HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-11-26 - Orange Coast Pilot~ -..... ~· ., .. DRANGI COAST Ylll lllllTDWI DAILY PAPIR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Valley school recall campaign nearing climax B\ 1'111 1. '.\t\l-:llWH!\1 \ '\ 01-lh• Delly Piiot Stell 1\ .. llUlll.1111 \.di· """'I })1,11111 r11 ,oll 111 1111 .. 11 d11 • d1.11.1111111nl 1,, .t11g1\ tl111f• and t H\IHll I 'h.1t ~··"' I'."\ n1 oll '"~' .1 1'11 .... I l'ltt• ( '111111111111•1· .\d\ '" ,illlif. H1·-.p1111-.1bl" Edu,.1111111 ('1\l<f h.1-. u111tl 1\.111111!.I\ ,ii I• 111111111 '" n 1lh-. t .ti It • .-.t 11 111111 ...,g11.11111 , .. , "" pt l tllllll' •• ill1t1J,~ '"' .. '•I"' 1.il t•lt'l ''"" 111 11'11111\t "1 ... .i 1 ..... ,.1 ll\l'llll1<·1, l 'h1 I\ I No •1 II •11 H11g1 I l~·lg1•r1 .111d Su1.1111u l\)1H1r • l'J\HI·'. lt'Jllt'" 111.111 \' • 11.1\ I d l' t I 1 I It. d t II '·' \ It " \\ 111 , If I\ s1g11.11un·-. 111 .. , 11.1\ 1 • 1oll•' 11 d thu ... t.11 11111 lh•' .,,,, 1t11' ,,,, Nation • gives thanks B~ tht· AS!>Ul'iatl'd l'n·" Whtlt 111.111~ of 1lu p11t11 ,111d urn•111pl11\t'll g:,1\t· 1h.111k-. 1111 It•• food. mtllu11i... 111 1\1111 r" ·"'' l1H1k a d.i\ 11[1frrnn1h1• tt'l•''''1111 l11r .1 t r.idt111111.il Th.011k,g1\ 111g a I I t ' II d I II!-( JI ,1 I ,1 d I'.., \' I ... I I I II g n •t;111v1·-.. \\'.111 h111g l1w11h.tll .111d th.111k111g t:1 1d 1111 1111 11.i1111n ·-.. bll'-..'il Ilg ... lm1111g1.111L-.. 1111111 El S.1h.id111 l'uh.1 N11.i1.1gu.1 \1 g111l111.1 .iml o tht·r L.1t1n An11 111 "" 11.1111111-.. g;1th1·11•d .11 St A11tlt1111 ' 'll11111.111 (\1lh11lu ("liunh 111 1'1111111 l'tl\ N .J 1111-.111\ 11111lt1 t1 .1d1111111 Sl.trtt·d i.,.-Ill\\ I\ ""I\ t•d Pr1111·-.t,111t~ :Iii I \(•,11 ' t·.it lll'r Th" 1rn1111gr.in1, lt1 11ug1t1 rlonaltoll!I of food l11 th1· .ill.tr to h(•lp SU~IJll\ the t\t"(·<h Ill lht 11 rommnurnl'I. In Plym<;ulh. M.1 ... , 111.11< lwr~ convc·rgt·d on lht· f'11-..1 !'.11.-.h Ch11r<.h ror an 11H1 ·1 l.11tl1 't'I \'It I to <·0111111t•1n11r<1H· th(· l'ilg11m·, [lr-.t h.orVt'l-.t c·l'lo'hrat111n in !ti:.! I T t•n.., of th11u-..1nd!> lllf 1wd 11u1 fo1 tht M.1t" ' p;ir.ult 11l Nt·\\ Y o rk \\ht·t• th•· .11111 1 11 1 Bullv. 1nkl• 11t. 1 lu111 \ 111110" stolt· -..111111 ,1tlt·11111111 1111111 tho· unv1·1lll\g of g1;1111 (Ill\,. l l\ I .111d Wo<Mlv W·~~lp«• k1 ·1 lo.tll•"'"'· Downtown Minneapoli hit by blaze ~llNNl·.t\P< >l .l'-o 11\l't ,.\ f1 r1 l111111t·d 11u1 .. f , , 1111111 111 cl " \\ I\ I II \.\. It I\ t I II II ••• p ,, I I ... Thur -..d.n n1glo1 1 11g111f1ng .1 b a 11 k ,1 I\ d .t .., h ll l d 11 \\ ll d<·p,ir 11111·111 ... t•fft .,flit'·"' '"'ti N1 1 111Ju111 ·-.. "1·11 · 11·1111 1 to d (;u,11d-.1 111 dUI\ ,1l lh1 h.111k \.\I'll l'V;lt U,1lt•d .... .t.-•I\ .... 111! t\<.,..,i-..l,11il F'm I 'h11·I 1\ll.11i W11ld Tht· ftrt l1rok1 11111 .tl1ntil ·,I' Ill 1n tht· 1d rl D1111.1ld..,111" d1·p.1rtm1·nt :-.t1111· .111 1 h1111111 ~ said tht·n 'Pri"ul '" llw .11IJ.111 ·11 1 Nor th\\ r·-.ti·rn H.111k lt111ld111g Thi· 1>1111,ild -..on·., l111tld1ng "·" und1•rg111ng d1 111111 11 11111 o1r1.t umt;11nt•d 1111 1m n h.111111 ... t Wold -..rn I 1 ti .. t11p I 2 f I•• •r" 111 .ht• lh .. 101 \ h.111k l1111ld111g \\ ,.,, l' I\).( ll If I d I II I I .1 Ill' ' .1 I\ d f1r .. f1gh11 '" """ "1111 •·1111.111111-: lhf'll l'I frn I., "II -...1 \ 111)' I h1 I~ •1111111 fl<H .,-, II.ti! th•· d1 ·p.1111111·111 ,111r , h.1tl lw1·11 d1·c;1r11v1·d It\ 11p 111 .111d 1h1 (1r1• \.\,,.-. ,1111 l11111tlllg Olli Ill <•nnlrol 111 tho .. 1h1 1 lt.1lr s . .r. "' '""'' .... ,,' ·'"" ~r·t1111l11·' \,1ult' \.\111• 11111 d.1111.i g 1•d ... .t 1 d \\ .I" 111t., l\rn1<.,trong. 1lw li.111k .., p11 ·-.id1•111 .ind 1·h11•f l'l<l'tllfl\1 • 1d f111 •r -INDEX-- 1\ I '\'I Ill I S1 I \ II I Hu tl1 ·1111 Bn.1 rel 1\. A I B.' ( "" .tl1 ·"It · ( 'l.l''-1 f II '(f ( '1111111 ... l '111 ..... \\llld l>..11h N111111 -.. 1-:.11 t11ri.d 1':11to·r t.11111111 Ill ( ;,1rcl1 111111-! I lor 11-.c 111i.· I 11 lt•t 1111"""11 1\1111 I .. 111cl1·r-.. M11v11·-.. N.1111111.11 N,.w , I 'ultli .. N11111 t " Sport.., l>r St1·1nt 1111111 T1•l1 ""''"'' T lw.111·1-. W1·,1thf'l Wrn Id N1•ws . ...., .... ..._.: c.' 10 Jr, Ir , ('I t\11 \\ • I ko 11d1 I Bl H.! 'IA', ··k1 •11d1 ·1 II:.! W1'1 •kt•11d1 •1 /\ I 1\ • lt:1 fi ('I I Bl rv 1,,1g 1vV1 •1·k1•111ll't A 'l. /\:1 1••Id1ol• rd 1111 \ \\di 111 p.1., 1111 lll,llil•I ii •l)'fllhH• l t qt1111d ft t t I It •I I l.1 \\ "• Hit "'lt ,,lttl Ill 111H\IHilltJ' tf1• ( 11,1111·· ( """'' I,, I'·" 1111• 111 111 l·d11. 111 .. 11 11t.11 111. 1•11111 11,11 11 l111,1td 11 !II"' 111 d11 th 11111111' \\ II I I. ,, . ~· II .. I d I.II I " I I It' I." p.1\' I 11111111 \ Thi \ ... " ftl \\ 11 I• "• h 111~· .1g11.1t111, , \HI· I• I"' • Ill.ill\• 11 .1\1 \ . .111 \ IJ"lf I< I '' g11tll\ 111 1111 •• 11. 111 1111p11o 111 II111 ... 'I hi I 'I .1 11 \ \\ It .• I I lo l cl I ... I 11 t .1111111111..,11.1111111 11 lh 1111111 1·, l.11 I cl1 11 "'"'' d • 1111 r • dlo cl 1111 l·.111 \\l11t~~1.111:•' 11!1 111111 l I 11 , I 1 1 • "(' II ii d I" I I I 1 I .1.1 1111111.1 1 .11111. \\ 11 11 ''"' ,,, lllhlll.lltJ.-t Jiit ttl '11\1111 \ o1g1 Ill\ '"""' ,.., 'I.t i• 11111111 , '" 1111 .ii .,. l1rn•I <11 -.1111 1-.. .1 I l t • I I 1 • \ I t \\ I I 1 ~1 I I 1 1 · I I Ho.11 d I'"'""' 111 N11111111 1111• 111 1111' 11·1·;ilf l,11 j..(t'I;'> 11111t1·11tl1·d 11 '" 1lw l 'AIU•: g11111p 11t.11 1,,., .!11111 · 111-.11111111·11t "'"""'"It S h .. -..111 1 I It I (' " H I· "II II ti II I' • " t I I ,1ud\1 11g 1111 d.-..11111 -. r1 ·1111d, Ill'\ t I • .-..k1" ""lr II 1 pt .... 11\111 I lt• l ' " I .I I II .1 II \ .. fl I' .I I • ll 1 11 I "I·~ I tl.11 1111 ' • '''" 11d111111·-.. llo· 1111 .. 1 .. , """ 1111 d1.l1ttl 11 1\' 11 I"'""' d ,,, I". I' 11 lflg 111111 """ I· 111 ...,1111•1 \\htth r• 111l1 lh• I \l<I· .dltg.111•111-. I 11 Ir t• 1 111111 1.d-. 11111\• 11d 111,11 t • \ H I· II I • 111 1, I I • Ii I \ ' 1111 111l1ll•l1l1d 11H 1111.11111.il l •~utd '111\ 11,1\1 ''·1t111111d 111 .1dd1t11111 .111 1111l1 •p1 11d1 Ill 1111111111 lt111·d I" tlw d1.,11" 1 lt.1-.. I 1tl1 d 11• cit It t l .111 \ 111111111pt 11 111·, :--1111 I>. \1111 l>.1hl 1 lt,111111.111 111 \ 'i\l<l'. .1 ... ·,11 l-.. lh,ot tl11" 11 \II\\ f'l lltt ..,..,.., \\ !Hiid t111I flt <t ·-..-,,111 1\ "' 11 •1 1 .di I 111,1111 1.d .il1ll'>I'' I I '• 111 " r I I I 1 .1 " I ll ' I l'lt• \ 111'\•'r 1.1 1111 111 ll11· l111,11d .1111 I 1111 \ lt iltlld d1 ... 1 It llollll It "• -.)11 ,,tul "'l'lu \ Ill ... \ ftH1l-,1·d .II 11111 1111-..111o111.iw 11 11 111 l >.il tl -..1111 'It ' \ \HI Ill•""" I lio1\. 111' ,, l.u t.. 111 11 .11 l1·1,l11p I Ii• ... 1111111 D•lly Pllol Photo by P•ltlell O'Oon-41 \ µc·11111nc· ""do~~it· ha ~ .. i-. parl of lhf' '"Ba~~·"f ,\r1" for lhc· l.a~u11a Bt·al'h \111 ... c·urn of ·\rl. Jc•..,..,it· llonu·r µc·1 ... <'rt•dit for this in ... p ir a l ion. lh '.\TE\ E '11Tt'll i':l.I 01 the Dolly Piiot Stoll \\'lw1111 1111111 .... t111.11 ... 11~· r111111•·\. 1111 · l..1~1111.1 Bt•.it It M 11-..·11111 od 1\11 It . .-. 1111111 11p \\1th .r ... 111 I I 111 \\ 111111 I ; Y1111 1111).!ht '·" 1111 fl'"'' t'd' ·"" .ol11•,111\ 111 lh• 11.1).! 1\.1.~~~··d 1\1 t .111 • '111111111111 .1111 1 "tl1 111 .oll• 111111 l1 .111111ng 1l1t ""' k-. 11( H.! p111111111• 111 S11111 l11 111 l '.iltl11r 111.1 Jrt1s 1s, 1<; 0 11 d"pl.1 y tltt•lllj..!h ,J,111 t ,II 1111' hltrfflPfl r1111-...·11111 'J'lto llJll!tlll' I 1111d f ,11,111)..( I 11111 1·111 I 1111 \t"• I 111111 .... , 111 Stl/;tlllll l'.1111-..1111 lht· r1111 .. t•11111'-. d11" 1111 111 1 d111 :0111111 l'1t•1•1•1b 110111 1111' ... t11•11t ,1111111111, "IH11t<.,1t11'd It\ tho 11111 ... ·u111-. .Jun1111 ( '01111111. will g11 111 th• ( "htldrt 11', 1\1 1 Educ .11 11111 pr111otr .im ,111d th• C',1Itf11r111;i 'o; Conl<•mporarv A rt ts Le; <;t'rtt•<; .1 I I ht• lllll'l'llfll S11 """ c1.,, .. , I '.11rl -.u 11 , ti.1g 111 .i111 .. 1111111 \,\'l•lk. I .. II• Ill S1·pl1•1111 ... , 1111' 11\llSt'IJll) o;1•11l 11111 \\ htl• l"'l"'l -..hn pp111).! 11.1).!' •1111'" w tlh .. 11.1w l1111p lt.111dl"' t11 1111111· lh.111 :WO ,crtt..,h .end pl111l111(1.q 1h1 r-. 111 I ,11, l\rtJ.(1'11'" .111d <Ir Jiii(• ( '1111111 v 1\ lr·t11 •1 •·n< l1"'1•d 111 lhl' 111.11hnJ.( tlll"' • .ton..: \\llh 1111 -,hopptnl( lt.1J.( tll\'lt"d 1h1· .111"1 111 1r:111 ... f11rm thr hrilo( min a work of :ir I 1111rl d111rnt1• 1111' 11111-;ho·d rrodu~·t \rl tlw lllUSf'lllll '''h1·n 1·:im,.. th•• h11rrl p.1r1 wa1111u1 1111 r• 'I"'""'' 1111111 .11 l"" \\Ito 1111 lht wholt ,111• .1 1.11111'1 111·~ lil"llll:tllllj.( 1111 Tht \\ :11 I w ;1<; 11111 l1111J.! l'h1 l11 11,h1·d arlwrn k w.1 ... t•·t1111wd h v llto• lo.1gl1tl 111 ,1 \':tllt'I V 111 1111·d1,1 111111" ..,h,qM'' a11d 'llhjl'I !'> l'lt1 1111111•pt til h.1,1..( ,1, ,If I .tppa11·111h .q11,.•.tlt d 111 tlw 1111.1.:111,11to1i... 111 lh1· 11'.! .11 ll"l-. \\ lt11 11 ''l'"nd· ·d S111111 · 1 ·xampll'-; /\ l':\rvf'd woo<ll•n daC'hshuncl stanrls 1n ;i J»IJH'I ha~ 111 a work rnt1tlc'<i "Ooggt<' &g," hy .J1•ss11• I lo111PI' H.1gg1·d I .;id\ " cl"pl:iv.., .1 ft •111;1l1• 1111-.11 ,111t 111p1111g 111 , • .., a JM' 11 ... l"'I"'' li.1~ pn..,111. hv K1•n ( 011ld111.1l\ Silk l'Ur;t',0 ,, 1 h;1lk d1 awing 111 ,, o;ow" 1".11 Ii\ Ht 11t·1· Hu harrt ... 1\11d ,, 111.tnn1-qu111 11( a v.rn11;111, w1•,11111).( o nly ,1 I .11 1"·,11 I 111'<·klan· and 1<l11vt•i; Shi•'<; holclin~ rnll ,111 t'lltplv <.hopping b.11< tll this work. 1·1111tl('<I , "M,1ttld.1 Lt'ft lloll.l1ng lht• Hag · Th.11 orw was C'n •.11t·d by L.t).(llfl;t'-. .Jim Sii').( P rob;1hl v the bNlt (or wurst) example of bag art punn1nJ{ 1·om1's from Linda Stevens. who pa111tt·d a •1chool of small re<l. black and white f1<1h trapp.-<l instdf' a pAJ>f'r bag nf'l Th<· t1lll·" "Carp-1•ttt' Ba~rr" "/\111~1~ 1tr<· ~'OnRtnntlv ht'mg :tskt·d l•1 d1111fttt• lSN' UA<; AHT, Pa1tf' Ail IH1<1k., pulil1 ... twd lh1•11 l.11 l ,111 ·1·1 .1t1d ltll I h1 -.lrt t l.,. l 'A I{ I• \\ , I' I ut 1111 It ·ti t '.t I I\ I It t, \ .... 11\ 1111 .ti p.11 t Ill'> \\ lt1 1 d1-...1,.•111d V.tth lht lllhltl '- d1 ·1 t-..lt >ll l11 I It ,Ill .1 1tl1ddl1• 'I lttHll -.v•.11 111 q ,:1 .1 d1·:-. :-.1 >. 1ht 11ugh 111-:hl > ,111d 111 , 111,1· lrn11 "·l11111b 11\t't 1111 · 11t ·>.I l11u1 v1·<11 :-. ('t\HE I h.111111.111 1> • .til II .id p I 1 p d I I cl , 1 II .J I I t I II ,J t I' I l'PI g,11111.1111111 pl.111 lut I !,JI Jll I .11ul l'11u111 ·g1·-.. ~1u1111 ... th.ii ''·'" 11 ~, 11 ·d h\ I ht· IM1a1 d 111 tr u-.111·., ll.dtl llllllt'd1 ·d 1lt.11 tltt I 1·1 11 J..:.1111/.illllll dt'l 1 .. 11111 \A.,,., \.\ ll.1t 111111.oll\ o111g1·1 t·d 111111 lout h1· 111-..1 ... 11·d 111.11 ('/\HE lt.i-.. 1·x p.111d1 ·d '"' 1•111111 .. 111 11111111 1111 ... 1 <11 ... 1111 t 1.,\h '-tlrll 11.• 1lt111 1111.111. l.1q'I 11 d l11r I• t.dl .II< 1111 111111 11\i~ltt't \\h.i \Ht•·d Ill l.1\t1I HI ll11 11111ldlt .. 1 .... ,1 111.111 H11.11 d I '11 ''"' 111 N11111111 ..,,,1d ('t\l<I< 111•1\1 tl fr11111 11t1 1111ddl1 "li1111 I p111l1 ·..,i... 111 ,1 c1111t ••111t1111 llt .1l 1111 d l'l 111·1 \l11l.it1·d l '..!11111111.1 E11 v 1111111111111 • .t (Ju.illl\ t\1 I pt t1\'t<.,t111.-. 111 th I t 01g.111 II,, I It• 11 j1 l.111 (' t\ I< I'. IH11ugh1 1111' .ilh g.it11111 t11 du ,111• 11lr1111 111 \o11111u-.. -.t.llt ,111d l<1Ulll\ 11111<1.il-... liUI llllltt l1111k • II 111111 1111 II S lw ,,,,d l'/\HE 111111 111• p.11t·d !St'l' HE<'A l.L. Pag1· A:ll Soviets assail Reagan MX plan • • Ill new warning MOSCOW IAP1 Tl11 S11v11 t LJ Ill Ort lo1 U Ill 111 d ,, Ill \.\. -..Ii.tr p ;t1 t ;11 k 111d .1\ 11n Pro -.1 d1 Ill H1 ·.1g.111 .., pl,111 '" d1·1.l11\ 1\1 X nu1 l1·.11 1111..-.!11·-. 111 W vrn11111g, hu1 Wl·l111111 1·d ht .. 11111·1 111 1 11111f1rl1 ·ru1• hutld1ng 11w • .-.ur1·-.. 111 n ·dt111 · tl11• thr l'.JI o l v. .11 l 11 .1 11 u n" g 111· d I 1 11 g 1 h ' t·tfllt1 l l,il lht· ,1ulht1t ll.tll\ I ('1111111\lllll .. t 1'.111 \' lit W'Jl"I" r 1'1.1\'d.1 <h .11 gt·d th.II tht· MX mi-..-.tlc· pr •1g1 .1111 1111111 .11111 lt·d "th" i,,..,11 pr11v 1-.1111t<., 111 tho• SALT I ;111d S/\LT II t11 ·,1t1t ·" l 'r,1\'ct.1 :it...o war11 1·d t h<it d l' µ 1 o , 111 <· n 1 .. r 1 h 1· 1nt1·1um11111·nt.il 111"~"''" "ill nol l'ont11liuh lov.,ud ... ptcign· .... -. at t h1· C 1·111·v.1 t..-1lk, .. 1111 ... 11.1tt·w1 arnl. ... I hlUl'llOIU. Tht· S11\'1t I U n11in '" "n11t g11tnl( l ll r.il'l ' Willi l li l' LJ SI\ 111 1·n ·.it111g l'V1·1 v nt·w ... v..,t1 ·n1 o l \\'!'d l)(ll\" .t nd llTII l.tlt 11 ' 11 ~11d l111\\l'\'1•r . th1 ... dtd llt1l llH'.111 th.11 th•· S11\'1<·t IJ1111111 ·will 11111 find .111 1If1°l 11\'1• .in"" 1•1 lu W:i..,h111gt"11 11 t h1· U1111t'<I St.111·-. -.1;1r 1t-d 1111pl1·n11·1111ng th pl•ll" th<· 111•w ..,p;'I"'' ..iddt·d 0 n 1\.1 11 n d a .v H 1· ,, g .c 11 ;inn11ur\1·1·d h1-.. pl;111 l11 l1u1wh HIO M X mi...-.1 lc·' 1n supt•r h .11 cl1 111·d stlo-. "' 11h111 .!O 'qu.1rl' mtl<·' 11t .11 Fr.int'' I-: \V,1rt 1·11 t\11 F1111 1 B.1-.. 1n "'utht· • .-.t 'vVvnm1ng In ,1 -..·p.11 .d<• ri·µ111 I 11> I It• n.111t111 J\11111<1.I\ H 1·.1g.111 ·""" u 1g1•d 1\1 11..,tP\\ 111 .ig 11 •1 1111 1 .. 111 td• "', l111ild1ng 1111' • .-.utt·' 111 1"d1111 Iii• 1•1,..,.l11l1 l\ q i .1fill!11-.11 \\ ,1 I b \ ,1 I 1-I cl I 11 I II I 1111 .. 111ul1 r..,lo111d1ng H1·;1g,111 ' ... uJ..(g1·-..11111i... 1n1 lud1·d ;11!\'.1111·1· 111111 111 ,dltlll 111 .di t<·:-.t lall1t{'h1·-.. 11 1 111t1 ·r< onl 111t·11l ;il li.oll.-.111 1111 .. ..i l1 ·-.. .1r11I lllljll tl\ 111g I It <' • 111 t I g I 11 t \ lt I/\ 11 11 I' ti It p1111lt 1 1,. \\\11 II v.: ..... 11111gtun .. rul !\111 .... (I\\ l-'1 .1\d,1 \q l11•1111'd 1h1-. "l•J.11.'otl ,1.., ·und111tl111 dh p o-.1t1 v1· 111 1 h.11.11 11·1 .1 dd1ng th<11 tht So\'11·1 l'11111n 1-.. ";.. 1 1in•·1n1 t·d -..upµ111 I• 1 of 11111 f1d1·1111• hu1ld1ng 1111-.l'Urt·-. Sut h 111 • ,1-.uri·-. .1rt• · <1ll 1nd1-..p1 11-.,.ldt 1·1 1 mt nl f or I Ill pr 0 \' I II lo( I n l l' r n .1 l I 0 n d I n ·latiun ... ' Lill' nl'w~paix·• 'lid P r;i \ d .1 I •'Jll"it1·d S11\'1t·I I harg~· ... I h .11 V.'.1;.h111gl1Jt1 W.;:-. .t1t1·mp1ing 10 '"'" h ... upt•1 1or11~ 111 nut lto;11 .1r111., and dl ·111.11Hltng untl,111·1,iJ di...<1rm.1mPnt · fr um tlit· So\ 11·1 \ 'ruorl .md br;1nd1'tl as "t'tjt1.ilh .11>,urd · th<· L' S -..t.ind on hm1t111g lllh 1 .. c11 \\l· .. po11., 111 Eur111i. P 1 .1 v d ,, " .1 :-. r I' I" r r 1 n g I 11 Ht ;ig .. 111 .., /l'J 11 0µ1111 11" plan <1dv;1n1 t'<I l.1 ... 1 \1·;1r. u11d1·r wh1d1 lht l '111lt·d S t.ill'., .ind 1L-.. NATO .illtt•.., w 1111ld -..ho•h• lht· "..( IH'<IUlt'<I d•·pln' trH 111 11f '"17:! Pr·1 '>h111g 11 .incl t ru1 ... , nu.,.,tlt· ... 111 W1·.,lt•r 11 Eu1 01i. ti lhr Sm·wi,, \\ 1thclr,1v. 1 h I II s s :! (I n ". d I u m r ,1 II g ( 1111,:-.rlt•-. .1111l1'd .tl N1\TO l:t r gt•I:-. Mesa's poor given a meager holiday 8 \ J ODI l 'ADE:-.llEAO Of lh• O•llr Piiot St•tt It '"'"' th1• wnrsl Th.1nk.~g1v1ng ~11< h .w l I h' .11lt'l.'ht"<' 111u lcl rt'C'.111 111 h1-.. l :l \t'•"' 11f hJnd1nj,( 11ut f1w1tl 1" lh1· poor 111 Co:-.l<i Mt .. ,,, Th" 7 :1 \ 1 • ;1 r o Id I o 1 mt 1 Hraltnr k1111wn to hund1t•tb o l 11n1•mpl11\1·d Jnd hungr v a ... Rr111h1•1 M1t hc1<·I h,1d hn J)('tl only ,1 f, ..... p1•11 pl< v. uuld o;)111v. up Thur,d .1v morntng .11 tht• 1\11•-..:1 R1hl<· Chur t h .11 Oran~" l\v1•nuc· and C.1111 tll11 Strt·<·t Hut ahout 40 mc"f'l . wunwn a nd < htldn•11 l'anw .1s th1·v du C"vrrv d,1v l111•ktn~ fnr d.iv o ld hrPaci lll'an ... limp \'1'gl't.1hl"' .onvthtnj.! th1·v 1·11uld !'<ti 111 p.1 ... 1 v1·:ir.; Brotlwr Mwharl t·uuld n1un1 110 fiO :urk1·v-. Only 11111• wa' donatt•d th1~ v1•,;1 ;int.l th.11 w1·n1 W1·<inC's<l.1 v lk i.::l\'t' ;_iwa:-.• a pa11 1.f worn wh1tt· 'horts to .i h11v 111 lor11 "w:ikc•r<. who Jpp1·.trt'< 0I ;1lw1ul !l /\ \\oni.1n took .1 lhrn hlltt• mnttrc·<.,.., for h1·1 hahv .tnd -.C'\'f't ill 11th1·r' Ol(lc•d ovt'r a i.:1 a v .. k11 t with a m1-;sm~ ztppt·r Thl'n I h i' prop I<· t r 11wcfrd .1rn1111cl 1lw truck. holdtn).( 1•mp1v lw1x1·~ and l'arlons. rf'('t'lVt'd tht• c;.ul nt'W' "W1•'w• 1(111 ,1 pr11hl1·m .. .,,IHI Hrnlht'1 M 11 h:l!'I, a "P"' man w11h :i ... u.-pnstni;(lv qu1l·k <1mtlt> "l'v<· !{Ill n111h1ng hut a few P"'<-'t'S 11( ct'lerv I'll do tlw lw•sl I can To<lav 1~ ThnnksRtVtnK " L ook 1 n I( a t t ht• 1 row d o f wa1t111g f.'ag1•r foc'C'S he pN'l<'<I u s~o hill out nf his wallet and told nnr of t hi' nwn stanclll\~ nrarby to huv 40 ci011•n el(i;(S Th<'n he· h('l(An tosc;in~ ... mall hrad~ of lrllUl'C'. onions. ti •l1•ry. l'arrots .inrl 7U C'l'h1n1 1nt11 th.1• t>m pty bnx1•s Luck v w1•r1• th1· fSf'e F'OOO. Pa1te A3l b 1 "Rroth~r Mi('hael' hondto out lettuce. ·a ' -------- I It d i llJI I 1 t 1 t/\11 l I'll 11 I I 11.tuy N1111u111l11 t1 • h IUtl~ Times are a-changin' along Beach Boulevard •. .. \lm11 do1u·cl 1101111• adjoi11 ... IH'\\ o ffic·c· huilcl i11 g a lo1114 Uc·a <'h Bu11'4 ·\anl . County OK legal aid panel fund l..>t · .. 11111 lt'•.o•l\,11 11111 . ll\1•1 t ht '·' fll '" ti I l.1" '111 h I ti'" j '" ti I• (J1.111g1• <'111111 1 \ 1 •• ).'·" \1d S,H lll\ 01 ,111 J.:o l o111t1\ ~u 1>t·n·...,111' li.1\ • .i..:r ••ti '" t 111 11 I lli(• fJflJgl'.1111 lhl 1111~11 !->o Jill 111IH I l ~IU Suptr v 1 ... .,r li .1\1 \11 l 1 d Llll.JfllnlOll ... I~ ltt .1pp11 I\,. $11111 '~I 111 l'l'\'t'llUl' -.It.or 111g I 1111d -. 1111 I\ • .rt1·r L1·g,1l :\1d :--1 "" 1' 1 '" "'"' dtr t•t lor Ht1ht r t t'11ho 11 ·"'Ill, d ll\t' bo,11d llt,Jt 1111111 Ill 1111' llHllH \ f1111n1•l1•d th1 11111.:li 1111 , 1111111 ' \\llllld l>t \l'•t·d '"I'·'' '"' 1,,,, Ith ol!,!.1111">1 tlio 11111111\ 11 11 o !l it ' Th .. 11111ct ... "ill 1 .. ""' d 111 I'·'" t "I 111 d I\ Id 11.0 I I I ~"" ... I \ 11 ' t.111111\ '·'" 1 .. 1111 .• l111v 111.t "''" n 1·1ghho1 h 1111ol I• 1.(.1 I , r' 1•, ... t'oh1·n told 1111 l•o.11 cf N11111 111 ., Dally Piiot Photo1 by LH Payn• New look replacing old along highway IS\ IW llE HT llAHKl'.ll 0 1° lh• Dally Pflol 8t•lf H ' ,, l " H " I I I I \ I I d I II I ll111f111gt .. 11 I ~·"" I'-1111111 I ~'"Ill~ I I I 1.tllJ.!I I .1 111~ ""' 111 l 11 .111~ .. ( ""'" \ ... l1u 11 ,1 .11 1d It ,, t ti 11 .11 II\1 Ii I ~ I 1 \\ .. \ ' I I 11 I 11 111 I ' \' . II d I .. ,111\\ h ,lt,1k111g 111 I 11; 1111.1~~· ·'" ,, pl.1<1 1111 1 ..... 1 , .... d ... 111 1 ... 'Ill I 11lllltl.•d 11 \ \ ..... , I ,,1,tll ...... , .. 1 ..... , .11. ol 1 l>h:tppt'.11111.f..! 1111111 tlll' '1111• .111 'C-Ul l .._ °7.1 ...,11;tll tt1lllllll II 1.1r 1111-.1111'"1'' T.1k111g 1111 II 111 ... ' .11 1· glt'ol llllll g Ill'\.\ 1111111 · .111.t pr1111 ,-.io11,d l1ullol111~' .i11d ... lt11Jljl111r 11 lilt I '> l\l od1•1 11 -.11111 t11 1t ' 1 .111 111 l11u11d .ot tlw '"''' 1.t Ill \1 ,,, 11ld l1111ld111g ... ( )110 Ill \\ lt ll I lol 111 ).! '' t 111 I ... t .. 1 \ SHI· I 111.1111 1 . .t ' (lilt I 11ll11t .011d p111l1· ..... 11111.ol l1111ld1111' < 11111pl1 It'll 111 Augu .. t .ot Ho ·" 11 Hoult \ .111! .011d l 'tu .J 1\\ 1·11uo Tltt· gl.1'' ... url.H1' l1uilrl111g 111111.111" t;;\,:!/lt 'qU.rl> lt·t·I .111tl 1 ~ \ .d 111 d .ti l> I l>H~ 11111 '" 1111111111.t 111 ,l\ll\ 111111111 C t ti I I f lit 111 ti I .1J .1 1 '' J tt .1f I It~' I 1111qd 1 lttttl ,,,, d llfllht, I "''*' \ .11 111 11111 11 .. 11<1-s l 11 1dd111g ·'' l 11d1,11l •f"'lt \\I Ill ft 11 I "' llfl'I"" .• 1 1 1 11 "I"·"' 11 1 I 1, \ .ol111 ·ol .ol ~f ~111 t I.In .111rl "llltt ttd• ol 1101 ftl•tl• ..,-,11111,if IJltll t II I O..,t 1 JI olll"l lo• I rf, \ • l11pt111 111 , l1.11w111~· 1111 11, ·" 1, H111tl1 ·v.11 d ", 111 1 .. t I 11 N1 "l.111tl Sl111pp11ig (.Ill•' 1 ... ,tit d Ill ,, 111 tltt 1•111111 1·1 N1 "l.111rl I l11u.., 11111111 111 1\d,tlll" J\\ I llllt ,\ l 1l1l1i11 t f1.111pt I 111 tltl 1tl l 111g .ti tho 111111111 011.111 \'11 \.\ :--.1 lt1111 I IJ "I r 1< t p1 "I" 1 t \ ·" \\ ,11111 I 1\\ 1·11111 11,,, 1•·111 r I 1.1111.. !\1111.1 lt.1!-o .1111 1•1t1111 1 d pl.1 11 t .. li u tl cl " 111 .. t111' "' 1111 · l11rtldr 11~ .ti tl11 "''' tl1.i l 11.0 1 .. ' ti ,, .ol I (ti 11\ \.1111! • .t ... 11 II II I t "'" " II BI ... h t . I l ) 1\d1111111,,11 .t1 111 t lt.1111·-. Tl111111p..,.111 ....11tl tli.11 \i• ·"It H11ultv.11d Liu · • 11\ ... 111.q111 11111.. t11 tlu fl( t w :r;. , ... t1111 ,111d llu ,,.,, 111 Ora11gt l'rn1111y d1·v 1·lo 111•d r<iptdly ;ot the· , 111-..1 111 \\ t ''Id \,\ ,11 11 11 I ... ·" d t It I ... l I II l l t 1' t· t l1 1111 ... 1111t .. 111 1111 ltt1p11l1 1;11''1 !->11111111·111 ('.0111111111.t . !><H1n I 11 ... 11 I I I 1111 of \\ I I Ii ... 111 ;, II 1 t11111111 11 1.d .. 1111 t·.., 1111.11\ d tll'ld IC• 11 11 1111 .., .111d otl1t r k111do; rrl l11r-..1111 ........... Tlt•1n1p,.,.,11 -..11.t -.111111 11! tit\• ''''".., .111 h,o\'111).' .1 t11ui.:h l11111 11f ll 1111\\ lu 1 .1u-.1 ttl t'•t111pt·l1tll11\ I 111111 l'\·~11111.11 -.l111pp111g ('(•l\lt•f"!> l 'nltk< IHA,1111 ...... , 111 ... h11pp111g I I Ill• I ' tho \ tf1 1ll l h.1\'l th1· 111 11..i11 111 11 ·1'11tg 1111 th• "p ull' 111 ru·;rrli\ '>lllll'" Th11n1p~111 i.;11d 1'111111tp,1111 ,,11.t .1tu·o.,,., tu th" .. 111.o)) 'lllll'' 111,1\ ,tl-.11 ht• lltl IHl \'1'1111 ·11t .11111 1111 .... tl, I lo :-;11d -.1t .. p 111·1-. I 1 t·y lH nt I' li.1vt· to l1ot1tlo 11 .111 11 \101lol1l11111 .. ,,, lll.Jkt• It 1 t tl1111 ... 111111 th• l1u ... 11u·-. ..... .., l>1·-.p 111 1111 , l1.111g 1·-.. Bt·.rt 11 H1111lt '.11 d 1, l1h• h "' ·11 111.1111 1111 11.to h 1111110 •ti t 111 < 1 l \ -. 11.lll'l"'' "'litlll ... , .. 11111 Tl1t1111p ... 111 ...... it thllSl' fund-.'' Ill t .. 11~· ti 1111 tli•·..,. 'dJ l d 111· d • "II I I II' ' I ... I •• I l.1W~l1tL-.." ho '.Old 11 i .. toric· '\t'" la u cl tloth c' foc •td poinl of th(• IH'" Nt•w la nd Ct•11tt•r . I lo 1•1 •du tr·.! 11lt1111o1l1 h "lfll•· 1111111 •11 lllol'' tr.oll'lt -,\,11·11 1 \\ill I 1•11111"1 f lh1 bth \ l"1lllt•\,1tcf \\Ith tho I•..,, 111 l/11 tttlltll\ Sup1•1 v10.,0 1 Th11 111." Hilo -. r.11~1 ·d ol1J1-t 111111 '' • 11111d 111g t It• ptog rarn l1t ... 111 .... tho .... .oi 11 l~ 11.1 111 lht· p:ist u-.i d ..,0 1111 11 1 i t-. 11•v1·nL1t· ~h,,n11~ l1111d, t" l.1111" I l.1\\ 'lllh Valley annex plan Th•"· l.1" 1111 '''"' (11111 c·r ru·rl """ I''' t.111111 1h 1 .. 111 \\ .11111 111 .. ol 11,111 11111•11• h ttU"\lflt,.! tn "'l••r11• , ... , f1 1\' 11,tlnt•d tilt 0 11\1111\ '°' I d r It l\of lltl Sup•·I\ 1 ... 111·, 1,,,, • 1 t I" ,,, ol h tfUt -.l111111d Ill 1"•111 \I of, lltt Jll lllJl 11 t\ 111 I 'I'' lltlllll~ t "llld' 11·-.11unc·o., ltt 111 1111 ·1" ··~~· 111' 1h.t1 turn-. ,1111u11d 1),, 11 .111d ... 11t , tlio H' 1'11 11. ''\EIOEH\1A'\ 01 lh" Oa1ly Pl~I Sl•ll \ II 1· .. 11111\ L!· 1 t11111tftl.1j,.;.t fl•~ '·•f'fllt1\t4( pl.•11' 1 .. 1 ~1111 11 1,1 111 \ .ol lo \ 111 1111 11 \111H .11 11 ' 11111.11 k• ti 1111 , 11d 1ft)l1titlltt' 11.01, t I t 11 .. 11 11.11 111• f..,1.tl A g1 111 \ 1-'111111.1111111 F 1111 11 1.i111 \ oll•' , ~plH rt' 111 11dl111111 1 I h· "'" 1 .. ,,,,1, 1 ... l.111ol ... 11, :.! , .Il l• ""' 1h1 """' •l \lfl .. ,,. ... .111 lo • .111 ol ", .. ,, 111 tlt1 !'i.ont.o 1\11.1 H". 1 .. 11111 .. 1 Ed11w• 1 A\'t•11ut .1111! 1 ,1 I •I tl 11 l••I }\101111 \.ol d I I 1' I I ' ,, I 11' 1111 1. t I I' I I' • ·uunf\ T h 0 1 I.' J,.; ·" \ Id ~I" I . 1 \ '1111111-.-..011 .. 1 ... 1 11·.ot I 111111 .. 1 \\' d111 .. d.t' I It.ti '\\II 1'1.11111 ... 111 u 11111t11rt•1r.111 ·d u •11111' la11rl 111 .. 11 th• '-o.0111.1 i\11.1 HI\• r .1rr· w1th111 .111111 \.1t11•1l I 1 p111 t 1•1ll •of lht• Jll P\'ltlt•' lo p .11 "'I \ II t ~ .11111 1o un" l111j.! fw t It• p• • 11 J.11 I • I 11 1 I h 1 I\\ o l "IJlllh ~"·'" 11t.111.o l >. v1 1 .. 11111• nt C:11 111 I I \ I II' I• I ·' II' I II ,, ll I l rt (~oa .~l a I l•ght \f~HHJbff! ~""' t}Pr.ommg weslerly 8 t o 14 • nc.t~ 1'11\ aller,,oon Wond~ 11qn1 •nd o1311ab~ MJa•" 1on19ht Wes14!''Y •well 1 10 3 feet "•CPIJI com1>on;><J seas • 10 6 feet O'ol~, t™!' O\.llf'• c oa"Stal w aters from P o1f't Concep!lon 10 Sun C lem""'" 1sh11nd Fair tOday w11n 5omr tHqh clouds l '.S .... u111111ary S now w a ~ 5e,a11 •, .. a ovtu southern Nttw ~f' • tc:O an Cl thf' mounteins ol south~n~t Ar11ona on Thursday as llqhl 1 ~•n lell lrl'tm Cf'f'1'81 Tea.as 10 sr-ulh ""'f!'tfltrn Oktatioma It was GloYdy aoo\\ "'P ,,.~, ,,, the aoull'lerri Plain. Ano ontn 1h11 mld-MIStlHll>P• \IAll"V ano loom the southern Ror~·"'li •'110 ,.,.,, c;en!ral Aocklfl Clow1y ••·es a1"" were repor19d ovef' lhf! ~oulh"'" half or O&<>rgoa. lh" r.r .. al • ·•'"' region and not1hPr " N•w Engtenc:! Stc:tea over Soutn,_,,. N~A England end 11>e mid Alla. l•r Coasl -11 moslly cl~A• The IO<ecal1 IO• f rid~V CAll•c1 IO< rein trom 1"41 southern PIA1ns 1n10 1~ IOWilf M•H •,s•PP• \lell"y and the Winl4trn Gull Cour Fl•1n waa also e•pec111d trnm lhP cenlrel and notther n P1cll1C Coe11 10 ltwo Rock"" and 1nnw was lll~IMJ 1rom 4'llS11trn UPP"t Michigan 1ttld lhe lower Gr""' Lakes ll'lt<>ugh !he northern ''"II of~ Ehglsnd Sunny 11111 .. _,, lo1ecn1 Ir" Sou11'1e<n Calll0<n11 the norlhl'rn Plains end 1"8 Upt)ilf MIH IHIPPt V1tley High• In 1"8 209 1nd 30• -•II expec t ed acro11 e astern wa.Nngton end lrom tl'le ml<I· to upper-Ml-rl R1var Valley to ~ New England Tampe tat ure t er n und the n1tl0tl 111 2 p m fS T 1 •nged lrom t et lnternallonat Falla end Wanoad Minn and J"""rown N O . 10 82 11 Wetl Pelm Beech and Vero Cleeci>~ f'l1 Calirornis Soulhtt rn C n llf•H,11 11 '"''~~ ahoutrt hfll' aunnv w11t1 ,,.,,w uu~ty nnrthttlHt wmCIS in m0Hn ltt1tt" 1tne1 O~tow pe,_~,., th f' Nnf1f "''' Wttalhtitr S.wv1co ••"~ ) Breeze to s tir The rorec;;isl For 1 .1 ni E:~T H11nO <,now O I •\1•''¥ '''.-h )... A It"-......... I. 1~,... ,., n. l' ' • I I•> N 111•11 l" • 'I c...huw~,,D r luff•r,(3 I~' )I 11 '-" 'l I I tr 1 I I !ft ' u. 1 i JPf I I t 11, ,,.,..""lr f· f'q t fp ~ r ·• Q._ I ' ff • m.o .. ,o, ' 1rit w hO " 11 0 -Aof•tit,, • 1llt", ! 'JM •• .=t , f~I t (II' '"'' •• .4 '..{) A tt -1tw I lhP f.l()f\ 1 f"m t • tt I f• nn•!t1r·fn 1P,.,.•I 1 •J '••11 ' 1n f1 lt'f' 6(t\ A 't I IJ .. Ill 1! I 1ltJ llt 1ott'I n ,. t'.JP,._·rt Ao• ff"' I !I t: t ,t y fl ~ w 1t """'-·•· r ,., 4(\~ T ""' /U'rtt I ure.~ :Vi· - Alt 111111" '•• A"C"•" t I' "'1 1 11 l A.fl{lnl ,, t ~; BaU1m11,• Btrm•nQt ti• 00'\lffl Ault 1 f,,Aflt .. 11 NATION ... ( htHh",1' •1 '/II t h;t1h 111• t4 ( f .,,...,.. , .. (, 1(_ "· l ru" n 111 ( lf'Yf\l;U1fl {_ 111i1tHl111 '• I ( n111n·t"'~ o 111 1· • t v~ '" (h•f1,...lf Of!'\ Mo1nP .. , ~1rn11 ro "'" f ;tUhl f .. 11 1a,i.1t1 ti1vttmf1 t4n 1,nh1lu t<nu\IQn ln(11IU'"P Jac ktnn M1'\\ Jac~ll0""'"" June nu Kan11u C •v las VagM ~~ \4 I 4 I 41 .,, ,. <H " lq i;,h 4f1 ·I I 71 .,, n '· 78 '" 1q Ill 20 H l 4 "" 18 I~ 20 41\ 16 '10 18 '~ n I~ n 40 1• 1•, 11 ,'f' .... , ~4 11 , .. ~9 •8 14 ~I II I? 1•1 22 67 18 t U·• R11t l. lO\, Anqf"lt-'• l tt•'\vt!IP '.At~rf' r , M··•"'' M1l""·'ql-PP Mr11c. i...1 r ,1 ,, N .. w t JdPtil\11:; '"4•·.,. .,,,, .. rn 1.!Vv"1fl"I.,' 1, '>m~•hd U ,1f111110 Ph1l;tt1,.lptun Ph,,..,,,,. "·••'>t l'Q" r11ttl,.01t1 M.- P (1ttl.UH1 (J1,. f4,1nfl ~ •" t ai.." ~'' Antonu '"''' Ou•on 1Jllll I I •lfll I'\' I ~Ulilll~ l.;\t l w1•• ,1 Pf'lf': f V'1ll.t 'lr n \;,n p 1 op.-~" 1 !U \Pl! 1u1~1 W• t 1nc1tr1li W1t t11t1 CALIFORNIA 0"k~I ~li .. ld Ao1r..,low ,. 'I '" ,., 71J .HJ II HJ II ., ,., I II • 1 ~( ' , ,f ... ·~ Ill I ~' , I 17 /', '·O ': .'0 Kfl t I /I \'I Ml 4 / n 11. H12 th 1· ( ll,1!1! I , ,,, •• i ' '''"' L1jn(,t"$f.-, I f)O() t~····· ,, l n"' At11l•',, VI ,,,, l'Ju>N;1 ,,, Ii•'·''• (' .~ itltd ''"'8f•fl ''•·t';.lt1P!l I I ti\.,, f~Ol•ll ._ n, ... ,,,c-.1 1t ~,,.,(.-Ill'''"'\' <; 1l1niJC, o ll (lot•tl '1.tl' ''·''"' 'tol'I J1 '''' '• U I I A1,,1 ''" '·• u .••• "' • .,.,,,,, l "'' •·H 1,1 M "'" ,, '1tuc1io tu,, I iJhOP \11\llr v lott,U 1(1 PAM AMERICAN 'iR 1, .A.r aouicc 71 41 BA•hado• Be1mude EIOQ 'I" ( ... unu .tn ''~" c ,,~,...I·"•' SURf RIPORT ~ ... ~~ .... -..... ~IZF~ .................................. . c,o,.Ofll11up,,. tia...,on" K1ng.io11 MonteQIJ 0Ay Marallan Mend1t Mf'••C("a (.tty Mont"""~ Nn1•n11 ••-c:h /umn Snntft M onu It Newontt A""' t• SRn Cl•t11tgr1 C.~mly l url Atrt llutloo~ fno '>1r""''Y l url Mn ' tlH'f ~ ... 12 12 11 13 ···" .... ' 1 ' ') ..... .... 3 "l , ..... Dir w w w w «'H\t1 Jwtn fl If foc_,u• •Uftlt• t f tttitdAd 10 (:J 20 .. .. ~ f,11 i I ••• 48 ()t 4J ~f d 7 6~ ;q lR 48 f '1fi .,J 41 I '>J 7H '>0 f ., 41 I I &1 'f • 1 t.O H 'I' '4 .''I J• 4• 4 t r• '' • ' l~ ·~ "0 '•H r,o ti \ \I 'II 4A • 1 ~l •I 44 .n ''6 II II\ "' 1ll ... ,_ •<t ·.~ OJ 1 I IUI 1~ 7\ 68 Ci) 47 I)() 80 RI 63 61 \I 88 70 81 70 Ill! 73 86 7~ 8~ 88 88 70 88 •8 •3 •O 8 I 83 86 71 ,., \9 811 ,~ • • • wins county unit 11111do1111ntum.;; (111 modl·rc111· 1111 '1n11 • hr mw bu vc·r s 111 S1·pt1·mll<'r r 11u11t;11n Valli'\ l'11\ l'11ww1I ffi(•lllllt•r,., VOll'<I in I;,, 111 nl .11111<'xing tilt' pr111x·rty -.,1\ltli,! II \\OUld 1.(1\'t• t)H• ('11,Y 11\1111 I ' •Ill I• 11 11\'f I 1111' µl;111n111g of tho 11111dr1111111111111 111111ph·' I .1\ ~'( • oll llllllllO.,tl .tli\'I . .l,"1 ... l,llll K111 S 1.1tt11J.!1111 d ..... 1d tin I 11 1lll111..,,ltl•I\ h .... l'lll 11 \ll ol/.!l'tf r 11unt.i111 V:illo \ '" Jll 111.1•1•tl ·" ""111 ;,... P"'s1hl• 111 .tlllll'\111/.! tlu· n ·111.1111dt•r ul tht· l\\o 111t111,t ' "I.ind-. 11 • ..;;1d th1· 1·111111111 ...... 11111 \\t1t1ld p11·ft·1 lo "'' F 11u11t.1111 \ .tll1 ,, t;1k1• tl\'C'f th1·'1 ,111 '" t·11t111 h rath1·1 than w:i11 1111 tl1·\'t•l11p1 ,... to ;1pprnat h th1 111, with ·µ11'l·1·mt'a l" ,111n1•x<1t11111 pl.111' T h 1 · t " I l v t o u n c 1 I . h 11 \\' t ' ,. 1 • r f.11kd to a 0 pprovl' <1 n11>111111 la ,.,1 \\'11·k 111ci1C'atrng th(• 11t~ ·., 1n11·n1 111 "1111 t• x :i 11 of 1h1 l'<> u n t, 111111wr l Y Tht• t•ounc:tl .1ppnl\'t'd ;, n ·' i-.1•d mC'asurt· s taling s imply 01( I h.11 t I \\t>ttld 'llfhllh I I u tu I ,. .011111 ,.1111111 l""I"''·"' ( '1111 111 !1111.11 1 1~. II Nit 1 ... , II """ 1 'l•l1 ' 111 11 .,, I\ .ot1rqp, .olll •llt ,111111 ,,ol l,.11 pl.Ill'-'•" 111)..! th1 \' 11t1rld t11 ,1 I Ill t ltt I d I .till ttll .drr .Hh -.tr :.1111 d 11l \ , ,.,,.u11 v' \lth11 ut..!lt !--.0111.t 1\11.i h.id • 'f'I • ''' d '"Ill• 11111 It '\ Ill .111111 ""I).! lht· l\\'11 1,.,1 .. 1111 .... 1h ;1t 1 II \ w11hrlr1·w tht !>Uggr•stion .1111 1 rt .u lung .111 .1gr11·nwn1 w11h F11u111:1111 \'.11!1 ' 111 l'<J11pt•r0Jt1· 1111 ll.11hnr B11ul1·\,11d 111;1d .ind h1 ulg<' 1111p1 .,,., 1111 11 h BAG ART IN LAGUNA BEACH. • • From Page A1 "111 k · t>:iuls1111 .,.,11 1 adding .. tw w.1-. .. urpns<'<I .111d dt l1~ht1·d .11 th1· 11·-.1>c1110.,1• · !--111111· o l th1 111 put 111 .111 .iwful 1111 of work •Ill thl' ··0111 .1r11-.1 .... 11d h1 'I"'"' w1•1·k!> "rn1r11.•nng \\ h•1l t ht· lwll ht 1·r>ulrl d 11 with th:it ol.1mn IJ..,g." sh1· s;11d . l.1u~h111~ Thi· n-sult 1~ .111 l'Xh1l>tl Lh<tl 1.., tnilv un1qUL' t\1111. lllU!>l'Ulll 1111 h1.ol,, h 11pt . pt1tl1\.1hl1 V1~1111r-, m,I\ \It\\ tho 1 ,111111111111 1111111 1 l :w am to -1 :w p ;" ol.11 1\ 1 "t pt \l1111d.1~·-. Tht mus1·um 1s locall·d .ot .<tr. t •1i11 D11\1 Th1·11· 1~ no anrn1!-<;i11n t•haf'~{' And. tf a pa1 t11 u l.11 111• 11 ... 1111<1 ·, v o ur f.mt'. \\nit· down a hul 111 th1· l10 •1t111lt11 p1t1\·1L11·d Y ou m1gh1 1·nd 11p h1.td111g tlw lt.1g THANKSGIVING SPECIAL LADIES Ralph Lauren Cotton CardiRans were~ IC.ihle Knit , ccrn1r.nt1ng l 11rnl Shetland Cardigans tPa~tel Colourll MEN Polo • Cotton Soort Coats IAuortdi ColourVS1z~I were ¢' NOW $65 were ~ NOW s75 R<:EERT A-LLPS I :l&11th y;(;(ld/ } ftty11 ALL MAJO R C REDIT CARDS ACCEPTED • NATION Reagan eyes taxes on jobless benefits S ,\ N TA H 1\ I< I~ 1\ H 1\ 11 11 ,1d1 111 H• .1g '" ,, I t1fhld1•1 lllJ.: l,1,lolg jllldC'-., ltt ll1·t lh 111 111.1k1 11 11 '" ol l l I .1 1· I I \ I I 11 ' l .1 \ U111•111phi\l'd .11111 111.I\ t'<d l 1111 •' 11•dll\ \1111\ Ill 1111· 111111111\lllll \\ ,lj.(1' I 111 \ 11\1 I I\.., .i-. Wt•ll ,1 V.'h11a I low,1· -.pok1•-..11.111 .... 11d 111111 ... d.t\ I hu.,1 l""HI"·"' .111· .1111'111g ,1 p.11 h..ig1· t'!I 1·1gh1 11pl1"11" d 1·\1)11p\•d IOI lht• p1 1· ... 1d1111 II\ h ,., (.' .di11w1 C.:11u 1w tl "" i-;. 111 1111111\ Al l a11' 111 1lt·.1l w11h I ha· p1 obi I' Ill 11 1 1 ha ollll u111·111plovn1t·n1 ..... 11tl dt'puty p 1 1 ' ' ,., \ · 1· r 1· I ;i 1 y L J r r .v S l''"1k1 ·,., T lw .1ohh·:-.,., rutt• hit Ill I fJl'lt't•nt lust arnmth. with 111011 th.an 11 :1011111011 ,.\ 1111 'f It ,II\" UU I of WOI k Sp• .ik1·-. Said H1•Jga11 h1J~ 11~ 1·1\ 1•d lhl' uµ11u11 p.ipt•t . but h . .-. "·t 111 d 1:.tu,.,, t lw 1dt·a":> \\1th Ill' .. ,1dv1,.,u1,., 'wors t ' 1•Jl't ti It llV , Wlllt•f .t ll J 11 I 1 · p ho 111: ~ 1 • r v ll' '" <1 n d .1111111111111•' -.ought lwlp from tlw N.1\\ Ortmgt COHI DAIL. Y PILOT /Frldoy. Novurnbur 26, 1982 DeHr Piiot Photo• by Chef .. • •tafr llU NOLUl.U tAP1 1tlll l1'1' p.11 h.1·d 'Ul\11\' lll'.11 h1·,., Tlnu ... d.,, bu1 111.111\ I I.I\\ ,111 11• ... 1d1°1\h 11•lllf lll'd It• hrn111·' .111d l>u,1111·,.,,., ru1111·d by th .. pu111,.,l1111g \\'111d ... of llu1n1.1111• h'" Drn11.1g1· w,,,., l'!>lllll.ill'il .11 $1til) 11111111111 .111tl .111\'11 dt'11·1i..1· -.pokt•,111.111 .... 11d 11 \\,i-. '1Jl 11lt.1hl\ lht \\llf".,t d 1 .... i-.lt I \\I \I 1\,1.f -.111111 ol \\.ti Po11 h 11f Oahu. tlw 1111J:-.I p11puluu-. hlan d , alst> Wl'rt' \\ 1th11ut wa11 •r Tank<"r 1rucks 111flt·d 111 to hPlp n ·pll•ltls h thl' 'upph .11HI llonolulu M.ivw E1l1·•·11 A nd1·1 ... 11n u 1gl•d 11'-.ldt•llh to l'tllhl'I \'t' \\ ,1lt•1 h1•t ,lll'I 111 lirn1l1 •d f'll\\ l'I Ill JllllllJl111).! ... 1.1111111 ... Costu l\lt•sa's ~4 Hrotht>r Mic hae l" hands uut food and clothing to a !'!Urprisin~l y lurgt' t•rowd on Thanksgiving morning. Below, '-'rul•·ful rt·t·ir,it•nts t·urr y the ir m eager gifts away . 1\(11,.,1 111 1111 h.11d hit i...l.111tl of K .111.11 "·'' ... 1111 '' 11h11ut More Gls to Lebanon? \\'ASll I Nt; l'UN 1.\1-'1 1'11·,1d1·n1 Ht .1g.111 \\1111ld ... 11111 nh111· l\l.annc•.., 111 L1 h.1111111 11 I ht·\ l llll Id ht Ip I ,,,.,c1111· \\ 1tltd1 "''.ti 111 (.,1,wl1 S\ 11:111 olllll J',d(0 ... \llll,1il l llH!fl'> 1111111 tit• t t>Ullll \', .1 M'llllll S t .1l1 I h ·p.1111111·111 ol f tl'l.tl '""s N t g .. t I ,1 I I II II ' f II I \\llhd1,l\\,al ,111 1·xp1 ·Llt•d 111 111 ).!Ill "111111 h11l lh1 .H lUJI d!'p.11 IUl'I o l till 11111 tgn WORLD 11111 (· ... I' not ltkt•lv Ill IK'l'UI Urttll lht 11\'V. \l'.11 , .,..lllf th• 1ill111.d who :-.pukl· 111 ,111 lllll'I \II'\\ \\'1·dnt·..,d ,1 \ 011 I 11t1dlll1lll th;_il ht• IH;t bt• 11.11111·.t l'lt1· lJ111 tl'd St.111·-. ti.id :-.oughl w11hrlrnwal o l fon•1gn a l11tl'l'" b\ Vc•L :!I , bul tht· uf f1u.d ,,mt lhat targt·I date• lS p1nh,1hh 1111~1blo· now Salvador d eclare d '"safe' SAN SAL\ :\IHlH Fl S.ol\"1d11r (t\1'1 Thi St.it• I 11 ·po11 t1111·11t ""' .. El S .11' <1d111 ,.., 11111 .i \'< rv d.111w •n1u" pl.111 .in\ 11111r1· .111d h.i " t n ld 1\1111·1 tl.111 r,11111.1....,\ J.K't>lllllll'I I h I' \ 01 ,1 \' 11 I I 11 g IJ .i l k d1 pt ncJ1 111 ... 1 \ .11 u.111 d 111 HIHO .111 1·111IJ:1-.-. \ -.puk1 · ... m.tn 11 ..... n111f1r1111·u Th i· s t.ii I "111 '""'' :!:'> 11<·111 Ill 111 l'Xlra hc11a 1tlou!'.> P-'' IJul kl·C'p a I:'> µ1•rl'1·nl d1lf1•r1•1111al b1·1,.aU~(· El S.dv.1d u r 1~ (·o n s 1dvrt·d J h " I' d ... h I p p I) s t T h I' -..pokt·,111.111. who ..isl<t•d nol to b1· 1dl'nt1f1l·d bv nJtnt• fur "~ unt \ n ·.1SQn:., al~ n·fu':><'d lo d1si·lo't' thl• numb1·r uf 1·mb<1 ..... .,\' ~l.iffl·r.., ht•n· Pope s u s p ect seized HtJl\lE tAl'I 1'111111· •• 111 ... 11·d ,, B ulg.1n,111 .11111111 t lllJllH\ 1'1' l1Kl,1\ Ill I 1>111)1'( 111111 \\1th 1 ...... \l'.11 .................. 111.111;111 .1lt1•111pt .1g.1J11'l l'11p1 .l11h11 Po1ul 11. ,1 p11l11 1· -.p11i-.1 "11.111 '" "' c; 1 u"'PI"' H.1 l .... 11 1111 t ha "P"kl-.111,111 .... 11d l\.11111\· Sa I g1.1 1\11101111\ \\ ,..., 1 li,11 gi·d \\ llh t 0111pli1 II\ Ill l lJ1 '\J.1\ STATE U \llHI. .. ttal'k t.11111"d out bv Tu1 k i...h tt·n on-.t 1\11 hnwt Ai1 .\gl d 1\nt1111m· 1-.. 1111 l11l11 lh m;.11 t11•-.111t• ... t\gl'a l111k1 ·cl l1v l1.i11 .. 11 1111I•1.11 ... 111 t.ht· .1tt;,d~ A g1·;1, \\ h11 '' -..1·n·1ng .i lift• 11•1 m 111 "n lt.1l1an pri..,1111 1111 th•· <tll,11 k h.1s m.11nt.1111t-.I 1h.11 h1 · ,u II d ,ifllnf' Doug/a alters logo I.UN(; HEt\l'll t:\Pl :\ltt 1 r1dl111g 11u1 .. h.ilf I ;•11tlll \ 111 pl.111!0'> l1t'o1l lllg th1• 1.1111t1lh !)('" 111).(11 1h1 · l\!1 1>111111••11 Dnugl.,., l'111 p .1111111111111•.J V.'1 d111·-.d 11\ lh flllllll pl.1111' \\Ill I.Ill\ I Ill\\ 1\11>. d1 ... 1i.:11.il11111 bt g 111111 fl g \\ 1 l h ,1 11 I J• I ;\l ()I rn1 "Tht:-. SI ls th1· -.t,1g1• for I U I U I t• g l' 11 t ' I ,1 l I 11 11 " 11 I o1tf\',l1H'('(! ,Jll't·r,lf I th.ii \l ell l1u1ld nn t lw ,;o v1·,11 h1 ·nta~c · 1·-.1.1hl1-.h1 ·d ll\ th1 I >ougl.1-. l'•1111n11'1l 1.1l. 111 IK ' 11111· 11r t1.111 -.p11rts . · ,,11d Bo.ird l' h ,1 I 1 111 a 11 S .I ll t o I d W I >1111i.: J.1., :\1 .... th,111 J.1111111111 th•· [)(" pl.1111 '> h,1\'I ' 111•1•11 pnt<lu11·d ln11n trH· DC I to tht lu1rc·n1 IX.' Ill 1•\1•n Jtll·r S t L11u1,...l,;i-. .. d l\kl>nnnell <..'11 bought Dougl.1s A 1rl'r:irt C'11 111 l9117 . .,;11rt !'1>m pa11,v ..,pok1 • ..,m;in Don 11 .mson Cocaine lab raided RE\'EKLY ll!Ll.S 1AP1 ( 1111 of lh1• I.II~\"'( I oil hi•<, "' pu11· 1·111-;11111 1·\'1·1 found 111 l~·v1·rh Hill-. \('.1.., n1·11v1•n d II\ p11i1u · 1n\0 1•,..11go11111g .ir1 1·xpl11...i1111 ,1nd 1111• l .oU'>l'd II\ .1 drug 111ak111g (,11>. 1>< 1)11 ,. ""11d )'111111 11 ·1111 \I d 3 1 . pournt ... 111 pu1 t 1111 .11111· .111d $I :n .llllO worth o f 1 .1-.h 111 .i 'u1ll .l'>t from 1h1 m11d1· ... 1 '111gl1•·'>l11r:.· Sllll1~> hOll'l' th;it w,1,., lw:1vlly d<1m;1gL•d bv the· Tu1·.,d.1y <'Vl'ntng PXplos111n , ... ;11d Lt LPt· M tit's Mill'~ O.,:tlfl lh1· l'Ol.':1111<', Wtlh ,1 -.11 1°l'I valu1· of $:!;; mdl11m. \\ ·" 111w o l thl' largPst sud1 find , •·vc·r m<tci<' 1n th P \\1•;tlthv < 11v of &•vt•rlv II ills Newport faces fe deral fair hous ing probe 1\ I 1 g .1 I .i 1 d g 1 o u µ h a .., 10111pl.11n1·d 111 lh1· fl•tl1•ral g11\'1·1nml·nt Jhout all1•g1 .. d h II ll ... l 11 g d I s I r I Ill I n .it I " 11 I n N1•\\ p111 I A1'.1t h "hc•11· o n f' 11ff1l'l;il -.a~· ...... u1·h pr.11 Lill'" h ave b1•1•11 "n ·r11wd lo ;.in art · T l11· f;11r H 11u ... 111g <.'11u 11l'll ..... k I'd I h l' DI' p .. 1 fl Ill l' 11 I 0 f llou-.111g and Urbm1 l>t·v1•loµml'nl 111 111\ 1•-.11ga It· t hl' n 1 v', h11u ... 111g p<1li1·11 ·.... \\ h 11 h 1 I ,.,,1 Y' \\ ork to 1·>..t Judi· low .incl n111d1·n1te- 111111nw pt.'Oplt· <t~ w1•1l ;,i~ bl.sck.s a nd 11 1-.panll''i N1·\\'f.>11r1 Bt'3l'h has r<'cc>1ved approval lrnm HUD tor $491:i,C'"O lo rt•h1.1b1li t alC' 11 s l o w a.id mod1·r;1t1·-111cnm1• hom1·~. hut thl• F ;11 1 II 11 u ., 1 11 g Co u 111 ii s a y s '"'lthout f1·d1·ral 11111·1 \'1•1111on. lhc· m1>111•\ \\ill lw u ... c•d 111 mak1· aln•adv 1•>.pt·11s1v1· h11ui.111K mun• l'>.JH'll,l\'1' "llous1ng d1SlTln1111at1nn 111 N1·~1,.1r1 &a1 h. 1s n <f1n1·d 10 ;m an l'.u,1{1·nP Sc111111 l'Xr1·u11vc• d1rt·<'t 111 o f the• F:111 I lousing Counl'1l. :-..ml 'IA. hl'n 1h1· l 011mplJ111t wa<; l1h•d lh1s wc·C'k We1Te Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot ~ What don't you hke., Call the number at left and your m essage will be recorded, transcribed and d elivered to the appropriate editor. , 642·6086 ThC' s ame 24·hour answenng ser vice may be used to record let lt•rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must 1nl'lude their name and telephone number ror \•enf1 cat1 on No c1rr ula1ton l' a I ls. please' Tell us what's on your m ind V <lf"'•Jey' J 'K3'ty II 'f' ,_, )11 ,,,,, f•4•t '""' ...... ~. "' -, )(J ' m tA• hiftf<>'• I ' " ,11nlj 'I'"'' l''I V-• 1 l•f" C)tll'I'•'"'' '1at1,u1111 'wrt 'umdt11 If "°" 00 no' ••t ••ve l'""' tOPt by 1 • M 1 •M (Mtlrlft 10 a m ll'Ct '/flY' tOCty tllo"lll .,.,_.,, ........ car..... ..... ""··--C>""'O' (.t_A.M'1tf ...... ..,,...,,,. NOflhw~I HunlW'QH,r\ .-W.A(t A W"1it"''"'°''• .... 1110 I A(ltihA ~·li(Jt~ .-....00 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Publo\h•r ond l h1~I f <K1ll1•1J Of11c•r Jane Amari f •~UhVfll fd1t()t l . Koy Schulta V1t A ,, .. ,,n,."' fln'f (1,,,.,.,.,, ot Atfvtittl+OttU .t- Raymond Moel.an ( nn1rnl41r Ml<hoel P. HOt"Vey Oo1,...10t ol M0<le1o11g 1C11clllo1>011l Cleulfled adverttatng 714"'42-M7t All other departmentl ~2-4321 MAIN OFFICE J)O WHI 8ew SI C"'la -... CA ¥4111 •-H .. •IWO C•I•-.. CA._ (011'frl9M 1"1 Of-Coett P_l\ .. 1"9 (-y ttr.10 "'"' ttor .. \. 111u,tretl0f'I\, ~HOC't•I m•Mr ..... YttUMm.tinh Mrt l" ma 'f M t•PfOChit<• wf......_,. 1pec1a1 pe1m1u lotlol COCIV•l9111_.,.. S.COl>d clMt PG•I-N id at Coote -•.•, Cel"-• IU PS 1u•1 s..41o<rlotl0fl ... , ........ IS ..-tlly by ...... " jO .....,.,1111y VOL. 75, NO. 329 ..,_...., FOOD. • • From Page A 1 o n1·,., who n •ct·1Vl·d lltl· I l'\\ grape's and lom.ot1H·-. Hr"tl11·1 M 1d 1:wl h ad -.1-ro ung1·d I ro111 I o l' a I na a r k l' I ,., W 1 · d 11 1 · ., d ,1 v ;ifh·rntK>n "I'll l(Jkt· ll l\11l'h;w l I'll t,1k1 11 Ml('h;Jl'I." l.J1·1·.im1• lhl· f an11lt.11 (TV 110111 lht• \\llllll'll, who sl•Hl<.I 1'111s1·s 1 lo 1h1• trul'k a s king 1111 l1KJCI for lhc·rr lamll1t·s An old man with 111 1 11•1·lh stood 011 lhl· ouls1d1· of th1· l'l'll"-d. turning a !>mall hl'iHl 111 l1•1tul·1· 1n h i s h and s ;is If 11 w1·11· ;, 1·ht>n~ht•cl pnZ<' A s m J 11 b 1 rt h d ,, v 1 ,1 k 1• smash1·d .and tuu old to !>l·ll. wc•lll to a young girl who stood :-n11!111g quu.:tly 1wx1 to hc·r m11Llwr w11 h IH•r nc·w Thanksgiving lrl·at Thl'n· was no shnv111g Brn lht:'r M1l'h<H'I rt'l'1Jgn1zPd .;.. l1·w fon·' a nd k1ddl·d u ltl I rll'nd' L1ughl1·r falll'<l tlw 111orn111g Jtr. l'Ll'>lllg <•n 01h<·rw1~1· J 1,.,m;;il s<'l•m• f'1nal l.y lht• t•gg,.. l'<tllll' ;ind l'Vl'ryo tH· \\'('Ill h oml' With thc>1r boxc•s ha lf full uf mos lly limp Vl',Kl'lablL·S Hl· was pal'ktng tu ll·<•Vl' whl·n he s pottc·d a woman a nd t:h1ld comang tuwcird him with a tiny bundll' "Hc•rL• 1s a wom an who :-.pt.•aks only thl' language-,of love>," hl• s::11d ln,.,1dt· lhl' napkin wc1~ :i p1l'l'l' 1J f s w ct"l brC'ad ... h1· h<irl madl• from flour hL· gav1· h1•r Wt'dm·sday Anyonl· w an ting t11 #{l\'1• pruduc·1., l'lot h E':.. lurn1lurt'. morwy 01 ~-.1nn('Cl goods c·a n -.hriv. up a t tht• 1 hun·h a l 8 :m ;i m RECALL CAMPAIGN IN VALLEY. • • From Page A 1 I l " t' h a r g l' s II f I I .. l ,j m1smanagl'ml0lll m ;111 1·fl11r1 10 win w1cl1•r supporl CA RE l 'hatrman Dahl saui thP g r o u p ., pl' n l ~ l' v l' n w t' l' k s l'l'\'1•·w1ng dl:-.lrl"t rt·t·ord:-. <ind h<1-. -.11•µ1xod up IL'l pt·t111on drive n •t'l'lltl~· During 1h1· past two w1•1•k-.. ht sau:t. th1· gruup has suppl<•m1·1Ht'<:I its volun11·1•r fon·t· tnumlwnng 100 .• H·1·11rd111 g to Dahl) with p:-Hd P<'lllmn <0arnl'rs. If th1• group t11lh"1. l'-l'nough s1gn.1tun· .... '' s1>1·t 1.t1 1·11•1 lio n n•uld be hell.I 1·.irl11•1 in IYH:s. D1stnl·t off1 l'lals sa\ tht• l'lt'l'l1on would cost thl' cit~tr11·1 about si;;.ooo. JOIN THE ESTABLISHMENT! There is a definite advantage in doing business with an ESTABLISHED local firm. We are interested in doing business with ESTA LI SHED mills. which we have determined after decades of doing business. There is no way, unfortunately, to tell how a mill will back its product until there is a problem! Carpet stores interested ONLY In price have o one to back them, and consequently walk away from complaints. · A few times through the years, we hpve had to stand the cost of replacement when a mill wouldn't. This wnT only happen o·nce to us, and then the samples are in our trash can. · What this means to our customers is that the lines we carry are from reputable mills, and that they can buy with confidence from Alden·s. £EES Carpela DEN 'S Madebetterby· Burtlngton GE : iii;iiJlitiO'ti: 'custom d11p11ies UO. MO ... • ~...... . .,.,,~··!"""· !~,, vinyl, parquet wood, & ceramic floors 1H3 PLAC!NTIA AVE. • COSTA IBA. CA 92627 • PHONE 46-4838 --646-2355 I --~· ·-'• .., Novt1mber 26, 1982 Art, craft sale at GWC Saturday Golden West Collegl' wall conduC't its 17th annual holiday arts and c·rafts sale, featuring hand-made gifts and decorations. Saturday. The sale wall be c"Onduc:tc.'CI Crom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in thl' F.ctingcr Str('('l parking lot of I • Tht.' Laguna Beeich High School Boosters Club will benefit from a grand opening dinner at the new Laguna .Beach Food and Beverage Co .. 410 Broadway, on Dec 2 Seatings at 6:15 and 8:15 p.m. arC' still available at $7.50 • Rep. Robert Badbam, R -Ne wport B each , will discuss topical federal 'issues at a breakfast Dec. 3 at the Balboa Bay Clut;. The 7 :30 briefing 1s sponsored by the Newport the Huntington Beuch c·ampu s. adjacent to the regular swap ml>et spaces. Holaday sale space fee as $10 per seller. Information on the event can be obt.Ained by calling 891 -3991. per persop. Dinners include a t:hoke of· slea k, rl bs or brochette supplied by owners Bruc-e and Liz Stevens. For reserva lions, checks should be sent to the Boosters Club. 625 Park A vc , Laguna Beach. Harbor Area Chambe r of Commerce's government affairs committee. There will be a $10 uharg<' for breakfa s t . F or reservauons, call 644-8211. ' The new Roya Club ol the Harbor Area i1 nea ring completion 011 Barranca Road at Yale Loop in Irvine. h' scheduled to upt•n in Decembe r. Will. 'detente' return under Andropov? By BARRY SCHWEID AHoclalecl l'rH• Wrll1t WASHINGTON -Dcwntc is gone, dismissed long ago as a "somewhat c·onfusi ng rancy French word," but there may yet be som~n the foreign policy 11 repreSl'ntc..od. Preside nt Gerald R . Ford dropJX'd tht• word seven years ago. under campaign pressure from Ronald Reagan. Ford said "peace through strength" was a better way to d escribe U.S . policy. President Reagan still uses that phrase. "A som ewhat c·onfusing French word is not the way to describe our foreign policy towa1d the Soviet Union," said Ford's s p o kesman , Ronald Nessen, when the White House c ha ngcd th e terminology . although not the policy course. . Reagan It; not fo.rcdo5ing thl• kind of ac:c:ummodations that grew out of thc era of detentc. Nor is Yuri V. Andropov, thC> new Soviet lC>ader. "In terms of easing of tensions, we arc• t.alking about the same> things," saad a knowledgeable· U.S. off1l'ial. "It's Alphonse and Gaston who is going to takt> the• first step." · Andropov is pushing hard Cor detente. By his definition, the 1word describes a positive U.S.-Sovict policy. It "is by no means a past st.age," Andropov told the Communist Party's Ce ntral Commitlee in a 40-minute speech earlier this week. . the Kremlin would make "no preliminary concessions" toward improving relations.· w11h the• Unitt.'CI Statc.'S.' Reagan'& s peet·h 'Monday night, prepared long bdore Leonid I. Brezhnev's s uccc•ssor took over in Moscow, reversed the emphasis. He told the nation ht• was determined to "demonstraw thC> will to rebuild our strc>ngth and restore the military balance." I lours earlier. Reagan announcc.'Cl plans to deploy 100 MX rnass1le!i in Wyoming , subj<.•c·t l o c.•ongressional approval. Although h<' rechristened the missiles "peacekeepe rs," the message to Moscow was_ firm: there would be no preliminary c.-onc:essions on his part. either - no new proposals for reducing nuclear weapons. Reagan intends to stay on course. The pfl·-j;idcnt did offer gest ures toward redu cing tensiol'lr4l through s u ch "confidence-building" measures as improving the "hotline" tcleprinter bc·twec•n the twp capitals. increasing notification or missile tests and offering th<' Soviets data on U.$ nuclear f orc'c.'S. In other words. the ohve branch as there if the Soviets choose to takc> 1t. Key advisers in the White House emphasized the possibility of l"Ont:iliution by suggesting the MX missiles. which will not become operational until 1986, could be "bargaining chips" 1n the arms control negotaations in, Geneva. RUFFELL'S UP'HOLSTERY •• , ........ .MS... 1'22 HAJllOR ILYD. COSTA MISA-541·1I5' To ptace ycxir menage before lhe reading public. phone Deily Pilot C1usllled. 642-5678 Tick Tock This· CatS A Clock NO matter what the marquee says. what's now playing at Un ited Artists Communications theaters Is a real horror show UAC, the second largest movie chain in the U.S., has embarked on a national policy of eliminating Jobs, fostering unemployment In city after city where they own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has locked out many of Its southern California projectionists (members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage in good-fa it h bargaining. Manage· ment taunted these highly skilled and ded6cated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many of lh.e remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes in working conditions (I.e., forcing one projec· tlonist to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 miles apart). Janitors In UAC's San Francisco-area theaters who belonQ to the Service Employees union have also been victimized by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage freeze. the janitors. too, are confronted with a hostile and inflex- lble attitude on the company's part. UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the consequences for workers. the Industry or the area's economy. "Take It or leave it" Is ttieir basic "negotiating" stance. UAC gives its employees no real choice. But moviegoers do have a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS ~ IA TSE Southern Association/Corporate Campaign 630 Geneva Street, Huntington Beach, CA 9~ Discover what's cooking along the Orange Coast In the Orange Coast Cookbook ( Coming Dec: 8 In the . --- Moving Ktt Cat Klock"' Watch the minutes tick by while this cunning cat with moving eyes watches you. The 151/4 • x 4 • electric cat clock of molded plastic keeps time while his eyes move slowly from leh to right. Hang him on a wall where he can keep an eye on ttll'lgs or remove his wagging tail and sit him on a table. His bright eyes and colorlul body in red. pink. and black en 5ven any room -no matter where you put him. Sold elsewhere for $30 ()() ~It===== =========::l~ Aaron Brothers Special Sl9.88 AB Gift Certificates Good For Any · Dollar Amount . ~· ~ Aaron Brodlers Art Marts ~CIC ' HUNTINGTON llACH 7470 Edinger Ave./Opln MON . .fRI. 10-9, SAT. & IUN. 1CM COITA MIU 1114 Newport llwd./Opln MON • .f'Rl M , UT. I IUN. 1CM SANTA ANA 2111 I . ....,. M./Opln MON._,,., 1M, SAT. I IUN. 1CM ' ' ..........,_._._ ·-- ND ...... ,._ DIM ..,._. ~ ............ .. """,...,. °" ' Orangea Coest DAILY PILOT/Frld8y, November 26, 1982 Al : College to get you into holiday spirit China lecture at OCC . H ave you m ude n p roml1c to youn1elr lO get Into the holiday 1plr1t early this year? Let Orange Coruit College give you a hand. OCC's holiday menu Includes •n ueortment of Christmas concerts, ball et1, plane tarium s h o w s, workaho~. and lectures. The Costa Mesa l'ollcge kicks off its 1982 yule season on Friday, [){>c. 3 • with "The Glory of Christmas.'' a : coricert presented by the Or&nge · i Co\lnty Maste r Chorale. Jlandel's · ! "Messiah" will Ix' shc1wcasl'<i during l h t e concert, which bl•gins at 8 p.m. in OCC's Robert B. Moore Theater. ·Tickets, priced at $8.50 for general ~ . admission and $!> for OCC students. • Gold Card holders (senior citizens) :. and children under 12, are on sale in the OCC Ticket Ornee. OCC's annual student ChrisJPlas pottery and blown glass art sale will run through Dec. 3 in the college's Student Center patio. It will run from 10 a.m. lO 4 p.m. daily, and is open to :; the public. Pieces include bowls; jars, teapo~ pitchers, lamp bases, platters, .. vases, cups and mugs. · Orange Coast's seventh annua l Christmas planetarium show , "The Star of Be thle hem," will r un on • • • • • • • • • • : . , .. ~I 4 •.•• . · .. f'rlday cvmlnp, Dec. a. 10 and 17. The two-hour program be&ina at 7 p.m. In Room 214 o( OCC'• Cht'INatry Building. Admlalion ii .. for adulta and $2 for children. Ticke1.a will b. sold at the door. A 90-mlnut.c IK'mlnar, detiped for those who find the holiday• a very dl(flcult time, will be prt.'IJ(!nted on Friday, Dec. 3. Titled "Geuln1 Out of the Holiday Blat1'" the 1e1alon will run from 7:30-9 p.m. in OCC'1 Fine Art.a Hall 116. Admiaalon la $3.1)0 and tlc~ets are on sale In the Ticket Offke. Santa Cruz elects socia~ist mayor SANTA CRUZ (AP) -For dccad(.'!I this <..'Oastal resort city was bl-st known for thr<X' things: sun. sand und surf.' Now j ts reputation has grown to include a fourth f<'aturt•: socialism. The · 'Y Counc il e lec te d 1ts- scrond soc:ialist mayor this w<.-ck. He 1s Brul-e Van Allen, 32, a c:abinct maker whose participation m the anl!·wor movemen t led h im to mainstream politics. • • • . !;' . . , • • • I ' .. • • • .. A four-hour workahop that olfen upt for lu>t•p!ng off pounda durma thf' holidays, ia ala&ed for Saturday, Dec. 4. Titk-d "A New Wel1h of Uft for the H0Uday1," the aeulon wUI run from 8 a.M. to 1 p.m. in Fine Arta Hall 1 lti. AdmJ.\uu 111 $/\ OCc.'1 lt\#rd annual Chrl1tmaa Work1hOJ> Will run Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4 and 5 from noon lO 4 p.m. In tht' C'Olle1ee'a Student Center. The work1hop focu1ea on creating ornament1, decorathm1, Sifts and carda. Admlaion is $5 per day. Orange Coast '• Community Symphony Orcheatra, featuring Internationally-known pianist Daniel follack u gueat aoloiat, wW perform Sunday, Dec. 5 at 4 p.m. in Robert B. Moore Theatre. The concert will Include works by Reznic ek , Mendelssohn, and Chopin. Tickets are priced at $3 for general admission, and $2 for OCC students, Gold Card holders. and children under 12. OCC will host Its annual High School Choral. festival on ,Tuesday, Dec. 7 and 4·6:30 p.m. in Robert B. Moore Theatre. Six outstanding Orange County high school choirs will oHer Christ.mu and choral selections. Admiaalon is Cree. • • • . . \._ .... "<..'hrlstma11 FMvorltt,." 11 lht• title o( a l'Onct.'rt by OCC's All·Coll<:if' .Choir IM't for Friday, Dec. 10 nt 8 p.m In Rolw1 l B Moore Theatre. Featured work will be "We Werl' There," by Dale Wood. The ~lt.-ctlon lncaudea 11eVen canticlee repre.ntlng wltneues lO the Nattvlty. Admlllion la $1. and tlckel.a wUI be 11>ld at the door. The clauic Chrtltmu ballet, "The Nutcracker," will be presented by the Civic Ballet of Southern California on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 18 and lY. In Robert B. Moore Theater. Three performances are on the agenda. Performances are aet for Saturday and Sunday evenings at 8 p.m .. and Sunday afternoon at 2 p.m. Ticke1.a are available In the OCC Ticket Office for $4. OCC students, Gold Card holders, and children under 12 may purchase tickets for $3. Tickets will be aold at the door for $5. OCC's Ticket Office, located in the college's Administration Building, is open Monday thro\igh Friday fr~ 8 a .m. lO 6 p.m .. and Saturdays from 8 a.m. lO noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone for all concerts and lectures, using Visa or Maste rcard , by calling 556·5527. • • • Chana is the f<X:ua of a c·olorful altdc/let'lurt· program lO be prt.>t1enW<.I J:>ec. 3 at Orange• Coa»t College. The preNCntation wi}I run from 7-9 p .m . In OCC's Science Lt.--cture •Hall 2. Admhalion is $4. • The slide/lecture Honored pr o gram w i 11 be condu,·ted by retired Sharon Carrell, Rear Admir«I Ralph clinical Garri son Admi ral coordinator of Garrison has been an ac t ive trav el photo medical 't"d e nthusiast since the I l~~O's. He commanded surgica nursing· various photography at Hunlin'glon units In the Navy and lntercommunity has ·an extensive library • of color slides. He uses Hospital, has the slidt.'S lO illustrate his been givt•n thf• lectures. N . E II For information about ursang xce e nce the lec ture, phone Award. 556·5880. • • •• • • • =A=·= CHRISTMAS If he'• wl8tllng tar comtor1. glwe him cu .... Our all cotton oxford cloth dress shirt. So comfol1able. he'll wear it even when he relaxes after hours. Single needle tailofing, IWO ply oxford cloth, with split yoke construction and extra long body and tall. Finished off with ocean pearl buttons and our own quality guarantee In white, blue, yetfoN•. ecru• or pink•. 27.50. In MEN'S FURNISHINGS. • Colors available Costa Mesa only • • • • • • 14Y2 15 15V2 16 16'12 17 17'/:> • ' 32 • • • • • 33 • • • • • 34 • • • • • • 35 • • • • • • 36 • • • • • 37 • • • • • South Coast Plaza, Brea Mall. -Los.Cerril06 GeAler-:--Outsld&-our local dialing areas in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. call toll free · 1 ·800·432-7175. All stores open Friday and Saturda_y until 9:30, Sunday 1 O:OC>-6:00. • • • • ·. • • • • • • ' . . .• • • • ..> .~ • • Le_ • i!• Or•ne: Oo••t DAIL. v PILOT /Frldav, November 28, 1112 r I I . . ' I :... . I I -~ i ' . f • . f l t I ~ • • .;, . . \. ' . ;. . t • . . . . I .. • • . .. / .. ' ' . . r . ·J ' , J . . . . a i.. ... -:/.. -" /. . ' .· ' ' . ,_ '· I l ' t .. .. / .l ,.. • .J . . . TJ1ese signatures . represent the . . · _. n1any .D_ally_pl~l-=--o~t ----4 · em lo1~s -. who have · -contributed to the · United Way campaign. · . A~-*'1P011M11Npol"90AILYPILOT ' .. . ' . ' . .. l ; ... 1., • ·• 'r µ ,.. ... Orange Com DAILY PILOT /Friday. Nov•mber 28. 1982 ~ 7 Marketing seniinar slated for OCC OCC'• Adnllnlittitllon Bulldlna. Real•traUon f<"e la $20. Tht' fee l ncludH lunc h , matcrlal1, parkina ~nd rct~ .. h~·n\al. Credit card orden Mn• tK'C.'i.'pWd for VUW. or M1111wrcard ·stuffing risky job An lnternatlon•I marke1in1 lf'minar that &ak..-. 1t ~l<*l look al flnanci•I arranal'me nui wlll be oflcrred Thunday a t Ori.nae Cout Colle •. Titit.td ·~ Mo11'°y Ma<.·hine," the 4 \It ·hour aeulon is co - 1pon1 ore d b y t he U .S . Department of Commerce and the Southern California Ouurtct Export Council. Pre -re1l1tration \11 rt.'C.'Ommended, apace la limited. Thoee interes~ may regjater in OCC'a Community Serval'e Offi(.'e, located in the colleg~·s Administration Building. The oflk."e. la open Monday throu.ih Friday Crom 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Suturduys from 8 a.m. to noon. Sumln1t1r lcH·turer l• Jt11n Campoli. tt..nlor intcrnatloni.I marketing cona1ult.Ant with the U.S Departmt'nt of CommerL-e F or Informatio n about the M>mlnnr, hont-5~-~880. Mid, "You muat be caWna a~t Amf~'O" aa 100n u New Braunfell wu r!Mintioned. Amflco hu a very unaatlafactory BBB record with numerou1 complalnta. none of which have been answered by the company. The BBB added that thll particular work-at· home buslneu has been ln existence since early thil year, but it la not new to thla type of operation. "Whenever the poet office cloeet them down, they jult open up under another name.•• Few, If any, work-at-home Jobe similarly deecribed are what they appear to be in their advertiain1. Steer clear of ads promiaing large profita for little work and tho.e requiring you to pay money to obtain further Information. The seminar will run from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. In Room 106 of .......... ......... , Free Phone Cal Home DAILY PILOT Cloulfled Ada ~2-1671 TAX FAVORED INVESTMENTS Excellent profit Potential 100% lo 500% DEAR PAT: I !Moe yo1 cu teU me lf &M1 company 11 for real or 1u1t a ripoff. It'• American Fidelity Co. Amfleo) la New Braunfel1, Texa1. Tiiey NY &bey MIMI yH CM circular and envelope• ud ~lmple dlrecU.1. Tllen you tend &be staffed envelopes badl to diem. Tbey pay you back for 1blpp1D1 Oii )'Hr next paycheck. Tbey require a SU de~H1 wblcb they also pay back to you. We ca&Jea die Better Bume11 Bureau and &bey uy alley doe'& bave any compla1Dt1 oa &1111 compuy, bat daey Nld die poet office never beard of any compuy oat-of-state bavlq envelopes 1taffed and shipped back to tbem. I'm woaderla1 lf till• 11 jaet aaodaer "•tart you own bas1De11" 1cbeme or If I could make 1ome money worll1D1 for diem. I sure C09.ld He a Job like tlth or anodaer ll1Dd of aaeembly work job at bome. •. · ' • Got a problem; Then write ro Par Horowiiz. Par will cul red u.pe, pllif16 che answers an(I action you need to 10/ve inequities ;n Now thru Dec. 23 M:I and Huntington Center will give 'owoy over 15,000 3 ·min. long distance phone calls for tat year Write Off Sl,000 -•10,000 Minimum Investment E.A., Hunt1D1ton Beacb The Better Business Bureau you contacted apparently d oes not maintain contact with the San Antonio Better Business Bureau. which serves the New Braunfels area. The spokeswoman at the San Antonio BBB ~ 631-1762 ~! -/ ~ \ C>< \VINHO\V F.ASHIONS- CUSTOM DRAPERIES ETC •. ... FOR YOUR NEW OUUOOK 40% SALE 60~ 10-DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSH• Free Horne Estinates -Custom Draperies --bevelor Blinds -Vertlcle Blinds -Woven Woods 11 Ill It l1M1t•lt Prltttl PtllUC NOTICE MllC NOTICE NOTICE TO CONTil.ACTC>ft• C .. m1' CALUlfO '°" 81DI NOTICa 05 TMllTU'I SAU SCHOOL DISTRICT: Orenge T.a. ......... Coun1y Oepertm.nl of Educellon. ~~E T , ..._ .. County SUpetlntendenl of Scftool9. YOU AAE IH -.-rAUL _.. A BIO OEAOLINE: Tu .. dey, OEEO OF TfllUST, DATED Oeceml>« 14, 1982 el 10;00 A.M. OCT08Efll 18, 1171. UNlES8 YOU PLACE OF BID RECEIPT: Ofenge TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR County 0epert"*11 ol EduceUon, PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Room 215, 1300 S. Grend Avenue, PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AH Bldg. 8 &.nte Ana, CA. EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE Pl\OJECT IDENTIFICATION OF THI! PROCEEDING AGAINST NAME: T~ Syatem. Ofenge YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A County Oepenment ol Educ:etlon. LAWYER. 200 l<Mnus, Colle M-. CA. On Oecembef 10, 1182. at tt-15 PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS Lm. SECURITY ALLIED SERVICES AVAILABLE FROM: Eatline ~ aa duiy appointed Truet .. undet & Auocletea, Communlc1tlon1 end pur1uent to Deed ol Truet Conaultenta, 38753 Yucc• TrH, r-ded OctotMr 30. 1978, a lnelr. Pelmd•I•. CA 93550. tel: No. 39520, "'bOOll 12901. peoe 8051273-0055. '1818, of Offlcl•I Record• In t1'e NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN IMt omQe of the County fllecorder the Ofenge County Oepertrnent ol Of'enge County, Stet• of ClilltotnlL Education, County SUperinlendent EJcewted by CATHERINE MARIE ot Schools, Oreng• County.I BARNETT. • single woman WILL California, heretnlf1« referred to u SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO "SUPERINTENDENT" wtll reclliYe HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH up to. but not leter thin 111e et>ove (p1yeble •I lime of 1181-In '-"" 1111ed time aHl•d bid• tor th• mooey of tha United Stat•) • the ewwd of • contrect tor the ebOve front entranc. 10 lhe old Orange PfO)ect. County Cour1houH, located on 81d1 lhllll be recel\'ed In the pl-S • n t• A ne 81 vd .. between ldenlllled ebove, end 1h1il b1 Sycemore St. & Broadway, s.nta opened end publicly reed elOUd el Ana. Celltornle, ell right, Ihle end the ebove 11eted Ume end piece. lnter•t conwy9d lo and now Mid The SUPERINTENDENT r_,..,.. by II under Mid Deed of Trust In the the right 10 reject any or e11 bid• or pro~ty allueted In Hid County to w1lve eny frregul1rlllu or end Stele d9ec:tlbed u: - lnlormelttles In eny blda or In the PARCEL 1: UNIT 2, Unit 2, M bidding. ahown end ~ on that c.tMI Bldcf..-mull aubmll the neme1 condominium plen recorded end 1ddre11u .of eech 1ub· September 19, 1978, In Book contrector whO wltl perform worti or 12847. Pege 930, ol Offlclel render l«Vlce9 to the contractor In Record a ol Orenge County, connection with lhe proJect, CeilfomlL apectfylngwtlatwor1tor-W:..wfll PARCEL : An undivided 'h be IUb-COntrected. lnlerwt In end 10 Lot 1 of Trect No. No bidder mey wtthdr...., hit bid 10182. In the City of Coate U... 1or • l*1od of 1bity (80) deyt eh« County of Orenge, Stet• of 1he det• Mt tor the Of*'lng ot btd&. CeHlornle, H 1hown on • map A performenct bond wlll be racorded In Book 429, P9ge1 22 required prior to 1lgnlng of the end 23 of Ml•c•ll•n•ou• Mepa, Contrect Th• ~rlormance bond record• of Orenge County. lhelf be In the form 114 forth In the Ce,lllornla, tog et her with ell Contrect Documents. knpfo"9n'!enll thereon. ••CIP1'"9 By: Robert ~-t,_.Oft'I condominium Unite t Ind County Superinttndenl 2. IOUled !Weon. Of School9 PARCEL 3 : An ••clualv• Publilhed Orenge Coelt Oelly _,..,..t eppurt-1 to ..:ti 111111 Pilot Nert. 19, 26. 1982 tor IM .1111 end oc:cupency of"- 5102·82 portion• of the rwtrtcted comrl'l!lfl ------------· .... de91gneted In ... DecWatlorl PtalC NOTICE of flle9trlc11on• end ehown on the ----------•condominium-plan for ..:fl unit. flCTITIOUI IUllNIU For lnl•rme11on only: Code: MAm ITAn•MT 15-<M4; AF NO.: 936-03-()02, • The lollowlng per1on1 ere doing The 1trffl eddr111 end other t>ullneu u c:ommdn dMlgnetlon, 11 llr/. of lfll CITIZENS FINANCE, 14252 rHI property deec:rlbed •bove .. Culver Drive, Suite O. lrvln•. purported to be: 2241 Orenge Allla.. calilornle 92714 Unit B., COiie Mlle. CA. . CITIZENS GROUP, INC., • Tl't • undersigned Tru•t•• Celllornl• c;cu~orellon, 14251 ldlacl•lm• eny lleblllty tor eny Culver Drive, Suite 0 , lrvlne, lnoor'9C1,_. of the 11rwt·~ c.llfornlll 92714 _. end other common dellgnetlon, If Tl'tll bullMll 11 condUCled by • f/lf'f, .,_ herein. c:«por•llOn. Seid ute wlll be m1de, b11t Ollften1 Group, Inc. without "011enent or werrenty, Mlchlll W. McGulr1, ••Pf-or Implied. r.g11rdlng tttta. Pl'llllOenl pOIUHlon, Of encumbr-. 10 This 1111-1 wu n1ec1 wttl't 1111 pey 1t1e l'9IMlnlnll Pftndpel """ °' eour.ty CWk of Ofenge County on the note llOlnCf by Mid Deed of NoYember 9, 1N902. Trust, with lnternt thereon ... CAllMTZ & KA M provtded In Mid note • .,.,_, If 91 ........ c:...-Dme, any. under the --of Mid Deed ..... • ol Tru1t, fee1, ch1rg11 1nd tnt., C..,_. 11711 expeneea of the Truee.. Ind of ltll ,.,_ 1ru111 cr11ted by Mid o.d ol Publl•l't•d Orenoe Coa11 Dally Tr1* Piiot. Nov. 12, 19, 28, Oec 3, 1N2 T1l9 total 11111M11 of lfle unpaid 501•12 M11nc1 of IN obllgetlon _.., ----------by the property to be IOld llftd rtalC NOncE re11on•bl• e1tlm111d 00111, --====-=-====:::---1-.--1nc1 ~ ......... ~A~U of th• lnltl1I p11bllcet1on of the Nottoe of a... 111139.017 ..... Thi toflowlng pertone 8111 dolno The benelldery under Mid Qled ~ •: • of Truel hel'etofofe ....., encl OUALltv ASS!MILIES, 15577 delivered to the 11nder11tfled • Grl!Nrn Street, Huntington lleec:ft. Wfttten Oederallon of D119uR encl Cellfonlle 92849 Oll'llllftd fOf' ..... and a "'"*' P e u I 8 IV c h e n II 0 , I t U 1 No1toe of o.f9ult Ind lleo1lofl 10 Normendy i.-. Huntington IWtl ..... Tiie ""'9nlll_, _.., 11111 Celltornl• 12114 7 NotlOI ot Dlfelllf enc1 IJeotloll to Jo11ph E. Kerrlgen, 1011 I 9'I to IMI reaonl9CI 111 1111 oounty ll•nche Clrcle, luene Puk, ..._. 11119111Dfooertr11 IOCM!ld. Callfotnl• totlO ............ ~ It. 1112. Thll bua1neM II oondllNd i,. a ,_, ._.... ._- genetal P#111111Np ~ c,n. #212 Pllll ~o Nof9' Ha1t1aood CA l1I07 Thie ltM"'nent Wll llled wifl Ille (113,ll0-4'11, ht. U64 County ctn of Orenge County °" JudMll fl ac.tlnl. October 11, l"2 Alll. VIie ........_ . ,,.. ,.,......., Orange Collet Deltr Publlehed Orlf\99 Coa11 Deity Nol. Now. II, 11. 0.0. a. 1111 Plot, NoY 11, 11, 11" Oec I tllf . _ .• , .. ,C.11 142-1171. ,.,, .... weld• .. ..,, ,., ,..,. -'\>' I gowrnrnenr and bwinNS. Mail your qUfttiOlll to Par Horowitz, Ac Your &rvice, Orange Cour Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'80, Cosui Mesa. CA. 92626. the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. ·~ --~ "~ tID oofm m[b@[J) ~mmilnumir@ lillliil~1f.'I Alumlnum F1omea Include -,... -----~ ' 1e,_.. IObric. ond eosv glide rOll«• Single glozeo Unossembled Ready '°' P<)lnl Of stain A..7-0lowet ~0r-_1oe.44 I.Mall«~ Alm09e -· ·-1 oe.44 c Mallet .f'iec.e oes11 _ ·-_ 1•.• 1 t;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:-"'.:-=::-7:-::-::1=m=t .... -,._. ••••• Doof lprtng to-Lb. ltoll ·~ M1ne101 11010 1oll rool tnQ Jual no•I oown ond seal w1lh lop ce men• Cove•s approx ...... 100SQ h 1.17fa. 2"x4'"xl' ltud Gnlde ltudl A"'"*""" ctulter or CondUclor Pipe tieavy<lul'( 1 ().h Oluml· num gulllr 01 1 ().fl CJluml. num condUClol Dii:>e s257 •399 HERMES MILANO, INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSULT ANTS .. . (714) 751-2400 • Visit K mart's Patio For Purchasing Qua Illy Plants At Discount PrlceL A. •:.S". llYe Decorated Christmas fr"-----2.88 I. 6" ' Potted Foll Wrapped Poinsettia ....... _ .. 3 • 8 8 c.=·~--·····--.... 2.97 0·~1~ ................... 2.57 f. ~~~ ... -.......... 2.97 ·c--•·· Ideal for plonllng 01 Helpl tetoir\ momure In b looming or o ccer'll IOndy SOii 2-cu n oom. l)lonb Mode OI Col1t l(~n· Pfeued bole dfled tedwoocl 16"x12" ltart the holday ol wtlh a HOLIDAY BREAKFAST 2•'"8 (Cooked the way you ••them) l•IOllMgePallle• 1 .. nglllh Mullin • butter 1.49~~ot --- •.527 10" ::l.Porta Color® TV 13" ::t. Porta Color® TV 19" ::&.Color /Remote Control 21"::&. COior Console Vrv1.Cotor System tor loc~ed In cl'Onnel lun· 1n11. In line plclure lut>• system ACC Auiomottc C04o< ConlrOI 100~ t04•d slOle Cl'IOlSIS ON*f....._ ......oen.11 NMM-... ""''"'~~ Olld~.,. ... ........ . ' ' v1v1 Colo< .. Syslem •or IOckld 1n cl'IOnnel tunlnQ ln·llne Block Molrl • PIClure lube ACC 1'utomotlc color ConlrOI 1001'. t041d alOM chOUI• ... ,,. ..... c ......... ... A9cetvel. belt.OIV9tl rec:Old Dfov« "'otll·loocl CQIM!t9. 2 ac>eallert ...... eev.oa Cotor Mor11t0t SVttem OCljustS cotor PtCture before vou ... ti Programmable Soon Remole COl'trOI sele<:IS ond scon1 Ch0nnef5 Quoitz Eleclrontc 1~ Wtll'I t 12-cfl<>Mel ooeoblllly Performance II SOiid ltole chOMll s147. COiOI MontlO! Svs•em OdlUllS COIOI piclure before vou see ti Au1omo11c F1equencv Con"ol locks In channel wni~ wllt\oVt •IOdjustmenl ln·"M 810c~ Molrt• plctvie lube Periormonce ~ IOl!d $I01• Cl'IOlStS .. '448 0.....1• ....... .............. l I! ~· -'• Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /f"rldav. No~•mber 2e, 1082 Overcrowding the Teal county jail proble1n In the last two years, 18 prisoners have · died while in the sheriff's custA>Cly. The last three all died within the month, .although the cause in each case does not 1eem relat~ to their incarceration. Even b efore these la t est . deaths, the Orange County Grand Jury had begun a probe of jail conditions. In the case of the three most recent deaths, Sheriff Brad Gates and Health Care Agency Director Charles Kerns pla n to ask the Board of SuJM!rvisors to add six full-time and one part-time nursing positions to the county jail. With the additional personnel, the sheriff says he can screen each person entering the jail to winnow out possible medical problems. In the c ase of Mic h ael Antonio Rosas, one of the three recent deaths, additional medical screening would not have helped. He died from a burst blood v~l at the base of his neck . Neverthe less, we support Gates' call for m ore medical personnel at the jail. We would hope that the nurses would be just that, tho ugh -Independent medical personnel whose word is law in cases of health. It would be unfortunate if the nurses were part of the ,jail guard system. Adding nurses, although a good idea;'is still putting a Band· aid on a "Mljor wound. The bottom line is ~hat the Or9nge County J ail is grossly overcrowded. Built to house 1.337 prisoners, the average daily censu5 is now running 1,700. And it goes higher on wee k e nds. Tha t kind of ove r cro wding n ee d s to b e addressed. Orange County has so far been lucky enough to escape the major disruptions that have been seen at other overcrowded ·jails a!l.P'~risons. __....Givel1'" Proposition 8 and the facilities avartable. the situation can only get worse. We urge the county to tackle the real problem facing the jail -too little space - and to move swiftly with selection• - of a site for an additional jail facility. Dual role difficult Rece,nt deaths ot inmates in county jail facilities have brought up an old problem for another round of discussion -the dual role of th e s h e riff as jail supervisor and coroner. The sheriJC's and coroner's offices were combined in 1970 as a cost-cutting move . The w isdom of that action is open to debate. But the county, although growing. had a amaJJer population and a lower crime rate back then. In 1980, a county Grand Jury examined the combine d office and asked for safeguards to prevent possible conflict of interest. That problem could arise in the case of a death V1hen a person is in the custody of a sheriff's deputy. Although the pathology report is prepared by a forensic pathologist. cause of death is determined by the coroner -in Orange County's case, the sheriff. Despite the added safeguards, the Grand Jury basically ap- proved the combination of the two offices. • ' The latest-round of deaths of prisoners has brought the subject to light again . We don't think Sheriff Gates is guilty of any impropriety. It is simply that this discussion has -taken place so many times in the t it seems time to bury1t. For a11 its remaining great open spaces, Orange County is an urban environment, with all the problems that classification entails. If the offices o{ sheriff and coroner were independent once again. there would be no more discussion of possible conflict, of interest. We would think that this would be a relief to Sheriff Gates, who by now must be tired of all the rhetoric. It seems wiser all the way aroun~. There doesn't need to be an actual conflict of interest to give the perception of that conflic t. Combining the offices saved money for a while . We think Orange County has grown past that now. ... Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex-presMd on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit- rJi.f»d<f.ress The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mew. CA 92626. Phone (7U) Resume the dialogue now An editorial from the Sacramen to Bee. Most or the world appears to have been startled at the suddenness with which, following the death of Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet leadership installed Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party. Such uncharactistic dispatch strongly sugaests that a committee had been running thingia in the Kre mlin for some time, and that Andropov already was the designated successor. It remains to be seen how much power Andropov will be able to wield on his own, but his speedy elevation to the Soviet Union's top job sh ould make it easier to get the Soviet-American dialogue restarted. Should is the ope rative word. becau5e President Reagan has yet to gjve any sign he ls really interested in a thaw in relations with Moecow. In fact, he seemed to go out of his way at hia news conference ..._ only hours after the death of Brezhnev was made public -to be ungracious, pauing off the event as only one among several of current in terest, then launching into one of h is paten!ed attacks on the Soviet Union. Sven at a time of great tension between the supe rpowe rs, s uch .,.tuit.oUS bad manners are unseemly f,_ a head of state. Surely Reagan muld pus one day in t.he White House without attacking the Kremlin. The president also has made it known that he expects the flnt move ..,ant a revival of an atmosphere of detent.e'to come from Moecow, which ii conaiaumt with his apparent view at the Sovi e t leade rs are rmanen\ly on trial ln a. court .. llOl!d over by the UnUed States. U1UmirlC that were true, such turinC i1norea the realities of Id poUtks. But If Reapn'a 1en1e af rectitude demands a $ovtel l"tUre, ORANGE COAST ~ llHJPilm OTHER VIEWS he might contemplate the fact that Andropov Invited Vice President Bush, who represented this country at .Brezhnev's funeral, for a private half-hour meeting shortly afterward, a move not demanded by protocol. To their credit, both sides have refrained from grandiose gestures either toward conciliation or bellicosity (Reagan's press confe~ performance excepU!d). They are wise not to raise expectAUons or height.en fears at a time when the new Soviet l eaders hip, however much its accession might have been prepared, is finding its footing. But the current lull must not be allowed to drag on indefinitely. It would be foolish to expect the Russians to humble themselves, just as it would be wrong for this country to retract or cease its criticism of Soviet ac t ions tn Afghanistan and Poland and against Russia's own dissidents. At the same time. a softening of the inflammatory rhetoric in which the president has engaged since he first appeared on the U.S. political acene would do this nation no harm. Reagan's continuln1 stridency not only plays to hawtu.h elements in this country but alt10 make. any future mearlingful dialo1ue with Moecow that nauch more difficult to explain to an Ame rican public rondltioned by the president's polemics. The right wing in this country has tried to make a dirty word of def,t!ftte. a French word diat means almply relaxation. Until this month's election, it almost seemed they tuid ~­ But It should be deer by ~t the great majority of the American people want a detente that doe1 not compromise our national lntentta. The procem should belln now. I , ........ , ..... ,.µ,~ •. JetMA....n t ••rv1 .. e (do'Or ............. 'o.ior• ""' , __ .REPEll.18111 UVIJRlll&e. 0&..IBLOe.. 