon (Game 3) -Slanford vs Loyola (Chicago) 1 30 pm (Game 41 -UCt.A vs UCS8 4 (Game 51 -LOMt ol Game 1 vs LOSet Game2 • ' The Anteaters. ranked N<J. 1 nationally and 27-0 overall, will face Brown University (27-2), the No. 8 seed, in their first game Saturday (9 a.m.). 5:30 (Game 6) -Loser Game 3 vs Losef Game • 7 1Game 71 -Winn« Game 1 vs winner Game 2 8 30 -w111ner Gam• 3 vs w~ GanM 4 SUNDAY'S GAMEi The remaining team s a nd order of seed i ng for the tournament are as fo llows: 2. Stanford; 3. UCLA; 4. Cal; 5. USC; 6. UC Santa Barbara; 7 .. Loyola (Chicago); 8. Brown. 1 30 p m -Winners 01 Gamn 5 and 6 will de1ermme lillh and 1blh pleCU 3 -Losers ol Games 5 and 6 will delermine MYefllh and .;gh1" places 6 -LOMf of G-7 and 8 will delermlM third and lourlh places 7 30 -Winners ol Gam•• 7 and 8 will e1e1ermine ct\amOIOn College football muRSDAY'S GAMES Texas A&M at Texas Bowling Green at North Carolina FRIDA Y'S GAMES P i tts burgh at P e nn St. (Channel 7 at 9 a.m.) Okla h oma at N e braska (Channel 2 at 11:30 a.m.) Connecticut at Delaware SATURDAY'S GAMES N o tre Dame vs. USC at .Collseum Oregon at Oregon St. Cal State Fullerton at Nevada Laa Vegas, n Oklahoma St. at San Diego St., n Utah St. vs. Long Beach St. a\ Anaheim Stadium (7:30) Arizona St. at Arizona, n Georgia Tech at Georgia Auburn al Alabama Air Force at Hawaii, n Rke at J:l~ton, n Tulane at 'LSU. n Arkanaaa St. at Memphis St , Cincinnati at Miami (Fla.)· Tennessee at V anderbll l Virginia at VirJEinla Tech Clemson vt. Wake Forest a t Tokyo I ----- - ·' SAN LUIS OBISPO -USC sailors with s kippers J o h n Shadden and Mike Scgerbloom won th e Pa ci f ic Coast Intercollegiate Y ac hting Assodat1o n's annua l No rth- South Regatta. featuring 13 schools. The regatta was sailed on Lake Lopez Saturday and Sunday in Flying Jr. dinghies. The Trojan sailors acored 42 points under the reverse scoring system. Second with 77 points was Stanf1,rd with sk i ppe rs Bill Reinh.Jrl and Ted Green. Nebraelca over Oklahoma * Penn St. over 'ltttlturtlh * USC . ' UCI REBUILDING? NONSENSE. e e From Page 81 . . 11 li.11 lwt 11~ llllllll'd l>l'C ''"'' <tll'oHU All PC/\A · . Tiii' otht·r 111 ti 2 point t(UOrd <:t•C>t'j(t' 'l'u1·111·1·, un All S tutl' u•l1•1•L1111l lust y~ur •o ut of Suclctlt•bul'I~' <.:ollt•Kt'. w twrt• Mulll~un prc.•vwuli'I:&' cuQ,·ht>d. ·rtw l111d11.·oc:k, Tc.·x~li. nut1vt1, who plity f.J 01w 11t•ui.cm (IU79-HO) ut the• Unlvt>rMty of T1p<ns hdor\' l'Omlll#( Wl'1il , uv1..•rugud 21 polnlb und 7.4 N'hound11 for Saddleback last lll'w;on. Anotht>r junior who figures promint•ntly h1 6-9 postman Bob Thornton, who saw rescrv<.' duty last yc•ar s p<dling Magee. Th.ornton, in coming off th<• bench, averaged 4.2 po1n~ anc,i 3.2 rebounds in 29 gumcs. · Thoaw three-players figure to be 1n the sta rti ng l ineup WednC'sday as will community l"Ollege transfers Jud Beardsley (Cypress College) a nd Mikt• . Lopcz (LA Vall~y). · B'EARDSLEY, a 6 -5 swingman, averaged 15.9 points. per game in leading Cyprc..>ss to a 2:$-6 r('<.'Ord last year. Lopez, a 6-4 guard, has twice m a d e the Metropoli tan all-ronference team while averaging 21 points. Those five players, do not figure Lo do the bulk of the work alone. Mulligan truly b~cvl's this year's team is deep very deep -and plans on s huffling as many as 11 players in and out during a single c.-ontest. "On this team the re arc going to be guys coming off the bench who arc going to play more than the starters," Mulligan promises. The fi rst wpo figures to see p lenty o f playing time is 6-9 freshman postman Tod Murphy, last ye.a r's CIF Player of the· Year out of Lakewood High. Murphy. a t wo-tlrne a ll-Moore League selecuon, averaged 16 points in leading the Lancers lo a 29-3 r<..>COrd and a state title. MULLIGAN'S OTHER prized freshmen are 6-7 forward Ronnie This ad Is for all those who ever wonder If your United Way gift Is really appreciated. •• Unlllled Wiiy HARDILIY I LOPEZ Crand1son, out of St. Bernard, last year's 3-A champion, and 6-4 sharp·shooter Ken Bardsley. from Costn Mesa High where he led his team with a 19.4 &.'Oring averag<.'. Michael Beans is a 6-2 junior guard who figures ~o s pe ll Turner in the backcourt. Beans, a transfer from Long Beach CC, scored 15 points in leading the Vikings to the state semifinals last year. - Sophomore forward Mark Spinn, at 6-6. alsc> will see ctuty. Spinn. who just started working out with the tea'm last week after undergoing minor knee surgery. played in 11 games last year for UCI in a reserve role. or course. not forgott~n but overlooked al this point because he d<X$n't become eligible until the fifth game of the year is 6-6 so pho m ore red -s hirt Troy Carmo n, who figures to be among the starting five once he suits up. Ca rmon caml' t o l hv UCl camp u s l as t yea r after' transfcrrinR from Colorado State. 3096 off fo~nully. unoth(·r hopt>ful of Mull 1.c.111 'Ii , 6-9 1uph omort• forwiard H1t k (.;111Ct·1u. 11 t-Xpt't'kod tu bt• l't•cJ -i;hirt1•d thi1:1 ll'UKl/n. Mulllt(.in wa ll mukl' hili final cltoe:IMon on Ca:K't'IO p.i~t pnor to tlw 11turt ol Wront'Mluy'i. g1unt.>. Th•· Antl'l.1tcrs app"l'ar, on pupc•f' ot lc•mn. to havt• quic:km'lifl and an ubundunt•<· o f good 1;hoott·M. If the•y hove a w~Mkne.H It would Ut.• on the bciurdll where Magt>t'. a two-lime All-Aml•rican, was at his 111-st. "The wuy our M:hedultng L'i we don't huw that sun• four or fwe w Ins o I her co II t' g es give tht·mst•lvNi," says Mulligan. . . . The• foll owin~ is a quic k summary by Mullignn on each of his playl't'S. •• McDOMALD (M, 1101 -our mo11 lntetllgenl player. probably Ille !>HI H4I can play any po1111on on one.day a pracllce •· aoe THORNTON (1-t, 820) "He'• really 11rong but he loul1 100 muc" and 11 a qllfllionable 6hoolet He 1 a hwd worker,·· JUO UARDIUY ( ... I, 110) -"A really 1ough guy, a gtHI shooler Who com.a lrom a good progrsm KEN aARDILEY (M, 1IO) -0 '1i41'1 Ol.lr beat s11001er bu1 he'1 not sound lund•menlally I'm aniH>u1 10 6ee hOw he pe<lorms Wt1h e crowd TllOY CAllMON (M, 2GO) -"Really doM 10 being lhe besl In Iha gym Htl'• allO a great anoo1er and the soundest lundamentally - have" MIKE LO~IZ (l-4, 19') -··our mo11 pleasant surprise He's 1n1elllg•n1. a good lhooler and donrl°I make mlstakn TOD lllKMPHY (1-t, 1N) -··He ac11 hlte he"• 21 (Murphy's 18); ~ 111en1ed. Ha"s lhe All·AmerlCan boy •• GEORGI TURNER (1·1, 1H) -.. Best elhlete 1n Ille gym He 1 Yery coacnable O.apne whal ao'lne peop141 thoughl Along with (Mlchael) Beans. he s our besl delenalve player. He's YA po1en11al NBA player 11 11e·a w1Hlng 10 work haid 8MOUQh • RONNtl ORAHDtSON (l-7, 111) -He a really aggrentve t>oards well. bu1 h11 llhoolong 11 quesuonable He rull gel over nagging injuries •· MICHArL NANI (1-1, 110l -'"He"1 Ol.lr HCOnd moll pleasanl surprlM\ He ge11 ou1 ol eontrot once 1n awhile bUI he doea wt111 - wanl • MARK l~INN (1-1, 105) -"He I ~ery 1n1etugen1. comn lrom a good program and can play lhree po1l11on1 wlthoul hurling you •• lllCK CIACCIO (1-t, 111) -"Tm really high on him He can nm. lhOol. 11e·1 6-9' '· bUI ne·a no1 a center He"a ge111no 1>e11er every day allhougtl he 11111 has a long way 10 go · IRIAN MULLIGAN (coecll'• -: 5-7, 150) ··He"s not a bad shooter and rie·s • pre11y gOO<I ball h•n<ller He's gn1 1wo problems &1Zlt an<I his 9ene11c: baekgroun<I • our great sdectlon of 1weaters lambswool, Shetland, Cashmere in V.ncck, cardigan and CfeW<ityles November 22-27 Only A greaf way to save money on that spcci~ Christmas swcaJ.er. ** *· ~ 17th&. Wmd1ff Ann~ • Wtttcliff Plan • Nr.olJOtl lkach • b4S·0792 Orange Coaet OAIL Y PILOT /Monday, Novam.bar aa, 1H2 49ers · shake cob•e.bs, bi:eak jl)to 'W' cQlumn ' ~ Fr-om-AP "•pa&clltl ST. LOUIS -Joe Montana, ahaklng oU a co.tly fumble a nd a n Interception, to.ued thre.e c.ouchdown pallet In the second half to rally the San Franclk'O 49era to a 31-20 National Football League trlu.mph Sunday over the S Louis Cardinal.a. . Montana, e xploiting a weak St. Loufs p SS defenae, riddled the Cards' secondary for 408 yards. in their flrat aame since the eight-week players' . strike. _ · Durlna a 13-mlnute outburst ·In the final halC, he drilled scoring passes of 6, 33 and 17 yards to Rusa Francia, Dwight Clark und Earl. Cooper, respectively. BeaaaJ• 18, Easies 14 PHILADELPHIA -Q u a r ter back K e n Anderson wed a basic passing attack and the power running of Pete Johnson, triggering Cincinnati to an 18-14 victory over Philadelphia. , Anderson's short passing game and Johnson's straight-ahead running set up three fi~ld g?Sl.s by . J im Breech, while linebacker Reggie W11l1ilms sacked Eagles q uarterback· Ron Jaworski for a safety. as Cincinnati bu ilt an 11·0 first-half lead. DolpbJa1 9, Billa 7 ORC HARD P AR K . N . Y . -Uwe Von Schamann's 21-yard. field goal at 1:51 of the fourth quarter lifted Miami to a 9. 7 victory over Buffalo. Von Schama nn hit field goals of 42 and 29 yards in the second quarter for the Dolphins' other· scores. The triumfh extended Miami's record to 3-0. while Buffalo fel to 2-1. I Professional · Florist ~.our ' . R.OAST 2915 Red Hill Avenue sou1h Cout Design Center A·108 Costa Mesa: In Stone Miii 64·1-,08 10 Excellent profit Potential 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment HERMES MILANO, INC. ,ERSONAL TAX CONSULT ANTS (714) 751 -2400 W-03275 Notice of / Freight Rail Plan Public Hearing I The Cahlornra Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Oms1on of Mass T ransportatron 1s asking the pubhc to comment on a draft of the 1982 Caltforma STATE Rat! Plan. The Plans responds to federal leg1slahon emphasmng rarl freight service. Section 5 of the Department of Transportation Act provides federal assistance for abandoned or hght density rail hnes 1n Cahforn1a. Monies can be used to purchase or provide substrtute service assistance on·abandoned hnes. Also assistance 1s available for the rehabthtallon and improvement or rail fac1hty construction of lines or pro1ects related to a hne not sub1ect to abandonment. Assistance 1s generally hm1ted to light density lines that carried less than three milhon gross ton miles of frreght durrng the previous year. In this Plan. Caltrans discusses which lines or projects related to a Im~ 1t ree-0mmends for federal assistance. Shippers. communities. railroads, rail served facilities or persons interested 1n the Depart- ment's recommenadllons are encouraged to testify at one of the hearings noted below or by submitting wrrtten testimony to the Division of Mass T ransportatron. Caltrans. P.O. Sol 1499, Sacramento. CA 95807. Written comments must be submitted to Caltrans by December 20, 1982. 7:30 PM, Monday, November 29. 1982 11 City Council Chambers Eureka City Hall 6th & K Streets Eureka, CA 10:00 AM. Thursda~. December 2, 1982 City Hall Council Chambers 20 Civic Center Plaza Santa Ana, CA 1:00 PM. Monday, December 6, 1982 State Building 31 E. Channel Street Stockton. CA Public comments will be considered 1n epar1ne the final plan for submission to the F1dtr1I RaUrold Adm1nistra ron. A copy of the draft Plan IS ava~able for public Qispl(tion at Caltrans offices throuatiou t the State. For the location nearest you, or 1f you would like additional information. pleat Cllt (916) 323-4590. ... Nl4't lll)I JN /J lll' bount:l'tl ort ttw h1111d11 of fulU.)IK•k l;t•11 y Jo~lluc ii'11cl lv>.•ry modi• o lunR'fl61 rntth m th«' c•nd 2.0tl tl Sa1i11 27, Cb&ef• 17 Steeler1 u . Oilers 10 \' NEW ORl .. EANS Showmg no l•ffc-cu or an' HOUSTON 2' uablJr~h'• Tttry Bradahaw. l'll(ht-wl'l·k layoff, ~uaricrbiK·k Kf'n Stabl(•r thrt.w for on<.' touchdown and iwt up anothl'r to lt>ad Nf'w shaking off the ruatln Mor t c playeni' a.u·ikc. tired Orlt>ans to 8 :l7-17 victor y over Kanas City. three touC'hdown , the ~.'Ond • ~7-yurd, tit•· ~hablt•r, the• NFL'!i most IK'l'urall' µu-..r over breakina strike to nnle Cunningh1.1m, leading the' his i:l Y.l'ar cun•<'r,f hll 14 of 18 attempts 72 Steelers to a 24· 10 victory over Houston. · r 20 .1. • • Bradshaw, the Nt'L's lC'adlng passer, guidt.'<i ix•rcent ur 1 yuru.'I . the Steelen to u 10·0 IC'ad, but In lNI second ha lf. he Seabawka 17, Bronco1,l O thr ew 12 s t raight incomplete passes be fore D ENVER J im Zorn rifled a :~4 -ya rd <.'Onnecllng with Cunningham with six St"t:Onds left touchdown ~ss tu Slt:ive Largt:nt with 4Y scoeonds in the third quarter. ' remaining. rallying Scalllc lO a 17-10 victory over Cunning ham's touc."hqown put the Stcclcr,1> Denver. ahead 17 -10 and carnc.> on the fi rst play after , Although dommatmg the firi,t half of their Houston quarterback Archie Manning fumblL'<i and first game slnc·e the l'lght-Wl'<'k playL•rs' stnke. the Jack Lambert recovered at the Oill'rs' 17. Seahawks t railed 7-0 a fte r Denver's Gerald Packers H , Vtktn11 7 Willhite ran 15 yards for a second-quarter sc-ore. MILWAUKEE -F.ddic Lt.>e Ivery cauMht a Browns 10 ,·Palrlot1 7 5-yard deflected pass from Lynn Dickey for Green C L EVELAND _ Matt Bahr's 24-vard field Bay's go-ahead to uchpown and Maurice Harvey . soal with no time.> lt!fl on the clock, followm13 a New scor~ on a 25-y~d run wllh a .n:.>eov~red fumble'. Engl.and fumbk'. gave Cleveland a 10-7 viC'tory over le~ding the Pac kers to a 26-7 victory over the Patrtots. Mmne:>Ota· · . Running back Mark Van Ecg)len of the . Dickey, who left the .game with a bru~ hip Patriots had fumbled the ball away at his 20-yard midway through the third quarter. and dad not line with 1:24 remaining on the first play followinjZ return, completed 15 of 22 passes for 244 yards for a Clevela nd punt the Packers, 3-0. The Vikings slipped to 1-2 in the G · 7 strike-shor tened seoson. Redskins 27, Ian ts 1 The Packers took the lead for good at 13-7 with EAST RUTHERFORD, .N.:J~QL¥lrterback 1:37 left in the first half w hen Dickey's pass Joe Theismann tnrcw for 185 yards, mC'luding two Earn t2.50°/o Interest~. with F1c1e1n, Federal~s new Moner·Market Plus Account. - It's t he best deal in town. guaranteed. Because in addition to the high money market rates and insured safety 'authorized by Congress, Money Market P!us gives you instant access, and Fidelity Federal's own comprehensive p~ckage of free 9anking services . And you don't have to wait. . 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But they le Co • 1;usuiln 'th1• monwntum and Ma rk Moer ed a 29-yard fwld go1.1l for tht• Rt-dakiru.' final score-with U!:J n•ma1nmj( Bean ZO, Lions 17 • CllJCAGO John RovNo'» 18-yard field gqal ' with fiw St.'Conc.lti left following a 44-yard pass play 1roni rookie Jim ~cM1.1hon w Errwry Moorehf"ad lO thl' I-yard hnc boosted Chicago to a 20-17 victory ! over Detroit. , Dcspitl• 50-dcgrct•& 1.1nd sunnv weather, a :. (.'rowd of only 4ti.71:l3 turned out Jets 37', Colt~ • r NEW Y K -Fn-eman McNeil rwihed for ·'. 12;J yards and ~red two touchdowns, and Richard : Todd.tossed two llCOring pa~ as the New York !• Jl'ls whippt.'<i Balumorl'. 37-0. . The Jcl!I, 2·1, did n't show the effects of the 57-day players' strike nor the three-day preparation for the game. j Cowboys 14, Buc1 9 J . IRVING , Texas -. Reserve fullback Robert 1 Newho4SC. a much-traveled player representative : during the strike. bull<.>d 3 y.ards for ~ touchdown in ~ the second half to carry heavily booed Dallas to a j hard-earned 14·9 victory over.Tampa Bay. Playing before an announced crowd of 49.578 \ with 13.439 no-shows. the Cowboys' sputtering f offensive machine lurched into gear long enough ~ for them to boost their Nauonal Conference record ; to 2-1. · : ' I # . ' '. •111 out this apt1l1eatoon ~ow 11 In eft ..,..,._ .. 11 acMdt1111'°°° Of 11101e ...... Ollt lo FKM!lly rtd«ll Savlnt nnd la.n ... II to F~ltl r.dftal S.0,,ftfUnd l-Al _ _..IOfl Mc1ntY ~ 1'111t PO lclll 16JI GI~ C.1.-0mia "* '*ltl!llfll'l'MOlltt M11'1tt1'1vi !lltJ91tn Upl1CCOWftHI IM n1nw1•1 ol_ . .. ~, ....... ··~Ill N•m------~--------.!:---~--......... -----::-~~~~~~----- ~me~------------~------~--~~~~--~----~~-------- ~ ........ ~ .. -...... ,..,.._.._.. _,.. ............... ,._ .,,.. ...... .. ... , ...... _... ... ........ •"fl-(•t" .. ._...~ ~-............. '-... _..,_, .... , \ "' ...._ _.. ....... J=5=j" .,.,.. .. 9. ..... ,. .... _ .. --, .. , ......... .. ........ ,,._ ..... c_.._ ,.,,........ --... , ........ ,... .. \P•lh< ...... , .... ,. ... , ... ... -· P I llflt ..... , .... 111)1" lorl~ C-Cllf lttA•--a '--, .. "°' .. .,,,,. ..... l'I\-•WDt ie-1 -~-.. ................... ..... ,,. .... .. ---·-.... -· ._ ... , .... __ .. ... Or1u1g Coaat DAll.V PILOT/Monday, November 22. ·u~e2 NfL NATIONAL CONflMMCI' G.-0.y WaS/ltnglon Alllllllt , ,g::;:, New 0.1ean1 Ct>1cago M1nnesoU• Ph1ladelpll11 SI loula San Francisco "-m• NY Glan11 Tampe B•v W L ~t. H' f'A 3 0 I 000 88 49 3 0 I 000 85 84 2 I 867 84 69 2 I 667 66 52 2 I 667 53 44 2 I 887 44 311 I 2 333 30 44 I 2 333 46 59 ' 2 333 72 76 I 2 333 48 62 I 2 333 69 67 0 3 000 54 118 0 3 000 50 70 030003252 AMERICAN CONFElllNCI W L f'cl. H' f'A Miami 1 3 O t 000 78 55 Pll llbutgl'I 3 0 t 000 86 58 LA Raider• 2 01 1 000 61 31 Burtllo 2 1 617 44 40 Clnclnnlll 2 1 667 65 48 Cleveland 2 I 617 52 38 NY, Jell 2 I 667 96 52 San Otego I I 500 35 22 Oenv.,. I 2 333 ;iz 61 Houflon 1 2 333 3w 72 Kansas Coty I 2 333 45 53 New England 2 I 333 38 54 s...... 1 2 333 4!> 54 Baltimore 0 3 000 33 115 NOTE Tne IOP etghl , .. m. "' eacll conference wotl Qulloty lo< the pl1yorts SUndaJ'I lcorff A11anta 34, llama 17 N-Yo<~ Jell 37. BaltlfnOle 0 C1nc1nnato 18 Phll10elc>1111 14 CIMCaOO 20. Ot1r01t 17 N-Orteans 27 Kansas City 17 Miami II. BullalO 1 Gretn Bay 211 Minnesota 7 CleYetallCI 10 New EnglAn<I 7 P1t11burgh 24. Houston 10 Dallas 14 Tampa Bay 9 San Franc.aco 31. SI lou1s 20 S.attle I 7. Denver 10 wasr11ng1on 27. N-Yoik Gian1s 17 Toda1'e Game Sen Otego at los Angeles Raiders. n Thuredaf'• 0-. .N-York Gienll a1 Detroit Clevetand at Deltas lundaJ'• Gamee Kan••• Coty II 11.,,,, Baltimore at But11110 Clllc;ago 11 Minnesol8 Green Bay 111 New YO•k Jell Houston ., New England los Angeles Raiders al C1nc1nnet1 Phltadelphle 01 Washington SI loula a1 Atlanta Denver al San D1990 New Orte1n111 San Ftancisco P1tt1burg11 II S.allle MoftdaJ, Now. 21 M11m1 at Tam1>1 Bay Felcone 34, Rema 17 1c-1tro-w. Rims 14 O 3 0-17 Atlanll 0 17 3 14-34 LA Tyler S run tlan1t0<0 kodll LA -Battle 51 pan trom Jones fLanlfOld klCkl All -Jenkins 41 pas1 from Bartkowslu (lucknuul kick) AU Roggs 1 run tluc;ill>Vnt klcid All -Fg lUClll'lurSI 29 LA -FG lanslo<d 28 Alla -And•-• 19 run (luckhu11t kiCkl All A Rtoos 6 IUll (Luckhutll kie:kl 39486 Tum l ... letlce LA Forst downs 1'" Ru-·yard1 23·123 PalSlng yard• 16 1 Return yatds -4 Pa-17·28-0 Sacks by 0.0 Pu1111 3·50 Fuml>le$-f0st 3·2 Pen1fl ... ·y1rds 3·20 Time al Possa1lon 25.57 All 24 39-174 213 113 111-24-0 1-8 3-38 0.0 10·011 3403 lftdlwlclual lt.tlellc• RUSHING -R1m1. Tyler 9•64. J · ThomAI 4·28. Guman 5· 15. B Jone• 3·4. Redden 2·4 Atlanta. Anorews 21-119, Cliln 8-23. Riggs 7·20. ROblnson 2·9, Blf'lkOWlkl 1·3 PASSING -Rema. B Jones 11·28·0· 1511 Atlanta, Batlkowlkl 19·24.0·213 RECEIVING -Rams. Gum1n 4-19. Dennard 3.29, Hilt 2·17, 0.fl>tt 2·12. Batlle t.5 I. Tyler I· 10. Far,,..., 1·9. Mitter 1·7, J Thomas 1·5. Redden 1.Q Atlanta. Andrew• 7·88. Miiier 4·24. JenklnS ).59. Hodge 2· 10. Riggs I· 14. Jac;ll-1·11. Mtt. .. ka 1·7 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Rema. Lanslord 34 Atlanta, Luckhurst $8 lelnt• 21, CMefa 17/ ._. _, a..ter. Kansas Cnr o 7 o 10-11 ~ Or!Mns 10 O 7 10-21 NO -FG Frltldl 18 NO -Wol90<\ 15 pea lrom Metk- (Frttach kicll) KC -Merlhlll 44 .,. .. trom Kenney (~k!QI NO -G Roger• 1 run (Frltach klell) KC -Otaon 13 PHI ttom Fuller ll-Vklell) NO -Grolh 8 PH• from Stabler (Fritach kick) KC -FO l-r 35 NO -FO Frltldl 42 A -39.341 lrdwldNI llallaltc• RUSHING -KenaH City, 0.laney I 1·71. Jeckaon 8-18. Studderd 1·0, Fuller 1·5 New DrlHna, 0 . Rogers 34· 123. W Wllaon 6-18, J Aogtr13·12. Galen 1·2. L, kott l·mlnut 4. PASSINO -Ken•H City. Kenney 6·11·1·114. Fuller 8·14·0·117. New OrlNnt, Stabler 14·18-1·129. Merk-1·1.0-15 JIECEIVINO K•n•H Cny Smith &JllO 1. M•nhafl 3·68, Ol•on 3 27. Delanoy 2· 15, Ca11on 1·20 New 0.1e1n1, Groth 4·68 W Wolaon 3·24. Hardy 2· 7. l Scoll 2· t9 B•enntt 2 17, Tllompson 1·11 MISSED FIELD GOALS -Kansas C.ty, low«y 58 N-Orlffns, N01l41 .;,_ 31, Cerdlnela 20 lcor• .. , Querier• Se.n Franc•ICO 3 1 7 14 -31 St LOUii 0 7 4 7 20 SF -FG We<ach•n9 36 SF Moore 1 ruJI tW11ach1ng ktelll Stl -Green t7 '\>HI lrom lOml• tO'Oonog.nua kiCkl Sil -FO 0 Donoghue 30 · S1l -0 Oonognue 32 Sf -F1anclf 6 pan trom Montana (Werachlng klCkl SF -Cta•k 33 pass lrom Mon1ana (Wlffachong ~ICk) SF -Coc>pe< I 7 PIH Iron Mon1ana (Wetsehlng kick) Stl -Anderson 2 run (0 Donoghue klCk) A -311.064 lndlwlduat ltatletlce RUSHING -San Francoaco, Cooper 7.30, v Wolllams 4·23. Moore 10·2 1, Montana 4·6. Lawrence I-minus 3 SI. Louil. Anderson 15·65. Motrl• 8·3 I, Green 1·5. lomax 2·5. ~llchAll 1·2 PASSING ,-San Francilco. Monta111 26-39· 1·408 St Louis, lomlk 9-23-0·82, Harl 8· I 1·0·72 RECEIVING -San Frenclaco, Clark 5.99 Moore 4·87 Solomon 4. 5 7. Nenem<ell 3-93. V W1ll1..,.1 3·25, Young 3·21, FranclS 2·20, Cooper 2· UI St LOU<S. Anderson 11-5 '· Tilley 4·53, Green 3·28. Molchett 2· 12. Grey I· 12, Moirls ,.,.,,,,... 2 MISSED FtELD GOAlS San Frencrsco. Werschong 43 St Lou11. 0 Donottwe 47, 44 RedMlna 21, Olenta 17 lctfelty0-.1 Washington 7 14 3 3 21 NY Giants 0 3 1 1 11 wesn -Worurey t pen lrom Theismann (MOM!ey kiCll) Wath -Brown 39 pa•• trom T-n (MOMlty kiClll Wash -Riggins 2 run (Moseley k1ekl NY -FG Danek> 20 NY -Pllrkins 26 paw lrom Brunner IDanelo klCkl Wash -FG Moseley 37 NY -Cllltmen I run (Danero ~iCkl WMh -FG MOHlty 29 A -70.766 lnclhrldual ll•ll•llce RUSHING -Washington. Riggins 28·70. Harmon 4-33, Thelsmann 4. 19. -Monk 2· 14, Wonlley 1-1, J Washington 1·2. New York. WOOllOlk 12·62, Chatman I t-64. Mort11 5· 15. Brunrltf 3.5 . - PASSING -WeS/longton, Thaltmann 16·24·0· 185 New York. Btunner 14·26-1·169 " RECEIVING -WHhlngton, Monti 6-42, Brown 3-57. Seay 2·71. H8fmon 1.1. We«en 1.4, Rlggtr• 2-3, won11ey 1· 1 ~ York. Perk1n1 5-81, Miiiier 3-30. M\llllOy 1·22. WOOll04k 1·9, Sh1<k 1·9, Cl\atman I· 13. Morris 2·m1nu1 2 MISSED FIELD GOALS -N-YOik OanefO 49 Cowboy• 14, 9uc9 I 9-eltfO-W. Tampa Bay 3 3 3 o-9 Oe!las 0 7 7 0-14 TB -FG Capecie 21 TB -FG~27 Dal -Pearson 9 pa11 trom Whit• (Sapoen kJclcl TB -FG~26 Dal -Newhou .. 3 run (S.puen klcil) A -~9.578 .............. lallallca RUSHING -Tampa Bay. Wiider 12·67. Owens 17-50, Catver 1·11, Wllh•ms 3·6 Dann. Oor~n 15·61. Sprtngs 4-16, ,...._ 4-7, Nwthou• 1·3, D. While 2.0 ' PASSING -Tempe Bay, Wiiiiams 23·42·0·258. Dallu, D White 11·16-H511 RECEIVING -Tampa Bay. Wilder 5-22. a. ... 4-93, HOUM 4-24. G Jonas, Carter 3·42. T Btlt 2·23. Owen1 2·11 OAHU -Springs 3-21. DorMtl 3· 18, .JOhnson 2·611. Pe1raon 2·24. Hiii f.21 MISSED FIELD GOAlS -Tampa Bay, Capece 24 Dalt ... None 8NrB 20, LloM 17 lc0t• _, o--. Ottroll 14 O 3 o-t7 Chlcago 3 7 7 3-20 Chi -FG Ro-..to 5 I Otl -NIChols 1 pa11 lrom Hipple (MUtray lud<I Ott -Oldham 35 lnltrcec>tlon relurn Chi -Matjerum I I pau from M~ (Roveto klckl Cho -Moor•hHO 28 PIH ttom McMahon (Rovelo klell) Ott -FG Murray 32 CN -FG Rovelo 18 A -46.783 ................... RUSHING -Detroit. Sims 20·67. Buuey 4·14, Hipple .2·14, King 1..0 Chle8QO. Payion 21-87, ~ 10-431 McMehof\.3-14 PASS~G -DelrOll, HIPPJ• 15·32·2· I 19 Ch1c1go. ~cMehon 111-27-3-233 RECEMNG -Oelt0tl. 8useey 6-63, Thompson 2·23, Hiit 2·21, Simi 2·7. Potter 1·3. King 1-1. Nichol• 1·1 Clllcago. Suhey 11-46. ~ 3·78 Walls 2·$0, Marjtfum 2·28. f'11y1on 2·t. Soolt t-27. MISSED FIELD GOAlS -CllleagO. RoYetO 42, 37 ...... k•17b~10 lcOf9 _, S..lflt 0 0 7 10-17 Oen-0 1 3 0-10 Den -Wiiihite 15 run (Karil• kick) a.a -ScllOllZ 31 lnt.,.cec>tlon teturn (Jollnaon klekl · Oen -FG KarliS 21 S.. -FG JOIV\Son 25 Sea -larg9n4 34 pa11 trom Zotn (JC>Maon ktcll) A -73.118 SCOREBOARD lftdl"lduel llallellc• RUSHING SHiii• Smith I 1·541. HuOfl" e-21, Brown 8-9. Lergen1 •·•· 1vo1y 3·mlnu1 I, loin 2·mlnul· I Oenv••· Wollhllt 9·70. P1rro1 11·83, Pr .. tori 4· 10. UpchUrch l·mlnu•· 7 PASSING S•at1I•. Zo1n 22·4 I· I 318 Da11ver, DeBe1g 17•25·2· 129 MOllon .0-7·0.0 RECEIVING s .. u.. Jollna 5· 103 Smolh 4·43. l8fgtnl 3·59'. B<°"'n J.2 I. HugnH 3. 18 M•l1et1a11 1·23 Carr 1·22. SIW)lff 1·171 Tie:• 1-12 Oen-. p.,,a. 4-42, w11son :J-47, w11111n• 3·34. Pru1on 1 11. W1ndlff l·minll:'"f MISSED FIElD OOAlS -Seallle, Jon11son 38. 4 1 23 Miami Bull Ito MIA Bui M11 Mii Mia A Dotphln••· BUle 7 kef•ltfO-W• 0 6 0 3 -9 0 1 0 0 1 FO Von Sch..,.ann 42 FtHguson I run (~rer• klek) FO Von Schamann 211 FO Von Schamann 29 FO Von Schamann 2 I 52.945 lndlwldual ....... 1c. RUSHING -Miami, F11nklln 17-77, WOO<lley 1·29. Nalhan 10.11, Vigorito 2'8, Strock 2·m•nu1 9 BullalO, Cribb• 21·74, l•Akl 7·30 , Brown 4·18, Fttguson 1·7: HOii 1·3. PASSINO -Miami, Woodley 6-16·)-79, S11ock 8·13·1·48. Bull•to. F11guson 12·211·5· 140, Cribb• 0· 1· 1.0 RECEIVING -Miami. Rose 3·58. H•Hll 3-18. VlgO<ltO 2· I'· Hardy I· 19, Cetato I· 10. Moore 1-6, l•• 1·5 Buffalo. l•Wll 4·50. Bram~r . 2·35, Butler 2-17 Holl 1·23, Moat•y 1·7, Ptc;(:ont 1·5, lukl 1·3 MISSED FIElD GOALS -Miami, Von Schemann se eun.io. None Jell 37, Colle 0 kef• _, o-tef• O.lt•mOI• 0 0 0 0-0 'New YOik ,,.II 10 17 7 3-37 NY J McNeot 34 run (Leahy kid!) NYJ FG L .. hy 43 NY J Augullynt» t run (lnlly kick) NYJ l JOMS 23 pus from Todd llHllY kiCkl NYJ FG lNhy 37 NVJ -McNeil 32 pan l•om TOOd (leahy kiCk) NYJ ~G L .. hy 19 A 46,970 lftdlwlduel ltalletlc• RUSHING -Baltlmo<e. Du1on 10-37 Frenlllln 5-:14, Olekey 7·20. McMiiian 3.7, Hew YOik. McNeil 22· 123. Har pet 2·52 Dierking 8·32, Barber 6· 17, Ar.u•lyn1u 3·4. Ryen l·ml11Us I , , ASSING -lla1t1more, Pagel t ·34·2-230 N•w York, Todd 13·27·0·231. Ryan 3-4·0·27 RECEIVING Baltlmore, Sfierwon !1·92, Buller 3-57. Olekey J.42. McMiiian 2·2. Wrt9ht 1· 12. Bouze I· 10. O.kh 1·9. l>t•on 1·6 New Yo<k. Wellcer. 4-84. l JonH 3-42. Gallney 2·30, Shul•r 2·27, Hlrl)tf I· Ill, McNet4 1·32, Barkum I· I I, Newlon 1·7. B ~ 1·6 FIClD OOAlS MISSED -BeltimOre, Wood 32 New Yo<k none ...... 11,hglee14 lcote _, o-ttte c.ncinnau 3 a 7 0-18 ~I· 0 0 0 14-14 C"1 -FG 8'MC:ll 19 On S ... ly (J8*0tAI Mci<ed "' end LOOA) C111 ~ FG Bleecn 38 Ctn FG BtMCh 411 C.n Rosa 2 pau lrom Anderson (BrMdl kiCkl PN -Hamngton 2 tun tFranun klek) Pn4 G~ I run (Frenll~n kldll A 85 102 • ~llaltetlce RUSHING -C1nc;1nne11. Jo11n1on 11.72 A .. •andlff 7.31. Anderaon 2·S Curtis 1·5 Phlled .. p1>1a Monlgomtty • 9-32 Hatrtngton 11·30, Giammona 3-0, Jaworall1 1.0 PASSING -C1nc1nna1o AndtHson 19-32·2·21!1 Ph1tadelpn1a , Jaworski 24-43·2·226 AICEIVINQ -Ctnc1Mat1 Rosa 6-56 Colllngaworth 4.57, Kreider 4-33.. P Jonnson 4·47, 4 Gttllon 1·22 Phlladelphla, Smith 6·62. CermlchHI 5.57, Spagnota 4·32. Camplleld 3-40, Harrlng1on 3· 16, Giammona 2-14. O\llck t.9. Montgomery 1.m1nus 3. MISSED FIELO GOALS -ClflC!nnall, None Phlllldelpllla. FranllNn 44 . Peckera 21, Ylldft91 1 ._.. _, o.-tari MlnnetOll 0 7 0 0 -7 Gr_, Bay o 13 t3 0-26 GB -~G St-Ud 18 GB FG St-Ud 32 Mon -Kr-4 •Un(~ kldl) GB -Ivery 5 pan from Dlck•y cs•-Ud 11oc111 GB -HatWy 25 llHnble retu•n (klCk IA1tedl GB -,_,. t run cs•-kldll A -44611 ..................... RUSHING -MW>nnol1 Brown 1·22. Diii 1·6 Kremer 1·4. Young 2·2 Galb<Mlh 2._..,. 3, ,.,._, 4·minus 5 Gteen Bey. Eltls 10·41. IYAfy 14·31, Aodow• 6-21, --3· 16, ......._ 1-11 ' PASSING -MlnnHole, Kremer e-11.0.111, Oita 11·2s.o-ff Gr-. Bay, Dlekey I 6·22·0·244 w1111e1>urs1 4·10-0·4 I RECEIVING Mtnneaote. R1.itad 6-tt, Wlllle 3·39, Jofdwi 3-20. 8town 3.7 Galb<Ntll 2·14, Ltwit 1·12. s.n-1·11. BtUAf 1·5, leCount 1·4 G•- 8ay, Jellerson 6·80. !Illa 3· 13, l\le<y 2·117. Conmwi 2·45, Eppe 2·2t. r· 2·21. Lonon 2-111. __, 1·11 •' mrowne 10, htrlota 1 aa.. _, o.rtefe New England 0 o o 7-1 Cle\l9tand 0 0 O 10-10 c.. -F .. cner 40 p111 lrom Sle>t (Ballf' kldll NE -&town 38 pa11 ftom Cavanqt! (RolllMon kick) Cle -FG Blhr 24 A -61,211 .... wt-........... 1c. RUSHING N... England Cotlln1 18-80. Ven Eaghen 13 63, htupu 2· 13 Cuf\nlflQhem 2 8 C•v•nlUQh 2·3, Toi.. I 4 Cleveland, White •11·48 Prulll 13·31. Sipe 4 ICI .P A s s I Na N • w E n g I • n 0 • Cavenaugh 3· t 1.Q.96 Clev .. and, SIPt 13-32.0· 138 RECEIVING New Engtano H11Ml0tck, t·4 t Brown 1·38, Morgan 1· 17 C .. vetand' F•ICfllff 4·78 While 3·18. Log.n 2·16. Ptuill 2 12 N-- 1·10. Hall 1·4 MISSED FIEl D GOA"S New Englalld, Rooinson 34 11 .... ra M, Ollere 10 lcore it; Ot6eltff1 P1tt11>urgh 3 1 7 7 24 Houston o 3 7 o 10 Pil -FG Ande<aon 48 Pit -H1w1norne t7 pa ll trom 8redlh1w (Andet1on klCkl Hou -FG Kempt 3 I Hou CaaQer 9 pass trom Nielsen (Kempt kiCkl P11 -Cunn1ngnain 17 pau trom Bradshaw (Anderton kock} Pit J Smith 27 pen trom B11dlhaw (Anderson klCkl A --.%:330_ lndlVldual llallellce . RUSHING -Pllllburgh, H•trll 13·511. Poll"nd 10 -48. Thornton 3·30. Hawtno<ne 2· 15. D•vll 2·5, Br•dlhaw 1·6. Houston, Campbell. 15·66. Armalrong 4·11. Menning 2·11, NlelMn 1·5. Edwards 1·4 PASSING -P1111burgh, Bradthaw 16·40·2·228 Houlton. N1elHn, 17·39-3-209. Manning t·5-0·23 RECEIVING -Pittsburgh Cunningham 4·75, Smith 3·80, H1wlh01ne 2·25, Swann ~· 17, H1rr11 2·8, DIVIS 1· I I Stellworth l ·8 TllO<nton 1·4 Hou11on, Cupe• 8·98. 8alley 4·84, Campbell 3·24 Atmalrong 2·17. Renfro 1·9 MISSED FIElO GOALS -None CFL plewofta 1 ....., .. ..,.. i_ • ...., c_..._. ,.,... ]oronto 44, DI•-• 1 ........ c......_,...., Edfnonton 24, Winnipeg 21 luMar'•GeMa 0terc,.c......_1.,...... (AITtftf'le) Edmonton vs To<onto 6 Colleae IATUN>AY'I LA"'I ICOMI Cat POiy (SLO) 3 I. Cal POiy !Pomona! NOf11111~ St 31, Portland SI 28 UC 01v11 3 I Humboldt St 8 Nort,,.n AflJOt18 n , Weblff St 28 leml·pro ec:ore Huntington_ Beach Manner• 23 Clly ol tnd1.11try Eag ... 22 WCT lourMIMftl (Al~.--o..-,, ............. 8t1at1 T nc;11tr CU S I dtl WOjtell Ftbak (Poland) 6·7 8·2 6-4 2·8 8 ·4 ITHch•r "'Int S100 000. Flblk w1n1 S32 0001 Gtend ~-l°""'81Mnl , ..... ~ .......... ) ............ Jo1e·Lu11 Clerc (Argenttn11 det Mwc:ot Hocevar (8ru111 a.2. 6-7. 6-2 (<;!erk wins $40,000, Hoc;evu .. 1111 s,o.0001 Four-utton I~ , (II qwtNft, IMtll Alflca) V11u Gerulaiu:= def JOhen llritk !South Af11ea). 8-1. 6-4. 8'.lllt< Mouram (Brotaln) del Minuet OrantH (Spain)., 6-4. 11·2. R1c11ard lew11 (Bt1111n1 def Oab•ltl UfPI (Spain), 4-6, 8-3. 11-2 Dol*ee Krltl<·Kevln C.Wren CSoutll Atrlea) def Gerula1t11·S11t1d)' M•YIH (U S ), 7·5, 4·6 8-4 TNm -.s US . 31 PQlnla, Soutll Alroca, 28. Bntain, 14, Soalll. 4 Grenet lleatera c.....,.laneMp , .. ~ . ., .... , Ke11 Rosa::r(.:u~ll•I def Roy E.met_, (Aullr-1 6-2, 6-I .,......,..... RoHwafl•Frank Sedgman dlft Emet9G11-Mal AllOwaon 8-3. 7·5 lnternellonel Indoor lounWMnl , .. ~ ..... , .............. AndlWa JAff'(d (Swedtn) def Molle 0. Palme< CU S I, 8·3 6·2 tJerryd •1n1 $15,000J 0..-..PIMI J1tryd-H.n1 Stmonuon CSwteltnl dtl Bernie Mitton (South Al11cel·Tlm Gull*aon (US~~. S.3, 7-8 lnternellonel Indoor ............. , ........ .,,.....I ............... Ml~• Baue< (US I del Jim Gurteln (U.S ), 6·1 6-2 (Blulff wins $15.000. Gufflll11 Wini 17.500) ........ , ..... B•u•r·John Benton (U S J def Ch•tlH Strode·Morr11 Strode (U S ). 7.5, 3·1. 8·3 Women'• toumemenl (alTelt,.) .............. ~.. E-1 Lloyd (U s I def Andree Ja .. •r (U s 1. 8·3, 1·2 (lloyd wlnt S 100.000, JHQtt wine $50,0001 ,, .. . : TMfd f'lac• Sy1v1• uanlk• (West Gtrm111y1 dat 8.illlnlo Bunge. 1·5. 6-2 IHan1k1 w1n1 SJo.ooo. Bunge Wiiia s20,0001 Women'I loutnemet!I , .............. ,, ... , ............. • W•lldy TUtnbutl (Australl•I det Pam Snrl-lU S I. 8.(1, 8· t D.-...PINI Biiiie Jean Krf\g Anne Smith (US I d•f~ tv• Pl11t-Claud•• KohOe !Welt Oltfmanyl. 6·3. 6-4 Holl)wood Perl! IUNDAY'I MIUlTI '"'" ..... , thotwghtNecl -•Intl PllllT llACI. 6 tutlOngs lucky Key R CBtackl lO 60 4.20 3 00 Prompt Gal (OtoverHJ 3 60 3 20 Tulle'• Dime (Cut1ar1) 9 20 At•o rec;ed Ml1r•Masn. Wiii\ love Amy, Song Of Thfl ISiand. Niiiy M1rg1e, T ellCI The Flag, Et&1•'• Sister Billye s Velvet. Th• Vanier, lmp\el'IYllt11 TlrM 111315 NCOND llACI.. II tu1tongs s-Adele (Lmbrtl 30 60 13 20 • 9 00 3060 1320 900 Pehll P~ (SI-) 14 60 8 80 FINI Mellnd1 (Upham) 15 20 Alao •aced Th11d Dee Mention Ouicke< Gokl. Fake Fur, W1ng1e1. Siok BIC*ery. Ptlm Oust. Cota Sombrole Bad, BACI Lucy, Ftawleas Pe<toime• Time 1 11215 U OAIL Y OOUBLE (8· I 21 p11d $27000 TIWIO MCE. &'> turtongs D W '• 0.-(Hvran)27 20 14 60 8 80 27 20 " 60 8 80 _ 1,,,. Gtm (Hawleyl 23 60 1 1 40 E ... won cv11av1ehl • 5 20 AISO raced Fabulous Mary. Au1umn Sp1•11, T11ple Macn. Queen M1111 Haw Hew Pentl<>Pt Melton. Gk)(oe>us Gren. Moat Holl Won I Give "" Inch Tome 1 17 • • IXACTA (9·81 palCI SI ,257 00 , ,.OUllTH llACI. &'" furlongs Grenoble tVatenzutl•I 6 20 4 60 3 00 Tom a Pick (TOIO) 20 20 9 60 S.1 FrM (Mc;Ca'tronJ 3 60 Atso raced TruSI Tiie Man Many Moons Ago. EnervescellCe. Preprint, Trt Chimes. lplOmatiC Plan Counterproot. Legend Ot light Time I Ill 215 M ftACTA 19·21 Plld S538.50. ,ll'TH llACI. I 1116 mites Sky Yerd<tr (Ponc;ay) 6 20 4 00 3 60 S1eke Knife (Plercel 14 40 8 00 P11'1 Prince Al (Cattaneoal 6 20 AISO reced He Man·S1m. Wild Tom.~ Karastan, lolly Eagle. Force Ot Reason Man• I Tl-n. Oec;epllon Oecoslon Time 1·44 115 • IXA~TA 12·61 P11<1 $295 00 llXTH MCI. I •, m<1e$ 1urt Prtnc:. SptitbOUnd CCstllCla)I ,40 380 3 40 Ml ... IY s PtirlCA (Maple) 3 80 3 20 Ulhan (5'blliel II 60 Also rac.c:t Wol.,.r Heights Garobl Pelerln Aegalbarto. Super Moment Wande< Kid, Su P ... Paradise T1mt 214 NYIWT14 llACI. One '"'le Crou Aaos (Toro) 11 20 4 60 3 40 Sffvoy tMcC111on) 3 oo 2 60 Mufi• (CO<derol 3 40 AltO raceo RJ\letf FAC10I, 8'umme< Rem Boldly Mountebank Vrmy • C11arnp T.,,.,. I 36 115 • IXACTA C l·SI pe>cl S79 SO U f'ICK llX (12·9·9·2·7·11 11a1d $102.seo 20 wun ont W1nn1ng t1e1te1 (SI• f\or-1 S2 Pldt Si• Consotation palO S 1 005 40 ""'" 34 Winning toc;ke1s 1t1ve hor-1 llGHTH llACa. 1 \, ml .. tu1t Tnt HaQU9 ITOIOI 48 40 19.40 10 SO Cllerman 1S-...t1) 1 60 8 oo It• rne One (ll11aNveia1 1 oo Alao raced Craellus. Exploded. Rec;1ng t1 Fun. Magse•• S1tveyv1tte, Victory Zone. Thunder Puddles. Nukta'1 Braue, Vidor Drou11ty Time 2 13 315 NINTH llACE. I 1116 ,.,,ues Tllanlo (81aokl 15 80 9 20 6 00 Cnief C.bra11on (Onega! 9 20 7 00 Ollendoon IMcOonntll) 4 60 Allo raced ·Heron'• Boy Krystel Snow. HOiiow Renger, Mt ly11e SOidier DI Fortune. Duo•'• Ambass1dor. A11ern1>1. Coneta't Eagle r.,,,. 144 315 M lllACTA ( 12-4) paid $49S 50 MT'I =.oae:i ... ":!t'\m11) -37 1n9let1 19 b,911 64 bonito 1411 rnac11 .... 28. rodl1coo. 22 ~ 1 IQ.llpjn DAftrB LOCKD (.....,_. .. ecfl) j;:',,,8'~k':,!..' ~~~t ~:'.OC: ~=: .,. .. DANA WH.t.llP -106 anglert 12 bAM 159 bOnllO. 38 mtektt•I. 105 rock cod. 17 lhaet>hMd, 4 acu11>1,,n ___ _ Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 mg. "11r". 1.3 mg. nicoune 1v. per c1ger111e by FTC method. --- ~ > . N9A ftlftM CGWaMMCI ,eclk OtN6afl . . W L f'ct. Ga Stall.. 12 I 923 PnOIH'o• 10 3 769 2 a..... 9 3 750 2'' Por1la110 7 8 5311 • 6 GOiden State 4 , 8 333 7'" San Ol9gO 2 tO 161 9' 1 11111ctw .. 1 Ohttelon K'anN.t Coty 6 3 825 ·~ Sin Antonio 8 6 816 Dallas 5 8 455 2 Oenvtt 5 7 417 2'~ Utah 3 7 300 3'n Houston I 10 09 I 8 IAITlllN COWIMNCI Allaftllc Olwlelorl Phrlldelpnll Boston N-J11aey wa1111lng1on N-Yo<k W L l'et. Ga 10 I 909 Ottroit Mllweuket Ch IC ago Indiana Atlan1e Ci.vela no 10 2 633 e 1 462 4 e 333 3 II 250 Cat1lral DtwllkNI 8 5 615 8 5 815 8 8 500 5 1 <117 4 7 363 I 10 091 a-Mr'• lcOfM La ... 143. Oen-129 Motwauk .. IOll, I~ H Hew WMy Ill S..ltlt 91 Portland 129. Clevtlalld 79 r.....-1·eo- No a-IClleduted ·~ 5 6.,., 7'" ,.,.. 2•n 3 8 Leller• 143, ~· 121 OUt'iall -Engltlh l!. VA1'4ewagnt 3 I, ltltl 17 OuM 4. McK!nftey 2, Kelley 6 Hanzbk 10 Wllflaml 8. Ray 6. Aobitcfl O Gondre21ek 0 Total• 61·109 27·34 129 • lOI ANGIL.II -Rambtl 21, Wolle .. 29 Abdul-Jabber 22. E Jonnson 10. Nl•on 17, Mc Adoo 18, Cooper 10, Worthy 6. Jordan 9, l end1blff9e< 2. Total• 112· 1 II 111·22 143 kef• _, o-tef• Oen-21 41 38 31-1211 lOS Angtlel 40 3t 25 39-143 FOUied out -Englllh Rtbounda -. Oen-54 (Dunn 101. lOI Angtlt• 50 (Rambla II) Allllll -Denver 30 tHan1;1k 101. Lot Ang41tet 46 (Nl•on 16) To••! foul• -Gen11er 24, lOI Aneetea 29 A 17,505 WIMloft IOO , .......... , ~11 ot Su!>day 1 W"'"°" W•t.,.n 500 Grand Neh011al stOCll c;., rec., ""1h tys>t ot car leps comP1e1ed and """'*'• •-tQe speed In mph ( T Im Richn\Ond Buock Rt9111 11 II. 99123 2 Rldty RuOd Pon11ac: Grand Prut, 119 3 Darrell Weltrtp lkolCk AtQal. t 11 4 N ... Bonnett FOIO Tnunderbttd. 119 5 Marlo, Mltl"' IWICk Atgel, I 18 6 Ron Boucnard Old1mob1te Cu11a11 117 7 IWvly Ptl(sona Buick Regel. 117 I MO<gan s,...,,,..o BulCk Regal 117 II Jod~ Ridley, Fora ThunotrbtrO, 115 • 10 Jom Btown Buick Regel 115 11 Gt0n Bodine. Pont.IC Grand Pro•, 115 . I 2 Jimmy Mean1. Chevrolet Mont• Cet10 •• 114 13 TtHry Htfman, 8ulc1I Ragel, 113 14 Glen Franc11. Pontiac Grand Prl•. 113 15 DK Ulrich. Chevrole1 Mont• Carlo. 113 cr..c..oo MINIASOl8 St lOUOI Toronto Detroit M 29 72 2t 14 18 ,. 13 97 It , ' Orange CoHt DAILY P!rkOl /Mond~y, Novemb9r 22, 1982 ' . r- Tht• diffon•m•'• iH thut th'· · callers can yt'll a11d 8('rt•am all tht•y want. Tht' Opt"ralor can't. -KelJ.r Gallesor r \ • . Th,•y art'n 'I allu.;,t•tl to ltu11g up 011 t•allers, )t'I afo11t' any1hi11K mort• out of rharacl,.r. for a cunscient:t'. -Kurt Kurtz • I Tel~phone op~rBtoFs are a serious · bunch By GLENN SCOTf Of IM Delly Pllol Slaff H the national web of telephone lines has figuratiively become the country's brains, then telephone operators are the hidden voices of its conscience. -· Theirs are the voices a lways to be heeded although their faces are never to be seen. They know your long-distance plotting, your hidden billings and your claims that you fingered the v.tonR number. ' ~ They a re awake when you are. They can deduce more about your character from a simple greeting than most others might glean in a len8thier conversation. You cannot communicate by phone without their vigiliance; they have no function except to monitor you. Freud would understand. Like a conscience, though, operators are not easy to get to know. Their messages don't last long. They have little time for idle talk. They don't swear and they rarely 'laugh. They are a serious bunch. And never try to reach an operator by calling one at home. You'll probably get a recording. But what are operators like at work? Who are these peoplt: who never stutter or stammer and who make up our collective electronic con.science? They are like Kathy Ellitt, Mike O'Rear, S haren Wagner and Stan Carlson, four of the 210 operators employed by General Telephone Co. at its one-story, window!~ brick headquarters at 7280 ~inf'er Ave. in Huntington Beach. patience. An irate caller may be transferring anger aimed at others onto an operator. But it's rea1 to the caller and sJil.l irksome to the operator. The difference is that fhe callers can ~ell and scream all they want. The operators cant. They They are workers who have maste red the aren't allowed to hang up on callers, let a lone electronic gadgetry of an operator's console (called a anything more out of character for a con.science. traffic service position system) and who claim to And it's. not easy. spend much of their effort on how friendly they "You have to learn, and it's hard, that you sound. · can't take complaints seriously. You can't take them personally," said Elliott, the possessor of a voice so In fact, operators have a term for their verbal lilting to be ahnost disarming. presenc.-e. It's called Tone of Service, and workers are expected to keep theirs up to a pleasant level. Stan Carlson of Huntington Beach is still a "The contact we have is strictly in our voice," rookie. He was . a retail store ma nager before said Elliott, a Fountain Valley resident with 10 switching jobs six months ago. To him, an operator's years experience as an operator. "If you're down or job offers the ~ joys of helping people Wit~out ~gry or upset, yot1're going to stay that way. You many or t~e retail hassles. such as standing for eight can 't hide it." -hours s traight. , Carlson said his greatest pleasures on the job Thus, ~hey say o~ra~rs learn to app~oach are helping the friendly or needy callers, like the each working day obJect1vely. They c.an t. let elderly people who can't dial their phones. problems ~t home affect their work or their voice. "We're only human, just like them," he said Explamed Wagner. a four-~ear ?perator fro.m "They treat us nice and we'll be glad to treat them Garden Grove: "I have a certam. voace that I use nice .. ~ when I'm on the line . When I stick with that one · tone of service, it becomes a normal 'thinll." Another tip to aid your local operator: Listen to their instructions. The number one gripe among The challenge to maintaining that tone, operators, they agree, is the failure of callers -· operators say, is in developing an indestructible especially adults -to pay attention to directions. Twins are individuals, too T he Ocean View Mothers of Multiples are o f on e mind -they n ever, never addr~ the;..,ehildren as twins. "It's demeaning. The y're individuals," said Dianna Nyhus of Huntington Beach. "l neve r refer to m y sons (identical twins Chris and Bryan, 11) as twins. ,"It's a stigma to be addressed in that way. They're individuals." The mothers also ge t upset about strangers patting their children on the head and making jokes about double trouble. "I've reaUy resented that," said Judy Crouch of Santa Ana. "They're not that way at aU, especially once w e got past the diaper stage." Her 10-year-old daughters Paula and Renea are identical. The Ocean View Mothers of Multiples, with members from Huntington Beac h , Fountain Valley, Westminster and Santa ~,.