'Cabinet of Millionaires' WASHINGTON -Times are tougher this holiday season than at any time sinc e t he Great Depression. As unemplo,Yment continues to climb and jobless benefits run out, many Amerit;an families had t.o count themselves lucky if they could scrape together the money for even a modest version or the traditional turkey dinner. • At the same time, there is a group of men who had good reason to count their blessings on Thanksgiving Day. The American system has been truly good to them. They have made sit.able fortunes and are in a unique position to safeguard their wealth through political Influence. I REFER, of course, t.o the "Cabinet of Millionaires," the plutocrats whom • Ronald Reagan -himself a millionaire -has appointed to run the federal government. Their decisions affect the lives of every American. With few exceptions. the Cabinet me mbers d o n 't r eall y n eed the ir government salaries; the $69,630 a year they rollect from Uncle. Sam each year is barely a blip on the chart of their Incomes from investments and in terest, a minor annoyanc e to their tax ac<:oun t.ants. So I have a modest proposal for theae Cabinet Croesuses: Why not donate their 1overnment salaries to a special fund that will be used t.o feed the needy on future Thanksgivings? The Cabinet fund would be more than simply a magnanimous gesture. It would provide a real public service in line with the Reagan philosophy or private-sector philanthropy. And it would set a 1hini111 JKl 11111111 r equired to fill out are g enerously obscure. allowing wide ranges o f estimates between m inimum and maximum figures. But whe n my associate Eric Koli checked the records, it became clear that most C.abinet members could make up their federal salaries out of petty cuh. Here are some of the fattest of the Cabine t fatc au. The incomes and holdings listed include th0&e. of spouses. if any. but net the federal salaries; -CIA Director William Casey listed income of $438,000 to $833,000 or more. His holdings were valued at between $3.2 million and $5.3 million -plus, with liabilities of $3 15.000 to $4 00.000 or more. -Attorney General William French Smith: •273,000 to $510,000 in income; holdings or S2 million to $3.4 mlllion- plus. with lia bilities of $1 5,000 to $50,000. -Secretary of State Ge(>rge Shultz: $1.J million to $1.2 million-plus In income; holdings of 12 million to $3.2 million-plus. with liabilities of $115.000 to $300.000. -Defen se S ecretary Caspar Weinberger: $676,000 to $1 million-plus inJo~holdbl&S of $2.4 million to ta,4 million-plus. No liabilities lisU!d. -TREASURY SECRETARY Donald Regan: $746.000 to $814 ,000 or more in income: holdings worth $850,000 to $1.38 million-plus, with liabilities of $11 5,000 to $300.000. -Commerc~ S ecretary Ma,lcolm Baldrige: $1.5 million to $1.7 million-plus in income: holdings of $2.2 million to $3.1 million-plus, with liabilities of $680,000 to $950,000-plus. -Labo r Secretary Ray mond Donovan: $313',000 to $388,000-plus in income: holdings worth $2.2 million to $3 million-plus, with habilltaes of $1 million. to $1.5 million or more. · -Agriculture Secretary John Block: $128.000 to *232,000 m ineome: holdings - of $2.9 miJlion to$3.5 million-plus, with liabilities of $5 million to $6.8 million or more. -Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis: $871,000 to $1.l miJlion-plus in income: holdings worth S2 million to $3.5 million-plus. with liabilities of $1 million to $1.2 million-plus. -Housing and Urban Development Secretary Samuel Pierce: $43,000 to $97 .000 in income: holdings of $900,000 to $~ million-plus, with liabilities of $100.000 to $250,000. Footnote: If the "Cabi n e t of Millionaires" decides to adopt this modest proposal. I can supply them with plenty of names of deserving recipients from the fund. I get hundreds of letters 'each week from needy Americans with pleas for help. · Is Congress worth this investment? If ever there was the time when the words and promises should be weighed, and assayed. we're in it. , It is more than the teetering economy, and the fact that we got there because or ongoing laxity in government spending. It is how much longer do we keep playng the game? Ho w good ls this Washington legislative stewardship? Whal are we getting for our dollars, and what can we expect? PULL FOR, or tear into. Reaganomics· and you'll get right back to home plate -the Co~gress of the United States must answer for a multitude o( our problems. Certainly, the economic fabric of the-land. A Washington-based group called The Tax Foundation, non-profit and dedicated, they say. to research and educational organization, has come up with some shaking discoveries. In the fiscal year just ended. the operations of Congre. will have coet the taxpayers $1.5 billion -up 2·1 percent from the previous fiacal year. The current issue of Washin~ton Report says that it means we have spent $4 million per U.S. senator and $2.6 million per House member the past year -including the coat of the ir joint operations. Or, more pointedly, 10 times more ,h=l, -fll-ll-lc-11-11-IT--a)i than ffie Congress did In 1970 and twice what it did in 1975. That, taxpayers, is just what it cost to run the C.Ongress - not wruat it spent. in its wid9om. THE PROCESSES of spending have acceleraU!d over the past several decades with the problems. politics and dema')ds of the times. But, even with grinding all those items into the mill. it becomes tough to digest when Washington Report reminds: "It took Congress nearly 200 years to reach the $1 billion spending mark i!1 All in your point of view Antics with Semantlcs: -I h-eve a "habit," you have a "problem," he has an "addiction." -Any place that boaau an "ambiance" co.ta at least twice u much aa a place that merely haa "almolphere." -A "distinguiahed0 performer ii one whole name is not well known enouih ~ •n•· ¥'> I to UR simply by l•U. -CPret.ktent 8-pn. by the way, haa proved hlmaelf to b• a mHt•r of semantic c•mouflqe with the elepnt anUc of "Rev9nue ~t" for • tax 1a1:re .... . -An ... u.t .. ii~ who wanll to appl1 hilh•r stantirda than I do &o education. Job ptOmOllan. or proflllional lkWa... -"lxclUllYe" In ... llU'lanL'e ..... avadtble IO U1QM wldl lhe .-dy CMh, ,...,.._of any adw ,._., . -An "--=-adw .. ~ from the chairman of the boerd to an amlltent =wtlar ..................... ,,, . -...... ~." .. lri the tide al "" TV 11.aW, ii a---. Of_. ..... ~ . at their most unreal in order to aatisfY. the prurient curiosity or real people who lack the ability to entertain then\aelves. -.. Propa1anda" la wha\ the other side emita, aa contrasted with the "(acta" soberly stated by our lide. -A "per.onality" In show business la a performer who does nothhll especially well, and hu become known for being known. -A ••con&rolled substance" la a tubetance wtw.e pUrchMe and uw has betvme rwlatiwl1 uncontrolled. -"Hon-orrattonal" means that IOIMtNNI Aln t working and the penona rnponai6l• .... va1uely aahamed of edmlttjnl it. -To "moUYate'' llOl1)eOne la to pt him at her to do what you want done. reprd.._ of mo\lv1tee'1 wilhea, needl. or..-. -A .._. bedroom'' ii• bedroom pl8nnld. fUrnllhed and ··~·· br the ........,.. of the howe, to the "°"'~ ......... of the mlllllr. -Tbe ..,._ Watlcl'' ii • i.nn that emtNw -of the unf,..... countries ln the world, 10 lon1 a1 they are mWtandy ... ~. -CompanlH 1hat advertise ~lwl•"PeoDleHt1 ......... ==wrlM!n Uatre0f. ihoulcl be ..lt .. •...uly"~ ""8 Mw tD nllM a pn9_flt In IQ..., ...... j&; ~-l)r, WMn it .....,.._ ,.,._ lh9 l't eut off.) 1978, but only four more years to reacn $1.5 billion. "There.Js a bright spot on the horizon, however. If the budget adopted in Ja nuary is abided by. Congress will spend $52 million less on ileelf next year than this year." Heartening. b ut we still have the entire fiscal year to go. Ite ms like occupancy of the new $137 million Hart Senate building that has proved so touchy with its surplus gymnasiums and fluffs that few senators want to be caught alive -or dead -in it. In fiscal 1982 the direct costs toted up by The Tax Foundation amounU!d to $227 million spent by the Senate and an approximate $368 million by the HOUBe. But, when the Senate and House get together for their joint activities, the Tax Foundation estimates you can add another $907 million. Keep closely in mind that these are the basics of operating the two bodies of Congress -n ot their legis la tive appropriations. "INCLUDED in the joint activities of both houses were $145 million for the architect or the Capitol .. who ovenees housekeeping and constfuction; $291 million for the Library of C.Ongreas, and $2 million (or the Botanic Garden. which provides flowers for congressional offices." And what oHice is conducive to meditating and lawmaking without a zinnia o~ petunia splashed around here and there? The Tax Foundation is worried about all of this -although the items appear minute when we read the billions of coets every day. But, it notes: "The more important iuue would seem to be \he extent. If any, to whk:h this increase In size and coat of the legislative branch la reaultin1 in the Improvement and greater effectiwne. of the legislative proce11 and product." Now. there's a thinker. ) . -· -· .-. ................ . "':' -:..-__ _ ,, Ii . • 1. )? ., A "' ~ H 16 'I J "'· 'J .. I. 10 q J 8 . ·I L Orong Co at DAI LV PILOT I rlday, November 28, 1982 1111 llTlll 200 II 1111 NITllO 1111111 Economy 4 cyllnder. AM/FM Economy 4 cylinder. 5 speed, stereo tape, power steering. vlnyt AM/FM stereo and custom top, air cond .• custom Wheels, & Wheels. (391XFNI low. low mllesl (669UBT). $3395 . $3395 011 ·a , iEw· 111s.u11sa1 .CoRiliJ HITCHBICI, SERIAL . #&&0201, VS. I COIPIRIBLY EQUIPPED llEW DITSUll , 200-SI, HOllDA PRELUDE, TOYOTA CELICI GT OR .vw SCIROCCO I I I SURPRISE! ~ 011 I llEW MITSUBISHI TREDll SEDlll, . SERIAL #&00243, VS. I COIPIRllLY EQUIPPED llEW lllSSlll STlllZI ·oR HOllDI ACCORD I ••• SURPRISE!=---=-=----- ON A NEW MITSUBISHI PICl-UP, SERIAL #200316, VS. COMPARABLY EQUIPPED PICK-UPS FROM FORD, CHEVROLET, DATSUll DR TOYOTA I I I SURPRISE! . . . ALSO CHECK OUT THE TURBO-DIESEL PICK-UP -THE FIRST OF ITS 11110! Economy 4 cylinder, AM/FM Auto. trans .. Ve. AM/FM tape, stereo cauette, & sun roof. power lleerlng, vlnyl top, air (IT16813) cond .• & low mllell (370\JZJ). s3495 . s3a95 Economy 4 cylinder, AM/FM stereo CHHtte. & roof rack. (114287) s4495 OPOI lllllAY·SAMDAY 1:30 tot 11 SUJl)AY: 10 le I I FRIDAY, NOV. 29, 1882 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 87 Make a succulent wreath for the holidays ... 84 0 ~ ' D t• Oeler PMol "'°4oe llf 0err .,....,_ _, f'lltto* 0 Vince McGuinness (right), a student al Corona del Mar High School, works ith a computer at Ford Aerospace as pa t of the Adopt-a-School program. Denise Morz (far right and below), a 6-year-old a t Paularino Elementary chool, is on the beam wi th bean bags to h elp her work on lateral movement as part of the program, too. Businesses help education with , Adopt-A-School By JODI CADENHEAD Miiie Delly ..... ateft Stuclents at Costa Mesa High School, like nearly all children In the Newport-Mesa Unified · ·School District, salvage pencil& and use paper sparingly. With school budgets shrinking every year. teachers and admini!trators complain that students are not only doing without new basketballs and modem computers, but even every day items -pencils and paper are in short supply. In 1972 the district dispersed $978,000 for classroom supplies, spending $37.40 on every student. Thia year, with inflation driving prices up, the figure is $563,114 with only $31.52 spent per student. The result, officials said, is a shortage of everything from playground equipment and eruen to bulletin boards and bll9eballs. Seeing the need for help in the bele.aguered dbtrict, bUlinell leadert in the community stepped in last spring and started a program called Adopt-A-School modeled after a similar program in Los Angeles. Local companies target specific schools for assistance. They work to raise non- monetary donations and advise students on career choices. So fa!J seven schools have been a<fOpted in the program ob!tervers say has rekindled a brillge between tbe businea community and schools. •1We've been forced by changing circumstances to feel isolated and left out." said district superintendent John Nicoll. "But with the Adopt-A- School program we feel imbedded in a community matrix. I think it's a great step in the right direction." Bank of America in Costa Mesa was the first company to join the program after adopting Costa Mesa High School. So far the high school has received a riding lawnmower. a bulletin board and a leadership conference, thanks to the bank's efforts. Don Young, vice president and manager of the bank, said he plans to call on other local business leaders to help fulfill many of the school's nee<J£ such as a new roof. paint, paneling and folders. Such was the case last spring when the banker noticed a list of Scotch taped messages outside the school's career office. In a matter of days Snyder Drywall presented a piece of surplus board, otherwise destined for the trash. "It's all just \hat simple," said Young. "As long as you're not asking for money the reaction is super. All my career I've been fnatrated by the fact t~ Bank of America has 80 many re90Ul'CeS avaiJable and all the school had to do was ask for them." The moat expensive gift, so far, has come from Ford . Aeroapace in Newport Beach - $300,000 worth of electronic equipment and computers-last month went to Corona del Mar High School. "Those are things that are otleolete to them," said achool vice-principal Serge Baltran. "But it's gold to us." . The aerospace-and def~ finn also plans to help thekhool 'in its landscaping and clean up efforts by offering the use of trucks to help clear the grounds. "We live in this community," said Ford 'representative Phillip Glasgow. "We want. to be a ·part of it. Hopefully the kids will go onto college and then want to come back and work for _µs." Avco Financial Services Co. in Newport Beach has taken Newport Harbor High School under its wing. Last week the school received a word processor, min!-computer and calculator that were no longer being used by the firm. Walt Cubbin, assistant vice president of personnel services for the finance firm, said, "I don't know if it directly benefits business. Indirectly it does. If by donating these things the child becomes better educated then maybe he will be a better employee." F.stancia High School in Costa Mesa was recently, adopted by Bank of America and MSI Data Company, which alao offered to help Costa Mesa High School. Although excited by the venture, F.atancia High School principal Robert Francy said. "We're not lookina for outdated equipment that wlli become an albatrosa. We're not out looking for anything ~l becau. it's free." Kindergarten and special education students at Paularino Elementary School in Costa Mesa are playing-on balance beams and bean bap. thanks to the efforts of the Costa Mesa Kiwanis North. • The service club adopted the elementary achool last year and built aluminum shelves last month for uae in a school reading program. in the Adopt-A-School program is to give something back to the community and to help students," said Kanaga. "We're not interested in a kid becol'l)ing a financial officer: we'rj! interested in the child becoming better educated." The marriage of business and education is nothlnc new in the Newport-Mesa School District. Although not part of the Adopt- A-School program, Andersen Elementary School in Newport Beach. received 50 cartons of paper and two truck loads of playground sand last .year. Carol Berg, principal of the 1ehool, l8kl the campus PT A .enda home a "wish list" of needed items with youngsters ,teVerJ month. '<._ "We're up for adoption," said Berg. ''Our ditto machine is nine yean old and dying." Schools that are not part of the Adopt-A-School program receive help from MORE (Mobllizjng Our Resources for F.ducation), an off-shoot of the Career F.ducation Advisory Council. MORE, started aoon after Adopt-A-School, has received contributions of fast food certificates, paper, pens, ditto machines, fabric and metal dividers from businesses. With only $400 left in the school supply budget thiJI year, Paularino principal Bob Miller said the playground equipment and shelves would not have Some of the items requested been possible otherwiae. -by Newport-Mesa achooJs, Newport Balboa Savings and Include: ditto machines, clay. Loan adopted Harbor View and color televisions, bicycles, Mariners elementary echools. reference books, computers, Susan Kanaga, assistant vice baseballs, tape recorders and president of mrketing said the copy machines. ' firm has donated door J>f'lzes. -Anyone wanting to make a Xerox and writing paper and donation to MORE or Adopt-A- support for Mariner's Extra School c.an call the district office Time Classes. at 760-3508 or the MORE office ''Our whole reason for being at 631-3729. .. A new consumer products guide being offered By PAT HOROWITZ Of'"-. 0.-, ..... lteft If it sounds too good to be true, it is. YN never get something for nothlng. These "better safe than sorry" cliches are usually sound advice for the smart consumer, but occasionally there's an exception. Bristol-Myers Co. is offering a free book that -car b~p yod! -choose the most economical form of a product: t -write an effective complaint letter: -recognize common 1ide effec ts of preteription drup and know when to call your doctor if you're suffering from one; -learn useful information about how to buy atfd use common hou1ehold products, non- plle9criptJon drup, and penonal care products and appliances; and -find the phone number of the neareat poi8on control center anywhere ln the United Statea. Briatol-Myen Co. firat publlahed the "Gulde to Consumer Product Information" in 1977. Nearly• ' million free copiea h•ve been di1tributed to capuumen lince then. The first "G'11de" had 122 papa. Thll eighth printing has 192 pages and tncludea a new chapter on how dru11 work -including 1lde effects, ~ and advene reld!ona. . ~the '1Gulde." the beneflta of moat pna'ripUon outw•l1h riaka \Mt mtcht be ~ii:::~~~~~;;!~~~~!,!!~~ Involved In tak I them. But medicaUona can ~ lrwide the body wtth other medk:ationa, ..... tbe<ouQtaf medicine, alcohol. food, tot.cco ~r~~~:...l~T""':...J~~~~::.~ and 9V9ll Ute tlllYiroNMnL Dnla* and alcohol .... the bm lawwn ha.II· Nit mlxwre. But, few•r people are aware diat ,\ certain antidepressants, known as MAO lnhibitorS, can cauae an adverae reaction when mixed with beer, yogurt, cheddar cheese or other Clods containing tyramlne. Or that citrua juices may reduce the abeorption of aome antibiotica into the blood stream. That's why it's best to take such medicines with a gl&11 of water. Even sunlight can cause trouble for some patienta taking tetracycline. an antibiotic, when a phototoxic reaction to sunshine or ultraviolet light OCCW'L Although the benefits of most preecrlption drup outwelah risks that might be involved in takina them. the "Guide" augeata that a pat.lent should tell the doctor if he or -8he: -ll presnant or nW'Bi"I a baby; -has chronic di9Mle such u glaucoma or heart dileaae; -has any a1lef1Eies; -drinks akoholic beveraaet or smokes. Advenie reac\lri. •blo known as aide effecta, can raRI• from mlld to aevere. Mc:.t are revertible, auch • the nauae or diarrhea \Mt can ocxur when a pertan takes tnfection-filhli"I antibk>tb, or the droWllne11 induced by antlhtstamlnea uaed for reUevlnl aUeqy aylhptoml. Common ai1na of ne1atlve reaction• to medkationa noted In the "Gulde" Include akin ruMI. stomach dllturba""91, ltchi"I. inaomnla. weMnela. heecblehet. lhaldftl· mume twitlt'hee and mood chanaa· M....-treat en Mlverte druc reaeuon by yourl9lf, the "Oulcle'! urat1. If you hn• an unp ..... nt reaction to a prwertbM medletne, ........ ,.... dDcW llmmdl.aell. A dine•' of ....... fl!,_ Ct. - products is the only "commercial" infonnation in the book. and it contains consumer service addreaes and phone numbers for each of the divisions listed. Complete has to be the besl jf>';('nption of the "Guide." For instance, the chapter on personal care appliancea includes use and care information about blow dryers, curling brushes and irons. foot care 1ystema. instant hainetters, lighted mirrors, nail care systems. akin care appliances, checking the warranty and uaing personal care appliances safely. What to do in cue of an accident is covered in • separate chapter. ~ At a lime when many of the ronsumer l.Oeta and small booklets offered by the Consumer lnf~tioo Center are priced from $2 to $9, the "Gulde to Consumer Product Information" is a bargain for the COil of • postcard. For a free ropy, write to "Guide," Briatol-Myera Co .• Dept. NC, ;345 Park Ave., New York. N.Y. lOIM. . The U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs (0Ct.l and the National Allocialion of Consumer Agenct- Adminlstrators have released "State and Loc:•t Consumer Publications -A Bibliography.'! T~" 191 ·page bibllograph>-' lists 600 conaume~ publlc•tlons submitted by 1tate. county and cit* government conaumu offict'I •ncf h'suranctl commlaaioners in 43 states and the D1strie\ ot Columbia. ,..: The publication wu de!'lgnt'd primarily .. a rNOUn.-. for atate and local OON1umer orfk.'ft. Nt'h office has bHn ae-nt •copy. However. 11 Uml . number are av•llable to oth er n onpr~~ orpnilalionlr lnvolwd In complaint handllnc · c:onaumer educeUon. : ·.,, Send niqueeta to OCA'a Dlvllk>ft ors l11tlon. 1009 Premier BuUdl • W ~0201 . Thl' blbU01r~~y will~ a eduoe .. n lhroutla lh4 Sclucetlonal lltlou ........... c..r cDIC) ....... , :· .. ·: .. .. -; : \ Allll WIOllS DEAR ANN LANDERS : PlealK.' tell every gym t.cacher In the c;ountry it Is wron~ to let the captains choose their own teams. I ha ppen to be ont• of those people who has no athletic ability and am always the last one to be chosen. It sure hurts to stand there until everyone else has been selected. Whal an awful feeling to know that the team that gets you HAD to take you and did so grudgingly. A lot of kids reel as I do about this. It ls one or the most humiliating experiences in a person's life. Can you help change this? -LAST AGAIN IN MPLS. . DEAR LAST: Are gym teac~ers s till doing that stupid, llurtful number? I made a strong plea 11aln1t tbls method oi selection several years ago, aad muy athletic dtrectors did cut It out. The situation 11 very real to me beeause I was one of tbose klutzy kids who was no jood at q>e>rts and always tlae last to be ~hosen. I am again asking all gym teacll~rs In the name of compassion, if you still follow this method of team selection, to devise another 1y1tem. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I realize this isn't in your area, but I'm sure you know someone who is a professional in this field. t Is it true that an animal (no matter what kind) cannot look a human straight in the eye. If so, what makes this so? I'd appreciate an answer. -INQUISITIVE IN TALLAHASSEE DEAR IN: I called David I. Er stela, D.V.r.t., ·di ~ector ... of Northbrook Anima Ho1pltal in Nortlabrook, Ill. This is bis response: : Animals, dogs Lo particular, have no eroblem looking humans in the eye. The "problem occurs whea a human stares into the eyes of a strange and po11lbly hostile dog. This is interpreted lo the antmal kingdom as an act of aggre11ion and ho•tlllty. Anyone who stares in the eyes of a striaa~e dog tJskl getUog attacked. DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I was a child I was molested by my unde. 1 never told a soul until I was in my ~Os. The topic surfaC£'CI when I was with three female l'Ousins. 1 d iscovered they. too, had been molested by him. · I have three young children. My i!Unt is a dear person and loves us a ll so much. S he keeps asking us to come and see her. I am terrified that my uncle may pl.Ill the same thing on my childre n. How can I protect my daugh ter as well as my sanity? l don't like to hurt people but my uncle is a sick man, and I keep wondering how many other little girls he has molested -:-and is he still a t it? Please advise. -NERVOUS IN NORWALK DEAR NERVOUS: It is the respon1lbitlty of a ll parents to instruct tb1elr children -boys as well as girls -at an early age (3 ls not too youq) not to let anyone touch their private parts. ExplalD, "Your body.is very special and it belongs · to yeu. No one but a doctor should see or handle yo•. If a n yone tries, y ou mea t tell m e Immediately." This speech should be repeated annually. • If it woald ma ke you feel better, tell your unde the next time you see lllm that you remember tbe liberties be took wttll you and if be so muc h as looks cross-eyed a t one of your children, you will Info rm bis wife and turn him In to tlte authorities. JOUI HEAL1H DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I'm a relatively healthy Zi·y_ear-oW womu. My only problem i1 a craving tout talcum powder and/OT cllallt -and 1ometfmes soap. What ·does this s trange bablt mean, U anything? -Mrs. R. DEAR MRS. R.: We call it PICA. This is a craving for odd foods: Often, in youngsters, the abnormal appetite is l.'Onfined ~9 eating dirt. In ma ny patients like yourself, I have found th at unsuspected anemia was the cause. After a course of iron therapy, the craving disappeared. Talk it over with your doctor. A simple blood test may Ul82 GOllN ON lllDGI rf V-CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF North SP.ulh vulnerable. Wti#t d111J1. NORTR, + KJ -(;;)76 Wet& NerO. £ .. , 8eutlt PaN I NT Pa" 4 O Dltle Pau Pa• 4 'V, PaH Pu• p ... Opr nan1 lt1ad: Six or I>': 11M1•r11bly. J mu111 AJNIOl(lr.1• lur l'uul\ on•• no trump OP•'" 1n1e hul. llul l hl1n, you know him and ar1• u11l'd l<> his llltlt• id1oi.yn1•r1cu•1. Naturally, I thought that w• had at lea.t one 5 3 or beU.er fit In a nu jor 1uil. and we had a conven lion lCl find out whic h was utir IK!al apot. My jump to four diamond• 11ld that I want .. lo play game In one or t he major sult1. In the upectation thal h11 partner would be making the opening lead, Weat made a lead-directing double. Since Paul had no preference in the major suits, he passed and I oph!d lo bid four heart.. whh'h ended the aucllon. This was perhap• not a very elegant conlracl, but a• lhl' t'ard1 lay, only the lead of lhl' king or t'luba would defHl it -I would not have been able to avoid lo1in1 two hearts, and a rlub and a spade if the defendeu did not •lip, since I had no quick en· try to my hand for the dia· mond fine11e. But Weal cho11 to lead a heart, and I had no problem. Everything wu lying ri1ht and the •ults broke moat benevolently. Eaf t won the ace alld returned a low heart. I On t!H l'd lhu Jack I UCCHlfully. ru hl'd thtt king Lo draw lhe rt'm11ning trump• and then took a diamond f1nease. When that worked. t diacard ed a club on the ace or dlamond11 and started on 1pado1t. Thal auil alao broke evenly. 10 I endt'd up with an overtrlt'k and a t6p score on the board. O AQU •AJUI O..ar Charlie: WEST EAST • A14 •IOU (;;) 1011 (;;) AQI 0 l.11083 0 10 •KT •QUI SOUTH •QUIZ (;;)KJH4 0 1 • 108 The bidding: Ju1t a quick report. from the World Champlon1hlp1 at Blarritz. At the end or the qualifying 1ta1e of the Open Pain. my partner. Paul Chemla or Pari1. and I were lylnr shtlh. Not bad, ~hen you conaider that all the beat players In the world are a11embled here. Will keep you in louch with what's going on here. Sincerely, Omar . Thia hand helped us con POT SHOD 1.BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT WHEN YOU tNVIT.E ME', YOU TAKE TWO SIG RISKS ; (1) TMAT I MAV REF"USE (2.)TMAT I M.AV ACCEPT. •... ,, . By PHIL INTE.RLANDI of .Laguna8ea~h "This 1s a noturmui. 4uu:k-thaw arc·a .. solve your problem. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Why do tllere seem to be more diabetes drives than heart drives? Personally, I'm more Interested lo preventing lteart cllsea1e. -Mr. C. DEAR MR. C.: These major diseases do not live separate lives. One often influences the other. Foi: example, according to William 8. Kannel, M .D. of the National Institute o( Health, there's a twofold to • HOIOSCOPI Saturday, Novembe r 27 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You gain proper perspective -Judgmc•nl and intuiuon strike bull's eye. &..ceady for sign1fu:anl changes, pos.;;1bility of travel and a variety of (•xpenenres. Make pc•rsonal appearances and uppcals. ,.. TAURUS (Apnl 20-May 20): Family mt!mber may· be confined to home or hosp i ta l -be c'Om1idcrate, purchase gifl, and visit. Cyd C' continues high . you are likely to be on brink of important disc:ovcry. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Uuhze power$ of persuasion; focus on' friends, hopes.-wishcs, added popularity. Bring ideas into proper perspective - much of what you nc.'t.•d will now become available . CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on career, business, responsibility and opportunity for greater rew ard. Long-standing negotiation is completed ;-property sale could top agenda. Views are vmd1c:atl'd. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Finish rather than initiate projt..>et . Perceive picture in 1ts entirety. Po t e ntia l is brought into focus -travel, communication a nd educational pursuits are highlighted. You g::un added r('(.-ognition. VIRGO (Aug. 2J-Sept. 22): Be ready for new start, added independence and chance to display creative capabilttal'S. Re,JCCl superficial explanatiQns. Be aware of neL>d for special 111.~sc. lease and financial back ing. Leo plays dynam ic rolt'. LIBRA (Sept. 2J-~:l. 22): Go slow, ~xamine various ~spects or possibll• partnership. Focus on publll' rela tions, sensl' o f d irection and marital status. Unorthodox procc•d urcs a rt' lilsely to be crowned by success. Mt.>mbt•r of oppoeite sex is fasclnulc-d a nd hardly makes a secret of it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Be flexible, realize that rules c:an bend and probably will In near futur"" Focus also on resolutions concerning health, nutrit ion. diet a nd exercise program. Invitation rcccivc.>d to prestigious social function. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be ready for §ignificant changes, r<'quC'sls for review , need for initialing a rebuilding program. You'll be asked to tl•ar down for uJt1ma tc purpose of establis hing a more solid base. G em ini, Virgo and a no the r Sagiltarian {ig~re prominently. CAPRICORN (IJec. 22-Jan. 19): Study written material, read between lines and utilize ability to analyze ch aracte r. Foc:us on structure, design, long-range projections. Submit proposals in writing -key people will respond in enthusiastic manner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): Eorces te nd to be _ scattered -offers a nd invitation arc received. Short trip is likely, relative will make known views. Major domestic adjustment is featured. Taurus~ Libra. Scorpio natives play significant roles. • ' PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Emphasis on payment&, coll~tlons, abiJity to protect assets. Don't jump at first of(er."'Refuse to give up something of value for me re promise. Perfect techniques, streamline procedures and eliminate elements of deception. Estate Auetlon ....... •le~.• a,w.• • c.deetaM• • 1,. ... ,.880 worth of Jewelry -Art Glass - Object d' A rt -Lou ii;; lea rt Etchings - Porcelain Figures -Signed Remington and Russel Bronzes -Persian & Oriental Rugs -Max Karp E namel on Copper Paintings - 18th. 19th & 20th Century Oili;; -ilve~r · Coffee a nd Tc~ Set Friday I Sabsday nrill ""· 26. 27. Auctian st.ts at I p.m. Doors open at 1 p.m. Jolla -Newport threefold increase in heart d isease among diabetics. Now you can understand why "drives" 11gainst d~betes ~~im~~nt M in~~~nabout~w -----------~---------------------------­to prev~nt heart d isease. Wiii Keept one Item M entire estate• I« auction Dr. Ste incrohn welcom es questions from readers. He cannor answer.all individually bur will include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him, in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. IJ()x JMiO. Cost.a Mesa, Calif. 92626. At Roge,'1, Christmu ii our flrut love. Once afli}n, we have cruted an exciting and delightful world of 1uprise1 to brighten your home and your holidays. Come enjoy the enchantment, in1plration and a fantutic sekctlon of gifts and dttorations at Re>eer'1. ENCHANTED CANDLEUGBT SHOPPING A SANTA CLAUS EVERY FIUDAY NIGHT THE NEW FRIGIDAIRE MICROWAVE OVENS ARE HERE. With all the features you've been looking for! From a bigeer oven capacity to the Full Circle Cooking Svstem for better, more even cooking. Bei;t of all, they're from one of the best names in home appliances-Frigidaire. Stop in and see them today. ModttMl'.·YOOM Model MC llOOM , M MC·7UUM - FEATURES INCLUDE: FEATURES INCLUDE:' FEATURES INCLUDE: • Auto Defrost • Meal Minder Probe • 45 Minute Tlmer • Heat & Hold Cycle • Defrost Settina • 2 Speed, 60 minute timer • Variable Cookina Power • Touch-N-Cook Controls • Digital Clock and Timer ~·399··~•321··~·211 • THE NEW FRIGIDAIRE MICROWAVE OVINI. EVERYTHING'INEW IUT THE NAME IDIM-na--1 DclYl8Q8roWll 411 I. 17ih 8T., C61f A Mii' , OPINDALY MIAT.M 'IUN.1M I, ~o • ro,,.,...,. ~,,.•GI.AW/II.,... 8U'l't . • * A CW.•.lllY Gr 11 DCHINC, DICOllATID ~ lml * 80C•I O' 'NM COL0180WL1, A ... WOODl>Je * ova I-80Cla'I CIJITC* ~ • All a.uoun m-cnoR or...,.,. omwmn1 * UCSPl'IONALLY LUGS• 8UUTlftJL KU r.-a llU * ANDIATID 1CD1D or IAllTA'8 II.VD AT WOB c....,.. ....... -.......... ,. ... ,., ,,,,., IVllNAllS Mn'llfMt'5 ANO SVNIMn, ,,,,,, S." 31 6 21' C..,....._ l'.1'1'11MIM .. I 1 Workshop for singles slated at Orange Coast "The Joy •nd Challcnae of Being Slnale" la the title of a five-hour workshop belni ottered Dec. 4 at Orange Cout College. The IHlion, desig_nea specifically for si"'les, wlll run from 9 a.m. to 2 p .m . ln OCC's Faculty House. Admisalon ls $10. Rubidoux High wins ag title Rubidoux High School of Rlversicte captured sweepst akes h onors .. at Orange Coast College's annual A8riculture Field Day recently on. the OCC campus In Costa Mesa. The event w as s ponsored by Orange .Cou\'s Agriculture Club. More than 190 high school students from 15 high sc hools located .in Orange, San Diego, Riverside, and San Bernardino rounties took part in the competition. · Sonora High of La Habra was second "in the livestock. · Tickets are on SMI_, In thl' OCC Ticket 0111<.-e, ~ated In the collt>lff''ll Administration Bulldlnt( on the• Co111u M<.•sa campu1. T he oftlct-la op,•n Monday through Frie.lay from 8 1ul1 to 6 p.m ., and Saturd1.1 y11 frum 8 a m. to noon "' T fckcta may be purc h ased by phone, using Vlaa or Maatei:Olrd, by calling 556-5527 They also will be sold at the door. The workshop director is' A lyn Bartick, an OCC human sexuality Instructor and a theraplst in private practice In Newport Beach. Bartick has trained in Gesta lt Therapy at Esalen lnalltute and at the Gestalt Training Center in La Jolla. "This is a supportive work.shop that will enaole Individuals to achieve a rpore ~uHilling and joyful sense of self, and a ~eeper capacity for trust," Bartlck said, "They will learn to enhance authentic self-expression and to celebr a t e the ir '1ndlvldual uniqi,.aeness." For information about the seminar, phone 556-5880. IT'S NOT YET TOO LATE!· ONLY 35 DAYS LEFT • To Refund ALL '82 Taxes and Recover '79·81 Taxes 1.1 • 2·1 ·4:1·6:1 ·10 1 +ITC+ ETC Real Estate or Equipment Leasing • No Min/Max Investment I ~IWoiiiT YIAll w tiNiiriillitr I ~ Semilllr: 1PM & Tluldll. Olcllmi.lt 2 Host .................. ,,.., Presented by: DALTON, DAL TON, COOPER a FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave .. Ste 102, Irvine · Near Jambo<ee/405 Our Staff ot Attorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT • RSVP: CALL NOW 14 841·3711 FOR SEMINAR Holiday Blues take on a new mood. 's LEAGUE First Annual THE MEN OF ~AGUNA @ 1983 Calendar tHE SEA, THI SUN, THE BEACH ANO TH! MI N -THE RIVIERA ·of the West Coast -Laguna Beach. Twelve of the HOTTEST men of Lagun&o are found on these pages of our 1983 Calendar. Get yours now. and one fOf a friend so you can start your year right -and h8¥e The Men of Laguna• help you through 1983. Limited Edition ' Available only at tMle Laguna IMd'I locatlOM: • aROWU MOUT IOOIC LOPT •POMITAVI. ... -• • llOAT CANYON CARDI I Ol'TI .a .. COMTMWY ..... W • RACM•N 1411 I . COAR HWY. •·tm - Orunuu CotH•I DAILY PILOT /Frie.lay, November 28. 1982 - Hickory Rmns·is ~a lusclQus citrus gift JUSt for you. Mouthwatering Florida oranges and graix•- f ruit, picked at the peak of flavor; packed by hand and shipped t hr very same day. Stop by today and order a delicious citrus gift for your. family and friends. We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Lower CaroU8t'I Mall OPEN DAii. \' 'til 9:00 TllHOLCllOl T CURI TM \S 540-6991 llWlil ~ At pllrtK'1p11Ung SIOl'~'li II-..~~· 1982Ge11t'tlllllos1Cuni. \ .; ~ .. ~(, Just for you: · · ·~r· lots of.surprises and · savings. Have fun shopping the Christmas - Collections of Pier I . Your guests will never guess such attractive wine stems are so Inexpen- sive land there's no need to tell them I Stock up on 11 oz. all purpose. Reg. 1.79 D elight cheese con- noisseurs with a teak- wood c heeseb oard and glass dome. Get one for your parties too Pier I has 1001 gifts. reg. 6.99 4ss Fo r rlproaring 1~4 year olds, a sturdy rocking horse. Walnut-stained rat- tan, cane saddle. Tell Santa to bring a Pier I pony. From Taipei. reg. 29.99 .................... . 88 Just Imagine a goose, rooster. cow and pig in the kitchen! Ceramic hang- ers keep towels & pothold- • 'tiers handy. Wall d ecor for ' -:J funlovlng lady. Reg. 5.99 Trim you r t ree with handmade ornaments and find some to give tO' loved ones. Pier I's buyers gathered a collection from all over the world. Reg. 49t- ea. 488 Taipei rattan dining fur- niture. Walnut fin. Chair. reg. 79.99 ...... 59.88 Table, reg. 159.99 .... 119.88 Glass 42;' reg. 69.99 .. 59.88 Set w/4 chairs, reg. 549.94 · S.ll' prlcl's 1ood l days only lhenew • 2.99 20%o11 All Ornaments People who enjoy Ori- ental cuisine will love our 3-piece wok set. Intro- duce them to stir frying and share a taste of success. From Japan, reg. 9.99 688 L S ervlce with a smile! Pmss hors d'ouevrH at holl· day partle\ on a hand· woven bamboo tniy. On the 24th leave snack for Santa on It From Taiwan, rec. 2.99 ea.1 81 ANAHEIM -509 Katella A Yenue, 772-24 72 COSTA.MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 r ,• I I •. I •' I • ., . ..... .· ... .,.,, ····' ' ' . -. .. ····· ·' .. .. t ' 114 Orang COHt DAILY PILOT/Frldav. November 26, 1982 - \ . . . Io Succulent wreath held by its designer, Terry McNay More vegetables grown at home ~~~RONSON A record 44 million Americans or 53 pe."Cent of American households, grew some or all of the food for their tables in 1982. · Of the gardening households, 38 million produced food in backyard and community gardens, and another l million grew vegetables in containers on rooftops and patios and as border plantings. The figure came from Gardens for all, the National Association for Gardening, based on a Gallup poll. "Home and community vegetable gardening is a growing way of life spread across nearly 2 million acres, comprising dooryards, parks, checkerboard plots surroun~ing housing projects. or in pots on the back steps," said Jack Robinson, aasociatlon president. ''This Is the fitst time vegetable gardening's popularity has remained at a record high for two 1UOC9Bive years," RoblNIOn reported. ''ln 1981, 4 million new households joined the home and :ommunity gardening ranks to bring the number to 38 million. While food-price increases have declined from double digits to around 6 percent in 1982, the number of gardens remained up as more American hou.eholds are making gardening a part of their Uf8tyle." · for the 10th coNeCUtlve year of the poll, a majority of hou.eholda Interviewed gave uving money as the top reuon for gardening. The No. 1 reuon for not gardenlnf -cited by 18 million ~holds -was lack o suitable space. ~ other poll findings: -76 percent of Americana aaked would like &Mir' dty or town to tel Mlde sites for community \fellllable prdena. -Tt)e Midwest had the most 1ardenln1 houeeholda, 18 percent, up 3 points. The Wnl followed with 4 percent. ai.o up 3; the !'.Mt l\eXt with 41 percent, down 1; and lut The South, ranlrild 2nd In Itel whJch dropped 10 •percent. This wreath lives on Making a succulent wreath can be time- consuming, at times frus trating. and a test of patie.,ce, but the result is worth the effort. The living tapestry is a blend of sizes, shapes. textures and colors. While wreaths are an excellent choice for holiday door decorations. they also can dr~ up tables as centerpieces, frame mir~rs and accent patios. · · · Terry McNay, general garden manager for the Sherman Gardens, Corona del M,j.c. demonstrated techniques and cautioned his students to handle succulents with care as s tems and leaves break easily. Supplies include moistened sphagnum moss, two round wire frames, picks with copper wire attached , a variety of succulents, pencil and a planting pot to hold the frames while creating the wreaths. Directions: . -Take a handful of moss. squeeze out excess water _and pack firmly in a wire frame. Repeat 40til frame is filled but not bulging. "Pack firmly, otherwise the moss wlll dry out too fast and succulents won't root as well." -Place frame on pot and place second frame on top. Twist two copper wires together. insert picks at the edge of the frame, puU through, tie securely and cut ofLexcess wire and pick. Frames should be tied at quarter intervals on inside and outside edges. -Tum frames over and begin decorating. -Use a pencil to open holes and carefully insert s ucculents. If stems are too short, gently remove some leaves. (f there are not enough leaves, wrap stem with moss and tie with copper wire and insert pick into moss to anchor. McNay suggests working around the wreath, filling in at both edges. rather than placing certain succulents at strategic areas and then filling in. He says that with his method, moss will bunch around each stem, giving the succulent a better chance of rooting. When completed, McNay said to keep the wreath flat for a couple of weeks which aids the rooting process. "Keep an eye on It. When succulents beglh to wither, water either by spraying or soaking the entire wreath." · With proper care the wreath will last a year or more, McNay said. Care includes watering at proper intervals, not hanging it for long periods because the plants will start to grow up. If succ ulents become leggy, M c Nay recommended cutting plants back~y the wreath Oat and let it regrow. ' Poinsettias p9pular choice .._ One of the world's moet popular. Chri1tmas plants that is purchased by the mllllon1 la ·the polmettia. • lt owes its popularity to Its bript splalh of color from the upper leaves called bracts. 8rstl are often referred to u the plant'• flowers. but the t.rue flowen are tiny chartreUle nubs it' the Up1 of mature stenu. For indoor holiday display, plants lhould be placed near a sunny wlndow. and 1udden temperature cha~ should be avoided. Keep the toil most, but don t let water lltand in •ucen. After ._.,.. fall, cut Item a.ck 10 two ar thne budl and red~ wat.erinl to a minimum. -Bqlnni"I \n October, aton gDl'8d pot....U. in a dark place for 14 houn dally (1torlna1= wm ~l:"ta), and It will b9 r.dy for y for the , ....... All -...... IO -Clfl _.. IOod ...... 114-a .. _... -°"" ..... , .. , .... 30-I, ....... . Lloyd's Nursery af'.ld Landscape Co~, Inc. 203h. Newpert llvd. (at lay St.) Co1ta Me1a, CA. ~7441 March of <fpDlm• SAVES BABIES PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS J"'IUAGfC()frifl~aUllO eY , ... 'Vk ll"Ull '9'fCll ITART AT •1.H ... Ull fl% LIVING CHllSTllAS TIUS ... .A MSE IMSTIEITI Properly tubbed and cared for, your llvlng tree may be used ,, ............. . year •ft•r year. <Select .. rly ... chooM from: •ILDN,_. •nm,.. ..... .., ... Original one-of-a-kind designs for your holiday home, Beautiful table and wall accents, feature • candles, ornaments, dry, sllk, and_ artlflclal greens. Since J946 Ha'\ lisles· . Nureery-Florlet 21•0 Harbor llwd .. Costa Mtta .. CalHOme Free on MCI E.T., you -anyone con coll home any doy 'til Dec. 23 frH for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3 ·min. long distance coll by MCI is on us. I I I I I I I 'TREES ' Living Xmas Tree~ Italian Stone Pine. Alleppo Pine, Monterey Pine ·from 1991.14591 Fresh Cut Trees I I I Happy holidays. Children's uppet Show lt'it the .season to make kids happy at Huntington Center with the real Santa, caroling and entertain- ment. See the Mitchell Marionettes. 4 shows daily. Call 142-5171. Put a few words to work tor ou. I... • a .. -9· ......................... ·102·-·s1 ·o I --!~~~~~ ~·~ ....... IJ0H-IJ49S I Douglas Fir ;~!;~::: :::::::::: :::::: :::::~:::: I fAv1tl.lble D« I J I Noble Fir (Available Dec. 21 Wreaths 112•1.11991 !Natural or Flocked) Noble ~«>.~~-.~~·~'. .... •s••-•199• I 81El{l{~"lw~~l{DEl'{S I 2070 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 548-0IJ7 Hours 9-6 M·F 9-5 Sat. & 5&#1. -I MOC llOTICE MOC ll)TIC( NlJC llOTIC( MOC llJTIC[ .,..... COURT Of' PICnne>ue ...... AWW C~ NAm STATl•NT PM:nriOUiiUi..U COUNTY Of' LOI .,._Laa The tollowlng per-. ere doing The fotlowlrlg ~ ere doing um STA~ -•. c...-...... bu9lneee •: ~ 11; ........ ,..,. C ......... CA -AV I A T I 0 N S E A V I C ES ( I ) T H E A I 0 H T The lollowtrlg l*IOM .,. doing ..... c-er .. Dlelflct UNLIMITED. 3901 W"terly Pi-~CTIONS.. (bl CONNECTS. le bu*-... llllANllA• OI': -Sult• 107. Newport IHCh, LOVE CONNECts • .cu.::AA1Y SEQUOIA PACIFIC AEALCO. ll'ITITIOllllt: LILLll MAI Cellfofnle 92ee0. CONNECTIONS. 1012 Drive, 27611 La Pu, laoune Nlguel, CA •ATM .(merlcen Fr•• EnterprlH Suite 106. Coele Meea, C 92677 Mlll'ONDBIT: MM1a Laaftll Auocletlon lneorporeted (I 92927 Golden Empire lnvutment •ATM Celllornl• e orporetlonl 3901 Keren "Kerin•" M1rlln. ti C orporetlon , • Celllornl1 IUUMOM (P.U..Y LAW) Wuterly Piece -Suite 107, Lemon Tree. Irvine. Celllornle eorporetlon, c/o Southern Pec:itlc: C.. Ne. 8CO.... N9wpot1 Beech. Celltomle 112MO 112715 Compeny, One Mertlet Plan, Sen llOTICll ., .. ....,. ..... ...... Thie ~It conducted b)'. Tonn• s. l(Mllng. 11 Lemon Frenclleo, CA 94105 TM_...., .............. ,_ corporellon. TrM, IMM. Cellfofnle 92715 llt'9fl Corpcwetlon, e Cellfomla ...... ,_ .... ..... ...... Amerieen FrM Enterprlel Linde Ann Hell, 2114.J Cenyon corpcwetlon, l7t1 t Le Pu Aoed, ,_ .......... • .... Aaodl11on. Inc 0rM. Coete a.-. Cellfornle 92t27 Legune ....... CA 92677 ........... 11 ..... John M Oelllleon. Thia ~ le conclueted by Thia ~ II c:onctueted b)' e " you wteh to ..-Ille edlllce of Sec:tTrw gener9' ......,....... generel pertnerlHp en ellorney In thl• metier. you Tiiis 1te1emen1 -~ with Ille Keren "Kerine" MIW11n By. llnen Cofpore11on lhoulel do 10 promptly 10 thel ycMlt County Clertc of Ou1nge County on Thia lt.._t -ftled with t OOneld L Telcott, rtll)OllM or plNdlng, If eny. mey be Oct tll. 1te2. County c.11 of Ofenge County on Sec:retetY flied on tl!N.._ ,_ November 9, 1M2. Thie lt•*-'t -llled with the A v 1 I o 1 u 1 1 •II 11 • 1111 • Publl1nea0tenoe ce.11 ---c:au.y-a.rot "Ol1lnge County Dfr ............. II ,,,....... ....... Piiot. Nov. 111, 26, Dec 3. 10, 1 Pubtl1hed Ot•no• Coe1t Delly Now. 17, tta . ...., ...-. w. • 1U•1ur1 511&-a Piiot. Nov. 12. tt, a . o.c. ~.1.-'~ ~a V09I -... w. ,..... --.,. mlftl"r --a A••.., ... u. ' ....... Lee le ""'--11R .--nu1-. "8JC 11011C[ = ~.,,.... T'u11ed du .. 1011e11u •I ~A~u PICTITIOUI .,..... ,... -.. ... _,, CQl)H)o de un 1bog1do en M1e The lotlowlng _ .,. ......_ um ITAW .,..... CA llrU eTu n lo. deb1rr1 h1eer lo ....--·-~... TN ,__ lnmedl1t-le. 08 •II !N1'91'e, b'191~H-::ITZUI . SAULT a ~'°'::'"9 l*90M.,. Pilbllthed Orenge ~0111 O~ IU r"PUMll o eietKIOfl. II lley KINKER, 33541 91nnecle Drive, FLORAL TECHNIQUES, In Pllol, Nov. 2e, OllC. 3· 10· 1:a11 2..a ·~=· puede ffr r90l1trede • Legune Niguel, Ce11forn1e 92177 Vllte Ml Sol. Hun1ln9t0ft lhectl, ---------- ! TO THE RESPONDENT· TN Robert F. Schnitzer. 33541 CeMornlli 92147 "8JC llOTIC( petitioner hH llled • petition ~ ~;~· Leoune Niguel. Hull=:~~.:_ del~, PICnnGUe -•• concerning W'Ol" n!Wrlege. "you,... Raymond M. Seu It, 27U Cynthie Cooley. 12553 E. _.. ITAW '°111 llledetrelPOftM,h 1 hwllthln • day9 °'1 Qlorlell• Circle, S1nte Clere ~I• Drive, Cerrlto1. Celllornl• lll• followtng per1on 11 doing e • • 1 I 1 1ummon1 • Oallfornla M05l ' I070t ~ ae: :::.. on.,:"~ coi:':: ::, i.: Kart A Kini!•. 112•5 JeclllOll Heney Kew-, Hl2 Aookpoint Ml Ac AT 0 A a y s TE Ma judgment conleinlng lnjUnetlve or Oalla om.. Morgen .... Calllornla =Huntington leedl. OE\IELOll'MENT, 2NI °' ... Aw. .. Cit'* order• concerning CIMllol'I of 11a7 TNI llullrlW 18 eonduc1ed IJ(llt K, COila Mw. CA tlU7 property, IPOUHI 1upport, cNld Tllll ~ .. concM:ted by en .. II•• . by • Oevlcl ... Lambert, Hel Oranae cuitody child lupport eu0t..-unlncorPOr•led HHClellon otllet 191* I* 91p. Aw. ."Vnll K. Coel• Mw. CA tld7 , ,_ co9t1 encl IUCtl OltW ,.....-~.. ltl8l'I 8 partnentllp, -.... Heney~ TNI l»ulirlw II CClllCll ata•"Y en ' • -ltotlert '· lcflnilHr 1.-W ltMl!MnC -llled wllh lndlllldual mey be gtenled by lhe COUfl. Tiie Tflle ...._. ·-Ned with 1119 County Clerll ol Orenge c-ty on 0... P. Lembert o•rnl•h-1 ol wege1. leklng ol County Clerll o1 Ofenge County on Nowmo.r 1. tta. Thie ....,.... -Neel wflll lie mon9Y or property, or°"* -1 No.....-I tlll -Pitt County Clertl ol Orange CouRly on eulhorlffd proeeedlng1 may aeo . ' . Plltt11 ll'uMllMd OrMt9 COeet Dall~ Now f4, 1•. 0..-. Nowember 30 '1llt llublllllecl ~Mge Coe11 Delly Noe, Now. I . ti, ti, It, 1112 ~ J CorcorM a.r1i Piiot. No'f. I. 11. ti, H , 1MI MM.at PublleMll Ofenge Coelt D Collne. Oet>utY •71t.a NlJC ·-.... Now .... Ole. i. 10 ";1 P11bll1hed Or1nge COHI Dally • foll Piiot, Nov. 5. t:Z, tt , 281 1HJ...u "8JC •ta "Iii=-:.. .. M'm'IOUI WM ITAW PmlJC llJla 1MM1 ITA~ Tiie ....... ......,. .. PICTmOUe-U Tlle .............. doll'll~-IMMllTA~ 1-1-iii:iTmmi-Diiiriiuii1iiiie•-1 ~ .'. IA I "'u L IAO EL. 234 The ...-.. "'"" ........... .._ -.. _ TAKI Lft A LITTLI IAlla\ Heritor llv• .. Colt• ..... ~---.. The ::-,ITA~ 11111 It Jude, hnta Ana. c.llomle... O\.ll'ARK't CONt!IH STYLI ow"' P41'10n .. CaMornla 11708 lyt•k lnterprlHI. Inc \.: HOT PAITlll. 3 eervR• COW!, ~.::..,.A~ tlU ~ A. lllalllrl, 1-It. "'*· CalllMnla OOtPOf•llon. 34IO "'. Newoort '""'· CA. tltll ... ._ ...... C ........._ :,. ... 917•4 laRta AN,~ 111Cll Perd"•=I rHI, l 1nla Ana, 9etll VlrglRle Mar1llall, a ..ve .. -. ........ .... ' • ...... AM~. 11101e c.llomle lefun• Ct ' Newpor1 ..... CA. IUIAN c. OOt<ICIN. ""' P•HPHI Avenue. ll'IHenua. .,.. .. OClftlMltecl by .... n....:::. ':"oir c:r.::;.,. ~ 11110 °°''°' .... ..!.... ~-Tiiie tlUllr"9e 11 eGnduatU -, eR TMl ..... ll•••at111-,. ....,._ ""' .,..... "-' C DllMl8ll ll!_l8rll ........ .-M. • ._ V ...,..... .,,_ .-. .......... wlft.. TMI ••••II .. llM""' Ill ,,_ I~ 1111t... Tllll atll•i•ll -llllt .... o.e' ::..ar.ne-0....,.. ::..:: ::..~ C...., OR OluRlw a.ti':. ::.. COuRty :'"?.~If 0..,.. OllllllW .. '• lltM•• . .... ....... °"· •. ,.. . ._ ...,.....,. Or~ c .... Dllr """llfled OrMl_e CMll D8Mr ,.......... Or ... °"" .... • Nev ti. tt .... °" :..: ""· .... ti. "· ... Dee.:.:: ..:t'"..::1. ~.:,, ...... Nov ''· ... .,.._ a. ':..= Linda Shaw shares 7-by-12-foot cell with another inmate at Framingham, Mass., prison. Women • • • • ID prison 1ncreas1ng By SUSAN ESSOY AN increase has taxed the state's only said". .:There has to be a reason women's prison. Thert.' were 111 for me to keep going on." A-leted p,... Writer -FRAMINGHAM, Mass. - Linda S h aw, imprisoned for s tealing to support h er drug habit, might not have been jailed a decade ago. Today, she is serving a one-year sentence in Framingham State Prison. wo m en ,. o n fined at th c Traditionally. society tagged Framingham facility in J anuary. women prisoners as unfit 1981. Now there are mort' than m o t h <.' r s . s a y s E v e 1 y n 250. M a c h t 1 n g c r. w h o h e 1 p s • Traditionally.._ lower conviction rates and shorter sentences kept Shaw and women like her out of prison. That is changing. . Part of the inl'rease reflt'cts (•oord inate Bos ton·s Aid to tougher judges and a strict parole lm:arccratl'd Mothers program. board, says J oe L.ando lfi, "There are ins ta n ces when Corrections Departme nt children were adopted whose spokesman. Women transferred mothers still thought they were from jammed county jails make an foster care." up the remainder. · Her group. formed in 1980 by Although women account for just 4 percent or the nation's prison population, the number or female inmates -now estimated at mor e than 16, 700 -h as ' jumped 25 percent in the last two years, almost twice the rate or increase for men, prison officials say. In the Awaiting Trial Unit, female prisoners and their where women facing trial are supporters,. brings children to the locked up 15 hours a d ay, 60 prison to visit their mothers and prisoners are jammed into space promotes the rights of female for 19. prisoners. "They areimprisoned because :•Jus t because I'm in prison they couldn't a fford bail. Yet doesn 't mean l don't love----rlly their living conditions are much children." says 32-year-old worse than for convicted male Charlene Lofstrom, imprisoned prisoners," said Democratic state f or a second time on drug Sen. Jack H. Backman after a charges. "What hurts is the label: surprise inspection of th e drug addict, /'!-.mki.e. neglectful institution in October. mother . . . ve JUSt made so "The courts have decided that sentencing women is not as bad as it used to be and they've got public support for doing so," says Anthony Travisono, head of the Ame ri ca n CorM?c t iona l Association, a national group of corrections workers. ''A fe)" years ago, it was like a father punishing his daughter, a very difficult thing to do." "A number of the womeri are many changes, l don't want them bunked three-deep in cells to be ashamed, I want them to be designed for one person, without prou~." · toilets or running water," he said. Vocational training for women Administrators say they don't also lags behind programs being like-the situation but have n't offered male prisoners . In much choice. Kentucky, for example, state Alvin Bronstein, direct.or of the American Civil Liberties Union's prison project in Washington. thinks there has b een "a particular toughening attitude toward women. ''The rate of women sentenced officiala are under court order to is in c r easi ng," says Joyce upgrade vocational training for Murphy. Framingham's deputy women prisoners. superintendent. "I don't see At Framingham, high school much alternative." and some college courses are Linda Shaw sha res a 7 by given. and many women work on 12-foot Cell with another female the prison grounds. But other prisoner. The two live in a one-than a typing course, few job story, red-brick building on the skills are taught. A computer "This is mu c h mor e accountable for the women's rate of incarceration than any change in criminal behavior," he says. prison grounds. program was s hut down tn In many ways, Shaw is a January when oCficials feared typical female prisoner -30 its office was being used for years old_aru:lin jail for a drug-clandestine gambling. Hard economic times and greater involvement by women in drug trafficking have a lso contributed to the increase in women prisoners. related crime. Her sente nce is A drug treatment program was one year -the average sentence launched a t Framingham this at Framingham. Like two-thirds summer. but there are far more of the ·women at Framingham, prisoners than it can serve. And Whatever the cause, women are entering a syst e m ill - equi]>ped to handle them. she is a mother. many women say they aren't She shares the problems of prepared for the outside world other women inmates -the and soon return to jail. worst, she says. is the possibility • "You h ave so many things of losing her children. working against you getting out One problem is spa<.-e. There isn't room for new prisoners in male institutions and there aren't many women's prisons. Some states, like New Hampshire, must Shaw's eyes softe n a s s he of an Institution," says Shaw, speaks of her three children. one looking back on her first release of whom may be adopted by the after serving four months on time she gets out of prison. another drug charge. · se'nd female inmates to other states. ''T.he most important thing lo "I really feel like I wasn't m e now i s to k e e p u p a prepared to go out," she said. "l In Massachusetts, the recent relationship with them," she had no job lined up, no nothing." . Nil.IC NOTICE P\alC NOTICE ftCTITIOUS eu ... H ACTITIOUS llUSMSI NOTICE INVITING ems ..,._ ITATE•NT NAME ITAnmtn" NotH::e 11 hereby given that the The following person 11 doing The following person Is doing Board ot Trustees of the Coast bu-"-u : buSI,_. u: Comrnunlly College Olstrlct ol ABSOLUTELY APPALOOSA. C&C • 1. A llmltec:I partn«lt\ip. Orange County, Cahlornla. wfll 405 1 Ith St • •A , Huntington 4901 Bl<ch St. Newpott Beach, CA receive sealed bids up 10 11 00 BNcto. Ca. 92&411 nee<> a.m .. Tueeday, December 13, 19112 C..olyn Jean CralQ, 405 1 llh John T. C•ntwett. 141102 at the Purchasing Oepartr,.,ent of St .• •A. Huntington Beach. C• Newpott Ave .• Unit 21C. Tustin, CA said colleOe dtltric:t located •t \370 92&411 92680 Adams Av enue, Coat• Meu. Thi• butlnns 11 conducled by an This business Is conducted by • C•fllornl• •t whic:h 11me .. 10 bids -~IMG~.o----Nmlted partnership. wlll be public:ly 099ned and read for C.rolyn Cr•lo Jollh-r.Clill'lfttr P1'RCl'tASE OF PARKING This st•tement was filed with tt)e TNI at1tement wu flied wl1h the M ET ER S • 0 R A NG E C 0 A ST County Cl«k of Or•noe CounJy on County Clerk of Or1nge County on COLLEGE. October 27, 19112 Nov. 23. 19112. -All pids •re to be In ac:corden<:e I'-fl2m9l1 wllh the 81<1 Form 1n11ruc1lon• and Pul>llshed Or1nge Co11t 0111y Published Or•nge Coast O•lly Condition• ano Speclfk:atlons which PHot Nov. 26. Dec 3. 10, 17'. 19112 PMot. NOY. 26. Dec:. 3, 10, 17. 19112 •re now 1n lite an<I may be secured - ---------· ..;5;;:2:.;.1:..3·.:::112 5186-112 In the office of the Purchasing Agent 1-----------1 of seid college district P\B.IC N011CE P\B.IC NOTICE Eech bidder mu1t sut>mlt with hil --1'1C-TITIOU9---------1-1--~---------------1 bid • cuhler't check. certified um ITAT'iiiiifr '1CTITIOU8 .,...., check, or bidder 1 bond m•de MAim ITATSMINT P•Y•ble to the order ol the Coest The followlng peraons are doing Thi following person I• doing Community College District Boerd ~ea: bu.._ ea: ol Tl'lllt-tn an amount not teas (1) CALIFORNIA LANO TITLE LAGUNA AUTO LEASING ANO than live percent (5%1 ol the <\UfTI COMPANY; (2) CALIFORNIA· ESALES. 880 North Coast bid as a gueranlM lhat the bldlMr WORLD TITLE COMPANY, 1010 N. lghwmy, Laguna a..ctl, CA. 92651 will enter Into the proposed Mlln St., Santi Ana. C11llornla Und• 1..-Cook,,4M PenrOM, Contract " the same Is .-ared to 92701 •C, Cofone. CA 91720 him In the event ot l111Ure to enter Continent al Lind Tiiie This bullrlMI 11 conducted by an Into Midi conuac:t, thel>fOQeedl of Compeny (a Callfomle OOfl>Qflllonl Mduel. the CMGll Wiii be tor'felted. or in the eo ~ City Ptau. ~sai Unde "-Cook cue ot a bon<I. the Ml sum 111ereo1 City. ~._!2191608 This ttatement was fllad with the wlll 1>• forlened to Hid collage """""-' L.Mld ty Clafk of Orange County on dlstric:t. T1tta Co. . 23, 1112. No bl<I<* may Withdr9W hit blCI ~d J. Moffa ,_ for a pertod tor lorty-fMI (451 d•YI ....... Vlotl Presldan~ ...... Published Orange Coast Dally after the date set for the opening ,,_lt...,,_,t _. ,....., ..,,11 1he Pilol. NOY. 29, Dec:. 3. 10. H . 1M2 thereof County CWt1 of Orange County on 5119-82 The 8oard ot Trull .. r.--Ho¥. f2. 1112 the prMlege of rejecllng any and .. ,_,. Ml.IC N011C( bid• or to w•Mt any lrregul~lllff Of Publl1he<I Or1nge C~a11_ Dilly ____ 18 lrilormalltlH In any bid or In Ill• "'°'·Nov. ti, 29, Oac. 3. 10. 1112 .. _ .. , __ -bidding "> 51.!!::!2 NAm 8TA,_,-Norman l . W1tson The folloM10 l*aorll -doing S.Cret'""' 8oard ol Ml.IC llOTIC( bullnall --,, -----------MONEY MARKET CHECK Trull-Coalt Community ~=.~.. CASHING CENTER, 1707 8 . ~.~:~IC6ranoe Co111 Dilly .The lollowtnO .,.,_,,••doing H'::."o~v~a'l~·45 Piiot. New. 21, 0ac 3. 1H2 l>ueir-... ~lld la L le h C "' 1111..u TlOHNICAL l!LECTRONIO 2t62. y~ aouna ac • A DllTRllUTOR8, 116 Orchud. RICK ELLIS IA'FOR, 17170 "8.IC NOTICE !MM, CA. '2714 ter Lane. Huntington laacll, 1'1CTIT10U8 IU-18 MeHuramant AHOCllltH, • A 12941. ~ 8TATIMINT Calllornl• corpo,.t lon, 1 II RONALD L. PHAMI. 9021 N. The 1011ow1n9 per1on 11 doing Oreflard. IMM. CA. 12714 9th Ave .. Pfloenl11, Arizona HOii. l>Ullnal• ... Thia buelnael II conducted by. Thll bualMl8 II concluetad by. au JA, 1153. Ho I towa. Coet• oorporetlor l>Of•llon. Maea, CA IHH ::::;:,.,,. C:O.:. Paclfte .... lnl~. 1UMn Mafcellul, 1113 HO I ~ IOwa St , Coll• Mela, CA tttH. .._..91 H. COfnaeu. Prae J9ff VOii I Maroalwl TN9 MUTF•l4 ....... _... tM Tilll lllll'Nftl -llad WM1 Illa T• llMIFFllM -!led wtlll .. ~ Qartl of Or'"fl County on Qartl of Of'"fl County on 0ounty c.rtr of ~ Counly on No.. t , 1"2. 1, 1MI. Nov. fl 1"2 ,_ ..... . . ,_ ftu""9flecl Oranee Co11t Deity 'ubllmMcl <>ranee CoHt Dally PubNMed OrMea Coelt Detlr "'°'· Nov 1f. It, Dec 3, 10, tlli , Now. ti. 1t, ti. O.C. 3, ltti Pt10t Nov 11 H . Dec 3 10 1MI ' IOM12 I I01...a , 0 • • • ..., . . Ml.IC NOT1CE '1CTIT10U8 __ .. NAm aTATSMINT The tollowlng persons -doing buliMM ... 8&8 ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS. 12822 Ollve St., Garden Grove. CA. 92&45 11 Harold M. UIWlch Ill. 12751 Olive St~ Garden Gfove. Canl. 92&45"",) 2)( ... nt W. Britton. 12822 G•den Grow, Cell!. 92645 This bue1nMa Is c:onduclec:I by I general partnerlNP. H•rold M. Utwlcfl IN Thll stat-t -Hlad with ttM County Ctertt of Orange County on New. a, 1912. . '301• Publl1hed Or•ng• Collt Dall~ Piiot Nov. 26. Dae. 3, 10. 17, 1982. 5211-6~ '1CTmOUe-•• um aTA,_,. The lollcJwlnO '*'°"' .,. dOln( buelnaeS .. ANDRES COMPANY, 1 tit Suniw-. Huntington leec:fl, CA 92847 Peter T. Andrae, 7111 Suniw-, Huntington 9Mctl, CA 12147 Pamala L . Andrei. 71111 Sun.,,_., Helnllngton laactl. CA. 92947 '9terT Alldrft Thia llatemant -ltlad witn the County Ctarll of Or'"fl County on Nov 24, 1N2 ,_,. Published Or•nge CoHI Oal!y Piiot. Nov 28, Dec. 3, '°· 17. 1~ 5209-12 Ml.IC NOTICE PM:TmOUI ...... llAMllTA~ Tiie followlnt ,.,_ ... llualnael •. THI IMTOI. IUILDING. 107 I .I 8rl1tot II .. 8•nll An1. CA 12707 DEUTSCH & OLINICHEIO PR0'8RTIH I, 1071 8.1 lt19IOI St , lanta Ane, CA. ft707 fllla bWIMM 19 ooMuc:ted by I general pennar9111p. Oeut9Cfl a Olln1cneld Pr~-· '*""''· DIUIMfl ·~ :':i'C:..-&:J;, ': No¥ft.tta ,_ ,.,... ..... 0r.,.coeet~ Not. New a o. a. 10. ¥iaa'41 Or np_. Coast DAIL V PILOT /Frld1y, November 28. 1882 , I I could tell Dt1d Wlls proud, u ml Mom Wl/.'1 r<:"ll'J beaming. Ami c:ve11 A1mt llarrlet got a little misty ctro1111d the eyes. M om alwdys wanted me to be a doctor. Dad didn't much c-Me, as long as I amounted to something. But Aunt Harrie t was convinced I would come fo a bad end. 111e reasons Aunt Harriet was not exactly kindly disposed toward me stemmed from when I inadverte ntly left a pet C-dterpi llar in her sterling candy dish. After that, Aunt Harriet felt that my chances of evolving into a responsible human being.were bleak indeed. "Headed right to the dogs, that boy'.' sheCI mutter. To overcome this grave flaw in my chardcter, she began bombardjng me with U.S. Savings Bonds. figuring, no doubt, that money might leatl me awag fr<>m evil r.ither than toward it. After all , I needed all the help I c:ould get . And Aunt Harriet couldn't have helped me . more. Those Bonds grew up; along with me, into a nice, fat nest egg. One I kept tapping as I moved along in my life. I finally hung out my shingle today: John Petrie, doctor of veterinary medicine. I could tell Dad w~ proud. and Mom was really beaming. And even Aunt Harriet got a little misty around the eyes. After all-she's ~ the one who predicted I was going straight to the dogs! Buying US. Savings Bonds on a regular basis helps America . And it can help a dream become a reality iustcad of soni£thinl!, that might have been . .. ,• .. :~; ·- .. ... .. -.. Or ng1 Cout OAILV PILOT /Frld1y. November ,e, 1982 "*IC NOTICE Nl.IC NOJICE PICTmOUI ....... •ICTITIOUI 9U .... I NAMI ITATl-NT NAiii lfATI....., Th• IOHOwlng P•••on It doing '"' IOllowiflCI PIHIOll• ... doing ~.. bu11Met 81 • IPte1rn;o PRODUCTS co . ENVIR0NMeNT8. 1301 N 15 l_upiM, ltVIM. CA 82114 8ay1ron1. Balt>oa_ lal•llid, CA ., .. 2 0 R ! 0 A N f H 0 N Y D 8 A AHOCIAlf:8. INc , 1 HOLLDWATY, 16 Lupj119, Irvine. CA C1111or11ra corporalloo. 130 I N 82714. 8ay110-11, 84111>~ 111and. CA 0'et2 flli• bu1lnea1 I• cionduc:led by 1n Ttllt but111t .. It cOf1dUC:lld lty a 1 ln(tlvldull COtl)OfallOI\ I Oreg A HOllowaty O O A A•.OC Inc Tiiie ttatamenl wu llled w"h 111e Nacla lrow11, Ste-Tr ... •Collnty Clef .. OI °'81199 County on Tlllt elllamtnl w8' hied wlll'I lhl l'OclOl>tr u. 1tu. COUtlly ci.11 01 Of8"9A County on ,._, Novet11~ 16. 11112 PubU•hed Or•hOt COHI D•llr ,.,., Plkll. NOll 19, H . Dec 3, 10, IH2 Publltlled Oran9e Coaal D•lly • 6110.'2 Pllo•. Nov. , •• 26. Dec 2 .•. lNJ l Ml.IC .NOncE r----------'ICTl'TIOUB ....... MAm8TATUmNT \. Tne ICJllOWlnO peftone 8'e doing ~alnMtat,; I THE Fl'A~EW RIOHT FALLE .. Y. 1740 WeQ\81' AY9"U., ovntaln \/alley, CIMtornla 11270t P1111110 .... wve. 11 '° w .,.,.,., :.-...,_, Fountain Valley, California 12708 : Brian M L11g•. 9140 WatM!t tovenu.. Fountllln \/llley, Clllllornla 1f2708 1 Tl)la bu.W-It cooducted by a ,..,...., partnwlhlp. Bflan M. Large I Thll ····-· -llled with !tit ~~~ltrll of 0.angl Counly Oii ,....,.......,. 2. 1882. I ,.11 .. • Publl•l'ltd Orang• CoHI D•lly Jtllol, NoY. 5, 12. 19, M, 1912 , 4908.aa Ml.IC NOTICE ' ..-n i FICmlOUI IMl ... H • NAm ITAta•NT ' TM lollowlng peraon1 are doing ~ .. : • DUKE TIMBER ROOF STRUCTURES. 2841 Dow Avtnue, tuatlno C1lllomla 92680 Pacllc Coast Tlmb11. Inc .. a Calllomla corpor1tlon, 2841 Dow Av1nue, Tuatln, Calllornla 92680 Thia bualneas I• conducted by a corporation. Pacific CoHI 0030-12 l'tltllC NOTICE 'tcTITIOUS IMl ... SS ...-aurs•NT Tll• lollowlng person 11 dolnO l>Ulln8ll la: CHANt<IEL ISLANDS MARINE MAINTENANCE, 11631 C1rouMI L-. Hunllf1Qton eeacn. CA 926'9 CHRISTOPHER L CORNELL. 18'31 C810UMI Lant, Huntington INch. CA 92e4t. Tl\19 bullnMI I• Condlleled bV 111 lndMdual. Cl'lrlatoptler Cornell TNI •lllemtnl wH 1119<! wllll Ille County Clerk of Of .. County en November 6. 1982 ,.,.,. Publl•ll•d Orange COHI Dally Pilot, NoY. 18, 25, Dec 2, ti, 1962 6096-82 PUBLIC NOTICt f'JCTIT10U8 aua.H NAiii STATSMINT The lollowlng person I• doing t>ualn-.. .. · p s . TRUCKING. 1139 Cedar Slraal. Coata MHa C1lllornl• 82627 P1trlck M Stev•nson. 939 C tdll Street. Costa Mesa. Calllornl1 92627 • Ttlls 1>u11neu 11 c:on11uc1ed by an Individual. Patrick l\A, Stevenson Thia statement wa1 11100 wltb the County Clerk or Oitnoe County on Timber. Inc F201112 TIM• stllernenl w11 llleo wun 1ne Put>httled Orange Co111 Dally Novemo.r II. 11192 90Ynty Clerk of Orange County on Piiot, Nov. 11. 18. 25. Dec 2. 1992 Nov. 2, 1982. • 4928-92 ,201111 _________ ....;.;;;..;;;...-; Publlatled Orange CoHt Dally PUBLIC NOTICE PilOI, Nov. 5, 12, 19. 211, 1992 ------------ 4806-82 flCTITIOUS 8USINIH NA• ST ATMINT Pta.IC NOllCE Tile following' person () doing ------------bollness as f'ICTITIOUS IMl ... SS "TRUST ME" MARINE CO , NAMESTA'RmNT 19126 Magno111. No 203·B, The follOW\ng pertOOI lfe d04ng HunllnglOf\ Beach, CA 926"6 bu*'-u : Ofcic YoYng, 19126 Megnolla, UNIOUE GIFT DISTRIBUTORS. No 203-B. HunlonglOf\ Bead'I, CA 27236 Nogaf. Mission Viejo, 92646 California 91892 This t>oslona 11 COf\ducted by an Pltel Ralniklnt Ralllll. 27338 unincorporated as1oc1a11on otnet Nogal. Minion Viejo, California 1n1n a per1nenh1p 92892. Dk:li YoYng Tnli business Is condue1ed by an Tills statement wet filed w1t!'I tne tldlvldual. County Clef'li of Or•noe Counly, on R. R. Patil Oct. 20. 1982. Ttlla tlat-1 wa ftled with tile f'2001M County Cletk of O.ange County on Publlstled Orange Coast Dally November 2. 1982. Pdot, Nov 18, 25, Oec 2. 9. 1982. f'a1157 5083·82 Ml.IC NOTICE "*IC NOTICE qic NOTICl MUC NDTICl MllC mta , cc •03n c,.._.. c,.._.1 c,. . .,. •iiCi irTllNf& I W MOTICI fW ""'9Tll'I UU MOTICI WOllTANT NOTICI NOTICI OI' "IUITll1I IAU NOTtCI fW nulTa'I IAU ow...r ... Tl •ti.. YOU Alll IN Olf'AUU UNOlll A If YOUR PAOP A I Y le IN :r· Ne. •C •M T.I . "9.......,. T.e. ........ vou AN IN OlfAUlf UNDf" A DllD 0, TllUIT DA TID FOIU CI OllJAr OfCAU~( YOU NOll(.t YOU AN IN OUAUH VNDfR A YOU MW ..• MIU UND•U OHO Of' TAUIT OATtO APMlt.. I, .IAMUAllY • tlll UNtllS YOU ARr Bl HIND IN 'rOUA PAYMfNTI. YOU A IN DUAUlf UNDOU 0110 Of fftUll. OAflD JULY 30, DllD CW TRUIT DATID ...... 1M1 UNLlll YOU TAl(l ACTION TA•I AC JION TO none T ll MAY er 80LO WllHOU1 ANY OUD or JRUST. OA1l0 JUHi H . lt?t UNL(ll YOU lAKI ACTION UNU .. YOU TA8'1 ACtlON TO TO '"°TIECT YOUR P..of'UHY, 1r vou• '9lOPlllTY. ,, MA y .. COURf A(,; llON, ancl you mey "-1910 UNll~'t'OU 'AKI ACTION TO 'fllOT£Cl 't'OUlll l'MPUlTYL'' '"°"CT VOUll "'°""'!.".1. ~ MAY It IOLO AT A PU8LIO SAlf 1°'-D AT 4 PUMJC IALI fl YO\I Ille ltG•1"F'10 bring YOUt ~I JO !''40TICT YOUA ll'M'IRTV, IT MAY If IOLD AT A PUILIC IA I MAY• IOLO AT A flUklC....., ., \IOU NHO AN lXftLANA110N •ID AN lllllt.ANATION Of T .. II• IWCl4I' 11111\g by PavillQ all Oii MAY II SOI.DAT A PUILICIALI " YOU NHO AN DPLANATIOH "~OU NIM AN D"-AHAT'°'9 OF lHI NATUIU O~ THI NA1'••ll O, THI ""OCHDINO ynur Pu due paym•nl1 plu• If YOU NUO AN l>CPLANAJION Of HHI NATURE 0' THI O• THI NATU"I 0' T"I ftAOOH.OINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU AOAINIT \'OU. \'OU l"OULD 1>•ro111tl•d GOii• 1nd Up•ntH 0, TH I NAT U A I 0' TH I Pf'OOHOINO AGAINST YOU.1. YOU ~II~ AGMNIT YOU V0U IHOULO CONTACT A LAWYEA CONTACT A 1.AWYlll. Within 1"'" montl'lt ltom Ille dal9 PlllOCUOINO AGAINST YOUt YOU SHOVlO CONTACT A LAWY&ll. IHOUl.D CONTACT A L.Awaa_· On ~ 10. 1Na •• I I 00 NOTICI °' Ir"~' llOllte OI Oelaul.I Wat ,_Md SHOULD CONTACT A LAWY ll On ~ 10, IN2, .. t :11 °",, .... CIC nMt ,.,--• AM . VIROUGO leAVICl fAUITll'SSAU nl• amount II 1HOOO Hof On 0-mbtr 3. 1912 at 916 1 .m . QllAALT AR DllO t 11 A .... Ca llllVICI COlllPOfllATION .• Calllornla T.I .... l •PIMl•I ~IOl>ef 21, IM2, lltld Wlll lnclUM AM . Hf.RllAQll t'SCROW. INC •• c 0 .. p AN y • c t 1110, n I a OORPORATION, I C1llf1rftll corpo11110" H 0111r 111poln1•ll On o.c.mb4W 10 t9H, 11 II t!I unlM yovr account IMC-cutren1 Ca11torn11 eorpo1•11on H Ouly corpotallon, '• duty ac>po1n1.o Corc>orat1011 •• ·~ •••IMM Trutltt 11nd•r 8110 puttuant to oeloe:ll am "'' ffldly, 11 tllet tr oo1 Yov m•y no1 have to !le'f , .... tnllfA tPPOlflltO I rul!H un der "'d Truataa uncltt a110 putaulnt to TruatM undet AMI IM"ltleM 11 OMd 01 Trutt recotdld APlll n . entranc• 10 111• 010 011110• Co unpaid po111on of vour ac:coun1, ourau1n1 10 04Mld of Tru11 •ICOtci.d OMd OI Truet made Dy CHAM.UL. Died of T"* '~ ...,... •. 1911. aa l11•lt No nut. b004I Cowll'IOvM i«tl.0 Oil S.ntll An• eve11 ltlougll lull p1ymtnt waa .Nly I, 19&0, 11 1n1t NO 1776 In POTTfA 1nd JUHi l POTTIA, tttl. aa lnat. No ll-07ilOI 140H. P•O• IHI. of Olllcl•I 8htd . b•lw .. n·. Wl ST(AN demand.a. bul yov mull P8'f Ille t>OOll 136&3. page 837, of 0111Clal tlutbtnel and ..... given IO NCUt• ~ "90otdl Ill....... ... Rtcord•. H•eultd lty AAMON MIJTUAl CO APORAllON .• amounlatlhKl1bovt Rtc0<d•ln ttleolf1CeolltteCoun1y 1n lnOtbladnu11n la11or ol CounlyRecordlfOfOf .. LOPES ANO JAMIE LOPt!I I• Cllllornla Coiporatlon. H lrutlff, All1tt mrM m0111t1• from tha d•I• Rtc0tdar of Orang• CoYnly. S1eta Nf<flONAL. HOM!I ACClPTANCI Celltarftil Wl&.L llLL AT tru•IOtl. In, .... offlo9 of, .... County Of Wbttllultd Trull ... undur "'• 01 r•cord•llon Of llllt documtr'I 01 Cautornla. Executed 'by E~IC ~ CORP . All 11\dllN ClOfpGl'AtlOn."" AUCTION TO HIOHllT • " Reco111er of °'8'109 Collnly. s .... o .. d Of fruit ••tCUlltl by JO (WhlC.11 dllt 01 fKOldlllOll •OP.,••• 8RUN8 WILL S ELL AT PUBLIC owned and NICI lty THI LOMAI & '°" CAIH ·~--........ °' ... of Calllornla. WILL SELL AT PRANZO. JH . ri.1em ,.llod Tru11or tlefeonl, uni ... the obllglllOrl ti.lrig AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER NETTLETON COMftANV. r.corded In l1wlul mon•r ot '"' U1111N PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIOHllT re corded J•ttutt y US. 11110 u lorec;loHd upon PtfMhl I. IOogtr FOR CASH (payable II Uma ol tal9 ~UOUll 3. lt1t, M IMt. Ne ..at. lft lt1te1t MON te MU IT H llOO!R FOR CASH Cpayabl• 11 ln•1tume11I NO 166'8 1n Book l*IO<I YDY ha111 only ll'lt lfOal ri9111 In lawlul rnonay ol tile Unlled b0011 1326'. C1109 117, Oii OfllOill TINOIMO IN CAIH; CA8"11M time of .... In ltwt\jl nlOMY Oii "" 13"1, Pac19161 OI Olllc111 R.cordt to llop '"' IO<tc'°""• l)y !)tying StatMI ., 1111 lront lntranc• 10 ttl9 ~d• In tM Olllol Oii 1119 COUfltr OHICKI. °" CERTlf'llO CMICIC8 Unll1d 81atH ) a t: 111• Soutl'I of 0t111ge Covnty, C•1Jl<>ro11 •. w111 Ille entire •rnour11 dtm1nd•d l>y olo Ora1'ft l<oun1y l.ou11nouM. Rec:0tdef Oii Oflll09 COWttr ...... el tM tfont ettlranc. 10 ti.a Olli antranu to Or•no• Co1mly old ... 11 publiel111C11011 10 Ill• lllO""I y<>Yrcracfjt0< _ I0'8l•d on Santa Ana Blvd . iofC1111110tnlaWILLIELLAT~tC o.aneec:-.ey~ ...... CourthOUM, City of lent• Ana. bide*' l0t c;at/l. ptytb19 Ill lawful II you tllY• any quffllOna, YDY belwHn Sycamor• SlrHI and ~UCTION TO HIGHEST 11001" on 1intai A111 Soulewwd . .,.._ Clllfornla aM rlaftl. 111 .. "'° 1n1-1 money of Ille unlttd Stet .. 11 ttl< •llould aon1ac1 a lawyer or the Bro8dw•y. Sa.111 Ana, Calll0tn1a all ,.OR CASH lc>erable 11 llflle Olf Ull ave-• ltrMI Ind lfMdilllW. aonwayed 10 ind now tleld by 11 ume o1 ..... ltl• 1111111et1 convayoo gov11nman111 agency wt11ct1 m1y r1gh1. 11119 1110 1n1e1Ht coo111ye<1 to In l•wlul money ot tl'lt united 1.n1a Anll. e.i1om11 • ril!M.-. undtf Hid DMd 01 Tru11 In 1119 10 and now n•ld• by uuj Tru11oe hive 1n1ured vour loan. and now ,,..d by II unOM uld Deed StatHI at tl'l9 fronl 91'11t-to 1119 ano "'*• ~ to W ,._ property tltuattd In u ld County undtr 11111 Deed Of fru•t 111 ltlt Rtm1mba1J YOU MAY LOSE of Trull In tri. PIOPlflY lllulled In ~Id Orang1 County CourlllOUN, NICI 1ty It und9f .... Deed of T• 1 and 8tal• d9eG(lbed .. : propally •Hu•l•d In Hid Coun1v LEGAL RIOHtS If' YOU DO NOT Mid CO\lnty tnd Stole dtKrlb•d ... IOC:81td on Santa Ana 11110 .. In Ille c>roPlllY allllSIN In Mid • I LOI 5e ol Trac1 No. 7021, In ll'lt and State dtterlt>od H TAKE PR~PT ACTION. PARCEL 1 1>tt1Nttn Sycamore SI. & ltoactway, County and 111t9 ._... M: Cit~ ol N9wpor1 Budl, M lllown on P8'Cel 1 Thll porllon of LOI 1 ol NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that TM E8'1 hall or Ille WHI hall ol Santa Ana, Cllttomia, all rlollf, tllle Loi 10 ol Traot .... I071."' ... 8 rn1P recorded lft boot! 218, paoea Trac1 No 9873, 11al\oWnoo1 Mat puftuanl 10 Ar11Cle VIII, Seetoont, 1, lhl So~lhnat qu1rtar OI ltle ano onterNI con~ to and -City of Colla' Meaa, Co11111y ol '3 10 •1. lncluallle Of~ raeord•O 1n Book 4211, P1gu 21 2 and 3 of lh• D•claratoon ol SoulltM•t quar1er ol SacUon 10, held by 11 under Mid Deed of Trutt Or111C19. 11-. 01f Ca11on1fa. •per Map9. In 11'19 ofllc9 of Ille C«1nly and 21 of M1aceUan.out Mapa,'" Covenan11. Condition• a11d Townllllp5South,R1n991w .. 1,of In lh• propertrallu•t.0 111 Hid !MClrtCOrdldlllillOOllMt,.... t A9cord9r of lllO Couftly m0te P#1iculllfy dalCrlllOd belO'A Qealrichon• rac0tci9d Jut19 13 1980 Ille San 8e<nardlno Mtrldlan, In ltle Covnty and State~ M to 3 lnelu•I¥• ot Mlaoett....._ E:llctfl'lllo ....,,om all Oil, oll and medt a patl hlfeof 1n Book 13635, Pagee 811·813 OI County of Orangt, Stale of lol '75 OI Trac1 No. 6006. In tl'le .,.,., In.,. office of Ille~ rlgl\11, rnlneral•, "'lntral rlgllll, PARCEL 1· OtlK:l1I Record• ol 0.81199 CoYnly. California, accordlnQ to .,, olflelal City of Co•ta MeH. County of Reeotdlr Olf Mid county. natural gH right• tnd oll'IA( T .... I Po111on or L.01 1 ol naol No. C1lltorn11 . a brue lt 01 11'1• Pl•t ol Mid •and 1119<! In 1111 dlllrk:t Ora009. State of Callf0tnla. H per Tl'le ,,, .. , addr•H Jlnd 01..., l\yelr-l>Ona by wtlataotvtr 1*"41 9873, u Sllown on e Map rocord41d ob 11 g • 11 On o I Pe Y m • n I o f lend olllCe. map r1eord9d In Bc>c* 113. Pagee common C1M'911atl0n, " any, Clf IN l!nown that may l>t within 01 unOtt In Bvok 426. Paget 27 and 28 ol naeaementa haa oocurr•o Not1c. Exc:apt any portion troerof lylng 17 1n<1. 18 ol Mltcellaneoua Map•. In real property O.Krllltd 1llo¥e 11, Iha parcel ol land l'letalnabo11t MllC!tll1n.ou1 Maps, •t1own as Uml of aald brooctl and llen WH llleO EH1e11v ol t11e following d1erlbed tile OtflCa of tile County Recorder ol purported to ba: 3111 Altwly dHcrlbtd. IOg•lller wlln Ill• 7 on a Condominium P1811, recorded August 12. 1982 as Document No. line. aa10 County Alltt\U9, Cotlla M9aa. catltomle. perpelu.I rlgl'lt of drilling. "'lnlng, In Book 12614, Page 1061, OfllciaJ 8:.>-281294 01 Hid OlllClal Record• Beginning 11 I J)Olnl on tile South Tiie atraat addrau 1nd otller Tl'le und9f1lgned dllOltlfn• lfly Hpl0tlng and operating tn•r1tor Recdrds ind In 01c11rallon ol No p1ymen1 ol PHI due amouot• llna of u ld Soultleut quarter. common dQlon•llon 11 any of Ille llablllty f0t any lneofr~ o1 fie 1nd ltorlng In and removing tl'le Covina nu Condi tions and tlat occurred Thorefore, ltle Slrc:o/ $oulh 0"33'00" WHI, from a point re11 propa1ty dncrit>ed above 1a lltMI addr-Ind °"*-"'*' urne from aalCI lend or any otl'l9r RHttlc:llon .. recorded In Book 11111ne Bus1neu Plf1( I A1soc1a11on SoYlll 83"46'40" Eaat. II 93 fMt purporled 10 be 1136 Caraon St , OMIONtlon, 11 any, .,_,--. land, Including the rlglll to 12123, Page 188. Ofl1Cl1I Records does heteOy Meet to ~se to be lrOM tile Wastlfly 1wmlnu1 OI thal Coall M .... Ca1110tn1a Said HI• w1r1 be "'•d•. !hit whlpatock OI dlfactlonally OriH and PARCEL 2. •Old, the lollowing ClellCflbed real cer111n coYrM on Ille Olnler line or Said 111• will be mid•, bul wlll'lout cov•nant er warranty.' mine lrOM land• otl'l9r ll'lan 1"°89 An undlVld•d one-fourteenth properly to "llsly the Obligation Sllv1Hedo Canyon Roed datctibe<I wllhout co11e n•nl or w1rr1n1y ••II'-or lmpti90 ~ u.. tlerelntbove dtlctibe<I, Oii or gn ( 1114thl lee 1lmple 111ternt as I !XHtan "A" •• SoYlh 83"48'40" EISI, 28.01 IM1 expreaa or Implied, t908'd!ng 1111•: poeaealoft, Ot ~enc.. lo wtlla, 1unne1a 1nd tll•l1• Into. Ten1111 In Commoo 111 and to all lhat PARCEL 1. 11'1 th• oeeo 10 Iha Counly ol poueulon or encumt>rancl41• to pay 11'19 r9"'81nlllg princtpm1 -ol ttlrougtl or acroas Ille aublurl-Of pcrllon ol Loi 1 ol Traci No, 9873. Unit 2·C. In ll)e Cit)( of Santa Or1nge. recorded In ' book 1430, pay the r.malnlnQ ptlnelpal· aum of 11'19 nota(a) aacur9d by ..._ Deed ef the 11nd t1ereln1bo11e de11Crlbed, aa ahown on a Map recorded In Ane, County of Orange, Slat• of pagt 596 of Offlcl1I Record•; ttlenee tile note MCured by Hid Deed of Trull with ln1ar .. 1 tllet941ft n and to bonom ...ch whlpatock9d or Book 426, P1gas 27 and 28. n C•lllomla. H ahown and Oetcllbed N0tltl 0"33'00" EHi, 1320 00 IMt Tiust, with lnltrHt thereon. aa provtci.d In Mid nota(•I •• ..-. dlracllonally drlli.d well•, tunnel• '" c o m m o n A, 1 1 • · o n a on 11111 ~1a1n COf\domlnlum Plan lo tile North line of tile ~th hall of provided In Hid not•. advancM, It If any, ur1cfet u. 19rma Of ltlt a.. ana analta under Ind l>tntattl or Condominium Plan r1C0tded M1rch racord•d Ju11e 19. 1980. In Book Mid Sootl\easl qu8'181. any. under tlle term• of Mid OMd o1 TIUll ,_, c:flar ... and...,.... 1>9y<>no Ille aaterlor llmltt tlllteol, 29.19781n8ooli 12614,PAQI 1061. 13640.P8Q16S9olOlllClalR~O• Also e~oept any por11on 1"-'eof of Trull, laH. cl'l1rgn and ol ttle Tru•IM end of IN 1""'9 and to radrlll, retunnal, equip, Official Rec0<da. r1e0fci.d In Book of ontng41 CoYnly. CaWIOfn•a lying WHtetly ol 11\e Eaat lone of Ille e11~ of 1t1e Trua1... p .. eect Dy Mid De9Cf ef TNll, '9 mllnllln, repair. dHpen and 12623, Page 118. Olllcial Records PAACEL 2 lino described 1n ttla quitclaim Tile total amount of 11'19 ut,,.id wit: 1114."3.01 ol)9r1te 1ny aucll well• or mines, EXCEPTING 1llererrom all An undlWded 4 1 percent CleedrecoreleclJuly 1t1 t9651nbootl oa1ance ol ll'lt obfiOaUon aec:urw Tila l>trltfiC:l9ry under Mid O. wlltlOut. l\Owev9r, , .... rlglll to 111111, minerals. oll, gas, i.1roleum, otl\411 lnterea1 •• • tenant In eommon In 7698, page 143 01 Oflicl1I Recorda. by lh• prop•rty 10 t>e aold ano Olf Truat 11er91o(°" e11_... ..i mine. atore. ••Plor1 ano OpttllA hydrocarbon aubttances ind all and to Parcel 1, "shown on a map S1ld land It lnctud41d within Ille reuon1bla Hlimaled co•1•. d•llvered 10 tlle undttalfflell a lhroYgh ttle •urf1ce or the upptr un<lefgrouno water in or under 0t In Book 140, P1ges 7 ind 8 ol arH shown on • map llled for expen'" and adllancff a1 tile lime .., .. ..,. Otdllfellon of ~ ...., 500 fMI of 1 .... eublUtface of Ille wtllCll may'bt produced from said Perc•I 11Aap1, -1ecord1 o f u ld record In book 82. p1ge 19 ol ol th• Initial publlcatlon of Ille Demand tor sa ... arid a Wt'"t•ll l1nd herelnabova described, aa Loi which underll8' a plane p1rallel Orange County, e•cepllng, Record of Survey•. In tlll office ol Notice ol s ... ,, $107,123.78. Nota of Oefaull Ind 11Mt10ft le r~ 1n tile d98d from Tile Irvine to and 500 feet below the preMnl tnerefrom Condominium Unit• 1-A, the County Reco•der o l u ld Tile t>entlflclary under Mid o..o w . Tl'l9 und«llQnM ~ Mid Company. a West Virginia aurtaceotaaklLot,forll\epurpoae l•C, 1·E, 1-G. 1-J, 1·L. l·N. l·P. Coun1y. ol Trual htrelolor• 1111eut9d and Notlc9 of o.ta.dfanel llectlcMI IO Corporation. rlCOt<led F91>tuary 22, ol proepectlng for. tile e•pl0<allon, 2·A. 2·C. 2·E. 2·0, 3-A. 3·C 3-E. PAACEL. 2 dellv•r•O to the unoeulgned 1 w 10 l>t r-o.d 111 Ille -.nfY 1877 In booll 9549. page 652 of development, producllon , S.G.3·J.3·L.3-N.ano3-P1nctual111 An e11emen1 lor lngreu 1nd written Notice of Default 1nd .,._,,,.r..,pr()ll9rtyle....,, ·Otllelal RICOtOa. ax1rac11on ano 11k1ng ol u1d localed llWlr.c>n egrets and f>l.lbltc utllll._ OW< INlt t1ae11on to Sell TM uoder910ned Name, Street Addr••• 111d Alle11tlon It directed to , .... fact m1ner111e. oil. gas, pttroleum. otl'ler Eacept lherelrom •II 011, oll porUon of the South hall of the cauMd Mid Notic. of Default and T....,,,_ Numb« of T,,,.._ Of 11181 Ille oil . .ic. le fte91)t9d from l'lydrocartoon auottancee end waler r1gn11 m1nerala, mineral rlgtlla. Soutn•ast qu8111H ol Section 10, Election to Sell tb De rlCOtded 111 peraon conducllnQ HI• 11 c I I .... d•acriptlon In this guarani .. from 181d Lot by mMtll of mlnet. na1urel gU rights and Oltler Towntnip6Soulll,Rangt7WMl,of tile eounly whefe 1111 rMI Pf°'*1Y IEAVICE CORPORATION, a and any pollCy 1-..d In Ille n8"'9 of well•. Clefriclr.• or ott\9r equ1pm9111 hydrocarbont, by whatsoev« nal"M Ille San 841fn81dlno Meridian. In the' I• local9d. Callfornla COfporatlOll aa TN9199 a purcnaMt al a .... undtf aald from aurlace locatlona on adjofnlng known geo1nermal ateam, Ind all County ol Orange. Stat• of Oete· Oclot>er 28. 1982. ly~ CICG COAPORATION. Afelll, Deed 01 Truat wlll alao contain aald or Miglll>Otl"G land or 1r1ng oultlde products derived trom any of ltle Ca11fornla. according 10 an olflclal GIBRALTAR DEED COMPANY 8160 Canby Avenut, ReMda, oll e11oepllon. ol ttle above deacrll»d ot, 11 being lorego1ng. that may be w1troln or pl1t of NIO land tiled In 11141 Dl9trlct clo ROBERT e. WEISS Callforn .. 91336 -(2111 St2-MOI. T!l• II rut aOJIH.ll and otll•r u~erat~ tnat 1t1e owner ol such u n de r I tie Par c •I o f I • n d iand olf!Q9, Included within a •trip of INCORPORA TEO _ Dale: Octol>tf 22 1112 common CIMlgf\a11on, II 8lt'f of tl'lt mlnera11. Olf. gae. petroleum, 0111er lle••lnebov• detctit>ed· 1oge111., 1anq 4(>-fwl In width, ttM e911t.nlfl8 1120-v11i.oe Oak• Of. Exacut.O 11y: etuC. c. c.-and raal proPtflY 0.acrlo.d above 11 llydroc:artoon •ul>ttlltlCel and water. With tile perptlu1I rlgllt of drllllng. ol wttlctl It dtacflbe<I .. lollOW9. Covina. CA 91724 Suietta R Coder purported to t>e: 1946 Port as NI loru1 1oova, shill tlave no mining, ••Plorlng and operating Beglnning11apolnlonthecenl., (213)867 .. 302 CBSEAVICf Loallalelgl'I Pl-. ~ a..c:tl. right to enler upon the aurtace 01 therefor ano atorlng in and Una or S1lver1do Canyon Road. Roberl E w.... CORPORATION Publoatlad Or1nga Coaat Dally Pilot. Nov 6. 12, 19. 26. 1982 4905--82 Celll0tnla 92te0. Ille ebOvo deterlbed lo1nor10 u.se removing 11141 tam9 lrom N10 land North 73•19•49" East. 78 00 '"' Anorney and Agent ae Trullte • ------------T Ila under1lgn•d Tru•t•• any 01 the Hid LOI 0t any portion 0< 1nyo1ner land lncludlnQ tile r~ht frOM tht lnttrMCtlOn of Mid center 10< Trull• It ~ CICO ~TION. l'talC NOTICE dlaclalm• any lfablllty tor any tlle<eof above said plane p111llel 10 to W111patock or dlreolion1lly droll ~ne W1th tne Norttletly prolonQatlon Publl•ll•d Orange Co"t Dally 19811, PtBllC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUS IMl .... H NA• STATEMENT The following perton I• doing 11u-. u : , • • ART FOR DESIGNERS. --,-IC-TITIOUa ___ au ____ 9_9 __ lnc:otractneu ol Ille llr ... addt-and 550 leet below the presen1 eno mine from lands 011\ar lh1n or tile Eaalerly hne ol Lot 1 of Traci Pilot, Nov. 12. 19. 26. 1982 Sy AoM Merw COllM, NA .... STATIMeNT and otlltf comrnon cMiaignallon. 1f surr1ce of Ille 1110 Loi lor any ltloff tlereonabove oeacrlbed 011 or No 1197, .. per map recorded In 4969-82 T~ ~••11 -'"Y~ahown he<aln. f>l.lrpose wt1atao41V11• ges wtlla. tu11ne11 and s1'11l1s 1n10. book 38. P•gH 41 and 42 of Publl•hed Orang• CoHt Dally The lollowlng peraon Is doing S.ald 111• wlll be made. but PARCEL 3: ttlrougl\ or across II•• aubaur1ace of Mll<lellaJltOUa Maps, In 11141 office ol f'tlll.IC NOTICE PUot, Nov. 12. 19, 2t. 1M2 bosl~~.J~ NT R Y. A llA ER 1 CAN .. lthout co11en1nt or warranty. Non-eaclus1ve aanml'ntf 101 1t11 li no herelneboye desc1lbeO, ttle County Recorder of uld '842-82 upr"' 0t Implied, regatdlng 11119, a cc e 1 s . 1 n grass, 1 g res 1 and 10 bottom llUCll wt11p1toc1t.eo or County. Mid pOlnt oeong on a cu,.,,. NOTICI INVfTINQ ..,, MOTORCARS, 2052 S. Grand ooaseu1on. °'encumbrance•. to •ncroacl\men1 support 01reeb.on1lly drilled well•. tunnel•. concav• NqrtlleHlarly navlng a NOTICE IS HEAEBY GIVEN 11\81 Pta.IC NOTIC( Avenue. San1a Ana. Calllornl• oay tlle remaining prlrlcipat tum of maintenanoe repair• and lor oltler ano ahatlS under and beneath or 1101us ol 240 00 Ifft. a radlaf 10 IN1ed propo1811 Wiii be rec.lved i.y , 9270& Ille note(•I MCUred by Nici OMO of purlllOM• o~er 1t1e common area beyond 1ne eaterlOt 11mtt1 ttlefeol. 18IO po.nt beat• South 73-"-1&'40" m. Ctlyol Colt• M.a at tlll omc. .... .--.-,-Oellgnma.11, 2915 E. Redtlil Avenue, Martin H Levan. 4752 RoVQe rrual. with lnterHt tlltreon. aa and 011er llloH po111011a of tnE 111d to reOrlll ratunnel equip. W111. llleno• Souti-11er1y 376.99 or 1111 Ct"' Clertl at the~· 77 ~ CCMMY ' · r Cotta Mae. Calilornla t1262t Road IMne Calll0<noa 92715 and ., -·•-r•11Mt ~ JHn C•l•kallc. 17080 San This ~ 11 conoucted by an :>rovlded In Mid no'9(•). adv-. WOC:latlon propertltt cornpnM<l ot 1T1814\tam, OMll8l1 C>PMll• any fMt 1tong H od curve ttllougll a Fair Drove, Coeta M9u, ni.. -., Ricardo StrMI, Fountain valley. lndlVIOuat I any, under the terme of Mid OetO IN rlCrNtlon ., .. UMmelll 8l1il aucll we111 or mlne1 wlll'lout. Olf'ltral ano .. of 99•00·00": I~ unhl lhe tlour of 11:00 a.m on Na.ts C.. • .... ca11.tornle 92708 ••••t'n H. La\/an >I Trull. I•••· etlarg•• and 1t1t 111eet..-nent. a11 uthown at how•v•r. I".• r1gh1 to drill, mlM, "'°"" 75°19 40" Eaa1. 17.21 IMt to Dec:.mber 23, 1"2, at wNc:ll 1im. ._.. AMi CA 991 Thi bo 1 1 conoue1ed b an --• ·~ of the True ... and of IM d9flMd 1n tM lbove·oetcrlt>ed plan at0<e, e11pl0fe and operate thtougti the beginning of • curve c:oncave llley will be open.cl f>l.lbllely and PLAINT!": JAMft U, MA.._. lndl 1~ al• nen s Y This •taternent WIS llled wtttl Ille tru•I• crHted by H id O.•d of an 11 t ll • at> o v •.de 1 c robe o tile surlac:. or lhe l.IPl)er 600 '"'of Soutn.ly tlavlng • radlua of 260.00 read aloud In tile COUnall °"8rnl>«• and CATHEllllNE M. MM•t•a v u · County Cieri< of Orange County on rru•t. '°' 1111 amounl t1a10111bly Declaration. ttl• 1ut>aurface'ol ttle land '"'· thenc• Eaaterly 114.3A f"' lor FURNISHING ALL LAaOA. DEflNOANT, MOUlljil . Tiii• ai!~=~lled wllh ltll ~ 9, 11182 ,20 •• 11 tltT~l9d.,to lte: I~-. ~~:..~· .............. PARCEL 4, -htrlllnabove deecrlbd, aa r~ &long aald cur11e 11\rougl'I a c:.ntral MAT ER I AL I , E OU I ft Ml NT. MARDINI. ~ .... "'-· "'-k I Ot Cou 1 ,.. ,,.11e11911c:19ry -..,_, !Jlelulllll Nlmenlt appurt811anl In ltla dead from the lrvlnt anolt ol 25°14'00"; ltlef>c. South TRANSPORTATION ANO IUCH FAWKU MSTAURIHT, . ...... nty .,_ 0 811"9 n yon Publlll\eO Orange CoHI Daily >f Trutl h«•IOfOtt •..wt.0 and to Parc els No 1 and No 2 Company .• COl'porlllon. recorded 79"27'20" East. 63 78 ,... 10 lM OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY I E MARDINI. JEf'FAlY •. 9IA . Nov9rnber 8• 1982· f'•WT Ptto1. Nov. 11. 18. 26. Dae 2. 1982 sa11vertd to Ille underaf9n•d a dHct1bed 1bove. tor uH and April 20, 1979 In Book 13112, P909 beginning ol a curve concav• REOUIAED TO INSTALL SITE MM. JUf'MY a. MAVUI. Al C O I 4949-92 ..i111n Decllaratlon of Default lltld occupancy lor Cya rd ). (dec k I. 1510 of Olf!Clal Records No<ltlerly having I radlua of 7.0.00 IMPROVEMENTS AT LIONS PARK. R ~p MRS. Al.LEN A. , Publlstled Orange oaat 81 '11------------:>.mind lor Sal•, and • wrlllen (g1rage). purpoaes. del1n•d u /llao ucept th1rafrom Ill• IMI. thence Easterly•223 20 fMt COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA. WILLl.\M F NORTON Ill, MQ Piiot. Nov. 12· 19• 26• Dae. 3· 1962 P\RJC NOTICE <IOflCa of 0.faull and E.lacllon 10 rtatr1c1ad common areas In lhe subsurtace watet ughtt, but Wl1t\OUI along Mid curve. through • Olf'llral A Mt of plant,~-. and WILLIAM F. NORTON Ill. w•L· __________ 5020-8 __ 21---f'JC-TITIOU9---.,...---9-9--1 )ell Tile undersigned cauNCI aaiO ibove·descrlt>ed Oeclarauon. u 11\t nght 01 aurtace entry H rt· ~le of 11•19•5s '. thenee Nortn otl'ler contract ~" ~ l>t KER & LEE. INC • a Calitornta f'tlll.IC NOTICE ...._ STAta•NT 'fOllC• of Oefaul1 and Elecllon to ... igned in tile 1bove·desc110ed M<ve<I In tne dMO from T1141 ltvlne 13 13'40" Easl, 49 72 f ... 10 tile oblllntcl In 1111 oltict of the O.· corporation. JOHN FITZPAT~. Mil to be rlCOtded In IN coun1y plan Company a Corporation. recorded baglnnlng ol • curve conc111e p1rtmtnl ol Leisure SttvlcH, 77 MARY ANN Bl.ACK. CAllfOAMA FICTmoua BUSINESS bo~~ng peraons are dOlng Ntlefe tile rNI property 19 localed Thct Streel adoreas •nd/or 011ler A1Jf1I 20, 1979 In BCJOI( 13112. P8Q1 Sout"-'fy having 1 radlua ol 760.00 Fair Orl\19, Coell Mffa. Catlfornla, ESCROW SERVICE, a Callfllrllla NAME STATIMeNT BRANJON. 2322 Azure Street. Date: Novemb« 9. 1982 common oestgnotlon. 11 any, 11 1610 of Ollic1al Records leet, 1t1ence EHlerly 160 38 fffl upon receipt of 1 llOtlt9'Undabl9 ... corporation. DA\118 WINTP•. I d VERDUGO SERVICE l)U(llOr1.0 10 tw 1095 Mesa Blull The record vested owner of Ille along said curv• tlltovgl\ a oentrll ol '7.00. II biOOlrt r~I plellt S EV I L L E l SC Ill 0 'II Tile tolowtng persons •r• Clfng Santa Ana, Cahlornli 92707 CORPORATIOit. Otl\le, Coeta M .... Ca Pfopef'ty more c:omrnonly known as •~le ol 12'05 30''. tl'Hlnee South and apecllleatlon• b9 rnali.d Ille CORPORAT ION. a Callfornla busi~~·R FOR CONTINUING Slr~~~a ~':.'t'~I~~! m~; It Mid Trutl• Sad S.19 will be made w1thoul ~910 EHi ~"'* Aven'A'o~'i• 84 38 30" Easl, 58 00 IMI to Ille Chatge wilt 1>t $10.00 per WI c;orporatlon, WILLIAM J. VAU8HN. EDUCAT ION PROGRAMS. 38&7 Andrew B Miiiet, 6 Almond Bv$uaanW11iam1 warranty at to llllt potS8SSIOl1 0t Int• Ana ahlornia IS WHI 11!18 of tne Elat hall ol ttle Each t>ld thali be made on ll'lt VETERAN ESCROW COMPANY, Birch St . Newport Bue ti. CA T,.. Lane. lrvl!l8. California 92715 Au1llOtlnd Slgllatur• er>eumt>rances. for .1t1e purpose 01 L1rson Souttleast quarter of 1 .... Sou1"'811 prO(>OSal lorm ano In Ille mannet INC . a C•hfornla corgoratlon, 9'2660 This bulltWll It conduc1ed bi 1 401 N Bf and Blvc:I. paying Ille obWg1toon1 '9curO<I 1ty Oeled October 21, 1982 quwler ol said MCllOn prov Id Id I 11 11'1 e con Ir a c I DENISE DEN NINO, TH MAI 8. Ft1ncl9 E Gonzstes, 2629 S ganaralplllnertnip Olend•.CA9l203 NidDMdofTrull,1ncludlngll'lel.. SIRCOllR\/INEBUSINESS EXCIPI ttlal portion 1ne1eof OocurnenU. and 1llall b• LEE, OAR~WA .. AIN, a11d Townsend. Senta An•. CA 92704 Johll s. PIHPIH• Tai . (2 13) 50().2485 and eaptnM ol , .... Trutt" and ol PARK I ASSOCIATION 1nclulled wotllln p1rc•I I et>ove 1ccompan1ed by a cerllll•d or DOES 1 1111 • ~ Allee o Gonzelu. 2529 s This 1181"'*'1 wu flied wittl the Publlaned 011n119 Coaal Dally Ille trvsts crealed by l8ld Deed of B/ Oillla Slater men11one0 ca..,,.,·, Chactt or a l>ICI bond lot -Townsend, Santa Ana, CA 82704 County Clef'k 01 Orange CoYnly on PllOt, Nov. 19. ~. o.c. 3, 1112 Trual. advancet lhtreunder. w1ttl STATE 0 CALIFORNIA) Said ltnd " lncluOed within •tie not lau than 10 1>9rcen1 ot tlle ON "9l9T Ulllll• Ill• L+Mf Frances E. Gorizetes November 9. 1982. 5077-82 Interest .. PfOVided 1t1ere;n, and Ille )la ., •• shown on a m•P lillO for amount of tl'lt l>ICI. mad9 payal)le 10 C.. "9. •JI t't lllll stetemenl wu fli.d with Ille ,20,_11 unpaid i><lnclplll and Interest of ttla COUNTY OF ORANGE reooro In book 112. page 19 of tl\9 City of Coeta MMe. MOTICI. Y• NW9 .._.. --. County Clerk ot Orang41 eoun1y on Publlalled Orange CoHI Oallv P\RJC NOTICE Nole(•) eecur•d by Hid 0.ed ol On OcloO.r 28. 1982. belore me. Record of Survey•. In the of11ce of Ttle contractor 1llall. In 11'1• n. MWt _, ............. ,.. Nov l8 1982 Pilol. Nov. 11, 18. 26• OIC 2• 1982 Trust. to-wit $28.383 06 tile unO«algntO, a Notary Public In lhe County Recorder of aald perlormanc• of tl'I• wOrll and ..._ ,.. ...... ...., ...... f'20DM 4960-82 'ICTITIOUS -•• Dated NOV9mber 8, 1982 end for nld Slate. peraonally Counly lmpro11em•nta. conlorrn 10 ll'lt ,.. ....... ....-• ......... Pul>Hatled Orange CoHI Dally ..,... nA,.....-r WESTERN MUTUAL appear9d Olan• Siiier, known 10 No. atreet 1ddru1 ol lh• Labor Code of ..... Stal• of ................ . Pilot. Nov. 19• 26. DIC. 3, 10, 1912. PUBLIC NOT1CE Tne lollowlng !*'ton 11 doing CORPORATION me 10 be Alr·M•nag•r ol fh• common dellQtlfllon la known to !Calllomla and oll'ler lawt ot Ille If..,...., to_..,_......,. ef soao-e2 1------------I bu~• 700 So Tualtn S1ree1 cora>Ot911on that executed the ""'1htn Ille 1rustM To ot>taln dlraclk>ll to 1S1111 ol Calllornla applleal>I• an •tl0tney In '"" "'•II«, ,etl ACTITIOUS ...... TECHNIKS. 177 F. RIV9tald9, 0rang9, CA 92687 INtrurnent, known to me lo.,. lllt Ille preperty, you may contact the ~-•to. Wlll'I ttte •oeplloll only of "'°'*'do.,~ ao"",.. ----Pl---.,.-NO-TIC[____ ...-.. 8TAftmNT ~ Baaef•. Calilornia 92663 Tel (114) 771-4100 } ' peraon whq eHCUIH lhl within b • ". , I c I. , y . • I T I s E iauctl Yllf'latlon• • mey .,. r9qlk9d wtllltll rMPCHIM. II 8fly ......... ~.. Tl'le lollowlng person Is ooing Jell Prlc• Tutor, 4228 ~hTrullM 1n11rumtn't on bel'lall ol ltle 1NVESTMENTS.IHC .PO.loll11&, ~llle~ltltulee.,.._I tlledonllln9. FtcTTTIOU9eut••• butlnot1 'aa: • Enc1n11aA,,.,RoMm9td,Clllllornla By-ct1erlF11n•WOftll, corporation tl\traln nameo. and Lomita, C•llfornll 90717 by ~owhlchprOCIMdlllgt....,_,..,. AVl801 Ualett •• •••• NAm BTA'RWNT PAPAGAYO RESTAURANT 91770 Ttull" Salea Olflc9' acknowl•dg•d to me that 1ucn aubmllllng a written rtqUMI wltl'lln ~1ken 1nd wlllcll l'lavt nol t>Hn ..... He. 11 ~ ..... Tile tollowlng Plf'IOfl• are Oolng MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 3439 B Thi• bullMM 16 conouc1ed by .,, •·sycamore St & Broedwa~. corooratlon aHcut•d Ille within 1111 daya ol tile !Ital publlcatlon of ~Mded ll'f ttte prOVlllonl of tl'lt ......, _.,. Ull. ... J r hlL • t>ualnMt u : \Ila Udo. NewP<>r1 e..cll, California lndlYtdual Santa Ana. Calllornla 1natrumen1 purauan1 to Ila By-Lawt 1t11a ad Lat>ot Code. Pr•ler•~ to labOf -... W. ,._... -. COASTAL ASSOCIATES. 3161 112663 .I.ti P. Tut0< Put>llatled Orang• COHt Dilly or• rHolullon ol lta Bo.,d ol Tiit underalgneo Trull•• itt191f be given only In Ule w .,. ..... Lm .. ...._., - Airway. Sulla C-1, Coata M .. a . . Mlchael Stanley, 1840 Park Thll atal-t wu l11ed with 11'19 Piiot Nov 19, 28. Oec 3, 1982 Oifactor1. dlaclalm• any llaOlllty lor any IPfovi<led by.... ...._ Calllomia 92&26 Newpott 706. Newpott Bueti, County C..lr. of 0.1ng9 County on 5103-12 WITNESS my Mnd and olflClel lncorrac-of Ille llrMI .odr-No bid 111911119 oon11d1 ed..,.... 'ti U•t•d d•H• 11tlcllar ti c . p . M . F I N A N c I A L Cllf0tnla 92te0 NOYeMber 9. 1982 .... and Othet common d191gnetlon, It " .. made on • '°"" lurnlefled "" COllNJO ... un abOOado ....... ENTERPRISES. INC .. a Calll0tnla Ttllt bu11M1a Is condueled by 111 f't01t17 PlaJC NOTICE l al Linda L. Socdo any, lhown llereln ~lle~of Coeta .._,and II made a1u111 o . d• l>1rf• llacerle corporation. 3151 Alrwiy. Suite lndl'tlldUal Put>lllhad Or1nge Coaat Dally Pul>hal'ltd Orange Coal! Dally Said ule wlll t>e 1T1ada, 1>u1 In accordance wtlrl the PfcMeiol• of __......_,.., de .... W& -C-I, Coeta ""'8. California 82626 a.· MichMC Sta!My PtlOI, Nov 11, 11. 2S. DIC 2, 11Nl2 f'tClTTIOUS llU ... aa PllOt, Nov 12, 19, 28, Dae. 3. 1982 wlttloul coven1nl or warra11ty, '"' PfCJC)ONll requlrem9nla, ., reepuMta-"& • llllr ...... TNa llutlMts Is condueled by 1 TNS"sl91ement waa llled W1lll Ille • 4931·82 NA• STATaMINT 4996 .a2 ••P<llS 0t llT\j>lled, 1111_,°'"ll tltle, Eadl bidder muat 1>t llCenMd and 11UtCM -rtQ191radl • --.0. corporation. County Cl«tl 01 Ot11ng9 County on The lollowtno peraons •re oou19 poauallon, or eneuml>r•~•. to a1ao prtQUallfl9d u rtQUnd Dy.... 1. TO THC Dl'lfCaANT: A dwl C.P.M. November 22, 111112 P\&IC NOTICE business " l'lll.IC NOTtc£ pay tile remllnlng Pflncjpal tum o1 TIM Clly Council of Ille Cl1y of cOftlptelnt l'IH bMn fllM tty ... FINANCIAL ENlERPRISES f'2027ll VIDEO CROSS ROADS. 103 E UNMCHl COUllT Of' Ille note(a) MCUred by Mid 0..0 of Co•lt M ... taatMM 1"41 rlQllt to plalmllf agllnll ..,. If .., Wllll It c. P. Fllller Publlahad Or1nge Coui Dally ~: .. :=:• 171n St • Cl2l1' Me11. CA 92627 • CAL•OllNIA Trull, wl.!:' lnlerHI thereon. H •eject any or all bldt. ~ tlllt lewtlrlt, you muet • .....,. Secr91111')' PllOI. Nov. 25, Dec. i. ti. t6, 1982 Tn I II I I d I c c 1 0. •1 ( 0 II d 'c cl•, ,P I I • I c-.noy --·-· prOVldecl l8ld nola(•). advancee. Eiieen P. Plllnn9y • O•y• •h•r 11'11• IUlftl'f\OM .. Tills atal.,.,,...,I wu hied wtftl ftle 51'8-82 • o ow ng per•on • o ng o r P o r • t o n . • • o 1 no • .,_ • ..... .,......_ 11 1ny. under Ille term• of MIO OMO o.y Clertc Oii 1119 -* on ,_., tlt9 W1tf1 "* =• Coun Clerk of Orange Coll ty on t>usineaa aa COfl>{lrallon, 12 Hld11Qo llV'lna. CA 700 Chrle Cftlr, Dt. w..t ol Trust. I•••· cllargea and o.y of ea.ta Meaa wrlttlll ,........ lo .. oa-l IY 9 982 n "8JC NIJTIC( COAST CARPET CARE, 464 92714 ....:-:·~~~:-1 ....... •llP«ISW of tile Tfldt• end of Ille Put>ll•"9d Ora119t Coall Dilly Un1Ma you do 90, ~ ....... .. No¥ernl>« • ' nt*7 Park Ave . Lagun. 8tacll, CA ,,, .. bullneSI Is condUC:led by • I OARV .ro ... •'"' AGATHA ttu•I• CrHl•d by H id Dffll of Piiot. Nov 19. ze. ftl2 be 9'1tertd on APOllGlllOft .. .. Publl•h•d Orange CoHI Dally irecnnoua .,_.. ~265I corpo<•llOl1 :.0 -. ~-"''' T~1._ tot ... a--t of ...... ·--..... &12S-a '*"""'·and !Illa~,.._.,.• Piiot. Nov. 12, t9, 26. DIC, 3, 1962 NAm 8TA....wf Fred Harford, 414 Parli Ave. Croaaroeda C1p11a1 Corp .... ..... ,.,. .., .,_. .,,. v .. ...,.. ~ ....,... VOU lor ... ""' "878-82 The followlng parson I• doing ~o A. lagun1 Beacto. CA 92651 Juoe 8ynon CfTA ftt t>alanee of tne Ol>llQation MC\lted rtaJC llOTICl d81N1tdtd Iii 1flt ~ .... ' bull-... Tl'lll bulllnUI .. conducted by •n Secrellry TrHIUrer E PECO-P E"°o'FAD-T 22E MIST TE OF l>y 111• proP•rty to O• told 1nd could "'"" In 1•rnlall111e11t .. , "*-ft N0T1C( O & B ENTERPRISES. 19400 ndwldual Tiits statement wet llled with t"9 TH l H A rauonable nllmat•d co1U, SUP I" I 0 91 C 0 U II T 0, .... talllna 01f moNr Of,,...,, t Buell 81Vd .. S\ilte 21. Huntington Fred Harford County Clerk OI Otange Cov111y on CALIFORNIA ••pen'" and adVanolt al th9 llmt c.....-. or other r.fltt r•CN•••ecl Iii 1119 l'tCm10UI --·· BNctl. CA 92847. Thi• ll118!'119nl was llleO Wllll ll't• Nov 111. 1982 To RICHARD A, RUSSELi. 'rou of tne Initial pul>llcauon ot '"' COUNTY°".,._ QOmPltlllt. , . NAlm ITA,......,. KURT W. OONS8ACH, 8788 ICounty Clerk of 0r8nQ9 CoYnty on F202237 11• "4treby clt9d •nd requlr41d IO NotlCI of Sale 19 $49.268.53 In "'8 lllettef el ... a,,11111111 Dtled Jtuitt 22 INI Tile I~ person• 1re doing Tuter• Dr .. Hunllngton BMcn, CA ,_.ov 15, 1982 Puf>llttled Ornge Cont Dally appear al a hNllllQ In 1n1a tour! on Tile btMftelary und« Mid o..o ol ._ Letllla-..., CMftae ~ A ~ bifk · ~ •: 92646 ,.,,.. PllOI Nov 18. 26. Dec 3 10. 19112 December 17. 111~ 11 8·45 am In of Truat tleretotore ••~u19d end ., ......._ Nwy·c::~ TOC J0C ENTERPRISES. 958 This, bUalneaa la condUcled by an Publlahed Orange Coall Dally ~-82 Dept e located at 700 CMe Cetlter delivered, to Illa undera19nad a CAii llO. A1-• a...,.. ..,._... Ortve. Corona d94 Mar, lndMdual Piiot, Nov 18, 2S, Dae 2. 9, 1N2 Or , W•t, Santa Ana. CA 12701 Wf1lle11 DedarlllOtl of OellUlt and ~TO IMOW CAU11 Mlt .... M. -- OA 92e25 Kurt w Donat>adl 5048-12 "*IC NOTIC( ind give any l•gal tHIOn wny. Demand lo• Salt, and a written POil C:...-fW ...-.. ....,... ......_CA - Amy Betll Randall. 9393 Emery Thi• ••• ,.,.,,...,, WM hied whh ttl9 ICCClfdlng 10 tile vtrlhed petition NOllC• ol 0.laull and Electlon lo WHEREAS, 11'1• •Pc>llclllOll ol (ne) ...... Cl. Circle 12 .• Fountain Vlll'-'f. CA County Cl«tl of 0.811Q9 County on "*IC NOT1C( l'tCnnou8 Wll llled wOl'I 11111 courl Tile Partnlll Sell Tila urtClettlgned C8UMd Mid S1a1f1 LOUIM 8lmofl tor dllft99 Oii Pv""9MCI °'T: c.-.. 112708 N ..._" 1 .... .., NAm 8TATlmNT RIQlll• of ll'lt all9ged 1111'19r llhould Notice 01 "-'-·"I .__. E._.,llon 10 na1n9 ,_ "-' duly tied ,,..., 1t1e --.. -. a. 1... ..,. 1 .. ~ . Tamwa Lynne W .. nberger. 958 ovem ..... "'· ...... ,..,.. '1CTITIOU8 •:::J• Tll• following ""on 19 doing not l>t 1ernilnt19d Sell to be ';;'oed'"; 1,;" county c1er11of11'111COurt,and11..,.,..mo nN'I, ,_.., "· •· '.., ~ landcaal .. DtlYe. Corona Oel Mar, Publlalled Orange Coaat Dall NA• 8TAft bueln8la u . O•t.0 Stt>ttmbtr 10, I062 wnera ttll,..., prOC*fy 11 tocalecl from Hiii appllcatlon 111•1 "'ct · -CA 92t25 pu...1 Nov 12 It :19 "--3 198 lllt following per1on la doing 8 A IL IN G 'YACHT Waller T. Kmgl..o.puty Data• October 21. 19H ' applicant dulru to lltva _.,... ~ Jlnlllftr Kay Weinberger, 858 "" • • • • • "'""'· 601M2 butlnHI .. SPECIAL TIES, 230 Hnd Stretl. , ... " ........... ' H £A IT Ad E ES c R 0 w IPCll!Cant'• "'"" ChanQ9CI to .... --"iin~iiiiiriliilflli--landcMlle Drive, Corona Oel Mii, CUSTOM MOTORS flftE ~ Bwll. Calll0tnla 82863 1SIO CMelllMlt ••• IMC . p1opoHll n•rn• ol CfirlllOPlltr MftTIOUl-1 CA 92t26 •-.,. --OENTIA, 787 Bak•r SI .. Coata 'troy H Browntltg. 230 82nd ...... AM. CA ll701 ' a Cakfomta c:ot""'allon LOU1a Hl#NNt .... ITA_, Tllll ~la cond\lcled by 1 ..--nu1.-~.CA 92t28 StrMI. Newport BMcl'I. Calltornla (11•t 10 .. 141 u TNeM, lly....., NOW, THIM'OM.. •la tianey1 Tiit fol°""'O ...... I• ....... 11'"9'11 per1netllltp. '9Cl1TIOU9 lllH••• Wiiiiam E P8QI, 3042 Yutton t2M3 Pul>llalled Oran119 Coa•I Dally lnMK9d Forec!OlllN Corl! orelefed !Ml .. Pl'90N 1114••110 ....,_ • Am; a.th Rltndall ..... ITAW Clfc ... C4eta Mas. CA t262t Tiii• ~ .. conducted ""an Ptlol, Nov 5. 12. If. 26. 1112 .. Aoln1 • n Ille •llCI 1118119r of eftanet ol MA"9'TI COUNll.t TllQ, - TNa alat-1 -filed wttl'I t.he Tiie ......_....... ...,_. -........, TNa ~ It collduct9d 1:1y an lndMOual 4"9-U 18()0§ .,__ Wrtt. 1u119 name ..,.., befOte Ille aflo~ "-AIM. 1911 ,,... c.t l .., • <;ounty a.1(. Of O.ange County on ~.., ,._,. 11\dMdut! fray H lltownlftO • 100 ilftll"9d c-t. Ill o.t 3 ....,., on1 Clllorftla tlln ......_ , ~· 1e, 11162. ~ M! co PO 0 Wllllam e P11g9 Thie a1119me111-flltd w1111 t>M P\ll1C NOTICE van Nuyt, Clllt0tn1a 111.,. 1M 11111 oey Of Daa1,.., 1111. et ...,.... "!.~" .. .!!.illlYc ·1~.-• ,...., OF :~~~l1.~':oc, c~A~,...: Thia ... ,...,,.,,, w•• !tied with, .... County Cl9rtl of Orangt CO\lflly on l'tCT1T10U• .,_.. ei!''> r...::iaoo • """°"' ol ICUO o'OIOOI! ··"'· ltlan' .... Alie, ... -• -: ..i..~~blllll.O Orange COHI Dally taeeoSullt 3 ... Newport B .. oll. CA ~v •. c 1 1er11912of Oranot Collnly on Novtmt>« 9. 1 .. 2 NAMI ITATl1mNT lrrtdella TllOmaa and twe to 1110W ca.A, If..,.., ~ ntff II , -· Nov. 19, 26, Dec. 3, 10, 1982 -· 11, ,.,.. 1 1 11 ~· , ' 11ave. •"r 1111 1ppllcauon tor Ttlla ...,..._ " IOI • •• Wlfl • __________ s_11_e._12_ E 0 c O'A . • ca 111 0 r n I. ,_.. Publl•l'l•O Orange COHI Dally Th• lol owing ptrlOll • Olng .. autl\Orlaeel fllCINIUtt Cl'l811QI 0 n1l111 etlould not " Ill~. ; I "9lJC NOTIC( COfJ)OfatlOll 4a()O C1rnpu1 Ot1¥e Publl•ll•d OranB:c Cout Oally "'°'· Noll, 12, ''· ze. Dec: 1.;~~ ~M':'TTHIWS OlllONS, (b Pul>llltlH Ora1111 Co••• O•llr or;i;;i,UflTHIA ON>IMD ... • ....... "°""'~ ·1 Suite 30.' Ntwport 8tach, CA P~ot Nov 19· 2t. 3. IO. IMJ. TIM MA TT HI W 8 A N'C Ptlo4, Nov 12, It, 8 . 1tU,...,. • .., _Of 11111 Ottttl ltt---.. Ill "*'lllled Ort"llt 'i Mnnoul WIS t2te0 IOll-l2 ASSOC IA TIS, 'ull• U . U 104 -t;OMNOI CC)AIT oAi'Y'""MT. fllot, ..... W, ti, R. Dll. : Tila =:~. dolrlll co:::--.. condue:tld by • Mt.IC llOTICl "9lJC NOTIC( ~~==2 ... Ml ... O~ -w llOTICI ::t.:::':.C:-tn ~ ---E ,• ~II! E<ICOA NTmOUI MIH•M '9CTm0Ue ..... JtlNt T .,.........._ Htfl Ii Coetl ..... C...~ OI ..,._ -~IOUTHWESTERN MAH· AldWdO. ,....._,'°" umlTA..-T T..._ 1~A~ _._ llltllro. Ml .. IOn Vltto. Catlfornlt lllCTmOUIWM -•-'°'"'-•)•!ltl•il!i 1• ~ 11 IM EH T A H D A E A LT Y Pr_...,,1 . Tiie loMowlnt "'90f\t 11 f01nt ""' _....,. ...,_,. .. ...,....._ U-. ,,_., ..,_ COMP~1 2918 ~ Avenue. Tiiie A1atem111t -N9d w1111111t l>UtlMll •· °""'*9 M Tllll "'*"Mt le condUCl9d ~ ¥' .. ... '.t£ luttt A--.i. ca.ta Mw. IHH Collnl) C""" of Orlfl08 CCMlty on ILIGANcl, WINI & "°919, ' WAI.NUT Hlt.L l.IQUOA 1 ... 1 lfldhtldllll. tlUllMM 19: • IOf ~ !,o! . fllt ......... ....... • Aldlfl ... """"· 7t32 Cetl>on No¥. It, IM2 >H Un•wer;;Or .. No ••• Colt• filed Hiii. T\ltllll, CA llMO. ,,.... T ......,.... ocoo. "'$°'-· DATID: -·-:z ~. ~ Qrda. IA~ Ca. Mn cuwne a VACCMO ... CA Cllt ~°"'Ho, ••M1 filed""· Tllll __ ........... ~ """"""°"...... '"" 'fWM LAIRD""""' -. J111tH A. Gr-1.,.•r • 21020 0... =-'...... KAllTIN ANN GUNN. Ht Tllll~;.f~ ·~ t•H 1 A Cl Hiii ~ G19rt1 oA ~ Collfttr SI Aermond 0 pelit. 1171 ... -.: ,_LA.. r.r:t k : =:.-: ~.::-. aloe Vetdea :::.. ....... CA -~ Oftwl. No •• ca.. ...... TVlllft. CA·..:. • • • ..,.~., =:. '=' .... E " .. ....:WJ:. t;,, la •• : Tllll ...._.II~ ~I W ftlla ...._Ii ........ ~ Ill fl*._.,... It~~ Ill AllllAll..... TNI ,..._It •lllWllltt ~.. ... ~-• : ...--::n~,,_,, -~~ •. ~~c:-:.= ~ ~...... lllCMlul!MwofllHOCfll ..... ~...... •*lfqt~CI= ~ -a.-a-Dllli W. ~. ,,.._,.,._ .... .,._ 11•LB Tlllltlilt ... ,._ ............ Tllll••••-•tWMMtd...-1119 ....... ...-;c•1•-. n.1111••-""'"'NM.Newt.fl.••-,. ---; ::::.1 °"" °' °""" Countr on To ,,.._ ,our ,,_.... ~ °""' IA 0..,... ~ "' ~ Ctertl o1 °''"" COullry °" NltMI CWlfY °"" ., °'11111 • · -......... Olllllr 1 • .._tl *-· t. *' ,_. Wore lie ltouem• I , 1111. "'°" I . 1tU _ "'*"9fl•CI Ofange CoMI D•ll'J *'"""' t , ttu n; --~ ) ..... W. . 1 reeding pubtlO ...... r-,.... --.. 1a. , ........ · I c.''· .... 1919. 1_,ulltttMd OfriCi:CoMt Delly ~ • ,ublltlled Ot1ll9• Coatt Olly Publlll'lecl Or1118:c Co111 ~ '. ·~. -ttt*lttllef Or:.'I'. CMlt 11!111 8 ._..,. Pll•• t• ...._ ' • ; ':"°"NO¥. 19' M. 'I. 91,:: ~.::.Mn PllOC ...... ''-ti, M. Del 16,1:: ""°'·No¥ •t." '· 1~1-tl Clallltled NII 141 ... 11 flllOI. N0¥ ti, 11' 'Dia.:... ·· lllMftl-,., ..... ...... NII. 11. M. IJla. t. z • • • THt: t'A~ILl' flRCl'N by 811 Keane \\Father Forrtst said 'As you live, so shall you . die.' l'lf'&t BiUy dies in a messy room." Blfi fiEORfit; by Virgil Partch (VIP) 11Wh1t h1ppentd to all the hot w1ter'l'.' -----------------------------f------------------------------~ by Brad Anderson DE'.\'.\IS THE MEN.\CE Hank Ketchum "He earns money for hamburgers that way." ·• .ll'DGE PARKER ACROSS Johlnn 1 Europeen Set>u- THUUDAY'I PUZZLE IOI.WO ~ Si.rn lien - • Ylelcltf <48 Mlntlll l~ Norte god 49 Seys OK 15 Formerly 53 Capet ti Hole --S4 Vehlde 17 Color 55 Uncommon ti Key meaning 5e Fool tt Claw 57 Singer to Frightened Murrey • ft W8111nt 5e Hefoic poem 13 Frightenl 59 Tinlel of dey i4 VUlglr llO Suds H Set lfire 61 Mlmietl -~-.)n reterw DOWN · 2words a Frohe t 5'*111 3<4."""'9 2 ,......., t3 "9llctl 3S Historic: rl)ler • 3 t4t2 lllip 2 t llrd toUnd ae Stows cargo • ~nrapwre 22 Tempt• 37 Endure 5 Sf•* 24 Bird ~St lo season 6 lllmtl' 25 Mietalle tllA!udl r1nge 2tl Weld • """"' 7 -le• 27 Angered 41 ~·Min 8 Gr...i.M 28 Wodd weterw11y t Stronghold 2t Uk ... 2 wordt 10 ~ M · 30 Edil llonD '=---11:'11U1ty ~=· .,.., fOd 12 AdMl'e 31 Miit dlltl ··~ •Mellolt 37 ~ t . ·' 31°'*991 '40Amenndl •2 ~llOwence <43Bldtnege 45 Cerrled 4e Cripple 47 Talle"*t 48 Jiii 498Mlb00 90 NICI! fMlcll StT,._. 52 DlnornlN· lion 54 T rucll ., .. ' ~Im TURKE'f ... OUT I'D Lll<E 5GWC ~ Of.1HE MOO fT ATE." ClC D Oranoe Cotti DAILY PILOT/Frldav. Novtmber 2•. t982 ., PUNl'TI ~Chari" M. Schulz -------- Tl'M8LEWEE91 IF '1'0ll WERE SMAl.T, ¥00'D WllTE A NICE CHllSTMAS STOCV ... ~ PAJAMAS ... I-rs MP eNOOGH ~VeR'fONe CAu..s HIM L.At'f' ... NOW EVEN HIS FLEAS MAKI: FON OF HIM! I CLASS ART EXHIBIT I \\I GORDO Dear Band Alumni, Christmas is still a month~ ... ~ ~.llE­ ~£.~~ ~ et.'f~"'­ fai ... • 0 I i f l 1 t wa~ a dark and stormy Chri,tmat night. by Ernie Bu1hm1ller by Gus Amola by Tom 81tiuk but it's not too early t;o think a.brut ~ a spit-valve tie clasp for that band member in yrur life! by George Lemont ,,. l 88 Orn11go Coost DAILY PILOT lrrldo • Novomho1 26. 1982 _, ,. r· ,• . . uinCoUn- cil of New-, port Harbor Art Museum welcomes t 'he holiday's with I 'the 9th Annual Christ.- -- mas Tree Festival, featur- ing a living ·fore~t.' showcas - ing the Workshop's exquisiteiy-, designed and · executed. yule trees hand-decorated for Orange County businesses and individuals:"N ordstrom I Fashion Show-featuring OrangeCounty families of three generations (Friday only). . . "frExhibitions -*Drawings on Sunday -Raf~le .. of two Trees, cornplirnents of Nordstrom (draw- ~ - ing for ~ehildren under 12 who have registered at · the Festival, winner .need not be present to win). *Christmas Boutique -An artistic selection of giftsand ornaments, h_and-m~de by~he Mu$eurn workshop:"Lunch . eon ~ ~erved in the Sculpture Garden· Cafe 11 :30 to 2:30, des-. sert 2:30 to 3:00. Friday through Sunday, December 3-5, 1982, 11 a.rn. to 5 p.m. at the. Newport Harbor Art MuseUlT\, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admission: $2. for cldults; $·1 for senior citizens; children under 12, witJi. adult, ·free.************** • · SPONSORS . Nordstrom is underwriting the children's admission and the trees. EN'l'ERTAINMENT Pacific Chorale concert, and visits by Santa. Claus (children's photos ta.ken) . . . Also sponaored in part by the Orange Cout Daily .Pilot • • j lllllJPlll ClASSIFllD . FRIDAY, NOV. 28, 1882 ....., .._., .... ..._._,~IWT . . UCl's Campbell pOlo QB By JOHN SEV ANO Ol ltle Deify...._. 119" Thc.•y un• 21-0, runk<'CJ No. 1 In the t:ountry. a nd a rc bei ng m<'nllon<'d as one of the best water polo warns ever assembled . Now . all th e UC Irvine Anteaters have to do is live up to their b1llin'g at this weekend's ~CAA c hampion s hips at Be lmont Plaza pool in L ong .Bca<.·h Lake every event of this l·alibc.•r. however . UCl"s task won't lX' t•asy. Beside the obvious • problem of being a markl-d team, the Ant<.•atcrs must also wrestle with the e motional factor of knowing they've beaten every other entry in the tournament two or thr()(! times already this st•ason -with the exception of Loyola (Chicago) and Brown. ··Nothing in life comes easy." prodaims Peter Campbell , ttie t ea m 's leading scor e r and unoffacaa'I captain. "You have to work for everything." It is this kind of philosophy CamplX'll hopes the rest of his teammates bring with the m Saturda)" when they start their Golden West College's Richard S tahlheber waves to OCC's Dave McNamara as. he passes him by. · qu~t for a perfect season. and an NCAA champ1on s h1p an the pr ~cess . agai n st Brown University at 9 a.m. or course. ll IS Carrtpbell's stability and lead ership the Anteaters w1Jl be t:ounting on to pull off their feat. It's a feast for Golden :West, 44-0 The re is little discre pancy, among UCl Coach T<.-d Newland a nd his players. that pimpbell is the life blood of the team. ~tahlheber (200 yards) leads Rustlers to easy victory over Orange .Coast ' .rPet.cr has done a fantastic job o f l e ading t h is t ea m .·· compliments Newland. "And , normall y h e's a very quie t person. He"s not V<?ry verbal. By ROGER CARLSON or ... .._,...,..., It was a feast or famine. depending on your p e r so nal viewpoint o n Thanksgiving Day -the Rustlers of Golden West College got fat at the expense of a thoroughly embarrassed Orange Coast College outfit In the 1982 South Coast Conference football finale for both squads. The Rustlers rolled to a 44-0 victory on a day featuring a lot of ups -and downs -before 3,000 on the Orange Coast College campus. for instance: · -Golden West running back R ieb Stahlheber. a 6-2. 190-pound sophomore out of Pacifica High, rambled for 200 yards on 27 carries. including touchdown runs of 45 and 17 yards. H is final carry. a ~l-.yard das h , earned him th e conference's individual title as the No. 1 runner. giving him 1,113 yards for the season. .Rick and friend -Quarterback Adam eragnano connected on 9 of HI for 147 yards and Mike Bowles led the way in the form of targets. catching five for 77 yards. it was a super win for us." h It was the fourth straight Golden Wl'St conquest in this series. raising the R4stlers' edge to 9-7-1, and sending Coast away with its third 2-8 season in the past four years. hopelessly out of it. Golden West settled for four field goal attempts (netting 9 points) after setting up shoP. on the Coast 23, 27. 33 and 7-yard lines. And, Griffiths' 37'-yard return with an interception for what would have been a touchdown waa nullified by a penalty. "But. he is obviously one of the top players in the U.S .• if not the world . S o wh e n h e s ays somethme it usuallv means a lot. -The Rustlers jumped to a 30-0 1 halftime lead with the help of three "The)' decidedly killed us," admitted OCC Coach Dick Tucker ... They beat us in every department. We don't have any excuses or alibis. S.flflleNe" 1 ... 111 (See P•6e Ca) At the half Stahlheber bad carried 16 times for 107 yards and Gragnano had oompleted 7 of 14 paaes for 114 yard.a for the Rustlers. "Peter as also a very unselfish player and his defense is probably has No. I ability. He's the kind of person you want as a~ leader. He's not pushy or shovy, and he's for hts team above all <'IS(' recovered fumbles and an interception. on a day when the usually fumble-prone GWC squad played virtually errorlcss ball. . "It's the worst we·vc played all year -on a great 4Jay. a great crowd and at home . I just don't have any answers." Golden West had all the answers -in the form of fumble recover ies by Fernando Griffiths. John Alvarez and Robert Thompson. interceptions by Tim Re illy, Marcus Porter and Gerry Woods (twice) and a blocked punt by Gr<•gg Webber. And the defense had throttled the Bucs to such an extent -well. four rushes had netted four yards. 22 yards were lost on seven aborted pass plays and a mild 69 yards was netted on 10 of 20 pass completions. Coast's deepest "penetration" was to midfield, sending some of the crowd to an early dinner. "Who kno w s?." replied R ay Shackleford. the Rustle r s' coach. alluding to his team's reversal £rom a trend whicn saw his team lose five of eight fumbles last week and 11 of 18 in the past three games. "Our defense played a great game - ..., Actually. it could have been worse. · ln the first half alone. as the Bucs fell The Pirates' first play in the third quarter res ulted in W oods' first (See FEAST, Page C3) "(Without ham) I don't think we'd be undefeated, although we'd s tall be a good. well- balanced team. What he gives us as ano ther dime nsion we wouldn"t have had otherwise." Campbell. who sat out last (See CAMPBELL, Pa1e Ct) r What's wro'ng-with Rams? Who knows Even Rich Saul, now retired, can't figure out why they keep losing It seem s like a favorite topic of conversation these days ls the Rams and. of course. what's wrong with them. Is Georgia Front1e re to blame.-for the team's woes? Have the players lost respect for Ray Malavasl · s coach? And, what about the players emselves? ls Malavasi working with medi e athletes? h's hard to imagine is is the same team that competed in the 19 Super Bowl and 1980 playoffs The transformation the Rams have made from respectable to embarrassing in less than two years would make Dr. Jekyll cringe. EVEN SOMEONE like Rich Saul. who retired at the end of last season. can't figure it out. A<:tually. Saul, who spent 12 years in the NFL. playing in 176 straight games, looks as if he made a pretty clever decision to get out when he did. With the strike and the 1982 winless Rams off t.o such a fl ying start, one would all)'losl suspect Saul could foretell what mis fortunes w<.'re going to take place. Saul denies such wisdom. however. "l knew people would say Rich Saul knew th ts was going to happen," he chuckles. "8ut honestly. l didn't. ln fact l had been trying to retire the last four or five years." I -Sweetened financial agreements lsept Saul in the game longer than he wanted. And it wasn't unt•l he L'OUld barely walk any more that he finally left for new horizons. Today. Saul finds himself In a new life. the banking world. and he's loving evf'ry minute or at. That d~n't mean however he's not feeling tht:' ac:hcs and pains of some or his lt'amma1es. §PORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO Beach res ident was playing today, he wouldn"l be able to swallow this one either. "You accept defeat. but you don't like al." says Saul. "In fact. you hate it." Saul remembers occasions when . as a player. he would duck in his car 50 he wouldn't be rcoognazed. He took defeat that hard. If such · a philosophy was carried over today. the t>nlire Rams squad wouldn't leave home. much less drive on the public streel'I. · OF COURSE It has been suggested that this year's team doesn't really care If it wins or loses . . . as long as each member is able to pick up his pay check on Monday. "When I was playing all l knew is that you took each ~ame one at a time," says Saul. "You dado t look ahead to next year. You looked ahead to Atlanta or San Francisco. whoever you were playing next. You wanted to know about that day -not how the S<'ason was.going to go. "( don't know who said at but one coach said that winning la a habit ahd losing is a habit . AND. losinJ{ as a habll." Saul admitted that ,last year -his last - had bt>t-n extremely frustrating for him. There wen! a lot of cloee games. and a lot of cl08C 108."ll'll I was getting paid to make blocks and, if l wasn't, I'd be up the road looking for a job elsewhere," Saul notes. ·"Whatever the key as the Rams have to start winning becauSl' you can't get paid to TRY to wan " WHICH BRINGS UP the question as to whether the Rams actually have the talent to win. "They used to have a no-name de fense m Miami that didn'.t have any Deacon Joneses or Mclin Olsens on it and they used to lead the league almost every week." Saul explains. "Winning can be achieved and l know the Rams have good people. I knoW' Bert (Jones) and Vince (Fcrragamo) and l •ly;low they can play. And. all you have to do is look at some other key pOsilions. "(But) there can be a lot of reasons why you're not winning just like there are when you c.re winning. Wh<'n you're losing things just deteriorate. And not JUSt one facet, but every facet " Uoes that mean the R ams are dNrrioratln1t? "I don't know about that," answers Saul sofl~r-"I think anything l say wlll look.Uke He didn't (mash But then Saul didn't hAV(' to. "IF I WAS THERE now I 'd be. screaming," says Saul of the Rams' 0-3 record and the pride he had toward winnlnc. "I know it'a aot to hurt," he adds of his friend" on the team, "beocauae I know ~ of them are real compelitors." ~ Former Edl10n High etandout Rick . "IT HURTS. It really hurl.I to see (what's tx-en going on) b«auae I'm still a part o( theee guya. I know thew guys and I've got to believe guye like CJ11ek) Youngblood an<4 (Denn~ Harrah ... well. I know what thev're lcoinR throu.ch." Saul ~xplalna. "WE TRIED lO .turn it around last year," ciay11 Saul with a tinge of frustration still left in his voice. "But we loat eome cloee games and we had IOme injuries at the end of the ~ar. In the mean\ime, Saul will a1<>nlze with his teammates from the aldellnee. ''l waa ont' of the very fortunate to gt>t out at the right Ume. on top of my career," Saul offers. "l have nothing but tood DIBemardo, a lreehman at Notre Dame, ~oet through a atretching drill at UC lnlne thi1 week •• lmh Coach Gerry Fauat loob on. Notre Dame f acee USC at • the Coliteum Saturday •. Other photot, page CS. Only onl'e prior to laat 11e11110n, wMri tM Rams flnlahed 8-10. had Saul had a IOling pro ..-on. Both exJ>"'ienl'ft left a bitter taste In his mouth and. If ttM Newport "Th~ only thln1 I wanted to dQ w11 win toward tht' end of tM eeuon. But we just hit thft 1kld1 and couldn't. tum It around." And the Rama haven't 1topp.d eklddlna stO('f'. "All I can aay la whm I waa playlna I wun't ~tuna pakt to TRY to make blocks. memon" "I'm 1tad I did play and football wu v•ry pJCI for me. But I deddt.'d It wu ti~ to ,.et on In life." Who knows, meybe Saul knew 90l'M\hinc after all. f:I Ornnnu Co ail DAil V PILOl / tic.Jay Novemh•r '26, 1982 ~erkins level blast af i.er Bright levele~ From AP dispatches PONTIAC, Mkh. Coud1 Ra 0 Per.kins of the New york GianlS 83 National Foot ball League o · Is muat d o a be tte r job of protecting • players like Leon Bright as they field punts. Bright was leveled by a h11 from Detroit's Leonard Thompson a.'i h<.' trwd lo field a high, hanging punt in the fourth quarter of the G iants' 13-6 victory ov .. the Lions Thursday. Bright was carried off the• ficl{I on a strl'lcher. X - rays of eraghl's n<.'Ck proved n cga t iv<.', b ut t h e 5 -9 I U2-poundc>r o ut of Florida State was kl'pt overnight at St. J()S('ph Mercy Hospital in Pontiac for observation. Bright, 27, played several seasons an the Canad ian Football L<.•aguc -where no NUIN• fair catch as ullow<.id -before joining the Giants last season. As a result, he almost never signals for a fair l'atch. Twice last year. against the Philadelphia Eogles and against the Dallas Cowboys, Bright was knocked down by similar snots. "l talked to the league o ffl<.-c last year about similar plays." Perkins said. "l don't thank any oHiCJal has the guts to throw oul a player. He has this power. but doesn't use 11. "If anyone gets seriously hurt, 11 will be the league office's fault because lht•y don·t insist the officials follow the rule and throw out the offenders. I've talked to th<.' 1<.•ague offace. and they don't want to talk about 11." Giants linebacker Lawn.>n<.'t:' Taylor. whose · 97-yard touchdown run with a fourth-quarter interception won the game for New York. agreed that Thompson should have ~l'n thrown out of the game. "Everybody knows Leon doesn't fair catch the ball and everyone's coming down and taking pot sho ts at him," Taylor said. Televl1lon. radio Tf.U•:VISION ~·u11owl111i1 un• \l'w top 11p111 tll t'Vl'lllJ> on TV \cmll(h.t Rauna-am.•: .,_.._,..,.., t'>M·ll1•11t, vvv worth wat.chlna. vv lu1r; v tur1i11•t It e . a.m., ('hanael 7 V' V' V' V' COLLEGE FOOTBALL: 1•11t"hurHh ut P1•1111 State". Aaao1ate11: K1·11h J:u·kMm J111I t'runk Broy lea. A rematch of quart«backl Olln M•rino and Todd Blackl~a• u tht> two Pt.•nn1ylvania \t"llfllll botne for it.ate nonora as wt•ll u top r11tlna In tht- poU., Marino 80\ l'ittaburaih uff ._, u 14·0 lead laat year but Penn State's N lttuny Lion• reboundt.'Cf under the guidant.'t.' uf Bla,·kllid~4· to po11t a 48-14 victory. Penn St.ah• as rank,-.l S(oe.'Ond and Pitt firth In th(' A.asocaatt'C..I Pmw Poll. S 11:30 a.m., Chanel 2 v V' V' v COLLEGE FOOTBALL: Okluhoma a t Nebraska. Aaao•acers: Gary Bender and $1.(.>vt> Davia. The Sig-8 championship and a bid to the Orange Bowl rest on the outcome of thi1 battle In Lincoln. Two of the nation's top rushing teams meet in this one with the Cornhuskera averaging nearly 400 yards on the ground. Mike Rozier with 1,379 yards through nine games, is the leader for Nebraska. Oklahorrw has a quart.et of running backs with mon • than 500 yards each In Stanley Wilson, Marl'US Dupree, Weldon ~better and Fred Sims. 9 I p.m ., Channel 7 v v v tlOXING: Larry Holmes vs. Randa ll "Tex" Cobb. Annoucer: Howard Co.wll. WBC Heavywe ig ht c.·hamplon H o lmes defends his title against Cobb in a scheduled 15-round bout from Houston. Holmes has a 40-0 record with 30 knockouts and 12 su<.'CeSSfuJ.title· defenses. Cobb has a 21-2 mark and 19 KOs. His major victory was a 1980 knockout win ·over Earnie S havers. (j) 7:20 p .m ., Channel 9 V' V' V' NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers a t San Die_go. Anao•ncers: C h ick Hl'arn a nd Keith Erickson . BIO Walton. playing onfy one game a week r, for the Clippers. wiJI be in the lineup t~night against the Lakers. Walton , bcS(.lt by injuries, is trying for a comeback on a Hm1tt>d basis and ~ far has helped the Clippers. He wilf Cac::e another former UCLA center, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in r--------------------. _ tonight's battle. Quote of the day ~ Abe Lemons, asked if he was bitter a t 8 p.m., Channel 5 V' V' V Texas Athletic Director DeLoss Dodds, who fired Lemons as Longhorns basketball COLLEGE B ASK ETBALL: UCLA al coach: "Not at all. but I plan to buy a Brigham Young. glass-bottomed car so I can watch the look Annouacers: Joe Buttitta and Roy Hamilton. on his face when I run over him." -The Bruins. no longer on NCAA probation, will get their season officially under way tonight in Provo. Utah. Three backcourt players who have been starters are back including Rod Foster. Ralph J ackson and ·Michae l Holton along with fro nt court star Kenny Fields and last year's sixth man, Darren Daye. BYU has eight returning le tte rmen with n ewcomers Marty Perry. Brett Applegate ana AJan Pollard adding strength. Devin Durrant averaged 13.3 pomts a game last $e880n and is the top S1COrer back an the fold. Tape delay. Johnson paces KC to record win Kansas City forward Eddie Johnson scored 10 of has game:high 19 points an the third quarter to lead the Kings to a • club-record fourth straight road victory. an 88-79 decision over the Houston Rockets Thursday in the lone National Bas ke tba ll Association game . . Toronto quarterback Condredge Holloway has be<>n named the outstanding player in the Canadian Football League. Holloway It'd the·Argonauts to their fi rst Grey Cup berth in I J years ... Mike Bossy sc..-ored on a 70-foot slap shot with less than four minutes left Thursday night'. li fting the New York Islanders to a 1-1 National Hockey League tie w ith thc Boston Bruins . In the only other NHL game. Quebet· post<.'<i a 3-2 win over Calgary. RADIO - Basketball -USC a t Oral Roberts. 5:35 p.m .. KNX ( 1070); UCLA a t Brigham Young, 6:30 p.m .. KMPC (710): Lakers at San 01ego. 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). Football -Oklahoma al Nebraska. 11 :45 a .m .. KIEV (870); &:itson vs Colton. 7:30 pm , KWVE ( 108 FM) , ~ It's shoWdo·wn time! ' Oiler, , Edison, Tars {ace big obstacles IS)' ttota-;n ('ARI.SON Of tfle Dlltw Pllol 119" L'11fll>11 ll1u11· .. <.i11•.1t 8 1mnp1-.lt•. tlw d1111hn~ lil>\'\'tl ul LunJ< Hi•m h Poly'i. .J.wk1 o >h1u. and l''ulh•rt1m lhtch'N u11h1•.1h•11 und top-runk<'<.J lndla1u1 111 t• II\ ttH' putha o f Edhcun, llunt1nutun .Bc:ach uru.J N"wport llurl>or tonltcht a11 tht• cu· fooll111 ll playoff!; conlinu<' Into thl• lil't"<md roun<.J with 7;:j() klt·koll11 llcr"'s R luok at ca<.'h ganw, whit•h provides a scm1flnali. bt•rth 111 lh(• wlnn1•r an each U\Slallt't' Colton v11. Edison Coltun 's crunching grountJ game ha.'! rc.'<'ll'<.I off nmc straight wins for thl' Yl'lluwjacketa. who n•ly on thn•<.• rotating tailbacks and a very t1~ht. doubll• tight \!ntl offl•mw. Among lht> Citrus Bell LC'auuc• champio ns' arsenal is A rlington 111gh transfer J ot• Trujillo, a 222-pound taalback- dC'fonMvt• lanermm. Colton is 9-1. Edison, the: Sunset Lea~Ul' co- 1llillllf)l1Jll, lM 7.:. I l1Vt'1Ull Thi> l'IJt' lilt( Jo'1w Conh•1 Mltl' KUnw 1"' 11t OrunJt"' l'oo!!l Coll1•"1· Hu11tl11~1oa B~acll v1. l.8 Poly Poly" J~tlruhti11 ... 1h1· No 2 1 t•µn~ntatlvc• from tlw Moor" L t• a&. u" . f <.• u l u r <· A I 1 <' I Jo' l'andl~olt' Kirk Jont·h at iullhuc;k a n d Tyron t.t Mt' Cu II o dl u 1 rt'<.'1•1vt•r, along w11h a h1g Im<.• and ht•ralded !ll'(.'Ondu1 y. Poly ,,., 7-J ·:l ove ralJ whih· thl· llw Uail•n,, in the' CIF playoHll fol' the Cir&t tune slnc.oe 1966. art.• ti :J behind an All-S unst.'t League.• b!K·kfwld. Tht• C IF Bag Favt.' Confer<.•nl'l' gaml' 11 at Long Beach Wilson and the w inner OH'l'lS lht.· survivor of the Edi~on-:Colton gnm<.> F ulltirlon \Ill. Ne wport Harbor 1"ullerlon's Indians are 11 -0 and th e Freeway League champions, in addition to being the No. 1 seed in the CIF Centra l Cunfcrcnce playoffs. Fullerton re lies o n a vers atile attack et•ntNt'\J uround ij 0, 170·r)(>Und l>•.ivad Walh· N1·wp1111'11 Stolon. .Ill 7 l lllld ,JI I' '''°"' ( Oll~IUl'll-CI 1J 11111• 1111111 w.:.uuh Wllh tht• work o f tallhtal'k hnt•h .wkt•r Stt•vt• Brauu •. who hnH M:o n •d :.?~ tuut·hdowni. Ttw J(anw IH on ttw N1 '" pol\ ll1o·lk>1 l'i.unp\Jli ELSEWHERE In the Central Conference It's 10-1 Saddleback ut B'rea-Olando (6-4 -1) with K evin £hadlcy lhe k ey to Saddlt>buck'i. runrung game .. El Toro takes Its bati 9-2 crew (the Chargers hove won seven straight with linebacker Paul Stivcnku paving the way) &o Fullerton ll1gh where Sunny H i lls await:. wi th a team reportedly bagger than El Toro. Sunny Hiiis is 6·4 ... In the .S o uth ern Conference', 1 98J Central titllst Mission Viejo . (9 -1-1) t a k es the Klau i; Leitenbauer-'Roge r Brown'-Fred Coler irio to El Modena Hi_sh, where the Century League co- champ s await with a 10-0-1 re<.'Ord . A yawner for Dallas, 31-14 : = . Tayl~r's 97-yard interception s parks Giants p1;1,st Lions IRVING. Texas. (~P) -The Dallas Cowboys love.• thl'ir Thanksgiving Day garyws at home in tr i<.'ndly Texas Stadium The Cowboys s u.rtt•d the rout in the se<..'Ond quarter on mlelTepllons by safely Mike Downs-and lincbal'kt•r Bob Bn ·unig. "Happy T hanksgiving," said u sm1hng Dallas Coac.·h Tom Landry alter the Cowboys ripped the til•nts 13, Lions 8 Ch.•vc.•land Browns 31-14. giving them 10 victories PONTIAC, Mich. -New York linebacker on 15 Thanksgavin~ games. Lawrcn('e Taylor recognized the formation 'and, as a "1 wa:. surprised we play<.'d that well," said result, Giants Coach Ray Pe rkins felt like he Landry. "Our team play<.-d extremely well." recognized has ballclub -for \he first time all "I was very proud they eould <.'Orne back with.. season. just lt\rCl' days rest and play'this good." Taylor rcturm.>d an intercepted Detroit pass 97 · Dallai. dl•f<•nsive back Everson Walls. who had yards for a fourth-quarlc.•r toul·hcfown to lift New two intl'ITl'plions, said, "We didn't think it was York to a 13-6 victory over the Lions Thursday - &oing to bt.• a run~way. We had a lot of respect for the Giants' first triumph of the strike-torn NFL the Bruwns. We.• playl'Cl very w<'ll l'Onsad ering the season. strakt• and everythinJ;!." With third-and-goal at ~he Giants' 3-yard line. Detroit quarterback Gary Danie lson tried to hit Thl• passing of quar~rback Danny White and Horace-KmJ;! in the left flat. However, Taylor - thl' running o ( Tony Dorsett keyl'd the Dallas play mis cm a w r£> r&6hl knc-t• packed at off and- offcru>t•. galloped along the sideline for the ·game's only Oorsc•tt played despite an &nJUred toe and touc~.down .with. the 10:56_ ~maming. Landrv said. "Oul"S(o'lt is a profossaonal who will pay The situation was .s1m_alar to the one Gret>n the pril'l' tu play ." Bay had against us earlier in the season," Taylor ~ explained. "Th('y called a time out and when they Clt•veland Coach Sam Rutigli ano said, "It just wasn't our d ay. We <.'Ou ldn't get a break but Dallas did play wry well. .. ··ff you an• going to play Thanksgiving games ll sun:• as an advantage to play them al home," said La ndry "You don't have all that travel and evC'r ythmg " A <:h1l1C'd crowd of 46.267 attendC'd the game, wath 17.256 no-shows wilh 1.578 unsold tickets. The victory raised Dallas' ret:ord lo 3-1 an the National Confo.rt:'nl'l' and dropped Cleveland to 2-2 in the Amerac.·an Conference. lined up. 1 re<.'Ognized the formation as one similar to the Packers'. I was supposed to ('Over the man out of tlw b.wkf1<·lcJ (Kang) and whC'n h<.· went into the flat, I cul an front of him and got the pass ~ "My knee didn't hurt me a bit as I was running ~ down the field . I jus t saw Coach Perkins waving his arms and teUmg me to keep going." Perkins called al a "must wan" triumph for the Giants "Today. we looked like the New York Giants of last year (when they made the NFL playoHs)," Perkins said. "We have to play lake this the next five games if we want any shot a t tbe playoffs." I: -i9a3 -:I -----------=-------.J BASEBAJ.J, SIGl\TUPS College football I IXA• · I ,. TODA Y'S GAMES Pitts burgh a t P c nn St. 1Chann<.'I 7 at Y am ) Oklahoma al Nebras ka (Channe l 2 at 11 :30 a.m .) Connecticut at Delaware SATURDAY'S GAMES N otre Dame vs . USC at Coliseum (Channel 2 at 12:50 p.m.) Oregon at Oregon St. Cal State Fullerton at Nevada Las Vegas, n Oklahoma St. at ~n Diego St .. n Utah St. vs. Long Beach St. at Anaheim Stadium (7:30) Arizona St. at Arizona. n Georgia Tech at Georgia Auburn at Alabama (Channel 7 at 9 a.m.) Air For<.'C at Hawaii. n Rice a t Houston. n Tulane at LSU, n · Arkansas S t. at Memphis St. C)ncannali at Miami (Fla.) Tennessee at Vanderbilt Clemson vs. Wa ke Forest at Tokyo lllTED OfFO 10.'1&% A.P.R. JOHNSON &SON presents ... COLLIGI .............. Nebraaka over Oklahoma * P•nn St: ever Pittsburgh * USC over Notre Dame * Arizona St. over Arizona .......... , llYll., c •• , ••••• .... » FIMC• AVAi.Ail.£ ClllU 01112'• * Alabama over .. Edleon ve. Colton PlaJotl (Ind round) ' LIV•I TONIGHT 1:11 PM ,. KWVE FM10I IRVINE YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION "Irvine's Home Town League" I I Sign ups l for the 1983 Baseb&ll Season· will be held at I .. the following locations, I on the dates noted: ;; .. I ' JlanuC ,,,,__._ Mbl'IUG ..0 a U.. I lhaiweniQ ~V IVk at Ule .............. Oelda' lhlU· ...... Gelder . I Deoemberll.1982 10:30am -4:30pm Decilmber4,1982 10:00am·4:30pml "January 8, 1983 8:00 &m • 3:30 pm •January US. 1983 , 10:00 am -4:30 pm wwwwaam.~ -ftlJl••DmALllll'l'm»•vPWD UDAllllDlmAOllDlVWWW mvwon .&a• uam mwWOJN Mt• un• . f '• I mmall&IOaLWU'm 1 .. 1, Th• Sentor MtJor r=Dlvtaton 1B an ap&nBion of our i&.1Qr Prc>CNm d\.w to d9mand tor a hiCh lf\Y Procram ft>r I oldeP, more expertenoed ohildl'en. Pull nvdor 1-cu-unttorma, tun 'ba8eb&ll rul•. Quall~ ~~t.h the IYAA ·~ryone P1"8 awmuan.&n ... 8oy8 ... Olrla a.re lnvtted to join tn the fun I of tb9 1983 bllllball -..on. BverJone puaat- pMM In ft9l'7 ...... and all p&l'tialp&Dt.8 NOl1ft bl....U jllWJI and Oll>l-v.&rl to uep u molMnk>I of an apertDoe ~ oan t.NM\ln fbr u.. • •• Ot1nge Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Fr1d1y. November 2ti. 1St82 --------------------------.............. ...:...~--------------_..;.;;,_...., __________________________ .....,. o .. r Net "'°'9 1tr Clwtee Starr Orange Coast's John Rumary(8) has his punt blocked by Golden West's Gregg Webber(21 ). Shocker! Riverside .ends SadUleback's 25-game By ROBB MUNSON 8pec:l•I to th• Oellr Piiot R I VERSIDE -Winning streaks are made to be broken. Saddlebac k College·s 25-game w i n s t re> a k ca m e t o--a-h a I t Thursday at the hands of the host Riverside City College Tigers. Before 4,200 rans. Riverside CC stunned the Gauchos. 17-14, in the Mission Conference finale for both teams. It was the first victory ever for Riverside over Saddlcback in 13 tries. .. With just fdur secon ds :r emaining o n the c Io ck , ·Saddleback set up for a 47-yard :field goal try. The kick from Dan :G asser was high enough but not :Jong enough. and the Gauchos' streak was ended. "We didn't play well enough to win," said Saddleback Coach K en Swearingen. ''Riverside ~played better. We didn't play ·with much consistency. and the :-poor field position <lidn't help ·any either." Saddlebac k (9-1) gained possession of the balJ with JUSt 44 seconds remaining on the Gaucho "44 -yard line. Saddle back .quarterback Craig Miller hit ;Jo hn Marshall with a 13-yard pass. and o ne play lat er connected with Mike Serafini with another 13-yarder That gave Saddleback the ball pn the Tiger 30 with only 16 Seconds left. After three straight ·lncomplelions into the end zone. Gasser's field goal attempt was short. "A t ie game wins the champio n ship for us." said Swearingen. "The percentages of making a field goal were better :th an th ose of making a touchdown , a nd tha t 's the -reasoning behind attempting a field goal." Riverside dominated the first q uarter by sl·oring a pair of touchdowns. · Doug Rey n olds capped a 42-yard d rive by diving over from one yard out, just three minutes into the game. And after an exchange of punts, the Tigers scored agai n . this time quarterback Dan Lyons taking the ball in from a yard out. It was the Saddleback defense tha t got the Gauchos on the scoreboard. when with 7:47 left in th e half, Riverside's W qit Brown was tackled in .the end zone for a safety. • w1n streak Saddleback scored again with 1:50 left in t he h aH as Je ff Holmes returned a punt 59 yards tor a touchdown. Gasser'11 extra point made the score 14-9. A rumble recovery by Jim Hollinger set up a Gasser 35-yard Cleld goal with onJy 47 seconds left until intermission. The field goal was the only o ffensive points th at Saddleback could mustt!r during the game. "They re ally contained our running game," ~id Swearingen. "We really came back after that first quarter adversity. Our team kept its poise." SaddJeback rushed for only 52 yards on 34 carries. but Miller had a fine game, J>3$ing for 169 yards. And Marshall caught 10 passes for 119 yards. But the Gaucho oCfense just co u ldn '._! get untrac k ed. convertin~ only 2 or 15 third down plays. Saddleback punted 10 ti mes in the game. Steve Svitenko. Mel Taylor, Mike Copeland. a nd Hollinger sparked the Saddleback defense, which allowed only a field goal over the last three quarters. With the win . Riverside throws the Mission Conference standings into a three-way tie for fir s t p lace . Riverside . Saddleback, and Southwestern all e nd up with 5-1 conference records. * Alveralde CC 11, Seddi.back ,. lcof• ltf Ouatten S•ddleback O 12 o 2-14 Riverside 14 o 3 0-17 R -Reynolds t run (OtOlov•ntu1 llldt) R -Lyon• 1 run (OtOlovaon• ktclc I S -S•lety. Brown t•clcled in end zone S -Holmes S9 return with punt (GHter klCkl S -GHte<35FG R -OlGlovanna 20 FG S -S•l•ty. Stephens taclcled In end zone Attend,ence -4.200 (ntlmated) o-ttatletlca . " Flral down• · 14 · 12 Rushn-yard1 34·52 55· 113 PHllng y•rd1 tell 87 P•-17-37·1 4·111·0 Punta 10-34 11·35 Fumblel-IOll 3·2 3· I P1n111ie..y1rd1 • 8·91 10-83 lndlwldllalfl~ 8 -Curr19, 15..e: AHord, .. 21, GIMd, 6-0, Mlll•r. 5-tor-mtnua 35. R -Reynalda, 24-96; Ad•m•. 3·11, &own. 3-lor-mlnus 8 , Lyona, 11-33, Cherry, 12·1or-mlnus 3; Shaw, 1· 1; St•Phen1, Mor ·minus 12 lndlwtd.1191 "•elfte S -Miller, 17-37·1: 189, R -Brown, 2·8-0, 311; Lyont, 2· 10·0, 29 lrldlvlduel "9HtYlfl9 S -Mtrth•ll, 10· 119, H•mro. 2-29, Serafini. 2·18; Alford. 2·5, tHm, 1.0. R -Shew, 3:~a: Leonerd, 1·19 :co~st five plays tonight Orange Coast College resumes its pre-confe rence baske tball s c h edule tonight when the Pirates entertain Rio. Hondo at 7:30. . . Much Carther north, Goach Jim Greenfield and his Golden West Coll ege Ru s tlers w ill be competing i n the M erced T o urna m e n t agains t b oat ·Merced. ; Coach Tandy Gillis' PlratC'I .;0pcncd th lfl82-H3 M<I ~•· ua ... ~·;Juccealful note with a 76-72 victory over M lraCosta College IMt Saturday. '1 .. While the P irates came out on top In their opener. Gillis l1n't r ea d y to predi c t an y championships. "Turnovers and fouls really hurt ua (agalmt MlraCoeta). "I'm pleased with the win but we have a long w11y to 10 befor. we come cloae to reachtn1 our potential." Gillis admits. The P lratt.s got 23 points from sophomore guar t Ldand Bruce In the win over Mir.CO.ta, while freshman 1uard Der.on White came off the bench .to IC.'Ore 13. • I I fllCH ITAHl. .. Mfl FEAST. • • From Page C1 interceptio n and later in the period the Rustlers put on an 86-yard scor ing march In 12 plays. keyed by a roughing the punter penalty and a 25-yard h ookup from Gragnan o to Bowles to the OCC 4-yard line. Gragnano capped 1t w ith a 3-yard dash round his left side after settin g it up w it h Stah lheber's punching on the right side. OCC managed to get to the Rustlers' 27 on the next series before sacks of 9 and 14 yards by Tim Benson and Mike Ruberio took them out of range, and in the final moments, OCC was threatening, but came up short aRain. A 46-yard pass from backup quarterbac·k Greg Denham to Duane St.an, a nd complNions of 11 a nd 9 yards to Duke Deal and Gary Satterfield advanced the ball to the GWC 13. But, Golden West's defense refused to yield as P o rter intercepted with 56 seconds left to preserve the shutout. IL was the second \hutout for the winners in the pas t three years and the last four victories have been by a t'Ombtned score of 122-17. Standing out in deCeat was OCC defe n sive back Brian Dykstra -and linebacker Roger Roelle played a nose-to-nose game with the winners. . Stan finished with HM yards on 5 receptions and wide receiver Mike Giddings caught 7 balls for 54 yards. The Bucs netted 224 ya rd s passi n g, but f ou r mterceptions melted the effect. It wasn't nearly enough to offset the defensive assault o( Golden W est , with Da mon Lanie r , Steve Os borne, Scott Foster, Mike Lewellwn, Blake McEfee. Rei lly, Benson and James Carlson , among others, dominating things. * Qoklen WHI ... Ofente c ... t 0 ac .. ttr a-.. Or•noe Co•ll o O O 0-o Golden Wesl 20 10 1 7-« owe -Green 21 FG GWC:_S1111'ilhellef 45 run (Green klClcl GWC-LQnG 2 run (Green kick) GWC-Oreen 211 FO GWC-Gre«t 27 FG 'GWC-Slal'lll'lel>er 17 run (OrMn lclCll) GWC-Gragnano 3 run (Graen kick) GWC-wenzl•ll 4 run (QrMr'I kick) Attend•ne• -3.000 (Mttmatedl 0...11 ........ occ owe Flrat down• 15 II Rulhel·yatdt 22·mt~ 53·2'4 PMll"ll y•rdt 214 147 PHMI 22·41·4 t-1M Punl• 1·31 4-47 Fumbln-loll 4·3 1~ Penall .... yarOt .... 6-41 ................ OCC-Swant>erg. 1·11; lftphene, 2-1, Tucker. l ·f0f ·'"'""8 I, Danl!M'I', &·lor·mlrM 39. owc-s11ttlha11ar, 21·200. Lono. 1-11. Lemberton. t-11; Wenmfl. 4·11: Grl0Mf10, l ·lor·mlnv• ti: °"°'*"'9, ,. II. Jof\neon, Mor·mlnu• t ......... ,....... OCC~Tvcker , t ·ll•I , fl. Oat111em, 13·20-1, 141 OWC-GfagnMO, .. 11-0, t47, Duc:tllrme. 0·1.0. 0 ..... t4fualRIU, Sports on TV for weekend Sat.urd•.r. TELEVISION 9 a.m . (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL Alabama vs. Auburn. 10 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - North Carolina a t Missouri. 12:30 p.m. (2) -NCAA TODAY 12:45 p.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - Notre Dame at USC. (7) -BOXING -The Cuban national team takes on the U.S. squad in a series of 12 bouts taped at Reno. 2:30 p.m . (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN -SeJ m<'nt.s on spring creek fishing and w ild turkey hunting in Missouri. 3:30 pm. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Coverage o f the world professiona l figure s katin g championsh ip. taped a t Landover, Md. 4 :3 0 p .m . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS A profile of Larry Mahan, six-time all-around cowboy w inner 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Three·llme Olympic champion Teofilo Stevenson vs. world superheavyweight titlist Tyrell "Tyrone" Biggs m an amateur bout taped at Reno. Also: The U.S. G rand Prue motocross championship. taped ~t Carlsbad and the world figure skating t1t'llsts Scott Hamilton and Elaine Zayak are featured. KAiiiO __ Football -Notre Dame at USC, 12:50 p.m .. KNX ( 1070); Cal State Fullerton at N~vada-Las · Vegas. 7·10 p.m., KWRM (1370) and KWVE (1 08 FM). . Huc·key -Philadel phia at Kings. 7:20 p.m., KPRZ°(l1 50). TELEVISION 9:30 am. (4) -NFL '82 With um Berman. 10 a.m. (2) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Notre Dame at USC. (4) NFL-FOOTBALL Raiders at Ben~als. 12:30 p.m. (2) -NFL TODA 'V Musbur"er. With Brent 1 p.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -New Orleans at San Francisco. RADIO Football -Raiders at Cincinnati. 10 a .m .. KNX ( 1070): Kansas City at Ramg, l p.m .. KMPC (710). Basketball ·-Golden State a t Lakers, 7:~0 p.m .. KLAC (570). '4¥.1:! MICD 41 a 411 ............. .,.,.... __ _ jr .. '"'" • ..,_ ,_ ....... y-Deer 4Cal .......... y-.-.... COIT• M11A 641•12" ,.,. ............ -VU» 495.cM01 9tltC......CqillSI ...... """ ............. OCC -O 1t1.;S1n1•· 7 ·14 t an, $ I 0 4 l •ent>ero. 2 • 1 tentuncl, 2-13 81ephenl, 2·3, ONI, lot I, .. t'9ftllld, l·t, DurNm. 1.f, Wilh tM Real 8Htd. And •=·c1~10.111. 1.11, McGH. 1·11. lnlt•nt S•ntl pftOtOI Bring the "llttle OMI" to Huntington Center' new m•ll tor memor• they'll never forget with the MltcMU Marlonettel Chrl1tmu lhow Ind I visit with the Real a...11 bpetJ• 1·'3, OlltCINf, t-14 I 12.tt. HAPPENINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MAHKl4:T ... f:APICI T h ree members or L 1ncoln-Mc•rcury'& Lo:. Angel<'s Dealer Advertising A. ... sociation get their fu'St look at the 1983 Cnpn HS wh<'n the car was previewed at the Newportcr Inn in Newport Ek•a<'h. P1l·tun.>d (le ft tu righ t) an· Juck O 'Con nor, presiden t, O'Connor L..1m:oln-Mercury, Los Angl'le1>; S tan Mille r , L lncoln-Mt•n·ury wcstl·rn rc:glonal man ager ; J an S1llc1to. pr(,'s1dc•nt, University Lincoln-Mercurv. West Covina, Hoss Roberts, L incoln-Men·ury Los Angeles district salci. manager ; and D1<:k Johnson, v1c-c pn•Mdent. Johnson & Son, Cosw Mesa . ••• t:CJ~T /\ ~lt:SA .... Earle Ike, 1983 Orange County Auto Show C hairman announced the dates for the 1983 Auto Show as Apnl 13-17. This 18th Annual sh ow will again be he ld a t the Anaheim Con vention Cef).ter. Ike stated that Chuck Foulger of Villa Fqrd in Orange a nd Gary Gray of Orange Coasl AMC-Jeep-Renault in Costa Mesa , we r e st'lectc d to also serve o n the commiu.ee. Ike is quite enthusiastic over the opportunity this year's show offers Orange Counuans to see alJ of the Spring 1983-1984 model offerings of ,many leading manufacturers in over 100,000 square feet of d isplay space. Ike is the owne r or Earle Ike Imports (Toyota-Volvo) o r Costa Mesa. *** RSU'i ... "'Nissan has taken a new direction in small car technology w ith the Introduction of the 1983 Nissan Pulsar NX -the efficiency and function or front·Wh l·drtVe, but With a sporty flavor. "At Nissan, we are well aware that today's car buyer demands more than just fuel economy." said C.P. (Chuck) King, scmor VICE' president. sales of Ni~n U.S.A. "P erformance. economy. driveabdity. roominess and looks are aU equally valid concerns and the all-new five-passenger Nissan Pulsar NX was built to deliver them all " 1 The NX goes on saJc in November locally at Dot Datsun in Huntington Beach. Ce>sta Mesa Datsun, Quality Datsun in Orange, Target Datsun in' Garden G rove, Zee Datsun in Brea, Barwick D~tsun in San Juan Capistrano, Anaheim Datsun in Anaheim. Sant.a Ana Datsun in Santa Ana, Dick Barbour Datsun in Cypress and Newport Datsun in Ne wport Beat·h. Irvine> Datsun in Irvine & Brea Datsun in Brea. The most stnkmg feature of thl' Nissan Pulsar NX 1s its al.'rodynam1c wedge-shaped styhng. with a long sloping hood. <'OnceaJed pop-up headlights and short rear deck with bu11l-m spoiler. Two transmissions are available, a five-speed manual overdrive and an optional thrt.>t>-speed automatic with lol·k-up torque converter for increased efficiency. The new car's standard features include rack-and-pinion power steering, front disc brakes and a deluxe trim with s unroof, 4-speake AM/FM/MPX stereo radio and full wheel covers. • •• ICJR:I \'01.\'0 7''4l GU: LO A~Gt:l.ES ... Volvo dealers of So. California Introduced the first new model from the Swedis h car -make r in 15 year s last Wednesday, November 24. The 760 GLE is a luxury high performance family car combining aerodynarnJc styling and performance with the ultimate In pauenger comfort and the smoothest of rides. A turbo charged 2.4 die.el engine will be available along with Volvo's V-6 with 136hp. Owrall leflllh la shorter than current 240 mqdels, ahhouah the 760'11 wheelbase ls larger by five Inches. Local Volvo dealenhlps lll Oranae County are Earle lke Imports (Toyo\a-Volvo) In Coat.a Mesa. Oranae County Volvo in Garden Grove, Williama Volvo in Buena Park and Min ion Viejo Toyota-Volvo In Miiiion Viejo. *** SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HAVE TO OFFER YOU IN'"TODAY'S PAPER. • I ·1 .. .. .. ' i t • . • ~ } ~ • Oren e CoHI DAii. y PILOT /Friday, November 28, 1982 Loe Ae.mltoe THUfllOAY't llltULTt (11th .. ........,_ • ...,.tftlof .. "'"""'' l'lllltT llACI. 400 y91da Unojel HonClo (Armatrong) 6 20 4 00 3 00 s-1 POile)' tM11chelll e 80 4 oo Trulya LUO. (Oelomt>•I !; 40 Also raced Quin.Ila Moon. F11<1ays FOIU Old StonewaN. Jo/Inn•• Lamt>. Bleck Ogle Strano-Perlume ()on VtetOflO Titne 20 38 ' 12 HACT A (4·21 palCI $41 20 NCONO llACI. 400 yarda MIN Fleming Bunny (lonkl) 740 440 300 . Cryslll Reward (Hart) MIU Love Lark (Adair I ~80 3 00 Allo raced M111 Truly flight Anoe!, Oo "1ure Told Pie s .. fl,,,.. '° 31 THIM> llACIE, 400 y1rC11 2 40 Wahoo• A Zure Hooe (Cerdozal 22 20 8 80 4 80 Won Way Jose (Tonk•I 9 80 4 60 Soul of a Champ (Paullnel 2 80 Also rac:e<I t<erCX'k. Funny • Reo. Wedge, Aoanat>ll. Dream Peddler, M111 Ery Tom1do, Fujlko Time 20 28 1:2 U ACTA 11·~1Pl•dS149 20 l'OUllTH llACI!. 350 yards Two More Doublea (Ch1ve11 28 60 10 40 5 60 My Bar A0dm1ral (AC1111) 5 40 3 1C BtlllOP C11 tCardoHI 3 0G Allo rac.eCI. Boogie Fever. Mr Rock•• Scan Ctabber, Jetty J~uar Waylon Away B1Ny Shears. Snake Kid Shake Time 17 87 12 lllACTA (9-8) palCI $79 80 l'IFTH llACI. 350 yer<11 Raise Your Ouk .. (Adtlf) 13 20 5 20 3 40 Hot SIOCll (Ooml<OQUeZ) 3 60 2 80 Justlns Easy Six tT onksJ • 60 Aleo raC41CI Nike Hare Ran1°1 Rabel. ~ 0.amoocl 0Htllfll1e Royal Plan Tune 17 87 ti IXACTA (7~1paid 147 IO tlXTH llACI. 970 yerC11 Mectlo Mrlo (Leekayl 12 90 4 80 2 60 Fleet Mtei<ay (Pauht\41) 3 40 2 60 T~ Wiiie (Harli -2 60 Also rececl Mr Leo 8ug, Go OwOQhl Go. ~ Gollale. Mr S1ec:y Bob JOMQO Time 45 70 tlVl!NTH llACIE. 350 yards Awlnganoa Pr•Y8f' (T rea•u::100 1 80 4 20 Cash Her In (CardOHI 3 00 2 40 Tiny c .. (Craegerl 3 00 AISO raced Rot> 1 Rock al, Kid Cnrome, Vado. A Nllural. Smooth Streaker Ee•y OoClaCI Time. 17 85 91IXACTA 15·91 palCI $34 00 1:2 l'tCK 1111 (5·1·9·7·S·51 paid $10.258 00 with 3 winning hckats 111ve horsetr S2 P~k Sh< con101111on paid $2113 00 will'I 35 winn1nc;i llCkets (lour ll<>fses) l)QMTH llACI. 3SO yatda Oh L• AM (Hartl 2 60 2 40 2 20 FNh,,,e TM! (C.trdoHI 5 40 2 IO U9 Front lltKla (Creage<I • 2 40 Also ·~ Rockey Rut>y a. ~t>l<n!I FIQhler Belt Beetcha Ct•t>l>efat" Go r.,.,,. 1110 1:2 IXACTA 16-41 patd S 13 80 _,,.H llACIE. 400 y8'dl M-. Milo (Creager I 8 40 4 40 2 40 OHdly Pu<sun (Cardoni 5 20 3 00 POiley Tt,,.,. (Hatll 2 60 AIM> rececl Seyes Oomln110< Say What Umtt.0 Pol>cy Truly I Chic LO"*! PHI Due Chattott• a Bug Go Go s Cnoic. Time 20311 12 IEllACTA (5·111 patd S42 40 Attendance -7 485 Hollywood Ptrtc TitUfltDAY't Mtul Tt (171" of .... , lhot0"9hbfed -ttne1 l'MltT llACE. 15 fllftongl Pine for GOid (P1ncey) 8 20 l 80 2 60 Tough TUiie (C1111ned1) 7 20 3 20 Fa.lhlon Knowi.clge tV1leozuet11 2 80 Also race<I GOiden Rew•rd. Aillng Yu~on Sotomlllo. Delly Bradford, Idle 0-, True Allect1on. Ashly Wl'llllet Irish O.tty ln1eres1 Rate Time· I II 415 tl!COHO llACIE. £> lurtongt Outhc (T0<ol 6 00 4 20 l 20 0.Hle< (CamPHI 11 00 7 60 J B Scott (H1wi.yl 3 80 Also rececl Stepp1n Out Nunv•H• Natrve Oeprogrammer. L1ur11 l ad Sur1nam GOICI AoCl.,,ty. T-row N To<11y Wine Tric~ Geo StlCI,...,,, T.,.,.. 112 12 DAILY DOVtLIE 15·7) paKJ $18 20 THIM> llACE. 8'> lurtongs Mana"• D<Mm lliOhlfl'll 11160 !I 40 7 40 My Countess tOelahOuuarel 5 80 5 20 Co111wng Rote (Val<lwtlSOI 7 60 Aleo r1ce<1 l 11tle Avalan,ne Cullen Baau1y· Oen1 Oo Oil llon~a NaturH ~-Put \Jp Temotauon She 1 a DOii BeyonCI R Mnn1 t ..... t 18 2/5 SI lllACTA t 1·10) pel(I $266 50 FOUflTH llACE &'> turtongl t<athlnke (Vaten1U411a) 7 40 l 60 3 00 Poertlve Tr-(Black) a 20 4 40 COiiege Money (Hawley) 3 60 Also raced. NOia Btrd Medam Spten<IOur Rememt>er HOiiy Twr"to 1 Pazan rime. 1 18 4/5 tt IXACTA (3·21 paid $137 50 . l'll'TH llACI 8', lurlongs Crimson Commend« (Plnc:tyl 860 440 3 40 Roper (Vllenzuelal 7 80 5 IO Bol<I Poise (Blackl 7 30 Also rac.o Mollvlly, Megue• An1wer 10 Mu•lc. M1111nt11I. laClnesian Olymp11d't Son Time. 1. 15 215 a EXACTA (5-61 PAICI $104 SO tlXTH llACE 1 1116 mite FrH SPKll ($11>tlte) 9 00 5 00 3 90 Idle OuclleU (Stainer> 11 60 7 60 Coemlc Ctover tL1pnam1 12 00 Also r IC4ld ~afveltn' SUiia Rftves, GOICI Gr1C41 Gate•,. 8•"· One for een-Donna ~tic. Prune Picktf ~. l ypllr.,,,. Titne 4 44 216 NV.NTH llACI 8-. IUttongt UdV £!Mlyn lllelanNelel 11 20 10 eo 1 eo My F-11e Aunl (Bleekl 11 00 I 40 ~ Go Oo ~ {Ortagal 17 20 Ateo r-.:1 Merry Melody. 0. H•PP). Miu Swlaa, SllYer lu I Pride Ht Yu lutu. C.Clly c.roew. Sonnet A{llo ~ o1 1111 Blue9 C'nl Mot Cller1 Time t 17 21$ • IXACT A (8· 11 oekl S5 72 SO Coffee• odde A·OO<Hg" 21 0\'91 Geo<gia tech •·Penn SI S over P111 •·Nebf all<• 7 over Oki.,_,. Amona SI II over •·An1ona •·LSU 23" over Tulane Clem-. 