-+,o-.+--Ana , is &fh&ff.-hoo of. the Souther.n California Mothers of Twins Club. The w omen formed their own chapter, said Nyhus, becauae moet of their children are out of the diaper and potty training age and are approaching their teens. T~e women sa y the y are a philanthropic club, raising money fo'° children's organizations throu1h an a.rt auction. They '1leet on the third Wedneeday of the month for dinner at rwtauranta or at members' homes. Their children and their huabandl an not invitl!d. But they've allo 1eheduled a Chrtatmu party at Nyhus'• hOUle Dec.·1e and everyone ii welcome -husbands, twins, and lincle children. .. "We can communicate with children better than adults most of the time," said Wagner. Added O'Rear, a Seal Beach resident: "It's like we have tO repeat ourselves two or · three tirnes. They hear us but they don't listen." In Huntington Beach, operators handled an average 66,750 calls per day last weeif,...About l~ workers are or;i duty in two large. car,1-'.>eted rooms, their consoles l:lus~~ed in diagonal arrangementa. Rul es or th e federal Privacy in Communications Act are continually stressed, said Raynetta Winston of Long Beach, one of two s uperintendents at the Huntington Beach headquarters. Operators say they wouldn't have time to listen in on conversation anyway. Through their contract as members of the Communications Worke rs or America union, operators earn wages from $5.61 per hour for begi'nners to $8.91 per hour for those with at least four years of experience. They get time-and-a-half on Sundays; double.time-and-a-hair on holidays. They also wQrk some strange shifts. Carlson, for example, is low in seruority so he is working split shifts: 9 a.m. to,l p.m. and then 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. But he says he is making the most of his free time while enjoying his job. Explained Wagner: "Most of us like people a.lot and w~ do try to help them." Spoken with a good conscience. Brenda Friday and Bob Knight, both of Huntington Beach, busily worlc al modern switchboard equipment (below). They met while working al the telephone company and will b~ marrie d next year. • .. .. ' 88 Orongu Coutu L1All Y Pll 0 f/Mnmtoy. No11t1111hu1 n. t'lt12 ANN WIDllS ,. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your <.'Olumn as un . e xcellent veh icle for putting rumors lO 1'('8l. 1 w o nde r if you wo u Id .rela'y tht• fo I lowing Informa tion to your readers. Every year a t this llml' Wf! at thl• Ch1l·agu L uni.: Assn. receive calls from people w ho hnV.l' lc'OllN:tl'<.1 hundreds of empty cigarNtt• packages. 1'ht•y hl'ard that a cer t.am quantity WQul(l provide timt• for a su.'.•k person on un iron lung machine (sorll(.•llmcs i1's a kidney dialysis mach lnc). They want to know where to send 1he empty packs. I don't know' how this rumor starlC'd. hut 11 is 41 total falsehood. The su rgc.-on gen1.•ral o f ttw Unitt.'<i States has called tobacco smokfog ttw No. l m usl.• of premature death and disabili ty. in America ttKJay. No health organizat ion would ent.'Ouragt• !)(-oplt• to smoke in order to provtd<' pa~ient scrv1cc.>s lo tithen, Please tl'll your readers~ smokl• not to bl• duped by this malicious lte. The best gift thl'Y c,11) give themselves, as w e ll as 1he1r families and friends, is to quit smoking now anti forev<.>r. SUSAN L . BHICKMAN, CI1ICAGO L UNG ASSN. DEAR SUSAN B.: Happy to set the record s traight. Thanks for lhe opportunity. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Will you pll•ase clear something up fo r me b<:fore I phys1l·ully attack someone? A certain person told m y son that when you lose, you actualJy win. You and I both know that when you lose, you low, and the n: 1s no way you can turn a defeat irnO a v ictory or a loss into a gain or a minus into a plus. This person has tried to make my son belit~ve that b;t learning from the loss you ~ctuully becom<.' a winner. Isn't this the damnedest pie<;'t' of nonsense you ever heard of? • I am so angry. I am ready to pun1.·h M>mcbody in the nose. P lease print this letter .:ind straighten the fool out. -NOT C RAZY IN ARKANSAS, OR AM I? . DEAR ARK.: The "fool" is trying to teach your son a valual_>le lesson. It is thjs: When tbin~s don't turn out as you would like them to, or if you make a m istake and suffer a loss because j>f it, it need not be a TOT AL loss if you learn from it. In other words, the expe rience gained from a-defeat can be valuable. It can make us wiser, more compassionate, more experienced and better than we were before. It also makes the los . easier to bear .. ~.I I 11,1 \\ ,.,, \ 11l11..r11hlt• •I' ~11111 h .>IHI h .. 111 + 1r,2 Kllil i\J\1117:1 +'I\ T iii' h11ld111~ h,1, pr1w1••••h·d· North t-:ai,I 1'1u11lh "4'•1 I + I'••" I f'a11• l Vao ? \\'hut 1111 ,)1111 11111 1111\\ I A. -) 1111 h.1v1· .u1 .1111111,1 111 '11l11hh· prohh•nl un h·~ .. you ll'l' II t'llll\11'11111111 \\ h1•r1• ii bill o( \ht· f1111r1 h \1111, in t h1' , • .,_,. 'l'Jcfr,, "011111 lw tt11 ,1r1 ihri.il fur1·1nl( 11111 \.\ n houl thul h11I, tlw 11111> "l'0.,11llt• thio~ to do 1:..111 JUllllJ lo Lhrt!t' d111rnonfl, All h11u)(h you r ~u 1l 1" not 1(1>11d l'no u)(h .in1I your h.ind rw rh"I" ,,· trifl l· w1•;1k lhl·c.111"· 111 t he l"''"hh· 011,(111 lur I h.11 m·1 ion, wt· 1·u11 Ll1Jnk vi n11 ht•l ll'r h11I err lat11I) w1• don't wanl lo JUITlp ra1,1• 11.1rl 111•r', '!t .. '•>lld '>1111 ~ llh onl) t hri'l' l-.1rd '>Upport Q.2-11111 h \ ul111•r.1hl1•, a., South you h•1hl: •73 A7 64 +AKQJOH43 ' Thi• h11hJ111,i.: ha~ prn1•(•t•1lt'd: " GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H OOAEN ANO OMAR SHARIF C\url~ 1-;ut 1-luiath "u l l • t•a1111 2 + • Pan 3 t•ao ? Whut 110 y11u Ind now ' A. Thi'> '' 11 h.111d wlwri· w1• "uuld nut "'11.,11• 1111w W ,. "uuld "'h1·1·l 11111 1 hl· old lll:11·k" oml 11011 hul 11 l(r,tnd ''""' ii partnl'r wt'rt lo 'lhow two 111'1''1 llOd IWO klOj(l!. W1• \\1111111 1·hocm• no trump for I ht• hn.il '>l ra111, bt•t'UU!>l' we . nlll(ht ht· nlih• lu t.lkt• tl·n lrirk' 111 Iht·111h1·r1hrc1• '>llil~ 11 th1· rluh~ 1lon't twhu vo. q ,3-llolh vulnn ubll', us South you hvld: • AJ7653 7 A8 0 K543 +3 'l'ht> buiding ha pro~:ccded: North Ea1t Soiath We1t I ~ PHii . I + ,Pa111 2 M PHii ? Whal do you Ind now'! A. -Go lo the hot torn ol t h1• 1·lu'>'> 1r yuu Ind f'1tht•r two or thrt•1• '>l>adc·i. the f1ri.t 11> a n 11ndc•rh1d and l hl•. latter 'how.. a hf'llcr :.uil. One t hi nu 1 .. ""rt• North mu~t h,1v1• ,, 'II\ 1.1rd lll'11rl l'>Ult Our rir .. 1 1•h1111•1• 1' 111 J11111µ Lu l1111r h1·11 rt1t our r11fl1111< v11lu1• '>houltl prow uwful . Our w1·ond rhoic:•· would Ill' Lhrt•t• diamond... to l(iv1• North M l'han1·1· to 'lhow Lhr1•1• 1·11rd 111iad<• -;upport. (•.4 -llot h vul1wr11hlc. a!i Soulh you hohl: + AQito6 ' AQ72 + AQJ6 'l'h1• buJdinic h11-1 pr111•1•1•d1'<I: W H l Norlh •:aat Soutll 4 ' .......... ? Wh11t al·tlon do you lake>'! A. -W1111t''i 1irHmpt ha. malty pul ii to you. A doublr would be tor takeout. hut il 1{1\fl''> partm·r the• option or convNl1ng to f.H'naltles. Altj1ough th,nt could be the wl1'1'iing action, wu nc>ed liO lit lli' from partnl!r to makt• .. tam 1n any one or three suit!> t hut we ar<' pr•· pared to lake t'Vco s1ron~cr artion -a c•ue llld of fi ve heart:.. Q.5-Neithl'r vuln1•ruble. us !foul h you hold: KQ854 <> AQJ91f3 +Q7 'l'ht• tudd1ng hu prort•NJ1•d: Soiath W••t Nortla t:a•t I <J Pa•• 2 • • Pa" Z P ... 3 <I Pa11 ? Wha~ do you bid now'/ A. -Nor t h'11 bidding hu btic·n music to your ears for it i.ounds as Ir t.h11re Is minimal duplication in thv 1pade 1u1t. A lllm i• a di1linct pouibill ty -1ndeiod. ioven a grand r1tnnot he ruliod out. For the • moment, howev6". be con lent Lo 1imply complete the description of your hand. Bid t hn •c heart'!: that shows a hve 1•ard suit and. by 1mplicn lion. guaranl1•e'i i.1x or mon' diamond'!. • Q.6-As Soul h, vulncf uhlt'. you hold: · +74 93 JA K764 +A876 Thc\-b1ddin~ hll'S proceeded: N orCh EHt South W H t I "'' Pas111 2 O Pa11 3 . .. ... 4. Pall • HOIOSCOPE member. f'ocus on work, health and communication w ith those who rely upon your judgment. Taurus, Libra. Scorpio persons figure promine ntly. BY SIDNEY OMARA .. 4 PaN 1 Wh:al arl1on do you tak•'! A. -f nring ia putn~r who '!(1uld Jumr>. ypur h•nd, with fis thrt•(• prunt' control11. l"ould (•a11ily produrc• a •lam. llow1•ver. you have no c•onve nit>nt cut• bid. The solution iit lo r:ai i.t• to f1 v(• hearll. Thal noL ·only c•on vey11 your slam 1115pirutionoi, but also high li1<hl!t your two lo'ICM in t~t· !iJltade SUit. -# Rubber brlcl1e d•ba tl1ro .. llo11t the e ... try UH tlae fov·cleal brlda• ,_at. - Do t.lley l&DOw Mmetlttq you don't? CharlH Gore•'• "fo11r·Deal Bridie" will leacll you tile 1trate1lee &llcl tactic• of tlll1 fa1t·pacecl ac- tion came that provldee I.lie cure for uneadlD1 rubben . For a · copy ud a 1eorepad, Had 11 .75 to "Gorea·Foiar Deal," care of thh aew1paper, P.O. BH 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make cheekl payable' to New•· paperbook1. • EIMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S ENO Tuesday, Novembe r 23 · ARIES (March 21-Ap&il 19): You gain insight into areas previous ly o bscured or shrouded in my!it cry. ll1g hlight cou rage of con victio ns. ind ependence, w1llingnesl> to make new st.arts and lO be rid of supposed secur ity blanket. LIBRA (Sep t. 23-0ct. 22): L>efine terms, s teer cle ar of self-deception, maintain confide nce in project which may be temporarily delayed. Keep resolutions conc.-erning dif!t, nutrition, medical--.,; denta l appointments. P isces, Virgo persons play significant roles. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No\I. 21): Red tape is removed -you'll have greater freedom oC thought, action . Creative resources surge l o fore front; adventure replaces routine. Spontaneous responses highlight e xciting scenario. Focus on speculation romance and profitable production. I can't think of a inother in this entire world who has not committed the first sin of parenting: comparing her children. TAUR US (April,20-May 20): Good luna r aspect hig hhghls fulf1llmenl of desires, new friends. added popularity a nd abili~y to get what you w ant w he n vou need It Restoration of family harmony is part of scenario. Hunc h proves accu rate. GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): Room 1s made for you at top -professional superior has confidence in you a·nd proves it. Spotlight versalility , ability to perceive pott>ntial. You 'll have more ass1st.ance, lines of communical1on will open and popularity will mcrca.<;(' SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec: 21): Additional information becomes available concerning property values and incom~ potential. Some limitations are removed -an influential associate enables you to bend rules. Popularity increases and you'U regain con fident.-e. . From the day kids a re born, we compare the m with ourselves, their sibhngs, their contemporaries and every other ctflld with whom they come in <.'On t.act. They can 't do an ything right. They're smaller than their brother when he was tha t age. They are dumber than their sister in math. They're lazier than the boy next door. They don't catch a baseball lik e their dad did. Their hair dr:>esn't hold curl like thC'1r mother's. I REMEMBE R ONE DAY my younger son sa id , "Why do you always compare me to my brother?" CANCER (June 2 1-J uly 22): Focus on travel, DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have u pro bicm I commun1cauon, pursuit of t.>ducauon and a possible cannot cope w ith. My mother always reads my mail. pub lishing project. Look lx>yond tht.• immediate - CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Short trip may be necessary m connection with ne w project. Highlight confidence. ind ependence, originality, wiUingness to break with past. Member of opposiJ,e sex will provide a guid ing light. L eo plays a prominent role . "Because you're a cheap shot," I said. "I wish I was an only child." It hasn 't beco!"'e serious YET. ~ut w ha t tf I h appen cn<.'Ourage ('Orrcspondcnex> with one at a distance. to get something very personal. l would never hear Scorpio native who .onec opposed you is now a the end of 1t. , -T"J luable ally · I have told Mom several limes how I feel about . h er s noo py behav ior , but she keeps doing 11 LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Do som c private an"fway. Please help me _ NO NAME OR. BUST tletect1ve work . Discern moti ves,_ as k ques~1ons, DEAR ANN: My 12·year-old forgot lo put a study Spt.'<:1al materi~.1. put t0gcther puzzle P•.ecc:s· postage stamp on the envelope, so I did it for her. Complete story 1s ava1labl<'. but you must pcrstSl m NO NAME OR BUST'S MO M seeking 1t Mystery regarding financial status of DEAR MOM: I'm glad you pul a sta mp on your .issoc1ate is solved. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fe b. 18): Emphasis on intuition , money. abiltty to locate needed material. Cycle h1ghl1ghts discovery _o( lost objects -you make signihcant change, you build for future and you are on brink of major discovery. "W ouldn't matte r," I said . "When l Wa6 carrying your brother , I compared him to a baby my lx?st friend was carrying. Hers moved a lot more than he did . Te ll you wt}at. I'll go an entire day w 1lhout comparing yo1.1 to anyone. Deal?" We shook hands on 1t. F ifteen hours later as I tucked him into bed I said . "Well, 1' did' il. Not once today did I compare you to your brother." "Big deal," he said. "You didn't speak to me all • • m----41Mi0flb ' . . 23-Se t. 22): G o slow. he low, be appeared beneath her signature is e vidence tha t d1plomat1c, make reasona e concession to am1 y 1be bas a legitimate c omplaint. You should not be PISCES (Fe b. 19-March 20): Social activity 11ccelerates; you mak e valuable contacts, timing improves a nd more people are fascinated by your a necdotes, views. Lunar position also hig hlights rough personal appem anct'S and appeals. da ." ·~·r.o~u-:-i:~n~o~w~so~m~en:::1:n~g·~?·-,..r~sa~1~a~.-"v~n~a~·v~e~g~o~t-a~-• temper just like your fathe r. Go to sleep!" Most mother'S fall heir to the sin of t.'Omparison. reading her ~ail, either incoming o r outgoing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parents who want respect s hould give it. DEAR MR B : You make an important point POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT SOMETIMES I GET VERY TIRED WHILE WAITING FOR MYSEJ...F TO SEE R.EASON. enough to really change lhings . . lift you to new of thinking, feehng, doing And heating. yoy~ s y9u, when yov get oven a But the 8'.s. Always has. It never leaves gffrttNMrol eatilng. • • U:. a.a.~' a nearby Chnstl8n Sc1once Room.~ H find the KlngJamnVetseon I '61ndinga: and there are tr8n9'ation9 1n many oNr langl18ges, too. Discover Its comfort, lnlpftatten, and hetp. And find that here again 11 • book you don t want to be w1tt1out. CMltlan 8ctenc. Reeding ROOftl, Flrtt Church of Chrtlt, Sdentllt, 3303 VI• Lido. Newport Beech or vtelt The Chrletlen Reeding Room In your area. • . . rou1 HfAlTH OR PETER J. STEINCRO HN OEAR. DR. STEINCROllN: Who bears the n-i.pons1b1 hty" With so many powe rful drugs around, 1t 1s up to thl.• duc:·tor? Up to the patient'? Up to the drug t·ompantl•s" The n •uson I'm w riung 1~ thC' lt•rrlblc-n •t1l't1on my fat h er had fo llowin g u l>ll'S(.T1p11on by h1i. dC>l·tor Afll'r a f<.>w weeks of t.1k1ng lhl• m•w ml'd1t:ml'. ht! W.<i:. way out m lt'ft f1L'ld His mt•mory 'was praclll'Jlly gone. H<' didn't know what dtiy 1t was or whl•rc he hvcd The· pohct' had to bring him homl' tWll'C' Not unul hl' s topped l.1kmg thC' medicine did hl• dear up mentally. Wt· thought for awh tl t> that hl' was suffering from '>t·nou~ brain 1roubll• anti St>n1hty at ..1g<' 68 I'd .iµprrot·1a11· vour opuuon Mr B P pit.' should realize that even taking an aspirin t<1blet takes more thought than popping a harti l'~1ndy into the mouth. Drug treatm('nt 1s a three· <'dgcd swo ru of potential danger as we ll as bt•1wf1t. Thl• doctor has the respo nsibility of prCM.·ribing <1nd cxplaimng the side effects as well J~ good behavior of the med1cat10n The patient has thf! respPns1blllly or taking tht• d rug as directed - not sl'll-pn•M:n bing or taktng 1t in larger tha n pn•sc·rib<.'Q dosc•s . A n d tht.' pharmal·c u t1cal l·umpanll'!. huve t he respo n s ibili t y o f fu ll y l'>..pl;:uning tht• drug's charactcrlStu:s (w hich they usually do) Thfi point I want to make, Mr. B .. 1s that we a ll have respons1b1 hty when drugs are prt•scnlx-'d __ Dr StC'rncroh n w elcomes ques11ons from rrndtc•t'S. HC' cannot answer all individuollv but will 111dude chost' of general intcresr in h is column. &~nd yc>ur qut•s11ow to him, in cart' of tlw Daily P1/01. P.O. Box 1560. Cosw M esa, Ca. 92626 They learned il at their mother's knee. All the w hile r w as growing up my mo the r would point a finger at me and say, "Erma Louise. I swear if you don't remind me o f my cousin Sarah J3ne . -That girl could turn a sane man into a vegetable in two hours." ACter awhile the nickname stuck. When I talked loud, she'd yell. ··swak up. Sarah Jane! I can't hear you!" Or when I was bad ~he'd say. "Okay, Sara h Jane. I'm getting my SWllCh ." I NEVER SAW SARAH JANE until someone dic.>d in the familv. S he came to the funeral like a four-a larm fire, outshouted everyone. sat with her knees aparl, ate like a pig a nd wasn't too bnghL Her mother looked over at her and said, "Keep 1t up, Sarah Ja ne. You're acting ~t like my cousin. F.clith Mae! From here on in. I'm calling you Edith Mae." I hore to heaven in alJ my lifetime , I neve r meet Edith Mae face to face! .. CANCER DETECTION CENTER Benefit Production OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION OFF.ERING BELOW COST COMPREHE~SIVE SCREENING FOR EARLY DETECTION. OF CANCER . . • SCREENING INCLUDES·· Thorougb-P-hysJca----1111-1 Complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination Instructions Medical Center Profe11lonal Bulldlng 18800 M•ln Street Suite 105 Huntington B•llC:hi Callf. 841-1871 • UCI Research on Splnal Cord and Brain Injury "THE SOUN~F MUSIC" November 27 and 28, 1982 Sponsored by: American Paralysis Association of Newport Beach & UCI Foundation Cost of Tickets: ·VIP Section $25, Student or children under 12, $5, General Admlalon $10 . For further lnformatlOn cell: Lecal APA oflloe: 998-tlll, or UCI Box oftlOlc Pine Arte Box otflOe 833-8117: and A80CI tlOk• otllDI 13M141. Aleo available at II Tlokelron loOatlonl. • . ' • • . . MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1982 T ALKIN' TURKEY NON-TRADITIONAL GOURMET DINNER C2 C3 C4 f • ---' I Mouthwatering memories are made of this ... C2 Classic Feast 1-oa~t turkey a~d trimmings •' Ttie first Pilgrims celebrated Thanksgiving a(te r harvest and before the harsh onslaught of winter. The tradition spread as the country grew. But it wasn't until 1863 that Sarah J osepha H ale, editor of Godey's Lady's Book, urged President Lincoln to set a regular date. pounder. For te nderness, look for the age of 'the bird on the label. "Young" means tender , and young turkeys are usually labeled youpg he n, young tom. young turkey or fryer-roaster. 165 F. and remove all stuffing after cooking. You may wish to truss the bird to make it as compact as possible for·evc n roasting throughout. You can do this by folding the nee~ skin toward the back and fastening with skewers, a few strings. or metal trussing wires. them from browning too much . For the breast ma ke a loose a luminum foil tent and remove during basting. He set the last T hursday in November, but Fra nklin Roosevelt upset the precedent in 1939 by proclaiming the third Thursday as the nation's official Thanksgiving day. Now Thanksgiving has returned to the last Thursday of the month. Look for the USDA grade shield to . determine quality. U.S . Grade A birds are full-breasted and meaty with an attractive appearance and good Cinish. · You may find turkey that has been pre-basted. These birds have been 'injected with a solution usually including· '-'Cgetable oil, water , salt, sugar, an e mulsifier and flavorings. Solutions arc designed to contribute flavor and texture . Tuck the legs under the band of skin a·t the tail or the trussing wire. or tie down. Fold the wing lips back on the wings and secure. The bird will be done when it reaches internal temperatures of 185 F . If you do not have a meat thermometer, test for doneness about 30 minutes before time indicates by • moving the drumstick up and down: If the leg joint gives readily or the meat feels soft when pressed between the finge rs. turkey is ready. You can hardly remember Thanksgiving festivities without thinking about bountiful dinners of roast turkey, cranberries, sweet potatoes and other such traditional dishes. Spread skin of turkey with melted butte r. margarine or baste. Then place breast down on a rack in a shallow pan. Do not add water. and do not cover. If you cover the pan, you are actuall y braising the bird and will not e nd up with a crisp-skinned roasL Plan roasting time so that .the turkey will be done 20 to 30 minutes before serving. This "rest period'' ht'lps make meat juicy and carving easier, TURKEY ROASTING GUIDE If you d on't use a pre-basted turkey, the choice to baste or not is yours. But basting throughout cooking usually helps 'io brown the bird evenly. Ready-to-cook weight Approximate roasting time If roasting a turkey is a new task for you, let these suggestions guide you. Buy a bird that fits your .needs. To estimate the size of the bird "l_OU need, allow one pound of turkey per sef'ving. Generally you can serve 6 to 10 people with a 6 to 10 pound turkey; 10 to 15 people with a 10 to 15 pounder; 15 to 20 people with a 15 to 20 P.OUnder; and 20 to 26 people with a 20 to 24 Never add stuffing the night before and n ever stuff a turkey then freeze it. This increases the chances of food borne illness. Place in preheated oven set at proper temperature usua lly about 325 F. Baste with drippings from bottom of pan, prepared solution. or melted butter or margarine during . baking. Tum from one side oC the breast to at 325 degrees F . for stuCCed turkey. Stuff the turkey loosely to allow heat to penetrate the stuffing. Use a meat thermomete r to make sure the interior of the stuffing reaches a minimum temperature of the o ther. then breast up. If the breast , wings or drumsticks get done before the thighs or the rest of the bird, use aluminum foil to cover these and keep Pounds 6 to 8 8 to 12 12 to 16 16 to 20 20 to 24 Hours 3 to3 'h 31/2 to 4 '1.! 4 'h to 5 'h 5 1h to61h 6 'h to7 Stuffing of another name First Family's pumpkin pie Sparkling gelatin gems . Depending upon where you grew up, It may have been "stuffing" that was served with Thanksgiving turkey or It may have been "dressing." Some of the eerller cookbooks and even some preMOt-day foreign cookbook• refer to stuffings as "forcemeata." Thi• word comes from the French word "farcler," Which means to ltuff. However, forcemeat1 are not always uaed a1 1tuftlng1 and often stand alone a1 chopped mlxturea. Whether you call It 1tuftlng, dreaelng or forcemeat, time wu when the preparation e11med endleaa. Today'• packaged atuttlng mlxea have taken m08t the work 'OUrof It, aM tM)i can be varied to make the holiday stuffing uniquely your own. After prepa~lng 1tuftlng mix according to package direction•, 1tlr In "" cup whole berry cranberry uuce Ju1t before eervlng. Or, the addition of one 8-ounce can of oy1ter1, drained and diced, to the.prepared •tufting mbc .. eepecialy good for dry, whlte-meeted PoUttry. Or add 1 cup of IMded hlllved graj!99 or rate1n1 tob~ atumno mix. Another to a buly COOk .. tNa eMY of Creamed Onions and Peas. Is this easy version of Creamed Onions and Peas. CREAMED ONIONS AND PEAS 1 baa (:It-oz.) frozen emall whole onlone 1 package (10 ounce•)' frozen green peee 1 envelope (1 '14 ouncH) ChMMSauceMlx 1 cup mllll 2 t•epoone dry eherrJ 2 tableepoone toaeted .. lvered almonde Bring 1 cup salted water to a boil. Add onions and bring to a boll once again. Add peas, bring To a boil. reduce heat and simmer 2 minutes. Drain. · -Combine-~;-milk.-and­ sherry in small bowl. Pour over vegetables and cook, stirring con5tantly, until sauce thickens. ·Spoon Into serving dish and sprinkle with almonds. 8 ler'linga. MICROWAft: Place onions In shollow 2-quart baking dish. Microwave, covered, 5 minutes. Stir. Add peas: microwave, covered, 4 minutes. Combine aeuce mhc, ~ cup milk, and sherry, pour over -.egetabtel and ttlr. Microwave, covered I 10 10 mfnutea, ttlrrlng twict. let 1tand, covered, 2 mlnut•. Sprinkle wtth alfMndl. I ' When asked recently for one . areak eggs. into a large bowl. of her favorite holiday recipes, Beat with a wire whip. Add Nancy Reagan proved that she pumpkin, sugar. corn syrup, Is aa astute and diplomatic at vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Stir menu planning as ·ahe 11 In until sugar Is dissolved and functioning a1 First Lady. ingredients are well blended. Pour One can eaally conjure visions Into pie shell and sprinkle with of some gueat1 longing for a pecans. Bake In preheated 350° piece of pumpkin pie, while de~ree oven for 40 minutes or others ate hoping for pecan. until filling is set. Mra. Reagan ha• combined the PUMPKIN peAca-Pft ,. goodnen of both Into one pie. With CenMllnd Almonde The spicy pumpkin flavor 1 plnJ vanlll• Ice cream, reflected In the belt of eoftenecl traditional pumpkin plea la 110-lnoh pie.,...., Mlled there. and yet, because the 1 can (11 ounoH) eolld pecans In this recipe are peck punutkln 1prlnkled over the top of the 1\4a odpe....., fllllng, they maintain the crunch y, 1111p11n ult we all enjOy In a pecan p68. 1 I • • • p o o n g r o u n d Reflective ot her many,aceted otnnelMft . llfe, thl1 rich pie would be y, a111e1ei1p1MDM1on111 l'OUftd......, appropriate tor Hf'Vlce at the ~ 1111p11n pOUftCI otowee Whtt. HouM .net yet-tlllt-;._~lllnm"11ple>1e"--11· -.11•11pi11M1011121nwrialf11ll•llm' enough to be enjoyed .. t the 1y, oupe whipped oreem Reagan•' Callfomla ranch. 1 oup ....,... ..._. . DelHrt lover• wtH delight In ~ oup ..., another pie ftavor combtnallon, Spread softened Ice crMm In Ice cream, pumpkin and cooled pit lhell; plaoe In frMZer\ c•rmellzed almond•. Bolh pie Mhc pumpkin with sugar, aplcea reclpee are offered below. and vanilla; fold In 1 cup whipped NANCY MAGAN'I cream. Pour filling over Ice cr .. m. ltUMllKIN ,.CAN N ' Cover with foll. freeze 4 houtt. 4 .... Combine nut1 and 14 cup tug11r I_,. MG.'led or 11111hM. 1n small tklllet. Stir con1tantly and ooolled ...,........ • rapidly aa the sugar t>egln1 to turn t _, lllllr .c9Jor. Remove tr om heat when y, _, -.t& ..,.. .,,.. almon& lfe Cl"'""-Cotorld and·· , 11111111R..,.... apread on greaaed cookie lhlet. y, llllllllR ~ Break 1part when 'crilp. ~=== ......... ~·~~ ~ ~:'= 1 ._ 11111111 '" 1111w almondl. Y~ one 1C>-lnch pie. ' Thia year, add elegance to the traditional· holiday teaat without adding a lot of work to your hectic cooking IChedule. Serve a fruit ftavor gelatin salad you can meke In advance, using fresh or canned cranberries. SPICY CRA .... RRY ORANGe MOLD 1 y, cup• ground· treeh ....... , .. V.oup ..... 2 p•c::.SS~i:I.! ounce• eecll) or t (I ounoee) .,,. or ""'°" or gelatin 1111p11nllll 2 .... bollllll ...., 1Y. cupe oold ...., 11811111p11n oln..-.mon '41111p1onolowt 1 or•n .. , ... 11oned and diced -y, oup alt1pp•d ..., Combine cranberries and eugar and Mt atlde. Dissolve gelatin and salt In bplllng water. Add cold water, lem<>f' juice, cinnamon and cloves. · Chill until. thickened. Fold In the cranberries, orange and celery. Spoon into 6-oup mold. Chill untll firm, abOUt .4 tl9&Jra. Unmold. Garnlth with Hl•d greene, If dllired. MakM 8 cupe "''~ LAYIMDPAMY CUllllllW IALAD ·a , •• ~SI,/' eu•••• ..... ,.,, -t1w11) raepberrJ n.vor getetln 3 cupe bolHng weter ~ oupooldW8ter Vt oupportwlne 1 cup whole berrr cr•nberrJ uuoe 'h cup ct.Gpped apple 'h cup altopped walnuta 1 package (3 ounce•) lefnontlevorgeletln Y, cup IMJOGRllM 1 container J4 ounce•) frozen whlppe topping, thawed D i ssolve one package raspberry flavor gelatin In 1 cup of the boiling wat8'. Add 114 cup of . the cold water and 1/4 cup of the wi ne and chill until slightly thickened. Fold in 'rlnbetry ..H~t. ·~'-----ii and walnut1. Pour Into 2-quart serving bowl. ChlM until eet but not \ firm. . OlllOlve lemon flavor gelatin in t cup of the boiling water. Chill until &lightly thickened; lhln -~ In mayonnalae and Wbfbped topping. Pour Ovet' gelatin In Dowt. Chin unlll set but not firm. 01~1"• remaining raspberry ntv« ~•tin In rtm1lnlng bOitlng _..,,, • Add rem11ning cold WIW AIM -wlM. CNI unUI ~=IHd. Pour Into bowl ewer 1a,-. Chit untll firm. Mak• I-~ O•rnl1h with ..,..,. •"" gr1pe1, If detnd . .MB" 1'1 cups or 12 l8MnQI. -··-... ____. ___ --.. . . r I -I ('2 . Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Monday, Nov•mb•r 22. 1982 OySters are traditional Oys~iaw1 ltkc turkey-a, S co n t n 1 n a rt, ll were rcnCl\I)' available In o unces l'ach , freaK or' this country when the frozen oysters, <traaned Pilgrims l11 nd ed al l \easpoon le mon Plymouth Rock. So. it'a juke only natural that oyster 'A teaapoon nutmea stuUlng has become a M teaspoon poultry traditional Thank.saMng teuonlna trea t . a lo ng wft h a Salt golden, roast turkey, for • Pepper rriany Americ;ms. 1 • 1 2 to 1 4 pound • F o r t h c I n d I a n 1 , turkey oysters had become a ·Dry bre ad al ices favorite fqod. juat aa ovenught In open air or . they had Cor those In P." rack in 250 degree s e v c r a 1 E u r o p e a n ove" 1 to W' hours. In countries. includina 'akillet, saute celery and England. Oysters. in fact, onion In butter antll a r e f r e q u e n t 1 y tender. . . . mentioned in 'history as Warm milk over low far back as the anclen! heat in small saucepan. Egyptians. ' Tear bread into Ill inch Her.e , an · updat e'd version of oyster stuffing is served wilt} a juicy whole turkey to create a memorable and luacioua Thanksgiving e ntree. pieces. making about l 1 cups; place in large mixing bowl. Sprinkle w a rm milk o ver bread, tossing lightly. Add onion and celery with butte r mixture and oysters to Roa&I Turkey wilh .Oyster S1ullin1 LUC'I ................... __ .................... -............... ............... Cll •-•111 ........................... AIK MOOT OUI INCIM DllCOUNT Ht CllTIPICATU 3 TOWN I COUNTRV, OAANGI 14 Gift Guide · Find your best buys for .. holiday giving In Gift Gulde ' Coming Nov. 24 In the ~ I ~Illy Plllt -- ' The stuffing is easy to ' pre pare and a perfect flavor combination with the turkey. bread;tOsstomixwell . .._-------------..,..-----,-----------------~------------------1....----------....:.....~--~-------~~-----------------=---------~ Sprinkle with lemon Start With celery and onion, both sauteed in butter until tender. Mix the sauteed vegetables wth dry bread cubes, a little milk (or oyster liquor ·if you p re fer)., oyste r s a n d so m e seasonings. There will be enough s tuffing for a 12 to 14 pound turkey, just right for 12 to 14 servings, or f e wer with so me wonderful leftover turkey ior other me . ROAST TURKEY OYSTER STtJFFING. 1 pound loaf wfu~ bread · 2 c ups finely - chopped celery (7 to 8 stalks) · , 2 c ups fin e l y - chopped onion (2 to 3 medium onions) ~ cup butte r or . margarine ( 1 ~ sticks) 1h cup milk juice. nutmeg, poultry seasoning, ~ teaspoon salt and ~ teaspoon pepper; mix thorou~ly. Rinse turkey; pat dry. Rub salt and pepper into neck and body cavities. Lightly spoon dressing into n eck cavity; close w ith s kewer. Fill body c avity . Sec u re drumsticks lightly with a string. Roast uncove red on roas ting rack in 325 degree oven 20 to 22 minutes per-poltnd-or-to internal temperature of 180 to 185 degrees. An y r e maining dressing may be baked, In a covered casserole, along with the turkey during last hour of roa s ting . Uncover dressing during final 11.1 minutes of cooking. Let turkey stand at least 10 minutes before carving. Makes 12 to 14 servings. Talking turkey coast-to~coast By CHARLES CHAMB€RLAJN A-leted ~ Wrtt. · CHICAGO (AP) -The busy season is here for folks who talk turkey.-Twenty-six home economists began answering the telephones last w eek for Swift & Co.'s toll-free turkey informatio n line, and some 40.000 calls are expected by Christmas. Meanwhile. a dozen turkey tasters sit in booths at the suburban Oak Brook development center and analyze the tas te, texture and juicine5s of white meat sliced from the breast in half-dollar pieces at the rate of one chew per second. • And in· the Swift test kitchen, supervisor Ruth Dudman has cooked 4,500 turkeys tn fi ve years. as many as 18 a day. experimenting with . temperature settings. basting formulas and various stuffings. "I've heard that turkeys are really dumb birds, but our concern is that our cooks aren't," said Mrs. Dudman, who maintains she looks forward to cooking a big turkey for her family on Thanksgiving Day. Lots of other cooks will also take on a turkey that day -it is the premier Thanksgiving Day dinner specialty. and researchers estimate U.S. consumers will eat a billion pounds of turkey this · year, 70 percent al Thanksgiving a11d Christmas. The toll-free turkey talk number began operating Nov. 8, and up to 1.800 calls were answered a day on the 20 incoming lines. said Janet Howerton, supervisor of the operators who provide tips on such things as temperature settings. stuffings, and defrosting the bird. Among the more memorable calls: -"If I put popcorn in the stuffing. can I tell the turkey's done when the com pops?" -"I'm a Glr:l Scout working on a cooking badge and my leader told me to call this number to learn how to cook a turkey." -"I'm a university s tude nt and my roommate took the turkey out of the refrigerator last night to make room for.beer. ls it still safe to cook?" Howerton recalls ~al a recently divorced man called for s tep-tfy -sle p ins tructions on prepar ing h is first Thanksgiving Day meal. adding: "After the operator flllcd him In, he asked her if she would fly out to Pennsylvania and spend the holiday. with htm." The operators. judging from what happened last year. are geared to take up to 2.200 calls an hour on the day before Thanksgiving. ''The lines are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST, every weekday, including Thanksgiving Day, whe n panic calls come In," said Ms. Howe rton. "W e expect about 800 calla that morning al')d ha lf of them will be from eooks In a quandary about dressing. trussing, roasting • • ., ....... -1_bas~..;...tin~g~, use of foll, and what not." you re JilklnJ-uh:a1ffng. -that toll-f~ number is 800-323-4848. FRESti LOCAL LOBS'tER DINNER '8.99 Ind ud .. clRJlce ol .OUp or .Md, ud pol9fo or rlt» pl.Jal. ~ A'l1 1 ;-,.,.(• n t a.at r. . r. -.-..uone ' -;-:I~ 173-7711 • ldlnw/n!i 'ON '"' l'fNINSUU •• BALBOA I. llall ..... PILGRIMS NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD! llVllSIDI 01 CALIFOlllAI· U.S.D.A CU• 'A' TOM lllOZIN,NON- IASTID. UMIT ONI TUIKIY Pll FAMILY. • ..... ll. S.t• PHll. Rib Roast .... ~ ... s 111 Le ....... • " .. , lit. QUALITY BEEF SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Beef Rib Eye Steak s...;:~ ., 13" Canned Ham ~:.ii.~r 5lc1:n '12" Young Turkeys ==~A Beef Cube Steak Pork Spareribs ::"""'~ • 1139 Young Turkeys 11¥>ot::t:A"- Grour>d Beef Patties ~~ °: Smok-A-Roma Sliced Bacon ~~ '151 Western Oysters f:Y~: Sliced Beef Liver c;,1110.:.,,,-._. Cooked Shrimp o."::o r41S;m s==::;;:;, FRESH PRODUCE DAIRY MAS.WRIGHT'S BAKERY Sour Cream u-.. """ 89• Breakaway Bread Fresh Broccoli Banana Squash ~ 10' Yellow Onions ~s, Party Dip ~~> ~ 59' Granola Bread Gt~~ On. 'llllllolll'Utl tons,._~ c'"'°""' ,_9 1131 Celery Hearts Ftn11 Cottage Cheese lwcsnt ~ '1" 30-Slice Bread Russet Potatoes ~ 25' Green Onl0ns ~::S2""""49' Ice Cream ~.. ::i '2"• Farmstyle Rolls Fresh 41t Yams U~I •• 29_c GAOURY SWllt Pldllll n~:11n '-""* EvilPO(llld Milk L-.. '~ 49' . Mixed• Vegetables :t.:..'1:: 2 s300 ·-..... ,,_ . .... C.ROClRY Mnhmlltowl . 't: 79' 111111 SnlCk Crldl•• t.: 69' .., .. ""• -~·--'I: 65': . Kraft Creme •• l[Q .. l •can•a ...STAMP Cl••• • SILUI._ .. w. Smirnoff Vodka .,. sg•• '" llQUOJl ~ Mlli •1• Old~ ..... ,~'9· Kahlua Liqueur ..'5• Q.f'lwl ' .... ............ FROHN cam On Cob ... .,,,.. Slra 1.11 ,_,,....c.e 0r:c.1utct tctldl .... • '1" 1111 "'Int ...... ,., ...... c.e ••'"':al-·~· ..... ..,_ ~. SAFEWAY ''" CllTlflCA ns Orange Coa1t DAILY Pll.OT/M oo<.11y, November 22. _1982 ('le An elegant torte for T _lianksgiving guests ~ • f Or·un J(•' Almond If you've decided lo Uc cur u l l· w I th y1llks. bl•¥lt'll HI~ Torh~ M ~ move away (rum the kumquats that hnw been I c\.lp half·¥nd-hulC d t o t ally lradltional dipped in beate n egg I tablespoon butkr 1o1ix .. aye•r(• Thanksgiving menu, white, then <-'OOl"llC 11ugar. "'h c up o r 61 n g e bt-uuty fillt•d with you'll want to l'<>nsider 1{ desired. If not to be fla•ored liqueur. · I I serving Orange Almond :Served immediale ly, Combine •ugar. nour rac I t'U,,htrc i,au ce Blitz Torte for dessert. s(orc co.vercd and and salt in top of double oncJ lu ppt!d with While few of us would refrigerated. boiler. Stir ln ega yolkl. M d · .. want to veer from 'll'te ORAN'GE· CUSTARD hnlC-and--half,l>uttorand . on urrn orange traditional turkey at the FILLJNG liqueur, Cook stirring segments, slivered risk of disappointing \4 cup sugur constantly, ovc•r boiling a lmonds a nd family and guests. the I tablcspooh flour·, water until mixture is cntldt''""cJ dessert porlion o f the Dash of salt thlckenc.d. Allow to C'OOI .. " meal c an be you r 6 rese r ved l'gg b<.'forefillingtorte. kumquat. o p p o r t u n i t y f o r .------------------------.......;~~=====-__:::.;;:======::::........;;...=======;;;;;::;=====================::::::==----=--~------ prt.'Senting the unusual. This unusual torte is a six layered beauty. Wh ile ba ked an only three pans, the layers are doubled since both a ca k e b at t e r and a meringue are spread in each of them. If you shy • away. from me ringues because you hate to waste the .yolks, don't worry; they're used in the rich custard sauce "that is spread between the layers. The rich custard that is spread between the layers is ge ne r ou sly laced with an orange liqueur and topped_)yith M an fir I n o r ange segments. Crisp toasty s l iced a lmonds add texture contrast. You have the option of frosting the sides of the torte w ith whipped cr eam or leaving the torte unadorned . ORANGE ALMOND BLITZ TORTE (10 to 12 Servings}- . 6 eggs, separated 1A teasp<?On cream of tartar • 2 1A c ups s ugar , divided V2 cup soft butter l l,-4 cup sifted flour 2 1h t easpoons baking powder ~ teaspoon salt v, cup milk 1 teaspoon vaniJJa 2 eggs Vt c up sliced almonds O r a nge Custard Filling (see below) 1 (11 oz .) can M a ndar i n o range segments, drained Sugar di pp ed kumquats, if desired Sweetened whipped cream, if desired Line the bottoms ol three 9-inch layer cake pans with waxed paper. Grease the paper . Set pans aside. Separate the six eggs. reserving yolks. Place egg whites in a large mixing bowl and add cream of tartar. Beat at medium speed until frothy. Increase mixer speed to high and gradually add 1 ~ cups •f t he s ugar, beating until stiff peaks form. Set aside. In a separate bowl. cream butter until light a nd flu ffy. Add the remaining one cup of s ug ar , b eating constantly, until mixture is light and fluffy. Combine the flour. baking powder and salt in a small bowl and stir until well blended. Add to the butter mixture alternately with the milk and vanilla.beating at low speed until the flour is dampened. Continue beating at l o w s p eed f o r an additional two mjnutes. Add the two eggs and best one minute longer. Divide and spread into the prepared pans. (10 lO 12 Servings) Spread me ringue evenly over the batter. Sprinkle with almonds. Bake in a preheated 350 degrees f · oven for 30 m i nut es . Th e temperature of the oven can be reduced to 300 degrees F. during the last five minutes of baking if th,e almonds are becoming too brown. It is normal for the meringue to puff quite blah and then fall back during the last portion of the-bekinl tiJne.. Cool on wire 'racks for fi ve minut.et. Looser. cakes from the sides ot the pans with a small sharp knife. ':rum out· on a wire rack and quickly peel off wa-xed paper . U11e another rack to turn layen mertn,ue aide up. Allow to cool completely. Spread two layers with Oran1e Custard Fllllna· Top with ora_nce •811lenw. Stack one on top of the other. T op with re1n1inJng layer. If desired, 1idc11 of torte may be frosted with s w eetene d whipped cream. .199 FARMER JOHN BACON 1-POUroOPACKAGE ~ l8 RE SUCEO. U'\IT 2 --{...,-~.. 49 L.-ge A~os u. • '""""'~'"~ Red velvet Yamt ~"8AG'\10lt Loose rumlps l8 .33 •• 29 u. .98 l l .29 l • .19 lll..C .. c..111"'"' 59 Red Empuor Cr.pa l l • MEATS r.;_,..,.. · ,,~-"°" ]'29 rmerJohn " wt<OI.[ Oii _, w• ru l\OOl.D Wllon Bonele11 Ham1 .. 259 ,.~ R Hen1 .•. 89 J:~'Wutem Oysters I• ] 29 ~ll(i~8T'\JIO <UH\I 11 umpRont I l 89 ~~ hUc:kRoat '" 189 LIQUOR CRANBERRY · 149 ~~COCKTAIL <18-0U'tCf. 90TT\.f. • r GROCFRIES . \o~'-·"' ~~-•.-· -... .: ... --°'-; • .:..