21 .. W•k• Forest II Tokyo •·USC II CM1t Notre Dame Nfl MATIC*A.I. COWUWMCa WlT P'ct.Hl'A Green B1y 3 0 1 000 ea 49 WISIMngtO<I 3 0 1 000 85 114 Oa"H 3 1 750 117 M Atlanta 2 I ~, 114 Ill N-OllNns· 2 I 617 0 SI 0.trOtl 2 2 500 511 57 Chicago I 2 333 30 44 MlllnffOlll I 2 333 48 'II Phtllldetpn11 1 2 333 72 78 St LOUii 1 2 333 48 62 San Ft1nc•sco I 2 333 69 17 NV G1an11 1 3 2i0 63 711 ....... 03 0005418 Tampa Bav 0 3 000 32 62 AMIElllCAN cOM'alllMCI llaldeu 3 O 1 000 89 55 Miami 3 O I 000 19 55 Plllaburgh 3 0 1.000 88 58 Buffalo 2 t .617 44 40 Clnc1nna11 2 1 867 85 46 NY Jets 2 1 .887 ff 52 Cleveland 2 2 500 61 69 Oenvet 1 2 333 37 111 Houston 1 2 333 39 72 i<anus c11y 1 2 333 45 53 N..,. Enc;ilanCI 1 2 333 38 ~ San Otego 1 2 333 59 50 S.allle 1 2 333 45 54 Bammora o 3 ooo 33 es NOTE Tl'la IOP eight ••ams In ••ch conference wWI qwuty for ,.,. playoHa T-..se,'atc-New York Giants 13, Oelratt II Dallas 31. ClevelanCI 14 lwMlllr'• 0-Kansas City at "- Balhl'f'Ofa at &uttalo Ct\lcago at M1nneso11 Gr-Bay et New York Jets ,...._. et Cincinnati (Ch.,,MI 4 et 10 a rn) Ph~.OelJIN• at WHtllnglon SI LOUIS 11 Allenta Oenvet •1 San Otego New OrlNnl at Sin Franc<sco (Channel 2 at 1 Pm I PtllSt>urg/'I at Seattle ........, .• a- M1a"" at Tempe Bay (Ctlannet 7 at a Pm I CowboJ• 31, llrownt 14 tc«e by Ollettef• CtevelanCI o 0 0 14-t4 Dallas 0 17 14 0-31 Del -Oupr .. 4 pus from Whtie (Septien ktck) Oal -Oorten 1 run (Sepheo ktck) Oat -FG Septien 40 Oat -Springs 2 pass from Whlla tSeollen ktck) Dal -Dorsett 5 run 1Sept1en klek) Cle -Hail t8 pass It~ ~Oonaul tB•l'lr klCkl • Cle -Pru1ll 2 tun (Bahr ktck) A -46,267 l~tlattetlea ·· RUSHING -Cleveland Pru111 14·115, W"'1a 3·7, Sipe 2·6 OeltM, Dorsett 2(1.118, SPtlf>gS 12·73. NeWIOfl'l8 5-47, NewflOuM 4·25 Peoptea 7·22. W~la 2·16 HogeboOm 2-0 RECEIVING -ClevelanCI, Whtie 8·45, Feacner 4.47 Hall 3-43. N-some 2-40, W81ke< t~6. log.,, I· I I , PtUlll t·4 o.n .. Hill 4· 76 Petrson 3·07, Ooraeu 2·211 Spr1n91 2·10. Cosbte 1-12. OuPr" 1·4 PASSING -ClevelanCI, Sipe I t·23·3-e5 McDonald 9· 15 I· 151 Dallu Whtie •3·n ·1·215. HOQeboom 0-2·1-0 MISSED FIELD GOALS -DellM. Seclt ... 33 Olente 13, UoM I le«• by Ouert ... New VO<k 0 0 6 7-t3 OellOll 3 3 0 0-6 Ott -FG Murray 46 Del FG Murray 44 HY -FG~34 KY -FG-Ollnelo 40 NY -hvto< 97 pass 1ntercep110n (o.nelo kid!) A -64 3.48 ................... RUSHJNG -New Y()(ll. WOOlfDlk 21·87 Cna1m1n 3-6, &runner 3-mlnus S Oet10t1. S1ms 28· t 14. euasey s-18, o..,i.i'°" 2·22, Hipple 3· 14. NIChOIJ 1·3, l<at\41 1·2 PASSING -New York, Bru11ner 12·28·2· 136 Oel•Oll, Hipple 3. '2·0·311. Oan1e1son 12· 111·~· 125, SklaClany 0-1-0·0 RECEIVING -New York, Perklna 5-aO, wooHolk 4·28 Gray 2· 13. Mtatter I· ts Detroit. Sims 6 ·38 N1cl'lols 3-411. l Thompson 2·33 Bussey 2· 14 T Porter 1.20. Scon 1-10 FIELD GOALS MISSED -New York oa,,.io •II DetrOOI. (IOn8 Col .... acores Te•as 53 Te.as ;l&M 16 Nor11'1 CaroW>a 33 Bowling Gr-14 Vtrginl.a Teel\ 21 Vlt91"'9 14 NCAA lnclhidu8' ....,_ LEAOtMO llUtttlAt Ande<IO'\. Ol\lal\Ofna SI Walk•. Georgi• Aozl9f. Net>raske Olcl<erson. SMU ()ejamtte, So M-SSIOP' Gunter. TUisa Spencer, Oh!O St Ricks. Mrct119an AUlltn Clemson TC Ya A,,. 327 1,731 5 3 308 1.SllO 5 2 213 l ,"82 7 0 232 1.617 7 0 311 1.~5 50 1115 l.•114 7 5 252 t .371 5 4 243 1,300 5 3 1117 1,084 s 4 LEADING .. Altl"t Retnll'f,UCLA Rishe<. LSU Elway. Stantoro ~ j Peace FlorlCI• • Bennelt. Ouk.a $.Young, BVU A10<dan. Temple Vterra. Utan Blackledge, Ptnn St Te<llorCI. Fresno SI. • l'A l'C 311 1111 212 138 •OS 262 233 187 374 238 317 230 247 157 1611 85 268 t51 2111 163 .,._ "' 2 824 21 1,712 17 3,242 24 1.944 a 3,033 20 3,100 11 1.840 13 1.315 13 2,oe9 21 2.620 21 TOTAL Ofl'DIM ., .. , ,, ... 0t11on. Long eeacn s1 S Young. avu Eaton. lll!nor1 Elwey, Stanf0<CI Flul .. Bosl0f1 College R CunnlnQham,UNlll RamM'f, UCLA hMett. Oulta Nugent. COloraClo St Tedford. Fr-St 3,275 • 2 27 5 3,!i07 7 .3 311 e 3,258 1 2 2M2 3.104 t .7 212 2 3,014 •9 27• 0 2,442 &1 2713 2,ta1 8 1 267 o 2,lt5 II 2123 2.3" 112 23411 2,575 7 2 134 I MCmwtO • l'C ., ....... Whtie. St.,,loro Matttn, llllnola HudlDf'. BYV Long. Long S.ach St. A Miilin-.. Vandetblll Ellerd Fr-St Jordan. Ven<lerl>IH Hamt><ICk, UNL\/ Chwnpll\e. COlorlldO St LfWll, Cal Ml Ill 117 • I 11 • ~1 ea 11 17 121 t t 10 IO 171 tO 10 " 773 61 11 ti 1..S $5 to 13 413 53 10 50 too 50 tt~tcM•I 11 54 7111 41 • l'IC« tOC (7-t-3·5·3·11 paid SU24 40 NCAA,......._ with 10 '#Inning 11Cke11 (five llOt-1 12 Pick on-. SI• con1011tlon paid S28 40 wltl'I t, 144 =. ~ _ ='t Wlflflint ttckell (lour h0<-1 _ ·- - , .... ~ ...... ., .. A .. ... , '1111 1)2111 r1t 4.7M 4111 1tr • •n ""' 140 4 IMIO 4U 6 tat 4.•n 4314 t 16 4 "' oa s 141 4 Hl 42fl J I04 4 171 01. 1"0 4 811 429 I '" 4 no 010 COMMUNITY COLLEGE South Coeet Conference c.....,_ o.r.ta1 W l W L ,. l'A Mt San AntonH> 6 O 9 t 298 146 Fullatton 4 1 4 !I 230 103 OOIClan Wall • 2 '5 5 217 180 Cefl!IOI 2 3 '3 6 144 191 San 0.4190 Me.a 2 3 8 3 t81 206 Or1nge Coal! t 5 2 8 237 273 Grossman! 0 5 0 9 82 282 T.......,"•lkefe Go4dan W"I 44. Otange C:0.91 0 ... ...,·ao- Fulterlon It Cerrllos Groetmont et San 0..00 Meta M1ee1cN1 Contwenoe ~ o-ell W L W L ,. l'A Saddleback 5 1 II I ™ 72 Soull'l-tern 5 I 9 1 33t 10L Ai...-llde S 1 8 2 234 t 10 Corue 3 3 4 II 241 t98 Senta An• 2 • 3 7 146 242 San Ooeoo CC 1 S 3 7 115 239 Pelci<nar O & 2 I 109 186 T!Mlr-,·a tcOt" R1v .. 8o<la 17 S.Oolet>Kk 14 S.,,la At\8 t 4 Pllornat 13 Sou•-•••n 33 Sen OoeQO 7 OT .... .SCOMt 5.,, Be<Nrd.no 31 lmoet•al va11ty 14 tlartl'C'• 51 ~--~.,, 7 tATIMDAV't GAmt ._...c-1c.i.r-""'*'Of1 •• C4K-ntot Grat1smont •1 San Ooego Mesa teulhefn c .. c.,.,_ LA 6outhwe11 a• LA HllOO. RIO Hondo 11 LOI Angelet CC WMl lo1"Angeies 81 e .. 1 LOtl Angel .. Meltep9'11an ConlefeMe LA Pi.ice al Lcnc;i Beech CC I 111 at El Cimino Sima Monica CC at Puedena CC l'eethlltCenler-Mt Sin Jeclnto al MlraCOtll8, 1 30 Pm Antelope VAiiey 11 Oesett Alf oamuJI 7 30 P m unleu ot'"""''" nole<I, HIGH ICHOOL c • ....,... ..... (leeeM ................ t:JI) 910 '1ft COllPIMMCI S..v11e (I· 11 vs LoyOI• (t-1-11 a1 Glen<lale Hf.keWOOd (1·21 VI Alemany 19· I· I) .. College or Canyons Hunl1n9ton Beach (8-3) vs LB POI)' (7 · 1·21 II Long 8eactl W~aon COiion (11-t) vs Ed•ton (7·3-'I at"Orange Coaat COlleQe ClllTRAL COM't!MNCI Fuller10t'I 111.0) at NewpOf1 H .. t>OI (7•4) Saddleback ( tO. t) al llt-Ot.n<ll (6-4· I) Loe ArnlgOe (8·2111 la H•t>r• (5·71 , El Toro (11·21 ¥1 Sunny HUii (6·4) •t Fullerlon Hlgrl toUT .. RN COWPIMCIE Los Anoe ( 1 t·O) vs S1n11 Ana (8·3) al SA Bowl Ml111on V1•10 (9· 1· 1) II El Mo<l•n• (10-0·,, Elper•nn (10· It et LynwooCI (9· 1· 11 Footfllll 110..0· I) vs H11 WMo<t (11-21 91 lOI Alloe COAtTAlCOM'IMNCI Wall Torra11ca (1 1·01 "' Mutr (8·31 a1 Pellldan• CC O•n1rCI PD· 11 ve Wnllak.e (10-1) al rnoueenCI Oa1t1 Sent• Monltt (9· 1111 Arca<ll• (7·31 Paudenl f 11·01 ve Sct>urr 111·21 et Mon1flbell0 aAtTIRN COMl'SREICI Norco (11·21 vs Glendora (8-3) 11 emus COiiege MO<ano Vf/IWy (1-51 II Remona (8·3) MonleMllO ( I0-1) vs Rlver'llde Poty 11·21 •IUC ,.,_..oa OM11an...Je·2) II a.II Oerdan1 (1·31 ~MWHTIM CGWaMleCI Alollettl {8·31 vs Vett>vm De; t tO·O) It S..r• cui-C<ty (9·2) .. 81 ...... Cl (5 ..... 1) Cenyon, Seugua (1-3) al Lompoc (8·2· 1) Monr-(7· 1·21 " 9l8IMIP Montgomery (7·2-11 • eountaaaftM COllNMllCa 8.,_, l'erti (1 t.()) ,,_ ~ (1.-3) .. Cheltey Collage 11.ooo (7-4) •• ~ (9·21 O.ey (7-3-1111 \/lclO< v-., , •• ,, C ... tdco (7·31 It CalOn ft.SI a!OMTH RACI 1 1118 mite Net><Hkt tS6 a .... - Poler •McCer•on> 4 20 uo 2 eo Oklahoma 131174 •1~ !41 4 4-01 1 _.._ ::ft'8 _ ~ Ell~ !ta (Culan.Oa) 7 20 6 00 Air F0<ce ,_. • , _ -..... Mo! .. (Ltptl•m) 3 80 TulN .... 3.141 304 I LOI AltHL I -Ill ocll Crffl!, Al•o receo Flghllno Flt, C••Ularla , Soutl'lefn Mlulttlppl '4A 3.!)l ttA I C.• Liiie. Celt• l..aliMn, 11 DorlldO Travelllr;fy Vietor, Pewter Orey, Swing Tiii SMU tit l ,CMI 1715 l'arll Lalle. lllllMlll Llie. leetl L••. o.wn. , 1no Juogamtnl. Ou1ch•n. lw1n OeorOI• ICM 1.110 111.0 .._...., llar!I Liiie, l'WM!lll IAU 1en1a NewMellCO Y4 t .... 17JI l'el!i ........... -_, TornedO Aletlem• Ila t.111 N I WWI ' T-· 1 41 Wtelllll tt tit t ,111 Ill 4 -C... ~ _,.;MCI 1 ·~mite llllfl) ....... ~ .,. .... -Ot•a_,..._. ...,.. ... (VlllCMdll 11 20 1 eo • eo Long .. "'" 81 47'1 an 1 ... 1 ,..-, ""' .._. ,._ ..... ._..,. ~ (HlllNyl I 20 6 20 Qwke 4 l4 IN J,M 104 I ~,::'dfTr:!ond N•11 ... ,,.~~ ,,....,,.. oa • uu '°' o ~-~..-.. ~ .....,, ~. 1Clflt8 1>ew11 evu 316 '"° :1.1u • 1 u. w. _ ~ ..... , ..... t .. Ill UOLA 338 IOI 3,0?0 11' I ,.,0 -Owe111 River (I lrldtH ' ._...A...._~ 1 .. , .... 711~· ............... ~'"" w .. (Ar(ler1t1ne1 Pat OulH• lU 8 ), e I t •. \111..t (>411\11 .. 111 IU I I Clef 0.eil T 10 ((fOlilll Alllh) t ·:l 8 4 .!OM· Lui. Cle1t 1A1gumlflel 0.1 f1.ocl .. 81ui0f lfO\llh Ah "•I ti 3 II 4 Just H1ouae11 lpainJ Oii Hlo• Q1..,_a1.i (C11ti.1. 8 1 1·0 .IOllfll 1<110 (U fl I 11•1 (lnlomo Ol1Co1e111 (l11e1111 ).t 7 e II 7 8111n OotlhteCI IU Iii I dal 8Vtl•• M(lllram t8tllllll), l ·J, (1.4 ArlU1•t GOl!l<ll l[tu•Oorj Oel 0•11 .. lllHOll (8pulll Alrlllll :I 0 0 I, t-2. Kevin (;u11a111Suu111 AlrtCti) Cit! CtauC110 Pen1111 (ll•IYI tc:O•• UflaYtllltble .... louth w .... orn ( ......... A111trlllle TfllttiRMNltlfttlea LMlte Altell IV S I Ciel Henl Mtn<lltltOlll (Czacho1lovak11) I 7 7-1. e 3, Yvonne \/etmnk (SOlilh (Afr tC•I Clef Bert>••• P011tlf (U s) 11·2, I· 1, Mlthrll Navr•HIO•• (Us I Clef Ro& ,..,bllllt (South Alrtc.i, 8·3, e-3. lff Antonoptia (U SI 0.1 Hellller LuCllOlt (U 8 I. 7-$. 8-0. MdrH JMger tU S) Clef $utan MHClll!n (U S ), 8 4 I 2 Evonne Cawley (Auttrel1•) Mf CllUClll KOl\Oe1WHt Getl!Mlny), e-3 8·2 Ann t<1yomura IU SJ O.f Eve Pletf IW"t Germ1nyl 8 7 7-8 1·3 High achoo! women r....-,·.c•1-...,,..a •11H ') •·A Dlwtelen PlfOs Veroes al Oos Puetllot M·r•les1e •• Ea1anc1a S-A Olwlalofl San Manno RIO Mau WIOf141< (MOndily) ... R1vet11de POiy Mater oe. at Wullake 2·A Dlvlaleft Lomi-<>c 11 l oa Amigo, l ii Ou111ta 11 VICloo Vattey 1·A Dlwtaleft Lou1tvllle 11 Ooaroono Bat Mot10 Bay v1 Wtnner Tha1'1ler·Pa..O.na POiy (MOttd•y) • N•A fttTIM cowaMNCI 1'.clflc Dlvla .... w L l'cl. Seattle 12 2 857 ..... 10 ) 71111 .,._,.,. 10 4 714 PontenCI a 7 $33 GOiden St•t• 4 9 308 San Otego 3 10 23 1 Mid-I DtwteMlft t<ensuC11y 7 3 700 San AntonlO II 6 800 Oellas 8 6 ~ o.n-I • 4211 Utah .. • 333 I 12 on Houston IASftM COM't!lllMCI AllMtle~ eo.100 ti 2 846 Ph118"elPl'l1a II 2 841 • NewJe<My 7 • 467 Wafl/lingl0<• 5 • 385 New Vorlt 3 10 231 Central~ Mtlwau~M II s 643 Oelratl II 8 800 Ctl!Cago II 8 4211 lnCllan• 6 • ~ Allef\11 s 7 417 OtevelanCI t II 083 Thllnday'1 k0t• 1<a111as C11v 88 Houston 711 Tonlfhl'I 0-a LMI ... 11 San Diego Ullltl a1 Boston WhNflOton at 1nc1ten• Phlla<lf!tphll 11 Cleval•n<I Por11and II Detr<MI Cn!Ce90 •• Sen AnlOOIO New Jtlf say It Ph04lfll• Oen-•· S.•llle C .... Wortd()pen , .............. , ,.,.,.._,.._" Tze.M1nQ C"-(Ta1W1n1 Fred Couplet tJ S HSH..l'luen Lu T aiwen Save Baltffte<ot Spe"l °"'°' A-luM Hubert G•een Boot>y Wadl11n1 Scott Hoell Vat>Ce Healne< G..-1 Hatll*g C..M Trevino Jollllny Mtlle< OA w .. t>rlnQ Larry Nelson Jtm Simons Tom Pur1z.er Scoll Simpton Danny EdwerCla 0111 Pohl .Coeet ... reeultt 08 t'• 2 4'. 7'' 8'• .. 2 3 4 7'> !; 6 • 3 3 3 1 ., 17 .. ee 10 71 71 72 72 73 74 74 74 75 75 78 78 711 711 l..-W ...... Oelf A-1a1• ( ............ c-. ..... AN11 LOW ,.., Tourn-1 A Fllclhl -1 ..,, RIChH 77· 13-64, 2 A1t>ar1 Grena • 78·11-87, 3 (111) Oon ENIOll U -14-88 anC1 Ctau1nce 8111<e;. 80· I• 88 B F"9h1 1 Cllflord AnCleraon 90. 17 83, 2 t Ila) CharlH Crow ao.1a 64 end Wllltam Moor a. 711-15 -e4, 4 John Morrow, 83-17-86 C FllOll1 -t Oon Fleldle< M-2 t 65 2 Frank HanHn 84-18 II 3 Stuart JoMIOf'. 87·20-17 0 FltQlll I (lral Dock ~ a&-22-114 anC1 ECI ~\Illar 87 23 64 3 Orel Oe¥ICI Shan<I ll0-25-65 anCI George Walltar 811-24 es E Flight 1 Lou Unc!e<wood 111·211-62 2 Deen Oodeon ll-30-68 3 jlral.llm Polls M-26 70 encl Jeck H.laicoctt, 105-35 70 -·~. , '._J NHL -.. c....U. CONPIMMCI .... ,.... ....... WLTOl'OAl't1 9 9 I 111 103 24 10 8 3 711 77 23 9 1:l • 103 104 22 II 10 4 83 74 22 11 7 2 112 72 20 C11tc;990 Mtnne90tl 81 lOUle lO<OfllO O.lroll ....... Oleleloft 13 3 5 115 71 31 14 I 2 104 ee 30 • t2 3 71 u 19 4 10 S H 82 13 3 15 5 58 10 I 11 WALH COMl'IMMCI l'etrietlDhlaleft N\' lal8r109fl 14 8 4 102 II 32 Phlladelpllle 12 !I 2 9 t 78 28 NV R_,.,. ti 10 I 93 91 23 Pttllbll<gtl I 11 3 75 t03 II WeeNnvton 1 II 6 73 11 111 ...,. Jar..., 3 1s 8 83 t03 12 ...... Dhlaleft 15 4 • lot 72 34 12 1 II 13 70 H ti 11 2 107 t03 24 tO I • 12 74 24 s 12 3 .. " 13 n.Mer'•---New YOfk lallndltl I llotton 1 Oueoec3 c:;:: T O- SI lO<ilt II 8u llO Ctlocago Ill HetllOrd T 01 GMO II WMNnglon ""111Mgtl .. ~·· lOlftOtltOll .. Wlnfllll90 .... JefMy •I V-Ouvet •-~A (1·10)..-12t300 l'lorldelt a ll 171 1,111 lttt ... , .......... 1-.rt UM),,_..,.. I CclfM'*lder. lnQlfliOn, l'r81n1U!!l ~.A ,..,_ 453 271 Ul4 IMI _ -~~- -· ..-Pte* 4N 144 1.111 Ill I v-. ....,_, 1. ... "" .... _ ... __ 11ee __ •_•_ ... _, _________________ 1o11o11 ____ coeeoe _______ ... ___ ,_,, __ ,_ .... ___ ......... • .................................. ..-...... ~ .. ----.. ------------1111 ' , ·• CAMPBELL: QB IN POOL • e From Page C1 Mui.on in onh.·r tu pl1.1y lhlw y1 .. 1r und lhua bt• anolht·1 •U·p d 11M•r w \ht• 1984 Olympics, had *1 lhe \l•uru In a••· lll.'Ol'l4tl tor moll OI tht• vc•ar. 111lho"4aih his lo\al <>f 50 l'urrl•nl riank• se('ond behind John Vara-(68). "Thi• 11iartin1C M.'Vl'n (playl'f'1') on lhl11 tl'am have a lo\ of l.•xpult•nc.•t•," Kay11 Camplx.•ll In analyiln" the lc..•um'11 11trc•ngth11. "Five o f the Keven played in Europcon Nutiorutl and junior nullonal teams last yc111'. "Plus, I think we have Ont' or lht• tx'tlt defen1e11 11round and the bcsl goalie (John O'Brien). "l kno)N all our 11..artc n; L'OulJ play for other teamll." As. naturally, <.'Ould Campl,lt:ll. At 6-4. 200 pounds. Camp\,ell !K'Cms to tower above opposing players. And, his ability to reat·t and anticipate h e lps set him ubove lhe rest. · · I • m k I n d o f I i k e t h <· ·quarlc-rback in lhe p ool," Campbell says gu1etly. "l talk t.o the o ther guys and get on them cx:ca~!onall y tf> take t h e right shut. Campbell s tarted playing wate r polo at University High, where he was selected All-CIF as a senior. He the n chose UCI where the teams he's play on have compiled a four-year record of 9:i-25-1. lronically, in all the yt>ar s Newland has been a c:oach -he's nev er fini s h e d a s eason undefealt.'d. The Anteaters have a lso 'w o n o nly ont.' NC AA championship, that being in 1970 (when UCI was 27·2). finishing se<.'Ond on five other cx:casions ( 12 appcaranc6 all together). "We talked about it (of going undefeated) the first parl of the sc•ason," says Campbell . "Coach Newland told us he thought we had the ability. ··1t wasn't until mid-season though. when we playt:.-d Cal and St a n ford on s u l'l' cs!> i v e Pe te r Campbell wc(•kl·ndi.. that I thought we> l'UU kl do ll " Stan f ord , No 2 ranked nuttonally und No :l seeded in tht• NCAA championships, has lt>!>l lhrl'<' timt'S to the Anteaters this year. Cal. rankc.-'d No. 3 for most of th£' season but No. 4 for thl• tournl'Y. has also. lost three llm<•s. but only by a towl of five J(oals. "I've lost to BC'rkelC'y ever y year in thl• NCAA's. so I know I won't have any trouble getting up for them," says Campbell. "And. I figure we s hould m~t Stanfo rd in tht• finals. and .they 'r" the d1..'fending champions. so I don't think they'll be any problem getting up for them. either. ··Rc•ally. I didn't care about the winning streak (early in the year). But now it's do-or-die· this WL'<.'kt·nd You IOSI' one game and you're out·· It's a slo-w start for Christ ~ollege There's an air of confidence "and expectancy at C hrist College in lrvine despite an 0-2 record In opening games and the fledgling bas)<etball team in only Its second year of operation. - "Al the present time we do not have a scholarship program. we h ave no home gym o n our campus and all of our athletes are here be<..~use of. what they have heard about us in the past," says David Wild, the head coach and a thletic director for the E.agles. "It will take a while for us to develop a program ," says Wild The Eagles compete in the W estern ChrisOan Athletic As.'>Oeaation conference. · "There are seven teams in lhe conference including West Coast Bible of Fresno, LA Baptist of Newhall. Pacific Christian of Fullerton, S outhwestern o f Phoenix. Pacific Coast Baptist o( San Dimas. Life College of Los Angeles, and our own team." Last year the E.agles played only a 14-game schedule.· This year they have 19 and one tournament. The confcrcnl'C is associated with the Na tional Little College Asscx:iation. While the team is only in its second year. there are three seniors on the squad o( 10 but only one is a starter. When the Eagles ta k e the court. George Brandon. a senior. and Jon Wood. a 1unior. are at forward with Fred Hartman. a sophomore, and at cente r Mau Hanse n . a junior a nd either Shawn Massey. a freshman. or Dave Eic helberge r, a junior, at the guard spots. Other squad members include seniors Mike Griswold and Tom Heck . JUnior Phil Eukcn a nd 90phomore Tim Puls. The team tacks height with H artma n and Griswold the ta llest at 6-3. "We aren't a particularly large team so we like to use the fast break on o ffense and t a k e advantage of our quickness. We also play a man-to-man de fense most of the tune," said Wild. "I feel we"re improved over last vear an d we seem to be bNter on defense and all-around wllh a bit more skill up aryd down ou r rostl'r Brandon a nd H eck Wl're not here and Griswold did not play." · The E.agles must travel 20 to 25 minutes to Newport Christian High for practice scs.51ons and all but two of their home games. The' two home games away from Newport Christian are on Jan. 15 agai ns t YTS of Chino at Ocean View High and Fe b. 8 against Southwestern of Phoenix ol Estan{'ia High * Chrlal Cot .... Schedille NOY 30. -11 I.A B•pU1I' Dec 3 -•I Pac111t; Chrt•ll•n (Fullerton)'. 6 15 pm . Dec 6 -It Cal Tech. Dec 10 -11 S.tn4>IOI\ College (Sen Fr•""KO). Dec. 11 - et Sen Joae Blbte College Jen 7 el Southweste1n College (Photn1.1c)', 6 p m Jen 8 -II Oevry 1n1111u1e. e pm . Jan 15 -YTS Chino 11 Oceen View Htgh. Jen 21 -Pec;ll,c; CoaSI Beptlll' Jen 28 -al Well Cout Bible COilege" -- Feb 3 -I.A Bapllll ', Feb 5 -Liie Bible College•. Feb 8 -South•Hlern• It Elt1nc11 HtQl1, Feb 12 -PKlllC Chns1ien·. 3 pm Feb f8 el Peciftc Coqt Bap1191·. 7 p m , Feb 111 -et Cel Baptist (~tlldeJ. 8 pm . Feb 25 -at Ula Bible College" Metth 4-5 -Western Chflltlln Athlettc Auoc1111on tournement It LA Baptist (NewfleUI • denotes conte<ence geme . Area· 'Women earn y~lleyhall honors Pam Lawrence. Diane Watson, Mollie Merc h a nt and Pa ula Be rney h ave one thing in rommon besides their ability to play women's volleyball. All four we re named as most valuable players o f th.cir respective leagues during the past season . Lawrence of the CIF 4-A finalist Corona del Mar team . was pick ed i n the Sea View cir c uit for her impressiv e credentials as an outside hitter. Watson of Westminster was ~lected in the Sun11et League and led her team to the q\larterfinala before losing to Laauna Beectwn four games. Merchant and Berney were co-MVP'a of the South Coast Le .. ue for the La1una Bfoach team that dropped 1 •mlflnal match IO CoroM del Mar. While 'he MVP 1tar1 were dominaUna lhe ecuan for their fHmL other manbln of the till• tHml were allo •lected '° t~ fim and let'Ond uni ... CdM Md Brook• Hwrrtnsion •na Ilene H-MIMd to tM flM AU·SN va.w ......_ ...s abcl Karen McGulnnem 1o th. ..and untt. Others on the fi rst team in the Sea View League included M a nd v Kenney and Tish O\swang of Newport Harbor (also a quarterfinalist in the 4-A playorfs): Elaina Ode n , a sophomore who wa, a second team member a year ago from Irvine; along with Shannon Reid e n and K e lly Hogan of E.citnndo Frcshmun La ura Aspe r of ~cwport was n amed to the sl'cond team an the Sea View Lcngu<' J olnln.c Watson on the · fint unit an the Sunset ~ague were her 1i1ter Connie Watson and F.ma Tamamaaul of Weetml111ter, Tammy Webb of Ocean View, Kathy Harty end Rochelle Snydf'r of Fountaln Valley and Jackie Town.end of Huntlnp)n Bc-ach. In the South Coeat LHsue, San Cl•m•nte canotller quarterflnall•t> plac"9 Tracy Miller and Lort LuMow on the flm *"' wllh Cardy _......... and Kelly Moanww ol Dmalt 111111 and Ula Herr of ......... VlejD l'Ol'npl9tinl \he flm wall. .. ' ' ;: Davis ·Cup: McEnroe -----vs. Noah GRENOBLE, France (AP) -John McEnroe. leading the Un ited . States' de fense of the Davis Cup, on Thurs- day, drew Yannic k Noah . Fra n ce's No. 1 player, for the opening match of the final. G e n e Ma ye r w as named No. 2 singles player for the U.S .. and 19 -year-o ld H e nri Leconte was chosen as .. No. 2 for France. They were scheduled to play each other in the second singles today after the McEnroe-Noah match. • "It's a great draw for us," said Arthur Ashe, the Ame ri can no n - playing captain. ''I always wanted John to · play fi rst a nd last, and that's exactly what's happening." 'i Saturday is reserved for the doubles - McEnroe and his long- t l me partner Peter Fleming against Noah and Leconte. In Sunday's reverse singles, Mayer will play Noah and then McEnroe wtll wind up the series asalnat Leconte. Ashe, as e xpected , picked Mayer for the second apot Instead of Eliot Te ltscher, who Is al90 on the U.S. team. "There'• a Jot o f pretaure when you play ln your 'flnt Davia Cup final," Mayer aald. "It's not like I w u playing In the Davia Cup for the flnt time. but the final Is different. The ·preuure bullda up over a lonser period." Orn11go Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, November 28, 1Q8' (•I ...... P"--------------~ .. Irish work out The University or Noire Dame's football team spenl the past two days in lhe area, preparing for Saturday's game wiah USC at ahe Coliseum. The Irish stayed in Newporl Be~ and worked out Wednesday and Thursday al UC Irvine. At the left, head coach Gerry Faust shouts instructions while former Mater Dei High standout Larry Williams (right) does calisthenics. Williams, a 6-6~ 260-pound sophomore, is a starting offensive tackle for the Irish. llil 111111 BROWN A U 0 It t: F. M A V I S BROWN. n'Jold1•nl ur S..10. Ano. c.·,, V11•11t•J 11w"y on N11v1•rnbt•r 2 ... 11111i Shl' 111 1urv 1v1•d by I 1un Rick 8row11 of Sanw Arut, C. . :J b11>1hl•r1. Vlm't•11t P.-per of .1 C:o..tu M1-u, Cu , i.nd V1lu!I 1->cpt'r of Si, Paul. Minnc"tMiW 1111d Jc1rry Pl•JK'r or Ok'\'IJlil, WIM•tm1dn, 2 1l11wl'li LMVl•rnl· Rrn •p~ o f U1 c col u , Wll!('(Jnllll a ncl Vvon fl l' Grov<' or St. P11ul , Mlmw11ot.a Furwrol aerv1~·<·1> wlll be hl'ld on 1''rilluy. Nov1•mbcr 2ff, IYK:l a t 11 001\M al 1'1erl'L' 8rolh(•111 &II Hi u11dwuy Chupcl, whh P1111tu1 Joe Buonau1u.1 of hduung lnterm•·nl al Forl R u i. 1• 1· r a 11 s N a l I o n a I C.:C'mctcry, San Diego. Cu. Frit.•nds may ca.II al lhe mortuary on Thur sda y . Novembt•r 25. 1982 frQm 4:00PM to U.OOPM and on Friday. Novemb<•r 26, 1~2 Crom 9.00AM until servl~·e lime. Pn.m:e Brolhl'rs ~·JI Broadwa y Mortuary d1recton. FINCH HA RRY J F I NCH . rl'l1denl or Cost.a Mesa. Ca. PllS.'il'<l away on November 23, 1982. Hl' 1s survivt.'<I by h111 wife JC';;nne, sons S teven and'°' M1t.hael Finch, mother t:l 1zabcth Easterday . Services wall be held on Saturday, Novl!mber 27 . 1982 n l 11 :OOA M at l hc Harbor Lawn Memorj.al Chapel wath Inte rme n t sc.'rv1 ccs imm e diately following. Services under the d1ret·lion or Hurbor Luwn M ou nt Ol1vt• Mortuary or Cosla Mesa )4U-55f>4 TOEPEL lNA PEEBLES TOEPEL, r<~1dc·nt or Newport Beach. Ca . .Pa si.c d a w ay on November 23, 1982 She was a member or the Orange Coal.t Un11.araan Church and _.was also acl1ve in C olden TUllers ShC' 1s survived by her so n s Frederic k P . To~p<'I. Roberl Cha rles Toepel. daughter Susan Virg1n11; Th1 esen , her brolhcr. Charles Pecbl~ and Ru1Jse ll ~bles, and 4 grandchildren, Anne. Judy Toepel and J effrey and Julia Th1c5en. Memorial servJces will be he ld on Sunday. November 28, 1982 at 2.00PM at lhe Orange Coast Unitariun C hurch, 1259 Viclona St., Costa Mesa. IALTZ...._OM ""'" • lVTM&L WHTCL.lflf CMAPIL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-937;1 PAc.te '11W .-.c>llALPAM CefNICHY Mortuary Ct\apel-CrerT\lltory l500 Pacific v-Onve Newpo(t Beach 6'4·2700 MsCObKll MDnu.ns Lagun1 Beach 4!M·!M1S Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95·1776 Fans stay aw_ay in · big numb.ers· ~LAWN-MT. OUYI Mor1uary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler A~. Costa Mesa 540-5554 No-show trend continues in the wake of players' strike l'IBc1•or ... s la1.•0ADWAY MOllTUAH By The Associated Press _ _ __ _ Fans s tayed away in d r a matic numbers Thursday as the no-show trend continued in the National Foot ball L eague in the wake of the players' strtke. Thanksgiving Day games in Dallas and Detroit both showed dropoffs in attendance, expr~mg a trend started last week when play was resumed after an eight-week layoff. In Irving. Texas, where the Cowboys usually sell out Texas Stadium. there were 17,256 no-shows for the game and 1,578 tickets unsold at the gate. A crowd of 46,267 was present in the 65,101-seat stadium. Some may have stay<.>d away becaul'<! of the weather. w hich was a chilly 45 degrees. In Pontiac, Mich., where the Lions enteruained the N<'w York Giants, there were 6.478 no-shows . "" and 9,812 unsold tickets. Actual a(tendan<'t' in tlte 80:638-seat stadium was 64,348. Last Sunday, the first after the strike. there were 115,586 no-shows and 88.989 unsold tickets throughout the NFL. When the season originally started, there were only 32.000 no-shows. Last Monday night, there were 12,898 no- shows and 17,440 unsold tickeLc: ~e Los Angeles Raid~rs hosted the San Diego Chargers in the Raiders' first game in the 72,500-seat Los Angeles Coliseum. A total of 128.484 National Football League ticke t holde rs did not attend games during the weekend of Nov. 21-22. Here's a ~ame-by-game breakdown: Atlanta (Ralns-Jo~alrons) -Stadium capacity 60.J49: no shows. 20.228: unsold ticket.'!, 835. Texas, North Carolina win big AUSTIN. Texas (AP) -It was a play he had • successfully completed only In an indoor gym But tailback Darryl Clark's 87-yar:d touchdown pas.'! on No. 14 Texas' first play set the tempo for a 53-16 trouncing of Texas A&M Thursday. The tailback pass. which Clark tried to co~lete a year ago in the Cotton Bowl, caught the A es by surprise as speedster Herkie Walls raced to e end zone. · "I think that first offeruuve play made A&M realize tflat It was us who were going lo win the game," said Clark. Quarterback Robert Brewer said Texas Coach Fred Akers had d«ided before the game to go with the tailback pue on the (lrst play. It was a move uncharacteristic to the grind-it-out Longhorns. Said Akers, ''The Impact of our (lrst play really was significant. Something bi8 that early Is a real shot In the arm." First-year A&M Coach Jack Sherrill said, ''T"xas is without a doubt the most impruv<.'<i team in the Southwest Conference Crom the first of the year. Clark haa made a really big dlrference In their team.'' . Brewer and Walla set school paaslng and receiving rerords aa Texas lanored a chllly U1ht rain and piled up a flve-touclidown mar1tn before letting the k'COnd 1trin1 complete the final 18 ml nut.ea The Lon1horna, who'll play North Carolina In the Sun Bowf on Chrlatmaa Dey, kept the preeaure ~ I • on A&M quarterback Gary Kubiak , allowing him1 to throw only one 3-yard scoring toss and Sa<"king Kubiak m the end zone for a safety. ·''nrlll Carolina. 3~·14 CHAPEL HILL. N.C. -Scott Stankavage threw two second-ha lf touchdown passes and Brooks Barwick kicked four field goals as Sun Bowl-bound North Carolina posted a 32-14 colle1t• football victory over Bowling Green Thurttday. Kelvin Bryant of North Carolina rushed 32 times for l4.• yards. finishing with 1.064 yards, hl11 third consecutive 1.000-yard season. Barwick booted field goals of 29, 22, 29 and 32 yards to Ue a achool rerord for most field soals ln a game. The kick.a alao t!Xlended his conaecullvc rteld 1oa1 atrln& to 13, t.yins a 11ehool record held by wverol othen. The Bowling Green defenae kept the Tar Heels in check f"'r much of the first half, a lthough Stankavaae aaw two sure touchdown passes dropped. MHnwhlle, Dayne Palssrove thre w a aecond-qua11er touchdown pau to give the Falcona a 7-6 halfUme lffd. - North Carolina, which flnlahed 7-4 and will face Texas in the Sun Bowl on Christmas Day, IK'Ol'f'd on lta fint'two ~of the aecond half to for• a 16-7 edp. Stankavap t<>llk'Ct a 22-yard a'Ort"I p.-to r.dche Colaon at th• 11;23 mark and Barwick added a patt of field pis In the period to · t•ict.-nd th~ Tar Httl advantaae w 19· 7 ,,, . . Buffalo (Dolphins-Bills) -Capacity 80.020, no shows 2,261: unsold tickets 24.814. Chicago (Lions-Bears) -Capacity 65,077: nu- . shows, 14.864: unsold ti<:kets. 3.430. 110 Bro.dway Costa Mesa 642·9150 E Cleveland (Patriots-Browns) -Capacity. 80.322: no-shows, 3,727: unsold tickets. 25.3 14. ~=======~~ Dallas (Buccaneer~Cowboys) -Capacity 65,101: no-shows 13.439; unsold tickets 2.084 . Denver (Seah awks-Broncos) -Capacity 75,100: no-shows 1,187, unsold tickets. none. Houston (Steelers-Oilers) -Capacity 51,511: no-shows. 9, 173: unsold tickets, none. Los Anaeles (Chargers-Raiders) -Capacity 72,500; no--shows 12,898; unsold tickets 17,440. Milwaukee (Vikings-Packers) -Capaci ty 55.681: no-shows 4.799: unsold tickets, 6.474. New Orleans (Chiefs-Saints ) -Capacity 71.330: no-shows, 7.497: unsold tickets, 24,49:,?. New York (Redskins-Giants ) -Capacity 76.891: no-whows. 5,'518: unsold tickets, 607. New York (Colts-Jets) -CaR11cily 60,372: no- shows. 13,402: unsold tickets, none. Phllldelpbla (Bengal s-E(lgles) -Capacity 72,204; no-shows. 6, 163: unsold tickets. 939. St. Loul1 (49ers-Cardinals) -Capacity 51,392: no-shows. 13.328: unsold tickets. none. A total of 23.734 National Football League ticket holders did not attend Thursday's games. A ~ame -b y-~am e breakdown : D1ll11 (Browns-Cowboys) -; Stacjium capa<.·1ty 65. I 01 : no-shows 17,256: unsold tickets 1,578. UetroU (Giants-Lions) -Stadium l'apacily 80.638; no shows 6,478: unsold tickets, 9.812 Lazers play Sting tonight INGLEWOOD -The. Loe Anaeln Luers wlU return to the Forum from their current road trip tonight (7:30) to face the Chlcasc> Stln1 in a Major Indoor Soccer Leap 1a~. Alt.er talllnC to wfn a pme ln their first home tel (0-3). the Lar.en will take on .Chicqo ln the lint-ever meeti~ between the two clubs. Loi Anplee POlJ Garcia continues to leed the club In 1COrln1 with four, lncludlna a two-pl effort aaalnst Cleveland laat Wednelday. Garcia ii tied with Octavio 7.ambnno for the teem leed with five Po(nta. Chlcalo, a1ona with Loe An&eles, ii playtna ln lta flnt IND\ of 'MISL ICUon. Chk'qo JoUwd \M San Dlf>IO Socken and the Gold•n Siay (formerly San Jow) Earthquakes In j!lmph\I to ~ MISL from the North American Soa:el' ~ lndoor 8MIOr\. -;-,;_{( --., ~~ ~.._. .... .. ... ""' .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... :! . /"--.~1! -~·.:s:Y·Cf"~~ -e.7;~~1 .....:;:~--:=. .. DOING ~l,JSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? t I / you are d?ini business under • f'1ctit1ous 81111nesf ."'Jame you are r~u1re4 by law f 81111MH an4 Pro/essiona COO., Se'1 17900 to l 7930J to file 1 f'ict 1t1ous 8ualneU Name Statement anlf have it pubUahed fo /OUT con.wcutive Wff WE at the DAIL PILOT can help wit both. Call tlw LEGA DEPARTMENT a 642 -4321 Ezt . .UJ /o ;;-.- • ' . , ' ' • ('8 Orange Co11t OAIL.Y PILOT/Frid y, November 26, HHt:l ' "'"''" "'" /)111/ ttYI.\ /)rtilld. 111111 .\111111 tttM n ·11ll11 lwt1111l11J!.. \111/ 1·1 t'll .-\11111 /111rril'I lf.OI 11f,11/1·1111,11111r11111ul tlw 1'!Jt'~. Aunt Harriet always swore . ~ • • fd go to the dogs. M om .11\\J\' ,,,mtt:J 11w to bt· j doctor. Dad didn't 11111ch l.irC' . .l!l long .l' I jmounted to omethin/!,. But A1111t I l.1rril'I w.c. ('Oil' 1nced I would conw to a had t·ml. Tlw rt·<bllll\ Aunt Harnet wa.~ not exact! kindly di,pme<l towurd llll' 'tcmmed f mm when l inadvertently ldi " p<:t littt'rpillttr in ht.>r ~terling c.indy dish. After that, Aunt 11.trrll'I fdt thJt my chant-e~ of evolving into 'l . resjirn\\lhle human lx·ing Wt'rl: bleak indeed. "Headed right to the tloK'· th.it l:x>> :· ~hca mutter. Tom t·rt1lrne t!lt) ~rra' e Oaw in m> char.icter. she bt·~,1n bomh.1rdin~ me" ith U Saving~ Bonds. Figuring, no douht. thJt mime~ miiQ1t lead me nu.YJy from evil rntlwr th.m toward it A.ftt'r all, l rwroed all the help I <..'Ould get. And Aunt llam1>t muldn\ haH: helped me more. Thuw Bond~ ~re\\ up. alonit with me, into a nice. fat nei.t t'~ Ont' l k(·pl t.1ppin~ .IS l mo' ed along in m~ life· I fin.lily hunft out Ill) ~hmglt· tOOj\. John Petric, doctor of veterinary med1dnl' I could tell Djcl wJS proud. and ~lorn was rC'Jll) bt'jmi111.:. And t'Ven Aunt . Harriet 1.:ot u little mht> around the eye~. After all-she tht> one who predict('() J was goin).t str.&i~ht to the clogs! Buying US. Savings lfomlt "" u rc11,ul.ur lw~h l1ell's Amerlc<1. At1d it cat1 help a dreum become a reality in.ytrad of svmetlilnµ. that 111i~lit have l>C£11. IT A Tiiiifi O' wmtDllAWM. JAOll llMTmMMI' °""6T.o UNDltl "°"'*" IUIMMllAlll Tne f ollowlnQ 11111011 1111 wmfld#-111111911ttll p11uw ffom tl'le l)lltrWlflil> °'*lltlng UflCltl! It .. tlclltlov-1>u1tn111 111"'41 ol o~o NEWPORT fNHlll'HtSU II 340 Old ~rt llool4Ward. N41wt>ull IMcfl. CA g,'63 ~.Ff!1!! •••••• : •••• ,_._~m.'!!.~! ....... !~m.~~h.1! ...... . f!!t'.'.'-1. ••••••••• !.'.fl "1t!'.'e'. ••••••••• J.'.!I The t1c111tou1 t1u11nen,n1m1 111tement IOt 1111 partnert111j) w•• filed on No,,.mbtr 18 11111 1n 1"9 coontv 01 0!111(11 F11ll N1me •11<1 Addru1 Of 1111 Perton Wlll1d1•wltl\I_ .. DelYW .... t lledlfttlen 1W "-P•hlre Cir ... Ntwpott hMft. CA HMO ,.,,..., Pullllehed 011ng11 Co11I 01lly Piiot, NOV !'l, 12, 1g, 20. 1092 4ll04 82 Nil.IC NOTICE PICTITIOUI auaMH NAm aTATl•NT' Thi 16llowlng peraon1 ••• doing tlullnlll II, CAR CLINIC. 1966 Pl1cenll1 Avenue. Bldg "B", Co111 M11•. C1Ulorn11 92827 ScagllOlll 01e1r, 630 W WllflOll 110 . Costa Mell. Cllif0<nl1 92027 Gel10 Horacio, 7592 Am110 Drive •3. Hunllllgl on Baich. Clllforn11 9264 7 This bullne1t 11 conducted by 1 gener ll partnership Osclf Sc91>lk>ltl Thll llllemet11 Wit Med w11h Ille Coon1y Clerk ol 011noe County on Novemtllf 2, 11182 1'201ta P1llll11ter•s lttl111 All real Ht••• edverllM<I In thlt n1w1p1per It lubject to the Feder11 F1lr Hollalng Act ol 1988 which m1ke1 It Illegal 10 1d..,.1 llM "any prefertn· ce, llmltallon or dlscrlml· nallon based on race. color, religion, sex or n1tlon11 origin. or lny lnllnllon ro mike any 1uch preterence. hmltl· tlon or dlscr1m1natlon " Th11 new~per w!M no\ knowingly accept 1'ny i.dverlltlng tor• real es- 1111 wfllcn 11 In violation ol the Jaw •llPllTllllRTH How would you Uktt to put only $111,000 down und hove puymunlli upprux. $000/nio U \ha\'1 not l'n ough ut an vntil·t•nll'nt -lhili 11h arp 2 bdrm twnh !K• 111 only a yrK old w /thou11and'j or US 111 upgrut.lt•s. C:all for details. llllTlllTll ITUlll l minutl1 from bl.•ach , i story 4 txJrrn & dl•n, 2 putio11. :t frplc11. Owner ls r('al l'SWll' agent Jun(' Musulli ...... ,, 11 1 •• ,, IU·lOll lllTlllTll 111111 ... 11111 Gorgc'Ous 3 Bdrm homt• with shak<..• roo!, formal dining, <..'Ountry kit.ch, brick frplc, new p l ui;h carpet & l>ilint ! Under mkt at $110,400! Vacant & anxious! • Pu1>111hed 011nge .Co111 Dally FlllTa1111 VILLEYI I II • 2 ITllY P1101. Nov s, 12, 1g, 26, 1982 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml ... 4813-82 $135.000! Oynamttl• home has it all! Big ___ Ml._l_C_NO_T_IC_E ___ HllH1 Advert !-bdrms, dream kitt•ht•n , oozy frplc, shak e FICTITIOUI .,..... sers should checi< roof. super neighborhood! Prk'Cd lo w to NA• aTAT••NT their ads daily and S<.·11! Submit. Tiie 1a11ow1ng persons are doing report err ors im- t>usl~~ 6:~PETIT. 2g31 E P1clfic m e d I ate I Y. The Co111 Highway. Corona d•I Mar. DAILY PILOT as- C1111~1~:rv~~8~~c., • ce111orn11 s umes liabilit y for corpor11ion, 1851 Port Westbou1n1. the firs t Incorrect Newport Belch, C1lllornl1 92880 Insertion only. Thll 1>U1lnea1 It conducled by a ,._ ________ , corpo11llon 1• Salty'• tnc Arthur S A1cl\lb1ld. •••Ill /11 fall Vtce Pfl~dent •••••••••••••••••••••• Th1S llllelNl'll WU lllld with the IN# 11111• Coun•y ~ or Ofange County on ••••• • • • ••• •• •• ••• •• • • No,.ember 2. 1982 C.•nal 1001 fll1,.1 •••••••••••••••••••••• PubllllllO Otll\ge COlll Dilly Ptlol. NOY 5. 12. 19, 26, 1982 1111 ..... ~-------4623_·_82 OlltlTllll Ptlll.IC NOTICE . s.5 beautllul acr• With a vlew from S9ddlebac:k to the See. Secluded yet FICmlOUl~H NAm aTATDmNT The IOllowlng pettonl are OOlng business 11 D & V ST AMP CONCRETE, 10212 Conslllullon. Hun11ng1on Beech ca111orn11 g2648 Domlnlcil J lng11tt11 Jr , 10212 Conatlrullon. Huntington B11c11. Cahlorn11 92646 Vk:enle CHllneda. 156 Pond PUK• • 12, Vllll C1hlorn11 92083 Thi• bulineu Is conducted by I neneuil pertnlflhlp Otlly '"""''" from town. HOtMI O.k. $695,000 • Seller Wiii finance Dominick J lng11f111 Jr ~~~~~~~~~I n,., s111emenr WH liled wllh th1 I~ Coon1y C1t1r~ •11 'lrange Coontv on PIOTlll ... NOYlmbet 2, llot • ... UY · F201141 Pub1111110 Orange Coa11 011ly EtlllTllAl llTITE Piiot. Nov 5. 12. 19, 26, 19ti2 large, 11mbllng. country 4839·62 home wilh panoramic P\8.IC NOTICE PICmlOUlaUaMH NAMI aun•NT The lollowlng person ta doing l>utlnMa .. DEVELOP!R'S SPECIALITIES, '789 Whittler. Colle Mea1. Celltomle t2627 R1nd1ll David Reuel. 2063 S111e Avenue. Coll• M111. Cllll0tnl1 92627 , Tl\11 butlMll 11 conducrtd t>v an lndoV.dull Randel AelMI Tiiis 1111emen1 w11 fdeO wtth 1111 Counry Cwk ol Or11191 County on November 2. 19112 ...... , vl•w ol the Beck Bay. Newport Center. and much more Facllllies tor 1 small herd of riones. ICCISI to Back Bay tflilt. Rlc:k Aldtte111, 611 r. · (11t) 1114444 PllOI aa.Till Stunning Big Canyon townhome VacanL 3 Br. many upgr1de1 $650, 000 Call Trudy 759-0100 iGfORG[ fl KINS CO Pubh1h1d Or1ng1 Co111 Daily Pllol Nov 6 12 19, 26. 1982 f iiii:J:==~===-t 4a5s-92r •WPllT BITS Ptlll.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUSllU ... H ~aTAn•NT Tl\e following peraon 11 001ng bullMI ... POULETTEl. 515 Throogll St, Laguna 8Mc:h • .._A 11265 1 JOHN G PEEBLES. 515 Through SI . L1gun1 B11ch. CA 92851. Tl\11 bu1ln .. 1 11 conoucted t>y en lndMdUll JOlln G P..otet Thil lllt-1 Wit lllld with the County Clerk Of Orange County oh November II, 1982 FI01eel Pu1>111ned Orenge COHI Diiiy P"ot, NOY, 12. 19, 26, Dec 3, 1982 SOt8-82 Ptlll.IC NOTICE l'JCTITIOUI llUaMH NA• ITAnMINT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing bu1lnet111 FEDERATED TAX SERVICE. 752 W. 19111 Sr . Co1t1 ...... CA g2627 Anlhony POfCllO, 412 Harding St . 81lb01, CA 92H I Th11 b\lllMU I• conducted tlV an ndlv«lull A111nony Po1c•10 II OllTI IUl Charming 4 Br. & family room 2 brlca fireplaces, country kllch•n, quiet residenllat lfH In yoong development. Seller Will finance S229.000 Fee. M4-4111 'I A Y I n I : < '< ) Starting ..... .......... Star Ital Est•tt ll.t-1212 AESIDfNllAl fl(Al (SfAIE SERVICES "1111111 SEILS I 011111• lllF" Thi · bt•st o f all w orlds c an b e enpybd in this 3 BR horn(• per<:h ('d OVl'r tbe stinds or CdM beach. It m a v b t• o n t• o f l h c I a s t opp<;nu111tUl'l> to buy 0<·eanfront pro pt-rty for It·~" than a m11l1on d o llars! Fantast1t·a ll v r<'dUc<'d lo lc-s.'l than lot value . SU!Hl,000. IPll 110111 SIT. 1-5 I lllllY 1-5 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 •WITElllHT .. I II.IP• Sensational executive home featuring 4 Br. enonnous living & dining room, 2 fireplaces & room for :>~' boat1 Only $559,000. FEE with assumable financing. Call 759-1501 o r 752· 7373. * ICUI VIEW All SPA • Fabulous homt• featuring 3 bdrm. atrium: s k y lttes and hideaway mas ter suite with fireplace and private balcony. Assume $1 56,000 loan that st.a·ns at 9%!! Only $257,000 FEE. 759-1501 or 752-7373. IEWPllT IUCI tfFIOI 2111 ......... '"" (l14)·lll·1I01 (lit) lll·llll NearlJI half o/ all /)aily Pilot reodt•r11 haue uattJ the cla1111/wd 1eC'twn to buy or 1ell a product . ' • ..... ,., "" ••• ,,. ,., ,,,, ,,.,,. '"· !..•.'! ••••••• •.......•...••........ •··••····•············ ·•·····•·• .... ," 1 •i ..... 11 I Ill c .. ,, ,,... 1114 ••.•.•..........•...•• ··••·················· .......•............•. LIH llLI •11 l'ruut• Lido N1m.l l>eyfront :I lxJI Ill, :H. l)Jlh Lg\.• LR .. .ilr l-Ulld 2 hc)0.1t 111Jp11 $1,f100,000 H1•rnocMt.J 3 lxJrm. 2 llUth + lur~·· n"' rm . bc·um l't'11i11K11. lurntNht'<.I, pallUll $4~11.IJOU PEllllUU llOIE 01~·011 & Jl•lly Vll'Wb Miu int• 1'1)(Jfll, 4 l)llrni, !I hath, :-4700 lSC.j.fl. Sl.:Jli!>,000 Ol·l'unrront LllDI llLE llYFIOIT Lagoon Vll'W fw111 ti tXlrm. :I bulh. ployroom, dark rm, dc•n. Boot 'lllp Now $1.000,000 J llYSlll PUCE Spc.>t·wculur b;Jyfrurll Jphc :l br, :l w UIJ. :t hr, 2 w dn 2 boot llf>i.ll'-~ llc>duu'CJ $1.~00.000 Fllllllll lllCH Nl'w 4 b1 . 4 1 , b;J, c:u!>lom F'rn1<·h NormunJy Est.ale 1.2 prime acre hilltop $I ,:l50.UOO l'llHll&.Lllllll 3 BdlM home IOCll.O on cul dll 11c larg1 lolll Auumt tOI.% loan Only t 172.900, c111 now Wt·S370 \ f . ·I l I ti/:' I ' • • • .... t '• l&ITllM UIUll Spoll•H 2 Bdrm home, lge 101 AHum low 1111 In Just red 10 S 100 000 SUNCOAS T R E Ma11lyn Coomb• 631 7090 & 64:)-1915 l1U,HO I . 114• 3 BR 2BA Ip Lo IOI. must sell on 10 dil 631.1og3 IWIEI MIST MIVE Belul condo, 2 t>r. 2 bl lease or le1s1top1 $850/mo 545.3339 lllllP OllH on Meyer Place nr 19th 18 mos Old 2Br. 1'/rbl S 130,000 Cell tor der1111s co111i10 caYS RIGHT REALTY Coruuado Island cust. bayfronl IOl 85' boat i-.;..;;liiliil·iiliiliiliiliiiiii- dock. Plans avail. Now $J70,000 wltcnm 11 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.; • fl,,y,·d•· D• .,, •, fl 61~ 6161 , ..... E lll,HO. .. •• It ,., ••• l•J McC•r•lt, IHr. 141·ll21 I UIMI WILi D••• l•i•I IOZI ...••.....•..••.•.•... llLUI llUll Tl 100111 loOks cutsle, fives )um-Tandem 3 Bdrm 2 bllh bot 2 story near So. BIV beach duplex. Al the Be1ch. S Bdrm plus beach Enjoy sparkling bonus room $425,000 surf, private clubhouse, SPECTACULAR OCEAN ANO HARBOR VIEW Newly upgraded, 2 BR, 2 Ba, lull sec .. anume low dwn Ownr. 893·3151 tennis and private t>each. •------=---- Unique Homes SIQ fOf only $285.000 fee-call flHl•i• f•Jltt J0'4 ~~Rea~~1lt~Of~S~, ~8~7~5-~6000~~~ today! 646-717 1 • •• • • • • • • • •• • • "'• • • • • •• :: 110,DOO llWI .... S•t 12·1 Assume $74.000 at 9'•% or rry lease optton Cheery home consists ol 3 bdrms lamlly rm, huge country k itchen Will n11en 10 all oller s THE REAL ESTATE RS a ... + UTllT ITllll Two mat,., l'lilH, COUid be double owner. Fant· 11t1c 1epar111 huge bonus room. perfect fOf studio, reenager or rnotllet·ln·law. Beau11ful end un11 e .. eryday's a h<>llday With pool, tennis. prn1a1e patio, etc , etc Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regul at ..akly leature BOAT SHOW- CASE THE REAL ESTATERS .. Ulml lowHt priced 3 Bdrm condo In "Woodside Vil· I age". E•cellent condl· tlon and fln1nC1ng Only Nt.500. Call Pat L11ter f ........ Ml-1111 A PETE BARRE TI REALTY C.1••• ,,, .. , l oz . ...........•......... TRADE yoor bOrlng rocome pro· 16255 Mt Bad9n-Powett Co urtesy Really 962-7751 perty or outgrO'<!tn real·•------ dence with a large equity B I' I lor thlS n1111 rustic end •• 1•1 •• roomy 4 bdrm, 3 'h t>a ••ti ltHI home In WALK TO THE •••••••••••••••••••••• BEACH CORONA DEL SPACIHI IUCI 11111 MAR LOC ATION with 5 Bdr, 4'' Bl, 3·51)', 3000 1p1c1acu111 180 deg sq 11 +over 900 sq It ocean. C11a11n1 1St1nd ol balcony Some ocean and harbor Ylewa Priced view, 1 t>tk ro beach 11 current appr111al ptk:e S285.000 F P See owner ol $475,000 lee. Owner In adj hou5e at 206 15tti has S 195,000 equity and St 536· \ 718 wlll carry 2nd. lmH • 1044 144-1211 •••••••••••••••••••••• rJD.NIGEL OAIL£.Y Ii. AS'iUCIATlS C..I• llHI 1114 ....•................. YIOUT LIT Prime E'tlde locatlon RI t1ulld1t11e lot Lera deell $75.000 Ml! fOf Cary Of Scolll 111·2HI I I I' '\' • RVMt\X WIDllllHE $5000 dn owner must sell 2 Bdrm condo. E•oel HIUm&ble eJ<IStlng II· n1nc1ng $97,400 Redu· ced lrom S 110,000 Call lor Mark 644-8325 or 559·6442. WOODS I WILLPIPEIS mak1 this a warm lemlty home 4 bdrm•. 2 bl 1urroundlng 1n Interior atrium Nlc.11y llndsc.a- ped e•tetlOI', with cove- red p1110 Nice assuma- ble loan at IO'<!t Interest rate Turtle Rock Glen Call lor details $297. 000 wk• F•1n1 llSS .......•.•••.......... FISH/SAIL FROM ··~~YI LI.. YOUR BOAT DOCK 10°1• Down. 4 Bdrm. 2 Newly upgraded 3 BR. story Patio, RV ie<:ets, !pie rec room lake Fo- seller motivated S 137 .,_re_s_l _ll_Owo __ r ._9_9_3_·3_•_5_' _ 900 645.g254 Agl ~!!!r.!!.f!~~ ..• !.~! HELP!! We h1ve 3 sellers thar must sell nowt Spectacular 3 Br w/pool -just 1117,500 OR GOfgeous rancn style 4 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Bdrm. 4 1:11. model qua-lity ... er)I upgrade Al· king $174,500 OR BLOCKS TO BEACH' $165.000 CALL NOWI ....... COLDWeu BAN~eRO Elegant trl·level 4 tldrm M ... Woods. nr Plril CALL NOW . Bkr 848-0709 1111 .. UITllll E•llnal,,.ly r1modeled 3 Bdrm home felturlng large m1111r 1ull• & bath, gourmet kltch•n and added rumpu1 room/ ar111r1 studio be· hind garage Cul de aac -·~-- SPYGLASS Hlt,100 4 Bdrm•. Owners aay .. MOVE IT", Mike Crow. Agt 645-3176 ••-a IU •m. 1tr111 Asking 1115.ooo ~~~~~~~~ -• For appointment to Ml. :: GrHI ltmlly home. 5 call 540-1151 REOUCEO S50,000 Bd1m1. 3 bl. mini cond For Sale By owner 121111. Lge tot. ••eel fln1nclng 500 38r, 38a, 1Wlmmlng avail Call Agl. for detella pool. lrplc. _, blr, Uv 844-11152 or 780-1818. rm. din rm, tam rm Xlrl HOLSTEIN REAL TY I g 2 c e r g 1 r a g e Thtt ........,.,,, w11 l1lcld wlll\ Ille Coulll)' Clertt Of Ot1t1Qe County on f>fov 18. 1ee2 A eeee1 .. r11 te e......_....._._. ~--c...c .... ,, ••• t• ''~·~1 :~; ---------1----------1 833-9773. a.t-0811 dys, • ,.__,, ..... llfl ·~ ,,.,t I• SS8-4t82 -. ....................... ·•·•Iii•·············· --------- Nil.IC NOTICE '9CTITIOUI 1U1Maa NAMSaTATSMINT Th• lollowln9 pereon 11 doing bul!MM .. : I J'I POOL• SERVICE. 20 ,remont l ido l'trk, Newport IMCll, Callfornl• Joan Chitwood, 20 ffremont Lid o P1rk . Newport aHoh, Callfofl'lll Tiiie buelMll .. COl'l®Ot"' by '" lnefMdWI, Joen CMwood "* ~ ... lltcl Witt! , .... County Qlrtc of Orlfttl County on No ......... , .... ' ' ,, ..... Put>ll11\1d Orange Co111 Detty PHot. Nov t9, 26, Dec 3, 10, 1M2 '" "·'" fllCTITIOUI .,._ •• NAMSaTATlmNT Th1 foffowl11g P«•on I• dolnt bullnell 11 UMF ClEANINO HRVICH, "8.IC NOTICE 2884 Sereno Pt1c1. Anel\elm, Olllfornle t2_,. mnnoua ....... Wand• Flye Gellt>uel\, IOCM l . NAMS •TA~ w11n1n9ton, Or•noe. C1llforn11 The lollowlng person 11 dOln9 H ... buel-18: Ttlll ~ le conducted by 111 PANACHE, 221 MlrlneA-. lndtvldull. .. ltlOl llllnd. Callfoml112"2 Wlnd1 Gellbulll Huon l . Mynatt, 1141 Orancl Thi• 1t1tement WM n1e11 wtftl the Canal, l1lbo1 Island. C1lllornl1 Cou!lt; Clafll of Or111t1 County on ";: °""'*' II oonduetld b1 811 H~ t , IHI. p- lndMdllelJ.-L. Mynett l'VIDll"*I Or11119 CMee = TNI ete;;;;.,,I WM llled wllll IM l'llot, Nov, ti, ti. It, Die.~ County Ctlrtl of Of .... County Ofl ....... ___________ __ NO....., e, 1H2. ........ ,u1Dll111ed Or1n1• Ca.et 01111 "'°'·Nov '1 19. . Oec 3 11al' ,, r ca111u-1111. l ' I ... ,, II •••...... d. .... '"· • ._.. rl =-===-.................. ..... .... ee-e, cier- .... lle1'e ......... fee• tl•et IA I ..... r. ....... I••• A a llllll Ille .................. Tltl et8tellllrll II ................. _.., .. .......... ,.., ............... . Mell 1N11ll1 ,.,.,,. ........... .,... ............. Tiiie DAIU l'ILOT ................... = ............... .. " ..... ......... .................... •1l'1'r serelff I• tllt Or11111 Oee11tt 0.lll'lllUH .... _ ., •111 ••••• ................. ., lllJlll Ille LleAL ~~. 111 ......... .. ..... -.. ..... p•hltlimD , ·~=·~":~b~:...'! ~ ...... 1 ..... i.., ....... -~. JARO O E I' I r I TROOI IJ' I I r t . t---..-s ...,A-"..,.· E_E-11 !( r 1 1 r _. Th• 011111 day I called t,,• retepf!One repair oompan~ •net 901 I rteOfdlnf tllllnt me 1111 HUGCO• -------.... In""'"' ... -ol .-.. • mt:n'it&· r r r r r r r r 1 •~r:te"51 I I lod I I I I I ••• Lnl .................. .. " t OAKMONT LANI Owner wants f111 sale. OPEN HOUSE 1-5, FRI-SAT-SUN. Bring thll 11 for gate cl .. r•nce . Big Canyon Custom on Golf CourH. 1h Acre. Approx. 5,000 1q . ft., 5br, 5 b•. IUlllD 1111,111 to 11,111,111 1111 ue1111n11 11% •• 111·1111 TWO L. P..._.PIMMll'll -------------------~,--._---- .. "',. MIH,.;.,, , ••..........•• ._.. ..... . lllFFI 1111111 You own the land. 2,000 sq It, 3Br, lam rm, 2'J\ Ba, wide Greenbelt, pool. Far below ma $235.000. Wiii lease tlon. Bkr. 6'44-0134 ESTAn lt•E Back Bay area. 3 Br. 2'11 Ba. 2500 sq. It. Security gate, private community. $39.5.000. 5% Down. Wiii consider trade&. etc. Armitage 'Real,Y 714-.544-2<t8' LEASE OPTlON HARBORR®E . Custom View Home $.S(),000 OpUon money 4 Bedrooma. 5 Bit.ha $1.299,500 ..,,_,,....., .. . / . ... • . , ~./ -~ • Orenge Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Friday, No11ember 26, 1982 ('7 DOL.l:AR .DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell Y9Ur no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't Mii. ~·11 run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad. must be priced. Sor,Y, no real estate or commercial edt. Cllll today for full details. ,.._ .... 1 DBI ... .._It.II) t/ff!f~ ••••••• 1111.h.rrltt •••••••••• lP'8 Pl.A8TERtNO T1 .. remov1t. trtmmlne. MNt petc;Me, tntfe•I emet~y W VJce. Uc & ..... llCCOt 84&-125' lntlJled. &36.ott4 ""'""" knocks ollen when you use result-getting Dilly Piiot Classified Ads to reac'1 the Orange Coast market Phone 6'42-5678 OLLA RS 3 3DAYS ' INES f CLASSIFIEDS642~5&78 ~!!!!.l!P.:tr.l!!f ~!!!!l!'!P!~ .... ~-'!~~~ .. ~¥!! ... !.!!!!.¥~!~!!}~~.. c.r:-.::J.-w 141$ ~~~.If.~~ ~,.;::~==·.4 LIL Tll'Lll ........, INli 1111 C..I• ,,,_ lllf __ ,,_.,_ • ..,..,, lft1i 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• .__..,, IHIA 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111-:".·.-.r::: ••••••••••• ,. •• •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1141 ·•·~••••••••••••••••• 3 br, 2 ba condo, lmmed .• ;-.er.•••••••••••••••• C.. ' I #i 1lll Asaurne'9.50% tat T.O. & H~~lewgrdn~";!:~~c!';.: R1 • PllYd Nol !""Uttt ••~••••••••••••••• Super IP9Clal 2 bl, 2'11 bl :occ~~· ~168~9~+~~1~100@.~c:IM-~]IP.~~~~~~~···••!~ •• ~ ••• !f ••••••• owe w/20% dwn. Rent furn $1350, 780-8101 ng, ya/ • ......... Beaut. 1 aty, 3 br, 2 b• condo, loft-type den w/ _nlng clap. 5'45·1217 9119, should be 18K ,,., yMt. pd. 1540/mo. ~at plua home on quiet cul·de· wet bar, frptc, open Spldous slnglt, OM Garage apt, 2 br, t ba, 631•7370 ...... 3~... The Bluf11, Back B1y a e c , 6 4 8 v. W . MC, 1650/mo, For eppt, beamed celling•. many ~-•lll••lf 18181d-4 & two bedroom tndry. Fresh pllnt, Quiet • ..-..-......, _... ....... 2 18th499 1617 ..... 35 e11traa. $925/mo. ';'I;;'•••••••••••••••••• & airy. $575/mo. 7t3'h eiiac. p..,, r_, no-. · • H0-84M, .....,.t4 llQI. 848-9840 or 848-7916. •l'a.....-•-•--~ 1•• lpll'tmellb I ( ) 644 7441 TR\Dl 110\,\I ~I '.l I\ maatef suit• & den or 3 1 ~ Br_ g1r1ge, yard. CLOSE TO BEACH ••• f!'!e!:::::'.eeee!~ ..... ~ ....... ,· IW rtS open . • r,.r:~ntl~ ~~:,~: $485/mo. We11 tald• Brand MW 3 Br, 2'h Ba Spac. 3 br, 2'n bl very Beyfront. am studio. utlla 2 bdrm, 1 ba, pool deck, 875--3371 641-0783. No pell; w/prlv aundecll. Lota of clMn twnhee, pool, Jog· pd, quiet emplyd .. ngle. I carports, Bll·lna. Beam •---------·1Futalde, reai> acllta pre-wood. Sltytlghta, bulltlni. glng, etc. $800/mo. Agt yrly. 1425/mo. 873-3e00. I celllngs. 4352 Shor• ..... 111'1rutddal ferrect. 2 br, 1 ba, ga· and frpt. All utll pd. Dbl 544-1440· ,.,._ Crest Ln.S600.850-0473 •••••••••••••••••••••• rage . $ 8 2 5 I mo . cat gar. Child OK. Orl\19 2 Br. cottage, Newport ,.,.,. Jlf1 THE ~HORES-BEACH ... II J.fltld 873-7544 b Y : t 2 1 A I •b I m a · Heighta. frptc, r9dwood •••••••••••••••••••••• _ AREA ll--,-1-,-.-.-... --ll-.-,-,--ll•ii•i•m••ii•ii•ii•i••ii•ii•ii•i••ii•ii•ii•ir.:':'ii•ii•ifit;;:-1"b;::'CDr1¥a~9ii~2162!iii°I 536-79-79 dackl, bnck W81ka, -BAV FRONTAGE, beedl. .,. -• 111111 Pric:.d at l .211'1 groaa. ~FOR RENT s':;~l:eAw~2.Do 4bdrm,2be.Chtklren.no o.o.,:r: .. 1750/mo.Avel pler,pttlg.2br.l800.1br ~ Our newly decorated tneludea pool, rennta ~'1 not dlelutl» tenenta. $480 peta. INrp ~. latge 1• 1· • Ms-e62& HOO. Uttl. pd., 303 E. [ All UTILITES model•. l & 2 Br apta. courts, and only 4 (;.' mo. &51..&228. yd. 1750.u??:: Nwpt Hgll 2 Br. 1 a..~ Ecf9ewalef. tl871·28ae. PAID, HEALTH 'S5SO/mo & up. Pool & =;,!.l~bfttlt 11j SS ON "IEJO 28'. 181, 1 81ory. lllllQ. p¥1 & huge yd. 845-909 28r, tBa csacorator fur· QU85, TDINIS. ~:.~~~l Cell Karen •Ml t • * cptldrpa, patio, frptc, 3Br. 28a. q>tl, drpe, encl llw.T nlahed apt, 1 blk to bctl, SWIUUING pm •·--------Newport Height• older 2 Br. 1 Ba. dbl car garage, 50 x 117 R 1 tot. $165,000 461 Santa Ana Ave 548·50"4 1 aft 6 oftera. $675-$725 dihwlhr, beamed e•I· gar, fncd yd, 1700 mo, Lg •Kee hOme. apecta· 1 blk to bay, yr 1round. mudl mort! ~. 1.:__:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!C..~-t ._.. IUL.n linQa. 2e50 Elden. '640 Ma-1021 cut1t v1ew. 1mmec1 occu· 1mrnec:1 occupancy. 5695 .,.,,,, IWID liifuan lll-1111 •tRVtNE• mo. 850·1798 p1nc"4. $2000 mo. yrly, mo. 834·1879 "°pm. Modtll c..1..... 1114 •.•..•.•.............. Wlltull ftWll Dnapnl•taon& tP•en• ldn'-}u1ncttlon1e-. • ..... ,_ ..__ _ _. •FOUNTA 17 tN 50 VALLEY* 3 bd, 2 ba. Fmty Rm, No ·-= JMI &75- 873 ~.l_!!/!f! •• !!.¥. ::'~!.~~ .llST UITD II ..., .... , _,, . Peta. 1754 Iowa, M9aa •••••••••••••••••••••• <>c:.an vu ac1u1t condo, 2 Comp tum spec 1 Br apt .,.. .... IMI GUYii Appraised 11 1225.opo. ....,, lfll 1750 V • r d • • S 8 1 5 I mo · Waterfront condo, Saa-Br 2 Bl. $950/mo. Va· Walk 10 be.en l800/m0 Bachelor & 2 Br apta avail. Pool. spa. laund rm. No pets. tmrnec:I Oc· cup. Reduced fOf quick aale •••••••••••••••••••••• 844-1838. -t• lu11urtou1 3 bdrm. 3 cant, Della, 831· 1288, Incl utll. •1" ..;.71 G-.1191• ApartlMMs Upper level 2 Br 2 Ba to $170.000. Prln only. Palm OeMrt, Monteney *HUNT. BEACH* ..-1 75 ••• 5792 t " ..--condo w/w'111e ptantetlon 6'46-7958 cc Ptan 300, golf, lake/ 1700 Very' cute hOuM w/Wtllte bl. tO • ,,,_... ag · ~led/No, doors. Try lease option. :---------• mtn vu. I 189K 1100 at· ptcll•t fence. E/ald• 2 Btuffa condo. 3 8', 2'11 a., 8;':~'':':! r ~::'i. ~~ 110 !MM f/tftt. S.chetor $375. 2 Br.1525. 955 W. 19th St. $205,000. 644-7020 .llST USTEI II sum. PP. 714/855-4151 BR, $595 mo. M5-9828 Im.. 1144 format ~In rm, fam rm, 19951mo 873-0896. (It 161,1 Lllll lUl man Ill IAIYH •WESTMINSTER•S725 E11acut111e 2 8' 2 Ba condo •••••••••••••••••••••• encl pauo. commry pool. ---------TSL Mgmt 645-8f22 Upper level 2 Br 2 Ba •Hl1ll11t wlair eond .. dbl garege, mTALI $1150. 844-0335 •11 C..11 • .,, J71f MS-1104 WIMW IEIPAllS condo w/whlte plantation •CHILDREN• mlcfo-wave oven. nr So. 1 to 4 bdrma, ltartlng at 5pm. ...................... •w-•rt •·......,'So. M ust sett prestigious c Pt 18"'"'/ S800 to St•75 Furn 1 bdrm apt1. '385 ,_ ·....--3 Br . 2 B1. S550tmo. csoor1. Try lea.ae option. 01at ua. ...v mo. 34' MOTORBOAT SLIP and up. Enc garagea. 170016'91 Sl roomy, crpts, 1tove. Veraattles Condo. 2 $205,000. 644-7020 •PETS OK• Avail 1211. Fred Olbeon, 3 Br 2'A B1, aecur lly 2110 Newpor1 Blvd CM (It.,._, 5 4 8 . 6 8 9 7 0 r bdrm. 2 ba. Sea View. u•• IEAL EITATl-r Ra/Miii 559-9400 gates , $1200. PP. 548-4968 2131650-8088 before Fireplace. Balcony and 1----------• 3 .. _, 2 .. _ 759-0588 MZ-5113 lOAM. much more. All otters ... ..., •a•a M •I considered. Owner. ANTED: Harbor View YIWIE Frpl, gar. No pell. BAYfRQNT .... 2 Br. 2 Bi . M w carpet. 962-5019 (Bren). Somerset, Carmel Range. tat plus HC. ' All UTILITIES PAID .... d 18pe 1. S 4 7 5 / m 0 • iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~or~M~on~tego~.:...· 5~5~1~..Q~2&!__1 llYEITllEITI 14~11:"'17· 848 w. lllth, Balboa taland: Sandy 2 & 3 bd avail. by wk or 645-8465 ~ ., Compare before you mo Agt 675-8170 •---------LIM ISLI S.. 1••• be1ch, 3Br 2be, eiicet rent. Cullom dHlgn · · · SPARKLING CLEAN & Spacious 4 bedroom, 3 C.•l11tu1 1111 MllHI Tl U (71.lltl-IM 3 bdrm. 2 be with Ill yd. cond. Monthly °' yMrly futures. Poot, bbq, __.. SPACIOUS. Weat1lde bath home on e•tra wide ••••x;••••••••••••••• • II YALLIY1 Aooo:N'o FEE Remodeled kl1t~~5 d= ...c.<t!I ""-$ 1 5 0 O 1m 0 • Own• r cov'rd garage. aurroun· 3 Br. 2 a.. upper. Fum/ 2Br. tBa newly decor&· lot at the quiet end ol the 5000 Down. 'Br. 2 a... gar. OrlVe by • ~·.,~~--84•-9513 ded wtth plush landece-unfurn Winter or yrty. tact, cpta, drpa. dlhwlhr. Island. Features den. covered patio, vaulted Ellacutl~analefred to 4 Br CdM lllOO W. W119on Cell 559·5001 BLUFFS 4 Br 2'J\ Ba xtraa. ping. No P91•· Waher/dryer lnctud. range & refrlg. No pe1a. targe sunJly patio. Per· celling•. commty pool. Orange ty wanta 10 • , __ ..... H• • Beautiful R8}1cho San IG50/mo. 1 BR. Furn. 1515 Baautlfut view 01 ocean. 1495 mo. 552-9723 feet famlly home. $539. $117.500. Call •97·1857 trade home. In quality 2 Br, tp. Bal Pen S800 - -Joaquin 2 Br 2 a. twnh· 780-0S7g 365 W. Wiison 642·1971 750 neighborhood tor 3br 1 Br. baytront l900 2 Br, t'A Ba condo. So ae, W/D, f1ntllllc View. lmmed. ~p. llW llEll IPTS · --_ 11•1• bl l#f home In Coat• Mesa-2 8', ocnfmt 11100 Coaat Plau. Low down, auoc. prlvllegea. N.wpt Cr•t·2Br, 2a., dbl $375 mo. Dix mobile Attractl\19 1 Br a Bactle- ...................... Newport area tor 1 )'W'. .WS llALn 118.000. tMeoeaa IG10/mo. Call 833-9329 garage. tennis. poo l. home. No pet1. Mature BACHELOR. Fur'n/ tor w/lolt. Encl gar, trpl, - BACK BAY CHARMER • Reapon .. ble homeOwner PllP ••••emr 2 Br. 1 a., Cottw, cat· Of 857-1841... $775 mo. 752·2~ adult•. Quiet. aecure. unlurn •. Yrly all ulll pd, pool & jac. Gu pd. No 3Br, lg sep1rate study or only. Call (213) 761-6289 -·-·-• -..-1991 Newport &46-8373 N-crpt, new drapes, P S 4 8 5 / den. Lush l1nd1ceplng, eves. Of teame llM1ll pets, drapes, amall patio. Woodbridge Condo. 2Br bMm cell, lmrnec:I occup. • .. e5_t..:; t. 393 Ham':'ttono · hardwood 1111, mini :J~!l:o . No pets. tbl, upper end un1t: All f-.J -Wiii ...... ,.,, TSL MGMT 842-1803, .... Udo ea ty' blinds. petloa. big blcil· Npt 281 upper "75 • facll. HOO/mo. Agt, Na. --YI ...,} J7411-L-ld.:.:o::llle:...=.:::com=.:._p::_te:::tely~fum~:.....t:;2:-;B;;:r:--. 71"'iie.i:-:. enc::;:;:tad:f: .. i::::ngie::;:: yd, many apectal 1ttra1. •••l•ll B.1. 3Br hie $750 Eaatatde, 3 bd, 1 'Ai ba, 751-1120 4-5 BR home w/poof and •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br. garege. uttlt tndd. g a r a g a & Pat I o . 673-7300 Only $HO.OOO. Call •••••••••••••••••••••• Nptt18aylr14Br 11200 encl Patio. encl O.ege, W0008AtOOENo.1Wlld spa. Ouallty cerpetlng I fll ... YI m 1 adult, n o peu . l430/mo. ca11 a4S-7l29. ~~;~~~~~~~i·5~49~-~8~269~;;;--1iJil .. ,., ,,,,.,._ S1>Y9tlll Lil 48r 11150 Frpt, W/O hook.up. oi.. Whe9t 3 bdrm, 3 bl, 2 drapn. Near new kit· &Mutlfut & pettt llke wltfl 1525/mo/Yl'fY. 873-oa37. Spacious 2 Br. 1\.\ Ba. : ffnlllla1t.r I• •••••••••••••••••••••• S.ytrt lido Pk Dr $1800 hwalfler, Gard Incl. No car gar. Family room. d19fl appllanee9, lg fem. terraced pool. II t Ami Jr# Townhouse w/frptc. El UM llLE •••••••••••••••••••••• 11JM ,,,._, 11• a.t eo-2/den 12000 :1;~42 :1~ ~~ mo Waaher. tkyel, Nr. Aaa'n rm. & 3-car garage. *~~ta •• !.I••••••••••••••••• aide. No peta. t car gar, .' twll. S1K IELIW APPi. •••••••••••••••••••••• (S.ytront) • • · poof, ape. tennis. Avail. 11,700/mont"· yearly. 1tPrlvat• Petloe Bach. apt. Utll pd. Peta blt·ln•. 1595/mo. Sierra 4 Br 2 v •. home . l1111tlH f1•llJ tr e.r,:: Cove Eaatllde 3 Br. 2'A Ba. den, 1211. 1945 mo. 495-3018 •eov..d Perking OK. $500/mo. MacAr-Mgmt. 841-1324. !tyB~~~:~n·~·!!;;.~z".~ ~~~g5o{:,~ :.~~~~~~: ..... ,....., 4 "· L~~ 2/den r,: :!it ~t:....~y, .._._...,. 1141 •Dining AIM lhur Vig. 640·8590 or WESTSIDE-1Br, •love/ lot •• t qu .... t East -cs of ..... ....._.. nl, llt WATERFR_,T ...,,. ... ES ;:r.H;'•••••••••.,.•••• •Wiik In Ctoeeta 835-7004 relrlge tndry lac wet• "' .... R' H 11·nveatmen1a -... "" """"' 2 bcf d t •Home Ilk• Kttc:tlena d ·N· 1 S3·751 laland. Sunny So. patio. 752-2197 r•, •11, I~ 11, I REALTORS 831-1400 Br. 3 a.. bl..,., end ' en, panoram c 1 btk to Huntington P • o pa a. . mo. Fee tltle. $375,000, 20% i---------1 ...._,, J 111•1•1, I unit I~. pvt yard, oeHn view. newly car· Canter, traneponatlon & rlllf8fl •-64_6_-4_3_8_2_. -----down, owner financing ,,.. I I ·-.. .... .. 111-. lrplc, new. 2 bll• a. c. petad Ind painted, Avel lrwya 0"'8mldM .. .... 71 • •73 ... ,,.... .,, ,, _,,,, "" ..... le/Y.... ·-·--··-·-Ptua. l850. 851·"90. lmmed. ABH 1150/mo muna' ... •••••••••••••••••••••• .. .... I •-v ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• .., , ....... ,. .... •94 1177 ILlffl OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 llfflJe ..... Prle• ••;c t11•t1, •••••••••• .. •••••••••• 1850/mo W llcM 3 Bf 2 -t a ... m From .,.15 llJM ldlM JM 2 BR 1\.\ bl $550 142 VIA UNDINE ..._ ._ L •-. Panln Pt, 5 BR, 3\.\ ba. Ba, klda A peta OK. EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 3 bd, 2.,. be, 2000 aq n ...,.. -•••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR t'h Ftt "11 II• ..,'"' .,,, _, OR,"'1!·pettc1. 11200 mo. &H--2735 Ba. 1700 aq ft. lrplc. Nr pool+ tef11111 Club Towntwe unturn -Baylront. little late. S5B5 Ullll llME ESTATES • 2 bd, den, library, C uat SPA, FANTASTIC VIEWI 759·1078, ownl-cit. YllW BAV & OCEAN, Sell trede or option. 3 Bdrm. 3 ba. 321 Kings Rd. Open Sat & Sun 12·4 -· View ol Bay I Oce1n: 2Br 2bl, Unit 214. Ver· .. utea. Catt from gate. ••••i•;;;.i•;t•;;t•••• frt1t. lll•llll er to mo. Agt. 173-9080 · brick patio, with apa. 11000/MO. 840-2364 from~ pier, 3 •IOfY delu11a trg. 3 BR 2ba 1825 20x4~w/.!toaad eh. Ill..... C... "1 #11 1111Eaitatde,3 Br, 2 Ba. den~ I 1 8 O O I mo . Harbor View Hma 2Br, t~t~UJ:C~~~ 1 ~ 2Br . lrplc. $1900 mo. hi 141·1111 2 BR 2 Bl Cot.!!'lot ,. ____ ~-• •-· •ill•••••••••••••••••••••• frpl, fcdd yard, 9lr800°1Clt' 213 /878 ·2255 or den, pool, 11250 Incl w _. ..---. 3 blk s 1-e_7s-_30l_7 ______ 1 • • ..... • ---• 2 aty a br 3 bl 2 frpk: '"' peta, rapea. 1110 mo. 875-3087. gdnr. Call 780-8101 ·"' .._.., 1 · "1M Large 2 Br. 1 a.. c:arpon, light IBuynterlOfaT. Thia 11 Iha s•••••j•h••~•Ge•••••••• b I' fr •0 m 'b • 1 c 'h . 181, .tut p!ut MOO. 277 of Edlnler, ... 8'7·5441 taund. 797 W Wiison: Beat In own o. o wy. emoroua 1 1 4 0 0 / m 0 , ( 2 1 3 1 R 0 b 1 n 11 o o d L n , 2 Br. den, 2 be. ffplc, d/w, Nwpt Hgt1. 3 br, 2 be ttt. * l350/mo. up. ladl • 1 ,_,.,. 1117 ..-,5, 842·88~ I* 8prll, 540-5937, -cit. 1Br condo. Frplc, patio. 381 _97 70 or ( 7 14) 551-1737. mlc:fowew, trlltl comp, pte11, yerd, $800/mo. c.11 & a Ir. unturn & furl), •••••••••••••••••••••• 995-5813. pool. gar. 1750/mo. Avalt n 8 ap1clou1 wood decka. Jane IMl-7800 pool 111912 Aorida lldnn, 2 be,...,*'"· ---------lllWPtll' llAll Dae 3 1, &M-7211 Agt MCM 3 Br, 2'~ Ba. famlly room. 110• .ocean/cyn vtewa. • · •IPA· • Yl'fY. Matute non-emlcra, S. Cat Plaza era1 2 BR, 1 Bet Aire Home, llght 1t~ ... 11 ... 2 Bt, 1 Ba C"'""8f. 2 car wet bar I trg back yd. 11150/mo. 494-4518 E•Blufl condo 3 br, den, 842·2834. 142-3172 no pell. '950 )( 3 Ba, AC, pool, sec get•, 1nterlora, 2 bdon. 1 bath • .,_11 .. I" 1775 Mal« utll pd P •ta . k I d• 0 t<. nr. tennlt club,~. P>tl ll•••B •-213/719-4195, 257-9792 no p ets. 1550, PP. front kitchen, e11panded 4•:_-•2u::•,•:•:!!,,•:,,•p;: ri5tmo. Avall Jen 15th: 2 1 3 • 5 t 4 • 4 4 3 O , ..._ .. •!-•l Jiii peUo. garege, new d•· _..,. Of (714J 8'3-3H8 _968-__ 3_8_5_2 ____ _ llv. dining 1re1. Youne 0"'11' E::":.--.:-• 8 t t . 7 5 8 . 2 3 8 I 0 r 7 t4-Nf.2930 ........... Tee••••••••• oor. Le ate lltO mo. 1 I 2 BA, pool, apa, i,....-,----:-----1 Adult a .... welcome • -· -MONAACH SUMMIT·21r 1IOO aq. It. 780-0879. 880, no peta, "'"'·avail. 250. Nie. lec:Mtor. r• Lrg 2 Bet. Beem ceillngl, • ,......a · 54M155 lt ... 7M-80t1 LcwelY 31r 2bl, io-fem 1 den, $800 mo. 22162 ~14) 147... pontlble .,.,.on, utlla In· Iota of wood thruout, $24,500. 540.5937 Ag1 rm Frplc 2 c:er ger l!f ';::' -::-· _t-cld No pell t08 E Bay aerv bar. $480. HH --· -· ........ ..... 1141 C.11.... -'"' Coll-• Ptk No ...:... ~a.142•101• ... 0-ft T.... 1 Hollenel Cr. HI ..... • . . . Maple. 873-8803 or -· --:er.-.; ................................ :"•··· 1750imo yrt.f ~· VII.LA PACll'ICA·21r, ~-·=·-;·; Btwn ::a::::::.erner .,... . M8·735e IOIC40 w/2 added roomt, Mobile BMdl Cottage. 4 2 ety, 3 br, fem. rm, on cut 142•917i • · na, fem rm.~~ 3 convert den 1 matd't BR t\t be. tlgtlt a airy. --------- by owner. 8e2-0141 private beac~. pool. de aac, lg• yd wlfrult ~upgraded. 1...,_ quarten UOOO/mo . ..___ ~ .tfa avall now. Miii 'lftil• Agt. Lro 4 /pt•• 2 Br, 1Ba • •---" 1/#.-.. 1•11 pltr, eecuttty. MIO/mo. treat, Ht 111 acllooli. 1125. 3 Ir, 2 la, 2712 from ~· 1 pool. Avell 21., .. ___ .,,. 'n'l!.'nl'el"m".'1•••"••11' llnda, 141·1220 dahwr. Wl ald•. Avail .... ~~.·.-:.3::::11 ••• ~.. t31-J864, &43·2301 2147 trl1 Pl. El81de. Mendou. New paint. now NOO mo. 413-3714 ..,_..,._. Luil\lry etucllO. fNe HBO, 1 2 / 1 1 . I 4 • 5 /mo· Dupteii on the aanc1. 30ttl • II 1114-4503 carp• t • & d r a P• •. ._,,. i-... Jfllltl ptione meld aen epa ~ '-I •• JI _145-_ea_s ___ _ View ol perk. End unit at. NB. Newly remodeled ..... INd .-I 3 bd 2 .... d....... 142-0834 ADULT COMMUNITY. t r.1'1_T•r.'lli'i"H••Hml ltac> Wt. 4"-301i ' ffflm••••ttn••••••• . E-toe: 3Br 3ba, '-plll In __ ... -·t 3 .._ 2 .... •••..-ii•••• .. • .. •••••• ""· .,., "'"' gar, br. d .... 2 H , frpl. Nr t """"· I llMI. rw be9Qft. ' 8adl ~le. 1 ""· "9¥. 3 ~· 2 ,bl. 2P*5t1to5• Orc:arpon, · """ .. .., ..,,. · ..... ...., llJ &nm trp1c, 1ge yetd, new pe1n1, Older 3 Br.~ E91111de poo1 11001 OoMn -iew bacfletof apt ent. -· 11 ... Jlf.t~ ,_ pe '· '1"99· g11 ...... ege. C.M..,. le~ up1tal11. 2 br .. , ba. .._ .........._ ._ 1?15. 2328 Fordll•m. C.M. 1671/mo. c7~:'.i1.. :....._ .,m., o. l'rpc, Sufi cledl. No pete. nc;;; no""-.,,... °' 11•1Mol011. Apt. 8. 1810. 845-33«>. C1own1t1lr1. Min. 10% Fum/un._ .. , .........., ..,.., AVAii 931 IOl2 c.11 &41·2913 •1 ..... °' ......-11 • .. .,. mo . ..,.....,. '• ?·• · (113)5.tt-2871 M S•tt50 5-48 down OWC balance at 3 blkt lo NHVC. AcrOM ' • ' a. rf a.-6 J, I .... UM now, SHO. 41 ·aol1 111N ti ... IMl-5719 13.9% fOf 5 '/fl. Great '°' 81. to bettling beMtl: ~ 1•1alde. 3 bd, 2 be, SJOO 2 IA. new opts, fplc, wood ff.Vff;.o;r.r."....... .-. .......... m .. ,, _. _nn L ... 3 Ir 3 .. many lrnfnad. ~ 2 a a M iii:ii::::;;:;:;1 •ummer rentete. 1735, !lave UH .. 01 .... ou~!a~ per montti. beam clgJ..~ery nlc•. LUXUNOUI 4 IONit w/ IHut. I 11~ tlo"'• on fl.'!P.!;.';1';"1Te .. f'l'•ll ltMnlllea. · 111o0. Call from 1580 to Mtl. Oor· i 000. Armitage Realty, run.bout; • -· ..-1 I 144-1161 NII. Ut-vn1 POOL In 11Q CANVON. c..t. wlbelet llP• 4 bf. OCEAM'N)NT Ollt .... Br. Dototf1r tJS.JtTI '* ol Flllrvlew I~ 1WI f11111 714·544-2414. ::;: =:,. ~ne-... Qean2M 1 ... 9"CI .. 11100/mo yr lu. Ill ltw ...... l1HO mo. l_y wHll or "'ont". a.an a bdrm I be e1p111 _ .. ___ .,_.._.,15 _____ _ 3 Bdrm, otoae to t h• i..... "fr., '!J *Wot. rented. Pi.OM SUPllll a '*"'• 1'.t be ~ C:· no PA'•· .... 144 tlOO, 17Wl71 ~ •114~1. ".;: ;41~ a,:: '13-1113 patio, pr. Avltl. 11/4: -...,_ beach. 1172,000 or 4 ........ ::~! ..... OW'* Jowcl, IJa.ottl. l'lome. 010M to~ mo. lllO Nwpl ...... 3 bf, I.. lllPI (llO On ttle beach "otel 1 ::o· No ~ti~ 1lr, fla. ~1111" t'"" ~ r:-ry Lake .......... "'" LIOO ISLI. I bdml, 2 -and ll:IMdl. M llOI 21r .... '°"" twntiee. OOftWft. poof, ........ llOl room apt, kit~ a rope. f8111910Wrl, • 1111 2 10,00 . ak• your Menag•ment oriented lamrm. 11700 mo. 81ft Ir oondo tot ...... l~t Pool • ...._ ger. I o/p. No tub, tlloeptlOftall Avell. "-••111'-r bat"' tu r "I'"' d I Ir . trptc, 1tcwe. HI· COlll~a w/pOOt. '411 :::: ~m:°' appt. lnvettor IMkl flftanclal Onlndy, Flltr. 17M111 le, 1110 1,f,, tennl1, pate. 11'21. 111-1111 1111. ... Ml MM &mM.f llOOflftO. + lllO dep. oony YleW, no..-. 1700 mo. t HlllllMn p1rtn« tor··:::: "'°°'·*·No peta. ...... .,.,. a 1111 .............. :.T...ml'I'...... 1301 w. OHanfront. lnoldl .... SH Netto-fllll•l 11 ... , i bdrm. 2 bl. 504 Aed- landl. $210,000, $10,000 dO'lm. Mel#na6le loanl. 845-5735 OWf'9f NewpGr1 8MCft Cl•Hlfted Ad• .,.. .... AW/M 12/t, ~.,, or !'!!!!'/. '* IAff ... ,.., toal. a.uey, oo.t V\I, """' ...... I N.I . •n...114. trope. 111-IOl4, Operl Ult• nu. io-1 1111 ... . ::~,:sir,,.: WWW to a IUCHlaful 7 .... , c..::.·:.= .• ·.~·-·-mo.MM20tmrt. IW •• ,~u.·.:r~0 T1'e ...... , drlW Hl,r ,,.. =:-~~ n..-nant ,..,.,_, 'llllY ..... or ,erd..., It'• a er. 2 ... W/llde, poo1 den. ""· patio. a..... s IA. l\t .., ,.., ....._ WHt ••. a D•llr 1 ot laOflllot A,e ,_ ...,. No --= aeCured 875-1170 IV94, bait« wey to ... '"°'9 r afel. lllaf. '"''"'0· .... 11IOlmo .••• -8',000 "'°· • ...,,..,_ llLL Idle ....... ..... • Clllelllld Ad. Clll Todlr Kltohanat••· OelltHt =.: ,... .. ' w11nc1e ... 1u1 c1e. , .. ,,_ ram . .., • .,... a .... ~am a1.-1 .,_ 1111t a•1•111 M. ..,....,., ..., 1J1.10M. \ • ' . I I 1· I c.:a . Ou~noe Co11t DAIL. V PILOT /Friday. November 28, t082 A':.'::!! H ~!'::' iM " ":.'=-~dal 111N1fr.Aflltff 1Mf fl!!.f/flfl .... ~ff mll.~'Jr.l .... IMf '61_.,l,!!l ..... 1.1.ff P!Jl..,H.~ .... !.{ff ... wr::::::r~ .............. -::r! .. l .............. 0:1nl'.n"O'To....... ~"°' ~ > ••IU ••-• " >'°" ,... llllefl ...,. ., Ad1n1n11111a111ttt AM111an1 -.a I ..-ti ..... .... .HM L'.a,.u .... .HM • .... ... • ........ ~ """ w. I MO , .... NNT l11jured lft en ac11cten1 lmlll Ad ~~ ..,.C• l~ -.. , .. ,. m:r.mn ...... m·:i rn'll'onTl'louHol'To"ll !1.'ft'ffl .. nnn .. IT.'A' ..... ,, •• ""or,.. I roeM 10 HOO act " lfld ..... to find CM ••• lllllint In dlr9G1 INll. ,.. ------- 211' In ,,....._ rv So C• HO 'Ill API & Cot1dO fot!Owlno ....... fl· rrrom • ' ••• eq "· Adi llllly Wflel YWI rlOM• •t qwlflt .. ,...,...,,.tl\19 ... • ... • ---....... Pt' ,..... rtntala Vlltal'I lllr ~ golt,1..Wt. llor• At1oor1., tnri I 'r•r• "°"' • ftr19 Ofl>UP ~at• lletent rlPOftlnO 011ectty J\191 efldlcw .,...lfldl ~--~ 14;;'no•~;~o:n:llne, bfight a llry hfl mo' r1orng. tllelter You C.il AM UJ 3233 10fni9e: Clll 147·10tr °' to lht ftrealcNnt Outlet Aeec>Onllblt _,..1 ,,.,., IPllMiYI. r • yriy "8-t2tll ", m • t 11 Ho hen 1 1617 weatc:lllf. H 1 259 S47·10t0 tor• free tegal 1r1ctud• Qu••omer end n . with ou•••anct•no ••· ---I 1 O O 0 I w " b • • • 000 contl'llallon vendor cOCHdlnallon and 1rect1ve per1ona1111e1 10 ••~fully IPaOOlndec:aaptq .... .w.1 Jiii 2 8f 2 81. trom H2S No 171.a114a-Mt0 ~o 4 , tci .. ~3.,1" flOOf •··t If -J 1,._ normal c1trlca1 1111111 wotll with youtll '?i'' oer .... , _,,. SPti •••••••m•••••••••••• pet1 AcrOll lrOtl'I N9w· .. o-ni •41 "" • -,._ -Somt 11a1111 requited 10 1 ~1 Cati 2 ..... Patlolldeek1. No Pit• .... ft1W po<I 8e1cn Goll Cour.. •u •••• •••••n••••••• Call for AP91 142-49'3 8 2 432 "3..t' ~ r.~: Dana Point'• moll ... M5·4tSS '91.!f.ffl/tJ.'!lf A:;~,!i°';26,~~ tq~· -f ~ i t . UI eA.IA .. IAU ADt NOW CLAl ..... IYC'"1 •aaow :neo V1nou1rd540·9828 :'!r'o~u~:~:.· 2l1~~ Wll'fll lmlLI ..., ~~1r:r11~1:1oMany .,,.. fOUfll ADS AlllllLlll Plant .. ,.,~ n1MC11 hou· wi den XIII lrn /irlvall 3 & 4 Bf, Cloae IO *•'"· ~oo."""" Pl.US ~ ..... -11 ARE fttE£ No hp Atq Full/Pert-.. .,11nt main I worktt, .. ,.., lllal ull••"" ... , I ,, •.• furn ' un!Urn rlllOnt· .. ..,., ... 1 I m • " I e II .. r • p I f . • • p II t I p I u I • ••••••• ••• • •• • • ••• • • • • .................... . .. ~........ s 0 Pit 0 rom e &/mo • p_,..__ .. ..... ..... r n A s.. • 8 n •11-fh·-~ _.._.., .. , Call 861-844 1 01 M·F, bit. all arntftlt ... 8'<*• .... ·--"'" ..... 18·1t0/llf 10 '"" Call 546·5022 .. u .... _.,.. Thi•• F-amlllH mat•'• , Bdrm 1485 9•5, 843..0212 Drive b'/ 875·49t2 ••. parlllno. patios 637•2eao KING,.. 1'¥1119 Loll Of gOOdlel t>M. s...,,, r~tt. clo- :: : ~: :::~. :,:;::: to ... 24587 san1a Clara 873-1003 Cal: P~~o~ = ~:,;,:u~~ 19 opai. Bal I• ~~· :!:.•:o,!o,::; * ** * Mii .... M u41 ltll Aulo, , .. P lndlvldual 10 1c:11ool. KnowltdOt ol Cllll .... . \.I tad Sat 9.4. Sun. Flrapltce. pool, d lah· WUher. pYI patio. x Lg Gerden 1 a 2 Br. on e1 1lda. 1480, 1580 1557·2MI E1tc:eptlona1 2 Br. dtn, Allraollve rUlllC ue>atalre -•· l11rn prof auto detail cake dec:or1llng helpfUI ... ••••••••••••••••••• 12.4 to42 vo.,eger Cit· Only for the dlac:rlmln•· Mttlno. Wt euppty delk, lklllt Mu•t be at .... , 25 8 • • II 1 n A o b b I n • • IWAP Min cit ting 1750lmo Agani COUNTRY CLUB LIVING tlPaGe, c:opltr \'ou IWP· yra Old, pref matrled. No 675-0191 ----'" 7141496-6804 IN NEWPORT BEACH ply phOtlt, I 5915 pr mo tMQef nec:.tl Al)j)ly •" £very 81.1nd•y. 8em·31)m SAT 9-4, SUN 1·4 II Slnoln. I ' 2 Bdtm pr delk Call a.4·7211 "lln•" • Liit 12PM. 87&.-1657 , /Tm ...... 01ang• Co••• Colltg• 17332 YQMtr\lta Cr, ao ol II " ,,,, Aparlmenlt Prtny grey '"" ... Tlg4't s~· your Income Fairview a Arllnglon, WarMJ/ E of Springdllt 1M. ... I•. .. .. ~............... & Town~ llllYWIL eel, longllh fur. llvel on Ul•I n /Jm by doing lnttraallng Co•ta Mesa. Admlaaion SurfbrO. et.I tqpt, pwr Newly dtc:or. Oas pd, WOODBAIDOE CONDO 2 From 15e0 Pll•lfllf..., MWPllT 111'111 Cllrlatlnt Drlvt (near Specially drug 1tort 11 tt1e9none ..... work on frH to 011'/tra Seller toolt, ttee organ. balan• a nct gar, dwehr, pool. br, 2 Ba, central air, lrg On Jembot" Ad. at Furn. luxury 2 ~. 2 ba, With "" 01 reception, Banning & Maonollal, Heklng I otr•onabl• behatt 01 national com-~va11on11 Info c:t beam, e10111tt. mite bbq. no pell. 642·5073. 2/cu oar w/opener. San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. cathedral celling. lrplc:, 1 kll h ..... Huntington 8each. PIH· CUhltr to work on • p•nlea. Friday Af1er· 66e·5UO CHh.only ....... 18th/Pomona, 1 Br, Av111 Dec: 1. S760/mo. ~1-1und•c:k. all amenlllH. con . room, 0 •,...one. .. cell 984-0332 al1. 8 permanent par1/llmt -'--'------._ 830 0646 Wiii ehr '#/prof M aacreterlal a '#Ol'd pro-bHI•, 30 hOUra,. week noon• & WHllend1. Im•• 1 Ba. Oownatalr1. d/a, 1 __ • ________ 1e. 11 .., 4 1 oe.alng M811 a "'"U09 Tll .... llll 14/hr g1.1ar. + tuc:rallv• Saturday, Nov 27. Hard· ••••••••••••••••••: ••• c:erpon, "'"pd, 1 c:llllO ... ,!:I... :r:.~~. 11:,, 10 r.;::· 873-3887 ah. 8 aerv evlll aepatately 11 Mate Cocker Sp1nlet, bonu1 lnc:enllv• pteQ• back & paperback book• Compltte living room In <*,no pet1. $400. Agent, •---.,,,., y ly 875 19 Room 1n CM detlred Call Judy, blond, C0tta M"8. Deya 1610 SM Miguel Or, NB rern1 Salel Ellper Pref & plan11 9-3 pm 2142 B gotd, green lnclu tablet, no ,.. 982·0217. ..~ •••••••••• :'~.~. ear -44 . S225/mo plul 150 Ulll 7141760-0100 9 8 8 . 2 8 4 2 .• y.. c· ... SI Bon Bakery bul Wiii train th• rlghl Ofange Av 1amp1, aola, love ..... l&llPIPll aPTI OCEANFRONT • Cuatm ' 641-41113 m•-• .._ 96&-8557 FIT verHll .. mlf to 'Wotk pereon For lnt.,vlew, Baby c;loth• & furn, akl octagonal dining room N9wel' 2 BA 2 Ba. 1475 No pall. 780-1418 or 542-7528 eva/'#knda. decor, 3Br 28• up, Aoom In CM -11·n; _.,_ Loll: White toy mete in our bakerlea. Frenc:h Call Mr. Pat11r1011 at equip, maternity c:lothff. w/~ gold uphott hi back A LOVELY PL.ACE tmenltlH , 'yrly Sl200 U 25 kl 150 11 Full Mrvlc:e K~ vour poodle, 11 yrs. Nda med. apeaklng pref but not 6411-6778 veciuum cleaner & more chairs, lac. relrlg. mite: TO LIVE mo.; 2Br 1Ba dwn 800 Imo P • ut overh11d low & prol••· Broadway nr Orange, nee. Call 875•0728 aft 3128·Manlstee, CM. (off llOhllng, mini bllnd1, elc:. Large 3 Br. 2 ·ea. Town- houae In quiet complex. lll'ge pool, garden aet- tlng. 1875. 845-3381. 675-5949. •Homey/PY1 1 & 2 Br mo Mature pr• 1400 W. 64l-4913 slonat Image hlgll. Pre-CM. Aeward 831-8249 2pm Ilk tor Scott or IUL man..... Peularlno nr Red Hill) Sal Ladles C:IOlllln~ and •Poollapalbbq Ocnlrnt 8~·9192 MIF non-amkr. to enr 4 br, Sllglous Wtatc:lltf area ol or 548•2776 ~ Gr-Wall loc:at..,. Pe-nln-1.la 9.4 01'11'1 much more. 9 Banyan •5 acrea of t>eautllully 1' 'IM home 1200 + •t. Newport Beach 861 Do· ...., '"" .., Tree Ln Sat 11·27 0.5 landsc:eped surroun· With 40' dock for ~ ull;• c M 8s0 IV>l\7 • ~Or S1e 14, '3!·3651 Loll Grav and tan type Clerlcal . 011~ h .. oper1 O..., lor Thanksgiving Oar age dings boal 3 BR 2'.+ ba, oon-· · ""..., Sh9')her-d'Wllhred c:Ollar If IT• UOIAlll llc:'d aggreulve HIH Salt. TRCASURES 4 FAMILY · HO Trelns, • Hr Frwys & shopping do. S 1200/mo w/doc:k, F rmmte needed to ahr lge DELUXE SUITE I.ell leg lnfured. RE· and rental peraon Gen· Furn , kllc:h, antiques. enllques, crib, akll , PALM MESA APTS • Oulet area $1000 without. 650-1190 2 br hae, 1'h ba. 2 tty, WARD 960.0716 lalll FtlM arou• comm1111on ache· candle molds. desk, pool tools, furniture Sat 9-4 1581 M ... Or. • No pets: turn avall Mrs. Long Balboa 11tand, y, ol 1775. Wlftr frtlf ll•I needs a11pertenc:ed back du I 1 . PI a ya A E . table, camera equip. 260t Wlndo~. $400. Unfurn. 1 Br. (114) Hl·llll 2 bd. 1 ba, aundeck, ga-760-2870, 673-8377 S 1,501,q It. Leue. •DILi 1111 office employee. Mull 873-tllOO Toya, clothaa. etc:. GOO<I .. , 1 111 ~ Cell blwn 9-4. 546-9860 808 C u9 rana p,_ nit .. , .. /bch 5•2 ~-~~ •• F 9 5 Black and tan loat Baell h1ave typing apted ot Christmat siulll 364 La 191ll1n n• I 1 Ir. Trallera. 1247/mo Btw~ ~'::~w~;,;, 21Y'3'01h's~. SeOO/mo, ~~P~~~ 3 M~r ~::· ;.~d: ..... .,.. ... ..,. · · Bay area 548.·9605 50-60 .wpm Early hOUrl AECEPTIONIST·TYPIST -Perle Pl .. C.M (Near t81h ••••••••••• •••••••••• and elec:. I 150 MC. No olf Beac:h ytly. 875-2 IOI quiet arH. avail. now. l••i•HI 11111'•1 ,.,.,,, Found . B 11 c: k lab. & good benelll1. N.B. for law ltrm 8.~ to 1.30. & Tulltn) 12-6 Fri 8.30 Giant ....... 33 E 6 h S S 1---------1---------• I 50 • . .,., Cell 844-5570 (Pat). Call Jayne 640-0800 to 5 Sat & SIHt ...._. 1 . 1 t I .. P w.t..All Eastbluff. apacloua 1 Br 2 + 'h utlls. 951-3313 •••••••••••••••••••••• tYl·2yrs old, neut m.i.. 42. 542-91113 Clad Sun. patio, pool, no pets. M .. R 1 B·' Aet.it store at 2650 Avon. Irvine area. SilYer c:hOk• CLERK 111t•-•-Spac:. 1 & 2 br. lovely ba Poomm1 at•1 or a .. ,. 1685 sq. It plus 8 car chain 83t-9284..,, -• Spacious 2 Br 2 Ba. bit· pines & sireama. He:. 1_S_5_5_5_. _64_4_·_4_78_7_. ____ 1 oa en nau a .. p . garage. 841•8777. , Full/time. experienced Meytao WHhif!g Machine $50 Maple Twin Bed Fremu S25. Table, 6 c:halra $25 Triple Dres- ser w/mtrror 150. Misc: Swao Meet .... " '2 ..... .. Ins. lrpk:, gar, $575. No gates, entry by phone. 1275/mo. 673-1607. Found: Parakeet. Balboa Expanding Ntwpt Bch waltre11/wa1tera & bu1 pets. Avail. lmmed. lg• rec area Incl. gym, e•YfRONT ......... decor Booth rentals. very reaao-Penlnaule. Call, Identify. yredll Card Co. has peraon1. Apply . The ..... , .... .,, Harbor/Baker. 546-6009 pOOI & apa. 846-8591 ft N~, ated turn., 2 nable. Mission Viejo, A.her 3 PM 675-5449 opening for a cte1lc:a1 Baachhouae, 619 Sleepy BAI.BOA ISLAND Br 2 Ba ac>I, S300 Incl. 837-4897 pen1on. Must type 45 lo Hollow Lane. Laguna Items. 15-S25. Fri/Sii 9.4 3t47 Bermuda Dr Mesa Verde. 540-1324 ..... Saddleback College (Avery & Marguerllel Selling spaces 110, (teller Ht-up 6am to 8am). FREE admlNlorl to Shoppers. (Shopping hrs· 9AM to 3PM) 831-4546 •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 MAl .. I W Sandy beach: 3Br 2ba. utll 545-9390, 882-2801 SCR•M-LETS SO WPM accurately. 6 Beacll Ba. Newly decor. $495. Lrg 2 & 3 BR townhOUM exoet c:ond. Monthly or Fam non-amkr 10 lhr nl· l•'••ltl.i ft months to 1 yeer.olfiee ----------1 No pets. 833·8974 •PIS. enc:t gar, lrple. Hear yearly. 11500/mo. aw.,., c:ety decorated 2 Br 2 Ba ii•l•I I ANSWERS e•oer. required. Contact lnllL ULll 2 Br. 1'.+ Ba. Twnhse. EfSI Hunt. Hrbr. from $545. 644-9513 twnhae, Woodbridge. •••••••••••••••••••••• W. Duncan Mon. lhru Fri Kron Choc:olatler. So. 19th. St. No pate. O•-Children OK. 840·6807 Modern Bach Apt, No. Cloae to lake & pool1. 1750 up. 2160 fl. lnd1.1· 8 AM lo 4:30 PM Coaat Plaza, Heks pl THANKSGIVING BARGAINS JI Fri/Sat 9-4. 229 S1erka rage. 1625/mo. Sierra 1·----------1 west Nwpl Hgta. 1400 1390. 857-ta.1 1trlal • Ofllc:e. 18101 Re-Adjure· AobOt lll·llOI time employee. Apply In Mgmt. 64l·1324 I Br apt. 3 blk• from ----------• dondo Clrole. p & T erase· Grouch person. · ChrlstmH Boutique 8-6. beech, child & pet OK. mo. Utll lnct. Avail Dec: 1. lllAI Plll1' I 9 OUT of OAOEA OHi 1111111 Fri/Sat. 510 Pierpont Or ••-I .... 2 Br. 1 Ba. 571 W. Joann. $485 mo. 960-7185 646•6t89 Shr w /Newport Bc:h ~ .. ~~~~:ton , ' each. T1~°.!one'* ~!!,~.~':!Pt~ 2 yurw .;per In Ch1neae s,~~!;'•k~~~le;~r.T.:. ~~ •• •dheoultrems & dra-•;.;~~~:.·g·m:.·:;,;;:;;;. Upllalra H 0 pets MADDOX APTS: t & 2 br. I Br. I Ba. atepa to beec:t\ Exec. 1475 mo 1•1 & .......... -.... Mandarin RHtaurant ...... $425/mo. Sierra Mgmt. $400/mo Property Hou· IHI 831•60sa Storage yard, lern:<ed, nr ny Ind got a recording Able 10 GOOk Mandatln· lronlC exercisers••_,,•---''---------• some new, 811 oeeu11IU1 541-1324 5N~50. _q5u5te5t0aun. 8~2n_d817ng88•·. se, 642-3eao, 542•1010. ---------• Harbor and Baker. 50 x 1e111ng me the number • on TV. Portable units for f1ulU. V•Un 819 w Balboa BIYCI, H.B . ., ., Roommate Wtnted 150 11 S225 mo. Latger waa OUT ol ORDER. Cantoneae, Sttc:hwan home u1e. PIT. FIT ••••••••••••••"'••••••• 11-28. 27. 28, 10 to 4. '', Almost N-. 2 stry. 2 bd, Bel 9-5. Nwpt Hgta, 3 br, 2 ba. N/1tralght. non-1mkr, area alto avail. llyte 17·50 hf'. 40 hour 975..()819 873-8939 Garage Sate. Fri/ Sat/ 1------'-----2 ba, encl yrd, gar. decks•----------GOOd toe:. le501mo. Call 1250 + , 11 D 549 818 t 720 LOii. REWAAO $50 Sia· week Job alte Cosll · Sun, 8·5PM en11quea, Furniture. beds, c:tllldren'1 & patio. Kids, Pets O.K. Nr beach, 1br,1 ba. lrptc:, J 846-'7900 842 _544~.11~1~· 8 /~ ___ • __ • __ ._1_4_4_4_1 m • s a t em c: at . M .... Send thl• ad and Salulret•ll for Major c:otlec:tlb ... & mfac furn. toys & c:lolhel, anllq\198, 1645 Ava II 12· 1 Lorri ~ar . yard. Avall Dec. 1 ane. · 542_5820 2500 sq. It. neer Hoeg 18th/ Irv I n e C M. your 1eaume to Job no Dept Store. Chrltlmaa 8830 Cardlnel. Ftn Vlr Fri/ Sall Sun 10-4 2005 Wkdaya 547-9571, Eves 36-0297 tYS ·---------· Hosp. aeparall olficle & 548-0362 8·3885 PO Box 15 t 02 help. Stl & QOfnm. Uta ···~ ... ·---&. Vista Cajon. & Wkndl 850-0223 Dell.IH poolside xtra large S.. CIM18'-Jiff Need rm-matff to thate rnlroom. $9001.mo. ---------lot Angelet 90015 213-852-7340 •••••• ••••~•••••••••• "aple bunk bedl •ao •••••••••••••••••••••• hou1e nr Frwy & b••· Automotive ok Bkr Lost Black Kitten. 7 wll• •---...;...------•----------• ""' • 2Br upatalra qu .. t encl 2 t>r · 2 ba, b1t-1n1. 2 BA, $485, v-atly. new c:hH. 1200.$250 1714) &45-82M · w/grMn collar wl bell Coolt, lull time, mature. m'Y/IDI Oolll. amlquee, mtSC. 20 Antique oak deek 1 125. gar. no doQ•. 1110 Vic:-dswlhr. 1•r. ml ... beach. decor. pool, nr beach, 831•9805 Balboa llland. Ruby St. •perlenCed family style Financial Investment firm yrs of c:ollec:llon. 9291 Baby f1.1rnllure A clothes. torla . $495/mo . Ho pets. $500/mo. oos.Nopeti.498-8277 •----------•2400sqlt.1720/mo.171h. REWAR0.673-3618 for'"''" retirement for educator• Peraonnel Hud1on Or .. ·H .B . 48" round •ood !Ible 631-6812 •fl 10. 536-8362 H SCH 2 BA 2 Ba Lovely twnhm•. Hunt. & Plac:enlla, Coate Mesa Found Afghan Hound, home. mull be able to • c:ommunlclllon•' dept. (Buahard & Hamilton) Sat $25. Misc:. houHhotd. _E.:.IS:...:..ld..:e.:. . .:.:s:..p..:a;..:.r_k..:lln.:.g_2_b_r-. ':-L"".'g-:e-:r~-::B:-r-w-;lg"'.'"a"'.'"r:-.-;;-S".'"u".'.p-:e-r 1 ~a1io, pk°:: S.SS ~. H~ =~~:~able. S300 646-1164 _ Blk, Male. Eatancla High work weekend~ ~n La· sec'y. Xlnt typ. & SIH 8AM Much more. Set. only yard. gar .• pool. $575 clean, close to bc:h pets. •----·--------11100 SQ ft, olfk:e & ware· Sc:llool. Ha1 Collar. r9~~9~58 hAIF~lonro•;arall. 1eq'd . Exec:. Meratarlal 9 . 4 . 6 4 2 . 2114 0 or mo. Mgr 24539 Orange S495t mo 964-4886. 891•1g.44 • Aoommete wanted, ma-house, Hit toe:. so S.A. 546-8734 ... e•p a must Non·tn'lkr Trade your old atull lor 642-7897. 1215 Pem- Av. 536-7330 ----------•lure. r~llble peraon 1648 Minn .. SI Close to•----------Cotlln1 preferred. Call,553-0940. new goodies wllh a ~:'• Ln. wes1c:llff Area, -T i--C-l._O_S_E_T_O_B_EA_C_H __ ,S.al• A.• Jiii to lhare lllllng e11penaes 55 & 405 Fwya. 548-75t2 Found Schnauzer type Cooll Servers, 5 yra exper .. ~!C!l...itled!!!!!!ad~. ~64~2~·~58~7~8~~~~~~~~~~ -... ~ Unique bach. wllol1 Ind •••••••••••••••••••••• on •Balboa Penlnauta. d9ogtk/.9 H.B. ~vie c.,.h 1 t•r,. Night cook wanted. ••· oet_., 3·5PM In -r-•••-m Beau111u1 3 Br. 2 "-. con· ••2-1 "' 11 ) c 11 I fSSO nm. ~·Of1 a rcu 1 11 tal I .. -...,._ ,eR frpl, stove and ref<lg. All .,. •• """ mo ...,u1 ut 1. a lt••t• 9•a •222 per n c:on nen c:u • son. Bob Burns Aestau-' do, overlooking pool, '"7"5'""7 al1 15. •••.•'• •••••••••••••••• __ .,.,_._ .. _______ s1-• L'""una Beach rest 1 Ir S211/••• Ltln u 111 pd . S 4 5 O I mo. P v .,. """ ..... -• • rant 37 Faltllon l1land, .ti' •.•• ,.t.. •• 536-7979 n •a r S · C I a i • 1-M-10-ahr-3-b-r h-ou-,.-. m-u,-t·'storage Space 12' x 18' Loll Fem. Per1lan 1hor-ContlOI Alc:k. am. Part· NB Apply In per.eon $650/mo. 646-0686. 36" door S701mo. plus thalr. peach color, ember ner1 Bistro 497-4441 · · •......... h ........... 2 Br w/ger. stove & dahwr. 2 B 2 9a I tlo ....,.,. oeS2 5emptyd, clean, rasp $ 7 O s • c:. d a Posi t eyes. ans-rs to Sam/ _ll_llT_IL __ lllll __ T_llT ___ ,StewardeH for lu1111ry __.. Child & a matt pet OK r. "• r. pa · """"'' 1 Imo. 831-1198, SA. yacht for c:rul••• Into l8 diWf · kids Ok 1500/mo, Avall •----------1 673-4 t 54 Newporl Samantha. Vlc:. Fernan-IJ en HO-$500/mo 536-7979 now 2131860•9513 Ammie to lhr NB hM w/3 Beec:ll do & Bay, Ne A-ard Full IJme. lronl & back Me11lco. 18 and otde1. flH, WA LK TO BE.ACH 1 Br ----------1 othera Own rm, 1 blk to 875·2588. 546-3252 Hperlenc.e. REA. X-Ray Mus I be rr .. to lrevel. 24111e.,.rt '"'· Stove & refrlg. l400/mo. 1Br. sec:urlty gate. 1enn11. b • 1 ch. s 215 / rn 0 Storage Yaro, paved, len----------Lie: req, S1lary open. 760-2581 9-5 on!Y· Men·a 10 Spd. gOOd 00'10. $65 548-6737 eveslwknda Otn1ng table. c:ua1om gold & btk lacquer 1275. 548-6737 -lwllnd• 538•7979 poo11. etc:. 1475 mo. 645·4809 c:eo. 90' • 275'. Truck ,,,,...i, IJSI Some S1turdaya. ben•-1.::=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;::::=:;= E/Slde, cheery 3 BR 2 Ba, 1 __________ 1 AvaH immed. 831·5019 New ..._, ...... _, Cal .... lna gatea. c:an divide. Baker •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111, Newport e..ch a1ea. wu~• Girl's 10 tPd Schwinn. Ilk• Oueen headboard & dhc patio, 2 ity, carport. WAl.K TO BEACH: ea-,......,,..,.... -St. CM.(619)385-4327 L-I -rs 642·6880 Aft s -..... _ new S125 648-6737 bedspread . 111 o . $&75 mo. 840-0997 c:halor, stove & relrl~. f•1ti• "" 'lllew, CIOM to bCtl H.B •-642-6887. Eve1/Wla nd1 Ho bp Aeq., FIT & PIT, evee/wltnd1 5•8·8737 eves/Wknd1 • & • t e pat •••••••••••••••••••••• PY1 enl & balh S300 utils l•11'•n1/'••-I'/ PHOTO MODELS 847 8032 $6-S 10/hf' Starting n.a'I• l:::--:--~-::-:---.--:-:1...:.::.:..::.:...::..:....::.:...:::.:..::.:.:::::_ '350. Lge 1Br upper apt. L' w r . Lauretwood twnhM 2 BA. lncfd. ~794. '' ••• ESCORTS/DANCERS --·--------1 Call 537-2880 KING f" .. ,Schwinn Unt-c:yc:le. xll'll Cu1tom 7' Sofa, velour taund. no pell. 311 W. 75/mo. 5311-7979 1'/t ba. 2 lty, AC, comm M/F lhr eaauel MW du-.. !.~~ ............ OUTCALL 24 HAS Dental 1::========= -condition. $60 548-8737 leopard & teak $485. Wiison. 831-2177 oetu•• 2 Br. 2 ea. In ~:!as';;n11. $650 mo. pi.., E/Slde C.M. e.ctc l•ll•HI l~~~~ll~M~~H~l~~~ ~!':'::C'8r~,;~·:;,~I; -fWknds 548-8737 -'-"ndl M ... V_ ... lg 2 br. 1,L 4-plex, carpels. drapee, 1 1 2 ~ J 1..., --• •--..a-..a Schwinn 22" 10 • ..__.. ~-,. bit 1 1 enc:lad ga a • Yd . Pat o 2 5 . '-'•• t. _., prac11Cl8 In Mlallon Viejo w~ _.. · • .......... DESK, aolld wOOd. oood be gar patio no pets • n · r g · Plust't 2Br lwnhM, P•tlo. 542-2045 ••• I'•••••••'•••••••• * Area. 830-3703 bp Pref. Full/Part-time Good Condition shape. 6 drwr. 112$ ot-1525 & Mc 9T9~ . hook-ups. Ho peta. pool, lac:. no peta. $1150 WllTll ** $12·114/hr to atart. Call S45. 8'4S-9t94 ler 536-7711 . . $525/mo. 540-«84 mo. Call 833·2282 2 bd Apt. occ Area. 1250 -.... ...:. Parlor D 0 ME s TI c N. n n y I WILUll... 2 bd, 1 l>a, 'h mllbch, llMf 1111 hselcpr, Eng ~kng. 4 yr 537"2880 KINO IN C.-•1 I KIHO·SIZ£ WATEABED 759 W. 19th. Avtll Dec 1. ~ 4111 ~ll~~ila. Lv Meuege 1 ndP"'91ll Open 2.4 hrt a dey old boy Small home, ~••I with dark walnul b9<*- MI .... " from , ... .._~... • •••••• •• ••••••••• • • . lo help u t•C:•hng ,_ 7 d•"" a ___.. •-&.._..a: .._ d..,,,··d ._ & "'" ,,.. .,.,_,., ~218 ,_ ......., e o 1 ng c:hUd HfOh qua ~-•H •••• • •••••••••••••• case ...... ..,,,., .. ame LUXURY 2 BR. tBA. 1-----------1 U!!!.. llAll. sr;t '~~.~o::P~~llc:~~~:: :~~·o~!~':~lllPM~al~11:!' J1c:unl, Sauna Loeel1 ll~c~~lona. Big Canyon. •••••••••••••••••••••• Can<>fl II.Et w/lenses & aM built-in dr1Wer1.'heater A Marble pullman top Large 2 br, 1'.+ be town--·-986-8479• 882•2449 7141651_1006 u well as Tourist• Fltlme. live In 7,60-9180 b"-'n "" ec:ces lnc:ld Never used 11nen1. Xlnt c:ond 1350. Decorator drapes house. Avail. Jan, 1 End Wkly rentals 195 up. B1nkAmeric:ard. Arner· •• ;;,.-.••••••••••••••• Ca• a Inc I S 5 2 5 751-3476 Pluah w/w c.rpeta.. unit, garage, patio, pool. Color TV. free colt••. F n/1mkr to lhr 3 br, 2•n Need lnvntor Ot "Partner lean bpr-. Diner•. All _..,..1 1.._. WESTMINSTER ABBEY 979-2518 S-ln-0-1e-N_o_1.1_v_e_a_u_B_e_d_& Walk In CIOMtl $000 mo. 54e.-2 t3s: heated pool A lleps to ba C.M: S335 lf\Cf. 11111. + for sm ... Motel In ....._ welc:oma 7 "'41645-3433• ......... 5S9S9 ANTIQUE MALL Ekallte 11nderw11er 11ou-mattress wtlh headboerd Private patios ocewi. Kttc:h'• avail. I 100 dep. 553·8368, port. Ao-nt, 642-1087 or 2112 Harbor Bl CM No Eicper Raq. FIT & 11751 W•tmlneler Ave sing & lete-pt\oto ten• tor 150 Call Ans..., Ad No. Gourmet Kitchen 985 N, CO.t Hwy, '31·5814 556-0347 Cuatom Fantasy Phone P I T • FI• x Hr 1 OAAOEH GAOVE Cannon A·1 Compltte 580, 642-4300, 24 hrl Catpon w/atorege Laguna Beech. 494-529i Poot/Jae: hOme, SC Ptau, ConY4'ttatlorl With Batbel S10-St3/llr Starting Pay. 554_.103 1250 Gerl 548-4903,•--------- Spa. :'.:~:;BBQ 190 & up with kitchen, M 21-35, n/tn'lkr, 1250 , .... ,_,., MCNlSA 24 tire Call S3T·l880 Klf!g Fee ~~~~~~~~~ _64_5_.o2_7_2 ______ 18~~~:=·.~~~c:: s5soimo 54µ830 weekly Oceanfront Mo-751-9840. 641-3523 tJ...nuJt. Sil Call 638-070 1 L~ OAK antique ROLi. Int,. fH • .,. belt offer. 873-0l82 tel. •75.97~" •••4"1'He•••e'•••••••• __ E_X_O_T-IC_D_.,_N_C_E_RS __ f•-__ .. _ OP DESK "~ __ ...,., _,, ·---------- 2 Br. W •• l.ld. Co.la • Stcurity Gain ___ v _________ Secluded c:o'hdo. Nwpt S25K buya my houH & Bachelor/Bao" he!Ofette -___ .._ · ~ ""'"'· ••••••••••••••••••••••·· T ' 2b /2b S 10011200 per week. •2500. Celt '"73-7""'1 Wing back upholate1ed M Ca 0 I & P I • Poo1 & AK Room Furnished Rm, Privett errece, 1.1m. r •· car 5Br 3Ba 2·1ty Anah • v .., ._,,. -I "'-·' E __. Ha. rp r 00 · • 1 & 2 811 P11oo Aois Bath In Home. 1200, pvt lac. 1340 + He:. hm $2t5K _,., SI""'" perty entertainment Womert'• Appatel Bual· ----------• . ..., --chair from .....,, x,,_-No pet1. $415/mo. C811 545 _...... ,.__ 736-8538 55&·8538 n • 1 •. 7 3 1 ·434 7 , .... OIL1llTll Swfft. loving Cottle & 1 • n t c: on d I 1 0 O · 833-8533 • G110tnlandtUPtna 951-4823 E\199. El Toro 1_64_2_-11 _______ loan '58 AR Bentley 130..oo80 1936 weatern Auto ShepM<d ml• adul1 i.-,_6_7_3_-3e00 ______ _ Spacious 2 bdrm. 2 ba, • Ots""'IW!s & 880 s 383 Cruc:ent Ba'/ Dr 38f. IBa h9e to ltlr, C M. ~/~~~2~~ n 1 c: 0 n d •llT•lllml* ,... ... Conaole WC>fkl good/w ma .. neecta good home • .,,., ,,,, atudlo. Excellent EHi· • Jooto8eldl&ShoPS Must ... to epprec:late. Frptc. lg yd. non-amkr. T't lllllT 19' -• lhortwave 11 tubelt50 Moving . can't tM!e her.•••••••••••••••••••••• aide loc:. se10. 720-0844 3BA on 1 level wltlltc:hen, 1250 mo. 831-0503' #Mn,. '-m SIU M......_.·, dancert. eeeona 21 or over. PI T. E•p. 0 B 0 . .84 2 · 2940 or PteaM caH 842-01<>0 or R99•11•ed Quaf19" hotM 72,. ..... 1 llYI"" rm, tge patJo, 1 blk ----------• ····•••••••••••••••••• .,..... nee: Fle11 hra Perry·a 842-7897. """~-0332 gelding 8 yra old or .,.....,. to 'i:ic:h. S300 ea bdrrn .... IMI rf••W 4JIJ A.E. LOANS. 1at-3rd, 889-89!3, oper1 2.a hrt. Plaa, NB 873·1811. ---------•~.,......~~~~· ~~~~~ Che1tnu1: Prof. trained: mTllY • Alto 19r upper M, patio, R;~~;·b:~~~j~;:~.~·j~; 90•~. comm'I, c:onllr. SPIRITUAL READINGS F 11 time Shippl ClerlC FIU n Alftctlonate 2 yr F c:at, weatern. Xtnt dlspotjtlon 2 Br, ''°' Ba twnllH. !11,....... Jl4I view Of oc:n. 1400, work retreat, 1150 mo. Fast funding. 543·1545 Advice In tll mattera. ro Incl~.,.,~, V8lid Regilter now white '#/black apotl. 12500. 857-6657 Can- Bullllna , laund rm , •• ••:i,;::.:t:.:::;••••• 111/lut (wlll neg) Obi oer or leaa. 731.5157 or ..__ fw ...._ love, marriage a bual-Celt! Lie: ,,.._. c:ontacl Jud3,.U SA.nMt~s•t .Dec:ofS.A speyed 760·1542 eva dace eerpor1/gar, yard/bale:. -••w 1vall for rent. 497-7090 931.3sa7 __ , neu. Alto counHlln9. ~ -· Sm,Jll Pet OK. F/p . 10minut .. eo.ofl.a(lunal;;:::::=-:::::::-~:;:--:::=:·l...:=.::.:::_:~------1 Or sooner. Now 11 lhe 1816 so.EtClmlno"'91. Elliabelh831-3393. 7141957-1523 PUPPIES. 1 wk1. to gd JIR'-_,,. 1825-1835/mo. on Dana Point's moll Room near OCC, pool, ,,, W ... , l111 time to ac:t wtll .. loen• San Clem. 492•7298 High ac:hool )'OWth wanted MEAAY CHRISTMAS home w/yard. ••••••"••••••••••~•':' 2817.2543. secluded scenic: bluff, washarfdryer. malt .•••~•••••••-• .. •• areevell Wallnence111.1----------toryardworll.Saturdaya, 839-7815 Diamond EatrinQa. '-' 2"'•8 Ora"""' '"ve. like new, 2 Br. widen, non.• m k r . I 1 7 0 . Eaalalde Coate Miii, 12 J( 2nd, 3rd TO'a. ZENITH fAMOlJS CIRCUS C & .. _,,,,,,., lfll --------_j shaped, pteroecf, epprel-,... .... " 730 9328 FUNDING a 857 22 at realdencle neer "" :"l"r.e••••••••••••••••• led 1700. Bell offer 2314 Senta Ant Ave. •Ira large private patlo.1 __ • ________ 1 t2 • 28. lt51mo 329 ,.,, -14 Dover 641·9215 HARBOA AAEA ••t8ll•n 8 7 5 • 5 1 3 5 d y 1 . C·•t tor appt $695/mo. Cell 661-5441 Aoom tor rent, 1250 mo. Unt-.ity. 641-11a. ... !1, "'••,._J ••-APPLl'"HCE SEA"ICE I i .. F 9 5 643 0210 .... ... --M -~ ........ ... .. •••••••••••••••••••••• 675-5840PM TSLMgml or M·. • • . Call 648-4 987 aft AUl-... &.I ,.,.,, ••••• •••••••••••••••• a1 •• IU. ·------Wt ... lfec:ond .. guar. **'BUY** 642-1603 ~:;.~,: ..... at 24587 6:30PM ~=~ .... ::: .... l~.. ...., ......, le Manage Parlc>t Oor-comm'I, ptoperty & c:as· apptlatlCea. S...t-3077 l1d1H 14K Yellow Gold 111.lll&TI 1---------1Mele pref. 2 t-30 yr• l.t T\-..1 of er_..._.. 1-... Seek• c:apltal for Miiiion QllOU• gwta to _.,,.you. ualty aut Exp. nee.. Ill •-.. -Qooct uMCI Furniture a Enoaaemen1 1 Wedding .... ,.__ ~ oooklng. POOi. Jae, ten· ·;;:,mut•";h?'w~ Dol l ar v enture Open lrom 10AMuntll4 min. 2 yra Incl. typing. ~ A~-OR 1 Wiii Mii Rtng9et.1735.552-351i ... llOY Most elegant ept. bldg. nls. st•o• to Npt Bch. rGI' '*•.,, office at IM 714-730-11148 AM. 7 deya a week. Free ~Int ber1eflfa. J-In-.,.. . 957·••33 or SELL for You Ladlea AoleJt 14 K ctr.. 2 Br, 1 Ba, b1am c:tll, In L1guna Beach, flneat 1_54_M_zeo _______ beecl'I thet .,our femily 1 ____ or_53&-__ 563_5___ b1.11fet. 719 No. Harbo1 suranc:e. lrvlne. Cell Hotpolnt refrlg, wf'lt, tt.9 llllTIU IN'1ll watch. Set wl1h 2 dla- laund rm. No pete. No toc:atlon In town. breath· Laguna BMc:h, furnlMed, could 1191 on weell-encl• ll«jf3:' ,,.,1 BIYd, Fullerton Maurine, 752·09t0 (EOE) c.I., Ilk• ,_ HI llll W-Mll mond• with 14 K tw1ee- 1 eat mo rent req . taklngviewl.allbullt-lne. kitchen & lndr'I prlv. a 1 ¥IG9llon unit? For ~ •••f 11WlM112 ~ 1125 417-5085 let S1100,worthl2,000. $400-$415/mo. heated-""' su"-"ar-I ~ '-"--11on .... , I -.. .,LL M'" 'OA C .. EOIT I Ill fll-ALSO LadlH Omega 2264 Maple ,,.,...., .,,,... ..,,... 225 mo Non-arnkr ..._~ ...., •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. ....,, " E•p'dM·i..?.;~O ~11: .. 30 I Ir h I I I••' I l •95•-7-81"" watch 14 K Mar""'' C·•tto e levator. Leaae only Pl••••· 4 9 7 -3097 , eplatreno Suri U. ••m.a CAAOSACCEPTl!D pm ....,.,, • ..,.. ., .. ~ ~· ., $850 & up 542 2233 Ctnter. 181·12112 or -1---------1 ..... ahape dr ... Wllc:fl wlll'I SEE INSIDE 330 CUii Or. 4114-8083. • . 1131.50a4 1iertpse le, IM, T·BEAAY'S $4 25l llr S4l-'lall. $125 544-2335 Cuatom Built Danlah bracelet S400 857-1445 ~~-~lo"J' 2 Br 2ba. retrig/1tv Incl. !~'!,.~/! ... !.~ff bHIHI ......... S~~!":! 11a;.~ 2nd 00-o:ea~~~o go) l.IOUOA CLERKS, Nl(ltlt1, Waatler•°'Y'er 1125 ... Couctl, T9M & Biii Crepe autlful D4amond Solltat· ---------1 View. downtown toe:, no gna.. -Prim• lnt•reectlon of n--.1. s...... N ... /C"' ---------4 PM-12, we:-..... sr· Mull Oiahwuher 1100 German Vine~ verr_ Sim· re '23 c:arata. Apprel-1 bd llPI. '425 per month pe11. A••?· adlta. ~•--·-.,.,., ,...., " .., _ .... PL.ft haw Oeeh ,_,,lier ex· Retrtg. l200 84$-5848 pie. Xlnt ond .275. aed 110,000, Makeoff9r/ Celt Stu, 1,...97.2338 or $600/mo. 855-8203 11 no Wkly rental• now avell. Mec:Arltlut Md Jembo-A.E. Broktf 8d Aeeltorw 545-314e per, 14/hr to atatt. Apply 1_64_5_·_1_4_18 ______ 1 ltede equity In property. 54().34188 ans 661-1680 1105 & up. Color TV. rM ,, '* aq h Sub-642-2171 645-0$11 1---------1 Wkdy• AM .. 1888 Pia-AEFAIGERATOA Betullfut ••no•• canopy 645-2598 Phones In room. 2274 IMM evelllbte. 820 or WIDOW HAS QI fOf TD' TREAT YOURSELF TO A cenlla CM Froa1 free. 2 dr. S 185 bed. Excellent condition.'---------........ ···::1-Newport Blvd. CM. 1200 eq ft !Of I reet Cell 1 r-.ln(I mei1e09 In !fie 8'3-9080 • ..,,. &a.~..,.., u 72 •1~11····· ,., ,,.,} Jiff •---_.,.. 846-P445 Sandy. 213-820-8857 AE Loeni, lOK Up. No prlvecy of your 11ornt. I••-• ...... •----------, __ ..,.,_. ____ ..... __ ._ .... _s-o __ 2_,~':::eu!!•••••••• --_,,. 1---------1 Credit Cf\eck, No Pen-office°' boet Send one FabuloUa worlltng QOf!Clf. W.._, Hotpolnt Detuxe, 5 dr-fireproof heavy "-dlant HMtef tor p.tlo, •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••• BE I c H ARE I ... 11111• m· Dennleon a ANOQ. to I friend 831-3209 tlonl. Ho"'* nee. We 1111• new. '2!50. duty llllng cabinet, 150. w/PrQP9f'9 .... 175 ft ft Exec: Sulteatnct.recept .. 1 __ ·_7_3_t_1 _____ •---------1 traln.weechool.OIACUS 14M22t 831-1241 540-&472 Kennebu.nkport?. $14/ HC'y Hrvt. conl. rrn .. Cl'lrlatmaa caan? Pvt PIY ~-._. MAXIMV8. 719 No. Her· Poflable Dlthwtlhtr. -I. 1111 , melt handto. A••· hM ceen '°' OOod trust ~ -bOf. FU11er1on. 170-8192 S40 Early Amer. heavy pine POOi. TABl.E. Full u "" ponlhte to 'lfNlr ""*'-d • • 0 , Ag 1 ••••••••••••••••••• .. • A11f*1 bet--. 12 end s 551-o&3 din •••· need• relln tournament. 1450. Ph Refrlger .. or·Meld-Poot needl. Adj. 405 FllWy In 819-758-0318 anytime • 5 Af!Olle W/Happy ....,, PM Mon-hi See Ke111 5 Barolln St50 13t-1241 545-7301. 831-7341 Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? " JOV •• not wre •hO IOI wlllll Ktnlltbullliport WH don I ltt4 ~ -J'04I ft nol llent l(t<!nfti. ... por1 II OM ot U dlshnchulr d•ll.,,nl 1~tl!lfflt llool pl1n 11 St~•1fld Wll(t 111 lltln"n1ton Bf'th Stl••lld •"'''!f 11 I ttt~ll of IOl1ft, Pfr~ll,lhlfd OIOfttWfl~I p1,n111nc lhe ••lld ol •lltnhon )'Oii dcw •t A IH!llf<f bl,nd ol n1lurt and k.1111 nt\11~ 1n 1 fort\I with b.lbtll!na bl04'i ,114 Qu ,1 pond• CCIOlfd by natur at Octlll bltt/fl Add tO l~t ltMtS C011!1$ SWlnlllllfll pOOIS I ~• ~ 1 con•tflotnl loOt•on nut \hoo0<n1 .tlld tfl'OIOyll'lfnl "'° yo,i •t COi I pip' illy <If wOv'd CJioudlr clft "°'"' 1 l n~ "'""'°"r• 001111 0"' .lld lwO l)tdtOOftl Ont •nd lwo b.llh ~lllftfnl\ """' 1540 00 ~~.,·~ I~~~ IMltmston ~ l-. Ntlnt1111t011 lltec• CA t114t 8'UMl . frOtn lht Sin o.tto ,,,,.,J °'"' nG1lf1 on llN• If .., r 4'(1ojtfl t~n •o $t on Ill .,t<ion Ill S<llflt"" Vllll~ . . .....,. IMS a Wlltlon F.V lndtv otcl . Mofmo Style cut heir W/loVe & =::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:;;;:;;=fS•ove w/grill, good condl· "L" SHAPED 3 PC ~· - Colla Miii 548-9156 from 1325. "3-8445 L= •:1L~r~~:·c:' ::. i;~~i3~n~p l~r P::;.: -·II ...... lion 154itM64 l SECT SOFA SET P-11 Ply '7S-112Z Pine Knot Motet on Coelt Retell I office '8•c:• ... _ I d TD. 7••."""~ Mutt have f.•p. Full/ 1150. 831-1241 Hwy. NB. Stepa to Ill S """" n •. I IOtalllng .,... ...,.. .......... .__ W d .. MICAOWA'll· N9w 11""1> W IN able. 17th t, ott1 1830,000, Wiii Hit to Par1-t1m1. l13•1tlllhr .....,119 "-· er • .. 1 Sac:ribt Dlcor. mlstltce: CerouMI, probe. Hit. S:t:.n..O kly ratH. M ... from 1250 1.f. to .yield ~ • .,,,., .. , Olld lm-'-I a11rt1no p1y. Celt c.1 .. ~ood c:ond. 111g. 11uo10 couch, new. off °' OhOOM "°"'Amina, -400mi1ifi.iiil4iiM&-r34iiii7i7iiiil-quarterly. all dut & •• r.-.U'U':'e••••••••H S31·2180 l(INQ .... 831·7 70, 161 .. 133 '#hlle linen. 1125/obo Llflon. Magic Chev, TIP-... I PUlll •INlf mTll oeyetlle June '83. 8ecu-,. ..... Mn ~=====~,,...,, 31 cu ft KIM!Of9 875-1515 (Ill fnlO) pen, O'K .... /Mtnll Aeaeonet>le ,., •. Kii· ~ ._..,. 9u1tee red br one °' '"" Cflol-•••••••••••••••••:.-.~ Medlcll uprltftt. 1111• NW 1338 UHd king 1IH bed w/ 1464740 cMltetlM, pttonet, meld II Ill -• CH ~.nmu on tflt vouno rnltflld men wtll f.11perttncec1 I.ell~ 090" IP3-0lll tr1me $15, ptne end Hend-mecle wooden doll Hrvlce, z channel mo.--•• l1tand. Cell S ttvl do generel llendy worti. AteltteM tflttl llrlWted X. fda ~·•f bf .. b9k•'•rectl.l200 ,.,...._..,. S 0 •• 0 lllO ..... f'Umllhed 878·32'5 tit 7PM Cati tvH I wk1nct1, Aly permit needed 1 hOuM ......... -· 1~: ,.:r~ ~~ All rGI' need'°' ont 5••·SIOI. '72·HJ&. Mii lor ..... •·t2PM. Mon·'"· Cell ~".......... 540-0904 831·M30 CM 145.9p1. "'t'o."'t~ ., ..... Companion/Aid• Very 83t.U02btwn1:30-t:ao ""9LIC WTUM 2 N9w Padded Sunbeda. WATll'lFOAO CAYITAL. •---------• ll0,000 lfd TD ,,ltN good ,..._,lflCll An.· -far Mery. *llll'Tlftll* Good far .. CIP-OY'9'1· l30 Llarnor• & Alene '•I· 1."!.'.IJl!!'fll!l!JMf '°' L.....omce 3 '""· Ocetn front Pfoperly. r\oon cw rellef IMW814 m1ML _.. "'"''M1 botl'I. 548·04U terna. Otuuere, Perk City Utlfl Condo. llOO ~· Good treflc. 8'5· llPO .,,.., wlutde l EXN .... ICID • tor °"9 ......... ,.. Mllte a dlrCMN oontelftP. lnlee IU4lll Sttept t llllCNft Welll 900d I e..-ure. -...1 di. ..,_ ..... ~I al THO,.DIC IUAOl"'t ..... , ... Nrfll. -bdrm Mt wld•ll, lllftt 0.Wllt 11" ....... Ann to 1111 llft ·A-o.O , ' '° lMll IMI. H,I . ......."lr.".W..-~.u Offloe ........,.,, ~ ""' -"" ~ oonct uoo. 111-llOO a.. --· ..,, ..... I 11. '4I0. 7t•l..._.t4 ~---·'·,'!!!:,.Aft I & • ,1 lllllt•I--• & &MtL&apt, --~-· CeftOIW -...,. -. Liiie...., ... ---.......... , I yre Hit , eteftOJ or M _.. -·--·~=•flee. oondlliCM-. ' 111·1111 . . L:.::,or:.~~-~,, ~ r:::~::. ir:;: .;t•f•.. ~=::tie.~= .. ~ ··"= '=-· la"\. • • .. .....~· '°' .................. .,..... I 11•1 -. CllllOr Whfto. Ull. ..... NI • •-• .._ .,..._ ..... -.Ir-lotr. New,0,t c.ter. ~nor .. IA.Mo, MOl•OOfll. •tt _.It. r:::-"·,..,. ...,., __, l'!'d .... 11111i "'"'· C ati Meurtfte, Ulll IMM .. --. 0,..Ja" ~ Ad lelll 11 ....._ .... . tl/•11".1J:1'•11· o.tliioOr.CM ..... I . 7M..ot10p ult wlldJI "uO. IC ..... NO CH!C~i ::.. ~ ,_,.., ... ..: . ..:.. .... .'~ ~=::.·~~ ... :.::.!I!=:; °'====" -· :r.r:,41: H ~~=.~ ... -:. '-""11, ~OMt·.·=-~ .= T. ~-.!.!"· 11.11 I n d r I I U I I I . -.... Clfl flt lllMel 10 ..:;''=:&:' .. -: l\t....... -=-,·=-':., II ......,. ,...,.. • ----~ 1 U ·PIO·I UI or MluQIMlllMAd It well I 0111 NOW, --111c1 rental 21S 1-• _, ,..,........ 131-6131 Cell NoW! M•n ...... 71 ... ' Conn Organ, xlnt oond. $990 556-0.535 New Yamaha Upright P202 wl bch, walnut s rs-cro . wrrn1nance:- M2-0346 USED VANS 'llNMI ..... (1M5ae22) 'llmWY ..... (tY40731) 'l ....... (I07VNI) '11 ....... (541UJW) 'l ........ (t3tAIJ) We're Reedy To 0.1 , ' ... l 01r.K r.rn 11 R ...... 'Jl ')kl. ,•j ,., llJr' CARVER .. ,, 1717 •••••••••••••••••••••• IOlSIOICC·~ _. Ml•f -~~~;:~1• WI Ctn helpl lefcn you •---------• but. cllectl our um.tit· ·eo 3201, elr cond, am/fm bl• 11l1ctlon, Hvlng1 c:1111t11. aun roof, lllOYI and Mtvloa today! a atru. S 1 1.200'. l•ftlllTY 7 14 /553 ·04 51 o r •a•-I .... 7141831-7511. -" • lllO """°' ll¥d. COSTA MESA '71 BMW 530!, 11ec: aunrt, ...... wlndow1, lthr, c:111 . ._ ____ .;.... ___ 1 magi, orig owner, very '71 Acc:ord LJC, meroon, CIHn. 11300 lor , .. , IOw mllHae MomdO. I. I.. 4 'II • 2 0 0 • '4250. asf:'.itoo 540·9421 ~---·--------· •10 5211 5 d f '11 Acc:ord LJC lrOftae. , IP , 1unr • 40,000 ml. MeOO or b8I =~1~=-conct. 113, Clfter. NMtlO "'-~II.I· ...... IA-. ........ • Cb W J Ml •.aua Oro11uu Cooat DAILY PILOT /Friday, November 28, l 982 ~~!~!!r ••••••••• 1.~!~ '65 Metcurr Comet, 6 cy1. auto, stee belted radials. Runs good . $450 . 494.939 1911 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI AITIO IOOP (1AHL531) s12,995 ---19IO CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (798ZEN) s9395 ---1W9 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (104YS0) s3995 --- 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI (104Y60 ) sa~95 --- 1912 CADILLAC fLHTWOOD llOUGMAM. . (1EAL545) $14,995 ---1911 CADILLAC IL DOI ADO DllSIL (641701) s13,995 Offer Good Thru Monday, 11·29·82 ~~lfl\~ 2IOO HAR•OR Ill VD. COITA MEIA 540-1860 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! ~-~!'1.~ •••••• :M ~ .. !~.~ •••••••••.• ~~-~ •••••• !fff FA•TASllC I e s BRAND NIW 1982 PONTIAC I I 000 ' Fully factory equipped with air condl· tlonlng , automatic transmission, radio, heater, window washer, white- walls, gas saving economy engine, tinted glass, and many other extrasl (205888). ,.. I .... -. . "' l\ Orange Cooat DAILY PILOT /Friday, November H . 1t82 , 1 COUPON CHRYSLER V~LUE OUPONSS BRlllD . llEW 1182 SAPPORO Serial #801162 MANUFACTURERS SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE .................... S9Q52 L• ATLAS CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH'S PRICE ............................ $7695 CHRYSLER'S VALUE COUPON ............................................ $ 3QQ Equipment Includes an automatic YOUR SPECIAL PRICE transmission, 2.6 Iller engine, velour ,7395 bucket seats. ro.ad wheel package, pinstripes, cruise control & morel Demo . ....-=::; ~ ~10.9% A.P.R. FINANCING AVAILABLI GllllT SAYINGS 011 TOP. QUALITY USED CAR 1911 FOID 19IO MAZDA T-llRD TOWN LANDAU 626 $1DAN Loaded Inc. auto. trans.. air cond.. tilt. Air conditioning, AM/FM steroo. cruise, pwr. spilt seats -wlndowa • steering cu11om I nterior . automat ic -locks & brakes. AM/FM etereo, vinyl top tranamlsslon. (978ZCG) & much morel ( 1AND346). •4295 •6895 1980 DODGI 1911 DODGI . ROYAL MAXI VAN DIPLOMAT COUPI 12 passenger. Loaded Inc. 2 tone paint. 6 cyl.. automatic trana.. air cond.. pwr. dual air, custom moldings. 1u10. trans .. steering & brakea, etulae control, tl11 wheel. pwr steering & brakes. radio & much wire wtleet covera. redlo, wew tires & morel more! ( 148786). (1ATN441). •749 •5395 " ' lllllD llEW 1183 PLYMOUTH RELlllT 2 DOOR CllPE Serial 111204541 Automatic tranaml11lon. tinted gla11, body tide molding•. AM/FM stereo and morel ~1 FOR FLED SILES . AND LEASING 546 934 INFORMATION, CALL -1 JOHN MEREDITH SE•VICI HOU•S: .... aYn•• ... AY8100A.M. 10 s1ao •·•· S-AY 8100 A.M. 10 S100 •••• BRAID llEW 1183 CHRYSLER .. E" CLASS 4 DOOR SEDll Serial "116645 Equipment Includes an 9Utomatlc trana., AM/FM atereo. air cond., tinted glUI, lront & rear bumper g,uardt, dual 5wl~O;t~A 10. 9% A.P .R. FlllAllC•G 911Jlill AVAILABL PLYMOUTH imports ·BUILT BY MISTUBISHI MOTO•S CH ... AllOll 1911 TOYOTA 1979 PLYMOUTH 1976 PIUGIOT COIOLLA 515 COUPI HOllZON SIDAN 504 DllSIL SIDAN Economical 4 cylinder engine. AM/FM 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmlssloo, 4 cyl engine, standard tren1 .. air cond .. stereo. power steering. air conditioning air conditioning. radio. wsw tires and morel power windows, llldlng eunroot. AM/FM and morel ( 1CGJ436). (632XNX). stereo & morel (357SLU). •5495 '3295 '3695 1912 CHIYIUI 1973 CADILLAC 19IO CHIVIOLR COID08A COUPI COUPI DIVILLI CHIVITTI COUPI 1-oaded Inc. auto. trana .. air oond .. AM/F~ Automatic trena.. air condttloni,. power Economical 4 cylinder engine. auto. trana .. atereo. pwr. split Ifft -t>rakee -ateerlng • llHt'lng & brakea. radio. wsw t rea and radio. tilt wheel, cuatom Interior. wsw 11res. windows & locka. tHt. crulee, vinyl lop & more ~tlons Ilk• teether Interior, etc. 1lr cond. & morel (769ZBA). much morel (100Rl40). (867KF ). •9395 · '1995 • ' .. llilyPilat MAIN OFFICE mW ... , •t.. Coeta Meu, CL Mell eddrea: Box 15IO, Cot .. M ... , Ca., 12'21 Telephone: 142-4321 Program information ia provided by the networlu a~tions and is aubject to ~ without notice. -·-·· TV ·Antenna ............. .. ........ .............................. Page 4 Oa¥time Drama ............................................... Page 6 Tube Toppers .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .... ...... .. ................. .... Page 5 Sports ............................................................... ~ Page 8 Daytime Schedule ........................................... Page 9 Evening Schedule ......................................... Page 12 TV Puzzle ....................................................... Page 39 (2) KNXT. CBS, 6121 W. Suneet Btvd., Loe Angelea, Ca. (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burt>Mk Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Proapect Ave., Loa Angelea Ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7877 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. (10) KGTV. ABC, Highway fM and 47th St., San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. -h•111s•1 le (5) KTLA~~ w. Suneet Blvd., Loa Angelee, Ca. (9> KHJ-1v, 5515 Melroee Ave., Loa Angelee, Ca. (11) KTTV, 5146 W. SunMt Blvd., Loe AnQelee, Ca. (13) KCOP·TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Loe Angelel, Ca. (56) KDOC-TV, 1730' Clementine, Anaheim, Ca. _ .. (28) KCe'T, ...a1 Suneet Btvd., Loe Angelel, Ca. (50) KOCE, 15744 Golden w ... St., Huntington Belich, ca. _..," 24) CBS Cable . .. 0) Oft.TV, 1139 Grand CenJraJ Ave., GtendM, ca. Z) Z-TV' 2939 Nebruka Ave., Santa Monica, ca. H) Home Box Offloe, Time-Life Building, Rock ..... Center, N.Y •• N.Y. C) Clnemax, Time-Life Building, Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N.Y. E) ESPN, Brtatol, Ct. l) SetectV, Marina Del R9)', ca. !=~~~ C~ cable New1 Network, Atlanta, Ga. ...... -------- (ltWO.., New York Caty ( 17) WTl8, Attenta. Ga. 1 Guiding Light' dims for Pat Smith By LYNDA HIRSCH A little over a month ago, Pat Falken Smith was hired to replace nou, Marland as head writer of The Guiding Liaht. af1er Mip-land quit the show due to le.-than- cordial relations with the show's producer, Alan Potter. Last week, Falken Smith was removed from the poet with the official word being "it just dldn't work out." L. Virginia Browne, who spent nine months as one of Marland's writers on Guiding I.Jaht, takes over head writing duties, with her first work showing up on the air Nov. 29. It is believed some characten will be written out in the next few months. but there's no word on who. Moat likely, Browne wµt return to many of Marland's storylines "8 well as instituting a few of her own. But first she must clear up the plots that Falken Smith staned. Browne d.Jd an excellent job when she aerved as head writer for Another World a while back; she managed to bring many characters together in strong central units, and produced witty, d own-to-earth dialogue. JOHN ~LEY SHIPP (Kelly, Guiding Light) is set to do a "Fantasy Island" opposite Susan Lucci. Th is will mark the ae<:Ond "Fantasy Island" for Lucci, who has played Erica on All My Children since the show's debut over a decade a go. Chris Robinlon (Rick Webber, General Hospital) will al80 appear in the episode. RUMO R HAS IT that Robert Burton. who playw Brian McCall on ~ the World Tums. and Eileen Fulton. who plays his stepmother Lisa on the show, are aeeing each other, but not aa mother and IOll. Both are charmen and It's easy to see how they charmed one another . MANY DA YTlME SOAP FANS are di1COvertnc that tome of the best .eriala float acnm the prime-time 8Clfth1 Thet'a the cue w ith CBS' "The Blue and the Grey," whic h b egan Nov. 14. The panoramic three-part minJ-11erln, which 009t $1~ million. ii a ci..ic Civil War story hued on material by the late Bruce Catton. The lhow marked the TV Ktina debut of Gre1ory Peck, who pleya Abraham LlncOln. Sayw Pedt: "J kept reclli"I the 0.ttylbura Address over and over apin. I wanted to be certain every word bMI a meanina-It would've been HSY to lale that meanlnl became the piece haa been heard by all Anmbnl llnce they wen children.'' PD mo med mntact 1-to ma.,.. =I color to match Llncoln'a, a which mWld Pa aewn eye ladan. I h* II affecUnl M Uncoln, althouib the ..... _., ............. . Odlll' ...... include Juliet~ ,.,... .._, on The Dacton), =la(IMDMNidlS.Woa llrlm kw'8 (a..n-y___. and "the a..11 .. ). --~ -- The New Piiot T Here's to 'Cheers' TV Antenna, 4 Sliver's new lmag Soaps, 6 Urich on 'Gav I Ian' Gavilan, 29 •Nov. 26 -Dec. 2• Whooping it up with cast of 'Cheers.' (See page 4.) ·- -TV Antenna Here's 'Cheers' for NBC Thursday By PHIL SNEIDERMAN orttie Delly Piiot Steff You could count the bright spots in the new network television season on the fingers of two hands -no, make that one hand. Copycat plotting, cardboard acting and crude humor seem to be the prevailing qualities among most of the new fall shows. But one of the rare e xceptions is "Cheers." a warm- hearted but quite funny NBC comedy written and produced by some of the creative talents formerly associated with "Taxi" and "M-A-S-H." "Cheers" is part of NBC's highly regarded Thursday line-up that also includes "Fa me ," "T axi" and "Hill Street Blues ." F o r o nce , the promotional boast is accurate -this is the best night on television. But not everyone shares this point of view. The sad news is that "Fame," "Taxi" and "Cheers" have been clobbered by the competition in the all-important Nielsen ratings. As a show· of confidence, however, NBC has committed to a full season for each show. "Cheers" is set in a sports-oriented Bos ton bar owned by a form er baseball player (Ted Danson). Much of the program focuses on the relationship between Dan.son and an upper-class former college teac~!lg assistant (Shelley Long), who is working as a cocktail waitress. T.he writers are even -h anded, poking fun at Danson's macho athletic attitude and Long's intellectual snobbishness. They are also nurturing some interesting chemistry between these two lead characters: you can sense that the two are attracted and simultaneously a bit annoyed by one another. · ,, But above all, "Cheers" is a fine ensemble comedy in the tradition of ''The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "Barn~y Miller." The supporting characters mesh perfectly with the lead players and never appear to be faceless window dretleing. One of those supporting actors in "Cheers" is George Wendt. who portrays Norm, a stout accountant who usually stops by the bar for a ~ after work. In an episode aired two weeks ago, Wendt was in the 1potltght. His character organizee • toga party fer the people at hit office -but Norm 4 Friday, November 28. 1982 George Wendt a s Norm o n NR(,, "('h ~' , s , eers. was the only one who showed up in costume. During the show , Norm admitted he was basicaUy a "bootlicker" when it came to his boss. But when his boss tried to force a little romance with S helley Long's character, Norm had t.o choose between keeping his job or helping his friend. He chose tht? latter -and was promptly fired. In an interview, actor Wendt said he had ROme initial reservations when he read the script for; this episode. "l was concerned about whether this was the direction the character should take." he recalled. ''But that was just a fleeting moment of thought. What l really d1d was lay back. have fun with It and trust the writers." In subsequent episodes, Wendt said. it will be indicated that Norm Is still o!Jt of work. though he is going on job Interviews. Wendt said it hasn't been det ermined whether .Norm will continue to be unemployed or get a new Job. . He uld the role doean't really require a lot of dNmatJc ahadlnc. ''Between the way the writers see me. and the words they give me, I don't r e ally do much," We ndt explained. "There's acting craft going on, but not much. It's more like trying to be a real person." Wendt is a native of Chicago. After graduating from Ras:khurst COllege in Missouri in 1971, he spent two years bumming a rou nd North Africa because he had no particular career plans. Thougli he had never acted in any theater productions at school, Wendt had a knack for telling funny stories. He decided to develop this talent in a workshop offered by the Second City comedy troupe in Chicago. In 1974, he joined the Second City group and performed with its resident company, its touring company and its Toronto company. (Shelley Long also spent several years with Second City, although she and Wendt were not in the same compan y.) Wendt claims the Second City live performances were an important learning process. "It's the sum lOlal oi my e)(perience." he said. "Six years ts like a Ph.D." He came to Los Angeles two years ago to make a pilot comedy-variety s h ow that failed to sell. He subsequently landed guest roles on series such as "Alice." "Soap," "Taxi," and "Hart to Hart." The past year has been particularly bu~. Wendt had a regular role on the high school comedy "Making the Grade," which received a six-episode tryout last spring in the coveted lime slot following "M-A-S -H ... Wendt said the ratings were respectable, but not high enough. considering its powerhouse lead-ln show. The program was not picked up. Wertdt also had a one-shot role in a ''M·A·S-H'' Halloween epi.lode aired a couple of Weeks back, playing a Marine with a pool ball stuck in his mouth. He said he's happy to have appeared on "M-A-S-H" before the series concludes lat.er thia year. Thirteen epiaodet of ''Cheers" #e completed, and the c.,t will be1ln shooting the lut nine of the teaaon In December, Wendt said. He doe1n't believe the low ratlnp will affect the propam. "We know we're 1oln1 to 1et clobbenid 1« a wbUe,"1-aakl. .. But the morale'• hlah. The ahow .... bet~ and bener for ua rvwy weik." AMC -JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-Jll P--UMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-1023 SADDLHACk IMW /SUIARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 83 t-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3 t 7 t CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 cff: I ;419 4 ;# ij 5j#t ·Xiii: I ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN MIWPORT DA TSUM 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -133· I JOO FORD THEODORE ROllMS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 --540.8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM UMCOLM·MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SAMTA AMA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAIDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PON TIAC 101 LOMGPU '°MTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 192-6651 -636-2100 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVEISOM. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden G rove -636-2333 SAAB IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 TOYOTA EARLE lkE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855! VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLkSWAGEM 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 -Dayti11ae Drama Silver's nevv image pleases, infuriates By LYNDA lllRSCH about her past is about to surface in more ways than one. ALL MY CHILDREN . Kent ts pleaS('tl with Stlvc•r\; EDGE OF NIGHT: Nora teUs Gunther she's sorry for glamorous new image but Ertl·a 1s furious Mark upset wht•n hitting Mitzi. but he doesn't beheve her F.dd1e informs Sid he s pots Lars with Ellen Sll'Vt' and Nina plan .:i nmdczvous. that Nora must be. taught a lesson. Camellia says to Ian she but 1t 1s halted when she coml'S home and d1scovt·rs Brooke' wants him to stop being a spy. Tammy believes Nora's lies there. Brooke tells Benny he must take car<.• of Emily Ann(" about Miles trying to St..:>duce her. Didi visits her brother instead or leaving her at the Marti ns' Although Brooke and Trov m prison and says she cannot get murder one charge Tom see each other, they skirt the• recont 1hauun issue rc'Ciut·ed to manslaughter. Fakmg an illness. Nora goes to Donna about to go into labor. Opal cons Phut·bc· into Miles's urf1cc During an examination she b(:gins to scream. spend ing money to reopen Glamorama Discovering Ray at Barbara rushes m and Nora announces that Miles tried to Wallingford Manor, Opal 1s stunned Ray prett•nds lO be attack ht>r blind. then slips out of the hoUS('. heads for FQxy's and GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke and Scorpio find money meets wnh Zeke, wanung information on how to build a in one of the Durbins· two idc•nt1cal cars. After takmg cash, bomb to blow up the Martin hoUSt'hold. Opal b«'onws mun· Luke ~ as a doc.·tor, stonns country home in ambulance interestl'<I in Sam when she reahws he's not a blut'-t·olldr and takes Holly and Charles away Pen·y and Basil. still worker but an educatl>d rebel whose father 1s <1 pruf1..·ssor thinking money 1s an car, prepare to take cash and leave rest Angie's dad refuses to let J esse set> Angie uf the family Scotty Juggles Susan and Heather. With ANCYfHER WORLD: Sandy saves Cc-c11le and Maggw Susan thinking she's found the right man m Scotty, she from the muggers who are a fter Loub' artwork WhPn stops drinking. Scotty really h as his eye on her son Jason Susan tells James that she feels guilty bc-cau54• of Julia. hl· and his fortune AJan, believmg Susan 1s unable to care for tells her tf'lat she cannot spend her life fe<.>ltng rL·Spons1ble Jason . dt'Ctdes to have her declared unfit, while Monica is for her daughter. Louts asks Rachc-1 to help give his artwork nl'arly ill at the thought of hav ing to raise Alan's to the museum Sandy continues undercover work without 1llcgllimau.• son. Laura and Blackie bed down and then she tt'lhng Mac. Hopes that one of Nordman's men has been treats him coolly. With Bobbi about to return to Port captured and wh en he 1s murdered. causing Blame to fear Charles, Tiffany fears Noah might turn back to Bobbi. for Sandy's hfe Quinn believes HJ mvolvrd m drug-When a young boy dies on the operatmg table, a despondent dealing. Noah blames himself AS THE WORLD TURNS: .John discovers tape of GUIDING LIGHT: Mrs. Renfteld tries to make Nola James and Ariel is missing. Drinking more, Ariel moves out understand that Quint's commitment to Rebecca has only of her apartment and into the bridal suite· at the Spencer JUst begun. Ross believes that Vanessa's only siding with But when she can no longer aCford her high living. John Henry in the company proxy battle because she wants to be agrees to take her back. Stan and Kim realize Sylvia and president of Spaulding. On the plane. Mark hears Alan and Madame Koster know one another and t'Onfront James Mike discuss Brian. Mark begins to gag and cannot st.op. His Ellen wary when David sends he r flowers. Gunnar caught life is feared fo r. As the plane lands in Springfield, Justin by security men at the hospital Ba rba ra halts her has a rrived and evacuates Mark by ambulance. At the medication and is feeling better. John tells Maggie he w ants hospital. Ma rk's condition is stabilized. Rebecca glimpees Ariel to get nothing but Maggie warns him this could cause Mark m the hospital and is obviously upset. S he decides not a legal problem. Craig plants glove in umon preside nt's to le t it be known that she is able to speak. Morgan home. James proposes marriage to Dee. astonished when Josh shows the passion he feels for her. CAPfTOL: Lawrence talks Julie into accepting his Tony begins plans to build has pub. e ngageme nt ring and then places rmg Tyle r gave her on ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Vick·i and Clint wed a t Llanfair. Julie's finger. With Tyler being he ld prisoner in Nlshoba Asa stuns them with the wedding gift of the Chronicle and Sloane there as well. Julie believes Tyler Rent for newspaper. Clint sends Gary to pick up h.ls car. Gary drops Sloane. Wally stunned when Danny shows him pho~ that the keys and when he goes to pack the m up, spots the make it look like Matt was breaking tralning, pictures that planted bomb. Gary looks for help to dismantle the bomb. Danny &et up. Danny tells Wally he wants Matt not to play At that instant, Clint arrives to pick up the c.r. He drives It in the big football game. Jordy and Lizbeth continue to all the way to Vicki. exits the ca r and as he's at the grow closer while Thomas feels like an outsider. Trey doorway. the bomb blows up but everyone e!K'~pes inj\lry. undergoes brain surgery. Sam believes Kelly is the ri,ht Clint and Vicki he.ad for their honeymoon. Karen and Steve girl for Trey, but warns her she'd better not have a nythmg are in her Nantucket cabin when a storm brews and they In her past that could jeopardize Trey's climb to the ar e stranded. St.eve declares his love for her and proml8" to presidency. go straight. She doesn't believe him but lat.er they aha.re a DAYS OF OUR LIVE.S: Gwen plans more revenge kiss. Asa get.s Mimi TV role and she rues oft to Hollywood. when she leanui her checkered past may be revealed. Anna Back at LlanfaJr, Asa t•kes Delilah on 8 glamorous dinner plans Lo use h ypnotism to create problems tor Carrie, date. Bellevin~Marco still (n with the mobtters. Qa.ry eevert Roman and Marlena. Aft.er Daphne ~lb Tony Stephano's not hls father. Tony realizes he and Renee can be together their relations Ip. since they are not brother and ailter. Tony ruaht'S to the RYAN'S HOPE: Jill reveals weak link an KJm'• •~ Hortons' to atop David and Renee's wedding. ChrlJ 1md that Seneca ~at her. Bronskl gt\S Seneca N!le4Sed Crom 1 Slcco the robot are heroes when they put out hotpltal tire. and lat.er the charges are dropped. Kim edmlll to Kirk l DOCTORS: Paul flnda aet of female fingerprints on she made the story up because she wanted to a\ay at the weapon that waa uaed to kill Billy. Natalie denies her Hollilt.er houtehold. Kirk says she can at.ay but abe muat be Kf'OWlnl love for Paul and prepares to e><lt town. Adrte nne a contrlbutina mem~r o( the hou..th.old. When KJm la tumt down Maai.e'a oUer to help plan her weddlf\i. Swve forced to take Arley t.o Seneoea for an ovemJaht tlay, he throws away hit ctpntttet. A.drlenne still fearful lfie truth warn• her 1he'll pay for the damaae ahe dld to bil repu&.atJon. Amanda conaidert movtna out of ~ ~ If e Friday, Novemb« 29, 1812 K1m la '°"'8 to auiy there. Siobhan and Jo. ao to p6dt Dom ~~--~------------~ --,. • IWIM ITOlln • TMI MM MAl9 ...... .., .................. .. •n11'1t .... ...,..,0 ... .., .. ......... .............. .... ......... 'I'll... • ... WMIT\ ......... , ..... ~ ,..... ................ ... View ~···· ... ~ ..... t I ............ Y8ftr ,....,._ .............. IJ1tlflltt ........ ................... ,1 .... ) .._ ... 'fOlrl NIT WTUI A*111 • ............................ ca.tee •• • .._, -9" .._ ,...__ --. ..... -t ............... ..................... ,,.. ...... (tin.) .. llD MCI LOtmOlt wmt WLUAll DIVa. ftte ....... c ... , ........... .. .,..... ........ ,..... ............. ., ............................ .................. _ ...... ay ___ _ .._ .. 8 MOU.YWOOD WTUI PAIWll TNa ., .... , .... ,.,.. .... ,..., .... ............................... / Rosa nna Arque tte is Gary Gilmor e's g irlfriend in HThe Executione r's Song," beginning Sunday on NBC . ... Alart"n. ............... .... ... ......................... ... tnar1111• lnwatu111111nt IR ... .._ Y ... MlilMIRt lllHIH tilt...., ....................... ,. .. , .. ..... _.,.. ................ ....... ... ......... (Pertl) (lln., ...... , ... Cl) IUMIUll TMI ...._ ·--- ..... ..... -.... •'*'"" ., • .. .................. .., ........ .... Gr9MM111t1t .. .....,.,(lln.Y ............ .., ............. .. AMR1t1• A...,,. .... , .... ....., ............... , ........... .. 1i11 e A a.T '°"..,., ........... tM ""1 ff ... ,,.... .. , Chilallu._..,. .,... __ .,... .... TuesclllY._ ...... _ ............................. 1ta• ALLeOD'IClll.._ C.... UWI 1111 MdltaRllllRl,..._, ......... 1"9 ~ ....... DlaMN9 e.... ..... Tlaelollp1~ .......... ................. ,11w.) ... 11anc111Y .......... --.. a ..,_ o.MDY MD TMI flMUDIL. NA OIQlll1U fU:Rab-K.,......a ................ -........ ....... ................. , .... ....., ... .... ..., ,...., .. .., ... , ...... .... Orc*11aaa....., .. ...._.,..._. ar....tr. (1 Iv.) .. • lllATldUL llO.aANC RCIAl ....... ;lJ,tln tft Jr.'$-kn Crc.lrin-kwda:-.. lnl.'.". , nNIUtlfl' ~<tArl" Jf, $;,I" j:-f1v//y ./" ~ f Al..lnfll.lrlU• .lt•U .. LD .... "''""'"" (714) 760-6766 COMPUTE JEWIUtY SBVK:IS •OESIGNING•REMOUNTING•REPAIRING -CUSTOM MANUFACTURING •OIAMONOS•PEARLS•GEMSTONES 2610 E. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR, CA ,.. ............... (II) (t tar.) ... a ..,.n ....... , ...... .A11l:ll11I .. Prea1J .. 1u. -.... . ........... -.wtM .......... . ........ ......... ..,.., ..... (II) -~ --.. D A Cl&D'I art Tllta •111• ntlll' ............................ Ho/lday Gift Idea• for that special person In your fife. Jewelry Treasures. to be loved and cherished. from the contemporary high fashion . to the trad1t1onal. the heirlooms of tomorrow .......... ~ ..... ..................... ~ ••• (1 tar.) • M a09I Ml '11 TILn9Gll "The o.,a Of WIRa AM..._..,_ &.e.te Md CM Rtaa1rt1111 ... •ah nh•• ..................... allltt 111 It. (t tar,.. MIR,) . Across from Sherman Foundation Gardens Friday, November 26, 1982 5 ---~--------------~~ ~ CD -I I I II I II I I ; I I se1 •1•f•J r&ei•:i•1 ~Iii l.t'i 1~B1 ' 11p1 .1!1-1!1=1u~ r :1~ ,~~ , 1 ~ &g I ~ I -i I I : !I " ,If; -f I I. _ ~,, .~ Q , r l H t ,, lrff ii 'tt~I 'i'i< I I 11 1 ill ii II 11 ' &er• ,.. 1 e 11 -. 1 T>· -.~ti ~· I l·iPf HH 1 1u J;J !f •!IJ I rJ•I f 11 1 -~- . ;J,t' a rn a lif! ' J ' , :~1,·111 I i I I i I I i i I I I -~1·~s1•1 ,,.I •91~111@'' I l~f" 1eh1i: 1;11 !h 1 r1.10 1u i :1~1-1 JI di I ff 1J I !3! I ' • ~' J Ii I "' i'E ! ! ~i; I ff I f i IRiil I I ir · J a net Collin!' ( Millee Taggart) and T e d Ad amson ( Wuynt• Tippit) wind up logeth(·r o n N U<:'s '"St•un ·h l'or T omorrow" at I I ::JO a.m . w.-t•kduys. up and decide to make 1l look as though they have re united, something that Dom has hoped for. Dee a nd Ox get 1t on in a limousm~. S EARCH F'OR TOMORROW: In Henderson. Ringo continues lyingly tu tell t•vcryone that Warren, Suzi and Brian dit.>d in tht• Jungle air crash. Warren , Suzi and Brian escape from the Jungle prison. Getting water for the wounded Brian, Suzi is bitte n by a poisonous snake . Warren and Suzi decide to leave Bnan and they are rescued by government troops. Warren wonders whether he should leave Brian tn the jungle to die or tell the officials where he is. A.)a tells Husty that s he would like LO spend the rest of her ltfe with Travis. TEXAS: Ruby thrilled wht>n Mark asks her to marry him and they e lope 1n his privaw jet. Grant discovers one of his guns 1s missmg and 1s very worried, Paige struggl~ for her life after being attacked by someone with a knife. George S t. J ohn. obviously mad, traps Grant at gunpoint, determined to c·arry out h is plan for revenge. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Mary and the entire family relieved when her biopsy is benign. A still-pregnant N1kk1 re turns, wanting neither Kevin nor Victor. While talking to Allison, Nikki goes into labor. Jack pleased that Ashley 1s working for family firm. Jack welcomes Julia with flowers. champagne and kisses. Unaware that Gina is Danny's sister. Tracy very jealous of her and considers giving up sorting his ran mail. Angie very upset when she realizes Leslie and Robert are s till seeing each other. ln Genoa City. Eve gets Victor's okay to continue supporting Charles and is told she can keep her .)Ob after she weds Max. Havl' a qu£'St1on about your favorite soap or soap sUJr? Write Lo Lynda Hu-sch, cl o Field Newspaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620. Irvine, Calif. 92714. She will answer as many questions as she can in her column. but the volume of mail makes personal replies impossible. Copyright 1982 Field E11t11<Prl .... tnc Field Newac:>ai>ef SY11<110•t•1 ??NURSING HOME COSTS?? Do Al F aclUtles Char1e The Same 7 Can Care In The Home Cost More Than facility Care? NO YES Admission to a nursing facility can sometimes be a period of bewilderment and distress. Because patients ore encountering o new environment, our staff has been trained to attend to their needs with courtesy and reassurance. Whether for short-term postoperative convalescent care or long-term care for the chronlcally Ill or aged , you can be assured that our facility maintains the highest standards In the provision of skllled 24 hours nursing care Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHABILITATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W /HYDRAULIC LIFT • T.V.'S IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN IN LOUNGE Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care: 1 &&& SUPERIOR I VE. NEWPORT IEICH, Cl 12113 714/646-7764 Adminis tr ll t Of RAY MARKS fh"1c Direct°' EST.U CALOWELL "day, November 26, 1982 T - .. .. -.. 1ttl 11:11 1tM Stt•pha ni•• (Danit-lie Bri!-te hoi ) catch es Archie (Carroll O'Connor) in a n unfla ttering pose on '"Ar<'hi(• Runk.,r' -Plact'" Sundays a t 8 :00 on CBS. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Stay in the black not in the dark with Am·horman Tom Hrokuw ('Ufl lw !-IN•n on tht> N ll<~ Nightly N'·w~ a l () f'·"'· on Channel 4 . WOOO'f WOOONCl8 ua..1..-~ Of IUllTM MD llAI C-. WID) .... POii A,_... (l\11, ntU) ~) AllDIOll(TMU) .. ~ :::..TMI~~) -··· .. ~P!i. ~'i°"*oo'Wll(WID> .ntU) (%) ~ --Oii WAU ITMIT .,.. -..... eTODAY MQUI ~ GOOD lllON9G AlmlCA TMI "900Z1.ll llOWll TMI .urrtTONU ICOCl9YDOO •I •11.aRT Dlll••llMOmlfl~WID) • umcA· T1tl 11COMD (TUI. I~ .UT QIJ..YMONM (llC*) ==-:r:=/-YIUIA Outlook '83 year-end business review and forecast. .. - Coming Dec . 29 in the Daily Pilat Friday, November 26, 1982 9 •Afternoon Moviu- a.a "Haunted Palace" ( 1963. Horror) Vincent Price, Debra Paget ( 1 hr , 30 min) e "Relurn 0 1 The Seven· ( 1966 Advenlure) Yul Brynner Robert Fuller It' hrs) "Father Figure 11961 Orama) Hal Linden. Timothy Hu11on ( I hr 40 mrn ) ta:m (C) "The Drowning Poor· ( 1975 Mys tery) Paul Newman Joanne WOOdward (l hrs) 0 "The Gathering ( 1978. Orama) [O Asner Maureen Staplelon I 1 hr 45 min) W (ID "Rich And Famous" ( 1981 Drama) Candice Bergen Jacqueline B1sse1 ( 1 hr . 55 min) (%) "Pa1erMy · ( 1981 Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Beverly D' Angelo ( I hr 35 min) llmCH) "Falling In Love Again" ( 1980 Ora ma) Elho11 Gould, Susannah York ( 1 hr 30mrn ) ~@ "The Spider's S1ra1agem 11970) GIUiio Brog1. Ahda Valli (2 hrs } "Pa1ern1ty' ( 1981 Comedy) Sutt Reynolds Beverly D Angelo ( I hr 35 min) • 0 "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood Sondra Locke i.! hr . 45 min ) Ml (l) "Hardly Working" ( 198 1. Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Oliver ( 1 hr , 31 min.) (Q) "Danny" ( 1979, Advenlure) Rebecca Page. George Luce 11 hr . 28 min ) CZ) "Ordinary People" ( 1980. Drams) Mary Tyler MOOfe. Donald Sulherland (2 hrs , 3 mrn) .. a::> "The Parly"' ( 1968 Comedy) Peler Sellers. Claudine Longe1 12 hrs ) .. "Chris1mas Mountain" ( 1981. Ora· ma} Slim Picl\ens. Marl\ Miller ( 1 hr . JO min) D ··r R Baskin" ( 1971 Orama) Can· dlee Bergen, Peter Boyle. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) •CO "Three Days 0 1 The Condor" ( 1975, Suspense) Robe11 Redford, Faye Dune· way. ( 1 hr , 57 min.) CZ) "AockshOw" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings ( 1 hr., 45 min ) •a> "The Shakles1 Gun In The -.9est" ( 1968. Comedy) Don Knous. 8arbar11 Rhoades (2 hrs ) .. CID "The Grea1 Adventure" ( 1976. Ora ma) Jack Palance, Joan Cotllns ( 1 hr , 25mln) (D) "Barbarella" ( 1968. Sc1ence-F1c1lon) Jane Fonda. Miio O'Shea ( 1 hr .. 38 min) --Lening .. ,-. 9 -~overage ol the Ranoy "Tex" Cobb I Larry H()jmea 15-round WBC HNvywelght boot; live coverage OI Iha Greg Page I.James "Ovlek" Tlllls 10- round hMvyweight boot (from lhe Allro· dome In Houtton, Tex ) (2 hrs) .... _, ..... .. , ..... .......... --~ Ount· Don Ameche Q ---.. "Belle Slerr" (1941, WMtem) Tlemey, Randolph Soon, A daring woman 1MW1 her home 10 bec<>r1'4 !he IMdef of en outlaw bend •t the clOM ol the CM! War. (2 hr•) Cl) .. "Battleground" (1949, Adv9n- 12 Frld•y. November 28, 1982 Lauta (Ste pha nie Zimba list ), Remington ( Pit:rce Brosnan ), right, and Murphy Michaels (.la mes Read ), in HRemington Steele," a t I 0 p.m . Friday on NBC. lure) van Jonnson, Jonn Hod1ak. Ameri- can SOidiers ol the 101st Airborne Division engage 1n the French campa1gn and the Baute ot rtle Bulge ( 1 nr , 58 min.) C) llO¥ll "Spn1nx" ( t981 , AdVenture) Frank Langella, Lesley·Anne Down A ruthless black market antlQultles ring attempls to stop an Egyptologlst lrom dis· covering the whe<eaboots of a priceless statue she was permitted 10 view 'PG' (I lhr.,~C-. ...... ~ ... Oil 1M1 MUllTl DM1Y John Frankau directs this dr1m1 sti rring Oeor· glna Hale as a misunderstood Amencan Innocent In Europe ( 1 hr ) • 111:1 CAftTT Oueet Stew1r1 Oranget. lart 1) (R) NI eel ... .... IWP'tMYIMMI 'JI. ...,.,.. A look al how women are &elected lor an 1nnua1 pin-up c•len· dar: a woman who gave up the blg·clty lllestyle to raise ~n Oklahoma. ILV.BIAOlal ..._. ,,,_., ..... • 11m119CllT Ir.,..._ -Dick Cavett 10011s 1t the lfl ol _., l>Ond9, "vlotory gardens," food I nd gas rationing Ind the Big Band sound •long wl1h ip9Clll guest Ralph Levenbefg. 1 llUMVor ot the lntamoua BatNn Death Merctl. • (J:) ._ "True Confeulonl" (1981, Orama) Robert De Niro, Robert Ouvell. The usually MPer•te worldl of two broth• art. I Loa Angelet polloe dettctlYe end en 1mbltlout Rornen Cethollc pr!Mt, oon- 119rge dUl'lng a murder lfwMtlgatlon. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) CZ) _. "Badge 373" ( 1973, Orama) Robert e>uv.•. Verne Bloom. A New York City cop weo-a singlehanded campaign against 1 crime syndicate. (1 hr., 55 min.) ' .... CCMll'Yl'GMY NI • MmnMU.. Los Angetee Lakers San Diego Clll>r>era (2 hfa., 40 min.) .,.. MUii mlftll Cll ,_ IOAD MAii Ralptl Story traveit the beechea. moon· t11nt and valleys of California to profile a wide range of rectMtlonal vehicle ent~ •ta. .,..., ... U-1-.Y IC D•Mft' •1'1CTAC-iiPA ... _._ Gueet: CMetlna Crawford ...._,.._9CllT ...... -.... .. 8 IBEU •WI Spring· lleld lings "Jesae't Girl" end other htta In 1 perlormance from' the new Untverael Amphitheatre In Los Angeles. ( 1 tw .. 30 min.) e MO¥ll "Smuggler's Island" (1961, Adventure) Jett Chandlef, Evelyn Keytt. A diver 1greet to look !Of illegll gold 1ft1H he finds out he's at>out to ION hie lloOp and diving equipment. ( 1 IV,. 30 min.) ... (J) -... "' ~ Hooo'• ineurance racket II endangered by an euto accident rigged by a pelt Of.con art· .., .. l1 hr.) • • M ,_ Ol IMTnft ITM M1tthew'1 mother tnelltl Into CrMtr\dge 10 Vlllt hit eon. ( 1 hr.) umTllLI. Brigham Young UCLA (2 l'lrl.) Beneon'• army budcllet a-1n.r et the manelon I« a '9Un!On, blll frOUble bf'9w9 c.r the prwellOe of .,, unupected atl'IYel. 0 -D!yllme Coal • .. 1111 .. V c·lt•run eorre!"lpo nd••u l .John l'alnwr i!'> nc·w~c.·a!-ilt•r for NIU : Nt•w..;' HTmln y" ~' .... ' NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT ~ r, ~,..; WE HAVE A $500 ·;,, · 4: ~ CHRISTMAS ). ~ ) CERTIFICATE fin <ll R OAIL\ ~J'EC'.IAI. 1-.njo) T~roy•ki•Trmpura "h ... h1 b11r pr .. p.,.,.d hy our r•mou• hp•nr ... f'h,.I •lkf'r ••in ... ·~•~r Now Open For lunch Mon.-FrL 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~. FORYOUI . :i t<'..;1l.1v ,,._."i""• lfttr~1'""'"'l4'~~•lttrl"t~ t,. ... , ,...,., ....... ' .... , •• l• "',...,. .. ,"°" "''"' ,,.. •Ill tll• t• J•11 In· t "'It") •u•• ,.,,. .""..,• •I -· •-..•, l••!1l1t· I••• •J •, , .,,..,~, ~'.'"" ..... 1, ... ·'; t # •-. •1••' .".-'I _. ...J; I t••-,,1 (..-., .. ,,, u•,,_• .. J• •I" v.J ,.,,. ~gisa JAPA NESE RESTAURAN'J' 3840 E. Coast Hw y. Corona del Mar 673 -3933 •.• I I .,,, <1>'11!1 f •••h I I l 1t•1l1I lt6'll1,.11 a ..4Jt•U I "~'"I" t/I l\"• • j .... 11>1 f'f.••11 a f\.tl • fb~ ,.w••·• ~•J •J .. • #• • ""\1•• '· "\7• t\~t "\• n.-• ... ,, ,,. • 1 •j'1' • h ~ ..... ........,, '"•ff•t~• '-• i(1 • \.>o , .. I b-t'I"\ r1, • •1!•••!(!111t1W-1Jflro """"''tflrt•!tl I ottfV'HWI I ,,, 11•1 ,._ •• t;t1• .,,, ... i,,.., j ,,...,,'°' 11 .. .r1 1 IUO , t ~ ~ ...... i,,... .... , ... 1 .. 14 ,.,.., i11111 EASTllLl'n · llRl\'E:, Sf:'ft POH1' Bt:AC'll, l'Al.IFOHNIA tne6() Friday. November 26. 1982 11 t. -l'riclay Conl. romanllc lives. two women oepeno or• lhe1r l11endsh1p tor stab1l1ty 'A' I, hr . 55 min) 1%l 110¥11 ·Palernity" ( 1981 Comedy) Burl Reynolds Beverly o· Angelo A oach e1or 1n his forties Who wants 10 be a la1hor searc.hes 101 lhe nghl woman 10 bear his Chlld 'PG' ( 1 hr 35 min ) ~ICILD~ t:ll@ _,.,_ Of M MlAllT: DAllY Jolin Franl\au dtre<:ls lh1s drama starring Geor g1na Hale as a misunderstood Amenc.an innocent 1n Europe ( 1 hr ) -6 'AA.COii a.IT AteharO plots IU 1eunt1e Julia and her estranged husband Tony ano Cole runs away ou1 ot tear thal he will be conv1c1ed for 1he Agre111 mur de< (1 hr) D tli) ...aTOM IT1ll.l Laure allows Aem1ng1on to observe her 1nves11ge11on of a "rouune" auto acc1den1. 1h81 begins lu look like an Oroental underworld murder ;~ ..... IA nll)AY .-,. l.Ol...utWIB • MYWW Ill ~T IDIAI ''Equall1y Monomer Adler and Boll Moyers discuss the issues of b1otog1caf 1nter1011ty att1rma11ve acuon, ano lhe struggle oetween haves·· eno "have no1s ( 1 hr I CC) llO¥ll ··s1 Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bronson, Jacqueline Bissel A for mer crime reporteHurned defective 1s hired by a weal!l'ly lllm fancier 10 recover A sel ot 1ncnrn1na1tng leogers 'PG' ( 1 hr 3-4 m1n) ® llO¥ll "The Formula" ( 1980. Orama) Merion Brando. George C Scot! While 1n11est1get1ng the murd.er ot a colleague, a veteran cop uncovers a conspiracy 1nvOIV· 1ng 1he suppression of a synthehc 1uet for- mul~n Otl car I el 'A' ( 1 hr . 5 7 min ) "The Baby Maker · (1972. Dre ma) Barbara Hershey Sam Groom A childless couple arrange IOI a lree-sp1rited Q.i!.1 to bear them a child ( 1 hr . 47 min ) U llO¥ll "Al!ack Of The Killer Toma· toes" ( 1976. Sclence-Fk:uon) Jack Alley, Diel\ Miiier Garden 11egelabtes go on the rampage, making me1ropotl1an area& and their residents onto giant salads ol debris woth human dressing 'PG' ( 1 hr . 24 min) I-¥1Wlll-••1JL1'•• -•••w•rWOM ... _.'Niii Guesl ChrlsUna Crawford M ... WNO~ A llCM'T The stOf')' of Oo<othy McKlbbln. the ga1e- keeper tor Los Alamos during Iha <level· ~ment ol the atomic bomb. Is totd .. CZJ CMAIUI ~ f~I """-"James Toback" -azi llO¥ll "The Curse 01 Frankenstein" ( 1957. Horror) Peter Cushing, Christo- pher Lee A German physician ge18 Into hot waler with tile townspeople for anl· mellng the gn.ieeome creature he con· strucled trom limbs and organs of varlova 1w clorrsp~ Twamn'-ALL•M•Mal nmTIOf IM 11'11.-.00 -IM "Momert" Fllmmeke11 make fllme ol thtllr m011\efa r1nglng eny- whefe from angry to hUm<>fout to lovtng. i art 2) • "111-.J IOOftl•M MQUm ... "TWIOt A Wom.n" 1 t880, Or•· ma) Bibi Allclertilon, Anthony Peflclnt. A 14' Frtdat. Wovember 26. 1982 divorcee encounters oppOStlloo from her e~·husband when she lakes on an attrac· !Ive new lover 'R' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) ©:>ROCICOMTV (?) MOVll "LOYa & Money" ( !980, Adventure) Ray Sharkey. Ornetla Mull A Los Angeles bank employee's life ls turned upsoda·down when he meets and becomes romanllcally Involved wllh the wole ol a wealthy Gerl'Tlfn entrepreneur 'R' ( 1 hr , 35 min ) 11:116 Cl) llO¥ll "OJtSlde Chance" ( 1978, Drama) Yvette Mlmle\Jx, Bevetly Hope Atkinson A wrongly lmpusoned woman tS accused of muroo11ng the Jailer who assaufteo her (R) (2 hrs . 15 min ) D GD T011GHT Host Jotinny Carson Guest Dana Hill. (1 hr.) 19 MC ... llGllfTU9 YOU AIUD l'CM rr OOOCOWL.I llOZMT: lnlJMOlfY llO. •I NATI* a. '"°"" llO. fP Kart Boehm leads 1he Vienna Philharmonic and Leonard Bernstein leads the New York Phllharmonoc 1n these two Symphonoes with host John Mauceri ( 1 hr) fl) DAW> • ...., Par1 1 "Wile Can Alford College Anymore? -College Adm1mstra1ors" Par1 2 "Who Can ANord College AnyrnOfe? ·• Paren1s" ( 1 hr ) '1il ... LAT91Qtff Guest host: Ronnie Clemmer Guests Dr Blanche Bernstein ot Iha New SchOOI tor Social Research. who will discuss weftare cheating. cryp10- zoolog1st Dr Roy Mackel. who searches tor monsters. ( 1 hr ) CE)~ ('O) llO¥ll "High SchOOI Memories" (1981, Olama) Jamie GUiis. Annelle Haven ·x· ( 1 hr , 10 min ) ·=-11•1!l 11CW11 "The Baby Maker" ( 1972. Dra- ma) Barbara Herstley, Sam Groom A childless couple arrange lor a tree-spirited lrt 10 bear lhem a child ( 1 hr . SS min ) tHI Dnm_.,TWllHT 9 1"I WT WCIM) 1111¥9 "The Snake Pfl' · ( 1948, Ora· ma) Olivia de Havlfland. Mark. Stevens. A former mental patient recalls wlth hOfror her experiences white lnslltutlonallzed. (2 lhrs.5:':.mu _,."Culler's Way" ( 1981, Olama) John Heard • .k'ff Bridges A maimed Viet· nam val and his best friend. a social drop- out. locus ttlelr eneralel on soMng a mur· der case,.·~· ( 1 hr .. is min) (I) llO¥ll "Soutllefn Comf<><t" (1981, Drama) Kellh Carradine, Powers Boothe. A group of Nattonat Gua1cl8men on week· end maneuvers In a Lovlslana bayou spark a small guerrltla war wl1h a commv• nlty of backwoodl Cajuns 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 m1n~-,..I ~ ...... , .... - ... ''The Prll\Offt And The Pirate" (1945, Comedy) Bob ~. Vltglnle Mayo. Bucca~ c:.pture an entertainer and a prlncaa and held them hOlteoe on the _S~nllh Mlln}2 l'lfL) I U1!I. -] c •tm1 ,,,,. °' -lmll'll ...., JoM Frankeu direct• tlllt drame ttarrlng ~- glna Hate •• a mltundtfltood Amerlc.ln ~tlnE=i~~ ~·leok Roedl" (1Mf.~ <M Sally Fleld. Tommy L• Jonte. A hoOkar end a ~tucll box• meet and head wes1 In search ol a new lite 'A' ( 1 hr , 35 mon ) (Z:J MOVll "Ordinary People" ( 1980. 018· ma) Mary Tyler Moore. Donald Suthar· land A gullHldden teen-ager trying to put his lite back together af1er his brother's death end hos own su1c1oe al!empt reach· es out to his complacent la1her and his cotd, reserveo molher 'R' (2 hrs . 3 min ) tt:ii@ llO¥ll "Messat1na" (1960. Drama) Belinda Lee. Spyres FQl\as The ambitious plans ot a woman marrl8d to an emperOf as a stepp.ng stone 10 power get side tracked when she falls 1n love with a hand· som~~:lor ( 1 hr , 45 min ) 1•1 'ITOPla ITWILOIMM (Pan 3) (1 hr) _._.,TGllQHT Pmmf'Mm 1111¥9 "Dragoon Wells Massacre" ( 1957, Western) Barry Sullivan. Dennis O'Keele An Ill-assorted group ot men Is !rapped In a stockade while an Apache a11ack os gathering on the horizon ( 1 hr • 30 min) (E) T°' R.u. IOllllQ Coverage or the Dannv Cruz (Caltl ) I Freddie Roach (Nev ) 1G-round lightweight bout from Las~as. Nev (A) (2 hrs. 30 min ) cm 11 mMG caoa 0 MOVll "True Confessions" ( 1981, Drama) Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall The usually separate worlds of two brotti· ars. a Los Angeles police detective and an ambitious Roman Catholic priest con· verge during a murder 1nvest1ga!lon 'A' ( t hr . 50 min) ~8 llOVll "Twins Of Evil" ( 1972. Horror) Paler Cushing, Luan Pe1ers A series of 1err1ble and mystenous events seems to be 1he work of a dlabohcaf paor ot 1w1ns '1 hr . 30 mon ) ~ :' • r•11P&D • coeec.r sp11no· held Sings "Jesse"s Girt" and other hits ln a pert()(mance from lhe new Unl1191sat Amphllheatre In LOS Angeles. ( 1 nr • 30 min.) '-. ~CC) llO¥ll "Belle Starr" ( 194' 1. Western) Gene Tleiney, Randolph Scott. A daring woman leaves her home to become lhe leader ot an outlaw band at 1he clOM ol the CIVIi War ( T hr . <15 min.) W 8 llO¥ll "The Champion" ( 1949, Dra- ma) Kiri< Douglas, Ruth Roman. An unscruputous young boxer heartleSaly pushes IOYed ones aside 10 get to the top. i2 hl'I ) W Cl) IOI ~ ITYU The myths and rea111i.s ot 1eenage love. peer pr911Uft and ctlanglng morals are examined lhrough Interviews with 1eens. parent• and 1eecher1. ( t hr.) W (JD mWll "Ot1 Heavenly Dog" ( 1980. Comedy) Chevy CNIM. Benji While tnvestlgatlng 1 polltk:aJ MK acandel In London. a p<lvete detective la murdered and relncarneled aa e scruffy dog. 'PG' • hr .. 43mln.) • me .. o•n•rr °''~ ~"The Hunctlb4Mlk Of Not1t Dame" (1930, Orame) Charlel uugh- ton. Maureen O'Hara. A hunchbllck ta .. In IOve with a btau11fut bu1 dletant gypey Q!t.I (2 rtr .. ) W CD mWll "An Quiet On The Weatttn Front" ( 1930. Orama) Lew AyrM. LOUii Wolhalm. A Getman yovttl N09'1y enttft WOf'ld W'r I, bu1 toOn IOtM Pill fl'Qhant• ment t1 tie get• a """hend view oNt• hor-'°' and o.erructlon. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) .. , .. ,,.,.. .. -.. "Otlott ChMM" (1161, Com· .... -rr1!9g Cont. W '::. 11 ' A Meo. Meo Meo. Meu w0<10 t tlHIJ. co11.,r1 Bs>enc111 Trac..,. Millon Balle A 1,11oup o ~ tre11ttl ove1 mour11a1r11, lhroogh des4trt1 e11d aorote gr1111 •.l(panM1 to rH ch $360.000 In Our led IC>OI ~ hr~ • 'JI.~·· A IO;Jk 111 l\uw wuma11 are 11eloc1eo tor 1n 1nnua1 ph~rµ c.;a1u11 dar ii took Mt tha IHI ralco11 C1111t In ~a1n m llCml "The Advenlu1e1 OI llob111 HOOd" ( 1938. AdvenlUlt ) Errol I ly11r1 Olivie de Havllland The crusading :>h111 wood Forest he10 rot>I 1h11 rich to uio the poor (2 hll ) aJ ... IM 'Momart" F1lmrnaker1o make films ol their rnOlhttr!I ranging any wtlttre from angry to humofous 10 Iovino i all 2) WAlt9MTOll-• MVSW WAU.ITMITWBK "What's New From Xet>ex?" Guest Che1tes Grayson, editor. The Xebe>. Repon <Cl llCml "The Drow11111g Pool" ( 1975. Myslery) Paul Newman, Joa1111e Wood waro A pr111a1e 1nves11ga1or 1s hired by a weallhy Soulhern oil he11ess 10 discover lhe ldenmy ot lhe author or an 111c11m1na1 1~ le11ar (2 hrs ) ( IPOllTICllna ( llCml "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980 ComeOy) Chevy Chase Benji While uwos11ga11110 a pohllcal sex scandal 111 Lonoon, a private deteclive is mvrdereo ano re1ncarna1eo as a scruffy oog 'PG L' hr , 43 min ) lS) llOYll "Palernlly" ( 1981. Comedy) Bull Reynolds, Beverly D' Angelo A bach CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Gary Baranoski REPLAC l ~G YOUl SUPPED DI SC • •lol 111 hie IOlllft who wen11 10 t>e • lathe! .. ar c:I-IOf Iha llghl women lo bH r hte 1.hlld PO' (I hi , 3l> rflll1 ) • lllCMI "8ohl0clt" (1973. HOllOI) John L1no1•. Saul Kahen A 1non11tt o.Meved 10 0. 1 o-neuc "ml .. lnQ llnk" OOH °'' 1 r1mp1ue or l•rroi. 'PO' ( t hr., 20 min 1 ... (ll') AU • nll PAia. Y .. G ntl .. ODO OOWU 011e111 1r101 h11 h11110 111 TV •Po'lllCHllng whun Foux con vh1< 01 him ht'• WOtlh moit tl\lln the lltiw8µ8~1 II J){ly=nt G» M flOlm P0ttler pinups of 1;1111101111 .. hive l>fCOlne Ol•e ol 1oday'11 hu1111111 lrl<luatri.t RIChard Kt1110 hotll1 lhls rhlrty ml11ute llj)eelal Whleh IOOkl at the e•c111ng world ~er• @ llOZMT1 IY" -Y llO. •I NATDel ,_ flMCIWY llO. f7 Karl Boehm leads the Vienna Philharmonic encl Leonard Berna1eln leads lhs New Yotk Philharmonic In theae lwo Syml)honlss with hotl John Mauceri. ( 1 hr) 8D WAU.~-"What's New From XebeK?" Guest Charles Grayson. eol10<. l he XebeK Reporl G otlAMll couwn 'Tiie Con1munlty Col· lege PredlCament'' The chancellOls lrom each or the lour community college dis· t11c:1s 1n Olange Counly discuss the eflecls of the loss ol local control and lhe lessen· 1ng or money 0<1 tt1su colleges with Jim Coope1 ta@ llCml "Bright Leal" ( t950. Drama) Cary Cooper, Lauren Bacall A tobacco 1ycoon g1ows 1ncreas1ngly wealthy unlll a 1nan he took advantage or 1elurns seeking reve'2Qe (2 hrs . 15 min) MO 6 (I) DAU.Al J R anc1 Cliff 111e lor lhe Mm• on rtlintfY, wntt .itf\ef Bue (Nert OI Allon holding the lrump Clrd 10 win the deal toi ner men ( I hr I De....., .. Mlchtlol "'" 10 ketp 1 yourl(I woman lrom tmbarltlng on a lift nt crime whttn he lnllllral" the mob by l~reonatlng a getaway driver ( 1 hr ) 11 llOWI "The Stone Kille1 " ( H)73. C>ro 11111) Chllt1811 Uron1on, Martin Balaaro An undefwOlld l(lngp1n 1r1ln1 v1a1name1111 vol e1an110 allmlntlt hit 1nom1" (2 hrt ) Cl)cewan--.. e 9¥ ..,. Oueaia LOlell& Swlt. Rot>e1t .. 011w0flh, Rici! Hall, OI 000110 Dotaey (t hr) • IODY • GUUnOlt "Shaping The f'uture" Be1,11nn1ng In an 0111111 gro11e on 1 Or eok 1111and and ending on the rocky seHhore ol Scotland. Dr Jonathan Miiier ollere a lasclnallng explanatlon ot l)enGt lea ond conception. (A) o (I hr ) ID -.AT P•OMIMCll "The Chftrt11r· hou&I! 01 Parma" Gina poisons Iha Prince or Parma to avenge the lmprl"onmenl ol her naµhew, alter he escapee from the lortre111, Fabrizio 1& oblivious 10 all but his love for Clelia (Part 6) ( 1 hr ) ([) ,_ "Davis Cup" Coverage ot the France v& USA second best Singles match (R) (2 ht& . 30 min ) CU llCt( WMllP'&O • "COllC8,,.,...19T Sprlnu field Sings "Jesse's Girt" and other hits In e perlo1mance from lhe new Universal Amphlthealre In Los Angeles (I hr . 30 min) {())llCMI "Rich And Famous' (1981, Orama) Candice Bergen, Jacqueline Bis· set Throughout the ups and oowns ol their respective lllarary careers ano Allied Lighting Is "' I Your homt!town full servlu llghtlng Ct!ntt!r We are Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selectlon of Lighting At Competitive Prices. * Over I 00 Unes In Stock * lnstaliatlons * We Repair All Makes of Lamps 1~·1~1·1·11 1tw , .. ,llt' l\t·rh\11 WI t•I \our flllW It• •It"'' t11.1d1 u l i ttlll.tc•· * See Our Complete .Selectlon of * Over 20 Years Serving Southern California's •I ··•II 1 ... ,, ,,,,. ft I ' ·lutt l .• 1 ... 1111 ... ,, °"lii1H t•l•llU' ''"'' lip ... 1trl1th tll•f ,.... ·~"'°'I IH "'! .. ',,,I t 't\f .... ,I'll ··1~110• 111111 d11 l'IH0tl '""' I h• I urj 1 11~ 1 .. , .. ,. 1 t• 1 llt1•c .1rhl u h·11•• 1°1•~ ,., .. 1 111 t1u11 l•.u l l1ul 111 \h•ll l1oll1u ~-lt·r-. .11111 •1111 fl•• L •• 1111Lll+L" If 1111po~-.lf·I• 111 1u·1fi•fl11 tl11 11t•11l1 I .1 .• ,h ,. '"''''.._, I \i•fl k• 1111.: , .... Ulltt •• ,.,,.1.1. II \\ 11 ti f 111• 1 1;,tlh ~flttl1·f1 l11t I I till • 1 1 I 111• h1t11n.' th' tmc .,11r. 1• 1d•·t11 11111\• ft11 I I-u l ''•I I \I'll j 1,p ti0 ,,If j ., 11111•·1 I 1111 11111d1111111 '1111 .j,,, ttlr ol 1t.H"P'·l•111 fUf1l,,. \11 f1 •1111 1 1111 dt f''·'' 1•11 'H'I h•l11 I•' .. ~1IJf11Jh lo\ltl!nn I )'Ill! ditif li"li11 I lfl .111d I'''. tit Ill "·· 1·ui.d d1 ' .. ''''""'ffjt'fi. I'' 11f1• du d1 I c1.1dH.dh .