-:.._~.. - ~"1:cad'v~ ~~ ~fHll "'~ '°'''0 \~Wfl 4li Vons Mixers ~O ~£C•., <;'lf'("G>'"' Cut oreen 8-n1 \J~~~Pul MFA TS 'llltou-i•~.,o~' Cooked led p Jo\f'll '4.....Y, .. ..,,"'°'" ... br• Beef Cu St•kl ~~"'(" ncerStuk.I ~~~ ~'l':t: Loin f'=.~Jot,~ l l UU OI~ .69 .65 .49 .59 .42 .39 .49 -~ 499 ~ 248 IM 368 .• ]99 •• ) 59 •• 119 1'>0l<No .,.uaav«C~O" 69 Dole Plr.-pple v:t.D • .79 Pt:~:rTH'lllOCl<{~'lt\O'iflll • 79 ~~~Mill 279 EA ] 99 DAIRY PROD(JC TS f ROZE· N f OODS ! !OUOH 299 ~~'Ao .. ·wtne 2 99 in'lt::m~ 555 I HlfU Cl!.al\ -~ Taylor Calif. Cellrs 579 iC'#C~LJebhumlch 399 ~l~;~C\111 699 "~~;<V'o,'1;d~°'t 459 CWo~·=llllOllOM 399 O'.lt;Mlc:otch 1899 ~~"""~~~ ~+~"°"''"-399 a.L-a;; ... ~"~ 299 ~v:.a 999 t VONS BAKERY . ~ HOT RAK! HY . ..,~"'1,:,ii-f\~ .. <-.:..~-:>J .. ,("'l,!~•j'\~-~~~-:.-.'~ • ~ 7j6 .•. -~°'~~(-,-_:_'"le>.. •. "Tll··· .......,dllt..--;;-....... ~~__:_~----- \<._ .. ....,_ Sour Dougta Rois •"<" QOt ....... l "'C\ • Pumpkin Plea \U,IO~f ~i"'llt)f(#Olt\A"'""41"t-t Olympic Meal Bread l•'r"U"IO"-•"' ~ ~ Danish Rob .89 215 .79 J 79 DELICATESSEN ~~~" 998 ~~=~TrJ. .79 ~"sjc~li~r:;.. "L") 189 • .. C'11;-.I t t M r DtJ lort It Mini French Rolls If\ .. .-.. , '" French Bread nol ] 29 l• .99 l> 299 DELICATESSEN "°' t"" ,,, '"D'lf'"'(. ] 49 Bob s Bleu Cheue Dressing \Joli .... "'w.llt °"""Ilk Clausaen Ko1her kle1 J19 Vio' ~ ~f9' .. ,..,.,.,"t""'' ons heeae a.II 298 .. \ . ,. . ' "~ . ( ( ll \ ) HI ( II ' 111\ N Ks ( .t v IN ( I I I l )" I R...... /.., . ~ 499 1 ,. ~1'41'1 • ,.."''' '""' Bloo'"'"9 Mums ~~ ]89 ~gVk>letl .99 • ti"""Pll'°' rcc-•rtn,.u .. ~ PolnHttll Pllntl 497 CLOSED THANIUIGMNG DAY THURS., NOV. a9'11 ~x~_, ~~" . i ,... l!J'lllCTM fll()fll, ,,_,MD~~ :u '"""f'IOlllll9lll 34. 1111. CALL ca I,, J9C>MOJ l'Oll UJCATIOl'I °' ITOlll NMDT \'OCI. "°" M.L ITlllll Mt ..... "' n.-Ail...,.. t f. .L. Al"'°""· 1900W lllCOaYD,1911 W.IO'"IT-1.0I N'IQtLLl. IM ~co. ""-ll'l()A/'C) IMWICIM. IALUIUllTAIL QuAl'ITlrc. °"' llllOtT "'*'°""',.,.,TO II '"1 OA-nl A tllf• so CHARMIN DOVE SHELD UNCLE BEN'S SCHWEPPES CLUB DA : BATHROOM TISSUE • LIQUID DISHWASHINO EXTAA STRENOTH CONVERT!:D · -:t'ltGERALE.""1NEAALWATER - WHfTE.BEIOE/CiREEN' DETEROENT ·DEODORANT SOAP AICE .... ~ (, BrTTER L.E.MOl"t O OLL PK 1 .16 32-0Z 1.59 HOOl .37 Ju. 2.39 HUNTINGTO. •d -.............. . COITA•IA 1111. ""' ....... .,.....Aw. ' -- \ --.............. -_ ......... .. --~AINVALLIT 1""t ••• ,. ••• , .... ........ ...... ... ,Miii......, ..... .5 • •• I I I • · I I i I I ! I I • r • I ; .. • ' ('11 Or nge Coast DAILY PIL01 /Mondfty, Novemb•r 2:i!, 1982 JalapenO Cornbread Stuffing is unusual dish Tt11:1 Th;rnkstjivlng, ChtMist• 11111H Vl'K<'tublt•11 11, t'\Jl'IH mrnnw11l l 11•uijpoon 1>oul11 y flour, Nuuur uml ljjaklnu 1>klllt'l unul Ni1Ulil.IHt1 IOM 'll Him.a• 1u1k1•y, put 11r1 m11v h1• lJJk1·d, lrl u t•ount on iioml• of th<' such ll.'J gn ... ,. beoM ond 1, 1·up ull purpo¥1' .-c·uiw1nlna& pow1k•1 In rm'(llum bowl. l't•d l'Olor unJ Is crumbly. L IKhtly i.puon Ktufflt1t( c o v 1• 1 1•cl I 1-'1 1~ u a rt fl avors of years ugo IO buk1•1I S\\ll't•t f)Ol llllW!i, flour '• ('UP t·h o ppt.'d, Bt•ut l l'l(I( wilh milk, Drtun orr all but 1'• Into fll •tk ('aVtly. doNt• ('il''>t'rtilt•, ·•lm1u Wllh tht 11iok1• tht• unnuul fvust both 111upk -J Ill thl·~lu •I of ~ tuhll'llpoon11 liUl(llr 11t't·d1'tl .i"l11pt·no J>l'PP'trt• odd to dry lt1t(r('(ht·11tH, lUp fut from !WU!lllHt' in wi th Nkt•Wl•r t-'111 body tuc kt•y d ur111g t·tw la!it trulv mt'JlW"ble. Think mo".Y lndlnns .,For I tol>l"11poon bak111t( Hl•mow• glblNM fron\ m1x1 11 H JU &l unti l 11k1ll1•t. Add."4.111, poultry 1•uv1ty. S (•curl' drum h our ul 1ua 11 11nl(. back Ul what It cnust t.lessl•rl. wlHH t:IRt' but powllt•r turkt•y 1\ln»t• l(lblt•lll and moi,.h•1wd Stir in 1111•hl•d 111•11i.onlng und Jit.lupcno i;111·k1e ligh tly wit.h u Un1•ov1•r 11luffm1< during have bt.'t'n like when thc> pumpkin pit'" :s t•gg11 plut·t•, with c hicke n buttt>r' JH•pp .. r ll to sauaagt• i;tring Canul I (~ m1nult•11 ur An1crl ("o n l ndia n 11 I ("Up milk liuualM1n c ubt', In Pour huttt•r Into Combine t1a u11og(• Houi-.t u11t11v1•rc•tt un ""°>king hunll•d tur k ey in the '• CUJ> but ll'r or HM UC:l·pun w 11h wuh•r. grN11wll K i11d\ 11qu1u·1· 1111x1un• w ith bread , rc1us 11ng rul·k 111 Ll·t 1u1·k1·y stond ut East, plunted corn in :~s1ATLUA~~~~ margarirw, nwhlod Bring too boil; ('O\lt>r 1md baktng pan Bakl' <1t -125 tcit.Sing t.o mix well :ii5-d(lgrt.'<' ovf•n 20 to ii l('o.,t w mlnult·i. twfcm.• most of the country and CORNBREAD 6 cups dry breud sammt'r until tcnd<'r , t.lcgrC't>K 20 to 25 rrunutea, Beat t.oge ther I cup manult~ pt•r pound or U> t•acv1ng Makt'l> IO to 12 -especially after the cubt.'s about 1 hour. or until golc.Jt•n. Rt•move reserved broth fro m inwrnal wmperature of S4.'rvlngi; l'Oming of the Spanish STUFFING I po und m 11 d Sl't ilblels aside for from oven and <.'001. cooking g iblet s w ith I 80 llJ I»~ dl.'grN•IL •Note•: If a milder grew ("hill peppers in th~ l 10-to 12-pou nd sausage lo ll'r use In gravies or M ak c s tuff ing b y n •maming 2 eggs: add lo &.-cause: o f v:u ml ions tn f J a v o r 1 i. th· s 1 r c• d , . Southw1.>St. turkey I cup chopped onion soups. R(.•servt• broth : crumbllnH <.'Orn bread mtu s tultmg (Add alldiuonal turk('ys. began t.'ht'<.'ktng s u b1> ll tu H• 4 o u n cu Put th»t all toge ther I c hsckC'n bouillon ,. . 11h cups c ho pped t'OOI. o"'largi.• bowl. Add bn•ad n•scrved g1bl<.'t broth sf for donl·ncS& about orw t•a nn1•d c hopp c•d and 'aOd serve an unusual cube -celt•ry Ma ke cornbrl•ad by c ubes. Sault• sau1tnKc dt'Slr<.><l for a mor(' rnvist hour ahead. draint>d grt•t•n t·hiliPs for and dehcaous adaptation ' 2• 1 <.·ups water 1 'l'l teaspot>ns u lt ("O m baning cornmeal, wilt\ onion and l'l'lcry m s lurfing) Ht•m1un1ng s tuffan~ ,alapt·no JX•ppc•rs. o f earl y Ame r ican .-~~~_:_~~~~1.-.....,,...~~~..-.:~~~~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~__;;~~~~-=~~~~~~~·~.._~~~~~~....:...:.._..:;.___;:.....__ ~~~~ cooking, "Roast Turkey with J a lapeno Corn- ·' brc;.ad StufCing." ·For this Thanksgiving suggestion , .stuff the turkey with a eornbread a nd sausage mixture spar ked with c hoppep a nd seed e d jala pe.no peppers. For those who .. prefer a milder flavor, there's an a lte rnate suggestion for using mild green chilies. It's easy to keep the first American in m ind w he n you 're planning the rest of the meal. Create a gourIDet dinner One of the m ost popular classic dishes o~ m e nus in expensive Fre nch restaurants is duckling a l'or ange - l'oas t du c k in a complicated and precise orange sauce. But when the tlair and fla vor of that dish is adopted to an easy-to- prepare Americanized ve r s ion , it becomes "Turkey a l'Orange". a delicious dish that C3J1 be pre pared and e njoyed frequently at home. Two things make the difference. The first is th e c ho ice o f all - American turkey as the m e at . Turk ey is econ omical , high in protein a nd l ow e r in calories and fat than duck and red meats. The second1 factor is the simplicity of the delicious o r a ng e sauce that r equ i r es o nl y f our ingredients. B egin "Turkey a l'orange" with a half· bodied turkey to g ive bo th white and dark m eat fans an e qual chance at their favorite. A half-bodied turkey is just tha~ -half a whole turkey, with one wing and one drumstick . It's pe rfect s.ize for smaller families or when freezer space doesn't permit the storage o f m a n y pac k ages o f leftove r turkey for future use. During the last hour of r o a stin&\r baste th e turkey with the flavorful orange sau ce. TURKEY A L'ORANGE 5 to 6 pound half- bodied turkey Salt Pepper 2 tablespoons butt.er or margarine, melted 'h cup brown sugar, finnly packed V. cup honey V. cup orange juice 1 teaspoon orange p ee l , g rated o r in julienne strips Rinse turkey: drain and pet dry. Rub salt and pepper into body cavity. Tie leg to tail with string. Lay wing flat over white m eat and t ie s tring around breast to hold wing down. - Skewer skin to meat a l o ng c u t e dges to prevent shrinking. P lace tur key o n ra c k I n s hallow r oasting pan, skin side up. Brush skin with butter. Insert m eai the r - mometer Into Inside ~--t.h I &-h mUcs..c.l~ t touching bone. .8out in 325 degree oven 2 to 2 'A h o u rs, o r until meat thermometer registers 180 to 185 degrees. M eanwhile, combine orang and orange brow@t:T h•••Y· peel aaucep!Ul. Hd\ rown 1a.1gar d 1111.olv.~a. 1 tl r r i n g ~rturkey duri h our o f na often to ute al of glaze. Whe n turkey la done. remove from oven and let stand 20 tQ 30 minutet before carvlna. M akes 6 to 8 ..-vtnaa. IPINCIR ROAIT HUGHll 0 IOUR CRIAM \ -~_:! ~-PINT -CARTON .85 JitltH cit&~....... EA 79• WITH S'lS.00 MINIMUM ll'URCHASE U<CLUOING AlCOHOUC llVUAGI PIUCE WllHOUI MINIMUM PURCHASE 59c LB FROZEN AtASKAN•I Y THE PIECE 2 9 8 KING IALMON .............. ~.La. • Froien Alolko" K•,,Q·Center Cut SALMON STEAi< F1elh l 0-01 Jo• PACIFIC OYSTERS l8 3.98 EA 1.18 Cooked & PHled COCKTAIL BAY SHRIMP BLUE POINT OYSTERS •. LB •.98 EA 2.29 CRAN81RRY SAUCi ' PRINCILLA YAMI 29·0Z • CAN .69 OCIAN IPUY 16-0Z. CAN WHOLE OR JELLIED LIMIT 3 GRADI 'A' BunlR SPtltNGFIElO Ml PKG 1.79 LARGE CELERY TENDER BUNCHES LIMIT 2 .... . LIAN GROUND BllF DOES NOT EXCEED 22°'-FAT iii n La. 1.69 FRUIT COCKTAIL SPRINGFIEIO 16-0Z CAN .49 . 111111-YAlll .. ta .29 ,,---~---DIUCAftlHNTnATI ------..... -CHV ... llT FaODN f ... 1---~-...... 1 O·INCH, '6-0Z. 8 OZ . TUBE PILLSBURY CRllCINT ROLLS PILLSBURY COOKlll 15180Z I 29 TUBES ASST HAVORS. • PHILADILPHIA BRAND CRIAM CHllll aoz .78 DRYl•I ICI CRIAM c'!t 3.19 MRI. IMllH'I ._ 1.99 PUMPKIN Pll BlnllYI VIGDA•Lll 10-0Z •CORN 43 e ll'US •MIXES e CROlllANT ROLLI SARAlH I 3·9 BOZ e ~-HOLIDAY coo•••••--HOLIDAY WINll 6 lltl .. TI IURKIY . OASllNGJAll E·Z FOil ALUMINUM NO l•t• •!fl~ARI •OVAL BABY lOAF PAN BY E·Z FOil JU)JeY TURKEY BASTER if PACK IURKEY lACERS • ••1NOOK 1.u.n. am• aLAllC or 219 !'!?!!:!•••&•___, _____ ..___ I• ~~ I.I DOll&lm CHAMltAGlll •1t1NO!R hlME 8tANC ltlllNO!lt C AaUNfT SAUYtGNON WllMl GRUN HUNGARIAN cM11na11••••· CAUfO•NIA ••ANDY • ·2~.· •1 · ... •.•• ,, "·'·" .. , .. ,I.ti S!! •io ... C.M 19·01 ~NOOETOFU ... A11nomolo Kohuo Ho" Dolh1 2 29 or SOUP STOCK J"R'1l'O'Ft1t>l~fx""11 Co01y & T~yo 3' 01 PllQ._ HAPI RICE RACKERS W411 ,.oc I I 01 Co11 MANDARIN ORANGE Solo• NYLON rowf h .. ' , ___ , I ( ', i ( I I " ' . '· ' I .............. ............... _.. ......... bow sodium------ secr,et(s ·n the s~asoning Don 't think fo r a m1nu1t• that JUSt lx'(:.1usc you'r<.· 0 11 a low-soJium diet (or ut lt•ast n.'<luc1ng your snit antak<') thul you l'll n 'l <'njoy ThanksgavinK' roasting l'hlt'kl·n, roast UC('U I dang lO dll l'Ction:, .1bovl•. Or, spoon intu 11 l' r C' u s t' t.l I 1 ' -q u a r l l' a s s l' r o I \' tj u kt• , tuvcn-<l, an •' pn.•hcJtC'f.1 :J5l) dl'gl l'l' OVt'I\ for :UI nunull's The rC'C1pt.•s · below for a delcl'l a bl c r oas t chickt•n with orangl' rice stuffing definitely make up in flavor whut tbey lack in sodium . Y lt'IU: 4 l'llJ'S. :i5 mg sodium pt•r 1, l'Up. Chiffon Pumpkin-Fig Tarts . Tht• Sl'<.'rN, of <..'Ou r.re, is in the seasoning. By u sing that versa tile tla vo.rang sa u ce. WOrct.'Stt>rsharc. you can • create a mouth-wall'r ing savoriness at only 55 mg of sodium ~r teaspoon. The roast chicken as marinated ovel'night to absorb the good, natural - tastes of orange juice, onion and garlic powders and Worcestershire. The marinating liquid as also usecLto bas~chick n · w )'\i lP roa s ting and, finally. to make the rich gravv. Both recipes can. of cou rse. be adapted to turkey . MARINATED ROAST CHI CKEN 4 pounds roast ing chicken 'Ii cup orange juke> 1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1 t a bl espoon Worcestershire sauce 1 I teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder Orange H1t·e !:>tuff ing• Water 2 tea sp ou n s cornstarch Prick chicken with ro·rk tines: p lace an a doubled plastic b ag Combine orange juice. oil. Worcestershire sauce a nd onio n and garlic powders. P our over chac kt>n, coating the skin and cavities. Fasten bag. Pl ace o n a pan . Refrigerate overnight Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Remove chicken from bag Spoon Orange R ice S turfing int o cavities: c l ose wit h ske wers . Place chicken on a rack in a roasting pan. Roast until a meat thermometer inserted an chicken thigh reads 180 to 185 degrees, or until leg moves freely and ju ices run clear when pierced wi th a fork. about 1 'h hours. basting often with marinade. Add wat e r to drippings in pan as it evaporates. Cover with a tent of foil during last 30 minutes of roasting. Remove chicken from oven; place on a serving platter to rest.· for 20 m inutes . Meanwhile, remove fat from pan drippings. Add water. if needed, to make 1 cup liquid: pour into a small saucepan. Combine cornstarch and 114 cup cold water: stir into drippings. Cook and stir until clear and thic k e n ed , abo ut l m inute . Serve wit h chicken. Yield: 6 portions. 206 mg sodium per portion. •ORANGE RICE STUFFING J lh cups unsalted cooked w hite rice (1 114 cups uncooked) 'h cup raisins V. cu p unsa lte d butter or margarine, melted 114 cup c hopped onion · 'h teaspoon gra'\ed orange rind I egg, beaten 'h cup water l tabt-.e s p oo n Worcestershire-uuce Marfnated roasting chicken Combine rice. raisins, butter, onion and orange rind. Mix egg, water and Worcestershire saucl!: stir into rice mixture. Spoon In to cavltles or Cooking with class Fassero's International Cookware. 2919 E. Coast Highway, Coro na dc l Mar. Is presenllng a Chinel<? holiday dinner cl891 on Tunday, 7 pm. Basic Malle! • Spreao v Jur table wtlh 3 lower lood total 'r"m !hl' tow om.e leader • We 1111..0 pndP '"o ur trao111on ol QuRl11v select J" -mo ow pnc;es • Coun1 on Lur1<y to• e lowe• '1:>.::>0 «>•I• lo• your r ol d::lv teast HOLIDAY MEATS Gracie A Hen or Tom FfOZel! •O 22 l b\ BastfO BUTTERBALL TURKEYS er ilPe A Hff1 or Tom Frozen 10 n lOS FRESH TURKEYS uov Farms er-A Hen or Tom 10 22 lDS BONELESS TURKEYS ArmotK Butttr II.JUHi Frozl'n CRAOEA 139 ~~~~~~ENS Eacn • BONELESS . lo 199 WHOLE HAM Wat!' AOOtO S 1 ~ Full'!' ((l()li('(I SHANK OR BUTT 129 PORTION HAM 80l'l! In Futly COOtfO lt> STUFFED TURKEY GRADE A DUCKS SHANK HALF HAM HAM SLICES ....•. 89 •• 89 .. 1.59 .. 2.79 !-!,,~~~ END RIB ROAST •• 1. 78 ~~~~~~.~.s:. . ... 97 ;!?,~;!~~.~_?~~T .. ,, 1.97 LADY LEE BACON .. ~ 1.59 :~!~oE~ .J.~~ ~~~.5~?.~ ~·. 99 ~~ST.E~N O~STERS. N M 1.48 •lot •" 1.39 Virginia Herrin Saved '13.08 HOLIDAY MEATS !2~J.T!~. ~~~~~.~ ......... 88 ~~IA~~!!~~S~~ .. , It 3. 79 CANNED & PACKAGE.O r VLASIC ~l~KLES r BROWNBERRY 79 !!~f ~N9, oz ao• • &Omon r soi~~1.~:~.~.~~l~Ol .~ 1.59 re~~.~ .~~~N~.~l~~.,ou ... 1.09 r~~~~-~l~UPREME MIX1 55 N '"'IX" 1t01 9Q1' • r ~!~.~~J~ .. ~~,.~ .~~~. 2.59 !~.2R~!~~A.O .~.I~. ••01 <•~1.33 !KRAFT ~~~~NAl·S'~°' .-1.39 !~~~~:.~~~~~~ .... '°''" .77 r ~~.~E.~'S PEANUT,~, ... 2. 79 !!.~~~~.~~v~ ... ·o 01 c .... 29 £ ~~~.SONEO SALT '"'"" 1. 79 Gift icivintc ~ ~ll!ly ••• LUCKY Glf'T CERTIFICATES Alll ,_ •-llllll\a99f fer ..,_.., '~ Otano• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Monday, Novemw 22. 11~8., Cl Figs and .pumpkin are unique flavor combo H t>rl''S Ii fl l\vur combinutaon that t>rlng11 out tht• best of 1t11 two bHl~lcmcnts fil(ii and pumpkin w <.'rl'atc a unaquC' and delacwus lar-t. 1h tc·O!l~inn liAtt I <' n v l' I o p l' unfl:avorro ge>lu11n 1 cup milk 'h <:uµ brown i.ugpr, fannly 1la<'ktod - 1 16 ounc:C' <'an (2 cups) pumpkin i.M-lk , pn"~kfod ' C<Jmblrw •Pltoe1o, suit, IJt•laun, ond sugar an l()p o f d()ubll• bollt•r, m ix w e ll . Star an milk , pumpkin, and figs. Place over boiling watN and heat to bolling po)nt . Remove• from heat and cool. Fold in whappc-d cream and vanilla. Pour into bakt.>d and cooll>d 3 to 4 inch tart shells, chill. Ma~e11 8 w lO servings CHIFFON P UM PJUN-FIG I c:up heavy crl'am, whli>fX.J TARTS .• I teaspoon cinnamon 'A tQaSpocm ginger '"' lc~poon nutmc.•g \1 teaspoon vanallu I cup <:hopped drit"<i figs :~to 4 inc h t art CANNED & PACKAGED r~~~ .~~~~.".,,,. UOl I0• 1 •15 I~~~.~.~1.~ .. 1 .or .. c.69 r~~~~~ ~~~~' UOI I~ 1.69' I~~~.~~.~~~~ .. a)OIU~ 1.07 I ~ ... ~A~~1~. ~.~~~~~~ .. 1.19 r ~~~~~~'~ .~.~~~ .. 01 ( .... 5 5 r ~~~~ ~~ ... , HOICAAo49 I!!~~;~~o~~·T"°' .. ' 1.49 I~~.~L~.~~~ .. ~,~~~01 ... 1.39 r~~~~•••, •tOt l0'•69 r !:1.,~~~.~~~.1:1:~~. ~~~~ ... 5 9 r l~~~~~ .~.~~~~ .... It 01 <.,. • 79 r~~f~~~.~~.~~, !tOW~o55 f ~~!_l!V. ~E~~''°' '°' 1. 29 l~I~~~~ .... 1101 ~ •• S7 l~!?.~~.R~ ......... ••01 iu 89 rs~~.~~~!.~ ...... 01< .... 3 3 l~~~r~~~~······· ·•Ol( .... 39 !L~ s~~.~~s ..... N, .... 49 ~~~~~.~~~ .~~~~~ .... , 1. 5 9 Our .. l(f llftUCloOfl -1 ..... ,..lff\ ,_ONO\ 10 Dr tflt<I"' '"'~ -·· llO-H ltlll DAIRY & FROZEN ~.~~.Nt~~.~ ~'~~ , ... '" 1. 91 I ~~t~.~R.~~~ ....... .t&CU ti• .89 Mm~·~ r~.~~~.1~.c.~~E.A~ ,..,, •• 1.09 CANNED & PACKAGED r PIE CRUST 75 MIX - k tty Cr0<.ktr 11 Oz 801 • fi' PEPSI COLA 339 ' ~~~ERA~~oz UM ~.~~ .~.~~~~.~?~~,,HI IAG o89 I ~~-~~~~t•S• .... •I OllOJ o89 r~?.e;.~~~. ?':'~~~ &01 ,._.99 DAIHY & FF~O Zf N 'f:.9~ .L.~~.~~T.T~~. ••crn• 1.87 I!~~-~.1~. !~~~01 m 1.09 f~~~D ~~'N? ... uot .... 69 r !~.~~.~A~?~~~ ••OI n-.59 r~~;~~O~~f!.:~e;Ol IAGo 79 r~~.~~ .. L~S . . . . '" 1¥· .69 r~~~ .~~~.Ol •. 4.89 f ~~!ON'~. ~~~~.!1!. 2.49 r ~·~~~ .. ~~~. ~~., , , , IOO/ ~· .49 r ~~~-~~.J~~.~~. . ... 01 •••• 95 r ~~~BLER PIE SHELLS -.°' .... 79 &N "• :89 DELICATESSEN ITEMS r ~UOAHY :1Q59 HAM 5 lo canrwo can r ~~~~~ .~?. ~~~~,1 .. , 2.19 r~.~!~f!.~~~~'.T~ .. Cl .... 19 r s'!!..~~~~r .~?':~~ ..... 01 .. , • 79 r ~~1~~~v. ~~ ~~u~.~ ... 1.19 r~~~~~~!~~ ··~ .. 1.39 '~~.~~~.~~~~ 159 r ~~~~ c~.~~... . tCl ..... 69 I~~~;~~ES~ .... 2.29 r ~~~· HOT ~0~~. . . •-cot °"'• 79 HOLIDAY WINES I~~~~.~~~ .~1~~ .. "°"' .,, 3. 99 I~~~!o~~~ ~••n 2.99 I!~~~s.~~~.~. "°"''' 2.99 r ~~~~~ .. \ ........ 3.29 !~~~~~~~:~. '" 2. 79 l~~~~~~~~~!._ ... 2.29 l~~ NU~ ~1~. "'"''' 7.89 r ~~ ~~.~~. ~~~~. ~~ .... , 5. 79 r~~~~~ ~.'~~ ... 3.49 l~~.;~~~:;-: .. , 3.19 FRESH PRO DUCE IXTRALARCE PECANS ,..troo • H u-gh Cnrpen \t>r le instructor. Cost is $3~. and rt.11<•rvauol'\ll muy bt.• mod e by ca lling 673-2343. "" l'"'' 1 1 "'" "'""'~ • •no~·n·nv '"MM 11e 1• 11. l ••• h T ~· •~"'" o• • om1m••l>lt ''""" 11 tn• •u1~11'Mtki•I OI lt<:'I 1 nO''" IOll•<td Siil n fl\11 t" -h•rtll• ot S 13 lie ~I I 11tkV' .. The DlscOllJI Supennarke . . ;;;s ... 29 , ' ,. . . 'I' .... • f NYSE t:OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ouou .. 011• lllCLUOI TIAOU 011 , ....... •o•• lllllOWIU t•CMAllOH AllD llNlltlO I V 'IMI ... ,0AllO111.lllll t "A(lfllC ...... 10\fOll, DI no1t AllD , ... , ........ tTOC• • New home sales • show big • increase LOS AN(;f.L1'~ (AP) Sal~ t.>f rww houM>S }umix-d 23.7 pt•1t't•nl nat111nwute• In S..ptt•mbcr, .and soml· S.1"\hc•rn California mduKtry offwlnls Ila,)' tht• 81C'kly housing indu:nry may tx• 1.nkln(( itJs fh t 11hoky stc•pe. toward rl'<'UVcry ·rhl• Comnwl"('(' Dcp;.il'tmcnt ~ys thf> Sepwmb<:r int'rl'Ull4.' "' sales of n,•w, su1glc-fam1ly houst'S from August lt•wls ml•11rlll a s.~asonally ndjustcd Wlnut1l 1'alcs raw pf 464.000 unltH uc·ross thl· UniH'<I ~t.'ilt's -thl' high<•st level sin&> Muy 19~ I. Rl-sak s in Scpt.embt.•r hc-ltl steady at an annual rpte of 1.82 m illion, the National Association of Realtors says. Souther.n California hulldt•rs and real estate agc·n~ say home-looke rs ar-c• turning into Quycrs aftC'r two years in the doldrums now thal mortgage raws have declined to 13 pcrt'C'nt from u summer peak of 16 p<!rt'<'nt to 17 pcn.-cnl. Gasollne(prices dip ' LOS ANGELES (AP) Self-induced austerity brought about by un~mpl oy ment is one reason gasolint' pric-es arc declining instead of rising as they normally do during a holiday season, 0 11 industry analyst Dan Lundberg says. • , Extended mileage OA nl'we cars was_anothcr reason pegged for the steady price reduction. he said Sunday. ln his weekly newsletter, Lundberg says gasoline pri(.'('S have sagged for fi ve t'Onsc..'CUtive months. Lundberg predicted that ov.:rall consumption for 1982 wo uld reach 100.4 billion gallons, compared to 1978's record year of 115.4 billion gallons. Chrysler talks resume HIGHLAND PARK. Mich. (AP) -Bargainers for the United Auto Workers union and Chrysler Corp. in lhe United States caucused (oday to prepare for reopening C'Ontract talk:s that broke off bcca~ the ra nk and file demanded <1n immediate pay raise. Negotiations also were Scht'Cluled to reopen later this morning. in Toronto for 10.000 Canadian workers who havt' been on strike for 17 days. "We're going to do SQm<.· things to fi nish up where we left off," when U.S . talks broke off five weeks ago. said Mark Stepp, Vll.'t' president and director of the UA W's Chrysler department "I'm gomg. to open up by saying we want to ulumatdy ge t to the nitl)' g ritty, that fa mous billion dollars " Union and company bargainers met m separate sessions. but were expcct<.>d to get bargai'ning under way later today. Bleak Yule at GM LOS ANGELES (AP) -Some 2,000 G eneral Motors workers laid off from a Van Nuys plant due to agg4n~aut&581etHiay they face-a bleak.Christmas.-and,--11-- thosc who weren't furloughed are afraid the plant will close entirely like one in South Gate. "We could wind up Jike South G ate," said GM worker John Walsh. "We'll probably be next." South C ate's GM pJant closed last spring. "I feel very insecure about the future. At my age. it's hard to find another JOb." said Walsh. 59. although he-hasn't been l~id off from his auto painting job at the Van Nuys facility m the San Fernando Valley. Walsh was among 500 current or soon -to-be e><· workers from the Van Nuys pla nt who g:vhered Sunday to hear United Auto Workers unjon officials Cie tatl unemploy me nt be nefits an~ job _training programs The furloughs take e ffect Nov. 29. 'Pacific Rim' praised TOK YO (AP) -San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein, here to woo more Japanese tourists to the Bay Area, sajd Japan and California are the two "natural leaders" In a Pacific Rjm community that wiU dominate the world's future economic and social temper. With 60 pen..-ent of the world's population, Pacific rim nations "can control the balance of world peace'' by deve loping closer economic and socJaJ ties, Mn. Feinstein sajd, · By The Associated Press Selected morning fi~ing $4 13.40, off $4.20. London morning fixing $413.40, ofC $4.20. London afternoon fixing $410.50. off $7 .10 Paris afternoon fixing $409.49, off $8.06. Ftankfurt fldng $414.01. off $4 .01. Zurich late afternoon fixing $410.25, off $7 .00 bid: $41 1.25 asked. Handy & Harman (only daily quote) $410.50, oft $7.10. $ 0 Engelhard (only daily quote) $410.50, off 7 .1 . Engelhard (only daily quote) $431.03, off $7.45. 'Met,al.; NEW YORK (AP) Spot nonferrous metal . pnces today; Copper 70¥.-72 centa a pound. U.S. destinations Lead 21 \.lj-26 centa a pound, delivered. Tla '6.0386 MetalJ Week compo.it.e lb. Al•mlDMD 76 cen\8 •pound. N.Y. Mett•rY *36~.00 per flNk. Platlaam $340.00-S342.00 troy ou~. N.Y H1ndy & Human. $9.570 pt'r troy ouncf'. ' -.. i She has no desire for concert hall U.S. Choice Dinners wtth soup or salad, baked potato - or rice pilaf, and toasted Ranch Bread. The Ranch Specials. Special values like these won't last forever, so come to Stuart Anderson's today. You're aotna to feel Sood inside. ~ ·a Bl:ACK ANGUS AESI~ .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY • SANTA ANA • GARDEN GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM Placing a Classified is twice as eaSy! JUst sa.Y 'tharge it" you can use your VISA 6r MASTER CARD to place a DAILY PILOT Classified over the telephone, including 8-0ay week ads. t:all (714; 642-~678 11111111111 The Orange Coa~t's largest marketplace , J Orang• Co111 DAILY PILOf/Monday, November 22. 198' *BARGAIN MATINR•S * Monday tllru lat11n1ay All Perform•OCH before 5:00 PM (f ... ,... £•1111--• ......,., "MONSIONOft•• 1 ---"' "THIY CAU. Ill MUCE" CMI __ _ ''CM•~W""" •OOUY ----·- __ ,_CLAM_ ---------"" --- LU'EWOOO CENTER SOUTH"""'""' "G" ... .................. , .. "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN".., ...... _ ..... _ "TIME BAlil--i>ITltr ,,., ..... ___ _ "MONSIGNOR" .. 1 ... ._ ........... "CMEP aHOW" "" . ...... -. .... ..... .._..., .. ._., .... ..,. .. s,• ...... TUT llTICl! CMtlMI. _. IZ fMI! ___ .. _.._..., ....... -...... t ... --·-·cmi-·--,,, •• w .. ___ _ __ _,, ..... _____ _ ........ ANAHEIM ru1vf 1N "'"' ..... l.,_HllACK"1N1 -.... .., ,_ llMI OUT ••• •• CMI C.lllCUIO -....... BUENA PARK.• .i " -----llM070 ....... LINCOLN i'P'Vf IN , _____ ,_ UM070 .. HJUNTAIN VAllD [>QIVf IN .... ...._.""' .. ..._Cle, • ... ..,... llONO" ,., -••f'OPlft" ... C•lllCUIO "CMEP aHOW" ... -"l~NllAJtr· .. , ..,.. ..... 1.,_ll•ACK""I -"WMlllTml•AltOUT ••. ·-........ _,,_ 1 .T.''--''MONCO M.LV" -_ .. _ .......... .. _ .... .._ ........ "ALOMI • Tiii DAM"_, -·-MAMAC 1U11• • 1111 C..·fl-1111 ........ -....... c .. .... _..L__.11111 C99fl- "'"' .... .,..".:"*""' ...,..,_UllOUT ...• _.. "A fUIUIJ. ~enveloping movie ... lt ll a 1ucces1 through and through." -J•Mt W.alln, Mew York Tim .. \ .-\ c C8 * Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT /Monday, November 22. 198:> Macho commercials back tonight a'long with prillie-time football million aduh male• watchNl !!Aid SkOMl wlo\S tht• only tolMM.'\'(> Durln." ~1tM"\rJkc, ABC~ rJ,~HENB~RG NEW YORK -Tonight marks the return of pnme-Ume footba1l. not lo mention Howard, Frank Dandy Don and, dare w e mention, many of your favorite macho commercials. The strike ls over. Bring on those chatterboxes in the booth. Hurray for those high-decibel halftime highlights. And, most important for Madison Avenue: thre e c heers f o r thos e comme rcials aimed at male viewers. "Tt\e demogr~phics fo r football are speclal becaiµ;e men a;e so hard to reach," said Dave Martin of the Campbell-E.wala advertising agency. "Men arc selective TV viewers.'' Jerry Solomon of th e O' Arcy-McManus ad agency states it simply: "Football Is a sport that beer ~?mpanies and automakers want. Last season. an average of 16.2 \111\.I> \' "M d Night Foot bull " worth hbl spl\. mafo -ont nu on ay IJ>ONO a~ln:Yto ABC's demograph1c William ShatMr, lll\-uuthority wt•nt to othf.'rs pr11 n:;-,.:~.~ studies. The ABC replacement figure m ap-ct', Catpt. Kirk-in PtOl~atn;'l';!r~~~'() S:Vl'd tht'ir mov ies thloS p~sl Octobtir "S~r Trek' und .on land pohc..'(' ::cl"'tor"th<• NFL'1 return. attnkted only 9 million men. o!C&ct•r T.J . llookt<r, prornlied w I y ABC didn't make There are 23.5 million mt.'n In ma"" our homes toasty with as ~:c';{ ~8:.'y Advertising Agl' America between the ages of 18 Kero Sun hodeaLers. I hoo .t n reported that gr068 ad revenu(• and 34. More than 45 percent, Other pr ucta P IA: o me t . . h .. M 0 n d a N r g h l 10.6 million, watched pro football includt•d Buick Regals, C hcvl. F~t~j1~. game was $~ million, on ABC CBS and NBC In 1980, . Vans, Mlchelln Rad la IA an • cd to $2 5 million for tht• according to the Simmons three times in the first half alone, com1par l · "'he •ame h B B B d · Li'aht t...-~r rep acemen movies. J e Marke t Researc ureau. Y u weaaer e ~ · · l had 24 minutes of l'Ol1\J1\erc1als, comparison, 8.1 percent of men In In one Budweiser l'Ommer<;J8 • while the two-hour movies had that age group ~atched the No. a football rookie challenge . a 14 minutes of int.crruptions. 1 rated "Dallas" veteran. Mock football during 1 . ·That's wh · during the last real football is one way to deter CBS and NBC alao ost ''Th Monday nighi' 1 game two months refrigerator raiding during ~ ~~~~~t':~~~t:~~~ln: ago, the men who were loo~ing timeouts. . m~nagcd one-third to one-half of at football saw men looking right A ·~ .0 l h e r w \l Y Olads St ~o~ the NF'L ad rat('S, falling to $70,· back: . . participator ~. p,lugC ~pt ·· ooo per 30·s~cond ~ommercial Arnold Palme r . t h e ever promoted an NFL laaai ay, f f tball' $l30 OOO affable golf champion. revved his provided you siAyed put for the ro~oosaid Jic regula,; football tractor and asked us to trust comme~i~l: s n.sors of beer, cars and video Pennzoil. lntell1v\S1on asked you to play po ·11 be ba k lo . ht The Charlie Daniels, the country refereeonadlfficult call.But..f~r games wit . i \ha~'~egular fiddler . whose bee rbe lly is the correct answer, you had to sit expec~aw1ftnc ~e back too. identifiable to sedentary fans. still for George Plimpton. viewers 1 ~ • .. ·~ .. Home threatened John and Sara C1:1rter (Stan Ivar., · Pamela Roylance) discover the ruilroad plans to force them off the land in "Little House" at 8 on KNBC (4). _;.._._._._._._~--------"".""'--""':"--~"'-~'.""'"'------"".".".:""":-::'."~~'.':":'"'.'::~7"":::::::-:::::::::::::-------~r..;,.._._._._._"'j'._,_,~k=•~.~Julle;:;;-";:H:.,~,le=-~A-men;::::-r---~L~ll!•.~C~h~•~rl~l•~Bi.r~o;w~n~l":1 Jolted.._,• young,_.. JUBE g-111 · Uk• hie lour deughl•• 10 (19771 """"8ted. CMr11e from lhe .077111 le kllleO rr vl9il f<K the llOllOeye wt'9I\ Brown Md IN entire IOon ett• tie llU • romen· 119 ~ convlneed Ille "PeMU!a" geno llMd lot 110 fling with lier. MC:Onc1 wife 11 lrtil'O 10 klll --CW'f\P, "'*9 lfl91 D QI MCMI! him. become ln'llJIMO In -· • "A Olly For Tllankl On 9 l!N1'8n'AINlotlNT wtld.Oventur•. 'O' W11ton1Mounl81n"(Prem. KOCE (50) 9:00 -"Egypt: QuQiil_\(or TONIGHT •••V."PrllonerOf '-1 Relph Wiiie, Judy Eternity." The works or Ramses 11'1_ re A behind-it.--loC)j( Wer" (1914) A0"81d Norton-Teylor. Al lh• 11 NBC'• "Todey" lllow. AMoen. ~ IUttln. Thenk1g1111ng holld•y featured in a look at some maJOr t:4l(C)MOYIE TwoPOW1tromtt1eUn11· 1C>CHoecti.e. "*"'*-·of archaelogical projects that are uncover~ng •• • "Al• You 1n Ttie .o s ..... continue ~ 1119 w1e1e1y ~ w• and preserving the legacy of the Egyptian H-Ai-r t 1t111 ~ -" wNll ~-ion din lry 10 «oen'M • Ket"1een ......, • Blythe Ing to ~ c:rlldled under •f~": pharaohs. o.nn.r. A preny young 7-w~·=: • 0 lllgll ICflool 11u0en1 le ce•· -•••v. "The Chine Syn-KNXT (2) 9:30 -"Newhart." Dick and .,itec1 Into lerf« .._, (ttM71Ann Sflerlden. Aob- ckome" ( 19791 Jectl I.Am· h. M. •II• IHrn• •II•'• lh• .,, Aide. A IOll9ty nlgMc:lub mon.J-Fond1.A1t.-1111 Joanna he lp Kirk bring as mut.eman llltended terQ91of 1 Pl'!· ~prO¥mtobethe ••"""°' 111et .en ••omto Cafe up to code to keep it from being ~-0ownt11 of 111e mem.o ~ plenl 11 hMded f« ed 1:00 8 Cl) CM Nl!WI doc:t« whO io-11er. ~ 1 meltdown go unheeded. condemn . NIGHTWATCH 1:111 ~ • • • "The,_ 5 : 0 0 ( 2 ) ( 4 ) ( 7 ) e 11UC1Mr "19'-tek• Cf) ~TILL H~ OI The ~ p RE at DENT • S · over the control room. KN:XT (2) 10:00 -"Cagney & Lacey." ·-·-typee'' (1M21 Glenn Ford. BPEECH • MIAVGIWP1N Officers are assigned to work undercover ••'A "The a.-eon-L• J. Cobb. wortc1ww 11 RHgan 10 lllk on arm$ GuMte: Stelle Pet1on, Tim f nectlon" ( 19731 Brvoe Lee, produeel oHtertno ~- control end releltons Wilh Met9-, Judith Kr811tz, tO "spy" On their f e}} 0 W Of icers. Robert Bek.-. A mer1lel ~IM~ of e Ille Soviet Union. P111I• N•l•on, Or•o11 ''" ltlld9nl .... out 10 Germen lemlly uO •• .._... -&urve. Linde Orey. evenoe ltle mwder of hie CD)** 'i'I "The F~" ~IANOELI • THl!MAOtCOF IMCMr In wf11ct1 e rivel (1HOI Mertor\ lrendo, DANCe ICllOOl -lnl/Olveel, 'R' o.<K01 C. SeoH. WNle Alter• bMutltul roller def· "The Megnlflcenl Begin· "Jim .ion-" pelt of pollcl oftloerl lleW 2:30 Cl) leOCMAPHY ~ N nuder of by eaetw II kllled In com-nlng" D1i1M Mergot Fon-11'*1' QUIZ 8HOW their ll8lldl lull wtler\ IMy QI~ e colleegue, I vNrWI cop p«ttton. Jll lolne the tMITI ler'I .,_ Ille roots of ~OF IAH arw.tlget• Ille ~ ol CZ),_,,,_ uncover• 1 OOMPltKY lo In~• lier mys1erl-blllet from tMlf royel n1ANQ900 tieech9C*• belhCI IUdted * *'A "The Heuntlng OI lnvoMng IN tllPCl'eellofl ouedMth. beglnningl In ..,.,......, A wenled lliell wtthOUt • Into the IWICI. ,,._to be Jlllle" (1977) Ml• Ferrow. Of• er'llhetlc "* lormule 8 FoOTaAl.L end ,..,.... the --of gr_, card gell lnlO trou· -egein. 'R' Keir OullM. Aft• recover· bl 811 oll c:at1el. 'A' lr.ld•re ., •. Sen Diego In Ralph Waite reprises h is '" 11111-c:ertlllf'f ttleeter; bl• t>efor• Stone end .MOW! Ing from'" emotlonlll c:r1· ··~"OnThlAlghl L.A. gueet1 lnc:lllde Aolend Pet· Klllw pin .vldenoe on Ille •• ·~ .. Nlghthewke.. 111 •• -purc:n-I Trltdl" ( 1M11 G8tY Cot. • l!IGHT•l!HOUOH HWalton" role in :~A Day lt,ZJzJ~1.en09'11-r ... klllw. (1981) SyllleelW Sllllone, hOUM lhel ~· 10 be man. Mlcfllel L.embedl. A SuNn oecto. to become 'dentl of the Peking O..-....... NPORf 8itly 0.. Wlllierne. A tough heunted. 'A' IOdel wcner trlee to llnd e •cop en0 Nenc:y opene • of Thanks on Waltons Sdloot. DOCT°"INTHI! N9w Yor11°""cop1181 hie l:M®MOYIE nonna1 ,_. 1ot • 1n1n dey-car• oenw et Ille , , • h 9 ID NATIONAL ~ wor11 cut OU1 f« him .._, * • ''Loophole'' 119811 a1e11on .no.IWI .. t>Oy wtcll lredfordhome. Mountain tonag tat on oeoaMl'HtCIPl!aAL H.-mott!«tlliM•MlcMel -of IN -10'• ,,_. Albert Finney. Merlin ....... lot~ IN C!> ..,.~MK>NIOHT KNBC (4). "Egypt au.t f« Elerri-Is 11191 Ille rtgh1 medicine d1ngero111 1errorl111 ,,_, A c:r1mlnlll ,,_..,. pon1ee. 'PG' ~ ..... ~-,....._ ty'' The -kl of Rem.-II for CymNe'• delicate c:on-ltrNee In hll 4;tty. 'R' mind Ind 1 r~ l:OO Cli> * * * "F.._ Flgwe'' ....,... .....,,.. ._....,.,.._,,n f .. tured: Ille reec:ue ol • we IMttMed In • 1oo11 Ill dltlon. 1l:OI. 0 A8C Nl!WI ' ' wehltec1 p111n to _,.. ( 1911) He1 Undln, TlmoChy au.ta: lk• & Tine Turner. A behlnd·t~ IOOk tether end 1111 eon ll"om • -mejor ~ CZ> MOYIE ..aHn.M .,, eleOoret• I>"* rotltlery H11t1on. After tllelr LAO &eyer, WeylOn JeM. et NBC'• "Todey" eriow. IUbm.-ged car; twc>men pr~ wtllctl -llnCO¥-••'h "CUI OI 8-1" 12:J0•8LATaNIQHTwrrH from the -below Ille moctw'• deMtl, two bOy9 ~.Kenny Renltln. • OftANGE COUNTY teemt ltfUncl r-pick-up •Ing Ind pr .... wing Ille ( 1976) Clltt Aot>erteon. ' DAVID LKTT'IMolAN 11,_. of Londofl, -..-to he wlttl tMlr l..--t--~·l!t]M~·~A~·~·~·H~~CiiiiiiiiM __ T~OOA[TYiJyntiRYPJIC"Willr-f--~~~=-==r::=:-1~,..~.~..111--...etiJpi.--+"=---~.;::;;..., RedOt-Old o-19. 1111'1'1 direct« Fr_. a:OO Cf) 11A HUNT fe111er. wt10m ~ 11eve not he ·· 111..i ~ bleddef etonm ~eolle. O problem• relllff-wtien C8Pf•. comedian H•ry 3:061 NIWI -11no1 "'* ..,.ma· tekee to glw '*" -Dick Cevett loo6!1 •I the w4tll dynemtte; 1 men In.. e 80LDONIS l«met IOvetl meet IQ9lll Ander9on. ectr .. Cerol a:ao ~20 dlwroellwe~....,. -11'1 1181 91'*'09 reeutta. •• of ..,. bond9. "Ylc:tory hot doge with ellC1r1c:lty CZ) MOYll , 11 .,, off._, Meelde K-. ...,...,. CZ) * * 'h "True Con .... • HAWAllAY&O gwdene." food end 1181 conchM:led throu'gh hie '•• "Aelllrre, The Wreth r-1. • ~ *** "Rlctl And flmOUI" alone" (1981) Robert De McO-.n -chm f« 1 ratlonlngendltielligSend ownbody. 010od"(1972)Kleoel0n-u:ao •Cll TRAP,..JUOttH. (!) TOMCOTT\.l:Ufl 119811 CendlOe Bergen. Niro, Robert Duwll. The repl11-m11rdet•r In the 101111C1 elorlQ w41h epeclel e MOW! ,_...-?:..... lltl, Roy Guerre. In ttie mid M.D. CLa.a Jecquelln• llnet. ~ ...,.._ worlCle o1 mounlelneolOehu. gueet Relph ~befV.. • •• ".Jemee Al 15" 1500'• • .,, upedlllon of Oonzo 1191• llUCll With.,, au...:J-Coc;o. ThtoughOut thl ""' encl two btoeNre. I L.oe Ang9- • OYl!R IJl6't """"'°' of the Inf-( 1877) L1nc1 Kerwin, 1p1nleh conq11l1tedMI unwenled proepectlve • LOYE. A....:AN ctown. of their reepec:tM ... ~~Ind 811 0114191: peycflletr1et Or. BelAM DMth Merch. Mell... Sue Anderwon. .._."'lot IN '"'!'Neal IOet bride wtl9ll he ..-IN 8TYll! llterery cereer• end lmbltloul "°"*' CaltlOllc 0..eld~.Q Cl)MOYIE Alt• mqvtn9 ICtOlt Ille 4;ttyOIEJOorllOO. ... of 811 Aleblen lhell's "Lo111 And The romentlc llvee, two-prieM, ~during• • UNDl!liaTAHDlfeG ••'h "Th• Formul1" • COUfllry w1tt1 Ille twnlly. 1 •.ao•Cll NIWt4NtT ~-(Al e~t-" nw.. on a 0epen0 on !heir lrlendelMP nudlr~••lllllkln. 'A' HUMAN E4A"'°" ( 19101 Merton Brando. 9-llld! ·-· bOy Didi Ind ,,_help Kitti • a M llST OF honeymoon 11 • bid f<K st~. 'R' t:OO •• •'h .. ~ .. "CognlttW 0.-.elopment" 0-ge C. Scot1. Wiiie --home 10 r91Urn 10 btlnQ 1111 Mlnut-ca.. CAMON . -"Love And The (Q)MOW! (19511 JI/fl Ollldlr. Mer· • Cll CM,._ ln_.lgetlng ltie murOlr of hie.........,. up 10 c;ode to keep 11 from Hoit· Johnny Car eon Security 8ulldlng" · 8tlt **'A "The King Of Mervin ta Toren. An. belnll I A8C NEWS Q I c:olllegue. I "91.-en cop Cf) ICAP being c.ondlrnned. GllHtl: Beverly Slll1. mek• I wnl-blnd 0.1e. Owdene" ( 1172) 8ruce Oepor1ed, M ~ NIC NIW8 unco.,.,. • cont91racy Cerot -•Jodie'• pr~ Cf) MOVll! Devld Brinkley, Buddy CZ) MOYIE Dern, JO Nlchollon. Two motl9!9r '*"' "' ~ ~ '1M:ie. • NQH'T lnvolvtng thl eupprwlon poeel Ind Elelne ,....-. * * * * "Goodbye AGail>" Aldi. (Al * * "8plrtt Of The Wlncl" brothers, truetreted wtttl rate blec:tt marti• oper-. ---. of I l'l"thetlll lull lonnull wll•I 1181 mede ._ IUCtl. (1H11 Ingrid. 8erQ'l"WI. I YOUAIKIDfORIT (18791 Chief Oen O-ge. , ......... --·~of,.. tlon tl'om hll hoflle ltlme In ••• "Pf9ny Malde Al In ~.,, oll cettet. 'R' Oi9gultlng petton. y-Montano. NegleCted THI JIPRMON8 Sllm Pleil-.. A YG'lllO boy i;-;o I lropleal perldlee. Italy. A Row" (1971) Aoc:tc Hud· 7:.308 IONTHl!TOWN • P.M.MAGAJINI by lier aowr. I,.....,, UOnel end .#trttftJ have. ~hllhendlcapto (l)llX:l'llNAGelTY\.I ........ "1lvw~ eon. At'lljte Oldllnlon. A F•1tMed: I looll •t ttle ,_ A 111111 to BercelOnl; JoM 18dy ICQIPt9 Ille lttenttone -·· t>ec:ome the Wortd Cllwft. The ~ end ,....... of ...,... ( , .. , Jolln w.-, guldenOe couneelOr. the l>006t "Hunll1"; • glen! f . Kennedy'• pereonel ol anotller mM.. I flOQl8 ON IOCIETY pion Dog 86edder. 'PO' 1_,. love, peer pr.. Werd lloncl. A tno of Mn- Idol of 1 i:-y ol hlgtl lllC!lon Ind perty f« the pMtogrlPf* et1WW Nm al) MOYIE ,_ LATl!NICIHT 11' ... 9 THI LMf WON» -• Ind cflenglne _... 01t1 put their hee on IM ecnool l>eMltl•. works tliggell llere In HollywoOd; of IN let• prwlOent Ind • • ·~ "Th• Po1tmen Holt: DelWI Who19r. 11:«1 Cll COi lW .,. Hetnlned through llM wMrl ~ MtlmP' 10 wtttl 1 1...:::r-encl •police • ~ f« the periect gift Ille lemlly. Alw1ye Alng1 Twice" e ~U9 Columbo confront• 1 lnteMewl with ..... per· dllwer .,, Ot1IMn ltl91 cepWln In 10Mr10 Ille ""19'-under 1150.00. • MOV11! (1N11 JICll Nlctlolaon, <DJ_,._ ct1Mm1nO poet ""° II ente Ind....._ found In the_, to .. teryof--'~ 88,MaYFlUD ***'h "Duel" (1871) Jwice Lenge. A yGlll'll ** "PeMIOPe" (19711 1nvoMO In.,, ...... eun· 4:oo(f) fOPO THI __ .__ k111nOL 'R' • LAVINtl•ltMLIY ~ w..-, Tim H.-· _,Ind lier 1owr p6ot Aftne llergrMI\. o-wt r""'*'9 opereelon _... MOH•IO Cl>*** ''The'-l::IOI N.a a 00/tlPNf'f bet\. A~ 1NCk drtll· to murder lier"'**'°' 'A' Muroll. two """ ....,. reprff•ntlno 1n lrl•h • MOYIE Hoi..,,.. OI The ~ DCKCAYETT I EYIONL.A. ., II 1n1en1 on forcing• 10:00•Cll CNINIY&UC.V to NV. the -tret si-er°"".(AI ** "AlteOfF111Y"(1t73) ~ .. (1912) Ollrwl fonl, Ouellt: au"-Glnnllne ..._..~on f ... ·f~........, hlQllw8'I ~orlet off the Ueut9nlnt &--. putl ...... of e oeceoent fernl-1:001-MlfJf'( 8ruce Lee, Merle YI. A Lee J. Colltl. WortcJ WW M Or-. (Pet1 21 (A) r'""-• -....._. roed. hie 08reer on the llM ..._, ! UMY 'AMIR martial .,.,, expert 11nc11 proclllom dlftertnO ~ • 1aW1NQ JIOWEA Of*I 1111'. Gueet: Alp Tey-• GNAT he budle IN opinion ol • 11:11 . 0 ..w1 · MCMI ~ed dWIOlif when 1mon11 Ille,,.,.._. Clf • CIJ QI NeW8 lot. ~ lenlor offloer Ind telle IN 11:IO fllOVta * * * "Jedi Lonclon" lie goee 10 work In 1 88"0· OermWl famlly. tll IAMl!YMtl.LIR I M'A·e·H "Tt1e<;N111er11ouee0tPer· pr .. tt1et •-.. "'.,,. ••1t "Rougll Cut" (1MOI (1'411 Mldleel o·~ kot1loltactory .• ,.. •••• "DllUllon" A hOlldlY _, bllu.erd Cll TICTACDOUIM4 me .. Gina pollone the Cl* II reeponeltlle tor I Burt Aeynoldl, Leeley~ lueenHaywsd.An..,.,_. 4:1t(Z)MOYIE (1H1) Patrlotl Pwcy, atrendl ~ people MACNllL I L..l!HAl!1' Prince of Penna to e-. _...of nuden. Anne Down. A 8rlUlll hn _..., ,.._ hll P.-· * * * "Ohoet Story" JoMpfl OOMn. A ~ et IN 12th Pr9ClnC1 llullO· . MP0RT the lmprteOl"""'I of lier •••• ..wl eoc1a11te 111rw 811 1nteme-tone!~ 9"lm hll ( 19811 Fred Aelelre, Jotvl dllty nww ,_In !owe wlltl ~ • INIAK PMVIEW8 nephew; en. tie w:apee •WAT mM llonel ,_.. ttllef out o1 o.ye •.,, ~ pirMll llC> Ho111em•n. Myetetlou• her pet19nt'1 MllCIMIM CHJ lflLIT QtlMY TMI! NeelLyon•Gebler end ,.>tt11tnrt • .,1•• lfom the tortr-. FMlrtDO "lqlllllly'' Mortlmlr Adfter 1.a.-110111111lier1te11 t!VOllgfl 1111 wor1l • 1 fWd dMthl begin 10 declmele young grlndlon .• ,.. A poor f8tmer i..rne Ille le ~ to II tMlt hll end • Moyer9 dlla.a '30,000,000 1n ~ correepondenl -Ing Ille ,... ol 1 em11 dfde tO:OO CC> **"'"The lr*uder'' .,._ o1 ~ .w1'1 ._. "C~'end "Heldl'1 tovelotaelll.(Pet15) the .__ of ~ 'PO' thelloerW•. ol ~ "*' wflO....,. (ttl1) ~ ....._, tlon eft• the Mitter le kept Song." • NATUM lnferlo,lty, •lllrmellve 11:oo• INTMT~ CB)MOVta bottl 1 ~ -~ Frri ......_ The~ eft• ect10o1 for l>reeklng I I '!2:!..AaKm'°"IT ''foreat In The Ooudl'' IC:tlon, Ind IM elr"OQle ~ **It ''So Fine'' (1911) Q9l·IOfMtier Ind e 50-city ol 1'°""*"tcMt111 chlfry tre9. ,_,,,_ the der1I uildel-10 of the bet-"h•-" end A lllfllnd.tt.--tocM1 Ryen O'Neel, Jedi W11· yw-old -... 'A' dlllurbed 11y .. ..,... al ())MOYIE **"Love Sle"9 OI The Ir~ r81n 1or.i In IN "Mllenote." •NeC'1 "Tocl9('eMw. Oen A~ oollge pro-4:9(8)MCMI a .... wllo ....... * * "Th• lncredlbl• Amazon" (1867) Don Tay-Colt• Rlcen mountelnl 11 e MBJIA,_,.. e MOYIE lellOr ..-1111 ,_..,., ••\t "lw/ Wlllell w., ,.......,.... snrtnlllng women" (IMO) lor, Glanne Segale. A Ylewed. "Pllotooreplly" Holl ** "lem'• Sano" 11 .. 1 floundertrlCI ..,.,..m 111e1o-You Cen" (lHO) Cllnt CB>**"' ''Tllear. Liiy Tomlln. CMr"9 Oro-South Amer1c8ll ailPedl-Cl).'