~I \ i1u1u d11 111 \1 '""' 11•l1\IHL' llHI .11• I'··'" 11111 !'HI dr. gary baranosk i \lllROPltM I OR ( 714) 675-3,192 2345 L Pacific Coast Hwy., Suite 0, Corona del Mar "'~ .. -"- Celling Fans * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures Lighting Needs. COME IN AND BROWSE You won't believe our selection, you'll love our prices and our very helpful sales people. Ho"r} ~ ·~T I' ALIIED lighting JI Mon F11 8·6 Wtd tol 9 Sat 8 ·5 30 Cro1td Sun 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa j.across rrom Nurseryland Nurstryj 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, November 26. 1982 13 l -Saturday .... Morning ....... ... llCMI "The Slrange Door" (1952. Horror) Charles Laughton. Bons Karloff i hr . 30m1n) U..1.'AMI~ ~al Knowledge· (1971 Orama) Jack NlchOlson. Ann-Margret ( t hr . 37 min) .. @ laRlll ROOll ltU ® Yll1BYIAll... -Diel\ Cavell tooks 81 the era ol war bonds "v1c1ory gardens .. food and gas ra11on1ng and ~he Bog Band sound along with special guest Ralph Le11enberg, a SUN•\/Or ot tt1e 1nlamous Bataan Death March 1c11 l lHI WOILD Tt1110llOMOW_.,_ llllMOUT 1:11 THAT-. .. CtWUI CffAl9IUI TWCI wmt.. "James Toback" .. (S) L»ft.A.Tlte* A comedian host and tour comic contes1ants who compete against one another are teatured 1n this uncensored comedy game show .. CAnMI ICMGMOO ••..m PUaJe Alf Alll ,_TAU "Punk Music" ..... .,., ..... ICDI IOOD DAY L.A. IA'Ml>AY ~ QMllVINI .... llCMI "Tt1ree Warriors" ( t977 Ora· ma) Randy Quaid CMrles White Eagle l1 hr , 49 min ) ([) 1-.-"Davis Cup" Lwe coverage ol France vs USA doubles match (from le Stade Olymp1Que in Grenoble, France) (:1 hrs.) CED llCMI "The Incredible St111nk1ng Worn· an" ( 1980, Comedy) Lily Tomlin. Charles Grodin ( 1 hr . 24 min ) -~ ..... CZ> llCMI "Man Of La Mancha" ( 1972, Musical) Peter O'Toote, Sophia Loren (:! hrs .. 10 min.) .. (1Z) PAU OP IMUI d (J) llCMI "Christmas Mountain" ( 198 1 Orama) Slim Pickens, Mark Miller ( 1 hr 30 min.) .. THAT'ICAT ,,..,,. W ... ftAM V'Ol:80P ~Nm -------IT'IYOUR• H•ll .._.,,.., ... . ....,.. llCMI "So Fine" ( 1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal, Jack Warden ( 1 hr . 3 t min.) .. cm llOWil "Race For Your Life. Charlie Brownl" ( 1977, Comedy) Animated (I hr .. 25 min.) 1111 llUITT'I ii&IW I .,. ..... "-~ ILUI..,.. l"i'u=1 • JICllM. MOUt ""' Ml>eGUAnl CMw.MmO ~-190 ~ .... YOU POii MIN.nl ...., HI ... "Away All Boal1" ( 1956. A~ture) Jttl Ch•ndler, Oeo<ge Nllder {? hrt.:.i... 30 min.) 1111 • PA•U: •• 16 Friday, November 26, 1962 \ I ... ) (. ~ Jac·k Scaliu .10111!'. forces wi th St cf a nit• Krume r in N llC'?S HTh<-D.-vlin Connec.·tion'' Saturday ul 10 p.m . I OJ ntl ~ TA&.11 DR.-..OCUI ®l '~I UTTU MICAU / llctll llQt IDAYIYAM>OOUAnt '°''--T1"CI A WOIWI ~HULntlllUU llO\'ll "Paternity" ( 198 t, Comedy) Burr Reynolds. Beverly O' Angelo ( 1 hr . 135';J Ml 1::=-~ llO\'ll "Bells 01 Capistrano" ( 1942, IWe~:~;n) Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette HOTNIQI IWSWN IDMMIOP~ IA'Ml>AY ~ GMllVINI tmU CAii WT ITOllY llO\'ll "The Last Time I Saw Paris" ( 1954, Orama) Elizabeth Taylor. Van Johnson. (2 hrs.) cmllO\'ll "lstands In The Stream" ( 1977. Drama) George C. Scott, Claire Bloom. i.!. hr . 45 min.) Cl) llO\'ll "The Runner Stumbles" (1979 . Drama) Dick Van Dyke. Kathleen Quinlan. i.!. hr , 39 min ) Ill llO\'ll "Gawain And The Green Knight" ( 1 hr. 30 min.) G _.. "Ricochet Romance" ( 1955. C-0medt:Merjor1e Main, Chlll Wiiis. ( 1 hr , .. 310mEln. ._,,llOM .... ,~ WURIUOPa.M.1 YOYMl • .,,.OPMIU '=' "Teles From The Vienna W<><>Oe" ( 1979, A~tur•) Birgit Don, H1nno Poeohl. ( 1 hr., 3& min.) .. ,WVllrTOIU• 0 ICU l'OO'rUU. Af1belll8 Crlmeon Tide VI. Aubum Tigert at Blrmlngt\lm, Ala (3 l't~ .. 4& min.) I Tlllt TAU "Rape" --~ .....,. AllQUY M ILUI MAim.i 'OCUI ON IOalTY lflCMn'IClln1ll llCMI "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976, O~a­ ma) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Connor ta,~) GD 1MI URY CCUllAll IHOW ozm,., MAMmT IUQI_, /..OAD._ WU.WUWllT llCMI "The lncredlble Shrinking Man" ( 1957, Sclence-Fic11on) Grant Williams. Randy Stuart (2 hrs ) &'!I HIQH fllATMIJI "Saved From The Pound" The campers lea1n some valuable lessons on responslb1llty when they find an abandoned dog. I 'OCUI ON IOalTY MR um°' n11 ... (Ill = "The Man From Bliler Ridge" ( 1955. Mystery) Lex Barker. Mara Cor- aay. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ts@ lllCMI "Twlllgt11 Zone Revisited" ( 1975. Science-Fiction) Burl Reynolds, Jack Wes1on (2 hrs.) *-1J Cl) NCAA IAIQ'iUU. North Carolina Tar Heels at Missouri Tigers (2 hrs .. 30 min) 0 OJ ---...-u1 AllADel .... llM l lMAMANA Ill -.&.JON DOUNt llM IOl'°9111 ntl OLD NCMm Bob VIia and his crew assess 1he old larmhouse's electrical needs and update the wiring fOf today's lifestyle ~ ORMll CCMMTY "The Community Col· lege Predicament" The chancellors' from each of the tour community college dis· t11cts on Orange County discuss the effects of rhe loss or local conlrol and the lessen- ing of money on their colleges with Jim Cooper ct.) llON "The Gathering" (1978. Ora- ma) Ed Asner, Maureen Stapleton. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ([) PmJ> MOaCIY Coverage of the Wom- en's NCAA Division I Championship from Phlladelphla. Pa. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) cm ..W. .-A'TM "Concer1 For The Americas" Drummer Buddy Rich joins Sinatra In a concert &1 1he Allot De Cha- von Amphitheatre rn the Dominican Republic. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) (I) MCI a JSllNLD • ""CClllCml--T Spring· field sings "Jesse's Girl" and other hits fn a per10fmanoe from the new Universal Amphitheatre in Los Angelee. ( 1 hr., SO min,) CZl lillON "A Night Full Of Rein" ( 1978. Romance) Glancar1o Gi.tnninl. C.ndloe Bergen. Dlrect9d by Lina Wer1muller. (1 hr .. 44mln.) -1-111111 llOW'8 "Town Tamer" ( 1966, W"t· ern) Dena Andrews, Terry MC>Ofe. ( 1 hr .. 30mln) • • TMI ~ W ... Mn1111 Sir Galahad Joint Lancelot In Mlrctl of the Holy Gra~; Gulnev«• 11 captl.ftd by "Gr•· vain and hit ~.,., e of 8) ' ....... , wmlMOllm ... Jecquee ~ dtmonetr•t• eyery 1'9 In maklnQ chicken llWf pete . E _._ tW ... ~-­..... ._ "C.llmltv Jene'' 11953, MIM- •Cly) Bow111~ £l1Jy• 1 loyd Cou1u11n lry111u hi .'"°" II '•k• •1JUllu11h1I the Uoy• o•• tiJOOl.11d ( I hr I (ZJ MOVll f'111t111 Illy ( I l)ij I C.tu11111Jy I Dutt neynuldb Oeveo ly 0' A11u•to A u111.l1 l!IOr In hill lorllu• Whll Wllflll Iv Ue II l11lht11 !»81lrCht16 IUI lhll riUhl WOlllllll Ill IJGdr flll Child ·po· 11 hr Jh 111111 J • l.lll WOllLO AT LMQI (J) MOVll Ok>otl ll11ud1 ( l!Jl:l t Hu11u1 1 Juhn ::>n AOll Bull V wng A 111111 ul pohl t1 ollrcers have ineu han<l& lull wht111 ll•lly rnvesttgate me 1.auk 01 l>euthuoe111 t.ierr1u tiucked into th11 sund never to bll 1;ee11 4!1lOln 'R' ( 1 nr . JO 1111n ) MIB llCMI "Twu On A Gu1llutlne ( 196!> Horror) D1rnn Joneb Connie l:>tevens A mag1c1an's daugnter rs ro1ceu to spend u week tn an eerie milll~oon 1n 010111 tu attain ht11 lathe1 s u1nu111ance (2 nrb I @ GD_,.. C'm llOWI "'Mo11tenagro" ( 1981 Come dy) Susan Anspach. Fr1ar1Cl Josopnson A neglecteCl wore truvers IC> Stockholm and ~ons an alta11 with a man she mut 1n e b011emran n1gntcluO R' ( I h1 40 01111 ) 0 llO¥W De1us1011 ( 198 t Myste1y) Petrrcra Ped•t.y Jo~ph Cotten A p11vate duty nurse tall~ in love w11h her patrenrs handsome young grandson ·n· ( t hr . 2~ min) li:M(C) llCMI "The r oui Ho1seme11 Ot The Apocalypse" ( 1962 Drama) Glenn Ford Lee J Cobo Worto War II produce:. d11ter 1ng toyaltoes among the memoers ot a Ge• rnan family (2 llrs . 40 mon ) 1:11 ~ M01M DAm POOTIAU llQHUQHTI PONY'l PIOft.I • IPOflTt M llOVll "Fatller Figure" ( 1961, Orama) Hal Linden. T1mo1hy Hu11on Alter 1he11 mother's deatn two boys a•e sen! to hve with thelf lather whom they have not seen ~rnce tne11 parents divorce lrve years ea• her ( 1 hr 40 min ) S pt•<'ial g m·~t ~tar Hohin Williams, left, John Candy, •·t·ntt·r, urul Murty S hort in sketch from '"SCTV Nt·lwork'' Fricluy a l I 2 ::lO a .m. on NBC. MllJ llOWI ·Honor Thy Father" ( 1972 Drama) Aal Vallone Richard Castellano A mob leader's ~on looks a1 the ltle ot his ~drcate-run lam11y 12 hrs 15 mon) WW llO¥W "The Hall-B•eecf' ( 1952 W11s1 ern) Rooert Young Janis Carter V11la1ny 1s exposed 1n an A11zona Apacne revolt i_~ hr . JO mon J (EJ YIC't VACAlfT LOT 4a @ llTWIDI THI LM1 '=11 .lJ llOWI "Love & Money' ( 1980 Adventure) Ray Sharkey. Ornella Muir A Los Angeles bank employee's hie is !urned ups1de·down when he meets and oecomes roman11cally involved with the wife at a weall hy German ontrep1eneu1 'R' ( 1 hr . JS mon I dl{S) EMm KOVACI: ~ ONQllAL OIJIUI John Barbour hosts a tribute to Erme Kovacs. the technical ar11st respon- sible tor the evolution of 1elev1s1on come- dy, atso featured are rntervlews wrth Jack Lemmon. Chevy Chase and Steve Allen ~hr ) 4Cll 'MB leo. / CO'MllTY CAl.BIDM .. ICMOOI. Tips tor better skiing tfilmed al Killington. VI.) (A) U llCMI "A Separate Peace" ( 1972. Drama) Parker Stevenson, Jahn Heyl When a prep school student suffers a par- alyzing fall. hrs rooml'(late wrestles with his own guilt leeltngs about the accloen1 ·pa· ( I hr . 45 min ) SENIORS Davis()Brown Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That W ill Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6 , Corona del Mar Cj/NCE 1947 RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE CONTROL • llEMOIE CON IROl • COlORTR.AC • CAlllE RfAOY ONLY 411 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 646-1684 Friday. November 26. 1982 15 -Saturday Conl. Fun Ano P1oto1 Owners ot lor pruf1t bar1e1 agency ano tne tounoer of a non pm lol uaner e•cnangp discuss lhe t>enr his 01 a barter system ~ Amllek TI41 llcoe.D C8fT'lltY ~ *>VII Tn(• La<.1 Time I Saw Pan~ ( t'.l!>4 Orama) Ehz11oe1n Taylor. Va• Johnson 12 t11s) s llOY11 . Sl\l!IS Artoy' ( 19!>2 Cor11eay1 Esther Wrll1ams Vr11i;rn Blaine ( 1 ht 4'l min) lJ llOY11 Man Of La Mancha ' ( 1972 Musical> Peter O'Toote Sophia Loren t11s tO mini '1';) llOY11 ·one Way Street I t9!>0 Ora mai James Mason Marta Torer !:111==-~ Tltl....nl lmXID IAQ Moman f1lmmakPr' make l11ms ol tt1e11 mr1ttiers ranging any lw":Si:::=:= '~'"- !:II llOTOftllX UUITM 1'1D .. Al&+AU *>VII ''A Connec1tcu1 Yani..ee In King Arthur's Coun" ( 1949 Comedy) Bing 1Cr~o;~1J~~Q ICMM QOOOTmJ *>VII 'Gay Purr ee ( t962 Mus1cai1 Animated Voices ol Judy Garland Robert Goulet (2 hrs) @ llOZMf: IYWHCWf MO.• I MAY'DM I• '"°9l'Y MO. f7 Kart Boehm leads the Vrenna Philharmonic and Leonard Bernstein leads the New York Ph1lharmon1c In these two Symphonies with host John Mauce11 I 1 hr ) fJD ~I • AlmlCM MT (Season Premiere) Russ1an·bol11 pa111ter Sergei Bongarl snares his enthusiasm 101 creat 1ng as he teaches ot his summer workshop 111 Thornton Idaho. Ale•ander Scouroy hoo~ ·-"=-llOOM ('t3 *>VII "Soto" ( 1978 Orama) Vincent Gii, Perry A1mstrong (2 hrs ) U llOV9 "Fists 0 1 Fury" ( 1973. Adven 1u1e) Bl'\JGe Lee. Merla YI ( 1 hr , 43 min I 1111 «1J WIUl\.llO a. D WOMllWOM.D Schedule<J hoghhgnts or test year's World Proless•onel Figure Skat 1ng Champlonstrtps (from Landover Md I ( t hr . 30 min.) I um.I HOUll 0.. TI4I ~ WOM.D Of' IOOll IOl.wtWIT -pow. MON "Ice Casrtes" I 1979, Romance) Lynn·Hony Johnson. Robby Benson ( t hr • 55 min l (mll0¥9 "Islands In The Stream" ( 197 T. 01ama) George C Scort. Cl11lre Bloom ( t hr . 45 min ) ID llO¥W ''Reunion In Reno" ( 195 1, Comedy) Mark St11vens, Peggy Dow. ( 1 hr . 30 mtn l •1 LMT Of' M WU ~llAW ITMTm llO¥W "Call Me 0rllg<)n" { 1978. Adventure) Chen Kuan-Tai, Warig Oturig ~~llOCOa. .... • ..,_ "Tile Gr111 le Alway• Greener Ovei The Septic Tank" ( 1978. Comedy) Carol Burnell. Cherlet GrOdln. (2 hfa.) 18 Friday, November 26, 1982 ® Alf..a OI Tltl ~: DMIY John Fran~i;u d1rec1s 1h1s drama starring Geor g1na Hale ilS a m1sunde1stood American 1nnncen1 1n Europe ( 1 hr ) fl:} Co.uTBI awlelCUI 61) llOY11 Ari American In Pa11s I 1 q5 t Mus1ca11 Gene Kelly l eshe Ca•on (2 hrs I m W'lllT1llG '°" A lllAI09e t _. llOY11 · The Gathering· ( t971:! 01.1 ma) Ed Asne• Maureen S1ap1e1011 It hr 30 rrnn J f_, WOMTICDITIJI Slll0¥9 Tne RuM er Stumbles I t97<'l Orama) Dick Van Dyke Kathleen Ouintaro i hr 39m1n l .. WMmJNQ 41:31 ..wmMIM i.ATUT 9'0fl'TI LiGllJl>I l a11y Mahan" Host Ken Howard (!) AT TI41 llOVIU tZil WOiliT1 AmJllCA NFL Aim Wrestling Champ1onsh1p" ( t hr ) m WllTWI '°"A lllMC* ~ llOV9 "Three Days Qt The Conoor 1 1975 Suspense1 Rober! RedfOld Faye Dunaway (2 hrs J W IMD 1W1 fOOTIALL NPORT WI .,.,ACI 1WD1M fllA YIOOtt ~DAYIAGMI WIDI WOM.D OI 9'0llTI Scheduled c011erage of lhe Tyrell "Tyrone· Biggs I Teofllo Stevensen super heavyweight bout jlrom Renn. Nev I coverage of the U S Grand Pm Motocross Mo1oicycle Cnam p1onsh1ps (lrom Ca1lsbaO, Calif J cover age of the World and U S Figure Skahng Champ1onsh1rs (lrom Lake Placid N Y) a pos1 llgh1 report on ihe Randy 'Tek" Cobb I Larry Holmes boul ( I hr 30 min J I =·:.. 0.. TI4I flllAlm tol»eolD c.-Grace Bumbry stars 111 lh1s opera as a lusly tempestuous gypsy w•lh Jon Vickers as the man who follows her to his destruc11on (3 hrs ) ml WOOD.....,... ltQ "Culling Your T!leth" Roy Underhill tooks at the m<1ny different kinds of saws CD IOX. live coverage of tne Ken Bogner I Gonl.810 Montellano tO-round lighlwe1ghl boUI from Atlantic City N J ~. hrs . 30 min ) tlJ llO¥ll 'Breaking The Souno 6arrler" ( 1952 Ofama) Ralflh Richardson. Ann Todd ( 1 hr . 49 min ) U llOV9 "On The Righi Track" (1981 , Comedy) Gary Colemen, Michael Lem· becll (1hr .31 min) .llCMTMmn' .. <m ICM ~ Grambling Stale T 1 vs. Southern Jaguars (3 hrs ) ...... u .... ... LA~ a --.n I COWNlf Ma ... WOM.D Of' WOiliT1 Scheduled coverege of lhe Tyrell "Tyrone" Biggs I Teofllo Stevenaen super heavyweight bout (trom Reno. Nev ) . coverage of the U S Gra11d Prix Motocross Motorcycle Cham- pionships (lrom Carlsbad. Calif ) . cover- age ol the WOfld •nd U S. Figure Sllatlng Champlonlhtps (from Lake Pleold, N.Y.). a poet-fight repor1 on the Randy "Tex" Cobb I Lerry Hof""" bout (I ht . 30 min.) 1 111tlfTl~Ql'!l•lm1an--TOMMLAXT ..._,aon1•••11 "'··=·· wt 11 terra "1982 C....r9 Patac~ ln1111at1onat" Olympians Bart Conner Joni Hartung and Phil Cahoy are leatured on tnos 1ear's compet•hon I 1 nr ) '()} *>VII 'Ghost Story' ( t 98 I H01ror) F1ed Astaire. Joh11 Houseman ( 1 hr 50 • min ) --•Evening ·11:.a~. · •IT Of mlelGHT Rew. COUIQI IAtKIDAU Bradley vs Loy- ola (2 hrs) «D TI1R'1 CO.MY Q) YOGrl ,..T ctlllTllAI An1ma1ed Huck and the gang, hoping to make Cti11s1mas a happy one for Mrs Trock· morion awaken Yogi Bear out of his deep winter Slet1p 10 help 1n their prepa1at1ons t? hlS) W ft.D AmllCA · Bighorn•' A band of wild Roci.y Mountain bighorn sheep is observed lhrough the seasons from one ~1ng into the 11e"t I WOM.O Of IOOKI l llOV9 "Sec1e1s Ot Three Hungry W111e~ ( 1978 Mystery) James Fran· c1scus, Jess1ca Watter Three socially prominent women are suspecled 01 mur- dering a handsome playboy (2 hrs ) SJ llOVW ·9 'To 5· 11980. Comedy) Jane Fonda. Dolly Parton Three w01k1ng women rebel aga1nsl their suo1uga1ton Dy a rnale chauv1n1s1 boss ·po· ( 1 hr . 50 .. 1 min~~';'"..-:"*" IWIYmD llOOM AUtCI WMY•MWOILD .._ ,,.... .. Neal Gabler and Jel· trey Lyons discuss how lhey rudge a mov- ie wrlh scenes from ·Rocky Ill." "Raiders 01 The Los1 Ark," "Omar" and "Body Heal " H) ~ 'The Incredible Shrinking Worn· an" ( 1980 Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin A housewife finds 11 hard 10 cope when she suddenly begins to stirlnk In ,..,.,.~~'" l M«•naeec~ M M9Y IOYI I MMC'Y .W ~ ... 9 ·-·~ ltOUDAY 8'ICW. Joe Csrclone demonscrstes cooking prepera· Hons fOf a holl~amJ ~~ l s.-1 LA a. c~ 10cn11••111 llllM. -.T M ...... ML CIUT\ID .-AT Am 9IAL.L. .,. "Tribute" ( 1980. Orama) Jeck Lemmon. Robby Benson An lrrespontllble Bro~ay press agent begin• to regret h19 wHted Hit and his tenvoue re4atfonenlp wll~own son. 'PG' (2 hra.) e "Three Daye Ot The Condor" ( 1975. Suspense) Rob9tl R~tord, Faye Dunaway A reeea1ch rMde< employed by the CIA UncOYefl lntltfnel trMChefy ""'*" all ot his co-wortc.n art .....-INI~ by a hit man who ts now stalking Nm. ( 1 tw •• 55 min ) (%)--"Palemlly" ~191t, Comedy) Bun ~y~. e.v.fty 0 Ange!O. A beoh- tl0t In hit IOttlM whO nnta to be a father ... ,cNI fOf the rlQht women lo bMt hie cl\lld. 'PO' (1 tv~mln.) ......... ,_ -laturclay Cont. C.I) Doria 0.y HOwal!J t<M I ~· ) r.u.---• WATmOOUM OMUC9I ID..,_YIMI (ff) --·~· "198'1 (,Hllitlll P11tace lnvttallortal" Cll'fmp1an1 Untl Conne1 J1111 Ha11u1111 nrio 1•n1I Cahuy •111 h1atu1e<1 lfl 1111• yM• • t,llfllp~llllCIO ( I Ill ) e llOVll Athu .. i.. t>I lhe k1ll111 11111111 toee" ( 107t;. hcl1111c.;11I1u1011) J 1111. fhluy Oh;lo. M1lle1 ( I 111 ~-' 111111 J G llOVll ~In Town" ( 194.' Advcm1u111) Con11tn11c.e Sennott (~1uoe11Ck <.1uwtu11t l h1 30nun I ttlll Cl) P\MM IORDOel 0 MMD,_ <W AU.-ITMI llOVll "Who Dom:t 11 ?" ( t9<t;.> (.,011•1J oy) Bud AIJIJoll l ou Co~lullo I 1 111 JO 111111 I I MAGIC<WOL'MnM _,...YUM - Al'l IMOWCAll ~ N.l COWl'ACT KMATI Covt11t111tt ot the World Ban1arnwe111hr Champ1onsh1µ flom Ga1ne!>v11le Fra (A) ( 1 hr 30 min ) (0 )llOVll lr1stde Moves ( t980 Drama/ John SavRge David Moise ( 1 ht 53 n11n I (S) MoYW '9 To 5·· ( 1980 Comedy) Jane Fonoa. Dolly Pe11011 ( 1 ht so rn111 J '1:11 lfl) llOVll "law Ano 010111' ( 1976 Ota ma) Darren McGav1n ~uzanoe Pleshette (3 hrs) --Afternoon 11191 AT Gell Guest Do1othy Healey ( t ht ) n.llTOOQU • llOVll "Way. Way Ou1·· ( 1966. Come- l;!rl Je11y l ew111 (.,011111• bleve11• tl '"" I • llOVll l\l~er f 111111 !lh1t11111n1,1 I A\lv!llllW•) (2 1111 I ID WOOU....,T'I .._ ·11111J111u Arnt f I• 111u' rt1>y Unoernm u cio1 1rw11 11111ky111d h1 lltJt1 t11t1rke111111111rd1 nl 1111111v111ytJ11y 111111~ ur v11•t11td11y I UTTU MOUll OM 1lll PMM <W IMTM MD IWI J lllOV1I "ftouuh Cu t' t tU60 Al.)vttfl '"'") flwl HcJy11c>lcJb I u~luy A1111u I 111w11 (1111 !>i'ITllll) ~ CO.W ""°"11 ,,.llWTI l>••I tut•• Anti :O,u111>11 Show· I htt 1110111I nlt11d1vu '"''" klllttr~ Ullt.I lhO 16/t~I ll•jldnSIVD wuy '" 1 lrn111 hat11t wm1hatrla& 11111 tJAllfn111wfl ( l 1 llOVW ·11u1u11111v ( 11)81 Cu1111Htyl (l1111 n11y11ul<Jtl, lluvwly l>'Anuuto I I Ill J!.> 1111n ) tt:a I ll) NCAA TODAY UTA.It wmt W1t MOAO I Of.1Mm4 MD ..... ( l ~ .. A11ylirl1!!'0 t 1tJt11. U1.rn111) Jo111es C11u11ey Howttr() f no111ns (<I Ill~ 3!°>mlfl) 0DIClmD,,.... CD llOVW 100 Men Am.I A l.ilfl ( 19J/ Musical) Deonna Dur tun Adolµhe Mt•n jOU _ii ht . 30 rnln ) 11l41 IJ CJ) NCAA 'OOT9AU. Notr e Dam"' F1uh1 I~ l11sh 111 USC Troians {3 firs 15 nun) U AllATIUll IOllMQ ll S A V-,, CubJ Bhr. t5m1n J Tlll ftlJt WT YIAll • M lllFl t• llOVll .. race 01 A fug111ve ( 19!>9 Western) fret.I MacMu11ay. l m Mc-C1111hy ( I hr • 30 min ) UM~ ffi AlmllCA'I TOI-TD ••••••••••••••••••• • ~ INFLATION FIGHTING: • • PRICES! • • s4 • • • • • • All Men's & Boys' Haircuts • • • • Senior Citizens s3so • • • • (Over 65) • • • • llOW'8 'W1nohHlar 73 119~ w .. 1 11111) J1111111• bte-Narl bhall•v Winrare f;.> h11 I llD llOVA ·· 1110 Loonll BluH · An •••ml r11t11011 ol lJ S OOIJ@ndcmce on to1e1gn 11.iurc.01 ur 1tr1tte111C 1111net&l1 v11el ro '"" •111r1111p11t.t and 1t11&l 111dutttle1 1e ptelient 11t1 D ( t nr I Cl) IPC*TIWON.O l:ichnCJuleo hlghltght1 or lue.r y1111r') Wurl() Prnl11nnton111 ~lguro Sknl 1110 (,t1n111p11mtll•lµb (!tom l nn<101101 M1l ) II tu 30111111) Ql!) OCIMUll MW Df't'lltal-n Cf l .,.... Dov•i. Cup.. CtMllllQe 01 fru111.11 Vb llSA double& mulch (from 111 •,uu111 Uly111µ1quti 111 U1enoble, r111nce) tH) (3 hrs) 0 litOVW ·Good A1cJ08flt.O.. (Orama) \.harlo11e t 11ur1et Mau1111 Tito ( 1 hr. 40 111111) t:tl ®l litOVW f """Y u11r c 1968 Mu81<;11t) 011rlJrl! S ll111b8llO, Omar Sh1111I (2 hr8 4!> 111111 I ,. ; ,.. "'°°' IOUl 1"IWN OCl.Mllll M w av.a limn ( JllOVll "All Fall Down" ( 1962. Orama) fvB Marre Saini. Weflen Beally (2 hrs ) l~l'MCND PUCUM h .. (?) CtWUI CHAMPlJlr T AUi wrnt.. "James Toback" 191 ClllWUWt Ill.MD MOM a -Y / UYlllll a --.n GllZZl. Y AOAMI MOVll "River Ot Nu Aelurn" ( 1954. Ad~enture) Robert M11chum. Marilyn Monroe 12 hrs ) @ llGMATIR Gues1 Chfrsuna C1aw101d Ell) IW IUH•ll TODAY 'Baller Fo1 • ~OT-MARt: • We've Got 'Em! • • • • • • • • • •• BARBERS: 5 Professional Barbers • • ro Serve You • 631-9654 • 2200 Harbor Blvd. at W~sonr C.M . • (K·Ma11 Plaza) • • ••••••••••••••• Check the Daily Pilot Classifieds! Friday. November 26 1982 17 -Saturday Cqnl. O llOY9 ·cas1 A G1an1 Sha•Jow· ( 1966 Biography) Kuk Douglas. Jorin Wayne Colonel Dav•CI Marcus '>uperv1ses 1ne train= IS•aeh solC11ers m 1949 (3 hrs ) (!) The Great Niagara ( 1974 Orama) RocharCI Boone Michael Sacks Durong me Depression a comoulSIVe old cropple lorces hos sons 10 maintain ltle family 1rad1l!On ol rrCJrng Niagara Falls 1n a ba11el ( 1 hr 30 mon) ii=-QUa TO'TMI QAUIY I) m¥ll ·George Washrng1on Slep1 Here .. ( 1942. Comedy) Jack Benny Ann Sherodan A couple lrom lhe bog crly decide to get away from •I all and pur chase an old. run down Pennsylvania farmhouse ( t hr 30 rr11n ) (C)lllOVll ' Drum· ( 1976 Orama) Warren Oa1es. Isela Vega A rrch plantation owner os disturbed by hrs young daugh1er's 1n1er est on hos male slaves. 1nclud1ng one 1ha1 1s fighting tor his treeoom ·R' I 1 hr . 50 rnon ) ([)NA AJU CONTACT KAAAll Coverage 01 lhe World Ban1amwe1gh1 Championship from Ga1nesv1lle. Fla (R) ( I hr , 30 mon ) .. m ~ MlllMOlt COIR)llfTW. fin llOVll .. B11gaC1oon .. ( t954, Musical) Gene Kelly. Cya Cnar1sse Two lr1ends stumble upon Brtgadoon a village 1n the Sco111sh hoghtanos which comes to tile 101 a single day every 100 years ( 1 hr , 50 min ) 0' llOVll ·southern Comfort.. ( 1981 O.ama) Keith CerraOu"le Powers Boothe A group of Natrona! Guard<;men on week· end maneuvers 1n a Louisiana bayou spatk a small guerrilla war with a commu nity 01 lHICkwoods Ca1uns R. ( 1 hr 40 min) 0 llOVll Love & Money· ( t980, AOventure) Ray Sharkey Ornella Mut1 A Los Angeles bank employee·s hie 1s 1urned ups1C1e down when he meets and becomes roman11cally involved wl!h 1he wrle ol e wealthy German entrepreneur ·R· ( 1 hr . JS min J Iii' .,_ DA.m flOOTIAlJ. .......,.. .. USC" (I hr) .. , IAn.AY .a.Tl'* ,,. Q8(1)9tlD ... Bn9f~llll-- .,... "The Grass Is Always Greener Over The Septic Tank .. t 1978. Comedy) Carol Burnell. Charles Grodin A New York City couple pack up their three chll· dren and move to what they think Is the easy lite of the suburbs (2 hrs ) m llOWll "Duet" ( 1971. Suspense) Dennis Weaver. Tim Herbert A vengeful true!\ driver Is ln1en1 on forcing a hlghwey motorist otl lhe road (2 hrs ) @ ~ Grace Bumbry stars In this opera as e lusty, tempestuous gypsy with JOf'I VICkers as the man who follows Iler to his destruction CID .. ~llD -.y t&l The unpredlc!able Bnllatl oomedlen portrays various characters Including a striptease ar11s1 clown and a henpecked husband who uses his video remote control to treeze-t1ame his unbearable wife ( 1 h1 ) Cl) mAm JOhn Byner st'lowt you tilings 1tr11nge1 lllan trulh. ler~ than Ille, and zanier then anythll'IP, you ve ever eeen. (%) .,_ .. Flngera ' ( t978, Drema) Har- vey l<ellel, Tl11 Farrow A promising pUI· nltt Is drawn Into a Ille of crime 'A' (I ht • 29mln) 11111W llOWll "Thera·a No Sex like Snow S.x" ( 1979, Comedy) Judith Frllaoh, Fr•n1 Nutenneclef A. bualOed of young 20 Friday. November 26. 1982 women 1ook1ng 101 action on 1ne o;lopes arnves 111 a small moontarn village 11=-e nt1~111.11 0 fl1) IA TWl)A Y 9IGHT L.M Host Chevy Chase Guests Queen. movie cr111cs Gene Soskel and Roger Eberl Danny De Vito i ) (t hr 30mon ) MC_,,. lllO¥ll 'The Mechanic I t972 Ora ma) Charles Bronson. Jan·Mrchael Vrn cent A new synoicate member 1s torceo lo lt.•11 lhe man who tt1ugn1 him now to se1 up · acc•denter Cleaths tor syndicate v.c lllm~hr 5~ min ) l(QlllOQl111 .cMITICIWTa lllO¥ll .. Ent8f The Non1a.. ( 1961 Adventure) Franco Nero Susan George An American martial arts e11per1 sets out lo avenge tile murCler of hos bes1 lroend 'ff ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Iii' llOVll .. Stave G1rr ( 1947 Adventure) George Bren!. Yvonne De Carro A Libyan slave girl attempls to free a group ot Amertcan sailors being held 1n custody by an evil tyranl ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 11M fJ llO\'ll 'Easy Rider" I 1969, Di ame I Peter Fonda Dennis Hopper Two young mo1orcyclls1s riding across the Southwest to New Orleans encounte1 prejudice and violence that eventually-lead to a sense· less death (2 hrs ) 11:9(C) llOVll · Lrpst.ck. ( 1976. Orama) Mer gau~ Hemrngway. Anne Bancroft A lop lasho0n model rs humiliated and frustrated by her unsuccessful attempts 10 sentence the man who raped roer 10 prlSOfl ·R· ( 1 l'lr 30min ) IHI I LAUIM l1Wt ,.. ntl lllfTOR'I -.,... .. Ragltme" ( 1Y8 t Orama) James Cagney Howard E Rollrns Amid lhe social upneaval ol 1920s New York. an upper·class lt1m1ty tries 10 hold on 10 lradlllon as an angry blacl< leads a militant fight against the recrSI estabHshment. 'PG' ~ hrs . 35 min ) 0 llOVll .. Prince 01 The City .. ( 1981, Orama) Treat Wiiiiams. Jerry Orbach A New York cop 1s caugl'lt between federal p1essure and loyally to his fellow otllcers during an 1nvest1ga110n ol wldesprea.d !):<>lice corruption 'R' (2 hrs . 45 min ) 1l:JI 8 Ulm OI ntl GAm (!) lllO¥ll ·· 13 Rue Medelelne.. ( 1946, Orama) James Cagney. Annabella A Nazi spy 1s ousted from Secret Service School In the U.S (2 hra.) 9 lllO¥ll "Trapped.. ( 1975. Suspense) James Brolin. Susan Clerk. Upon recO\ler· Ing from unconaclouaneas, e man awak- ens In a closed Clepar1ment store and dta· covers that II Is protected by vicious dogs 1_1_ hr., 45 min) (() COUI.. IAlllTIAU Wyoming Cow= et Memphis Stele Tigers (Rl (0) .. Sex Surrogate.. l 1982. Dre· ma) Marilyn Chambera A thefaplst dedi- cates hef Ille 10 helping men and women with their SeKual problems. ( t hr ) (%) lllO¥ll "Thfee Deya Of The Condo< .. ( 1975. Suspense) Roben RedlOl'd. Faye Dunaway A research reader employed by lhe CIA ul"ICOV9fl lntamal lreech&fy wn.n all of his co-wo0<er1 are ... aa1na1a<:1 by a hit man wtio la now 1talklng him, (2 hr'I.) .. ([).,_ .. Tlttany lutt .. (1981, Orama) Arlene M•nhall.n. Veronica Han A young wile leavet he< huabllnd ana embarks ()('I a ..,. Of M XU•I •dVenlUrft l~ltlr~~ -arr• w ~,,,...., ..,_"The Mole People" ( 1Q56, HOf· ror) Johrl Agar. Cynlhra Pair.ell An ancrent temple and undergrouno beings arP uncovereCJ by tour arcnaeotog1sts 1n Asta ( I nr . 30 min ) 0 lllT Ol lmMIGHT .. cw. CD lllO¥ll ··Maqor•e Morningstar I t9S8 Drama) Gene Kelly Natalre WOQ(J An rmpress1onao1e young g111 talls in love w1tn a m1ddle-ageC1 songwriter only to d1scove1 that he 1s a failure (2 hrs 25 min I a>.,,. £) lllO¥ll .. The Land That Tome Forgot ( 1975. Science·F1ct1onJ Doug McClure. Susan Penhahgon Survivors from an All1eC1 submartne ano their German cap tors land on an island ruleCI by preh1stor1c animals (2 tirs ) 1:11 CS:I lllO¥ll · Roch A11d Famous ( 1981. Drama) Candice Bergen. JacQuel1ne Bis sel Throughout lhe ups and downs ol their respective literary careers and romantic lives. rwo women depend on thetr lnendshrp tor stability 'R' 1:21 tC) lllO¥ll 'The VI P s .. ( 1963. Drama) Elizabeth Taylor. Richard Burton As pas- sengers ol a delayed lhght await take·oft rn the VIP lounge of a London airport the11 hves become curiously intertwined t:il Cl) lllO¥ll 'Jaws Of Death" ( 1975. Adventure) Richard Jaeckel. Jenifer Bish· op An ecology·minCled fisherman tries to protect great while sharks trom hunters *II lllO¥ll The Corsican Broth~·· ( 194 1, Adventure) Douglas Fatrbllnks Jr Aulh Warrick Two Siamese twins &eparat ed at birth tall tr'I love with the same worn an whole avenging 11'\e murder ol lheor par· en1s (2 hrs J I = .. The New Adventures 01 Snow White" ( t978. Adventure) Marie Lii- jedahi Gaby Fuchs The tidull adventu1es ol Snow While, Sleeping Beauty and Crn derella are told R' ( I hr 20 min.) nauc ... CD lllO¥ll .. En18f The Nm1a· ( 1981 Adventure) Franco Nero. Susan George An American martial arts expert se1s ovt to avenge the murder ot his best lrlend 'ff ( t hr . 30 min ) l:JI 8 lllO¥ll "Cull Of The Cobra.. ( 1955. Horror) Richard Long, Farrh Dome<gue. A mysterious Indian curse b•lngs brulal death to a Qfoup of war veterans (!) llAtUfT (Z) lllO¥ll .. Tales From The Vienna Woods" ( 1979, ACIVenture) Blrgll Doll, Hanno Poschl A yoong girt falls prey to the amoroos advances ol the locsl play· boy and ls disowned by her la I her ( 1 hr . 35mln) M Qi)llOWll ••OeJe To Biiiy Joe" (1976, Or& ma) Robby Benson, Otynnls o·connor Based on the song by Bobble Gentry A tormented teen-ager's past e•petleneeS compucate his first 1rve romance 'PO' .. , ... llOWll "The Hand" ( 1981. HorrOf') Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovlccl Biz.arr• 1nc1<1en1s and nightmares begin hflppenlng In a cartoonist's Hie al1er ht 110lfar1 the loss ot a hand 'ff ( 1 h1 . u min) a1I (I) MIMI "So Fine.. ( 198 I. Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden A t tutty col· lege ptolesaor saves hla tathef'• llounder- tng garment factory by lnwntlng a new ~ of i.di.t' jffna. 'A' ( 1 hr., 31 min ) • llOWll "Hta t<lnd Of Women" (1961. ama) Aobtf1 Mtlchum. Jene RueMll. When • man dilcollert thel he'• Ming uMd to enec1 the retum of an .,,atrlet.ct gangater from Mexico. he landa hll atfofle to bOrcler ottlclllt to Pf~I the man'• .... entry to the U.8. (2 tn., 26 min.) -lalunlay Coal. "'I:=:-. m Oii LA. r talu•t \J • ltlX>fl Ull • llOppcm QIOl•P IOI ..,.'"''* Of rnurdt ft d Chlldffln, ntw l <IVl l"tCM In dffl) Mt ~ltv :·~·~~ Wlllllim Sl111l11er al m • Mal D9eo Ft•fuf.0 II reporl 011 SH World'• ti.•cl'toO 11nlm11 1111cu11 pt~ram, buying home vldtt<> g1me1 a 11)()1. ar IPfH;la( S 0 Cn1111101t t ver\111 trx 1uo1ng 1 oeapo11 v111aue lee ahuw ano Neu11an M11co1' 0<n1111en1 ui11pjay I~ • M>llA ... 11111 COlUU IAlllTIAU Wyo1n11111 CowbOy!I 111 Memphl9 S111e I ioe111 (2 his ) <Ol ... MOall'Y PhllaOell)fllll rty11111 1/9 LOfl Anoetes Kings (3 his ) QD eouJt1 t••ta Bol&e SIBie 81 on cos vs Long Beach Stale 49er5 (3 hrs ) .. • llJ WALT ~ 'Bfackoeara's Gho:.1" A college track coactl (Dean June&) "uts saddlao wlltl the gho111 o( the tamed pirate Btaci..t>eara (Paler Ustinov) who nas Deen cursea to wande1 1n limbo unlit he pe1fo1ms a good deed (Pan 2) L1 hf) D cm '"ow-w-nrr ITWU ArnOld and W1I hs receive a trunk conta1n1ng a 11umt>e1 of special 111u11111n1os f1om 1he11 chlldhOOO it llOV9 "Tom Thumb' ( t958, Fanto sy) Russ Tamblyn. Alan Young A wee young lad adopred by a kindly old couple becomjjS a m1n1a1ure ne10 Whan he lolls 1he evil µtans 01 1wo dasta1dly 11111a1ns (2 hrs I U ®> TJ. HOC*lll Hooke1 ltghls 10 prove rhe 1nr1ocem:e of a yOung gang membe1 he has a11esled 1n a mu1der 1nves11gallon ( t hr ) 0 llOVll Crucible Ot Hmror" (1970 Ho1101) Michael Gougn. Yvonne Mitchell A s1n1ste1 man •S delermoned to drove hos wile over lhe b11nk ol sanity (2 hrs ) ~ = Fred Asla11e Presents The Fo>. Musicals" ( t974, Musical) Fred Asta11e. F1ank 'Sinatra The best or Fo•'s musicals are recalled by lhe1r stars (2 his ) (I) llOV9 "The Killer Elite" ( 1975, A<)vtnlUI•) J•"'" Cun. Robelt OuvaN l~ CIA h11" a PfOIMllONI •MaMln to pi Ole<.1 • Chine. f\OllllCal acl tliltl (~ h11 ) ~ ~ G1ace 8umb1y 1t1ra tn m11 ope11 •• 1 tu.ty, tempe1tuuu1 gypty wltl't Jo" Vlckt11 •• lhw mi n who tt)fio-het to loll Ottl10011on (3 hfl) e ~ "Myrhe And Tht Mound l>ullder•" "'cnaeologlt11 a11.1dy hug• edrtllitn muundt ~tlttltd m1ovghout the 1.enttal Untied Stat .. whleh wtre bvllt by ea11y Ame11een lndlan11 (R) D ( l ''' ) II> '4Ql LOleC* wmt RlWI DIYAm Tile Ute OI lhe Ct lllotnllfl 1uthot II tlllCed 1to111 n1• youth 10 n11 untimely death at the &ue ol 40 II\ a oocu drama ata111ng Wttllam Ot!vane (C} MCW9 'Rougn Cut" ( 1980. Ad11en- twe) Burt A1ynoldt. ltitley·Anne Down A British 110Gl1111te lure• an 1n1ern11t1ona1 1ewel Ihle! out ol 1etlfemen1 to help her s1eat $30.000,000 '" dlan1onda 'PG' ( 1 hr . 52 min) ilil ll0¥9 "l h8 Howling" ( 1981, Horror) Dee Wallace. Patrick Macnee A woman repoiler Is menaced by a kllle1 who seems to be 1 we1ewolf 'R' ( I hr . 3 t min ) (() M:1C • •tM -.0 • CC*C9l'T Sp11ng lletd sings "Jesse's Girl" end other hits In a per10fmance lfom the new Urnve1sat Amphllheatre In LOS Angele& ( t hf ' JO min ) .. <ID ... lcll G 8) am woe. Ricky end hrs la1ne1 go on a weekend camping trip wllh a Q.!_Oup 01 scouts. Gil llOV9 "The SH anger" ( t946, Suspense) Edwerd G Robinson, Orson Welles. A smatf.lown college p1otesso1 and pllla1 of his community turns out to be a hunted Nazi war criminal ( t h1 .. 30 min) M (.2) C1WUt ~ TAUCt """-"James Toback" .. • (I) llOV9 "Games Mother Never Taught You" (Premlele. Comedy) Lo1et· ra Sw1t. Sam Wa1ers1on A hard-woik1ng corpcratron secrelary Is promoted and becomes the firs! woman e.11ecullve 1n an olhce whe1e the men have made all the 1ules. (2 hrs ) D 8) -A mM Julie develops a hopeless crush on a high school foolball 1111 WflO oolyl'lal ey .. IOI Kelle • l1J LM IOAT A mothef 11ld !'tel CS.ughte1 111\(j 11\em .. f11• •t Odda when 10. young g111 tallt In tove. 0 Qptwtr t1i.t to 11111-11111 1 lady he met w'1ti. Ol't vtcatloo. and two woo1tn vi. IO• lht 1fttQlloot ot 1 olere=t,tl.( I l1r J i llY1191Y "l-•th11r l,J1own The 6e(rtl Garden" While v11111n11 Partt, l'ather 01ow11'e pcwere 01 aerecllOl't ert t"tt<S wnerl a dl!ceplt&ted t>Ody I• found In t Q!fd•n D ( 1 111 I ID .,.-"Sn Fuie" ( 1981, ComtKlyJ Ryan O'Neal. J•Ck W11<1en A •IUfty cOI le~ protosBOt saves n1s l111hef'1 ftounoe1 lflCI uar01en1 tactOly by inventing a new t~ of tadtea' tNn• 'R ( 1 ht • 3 f min ) IZJ MCW9 "Love & Mooey" ( 1980. Ad11entu1e) Ray Sharkey, Omelia Mutt " Lo11 Angeles bank employee's Ille le tumed upslde·down when he 1neet1 end becomes rom11nt1cally ln11ot11ed with lh1 wire 01 a wealthy Geiman en1rep1eneu1 'A' (I ht . 36 min ) .. (Q')ll0¥9 "The MtiglC Bo•" (195'1. Blog· rephy) Robert Donat. Laurance 0011le1 Wtlham Frlese·Greene. 1nventoi of thtt motion picture came1a leads 11 Hagle Ille (2 1't18) .. D GD &.Oft, ....V Sidney bel11ends 11 st1eet·w1se teen-age hOOker end brings her home to try lo reform he1 (P111t 1) (.£)SA Mm OP TMI-(II) CID llO¥m "Patern11y" ( 1981. Comedy) Bwt Reynolds. Be11e11y D'Angero A bach elo1 In his forties who wan1s to be a lathe1 searches lor the nght woman to bear his child 'PG' ( 1 h1 . 35 min.) (L,) CS) llCMI "So Fine" ( 1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neal, Jack Waiden A stutly col tege professor saves l'tl& lather's 11oonae1 mg ga1menl factory by 1nven11ng a new 1ype ol tad1es· leans 'R' ( 1 hr . 31 mln ) .. D GD TMI DOU1ca11•cnoes Brian inad verlenlty becomes 1nvOlved In a "Maltese Fatcon'~e murder myslery (I hr ) 11,.,,,,,.y m.All> A beautiful fef)O(t· er sets out to prove that Mr. Rourke Is a fraud. and a man tries to llnd out It his brother 1eally deserted the A1my Q ( t hr) OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS Now Would You Lik• to • • • • Learn a n•w •le/II • Develop Le11d•r•hlp • Mak• New Friend• • Enjoy Regular Clvlll11n Life rzml-1 NATIONAL GUARD The&od~ 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa w. ,,,., ... • Excellent CarHr Opportunltl•• For H.S. GrMlu•I• or Equlv•l•nt • Tr11lnlng For P.apl• With No Mlllt11ry Experience • Ag• 11 or prior to 35th blrthd11y • Opening• tor Prior Service Individual• SOUND INTERESTING ... ??? CALL TODAY 9 79-7363 (bet,,._n 8 30 am. -4.30 p.m ) ONOY GEH•ING SSGT. Friday, N o vember 26, 1982 19 _. .................. ---------------~- -Sunday Conl. rr•WllTTD ._,... C°"1.Alll TMZM ...UC~ MT Oii DllCOYIJIY WOOOT WOODPICUll AIC FMJl)I TOGA fOll HI.AL TM MIDATllAll llllO¥ll "Are Yo11 In Tnp H•uJ'>t' A1n11~? (1978 Suspen5401 Kat111epr l;Pi11•1 [11y1ht' Danne1 12 tirs 1 {Q) llOWll Treasure 1.,1,,, d t l'Jl.! ACven1ure) Or!.Or' Well.-. "'"' 8url•eld L! h1 , 34 min I CS) 'ALL LM Surle1 Nat v111i11y M•O rme style sl<ung champ.on Rar1dy W""nan llJke on lhe th11lls and spills c I thP 1 .. gh wave~ and steep slopes IUCLID ITIUT unvT autCH M ........ O/ITMIMEWt M c:omRmlT ~AMI TMI llOIOT DA~U TV-4 LOOH AT LliN•IQ UOYDOGl.YW ._,, IWAOUll'T --~ ntl--.OT llllO¥ll "F15ts 0 1 Fury 1 1•171 Adven ture) Bruce Lee, Maria Y1 I 1 hr 4J ni1n ) M !IZ) llOWll 'Splendor In lt1e G1ass ( 196 t. Orama) Nala11e Wo•Jd Warren Beatty (2 hrs . 30 min I -MIDAY~ Tiil • 1"1 LR IONYI AMI,_.,. ••1DUL-..... UTT.-•UGHT UOYDOGl.YW IA ... _.,PM.WILL ~ ILICmc CO.AMY (II) ....... llOWll 'Force F111r ''>IM11enge1s (t98t. Sc1encc f'1C1111111 A1uro1111tid I' hr , •O min) (%) llllO¥ll "Three Days 01 Tnp Condo1 (1975. Suspensa) Robelf nedtord Fay11: Ou":;i'ri,2 hrs) -1 ~ ~1s C.h111cn nt Jew<. Christ of La11e1day Sa1n1~. discusses Nallonal Famrly Week 1<.11 Poole tells how family Ille Is emphas11ed 1n the Mormon Church, Hemet Prich111d Trinity rresbyte· rlan Chvrch lllOfU7 1"1LMAYll _,_,_ATCAL.YMY W.Cll.MCI ILICmc CC.Ntf' (II) DIOWYCM-.r ....... ..,_ "Raggedy Ar111 And Andy'" ( 19n , Adventure) Anima1eo I 1 hr 25 min I ·1=~~MQIUI -=~_,.. " . ..,,.. .... mmf(1t)D .. "H11pe1 V8Jl,.,y PIA' I t978. Comedy) Barbera Eden, Ronny Co~ (2 ;-~ .. •1PAOITM111Anoet IR• R.,_.T MY•l9Cl~W ... ._ .... C!Clflt.Me 22 Friday. November 26, 1982 ' TMl--.0 TC*OMOW NEwtClifTlll WIBl. y TMIUWllMBI lllOv. 't Go Pogo" ( t980 Sahre) An1ma1eo Voices of Jona!han W1n1ers. Vincent P11ce ( I hr . 20 min ) 01\lllUY~ ,.. 9 COl.L.IQl fOOTIAU. Notre Dame vs use 12 hrs . 30 min I 0 NFL fOOTIAU. Regional coverage 01 Ba1t1m0te COits at Buffalo 81Us Houston 01ters a1 New England Patriots Los Ange tes Aa1de1s at C1nc1nna11 Bengals (3 nrs ) U lllOv. ·A Connectocut Yankee In King Arthur's Couit' ( 1949, Comedy) Bing Cwsby, Rnonda Fleming (2 hrs) U ATnllllOWlll (I) NFL ~T9ALL Regional coverage of Chicago Bears at Minnesota V1lungs Green Bay Packers al New York Jets Ph1tadelpn1a fagles at Washington Re<l si..1ns St Louis Cardinals at Atlanta Fat C.or'IS (3 hrs ) u lllMLD"" 11IUTM Cf) QNZ'.D. y ADAMI I MXHlmMD CMTOOMI 1MI UWllMIM Correspondents l tn <la Werthe1me1 and Co1<1e Rot>etts 10111 Paul Duke 101 an up-to·th&-mtnute som mary of Congressional ac11111t1es ' TO•A_,.lllCID ~ ( ) WOllTIClln'lll ) 90Vll "Herper Valle~ PTA (1978 Comecy) Barbare Eden. Ronny Co• f2 hrs I cS) llOYll "tee Castles ( t 9 79. Romance) l vnn-Holly JOhnson, Robby Benson ( I hr . SO min ) 0 lllOY'm "Schlock" (1973 Horrof) John Landis Saul Kahan ( 1 hr 20 mtn ) \ZlllOWI 'Ord1naryPeople (1980.0ia ma) Mary Tyler M00<e Donald Suther land (2 nrs 3 min ) ~ LO. kJll\.M -tt7l lllOW "Love With The Proper Strang- e(' ( 1964, Romance) Natalie Woo<J. Steve McOueen (2 his } *II D ®l IDT Oii ml AM NOPL1 TOO Guests actress Kathertne Helmortd, actOI Gregory HarrlSOn, Or Hooll, comic Pat ~url:6.:J~ l..,,M.WJ. OflBl-um.I NOUll Get • ...,,.. WALL~-"WhAl's New From Xebe11?" Guest Charles Grayson. editor. The Xabex AepOft (£) mT ~ Lrva coverage of the annual CFLC:,;=o~ame. (3 nrs ) 1'•~ llATGWI QM1IMI 'MMll Frazier Thomas and Denise Cannon host lh19 annual event In which Santa CIAvt makes his l11st ap~aranoe of the ae11aon ( 1 hr . 30 min) cm m¥ll "Gay Purr-ee" ( 1962, Muslcal) Animated. voices of Judy Garland. Robert GoulMJ2 hrs} e 1wsa ntlATM "fo Serve Them All My Days" De111d runs Into some tough compernk>n from within his own ranks and from an outalder when he becomes 1 candidate IOf helldm111e1 of Ba~de Schoof (Put 7) O ( 1 hr.) G ti Ul19l nm.ftlrMITI CC) .. "Lov• Mt Or LHve Me" (1955. Mulleal) Doris Day, Jarnet Cagney. (2 h11 ) (HJ ..,_ "Spntnx" ( 198 I, Adwlnture) Franll La~1. Lesley-A~ Down (I h1 , 59mln .-... t1:111 9 TlllWBk wmtDAvm~ ,_., COLl·MITTMB QUQC•Mteom IMOOA I tUWSnll l'MMIUQH 1MI MT1 ~ ~ Roben Ost>oume hosts lh1s look a1 upcoming movies and specials Afternoon t2im I TIIB ITOOQU . llMCM llllO¥ll "Hey The1e. It's Yogi Bear" (1964 Comedy) Animated Vo<ces of Ju11e Bennell, James Damin (2 hrs.} fii) GMAT llafOMIAllCll "The Charter- house Of Parma'" Gina poisons the Prince ol Parma to avenge the 1mp11sonment of he• nephew aNer ne escapes f1om the fortress. rabr1z10 1s oblMous to all out his love tor Clelia (Part 5) ( 1 hr ) ~ llMT m.111 llOOM ~AIDllO IUWI llHAYIOll fl llOYll "American Pop" ( 198 t. Musi- cal) An1mate<l ( t hr , 37 min ) ·-s: AIA* a.ATM "Concert F0< The Ame11cas· OrlJmmer Buody Rich ioins Sinatra in a conceit at 1he Altos De Cha- von Ampn1theetre 1n the Dominican Republic ( 1 hr . 25 min ) 0 llOYll "The Lillie P11nce" ( 1974. Musical) Richard Ktley. Gene Wiider ( t hr 30m1n) Z> llOWll Aockshow" 11980 Muslcal) Paul McCa11ney and Wings ( t hr 45 min) m AUAI _.,,. Aa ~ IHI@ llO¥ll "Inside Daisy Clover" I 1966. Orama) Natalie Wood. Christopher Plummer (2 hrs 30 min ) 1t:a I IR TODAY WALLmBT ....,_9GllT . ftD, ftD WOllLD "" MmM.I LAiim INCW. A IOOlc b8cll at the fea- ture lllms ol Lasste 1s presented ( 1 hr ) l ,....CTM ~ ~-..... -.aw. 1• II '9l fll001aAL.L New Orleans Saints at San Francisco 49ers (3 nrs ) D GI) 19\ fll001aAL.L Regtonat coVf!fage ol Kansas City Chlels et Loe A"981es Rams; Denver Broncos 111 San [);ego Cna1gers: Plt1sbUrgh Steelers at Seattle See;.:.w~) I==--..... T,,_. DOClllU CllCCIT Animated A moslcal cricket. a daring mouse and a CIO'Je1 cat directly Influence the course of the American Ae11~ullon I ~· llAl\19 "Forest In The Clouds'" The dark undef'NO!td of the ttoplcal rain lores! In the Cotta Rican mountalne la viewed !hr) .. CAlto'fB BR ..,_ "Carbon Copy" (1 981, Come- dy) QeQ(ge Segal. Susan St1lnt James ( t hr , 35 min) ®..,. "Any Which Way YOIJ Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Cllnl EHIWOOd. Sonctre LOCkt (I hr , 45 min.) G _,,_ IAI01MU. ArlzOl'll V'I. CSFU~ ;."·) *I'" MOTi Kizzy (Lelllt Ugoamt) ht4pt I young tlallt to run away 1.nd It tOld aa punittlment and raped by tier new OWi"« ~~:6;,'&;~~~ .. ~ ... "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" I). -luncl .. ,:::.~" .,...tcOM l lllO'ftl Shoo '>1111\tt I l!l<I/ 1l11rn111 J ll111nlflo S 1110t<1om I t11t1t ti lt1111111111ut11 1,• ht~"'°"" 11.1 m 9 lllO'ftl l u1<11 I\ Mt 111t1y I IUIJll AOvu11lut11J n11y •,11.,tkoy c 1111111111 Mu11 1 t ht Jt> 111111) .. ~CMTOOMI aw WMA"W? .. l'(M (MM l'ml H.,liijl1111 A11<J ~•tt•t1•1ll ly Whal Shatt W11 11111 lr1u Cr11IOtt111 I O<J11ulttb [ dwa1oi. luu~s •JI hnw lour ruhu IUU~ lfllll•IUllO!lb h!Hldlu Ml~ tJUU{ 1111011 ~llllJ) I09lllT ICHUUlll I fRA* e.ATM 'Co11u111 I or ltw Ameru .. ab" Orurnm11r Buuoy ll•c..h 1u1r1~ !:i111111r.t 1n a co11c..ur1 ac lhtt Allu~ De Chu von Amph1lht1a11e 1n t11t1 Oum1n1tw1 Repuuhc ( 1 ttr :>ti m111) l lllOVtl 'Mnn 01 La Man1..ha 1191;> Musical) Pe1e1 o· Toole Suph1o1 I or en 1 <' hrs , tO min) .. 1 atllTOfltllll ClOllUP .. CAl'TMtU-.ROO --.. Tltl lflOKa WON> C~ ~ VllWOiiT OM~ TM* "Pelvic t-teallh" Gu11s1s ac11e:.ses Janis Pt11ge and Kim Lonl\lord Oere Adonis. pres1den1 or rhe Cahto1nm Ch110f)l8CloC A5SOC•ahon IUNDA y lllONINQ 0 Yount AMD Tltl IUUH "Ca111pus AICuhOhcs" I ~ ltOllllR ltOOlt ~ "DAv1s Cuµ f111ul!. I 1ve ~·livtH ~e 01 rrance vs USA (4 nr~) .I " -"" - Hou lloward 1s the Grand Mars hal of tht• 1982 llollywood Christmas Parade• to bt• a irt•d ut 6 p.m ., Sunday 011 KTl.A. m AGNCU. TIMI U.1.A. ~ lllOVll "Return Of The Oragun ( l'lf.' Adventure) Bru1;.e lee Lh111..I> Nom:. 1 t hr 31 min ) Ml @ LotT M IPACI l:U (~) Tltl QOt.D IUQ Cap1a111 K11Jd':. bu11ed treasure and 1wo mysle11ous sr1ange1~ add up ro suspense ana aavenlure 101 d vouno boy t:ao1==uo QROWleQ YIAM • YOYAll ffi) lllOVtl "Any Which Way You Can' ( 1980, Comedy) Clint E11s1wood. Sondra Locke ( 1 hr • 45 rnin ) CHICAOOI AMD CHURCH HOUR .. ~ IPIAIOUT _ - 1• 1 TOOAY't MUGION '*"CAT UTNIWCN..1 TEN WAYS TO AN EAHLY GRAVE l . '111Jr joh 1·u1111• .. I 1r .. 1: 1wr .. u11al 1·01..,1 cl•·ral io11 .. 11ro· 2. (,o to 11 ... offi1·1· 1·H·11i11i.: ... "lalu rtla >' .. "'11111111)"• holi- .. ,., . .,,11l11r1 . lluy .... :J . t 111 ''"'"'"I-:""'"'" '"" tl1111·1 ,.:o lo th•· ,.rfj,.,._ 1uk 1• 1h1· hr11·fra .. 1· ho111•· "'t h \1111. 5 . \1•t•qJ1 a ll i11 ' i1u1io11 .. lo 1111·1·1i 11i:. ... l11111q1w1 .. , 1·0111 - 7 . 9 . 111 i111 •1· ........ . IC1·,.:arcl f1 .. l1i1111.. h11111i 11 i:.. i.:ulf. ho" 11111-:. l1illiartl ... 1•11 r1I .... i.:arcl1•11 i11i:. "" u "'"'"' uf 1i1111· u111I 1110111'). '\1· .. ·r il1·l1·1-tut1· r""l'"""il1il1l\ 111 ulht•,...: 1·arn t l11· l'rtfin· luncl )llt1r .. 1·lr al a ll l111w ... 4 .. l>rl\t' ra .. 1 lw1·1111 .. 1· ~u11'r1· la lt·. (). 0 0 11 '1 1·a t a ro· .. 1ful. r1·l:"111,.:. 1111•al: a l";')" 11la 11 a l'1111f1·r1·111·•· fur )our 11111..!1 hour . ~~. H1·li1•v1• it', poor 1>olin lo l1tk•· all 1h1• \Ul'Hli1111 u llo..,1·11 )OU . I 0 . H )"Ur work 1·a ll .. fo r lr11 \f·li11i.:. '"'ork a ll 1l1t) unJ tlrh t• all 11 i1i:h1 lu k1·1·p 1h1· 111·'1 111or11i11i.;· .. lll'IM1i lll01t'lll. I la rho.-Lc.nvu · Ylount {)li\'e "'•'flH 1• \ lcn l< wial Ptll'I\ · \ 1orl u<u~r · Crematory . . 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave . at Harbor Blvd.) Ph. 540-5554 Fnday. November 26, 1982 21 -Sunday Conl. ~ llAOAm'I PUCI I)~ '<lfl ~ Puppets tell 111e story 01 me greatest Christmas g1t1 that onecangrve @ ITU__, A mus1ca biography ol compaser Igor S11av1n'.lo.y combining interview and oertormance following the three s1ages ot his crPatrve life (Part 2) ~ ~ ClllAT\lllU CRAT Am l&W "' MAn. 'The Ot~OVl'r)' 0 1 Animal Behavior Nalural Mysteries" An e'plora lion into animal behavior includes a look al modern sc1en1111c research ano a re ere at1on ol the work 01 13th c11ntury nalural 1st monarch Fredern:k II CJf t-lot1ensla11ten ~hr) ~ICOTUI MOft The Pursuit 0 1 D B Cooper" ( 1981 Adventure I Treat Williams. Roberl Duvall A lh1el sky1aclo.s a pl1Jne and para chutes to sa re1y over Oregon with a for tune on s1olen monPy PG' ( I hr 40 min) (Z) MOft · Thrl'e Days 01 The Condor ( 1975, Suspense) Robert Reoloro Faye Dunaway A rese.1rc.h rec1der employed by the CIA uncovers ir•ternal lreachery when all of hrs cO-wOfkers are assass1na1ed by a =lnot F:,S~~hrs I 1lll ,,_ ~T IMTA CUUI CAl'lll leA ~ Goloen Stale Warr1 0<s at Los Angeles Lakers (Note Due 10 mandatory FCC regutat•ons lhlS game may not ba seen 1n your areal (2 hrs JO min) 1113 COUlGl F<>C>'nAU CSt I v~ las Vegas (3 hrs ) ... Cl) Metm..._.PUCI CID CtlPI A group of wrld kids and some would-be nude sunbathers ru111 the CHP crew's ouung at Grossmao s beach nouse (1 hr) 8 BITBT._,Ttll WID 9 MAn ttOUtTO. M11t1 Houston Investigates lhe kidnapping of the 14 year-old son of a wealthy Arab 1111~11 ( 1 hr) I " . WllTTIJt TWIU9fT mlll m¥ll "The Gra~ Is Always Greener 0v8f The Septic Tank" ( 1978. Comedy) Carel Burnett, Charles GrO<lln A New YOfk City couple pack up their lhree chit dran and move 10 whal they think Is lhe easy hie of the suburt>S (2 hrs ) • mWll "Hunt8fs 01 The Wiid" ( 1974, Adventure) Documentary A white men. Stuart Pringle devotes nearly 20 years of his Ille to en on-IOcallon study of terruorlal Alrlca (2 hrs ) ~ • llAM:M Of IMAW A documentary on the writing of George Barnard Shaw's authorized biography by Mlc"8el Holroyd concentrating on Shaw's early Illa e MAT\m "The Discovery Ot Animal Beha11lor Natural Mystarlea' An explore· non Into antmal behavior lncludea a fool< •I modern sc~ntlfk: research and a re-cre- ation ot the w0<k of l3th·century natural Isl monarch Frederick II of Hohenslaulen lt hr) ID llAllW •Cl MATM "To Serve Them All My Caye" The new headmaster teunchet 11 campaign to rid the 1ehool of wti1t l'le thinks ere a "netwOl'k of unheelthy lrlerld9hlpt." (Part 8) c;i (I h_!,) ct).,_ "Carbon Cooy" (198 1. Come· 24 Friday, November 26. 1962 dy) George ::.ega1 Susan Sa1n1 James A successtul "'""e ous1nes!.man O•scovers that he ti.as a prowr son who is black Pt.. ( 1 hr 35 tT•1n ) H IT~ ~ O.Y Go1intry Rock 62 The Oa~ RodgP Bc,ys the C"81l1e Dan1ets Oari<:J artd R('lsarn e Casn pertorm 1ne1r rates1 nit" 1n this oenetr1 concPtt tarea at the Pme 811111 Convention Center l' hr 30 n1tn J OJ llOVW 'So r .rie 1t9A1 C<•mPdy) Ryan O'Nea1 Jack wa11Jeo A !>lully col tege µrutcssor <.Aves hoc; t;ifher's liou11de1 1ng ya1mt;n1 fil<;t111y Oy 1nvcnl1ng a new ltf!P. of tad•e'> 1ean<> 'R ( t hr J 1 min ) S' llOYW P1Plty Mil1ds /\II In A now ( 1971 My~fpiy) ncJcf. Hudson. Angie D1cl\1r1son '\ g1111:lan1.P t.0unse101 me idol ot a bevy ot t11yh sd11JOI beilutres. works wllh a 1eache1 ,:irnJ a pul1ce cap1air1 1n solving the my<,1pry of several 1'.heerleader k1llrngs 'R ( 1 hr 32 rr1111 ) 0 llOVW N1g1 1Mwks · ( 1961 Dr.ima) Sylvester S1c1111me Silty DN:> W1111ams A Wugh New York C•ly ~IJP h;)s his wor~ cut out lor t\irn "'ih0•' c)nP nt the world's m01>t dangerous 1errc)rists arnVP'> m his city R' ~hr , 39m1n) .. IEMY FAl.WIU t::'9 CJ) CllONA Gh.Jlla gono 1n1ent1ons could tanct her rn 1a11 whPn c;he troec, 10 sign Dr Adams up for Social Sec:uroly benPllts I Tltf ~ TOllOMOW SATWDAY MIGHT CAMll>A George BernJrd SMw -; scathing commentary on tnvP marriage ano f1dehly starrmg E\lythe Danner Ectwaro Herrmann anc Au~t•n Pendleton ( 1 hr 30m1n I .. 8 CJ) Tltf ~George refuses 10 accept l"e obvious and I 1er. to piece IOgether ctues that will substan1ta1e hos own the~l.llll the rnur\Jer tPart 2) CJ m 'The f •PCUt1oner's Song , (Pilrl I) (Prem11>re. Drama) Tommy Lee ,Jones Rosanna Arquette Ba~d on the book by No1 man Maller The last nine rnnn1hs 1n lhe life of Gary Gilmore, a con· v1cteo ntutderer who demanded !hat ne be pu1 to Cleath and was eventually axe· culP.d by a firing squod 1n 1977 are dram allzed (2 hrs ) GllCH.UI>~ D 9 MOft "The Etecrroc Horseman' ( 1979 Drama) R0De1t Redford. Jane Fonda A Les Vegas cowboy steals a S t2 n11lhon thoroughbred horse to save him from his explortatove owners 0 (2 hrs . 30m1n) Ci> """ '°"°" 9 ~ MATill 'lo Sefve Them All My Days" The new heiadmast8f launches a campaign to ttd the school of what he thinks are a "rtetwOfk ol unneatrhy trlenoshlps (Part 8) 0 (l hr) ell llYl'TlllY ·T atner Blown The Secret Garden" Whtie 111s1tlng Paris. Father Brown's powers of de1et1lon are tetlecl when a decapllafad body Is tound In 1 Q!lden D I t hr ) (jJ llCMI "Clrcla 01 Two" ( 1960 Romance) Richard Burton. t a1um O'Ne11I Despite strong parental oppoal- llon. a poignant romance ~lope between a 60-year-010 a111a1 and 11 prec. o- c1ous teen-age sehootglrl 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min) Cl>.,._ "Ordinary People" (l980. Ora· ma) Mary Tyt.t MOO!t, Donald Suthef- tat'ld. A gullt-rldclen teen-t,Q4'r trying 10 put hf& Ille back togall'lar eftat hit brother'• death and hie own aulolda 1119'T'IPI rN ch- " out to hi• oomplncent falhef and hit cold, reserved mother 'R' (2 llre , 3 min) .. @ OP119W 1::118 CJ) C. DAY AT A Tm Julie's prema· lure labor pains may force an unexpecte<J l~ilernate deltvery plan into achon (Part WLDKleGDC* JACICYM91 MOft "Mogamoo ( 1954 Drama) Clark Gable Ava Gardne1 When e planta· tton oversee1 falls 1n love with the wile ot an engineer co11t11c ts arise (2 hrs 30 nun) IC) MOft 'Rich And Famous" (1981, Drama) Candice Be1gen Jacqueline Bls- Sl'I Throughout the ups and downs ot lhP11 respective hterary careers and •C1mant1c fives. two women depend on the11 tr1endsh1p for s1ab1llty 'A' ( 1 hr , 55 min) IH 1IOVll "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980 Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke Before setrhng down Wtlh his girl and PP.I orangutan a bare-listed flghter <;rgns up for one test, lucra11ve match 'PG' LI hr 45 min) ( 0 ) llCIHT Of A DOZBe ITAM Highlights of a celebrlly fund-raiser tor the National Com- m111ee tor an EHect•ve Congress includes performances by Ed Asner. Howard Hesseman. Chevy Chase John Riller and Robin Wtlhams -a (I) TU"8 '°9le, ILD. Trapper John leaves San Francisco Memortal to become a country doctor and Stanley R1vers1de 1s suddenly ltred from ltle llosoilal stall ( t hr) I ..... WOllD '°"TODAY ITU~ A musical b10Qrapny of composer lg0< S1rav1ns~y combining interview and perlormanoe fotlOWlng the 1hree stages of his creative fife (Pan 2) ti nr) 8B ..,..,,.. • AmJllCM Alff Erte Sloane, chronlcler of the spirit of America's rural past, talks about his collecting, his wrlllng and hos awaro·w1nning paintings: narrated ~ Alexander Scourby lilD .,... lllOIT...,.. "The Unpleas- antness At Tlle Bellona Club" Five people stand 10 gain from the general's death. but one ot them must lose everything, {Part 4) ( t hr.) ([) IR TillATa IUT IYIR ........ ~ rl.w DAY II ._ A Powerful tamlly turns a small town Into a modal rejuvena- tion projacl (Pan 1) Cl~ ·'The Last Tycoon·· ( l 976, Ora- ma) Robert DeNt10, Jeanna Moreau In the HotlywOO<! ot the 1930s. one man'a success makes him the Wand of stars, the envy ot PoW81·hutlllgry executives, and the most allglble bachelol In lown 'PO' (2 hrs, 2 mTn) -([l) mWll "Fury Al Smuggler's Bay" t 1963. Adventure) Peter Cushing, Michele Mercier A notOflous. scavenging pirate causes a reign of le1ror along the British coeatll~rs) -1 =WU fJ/I AlmM.i _..,..~ ..,,.MIMIT T'Clllf __.~ ··11 TV Otf-col- or?" Tony Brown pr ... nta an e•l)OH of Iha power alructure In commerclat tei.vl· alon news. and explorn the powe<ie. nett ot black raportert and the paucity of blacll1 In management. (D)A .. M'tM- (1) A .. MY • -A powetfU! !amity h•N • emaH town Into a model rejW9M· tlon '= (Part 2) .. 1 .... 'tlNITINll -lunclay Cont. ( IU06. r •lllnty) [>11,.k V•11 Oyile 8 1Uy • A.1111 tiuwt1• (I ru • I I llOnm GOo. 'MAii AOAM>U umoMt.atm•n AUTO IACM C(lv•1 •Ue <11 lhe NAS {:Af'l S11ll11nu ff nm N1.111h W1ikHOu•11. N C (H) (I 111 .10 111111 ) !I ).,.. 'thu r t1u1 Hu11>e,,1on 0 1 Tho Aµuca1yp11t1' ( 1062 CJ11rn111) 01en11 f unJ LH J Col>b (2 h•• 33 111111 ) 9 llOWI "Pttlonlll'f I 19U I (,.,,ir"dy) Bull R11y11oh1b Bnv111ly ()' Anu•1l11 ( I ru 3611\lll) h41l%) llOWI 'A I Olttwell l o A1n111 ( 1932 Orn1M) < "'' y Coupt!• Holt111 1111 ~"~ ( I 111 30 n1lf1) * I QIL&JUWt Ill.MD Wom9WOMM llOWI "Sh111lo1.k Huhna& In New York" ( 1976 Myi.hHy) RoUll• Moo1e Pa111ck Macnee (2 hrs) U) llOWI "Chilly CMty Banu Bar11f' ( 1968 I antBSy/ Dock Van Dyke Sally Ann Howes (3 his ) «I).,.. "Fanny· ( 1961 Musical) Mau m:e Che\lalle1, Leslie Ceron (7 n1s) @ C~ Grace Bun11>1y sla1s In 11\IS ope1a as a lusty tempestuoui. gyµsy with Jon V1cke1s 8& lhe rnen who lollows he1 to n1s destrucllon (3 n1s ) I AlmlCMt lnlMITI lmlOOUCllG llOlOGY llOYll "Charlie Mullin" ( 1974. Adven lure) David Hemin1ngs. Ralph R1cha1dson Bhrs ) a:. CILUUWt Ill.MD "°°'1 K1uy gives birth tc> a son, Chicken Georye \Ben Vere{ln) ta1hereCJ by her owner wno raises fighting rOOllters~ i~llOlOQY -· ~ llOWI "The Intruder" ( 1961 Drama) William Shatner Frank Ma~well ( 1 hr 30 mint ta@ ,.., ..... WOlll.J) Of JACQUll cow. TIAU Ml 9 MOYll 'Miracle On J4th Street" ( 1947. Comedy) Mau1een O'Ha1a. John 1Pay~5~~~ llftOOOCM llOlOQY M\lm IPOllfT A sc1ent1!lc e.11plorat1on ol athletic pe1torn1ance which can aid alt1 letes on 1mprov1ng the11 game (A) !ID ITAll*G 9'00M OM.Y "Sherlock Holmes ·• The Strange Case 0 1 Alice Faulkner" The master detec1111e searches for stolen love letters 1n this siege prOduc· lion, taped at the WIJhamstown Theatre Festival 1n Massachusetts, Franl< Langella and Stephen Collins star (2 hrs ) LL) Titl OOlmN AQI Of TILIV*'* ''Wind F1om The South" Donald Woods and Julie Ha1t1s star 1n a dramatic tale of unrequited love centered around several American couples 1n a small Irish inn (2 hrs ) 0 MOYll "fhe Survivor' ( 198 1, Fanta· sy) Roben Powell, Jenny Aguiler ( 1 hr , 24 min) UI 0 AT 1"1 llOYlll f1ll -WA1191GTOll Host Mark Shields looks at the interplay of pol1trcs. powe• and people 1n the nation's capitol ~ Dll1••111 Nam lllllNOM ~ MOYll "Badge 373" ( t973, 01arna) Robert Duvall, Verna Bloom ( 1 hr 55 min) UI I NICI NOfU W LAIT Of 1"I WLD ~y Location Dog Show. Devon· 1111111~1; NurthrlCIU• I 1 111 JO mf11 r wa.oo.uca.•on. MON ·ciuc..10111 Ot llo11e11 1 w fO I hJllU•) M1d111el Oouult 't'Vlll\110 Ml11.htll lC' '"' ) U MA'l'T MOUITO-. Motl ltuu•to11 111v11b1I gain 11111 lihln11pp1ng ot Ill• 14 Y"llr otO !IOI\ ol 11 Wtlaltfly Att!b kh1\J (I rtr I «I) llOYll W1nc..llet>!11r !'\'. ( 1!1!10 Wo111 "'"' t11111ub ~1uwt1rl. ~!111ll11y W111to•~ (<' tu~ I fll WAUSTMITWllll( "Wr1111'!1 N11wI1u111 Xubu~?' Ciuaul (,t11ult1b tl1nyt1on 1ul1tur ! tua XabetA H11p1>rf CID llOWI '~h111t" ( 191 I 01t1n11•t ~11r h 1111.1 H01H1<11rue. Mu..e8 Ounn (2 h•9) m 111~*-llTIWI i°ClllOWI "Aro You 111 The Huut111 Alur111? ( t970. Sut1j)ctrt!IO) Katllle1111 Bctilur Blylf\a 08111)111 (2 hr& ) (QJ llOWI "H11rpt1r Velley PTA ' ( t978 Com!lO)') Bar1>ar11 [dttn, Runny Co• (~ 1115) Im) COlilQI 'OOTIAU. Lc.>111,1 131111<.h Sl11t11 49e1s vs Utah UIU!I (3 P\r~ ) W QZl WMITUtG d 8 l ctlm'TllAI CAllOl A d1e11111t1c. 011e ma11 read1nu 1.11 Charles 01c:.kens holiday classic ol Scro~e. Cra1chet t1nCJ f1ny Tint 1~(1h1) 'lCI 1"I MlllOll •llMCMOP- WA1191GTOll Wiii( • MYllW IVlllYDAY COC*MCl wmt .w:GUll,... • Jacques Pepin shows how lo prepare candied citrus peels and e~p1a1ns how 1Q buy, section and serve trash citrus fruits (E) cml CUP Cove•age ot the annu111 CFL championship yame (R) (2 hrs , 30 min) ta 0 llOYll "Zorr o, The Gay Blade" ( 1981 Comedy) Geo1ge Ham1llon, Lauren Hui Ion. ( 1 hr 33 min t ... lllfTl AMI> THI nm! IOM Three ti1bernat111g bears CJ1scove1 1he rnag1c and wonder of Christmas tor 1he t11&1 11111e ( t 1111)llC .... 11•A•t"M WAL&. ITllDT JOUllW. MJIOIWT ="Rescue From Gllhgan's Island' ( 1978. Comedy) Bob Denve1, Alan H&ltt Jr (2 hrs) @ • llMCM Of IMAW A documentary cin the wnllng ot George Bernard Shaw's autho11zed b1ograµhy by Michael Holroyd concenlrat1ng on Shaw's early Ille fill PNIG ~ 'Looking Al The Election" Guests. John Selgenthaler. editor and publisher ol The Tennessean. Gov Lamar Ale~ander (Tenn). AleKander Heard. chancellor emerrtus al Vande•D1lt Un111ers1· tl'_ l1 hr J W Tlll OLD ltOlMI Boo VIia s1ans to oemollsl'I the old kitchen and discusses the old slale root with a contractor tID HIO lllGA.lm (O llOYll "Adventures 01 The Wilderness Farmly" ( 1975 Ad\lenture) Robert Logan, Susan Damante (I hr , 40 rn1n.) CS) 'AU. Lm Surter Nat Young and tree styte sl\11ng champron Randy Wieman take on the thrills and spms ot the high waves and steep slopes .. @ l1AIH'ft!I AUVIi Guests A C Bannon, Big Al Downing, Vern Gosdin, John Hart• 1:9 1tord~~ 19C .... .... AUCI MCI( llDERIOtl CoeftJllfTW. ~-... \ .. ,. ~ C~l t 11w •u11 £1111111ro Shaw'• toe.tttrllllCJ 1.Ulllll•lllltlily 1111 IU\19, morrl1ge .1nri 1111011ty ~t .. 1111111,1 1.t1y1ti11 Dinner I tJwo•CJ l~nrr111u1111 urtc.l Al•Mln P11nd1tton ,111 1011111o ) llOTOnlU 'llOYll . ' IVttl I hllJUI <1111t1w11y11 llow11 ( 197 I 01u1ll1t) rlut11ttl Vilu.tr O 6h11on u uld1111111 (I tu JO 111111 I --1.tilvening .. lam ... NOU YWOOD CHlllTllAI PAAADI rn1~ 11110111011111pur!l<J•J1Jnw11 Hnllywood Boulo v11ru ltiuturu ... 11 l11>bl 111 r111m n 11 picture 1.,1ev1:,1w1 a1111 rf1cwu1111,1 '>IUll.> r111irch1n11 1J1111ds r1110 eq1i11:.t11a11 w 11t:. C.1and Mar I~~~= 8GHT 11 llMOUQH llOWI "Suppurt Yout I ocal Gu11· ltghte•" ( 197 I Cw11ei.ly ) Jnmes Garner, Su111nne P111i;11e11e In mt.Jer lo sw111dle 11 small town ii l "" rn<111 rum11nces a mine owner'5 dauyltt111 dtld 111v .. nt5 a hired ktllm (t' hrs) f'JI) WOMJ) w All t QI!) MOYA "Tt1e ( 1tl11111 fl11ie~ An e>1am1· r1t1l1on ol U::; dependt1nc..e on tore1gn ~ourcos 01 :o.11a1eytc m111"1a1s vital 10 the ae1osµa<.:e a11d :o.teel 1na.1str1es 1s present· eel 0 (t nr I {ClllDW I V¥C Me ()1 Ltiave Me . ( 1955, Mus1c:al) Duns Day. .J11mes Cegftey A mut>sle1 m111•1es 1t1t1 ~·"Y"' he ll)ade lamo1is b1it becomes enraged when he c..im'I <:.unt1 ol her (?hrs) ( H) llOVll "Sph1m" '1 ':l!l I Adventu1e) rrank Langt!lla. Lesley·Anne Down. A rulhfess 01ac1< r11arket an!tqu1t1es 11ng atternµ1 ... tu ~top an r gyµtologost lrorn dis· coveriny ttte whereabuul~ ol a priceless 5tatue slie was pe1111111en lo 111ew 'PG' ( 1 111 , !:>9 rn1n J !OJ llOYll 'flatern1ty · ( t96 t, Comedy) But I R1;1ynolds Oever ly o· Angelo A bach elor on ho!, 1011res wl1u w<J11IS lo be a lather sea•c:hes to• the royht wnman to bea1 his i;h1ld 'PG' ( 1 n1 Jb min ) (S) MOVIE "Ic e f,a5t1e s" ( t979, Romance) I yr111 Hully Jol1115on, Robby Bern;on A prorn1i.1ng young l1gure skater and ht!r uuyl11end find !iUdden success ha10 to 1.0pi! w11tt wrwn st1e •S chosen to train !01 a p•e·Olyrnp1c r.ompe1111on ( 1 ht 50 m1n l 0 llOVll "OoarOwalk' ( 1979, Drama) Ruth Gordor1 Lee Strasoe1g An old cou· pie 1etuse 10 leave tne neighborhood they have spent mos1 (Jf 1toeor hve~ 1n despite urban c11me anel puu• hv•ng cond•llons ( 1 =1hr.=1~ 'IOIU'I COUllT mmra 'IOPUTOl'fOPU : WNY • Titl WON.D 1• 11 Cl) •-.mt (Ii) VOYAOIMI PM1eas and Jeffrey meet up w1lh the no1011ous p11a1e Jean LaFtlte and then help lamous explorers Lewis and Clark gel back on the nght trall. ~ h[k IW'UY'I llLEVf IT Oft MOTi Fea· tured numan grants. recent ctues regard· 1ng lhe true 1dentttv 01 Jack 1he Rtpper, unusual arcn11ecttt1e. b1larre death riles. Friday, November 26. 1982 23 -Monday .. (h p.,qq ... ~. \•or Ar<J Anoy ( 1977 Aoventur•~ A,,•• .i'P J f • r11 2!> min ) 10 Tt.P r ,. ,• 'DO t 0<:~e· 1951 AClvPnl ,., 11•1•, n Of'tl [)vvall LI hr 4U" rs f o ... ~ .e •,1• • .,nue•!> 11991 Sc• ence r.r I r An • 1'l'r1 I l h• 40 min I .. @ The R.1.:1110 T10P ! 19S2 Drama) Richard Ct• .... < ~,,11c•1 w.r,lt>•'> (2 hrs i e:a 0 Bu~tr l 1 '~" I 1 C'l8 I ComeOy) R1cha•O p,, • r •Cf'I• r y'>t1n 11 hr 34 min) (Z l ·Roe•<-.,.. 11 l80 Mu51ca11 Pau McCartrof'~ 1• ; N rny. (I 111 4!:> min) 1:9(!) P1ill'w '.t' l'l'>q Comedy) Rock Hudson n, ii< r1o1, (;> h•c, 1 -~) 'BeliP '11111 1194 1 weo:;1ern1 Gente T1ernPy R.11 iu11 h >CUii 12 hrs) lO) l 1u" < <)1 1 .. v.11,n•, I 1981 Drama) RoOert DP ri·· Rot11>fl Duv,lll (, ,,, 5C mon ) 0 Gil"'•'" Ar J Thf' (..1pr•n Kn1gh\'' ( 1 hr 30m1n I ei:a® ThP G11•a! 1\rJvrn1urt> ( 197& Adventu1PI J-ick P.w1ncp Jo;in Collins ~hr 75,," (Z' Patf' <•If 1<'18\ c,~medyl Burt Reynol(l<; BPvPny D A<•gplo ( 1 hr 35 min 1 .. m L. ·" Hr• " l'l•f'dl<tast ( 1936 Come<lyl 1..;,v " "t0o1•tl t•pc;ar Rom ero 12 '"~I ei:aG) Co•ne•• l '1tJC.. AUvE'f>lure1 Doc~ Powel V,d1'•'' • .,. •• , t ~ J 0 T P f11 • • .; 1 01ama) Can dice BP1Qf'I ~ •'l••r [) ,,.. I I •11 JO min ) -(C} Tre ';rP,1: Muf t Pl C .. wer. ( 198 1 Comedy I C"il"I'<. Gr Jti1n Diana Rigg 11 hr 40 min Oh HPa.rr1~ 01)() 11q00 Comedy) Chevy CMsP 0.., 1 ' 1 t-1 43 "Titn ) CID "Caod•Co ''10 1 Dram11) Helen Morse Jae~ Thomp~on ( 1 hr 47 min) CS) "Soltjoprr, lhrpn i 1951 AdvPnlure) Stewan GrilriQPr Willi Pt P1<1gPon ( 1 hr 30 m1n) -@ 'Emb.1w,. 1 1<11? Suspt'llSe) Rich ard RountJtrf't• (,huc1o. Connor~ (2 hrs ) .. CZ) "Man Ot ta Mllnchil • 11972 Must cal) Petrr 1 l T i«lr> Sophlil Lorpn (2 hrs 10 mon) tWO "Ghosl Storv (1981 Horror) Fred Astaire Jcir1n Ho11<.PmAn ( 1 hr 50 min ) -Afternoon Movies- -• "Ouacksrr Fortun1> Ha~ A Cousin In The Bron• ( 1Q70 l.OmPdy) Gene Wild er, Margot K•<l<JPr ( I hr 30 min ) GD "Ice Pn ilC ,, 1 1cu;o Dr;ima) Richard Burian Roo1 I r•,1r , t ror,) (C) ·secrPI!. , t fl\rt>e Hungry Wives" ( 1978 Mys1ery1 Mme~ Fronc1scus. Jessi ca Waller 12 hrq I cm "The rormula ( 1980 Drama) Mar Ion Brando Geo1Qe C Scott I I hr . 57 min) W ® "Fooltn ArLJund 11980 Comedy) Gary Busey AnnellP Q Toole (I hr 4 1 min) g "N1gh1hnwkq· ( 1Q81 Drama) Sylves· ter Stallone Billy Qf>P W1ll1arns ( 1 hr . 39 min ) (%) "The Gr11'1shOµpe1" ( 1970, Dram11) JaoqueHne BISl!el, Jim Brown ( 1 hr 35 min) •(C) "Mystory Ot fhfl M1111on Dollar Hockey Puck" ( 1975. Mystery) Michael Mac· Donald, Angela Knight ( 1 hr , 30 min } •Cll "Indian l ove Call" ( 1936. Mualcal) .i.anne11e MncDonetd, Nelson Eddy. ( 1 26 Friday. November 26. 1982 Polly lloliday join Lorna Patterson on CBS' "'Privatf' Hf'njamin" al B p.m., Monday. hr, 45m1n) M CZ) "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCanney and Wings ( 1 hr . 45 min ) •01) "Father Figure" ( 1981, Dramo) Hal L1ndan Timothy Hutton ( 1 hr , 40 min) (() 'T out Play" ( 1978. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase ( 1 hr . 55 min.) lO) Danny" ( 1979, Adven1ure) Rebecca Page George Luce ( 1 hr 28 min ) 0 "Prisoner 01 War" ( 1954, Dfama) Ronald Rengan. Dewey Maritn ( 1 hr 20 min ) .. (C) "Thi? Greel Muppet Caper" ( 1981. Comedy) Charles Orodon. ();ana Rrgg ( 1 hr . 40 min) t:ll g "Badge 373" ( 1973. Drema) Aot>ert Duvall. Verna Bloom ( 1 hr . 55 min ) (%) ""'4an Of La Mancha" ( 1972 Musi- cal) Peter O'Toole Sophia LOfen (2 hrs 10m1n) .. ® 'Raggedy Ann And Andy" (1977. AdVenture) Animated ( 1 hr . 25 min } CO "Rich Afld Famous" ( 1981. Drama) Cafldlce Bergen, Jacqueline Bisset ( I hr. 55 min) cm "The Pursuit 0 1 DB Cooper" ( 1981, AdVenture) Treat Wiiiiams. Robert Ouvell i..! hr , 40 min ) ' .. QZ) "Houseboat" ( 1958. Comedy) Cary Orant. Sophia LOfen. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) --imlvenlag Ta~ ~:uccaneers Q (3 hrs ) 1...,. . ..,... .. , ..... MAWMMl-4 0¥9' IAIY Guest actress Jane w11':C·9'ftr. • .-J_..UIM194AVIOR (I!).,_ "Where The Spies Are" ( 1966. SuS()en!le) David Nrven. Francoise ()()(. leac A. doctor becomes involved with murder and espionage white conducting busloess for a foreign department (2 hrs) Cl) WACKY --.0 OP M*A1'1W1 WlfTW Gueat:=Hall. I TMI •flllfT 1111 .... ~ a..umT AM> TMI ...uaa,. NA CMICMllTIA Almsky·Korsakov'a "Scheherezade" and oth« creas1cs from IM RUUian repertoire are brllllanlly per· fOfmed by 1he Phlladelphla Orchestra un<* the baton of Eugene Ormandy ( I hr} • DICK CAVITT Ouest: Stewart Granger ~·~~ ~--"The Great Adventure" (1916. Adventure) Jack Palance, Joan ColHna. A young boy la abandoned with his dOQ In the rugged Alallcan Aocklee 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) -lunclay Conl. 11·1u1:Al .._., '~ l>•>tt-Porn1-.J••11hy Hurt Anylluoy?" llu1t11ta l"•11lhuu11u 11u1u 911no Jll•t'llltlhor !lull Ow ~llJllO r 11111bott1 Owo••n 0 1 Wonien Au11111at l-'01111~111phy l 11•011 l uv•'-t.• ( t '" ) 4D _.,'Al.WILL ~ • llAKM °' IHAW A ~ll>t.'""''"'"'Y "" the w1111ny of Oouruo lJ011111•d i.1111w b 11uthor1111d blO(jrophy by M1t.h11111 lf>tlt••vit t.oncemr11t.on $how'1111111ly Illa • -.Mt~ Nudl (utOl<ir d flll Jnl Irey l yoni1 dlll(;uU now they 1uaue t1 111u11 le w ith &1.1111111> 1ro111 r~tx.ky Ill · t11111Jerb 0 1 The I O!il All>, • Dine• IHl1I Bo<ly Heat " GD COUIQI IAIKITUU. tlQHUQHTI "Nebrusl\a vs Okl11homa'· (f) .. , °' TMI Wl H1yhllljhlS ul Illa IJ Miami Ooll)llirtS (A) W MOVll "Last Tttr1uu "' Perts" 1191 t Drama) Marlon Bra11du Muna Sc:.hne1lle1 ·x· (2 hrs 9 nun ) (S) ~ -.ru "Concert f ur rt1e Americas' Drummer Buddy Rich 10111s Sinatra 111 a 1.oncert t1I the Altos De Che von Arnph1H1ea1re 111 1t1e Do11111111.an Republic ( t "' . 25 111111 ) (.%) MOVW "Rockshow' ( 1980. Mu!.11.al) Paul McCartney and Wtt•U!. Tn1s rat.Ord ot the oanu's US tour 111cludes perlormanc es ol 'Jet " Band On lne Aun · 'Silly Love Sonus· and l>ome old Bealle oa1 tads ·o· ( 1 h1 • 4~ rr11n ) 11:111C81 .... 1~ .allTI lllW. PACllllllM 9 .... m> AU eoo'I cell_. C•rul Lawr•111.• 1111t.1 5 11111 l.locmeyham wllh l,llJMI• l 110 1 •"''°" t.1~10.-Ol1ha1111 C1 rro11 •ri11 11111 l111p•ttul~ µ1111111111 th111 µ111• lei hel~1 ll•e wUllO t 1.tllltlt•t1 (I hr ) @ CAICIJA ( ••lllU• 0111111111.l 8 1114W " ~~"''""U l u 11111111nl•ry u11 love 11111111111,111 ,,,,,, ft(hJltl~ 1ro111ng lJlylh11 Denner I 1Jwur1J t 11111 111111111 0 110 A11 .. 1111 l'nt1dlel~1rt 1111 J0111111) TV QUMTIMACH MOYW 'lhil ~1111 M11kci1 1ru11 It I l'lli I U11t11111 1 noc~ tlul.ltlllll ~UllStllill 1'111.,1tci1111 Wr11111 tn lhe hu1p1l11I D111u1y 111ueti. II 16 )'IHI• Old tlbPllll1U ac1rci .... whub" m11111111111ru•11 mo1her prov11~ IU bci 1111 ut>olatlll 111 lllb µll.1116 hn the 11111 (A) (:' '"", C1MOVW Ate You 111 file Houll8 Alone I I l'l78 511:.µ4!11:.e) K11t11le11n Bellttr B1y1n11 I ldr•rtt" A prt1tly yoong hlUh S<.11001 fitU du111 ·~ ~111apulleO into terror when b/\tl l1M1ni> ~tte·~ 1tio 1n11111ueo ta1ue1 01 a µsy 1 1tuµa111 (I hi 40 min I '.£ ) llORTICINTlll Hl MOVW ·suanger tr1 l/\11 Hou:.11 11975. HotrOlf K1111 Dullea Ol1111a Hus:.ey /\ µi.yt11u tu .. ruurderer hides m the a111c of .1 toll~o soro11ty nouse on Ch11s1rna:. Fve (I fir 40111111) I OJ MOVW · So Frne ( 198 I Comedy) Ry.in O'Neal Jack Waroen A !.tufty col lt1ue µ101es:.or saves h•s lather's 11oonuer "'II Qd•n•ent factory by Inventing a new 11f>e ot latJ1e&' 1eans 'R' (I hr 31 min ) 11141U MOVW "The Star Maker" (Pert 2) ( t 91! I Drorri..1) Rcx;k Hudson, Suzanne Plt1&he11e While 1n the nosp11a1 Oa11ny meets ci 16·yea• old asp111ng actress w"""• •l1111111111nrn1u 111 .. u1e• 11111~11• 10 u. Uf uh .. l111,.l1t Ill Iii~ pl"''' f H Ilia \Jill l ft) (1 "'~ J n•G llOVWI 1111· 1•1.,.,hl"" r11 11" 1..1111111 11y ( l'HI I (,1111 .. .,Jy/ I •11d /\11111110 Del> t11u llu~1111ld~ A lullittr r1tlti11111I• '" •lvp Ill~ Ji111Uhhtt w1•1l<l1"•l fllnw, fl '''" 10 r11111 J t2911W~~ AIC .. I CJUll flOllQOTllM , ..... , 111!Ntb 01110 r Vlillb l;,11111 Mr11.meyltu111 (111t1•t~ Mike IJ11111,1111'> W1ll11111t '>l •11lrt•" f dllJI l ew- rurl(.u I 1 lu ) If ) AT TMI MOVWI ~ MOVW Su1..1t '"""' f rm111ltt 11171 C,nr11t1dy) l>y1111 I .. ,,,,,.,. .)"'""!> C..uc.o A flt!Ulttt.lt•d w1l11 h•u111~ •JI ""' u11tnu hus· 1J11111J ~ •l•t•·• 111.1111.11 ·•ll•""'V'"" w11h he1 lr1urith t1llH1 '" • "'''" y tut.kod 11way 1n lhn hu~ptlUI (1 lu'> CD ..... IT I lo w 1 1 ~ • .,, v1vti And Sue. 1 111HI 11o I hn '!lOo, f •vtt 111 A111&11ca s mottl '>U{ Ctl!i'JllJI ~tlll 111,11Jtt 1111111 1,1lk •lbuu1 hcrw lu livt! w1tt1111llul1ul\ t I 111 ) @ MOVWI Ti.u H11wlt111J 11Ytj t H o1101) l.>.le W.ill.JLt-f.',11111 ~ Ma1..111:0 A woman r1:po11er 1!> 111enul t!iJ by .1 killer wf\O seems 111 Oil u wt11Pw11ll fl 11 lu l 1 rn1n ) 12:11 D MOVW fr1l• l uvt! M.1t.11111t1' ( t97 t, Drdn•a) J11r111 l-'111111µ ldw Oy.111 C.annon Ari .1111t,.(1'"'" y• '""!i "'"'' ~1<1p:. at no1h1ng tu work h1:. ..va~ JI' 1u 1r.e 111µ ol Ille telev1· .._i(~f1 hU~Hld~:, I l tu'> I 12:IO(JJ MOVll "'"I ttHr Is b1JrtldtJ111y · ( 1975. !:tu.,µef1l>C) l rll11ly C1011ytl, Denholm I 1110 11 /\11 a111a1 livi. your1111ourna1ti;1 on a r11ul1111~ .1~:.1y1111w111 1:. suocle11ly tuken hOS· 1.1uu ltv lwu c 111'>011 1Jl>t.a11ees ( l hr!> ) Low Back Pain? SOLAR ROOM ADDITION Qualify for Energy Tax Credits DOUBLa PANa INSULATED GLASS Nor only does ol cosr tess tn•n tonve"11on•1 con s11uc1ton 11 <1'50 nedts your nome •nd "'•Y n•ve 11• credits u •ell An eaohc room w11n •d1us1ao1e sh1d•no ind Ytn1t1a11on For oo ,, vourseller~ .. , 1ncluae one man lor t a ay to 1nsl•uC1 •no $tart you coriectly Set a modt l 1n our snow room as snowr •n Su"s" Houu 8uut1lu1 & Home •"d G•roen m • 1" u ._ •u·1~11r ' nu 1tG lb.o Moll lhtu frr 8 to 6, S•I 10 lo 1 2781 2 Forbea Rd. Laguna Nlguel 831-5670 llC •391~3 There Really Is An Answer CALL 64~5300 WESTCUFf CHIROl'RACTIC OFACE Dr. a_..... A......,... 200 W•stcliff Dr .. Wt• I 01 H•wport leach 1-Coco'a .. 17'11..t.,.,._I M ost Insurances AccePled Friday November 26. 1982 25 -Monday Cont. crane ii 'IOO•T'IS mounra11 I'll J J,1r1.iriP'>t' ~11111·• "'''' 111usua1 .1 Fr1-n hrr1.v • I• J1 ,,,q a ,,, J~ I C d~I I hit\ l I tDIEtVONmM m THI 11A01C o. oAMCt , , ... 11me11g11 11. ·p T•1·~1 D", Ma• got rorlPf' 1.1... , • ...,.. I •I ~ • l.J• oil Covef 1 lJdf ,~. •-t .i y1•tf'lf\""t-t :1' ... J.t ' •• , ltfe r11yr11 rJt t< 1•JP ,4 ' t •tll UHd fll fl Asntor1 '"I M..i1~ •• u tflt At c) A'~"'' uj N•lr· Rudolf N 11eyP• '" m MA TIOMAL QfOOIRAP'ttC lf'EC1AL. r '°"' Bear At£-• rt f' ,,,.,,, ,,,, ,, .. r ,, ir t>Pdr and ft MaP • U.l, w 1 ... H ~ 1 ...,.i~t W!fh ft'PfTl ,lt•_. fr P ~t ••t 1', f I h>\ t•'HP'l rary hO<;tPd ll f I •, M ..... r,.111 ""': r "' 1IPd by Jasnn Rohar t• D 11 '" 1 !; COll.IO[ FOOTIA[L 011w111•q I 1r1•1•1 I ;I con<, al Nr111h < tr 11 1 I 11 llPPI" H ,• hrs 30 rrnn 11.., llO~ n11rr I { 111/fl [lr.ln1,J) M.t1lt•ll Branuo r Vrl'I' r M.1 ,, ,.., /\ ,,,.,,111 Pu1 IUQUPS~ 1•,1,•111j' '"•(!\l!t• 11 ,, r1df1~H•nd ent...e 11'\ p xplrnl•'l! t v " , t'1 J H\H ... ,., .,,,y Ortt15h 1..0lt1n1<"t1 11 t t .,\. ""' I 'l llOYIE 11 •' tJI I' Ii I I "' It 'I) Orama J,ic 1ut>l·llf• H• ••I 1·1• II• •w11 A boreu >" •""' i1 ,,, ~ , .. ,, 1 .1· ;,..1111<; to put C,,CHflt-' ""~"' p ,, /\fll .... H • ., ('lfC 'tflH1Y hie n 1t1'11 1. "'' m COLLlQl f OOTU LL HIQHLIQHTI Nebr11<.l\i1 I • ta0 1L ~ SymplOnt', •I rl I" 1 ~ II•" I NnP'1 lhP S11at101oJ Inn < ' (' !•"" 1' t pa " ,, 11 cal Jandma•~ @ IUQ8m 0Ml4NDY MD M "9.ADll.· NA OltCHllTllA Ii ~. I\ ""ilktw SI n(>hPrPlilelP \I ) 'I I" .. l<.<,1( <. hnn• HIP RuS"i1,1n •Pi r• I • 111• ti••ll'-Jnlly pt>r I01me<l l>y If t> r•t,,1,1 J1•r11r •I ()rcl1PS1rll vnel'!r ine bill t I , I"'" r '"Tli'l"llv 1 f hr) 0 Df~,,....... II lu•rr )'(IOIJlnf' hOSIS lh•S loo~ al .,,., ,,., ''ti '"''""'' itll<l soecials ... fJ (() CAGlllY 6 LACIY < t1w i!nd Marv Bein are ass1gnPd In wn•~ 1111torl over 101 Internal Altaus t'J "'PV '" '''"" f11llow ot11 cers 11 nr l eomm.,,. (!) llO¥ll Tw1li~)hl ,' 111r RAv1c;11110 ( 197!1 Sc11111c:P f •C'lh>nt flwl R!•ynol<l'> Jack Wes1on Twt• •,1rir1r., tiy not:1 Sorting 'The Bar<l ' wtt•) t'>f.!r.C>mP'i an uno;ucc;ess lul w111er's npw ac;s1r.tant ilnll On Tnurs day w e Leave r or Home · '" w111cn me"1 bers 01 a space e~rAt11hon iV•tinpalP rhe•• own return (2 hrs ) fl) Ill mllAT IDIJ..I Just1r P Mortimer Adler asks why JUSllte 1<. kov 10 an ind1v•<l· uaf's h0pp1ness. 0nd whether ont1 shouru baiter sutler 1n1usttce Al the hands 01 oth ers 0< be uoiust to tnem 11 hr ) Ci) mDIA "°911 Sc>np Operas" Hosr Ruin Warrick lakes A t>en1nl) lh&-scenes fo<>k 81 lhe 0100\JCllOn l)IOC8'>S lhat ylelel!I a dally soap IA) D (C) ll0¥9 "Three Oay'l Ot Tne CondO! ( 1975, Suspense) Robert Redford rayn Dunaway A research reader employed by lhe CIA uncovers 1ntarn111 treachery wnen all ot his co-workers ore BS!MIB!llnated bye hll men who 1s now stelklng him (2 nrs IOmln) (DJ .wll "The Formula" ( 1980, Orama) Merion Brendo. OeorgP C Scott While 1nvest1get1ng the murde1 ot a colleague. s ve1eran cop vncove1s A consplrncy lnv()lv Ing the tvppresston of a syntheftc Ivel for mule by en oll cartel 'R (I hr . 67 min) (J) A .. DAY • -/\ powerful l11mlly 28 Friday. November 26. 1982 er•cnunrers many 01111cull1es 1n an 1ndus111 .-.1 town (Part 31 0 llOYIE Tilt! l ntor1 "' I 1976. Oramd} (,hnl Fastwood lym' Daly 0.rfy Harry' f,111anan ,s JO.nPCl t•v d lemale roolo.1P 111 h1~ ~"'·~uil ot a group .1Ca1lc..1n1a •e~ol111>11n ,ir•P'> 1erro11:1ng ~ar f rJr•l•!.<.1.. fl 11 hr 3bn"n I m THI......,. 1Ct15 ~ llO¥ll So ~.,,e 19tll Cornetjyl Ryan 0 Neal Jae~ warelPn A !>tutty cu• •ege professor saves hos 1art1e1 s tlminoer ng garment tacrory lJy 1nven11ng a new 'tPe ol ta<11es Jeans ff 1 t nr J t m11 ) 10:JO w .........r MrTWOM.,,. ' llGNAn. Guest Joe Frazier WOILD Ol IOOKI ~TUTOI LOYI (Pan 11 10M CtWl.H CtWIPUN TAU I '"™- James Toback" n:telOU(J)®WNIWI IA 'NIDAY '9QNT . •llMCHOl- W..•THlfAIA.Y ITMlrT1 O. IM AWICllCO ® lmXID IAQ The Bus1nes!> Cll [\<iokc; I h" rn11rker1ng and hyoiny ol ,)ull>trrs rn how publishing promo11>s w1rr1 n11m1>s 111 "'" t rowd 1nc1uo1ng uay r <1le<>e Harry Rea<;oner and Art Buchwald m..,.... lllPORT ~ OOCTOlt •THI HOUll L llO~ "Bad T1m1n9 I 1980 Or;im.ll Ail Garfunkel Harvt>y !<P•lt'r A P\~t'~S"'' V•Ylnnanatysl a11d ~ slyh~h yOvny woma• begin a !rag•c romancp •n Vienna A '' hrs 3 min ) S ~ Sco11 Baio ilnCJ Sne•£oe Nonh '\lar .n the craz1es1 b1rlhllav party ever 1 1 hr S7 •Tlln I Z llOVW 8adge 373 I 1973 Drama) Rober! Duvall Verna Bloom A New York C11y cop wages a singlehanded campaign aga1ns1 a crrme syn<11c.a1e ( t n1 55 min I 11:11 0 (I) ~ ~ 11.D. Or R1vers1oe l>il~kc, 1n the hmehght of tne oubhc•ly over a 1Jat1ng emergency action wh•ch ~avod "'"Ille ol a 13 year olll girl IRl 11 hf 10 min )_ D 6) TOMGHT Guest nost Joan Rivers Guests Mac Oa111s, V1ncon1 P11c:1J. Pot!' Oarbul~I hr ) I ~~~ OODCCUU C. • A TMOUIAIC> A (1ocudramn about a lamlly's etrort 10 ()r1ng a han<11 capped child through a ltletime of chel lenges with the disease calleel Spina 8 111 Oa (I hr) SD FOCUI Olt IOCllTY Qri) ... U~ Host Dennis Wholey ~~,..,.. 1WQ.UI 11• .,. "Oh Heaventy Dog' ( 1980 Comedy) Cnevy Cnase Benji Whlle investigating e p0Ut1cel sex scandal In London. a prlllafe detective IS murdered and reincarnated as e ecrufty <Jog ·po • hr .. 43 min.) 1H1 «DJ~_,. TOMGHT TO• .,_,.ICID ll0¥9 "See Wife" ( 1957 Adventure) Richard Bunon. Joan Cgjllns A Negro purser. a 1ycooo. en RAF officer end a nun struggle 10 survive Ol'I en Island pt1rt1dlse ~h18) ~ ':'.. rr "How To Survive And Svc· ceed In Ttwl '80t" Five Of Amerk:s'1 mot! suoceulul Mii-made men talk about how 10 ltve with lnftatlon. ( 1 hr ) • LM, tm"I DAii I'm.I (0 llOVW 'Pussycat Ranch' t 1978 Weslern) Enc Edwards Samantha Fo1. x· fl nr 35 min ) 0 llOVW Badge 373 · 11973 Orama) Robert Duvall Verna Bloom A New York C•ly cop wages a s1ngtenanelPCl campaign .iga1Ps1 ii crime syndrcate t 1 nr 55 min) 12:10 C llO~ Bene S1a11 · t 1941 Western) Gene Tierney Randotpn Si:.011 A da11ng woman leaves her home 10 become lhe leader 01 an oullaw bano al 1he close ot lhe C1v1I War ( 1 hr . 40 mm ) 12::11 0 W UTI 9IGHf wmt DAVID LITTIMWt Guest;, Fran!\ Zappa and his daughter Moon Unit Zappa au1hor Jan Haro10 8rvnvana (n) ( 1 hr ) OCOUPUI TOii COTT\.I: UP Cl.Oil Guest Frant, Gilford (I) LOY!, AlmlCM rm.I @ Eucmll OMWl>Y MD THI l't&ADll.· '"'A OftCHHTilA R1msky·Korsakov s Scheherezade" and Other classics lrom the nuss1an reperlOire are brilllanlly per formed l:>y the Ph1ladelpn1a Orchestra 1inoe1 the baton of Euoer;e Ormandy 11 hr) £)Mu. 8'0llT A sc1en1thr e~ploralron vi a1h1e11c pertormance wh1cn can aid alh leles 111 1m¥OV~he<r game (R) tM 0 COi 1W Colvmoo suspects a !lamooy.in1 cooking show nosl and n1s 1w1n b•olher a conservall\/e banker ot mvrOe11ng their weallnv uncle I A) 11 hr ZOm1n) 1• B QDI A&IT1IY llO'IW 'Trouble Comes To Town 11972 Ofama) Uoyo B11oges Pat Hingle TranQu1h1y rS upset when a otacl\ youlh asks 1he white sherilf to adopt n1m ( I hr 30m1n) i IWll'f fAMBI ---~ llOWl 'Woman Of S1raw" ( 1964. Suspense) Gina Lollobng1da. Sean Con· ner y A young man a11emp1s lo gain con· lrol or his vncle's lorlvne w11n the help or a beav11tul nvrse ( 1 nr 30 mm ) !.)IOXM(ll) °fl llOWl "Happy BrrtMay To Me" ( 1980 Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murd!:H begins chopping away 111 her circle ot elillst friends, a prep school senior womes that she may be the nevt v1cl1m • or possibly lhe killer 'R' (I hr 48 mtn) ZI llOVW "Rockshow'' ( 1980. M11srcel) Paul McCartney and Wings This record of lhe band's US tour 1nclvdes performanc· es ot 'Jet." "Band On The Rvn," "Silly love Songs" and some Old Bealle bal· tads 'G' ( 1 hr , AS min ) 1:11 (() ll0¥9 "Private Lessons" { t 980. Com- edy) SyMa Kristel. Howard Hesseman A weartny man assigns his S&duclrve house- keeper the jOb o l prOVldlng his I S·year·old son wllh his first sexual experience 'R' ( t hr . 30 min} ~1· '9C ... 01t9H•rr -Mlff(f ,. ll0¥9 "Father Figure" ( 1981. Ofame) Har Llndeo. Timothy Hvllon After their mothef's death, rwo t>oys are sent to lfve with their lather, whom 1hey have not seen since thelr parent•' divorce five years ear- lier ( I hr • 40 m in ) W (C)llOV'm "Where The Spies Are" (1966. Su199nse) David Niven. FrancOIM DO« Iese. A doctor beC<>mft Involved with murder and eepioNl119 white conducting bUllne9• tOf a foreign d4tpart!'Nnt. (2 -1·1:~ ..... ATat -Monday Cont. 11:::· IOVACa TU'MOln ~ Jf11111 flttlfllllll ho•tl 11 1110\lle tu I 1111• "''"I" 1 111• l•f 11111,111 •rll1I 1eepo11 '"''• 1111 lf\11 11v11lu111m ut 1el4tv11it1fl i.ome Uy t1lh1 ftt1111111 .. 1"'"111l111v1ew1 with Ju;k I 111111111111 I .hcivy I ""~ 1111111 bteve .-.11011 L! hr J Ill llOVll t u1w11111 Arid lhn Ureon K11111r11 A yUlllll) IJljUllll ·-k111ur1111d hy K111u AllllUI 1 .. "'"Y fhe "'" II""" ~11111111 t h1 lll 01111) WON.a "" .. Ol'\.I ,. cal ... .: ... IW'PY DA YI AQAIN , ... llAGADm IOAI' Tllm'1 CO.AIN CID--.no ....... ~ ) llOVll "'<".1111• ( t916 IJr.1111n) lttt11tl dine Ctt11pt111. A11a ro11a'll A 1.hllt.l Whll lost lier motile• 01111 1.w1e1 1n t:IOSf1 sutces .. 1011 g1uw$ up Nllh u '<llem11 1X1llook end ii11an\je 1aea!> 111 llvw 11e1 p111e111!> a1ed PG' ( I ht '>0 111111 ) l Ol llOVll f>1111Le c ll I he l 1ly ( 196 1 Dlarn.iJ T1e111 W1lflttrn~ Jerry Urb8th A New Y•Jlh 1.up •'> c.iuyt11 oe1ween lec:1e1al pre!os111e a11tJ loyalty lu n1~ fallow officers during an 111ve,.11gat1on lll w•Oesp1ead pohce COffuµ11.1r1 'R' (2 his 4 5 nun) ( Z I llOVW 'l>vu1 Under $1dew11ys·Dow11' ( 1977 D1<11111lJ Ruoor1 v111a1u S na1011 Goldman A 11111.Jdle J\julJ man 1>eg1ns tu have seco11a lnuugfll'> abuu1 the course 01 his Ille dS tailor 11uuo1e., on the 1ob 1h1eal· en h1!> llvehtloud t 1 nr 30 min ) m .. NA T109W. TID-AQIJI l'AGllMT F1oalls1s 110111 all 50 slates and Iha 01s111c1 01 Columbia lOmpe1e tor a crown tha t gives I hem a Cf1an<..e ft' lie dn amoassado1 lor A me11ca ( ;' n1 s ) 7~@mwt 1::9 8 I 0.. THI TOWN Featureo a man ha• ves11ng fus lot>s101 1rup~ Jack:.011 New H.ir11psti11e Ifie C11y ot tn11'>. covered b11dge., d w 1tc.:h wll1 prncl1c 8'> ner a11s '" Salem. Massac11uwlf'> lfm,Al&Y f\.UD LAVlllll I ..-.n I CO.AIN Q) TIC TAC DOUGH llW>Am't l'UCI M'A•1•H I 1-..n. CJue" Jc~ I 11111111 IMCla /~.oRT MAI ....... N11tl 0 111>1111 1111•1 lei hey l y1111e \,fl.cuaa """ Ifie~ 1ur'V• 11 """ 141 wrlh ¥l'1111111 llom · lh11 hy Iii fl4111hcra tll 11111 l1>1t A1k 0111nr' 11111J llrnty lludl .. 8 IGUAM Neal l 11u1u11 P ully J•Jf11111y 1111d M111td111ll 111e 1111 111y1>l11t1111J11ly 11m111111l '""" Mullv" lhf.IUlllVtl uuebf 11111 '"' '"" 111.1w w11vrr 11111> 11ut1vuh ~11lt1lJhJll<1fl IJ GD UTT\I HOUlll A MIW MGllli9eo l~n111h I cJw1111J11 lulltfi 111h1 ulu 111111 l•ttu•I t1rct11k M lttll r ... ,,.11., Ill lc>\I• wtlh" 11) V"'" .. 1.11ir11111 u 111 o t''"' 8 llOV9 'l"ho Car ( 11111. Hrn1111) J..n1eb llwllll Kulhltto11 I l11y1J A llllVt!llU .. b ltll f41111>11111~ u ""'''If IJIHh ll1w" 11~ ti l1111bt81111 Vl\.11111~ t? ltr .. J tJ) Ct.Oll.W G MOV9 Oell ll11uk Ar•tl C.u111Jlu t l~!>'J Lo11111uy) Ju11111'1 St,,wnlf K1111 Novall A yuu111) wv111u11 11beb her mysl1111 1>11S µuwe1s 1u 1J1eak up lht! weOu1n11 µ1t111• 111111.JO<Jk putJlrshur '"Ill!> J Cf) ... G) ,. llAGADm A ll tnlt!rVIOW Niii\ 111 ltJI O\J(lley Moo• e 500 nopeful!> 11y out tor lht- new US Football l eague,. Oo~11m 1e.w1 Q) llOvtl "Cold r urkey' 1 19 / I Cum<i \Jyl 0.1.k Van Dyl<e P1pµ11 !>1.011 A !>l11Jll town facing bankruptcy wrll won $/!J 11111 t1<;n 11 011 of Its 1r1heb1111r11?> c,,,,, qu11 srnoll 1.~ 101 JO Clays (2 hrs J ~ llllXID IAQ The Bus111es!. OI Ouoks ff1t! rllll1kel1n11 8•1d riyping 01 ilUthOr'>. OI huw publlsh1ng µ101no1es wnn name~ 111 me oowd 1nclud1ng Gay Tale~ H.irty Reasoner and Ari Buchwald fli) cmAT l'IJlfOllllAMCll "Tne Charte1 house 0 1 Parma" The Oucne!.S Gina S ill! seve11na makes the ul11mate sac11l~t1 I<'> secure the pa1aon ol her nephAw Fab1111n and then leaves Parma lurover (Pa11 f>I ( t hr I ~ iun. ft\e D•scovt'ry 01 An1111a1 Behavior Nalur11I MyStti,.es · A11 e~plora 11011 11110 a111111al behav101 1111.luues a 1uo11 ..it modem sc1en1111c researth and a 1t1 cr11· a1ton ul the work 01 131h cenlury na1u1;ll 1M rnc>11arch r1ede11c11 II of l-l0hens1aul~n (I t\r) CC; MOV9 Sevet~ o r Th1ee Hungry ___ W1¥es" ~6. Mys te ry) James Fran PEOPLE TURN TO CLASSIFIED BECAUSE TREY KNOW O'l'BER PEOPLE ARE SEl·l·ING. St'lllnR rvnv1hln1t from mf)tt>rrv,·lt"" lo plan°' 11-~ '"" f1dl urr of p•·11plr to tlt'\<'arrl old hol>ti1,..,. anti 1 .. kr up n,....., nnre'O rn, famtltf""' H• ruov,. and l!HI"" Arorl lh<' IJiO".~U1f14ilh.tt urH f' vrv.-11 1 twn1 Wf'"ll fjUffhlt" lhrtr uvfulh'""'-' T'hitl or.. Wl• ..,, nrw' fur Y•HI \Whrn t hitU~,.., •n VU\U hff' fll'I r~ ... 11,tlf' ,f pun tt,,..,..,,, 1wu f fin k I , .. , .... h ... ff It lfl;IY ftl+tk~ llHt" t hrtU)lf''t d ht11f• fUUlt tffOt ft,1t1h Daily Pilat Clu~ttiecl Ad~ Phone Ml -S.78 , "'' u• '" .~11 " Wull•t I fttff tOClall)' 111 .. 11111111111 w11111 .. 11 "'" •u•JJ•1.fed or mu• ''"'"~~ .. pl1tyl111:; l111'll) ~' MQV9 ff111 W111J IJtte•e l 1\1/tl A1lv1111h1111) 1111 ruuol llu1t1•11 R(liJt' Moore A 111 "'I •11 J'""'IJ 111n11.er1111M111 lr•vele IO "'' Ill Aft11 II "' ""'"' Ill •ave II 0.PQMd II tlt•I h 'Ill I ti 1t1 lltl w IJll 111 l()rfthllJ 'ff ( 2 ,,, 1•,1t1111 J S llOVll 1 I 11 •, C !080 C,omedyf J.11111 I •••••J11 l111lly l'u1lu11 ll1141e working Wl•lllflll ,,.,,,,1 uuuu•··· '""" ~ulJJuu1111on by 1 11t l'tt f t1.•uv1111•,I tHH•i, f1(..J I 1 ht b0 11111 I '1J llOVll I II 11111.kHI ( 1!:1/ I 011111111) I .111•!1<" tlt11y111o flnltH fluyle A 111114111 '"''" II" 1or11h ""'""'Y"'""' 111 C111e11uo 11111 lul'. dlfh1.t1lfy ocJop11110 10 li•u city Ille '1 lit to llllfl) di All AU • THI 'AMI. Y t:a 8 (}I P'NVATI llM.IAm C.11lw111I Fleld1nu r111~t<i .1 I on llradloy 1;;111111 sh1)w 10 enter 1.1111~r111Jp o l urptlan~ i ONl~TMOUIAM> A docudrama '''"'"' .1 hm111y·~ tiltnrl to bnnu a handl • ·•Pl''"' • n1td th11Juyh A flle11me ol chat '''"II'!'• ...,,", lt1tt IJ•\>1!11~0 1.alled Spina Bill 1111 (1 '", 1:41 Z' CHAIUI CHA.WUN TAUi wmt... J,ttHC~ r r 1Ud~k HO (11) llOVll A'>:>11J11111ont Io Kill" ( t969. My~1ery1 l'~1J •1.~ O'Nonl, Joan Hacl<etl 1 <•f1J111.1lt> 11.,wJ •!. 1nves11g11ted by a pr1- v .. 1u f!tt' 11• Sw•ltl'lldntJ (?hrs 5 min) t.00 tJ (§ J M' A 'l'H t tawkuye m1sch1evously '>IJrl!. .1 rumor th11l Milrllyn Monroe is ~·111r_tr> µay .. 1r1'>•I 10 lhe 40771h U W MOVIE Hie Liwculloner's Song·· lf'.111 :'1 (Pre1111ere O•amaJ rommy Lee It 111·~ nu.,.111n.1 Arquette Based on lt\e 1 ..... ~ toy Noir11,111 Mailer The last nin11 u11111lf1!. "' 111e tile ul t\.iry Gilmore, a con· V•\ t•;cJ mwtJe•<'• whu demanded lhat he lJ,.. µu1 '" tlealf• Jnt1 wil!. eventually exe • •itP1J IJy rl '""'II '>quad 111 1977 are dram- .1111ed (;.>hrs) 0TO•A~ rn CHAllUl't MIQILJ ~ Tl4Art INCtllDmUJ r eatured a young N1•w Y•1rke1 survive~ alter he 1s slabt>ed """ h ,., • all h•~ blood a man 1w11rl11tes an endangered whooping Friday. November 26, 1982 27 -Tuesday -Mo .. ning Movies- ttll1C 'Tt11Pe Warnors ( l'l77 Dram;i) Randy •.iua•Cl Cha•IPS White Fagle ( 1 ,,, 49mon 0 ·s 0 B I 1981 Colllf'<.ly) W1lliillll Holden .Jillie l\ntlrew•. 17 r11~ 4 m111 l •@ Doamon<h rm A•eaklas1 11969 ComeelyJ M.irt.ell1 Ma<;trno..i11n1 R11,1 Tush1ng11am (7 nrs) ~ 1 I\ Farewel To Arn1s I 191<'. Drama) Gilly Cooper Helen Hay~<> ( 1 nr ·10 mon ) 1M ffi 'Desk Se1 11957 C:onif'dyl !:>pero cer Tracy Ka111a11ne Hepburn 12 hrs 1 7:11 &J 'Green lc-e' 1. 1981 Adventure) Ryd•I O'Neal. Anne Archer ( 1 111 55 mor') atl ~CJ "ThP Gambler ( 1980. We<;le•nl Kenny Roger~ I ee Purcell (? nrs ) SJ The lncred1u1e Shron~ony Wornan ( 1980 Comedy) l olv Tornlon Charle~ Grodin 11 hr ?4 min ) 0 Tnp ual1'e11ng ( 1978 Oram1;1) fol AsnN Miiureen Stapleton ( 1 tu 4'i mon) (.ZJ 'll11ee Days 0 1 Trie C.t1ne101 r t9l~ Suspense) Rober! nedlnr<l. Faye Ouna way (2 hrs ) tll m Magn1l1cen1 Ot1sess1nn· ( 1935 Ora ma) Irene Dunne Rouer1 Taylor t< 1'rs I l:aQ) I\ Damsel In Distress" (1937 Musi cal) Fred Astaire Joan Fontaine (2 hrs ) (.0) "Rich And Famous ( 1981 Drarna) Cand1cP Bergen .Jacq1 1p1tne 81sse1 ( I hr 55 mon I 0 'The L1111e P11ncP 11974 Musical) RIChart.i Kiley Cene Wilder ( I hr 30 mon ) ,..\C' 'St Ives ( 11'176 Adven1u1P) \.ha11es Bronson .Jac;Quellne 81sse1 f I hr 34 min I ai1 "Ragtime . f 1981 Drama) lames Cagney Hnward F Rnlhns (2 hrs 35 min ) CS) 'lm11a11on General' ( 1958. Comedy I Glenn Fora. Red Bullons ( 1 hr . 28 min ) ZJ · Palerrnty" ( 1981 <..;omedy) Burl Reynolels. Beverly D' Angelo / I hr '.l5 nun ) ,.. @ "The 01ack Shield 01 Falworih · ( 1954, Adventure) Tony Curlis Janel Leigh (2 hrs ) 11M0 "Bnardwa1~· ( 1979 Drama) Rulh Gordon. Lee S1rasoerg ( 1 hr 40 min ) -Afternoon Movies- 1211 C1J "No Way Oul" ( 197;> Drama) Alain Delon. Richard Conle ( I hr 30 min ) Cl) 'Sergeant Rutledge { 1960 Orama) Jetfrey Hunter Constance Towers (2 hrs) (C) "Carbon Copy" ( 198 l, Comedy) George Segel. Susan f:l!lnt James ( 1 hr . 35mln l CO) "So Fine" (1961. Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden (I hr , 31 min) CJ) "Back Roads" ( l 98 I Comedy) Sally Field. Tommy Lee Jones (I hr 35 min) Cl) "Tales From The Vienna Woods" ( 1979. Advenrure) 81rgll Doll. Hanno Poschl ( 1 hr . 35 min ) ,., ,.CID "Ode To Biiiy Joe" (1976, Drama) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Connor (I hr 46 mln ) e "Viva Les Vegas" ( 1964. Musical) Elvis Pr951ey. Ann·Margral. (I tu . 25 min ) t:11 CC) "The Party" ( 1968. Comedy) Peter Sellefa. Claudine Longet (2 h11 ) (Q) "Southern Comfort" ( 1981, Drama) Kelth Carradine, Powers Boothe (I h1 40 mln) ,30 Friday, November 26, 1982 1, .. \ lh" id Rirnt•y a rul Cynthia Si kf·~ a r4' part of tlw •'3 !'1 of ""St. El~t·wlwn·.,, a nwdical drama s.-rit-s ma NBC Tau·sdt.a y!ii al 10 p.m . CZJ "/\ FAoeweil ro Arms" (1932. Drama) Gary Cooper Helen Hayes ( 1 hr . 30 min) t:ll 0 "An American Werewolf In London" ( 198 t. Comedy) David Naughton, Jenny A_guller ( t hr . 35 min ) atl({)(l)' Pa1ernity" (1981 Comedy) Burt Reynolds. Beverly D' Angelo ( 1 hr . 35 mrn ) •(Cl "Three Warriors" ( 1977 Drama) Randy Quaid, Charles White Eagle ( I hr 49 min) CO) "Green Ice" { 1981. Adventure) Ryan O'Neal. Anne Archer (I hr , 55 min) d Cl) 'Legend Of The Wiid" ( 1980. Drama) Dan Hagger ty, Denver Pyle { 1 hr . 40 mrn) 0 "Day Fo1 Night" ( 1972. Drema) Jacqueline Bissel. Valentina Cortese Directed by Francois Trultaul { 1 hr . 54 min) 41111 ll) "Ordln11ry People" ( 1980. Drama) Mary Tyle1 Moore. Donald Sutherland (2 hrs . 3 min) •<L} "The Wedding Party" ( 1969, Com&-t) Jiii Claybvrgh. Charles Pfluger ( 1 hr . 3o min ) 41) KAWAI,,.... 811 O'f9l WY Guest singe• Frankie La1;.a... • IUUll'Tm 11IM>UQH TMI MT1 ~ llO¥tl "St Ives" (1976, AdYenture} Charles Bronson. Jacqueline Bisset A loi- mer crime repor1er-turned·detectlve Is hired by a wealthy film fancier to recover a set of lncrlmlnallng ledgers 'PG' (I hr . 34m1n.) (Q) llO¥tl "Rich And Famous" ( 1981. Drama) Candice Bergen, Jacqueline Bis- set Throughout the ups and downs of !heir respective literary careers and romantic llv&S. two women depend on their friendship for Slablllty. 'A' (I hr . 55 min.} I 1'111 MCI • llllNT ....... • umTaM.L Los Angeles Lakers vs. ~;,:~;rrs (2 l'lrs., 30 rnln.) It' .._,,. IWADOll -Of ~ Me D&•ICI A young boy's Journey from Innocence to experience baaed on the poems of Wiiiiam Blake. ( 1 hr.) l .. OAWTTlll> WDllW lllMI "Torch Song" ( 1953. Drama) Joan CrawfOl'd, MIChael Wiiding. A B<oad· way star loved tecretly by • blind pianltl let!dt an empty and unaatt.f'ying fife. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.} 0 _,.. !rue l-Of1leMl1J11t 1111111 Ur ume I fl111>et I 011 NH u Roller I 011v11ll ""' u•u .. lly ..... r11l• WOll<I• u l IWO lllOlh t1•11 11 l u• A•'U1Jlfl 1~111( • l)el1t<t11111 end .,, 11r11lJtlll>YI Rorna n (.,e lhlllk rt111tll c tl!i v1tru11 OUflrl\111 r11v10.1 h111~11tiiJ"'"'" H l I 111 t>U111111) ,•11altlV(l tjft• fftl d tM tlll1 .. fll• n. t 1 ht ./H IUlh j l lf<Mt't'm 0 111)\W < 111111>0 l 1•1111 I ltertta) Hll4 111 MuP,n hu '-rf1t,u1p•u111 A f C)UftiJ WOfTI u .. .,..,, • ._ fuu 'uu1lu1 tuhl• ,ut>utfJ•n t'\C>rne 1a•11I "'" • '""' h11~llu•11l tJ111111mtned 10 111._ •• 11111 ''''I" •t1•,1[11illy h11 !>Up!JOlltng ~ -~llAIUfT 'f.= l>vnf lJr1tlur '.t.SuNllyb ''"""" 8 _,.. Ju•I A <1iuuh.1 C !Utl I (1111 '""' OftvuJ Uowlo Kim Nuvok 1\11 .i1t•l11 u11t11 Pruaa1n11 rwldlft• 1atui11~ lu 11111111 HllOt W0<ld W111 I IU cutttt 111~ IMl•\j "~ 11 11111111 t!M.Ol I f1' ( I 111 10 111111 I 1 IU// ll11111ua l lh11lot1 \lrh1111 '>hnl"'' t '"hhflU11 A 1111tldltt ••un•1 ,,. .. ,. l1nuun. 11 f1w .. o Mte uu11 thouutto. Htluut llin t "'''t·•' t1I h1·-. llfn •• ., t,11>u t l1«>uhlti'• c111 Uu~ 1ut• U1ttH•I t l•h"" IJy ''"''II wh11l.,vu• <•dtl !Ubl alle 1111 u••I l I 111 4 / 111111 J 0 OIC991J! ...VWW Hrn,..11 Cl"L1ou111e '""I~ 1111~ , .... ~ .11 11111 ""'"'" ftl{)\lltl~ 8110 '>ptttl•th lttl IU'J hvttWHHhJ I I flf tU 1t11U ' ir1t HI llOWll ""' Wlhl ! ......... I 111111 -~~ .... liOMAl'N't M WOll.D AT UMI All110111u111) H11 t.,11t1 lhJt11111 H111101 Muoi!• A UIU\JP u f dntlftU rnnh n1111n11·. lfttvtth h• '>uulh Alt1Ll1 u1 unJui tu ·.uv11 11 tJupt1•.od fulot ftof1t lhtll nnw •flt. t.1101•,1111' H f.,' .. 071 ~ -.11 ' S MOYll 11 I• '• t 1 'lt;U l.0111110y) 111110 1 """" l>•1il r 1'11tl•111 11111111 worklllQ w 111t11,1t '••lml ,1u;••'•"' tt1 ... 11 •,ut.J1uuttt1on by '' fl11•h1 c h,u 1v11u~.1 t10':t~ t1(, ( 1 h1 , 50 M ) llOWll "I he KilhllU K111u t Hll I ll111 ''"' 1!>111111 J ... , •• ONJI ""' I m1:1) Jurin ti11vaua C111uy W1ll1111111> Atl111 l>Orv111u lwO ylllllb 011 11 ltlHlllJO<l up so• Lrtarutt u young 1111111 lb 11Jlt10S6d 1tom p11-.11n w1cJ IJtt\)111!. !><!ttktfl\j 111!. tuvOfl\jtl ff \ 1 '" 1ti "'"' ) !:II ( $) lilCWll "l ht1 H11ppy Hrn tkt!t I Hlflt> I u W111>h111yl1111 ( l'l l1 C.1.111111dy) Jo<ly lltllt1'1tlfltm (1t•tlll)tl Hu11111f1111 I t111 11tttf11tt!.>1lllt1 ,,.v11Jlit llulla11<lt•r 1ou11111y& lo ihtl IJ !. l tlltll<ll ,11111 •Jl1LV\ltllb Mllllt! vt!ry lcll ~ ,Amt. ..e ( 1 llOVll "l ltru" Ouy!t (JI 111., LtrllU"'' (I~/!, ~llblJtlll'.t!) Ht11l11'I flotJIWd I 11yt1 I Ju 1111wuy A 1u~61ltt;h r111Jclllt t1111pl<1ydd l>y 1t111 ('Ill u ll<..OVtll '1 lllftlfl1tll llt<UI hot y wt\1111 1111 l>l Ill~ \.0 W<JfktH!l tlft! l:lfi~l<!ll"tlttftttl lty ,1 1111 111.111 wti11 '" nuw &1ollu11v 111111 (,' ''" 10111111 ) d l!JIUUWllCLJ • % MOVll r•,a1.,,1111y ( l!Jtl I Cumedy) lt1111 Hvync1l<J•, lluvurly IJ'All1J1Jlll A bach· "'"' 111111 ... li1ll•tJ'• wl111 wu11I!.111uu11 father ~111111 ""'' h1r 11111 ••1)111 wo 111011 to bear his I l1tld f'(1 1 1 lor 1~ 111111 ) UI on I DMMI Of a.--... I 91 TOfl O' ntl MON9tG Gavilan appealing role to its star LOS J\N(;l•:l ~.~ 1t\l'I Hobt.'11 U11d1 dad 111 11·d hlut· JIHI ;wllo\.\ ~ ub.1 g1·.11 . -.lip., 111l11 llll' hug1., gl.1~ wall1·d wall'f t.111k lo c 11111pl1 I• ,1 ..,..,.111· lwgllll w ..... k., t'.tl lwt 111 1111 V11 gm bl.11111, Und1 -.p•·111I-. .1 ltil 111 111111 u111i1·1 w.111·1 ,11111 111 t.111 w.Ht·r 111 hi:-"'"' .11h1·111u11· -.1·rr.·' Im NBt:. "(.;;iv1b11 · 111· play ... ·"' Ot l'.llll•g1 .ipltt11 ,111d IOI 1111'1 ('I/\ .agt•nt v. ho I!'> alw.1y:-. up 111 Im. nt~ k 111 :-.11nwth111g A ft•\\' l11111llll ' l.111' .. 1111d11pp111g \.\t'l llt 1<'11lll'.Hb1111 his motor h111111 p.11k1•d ht·-.uh· llw '>l.1gt• ,11 M<.;M 111:-. wilt c1elre~ 11t .. 1tlh·1 M1 11111·-. .rnd t h1 ·11 l w111 l11li.Jn·11 .111 · v. ,111111g 1n.o;1ut· M1·11111 ·., lt,1., " r 1111 · 111 th1· q.11..,.xlt lx•111g f1ltn1·d "lll•tt' v.1 • .111· llH· fo'.11kl1 L11111)\ d11111g ,1 TV.,..,.".'· say:-Unl h "Tht• wl111l1• 1.11111h \',IJ)ll' 111 W11rk ... Ii :w Ill th·· murn111g Tlit• kid.., 1ur111111g .d i 11v1·1 tlw p1,,.,. 11 d1a11gt·d tlu· wholt• frl'l111g <•11 tlw "t'I til(l;1v" A,.., ht· dn•·.., h1111.,1 ·lt with ;i 111w1•I 1)11d1 t•xplwrb l11.1 ht.'s domg v,11111u~ "pll'kup" M'Pllt'" lO 1111 111 1h1• !>how.., lh.1t wt•rt• ftlnwd 1111 lix·.1111111 al S1 Ttior11.1., 111 llw V1n.!ln bl.111d-. "Wl' rJ1111ut ol 111111· 111llw1sl.111lb." h• -..1y-. "W" "''"' ftln11ng 1111 ,1 -.unk1·n -.hip I'm l11uk1rtg f111 .1111~1 thing gold lr<·asurt'. .,.>nlt'lh111g Tht·n ·.., .1 l'aVt· 111 .inti \.\ ,:n. tr:iplJ<·d And I l'Ul u ... ln·1· v.11h tht· .in wt·ld··r .. Thr· 11~·1·111 dt.,1111 111 Ft·r11,111cl11 L.1m.i-. \\ h11 was h 1-. eo-slar 1s 111ud1 1111 111-. 11111111 "l-'1·r11<11Hl11 ;mu I h.,cl 1h1:-. 1mm1•cl1.111 1 .q1p111 t Ill' '·'Y" "lit· "'·..,:-, .,U< h J "arm ind1v1du<JI I It• ,,h,, ·'"' 111.1111• t•Vt•rvont• ·" ou11d '11111 ft•c·I ).!11od "So \1111 dun I 11•pl.iu• """'1l'lxxlv llkt· thJl I've-hJd sonw d1fl11·ult l11111 •.., I'd g1•t 111 llw n11ddlt· ,,f .1 <;t'c 111· 11 shoollng !>4.ll1Wlh1ng Id d11n1• with F1·rrwndo .md I'd h;1v1· lo leavt' thl· st•t It didn't ~·t·n1 f,11r th.11 you hJd lo d11 lhings lhat <,t·1·11wd "' 111s1g111f11.int ,,., J ll·l1·vtsl\Jll 'c't "'" ' Tht· '-'Pl!><~lt·-. \.\tlh l..1m.1:. Wt·n· It' fil111t'd with l'..trtl'k Mc1cne1· Tlw d1.1r.wlt•1 1:--.ull (.,1vd<1n'.., p;tl hut lh1 · 11111 h..1-. tx~·n altl'n·d t11 f1l M,H'l1l't "G;1vd.111" 1., Urwh'., .. 1xth lt'l1·v1:.1on :-.l'rlt-s, ;ind hl' ~'""· "Unllkt· .1 Jut nf 11tlwr .. 1uff I've· cfonl'. I'm dwng 1t for fun I had i.I l'Ofllranual t·umm1tmc·nl Lo do :inolhl'r s;:.·ncs but th1 · l.1l'l 11I 1111 111;1111 t ts I lik1· l11 dull I h.1v1 llln I likt• lh1• pm·c', I ltk1· tltt· f1ll''>Mllt', I ltl-1 · tlu· 1 h.tll1·11gr · 111 gdl111g IU pages cJ.1111• 111 11111 d.n I hk1 • h;iv111g to 111u·11l lh111gs cm thl' s pot. /\11cl "' 11 tut'" oul, '( ; •• vil.111 ' " llllJl't• run lhan ,111\tl1111g l'v•· d11111 W1 '11• dm11g l11glt .. dvt·11h111 ·, l111d111g the -.1111k1·11 It 1•a..,u11·, Ii.ad guy.., t lt.1:.111g u:-." U111 h -.av., ltt• g11l 111v11lv1·cf w1lh 'l :.1vll.111 · lx~.iUSt' hi:!> ""''" 1 w111111t1111•111 w .1-. with J\1(;M 'l.1·11 Crildb1:rg hl'ard .11>41111 11 .11111 ht ·., gut ,, 1h-,,J "1th 1\1( :M. l110," lw says "J'd dwa •'-) V.. /\ T l11r Spc·ll111g ( :oldl:i;·rg, hul .1l th;•t pmnt in "" 1 dllt'J I d1cl11't l ••su.1llv w;tlk 1111<1 the· produn·r 's o ffice ,,,v, I l1 ·v I .1·11, ltow ya d rn11g"' "I nwt w1tlt I .1•11 .111d '1'11111 M.111k11·w111 µ1tdw<.I lhu; 111t .. 1 I s;rnl th;11·.., no h1 •t1t•1 .111d 1111 wor.,c· titan i.111ytl11ng I'd l1e·1·11 ttl lt•rt•d I s.11d I wa11t1•d Ill do Slllllt'tf11ng th;.al was run. llt.11 h.ul lnlmor 1i1 1l I d1111'l w.1111 l11 d11 bl11od and guts, I dt111 '1 want to d11 th1· tough d <·t<'<'llv1., I d11n'1 want to s hoot pt•11pl1• 1'111 11111 1·v1·11 .,1111· II C:.ivll;i11 owrb ,, gun" U11< h ~iv., l11s n ·fu-.,il ln do "l1lood and guts" lax1•s the 111g1 •111111 \ "' 1111' '>llllll 1111·11 Ill I OllH' "I' \\ illt :1cl11111 S<:t-nes w1tl111111 1lt1· """·" k1111< k d11\.\ 11 d1 "''mil l1glth I h ..,,1v-.. "Wlll'll111 1l' g11111g t•• v. •11 k "' not 1s 111 the • 't~ ul11111 .1111f 111 the 11·l.111111i..h1p-. 111 lh•· 1x·opl1· ll"s got "11111 · ll.1.,h .111d d.1:-.li l1tll I lik1 · t11 th111h \\t' I• g11111g nght to 1111 · 111.111 1il th1· 111.1111 1 o111d .i11 d 11111g go11J solid fl ·l.it11111,.,hq" . "{;,1,·tl.a11 ,11..,., ·'l>l>l"Jh·d to Ur 1111 lx-...1u"'· hl··s a sailing 1•11lhu-.1.1 ... 1 "I .,1,1ru·d with •• ,rn,111 l><1.1t.' hl' savs "I have a :!h ltM >I ,1,,.1p I bought for nt xt lo nothing .. nu fixed up N1 1\\ I m h1111k1·d .ind I'll h.i\ l' lo g .. 1 '>llllll'll11ng IJ1g_g11r ·Tw11 wt't'k' ,,,,,, t hl•fl• ._, ,,., .1 rull mo .. n llt•<ithf:'r says li·t·.., d o ..,.11111 lh111g I -...1111 lt·l' g1 ·1 .1 l1,1hy -.1lll'r Somelhrng l'vt .il\o\ .av.., w ;attll"I 111 do \\".I' "''" 111 the· moonltghl. T h e "111d \.\"" 1i.·rl1"< t. tlw """"t l.lnH up .1ml "" "1ill'cl l:l m iles Ill i\11.Jl ;lfJ,I tllllltrld lht· .... l.tnd, ,11111 b,11 k 1'111 t<·ll111g ym1, 1t \'tilt ' v1 ·r h.1\'1• o1 p1 o hlt•rr1 with your 11l.1rr 1.1gl'. 11111 th;1t "'' 11 .. ,.,. pr11hlt 11 ...... 111d \11L1 wan t to 11·k111dl1· rt 11 (,1 1111 11111111.~ht '·'" 1 '" tt.1 111 "' r11.1g1cal, r11111;1nl1<. w1111d1 ·1 tul lh111g 111 du Fnday, November 26. 1982 29-· 1 -Tuesday Cont. H MOVW (ld~ l, k•I, ,. 1117., fJ•.t rna) Rnully Ae11 •' r; yr,,,., 0 c .. nri II Based nn lhe .,,, 14 t>v f1•1Co1"" r;,. .. rry ·' tounen1e,J tPt'f1 rlg~' , t .r ···r·•'• ''"' w compltc..att-t 1it, l+ts' '' ,,. ,. ..... ,,. 1 ., ~,, hr . 46 n111• I fl.l llOVW ThP t..Px M11L1111>1 ll'tll\ '1 en<.P r1c.!1uroJ AgC•'>hnil [1Pll lro .•n II A 0 SC•ent•SIS Slllve ltlf' P'1t!rgy prOIJln111 b\I harnec;!>rrig !he r.,i,.e• 1 1he h11m,111 r , co n t 1 ,,, • ;:oo ,,,,r S llJT Of mAIWR ICtr»I nyt'Pr <.f1o•W' you lhonys s1ra11ger rr.1• I•••" largPr lh.lr lifp ano ,•Jn er 1ht)r =-, y1• "'~ ,,)4,, ..... eitt .. , seen 1t:91!J ~y J ""• !•" ,,, .. ID···~·· I closet I ,,~ when -1 .., )1.n J ,1ft. If u.t hU dea!n •S ruleo 1 "" 1" fHJ f 1 '" r(l min I D m TOlllGIHT fJupc,, h !' i Ii,,.,, • ~h .. r Guest Tern Garr ( I r>r 1 I ®J Alie .... NIQHTUNI YOU AIKU> FOR IT . OCIOCOUf'll AmllCM CMAU.ENQ( An p , ''"'II tl•>< umen1 01 men and wurnen 1 1c11111 0,01 llC.rOSS lloP ~Mrlh Al•anto( 1'> d rr1pt>l.I ' fOf hotl(Jf man ilQilW<.1 111(' f'IPIT\Pr l~ f I hr 1 s AlfT Of llM IUWt Ii) NI UTOeQHT H1 .r ('1, • • W•1111.,~ 't! "' ) ~ ~ii""'" JI /\ "ir no,ueo11• Woman 1 1'17 7 O•.i•na• flp11ev•n1J !hill h('r hv~IJilt1r:1 '•0 lh'1!)!11 It V<''> !'\Pr 01 ynurog women bPI Ol'f•PS •11\ lvr t1 1<1 oi lil!Mool afl.:i11 w1H1 ii <.1w1P• • 1 • 111 "I', m111 ) ( S 1 MOVW 1 hp 111 JPcfobh• '.hroro~ 111y W1 n an" ( 1980 C11mPr1'( I 1ly l {frnl11 ( l11HIP~ Gro0111 A 11011<.ewilp l•nd<. ot 11.:i• I '" c• •Pf' whPn Shf' 'iu.Joe111y t>Pg111• 10 ~h11r1~ '" size PG 11 h• 24 m•n 1 0 MOV1I 5 L) 8 I 1qf11 I < m .. -JyJ W11 l1am HOl<Jpr Jul e Ar doPwc; A ""°""'' Cl11ec1or who l0a<, iv<,! 1.n.i;hp() ol mull• mil loon dollar lvrkPy g""5 lrom i1'1Pn•rtlP·t <.111 C•<lP 1n d b•l8t1f'ly 111•.por1>rj "' ~1t0<Jr1••;; "' hos epic R i.> hrs 4 moro 1 m111cwa 1-.(C) MOV1I The Peory' 11%(1 LomectyJ Peter Sellers. Cla11dlne I ongfll A m1., c.h1e11ouc; 1t101an a<.1rrr r;reafr <., 11111>1 Lhnns when he cr11shes a social nar!)I r 1 hr 4!:> min ) 1191 llfTlllT ._.., TOlllGIHT 0 MWTWOM> lllOWW "Olrly Money" ( l'H} Or.:irw1 1 Richard Crenna. Carneririe r>eneuvo A beauflfvl woman os lorn belwe"n hP• tnve tor a detec11ve ana her devollon 10 a won ton crlmonal (2 hrs l ~ = C1t11en Kanr ( 194 1 Orama) Orson Welles IOSAµh COlllln FIA'lht'>at'kS recoll the Ille ot a weanny powertul ono extrevoganlly sell·1ndulgent newsp11per mogno1e as a reporter searct'les ror rhe slgnlllcance ot the man's crypllc l11s1 word (2 hrs) e LCM, a-=NA rm.I (l) ll0¥9 "Over Under. S1deway5 Down · ( 1977 Drama) Robert Vlhero, Sharon Goldman A mlddte-eged man begins ro h111e second thovghls abour 1he course ut his Ille, 88 tabor troubles on rhe job 1hre111 en hla lrvellhood ( 1 hr • 30 min ) -·. Llft~WITHDAWID~ 0Ufft fllm dlrectOt Blake Edw11ds ( 1 hr) ~~UP Ct.Oii 0~1 Roll1t1 St raster • I.OWi. 'JmUCM Im.I 32 Friday, November 26. 1982 8 WlAlfTM IWADOe: IONQ8 Of IMNO- CINCf MD !DtMMCI A young boy s 1 '"' •Py hom 1nncxenLt> ''' e .. per1ence t•.r'.f''J •• r lt\P pnpmc, nf Wollra,.., !Jlake r I r.r I E na ftlX 11 ntE ,_.(Ill) r llOVW ·~nrlfl In l t\1> Hrial.J I HllB. (1o ;i1na ) Rrun11 Gan: /\••ueia W1r1•1er A "' 1Pnl1<;f .urrves at a lpllrsl n ,.etrna 1ro ·""'"to rol nos wile 1u~1 d'i 1nr r11il1c.e alrrve I •"l'Sl rt1P parl•CIPQnt~ I I •1r 48 llllr I 12::A e rt ... I .... MR MaL cintl Si!lly try 1 l•lld o•UI .... tm 'S 1Jlt'llong f '>Ci!IP ht>r '' ~''"•1 11 tf' "' a hP;ir r .:ittack t 1'.l ( 1 I • OP H MOVll ·~ '"' , 1 198 1 Aclventv•PJ I r "'~ I d ''11"" \ l ""'"Y Anne Down A r i1111e<,-. tJI,,." mi:1okr'I anl•Qu•t•es ring 1ll1•n"' ''fr "'"I an Fgypl >log1s1 lrol" dos I '•'"'"'Y lhfo whpreaboul5 ol a prrcelel>S ·1·•'"" ~hr w;!'. 0rorn11t1ed 10 view PG ( I hr 0.,4 "'"'' t;OO O MOVll r .. ,ir • 1n lr1111 · 1 1 C17~. Drarwo11 W1ll1an r~•vJr11• Geor11e C 5coll During lh<' l<l 10'. 1he career 01 prom1s1ng news- ' .1~1er lnhn Hpnry r aull< os c.ut short by 1iu ... 1ou~ 11gurec; 1nvorved 1n lerretrng ov1 Cmm11n1s1c; t:> r11s) 0 MOVll Dr Go101001 Ana Tne Girl &rnt>s t 1966 ran1asv1 V1nceo1 Price f:iO•dn ThP t1Pla11ous Or Goldloot plans '' "'""''a IP tile worto s lop NA TO leaders hy mAaros ul a numbeo ot beaulllul bur •lear;lly female robots f I nr 30 mon 1 1f) MOVW '1(1nt1 0 1 The Bano11s 1194 7 W••stern) ti1lbe11 Roland Angela Green Aller wrongly tlPong accv~d ot a crime 1w11 mer c;e1 11u1 airer rhe 1ea1 r ulp111s 11 hr 15mon ) @) IDfTDT .-wr TOlllGIHT (I) llOVll ·533 Squadron' ( 1964 Ora n1a1 C11tr Robt>rl~on GPOrge Chakuos A Na:r tuPI ractrirv on Norway •S Oeslroyed on a y allant etron tiv an Ame11can squadron (1 hr 30m1n 1 E ~ (la,,1<. Cup F1na1s· Coverage or France vs USA second ~! singles marches tn1 (;>hr<, 30 mon) 0 llOWl Emm11nvelle Around The World 11 961 Adventure) Laura ClemSf>1 A wrll known woman 1011rnallst 111:1cks down 11 white slavery ring 'A' ( 1 hr :!Omon ) ( S llOV11 · Goodtlye r mmanuellA ' t 1977 Oramo) Sy1111a Krostel. Umberto <lrsrri1 A 0011utrlul woman's search for the 1i111md!e ero11r e•penence brings her to a s!arlllng reel1zat1nn 'A' ( 1 hr 40 min ) 1:21 \C llOVW "SI Ives" ( 1976 Advenlure) C:h1:1r1es B1onsoo Jacqueline B1sse1 A !or mer crime reporter lurned oerec1r11e 1s h11ed by a wealthy l1lm h1ncrer to recover a se1 ot 1nc11m1nat1ng ledgers 'PG' ( 1 hr 34 min ) 1•1 G? MIC .... OW.I•" ll0¥9 "True ContesslOns" (196 1, Drema) Robert De Niro. Robert Duvall The usually ~parole worlds of two broth ers a Los Angeles POiice detective ana an 11mb1ll011s Roman Catholic priest, con- vt1rge during a murder Investigation 'A' ( 1 flo . !>Om1n I (ZJ ll0¥9 "Orrtlnary People" ( 1960. Ora ma) M11ry Tvler MOOfe. Donald Suther land A guilt ridden reen-agttr 1ry1ng 10 put t\I~ Ille beck together l!lfter his brother's de111h and his own suicide attempt reech- l'S out 10 his compt11cen1 fethef and hi$ *ICOl&F==,,;~il.l'" 3 min ) 1111 TO•A..ol-- tll 9.:' "Tilt Brighton Strangl8'" I 1945, Mystery) John Loc»t, June Ouprez A paran0td murderer prowls Ille •Jamp foggy streets of London l>y n1gh1 (I tu 15 m1n) @ MHAT..al l:"> ll0¥9 "fnbu1e" I 1980 Orama! lac~ l emmon. Robby Benson An irresponsible Rroadway press agenl ~ins 10 regrt'I his w<1sted life ancl his 1enuour. retat1onsh1p wtlh ho'> grown son 'PG' (2 hrr.) 2llD $' 11()¥9 'Racl< Roads" (198t. Come dy I Sally field Tommy lee Jones A h<>okeo and a down on hrs luck bo> er n1pf'I ilnO head wesl 1n search ot a new illp f1 ( I hr 35 min ) 2:91 ~ ll0¥9 Tl'le Howling c 198 1 Horre><I ~ Wallace Pa1nci.. Macnee A woman •t'POllPr •S menaced by a k•ller who se<Jrn'i Ill be d werewoll R ( 1 hr 3 1 min I a. U 11()¥9 "The Devol s Commandmenl' ( 1900 Mystery) Gianna Maria Canale fld110 Michaelis When a number ot young womel' are muroereo a French ni>ws n1,11)' s o;earcn lor the11 killer lea Os him 10 1tw high echelons of Parisian sc."leit>ty 11 ~~~ 7),-=-QOUD AGI ~ TILmMM A 01111 '> Hou5'! A woman (Julie Harns) il~serts rier own •dent11y aller conhont1ng her htJSband's (Chrrsto~r Plummer) ommor ahty 1n a teteplay based on the play bjl Henrik Ibsen ( 1 hr 30 mon ) ttl C ll0¥9 Rough Cu1 ( t960 ACVen 1vre) Bun Reynolds I esley·Anne Down A 61111sh socia111e lures an 1nterna11onaf 1ewPI lhoef ovl ot rel11emen1 10 help her stral $30.000.000 1n d1amonas 'PG ( 1 hr 52 min ) l:ll ~ 'AITM • t ~(R) 11()¥9 'The Final Cont1oc1 ( 198 1, Otama) Sam Neill Rossano Brar.z1 In the th•rCl parl of 'The Omen lrrlogy young Damien the emb0d1ment ol the Anttehrlst 1~ now an adult end a 1rusted ecMsor 10 the presrdent ol lhe U S 'R' ( I hr 49 mon) I Zl 11()¥9 Three Days 0 1 The Condor' ( 1975. Suspense) Robert Re<JfC>fd Faye l').rnaway A research reader employed by the CIA uncovers internal treachery when Bii ot h1s co-workers ere assassinated bye 1111 men who IS now slall\1ng him (2 hrs ) MG) llllOV9 "Allegheny Up11s1ng" ( 1939, Drema) John Wayne Clarre Trevor Penn· Sylvania setllers detest BrHISh troops who ar e selllng rum end firearms lo lhe Indians ~hr . •Smln) W TOPO'M~ 41:11 LS fAl!l.W"A comedian hOsl end tour comic contestants who compete against one enothel ere featured In this uncensored com~ame Show tll ITAlllelCI OM.Y "Sherlock Holmes The S1range Cese Of Allee Faulkner The master detective setirchet tor stolen love letters In this stage produc- llon. taped et the Wiiiiamstown Theatre Fesllvel In Massachusetts, Frank Lengelle end Stephen Collons star (2 hrs ) -~"" IULlWllKLI llO¥ll "Southern Comfort" (I 98 t. Orama) Keith Carr11dlne. Powers Boothe A group of Natlon11I Ouardamen on week- end maneuvers In 1 Louisiana bayou spa'11 1 smaM guerrilla war with 1 commu- nity of backwoods Cajuns 'R' ( I hr • 40 min i .. ll) ~ °' ~ John By'* ahows you thlnge atrenger lhan truth, llrqer than Ille, and unler than anything you 119 eve< '"" \ , -Tuesclay Cont. 9 ~ lhu 11altler111~ 11\111! llfa 111,1) I Cl Aar1a1 Mau1-1 8 tapi•l1111 I ""II 1.,,,., t•vta•ttll• 111111•1111 ,.,.,,,,,,.,. 11 th• ta111 11v "' 11 11y111u ""'" 11111111 11111 "' Ill• upen wl1u11 htw u111w11 11ltnp1111u Ut1Hlo11 !Iii 11 lh11tl l1t1111ly lt1u111011 \I lit 4t; 111111 I ...., °' "°""' ,. ..... .... IWf'Y DA YI AGAlf MC ... o , ... llMAZlm -.T~To.Gtn Mm'ICO.A#Y ...... ....., GD • ID •1190Rl ( _.. O~I t'llll l.ttne>cir• Pttlllte lnvi111l1t111ttl" ( )lyr11p111111> 01111 l·Ullflel J1111 Ht11IUflU 11110 Phil ( dhOy Hltl fo/llUltlO 111 1111!> ~e111 ~ llJfllpttllll(>ll ( I Ill J L M0\'13 W1r.hll11 I 1':1:>'1 Webll!11t/ J\HJI Md .ltltl Vern Mill!~ A W11~1e111 IOWll 1i. 1amen oy u 11ew l11w1111rn t I hr <'0 11\IU) l lllOV11 A I t1•towt1ll lo A1111:. ( 193:? (hdllt8) <•dry l,11opt11 H11lu11 Haytls A WOUllded Allill!IC811 ~1111.)1111 1 .. 11, "' h1v11 w11h hos Engll~h nurw 111 Wotll.l WtJ• I HOiy §hr 30t11111) OMllGI COWfTY TOOA Y 1::11 ... 7::11 2 0. THI TOW f rJt1l11rtHI ltl!t!e ~IUttl women LI prt1v1ew ul t,l}S ~ I llLuS 0 1 r11ti S1ars 0 fl) FAa.Y PIUD 8 .. 000 AND NOeeClfl I he rt!itl to powe1 ot Adolph H1tte1 c.au~i. vdry1111J 10ac11cm:. i1111ong threti 1arn11te,, ol d1fle11ng t>ai;k IJ•ountl:. 111 lh•s l<Xll\ di lht< 11arly uays ul Nr111 Germ.my (Parl t) (2 t11s JO m111 ) 0 m 0. U. I ea1uied lhe new 11end t•t 111ak1ny rhe tMtnruom ll1t1 m<>:.t ylarnoro11!1 fou111 1n Hit' r1ouSt! a loolo. di N1LI< Nolle•. new 111ov1t1 48 Hours' l 11,110 µortorms 111 II-"~~=: Phtllµ W1•IO ~I LIMmt ""'°"" • llAGIC OI OL 'MmNQ · COUJGll ~ UCI v~ Ort.'\jUIO ( t hr , 30min J .. U CIJ ~ '1111 IACtl ALM A beau111111 agen1 seeks 81Jck's help 1n treeing ano1no1 agen1 lrom a dreaded 1ungte µ11sun t t nr) 0 W 'ATHBI ~ l 1ze111· ldkes • pa11 11me 100 1n town and tails 111 love w11t an arrogant spo11eo young man ( 1 111 1 0 O]) HAW\' DAYI FonLte entou1age'> Melvrn Belvin lo baml'loo11e K C 1nlCl accep11ng a d.ite lor Amotd's coslU11tl' par ... ~ , .... lllAGAZIM( A ooctOr w hu conquerea his cancer w11n macrot>•Ot•C'• e11e1c1se and a pos111ve a111tude, an mte• view with the "unknown Bealle ' Pele 8~1 CD....VNLL ID~U>e fll MOYA "GOOdoye l '1u1s1ana A report on lhe Sla1Jge11n11 water prooiems ~I southern LOU1Slana is presen1eo Q r 1 hr) 0D llYITDY Melissa·· A pnone call tmm Guy r os1er's wile at d rar1y is rne 111~1 step 1n a complex weo ol suspicron creal ea by someone who wants 1rie potoce 10 l.leheve Guy mu1dered his wile (Pait 11 Q (thr ) fC1 lllOVll 'Rough Cut'' I t980 Adven lure) Bun Reynolds I esiey Anne Down A B1111sh 'lOC•ahle lu1es an 1n1erna11onal jl!WOI 111101 IHll Ill 1nlllall1elll I I ''"'" ""' le111 ')0 UOO IM)(I '" l1•11•11ru 111 t•<1 11 hr 'l/IJlll~ tL,llPOllT~ IR'l MOVll I 11ll111u "' t 11vu.tu11111 t IUllU tlr11111111 11111,11 lluulll ~u1111'1111ulo l'11rk A 11""1 U""* 1u h1• 111u11 "' huol , .,.,111011 11, II 111 11<111111 111111 he 1 ltll '"""" lhn uurnl llllltlll .. 1 lht11111111 PU t t 111 • 10 """ ) Ol*AIA8llTWJ.. :.1t11111 < '""' 11 ..... , "'' vti IJl:,( I 1uj1:111 (/ Ill'> ) S ~ _.TU L111,.n11 I 111 11, .. /\111u11< 111 ()1u111mc1 llu1J1ly 1111 r1 I'""" ~111ttlf1t In 1t <;n111..111t ttl llttt Alhlb Dt1 l,1111 v1111 A111µ1t1111""''11 "' "'" t>or1111111 11r1 llepvl>hc.. ( t 111 ?'> 111111 J • MOVll AlltHIUt.. {,11y· ( tl/60 011111111) Bw t t r1111.11ster, !>uMin S111ulllltJI1 I ti .. uallangt:td hust.11111d ul 1:111 u y11h1• Du• w1111 1&:.b 11111v&1> wllh '"'' µreu1111n1 younue• ~·b lur 11nt..1 611111& t110len harn111 wh1<.h ho w11rr1i. ari 1:1uif1U noocJ tu ~II lur him Ii 1 I hr , 44 111111 ) d 111) AU• TNI •Aa Y t:atD O u~ a......., A uv11-iy v1 .. 111, Laverne 10 help her gel 11<1 ul ..ii1111J llml viDe~r~ l _.,HU ._CAMCHA&..l..DQI A11 >1A1.11111g Ou.. ume111 ol men and w()1111111 llH.1ng '>ulc, a1..rnss 11111 North Allanltc at. u 1.11111pu1111<J11 tm hOll(JI lfllln BUllll\51 Ute ele111elllb ( I 111 1 t l ) lilOYW: f .till~ f' ru111 1111: V1&1111<1 Wnous t t<J/Q. AUvtWl\Jfll) H11g 1I CJoll, Hanno Poi,( hi A y11u11g ll" t h:1lls p1 ey lo the a11101o•J'> al..lv.i111 !IS 111 1h11 local µlay t>oy 11nd IS Ol~OWlltHl Dy he1 tatl111r ( I hr 6 35n11n) .. @ lllOV. 1111<11 11 At I 1t0 1 oµ t t95!l Dra111c11 l duruni.c Harvey ~1mone S11J llllltll A y<Hllllj 111.in pldll!. Ill delYllrlCt' h1111o;cll 111 J Ill!"" 111wr1 tiy ruflla11c1ny Htt- i..lauohtt•r o f a wt1dlthy 111llu!>111a1ts1 (I II!!>) t9I U (JJ QL lltlATUI ::,orne1n1111J ou nr!Jhl A ll•vUrCed 1tt011\e1 \jets 111ore 1ha11 sn1;1 lJaryc11neo lur when she turns 10 a 0111 £1111tlt111 01gan11a111;11 10 11nd an arlull mille t11eno lo• t'ler 1111ut.ileu t I y0a1-otd sun Pally Dvke A slin Jame!> Fa1a111rn1J an!l ll1ci..y_ Sc.h1oae1 sta1 (2 h•5 J 0 W GAVl.M C;.av11a11 anl1 iJ !HOiiy spy 111 11a1niny 11y 10 reco11e1 his ltJtest 1nv0n l•un a '111Jh speed oveHhe waler veh1c1e horn an 1111erna11ona1 arms oea1e1 (I n1 1 D ®l ~ COWA#Y Janel learns lhc1t hor lr1e11d who t'las lallen lu1 Jack is mar r1ed wn1le Jack in1nks lhar J.ioet •S nav1ng lan~S:dmanQ __.,HU llYIT8Y "Mehssa A nhone c.all horn Guy Foster s wile at a party is the 111s1 step 1n a comple11 weo o t su:.r.i1c1on crea1 t:d oy someone who wan1s lhe police tci tieh.,ve Guy murdereo n•s wile tPa11 t f 0 (1 '11 1 W MOVA <"ioodoyu t ou1s1ana" A repor1 011 the ~laggerrng water p1oblems ol soutt'lern lou1s1ana •s pre~en1eo Q ( t nr I • E 1 IWY CUf' Cove•dge ol the annual (.fl champrunsn1µ game cR) (:' hrs 30 min) L lllOVll · Gno~1 Story c t 98 I Horror J r red Asta11e Jorin Houseman Mys1e11ous deaths oe111n 10 decimate lhe ranks ol a small circle ot elderly meo who share 001t'I a monthly s1ory1etling gel togatner and a 50 year old sec..re1 R ( t hr 50 min ) WIOU>OllU 91110 <tlll t fO I II. lllllflt., •J•Hllr1u wllfl lier ,,.,,, .. , 11 • l•w• 1.eu1Mt• \/Inlet lo 111111, he1 111ew:.v~~~h11I ~111JHl•J llLIZMmt ••Aootc 1'*81 °' ~ ClllCI am wa-;1 11 younu 0<1y·• l•H111u11 !111111 111111X.oncn 10 •x.,.1111ice 1111"'"' 1111 thn 1JC1it"1b 111 Willi111fl lll11kn ( I 111 I *-0 OD IT. 11.t1wt11M 1)1 ~11111ue1- ''"' ""'"~ loo lllVOivltO Wllll d Ylll.lllU 1111l1t1ill (JI ( f111110lll< Mlbrl@<.18 II llUllM! <Jf 1111 CJ111µuluflt.y 1111d ()1 ( 11v11naw llllb to •lulivu1 o liCJJ tivur lht1 lt1ll!l)hcit1t1 ( I hr ) 8 I~ T'::.r, J11n11th1tn 811d Jan lltltl1 Utltltitldl\9 ti d8111jtll~JI> n1tlltillJl1 t<i '<llVO 1111 Oil Ill It ~1111J l11H1t ~tlll8111 t1i51Jt.l4'1 lJ t I 111 I (f l lllOvtl 'fours M111u And Our!> 1 1•1116 Gm1111t1yl l ucrlle Bull. Hen1y r un 1!.i A 111011 wllh 10 ~ids ma111es 11 wu1111111 w1lh tlllJhl (2 l11s) m Jla.Ot l r1111e lJ11llttt~ 'f111tmo1a11 ''' Ouc;und 11110 ·v1~1011!> chureo ll'•'P''l'll l.ly Alfo11i.o f1yuu1oa 10 the 111u&i l oll w11d•h ul ~UV\lldl I dlifl l\mef!Cdll l.Otn· l•<>',tJ•s dtt' p1usunr&tl f I 111 ) 0i) IOOY It OUllTIC* The Haa11 01 T1111 M111t;,r· Or Jond1Jta1 1 M 1lle1 looks at ina '"""' c,11c.ulc111011 tJt1111tJ pressure a11a "l'"" l>edrt w11Je1y (R) Q (I hr ) C lllOV. lt1e Gaml.lh!• ( t980 Wesl· l'lll) Kt•rn1y rl<Jgt1IS, I &I;! l'urcell A proles· '>•u11r11 ya111u1111 1akes a 1111111 11ae 1rnouun the Oltl We'>I 10 h1;1lp tu!> es1rang11d ~on <lfl<l 111 •lJ'> 1on1ance w1111 d Shaoy soc1ely I.lily illulllJ lhe way ( t 111 40 m111 ) t1 MOM ~TID __., HU The 1111procJ1c1aole B11t1s11 comedian por11ay5 v,1111111'> 1.harn1.1ers 111c1uo111g o !.111p1t1ase Jrl•'>I ~1nwr1 an<l a he11p11c1<ed tiusoand who J~s h•s v1oeci r11mote cont1ot 10 lret:11~ llan1e '11:. unbearal.lle w1te (I hr ) '0 MOVll · StJ I me ( t 98 t Comedy) lly1111 o Neal Jac.k Wa1oen A s1utty cot lt:ye p1utt:ssor !Wives his lather s t1ounder- 1ng ytt1111en1 t,u .. 101y oy 1nvenllng a new tvie 111 li:id•es 1t1ans R' I 1 hr 3 1 rri1n 1 'SI A NlW DAY It IDD A powerful larn•ly t:ncuunters rn;rny d1fh<.ul11us 1n an 111dust11 al town (Pall 4) 0 lllOYW: ·1 ove & Money" ( t980, Adve111u1e1 Ray Sna1>1t-y llrnelta Mut1 A l os A11ge1es oank employee's lite rs lurnel..I uµS•de o own when he meets and IJe<..<>meo; roman1oca11y 1nvolvea w11ri the w1tc ol a wealthy German entrepreneur 'A ( I 111 35 min ) Z lllOVll Thret> Days 0 1 The Condo•" t 1975 Suspense) Rooerl Redfotd Faye Dunaw.iy A rt:tsearch reader employed by the CIA uncove1:. internal lreachery when allot his co worke•s are assassinat&cl by a *"!n11 r==~:=o:. (2 hrs l -.-n. Guest Ph1l1p Weta "<*IMCl:TUTOfflOW (Part 2) ,.. lllOYW: ·rne Grea1 G a111ck" ( t937. Comeay) Bnan Aherne, 0 1tv1a ae Havll- land The no1eo 181t"i-cen1uiy B1111sh aclor Davia Gfi~ is koow n 101 his Pomposity 2 his) -11• ODCIJ®J fJ)MRI IA TUllDAY llQHf llllMCMOff_ AU.llMFAaY IT1m'TI °' w AWealCO ~llDI Ml ID •M l8'0WT I DOCTOlt .. M "°'* Friday. November 26, 1982 3 1 -Wednesday Cont • _k lilOVI[ r '""' •··J l • ;r '''" 81ography1 n.c..11.11 Ir •r r ,,,. ' Alier Ww10 W 1r 11 1 • ,. rne t11s1 bl.tc• t''""'P the rdc.e ca• c.11c. 111 f'I r o. lilOVE T 11t11Jl.. l l I/I r" Ill ,, I.I\ • L emrnu11 RPhb.., Ht-11'~~" A, ,, 'i •.11 · ··-.•t''' 8 1oaOY.i1'1 ~ Hl~ hJf'' l t1 ... rJ1' •. ftt t••u11•f ht wa"tel.J l1fl-Jtld '11i... i.•r ,1 1 h·•.1t11 1 .hi( w 1lh h1S g'owt ..... " P•, • ,., s_ FU. TAU TMUT1'1E ~i I A • Grerel A•<.~) ~<.h• w1 , • 1 1 .. w. Si ar in d 1,-th• nt fw r Ii,.,, 1 I 111 lo• wr1 I ,11 1nff) lhP ( luff"hp, •I rtr t•\o A-II , IN!H1 d'I 1nsa11ablf• 1po,~t1h·• 1 n • .,,, t " 1 1 1 l..J lil()VI[ A N1qt I t I I H.101 ( 1 Ult RomancE-\, arir .,rlr , tr "" , ( '" h" Berger 0110:.1.11"1 ti, I • ,, .•1••1111111111> A m achc IUIO.tlt\il •• I J l I •• , lh 1: '' t>I graphf'r rP!tt'< I 11• lhP 111 ir .,, 1 1111.., at the11 c.t ""' rr1.:tn t·-4•' 1 ' t' 4..t rnin J m~COUNTYTOOAY 1:a a 1 ON THI ron r .... ,, .... • I ··i.·• •. , Ir·· Los Angel£·~ lJ111lPr<J• , " , ,.,r, .• .,,, with c:omed1ar Jpoy ! .. ,.,, R GD FAllL Y mJO aOOO Alm HOMOfl H I •n I .. t• •t•t • increased 1nvolvNne1 1 • 1r" H 1 , , , , rt Mo11enienr ..il14•n<1H•!. 111 1 111111, "' 1 '"""''" (Part 21 (?hr:, 30 m111 1 fJ m ON LA Fea1111 ... J lronta1111ns ~lwper 1 1 on Sunset Bo 1'P11;11 1 rnPthOd """'11 01r irr be ellPC.l1ve 1 ., lou • CJ) Cl) llC TAC OOUQH I YOU Ul(fD fOfl IT M•A•s•H .ailllATIJllW l, JP<".' I It q, I ( ' llAaml. I l.EHNJI Jtf PO«T ilM'WVAl M11111.l ' , I I.ii, Spnng' R1< I .v J I' 1 • 1 r 1 , IOOk at thP "''ll •"If t ,, ,,,, ~ ,, t Kenya i.. M 11r1tJ ~i • •q 1, 11 ru ,t n11 'I lt and tho~P who ,.., ..... k,, t t•,p1r t111 11•· 1 ' • 1 0 O(Clm(JI l'MV1EW Rrll>(>r I 1 t<.l 11 "'I 11• hosts lh1s ltt1" .11 ,,1>1 ,,,,l1nu , t1v1t-"" ·''"' ~rats m ~~ IAIKrraw. I<.,,, ic~v w,1<J cats vs Notrr> Dame F•ght•nu l••st 11 "' 30 m1n I .. IJ CE IU>Ollt4 THI llllMtOtlD llUC>UJI Animated A ~ny re1no,.,..r with fl ;hony nose bl•con1ps rlen•f'<;<;Pd 11v .. , 1111 tl100 Jokes abov' h•s 11nu'-11,1 tc>ilf1111• .1no 11111•, awat_w1th a m1sht ell cfll ( r hr D 1111 i.Al. NClf'\.I r .. .tlllll'·I :i11111t tril y ere rac~. a goll yam1 plJyl'd 1n thn o;nc•w Jacques O' Amb<w.1• tnM 1111•, •11c1c1nrn dance 10 o:chool ch1ld11>n 11 mrntrn1 01 twn wt'lo is Al'lO A nmterlotn rnodPI rtrf' ·tast est bartende1 111 the West ( 1 111 ) 8 [IJ DGQY"I GIFT ArnmatNJ The c.a1 toon character with "'" bry h(l8!1 and the b.g r()vno nl)SP <lel}11I<, 1n hr<, vAry lor~I 11'114 viston sper111I CD IOU G) , ... MA~ Ttnee ct1m1>ns1on111 TV that doesn't 1equ11P speCIAI yt11sses,rr10n who e~pe11enc.~d r,ymoarMll1 p1egnan C10S e .-.rs "°"" Snull' / drives r.. 11 small coastal village and 11nds I e1p11g s body 1n 11 bo111 along wtth an important piece ot 1ntorma11on (Pall 41 ( 1 hr ) 9 COUJ..&.l..ICTM Feafurr>d o 100:.. al A contemporary quilt making cooperative 111 West Virginia. collectors ot 1911' century e!_eued glass. mechanical banks • IUIVWAl · Ml ima Africa's Mysterious Spring .. Rlch!lrd Kiiey narrates 11 reveet1ng took at the v11rrery ot crearures who vl&lt 34 Friday. November 26. 1982 ., ""Y•I ~ Mtonia Spring tor nou11snmen1 Hl<J II " t wto .. !Hilke 11 1he11 nome ( t hr I C lilOVll N«.hotas N1ckleby ( •94 7 )•·•" .i1 (>r•re~ BonlJ Ceonc Harow>eke 111 ,.,I '" ttw <·lassie by Cha•tes Orcllens A 'f' •11110 ldd JllPntpts tn protect his tam11y l111rr1 .Jll undfo <.. wr(.l<ed rnlluence (2 hrf.) 11 lilOVE I ap~· 11qa I Drama I George C,ccJll Timothy Hu11on M11t1a1y school '-·• Jet~ '"~"' •ve1 1ne1r SC hoot to pr even I t 11•s r. 1111,... ltoe acacierny property into a • ,n.10 tlevt>IOf)fT'ent PG (2 hrs I $ lilOVll C,hPe<.h Ano Chong s Nice r"l'ilnt'> t tYS 1 Comedy) Rrcnaro r 111·.nc h M..i11n I hnma<. Chong l w11 '"v••lf'•JIP 00tht>aCls appear to have tound 11 ,.., l111e t at111111 as they peddle •Ce cream n lh> SUPPi<, ,, 1 15 Angeles 'R (I hr 'I mrr I 0 ltlOft lhto Pa!>SPngttr 11975. Ora- r11,I) Im ~ tJ1rhorsnn. Maria 5chne•der A Iv 111-'w~m;in on an Al11can assignment lt'Plrl~P~ d lriok illlke and e'lC.apes into a new <Hiil d.mge1011s Ille 'PG ( t hr 59 rn111 1 ._@ ALL•THIFMm.Y t=-fJ @J ~ wnD WOM)IJI Alm Anr mateo r •osty thP Snowman falls 1n love an,1 get<. married 1n this holir!ay SP8(.1a1 riarrateu by Andy G11thlh (A) OIOU (!) CtWl..W'l ANCE..1 4D ODOCOUPU @ N.o P\.AYIM IWIEl Y IVllt P\.AY TOGlfTHlll Three gene•at1ons ol New Cllleans p1anrsts gel 10 show nnw creallve •"<'hanQe is maoe 1ea11.1t1ng 1s1dore rurs W;ish1ng1on. HeMy 'P1otessor t ongha1r' Ayrd ano A1len A Toussaint (•hr JO min) W WHO UJ..11) THI LlmlOQH uan T 11a1 t ltage 011g1nal evidence and conrempo • .. uy actounts are h•atured 1n an exam1na 11 "l ot lhf' I 1ndt1ergh krdnapprng and the 111a1 ot Bruno Rrcharcl H11uptmann ( 1 hr ) 1::11 fill lilOVll 'Between Two Worlds" ( 1944 r<1~1rasy) lnhn Garfield Paul Henre1d The 1q•,sengP1c; ol a boat c11J1s1ng loggy ""11Pr<. slowly rome 10 thl' 1eah1a1ton that ""'v have d1f'<J ano are rn the worro ti .. rono 12 nro; 25 min I ._, 6 (() lilOVI[ Mrss1ng Children A Mother r; Sto1y' (Premiere. Drama) Mare W11tnir•gham Polly Holliday An lmpover 1shecl young mother's rhree children are c;1olAn from ner by a prlvare adoption aQ1>nc:y p(l'<lflg as a child care ninrer (2 hrs I 0 GD THI FACTI OI UPI Bta11's relallon <;hrp wilh her father IS put on the hne when she becomes the 111c 11m ot an tRS 1ai1 dUdil_I] fJ Q:Dl' 1"I 'AU OAIY Colt becomes a pawn for a New York City policeman who wants to natl e top mobster ( 1 hr ) I llW)Mm'I PUCa mllY .... _..,.. lllOflUI Tt'le 11anscrlpts of the Kirov tape5 reveal Karla's operations and Allow Smiley and hrs people to plan a trap IOI the Soviet agent. (P11rt 6) ( t hr ) 811 WMO UilD TMI ~-•I IMn Trtat footage or1g1na1avtdence11nd contempo- t Ary accounts ere leeturect tn an examine !Ion nt the Lindbergh kidnapping end the trlal ol Bruno Richard Hauptmann ( 1 hr ) lLl llO¥ll "True ConfH$1ons" (1981. Drema) Robert De Niro, RObeft OU11all The usually separate WC>flds of 1wo b<oth· ers. e Los Ange1es police detective and en amblt1ovs Roman Catholic prleat, con· verge during 11 murder lnvee11gllllon 'R' ( 1 hr , 50mln) (%) llO¥ll "The Last WO<d" ( 1980, Com edy) Rlch11rd H1111l1, Karan Black An absent n11nded 1nv.,ntor decides to l1yhl city hall atte1 he is nollfted of plans 10 raze hrs apa11men1 buold•ng 1 make way 101 a ruyrHent 1Ptle,e1oprn.-n1 pro1ec1 ( 1 hr 40mrn I m IOU)o.t11 t=-Q W FAiia. Y TIEI Ale• tP.1v1•c, 111~ JOb at a small groce1v Sl<>re 10 wc11~ tm a new u1t1a modern superm .. rke1 0 llWIAtm'I Pl.AC( (!) lllOV1I The G•aPf" UI Wrath ( 1940 D<ama) Hpnry Foo•Ja Jane Darwell Based on ll'le story by Jr1hn Steinbeck The y1ea1 Okie m1g1at11m "Celtloin1a dur '"9 thP Oep1ess1011 l£-1ives a lasting 1mprer;s1on on young Tom Joad ( 2 hrs . 30mrn) W ClOUD OA*:IRS An e•ptoratron into balloonrny e~am1ning the d1lfe1ences between hot air oalloon••HJ and gas bal- 10001ng as well as 01ne1 a!>oects 01 this hi~=~IDIN f1 ..,. 01 llZAMf Jonn Bvne1 shows you things s1range1 than lfulh larger than hie ano zanier than ,10y1h1ng vou·ve ever seen ._ Q W QUleCY Ou1nry ~1Jspects that a punk rnck cooc1>1I n111y have been planned to cover a murder (I hr ) Bommrs @) OYMAITY Krystle'<; e•·hUsband arrives 1n Denver Fallon 1ns11ils doubts 1n Blake abOut Aoam and Joseph resigns from the Carnngton stall O f 1 hr ) g) -.rY't NM.I G11g0r1ev 1s brought into lt'le plans ano ~mtley makes a v1s11 to the girl as the final prereou1sr1e for the move against Karla (Part 6) ( 1 hr ) @ YIOl.I r11m on the cons11uct1on ot a v10 ta by a Hungarian c1at1sman. musician and devoted arts rover demonstrating each step ot constructron with pe<101m· ance end 1nrer111ew fin HIAL1" CAlll AT THI ~AN For· mer HEW Secretary Joseph Calllano and assistant secretary lor Planning and Eval· ua11on 111 the Department ol Health and Human Services Robert Rubin debate na11ona1 health rssutlS Nanc:y Dickerson moderatl'S 11 hr l !CJ lllOV1I 'The Drowning Poot" ( 1975. Mystery) Paul Newm11n Joanne Wood· wa1d A p11vate 1nvest1gator is hired by a wealthy Southern 011 heiress to discover the rdenllty of the author nr en 1ncr1m1na1 ·~ feller ( I hr . 55 mrn ) fJ coui. IAlllTaAL1. Kentucky Wild cats at Notre Dame Fighting Irish ( 1 hr ) (H)llOVll "The French Lieutenant's Wom· an" ( 198 I, Drama) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons An ellou between two actors IS par· alleted In the romantic period film In which the two are performing A' (2 hrs . 5 min) A MIW DAY .. lmt A powerlut tamlty enc01.1nters many dlll1cut11es In an lndustrl· alto~al'1 5) 0 "Modem Problem&" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Patti D' Arban· ville A heptess air traffic controller with numerous per&Of'lat problems la endowed with telekinetic powers after being douse<! with nuclear waste 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) GTMIWIHUI -1--n. Guest Cllll Robertson TMI IMllC OP DMCI "OUt 01 The Umellghf. Home tn The A11ln" Dame Mar· got Fontayn takes viewers backstage at Covent Garden f<>< a glimpse at a dencet'I life. hlghllght1 Include • perl0<manca of Ashton'• "Marguerita And Armt1nd" with AudOlf Nut!Yf (1 hr.) cm--. -Momlng Movlu-• ------.. c c '"'"'" c 'l 'Y I 1011 I I """"'"'' 1 •tt•••u•· ·~oun 'u•Mv• ',._ .. ,, ,,........ 1 "' J11lfllll) lcllf:t All1111111 \ •ly t llltlO llrn•lin l 111111 I 1t1h n'ahu '1u1u111 ·,01;uuhu (' tu 44 11•11 ' Z l11ln'.\ J rt11t1 rht4 VittlUut W•1ud•1 11'1/'l Atlvnlllli•ul ll"Ull ll11ll 110111111 t • .. :.-.hi ( \ tu p, n11" J .... S I u\jc:tlltJ I >I I ht1 W1I I I l'llJ(J ( ltttlhn) (),111 H11U\)c:t•ly I ltit1v111 l'yln I I 111 •O 111111 > .. tin lt•vuu• 1111111 1 .1., 11•1'11> 111.111u11 J,1111H*\ Mrt:,Ufl lttU lJdrd Hu•-;h (.1 fu-.,, ttJI C !)fl, c• '1h111t1 1194 / (lf,1111111 lt111t1hh 'o1111Jlll•llll I ltlCll(J lflltJJlitll(llH I I 111 111 fll•f J 0 IJ111I y '> \Jlltl~I I l'l/'lt I I 111 Ill fl\111) 7:00 (f ) tluul:lld l111Jt<1111t1 ly" t 1~44 :>U:>~JtJ"'-"I Odtlictld ">t1111wy1 k I rncl Mn1 Murtdy (. 111~ I , Z 1 l <i.t! & MW •tiy ( l1tUO Acl111111L111u) fldy 11!\1Hl<tly U11111iln M11l1 (I 111 J11 1110• J 1:19 $ A l 11.illc;inyt> I 111 lh·I>"• Htkl\.I ( l!Jbtl AtJvtJrlllllll) Fl,;1<11• l11yr1u111 JoJ111u· 1 ldytHt 11 111 40 111111 I 0 t '"t' M" ~ll I tlavu M11 ( 1':1'>~ Mu~1 I d i) (1(111'> Ody J,jtlltJ:> ( •l\)lltJy (::' fll~) a:. C lt1u IJ1ow11111y P1111I ( l')/'J M y'> lti•y) 1•.1u1 N t1w111d11 '"'"'"" Wr1uuw.111.l l~' hr'> 01 (l.1y~ 01 Wrnt· A11rJ Ho~t:'> I l'Jl>.I l1rdr11<1I .11:1<.J, I t1n11non I tll' H1.11111c:.~ ( l "' ~0111111 l t:iO t1 I hr l olt'dl Atht-lllUlt: I 1111£.i A<.lvt111hllt1l JdCk Pdldr•l P JClnll ( 1111111., 11 111 i'!>mu1) M Z 0.Jt!IJ" J7J I I'll i l11.;r11dJ H •11<.-11 Ouvah v,•lfld Bloom I '" '>'> """ I '1) N1J>.I T11111• w., l >vt' \ l'JJ~> (1to1 111,J) J,11111.1:> ':i1t1wJrt M,11qd1e1 "iull.iv,111 t? hi,,) t:iO W Tht' I ""I (l,1y I I' •ntµt't 11•1 l'J Advenl1111•) Pltl'.IUll ~ ··.11·1 n.i .. 11 H.111 !Jone I<' 1>1~ ) 0 1 '"l11t>u1e· I 1980 D1,1n•J I Jd<.k I t:'lll mun nouby Be11-.nri , l1h I 0 MOl.l!irn Prul.llt'rll'> I , '18 1 <.,om11U) I Chevy C..llase Poll• O A1U<1rtv1lltt I 1 h• 30 rn111) tOtl C lt1l: VI P '> (I '1bJ 11'atnd) I lo/,1 beth Taylur. R1c.ha1Cl Burlun 12 ho<, J I ~ 'lap~· t1q81 Ot,Hllil) Ct'llllJP I Scoll T1mo111y Hulton (.'hrs l ~ "A l •le 0 1 He• Own t 1950 Drama) 1 .. na T uor11'r Ray M111a11<.1 1 1 ht 50 m•n l tlilOI@ Ttiti Ctiallc;nye· ( 19!0. Advenlure) Darren Mc.Gavin Jami''> Wh11mcut: I<' hrs I 11:00•Z A N1gh1 Full 111 Rain 11918 Romane.el G1rinc:.a1 to 111ann1111 C.and1Cl' Bergen D11ec1ed Oy I '"'' Wenmulle• 1 1 hr 44 nun) 11:Jt0 · Tt1e Passenger ( 1975 0•,11na1 Jae.II Nicholson Ma11a Scnne1de1 ( l 111 59 min) -Afternoon Movies- t2:1110 "'Ripped 0 11' 11974 Mysle•y) Roo ert Blake Ern1.1s1 Borg111ne ( 1 hr 30 nun I II) 'X 15 1 1961 Oramai Dav1CJ Maclean Charle~ Brons .. n !2 hos 1 C Shoe Shine t 1947 Orama) R1n;HtJ1 5moruon1 Franco lnter1rngh1 1 i ti• JO mir1) 0 Dayl> Qt Wine Anrl Rose!. 1 196J Oram.it Jack l emmor I ee Remico. 1 I hr 30 min) ($) "SOulhe111 Co11110 11 I 198 1 0 1ama1 Mt•rt•dith Ba'\.lt·r Birau-y ancl Midi<wl Cr·o-.-. -.ta r i 11 NIU :·!'t t'tH1wd) !'tt:ri•·~ •·Famih Ti .. -.:· \' t ·cl11t·-.da~· u l •J ::~O p .m . K1•1th I ,111,.Hllllt' Pow"'" llm11ilo 11 t11 40 111111 J 1il0 Z lh<l't' U,1y~ UI T110 I ontlut ( J<)/11 ''""Pt.'11'>•'1 lh1l•1•n RuUl• ·••I f d 'ft' I "'•' w.1y \.'hr~) 1:IO C l '11.lll't'• V.tlltJy Pl A ( 1'JlH ( """ Jyl (i,11IMl,1 ( ,jf:'<1. fl1>1111y l.ll" (, 111•, j Q 1J1111,1..y '> Out•lol t l'.i79J t I It• JC nun ~ 0 · l uve Mo ()1 I eave M•• ( t9!JC, Mu•,1 l alt IJ• "'.> D.iy J.ilfle!> ( .1yney 1;> ht!. I 2:JO H Thi., I•, l lvrlo ( l'Jb 1 A10y1..ir>l•y DO<.IHllllt•t.ory ( I hr 4 ;> ,,lilt ) $ IL1· C.i,,llu~'" I 1'.llY llo111ance1 t Y'"' llully Jor111<,on llfll.1Uy Benson ( 1 '" ·,o """ > tGO 1z 1 r111 t .. ~1 Wo•o 11<mo. Lo111 .. oyJ ll11..i.,,,,, H.1111~ K.:11e11 l!latk I I hi 4Cl fOtn, l::IO C J1>h11 Ano Julie F·1•lr>• Seller~ t 1 I 11 30 ITllll) f 0 llte:)urv1vor 11981 ran1asy) nob ert Powell Jenn'( Agulll'• t 1 hr ?4 min I 4:IO S A Challenye F' '' Robin Hooo ( 1960 A'Oven1we) Bar11H Ingham Jame~ Hay1e1 ( I ho 40 min I 5cGO 0 The Ult1ma1e T~1111 t t914 ::iu~µen!>e) 8 1111 (klanel [ llC 81,iecien (I hr 50111111) Z' B.Jdge 37T (1913 01ama) RobPll Ouvdll Verna Bloom I I ho 55 min l 9dl00 Ta1Js· t 1981 Orama! GPorgt> (. Scoll T1mo1hy Hu11011 (2 hrs l --ma;Evening ~ UNOOST AM*G HUMAM llKAVIOll ¢ lllOY1l ""' L .. r111111111 T1ec" ( 1969 '"'""' 1<.1" '''''''"'"'' Ale" r:1a11<e A 111 • h·e< ''tl"' .,.,,,,., .1l><1ul hie wh•le hv '"!:I" l\<111':Jod' tJu111 ~ ""' 1q20::. (:>hr!.) t1 TWO CW HlAll'TI Wt11•11 a 10 year ol<l t 1 .. 1..~ y111 11 , 1•odut1 • I an 1n1errac1a1 1 "''·'U'" .. 1·<.l' d ••1·w ~11Jn11y her 1•·,1fa11yt!rl wllllt' 1110111••• <.on~t:lll!. 10 be 111P <.JUr\01 ( 1 ltr ) ID TME "'9CE It llOHT e::ao rn m ... , @ IARNIY -.ull d)AUCf ' Ota( CA VE T (ft) lfw.G P< "VI I UIA llAKf TltE ~· I •Sa nPeds .i yu11cl lle;i..J tor ht•r newspaper but lti;r 111~1 t.119 •d"0'> ner '" a heap ol l•uulJIP '1) WOflU> CW P£0Pl.E 1:91@ ..wa 7:00!!CM..WI .MIC.WI tt~ai:~ ~ OOPTANmfT TONIGHT d) Tlllll't COWAKY m m JOK.EJr1 WI.I> ® VlOt.A F11111 '"' lhf' t <;11•,11u1 11or1 of a vio- la t1y .1 H11114,11 "" vt.1ltsma11 111us1c1an H d dt'· • •t-J 111 ,,,., demonstrating ~.11 t °!)lt•J t on ;r J tic n w1ft'I perform drll.C dflel 1n(f•fVIPW f.t) ~ IUINU ftEPOflT E COUIQ( FOOTIAU. Mo •y~ Bowr· < lf'I• T 'llr·• ,. N.i•,.. Forf'SI Demon Qµ,1( \II I Ir II r ... Y•I t.ip.m I I l hrs ' 30 H H90 ll&AQAZINE Friday. Novf'mbl-'1 • (• 1982 33 -Morning Movies-- 1::11@ F1• I Brtn (• l 1 • .. z l.t'• ff • 0 • , I l n ,, :, fj1t .i. ;•' • t l ,, . II ' ~ ,, h I ' ,. I ... . ' r ,,, C I.•,•, ~ ;f .. '1 •• I •1;t I ,, 7=*> s I I i1 n. •' 0 • 't' ; , .. I ,, 1 tl '1 [ ,,,11,\ A , •r I [1 ,, If H •c ti•1r r,tt•I M.t l() n11r I Z /'. I I'•"' ' 1 I !>r.t" 1 \1u, l•' H1·~· H t,~ ''" 1r l:OD H l t:IO c , , ... }o I I • • •h' [)'-l"•rtf •• I H t• t 't f 40fn11 I' iPI J11 • Ji I .. 0 I••''• ll1• • rt"·'• , ,. 0 II 11 9, A ' " l •, 1 1 •• ft t ' I ., I n,., DJrt r' 11 • • 1 f ~):~ ' c: I I f'l I I 1 , I f t t 1•') t 1 1 t • f" I , ·~ ' P• , .. I I ' l:ilID 1 •t H 1' I •1!> M11•,1 Asta1"" r,.11i1JP1 n q••1'" .. 1:i .-,~ l -·C W ht-•" Tl 1• ,,,,.., Ari' ( •'1111 5uS0!''1<;f'I n .• ,, l "''"" I r,)111 """ () .. 1 leac 1:' hr 1 ($1 lnd1.1n I 1 '"' ( ;iii 1qlf, M11-.1t .11) Jea""""" Mn1 p,.,,,,,,, ''"I"'"' I 1lrlv 11 hr 4c, """) -@ 1 :ill Ill 111 .. •,,,d<Jlt• I 1'14•1 W('<.l,•1111 ,Jnhn W;iy11P r 11o1 ll,\111f'<. (;'hrs) .. (2'.J T111P1' n.1yc., 11 r,.,. c,11111111r 1191~ Su'\1'\Pri<.rq f111l11111 Hr>rjloirrl r i'IYf' nunn way P h1<. r t1• (t11 le " L<1.,ll('<. ( l 'l /'l Rnrn11n1 P) l yn11 Hntl~ lnl111~n11 n11hhy flpn~nn f 1 hr C,C., 111111 J 0 Ro;iltlwalk ( 1•171'\ (1r11ma) n111h Gordon I PP Slril~bf'•Q I l hr 40 min I t1:11 {0) Thi' C ,11 A1111 ThP C;innry ( 19.l'l Compdy J O· •l1 tto pr l"aulPllP Goddard f 1 hr 14 1n1n) •Afternoon Movles-a.o The Accur~Pd f 19S8 Myc;reryl Donald Wrill11 flObf>ll Otily 11 hr 10 mm) Cl) DoclCH (hrllch q Mag1r Outlel (1940 B1og1.iphy) f dw111d G Robinson Rulh Gordon (;>hr~) (Cl Improper CharinPIS ( 198 1 Comp dy) Al&n Arkin Marielle Herlley ( 1 hr 32m1n) a.(%) "Men Q I le Mnnchn (1972 Musi cal) Pt>ter O ToolP Sophie I oren 1;> hrs 10m1n ) W ® "Oh Heevenly Dog 11980 Comedy) Chevy Chase Ben11 ( 1 hr 43 min ) (01 "Take All Of Mfl" ( 1978) Richard Johnson Pameta Vlnc1m1 I 1 hr , 30 min ) 36 Friday. November 26. 1982 Tlw c·a:-.t of "''Ta"Xi :· tht· 1982 Emm~· Award nomint•c• and \\ inrH'r for t hn·•· ~·c·ar:-.. appPars on 'BC on Thur ... cl a ~ al 9 ::io p.m . 0 Mooern Romance · ( 198 1 Comeely) Albert Brook!. Kalhryn Harrold ( 1 hr 11 m1ri l 1=*>1C' Carbon Copy (1981 Com"dYI Geo1ge Seoal Susaro Saint .Jamr•o; ( I hr 3Sm1n) 2::11 1~· 'The Voyage Of lanai ( 19 7r, Advenlure) W M Reno K lmron I I hr 30 n11'1) 2::ml t0 l For I Apachp Thp BrM x ( 198 1 Drama) Paul Newmari. Ed Asner ( 1 hr 59m111) 0 "F1s1s 0 1 Fury ( 1973 Ad11f'nlurP) Bruce lee. Mana Vt ( 1 hr 43 min) tGO [C) "Mystery QI The M1lhon Dollar Hockey Puck" ( 1975. Mys1ery) Michael MAc Donald. Angela Knlghl ( 1 hr 30 rn10 I 'H1 "Falher Figure" (1981 DramA) HAI Linden Timothy Hullon (I hr 40 min) (C) "Atl Quiet On The Wes1ern F1on1 I 1930 Drema) Lew Ayres Louis Wol he1m ( I hr 45 min ) ~11 ll l 'Badge 373" I 1973 Qfama) Robert Duvall. Verni Bloom ( 1 hr 55 min J ttl (S1 'Ch11stmas Mountain ( 198 I Ora me) Stirn Pickens. Merk Miller (I hr 30 min) 41:11 (C'l "'Love Me Or Leave Me" ( 1955 Musi cal) Doros Day, Jemes Cagney (2 hrs ) Ct "Young And Free" ( 1979 Aelven lure) Erik Larsen. Ke11h Larsen ( 1 he 30 mlf')) .. ([)"The Pursull Of 0 B Cooper ' ( 198 t Adllenture) Treat Wiiiiama Robert Duvall (I hr . 4'0 min ) .. llll "Downhill Racer" ( 1969. Or11me) Robert Re<lford. Gene Heckman (2 hrs ) .-(%) "The Last Word" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard Harris. Karen Black ( I hr . •O min) •<:m "The Cat And The Canery" ( 1939. Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard II hr . 1'4mln) S · 9 To 5 ( 1980 Comedy) Jane Fon- da Dolly Parton ( I h1 50 min ) --11.iEvening .. lo ... CtWILWIAMQll.I ll1J MP\. l'OOnAL.l Sen Francisco 49ers al Los "=s Rems (3 hrs ) ~:r.INOUQH ('!) COUIQI u.JTIAU De Paul vs UCLA (2 hrs ) I M•A•t"M KAWAI,..,. .. 0... IAIY Guest )au performers Jackie Caine end Roy Kral c:;i IJD ,Am Coco undergoes e personallly change when her closest relative dies. and Leroy tries to help Julie recover her stolen cello ~ .....,..MIOU9t TMI MTI CE ~ IAlllTUU. UCLA Brv1ns at OePaul Blue Demons (2 hrs.) ID IP\IT ~ 19 A ~ farmer learns the 11alue of his son a education alter the latter is kepi att8f schoo fC>f damaging a cherry 1ree Ct M0¥9 "Across The Great DMde" ( 1976. Adllenture) Robert Logan. Heath· er Rattray Two Ofphaned children Ml out alone across the Rocky Mountain• In ordef 10 claim a farm In O!eoon which the~herlled (2 hrs ) .. 1.:•lllHT I=• llTTY CMTWI One of Ameri- ca's foremost jau llyllata In a '"'' of music, aong and hlatory wtlh Jazz gr"'' Including lhe Itta Cherlie Parlier on n1m and the late Son~ Stitt. ( 1 hr.) • Ila CAVITT PU f "OMUICllTltTOP l OYI IP•ol 11 llMI CtWl.ll ~ 1A.Utt wmL. li•OhH l11bt1lk 11•111&~11--· •llMCHOP- AU•TMIPAMU .,._.,.OP aM PtlA.atCO 111()¥11 M11rc t1 t 1111 I Mu•" nll /.., .. Mul\,ul lh.H.JI Ar1t1t1 J1 tho nt1vnnh1ttP1 11t tt1"' I 11f• 'ttr1hay u-.plu1tu 1uu 1rn1~•h uo.,. 10 l ff1ttfttli (,,.' hrt; t!l flHI• I Q~ COl.U.WCTleO I 11111 11t11l u '""" 111 ,, l •t•tt~1•1JkJfU'V qwtt n1tt~o1y \-,u,pcuut•v" ,, Wu~lt VlfUlfll1t LOlltt\ 11 •I'\ ,l, f"tlh t t•,11111 ~ 'l~HlllltllHrnk> L lllOYWI '"l'"'"'" '''••) l l'JH I I "'"" ''Y J,,,. ~ •. ,,,._, JHWll HuhH k I"'' v11• h t•t11J·, ol ,11ttt1,sll plH)'tf''-'h:fLtrJtt tu tut1n lf1t111 ••wn tur-HH t ... o Ntty ut nvdl1\;Jl'IU thttH ""\ll<'I I It' \ I 111 10 111111 J 0 lllOVll I id/'• \ll W11111 A1111 n11~.;:. o 1•11, I I lo.1111111 fuL~ I e11u11011 I tlt' Ht1011 I ~ i\ ,,.,1,1rtt;t~'"'dft 1JIUJ ht~ w1ftt liu1 UflltJ tJI llhplu ':t t>ul uni) U1t:t hu::.l.Jc:UHI 1~ rtlJlti tu l1n1f r11h.1ll1h1.111111• \4 ho" ) $ lllOVll 1 htt Flt:i:.I !( .l>f11t11Jy) A hw. "'" lOIHllO~ u11I hoJ~ IJrtldf plRll!> lu• hlu Ill "'" 1uy\.1ly H 11 w i''> 111111) l lllOVll l vt' I'. Muney 1 19ij0 l\.Jv1•11h11u1 Ady <,r .ulo.ey 01nella Mull A l • '" A11yt>lt•'> bdn~ ttH•pluy~ !> Mu is llJfflt>ol up,111e down wh11n he meels 0110 lie< 11111 .. , 1<H11t11111c ally irworvect wllh the wolt' 1 ,1 .o W1Jdllhy litm11on en1tepre1111w R c 1 "' I'.> nun J tt:JOI) II ~ IUll(P'1 PU.Cl Ar\.lt1e 1ear11 111,11 htt·s llecll nameel ho:. h11JI• s1..hu,11 dJ~'>'!> M dn or 1ne Year·· (II) o m TONIQHT Gut!'>I tioi.1 Jon" n1 .. ,.,., GueSl!. Kuk Douyla!> IJ1c;k Shaw11 11 111 ) I@) A8C .wt llQHT\M YOU Allll> fOfl rT OOOCOUPU NMO PU.YIM !Win Y fVDI PU Y Toarntlll Triree ytont<rat1uns 111 Ne"' Ortean' p1,;111sts \Jet I• 1 i,11ow huw crt'Hl•vt' !:'.i t1d"IJ" •!> made le<11u11n11 l~•\lmt· ru1~ Wdsh1ng1on Henry flrute~S<•• l 011gh.1u Oyrct anl.l All11n A lou~!>tunt ~hr 30t111n I FOCUI ON IOalTY NI UTDeQHT Huo,t Denni!> Whol"Y l_1 hr 1 0 lllOWI Mol.lt'll Romance 1 1•1ij I Cometlyl A Ol!rl Brmik':J K<11hcy11 Hd•rvl<l A folm t'l.l•l..>r 111es ri•Pl'dlt!<lly 10 w1r1 bad• the h6drt of lhe woman ht> lovPS n' ( t nr 33 111111 l m,.c:wa 1\:8 ~-lilOWI Hari;:er lldllt'y PT A I l'J/8 Comecty) Barbara faen Ronny Co,. A very hbeo.i1ea young mother wnh a g1ea1 deal ot '>t!• appeal 1n1en11onally ranles the conservt1t1ve v1ewpoonl of local '>Ctloor board mernoers ( 1 hr 50 min 1 12::91 INTBIT~ TONIGHT @ MUITWOM> · lllOWI B Mus! O•P ! 197J A.;i ... ri 1ure1 O,men McGavon Pa1r1c1a Nedi Polo101.a1 assass1na11on ana busines!> 1u1 mo11 ~omr1tca1e the lilt> or d Hungarian hv 111y on 5,,,.1r A'T1e0tcll 1;> r•o!. I (!..,.. (D lllOVll In Namt-l oly 1939 Ord ma) Ci11°>le l umbaro Caty Grant A <>e1 11sh wile whose only i.c:incern for ner hus- band ,.., lrlt' !>l81u!. and wealtn his name b11ng~ '>IJuncn1y refuses n1m a ct1vorcl! tr at wov10 enable him 10 marry me worn ar he rea ) roves (2 hrs I Q) lOYI., AIEllC.-rm.I H ITAMl9e0 ltOOll OM.Y Country no6 11. fr,. 11•~ H111u• II ·•-1ho l "•"·o I on111e1a 111111 I lilt1 1 fl 1a,.0t11e < aa11 I"'''""' !lottu •nlttal 1111a 11 111111 ''""•111 ""' e1t 1111''"' 111 Ill!• 1'111n llh1ll I '"""11111111 I ofllttl t 1 tu Ill""" I tailf 8 ti lllOYWI II, l•••"I' c 11 I A I t t /tJ I 1tn 111n '*'•I' 1 •\ W 11 lwdrtl lt11C; rlf WoE1ht11 A 11utJdlt• O\J01J f1t1ur11 Utlly ''"'UU'"'\J th'Yt•lt 110 U•f "''""''" hy H ftlthH I n1u1.1~,·. o ••I t1111111 11 •Ii'•, r11110 Ul•ttr. 111t11 lht• lu11t11 ttlltH Ullt1'1 lt11111 11ytt f11H•dh;ftH1 tH) l2:a ~ 1Go ·~ ~"~ WITH DAVID llTTIMIAM ( ' I • t• t l , tf • ' t ' • ' I I I I I ~ ' ' ~ I ; I t ' WtJ••lt•UIPlt•I ,, •"' ( J l I~' I,,, I lllCOUPUI tT> TOM COTI\.I: • CLON t •'"'"I I '"r t~.111olull (I) l OYI., Allmle.,_ I TY\..I "S MOV. '-10111' •• ,, t tll ,.,, f I lffH I Jltttfht f Ku1th ( •ii .1 l11u• J ,.,_,,.,., h· •ulhtt A y11111p ,., N.tl1\ll1ttl I Jllitl '',ftlt1tl lHI Wttt.1i- •H1d fl\unt~~1vut\ 111 ,, I ""'•1ttr1t• t11ty11u 1,lj., .. 1• '•'"'•II q,11ir11U11 N1H ""'"h d l (tlfllllll 111lf 111 11111 "W4 u•I' l ,,,.,. ft ( t tu ·10 llHfl I l lllOVll fi.1tl\J" I/ I t l'l/ l fJl.HI0,11 H+ib•ttl ( 111-..,111 V1•tr1.i fti. 10111 A N~w YtJf"" ( ·•ly (.tip NctlJt1 ... •I ·lf1\llt1h11tHIHd 4 ,1t11put(1tl ••\}111n11I 11 l f1111P •,ynd11 ,\I•• ( t hr r •• , tfltf1) t2lel L lllOVll 1111•,ol> • y I I 1• >I"'"' li.irrotn 11 'l!>? I lo'" •1,0 • liJll '" flH fMH!StJll A"o ru<Jct An uw.-..11fot •,qffttt" JWt!>lJlldf H1t\:Jl' 11y dflll hdr<blup 111 Ill'. q11 ... ·,1 I<> µmtJIJt ti" ~upersur11t µ1,11111 1 1 ho 110 r11111 ) t:GO IJ lllOV. 'W111!tt'I ( ,cl.1· /\11 ( 1<1/11 ()1,1 '"") ~rurltiy f, '''t'' I,, iotH•t,. L utk1111J1l1 Tu hndfltfo ht:"f f.1n.tf1 ,11 q.-1n1Uhny hdtJll ,, , ~ 1-,Pw1ftf tJ1p.., '"It lht• t .. Hn~ly sav1nyi.., rlLLOUUI w1lt1t hJt t1tH hu•,rM11d ..._ k.nUwlt_•Oyt• '" 1;onben1 (fl tu• l 0 MOYIE C '·'""'"' .111• I 11111 'uJ•.peri~t'J I t•fe':>.1 W''\Jf I Arthur t\tHH1t.; Ir A • I •lit'" IOl•llollt' I, .... , 'IJJtlt' Wl•I h1t1..-• d ... 11.tritw ,,.,_,,.l rt•1 ·•~'"•dft •flit> U1t•11 t•111µ1y h\f!O'' t 1 too JL) 11 lfl I I ~ I lllOVll '()dl'>y t-.1•11yo11' \ 194 7 l>r.1 r""' Judn t..oawfcwJ 1>01111 A11drew'> A w~1ructt1 f1t11J•. h~rc;.ell 1n i 11Jtut111t1c cM~rn r11d • .. h·t.-"1 wh•l h ,f lit"~ 1....,, 1over5l c.nt• ':Jhuuld flldrr y 1? lor:, ) ®l EfTDIT AMllENT TONIGHT a> lllOWI ·w ... lu1n1:0 I t1u N..tvy· ( l!)b;' <.cunerJy) k.t'1tnPlh Mw ... Ju,;n 0'0flel1 A ....... i.y N,1vy <Jlfot.PO y1•lo, '"In inure uouore 11'-t'' hP c;,111 ndndie Ot'f '"' 1•111e101r111 a~ a Ot'df"'4i.1u t I hr 30 '""' I ® YKILA.[1h11 un 1ne i:c1r1:.trui;t1on 01 a v1u la by ,1 t'1ur1gdnan r1<1tl'omdn mus1t:1an Jnct <lt-voto•d <lr!5 h1v!'1 1jemur1s11c11u1g edCh s1ep uf c.u11s11ut l1P11 w11h perlo1n1 <1nce anct 1n1erv1ew ;, ~ PMVIEW Rooe11 Ostiou111e hosts this rook di upl.um111y movie<, ..tno !£_ec1ats 1:JO V ~ MIC Nnl OYIMIQHT H lllOWI Cu11e!'s W.iy ( 198 t Drarndl J 1hn HPdrO Jett Br1ct·J.,. A ,.,.i.mea ll•e\ nam vet ,1,..u n1s IJe'>I l114>r ..> ,1 '>OCoaf Jrup '"" locus lheu energies "'' ,u1v1ng a rnur lle1 case R ( 1 hr 45 n11n ) 0 MOW! . T dPS I 1 'lij I [)1 .~ma) George C Sco11 T 1rno1n f H >II•"' M1111ary S<:houl :ir.:ie1s Id~ .. o•eo I"" o "' 1 1 If) prevent pldnS to turn the ac..a 1P""; 11<:pe11y "to a conoo \leve1opme"1 I'<., l •' hrs J hll C lllOWI Tne v f P' f 1963 Drdnt<JJ [llzaoe1h T dylor R1ch,11d Bunon As pas sengers 01 a oeiayeo ll1gn1 c1 wB11 1a1o,e off n the lllP lounge 01 d l ur c.lon a•rpor1 1t11•or lives becorr.e c .r ••us11 ,,,1er1woneo 1 ;> hrs !>min l t.o 6 Cll CM Nnl leQHTWATCH .,-:: ... I .. ( .... 11... ( 111111 H '"'"""'' I r 111 '1•11•, I• o,,,, ill Hobby l11111b"'' A 11111nur,111v 1111111u 11vwe •k•ttr ,tjHf t1t:tl (111-;l11tt11CI r1111I t!l•h1tUI •U~C•U '••ttd 1 f H ~llt w1 t 1 ,.,~ 1 1 t•<>Nn 10 110111 1,' 11 1 "c 11, ''' tt1pol1Hon ( 1 fU '~0 rtllH taU CJD .WI m M0vt1 1 .. 1. 111 11. , ...... 1 (111•&. Mv~111•v1 111111•, 1-.111 .. 11 I """ fJrttw While tiu11H11V ,11 I' 1,tf 1d t~I H ~, n I 11 ( •ltH:tk uen t•t.1! 111 1S• f1Ht •.ttll • •tllll ~.11• d 1f1fc, tJ dafk '''" u N rl I I .,. I I 1ft 1 ut lhH o c <..ull ~ 1 , U II I ' I! 2 MOV11 11 1 I 1 • 1v 1•mo Com n•ly) lt1111,,,t111.111t ~·""' Hlu(.~ An •llt•1rf1t P11l11J111t 11t~l'f1I ,, h11 14Jffb IU fight , d, 11,111 "", t ,. , 1 r. ' t 1'""!>10 taie I l,1'1td/t I 111 (1 I J 'I I di-tf -NtJy f(jt 8 h1 11 uuJ te 1t ,.,. J I t•I I i J 11•t t ft nr 40 rttllt) W IL lllOYWI 1r11o0 I I ...... ,, II ( 1981. I t•,11•1od II• lto•tl (11 II H.111 .. 11 Duvall f '''' •J',lj·t·•1 ·''' ,, 1111 A rl 1"1 it lwO broth "' .1 I A• 11•11 1 • ' h h11 t•vts and an ttl l•lll a ft ft itf I 1t•1 f•tlt!~f C,Qn .,, •. , w lutlfl I"' 111 d1·1 ',, 11 i••f1nn A ( 1 lu 11(1ro1111 I 2:M 0 7) WOflLO AT W QI .. D lllOYWI ,1, jl•llf 1t·•v) to, '••f·• r, 1• I I I l'J!Jb My5- 'Jtlf1lJ •.•• Jt· ' ' 1' tlh*ltlf>l ft f,tl>t• ~ \t•I I ~tlr:.) J KA HUNT l Nnl { VIC'I VACA.KT LOT (II) ~ ANnDAYlfU)(Jj I I, Payne A 111 "J 1n 1118 .1 l 1v1>rnmen1 J:20 t1 lllOVll T.11 1 ' "" , ,,,,,,,._., ueo1ge ( '>Lott 11111 '"'' 11 ''' t..111t111ry school 1 .1dl't·. '"I<•• 11;.:1 n "1 , •,, 11 lo prevent '1ltJr!"> 1t tun lhl' "'· 1 H·•• , l1f<.1pf~rty 1n10 a ~ l ti J) .Jt-',,t."I 'n t J t f (/ fH~, t:ao 9 FAITlUD l .. , ICHOOl I I 1 .. •11.-r '>kllftg \f 1ln <:l.l JI Kill 1 11 , • dq ):50 C,lllOWI lj111 1.0 '''""lJy t194l. IJrarna) Dt'ruk llt>I• l ••'111t Harctw1cke (l,J.,ud on 1111 ' ·"~ .1 t • r r,.,rl•''> Dickens A t""''9 •d 1 111 ... ,, 1 • • 1 11·1 1 hos 1am1ly ht rTI a• ur f ""' ~---11 ' • 11 e (2 hrs 10 rn1n l ._ l!J TOP O' T'HE MOfMMQ (D MOW! r •••· < .1 • • 11.il k f1939. Aflv~ntuft'I c t,,. t••I ·.~ ,,,, Jnhn Carra· J,r,. ( • u• •Jt' 1 "1 Ht' a1e d1S- 1 luyell lo) 1; ,,. •• ,. ,... ,.1, 1 survive an .t••pldne c.r.1• t •r ,-' o• iungle ( t t11 JIJ n1111) E IPORTICEKTtll 0 lllOVll f11t1 •fl· "H'll (Jt.ima) Jeck t emmon Rotit.Ji f:k• o An 111espcns.ble Hroaoway pr .. '>· 1 l"'' • t ,. J • '> 10 regre1 his Wd'>le() ltlt' 1r ! 110• "'I > I relBllOnstJlp with hl~lJ" ""' •' r • ,, ,,,~ J 0 MOVIE f '" ... • • 1 1•)8 1. Fanta- "YI RUl.Jt"•I f' .... "0•"1 A~uner A pilot ~ufv1vec.. ti ,,, Ir,, I 7 47 crash ,,,,~. ~ a1 .r ... • ' '· ,, tne man ft"~C: r1~1{J t· I' . .J. 4:10 S MOYIE D•edms \ ft•1 •I 1 l')tll ''' t 1,r1ung s Nice l """'Yl Richard f• ".r Ct1ong Two ,, , ... , ' 11a11e found .... , , .. 1 l'P •c.e crea m t.,.l,1· I 1~~1 1ff"ci1P~ 'f1·1~ tt ,.,, ,, jf .. ,,...,, "····· • ., '1l1f . , I A• l•·" A' (I hr , '*~l lUU.WllCL! l. lllOVll A r '"'N" O•drnilJ Gdr r < l t'' w• ur•t:1e~j An1e1 "'.Jr ~ Ai•lt-t s E •0•1 .~ r J''-'t' 1. f\rrns" ( 1932, HPle" Hayes A o J ,., ldlls on love ,.., "<l War I Italy Friday. November ?6 1982 35 -Thursday Cont. ot r1av1ng o1n .1rl<111 I , IDM~ ta:ilG)NEWt !'In ll I ~~~ ,,..; ••tk•oq ,, MlfllAMCt! TEIT Of LOVI I I'' ·I I .a@ lllOVW 1 ... ,.. • 4' I "''I' If•''• P.1111 M•it r~, p, I. , ••• r••( wr Hfl IL•1J(J•· f ., I tP' t ., , •• ,. ~·.1•+tl ,. MHJtt( I h OIT J '''~ 1• Mil• ,,. ,1• uq t 1»•11111;1 ltCJO (,' flr J •111 11• 0 0 0 CL ® W NIWt 0 IA T'-"DAY MIGHT o .. ~Of-m m&T1 Of IAM AIANCllCO ~ COUl.il!C'TlMO f ,.,,, ,,,.,, I J f\r1 ~f'lt'~ ,'\I 1 ft.tr t ~u• rlr r ._.a, · • tt.,, r <! I 11 r, " I !f '"''•ill Nt•w "1H~ .• , 11.11 .. ,,.-•h't 11•rt' J ~ • ·' P f., t t ... u• I,.,., t1•<J••"C fl-oP .v<ortn tD IU..:U llEPO«T ~ DOCTOfl IN TME HOUU -C. llOV.-'~1•n..-'ll ~''"'u·~u~ l't"1 0f,1fl rt l,u. tit! f \j•. !I """ Ma•ytP1 f w C1 •!h•11.., f11,-.11tJ it 111r .pvpr :tt yen rs tiel•l•" .t••<t .1t11•r p.1 h .. 11 , t11~111ve•1r19 hie t • '.t1.t1 '•Q ''" : "' 11 • r '~ •'rh. h i1npf -; g11 lhoen.i~ II ~ 11 '"'" l MOV. Nt11t '\ llfl\; f •11n1(ltt1;f'll.,.. t lt178 r '''·P(!-. A· r .""iu t1(1r1flS 5rtrru frev A •t•f'>µ•l11"1\., I v•"itt 1fd dftemptc; I w r1fP ii '.>fPi)rt • t'\(t'otPI I l ~H 4', rnni J S £NII KOVACI: m..EV*<*'I ONG1W. QEJ9Jt l11t111 narhrn11 h11q.., t lr1t>11fp f( fU"l•P K , .. :t • rh1• fl'( t 1 1t JI .1r11~1 rPc;por .,,hlP ,, •r1p .:iov.1t11h H 1f fPIPVl'.ltHl f(J<fle •iv 1Jr;c U•,1tt11Prt ... pp" 1Pr.,1Pw•, w ith Jarl>i. I tilfl,,H111 11PV'f ( h.-tC.'• ~n,.-• 11IPVP AllPn ~ r,1 I l lllOV1E 111• I 1' .Vt •! I l'IAI <.11m edyJ r~.ct 1 l H 11 o K,t••t1 flla<~ An absent "'" 1iJ ... 111 r111•j111 ,, J•'' .,1"'"' .,.... h~h1 City httll dftPt ti;. 1•. ''1>1lf1~·d Id ntnns h 1a1e his <Ul;\tf•rn·• ,,,,i1,t1nu • , ,., .,,.., P wav ''" ;i htgt'I rPnJ rfl11•••• In('" •ff 1 p1 If)( I (' fu 4001111 I 11~1) ({) OUltCY f)'I"" ~ IPdln' rt••rt pil'>Sen gers t1e1r1Q ''''''' 11c1<.1.11,w .111nn10 <1 hijacked tPl r11lV" loPN• P•p• 1<.1"1j I<• a dea<1Jy vim<. (Ill I hr l () 1t11n l U m TotlOHT 1, 11 .. ,1 ''""' 1, "" fl1ve1<o Guest I ony U11amJ1, 1 1 111 ) l ®l UCNnrl~ YOU AIKll> FOfl n OOOCOUPl.I MUOI.IC* COMOUl!M ,.,._. A lilm focusing .,n •hP Anof'rira11 lnw ••' Abel G~nce'<> Pf"l•< N;ipnlet'" wh1r,t1 r.A11sed a <;en<;;it11 ., WllPf\ ·I Of)"f\I'(! "' Nflw Ynrk Clly woth P~< erpts ffo•tr• t!lA "'"' il<HJ an 1nterv1ew wllh Abel ();ino 1> I I 111 J • Alff °' IUIQ ltulWI ~ NI LATPIOHT Hno:t rlf>rmt~ Wholey f~hl) ~~Wild (1Rf.!Sf!' (1976. Adven1111e) f'lirhn111 f11111vn R0ge1 Moore A group of •lil11r1y mercenanes travels to So11th Ato1c.1 '" '"''"' 111 save e deposed rule• ftnm the n!'w d•rtillonhrn R' 17 hrs , t~ "*'I CO) llOVW · I hn .loy <.lf I 11111n11 t •n ( 1 hr . 30 rnon I G 1W CUll tMI I DfTWIT.-.r TOMIGIHT ®l THI LAIT WOM> MOYll "To Commit A MurOer" ( 1970, uspense) l c~11!> Jourdat1. Senta Berger A wao hero ts 111ven 11 license to kllt when he IS assigned to werch a sctent111t and ~=Is defec11on t:> hrs) • llOWtl 'The Judge Steps Our" ( 1949. 38 Friday. November 26 . 1982 l 11111e<Jv1 A1111 So1hern Ate.anoeo Knox • f\ 1uc1ge •11d1nl) 111 lill• •1h~l urtty 01 a snort .. oder ' 10~ .., 111t1 1etur t1111t1y 1etl11ns home "'h"" 111• 1t•-i111<, hP ,.., tc t>t•1 come d grandfll· tr1pr (I ho<;) l!) LOVI. ,.._AN ITYlE (i) lllOVlf The Hur11nr 11<i7q [)1amaJ 'teve MlOueer f o Wallach Ralph I-' ,1, il r 11111 <,un IP.j 1" a da11yer rlUS hie as ,, 11111c.Je11 r1ay b•J•H ly hunter PG 11 hr ~O mon 1 tJ::IO 0 W LA~ MIGHT Wl'Tl4 DA ft> lfTT'IMWI C.uesf author rran I r>bowoti ( 1 hr 1 O COUfUI 1T t TOM COTTU: UP CLOSE ;11est l orna I 1111 l!) LOVI. AlmlCAIC ITYlE @ CAil .. lrTTY CAllTEJI OnP 111 An1<'11 u 1 ' lc;re111os1 1all s1y1os1s '" ,i IPRSI "' "'"5•C son9 and r ..... 1nry wrll• 111u g1eats 1111.lurJ1ny the •ate (h1Ht1P Pa•~er on him ,)nd the iatP Sonny Stilt It tu I E cou.EQE IAl«fTl.AU UC l A B• UlllS il 1 flePaul Blue Demor15 (RI 12 nr<. t $ lllOVW F'ren~ M111d~ All Ir A Row 197 t My$te1, I f11~ k HuOson Anyoe P•< ~1n\1m A gu1011nce counse101 t11e •CIOI •f 11 hPvy ol high ~ch•>OI t>eau11es, wori..s With a tParher ant: a r1ohce <.aptaon on -:11tvor1g the myslery it several chPerleade• 1\11111~ n l 111r 32 moro) tii. I) cu llCCl.OUD McC..1(1(10 SUS('\f>I ts lhal a •efnrmf'O gangster who is roJ11n•ng tor rttJb hl Oii•<. e '" onvolved on the mtirder of a music conductor ff'll ( 1 hr .'.'0 1n1n J 1MlCl lllOVW l oveMeOrlt'avt>Me (1955 MIJS•Cal) Doris Day JAme& C:agney A mobster mar11es !he songP• he ma<le tamous. but bf>nomp•, Pnraged when he 1,an't cont•<JI he• t? tir~ 1 ~· rntn J L1 lllOVW ·r11te1 The N1n1a· (1981 l\<;lvenlure) J rancn Neil\ Susan Geo•ge Afl Amnr1r.dn ma111al ilo ts e•oe11 sets out tn avenge thP mu•Of'r n t h•s uesl lrtend 'R f t hr 10 min I 1• II lllO'¥ll "Crosst"" 11975 OramaJ .James rarenl1no R;imnn Boe11 A shrewo pnltce of11cer de~'""" a bizarre sctoemfl to 111r1111a1e the underwortc1 d11ig scene ( 1 ht JO mrn) 0 lllOVW 'The M1t11on f yes 0 1 Su·Muru ( 1967 A<!venhHe) rranllle Avalon. George Nader The beautllut Su·Muru heads a na11onw1de 01gan11a11on ol worn en who try to obt111n world power by enstavtng the world's most 1nfluent1a1 men \...!hr 30 fl'llO) (JJ lltlOVW · Rancly Rodes /\lone · ( 1934. Western) John Wayne Alberta Vaughn A c.owboy 1nf1Jtretes an oulfaw gang to gather evidence against threves who mid ; i:;.:;;™1~ce 11 hr) G) lllO'¥ll "The Secret Invasion" ( 1964. Drama) Siewert Granger, Raf Vallone A group of ln1erna11onel crime "spectallsrs" ere promised a pardon If they will partlel· pate In the rnflltralion of Nazi-held territory du•t=orld War II ( 1 hr , 30 min ) CO) "Take All 0 1 Me" ( 1978) Rlch- nrd Jonnson, Pamela Vincent ( 1 hr . 30 min) CZ) MOYll 'Man Of Le Mancha" ( 1972, Musical) Peter O'Toote. Sophia Loren The would·be hero Don Ouhcote emberl<s on on edVenturoos journey with his sldek· lck Sancho Penza and finds romance al(>ng the way 'PG' (2 hrs . 10 min) 1:11 <Ill llOWtl "D 0 A · ( 1949, Myatery) Edmond O'Brlt!tn, Pamela Britton Wl'8n e m9n realizes th•t he hea been given & doee of tlme-relH eed poison. he sets oul 10 locate his klller bef0te hla Ille endt ( I hr., 50 min.) wae• ... OtrmlmrT 1ltl ~ ...,. THI llFl Hosts l en OawsC'ln and Nick Buonocont1 1ev1ew h1gt1llghts of the ~>rev1ous week. s NFL garnes and 1r1terv1ew 2M Ikey tfJa'S:: =:;•f~" TO• MIOIMCID = fhe Frenoi l 1eurenant s Worn an· t 1981 DrarriaJ Meryl S1reep Jeremy Irons An atfa1r between two actors 1r. par alleled in Hie romant1( ~11nC1 film 1n which the two die pel!orm1ng R' (4' hrs 5 min) HI S llOft ·fnrer Tne N1n1a ( 198 l Adventure! rranco Nero, Susan George An Arne,,can mar11at ans e•pen sets out to avenge lt1e murder of his Oest friend A ( l hr 30 rntn ) ~D lllOVW ' Minnesota C1ay t 1965 Wes!· ern) Came1on Mitchell Ethel Ao10 A con- r.l1>mneo guns11nper breaks tree from autnor1r1es anCJ t)er,omes involved rn a ii'1flD'=. 1 I hr 50 min ) iD lllO'¥ll On Dange•uus Ground' t 1951 Myste•yl Ida Lupino Ward Bond A Cetecllve tails 1n love with the Olind S•S 1e1 ol a rug1t1ve k.1lle1 ( 1 hr 40 min ) E fllOlll ntl N-YAllD UNI Act•on t11~ht1ghts or the Grey Cup tRJ l llOft Contract On Ctierry Strf!el" 11q l7 Orama) Frank Sinatra Verna Al• 1nm A policeman oev1ses an 1mortho- do• plan fr,, br1ng1r1y i;rnnina1s to 1us11ce \..?hrs 30 min) OJ llOft ·scanners· t 1901 Horro•) Jennifer O'Ne•ll. Pat11ck McGoohen A t1>1hat conflict aroses between two small grnupo: of people whose eJ<traordlnary psychrc powe1~ "'elude the ability to kolf tetepathocally R' ( 1 hr 4:? min ) M (H llCMI 'MOdern P1obterns" (t981 Comedy) Chevy Cnase Patfo o· Ar ban· v1lte A hapless a11 traffic contooller with 11ume1ous personal problems is enoowed w1tt1 1elek1ne11c powers after be•n;i doused with nuclear waste PG ( 1 h• 10 mon ) -~llAIUfT ~='Drum ( 1976 Orama) Warren Oates. Isela Vegfl A nch plantation owner is disturbed by h1s young daughter's inter est 1r1 his male slaves. 1nGlud1ng one that 1s ftght1ng for hos freedom 'A' ( 1 hr !>O min) a:ae;=:o-(J) PICtC THI "'°' (J) llCMI "A Farewell 1 o Arms" ( 1932, Orama) Gery Cooper. ~lelen Hayes. A wounded American soldler falls In love with hrs Engllsto nurse tn World Wer I Italy ( 1 hr . 30 min ) .. (S') llCMI "The Border" ( 198 1. Drama) Jack Nicholson. Valerie Perrine An T exes herder guard's values come In conlllct with those of tils corrupt co-workers end his materlallstlc wtte 'R' ( 1 hr , 45 min ) W~TOPflTHI.,..._ ..all'Tm llCMI "Boardwalk.' ( 1979 Orama) Ruth Gordon. Lee Slrasberg An old cou- ple retuse to leave the neighborhood they have spent most ot their llv911 In despite urban crime and poor llvlng condllloos (I hr . 40mln) *ti• llCMI "Murder Is My Bustneta" ( 1946, Mystery) Hugh Beaumont. Cheryl Walker Det&ellve Mll\e Sh8yne hunts clown a killer ( 1 hr • 20 min.) t111 e llCMI "Murder In The Blue Room" ( 1944, Myt1ery) Grace McDonald, Don- ald Cook. A determined man tri.. to unravel the mystery benlnd the dNth ot hi9 wtle'. ,,,., hutabllnd. -Thunclay Cont. e.,..Y'IMI ?' llOVW '"" ,,,,, ht1 I It l;1t• •J v\r•ll1w11 • 1dlttn1 f r1011lr-Mu•wrtll lt1n t•lru d11y •1' 11 ••1tllhn1t1 lowl lh tJ1~hHl1tnl hy lfln 4tfll\dtl llf II hlfUllUttl NfU1 r1Htlt1llln IOI IUf "'"""' 11111 JO 111111 I H MOVll l1t1vuo11y A1111 Arut A11rty (I'll f Aelvonl111e11 A11Hr•rrlHel A1111 111 .. t A1uJy ... nu11t\ tn1 u f1m1th doll wh11 '111•. htHtll khJ11upfm11 fly Jllltlto"' 1 • t I to .''• m111 I WONJ> Of "OfU CMMIWt leCMIWt HA#Y DAYI AQAIC , ....... QAZM IOU lllml'ICOWAMY JOellll'IWLD Qt!) ..... llOO«T LOOI( ALM 1 MOVll Wlto '> l h.tt 1\11." ~111y Al My llt1•ll'1" ( l~ti/ 1Je.u1111j H111Vt•y k-1111e11 /11111 fltillu1111, A ,111111u 111011 lrv111v 111 Nrw; Yeulo." l 1llltl 11,Hy hw, le1111t1l11 rHl)u"llllU ~lh01 tiu t!ff1lltUk~ IHI fl f\llHUlh t1 w 11t1 ll t1h11•1Jtl WASI' 11 t t hr lO 111111 I 0 MOYll ':>• '" 111.,1:. I 198 I ti '" ur J Jt'11111lt<1 ll N.-111 I .tlrit ~ Mc;v•>< .11,111 A ltHt 1tl C 1 t1tl1t I d ll':>t'"> tUtlV1t1t;!~1t IW( ·1fH1tll ll" "~"" Jf ucupft' wt1u..,p t1.1tl,tJOf Jm,uy p-,yl hu pt wtu' '"' lullo lht-+ tth1hly le» 1ti.1ll h·lcpulll•t Jily R l I 111 4.' 