!!!! PM>ALI CMryl T!ege prolllle 11119 AoOer1 De Niro, Jennifer ry lly '"-'ling I,_ type &.ewood, SOndre Loclle. ~" (1171) Jeall cln. 1lon et11dlH Amuon a:>'""'",. people wtio m111e "* h · wanen. The wrtwl of 1 of lldlel' jelnl. 'R' llefore Mii~ doMI wltll Paaanc.. Joell ColllN. 7:00 I CM NIW8 ttlb••Of'NI•. • •• "Aloll And FllTIOUt" Ing befllnd the cemwa. (A) tie.rtltul blonCle ,,.,.... 1:30. a N9C.... Ille girt end pet orangutM, Mlrlilldlng lndlene Ind NICNIWI CC)ICMIHHl..aoM (1981) Clndlcl Bergen. i IN formerty ..... work· CWINDff I .,.,..fteted ""'*.... _._ -I ... of .. ~ DAYI AGAIN cm M0Vta 1 Jecquellne llllHI. THI 'INININI int Nlllloneflit>I of e • ~ MlfJf'( llP for -!Mt, lllcretlw obet8del .... lly I bOy Forme lak• over the **'A "The King Of Menitn ThrOllgflCIUI the 11C11 Ind A WCMlded ~ 11111• group of tlllnnllill.,. pro-cm....,,.-mMcfl. •PG' IM 1111 dot• tlwr .. coec11·e~cllle. Gwoene" (1972) 8ruoe oowne of t11e1r reepec:tM 11nduudvM .... of8Nofl duG4nll 1 po111a1 OOCu· ••~ "Th• Octegon" Cf) IUUWINKU g1e to .....-.....,.. I ~~Q Dllm. Jedi Nldlclllon. llterery cerHrt 1nd ~r lfW ~ mentery. (1MO) CfM* Nor'1e. Lee 4:30 - -"""'In IM Aim11811 "-*· _. t:OO • IQUAM ,_ romentlc ._, -.-~J!".:IOOl11Cla • Cf) ~ Ven c:teet. A weallhy T1tesfll••'• i... 'PO' Jodie mall• one lut w-HIQll'• ear-cMpeflClon....,ll'lelldlhlp Ull....,... • ...,,.,. ~ -hlrw • CZ>**""OlelgnForUw- MtlmP'tolflWYYCerol. Weell epftl Jdttwf Into ' loteleM!ty. 'A' •** "llcMhern C--•• ._. "The Ille Slly" r-.o lftlt1lel .. cMm-............ .,... Ing" (19al l'f9drto Merclll. (!).... fonnlne hll own roctl CB)ITANDINllf'OOM Iott" (1911) l(ettfl Carr• (19521 Kirk Oo119IH, pion to proteCt....,'"'"' • 08'YCooper.A ......... . • THfm'IOO/tlPNf'f Mnd. ONlY dine, '"°'*" Boo4tle. A t>ewev Mlttln. ~ tenoriN ,,._. by IM MICl>***''The"""'-.,.,..,,.. ..... _.. Jw.e ....,.,_. Jeck In ··UTT\..l~A "SllertoQ H°"'* -The O'OllP of NetlOnll Ouw-. trevel yp the lotlleOllfi Riv-;-=:Nlnj9cull. 'A' ltllmtli.."(117t)Dldl y.,, ........ fMll .... olflftt,.,_ ~ wl1h !let vteltlng N1W WH•tca Strenge C.. Of Allee men on wHkend ., to._.._. lndlen *ft. ~ K-....n Gulnlmn. A wMI .,, .,. .,.. ""' • if.... ~·Ind AlmertlO IMtll Fe11Miner" The meet• ""'*"'9f't In I LOMIOIMa ~ ............. ._.. • •• "NdlAndf__,... CecflollG .... ".,...for ····--...... J01C8W8 WIU> thltthe'/'• be toroid o11 detective -°"" for ~ epn 1 ..,.. 911W• • Low. u 1• BOAN (1H1) C.... ..,._, • mwder ol • nun wllt "*" llMll to ..-wy •"*Cl ••11•1 their lend wMll Ille r• ''°*' aowe ....,. In 11111 ,.. -wltll • OOfMIUNtY IT\1.I Jaoquellna 1111et. wflOltl lie Md ~ ... !Mii. ~ toed _,.. to Wllnllt 11aoe production, Qped at , ol --.iwoodl C.-. 'A' "Lowe AnC1 The 1111 lut· TilrOuglMIUt .. 11P1 end '*"" of "'"""' en affllr. 11111. ** ''T.fl -..&n" Cll ,..M....,... Glow. M.C Ille WlllllmlCOWn Theatre CB)MCMI .._-·ca...1ttlllplngout downO of lllOlr lilfl~ho 'N ' (1tf11 CMlllOe ..... v-...,.;. --~,.,... MOtW FeetN91 In~ • ***It "P\1Me Of TN w111 • -.,,_,"Lowe ltlerer~ HrMre encl a:ooa:>•• "JoMAlld.Mle" ,_..,...A a Ill•"' TV.-.: Jea11 ....._ Lee *** "•a11d0Wro" (1tM) frlnk LAnf1111 end •• Cfty" t1H1) TNll WI-Md The ........., Girt" ,.....-llwea. twe ....,_ (ttlll ....., ...... Two ... llldl ......... In Honley, end Jclft.Etldl 0..-Mertln, JM*.._. pllell C01MN ltw. 11M11. Jettrr Orbedl A ...... .._ Ur111a Md _... • ... ........, ,..,,.. Cll!llllNll Nfl .._ ~ _. ._ ...._ Hc•om« JolWI '· ._ .,.,, A,,., plOU to llllP hll Cl) MOYIE .... Yor11 oop II oeillM ~ .:= ...... '°' ......, .. ,.. "°"' IClllOOI to .... oor· ..... .., ......... .,,. ,.,__ ......,.. oomtct .,,__ lllCt hll ..... "For YOW ,r.,.. ............... ,,_,,. (1)1 ••• lllCMI onelonotOlleln....... •~<ID••• . .,..'--,....' pflW ..... lllftofttll.... geng..cepelly ... 11119 Onlf'(1N1)"°fl'MOCIN. Mii ~to flll..... ** . .._. ........ 111111 ............. ,_TheHolio ll .. ,.,..., C ... -. ,.,....... .... hlllMllly. ........,,..._. T.,e. ............ lft ~ JtlWl ....... 9urtY-..A _. .. ,_,., .... ,.,_ (l)••-..··--ForYfM _..'--,-...-_ 1.::·.r· ... ··" ::=-· !'.~ "Th• L... r~~=pr·acl JOHN DARLING by Annetrong • ••ttuk Tr-" (11711 "°'*1 °'""°· .... --... "' *.. ....,.,.., "' Tiie 111e HollywOOd ol tfll ...,.. .. C 1tfl) ic.-Dulll9. 1tlOI, one IMll'• -°"*~.A ....... ,,.. "'"' -ll'tlnd of ............. "' .. ... ..... -""" .. power· ............ .... ~··••IMIM enOllllllWt-.' _,,:~: __ "£ __ A,...,...,.,,... ,.,...... ..,_ ...,............ ... ........ _. .................. _ ................ .. • IOYGU,_.WIU 1111. ..... '* !!!!.. .... Cl) llrA..... "' _.., ............. 1911¥ .... -· .. Ml.IC NC>flCC ..... 'ICflTIOUI 9U ... H NAM91TATl•NT I he IOilowlnO llWIOl'll are OOlng ~ .. ,OOTtHl.L 80UARE LIMITED PARTNEASHIP, 19782 MacAllllUf Boul•var<I. Sullt 140, lrvtne Ce 92715 01egOfy c OIRlenzo. 1117112 M~rtllur Blvd .. Sun• 140, tnitne, Ce, 9,716 l ruo• Cox Conklin, Jr , 191112 MtcAtlllur Blvd .. Sulit 140, ltVI"-, "• 92715 Tlllt l>UllnMe It eonouc:ttd by e llmHld partnarthlp. BnlC4I Cox ConkMn, Jr , Otnarel P•tn11 f'bl1 111111Mf\I we• llled with the CoJn1y Cllfll ot Of•no• County on November 12, 1982. ,20tMO Published Oflmge CoHt Diiiy PllOt Nov 22, 29, Dec 6, 13, 1982 6165-8~ PtllUC NOTICE ITATUIMNT OF AaANOOf .. NT Of'·UM OF 'ICTl'TlOOI 8U .... H NA• Tiie l ollowlng peraona h•v• 1b1n<1oned the uae ol the lk;tltlous bustneH name: COURTESY AUTO BODY, 727 Legune Cenyon Ro1<1; L1gun1 8NCh, CA 92651 Th• Flct1tlou1 Bu11ne'9 Name referred lo above .,. .. -illed ln Oreno• County Ol'I December 1. t98t, Fiie No. Ft77030 JOSEPH A PATAFIO, 37 Farragut, lfVtne, CA 927 t4 DOUGLAS G ALBERT. 37 Ferregut, lrvtne, CA 92714 T hit business was conducted t>y • gener 81 pannershlp J01t9h A PataflO Tiiis llalement was liled wnh the County Cle<'k ol Oiange County on , Novemti.r 16, .1982 Jeffrey ... ltowll'd 1IO Newport Cnlr Or. •2UO Newport hedl, CA .-0 Publlahe<I Orange CoHt Delly - Pilot, Nov 22, 29, Dec 6, 13, 1982 51117-82 NJllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8U.,._H N._ ITATUllDIT The following peraon1 are Clotng t>ullneuas: RELEVANCE. 2017 E Ocean Blvd • Balboa, California 9266 t Ro .. Mellln, 3112 Glt>relter Avenue. Coate Mesa. Celltornla 92828 Ellzeti.th wauece. 20t7 E Ocean 8111<1 .. Balboa, California 92626 Thi• business ts conducted by a geM111I partnership. Rose Met41n Thlt ttetement WU filed wtth the County Clertc of Or111ge County on Novamti.r 4, 1982 ,201'71 Publl•h•CI Or1ng1 COHt Delly Piiot, Nov 8., t5, 22, 29, t9:~90•82 NJllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9UllttJH N.-ITATEMl'NT Thi following pe<eons are dolng bualness as: EB PHOTO FINISH, 12526 Valley View St., Garden Grove, Ce. 92845 Eelw1rel Patrick Berry. 5592 Strene Drive, Huntington Beech. Ca. 92649 Thia business I• oonelucied by an lnellvleluel. Edward P. Barry Thia statement was flied wllh the County Cletk ol Orange COlillly on November 18. 1982 ,..., Publl&hed Orange CoHI Delly Piiot Nov 22. 29, Dec 6, t3, 1982 5t63-82 NJllC NOTICE ITATE•NT OF AaANOOHfllfiNT OF UHOF . ,ICmlOUS eu ..... NAME SAND N SEA PROPERTIES. INC, t6431 Pacific Coast Hlghwey. SunMt 8eacti CA 90742 The fictitious t>u1lnes1 n1me ,.!erred to above wet 111•<1 In County on Fat>. 13, 1981 SAND N SEA PROPERTIES, INC. 16431 Pacitk; CoeS1 Highway. Suneet Beaoh, CA 90742 Thi• business was conducted by • corporation OorNM L Ad1m1 Thia atetement wu flied with the Count Cle<'k of Ofange County on Nov 18, 1982 '155174 Pubhthed Orange Coest Delly PllOt Noll. 22, 29, Dec. 8, 13. 19112 5188-82 PUBLIC NOTICE 5t69-82 PUBUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9UllNH8 NAME STATE•NT The following person It doing t>usi-u: THE BABY CONNECTION, 305-A Main Street, Hunllnglon Beech. Ce. 92648 Lore L. Morrison. 305-A Mein Strait. Huntington Beach, Ce 92648 Thia t>uslneas Is conducill<I by en lndMduel. Lor• L Morrison Thia 1tetement wu flied with the County Clerk or Of"ange County on November 18, 1982. ,2025M Pubtl1had Orange CoHI Diiiy PilOt Nov 22, 29. Dec 6, t3, t982 511 t-82 Starting ..... Buelne•• A a6cerd t111 •• c...... .......... ....... 11111 c:.-{lee H itt •• '71111 ell ,.,.. ............... ............. _ -·· "". __ ... ......... c......, Ctet~ .... "'"" ,........ ''"' II••• 111 t .......... -.. .. •r•• '" •"'•" , .. . ................ Tiie tl8llMe11t 11 ,....,...., ........ _..., .. ...__.... , ... r .._..... ..... -. ..... -...... "411""' ,.... .......... ..... ......... __..., Tiit OAILY .. ILOT ,,. ............ ..... c ........ --.. ... " .... --. .. f ...... ---• •• ,,,. ....... le '"' O r e11e• c ...... , C--nn . .._..., -· ......... . ,. ................. If ,11e11e Ille Ll6A&. .... ~ ..... . ....... ,., ... . ............ --. i•Miljijmll 6 4 2 • 5 6 . '1 8 _D A ~ I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E ·o 6 4 ·2 • 5 6 7 8 .. .. Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT I ~ondey. November 22, 1982 •I 1'11<' 1narketplace 011 the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 • - CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI filil• ......•••.••......... ~~!!tW.~'! ....... ~-~m.1!!.~ ...... ~ .. ~f!.'!!.h.'! ...... . C.a111I I If~ c.,,, #.u llM u .,., I 1M .............•........ •••••..•............•. . ..•..•............•• ** ******* 1------------••AY•lllf• !~!!!.{~h.'! ....... '11!.~.~P.!!t •. !.~ff ~t!!.~f!!tft •••• .._,, .,,. IMI Ouole• on t~ Nl1d 30tn lul 1111 f:"e'll'n: ••••• r. •• IT.le It NI Ne-wty '~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ml MUI In 11110 out 3 br., 2 ba Mlely3!iriu• hatbor I owner Corner 101 . 110 .. 1111. 2 t>r • l t>• view. ~ lwn 3~t/3ba & 2bf/2ba, dOwnttllfl Min 10% DffP H , GOii, '''*''•M.Cal .:a:::. $14,500 DOWN ...• t15K .4teume 172K 111 down OWC balanct al tannet. hOrH aclng, TD 0 w c 2nd TD t! t% '°' 5 yr• °'"' '°' lhaatar.' Olhar ant•f· &42-5671 IOUAl HOUllNO OllllllOIUUNIYY ,..... .. , ......... 152·t4M e1.1mmar ran1111 1736. lllinmattt 111111 ltvu mom• ooo A1m11111e Raattv COfftC*IY No '-'-\'ou IM /IH rell Mlllt ldVt<tl- ::, 11'1 lhla newspaper ii 1111 IU.bjlOt 10 Ille Fad•ra :: Fair Houatng Aot of lffl 1• w111c:11 m•k•• ii Illegal 11 :: ldV9fllM "any pr..-.,en 1.. ce, llmi1111on or dl11C1lm1 :: nation blHd on race 1• color, religion, ••• o :::, national origin. or 1n1 1• Intention to make ani io-.. such preference. ttmlll ::;:: tlon or dlacrlmlnatlon." ... ,,... ...... 31 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdtm·dtn·2 bath OPl!N DAILY l •tl .. , lllY1m1T1 IULTN/IWlll ...... ~ . ..,· ********.,) $l:l00/010 c.tnd owm•r wall c.•arry $301000 at ll'N1 1rnercst for lO yrs~ Sharp E11ddc- holllt' m1 t•or1wr· lot with grt•at financing: :JBr I l 1 Im. Jo'm dl'wils c.·oll Adru .. •nnl!, Af{t 111-2121 •. ,,,, ,,.. f!!!~.tf!ff •••••• !.~t· - ., • I• 71'·544-2484. name II we trtan,• II • $1000 Wk blH 114) lttgett fakaltonl IOI In ·~·••/ 142~ Npl Bc;h Over 20,000 • r '1.Ill l.t i.i. I I lot on Cl\4Wry Lake w/4 •••••••••••••••••••••• • ..,..,, ...,. lll Sf 3'"' Ba horM Rac:antty .... Int .. •••~•••••••••••••••• reno1111td Atlclng 1495. .. II I II Wn1c1111 3 br 3ba. & den o o o 8 1 3 • 1 3 1 o : Pflda or ownttan1p. Gd. I s 12001mo. 148-183~ •" 549-3548 Proptrty 2000 Sat noon f R \ l>I f I( l \ \I ~I \I I) C M Huge quality duPex '·L-100--IS-L..,..t ---3-bd_r_m_, -2-bl-. 3 ltp.'c· 3 gar, copper lamrm. $1700 mo Biii plmb ng. I 125K. aNu· Grundy Rtlr 87U181 mable loan 11 12% Int. ---·------ I 1~6K/ofr Ag1n1 ... .., Dalual.t.rl 642 1816. • ••••••••••••••••••••• P ........ RIT19 2 . !'!!~~~t ........ !~f t=: Thia newapapar will no :: knowingly acctpt an~ Ill .... •••••••••••••••••••••• WTllH ... IUIP Miii 1F ___ o_R_E-=c==L'-o;;;..s ...;:;u ==R E~F-O-R f......, al . x 1 groae tiliiililili_llill_lllil __ • edvertlalng tor real ea ML Ill tale which 11 In 11I011ll01 Two bedroom collag.. on :: ol Iha, law. great cornet lot Ocean :!: .,.,.. ,.,-,.-1,---vi-EHy walk to 819 u• •••••••••••••. •••• •• •• Cofone S..Ch Atttactive 3 Br. amt complex, qua· Illy conatrucdon thtuout. 1138.600 75t-3t91 ~· .. on M~ Place nr. 19tn, SALE Newport Beach, 18 moa old. 2Br. 1~b•. c 111 John 0 I• d a . I 130,000. Call '°' dalalta 213-304-3398 RIGHT REALTY lllffl llMUI 3 B f • 2 8 • . v I • w - lncludH pool, \ennl1 HOMES f()R RENT courttl, 4 yra new '" Oceanalda. 111-1111· -IMIUIU&.1' •MISSION VIEJO• $675-$725 {: IHI 111•1• owntr financing $340, l• •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 111·1• 1~% Lllll. Graanbltl pool, lnctry rm, •IRVINE• $ f!~'.'.~t ........ }.~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ UI a&I : 110,DIO 11111111M1 IAPllTllll Auumabla on 11111 4 A·I con<I Owner (2t3) bdrm llom.J Returbltltlad _~_7_·5_9_2_9 ____ _ FOR SALE BY-OWNER $155,000. Two hOUMI on almoat 'h ICfa tot, W/Slde C.M. Good In· come. Wiii carfy 111 TO w/.15% down. 962.·8558 $750 •FOUNTAIN VALLEY• $750 ,.. IEllOTilll Manor hH undat con-5.5 t>aautllul acrea with a : structlon. vu tot. HI stda view from Saddteback to kltcnan, naw paint and REDUCED $50,000 low m1lnt. y~rdl Vary For Sale By owner $299, daalrabte area. lull re-500 38r, 38a, swimming ductd 10 $127,500. Cart pool, trplc. wet bar. 1111 979-5370. rm, din rm, lam rm. Xtra •HUNT. BEACH• $700 \ -PrlOed $8,000 under 1111 1 of quat/lux. Can 11111 111• the SH. Secluded yet ,... comparable Hie In lh! tor flnllh. Cati SuHn. only mlnut• from town. : area. Nine year old • 75,.9100 Sl 200 000 HorH• o.k. $695,000 • 11 Unlla EASTSIOE C M., good financing . IOxgrou Prine. only Bkr. 558-6171. •WESTMINSTER•S~5 Bdrm home on a hug( · ' ' Saller will llnanoa. \ f >111 tl F If lg 2 car g1raga . 133-9773, 646-081 t dye, •CHILDREN • •PETS OK• Eu111de lot A S1aa1 a• 17141 '7M4o0 5 isl1~fi?100 -act tut IZIJtH .. llJI .... MIST Mn W1llW MIPAlll oo~~!,.~1~'.·~t~~·c:: .YIWIE = ..i'.Ei-IE:!!·i!I --HARBOR Beaut d 2 br 2 bl Mual Hit prullglou• PtJa. owe with $75,000 ~l l~~~:;=~~!·~~='=@f=·=~=~~~=I! -rs\.'r ~:i~::~5J:.~;;~op1 : ~::,:~1~1~~.~~:d:ie.:.1-~-~-;~_n_,_:_,r_in_'_a_o_n_•_Y_·_b_k_r l llYESTIEITS 656-4982-. ' ''I ··-Ii Nr FALLBROOK. t t Flreplace. Balcony and FtrllltHrl '"'I .. -acrea. 6200 aq II hm, O..• l.J.1 f Ill much more. All off art Management odanlad (l 14\Ul-20IG : LOOK _ tannl• court, ate $875,l~~~~~~~~~~·SPECTACULAR·oce;,N• con1ldere<1. Owner. lnveator Mell• flnanc:lat AG91T:No FEE -, 000. Ownat wlll carry. --•No HARBOR VIEW 962·50l9 partner lor excaptlonal ~~~~~~~~~~ •llll For our new fagulai Call 7 am 10 I pm, Mon ,.. .. ,~ " BR 2 1'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1; !J: -kty fellur• tnru Fri. 213173t_.962 11111 llY Newly uogradad. 2 , II Newport Beach Income 4 Br, CdM l800 <m IOIT SHOW n Ba, !\Ill MC., uaume l<>w uml... proparu ... High~.. 2 Br. Ip. Bal Pen MOO .. • QIUTllll ISTI I Clwn. Ownr. 893-3151 .... ,., mn'r clallon potential. No ma-1 Br. t>ayfronl ltoo wot CASE · II Ill IUYM Lllrga, flmbllng, country Fantastic location. Bar· nagement raqulrl<I. Fully 2 Br, ocnfrnl 11100 !:: llLF OMll llOm• w101 panoramic 1B••lla11t• gain priced lor quick MCured 875-t 170 tvn, ,,._., llALn ~ Every Slturday In th« 31• living rm w/hlgh view of the Back Say, .. ,. IHO Hie. 3 bdrm, 2'A blth 1-Wk_nd_1_966-__ 8_64_5_d_a_.__ ,.., llllllmll - -Dally Piiot Ctualfladt Nawporl Center. and 1·••••••••••••••••••••• ...... • celling. O'looklng lhe mucn more. Faclflltea for IP&OlllS llAlll IM ltl·tevet, 2 car 111ac;,...., • lllTI .... llM171 • IE.... beaullful 11111 fairway. , 1 1malt nerd of horaas, 5 8dr. 4,-" Ba. 3.aty, 3000 g0a0ra.gt1.1 ,y~c•8nvt1.11S•1b8189, E.llOe duplex, 0·5% Ihm. - Lge master suite on 8 ,.,. 2 Br. high beam ceillnga, •JM ground floor. StH:luded accHa to 8ack ay IQ. 11. +over 900 IQ. It. 772-7281. $141 llE...-Lll d & I tralta of blloony. Some OCMn WALKER & LEE R.E yuela, guagH, ' l..U..•I• 1111 --"' prtvlle yar pat o, Rlcll Alderette, Bkr. vltw, 1 blk to btlch. t========; 900· •••••••••••••••r•••••• • Lovely one slory homE 3-car gar. Vae1nt. See (l1•) 711_...,. 1285,000 F P. See owner Two trlpluH, 111 2'a. Panln Pl. 5 BR, 3'-" ba, on prim• Eutllde toe•· anytime. Gatt guarded, __ ;..._ _______ , In adj. houM at 206 tSth 7.50% dwn. break even. DR. 1ro pauo, $1200 mo. lion. corner tot. A big area 144-4111 11'1111 • ,...... St. 536-l7l8 RY• Im $187,000 each. Agt. 10 mo. Agl. 673-90e0 big add on family roon" s•tl.. F1nta1tlc vlewl 0tam1tlc 140-7814, 558·8981 "'---., '•I M•t l••• with Skyllghll. overlOotl! ,. • II M·ll tllLI 3 Bdtm home witn axcl· _,.. _. I I Ownet ~ttl carry 2nd TO fl ltl S.11 1J11 • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • a shimmer ng poo 1 135 000 11 9 5% Clo•• to ocean, 3-3. ting country type kit· •••••••••••••••••••••• * Smail t Br. duplex. Tastefully done In warfl" 0 • • Pymll S 1200 to $2000. chan. Private commu-adj. R-2 Iota. Capl1trano Slngle or cozy couple. eart1'tones, many. man lnt., .. t O.C:orator coor-S175K to'S215K. Mova 1n nlty. 1449,000, or S1900 eaacn, 182.000 ea. owe Frpic; no gaf, no pata. extras and axcallant u-~!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!i!!!!!!if dlneted tt1~1iov;'Y~ -take over shared •P-month. 11 1r1 .. 496-t542 S535 util pd. 752-5822 ~~t3~~· llninctng ~~l~g!u~ ~1~1ng area. :~:fi~·~:~~·c:.11n;:~1n.~ 142-1200. ,.;. .,.,, Duplex a1 717'-" ~chld. 3, ~~':.'~~~:.i1_8_9_1·_5_5_56_. ______ 1 .. !!!!!!: ....... !~~ ~~is'9so~ ~9M, COLDWeu BANl(eRO THE REAL ESTATE RS boat lllp avallable. Ow· I.I. -Palm Desert, Montarrey 640-9219 ner le lncludlng mem· Large 3 Br 2 Ba w/2 Cit CC Plan 300, golf. Ilka/ 2 bd • t bl, Cape Cod. barlhlo In Irvine Country gar, air, & frplc. Aaaume mtl'I vu. $1891< $100 u-Com lately remodeled. * Club. A llna value wtth a 12.50% 111 and owner iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ aum. PP. 714/855-415t Prlv. Bell. $1,000 mo. Ill& VEllE llYFllll praallglous condom!· wilt ha4p finance. Alklng . 673-4771, 433.2900 s1.a11• _{ltum hOl'na. s t24,000. 831·7370.1 llltlll Willi .... Custom beaulltul 3 Sdm-with fabulous view of 1111"'11.., hoc. I BANK 2 bdfm, 2 ba Top IOC. trg rrns, balm cell. blltl On t.he golf course outstanding tamlly hOlna -\\All HI HO'T 549·3548 · Dlatr .... Tennis COndo. CHARMING: 2 Br, 1 Ba. _ hpme, many, many••· Newpon Harbor Pier a AE•L"ST•lE Gr .. tlin.832·76380wrlr to bch. $900/mo. tras_ $279,500 willt t()Oh " to " LIQll>ATION 67"' "~"""' llt Clown owner wilt carry at slip lor eo· boat l>IU• aide .,,.._ 0. el I •--;r--.... ------- -12'/o"lo lnttfeat. tie FC>fmal dining fOC>m, liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I ~ Ult . "" 2 bdrm: 1 bl, Chat"*. 2 5 ltf ....... , lffr, =~~ ~1~c:!!~F:ic1r1e .. I BIG CYN ClJSTQM ... :!f!m........... -~~8~/m~~PAvlil:1\ ~~~ :: Ml-71H 144-HIO • ..... I On golf courM, 20% dn. ...... lllZMI 15th. '83. 619-756-5011 -ljiii;=iiii;i;i;;ii~:::::::::~1 Vlclorlan on the lat'11ldl 3 1----------Vac1nt. ahow anytime, 4.1 acTea, zoned C-0 . ct•. 819-758-2388 -· : Ii Bdrma, 3 baths. MW and llYUt IH4 1 ,,, s t,295,000. Will con alder 2nd, T .0 -LllO ISLE lllEI vecant. Beveled glaH, ••••••••--•••••••••••• 73-7781 Of 780-t397 644-6426 OllmY OITTllE = rode tlrepllee and difte. ·-I FOR SALE·Lafcevlaw. 3 Br. So ot Hwy. Avlllf. ..n Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn, 511 bath. rantl At $575,000-F111&11• I Oregon Ranch, 200 no,w. No peta. Call Diana : Lge L .R., air rond. 2 boat B;l.ips $1.500.000. Only 8 yra old! 5·8dnn 2 .... Ill.I -acr ... 281 hM. 2 corrals. &9'1-1266 Of 842-3442. -u.-il()IJI: 11t)Ml:S 11ory 11m w/3 baths, for· LIT + .... trout atraam. 2 moblla AG•· : R mod led 3 bd 2 bath + I """' · ANltors. 675-8000 mat dlnl.V. and ulil rml 1 hom41 llt•. 1225,000. 30 -11---.----,-.-.,~ -e e nn, arge • '""· nn .. ~~~~~~~~~!,.Owner ib'solutaty muat Walk 10 Udo Village. 3 yr 10% financing. Call .,..,. .,. -'* : beam ceilings. furnished, patios. $420,000. Ii Miii Price Ju•l reduced 10 BIClroorna. 3 1>11n1, good owner Bob. Mayer (714> ;.~;.·;d·o:,;;:;4·~~ w •• ~,. '111111•• '$145,000. Call 979-5370 auumable llnenclng. 588-3500, home (7 t4) . 333 E. 21,1 St. CM : PElllSIU NOIE Latgt lamtly n~ •••· NOW! • Xlnl buy. Price raductd 681·'1622 or Bart (503) 145-8103 l4s.6$89 ..,...,_ to '550,000. 947-3536 .. home (50311---------0cean & jetty vi~ws. Marine room,'4 bdnn. 3 luring 4 plus br. 3 bl . 947-3218. t'h Br. garega. yard. '°" -IDJC ------... , ••• llJI ti« ... t i• lllC •1• balh, 3700 sq fl $1.385,000. Ocea,nfront. 2300 •q It. Try tO" -•• _ ....... _ 1. S525/mo. Wallovery down. Tak• over 9"'•" -, ,,..,, cuatom norne 3 Br. 2 Ba, • IT 181 T 0. & owner wll ...... n• lrHhly painted, m1ny LllDA ISLE IAYFlll carry balance at 10% for 1---------•••••••••••••••••••••• •Ir••. prvt, Ill• & airy. Lagoon v iew from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, playroom, ~5~1 ~5~~::7~ Wlllllllll j II LUii • FllE 142-2962, '&lf.756-3246 dark rm, den Boat slip. Now $1.000.000. $5000 dn, owner must 67"7300 5 Ac. graoe vln•~~ 2 BR Houae I Oupte11 llYlllE PUCE Spec1.aculQT bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up: 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reduccd-Sl.500,000. FAllUlll UICI ~ Walker & Lee UITI Ill mts. M1128drmcondo.Excel l J-Rlncho C.ltf. Wm 333 E 2111 St C M . auumabla existing fl· to local winery, paraon or tOam·llpm nanclng. $97.400. Rtdu-50 R group of serloua wine-145-8103 145·8589 c:td from s 1'10,000. Cah 3 bdrm, 2 ba. 4 ed· maktfs who wtll maintain 1---------- lor Mark. 1144-8325 or tandl. S2t0,000. Sl0.000 well cafed !Or 8 yr old Eat81de. reap edit• P'• 559-6442.• down. aaumabla toana. Cabernet Sauvlgnon leHed, 2 bf, 1 ba. Iii•· 645-5735 owntr v 1n•8 F 0 r de 1111 s r • Iii e . S 6 2 5 I m o . -New 4 br. 4 'ti ba. custom French Normandy Grail famlly home. 8drrns, 3 ba, mint conc:t Lga rot. excat flnancl~ avail Call Agt. tor dlllaflt 144-9152 or 780-8818. SlllmEE 3 bdrm, 2'h bl Plan 4 8 Large m .. ,., bdrm, an- cloMd paUo. Plus good Warmington con11ruo- ~ Heigllll older 2 Br 1 Ba. dbl car gar-oe, 50xtt7R1tot. 1165,000 ~,~,~~~:S· 4 g 2 8 • ·-2-9br-73-.--~-544b-.-_-Dfl-.,.--t>v-26_5_2 Mlt 11!.lC ~ -Estate 1.2 prinw acre h1Utop $1,250,000. COllOIUI CHI :: Coronado lsland cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat := dock. Plans avail. Now $370.000 w /terms, -BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR J ! ~ , , •J• Jr , "'• ~ ~ • ,.. ": •..._-·el 11'9 ,_ ... --· ... ...... .. ..... r ... ., .._.. _... I. KA 8 0 M I I . I' I I I e HOLSTEIN REAL TY tlon. St43,too. e.n.. ,,, .. , 1011 ..............•....... / 481 Sarti• Ana Ave 548-5041 ... 6 ...' ,, Santa Ana Ava Unit 2 Do l•lf not dlaturt> 1enant1. 1450 ... ~~ ..... !!!! mo. 851-e228. Lllk• Arrowhead 2tlOO a.t. 2Br, lBa, 1 atory, enag, hom41. $230,000, Xlnl fl-c pl/drpa, pallo. frplc, nanclng. For ••I• or dahwahr, beamad cal- trlda S 100,000 equity tor !Inga. 2650 Elden. 1540 So. Coall property. mo. Call Mr. Barman 714/966-MN 556-2480 1111111 Advert! aers should check their aat dally anc report errort Im· med iately. Tht DAILY PILOT 81· sumea ltablllty for the first lncorrec1 lneertlon only. I i"i 0 1~'1 Ii I I " A H " [ I ' O..y to lllltCMr '°t .. llt •OO doO ~. P ... M . Tiie lllul· r I I r If Chlf =· L "Ooln9 to ..... lol "·---'"-.A--•-_..._...._._ i of doG ?" "No," he repflff, I N 0 y 8 [ G' I "I'm "' to -'"·" 111 rr •~--:-.... ......... -= ....... _.,_~--"'-~.A.----...::i,_ .. ':"l ....... \ .. • I ' ,...., 1 ,. • I Di Or nge Co SI DAILY PILOT I M011day November 22, 1982 THt; ··4~1L'' CIRCl'8 by 811 Keane ~---...___....--~·41:v "Miss Johnson wQs absent today. We hod a prete{ld teacher." ,.AR" A Dl' IU:: by Brad Anderson 11. __ "I sent him in 15 minutes ago to . wake you upl" Jl'DGE PARKER •IG C.t;ORGt; by Virgil Partch (VIP) ) ·~ l • l ) i. ... • • : • ~ ~ "I h1t1 Mondays." I . , Hank Ketchum ,,_ ,'2, ! t f ' . i e ~ ~ ~--.SoY ! Yoo ~'r wt«r 01RT ON MY AANOS ,YOO OON'r W!M'l>IRTCN TtfE_~ ... WHERf _DQYOU ~IT?. by Harold Le Ooux ALL HE NEEOSJS T}jE NAME OF ONE ,......... __ ~""---'--'. UNSOLVED HOMICIDE JN WHICH MR C W HILE AT THE MIGHT HAVE PARTICIPATED ANO THE YES, SIA I CAN ~VE YOU THE JUST A MINUTE NAMES OF SEVERAL' IN THE ANO l'U. PUT AOC~Y SINCLAIR MUf'DE~. 1 THE HOSPITAL , SAM SERGEANT WILL HAVE OMER9 TO HAVE A TAPED CONVERSATION SEF'.GEANT DRIVER PHONES OP.INC:, HIM lN r-T""---lN WH ICH HE MADE THE ONI THE DISTRICT Rl0t-j.T NOW! ATTORNEY ANO THEN ASKS . CHAP.LEY TO TALK WITH HIM • HOO~ ~l.LLIN8 HEY, WHAT'D P~OPLE' Do BEFORE TV? NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE HIT MAN I OM""GEE. I CAN'T C'#ET IN t 0 MV 8£P WrTH TM~SE MUPPV FEE'f WELL, l<AYo ... LORD P US~D TORf,AD rOME ... , \ !' .. by J im Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson ... WHILE' EMMA DARNED MY SOCl<S AND SEWED BUTTON ON MYSUIRTS. , . • • ,,, . PE"Nl'TN by Charle• M. Schulz ,,_,, o-.-·--.. --------~ERE 'fOll ARE, SI~ ... ENJO' ~OUR MEAL GORDO f'l'~K ,. "l~Kt:R8E.4N (.O'.)cJL() ~ ll KE ID Bl)I( A BAND TORKE'r' TO HELP WR BAND EARN MON~ iO GO 10 1H£ 10URNAMENT Of ~ PA~DE ~ ,___ _ _..., 1111. M.8Ml8CK 1 DON'T KNOW . I JUST HAIE T11E Trl()t)(,HT OF AU. TH06€ ~~ TURKEQ5 BEING K/LlEO f{)R 1liANKS61VIN& ! • W 1-1 AT A CHEAP PLACE ... NO VALIDATED PARKINS! ;>i by Tom K. Ryan FIR5111ME l'V~ ~ff SE~N A CAVAL.rN 'A~~R Wl'm IJ~ £'1Rt7ON11. by Ernie Bushm1ller -BUT IF YOU LEAVE A ME.SSAGE AT THE BEEP, r'LL RETURN YOUR CALL---BEEP by Gus Amola by Tom Bat1uk PUf 400R MIND Al" EA5f. ! AU. OF OOR lURK£45 DIED OF NATtlRAL CAU5f5 f ' Most OCC students in Mesa About 23 p<iroent of Orange Coatt College'• 30,000 atudenta live In Cott.a Mesa, accbrdlni to colle ge official.a. About. 17 percent a rc Huntington Beac h residents, 13 percent from Newport Beac h, 9 per ce nt from th e Saddleback Community College District area, 7 per cent from Fountain V alley, 4 pel'cent from Garden drove and 3 per cent from Westminster. Students living In Santa Ana make up 3 percent of the population anq another 3 percent live in the 'North Orange Couni,y Comm unity College District area. DEATHS ELSEWHERE Viaoba Bbave NEW DELHI, India (AP) -Vlnoba Bhave, 87, a social refor'm er and discip le of the late M oh a ndas K. (Mahatma) Gandhi, died today at his , retreat in the weste rn state of Maharashtra. the United N ews o f India reported. Geor1e P. Mosey LITI'LE ROCK. Ark. (AP) -George P . Munsey. 64, a.n appliance inventor and founder and preside nt o f Munsey Produ c ts Inc .• d ied Saturday. H e developed a toas t e r in which buttered bread could be toasted h o rizontally . • MLIC NOTIC( NOTICI °' TIWlfll'I IAU 1..-.... 4UtlTAlLOR T.1 ..... 1 ... l OLINOllLl INV llTMIN T COl'POAATIOH 11 tuly ~lllf T1u1l 11 ynder 1111 rolfowlnO deletlbed dllCI of huet WILL Sill AT PUILfC AUCTION TO TMI! HIOMl'OT BIOO!A 'DR CASH IP•Y•bll 11 um. of .... In 11wru1 mon•y Of 1111 United 8111111 111 right, 11111 lll4l ln1..-.. 1 conveyed to end now hllO by II ullCW fafd 0..0 ot Trutt In thl P•OOllty hlf"nal111 Cleleiflbld TAUSl'OA RONALD C fAYLOR 11\d JUDITH H TAYLOR, llu1band 1nd wll• H community plOOlflY BENEFICI ARY oeORGE H PRAfT 1nd LOUISE J PRAJT. nuab1nd i nd wife •• community P'OC>lfly Recorded Au8u•I ~8. 1980 H ln111 No. 3478 In bOOk 137 19. PIOI 1278 or Olflcl•I Recot<I• In '"' oflfce Of 1hl AICiOrd4H' ot Oflngl COUtll), Mid dlld 01 lrull Oltctlblll tlle fOllOWlflO p1opwty: LOI 43 of TrlCI No. 1233, In 1111 City ot lrvlne, County ot Orange. St1t1 ot C1lllornl•. 11 per m1p recorded In Book 273 Pege1 23 to 28 lnCIUllve ot MtlClllllllOUI MIPI In thl olfle4 ol tht County Rec0tdet ot Nkl County YOU ARE IN DEF.AUL f UNDER A OEEO OF TRUST DATED AUGUST 14, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACflON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8LIC 'SALE. IF YOU NEED AN UPLANATION OF.THE NATURE O~ THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER 4S52 P1rkgr.t> Cifcll, lrvt~. CA .. (If • "'"' address or common dtslgn1t1on 11 shown 1bove. no w1rr1nty Is g iven 11 to 111 comptet-°' correctneu) ·• The blnefld1ry un<lll Slid o..c:t 01 fruit by fNSon ol I breach °' def1ult In 1111 obl1g10on1 MCured lhe,.by. 11111101011 IXICUted and d•llve110 10 1h1 unde,.1gn1d • Wflllen Otcl1tlllon of Dll1utr 1nd Oemlnd fOf Siie. Ind wr1Jt1n notlc;e of bteacn Ind ol llectlolil 10 ceuM 1111 underalgned 10 sell aelo p1openy to aalialy ••Id obllgattona. ind th11111ter 1111 under9igned ceU91d llld notice ot breach 1110 ol lleetlon to be Recotdld A119ust S. 1982 11 Instr No 82-269007 In Officlll Records. Seid ule will be m1de. but without covenant or w1rranty. ••P'"* Of Implied. regarding 11111, post1sslon, 01 encumbr1nc1t, to P•Y Ille "n111mno ptlncipal sum ot the note(•) aecured by Nld Oeed of frust. wltll lnt1test 11 In N id nota provided. 10v1nce1, II 111y. und11 the letms OI Slld Deed ot Trust, fees, ct111ges 1nd expenMS or 1111 Trust .. Ind or I.Ill truata a111e<1 by aald Died ot Trust. Said Hie will be m1de, but witllout covenant or w1rranty. express Of Implied. regerdlng 11111. possession. or encumbrancet. to pey the remlining p1lnclp11 aum ol the nofe(s) lllC\.lred by aald Oeed of l'rust, with lnttrest u In said note provided, adv1nces. II 1ny. undtr Ille term• of slltl"Dled of Trull, lees. c111rg19 and expen-of thl TrustM Ind Ille trusts crea1ee1 by said Dlld ol Trust Or1ng Cout DAILY PILOT /Monday. November 22. 1882 Ml.IC NOTICl Mt.tc Nemer NOT101 °' ~Tll'I HU IYATI QI CAUICMINIA U. .... ·-, , I 0 I 0 P T M I IT A f I TI. .... -.a AMMITICY r o atfllv1c1 COM,ANV 11 ~ 1P•::1:~1e1•1•AL 1ppotnl1d Ttu.1111 under Ill• followlnl til'°1lhd dee(f "' 1ru1t AO _,-POii llDI WILL 8 LL AT POii.iC AVCTIOH "'9UC MOTICI l'O THE HIOMUf llOOfR '011 UA1U> PAQPOSAll will be CASH (p1y1bll 11 lirnl Of e.ie 111 r-...O In R00m ac>t8 107 louth i.flll money ol 1111 Vn11ed St1IM) lk04ldW1y. lc>t Angai.., Cll1l<1fnle, •11tiOI"·11111 and lnt9f .. t conwyed un111 ~ 00 p m • We•n11d1y. to encl now llald by 11 Ullellt Mid Oeeemblr I . !H2. 11 w111cn time 0 .. \t Of Trutt In 1n1 p1op11ty they Wiii bt publlCI)' Ol)lned ltld lltrtlna"« clllQlbld lied In AoOm 1101 11 N1<1 ICIOr ... TAU8TOR. OlNNll F SCOT f IOI' "'° PENNY aeon. llutbend end LlflOUAAO TOW(M wllt 11 Joint lllltl'lte EMPlOYU' OEPAATMflNf 0' 'AfllKS PRQFlt 8tiAflllNQ PLAN 0 ANO AECRlAflON CllAOIO PULMONARY MEDICAL SAN OLl!Mt N r t 8 f A Tf OAOUP INC ·M le 10 111 utldlvldlcl IEACH 50 8"01nt I nd EMPLOYl!ES BAN CLEMENf E. ORANO'f PR FIT SHAAINO P LAN 0, COUNTY, 0 ALIFOl\NIA CAAOIO PULMONARY MEDICAL IW 0 PSS 107) OAOUP INC. ·W .. 10 In undlvlcl•O T h I• 0 t 0 I• 0 I 0 0"' p, I ••• 50 PllGenl lnter"t conttructton oi • two·atoty wood Recorded '•bru1ry 9. 1981 •• lrlmld lil~d tower lnatr No UH In ll>OOll. l)IQI 81ddtre l"l•Y Ord•• pl1na i nd Of Ottlclal Alc:otd• 1n tht offiCI ot 1p1c111ca11ona by eon11ct1ng the AKord11 of Or1n9e County, Contrac:t Man1g1m1n1 Sactlon. Hid dlld of truat detCrlb1t 1111 P.0 9o• 1070, Sa.cr1m1nto, 95806. lotloWlng property· Telephone 1(118) 322-2971 Lot 58 or Tract 1700 •• per Plln1 and epee111ce11ona rn1y bl MllP recordld In Book 52 PIQll 7 oblllnld WllllOU1 Cllergt end I ot ml~-· Mac>•. fn 1111 Prequlllllc1tlon of blddll• under OlllCI ol 1111 County RtCOldlt of th• 81•1• Conlll<:I ACI •• not Nld county. required, · YOU AM IN OIPAUl.T UNDaR A Suce11tlul blddll •11111 furnlah DE ID 0, T "u. T D .. TI D Plymtnt bond 1nd p11to1m1nc1 .IANUAlllV II, t•1. UNl.111 YOU bond u rlqillred by taw TAKE ACTION TO 'ROTECT Puraue.nt to Secitlon 1770 ot 1111 YOUR 'li!OPIATY, IT MAY al L1bor Code, flle Olp1rtment of IOLD .f.T A "'9llC IAU. II' YOU lndullrlll Aa11Uon1 nu -t•lnld •ID AN IX~TION M nta 1111..Qlntl.ll p"v1lllng 1111 ol Wlgll NA TUAI OP THI l'rtOCllDINQ In Ille county In wlllch '"' work 11 to AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD bl done. 10 b• .. t1111d In lhl CONTACT A L.AWYIR. 01p1rtm1nt of T11n1po11111on 1312 S1nt11111t1 TtirrlCI, Cdfon1 booltlel enlltlld Glnetll prev1IHng del Mii. CA 92825 WIQI R1t•, Oiied aa "' forlh on "(II • llrHI lddrtll °' common Propont Form. CoplH ot 11111 d11tgn11ion Is shown 1bov1. no booklet 1r1 on Ille 11 1500 • lth werrenty II given •• to Ila S1r11t. Secr1m11110, CllllOfnlti, IRd eompllt-Of corr1Ci1neu)," 1111vllle.,,. to eny lnterMlld periy Tiii blnlflCllfY undlt Hid Died on rl<IU"I ol Trutt, by , ... on of I brHCh Of · BARAY WASSERMAN, dlflUll In tht Obllg1Uon1 securld F.A.I A. lhlrtl>y. 111r11olorli eKICUlld 1no Sl'ATE ARCHITECT d1hv1110 to the und111lgned I l'ubfllhld 011ng1 CoHI 01lly wr1111n Dlcllfllton lot Oll1111t and PllOI. Nov 15, 22. 1982 4774-82 ,..;c llOnct NOTICI Ofl Tl'U9Tll'I IAl.I NOTICI °' TllUITll'I IA&.I NOTICI Of TllUITll'I IALI LaMM9-,_. L-. .... llO OALUlll L ....... ...., .. T.I ..... -.1 TS. .... A...., c.-. IUALINQJOH 'IMAHQIAL CHINO VALi.iV IA* 11 duly I A ll Of ,I NANCIAL llflVIOll. INO • C•llfornl• 111111101nt•• ''"" .. 11ndlf Ill• CQNtOlllATION .. OlllY -.i11a1nled cor110111ron H duty •PPQl1111d fQllOWl"I CMMCtlMd tlald Of truet TtllllH u11d1r 1n1 lollowlng ,,UllH undll lh• lollowrne Wll.L MLL AT 'VIUC AUCTION clalOflMo ONO Ol lr\191WILL81LL delcrlbld deed of tn11t Wll.l. anc fO THI HIQHHT 11001,_ POA AT PUBLIC AUCTION T'O THI AT PUBLIC AUCTION 10 THl CAIH (~II llflll Of .... lft HIOHUf 8100ER FOR CAIH HIOllrlJT 11oocn FOA C ASl1 lewlul ~Of'"' Uftltld ...... , (l>..,•1>11 II lltN Of .... In lawful IP•Y•bll 11 time or 1111 In l1wtul .. •lgllt, ,,.. encl lllttrlll ~ m~•Y of the Ullllld 811111) 111 money o• th• UlllltO 8111••) 111 to lllCI now lllld by It UllCAt NICI 1io.-1. 11111111<1 tnt9fe•• ~onvewed 10 11ghl. 111 .. 1n<11111 .... 1 40fl•l)'td to 011d ot Tru11 In the properly .,,. llOW 1111<1by 11.-noet ..ict 0..0 1110 now tltllcl by II una.t NICI 0..0 ....,..,..,_ Cleletlbld of True• In thl pt~ h«llnalter of Trusl tn Int propllly l\lfein.1111 TfllUSTOA MAfllOUIAtTE OllCl'itlld dM(ribld PCAlfeY MAAOU£RITE MC· TRUSTOR LIW18 KAAN 1nd TAUS 1 0 R A IC HA I\ 0 J CAUUM MICHAIL I. MC CALLUM NANCY MARTIN KAAN, hu1b1nd rOL.MtR. 111 unm•,,led mtn HNIEFICIAfl'IY: CHINO VAl..L~Y Ind .... e EN e,.. I c I A A y MI 0 w l'8 T •ANIC S!.NEflCIARY tllAST FIOEAAL PACIFIC HNAHCIAL. INC •n IOWI Aecotcled June t7. 1N t .. IMtr &~ V 1 N O 8 A N 0 L 0 A N CO<j)OflllOn • No 26111 In looll 14 I~. Pete 5Q4 AS 6 O C I A Tl 0 N 0 f 8 ANT A ~Olclld iStPltml* "· •• I Of Ot1lcitl Aec.ordl In thl Offlol Of MONICA. I COIPOflllon. reccwdlcl 1n•1r Ho tllt03 111 l>OOlt 142 ,., PIOI 1111 Rtc0tdt( ol Dt•noe County .My t3. IN 1 11 lnetr No tto63 111 ltHotO!flcl1l~dtl11 t111 0!11C1 Slid 0..0 ol tru11 ~lbll tht boolt 141:17 11ld dHd ol fruit OI lh• AeQordar of Orange COIJllty, lotlow1ng P•Ol)ltl)'. clMcrlblt lhl fOllowlng ptOpi(IY' 11ld dll<I of trutt dltCllbM '"• PAACtL 1. Lot 8 Of TrlCI NO PAACEI. 1 Unit 348 ... tfiowil l<lllOWlllO P'C>PlflY 3213. tn 1111 Cit)' ot NlwPOfl IMch. 1n11 c11111n Condominium Pl•n PARCCl I County 01 011ng1, .... , o t rlCOldld 1n 1>0011 12,414. plQIM 2:30 Unit NO 100 !the "Vnll I U •hOWn C.lll0tnl&. It Pl' ,,,.,, r~dld In to 2119 ~·· ~Ill AeCiOfO. Of upon tlll Colldomlnlum Pll!ln book 10 I , P•O•• 33 111d 34, 0111101 County, C1llfornl1, on (1nt111ed "Coodom1n111m Plan '°' lOI M1-11aneou1 Mepa, In the olflcl of Oecemblt 30 1977 11 <Ill~ In t ol Trect NO 10687"), County or 1111 county recorder Of .. 1c1 county th• Oect111i1on oi A11111ct1ont 011n91. $1•11 ol C11tfornll (lh PARCEL 2 Tll11 portion of r1cord1d 111 book 11784. 1>•011 •·Pfen 1. rtcOldld on Julf 12, 1970, hvl111'1 Su11>dlvlalon, ·~ Pl' m1p 13114 10 143 t 1nclu11v1. OlllClll •• Oocument No 16e 10. 111 bOok r1oorded In book 1, P•o• 88, Recotd•, end 1n book t 1714 pegee 13226, p1g11 79 111rough I 1 Ml101111n1ou1 Record M1p1. 1432 to 1486 lnclualv1, Ollfcl•I 11'\Clullvo, Ofllcllll RecorO•, of 111 r1cord1 or old Or1not County, R41Cioro1 or Hid County, 1nd 1ny OrlflOI County, wllicll P11111 Ptrtll •dlOlnlng llld Tr1c1 No. 3283, tmtndment• or 1nn1ut1on1 10 11111 P<°'*1Y descrtbld In Tract l>OUnclld 11 tottow1· 1111t110, lllCI locllld on tn11 cwtlln Ho 10587, rlCO•ded In bOQt. 449, On lhl North by lhl W111erty 1111 ptcSperty dllGrlblcl 11 Loi I ot PIOI• 5 I nd 0. M11Ctfl1neou• M.,,.. proiongMlon ot lhl Nonlltr1y 11111 Of TrlCI No 9093 1n 1111 City OJ lnllnt, rel:0td1 of H id Ortno• Co11nty Lot t . NICI Trecrt !\IP. 3213; on lhl County of Orengt, 51111 o l PARCEL 2: WMI by I llnl lhll 11 pt<allel With C .. 1lornl1, 11 per m1p rlCOfdld In An un!llv1ded 002111 ptrc.n 111<1 104,00 Itel Eut1tly from lhl boofl 42 t , p1gn 11 ind 12. 1n1er1•1 In 1nd to 1n1 Commo EMlllly lint of Trect No 4003, u Mleclllineout Mape. 1n 1111 olflcl ot A1111 11 aho'tl.n ano delillld on 1 p11 rn1p rtcordld In book 181, 1111 counly recotclw ol Mid county. Plen. rea11v1ng 111er1from 111 p1ge1 13 to Ill 1nctu1lv1 , PARCEL 2 An undlv•d•d 1192 lollowlng Mlac1ll1neou1 M1p1. 11cord1 of 1n111e11 In 1nd 10 111 ol 1111 ,..1 (1) A.n excluallle 1nemen1 (otne llld Orenge County: on lhl South property deecrlblcl 9' Lot 1 on tht 1n1n Parcell 3 111'10 41 dea1gnlled a by 1111 W1111rly protongltlon OI !hi mep ol the 1f>ove rel11enoed tr1et, "Restrleled COmmon Ar11" on lll Southerly I~ of Hid Lot: on 1111 1ogetll11 wllh 111 1mprov1m1n1t Plan end'~ to otller Ulllls '°' EHi by 1111 WMtlriy Una or eald the11on. 11cepll~g 1n111trom uH u perking spacH 11orag Lot Condominium Unlu 330 tllrougll tpaces. balconies and/or patios: PARCEL 3 ; An 1p1Jr11n1nt 421 1nclu11111. 1ocetld th«eon 1nd non..,.lCCilullve MMmlnl 98.00 1111 EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oil. 911, Oemlnd '°' Sile, ind written nollel of bleach Ind ot-etec1lon 10 CIUll the unde111gn1d to ull n ld prooerty to 11Usly .. 1c1 obllglllont, 1nd th11111ter 1111 underalgned ceused Mid notice or btelCll and elletlOn 10 bl r1COtdld August 3, 1981 .. lnatr. No. 1400 In l>OOk 14166, pege 1479,-of Nld Olflcllf Alcords (bl A non-aacluslve e11ome111 wld1 tor ll•hlng, n1vlg1tlon, m1nw111 1nd other hydrocerbon•. eppurtenl/lt 10 all Units &hOwn on comm11ce and 1cC1H ov11 thll below 1 oep111 or 500 f11t without 1ne Pia" tor ingress •nO egress, po11lon ot !Nini'• S..bdMllon, 11 1n1 ,lght 01 1url1ce 1ntty. 11 support. repair, m1inlenane1, and fllOwn on I mep lll«tol, r-dld r~ed 11• lnatrumentt of r-d. PUBUC NOTICE 1ncro1cllmellt In bOOll 1, PIQI 18, MllCllleneou1 P A R C E L 3 A n e 11 c I u 11v1 ------------1 EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 oil. QIS, Ricord M1p1, 11cord1 ol H id euement eppurtonant to auch unit S1ld 1111 wlll bl m1d1. but wllhoul coven1n1 or w1rrenty. IJ!Plesl °' Implied, regerdlng title, posse111on, or 111cumb11nces. to p1y 1111 r11n1lnlng principal sum ot tht not.Cl) ucurtd t>y Nld Oeed of Truat, wtlll lnt11111 u In llid nole provided, edv1nce1, II 1ny, under 1111 111ma ol Mid Died of Trull, f-. cllerges and ••~na.s of the TruSIM Ind ol tlle tru111 crNled by ..Id Died of Trull Slid sale Wiii be 11e10 on Tuesd1y, Oecemblr 7, 1982 II 2 00 Pm. 11 thl C11epm111 Avenut en111nce to thl C1v1c Center Bulldlng, 300 E C1!1pm1n Avenue , In the City ot Orenge. C1 . c,, .... , IT>tnet'llS and oltler nydrocarbons, Or11ng1 County, ldjolnrno Mid Tr1et tor 1h1 use and occupency ol tllOll NOTICE OF TIIUITU'I SA~ bllow 1 depth ol 500 1111 WllhOUI No 3283. tying 41100 1111 on llCh portions ol Ille 11atr1C1ed CiOfMIOfl I mOn FDlolmt"STW: •• 6E. Rtl9C8~ .~1T11T1 LOOE Ille rig ht or turtact entry, u aide ol 1111 followlng d11crtb1d ., .. dlslgnited in 1111 DICl1tetion " ""' "" reterVed 1n Instruments of recoro cent« 11"9 of R11tr1C11on1 and 111own on thl INSURANCE C 0 M PA NY , I PARCEL 3 Commencing 11 1111 Southtelt Condominium Pl1n tor IUCh Unit. Cllllornla corpo111fon II Tru1tee, An exclual11e 11ght arid e1aement to corner of Tr1e1 NG. 4003. •• per YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A °' SUCCllaOr Truatet °' Subalilutld u11 lhe p1110 ereatsl des1gn11ad on mep reeouSld In boot< 188, PIQll DEED OF TRUST DATED JUNE 26, TrUllff, ol 11111 cerllln Died ot 1111 Plan p. 160 01 the 81lcony 13 to 19 lnclu1lv1, MlllClllllllOUI 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIOH Trust executed by HARVEY ArM(s) des1gnlfed on Ille Pl111 as Mepa. record• ol Hid 0 11ng1 TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY.IT A L EX AN 0 ER ELL I 0 T Ind B·None. 1s being appurtenant to County; IMllCI 7 I Olgrll 54' 00" MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE BARBARA J. ELLIOT, huab1nd and the Unit, H well IS an 1xclus1ve Elll 104 00 ftll llOng thl Ordinary IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION wife, and recorded August 14, 198 I rlgllt ind nument to use 1111 Hlgll Tide Line •• deecl'lbld In 1111 o F THE NAT u RE OF THE It lnattumeint No, 17120, In Book llotlQI 1re1. II 1ny, dealgnalcd on llnll deerM entered In Cl .. No. PROCEE.OING AGAINST YOU. YOU 14 181, P1g1 1122, ol Ofllcl1I tlle Plan $-None. af being 20438 Sup11lor Court ol Hid SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYEf' Records of Oreno• County, 11>9Urtenanttoth1Unlted Anytueh County, 10th• tru1 point of S1rettldc:fressol1boYlpropwty Cahlornla, ind purtu1nt to 11111 atorage ., .. ahlll be uMd only lor blglnnlnl!: 1""'-INvlng Mid line 11302 Tengeto. lrvint CA 112714 No cettlln Notlcl ot DlflUll lhereundlr storage purposes and not IS hv1ng Nortll 111 d1greea 08' 00" EHi w I,, 1 n t y ta g Ive n •a to I II r1cord1d July 29. 1982 11 quart1ts 527 49 feet to lhl beglnnlnl! of a completeness or eonectneu. 1natrum1nt No 82·28 1480, of PARCEL 4 curve conc1v1 WMterly 111vlng 1 Tiit benellcllry under Hid Deed Oftlciel Record• OI uld County, wlll An e1telullv111gM and eestmenl to redlua of 584.00 1111: 111enc1 ot Truat, b>" rN90l'I ol 1 brtach or UflOef Ind purtuant 10 llic:I Oled Of USI Ille perking spllCe Of IPOCH IS N01111trly 441 86 flll tlong H id dellUll In the ObllQ81!0nl MCUrld Trvst sell 11public1UC1lon IOI cash, Clellgnated on thl P11n u Paik11 ourv1 through 111 1ngl1 of 43 tllereby heretofore .. eculld 1n<1 llwfU4 money 011111 United s 1111101 Space(•) PS 130 dig!-20· 00", ,,_ Nortll 2s 11tv11ed 10 111e undersigned 1 Am111e1. • c1ahllr'1 Olleck p1y1bl1 PARCEL 5. degrees 14' 00" West 98 41 felt to written Oecllf111on ol o.teull end a...- MOnca ,J. ':9'• U&.I YOU Ml IN OUAIAT UNOllll A 0110 CJ' TlllUI T DA TIO JAHUAlllY 21. ttlt UNLIH YOU TAl<l ACTION TO PlllOTICT YOUfl "'°"ATV, IT MA'Y 11 IO\D AT A 'Ull.IC IALE ,, YOU NHD AN U,LANATION 0, THI HATUAl 0' THI PAOCUOINO AOAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULO CONTACT A LAWYIA 011 MOlldly, ti.. Htn Oy Of NOvlmHr, 1H2, 1~1 llOul 0C 10 00 O'CJoek I m • ot Mid di)', II tfll lrOlll 11\1111 lfllt.,_ Of rod911fy NltlOtlll Tltll 111_,,_ Com1>111y. llOt Ctvtc C11111, Drive, W•t. 811ll1 Anl. CllllOtnla, County ot Ott1101. &Ille ol ClllfC>fllil, FleleNty NlllOMI Tiii• ln1ur111c1 Comp1ny. H Tr1111 .... wtll ... 11 PllOllo ~ion. IO 1111 nloll••I bldd11. ro, G1tn. 1n lawful l"llOfle'1 ot IN United &111 .. , all paylDle ., ,,... tlnle of Mii. '"' tollowlng dltc:lll>ld r .. 1 pr0P9ffy, tllullecf In 1111 City of Fou1111ln Vllfw./, County or OtlflOI. 81111 o1 c.lltotnl1. anO commonly known • 110110 Sn1111 Stt111. Founteln VIiiot)', CaH1orn11 and Mino mor1 penlcUllly Cllletlbld 11 IOllowt LO' 42 of TrlCI No. 5333 • Pl' m111 flOOtdlcl Ill Book 194, P1911 47-IO lnCilu1lv1 ol Mltalll1n1CX11 MIOI. In 1111 office of '"' county reccxdlt ot NICI c:oun1y Slid NII will bl made wnnout ~· ., -r1111y. 111pr...O °' irnplied, reo-dlno 11111, pc111111on or 1ncuml>,.nCi11 lo 11t11ty 1111 ot>llQatlon -Id by end pur.Uent to tlie po.-of ..,. oonllrrld In 1 Cttlaln dfld Of tlutl HICulld by ELOINE l4EGELE H Trullor, 10 E3CROW ENCOUNTERS. INC , I Cellfornll OOtPOt•tlOn. 11 TruatM, '°' lhl btr\9tll and -.11tty of K-' y E. CROUCH, an unm1u11ct worn111 d1t1d Janu11y 27th, 1981. end rtconlld ~ 30, 111111, In 1111 ottlcl of tht County AICiOfW ot 1t11 County ot Oreng1, Stitt of Cllitotnll, In Book 13933 of Olficlal Aec«dl If 1>-oe 200. Thi 10111 emount of tht unpaid ~ Of lhl otlllgatlOn llCUltd bY. thl property to bl Miid, lnCIUdinll 11llm1t1d co111. ••p1n111 incl adv~ i.: $52,339.09. Thi n1m1, etreet addr111 1nd 1111phone riumblr ol ttll Truet• conduc1"'11 lhll Nie 11 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. MOO MeonoMa A-. "'-lkle. Clllifotnie 92508, (714) 682·5000. lhl -· ICklr-end telephOne number of lht Btneflc:lry 11 ,.._ requeet thie Mii le to be c:onductfMI, 11: ALAN ROTHMAN Ind BONNIE OIBLASI, 450 Wtet Founll Street, S1nt1 An1. CA 92701. (714) ssa-oe12 Olrecillona mey bl oblllnecl to 1oc111 th1 property being aold, pu11uent to • wr1111n 11qu11t auominect to lhl blnlflcl1ry Wltllln 10 deyt from lhl 11111 p.ibllellion ol tllle nollcl. Dllld Nobvemblt t. 1982. FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SiltT• Gonzalll, A•t SlcrllllY STATE OF CALIFORNIA Coun1y ol RNer'lldt Joe Klpaess Seid 11le wlll b1 "•IO o n WedneSd1y, Oecemblr ts. 1982 11 2:00 p.m .• II '"' Chepmlll Avenue entranGe to Ill• Civic C1n11r Bu1ldlng. 300 Eut C111pm1n Aven"9, In lhl City of Oflnge. Al 1111 lime o f lhe 1nltl11 publlcetlon ot 1111t notice, the 10111 1mount or tlle unp11d b1l1nce of Ille obllgallon tecureo by the above duorlbod deed o f 1ru11 1no esllm111d costs, etp1nte1, i nd 1dvanc11 11 S66.402 14. To determine thl opening t>td, you may Cll( (714) 937 .0966 1oaak.1Tru1t11d11wnon11t1teor One (fl Membership 1n The 111• Sou111er1y 11n1 of Lot J . Hid OemartdlorS11t,1ndwrlltM notlce n111on1I blllk. • st111 or f1der11 VerSllll\eS Homeowners Anoc:1111on. Trect No 4003 of bteacJtl Ind of 9*tion to ceu11 a edll union, °' I 11111 °' llde<lf logellle< Wllh 1H rlghlS p11vrlegeS, EXCEPT THEREFROM Ill Oii, tht underllgnld to 1111 111d Hvlng1 ana loin 111oc1111on a n d 01>1tg1t1on1 appur191n11nt 911 , m ln111ls 1nd other property toS1t1afy said ot>tigetJons. domtCllld In this 11ate, II lhl mlfn ttlflfeto. . hyorocorbons. below 1 depth of 500 end 1111re11t11 1111 unde11lgn1d 1n1rance to Flr•t Am11r~11n TUI• ··You ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER IHI, wltlloul th• right or 1urlllCI ciullld uio not1Ce of breech '"dot lnaurence Comp1ny bulldlno, A DEED OF TRUST DATED entry ... r~lnl,_rumenllol 111ellon to be recorded July 28. loceted II 114 East Fifth Strtet. In SEPTEMBER 3 198 I UNLESS r6e0td 1g82, IS Instr No 82·2611S5 of 1111 City Of S1n11 Ane. Cllrtorma. a.ti YOU TAl<E ACTION TO PROTECT YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Mid Olflcill AICorOs On thill 111 dey of Nowmber. In 1111 yeer 1982, btlOll m1. Ille und1nigned. 1 Notery Pubic In en for 111d County 1nd Slit•• ~·~:;·:n~s::'~ ! NEW YORK (AP) Joe Kipness, 71 , a veteran Broadwa y producer and proprietor of J oe's Pier 52 r estaurant, h~ died of cancer. Kipness was the creator and co-producer of the Broadway hit. "I Love My Wife." NOTICE: Al' TIME OF SALE BIOS MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL CODE SECTION 292411 At 1111 1lme o r Ille lnlllal publlcellon or thll notice. 1111 10111 1mount 01 1111 unplld bll111ce or 1111 o bllgllion 11eurld by the above d11crl b1d d11d pl trust 1nd esllmll•d costs, .. per\HI. Ind 'lld\'lllCel Is S25,2115 30 0111: November 6. 1982 T.O. SERVICE COMPANY At aald T111t1tet. By Conely SchOOllO'Vlf. Aulstent Slcfltlrf Ont City Boullvwd Wnt. Or1ng1, CA 92668 11111 rl9111 , 11111 Ind lnterut YOUR PROPERTY, IT MA.Y BE DEED OF TRUST OATEO 8109181. S11d sela will be m1d1. but conveyed to 1no now held by II SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO without cov1n1nt •or wl(flllly, vnder 1110 Oltd ol fruat In 1111 NEED AN EXPLANATION OF. THE PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT expreu or Implied. reg1tdl"O tltll, property lflulled In Hid County °' NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING MAY BE SOLO AT ~PUBLIC SALE. poneclllon, or encum1>11nc", to St~~ .. ~·~0-:-31 ol Tr~ No-AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION PIV Ille remllnlng ptfncipll eum of -· CONTACT A LAWYER " 0 F THE NATURE OF THE thl note MCUred by -d o..c:t o1 HM. u ahown on 1 Mee> reeordld Tiie 111111 lddren or common PROCEEDING AGAINST....-OU. YOU Truil. wi111 ln11r111 es 111 SliOnole 0 1n1 BookMl-~111:!._.~1 M4f.!0•150n1~1oulfl4ic"'e oes1gn1llon ot Ille •bove II 102 1 SHOhULO CONl'ACT A LAWYER. provided. 1dv1nc11. If 1ny. under _., ·~ ..,... '"' Scholz PIHi. No. 145, Newport T • addr111 ol aalo p1oper1y IS thl terms or Hid Deed or Trull, ol the County Recorder ol 11111 Beech, CA 921160 No w1rr1nty 11 433 H1rbor Island Or .. Newport llU. cherges end etpen-of Ille County. • given H to 111 compl11en1H or B1ac11 CA True1ee end ol thl trU111 crMled by (or ptO'<lld 10 mt on 1111 bull ot • .. 11at1c1ory ev1denc1I to bl the ' peraon •ho .. ecul1d the within ln11rument 11 AMlstant Secuelll) or on bell1ll ot thl corpor111on , therein nemld, lllO IOICllOWllOgeO 10 m• that such corpor1tlon exewtld It. Harold J. Gibbons INGLEWOOD (AP) - Harold J. Gibbons, 72, a second vice president o f the Inte rnat ional Broth er h ood of Teamsters, has died of complications from a stomach ailment. To dllermlne 1111 opening 1>10, you mey clfl (7 14 I 9G 7 -0966. 01ur Novemt>er 15, 11182 GLENDALE INVESTMENT CORPORATION u llld Truslet. By T .0. SERVICE COMPANY. IQllll By Sh.,111 N ... AQ1111111 Secret1ry On. City Blvd .. Wes!. Dflnge, CA 92668 Tel.: (714l 83S-8288 Pu1>ll1lled Or1n11 Co111 Dilly Blltoa Edwards Piiot. Nov 22, 2 • D1c 6 . DUBLIN,lreland(AP)1-5-104--82------~ -Hilton Edwards, 79 an Ml.IC NOTICE Englishman who became K.-.O , o n e of Ireland's lead aTATEMRNT "* MAHDO•-NT Cl* UM Cl* actors and theater FICTJTIOUt.,....tNAME d irectors. has died Th• 1011owlng p111on1 111v1 11 t Dub) I. n's lbendonld the UM of thl flctltlOUI co eagues a bu1ln111 n•mll ENTERTAINERS Gate Theater reported. PROOUCTIONS WEST 1no ENTERTAINERS ORCHESTRAS 11 ----------------~-1250 E. 17111 Street, Suite K. Coste l lATI llTICll M~e ~~ct~~:~· buslnesa n1m11 1111 ,.,.,,.d to abOVI w11e fll•d In • -----------County on Septemw 10. 111111 l 8rend'w9111, Ike Bobby Klflt, JlA VULIC 5503 Adobl Falla Ad .. • 13, Sen Diego. C1llfotnll 92120 MIKE KA VU LI C . a G111ld G111m1n. 1k1 Jerry r esiden t o f Huntington Ger11a. 7509 Hllklll Avenue. Van Beach, Ca. Passed away on Nuys, Ce. 91408 N ovember 19, 1982. He is ~::=.:;conducted by• IWVlved by his wife Anne of O.lld Gellmen, 1111 Huntington Beach, Ca. and a Jerry Glrerd son and daughter-in-law Thia 1111-t wu tllld with lhl Jerry and Patti Kavulic of County Ct«tt ot Orenge COunty on .a.-.. ..... Ca ""·--I . November 12. 1982 .... ~-, . rUJ~ra servlce5 '·110IMA were h eld on Sun da y. ,_,.,.. N ovem b e r 2 l , 198 2 at Publlalled 011ng1 Cout 0111y 7·30PM at Pie rce Brothers Pll01 Nov. 22, 211, Die 8. 13. 1982 • 51e&-82 Bell Broad way M ortuary 1----.. --_-IC .. """_TIC(_---""...;..;-.-. w ith Jerry Kavull c ~ "" of fl c I a ling . Pr i v a t e --,-IC-TmOU---,-MlllMl---,-,-- lntennen t. Pierce Brothe rs NAME ITATE•WT Bell B roadway M o rtuary Thi totlowlng persons ere CIOlng .. 1: ........ -. OU"'-a: uu~wn AMERICAN TELEPHONE -------------fSUPPLY CORPORATION OF MUZ ..... OM ...,,..nm&L WllTCUflll CMAPIL 427 E. 17th St Costa Mesa 64&-9371 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, S M1aon Strlll, Irvine, Ca. 92114 T....,._, E~tlon, An1lyll1 ~ Mllhoda Corp (I New JllMY '°'J)Oflllon), 5 M._, Strlll, lrWll, Ca. 92714 Tlll9 bu"-II conclUClld by I uo,poretfon. T~. Educ;1tlon. Anllylle & Methods COip Frlllli J. Feltz. P1teldlnt (7 14) 835-8288 Pub)llhtd 011ng1 Coast 0111y Piiot, Nov IS. 22. 29, 1982 4996-82 ptBJC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11111 1111 lollowtng Hems ol round or 11ved property hive been hlld by 111e Polle• Oep1rtment ot 1111 Chy ol Cos1a Meae tor 1 perlO<I In exee .. ol ninety (90) d1ys. 'Boy's Slive r Murray 10 Spo 8lcycle, Boy'1 Blue Hully 10 Spd Bleycle. Boy 1 81ut 1 SP<I Sc:nwtnn CotlegJ11e Bicycle. Boy's Greeo 10 SPd. Schwinn V1ral1y B1Cycl1. Boy's Blue Motocrou Blcycle, Boy·s 10 Spd. &OWti Sturdee BICyete. Boy's Cllrome Stormer B1cvc11. 5 C11 Stereos, E19hty-Four Bur9und)! Snorts, Men • .. Juli• Jurgensen · Wrist W1tc11 NOTICE IS F.URl'HER GIVEN 11111 II no o-ap~rs 1nd PfOVlt h11 ownership or the pioperty within seven (7) d1ys following the p..il>41Cellon ol 1111• NOllCI. 1111 11111 111are10 111111 vest in the finder, 1f 111111 bl one. °' In lhe City of Co111 Maa. 1n wllletl CHI thl properly afllll be tOfd at publfCi IUCltOn 81 I rrme 1nd dlle 10 be ennounced DATED 11110182 R. E. Neth G1111t of PollCI Pubhslled Orenge Co111 Diiiy Pilot. NOV 22, 1982 5078-82 Ml.IC NOTICE ITA~MMA~NT MUMM PK:TmOUI .,_ .. NAME The tollowlng p11aon. lleve lblnclonld 1111 UH Of 1111 flc1ftl0ut l>\lllneu n1me: MOAELANO·WARMINGTOl\f VENTURE, 3090 Pullmln Strllt, Co911 Miia. CA 92$2$ WITNESS my hand II/Id otttclll Mii PAl\CEL 2. An EHtm1n1 lor correc1,_ "(II I 111111 eddrkl °' common aaiO o..i ot Trust. Slld NII wtn be Ingress, 19'"' Ind entovmenl 0119( Tiii blnlflclery u/IOef llld 0..0 Oltlgnetlon of P'or>«IY Is aflown htld on Tu11d1y, November 30, thl common 1111 of Mid Trect No ot Trust, by rlllOll ol 1 breach or •t>ove. no w1rr111ty 11QMlnu.io11• 1982 11 2 oo pm 11 thl Cllepmen Pllytll1 A Spro .. Publltllld Or1ng1 CoHI Diiiy Pilot. Nov 8, 1S, 22. 1982 4942.f2 9866, H 111 forth In Arllcle II, deleuh In thl obkgeuons MCured complet-• °' COfrle)nlttl The Avenue entrl/ICI to the Cfvie c.nter P\B.IC NOTICE Section I of The Oecit111t1on of thereby, htrtlolo" eKecuted and b1n1llcl11y und11 111d Deed 01 Bulldlng . 300 Ea at Cnipmen NOTICE_ ...... , ..... 1 .. , • Cov1n1nts Conditions and oeflve11d 10 the unC11r1lgn1d 1 Trutl. by !IHOn ol 1 b111c11 or AVlllUl, In 1111 Clly of Otenge. CA. _v:.;..-::..;-TO - , .. tr1Ctlon1 r1eorded F1bru1ry 7. wr1t11r> 0ecter11ion of DlflUl1 end dlfaull in tht obligetl0n1 llCUrld At tlle tlm• o f 1111 Jnlllll ..----· 1078 In Book 12556, Paoe 1519. Demand'°' Seit. 11\d wrltttn not thlrtby, 111r11ofor1 1111CU11d end publlcltlOn of thll nota. the totli KClAMftON "* 011tc111 Record• ol H id Or1ng1 Of b,Ndl Md ot lllcllon to ceu dellv111d lo 1111 una11al9ned • emount ot thl unplld bllanee ot tht C~ County. s. the uno11al9 ned to Ull Hid written Otcllrllton of OetlUh end obllg10on se11u11d by Ille 1bove YOU •RE IN OEF"'ULT UNDER Th1 111111 aooreu or 011111 ptopeny to Hlltly Hid obllgallont. Dlmend lot Siii. Ind written notice d11crlb1d d1eo ol 1ru11 1nd " ,. :ommon dutgn111on of U ld Ind thllllltll 1111 underilgned of brHCll Ind of lllctlon to cautt Hllmeled costs, .. pensH, end THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF :>rOl)ll'ly I• purpotled 10 be 1109 eauMCI slid notle4 Of btllCh Ind 1111 underalon•d to .. ., uld 1dv1ncu II S28.467 112 To COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANO 01nnls Drive , Cos II Mesi, lfecllon to bl rlCOtde!I July 28, prooerty to aallsfy llfd otlllgetlont, determtne 1111 OC>tninl! bid. YoU miy RESTRICTIONS DATED JANUARY Clhf0tnle ,982 H lnatr No. 82·280929 In 1no 11111111111 the underalgnod call 1714) ~7-0996. 10. 11197, OF THE HARBOR VIEW Said Hll wm be m1oe wnllou1 book of Aid Otltclll Record• CIUled uld notice of 1>r11e11 111d ot oete. Hc>Yemblt 1 l982. H I L L S Ii O M E 0 W N E A S :oven1n1 0t w1rr1nty. 1xpr111 or Seid 111• wlll be midi. 1>1.11 lle<:llon to bl recorded July 21, SE As I 0 E F IN AN CI AL ASSOCIATION UNLESS YOU mptlld, IS to lllle, ~on Of wllllout covtnlnl or WIHenty, 1982 H lnatr. No. 82·2112380 In CORPORATION TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR tneumbrlncet to 11111ly 1111 u"'*° npr.-°' ltnplold, regarding t!tll, Officlll Aec0td1 In the otllcl Of lht 11 Nld Trvll... PAOPERTY. If MAY BE SOLO AT A !>llance due on 1111 note °' no111 polllSalon °' ellCUlnbt I AICorw ol Orange County SE ICE COMP y PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN llCUrld by Nld Died ol T'Ull, to ..... , .. _ • ..... ,_, ~· ~ Seid $111 wllf be m1d1 but T 0 RV • AN .. ~· E)(PLANATION OF THE NATURE NI $8 ,,_, ... rtmetn • ._ pr,,...,p., sumo . . Cindy Betloonovlt, ... ut . ..,..., OF THE PROCEE01NG AGAINST 1. 9.6311.78, plus thl tollowlng thl note MCured oy seld Deed of without cov1n1n1 or w1111n1y. one City etvo. w111 YOU. "OU SHOU'O CONf •cT • 11t1m111d coata, 1ltp1n111 ind Tru1t. wr111 1n11r111 aa In 11ld note ••P'"* °' Implied, regercllng lltle Orenge CA 92668 • "' ,,. ,. ldv1ne1e II tht time of thl 11111111 providld, eovinoes, 11 1nv, under po111uion. °' encumbr1nce1. to 17141 eis.n68 LAWYER • oubliClllon of 11111 Nolle.e d Siii '"-11rms ol said o..c:t ol TruJ1. pey lhl remaining proncipal ~ ot Put>llahed Ollnge CoHt Dally ON W1dnead1y, Oecemb11 1, '7.877.39. '-· CfllrOll end .. pentll Of '"' ,,... ndtl(I) MCurld by Mia cllld Of P110I. HO\' 8, Ill. 22. 1982 1912, II 10:00 1.m .. or .. •oon NOTICa TO Trut'l• Ind of IJll ll'Vtla crMted by Truel, W11h ln19fllt 11 In Mid ll0(1 4868-82 llllrwfter II may bl r--.ltllt, • "90NRTY OWNIJI Mid o..c:t ol Truat. SllCI nll Wiil bl ptovldld, ldvences. II any, unClll the lronl llepl of lhl IMPERIAL YOU AM• DU'AUl.T UNDIA A htld on Wldlllldiy. DlcembW 1, 1111 11rms of Hid Died ol Tru1t, P\B.IC NOTICE BANK BUILDING. 895 Town Cini• O.ID M TWUIT, DATED AUOUIT 1982 11 2.00 pm II 1111 Chepmen IMI. CfllrQll end lllperllll of lht Drive. In lhl City ot Cotti M111, ti, 1111. UNLlll YOU TAKI Avenue intrenct . to 1111 Civic Truat•llldoftlllltutllcreetldby County of Oreng1, St1t1 of ACTION TO 'AOTICT YOUR Clntet Bull<llng, 300 Eut Cllepmen .-Id 0..0 ot TNl1. PK:T1'110UI .,_ .. • Callfornl1. 1111 HARBOR VIEW PWEin." MAY II IOU) AT A AVltlUI, In 1111 City of Or1np Slid ........ bl htlCI on: Monclty, lllAMa ITATUmWT H I L Ls H 0 M E 0 w N ER s "*IC I.ALI •• vou .. IO... Al 1111 time ot th• ln11111 NOV9!Tlblt 211, 1912, .. 2:00 p,m ., Thi lottowtno PlrlOfll 11'1 doing ASSOCIATION (1111 "Ateoc:lltlOn .. ). H~MtATION M Tita NATUftl publication of thla notle4. 1111 totll 1111 Chapmen Avenue entranoe to bullnt.a u : through Its CIUty IC)p<llnlld lgll1l OP T .. NOClaDtNO AOAINIT emount of"" unpeld bllenca of Ille lhl CMc Center Bullcllng. 300 Eat BREA CANYON VILLAS. • end 10 11torney. LEE H. OUAS"f • YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A obllg1tlon 11eurld by lhe 1bqve CN!>men Ave., Orenge. CA Generll Pertnen'llp. 16371 Blldl .,_ ltretl adclr-anO ttlt~ LJ.WYDl d11~rfb1d d11d of Hull ind Al Ille time of the lnltt11 Blvd .• Sult• •.l40. Hunting ton numblrlelhownbllow.WILLSEU Oetld· Novemblr 5. 11182 11t1mited COlll, exptn1te 1r1d pubketlon Of this notlel. ttll totll Bllc:fl. Cellforn'a t2$47 AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE FIRST AMERICAN TIRE 1dv1ncu la S28,742 78 To 1moun1011111unpeldbllanclofltll Rendel w. 8lanc:tllrd 18311 HIGHEST BIDDER FOA CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, c1119fmlne tht opening bid you mey obllg1t1on llCurld by the 1bbve 8a1Ci11 Blvd., Suite #240. Auntlng-(pay11>11 11 time ot tall In l1wtul • Cllllornll COl'POflllon call (714) 584-1333 d11crlb1d deed o f truat end ton 8Mc:ll, catttornle monty of the Uni ltd Stllul Lindi S Pronovo.t Oete· ~bit 1. 1982 11tlmllld coll•. Hpenlll, end Kirk s. Enn1, tU7t lleletl pursuant to the pow11 of 11f1 AulllOflllCI Ollie« ~URLINGTON FINANCIAL ldvlnCll II $507,.wt 79 BMI .• Suite 240, Huntington leec:ft, conferrlcl In Iha! Olrllln Dldlrltlon 114 S..t Ahh S1t111 s eRVICES, 4NC Thi opining bid mty bl obtllnld CA • . ol Cov1n1n11, Condition• 1nd Santi An1, CA 92701 u said Trust• t>y celllng (714) 937-0tee tht day John W. Ullom. 16371 llatfl R11trk:tlona 41111 "CC&A·1") u Tel: (714165&-3211 T.O SERVICE COMPiNY, 191"1 bllore 1hl 1111. Blvd .• S ulll •241, Huntington ,_did In Boole 8"8, Pegee 94. Publi•h•d Oreno• Co111 01ily lorrll Womedl, 011 .. October 27. 1182 8tlcll, Cllltornla 1nclu1IV1; Oltlclal Records or PllOt, Nov' 15, 22. 29. 1982 Aul. Seclllll)' CHINO VALLEY BANK Thll ~ 11 eonduc11d ~ Orange County. C1flfornl1 1nd . or,nt)l'WI:> 3833 Camino o.t Alo •Mid TNlt•. generll pannerlhlp without coV1n1n1 or w1rran1~. South, SU.le 204 B 'I T D S E A V I C E Kril S. Ev-. nprwe or lmptitd, ree-dillO tlt19. Sen Oltgo. CA 112108-4044 COMPANY Partlllf polMalon °' encumb,.llC .. , Ill Tiit Flclllfout ButlneH N1m1 P\B.IC NOTICE ,.11rred to 1bov1 w11 llled In l--...,.-...... ---.....,,.....,..... ___ ~--Or1ng1 County on Aug. 24, 1f8t FICTITIOUI ., ..... Robw1 P W1rmlngton, 9090 N.am STAYl•WT P11Hm1n Str .. 1. Cotti Miii, CA Th• lollowln9 0111011 la doing t282f bulllneel .. M0tellnd Oevllopment Co (I PATHWAYS , 21121 H•rl>or Calllorn11 Corpo11tlon) 48 I So. Blvd .. F·6. Cotti MIN, Cllllornla Boylston Strfft. Lot Angella. l::A 92628 90017 Wllll1m Rey Mu1111, 2621 Tiiis buW-. ... conauctld O)'I Hlrbor Blvd . F-5 •• Coall Men. ~II partnetahlp CehfonMI 92$2$ Aobllt P W1rmtnoton Tll'-butl11111 is conducted by •n Tiiis atllltMOI Wll fillet with lhl lndivldull. County Clltla ol OrlllQI County on W1l111m Rey Mu- Nov. Ill, tN2 Tiil• 1111-1 wll llltd with 1111 ,,_ County Clerll of Ot1n91 County on PubUthld Or1no• Co111 0111y Octobl< 25, 1982 PllOI. Nov 22, 211, Die. 8. 13, 1982 P10M1'0 6!t9-82 Publl1h1d Or1ng1 Co111 Dilly ----------~-Piiot, Nov 111. 22, 211. Die I . 1982 6012·82 Ml.IC NOTIC£ PICTmOUI Ml ..... (714) 584-8288 lglnl Thll 1111-1 -lllld wtth 1"9 thel Olrllln real property li!Ullld In Publiehld Ntwport Herbor New• 9y Wendi McMllllon. County Clerk of Orenge County cSn th• Count'I of 011flOI. 81111 01 Pr-combined with the Of1nge A11191ent Sla'llwy Novwober 4, 1912. caiMomie, dltcrlblcl 11 lollowt: Coat Diiiy Piiot. Nov a, 16, 22. Ont Cny Bllld. w.t, l'llU1t Lot 4e o1 TrlCI 9425 • c.ontllnact 1H2 DtlllQI. CA 112MI Publltllld °''"" Cout Olffy In Book 231. P1g11 43 to .. 4948-82 Tll · (714) 83M218 Pilot. Nov. I . 15, 22, 29, tM2 lnelllllve. of Mflwllarlloul MIPS In ____________ , Pul:llllhlcl Ntwport HarbOf Hewe 4937..-i lh• Olllcl1I Record• ol 0111191 P11ta Ciomll>lnld witn thl ()fenge ------------County. Celllomla. P\B.IC NOTICC FM:TrnOUI .,.... • IUMa ITATDmlfT Th• tollowlng pereorf 11 dolno 11: FLEX-0-0ECK'S, 15117 Moten 11111, W11tmln1111, C1lllorn11 2tl3 ~ Anltiony CllU9 t71S2 11tpon, Huntington t11ch, alllornl1 1129411 Thi• bull-II conducted by en tvlclllal Slepfllti A Cla..1 • Coeat 0111)' Piiot, Nov 8, ti, U , ....C llOTIC£ Thi 1t'"' addr111 1no 011111 1982 4ttf...12 _.. delignltlOn, II In'/. of tlla MLIC NOTa PICTmoul .,.._H NAlmeTA~ Th• foltowtno PIBOn II doing bullfllll II: L. C. MAAKnrNO, 33t 1t Ro- blel, Dini Polllt. Cllltornll 9H29 Chartea NOwtl&, 339tll Roblee, Dini Point. Clllfotnie t2t29 ACTfnDUe ....... rffl PfOPll'fY cleecrlbld lllOYe II T ...... 1~TA~ ........., purported to b• 3912 lnllt tete ,.. .,...,_,,,. Pl'90fl9 •• ~ .. ~. Cot-dll Mar, Celll'amll: ~ •: IUr1hlt vwttng 10 Nici ,.., property 0 c E A N , A 0 H T I N T E ... II In t'n• n•me OI SHEMOl)Hl. NATIONAL. 1618 Wiii Ocun YAOEOAAAN I nd AOWSHAN ''onl •A. Newport l1acn, YAOEGAAAN. c.lfot'lllet2te0 The u11d111lgn1d Truat11 ,.1m111 Diane scnu1ttt1Cill, dl1cl1lm1 1ny t11bltlty lo r any If ti W111 Oceen Front #A. ~ o1thl11re11 ••- Ntwport BMctl, Clllfomla l2MO and o011t common C1111gr1et1on 11 0111>011h A. P orr1t11, 1705 any. lflOWl'I nar.1n ' .. ,,_ ITATa•WT '1CTtTIOU8 WIS T'hll bu--. .. concluctld w '" lfldMdual Chari. Nowell ShlrinQtOll Place. Newport IMdl. Mel .... bl medl 10 lllltfy Callfomll tHeO 1111 011>Ugatlon1 MCurld by. 1nd Tiie lollowlng perton 11 doing NAMI STA'nMIWT fhle all._I WU flied With lflt Count~ Cltrk ot Otanoe County Of'! ~18.111112 ,.... ~ a1: TM IOllOwlnO Pl'IOftl are doing ANN I< GAAPMICS, 18101 ~-· T 1111 a1e1emen1 -llllCI wttn ,,... 1y Cltl'k of 0r_,. Count'I on ovemw 4, tH2. ""* Pull>llahld 011nge Co1t1 Dilly TNe __,, WM flltd with lht County Cltl'k Of Orange County on , .. ,.....,., '· ttu. Thll ""*"-.. ~ by a purtu1nt. lo Int pow11 ot H it 09fllfll pertnlf1'llP. oonfarrecl In Artlde VI ol 1111 lllOW I ,........ 0. ~ retetarioed CC&A'a, and pur..,.,.1 _...ea llOTtml 11&1.-llOMWAY ~' 110 .... ., Cott. ..... e.9t50 ·' I LaW~ #Y1IMI. IAUTZD. ROTMMM. ICUCMIL & __, ,,,...... .................. =-~·==--c.c= .....,......-.c..- Pull>lf•tlld O"n" COii! 01lly PllOtNcW.22, 29, O.C.t . 13, 1912 5tf4.12 Osborne. W11tmln1t•r, C11tlornl1 COUAT!SY AUTO IOOY, 727 •~ L1gune C•nyon Ao1d, L1oun1 !lot. Nov. I, 11. 22. H . 1N2 '877..ta G or o on K. C n •n t e 1 & ' a-11. Catlfornil 129&1 Oarobh•. W11t1T1ln111r. 0 1lltorn11 ALPA T. INC. (• caurorn11 1------------ t2ea3 COfl)Ol'al"'") Pla.IC NOTICl OOl'Clon K Cntn fhla ~ 11 ~lld by 1 '1CTITIOU9 .,_ .. This 1111.,,.,,1 wal l"ld With Int COfpotltlOn ....... ITATl-County Clttll of Orlnl' COUnty on ,J019Pf1 A ,. ... 11o. Pfllltl"' --· NOWmbW 0. t912. Thlt 1111-t •• llleCI wllh 11141 Tiii lotlowlng per10n la dotne neMtl County Clltll of Oranoe County on lll'9IMllOVl .. N:TU... IN • ·LlOONS Publlah1d Or1ng1 COHI Delly NOii ft, ttH. A "" "" ' "8JC NOTICE Pliot. NCN 11• u . 29, Dec e. t•2 ,_ 11&1 AlllNlnl Awnu.. Coet• Meta. LAW OPl'ICll '911•111 & C,_11\.L ::. ":,•,1r;.·:. = ....... ...... LI,..._ C .. 1 Illa _,-4_ ...... P11blt1hld Ollfltl Cout 0111) 111o1. Nov t. 11. n . n. t• .• 4~ _,,, __ --.. 602M2 Pubflllllld 01M8:c:Coa11 D:J ~!~.!.,.._ , ..... _.........._ r----........ _ ...... , ..... ,_,., _ _,, MUW-1 .._ l'TA~ -----------.--•· Nov 22, 29, &, 13, 1 Averiu1. Coeta M"•· C11tfort111 .._ l'TA~ Thi lollowfnt .,.,.. .,. dOlng Ml.IC NOTICE I tU-82 tM27 The ~ ,.,_. -..... ~ •: ( .,_IC 11111\ftl'r TNa 11u111'911 •• conOUG1t0 by an ... ....__ • CAMIRIOGt HUNTINGTON '1CTmOUI .,_.. ,.._ ,_,,_ lftCIMdu9I --~PIATIH, LTD , 2t0 touth ..... ITATWT i 11iiOUi M911d1 l ~ THI '~ C()MPAN'Y, ~117 ~ttm1n '''"'· 8ant1 Afla. C• Thi IOllOwtl't Pl'90fl9 -dolr'9 ~ ITA~ll Tiiie ....,_. .. llttd Wilt\• =. 8~· Newoort '2106 ~.. Th• lotl-lflg perfffl •• dOlnt °°""" °""' °' 0...,.. c-ty °" Le"'orn ... "''"'· t01H ·-CIJTINJdOI Capt11I Group (I MA. I MOKI ALAlllM, 2tH ~ •· No•.,..,.,•. tm. ~"""-..... Ma. Cllffarftla ClltfOtnle eotporlllon~ 2143~ .._et .. Ooet•MIM. c...-.. o,..tc~ nnr ttro-n~ - -,._ ..,.._ _ '"""'an ltrM1. l 1n11 Ana, C1. OIWld 1'9¥1ft Davie. llM lallll ~lflOIOn t.cfl, c:.lforyM f2M Pubn1flld Orange COlit Dil!Y 011 ... ttlM lvet1•. 10111 '2106 It. Coale Mala. Ce. tNlt La11'9110I A. Aoolter, lttot "°"·Hew t. 11, 2:1. 2t. 1* • CMt91o '9rtl.11Ma Me,~ Till9 ~•~by I Ave......,,.,....Dewla,net ICIOwe.~ ...... ~ ....... 11101 llfttfted ~,..,., ., lallO 11 . Coit• ...... Ce t2t2t ~ ..__,,,,._,. TNe ..... •eon• 1111..,"' ~-c.fttl OfOllll TI'lll ~II oondllcted W Ill ,._ --II~ by an lnCIMdllll Ir. 1-.n L. ........ ~A-.o.. I .._... lfldMclllel Ll!Nfltl ~ bee VICe ~ -• ~ ~A """" T ...__ Tiltl "9lllfllnl .. tlld wtlfl lie n. .... sm.11 .. tlld """ "" Tiiie .. ...,,... .. w -wlttl IN T'hltl 1111_. ... llleCI with 1111 ° ~..,.,.,, :::--" County oi.ti Of °'""' eoiny on Co\lflty CMrtl Of Or.,... County on County Cllrti °'°' ... County on COllftfy Cllr1I "'Or.,... Co\ln'J on Defore· Noi Ml• t . 1111 No•tmtlal ti , 1"2 -00... 22, 1"2 ,..,. Oct 15, ,.., ,..... puOllc. ,..,. r-,. ,. 0 C ft• I PtllNI ~ ,lllllt9'*1 Ore,,.• 0 0 .. I 011~ lllubll•l'l.cl Orenge Oo11t Oelly uDll•hlCI "'= otll ,..I 'I Putllltl!ICI Or1n19 COllt 011~ C • "!'-.. llllot. N0¥ 11. 11. n, D*. iiM'Mil 1NI Not Noor U. at. Die t, 13, 1ttl Pllo4 New, H. n , I. 13. tta -.... Nev ti t2 21. "--I 1M • ._, ... ,... 11~1-tl .. _.. • . . ,_ ., • ., I Tllll .,........,. ...... wtltt tt11 to Arllot• Vt, Section I ol 1111 County Cler1' Of °""19 ~ Oii e<;&'fl, t111 Noelol Of Al I I neut Hou__, 4, 1MI. 9ftCI Claim of Lien wn rlCOfdld ........ etefnll "" Hove cleeonblcl ,... Publl1hld Or~ Coa•t D9fly pfoperty tor llOnPIY"*'t ot °'* Piiot. NCN .•• 18, • 2t. '~--Ind .... Mhll °" Dlc111'1111r It. I - , .. 1."' 900ll '"*·,... 1m. • --"" -""""""''' No. Hl40"' "" Otllolal ~ ,.,,,_ A1cord1 of Or1n91 Co11nty, ----------c.llfontle: tfld, ""'"" ... --•IC-ot 01fe11n and llectio11 to 1111 -..... enea11na Mid , ... r.ow•v wa1 M~·~· rHOfcf'ld J Ul'I I , ttJI. H J TN lallaiMl'I ....... dlllt'I IMtNIMlll No 11·""40 Ill "'9 I ....... • =-."'°°"" .. Or-..~· 1 Tt41 LOTue tllOOllL. ,... ,,. '°'" ...-oUIW . .....-AOMW sA. Coile ................... el ........ ....... ..... ., tfle ~y to 1M ..... 9M Alert Ill G.....,.._ IOll W. rHIOfteltle H tltt1alff CIH ... Q\lftdler, ...... Alla. CallJomla ......... ---.... time N?Ot~ c..i.no. Htl w. ~ ;:_ put>tlc•tton Of ii.: , =--· ...... AN, Celllot"'• ,.__....,::;~~ THI..,_ II •lfNll• !tr ~ ''°•••*• 1, 'iii •••·-:.~--:=-:=~TWON \llelly A.~ 1M. M. Dini. A~ A :r-,_ ................. :.. ":;:.~~ °"" ".OJWlla COllMy °" (1'41 Mt.1 1 ... tm ,.. ............. c .... Die ... rollD4I •-., •• ,., rls, n , ·-->r;,=-----~----Me--tu--1171-.-. ..... I ~ ' ----·--... --------- • ' .. D·I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Monday, Novem~ 22. t982 ~~~~'!ouop~J f()( • 30 day Id In lilt IAILY "LIT lllYIOI llllOTHY DO IT NOWI Ast fer lu41r• Vour OJllY PllOI Service Directory Rapr"4M1t1t1va ll~!t ......••••.... Oflvtweye. Plfklng l.ot Rtpalr1, StlalcM11na S&S Ati>hll 831·4199Uo Dan Hlllberg Griding & Paving Co. R"lcomml Lie. 391680• 842·1720 ~!!!!!!I! .....•.••.... Agg1111lv1 Attorney. No F"M lnltlal Consultatlon: Peraonal lnfury CH••. No Aecovtry. No Fee. 494-8591. Incorporation, bu1ln111 adYlct. Rtuonablt IMI. 752·1982 .•... ~~ ............ ~~!~ .............. ~~m! ..... ~ .... r~,!1~1. ••........... JAltANHE GAROl!NfA DUMP JOes o~v Hou~ino •• PlllTIH 8PECIAL.llT melnt . & Small Moving JOO. wjt t Pwtonal Toud't by AIChlfd Sinor l.lc clMn ut>. ttlMMlng low C.U Mii<£ '4~1391 C Beth 15CM)t33 HOe4• 13 yre Of 11te19y l)(ic. Ft" tit 6'1·9'l3 HAUllNG·OAA~ HOUMC'9antng, rellabl• local Cultomtr• ...._ •• 0 .. denlng dtmollllon , clean.up rel Own trtl\llP AMI Th-* you. 631·•• 10 Ctean-upe. trM trim & Concrete & ''" r9'"0\lal VOlANOA '142.0406 PAINTER NEEOS malnt -YICI 5'0·8036 ~ Mtll. 642·7631 HOUSECLEANING WOAKI 30 yr• e11p, Wit/ awn HIYIC• fromsl 8 LIGHT HAULING Alto WlndOWll-s>Ptc• •• , Acou1tlc etlllngl Lie mo, Vd Oltal)•UPI. w..-' CLEAN-UPS ReH. M2·287• ·-3M780 FrM .. t. ding, trH work. Ken FrM HI 1•2·2857 1 with 10 find a job c'"· Davie Painting .'847·6lM "4·lOl3 HAUL.ING·lludant w/lge nll\g hOU-AMI,, .... LOWHI ,., .. 1 Prompt, K&O l.lndecape Maltlt. truck. uma to rate• Xlnt ref• 646-4106 , ntat proftHlonall t6 Relld/Comm CllM·up. Thank you 759· 1978 vr• HP. 836·71•9 OflYlwaY9-P•ll01 .. 11111k1 Sprinkler lyt S.1·2•19 JOM ~~~'!!~f •....•. ,... RALPH'S PAINTING Blodtw111 .. maaonry l.IC'O ELECTRICIAN SAM FUKUMOTO'& OLOER COUPL.E WILL. LOWEST RATES FrM tat., .... 892·4557 Qual WOtk/Rtu. fllM Gardening, clean upa •... ll•j HOUSESIT. XLNT REFS Lie: 380016 536-9891 142-Hll, .... IH ldnltli•1. THOMPSON CONCRETE Fr•.... 631•5072 malnt .. tr•• trim, 1ml ·,·::.:·u·~:.,·;.~-:·1·,·,··,· 543-52•• 87l-l951 CUSTOM PAINTWORK ~ •••~•••••• ••••••••••• Patloa-drive)Hyl· ELECTRICIAN landecape. 845·35'10 -v -· BUSINESSMAN WILL Comm'l/r~. ttrlpplng. WtL~T In my CM home, loundatlon1. #393383. Sml )ob1/Repail11 Lie. Clean upe • Trimming Furnace-pool-water hell HOUSESIT. Educlltd ltall\lng. The Job thal " • 1~1!!'-t~'.!. ••••..• £0'8 Pl.A&TfRtNG NNI patc;htl lnllt11t AtttUCCC. 846-1268 Pl.ASTER PATCHING RtllUCCOI Int/HI 30 yr1 Neat. Paul 5•5·2t77 .!,~~ ............ . Hiii U ., Ml·llll •O Oal waterheater 1225 ~I'~!!!~~~ ......... . ,._C RAINGUTTEA Bo(\ded·lnl·llc B3..,.764 FrM tal. 1·52••5824 ~!!~!!!!I. •..•••.•.. J.O Hom Aefirllahlng Antique•. kit. c1bln1t11 tint painting 8•5·0~ Al"li••• llt•tltli~ fen yard, hot teal•. 642·8412 • 233tOl·C·10. 548-6203 Sprinkler• • Malnt. New 80,000 BTU Furnace & capable. 64•·8369 • P • • k • I o' t' ••If · ••••••···"~••••••••• reaa. "1"· 649•2 7• 1--------~ Fr• 111. 942.2157 & thermoatat 1nat1ll1d J'·-''-·'·' 1_•11_11_._86_80 ______ J,./g Moon"ght Ofaftam1n Babysitting In my homt C1•llM,.,, 8'•1111 RESIO/COMM'l.llNO. 1750 00 (71•) 891-M12 ... ,..,91 •••••·'·••••••••••••• H~Add'n1-Rtmodt11 lltxlble hra lovtno mo'. •••••••••••'•••••••••• 20 yr•. Do my own WOtk, Tll a.a•-Ill · •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 Cl.ASS PAINTING· Hub« Roofing-Ill typtt T.rr..~~ •..••••••• I LOW RATH I Tr .. trlmlrttn0Y, Ut.,, ~.mowing 664·7017 Tiff rtmOY•I. trll'r11ft#\\ ll'l*gency MrWle Lie ~ed &3t-ott• r.-.~Jr~ ............ . Moet 1Ub)ec11, K· 1~ 01y/-SI & 112/hr. Mr. Morgan 645·5!7' !!~.~!~!!I ..... "Let the Sunlhln. II\" Clll ~Window Cleaning, l.td. Ma.'853 20% Monthly Dleoount WINDOW CLFANINO RESIO, & COMM'l. FREE EST 611-113' MemM< AIBO 845-187 t thtr, 642.g872 None 2 big.' none 2 amalt, Lico. 2780• 1 Al 841-1128 Indoor ~t care, ·~ COMM'L JANITORIAL Wetlpaper. lnllE•t. Re· New··ltc:OVtr·decb From A to Z wt do It all RM., El R I " Mf n & CARPET CLEANING palri Frt1 HI. 9711-5294 1.~ ••11802 548·973• ..... law ...... SLIDING GLASS DOORS J •u n ICI· amodt a. fTH 111. 131·225., •••••••• •••••••••••• o..·1 Cit9nl"" Ser4klt "' T ... · ln1talled/ Remod, •dd'n1 .!'.'!:!!~•••••••••••••• 71 ... 676·9436 II<: •25781 A d d I t I on • •• II a r • ••••11 .... --alntlng. plumbing, 411tc., Lie. Bonded .... 963-5474 Sweneon & Son Painting lllf Pl.ii' hat -contractofl wno & concrete. Lie. 38168 t. CUSTOM HOME Bl.OR A EM o o El. • c 0 mm. wrklhop1, l.ow ret• Lie _. 83 ... ~35 -" drywall, Ult, carl)tntry. Complete ut. 1 llory r'1°'m WOtk ~ l200 Joe 892-1327 needs SMALLER JOBS r1aldan1lal. tenant Im· •325738, Ina 646-7378 1----·-~----1---M_a_r_k_5'_a-_1_1_1a __ !~~!!1•••••••••••••• ~::9r= f,1~ ~~lvt P:>~·~ t'~~r~o~ ,'e~~r, ~~ ~;t~/;~~:.b:.' b:. belwHn house•. FrH provements, major ,.. '""•• "HELPING HANDS" BRICKWORK: Small job1. materlat1. Ref1, lntured. 857·2890 ltd. Unllctnlltd contrac· eat, Call Dan 537-03•2. pairs, Bldg ral\ovatlon. p.u. "two tltctrlclan " ~••••••A••••••• .. •• .. • Yoo nirne 11. we'll do 111 N-port. Coata Meu, Lie:. 2053• \. 831 ... 870 tora ahould 10 1ta11 In .... 1 .. tt.1 .... ,. C jJ ...... code oorrect1on1, etc. 20 ad from pHta-up RAC TOA WORK. Ew · Ed & Bobbi 240-0275, 2• trvlne. Rel1. 675-3175 ROOFING REPAIRS their 1dvarlf1lng. Con· .! .. !~t ... ~!...... yrs Orange Cty, bonded. (Nnl 1106-120"4) cavatlng, compaction. hr1,. Bal Ille Painting Small Jobs OK Free tractors and COllllllfttrl Mouldings. Flreplacea. Cablnels & Carpentry ln1. Lie 11191801. Pl· backhoe 20 y11 HP.1---------Block/Brick Wall•. Con· SJMC rates 175 pr day 11tlmat••· Call Tom 01 contac1 Mary Orondit at Add Rooms. 35 yrs exp, Small )obi a repalra ~'2~1;~n1t. Anytime TOP QUALITY WORK King Equip. 637-7392 ... ,.z ... i.r. · crett. Very rta1. llc'd pkt• mat•iala. 873-53711 1_c .... 11uc_k.;.., _5•_2_·83_9_2 ___ (714)558·•088 whh M) Clean UC No 278943 Free e1tJmatea 84$-2003 AT REAS RATES ••••••••••••• •••••••• Bob 873·53671538-9908 I. ti, ~IH•I quattiona. ContraC1or'& 714-859-9905 1-.-,-,-_.__.,__ __ ~---Llc'd J--' ... 7 •• 25 ....... ROBIN'S CLEANING .. --' IM •• ••••••• •••••• •••• • •• •• State LicWIM Board. 2f ~~~~~~~~~C. I ..,..,._,..,. ' ...., "" _.. •••••'"•••••••••••••• StrY1ce . a thOrough~ ,.,,,...,., ••'•"•••A••••••••••••• MOBILE SERVICE Civic t:enttr Plaza -.!!/!. ... "!............. Uc. ••20802. Plana car--try M-~ry .... ,. "" 7 •••••• •••••••••••,.••• E11part wallcoYerlng In· R REMOO. SPE~IALIST Aamod. &. Repairs. Fret Fi,,.nclng Avaltablt "'4•.W.. a,:;;;;.,.--~~ clean houM. ......-vu •&·1 •Ylll* itlllallon. Ren. Contul· Rllcrttns/New ICftlf\I oom 890, Santa Ana JO. Allen. Lie. 202752. est. Lo rates. Deck•. P•· 142-1200 ........ , ... ·l•l•I••••.••••• ~jj~ Stucco • T11e lllllWlll Top quality. 25 yr e•p. tent Alalgnmt. 581·1590 NB/CM only ~2·95521-cA_9_21_0_1_. ---- Bonded. •9•·1810 tlo. Steve 752·9556 Remodel J.B. 848-9990 WllTEI' Competitive r1t11, llMI fM••ti ,_lfllli.J S.nif" HOME IMPROVEMENT Topped/removed. Clean Ho overtime. 730-1363 •• ,..-••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• All1wli•t. S.nie• EXP~A. carpenter dOH ALL TRADES Up, lawl\ renov 751·3476 Carpentry. Cablnttl *•BRYANT'S•* PROFESSIONAL ••••••••• •••••••••••• add ns. remod. decks. AEMOOEL/ADO'NS Plumb· Ofaln Cltanlng ·ABC MOWNG· W1tlcoverlng Removal SECRETARIAL SERVICE 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Skylights & repalll Free 841•8ee7 Exper Gardener l clean Etectrlcal • Tiie HIQh !luallty hou-ork. Quick. Careful Strvk:t. All typet 642· l3•3 75•-6388 Dependable, affordable. eat. Dan. 8•1·•592 1----------ups. TrH trimming FrH Atl1. Don IMl6-01•9 Experienced. depend•· Low rat11 552-0410 ----·-----11 I A I I Mllllff 1 Pet 841 tote ble, hon11t, Intelligent. I, INC... ::::1~e.a ;ecr~~=,~~."i Cullom Carpentry by Olctl SINC~9&2 ~25.-2 el . • • 28 VRS EXP. DUNHAM rnetlculoue. fle11lble. I am STARVING COLLEGE .! ......... "! ........ .. business services. mall &·Nell. Paneling. lormlc•. Mike Macattwleh • ... ._ W&ITll HOME IMPROVEMENT I ht be It • Ph on t STUDENTS MOVletG CUSTOM wood patio co. boll rental. word proc:es-door1. etc. Ph. 842·8809 Ill llll Mowing, edging, raking, Atmodtl·repail'l-tenclng 873-70•2 after 6 •PM CO. lie. T124-4= vera. redwood dtekl a sing. Telex·Facslmile. CllMI S.nifl • 1wHplng. FrH Hll· tlec1ric411·plumblng weekdays. All day Satur· ~~T~~·u~~~WI fences. Randy 841-0822 order entry. pag111-leaae ••• ,-.-••••• •••• ••• ••••• ontraotor aitp · d In 111 m1t11. 845·5737 carpentry 631•8530 1-d-•y'--•-nd_ ES_u_nd_a...;y_. ---Hove something you want buy. desk •P-rel\tal. No Steam/No Shampoo trad11: n1w conllr. re· JACK OF Al.L TRADES OUSECLEANING: Good Have something you wal\t to sell? Classlfli<I ads do ANSWER NETWORK Stain SpeciaUll. Fall mod. & ama11 )obi. Lie. WANT ACTION? Call Jack &nY1itnt, rtl1. Tranepor1atlon. Ell· to '811? CIHsilled eds do It well I Cati NOW. 631·9131 (ask fOI' A.V.) dry. Free est, 839·1612 318209. 875-9515 Classoled Ads 642·5678 Dey Of' night. 875-301• ptl''d. g7g.9759, It well 642·5678. 642·5878. for rour 1ttll-900d refrtgerator DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandl•• under. •1,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 day1 FREE. One Item INES f il• ••••........•...•..... TILE INSTALLED All Kinds. Guatal\tttd Atl•. John a•o.g211 The i'BSiest draw In the We.st a Dally Piiot Classilied Ad Call Today 6•2·5678 Selling anything ~Ith 1 Dally Pilot ClaSlltild Ad 1s a simple m11tar just cell 642·5678 • To pl-yoor ~ before the reeding public. pnone Dally Piiot Clasllfild. 642·5878 OLLARS • per ad, mutt be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial adt. Call today for full details. ~ ,.._ •11111 Cidre IMt 11.11) 3. 3DAYS CLA881FIED8642-5678 ~'..!!!!.'!~!~!!~ •• ~'.!m.'!!'!~!'.1!! .... ~.'.!!!!.¥!'!~!!;!!~ .. ~'!!!~.'I.!~~ ~'!!!~.'I.!~ A"'';••~• tt4 A,,1t•••t• A,,it•••t• ~':,n~• tt4 ,,,.,,....'.' c .. ,, ••u 3U4 1,.;.. 3144 1 ........ '." •• " ••• • ••• ·.l.-!f c.i.., lel .. , J7n • ..,..,, .,,. JTll ••• !!.!'!!'!! ••....••••..•. !!!!'!!'!!~-~.~ ...••••• ~!!!!!'!~!!. ••••••••.•. ! •• !!'!! ••.•••••••..•.• !!!'!!'!~.'!. ••••••. ······················ .......•. iiiw" ...... ~;~~~~IVE AREA. Har· ~~i1h'.:t~~~~·~~~ ~i!~~·Rc,;;;;;2~·9; C..11 .... 3124 c .. ,, .... 1114 C.1t1 .... 3114 Butl•1••• .... ,, ...,. 1111 WTSllE Ollll bol' View hofne. Prot-.. tor furn apt. Frpl . By wtek or month. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• IHfi Jiff ··-·•I'••••••••••••••••• Clean. 3 Br, 2 Ba. den. 1 to 4 bdrms. starting II dtcoratld •BR 2BA ..,. S9951mo 173-0IH. 673_7873 3 BR 3 Ba. bl ltYtl twnh· Near Harbor Shopng 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• WIY llT frplc, 2 car ger. 5780 S600 to S1•75. • •£1--...anu ""· pYI yard, lplc, new. 2 BR. imm1c. beam1, no 0 111 ho st 1 11 kit Tll lllT1 545-8685 g1 loll. on Y• ICll WI c.,,. .... 3114 On th• bHCh hotel 1 ....... .... t>*• S, Cit Pl. 851·9990 p. t.. I 4 0 0 . , ... , 0 . u t u n' nu • trees. Walk to F11hlon •••••••••••••••••••••• room apt kitchenette & &PllMllTI 842-3153 qui• perso • o pata, NEW gated 20 Town. 3Br. 2Ba single sty condo. Island, beacn. pool & Fum 1 bdrm apti $315 · 2Br up1t1l11. quiet. encl non·• m k r • S • 5 0 home VILLAGE COM· all xtras. quiet. 1750 mo tchools. Gardener Incl. •nd up. Enc ga;,011. ~rmo' ~ r ,n2~ ~ B•=fulty •=~·~·G; _gar. no doQI, 1110 Vic· Lrg 2 Bd. Beam c:e111ng1. 980-0587 MUNtTY · 2 Br. 2YI Ba. Nancy 497·21•9 ~van. Jen 111. 759-0080 2110 Ntwpon BIYd CM 2308 w • Ocea f ont. ~ apti. N · tor 1 • • f • 9 5 /mo loll of wood thruout. DELAWARE PINES 1800 IQ. fl of pure lu· Woodstream spllt-level N'Npt Hg1a 2 Br. t Ba. -v 641-4911 N.B. 873:4164. n r ' e:t:-c"'· 0 pe~Q5 631-8812 aft lO, Hrv bar. S•60· 2258 1 BR. flrepl-. pool xury. Oaragff, llP•• In condo, 2 br & den, 2 b1. pvt & huge yd. 546-9095 llWPllT llUJll 1 Bdrm 1470 2Br, Ila, downstalra, lncd ~:~~:56 673"8803 or Privett pllk>, gar~ every home • mHttr OW. relrlQ. 3 car gar. Nr BLUFFS le If .. 1 _... o;.~::~:~1~[ t/J;',:~: 2250 vanguard5•0·9828 yd & garage. $500 mo. 1460 mo 842·880 eutte. dining room1. pool. No pets. Ava11.WI ....... .,. 754-0918 l.rg •l plu Br, 1 Ba. 19221 Delaware wood burning flraplactl, $750/mo. 751-1879 3Bdrm,2'hba,fam,iww Gu, W•ltr Paid. Patlol Utll Incl. N o P ------• _ d1hwr_w Ide. Avall microwave ovena. prl· ... u .n' .. YE L·~s~13~G~·M'.!!"'!~"""~·-lal~~M~-~d·ecor~~· ~$9~7~5~. 7~80~·~1314~-1 w/pool, Jac:um, sauna, 541-1930, 873-7'44 Bachelor• 1410 Elsi:•· 1pmtln~ ~5~r5 1 2 / 1 I . I 9 5 / m 0 2 Wra, %' "'"""' vat• pa IOI & yard•. oar· MC -tennl1 coor11. Yolltyball 1 Bdrm l480 yar • gar .. poo • 845-ee25 Tennl1. IP•. near bitch dtnef ~oyjdtd, Elegant Beaut. condo. 2 br. 2 ba. Turllerock, 3 Br. 2 Ba II~ -COUlll, Aect•tlOn room. 131 E t81h 846.6816 "'°· Mgr 2•53B Orange 2202 Hus C.rele tMng only 15 mlrlll'I• to Lease or lease/opt. lam, dining. lrplc, private LIAlf Jr. 1 bd, lurnlahtd. 1430, ~single, OM 111 E 18th. 842-0856 AY. 3 br, 2 ba, rs, 714-960-37•5 SC Piua or 0 C. Air· 1850/mo. 54S-3339 1acuw. prof decor, ap. 2BR plus Oen. 3 Btth1. Call 557.0075 6 IWo bedroom . . E/Slde, C'-Y 3 BR 2 Be, ~~I ~''ie10 Oatuu 2 Br 2 Ba. In port, Just eut of I~ Condo. 2 bdrm. 2 ba. pllanoes, 2 car garege. Spaclou1 (2500 eq. ft.~. 5375 mo. Olx mobile ~ 1U. IU. IU. patio, 2 ity, carport. (2t3)5.4&-287i •·PleJC. c:arpell. drapea. port Bl\ld. & '°1 o00 C B Commlv pool & t1nnl1 S .. ___ • N •• 1175 mo. 840.ot97 bit-Ins. enctad gar1g1, Di.go Frwy. 1 /mo. Near U I. rand rew. ' • Avail. lmmtdilttly at 1, ,..,.,... o pe11 ... atura Newly decor. Gas pd, BAY TIMBERS 831·5•39, 2•73 Orange Ass'n pool and par!!. av1ll Dec. 111. 1995/mo. 450 per mo. Clthy Sch· adult•. Quiet, Hcure. encl gar, dwahr, pool. 1350. l.ge tBr upper apt. • hook-ups. No P•ll Ave .. Costa Meta. A/C. Avall now $790. 646·2353. welcltert. 644-e200. 1991 Newport 846-8373 bbq no_., 842 5073 11und no pet• 311 W 1 Br .. fireplace & pool S525/mo. 540-4•8• • ,.... . • . wu-...! 631·217·7 • Private patio & garage • • 1 Br. 1 Ba. Stap1 to 650•32•3 w UI lffet 3141 ;:s-1415. 2 Bdrm, rtfrlg. ~-_,.,, 1460. ~8-9M3 lni•f .144 bHch. $550/mo. ut111 2 Br. 1 Ba. Cottage. car· ··'··•••••••••••••••• • 11fl Uo. no pet•. ldutt. pref, Spaclou1 2 Br, up1tatn. 399 W. Bey St. fh;"L;;•;•e;•k;.t"~·· Included. Property 'H~ pets. drapes, small patio. HARBOR .OCEAN FRONT ••••••••••••••••••••• 72•·A James, 873-7787 ,981 Maple Ave. Built· 11 ___ a...:-t J'••~ r_.._.., ·1.:..,_,1• 'poo1' .!;,. ae. 642·3850, 842-1010 1•75/mo. No pell, Nu3200 luKhmonbluff. ,. laR9 .. lllf m or Ina refr"' ~pt drepes& -r... •-gr-. .,"" t ....., 540...._..8.. 