111111 J Z lllOYll MJll UI I d M,111Uld l 1'1 / .' Mll'>U ollJ I t•lf>r LI I '"''-' Sopt11 .. l ')rtlll T htt wv11td Ue he1< CAm Uw•oh• 1.1111tloJ•I\'. Hf\ ••• , .ld111;1!1IU1t)u~ JUUTll0y w11h hi". ~ldC'­ IC k ~'llllU t\p f.J,-tfll(] dfl(J '1n1J', fl •ffldfh tt .11011y tlle w.1y 'PG (:' nr~ !O rn111 1 '1) OAAMGI COUNTY TOOAY 1•@ NEWI 7:111 8 2 0. Tl4I TOW r !'tthJ1t•11 ,, ~"'"' powt1rt1cl tuL'yLit! d P"-\' 11 111 1•lf4v1Uu1 l-"11 quelle J """ldlyot ~ di ""' l 11111dl1u11I Tnea11e G)fAaYRUO U~ I --.iY I COWAlff Cl) l1C TAC DOUGH IW>Am't 'LACI M•A•a•H l*QNAT\MI Guest 81111.-J1utr• Kll•l-J lilAamL I wtmt MPO«T WLD ....CA The Woll Anet l 11t• While f ,111' Twin tltte• lawn~ c1r111 we 1!1 PllP'> Jr(• lollnwetl Itani tw1h into r11i1tu111y when our1ng <1 Nonter '1u111 Oulh 111.- y~ng <.Jet.>• ... no lhe youny wolves <IS'>lllllt' th 11 dOulls •Pies d'> f..)•Pr.lalur a11<1 prey S ~ I 1t'I 11" :.hate Ind .. yoc111 3110 leel QIPdl ••IOl!I tfieS 1)1,..'>r<..dl l1l11t•'>°' program W COU.IQI IAlllflW.AU. < hap..,,w ,., CSU t "' 30m111) .. I) lllAQNUll, ,..L Ma1111um t'> t1111:L1 I pro1ec1 a young 1er.r11s '>Iii• whoi.t-ull court bl•h.ivoor lt"aves much t tw O!'">ortiel when lhreali. are maoe on her Ille 1 1 '" J D m f.Am Coco u11derge,.. ... ;j pPr51111.111 ly c11an11<' when ner crosesl r!'lit11vc 010~ and Leroy lllul:. 10 help Julre 11:'<;<1vrr ht•r !.ICllen c.ello ( 1 hr J 0 COU.IQI IAllCITWAU Der,1u1 v~ UCl A (2 hri.) 0 A CMl..D'I art Thi:. du1.. J111t>111,11y I'"' sents a dose up 1001< ar tl11ICJ1en -.1iu11 ytrng w1t11 rh;. Oailr threa1 u f v~11ence hu11 ger OPl<l'C.• «In .ind Sl:W•luat Oar~nps• 11 Ill, ~ ~ C~Anotl Tr1e 1n')~I common Ques11ons askeo about cancer are ar1swered b~ people wno ha•e eApc11 enced cancer s trauma 1 1 hr l II) ~ NOflll Sm11ey ~lrive~ t<i .i small coastal village ana 11nCls Le1p11y'5 I It 1 I ·•' 111 1U ""H1 •H ll·pt 110 111 l ,,. t I nl I •• t l I ~ 2., cou.u.uc~ 1 "''""' 1 "' ,,.,,, ., I 1 '"•UUht• lall) fiun1hHt1 1n r~nw V1t1ti\ ·•~11 ••11111 , 111llrn 1111·, •••1l1i1ll11 111NI" Ate1,.. Hll1h11 \1llH11J 111fltt1IH11! 11, f1 1ik tiff fl1Hl1 dftttH"' !h,1 WlHht fil) V.I . CMRONICLI I f11ullt ""' I t11t1111' 11111 I 11111-111~ I t11 I'''' 11H 1 tf11'1 t 1f llllHfh ul 11(111.1•111! '" II .-t HI 111 HU jUllftfU h•1t I h•t i •.I II l11t1J €[!}IM.Al ,.,.-vw'WI lh•11t ,,1111to .uut htl f ,., ~ ,. ' ''· ''''--" 1t11 1tll11. T Hllf' I 1 I I V\1 ltrt IJf lh1I fUtttt·h•, I t I A ,, •• ~ ... "' '" c lllOY9 I ' •.•. I 1\ ti ,, 1t••J I ''" 11 t •111111 • I HI t l 1111 I)' I Jtu h,1111 1t,,,,,1 M ""' ''• '"1·•·· t ruu1u 1.,.,, 111v•tf•' 111 p1 1111 1d· 1411••·•H lo fltt'""* l11und 1111 11 1'111•' .tlln•\J t lfl••v 411•d1Ut• 1( tic rurtt'1 o ll1t• '•''"'''''••'I,,. A••Ut•lt••, ~· t I tu ,'I 111111 ) f "°'"ICUCTU H MOVll M"d"'" I 1 11'111.,., I t'Jtl I t • •t11••tJy1 < 11.iv i < ,,,..,, I '11111 tr A1hdr1 • lit' A 'i,1ph1·,• .111 11,1lfH t tmllolhtr Nllt1 "'" ,., H''• p111".• Hdl ~··· 1hlt! 11•. 1•1 UIHJOWdtl !h1U1 h•lt•k.11t•h1 µ 11A1•t' .1tf111 lit•HtU cJ1U1"')ilCI Atlh fllh lt•+U """'' ·h· I 'I. t, "' iO ltlHI ~ $ MOV11 I"" llt<«I<'< t PHI I (Jr,1110,t) J.1t " fJ It ,, \l,1!t•l111 I f'ff+lll" Af lt• ... 1•, l 11 h-1 t 1 tf I· v 1111 .. -. 1 1J1Ju• H1 t uttlltt.t 't\o•lh lt11 • .1• 1 t '"'• 1•uu1 I 1 ., wuf "tt'~ rtru1 Ii.• llhlftt1io1lf»IH N It I( 11 tu 4') 111111) 0 MOV1l fh1• I,,,,,. t1 I 111ult1n ... 1nl "'WtHrt ''" ( t<Jl\ I f!r,1111.11 Mt•• rl 'olrttt!p Jt!1ti111y h~•ri•-. /\tt ;1111111 twfw1•••11 twtl ,,. hH~ I'> p.u ttllt•h·{t '" 1ht'' tfll1UlltC ~11•(1 Jd l1lln HI wt11<.:Jl rt1t• lwn 1••• t•Pfl••ltlnnq H' (/ tu" '• 111111 > ta! Q!l WOMM WATCH ~ ® NAl'OUO. C<>NOUPI AM!llCA A t1lr11 le ~t .i1,ll\t-J tft If t• Att1t•f1 •If' 11 Uf ' I Al.>~1 •. uit • •. , it tJ •Ji ~,., H wt11t h < .1u~eo 1 .1'f••,.1t1t111 .,..,.,., I 4 r 11 ·••j) 1• Nftw York 1 1, ..,.,,,. ··~• •• ,, 1 t1 flll "••' tori lfHJ at 1t1f1 rv11 ""' w11f AlH '* Jolt• • t t hr 1 fD INEAI. fltlfV1F#I 11, 11 1 •·•I• r•r ·""J 11:1 fit~ I 111t1' 1•. , • ...._. '·f.t' '1"11..k ''"'t .t.ouj• It Wu1h•1 1 H { 1111 ( )tP,llf''• 111<J I A 1·•11'"<.Cl•t•· ~ INllDE ~ COUNTY f t>dl1J1c1l < "Y"''-'" ''·""'' q 1111• t .r.11,,1111,1~ r.omµa r1y nu• llf'W hn•" ltl lrvHI~ c IHllPd"Y harn ',lt~r 1.1l t''"t t '''""''' ( .111111ty'·-' hnu5111g probltHH I', tuh ''" ,1. 1r1t· p1•optt1 l:a 01) MOVll WI•• I·, l'\rll11111 1111' Slu11t M .. 11' ll'r// M(·h·ryl lh•1>1:11for5.te1 r ,,, .. t t"<N• A Vt"lt-'fdl I •11ltywuoO Stunt '"•ii• 1 •I•°.) 1 "" ... t• c ,s'.I h lt:l'df" why lhre~ •111111 ~tu1·I u1t!l1 Utt qcJu •I tu, t1111U1~t NtU•~ k h•• OU"' 'II tr,p hlrr •r• l ( ,1 tu., l t;G0 I) ( IMC>M I Imo. A J .rnt1 ~t k Ml~ d yo"''" ;/¥'11lholfl ..... , t •I l,PPft hd\l'•ng 11 111\Jt' 1111.)t•fflldft-U-.,...,,., ":.HI p 1h~" ySten ""'• J1~·H'l't'n1.111lt' ,f r ,., tr ... h-•rtfll..dl tw111 ·.o~ll·r 1 I nr ) 0 fi'.) CHEElll A r 11q1 I "' ••O Reo Sux p1I( ht~r ~(lf·k~_, '-,d" 1:ttJv14 • wftt•11 ht: yOP~ 1111<• a slumµ 0 TO• ANNOlJNCED 0 lfMY f Al.W!U 9"CIAL <"fJ TWUQHT ZONE ~1 JO.a. lOV'll CKAC.. I""""' .t1t11•-.1:1cj ut rt-,--.,Jl111q ....,, Pn ht"I (t!trn p...tper 1 .Ho~. 1ot " t • lt•'1l•l .t I thdt lf anothe1 hlllt!fll Q) CAICO C~ATIC* fOU.OW~ (!) -.rY't PfOP\1 fht' 11,lft'>Cfl(JI~ Ol the 1<.11 ,, tat i'S ''°'""J l<.ar" ~ ~wraroo11s aniJ ,, l<"w $"'''"> .;no hr' 1•1-pl•• to plan a 1rar '"' "''-' ::.n .. 1e1 dtjel•I IP.tr r ~I t I '" ) fD Tl4I QOlDO AQI Of llL.IVtllC* The O.tr• 01 W•nf' Ana R1•!>eS Piper Lau11e ,1110 U1ft Rntier1sur1 'ol<ir .is .i husband and ..-..iht wh I tul Udo If" f 41 ''' ttll uh&1l1t.fH (I h UJ111111 t fill) ...,....ca ntlATM r, '>•••• flot1110 All My Duy~ I Ila 11ow '1n110111a11•1 l11un1 t1u~ U I U!llfJUl\JU h• lld lfttt ttt..hoOI Of >Nh1tl fttt Ht11t"'-I\ Ult! it tutlWC>fk OI 011l1ti11llhv '""''tl~l"I''• ii '1<1 I f.!I Q (I 111 I f l llOi.GlllJ [1 11()'111 "l111t1 ttelUI l.\!tl1t1tly) lly1111 Cl Ntt.11 ''" ~ W111111111 A ~111ffy Lrn luyn '1rurw.~,,,, '•HVH~ '''" Ju111ut b floundet 111u u1uttu,11r r,u foty hy 1nvto111nu tt new ltJ>11111!111lfl•· "•111b ff II 111 )t rnulj 0 MOVll I"'' A1u11 r • ., fho liron• I I tH I ll1oir11o1) hrnl N1•wr111111 I IJ A~11e1 A lu111Jh •''I' tr.1lllt1b 1 1111111 .1rHI t <•rruµtion H• Now 'ft''" ( 11y • •,outh fhut•A r•Ui\)hbOt flrniu I I ( I 111 11'1 111111 l ~IOlDOMll t:a0 flZ) TAXI Alto< ti1•11111 ""~turt!O 111 1111 11llJ I lllifllry flHlllll'.lury ,,,, 1() y1JIH6 !>1111 ~.1 •, 'tJ1J:,111 w.rl~ Now Y11rk 11110 t<1ll11 hi l11v11 wrlll I l11111u (9) MOVll r11u MrJlll A111111,1I ( l!.142. 1.111111.11Jyl Hti111y '"'"'" 111111 Defore I o!•t• p11h1't JI IJllW'>I .1111) "'" '"II frio1ball w1111!' 1111 .1 1 11lle11e tJt1111u~ r11 tho i.ame '""!! I<' 111:. JO 1111111 l}QJ n All C. ntl f.Ala.Y llu111y tmth lf1the1 .Uni lll<>llitir C.Ul<..118!> U(I wrlh 0utJ<.Jy when lt'nr111• 1..0111e,, lu norn wrlh d pressing ooy 111.,1111 problum Q) m1'V ~ Gue!>I'> Jdll1t1 I 11cl.e. KoJyldro P1<..klo•Cl Mauruen Murphy l osa fllou11!, fiptty T ho1r1as ( I Irr ) 1.2.~ CAU .. llTTY CAllTIJI < 1ne of A111t1r1 I .1 .. lurufllO~I 1a11 SlyliM'> Ill d feM.I of 111u~1(; ~or1y rn10 h1stmv wllh 1au greats 1111..l~11J111y lliu IAtti Ch.t1l1e Patker on !Um .1111t lh\11.ite ~u1111y 51111 I I 111 ) CJ MOVW C.;r tu u1 <..,oµy ' ( 195 1 Corne cly) !lt'"'\J" St:ydt '.u">.111 'li1111t J<1me!. A u1' u'.!>lut wtutc llu'>111es~rnd1t tl1!>Covers lf1<1I Iott lid:. " yr.;wn ~"'' wh<o 1!> black I'<. ( I Ill J~ m1r t 11 MOV'm C 111 H"rJ'""'Y !Joy I 1980 ( 111111•1Jyl t.l111vy ChJ'>•' llPn11 While 111vl•>l•1Jt1l11>y .i I' 11i11c;i1 '"• :.canoal 1n l J11l1011 d p11vate dt>lf't.hve is rnuroereel ,1110 <t'llll'.Jlllilted as .; •.uully dog 'PG' ll hr 4J1111n 1 Z MOYll Pa1ernr1y ( 1981 Comedy) flun lleynol1l!. Bev11dy [J' A11yulu A oach !'tor 111 h1~ lnrlres will! want:. lo be a father !>C.trt.hf''> lor the 11yh1 woman to bear his l.lllllJ 'f'(, f I nr 35 min ) IMI I) (J) KMOTI l.ANDINO Diana yets a 01g su1prr:.t! wl1en she goes 10 M acks apart mN1t tu call .i truce and a si:nem1ng Abby -..?<..relly uiges a pres1•g1ous reco1Cl pro rJu( ur It lrsltlll 10 Crp ( 1 h1 1 0 fi'.) llU ITMll .u.J Oelke• 11nds n1111!>ell '" the rn1dOte ol a 1ewel heist and r unllo 1'> rorceo to consroer 1e1eas1ng a tfi':C: (I hr l (f) ~ NOflll G11yur.ev 1S brough1 ullu lhc p1an5 and Sm11ey makes a v1s11 to !lie !J"I dl> the hna• prr1f'Qu1s11e lor tlie 111e1ve ayJtrl'>I Karla (Pan 6) ( 1 hr ) m OOYlllY rM Th1ee WorlOs 01 Ball" The lnoonesrar1 oslantl ul Oall where the .Ill'> 'nlluenLe alrnos1 every aspect ot dally l•I« •:. '.>tu01eCl CAI 0 ( t hr l S A NEW DAY IC EllN A pvwerlul lam1ly f-t •i:ounters many d1l11cult1es en an rndust11 .ii town f Part 6) 0 MOYll Ttie Runne1 Stumbles ( 1979, Orama) Die~ Van Dyke Kathleen Quinlan A Ca1no11c r11es1 is 111ed ror the mwoer of .i 11u11 with wnom he had been suspected Friday, November 26. 1982 37 .· The Daily Pilot has special help for women with problems al home or work \l.1111l.111111u· .1 h•H1 ... 1·h11Jd "hrlt• 1•111 ..,111111.' .It .11 t't'I' 1"11 I 1•11...,\ I" l1t·lp 11111.1\ ... \\111111'11 "Ith lh11-..1· 'l1.1llt•11)..!t'' flit• l>.ttl\ 1'11111 11111·10., ·' \\ t '.t Ith 111 I 1·...,1 1111 (I'' '-,\I\ Id 11111'11 •1 ,111\ l"I"• IJll 1111,tl\l t' \1111 I .1nd1•1 .... fl, Ip• "11 h do1111·-..t1< pr 11 l>lt·rth .111<1 :-.1111d.1' ... \'1111 \'11111 \111111·\ 't't I llJll l11t'l1 ...,("' 1111 .II l',t hlhllll''' I 11•11cf.., .rnd 11pp111f11111111•-.. I llh1·1 I ),111\ 1111111 1111111\'\ .... l\'1·r-. 1111 '' 111111•11 1111·llld1 I tw ...,llJll'l 11lark1·1 Shop p1·1 nil1111111 .111' l'I I 10.,1•d '.ilueo.,. r1n1pn11 -..,\\Ill).!' .tlld I .l'I \ I 1•1·1p1•..., Ill \.\ t•d 111·-.tl.I\ .., lttod p.1~11·-. \11d llll' :-.11111 I ,1111111\l'I h..t1. \\1tllll'll h • I I' 'h11 I' !111111 \ .1lllt'" ,if I 'h1• 1.11111h ""·'1-.111111·-. \\ 111111 II .d-.11 -.,I\, 1.!.I..., \\II h 1 h1• 1),111\ l'tl1tl l1\ ltlldlll).! 1h1•11 rH'l'<h 1 lo-.i• Ill 11111111· 111 c >1 mi.:" ! ·11.1 .... 1 < 1~1..,-.1f1l·d ad.., """ , .. , ... , \I 1·.tll\\ hilt· I ht• \d '-,ti \\'I 1t·kph11rlt' ·"'''"'Ill\)..! "'"tu· fr t'l'" ''11nwn tr nm "'"'"'J..! h11r1w ''t11I•· lhl·tr D<.111~ J>1to1 !'l.1..,..,1f11·d ,1d \\IJ!'k' ... l'lhng ho110.,ehold 1f l'm"n' II\ f1nrl111g .1 hall\ o.,1 lll'f' ('011-.111n"' ,111\ tt·t· .ind ht•lp "1th }\I 1d1l1•111-. t·111ll1' 111 f)ll' l 1.til\ i'dnt °' \I \ tllll ~t ·I \I< 1• n1lllll11l lnl111111.111\1 · 111 d1·pth l(';ll1ir1·.., un 111•1g hli(lr hn11d p1•opl1· pl:1<'l'" <1nd I n·11do., .II,. 111111111 1)1\ I h1· F1·;1t 11r11lj.! I'·•).!,., ,.-,,.,, d.1\ .Ill .111111).! lht• ()1 ;111g1· < 11.1-.1 \\11r111·r1.., II\,., .t 11 1n.11h• '"''11·r II\ 111l11r 111.1111111 .111d .1cl\ 111· 1111111<1 11111\ 111 I h1 · I l.111' l'ilol ...,1111-..1 11 1>1 1!1d.1\ II\ t .1111111.: hi:! l'C'I 11r II\ 111 11lrnJ,: lh1 ( 1111111111 111 l>.111' l'tl111 I.Ill\\ !Lt\ :--.1 I'll H11\ 1:i1;11 I '1 1.._t ,I \(1· .t C' \ !l:.!h:.!'1 STRU: I CITY ZIP PHONE _____________ .. Daily Pilat 642·4:S21 40 Friday, November 26. 1982 -TVPuaale fl• IH •,, 1 I ',h N II Jl"' I I l l 11;lf1 t 11t1•.1•qq 1•11rt· .. '" 11 ... "'" ., ' 1·1 1.1t1•d "'·.ay(1f 11 II M 'I 1t ttit• t4 I • ' tlfll• ,., ti) "•Ii th .: I 1111\J [ )1',Hr•Jt r 1 / M.1·.1~·1~ 1111 1' lltlilllj ..... 1111 Vt·lfo 1H H11111111"1 It 1'1 tyo I Ht~, Hi 11td4 IY '14 \\ft ,., .. f\1p ,. ,, IK 2 1 51•l' 11A11 ..... 4 4 -TVQ&:A B) LYNl>A lllllSCll Q. Pll•asl:' tl•ll ntt· ii l·.rn ma Samm 's an·t'nt on C t'nt'ral Hospital is thc· n ·al thin!{. a nd is lht'rt' anything bd WCt'n her a nd Ton) Ct'ary in rt'al lift.•" L.G .. Ml·lbournl:', Fla . t\ T ilt'•"'' Ill 1-. lt-.tl lttll Iii• ll,Jllll hit I lit I 1t·,il 11.11111 · 1-.. r:111111.1 S.1111111 l-.1111 111111 , 11111h111g l14 ·t\.\1·t·11 Tm\\ .11111 Emm.1 t'>.11 pl 1111• l11w-., tlio· 1·1ljll\'1111·nl lht·'> g1•t f111111 working Wrlh 1•,wh 111iw1 .ind " 11111 :-.101 vl11 11· 1•:111111;1 \\.o•, 1·11g.tg1·d 11111111qH1''1 1\1.11\0111 l!.111111-.( Ii ,, I••\\ v1·a" h.11 k N11\\ th1·' ,,,, J'"' j..!tM~I 1111·11<! Q: \'ou \H 'rt' \Hon~. Sn1·ra l c·harac·tl'n. on Gl·nt·ra l Hospita l hll VI:' bt•1'n rtTlht, i11C'l uding J eff Wt•bbe r , Jk a thl:'r and L ee lfaldwin', lin.t \.\Ill' tt M., We.;tfil·ld , N.J. A Wt II hctlh , .. , .. ,,~. .11111 11gh1 ll1·,11h1·1 11 ..... IH 1·11 lJ"l ... 1\11,11 111111 ·' 11 11111 l.1·111g1.111111 l .. t1 111111 to l\l.11v O 'Bril·n '" 1lw pl•" 111 H1tl1111 M.ot-.0 11 H11 li.11d ll1.,111 Andersion 1 ... th1· 1111lv ol( 1111 1•v1•1 lo play .lt•I f A!-. 1111 J .l'l''" f1r-.1 w1f1· l'vlt-g. \1111 11 11ght .1g.0111 l'.11 Hr1 ... l111 \\,,.., 1111 111,1 Mq.~ ond El11.1IJC't II l\ld '1.11· the "'( 1111d llo\\I•\ t'I '" \\t'f I tl1111k.111g 11! I {'('OL,llllg """ Ill II r ""' 11f wh.1l ( ;1rn r.i 1\11111!\ d•w '' 11111 1 'It' \\,,... ""' \\ 111t 1h1· 'h""' c.Junng tlw lil1•,po111 iii till''"·"·" 11 ·1 M1 ·g H.ddw111 Al"" wh1·n M11111\ 1t'l.t''' '"' 1J-.11.tlh 111.1k1•, :-.ur•· 1111,, 11f 111111 tr.1-. l'lapst-d ·'' 111 tl11 , .• ...,. o f 11 •. ,,nll'r T~w 11111\ 111111 ""' didn't do th.11 \\,, ... \\h1·11 :\111 h.11 I c;,,.glll\ ,, pl.1t1·d <'1111' Hohm!>'m •" H1tk \"1·lilw·1 Q: Please send me a p iC'tun· of Da t'k Ram bo, who is teve on All My C'hildrt'n -T .\ , P oint Pleasant. N J A Sorn.TA"' d11111 h,1\1·.111\ ph11t11to-.<·11d Hut wnt1· t11 I>.01k 1,11'•· uf 1\ll l\h C:htld11·11 i:i:w Av1·11111 ol th• Aml·n co!>, N,.,,. York, NY .llHll!l --------- t 1tf•1llttP1 l • Ut•f,,ru ,'1J I >llv11•1 II C 1111 (h I llU d i C lll\'1l'l•1 // "u·uu111ul1 •,, ( f11 ~ '" '"•'itt •• IJ,u'\y I •11~t ' t •ll t/ •·••ff• Al,, •• , I jl I V1•r1u111 .1 tt.11 •i I M 1, ,,,,,,, ,, •••• , f "'" /•.,1/•,,11 I 11 I 1, /\1,1d'1' • M t111li 1n .J Hu• t, I 11111 I f !I 111 1• 1•t I• ""'111 1 1, I 11.,f. ·'' I! I II II 1 • II I' ' , ,., 11, It ' , , I • '' " II ... t1 It ... ' t '•I I r ''· t t hV~ t•Jt " I tt111t,JI l I I ) !11 1 " I IJ r..i " > oof "" "'' 11 ,. ,.,,,, h I.' M, • .., J1•,utu 1 • ,'(J I I,, ,1 I .t .') N1•1 I •• ,, /I (•I'll t 1•M.1~ 'il l I Ill Hd111 •,1 •II " 111•1 ol I') Nd•" ~ .. ,. I I Ii 1v11 JO (,lc11.1 I h1•f1• JI 't'nu i4 S lrt•l"I CBS I ny11 High 111111· 3') ]/ '\ij Pldy!> H1•1u~ " A111 • 14 r elly SJvJ ,,., 1 ,,, EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE A TrENTION YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT M OST A convft111ent dlt111n1Jt1v6 to 1to ip1taJ t1m..-1gttncv rooms tor ~ .1 ' ,,~ ,, 1111 I HAI llHH If ti 1,;jf J ' dt" •1utl1.tl ~ l 'Pf ,111 I /t••I ( ,jl1 lllHJI 1•, Al <I 111111111 '• r,. 1., 1u j 1 '''" t_,, 1•1J•·iJ • In 1• ,. I ,,,. f\11 .. r t.,, t ,,, ... ,., ... 'V<h~MAr"' trH .. H·•·· ;.rt ',Af lffll• I OAYS A WEEK Jll~ CAYS A YEAR 8 AM 11 P M (71 4) 752-6300 EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 40JO Bue h SI Suite 10/ Nt•wpo•1 Beat h I N 5 15 OFF your f ir st visit ------wirh thu. tovpo11 .. See what w e have to o ffer • --:'11111111111 rcouPoNI111111111 r: Fr1ddy tir 1•mber ?6 !ClR;:> .,"> r . ... l.ucillt• Kue hn holds the ha t s ht' was givf"n b y SCR f .. . or wea nng so many hat~·· as a theatt:'r trus tee. Lucille Kuehn. It's no wondt>r Lunlk Kul'hn has such a lovP for the theatC'r Aftl'r all. lx·fon• s h(• ('!•uld read shP was rc'<.·1 t1ng lmPs from a play c·;dlf'd "Thi· Women." whu·h hl'r mother was n·hParsmg "[ was weanC'd on llH· the<itt•r." Kuc•hn s.1_vs /\nd sht> bf•ltPv<-:-. 1n 1t in the· thcatN's powl·r to mukC' l1fp magical /\nothN th111g Kuehn lx·ltcve!> m 1s th1· p<>w\·r o f history to 1nflut·nce lx·hav1or. "It isn't only ont• thing th<1t makrs things hapPf'' rn_v lrn1111ng 111 history tau~ht me that." she• <;<l vs tl<'r 11w11 ltfr 1s an1plt• proof <>f that µnnl'1pl<• (;rowing up with a mother "who probably would h<.wC' h<.•l·n m pictures if her mothN had thought 1t was propt>r." a nd li ving clost> c•nough to Broadway to bE> able to SN' Mary Martm in "PC'tc•r Pan'' and "South Pacific."· it's no wonder that when she moved to Newport Beach 25 years ago. K uehn ,i;trav1tated to ward w ha tc·ver local theater was available. What was avadabh• 1n those days was a tiny group of actors dirt'C'U.'<i by two young men named David Emmc~ and Martin Benson Thc•y callC'd themselves the South Coast Repertory a nd they put on plays in a little • tb~ff'. artos." fr~ the Jiji ~J)Cbito • er YC )('I\<,( )\11'1 .L 11 . (.I .IDL T<) C JI{,\'( .I-. C < J.\S'I IJI\ f-.1\SI< l\.:S Delly Pltot Pftoto by fllcherd K09hlef • Theater makes lzfe magical By KAREN E . K L EIN Of tbl" Daily Pilot Staff Rl'st.aurant on Newport Boulevard. Kue hn "<!Id . "l t was exciting. even back then." sh<' •;;ml "ThC'rc· was an ek>C tridty about that th1 •att·r that hasn't been lost" even with th<' movf's to larger theaters and larger tnllowmgs. Kuf'hn's history background (s he has un1vt•rs1ty ckgrC'es in his tory. e<:onomics a nd p11l1llcal S<:ic·nce) and the• npportunity she h ad to m<'N a nd talk tn the· visiting actors and pl::iywnghts as a subscriber and then, for mne y<'ars. as <1 trustt•e of SCR. made her wish 0the umquenes.s of thl' company could be pr('served. "I would m N't so many peo pll' who said. 'This company has something so special ' It was too meanin~ful to lose." she said. So she met n'<:·cntly with SCR cr>-founders EmmC's and Benson . "I asked thf'm how the company would like having a resident historian, and then l volunteered for the job. I have the training. and I charge my usual f('(' nothing." He r idea was to establish oral histories of the playwright.a. w .. o.e work ift1J8('t~.ft\ lht• theatl'r and provide rleta11t'd b;wkgrounds on thPtr hvrs Emnws and &·nson agrt.'<·d. though tht·~· w1·ren't wildly enthus1ast1t· about tht• 1d1«1 .ti first. sht• sa1c( But they w<.1 rml•d up lo 11 :1ftN she • did ht'r first mt1·rv1c·w ~ So far. Kuehn has t·omplPted thn·c· !-lO -mmutC'. ta~)('d interview s w ith playwrights w host· work has IX'cn pNformt'd at SCR th1::. Sf'ason . Tht' interviews are mean l to c:iptun· th<' 1decis and sp1nt of these playwrights, many of whom are at tht• thrl'sholds of thl'11· ear('l'f'S, a nd to re<:urd 11 all in tht• l'Ontf'XI ot th1• SCH L'ommumty In the intC'rv1c>~s. K ut'hn asks <'<ll'h playwright snmC' bastC' questions about his m fluencf's, tht• course o f his carP<'r and his imprc•ssinns of SCH. What shP has found. over thP eourst• ot lwr 1ntcrv1c•w s thus far. 1s that common thrPads run through C'ach of thC' playwn~h lc;' t'rPa tive pr0t·ess<>s. ''Thf'y a ll brin~ parts of their own livl's into thc·rr p lays." Kue hn S(:lld "And they're ;ill Vl'ry much mt~rcsted in thl' human condition a nd in inte rrelations hips." Each of th(' playwrigh ts t•an a lso lrnn· his earl y influC'ncc•s to a mentor. KuC'hn said. as almost an y writer can. Write rs pay thf' See.Kuehn. Paae 4 • I J ! - ' 2 N co ()) "' N .._ <ll .D E '1J > 0 z >, <1l "2 .._ LL .ii u c:: <ll .:£ (lJ (lJ ~ 0 CL Efforts pay off. By SANDIE J OY Of lhe Delly Piiot Slelf Tlw11· v. .i.., .t d.i\ .. 1 .1ppn·ht•11,.11111 1n Jo:.in t 'r.o\\ tnrd ... g.inh·11 v ... ,,.,. ~wddllng l'hrunw-platt·d -.hen,., 1•1 lw:1tb 11ut of ( il1 ·1Hialt· and t·ndl""'" night.-; 111 , , 1 1 •I l.11 l'llt•,.1• \\ 1·n · till' bt•g111n111g,., th1• dw·-. pav111g ,, ... ,.., !111 :-;11utlw111 l'.1'11111111.i nauv1 "'"Buh "111111 lt' ·Nil\\ .. ..,,,11f 1\11111111• "lh1 ·v n g111111.i Ii I 1111· uµ 1111.tlh 111-. -.11111!~ 11t111g ••11•11 l:-.111· pa\111~'. t1l I .wd hi-. ""' h. \\ill t11Ut Ir 11ull11111' t1l 1w11ph !\!111111 « h . .-. \\r1t11·r1 p1rnlw1·d .ind ,,.,.,,dt·d -.t111g-. llll ltl:t)OI fl.t\'lir11ll'-Ill \:V,dl l>hlll'\ \.\'orld'-. 111•\\ El'( 'OT tE'l"'' ""''"t.rl l'n•totypt· ( '11111111u1111 \' 111 'l111111•1ttl\\ I l 'vr1t1 •1 Tiu' 111t·lud1• "("111.1da " lor rlw t '.111,1d1,111 l'.i\ rl111n 111d t11r v. h1d1 lw h.1" fl(·1·n 11111111wr11l1·d II\ t111 (jut·h•·• 1\11111 ... 11 v uf Touns111. l .1.t1 11 to tho l .. 111d " l11r 1111· l .. ind l'.1 vilwn t11tld111 1111.0111 1111 tlit 1\111t•1wa11 Ad,·1·11tu1, )•.,, 1111111 .111<1 l·.1,..1 g' · 1111 tit,. 1-;,.,., ).!,\' l1.1vd11111 l'lw -.otl]J.!' It fl.'11 lh1 ·1111•" tfi.1J .111· 1 h,11.11 t•'li"tll 111 th" v. "' h1 II\, . .., 111-. 1111· ·1 will Ill \'l I '>Ill).! ;1 -.ong th.it p1tll!H1lt• ... \'llllt'IH ,. ''' dr ui.:-. · Ire 1111\1'<\J ·"I h.11 .., 11ut ol d1a1 ;11·1 .. 1 \\ 11li 1111 1'111 ·1 1•" .i \\.1\ It> d1111!1 • kind 11! lltll'>lt Iii.ti II I t J'l .ol 1lt Thi 11111-.1 L(r.1111 v111i..: 1lo111g' 111 Iii• .it•· 1.,.111g .tl•h l•1c 1111 11 il11J11 'lfllll th I Ill( Ill.it ,., 11plrl t111g 'l'llt 1>1 ,11 1 ' tll111 .l!' 11111 """ •·1111 1 t.1111 bul .111· 1ol111.otl1tJ1,d Tl1•N' ,11J1g ... J \\'fttlt• fttl f-:)'l '()'(' \\ilJ l.11• 1h1 ·11· '"' "' l1111i~ ..... tht· 11dt·" <•JI • lhc•f 1•., 1-'.t'l '(>'I' I ..... JllOJI'( l '"' \\ h1c h M1>l1111· 11,,, \\1ttkc·d 101 II\'• vc'.lf' . ..,p .. nd111g lo11g 1111111:-. 1,.·h111d 1111 • c ln-..1·d d'"'' 11f Iii-.. modt.•:-.tlv lur111sht•d <'c1..,l.1 l\!1·0.,.1 1111111 . w11rk1ng with u p<id ;,nd fJ'.'r1lll. .1 guttar .i11d r1'l 11nf1ng 1·4u1p11wnt "( Jll'>l t"Co<lJl mysi:•lf uµ 111 hf'rt• ~end go for rt ." ht· .... ud nl !11-. t'ompos1ng "I gt'\ 111v l1ttl1· lc·gal t;_ihlt.·t ,111d Jll"' pll'k ;1WJ\'" If, , d11111· 111h1·1 f)1 ... 11t•\ \\ ork uwludrng two 11111rn11 r• 1,tl dllt11·"· unt• 111 whieh. ;i 1•01nmt•n·1al for I Ja-.111 ·\ J;111d L,dl1•J "I t Could Only 1 lapp«n," l'.irrwd lu111 :1 t'lro ;iw,trd in 1!:17!l J\11otlwr Mohw turw. "lll'rt·'s t11 Amt·r·K·a," was 1h• thf'rnl· fnr thl' J!-lk:! Fourth 11f July ('l'lt·brat1on at tlw Ho ... 1· Bowl <1nd bought th!' ~111gwrrtt•r and hrs writ'. Sh1·11, a van1l1on on the Pnnn'S.'i CruiM• L1ni-s \\ 111•11 he· g<1Vl' the• lsrrn J)(•rm1ss1on to USt 1t tn 11.s ... 11 •• w ... ( '11111pu ... ing. wh11 h h .. t l.1111\.'> '" , ... ..,y tor h1n1. w ..... 11 ·1 !\.lc>lrrn··-.. ).!•l.tl \\ h1 ·11 ht· bt g.in hurld111g ,, 11u1..,11 c,,11·1•r "P1·1 l•1rm111g .01111 o.,111g 111g "'"·•~., w1·1·1 · rrl\' flr-;t 111\ ,. .i11J I h11p" 111 111,11n1.1111 th.it with tlll' w1111ng .. i\lulint· t·'(pl.11111·d "I lx>t.imt· .iwa11· .11 .oil <'di Iv .ig1· 1h.1t o.,ongwr 11111g 11 •.111,v" lh1• ilal'khor11· of I ht l>t1Sllll'S.' .. !( N1·il J)1.1111t111d l'.oul Wil!i,w ..... M.11 J). vis and .J11l111 l~·ll\'1 ·1 '.111 dt> II 111 · '-Pt't 1ll:o!1•d . J)(•rh.ops .... o , rntld lu· Hc>111 111 the S.111 ( ,,dJ111•l V.dl1·v M11l1111· .1t1t 111!1 d l111lhv.••xl ll1gli Sd11x•I. tl11•11 1·n111lll'd 111 1u111111 c ull1·g1· t11l}11 \\c'<I J,v " '''"' 111 tht• l\rrny \1 lwn · lw rt1 .. 1d"d w.olk111g g11:1rcl dutv w.i"n t f un 111• l)(·g;111 1;1k111g piano 11•:-.o.;111 1~ :ol ;ig1· I:! and. -;111«1· h1• h.1d th1• ... amt• t1•;i«h1•r ;1s th1· l 111'11 I :1 ,vt•ar-old l'hrast111<1 Cr awtonl. hrs llrsl 11-< 11.d ""'" 111 th1· g;1rd1·n 11f ht·r mPvu· stJr mothPr ·I h.od 111 ht· frlll'd IA 1th a lWt'l'O suit." ht• n ·1,.Jl1·d 111 1h1• n •1 1LJl "OuL..,1d1• thl' sun was w;irm Mv 111111 1·;11111• up-I 'll n1•v1•r forgrt th t• .1pp11'111•11:-11111 I th111k probably I forgnt <1hrnH ...ix 1111111Jt1·-.. 11f 'l'Vl1w11d1gllt ~nn.11<1' 111 tht• rrnddll'" Thi' .it11111 ... ph1·r1· 111 l'rawford's g;irdt•n ''all was v1·r \ gl:1m11111t1' ,111d v1·1 v frll'ndly Noni· of us h;ul .111v rdt•;i th.ii ~u ht1•xl was grnng 011." ht• S<11d of 11!1• ('hrld :rl111s1• with wh1d1 ( 'hrrsttna has rhargNl h1•r motht•r Molrnc .. 1111w -1:1. said ht''s "trPasun·-mapJ)(•d" h 1~ t·arc·1·r. 1·xpl;J111tng. "I f1•1·I 1f you v1suahu· thrngs o111cl h.Jv1· <1n aµtnudt• for tht•m. th<'y do come .d "out " l ll' tre;1sure-m;:,pix·d a mwac can't'r . an l'ffort lie suhs1drwd hy S(·llrng plum bing supplws for a (:l1·ndal1' company "That madP me a ppr('('raL<· music even mo r('," ht• noted • • Mesa songwriter comes out of cellar Bol• Molirw plap orw of his ('Omposiiions in his Co~la Mt-!->a offic-e. Hr~ lort•£•r ha~ rndutlt>tl a lot o f song an d Jinglt'-Wr>l1ng couplt-d wtth pt<rfurmrng . "Diel vou knuw he d id the lead vo<.:als for Wy ll'r's Lt:monadt'. Honda Express an d C&H Sugar l'omm1.:n :1als." askt'CI his bustness partnC'r and wife, ShN1 Tht.• Molmf's. who h v<' rn Nf'wporl Heig h ts with tht•lr «hrldrf'n. Jen nifer. 4. a nd Justtn, 7, run a mom and pup bus11wss. World Harvest Rt'<'Ords, out of an offrct• above Dave's Cam era Store in Costa Mesa That 's <ilso whne Bob does his composing and ht>aciquartcrs his oth er firm. T e ll The P eople Musil'. through which he markets muc h of h is t•n·;itl\'llV I !:tr ,., .... 1 '" dt•Volt•d to produl'tron and mC1tl ~d1•r m.1rkPl111g ol 1n:-.p1ratron<il music For example. on l' Harv<.·s t l.<Jpt' 1s "Man':-. Got tu K<.'t'P Reaching ." Mul11w e a rnt'll a Urammy nomination for the titlP turn• Moline 1s hoping for ,.un.·c•....., with <tn AOH album he wrote• and l'C'l.'llfdl'd w11h Vassy/W1l11ams, a Ke nny Rogers mmpan_v It will prub<1biy b<· callL'tl ··Desuny" he s.11d lll· hopes tht• album will grv\· him more C'XJ)(i...Un· a' a pt'rfnrnwr Meanwhile'. lw JOkPd about gt•tung out ol tht• Wine CC'llar at tht> N<.•wportt·r Inn wht>rt· hl'·~ per formed for I:! Vl·ars &'ginn ing Nov :io ht• will perfo rm f rom :1 to 7 pm Tul'sday through Saturdny in Thi• L1llrary at tht• inn "Wt• ran uut 111 chl'eSt'." he qurpprd, .... nd tlwy'r<• gonna let nw up ftnally" AP Wl-.pl\olo Fan hug Dus tin Hoff m a n e mbraces actress Anne Jackson backstage afte r her performance in the Broadway comed y 440nce Around the Park," in whic h Jackson plays a polifrew·om&ri: · ... r ---------------__...( . At Hte ,._.,,_, )1----------------- 'Tex. • •' Gritty edges show maturity By PHIL SNEIDERM AN Of tbe Daily Pilot Staff "1\·x." a fin<' nPw movie about a lt'l'll .1g1·r ':-. rl1frwult path t11 maturity. <11:-.o ri•prl'~·nts .1 Imig 11v1·rdue <.'tJri1111g 11f agt• for Wa lt lJ1~m·y Product1m1s !-'or m<rnv Vt'cH"S, tht• Dtsnf'Y folks h:w1· htt•n Crustratl'<I in their .. ill'rnpt. ... to tap 1nlo thl' luc·r<Jt1vc• lt'l'n-agt> mov1e-gmng <tud11·nt'\' Wh1l1: Dtsm•v 1nflu1•nt•1•d d1rntor' l1k1· Stt'Vl'n Spwlbl·rg .met (;t·orgl' Lut·as h.ivt• turnl,d out o nt• blol·kbusu•r aftt·r anothl'r the• studio ilwlf has reka~-d a long stnng of duds OnP problem was that the candy <:oated young p eople of Dis ney's recent live action films bort· ltttle rPsemblan <.'C' to the teens attending most contemporary high schools and mlleges. The Disney folks seemc'<l 10 think that young pt_>Qple really hadn't l'hanged mud1 from the "Son of Flubber" era Even Disney's "Tron," wh1l'h drt•w on the· current v1dc-o game craze and boaste d up-to-thl•-m1nutl' sp N·1 al e ffel'ls. was bogged down by underdeveloped. somewhat old fashioned charac:t{'rs In ··Tex," ltwn.»s not a spectal eHect in sight. Yet the film has all the heart and soul mL.;s1ng from "Tron " More important. thl· p11:1urt' has somt' gnuy l'dges th.11 n:prt•sl•nl a s1gn1f1(·anl brc·ak from Di:.rwy':. past movll'S With "Tc·x." ,, D1snev film for the f1r!>t timt• at•kn11wledg; . .., that drugs _ •• nd sex <1n• J<·tually prC'se nt 1n modern ll'<·n ag<· l'Ultun· OnC' of lhC' film'i. triumphs 1s lhal 1t t•,plon·.., -.om<' modern tc•t•n <1gl' probl<'nh without c·omprom1:.1ng 1rad111unal Di:-.rwv values "Tex" focu:,,c-s 'on two brothl•rs in a small Okl,.htJma town. Thetr mother 1:. dc·ad. ;rnd thl•1r 1rresponslbll° Cather has left thl·m alone• to ridC' the rodeo nrcu1t. Olde r brother Mason 1s an IH -yE>ar-old high school basketball star who longs to go away w college on a scholarship But he 1s burdl•ned by lhl· r esp o n s 1bll1ty of hi s 15·yt•ar-old brother. Tex. As portrayed by Jim Ml•tzlcr and M#tt Dillon, thl• brqthers an.· a study in contras t:. Mason 1s l'ynical bul d1sc1pltnl'd He must sell Tex's pct horst:' to buy groceries and 1s angr wnh his absf'nl father for forcin~ adult rL·sponsihiht1es on him too ~>on Tl•x, m(•unwhile. 1s 11a1vt• ::ind no1w too-bright 1Ju1 phy!>1cally rC>SrJurc·eful 1-h:~ op11m1st1l' about h1~ father's rC'lur n and upSl't with h1i. brother ovt·r th« l>dle of h1~ horst· The sen pt by Tim HuntN (who ,ili;(1 directed) and Ch<irhc H<1<1s. ba.M-d on S E Hinton's popu!ar novl•I. wk<-:-1tw two brolhc•rs through ;:i ser11•:-. of encuunlL'r' with a drug-d t•aling fnc·nd. a dang1·rous h1tchh1kt'f <ind some wc•althy voung peoplt:> whCI llw near bv Ma ll Oillon is troubl.-d leen-agc•r in 4 'Tt•x:· "Tex" ..., .1hov1 .111 ;1 sh11wc.1..'>(· for tht• 1;.il 1•n1t•d M.itl Dillon \\ho demon st ra l , . .., ,, , ton 1s h 1 ng SlTl't' 11 prest>nc·t· for a young <1<'lur Dill11n played c.111 11wrllr ul;i11• t1•t·n ..,tud 111 "L1ttlf' Darlings" ;inc..! n S(:h1"1I bullv 111 "My Rocl ygu:ircl," but in "T1•x," tw manag1·' t<1 I><· .1pf)o·,al111g .. v1·11 though h 1 s t h ,1 r .11 11· i " f n q u 1• 111 I ' irrrspc m~1hll · bv-dt'fault. Ml'tzler 'iummons JUSt lhe right bala nt·c of 1·om·c·rn for T1·x. ll'mpt ·rl'CI hy his pt .. rsonal fru ... tr<1t1011S llvt-cl 111 pt•rformanee'i> from thl' .V<'Ullg cast Malt D11lo11. for Pxampll'. 1:. ,, Nt·w Yorkc•r who had lo lc>arn to nd1 · ;i h u r S<' {o r th 1 s f ii m. but h 1 s pt·rf11rm;mc:e makt'S you hd1t'V<' h1• ... lived 111 Oklahnma ,ill hi:-. 1111· Ml·g Tilly 1s c-xcc·ll1•nl • .-. Jamil'. .1 f11rlA1lloU-". mtcl11gP11I girl who feds a tt rn<·ll-d tt) Tt'x D1ll11n IP1s thl dangt n•u:-... 1d1· 11r h1 ... pt•r&>n:il1tv -;h11w thr11ugh wht•n lw holc..ls a Jrug fn·ak "' gun1x11nl .md s1•t·m:-.1wrully l'los1· to µull1ng 1111• tnggt·r Evt·n th<• adults c·om<· ·"·r•>S.' n1t•1·ly in 1h11 ·1· d11n('nsional fa:.h11>n Vt•lt•ran c h.1r;i1·1f•r Jl'tOr Bt'n John-.un i-. J .1m11• ... uvc·r protect1vt• f;1tht·1 f r~•n• , . .., Lt'l' McCain ,.., a :.< hool .tdmtn1<:trator who must cf1<;C'1 pl1111• Tt·X. :ind Bill Mc-Kinnt·y turns up a~ Tc"' ;ind M<1..son's wayward (;itlwr Thi· Oklahoma sc•Lt1ngs. 1n lal'l. 1•nha11t't• the film's rc•;illst1l approm h Hit· Wai1t•s gray photography. and Pino 1)011agg10's syrury musit arc· 11111 ;1mnn~ the movie's ass<'ts, howc>vf'r Tlw '11m lus1on of "Tt·x" 1s ,1 hit c~mtr 1v1 •d and pnod1t·1.1hlt-. hut al ll·;i~l it cloc.·sn 't drive· 11.5 k•:-.. .... ins horn!' w1lh .1 <ilt•dgt•h.1mnwr You'n • likt•ly lo lt·av1· "T1•>-· with thl• s:amt• uphl'at glow rrov11k1 •d b" "ArPak1ng /\wav .. '.E. Hinlon, aulhor of popular tef>n book. '"T f>x. ·· Tlw supporting t·a~t •~ loqually f1n1 · J\, T1·'<'s flld1·r br11tlwr <1nd guardian D1n·c·tor Hunt<·r l<•ts lht• pJt'1· of "T1•x" flag a hit. and ht · hanclh.•s lhl acllnn !wqul'nt'C'S dum ... d y Aul ht•:-. most :-.Ut'C't.'S.'\ful 111 dr.1wing Px1•1•1lent Cars to be auctioned From the· p1·ople who hrnu~ht you Elvis Prc'Slt•v's bullt·t nddlro Panlt•r:1 and WC f 1t•ld'" fully s-toc·kt-cl Cad1ll<1<.'. herP conw' &irry RostW1l·k':-. M<•rt'C'dc-s-Bc-nz timvert1blC' Barry Bostwll'k" Bosiw11'k , 1n (·ase th<·rt•'s thf· sl1ghtt·"t hes1t.ation. 1s tht.: a(•tor whn api:x·an>d 111 tht' TV mini-series "Scr uples" as well as the s pat·c-agC' thriller "Mega Forc·e" Coming A ttractlon• TherC''s al > a Cadillac: rC'portPdly oner owned by M::irilyn M roe as well a.' :1 Uibtt• made fmm a n:usht-d i 969 FC'rrari But the• Bostwi(·k Mern'<lt•s 1s h<•tng lnlled as tlH· h1gg1t• Following trad1taon. the· l'cirs .1r<' displayed and lhc·n whet•led into .1 showmorn in the hotel and aUl'l1oned while spsnning on :1 largt• turntable. Admission is $5 for aduJL-; Chlldn•n under 12 arf' admitted a l no charge. The Marriott 1s located in Nt•wport Center. o ff Pacific Coast Hill(hway near Jamboree Road Cable award to UC Irvine The Merc<'des he has conc'f'Cicd to put 0 11 thl' auction block 1s a 1953 model no bullet holes. no wC'l bar. JUSt a nice car and one of the featured automobiles at the I Ith Ne wpo r t Beac h Car Collector Auction Saturday and S unday at the The Na tional Cable Telev1sion Association has Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach a warded "Madrigal Festiva l," a telev ision More than ·500 cars will be displayed to lhe presentation of UC Irvine's a nnual Madrigal public between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. both days. Dinner, the 1982 Awa r d fo r Cablecasting Other celeority cars include a 1958 Chevrolet ExceJlence. lmpala convertible owned by Sylvester Stallone. a The award. given at NCT A ceremonies In Los 1966 Austin-Healey owned by Robin Willianw and Angeles, was for the enter~inment cate1ory: an armored 19,3~,. UJnow~. ~ ownelll by Eva "=al F~~:· ~as coo.en f~ ~l ~~ eel'U\. ~· _ _ __ . ,, _ , •• ... .. ,. ~ •t.. .·.~·.~····· .......... ,.·;~ ... ,,. .. '/,m~ Thl' pnigram w;is an 11 -houi !aping uf UC:! s .rvtadng<1l D1ruwr, a mus1t'al rt'('fl•al111n of thl' coLll l o r Hf'nry VIII in H1·n:11ss •. "lnt·t• England It w,1s mri•d locallv Dec 2·1. 28 and :w last ve,1r ;ind m<1y I~· i;hown again th1:. Christma:. 1-:vc· 'Ch ristmas Walk and Shop' Sunday The Corona dc.>l Mar C hamber of Commer("(' and merchants wall sponsor a "Christmas Walk & S hop a Boulevard" Sunday. Crom 11 a.m . to 6 p.m. About 50 shops and businesses, located on a male-long strip after the intersection of F.ast Coast Highway and MacAnhur Boulevard, will fe.ture sales, spedal even ts, displays and refreshments. To add to the Christmas sP'rit, local groups will be caroling up and down the boulevard, antique cars will be on display and a n Entililsh double decker bus wtll commute shoppers betw-een ~ted •tops °" tlw --.ard. I z 0 < (I) 3 a (I) ~ .... <D O> I\) r . 4 N co en <D N .... Q) D E Q) > 0 z >.. co "Q .... u.. .... .... QJ 'O c: QJ :>C QJ QJ ~ § a: , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----,~ Vlhot~Hoppenlng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lucille Kuehn believes in power of theater From PagC' 1 clt •ht o f gra l1tudt• to that o riginal mt.:'nlor by hl•lping o lhl'rs. Kul·hn said. "It's <i c:unstant n lwm ·rnt1on." shl· swd. So fa r. shl' has found the• inlNvit>wi. to be fas('inaung. The one she did w1Lh Jim Lt·onard Jr .. who wrote "Tht> Diviners." tht.• play t•urrl·ntly running on SCR's Main Stage . v1l•l<lt•<l some l"l'Vt•aling links between his play~ ,,ind his pt.•rsonal background. I .t•ona rd. 21i, paid for his schooling by working in a convalescent home and with h.111d1t·appt·d c:hildrl•n . "He lived in the 1 hf'<11Pr at his culll'gc," Kuehn said ... He slept undt·r thl• ~tag<: and had to go out to get a s h UWl'f ., If s t·asy to set-tht> origins of Leonard's pluyl>. m<iny of wh1c:h d ea l with the l><•prr·ss1nn Era, Kuehn said. be<·ausc of the 11m1• ht• spent talking with old peoplt> in the l'onveilc:S<.'C'nt home where ht> wurkt•d .. Then • ,irt• ~1 many 1ns1ghts you t«m derive from t<ilkmg tu these play wrights." shl· said He r interview with playwright George S1bald. who wrote "Brothers." the world premiere currently playing on SCH's Second Stage. was ve ry insightful. .. First he said, ·1 don't have an ax to grind I'm happy, I like what I'm doing.' But when vou interview him. he's an iconoclast. c.1gainst certain political processes. against organ1wd re ligion an e xtremely provocauvc person." she said. And though he insists there 1s nothing autobiographical about has plays. n 's obvious that he has put much of himself into his charackrs. she said. Eventually, Kuehn hopes to make the tapes available to other acting companies. And then she would like to sit down with Emmes and Benson and with some of the original members o[ the repertory company and reconstruct the history of SCR on tap<-. S ome day. when she retires from her job 10 t'Ommunrty re lations for American State Bank. Kuehn hop<>s to write the complete history of SCR. "'A fUIUIJt ldn1~ enftloptng movk t viewers of ~ny age or persuaslOn an enjoy. Dottie West at Knott's Country superstar Dottie West will be the h eadliner a t Knott's Berry Farm tonight and Saturday. "Catches the spirit of the old Disney films." This la a ftlm th.at accomplishes e"ttrything th.It It attempts. -Klrll Honeycutt, LOS ANGELES DAJLY Nl':WS HANNH ARBIHA r1!!Sf NIS H!OS SONG' llAlllkl tlHH1lllS II lllih1 l}{fllf ~ !Wfi ll OJ.OORT ~y ~ l!'T SAAMr CAHH U.flfON IANI A~llllAll lf1ITTOR MAii IAXAMJIO 'M:ll!IN BY .ffiffi amtRA JAAfSIJj llllWIR & llBRI IATIIJI llllJW OOJlf Alfl fOOtHO BT fill'! s ll.lllW ~o !Ji fl{ t«Mt ~o BY JJWllA m ~A=~~!~.~~ ~.CllO ~ 1~RI 00\lll A7~.1~~,,,, ·~......,... n cgl~r:.:'°I ~~~-NO\VPLAYING--~~- uu lllYlll ll TW OMW WHTlllllTHt Mano Brea Plaza Edwards Woodbridge Edwards Slddleblck ClnedOme UA Twin Cinemas 529-5339 551 ·0655 581 ·5880 834 2553 895·5333 COSTA MIU Edwards Bflstol 540-740 ·--•uw.iia,. .. -11 1" and does 10 expertly:' 'bmdmlf-..1'• IDOWle ... no one bu more iccurately captured the men:url.Al qua.lJty of adolescence tb~n (~tt Dtllon) bu ... "1~· may prove to be a rnebtton.N -IKt..rd kbKki. Tlac t.bil&IDc "A MAJ<X ln ~ tradttioo d 'BUADNG AWAY' and 'DINER'. TU' will mile you feel FOd to be alne:--1.n lttd '"\VondeduL The movie's charm. humor and polgnance are all conulned to Dillon's extraordinary screen presence. 'Tex' bu a tl.mdesa ID about tt. You don't have to be 16 to be moved by lt-havlng been 16 wtll do." -Onkl An-. II~~ TEX . Stamng MAn DtllON JIM METZLER . MEG nuv . Bill MdCINNEY •nd BEN JOHNSON Executiw i'rodocef llon Mt.., · l'loducftf by Tam Ztnll4!n'Wm MuSK by Pino Donlg9IO Scrftflpl.iy by ~ ~ & Tam H4Jnlet · ~ on the "°""" by S E Hinton · 0.l'Kted by T 1m Hvntff --From w.it OiStWy ~ _,..°"'_ .=:::::::::::-_::..-. ----NOWSHOWING----- •••1111• fOUITAJI •WY 1.AHllA II.ACM OIAllll l• 772-1448 F....-Ylllty 131·1&00 SMtl C..t 494-1614 UA aty a... 834·3811 ll TOIO llMll OUllll WllTlllllHJ l 1••1111ct 611-5110 WuAI~ 66l·Ol56 Or1111t Mell 837-0340 C.-.. Wtlt H 1·3136 CUTA MllA UA C-.. 540.0114 I W1U.ADMIT YOU A.NOA~~ ~TTHE AllCNETHEATRE& I I ~------------------·-------- --------------------------------------'~, _____ 0 __ 1v_•_r_•_l_o_n_• _____ ~~------------------------------------~; 0 -PLAYS------ "C H APTER TWO." Ne i l Simo n 's autobiographical romantic comedy, is on stage at the San Clemente Community Theater 202 Ave. Cabrillo. San Clemente (492-0465). Curtain is 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through Dec. 4. ''CHRISTMAS IN WAKEFIELD," a play in an old English setting. opens tonight at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater. 390 Monte Vista SL, Costa Mesa (631-5110). Performances wJll be given Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m .. with a 2:30 matinee Dec. 12, until Dec. 18. ··THE DIVINERS." a drama set in the 1930s M1dwf'St. concludes its engagement at South Coast What's happening along Orange Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa (957-4033). Final performances are tonight an d Saturday. and next Tuesday through Thursday, at 8 p.m , Sunday at 7:30, with weekend matinees at 2:30 "FINIAN'S RAINBOW," an Irish-flavored musical. is being staged at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). Curtain times vary nightly exc.-epl Mondays until -further notice. ~ "Li'L ABNER," a musical based on the comic 3 strip, ls the fare at the Westminster Community " Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster (995-4113). ~ Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 g. through Dec. 4. ~ "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS," an old-time '.:!' musical comedy, is being presented at the Harlequin 0: Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana ~ (979-5511 ). Curtajn times vary Tuesdays through z Sundays until further notice. o "SHERUX:K HOLMES." a stage version of ~ the famous sleuth's exploits, opens tonight at the 3 Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon i See Diversions, Page 8 ~ UJ _. <D ClD I\) -MARK HAMILL · HAl?RISON FORD · CARRIE ASHER BILLY DEE WllUAMS · ANTHONY DANIELS l•-°"'V()PllQWSI 11fNNV~P .,.l(PM4~ JOAMI OI -.. llMN KERSHNER -.. GAAY KURTZ -.. LEIGH BRACKETT -LAWRENCE KASDAN -.. GEOQGE LUCA.5 --GEORGE LUCAS -.. JOHN 'MLLIAMS •m11un11•·~1I11mfD·m11H111:11·mr1 llMll·Dfllllml·11111•1191lllllllltl ·~--· ..._........ .,,,_....._~-...... ...._..._.c......................... .., (XYmur..,..,J fi!,a•·••·•sm1 IPOtw•_w__ •w•MZM ..... ~""f'A,... ~.-.. aawwws•~ l• .... .._o...,........._,uO" .......... I IN 70 MM fllllllllllllll·Rl,IBI ___ ,_J'l! .. R-:::rra,...- Advance Holiday Showing Tonight at 8:00 Before the Regular Engagement on December 8th. MU MlllMMI YllJO .. POllT IUCM GUiil WHTll•TDI Mann 8'ea Plaz• Edwards Vieio Twin Edwa<ds Newport Cinedome Edwards Cinema West s2a 5339 930.5990 0ntma su .01110 e34.25s3 991 .3935 NO,.._. ~O '09! ""9 PGACMmNT 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO SOUND THURS. SAT. 1:00t 3:30, l:OO, 8:30, 11:41 SUN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00, 8:30 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO SOUND THURS. -S~T. 1:00, 3:30, ..... 1:30, 10:45 SUN. 1:00, 3:30, 1:00. 1:30 ( .!!!!JlWPmT ) PM.-MWT ........ H.I .... ........................... i I I I I ,, I N • ca .... 0 z ...... ""'• Pacltlc's Anllhem Drive In Edwards Woodbnd9e 879-9850 Cinema 551 0655 &.A-. .. CM ._.. wnr•mru Edwa1ds Soutll ~ ClneOolne UA Mall •9• 1514 634 2553 893 0546 ClllTA mu ldwa1ds Bnstol 540 7 ••4. lA MUM AMC FaShlofl Square 691 0633 • DOI ocurt IJT8U) I ACADEMY MEMBERS Your card will admit you and a guest to any perlonnance The sto ry o f a boy suddenly alone in the world. The m e n w h o challenge him. And the girl w h o h e lps him become a man. Ii" ... I I' 1 '\ '\ i t "\ I t It ~ ' fl" • • ··.~·:•I••• ~ -........ ,. gt!!· . ..... _ __..(. ----------------------' Le Blarrltz. By tlOEL C. DON Of the Daily Pilot Sta • • T~.o noisy Humbert, who worked in some of L.A.'s finer French restaurants for a do~n or so years. They ·took over the LE BIARRITZ, ·414 N. Newport site in 1974 from a financially ailing Blvd., N e wport Beach . 645-6700. German eatery and pumped millions Lunch served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. of dollars into refurbishing as well as Monday through Friday. Dinner building additions to the three-story served from 4 to 10:30 p.m. Sunday structure. through Thursday, 4 to 11 p.m. Friday There arf! dining rooms throughout and 5 to 11 p.m. Saturday. Sunday ~ t he restaurant, all modeled in the brunch served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. style of a country inn. Waitresses 31'.e Lunch from $2.95 to $11.95 dinner elegantly dressed in black -vested from $8.95 to $16.95. A la carie dishes outfits with matching berets and red from $2.95 to $6.25. Brunch $11.95. bandanas around their necks. We Reservations recommended. Valet or appreciated a basket of warm bread street parking available. ¥!rved as we sat down at Ol.4f" table. Th e menu is a w e ll -r ounded Housed in a ha ndsome, country- style mansion, Le Biarritz has worked hard to establish its solid reputation for good French cookery at a most reasonable price. The atm.osphere is strictly casual with appropriate dashes of elegance. Floral-patterned chinaware is set off by red>and-white napery. fresh cut flowers and candles at each table. The restaurant is decorated with wood and floral wallpapers. some matching the patterns in the china. An assorted group of knickknacks finishes the picture, including indoor plan t& and some snail wallhangings sculpted from bread (iough. It h as all the makings for a ~omantic evening or an elegant lunch m a homestyle setting. But on one recent visit, we found the casual a tmosphere in one section of the restaurant overbearing. Rese rvati o ns a re high l y recommended, though we discovered they're . no guaran tee against being seated m the worst section of the mansion . To be specific, there are three two-person tables facing the restaurant'~ bar that s h ou ld be avoided. There's already enough noise in any bar area. But when a cacophonous group spilled over from the waiting and reception 'room. the sound was deafening. Claustrophobia set in as drink-toting guests hung over our tabl~ as !f we had s uddenly joined · their boisterous group. The n w e observed an inconsiderate woman and her ~hild ~ t do.~ on steps leading to the upstatrs darung area, creating a hazard for some e lderly people walking down the staircase. ~he noiae reached a peak as our ma an en trees were ser ved . All conversatlop came to a halt. I decided I wasn't about to tcream as I would at a rock concert. Our waitress had her own troubles navigating the pastry cart through IOll\e. folks who refused to \ake their eyes away from their gin and tonics. Our thoughts at this point were to wolf our meals and leave quickly. Ironically •. the crowd dissipated to their tables when our check arrived. In this situation the manager should have taken care of the overload of p eople . Our waitress seem e d overwhelmed even after we voiced our displeasure to .the noiae. It's not always fair to dwell on one bad· experience, but this ia a situation bound to be repeaied with other diner•. Le Blarrltz haa earned ha popularity. However, th~'s a rLak in the bar area .eatma. Request • table eltewhere, selection of fish, chicken, beef and lamb ent.rees. As is the tradition of country French cuisine, you'll find most items served w ith cream or butter-garlic sauces. Don't pass up the s p ecials, w hioh m ay i nc lud e bouillabaisse. roast pheasant with a raspberry sauce, beef Wellington or rabbit prepared with a tomato sauce. We sta rted with quene lles de poisson ($3.95), a tasty appetizer from a list that includes escargot,' a house pate, smoked salmon with dilJ sauce, stuffed mus h rooms and shrimps sauteed in white wine sauce. The quenelles w e re o f sea bass ·a nd drenched in a·savory cream sauce with just 'the right hint of Dijon mustard, tarragon, chives and butter Entrees include soup or sa1aci: vegetables and potatoes or wild rice.· The homemade clam chowder should not be passed up. It is a fresh and flavorful Manhattan-st~le varie ty with a delicate broth . T h e h ouse dressing is a creamy Dijon mustard and ther e's a lettuce mixtur e of iceberg a nd romaine. My guest's rack of lamb ($14.95) was appreciated for its garlic and oregano as well as the tenderness of the meat.. But we noticed a portion of her serving was very rare, afte.r we had requested medium. The entree was ~ully accompanied by a tomato. stuffe(t with cheese, cauliflower · topped with hollandaise sauce and ' fried potatoes. My chicken ($9.95) was covered with a lighUy spiced cream sauce and the meat was tender and juicy. The wild rice was a splendid addition as w er e the fresh green beans and cauliflower. , When the dessert cart rolled our way, we made room for a tart of raspberries, kiwi and strawberr ies ($2.95). There are a variety of othera to ch oose from, and all of the homemade gooc:iiel are bound to excite the mildest of sweet toodw. Chet Stephen White won praile for ; all of hia culinary efforta. We're just IC>rry that some ol hia best work was s poUe-d by a n uncomfortable envtronment. .... ...... ...,.....,,. Thou1h an· uncon\rOUable crowd aeverely dampened our eventna, we nevtr1hta.. were aenerailY •UChted wt th the meal. Le ~tz evolved Crom the efforu '1 .,._-.~~llG .... ....;;..J. of partners Yv• ..Bd.,. and~ Yvaa---Ii 0 • ... MOVIE RATINGS· FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ~ ALL AGESADMffTEO ~ ParenlaJ Gwoanc. S-..gge•Ced RESTRICTED UtiOtt f 1 '9Q\ll'ft accompanytnQ P1,ent 01 Aoul\ Gu.11td1an THANKS FOR MAKING "MY ~VORITE YEAR'' AMERICA'S *1 COMEDY HITI COSTA Mf.IA .. T.TOll ltACll •ISIOll "lJO ...._ ~O•iWds Sou1n Coast Edwifds liuntington [OWatOS MISSM>n Onedome Plata 5'6 Utt Cinema 948 OJH V~ MM! f7 1') '95 6220 63' 2SS1 f llO ~iii& ACCUTCD JOll , ... ~ ACAOE t.I" .. EMBEAS "°"'' t:.•'d """' aorni1 yo"' e nd • gue1• •o .,.., per1o,.mence Mond•• tP'l'U fhur,Oay 'Fitzcarraldo~ noble, stunning and courageous! Has a majesty and audaciousness. Werner Herzog is the most challenging filmmaker at work in the world today." -Roger Ebert. Chicago Sun-7imes " •.. A piand comedy ... I can"t Imagine a more agreeable or more enchanting memory that IM radiantly gno<l-humnrl'd performance by Claudia Cardinale • -11""""' L•mb) N I' n,,... "Diuyingly cinematic! You"ll ho enthralled. "-lau• Kmskl •• the magnificent embodiment ol horote lunacy" -t,u, fU.tl•• a,,.,upo111on "faeclmUng and i...utiful! Nf'Ve< IOIM its grip lrt a prlvllege. •rare one.. to SCfl a Olm that. from beginning to end. sh1veN1 with pa"ion." -"•nfe\. ~•uffm.tn T~• N-H-b!Jc "b.IUlant.lagl I\ kind of 1uR11le fever perntNtes every frame of 'Fil2Umldo.' There'• 1om11th1m1 hTe1l1tihle about lbe extnva1ant im•911'Y Hotnog has conjured up .. a .un·baked .. lute to cvtty man'• wildest dreams.· -RN<• \\itti.m .. ,,, Pforbor "A ......... -=--P~ thal could become e maSlefl>hice on tt. otd.r of •The l\frk:an ~·; -R•• tt.ood "A llllr'llcle .I a ...wt A rid. on a maslc carpet with nOtt-tlOfl uclt..,..... 1'111.11 , •• monumental -" ol a vlllonary m • ..ur: -8omont llHw.ConMlt ,..._,,_,. ~ .. "--"' ·Fttzcamldo" producea a genuine exalttllon ... Ill ill mu 11 OM o( the mc.t movtns celebratlon1 ol humafl lebor on film." _._Cnon•pu ... ,.,,,,, ....... "Edrw<d'•eryl Ac.Mad) I c, ..... tic ...... "'. -.riel n. ln09C ,...... film -could lmqlne: It's about drwm1 and t...d wort to ~ ci,_ !*M INll." ~"-MclAlll S.001" "tl"YC ""411o LUXURY THEATRES 1st Tw f[lltilltt a..1111•YS2B 1WtultllerwiMllltt4 llir1J4ij•Xull6i~ 255JI ~~~) S -tr ( FOR FOOi EXC:ITEmEml V~Our ... ) '* 4idi& so~ IQ] ~: _o•: .•. 0 a, PEAl'ECT HOl:.UY ENTERTAINMENT. THE MOVIE THAT "LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG." -&oy, cld I hne •good tllMI. A .... .....,..........., cry.the-next, lov9...,. Rlclwd ca.. ... powartul. .,....,.. ..... iMt. LouGa11 .............. . ..,...... ...... 9006-~ -oavld Keith'• perfonMhoe la one of .................... ~· --...---.~.-..,_ WA• I B •TERROR ... THE HOST HORRIFYING MOTION PICTURE YOU'LL EVER SEEr' -Rell Reed E CHIBW ---CHE Produced ;and Directed by TOBE HOOPER From Jr. NEW LINE CINEMA ~ ~ MCMI ~~I ..... •< (....,.,. C°'p ..... ID Q) I\) I .I I I J \ 8 N co O> 7' ...... _From Page 5 THE HOLE IN THE WALL GALLERY, 305 Orange County Plate Collectors Club. Nov. 28 at 2 ~ N. Harbor Blvd., Fullerton. Gallery opens Dec. 4 p.m. Admilaion free . .... Road, Laguna Beach (494-0743). Performances are with works by Don "Putt" Putman on display. SHERATON-ANAHEIM HOTEL, 1015 W. ,8 given Tuesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. and SUSAN SPIRITUS GALLERY, 522 Old Ball Road, Anaheim. Cover Ftxpo '82 Stamp Show. E Sund<Jys at 2.30 through Dec. 18. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Photography by Nov. 27-10 a.m.-8 p.m. and N'ov . 28, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ~ .. T HE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC." a comedy Betty Hahn will be on exhibit Dec. 4-Jan. 29 along Admilaion $1. 0 of high finance, is playing at the Costa Mesa Civic with photography of Pamela Roberson. Public MARRIOTI' HOTEL, Pacific Coast Highway ~ Playhouse, on the Orange ounty Fairgrounda in reception to be held Dec. 8 from 7-9 p.m . Gallery and Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. Collector Car ~ Costa Mesa (754-5159). Curtain is 8:30 Thursdays hours 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Auction held Nov. 27-l8. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Information ~ through Saturdays until Dec. 4. LAWSON'S HANGING GARDENS, (213) 506-6544. U: "TWO AND TWO MAKE SEX ," a comedy 3 lst-32nd Streets, Newport Beach. Paintings will be HOBBY CITY, 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim. ";::: about romantic chicanery, con tinues a t the on sale in vicinity of Lawson's and the antique Puppet show with Christmas theme. Nov. 27-Jan. 9, ~ Huntington Beach PlayhouSt! in the Seacliff Village shops nearby Nov. 28, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sponsored by 11 :30 a .m . and 2:30 p.m . Admission $1.50. i shopping center, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, the Costa Mesa Art League. Information 828-1490 . .'JI! Huntington Beach (847-4465). Performances are. ANAHEIM CONVENTION C ENTER, $ given Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through Dec. 4. -IAllC( ---------------Anaheim. Walt Disney's World On Ice debuts Dec. ~ All CALlFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG 26-Jan. 2. Tickets, $5, $7.50 and $9, available at § ------------------BEACH, University Theater. "Winterdance" _ Ticke tron Outlets, box office and Mutual Ticket 0: TURNBULL LUTJEANS KOGAN series or seven new dances _ will be performed Agencies . Information (213) 278-2800 or (714) GALLERY. American City Bank Tower, 611 Anton Dec. 2.4 and 9-10 at 8 p.m. General admission $6.50. 999-8900. Blvd., Suite 120. Costa Mesa. Works of Jerrold information (213) 498-5526. MAGIC MOUNTAIN, Valencia. Holiday hours: Davis and S us ie Ketchum on display Dec. 3-30. Nov. 25 10 a.m.-6 p.rn. and Nov. 26 10 a.m.-8 p.m . Public artist reception Dec. 2. 7-9 p.m. Jan. 7-Feb. 5, --ETC. -----------------1-0 a .m .-8 p.m. daily Dec. 18-Jan. 2. Closed.,_ works of Michael Wingo and David Romeo on Christmas Day. Information (213) 992-0884. display. Gallery hours Tuesday-Saturday. 11 BROOKHURST COMMUNITY CENTER, 5 30 2271 w. Crescent,, Anaheim . Public meeting of · See Diversions, Page 9 ~a~.m~·-·~:.:....::..~P_·m~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......:..:_~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.:== ~Al.MS TIME BANDITS "'The Wu.ard of Oz' of the '80s" is Back! ....... s.t..fn.U. ....... * 8ARGAlll MATIN•U • • ...., ...,. l•blnley AH PerfonMnCel before 6:00 PM I~.,_.. E 1111m1M11M ......,_, "'09 nXAa CMAINaAW uaucwr,,. ------ "VICTOR'.! VICTONA" ----·= l.lkf\.f\'QOn rfNTF!l SOUTH "'' • ·• ..,,. ,.... ~!19'• ... _ .. ---~ "TIMI aAIGIT•" -... ___ _ ''MONSIGNOR"..,. -·-.--- "CM8' IHOW" ... ----- rACIAC UIOTIU llM·* .. ., 9Utl ,_ ____ ,,. .. ,., MWll• MM ... -•WI ..... I -llM .. ... ", .... _. _ ___ .. _ .. _ . .. ANAHE IM'~ .1 >< ._ ... _. U.tllO "THE ..... ITMlll MCI("--.... ,o,...._ C:..11 - ..... Bl.JENA PAP"-... ' ---·-UMOJO -' .. LINCOLN [Jiil•! IN l"'IC-· .. --·-UM010 FOUNTAIN , ALLE" [ I/ I\! >. '"VICTOR/ YICTONA"--"""'"""'' .... , ..... "_ "THI nua CHAINeAW MAUACM""' --.......... ....._ .. , "AL-•THEDAM""' ....... _ .. _ HI ./wA' \-1 •• " ........... ........ ,._ .... M9J _,._ _ .. _ ... l. ... UT-IAT--llWT ......... .. ~ .. a. "1111 LMT .-CAii ..... .... -.&.119 .... cu..-=---... ·•ft.LI ........ V.....-Ml#'llt 1-.: .._ .. , a• . ...................... .,.... .. , ......... ..., .... ll From P-se 8 UC IRVINE, Fine Arts Village Theatre. Madrigal Dinner 1982 will be held Dec. 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, and 14 at 7 p.m. and Dec. 5 and 12 at 3 p.m. Dinner and entertainl)"lent from the English Renaiaaanoe court ot Henry VIII. Tickets $18.50. Information 833-6617. 11$1,-------- UC IRVINE, Fine Arts Village Theatre, "The Sound of Music," will be held to aid the UCI Spinal Cord and ~in Injury Research Fund Nov. 27-28 at 8 p.m. General admission $10. Information 966-6668. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, Costa Mesa. Jan and Michel Rubini present a Christmas concert on violin and piano Dec. 13 al 8 p.m. General · admission $4 advance. $5 at the door. Information 556-5726. GOLDEN SAILS HOTEL, Grand .Ballroom. Long Beach. Dave Mason in concert tonight at 8 and 11 p.m . Tickets $10 advance, $12.50 at the door. HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL "fhe Outlaw ... The Outcast ... and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. , .... ,nm 17 16 1 Broott hurst Fountain v~ 912-1241 Willie Nelson Gary Busey ~ flf'lf_,ylDIYU°"d\ll_R-..-rlll4C'4."'I ="',,..--=~=~=~= A\"<IN>no1.._..r ... 1"8111Cl"IC-..rino. ··-~crrtm.ool 11< ===-======= I •ds 511111 CIAS1 ftAZA -=;~-::--541-2711 HELP ·SAVE BABIES ·~~,...,,~li'!t"0'..~~~~ ..... 9 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --~~~~~~~~~~---~ AUDITORIUM, Yorktown and Main Streets, Huntington Beach. Pianist Mich ael Cave will perform Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. Infonnation 962-7959. DISNEYLAND , Glenn Yarbrough, the Limeliters, Alvino Rey and hil Orchestra and the King Sisters will be featured Thanksgiving Weekend, Nov. 26-27. Houn 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Nov. 25, 9 a.m.-midnight Nov. 26 and 27 and 10 a.m .-7 p.m. Nov. 28. CHAPMAN COLLEGE, 333 N. Glallell St .. Orange. Sweet Adelines will present "A Salute to the Music Man" Dec. 4 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m .. Ticket information 842.-0337. UC IRVINE, Fine Arts Village Theater. UCI Wind Ensemble presents "Sounds of the Season" Dec. 1 at 8 p.m. General adm.iaaion $4. Information 833-6617. UC IRVINE, Fine Arts Concert Hall. UCI Chamber Orchestra will perfonn Dec. 4 at 8 p .m. General admission $4. Information 833·6617. CAL STATE LONG BEACH, The Nugget, Dec. 3 The Shadow Minstrels, Dec. 4 Red Zone, Tickets $3.$3.50. Dec. 10 Jack Mack and the Heart Attack at 9 p.m. Tickets are $6. students; $6.50. non-students. Dec. 11 the Busl3oys and Broken .. Enaliah at 9 p.m. Tickets are $8, 1tudenta; '8.50, ~ non-atudenta. Doon open at 8 p.m. Information ~ (213) 498--4133. • CAL STATE LONG BEACH, University ! Music Center Recital Hall. The California E.A .R. i° Unit, a nine-member group specializing in music for ~ electronic and acoustical instruments, will pcrfonn ~ Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. General admission $3. Information Ci (213) 498-5526. ~ CHAPMAN COLLEGE, Bert.ea Hall, 333 N. z Glassell St., Orange. Senior recital by Katherine ~ Whitescarver Dec. 5 at 8 p.m. Admission free. ~ Information 997-6871. 3 CHAPMAN COLLEGE. Student composition i recital Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. Admission free. lnfonnation. I'\) 997-6811. !" CHAPMAN COLLEGE, Bertea Hall. ~ Cellomania concert features six cellists with pianist ~ on Dec. 4 at 8 p.m. Admission free. Information 997-6871. C HAPMAN COLLEGE. Memorial Hall 'Auditorium. College Symphony Orchestra in concert Nov. 30 at 8 p.m. General admission $4. Information 997-6871. ... . , ~ .. - • ~ CJ) -iii N ... .8 E a> > 0 z ~ as "O ·;: u.. ...... .... a> "O c a> .:tt. ~ !: ~ a: Wllll a little pndea •.. ..,...canbe•IOOd · .... Leel .I #..--... ····-· ·--·-.............. ---.""' < ________ .. -----'..- ... __ _,'° __ ,, __ ·-,.··--.• ~.w:. "THEY C a•L ua.- " · "~' ~ -· IT I -ME BRUCE" CPCll WILLIE NB.ION .... flll.·MIN. GARY ..,..y ~ 2!GO. s:a. "° BARB=R08A -rt-•IOOM' MATIDa(ON TEX TmllAN 6 t+:: ,. •• IUN. ~7:11, .. -n Da10111 TOUGH TEX "~y Ill ·-----~--a:-. 4111 ........ • ''THE LAST UNICORN" cot ,.. ....... ..... .-.. ...... l:tl. ..... 7:Jl, l:tl --.-• ; ''HEIDI'S SONG"'°' ..... .-1:21 ......... _ ..... ..... "G" .......... - Tl Hrr..:»111 --Ill • "''· ·IUN. 1 :00, l:ao .... 1:11, 1o:a :W.t 11lissilJ1llrll · • "'l.·IUN. 4:30, 1:41 •• afP'dr· ~· ,... ..... , .... " MAn DlllOll TOUGH TEX Tl~v Ill ........ _.........,....,..._. ,... .... 2:11, 4:11 1:111. 1:11. .,. .......... Wl.19:11(8 "SECRET OF,_.., 101 .......... , ....... ... .--. ...... "TllSYCALL .......... .... -UT ......... -........... - TIME BANDITS ,...:.,... 4:11, .. "' "T .. Y CALL ME 9RUCE" CPO• ........ 1:9 .. UTHE ~T UNICORN" ,,.,. .... 1 .. llea.4:il. .. 1-.1::11 "Tiii LAST ..-COM ..... ... .-,-.a. ......... - IJ ---------( ~-............ ) .. _____ _ 'Silent Night' to play at SCR The Young Conservaiory Players at South Coast Repertory will preseAt "Silent Night," a holiday play, on tfie SCR Second Staee Dec. 4 and 5. "Silen t Night," which dramatizes the dreams of a young girl whoee nocturnal imagjnary escapades teach her the joys of giving, will open the first "KIDscriptions" seasons of children's theater at SCR. T h e sh ow will be pe rforme d entir ely in mime and muaic, to Christmas carols, Scott J oplin, Erik Satie and Richard Strauu compositions. The aciors are all third year stude nts i n SCR's Young Conservatory. Performances on Saturday, Dec. 4, are 1 and 3 p.rn. On Sunday, Dec. 5, "Silent N ight" will be presented at 3 and 5 p.m. For ticket information, call the SCR Box Office at 957-4033. Ju1tofewwonl1 ....... ''•ht ........ Dally Pllet Cla11lflecl All• . DWthetllrectllM 642-5678 ~···~=····--··---·····-· .. ., ....... . u --~~~~~~~~~~~~~----....... ~~-~~--~ c: CHAPMAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA John Koehak, Music Director aod Conductor ~Premiere ___ Concert of the 1982-83 Season · T uesday, Nov. 30, 1982 8:00 P.M. Chapman College Auditorium Orange, California . • John KO!!lhak Corutuctor Ann StJmeon. PlutJ&t Roaald Smart Gue•t Conductor Su&aa Moateomery Soprano Dramatic Mualc for Orchestra • . . Banks Opera Artas by Mozart Charpe.ntler and Mll88enet Concerto for Flute. and Orchestra ... Nielsen Symphony No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beethoven General AdmlHlon Mo.Chapman Studeata ScaJor Cttlscn• Chapman Stu«tc.ata 84.00 11.00 81.00 Free · Ttcketa available at the door on the evening of the puformuce. For further taformaUoa call: 997-0774 or 99'7.e&71 _. CD QD N I I ~ ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==="'~~-~---'n __ t_•_r_rn __ l•_•_•_•_n _____ ~~~~------------~---------------------- ,.. ~'Sol Id ·Gold Cadillac' ••• Business parody entertaining _g ~ 0 z Although the passage of lime has blunted its satirical impact, "The Solid Gold Cadillac" beating the system in the 9 to 5 world. By TOM TITUS ...... Of llle DaUy Pilot Staff stage. s':'_ch spee~y ~ remains an enteriaining ~ parody of big business ;E and offe rs hope that '-there's still a way of a; This episodic comedy by Howard Teichmann and George S. Kaufman is given an imaginative production at the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse tranmuons are eMenbal, since the pby itaelf tends under the direction of so 1 v e d the mu 1 ti -to sag a bit over its Pali Tambellini. Set sequence problem with 14-scene saga of a little d esigner Michael D. mobile settinfs which old tady with 10 shares Hans has effectively are rolled of and on of stock in a giant "O c: G) I 3: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~- 1 .1 • IS • • Q.RANGE ·coUNTY MUSIC FOR ADULTS. PLUS . . • • • • . . • • . . • • • MARINE WEATHER -The latest information from tides ro temperatures. direct from the Orange County Harbprmaster. • TRAFFIC REPORTS -Weekday morning and afternoon drlvetlme freeway and highway informa- tion from the Orange County office of the Highway Patrol. • STOCK MARKET HPOllTS -Twice daily. the most up-to-date information in the world of finance. as It pertains to Orange County, from Bob Schiff of Merrlfl Lynch In Newport Beach. • FITNESS AND RUNNING REPORTS • -Expert advice from U.C.I. Track Coach and U.S. Olympic Development Coach Kevin McNair, twice every day. • CONSUMER REPORTS -listen for KOCM's own Consumer Advice Speclahs& Mary Ann Price. She's out to help youl Two times each day of the week. • NEWS -Mo re than just h eadlines. and a special emphasis on Orange County. • ENTERT AINAIENT REPORTS -What's good -and not-so-good -on Orange County stage and screen. exclusively on KOCM with Herm Boodman.' • A CLOSER LOOK -KOCM's own weekly detailed look at pertinent news topics. with Joann Reynolds and Susan Vaughn. • • • COMMUNITY POllUM -An award-winning presentation or the Junior Le~ of N~ ~. aired weekly only on KOCM, delving Into the unique lnteresu of our area. • ••• KOCM IS ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC . . . AND ~ MUCH MOREf. . . • • • ON YOUR FM DIAL AT 101.1 " corporation who shakes top management off its comfortable perch. Tambellini .spices her performets with showy characteristics which compensate for some relatively lackluster writing. The crown ~el of the Costa Mesa production ia Laurie Lambe rt's marvelous performance as the maverick stockholder. She combines twinkle- eyed innoce nce with steady reeolve in a "sond gold" interpretation , beautifully sustained. As th e depo sed chairman who leads an · Insurrection against his IU(l(.'e90R, Robert Lupo contributes a hilarious scene of intentionally artificial acting. but allows this style to creep into his overall performance. Louis • Spartano is solid as the s hifty corporation treasurer, while Loretta Lupo is a show stealer as th e ~ouncy board secretary and Robert Gerbasi exudes the •. charm o f a snake oil salesman in a f i ne performance as the company's new chief. Others contributing effectively are Francis Donnelly aa another board member, Melinda Tyler and Mark Greytar as office romantics, and Leonard Roaow and (especially) Bonnie McFadden as TV neW1CUten. "The Solid Gold CadiU.ac" continues · tonight and Saturday and Dec. 2-'f at 8:30 in the Civic Playhou9e. on the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Re11ervationa are be I n g a c.c e p t e d a t 754-51S9. * COASTLINE Com- mun ily College h u selected Neil Simon's "California Suite" aa lta fall production to be prwnmd Dec. 10-12 and 11-11 *'thew~ CGmmunt11 n..•. ,._tund ID the four- 1eene _..cty •t in a Loe ~l• hotel are Jon Qancl, Kue DMn l'llher, Sfiellla Waterworth, Bret Bounnm. Teri a.muton, ~Blrlrer.Dtborah w.-and Cliff Youna. 8tock OU.y and Jeri Barton are handlln1 ... , ........... Tlcluita an available from the coll•I•'• com'ftunlt!_ 1ervlce offtaa. lODI ._. Ave., Foua tai11 Valley. rurtlm' 11111 , ...... ~ ........... ~~·· ., .... --...... .., ...... Li ~---...--.---------~:....--..-.... ~ ..... --9'!"'..-_.,, __ _.....,!'P" ........ aai. ..... '-" ..... _.9!!, ............ ----~ ·-----... ·--· -·-·--- Your f1oliday Entertainment .. ·Center Albertson's Market Bank of America Bilbo Baggins Coco's Harbor and Adams,~sta Mesa Hamburger Ha let PhotogrePt1y by Jeffrey Ice Capedes Cha t Plecemakers Glullt Shop Dolphin Hair Fashions . Edwards Cinema Center Fash 'N Splash Mamselle ·Reuben's Restaurant Mesa Verde Florist Southern C.llfomia Qptk:al Mesa Verde Travel Spa Lady Mlone's Restaurant Swensen'ske Cream Mu$ic Market Upper Cuts • • •••• ' • • • • • • t ... •.·.·.···········--•J1.•.•.•.·-~·.· .. •.•.•.·.··· ••. ......... December~· 16 Billi-Dllcembcr 27. 28. 29. JO .• 31 These allaOrdlnmy concats daaw a spedal bej&lnnln8 wtth a fabulous dinner at~·· by the Sa on the Hunttnaton Beach Pier. lbu wll then be chauSrured to the shCM ln a dek.ar.e amtom coach. wtth a hostess savlnl you compllmentmy cocktalla. after which your raerwd orchestra seats wtD put you In the bat poalbk position to a"'7Y these ~ enmtalnas. TEAR nus AD our FOR EAsY REFERENCE ~ ta.lmleed. Cd today! Padfic---Box ce At Maxwell's on the HuntlnQton Beach Pier 7141531"'826 . 7141540-3869 -....--~-HltS. 10 All·• .. _.., ____ -----------·-·--·-·--··-·- . I B ~ 2 ~ I ! i -~ ~ a: • ':< z 0 I i ~ N !11 -co -..1' CID N -. • ~ l M N co O> ~ rD N ... .8 E Q) > 0 z >. <O ,, ·;:: u. ...... ... Q) ,, c: -Q) .:.t:. 3l !: -§ ~ REWARD! I, you can find • finer dlsplay of handmade gift• and collectablea than wlll be offered at the annul l.acUll Cr1ft &.Hd Springtime Street Fair. Weavlnga, Ceramic•, Jewefry, Paln- tlnga, Photographa, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Bu,terfllea and much much more. LAGUllA CRAn GUILD Nov. 28, 1982, 10:00 A.M. to Dusk on Forest A.'fe. in Lotuna Beoch Dec. 4&5, 1982, 10:00 A.M. to Dusk at V .... Fair aaou from PottefY Shack -Adml•lon FrH - ' lf/llll"" . Marona Sport ... the octiYe took for Chr1s1mos ... Pettect·~ ~Of Ol'Pf ~Shirts and pgnts ae ~ cotton In Q19CJ1 oolof's. ~~ -------4( c-.... .... cuff9•)~·-----=-­ . Pianist to perform at OCC Internationally known i••~i'!t Daniel Pollack wilJ perform Cbapin'I ..Piano Concerto No. 1 at 4 p.m. Dec. 5 in Orllflle Coast College'• Robert B. Moore Theater. Orange Coast College's 69-piece symphony will open its 22nd le880D with the concert. It will be Pollack'• third appearance with the Costa Mesa symphony. Tickets are $3 at the door and will be available at the college'• tick~t office. Pollack, a graduate of Juilliard School of Mualc, was tt.e 1958 winner of the prestigious Tchaikovsky competltion in Moecow. The winner . of 28 major awards, he performed the 9COre last year for "The Competition." starring Richard Dreyfu.. and Amy Irving. Pianist Daaiel Pollack to perform at Orange Coast College Dec. 5. Pacific Chorale concerts set Two elaborate Christmas season concerts, combining classical choral works and traditional carols, will be presented by the 140-voice Pacific Chorale. Under the direction o f John Alexander, the programs w'ill be gjven al 8:30 p.m . Friday and Saturday, Dec. 10 and 11. at the Santa Ana High School auditorium, 520 W. Walnut S t. Major works include Benjamin Britten's "Ceremony o( Carols" and Claudio Monteverdi's "Magnificat a Sei Voci." . A s pecial presentation will be Ariel Ramirez's "Navidad Nuestra" in Spanish. The South American work will be SUJ'l8 by the 36-voice Pacific Singers, composed o f chorale m e mbers, accompanied b y harpsichord, guitar and dru~. During the "MagniCicat'' the entire c horale will appear in va rious locatiON of the concert hall, including aisles, the balcony and stage. Also featured in the programs will be Samuel John Swartz, an acclaimed organist. and Harriet W ood, renowned harpist. Tickets are $6. $8 and $12. Group dUlcounts are available and VISA and MasterCards are accepted. Information is available by calling the chorale office at 542-1790. Stillla .. NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH 11" Includ .. Beverage -Well Drink or Beer I te l:IO 1712 Placentia 645-8091 COSTA MESA • Fashion news • Beauty tips • Trends 56 FASHJON ISlAND · N~RTBEACH · (714) 644·7030 • . , -------------------'(Currently ~r .. nlltfl )J.-------------=----~ AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R , stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very ·rew surprises but some beautifully drawn performances in this tale of boot eamp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and adult situations. 0 Movl.eS now showz·ng MONSIGNOR: Rated R, stars Christopher i Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Supennan cape for clerical l I 0 C · t robes in this tale of a World War II priest who CD a ong r.ange oas becomes involved in financial wheeling and dealing a A BOY AND HJS DOG: Rated R. stars Don Johnson as the owner of a smart-talking dog. This L .G. Jones film, based on a Harlan Ellison novella, was originally released in 1974 and has gained nothing in the way of substance or believability since then. BARBAROSA: Rated PG, mainly for violence, stars Willie Nelson and Gary Busey. This is another one that was released a couple years ago and brought back by critical demand. Nelson and Busey put in admirable performances as two outcasts who find a sense of family in each other. Deals with larger issues like revenge and the making of a legend. CREEP S HOW: Rated R. Novelist Stephe n King ("Carrie." "The Shining") a nd director George Romero ("Night of the Living Dead") have produced a five-episode anthology based on the old E .C. horror comic books. It's a Halloween grab bag of a movie with more tricks than treats. Segments E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRFSTRIAL: Rated PG, stars He n ry Thomas, Dee Walla~e. Robert Macnaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from Q\.lter space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. EATING RAOUL: Rate d R. this is a silly comedy full of swingers, prudes4nd Latin lovers. There's something to offend everyone in the film's satire. which is realJy an assault on hypocrisy. IT CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD: Rated PG, this is a compilation of .the worst movies of all time introduced by comics from television's Saturday Ni~ht Live and SCfV Comedy Network. . JINXED: Rated R, stars Bette MidJer and Rip Tom as lovers involved in a jinxed blackjack deal. Midler provides the film's good moments, otherwise an uneven, unsatisfying comedy. / run from a complete dud (Author King as a Canner LOVE CHILD: Rated R. Amy Madigan is who's turning into a plant) to a horror masterpiece impressive in her first major role , supported by featuring E.G. Marshall as a cruel millionaire with Beau Bridges and Mackenzie Phillips. The film is a major cockroach problem. Rating is for violence based on the true story of a _young convict's struggle a;n=d=go::;iri;e~. ::;;===========:!::====t::'.:o=k=eep her unborn child. within the Vatican. The beautifully photographed ~ film is long on shock v~e (priest has a romance, -;:; priest deals with the Mafia), but s hort on a: motivation and s ubstance. . ~ MY FAVORITE YEAR: Rated PG, stars Peter z O'Toole, Jessica Harper, Joseph Bologna and Mark ~ Linn-Baker. A bright comedy in the tradition of'last ~ year's "Arthur," about a lovable drunk and his er exploits. Set in 1954 during the Golden Age of ~ television. N !JI NATIONAL LAMPOON'S CLASS ~ REUNION: Rated R, this film brings familiar h!.gh ~ school types together for a IO-years-later party that N is menaced by a disturbed student. Mode rately funny high school jokes and high jinks are mixed into a mad slasher movie parody. PINK FLOYD THE WALL: Rated R, stars rock singer Bob Geldorf. Pink Floyd's album "The Wall," inlij>ired this nightma rish film, which chronicles a rock star's overdose. POLTERGEIST: Rated PG. stars Jobet h ·Williams and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the supernatural. T he story is by Steven Spielberg; the See Currently Screening, Page 16 [) i~DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE For Dine Out Advertising And Info Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 ext. 269 FRESH LOQAL LOBSTER DINNER '8.95 lIJcludes choice of 110up or salad, and potato or rice pilaf. ... -1 / Call For -1 R.Mrvationa --r--.--· ~ &73-7721 *'tlnw~ .. ..k·' ON THC PENINSULA • :.HI ., BALBOA £. ........... A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chickt.'n, a nd steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. VlllRllfO 60 Fashion l1land Newport Beach/ 6"-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 217-1840 ...... ,. ., '•"• ....... STIC CHIO W.. IMIMmi "c=I ·=Ill • ,,,,,_ ·- . .. .. -t ~~· ----------------------------------------------~~ CurrentlyScreenl,,.~~--------------------------------------------- co : direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for Movies now showing N sus~nse. / 0 c Huntington and Ralph Mauro in a wacky parody of the Bruce Lee karate cult. ~ STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stars William I Q qng range OQSt ~ Shatner and Leonard Nimoy In the continuing ~ quest lo seek out and explore strange new worlds. Z The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas TI.ME BANDITS: Rated PG, stars John CJeeee, Sean Connery and Shelley Duvall in an imaginative >. Meyer. ca ~ . -.: SUPERMAN Il: Rated PG, stars Chriatophe1 ~ Reeve, Ned Beatty, Jackie Cooper, Sarah DouQlal. ~ and Margot Kidder. The return of 'the highly ~ popular Superman sequel in which three alleru-~ come to earth looking for Su~rman. allils Clar~ i Kent. The love scene between Superman and Loi ~ Lane created a stir when the movie was originall· released. ~ 0: THE CHALLENGE: Best Ame rican-made martial-arts film yet, plus a view of Japanese culture rare in American films. Scott Glenn is a foot-loose fighter who gets mixed up in a bitter family feud in Kyoto and falls under the spell of master of the sword Toshiro Mifune. Directed by John Frankenheimer in top form. R rated for violence. THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER: Rated PG, s tars K irk Do uglas. Jack Thompson, S igrid Thornton and newcomer Tim 8urli090n in the. title role. An outdoor adventure that is sometimes entertaininl( but cornball and out-dated. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R, Michael Palin of Monty Python fame has the title role in this tale of a missionary who opens a home for wayward souls in Edwardian London. This warm-hearted picture has some amusing moments, but they're offset by a boring love story and a surplus of escapist fantasy through time. The film was undeveloped plot threads. originally releued last year, when it garnered THE SENDER: Rated R , stars Kathryn favorable reviews all around. Harrold, Shirley Knight and Paul Freeman in a YES, GIORGIO: Rated PG, atan Ope(a sreat frightening film which deals with the mind's power Luciano Pavarotti in his film debut, with Kathryn to deceive. Harrold and F.ddioe Albert. A comedy about an THEY CALL ME BRUCE?: Rated PG, stars opera star (naturally) who courts his throat Johnny Yune, Margaux Hemingway, Pam spedaliat. ---------------------..1\( Co•"'9 A ttractlon• )1-.--------- Lynn Reid is soprano soloist in the OC Master Chorale 'G lory of Christmas' to be presented by OC Chorale "The Glory of Chriatmaa," a PfOIJ'UJl featuring traditional and popular music of the aeuon along with some "Me.iah" .elect.ions, will be pre9ented Dec. 3, 4 and 5 around the a>UO\y. The Orange County Muter Chorale, under Maurice Allard, will praent the ooncerta Dec. 3 al the Orange Coast Colleae Auditorium, Dec. 4 at the First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton and Dec. 5 at Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana. Tickets for the perofnnances, which start at 8 p.m ., are $8.50 general admission. For more information, call 535-0153. [f.Jp .... , ' DTEITAllllEIT cumS:~J To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory • ad .... Call Now 642-5671 lat.HJ .-Dining For llomantla · . . tlit• smm,f.o\ mul )(cJfits tf 11;,. surf on tlit• bt•adi at £.aq111w -· ft•c1t11ri11q · f n·s/i ~''t•it• ·E11qla11J £.obstt•r 1iml otlia fn·sli · fis.li . . . Ca11Jltl~qli1 blt'11(/,·1/ witli t/i,· spn1~· cf 11;,. • Pafifif ( ln•t111 . . ... ~ Ortqkfast lunch!on Ploow .......... 619 -...... ........ \.one Wllil1W111111 leDct\