180 deg. vu ot harbor. 95.Slllr5 • .,,. ' •••••••••••••••••t••.. $550 832 2838 2 BR 2 Ba dpt d ---------1 surf. mtns, 3br. 3ba, Btalltlf\il &parkllltawttfl UNfUllNISllED 2 BR 2 Ba. 1475. ':..~"o,:.l0!'S;.,~: ~:!:i llUl,'11W u.. ,,;_ __ L ••~~ talra, fplc, 01"w. ~:; 1 BA, quiet, yard. AG. FB. ucurlty. sauna. spa. Bluffs condo. 3 er. 2'A ~ '•"srac.ap_ .... oupoo1• ~· 11 A~~lllOUT1lJTl(SH£AL:nt !;'!>2_P7!2118 _!!10__:2nd•118. or 641-132•. ~.~~P~.! ~uon'.'L .. I"•. ~.~IOUll~.'!:'t'!"Y11W.~ ••• ~?! g7a: .1 .. ~6200 mo Agt. no dogs. edits prel. tat & 11900/mo. 496·7009, formal din rm: tam rm, .... -" .... ..,. """""" --"' " 6 or ..... dep $475 mo 646 9586 """" •Private Pat 1 • WESTSIOE·1Br. atova/ ~1 Only • unit•. 2 ... · · • E"•EAALD B•Y 3 Br 2 anct patio, commty ...,.... CLUIS TrMNIS .... .. 1 IL It ·--... • Br condo for lease. 2,~ B'"'a. 1700 s"q 1· 1. frp.lc. s 1 f50. 6U-0335 aft •Covered Perking • 1u. nHI ..,., W relrlQ. lndry tac, wtr pd. widen. l<.tra lrg private 10 minutts so. of Lagun1 With 40' dock for power 5 •Dll\lngAru SWIMMING ""'.. 1 Br wllrpl , dahwr, No pat s. 1375 mo. patio. From $725/mo, on Dina Point'• moat boat. 3 BA 2~'ba, con-Ba, 1850 s.t .. tenAnla. brick pa110, with apa. pm. • •Wlllll In CloMta ...... 1 ~ wlltlln cloMt, poo1apa, • 846-4312 cau 881.64•1 or M·F. 11clud1d 1c1ntc blufl, do. 11200/mo w/docll. ~·rec. N~ ~7 els. S 1 6 O O I mo . E·Btuff corido 3 br. den, •Home Ilk• Klichen• mvu1 mort • .,.,.,7, BBO. t.aundrf. On wllrg 2 BR dplit w/enc gar. re-9.5, 643--0212. Dflve by Ilka new, 2 Br. w/dtn $1000 without. 650-1190 Av9 ~;211. • 1 or 2 1318 7 6 • 2 2 5 5 or nr. tennl1 club, frplc, pyt 1 blll 10 Hul\tll\gton no pets. Modtt5 pvt patio & carport. dee, ~ n~hborhood. to-2•587 Senti Clar• xtre large prlYlta patio Mre. Long 73. 21 675-3067. p11io, garage, n-dt· Center. tranaportatlOn & oplft dllfr 9 to 6. S•75/mo Up. pooll1d. $510. ..... 1 • c .. --t (2) 1-Br ""tu. 1726/mo. Call 661~1 -1-bd-rm-.-1...;:;.ba_ap_t_. -Ntwpon--FREE RENT NOV. 2 br 1 ba walk 10 beach cor. leall 1890 mo. rrwya 0 w/balcony. decor celling ,... ~ ·-"" or M·F. 9-5 8•3·0210 Pool tlOrnt, 3 Br. Mesa 17So. cait •9 ... 5841 alt: 1600 lq. It. 760-0879. munu· nu .11.--.. loft & prlY 1ncl1d gar, w•• 1 •--I Be arnall l COi)', pti• Drive by to -at 24587 1-ttlghtl ArN. Ctoae· to V d S I VWU ••""'/ ...._ .,._, -~ ..._ •-vate. S•00-$425/mo. Senta Clara. Btech. 1426 mo. er e · e c f u I 6 or wl<nd1. LUXURIOUS 4 BOAM w/ 1 Bdrm From $515 .,. • ., "'° ...., ....,,, ''""" 759 W. 191h. 873·3313, 493-0803 (or 557..()975, 646-4191 1875/mo. 5-41-807 Woode Cove, 2 blkl to POOL In BIO CANYON. Townhat unturn Harla S.9-2447 ~lnu1ts from the beach furnllhtd) OCEAN VIEW 2 Br 2 Ba bk>ck t beach 1 II PllY I ttln ooein. old 2 sty w/aep S 35 0 0 Imo yr I u . from $850 Newport leac:WNO. gt 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town· LUXURY 2 BR. 2BA. Very nice 1 br, $500/mo S • 0 1835 • Ang, yard. No pell. Utll atudlo. Sl ,OOO mo. ~··9800,673·8977 LA QUINTA HERMOSA SIOlrYIRt-. houM In quiet complex, MarbltpuHman top *** lr.cl.utllt.•9•·1810 ::C,~78~~~:.~1•1211. ' pd. $575/mo. lat plus •9•·7222 " Nwpt Shorea. 3 bf. 2 be, 18211 Parklide ln, 1 ~ (II 16tll) large pool, garden Mt· ~ator drapt1 EXCEPTIONAL 2 BO .• _..,, JHet 31ff BR B 2 blk I. c . 6 4 8 •;. w. •• ,,. I .,,, comm. pool. tenni•. hot w,.E°' Btacti •• 3.7~!s. MS.DCM ting. 1875 9 •5•3391• '"w-... ' .. w1n/w,.~I OEN. ONLY FOR THE •• -•• s-.-•••••••••••••••• 3 .. _ h2 '11' I 'o'K0 18th.499 1617 _,, ... ••••• • tub except onal! Avall 0 dlngtr ........ ,... .. , 875·5949. -....,..., NO FEEi Apt. & Condo .,.ac · P• o, pe 1 · • •• ·······'··········· • I . PrlY•t• patloa DISCRIMINATING. 1760. rental• Vila Rtfltall. 1750 mo. 873-3721 3 Br. 2 Ba. W/alde. poo13 Br 2·~ 81 in guerded 1211 $990. Ma.1119 * $350/mo. up Bach . 1 Ncwpert luda/S.. ... Verde. aharp upl· Gourmet Kitchen Agt {71•)<19&-6804 875-•912 Br....,11' L--. 2Br I ba, .......... Yerd, Aet. $850/mo gate comm u n It y . su..-..,_.ial 2 br. 2'h ba & 2 Br. unfurn & furn. 1700 16ttl St. talfl. 2 BR 2 Ba, bhna. c·--1.. * * * ""' -· -·--$795 A I ,.... ,....... pool IP&. 18992 Florida cpl encl Ind s-::...,.,.. out''!..'::.°'Bage ,, Block to beach, 2Br, 32• E. Balboa Blvd. tit/last rent. 642·7328 /mo. val now. condo, loft-type den w/ •• 2:2 • ., ..... 2•3172 (11 DeWf) new 1• "!'7•5 ry ..... """' 180 ... 501 w-... 1 ---------1 L•He option ponlbl•. wet bar trplc open .... ...... -MZ·Slll rm. no pet1. $57 mo. Laundry . bright & flilry. MZ5 mo. -mo. • .. o ocean 2Br. 3Ba lovely twnhH. 760-1977 beamed eelllngi many •••••D •-Call 6•0· 1151 aft 8, 1550/mo S48-4630 Lgt SIOcudio. Ofapt1.SC2~~ yrly 968-8263 Of bay. 1/880-3412 9 to Pool.apa.gar.&c/p.No 1 92S/ -11-r _.,. 979-3148.ak forPam pet. eanVlew. vv . 5~M-F ptll 1725 675-7183 ADULT COMMUNITY. 2 o.tras. mo. ' ' 2 BR, pool, •P•. Spaclou1 2 bdrm, 2 be, Incl utll'I 861-1192 2 Br. 2 Ba. from $525. No l---·------ . · br. den, 2 ba. frpl. Nr 8•8·7452 Of' 8•1-2880, BBQ. no pe11. turn. avail. A,,,_.ll PALM MESA APTS 1tudlo. Excellent EHt· •-;::,s,.• pet1. ,t~4!8'o!.~~· 2i~Z, ~r~~e~ f:' :!.' :i:1~ DIH l•illl 32 comm. pool $800/mo. Bklff• 3 br 2~ be, water ClH) Ml·IHI 18/uald" 1581 M..a Or. ':;~,'0· 720-084• 1140 ~5-485'5' . saoo. 118 Oth St. •••••••••••••••••••••• 731-2514 Of' •94-1177. view,,_; pool. Beauty. .eOet Holland Cr. HB •••••••••••••••••••••• C~~U-~n5'~~ .... •••••••••••••••••••••• 84S-Jl500. Agt. Ocean & hilt. YU 2 Br 2 Ba VILLA PACIFICA·2Br. $1800 mo. 553.9202 Bllr. Btwn Slettr/Warner ..,,., WW ,,,, Ottacf1ed 2 Br. gar. lrplc. .. •• a &PTI nm lllTM.I condo. W/O, rat~. trptc, 2Ba. tam rm, largts1 of 3 3 BR, 2~ ba, near btectl. off 8etct'I •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 t-drm. 11 Br Trailer•. lrg patio. quiet, 1596. A LOVELY PLACE 3 & 4 Br. CIOM to -ttr, ~~~-;~ol $7 . Agt. models. upgrad«S. Stepe Sl,000 mo. & e.curlty: U.rrM .... nfl E-Bay~ron1 t, llltlt 1111. •71rno and ti«.. l1SO 337 E.. 18U't St. 875-t734 'fO LIVE fUtn & unturn, reuona- _________ 1 from •P• & pool. Avatl 63t-588l ::p••••••••••••••••••• pier. • ory deluxe trg. 11c. No doge. 133 e -UT• •Homty/Pv1 1 & 2 Br bft, 111 ameniO ... Broker now $825 mo. •93-3764 Luxury ituctlo ,,_ HBO 2Br. lrplc, I 1800 mo. 18th St .• SP • 2 . -• •Pool/.,,.•/b""' 875·•9t2. l•••IW VllJn 3114 5 BR 3ba In Harbor View. hone aid Hr.I · 1575-3087 842·9193 Cl9d Sun. 2 Br. 1•,; ea twnhH. ...-f...., .... , ,_ _______ _ ••••••••••••••"••••••• MONARCH SUMMIT-21\r 3 car 1 car, nice famlly P · m • IP•· Bull tint, liund rm, •5 ec:rts o l>tautl • .,"y Why throw away' rant & den, S800 mo. 22852 hm. $1500/mo. 752-21117 Sl30 wit. •99-3015 .,..__ 2 Br. ffplc. carport/Jar· 6.,d/blk:. landecapad 1urroun· when you can own •·3 Andara. 642-1028 $210. Furn. Charming, -'500/mo. s 11 K Fl ding• w/$1200 to 52000 P•Y· ~If •---L ... , BAYfRQNT Baeft. nr beadl. UtM pd. ,_,.,"11 WI 540•3Ne mi 11 · p . • Nr Frwy1 & lhopplng m-11 11751( 1215K --• •-1 ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• M 25-M36lmo. •Quiet., .. ... • • • • •• • • • •• • • ••••• •• ••• • No pell. '"P tmp ...,,, 1395 J 8r ...... UtM pct NEW BREED APT8 ff '7 2543 move tn • take OYtr • Exel. Weltcltff Villa, Oo¥tr Balboa l•l•nd undy •94-4ioc> .. ,7 £. Bey Ave Ba1t>09 1 er. & loft. Bacti & ton. 2541 0ring. Ave •No i>et•: turn avail •hart appreciation, call °'· mater aultt w/frplc. bHCh: 3Br 2ba, excel Pen No .-1 647•1158 Frpfo, rec room. pool, 231• Santa Ana Ave. (114) Ml·Hll COUNTRY CLUB l~MO Sue at 891·5558 2 Br. 2 Ba. pool, Jacuzzi, cond. Monthly or yrly ,,.,. J7ff · ....., · 1ac:ua1 gu & Wiier paid cal for ~ e6i 1 Hotiand Cf, HB IN NEWPORT BEACH PARK 11 PORT APART"4 ~NTS BAYFRONT Sandy 8ttch. 3 8r 2ba. Heel cond. Monthly Of' yrly 11500/mo Owner 844-9513 ,_ c1 •••• ,. 1111 • ••••••••••••••••••••• '~ mo. tr" rentl 2 BR. S•H. yrly, pool, nr beach. b\11 No pete •H-1277 B, etc. I 1100/mo. 873-33 t3 -t I 5 0 0 I mo Own tr ••• ••••••••••••••••• 2 B .. 1'AI ba, llQtlt & airy, No pe«i, From $415. 393 TSL Mgmt Bhlm Sleter/Warner Slnglll. I l 2 Bdfm. ••tl•fl•• •z Of' 675-3100 844-9513 ... fmT aYell now. M2S y'tly. Agt. Hamilton. C.M ... 5-4411 a..2-U103 on 8etct'I Apartmtnt1 ,..,. Au ... ... fj " fl 2 bdrm, 2 ba, 1150 mo l.lnda, 146-t220 I l'ownhoulel •••••••••••••••••••••• ~:···,··1···t···3··b···2··b·· ...... ,. UN1 ,,. a •••• ,. •n1 't i ll June Incl "'" In _2. 2.~5' ~ ••••n WlllUll From 1seo 2 Br. 2 Ba. alf, patlO, MC • .,.au . I Y, r, a Large 1paclou1 duplt11. •••••••••••••••••'!•••• 752·94H 150-0111 C.,.., lfi .,, 1111 I , .. ,..... gar, .., "" ......, Spec. 1 I 2 br, lovely On Jamboftt Rd at gate, pool. 1535/mo. hom~.'!_~1qulet cul·de· 1•n bdrm•. Spic & IP'"· HHI tide ocean view 3 bf ..-..i' •••••••••••••••••••••• ptta. 1~~"· ~~':!!· 2 Br, 1 Ba, beam cell, plnH & 1trHm1, etc. San Joaquin Hllll Rd. 213/H0-9513. MC, _..., mo. For eppt, nr 1hopplng. Stapa to ~onvert den & m1ld'1 --Tl -•• Harb« -•· .....,....,.,. e;•• tnt"' by nhont •••1• .....,, •4ea 53" t•35 ••M"• -laund rm No p1t1. No • " ,.. ' -• 2 Br. 1 '"-..... M-•, • ..,., • ., · .,. agt. b •a ch • Y • a r I y • uartart 1 2000/mo. 2 & 3 bd av ... by wk or lar-3 er. 3 Be, ~ 1 bf, retr .... ltOYt, ......... rec area Incl. gym. ... "" _.. 71 .. /98" 5822 11 2131 9 --.,.,. 17,. •110 ..-.,, ,,_., la1t mo rent req • ......, a-...••• ..... , n Baw, 2 bdrm, 2 ..... thur Blvd , So. Ooalt Beech HouM 2er. yd • ..-~· co or •• ·2828 "'"· ..... .... · amen1t1t1. 11100. C1 Pet• con1. 1395. 1g20 •·-•~1"1 ,....... ...... _. ' " S S ,.... .....ndt 87"1720 w""'~ '""" --_.._ vi rno. lrptc. 1 car gar. Pr1Yett VI II a•. I 5 IO I mo· OK, open at/ un. 221 ..,. . .,.. · Mf&llll/llatrt Oorothy 173-7975 or -· _........ 2214 Maple II-WILi Bead\, Qoocl neigh!>«· ........ 7. 1 •th St· '5 2 5 m O · Sptc. 3 br, 2'h ba very lum ,,.,. ,., ._.. ..... & In .,__ mojt 7ff..tl00. •MlSA VERDE 2 Br. 1 Sic.IE INSIOIDE ~2 & 3 BA townhOUM hood for couple Of 111n· •-.,.._----,,-.:=m---142-M 15 ... .__,.._..__:or,:· a-..._...................... b ....... _ .. ba dpl Ba ~ 149• __. ~ .......... I 00 173 2 • ·---· ..,,._ ,..,.,,.. Bea 1 2 I h t OI\ pfHtlglOUI Id\ O'tef· • .,...m, • JI, • • " , .,..., gar .. ,..... ,_ gla. I I • • t 2. • •-"---- • bdrm, 2 ba. Chlldren. no olno. '!~· Imo. Agt c.:.i· w/:o!t _:..,m • bf looklf19 ocean Jetty. patio, gar. Avail. t21•. No pet1. 74 r:~.~1 t Hunt. Hrbr. t.:om 1545 l-10AM. e.IPM •••••• '!~ ••••• ~ ~111. 7s:p ~-t . Large 544~ 14..., _ lge II~, ., ... I luO mo: Newry deoOf'ated by fa· "80. No pets. 71t Ht-I er. t 'Al ea. TwnMe. Eaet • Chlldrtn OK. MO-ll07 8"utttul ltrgt 4 er. efl· -- y · mo. • Condo tor ...... Bhlffl. 3 A 11 a I I . now . C •I I mou1 d~Mf. Compl. llotrope. 912·MOI 11th. It. No pate. 0•· WllTLMI WU.. 1Br •Pl. 3 l>lk1 from clad patio, 1t1p1 to 11111 •- 988-7ote Br. end unit. back door teo·8•88, 538· t•35 for turn. l.gt 2 • 2ba. Pool, 1 Br, Garden ..,-, Newly raga. HIS/mo. Slarr1 B1chelor & 2 Ir apt1 beach, Clllld I pet OK. l>Mctt. V&My. t76-4'1t, • ...._ 3Br. 2Ba. opt1, tlrpe, encl to pool, tltp1 from,.,,. appt (agt) 1 !:;,.:-' =~:~2;.'':i dee., bllla to bHCh. Mgmt. 14t-1U4 avan Pool, apa, taund Mii mo. tt0·7186 2 8r. 2 le. Condo, EUt• New 111 bdrm. lu11ury gar. fncd yd. 1700 mo nlaelub. 1 1000/mo. 2757 .,. .... --176-3731 MOO/mo. 178.f•N IU•..,.. In a..-rm. No peg. lmmed Oc· MAOOOIC APTS: 1 I 2 bf .......... ,__._, atl ........... apta In 14 ptlM. 1 8drm 988-1021 Vl•t• Umbr~··· .. 11. ......... --.. , • --~. ....-cup. ....... ....... ---"°"' '640. I bdrm"°"' Dt1f '40-2384 fl ~ ...... _, -*-· 2 bt, 1 ba. =· ladltlor 1375• Nloe, QU6M MKrOllndlftaa-91 rate . No p e tt llfl, T~ ,frOfrl I•• NW• -dltl.....,, eflO ..,, • 1 Ir.··-100.1110. ua.1111. ltlOlmo. IM-714•. sets + ,001,, tennle. I Sr. cot:~•Wf)Ort • ............... ••• 3 9', I ... upper FINI\/ y•• Incl ... 11/mo. _ • ., ..... , Jlf~ Ha1Qtlt1. dtcb, ..... i.&M n• unturn Winier or yrlJ. I.If, 2 bd, I be. din Alll, 14-U1-t741. HI W. 11th It, ' OCEANFRONT • Cuelftl weterta .... po~ G1a• •••••~ brick waH11, wooded. :.=:,•••;::;:r.•••·~~ Wihtr/drver tncl,u "*'*1elle. -tleGOr TSL Mimi Nr .,...., t br, t be. frillo, decor. 38r Ila up, for coolllnt I .... et nt dedl, er. 1750/mo Avail _, .. ont."" etudlO • .,._ ...,.,, ..ew ~ ~ w1..-..M~ CM MMfH ga. .. ,.,d. AYall Dec~ 1. aftlenltlee, .1r1y 11100 P•ld From Ian Dl .. o 2-tS. 845-8'25 ~~·=/~3:'. lrnmed. fOOUS>• Cd M Lo ca t Ion . ~11el11 . No ~· I llde lrt I Ir 2 la petlo IH-Olt7..,. mo.: 28' 1 .. dwn IOO Frwy drive Norlll on XECUTIVI 8a'91de Dr •• ,..__ IACHIL.Ofll. ,11rn/ I 1400 I mo la aae . 14~6:=· ...,,. t. garage UOO. AveM 1211: Dllu• llOOlllde 11tra largt mo. Melln pre 7.00 W. ~-~oft~o~~lt: waterfront home. Ann -, __ ._ ••fl unfurl'I. Vrty an utll Pd. 7to·lto1 • Nl-Olt5 2 br. 2 Ila, blt•ln1, Oenft'nt ll0-9192 (7141111-1111 lmmed. 4 •• 4 la., all /J.!,.•-••' :i :• ~dr,._, llldrm, 1 M. pool, deait. New, I .. ry. 2 M . IMge I Ir 1 8a. oarJMW' dtwliw. 1'.t mllal -..ctl. EAIT8Lun: ' l'ft9"llle1. ll00/1110. •• •• •••••••••••••••• ... ~ ... -.Of/IOAl/P1 ....... oarpor1•. '"--· 8eMI fbe.eno!wnt ..... Cledl. la..nd 1i1 w w1i.on' No !~II. HOO/mo lpaclOUI 1 ar. patio,.... - I01t tllP• aleo ••alt. ~·.,,· aw-.11 ""'•' --='° ·--· -aelllnge OU lhor• P9'IO Kldl. P9'a O.K. .._ ..,...., _, -IM 1311 =· view, no 1•••· ••••••••• .. •••••• • 1.-.. ·-· ·~ H5-'"•73 • lat -·· -.... JU-1145 Avtll 11·1 Lorri · .,..... -....... _ .. ,. ·--:-.-.rn ........... f~~J ' · 11y. 11io u1. tH For D• .., M -----·· Wlldtyl 947 ... 71 ,,,.. -.1111. Lt• llr w19ar •~P•r ·-· ---H~ .... c::ottael. A¥all Dec 1. ACTION a MMa licM'in I c.e ,.... I -OIHft, Clo .. IO bctt liUdo~;j-~~ ••• ;,.;:"ii;;°"';;;-.ru~·il ... 'L W~~ No~ 1~ Frpl. 1111 21r, , .. decotat ... tur• cal a ie. AC PoOl.--:.0 ~ UH/1110 114·4111. !!.i, !-~· ~ty I 11 . WC lttr rTellV ·~ .........!!· ...,,_. • -"'· " .,., • MJ·3U01 IOI .... 0. "9ot ....... fie ..... 1160 '' '. Ul-nsG •~ ...!!!'!. ' .. ,-~ c•r 0"· F•mlly room. ----------""'*' •· 1 1111 to betl, AO.~ I .. llfllt, fflCd ~.... • '41• ,__ .... _. -w,,,,_, dryer Nr. Ate'n SELL. Idle lt•m• wltfl a 1 I* 10 bey, '/f around. l4l·M1I ... new epee, no "'8 • ~-· yout MloPOlnl ... Trade your Ofd •tllft for ....,.. "*"'•.,.., pool, epa. t..,n11 Av111 n,i1y Piiot C••nlfled Ad '""'*9 occupenoy. MH Ca 11 1 4 O. 1 111 or '-'' Ji!M 11·1 ~ ••• by u1111f the belly 11•w gooflu -'t" • • N. Ollll -1.....f 12"-1945 mo. oo-... i;. i3 ~.&1_1 __ ---"'°· ~1'71 .,....., .. ,., ... Olt ............. " ,.... C.....ftad AClt Qlelalftad lld ..... ,. -"--....... -1111 ..... G • ' - I I I ' I Or•nge C0491t OAILV PILOT/Monday. Novem* 22, 1982 •• ,~! .......... .!.~ '1!1!}1.!f.f~.1.~!f O!!{'!..~ff!f! .... !'11f tff!.f.l!Mf.... • .. r..,M'M •••• T.~ii inl..,P..'11. •••• 1.l.'!f l!Jl..,11!1! ••••• !J.ff &nl!PH •••••••• 11.ff #l~ll~H•• ... 1111.'1,.!r.'!!. •••• li!f larp.......... Lift H "'llAll nti. Newport 81 CM fOUNI ,_.Ciel ltM I ....... ........ ..... -· -Hiii COlnel bed ... -!11.':'l'. ....... T.V. •....... blll "UIMI, 30'. room kif r.nt 119' mo AoonW'n•ttWlllt41d tOthf IOH I 111•ur, ICClg, IH .,r Old, ,, •Y WI Dllt wUll .... " .... •••Do• ,ebu!Oue wortltne COftdt. .... ,"!', ......... , grcilp (2 IWlll•I· llill 119W, W•nl9d lnl ... YlltlO!'I C•r· newOtkPtOCI,., •, .. ~'t:. .. r: 224 19th St. ~Ulll 8ch 9 .. I .. ~ w/fllOfn jlt)d OIC l M 110·071.l._ ttf'IOM '60· 14U 1119nC1 lllOfl 17~t3 Ilona NO •I* '* WI a II • • ., e f O rn w/COfNf Gell UM S3llO, tr~ : .... ~ ,,..,., - M0-8839 IMll-i: S21!S, ulll pd I or Ll1•e·Olllc1 3 "'" Loil fflf'tl. p.,11.,I.. -----tr.in, we~ Clf'CUI lf·ll llllf lft 04.INlubl 944·4~1 MY·'"!_ .,.. • .....,~ __ Room tor Chrl11lan F. Own 1th t16·gl42 ttl 1200 ~fl. GOOd traftlcl tllall'.PMChColOr,.,,._. 1um =··=,~·.rro.~;; ICING,_, 531·2 Lrg en11Que dining room -13'9" Botton Wllalpt 1 Nwpl HOii, kll pllv 11ao 6 ~ooil • gn I HP~•ure tYft, 1n1w1r1 to S1m1 ,.oc)i .. blt..an 12 ~ 6 --table, pec•n a walnut, ...... good w/111* motor. 1 Inc utlt MM\148 F1m111 to ther•" Bdrm 8423 8Mcf'I INd. Hll 8•mll'lht vie '•n.n PlllTllllll U&.11 Pt.A Mon·S•• See Kiiiy W I 11 I I 0tnate. S400 0t bMI o•· -·-•Int 13200 I SHOO Fr~ 81Chll0rttt• :ft' '" hOUM In l'!unt BllClh C1tl 77f.tl03 dO & lay, Nu Alwttd ,., MWI'~ dr....,, Ilg 8 WAAOA08l CLOiCT 942·112&9. '73·1109, j .JI .......... f ... bib" ttlnn 1225/mo lle2· t~lle OFflCE & DUK SPACI 675-aatt. 64•·325a LOOkl"O I d" I MldlCll I '"' toolllftf '°' •. •op drwr. 1nt1que WI~ "'"s~E .. EklfO ~c~ Ut-o3M OI '76~7 ""-·•-"' ' . .., D -" o 1 " o our CHIEF TECH lor Offl(;e ~ wno .anti :s . ....,.. .._I f.._. ' " ,,.. " -& work. 545-0034 Allam. MIF non•wnkr i();i;f .. br 10 own town L1gun1 F'tm. Auetrltlll\ Shep mt• stiff r .... ....,.,..,, 6811t'i ,._, MIN'ftl•llon• tlfld rep --°' .,... o -· loc ~ll Mii, ••I 1• • ...,.,. "'+ , • •bov• world i•=ln 1 11-btk teb wlllc '•" _ __,,, .....-• _.. .,_., 8ci.nc:llnevttn mod· ....... ,.,..,._ c ... • ~ J!!f ...... -·--1 furn r-•. kit ... ~.. ... Da hOfne, .,,.,., ' ov-'-""'~-·-"' ••1 -•-~I •---• t • _.....,_ .... ,._, "' ,..,,, c 1500907 _..,.,.. -· btn wtlt blkml•ep.ni. •One e 11 p1rl•nc ec1 dtnl on ••Plf -•--:"'' tbia.olton.. ' ulllt, ''"°'Dell offtf ••••••••••••••·• ,. nla1 yard Adult f1mlly Ullll .M --Ant Serv, a~ pucic>ite 'Nunleroue c.11 Mll&f'NI) Anlll . VMijO, 495.4700 dtt:.'rfo ':::"w~ '42-ttlO --AISEAVE NOWI ao· home. E•!llld • CM· Prof.femlll 21 ·30 yra. To mecfl. 497.1744 2 lem mix Semo\l•C Med1c11 •flt, front Ind c •II Mr H 11., 1 t liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•llllii #•dtll Schooner, ChrlttmH ps2oo•••rs::~iM women. •Thw'n'he,.c1••1n3EB11criu2~ Be• 0111081,;;i .. i'Oriff" puppl .. Wf'tl & blk • SeY9rel A111ttente blGk Typing, 6KOS. 641..ot68 FURNITURE . Nf.W ,.,,,...,.,, ,., P•r•cl•. Wh•I• WllCh · p 1 • ri 10· $426/mo, 710 644·31&8. ___ Vlftlpunc:tUt1, 64&·1720 Mutt retM C&lh •••••••••••• .. •••••••• Pert .... etc l4f-400& Furnl1h1ct Rm Prlvete aree. QOI, ae, lndry $595/mo Utll !).id AJr Foun;,-F1m puppy 1p Rleharcl Ouellette Seton -:=-11 & bk I ~fl.I llJn Prlcel llllrl 11 YAMAHA BHe Amp .. ,, •-11 "" Bath. tn Hom't. 1200. !~507 "plu2"'! or~ ... ~50thy85wtc cond .. grnd lloOf. t055 E pro11 9mo1 Sh1ph1ro 200 Newport Center Of Medleet .._1 r o c. ••• •••••••••••••••• MaltrMlll & found Ml Hiid With • doubll 15" •••••'·~•••••••• .. • 851·4023 Ev•• Et TOfO ...... ""' -Cimino Of, OM 3 blk• E 1.-· _ ...... ~/bl'" -·~.. N.8 __ · .P.l!_!Of5!>!"l31~ p 3 yrs II ,.,. TWln 171 • fun SU ... ... ..... ---------1F d • I F I I /Ad ,...... """' -""-,....... ,..,.. • •••••••••••••••••••••• OUllrl $147 ·King S167 PV IC)llller c•blnet. All 'II tAI. ••1 -M~!.~'r":!'n~~:~~~· ~n~~~ ::~r~::~r~b~ LI•; rs ... 1~4~7 ;:rwTracy •m B~~-:. r;; nM::!~~'. ~ t~N ... !!" Model• ---v~:,~.::Lc~1::-r~· :i: Sol~o~· ~!lll247 ~:i~•nt condltlOfl '4000 831·3241 Pt! 1 1 Pool 548~1721, 862·3561 841·8379 Y • o._.m r VO• Hottywoocl Rtl•rtf.1 dryer. & mtic lteml. 111 .. lt. 1_.,. Lido 14, #3351, wllrlr. • 2 ~o~'m o .• SC:agwy ~ 1.,;.,,. llllU 44H lume 11 6K. M\I PfOllt . Comp1ny tor movl•• A hi/Sun t .30-5P..-. so11 Olnttt• w/4 ahre .• Oood co11d S1H5 or • ••• •••• ••••• ~ + rOytllt .... bec:ll9CI TV Comm• r c It 1 t Et T 187. , b .. t off 846·2 Ht or ·759·2670, eves5l52-83IO l••l.JI tf••lH 4Jlf R;i;1i~1or:;i 28s0 AYOn. • l ••11 by l1tl growing HMlth/ (b1ckground or non-21942 LMlelllld, OfO DISCOUNT fURNITUAE S.lut tllYer Cundy Bit· 732·0054 8 D •••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1665 It I 8 rfl .... I -111 Nut r I ti on C 0 , D 11 • '"""'lkl"" onlu) le Niki"" .; 1951 Herbot Blvd ton'l Se•' w/CIM pla.,. ---·-----383 OrllClnt IY r. Oulet/Maturl/Arllstld sq. ~ ue Cit •••••••••••••••••••••• S•llillld? H111th Min• ;;r: .. _.·t~ g othl<I j(; #•tt1'-1H COlll M-. ~1·9809 8d l25~ 949.7909 a'f-t C1I 26, bHutllul COftd Must -to IJ>Preclite. neec:t1 rental tMIOnable garage 641•8 77· 1 -• I -dld1 ,. __ , 857 1724 Mr ..,._ ,..-1-h •••••••••••••••••••••• Orlgl al 64f. IM9 3BA on 1 leYll wlkltchen, 540.5172 bet a.m or ell Booth renl•I• very reeeo-..-·-1'1 Her ....., • • • commero •II 1uc H Altla.., ... pm wkninl ':..'*' IMng rm, toe ~llo. I btk 9pm. nable. Mtiiton \Jltlo. PHOTO MODELS "'*" Fuhlon ...,, Coemeltc •••• ·~·••••••••••••••• Redecorating, near new 116~'-• _, ._ to bch. S:JOO .. bdrm. 837-4887 . ESCORTS/DANCERS 8011 Atpalrm•n. HP•· HHtth Club AdYtrll· Antique sotld 04111 Limp milch 1ot1llOYHHI ... ,_ .... .,,,,,. • -.. ~- Also IBr upper IYI, p•Uo, Am oc. bachelotttte for OUTCALI. f 2• HRS rlence In etectrontci. HB emente. Special need fOf Tebl• U9. matching S300 Antq. Ou hllltllt Lil-Hf •s R 1 view ol ocn. 1400. wOfk retreat, S1SO mo • .. ...... 11 '•re1 848 -4497 B••uty Cont11t typ11. plec11 avalleblt. 1196. Walnut TV 111nd ••• ":i.~»•••••••••••• w/Myetlc 3o· agtm• 111/lut (will neg) Obi 0.,. or 1111. 73 t -5157 or CM•ltt,,J , •. • 213·59iz-"•t2 ' No 1Xperienc1 necH· ILUI 7051 $15 7 pc patio Mt 160 SHARP SF750 COPIER racing 1loop, 20 Kii, av111 forrent..497·7090 631·3537 . 1••1111 4415 ury, tnepthot requlfld ?' O.c. l~mp&. 11end 01i A11yp.,,.,,5mo1new downwind. S7'5oo, •••••••••••••••••••••• * * * ..,...._,, Uttrs on Interview By eppt. M1hog•ny Dresser with palnllnge. etldlng clOHt lj&S-5393 1_8_73_·_1_350 _____ _ Balboa Pen. Bdrm unl\lrn. Olllce1Work·Slor•9•. Slit• tlc'd & bondo,d (213) 464-7514. m11"5°';.1:_~'!,~· Sic doof1, M0-'43e ~etched c1t1tom modular 6'l1Mdl NII Use ol house. Pref. fe-C.t••n ,., ,,., 4JSO 436',<, E. 1~th, C.M. $450 ltl11tl1 Parlor eginoy Muat'be 2b'.Own NEID EXTRA MONEY? s 9 . ~ ....,.,.,. D I I .. _.. 3 delk Ml 2 IXIC & 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• male. Across from Bell'. ••••"'•••••••••••••••• mo. 646-2559 t\M or PM 0 4 l ·2 11 · •YlflPorte. 1m111s. .,.,.,, • • C 1 Wlndaurfi~Wlnter 9.,. $250. 873-0392 01n1 Pt. •Ingle atorage, pen 2 hfl 1 dey r•nt. yri co •g• or Work 11 home or P/T, Peral1n Rug. nit• tebllt, rdwd picnic l8C y, a1,1 or part. on• •"•tst-I "" Hlfly .. 750 MCI.Ired 11ree1 entrence 7 dl'il •week r1l•t1d e1epr. req. Cell llOlderlnQ en a er It • S300 080 bl & S renc t work table1 '"' •• •• • .... f ~ 41S• 34097 'Gran1d1, S6o' l•'11lri•I . -Jacuul. Sauna Local• 145·3746 Celt (7 14j 549~7932 • •· 549.9457 ~'nt 71~~'6~~~98~~ o~ sol~. llde chair•. tamPi . UP Spone 83l·4108. NB • •••••••••••••••••••••• 673·3313, 493-0803. lt•l•l 4111 •• well II Tourists, Chlldcere, Grandm1'1 I I An1•-ue s.cret•ru, blYe-673-8977 & llb ... 6'45-5383 IHll. IU'I' , Room & board In fabulous •••••••••••••••••••••• B1nkAm1rlcard. Amer· lfFIO l&IAIE "' -• • beach home In exchange 2500 sq. It. near Hoeg lean Eicpr-. Olnera. All helper wlnlld 10 help 1 led mirror. 1876. lll2 ~1rdwood Delk 60ic34" 1111 1•1 '9tt1 1111 lor Ute hskp'j_ & •tome 1M1:,.. lt•l•I 4400 Ho"". --ar1tt office & welcome 7141645-3433. grandm_~:!1~1dt0f hlfP/T2 v,arlety 01 dullle• Inc U· Iowa. 957· 1165 4 drwr 1 1 11'1e drwr · •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• .. •••• ... Wll•• .... _,. yng gr-""'"' ren d no bool<kMP ng, pay· · · GOLDEN RETRIEVERS BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: cnlld ... re.67 1271 •••••••••••••••••••••• rutroom S900/mo 2112H1rbOrBl.C... v l.t>ll.H OP .A • roll, AIP. AIR. phones, j••lmtn 1110 Newly relln. $1 25 , PUPS'-AKCS200 Newpon8elch:2s·.28'. *llLIU lfFIOll* Automotive o k. Bkr Women & men rllu with ~-6288 /,,\93,.253;"· typing &-mllC. Nwpt-8ch :Tie•••••••••••••••••• ~7398• Born 10-26, 846·1040 30', 35'. 40·, & 45'. Cell •• ,,,, •• ,,,, "" I MO. FREE RENT 645•6268 I message • I office. 675-8110. HARBOR AREA SOFA 71,<, It. Gd cond. 642-4644 from 9 -5 . •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 room to 2800 sq. 11. 2400 sq fl, ST20/mo. l7th. ctill 497-5718 Cterlc81 RT T E PROF APPLIANCE SERVICE FIOfal pillow back 1135 Doberm1n Pup1, 5 wks Mon-Fri IUUll MTIL From S 1.18 a sq It. Adi. & Placentia Cost• MtM IY I~ UIUlll Edr;:1tlon~~ h'-h echool .. ~p1·1.'!'!~1C. on'!-~9o_u3"071 Call s5e.8842 . . osl2d.<. no papers, 842-8786 SLIPS ·v· AIL. Huntlnnton Wkly r1ntal1 now 1vall. Alrpor1er Inn & Frwys 1>46-t164 ' · Cullom F1ntuy Phone llmll ,.. -v ...,. ,..,.. ~ ~ "' . .., $105 & up Color TV C1HAM833·32~3 ConvereaUonwlthBerbll _ __,,, .__ ............ txchano• progr•m LINCOLN TYPE ROCKER. Her6our B•y. 01 Phonea In room. 2214 ---------' MC/VISA 24 hf'• ,....,, ••I*"--.,_ lllld1 well qualified re-I llY &PPU&ml Good condlllon 185. aau .. P ...... lrt '"'"" 840-5545, 648-7786, 8-9 New BIVd CM 1617 Wes1cllll, N.8 . 256 ll•t•fl ffJO Call 838·0701 office employH. Must prM1nt1tlY1t to SCfMf', Ln 957-8133 556-8842 TelM:\Jp-1oy-mlnlature p M , a 4 o _ 4 o 9 7 ,, por~6-7446 · to 4QOO sq. II. 111. llOOf. ••••• •••••••••••••••• 1---------have typing •PHd of Mllct hOll fMllllts and 546-2848 2l3-431-3764 Agent 541·5032 Storage Spece 12' x 18' EXOTIC DANCERS 50.eo wpm. ~rly hours eup1rvl11 1tudent1. Wathlr-Oryer $125.•e. Cotonlal style blk nauga-Boarding & grooming 36" dOOf. $70/mo. plul Blchelor/Blchetor•tt• & good ben1f111. N.8 . write AISE 887 So. Ro· OllhwUhlr $100 h yd e couch w I Lo_. Newport e.y Airport .,.., -Exec. Sul· S 7 O sec de po 1I1 ~ entertainment Call 644·5570 fPet). Hllnd or. Orange, CA Retrlg. $200 646-5648 COOfdlnellng coll .. lbl BABY KOi SI NCh Stipe 30•3311. '8ft. tes. From 225-450 sq. II 673-4 154 Newport 738-8538 551-8538 r-~·t-92H9, Incl telephon1 REFRIGERATOR $75. 844-5885 dys, (Jap.,.... CotOf'ed Carp) Side tin 15·24ft S7tt. $84/ k S 1 per sq. 11. M1ny 'll111S. ee~h ....,., ..... -..__ 5"' .. -4487 ee2.e2ao s w a 1e1 A n c n 9 -5 . W Call 557-7010 -· •llTllM•• PlllUll•Ell num...... Froe1 lr11, 2 dr. $165 JV· 548-1501 Refrigerator-Maid-Pool Mii IP&OI OIM l•d .. 11/l1n1l/ f's llllT llln EJCperl1nced In DEC/ PllllAOY 893•9060 Captain'• 4 11n i bed, O~~en::l~s,I SLIPS AVAIL COr clef Nwpl Blvd & Wllson Attr11etlve rustle U""-talrs 1.•1-.. -Models. danc.1, tlCOf'te Ot8QL. Mu1' be know· DRUG STORE CLERK: Coldspot Relrlg $225, dreaaer. cab net desk, KS ~ 531' 35";~Y Mar ArH. S9 :r'c111 Colt• Mesa 549.9755 setting. We aupPtYdesk, •••• ~ •• ::•••••••••••• 669-8913, C>P4lrl 24 hrs. t1dg1able In RSTS/E, Expr. pref. 40 tire, $5 50 Whirlpool relr•o $295. S35. 557-6448 I . -Lind• 955·2473 wkd• Pine Knot Motet on Cout space, copier. You sup· l•dafll RSX Of RT·1 I. Fulttlme hr to 1ten. L-ouna Hille Kenmore w11her $95 ConttmPOflfY wal. Dining AKC PelclMM, hand ral· 8-S Hwy. N 8 . s 19 P s 1 0 • ply phone, & 195 pr mo "-•fflllhr SOOI SPIRITUAL READINGS po1ltlon1. S1lary com-Mlfle 768-3784. Frigidaire elec dry~r r09'!\ t•ble. 4 ch1lrs. 2 Md, Chrlstmu Pups. SI. --------- ocean . Wkly rites. pr dllk. cau 844•7211. •••~"•••••••••••••••• Advice In all m1tter1. menaurate with 1xpe-$50. 546-8872 11avea, $300. Ron Aubrey, Ch. llnee. Rn· Dock IOf 40' Mil boat. No 645-0440 wm,.. • llllllml. 10\le, marrl1g1 & bull-rlence. Apply In peraon: 11&1. UT&TI Ill.II Hotpolnt rtfrlg wilt It 9 714-855-2308 •ft 5 PM erve now! 1·224-7449. 11111 a boards. 3 blkl ... 11 beck & better thin nees. Aleo coun11llng. C1lllornt1 System• A•· Welt l~ted Penlnauta c.I .. like llf!t ' ' · Love Mii, coueh. rm set ...._Tn....... EutlPaylllon. 873-"928 IEU l PUOE! ..... , nm• ever , have perfect ~::.5c8:m~4c:~:aAul· ~~~·:!·~·r .2~~~ ~~~: otfice hll optl'I desk fOf $125. 497.5095 w/6 chrs & buffet from AKC CHAMPIC5~ l..iNE. Newport ~h Ae11on1ble rites. Kit· With use of reception, system (QOll good eco-Mna. 54._9711. llc'd 1ggr111lv1 salea Refrigerator, frost free, nice home. Moving . All 1hots. Wiii hold for boll . .\lklng $19,500. chenlttn, phonta, mild conf. rOOfn, kllch, phone, nomy or bad economy) fAMOIJS CIRCUS end rentel peteon. Gen· excellenl St85. 752·2197 _ .Chrlstmu. 8AM·5PM 7141648--4005 service, Z channel mo· secretarial & word pro-multl-mlltk>n S Polenti.11 .ST. ....... erou1 commlellon schl-548-4485 B 1' II c.H IHS 553--11294 IHI Ir.I: llH r~~: 1~r~~ :1v~: =~~a~ ... ~~ ~~.o~ f~~7i'm:i~~ Marirllls :(~c;>1!;,!11r.~~.~n.~~~1~~~1u3~'.~~~90o~P~·~·~Y~•~A~E~ fhrt11 °'!-•'I ..... ~~:!.i;;;~·;7:i~iiP A~~:;~=~:.;.. •••• !i ••••• 'A! •••••••• CM 645-9137· deti<~;47f~~~&'Q rlghtnr&S0.,5955.~ Message Perlor. Gor· req'd. 646-0568, 8 AM -1: If hght1 · & brn eyea. 53&-1811 DRY STORAGE ---------r1 _.,_1,.1 ~· glrle to MMI Y°'-'· 4 PM Aeclptlonlet. Light Cleft· Sl2S~ 548-2335 $100. 730-0988 Monthly boet stor•o•. fM•li•• .. 11.UfZSf m•-1 •-11 1' ,.,... ::__1 ••i• from 10 AM untll 4 t-MimnnMHiiiil-cal Ae1pon1Tblllt111. , iliH•I f Or••ll llH e1ze 24 h eecu·lt" •••••0 0 •••••0 •••••• -11• ...,, a.-.,whr -., 1 OIHID Nim Work ln 11tr1ctlve 1ur· l1~ln UZI J..,Jn U10 •••••••••••••••••••••• any ' r r '' Studio/condo ba11 of Full Mrvtc:e. KMP your ••• ~r:: •••• ;'•••••••• AM. 7 days e Wiik. frM EllPltenced or will train. "°' 641 1584 •••'•••••••••••••••••• ••••••-'••••••••••••••• IGulbrtlflMn Premllfe Or-f!M•lauWnchPMITlng .._. Wtnn Springe lltt lh Sun overhead low & proles· Mini BllnO cttanlng ..,. buffet. 7 19 No. Harbor Full and pert time. rou no•. · AZUKI tightweiglll . Gold dlamol)d & pearl gen, xlnt cond, best offer .,._ Valley w11p1ct•cular atonal lrMQe high. Pre-vice, & equlp't. $1200. 81Yd, Fulllr1on 499•1985. 30848 South 1111~ 10-apeed SIOO. wom1n1 ring, S375 or OYlr $1500. 780-0795 1111 .... .., •. view of Baldy. Good etlgloue Weetclllf area ot Must 1111 due to oth1r 11Mll-J112 CoHl Hwy. South L•-Good phone peraonallty. 730-0988 beSI olr. 759·9001 ..._..10 r1t11. Call Jack le Newport Beacll. 881 Qo. buslneu Interest. Celt ALL MAJOR CAEOIT guna. Lite typing, ... emp1oy11 E-oll Rider crulMf Diamond E•rrings. htarl O!ka'::'f:!'~~·~Ts~~ng: l---------642-9401 Wlf Or. Ste. 14, 631-3651 PIUI 645·8811 CARDS ACCEPTED benlfltt. Newport Cent-175. 9hlC)9d, pierc;ed, apprat-'"'il3&1-tt12-f. ..: Vlll/BMver Creek, Coto. DELUXE SUITE ~·y zero '82 & '83 tnc:ome T BERRY'S c,iPAlu ~-~ ~pr'.ngutorst .,, • '°' Ron Jld<IOO 730·0988 sed $700. BHI offer , • ., .. ,,,,, •• · I en..,... """ · M '""'4 "'"42 EOE Jia~l 675-"'""'"PM [Hammond Chord Organ •••••.,..•••••••-•••••• Luxury townhome. 4 Br 4 tax11 tegflly, _.refund• Go-go girt• (to go) ..._ .____,,, .. It'"'-.,.. -" .,.._, ,._ •-• a. 1 ·79 '80 "18-1 889--89 """' •xper ... .._.. ,..u ....-1---------•I . wl1h bench. ln1tr-uctlon1 _.,.,,, ~• BEACH AREA lki° r~ .. ~221~1~~ Wlftr frtlt lhll So;OO,oOo w~lte 0~~x:t 14 cll1nt r11pon1lblUtlee. AECEPTIONIST·TYPIST • ••r.rilJI HS Antique E11t lndlall and mUSlc. $300 OBO ••I fl• • , s t.50/sq ft . Le11e. 000 doWn. 400% return 49 PARK AurYr Sat 1 ry op• n . Cal I IOf •-flfm 8·30 to 1:30. •••••••••••••••••••••• Necklace. COfal. ¥•off on 861_9381 •••••••••••••••••••••• lallll,. ftan ,,,, 842-"644. M·F, 9-5 wmty. Hurry! 138-9111 IU1Ul. &41.0125. Clll Jeyne 840--0800 IPPf8'MI MS. 681·9381 '74 Cami*, r9d lnt•lor ...................... Tired of crowdlO fr-ay .. r ___ •-• ltmTI CPA rlrm hH nffd tor ReetllKllll Helo Needed. A ~!~~1~• I #Mtill-. 1171 ~ ........... ~~ ~ ~'ra7:4"KE Of· r~ I Fe to share with M.Fe. commutes NOflh? Would ,.M!l, ,. ---llO 111 11ep1rl1nced •tall •c-Cook '"··:: welt"~son" ·I • •••••••••'•••••••••••• 198 2 s k 1 Nau 11qu1 --·-------Super clMri. we111oca1ed you Ilk• an ottlce at tilt F.:e:· LOA.Ns:·;~~:;;d~ • 1 coun11111 on • per diem ....... Bui pereon •• Ex-tnaut•tlon. .. Rick Commerct11 Taz gas heel· "2001". Only 38 hours. '78 fOfd R&n91' XLT with N87.~.,J .. o,.ndo. $275/mo beach that your tamlty 90%, comm'I. conelr. z• llln ~ .,,e, b11l1. Dita proc .. 1lng parl1nced people pref. 11 .. tHI ge trimmer, Jt'lrit cond. Alio have• 1977 for· 1981 12'h" c•mper, .,........., coukS ~ onlonweetc?-endsFot Fut l\lodlng 143-1845 TREAT YOURSELF TO A 11eparlence lmpor. Celt XLNT working environ· "All! •bout Gas Co $302 175. 846-7909 •fl• 2pm. mule 1/0 20 It ... Ilk• 1l11ps 6, 1tov1, relrlg, u 1 vacat uM 641~126 m 1 n I I n Ba Ibo•. Rebete" -.. 1.,...... NEW I Ce 11 ( 7 1 4 ) BR. link. Beet offer. teaelng Information call .... , ftr....... rllulng maSllgt In the ·-·-•H•• 175-7829 _. 842-2000 & ask for Jim· 54().7871" IM•lllTE The Capistra no Suri Or soone r. Now 11 th• privacy of your homt, · _, ... _. MIT&I••-"-••·•• • .""'" 132·50· 540-7381 my. Jr. II.out. pl1ese • , ,1 Fii.Eis Ctnter. 661-6292 o r time to act white 1oan1 office or boat. Send ?ne 'PIT, FIT. xlnt commti.. -• -"' • • I'' '"' lllYe messagel ll•tqr1n1 831•5084 are avail. We finance 1s1. to a friend 831-3209 wOfk In OC. Mull have Full/lime. uperl1nc1d ~!f!••I . ml .. '.'!!.:~!!.'!!........ ltNI 1 1151 Otdesl & largest egency. TO' ZE T flair IOI c:otor. will train. wal1r111/walt1r1 & bue •••• • •••••••••••••• Wall Cl<><* Olk RegulatOf ,_,liaf. '-Ml llf4 ••••••·-'"•••••••••••• All ctlents ICreened with h•tllt9t LH•tit• ~~d~~-Art'as7-~~~ ,~, s·~· 840-5249 peraons. Apply ~ Th• Elmo IUper 8 mOYll U· by Colon ... $375 or best ...................... ·79 Triumph BonntYlllt ptloloe & references. Prime 1nter11ctlon ot -.-nHI ,,_ IDT .. •••..,&If S.ac:hhouse, 819 Steepy """'·zoom lens, 111 lfec otr 759.8001 Sklil. Knelslt w/Salomon Almos! new. 4000 ml, Credits: CosmoPolltan MacArthur and Jambo· ••il::J,J' 11 ftul •••••••••••••••••••••• --• Hollow Lane, Laguna •uto, w/c11e llke new · 502 bindings S80 2 long s 1 6 o o . T 0 m L 11. Good Morning America SI f 5 b ~ 5 Angels W/Happy H .. rt Full time, front & back BellCh. 195. 646-7909 t iter 2pm. 1940 Deanna Durbin.doll, boards $25 ea. Call 642-l603 T"-Tomorrow S .. -. ree. par IQ 1 u • I SIJS Style cul heir wltove & e·.-•-, R"'a, X-R'"" $150 ~ b1t otr 548 8083 '---------,.., '"'""' 11 ... av11lable 820 or ~..--·-"""' ~ ..., Room & board In fabulous Eklllte underwater hOu· ~ · -·-* ~ off '* to all who 1200 sq It tor 1 'f9l1 Cell •••••i,i"i)mii""0 •• care Only S6. Perms Lie req. Salary open. blac:h hOme In exch•"""" lil'O & tile-photo lenl '°' 759-.8005 •·1-_-,-!f!------.-~-'!~ 11Y. A58M50A~ ~1 ~-nlld a piece. San"" 213_820-885·7 • $30-135 Up Mr. Mel's Some Seturdays. bene-·-...-C .. 1 C 1 t 1 .,, --...... ~ .,.... .,,,_ ~-~~;;;·~~U~l~-l~IM~~ v,. lltrt&IC• It. 1... 754--~ lite, NewpOft Beach area. tor Ille h1kp'g & 1om1 annon .,.1. omp • • Necchl console 11w ng ••rwO.PEASiAN•R•UGS.. 675-0946 •fl 7PM 1.-111•a111 s 1 It 1 · 1 t & 2 d 6 .. 2 8880 Alt 5 chltd care. 975-1273 1350. Ger 548-4903, mac:nln1. wood c.blnet, ru1 -pee a 1 ng tn • n lm•'-••I ., · · · S•lel &45-0272 s 1 5 o . E y 1 / wk n d (Hertz), 1 l 'x9' & IO'x7". '82 Yam•ha Vlraao 750, fem to ellr 2 br condo w/2 Exec. Suites Incl. recept,, A Ttrt ~ 1949 CM •• ~~;:••••••••••••• !~27·80683827, EYH/Wknde Plln .. AM Canon •oom lens, Iulo 548-6737 Wiii trade lor air, boat Of loaded. $2500.-,.77 YI· gifts. Own rm s200 + ullt. eec'y servs. con I. rm • obi ... 11.,..,. NH/ J• W .. IN 1115 .... · · ,..,... a TO. 541-8989 m •ha 1 T I 7 5 S 8 5 O. Pool I 775-8 8 kit .. mall hendtg. Ree-R.E. Br<>ller Bd Reat1or1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Dental winder. tripod & misc 3 pc. r9d molded Slm90--, 648-9898 I ac. 14 eYe. ponslYe to your business 642·2171 545--0611 Young m•rrled men wlll 6x,_..____. R.O.A. ,_ If yOU .,.. currently lho-flltera. 548-6083 nll• •ur.age, pd $300, n IM1• 1---------M/F I h ~ a j 05 F do .-a1 handr ...,.... ,......,........, wln9 1ew1tru, crustal, on"'•• '""'"7051 t.,.,, 1' "" '11 -• mt roomma e s are ·--needs. "~ · 4 'W'f. In WIDOW HAS SSS fOf TD'• ..-·-.....,,., ded for Orthodontic Tupperware. 'co~ettcs, Cenon AE1 w/llfl-& .n ''.., ·.....,. •ur lllH -C d.M h ouse' non . F.V. indlv. oles Mo/mo. RE Loans IOK Up No Call ev11 & w end•. practice In Miiiion Viejo etc., c.11 usl We have • ICcel lnckl. NeYer ulld. Irvine Cout Country Club ••••••"••••••••••••••• S I 9 5 I 0 6 0 • p P emolcer, neae. stable from S3:t5. 963-6445. Credit Check No Pen-972-9525. •lk '°' em. Area.. 830-3703 hot new Item that will Ca• e Inc I. S 5 7 5 membtrahlp for Hie. BEAUTIFUL 25 " RCA 540-3231 employed person $280 • 979 25 .. Color TV, 2 yr wrnty.•·,---------10 s2901mo. 1111 6:30 R1t11t & outce s pace atty. Denn son & Assoc. Xlnl Hou11Cl11nlng Ser-DOMESTIC, N•nny/ meke you money Mr. • Iv S 1500 I o ff er . 1148 Free dtllvery. 79 Honda C)( 500 (wltdys) 640-5180 IYallabte. 17th SI. Costa 673-7311 Yiu -NB/CM. Altlllbte. hMkpr, Eng spllng. 4 yr Jacobi, 833-0590 ,,.. ,, ,.. "45 714-875-8851: 568-"722 Open Sull'. custom. 13,000 ml, Ille• ---------•Mesa from 1250 s.I. to H% lllOlllT ~ .. 921~s.7o0 n requeil . o ld boy. Smell home. S1le1/retall tor Mafof ...................... CAT Lynx V. coat. Xlnt TVJotin's646-1766 new.$999.980-5543 2 bdrm. 2 ba. View. apt. •OO s.I. ~5-3477 $50 000 3 d TO P I ""' • .,., . exciting Chlld. H~ qua-S dlll d llt E W Y Promontory Point. S380. . , . r me 1 V 111 T Big 01p1 tore. Ctrrlstm11 -I" .... l -con on an qua Y. Advenl 750 Lerge screen. LI K E N 1 mah 1 Female, 25-35 years old. llWPllT OllTtl Ocean front property. Companion/A de. ery 1cat on1. anyon. help Sal & comm. UN --$3000. 640·5324 T v ucet cond w t 200CC, Electrlc start. 3, Call Answe< ad No 533, Full Serva Suites 675-1170 eves. wknd1 good reterence• After· Fltlme, Hiie In. 71C>-9180 213-652·7340 Sw11t, loving Colll• I Mell V.,de Country Club scrM;, $1000. Tom Lee 000 ml. S495. 545-9223 642-4300 24 hrs. SI OIT OISTI IS 966-6545 dt. noon or rllllt. 548•3514 llmTUY FIT ·==:'~~ Full Membership $26~ 642-1603 .,., ... .,, laHJ Fem. roommate to 1tlare 2 1850 ..... Furnlshed ,._ , / B1J1. WHIM 1111 •MIS Pttltltes tmmedlet• Full Time s.--QOYlng • c.n·t t•• her. OOO. Answer Ad ir7o9. Mu et Sell.. Brand New 1••111,.,... 1111 bdrm ept in COfona det All you need tor one na••••tl•l•ll/ ••• •••••••••••••••••• IY .. llbte to $17.50/hr In cret•ry need9d. Typing, PleeM ~I 642.0100 Of 642-4300, 24 hrs. Bearc•t 100 Sc1nner wl •••••#•'••••••••••••••• Mar. $250 mo. 673-5296 monthly lee! lnN•"6/ &ICTl/mllllll • our publ. For t11 Info. Radio Shack Computer 964-0332. 80 BTU forced air heater, ac.:es1ori.1. $275 obo. 17' Self-cont. Mltll, 80" 640-5470 W.l f F•w 2 yrs ••p., agency or call 537·2880 KING lfld blllc 1111111 Salary $200 • ~7-5085 -wide. '78 Toyot1, low Aet11bl1 hsema11 to ahr •••••••••••••••••••••• comp1ny. Payabl11 & open to experience Cottle Ml•. 3 yr• Old. med 751-8162 19, P-ahlA Color "-·~ miles, 17700. 831-3513 ocean lron1 dplx •pt. .......,.... hll lrta ,._1111.,.•••ll Siii recelv1bl ... Xlnt bene· 714 998 90"0 A .. lo S .,. • ..,. uu.-llh ~orkl mo & ... 0 ft ""6 1 na •• 1 •-1• -· · • 1" r ll, Sf>l'f9d. •" lhote. I, LIYI •••L--eer, remote control, f.i-"-f.1·•ft·' 11 9 1 w -no m '" eq at """' per I •••••••••••••••••••••• fits. JI~ Insurance, r-.. _ -MetlsN """76 --Ul-•1 • ~ I I teenage eon. $400 mo. Incl utn. 9 to 24 mo lae 11 SCRAM· LETS y 1n1. C 111 M 1urIn1. Newport Beach Pub lie · gentle. 549 • .., Hetlum btllooni dlllYe· O o o d con d . S 1 7 5 · •••••••tr•••••••••••••• 650-1105 ··-rate. 752..()990 (EOE) ...__,.__ "" __. .__ 673 ... 19 558-8842 SCAMP Travel Trailer end -·-LlbrlfY lllldl rnponai----·-U. 1 ..,,_,.. r..., 1ny1 .. ,,.. • .. ., new 5th wheel. All ftber· Sh.,.. 2 br, 2 ba houM, a 4 1 • 3 2 I 2 day• AN OHIO OIL co. onera ble mature PlflOfl with. -·-· •••••••••••••••••••••• COIOf TV, 23" MolOfOll, ga... tight weight. Fae> lido Isle. bay view, sllp 963-1983 Ev ANSWERS high Income, plua c..n good driving rKOfd II Sec:rt4arlel position In **I BUY** CARPETING _:oo iq fl, l>O'flbll wlswtvel stend, tory dhct. call toa tr11 Incl. $450. 675-3321 OFFICE SPACE for lelM A lmbo, Wormy_ bonuHI, benefits to driver/clerk. Mull be 1Rcllv1e "."-P11o1rt CF1nter ~~·5. 85:'5-oTsr $75. 658-1448 1-11()().346-4982" r--=;;;;...:...:.~==.-....-;..;...._~,u~11..:!'.1S1rYICi°leaw-S3':0C Hen,,.. lfygone mature perton 1n Orange av•ll1bll d•lly 8 to 12 H lor-1 o Cl. ront Oood used Furniture I I~ ~:,~ i;e'~ ~· ~ I* sq. ft. Nr J1mb0ree a MAl<E ONE County ., .. Algefdlell noon, t9 hre per Wiiie. office potltlon r1Qu:r11 ~OR I wttl Mii Allrlg, ...._, dryer. up-.. ~,, ,• .. • Aer. l«ftn1 ,.,,, .__,,.Com M1cAr1hur In Newpor· G•"' 10 butc:hlr: .. 1 went of explrience, write P.T. 15.8018 per hr. Cell ~ t .. 1phon• YO ce, Of' SELL for You right fr..-. hide a bed, f ..,,.,,.,,,, .... 817-""" plex. N.B. BHch. 714·553-9255 100·• dog ....__, ..... -.·· Re•d, American Lubrl-840·2119/Ceppy. LI-''"""" lhorlhWld & IP-11111111 ....,... d11k 2 PC aofa leak ••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Need Bdrm furn only. .,..._ .. -dmlnlst 15e J>9•r•nce. Reel 111111 t• ..... ....,.,..1 wooc1' din. rm Mt.'r.wti.l ....,,, Hll PAINT 1 lite........, wort!, $350,mo Incl Ulll·s Ilk fOf Patty The butcher asks, ·c•nll Co . Boie 898. brery A retlon .. _1 I I vvv7 • Dayton, Ohio 45401. S&r1 Cllmlnl• Or. New· •icJ>9rl1nce ... P u Dut 1rm uw. l•wn mower, ...................... up to 50% off yovr eel. 64 l-40SS, Gary ...,. l /O ...... ~:!~ .~~o~he·r~'. s1ral9fll Commlulon oort Bch. not.....,, .... Preter local I -,_,. edger. hltlld lleml, Clo---Fiil ... em 84~.01001984.0332 2 ROOfnl IYall. for qulll HUNTINGTON BEACH.' "I'm golno to MAKE buildtng product...... r .. toent. For Interview Lii 987·8133 tflll 842-"588 e.2!~4 8~~:. 9-5 Mlle. high~. mature person. From block• to bllch. 550 sq ONE... uo•n•r•I Olllc1. Bright Cllll ..,_, Duhl New Oulln *-bed end • a tock Musting P•rti. S I 7 5 . & pa rt u t 11 , ft. avail at 50$, lnctudef •---------Artist • per eon tor dlvereltled ..., L '-t:.."· Vlctorten Spool bed, dbl, IYerne 1250 8'11 bo<M• .. ,,, .... ....,,,. 545-e558 558-7247. utltltlel. 53&-7604 f!l!.~!~'!m .... !~ UYllT corpk. M,~::·ir:c:~~~· AMnort t10 :,~~or bllt of-S10. Stnk t5~ 873-3721 . lmln ···--------- " you htYt been hu'1 Of llTllT or . ' FANTASTIC GAR. SALE •••••••••••••••••••••• A•• #tt 6'H lfljureel In an ec:cldent CM. • m'f /Im Atmott new L•n• Sofa All llemt b rend ne111r, MA.RINE E.LECTRICIAN •••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Ind Wllh to find out Ill• PAIT-Tm GENfAAL Ftnenc:MI m.tmenl """ r, ..... s' 3P59'90ftl0 ttytet ··9':-lrg/tml. 72 a.et. lrYlne. ~y _!._1"81 . .,!"11!2~20 Ev ·~~:!::>i:: 1C1ly'#Ntyourrlght1•• -JOBS JOBS JOBS foreducetort Penolwlll e •on V " Thurt/Wed. 710·1254, ""' '""'" ~ " A...._ .. .._,..RS I 11 t Tt•llM" commun'--tlon • ....,. ~7051 u•~n•~ rom a "'f.oup o •I· -. • .... • ........ 1--------0---...,.--759-.8005 •for Lind• ... 11, lluia• The l)fa ot Items .wt-torntet; Celt 7-8017 Of ........ 111 .. atllll.... Co Staff PollfloM HC'y, Xlnt typ. & 8/H QUEEN HEADBOARD Commerci.t Tu gaa fled· ._, __ , ,,,. wrtlMd by Yehlde dM- 547-8010 for a tree legal 5 hours deity. Monday $ ,.q'd. Ellec. eecretarl.. Pllddld yeltow/OOfcl teo QI trimmer ldflt cond ••• ";l:"J5»•••••••• .. •• lert In tN W9hlcll dalll- con1Uft1tlon. thru Frlcley. Aft1rnoon1 1000 exp. • mull Nop-11nt1r evt/Wleod 5"1-e737 175. 946-nOt efler 2Pm. Mettin gen, new St5. All-fled . ...,1111119 ~ Watch th.II COIUmn fOr places tO Wtf f f•eM .. pref1rr1cl. bparleflce 111•r9d. C&ll 5~.olMO. Dining teble, Cullom Chor h I chain $150. dott not Include eny neces11i. Start Imme· ltew1rde11 for tu•ur" ...__.. I _..., lllt .... '"', Magic Isle club m1m-C""-.. -11..., pump, breec ..-... ...... t··-. ....___, Pl.y Bingo. Thi. Column Wiii •••••••••••••••••••••• I II P I ~ ' .,,_,. v-....., t 0 ,.,...,. ... ..,....._ ..,. --dl1t1 y. • er10MI ..-......... yachl for crul111 lflto 13 0 0 . I v 11 w tc n d berth Ip , uve 50 · $150. Sporty-)'ttl dinghy tr•n•ler t111, tln•noe M d T I 942-4321, Elli m ~ M•••co. 19 •nd Older. 541 .. 137 OrHt I"' ldH. PP. w/01r1 S125. Dock dlargee ..... for.., pol-appear each on ay. 0 pace fftlM\ ADS DAlY Pl.OT .,. ••• L .. •r Mui I be free to trewt. 552·45t : 165 1888, RI· whlllt 125. '48-4005 lutlon control dlVICI your BI ngo part 0 r . ad ca 11 uunu ..,.... ..... 71CJ-Hl1 .. 5 onty. Cuetom 7' eol•. v .. ou, ctllrcl 9U ICllld bf ... cllll, ~ c.r1llatl0fJ9 or dHler 642-5678.. l•••lfled Ads. ARE fRE£ E.O.E. II h,.,t-... w ••oP•rd 1 teek. •375· ---old UOO. 2971 Club clocumentery preper•· • -AutOl'flOllY9 •--E~nct 541-9737 E• ... -ue & Or:_: Mii& Pl. C.M tlon chug11 unltll • ----........ etw t""9cl ...... ,.... otherwlH tpecltted by MIS• SIOl1' Vi .. l!·o Ells Cal·. * '" .. ' . llUL 11 ·-•-•.a... -~ veMI, :./.ood a1ao1cons 11111 183 .. ,,I,.,,., "" ,,,. ldverllMr. Ri ....._ ...... W. need good peopte to trim, from ....,. 1100. Mcwtna """'141111 Bernlna •••• .. •••••••••••••••• 25092.~~-Plcwy. Ul-1111 Xlnt. pay encl working Sun·w.d 17'4> 141 4115 11t up 1ppolntm1n11 913-3900 Sewfng Muhtne, Big CIHtlc 18' Lap1tr•k• Al .... / ......... oondltlont rot COi-*•· Houtetleeper/oflttd -., I from our Newport a.di 0Hk Honde CVCC Century bey boet, 4 cyl, ct.lflit N.M Early Bird begtn9 7:30 PM, ~ler Bingo 8 llovt metll men wtttt 6 to dyt, 4mo1. old Intent, otftoe In lfle ~tor Oecoretor Coueh, MCllO-97347111. Grey.13500. '75·1181 •••H••H•••:.••••Ho':l PM. An prOCMdl .-. '°' dlw1tebte purPQMt, I yr1. •XC>· Otau work 1ome cootctng . Own HotlHy Inn'•,.., lrewt "al, Yellow, o r••"· ......... ehldent flute 176, 3 '74 C.rttomt•n. 111 ttber· ...... ~. ~ 1 -------•LKS Found -lrlth letter, mt!M, opuonal. WHlld•r•: "-· CdM. ""9. lelery "'*· ..._, + oommi. oren" floret: Quilted ~ tW.. GI0-1615 • QIMI. IO wlCtievy Eng. --7 ·-· ...-llPI r--_.. P.CH, In H.9. For Into 11012 I 1105 .... "le °'*' .... 1514 eton + bonul. Cell .....,; MOO 152 .... I 2 aledl 11 .., l40-t"4 ~en11n Triller. good ooupH. 4 to 0110011 cell 538-0203 Wrrvt. Howerd't Auto l»-3740 .,,_ 1 PM. 9'lflll bed 11nt1 (t: tMpe) runNnQ conc1 11116. Pv1 from I (001711) (8111. INTRODUCING· Lott terge brown r1bblt, Bo y Shop (formerly -llll ... w ••• -Drewer9 lnctucMcl In IO· Newport IHCfl T1nnl1 P•f1Y ~ell 847·58" or ~~','":::.::"et 1110. HIMtttngton IMch Howerd C"9v.), Dove/ Comm'I, ptopeny & 09-•----.., eectlOl'I Top Of LIM Club'~ Memberlhlp 53~. -..,.._ TllAlllllflll lllM C 111 M . F d 1y1 Quett Ste .• Newport "•llY e11t. 11111 nee .. lt~ll. HCM.1MWIV91, M1tt re11u. t 171 UOO + tr1n1ler I•• liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill• 213-531-1140.11111 ~. leedl. 114/llMllM mtfl. I~ Ind. typlllg • ..,_ '*-'-· W. .. 711 .... 1 141-4147 ...., ft .... -.... -99V TO -•---------• ....... ~ ,,.,.._ ---.,..,._ o..em.cs Houft'f 1----.,..,.-----1·--------... -~ •nw ..,_, .. .. Au1o reep lndtvtd~ to """ --...-.... ~In pet90n et IPY<M.Al8 Hit.I.: 9 drwr ATM GAXI I TWtl YoMle 111,000 TUltlCff• wl gar"" 1 I. IHrn prol euto detell ·eurence , lrvtne C.tll ltll Ave ~ drttHr. a nll• atnd1, CAA'T...OOH. NO 113-1417 l'CJIM'K• M• Newport ~~~"!'it1.':~ ~lllMll.MuttbelllteMt29 Meurlne, ?H.otlOCIOI!) A·3, c .. , or call klftl llClbrd UOO, Mf.OIU ,,.,,.,, ~ Poat Office Nov 17tfl Yf'I dd, pref menled. No ~llftlftl 714-7331 ~, CdM H•W lleCllftc ~ ... &9fii iilt 'tw. 1111 UL-RlWAfU> " ~ ,,..... A41P"1 ef1 .._... n--11 ......._ ,_ ..-... -~ ter. IOOd lor 1tudent .,...,, '"'"• ""' rldlr, aa-.. ......-C"'IH -11...--11 553-1111, IM4-4t36 12PM, 171-,117 Ellp'11. 7:H pm•tl:30 ·-· --...._. ~~· -.. _ -m -IMl 1133 "'TINAV ..... ......., .. ""' ...... " .. -~~~~~![ii!i!iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•&I S:· Mtellofl Vleto .,.._ """ ~ '""" ... ..,_. -tte ""' ... t ·u-...-.o_. ... W~nme4·r ... -... ~ •"1-•" • LllT lritnt """· w1-31u. HTll&.,. ci'~!~":,~.~·;...fro~~·, ·~ .... 0An.1siii •T•ie~Toooo ~~ .~r.· ! .. "eo•" .. o,,. .... "'",-~·' .u r--1191 nvY ~ P/l TB.I.ER • --Q.IMI. NllMt. NMd Hit MottvatH, naifttitande Aleo.. 1 ,.._, recle or " ...... onty. -1 · • Ill • ·-7 P.11. Pr«ty grey....,.. T10I' 4 lllM-,1, w. e..n. ""* ooneotenttoue "'""· ..... ..-._ dllffa-111·11tt PIP 11101 •IW,03 W ........... ~~;1~0";'r~~tna': '°'our cero.. dll u. ...,,_ C.... ........ •· Good llleneftte Greet robe. H1·11H Ill I Collectore lie"' Curtt• :~:_,_ u · centuty ,.._ i"MT,ont w.!!! a OUR LADM OP FATIM a -..... . ._ .. lotd ,... per. MltW IO eutt. lolJlll/N ttmoepll.,e. Hew port ClrW'9 AIWtMn Ind&--n M'°"'8eft boet *' t -"' 81""1no &.Magnolle) ;;;, 0.-Tom Droeky, Wlldye AM .. 1111 ltla"'· ...,.., 111·"28 To ..... your,::--an phoio. ltOO or bet t;i,.'Uiocf . ...tciii '°"' 11.ooo PARISH HALL -...... ~·,.. ,,, •• ,..._ ....... c:..M. ""before,;;;---an. ....... , ... , ·---105 1 .. r--•-"'---'I • oel 1111. ·IM-····· .--•. L_tt Ale ,OU pler"*'ll •mow.? ---.. H ' IH Herlllor eport· , ... '°"' Modll '4 ,..., Ml ..,,.._r.., ~ -w•••• -...... "•••you rHd tHey't a..llled 8de .. poine ·-.. __. 0.. C»Mt:N Ollfl t1111er, brlttol conc1 .. I •••"• I' O.IOQ . Coll. • .&RLYI ~OUM: Mell -~\ll!!t .. lm c1 ... 111M Ade? If not, ,ou 1n 111e""" _ ~ tor WHIT!__., eu.ooo ,_.__ ce11,_•11-1._..t1....,.,..'..,...,~--~==~;~;~~=;:~~~=JL=~~~~~'~~-~~~~~-!~~!~!!~~=~~~:~~~~·~-~~:L'~o~r~~·~~~~~~·=•~r=h~~n!-~=~~~~~~U~ ~e~~~ ~·~~_.~ ~~~ 141-IOl1 "''""" ,..... Mto1111 • • _ •• Cell..,. .. ,. ....,_-. ~ ~ .... , .. ----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::::::::::-.;;;.~1=:==i;::::::::::=:=:::;&.. ..... ______________ • \ t I . .. -. ' • • . I ( I .. • - o~..-.. -. . "'!!!!"""·~ ~· ---~ II!:"~·~ ~ -.. --..-...-.--...-~· I ! t • - Or ng Coust OAll V PILO I /Muntluy Nov tnbtll 22. 1982 COMM ELL CHEVROLE T .... ,. •j, '• r /1 ' r--... ' ,, r ..... \ S4&-I 200 .... llYEll Top dollars lor Sports Cara, Bugs, Campers. 914'•. Audi's Ask lor U/C MGR .HM IUlllO <-.. YILllWAIEI 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 142·2000 SALES-SERVICE 79 8MW 7331 Atp1na. 4 LEASl.c spd many ittras. lmmoc. St8.500 or St500 TIO 831-2040 495-4949 ts e , 8 5 5 . 8 3 2 5 SUILHACI lllW dys/49•-6061 eves 28402 Marguerite Pkwy SOS28i 5 spd. sunrl, Mission V1e10 leather •Int cond $ t3, (Avery Exit off t-5) 500 63 1_8556 Open Sundays __ _ W--..,.---,-\ c .. ri . 911 s hat a Wonder ul \'olld ••'••• •• •••. •••••••••• ol Shopping rigl\I at 80 Ceprt RS Turbo. 5 your lmgert1ps rh•er~da11 spd, clean. loaded Oa1ty PolOI c1au1l1ed $5200 , 494 -3448, Ads. To ptoce your ad, 937-0672 call 642-5678 anct let o -- Ctasslhect Ad-Visor help SELL Idle 'Hems with a you Oa1tv P11ot c1ass111ed Ad ~" s~ "•" • \ NE I sw ~\, ,'+-~ r or~MH l 'Hf~trJlt 1 1,41> I l (;!J "' "' - MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMBERS · IN THE BOXES • ATLAS CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH 2929 Hareor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546-1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway oll Harbor Blvd Complete body shop. S•les Service Parts Service Dept open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM to 5 30 PM and 8 AM to 5 P M. on S•turday IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove S1reet. Newpor1 Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we're the specialists for Alla Romeo, Peugeot. saab & Maser•t1. • . THEODORE ROllHS FORD Modern sales. service. parts. body. paint & tire oepts Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa 642·0010 or 540-821 t JOHNSON & SOH UHCOLH MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 540-5630 57 Years ot lrcendly IBm1ly service -Orange County s oldest L1n - cot11·Mercury dealership DAYID J. rHILLIPS IUlal.f'OMTIAC·MAZDA Sales • Servioe • Leasrng Laguna Hilla 24888 Ahc1a Parkway ' 837-2400 • NIWrORT IMPOltTS 31 00 w Co11st Highway Newport Beach Tel 6-&t .1-'0:> :>40 I ft>T.Tfi11 Ferr.iiTRe"'RfaUlmaTY • I ' • ) • NEWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Slreet. Newport Beach Tel 833-1300 At the t11angle 01 Jamboree MacArthur & Brostol behind Victoria Sta1ton Sates, Service. Leasing & Parts We make great deals I ' 0 MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Haroor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-9100 Orange County s Largo•>1 Cadillac deaJer Sales Service Leas- ing SADDLEIACIC IMW/SUIAltU 28402 Marguerote Pkwy Avery Pkwy exit We oflor what no bank or foaso company can -1 Experlly stalled most modern ser111ce & pares dept • 2 One ol the Southland s most experienced sales & leastng stall 3 E11m1na11on of tne m1ddlema n by leasing dealer direct 831 -2040 M1ss1on Vre10 •95·4949 • CHICK IYERSON rottSC ... AUD .. YW 415 E Coast Hwy Newport Be.ech 673-0900 The only dealership 1n Orange County 11111th these three great makes under one roof! • ALAN MAGNON r0NT1AC0 SUIAIU 2480 HBrbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tet S.-9·4'300 Sain . Service Leasing Mr Goodwrench ' • CLAlllC AUTOMOllUI • 7115 Newton Way, C-. Mela. Tel. MM3'3 "JAGU~RS OUA SPECIALTY" -lK 120'tl t40'f / 150'1/~'1/E· Typte .----... Salte -ServlQt -Ailel«etiOili OH Plactntll betWMn 17tf\ & 111tl In Colle~ I 01 LONGP'RI rONnAC 136•10 Beach Blvo Westm1ns1er Tel 892·6651 Or•nge C" ~· •v s oldest and larol'-.1 Pon11ac dealership Sales. ::.eH1ce Parts • DICK MILLH PIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest pnced Flats In Southern Callfornla" (Located 1 mile nor1h ol South Coast Plaza near Main St and Warnef Ave In Santa Ana ) t20 W Warner. Santa Alli 557-2132 • SAMTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E 17th Street, Santa Ana Tel 558-7811 Your Original Dedicated Datsun Dealer • MllACLI MAZDA We ve moved' Our new locahon is 1425 Baker Strfft. Cotta ........ Tel 5'5-3334 Stop by & lltllt our modern showroom and see why we re lhe "1 Mazda dealer 1n Soufhtrn Callforn11 Sales Servt~. Ptrta and Ltaslng . • co••••• De&.ILLO ClllYllOLIT C'°"'*'Y Groth Chewolel) 11211 BMch lllvd .. Huntington '-ch N9w • UMd • S.... • LMeeno • lllerta • lrltot Come by and .. our Huge ll'N9nt0fyt 147-eot7 .... , .... COST A MISA DATSUN 2845 H•rbor Blvd Cost• MeH Tel 540-6410 Servtng Orange County for 16 y .. rs 1 Mlle So. 405 • SUNSn FOID, INC. (Horne 01 Willie the Whale) 5'40 Garden Grove Blvd . Westminster Tel 636-4010 .. • , OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grow BIYd., Garden Grow Tel. 530-9190. Exclualvely Volvo to cover all your Volvo requirements. New•Ultd•Salel•Lt1alng•P1rt1•Servtc:.8ody Shop Freeway cloM In the hter1 of Orange County at Garden Grow BIYd. & BrOOkhunt • COMMILL CHIYIOUT, 2121 Harbor llvcl., Coeta Meu. Over 22 ~ ~ Orange Countyl Sain, ltlllng. atrVtee. Cell 546-1200; apeclal parts line; 548-9400; body ahop hne; 75'-<>400. 0 IOY CAIYll IOI.LS IOYCNMW 1940 JambOrM ROid. Newport leech ~ Sllet. lervl~. Part• And Le111ng POR PURTHIR INPORMATION, OR TO 81 PLACID ON ntll AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY 6 ~2 5678 PILOT RIP. • • I , . TIE IUllE CUil l:UIT 1111111 MONOA Y NOV }.' l'nl.' OHANGl COUNTY C AL If OHNIA 2~ CE:NTS R ·eag an to an;nounce missi~e decision. tonight WASH 1 NG TON (AP) hardened launch silos spaced "fratricide" to assure th(• 1urvival which th{' Air F.en:c culls ''dense President Reagan is poised to about 1,800 to 2,000 feet apart In of the missllt.>s. Ac.'COrding to the pack,'' la a dramatic departure announce his d ecision on the West, probably at Warren Air untestetl theory, Incoming Soviet Crom past missil<' deployment deploying the huge new MX Fon.'C Base. Wyo. warheads .would disable each plans. inc.:ludlng the Carter Intercontinental missile, with all The president will discuss the other through blasts, radiation or administration's scheme. signs indicating he will choose a MX in a nationally televised debris and m ost of the MX The sources. who asked to closelyspacedbasingschemethat s peech at 5 p.m ., PST. The weaponawouldsurvivetolaunch remain anonymous, said they faces opposition in Co~ speech will also coveF arms a retaliatory strike. expect Reagan's package 1to Administration sources said in control matters a nd relations What makes fratricide work. incJude a number -0f "growth adva n ce o f R e a g an' s with the Soviet Union. ~ -the experts say, Is the close opUons," which might be built announcement, expected late ·The entire MX pro ject is.J spacing or ttle MX m1ssiles, into the system in the 1990s if the tod~, they underst.$nd he has expected to cost about $30 .billion. . which narrows... th.c Soviet target Soviets develop ways lt;> counter accepted .a recommendation to S uch a deployment patte rn area. . • cl&cly spa(-eci basing. 1 • place 100 MX weapons in super· would re ly on a theory called The close s pacing concept, Amo nR those o ptio~s · ~ Palm tr~es 40 feet high decorate the Mediterr anean im~ge of the n ew Pacific Federal Savings complex in Costa Mesa. Saying it with palm • • trees in Mesa When it came to picking the landscaping for the new. $1 7 mUlion Pacific Federal Savings building in Costa Mesa, Peter Brandow decided to go out on a limb. He bought 110 palm trees. Brandow. a landscape architect for the building at 19th Street and Newport Boulevard, likes lO think the palm trees surrounding the Costa Mesa building have dramatized its m ajestic Mediterranean image. "We wanted some.thing in scale with the buildings," said Brandow. "They bring down the height of the buildings. Something four lO six feet would have looked funny against it." Motorists passing by the elegant red-tiled building might think they've been transplanted lO the center of a Spanish villa. That's the effect Paci fie Federal officials were hoping for when they spent $200,000 to landscape the complex with 40-foot-high palms. Many of the trees -·uprooted from aging buildings -arf! a half century old. .. Karl Vandervoort, branch manager for Valley Crest Tree <pmpany in Los Angeles. spent sax-months tracking down the palm trees. Hardest lO find were the Cocos Plumosas, or queen trees, tha t are e.vident by their long thin palm fronds. H e found them a t the Huntington Library in Pasadena. A trailer park in Garden Grove that was being demolished was HB mom at no loss for .words A Huntington Beach woman has launchtd a dogged campaign to enroll her first grade daughter into a school speech therapy program. Marlene Peroutka said she has attended a many meetings and made numerous contacts with Ocean View School District, state education officials and k!gialators. .,Tbe•next step in her battle will come Nov. 29 when a state Department of Education mediator will conduct a hearing into the diapute in Huntington Beach. Peroutka says her daughter Carrie leavet out the "r" in pronouncing words like pretty so It IOUnds like "pitty." She also omits the "th" sound in words like brother. r esulting in "brudder." "Just five minutes a week in remediation would help her," Peroutka said. "But it seems they (education officials) have all kinds of time for meetings but they can't put m y daughter in ·a r emedial speech progaram five minutes a week.'' She said she'• afraid her daughter will develop problems in reading and spelling because of the speech problems. The problems should be corrected now lnatead of letting them go unattended and become wone, she clahned. ...------lllDEX---........ Ocean View Superintendent Dale Coogan said the speech therapy program has bee n reduced by about a third this year "because of very severe cutbacks on in special education funds." He said the girl has been tested twice by speech therapists from the W est Orange County Consortium on Special F.ducation and she didn't q ualify for the program. Coogan s ugges t ed that Peroutka get a private diagnosis but nothing apparently came of It. ''If they came up with a different opinion we'd look into it," he said. expecting the girl lO (See SPEECH, Page AZ) the site of another grove. The largest trees came from a 30-acre estate in Hidden Valley that was beinl( cleared lO build six ~omes. The more popular Mexican fan palms were uprooted from a neglected nursery in Reseda that .wa s destined for n e w apartments. All the trees should have no problem acclimating lO their new ho m e and will probably be towering over the city skyline in a· few years, Vandervoot said. Marlene Peroutka "dt:.'C..<eptive basing,'' a method or distributing MX missik'H among addlllional holes. Last week, sources said, Pentagon specialists and the Air Force were asked to come up with a way to scatter 100 M:>t missil(.'8 in up lO JOO.holes. Such deployment would force the Russians to guess where the missiles are. That option was said to have been ravored by Thomas Reed, a top Re~gan weapons advisor. However. sour<.'t.'S said those latc- studic11 were abruptly halted over the weekend. At the same tillX', source11 said they understood that Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Reed h ad debated the "deceptive baaing" P-roposal in what were described•¥ "tough phone calls." "'~ 1 Weinberger was said lO hav,e objeNed to any· "d eceptive b a sj n g ' ' e I e m e n t i n t h e (See MISSILE, Page AZ) ValuBble art Mesa; reward ()ffered stolen • in The owner of a 17th Century Italian painting, stolen from a padlocked dispiay 'case at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, said he has little hope of ever seeing ·his $12,000 artpiece agiain. "Somebody knew what they wanted and they got it," Michael Van Hoye, director o f the International Village Art Faire, said today. The unsigned painting, "Figural Study,'' was reported missing early Sunday. Van Hoye. who said the painting is not insured, said the artpiece was locked in a case and that an armed security guard had been hired t o watch ove r the fairgrounds building. "1 took every possible step I could lO protect the painting," said Van Hoye. Van .Hoye said he is offering a $1 ,200 r e ward f or any information that leads to the r ecovery of the painting, , attributed to the 17th Century Venetian school. ."My only ·hope is the reward," he said. "This painting, especially because of all the publicity, is going to be very hard for someone to sell." ln response lO the theft, Van Hoye said several p a inte rs displaying items at the art Mjke Van Hoye exhibit have packed up and left. Costa Mesa police said the guard who was on duty. an employee of Moor e Secur ity Service, reported he dad not hear anything. Police said it is believed the painting was snatched sometime between early Saturday evening and Sunday morning. They said the padlooks to the display case had been pried open. Goldie Te Winkle, Mesa pioneer, dead Goldie TeWinkle, wife of Cost.a Mesa's first mayor and the community's first postmistress. is dead at the age of 102. TeWinkle, who had been under around-the-clock-care at her 18th Street home for four years, died Sunday night. TeWinkle and her husband, Charles, came to Cost.a Mesa in 1920 and acquired a ae neral store in the community then called Harper. It was at the store that T e Winkl e beca m e postmistress. Later, the TeWinkles owned a hardware store located at 18th Street and Newport Boulevard. Charles TeWinkle became mayor in 1953 after Costa Mesa was Incorporated. Like her husband. TeWinkle was active in many civic organizations, including the Harbor Area Boys Club and Girls Club, Costa Mesa Historical Society and Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. TeWlnkle was born May 15. 1880, in Clymer, N.Y. A memorial service for TeWinkle is scheduled for 11 !\ Goldie Te Winkle a.m. Wednesday at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park Mortuary, Costa Mesa. (See PIONEER, Page AZ) Your friendly telephone operator isn't the easiest per&on to get to know. Meet the people behind the voices at General Teleph one in Huntington Beach on Page . 85. Airport expansion loes vow legal ·action Erma Bombeck 86 Ann Landers C.vakade 86 Movies Claalfled Dl,04-6 National Newa Comb D2 Public Notlcet Cnmword D2 Sporta Death Notices D3 Dr. Steincrohn F.dttorlal A6 Stock Markett En~lnment C7' Television Food Cl-~ Theatera Horoecope ee Weather 86 c:r A3 D3 Bl ee C6 C8 c:r , A2 By STEVE MARBLE o<-.D!l'J ........ A group of J ohn Wayne Airport expansion foes claiming to repraent the lnteresta of 10,- 000 families hat vowed to take legal and political 1tep1 to prevent an increase In dally departures at the county savemment-owned airport. "We're Fine to en~ the blg lea1un," proclaimed Barbara Liebman, tpoke1woman for a 1roup ca1Hn1 ilaelf Airport Workln1 Group of Oran1e County. Llchman Mkl the orpnlution will retain a lobbyi1t wllh statewide experience and join fOl'C.'ft with other anti-expansion groups from around the state. The Airport Working Group la comprt.ed of memben from f<Nr N e w p o r t B e a c h •b a • e d organization• that have been active In flghlinl expansion at John Wayne Airport. The ,1roup1 lnclud'e S\op PoUutlng Our Newport, the Airport Coalition and the Mariners Community AmodaUon. Aa a flnt 11ep. Udunan said the newly formed Airport Workinf Oroup hM 8lked county s upervlaora ,Jo reactivate a committee of'Dulineamen who n!t'Ommended that a new airport at Santiago Canyon be conaid•red. • • Llchman char1ed that 1upervlaor1 lpored this recomrnendadon. She Mid at the very .... t. her ll"OUf-wanta to be proYkled with the '1rMI tec:hnk:al rea1on1" why th• Sant1a10 Canyon ~lion Wal not l!wn wtoua ~don. Tom J:lchKorn, an aide to Supervisor• Chairman Bruu NHtand•, 1ald there art no 1tlan1 '° reactivate the 8h1e Ribbon Committee or take a second l oo k at th e recommendation. • • We u I r l' a d y h u v e. t h e supe rvisors' attention." said Llchman. ''They know what we want but It's time for us to rivet t~r attention." She aald various letal move are under conaideraUon lnclucti111 fllhtiftl all plana that mtaht letd to expansion at the airport aa well aa encoura11n1 people lml*ted by jft no6ae to flle imaU cJahm aaita ...... l the ~ly. UduMaaki the MW l"OUP ii workin1 to 1ather •liilPPGl1 In nel1hborin1 clli•• fncl~iq Laauna &e.h, Irvine, T\&aUn and Col\a Meta. , • • .4.2 * Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, November 22, 1912 ~\ · -M.-,a~.,~a-B~e-a_c_h ____________ ~--------- \\.' Continued stories boardwalk . MISSILE DECISION ... ~ue repair deployment plan, c>Cct'pl as a possibility-for the distant future. Reagan returned from hi1 Camp David. Md., 1nHreut S u n d a y a-f l e r s l u d y i n g d oc um e nt s s uppli ed b y Weinberger and the Nntlont:ll • Security Council. The president said h e w o uld announce his decision today. rough sh.-dding 11 Congn'li.'l $(11\ F.rnC'1H F . lloll111go, n.s .c .. says ht''s l'llll(1dt•11t Congwss will slash MX mont>y from dl.'rensc spending bills. Ln.11t week, a House appropranuont. s ubc-om mittoe norr9 wJ y prcscrvl'd MX money. but therl' are stall several rounds to bt• fought in the Scnalt' und House before the ISSUC IS f1na'11 y decid<'d . Ln~tll\H "4·11d1 w1ll spt•nc.J $11, :ioo to 1d1or•· up 1.1 portion o( tht• Mam Ut.•1wh P nrk buurdwulk, d:unagt•d ovc•r tht• yeu1s in wanu•r i.tOlffih Reagan arranged to brief congr'CSSional leaders In advanc..-e of his public announcement. and tonight the president plans to mention the MX isi,ue and his decision in a televised speech which will also cover arm s control matters and relatiot\s with the Soviet Union. ' Even bel~re his decision was announced, the MX was in for The preside nt's dN·1s1on un basing the MX comes almost two years after he entered the White House. · Early in the administration, Reagan and Wein6erger made it <1lear the basing plan approved by former President Jimmy Carter an'd by Congrt;ss was u~ccept.able. PIONEER DIES ... Tt.•rry Brandt, assistant nty mon11~t•1\ srn<I i.turms h;l'qul•ntly d (• p I H t t.• s H 11 d u n d <' r t h <.' bourdwalk. undcrrni1Hnf( th(· mt.•undt.•ring wood~·n strolling plat.'t' Count.·il mt.•mb<.'rh hav l' uwurdt;d an $11 ,500 mntrnt.·t w iht.• Hunt Contrac·ting Q>.: ol South El Mo1ll(' to m.)l'Cl chemical grout into the sand at th~ north l•nd <'i the Laguna Canyon channel, which runs' underneath the boardwalk and into th(' sea. When the grout is injected into th<' sanc.l adjac<'nt to the wood piling11. it should form a curtain that will prcv<.'nt sand rrom er oding from undern<.>a th the boardwalk City o(ficials said work on the project should be c..'Omplctcd by Jan. l. Th e famil y s ugges t e d contributions to the Harbor Area Boys Club, Girls club or the Costa Mesa Historical Society. TeWinkle is survived by three nephews. Howard Hopso~. of Costa Mesa; RusseU Hopson. of San Clemente, and Pa ul Hopson, of San Bernardino, and a niece, Maude W i lh ite , o r Sa n Bernardino. Charles Te Winkle died in 1962. 2nd pelican gets an artificial· beak Autopsy slated on J>ody found at Dana Point By JOEL C. DON OfttleD..,PlletSt.n • A second successful prosthetic surgery on a mutilated pelican in Laguna Niguel Sunday was marred by the discovery of five more birds with their upper beaks cul off in Dana Point Harbor. Three of the injured brown pelicans were captured by the Orange County Hatbor Patrol and state Department of Fish and Game officials and taken to Crown Valley Animal Hospital. Three g1lme· warde ns w e r e scouting the harbor area to get the other two birds. said DFG spokesman Patrick Moore. -However, one of the newly mutilated pelicans died about an hour after it was brought to the ha;spital due to shock and loss of blood, according to Crown Valley business manager D.ayna Brooks. The latest discovery of more injured birds brings to 18 the number of pelicans that have been found since the mutilations . began around mid·October. Twelve of the birds are housed in the "pelican ward" of the Crown Valley h ospital. o n e is at Marineland and another is being cared for at Sea World in Sa n Diego. Two of the birds have died Crom their injuries. Wildlife officials believe that an angry fisherman or fishermen are r es p o n si61e f o r the mutilauons, wfuch violate state and federal laws. Younger birds, as is the case with most of the mutilated pelicans. s how little fear of humans and will steal anchovy bait ancl get tangled In fishing nets and lines. Without their upper beaks. the pelicans cannot feed themselves and would likely die in the wi1d, Moore said. .. "It's pretty hard for them to Pat; they would die o ff pre tty quick," he said. That's why officials believe the new discovery suggests someone is continuing to mutilate pelicans even though the c rime has bro ught international media attention. A team of s urgeons a l the Crown Valley h ospital 'Yere delighted, however. with their second patient lo r ecei ve a fiberglass beak. After a 'llt"l-hour operation, Rusty. a pelican was "doing great" with his new beak, said Brooks. The animal doctors hope Rusty wall be able to return to the wild along with Pinocchio, the fi rst bird to have a new beak attached through .a novel technique that included steel pins. screws, plates and a powerful bone glue. The doctors are still <!On<.-erned that the artificial beaks may rip off when the bards dive into the ocean to catch fish. An autopsy was scheduled for today to determine the cause or death or a San Clemente man w hc:i&e body was discovered on a d<*k in Dana Point H arbor Sunday nigh t. Abraham Kuch.le r. 59, was pronounced dead on arrival at San Clemente General Hospital a fter he was found on "L" dock in the marina at about 8:23 p.m. Orange County fire men, aboard a Cire boat, discovered the man lying on the dock and began cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the victim. A Harbor Patrol spokesman said Kuchler may have left has boat at the e nd of the dock and walked toward a restroom when he Wl'nl mto cardiac arr<.>St. The s pokesman said the sailor may have Callen oCf the deck into lhe water, then pulled himself back on the dock. ·sPEECH. • • Frpm Page A1 o utgrow h e r problem by the second or third grade. Coogan said there are seven fewer speech therapy teachers this year because of cutbacks and about 300 rewer pupils are being accommodated by the program. He said Carrie Pcroutka's problems rank al the bottom or the list and it wouldn't be fair t.o accept her over the rest who need help. Rain probable Coastal Moetly -cloUOy wttn 40 percent chance of rain lonlgllt and so perc:.nt cnance of rain Tuad1y. CoHtal low 60. lnl1nd 41. Coutal high 62. lnl•nd e.. Wiier ~1. Eleewllere, wind• soulll 10 IOUt"-t 10 to 16 knots. Wind wava 2 10 3 tee1 w .. 1erty ,..,..Is 1 to 3 feet. Mostly Cloudy with chance ol rein tonlglll end Tt...Oev. U.S. summary • Rain r9Khed from the Ml~t to ttw EMt lodl)', becoming log In !fie Not1he8tt, While snow felt In the Wetiem mountalne and bitter • COid gripped the 1191* Mldwett. Light rein 1prt1d ov1r the upper Ohio V1lley and the Appaladlian mountalna. A d9nM log blanlleted !fie mid-tnd Nonh Atl1ntlc COHI 1nd part• ('1 Ille GulfCout. Snow fell from Mon11n1 to Mlnnetot1, wtille llngle-dlglt and below-zero temperaturn plagued the extreme North-central p1rt of the country. Aaln ••• foreca11 tor ltllr tod.ay acrOM upper and Cllll.ral • California. tUfnlng to snow - the Slerr1 NeYllOa. Rain e.11<1 anow alto -· IOf.CHI In Utell Ind Nev1d•. with anow r~aolllng through the central end upper Rocklu to 1111 Otkotu 1nd Minn.otL Sclltered 1nunderallower1 -· predleled from Ille TtxH co .. 1 to the Tenne-V•ll•y and lower~. and raln wt1 foreca11 over Ill• Greil Lall ... Ille Ohio Vtlley Ind Ill• N011h Allantlc Cont. Ttmper1ture1 eround thl nation Ihle momlngf'911Qed from 9 1*ow zero In Hewe, Mont , 10 76 at W•t Pllm Bllct\. Extended forecast IOUTHt .. N CAL.,OANIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN Af!IEA8 -ltlowert llllety wttfl •now In flltfl•r "'ount1l n1 Weelneeday Md decrMeine on Tflenlllflvlnt D?.. CIMrlnf to :::..-:,: ~,·eoTW: ~-........... Mt'"' .w11mer ,,ldey. low• ~ 41 to .. ooe.111 ... -20l llli mountllnl, Lowa .. I to 10 degr••• co.,•r by ''Idly ""°"*"· ' Teniperatures NATION Alblny Albuquttque Amantlo Ancllorege Ashe'lllle Atlante Allantc City Austin Baltimo.. Billlngs B1rmlngll1m Bilml'Ck BolM. eo.ton &ownslltll Buff• Burllngton Casper Chertltn SC Clllt1t1n WV cn.rttte NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati C..,..._nd Columblt SC Columbu•" Oal•fl Wiii t>lyton Oenver Oii Moines Detroit Oulutll HI Lo Pq1 53 43 06 57 30 73 36 23 18 55 60 12 81 55 Ot 58 50 80 65 01 58 51 01 26 15 e. 59 .•1 17 0 .04 38 24 10 57 46 17 69 58 52 52 54 43 II 39 26 68 57 68 51 27 63 53 03 41 23 52 35 .17 64 69 1 05 60 57 69 7j 57 05 62 51 98 76 46 60 57 41 20 60 32 63 47 34 28 19 Plltledelphla Phoenix Ptnsburgll Pnland M1 Pnland Ore Provldenu 51 51 52 30 41 . 36 02 47 52 22 16 52 30 63 34 62 12 21 El Pato Falfb1nk1 F1rgo F\agStlll GrNI Fells Hartford Helenl Honolulu Houeton lndnapotla J.c:tien MS Jaciltmllle Juneau KanNI Cly Lal Veg .. little Rock loule¥111e l.ubboek Memphis Miami MllwtukM Mplt·SI P1ul NW!vtlll New °"9ans 71 41• 9 5 01 =:fcuy Reno Rlclltn<>nd S1ll Lalle Sen Antonio s..tlle Shrewport Sloul! ~ ... SI Louis St.P·Tllf'll9!l St Ste Marie Spokane S)'fKUM Topelia Tucson TulN Wutilngton Wichita 66 70 59 51 '48 66 68 25 '3 67 47 81 42 78 35 5e 11 43 32 <te I 16 67 ·New Y0<ti .Norfoltl N. Pl1tte Okie City Omeha Or1endo 14 . 4 42 26 13 8 I 02 60 41 21 14 .02 73 69 .37 1 83 71 01 60 47 .28 76 85 76 61 22 8 57 37 65 37 72 62 .70 84 60 .95 73 38 72 N 10 71 74 s2 31 .01 35 24 67 '° .02 71 84 ff so 58 63 64 28 70 37 54 3e • 82 83 55 61 72 66 61 63 CAl•°""9A 31 .08 29 .25 47 ... 33 44 48 53 .01 38 Bak er1lield 60 4 7 Blythe 68 Eurtlca 54 Freano 69 t.ancuter 00 Loa Mgelea 84 Maryt'lllll 54 Monterey 68 Nledlft 84 Oakltnd 61 Puo Rob... 80 Red Blun 62 Redwood City 81 ""'° 43 Sacramento 55 8t11n11 81 San DleOo 61 8111 Fr_._ 67 Sant• ...,.,.,. 83 48 ;n 47 35 62 60 46 44 °" so oe 30 03 44 OI 49 • 52 •• oe 45 1111 IEPIRT ... ... ... = ., ,. ~ ........... , s ,, Newpor1 llMcfl 1 I 10 1en 0111o CountY I 3 11 °"'** for f l*dey: INll Nr .... ' ,. • .... A;t , , , .... ':'9 :I 2 3 .... Dir IW' IW IW w Santa M11l1 Stooltlon Thermal Ukiah Baretow Big Bell BlehoP Long hech M onrOVIA Mt. W1tton Newport Betel! Ontario Palm Springs • P...oena RIYefalde Siii Bernardino Sen JoM Santa Ana TahoeV~ 63 60 4S 71 45 84 42 •19 23 52 21 67 47 66 43 58 35 65 41 68 41 84 45 84 45 69 •2 5" 35 84 541 67 41 39 PMIA....:A AGepulco Bwbadot Bermud1 Booot• Curacao F,_,,.,,, Gued•fara Guadlloupe Haven• Smog ............. 18 72 H 72 08 73 61 1.80 52 88 77 116 81 43 88 70 12 64 WlteN 10 0011 (toll lrM) for ..... ""°' lntlrmotlon: Of-.. eounty: (IOO) 44Wllt LOI ~ntel•• County: (100• ...... ...,...... end ... llmlrCllllO ......... (IOO) M7-47'0 AQMD ll*ode center: (IOO) 141~ Tides TODAY s-.cl'Neti 1JHpm 42 ~ IOw • 57 p'" 0 • TUl8DAY """ 1110f1 4:'9 am. 3 t Flrlt low I 31 o.m 3 3 leoonCI l'llOfl 1.11 pm 3 8ooonCI IOw • ,, p"' 0. '"" .... 4:41 p "' • rlH T~t·ll1lft MOOfl Mtl 10 4t p Pl•• rt ... T~ 1'·4&'"' I ·• A gaggle of penguins h was a hon voyage party for long-lime Penguin Malt Shop patron Joanria Hale-llihon, returning to England a fte r eight year~ in Laguna Heach . She holds the pengu"1-shaped cake a t center. Friends wore Penguin T-shirt , admired a pe nguin ice sculpture and feaste d on hamburgers and other goodies from Arde Jiminez' kitchen. · ... Banks cut prime lending rate . . . 4 NEW YORK (At') Major banks cut their prime lending r a tt.• toda y by one hair a percentag<' point to 11.5 percent, the low<'sl sm<.-e September 1980. of 9 percent from 9.5 percent. widely viewed as ~ indicator tne Fed is g1vmg closer allt>nllon to t,he stalled ec-onomy rather than maintaining its strict grip on the mbney s upply -a nd with it credit. rate has fallt>n, from 16.5 pen..-ent. • Amo ng the banks lowering their prime commercial ltmding rate were No. 3·rankcd Chase Manhattan Bank: No. 5 Morgan Guaranty Trut.l Co., No . 6 Chemical Ba nk, and No. 10 Bankers Trus1. The Fed's cut in the d1S<:oum rate was the sixth half-point <.:Ul since July when the rate stood at • 12 p e r cent. The r a te 1s on · overnight loans to member banks ... and other financial institutions. Other key r ates also have fallen. At mid-day, for example, the rate on commerci~l,.paper, ~ loans or reserves among laq~e corporatiqns, s toQd at 8.375 • percent It was as high as 14.25 f)l'rCt!nt in April. Last m ont h , C h~mical undercut the rest of the industr-y by lowering its prime rate from • ~12 percent to 11.5 percent, but rl'Slored the 12 percent level last week. On Friday, the Federa l Reser ve Board lo w e red its d~unt rate to a Cour-year low S ince July the pnme lending ···" . . , . .. ·-· Saks Fifth Avenue's Storewide Clearance Starts Today Yi to VJ Off! original prices.* Now find terrific savings on special selection from Evening Collections • - Better Dress Collection • Designer Dress Collections • • Junior Coordinate~ and Sportswear • Junior Sweater and Blouse Collections • Sleep"'ear and Robe Collect ions • •Better Sportswear Separates • Activewear Collections • Updated Sportswear • Collections • Designer Daywear Collections • •Designer Sportswear • 'SFAntastic and 'SFAbulou!> • Suits, Sportsuits and Sport dresses 'SFAntastic Sweater • Collections 'SFAntastic Designer • Collections Fashion Jewelry Collections • Handbag Collections • Small Leather Goods • • Easy Living Collections • Des igner Loungewear Collections • Blouse Boutique • Children's and Pre-Teen . Apparel in K.I. D.S. • Collection Sportswear, the Men's Store • • • University Place, the Men's Store •• • Sport!>hirt Coll~tiom, the Men'~ Store •• at all Sah fifth Avenue ~tort" ' 'lhNr m.iy ti,,~1· m •n intt'frt~llillf' ,,,,c,. rrd11tl1<101 on \111111' ''fill' pmw in th"'''''' N()l r1l'r\' 11y/1• 111 f'~rr~ tol<>t 11ncl "''' • • • °"'Y ,.._ on 1n thlM 1>1Pet1ment1 • , . . : . . : ·; i ! • 2 i • ... .. Orange Co111 DAILV PILOT/Monday, Nqvem~ 22. 1982 • ,\I Brown asks study· On Olympic cost " $200 billion budget d e ficit looms·· for U-.S . By Tbe Associated Pre11 The federal budget deficit could balloon to $200 billion In Clscar 1984 unless the govt'rnmcnt substantially curbs spending, Presidenl Reagan's top economjsl says. Marlin S . Feldstein , chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers. said Sunday in Washington O.C. the deficit for the fiscal year beginning ·next Ocr. 1 "will be somewhere between $150 and $200 billion if there . are not slgnificanl actions by Congress and thf' administration.·· Al though administration officials have hintro in r~'<'nt weeks that 1he dcrlcil oould soar, 1-"'e ldstein's rea .. ank esC\maw marked the first time a Stmior administration o Cfil'ial ha s publidy acknowledged a problept of that magnitude. Feldstcin's comments were made during a Sunday telecast on NBC's "Meet the Press." lll1nois vote r ecount due SP.RING FIELD - Democrat Adlai E. Stevenson III has vowed to demand a recount after the state Board of Elections certifies Gov. James R . Thompson's re- election victory is the closest gubernatorial race In the state's h istory. An Associated Press survey of the cou nlies s nowed WORLD Thompson was elected to an unprec11dented third term wi th 1.816,028 vo t ~s t o 1,81) ,000 for Slevenson. a margin of 5,028 votes or 0.138 percent. The s tate B oa rd of Elections was to officially proclaim Thompson the winn e r today whe n it t-ertific.>d results. Hijac k e r flees to W est BERLIN -A guard placed aboard a Polish domestic flight at the last minute hijacked the plane and its 31 passengers to the U.S. Air Force base in West Berlin today, base officials said. A base ofUcial, who asked not to be identjfied said the unnamed man, fired six shots into the air after the landing 1 in apparent celebratronof making it to the West, then jumped from the p lane, injuring his foot. The Soviet-built AN-24. a twin-engined plane the Polish state airline Lot uses on its do mestic flights, touched down at 1:23 a .m . PST officials AAid. L ebanon holds cel ebration BEIRUT, Lebanon - Battered by war and occupied by foreign troops, Lebanon celebr{lted its independence day today. The newly rebuilt Lebanese army Jed a cheerful parade past thousands o f people waving red, white and green Lebanese flags along the line that used to divide the capital. President Amin Gemayel opened the celebrations with STATE a sp eech Sunday night vowing to regain control .of his country with the help of Western and /\rab friends. Smiling broadl y. h e reviewed tfie parade from a stand a few yards from the line that divided this capita] into Moslem and Christian sectors since the 1975-76 civil war until after the Israeli invasion last summer. -U>l't AN<.tt:t.1-~~ (At') Gov- Ji:dmuncJ t4rnw11 Jr hUH tTNatt-d a Ullk for<'<• to ~tutly how mu<'ll tht• 1~4 Olymµt('8 l'Ould Jr111n lft~ll' mtf1·r11. dt'llf1lt1• hh1 1977 f>h'<li•' than "no du lar from tht-it.all• of California" will fund thl• Gamcw Tht.· rinst r•h for thl' \Uk '°"""' C)( 11tu1t• () fkhtl8 will bt< to d<'tt•rmuw what r<'lmburiwnwnt to the »lute thl' private Los • Ang<'les Olympk Organh.lng .Commilh.oe is walliog to pay, said u spok<.>sman for task force chief Glen B . Craig, California Highway Patrol commisaloner. There Is a $266,000 s tate budget item this year for CHP JFK-de.ath s till stirs ,,.. controversy DALLAS (AP) -Nearly two decades after President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas, the theories on who kiUed him and why still number in the hundreds. Nineteen years ago today, Kennedy was mortally wounded by gunfire as he was riding in a motorcade downtown. A block from the site of the shooting stands the John F . Kennedy Memorial, where people have gathered for a brief service every Nov. 22 since 1963. Last year the body of accused presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was exhumed, dispelling theorfes that his grave was empty or instead held the body of a Soviet spy. · Bu•t historian John ·E. Sissom says hundre ds of other conspiracy theories regarding Kennedy's death still r~main. · Sissom owned and managed the John F . Kennedy Museum ror 13 years until It closed one year ago. It was east of the Texas school ~k Depository. where the Warre n Commission said Oswald acted alone in shooting Kennedy with a bolt-action rifle. ''l don't think that the exhumat ion stopped th e speculation from conspiracy buffs," said Sissom. "They, of course, all have their own ·different opinions of what happened. We are aware of several hundred printed cons piracy theories. all different." In testimony earlier this month, El Paso attorney Joeeph Chagra testified in a San Antonio federal court' that convicted hit man Charles V . Harre lson claimed to have assassinated Kennedy . "'''""'"'II 1or t.htl-pr~ lull llnw h1ghw1i1y p1.4trol OfliC.'tf hu bc'f'n Rt up to pli.n an approa<:h. C:rals h1i11 ukt•d oraianlilna c·ummlltt•c Pr1•11ldt!nt Pett>r V . Uebt-rroth to attt•nd u tuk force nlt.-eUns In Sacranwnto on Dec 9 to d1 scu111 lhc.· c.:ommatte~l• lnteontlons. • A Brown Hpokt>smun said In May. wht•n the governor back<.:.d down from the pled8e tw OMAde when-t.os Angeles bad for the games, tht&t he ncvek' meant to. rule out all 1tat.e funds -just aid for construction of Olympic f acillties. · Republican Gov.-elect G<.'Orgc ~jlAn bwwwt )'l'l Wklln A po1ltlon on 11t1Hc.1 u lcJ I ur th•· 1amt .. ~mong stall• agt>nt1f'll aNkt-d w join Brown'" wk fon't.1 wen• tht- Oepartmt•nt or TranHport.{Ali(>n, Dt>partmcm{ of Justk-c.· and Offi{'<• of Emeraenc:y Servk.'t'll. , M11j. Gen. Frank J . &·hobt•r Jr .• commundins gcner11l of California's Nauonal Guard, iiaYi h<• has not been invau.'<t to tht! Olympic planning proc.'f'SI. Regarding CHP t'08ts, a report haa estlmat.ed it would t.ake $1 million to fund the patrol's work during the games. the Los Angeles Times 11aid today. Balboa fe nde r be nde r Lc.•glHlullon lntrod1.u:NJ lut 1111 rlng and 1J ummt•r by · Af>M>mblynmn Raduud Katz, (). St•pulvt'<ia, would have.• allowc.-d tht• CUP to lil'l'k t•omplt•te r<•hnburlll'mt•nt from lht.' Olympic Commattcf• for t>Xpc•nd1ture1 rt•lult'd U1 tht• gaml'll But the m•·WIUrt:· WBB kallc.>d an tht• 8Ultf" Fuuu\c'l' CommlUA.'t.'. At that tun.," Olympic offacaals andicaCcd th<> commatlt>t.' would bt• wil ling to rt:imbursc the highway patrol fur 80me of its cxperu;es, such as C!ICOrti ng bu.es carrying athletes o n area freeways. Five people were injured, but rion e seriously, in this three-car accident Sunday night on West Balboa Boulevard a t 23rd St reet in Newport Beach . The injured were treate d a t Hoag Memor-ia l Hospita l. _ . : Soviets mull pr~siderit pick MOSCOW (AP) -The Communist Part y Central Committee began meeting today to fill vacancies in the ruling Politburo In -ihe last majo r le~ership change likely before a new president is named. Appointment of a successor to President Leonid I. Brezhnev was believed to be just a few days away. Brezhnev died Nov. 10. Yuri V. Andropov. Brezhnev's successor as the party's general secretary, is widely believed poised to assume the largely ceremonial presidency and conselidate his grip on power. · But the names o f Foreign .. Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, 73, and Brezhnev protege -Konstantin U. Chernenko, 71, also are mentioned as candidates for the job as head of state. The Central Committee is thoug ht to decide the presidency, even though the task lies constitutionally with the Supr eme Soviet, or national Parliament, which opens its session Tuesday. Brezhnev's death s tripped the Politburo of i\s third top member . since the January death of Kre mlin ideologist Mikhail Suslov, who was No . 2 man behind the president. The longtime No. 3 man , Andrei P. KJrilenko, reportedly retired or was ousted late last month. However. there has been no official announcement. Counllng Kirilenko as a member, the average age of the Politburo is 70.3 years old. Soviet sources said it was unclear if the Central Committee would numerically fill all three positions or just tw.o of them when it meets today for the second time in 10 days. Bradley eyes '86 campaign De Lorean Son's friendship backfired . . - LOS ANGELES -Mayor Tom Bradley, still feeling the sting of his failed bid for governor, says he's already considering a 1986 gubernatorial campaign. "l don't think there would be a nY1!hallenger on the horizon that I can think of That would be stronger than my candidacy," Bradley said in an interview Sunday. Asked about running for an unprecedented fourth term as mayor when his term ends in two years, the 64-year-old Democrat said : "The possibility of my running for public ofCice is stiU open. and that says it as definitely as I want to right now." Bradley. who lost to Rep u b Ii can G .e or g e . Deukmejian by just 52,295 votes out of more than 7 .5 million cast. said the emotion he felt most after the defeat was "emptiness." Then came the "hurt." NEW YORK (AP) -Cristina Ferrare De Lorean says the friendship between her son and a neighbor's child led to her husband's meeting with the boy's father -the FBI informant who was instrumental in automaker John z. De Lorean's arrest on cocaine charges. "If, if. iC ... ," Cristina wrote In a diary she kept from her husband's arrest on Oct. 19 to h is release Oct. 29 on SlO million bail. . Coastal wate r s untainte d "If we hadn't bought th e Pauma Valley house. H we'd stuck by our rule: no out.aiders ... If Zachary hadn't become LOS ANGELES - South ern California coastal waters, includfog the Orange Coast, appear untainted by municipal wastes, even though the ocean bottom is affected by sewage outflow, the director of a r esearch project says. Willard Basco m , a biochemist. says "It's very hard to s how there is any damage. What we do see 1s change. The critters living out We're Listening ••• 642•6086 there reorganiz e d themselves." · Bascom is head of the Southern California Coastal W ater Research Project, which is funded by the five la rgest muni~lpal sewage districts from Ventura to San Diego. He said some marine animals flee from sewage disposal areas while others are drawn to the organic matter. , fri e nds with one of the neighbor'.s children three years ago. . . . lf we hadn't met the parent.!!, the father." Excerpts from the diary for the 11 days were published in the Nov. 22 edition of People magazine. People said the neighbor was Jim Hoffman. a confidential informant for the FBJ. The magazine said Cristina, a 32-year-old model, refused to pose next to t he sporu car manufactured· by her h usband's company, which hu gone into What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you Hiie? Call the number al left and your rneaaage will be recorded, tramcribed and delivered to the appropriate edi\OI'. The same Z4·hour an1wmn1 servttt may be used to re~41 let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contrlbuton must include their name and telephone nuraber for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST C1aellled .. .,. .... 714M42·1171 All otl'9f ........ Ma-4111 lilly Piiat MAIN OPl'ICI ....... SC .. c-. MRe. CA • ............ , ... c ......... c ... .. Themes P. tt.ley ~ Giid CIMf bK1111 .. Ofllcer c-.,, .... -°'= c.tl ............. c....... ____ .._ .................... .. _ ........ ...., .. , ........ ...... ....... 111111 ............. _. i f • Chapter i 1 bankruptcr. effort to raise cash for his faiUng "I hate that car.' she told company. ' editors. "It's been the cause of all Describing their first meeting our troubles." after De Lorean's arrest, in a Los People said she agreed to sell Angeles courtroom. his wife her diary because, "while people not.eel his concern for his family are makihg jokes, l want them to and the De Lorean workers k now what it's like for the thrown out of ;ot>s wHen' .he famH~." The couple have two British government closed the children, 11-year-old Zachary factory in Northern Ireland. and Kathryn, 5. • "My God, my God.".she quotes Her agent said she also needs him as saying. "Look what the money. according to the they've done to me. What am I magazine, which dad not reveal going-to do about aJJ those how much it paid. • workers, their JObs?" (De The government contends that Lorean's major Wes t Coast De Lorean, 57. became involved dealership is in Irvine.) In a $24 million cocaine deal in She dec lared Chapter 11 bankruptcy for De Lorean Motors and raised bail, holding only 10-minute conversation& daily with her jailed husband. Her selling· their stock in the New ·v ork Yankees baseb'all team bothered him, she wrote, • ''because he wanted to giv, .. his piece of the team to Zachary someday." And she says th.at reading the Bable ~as helped De Lorean cope. "All this has changed him ... This has brought him and his tt>ree brothers together again. banded them in ·love and unity." our bmt.~rn.r~ mrl meet functlOOel pmta d~ tlu fOl~ ard wmt.'2.r moo~ thz. wid:z. ~\a. ~ 8 blCUJd.. cf ~ cdial en:i 12~ docron W thz. naTTO'tl \9 ~cx:ilon sxi ~ doc:on. cz.och pont i:> bkz:ndad fbr max.ium (Qmibrt and dureblhty in lotdl, 20 9nz.et bs&IC end. tluihion cdo~. mcludina ~' bh.l:t&, anza,n Mld buf$un0y.s , I I / ..--• She has no de8ire or concert hall- ISy MARLE NE AtO Hw Kennedy Ct•ntcr, In ·-••tM "-Wrtew t la l' W t~ B h I n g t o n NEW YORK -There Muryhand area whee-re muy not·be a jar for tips s h t' w u reurcd and on top or her piano and Lfllit\ed. the waile rs ar<' a ll in Now, th<' Big Apple - tuxedos, but there's no 8 juuman's term a nd hiding the fact that $ally Harmon loves· Jan • Hannon works In a bar. with the spotlight ·. ~ .......... 1'**9ftaa1UJ8ome1i>t1Jtl. ' ~ [qj-. ---NOW PLAYING -'" --... MMwl •• 1'111 • S?9 5331 COITA•U Cdw11ds ll151ol 540 7444 COITA l!llfA fdWll!ds Cintftla Cen111 11711 4141 llTOM Cd•U•Cb~ 581 5180 -Olnldolne 634 2SS3 WIUM•TD UA l'w111 Cinemas ··~ 5333 ...... l'4C1lk.'6 All~~"" Ooveln llV HSO IU.MIAI CA"IJIUO f'K1hc;',M1~\ Of'"''" 493 ·~4~ HO 'Affll ACCt'rt 0 • '011 ftlll LIOGAQIMllif Sally Ha rmon is not breaking ·gradually into wailing to be disc."'<>vcred the soh light o f the -s he was giving Mozart lounge and the audient'C t.'C>ncerts at age 6. She Is primaril)(. business not singing away he r travelers, many of whom person a l sorrows, her sit alone at tabltt.> meant voice l ost amid the for more. clinking of glasses, the ---------------.,------------------ muffled con versation and the clouds ot cigarette smoke. She spends five hours a night, five nights a week playing piano and singing in a hote l cocktail l ou n ge because s h e wants to. "I knew being a t'Oncert pianist was not for me. It's a lonely kind of life, practicing eight hours a day to perform two or three times a year~ You can't make a living at it. And I want to make a living:" She's been doing just that for two years -or t h e j?quivalent of four spotlights and a 2-inch hole in the rug where her heels rests while she plays -at the FalJitaff Room of the Sheraton . Hoj.el in mid-Manhatlan. The lounge of the restaurant where the meals start a t $20 is clas5ier than some of tile places she's play~ since she started h~r career subbing for a ll!acher In the Virgin Islands when she was 19. In Hong Kong. she once played a few notes a n d was asked to substitute for the regular piano playe r . And in Singapore, she was just "goofing around" at a dusty, unused keyboard during bad weather and was offered a job. Paris was professional -the Pub Magenla - and soon there were good gigs. including benefit performances at -· Complete Top Sldoln, Tatyald St.U, or Prawn Dinnen, that wUI mm yoa leel IOOcf lulde. FOUNTAIN VALLEY • SANTA ANA • GARDEN GROVE tORRANCE •. CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM · Our circulation department will observe a holiday schedule on Thanksgiving Day. If ~ou have not received your newspaper by 7:30 a.m., please contact our office by 8:30 a.m. for redelivery. Friday, Saturday and Sunday (November 26-28) deliveries should arrive by 7:30 a.m. If there Is no delivery, please contact oor clrculatlon ·· department by 10 a.m. for redelivery. Circulation phone number Is (714) 642-4321 . The Dally Piiot offices will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Office hours on Friday are 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. H•t1• • H•ppy Th•nk91lt1lng/ • ' t ---17th SMASH WEEKI --- .. ...... TllACll .... WllTM•ITll MMwl lllH f'\a14 ldw~ch Ntwpoit CMlfll14 ~ UwMd~ c--. W"'' ~?9 'JJJt 844 0160 634 tSS1 191 J!ll) MllltOlfllJO LG~lilO~ llltlO I win 330 6990 loO,_ULU,.U•OO ,.,..,_ ... , LUXURY THEATllS 111 '-letilHSllewilll••YS2.181111n10tw •""'4 s lliG18iI•n1tl6i~~ss1~~. J * . FOR FOOi EXC:ITEmEllTI Y111tOur... * • ~idi&~o~ ~ !!!'!!~~~~~~~. Sllowl1-Ja'f:d ~;11 >•SO U"'PJ~ri'1;W'/.B"'O"("I rai N • ._ O'TOOLK IJZ ~ FAW>llTI Ywl. AND A m r1~ .. o.u.11111 1.2.111t•100 GaT.l.JCllAJV 11•V 71it ~•H 1:10 3 :30 •:10 l t lO 10130 li0i&ii14&121~ 9m/~~) cH.-1sToPH•" "••v• I f T. THE EXTRA-ID MONSIGNOR m •• TERRESTRIAL Siio-et 1:411100 10 111 1:00 1 :11 10130 No ..... " 4ui1ijlwdriiii6l6s911101~~) m!l'c.Nt·lf=j;l<lloTourC0tloOioOri'inQ~,~'°'=~ CRIGICWI. . ...... . l'hH ~jlllfma" II (PG) E ..... THC EXTHA· • •• 1l:RRESTRIAL me "'~J>dYli~~ <PG> A LONE IN THE DARK Cl - •BARGAIN MATINaaa • Mond•Y lltru S•t•rd•y ·All Perf0fm1nce1 befOfe 5:00 P111o (Empl S,.cill E111111•n11 11141 H.U.1tt• "MONSIONOR" 1111 ----"THEY CALL ME MUCE" , .. 1 .. ___ • LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN lAkEWOOD CENTER SOUTH w••• '"' foc'!1'( Al Oii Amo • 21J/6M-t211 "0 ''1111 tlAtl.A•A r-. ... 11 .. "I "AN Of'FtCER AND A OENTLEMAN" 1111 . .......... ) ...... Joc .. lty 01 Co....,1e wooo 213/Hl·HIO "TIME BANDITS" 1"1 1tt.~11!19'1.111. .... "\ "MONSIGNOR" 1111 -·-.... -- "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER" INI -....... Ii ...... "CREEP SHOW" 1•1 .. "' ..... , ... ..... ._....., .. ,,., .......... ~,. IM,OllTUT IOTICll ClfllHll UllDH IZ flltl! -... -...... ·-Mt'•··--'~·­c..fl-·l'OUllMICM_ll.,.~ • .... .,.CM---~--•-.tt•ll.lc.'I ____ _ ,. .... ' •.• ANAHEIM 01/IVf IN ,_ .... '-.. 179-MIO ·nt1~ ITflllCll SACll" !NI -'WHIN '-lllAN OUT •• "t"OI C..fl- ~ •, A I ,, • BUENA PARK [11/IV! IN u. ___ .. _ llM010 ... " .. . ~ . LINCOLN [11/IV( IN , ____ .,.,_ 111-4070 •. "•, f OUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVf IN --.. ...... .._(lo) Ml•1411 -..ion SOMO" 101 -~~vr1N1 Clllllfl -. "C"HP ,!.HOW" 101 "SUPERMAN II" '"' ··TMa llAN fJIOM \ MOWY :_w111· '"' "TIMI •AMHTI" ., .. &-.. ITflllCll=Cll".,_I •·WMall T-llAll OUT •.• " 1001 , ..... _ -"LT."--''9flONC0 RL Y" !NI Clllllll- t. -Cl.AU Of _... I . '"Tltl' LAIT Mmtl!CMf ~ ... v:.,..-,.;I AT ---llT tllCllll ff- ... IA Hflflk'A ' I .. --·--... ·--.,.. ... . ------- ()~ANGE," .1 1N "ALOMI • = OAflll" 1111 "llAMAC liM9IOW' 1111 Cllll "-"'' ..,;_1111 "AM AMlfllCMf WIMWOlf •LONDON'' 1111 C.·fflOllllO Wntl ...... ·~ .. ~""'"' .._... T-111M CMIT • .,., ............ w ... -.......,..._ "A funnJ, sttntna. enveloping movie ... lt ls a 1uccea1 through and through." -f1n1t Mulln. New York Tlmtt "Tl\X" ~;~: .. :.-...... NOW SHOWING COSJA MH A lAGUlllA HAClf OllAH( ('7 UA Cln1nt; b40 0694 Sou1h CNsl 49• I I> I 4 UA C11y C1111111a 834 3911 lllVlll OllAH l WHTMIHHll Woe61d91 !i!il 0866 Oie111• M.Jl 6310340 C.1t1111WHI191 :t93!i l . \ I ' .... (;8 * Orange Coatt OAIL.V PILOT/Mondey, November 22. 1Q82 Macho commercials back to~ight along with prime-time football . million adult ma lea watched iWW $k01AI wa• tht• only tobiK'('() ~~rl:'.8 ~eMt~j:~··.~:;,.: By FRED ROTHENBERG "Monday Night. Footbllll," worth hb11p1l. •· mat ·Ortn " ,.,T.........._.,.. NEW YORK Tonight nlarks the return of prlme·tJme football. not to mention Ho\\!ard. F'rank Dandy Do n and . dare w e mention, many of your favorite at.'COrdlnf( to ABC'• d~mographic Wiiiiam Shatrwr. an outhorlty wt•nt to other8 pr-lme-llm,e studies. The ABC r«lplact-ml'nl flfure m 11p1u.•t•, Cupt. Kirk In pr~amdlng, :ovt'd ln~Ati:;I~ movies this pnat Oct·obl'r "Star Trt•k' uml on land polll't' wtoe t'nr j~r Nf0~. ur:~ attracted only 9 million men. oUk't!r T.J. H~kcr, prumik'<.i tO ~ncy or\ e ABC •dldn~[~kt' There arc 23.5 million men an make our homes toiucty w ith n !'t{ ~~;y Advertaalng Age America' between the agcs·of rs Kero Sun h~t.ers. as m c d macho commercials. The strike Is over. Bring. on thoee chatterboxes in the booth. Hurray for those hiosh·decibel halftime highllgha. And, most ~portant for Madison Avenue, r three c heers for th ose commercials aimed at male and 34 More' thun 45 pert-ent, Other products pil.Cht.-d tO m('n reported th~~ ~roes M rev~n~~ l0.6 million, watched pro football inrluded Buick Regals, Chevy ~~o rtt!r,~h8 me ~a:a$~ ~U~on on ABC CBS and NBC In 1980, Van1. Michelin RadlalK and, 00 u , • according to the Simmons three times In the first haH alone, com1pared to $2.5 1mUllTonh for the B d · Ll h '-~ rep at.-t1ment mov es. e game Market Research Bureau. .Y Bu we1ser g t. ~r. . had 24 mlnuws or commerclala compari!IOn. 8.1 percent or men an In one Budwei.ser commerc1a!. . had that a e group watched the No. a football rookie challenged a while \he two:hc:>ur ~vies 1 t:9 •'Dallali " . veteran Mock football' during 14 -minutes of anterrup\1on_a. vlewers. · "The demographics for football are special because men ·are 90 hard to reach," said Dave Martin of the Campbell-Ewald advertising agency ... Men are ·~hat's why,' during the last real football Is one ~ay to d~tcr CBS and NBC alto lost mcome Monday night game two mon~s refrigerator raiding during ~~ ~~~t':~ro~t~:~~'?,:= ago, the men who were loo~ng umeouts. n!na ed one-third to one-hair of J' -~ al football saw men lookil')g right A ~ .o t h c r wl a YOlads Sl ~ e the N'L ad rates falling to $70,· b(lck· participatory p ug. p1ce · t t A;no ld Palme r , the ever proniot.ed an "NFL Clailaic Play.'' 000 per 30-~ond (!Ommerc a selective TV viewers." Home threatened Jerry Solomon of th e D' Arcy-Mc Man1,1s ad agency states it simply: "Football is a sport that beer companies and automakers want." Jlffable goU champion, revved his provided you stay~ put for t~e fr~~llth!1:e~~; football tractor and asked us to trust commercial. f beer cars and video Pennzoil. lntenivision asked you to play sponsors 0 ' k'' . ht The Charlie Daniels, the country referee on a difficult call. But, f<!r games :''~~ be ~ 1 h"::U~egu la r fiddle r . whose beerbe_lly is thecorrectanswer!you hadtos1t e?'pcc a 1.~n back too ideotlriable to sedentary Cans, still for George Phmpl?n. viewers wa come • · John and Sara Carter (Stan Ivar; Pamela Roylance) discover the railroad plans to force them off the land in "Little House" at 8 on • Last season, an average of 16.2 ----~--~~~~~~~~====-=====---L:-----i--=.-:==.~~~~~ KNBC (4) . .. .. ,. . \I<)") \' '-fitiilNG 5:00 (2) (4) (7) PREllDENT 'S · SPEECH Rea9an to telk on arms c:ontrol and relatlons with Ille ~I Union a:001•~--CHML.a'I ANGELS Ah« a .,_,.tltul roller Cler· .,/¥'f lllatar II klllad In c:orn· petition, Jiii ~ the tewn lo inv.ttoete llar m)'llerl· outdaelll. • P:OOTIJAU. Raider• vs. San Otego In LA. D EOHT • EHOUOH S-dec:ldaa lo become • cop and Haney opene • dey-c:are canw at the Btadford homa. _ {f) 1181' OF MIONIOHT INCW. . Hoet: OIMa Newton-John. Ouaetl: Itta & Tina Turner, Lao Sayer, Waylon Jenn- "'99· Kenny Aankln. 8 M•A•e•H The benl9Clr'•l9 pill CNtlW takw to gt¥e him -.-gy haa ltranga ,..,,.., 8 HAWAII l'Nl-0 Mc:Oarrett ....u-'°' • rapl•t·murderar In Ill• mountaina of o.nu. 8 OV8'IAIY . 0-1: payd\lalrl9t Of'. ;"'°~~ HUMAN mtAVIOft "Cognitive ~opment" (I) CllNIWI •==Q 1::.~•NGHT .. .. .. "Pretty MalCla All In A Row'' (1871) Rodi Hud· eon. Angle Olcldnaon. A guldanCe c:ounMlor. Ille Idol pl • i-y of high ldlool beautlW, WOrlll with • 1e9Clltt and • police c:aptaln In l0tM9 Ille my.- lery of -al~ k .... 'R' e:ao1 AUCa DO<CAWTT au.I: au1llor Germaine -=~ a llNMY tia..l..EA "' llOlday _.. bllzz.atd etranda llOrnalwl PeGClle .. Ille 12th Praclnc:t bulO- ;-""'"Q4IM( TI& A poor farmar ie.na the vaiua· of Illa ton'• educao- tton .,.., Iha latter Ill llept after ldlool for brellklng • d/'Mfyt,... ())MOYIE • * "Tiie lneradlllll• Sfwtl*lng Woman" (IMO) ~Ton*\, CMr1w Gro- din. 1•1 CllNIWI .CNIW9 ~DAVI AGAIN FOl'\lle takW owr Ille coedt'•~~ 1:,NIMQ Jodie mall• -laat .n.mpt IO 1N1"Y Carol. i =-ICOWAHY ....... ~Jade In lled with her vl1ltlng :r;--· ••=:"'° .-oRT (I) P .II. MMAZINI """9 """ 1tW9e .. ,,.... TV -..: J.all ac.le, Lea ~. arid Jon.lttdt "--* JofWt F. ic--_,-. ..--~ _____ of ...... ,,........ andllll~. g....,.~ ~ I-k•. Julia Harrla. A man . Liia, Char Ila 8rownl" johad when • young nut• 1111 TDPPIRB uh Ilia four ct.ueM•• to . 111111 Ar*nalad. Qwtla •, Ralph Waite reprises his HW alton" role in HA Day of Thanks on Waltons Mountain" tonight at 9 on KNBC (4). A behlnd·t,.,.._ lo<* ., NBC'• "Today" lhOW. • OMNGe COUNTY TOOAY (Jj)~.t"'2 Die* Cevett looltl •• Iha .. of • ., bonCll. "'llc:tory gardenl." food and OM rtllonlng anCI Ille Biel Band IOUnd along wtlll epec:ial l>UWt Ralph ~wg. • eurvlvof Of Iha lnfamoua Bataan ONtll Marc:ll. (I)MCME ••'A "Tll• Formula" ( 11180) Marlon Brando. Gaorga c. Sc:olt. Whlle ln-tlQatlng the mYrdar Of a collMglle, • veteran cop unco~ • c:ont91racy lnvoMng the "'9Pf...iGI• Of • eyntlletlc "* formula ~ an o11 cartal. 'A' 7:30 8 2 ON ntE TOWN FMlured: a look at IM,_ book "Hunlta"; • giant -.ic:tlon and party for Ille blggeet •t-In HollywoOd; ' -c:n lor the pertact gift under $150.00. 8 Qt f'AMILY "8ID 8 LA~& IHIAl.EY &_pc>MPAHY 8 EYIONLA. 8 r.w>AME'I fl\.ACR Plnkarton f ... for • 1oap opar• ltar. OvMt; Rip 1..,. lor. I u•A•l•H (I) T1C TAC DOUGH MACN0. I L.!HREA MPORT • ININ( PRlVllWI N..a Gabler and Jftlltrrrt Lyon a ravl•• "er..pehow'' and "...ad'• Song." 0 YOU Alt<m f'OR IT • MOYIE ** "LOW Sia-Of The Amazon" ( tt57) 0on T..,- 1or, Gianna Segale. A Souttl A.-tcan ~ tlon 11uOIH Amazon lrlti.women. ~=-•IG..aoM **'A "Tha King Of MllMn Gardenl" ( 1172) 8r)IOe Dam, .. Hldldlort. ..... .w.,.. w-... High'• c-w.-11*11• ~ Into fOfmlng Illa own rock 119nct. 8 '11 UTT\.I H0UBE: A .W91GH•ICI • LMMa and Almanzo INrrl that """ .. be lorced °" ...., land when the ,... roed oomw to Walnut ;~ ........ ldolaro .. (1111) Dean Martin, ,,_ 81- art. A man pkMI to Mlp 1111 oorMc:t brolMr Ind 1111 gangwcepetlr ...... lllmMlf ... '*""*'· 80TMArl ~ FMturad: tha r-Of I 11111er and Illa eon ltom • eubm«gad car; two-man ·-Wt and r-pldt~ lfuc:itl: ~ aurgeona blut ewft'/ llladdar llOllW with ctynarnlte; • man frlM llot doge with alec:trlclty eonducteel through hie own body. • MOVIE *** "J-Al 15'' ( 1877) Lane• Kerwin. MeNIM Sue Anoer.on. Anar mc>111ng ac:r-Ille QOUlltry wlltl Illa famlly, • lleertlllcil teen-ege bOy IM-home to rawm to hlaaweat'-1. Cl) IOAP Cato& -·Jodie'• PfO-pOMI and Elaina ,.-... wflat -Na made '* audl • diagultlng ~· • P.M. MAGAZINI A .....,. lo B«catona; John F. Kennedy'• peraonal phOlogrllC)ller lh«• """ Of the lat• prealdent and Ille flmly. • MOVll ***'A "Duel" C1171) Dennla w-. Tim Har- bert, A verlQlful lrudt drlv- ar II Intent on lorc;tng • lllghwlly motOtlat Off .,,. road. .GNAT PEN'OMtAHCU "The QllartertlouM Of Pat· ma" Cllne ~· the Prtnca of Parma to a-. Ille~· Of,... nepllaw; altar he aec:apea lr'om the fortrwa, Fabrtdo 11 oblMoua lo .. but Illa lave for Clalla. (Part 5) • NATUM "Foreet In Tiie Cloud•" The dartl u110•n•01 Id of tn. troplc:al rain forM1 In Ille Coat• Rican mounta1111 Ill '119wed. (I) LATIN PN>f'll2 ~MCMI * * * "Rlc:ll And ~" CllMl1) Candlc:e Barger1, Jacqualine 8 l11et. Tll•OUClllOU' I.lie 1419 and CIOwl19 Of tnalt rwpec:Uw lllarary carMll and romantic: "-. two__, daperld Oft ...., MendllNp for atabllty ..... CH) ITMOMI ..aoM ONLY ''Sflertock HolrnM -The Stranga C... Of Allee Faulkner" Tiie "' .. let O.tectlv9 IMreflea for ,,., !owe ... In ttlla "•pr~. tepad ... Ifie ~ lMetN Fwtlvllln~;' F"ranll ~ and .... P'*I Collrw ..., • (J)MCMI ..... "P:OI y-e,. Olltf' ( 1111) Rof9r ..... TOC)OI. 8MOVW lfom Iha 4077th Ill kllad -Mlt lor the ~ when BtOWft and IN enflra eoon altar ha haa • fotnan· ha lleCOln. comtnced Illa .. ,..._,.... gang t...s tor tic Nne wftll her. MCOnd wife le trying to k.111 _.camp,.._.~ 8 a MOYIE him ~ lrwotwoacl an -W "A Day F0t Than61a Oii g INTERTAINMENT wild advent-. 'O' WaltONMoutltaln"(Prem-KOCE (50) 9:00 -"Egypt: Quest for TONIGl1T •••'A"PrlaOnefOI Iara) Aalpti Walla, Judy Eternity ... The works of Ramses II a_ re A b9111nd-t~ IOok War" ( 1954) Ronald Norton· Taylor. Al th• at NBC'• "Tocl9v" lh0w. RMpn,. Oeway Manin. T11•nk1g1Y1ng 11011day featured in a look at some major 1:'8(C)MOYIE TwoPOW1tromtheUfllt· llPPf'~. memtiers o1 archaelogical projects that are uncove~ng *** .. ,,,.,. v°"' 1n me .ct swiw ~ llMll- ,,,. wldely diaper.ad W• and preserving the legacy or the Egyp\lan HouM Alone'I" (1878) ear-wortl wlllle appes- lon clan try to orpnln • Kathleen Bellar. Blytha Ing 10 hall9 cradtad under f~ reunion. pharaohs. Danner. A Pf-"Y young commun1a1 lndoctrlnellon. ~**'L~Cllln• Syn-lligll llChool .tudanl la cal· 7:00{f) •1•'-4 "~~ " .... KNXT (2) 9:30 -"Newhart." Dick and · apu1tec1 Into terror when (1947 Ann ... --··._.. drorne" (111711) Jade Lam· h Mih •II• learn• all•'• Ill• art Alda A lovaly nlgtledub mon.J-Fonda.Atlarhla J oanna help Kirk brin~ is Uleman lntendad ,.,.,.. Of. pey-c:Mn .... Pf-IObalM -n1nga 111a1 an atomic Cafe up to code io keep it from being ctlopattl. dOwnfall of .,,. ~ power plant la heeded tor d ed 2.-00. (I) C81ttlWB doc:tOI wflO lovW llar. • meltdown 00 unlleadad. con cmn . MCIHlWATCH 7:30 CC> * * * "T'* Four a nuc::IMr enoir-tallw ~ {f) ~TIU H0t.-nen Of The Apoca- owr the control room. KNXT (2) t 0:00 -"Cagney & Lacey." •-·-typae" (1882) Glenn Ford, • MmWGNmN Officers are assigned to work undercover .... ,. "Tiie C'*-Con-Lea J. Cobb. WOftd ww 11 au.ta: Stella Parton, Tim nectiOtt" (11173) 8r"°9 Lea, PfocMlea differing !oyaftiea M..,_,, Juc11111 Krantz. to "spy'.' on their f e 11 ow officers. · Robert Ballar. A rner11a1 among ... ,,_.,.,.. of• Paul• Nel1on. Gragg .,,. l!Udent Mii out to oerman temlly. Bwoa, Linda <lfay. -. the murder 'of hla CD> ••'A "The F~" 8 ntE MAGIC OI luctler In ~ a rtval. ( 1HO) Marlon •ando, DANCE ldlool -lrwolYecl_. 'A' o-oa ,C. Scon. Wiiie "Tiie Magnificent Begin· "Jim Jonw" pair Of police olfle«l llaw 2:30 Cl) BIOGRAPHY llJYMtigatlng Ille murder of nlng" Qeme Maroot Fon-I THATQUIZIHOW their hand• lull when they a~ • COllMgua ........ cop teyn Ir-the root• Of ITMET8 Of IAN ~!gale tlle cauee of CI)_,,..,.. uncoven • conapltacy t>.-. lfom lNlr roy.r .....-NaBCO ~being IUdlad ··~ "Tiie Haunting Of lrwOMnll ttle _..,...-,, begil•llill99 In V.,...._, A ...,,.., alien without a Into the sand. -·to ba Julla'' ( t877) Mia Ferr-. of • ~lletle: "* formula and ~ Ille aact919 of gr_, cerd get• Into ttw--mealfl. 'R' Keir OullM. After retOYar· ~an o11 cane&. 'A' an 18ttl-cantury 1'-t•: ble befOf• Stone and e MOV11 Ing from an ernotlonal cri· • * ~ "Oii The Righi a-tt lndude Roland Pet· Kallar gain~ on the • • ~ "Nlglltllawka" Ila, 1 woman 'pure"-a Track" (11181) Oaty C-. If. Zlzl JMnrnalnt, and .tu-rMI klllaf. (11181) S~ar Slallona, liouM that ~· 10 be man, MlctlMI L.amtleck. A dent• of tM Peking Dane» I Bl ..... , MPORT Billy o.. w--. A lougll haunted. 'R' aoc:lal wor1ler trtw to find• School. OOCTOf' .. TI4E • New VOii! City COO haa 1111 2-.M (8) MOYIE • nonM1 homa for • train • NATIONAL HOUBE WOii! cut out for him when ** "Loopnole" (1881) Ntlon lhowtlllia boy_, GEOGAAPHIC 9"eC&Al. Har mother tlllnk9 M1ct1M1 onlt of the wortd'• ,,_. All>ell Finney, Martin • aalant tor pldtlng IN "Egypt: 0uwt For Ewn1-11 luat the right medldne dangerou1 terrorl1ta ~. A Cflmlnal ,,_..,. ponlw. 'PO' t(' The -'ta Of "-II lor Cynthia' a dallc:ete eon-arrlv9In1111 city. 'A' mind and a rwpec:tal:lll 1:00 (8) * * * "Faltler Flgln" · .. ......... ad In. look.. dltlon. 1~•0 A8CNIWI arcMKI plan lo...,.. (1111)He1Undan. Tlrnodly eome m•Jor atc:t\MOIOglcal ez> MOVll NIGHT\..M 1111 alab<lf•I• bank robbery Hutton. Alter their Pfojecll whldl -unc:ov· **'A "C>ut ot 8-on" 1tl0 8 8 LA ft NIGHT WITH lrom ttle _. !*ow the modlar'a deattl, two boys arlnQ and Pf-111119 IN C 11175) Cllft Aobertaon, DAVID &iTlWAN etreett of London. -Wit to llwe wltll II'* 1ag8Cy of tM E9Y'l)tlan vanewe ~-Old Quwt8: fllm dlr9c1ot Frank a:OO I llA HUNT te1Mr, wflOm tr-r '-hot !~MOVIE..A.. :. 0 ptobleml ,...._ when Capra. c:omed4an Herry SIOI NIWI -111'°9 "'* ..,.,..., ~ a..8 lonner ao-. ,,,_. mealn A'nderWn. ec:t,_ Catol S:IO ~ 20 ~five year9 ..... at an Ofl·-.-aide ~-_ .. _ CZ)••'A"TNa~ *"* "Agulrra. Tiie Wrattl l'WOll. • COUPL8 ** * "Rich And F~" Ilona" (11111) Robert !:»a Of God" ( 11172) Klaul Kin-11:30. (I) TRAPNlt JOHN, {f) TOM COTTU: UP ( 11181) Candice a.roan. Niro, Robert Duvall. The till, Roy Guerra. In the mid M.D. Cl.~ ~ Jacquallna 8111a1. ._.., ~ W«tdl of 1500'1. an expedt11on of OoNo oat• 1tuck wttll an au.I:,,.,..,.. Coco. TllfOYQtlOUI Illa ..-and two brotMn. a Loa ~ 1panl1ll eonqul1ta<1011 unwanted proepec:llve 8 LC>Ve. ~ CIOwl19 Of tJ1eir ~ lea polloa dMaC:tNe and an -di for the myttllc:al IOat bride wMr'I ha -IM l1'Y\..E 111.,ary carae11 ano amOllloua AolNrl CMlloec di)' Of El Dorado. Ille of .,.. Arabian .,_., "Lov• And Tiie romantic: llYM. two woman priwt, -ee durtn9 • t:IOe(I) NIWMART d~t•.(A) EY"ft-" Thr" on• daperld on lllelr ltlelldlllip murdarlnuullgetlon. '"' Olc:k and Joenna ,. Kirt! D a THI ll8T Of honeymoon 11 • bad '°' atalllllty .• ,.. t:OO. **'A "Daported" bfing Ilia MlnUteman C... CAMON _,., "Low And The CO) MOVIE (1N1) J9M CllandW. Mar· • up to coda to keep It from Hoat: Johnny ca11on. Security 8ulldf'no" Bill **'A "The King Of MllMn t• Toren. After tlelnO being eotlelarnMd Guest•: Bevarly Siiia, mall•• ..,,.b41nd date. Gardena" c 1172) 8r"°9 Clapof1ed. an A~ Cl) MOVll Oavld Brinkley, Buckfy CZ)MCMI pam, Jack NlcflolaOn, Two mo«laW pl9rl9 an _.. * * * * "Goodbye Aeain" Aldl. (A) * * "Splltt Of Tiie Wind" brotharl. INatratad with rate bl-* mani.l ~ c1ee11 lngriel e.gman. I YOUAIQDf'OfHT c1111t1 c... oan o-oa. ,....., .__._of,...,_ t1onlfomhlahomat1e1aln Y"" Montand. Neglec:ted THI .J1PP1MOHB Sim Pldl-. A young boy ~ to a tropic:el ptndlle. Italy. by 11ar tcwet, a Parialan 1Jona1 and JarWf'/ N119 1 ~ 1111 hendlOmp to (I) llX: lBNAGI l1'Y\..E •.JO 8 • * * "Tine~ lady acicept1 tt1e anentlona iect9'. ~ the WOftd CMrn-The mytM and ,....... of .,_. .. ( t94t ) John w~. Of anottiar men. I f'OCUI ON 10QETY pion Dog Sleddet. ''°' 1_,. '°'4. p.-pr-. Watd Bond. A trio of Mn- (0) MCMI ,_ LATINIGHT 11:11 •• THI LAIT WON> _.. and c:t1ang1ng mOta1a dltl put "'* '-on tM **'h "The Pollman Hoat:Dannla~. 11:40 (I) 001'.-0 .,. exatnlneel lllrougtl. llne "'*' ~..,..,..,. 10 Alway• Alng1 Twlea" 8 . ~Q.U9 Co1u111Do eo11front1 • lntaMewa _......_.,par-......, an orpflan .,., (1N1) Jack Nlc:llOlaon. (D)..,.... c:flarmlnG poet whO la entiand~. found In ttie delar1 to Iha JMalca l.Mge. A young * * "Penelope" (1971) lnWMd In an llagal Po 4:00 Cf) TOP O THI --'town. woman and '* tcwet P'O' Anna &ervrnan. 0-V-NMlng oparatlon wlllla MON•IG CJ)•** ''TM~ to murder her llulberld. 'A' Murcall. Two men an.mpi repreHnllng an 1r1111 e MOYIE Hor..-Of Tiie ~ 10:00 8 (I) CMNaY & ~ to Mlle Ille a-1ral sie-group. (R) * * "flat1 Of Fur;'' ( 1873) IYPM" ( 1112) Olarwl '°'11. u.uteMnt 8amuela pul9 wtN Of a deCaClent ._,. 1:001 CllNRAUnn' ~ Lee, Marte YI. A Lea J, COllD. Wortd W• • Na ear-°" IM llM wfl9ll i IMM'f' f'AMIR ,..,... em .._. finds Pf~_,.,...~ n.•buc:U IM opinion of• 11:11 . 0 NIM MCMI -.iec1ed danger when ~the INl'llMr9 of• --oftloar and .... the , 1:90 MOVll * • • .. Jec:ll LondOfl'' ... --German t8l'llly ... , .......... ... • ......... __, o·•....... .. ~lo --.... -...-•• * * .. ......: ......... "'"9 1,,. • -....... ran-* *"' "Rough ~ .. ( 1llOJ ( 1943) --kotl Ice fKtory. •f:I• -· ~ II reaponalllle for • Burt Aeynolda, Leetey-._,.~d.Anadven-4:1I CZ)MOYIE (1H1) Patl'lclla P9atcy, -*of lllUl'd«a. AIWM Down. A Brftlltl lute -*' ,_... Illa Pel· * * * "011011 81ory" Joe.pti Colten. A .,,....... I • 8 8 NIM IOdaMe U.. an lntarna-aoillll ..., .. _ "°"' Illa ( tN 1) Fntd Aatan. John duty nurw .... In lowe _, •WATIDIM lior'9I jlwel tNaf out of ~-an~plr-uP H~Nman. MylterlOUI llar pedent't l'oellldaonle "Equ911ty" MOttlrw """* 19111•1..,.1 lo 1191p '* ....i tllrougll Ilia "°"' • • 11a6c1 .,..... 11eg1r1 ·'° clecll'*9 '°""' gr8llCllOn. 'A' and .. ~ ~ l30,000,CIOO In dlMlollda. oorraat1Dndent -tno the tar*t of a 11'11.it Cllrda ~(l:)•.-,.'"Tllelllndar'' the ..U.. of blolOglcel ..-0' tMBoerW•. of aldart)' man wt1o .,_. (1111) W9MI """*· Inferiority, affirmative 1l:OO 8 INTWITAINMIHT (8) MCMI DOtll a~ ltorytellng Frank ........ Tiie plad- ec:tlon, and the 9t"'llQla TONIGHT **'A "SO Fina" 'i1M1) get·togattiar and a ao. dlty of a SoutNrn town la between "h•v••" and " bahlflcl·"--lo<* Ryan O'NMI, JllCll WW· yw-old _.,'A' dlalurMd "Y .. ...-of ''MW nota." 81 N8C'a "Todey'' "-· din. A stuffy oollaga pro-4:IO l1D MCMI a ....... wtlo ........ e MIDIA "'°918 8 MOV11 9-or -1111 ...._., * *"' "Ant WNdl w.., r9Cll9I UfW9l "Pllotography" Hoal ** ''SMl'1Song"11•1 floundertnOgllmlanltKto-You can" (tllO) Clint ®*•"'''TMcar. Clleryl 1laga llfofll9e five Robert 0. Niro. ,,.,..., ry by~• -IWle Eaatwood. lo!*8 Lodi•. AcMMn" (1t71) Jldl P90C* wflO meke !Mir Ill-W.,,.,. The arrW91 of 1 of..._ ...... 'A' Befor9 e91111ng dowJt w1tt1 Palance, "-ColllM. Ing b9hlnd the c:M*L (Al t1NU1lfllrlll0nele upa911 1:30 !.!',!!!:ITNIWI 1111 gift and p91 0tangutan. ~~-.~ ... arid ... Q Iha '°"'*!>' atHle wortl· · v.JUVWUb a -.flated llgtlter a1grw ---• n. VIRGINIAN 1no r ... tloftltllPt of • 8 .4!!! AU11n' up tor ona taat. luc:f•ttve ....._ f..cl br • boy A ~ OUO-tali• group of lllmrMll .. PfO-(D)_,,.._ !Midi. 'PO' and Illa dOl M ~ *"e- undW ........,. of lhllofl dudng • po111c:e1 docu-*•'A "Tiie Oc:tagon" ... 10 _,,.,. ......,.. ~ .... ....... mantary. (1N0) Qludl Nonta. Lea 4•Cf> ~WNU.a "*"In .. A1M11911 "°'*• "'* •-1c.... {f) = van Cleef A wealtlly T~•fl••'• tw. 'PG' CC> fllCMI • )'OUfll -Ill lllrea • CZl * .... ''Daaign For LN- .. • • "SoutMrn Com-**'A "The Bit Sky" retlntd "*"Ill aria~ ............ .,.~. lftt" (11SS) P:r9*to Merati. tort" (1111) Keith Carr• ( 1952) Klrll Dougl... pion to Pf~ '* "°"' Oaty Cooper. A ,,...tf14N1. dine. ~ llooCM. A Oeway Martin. bp10rert terrortltl trlllned br the 1.-00 Cl) * * * "Tiie """'-lftg Woll"I -of .. WOftd group of Na1IGNI auer-. travef up the Mlalourt N¥-;-::= Nlftla ou11. 'A' •~" t 111'1) Didi Van ' .... up ..... ••I., Int men on wHkend ., to "9dltoot lndlan ..n-D,1te. ic...... Oulnlln. A wlltl 911 .,,. Md ._ • __,_.In a Loull6aM torydMpfeetN._.. ••• "RldlAndF_,... C.... prteae II trted '°' '*"""""t, Ofllr to ..... Hyo1111*11 • 9"11111 .--e LOVI. w•sCAN 111111 Cendloe ....,, IN__. et •nun Wllf'I "*"IM*! IO INl"Y • _. rtle -wllfl • ~ enu JaQquellna •111et. ""°"' i. Md ~ ... of '**wooda~ 'A' "Low And Tiie .... lklr• TiwoutflOUI I'-llPI and ~ of lleW'9 ....... ®MDVII 119y" oeor,a 11 11e1p1119 out dowrla of their reapectlw • ''°' • • •... "PrtMe Of Tiie with • ... lllfWl'· "L.oW llterary career• eftd l:OO <ID • • "JolWI And Jllla" Oft(' (1111) T,... WU. And Tiie ,___ Girt'' • r01Nf141111Me. 1wO-'*' 11111) ,,.._, ....,.._ Two llerM. JaryY Oflleltl, A Hllan ~ 11.,_ Md _.., cin "* ~ Woll"I ...,_. NII -r N1w Yoftl oop II _,.,.. ~ °" '*..... ..,.....,, 'ff ll'olll acflllCll IO -tM OOI· ............... ~ (J)MC>Vtl 1:11• MOVll ONtlOll of au.. ....... ... ..,,..., .. 1111 ..... •• ''9loocl 8Mdl" (1111) ••i. ....... '°' Tiie.... •• ..._,. ...... 911 ..-. John Suon, kt YCM19. A io.wt" 111n) ....,_ '-· (Ill• *'h ""9oe f'0t Y- .. tlon of wltteapr .. d by Armstrong ~ Batluk JOHN DARLING ~CIWllL LISTINGS ***"' "The LHI T)COOll" C1l71t ~ o.Hlro, ...... .__,, "' IN HotlyWOOCll Of tM llJOI, ON IMl\'a .,.._ ;-..a;'*"· 'R' ........... "'n. ....... ( 11Tlt ICelr Dulle. QIN MlmlW-A,....._ r 9 KNXT CCBSI • e KNBC CN8CI 9 l(T~A (Ind.) .KA8CCA8CI • '. Kl'M8 CC8SI • KHJ-lV (tftd.I •ttctf c~Kl • I("" llftll.) 9 KCOP•TV Clncl.I • • KCET IP8Sl • KOCE IP8SI •0 1 On-TV Ill Z·TV t"1 HBO ,c, (Cine,,,..• I ) t WOAI NY ,N V: Ml IWTBS) 111 cESPN> <11 C"-11mel • 1Spot1'9hl • (cabf• Ntwt Net-kl --.. '*" IN ..... of ..... IN ..,.,, of ,._. IM9Y ........... the _.. ............. "' ...... . ,.. 1:11•<1> MVAft ...... (J) OIWIW'I~ ".,....__...,... MM! ............ r::::;:-,.: tOT:TMI•• ... Cl>......... .. ................. ,,...,..,., ........ ... -· ...... -----onOI••---· ... sca aw 5-:-... ........ ..... I ' • \ ' Dow Jones Final I DOWN 21.15 CLOSING HI.II New ho01e sales show big • increase .LOS ANGELES (AP) -Sak>s of nf.w hoUSt'S jumJX-.I i3.7 percc~t nauonwide m Septcm~r. and ~ml' Southecn. Cabfornia industry oCficials say the su:kty housing indus try may be taking iUj fin;t shaky steps toward recovery.-• . T he .Commcrl'C J)(.p:1rtment says the September increase m sales of new, single-family houses from August levels means a seasonally adjusted annual sales rate of 464.000 units across the United States -the highest level sinCf' May 1981. Reflates. m ~P.te~lx>r held stei.dy at ¥' annual rate of 1.82 m1lhon, the National Association o( "--ftcakors-g~ So uthern CalHorn1a builders and real est\tte agents say home-lookers are turning into buyers - after two years in the doldrums -now that mortgage rates have declin<.'d .to 13 p('rt•ent from a summer peak of 16 perc:ent lO 17 percent Bleak Yule at GM LOS ANGELES (AP) -Some 2 000 General Mot~rs workers laid off from a Van Nuy~ plant due to lagging auto sales say they face a bleak Christmas and t.hosc wh.o wer~n't furloughed are afraid the plan~ will close cnurely hkc one m South Gate. "We could wind up like South Gate" said GM worker John Walsh. ''We'll probably be n~t .. ~uth Gate'~ GM plant dosed last spring. , I feel very insecure about the future. At m a e 1t s ha~d. to fl!ld a~other JOb." said Walsh, 59, alt~oug h he hasn t been laid pff from his auto painting job ~t the Van Nuys facility in th(.• San Fernando Valley Walsh was among 500 current or soon -to-be ex. workers from the . Van Nuys plant who gathered Sun~ay tO hear United Auto Workers union oHicials d etail unemployment b1.-nc fits and job training programs. The furloughs take eCCect Nov. 29. UPS AHO DOWNS NEW VOAK CAPJ -The lot-•nv 1111 __ , ..... ~ York s.oc.. Ell<Nnee 11ocu •no wwr...is 111• -.i. •• -..., the most •"41 -" the mou DeMO Oft peruftt ol <""'99 rf9¥d1Ms of volu-tot MOflO.Y r No MCUtillft lrdni ...i-u ••• lft<I· UO.C.. Not •no pe<<entage <M119u ero ,,.. dltt-l'l<t 11111-llW 11(9Vlolots <losin9 l!<l<e •l'ICI locMV'I i~'"· ptl<o 1 "'"::'~ Lu~._ ~c'1, 1J1>P<121 2 1 Mul<oFcl l~ + ~ Up 11.A > LtCCOfP Pl 11. + I Up 16 O 4 L CCOfll l~ • I\ UP IS 0 i N .. P l 60pf 14 • l\1 Up It 0 • AUii-Incl 21 • 1'6 UP t ,I 1 LtV Cp pft 1019 l'o Up U I lllPw 1...... J9 J UP I J t TwlnOtlC I~ • l"'-Up 1 2 tel lllPW 4 10rll JOI• 1'4 Up • 6 II 0 •'41Torm 14 • ~ Up • S n Arlr•Grp 11 • I Up • , II CNllLI 1,17111 ""-• h Up 6.l I• ICCPL •.JWI ll4 ~ 2 U11 •·I IS Ptlmle«ll 19.,._ • ,.... Up •.l .. llftUld ptU 1'1 I'; U11 • 1 11 L""ltlcl wl llh 11, Up • 1 11 C.rtPlr ,,.., • , uo ... It CM1tl(4) pfA U • 1"1 UP •• 1 10 AINloM• fl 211. + ~• Up St II Orol .. , fl av. ~' Up s' H lnlrtPw pf llYt I Up S.1 IJ NIMedCVt .. • ~ '> Ull S.1 le ~,._, 11't • '<> Up S 6 g ~,~~ ~ J~ : ,:,: 8: : : DOW MS I Clm~~,'!': Las~"' c"\ Ol~c~J.• t 111oor1r1 pf ,."' '"' Off n s t GtN.,ll'<lft 20Vl 2.. Oii 10.• e Uftll It-I 1-. I Off 10 4 S O...AmOh ,. -J Ofl t 1 t r:r~. ::t = ·~ g:: ;.; I MaftMll Lie 10.,, h Oii 1,1 t Itel! Corp l1V. -2~ Off 1.A It ~ U V. 1 Off 1 J 11 c.fltrnOata 11..., -I Off • ~ II ~".!i': ff.nc m: -:~ g;: : ! H ll•lllMEl'I• U~ .. Off 6 S 1MN•••·---... =,t g;: tJ iJ Cl"9tt PM --'"' 00 u ll Cl>IPneuT INll 11 Off 6.1 lt MMll H-~ -.. Oii •.I 10 ""*'°lat Slh ->.-. Ofl • I ti Pleftll'Ofl ...... II• Oii 6 I ft KOi ~fl 4 -"' Off st F, lllO Gr.,.. 49'41 -,.... Oft t.t o ... rClfll 1'1 »'--, ._ Off '·' ' ~·c.o .... I\' Off s 1 SYMBOLS Cl·,.._ yearly tow u·~ tM•l'f ll19h Uft ... 1 i>t~ 1¥1190, 111• ot C11111Clend1 .,. 8"""91 Ot--11 blMd on I ... It.II 1u•t1e11y or Hml-t ftnull Cleclar111on ,~, .. or ••••• Clt..oencl• or ~· 11e1 .... .., .. ,....., --.1ttl9CI Ill "" ollooMnt IOOlllOI• •·Alto eitra Ot e•tt• l>-Mllv.Cir•te Pllll ilOCIP. Cll•tclfftcl t ·LIQlllOttlng <ll•tdeflCI )9clared or PllCI 1n ~ 12 "*'"" •0.:IWeCI or Mid alter lloeli Oo~ Ot IOhl U0 .. Pwo !M .,_, CIWodlNI _...., 1e1etree1 or no actlOll 1•en " ... , dMIMllcf 119911119 11·0.Clwed 0t ~ tlltt .,..,, 111 1C011mut1t1we lflllll wffll CIMdellcll 111 .,,_, METALS NEW YORK tAPI rNtel p11ces tOday Spot nonlerrou~ Copp•t 10• .. n centa • pounO US ots11n11tor" LHd 21 •·26 C8"111 I pound ZJnc 38°42 ~ts • pouncl delt\e<.O Tllo SO 0380 M•lal• w ... ~mPOSll• ID .._..._ 79 cents • pouno N Y Mere..., S36S 00 per n .. i. 'lellr111m $340 OO·S342 00 troy oune• NY GOLD QUOTATIONS ly TIM A.a-lated PrMe S8*:19<1 woflO golO ptl<:eS 10C1ey $4 L;,t1do11 mot11l111 fl1t111 $413 40 ott Lo11don •ll•rnoon ll•lnt S• 10 60 011 $7 10 Peria ... .,_ tlalfte SA09 49. 011 u oe Ft8Mflll1 f111ft9 SA14 Ot oft SA 01 Zwtct1 late ....,_ lb:lftl SA 10 2s on '1 00 boCI SA 11 2S a,Sl!eel H•1tdJ I Matm•ll (ont1 O•rly QllOle) S• 10 50 oft S7 10 E. ........ d !only O••ly QUOlel $4 10 so. Oii S7 JO sl~d IOl\ly d•••Y QUOte> S.3103 on STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER