HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-03 - Orange Coast PilotTHE ORANGE COAST COUNTY EDITION FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS County to weigh alternate plans for airport u, ~TE\ E Tllll'Ol.I O( the 0•11~ Pllol Sl•N "l'\\t 1\1• ,tll1'lll,l(l\I '• 1111 1111 f\1\1111 111 ,J11l111 \.\.'.1\ Ill' 1\111M1l I \h.tl IOllllll\ "1111 J,d•, ,111 ' ""lllllf \\Ill lot .1 Ill '.\ ·,!1 •11 111\\ 11•1 11111,l\ • 1111~'. 1111 ""I"" I 1111111\,1111 lllllllt \\Ill 111 1·1111,11l1 l1'll lh1·, 111•111\li 11\ I 11 .1111:• l\11111\.\ 'liJM l \ 1-.111-. Tt"' .d11 1 n.11n. .. -. "111, 11 1,111g1 ) I\ 1111 , 1 1 o1 \, d ._ h U Id 11 \\ 11 11 I t J 1t .i1r 11111 I 111 .Ill 1·>.11.111 -.1 .. 11 tli.11 \\'1Hlld ,dlll\\ lllOll I lll,111 Ifill d ,111\ 1111111111•101 ,.J Jll d111.1l\lll1', 111 ,1 ·'Cancer /(ids' cheered B, KAHEN E. KLE11' ot" lh• Dally Pllol Slaff \.\'l1t·ri H \1·.11 11ld .11 111111 •·1 !<11-. \\ .I'. Ill lh1· Jio"pll<1J ,l\ Ill).'. 11 ! t'.llH l'I -.hi /..:.t\'O' tli1 d oll,, ,111.J toy-. 111'1 j>.11• Ill.., lol1•Uf:l1t h• I 111 1Jth1·1 thdd1011 Ill th• 1><·d1.i1111 -. w.11d S ht' 11.,1d .i l.,11d f 111111 ht I d1ild11 ll .... B1til1 IP Ii••! l11t·11d-. -.\U!11ld111g 11\ I I lli1 l11g \\Ill"' Sh1·'d ... u1111111111 tho 1111t '"' II t 111 oth1·1 < l11ld11·11 11"""'"1 h1 Ip J1·1111v ·, 1.,...1 \\1.,,!1 111 ,,,,,. ·.111 d1t«I S1 pt I 111 lt1·1 -.11·• 1• ".i" 11to11 -.Jll' \\lltdd 111 ,1!1l1 Ill ... 11,11 I ( 11Ml With I l1dtl11 11 111 111 "I'll.ii•, .11111 11 I 1h1·111 ~till\\ \\ t1\ "t11 \\ d., 11111 .ol 1.11d 111 d11 Tt11 1111.il ,, 'I'" -.1 111 1111 1·x11 .1t1rd111.11.\ ,,., 11111! g1 ,1d1 r h.1, trdrhf"l 1111 d I Iii l1\ 1 " "' l11·r 1i.ir1·11h. K1·11 .111d ( 'lwr \I H11'' .11\ll 1•\1 I \11111 \\ 1111 kllt'\\ h• I '[ J,.. 1<11,...,, 11! ll 1u1t111g11111 Bt"ll h .iltd 111"11 \11Uf1~! '<Ill C'lll I\ li,1\'I ll11dt I l.1k1 II .I fll 1 •Jt t I t Ii• ' '.d t ( ·tll'I I K 1d-. 1111 p1 1111·v1 1-. .1111 .. .t ,, r1111i1 11 11g .)1•1111\ ·, \\ 1.._h Ii\ d1.,\11h1Jl111g Ip\ t11 I\ I I\ """-J'll.ill/t'C( I l1tid Ill <>r.111g• ! .... i\11J:•·I· .... 111.t Hl\'t·r ... 1.f1· 1111111111·, .11 111 l1 .. tol1111' ('hr I 1111.1 l•.tl Ill ., Ill .oll thr •• ('<1111111•' fiO I th· I hild11 ,, th1 II l.11111i1t , .i11d t.1111d11 , \\ 1111 t..1\ • l<>°'f I hddr f II 111 I ollll'f I I 111 I l.'"'"I' '" 111 Hiil t 'jl.lti ,U lll f'l.IH II\ ,1 .l\td,l~I ... 11111 1111 . \1.il 1'111·11 '''""''" II• JI d .11 1\ •11tllllltlll.1I l•I I ligti1. 11111 111 .1111111 \\ 1\11• 1'111 111u • ·,-. .,f de 11I1111111111'. lh• 111 ,t .clt.•111.oll\ 1 \\ h11 11 \\ill ·,1.11 I \\I I I 1 I I 11 II I ' I" I l "I ' " I II I .. t 111t1•><l111111111 111 """I\, ..... , .. I >1' I I 11111l1.d1h \\di t.11" 1111111 111 111 I \ l '+It • I\' 4 If l ,, , ,~, lt. 'ti I l" 1J t I 'l.111 11111 l't "l'.f,1111 ( H 1111 I "'' 1•llt11 l\111.1!.. .11 t··,p.1J1·,11111.ill•111.1!1\1 1"·'"" tl1.ol \\111ild ,dl1•\\ •• 1111 I 11cl1 l I '' , < ... ·u. 1l.1d\ t 0 1111111 11 1,d I' 1 fl1i•td, 11hl , 11tH' ltfll\ 1,t11t1 1.dl1111: f1q ,1 , 111.1ll \ IJi~')il , II • IHtd1·d lH 11" I • "II I I 1 .. , .1 I " I: 111 • I .• t" I d· Ill 111d \II• 111.111\1 111 1 th• "l'l""1l1 1 11d 11! 1111 •I"' 1111111 1111 luol1 ti 11111n.1t11111 111 ,, 11• ol11l1 cl l' I I I \ 11 I I•, 111111.lll•tll 1.t UHfl 1l101l11l1ol 1•1 .11\llt' ,I ~ •tl ld HJJ.11 11111 1d II)+••! l\\H 1tpt11,Ji• .. 1 tl1• 1111 .1 li11td10\\" 1tl 1111 1t1 I"''' 1, .. , ,1. ..111 1 tl11 I 1dl '·"'~!" "' ilt1III.iiI\1 , I 111 11\1 ~ pt t·"I 1111'<1 111.1 .11 1 pl.111 : .i , 'l'.111 11111 \\ .1 ,[fllll\ d11\\ll lo \ lia,1llj'I l '11tll ol \ ~"I" I 111 1 I •1111 I l11d~'.' J\1 Cll1 Slttll"•. \\ 1d1 d11 .1d1111t1tlllHll Ill.it 11 \\ "' I ti• !11 to 111 \ \\.1·, 11-. f,1111111 I" I 1111"'111• I ,d(1III.di\1 ,,1,111 . 1-\ '. I ·' 1, ' '' I t ' 1 I I I 1 '. I I 1 \\ .olt1 I It.ill\•• .. I'''", . .,, .. '" ""''jlll1g \\ 1111 1111 11 ti• I o111d lit• •Jiii ii "I 1111 S11111111 ·1 cl1 ·11·,11111 "' rli.tt wt I .Ill o1\111of olll\' 1i1tl,1tl ... Ill d1 \'I l11p111/' ,1 pl.111 (ti llllj•lll\I tlll' "" , , .. , l Dally Piiot Pholo by l H Pevn• ',.,11 111'. 1 11.i llt1 tll \ '" N ' '.\ t". I l II' . " I 1 I 1 I "II)'. It I ' It. l.1\\ .lilt lit.ii t1 '.llllt'lf Ill !-.11111111 I , 11111111· .111.I 111.11 .,,.,, 1 • .t o1tl1<'1 •''""I• •II II\ I I\ .. ,,,,., .• .tit fH•t J ''''"" """ ...... , .. 1, .... 1d ''" l1dl I • I 11 J' I I J t • I I I 1 I I I .1 I I \' t '' • I "1 t 1 t I 11 J ~ ,,,, ~t 11l1 ·d '·•·1 dlJ 11 tt.i·~ 1,· .. t11 , ..... ,11 t If>' 1111 1•td1 flh.d l 1tq_~.1111u1 II· · .. 11.t lit• !ol\111\\ I ll\'lllg 111 .1\ 111d . .i1\ 11')~.d .11 l1nn .if!,tHl...,I tl11 .dH ·J 11.ill \1 ·, JI ')1qu·,1 ' ~u·c .1H~t I ,11 11 I 1111 l,1k1 , fll11I•\ Jllltlil t ...... 11 • I " 'I ' II " I t .. 11111 t I I \ I II \\ 11 It" 111 Ill It 11.11111 I . I 111 I' ,, I' I" .. I ... l •· 111 " ,, 1111111«111 .11111111g tlw 111.•)'•lll\ 111 ·11111 I\ h"I '• fttl .111 llH I l'.1"' 111 tilt 1111111'>< I 11! JI I I di 111'1 fJ1ght.... 11UI 111 llll .111 JH •l I , l ''JH~·1,dh Ill J1gJil .. 1 " 11·-.11lut11111 11·u·11th .11l11ptt d 11\ 1111 lk1.11d ·.t.o1111g th.ti tl11·11· I~ "" 11 ·,..,ililt• "•It• fnr .1 '.t·< !ind .111 11111 I 111 tl11 t 11U11t\ 111 lllt't·I I" 11 )"' 1 .. d """d" 'J'lto1t 11·-.11lul11111 "t'\l't.11 -..1q" 1\1..,,., ... ..,,11d, le·.ive·:-. J11h11 \\'.•\ 111 · ,,.., tlw t11ilv .tlte·r11;ct1ve· for 111t ·1·1111g tli1· 1111111t\ ·, II'")''' It'll (:-\<'t' A lltl'OHT, l'agt· A21 UCI survey shows dissatisfaction with county life lh (;LE(';J\' Sl'OTT O( lhe Dellr Pilot Stall ()1.111g1· l '11u11t\ I'· 1)1 i'.111111111: In d 1,pl.1\' ""'"' 1111ulil1·-.111111 · '\ 111 JI I II Ill .., '' .I gt ,1 11 d 111 l1.11111.o111111 111.ol .111· 1.1\l'lllJ.! ,, -.ur 111 i...111g tv l11gh '"''' 1•11to1g« 111 11·-..1d1 llh 111 l11l\l1·111pbtt· 1t111V111g 11u t "" 111ti111g l•i l '(. Ir,. 1 nt· lt''"ll .111 l11 't"' I< , , 11 I t ., f II II\ d ll t ' \.\ I 1111111 \With l1•fo·ph111t1 · <,lJf \'1·_;- 111d11 .il• 1 hi· 11111111 v", p11pu la1 1111.iJ-!• ""' ,1 high gr 11\\ lh .tf'l'il llldV I,.. 1 li .111~!111).!, 1. .... 11·1 tl1,11l m11-.1 1w111.t,. 1 ... 111 ', ..... 11.t I h 1\1.11 k Jl . .ld.1 .,,,111· .1 l '('I l.11ull\ ft' '\i ' 11 I' t1 11 .\ .... f)l J ii t l ' \\' Ii " 111111d111.ol• d tl11 ,1wlv lh11111g .111 1111 t_,111111t•'· IJ111 f1111~ '111111 ... d ,1\, th• ,,,..., llllll ' th•· 'lll \1 \ IO''lllh h.t\'I' IH'O 'fl 111,1111 1i1al1l11 11..trt.1 ... -. .• 11· ...... 11 1111pl11 .cll<1f1 • 111 1111 '.1<1 ··l1·1.11111g 11111.11111.1111111 . 111,1\' Ill< olll th.al th1 .11t1.11l1\•111 ... , 1)1.11 """ dr•'"- I" 11i•I1 I 11 I I 11 "'" l111111g J (1 II• it• d f tlf '11\1111 \ I'""'"'' Report on tht 1,000 pe.,1pl1 qut·:-.11111w<l In Aug ll' I t I 11 11 LI g h " r;111 d "m -..1111p\J11g of tht· populcit111n. om· ,1dull 111 11111« n·p11rlt'<I;, 1Jt·.,,1rl' to 1 llllVe · llll ts1d1' ti I\' l'l!U I) t Y Tlw prt ·•' 1111.i11 t n·;1..~m Ii q~h l111ti...1ng ·' that d 1s~:our.Jg1•d tlw n·::.r• 1.L.., thf'\ would Ix.· esbl1· I II .1 ff• d Io 0°U y th t· I r It W II lt11111t''> \~ Jlh111 thl llt•Xl thll'e' v1·:1r-. Jl,.-..·;1r'l Ji1·1 ... d1,.i tJVo•rt·d lh:1t Ii:~ 1,.·1<·e·11I 11w11 1h1·11· hotlll'!'-whil1· :r; 1i.·11'1·111 11·nl E1gh1y pt·n·c·nt 111 tlo11-.,. 11·11t1·r.., -.;11d th1•v'd lik1· 111 "" 11 h1ir111·-.. but n .nlv :!.! pl I• 1·11 I ( l.i 11111·d I h .. y (;,LI Id ;i ff w d It i hu \, B:dd.1:-...11Tt' s;, 11.1 ()f 1·•111tt't -11, 111· nolei.1, 1:-. th:tl 11111-,1 \.11u11g f:J1nilll'~ 'dtd 1h1·;. 1·11uld11't .1fl111d 111 hu\ honw:- < J1olv th1· tw11 1nh11111 · f~1milu·,, 111 t li1 · high 11w111111· hr<1('kt·t:-. ~;11d lhl'\ 1011ld .olf111d to buv ht .i1111c•d Tl1,1I f111d1ng -.h"w ' hov- 111.1tur.tl11111 ti .. ., l h.Jnge·d tilt 1 rn1111v . h1· ..,. .. d from .111 .-tre•<• th.11 <S<'<· ('O llNTY. Pagt• A4 t college t 'h1 I''""" Jiff ''' Ill 111 Ill• .. 11.i •• 1111 nl k id ('Ii• r \I 1<11•., ... rel ~Ii• ""'1' ''" 111.i!..111).' ·'" 111~"' 1111111- f11r 1111 111\ rl11\1 1.itl\ 111 iht look o H·r d1t· lo\ .... t•o l l•·<'l•·•I k id-..'" a p roj•·c ·I iu .... pi r •·d '" for "c·a 11c·c·r tlwi r d :i11 g hl1-r' ... 1·nt11«1g c-. TV courses planned lh Piii!. Sl\EtnEHMAN Or° I"• Dally Pilot StaM I• I" 11111 ..... , 11 '1111:-. 'hould 11111 lw 11 .. 11 ... lt•rn·d 11 "t'<>i.1:0.llt11t :-.1ud1•11t 11111\'I'" lo ,, l'.it St.1tt• c·a111µu~ l1H•l lllltj: l.t11 .II 111glil 1111 111, 11111111 lo111JI .Ill\ 111111 I 'dlt \.\ ' c flll,ltH'I' 1jduc lhl" 1111.Ir1111\ • d1 o1tl1 \\ 'I I~ 1 I I I llf I ,qtil,dl/1 ... 11. .. ... 1 \\. fll '>I \\ .1111 I•• dn \\Ii ii 11 1111\ \\ .11it1 •d -.lw \~ .11111 d I• l.1~" 1 .111 111 1111 <.11111 I kid rl\1 l<<t,\1' h,1\ I ,If I .1111-!• d I• I\ 11 11 111 111 111• d11 if t'l 1111 · J•d10 1 1,111 •II ,1lll f 11111111 I iio \ \,,1\ I 111 1111. rt l••I 1111 I "" \111" 1 .... ·'"" I\\' I .]llo 1•·11111 I•' '" 1 .. Id Il l "'ti 111• ljt•fl \\!Ii) 1•.1(tlt' t:l\t II !1\ ·"".I llJ•I"" I )-!1•111 1• I • .ti• ii I ii 1dl1 J11•l1lo I ' r 11•, ,, , , k11w I 1,1. .. 1 1. tl111.,111\111 U1 .111i.:• <'1111111\ H , , "'" I .j d I "II \ I• l lltL' ·Edison scores big Ill reading program • Ih ROH l·.HT HAH I\ l·~H O( th e Dally Piiot Stall J 11 11111,1 l•""Jd• •'"Ito 1111 11 I· .t , ..... ,. I I 1i..:h "-'• 1,11 .. 1 p1 ,.i •. .td, n11•,tfl'"' "\j1 It'-. 1111 1}11 fi1l;t}1,1ll f11 ·ld 1111! 111 1lo1 '" .1tl,.1111t lwld 1'1111111.dl h.1 high 11,al 1ilrl \ Th" l 'f,,11 g• I '· .. I" 11 11111 .d f1111th.1ll fl"" l'f h111r-.1 · ·" ,. ·•1:.1111 (lllfl)lt 1111).: 1111 11 ... (',,111111111.1 Jnt1°f '.I h11l.1•,ll o 1'1 d1 l.Ollllll I h.illlfllllll'.111)1 B111 th1 ·.i l11•d 111 lt•111111q!l1111 f~'.11 h ""' <!11111 I'\ l'fl 111'( ft 'f Ill ;11 ,11le·11111 ' 11-. 11.,1d1n1~ Jll •1gr.1111 h.t~ h1·1·11 l\.tltlf'd 1111· 1 .... ..,, Ill tlt1• ~1.111· 11\ tlw < .tltl•11111.1 S1 lt11 .. 1 Bo;11 d .., t\ '·" ~ Iii I 11111 -INDEX-- /\t \'1111r S1•rv1c• R11llct111 B ... 11d Bu.,,1111·..,, <:av.ii<'" 1, /\ .1 ,\ . IH " H~· l'l:.. ....... 1t 11·d t '11n11c-. Cro<;v,,·111.t l>t>ath N11111 , .. , Ed1111rial Enti·rt.11111111111 !l1m1<,1·01i.· Ann L.111d1 '' Movw' Mut11.1t F1md' Nat11111.d N1 ·w-; l'ulili• N11t1t ,,, Sp11r1.-. Dr S ll•nu roh 11 Sttl(·k Mm k1•ts 'fClf'VISlllrl Thr·at£•N WN1t hrr W orld Nl·""s v.,•,., I ' I II II ('JI (')\ ( "I A 1'..! k.1·111l1·r B'..! B:! ·W•« k1•111k1 fl-I A:I c·1.CY ( 'l Ii 11'.! H:'> TV I,-1~ W1·1•k1•nd1•r A'2 A:\ 0..,1 "'"'' 1111111.11 ,1.111 J•I• k \If• '1 .. 1111 11111 t It• ("""'II l!1 11 \ .\,11.f 11• \l ~ 11d.I\ ii 1111' ( ·~f\1\ .( 11J1ft 11 Ht t "' 1\n.d11 ltH b I 1 ·' •II ' I ' . " I I 11 ~. .j 1 '""I 11 t '' 11 l I )'I a11 ti 111\I. .ti cl llllJll 1o\ 111)! I h• l' ... t111j! .d11ill\ '" ·.111d1 Ill" \\ li11 \\ • ,, I t ... I I d I " I I • ""I It 1 ) • cit flt 11 flt I", 111 th• "1gl1tli j'l.1d1 11.f "'I'·" 11111 111 ti .... d .11111 1'd111\ H1 1111 ·d1.il ''""1111.i.: 1·. 111 .. 11d.it111 \ II -.111ol1 ·11 h \~ ""'' f I ,1d111i'. I'• -..1il1·.1.111d.11d \\.'1 \\ .i 11 I I 11 111.1k1· 11111 1111 1• "'' ""\ I ti II\ 11 \'.ll'.td .. 1 'o111 I ' · Krlrnv ..,,11tl f~·111j' Wl".lk Ill f'C • 1111111! I"' 1111\ .t "fl,., 111111 1111 1111•·"· ItJ.' tw '·'"I 11 \ .. 11 h.1\C WI .1k11• .......... Ill ,, 11 Ill I tll llloilh \'<Ill 111.i~: ,.!1<1111 II B111 rl ti ... ltl , ..... ta111~. , .. ·1111l1 · flt111k \IHI ,lfl' ol11111l1 ' Kil111\ ..... 11d '""'"' 1\)(1 ·,111d1 111'. .111· 111 11!1 • ll'.ld1111: 11111g1.1111 1111'· \ '"" It l 111, lt\'I ,.,, 111 p.t•.I 1'"11111111.irnt ·' t)lt'v'll 111tpr11\• 111 ''"11 l111i.: • .t11l11 v 1111 '"" h ''"'' '" 11,.. p111g1 .1111 ()\'I' I' ;i 11 I' l I ''I I I\' I' II•....... .. It" 1 ff 11 11 ' 11 e V .i I! f.11 I <I I '· I Ii•' ·"""" 1.11111111·11n<,rd1 11·cl 111 J'.f ,1111111•! 11 .... 1v.,11d, h1 · .... .,.t Tlw P"'""""'l tit• d1·11,11t1111·111 . th11·e· 11-.td111g 11 .. 11 l11·r .... 111.t .111 111,l 111< I lt>ll.il ,11\Jr• ,If I' li.11111 p11 k1·d .111d 111-1~"'' Kil111\ .... 1111 "W" h.1\'1• i<'.11 IH'<I lh,d .1 kid 11:-.1 '°' 111 lht• Ir v1•t of y111J1 t'><IM " t.0111111 Th,.v n·s1:...1rnl if v1111 ·'"'u1111· I h•·' havr· p1111•n11:.I .111d 11·:.p1·t t 1 lw11 .1l11l1t11·-;" (Sf'P F.OISON, Pal(t> A6 1 1'--·-__ It I 1 •\ 11111111 111 111\ l\•1 h1.11ol tl11 di"f'"" It" I "' • I \d" I 1 "" I \\I 1I1 ,111 1 1"1111 ,1 1111 111 I 1111 l1,111ol I .11 • 1 •••• ,1 .dt111 """ t I'' If t I 1.1 It I'' ~ .' Jl' \' I,, I) I I' t do di 11id •lll lfl d ,1ftlfll,d t· "' f, 1 .. , "ill 111 "1.11•111 ·!1 111.I I q ••• ,f ·' 11), ,I )•·IJ H I t ... If' tlt.11 I 1,11 .. 1\ t 111 .1111" 111111\ , 111 _, l ,,.tf d 1111 t 1 n.~h.t nn lllHh ' [I \\, 1 •• t \lllJ1 J. 111 I .. \\ I c fl It 'f If 1•.( •I I " t td\ , , JJ I 11 .. 11 If, .. 1 ~·h 111 I' 1111•11• ""·' J.• .1 ,,,,,,,,,,, :\ltl111tq•IJ .i .. 11111 111111 . .ll\ ..... J 111 \\,1 Ill .111 ;,11 )lf ftt!l1 ilflt f,df llf,Pk1 't 1 • .1 , 1 • r • , 1 ti I 1 1, 111 I 11 1 \•111111.11 1l111111gh111ol 1111 '""1· TllY'-l'aK« ·\fl t th· 11 t\\ f If l1nd\ ,\ l' . .ttt .. 1111.1 St.111 U11f\1·1 ... 1t\ .1.lt11111i-.t1.i11•I \\ 1111 I'. 1•'\,llllllllllg 1t.1 1111,d1I\ 111 lt I! \'l'.11111 <11111-.1•"' .. ( 11l 1 d '" ( ·11 ..... 1 lir11 ( ·11111111111111\' l " II 1 ~· 1 .. 1 \ " h 1 1 \ J 11' t I -. I 11 J•ll , Ill .1 p11 li11111\.il \ '''I"'" 1111 Ill' l111d111g-. Ill .Jo11111.11 \ \1 "'lll' I'" •l1o11 g1 111,11li "' .. n .. l.11 tilt\ 1111·111h1 '' th.al l<'l<t 11111 ""' olf I ' 11111 I llfltfJ,ll .tl1)c fl) '1 ....... , .... 111 11i...11u1111111 .ind rh.tt Dally Piiot Pholo by l .. Payn. Jew '"'mil h of N•·wporl Bf•nc·h •·lim t,.., UJ> a ... 1orm-'\ n ·c·kefl cloc·k a ftc ·r '''amining hi" lma t i11 tlw Balhoa )rlf'hl lw ... in . l>o7,4'11" of t,0:11 ... tip-. w•·n· dama~wd hy rhi.., w4·1 ·k '-. IWH\'~ wi1ul .... Balboa basin braves battering l'h" ••i.:111~ H.dho.1 'i',H hi B . .-.111 111 N1·wpor I f\( '" h ho1s -.111 v1v1•d :11H1lh1 ·1 ... 111rrn lt.1r1·h J)111 k' .11 1111· I llV 11\\ 111·rl 111.11111.1 , ~' h1·rl1Jll'rl '" hi' d1•t1111J1 ... lwd .111d tl'h1J1l1 late• 111•x1 "'"" will hi• l;i.,,ht•d lia1k 111v,1·t h1 •1 Ill e 1111\111~ Wl'f'K!'I 111 hllJH'' ltll'V JI l;1st llUI th1 Vt',lf 1'111 \.11 hi t.a ... 111, liuilt ·111 v1 .. 1rs .t/.(11111111 jllll!hilM'd hy thf• <It\' t.i...t \'e"1r look 1h1· hn1111 11f th" 1 h11ppv ..,e•;1" :ind gall' frn< e• wrmf.., '1'111 ·...,l,I\ Dn• k' w1•rt' \VI l'llt he•d 11111..,, i,:.1n~wav<. "1.ippe•d .incl pilt1tj.('. ... ,.111 M1111 · than 70 1>011l 11w111·1 ... lt.1 \'« llf'1•11 111 will IH • f111t 1•d 111 11 ·liw.d1· 1lw11 111111' whil1· wmk < rt'\\'S put I ht' ma rr 11a b ;t1·k I "J.! I•\ ht.' c: I t y l1 rr It' I a Is s a I ci 1he•\ 're• looking for ofrsh o r1! 11111<11111~s for tlw d1splnc'<-d hoals ( '1t v M11n.1~<'r Rnbl'r t Wynn .;11 1d 11111~11011· < 1ty Pmployf'f'S rqi<•r \1•d 1h,1t th1• storm wa:o; lho wor'il t11 ht! Nt>wport S.•al'h in mt11•· th.111 20 yr•ar., Ht• Sflid thf' (St't' BAI.ROA, Paitt> A21 .... -.......... -. o ece •c a on --4 ~ a ¢ I >r H11ltt•11 ( l fl<.,,, <1:-.s1st;111t \ 11 1 , l 1.1111 1•II11 r of a< ad 1· m 1t .ti l.111 , frtr th1· I !I <'.1mpu-. C.il St.t11· """'' m. ""'~ ;1:.kt'<i b, L'al St.tit .1111111111-.tratnr:-. .inti th<' ... \ ... 11 ·111 ', .1t.1dt·ll\ll '''lldll' 111 ·pr1·-.1·11t111g 11-.1l'hr•r') to rc•\'ll'W 1h1• tt•lt'< 1111r"''' .1ftt•r a lTrt11.d ll'lll'r w;1" n•·1·1\Td ta~t -.µring Th.tt lt·111·1 .... 1gn1·d by n 'i' 11i-.1ru1 t111 .... 11 I )1.111g<' l'o.1sl and l;1.td1•n W1·°'1 e olkge•:-.. rat"l•d 1pwst1011.., .. 1~nJI tht• qu.illl)' .ind e 11111p;_11,1bil11y 1if C11,1-,tl111"'"' td1·1·11ur ..... ,.. 01.1ng1· l'<1<1 ... 1 and l;old!'n V..'1·-.t drt' Coa!)tl1ne"" "'s tt•r ttdl1·g1•' 1n th1· t'11d:-I Commun1tv C11ll<'gt· Distnt'I Mnrt• rc•1 •·ntly. !ht· f:ngl"'h Cnun .. tl. r.·1111·..,.·11t1ng CJI Stalt• Englio;h 111:-.ll LH t11r.-.. a~'i.l·rlt·d th,1t a b;1Sll' wntlllg lt•!l'(~IUl'"S(' nfft<rC'd liy Co .... 1 tint :-.hnuld not hi· l'hg1l.t1• fnr tr.on-..fPr c n-<ht On Tue·-.d .1v, B"s' rnr•I for :-.t·vr·11 h••<ll' wrlh C11 • ...,tl1nt• adm1n1slrc1ln1-. .11 th•· n1ll1•gt•-. F(IUl1l<11n V.alle\' off1(1·~ "I l'nuld noi hav1· askl'd for mort• l1111pt'rat1on," Bt·~s ~<1 1d l;l\e•r lie· :-.aid he · wa~ g1v1·n ii la1g1• an111un1 •I wrttt•·n mat!·rt:1J l1v tlw ( '11,1s tlln« -.wff 111 .Ja11u;1rv , BPss sa id , h1• .,,1i11uld lw .1hl1· In prPsPnl .1 p11·l1m1na1 y rt•porl on ht:-. f 111dtnj{.., 111 tht• C;il Stat1· A< ,1de•m1< Se·11.1tl· and l11 rq1n·s1•111.it1vP~ of a l'11mm1l\l'<' 1 hal h1 •lp:-. dc·t1•rm11w whethf'r 1·11n 1111untty n1llt•g<' 1~1urst"S me1·t g1·m·r.1I N lu«atron s land:-1nh o f 1111· Cal Stal1· sv:-.tC'm 11« -.;11d Cw1~tlrn1·'s t••lt•·11tH'S<'S '111Jld 1·v1•nl11;.tlv nmlt' ht•fon· a 1 hnlle•ttgt• < 111111111tll't' tltal would dt'lf•r11111H• wl1t•th 1•r ll'l<'n1urst•s -.hnuld 1·0 11111nH • 111 IM• Phg1blt• for l t .111:-.fe·r l'f'('d11 Although l"11a~t t11w 1:-. th(' lat ).(••t 11f lh1s s ludy, man y other e 11 111• gt' s a n d u n 1 v <' r <; 1 t 1 <' s I hr11ughn11t thl' statt-a nd th e 11,1110\T\ UltlJ7(' tt·lt~'OUl'5(•S "I am JH 11 n' t• d 1 n ~ v r r y 'iC'ns1t1v1·ly and rfrl1be r a t e l y bt't'AUS•· ttw n 11rnf1cattons do go b Pynncl Coa~ll1n(• Whate ver l'On dUSIOO S WI' rf'RC'h Will have 1 n f I U('nc·e· on pt•op l P us ing trlN:ourst•s f1round thf' country ." Hts d1st'Usstcm Tuesday w ith Coflstli n C' nf flraa ls focused o n {See TELECOtJRSE. Pate A!> fl. 4 •.-~ .... -.................. .. a a •• a + a a a rt. a ' ---------------------------------.. --· - I \i l •111111111 I 11n·,1 I 1/\11 1 f 'II 1 11 I• t• 1,.., 11111 ''"'''"' 111tt.• T rail er park now safe from waves? lh S I E\ I·. !\11 l't 111·.l.I 0 ,-lh• D•ll)' Pllol 8talf I•: Ill o I g l Ill \ 1 I < \\ ,, II d \t1lll11I" ,., l"''k·d 111• .111111111 l·I 1\1111111 l\l11l11li 11111111 1• .. 11, l.111 l'h111 .. d.1\ 111~:111 ... 1\111g 1111 "'" ·,1 111 ·' 1111. I ""' '"'I .111.t ltd.ti "''·11111 1111 1111 II 1111·1 111111111111111 \ I'.'\ tJ\ ,., ~ii It .1.._I ft1I U11\\ '1'111· 11111111111.1111111 111 l1w ,111 I .tlld l11gli lltf<''• -.1111 1• l 'tlt''>d.I\ 11,1. lt·l 1 1•1ght 111 tl11 ''.! 11 11111111 1111111<' I Ill 11th.ii 11 1.11111 ( )111· 111 1111 11 .. !11·1' , .... li.111~:1111• f>I " ,II l!Jll'-1 V II\ I I \\ l!,11 11 111.1111 \If lh \\ ,1\ l It t1.f1 •d l11llll\f.tflt11i .lltd 1>111\ ,I I .iltl1 .111.H f1t·d Ill .I \llllll. p11\<111.-.I 11 1111111 l1t 111~· I l,1ll1tt'tl I>\ llh '' ,1 I lllll'>ll,1\ A tilt 111111 11d1 ''"' ''Jw•1td "' 11111111111111111g 111.l.1\ 11111 '"'1d1·11L.., -..1\. \\ ,,, . ., .111 "11.ilh•1 ,111d t lh' d,111gt I 111 1111111 d,1111.1g1 ..... 1111111111.d "1'111 \\111 -.\ I' dt 111111< I\ H\t I -. •• ul p .. 11 111111 Fl 1\1111111 11·-.1111 111 l\ltk1 Fl.111.ig.t11 "h11 'I" 11t 111111 Ii ttl l.t~I 111glit 11 pl.11 lllj.! ... .111dl1,1)~ ll1ld1•1111•.ol ll 111-. 11.till'I I t I• 1 ll I • • f 11 t •I II. II I• I II I ii I l.q111111g .1~0,1111..,I .. t11ollo.•1!' I l..11.tg.111 .. t1d l•tllhl ltt .t 1HllH l•.1r , ldti.1\ 1 .. 1111:111 10111 I 1111111, \\I II I'" II\ 1-!"'"I ,1 1.q• I 111 I •h• \\I .111.I 111 I, II l.1\ l.11 .1 p1•h1 ·.111.111 1 .. 1 11. I ) I .1 I I).: I I ••• 11 II I \ I· I I • JI, 1'·1111111 111 ·,,11.t ,d111lll oil , .. 11111l1•t ... ""''"'" 1111111 .tl~Hll 11 I' 111 'l'ltu1 .ti." .11 Fl J\11•1t11 101 l••I• J•lllilllf! 11\ll ( tHilll \ Ht j h t.tl, I lu°'t d lilll' .1111!1.l ... 111111 l.1111 nl l '.111111 t '11.1•.1 I J1~•l1\\.1\ Ill di 1111 ll.1d1·1 1'111 lo1\I 111 I 11111111 111 I .. tg111t.i Ho .11 It l"t •• \.I " l111UI ... Tlt111 ... tl.1\ I Ii.ii II -.11111 d Ill"' l.1\. 111llJI111 I 1 lltlllllll, lnr J •• 1g1111.1 l1111111d , .... 1 .. 11-.h .... t111111" 111111.,, t11111wh1 111 llllOI 1 -..111.! t.,,g -. 111 1111 \\Jltlllll11111\ 1'111 Irr• 1••1<1 ·-.111.111 .1111 ,t,11< .111d t 1111111\ \111111111 <I \\ tll 11111 11 111111 1 .. r I 1\111 1111 111111ght I '' o jll j111 .t fi,1111ft Lil 111 111I11 l.tJ.. 1 .. 111111111111 1111 11111 ''\\'!1,tl \\I \'t' J1J.H ,.,j Ill 1111 It' -.li11uld h.1111111 1'11 p 11tld1·111 " T,,, 1111 .... t1d \.\, 11 11111 lt1111g111g t•\11\t>lll' b,1th Ill l11t l 1·.,, '""" 1I1111g d 1«1,.,l 1t h.q JfJl'll' .. "'1'11111gli1 will 1 .... " 11111 111,d 111lr· M • \It '11• l•lt•l l\ lllllt It \\'l.1j•j11•.J llfl 1111 II .. 1111 d1·p.t11u11· 111 \'11lu1111 I"> ,, ... , ,.,., th1· t.1 ... k 111 ... 11t11 Ill~! lip "" pp111g ( 11.ll'ht• .... 111d 11·11!11111111g I Sl't TRAILER, Pagl' AIO I Tiu· ~a rHl!-i of I i n u.· O•llr Piiot Photo by L•• Pern• T iu· ti111c· ha~ t·xpirl'cl 011 tlte· nwlt•r .., a n el the· p;11·ki11~ ~pat'e' i:-. liruite·cl a !-. "i1ul-ltlo"\ 11 ... ancl tlrifh a ppc•;u· lo look like· !-i rnrn d r ift!-. at ..,,,..t 11e·ar tht· N e·'~ port P ic·r. T he· cl rift i11 µ ..,, ... cl i!-1 a n· ... ult or lw:I\). wi 11t.1~ tha l ltit the· ()rang e· (:oa!-11 !\1011d a' ancl Tw· ... cla )_ doing <'rnhiclt•rahlc· d a 111aµ.c·. l{()ll a ll ays di t•s a t 7 6 I itll• '·'' t,, 11 i 1.,, Ill ••••• ,,,. 111.111 ,11 \ ti ... i.1 t< .. Jl.1 I< ·'"" 11.t\ . .11 .1 111111•111111 N1 "p1111 HI • II It " " I ol i " I \\ " II ti II " '111111 '"''' "di ,,, o1I I''" l\.l .. 11o1 ..... ti l'.111l 1t \11\\ J\J, 111>111.11 I 'l1.q11 I Ill ( ···••llt.r d• I I\ 1.11 11,,., "11 .. d111I .ii 11"·''1 J\lc 111111 1.ol I 111 .1111.ol l11ll11\\ 111~· " 1 .... 1 111111 \\,1 ;1, IJ, \\,1 1111 1 .. 1111d1111· , ........ 1. 111 .. 1 1111 """Id \I I .i11 ., < 111111t ii "'I \ 1 d .i J•I • .id1 111 ttl tl11 N. ,, I'"'' I l.11 111.i 1\11 1\111,1 11111 .!1111111• '" 1111111.tll\• \loll .111d "''" ot 1111 111 I I ( l1.1p111.111 11111 ,., Ill ( ll .1111•1 ll.1\ ·• ""' 1111 111111111 I I 11 ol1t111111,o 111,111 1111 1!1tf111)1 d It I Ill I tl11 •• , ..... 1.itl11t1 d II • ' 11 •I 1e1.,r1·, 't .11' .• ~ II It I "I I I 11 \ t" 1.11 •• ,,, I I 1,111111,111 Ill 1111.t 1 d r 1 I I 11 flt .. I•\ I t11 tt• .11 I .t-. ·' M t.111111 I II• 11p1 1.111 ti 111.., '''"' 111..,111 •• 111• "l't 111 II ' Ill I .11 1\ 11g1 lo·.., .ir11I \ l1.111~t< 1111111111 11 11111 l!U:! 111 1l1t I. t lt J t 1 1 II• \\ I 11 11 I 11 Ii I If < cl I I.I\ •. \\ .... lilt 1111 ·1 111~ I 111 th• l\lill1111t l l1oll.11 ll1\u1ul 1 • .l,l1 111 1111 N.1111111 .. 1 1\· Ill 1.1111111 111 1.11. I 1 I 111 ,, I It I ' t 11' I 1 I \\ I 1 I' I '· I t I ltlll\111 )rK,.J .tlld ll,tll11l1.d lilt 111 ... 111.tlllt .1\\.rld 111 I 11 I • ·•1111 I•• ( l1.i11 g 1 A I RPORT PLAN ~ C()NS I DER ED • • T h ird vict im (' .. 11111 ' .ti •Ii• "'" .. 1 I I .1111! "·"" j..!I 1d1J.ll• "I :O-.o0 11l.1 1\11.i Jl1gli :-,, 1111 .. 1. Ht 1 .. ,, 11111\ 111t-• t11 I.id .. 1-.11 111 J 'I•'' 11:1\ \\ •• , .. tr u,,, 1 111 tlu '-..111 '\I'''"" I 11111111u111t\ ( I 1111. 1, Corn i<· d it·~ From Page A 1 .tll ti .il1'1Jlll t.olhtll Ill t·d-. I 1 .. \ ·••t.:U• lb.it t•\tll II ,1 "'""d ,11 r pnrl '"' \\t It I 111111d 1111 t~1d1 1111 nrUfl\\ \t I\ '""II 1\ \\11\ll.J IH \' ...... 111 f111 I th.it .... I"'' I I 1111ld ... t.t I I .,, .• \It' ( ltht,, l1·d Ii\ SllJll'I \I "' l<.dph l'l.irk ""' th1 p111l1'1111 111uld lit ..,.,J-..t'tf '>11<1111 I II\ 111111 1111111.01' , ., d1,t11 11 .... · 111 l11r El l\1111 l\l.111111 Curp-. 1\11 St.1111111 "11 •I .II 11 ·'"I 11111 .111tl JJI 11l1,1l>h th11 • "' 111111 111 1111 .dlt·r 11.111\t·-. .11td 111<1< I 1l11J -.t11d1t•.., 111 1111'11 t 11\ 1111111111 11l .t1 I 1111p.11 I 1111 1111 ,111111•1 t ,., • .t 1111 lud111g p1d1l11 Ii• .11111g ... K111~:k ..,,t1d 1\1 1111 t·rHI 111 1h.11 pnJ1.t'"-' 111•· • d11111.1ll\'•·" \.\Ill lw 111•·~1·n1t·d 111 I It• '-'IJ" 1 'p.,,.,.., 11111" .ig,11n .ind Iii•\ ''di 1111~1~1 .1 ..,111glt pr11_)t't I It• I J• I I ,, 11 I .t t 111 II I,, .I 11 'I~· I ~dlllllt I \\ fi11 ,1 I I 1 lllt 111 111-. I ll I 1 II ~" Ii•'.. \ • I " I" I \\ • I " \ I I ,Ill fJlll f I 'Jt.tll ... 11111 pl,lfl" Kll/,jk .... tlll 111 ,,tld Ill< ... 11111\ \\ill lllol h,1\1 I Jll.11l :-;lllllllll llfllil I Ill\ p111l 1. ti'" 111 -.li11\\ I IJ II I "I '11 rl,1111h 111111•11111 I !llt.1 llit I l!fl Ill of N B crash identified .\ tli11d 1u·1...i111 killt·d 111 o1 l11gl1-.1"•d1 .tr11.r~li 111 N1\\JJ<11t I k ... Ii h ..... 1 .... II 11 It II t rl JI d .J .. .J<1hll S< .<I .rlll lll<I ( • q •1 ... 11 .111•' 1 ~1 111 S.tn .111,111 '-.1 .11.111111111 Ir" I I 1 1 II· ,, .111.1•11! 1 .. 1 .. , \\II• 111 .. ,, ,,, r ""' '" 11.t ,.., .. 1 < 1111111.1 dt I l\l.1r I\\,, ''"' l<11ll.1 I< Ill 111 < 111•·• ul•• 111d f.kt11~•J...., ~: "I J t ~· 1111. t Hr . 11 Ii l \\ 1 1 .,. '-I 1 I .., t\111111 l..111111 H1.11l ... 1111t o l ( 1111111o1 if• I '\I 11 .111d I~ 11\ K11l1\ •• I 1\ I I •• d I ' .t Ii d I \\ II ~'l.it1d1l11ld1t11 \larl\ Ft·lcl111a11 , 14>. !-.ho" 11 in "'Tfu· I .a ... t B t·nrnkc· of B1 ·au Gt•..;tc·." cli•·cf toe la' 111 l\lc·x i<"o (:i1 y o f a he·a1·1 allal'k . K111,1k .... 111 1 llUlll \ pl.11111111g 1111111.th \\Ill drd\\ d1•t.11l1•d 1111ilil1·., 11f ,di I:! .dtl'111.t11\I ' .ill1·1 llll'\' ..... l"''"i'fil1·d 111 1111 BA I_J BOA BASIN • • 111\1 ..,l1g.t1rn' '.tid W.i~ 11d111g Ill .o , .01 d1 '" 11 IJ\ !\l .11T l.u1~ l\l.111111 llS ,,J S11111l1 l .. 1gu11.1 I 11• t.111111\ t1 •• .,\.,~gi~1· .... 11 d 111• 1111111.d 1111111rl111t1111" 1 .. llit 111 .1 1I··~··1.lliotll A GENTLE REM.INDfk' ONLY Z. 2 SHOPPING DAYS ·nL c.HRl'.>TM AS' llJll'I \ 1~•11 °' ll•lllllllflj.! 1111 .1 .... < 1111d 1111 •...i 111.111011 Ill 1111d !\ 1.11. I 1 :\I lh.>I llllll' 'llJ.l''I \ hl•f' \\di i ' ' ~ l w HHae-n-Oau Ice Cream Shoppe ·~. From Page A 1 I II\ ti, .... 1111( lw1·11 ,1hl1 1011,rlt 1d,ilt• t l11 .11111111111 111 d.1 111.i~~t · 11111 ..... 11111.llt·d 11 \\t1llld h1 "'''l.11 111 .. 11-..11111 d11ll;11 ~ I I• ..,,,,d lh1 1 11\ 1·. 11111 1111r1111• t t hill~: f,dt d .... .1 ... lt'I l1111d ... Tiu 1111111 Jt.I\ k111g \\ 111d' up llO I l lllJih I IJIJll d ,t •lfl l.11.11 ... 111111 111 "'" k r111111 '"' pil111).!' o111d !'.I Ill II ..,J 1lllllllllj.! 111111 .tll .idJ.11, 111 d·~ k -..11t! T11rn l\lo 111111 ',,, 11d1 """' .1111111111 ... 11 .1t111 1 1, ... 1• , 1 , 1 111 " 1 1 r \\ , 11" ... "·•ll••l'• '" 1 .... 1 ti tli1 ''·"'" "·'" ...1w1i1 ...,, , , • ·" 1.1 .. 11.. 1 ........ ·''"' 1101,11•" 1111.. I\\ I'"' t I !.1il•111 J'lp \ \\I I• lt11•\t It d f.1J1 r War111er Saturd ay l :oa ... 10/ 511q11t1v ¥1o-.trrn•n t.loud•~P!.~ Coa-.1~1 ,.,.,,. "' , ,.,,, ' O' Lotist •' ~·•u' t.' '"' '""" '" -ltJ -t'-·' [I E 1~"wt'IPrto f•Utll ... -tn tr 1 .... .,,.,, bef:om1n9 .,.p._,t ,, ' d'·wP'\I 1( f, 1s "-f'OIS ,n .JUPrrH)f, Wfl\I t lfl "J fO"I df1Pwr· •' #t fld °"''*"• Vaoao1p w 111d4' 'P'' lh,t• 10 ~ r ,,, tontghl ,}r;c1 ' .11urd .t1 Pt(• n•r1 .J Wl1h WP'S1Ptl'r w ·•'fl\. I '0 ~ t\ I\ SaturcJay ~'1Pn w-n t -41' lhr(luQt Sa11.11C1a, { '.~ •. "illlllfll(lrY c;h:n....,.Pr\ .lnf1 \hu, 11 .. ,,1n•m t,preacl toddy ff11n thP ,,.1'\"•\\1f1t1 V-lll.-..,.. '" thP u~ CJ••t rJ,.•!lt I :J~ r 1-. lt'lf' 40"""""' Ohm V11llpy tnt1 Hit• ,,,ul1'~rn Ap111tLh t-11.tn' lornatjn""' t r1liC h11rt '111>1111 !,111• r tiur C)do.., 1n CHU,.., ol lt'•'10•\ Ark&"$8S antt M 1"'io\H1H• An\' thundPrSIO'"'' ,,_,,,h .. d ftOOl l)Oulh tflin1t,]I ln•tt' t:t( '""'' sou1he &s1e1n M1-t'4.nu11 It was ra1n1n~ trH1ily n Uw Pac.du:. Northwf'~1 with '"n"' 1et-'orfPd m ltlP h1Qh11o1 "'"'"'"'llni'<. Snow Al~o ft•ll ,,.., ... , U·H I' ti easlf'l'H'I Mon1.,n.1 ''~'' ,." "hP•t• Norlh O~knla Oen'f' ft>Q t1nrnf•d •vP• 1t111 Carohnas anrl much ,1 u1e m•tt Atlanllf CnA~I rf'Qmr1 Rein el~o SOtfldd hnm 1'1P nOrlh~rn Pat1f1f ( ndl\I U1111up'1 lhe north~un Pltltf'ilo l@mpf'ratvr-'" Alt 11nc1 ,,...., nation fl8fly "''' mnr ninu , noord from ,,. m RAwhn'\ Wvt 10 11 m Aa1on Roult• 1 ~ Te1npera l 11rt's AlbMny A lbUQ\..tf'fQUA Ams111to A nchor so'* A1hftv111., All&Mlll All•nllc c.n. Au•fln B111llmor" Biiiing~ Bum1nghArn B11m11rck Bo•tt!! NATION Boa ion B•ownav1~ Boltelo Burllngla<> Cu()flf Che1~1on S r (.herhnlon WV Ch11rlollf! N C 0·~·""41 Choc:ago C1nc1nn1111 ' HI Lo ~(. 11 .. "' •,1 II ()1 09 fJfl ~!! 611 I\~ ~1 •9 80 ~J ';'l ljl 16 13 '" 66 •I 26 •I l~ ,., .. R• 6:1 66 00 5<' •3 JO '' 16 II• 78 5CI M 63 )J 10 11 56 7~ !WI I 1•,1• I l ( I 1Htf I (' H1 t ' r I I ,, ''(-1 1 't ''·"'-' 0 1•'1 .... , .... '" ~·Vif'·l! .. 1'•' f~JJ!~ '11 ~'I l q,,.-,11,· lh• '"''"' rl•h• t''" Ntt'W VrH" f'h11l11tl> f'11uft1 Pt.Ifft• (Jlo.IJt1om,; I •It <lmt1hr, ()rl,•11'1•• Ph1lh1h•l1·+ ii i1ht.,1n, .. "'""'t11ll 1' p,,nlnn•I •.-4• J' ftl,,n1t t '''' r•1 r1'1111f•ll• ,, n 1h••ut, H''"'' C ,,.., .,.,-.n.1 A11 hnuo1111 ,I,' lliof"'° ',,9n Anl '" ~PltllP '}luP1wf"I•'''' S1nu .. f All' bt tm114li. 'I Pf'tP 1 tn1J'.l.1 !,t 'tf1 ~.v ~ • , ,, .. ~f·fl ~.,,,(11'\f' lnpn" 1 l\1f "o• Sul~il W1fh1lt\ I t I ·. .. '· "' t I .. 4F h I , .. J, ·~ .. , 11 ~"-0-4 \~ :'8 61 4 } 111 15 111 71 •11 sr ·• s« 8' 7j 8, 62 1S 'l7 (,\ 4' SJ 1• 711 70 IS 6fo ., 18 111 70 78 7fj 61 ~7 f\1 'I? 75 fiQ 8' IS S7 ~' f>() '.>3 4'l 23 60 •S ~9 33 81 66 S5 .49 '>6 42 66 56 S7 42 .,, •2 6~ 40 68 57 36 ?O 13 2!> 61 '>3 17 23 60 '>I 56 •1 76 TO !>7 16 74 61 8• 70 .,~ c,2 17 16 67, .. , f,I H .. . )} f.7 so 'iA •,1 ~R ~1 eo 70 ····· ....... ·~ ..._ ·. ". 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Lt 1111 ,.11d 'ht· thuuglll 111ith111g id 1111 $.1.1 l1ill H ut t ht· ..,. • 11 1.11 \ • 111111 ..,...,.,( 1!1.11 '"' 11• '' 1 r1·.dl\ 1h11ugh1 .d 1111ll K 1 I Ii I ' f I .1gll• 111 1111 ·' flllll It (, . .._., lltt l""'il11Jil\ ol 111 I 111 I ,tkl11~1 llllt I• "' h • 1 "" 11 I'•" t K 111' · r """"'' ,,,,, l11111·d•\•l\tl1\ I 11 t t II 11 t 111 ,, t II i\\ 11 I ' I~. 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MI• 1i .... 1 .... 1111 ,,,,,, ,111 1111 11111 '> \\(111g1\t 1111 11111,1 ... ..11d 1'1111 .... \\ "" 1111 .if\ It 1\1 I 1111111'11 t11 l'.tl ,11 11f \\ o I It t l t ~ ! Io ti t '"'" 111 ( 111·•11 """ d1 "' t llJI \\ 1II1 1 t .11 l,,,11 I 111 1 l11t lw' l.t11·1 1:.1\• 1\\.1\. d11ll.11 lull... 1\111 h.11 I ,,1111 ~>1 •. 111111: ",,,, \'tjl ll lll'lglil"" ... '' 1111 I 111111 I ,111111' q f ( ''111,ll.11111\. .. 1111 1\111 11.1• I w it" h.1d 111·111 ol111111'. lli'l 111.11 '"' 1111111· tllo111 .1 "' •• II 1, 11 \ '" " I I • \ I.. I ".. I 11 I! J!' .... I 1•11ild1 11 1 h• -..11d "l•:v1·1 vo111• "'' ·• I 111 \ 111\ I l '\'\'I \ ""' Blll I lit \ I• jll••I 1111111 11\t 'd V.1111 I Ill 111 •• '" • 1\11• 11.11 I .. 11d Ii• 11't·1 1\.l't1.1111111· d"ll.'111111. \\111 11 )11 "114'1.th•d 111-. 1111 .11111 ti I 11;;-t111 1\v1·11111· 111·,11 011ly Pllol Pholo by P1lrlc k o ·oonnell "illt•r . 1hc• •·o~·"alit•I . look.., IHHH' lht• wor..,t· for \H·ar \\ ith a ·..,pli11t 0 11 ht.,. brokt·n lq~. /\. P"" h1 d 'ti''' I I' ttll I .1 1111 , .,Ji11Uld1 I , tf1tl1t I It 111111 llllfld lilt ,,...,, H111 ... 11• ... 1o11·.t ·'"·'' ''"'" ,, t •• .,, •• , .. ., 11• II I h• Ill Ill• 11 II II I\ I Id (..u.1111. \\ 1111' l.><·1·1\ kllu\\ 11 ltt 111p .i ltt1l1 ...... 11 11 1111\\ .1 11d th1•11 .111d I .1\ 111.., "I .1111hl1•d 1·gg'> ,111d tw k1' I• II • .-..le·t·p N• \I 111111 l 'nt g11111g lo gt•I ,, ho.1 111lhll1t l111 l.1·1111 \'tt\\t d Al le,,.,, flu~ ta11't l111.1k ,1 lt·j! · I llh S t11·1 I 11111 111 w,1, 1t11111"d ttlll l,"t Yt',11 ,11111 ll•IW h,11> (q It I\ 1111"1" 1111 111-. 111\111111' ''"'"'fl·'''' liuu-...• 1111111t1111ot Jolr,., 111 µ.1 y for lh<' I•~ HI 1\11u111 .>110 111•11pl1• -.h 11v. up 11111 • .1 1111111111 wti .. 11 111 · gt\,., ,,,, ,,, '·" k-.. 111 li. .. 1n" I It· 11'1·d t11 lt.111d Olli 1 "t' Wl1t•11 1111 Wot" ' "' .. 'I "'I "Thi.. '" Jll~t ,, d1 ••I> 111 1111' l1u1 k1 l 11111111a11·d 111 1111• 111·1·1!...." lw ..,,11d s h .1k111g Im. lie•Jd '"l'lw 111 .. 1pt.· d1111'1 .1~k In t lu>w1 \' '1'111 •\ .i11· Jlhl ll.q1pv 111 g 1·t ·'"""' l11 o111• .. All\t1111• v.o11ll111g lo ).{IVI' 111udl111-, 1 l11lhl'"· fu11111u1l' llllllll'V 111 i ,111111'<1 g1>41tl:> l;111 -.li111A lip .11 till' 1 hu1d1 ,11 OrJnge· ;ind t'.111111111 ,ti K :111 ~· 111 any day Aviation • pioneer SUCCUillbS . H <1 b 1• r t M a e d o n o u g h , Lo.1nt·a i.11•r , ;i p 111nc·er av1at10~ t 1 · t· h 111 cw n w h u work c• d o n~ Charl1·s Ltndlx·rgh's "Th(' Spirit!: of St LoU1-." ts cfl'ad at tht• <igl' of ~ 7!1 i Thi· (.'o~ta ML•sa rt•s1d1:-n l ,: whost• -15 y1•ars in av1atton tuo~ h1111 fr om California to China,:; dll'tl Nov l !l ~ H<t1"l'd in 1<:.i:-.1 Orangt>. NJ .,~ Lan1·ast«r ltk1·d lu wll pt•ople~ that 111~ lovt· o f <ivtallon lx·gan • lx<t·;1u~1· ht• w.1:-. horn tht· ~me·· Y L'IH thl: W11ght bro t he r s' 1nvl'nlL<tl thL· a1rplant• L.J111-. ... 11•1 w ;1s w urk1ng f or W r 1 g h t A 1· r u n a u l 1 t• ;1 I 1 n Pall<•r.;(Jll, NJ 111 1!1<!7 wh1·n ht• t1·-.11·d th1· pl <1n1· t•ng1n1• L111dl>1·rgh u st'<i to n1akt• tht· firs t sulo non ~top fl 1gh ta ('r oss t ht· At l;111t1t 0 1 ·1 ·an 111• work1·d for th1· Ch1nl'Sl' g11v1•1111111·11t as olll J1•r1 i...p<t< ,. tt>t·hn11·al ;1dv1~·r:.. from 19:Jfi h. W40 L:1l('r lw Wt•nl lo work for Wt'IH·1 A1n·raft in Burba nk. wlwn• 111• r1·m.111wd unltl m oving 111 l'o::.l<i M1•s.1 I() yL·ars ;1go Survivors 111dudl· his w1do\A.·.- .J,•w1·b. daughtc·r. Dori~ Wruol . o*l V;.111 Nuys. son. Jos t•ph L<.tm«.1sll'r. ~ o f P ;i I 11 !> V 1· r d l' :. s 1 x g r ,1 n d < h 1 I ti r t • n . ii n d l h r t l' ; ):I I ,11 gr ,11ldt hrltfrt fl ~ttllf d1•1.1d1·-. .tlt 11 ... (1•1111 ... t-.. l.11111tl11d th• lllHli,lf 1·f,1 \\Ith lht· 111-.I o1ln11111 th.1111 ltotllf11ll 1111 I l11u'' 1111 Thur "d·" .1pp1 "' • d 1'111 fllct\ "ltlll \.\I lltt•ll lllltt I Ii• '-\, 11,111 \ t 1-.1n11 b\ St 11 .1..11,...., 1\ l\ld . .'11111 H ltl.1h11 I llllt 11d1·d 11111\t lllllll ,l(!IClll I\\ .... \'111 ,,,,,,., '"' l11dd1r1g 1111 r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~i ~ • 1 ,,,, ... ,, pt1l11' ·" l •· ... 1.1l1lt-.h1111! L(lltd< iifll•' (111 I tlll'lt Ill till~: .t '10 111111 \1 o11 u11d1•rg111und I 1 I" "I I• •I \ • •11 tr Ut !11111 ••I llt \\ 11t11 11 .1r f" \\t I pl.1111-. lllllil tl11 \\,,...I• 1•1 .. 1>!1 111 ",.,J\,·d Tl11 -..t,1t1 .., 111 (',ti If Ill fl I.I !\1.1 I \ J.111d '\J,.11t.111.1 l\l.111u \Vt ·' ""'"' I 1111111 f 111 ut .111<1 011 j11111 Tough MX battle ahead W J\SI I INC :Tt >N ll11us1· 1·rnn1111t t•·•· r 1·l u.;111g h\ tlw 11artc1w1•.,l 111 111a1 gin-.. 111 k 1 I I l h 1· M X rn 1 ., ' I , .. o.;u pport1·1' .111d 1 11111., "' ,. pn•d111111g ,, tt•ugh l1.tttlt· 1w:i..1 \\'1•f'k wh1·n th• '''111 g111·-. twror1· th1· lull I l11t1-.1 · 11·-. go111g 111 111 t1~h1 1>111 I th111k I'll '" ... u11 •· ...... 111I 1111 th• ll11•11 -.,11d !\I X 11 pp11111111 H• I' ,J,,..., ph I' 1\d1L1 hh11 I> NY .d t• 1 Th111-.dav·-. i\1•)tl 11p11;1111111 . .., ( ·11111 1111111 ,. \'ttlf. '1'111 p:11l• I t 1t·d :!lo :!ti 1111 1\dd.d1l>11 ' 11111l11111 111 clt·ll'll $1fW\ 11111111111 rr11m tl11· r ... t'.d 1!111.\ d1·l1·1l-...· 11111 -.o tht 1 lll ,, ..... 1l11t 111.1d1· Thi· 11111n1·\' \\llllld g11 111 pt11d1u ,. lh1· 11,...1 I 1 , "I I lw I 1111 1111-;..,11 .. ., STATE I I Labor lawyer on court ~ACHAl\.ll''ll.H> ~:1gh1 n 111n1 h' ,1ft• r lt11 cl1·.11h 11r st.111· S11pr 1 1111 (·mu I .Ju,111 1 M ,, l h 1 ~' T" Ii r 1 n • r h 1 ' fo11gl111I• IA hlJ h," h1•1•11 n •;tl111·d ·•Pl" ll.111· .111..,tu 1· ,)t1"·11h 1:111!1111 hi' c Ill\( fr H·rHI .1 11d 11111111•1 I.ow p;i1111,.r 11." la•c•11 n .111 11·.t 111 tlll' '111111 (:11v IO:d 111u11d Br own .!1 W h Cl 111 It t 1• I 1 • I k t d ( II I T n l>r 1111 r ln1t tur r11·d d11~ 11 111-. n •quc•-.1 111 rr.on1t· (t1rnl111 111 Slit t 1·1·d '11111 1111 Tl111r ... d.1\ 111.1d1 t lw !"1.! y1 .,,, 11ld fornwr 1 • .1101 J;1W\.I r 111-. ... l've·nth .111d 1111.d llt1m1nt•1 to tht• high t ttlU I < :111d111. wht1 "·" .1pprnn11·cl Ii\ llrnwn to th1· -.t;ill• ;1pp1 ·"" 1 •111 11 111 San Fr:1rn 1-.c:o 111 IH7!1 ,111d "" .1 prf':..1dini{ JU:O.lll'I' 1111~ f 1·l1111.1rv. w11uld ... l1t<1·1·tl .l u-.titt· ~'rank N"v.r11;111 , ,, 1\111\\11 oJpp11111t1·1' who.., II 111 lllg IX>t (£ I. 1 k 1• N 1 v. rll .1 11 ,, n d I "11 r 1 11 1· r (: r rid 1 11 1 ' , 1111...id1·11·d ,1 ltl1<·r al Carol Gandy named lo lead college board I °.1111) ( ;.11111\ 1111' f1,...t Wilfllolll 1111.11 d 11 lt'11of11 1 111 t 1\1 .\f'i v 1·;1r t.1 ... 1111 ' 111 1lt1 · ( '11,1 ... t ( '1111ir11Lin1tv ('1dl1·i.:•· h ..... 1>1·1·11 l'lt'!'ll'd fll• -.1d1 Ill ol 1h1 lt•Joifd ,,r 11 11-.1 I 'I .... ('h•· l111.i1d 11v1·r-.1·t·-. 111w1 .1t11111-. 111 ()1.111g1 (',,,,,1, C:11ld1 ·11 W1· ... 1 .111d ('11.i-.111111· l'llllt•g1•-. ( ;,1111h \\ h11 \\ ,1-, I (1 •1 ltd Ill 1111 · IH1.1rd 111 l'l'i'I.' ur 11 11th \\11rk-. ,,.., I 11 I I I d ,. I' II I \ p ll It I I l' .1d111111hl1.1l111 1•1111111 gu.11 d t.1 11 1111 th• 111u11l\ 111 01,111g1 S i u .t )-.11 I• ,ti h1 .1 I(,.-.. ... 111 p11b(11 11<1l1(\ .111.11\.-,i, .ot C.11 St.ill· Long I~ ,11 Ii fhc llt\\ llo,11d p11,11lt•111 '·'' lll'd " li.11 h1·lo1 ·.., cit g r 11 Ill h1:..t111 \ ,1l (".ii St,1ll' Fullt·rton Shi hnld-. .1 m."tt·r':.. d1•gr<'t' in 1•11hl11 o1d1111111,tr.1t1t1n Shi· h • .-. w111 k1·• I ,,, .1 g1 ,111L-. .ulmin1str.1111r lor th•· •ti\ 11( W1·...iminsl<'r .111d '" ,.,,, ut1\·1· ,.,,,..,.1,1111 to for 1n1•r ( )1.1111;(1• ( 'mrnl v Su1x·rvi<,or Pht11p Anlhonv S hi• ll"ild1•.., 1n W1· ... 11111n-..11•1 l•,l1•1 l1 ti \ 111• p11 •-.id1•11l o l llw 11ill1·~·· l11!.11d w.1 :-. t1u-.11•1· Jl 11 I I. I I d ( ) I ,11 II ()l-.1111 .. 1 11·.,1d1•11t o l (;,11<11•11 c;1uvt', ";1 tr.1n:..p11rl,1l1t111 111d11\l1 v 1•x1~·t 1l1v1• w 11h Y1·1lnw fo'r•·1gl11 ~v,ll•ms ~·fort• h1· was •·I·~ 11·d 111 th• t'Olh•g1· ho;ird. h1· '•• 1 v1·d 1111 th1· boant ... of d1n>t·tors 111 th1· l\tidv • .iy C11y .ind ( )rr1nge Crn1111 v s.11111.11mn <(p,1111·1 We're Listening. Wha l do vou hkt> a h•iul the Oatlv P1lol" What don t you ltkt>" Call the number al ldl and your· mC'ssagP will ht-rt'(:ordcd, transcribed and dl'hv!'n·d lo lhl' appropn::ilt· editor •• 642·6086 Thl' s aml' 24 hour anc;"'f'nnJ? <;c•n·1re ma\ bl' us l'd to rt>rord If'! h'r<> to lhC' t'd1lor o n an~ top1« Mailbox roninhutors mus t tndlldf' th!'1r namt> and IPlt'pho nl' numlwr for \l'nr1rat1on No c1rrul!ll1on 1 Jll-.. pll'a~t· fl'll us what ' 11n \'our mrnd Deity ..... Deltvery " Gus a11t...i '-'ondaY t t '1af 1! Vl">Y 1< not "•"• fOV' o•o•' h., !> 30 0 l'T't [ ·~ t>efOft 1 p "" .,,0 t0lJ' (l')f')f jl[fd ! b• .,.._.., S11u1d•'r •no Sunoay 11 10\I do not 1-c.11wt yQYt oqpy by I o'" c;oi• t>e•oo• 10 I m 11\d yOVI OOOy •lfl l>e-ed a... ..... ,,. ···-....,., <>"'Of c;.,.,.,., At... ..,.....,,, Hoo-• HlrlW'Ql()n 9Mch 4 w .. ,.._, .. -•no ·~~- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo1 P. Holey P11hl+\P'1At nnf1 ~ .,,,., r. ~( 111 .,,. ()rt., ,., Jone Amari l•e<\I'••@ fdtt~ l . Koy S<hulh y,,. ,, •• ~, 1f1(1 01urtrtnt nf ~thtwt••~"" -""""~·· Raymond Moel.on Con•'""•' M lchoel P. Harvey p.. .. ~'Ot o• Mo,~ e1.111g 1(.rruk>••f.>'\I Cluelfled edver11elng 714ft42·5t71 All other depar1ment• 642,.321 MA IN OFFICE lJOw .. 1e-.s1 CCl'l•M•u CA MAii a<kl,.n 8 0111 1 '40 ( otl• M1>\• ( 4 '1•'6 Cooy•IOl'lt ,.., °'""00 ''""' Pul>ll\hlno ,.,.._.., 1'-10 n•'" t•o.-te\ 111\1\tr•tl<WH 4"CHtort•t M•O•r Of .O v" th•m""'h twrtln m1y bfi ,..,Oduced wlthoivt •01tc1e1 •'ml\\lOl'I of coovr19M o~ner '-'(onn Cl•'\\ pO\t•o-p.t1d el Co\tA M•'• Cal1tornt• IUP\ ,,,.. IOOJ \utK< npt1on b'f ,.,, •• , )4 I) rnon'"ly by m •ll t4 iO f'nOf'llNy TM Or-(Mfl Dally PllOl, wllll "'"IC" It c- bt"..i IM ......_ "'"'' I\ f)Ubil-d by .... 0<•"00 C-a.tt PutHhNno ("°"'"~"• S.p.er •t• .ou~, ''' publl•"-d -·• '"'OUO'I '•Id•• tor C•I• -.. HtwPOrt II-• • .,.,,,11,.91on l•ac" F-l•lftll.,i.v. 1rw1,,. L...,,.. IH<ll s.i..111 CM•I A''"• .. ,..._i •dltlon It out)lflt,..... 5eturdayt and ~•Y' f ll\iit prln.c: 1pe1 OU«tf•tf't•nG plant u at llO W••t I •\' S·t,...t ,. 0 l o• '"° c ••• ..-.,. c a llfOffUI .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 337 • ( :arol ( ;;tncl~ TELECOURSE From Page A 1 l I I 1• 1 11 II I -..1· t·' o1 111 I 11 ;1 t I <I II p11111·du11' th1• a11111u 111 111 '1111 r.11 1 111 t v. 1·1·n a tt•lt•1·11ur :..< '' 11d1 111 .11111 hi!-> 1nstruct11r, f.111111 \ II \'II'\\' J>flll't'dllrt''-flll II c. \\ l '. I I.' II u I' !•ol' s • " 11 cl I hJ. • \\'r 11111g 1 01 a Hl•ason.'' l •·I•·• 11111 ... ,. 1·11t 1t·11.l'd l1v the· l•'.111~11-.)l ('11u111tl · j. ,1 t II I l \' t I I t It S h a V I' , 11111pl.11111-1 I l>h:tt 11111 ... 1 ll·ll>t.·ourSt.':-. 1• 11u111· ...i11d1·111' ti! watch l !'l lt11ur' t1I 11·(1•\ i't'd 1n:..1rut·t11111 ,,,., 1 1h1 -...•1111•,11·1 s 1gnif1e;an1lv 11 " 111111· 1lt.111 " -.pt•nt 1n lh« , I"'"'""" 1111 ,1 tr.11l1t111nal t'OUrs4.' 1{111 < '11,1s tl1nt' o ft 11·1Jb hav1• r • p1111d1·d th;it t1·l1·t·11 u rs1· .. t11d1 llh .tl-.11 .1n• ri·qu1n ·d lo '""lf'I' 11 t1 ·:i..1hook r1•ad1ng ,,..,..,lf..!111111 Ill'. Ulll171' ,1 ll'lt't'OUl'M' h ,111dh11t1k .111d 1.1k1· r<'gul.1r ·1111111 ... .tl h111111· on ('OU r Sl' 111.111 1 i.d T1 lt 1 our"' 111:..tru<·lor.. 111 .1\'o11l.1lllt lor phont• or off1l'' • • • • •. ' • . :. ' • 1 • m-.u lt .. 11111n-.. •. T 1·l1 ·1·11 u1 ... 1· 'ludPnt). arf'~ n't1um·d to l<lkt· a mtdlt'rm and~ r111.il 1·x.1111 111 ,, dassroom st·llmg <·",,s t I 1 11 '· o ff "' 1 a I s a Is o pr1·-.i •nt!'d &~, with informatu.m 11·ganl111g th1· avt·ragc number of , t 1 · I 1•v 1 ~10 11 co u r !> c· s la k {' n by • ~tl1d1·11t .., .ind 1hc·1r grade' ;1v1·rag1·-. .1ftt·r tr;insfC'r lo Cal St;1L1• l'ampu~1·s Ix·:-..-. :o...11d he· plan~ to urge Cal S1<11t• faeulty mt·rntx·rs to fot·uS"• 1111 lh1· e un.11 •nl <ind lt.•arning • r l'~ll (I'-or l1•lt•V tSIOn t'OUfSC'S, ' 1,1tht•r lh,111 th1• n o n ·dassroom • r orntil l Co< .... tl11w -.pok c-sman Jark t'h.1ppt·ll -..11d h<' b<-l1c•ved lh1· l'ctllt-gl' :..ll('l't•-... ... rully d e>fC'ndC'd its • lt•lt'(ours1• p rogram during thl' • rnt't'llng w11h &-s. ... 'Wt· f n·I h<' h as a tw ttl'r' u11 d1·1-.t.111d1ng o f the• prucc•ss now," Ch.1pµc •ll "'"d Too Little? Too Much? DO N T BE MIS LED BY DISCOUNTS, DEALS . S A LES AND GIVE A-WAYS THE COMMON LAW OF BUSINESS SAYS IT BEST -IT IS UNWISE TO PAY TOO MUCH . BUT IT IS WORSE TO PAY TOO LITTLE IF YOU PAY TOO MUCH . YOU LOSE A LITTLE M ONEY AND THAT IS All WH E N YOU PAY TOO LITTLE . YOU SOMETIME S LOSE EVE RYTHI NG BECAUSE THE PRODUCT YOU BOUGHT WAS INCAPABLE OF DOING WHAT IT WAS PURCHASED TO DO YOU CAN'T PAY A LITTLE AND GET A LOT ·: u=::=:::;liiiimiiiiiiiil,:· ··''.·:" DEN'S LEES c:arpeni Made better by Burtlngton @f.) * . . . . . . ·;-,;~: >:.' • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••• carpe~I;. i:r• ·installation· custom draperies vinyl, parquet iwood, & ceramic floors ue.NO ... 1663 PLAC2MTIA AVE. • COSTA ftl:SA. CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 I • I h.tll\111 <.1111i.t PAil Y I'll< l 11111d.1y ll"u1111l1111 I lltll.' ,..----------.,.---------------____:;.--1rvln1 i\·I <:()l JNTY ltl~S ll)l ~NTS l>I ~ .. ~At l .. "'l~.,I ED., RV EY 110W ••• ... ' From Paoo A I w . I •• 11 I 1 " I" .• \ I " 111 ti " l.1 I "I I I" I I 1' I .. II II IJ I .. . •• I " I 111 •, .ii,, ti 1lo1hl1 11111111 ·' I If 1111 ((I I" 111•111 111 1111' p11111h \\ 1111 ... .id 1111 \ \\ollll 111 llll•VI', Ill 111 ·111111 .... 11d 1111'11' d1•0.,l111.1l1•111 10, 1111h1tl1 ( 11 .1111:1· ( '1111 111 V 'I'll.II 111:111• ILol tl .1''·"' ,,,1d " ,t1l1,1.111l1.ill\ lt1gh1 I th,111 fl,lllttll.tl ,I\ I I ot).(1'' I J1 · ,,11d 11 .,, ,II 1 lll'I., fllUltd ol po111111tl:11 h li1gli 1wn 1•111.1g1· 111 d1;.o.,o111.,l.l\ll1111.11111mg 1w11pli· v..h11 ll\ I Ill ,\11.1h1 1111, t :,1rcfl'll ( :1 0\ I' .111d S.1111.1 t\11.1 , ,,. I h.11 .1111•1111·d 111.11 "''('111111 ,,... !Ito· 1·011111\ ·., u1 li.111 11111· .,,.1111 .. t hVi1vtly d1in11g 1h1• II""' World W.11 II li1m111 Tt ... i\11;d1l'1111 I lilt-. \\'l'l'l' 1101 1111'1\ldl'd Ill th.11 "'f'llllll ~H1 ·..,.dt·t1h the 1t g1·111·1.dh· g,1\t· 111.,..1·1· r.11111g-. 111 publt1· :.~·1 v1u·-.. \1. t'l'I' 1111ir1· pr11111• to w.1111 to 11111\'l' ;1Wo1V a11d l'lllllpla1111·d 111 dl'l1·n111-.o111111 lw s.-11d l1 1l\\'l'VI I tht· till\ I l"'I Ill 11 .1v111g (It .111g1· t'ounty \\,1-. 1111111 l1k1 I \ n ·l.111 ·d t u wh1•th1·1 11•0.,p1111d1 •11h llW lll'd lf1t•11 0\.1.tl • l1111111 ·s .111d 1•1111111111l1 ·d 111 w111 I< l h ·'II \\ Ii,. I I' t Ir l ' y I Iv •. ti . B;ild.i~"'''' .1dd1•d S un 1·\ 1 f'sulh ;:abu o.,how1«I lh,11 l\\t" lh111lo., Of th1· l'CIUlll V p11pul.ot11111 f.1 v11 r s mu111l'tp;tl growth l1n11t.1t11rns. Bald;1s!>ar1· o.;.1111 l'l'i.tS(lll' for l1m11a11111)).. v<u 11·d I 111111 µn:\'t•11t111g tr;.iffrc prohktt!:. to prt·;.1•1 v 1ng tht• n;il ur ;al 1·11 \ 1ron1111·111 to n1 ~1111ta1111 11g propt·rty v.tluo·s Hut tlw d1•;.111 · 111 1111111 growl h ;.pa1111l'd mo:-.t s• 11·1.d anti J:>l•ltl lt':il h•vt•ls D•lly Pllol Pholo br LH P•yn• A1111th1·1 l 1nd1ng· Ju~t :!II p1·n1·nt 111 t lll' n ·s1d1·nh g,1\'1 high r.111ngo., tu th1·11 puhl11 "hools .• 1ml 11nly ti ix·1T1·111 g,1\'l' s 11111lar r;t1111g!> to th1•1r 1111·.il gov1· rnn w 11 t!-. ' . C l<·anlint•ss n <'x l to godliness Re<'t'lll ~·ind ~ and rain dirlit•d the IH'\\ roof on lht• Fir!--1 Chri!'>lian C hurc·h t111tll'r rons1ru<0 lion al th <· t•ornt•r of Allon Pa rk wa~ and Cn•t•k Boad in lnirw. A workman h o:-;t·~ off lht· nnul. t\ l lht· -..111w 11mP, hllWl'Vl'f'. cJ o.,ltght 111.IJOl ll) :,.;11u II f.1v111•, ,1dd1llo11<1I l Uls 111 tilt' budgt•lo., 11( lrll·;d pul>ltt .1g1·1w11·s B.dd.is;..1n· null'd a 1·1ir11•lc1ttu11 lwl\\t·1·11 1h11-.1• who a ssrg ni·d 11;w 1.11111).(' lll ltit'ill goVl'l'l1tnl'llL' ,111d th"" \\ho \\,ant 111 lt·.1v1· the l'lllllll;> Notice Of P~blic Hearing On Proposed Zoning Code Changes NOTICL IS HEREl3Y GIV~r~ that the Orange County Planning Commission wi II ho~ a pub lic hearing to consider amending the Orong,e County Zoning Code by: Standardizing and modernizing the language and format ion in single family Residential Zoning D istric ts and adding "Mobile Home Parks" as a permitted use subject to use permit and revising the r egu lations of Sec. 7-9-149.3 "Mobi le Home Park Hegulations." This proposed amendment is in compliance with the provisions o f California Government Code Sec tion 65852. 7 and sections 18))0 and 1855 1.1 of the Ca lifornia Health and Sa fety Code, as amended. COMPLIANCE WITH THE CALlrOHl\JIA t.NVIHOI JMEI HAL QUALITY ACT: It was determined that the proposed projec ts wi II not hove a significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore Negot ive Declo rat ion fl I 2P04005 was granted for the propo:;ed amendment. Date of Hearing: December 13, 1982 Time of Hearing: I :l) p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible. Location: Meeting Room, Holl of Administra t ion, 10 C ivic Center Plaza (corner o f Broadway and San to Ana Blvd.), San ta Ano. INVIT A TIOl\J All persons either favoring or opposing these proposals ar e invited to present their views before the Planning Commission. FOR FUHTHER INFORMATION Persons ore invited to Call Bob D rennan in the Planning Code Sec tion at (714) 834-5300 or come to the office located at 400 Civic Cen ter Drive West, Room 268, Santo Ano, CA 92702~048. Please refer to CA No. 82-2. • Beauty tips • Fashion news • Tips • and trends ; .-Every 9 Sunday • "'1'111 I• '• .1 l\tlltl 11! °'Jltll11\lt•I 1 l lt-1 I 111 ·,,11cl '/\1u l th.it .., .il"41 l111ttl1l1 ".llll ll l1t-t.11t ... •• 11 · ... 11111 • .,1 11111..,1• th111g' tli.11 1,111 lt·.ul 111 ,, I Yl ft 111 1!.·1 lrnt• Ill ,111 :ti I'.!" llt· !-.:Old 1111 :-. ..,,.11 .,1· 111 111i11.q1pllll'"" w11lr I Wiiiiy M 'f Vll'I'" 1 uuld 1111 "'•"'' ii I 111,1ral11111 wtth 1111· l11111-.111g 111.11kt1 \.\111 ~1·11-. I 1t1lllt .ii h . "hilt· I l'~ld•·llh ''"'I''' ''s•·tl 111111· ..,,1110.,f,wt11111 wrtlr g11v1·1· 111111' 11 t-.. H.tld :n1san · o.,;11d "th1· g 11·,d lllil Jlll'tt y" ;111· 1·i.l1t 11wl v .... 11 .... l11 •d Wiiii lht- ttllld1t11111' ot tllt·11 11w11 ltv1•-. H.cltl,tso.,.1n· ,,11d tlH· ,urv1·v 1' tlll' I 11 0,t 111 w hat "1111l·11d1 •d t;, Ix• .111 a1111u;il ;..1111plt11g tu d1sl'IW1·1 1·11u11ty HlllltHl\•1-o 1111 lllllJlll'l"lll 1 .... ._tw" 11<· s;11d n · ... co;udwr:. will Ix· .1h l1· lo lx·tt1•1 c·xarntftt• lht"•'' ;o1 11t11d .. -. 1 ~tu11• survt'Y' .ts tl11·v 111 •111 ·1 1d1·11l 1 I y oll C'll' "' 11111 ·11 .. ,I 111111!1 o f 1111' rlVl'I a11<.I :'>Ofl 11oulh ul II "lh l'llJ.1. '"''II ... 1.11 1 Ill k1111" 11111 I Vll'Wllll( w;1-; dolll' by ~\ 111 1111 ·1 I 111•. v 1·.11 w .... ''" S11n.1l l>ut.1 l\n11lyi.li. ur Nl'W I .. I • I Y111 k. 11 JJnv.111• tlr m h1r1·d l)y '' ••11.1111111, 11' '>:tld " lh111k II w,. s 11 ·1 ( 1h 111 k w 1. t ·'l>Jwd llt'I l\hm1l 70 1~wrt•<-r1l of tho1>l• -.11111t•tl1111g 11·.ol .. 1·11ll1·tl 1t•sp1111J1•ll tu lh1· l'IUrVl'Yt l!.tldo1 .... ~1n· 1>1.11d ht· was !1Ullsftt·1I t'lt.11111·11111 l>a1111 ·I Aldi wh. 111•11 ,1 • .,1J1mcll•nh ll'JJl l'!l<•ntt·cl a 1111,111\\hlh'o told ll'J>olllt,... M lhl' 1111'1> '>l'lllllll ul tht· (.'UUlllY l11wl111g th.ti Ut'I'., lrlll•f't•'>l Ill JlllJ1Ul.cllllll, t'Xl'i.'J}l thtil lflsp:.illl('l> 1•0,t;ol1lts lt1ng tlw '>Ill v1·v w.1:. \11 ill S.J11lc1 An.1 11ppt·ar1•J umh·r ht·lp 111.1k1· 11101" 111l tJ1'n111t11111 n ·IJl't•M·ntf'd :ov.11 l.1lilc· .tliu ut how l'l''1d1•11ts All 11111·1 Vll'Wlllg was l·arril·d " VII''" 1111·11 ... u1111und1ngo.; out 111 E11~lti.h II<· said uL•out l 111 o.,,11d tht· rt•o.,1•J1 l'11{o1.,· 1x·1u•11t 11f the· p1'f1µ1c• dt'<:lint-<I lO tlllt'l\111111;. ;11·1· ollll 111 ('J:.l p,1l\1tlp,1tc· IJt•t'JUl>l' O f Jangu;w JlH..lg11w11l "hut io d1~·1JVc·r .wh:.it pr ohl<'nl.,. is g11111g 011 Thi· u111v<·ri.1ty-fundl'd survey Haluu.....,an· o.,utu llll' l'UUlllY Wl.I::> w.1:. uun11n1:..ll'rt·u by its Public· d 1vhlt d ,11 1h1· Sa11t:.t Ana HfVPr Polrey RL·st·art·h Organlz<ation , (111 tltt· "'" v1·y·~ pu1 JJO'>t·:... with w11h 111pul fr)um fot·ulty m1•mbl•n. 1 .ti It~ t 1111t<H'll11 g _~>_ll_ll_1_H_·u_p_1_,_· -'-'-"_11_1 _M_·v_l_·r_a_l_cl_1_:.c._·1_p_li_n_e:o._. ---- AMLING'S_ Newport Nursery and Garden Center Chrl\t ma~ .11 Amling's ,., l1vi11g :111d fre~li-cut !rt·e~ (natural or n uckcd ). wreath-... garland. decorations and colorful Ho liday Gift plant~. IOo/o OFF J '\our Cliri-.lnHb Trt·•• If You Tak•· 11 \\'ith You EJ • Fre~ Deli~·er,· • . • I .')(}() '" (•ou ... 1 h w·y .• "''"port b e:u·h 6..J..1-9.5 /() • ----.. 101~ , ___ __ ILED IDW' •n ARROW KNIT SHIRTS . . -NAMES! NAMES! NAMES! LEVIS ACTION SlJCKS . ellAGGAR eSWABELT elWllATIAJI eMEtmlSOtlY eJAITZH ellYDACtl eTUWI . '47 • BOT AJIY 500 • Piii£ CARDIN • SEHIO YW:NTE ePALMIUCtl eWUMil.ER ellVIS .mow ·-eDIO s110 '25. mss •rs ,15 IYAllOW.. . SHORT SLEEVES '45 QUITED VESTS ..... '29 '451MDY VELOUR '4S POLY/WOOL CARDIGANS .. '32 ie VELOUR KABUKI ROBES . . '21 130 con ON flANNEl LOii SUMS WHltlll smTl . '11 " SANSABELT SlJCKS .. '42 r" SHIRTS . s25 LEVIS JEANS . . . . . '22 ONE OAOVP ()NI. V • . 1 \ ' • ' ·. . •,' . .·, .. lctl2 HARBOI BLVD. COSTA MESA XMAS SA.LE 12737SAtlCOYST.NO.HOllYWOOO 1363 W. t71hST.HONUrtAZA,SANlAANA 1.1 t51IUNCOlN 8lVO .. STA. MONICA 3'20N. ,AIM CANYON.,AIM SPllNGS STORES OPEN 9137 STONEWOOO CTR. DOWNEY WEST COVINA fA~ P\AZA STARTS FRl.10 lM. "~HAWTHOp~f~·~ANCf l M11 • t r Auto tir Hy PAT llOIWWITZ 01 lh• Dally Piiot ltall ' l>EAH 1q·:/\nt-:HS Tlw '1'111· l11du-.11' S.11t·I\ ( '•1l111l'tl n ·11111ttb co11.,u1111·1:-lh.11 11•g1,,11.111or1 ol 111•\\ l1rt•:-. " ,1111 1111p11rt.1111 d1·:-p111· ,1 11·11•11 1 1 hu11g1 111 1t•d1•1.d l.i\\ 1111 r1·g1:-l1\1l11m pru1•1·du11· '1'111· 111·w l.1w r1•qu111•:-111d1·p1·11d1·111 lllt' d1·1tl1•1:-111 prov1dt• t•at'l1 p111·1·li;1s1·r with ;i lorm 1·onln11lt11g lilt' td1•1111l 1t·at11m 11u111lwr ul 1lt1• lln• Tlw 1·u:-1t11111•r 1111'11 111ust l'tll11pll'l1' till' frn 111 Wllh h1:-llilllll' :111d mldtt'!'>.'>, a11d lllittl II hm·k 111 llw ma11uf:11'lun·r 10 h1· :-t111· Lh1· llrt· '" n·g1stt·n·d T11•p Oltlh•ls ow111•d h y 111:i11uf:11·tun•rs and brand 1foi1w 111ark1·l1'I'" 111ust 1·0111111u1.'111 ftll oul 1h1• n •g1:-tral1on fon11:- th1•111.~.dv1·::. fu1 till' cu:.Luntt'I and n ·lUl'll Lh1.· lyrm.:i. tu the m.111uf.11·1un·1 or to .a t•11lh·1·t11111 p11111t d1·Mg111·J by 1h1· nianula1·1w 1·1 A nrw fc'<i<'ral law, :-1gn1'tl h~ l'r1·stdl'nt R1.·<1gan 011 Oc:l l:l, d1a11gnl tlw n ·g1slrat11111 p111u·dun l'n·\'tou.-;ly all 11r1· d1·al1·r:-\\ 1•rt• n •qu11 Pd lo 1·0111ph·h · 1h1· rq.:1s1r:.t111n lorms and 111.111 tlwm b.11·k to 1h1· m.111ul.11·1ur1·1 -Man jaile d for buy ing " explosives A San Onufr1· 11udt•ur pow1•r plant maintt•na11ce workt•r h;1s plcadl'd inno<.·t'nt to a11 1•xplos1v1•s possl•s.-;1011 d1:irg1· afll•1 lits ;11'J'1 •s t last month for allt·gt•dly l>uy111g extrcm1.•ly puwt•rful l'Xpl11s1v1· ... M ichat•I B<vrt::iri. :!!">. of <:ypn•ss was arraigned 111 S11u1 II Or.111g1• County Mun1t·1pal Court ;111d 1:- being hl'ld 111 Orang1· Count~· Jilll -in lit•u of $:.!!l.000 h:itl 11 1-, prl.'11111111.ir~· h1·<1n11g 1 ... ~ht tlul1 d for Dt~· 7 Bergin was .1rrt"Stt•d Nov I H 111 l he p <I I' k I 11 g l 0 I 11 l .1 S <I 11 CJ('mt•nH· supt•rm;u kt·t P11IH 1· allcgc•d ht• gav'-' $:!IHI lo .111 u nd C' n.:O\' t•r d l'l l'l' It\' 1• I 111 ,1 I '• -puund blol'k of .1 pJ.1,IH 0 explosive t·allt•d C 4 L I. A I Eh l 11 \\ ":i Id ,I( I I .ti pho t ographs of tlw nut t1 .. 1r power pl ;1 nl wt•rt• f11u11tl 111 , Bergin's t·ar aftt•r th1· .11 11'!-.l:- •· · l,:{1• S<1 1d ht· huugh1 1h1· explostVt'S lx'l.·:1u:-1· ht• w.1111t·d to g<;> out tu lht· dt•!-.t'l't :ind 111.1k1· o1 big bang on Nl'W Y1·;11 's Ev1•." Ehlow s:11d "It would hav1· h1·1·11 a very big bang." C-4 1s "011<' of lht· m1.-.t p o w c r f u I l' x p l 11 s 1 v 1· " m anufal·tun•d," Ehlow s:11d 11:- main us1· is rn m1h1ai \ ;i1·11vn' and it IS (•Spl•t•ia JJ y Clt•str,1l>J~· bccaust· 1t can bt• moldt·d l>v hand. ht• s.ml A srngh· ... twk t·.1;1 level a -;ma II ho mt'. h(·ii.· 11 Whc·n BPrg111 ·•PP I'd " San Cl<'mt·ntt· t'ompan, 1at u:-i·., C-4 and a:.kl·d "h1·11 ht• 111u Id buv soml', a v..111k1':"1 hc•to1mt sus.p1t·1ous <1nd llppt·d ol 1 µohn . Ehlow so1d "We• hav1• no mcl1<Jt1011 of wh\ he bought n:· he said Pohu· ;ir~· still 111vt•s t1gat1ng Lht .11 l'IJJ photo>. of tht• plant whu h St 1 gm said hi.· bought from a lt·llow employ<.'<' who was a pll111 "He S<Jtd he• wantPd Lo bt• abli· t o' show pl'oplc· '' h1•r1· ht• workc•d," Ehlow s<ttd Thi· l'11lll·g1· l'l'nll•r at (;utd1•11 W1·st L'oll1·g1· 111 1 lunllnglon &·;ll'h will bt· tlw .,, 11· of .. A Hoy;.d Ban4Ul'I ol Ht•1ia1s.-..1m·l· English" tonight Thi 1·\·1·111 whH·h will ft•<1llll I :-1•1 C'IWtflllg !o.L'l'\':tllll-, ht·M·" ~ :-.troll mg mus1uans, ,1 gvµ ... , I 111 tu111· tl•llt•r and th1· •Tom M <'Donncll , 1•ngtn1>t.•nng tt 't·h llll'liln for th<· M1.•tr11po)11;in \\':.H·r D1s trtl'I ol Southt·rn l';.il1forn1a, will sµt•<1k on "Thi..• N1•xt Drought" .it ,1 nw1·11ng 11( tht• ''uunWtn V.dlt•\ L1011-. l'luli 'l'ut•!-.<I<" Th;. duh 1111·1 ·1!-. .it nu111; 111 • A I n •t• publ11· ll't'lun· on tn·utnu·nt of prPmc•nstrual .,ynclronw w1 I l h1· s tag1·d Saturdav at Lhl' Anaheim 1,._' o n \' l' ri l 1 '' rr C t • n t !' r b y prol!·~11111.ib lnun an lrv1nt:. b..tM•d group s tud ying 1h1• n111imon 1·1 mdi I inn I Ll't.'turt·rs l nm1 th<· C<·ntt·r fur the S tudv ol PMS will ht'1~t lht '1°1'>-..1i'1n lrnm Ill .l m lo noun 111 tht Orangt· Count v Hoom al lhl' l'Ull\'l•nt1 on u·nll•r D1·" r 1 b1•d 1 Pt t·n th 111 J nH·dH:d JUUi n.d a~ "th1• • S 1 n g It· p:. rt· n l .._ 1 n Nt•\\ port Bl'at h and Irvrnt an· 1nv1tcd lo JOUl_ ii Ill'\~ Pan•nt!-. Without Partn<>rs ('h«pll'r forminl.! 111 the <ir<':l Join Us In , • trat1on still /U uµ:ui11t• 1ul 1.11·tul11 t•I i •. ,. UEAIC l'AT: I rt•,11111ult•d tu on ud\t•rtl,.t•11u•11t by < 'ulilo111lu Womun mul(utlnl' lu t May. I 111.'0t $45 tor a 11111kl't1\t'r "hlc•h "uuld uppt•u r in tht• nt•w mt11t1ulm.•i dul.' to hq;ln l'uhlh'utlun in l>l'C'l'tnbl·r. My t•hc•dt wu t'IUih<'d, but I h llVl'll t lwarcl nnylhln~ at a ll nbout when my mukt•ovt•r wlll bc· do1w, l'Vt'll thouith l 'v<· written n·veral lt•Utn u klng nbout II. <'.D., Santu Ana 1:u111t:-h1•1 K1p1 M11rt111 I l:irhour soul rc•sp1111sc• to ll11· 111,1k1•11\'1•1 .11lv1•1 t1St•1111•111 was 111ud1 J:11•i,r1•r Lh.111 1111t11·1p.111•d, 111111 tw11 ll'lll•l's c·x11lwn111g tlw clPlay an M.'lwdullng huv1· 111•1•11 :-1•111 111 1·111'11 pt'l's1J11 who 1·t.·s1xmclt.·d Shc· t.•oulcl 11111 l111·.1t1• 1111y 11<t uni of h11v111g h1•111·t1 from you mul to ld A Y S .. lt•ll\•1:-ll•lll11g .i tlt•lay wt•n· St'nl to you lla1 h11u1 will 1·11nt1wt v1111 1wr:-1111ally to :-1•1• ti you w:11ll :.11 l11lllll•tllutc• rt•lund. •ii' 11 you would pn·f1•1 to w:.11 a flow m11n1hi. for 1tw 11wk1·11v1·r OEAll PAT: Can you give us a "home redpc" tor hummin~bird fel'ik>rs'! We have a lot of hummingbirds 011111tJ1• <..0.1•.1 dAIL Y f>ll 0 I II rlc1 y, Of•Cumbur 3. 1 98~ '\I ortant 11rou11d uu1 houw und lht' prt•1111\t•d hummingbird tuud ut .,.., 'llflfll~ i.torc•i. nrl' ln(•Xpi'n Ive•, hut nulrlllunul l'Onknt liii ''' m inimal thbt \\t' \\ondl'r II It mlghl ht• t•vt•n mun· cc·onomkul_to iwkl' ou_r uwn mbttun·. · N.M., Co,.tu Ml' u Thi 1111111\\ 111g ln1111111111gl111 II 11'\'llX' w11 ... i.i1 ••Vldl'll l1y 1h1• S.111 l>11•g11 Zoo, kn11w11 l1H llN 111.111 v v.11 11't11·i. 111 111111111111111111111!-. Mt' :.m 11111111•-. 111 wh1h' 1·.111'1· !<UJ..1;11 , 11111•1 qt1.11 t1•1., 11um·" or SUIJl•r h ydnulllll p11wch•1 (opllullUI '11l1:11·tl1t•111 :iv111lahlt· 111 JIC 'l 1>oupply l'oltll C''I). l"tllilll Ull\llUlll of v:1111ll,1 I l.1v111 Ill~!· 011 .. galhm 111 w.11t•1· 111111 11'Cl 1111111 n1l11r111g, II 11!• ... 11 Id J>l.ll'l' 1n ft•1•tll'1 11 ... 111•pd1·tl • "Got 11 problt•m'! Tlwn writ£> tv Pat Horowitz. PM • will cut rt"<I tn(X!. gt>llmg th1• t111.'l\W!l'S and 1wtiun 91 you JJN•d to solve• 11wquiti<'.'I m guvt>rnmt•nt and • IJU)>llU•.-.s. Mui/ yuur quc>stions w Pot H orowitz, A t \'uut St'rvlC'f', Orung(' Cow;t O<iily Pilot, P 0. Box I Sfi(), Cw;ta M<•s;.1, CA Y26lti. As many letters as /.H1-..-.1IJl1• will ht• ~inswl're<I, but phom'fl mqunu•:-. ur /t•tlt•rs nol 111dtt<111w t lw n •.uft•r's full n:1mt•, ;iddn· ...... ., uml business flllurs · µlw111· 11uml>c•r c;mnut Ix• nmMdc>n'<I " Tht:' mosr t:Oic. itnr ,111(/ cosr-<:!Tecri~t: way to build yuur "varclrohc is ro line/ an experr you htive confide_nce in (;We: M:idr11•al S1ng1•rs. lx.•g111s at 7 A lrad1t1onal Old English d1111wr ·~ plnnm-d. _ T1l}<t•l!-. fur Lht• m1•al and 1•11h•rT-.rnlllll'llt ;.in· tJn salt• Ill tlw t·ullt•gl' l>tK1k~torll for $15 1·,11 h No dc.>tll s.1l1·s .1n• slatC'd M on · Jnlor matt1111 1s :.l\'allablt.· II\ c .dl111g H!l I till70 tlw Mile &ju.Jn· Golf Cow~ lkst.1ur..in t. 111 WI Warn1•1 Av1• Md>o111wll wtll d1M uss tht· 1111p.it·t of C.ihf1,n11a's lvss of C11J111 ;1d11 H1v1•r wa lt'r lo At 111111:1 111 HJH5 rn•wt·st wonw11's hl•allh issu1• I 11 t ht• LJ fl I t (' d St U l l' S,'' pn·1111•11!-.l1 ual syndronw 1:. a h U I Ill U {f°l' d j S 0 ' d l' I' l'l)arnttt•r1zl'd by any uf -;1•ver.d syn1pto111s that r<"<·ur· 1 1 g u I .11 I y du r 111 g l' at· h . • nwnst1 u:il l'yd1• A111w1g thoM· symptoms art• lil1i.il111~. lw.ad<ll he"-. ten!>1on. 11111.1htl11y .md Jnsomnm ~Ic11 t 111f11rmaL1on aboul th(' lt1. 1u11· of th1• t't'nll'r mav IX• 11h1.1111t'<I hy ~ .. 11111g 1h1· trvm<· ol flu· .11 5'>7 7:i72 Tht· 01 g.1111zal111n for !>mgle molhc·r' and fatht•rs mel'lS T u t• s d a ..,. F o r m.o c c 1nform.111mi l'<lll 8111 G lennon al (i+l-21 :J5. I I I I ;1 profe siorwl clorhit:r who spe,cialixes in providing experr kn<J\vlt:'Jge concerning rhe va,rious elemenrs of quality. strvice, value and advice. : We ftd w<: lwve achieved these objecrives anJ in nun in vite you to take aJvantage of our optimum selecriun for this season. Gentlemen's Clothing rnsprred by 1rad1t1on 46 Fashion Island.· Newport B,f!ach (714) 640-6310 ' . " Li*i11irl1i hf <.:: '>11r 0+ff ii! ~\1 /111J r 1Jt rrp - l Wednesday, November 31st thru Sunday, December 4th Our Thanks -Speoal Pricing This commu'ltty has extended us such a wel- come since we ITIOVl'd here from Canada frve yea~ tigo, that \Ill(' wtint to say a resounding ··rrank ~··. and 1ri this sprrrt. for the \/\/'eek of NOVt'rnbt"r }8th through D<'cember 4th. all Jt'Wt'lry 1n ow 1rMntory will be prlCed 1n Can;id1an doll;1rs f Pquivalt>nl to a 20% Olscoontll Thi~ 1s t1 ()n(' timt' only very 1eal t:>mt"fil. ~our polKy hrl\ alw¥ bf>ef1 to price our JewPlry f;mty and to bc1ck those prices with our money bdck guarantee of value Speoal Features In <1dd111on to the ma~ fine pieces des1grn'd and crP.-=tLed rn our own studio, W(' wlll be showing an exclus1VC' collect Ion ofjf'INelry by Torn Cavt>ll• o f Vancouver. B C Mr Cavelt1 has created Jewt>lry for Queen Ehzabeth II and Princess Mne. and rs a threE'' time winner of the world's "Oscar" for )t'Vv'elry desrcjn. the OeBeers D1<1monds lnlernauonal Award ~ h<M.' also obtained from Europe. ror thts week only. a scunn1n9 selecuon of loose d•amonds and colored gemst<tnes valued at several m1111on dollars. for sale at very. • very f<M:>rable prices ~ hope you will pn us for this celebr~t1on Looking forward to seeing~ Wyndham LE!1gh ~~~fHORT 127 Fashion Island. Newport Beach. CA 92660 Telephone 714/644 ·0501 • Near Bullocks Wilshire .. . . I .. ORDER YOUR FLOWERS, AND FRUIT, NOWI 1-----{(1lllil!IJ.r----, r-----((1}IJ;J1flt-----. r------((IIIJ;,l1J1r---.., I II II I ·• I • CAllt» FRESH 11 TEXAS AED OA I I NO 1 tOAHO I I I JMALL I I COACHELLA I I BA.KEAS I I CELERY I I WHITE I I I I I t GRAPEFRUIT t I I II 1oe It II 1oe I I I I I 15¢ ti lb. I I bch. 11 each 11 > I I It ti . t '----------------1l---------------•L--------------.J BONDED ,RUIT SHlll'ttER ,OR40 YURI MORI ~HONH: • i • • I I . " • l I -i. ~· -~-• __ o_,_,,_go_co_n_•_to_A_1L_v_P_1L_o_1_1F_,_,d_Q_._~_c_e_m_~_'~3~·~to_e_a_~-~~------~~~---------------~--HUIUlllll 11~- Beaten g"irl dies; TOY WERE GIRL' · I..EGACY ... .. From Page A 1 US Peet arrest' ed t•V1•11ll111lly lutlUllll( ill lwr 1ipl1'1•fl A Ii yt"ttr old Wvstmlni-itt-r girl ho h.111 ht•t•n 1n a t•omu s11w•· ·111• Nuvt•1obt·r from a 1wvt•r1• •u1111g ho::. dwd ofter sht• Wits a k l' n 11 f r I 1 rt.• -s u s ta 1 n 1 n g lUl0h111t•ry, authunt1es say. Four du ys af t e r C h r 1s l1t• ~ix·r wai; token Lo Huntington ntt•n·ommu1111y H osp1t ol tn lunung1011 Bl·m·h on Nov. 20, • "'Bt•11d1 hu1l'l't•. i-iufd 1nv1•:Hll.(Ul111 BulJ H Ui..'4.• ll Hod1wy 1': <.:ondnng~r. :J:t, WWI buokc•d (111 1nvt•sllt(ul1c111 of uttl•mptt•d murdt.·r Tbt• ·hllc;l d1t•d Thursduy uftc•r d octors · dt•lt•r111111 ccJ s hl• h od suHc•rl'Ct bra111 death, said Los Angl'lc:s County Ot.·plHy Oistrn•l Atlornt•y t:uil l lullt.•nbrauck. ng Bt•udi vulkc arrt'Stt.-d ht•r f• otht•r 's boyfnend , who was A f.>rt.•liminary hC.•urlng is :i hvs1tlln1• th,. d 1ilrl 111 hi" Lon~ sc:hc'C.Julc.•d Wl'Clnesday. f,!,?!~~~ HONORS ... 1 Kilroy s.m l tlw first 10 minutes ~( each 'dass penod is devoted lo :Went rc•ading. strut•lurcd," K1lror said. "When thl' kids walk into the toom. tht•y art.· ready to go to work ..... l 'fht• bahrrn:t• of tht> period'deals tllh individual insttuction on on1bulary 1 l'umprc.·hcnsio n. honii.-s. rt"vle w , and in som e US(.'S, spt.'t.>d rt•admg. · l "C la sses are ti ghtl y "R1•ading is a lot likl• tt•nnls," ht· s.iid "You gt'l bclll'r iC you work al it t.•vcry day. lf·you havl' good oJd.fashioncd praNtt.'t' a nd hard work, your reading will 1mprov<'."· HEATING SPECIAL 9 Point Service Call I. Rtfllace mer 2. Clean & adjust pilot illd btl'ner l. Clean & adjU$l lhtnnosbl 4 lnspe(l f\ie tor piopet draft S. Vacuum & du n blowtt He•llnt & Air Condltlonlnt Specl•ll1t1 1lnce 1915 545-5542 s291s wllh Ihle -••11...,.ent 6. Clean carbuslion air 7. Check lor CH luh al 1 .. nace I. Check Ian & limit controls 9. mi>tcl pilot ufely control Ask us about the New Carrier · "SUPER SAVER" Furnace AarOI) Broth~ Ar1 Mara COLLI &E PREP HIGH SCHOOt - • Counseling-Adacemic, Moral Social. Spiritual • Emphasis On The Understanding Of The Necessity For Order And Discipline In All Areas Of Life. • Oceanography·Athletics·Music • Advanced Techniques In Classroom Design And Scheduling•Aesull In Top Achievement • French -German :_ Latin • Accredited -W.A.S.C. • Over 95% of Graduates enter College • Average and Above-Average Students (Aecenl Nationwide Testing Shows N C Students) Testing In Highest Possible Grouping IEWPORT CHRISTlll HIGH SCHOOL Parent Orientation for fell (Sept. 1983) reglatretlon to be held on Monday, Dec. 8, 1912 et 7:00 p.m. (1 hour). Students will be tested on Saturday. Dec. 11. 1982 Parent Orlentaflon requTred before s1udenl is tested Phone lor furttt.r lnfCHmatlon 8nd location. 645-9282 IEWPOllT CllllSTI&I 1111 SCIOOl GRADES 7 through 12 883 W. 15th, NEWPORT BEACH l.IO matter what the marquee says, what's now , .. playing at United Artists Communications t~eaters Is a real horror show. 1 UAC, the second largest movie chain in the U.S .. tias embarked on a national policy of eliminating j(>bs, fostering unemployment in city after c ity where tf'ley own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before P4lople" corporate philosophy. ·W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has locked out • many of Its southern California projectionists ~embers of the International Alliance or Theatrical tage Employees and Moving Picture Operator I r ther than engage in good·faith bargaining. Ma rnent taunted these highly skilled and de ted -.,orkers with a preposterous "final offer" that would ~ean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes In working conditions (I.e., forcing one projec· tlonlst to service up to 18 movle screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 mlles apart). ~ Janitors In UAC's San Francisco-area theaters who belong to the Service Employees union have also been victimized by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't nudge from Its demand for a total wage freeze, the lanltorst too, are confronted with• hostile and tnfle><- ble attitude on the company's pert. UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the' consequences for workers. the Industry or tr;-. area's economy. "Take It or leave lt"·ls their basic • negotiating" etance. The store thar bnngs you quahty frames and an supplies al low pnces now presenrs a collection of Chnsimas gift rtems al the same incredible :.avings Fun furniture with a sturdy compact foam f1H1ng and durable conon duck cover ing Ill brown. rose. and blue Flips open 10 1 an e>< tra bed LCYA fU*Sl.JXl'Oi fl.E/j 2+9.'95 .$188.88 llus 69" wide loam sofa With wood supports unfolds 10 reveal a super soft bed Covered tn brown. rose. and blue conoo duck ' Wl!Hl!'&.j~ Mickey. Mlnnle, Donakl. and friends In blighter than lfe cartoon color Ctioos. from 6 ready lo frame pnnts 18x24 • l2B ' f(W.f ff LLl.D l.JX45 Pm /29 95 .$'14:(j[j lYWllfl( ariANIZU. rm 795 $5.813 by Hellermade ho!cfs small art or~ supples. skies and fll"l -even oll\ce supplies -In 11n 113 4X IJl/4 • plasric organizer wnh t2 dividers ~J(j"'i!W Includes 45 warercolours brushes 41nd everything else you 'H need to get you on your woy lo becoming a wa1ercolour OrttSI Jl·1111y I 11 1>t •·><1m·~'lt·cl 1-w r wish to lwr I 111111ly 11111u11l.1 th,· 1•1111 of AuJ(uNt w lwn 1.IH• k1u•w the• battll• WUli ulmowt ov1·1 Stw wrolt' h•ttc•n. to C >•Id in ht·r pink 1111u whltt• c.hm·y tlur111w th() lu.!ft fl•W months of tw 1 1lh1c•"": "(Jt•111 c;m/, JlcHV 111'1' you'.' I don 'I f<'t'I Vt•ty gudd PIN1.'>f' m11kc• m<· It'd IH•lkl' I lovt· yCJu. LoVI', J1•1111y ... Hoss 1m1d tht· family hud Ol'V •r bt1t•n purtlc:ularly n •ligious until Jenny s larlt-tl llRl<'ning to u llx::JI Chr1st1an rud10 11wtJon and uskl·d Lo bt.• t:1kt•n to d1urch.' At the uuw, tht• Hc>S:K'S hvc.'Ci In thl' H1 vl•rs1th.• house th<•y had bough l on K t•n 's V etc r;i n '!'i Aum1n1s tru t1on loan Tht'Y cvcnLUall y lost ttle hourw along with tlilc $10,000 equity they h41d in 11 ~ dul' to Jenny's mt.>dic:al t•xpcnses and the C'OSl of commuting be twcc·n Riversid e and L o ng Bl'al·h M <>moriu I Hosp1u1I whl'rl' Jenny wus bt•ing lrea tt'CI . · . Wh<'n Jc•n ny died, at 4:58 a.m. thl· s:imt• umc LO th<.-minUtl' !hut 'llw wa" lioi ll slw Wt11> 111 pt'lll't'. llt'r muth1•r 1111111 And Kht· wunlc•d 111 giv1• M11111• cil that ~·a1•1• I II I> I h C' r H I n ~ I 111 I I ll I l'lfC Unl\llll!<!t•:. ' ' S 11111 c· '' n t' 'u 1 cl y 11 u ' rt• :.uppcN-d to 1n1111rn· Hut I 1·:111't 11•w1•1 .111yth111u :ihuut .. om1-.11w thut "ll''l'Hll Wl• jUR\ wont tu ot lHll l' ht•1 I CJVl' w 11 h o l hc•r fll1111lws ~ht• wa' c•11o(hL, und 11lw wus 110." Hol'l.'I huH Mrung<>d lor 11 Santu Claus lo I)(• prPst •nt at 1·1wh p:irty t111d suid i.lw hus hud olll·rs from pr11f1•o;s1unal l'l\lt•r ta11wr:. to ro11\l' uncJ sing lor tlw l0h1ldn•r1 S lw Is al-.o t1 >'1ng tu 1-(l'I Mtl'kt•y Moub(• to l'IJllll' out from 01sn<:ylanc.J N •> u r g a n 1 z <t.t ton i. g 1 v 1· l'h rii.lmas parl1l·S for tt•rm1naj p:rt11•111i; antJ unyont• t•ls<.• thtll w11nlll lo utteond, Ross said "IJosp1ttils g1 vt.· partll'!> for the pc.•rsonnl'I.'' shl' said, "but not ror t ht' k1cls." · Ros.-4 wonts to opc.'n the• 'u~n·r K id s purlit>s to a nyo1w who wants to come, bt-caUst.'. sht• !Wld, fam1lk•s of c:anc:n patient.:. ar<• as dt·t'pl y affected 1n un t•motmm1I S<.•nsc as thl' victims thP111;.t'lv1•:. 1'"111 1•i.u111plt•, Hut.II 1111HI , "''" Cl111 .. will huv1• t11 f,1l1' C..'hrlstmui. without u lll'lll'I' thi~ y1•111 "C.:hrli. '" '-' 'nw11l,tl ' 111111·;., pullt•nt .ll'llllY W,l'I IJ 'J>hyHlt•nl' l'llMl'4'1'. )>Utll'nt," sh1· 1>t.11d • " Ttw Uc;!..,..,., Uw1r 1·111r1t11v1fll> Sh1•uri.on/ An1C'111·w1 F.><prt ... .., and 1''1>rd A1•1 o~ptH'i.• unct lht•u frh•nds un• lwlpin~ fmunt·t· tlw JJWJl'<.'t. "I rn:vc•r hud this kind of d1·1v1· l>dor1•," Ross 111ud. ·•w,. w1•n • ju;.t a qult•l ftrm1ly. It' was nll l l·ould cJo just to gl·t up und go to wm k l"V~·ry day But J<'nn}' h;1cl ;1 v1s11111 and I huvt.• lO Slll'k wnh 11. I ,don't h.ivc· ;,ny oth1 ·r chotet·." ltc~ i.;11cl rf thr' yl'ar's pruJl't'l ls sut'l't.•s:.lul :.ht• would like LO makt• tht• toy d rive ;ind Lht• part1t>s tin unnual thing. "I would lovt· to takl· thl• burden of( th~ hu:-.p1wls and _n1•t thl• community invulwd," sht• itaid. ''I'll huvt• to wail and find out 1{ J cnAy's 1dt·a turns uut tu be all s ht• said it was" Thosl· wishing to volunteer lime or toy!. l o Cam·cr K ids should call 9mi-6577. ·1 MASS~ f?.E(J 895 15.88 Elegant chamberstic:k of sohd bra~ .. ru dress up with greenery !& the hollddY!> Of d1 play dlone 1n its cla.!.sic l<lm1 b • 1all DMk wooden box<>s in an as>0nmen1 of ~clpes haw round hds topped w.rh a vanery ol cloesonne de· ~s 2" tc>ll C hristmastime ls Drawing Near And that means back to the drawing board for gift rdeas The adjustable drawing table by BMC has a 20" x30" top of white laminated plastic and a sturdy metal base in white. black or red baked enamel. Reg. 59 95 $38.88. The color coordinating metal stool with a wooden seat Is 18" tall. Reg. 24.95 $16.88. Complete tha set with a fle><lble artist's lamp in assorted colors Reg. 28. 95 $9.88. All three ilems Reg 113.85 $59.88. Ollfi~ fXAW'tlS: Rff1 J:JU.. . . 'fl!IJ'. An!lque yellow frame with hmm liner J "mould $/. 'f(j-7. 75 Fnme Guarantee If we're out of the frame size you need. pick a frame of equal or greater value and 1.1.-e'U give you the same dollar d1SCoun1 as rhe advertised frame ~t;;fJ99 Dainty brass candle holder with scalloped edges stands 2" 11111 StOfll loads of pholos and other memorabtlla In a lwdbound abum """h l<X> self adhesl\le pages 'flt' sorted co'°'1 . --== lfleG~L OL 'li!J.'§8._ ~' f!,EO' 19.95 1s a grl!al gd1 lor your favoote artisr 9 otl colon.. bni.eed oil. Canvas.tne· paper. and brushes arl! tncludl!d I ·6Rt0 f9-eJ!Po. CHAIRS ~ z;t!kr'll:lel' a:~ Hrgh ll.!cn fokl1n9 chain rn blue l.Jvend1.>t. whlre black red. brown and yellow baked enamel ffl~W#95 Print your own posters. card!> or announcemenrs • for '-'WIY occasion Inc~ o 7,9• frame Wllh screen. inks. designs. plus more ~n~ Set ol 3 brass candlesheks make n lovely holiday cen· teipiece wh<>n you add the fltcke( of a flaming candle 3• lall Penon..illtt your rw1y 1n v1t1111<:>ni Of hohd11y tAld w11h a klnnclu<lioq 1 oblique penhoklt'I'. 4 pen pomts and more WALT l>ISVEY'S ~ ~/CS REfJ 1595~2.fJB stamng Mick~ Mouse and Donald Duck These 2 lull color volumes Will prOVlde hours ol entertainment !or rhe enllfe family 9112xlJ" ~~N!i.1995 by Speedball is filled With 9 acryk colors. mat1e and glosis medium. 2 brushes, and orher 'painting essentials & the 101k of tlw fre\'wo; with humpcr ~keri. \,'OU pnnr yourself K11 1nclud~ paJX>r. Ink, and more NoMa.11)1~ 0.11e11 -.. l"""'° IO 8-Ill Hel!O .... '"""''"-UAC glv•ltiiamproyee n 111 ct\Otce. But movl9Qoera do have a choice of whefe to spe'ld their entertainment dollert. - PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE HUNTINGTON lllACH 7470 Edlngef Ave./Open MON.-FAI. t0-1, SAT. & SUN. 1CM COIT~ MESA 1114 Newport Blvd./Open MON.-FAI. t-1, SAT. a SUN. 1CM SANTA ANA 2111 S. 8rt1to1 St/Open MON • .fRI. '°"9, SAT. a Sl*. 1CM Ollt • UAC THEATERS ~ IAT8E Southern Aaeoolatton/Corporat• Cam~lg_n 830 Gene¥• Str .. t, Huntington BNCh, CA 12948 • • • ... Bolsa Chica tour planned Saturday RUFFELL'S urHOLSTHY ............. ~'-"· IUI HAllOI ILVD. COSTA MHA -'41·1 IU t\ f11·1· gu1d c•d tour ul till' Boliw C h 11·u Ei.·uh1g11·11t H1·:.c•rVl' 1:. :.dwtlult't.1 Suturduy uy llw An11go:. d1· Bol:.a l'hrl'U, .in urg;u111.111u111 dl'<ll\'ah.J to th1• pn·sc•rvat1un of w1•1lumb. 'l'hc· lours h1·~111 ut H :1 Ill und 1•1111 .11 10.:w u 111 Ttw ~turt111g pu1111 1:. llw publ11· p:.irk111g lot bc·tw1•1•n Surf:.1dP 11hd llu11 tl11gt1111 Jll.·al'h. a li.1ut two mill·s nurth of (;01<.J1•n W1•:.t S tt·c'l'I on J'al'1f1l' Coust H ighway I l IS lc>t'U tl•ll al'l'llSI> rru111 th1· lll<Jill 1•11tram·c.• to Btill'HJ ChitH 8111 11.· Bt•u<:h. Tuurs l'Ullll'ldt.· Wrlh l ht.• nugrulion or birds h1·ad ang south • Author to speak Aut hor H1l'hard £111:. will d1St·uss his new book 011 dolphins and porpo1st•s at noon Sunday at tht' Orangt• County Mann(• lni.ttlUlt.'. 3550:! Dt•I Obispo. D.1m1 Puint Thi· lc'<·tun• 1s fn·c.· For mort• 1nfo1 mallun. c."<Jll :!40-7025 Ballet film set The 1nfluc.•ncl' of Hussian ballt•t on the United Sta tc.•s will be.· d1S<.·usst'd, a nd a film on ballet in the Soviet Umon will be shown Sunday at ~ p.m . tn Laguna Bt•m·h. * .• • Mt•lda Wik ox. Corml'I' S;m FrandSl'o Dance Co. owner, will makc• th t• prc.•st.•nt.ation a t S t. Mary's Ep1S<:opal Church c.·ommunity c.·c.•1\tc.·r, 428 Park .Ave. T ht• pu blic IS lnvit<'d , n donation is requested, and n •fn•sh m1•nts wrll bt• sc.·rved For m o re information. c.·<:ill 541:1 Yfi74. ~~~~~~~~~----1 .... ., ...... f ~ c.r.a. Art f41ipmeat: 0 Air Brushes --~ 0 Art Boxes 0 Bulletin Boards 0 Chair• ::J Compasse1 D Otaftlng Lamps 0 Dtafttng Seta 0 Otaftlng Tables For CLwirl«! Ad ACTION Call A DAILY I'll.OT AD-VISC>a M2·5'11 []Scissors 0 Slit< Screen Printing Kits [} Sketch Boxes [] Staplers 'J Stools , 0 Triangles C T-Squares LJ Vlnyl Letter. Books: :=J fine art ::: How to Books Fiae Arts:- 0 Clay and Sable, 0 Canvas Board 0 Charcoal Pencils and Sticks 0 Colored Pencils 0 Craft Paints 0 Mediums _i ~ Modeling Tcfol1 'J Oil Palntl "1 Palette Cups [j Palette Knives ~ Paper Stumps ..., Sand Paper Pads Spec ialty Papers ..., Stretched Canvas :: Watercolors , ......... , ..... , ..... J:~ 0 Acetate , ., C'laM1l1lil .Ad AC 'UON (.'•II A DAil V rt&.OT AO·VllOI .. ,...,. um1-.11c ..... r------t-----1 D..Chlna. Markers ::J Colored Inks 0 Ot. Martin's Dyes D Dusting Brushes 0 Gouache 0 Illustration Boards 0 lltdla Inks · 0 Otawlng Board1 0 Eraser• 0 Cr.-0w Quill Pens and Points C Olaposable Palettes 0 Lityout Pads 0 Leacjs --=:;;;;itlM D Lead Holders ~ 0 Lead Pointers 0 French Curve• 0 Glue 0 Magnifying Glasses 0 Opaque PTojector . 0 Paptt Cutter• 0 Parallel Tiit Board• 0 Pencil Sharpeners 0 Portfolios 0 PTesentatlon Book• 0 Printing Brayers 0 Reducing Glasses 0 Roto Tray 0 Ruler• ·. 0 Otawlng Pendle (soft -to ar 0 Easels :J MHonlte Sketch Board a 0 Collage ::J Gia•• and Back 0 Metal Section :J Ornate · 0 Markers ~Nibs :: PToportlonaJ Wh~els n Rubber Cement :J SpeedbaJI HQlders 0 Spray Adhesive ::J Tapes 0 Template• 0 Tracing Paper· 0 Transfer Type 0 Technlcal Pens 0 X·acto Knlve1 0 Paintings -ITPhoto Easel Back l.jj-ld~~I 0 Posters 0 PTlnta 0 Wood Section .. Get on our melllng lletl ~e back of coupon for de1alls ,,,,,...------------..... ,,,,,...------ ( ~0 0000000000 00 0 0 000000~ \ ( \ I I I I I I I I I ····1 1•• I I I I '-"'• , .... "", ... I ........ ~ I I I ,,, ........ • .. • t \ ,.... "' ~ <t W· ) ( ~Q·Q ~O oOmo'oO O o'o 0°0i~o'.~~ ) 82 Umll t coupon per cuttOfN! ......___ _______ _,,. l2B ·Aa.On Brothe~ Art · Marts Z911 S. Bristol St., Santa Ana 3 block• aortll of So•tla Coaet Plea•, oa ••• cor••r ef •rletol ••d .... Htro• -aero•• fro• 84tet Prod•cte. Store lao•re •r• 10-9 Mo•d•" tiara Frid•" ••d 10*6 8atarda.,.aad •-••"· r • CJr,1110" Coa~t DAl~Y f>ILOl/fr1doy 0 c 111bu1 3, 1982 7 flND TlllfflC HOllY VALUIS fOI IVllYONI AT Hibby l.b@sfi -BLM•ceD. Wslrcl c:natwne .......... aa.drC-e -tta• .aio• PIKW_.,.._c1. UDN&. ~: t , _,, 61ow-li-the~ IKCALI LHl,.._.JJll II• Tree =~531.99 ~ YARD BOSS TRAii SET SPECIALITY TOOLS TO EN- HANCE YOUR MODELING FUN Lithtw•itht, pow.rful Md ruwect hmnd tools th• opem1 on 12 ·voc. Greet for uee on vour bo.c ~ In the fleW where no 110 VAC is • NO PAINTING ·NO SANDING THE EZ WAY TO START R/C ev11l8ble. Drill otMWM• It 7 .000 RPM end ' The n-. uciting, •WV to fly EZ COMET is th• flStlSI end ••iest WIY tj> get into Redio Comrolt ThwTe irnothlnv-for-vou-10-bulld;- 11nd or p1int. All you need is ~ .19' -.25 engine, 1 3 ch1nnel redfo (not includedl ind ebout 2 hours of final euembly. Th• bright colo" ere 1141rm1n1ntly bonded into th• strong, 119htweight dd n, miking for • b .. ut· ifully finished •irplene. Spin-: 49 tn., ArH; 418 aq.in. will d rill .. umlnum to 1/1 In, TMte 1m1tler ,,..,.ions of the bill --l'•lt fM 1111 in rnod•llftll. They come with• 110VAC/12VDC conWf11f'-f~ ~ u• eod • hewy-·flm_..,___-1 pl85tic c~ DAILL ........ 1 JIG SAW •.•..• 1 CIRCULAR SAW . 1 SANDER •.•.•. 1 AC/DC CONVAT . 1 ·c·cLAMP ....• 1 JIG SAW BLADES 20 CHuCK KEY • • • 1 • DRILL BIT 1/8 in. 1 ALLEN WRENCH 1 SANDPAPER ... 10 TOOL BOX .... 1 LIST $ 124 99 LIST $157 .00 • $149.95 Oii rold car with 1 fully proportionel, S fun· ction redlo control ~Yrt•m, ch•'9int jldc, elr filled send t iqi;s for trectlon. 10 -12 MPH. (6 "C .. end 4 "AA~ betteries not Included). SAVE 5 7' · ~~~.99 559.99 ~et 16_9 .99 529.99 RADIO CONTROL GLIDER STARTER SET PO 11'1-:R POD!. :a I For •ntin• powered \Iii l1unc.hes. !.049 ~· ln1 not 1ncludedl. This Rldlo Comrol Gtidef St•rt•r Set is • l'llt way to .. t Into A/C. You get every· thifttl you nMd, lncludlftll the .. I fo•m Spirit of 76 gllchr (which only talc• 1 f-hours of simple -mblyl, • -11 " the A•ro Sport Two rldlo control .Yrt•m, which come1 with 2 MM>s, dry blttery box (bat· terles n.-lnctudedl, m.tel trMsmlt•r ~. frequency fl" end lnstructlOf's. Plus you 91t 1 FREE power pod fer .049 enelne leunchet (engine not Included). RETAIL VALUE 99.88 , $130.89 MOTO TOOL KIT (NO. 31011 oomw with moto tool Ind 40 -rles. plu1 you get I FRIE router lltldlment, 1 U0.30w .. u•I PT-19 GASPOWEAED TAAINEA Eeay to fty .049 .. powtr-9 U/oontrol , flleht trtl,,.r. Mede of ttront, llehtw.ltht plattlc. 22 Inch wine """'· VOU 'AV YOUR COST t11.M AFTER REBATE ~~~~.25 69.99 ~:~96 16.99 u .. -:.:~:R 14 9· 9 IUO e Shack: SALE PRICES OOODTHRU DEC 9. 1982 CC•,.1•r ef •at1•lller • 11111 CC•"'" er •• ,..._._ lo .. ,. nu r t111 lefl l'H.-l'Y) llH •IWtlJ. near tlll 1t1rttl ll4ff tANOlllU Cll(ll U41 tA~tOA tlVD . ~ (P141 •U· tHI ltlll ••1·1161 CNhr 1••11 1•111"1,_ '"• •n• '"'""II """'•IY> l tol f.o tlACH t lVD (1141 .. 4·1721 121Jl •47 U 74 (Cerner ef V•" ••"" •"• Artt"1ten 1111r tlle K·Mlft) 61U VAN"'""' tlVD . ,,. .. ,. ... ,,, a.,,.;,,E ,3~ STORE HOURS Mon thru Fri .• 10 • 9 Seturdey ...... 10 • I Sundty .....• -. 10 · 5 llOP 1-; IRI, YI omfl """' ON' in l1mi1t1J 1upplv. i\11 0 1011go Com~I DAii y PILOl/l rl<luy, UOCltfHlHH J , IOO:i' Our Super Hours are: •Saturday, 9:30 to 9:30 •Sunday, 10:00 to 7:00 · Here's a preview of our Super Values ... a .. few of the great buys you 'll find at Mervyn's this weekend only! _ . ... • 14kt. gold-the beautiful way to say "I love youn on Christmas! Mervyn·s has a temfrc selection of pendants. chains. pierced earrings. charms: 1 Okt. and 14kt. rings and other timeless pieces. Reg . 10.00-475.00, sale 4.99-237 ~49 The excitement of diamonds 10 lovely pendants, bracelets, earrings. men·s rrngs. bridal sets. solitaire and c"'ocktall rings 1n traditional or contemporary settings, including diamonds with other precious gems. Reg. 1!)0.00-1995.00. 74.99-997 .49 14kt. gold wedding bands. Reg'. 30.00-300.00, 14.99-14.9.99 All rn Mervyn's Fine Jewelry Department. Sate hm1ted to stock on hand Some 11lus1rat1ons may be enlarged to show detail Styles shown may very by store. Sorry, no custom orders . . Huntington Beach • 9811 Adam.s Ave. .. at Brookhurst St .. • 963-9731 . . '. , J .... ~ ·--..... 0 1ongo Coast DAIL¥ PILOT /frldtty, December 3, 1982 \ .. Have a SuJ:ler Saturday weekend, .with tw<;> days instead of one, 9 more st.lopping hours, addea convenience, easier 8rK1ng!-rnafs 'this-Satardciyand-Sa"ndar,Bec:-4-and-~·.----. -· --- • J FOR MEN 5.99 5.01 off 100% cotton flennel 1hirt1 1n bold plaids. All with chbst poekets. Men's sizes S-M·L·XL. Reg. 11 .00 Levi's• Saddlemen• Boot Jeana of rugged 100%. cotton denim. We have them In men's waist sizes 28-42. 12.99 ..... Hegger• or Fareh-FI••• 1lack1 with belt loops. Carefreepolyester In waist slzes 32-40. Reg. 22.00 and 24.00 2, ... 15.00 •~ off eotlve-f!ell 11""8 when you buy two. Polyester/cotton 1n sizes S-M·L-XL. Reg. 15.00 each, ule 7.89 5.99 Seve 4.01 on jersey• in football and baseball styles of soft. comfortable polyester/cotton. S-XL Reg. 10.00 14.99 Kel\J'ington• sweaters 1n v-neck or crew. striped or ski-look acrylic knit. In S-M·L-XL. Reg. 24.50 end 27.00 Pkg. o1 three briefs, teea, A·ahlrta of Kodel• polyester/cotton In sizes S-M·L-XL. Pkg. of three. reg. 7.00 • 7 .01 off Angela Fllghte •l•cka of comfortable. stretch polyester. Young men·s waist sizes 28 lo 36. Reg. 24.00 40°/o oft Dre11 ahlrta of polyester/cotton 1n solids or patterns 14 'h· 17 regular flt. Reg. 10 00 and 12.00, 5.99 and 7.20 1/3 oft Brooka• jog 1hoe1 of nylon/sued.e. Men's sizes 6'/t-11, 12; women's plzes 5-9. 10. Reg 25.00-37.00, 11.W-24.et FOR BOYS 3.99 3.00 off Rev 'Fm up•· racers that need no batteries. Buy now and save, put them away tor g1v1ng Reg. 6.99 ;;;;-·-- Toys not in Fremont 7.99 50% off Huk·A·Poo• velours with long ~reeves. v-neck. S-M-L-XL fits 8-20.·Collon/polyester. Reg. 16.00 6.01 off Levr a• 701 Jeana of cotton denim that shrinks to a great fit Student waists ?5 to 32. Reg. 20.00 1·2.01. oft Ski jecketa m sizes 4-7 and S-M-L-XL that fit 8-18 Some zip-off sleeves. Reg 30.00. 32.00, 17.99 end 19.99 Print teea m S-M-L-XL Reg. 5.50 each. 3.19 Sizes 4-7, not shown, reg. 4.50 each. ~5.00, 2.11 ea. Maternity tops or p•nta In many styles and fabrics. Tops In S-M-L or \ 6·16 Pants ln·6-16. Aeg.10.00·13.po Prices effective Saturday. Dec. 4. and Sunday. Dec. 5 only. Shop Sat\.lrday 9:30 to 9:30 •Sunday 10:00 to 7:00 We accept Mervyn·• Charge. M11terCerd end VIH. 50°/o oft Junior alze jackets in pophn or chintz polyester/cotton. S-M-L. Coat Dept. Reg 50.00. 58 00, 24.ff.end ~8.99 9.01 off Levr a• Bend Ove(* Penta of comfortable stretch polyester. Sizes 6-16 short, 8-18 average. Reg. 25.00 Levrae Bend Over• Mates blouses In soJfd or print polyester. Sizes 8-18. Reg. 30 00-32.00. aele 11.19-21.99 .- Plush velours IQ many styles and colors Cotton/polyester Misses· s:zes S-M·L. Reg. 22.00' and. 24.00 2111.00 -- 50% off cowls. when you buy two Knit acrylic in sohds or stripes Junior sizes S-M-L. Reg. 11 00 each, 5.79 2/12.00 Fleece H peretea 1n sizes S-M-L Pick drawstring pant, crew or v-neck sweatshirts. Reg. 10.00 each. 8.29 Large size blazers of drHsy cotton velveteen or sporty corduroy. Sizea f 38-44, Reg. 50.00-58.00. 34."·31.20. 14.99 10.01 off two-piece 1wHt1hlrt set. Acrylic/polyester top and bottom, S- M·L In Loungewear Reg. 25.00 2/10.00 50% off flennel gown• and,pj'a when you buy two 1 OOo/o cotton 1n. sizesft 34·40 Reg. 10.00 each. 5.29 2/7.00 50% off women's legwarmera when you buy two. Lots of colors. One size fits 9.11 Reg. 7 .00 each, aale 3.69 3.01 off cHual handbags of"nyton or canvas. All ltghtwe1ght with roomy, multiple compartments. Reg. 8.00 Heelth·te•• m newborn and infant sizes :!-9 and 12-24 mos . toddler sizes 2-3-4. g1r1s· sizes 4-6X and 7:14. You'll find pantsets. dresses. tops, overalls and pants 1n many styles and colors Reg 5 50-23 00. 3.66-15.33 1/3 oft · Girls' jean1 1n sizes 4.6.)E.and 7-14 Cottoa or polyester/cotton denim Reg 8 00 and 12 00. 5.33 and 7 .H 500/o oft Girls· turtlenecks when you buy two Acrylic stripes, sollds Reg. 6.00. 7.00. 3.11 and 3.11or218.00 •nd 2/1.00 8.99 3.01 off girla' jamer-alla 1n\s1zes 4-14 Choose colorful prints and1more,. . many with ~a7e trims Reg. 10.00 .3.01 cff toddlers' blanket sleepers 1n sizes 1-4. Polyester with fun print zip. front and non-skid soles Reg. 10.00 Mervyn'• dispoaabl• diapers In daytime. extra-absorbent or toddlet Pkgs 40·60. reg 6 50-6 75 pkg., 5.29 Newborn. reg 5.50 pkg .. 4.79, 2/1.00 FOR THE HOME 3.99 ... ., .... d --Oacron Hollofil 808 plllowa tn standard, quee~ king Polyester filled cotton/polyester Reg.].00 to 9.00 17.99 ... ., .... Special purch~H bedspreads in twin through king sizes. Shop early. because our quan1ties are limited. Hillary sheets, reg 6 00 each. 2.11 Quantities over six, 3 99 each. Other sizes. reg 6 50-15 00. 5.49·12.99 89° ..... Ultrelo tt., yern: 3 11 oz ,.4-ply skeins lor crocheting and knlltmg. Choice ol many lovely colors Reg. 1.10 skein lrreguler kitchen towels. Tiny flaws won't affect wear. Cotton/polyester. L1m11ed quantity Special purchHe ~·--tw-·~~:~ P--·~,e 2/4.00Melt .... Irregular Sent• Crua towels, 2.ot .. ch. Limited qu•ntify, Hand. 1.75; washclolh. 1.15 Specie! purcheH .. / ... I ' ... ~Laguna Biach---o_,_,_,,_1u_c_o_11a_1ro_A_11_v_r_11_0_1_,_,_''-"-·'v_._,_)1_·•_,._,,_,1_11_"_'·-'-''":"a_2 ______________ "'T" ____ ..: .. ::;;.. __________ ~-----:....-...::~-- • ,---------•COUPON•--------, Sycamor trip r ~Jz/·fir/~ /;;r --r/t .., ........ a.-.-=-1 IRVINE RANCH ·MARKET ANNOUNCES I set Saturday ~!!L.Jf(' t,,ll :::....-=::-..:-::...~ I 1982 I d.'w·~"d',, ... ~ ............ , ......... ~ .... , --rC,(f!Of?S =~:.':" I CHRISTMAS TREES I ..,,,, tloo S61u1cl.1v, ,11111 1111 • 11ly 1i 111111·1l ~11.~,,~,,~,,~ .• 1~,.~,1~~~~~~~ ~~~ -·~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11·:-.1dl•t1b ltl ;1tlt·11d "coa:J ,.•111\)A HUSl'loo \\:111 d1 ·p.11 l ut 10 .11111 10 .\II "Ill 1111111 sou\: ~l ~e (" "N"·r·"'~\f(lflt4I I l'11y Hall 111 t.1k1· 111tl'l'l')oo1t•tl 11·)oo11 h•11h t1• :·h1·.i111m1• G ~-~ (1 ri.tl •· I Hii'l)o, 111 l .11g1111.1 (.':1ny1111 lur 11 111111 111 1111 · '1'1•111t• . • '" ~ii <.:.'\\(I ,., " ~c lu1:al11111 wh1d1 1s 11w·1111dly dt1loo1·d lo lho• puhlio ~ .,, ,. • -------• ~ I Ht•sidl•nL-.. wall lw, abt.· 111 h1k1· uml p11·11w 1111 \Ill' o.-,\\l~I 1.ll.,.i(ll -------• -.... I l'llY µun•t>I. 'l'lwy will lwar 11 pn•s1•111a111m 1111 pl.1t1loo ~ l'.l 1111' a frl•cway .111d a 111:1.JOI' llllll)oolflg d1·vl'lop1111•1ll -ir\\,,c~ I ph.111111.'{I for I Ill' 1·any1111 .11·1·u '\ Ge\ Q\ I City off1t•tab will dl'ol'US.'o till' )oolalU)oo ol pl.11111111g _.,.~t. -G' \' • "G~ s\ l'l"forts for tlw piopo:-.1'\I I~ la111· Sa11 Joaqu111 llllll> -~ A\Se 1'7-1' -.J\\..\.. I 1ra11s portat11111 l·111111l111 , wh1l'h "ill l""''t'l th1• ,.oo"tf>ft _ "°'l'.l(\U Ql'S\ "\.. I LOT OPEN DEC. 4th thru DEC. 20th By Popular Demand • • TREE DRILLING • _METAL WATER STANDS • GROWER ON rREMISES • FLOCKING :>:!:!-an·1·<.'1ty prop1·•t) . out4~ --t..tte{C''"° ou'"°'c ___....-------- Th1•y will .ah.o dl'ol'Uloo:. 1h1· lrv11w l'ompany':. ,... \"' p.\..\.. $ · I $300 µroµo:.<il w d1·v1•l11p up to :1,1i0n dw1•U111i.: units, <1 GooO '~ • I OFF ANY TRE.E gulf t'Our:-.t'. h1111•l .111d 11tlwr l.1nli111·' 1111 propl'l lY .u..lpt·1·nt 111 S~·1am11n· I !db I Thosi• who do 1111t \\ "'h lo 1.1k1• tlw hUloot'loo mav dnvc oul Ill Syn1111on · l lllb (tlll Lagu11..1 Canyon •• • w1·th Th··~ C~upon Hoad north uf thl' 111t1•rM'C.'ll011 \\'Ith El Toro Jio<Jd.) Pock ... ""'" •• ,........... LA TEST SCOOP Services slate d for Leo Larkin Hus ary will b1• r1·1·111•d at Ml'l'orr111t·k Murtuary tonight for Ion}.! tinw Lugun.111 Lt•u LOUIS Larkin, who dwd W1•1liw)o,dav lh· \\'a)oo 70 Lark111 , ci fornwr pl u111lwr a1;d ln1rh•111fr1:.. dH•d at South Coast Ml'<ilt·al C1•11u·r 111 Suuth Laguna of t·ann•r Rosary will Ul' :.aul a\ 7 o't•l1wk ;Jt thl' mortu~ry. Fum·r~I M·rVll'l'S will b.· lwld al 11 a.m. Saturday at S t Cathunm·s Calh11ht· Chapl'I. · Born m Cl111tun, lm.va. Lar k111 m11v1•d to Laguna &•ad1 111 I ~} Iii ,ind Wot kt'C..l lur .1 s.mli1 Ana-baSt'd plumbmg firm He "''-" abo ..a b,11h·mll-1. w111k1ng ;cl 1h1· Whll<' HouM« n 'Staurn11l ,111tl ,1t pnvatt µ.ntll'S Larkm wa:. a n wmlx·r ol th1· ltll.JI Lmn's Club and Holary Club and \\ ,.., thl· l111g111;Ji _fnanagt>r for Laguna')\ Llllh Lt·agul· program He is sur\11vl'd hv h1' wtf1· \'1·rlt" of tht fami ly humt', son)\ Tt•rry, o f Nt·w Jl0r)oo1•:-, .1ml Lt•o "Butl'h" Larkrn. of Hamona. lhH•t• b111tlwn.. a srstl'r, and 11 grandt·hildn·n. Tht• ·f;1111ily n ·qu1•)oou. d1111.1t11m-; bl· m:idl· to thl• Amt•nt·an Cnnt«r StK'l<'lY • TRAILER PARK . . .. From Page A2 concrete sea wall to thl' full und part-t im(• residents of tht• park "We've gut our w ork t·ut out for U)oo." :.<11d Flanagan, a 20-yC'ar resident o f El Morru "This won't hf> thl' lust !-lorrn of th<· ...c•a"°n .. Santa For WEEK AFTER WEEK- We make each day a treat! BUY ONE - AMERICA'S GET ONE FREE FRESHEST ICE CREAM "1/ .EVERY MOIDAY-TONl'S Starl Your W~l!k W1lh lon1's 1Sp11nktes rnconul crunch. ell > Buy I and Gel I FRll EVERY TUESDAY ICE CREAM I FUDGE PIES 1 ry Our Pump~in. lu·no1• & Mdny Olht>r 11.wor~ Buy I and Gel I FRll I EVERY WEDIESDAY SUIDlES Wednesday Is Sundae Buy I and ~et I Fall EYERJ THURSDAY DELUXE SUIDlY llllER Wt feature top quality ict cream The perlect snack • products-m1dt fresh daily on premises 10 serve during • the ~11t.d iys • SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on •II volume ordert for 1peclal affair• and organlzatlon1 · Buy I ~ gel I ntll . Ei!iiii!iiiiii c CVUlei t:9a c/IR.alm J>1o1a. !iiiiii!!!!iii!iii!!!!ll. HUNTINGTON .,lACH HUNTINGTON HACH ' (NORTH) (SOUTH) L~•y t Sua<t•m••kel Centin N,.,.1uno Cen!f!llAlpha Be•• Supe<markel 16~76 Boise Chiu'" M•lll 19694 Beach Blvd ,., AdotmSI -840-1370 964-5553 STANTON V•ll•g• Cenle<I RllPh s Su~1m&1kt1 l2IKMI BM"' °'"" 111 Otrdftn Oro•• 81.a I 894-4789 aANCHO MlaAGE Rancho us P•lfn•• Sh()j)plng <Atlle< VOM Sv~ma<~al 42-390 9ot> Hope o. ... (619) 568.2277 LAGUNA HILLS Lagun• !'•Its Plan/ Vona Sul>efm••kel 24118 l All''• Parkway I J< 859.6088 Would you like to join our 1rowin1 fa~ily of C'a!Ulei ~store ~wners? ~ OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABL£ IN TH£S[ LOCATIONS •'u"•r~Jd•~l"Pl•l 1 O..•,ta•~• t h !f•Rtd1AN1,•l1 H1bo •[1eond Jo•C•ltltdt• C.t,•O,..~t H<>t Spi111as•llto1um ~t •R •tr~tClt•S1n ~ro..is FoF franchise Information concerning prime areas . throughout Orange. Riverside, San Bernardino and San Diego counties call: 714/545-8111 Carolers Wanted Your Party 1--------------- The real Sauu;i.........,"1.1.J.~~-•-•!!!!!!!!~ .............. ~ .............................. .. Help the Marine Corps' Toys for Tots drive by caroling at Huntington Center. Phone 897 -2533. Huntington Center will .bring cheer to your home or office. Call 897 -2533-. Early Bird Dinner Specials -BE&F R-IB DINNER $5.95 Includes Soup or Salad Baked Potato & Corn on Cob also Pacific Red Snapper Prime Rib 57.95 DAILY S to 7 •·•· &J~,O<t:,/ ~ ~1-1762 lVISDO\\' l~\SlllONS CUSTOM DRAPERIES ETC. . ... FOR YOUR NEW OUTLOOK 40~ SALE 60cro 10-DAY SERVICE GUARANTEm WORKMANSHf Frn Horne Es~1tes -Custom Draperies -Levelor Bllnds -Vertlcle Blinds -Woven Woods . Ill At ........... Prltnl ' . . COPRE' CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GRADES K-6 • Small Classes- • Academic Kindergarten • Proven Academic Excellence • Oceanography -Music -French • Accelerated Reading and Math Programs In All Grades • New and Inventive Ways of Schedulrng and Seating Design • Emphasis on the Understanding o f the Necessity for Order and Discipline In All Areas Of Life. • Designed To Prepare Students For College Prep Secondary Schools - • Average and Above Average Students (Recent Nationwide Testing Shows N.C. Students Testing In Highest Possible Grouping) Parent Orientation for ••II (Sept. 1983) reglatr•tlon to be held on Mond•y, Dec. e, 1982 •t 7:00 p.m. (1 hour). Students will be tested on Saturday, Dec. 11. 1982 Parent Orientation required before student Is tested. , Phone for. further Information and location. . :190 23rd ST., COST A MESA 645'-4353 OWNED AND OPERATED BY NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL (ACCREDITED) . . Local. county. state. national and international events come to your doorstep ll•ly ,.,_, in the bright . light and lively I I •I EST ATE AUC'llON Bronze• Jewelry Cry•tel• Collectlble• Friday & Saturday evening ~ December 4 & 5 at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. .. for ln•pectlon ~ _,,,_.,~ \\0(\ &\ &\)~o\) I ~\(\g ~~~ 1~0 0 6\) :\,,s. 0 ~ .. "' ~ . ~ ' ~\ ~·\'>) $1 ,000,000 WORTH OF ~Y.' ~ te\• JEWELA~ -Art Glass -0 Object d-Art -Louis lcart Etchings - Porcelain Figures -Stgned Remington and Russel l:)ronzes -Persian & Oriental Rugs -Max Karp Enamel on Copper Paintings - 18th, 19th & 20th Century Oils' -Sliver Coffee and Tea Sets. Furniture and much more. La Jolla-Newport Auction Galleries , ... Southern California'~ M~t PT•llglOus Auction Gallery . I 2542 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach, CA. 92683 MasterCard · • (714) 631-8807 Vf~heck , Hour•: 1()..4 Fri. a Sat~ (upon verification) • w111 accept one Item or entire estates for •ucllon f EXECUTIVE SUITES ON SALE NOW AT VON REMERT'S For a limited time save 20/30/~ on quality executive office furniture. Such outstanding manufacturers as Cal Mode. Studio K, Alex Stuart, Custom Craft and much more ready for immediate delivery. Start the New Year right with an office you can be proud of, and at substantial savings. All leather desk chairs at 25°/o off. ... ' ., , . • COITA MllA , ... Nlwpoft .... ,,,.1.., 20IO ~free interior design service end installation. lnlerior ~119n1 l o 5«11f" You ; ALL ITC>f'H 0NN MONDAY THl'U SATU"DAV -t AM TO S :Ill, .. ' ______________ _...._.,,..,,_...._..., __ ~,.......~---~------------·-___ ,___ ---... -• O!!!i 'F":--~---..... .. • tn ave· ·for .sp~c· week's Sun • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 3, 1982 'i\11 offer ·Lfpaper. •Al ; NOw SOFT PACK FILTER lOO's: 2 mg. "tar''.'0.2 mg. nicotine. BRIGHT: 7 mg. "tar", 0.5 mg. nicotine, SALEM SUM LIGHTS lOO's: 8 mg. "tar. o:s mg. nicotine. MORE LIGHTS lOO's FILTER: 8 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine, SALEM KING: 17 mg: "tar", 1.2 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette by FTC method; CAMEL LIGHTS: 8 mg. "tar", 0.7 mg. nicotine. VANTAGE FILTER: 9 mg. "tar". 0.7 mg. nicotine, WINSTON KING: 15 mg. "tar", 1.1 mg. nicotine, av. per cigarette. FTC Report DEC. '81. ,, : <I" ., . Warning : The s·urgeon Gena.rel Has Determined That Cigarattt Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. . I . -. [ I ' .I . ' 1\12 L Di ff ere n ee of opinion not valid r ecalL,basi s · A dh;gruntll'd purcnts grnu p 111 J<'ountain Vullt·y. 1w1.·k1ng to rl'movt.• thn•l· trus tt.•t.•s from t lw sl'hool board. appt•ars to havt• l'Oll{!(:ted suffll'll'll" signatun·s to forn· a n.-ca ll 1.·ll'(.'!1011 II 11 wkt•s pla<:e, it Will l'USl tlw sdrnol d1strn·t about $25.00ll That would lw unforlunall' al a llmt· wht•n tlw Fountain V:illt•v d1stnl'l, Ilk<• most others. IS ha~1 ng ltS r1nanl'lal problems. The organiwtson l'alhng 1ts<·lt the Comm1tt1.'l' /\d vt>l·au ng Hes p o ns1blt-Edu<.·auon (CAHE) was formed 1.·arli1.·r t}rn. YNU' by parents who d1sagn•<'d with th<· sehool board's plan to t·rc•all• a middle school system (grades s1x through eight) and tu dos<' four S(.:hools OVl'I' tht.• m•x t four yt.·ars due to dedining <'nro llnwnt. Sonw ·objected to tht.• school l'losurt.•s. others didn't like• tht.• middle s<:hool idea. But mt•n • difft.•rcnl't.'S of opinion a rc nut a su ffidt.•n t basis for recall. That n •quires proof of rnisfeasanC'l' or ma) fc•asan<.·c• in office. So in rt.•t·cnt months tht.• group has t·xpandl'd "\ts <:Ont'L'rns by charging the trus tees and district administrators with f1st·al mismanagement and la<:k of cor\cern for the 1nlen•s1s of pa~ ThC' f1sn1I nrn;managenwnl charge was bas(•d on examina tion of district re<:ords, whu:h was 'followed by d1stnbu11on o f a "F riL't S h eet" to wh1t.·h the di s t rict replied by issuing a "F'al'I S hl•t•t" of its own. Distrkt off1cwls and trus t(•es L' o n t C' n d l h I' C A R E g r o u p 111 I s I ll i l ' I' p I' l 1 l t. cl a p p ;1 I' l ' n l d1M·n•µrnwit·~ 111 tht.• but~ks unct fall1·d to s l•t•k any qunlifiNi t•xplan;1tiun uf th1.· ·f 1nunt•1ul l'C'l'Ol'dS. ThL· grouµ faill·d to curWll\t.'t• tlw On.mgc County Dt.•µartment of Edut'ation. whkh <:hanne ls state morwy lo loc·al sch ools. of any f111am·1al impruprit•tit.•s. Ami nonC' Wt•rt• dL•lC'<.'lL'd by an indCJX'ndt.•nt auditor hin'<I by tht.> district. NonC'thC'lt.•ss. CARE appears to have sucl'eed~d in collecting s ufficient signatures -at least 6,200 on separate petitions for each rc•call target, to set the rC'Call prol'ess in motio n . L eaders say they have surpassc.'<i tbe minimum in each C'asc by 400 O( 500 s1gnatun.'s. If the signatures s urvive a :30-day c hel·k to 'determine that each bt•longs to a registered voter in the SL'hool district, a recall election must Ix• called. Unfortunately, the trustees -appear to havt· underestimated the artluunt of discontent in thl' sc·hool district and the determination of thl' recall group. Their strategy was to maintain a low -key a pproa<:h and !)ope this recall, like others before it. might just blow uvl'r. In retros~t they admit it might have been wiser to be more vocal in de fending themselves. The re may be a lesson here. We said earlier that this rec·all appeart.•d unjustified. It still does. But 1( an election is ordered. the re shoulp be an L'ffort on both sides to steer clear of ret-rimination and aim at getting to the truth behind the chargt.>s leveled by CAHE. Legal aid funding The pour quilt.· often I met t h e m selves 111 m ·t·cl o f ll'gal ::i1 d a lmost as muc h a s m edica l assistance. But ll'gal advi<'t' {'OSts money many cannot afford That 's why the Orange County Legal Aid Slx:icty can fill a real need if pro p erly managed. In the past. it has too oft.en become involved in controversial class a c tion s uits. u s uall~ pertaining to the need for low- and moderate -income hous ing, and frequt>ntl y targ<'t1ng as defendant. the· verv county from which· it receives f1nancia 1 s upport through revenuc-sharmg funds. Count y .s upervi so r s. understandably, have r aised objections to the con ce pt o f funding an agency that is goin g to turn around and sue them. But the supervisors last wcPk voted to fund the legal aid group through September 1Y8:i with S Ui0 .72-l 1n n •vt•nut·-sh:iring funds. The approval .i.:;:ime after Legal Aid Society director Robert Cohen assured the board that none of the money funneled thro ugh the county would be used to pay for lawsuits against the county or its C'lllCS. That most certainly s hould '?e a cond1t1on of continued funding. The society can find ple nty of opportunity to use the funds to provide individual legal services f o r the p oo r . family law co ~-5,:-~_l_i n g a n d other ne1g':_~ legal services. These are useful and needed. Suits fil e d against cities and counties in an effort to promote affordable housing -in which the taxpayer s are literally paying to· havt.> themselves sued -ar c not. Op inions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invit· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P 0 . Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. • L .M. B oyd /Tipping Do you hkt· to lc·avt• vour own lip rn a restaurant, or would you pn·frr that the house simply add <J 15 -pt•rct.•nt service chargt.' onw tlw l ht1:k'' Wht•n pollsters askt'Cl <1round. lhrv ll•<Jrnt'<I the majority of Pl'Oplt• wantt·d tu handle that lipping tht•mst•lvt-s Men who'vt· und1.•rgont· '>t'X <:hang<• operations to bet·omt· wnrrwn IC'll researchers, typit·all y, aflt•r surgury they earn lt•l>s mom•y thiln thl•y'd previously carnt·d In 1981. morl• than 100.000 Polt·s took trips outs ide o f P oland And 25.000 of them didn't go back. . Only one drivt.•r in :m carril.'s gloves in the car's glove compartrrwnt Q. Are therl' any real fjords on th(• Atlantic Coast of the Un1t<'Cl Statl>s'! A . Only on<.'. Soml'S Sound It spli ts Mount Desert Island for six m1it•s rn Maine's Acadia Nauonal Park You've read about ACadra Natio nal Park Gadillac MounUJrn 1s then' Its lop 1s \ the place m the Uniwd S t:iW!. that gets the rirst sun rays C'VC'ry day Q . What o ne c hurc h o f tht• Christian faith has the largest srngl<.' congregation? A. The Full Gospel Central Church in Seoul, South Korea. with 200,000 members. I OR ANGE COAST Daily Pila\ f' Plllllltlltf ,...,, Nf .. tl'lt '"' at UO Wttl ta, \I C-.t• -.. -~· t .. tt\llOf'Otn(t IO h o 1~ ,_,,.-.., CAfltlt Q What'~ th<' most popular .street name' in lhC' c-ountrv? A Park · Item No 467C rn our Love and War man's ftlC' lalx•lt•d "lnhde hty" 1s a s1mpi<· fat·t gl('anro from decades ~f ma trimonial res earch. To wit. It IS almost rnvar1ably more d1rf1cult for a husband than for a w1fr· LO recover after lt.•arning that tht.• spouse has hecn unfaithful Say you eat two glazed doughnuts for breakfas t. For lunch, a hotdog with sauerkraut. mus tijrd and frcnch fries. 'For dinner a pepperoni pizza plus a soda. And before bedtime, some potato chips and a scoop or two of ice cream. This is said to be the typical daily JUnk food diet. You can eXpN.'t to Sp<'nd 23 years of your hfc rn lx'CI. say th«' statisllt•rans. Q. Where's that beach only for fat ladies -Florida or California? A . Know o f nonesu ch lni this country. However. a private beach near Torremolinos, Spain. was restricted to bverweight women some yPars ago , and it was highly suet·essful. Th eor y was the overweight have a dandy time on the beach together, but get depressed in the presence of i;tim bJklni types. •Thoma• P. Holey Pub11\ll*' .Jone Amari t•.Clll••t tO.IOt ...... ecr.IWch f d.totl(lf '• (O.tOt -- Interest law sparks -protest Junt· js a dist.ant seven months uwuy, bUl Whl'n it Cornes there will be millions of Anwril-ans with short memory and shurll.:r fuSC' -who will not like July 1. I 98:!. On that day, the day Congrt.>ss dt.><·re<'d in lat<' St•ptember in. its hunt fur unudows to thL• growing national budgPt d t•f1 c1t. the.• hanks. savings a nd louns t•omp;in1t-i.. broke rage firm~ and t'rt'<lit unum., will start withholdrng IQ .. p(-rt•l•nt of rnl<'r<'sl and d1v1dl•nd payments lo all rnd 1 v~d ua ts. And 1f you arc on pension -payment, the S<imt• uppl1<.'S. IT WAS ANOTHER Layer in the m•w tax law to dredge up a few billion dollars that a majority of Congress felt might now be.• going down the drain through non r<'porting It got by with lht.' minimum of sc·rt•ams, but o nct.· thl' c:ollcctmg starts there will be massive protest, The thqft institutions and banks protcstL>d for years against another cxpensivl· and cumbersome withholding gimmick. Som~ individuals, prindpally the rc tirNI eldC'rlv who exist off dividends and inte rest. Joined rn the fight. But thc•y Jost ... Now tht'rL• is a little known name' in the House of Representatives -Rep. Norman E. D'Amours. 0-N.H -who. as a member of the House Banking, Frnant·<• and Urban Affairs Committee, is seeking to gen sufficient support to repeal th<' withholding provisions. So far. he has gathered upwards of 70 namc:. to his bill and if he wins his uphill fight he• will lx'Come a national hero to a Int ol 111sl1tutions and individuals. Tu ww thrift instllulion offidal it is "'a dust.•mJly and unne<•e•s.<wry device" that will only bnng on another enormously t•ostly admmistrullVl' t'Xp<'nSl', both to "~ '[l; ,· c-ffl_IX_l_cl_ll_liH_T _4§1_- 1>r1 vat.l' sources and the federal ~ov<•rnnwnt The nwre admi111strat1on of 11 mak<~ vou talk rn billion~ and the ll"<lt•ral Treasury estimat«.'s it will bnng rn 'only $4 b1ll1on The Aml'rtl·an f1nanc.·1a l industry arguc•d to Congr<.•ss be-for<· 1t~ passagt.· that i.tarlup and :ldmimstrat1ve c.u.ts for a wllhhuldmg system o f all dividends and interest paymc>nts wo uld come to nC'arly $:3 billion in the first yc<Jr. No one really knows thL• a dditional cost to fl•dl•ral bullkkt-epmg. Thc> U.S. Treasury counters with thC' contt.•ntiem thu~ thc•re would b<.• "soml' compensation" for finanl'ial institutions Tht•y propose• to allow mst1tullons tu kt.'<.'p tlw w1thhc•ld monies for up to JU days on a one-time basis to help defray costs o f establishing with holding pron•durl's, say:. Tht• Washington Report And some• of thc> small.<•r 1nst1tut1ons l'OUld kc<.•p the money for two l<> thrt•t• months But. urgut• thC' rnstituuons, uSt· of the mom•y lui :.hon p1.•r1o<h will not cover th1•1r sl~1rlUIJ und 1·emt1nu111g l'OSts. The suvingi., and l11a1)l'. :ilom'. t•s11mt1tl' it would l'O:.I $·1ar, rn1ll11m to ~(t't swrtr-d , w11h an11uul l1ex1kkt•t•prng l'O!>lS of $:i25 m1lhvil , Iluw ab11ut tht• snd1v1duub'---the rt'<'1p11·nt., ul lht• d1v1dt·nd ancf lntcrt.-sl p~aynwnl!>" Thl·y mu-.t 1nd1v1cluall~ <1pply to the Tn•u!.ury fo1 n ·fund puyrnt.•nLo; off their rnm nw t•i> .. t·l> a 1·0 .... tly and lx'fuddling thing, fm th<' c·ld1.·rly And, opponents ~av. tlw whole• proc·N tu11• to bring an~1lht•r $I l11llwn or .,,, tu the US. Trt•a .... ury "Ill dJmpl·n th<· savings llll'l·n\l\IL• Ht'i> D'Amuuri-. rn a blankN letter lo all nwmht•1·., or the• I low.t'. says Internal He•vt·nut• Si•rv1t·1· .... tudll'., show that it is unlll'l't•i.:-.:ary tn UM' withholdi ng lo c·nfrnu· tJxpuyl'r t•ompliam•t.• rn reporling d1vHJt.nd and 1ntt•fl•l>I p;.aynwnts. H E F U RT II B R t· o rH l' n d s t ha l t:xp;.indt·d 1nform;,11mn n •portrng by a ll lhC' fin:inl'iul 1n~t1tut111ns "would be -;u fftc.·1t•111 111 h1•I p I HS mllt'l'l taxes on d1vl<.h•nd., <rnd 1ntc·rcsts Thi! tax law alno;HJy .1uthoriz<•s I RS to require c·xp<i n<kcl rt•pc>rting " Tlw Trc.·usury Ot.~par 1nwnl replies that w1lhhold1nij is thl· only way to go to prod dt·hnqut·nt t.oxp;_lyers Maybe so, but the·rc· s hould bt• a loud burst of support 101 Mr D'Amuurs. who thinks thc•rc· drt :.till honC'St folk and we don't lll't·d mor<· n·gu la lion, mun• billions. m ore pJpt.•rwork t o t•nfo r ce lax c·ollt'l l 1on-. !' ' Continuing educa~ion value doubtful When the Legislature authorized various professional and vocational rt•gulalory boards to impose contrnuing education as a requirement for license r enewal 11 was argued that s uch programs would raise the competcm:e of licensees. t'Ould m<'<'t the require ments by takrng a t.'Ours<: in l(CriatrK-s Furth<>rmorl', some have contended that the n~qu1rements have resulted in shortages in somc fields. cspel'ially the nurses. by reason of the fact that thOSt' r . Accordingly such requirements wcrt.• adopted for physidans and sur geons. nurses. pharmacists. dl.'ntists, accountants and even barber rns lructors and pest control operato~. · IARl WATERS · SINCE THEN licensees covert.'d by these regulations have been requsrro to show evidence of having taken ('(}Urse& P.Urportedly expanding their knowlroge o f their professions prior to renewing their state licenses, usually every two years. But there has been criticism of the&• programs Crom within and without the pr0Ccss1ons. Some of this has bee n drrectro at the fact that often thl.' l'OUrsc>s taken have no relationship to the field rn which the licensees prac~1ce. Fur example.'. a pediatric nurse or doctor. temporarily leaving their professions haven't bothered lo take the required ('OUrses and therefore have been barred from returning to work Taking not<.' of the complaints and problems wh1('h have arisen by reason of the CE rt'qu1rl'ments, ·the Legislative Analyst corlll'r this year asked the Legislature to order a s tudy by thl' Department of Consumer Affairs as lo the cffcc.'llvencss. <'OSL<; and benefits o( the CE programs. ruid report back to the Legislature. That rePort was due NO¥. 15 Trace these family trees There 1s an old saying that "the apple doesn't fa ll far from t,lle tr~," but in some <.'ases it .Jalls so far that you wouldn't know it came from an apple tre(". In today's ,quiz. you arc asked to name the famous persons who will be I ti notary public, and his mother was a )X'as;rnt girl. 6 1'hl' father of this immortal English poN was a livery-stable keeper who t'Ould scarcely read or write. 7 The father of this statesman and • 1sc1entist (who left school at the age of 10) wus a tallow chandl r and soapmakcr. ·-~v . SYllfY HAllll ~·::_ 8 Thi.' Cather of this rC'volutionary teodc•r (who spl'lll five years 1n a ..;...________________ thC'olog1cal seminary s tudying for the 1dl.'ntified only by their Cathe r s ' CX'CUp<illons or professions. To bt' fair. I have sell.'cll'd onlv unusual or un('Xpl'Cted de!ICCnt.c; In th<' fom1ty tr('('. I Thl' father of this world-'8mous auth<fr was a professional <.'nckct ploycr 2. The fotht•r of this nott'(I playwright was a popular stage actor who had no formal t.'liuC'ation whaL'l()('VC'r . 3 'Thr fnthcr of this rcnownc"d cn\t•rtolnt'r wll,; thl' fir11t rohbl In Applt•ton .. \\!is. 4. The father of thill great philosopher wall a ICUlptor. and hh mother was a midwife (Cl~· H~ C()Mpared hta own work LO midwlfc-ry.) 5 . The father o ,. this nrtlst und Inventor. who was bd'm 11lc•Jelt1rnatC', wn. prlC'Sthood) was a shoemaker. 9 The foth1•r of th1!< noted Amerit.•an nuthor wos o ship's c·aplllrn (Clue~ Ht• spelt his nanw d1rfl•rc.•ntly from his son ) 10. Tht> falhl•r of this l'mincnt puinwr wos a bankL'r I 1. Th t' rat h l' r o f 1 h lls po(? u I :i 1' romontk c•lassit.'ul t•mnpww1· .wa~ n mining cml(mccr 12. Tht• futhl'r of this avwtor was a U.S. t•ongrt•ssmnn and co t1d tJ atc• for gov('rnor of Minnc•!IOlll. ANSWERS: l. 11.G. Wells. 2. Eugt•nc o·N~ill. 3. Houdini. the maalctan. 4. Socr4itt-s. 5. Leonardo 0. Vinci. 6. John Keata. 7. &njllmln Fr•nldin. 8. Joeeph Stalin. 8 Nathaniel Hawthorne. who 1,..xplic•bly added a "w" to hla family name. 10. P•ul Cl'zannl' 11 . TIK'halkovsky 12. Charles A Lindberah. but inMdl• s<JUrt'l'!> now say it won't be ready bt•for"' lhl' year's end -----"'"'! ln S{'(lking the· study th(' Legislative analys t n·portt'd that a survey of the agencies with CE programs revealed signH1t·ant d1str<·panL'1c·s among the agc•nc1<'S regarding sut·h fa<'lors as hour and course rt•qu1rl'mt•nt..<;, C('rtification proc.'<.'CJurcs. <'OSts and administration of the programs. "Further ," he told lhe Legislatur<'. "wt• were unable t o identify any information which demonstrates that CE has cauS<'d the compctcnct' of licensees to be h1ghc•r than it would otherwise ha'{e be<'n. or that the benefits of CE justify the L'OSlS." He said the boards c urrently are Spending $440,000 annua11y to administer the programs and that "does not m cludl' the cost to thl' licensees takrng thl' courses." WHETH E R THE r e port when rendered, 1f 11 ever1s. will justify the CE programs. rl•mtuns qut>slionable. There arc many who Sl'l' tht.• programs as just more "fent.'<.' buildrng" around existing professionals. JU:.t as tht•y hav~ argued that just the• hcl.'nsi ng requirements for {'ertain vocations ore nothrng mqre than "prot<'cling" tht• lll·cnsees from rompt•til1on Certainly th<> JUStlfu:alion for licensing of barbC'rs and ('Osmctologists Calls into such a catc•l(ory. Patrons of ~rber and beauty shops art.• citlwr satisfied by the services they rC<.·civc• or they don't go back. They c.-ould care less whether the person providing the scrvil-c is licensed by the stat<' or not Rt•<:ogniling th<' foc-1 that ttw st.ate has gone overboard on requiring stal e lw<>nst•s rn t'l•rta1n vocational fields, the L<.>g1s lature aln'ady has established sunset dt'adlint.'S for C'Crt.arn regulatory boards One oC thC'Sl· 1s th<.' Landscape Arl'h1tc•cts Board dut.• to go out of busrnc>SS on Junl' :io. IYIH unless it can ;JUSllfy 1t..-. t-onunuant'l' to the Legislature orior to \hat t1mt'. • lllllY• PNplt• work and 1\rl~ all lhelr lives to IM.'t'Umulatt> a "n~l •a" only to hav~ 1t wind up In tM pock•\I of the mt'dkal and l•pl profelliOM CA 'TWIN .... , .. ._....,. .......... .-.. .... . -~ ...... , ............................ . ...................... ," .... Jail site hunt e~larged By JEFF ADLER o<-.o...,Netetaft The search for a new Orungt' Coun ty jail s ite h as bt!('n e nlarged by Orange County supervisors t.o include at I an- two locations far removed from any residential or commercial developments. The exact locations of these so-called "remote" sites are to be pinf>ointed by a com mittee •charged with developlng specific jail s ite proposals. S uc h a proposal will be brought back be fore supervisors within 60 days. S upervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande firs t ca lled f or expansion of the site selection process more than a week ago. H~ said that opJXJSilion voiced by residents Jiving near a ll four proposed jail sites now under study were "legitimate" and "merit attention and action." ·, S pervisors unanimously approved expanding the site selec t ion process a ft er ac knowledging the cost o f acquiring and developing a-- remote site might well exceed that of the four other sites now proposed Cqr the medium - maximurn security jail. .. "Money, without question, is a consideration, but to me, it is not the only con sideration," said Br uce Nestande Nestande . "Peopl e have a lifestyle and e~talions in a community. Ir '1Je can't consider those things then we are not worthy, in my estimation, of•, being a board member." Close to 2,000 residents of Nestande's district attended a proposed hearing in El Toro to loudly protest locating a jail at the nearby James. A. Musick Ho nor Farm. Nestande is on record as opposing the Musick site. Hearings also were held in the three other communities in whli,•h propolll'<I joll 11lN1 11re loctth'<J Ttw tou1 111h,•1j nuw lutdt•r co11.111d<'rat1on are. Th<' Mualck Honor ••u rm, which could bt• l'X pundt•d to Call Home Free on MCI ind~aww jltlj. Property adplcent to the E.T .. you -anyone can .Santa Ana muin jull. call"tlome and day 'tit Santa Ana Canyon at Wt>ir Dec. 24 free for the Canyon Road in Yorba Linda. holidays from Huntlng- Scparatc locations in Irvine. ton Center's MCI phone One Is located at Trubul'O Canyon center. Your Free Road be tween Sand Canyon Ave nue and El T oro Marine 3-mln. long distance Corps Air S tation southeast of . call by MCI Is on us. Sand Canyon. Ha*>PY holidays. In supporting the motion to --------..... - expand the site-selection pr~. CORREftJIOI Supervisor Roger Stanton pgreed ~ ... that the site should be one:'where ~:v::C1!9° ,.~llon ~~ the "social impact would npl be December 1•t there le so slgni!icant." . en edverllHment for · Supervisor Ralph Clark, ••au p • r VI d • o although supportini the motion~ comp• t • b I• w I t h cautio ned his fellow ooard lntelllvlelon," ••I• members from "stampeding" priced at 1111.11. The away from the two mos( logical COPJ lncorrecttr etetee sites, Musick and the Santa Ana that rou get a $50 prope rty, '¥hich are alr eady manufacturer• rebate. bl 1 d d I T h e c o r r • c t pu ic y owne an current y men.,tecturen rebate le house prisoners. 121. *• •lncerelJ regret Con struc tio n of the ·new thl• error and anr county jail, which a~rding to Inconvenience It mar Nestande is still six to eight years have ceuMd. · away, is Intended to relieve I I overcrowding a t the existing Sear-s main jail in the Santa Ana Civic Center. . . • Uncommon gifts from 63 countries. ) . • White Only W hat better gift on Christmas morning than breakfast served in the bedroom on a Pier I wood sJat bedfray? From Taiwan. reg. 14.99 9ss Candles can lighten moods. Red, green, white. ivory. blue, yellow. p each. orange and wine 3" rounds l 3:' 6:' 9" talll. rec . 1.99-3.99 .... L acquered boxes. hand- made and hand - painted, in brilliant floral patterns. Papler mache. From India, 3" oval o r heart shape, reg. 4.99 ea. 3ss S afart! He lp a youngs~er e njoy adven t u res of fhe Imagination. These are handcarved wood animal figures, 5 In a set. From Kenya, reg. 6.99 s.le prkes good one week only. The new • People who entoy Ori· ental cuisine will love our 3-plece wok set. In tro- duce them to stir fryi ng and share a taste of s uccess. 88 • From Japan, rec. 9.99 ............. ······· •• You can a lmost hear them sine "O Come All Ye Falthful:' 4W' tall lfttnd- palnted terra cotta a ngels, each with two red candles. From Spain, reg. 2.99 ea. )88 Saucer chair will make a chfld's eyes btc as sau- cers. Wa lnut-stalned ,rattan, woven cane seat a nd back. Give to someoqe age 3-6. From Taipei, rec. 29.99 2488 Brass candlesticks on a mantel or d lnlnc table ct ve a room holfday atmo- sphere. Save ~on our2W' tall candlesticks . Shop nowt From India. r'ec. 1.99 .. ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue, 772-24 72 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, DecemMr 3, 1982 Here Comes CoitS · Slovvest Week of the ~r .,. -·-3 DAV-· --- DRAPERY. CLEANNJ SALE 35°10 DISCOUNT f Coit Drapery Cleaners slowest week of the year is next week. Here's a great opportunity to save money and keep us busy! Phone for Free ·Estimate· Saturd~y ·8 A.M.-5 P.M. Sunday 10 A.M.-4-P.M. Monday 8 A-.M.-6 P.M. Ali drapery cleaning jo~s . accepted these 3 days Wl~I ~ DISCOUNTED 35°10- PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE .a ~ AMO DEMONSTRATION ._, -lllliilim SHY•li All OUllli( coum IWHO OISPATClllD v•s . FRIE PICKUP & DILIVHY • CALL COMMUNtn NIAHST YO\t • MAIKll ~ s it•tt Ctrttit 11 •COSTA MlSA 1104 ..._, 111 e ll TIH m61 flT.,.'1 • FUUUTOll 1~~ c CMr.,. -... • UIHW CllOVl um!~"" 53S·ml • MUITIWCT• IUCW nu ~ttt ... 542-0271 • tMUllA IUCll JU no.. ti '55· 11• • SMITA MIA 15'0 r"""' Aooe 779.11311 • SOUTII NMCE Cl. moz 11t1 ,.,. 971.m1 •TVSTIW/OUHE llllV.._• Malo omc.. & Pllint 1297 Lopn Ave .. Coata ..... 540-t3M "'®COIT , .. WORLD'~ LARGEST DRAPERY ~~:...lA ND C ~RPET CLE AN ERS 142·1320 711-UMI 153.2171 ---~ 111-2134 '. m-4m Coit drapery, carpet & .upholstery cle~ing. Coit custom made drapery. COME ·TO OUR CHRIST-MAS WORKSFIOP SAT., DEC. 4th 10-5 • Free Demonstration I • "Makit & Takit" Workshops • Refreshments & Door Prizes • Super One-Day Savings tU«INGTON BEACH STORE Ofl.Y 6162 EDINGER AVE • (714) 142-4445 (oomer of Edt,.r & Goklenwt-next to Zody' a) I I \ I 14 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/i rid y, Oecemb9r 3, 1982 ' I · I-I 1171 PL YlltlTll FlllY SAL• Automatic trans • AfA7FM stereo tape, power steering & ai r conditioning. (960ZXT). . $2695 1171 PllTllC 11111111 Economy 4 cylinder. AM/FM stereo tape, power steering, vlnyt top, air cond .. custom wheels, & low, low ~ii•! (869UBT). $2995 1171 IATlll 200 II Economy • cylinder. 5 apeed, AM/FM stereo end custom wheels. (391XFNI , -$3195 ,, . ' -....,..-----~-· . ON A NEW MITSUBISHI -CORDI .A. . HATCHBACK, SERIAL #560.201~ ·vs. A COMPARABLY EQUIPPED NEW DATSUN 200-SX, HONDA PRRUDE, TOYOTA CELICA GT OR vw . SCIROCCO I . I I SURPRISE! - ON A NEW MITSUBISHI' TREDIA SEDAN, SERIAL #500243, VS. A. COMPARABLY EQUIPPED ~EW NISSAN STINZA OIJ HONDA· 'ACCORD I I I SURPRISE! ---· ON l NEW MITSUBISHI . Pl~l-.UP_, S~RIAL #200358, VS. COMPARABLY ~EQUIPPED PICK-UPS FROM FORD~ CHEVROLET, DATSUN DR TmTI ••• SURPRISE! . ALSO CHECK OUT THE TURBO-DIESEL PICl(;.gp -THE FIRST OF ITS KIND.! . 1110 fl Ylllin OUllP UTOIUGI Economical '4 cyl engine, automatic trensmrssfon, stereo radio and low, low mllea. (102ZRT). Economical • cylinder englll9. AM/FM stereo tape. camper shell, custom wheels, custom Interior, air cond .. and low. low miles (1 U62170). $4495 ~~ 41 cylinder. 5 speed trans .. radio custom wheel. air conditioning low miles •nd much more (861WXG). $4995 (ftJt MOlfJAY -SATillOAY 8:30 to 9 SUNDAY: 10 to I - fMIOAV DCC 3 ltJtli .J t. 1l li-.·iuJ.r Clu·i ~111111 lrt't• 7 n ' ·1a1CDABT111 THI caum CAVALCADE BUSINESS STOCKS 82 84 85 will bt• lu1111JY intloors -..·itl1 p1·01J':r care. 83. D --. Collector admires-arr Orange crate labels are disappearing By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly Piiot Steff The woman with 'the serene smile and jeweled headdress stared stra ight ahead , lur"ing buy~rs to bite into a fresh orange. Nearby a chHd in pink knicke rs attempted to climb some alphabet blocks. • They a re romantic p ictures of California's pas t, orange crate labels. tha t have gone the way of the once popular and numerous groves they w e re pain ted for . Time w as when packers hoping to e ntice frost-bitte n easte rners. painted fan cy colorful pictures of women, childre n and a sunny paradise where g reen hills touched •endless blue skies. The fabulous a nd colorful art that once adorned orange cra tes began in the 1890's and disappeared in the 1950's with the advent of cheaply produced and stamped card board boxes. But like forgotten antiques once stored in dusty attics, the bright commercial art is m a king a comeback as, you guessed it, a collectable. Andrew Coen , 26, Costa Mesa, began collecting the labels five yea rs ago as a hobby and has since joined the Citrus Label Socie ty. He attends monthly meetings. scans rn;•wspapcrs for news o f a packing house closing ·a nd is a r egular at local swap meets, whe re the labels a re frequently sold. "l liked the letter work and the ··- pictures," said Coen. an employee at Fairview Hospita l in Costa Mesa. Coen has n<'ver spent more than $5 for a label, w h ich 1s what he pa id for his oldest, a 1920 Randolph Ma rketing Co. advertisement · for Blue Star lemons. His favorit(! though is a pmk lil y against a black backdrop. adverusing citrus for Dream Flower, the tradem ark of the Sant.iago Orange Grow ers Association. The lovely woman with the headdress was suggcsung buyt•n. m 1980 try fruit harvested by the Yorba Orange G rowers Association . Th e child in pink knicke rs was one of many advertisements UScQ by t~ VilJa:c..:P:::car=.:ck~-==~ Ort'ha rds Associa tion packing house, that was / Mor;-ihan a nostalgia item, Coen an torn down last year. · other collectors look a t the labels as a n ew art Coen still has some of the· origina l tissue form that is just now being discovered. paper in whil'h oranges w ere once individually "I collect them because I like the wrapped in. beautifu( pictures,'' said Coen. "I look at it as He is also proud of a 1919 "First Annual a work of art." Re port o f the California Citrus" that h e Although Coen recen tly displayed some picked up for $5. of his· more than 100 labels at the Mesa . .J Andrew Coen has been collecting orange crate labels five year "a a hobby. lie ha never pent more than $5 for a ingle label, but his new art collection could be yalu!lble in time since woode n crat.-or label are no longt"I" u ed by citru -growers. erde 1 rary m Costa Mesa, the largest known citrus labels collections are at th~ Pomona Public Library (over 3,000)'and the Huntington Library in Pasaden a (over 5,000). W!th packing houses closing and wood crates disap'pearlog. the vibrant labels may one day be all that is left of California's golden citrus growing years. . . . She knows difference between carat an-a carrot now -The South Coast Jewelry Exchange is aid to be the only wholeeal mart in Oranse C.Ounty. ' . By JODI CADENHEAD OftM~ .......... Unul last year the only carats Roda Selden ever thought about were the kind you throw in a ste w . The Newport· Beac h interior designer thought ruby and sapphire were 1wo lovely colors. "I didn't know anything about jewelry," confessed Selden. "I didn't even own any of it." How is it then that the black· haired entrepreneur and her husband Mel find themselves presldine' over the South Coast Jewelry Exchange in Costa Mesa, supposedly the onlr wholesale mart in Oi'ange County? Friends in the jewelry bu1iness, she said, tired of the trek to Los Angeles to buy chains and baubles, began eompla1rung about the traffic and the parlcing. Roda Selden listened and told her husband Mel that Orange County needed a wholesale mart. He agreed. · So one year and $500.000 later they oper\e(j the two story mart with retail operations on the first floor and 12 small offices upstairs, open only to jewelers. Of course there were a few problems. Selden, a designer by profetBlon, loved the brick front buUdin1, but hated juat about everything elae. The "tacky" awnln11 above the wlndowa came down. A Rodeo Drive atyle canopy went up over the doorway, along with a braas name plate. ., A marble floor replaced the llnoleum, and a bubble ~­~ h • n~ lt~r ,. .. tn1utfed downstairs. Then there was the problem of securing the building. The couple" s pent $100,000 on a secu rity system, that doesn't include the price of two armed guards. Anyone enter ing the locked wholesale area upstairs must present the proper credentials to the guard downstairs. O nly jewelers are admitted. The row of offices along the dove-gray carpeted hallway are locked and protected by bullet proof glass. Should somcdne slip past the guard and then get into one of the jewelers· offices, he would be photographed by seven cameras located along the passageway. The exit door only opens when the d oor directly behind is locked. leaving guests in a temporary trap that can be sealed shut at the touch of a button. The Seldens don't want to reveal how much money or ,Jewelry Is kept on the preml.es. but they claim to have had no problem attracting jewelers for both the wholesale and retail operations. Ucc,upancy Is alread y JOO percent and Includes sµct\ well kn o wn n a me s a s U .S . Gemolotlcal Se rvices. Jana . Universal. Rama J e welry. Kachler's Fine Arts and Salalam & Mallk'a. And flnaUy, there's the problem or learning the lntrica\e jewelry trade. "A woman from Balley Banks and 10methln1 came by and 1ald they were Interested In buyina their predoua jewtla here," ·.ma Seldltn. 0'1 wen, tome lhln1• lakt Ume. ) .... H~ Ornngtt Coust DAILY PILO f ( rldny. 0 comb 1 3, 1082 Both vulner nble. North deals. ' NORTH • A Q2 <;? 10 O J 3 +A KQ J 643 WEST EAST +6 4 +JI09 <:?987542 <:?K6 0 K9 ' 0 AQI0842 +1098 •75 SOUTH +K 8753 <:?A QJ 3 0 875 +2 The bidding: North EHt I + I 0 3 . .. .. . 3 . .. .. . SouU. I + 3 'V 4 . Weit Pa11 PH1 Pa11 -GORIN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF .. a .. l'aH Opening lead: King of 0 . In the pas t, we have pointed out how the dif· ferences between duplicate and rubber bridge causes declarer lo adopt varying lines of play. The same thing applies to defense. Four spades is an excellent contract and, as tho cards lie, impervious to defeat. But let's cover up the South and West hands and see how East should plan the defense at both rubber bridge and duplicate pairs. Lei's assume that we are playing dupJic:ate. ll is ob· vlously corretl lo ovt>rtake lhc king or diamonds with the •cc and rash the queen. Since 8outh almost surely has the ace or hearts for his bidding, the best Eust can hope for is lo hold declarer to his contract. Al trick three, therefore, Bast plays a low diamond. West can rurf with t~e four. forcing dummy to overrurr with an honor. Now East must come lo a trump trick and declarer just fllakes his contract. Saving the uver· trick can be worth many malchaoints to the defenders. At rubber bridge.East can afford the luxury or allowing declarer lo score an over· trick. The only chance to '-defeat.the contract is to hpPe ihat the dt•fonders can take 11 heart trick in addition to the trump promotion. • Again. Bast ovcrtakes the king of diamonds and cashes the queen. Now, he cannot af ford to continue a third dla mood, because when West ruffs declarer can counter by discarding the hearl from dummy. The contract can be defeated only if West. has the ace or hearts. So, al 1rick lhree East must lay down the king or hearts. If West has the ace, the kinJ will wi.ll and declarer ca n now revert to a 4iamond lo promol~ a trump triclt for u one-trick set. Un fortunately, South has the ace of hearts as expected, so he can ~~n: draw trumps and QUllllll .- rluirn lhc re11l .>f thu trlck11 to mak1• five odd. Rubber brld1e club• t hroqbout tbe country UM the four-deal brld1e format. Do they know liOmethlq you doa't ? Charle• Gora•'• "Foer·Deal Bridie" •Ill teach you the 1tratep1 ud tactJca of tbla fa1t·paced ac· tlon same that provldee the cure for uaendlq rubben. For a copy ud a ecorepad, 1ead 11.75 to "Geren-Four B e a l ," n r e of tlal11 new1paper, P.O. Bu 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make checkl payablti to New1· paperbo.ka. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IF L IFE • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA By PHIL I NTERLA~.?~,of Laguna.S~ach -:. ! .. IS A GAME , l'M MOT HAPPY WITH SOME .O F THE DECISIONS O F T HE REFE REE. rou1 HEALTH Saturday, December 4 ARIES (March 21-Aprll H})~ 9irect approach enables _you to get to heart of matters. Spotlight on excitement of discover y. You feel alive. vital. Popularity increases -and those who mean something to you return complimen!. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Steps recently taken to ins ure greater scc'41'ity will pay off - you'll know you did right thing. Intuition Is active -you arc on target regarding property, family relationships, long-range decisions or settlements. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Leave Cine.points, details for another time. For now, perceive picture as a whole -be versatile and ask p lenty uf questions. Travel, communication and special re ports highligh t scenario. CANCER (June 2.1 -July 22): Financial dilemma is resolved. Payment for past services is received. Puzzle pieces fall into place. You locate items that had been lost, missing ot stolen. Aquarius. Scorpio, Leo natives play paramount roles. . \ T DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN j LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Self-expression is highlighted -style is marked. people respond and you could become famous. You'll be with creat ive people who praise, flatter and send your morale DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: My husband bas sky-high. become a heavy drinker. He uses as an excuse VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 22): Highlight surv<>y. Meantime. play waiting game. P ISCES (Feb . 19-Mar. 20): Avoid making dt•rinitc commitments. Ba.'J1c issues require special attention. Focus on employment, nutrition. hea;tth and arrangements for care of pets. dependents Check legal rights. permissions . -' articles he has read that alcohol causes a rise in diplomacy -peopl e arc willing to make what's called "good cholesterol." It's supposed to concession$. Know it, be gracious and receptive. prevent heart attacks. Is there anything to this? -Cooperate with' club, group. s pecial-interest MRS. C. organ iza t ion . • I J)l';AH ANN l.ANUr:ttS I um" davorn'tl t•all ua wnm,111 w11h "'' ll-y( .. 11 old d11ld My .101' Jt•msmdi. 1h111 I :-.111•11<1 l1111g houri. und 1>01111• Wl>t•k t•nlh, 11way 1 (111111 laorrll', but Loulst• 11> Wt.'ll c·un·d for liy u lllHldll• Uf<t•d huu•ckl'l'Pt'I who IS t•)(tf'('rlWl y I d1 •1,.·mluhlc· and a blnt'I d1 5'·1pllnurwn. Lasl w1•<•k a nt•lj(hbor told me.> Lou1!JC! had l1t.od up 111111 t111y puodlt• with wri!pping twine und 1h1: dog ulr111>t1t clHJkl•d "'' dl•ath. I wus hurrlfl<'<.I and 11pokt1 lo Louast· ubout it Sht• 1w1d 11hl' was pr<'ll•ntlang tht• dug wus a naughty boy and she tlacln 't 111t•<m lo hurt him. This murnln8 1 lookl•d out my bl'droom 1 window and i;uw Louise h1tt1ng a stray kuwn with 1 u big !>lick. I ru!>hl'd downstairs. She said the kitten hud lx.•l'n h~d umJ sh<.• was p'Untshang her. I am to1wcrncd about my daughter's behavior. NO SIG IN SAHAS0'fA DEAR SARA: Your 8-year-old is actla g out repressed anger. Perhaps tha t strict discipliaarlan • may be a lot stricter tban you realize, and Louise is taking out her resentment on whatever is bandy. Talk to Louise and find out wha t kind of punishm ent s h e bu b een ge.ttlng from the housekeeper. Rear range your work schedule 10 yoa can spend more time at home. -And please consider engaging-all'Otherlroneke-eper. ' Dl!:AR ANN LANDERS: The te ller from the 1 old gc•ntlcman in Eric, Pa., who was afraid to go to f thl' dt>nllst bl><.:uust: he was scarl'Cl to dl'ath of the I JXI"'· rt'l•civl'CJ flood advice You told him modern c..lrn 11 ... try has made tremendous advances and , dmtal c<in · today can be virtually painless. . ..-I I am horl'1f1cd of the dent,ist for anothe r n'asun. It is the fl•ar of being strapped in that chair . t .. I l'Clrrnot stand the thought of not being able to move• my head, much less ge tting up and walking I around for a manut.c. r vc tried three dentists and explained the I problem, but it gets worse )nstead o f better. Can I you help? -GREENSBORO. N.C. i DE AR N.C.: Wha t you need is a patient, - compassiona te dentist. If you can't find one in Greensbor o, try Raleigh or Durham. ; J DEAR ANN LANDERS: Everyone dumps on you. May I have my turn? It's browsers. No, I don't ' work in a stort•. I arp a receptionist in an office that o<:cup1l'S the top floor of a new building. Evl'ry yokel who comes to town wanders an ht•n · :.ind wants to look out our windows. Don't they rcahw th1s 1s a plare of-busmess? Everyone· wh<J coml'~ through the door says, "Gee, this 1s the h1~ht•st I havl' been an my whole life . Do you mind sf J•look around?" Thc:n they wa nder from office to offll'l'. interrupting everybody -repeating the s;imt· dumb lane. "Gl't.', I've never be-en so high up." I :im eXJX'<:tc'CI io greet the public with a smile. I do my oc'St, but it's ge tting harder and harder. - COUNTING TO 10 IN IOW~ DEAR COUNTING: Iowa?!!! I'll not name the city. It wouldn't do your business much good. Slmpty say to the gawkers, "Sorry, we a ren't en to the public for security reasons. We hope ou understand." • DEAR MRS. C.: During the past. ~ear or so_ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Additional there has ~n much an the news adv1smg 3;lcohol information is required if mission is to be completed~ and exercise Lo raise the ·'_good ch~lest~rol'' m .the Message becomes iJ\creasingly clear -you'll gain blood, raising the HDL (high dens~ty hpoprote1.ns) cooperation, you have popular appeal, but you have and lowering the LDL (low dens1t.Y llpopr?tei_n). skipped some essentials. You wiJJ catch up. But many cardiovascular spcc1ahsts are questioning SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emphasis on this. production, authority, responsibility and special test Kl~FM For example. an the New England Joum8! of enabling you to utilize past exper.ence. Relationship Mroicine (6/24/82), Robt'Tt . S . Lees. M.D. writes: grows stronger. commitment is made and your "no one has shown that ra1sang ~DL cholesterol -prestige is on line . __ _ rl-duces the. risk of alherosch:rosas._!Lmay well be SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Good lunar that elevating any of the co~ponents of .PJasma • aspect coincides wHh-spiritual valo"E?s. cducatto , HDL by d1<.'lary or pharmacolog1c therapy will have l'Ommunicalion and travel. You touch on universal no effect (or even an adverse effect) on the course theme per-...ons respond to your efforts and you gain of atherosclerouc disease." What at>:out alcohol?}'he added' recognition. American Heart Assoc1at1on believes that the • . . dangers of excessive alcohol intake far outweigh· CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -Ja.n . 19): Mainta in any theor e tical ben<'ficia I e ffect n n HDL independence •. refuse .to be lnt1m1dl!Led ~y th~e cholesterol ·· who e mphasize their own values. F_1n~nc1al Dr. Scefn('rohn w elcomes questions from readers. He cannot answer all individual/y but will include those of goners/ interest in his c:olum_n. Send your questions to him. in care of the Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa, Calif. 92626. Ifs lotra skiwear and coordi· nated Demetra ski sweaters The '83 look combines fashion- ~ able style w ith fu nctional extras. made for lhe beginning skier as well as \he action· packed mogel masher' lll!B'S llV·2 Pub ............. $USS. Thlnsufate BahlbtdoaPaat ........ $150. Stretch wool/nylon gaJter LADIBS Blectra Pub ........... $ l 35. Thinsulate Bahlbltl0tt Put ........ $145. Stretch Wool /nylon gaiter 1'1J1.LUTO• · 2520 6 Chepmen 3 blodm w or 57 Fwy 1704111 CIUITOS Lot CtrrilOI CmlCr between Nordllrottl • Scett .aaa/11'6-IUI braggadocio by one who as actually whistling in dark hightights unusual scenario. ,. AQUAR IUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you d on 't know what to do. do nothing. You currently arc be ing palled into two directions -key is to evaluate, to test and perhaps to actually take a Oa&mGI 1802 E i<.tclle I block ,w or 55 Fwy .,,. ... DWIOITD&CB fmhlon lllMd bctwHn •truma • Broedway Mt-1111 • • ' ' ~ • # • ., Can Make Your ttlUIS .-ComeTrue! I During the 12 Days of Christmas KIK-FM will be aranting.48 Christm~ wishes. Send us your ChristmM Wish and tell us why it is so special to you. Selection wiU be ~ on those wbhes which we feel truly capture" the spirit of Ch~. KlK·FM wishes YoU a Merry ChNtnw and hopes that all your Christmu wishes come true. Listen for details on HlllFI . , • . . ·-----------------------Nmnw·-~~~~~~~---,..~~~­ AJJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l'hlKX'·~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~nJ II.( )~M' L'hl'Ullll.l.~ W1~ and tell us ~I INiets ii so ~'<~ Mail to l1'mtm.t11 Wl9h/KIK FM 2 Crty Blvd tAtt Oranlt. CA 92668 or Jnlfl ulf at IJw KIK·.FM booth 1t a.~ ...... _..., ... _ .... __.... ,.,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,., ___ ,., ... ,. ,., ,.. -----------------------• • j - . . .. Seed -ror r ady -....... . Liviµg tree needs care • J pace trip 8~ t•t.:Tl.;rt TONC:I': Cl'trllll1n Scleftce Moflllor N41we t ervlc;e Wt<:YMOUTll, M:i'~ 'l'lw '\1·1·1h .111· 111 tlw A liv111g l'hrti-tmai. 11·1•1• ii. ,1 good 111v 1c•s t11w111 l n~11•.nl ul ha v 11\ g l 11 d 11' p II 1' l' I) ( l h I ' 1rad1uonal tn•1•. you will 111• uhll· lo plant the.' l1v1111>( 011t• an your gardt•n uftl•r tlw h'hhdays By buying a laving l'hr1~1111as ln.'t' uvt•r a "l'ut" Olll'. you lwv1• dtosen lo l'nhurn·1• lif1• by addmg beauty as Wl'U as 111.1kang ;1 v11,1I ro111nbut1on to 1'(.•ultlgy To kN'p your lrl't' gn'\'ll ;iml beautiful through th .. huhday season, at 1s 1mµm t;HH that 11 re1·e1vt• ;HJ1•4u..a11· <11r . light . m o1stun· a nti a t.·om lortahl1· tempt>raturl' Thi• n·qu1rt•11w11ti. of a h \.'mg Chnstma~ tn •t• indoor:. are mul'h qw s<111w a~ thrnw o f nn ordinary howw plant Answers tu frt•qul'ntly n-.k1·d questions wall h1•lp you an 1·,1111lg for your living l'hrlstma~ 1n·1· Wher e should I plal'e the trc<' indoors? S 1tuatt• your tn·1· 111 a w1·ll lighted room . as upprnwd to a dark lot·ation wh1•r1· drap1•s remain d rawn' or nutura l light 1;, inadequate. Wha t a bout watering? K eep the roots of ttH· 1r1·1· d1 .1111.1g1· and l 111·11 i-atu1.111• 1111· I 011l huJI \\ llh WO!lt 'I .,I-A h1 ·11vy plai.lll' 1·uv1•r111g Uf)!lct. 1111· 1·m11 :11111•r wall p1oh'l'l vnur 1 luor 111· l'arpl'l111g Nl•Vt•f a llow tlw lt't'l' lo n•111a 111 stand111g 111 w;11t·r. hut b•· l'an•tul thul lhl• planl d11l's11'1 dry 11u1 lll'tw1•1•11 w;1t•·nng~ Can I dt•t·oratc the tree with ornaml'nlS and lights'! l'1•rta1nly M1111,11ur,• hghb a11tl ·----=-~•-<.'1llllll'h'I , p.ll'kt•d hd11t1tl U f>OIOU'! llht•I, ll'ildV .md w:11t111g 111 111 1<1• w lwl '"' lw1ng tt•111wtl tla1• "1.1w spau· h ·st." 'l'hc· p.1 yl1111d IH 1>111all hut s114111l u·11111. 111 tlw vww ut 11111 m ·ul1u1·11.ti. with till' Ut·w·g1• W Ji111 k S1 ·1•d l'u111 p.i11y, who h11v1· s1·lt·c•tt·d •Ill flt1w1 •1 a11d v1·w•1,ol1h· v111 u·t11·' 111 hlai.t ul I :ih1111rd tlw 1ww '-l'H('I' shulllt• Ch1ilh•11gt•1 1•111 ly m •).l y1•11r, pus-..hly 111 Ju11u;.11 y Tiii' n · ... ult1o of tht· lt'ht 1·1111hl l'<llll11huH· to thl• th•:.1gn111g ol t11ud g111w111g 11•1•h naqu1 s ul fut1)n· '!fJUl'l' ~li.1!11111~ I Tlwn· hhould tibo bl• !.111111• 11ltl•n·~llng :i11d tw1w(1l·tal hldl' l'ffc'(•L-; for gard1•ru•rh lwrl• 011 1<.:..1rth l1gh l Wl'lgh I or 11 a1111·nt~ a1 l' ~~~~~ r 1• l 11 m rn 1• n d 1• d M ~1 n y Among tlw Vt'Hl'to bl1· st'l'U~ ~t·ll·c:tt·d tor tlw spat·1· Vl'lllun· art• bast I. M·~amt'. watt·• ll1l•lo11 , w111111u. and 1'<l1bll• :.oylx•an~ all 1mprn t:.ull roi a span• ~tat1011 hoping to grow 1·nough 111 ''Hl~fy It~ frl·~h food nt'l'US Oil ~11!· l',1lil111111ani-dl'l'111 Jlt• c~1nt<111wr / g1m\n ll'l'\'S and display thl'm un lllf' pon·h or p1.1110 111 ;1cld ;1 ft.•!>t1vt• hohd.1v lo outdoor living an•as ur l'lll1 V \\ ;i ys. "' \\ 1·11 ai. u:-.mg th1•m llllll'. 1•:-.pt't·ially 1f your homt• 1s kt.·pl w,1rm It may stay 1ns1d1• a httlt· hmgc•1 1f.tht• room 1s quit(· lUol 1\v1mJ plat·mg th<.• tree d osf' 111 .a r1rl'plat·1• or a he<1ting oullC.'l Sllll'•' l').l•t·~s warmth can dumugt• a liv1· tn·t• ai. l'<lsaly as u cut mw. Marigold. pc>rtulal·a. and salv1a an· ;1111v11g the· moi t• pc>pular t loWl.'t v:1 r w11(0:, I or •• I ol'cd puant 111 II v111g ur IJlllll~ l'Otlllh llow long can I keep the tree indoors'! 0111· \\'t•l'k IS ttlt· l'('l'llOlllWlldt'll Pn·v1uu~ puylouds hu~t· all go1w up Jn totally ''Sl·al'lo<l l'<>nlauw..S. tht' st•l•ds. 111 l'Ontrast, havl· lx•en p~1tkl·d bt•hind a porous f1l wr so that tht•y wall be d1rt'('tly 1•xpt>M'd to tht• vat.·uum C.'nv1ronmPnt of "raw sµ:1l·t•" with its tt1mpc•raturt• fluct:.1 t111n !>, thunging grt1V1ly rort'l'S, aRd t<l(~littn W ht•n I h l' pn y load n •t urns. tht• s pat'<'· JOUrm·ying st•t•ds will Ix• l'xbmincd by t ht• scwnt1sts Oo&!s the tree need any special iJl lht• Park laboralmws 111 lirc•t•nw1)1Jd, S.C. · earl' ul'ter Christmas·~ Tlwn thl·y will bt• grown alongs1dt• nlhl·r S(•t•ds Wht•n your living C hris tmas that rcmaint•d on thl' g round al thl' Kl•nrwdy S pace tn•i• has Sl'l'Vl•d its ' purpos(· Cc·ntt•r us wi·ll ns othl'rs that Wl'l'l' rl'lairwd in thl· 111doon,, n •111ovt• all c..IC't'Ol'"l1'ons·. 'I '"' Park st•1•d-sturagl• fill'I llll'S. takt• thl· ll'l'l' outdoors and hose Thl• hurtk ulturist.s will tx• ('hC'<.·king for Sl.'1'(]. •m oist. If tht• lrt'l' 1s gr(1wing an iJ nursery container. this s1mphfll'~ wate r ing . If lhl· roo t ball is contained in burlap. M't 1t in a suitabk conla11wr to 1•a11·h th1· "' off •ts ftih[igt• with a fine mist l'O<Jt tntt.•g rity (split se('ds) g1.•r m tnation rates. ~pr.1.y. This will txf• help.fut Ill tht• indm·t·tl dormam·y. vigor, and gt•nNk mutations. tn·t· ~ 1ra11s1uon rom indoor lo outdoo1 l1v11'1g, -W-hNITT.<r -;'"t is----=~=------------------­ plantt·d 1n th<• la ndscap e or grown 111 a t'<>nla1 ner URllllRS CHICllllT • . trct· Although thii, Norfolk l~land (lint· i"' a houst-phrni, ii •·tm double as a minia lurt• Chris tma s t rl't• .... J us l ht• s ure to dt•<•orah.' with tiny 01·n a m e n I!'!. Fund-raiser set -- by Lagµ;na club Think of plants for • Looking for last-mmuw Christmas g1ft::-t" Sd1olursh1p and -t·1v1t· bc•au11f1cat1on runds ar<.• ShQp your nun.t·r y for blo~min~ po tn:.ctt1as.. o Ix-rm-.t·d a t a l>Jkt· ">[1k•,,and potlul·k lunchl.'On, There are dozl'ns ;md clozl·ns of gifts that you. can purl·h:.1!.l' at your local gardt•n ('l'llll'r lrJ11wd Spt.'<.'lllll.'n plant::. SUt'h al chrys;mlht•mum~. azaleas. c·anl\•lha::. and Christmas ·h l'(IUll'd by tht· Laguna Beach Garden Club. l'at·tus JUSl u ft•w living g1fl plants that will ::nu: gRJlljkWlll mt'l'l at 11 am. Friday. [){_'(' rn .. -•.u•Jl'lllng will m O!'l.' than likely The fi rst that eonws to mind are container plant!>, and who wouldn't apprec·1at1• a blooming plant for either 111s1dt· tht• homt• or outdoors. You can turn to tht• favontt·i- s u c h as a z a 1 e iJ s . t' a mt' 111 a s . cyclame n, eymbid1um orchids and C hrist mas rose or go 1 he more unusual rout1' und g1v1· a f l at of a nnu als s u e h as calendula s. (e(•lt1ncl popptl'S, violas or pansu:s Another idl'a, would be to pot the latter 1n c·on taan(•r !> fo r ins ta n t colo r on a p:auo or balco n y Everyon1· c•nJoys blooming plants at this llml' of the year. But your gard(•n t·c·nl<.'n1 uflt·r much , mut·h m on· Thl•n· drt' 1 lw "µoudlt •" form. <'!.p.1111.'cdf." pyra1.111th.1~ or bonsai plan~ Put· th1·m 11110 .111 a11 r;1t'llVl' tub ur pol and thl'y'rt· pcrft'\'l fur humc· or aµartm1·n1 av<• l'l'<:IJX.'l> ' S<'l'd p'11ckt·ts aJODK wgh t•ontauwrs a nd potting soil spur tht· gardt.•nang enthusiast on to growing their own plants 111 window sills. wmclow boxes or outdours . li<'rbs a r t• a natural :.. that unyom • l'lln grow T hl'y're dl·c·orntJvt• in contain<·rs a nd usl'ful in c·ooking.' rc:-mmd thl· r'-'·1p1<·nt uf your thoughtfuln<>c· • a t thl· Nc·1ghhu rhood Congn·gat1onal C hurc h . .. Laguna Bc•;J('h A Chnslm<is program will b e • Makt· your first planting of glad1olu. . sOOh __ pr~·st·ntt·dsl>Y tht.·_San Ch·~<·nl(• l11gh School as lhl·)"' show up in nurs<.·rll's. Sonw an· aln•ady M;1tfr1gal Smg<·r:-. - thc•rl'. wa111ng fur you to takP honw :ind plant Thl'l'l' a n · a w1dC' rangl' o f g;1rch·n111g tools SUC'h ~·s sht•ar:-.. 11·1)\\'(•ls. \\'t•Nll·r-s. s pruy guns <1nd t \'1·n g<1rdt·n111g · g lo\'C'S On the• larg1•r s1dt'. thc•re a re shovl'ls, rnkt•s, Wl'l'tl 1•awrs, c•dgt•rs and lawn mo\Vl•rs. Or. how ,1bout u soph1"t1(·atc•d s pnnkkr') • Chl•c:k with yout loc·td nurst•r vman ~n apµJ yang pre-c•m(•rgt•nt'<' cTabgrass t'Ontroi on your. luwn this month . Danu H ilb All-girl M<.1dr1ga l Singt•rs w 1M prt-s1.•nt u Chr1stm:.1s program ~11 th1.• South Coast Garden Club lum·ht•on"Jln.ao am Thursday at the El J\Job1· H1.·s1<1urant. San Juan Capistrano Alung the line of l'onta11wrs. tlwrt•s om· to f1~ every nl•l'tl from a handful ui.2·inc·h day pots lo st.:irt :.t•t•<b . tO thc· largl•r. mon· 11rnal(· poltt•ry. And don't forg1·l g<trdl'n stalu<iry. Many gardeners llkt• thC' how- to books on bulbs. herbs. annuab. houst• plants and mu'rt• Thc· ont• y 11 u t' h o o s (' o n v e R e l a b I C' Firrn honored Carl's Landscaping Int:. o f Laguna Halls won an award for <~li.land1ng ach1<.·vc.·m e nt in landsca ping The -award . prt'!>t·n tt•d b y the Califo rnia Landscape Co ntr acto r s Assoc·1at1on, was given for the land~:aping a t the Don S utton I l'!>id<.•nt•c• at th(• Ne l lie Gatl lfam.h . M1ss1on V1eJ0 LLOl'D•s aa• .. cl1••1 ~•11111 4" Bedding Plants HAVE You SEEN Pansy -CALENDULA _ THIS YOUNG MAN? 1-Violas -Snap -St·ock J~hn Gosch disappeared Sunday. Reg. S 1.09 Sept. ~· while \ . &I"' delivering newspapers. ~ J flow " He is 12 years old. 5 feet. 7 inches tall. weighs 14P pounds FIELD PAISY Field Grown Al! """'• euoi.c1 10 otoc on 12· 10-t2 on _,.., ,,.,... Open Mon ·Fri 7-a. a1 e 30-8 Sun 1·$ Lloyd's Nursery and 1 1 Landscape Co., Inc. 2031 S. N•wport llvd. (at lay St.) 11 Costa M•sa, CA. 646-7441 and has· blue eyes and light brown hair. Rewards tolahng more than $30.000 are being offered by The Des Moines Register and friends and business associates of the family, If you have any information. contact Child Find. 1-800-43 1-5005. or the West Des Moines. Iowa Police 515-223-3211. Share the magic of the season. Stnd your rrutinrs with sptclal G . cart. Tht FTD Holld1y Glow C1ndk ar Cants Bouqutt. 17 .50 I Tht FTD Holiday Glow Lanttm Bouqutt. 25.00 From Our Florists -ONE-OF-A-KIND UNIQUE AND LONG·LA$TING ARRANGEMENTS.MANY DECORATED WREATHS, HOLIDAY TAILE AND WALL ACCENTS. For your ltom• and holiday gift•. POINSETTIAS ~E:§.;~ .... 1 Gi•• th• traditional Cltr/stmaa plant. -•or-..-' "'""".J.,~ BHutltul blooming LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES ... A FAMILY TRADITION FROM t3 9"> TO 70 00 Enjoy the unique experience of an old-fashioned European Christmas while browsing through an outstanding colleqtlon of gifts and holiday decor. Sltop b1 piton• • UH 1our cr•dlf card. OCLIVlll'f I 1111\llCI CKAllOI MA I II AOOIO • 'plants In holiday < wrap and bow. ALEPPO, MONTER EV AND STONE PINES ALSO • a wond•rful Hlectlon of otlt•r :::;1:,~~::~~,::' Holiday plant• In bloom. "'''a. "'"tot,.,,., 2647 East Coast Highway Corona d•I Mar. CA 92625 Open Dally 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. .. Since 1148 Ho1lishias . Nursery -Florist 2140 Harbor llvd., Costa Mtso c Stlll tlm• to·11ve 15 % on Prepaid BARE·ROOT ROSES ~~~p,.." ;/." ONr eo rarl•tlH NO. 1 OAADE btrt • root rOHI wlll ttrl•• - - I Cou1u DAILY PILOT/f"rlciny DocumlHll :l, 1082 - I Going u p .. _ _.. ....... • .I Delly Piiot PhOIO by LH P.wne Research unit to open • AIU ,J•: t 'm11puh•1 ul 11 v1111• hm. 11111111111111•tl 1111' l11l lll1lllllll 11j 11 ')\'flllllllt• th•pat l lllt'lll \II l llll(t•lll1'1ilt• Cl n I 11 11 I I' fl I I'\ 11 11 ti d (' h I g II i; I U I II I' X l ~· 1111,1111111 1·11ho11lt•1111.•111 JllU 11lh1.•1 1·11111pUl('I p111tlu11 .. J•:ltl•t ll V1. J i111 I. HIU:I , 1tw 111·w d1·i>.11 t1111 •11t "111 lw l11C·att-tl 111 { 'uua~w {;ruv1., Ori• ltl1·," .111tl tl1·,1g11'i ~""''tJll'<I In CuttJ~t· t:111v1• wilt lw .. v.ilu~111 d .11111 tl1 ·\·l'l1tpl'd lty lh1• 1·11g1111·1.·1·111g •!I llUJ' Ill 11 Vllll" A1 •rn11·1 0 1d111a1111· ( 'o, 1111 11p11111t111g 111111 111 A1•10Jl'l <.:1°111•1·,d 'orp. of La.1111111, l1m, i.1grwd 11 111ul\1 y1•111 ll•aM' 1111x.•1·up~1 a rn·w l:wtltly 111 T u1>U11 . Tiii' 1111 1d .1ggn•g<tlt• v.1lu1• or 1111' l1°aM· I f'Ull';(ll'llllll 1.·x1•1•1•d' $I :l 11111111111, 111,Jktng ll IJlll' •ll Lill' l:trg1•'I of ''' k111d t111 ... y1•:1r ShwlJ1> und t'o, 1107 J:1111lx11t>t• Rc.J .. N1•w1101 l Bt•.tch. 111" ~1111wtl mc•111lw1·sh1p 11 1 lhl· J\m!'rtl'ttn <.il'ITI StH'lt•Ly , un 11rgun 1it1lHlll or Jl'Wt•lt·rs 1h 1•11ugh11Ul llH' U S. tind <.:t111:1d;i. T lw ACS 1i. .in asi.m:tul11Jn ol Jl'Wt•lt•Js ph•clg1•d Lu tlll' v1~il.inl pl'lllf<.tion 111 }Ill' liuying publlt'. It t1Wt1rds Llth·s to nw111l>t •r .wwl'l1•1-s unly aft<.•r th<.·y h11v1• pn wt·n t lw1r s k ills and hUVl' b<.•<.•n d<.·1·111<.·d t•lhit·a l ;i nd prof1•ss1on11l 1 llnl fm:111 B1•;1u1y Supply. with l:i slon·s 111 Soulht•rn Collfornaa, has opt·m·d on lhl' UJ>f>t'r ll•vpl ol tlw S<.•urs Win~ m South Coast Plaw Mall, Costa M<.'Sl.1 ... l'ht• ::.tort• wlH off<'r all varwucs of bc_.auty ;_1ppliant1•::., 11~·lut1111g hair dry<.•rs, <.•urling 11 ons. und p;1c·kag1·d C hi 1stmas Sl'ts. • Flum Curp of lrv1m• has l'OlllfJll•lt•d thL' s:.ilt• of ('l'l'l0.1111 dollll'Sllt' oil and gus-prvdU<.'111~ pl'OfJl'l'llL'S or Coquina 011 Corp for $1G8 m1lhon Th<.• propc.·rtiL's wrn· pun•h;1:,('d hy Pt•ll't)-L('WIS Corp of Dcnvc•r uncl otlwr:; lnt1•r1111 i. hy Lusk·Scr1•ng<'ll hno; l<.·as<.'d Spill(' at tht• lrvin1.· llom<.• :md Gardt•r1 C<.•nl.-r. Culvt>r al Irv tnt• Ct·nLc·r Driv<• in l rv1n(' Tht• n<.•w homl' iurn1shmg and ml<.•rior d1-s1gn fa<.·1l11y ii. M:hl'<lult'Cl for a m1t.l-Ft'b1 uary opening. Ht•s1t.ll'11llal rNtl propl"Pty law w ill lx• 1h1: top1t.• nf a s pt'l'lal lt•gaJ• :S"l4l"lttHrr-11pnni<ored by-•tht' Apartn1M1L As..,uci:itlon of Orangl· County on Dc.oe. 6. This thrt.•t.·-hour, L<ix-d<'ducliblr c•v<•n l will h(' held uL lht.• lliltun al Thc_• P<Jrk on Suu1b, llarbor DC BUSINESS ll11ult v.11 d 111 Arn1h1•1m ul 7 p 111 Ht''>l't vu1t011' mu t ht 111,1111• 111 JflVotlll'l' OS M•otmg lb lim1H·d eall ti:lll :1:1r>1J l•J t tnl111 nwlllm a nd rl· t•rv;1t111m. Mai 1111· (.'urps Air Stouon, El Toro. hus lx'C•oml· thl· h•111w ol tlw firi.t l lught•s Am.-rurt (.'omp<m y f1U'll11 y ahoartl a Muruw Ccwps 10'it11ll11L11111. MCJre Llta11 •• d111.1•11 llu..i h t•S (•)(l'l'UliVN• all1•t1dN J tho "IWllllll-( l'l•1t•11H11lll•:. for lhl• fut.•1llly, wh1t.•h will p1 ov1dt· 11 IJ<ti-t· for mt1nug1•r111I to11d udrntnistrll llVC' i.upp111 I 1111 1 lu~ht·s l't1g1rw1·1~ :111tl Lloehnicians. Tat·o U1•ll, :1 d1v1~lo11 116. Pt•JHill'O w llh lwt1dltU.11 Lt•r"I Ill lrvint.•. has n •tu1n(•d S&O t'rn"ullttnl' 11f Sun F rant·ist•o Lo d<'vt.•ICJp " nt>w 11'1.111 1d1•11l1ly anti ft1l·1lit1c_-s dt.'S1~n syi.lt.'m l"ountain Vallt.•y C.:hamb<.•r of Cumml'rce will hold 1ts annuul I lohday Busmf'ss Auction today at {;uy F:owk1·i. Jh·sl;w r:mt in f'o1,1ntuin Vallt:y a t 7 p 111 lt1·111s Lo lw auc·uorn-'<"J 1hdudt· d mncn;, l<'gal . st·rVJ('t's, prsnung Sl'rV1C'c·s. VC'lcat1ons, Jl'W<:lry, appli.1111·t·s. 1x·ts and morc: A donuuon ul $:i includes a burft•I C;1~I !Jti2-444 I for r<'!>Crvallon!>. Thl• chtmgmg dL·mograph1<: proftll' of loday's {.'ah fut n1w1 and lht drama LI<.' !>ht fl of thl' state's 111Ll't n"'I 1111gralwn p<ollt:rn will be d1sc.·uSS<.'CI by c; ... , y I I London, Vlt.'l' prC.-stdcnL of f)('I Mar -based Tht• Gu111.lk111 Group, clurmg a day-long Culifornla S.1vingi. anti Loan Lt:ague work s hop Dec" 10. Ht·gb·1trat111n will tx•gm at 8 a.m. at tht.• Ncwporter, )()77 Jambrn't.•t• Hoad, Newport &·<ll'h Ni•wpurt Sl't'uriLic·s Corp will t.·onduct a :.~·mm<tr:. 1•11t1tl~.J "Sc.'l·urtty lnve~Lmenls m O range Gounty 1m Wt-dm-'Sday. from 7 lO 10 p .m .. a t its off1l't• al :1 151 Airway A ve .. Cost_a Mesa. f or rt'S<•rv:111un-,, t•a ll 957-1081. Fox '{Ind Co. C1.•rllfll'd Public At.'l'Ounlant.s and bus1m.•i.s ,1dv1sor.; w1lh off1('eS tn N('wport Beach , is off<:rrng, I n ·t.· of c.·hargt•, a poc·kN-s12ed booklet <.•nt11l1·cl ':19Hi Yl'ar -end Tax PJanning .for lnd1v1duals" To obt<un_ a copy, call 851-1088. With a break in the ~tonu y weather, work conlinues on a 1ww Harvard A' t•nu(• O\'t'rJ>al'.'>~ along·the San Diego Free way in l rvint>. The $'1. 7 million projf'C'I il'I finam·NI through un a s e nwnl OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS N~s"o~J0:!..\~ ~~~;-T~: t~·'! ,~;: :~:= ~::~~I ~:~r.~ · distril't. . Sl\OWll'IQ h•QIW•I btO• C9IOGH 'n s .. lnlmlG• "'• fl Petrll• ... o ·-··· Olltt• b' CllmCIH S.01• SS • lnBW\11 ' • 10 • Pelllbon m.or htl m.W.tt\ •• OI CmlShr II ' 11'. lw•SoUI ,, .... 1'1~ f'hll•N•I • p m Prltei oo not Cmwl el 11•, "'• Jem•by I) , IF• P1erceSS lntlUOtt•l•••met~UI> (onP•1> )11.. "" JttlCO , ••• ,, Plnhrln m.,koown or comm torO•> ., .,., vlJ•llY J.16 , PoonH1 s Inion tor Thur~"' (rotTr• I/ ll'• JO\lyn \ 2t 28 , .Pl••ll,..,. SIOO Bod A\h lullrl>O-... J tc...~L Pl II II • P0\115 ~~~J~:, •;;:.1~· 5T!H;~". .~~ 1~:: ~::;;:~ 2:. ,1 ~!~ ~~:~P.~ AVM CP S4o S'• DaylM 11'• 11 K•IYS• \ Jl l1 PrOQrp J ohless c l a i illShit 4 .8 1nillion W ASHINGTON (AP) A rc('ord 4 84 m11l1on Amc>ncans col l c•t'l C'd unc•mploym<•nt ('Ompt·n~uon c·hL-cks m thl' wc·l·k cndtnl! Nov 13, the govP1 nnwnt l'ePorll'd Thursday · ThC' L abor Dl' part nu· n t .., Employm<'nl and Tra1n1ng Adm1mstrat1on said tht• da1mant levt•I for lhe Wt.'ek wa::. thl' hrghcst S1"('t' tht--eompeflSQHen program w as inaugurated 1n 1935, surp assing Lhl' prev111u-. high of 4 68 m1l11on, which w ;t!- sct in thl· we<'k ending Ol·t lfi Agenl'y spokeswoman Abb1C' Martin noted. however. that lhl· nat1on'i. 5 5 perc·l'nt ins urt·d unemployment ratl' th<' propuruon o( the labo r foru· drawing governmtnl comp<:ru;at1on chC'Cks -wa~ still well lx_.low Lhl' prevwus rN t•<;.<;Jnn high of"7 p<.•rcl'nL. rl'cord1·d in May 1975 She said the· rernrd ll'Vl·I u f peo pll' da1mmg regular h<>nc-fit.., undl'r stat<' programs n ·.,ulLt d largely from Lhl' expanding labor (of'('(.', which lotalt>d roughly 1111 million i;x'<>ple in October .. Thl' figurc•s arc high, but we• have Lo n•m('mber the labor fort·t• was mu<h smalle r in t•arlH·r AtAOlns 131• 74 Oil.er S~ S llo16 Kimball 71', n PbSvN( h I ~~",!n'wy 1•1.•' 11•.:•, !?!k1Clb•Ano II • 17\o KlnOlnl 1f, 1 , Purl8en v t•.1 rs." M 1> M ;1r1 1 n s a 1 d, take into at:count sue scasona AO.Ro" ... •'• o; .... J. '°"' ""• 111001c. >I•• JS Pu•OC•P ;.XfJla1nmg that wlwn rnort· JX-'Oph: variauons· as wl•ather and i;chool At1Bsn 11 11•, D••Crv• ~·· ·~· :~:~" 11 11 • ~ua•r~n k I Allcolnc ,. >1•' oo:ncru 26 111•, 1eu11oe ~~: ;~:: R:r,:~ dt< ,.l•,1nh1ng fur wor . argl'r closings. Arn•ro• 1'• 1"-0o<uo1v 10 100. unc•, w. n" lire••• 1\unibt·r s an· likely LO bl' Tht• l'Xll•ndt•d benc•l1Ls are AFurn ,., •• OollrGn l)l,)I l•nOllO s .. ) .. Ro.tOSv . ~?:~:' ~ . ~:: 0o0,Y!foCan 11" 11 • l.•Mto y •, y , Aobl>Mv 1 oll<·1·11ng u1H•mplnymt•nt bting paid 1n 13':.taLl'S and AN•••n• 1 •• 0 Ou~•o ~::rr,.t:~~·,~. ~ .. r,i·t".;'1'0:, lw1wl lb Pul·rto HK•o, which m ('t!t various AO..••• )•, )'• Ouruon 11•. 11•. l~lrn i.•• 11 • s.1ec:o h I h ARt•MO II 1 .. I • •lnVnc n•. 13'> M I ' "°'' .0. SIHtlGO Th<·n · Wl'rt', n<.•vt·rl c ~. gnnl c.: r 1 t l' r 1 a s l' t o u t 1 n t e AN1011.. 1>• 1 , conl•b ,,,,. ,,., F 0,1 µ. 1 , stP•u• f1gur<.•:. 111 another Wt'<.'kly L<ibor um·mpl11ym<.•nt t'Omp<?nsallon law :;::~~o ~:; ~;'· :::,5.f~ T• '~ .. M!;!PP~ 1;. ·~: t~~.~e Dt·1>.1rlm1•nt l';1kulal1on th<.• for disbursing JOhlL'SS ch(.'(·ks for ~:rJ:f, n .. :.! • e:~N.;:,<1$ u ... IS'• •IRI 4 ..... S..l\\or' tol.il nu1nlJt>1 or Aml•r&cans fthng 13 W1.•l'ks In add1llon 10 thL' baste ArO.nGp ,,, '" EnrOev r~ .. ~~~ ~:~:% .),'• J~ • ~=~~~~ t bl d h . h AllG5LI •••• 1•' / EnrM•I , •• I\, May Pf ...... SflMeo nt•W-tl J.>l~#m~ ... .or JOC __ s_s _ _.,.co.,mp.c.nsa.lLOJl Pl'rlO , W IC AlfenR' 30 JO • Enlhv l._ J• M 011 4•, ,., s11wmu1 l I r -?-b:..:.:t'--1f--Avnttll: ... t•• IWISll TC~~ ,,.:..CY15lllJ'J'll'_'.JD>r-llll'"ri~"°'eRs >1'111' Its • vanes rum s tult• Lo s tate u B800 n •' •l Eq•O•• s .. '" M<F•rl 81• 81•15,11tona ag('. 2li WI <·k B•ordt& '" ••• FarmGp llf JI" MtOu•i 10>. 11'.ISCalWlr /\I Ll·t d1·l'l1n1ng II\ r!.'l'L'nt aver, s ' s. B•llyP 1'• 1'• F•olcor 211 18•· Mcl!HO 'JI 11•, SwEISv The agc•nc·y abo said that some Ba119HE 12 .. u•. F1111<s.s l'I J'I'• Mod~•W n 1• Sl•novn \HI k,, dnd fulling below the BMlCfl 9 I 1 1 l' IBosln H' 86 MOIO(•P 1 ..... SldM•cro hHO.UllU-lt·vl·I in the· Wl'Ck l'n,dmg 927.500 Aml•ricans w<.•n· g elling g::t!~h ~~ •• ;r; ":~~f~n '~~ l~~! M•o•ue, '•• 11 1al~:~~,t~ NII\' 1:• f1rs. l-lllTI" "la1ms to•~1-·· SIX to 10 Wl.'l'k l> of a dd1llonal Beellnl' ••• , •• ·~Bkl ,,., , ••• MIOl8• 30'• )()•. Sl•rlSI > ~-~ ..., l'Y be f ts th t d B#nlPt h J 1• '4 licligr , ZI'• 1't' • Mllfle Zl' 1 21 .. ll54 1100 in th<.· WlC'k i·ndmg Nov nc 1 acros.'> (' <.'<iun ry un l'r Bel•lll •11• ••1• ••Nf•• ,., 19" 11110 ~c. "" 11. . . . prnv1s1ons or the.· Ft•deral 8e•M9I 11'•13 luro<b ••••• MOier Yl•ff'• 20 lhl' Jgenry ... .ud That wru. a 811>1>Go u1. 1••· °'"sto 11>. 11 , Manito• 11,, ,, .. ~-.1 .. on.illy adJU)>l!-d nse of 56,000 Supplemc•ntal Comp<'! n..o;abtl1on A~dt,. g:~~rn i!!: i!;; ~:~~~~ 1'l'' :: , =~;.r ~ .. ~.: h · k' ,_, . on~mC'_.. SJ>C'C.'!.il.LJQ! C'SS...!!.!_ 8fyvoor 1s· • IS • FrttSG .0 '°"' Morw.ln 17 11•, on r I t pn•v1ous WC'l' s rev1:.1>u m ~" ~• by Co gr las t 8<inllfr" -.,_,..,-Frtmn1 . 10 10•. MolClu1> 11\o 11., lt•vt I of 598.000 progra pa,;,..'llv n l'~ BrwTom I 1· • f"ullrHB n•, 7l Mu.lier 11 n , Bullet• W • ••-'1t nDtv<S 2•• 1• INDAIA ,, .. 11 ' 4 Bonr~y August as part ul the• S~9.a btlhon Bu<llbff 11 .. "'• nA111m ~ ••• Narroc :a. >S NASDAQ SUMMARY t\n.dy'>IS had attributed th e Lal!'. mcrcast• btll B11rnup!. ·~ 10 • 111~1 J7'~ Lt 1N•1 ... ~s 34 .J6,' k' <.J ( · 1 •·~ f I (Nl ~"' 7 / J'• GovEF'n )4' 1 1S NYAlrl l'• l'~ Nf.W YORK ZAP) Mo~l 'kllvt over pn •\ llJU!. \.\'(•(' !. l'I lnl' m part to 'he• numlA·r 0 p<.'Op {' gl•lting CPT ........ Gt•PllS< •••• 18' I NIOOG •. • .. lhe count~ 5totk5 'llPP""° by NASO tlw ubst·rvant·c· 1Jf Lht• Vete.ans thf'st· bt.•m•ftl-" ros<.· bv ti,500 in ~:~~~ ~ •• •! .• g~~~~~· 1~~: :~ •• ~:::~~ ~ ~.'. !r• M~rO:-"~ B1:0 •• A':O~ c~. S CntPI un • N11pec "" I Concept a Ampw un • Ampwr D.1 .v hol1day 1n many s la tes, the-wel'k l'ndmn Nov'. IJ when C•pEn 1 tS-161 G'Yrod~n •'• 11~ Nike t1 u sJ•. APOl"C . 7Js,.oo l7 l1'• • ., " . C•pSwU 10•' II HACl\On s s•, NC••C.• ••• I I•'• Tdnaem ~s IOO )I'• ,,.. '• 10 Omnlll\11 11 SpertlO 11 Tr6ME) 1l EH tnl n •s ul ling in a four-day rathe r t.•ompar<.'<.I to th(:' prt•v1uus Wt't•k. C•PAlr J'• • H•mlP1 10 10 .. NwtNG~ 11\. 11•. FaroRbt m,100 1) 1• 1 1131 tlh111 f1vr-day filing WN'k. The 10 stalt•s w1Lh the• h1ghcsl ~=~=~P ~~ !; .. ~:;~':! 1:': ,!'; ~;.'~r.s !~ !~!! g.•;:~·n ~1= '!~ 7!~: Th1.• report rl'le::tS(>d Thursday 1 nsu red u n (•m ploynH.'11\ r:i lt'S CNrll,. ls·• :i. HerDGp ,s '1• v1Nuup s •• '• us Bcp s 417 * '°' 1 '°'' C.fltmS .... 11-. HarltNI ,. •• 7' .. ,,.r ll r ., •• Fu11P. 3'1.00 IS'• ,, •• .1bo "<lid that 364.800 Americans W<'re: Wc-st V1rg1nta. 8.9 pt•rt'l'nL, ~~:~. s '~!; '! • ~~~~3~ • ~ ~.; 9;:;c•.~ :t.: !:" ~~~~ ~= ~~ t:~ \\ c· 1 t• draw 1 n g l' x tend l' d P(•nnsylv.inia. 7 5, Alabama. 7.5, cnmlu u•, 11 Holobm , • ,. , nl'•rro •'• 4 un<·mplo ymenL benefits 1n Mllh1ga n , 7 2. Oregon, 6 7 ; ~::~11 !:-.~. ~.~·~, 1~~1~·Pg~·r,:; 1}~':': AO••nceo 0.ClllWO u~ Tot•I tS'iUP1. • .,, u Genteth • ·~ U Coon• wt ' 1 • 1• LolHur . ~ :~ ~~:.~· • I 1• llepllM:f 704 ~ gr,11:Sc SSI U GIS.:r.. 2.0.1 U Me<hlm l JU 1A -LilllQI st•lc'ftl-d slal~,an mcreaseof 12, Wa.sh1ng1on. fi 7, ldaho. 6 4; ~:f!~ t~:.t~·,:~•nf n~n:;~:~~e l:~~! .mo from the prl'v1ous week. K entucky , Ii 0, Arkansa.<>. 5.9, and ~:::~:~ :t !t:; :~:;:•no i::. ,:·: P::::it ~~ !': ThoSt· figures arc not adjusted to lllmo1s, 5 9 rn•rcEnr ,,,. '" P..,ef,n• 14•. , ... Hew "HJ"' New IO•l Total l'1tt ~ r. ·~m~ S..Oll,.00 21 ~omtO un P<L Up IL1 -Up 417 Up 417 Up JU Up J7 S Up )I 3 Up :JOI Up "1 • Up "1• Up 71.t Up Hl I VP HO Up )SO Up U.S Up U7 Up 27 1 jJ Up Up UP Up Up Up Up UP 10.• :~I 11.1 II 2 II I 17. 17 1 PcL Off 11.S Off 17.l Off .... Off lJ J Off U.l Ott 11.2 Ofl 12 . Off n.s Oii 11.1 Oft 11.I 1,. ()ff 1t 1 '· 011 11.1 ... Off 10 s •• • Ott 10.1 V. OH 100 "' Ott 10.0 ~ g:: l:Z •• Oft 10.0 Ho Ott tl '• Ott ti ~. Off '·' Vs Ott t.I ~ Off •• ~. Off u I<> Ott Ll ... Ott ., • R etail ers report modest • i n • gains November MUTUAL FUND By COTTEN TIMBERLAKE AP Bualn• .. Writer A fter months of poor results the nauon·s top retailers s.11d Thursday thal sales 1mprnvt•d m od«stly 1n NovembC'r. JUSI , bl'fon• the more-than-us uall-. 1mporta.,t Christmas sl'lhnp season. "The sail's 1ncr£>asc:>s look better Lhnn they hdVl' tn S<.'Vl'ral months.'' said Jeffrey EdC'IQliln, n rctml analyst with th<' securaLIP~ firm Dean Witter R<'ynolds In(' "There was an acrderat1on m the rate of gain." But. he added, "Prmc1pally 11's a f unc tion that last year 1n November sales wNe not that strong." With sales sluggish sine<' Ju1w, retailers h orx· Lo ge t a boost from buying this C.:hr istmas. wh1('h t raditionally provides mul'h of their profi ts. At the same L1mt•, economists a re look in g Lo thl' holidny pcrioH to get consumers sp<?nding again and help pull th<' e<.'Onom y out of recession. "Retailers this year are a little m o re promtttiona l with m arkdowns, creating some of the thrust ," Edelman said. "$lores havl' to push extra hard lo make the• sail':.." Thl' nation's largest. n•taill'r, S<';1ri.. RU<'buck & Cu. said its s:1h•s \H•re up 4 9 JX'f<.'('nl to $1.81 bdhon J C PC'nney & Co • rnnkc'(I third. posted a 2 9 percent g.tm .md No 4 F W Woolworth Co s::ud its sales c l1mht'd 4.3 pt:l'l'l•nt K -mnrL. thl' se('ond largest rc·1.11kr, a nd No 6 Montgomery Ward WC're the only companies among the industry leader::. to 1 c·1>0rt sales drops. Many ('('Onom1sLs have said that the nation 's r('(.1)Vt>ry from thC' 16-m o nLh-long ren•ss1on hin~cs on increased consu mt'r spi.onding_ That sp<?nding has not matt•nalize>d primarily bc'CGU~ Of c·u n s uml'r worries about um•mployment and lhl' rcoeessio n, :.in11lysts say. 1 lowevcr, Novpmbc_.r's pt('kup in buying was a hopeful sign al'ld analvst s said tht're W<'rl' 1nt11t·rit1ons it had L'arril'd ovt<r 1nlo thC' f1rs l week of t.Jw Christmas shopping season, wh1 t·h began t h<' day after Thanksgiving "It's too ('arly to g<'~ sJ)('C1Cic details, but 1t uppc.•ars as if th1pgs arc continuing a gradually improving trl'nd of th<' lasl six w<>Cks," Edt.•lmon ~•cl J effrey Fl'tnt'r, rNail analyst at MNrill L y nc h. P ierce Penner a nd Smith, sai d, "Our l'Xpeclat1ons arc WC'! sull look for a repeal of whol w(''V<.' seen on Lhr rctml scenes in the past few years: 11 las t-minute rush to the stores. with tht• last 10 days of the Christ mas s<.•lling season being Lh<' busi<.•st." Delta employees h ave b ig heart ATLANTA (AP) Almos t holf Lhc:> t•mployC'l>s of Delta Air Lines haVl' madt.• pl<.'dgL'S to help b u y Lhl' worlJ 's la rges t Christmtis pr<'s(•n t -n spanking new $:30 m illion Boeing 767 jet for tlwir c•mployt•r, a n organ1ier says. The 1 '8.000 wo rk ers pa.rt1c1pating so far want to thank • tht• l'ompony fpr r ecent pay rmscs, said Duml' Carvclh, one of l hrec:> fligh t a lte ndnnts who launt'ht'd "Pr oj('cl 767 ... -. - IT'S NOT YET TOO LATE!: ONL Y"28 DA VS LEFT ~ii!;: . To Refund ALL '82 TaKes and Recover '79·81 Ta"es I I 2 I 4 I 6 I 10 I 1-ITC + ETC? Reel fstate Research & Oewelopment Cqutpmenl le;ismg ~'C-~":.:.11,:'·= • 1 Presented by. DALTON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC~ 2691 R1ch1er Ave , Ste 102. trvme • Near Jamboree/40~ Our Staff ol Attorneys and Accounlants w111 be avaflat>le 9 AM 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAi APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 841·3781 FOR SEMINAR I • -... ,. ""'""° .. , _ _... • I 11/U/ ~ T-t towta II \'u 0oot l<:el lter• --\'-AIM) COITA MllA 641-1219 UM.....,..IM. ,...._ W10 495-0401 HtnC.-.~ ........ ...., •a..,"W\) ( ,, NEW YORK IAPI NI WS 9 97 lO'IO Mun Bd .... Nl IDS Grl , ... II I• Pecr,.i II 3' 11 IS PlllrnO 1310 NL 01 ... n S.11 •.JJ Tht fOll-lno -TwFr• .. 11 • s. ~~~~( 'H~ ~t IDS H~ H• 3 t F.fN I ,:g :Y~ Price rhuno:-,J NL s1~:~ri, i:~ tN~ i*:!l!~!~;'~:~ ~~[~~ ... ~ 11N~ ~:·~: .: ~ ~t :~J :w~; ~3.? ~ =~k~ ~ ~ 1N~ t~m 1i ~ =t t:{.~:.~:..!i.20 NI. Oeel•rl Inc Mr Equol 7 51 I 2' ~~~n 1~ ~ ~t :~~ li~ 1.3~7~ ~ ~r 8•~ /~ :f 1fJ; = ~~~II :rn :t J:r !J.: :t :::~ricu :_:;:::~:. r::r.:r.;1« ~~o y s.e1H11 u.,. Nl rnv s.1 1 n • Jt MctlGvl 10 a NL n Fre •:is ~1. 1n .. s1 •I.• u.n (Ol.llO ... v. -HIM11n 1J 01 u., S.IMll I I .0 NL ... v Ve< t 14 10,. MUI ... , ol ~ Pro S.n11t"; NL St~mml~ F~ NL Ml • ..,., N~ ......... -G Sii ••• Funo t20 NL A•-... NL Id IN I I "-I '"--ITcll ••'1 NL Inv RHh S.lt ,.,. Amer 1o:i. NL MMT ltll .. -•-....... ~ llOUO'>I TuM ,, " ,. S4 Thrill • ,. NI. lllel lJ SI Nl rWtr> l •I • » ln<Ofl'I I 4S NI. lnffll 1 S;J NI. l•AIW pl11t .. ,._ nlSh• tJ04 NL I Treny >73' NL ~'?'tr~fl ::~1r.i ~':,''r,', , ... 10 41 PruSIP t21•1Ue Oc:Hll '2l Nl cfl••9el Tf\Uf'MMly ,..,, Fd II .. 10 17 Fl[)"~ •• ~'?1 Nl JP lnco I •7 • ti MlTOu•I ,, ,. NL Putnem Fundl Stein Roe"'°' =t S.11 ... , hp Dir )S 51 NI ' NI. J•nv• 10,61 NI. Mui Shr 4J u NL (;onv , •.• , IS .. lelell ,,,,. !~~n ,-r~;; ~t ::i-~:::I Fu~~t NL r.:~:.• 11: NI. J~ H•ncO<k NHHT .SO SO NL f Int Eq U. IJ 1' Sot ·-I 'IO 4111u!Ult IS., NL Funo 11 ... ,,. lncon'I 111 NL 80f\d 1',:12 IS SI N•I Avie 10 41 Nl Oeoro 14., 1• lS ~·p ~ ~ ,, Nl AIM f'unOt Gfwlf'I • It 10 04 Fsl lnvulon Grwtfl 11.•1 13 11 NAI Incl 13 la NI. Grwth 11 61 17 11 100 ·e. NI. C•YIO lJ •• 1• 3' H YIO· •.'IO f •• 8nO Ap 1411 IS19 US Gvt 168 9.oll N•t S.cutltiH, HHllh 17.11 1811 S51nipf I I• , Nl •• , ,. 01 f' ,. ,. -Tu E• 9.0'I ... 8el.n 1101 lJ 01 HI YIO 16.Sl 11.n In • 7, NL Gfnwy It 1• 1304 rncom 7 OJ 7,68 'l<O •_ , • ~· Keufmn .74 NL Bond J.O l n rncom •.70 I.ti Slr1t1nv t.U 10.00 11 Yid '7' 10 O Optn 1.91 9 II Grwth I '1 '14 Komoer Funlf\, Grwlh 't3 9 U lnlle51 11,lt It 23 S4ret Gtfl Jl.90 NL Alph• F 2311 NL Tn M0 ,141 n40 lncorn '" 109 lntorn l 71 l.IO PrefO HI 131 Optn t251137S SunGrtll 120013.11 A 81r11'1T 13 71 ,. so OIU Glh n •1 NL N•IRH • ,. • .. Gr-,,., 1'11 Inc om 6.13 1 ,. Tu E• 21Ht 11 .... Tu Mtcl 13 4J ,.,.7 Amtrlon l'llndS wlll'I AB 1,31 1.0 TOpln E ,s a,t 1•?? HI Yid , ,. 10 •• stou t .. 10 n vi.ta 1• ,, 11 s. ToGm1!.[!'on2crr-7 ..: : • A ••• • .. 10 71 "'' co 1 IS t 00 •• • .. ..... ~1.» • Amcp 1 S1 • 71 p lkl t . NI. ... WIEQ • " 10.. lnllFCI 11 i:J ll JI Tu ex 1 • • • Vono ,. CM 17.Sl Orwtl'I , • •'07 • M J 41 W•ll IS .S6 NI. Mun 8 I • f IS Tot II• S • • J4 ,., O '7 NI. · · f ~ Ull I SI 14 11 ...,p FO 10 OJ tel Optn 11 " 13 » FelrllO 9 47 10.lS Reinbw 3 '3 NL Work! It e 11.Jt Bono 17 41 13.., oncord 2t 47 NI. F~ter s 41 s 11 •"mm t7 17 74 7J •t1011w1c1o Fdl Roch Ta 11 OS U 17 Tfns Cet1 10,JI 11 21 Fd Inv • .. 10 71 011nettl<11t ~"' ~~~~1 G~ S" oTe<h 111, 13 •s Netll"O 9 04 9 77 fec:o s.cw. TrnsNew a IS NL Pn'c~ ·: g :~ ~! ·:: 1; ;~ Grwlh -v•ll Tit Rt I) SI 14 11 N•IGll'I I.IS I IJ eciult t ,. NL l=:.~ J: ~l·~ '2N~ ICA 10 °' 10" Mun 11<1 6.. I S1 lncorn USO NL U$ G1ft I 91 t ti N•180 9 47 10 11 Grwth ls.TJ NL TwnC Gt U. Nl p 1 >S i o MUlll t JO 9 .. Kay1I-Niau El ite l'UNI' lnco 11 04 NL H .,. • 3 on~ '"" ILJ1 n 11 Sele<• 14 ., NL Cut 81 IS 11 1• •I EQUll n ll l4 71 SIP•ul lnvell TwnC S.I tt.q Nl T••E t 00 t 4S Ollllet G 117S NI.. Frenl!lln Gr-Cus 8t ti U 10 JI Grwll'I n II 24 I• Clpll 11 IS 13 S. Twl!C UI • 4J • .. W \ 7h r ~ 1! : Mui u: =t AGE I t0 l IS CUI B• 7 IO I S7 IN:..., 10 n 11 U Orwfll lH7 IS tt U~~~t~'°';tO, NI. Amer Gener11 Irv '<!ep 1S II 1• 41 ONTC II 31 19 II Cul W.1 I• Ill Rll EQ n.ts 14tS Spec:I 2101 NI. HIYIO IUJ NL, CAp 80 • n 131 l•wtro Gr-Grwlh 10 1• 10 9S C11J Ill 1 12 7 7t :J::• • 40 •. 10 SCUdclor funo\ NL Into IO S7 NL Enlrp 14 IS IS .. D•UI .. 71 IS .0 Option • 71 •. 10 Cus $1 II.JI '° 30 .. , a.rm com SI 14 OS Sblt 14 II Nl HI YIO 910 10 4t D•lew 10 19 7701 Utllt S 17 S S7 Cit' SJ tA2 'IO E11rty IS n N( Devel U 17 NI. Uni A<cu •• 7 Mun 8 I• .. 11 Sl Oelcl'I 7 61 I :II lncom 1.. J 09 Gut 5' •.. I" O~l'd M" NL C•PGr 1117 NL Unll Mul IO •t =t ventr i. '3 19.43 h fro 6u • 73 US Gov 1 JO 1 . .0 lnlernt 4.90 4,'2 llMy HO I'll.. lncom 11 * NI. Unllod Fundi· Cmtl k 13 04 IA U !>ell• 11 JI 11.. (•Piii t.SI 10 l2 Tuttt 1.40 7.11 M•nhl S.IS NL Intl Fd ... JI Nl Actm t n IO . h eh 31 ll NL Ir CIP I .. Nl Equil S 7t • 7• Meu 12 '1 II S7 Pet!n 14 f9 NL MM8 I 4? NI. l oncl s· .. 6 00' , f'd Am 17 30 1) 44 C• 81 U 11 Nl C•lh • 0 • •t LHl119lon Grp• • ewl 01 t• n NI. S.C"rlty FUNls· lnlGlh 1S 40 l•AJ GrO't" t1 ., NL dCll $1112 11 I'll Funos Inc. (p ldr, 11 " "" WI Inc I.OJ NI. 8ond• I .... ,, Con Inc 11 ., 11 .. Herllr 1J •1 1411 tu 911, 1• ti Nl Cmru t IJ 10.. Goldfd • 1S NL !<flel• ti.. NL Eq11tv •·'9 1 20 Fidue 9 ·51 JI tt P•ce lJ :i. JI S4 tvflll (irp ln•OI 1013 IO 11 GNMA 110 Nl I: lnTr 11,s;i NL ln .. ll 9 .0 10 "I HI I IJ .. 14· .. ProvlO S ti S SI A 'llncl 1J _, NL Piiot 11 SI 11 Y Gr-9 •1 Nl £ lhOI 0 M NL Ullr• I 91 t llO M A GlhFO • 41 • u Or•yf I• as .. 23 Sunllll 11 .. ".. Ruh 11.. NI. 0¥•1'd 1US NL Stlecteo Fundl ~ncor 1~ = lt: • A H•rllo ......... 1. ..... 1•9S 11 51 GT Pee -v•ll 1..lnclnr U7t NL y Venl 7• •• , A"'. Slit ltt Nl Sc':rnt 14110 1104 Am Int s" • SS N "''"' • tJ NL G•t• ~ •• 40 NL Loomis S.yleo\ -II . " NL "'' Siii 11 IO Nl v~ , .. u ti I• A lnvHI t •1 NI. I SPI Inc • 17 NI. Gel\ l!ltc I"• c.tpll 14 )1 Nl 10 SJ NL SelltmAll Gr-.., .• -. In• In t •1 Nl Tu El 10 41 NI. El .... Tr tt 0. MUI 11 IO ftl m It» lfL C9'1Fd 11 '1 11 31 ~J!t1,,. ~:· NL AmMed tJ 14 NI. lllrd • S. Nl Hinh '.. Lord Al!Mtl nNlt!* I'd CmSll 1111 IJ II I • ANIGfh •II SU .. IGll'I t'1 ION S J114 NI. ~II .. eo tll lrec:t 19J71111 Orewlfl 141102 ..-:: l! Nl A Nllnt 11 74 lttl Afon&Howard S Lt IO• NL A 9't I0 9J 09Mfl e46 t U lnco 1~1 ll ll I: NI. Amw•y .,, .,, ••• .,, I» t o.Gef!Stc 11 i7 NL ¥Gt n.OJ Htl Hl.YICI 11c201•S.nll11tlOr t':n1 ,:,,, Nl Arcf\0¥1 '11 NL Fovrt 1on NL G8T lllO Nl lncem >• J J1 ~" Ult HS;J 8-4on I , .. $111$11 tUJ =t A"fn~';'9111:1.J 10 14 ::~:. : :; t:: 8~~11P~': :; 1l 11H.zL l..~~an ~-:., ll U r.~1rt 11: 'l: t:: S I; t 1::: Vrc• .. ~':a' n U rncom 4... ) 04 *' aHf 74-19 Ham MDA SI• • Inc..., I U I t i AIM 110 IU I Gr'wtfl IJ • IS 17 nc;em SIOCI! 1171 tJ 41 Sletll 11 " tJ.ot Herll Gfh n ,n NLl Munl • 12 I 01 l lmt II 01 11.10 Se-•· ,, ., NI. L'~" :1"10 1N•L7 ILC GI 1),., II OI tlenl .. t Gt-H•r LO Jl ., N US OH t O>I t S1 fC s.t nas 1t 11 Stfttr'f tt ti 24 ti V•Jllt ••.,. l.C Inc: IJ at 14 • ihem 10.IS 11 .. MerOld ..,. .. ~u NYu Flllentl: 1r1m M I ·'° u 01 Moear\Oft F-. Wc• I .-.... · ... lllC I.At foll "9Rt t ~ t 11 f10' M•ll 24112 NL MIT 11 17 11 6' PHWld JI Nl llppre I),,. I• 09 lVGlll 1{ !! ,!-!! llllt t11w It 7J NL ut .. y IS,. le .. riUll8ncl II 74 H~ Mii 11 SJ U SI ""'" SCI I It I'll HIVIO 1• 46 19 41 E 'T~ ·-"·" ff( Olh 11" NL ntUlll "4S "'' MUllGlfl lJ,. NI. Ml II ti ,. ,. llwnn Mw Us NL ln<om 11 •s ,. •> Oi•••: ff.,, ... , Hiii u 01 NL .. ,or,, )u1 Nl INA HIY • 47 10 t I IO I• 11 ~ •• • t1 to 'IO MMun 11" tJ u •tr • '° •~1r.;r"i'f; •ttrTU lJ U NI. llb Oroup IS 1 8 lt;l at: ..,_,,,. ClleM. NwOlr U 11 It.. £!1:;~ ~ 11,~ :,, ~. lo~ ~t :,~?.. ·~~'.. J:.,~-;::: t 1111 4 1 M • 'I" •u~ t:',':' '°~ ! H11 U I::','!' g, 1~ ~ =t ... •, tt1•. · ... ..,. Ce "'"' Ulr IO IJ 1011 rt! \II II II 4 B SI I ti 0.... Ji' I .. SitfN ,_,.. c i-111 • • '" lllC -•all E•<l'I M • NL I llry .......... M'M • H '11 ~YICI • it (;.it "i 11 41 I tUI 14 It c;.,., '4 tO NL "' lttt' II ., "t) '"""Hllll ,,,,,. 11 ti ti., :11 11 • I .. , rnce 1 •• V~ll' ~ .. " .. .... ,!!Cl 1170 ,, .. Ta,,. l,M 'NL lnCetl ~ .. II ltMWt\ lt ll NL c.. 111¥HI 'fl~., Well G , •• _,, •1111 & ·-'1CI VS G.. I It NI.. MIYld I ti 14 Metrl,11..-11 U 1J NL Sllcl n I 1 to W.111 • • ~ ~ C.,m .-..... 1411111• G...., ll1v11 1 t1 n • a .. c 11 • ~It Im a.. ,...,,.., .. w11< Ill( a 11 NI. C9'111 \ -YAll Altet 11 •t Nt Nll'n t.. I • Cffll 11 n ti '" ft •1 It Q Veftt f .. WMCI ,,,,_., c;olcn -··" ~ ... N , .... "' u ·n .. IOJ ,. c 141 s•H"' I • ff n .. v .. --· c.1•111 a1111et~ . • 41 Ot •Nl 1111 lllWtl 11 •1 It r 14 IM 1' f! Ill ) • ..I l•Ot n MvW 11 V NI. '"'.= 't r. 1n:1 tiny :: ::-.... f:"":r:t1lu f:iT'!:i ;a~ .. .. ... di us • J" ·~ IN~ ':.~ .: ~ .,,.1.... .., , ,. .. '"' ,, •1 "'l •11ru•en o-l,.,... , ... 1 llM .,. -~" , .... , .. , .. (~· H Inc 11 U It Ot Mtl'I '1 ,. l'fl, I Id HS • MUll!it t 41 • 11 IM !Ht .. ~ I ,,.....,.,. tlty'I , Monlll 10 .. ti 1111 M-1 •Ill. N tt I DI~ t,. I if411\llll ht • 1111.., lft• It• CM\ [fl'\! JI ..... .a ., • I I 011111 11 L;our.t DAIL V Pit 0 T /1 t ldoy D •c.a•111lJ01 !} HS NYSF"' C:OMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS OUOfAttON' tNCLUOI t ••OI• 0 .. tMI NIW VO•• MIOWOf "ACll'I( "IW lottOll, OIUOIT ANO CIN(INliAYI UOCW &ICMANOU ANO •l~lflO I Y TMI NA•O ANO INtTINI t ' ~ • Mexico double ga oline price Ml Xlt'O ( ITY (Al'l 'l:tt1 Ill\\ Wl\11111111111 l11u111l11d It!> p111gi .1111 h1fi::1\C 1\1;'"111 s l\1111t111i) hv tluulillng lltt• p111 1 111 j.t.1 ... 1fl1111 11 hup1 i. l11 ft duu nl:itly "ul1,,1d11 " II\ d1"4C1U1.1Hlll~' US 11101111 l'>l°' f1 0111 lilllrtl:t U(l II II"-' 1111 l11111lt I Thi l'111111111111 M1111:.1 1v 1 :,~u1•d J i.tuhnHnl Thu1 ... i.1 •• , 1111:h1 11111111um 111i.: ,lt.._ I' l11kc'l> c fft'< 11v1 11111111 d1 Ill(\ J)Cll 11111\ Ill thl lO~t of J(ol'< bUt (111 111•11 ult u111 p111dm 1 .. ,..., w1 II Pt 1u ' 111 t 111 pur11p-. '.O.IJ 1-tl (r urn till' l'<jUIValt tll 111 '11 1'\ "'' tu $1 111 lur urn• gJllun of agulur g.1'41lt111 l>u'l'>e I l111 I -0<\•11xk1 It d lrom :ll <'< ntto. to .1hout 54 tll)L'l 1'4 r ,.; 1llr111 \.\lllh 1111 ·111111111 JUlllpl--tl lrrnrl 81 t'Ullb to u IJuu l $ I 110 J >11n11 :.111 n 1tt11'.ll I.!•" p1 ttl-:> puu1H .111d !!t•llll f.Klll1C.hc11111;.1I )()() p1111 111 lnl I u1-.11:-; rCJ:ow rnrn t 1h1m 50 µrndu1 l~ rC'g1stt: 1 c d Energy usage down WASllJNGTON rAPI Amlnwn' an• using .1 1111 lt-S.o; 1 11t 1 gv 111 1h1 11 horm ~ but thl'y .111• 1,;ly&ng moll' ltJI 11 U<'\otd111g lo ,1 guv1 r 11rnl•nt s1udy Th< t 111•rgv l)tµ111rrw11t 1<:por ll'd Thursday th.11 h111111 ""' r to:) u~ llml d11>µp<. ct bv 17 JX'rtt.•nt bc.'t Wl't n fll7H ,111d HIHO ..... J\nwrirnn" b;.1llll'<I so,11111g fu<•l bill:. ll\ 111 ... 1.illlng m ,uJ,1111111 ,11111 tu1 nmg duwn thl.•n11u:.t.1ts Hlll I Ve 11 \.\Ith I lll'lgV USl dtJWI) by <.tlmosl one • I ti 11i ,1111111111 bi lb h.1v1 < lnnbtd by 'l.7 pt l\l llt ,l('t'rn dr11g to th< :.urv<y.of tnndi; l.><.t\.\lln IW7B ::ind llJBO Jn l~W th• ,1v1 rage Ami rrt.:an !>pl'llt $7:l4 fu r hom! < IH 1g\ 111111 1);111-.I lo $!H7 1h 19tt0 I he pr 111• ol I Ul'I wl 1: hmlx'tl the m~t during th rs p(•nud JUlll(Jlllg uy 105 IX r<:enl boosted by lhl• govl•rnnwnt 's d1 ... 1::.1on to t nd doml>sllc pnu• l"ntrols :md Sh.ifjJ)y h11-("l11 I WCll fd pnt't'S follOWtn~ thl 197!:1 Ir .rnmn rt volutrun Th< yt-.1rly bill fo1 hom1•ownl'll> Uto.mg f lh I Ill I "e•n l I 111m $11'19 rn 1978 to $ J <158 in 1980 th1 h1gl11 "\ ul ,111y fut I Gas tax hike backed WASHINUION (Al') Hou~ tux writ.us <Jrl' ruonime 11clin~ .1pproval of Pn.'sldl•nt R<'ag<m's propcl!oo<'(I 1m k1•l ha kl• Ill lhl rroeral gaM>hn<' tax to frnunn a mult1btlhon-dollar program of highway, bnl.lgt• arrd Illa"•-' trmlMl rt•paars Wrl h h111Jrt1SCJ11 sUpJX>rl, lht tax-wralrng Hou.st• W.1 vs .ind ~h urn. Comn11ll<'l' ulso VQ.l<'d Thursday night to 1 ndor..... n plan that would fon-c the owm rs of b1ggu ll ut k'S tu pav 0101 c highway ust•r tax1..•s in ex<: hanw f c,r l1lx 1 ,\llzc.'CI rt'SlrK lions on truck s11es and Wl'IJ,tht The 1rllrr1 p 1t k.1g1 Wa'S c1pprov1.'Cl on .i vmn• vou: Thi• t.1x 1mrl 1M wh1lh ha!. th( support of ltad<:rs ot hlith p...11 lh' tn Congn-i.." would ra1:.C' ,in •~llmalC'd $5 5 b1lho n ,\ H '.ir at an annual t'OSl to lhl avu agl' 01111011-.i ol <about $JO a year at.:<:ord1ng tu .11l1111l11!oot1.1t11111 u l fllloll!oo STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT N~W YORK (Apt--6-4 pm T~ll)' l)<tce 91\d 1'1<tl Chlng11 OI Ille''""" '"Oil ec'tl.., N1w Yori< Sloe~ ~CMl'gll ""'.. •••<>!IQ n•1.onalt)I at mOfe 1na.n I ' AmtT T~ T , N1IOO 110, IBM I SJ9 100 88 , E•,.on 'Ml loOO u•. El\,.rch \ ''' 400 19 Comw Edi~ 111,JOO H .. C i1lnS¥c~ '81 'IOO '9 , Syl\IU ' SS/ loOO ... AMII Coro SSl 400 20 ... Sony Corp ~ .00 , ... K m•rt SO 100 ?S', W •rnt(om .._ IOO S. Mhrlll Lyn 43100 .... .. '' .. . '-• I • I'• .. I. .. ' I • ForOMOI 0 1 lOO Jl .. Ta!\Oy Al• 100 »\o , 1 .. Bot1"9 .,. 100 ,, I 4, ""',.> "trill-. C>O NEW YOAlt IAPI OK AOvanttd 0.Clint!d Un<~ Tot•I I.Sur• New h19n. Ntw tows MET}LS NEW \101\1( tAPI IMlal C>roces today roci..v JOI ,,. 10 117S 11 • Spol nonrerroua Copper 71~ H cen11 1 pouncl U S llcithh01iom Leed 20 .. 26 CDllll 1 PO<Jl\d Zinc 38-40 c:en11 • pound dei<-ed \'In S6 1093 Me1a11 W-COl'nl>O"'ll lb A~ 76 CDlllS I POUnd N \' Mttrcury S36S 00 I* llesk N ~lellnwm S372 00 $376 00 1ro' auric• Sil VER-- ' Hendy ind H•rmM S 10 260 per lrO)I C>Ut1Ct1 GOLD QUOTATIONS ly TIM A1-laled ""' S~ted WOlld QOl<I l>l'"t IOCloy Lendo,. m1tnln1 ll1ln1 IHO 76 011 15~ LOhdOft efler-1111~ SU I 25 Off $SOO ..... eftl<-111 ... S442 40 UC> 13 S4 ,tlMIWl 11 .......... 99 U9 12 17 Zwlcll let• ....,_ ..... S440 00 on $S 50 D<d 144 1 00 asi..c1 S•~~~:r 0~ .~'Oo'"•" 1on1y oa11y QuOlel l,......,CI lonf\' (l"ily Q\/Olel 1•441 25 oll uoo S•~~:~CI s~•:;•ceted (Ohly 01tlly Q110lel SYMBOLS d New y .. 11y low w N..-y1111y I\ 011 vnwt otllt..., .. t\Otld '''"or Otvid.,.o• ••• tMull O•tb11n1men•• blNll Oii , ... lltt Qulrltll)' or 11m1 lhnu11 09'l11111on Sl"l'-•11 Of ••••• cl••t4tncl• .. PI Yfl'lllllt not d .. 'O"'''° It •-ou111 .,. iOen1 1..0 in '"' rollO .. no 1001nolft I "'"O eatrl dt l•l•U II i\hhllel "'' plul llVC~ dmOtnO c L IQUldellllt 01• 01110 ()eciltfO Of 0..0 ,,. pr~ 1111 la "'°"'Ill I OfcillM Of pM en~ tlOCll Cltvtdellel Of tOl•I llP I llleld lhot ye1r d..,,.O Olftltlto ..,.,,., O! no IC1oOll , ... .., •I IHI Cll\lldwld !Meltnt • OecllttO Of p9"I 11119 1Mf ell ICiCllMUlet.,,_ 1-W1111 dtvldlftCll Ill 11-1 DOW JONES AVERAGES lfEWVOllK(API FINI 00... Jono .. II> for Thursday Dec 1 STOCKS Hogll Low Clou C"9 :JCI 1nd 10 lrn 1S VII .S Stk tndu\ Tt•n VIII\ •S Stk Pct Up U • VP 101 Up 10 • Up !O • Up 10 • Up 100 Up 'I Up tO VP It Up 11 Up 11 VP I• Up I' Up I• VP I J VP I I VP 10 VP 7 t VP I• VP 11 Up II 0 Up •I Up '1 VP '• PC I 011 t I Otl •• 011 1 . 011 1 ~ Otl 1 I 011 11 011 1 I Otl •• Otl •I 011 • ) Otl • s Otl •• Ott ., 011 10 Otl s, Ott s 1 Oii s 1 Ot• s 1 Ott s . 011 S• °'' s. 8:1 ~: 011 H n New It -r o.cter.O Or Pl" Ill C>rtCHlflt 12 11\0ftllll c>llil llOCk dt~ 1 .. eid In elocJo 111 prl(4Cflhg 1) "'°""" h llllll*I CHI! '<-Oii e..clivtOenct Of flt ClltlrtlllllllOfl d••• l •b.Cft-01 O! t a•ltlllll Y•IJh0""""4 lftCl ..... illl\I" ...... ii\11111 Ciel C-.cl .cl•WMll fltlfltlli*I wt Wiien 1n11•0 WW•W llll "''"'"" .... w1111 ... 1 w111re111• aclie h-0111111111111on • Ill If 11110 Tiit Or.C. Of e e\OU M • mvlloOle ol p« ._ _,,...._..,.. -, diYlOing Ille let .. t 11 l'llOllll't Mlllifltl ~ llllOIMl .... llflM 1' .. I Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Frld1y n-... • "'-•mb9r 3, 1012 . ' . . 616' GREEN SCOTCH PINE Cllrls~111as Free '$2999 Features UP5W!Pt oranc~ with one l)le(t constructiOn 141651 .J" x 20· Carland 99~.· REG '1.29 ChOosf gold or sitver to h19hhgh1 your trH Flreproot 12S4-00C'1m 4-0101 15 INCH Plusll •~ocklng ·99!: REG '1 69 Fluffy Wtlitf SQllooed Cuffs llmtf IOts of toys and notiOos tor the Yt>IMC}St~ 127()..450 EVERYDAY Spray Pain~ . e 88 EACH REG. '1.19 Al purpose~ enamft_ For lnteriof and Hteriof use. Fast Orytng otn w 11 ounce wood saske~ _, •• REG. 'i.9!L OKOmlft Hat llQcll hOlder fOf WOOd 171• 1'GREEN SCOTCH PINE c11r1s~111as . Free s599a lnsta·shape constructlOn complete with stancl Raine rrtaniant llfJOy to dfeorate and enjOy year afttr year #42701 50 1.lgll~ Se~ $29,!1 REG. 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Mt•• llMI: 7800 EOil9fr Alie 17,.1 10 ~ 12162~17,.1 750-5"1-• ,.. °'• 5flo9' 17HI •tM1 ~Ml: JJOt "'5to1 sr. im197H1t1....;:: ••nu.1111: 22MO vttory iarn ,...:unr SOuntsr i2rn •21·7561 C'lbDllG.t: 9775 ~IO 17141 teo.o212 105'1 ...... 171t1 flMOU '-: 1 • ,.. 21849 5 wet'"' i2u1 so-1122 ..,_ 2S1• s llDunt• 11u1 tlJ -.. '"' s Wtstm r2rn 5sz.zeu The Renew·~, .......... ~.;;::;_~~~ Redo, $·~ ... usn CUillltr Dr 17MI SS2 57" • •vws IOllS; •DAY ftllMI ... Piiiar 1 "1 1 .. ,...., .., 111 Mr I ti 1 . ~ .. Redecorate ..... ,,,==-= • .. " . • ·- I I \ ~Jl~llllt rRIOAV, O(C 3, t98? COMICS ca Rejuvenated Rams By JOHN SEV ANO Of Ille Oellr Pllol tlelf h 'g a simple case of too little, LOo lull' What Rams Coach Ray Malavas1 did f1Vl' ganws into the• s1.•ason --s tart Vint·c Ferragumo 1s soml•thing he probably should havt.• dom• way bal'k on Sc•pt 12 at Green Bay. And, let's face 1t. if a pinched ncrw hadn't sidelined Bert J ones for Thun;day night's t'ncoµnh.'r with the Sart Francisco 49ers. you may not have St>(>n Ft•rragnmo the entire season. But wtth the offense showing more <:ohes1on than 1t has all season. Ferragamo, r usty by his own admission. gave it all he had in putting 24 points on the bourd Unfortunately , tht• Rams' o ffe nse couldn't keep up with their own de fense. wh1t·h permitted the '19ers 30. As a result. lhe Rams. now 1-'1, arc virtually 9ut of any playoff competition Matht•mattcs stall k~·p thl•m alive. but only for formality sake. And now, the age-old questions <Top up again. ls Malavas1's job in jeopardy? Will he s tart Ferragamo or Jones? Are the Rams walling to admit they made a big mistake with the Jones deal? At lcust one player. who asked to rema in anonymous, said some of the answers are pretty clear. "With VinC'e we knew the potential to strike Running back Jeff Moore ( 25) of Sari Francisco eludes the grasp of Rams' safety Nolan Cromwell to scor e touchdown during second qua rte r of. Thursday night's game at Anaheim Stadium. ' San Francisco came from behind to hand Ram a 30-24 setback. ' Olllly Piiot Pt\oloe by ChMlee Sten was al wayll thl•n • Wl"v1• rlt •vt•r had thut ft't•lmg with ~rt," tw suid "I think if you go uround tht• room l'Vl•rybudy would pn•lly mtwh lt•ll you ttw :.;mw thing " OK. so rnayl.w the pla~rs know who should Ix> lllarlln~ lJul!!> Mulavusa? "Oh. I think ht• knows. too," tlw plnyl'r addl'(]. 'l'hl· probh.•m 1s by starting "'erragamu thl• "I <1011 't know if I should start 01· 11ot. It 's not m y dPcision.' Hums wc>~ld havt' to swallow too much flak. Not only by thl' media, but by thosl' within the orga111Z<.1t1ur1. J~t imagme for a moment what thE' Hams n11gl-rt ~like today if they had k(•l)t their two draft p1l·ks 1nstN1d of snipping them to Baltimore• for Jon(•s EVl'n t'>Cllt'<.I luwbacker Jack Rl'ynolds, who is l'n.1oying a rl'b1rlh wath the 49crs, ('OUld sc.-e the c1 tf r l'l'l'nl·t· "Thl'Y (the· offe n se) p layc.>d with mor e l'Onf11.lt•nt·l· tonight," Hacksaw observed. "Wlmt about J ones?" asked a reporll'r. "Bert ~ilidl'S r~al good," Reynolds· answered wath a sm1 lt'. Eagles' past nieets prese~~ Estancia a~umni bas ketball ga-me to h~nmr-s-re Estancia H1gh's Eagles have been up against some tough opponents over the past seven years in basketball. There arc few who would argue that point, despite the fact they've racked up a 138-37 won-loss record 1n that span. including four league titles. But on Dec. 10 in the Eagles' gym, they face what has to be the toughest assignment of all - when the past catches up with the present It's the Eagles' alumni game, and in add1uon to the game itself. a halftime dedication will be made. honoring the late Steve Van Horn, a two-time All-CIF selection who w~ killed earlier this year in an accident in Mexico. "We think we'll have most of them back who played with Steve," says Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman, whose fi ve years at Estancia have resulted in 101 victories. 33 losses. It's not often that a fan can .relive past glories. but thas 1s one time where the Eagles' faithful have a chance to see a great deal of the past. Sunderman expec ts Ray Orgill and John Carrado to be among the alumni team, but when you consider just what that alumm team can draw from. well. wouldn't it be great to be able to put togetl;ler a team comprised of Jeff Gardner and Steve Kralss. Ken Hall. Jim Sampson. Tony Camp. Tim Krohnfeldt. Dan Maddock. Doug J ardine, Jim Price. Mike Camp. Pete Neumann, G ary Orgill and Jim McCloskey, among others? Interested ex-Eagles should contact Bill Wetzel at the school. Interested fans would be well advised to get their seats early. Tipoff is set for 7:30. DURING THAT TIME lhe Eagles have put Or\.. a Jot or memorable performances -and there are three moments that 1~recall vividly. First -there was Steve Van Hom . with that big smile, holding his arm high. flashing No. 1 as he was introduced at the Eagles' gym. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON other tugn scnoo1s. but Jrom adulti;, about &llson 's "S6 cal/C'd" rC'C'ruiting. Trv as l might, I can't undcrst..1nd how the CIF can-so cloS<'IY watch school boundaries within some leag ues, and at 1he same time allow the Angelus and DC'/ RC'y leagues to recruit from all over SouthC'rn California, or for that matter, the nation. I would be most interested in an explnnation of thC'S<' reJ(ul:wons and practices. Weil, at 's a matter of two systems. Public schools must work within the framework o f one set of rules. the parochials another Students atte nd parochial schools because of religious bt>liefs -and it doesn't matter how you slic.-e at, that purpose (whether It really is or not) takt•s pr('fcrcnce .. The rub, or course, is that both systems clash in non-league and playoff action, creating a lot of resentment from the public schools' system. One other thing -it's not the CIF which is watching the boundaries, It's the individual leagues. The CIF itself. does next to no thing when confronted with charges, simply tossing the matter back to the individual league to handle. When you have two sets or systems you would thank separate playoffs should exist _.._ but a propd!;al for just such a split was voted down by a majority of representatives of every league in the Southern ~ection three or f~ur years ago. • ;. C·lASSlf IED C9 can't stcip 49ers· 1'\•r111g:1mo. Khuwing glint))Sl~ of tht· form Lhat "Th(' whult• thing is really disappo1ntang and it t•0t 1wd tht· Hams 11110 Supt•r Ilowl X IV lwo y\•arll hurt..-. 1111• c.lt•l•p down lx.>eausc I felt I gave a goud ugo. f1111-.lwd has Irr-st regular-S(•u.'>(m swrt 111 two <'ffort eVl'll though we came up short." y1•arl\ by rn11\plt•l111g 211 of 4:i pas.-.c;'S for :Wti yards Montana, who has been seeins a lol or action, ;inu 1mt• tou<.•hdown. lie also had two passt•s carvl'<i up thl' Rurn St.'<.'Ondary to the tunl' o f 26 Hllt•rt•t•pwd. ,mw or which <.'OSI th<' Rams a po:.sibll• compll•llon!> out of J7 attempts for 305 yards and TD an tht• th1nJ quar\.l'r whl•n thl• ball. tnll'nc.Jt'<.l for two 1<1ud1downs. Prt·ston D\mnard. was tippt_>d 111 the end :waw and And. to show just how efficient the 49er caught by Dwight Hides ofrt•flll<.• was, l'Onsidt•r this: San Francisco had six "It's n •al tough to lose u gamt• when you know scoring arlVl'S, ca(•h Qj which covered an average of your pluyl'rs playt•d hard ... and Wt! Rlaycd hard," 62 yard11 ln JUSt 7.5 plays. ln other words, when the s:_11d Malavas1. "We madt' a m uplt• C>f mis1.<.1kl'S and 49l'l'8 struck, thc·y struc)t quickly .. thost• masUlkt·s hurt us. "Losing like )YC did is awfully disheartening, "Our dt•knst• playt•d good at limes but it wasn't cspt_'(:ially when you play as well as we did," said good t.•11ou~t'l. Thirty points as too many LO gave up Jack Youngblood who sacked Montana twice. "We Ni for Vinnll.:, I thought h • performed extremely .just have to t.ak<.> this -digest It -and become Wl~l " . heller bt'l'ause of it. Maluvus1 dodgl'<l th<.> qul·stlon. however. as to "l thought we played-decent football for wht•tht•r f'crragamo play<.-d well enough to start <:c•rt.am periods of time against a heckuva oCfense." nl•xt Wl't'k .,~<.•rragamo. himself, s1d<.>-stcppC'd the It was those lapses that they didn't play well. iss\w, LOO. -though, where the Rams got hurt. "I'm prNty down right now." said Fcrragamo From a fan standpoint -and there were 58,- glumly. "I dorft know af 1 should swrt or not. It's 574 wh0 braved the chilly weather at Anaheim not my dt't.'1sion. Stadium Thurscfay's contest was the Rams' m95t "I h•lt a llttll' rusty in t'!'rtain areas," he added exciting since their 33-31 loss to the 49ers last year. of his pt_•rformanc:(>. "I was playing a lot on instin<:t. "Every Ram game seems to go down to the last It's hard tu be '100 percent execution-wi~l' when you minutl'," said Bill Walsh, whose team stayl'<i In tbe hav('n't played for awhile. (See RAMS, Page C4) It's Edison vs. LB Poly NORWALK -Edison H1gh's Chargers and the Jackrabbits of Long Beach Poly square <Yff tonight in the C I F Bis Five Conference football semifinals, here at Cerri~ College. 11 begins at 7:30-. - The other semifinal game in the Big Five is at San.ta Ana Bowl, f eatur ing No . I seed Servile a nd Del Rey League representative Alemany. Other games featuring Orange County teams incluqe La Habra and El Toro at Mission Viejo. and Brea-Olinda at Fullerton in the " I Cen t r.al Confe r e nce. In the. ~ Southern Conference it's El M o dena at L os Altos and Hacienda Heigh ts Wilson vs. Esperanza at Valencia H.igh. It's defense (Edison) vs. speed (Poly) at Cerritos College with the Jackrabbits' No. l threat being tailback Kirk Jones. When Poly goes to the air it's usually Tyrone McCullouch who is the main target. Edison 's de fe nse is built around line backer Tony Johann and -defensive back Matt Hombs. Homs running bac~ Mike Guman finds himself turned upside down while diving for firs~ down Thursday night. Secoa\dly -Kraisa' miracle shot, which eliminated Foothill from the CIF playoffs last season still seems like yesterday. Thirdly -and maybe just why the Eagles are so much fun to cover -there was Sunderman. smoldering In the visiting locker room at Corona del Mar after a narrow loss. Hearns yearning to he . 4 a champion ..... , • again • He was just standing there, appearing lo be under hUJ usual 1elf control despite the flushed face. but the hole In the wall was a dead giveaway. • • • WITH THE BASKETBALL season beginning and transfer-loaded Mater Del rulln~ the roost as Orange County's 'No. 1 team, It's time to drag out the "hold" file and address a letter from Fred Page . Writ.es Page: My daughter hM been forturuHe enough. or untortumte enough, depending upon how you look at H. to have attended &lison High School the past ~yHrs. "She hu enjoyed the privilege of attending many our.tlindlflll achlerk contetcs. However, f!>r the ,.., rwo aelUOIV lhe hu had to concend with ron.1tant harusment, not only from 1tudcnf8 from NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Wil fred Benitez, a world champion for most of the last six years, will defend the W o rld B oxing Coun ci l su p er welterweight title tonight against Thomas Hearns, who longs to be a champion again. "Before I had a title 1 wasn't hungry. Now that I don't have a title, I'm hungry," said Hearn9, who was stopped tn the 14th round by the now -retired Sugar Ray Leonard In a fight for the undisputed welterweight championship Sept. 16, 1981. at Las Vf'gas. · That defeat, his only one against 35 victories. of which 32 were by knockout, <.'09t the 24-year-old Hearns of Detroit the World Boxlna Auociallon share of the 147-pound tftlc. Hearns la a sli1Jht favorite to 1~ tonl1ht In the superdom , although In Benlte!z he will be .. ' facing a man w ho ls one of six boxers to win three world titles The "24-year-old Puerto Rican won the WBA junior welterweight title a t the age o f 17 by outpointing Antonio Cervanlea March 6, 1976, at San Juan. He defended the 140-pound claa crown twict> before being stripped o{ title recosnlllon for foiling to defend within a prt'9Crlbrd time. , Then, on Jan. 14, 1979, he b«'amf' a champion again by outpolntlns Carloe Palomino at San Juan for the WBC wel~rwelght title. After QM df'fenR of the 147-pound title, he suffered his only defeat agaln9t 43 w ins, 26 by knockout, and draw when he wu stopped with six teCOnda lf'ft In the l~th round by Leonard Nov. 30, 1979, al Laa Vie Benitea bf.came a triple cham wh~n ~ knockl'<i out Maurice Hope In t~ 2th round ror the W8C IH-pound title May 23, 1981. • "P eople who are expert in boxing will recognize that I am the Blbte of Boxing after I beat Hearns and H~ler," said Benitez. Benitez wanta to ride a victory over Hearns in his third defeOR of the super welterweight title to fight against Marvelous. Marvin Hasler, the undisputed mlddlewelaht champion in a bid to become the flrtl man to four tit.lee. The 1ehe-dulecl 1~-rounder will be the ~nd half of a champlonahlp double-h8der, which a~ will be seen In the United Stale• on pay and cloecd-clrcult televilk>n and will be beamed to about 15 othf!'r countrtee tn t~ f&nt half of the double-heeder. Wlltndo. GornH of Puerto Rico will ct.fend the WBC ..,., bantamwelaht title apirwt Lupe Pintor, the WBC bantamwetpt champion. • • C2 Oronge Co811 OAILV PILOT /Frid y, Ooc mbe1 3, 198? Fambroug h fire d ~ ~s Kansas coach Prom AP dispatches LA WHENCE, Kan. Don m Fcunbrough. thl' 81~ Ei~IH C:Ol-'l'h of 4. • lhl' Y cur an llJU I, has bt.-en firnd as head football l'Olll'h at tht• Unavcrmty of Kansas . Mo ntl' Johnson , Kunsus' n ew athlctil' direl'lor, annount·ed the faring to day of Fambrough, 60, who has two years at $49,680 a year rema ining o n has contrac t. H e s aid Fan~prough 's t'Oachang stuff would not return next season "I made thl• dl'C1s1on to relieve Don of his head t·oal·h111g respons1b1litics after careful d elibera tion :· 'J ohnson said in a prepared statt•mcnl. "It was m y f(.'('hng that in order to re-<>Stablish confidence in our football program that a c·hange was nCt•essary. This was a very tough dl't·asion to re ach and one that I thought long and hard about." Fambrough. who had a 36-49-5 rl'<'Ord at Kansas in eight seasons, 1s welcome to remain at the university, where he has spent more than thrne decadl>s, in some undetermined capacity, Johnson said. Sp«.:ulation for more than a month has been that John CoopN. a former Kansas assistant coach unde r both Fambrough and Pepper Rodgers. is the leading candidate to succeed Fambrough. Coope r guided Tulsa to a 10-1 record, including a victory over the JaY.hawks, this s eason . Charley M cBride. a longtime assis tant coac·h at Ne braska , also has been mentioned as a possible successor. Quote of the day Jim Val vano, No rth Carolina State basketball coach. aflc>r has team hat 13 of 23 three -point atte mpts from the Atl~tic Coast Conference's 19-foot distance m a 103-93 exhabiuon victory over Marathon , Oil: "I'm not saying the circle is too close,: but a t halftime my mother t·ame out of the · stands'and kn(l(·ked in three out or four." Howe's goal gives Boston deadlock Defcnseman Marty Howe scored ~ his first National Hockey League goal ' on a 55-foot shot la te in the third period Thursday lnaght. giving Boston a :J-3 tic with Quebec. Howe unleashed his long shot, which de fll'Cted off Quebec defenseman Mar io Mario's skate at 15:40, less than a minute after Quebec had taken the lead on a goal by Anton Stastny . . . Willie P lett S<•ored four goals to power Minnesota lo a 6-3 triumph over St. Louis. Plett had scored just four limes in 19 previous games with the North Stars since being o btained by Calgary in June Mike Gartner tallied twice and Craig Laughlin added a goal and two asstSlS to lead Washington past Pittsburgh. 5-4. Flnal spurt carries Phlladelphla Andrew Toney 11rnn'd u M'llllllrl m "'"" 34 po111111 unJ Jullu11 l':rvtna ucld1'tl :.W 11 Philuth•lphlH lwhl 111\ lu1 u I lti 101:1 vll'IOI v 11w1 Ph1w11f)\ 111 th1• N11111mul l\usk1•th11ll A ... -.cK 111111m 'l'hu1 't<l.1 ~ rnt(hl Phu1•11h~ pUl11'1I lO w11h111 1w11 po1111 .... 011 !Ill, wat,h u.~~ r1•111Ui111nu. t1u1 1tw 711<•1 a. l1Ut)ol:011-tl 1111' Suu .... 10 10. In till' ruml I f>.l Wllh E1 \111\g .111d Mos1·s MulUnl' 11l\'llU1111ng for 1111\ p11111L., uml 'l'o111•y f1 v1• 1'!lsi•wlwr1· 111 1lw N HA . Adrion 011nlley nutdwtJ :i7 1)1111\ts 111 KllHl'k U111h to 11 11 !I 112 111ur:,1µh uvi•a· Pw•tl:md Darrt•ll Griffith pu11111t'tl it1 :.o po111ts uml Danny Scbayl'1 l'on11 tuu11-d HJ I w· tht• wit111t•r1o , Mark Al(ulrrc a.(·1.>rt:ll 27 polnt:i a11d lhn•1· 11tlwr 0,1llus r1l11 yt•rs h;ul <!O or lllOl'l' ois tlw Mav1•1•kks d11w111•d Uuldl'll ~11111., 110 100 It wus tlw t•ighth const'l'llliVC' road lvss fur itw Wnrraori., who hovt· ;ilso losl l'IJ{hl 111 llll'1r last ni1w gumL'l:I to fall to 5 I:! lur tlw t;t•u11<>n. Bruins outlast stubborn 9ePaul Darren Daye tll'CJl'l'U II l 'Oll'l'l 'f · m high 2J points anc.J pul sixth-rnnkt'<I UCLA uht.•ad lo s tay with u fn•1• throw in OVl'l'limc• 'l'huri>duy ni8hl tu IC'ad thl' Bruins tu u 7J. 70 Vll'tory uvc-r Ot•Poul 111 l'Ollt•gl' baskc•tball Ut'tion Ot.•Pa ul had rallil•d £rom a 12-poant dC'f1l·11 an tlw f1n.t hair ant.I then opc·m'() a lht'\.'l'·poanl ll•ad law an the• ganw l_x.fun· the Bruins rallwd tu lll' Elscwhl'rl', 1., AlbuqucrqUl'. N.M .. guard P hil Smith CJropped two fn.>c throws with 17 S<'\'Onds left as unl_x.atl•n Ncw Ml·x1t·o l•dgt•d USC. 77-74. Thl· Troja ns were IL-cl by Ol>t.•an View High produt•l Wayne Carlander, who st'Orcxl 21 point.' ~d he llJ('ti USC open an early 21-8 advantage ... Guard Dane Sultle l'Onm'l'll'CI on a 20-fool jumix•r with two Sl'l'onas r(•m:uning to gave• Pcppcrditw a 77-75 l'unqucs t of UC Sanw Barbara in Muhbu ..• St•n1or guard Lawrence Hel4 tallit•J 111 points to lcud tht· University of Pal.·1fic to a 57-5ii victory ove r BoiSl' Stall-on the· losc~·s fluqr. '• But will they show up at the game? SAC R AMENT O -No one [i] would dare swipe tickets to a football 4. t game bet ween police ofCacers and sheriff's deputies. Right?• Wr•ong, Sacramt•nto police o ffic:ers say. They bellt•vc somL>Onl' l.lnll• 296 tacke L'l to the annual Pig Bowl football game between the Sacramento County sheriCL'.s..offace and the city polit'C d epartment. Polm.• Sgt. Bob Burns said the uckets, worth $1.046, arc massing a nd apparently were stolen from the shop wher:e 28,000 w_crc printed. NFL player reps to vote today . The National Football LcaguC"s Ill 28 player representatives are to be polled by the unidn to offer thl'ir lates t o p i n ion on the pro pos<.>d collective bargaining agreement before• the 1,500 players. Those rank-and-file> players are then likely to vote on it early next week ... J erry Pate a nd Seve Ba lleste ros of Spain fired 5-under-par 67s Thursday lo lie for the first- round lead of the Million Dollar Challenge in Sun City, Bophuthatswan a . golf's riches t lournament. A total of 10 professionals are competing in the event ... Wilfredo Gomez and Lupe Pintor fight tonight for Go1r1cz' W orld Boxing Council super oont.amwe aght title in New Orleans. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. · RADIO: Football -Long Beach Poly vs. Edison at Cerritos College, 7:30 pm .. KWVE (107 9 FM). Basketball Portland at Lakers, 7:20 p.m .. KLAC (570). Padres r e ady to make a deal with· Garvey I ,. R fle ctions of a p e rfect year l J(] polo is ts .. c·u nu• l o~t·lht•r dur ing unbeate n t•uson Ut' 11 v11u• w.1ll'I po l11 l'C11ll'h T1•d Nl•wlumJ d1<l11'1 1'UVVL h1., N< 'AA c•h.1mpl1111o;h lp vu·tw y Vl•ry Ion~ f\o;, lw JHH 11, h1 · muld11'1 1111111 d tu Nut u(h•t lt"lllj.1 I 1Vl' ~·111111 :< Thul d111•i.11'1 11w.rn, howt•v1•1-, th,ll Nl·wloml w1111't H•nw111IM.•r l11st ~umluy'11 1•vt•111 fur 11 l1111J( tmw tCJ C'Oll\l• Ul'l'11 7-·1 vwt111 y ovt•r Stunfurd in tlw n\auonal fa11al t'llJlfH'tl an l1)l·r~·d1bll• 11t•uMm fur Ncwlund und hli. A11t<'1tll•1 i.. Tlw1 t• wt·n· :w 1o<11m<•s ... w1d :iO vu:tortl•i., murk111~ only tlll' third t111w In tlw s1K11 Lo; hii;tory th111 11 stt~md had fitw,lwd u grm·ling w utt•r µolu st·rn~o11 u11cl1•fl'ah•tl "It wu:-u SUIJ<'f' fun i,1·111· 111111 I'd llkt• lo do 11 u~uin ," iw id Nt•wlund l'hursduy n ight w ith 11 t•hul·klt,1. "It wa ..... Vt'l'Y t•usy yt•UI' or ('O()l'hing for mt'. Tht• pl11y(•r11 lt•arnc•d everything tht•y r11·pd1·d to ll·arn ihl.· thrt•i.· Yl'tlni hl.'fon • All I hml lo du this yl't•r was mukt• surt.• tlwy i.huwto<l up " THE LEADER ol the• u.•om w;is PctN Campbc•ll, who twd four goab m the• ('hamp1u nsh1ps • und fantslwd M'l'o11u (with tiU guali.) tu teammate John Vargw• (62) in S<.'Orang "Wt• got gn.•at lt•adc·rsh1p from Pl1H'r t.has year." al'knowlt'C!gt'lf Nt•wlancJ "Plus. I don't think there wal> any way Jl'fh•ry (Campb~ll) wanted his brotht•r to 10&• thal> yt•a r." . Jeff Cumpb<'ll al'tually out:.hant·d his olde r -1 brolhl'f' in tht• NCAA tuurnc•y, scoring fivl• goals in thn•c• garrws. Sophumo r t' Daggy Riley a lso had five goals to shan• Sl'Oran~ honc1rs. "'Tht•y ull wantl'd to play for t·rl<'h othc-r," said Nl•wl:md of tht· tt•am's l'lwmastry. "Tht'y didn't rare who S<.'Ol't-d. Thl•rc was no ftol'ling of j(>alousy or animosity. 'fht•y ('ame to work and k1ww what they had to do. - "And. tht·y all wantc•d to play. I had a player. Trevor Dodson, who p'luyt•d thl• whole year wilh a b'roken t•ardrum. He's going to ge l Opl•rated on noy.- (IX>C. 14) and hi! might lose some or hts hearing. But he didn't want to quit. He said lhl•re was no way h~ ·was goin~ to ~ivc• up two weeks. "They rc-ally had a helluva lot of maturity and it helpt.'<i that they had played together for such a long time ," ' UC IAVINE JOHN SEVANO 1\11 fur 1111 tWXI K4'11!10ll is l'C>l'lt•c•rnl'tl, N1•wl:1nd .k1111w11 Ill' ha11 hii. ww·k 1•u1 out for h1111. ''I STARTF.f> WORKING ul(l11n Tut•sday," od11111t1·t.I Nl•wlunt.I "Tlwrt•'t. going tu l>t• 1.1 lot or rt.•hutll.li11g Wl"rl' losing five· sc·n1ors and ('vc> got w find 11 gonll<'. 'l'hal's goinK tu bt· a problc•m " Thmw pluy t•ri; dt-purtanl( •1nl'luclc• P t:ll'r C:u11pl>1•ll, Dodson, Vargus, Ul'urg1• Rolx•rt.i;on and Juhl\ O'B111•n O'Brll'n, UCl't> blandout goalw, wuK probt1bly tht· most unht•raldl'tl pluyl'r on tht• t(•am, prmt•1p:11ly lx'l'au~· gvul1c•s dm1'1 gt•l mu,•h ink Ht.· will also lw Nt•wlt1nd's tought'hl rt•pl<il'C'mc•nt On lht· poi.lliVf• side•, NC'wland h ai. Jt•(( C<Hnplw ll und Htlt•y c:o m1ng bac•k plus Make• Evans, whu ha.., spt•nt tht• last two yt•:.irs on u Mormon m1ss1on .uftt·r· pluyang thr<'l· yc·<11'l> undt•r the UCI l'Oad) "Thl·y Wl•rt· n •ally SUJX•r m •at 1:x:oplc: to l'O~.l<.'h," uddt.J Nc•wlund an a final n•flc~uon "I n ever had any p robk•ms wnh tht•m "Yo~now , rt•:i lts tt('ally. I nt·vN th<Jught any body w~I bc.•at w." • • • Benny Hil·ardo, iht• former NF'L place-kil'kc•r with Octroit and New Orleans, 1s t'urrcntly doing tht• co l()r on KDOC (Channt•I 56) basketba ll games. . Ric:ardo. Ii ·Cos tu Mesa 'High and drangt• Coast Collt·~t· pr11duC'l, made his broadt·asting dt•but at thl! UC Irvine-Oregon gaml' Monday nig ht. He'll be at the mikt• again S a turday wht·n UCJ plays Pepperdinc . KC>CX:, howt'Vl'I" broadt·aslS on a delayed basis only. so tht• game won't be sho wn until S unday at 4 p.m. OCC seeks SoCal title Adams n a m e d top player Orange Coast t.:ollegl' women':. vollc>yooll team will open defense of its S o uLhern California champions hip Saturday an a one-day. double-lOSi t>hminat1on affair with fivt• other t'Onference champions al El Cammo College. Orange Coast draws a bye in the fi rst round and will meet th<.• winner o f u match betwee n Antelope Valley and Cuesta at 11 . Other teams include El Oimino. S an D1<'go Mesa, Citrus , Anll'lopc Valley and Cuesta. Two matt·hcs arc sc:hcduled at 9 with the title malch set for 7 Saturday night. The Plrate s captured the South Coast Conference title this year, t h eir fifth s traight ·championship Coach Jane Hilgt•ndorf's Pirates have also won two state crowns. f1mshcd sccono and third one lime each. - Las t year the P1ra1es placed sc<:ond in the s tate. "All of ou r startt-rs arc vNerans and have been in post· s e ason tournament play," Hilge ndorf says. "They know what it takes to win. "We have a sophomore - dominat.ed team which should be· an advantage to us. Our girls play u steady game and don't have highs and lows. They don't IN m1sta kC'S get them down." The P irat es a r e Jed b y t•onference player of the year, Laurie -Adams, an outside · hitte r who was an all-state selection last season . Other starters for the Pirates include Kari Arndt and Deanne Low rat outside hi lle rs. Val G rady and Jody Brenc1c at middle bloc kers and K ath y MoJJica setter. Or,1ngc.• Coast Coll11ge out.side h attc.•r La un<• Adams has be-en n<amt•d playt•r or the year in the South Coast Con fcrcnt'l' women's vullt•yl>all qrl'Ull and was pined bv four teammates on the two 1c:an1 ... sc·k <:tt·cf bv coacht>s G o ld('n W(•5t placed three 1->l1tyt•ri. on the.· first team and two on the.· sc.x•ond unit. Jc11n111g Adams from OCC on lhl· first tt'am were-~al Grady a nd K<Hhy Mollica w tth J od v Brl·nc·at· a 11<.1 Dt·annc Low on the st't'tJnd squad Uuldl n Wl•i.t (ari.t tea m s<'ll'l'lll>n' and udC'd Linda Bohm. Kathy Brow n and Kristy Olson w11h Lasu O..wrman and IX•bbie S pangll•r on thc-second unit - -SAN DlF.GO (AP) -The San D)ego Padres made their first fqrmal contract proposal for free ag ent first baseman Steve Garvey Thursday a nd Padres president Balla rd Smith said afterward, "We're ready to make a deal today." "Until they geLproposals 1rom all the clubs-, we won't be in a position for serious negotiations," Smith said. I remain optimistic," he said. Garvey. a f2-.year at-1o_n_a~-• When asked how he thought Garvey and Kapste in perceived the Padres offer, Smith said , "Until I know what they want, it's hard for me to speculate." League veteran, became a free agent after he failed to come t-0 terms with his former team, the Los Angeles Dodgers. 'Smith and Garve y's agent, Jerry Kapstein, met for more than an hour in San Diego to go over the prop<>Sal, and the Padres p~esident said h e's h opeful ,/ He reportedly is seeking a Cive year contract worth $7.5 million. . . But Smith added that he thinks the Padres have a good chance to sign the 33-year·old slugger. • negotiations will resume before ttie weekend. ' "I think San Diego is the best lace for him and for that reason fNFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE w 1 Washington 4 · Dallas 3 , Green Bay 3 • Ne w Orleans 3 I Atlanta 2 Detroit 2 I Minnesota 2 St. Louis 2 C San Frncisco 2 t Chicago 1 I • NY Giants I Philadelphia 1 Tampa Bay l J Ram1 1 L Pct. PF PA 0 l.000 98 73 1 .750 97 66 I .750 101 64 l .750 67 58 2 .500 84 92 2 .500 59' 57 2 .500 81 66 2 .500 71 82 3 .400 119 114 3 .250 37 79. 3 .250 63 76 3 .250 81 89 3 .250 55 69 4 .200 98 132 AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Raiders 3 1 .750 106 86 Buffalo 3 1 .750 64 40 Cincinnati 3 1 .750 96 63 Miami 3 1 .750 95 78 NY Jets 3 1 .750 111 65 Pittsburgh 3 1 .750 86 74 Cleveland 2 2 .500 66 69 New Englnd 2 2 .500 67 75 San Diego 2 2 .500 89 70 Seattle 2 2 .500 61 54 Denver 1 3 .250 57 91 Houston 1 ~ .3 .250 60 101 Kansas City 1 3 .250 59 73 Baltimore 0 4 .000 33 105 ( r ' NCYI'E: The top eight teams in each conference will qualify for the playoffs. ! Tbunday'1 Score San Francisco 30, Rama 24 Sunday's Game1 Seattle at Raldert Butralo at Green Bay at Milwaukee Houston at New York Giants Kansas City at PiUaburgh Minnesota at Miami New Engla nd at Chicago St. Louis at Philadelphia San Diego al C l eveland (Channel 4 at 10 a.m ;) Tampa Bay at New Orleans Cincinnati at Baltimore Dallas al Washington (Channel 2 llt 1 p.m.) Atlanta at Denver Monday's Oame New York J ets at Detroit (Channel 7 at 6 p.m.) "The San Diego club presented a very detailed proposal to me regarding Steve Garvey," said Kapstein. "My meeting was very detailed and extremely intcrestin " ......... Vice Preefdent JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL ..... ,, ... WH• ·Sunday, O.C. 5 * Chicago over New lngland * San Diego over Cleveland * LMltD OFFER L.A. Raiden over Seattle 2626 H•rlter'ltvtl., Ce1ta M••• ...... • ... f 10.1&% Mon., Dec. 6 * Detroit A.P.R. FIMCN AVAIAIU .,,., N.Y. Jett CIU ll 01112'• I . -' I I Sign.ups l for the 1983 Baseball Season will be held at the following I locations, I on the dates noted: llarnrcl Co1DJ1111Di\7 .uhlft1c Jllark at the 1hllftftl\7 Comm1Ull\7 ftr:ll at \he \I M"1U·~ Oa.ter lhni-~ Cemer I Deoember 11, 1982 10:30 am -4:30 pm December 4, 1982 ' 10:00 am · 4:30 pm I •January 8, 1983 8:00 am -3:30 pm •January 16, 1983 10:00 am · 4:30 pm UGDrrm•Jl&llLY -TBJIUAU.ALDIHaD ~Ol'TUJlaDr...CB DIVIlllO• 4 DIVD!O.. .A.Ga BAllG• DIVUIOD · .A.Ga ll&JIG• ! n•-uu. .. ., (ollil4 mun be smno• K&JO• La&GVU lS-16 i .sa wtUtJa ua. The Senior MeJo'r League Division ts an 1· oe>nfler 79U",., • expansion of our M&Jor League program due I I ..... ~lta to depl&Jld for a high quallcy" program for an .u,n.:a.) older, more experienced ohildren. Full meJor ! oo•nx.ft'l'OJI .,_. league uniforms, fUll base~ rules. Qua.U~ f Tee-Ball &nd Coach-Pit.oh programs are in-ooaoh.lng wtt.h the rYAA Everyone Pl8'Y8 f struotJon&l leagues designed to teach oh1lc1ren philoeopby. . ~ ba.seb&ll fundamentals, develop skills, &nd ~ .. n.&n · · ·• : I enooura«e good sportama.nah1p With empb&-Boy8 u4 Girls are 1nv1tA9d to Join in t.he tun I ' slal on tun and team pl"-Y. oft.he 1983 ba8eba.ll seaaon. Everyone p&rt.101· lllJIO• i.auv. 9-lO pates 1n every game. and &11 p&rtiolpants J ~ reoeiw baseball jerseys And oaps-t.he1r8 to ~ The Kinor League 18 & full baseball program keep aa momentos of An expertenoe t.hey can ~ W1tll oomplet.e un.i!orms &nd regul&t.1on base-.,_ . • ball rules W1t.h small varl&ttons &llOW'ing for t.reUUre for l.uv. t.he 88.t'ety ti oompettttve ablllttes of t.h1s age »081t'IOn umJr • • · '~ I group. For head 00&0hea, aaeist.&nt. ooeohes, ~ IUJO•LaAGn 11•18 and leaC\J8 he•pere. In order to m&lnt&ln IYAA's high levels or ooaoh1na (teAChinC) The ),hJor IA9ACU8 progr&m ts baaeb&ll the &nd support t.he 1NC\l8 annually needa an ~ t.he m-.Jor lee.cues pl~ tt. It. t.noorporat.ee tn1lux of mt.e'reeted &nd entbU81Utio pa.rents. full baaebl.11 ....Wea. Children PlliYlnC 1n the Be prepared to help-and be prepared tor ma.)or league tirocram are upeoWd to have • one of the moat rewa.rd1J1' expll'tenoee ot i worJDnC knowledee of the &anl8 &nd be able 1 :.p~mpet1Uvely. ~uon unlforms 7"U llfe. . ,, • J~> 1.Y .A.A.-IRVUO YOtn'H ATHLftIO A880CIATI01' POR ruBTlma ••• ...r ~~ P.O. BOX 17448, lAVlD, OA.98713 UO'ORMATIOll •A A.-.. - -. - -... • .. S peedway motorcyclists vie tonig ht LONll HE Al'll A I u II (.'hn:.l1an, M1k1• Curusu, (;t•flt• Wuod:-.. Mikt• Ilu:-.t, L•1lll'l' K111~ amt John Cook will lx· ui11011g tlw n<ll'J':. c:om pl'llllg 111 an indoor AMA spt.·t~Jway motorl·ydc• rat•1..• al Lung &•111.:h An•na tu111ght. 'tht• n •gulurs I rom tlw sumnwr· spt't'{lway n 1yu1t al lhl' Orangl' Cuu111,v Fair1;1ruunds in Custa Ml•sa , will 11'y Hwir hoind at indoor spl·t•dway al·tion on the l'OIWrt'll' surfal'l' Christian and Curosu rt•s1dl~ in I lunungton &•iwh whilt' Woods 1s from Costa Mt•su. King and Cook arc n •turn111g herl' from summer <11.·tiun 111 tht• BrillS'h S fJl't'dway Leagut•. King · ridt•s for C radky Ht'ath whill' Cook is a nwmlx-r of the Ipswich team. Both ridt"rs will Ix-on full sizt' 500lT, s ingll· cylindl•r mal'h11ws Also 111 lhl' fi1.•ld arl' Mikl' F aria , S t t.'Vl' Luecro, John Sandona , Dubb Ferrc•ll, Davl· Sims a nd must of the other ridt·r-s from thl' fairgrounds. Gates op(.'n at ti with racing starling at 7:30. Ti<'kets an• $7 for adults a nd $4 for l'hildn•n 12-and-under. They are available at the box office. Miller, USC play at OCC ' .. . Oru11(111 Conat DAILY PILOT/frldoy. December 3, 198~ ('3 New-look Pirates enjoy romp OCC advances in own t<)ur11ey with 9,1-73 triumph Uy CURT SEEDl.!:N Of lhe Oallt> ~llol ll•H Out of m '<•t•ssi1y . 01·u11~l' Comll . t'olll'l(t· buskt•llmll mad1 Timely ~ l;1ll 1s h;1tl to build h1:. offl'nst• around twu sophomorC' guunJi; w ho hud ttw ubility to hit f rom lht.• vutsuJe w it• yt•ar ago. And wilh both Chris &•uslt•y und Gn·g K rohnfl'ld< now on thl'ir st·parutc ways, it is a' safe:> assumption to say Gillis is trying to rC'build in this 1982-li:l season. And Gillis has provt'<.i lo Ix-a prelly good an:hitct·t, at k asl that's what the early returns indil'atC'. , Gillis' knac k for a pati(•nl 11f fl•ns<', combin ed w ith the addi t ion of a couple o f lall nt•wcomt•rs 1s .working t><.irly won ders . It was especia lly evident Thur:sday night as the Pirntt•s routed East Los Angeles Collegt.' 93-7:i in the first round of tht• Miles Eaton lnvitatioiial whic-h OCC is hosting. , The victory improves the But:s' rc.'<:ord to 3-1 and sends them into tht.• winner's brac·kct of the eight-team tournament. They'll square off with lmpt.•rial Valk•y -tonight at 8:30 in second -round -action. The Arabs s urprised Lo ng Bea\·h CC. 10 1-98 in overtime in another f irst-rou n d ga m e Thursday ewning. N1•w York for hi~ w 11111r Yl'Ur und tlw n r~u1°1l1~I this 11t·11s1111 tu pluy: lJu11k~'ffi1.1ll with Or11111{t' ('ous t (t WllS a 11\CIVt• (:illls h11s ltl hl· happy with a111l ra11ks right up tlwn· with SC'\11•1·al ottw r 11ir1y 1110Vl'S I' ro111 '"" P1 ru t1• sq uad 'l'hui-st111y night. II look a whill' Cor tlw P1ralt1:. to p u l l :1 w <• y r r u m t h t• und1sc:1plirwd l luskh•s. A bw<kt•t by rt•st.•rv.-Shoughn Hy::m·at ll::i'l. of tht• (irst h alf guvl' thi' Bu1.'S u 'l.7 -IU ud vanta gt'. and Coast mun~1g<'d tu hold on to a IO-poi11l bulgt.' (42-32) ut lhl• half. The Pirat1.·s opt..•ned lhtll fir:.;t- h a I r I l' a d d c s p i t c l> e i n g uutrl•boundl1d , 28-21 by East Los Angt'll:s. Thl'y also turned th1.• I bull OVl'I jllltl lllX 111111'~ lll lhl' f1ri.1 :.!O 111111uta·:-. ;111d 1 t'l'e-1vt·d I :t poi111s 1 ....... n1 ul·1· .11111 11n•11hl·1 11 r1 "'" I r't•:-.hmn11 gunnJ I k•mn Wh1li.' )klWI' kt•pl hts hol IJ1111d Ill 1111' s••1•011d half, adding l •I 111111·1• po1111:-., · tlw P11·11u•s 1'tutk lo llH'll pa1t1•1·1wd offt·nst· and t•o11tinul'd tu huild 011 llwiJ· lc•ad 1111t1I th1·y h11d 11 117-'17 udvuntaJ.:<' with Q.12 1·1·1J1a1111ng 1n tlw l'<>ntc.·st l i1l11s wwd t'Vl·ry ))la y•'I' ht· hud a11d g1>l fiv1• pm11lS u pll'l'l ' r l'Olll n·st·1·v1•s S tl•vt• Sh.uttuc·k and O;.; Ii 1· 1 c.· k M u r ~ u n cl t· s p 1 t t' 11 d l':-.p<·1·utwn prt•ss by ttw 1 luskit•s "I .thought T im Kruh11ft'lcl1 µh1yt•u a n•:.il l'{cKKI gunll' fur us," nott•d Gillis. rl'fl·rrtng tu thl· soph1111101'(.' guard's fivt· points, riv .. >:11•11 1..; 11 ricl pll•11t v 111 11ssi..;ts "l l 'i-abo 1111·1·~ lo Ut'I 11111111 • :-.1't·1111d d1;11u.•t •s lor a di:111~t'. W1 • did11't l{l'I t110 IHUllY lm.t yc.•ur," th1· <X.'t' m11d1 iu ldt·d I 11 I IH· o l h1·r two o p1•11l11..i 1·111111d 1•1111 11•!'\ls, 1''1't•i.nu CC: ... u1·1111st•d Mt Sun Anl0n11J 47 -1:1 11 1 ovc.•fll1111•, wl)ill' S11ddlt•bul0k l11111<h1d LA Soulhwc•sl its Cl rf;t loss o l 1111• yt•:11•, I 0:! HH, Ill u r.,ul pl.1gu<·d ·g.1nw l.1•d IJy K1·v111 lll'nd<·ri.on'i. 20 1x1111ts and (i1·111· An•1•111 ·m.1x's 15, th1· Cuud111s Vi11'111•d llwir first w111 of th1· :-.<.•Hsun In th1•t1t• tries a 11d a s hol <.il F rt•sno in lhl' :.t•111tl1nals a l fi ;:Hl lonight S:idtllHi:.11..'k pulll•d (tw;iy lo an Ill n advant11~w und m1vt•r lookt'<l 1>:1d< 111 disputching Southwest. ~Rustler trio on first team O·r a nge Coast. places p a ir on a ll-ciu1fe r e n ce squa~ A trio of Gvldcn West Collcgl' football players, DE S twc W1llh1ms. Mt. SAC ti-0 205 So. ll'<l by running back Rich Stahlheber is among the DE-Brian Noblt>, Fullerton 6-4 245 So. All -South Coast Conference firs t team offense, LB Kt•ith. Biggers. Ml. SAC 6-:J 225 So. annoum'('d T hursday. LB. Tim RC'illy. Goldt..n West • 6-a 223 So. Stahlhttlx-r, the No. 1 rusher in the confe rence DB-Hkk Rabune, Ce11ritos 5-11 170 So. with l.ll:l yards -o n 220•('arries, join~ an all~ DB-Tim Hayn<'s. Mt. SAC 6-2 190 So. t·o nfcrcnt·e backfield whic h includes Mt: San DB Ronnie Smith, Mt. SAC 6-0 175 So. Anton io quart~rba<·k Mik e C lopton, Mo untie DB Greg Webber, Gold1:n West 5-10 175 So. running ba~..R!t•h Ha nson a nd Fu'-!e.l'ton t.ailbac;k -Seeond-Tealtl Offense Larry Jackson op the first team. QB-Tnmt Annacharkio, SD Mesa 6-1 190 So. Rustler guard Nfark Long and tackle Mike RB-JackH.· Johnson , Cerritos 5-10 170 So. Neary were also first-team selections. RB-Damim Coniglio, Mt. S AC 5-11 205 So. Golden West defensive bal'k Greg Webber and R B-Darryl Flaming, GrossmQnt 5-ll 190 Fr. OV rallies to capture • soccer win Tlw. Ol:t•Jn Vww 1111-(h m£•n 'R !ICIC'C't'I' l<'llm f(•('UV{'r(·d from on.... t•;u•ly H'>Hl hy 11,., oppm11·n1 ;Jml 1 th1 · S t•a lia w k!C l'Clllt•d lo lh(.'ir ttt•c·o 1Hl 11t r1.1lg ht n on -1<.•agut· 1 l1'1Ull1ph . fj.:j OVl'r host C.:hu(f(:y f Thul'sday • In ut h1•r h igh sc)'tuol socc\•r al'tlou. 'r ounti.lln Vullt·y to ppled I Fu II< ·l'lun, :S· I, and the Estanc1u w11111c•11 rotnp<•d past L <.tgun a ll11ls, 7-1. l Aftl•r Ca llin bt•hmd 1-0 in the t·arly su1gt·s. &'.eun Vil·w willed 1 ht· n t.· x t s 1 x go a 1 s to t a k (' • <'tHnmand . St.•n ior forward Ron ti DurlJtn n<'llcd the• tying goal, with Ok an Ka plan a nd Re id Thibodeau scor .ing be.fore h1jlftiml·. Thibo<foau's goal came I on a ptmalty kick. Ll•uding :i-1 at intermission, 1 tht• St·a huwks tallied th~ce·more ; timt•s m the first 15 minutes of 1 thl• scc:und ha lf to lead, 6-1. Chufft-y's last two goals came against thl' Ocean View reserves. I Fountain Valley opened on a l winning note, after a scoreless 1 first,half. Midfielder Greg Cu pin ! kickt'd in t he first goaJ, while I scniol' striker Mark Folkins and Mike Sundy also tallied. Fullerton-did manage to break guulic· Scott Sedlak's s hutout • w it h about 35 minut-es leh. i St'dlak was credited with e~ght I saves. _ · T he Estancia women ·opened th't.>ir season as left wing Dede Thompson had four goals to pace On rare occasions w hcm the No. I and No. 2 college teams meet in head-to-head combat, it is usually in a post-season playoff or bowl game. ThNc arc ple nty of surprises on the 1982-83 edi tion of the Pirates. among them ·guys like Golden West College transfer Le land Bruce. w h o score d a gamt>-high 26 points T hursday night. and big me n Brad Guess and Leon Symanski, a pair of frc~hma n fotwards w h o aren't afraid to mix it up underneath tht.• basket. Rustler linebat·kcr Tim Reilly were firs t -team defensive sefecfions. wh11t' shcorher Rus tlcl's earn(.'<! SE-J oo Kelly, Fullerton SE=Jamt's Nk(.rl.'<'--:-COtacn West 6-0 175 So. &-3 200 -s o. _t.hc hl_ta.£!s_ The winners had a'-'5~-_,,0~ _ _. lead at halftime. t But women's basketball fan.§ will get' to see such a game Jan. 22 when the No. 1 ranked USC Trojans, fea tu ring freshman sensation Cher yl Miller, hos t No. 2 rated Louisiana Tech al Orange Coast College with tipoff at 7:30. Symanski isn't even a starter. but he finished the night with S<'Cond-tcam selections. Orange Coast College plat't.'d two players .- defensive lineman Chip Dickerson anct defensive back Brian Dykstra 7 on the Se<..'Ond team defr·nse. First Team Offense Pos. Player, school Ht. Wt. Yr. TE-SC'oll Mt·Kay, Grossmont 6-4 1' Jeff Bc·nsvn. Golden West 6-6 T .-Aloort Gonzales, Mt. SAC 6-3 €i -Chris Ncmhardt, Golden West 6-4 G -Dave Audick, SD Mesa 6-2 C -Robert Larceval, SD Mesa 6-0 205 270 250 235 235 245 So. So. So. So. So. So. Estancia !tCOred its first four t goals in the opening 15 minutes ~ or the match . The Eagles play : again Tuesday at 3 o'clock at \ Capistrano Valley ·eight points and led his team with 10 r ebo unds. w hic h indit'ates Gillis a lso has some bench depth this season . QB-Mike C lopton. Mt. S AC 5-11 RB-Rich ard Hanson, Mt. SAC 5-10 RB-Larry Jackson. Ful,erton 5-11 RB-Rkh Stahlhcbcr. Golden West 6-2 SE-Lew Barnes. SD Mesa ...... 5-9 SE-Dan Trejo, Mt. S AC 5-11 180 175 175 190 160 175 So. P T roy Richardson. Golde n West 6-4 So. PK-St•ott L ivingston, Cerritos 6-2 So. Second Team Defense So. DL-;-Chip Dickerson. <'.:>range c<>a~ -6-0 So. DL-John Freese, Crossmonl 6-1 So. DL-Kelvin Wooten, G olden West 6-3 230 Fr:-l 200 So. l l USC women 195 Fr: 220 So. 230 So. I =--;;;~-- seeded No. I USC also h as the M cG ee sisters. Pam and P aula, along with Cynthia Cooper a nd former Hunting ton Bea ch star Kathy Doyle on the roster. The talented Trojan women have their top five leading scorers returning this season in addition to high school All- American Mille r and a nother p rep All-American , Rho !"'da Windham from New York Ctty. What this all points to is: The Pirates may be a tad better than their predic ted seventh -place fi nis h in <he South. Coast Confere nce. _ "We're not there yet," Gillis cautioned after th e game, "but we do seem·to have a pretty good _group of freshman players. This was Symanski's best game of the season." TE-Trof S weet, Fullerton 6-2 185 T -De Helms. Fullerton 6-3 240 T -Mike. Neary. Golden W est 6-4 252 G -, Mark Long, Golden West 6-3. 245 G ~e.Soranno, Fullerton 6-3 240 c -J ohn W ilson, G rossmont 6-2 218 P -St.-ott Livingston. Cerritos 6-2 So. DL-Ron Jabslerb, Mt. SAC So. DE-Bob Urd uoli, Fullerton So. DE-Damon Lanit>r. Golden West' So. L B-Mike Finda, Mt. SAC So. LB-Rob Heller. Fulle rton So DB-Brian Dykstra, Orange Coast DB-Greg Martin. SD Mesa 6-3 240 6-0 194 6-2 215 6-3 230 6-2 240 5-10 170 Fr. So. So. So. So. So. LOS ANGELES -The USC w omt•n 's volleyball team i'S sced ('d No . 1 in the Mideast Rc·gion~I tournament-at Purdue ' Oniv.ersity in Lafayette, Ind . Dec. 11.. 200 So. 6-0 190 So. PK-Roy Botsford, Mt. SAC 5-11 185 Fr. DB-Jayke Pcarwn. Fullerton 6-0 185 So. First Team Defense DB-Marty Van •Voorh'is, Fullerton 6-1 180 So. 6-2 230 "Fr . Syma nski s pent three --years play-ing baske tba ll at Garde n Grove H igh School, moved to DL-Guy Teafatiller, Cerritos DL-J im Uglow , SD Mesa DL-Vince Bommarito. Mt. SA DL-Tyler Carbooe . .Fullerton 6-2 200 So. 6-1 210· So. 6-4 235 &. O ffensive player of the year: Mike Clopton. Mt. San Antonio. fic(ensive player of the year: Brian Noble. Fullerton_ Other seeded t eams drawing firM round byes this w eekend t include Hawaii in the Northwest, { Stanford in the South and San Diego State in the West. • There a rc 28 tea.ms involved in the playoffs Basketball scores College Wnt Pepperdlne 77. UC Santa Barbara 75 Cal Baptist 71. Wesl Coast Christian 68 Rocki.• New Meiuco 77, USC 74 Colorado 79, Duke 70 _ Colorado SI. 61, Oral Roberts 46 Montana 69. St. Mary's 56 Pacific 57. Boise St 56 Air Force 74. Doane 63 South G8Qfg1a T ecn 76, SI Francis, NY 54 Sw Louisiana 70. New Orleans 68 Murray St 63. S llhno15 41 N Alabama S.., Southern U 58 Eaet Lehigh 44, Colgate 25 Rutgers 71. Jacksonville 65 SI. Peter's 68 , George Washington 4 7 • tWlstra 97. S1ony Brook 70 8outhWHI E. New Me•ICO 71, Oklahoma City 86 Rice 32. Tulane 30 Texas A&M 91, Texas A&I 70 TCU 91, Siena Heights 63 Oklanoma SI BO. Coll or Orarks 61 MldWHI UCLA 73. OePaul 70 (01) Bowling Green 66. Chico SI SO MOfel'lead St. 72. E llllnols 65 lllinots 94, Valparaiso 59 IHlno~ SI. 55. W Illinois 53 Iowa ~t 80, Minnesota 78 (ol) Kansas 63. Miss. Valley 51 Ohio U. 90, Mariella 68 Community college " TOUftNAMENTI Mli.a &Ion ln•lt•llonal Orange Coast 93, Eatl Los Ang~ 73 Fresno CC 47. Ml San Antonio 43 (OI) lmperiel Valley 101, Long Beacn cc 98 Saddleback 102. LA Soutnwest 88 Anl.tope ValteJ Champlonehlp lfKk91 Glendale 78. Bak•rsCleld 65 Riverside 114, San Jacinto 107 (OTI. ~ Pierce 71, P•I •r 60 ConNlatlofi r.cht Dlxie, Utah 51, Wesl LA 47 Valley SS, Compton 41 Canyons 62, S41qou1as 57 Wesl Hllis 67. Cerro Coso 51 CJP4'ff• Cypress 67. Tall 45 -Santa Rosa 75. Citrus S.. Hlah tchool ToUNfAMENTI Laguna hech Finl Round Warren 94, Av•lon 56 Long Beech Poly 91. Laguna Beech JV 25 Wes11ake 82, Chino 46 Ch•mpl0n9hlp OIM!rterllnal• Estancia 77, Sanllago 62 Western 71, Los Amigos 66 (ot) Yalencl• Canyon 65. Edison 54 La Habra 77. Katella 71 Mater 081 56. Troy 38 Capistrano Valley 74. Vatencla 61 . Garden Growa Flrat ftound Gard11n Grove 60. I.oars 54 Pacific•· 72. WOO<lbrodge 64 Marlna•lJll•wood Flnt Round Long Beach JOl"den 61. Rolling Hills 51 St. Anthony 59, LekewOO<l 53 Women College loCal Collete toum-1 Soutnern C al College 58, Claremont-S<:rlpps 54 Whlllier 79. Cal Lutneran 67 Redlands 69, UC $911 Olego 86 • Cal Baptist 80. la Verne 34' High lchool k'ttne T""'8ment Marina 49. Sav911n• 44 El Modena 34, C•plstr11no Valley 24 ~ ...... Corona del Mar 47, Huntington Beach 36 Fountain Valley 50. Mater Del 44 Westminster 43, Mission Viejo 42 ~~111a NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH *I'' Includes Beverage -Well Drink or Beer 9 to 1:00 1712 Placentia · 645-8091 COSTA MESA 100% to 900% 1st year Write Off l&,000 . 110,000 Mln1fnum lnvfftment Call For Free 'h Hour Cona~ltatlon HIRMl8 MILt~a, INC. NRIOlllAL TAX C ANT9 (714) 711·MOO ... Mon.-Fri. - 5:4~ p.m. KWVE FM-108 · '·················································· l Doing Business \ i Under A 1 I Fictitious l ! Name? 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Coast Hipway • lntorlft•tton end torme, I 556-2500 646=9363 . ............. ~~~ ............ , . ..J·--11!1•--------·"•"•'Ciilii'il"ilAlifijSU·O·O-UiiTiiEiiOil"ii"iiliCiHiiiiAiiNiDtiMiii"•'•"•"•"•'•"•T•'"•llll·T·•·c··~.A.Tii'"•Q•"•"•"•'•u•"•'•--------··· .. . .. .· . . t.:•I Ornnge <(otuu DA il Y PILOJtrrldoy, Do<.4'mbor 3 198~ OAYI O'OONNILL N•wporl H11bor AllllT Jl!f'f'fJ N•wport H11bo1 U"ON CHAHN Coile MHI JIM HNOLITON U11lw1111ty ,llfF ITITll Corone del Mat C:dM, Tars domi:riate All-CIF polo Ctr' 4-A watL•r polo ('hampm11 Corona dd.,Mar and runnl•r-up NL•wporl Harbol' dominate lhl• All- CIF team announ<.'t.'<i today. Corona del M<.ir t>arncd thrt-t• rarst team berths and also gaan1.'<i two sl'<.'Ond tL•am spots And the player and l'Oaeh or thl• YL'ar an· from CdM Newpol't Harbor also had thfl'l' first tl•am and two second team honon.'l'S. David lmbernmo. who led the Sea Kmgs to a 28-1 rec.'Ord is the player of the yt'ar by a lands1de margin. wh11L-teammutl'S Tum T(•mph.• and 1-:ric Paulsen ajso gained first warn bt•rths. Jeff Stites is the Coach of thl' Year following the Sea Kings' banner season. what·h t•ndt•d with tht•ar first 4-A lTi>wra Sll)l'I' lON w lwn Murk Wats<lll Alo11g wnh first tt•am d1111~1·s Aarun Chu~·n ll•d Lhl' way Wllh pluyl'r nf tlw Yl'tll' h1111urH from und Sl..'{~)lltf ll·um SlUI' Stoll A11hhy or Costo Mesi!, CdM. ;md thll'll lt•ain t·hoh:t• Duvicl lnadom1 or Eswm·w. it Other Corona d(•I Mur stars of tht• pa.'>l to 1'a111 -makl•i. a 1a ployc·r pal·kagt• from th1· N1·wpor1-Mt•sa µlayt>r uf th1• y<•<.ir luun•b mdudt• 'l'ut Mt-Cll'll.m 1>1st11t·L ( l!:ltili). Jt•rry Eubank ( 19fi8), llrUl'l' Blat•k ( l!:lti!.l), Othl0l1' rro111 lht• ;m •a t•hos.•n Wl'fl' U111v<.•rs1ty Carth Bl•cg<.•son ( H>70) und Aru<'l' Krum pholt. ll1gh's Ju11 p,•11dlt•ton (f1nit tNllll goaht') and &•ott ( 1972). Washbour1w Hhird lt.>am) und Manna lligh'11 Jeff Landing Sl'<·ond tt•am bl•flhs from Lht· llopkms (&'.(:ond teum) und Oarr<•ll D~mny (third champiorb an.• goalit: Joc• Roh and Hick &·oil · tt•um ) '- Ncwporl Harbor pluy<•rs on the f1r:.t tt•tm1 Cost;,1 M1 •st1 fa1lt'<.l tu gm a l.x·rth 111 tht· CH' 1t1duded Cohn Thompson, 'David O'Dunndl und Art playoff:. lJt't·uusC' of f1n1sh1ng m th1· No 4 slot an tlw Jt•pµe, along with st•t·ond tN1m c:ho1<.·cs Granl Sl'u V1t•W L1:agu<' be-hind Nt•wport llarbor, Corona ptanlcy and !an DeVrit'S. d1•I Mur uncl ~~I Toro, but was rankt'U Nu :J in thl.' Cll'":. final rankings. , Hopkins k.J M<Ar:ma LO the Sunsl'l Lcagu1· t1tll,• h('foa·1• howmg to Newport I larbor an th<· plr.tvurfs. All-CIF 4-A Water Polo First Team Hy:.in Balanl.'e (Long Bc:•ach Wal:.on), sr .. Rob Carwr (Sunny Halls), jr.; Tony Bc•ll (El Dorado), Jr : A:.iron Ch:rs<•n (Costa Mt•sn). sr; John PendlL·tun,· goalit' (UnivC'rsny), sr.: Craig Popp lEI Toro), sr.; Colan Thompson (Nt·wp1>rt Harbnr}, sr; O:.iv1d O'DonnL•ll (Newport Harbor). sr , Art Jt•p pt> (Nl•Wport Harbor), sr: Tom T<•mplt• (Corono del Mar), sr: Eric Paulsl•n (Corona dc.•I Mar), sr.: David lmbernino (Corona dcl Mar), sr Second Team Paul Hamdorf (Long BeachW1lson), sr; Gary Zohman (Sunny Hills), sr; Waller Hoyal (Hacienda ll<:1ghts Wilson), s r; Jeff Hopkins (M<irina). sr: Greg Wilson (El Toro), sr; Ja"k Swaton (Downey), sr; Jo<' Roh. goali<' (Corona del Mar). sr; Rick S<:oll (Corona dc.'l Mar), sr, Scotl Ashby (Costa Melia). sr, Gr3nt. Stanley (Newport Harbor), sr . Ian DcVr1es (Newport Harbor). sr. Third Team Tom Ht•rmstad (Long Beach Wilson), sr( David lnadomi (Esumc1a). sr: Brad Mcilroy (Mira Costa), sr; Harry Stiver (Bcv~rly Hills), sr, Kevin McKee (BuL•na Park), sr: Ken Riven> (Walnut). sr; Leonard Col']chola (Rowland), sr; Darrell Dt•nny (Marina), sr. Sc.'Ott Washbourne (Univt'rsity), sr: Mru-k Young (El Toro), sr; Kevin Stringer, goalit.• (El Toro), jr.: Norm Swaton (Downey), sr. Coa"h of the Yenr: J~ff S tllt:s (Corona dcl Mar). Playl'r of the Year: David lmbcrnino (Corona d(•l Mnr). GWC poloists seek· another ·state crown Bv CURT.SEEDEN Oflhe Dilly Piiot lleft The West VaJJcy College waler polo team can mak<' a qmck ambush-orrhost Goidcn WesrCollege- • in the state c hampionship game Saturday aftl'rnoon. and the Rusll<'l'S might not know what hit them. 0.., f'llOt l'Mto bJ Cherin lt.n T he Rams' Wendell Tyler makes first-quarter touchdown gr.ab Coach Bruce Watson's Northern Caltforma champions are flying to Orange County for the I 2:30 p.m. title game. and they'd Ii~ nothing .~tter than lo st'<' the friendly skies with a stale title in T h ursday, despite the pre sure of San Francisco's Ron Ferrari. Sports on TV for weekend S •turday TELEVISION 9 a.m. (2) -NCAA TODAY -With Brent Musburger. Featured: A report by Pat O'Brien on how rolleges balance their educauonal and athletic: - responsibilities 9:30 a.m. (2) -FOOTBALL -Army (4-6) meets the Navy (5-5)-in Philadelphia Navy staning quarterback Marco PagnaneUi, a Huntington Beach High product, is out with a broken leg. 11 a.m. (4) ~ COLLEGE BASKETBALL - The LSU Tigers vs. the North Carblina Tar Heels al F.ast Rutherford, N.J . 12:30 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - The Arkansas Razorbacks meet the T exas Longhorns at Austin. RAMS T UMBLE . • • From Page C1 playoff h unt by improving its record to 2-3. "I felt the Rams played well and executed well. "As far as we're concerned, though. we're not playing nearly as well al this lime as we were last year. We're throwing the ball well but our running is still not where it should be. "This is not the same team that you saw beat Dallas in the .playoffs last year. We. arc not playing in sync." , The Rams haven't been playing in sync, either. But for a different reason. "I thought the offense responded pretty well with me In there." Ferragamo admitted. "The fact is we still lost. We still didn't win." The Rams led twice in the contest -10-3 in the flrst quarter and 24-23 early in the fourth - but Montana and Co. responded to each challenge. Running back Jeff Moore, a Seattle Scahawk reject picked up by the 49ers at the beginning of thls season. and old nemesis Ray Wersching, who kicked the winning field goaJ in San Francisco's 33-31 win last year, combined their efforts to do in the Rams again. Moore scored aU three 49er TDs -two by pass (of 38 and 24 yards) and one on tt\e ground ( 1 yard). Wer9Ching. meanwhile, was a perfect 3-for-3 In field goala (of 33, 44 and 38 yards). "The pme w84 played exactly like lruit year," said Reynolds. "It wu a dogfight au tt}c way to tho nd .. e . "I" was a must aame for both teamt," noted Jack Youngblood. "But we're the ones who are 1-4 now and fl certainly doesn't look brl"ht for the h~team." / I p.m (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL Villanova takl's on Kentucky at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky. 2:30 p.m. (4) -1982 COLLEGE FOOTBALL BOWL GAME PREVIEW -A look at tht!> year's post-season pairings. with film cltps of participating teams in actio n . Also: Capsule histories of each bowl. 3:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Carlos Herrera (42-6) and Tony f\yala (21 -0), the WBA's top two junior middleweight rontenders, square off in a scheduled 12-round bout. Also: The Mr. Oly'mpia bodybuilding C'hampionship and a U.S.-China women's vt>lleyball exhibi~ion. Lapt.'ci m Las Vegas. 4 p.m. (7) ~ HEISMAl'll TROPHY AWARD - The announcement of the 1982 winner climaxes a film PY Bud Greenspan linking tfi1s year's candidates to past recipients . 5 p.m. (4) -RAIDERS PLAYBOOK '82 - Highlights of the Cincinnati game. (7) -NFL WEEKLY MAGAZINE. 5:30 p.m. (2) -NFL WEEK IN REVIEW. (7) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A look at the career of hockey's Bobby Holl. 6 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - UCLA at Notre Dame. 8 p.m. (56) -WOMEN'S BASKETBALL - Long Beach St. vs. Peyperdine. Taped. 10 p.m. (9) -MISL INDOOR SOCCER -San Diej(o at Los Angeles, taped earlier. (56) - COLLEGE BASKETBALL -UCLA at Notre Dame. Taped. RADIO Baske tball -USC 'llt Wyoming. 6:35 p.m., KNX ( 1070); UCLA at Notre Dam<', 5 p.m., KM?C (710); Pepperdine vs. UC Irvin<' at l\nahe1m Convention Center, 7:30 p.m., KWVE (107.9 FM); Cal Stall' Fullerton at Loyola, 7:30 p.m., KWRM (I :J?O). • Hockey St Louis at Kings, 12:!50 p.m .. KPRZ (1 150) Sunday TELEVISION 9::30 o.m (4) -NFL 'U -With Len f)(:rmon 10 om. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -&in Diego nt Clc..>velnncJ. 12:30 p.m. (2) NFL TODAY -With Brt'nt Musburger. Fceturt'd: A look at thc Redskin•• Cowboys rivlllry 9nd Whfther the aame today has rcwlncd tht• f('rvor or th«' George Allen era 1 p.m, (2) NFL FOOTBALL -Dalla .. at wa .. hln"ton. their possession. · The Vikings. who won the C olden Gale Confl'ft•nce champ1om;h1p and sport a 20-6 overall record, hav{• already defeated Coach Tom lll·rms tad's Rus tlers one~ this year -a 10-9 uvt>rtamt• affair m the Cuesta Tournament. Docs that mean thl' Rustlers will have revenge on their minds when tht'y tangle with the Vikings? "Let's JUSt say I won't have any trouble gl'lling thl'1r au.entlon," admits Hcrmstad, wh()S(> Rustlers are looking for their fifth s traight sta te l·hamp1onsh1p. West Valley's wm over Golden West earlier in the season snapped a RuSller winning streak that had reached 33 games and ittrctchcd back to last· season . Golden West finished the season with a 23-3 record, and defeated both Citrus and Long Beach CC m The Southern Cohfomia tournament last wc•ek. also at Golden West. ··we jµst hope Lo g1v(' them a good game in their_ own pool," says Watson "We're a t a disadvantage right off the bat. but the kids are used to that. r think they like the role of the underdog." The Vikings mus t contend with the h1gh- scoring duo of hole man Carl Salyer (66 goals) and Brett Del Valle (54 goals) and the goaltending of i;ophomore Jim Ross. Ross was sparkling an goal in the Rustlers' 11-7 wan over Long Beach CC for the SoCal title. Wt>St Valley countN-s with a pair of alternating hole men. Tom Yore and Andy Pashby. nod freshman gooltc Chip Clark among others. "I'm sure they're a difforcnt team sinre the start of the SC'ason when we saw them and I know we're better defensively sinl't' that game," admits Hcrmstad. ''It will be int.eresting to sec who has progressed the most." Adds H<>rmlltad: "l f('(>I very rl'la?<ed having won the South Coast Conference and Southern California titles. l look al this ganw as a fun one to preparl' for>' Watson, m<.>anwhil<•, in h1s fifth sc.•ason as the Vikings' h<.'ad coach, says he too expect!'! the Rustlers to be improwd • "Undoubtt>dly, Gol<kn W(>f{t will be n lot better than th<• last timt> we played them. Th y always llrt'. But. we are healthy for the Ci nit time this year. All thc> wisdom teeth ore out and nil the flus are ovt-r. so we're OK," he snys Paige, Camp honore d Strrhonc Paige of FrH no Stalt' and Tony CamJ) o the University of Pacific, wel'C' named to tht• accond team All-Pacific Coau A\hlt•tlc Aaoc1atlon football team thla week Paige ia • 6-2. 170-pound Mnior wide rK"elwr who played at SaddJ~k Collf'F. Dlmp i. a 6-~. 240-pound junior tight end from E.ltanciA Hll(h In Cos\a Mesa. ·HAPPEN INGS IN T HE DAIL\' P ILOT'S AUTO MARKF.T ... • 0 ... 1 \\II'.~\ -l'~t.1m1u llluh &•hool' "Jt.tll tlott"l' l'hil1" h ·ao1 w1111 IOJ> honor1 Suturth1y, NowmlJt·r 1:J, ul tlw Isl Annual lliu•l.Jor Bouh.:vurcJ ol ( 'n111 "Ct"Jk lo'r K1cJt-" (.'h1Ja c.:ookuff. "Jail lloUflt' Chili", cwllfJrti!t.'cl of S.•nior tuid Sophomort' d4&fl'j 11w111ht11 N l('l'\11Vt•d $1!'100 for ''()llt'Oi'llll#( tht• b1.•11l l1a11'11 ol \.'hi ll. With p1•111.·1•1•dw bt.•nl'f1t1 arag 1'~tu11c1a, Coslll Mt·'·'· Nt•wpm t l l,1rbo1 . und Corona cJ1•I Mor high M·huob, th1• 1•hll1 t'OC1koff mvolv<.>d acuvtty clu~ from 1•twh ,,diuol lflw t•nun· l'Vcnt, !JXinsonod by 1 lorhor Boull'vard ul Cur11 Assol'iat1on, r:used ov<•r $I 4 ,000 "Thl· t:h1lt mokoff Willi o trcmc•ndous sut't'l'SS, w11h ••II sc.•houh .-l•aptng tht• bcnl'f1ts.'' stated Arl Pt•• ry, At·t1v1t1t•i. 01rccto1 of l;:'>Wnt·1:,1 High School. ltw husttng s1:h1H1I. "Wc appr<.'Ciatl' lht• sponsorship of Jlarbor Buuli•vard of Cars Assodution , without whu111 1h1s cvt•nl woulcJ11't hav<.• b<.><.•n possiblt>. Wt• woultl lovL· to St't' at lx'l'Unll' an annual event," he.• <·onttnul'(J. • "I thought the grt•al1.•st thrill was wat.ching ovt•r 600 stud<'nl.'I from rour different high schools :.ill t•ompetang undi·r om• roof and havil'tg a great .timt•," slated Gary Gray, Prt:sidcnt of Harbor Roull'Vllrd of Cars. "The Association is lookmg furwan.J LO this lx'<:oming an annual t.•vent, also.'' hC' c.•tmtinucd. Th(• S<.'<:ond place priw of $!000 was awarded to 1hc.• ''.Chili Wancttcs". the Keywaneues from Cornnu d<•l Mar High &·hool, while E.stancia's pep cluu, th<• "Chila Pcp-ers", won the third place prize or $500. The Showmanship award for best show, d 1•t'tHall•d booth , warn name and overall enthusiasm Wl'nt to Newport Harbor H1gb-G1rls Alhlc.•t1cs ll'am of "Madam Red 's Saloon ". Complc.•te with authentically dressed bar maids und swinging doors, the booth dcpktcd an old • western saloon. The day's events mcludcd a display of new t·ars, li ve Country W<.•stc rn Music, "Ms. 'Chili Pepper" and "Mr. Hot Sauce" contests. as well as a spc.'Cial appcurancc from an "e~tra lerrestriai alil'n" Several well-known l'Clebrities were also n hancLincluding Tc•d Mc·Ginlcy, w.ho-..plays __ _.. "Roger"un ABC's Happy 0-.iys, Los Angeles Rams foo tball player, Jack Youngblood , Rams C hN•rleadcrs, -the Honorable Mayor Arle ne &•haft•r of Costa Mesa. who was head judge, and Mast<>r of Ceremonies, Pat Michaels. Dt'Clicatcd to pr<>moting goodwill within the c:ommunity, Harbor Boulevard of Cars sponsored the event in an effort to help raise badly needed funds for th<.• vario~s high school groups. The gro up forms one of the largl'st automobile shopping centers in \he Southland. Thc•y include Alias Chrysler-Plymouth, Bauer Motors (Bui('k-lzusu-Jaguar), Connell Chevrolet, Costa Mesa Datsun, Earle Ike Imports (ToyoLa-Volvo), Johnson & Son Lincoln-Mercury, Na bers Cadillac, Inc., Orange Coast AMC -Jeep -Renault, South Coast Dodge. lnc., Throdore Robins Ford, and University Sales ans:! Service <Oldsmobile-Honda-GMC Trucks). *** UlN'C-Ofo;Aclf---C. Bob Autrey, owner and general manager of Long Beach BMW announces the appointment of Wolfgang Jurinek as his used car manager. Jurinek, a coastal resident for the past i6 years, 1s a veteran in the automotive industry with more than 23 years experience. He has held numerous managerial positions with leading imported car dealerships, and is the r.<><:ipient of a great number of highest factory, distributor, and dealer awards, including the BMW's factory "Olympic Gold Medal Award" for IT\OO>l..outstandlng.sales achievement in the west.em United States. Jurinek just completed over seven years employment with a dealership in Mission Viejo, and has now returned to Long Beach, where he worked seven years prior to his position in Mission Viejo. Jurmek invites his many Orange County friends af\d customers to call. or sec him at Long Beach BMW, to receive his known reputable courteous and professional services they are accust.omed to. Long Beach BMW is located at 3670 North Cherry Avenue in Long Beach, just 6 blocks north of Freeway 405. *** FOl'NTAI VALLF.Y ... Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America. Inc. (MMSA) will award six scholarships l.O the child~n of MMSA dealers or their employees in.,.conjunction with the Youth For Understanding (YFU) International Student Exchange Organization, it was announced by Robert L. Morgan, vice president, marketing services for MMS A. The teenage recipients will travel to Japan in the summer of 1983, where for eight weeks, they will reside with a Japanese host family and visit various points of Interest throughout the couniry. A YFU panel of judges will name the aix recipients in February, 1983 baaed on exceptional scholastic achievement and community service involvement, A subsidiary of Mitsubls hl Motors Corporation, MMSA has just establlahed a network of 72 dealerships 1erosa the country whic h sells and services a n e w line of Mitsubishi-built cars and U'UCks. *** SEE WHA tYOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HA VE TO OFFER YOU IN TODAY'S PAPER. I . . .. • .~----------------------------------------------------------------------------...--------o_,_,.,~•u __ c_oo_•_•_o_A1_L_v _P_1L_o_1 _1r_r1~du~y~.o-o_c_•m __ b•-'-3~·-1e_e_2 __ ~c--·1 ~ . COME IN FOR YOUR FREE KRAGEN CHRISTMAS GIFT GUIDE LOOK FOR THE REINDEER FOR UNADVERTISED IN STORE SPECIALS SHOP I<RAGEN I FOR CHRISTMJtS PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY DECEMBER 7 , 1912 '/lkstport • LCD PORTABLE DIGITAL CLOCK . . PROTECT ALERT· SYSTEM ~ -Alarm paging systems 4 watt transmitter gives you immediate w arning upto on-S mile range on your handy pocket receiver. Perfect companion to your audio alarm. ELECTRONIC MUSICAL HORN . CALFAX ·Pre-programmed to ploy 76 tunes (with LEO song indicator light & key). Ideal for cars, trucks, ~:i'b~~~s. 2-999 4'J 117650 LB SET c Rubber Queen CASSITTI HOLDIR Sunvlsor holder. Holds 5 topes securely. Beige, block, blue or red. -POWI• AllTlllllA Semi automatic, flush or regulor mount to fit most cars #RX10. #PR0-400 6 9 9 ! l 3~~ .. 247 ::?.'1!11111111!11!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1 .................... "11l1!1!1!"11l1!1!1!"1lll!l!l!l!l!l!l!l!lllllll!l!l!lllllll!l!l!lllllll!l!l!l!lll!lll!ll!lll!lll!lte-. SLJnTLJnE MINITACH 2-5/8" diameter tochonieter for 4, 6, & 8 cylinder engines. 0-8000 RPM range. •M Lin LOUVRES SPOT/FLOOD LIGlll;' Two lights in one. 200,000 candle spot, brilliant 100,000 candle power floodlight. #800-1303·0. ~2)­ lllMIK -•s·~ Ovu the wlpu model 1.·i•'"'-w-1 ,-H1s..,. ... N_o1-1H .... 1s"' or 3 p_iece style. ... YOUR CHOICI 2e"-' 4 panel mirror for :- small cars & mini trucks =.=:.:::·:· #1514. 35" -5 panel m irror foF-i,u=ge and in· termediate size cars and trucks #1515. AIR COMPRESSOR Pressure check valve. Inflates to 125 lbs p.s. i. Inside storage for all components. 12 V. I 54~ •;it·iiii" 21 PIECE SOCKET SIT 3/8" drive standard or m etric. YOURCHOICI 47s~ #6'23420. 6'23438 ........... 1280 N. Euclid 772-9840 • 2340 W. lincoln Ave. "9-1621 ........... 5256 Beach Blvd. "4-1320 c....... 440 North Main 734-6390 c.... .... 1739 Superior Ave. M2·33M NOWOP5N!~ 9110 Foothill Blvd.9ao-2910 ....... 9880·0 Sierra Ave. 3S0-8441 , ......... v.., • 9880 Warner Ave. 9M-M27 1~1 '•' ... PHILMONT- Supports any vehicle up to 6500 lbs. gross weight. Solid steel. I 5~~ PRO·TECH llCI WRINCH SET UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTHD Combination or open end -standard or metric. YOUICHOICI K<ll1A81M Auto Su~pply • Wl'RI HELPING YOU DO IT RIGHT .• SPARKOMATIC CASSln'I AM/PM SftRIOWITH5 •AllD IQUALIZIR •OOSTIR #SR305 Five detenteos frcfe con· -9997 trols .. l oudness control. . LEO indicator lights audio IA power 45 watts. l k . ess spea ers 6x9THRllWAY STIRIOS•IAKl•AT A ir suspension w oofers. ..._ _ _...i.r:eQ.radioting m idrange horn loaded tweeters. Handles up to 80 watt power peaks. 44!! 17~! 20' -12 volt trouble light. #O.u2 .. s1 '° .... 2ss. ··~ CHILTON MANUALS 25' with woll plug #0 .. 484 1 'h TOii MINI PLOO• IACK lifting range from 4'.7" to 13.3" complete with swivel casters. Handles vehicles to 5000 pounds gross weight. · UNCONDfTtONAU Y OUA•ANTllD Fu111rt ... • 141 £.Imperial 738-6971 • 2978 Yorba Linda "694780 .......... • 15081 Imperial Hwy. (213) M7·5641 ........ Ylele • 24510 Alicia Pkwy. 951-9175 o. .... 1100 N. Tustin 7'71·3000 ......... • 1().403 Magnolia Ave. JS9-3041 _ ......... 2086 East Highland Ave. 114 40t0 ._.. ... • 2604 S. lrlttol St. 7M-IU2 •1302 E. 17th St . .U 1161 • I I J •• JI 11 I •• n. Ii I Ii 1•1 " ('8 I . I A / LOI Al1mllo1 TitUftlOAY'I ftllUUI r (21al OI M-nielll ctl*'l .. hofM mHllnt) Ftftl T ftACL 350 yards Biuet IP.ullnel 21 tiO 11 00 8 80 A.Nureo Sll.,on IZuletl) 16 00 1 80 Dully Pyremod (TOOkll 0 80 Also racuu M• Ro<l•O D11ve. Yukon Aamble1, Jay O...S Oal. Pet• Ale.ak11, Man D love. Cvl• Renn•. Lady A1vr• ,..,... II 36 '2 EllACTA 11 31 paid $639 80 M CONO llACE. 400 yatOt l 011e O T .. as 1Creag0<) 0 00 4 20 Flash Em (H1d1n11er I 7 40 1111111 OI VICIO•Y (Lackey! 3 20 • 40 4 00 Also rocecJ Ronas Re~ MIQhly Po!ocy Kool Nall .. Wold 1n.es1ment OrllCIO<i• Reb. Atwa~ Hoe>e Tome 2001 THlllD llACE. 350 yards ,\)no Bee (lreasurel 9 40 4 00 3 20 'tasheeo (Haro 5 00 3 00 waci.y Anoet 1zu1e1t1 4 80 Also receo Easy Hoot., Mtu MIQhly Mo, Lus Easy Game. Fust And Foremost Shawne Sea. norenllne Moon Time 17 91 '2 UACTA (7-81 peod $55 20 FOUllTH llACE. 440 yards fancy Self\ Concept IC•Q•I 20 40 10 00 5 00 Casono Creei. Two (C•mPb.itl 27 20 7 20 Plenty ot Noth1n11 (Chavez) 2 80 Also ••Cod Some Kinde V011a11•. Kiowa Copy, C111 Me Baker, Doamono Slarllare. Tevtoooc. Boy va1~11ne, Bloclo Ana hci.1e Time 22 26 '2 EXACT A ( 10· 71 paoa $470 00 FIFTH llACE. 440 yatd• Proudly (Pauline! 11140 5 60 4 60 Awlnoanda Prayer (lreasu•el 3 40 3 20 Vedo (Cerdota) 4 60 Also raced Deaoty Pursuit, Proud Memories. Robs Aock81 MonSteUr La Rue Ous1ys Oue~be<g. Counlry Pa11S11 Time 22 15 '2 UACTA 14-5) paid S53 40 llXTH llACE. 440 ya1ds By Bedu.no" (Treasure! 9 40 S 40 4 00 Get The GOid (Bard) 6 20 4 '° Justl•ke OClf\ ITooks) 5 80 Also raced Chako. The Festoval, PllQQY Genii!. Pertee! Requesl Power Broke< To .... 22 13 SEVENTH ftACE. 440 yatds RICll Lass IP•ulone) O 40 4 00 t 40 A&1a11ve1y Azure (Bard) 5 00 2 80 Joe..Ate..Coot (Lackey) , 2 80 Also 11ced Heethers Polley, Swift Request. GOllkamoon, Favgy Favgy o... Time 22011 '2 EXACTA 11·3) paid $34 80 '2 PICK Ill (7·1·10-4·8· 11 paid $6.802 40 wolh lour w1nn1r>g tocllell (live horMSI S2 Pick SI• consotallon paid S52.00 with 174 WlMl"ll lockets llOUI 11015811 EIGH1l4 llACE. 350 v.,os Oenom N 0.amonds (Ncdm1) 2 20 2 20 2 10 Rockete E101ne (Mytesl 4 oo 2 20 Poelly Rebelle (Valdez) 2 20 Also •.Ced My Honey And Spice, Pajaro CllOtce Mr Boone 8uQ Tome 11111 '2 EXACT A 12·6) pa.a $9 40 MNTH RACE. 350 yards Green Beauty (Hart) 4 40 2 80 2 40 Fty Ucl<ldy Spill l]onU) 5 40 4 00 Disco K•lty (S..df 8 40 Also raced Lada Spo<ts Gort. MaggleS Mam. Noce And AICll Huallong 8uQ, S-t L11Ue Mama. Our Flying Saint. ~aymour Soone< Time 17 93 $2 EllACTA 17·10) paid $31 80 Allendanca 5.025 Hollywood P•rk TltUlllbA Y'I llEIULTS (22nd of )I-day tt.oroughbred -line) FIRST RACE. 6 turtongs Sand Cfal> IPlncay) 8 80 4 40 3 20 Long Gytand (-son) 17 20 II 40 Bold Pal IV atenruela) 4 40 AJ~ laced F8'"ily Fo• B1l1e<1no. Pa11y'1 Over. Panlola. Transltoon Machine. Chiel Zero, B G Navlllus. Patrlol Joe Trme I 10 415 SECOND llACE. 6 furlongs C&DICll• (Ha~) S SO 4 SO 3 20 Moss Ca'41Y N (Ortega) II 80 5 40 Propertoa (Valenzuela) 3 80 Also raceo Fairly Pole, Kllat Slat, Out OI Soclts George·• Fllrl Huiy-l'mtirllon, Alamos Falffaa A-Roantoboot Time I II 2/5 $2 DAil Y OOU9l.E (2· J) paid SI 7 80 THIRD llACE. I II 16 mites Nancy's Honey (Stack) 5 20 3 40 2 60 Wllaten J !Hansen) 11 40 4 20 Capture Tne Spotot (C:Ul-•I 4 00 Also raced Bagley Norin line, Voclory Lea. Sands ot ve11•• W1ll1 Plea se, ThortondQa• Tome 1 45 '2 EXAC TA 15· 1) pe1d $49 00 FOUflTH llACE. I'• mites Awa~llh GOid (Pincay) 4 80 3 60 3 00 Suopo<11ve (Mela I 0 40 O 80 Blow Taps ICa1l-a) 3 80 Also raced· royal Bu11on1. Noble Dawn. lord Gummo. Iron A•• Slop Crowding Tome 1 50 2/5 15 EllACTA 14·21 paid S 104 SO FIFTH llACE. 1 lurtongl Son of Slblfll (PIO<C•I 3g 20 u 60 II 40 Moors Moun1atn (Olivares) 5 20 3 40 Paa Row (Valovocll) 10 80 Al90 raced Coen. El Paklava Spec:tatly Sc>ooe. lOde O'Lud< OrlllOOOntosl. Crystel Table, Limit to Romance Mr Pac Man. Scene Maller Time I 23 4/5 ts EXACT A (3-6) paid $423 00 llXTH llACL 1 luttong1 FIMI Nasllra (Rometol 8 20 4 00 3 40 Set Free (8teclct 4 80 3 80 Fhnl F1te (llpllam) 0 00 Also raced Trust The Man, Orum S<x><e. Brave Chlellon. Who's Go1 a Nicka!, Diptomallc Pian, Major Hanry, Fr•• EJipectallOf\ Janco<, Word IWO'lh Tome 123 SEVENTH llACL 8 llHlong1 WC Sllec:ky (Plncay) , 4 00 2 80 2 40 ElderwoOd Special 1Vaienruelal4 80 2 80 TIUl\IClf\'I Ooub\lt...ISIDllll) 2 80 Also •-Pro P-No HOids S..red lee Flow, ~a•d Tome I 011 2/S IS IJIACTA 12·8) paid S39 60 $2 l'ICI( 141 (l·S-4·3·3·21 paid $2,478 80 wtlh 36 winning ticllats ts!• hof-) S2 Piek SI• con101at1on paid S20 ao wn11 1,430 winning llckats Cllve llOI"'). S2 Pick Sia acratCll c~tlon paid S03 40 w11n two winning 11ct1ats (lour 11or .... one llCfalch) EIOt4TH ""CE. II lur10<\gl Flle)tnena Gale• (Blacl<) 54 20 20 80 11 00 T .. ra MIH (Olnr•r•J 16 40 t 00 No More lemon. (Hawteyl 10 00 AleO raced Beaut1f11l Dawn Erl Tu, La Ple101a. Briar Grtel, Growing Regard, Imperial Laes, Gtsmonda, Easy Triumph. lime• I 10 115 MMT'H ftACE. 1 111e mlles POk1a Sany (Ort911aJ t 40 5 00 3 ell Hlgll Catltlet tyale<\ruet•l 6 60 5 20 l-ol Lilt (Blacl<) 4 00 AlllO raced Just Oralle P'Tlta Na Na. Aunl Mid. T~le'• Dame 111111cne.. l'ltar rne °"""' lll!le 146 115 • lllACTA f7-1) paid S141 60 At1«'d811C8 13.HO 87 ., 70 10 71 11 11 12 12 ?a I mb ':J, 1082 Ne A wHTlftN CC>WlftlMCI l'ac:llic OM•Hlll w L l'G1 09 ~··""' 1$ ' 80 Lall• .. 1• l U4 Pllo<frll• ti 7 011 4'; Po-tland 8 10 414 , Oolrt11t1 Stile 6 17 194 10 Son Dteoo J 14 1711 12 Mldwe•t DIYltlon K••INt Cny • $ 043 SM AlllOfl'() ti • :>19 •; 0 .. 11 •• II 1 »3 111 Oen Ver 7 10 412 3•; UIOll 6 II 313 5 H~llOfl 1 13 UITEftN COHfllll!NCI 133 1'1 Alle11tlc Dtwte .... Bostoo 14 3 824 Phlladelplloa 13 3 82• Nf!w HISfV 9 9 500 &•; Wo1h1nglon 1 0 438 II'; New Vor~ b II 313 a•; Central DMaton OelrOll 11 6 687 M .... au~• 12 0 867 AllAnla 1 0 467 3•; C111eaqo 6 11 353 5•;, tndl•n• 6 II 353 s•; c ...... nd 2 14 125 9 Th111ada1'1 Sc°'ea DallH 110 Gotden State 100 ~ Utah 1 19. Porttano 112 Ptilladelphoa 118. P11oen1• 106 Tonlglll'• Gamea Porlland al Lei!.,• New Yon. al Wast11ngtelf\ Cievotand al 1no1•na New J0<sey al A1tanta HOUllOO •• S3n AnlonlO Golden s1a1e al KanlillS Coty Boslon Al Molwuui.ee Cnteaoo at Oe<war Phlladelpnia al San 0oeQo COMMUNITY COLLEGE Orenge Co11t 93, Elll LA 73 EAST LA Tiiiman 2, Aco111 9. Na•arro t I Stevens 9. Dobbins 16. Johnson II. Ronquolto 2. Nave II, Bennell £. r.,.., '} AleHnde< 0 Totels 29 IS-2 I 73 OllANOE COAl l -Kronntaldt 5, WM• 14. Guess 10. Morion 8, 8111Ce 26, Ryan 10. Be<ry 2 Shalluc~ 5, Syman•~' 8, M0<gan 5, NanSClf\ 0 Wear 0 Totals 31 31-47 83 Halltome OrMge Coasi. •~·.U Total touls EHi Los Angele• 34, Orange Coul 19 Fouled oul Bennell (&st Los Anoe'Ml Seddlebeck 102, LA Southw11t II LA SOUTHWEil -JoMson 12. CatOllne 21 J Wolllams 12, E Smlh II, Town-.d 2 Richardson 2 H1omu 1. Jackeon •. s Woltoems 4. M Smllh 9. Morion 2. Webb 2 Calloway 9 Tolal1 36 12· 115 88. I AOOllaACK -Ground 4, T Mltcllell 14 l'dams 7. l'rceneau• 15, Oll•ier 7 N0<1enson 4. ward II. Jonnson 10. Wall<" 1 Hende<son 20. ~trop 10 Bortlll 2, Pe1c11u 4 fo1als 36 30·48 102 Halllome Saddleb8cic. 50·32 fot31 toors-LA Soutl>west-33.Saddlabad! 21 Fouled oul E Smtih (Sou1.hwest) Thomas (Soulhwesl). M0<ton (SOUlhw.,tl Tecllnocal E Smith Southwesll. Adamt (Saddlel>aci.I HIGH SCHOOL E•l1ncl• 77, S1nll190 62 I ANTIAGO -Br11nne< 8, Slonlljer 21, ~·· 4 Temblador 2, Gonzales 16, Heel II EITAMCIA -PinCkney I I. Mu11ala 10. Warlaumonl II R Lockwood II. Curios 26, Jonnllon 12. Molal 3. Scot• by OUMt.,a Santiago 4· IS 28 17-112 Ellenc1<1 18 IS 13 33-77 To1a1 fouls Sanuago 20, E1tanc1a 18 Fouled oul Brunner (Sant1990). Gelf\talea (Santiago) Tecllnocal foul Gonulee (SMtlago) Canyon 65, Edl1on 54 OANYON -Bailey 10, Hannemann 8, Ell11 II, Moley 7 Kruet~OQe< 10, Scot! IS, Rodman 7 To1a11 21 21.34 05 EDllON -Orukowalll 4, Masterwn 24. Wariner 13, Jonnson 4, Hamill°" 7, Wllff 2 Totats 16 22·30 54 ac-byo-w... Canyon 11 17 12 25-6S Edtlelf\ 14 • It 8 13-54 Total louts Canyon 22, Ed11on 2 I T ec11noc111 foul Canyon Dench COLLEGE WOMEN SoC1I College 51, Cleremont 54 CLAllEMONl ·ICllll'l'I -HOltoday 24, Townsend 6. Hosllln1 2, Lindsay 3. Estey 0, Gu1hoa 7, Gonule• 8. Tolats 24 0.10 54 8°'ITHl[ftN CAL COLLEGE -Larnbarg II WOOds 6 Mu<OOCll 2, Joo 8 Aklln 10 Sm.Ill 0 Totals 22 14·23 Sii Total foulS Cta•emont·Scrlpps 10 Soulllern Cat College 14 Foule.d oul Hostllns (Claremont-Scrlppll HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN M•rln1 4t, S.v1nne "' IAVANtfA -Trenary 20, RedneN 12. Bakos 8, Cristolaro 4, Gultet'10n 2. To1a11 20 4.9 4• lolAftlNA -AnderMn 13, Catkins 13, Corbett II. lleilal'ny I , Lalk 4 Flel-3 To1els 19 I 1·17 49 lcote by o .... t ... s .. anna -17 15 0 4-44 M11lna 13 13 13 10-49 Total fouls Savanna 11. Marina 10 COfOM «Ml Mer 47, Hunt. kh. 36 HUNTINGTON aEACH -Cordova 8, TownHnd 10. COQPer 4, Totua 12. Comogllo 2 Tolals 17 2-4 36 COllONA DEL Ml'R -Romney 21, Eatay II Dodds 6. Wynn 0 Totals Ill 0.13 47 k«•bf~ Hunhng1on llMcl\ 11 II 12 11-36 porona del Mar 10 9 1 I 17-47 To1a1 loull Huntington llMcn 9, Corona def Mar S Fin. Y1lley 50, M9ter Del "' FOUNTAIN VALLEY -Pauc!lalskl 12, Arledge I . Burell 0, Whllllam 20, Mltellelt 2 Totals 22 0.14 60 MATE" DEi -Varisco 20. Barry 3, Jusllce 2, P B•k8t 13, K Bakllf 0 Tolals 19 C.-13 44 lcot• by a-.... Fountain Valley II IS 13 14-50 Mai., Del 1 12 t 18'--44 Total louta. Fountain Vattay 15. Mii" Del 13 CAMPkLL~IMNCI! C11~ MlnllftOla St Loult T0<onto Detroit .... ,.~ Wl TOf'QA II 10 8 129 117 2t 12 II 3 U 114 27 9 II 8 84 90 u 9 14 5 110 113 23 10 10 2 103 98 22 No<rte Df'wWeft 17 3 s IOI 71 311 111 a 4 123 to 1 39 II 15 3 t2 105 2 I 4 13 5 74 100 13 3 17 0 97 I 17 12 WAU!I COWDllNCI l'etricll OWleleot NY 181~ I!> t 5 108 19 35 PhlladetpNa 14 t 3 104 IM 31 NY Rllngeft 13 11 I 105 118 27 WHlllngton II 9 0 Ml 0 I 24 Pitt aburgtl 8 I 4 4 90 123 20 ~ J8'My 5 11 7 79 )10 IT ...._oi.r...... MontrMI 10 4 8 122 13 38 lloeton 13 1 e. 14 ~ 2 Bull110 12 8 5 IOI Oli 29 o ... l>llC t2 10 a 119 115 21 H811ford 5 111 3 73 113 13 ~·._... Ouel>to a. loeton 3 WNNngton II, P111.-gri 4 Mfn.,_,.I 8. It lOUle ) T ....... 1 .. 0- H•tlord 11 New .lerMJ New YOf'll ltlenOttt at Winnipeg ea1QMY M Vllt\COllWf . NHL..-. .,,_,........,..._, 0 A llta ~y. to-ion 20 43 13 lklMw.NY.......,. 2t ti 4) M ti...,,,, 0..... II 12 41 , 81111~o;:1; ·te 11 M ...... . ",, "°8lt-. NY ,.....,_ 11 H M ~. OaloltY. II H J4 T~.HY~ '"' 11 18 U NFL ..... :Ml. R1m1 2• lcooe lllr Ouerl.,t """ 1 , .. ,,.,1ti.u , 11 0 10 '10 t A R .. m. 10 0 f I ,4 ~' fC1 w .. scll<OQ l l A r 0 I ttntlOlll JO l A tyl•r 21 j)UI 11111•1 f1111gtm1>, (~•11110111 kl(k) :II I (l W1t1 llCl\lllQ 44 llf Moore 3• pan from Mon1a11a 1wer11eh1og kl(llJ !H MOO•• 1• P•H hOUI Mnnta11• fWet"1\111g 111(.k) l A l yleo t run (llln•IOt ti lli04.) \ Gf fO WOf llGl11nO 38 ~A t V'*' 11> lutl (hnllOrd lltckl Sf M00<e I rut\ (WerllGNog klCll) A Se 57• T-llatl•llce fllll dOwl)• ·~I ~: Ru>llas yw<ll 211 411 22-64 PIUlllQ i•• ~· 320 277 Return yatOI 40 II P .. Mt 27-38·0 20-43·2 Sacks by 1·9 3·24 Punlt S 31 6·41 ~umbles 1011 1 I O•O Panalll;t•·v•rda 6 73 8·87 Ttmt ot Potseu1on 32 48 t7 12 lftdf vlduel llallellcl RUSHING San francisco. R1r>g 10·3 I Moo•• 14·26. Mon1ane 5· ·7 lo• Anoefes Tyler 16 45. Guman 0.10, Fe11e11•mo 1·1 PASSINO Sari Franc:llCO, Monuna 26 37 0 30S, FrallCIS I 1--0-45 LOI An~s. Feuav•mo 20·43·2 280 RECEIVING-San fllnCllCO, Moor• 8-102 0 Clari.:. 5-113. Ring 4·3 I, SolOmon 3.39, Wiison 2·43, Francts 2-26, Cooper 2·11. Young t • LOS 1'111191••· Tyler e.112. Miiie< ••84, OeNlartJ 4-ef, far..-4·H, Qun1an 1·6. Al .. ande< I· ·1 MISSED FIELD GOALS -L•n1l0<d ~2 COLLEGE All·PCAA FWllT Tl!Alll ~ ~ OB Stll•• Clltkson, St • S•n JOR St ~ Todd Diiion. Jr , Long Beach St ; Jell Tecltord, Sr , Fresno St RB -Lonny Montgomery. Jr . Long Beacll SI , Gary Bleckwelt, Sr , Paclltc WR Henr; EHatd. Sr, Fresno SI . Tim KaWM. Sr , Sen JON SI f -Eo Cart at. Sr . Fresno St • Lloyd Taylor. Jr . Long Beach SI G Mike Forrest, Jr , Fresno SI, 0e¥1d Kuresa SOC>h Ulah S1 TE Darren long, Sr , Fresno SI C Jolln Bladolllll, Sr , Freeno St .,..._ Ol..-Joe ~,..Jr..-CS fullettoo,.K\ll Jones, Sr . Fresno SI , Steve McEnroe, Sr , San JoM St , She•n Miiiet, Sr , Utah SI LB RICh Senteno, Sr , CS Fulla<ton. David Howard. Jr., Long 8ncll SI , Bob 1o4atheny San •Jose S1 , Pat McKtnna. Sr , Utah St DB Mall Mct<nig111. Sr .. FreMI> St. Gill By1d, Sr. San Jote St , Rodney Weber, Sr, CS Fu1i..1on. Kevin GrMne. Jr , Pacific Relurn spec:18kll -Tom KearM, SI .. SM , JoeeSt Kick epectat111 -Scot1 Darrow, Sr., Fresno SI Punte~andall C:..llf\lflgham, $0pll..- Navada·las Veciu ACOMC> TIAlll ~ a.cu -Bobby Jollneon, Jr , San Jose St . Maurle;e Turner, Sr , U11h St WR -S19f)hone PllQe. Sr • Fresno .SI . Darrat Haml>rlUI, Sr , Ne•ada·LH V99•1. Etie RICh.,deon. Jr . Sen JoM SI OT -Sia•• Smllll, Jr , PaclllC, MllCll KalMr SOC>h , Utall St , K9'11n Mole, Sr , Freano St -00 -Tom LarlClf\, Sr , Siin Jose St , Dan McGallan, Sr . Paclllc. Joe Crum, Sr .• Utah St -C -John PuUI!, Jr . Long Beach SI . Stave Jackson. SI , U1ah St TE -T °"Y Camp, Jr . Paclloc SATIMOAY'I GAMEi Army vs Navy at Plllladalpllta (Cllat\f181 2 at930aml NeO<aSlca at Haw..,, n Florida •I Florlda SI n Arkentas at Te•H 1C11anne1 7 al 12 30 pm) COMMUNITY COLLEGE Bowl roundup r.......-·.o- aAY llOW\. (al~ C ...... Oelll9ncl) Sectamen10CC110-01 vs Laney ( 10-01 letUfday'•0- 0"ANGfCOUNTY f'OMY eOWl (ata...taANllowl) Fullerton 111·2) vs SaddlebeQk (9· I} 7 pm I..._ l'OTATO 90'#\. (ata. ......... C ..... ) Ml San AntonlO (9• 11 vs Tall (10·01 I AN Dfl!QO.l'ACIFIC 90Wl -(al ~ta«•0• C!MM ltlalA) Gland ... (0.1) vs Sout"-tern (9-ll UONI ... 9'°" llOWl !at La l'leye ............. a...ta llefMra) LA Harbor f8·21 ve Santa Barbare CC (7-2) VAU.IY 90W\. , .. ......_... ......... ~, P!Uadene CC (8·21 .. W•t'Hilll 17-31 IHI.ANO E ....... LIONI aOW\, (at WhHlock It..._, "'-81del Sen Bernardino Vettey (10<0) vs 111\letllOe cc10.21 IANTA CflUZ COUNTY UONI 90Wl (al l eaNwtt ,.......,, Aptoa) Cotlegll ol Lile Redwood& (8. t) vs. H81'tnell 111·11 NCAA teem •t1ll1tlc1 "UIMINO OfFENH Nel>l'llht O~tanotna Tulsa All For~ • ••• 38611 Soutlletn MIUIUippl SMU TC Yeh. 098 4,2S3 696 3,724 IMS 3,3411 723 3,820 1144 3, 131 &19 3.041 647 3,023 56"' 2. OH 836 2,03S 026 2.019 3311 s 304 2 3017 28-U 27$5 214 0 272.S 266 a 205 4 Georg ta New Me11co Alabama WtClllla St PAlllNOO.nMll l'A l"C Vde. A.,_, tong BNcn s1 s22 aoo 3.095 321.a. Ouk• 414 258 3,349 304 5 Stanl0<d 422 206 3.3 ti 30 I 0 lltlnOlt 453 279 3.254 205 8 8tigll"'1 Vouno 3115 240 3. IU 2S9 0 UCLA • 335 205 3,070 279 I N••ld• LAS Veoas 420 2.1& 3,000 273 5 San Diego St 4SS 2SO 3,284 272 0 Flo<lda SI 318 179 2 8641 2156 6 PaclllC 493 244 2,93 I 2N 5 TOTAL MR .... Nebr.Ski FIO<lda St Brlgh"'1 Youno Dvke ~ Me•ICO North Carolina UCLA Lon11 Buch St At• F'0<ce Penn State ....,_ YA A"9. 895 S,8411 513.S 756 4,7M 479 8 707 5, 121 48$ 2 84S 4,MO 4538 801 4,122 438 4 90t 4,788 433.0 1138 4.75T 4:12 5 Ml7 4,738 •30.7 890 5,099 424 9 '112 4,6S2 422 9 ft\1.-o Dl!RMN Virgtnl• T ecll San JOM SI Maryland LSU Ar11ensa• PIUtbufQll A111on1 St use Notre Dame Clefnl0t1 TC YA °'"9• 379 544 49.S 40~ I04 73 i 3M 959 17 2 406 1,004 ti 3 382 t21 12 7 397 1,029 83 5 41111 l.041 15.1 410 1,041 t5 a 41• 1.oso ts 5 401 1071 07. PAlllMO Dl!RN .. l'A PC WA A .... Mittoutl 271 121 l,3S8 tU 0 Ktnen 20, 87 1,402 117 5 ~ Me~ICo SI 244 111 1,411 121 e lowelt US 111 1,417 tH8 Ariton.a St 257 110 1,471 1S3 e North CarOlln• 284 141 1,4to 135,5 t.oulavttloa a.41 122 1,4M IM2 Kensal St 293-137 1,60t 137.1 Ta.a. T8'11 U1 102 1.5'2 142.0 Ml•ll•.ic>l>I 8tata 2341 132 1,SH 141 t lOTM.DS,.._ Ariton• 11 NOlth CarOllna A•li-a llllttallUfOft L8U Cenl<ll MitNofln uec Vlrfl!lll T Kii , .... "°"90- ....,.., ....... 1•S 2,511 ,._..,_ ee2 a.eo2 239 s 837 l ,d& 242 6 .. 3 , ... , 24) 1 704 1,707 2 ... I ,,, 2,731 2.413 141 U17 .... IOO 8,0IO 11f.I ... 2117 111'1 7to 3 tl) 213' WCT Chlc190 o.,_n hcffd"-illfttlee """ ""'' h <MI (U, I""' Ju .. luo• ci.ir IA•u..,1110111 8 • T IJ !uropHn Ch tnplon1hlp' te::.•e<11,•= B11an Oot1f11ad ~ dllt M .. Pure.II (U 'J I 8 7 ll O Yanrno ~10111 If •"'1<•1 e1 .. 1 J•~quo• 1'11111C11t111 lll••o1un11 ti 1 e 2, ltooon•• $1111<1 (C..t..cho•to•1IUa) 0411 Otrnt1(1 liolle.., flMIQJUrll) 6 4, II 4, Jiii\ OuMtlaM (!Sw.o<onl def Ctauooo t'lflettl lltttyl 11 / u. . Au1trell1n Open (•l ... IMvtnel W-n·a lecond lleulld llfltlff 81H,. J•tl' KlllQ IU S I 0.1 011•t>111tll Pull., (U 8 I 0 4 0 7 Cllm I ••rt llOyO det C:••'*-Ta.wte11rranca1 6 3. o 2, Matllfl4 N•111a1!love flJ" I def Ctaua1a KOfl(lt (WMt 0111m•11y1. O 4, 8·4, Andrea Jaeo•• IU II I Oii C•ndy R•y110ld1 IU S l. G·2, 0 O. Pem SN1•8t IU a I 11•1 Leslie All«o<I (U s ), .. ,J delaull Eva Prall tWMt Q..,manyl del Jo Drullt (Bllll•n) 2 II 0 4. O I Wendy fur11out11Aut1ra11a1 d111 Roaf a1111afllo f8ou1n AlrlClll. 1 II 6-4 .,..n'• ftflt llound llnole~ Jttl Borowiak cu S I dal Petll• ¢••••• (Ayahallal 6 ·3 6-4, 6·3 I om MayOttt IVS I Ml Ptler Seigle< (U S I 7 6, 6·3; 6-0, JQto11 S1d11 (US I det David Orallam IAultoallaJ. e.o.9 •.H Grend Ch1mplon8 tourn•m•nl (al "-ho Mir ... ) F~•t 1'-.1 •Int ... S1an Sm11h (U S I d•I Roy Emt•eon (Austt•ll•I &.. I, 6-1. ROd l•VO< CAu11ratoa) def o.,, .... R1111on IU s '· 0·2. 0.4, Mtlly Rlessari IU SI del Cn.,llt P11a1ell (US I 4-9...+3 6 ), fom Gorman (US) def Colin Otllley (A11t1111toa) 2·6 0 4 7 5 High 1chool women c• 4·A F111a1e M11•1ettu I 1, Palo• Vftrd1n 7 CW ).A "nale San Ma.ono 12. WetUake 6 CIF 2·A , ..... , ~ 12 . .1.a OulOtAI 6. --Clf' 1·A Flnale LOUIS\11118 12, PasadMA Poty 6 ... Ga 11chos-Fullerton: Orange Co·unty title at stake Saturday .. Uy t 'llf\T Sfo:EUEN Of Ille Oallr ll'llol llafl .J Ul\t •• IHIU t 1 u Wt•t•ki. auu. Fullt·t l11n t1111I S111ldh•IJJl'k t'llllt·1!•'s wt•111 ht•ud to h1•ucJ m u 1•1111 11 ulh •d l111>lbu1J M'rl011)1Uj(t'. whkh 11want Vl•ry hlllt· 111 tl'11t.. i;t,1gl· ol lh1· l'CllllfllUllily l'Ullt•gt• football w11M111. But tlw ..,1.1y11ri. o n both H1<l1·11 Wl•rt·, nu dt111hl. hop1111l tu J))L'l'l .1ga111 'u111lt•r lw•1 tt•1 t•1ri:u1Tu>t01lt't~ .1m.I w1lh .1 lot 111w·t· ot 1>lJ1~1· .. MIUER MAftlHAlL Th1•y ~.wt tht·1r w 11>h Saturday night (7 0'!'11l(:k) in tlw Orungc County Pt1ny Bowl at Sunu.i Ana hl•I n g JH·r f l'<'t w 1 l h u I 7. 14 Bowl It's a t.:Utlh':.l plllln" two of Thonksg1vrng Day vk'tory 1lw OJlltJll'i. loµ t.'om~iunlty Still, with th<.· i.tal t"s Nu J l'Olll•gt• lc)l1tb;dl rnad)c:;, nnl lo dl'l<.'lll>t· und ii high-poW'l'l'Cd offt'nst" tht· Caut·hos Wl'rc a m1•11\11111 l wu ol Or.mg<.• County's 11111.'t «Xpltr..tV('. yet stin..,.y h:ams. shoo-in to pluy an tht• Pony Bowl, a und m foct. Wl•rt· ofCt:rtd u bid a Fulll•rt•m Couch H al Sht.>rbt'(·k ft•w Wl·t•ks tx·fort· th~ season was hlls mon· win11 to his n aml' thau o v l' r As i t turn ed 0 u t. Jny l'ommumty l'Ullt•g<' <.'Oad1 m Sadcic.;}):1l·k rini!.h('(] m a threc- tht• t·oulHr y. lie.· owns a J70-48·5 way Ill' for first place In the • n•curd :.punning 21 y('or s Mb!>1on C:onfl.'rc'ncc• with Gaud1u Cmlt'h Kt•n Swt•uringen ~uulhwl·stt:rn :.ind Riversldl· CC. rank s lhtrcl m tlw t·uuntry with a Swcurtngcn msislS ll wasn't a n Hi:l-40-5 mark t •asy road to Saturday mght's And bot t;twt·hes ugrce i1S sfiowdown --4 ... uhout lrnw .a t·uu p lc of ('Ounty "You hav1: to <'arn your way powt•rs squal'(' o ff with u bowl into a bowl gam(~·und it is a b ig ltllt' at stake·. dl'al," he• says "!fhe h ardest :'Thi~ gomc ti. goocl for JUnlOr t h~ng ubout a bowl game is l'olll1g<' football," says S h <:rbeck, gt•tting there." who S{Utdt'd tht.· H ornets to a n 8-2 The.• Gaul'hos got there OC'hind oVl'ro.111 mark und 5 -1 South Coast nn offon:.t• which is led by the Confl.'rt·n(·c.· rc.-t·ord "You have· passing of soph omore Craig Ski -dlllon•-l w o g 1,10 d program r.. two M11lc·r and the r N·c1ving o f J o hn 1ou111er11 ca111om1e --"'1·--t:-·s-· -,-, ) tn;l'rr-d-n•f.t m s-mado-u-....,..1>--Mru::sha.lLM.illCJ:..t.hccw for I 186 HOLIOAY HtU -18·24 1nc11 base Fove mostly of young men fro m the yard s on thl• season , while C'1811 hits -•ting llT. aALOY -12-0•41nc11 ase No -local arl'Ct and all t his for the Marshall caught 63 pa~s for 947 al tot1s Mly be oe>en 891Jn IOday l' ha Ill pl 0 n S h Ip 0 ( Qr Ung(' y urds, tops in thC' l'Onfcrc•nef:. KllATKA ftlOOE -W~I open nexl...... C SHOW tUMMtT -12-281nc" 1>ese F1Ve 'ounly" Fulkrton counwrs with QB e11~!;; ~~~~ _ 1;1.24 inch DIM M "h's a c.·h a llC'nge to play the V1·rn Ham s. who thr~w for 1,325 many~11sasnaecl6CIW1Uopera1e best ;.ind SN' if Wl' l'an play our yard s tn eight ga'mes, and GOLOMINE -2·3 ree1 base Alt 11111 bt.'Sl ," adds Swcar in gt"n . "W e runmng back Larry Jac kson ( 113 ope•allng _ 1t..1a-Na•e0• want to pluy thl· good teams." lJ.lrrlL-S, 491 yard <;), ~ MOUttfAllf -'81nclf ba-se-inrae ..!fh<.· Gaul'h~. in r.olling up. .a Thl' H ornets a lso havt> a ver y d~~M:~;~11:_.ru-,:~~N _ 9~ inclles 9 -1 rt'(·ord this Sl'ason , did not sec capable· rc•cc1Vc In J <JC Kelly, .,... '·bat. gondola 9nd 11e11a1<11111 rrfany good teami.. althoug h they who fm1sht.od S<.'C'Ond tn the South 1111=11~ -80•72 lf)Cn baie AH did ham.hlyd<.•f<•atSouthwestern. Coa~l Confcrt·ncc 1n lhat MT. ftHA -121nct11>ase 11chaor11111 whkh was rank(·d amon g the> top dl•purtmt·nl with 47 receptio ns oi!::1'!!000 -72•90 incn baa• Full IO ll'ams in tht• s tate a t the t ime. fur 970 yards. .. AVENLY YAU.EV -60-M 1ncn o... The• onl y oth e r Jcgi ti mate Fulk·rton and Saddleback both T'::"0tt~~~~~1t~ =':!.,•y thn•at to the Gauchos' perfect finisht-cJ ~•top thc•1r respective IKt tNCLIHE -Open on wee1<an<1 sc<1son was River sid e CC, whfch ('Onft•n•nc:c•:. tn both team oHense IOUAW VALlfY -411·84 Inell bHe I It h c h f and l"Um d"fensc· •. Cable ~dola and 9 C11•11 tilts operatlnQ prompt Y KC'pl t <' ;:iuc• tis rom " ~ MT. "Oi i -41·90 Inch bate 'two~ double Cllalf. one 11191' Chair OPe(at\nQ ALl'tNE •ADOW8 -u . 12lrll1Ch base EIQlll lilts -•ling. IUOA" •OWL -84·120 Inell ba5e F111e Hfls-•tono llOftlAl -84· 106 lnCll bue ·FOO< llf\s ooeratong Night ••no Women'• wot1e11Nll WCAA U-CoftfacMtCe • '1rel T-Ton1 H•mmet. Mary HOiiand (Slln DieQo Stale!. Tracy Clerk (USC. El Toro Hlgll). Dena Sm1111 IUSC), Kim Oden 1s11nlord, lnnne HOQll). use Sludt (ANON St•l•I AcoMT-Junne Beaupray fUCLI'. Mtnlon VielO Hogll) 1'n1te Moss (l'rtzona). VIClll Can1rt1I, Karen Schwlllt, Sue Hagerle fSan 019110 Stalel. Vale<\llna \/ega ll'rtrona S1a1a1. Pally Otozoo lVCLA} _ -Moll Valuebl• Player -Ton• Hommer (San Otego S\ale) , Coacll ol the Yaat -Rudy Suwat• (San-Die<,10 Statal . ._ HIGH SCHOOl Founleill v ... , J, Fullef1on 1 R>unmn Veney llC»l'\nQ Cup+n 1. FOll<lns \, Sundy I Oc•-View e, C"8ffey t De.an v-ecortng Ourblll 2 lhibOdeau \, KN>lan I, Smtih 1, Orotco I HIGH ICHOOl WOMEN ~•'-'97, ............... , E.ttanciA llCO(ing Tl\Ollip9on 4, Gazda, 1 8onnall I, Mot-1 °"° ... ft•hlng:: DAftY'I LotKE" (Mewperi 9Hcll) -IS anglera I bontto. 5 mack.,el, 16' rock eod, 12 Mnd beea DANA WttAlll' -13 MQl«I 6 ban 5 macke<al. 4 rock llah, 3 ~sllHd ll!AL MACH -25 angl«e 200 rocti COd Estancia recovers; ) Chargers toppled The. Estancia H igh basketball team n c•arly let one get away Thursday night, bul recovered with a 33-point fourth quarter to advance to the semifinals o f the L aguna Beach T our nam ent with a 77-62 triumph over Santiago. Meanwhile. Edison suffe red its first setback of the young season 1n the Val e n cia Tournamen t , dJ:op,p.ing _a_65-54... decislon -to rugged Can yon a 1 El Dorado High. Estancia camP o ut sm oking in its gaml' against Santiago. building a 12-pomt advantage after the first quartcr against th e c'Old-shooting Cavaliers. But the Eagles spen t that lead in the third quarter and found themselves tra1l10g by a point (45-44) e ntering the final stanza. B ut a pressure defense which forced a number of turnovers finally decided the issue. H olding a hot h a nd for E s ta n cia was 5-10 jun ior Jim C u rlis, who scored 20 points. C urtis was joined in d ouble figures by J on J ohnston ( 12 points). Doug P inckney ( 11) and N asser Mus tafa (10). The Eagles will tak e today o ff a nd play W eslt'rn Saturday night a t 8:15 in thl' c hampionship semifinals. Some costly mistakes against Canyon's full-court pressure • dC'ff'ns<' rn the four t h q u arte r provNl to be Edison's downfall. The C harge r s had a 43-40 advant.igc with /seven minutes remaining when lurr.overs and nU.DleJ:QU.S mjs.scd...cba.nces. on • o n C'-and -onc f r ee-throw sttuattons helped lurn the game around in Can yon 's favor Senior guard B re ndo n M asterson hit 12 of 15 free-throw opportunities a nd fimshed with 24 points. while guard Tim W e rlner <:h 1ppt.."'<l in with 13. The C hprgC'rs also won the battle of the boards, o utrebounding Canyon . 26-24 . World Cup site? L IMA, P e r u (AP) -The president of the South American Soc.'Ccr F ederation, said Thursday that "there is an 80 p ercent certainty" that Brazil will be c h osen as the site o f the 1986 W orld Cup . and w ill replace Colo mbia. which gave u p its right t o hos t the socce r tournament. CdM women 2-0 Fountain Valley, Marina also win (44-42) with two minutes left] w h e n key baskets by J an Whitham a nd Lisa B urch h e lped t put the game out o f reach for the I Barons. It wa.s the season open e r I for both lt'ams. T h e Cor o n a del M ar High wom~n·$ basketball team h as gotum o ff lo a fast 2 -0 s tart fo llowing Thursday n ight's latest s u ccel!S. a 47-36 l riumph over visiting Huntingto n Be~h. M eanwhile. F o untain· Valley edged Mate r Dei, 50-44, and Marina adva n c ed in the con solation brac ke,l o f the Irvine Tournament with a 49-44 victor y over Savanna. On the college level. Southe rn California College moved mto the S('(;Olld round of the Vanguards' uwn t o urn8 M l•nt by beating Clarcmont·Scrlppe, 58-54 . CdM got Its running game in gear in the final quarter to break o pen a c lose game. The Sea Kings It'd only 30·28 cnlC'rlng the final p••rlod and actually lell b e hind. 35-34. ~orly In the fo urth. Senior point guard Heather E.1tC?y dir('('tcd CdM's offenae and scored 11 point&, whllt• junior g\U1rd Liu Romn~y l ed all ~orcra wrth 21 Center Angle Dodda did a &ood job on lh e board•. pullln1 down 10 l'f'bounda. Mater Del hed pulled two polnta ol F o un&a.ln .. within Valltty Whitham shart'd top scor ing honors in the game with Mater' D ei's Alonda Varisco. as each tallied 20 points. M ater Dei plays agnin Friday a t Los Alamitos, whilC' F o untain Valley will next tx.• 1n acu on Tuesday evening at Cyp rl'SS. S e ni or forwa rd Alene Anderi;en had 13 points and 14 rebound!! as th<• Vikings moved •into t oday's 3 .15 con solation aemtrlnals ;.at Irvine High against El ModC'na. Marion. whkh trailed by alx polnl.'J al ha lfllmc, began 10lvtnt Savanna's press and tvn~rtln1 It mto baskets in the> second halt and fina lly Wl'IH ahead for keo. .. In thl• final quar~r. F o rward Julie ~mbcr1 \omed In 18 p01nta and Ch~ryl Aken added 10 to h•lp Sout,ern CaliJornla Collep c-aptun itl llrt t ·r o und ~ontelt . Tht Van11u41rd1t play again at 8 tonight • • PUBt.IC NOTICC Ml.IC NOllCE 'ICTITIOUI eua!HeH 'ICTITIOUI I UllNIH NAM U ATI MINT NAMI lfAllMtNl 1 ho l11lh1w11111 '""•Cm •• 110111u I 11• h1ll11w111g t>e••O"• 11111 duluQ bu•m ..... ,., hU .. U•Mll Ml [I II { l'llO(Jlll I ~ I !t4f\ U l OUCA 11\)N (,CJtH'UHA llUN Ad4!1nl• Avt1 I o•I• M"'" I A 11/h, ft Ot AMI flll..A 4W() { llnlJlUI 011vu Jw"4• U••ll"" IJl)(I A1l(lm• Av• ~"''"' J •d New11011 u ... ,,, I.A .! 10 LOii .. M11t•1• I A IUOJtl U.'tlOO 1 tu• but'r"'" '' tuu1h•11 .. 11 hy •" l II l. U A e1 <., • 1 t I o 1 111 • ln\1••1lll•lll to•111>r•ll01t •!100 t.ampua UllYI' J<n1.1 lh1•11u11 :.u11e J•ll N<•Wf•01 I Uea~h CA , ,.,. >lllht<nl•Ht wo llllltll .... ,, Ill• U20li-O Co1111Jy l.kl•I> 111 fl••"OO <.ounly nn 111 .. bua111 .... " •Olllluc;1&1J Dy 1 Nov 8 l!lffJ korpo1•11on l'ilOl .. 7 roCOA l'uhll•llOO Oran11c (,oowl U111ly n11.hf111U u NullllillaOll r•11u1 Dec J 10 17 24 11182 Prn111l11111 __________ ..:5:.:2:.:11.:.0..:tl:.;.2 1tua 1111111111111111 w1l• ltl0tll w1111 the PUBLIC NOTICE ~~~n% c:~,8~ 01 0 101111111 c ounty 011 FICTITIOUI aUSINt:SS CURTIS I VACCARO N.aM£ BTAT"'Ml!NT 011a Newport PlaC. ~ " Sult• 1010 lhu fOllowh•g PO•sona 010 1.10111g N•wpo•t ••ach CA t21410 Ou•tl\085 us P:202245• fAKt ll~E A LHTLE EASIEll Pullll•tlllll Ornngo Cousl Dully 19392 S I Juao St1nta Ana P11u1 Nov 19 26 Dec. J 10 198? Calllornta 9270:> Cindy A A11b111 19392 St Judot h I l842 S11n1a Ana Cah to1111u 92705 POOLIC NOTICE Rochelle Arm R1dgew11y t50SB1------------- P101pec 1 Avenue Placant111 FICTITIOUS aUllHESS Cahlorn10 92670 NAME STATl!MENT Th11 business •~ conduc1ed by • I he rollowong person rs 001110 gem1tal partnership ' Dust"&" es Thi& Sllil&nlliJll was hlO!d with lhe S A I L I N G Y A C 'Ii T Counly Cieri. 01 Orange Cooniy 0" SPECIAL TIES 230 62na Slreet Novemoo1 8 1987 Newpoil Beach Caht0<me 92663 F201474 Troy H Browning 230 62ml Pubhshl!O Orange CoaSI Dally Street Newport Beach Calolo•ma Pilot No• 12 19 26 Dec J t982 92,663 4999 82 tnrs ou11ness 1s '°nauc:te<I by a11 -------------onOMdual Troy H Brownrng This s1atement was ltled w11n 1>he PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNESS Counly Clerk of Orange County o" PUBLIC NOTICl PUlll IC HO llCl Pll8llt; NOllC( ___..:i rtCTlllOUI •UllNlll --HOllCt rO"C-.. -,-Ol_l _O_ll_I ___ NOflCC Of' OU'AUl.f ANO~ NA• lfATfMI Nl _1_ 01 •Ul lC ftlANlffll lltCtlON TO HU. 11 ... l11ll1•wlll\j IH ....... '"''•I· .. ·~ •••• •101 •101 u cc) UHO&tl 0 to 01' lllUlf 1"'"1111•• "' 14• 11" I "" "'" 11""' tu lflol"OflfANt N011CI!' 1 1Tt/r l'te> r tNAN1 t t4,!I' , ,1 ,, 1 , 1 u .. "''""" r .. 1,.1111 11 ,01111 i•not•r 111 y ,., IN t.u1v111 Uolv,. ~ull• <1 ll•m• ,. "' t .. 111, 11111 , tut~ to.r1t•h• ,. 1UfH 1 I u ,11111 Ill 1 AlJl>I ~1111 < 1t1tv1tuu IU114 1111/(Nf• tlllUll,., INI ''""' IH 11• "''''' "" •·'~'"'' Afll 11(111Mll~l•lllll111AYMl111'1 I ulllullH• 1 1,.110111114,,. ,.,.,~I• t••1• 1"'"'""" II•'"'"' 11 MA• Ill lllll Wtllll)UI A~~y lutv•o Uttv•• •1u11.-rt lt~uu• lft•t•mn •hll~u '" .ut<.1•• 'lUUhlAttlUNao1t.,.Pu1ht1)hlV'• Cttlitt>tUIMQll14 u l llu •n1tuuh1J ln.u••'••tC';f" .. ,.,_ th"h'U tl• ,tttluhth,JVuut u tuonl l hit bu•tll••t Ill llHlllm llkl I 111Al4tll114 I• IAI ~ 1llN "'"I l(IAN tn IJl~"I .,, u olloi J loy I ''~"'II ill ttl 1111110<11111111 iv ' '1 IA< I\ •IHI I.II'' 1111 M Ail yu111 11101 '"" 1111y111011U phi• lllllM INI ,l.thl I I u11\I ll"'Y 11,.1111111111 ti• I• 111111 "'•II"'""• C..oh11•11~ 111111111 llU U ('"I"''' •It~ Mui I.A rn1i1~ w11t1111 lh•t'll m•mth 1111111 llm •hih• M•I lll\U W MrOu1ttt ll1M n1m1"• ""I.I llu•llU• • n•llJ•.,•• 111111110llC•• 111th111•111 w11• H•( 011111<1 P111111tJ111tl w 11 "'" llllt•lllh••J h ''"''""'"" ... 11111 •llHUUlll '. s I tl11l 81 ... "' I'"" "' ''""''"' w11~ "'"'' wo111 mu 1111 NA I O A IJU N NINO i1 n d O~t<•t11•1 Ill tt'IHl 111111 w•ll "'""'' " ~~~~~~u~:v~k ~~8~11111111• <.1111111v 011 :.'.~i;:A~,~~. 11 •• ~11~~~:~~o.?"c!l ;•i;:~, .. ~,,1~0~,,~: ,;·~,;,::IJ:::,v\:·~.:";;~~ CAPRETl • ICASDAN ll,'(;,11, thu '1111111 \1111!11111 110111011 o• y1llJI 2091 •u•ln••• C•nlet Oilv•, 11111 lhill 11• 011111 ly pv11or11H1I ucc.w11t • 111•11 lllOllUh lull 11uy11114n1 Suite 200 11"'"'0 '" 1h"' ""' 11 11111111111,11 11~ u wu" 1111111o111'1ull but y11v "'""' 11•y lrvln• Celllornla ll:l715 l.OITIITit lfhll Mnn n<><(UVl!•Q A{1f11<.v lhtt ll•llU•I"\ •l11t11<l 11llllV'I • f'201H O 1111<! 111 1111 oiucl ut NIQO Hr 11~1 l.011~1 All•u tt\tuo nounHI• h om tlw Clall• l'ubh~t11uJ On.11111u Co.i~I Dolly ttwv I C11<J1111 1h1t Min c,A inu;t•, or 111rur""'""' 01 1111~ flocum11111 Pilot Nov 12 Ill 2(, Doc: 3 11)82 1 t11 ,,.,,,,,,,, •• WlllU uwll llv '"" tWIHC.h 1.h1h of 1•'1.ll•t.IUllllll ,11111• "" 5018 8~ ~ '"' ,, '"~"I .... at 1411d 1111. 111011 ·~ hl!lt!Ull) 111110 ... lhu ubl•OllllUll Iii lnO PUBLIC NOTICE FIC,ITIOUS aUBINEH NAME STATEMENT 111 .. tollowll\g 1t11• aon " dotng llU~lllllS!> QS UMF CL(ANIN(. srRVICl s 2664 Seruno l'l11c.11 An11hc11m C11hf0lola 92804 wenaa Faye Ge•~t>usn 100• £ Was11mg1on 01 Jf\Q8 Cnhlurn•• 92668 Tn1s ou11neu '' co"OU(.1811 oy 1>n 111d1v1d1>al Wand4 Gt'ISbUSh lhos s1a1em .. 111 wos 11190 w1lh 1111 County Cieri. ot Oiange ~(lunty on No"en•bl!• 9 1982 F1lllOI .. 11r MAii nooM INC • fo111t.1M•••l uovn P• rmtl\ fong~r 1 h 11 .. 1111J hulk I ronall" 1~ p11r1oa you tlil••• only tll• l"Oul •IQlll 111trn11t11U 10 1111 1.on~urnrnuwd '"' tho to stop '"" 1c11u<.lo~uro lly IJ!1ylng 111111" ut fl A ll1111n1no 1tl00 U l•~• mo ""'"" ,11n1111111 aum11nau11 by \ ~ I llwv l orunu 0 .. 1 M"' I.A yo..1 etl'tlllll• lllh t" 1111 or ''""' Ooca1m1>u1 20 To find •w11 "'\I 111111'luflt you musl ti.IHI • PllY Of 10 '"""'II" 101 p.iymom tu t '" 11um" 11nll uddre'> ot thtt 11op II•• tr>rn< lo~u•,. Cl• 11 your r>< rM11t wnh w1wm Cfotm' m11y uu p1opu11y " tn to•l'<.IO~IJ"' to• 1rny "'' <l •w II A Ov11n11"1Q :lGOO 8 [1151 ollW• l('UlOll contact LEC H L.oil\I ll1ghw1y (.;010"0 dt<I M•• DUASI l:.O Allorney tor lht' LA (;A Jnd lllt-hi?I I.Illy IOl l1ltng GllllmS l:: U f 5 T A H >. (,. 0 U £ I CL U 13 l)y Illy rre(JllOf Sholl oe Oocomb<>< HOMfOWNlllS AS$N 695 l own 19 111112 lirhiCh 11 tho Du••n•.:•~ day C1.nt"' OllVtl Sli•lo 800 Co•IR uotore Ill< consummo11ou lloto Mtr-11 C11hl0<n1~ 92676 tl'lt'ol>Or•" "l>•-<•h\'d .ibovo (1141 64 t t391 :.o I.rt 1\ 1• knowl'l 10 ~<l•O 11 yuu h&v<' ""Y quo•l•ons you NAME STATEMENT November 9 1982 F201611 Published Orange Coul Diiiy fl'le following persons are ao1ng Publltlle<l 01ange Coas1 Dally Pilot Nov 12 19 26 D.c 3 1982 Pilot Nov 12 t9 26 Dec 3 1982 4994 82 '"'"''llt11l lruntl"oous \Aod rlllt'MIKI thOulO toni.1tt " lawyer 01 lht! 1rJn1fOI01' USlld lhe IOllOWUlQ gOVf'•"mt•nt Ql!f!Cy ... h•ch m~t hU"C.O 1d'drnonn1 business 1111tnlh• and ln5Urod y0u1 loon 411011111St • wllhon tnll tnr"" voar• Rornen11lllr YOU MA\' LObE ous1ness as WALNUl HILL LIQUOR 1<1!>61 Reo Holl Tu~lln CA 92680 Chi Myong HO 14661 Red Hill Tuslln CA 92680 Ch Ho JG 14661 Rod ·~·II Tus1111 CA 92680 Tn1s busmess is conducted by en 1nd1v1dual Myong Ho Chi 1111s stalernent was 1110<1 with lhe Counly Clerk ol Or!ll'go Cour11y on Nov 16 1982 F202250 Publ shed 0111nge Coos• Oa1ly P1IOI Nov 19 26 Dec 3 10 1982 5051 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is aoong ~--------.....:.49~5~1~-8==2 --------------PUBLIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS- NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT rne 1011ow1ng person 1s doing 1 he 1011ow1ng pe•~oo •S 001n11 bu!>iness 85 l•us1nesb :n SNAPSHOl 1 HOUR PHOTO fEDEHAIED lAX SCRVICE 14 9 E R1vers•Oe Dr Newporl 71!>2 W 191h SI Gostu M11s11 CA Bcucn CA 92663 Jl26:17 M chael L McOueeney 1793 Antllony l'O•• 110 4 l;;t tl1111hn1J Hawa11 C• Colla Mesa CA 92676 SI Ball>Oll CA •)2661 lt\ls ous1nes1 1s conduc1ed by an Tho!> Ou•11t<rn!> ~ co11tJvc;h d by un 1n<Jiv11lual I 1n01v du~I M1chae1 L McOueeney An111t1ny Pu•c:tro Tt11s s1a1emen1 was toled with the lh•S >I lh r""'" w.i~ 111,a Nllh Ille County Clerk 01 Orange County on County Cit'•~ 01 Otjno" Gounty 0<1 Dec 1 1982 No• 16 t98l P:203297 P:202246 Puollshed P1IOI Dec 3 01a"ge Coas1 Daily Publlshti<l Or rnge Coasl Cati) 10 17 24 l982 Pilot Nov 1\1 26 Dec :I 10 1981 11~1 f1A,t NONE LEGAL AIOHTl> IF YOU 00 NOi o ..... a Nu•I 1110f11 22 1982 r AKE PnOMl'T AC. TION Ronald A Ounmnq N011CE IS HERCBY GIVEN lllUI Floranf\O F Ounn•"9 tne L~ Cuesta Rlloqu•1 CluD llllenaed Tranterees Hom"ow11e•s As<o()G11111on havmg n flutollsh1ia Orange Coas1 Daily hen upon tt10 1eJI P•OP'111\I lo.nown P1101 O..c; 3 198? a' 613 Am1>er D11vo, ttuntlngJon , -s:n~ 8T B"eadl CilliTOrrifu wnTCh l'Stegully ________ ...:.., __ _.::._ de5Crlbed OS IOllOWio PU8LIC NOTICE Lot 21 11ac1 8984 us 1oco1dod ,., B1lot. 39 I P~ge• 40 to 4?; STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT tnCIUSll/U ol M•>clllloneou5 Map5 OF Ilse OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME OlltCIBI Re<:ofO~ ol Oronge Counly Cahlo1n111 Tiii! lo llowl"g perso n l'IOS Ot wht(t1 GREGG M SEllZER 1s 11>onctoneo lhB u~e of llll' F1c1111ous lhe owner o t record and n•d L•e" Bu~"'oss Namt1 Hll FISHC:RS 400 Main Siie~t arising oy •11tue 01 11 °""lnrattoo of g Covenant& Cond11101u ana B tlloa CA 92661 Restroc:llon~ (l'le1e1n11ter CCllR s ) lhe F1c111tous Busrnoss Nome rec:ordea on Book 11447 f"age. r1:1 te11ed to above was filed '" 784 t<1clus1ve Ollocral R~otas ot O••mqe Coo111y on Oct 29 1981, oran11e Cou"IY Cahtorn•• a1; Or1111(11• t:C1.1•1I UAll y Pll n1 If mluv. Dt•CI mlw1 ~ l'J82 «7. PlJ8l IC NO I ICl PUBLIC HOflC£ Ml.IC ,_HICE Cfttt ioe•t ---------------CC OJil NOTICI IM"O"lANl NOTICI NOTICI ~ T"Utfll I I A&.I YOU AR IN OC,AULT UNOCR A II YU ti A PJ101'£ II f 'f Iii IN .... Tl N tt ew 0 I! 0 0 f ' ft u I T 0 A' I 0 I Ohl t..l Q•.unc ()CC.AU!\! YOU Y()\J .AIU IN ()t I AUl I lmUt 1•,,. JANUARY 4, IHO UNllll YOU ..... l uuwm IN YOUR PA'fMlNl 8 [>fl" (Jf lllU~I (JAHI) APhll t JAICI AC TION TO P"OlEC T II MAY 01 SOLO WllllOUI ANY t1181 IJNLt:.S YOU IAl(I Ac;.110f'4 YOUll ""0 "'111TY, IT MAY •I! COUJ\I AClt(IN •1ldyllUm•vn•V• 101•nOHC.IYOUlll'HOll[HlY,l1 IOL 0 Al A "VILIC aALl "YOU 111• legtrl roqht lo t.111111 y1>u1 fl~Counl M ... V Ur !>OlO A I A PUUlH. :OAlf MllD AN lll"'LANAllOH Of' THI on QO<Hl 11a11t.1il1V II~ 1;11yuiv •II OI If '1'011 NfrO AN £.ICPlANAllotl NATUll Of THI! ""OCEl!OINO yQu1 pnt 1111• l>"Y""""' plul 0 1 llll NA I U HL 0 1 llH AOAINI ' 'YOU YOU SHOULD P•r1111tt11ll lO•h ., .. , ••P""'"" l'fl\X,I ( UlllC.. AuAltle>I YOU YOU CONTACT A LAWYER wltfitn tn11M1 mn111111 horn 111<1 C1a1u '1HOlll ()CON TACT A LAWYlR NOTIC« Of lhl\ noll• .. ol fh•h••Jll wat ll'C.UIOOtl 011 O..t••lllbfl 10 1g9' •t I I 00 TllUITIE'I I ALI! tlllt tllllCJUlll '" $111~0 00 u 01 A M v f R oua 0 s r n v I<.. c TI No 2•7124/cil Octo1J11r 21 llllJ~ t.11111w1ll111,1ai• 11 t;Olll'IJl4A TION • Colltornoa 011 '"~, '"'"~ 10 1'•8<' ,11 •1 1~ unttt your •• • 00111 bl~Onll!t cu11on1 <.<H vu• 111w11 •• d1.1ly 11ppo1n1Dd ,. riot k •I"' "" r •KhlY Ill tilt llOlll '(C)tj muy nnl nuv• IO lllJY JIN).,,,,,, liu•I"• 11110111 1n11 PU•l1>ilfll 10 ""'""" 11 111 11111 Old Otu11g11 CIJ u11p111a IJ<ltll!lll ul yQut 11(.,0uot 0111!11 QI f ruet r\l(Qtll~d Ap11I ? 1 (.c;urltll•ll~I lot 1111•11 Oh """''' Al1il llVOll tlHlUflll l ull l)Ayn111r)I Wiii 11111 I lit "''" No ?'18:1ti bc1evi h•vo 11111wH""' WI ~ r r RN aumonelud uu• you "'"*' PllY th11 .. O<'v r>•o11 1'11l' 01 Oll1t1e1 MUI UAt C<HIPOllA T ION ,, mou111•l~H•tJ111wv1> l~•c:urllt ua1rcultd hy RAMON C,ttl1tvrn111 vll11101111te111 uH T111~1l u Allor lhroo months l1om tltu '1ul11 l. Ol'l 'I ANO JAM Ir I 0 1,fS 11 (H .... 11,11111h 11 I rn•ll11• 1111(Jm tt~ .. ot rueordal1011 ul 11111 dOLum 111 ttulllur~ 111 th 111111..i ol th~ C0u11ly Om•<I ol t r11~1 U•,.1.1Hnd hv 10 twtuetl dahl 01 rnco1d1111011 a11p11o11t hll(;ord111 of 01u11v• County Stillat l•llAN/0 Jll """"" ~11111111 T1u,1t11, llorvo111 unl1111ttov 01Jllg1111on b111n9 of Cc1•J1o rn111 Wll.l SELL A'l I U"" '""' I """"V 1 r1 lftllO ui lortiGIUll'll upcin 11111m1i. • 11111001 l'UULll,. AUCTION TO lllGH(!.' ln•1111m ... 111 No t'lll~ll Ill 11011~ pu11oa you llDVll Ollly lflM 1119111 llillil UIOUlr-. f Oft C.AStl IP"Ybbl• •• IJ411tl f><io 1)., ol ()1111.1111 n.., CIHI~ to tlOP IM IOtt(IOiu•• by poly11111 llffil! ol HIU 1r1111wlul (JIOlll!)' ~· Hiil ot OrU"ll" C.<1un1y t.111110111111 wilt tho 111111111 Amou111 dw11111nrJ11d hy Unlloll S t11t11•I 111 II•• !.<1uth o• II al 11ulll11 uvc;h(H• II) 11 '' h1gh1J"' yow crao11u1 1ntr1111c• 10 Oq111g11 Counly old ll•dllvr l<JI tU~I• l)Myat>l11 In I •Willi " you llllVO ..iny quy11011• yoo CourlhOU"' Clly o f S<I"'' ,.,,. moooy 01 lhti Un•l,.11 Si.1111~ 111 lllt thould 1.ontan 11 t1wy11r 01 1h• Cohlo1n1a all •!Ohl 1111• and lnterett '"™' r1t ult• tilt! 11111 ... ,. tOllVHYMll uov1l1nm11111111 .tllC)fll'lGy wh1Ch may convuy11d lo 11nu now tlllld bf II to 1ind now hel<J Uy "''II lruM,., 1111v11 1n~u19<1 vovr 101.n undcr told Offd of lrvll 111 th.I unt.101 ).Jiii Uvoll ol t1u\t 111 the llum11/l'llltu YOU MAY LOSE properly 111uet11a In $lld County prt.>Pllrt~ '1lUOtCd "' •• 1111 (.;ounty lEGAl. RIGttlS II YOU DO NOi ana :.1a1e dutc11bed .. 11nd Stut11 llC!Sct1bl"<I H t TAKE PROllAl'I AC1'ION lot 6G ol Traci No 7028 tn lhft l'a1col l lhJt pc,.111011 OI Lr>l I ol NOTICE IS 11(AEBY GIVEN thwl C<ty ol Nowpo<t Beach as snown °'1 IH1tl No 981:1 '1h0w11 on" M.1r pursuant 10 A•llf.kr VIII ~110111 t • m11p fe<:orded lfl bOOk 266 pao• 111 ClrOl'd m Boo~ 42!1 Paqc~ 21 2 ana 3 ot Iha Oeclara11011 of 4:f10 •17, 1nctustva ol 11A1~1aneoua '"'" l8 I'll M1t<.ollo:1neou~ Mnp~ llt Cove1141nt'> Coua1l1on• .u10 Mi;ps 1n th• olloce of 1ne Ccvnl}' mo1e P<1llttul 11ly 08$Cf1bl>ll b~to .. Ro)lrlCttortJ roc:o111ed June 13 1980 Rec.O<dfll of '8id County 11110 m.ide II 111111 hCllCIOI tn B<>OI< 1363!> Paqes 811 8&3 01 E.o.Gepling IM<et1om •II °'' Oii l'AllCEl I Otflc;1111 R1<tords o t 01Jnge COlwly 11on11 m1norelt m ineral rlght• 111111 P0tt1011 OI ~CU I 01 T1.1~t NO CDhtor ntll o breach o f th.Cl netvral ga• rtghta ana Other 1187:1 l ¥ s11""'1 on o Map recordea o o 11 g at 1 o" o t pay men 1 o 1 hyQroc•rb006 Dy wtiataoever nen1'! 111 Book 4?5 Puge1 27 oml 28 of ossu~sm1m11 hUJ oc:c:v11ee1 Notice known 1ha1 moy be wtlhO• or vnd• M"C!'llilnf!Out Map• $11own as u"'' ot so1a oro•cn and hen wa• toled me parcel of land hereonabove 7 on J co .. ao1n1u1um Plan reco1de<1 Auguil 12 1982 u Ooc:ument No de1c 11baa ..,1ogC11her wHh thlt '"Book 1~614 Pau1' 1001 0111c1Bl 82 281294 ol sato Olltc1al Rec:ordt perpetval 11gh1 of d11lllng m1n1ng flocordt ond 111 01.1c;tar•l'on ol No payment ol put due lJmount• explormo ana opera11ng lheretor Cov•"anu C,;0111J111on1 <t"O has occutred Tl'lurol0<e 11141 Sucof ano sto11ng ln and removing tlti Resiric11on. recorded m &ook Irvine Ousoneu Pork 1 Assoc;1atton samt !tom said land or any Olhllf 128?3 Paqo 188 Ol1tc1al µec;oros aoes horeoy el&e.1 10 cause to be lana tn c1udlng 1ne right 10 eAfiCU.2.. _h$old,-ttle-lollOWtl'lg oescnbeO real Wl'ltpstotk OI d1toctionllllydf1IH1nd An und1v1dttd onti lourt11en1h property 10 sa1tsty ttib obllga11011 m1"e frorn lands otller than tho1111 ( t It 4 lnl hlll simple interest aa e EXHIBIT A here1"eoove desert bed 011 or gas lenan11n Common In ano to 1111 lhlll PARCEL 1 w•ll• tunnels Qnd shafts 1nlQ~ porllOr\ ol LOI <I. ol T<ac.,-No 987..3 Unit 2-C In the C11y ol San1a lhrough or 8C(OSS Ille subsurface ol 11~ .i1own on ;I Moo 1eco1ded in An<J Counly of 01anoe Stol& ol tho land heretnabovo descrlba4 Boo11 425 Pugos 27 ano 28 a1 CahlOfnoa os shown and described and to bollom such whlpSlocked 0< C o m m o n A 1 e a o n a Ol\. lhat cer1a1n Conaom1n1um Plen dl1ecuonally d•llled wells 1unnels Condom1n1um Pron recoraeu March reco1ded Ju"e t9 1980 on Book end shall5 under 1ma bene{lth or ~9. 1978 on Book 12614 Page 1061 13640 Page 659 of 0 111c:1a1 Records beyond tho ax1011or 11m1ta lhe1e<lll Olhc1a1 Reco•ds rec:oroea 1n 8oo)I ol Oronge County CeJ1torma end to redrlll retunne1 equip 12823 Page 188 Olhc•ot Records PARCEL 2 m11,1n1111n repatr deepen and EXCEPTING the1e11om all An und1v1ded 4 1 pitrcent operall an~ such wells or m1ne1 5240 82 5111 82 ~~~~~-~~-~-~ bUs•ness as OCCO 6572 Segov•e C11cte Hun11ngton Beach Cahtornoa 92677 PU8LIC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE Raymond G S pa1 n 66 7:1 ___ ..:.;:.:;:;.:_:._:.:;.::.::..... __ ~i--':7::-=:::-'::-::-::-::::-:::::-::::":":-- file No r 174460 ·"'2'1HB-a1~'1t-l...;'11n::;;,;e•eO 10 in• subjl!Cl property NffClttrorelllllrnt:-.,_ ,..OTIC!"ltttlRTHEA--G~N ~ha• Blvd No B BillbOa CA 92661 a breach ol the obligaUOt'I tor wt1ien Th•S 1>us1neu w11s condvc:t41d Dy n 54,a Lien was g1v1111 es secu11ty has m1ne111ls 011 gos petroleum other 1nte1est as a 1ona111 '" common 1n w1lhOlit however 1he 11gh1 10 an• hydiotarbon substa11cos and all ana 10 Parcel 1 as shown on a map mine atore o~plore and ope1ote unde1ground water on or unaflr or 1n Book 140 Pages 7 and 8 of trw1N9h 1he surface or the upper which may be prO<looea lrom s.>•d Parcel Maps records ot 101d 500 feet ol 1he tubsurlace of 1118 -· ~bot:I! unde1Ues a plillle parallel "range Covnty e~cep tong land ne1ernabove dHCrlbad H to and 500 Jeet below 1he present 1heret1om Condomonoum-.:Jm'IS" i /\.' resetVGO'Tn the d~e ll'Vioe---• surta<:e ot sa1a~o1 f0f thepurpo" 1.C IE. 1-G t J 1L 1 N IP Company a West V11g1n1a ol p1ospec11ng tor 1he 01pl0t'81•on 2 .o. 2 C 2 e. 2 G 3 A 3 C 3-E C0<PO•ellon 1ec:orded February 22 Sego••a Ctrcle Hunttnglon Beach NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FICTITIOUS 8UJIN£SS Cahlornta 92647 CHANOE IN OWNERSHIP OF NAME STATl!MENT"' Tf11S business IS conavc:tea by an ALCOHOLIC •EVERAGE LICENSE The 1ouow1ng person IS dorng lnOMdual December 1 1982 bus1nes as RaymOt1a G Spain To WhOM n May Concern POULETTE 515 Through St This sta1emen1 was toled w11h the AREKA T Maner N 1s applying t Laguna Beocn CA 92651 Coun1yC1er11otOrang11Countyon the Oepertmenl of Alcoho111. JOHN G PEEBLES 5 15 Novembe1 9 1982 Q.everage Control 1or 41 ON Through SI Laguna Beach Cit F201 .. t $'ALE BEER & WINE (PUB F'AT PL) 92651 Puohshea Orange Coast Oa11y to sell alcoholic 1>ever11~es at 508 This busmess •S conductea by en P1101 Nov 12 19 26 Dec 3 1982 Pac;llc Coast Hwy Hvnlmgton "'d""llual JOhn G Peebles 5019 82 Beach Ca 92648 coas1 oaity This stalement was filed with tne PUBLIC HOTICE Puollsrted O•a"ge P1101 Dec 3 t98<' County Clerk ot Orange County on 5283 82 Novembe• 9 1982 • F201H2 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT PUSLIC NOtlCE Publ1sned Orange Coast Dolly PllOI Nov 12 19 26 Ooc 3 1982 !>016 82 The lo1tow1ng person 11 do111g 1-------------busl"ess as FICTITIOUS BUSINESS D & 8 ENTERPRISES 19400 NAME STATEMENT Beach Olva Sulle 21 Hun11ngton The lollowong perso" ts ao1ng PUBLIC NOTICE Beach CA 92647 business es KURT W DONSBACH 8166 MAR Tl COUNSUL TING 28002 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tulare Or Hunllngton Beach CA Peseo JI.Iba San Juan Capistrano 926<16 Cahtorn1a 92675 The tollow•no person 1s doing busmess as This buSlness ts conauctea by an Marlin Joseph S1a1ely 28002 lndlv1dual Paseo Aloa San Juan Cap1s11ano M ERCATOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 2S69 01ange Ave , Unit K Costa Mesa CA 92621 Da~od P L1moert 2S69 Orange Ave Unn K Costa Mesa CA 92627 Tll1s ous1~s 11 conduc:te<l oy an 1na1v1auat l<urt w Donsoach Callfornta 92675 This Slalement was flied w1111 lhe Thll business 1s COllducted by a" Cou"IY C1e111 ot Orange Coun1y Oil an 1na1vtaua1 Novembe1 9 1982 11Aa111n Josepll S1a1ety F2011'3 F 200980 Puo11sllea 01an9e Coast Dally Puollshed Orange Coast Dally P1lol Nov 12 t9 26 Dec 3 1982 Pilot Nov 12 19 26 Dec 3 1982 Da••d P Lamb;lrt SO IS-82 S023-82 This s1a1emen1 was toled .,,th the County Cte<k 01 0twa County on -Dll-JH_N_DT-ICl-'S'-------lNov 2 • 1982 F202M4 l'r,11gu Jr ul Co,.liJ Mesa " Publlsl'lea Orenge Cua~t Oa1ly t J I b 1 othl r !\I.irk Pra1gg p11o1 Nov 26 Dec 3 10 17 t982 uf Cost..1 M l-sc. Ca I sisU:r 5175 82 RANI H H AHRY RANISll Jgl tifi res1dC'nl or M ll>l>IOn Vtqo Ca Passed awav on Dt'I.~ mlJI. r I 1962 Surv1Hd by h1~ bt lovN.I •.qfl Svlv1a lovmg ralhc r or Dr DonJld (Li:slC'l > and Dr SleVU'\ (OC'borah) c h~rtshtrl gnrndriJlhlr o r Tamrnv and David d< votc'CI brolhlr or Julius nnd Samui.:1 -llan1sh M r lt.1111sh was a mC'mber nr 'I l mplt• Ellal South Co.tsl J l•wtsh C e ntlr B na1 Br1lh o r Anaheim Ca Naltonal A ssoc1,11100 or Miniatur<' e nthusias t Qual1ly A ssu ra net' Engmeers and the Kn1gh'\s o f P y thias a gradualP o f B rookl v n Colleg<' Un1ve r s1ty o r ArJZona and A rizona S1all: Umverslly Funeral §('"'''E'S w ere held loday al 11 :IOAM al Harbo r Lawn M ount Oltw M l'morial Chapd wtth Rabbi N 1ss tm W e rn1c k o fft l t allng Interme nt Garden o r lht• Psalms M ounl Ollvc:o Cl metary Serv1c<'S und('r thr d1rC'<l1on o f H.i rbor Lawn M ounl Olive M o rtuary 5-10 5554 PRAIGG KAREN PHAIGG paSSt-d away on Dt'l.t mbt r I 198:.! m FountJ1n Vallr v Ca Surv1v<'d bv her mothtr ;ind fothN Ekll\ .tnd N dson S Joch Pr,ugg o r Sac:ram.. nto, C.1 .md grJndpMl nt;. Elsit PU6llC NOTICE Stt \lll' ur Alt.,dena Ca FICTITIOUS BUSINESS and Ph\ ll1s Colman o f NAME STATEMENT ,., ,,,,,,m V It JO C a K aren The lollow1ng oe•son 11 doing ~.,.,a ll~1du\I Ill Cal!fomw 1>us1~e~~s PRODUCTS !FOOD> .111 hu llC! she r('(C'l\C'CI a 151!>6 Golaenwesl C11cle 8.tt he lur o r A rts Degree Weslm"'ster CA 926113 f rom C;d1forn1a STace-S-tevenCor-(You"o 9~81 Un1\1n;11v Long Beach and Gordon laHaora CA 90631 Tn1s oustn•n 11 conduc1uo ov an otll ndt d San Diego Stall' ondlVldual Unl\c:r s1t.v She was tht• Steven C Yovng 0 1strill Manager for the past This s1a1ement was tllea wllh Iha 2 yt,irs at K el ley•K larkt> Coun1y Clerk ot Orenge County on Mc me.rial services will be Dec 1 1982 F203211 held on Saturdav December Puohshea Orange Coast Oa11y -4 l!lli2 at I OOPM al P anfil Pilot Dec 3 10 11 24 1982 Vic•\~ Chapd Pac1uc View 5222 82 M ortu,1rv N ewport Beach PUBLIC NOTICE d1rc't wrs LARKIN L EO L LARKtN S R .. g, 70 a ns1dt•nt of 160 Ct-dJr WJv Apt G Laguna B<aLh Ca Passed a~av on Drcrmbcr I 1982 Mr Larkm v.as a swam r1ttc-r for Lol .. l 58.! f o r 35 v~ars Rt "1d1 s h1'\ "'de V~ rlc Larkin nf L .. guna 8 1'.'a< h C.1 ht It av~ 2 sons Terrv J Lnrkm of Nt w JprsC'y ~nd L e u L Lark i n Jr or FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tne IOllow•n.Q persons ere doing buS>nOS$ as (a) TH~ R I GHT CONNECTIONS (b) CONNECTS (Cl LOVE CONNECTS 101 PARfY CONNECTIONS 1012 B11oso Ot1•e. Su11e 106 Costa Mes. CaJ1101n1a 92627 i<aren Karina M erion 18 Lemon Tree Irvine C ah lo•n1• 9271S Tonne S Ka.lrng 18 Lemon Tree Irvine Ca1ttom1a 9271S Lrnda Ann Hall 2184J Canyon Ortve Costa Mesa Ca111orn1a 92627 ThlS t>usoness 11 conavc1ed by a general par1ne1shlp Karen K••l"a Maron This statement was filea w11h the Covnly Clerk of 01engo County on November 9 1982 F201"5 Pubhsned Orange Cont Dally Piiot Nov 12 19 26 Oec: 3 19S2 •952 82 H.1mon11 C.1 abu surv1\ C?CI bv 11 grand children and '>l Vl rul nt£'t'C'S and ncpht:'ws R osary wtll bl' rC'cilcd on ~·mlay 0..'l.c>mlxr 3 1962 al i OOPM 1n thL' Chapl'l o f M t Cnrm tt k M orl uary L.igun.1 &u1h follo wC'd by a "I M:is.~ on S.1tu r day 0<'1.-cmber PUBLIC NOTICE rAClftC VlfW MIMOllAL r.UIC Cemelery M ortuarv Chapel Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View 011vC' Newport Beach 644 "700 McCOltMIOI MOaTUAllfS Laouna Bea ch 494 9415 Laouna Hills 168 0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495 1776 •I 1982 .11 St Cathe rine s Cat h o l1( C hurch, L aguna Bt•arh Ca !ntr rmcnt will bt• 111 Puuf1< V11w Mt•mo rial Park Nl wpurl 8 N 1r h Ca M r Larkm will lw m sUll<' from 10 OOAM to 9 OOPM t11day Fnd.1y M tCormtrk Mortaary, Ln~una Beach d1rrctoN 49-1 9-11 ~ NEWPORT FtCTlfiOUI BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowtno person 11 doing busmess as OLPARt< S CORNISH STYLE HOT PAS TIES 3 Baru"a Court Newport Beach CA 92G6J Be1h VlrQtntD Monhall 3 Barunn Ct Newport Beach CA 92663 Tll15 OU!lllli!H iS condUCled by an '"d1vl(!Uel Beth V Mtushall Th•s s1a1ome"t was 11180 wolh Iha Coon1y Cletl< of Ouinge County on NO• t6 t982 F20224' Puotl&hf'd Orange CoHI Oally P110t NOV 111 21 0eG 3 10 198' SOG9 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITK>UI IUl lNIH Nit• ITATUftNT ""'110<1 p111mersh1p occv11ed 1n that paym•nl5 ot M"hillel Bullare1 Tnis sraiemtim was hie<! wun lhe ilssessme1w>1fld chatgH duly llWle<I oy H•d AssociatlQ,o aga1ri.s1 Co""'Y Cieri. ot Orange COvnty on the suoicct pioperty we1e not paid ~ I 1982 when due and s1111 remain due THOMAS W ALL£~ own"'g and unpaid as lollOW$ Attorn•1 •• l•w Thf' montnly/quenerlyf~em• 1151 Do"• SI Sult• 100 annual 1ns1allment of regular Newporf a.aell CA 12llO ISS4!S&,,_,lw aue February 1 t982 Puoll&l'lea Orange Coast Da1ty at the rate of so>. (61 percen1 per Pilot O<>c: 3 10 17. 24 1982 annum in addition 10 1111orn11y 1 __________ ...;5.2:::..:9~•.:.:-8:::2 lees co51s ena 1a1e charges as set PU8LIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are aomg bus111en as SECURITY SYSTE M S ACADEM Y 2806 The Rhine Ncwporl Beocn CA 02663 AcDdcrny Of Oelenslve Driving u Colllo1ma corpora11011 2806 TM Alline Newpon Beach CA 92663 This ousiness t& conduc1ed by e co1por1111on Larry 0 Vaughan Pres1don1 Acactemy ol Dele11s1ve 011v1ng This 11a1emen1 was llllKI w111t Ille County Clerk of Orange County on NOV 18 1982 F2ln4M Pul>llShllO 0,.nge Coast Oa1ty Ptlol Dec 3 10 17 24 1982 forth tn said CCllR s togetl'le1 with any and ell sums aavanc•a by the Assoc1at1on or 111 egenlS unde1 the 1erms 81'ld prOVlllO"ll OI S8<d CC&R s NOTICE: IS FURTHER GIVEN lhal said Assoc1a11on through Its duly apooonted agen1 has exec:41tod end delivered n .Jl<IHten declorat101'1 ol oofault and ilemand for sole and hes surre"daraa all documents evldehcll'g obt1gatoons secured thereby and hes declared and does hereby declare ell sufns secu1ed !hereby 1mmed10101y au• ena payable Md h85 erec:1ea ena do.s he1eby elect to cause the property aescrtbell aoove to be sold to satisfy ll'le oollgal•ona due 1ne Assoc;.a11on TO DETERMINE IF REINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBLE AND THE. AMOUNT IF ANY, NECESSARY TO CURE DEFAULT CONTACT LEE H DURST ESO --------------+AllQ<'11ey Ill Law 69S Town c.nt., Orrve Su11e 800 CoSla Mesa Ca11torn1a 92626 1e111phone (714) 641 1397 5293 82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The 1oi1ow111g persons are dOlng OUS1ne!I$ as AV I ATION SERV IC ES UNLIMITED 3901 Westerly Placll Sull• 107 Newport Beech, C1htoro1a 92660 OATEO October 10 1982 L• Cuesta Rec:ovet CluD Homeow"era Assn clo LeE H DURST ESQ 69!> ro ... n Cl!l'\1e• 0r1ve Su lf' 800 Costa Mese Ca 92626 8~ lee H OurSI a e" II opine n 1 111 o au ct• on, 3-G 3' J 3 L 3 N and :J p inclusive 197 t 1n book 9549 page 65:1 or uxu.ic 11on 11nd talung of said located thereon Ollielal RecOt'ds minerals 011 gas pe11oleum other Except lherotrom all 011 011 Atte!_ltlOn IS dorec;tea 10 the 18C1 hyOroc:arbon substances and water roghls minerals mineral nghll, 11111 Iha Oll Ille •S ••CAi>ted l10M from Hid Lot by means 01 mines natural gas 11gnts and other lhe descJ1pllon on 1hlS guarantee y,etta <lefllck.s 01 oinec equ1pmen1 fhydtoca&Dons. oy wha1-ver name end any potoc:y ossueo In the name ot from svrtace 1oca11o"s oo ad101n1ng tmown geotnermal steam and aU a purchaser et a sale unde1 said OI neighoor1ng lana or lying ou1s1de products oe11vea trom any ol tl'le DMd of Trusl wllt also con1ain sa10 of lhe eoove descrooed Loi, •I being toregorno 1ha1 may be within or Oll excef)Uon undesstood that tile owner ol svcn under t n e per c: e 1 o t 1 and T ha Slre11 address and other minerals 011 gos pet101eu'11 other nere1nabove descrobed togefhe1 common ctes1gno11on 11 1ny 01 the hyd1oc:11<bo~subs1a"ces and.water with tile perpetual ught ot drllllng, real properly dHCrlbed above ts as se1 101111 above shall nave no m1n1ng uplo11ng and operating pvrportad to be 19•6 Porl r1Qhl 10 en1e1 upOI\ th& surlace"OI 1nereto1 and 11011no 1n and Loc:ksleogh Plac. NewPOft Beach. tile obovo de&crtoe<I Loi no1 10 use remov.ng the same from Hid land Callforn1a 92680 &fly of lhil 1a1d LOI Of any poi"°" or any olher land oncludlng lhe rlghl The under s 1 g n e ct l r u 51 e e !hereof abo11e sa1a ptane parallel 10 to wll1ps1oc:k or dlrecuonally drtll dtsclalms anY. hab1l11y tor any ana !>!>O feel below lhe present and mine from lands other lhan 1ncorroctnest ol lhe street address 'urlace ol tne said LOI to• any 1nose nere"'abo11e dese11bed 011 or and other common aeslgnatlon II p111pose whn1soev11r gas wells 1u..nels and shall• Into, any shown he<eln PARCEL 3 lhrough or across the subsu1tace of Satd u•e will be made Dul No" e11cluslv11 easemeuts 101 the lend neremabove described, "'rthout c:ovenanl or warranty, o cc e s s 1 n g res s e o • e $ s and to bOllom such whlpstoc:i.ea or upren or 1mplted u1oara111g t•lle1 an c 1 o •chm en t supp o • t ctlrecOlonauy drllled wells funnels. 1>osseas1on or encumbrances 10 ma1n1enanoo 1epa11s and tor other end shafts u11der and beneat11 or :>ay the remalnrng pronc:tpaJ &um of purposes over tht commo" arei beyond the exteroor 11mlls thereof, Ille no18(s) securea by sold Deed ol ona over those portions 01 thE and 10 tedrtll retunno• equip Trust with 1ntere11 thereon as assoc1a11on properlles comprised 01 m81n1a1n doepan and operate any :iroviaea 1n said no1fl(s) advances the recreahon area easemen1 ano such wells or mines w11houl t any vndet lhe terms or sata Deed 1ne 111eet easement all as shown af however lhe 11ght 10 d11ll mine ,, Trull lees cflargas and oetoned on me 1b0ve-descr1bed plar stote eiplore ana opere1e 111rough 'x~nse9 ol the Trvs1ea and of •h• 11 n d th P "o o v e des or 1 be o lhe swloce or the upper 500 feet ot rusts createa oy uld Deed ol Dectaratoon ~ the subsurface o f tne tend rrual tor the 11moun1 reasonebl~ PARCEL• here1nab0ve oesc:roOd, as reserved tsttm&ted 10 be $165 758 16 Exclusive eosments appunenanl 1n the aeed l1om 1111 Irvine Thi blneliClary vncter said Deed to Parc els N o 1 ana No 2 Cqinpany a corpoiatoon rec0<ded ,, Trust her•1ot0<1 •xec:vted an<I O•scrtbld above tor use and Apnl 20 1979 on 8001< 13112. Paoo lellv•red to tho unaerslgned • occupancy tor (yard I (deck) 1510 of OH1c;10J Rec;oras Nrtllen Oec:larouon or Default and (Q&{llQlll purposes aetoned as Also except therefrom 1he l emand tor Sale and 11 wrcueri resmtted common areas on the subsunac:e wa1er r•ghts but w1th0ut .,011ee ol Oelault end EIOC'lton 10 obove aescnbed Oeclarauon as the rlghl ol surface enlry aa re-3811 The undersigned c;auMld ui10 1111gnea 1n the above desc11be0 served t11 the deea from Tiie tl'Vlne ,.011oe of Qftfavll and Elec11on 10 plan Company a C4rl>Qfat1on rec:ordea 3f'fl to be rKOt'dlld In the coun1y The S11ee1 address andlor oth<'• API~ 20 1979 1n 8ooll 13112 P~ !there the real propeny 1s localed common aeS1gnat1on II any 11 1510 of Oflietal Reeo<ds Date November 9 1982 pu1po118d 10 be 109!> Mesa Blurt The record •estea ~ ol t!Je VERDUGO SERVICE Orov11 Cos1a Meta Ca prOPOrty more commonly known as CORPORATION Sa•d Sale will oo made wllhout 1910 East Warner Avenve, r 2 C IS Hid lrustee w11rron1y ea to hlle oossessoon 01 San1a Ana Cahlornl8 Is Rol)efl E Bv Susan Wllli1tns encumbrancas..Joi-tne-purposa.--OI l.at50fl Aothor!Zed Sfgnalure poymg lhe obllg9110t'IS sec:wed oy Oat.a Oc:lobll• 21 1982 401 N Brana Blvd American rreo En•erprlse Auoc1a11on lncorporatea (o Cal1lorn1a corporatto"l 390 1 we11011y Place -Suite 107_. Newp0<t Be:icl'l.-Cilifoln1e lJ2~ Tn11 busoness 11 conducted by a "\10 ~ ol Trust 1nc:tud1ng lhe lee -SIACOllRVINE BUSINESS Glendaltr: CA 91203 _____________ , a11a f'Xpense ot the rruslee and Of PARK I ASSOCIATION rec (213) S00-2485 t'USLIC NOTICE lhll lfUSlt creeled Dy sa1a Deed Of By O•ana Slatec Pubhshed Orange Coaa1 Daily •ts Allorney 1nd Agent E?uOllSll•O-Orange Co1JSt Oa1ly Pilot Dec 3 10 17 1982 5300 S2 corpore11on American Fre• Enterptosa Assoctallon Inc -------------!Trust advDnCH thereunder w•lh STATE OF CALll'OANIAl Pllol Nov 19 26 Dec 3 1982 FICTITIOUS aUSINESS 1n1eresi as p1ov1dlld therein ana the )Ss S017 U John M Oa\/lsson NAME STATEMENT unp11d prlnclpal and lntereSI of Ille' COUNTY OF ORANGE TM touowong persons are croino Note\St s11cured by said Deed ol On October 26 1982 belore me. Sec; IT res This 11a1cment was flied with the Coul'ltY Clerk of Orange COliflly on Oct 19 1982 buson('U u Trust to wn $28 383 06 lhe undersigned a Notary Public: tn ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY Oiied November 8 1982 ana tor said S1at11 personally SYSTEMS 4~6 1121'10 St Newpo11 WESTERN MUTUAL eppeared Olana Sieler ~nown to Beech Calif 92683 CORPORATION me t'p oe Air-Manager of the • 1'1"905 Pu1>111111a Orange Co•" Da11y PtlOI Nov 111 26 Dec 3 10 1982 Alloll W Voorn1s Inc; 11 700So Tustin Str841t corpo1atl()t'l lh&textcu1eOthtiwl1hln Cahtorn111 Corpo1a11on 4S6 621111 Orange CA 92667 instrument i.nown 10 me to be Iha SI Newport B-•cn CA 9266'.I Tel (714) 771..i 100 person who eucutad the wllhln PU8l1C NOTICE Tll1s ous"'c" 11 condvetea oy a As svch Trustee 1n1trument on behalf of 1ha 5115-82 corpo1t1llon By Cner1 Farnswo11h corporation, therein named 11nd FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Allen w Voo1n1s T1ustae Sales Ottoce• ac;knowledged to me that svcl" NAMI! aTATEMENT MAL.tlvn_Voot111s -'" Sycarnote-St 6 8fo&dwey coroor111on ueculttd the wl thln The following persons are d04ng Int ~tal .. mf'nl wos filed wolll the Sanla Ana C.l1l0<n.a instrument pursuanl lo Its By l'8wa ousoness as Coun1y Clerk of On.1noe County on Puollshed Orange Coast Dally or • 111otu11on 01 Ila Boa1d ol LINOORA MEDICAL CLINIC Nov 16 t982 P1101 Nov 19 26 Dec 3 1982 OlrectO<S 3303 Harbor Blvd Su11e H-3 Costa F202.241 __________ 5_1_0_3_8_2 WITNESS my hand 11na otflcoat MeH CA 92626 Puohshed 0 •11ng1> Cont Oa•ty seal ST AM PER MEDICAL Clll-llC P110t Nov 19 26 Dec 3 10 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE IN'C a C1lilorn1a c:orpora11on 3303 ~3 82 fSI LtnOI L Socc;lo Puoloc h•ar•no• w-11 be held by the Pvollshed Orange CoHI Dally ~~~ob_:~2d626 Sv•to H 3 Costa ,_ ___ P_U8_Ll_C_NOTIC(' Thot bUslness is conducted by a 1-----Fl-C-T-IT-1-0-u-s_a_u_s_t_N_E_S_S __ COi pore t lorl S1omper Meaical Chnrc NAME STATEMENT The l0Uow1ng persons 1r11 dorng inc Nell B Stamper Corp Secy Thta ste111men1 was IHe<I w11n the County Clerk of Orange County on Novemoer 9 1982 P'201111 Publl&tied Orange Coast Oally PHOI Nov 12 19 21) Dec: 3 1982 5017-82 PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS aut lNESS NAME I TATEMl!NT Tno lollowlng pereon 11 ao1ng bu5tnen H (A) ' B SAFE SECURITY bvs•nen as FIESTA IMPORTING CO 20~30 FIO<n L11 .ttun111~1on 8Pac.n Ca 92646 Tnom .. Pau• Sneets 20330 Flora ln Hu11t1nf)1011 Beac;I Ce 9211<16 Anne snee1s 20330 Flort1 ln . Hunt1ng1un Beacn Ca 92646 T lltS bu1111ess 11 conduo1ea by ¥ 1no1v1ua1 ThOmos Peul Sheets Tb1s 11otema"1 was ltled with lt\11 County Clt"•k of Orange County on Nov 15 1982 P202CllT Pubtt&tteo Orongo Coul Dally Pilot Ott<: 3 10 I 7 24 1982 5292 82 SYSTEMS CO tBI 8 SAFE SECURITY SYS TEMS 16•0 S Newport •27, Cotll Mesa CA 9:1627 1------------1 Oevtd W Hnn1on 16•0 S PUBLIC NOTICE Newport •27 COIWI Mesa CA 1-------------921127 FICITIOUI IUt•H '"" OU'1"8Sll II con:lucted oy an NAllK •TATl 11t11NT ln41V•dulf Thi' 10110 ... ino P•r•o" Is doing Oav10 W Hinson 11>u11nus 8t ThlS ttetament was Iliad woth Int OVTOOORS UNLIMITED ?808 Covn1y Clerk ol o,.nge County on OUtke Ave Co111 MllSll C• 92826 Oec I 1982 l'redf'foelo Lewie l~hongar 2808 F20l2IO Drake Ave Cosio M ... Ca 92128 Pvbllahed Orange Coasl Dally Tn<• bU1tnes<1 11 conduc;tlld by an Pl\01 D.c 3 10 11 24 1982 1nd1vo<1ual 525• 112 Fr.Olf>rli l ltehln~ ----.. -.. D-ll_C_NO_T_IC-E-==::..::=: fll•~ t tllt.,,,ent WH hlod with th• .-~ County Clf'lk of Orenge County on ,,CTITIOUI IWl lNEH NAMe aT.ATfMINT NOY 1 1082 co11n Mf'l><I Planni"O CommtsslOf\ P1101 NOv 12 19, 26 Dec 3 1982 111 1ne Cny Hall 71 FM Orrve Costa t-----------4_9_11_8_-1_2 Mesa Cahlorn1a at 6 30 pm 0< as soon n pou1ble 1n•realler on PUBLIC NOTICE M ond•y 011cemoe1 13 1982 FICITIOUS aUSINESS At'g1t1 d 1ng tile l ollow rng NAME STATEMENT appltcahons The lollow1"g person is doing I A Public H@11r1ng to consi<ler an blisoness as Ordinance ot the Coty Cou"cll ol lhe SILVERADO WINE & SPIRITS Ctly Of Co1to Mesa Cllffl>rma, 2f>tt1 -C1rm•no de E11re~i-.. 11 m • t'I d rn g the , 11 g u I all on s Capistrano Beach Ca 112112• concerl'ltng planned de.vl'lopments Chorles E Boltnger 3 17 Bay w1th1n tho City of Costa Men I Sh0<• long Beach Co 90803 ? Zone E-1< c e P II on Pe' m II This business is conducted by en ZE 12 185 anct 1cn1011ve lract map lnd1vldu41 r 11893 for Mr James P11•m11• ot Ch91les E eottnger M ountain Wost Development TlliS s1111etnent w11s flied wllh tile COfJJ0•8t1on oulhotlzed agent lor Coun1r Clotl1 ol Orange Coonly on Mr Pela1 SatOVICh 695 Town Nov 17 t982 Center Ortve Sutto 800, tor 11 F20t»t condtllOMI use permit to construe:! Publtslllld Orange Cout Oally 111 condom1n1um unlls end ~ Pilot Ol!C 3 10 17 24 1982 aove" tot ton1111ve 1ract map lor 5284 82 properly to"lled at ?43!> Orange A v•nu• In en R 2 Z't>ne En'W11onm•nl•I 0f.'tt•mln11t10" E•empt For further tnlo1m111on on th" aoov• 1pphcot1ons telephone 754 52•5 Of cllt at lhe oflree of I~ Planning Oepartmant Room 200 11 Faor 011v1 Costa M eJa c a11torn111 PIHM 1nctua. IM totio...1t10 tor put>loc:e11()(1 Oil Oecemoer 3 11182 PUBLIC NOTICE FfCTmou• •UllNl!H NAME ITATIM«NT Th• to11ow1ng person 11 doing ousine" as M AIN ST LUN CH AN O COMPANY 182" E McOurmoll K Irvine Cahl 92714 J Scott E1Sem111 272 Bren1wooo Colla Mesa Calif 92627 Th•• buMness 11 con<JUC1ed by an 1ndMdUlll J SCOll E1111man Thll ~1n11m.,,1 WU fllect Wllh lftt Couf!\~ CM111c ot 011rooa Coun1y on o..c 1 108, PUBLIC NOTICt NOllCE INVITING BIOS Nohce " Nlrooy given that tht Boera ot T1uS1ees of the Coas) Communtly College 01s111c1 of 01ange Counly Calllorn1a will receive sea1ea Olds up to 11 00 a m Tu~sday [)l!()ember 13 1982 111 tti.: Pu1chas1ng Department ot r.;i~lege dlSltlGI IOCatlld at 1370 Adlfl'S Avenue Costa Mesa, Coh10t'nu1 at whroh hme said D•d• wrll be puOlrcty opened aJIO read 101 PURCHASE OF PARKING METERS ORANGE COAST COLLEGE An J>lds 01• 10 be in acc:o11:11nct wolh the Bid Fo1m lnstruc1tons and Conaotoons and Spectloca11ons •wtuct) ilfl now on hit and may be secured 1n lhe oil~ DI th• Purchasing Agent of said college d1su1<:1 Each blddtlf rnusl sul>mit w11h h<s 010 1 cnhter a check cet11f1ed choci.. 01 bidder 1 bo"d mode payable to lho Ot'der ot th• Coast Cotnmun1ty College Olstnc1 Boar~ ot I rullells 111 an atuQUnt nol lest then love percent (5%) ol the sum bid as • guarontee lhot tf\e D•dder w111 11n1e1 1n10 th4' proposed Controct 1! the same ts awareel lo him In Ille 11vant of taUvre to enter into avert contract lhe proceeds ol 1he chl!Clo. woll bl! tort1111ed or in th' case ot a bond tile lull sum lhereot will bf\ •orre1ted 10 u1d coll•o• dtStrlc:I 1 No b1ctder may w1thd1aw hos bid 101 11 pertO<I for lorty hvc (45) d•~ altar lhti dn1• set 10< tile opening tn.rool The Board ot Trustees reservd lhe p11v1lege ot re1oc11ng any ond all b•O• Ot' 10 waive any 11regula11t•es or rnlormahttH In any b1ct or 1n lh• b•dO•no Norman C Watson 6C1C1re1ary Board of l1ustefl Co1111 Commvnlly Colltgt' 01111.ct Publlshea 01anga Coast Oa•I~ Pilot Nov 26 Dec 3 1982 5216-1 ' ~ f'\8.IC MOTICl P:ICTITIOUa IUl ... H ' NAMI I TATIMENT the 1011ow1ng P•raon ii dotnJ bullno•" KAAICMI LAWM-MT OLIYI M o rtuary • Cernete1y Crematory 1625 Grsler Ave LORRA INE PEPER NEWPO R T, resident of Sou lh Laguna Ca Pnsst'd away on Tuesday N ovember J() I 9H2 m M ti.slon V11llt y llo11p11UI. Shr w11 ~ lht• duughtl'r of Eh 1 .. 1~th Pt: p1.•r F'rrgui.on and tht• l.\l~ Wt'lllt y W Pc•pt•t S h <> was b o rn J u l y 27 1910 In Hroo klyn , N ('w Y ork , 911<'ndl'<l the Lnguna fk»Jdi &h oo!ll 11nd gr.1du11t.-d f1 o m t h (• I rn m {H ti I n t .. n (' 9 r\ l\ci:1rll'my llh < n lso allcnd1.<d Sonln l\n11 Junior Collcg<' S he• 1s ~urvtvt•d l>y h<'r bt•lov"d 'IO n R lc hnr<l 8 rodf<1rd N e wport of RNlwooct City, Ca hC'r lnvlnl( !llf•p •f otht'f' Alun F<'rttullOn and dt-volt'd 1111wr t'uny Pcipc:r Truman Th'*' wh o wl11h mll y Je•nd donu11n n 11 lo lhc• Mt•n tal H r111th Unit of South C<>Mt M<'dlcul Center Prlva\e M'Nlrtfi wUI Ix• hl'ld lsiwr Tl'I• tottowtng e>er10!'a ert doing t>us11141 .. •• TOC JOC ENTERPRISES 115'8 Stfldcettle Orlva COfotll dtl MAr, CA 92625 th• following J)4ll&0n• are doing bullntH H MONE\' MAAl<ET CH&CK CASHING CENTER 1707 S Brookhur11 Anahll'm CA 92804 Publ1ati111 1'1101 DM. 3 3 0.VlllOpment R•••ew OR 92,22 fCtt Jlmt'S Pavl Oerllng ArcMKI aulhorrred agent •or Trowt>rldga AHOClltH 3101 B11ch Strt11l Flra1 FIOor Ne"'POf' Bffch to con111vc1 an IPJJIOKlmOlelY 5819 1qu•1• tool. IWO•llOIY olllc• Oulldlng tor O•O~IV tocatld II 2025 NewC>Ofl Boulevard 1n • C2 CP zone £n¥110nm•ntal o.1.,rn1na11on N9011h•fl O.Clarauon -------------I PuDll~l'lllct Or11nge COISI O•tly nontt Pu1>11tntocJ Or•no• Cont Oa11y Pilot Ot>c 3 10 ff 24 1982 6245 12 (Al INTCORAlED VIOEQ-AUOlg NFTWORK & SV8HM 8 0 lOCATION OROANl~ATION (B (IVAN SOLO) lCI INTEGRATE VIO[O AUDIO NETW ORK (0 SYSTE M S O N LOCATIO~ ORGANIZATION (El IVAN (F SOLO, 45 011vt Bo• 18 Cot11 M"•" CA 92828 M•llfng Addreu P 0 Do• 757S NIJWl)Ofl hecfl Cl 92GGO Cosla Mesa 540-555• "llCI HOTHIH llU llOADWAY WOITUAIY 110 Broaow&v Costa Meu M:l 9150 Amy Bllh R1ndnll 0393 l!mtry Ct Clrc•e 12, Founlaln Vellty, Cit 92708 Umera Lyt1nt Weinberger 058 SDndcasti. Ortve Corona dol Mar CA 924126 Jennll111 Kay Wt1nllllfQ4tf, 058 Sendouti. Orhft COtOl'I• dat M11, CA 921121 Thia ou.i-It con<llKllO oy a ~·I pattrtefllllp Amy Belh Aan<Jall Tl\lt 11atatnt11I waa flleel wflh tht ~ly Cltflo. of Orange County on NoY f8 108' ,._., Publfahed Orengt CoHI Dally Pt1o1 No'll 10. H 0tc a 10 1112 51111-H HAAOLO J VOSS 146 Emerald Bey Leguna Beach CA ~21152 RICK EL LIS SAP: FOR 17170 Bluewll81' litne Hu1111ng1on Be•o'1 CA 9'849 RONltl 0 l PHARrS 8029 N 1911'1 Avt Pl'IOtfll• AMOl'la S~15 Thll butlnt .. It COl'l<ll!Clt<I Oy a :Ofporatlon Pac1t1c Atno '"'"P'IMI Jiii VOii Tiii• atatamet'lt wu !Ilea w1111 tt1e COut\ty Clefli Of OrllllOll Countv °" NOYtoflll>tt I 1982 ,.., P11bllll'lct<I Ort11941 COHI Delly Pllol Nov 12 It 2t 0te 3 tHl 6014 u . .. PUBLIC NOTICE Piiot Of'~ !\, 198:> 5294 82 NILIC NOllCC P'ICTITtOUI •Ul ... H NAMI IT A TIMINT V R CIRCUITRY 13883 laJolla 1>1111 (hrQflll Grove CA 92708 Samu•I fllOM .. V1t11urra11 I 3&8' l •J04hl Pl•ll ~roan UrOY• CA 02101 MICll•el AtCha•O Rote 1217 Motltlw Or COllOf'I CA 1232• Thlt bu&1n•H II tof\dVCltO by 8 g-1•• patlNfthlf) Mlehaat A "OH T1'11t llllllt'll~t wH 1"90 Wlltl 11\t Coun1y ci..11 of Ol•noa Coon1v on Otc: f 1982 'MIM flluo11,11110 Or111g1 COHI O•lly Pilot ~~ 10 11 ~4 I09'~ t.: !\,,. 12 PUBl.IC NOTICE FICTIOUa IUllNIH NAMt l T.AnfllllfNT ,IOTITIOUI .u...... Th• IOllowlng P•rton •• doing MAMI ITATIMINT 11u~1nan 111 Tiie lollowlng per1on le doing An IRRIGATION SYSTl!!MS bu11n1111 u 30111 Loren Lana Coua Maaa, PANltCHI!! 221 Marino Avenw, Calit 02028 A•lbo• tlland C•llfornl• 92i!G2 All Oh K Q1•11 301 1 t.or•n Hvgh l Myn•tt I 14S 01and Une Costa M_.11 Ceitf 928:16 O•net Balboa taland C•tllornla 1h•• bullMN 11 cOll<t~•Ad by an '2M' 111a1~1Ck1al T hll bUll-II C:ondUC:ltd by .,, Ralph I( Oten mdlvldual Th•• atet-1 wH ltttd w11n the Hl1911 L Mynatt Coo1t11y c .... ot O.a099 ~ty on tni. 11a1enttn1 "' fr!M w11n !ti. o.c: 1 108' County Clerll ol Ora11ge &oun1¥ on ,_.. No.tml>« • 1H2 ntten Pvbt111t.o Of•n1• co .. r Dally PUbllahed Orange COHI Oally PM t Oec 3 10 t 24 IH2 PllOI Nov 12 19 2t 0ec 3, 1H2 5t4l 82 6021·8:1 1va11 1v1nov~h Solovi.tt, !15 F•• Orlvl 80• ti Co1i. Mt•• C,. 92826 Thll t;k.lllltltll II GOndVCI" Dy Ill' lndlllldVel Ivan tvanovtell 8ololllllfl Thlt tlattfMl\t wa llleCI wltll 1"' County C18rlt OI Orante ~y Cll' QM I 1H.l .._ ffutill•ll•d Orano-Cont Oelll,i Pt~I O.C 3 tO If 74 1 .. 2 6244·fa ' I ' • - ('ff U1 J iiii" l li.1·.1 lJAll Y Pll 0 I ti 111J,1y Dt•l 1t1t1lM :i, IUU~ TH•: •. \'91L ,. C'IR('l'S by Bil Keane \\Grandma hates to clean bowls so I hafta help her out!" ,_,\R W.\ Dl' Kt: by Brad Anderson 11 1~11 "No wonder I'm cold! What happened to our blankets?" Jl'DGE PARKt:R SORRY, SAM e u T TONY MADE ME AN OFFER I CAN'T REFUSE I TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF' GARt'U:l~D ACROSS 1 Edenlte 5 vassal 10 In a hoe IA Instrument 15 Vmlechaps 16 "-teRoo' 17 -pas 18 All·SQuare 20 Coll(ede 22 Bank abOr 23 Together :! words l A Was con· .:emed 26 Dance 27 Was luttOUS JO Skunk J4 Rang out 35 01 Ille USSR 36 Baseball stet J7 Hoshle 38-0euase •O Wltldet 41 Goll peg 42EIM 43 Concet\'e 45 PM1netS Ol llllfS ., Un•led ;9 Seden 49Gtfllll lettet 50 Yelled 53 Shack !>4 Duck 58 From now on 61 Trad1Uon 62 P1la5tet 63 Horatio - 64 Corrupt 65 Honddeck 66 Age group F.7 Reluse DOWN • CO<le lor If 'l Pflr 1 Planl genus 4 Cale~ic;cfs ·ma1e ' 5 That !Jori Ii Assessed 7 MOdofy 8 Way out !I Being 10 Gel even t t Shatlet 12 l(ffc:heo un11 t3 Bettke 19 Works hard 211ns1ptd 25 Alberta clly 2 words 25 Kidding 27 Footwear IS MIA IT u ' .. II E - THURSDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED s ' A I 0 [ l l ' f N I E A A I ' l l y I l OS C r I I OISE II NE A p A ' "' lm •O D 11111110 oe- ~ .. "bW l AlllTIY I A l A ~~ E 'Ill lllOIE-llT l lA p NIA.I OIOST -IL 0 E FIA A 'f I H 1 ITll TEN T- If u •••l llA I SlO P l .. ~ IA II ~ .. ' " I N E N I D "" 11111! IJ I (] 0 l E S 00 IH4 s ! I l £ A s l 28 Doctrine 49 Billow 29 FeaSlet 50 flellow 30 Place 51 Gambling 31 Yygoslev1111 city 32 lessen 52 Preposition 33 Scheduled SJ Goll illlt :is ww.11 heroes 55 Peace sym- 39 Vetch bol 40 Sold a1 hsl ~ Colleen s 42 Garoen IOl>l name u Roof 57 Lean (onl 46 Polar -59 Chubby 47 Feline 60 Tl!M ptu by Virgil Partch (VIP) ;. . \ . I . . • r w • \1__0JlJ__.-/ ( \~ e ~1 J tt ·~ ~I T~E' COURT Wt LL NOT AID TH05E WHO ~AVE COMMITTED ILLE6AL ACT$ IN A MATTER ... -u .--~~~~~~-- .AND THEN A~~ THE COU~T S HELP TO RECOVER FOR ANY INJURY Tl-4EY MAY MAVE SUFFEREC' AS A RESULT TM~REOF ! -(,( Tl''9BLE"EEDH -mocw, MOON1'U~! \ft "81\WJ 1t> 1H• ~1 NW OLP l'ATil..E \M'.XJNV'S FLARING-UP. by Charles M Schulz RAT 0 t f by Tom K. Ryan He sn:m~ ONA. WAR MAP PIN. j SHOE by Jeff MacNelly ~ "It m1tchH your tips, George." Hank Ketchum I ' ' . '. A. t ', '~$ GIRL: "ANO WHICH ONE OF 1HE PLAYERS IS )OUR MOTHER f ~NIS: -SHE'S E WITH MV OAOOYS P.ACQUET. • ·, . by Harold Le Ooux I 'LL DRIVE YOU ANO D. e, TO Ii ANO THEN TAKE ™IS WAGON eACK TO SPENCE8 FARMS IN THE MORNING' by Jim Davis .1 ~t say that wri~ rny c.dUJ!?l Oh this CDmputlr ::r~ by Ernie Bushm1ller 5 LUGGO/ NEVER TRY TO BLOW A 0UBBLe WHILE WEARING YOUR tT:\8' ,. "l~KERBEA!\ r HA'TE CLEANING UPAND "ffiKIN6 OUT 1HE 1RA5H ! ~Z:ZED OVM TO ~..\JAN ~Tl5TA 1D HEl...P L.l) I:;, \JAJ.DE7- WITJ..4 ..i1s O.~~TMA~ F'IWVIJCTIO~ I ft-11:.N ()JJ OO~TO c>R ME:L.1 ..... _ ... ~,\c._ I ·~iuAkU.' I I OON'I MIND 1Ht5 ffiRr OF IHE ~ M ALL! ..,_R BETTEaOa rea •ORNE ~~~ ITSR\GHr~- ')QJ HI01PE SCMF INS\DE M'Y PIUDW )b.) Si:lle.> MIKE.~ CASE. t SPACE. HELMET . by Tom Battuk 1116 1H£ ONLc,> 7lME I DON'i NIBBLE! by Kevin Fagan 'f~-. ~NO \...IKE ~ f1NE. ~¥or Chtt"LEMf.N, o~o i ... . l I (J1 111Utl Con~! DAILY Pll 011rr1d , .• _ClASSlf 110. '/'he markt•fJ>l<U ·t! 011 /Ju> Orattg(i Coast .. 642 -.5678 M ed1m1 rnco11w o/ L>ally />Uot /amilleM l r .rct'eda $34 ,000 o year Your ad rt'uclws tht· county's most afflwnt buying au· dumc:<• -===--=~-__.;.... j _. ...... _., .. Arr s & Craf r-s lloutiqu<' ; ifc C.ercificacc..:.., CUSTOMILIMITfD ED Brass & Porcelain Art 631-4680 all 2 30pm Cfrisfma5 Call0ra~!:J by Janine Cards lnvotahons Cartollcates Coll answer ao 642-4300 24 nrs 579. H & H Floral & Crall Sup. ply 3 loc Orange. Gar· den Grove, Anaheim UCP Fund Ra1st1r S11lurday Dec 41h 9 10 3 pm 2588 Newport Bl. C M Hand trolled grits P T A Hollday BoutrQue 1 hurs Dec 91h tO 10 4 306 Via Lido Nord NB Custom & Handmade Gills PATHFIHHS l1okrooin &itt Shop Ch11S1mas Items to 1111 y o ur Holidays wit h Chnstmas Cheer Coma V1s11 Us 4242 Campus Dr111e Ste E-3 Newport Beach 6"'9-86SO Mon-Ftt 10-4 Sa1 9 30·3 30 Olulsh111s louti11ut -~-5o Cornell. trviqe •I 'l!I'< , Dec 4lh 9-5. 833-2525 ~ . Ctuist•H Cr1tt Show Catering SO CST PLAZA HOTEL I Mon 10·2 & Tues 2-6 ...... Boutiques 60C -$3S BOUTIQUE Faorvlew Comm Church cnr Falf/Fa1rv1ew. CM Sat t 1127 & t214 10-3 Bar1eno1ng for Hotooay Pa• lies Pvt res1den1s only Tell us how many you expect We will do 111e reSt -snmi. mrx. s<fl'= ve. clean-up all for 1 reas lee 770-9833 LOVE AT FIRST BIT£, 713" Edinger · Santa Ana 8•2-4611 Small & Large Occasions Cordon 81eu Graduate Carerong Spec1alt1es 646-0139 Enler1a1n this Holiday w11h THE CATERING CO A Total party planning ser- vice 6 42-5937 SAVE HOLIDAY$$$ Lovely hand ·tralted gifts. decorat ions "Gucci" tree ornaments. florals & mucn morel Open 7 days a week 10-5 332 Marone. Balboa lslond Polite & well groomed ----------I prol bartender/server avail for Hotooays Sieve For C1ass1l1ed Ad ACTION 645-1426 TREAT SOME "IODY" Body wraps.facial I.Its Jon Br0<;1<mo11 Puino Co glll package 644-5289 897 Gte11neyre for che Farrn ly CHICK IVEllSOll OllRISTlllS SILE $69 ovtlr 1nvo1ce on Jll Laguno !:leach 497-3490 New M1crowav8 (Amonal t~9 J~~ohng Fonr. w/ l t lCS N8W $7 9 1·855 6209 F101s tor Ch11slmas ' DICK MILLER MOTORS Sdnto Ana 557-2132 t7 Boston Boy Packo1 Bay boat Fbrgts, lnbrd Make oh 642· 123• 82Audl5 ~ .. 82 R.ibbot Sedans 82 SClfOCCOS Prices do not include on· G · f t. H new "ailed accessories Ext I CS Or er_ Sealanl<i. or Factory re· bates 11 any 445 E Cst Hwy NB 673·0900 Oller end 12124182 Rent 26 molor home sips 8 fully loaded 645-86 16 FfOlrday-Aent·A·Cor Low as $39 95/weokend Robins Fora 642·00 tO HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CAUISfS. $ 10 833-5806 760·2578 Make11 a Con11neni81 Chrr~tmas A gilt for the whole family JOHNSON & ~ON Lincoln/Mere 540-5630 Scandia Down Snops Comlorters etc 2756 E Cs1 Hwy Cam 1590 S Csl Hwy LB A Special Evening With Lt!na Horne Dan Fogel· berg 01 Belle M tdler Spaces Ltmlled Call To- day PACIFIC COA~~ BOX OFFICE 540·3669 536-8826 C-f?Jtrh~red-Atgan~ nous sizes. Crocheted throw plltows & pillow tops Croc11e1ed Poncho 642-0176 Srngf!f Sewing Machines New Zigzag Models/$95 p & J c o. 548-4425 MOLLIE'S HLD lllH 221 M arine Ave. 8 .1 675-1572 'Tis the sea· son 10 give reot gold MICROWAVE New ~harp Carousel, probe $229 Or choose lrom Amano Linan Magic Chel, Top- pan. O'Kee1e1Mem1 546-6740 ALLIED1 LIGHTING 22? Vic1oroo-Cos1a M8sa 646·3737 646-8194 We X:Sv!I Soumern Call· fornla Y most complete St'ltlCllOfl Of Ughllng al compelltovo p11ces Ferrara Rooting Co R4-rool Repair. Shingle (7 f41) 642-8233- MINIATURES FOR CHRISTMAS? Why Noll Come soo whot we ha'lia Al M1n1 Bazaor 400 Westminster NB 645-3261 Spark I;-for Chr1st,;a7(& yaar 'round) Linda's Ctean'g S9rv 669-03 18 ·G~~f. , I CS for the Office: Gag glftS t or 0 111ce1 friends wonderland of Fun 690 W 19111. CM 645-9023 Gourmet Gifts LHist'• L11oit11 Ltvtlit1 Hom~made gourmet fruit cakes & others 548-1293 LEE'S rLOWERS See us lor your ChrtSI• mas Bouquets 891-2569 FLOWERS BY MOAA1 .,8 E 11111 S1ree1. COSIO Meso 645·8144 THE P[()AI PUSHtH '" 1ek1ng 01du1i. lor your Chrt•lm(l~ blk('S all OUI CIUISOIS & II we1ghl Spe dslers are cus1m 011. you choose color A 'pam Speedsters w/3 ll Pd & s 1n9te i;pd cuuMcr. 7126.ll 1 75 lores Aide~ UH1111 Get ready Ctrt:o MUSI(. 011 lllll Move Gel m 1ho Groove wtttl Music IOI 1111 Occ 731-9194 ..... P.lrt\ Guud~ tor ano1110r greol Chris• ) mus from the Pedal 'WHIRLIGIG Pusher gang 801 w Ooker Cos to 2809 A Nwpl Blvd NB Meso 675·2570 979-8570 PAITIH I ChtsH l&LLOOH FOR HIGHER -~ Holiday Balloon ~--Wtll plan & COOcdulBJ hOltday soctat events 642-0994 lJouque1s 650·6515. 548-6755 Pe r'll >na I 11cd CMlllSTMAs___ HILARtOUS ' CAN DIET G if { ts now. avail, great g1l1 I•-------• IO&T PARADE idea Wf< w1ap, mml for Bptboa Charter Corp you tnlQ call 642-0403 now 1ak1ng rei.ervaloons •EWPORT HA .. ~OR 6i5-1976 646-5707 ... CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS IO&T SALE SALE SALE PARADE Gilt Factory Oversloc:k RIQe in parade 111 32• decorated boat wllh Wreaths. s t ockings gourmet bullet dinner ornoments. potpourri, S25 person 675-0781 ftl mil lsr t ed<l-t-l>ea ,.._ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif7:, dolla •• patchwork Hems, quills sllk flo wers. Chrtstmos nllpkons trays. eH konds 01 hostess nems. ond much. much mate 8orgo1n prices J10. 2, 3, 4, 5 , 10·•·· 12401 Locaa Ave. COSIO Meso 540'22.4 1 Newport Wrap & Mall Svc 1825 Westcllll pr. NB 1725 Monrovia, CM 4 So Coast Plaza lwr M Have your Christmas Par- ly on o 44 It yacht in Newport Bay 640-5159 IALLOOH .lt' FH Ot!hvered by Santa. or K• 1(1 Ille Clown Only $29 50 Includes 2 c<>lor , pictures 15% Ooscount lor hOSP•lOI VtSll Details 543-8581 Christ•as Pu,,its BUY NOWI F'inesl ano•- 18<1 Al<C 1 yr guar Free lonanc1ng avail l1rll'11 Fi• Pets 842·3 100 Hunt 8ch I SHERRY'S POODLES 1 eac.up toy-m1n101u1& 546 2848 Boweling & proommg SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS AKC •lnl marking• blue & brn eyes 536· 7 8 1 I GOLDEN RETRIEVERS PUPS • Al<C $200 Born 10·26 846-1040 WINDSURFING SALE Mr~ltlll $950 HIFly $750 UP Sporl117141)63 t·4106 A~ c o Lo e N G LI s H 2 l•oroel Model 1ta1n satli, SHFEPOOG PUPPI~ ' steam & I dsl la<.omo- FOR CHRISTMAS llVO' w l cert $14~ $350 979 1478 644-4758 A PUPPY FOR CHRIST· MAS • llibraoor PllP· ·pies. blk. 7 wks old $75 847-8072 Pui.ipios, e~cellen1 hunllng oogs. 101 more 1r1to call•---------675-7952 Cocker Spaniel pupp1e11 tor Cnnstmas AKC reg .. blond 642-3341 CANAAiES • S inging eaii ol Red F~at hers fo1 Chrr5tmos (red-orange) $35 646 -8132 .... porting Goods Youc Complete Ski Head· quarters • Sales nenlats. Clothing. Ski Ramp, NEWPORT SKI CO . 2701}-W. Coast H wy 631-3280 LLOYDS HRSEllY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newport Blvd CM 141-7441 Specrahsts in Holiday. rie. ooratlons. Copperllel:fs Stop'Chnstmas Snop! Ftoweu. 1936 So. Cst Hwy LB 494· 1173 E.&. RUllllEL, llC •. --------New ski & fashion store OPPOITlllTY Call a Daily Potot AD-VISOR 642·5678 C1ass1t1ed Ads are 1he answer to a successlul garage or yard sale' 11 s a better way 10 tell more people! To place your message before lhe reading publlc. phone. Lollle Miss Mullet sal on a Tullet. along came a sp1de1 and read on the Daily Pilot Class1f1ed section about Moss Mul- let's Tullel and bought rt 101 $9 95 You can sell your lullel and lots of other 1111ngs lhrougn Dally P1101 Classll1ed Ads. Call 642·5678 You don 1 need a gun 10 People who need People "draw last • when you ~ Thats what the llOLIHY SAL£ New mopeds Save S 150-$200 Miners·. Waro & Ellis Ftn Vly 962-1922 AKC Bugle Puppies $169 A Kc· Gian Aetriovers $22tl 1ea1unng exclusive 8trz· zard skis & famous liCll· vewear Register lor prlle drawing Dec 15 windsurfer. boots. vaco· •Irons. more• 642-5630 knocks olten when you use •esult-gett1ng Darlv Pilot Classrfred Ads 10 reach the Orange Coast market Dally PilOI c1ass1lled, 642-5678 place an ad In the Oally DAIL y PILOT Pttol Want Adsl'Call now • SERVICE DIRECTORY L ha so A pa.so S 250 646-0090 1111 Westoliff DriH Westchtt Plaza. N B I 642-5678. rs all aboutl ; ----- NK.IC NOTICE POOUC NOTICE PU8LIC NOTICE CPP 30270 NOTI CE OF DEATH OF NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE M N -81194 F RANCES L. BOWEN aka T.s. ~T~~t644 NOTI CE OF D EATH OF F RANCES BOWEN ANO vou ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A NOREEN llOL I STER, aka 0 F P ET I T I ON T O ggT~~E~~8.T1~~~JNL~S~Ty~e NOREEN A . H OLLISTER. ADMIN ISTER ESTAT&NO. AKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR aka N . HOLISTER AND OF A-11$996. PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A p ETIT I 01': TO A D~U N · To all ht•1rs. lx>n<>hl·1am>s. PUBLIC.SALE IF YOU NEED AN I S TER ESTATE N0 .1..n ·d 1l 11r s and 1:on11ngl'nt EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE A -116001. l rt·d1t11r~ o f F'ranl'<'S L OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Tu ~JI hl·i-. '--nlificiari~. B d YOU. 'fOU SHOULD CONTACT A u • ~ ...... ~ • ~~ o w1·n an pt'rsu n s who 1.AWYER. c reditors and contingent m .. v IX' oth1..·rw1S(' mtl'rNltt.'CI On December 10. 1982. a1 9 15 erC'dllor'S uf Nort.'<·n H <,llsle'r an iht' will and/o r l'SUltC a.m SECURITY ALLIED SERVICES und person~ who may be /\ j)<'t1tlon ha~ bt.·en fill•d =~dd~~.=~~~:n\~0 0T;~~•e0e1 ~~~:; othc rwrsl..' rn1cr1..·stcd 1n the bv Jt•ffc·rv A Winterroth m recorded OClober 30. 1978. as instr will and I or c•stalt• th l' Sup 1..· 1 1 u r Court o t No 39520. on booll 12901. page A pelll1on h:.c. Ix-en filed Orange• County rcqUl·Sung 1111111. ot Otttcra1 Records '" the bv W1lham R Chnsnan m thilt Jefh•rv A Wmtttroth olflce ol lhe County Recorder ol h. S C • · Orange County, State of Cahl0tn•• l l' upc·r w r ourt of bC' appointt•d as pt'rsonal Eaecu1e<1 by CATHERINE MARIE Orange Count~ rt'qucstmg rnpn':>('nlauvc tu admm1i.wr BARNETT, a srngle woman WILL lh:it Wilham R. Chni.llan bc th<' ei;tatc-of Fran1:es L SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO appu1 ntt.•d as personal B II w l' fl (under l h l' HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable al lime ol sale on lawful rt:.>presentallVl' to admm 1stC'r l nt.!Ppt'ndc•nt Adm1mstrallon money ol 1ne uno1eo States) a1 111e th!! cstatC' of N ort>cn H olistcr of F:~t.lll'S A1..·t). The pc:1111on front entrance 10 the old Orange tunder thl' lndC'pendent IS sl'l for hearing m Dept County Courthouse. 1oca1eo on Adm1n1strat1on of Estates No 3 al i OO Civic Center Santa A na Blvd • between A Th D W Sycamore St & Broadway. Santa t·t) c pelltaon I!> set for nvt•. l'l>t. an thl' C1h• of Ana. California. all r1ghl, ~•tie and hl'anng in Dept No 3 <it iOO Sant.1 Ana. California on tnterett conveyea to an<! now held C1v11..· Ct>nter Dnve. West. an Dc•n ·mtwr 29. 1982 al. 9.:IO bylt underS111dOeedotTrust1n111e the Cztv o f Santa Ana. am property situated in sa10 County Calrforn1a on Dt.'"mbcr 29. IF' YOU OBJECT tn the and Slate de"scrlbed as. PARCEL 1: UNIT 2. Uni! 2. as 1982 at 9.30 am gr:in11ng l)f thl' j)<'t1t1on. you shown and defined on that certain IF' YOl) OBJECT to the should t>llht•r appear al \lit' condominium plan recorded granting of th(• pt.>tllron. you ht•nrrng and .state your September t9. 1978. In Book ~hould either aptv>ar at the obJt'l laons or file writ1t•11 1284 7 Page 930. ol O lloctal "" Records ot Orange county hearing ctnrl s tate y our ObJN ·llunl> with the court California. ob1ec·11o nc; o r filt· written bl'fort• lhf' hc•arin·g Your PARCEL An und1v1ded ~ objecllo ns with the court app<':ironH · mJy be an f)('rson Interest In and 10 Lot 1 ol Traci No b ( h '-10182. 1n Iha Clly 01 Costa Mesa e ore the earmg Your or uy your attorney County or Orange. S tel e ol appC'arance may be m person I f Y 0 U ARE A California. u shown on a map <Jr by your attorney CHEDITOR ur a conungcnl recorded In Book 429. Pages 22 I f Y 0 U A R E A tr<'d11or 11( the det·eascd. you 11nd 23 ol Miscellaneous Maps. CREDITOH or a c·ontmgent mu~t fill' your da1m W!lh th<' r ecords o l Orange County. I h Catllornta. together with 1111 c.:r~ 1tor of l <· dt.,casro. you court or prt•scnl 11 to th<' Improvements thereon, excepting must f1h: your da1m with the pc·r~1rn,1 l r v pres(•n l:l ltV<' ttie<efromeondomonrumUnlts ieno c·ourt o r pre~nt 11 to the appo 1ntc·d b y tht• 1..·ourl 2, located thereon ) h f h PARCEL 3 An exclus i ve p<'rsona rrpre sc•ntat1ve wit m our mont s fr•im tht.• eesement eppunenent 10 each untt appo inted by the court datt' o f f1rsl 1ssuan1..·(' ol for tl'lt use an<! occupancy ot thOM within four months from the lt>ttcrs as provided an Sr.ucm pontons of tM rmne1eo common date-of Ctrst issuance of 700 of the Proba\P \Ade o f ., .. deslgnlled In 1he Declar1111on letters as provided an Sccuon Califorr11a T!'ic time for 01 ReatrlcJlons and shOwn on the 700 of the Probal•" r .... ft of f 'I I J condominium plan for eacn unit ~ '-'"'" 1 mg 1..· aims wi I not expire For tnlormatlon only Code California. The lime for prior lo four months Crom 1s-oo : AP NO .. 936..03·002 £1hng claims will not expire the dal t• of tht> hearing The llree1 address and Othtt prior lo four months from nolil'l..'CI abovt'. common designation. If 1ny, of the h d O r"I properly described above 11 t e ale of the h earing Y U MAY EXAMI Nt: purpof'led to be· 224, Orange Ave . nouc'ed above thr fllr kc•pl by the rourt IC Unll8 .• Coate Mna,CA YOU MAY l::XAMINI!: y ou are tntt.•rested 111 the Th• undersigned T1u11ee the• file kept by the court If estate'. you mJy file a r<.>quest =•,:.::7r!.:nJ; :~!b~:~:Ji1 ':~d:';s! y ou are intt>r1•sted an the with thl' cour t to rt•cc•1vc and other common designation. 11 estate, you m11y fill' a request s P 1•c• 111 I not 1 ce o t l he any, lllown herein. with the court to rrceivc tnventury of estate assets Said aale w111 be made. but so e c· i a I n o t I c <' o f th r and of thr petitions, at'COunts without covenant 01 warranty. m venlory of estatl' assets and r c>ports described In e~pr, .. or Implied. regarding lltle, d f h po1ffsalon. or encumbr•ncea. to An o t e P<'llllons. 8('('()Unts Sec Ii on I 2 O 0 . 5 o f the pay the remaining prlnc:t~ 1Um 01 and reports descr1bc>d in Cahfornla Probate Code t~1~1~,:C~~~r::,~~r~ :~Section 1 200 .~ o f the K E ITH C. W t.:LPUTT, OVlded 1 Id Cahfomia Probote Code 19.7 62 Mac Arthur Blvd., :,y. unci.r".: 1.,~:·0f':.'ici~ P epper, H amil t on & Suite 200 P.O. Box 7955 ot Trull. tees, chargu and Scbeeti. 606 So. Olive St., Newport Beacb, CA tz&ao: •xi*''" ol the Trustee.and of the No. 2000, Los Angeles, CA 17 14) 752·7311. 1ru111 creeled by Hid· Deed ol 90014, 1213) 6 17-8 1$1. l'uhll•hl'd Or•nt1• t naal Oaoly I •' Tr¥~ total amount 01 the unpeld Put.lhh"d Orar11tt Cout D•ol)I P1l111. °'"" 2. 3. 9, 1gs2 Oftance of the obllgatlOn MCured 1'1lo1, D!ot 2. 3. 9 11182 621111·82 by the property to be •old and )~68·81 fltlK.IC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING llOS 810 ITEM .NO. HI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the C11y 01 Colle Mesa, 10 w11 The C11y Council. P 0 Box 1200. CoSla Mau . Celttornla 921128. on or belore lhe hour ol 11 00 • m on Friday. December 10. t982 II snan be lhe respons1bll1ty ot lhe boCIOer to Oehver his.bid 10 lhe C11y Clerk's Olloce by the proptt announced 11me Bids wrll be publicly 099ned and read aloud at 11 00 a m .• or as aoon \hereafter as precticebte on Friday. Oeumber 10. t982, In the Council Cnambera, City Hall. 77 Farr 011ve. 1Cos1e Meta, C1llforn1a 92626 1or the lurn1slllng Of LABOR ANO MATERIAL tO INSTALL LEAK DETECTOR F'OR F1JEL DISPENSING SYSTEM AOd 11tona1 sets ol lhe specatu:.auons. may b8 oblf1ne<1 ,at the Olhce ol the Purchasing Agent at 77 Fair Ortve. Costa Mesa. Calilornla Sods should be returned to the auentlon ol Ille City Clerk, wllhon said time limit. In a ·sealed envelope, Identified on tlle outside w11n lhe Bod nem Number ano the Open1n9 Oare Eacn boo sna• •PK•IY each ano every 11em aa set I Orlh rn lhe spect11ca11ont Any anel all e~cepllons to 1ne apec1flcauons mull be ctearly Siited In the bid. ano lallura 10 set lorlh any item 1n the speciflc.llon1 lhlll be grounds for rejection or tne bid Eactl bod shall Ml torlh lhe full names and reslOtnces ol all persons and psrtoes lnle•esled on the proposal II the bid 11 by a corporation. state ll'lt names of 1ne ofhc:ers .. 110 can llgn an eg1eement on behalf ol the corporauon and whether more than on. ott!C41f must sign II lhe bid 11by1 parlners111p or a 101n1 ven1ure. 111te the names and addresses ol all oenefll partners and ;01n1 venlu(lfl II the bidder Is 1 sole proproelorshlp or another entity lhel.Ooes business under a htttflous n11me. lhe bid shaH b8 In the 1ea1 name of the bidder w 1111 a des1gna11on ro110 .. 1ng ShOwlng Iha ·oBA (tl'le f1otlt1ous nem•I"; provided however. no ttcllllous name shall be ute<I unreS1 in.re Is • c11rren1 reg11tt1hon with lhe Orange County Recorder In case ol corporallons, Include tl>e names or tl'le President. Secre111ry. Treasurer. and Manager The Coty Council ol lhe City ot Coste Mes• re11111ee th• right 10 rei.tt any or 1Q btds r:1ATED Novembar 22, t982 Published Or11ng1 COHI Dally P110t. Dec. 3. 19112 fltlK.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINIH NAME ITATIMENT The following ptraon 11 Jjolng bu11ne11 ... CI C "1, A limlled p11rlnera11111. 4901 81rell SI , Newport 8-ch, CA 92660 • John T Cantwell, 14802 Newport Ave. Unil 21c, Tuaon. CA 92880 Thlt butlneas •• conducted by a llmiltd perlntrehlp John l Cantwell Thia atatemtr1t wn flied with lh8 County Clerk ot Crane• County on NOY 23. t982 F..a1 ruaonable eatlmalld 00111. Pla.JC NOTICE lllf>I"-and aOv•-el •tw lime ------------,ICTITIOUI IUt••s Publlshtd Orange COHl Oally NAMI ITATUllNT Pilot. Nov 26, Ole 3, 10. 17. 11162 of tht tnltlal publicatfon 01 the 'temlOUt IUllNl:ll NOiiet of Salt Is $136.057 411 NAME ITATUKNT Tilt blnlllclary under aald 0..0 Tile tollowtno per1on1 are doong of Trutt htfllolor• •~eculed end bullness " dt llvertd 10 lht unde11lon1d • TECHNICAL ELECTRONIC written 0.Cllttllon of Otlaull and DISTRIBUTORS, I 111 Orchud. Demand for Sall, and e wrlllen Irvona. CA 92714 Notte. of Default and Elte:llon to Mtu1.1remen1 Auoc11111. a a.N. Thi uncllnllgntel C.Ulld Hid Cal llornl• co1por111on. 1111 Notice of Default 1nC1 E~llon lo Orchard Irvine CA 027 t4 a.ti to be rlCOfdld In tl'lt c;ounty This bu11nee1 II conduc:ttcl bV 1 wtlfr• tilt r.., p(Oplrly II located corporatoon Oate. OctOOllir 2t. 1982 Geo<Ot H COtnlall 8ecvltty Allled SerWlel ~rttntnl AtlOC 63&2 ~II Cyn. 012 0-ge H C0tnt111, Prat. North HollywoOd, CA 111807 T~ ataltmtnl w a 1111<1 with the (213) tto-4412. bt ~541 County Cltlk of Ora~ COunty on ~Udllll A. KNllng, HOY t8. 11112 Troe 1a11~1ng Ptr*Ont att d01ng _________ ..;.s..;.•"-;;.;..=8' butlntH at• IC lilftflC ( 1) CALIFORNIA I.ANO TITLE ___ Ml ___ "" __ £ __ _ COMl>ANY, \2) CALIFORNIA ,,CTmou1 ., ...... WORLD TITLE COMPANY, 1010 N NAiii I TATIMINT M•tn St.. San•• 1'n•. Catlfo1111a Troe 101towlng paraon 11 doing 11270 I butif)tll ••. • Conllntnlaf Land Tit It LAGUNA AUTO LE.1'SIN0 ANO Compeny (a Calllorn11 c;OtporltlOn) RESALES, 8110 North Cout 60 UnlYf'UI City Plua Univ.rtal Htgf!wl,y, 1.agun1 Buen, CA 12851 City, Cal1fornla 11808 , Lind• tr-COOi!. 4H '"-11roat, ~l~tal l.Alnc:I •C. Cotona. CA 117~ Rkhald.J. Marti 1,,J,:~ 11 c:ond\ICtlc:I by al'I Viet Prltldlnt Lindi lien. Cook Thi .. ""tmtfl' "'" ffltd with 111t Thia llatemtnt wH fllld w4th tilt County C~lt 01 Ofan"9 County on c0unty Cllfll ol Or~nty on Ntl.IC NOTICE NOTICE IHVITING llOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lliat sealed propotals for furn1S111no all labor. m1111irto1s, equipment. lransportallon and such olhar lac1ll11e1 11 may be required for INSTALLATION OF THE EAST 17TH STREET SIGNAL SYSTEM Wiii be received by Ille Coly of Coste MeSll. Ill lhl olloee ol Ille Coty Clerk. 77 Fair .Drove. Costa M esa, Calilorn1e. until Ille hour ol 11 00 am . Dec; 21. 1982 at Whlttl 11me they wlll be opened publlcly ano read aloud In the Council Chambers Sealed praposals sroall bear lht lllle or the work and the name ol the bidder but no other d1s1tngu11hlng marks Any bid reQ8tved aller the S<:heduleel cloaing lime ror 1ne •-PLol bids shall be re1urne<1 lo the bld08f unopened It shall be Int SOie reaponslbthly of 1111 bidder to -thal hos bid Is received In proper time A set ol Pla11s. Special Prov111on1 and eddlttons 10 General Provisions 10 the Standard Speclllca11ona rnay be obtained at the omce ol the City Engineer 17 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa Calllornta, at e cost ol $10 00 plus 1 2 00 11 milled Plans specltlcetlon1 end other contract ooeumenls may also be eiamlne<I II lhe orroce ol lhe Tralflc Engineer OI Ille Clly or Costa Mesa Each bid shall be made on the Prol)OSlll rorm. &heels p. t through P-8 provided In the contract document•. and ahall be acc:ompanlad by a cer1111ed or Ul/'ller·a cheek or a bid bond lot' noi 1111 than 10% of the amoun1 ol the bid. made payable lo the Coty ol Costa M... No proposal sriall be consldlftd unless ecc:ompan•ed by such CHhltr's Check. cash or bldde• s bond No blO anelfl>e eonsldefed unless II ts made on a blQJlk form fur-11ed by 1ne Coty ol Coste Mesa 1nd Is made In accordance with lh• prov111on1 ol tne Propoaal requlremonla Each blOder musl be licensed ind elso prequehlttd 11 required 6y law The Coly Council of the Clly ot Colla Meaa reserves the rignt to rtlet1 an; or all b\dt The Con1rac1or sna.11 comply wllh the provisions ot Sections 1770 10 t 7110, 1nclu11ve. of tht C1hlorn111 LlbOr Coda, thl prevalUng rate end 1cate ol wages es19bllsntd by the Cny ol Coste Mesa which are Ille<! with the C11y Cieri\ 'of the aald City, and snall t orlelt pen•lll tt pre1c1tbeo there in tor noncompliance of the Mid Code EILEEN P PHINNEY Coty C'-k Publlllltd Orange COHI Dally P~ol. Dec 3. 10. 1982 5297-112 POOLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINllS NAM! I TATIMlNT The tollowtng person 11 doing bUlllnt~I H SU JA 11153. Ho 8 Iowa. C:0.11 M"8 CA 92626 SuHn Marcellus. 1653 No 8 IOW• St • Co11a Mesa. CA 921128 S M11rcellu1 Thi• llatomenl wn flied Wiii! the Co.only Clerk ot Or•noe Counly on NOY Ill. 1982 'IOUlt Publllhtd Orang• Cont Delly Pilot Nov 19, 211. Oec: 3. tO. 1082 6052 12 -PU8UC NOTICE PU8llC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING BIOS NOTICE INVITING BIOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal sealed prop0sals tor hJrn1sh1ng oll sealed prOl)Osals tor lurn1sn1ng all labor, ma1er111ls equipment. tabor. matortals, equ1pmen1. 1ranapor11111on and such other 1ranspo11111on end such other lac1111oes as may be requited tor 1ac1ll11es es may be requ11ed tor THE INSTALLATION OF TWENTY TWO FURNISHING' ANO INSTALLATION INTERNALLY IL LUMINATED OF PAVEMENT MARKERS ON STREET NAME S IGNS AT HARBOR BOULEVARD BETWEEN VARIOUS LOCATIONS wlll be BAKER STREEl ANO VICTORIA r~eoved by tne C11y ol Costa Mesa. STREET will be r~erve<I by tne City 81 lhe ofllQ8 ot the Crty Cletk 77 ol Costa Meaa. at the otrooe ol 1ne Foor O"ve. Costa Mesa, Cahlornu1 Clly Clerk. 77 Fatr Dflve. Costa un111 1ne hour ol 1 I 00 a m on Mesa. Cahlorn1a until the hOu• ol O~mbe1 21 ·1982. al whlth tome 11 oo am on Oecem~ 21. 1982, lhey shl'.111 be opMeO publicly and 111 which lime they snall 1>e opened read aloud in the Council publicly and read aloud In tne Cnembers Sealod proposals shall Councll Ch& m ber s Sealed bear 1ne 11110 ol the work .md the proposals shall bear the mte ol the name ol the bidder bul no other work and lhe name of Iha btdder C11s11n9u1Sh1n9 mark• Any bid bul no other d1.11Jn.gu1$1lin.g marlls rece<veO alter the scneclUled closrng Any bid received al tar the ttme tor lhe receopl of boOS shall be scheduled closing time 101 the re1u•ned to the b1doer uno~ II rece1p1 ol btds ahllll be returned 10 shall be the sole respons1b1hty of Ille the btdder unopened II shall be the bodoer to see 1na1 n11 b•O" received sole respons1b1fily ol the bfOO«' to 1n proper lime see that hoa bid II received ln praper A set 01 Spec1a1 P1ov1s1ons ano ume odall1ons 10 General Provrsoons 10 A sel ol Plana, Speclal Provisions Iha S1anoaro 51)4!Cllicll•0"8 may be and oOdlllons to ~erel Provisions obtained a1 tile oll1ce ol Iha Crly 10 the Standard Speemcetlona may Engineer 77 Fair D11ve Costa be oblB•ned at 1ne oll!Ge of the Coty M e s a C a 11 Io r n 1 a u pon Engineer 77 Fair Drive. Coal• nonrerunoable payment ol $10 00 M e s a . C a I 1 I o r n 1 a , u p o n An add•honal c;llprge ol $2 00 will be nonrefundable payment of S 10 00 made 1f handleo by moil Ptens An ldd11t0nal r.harge of $2 00 WIH be spac1lrca11ons ano other con11ac1 made II handled by mall Plans. oocumenls may also be a.cammed specll1catlons and 01ner con111c1 at the oltoce ot Ille Coty Clerk ol the documen11 m11y 1rso be examined C11y 01 Costa Mes11 al tne olllce ol ltle City Clerk ol tne Each b•d shell be made on the City of Costa Mes11 • Proposal form. sheell p. 1 through Each bid shall be made on 1ne P-8 provrdeO 1n tho contract Proposal form. Sheats P-1 lhrou'gh d ocuments ano shell be P-8 provlood In the contract accomp•n•eO by a Cl•hfled or document•, and sha ll be c;ashltr 5 cheer.. or a btO bond for accompanied by a certlfl•O Cl• nol less then l<>'>lr or lht' amount of cashlef·s cheek or 11 bid bond tor the bod mace p1yablo 10 lhe Coty ot no1 tess tnan 10% ol the amount of Cosio Mesa No propoul anall be 1he biO. maoe payable to lhe City ol considered unleu accompan1e<1 by Costa ~esa No proposal sh•ll be sucp cunoer s c:hec~ cash or considered unless aecompanred by btOOer s bOnd ' r.uch c;ash1er·1 check, cash or No bod shell be considered unless b1dder·1 bond •I •s made on a blank form furnished No bid shall bo consl<Jered unltH by the Coty ot Cost• Ma$8 ind IS It ts mad• on e blank form lurnlShed m1de on accordance wllh lhe by the Coly 'ol Coste Mesa and ts prov111ons o l lhe Proposal rnede 1n accordance wilh th• requirements prov111on1 ot the P1opo1a1 Each bidder muSI be lteensed end 1equ1remen11 llMI prt!QUelil1ecl a.s requ11ed by law Each boddet must be lleenMO and lhe Cll!f Cou~11 of Ille C11y ol also prequ11hhed as required by law Costa Mesa re$ervH th• rognt 10 Tile City Council or the City ol 101ec1 any or all bids Coat• Meaa reserves tlle right to fne Con1rac1or ah.ill comply with retect any or all bids. • 1h1 prov1s1ons of Socllon1 1710 I -file Con1q1c1or 1h11ll comply With 1780 inclusive. ol the Colllorn1a the prov111ons of Sections 1770 to LabOr Code, the preval11ng rate and 1780 onciuslve, ol lhe Calllornla seeie ol wages 111abll51led by the Labor cooe. the prevamng "'' and Clly or Cotia Mesa whtch are hied scale ol wages e11abll1hlc:I by tl'lt w1111 lhe C11y Clerk ol 1111 salo Coy. Cny ol Coste t.4eu whlcll are filed end a hell l orlell penalloes with 1111 Clly Clerk of the said City. pre1c11bed lhe111n tor and shell forfeit penaltl11 noncomphance ol "'o Code p r e a c r 1 b • d 1 h e r e f..11 I o r EILEEN p PHINNEY noncomplrance ot the aeld Cooe City Clerk EILEEN P PHINNEY Publlslled Orange Coal! Dnllv Clly Clerk Pilot. Dec 3, 10. t982 530 •·82 Publ1ah1d Orange Coast Delly fltlK.IC NOTICE Piiot, Dec 3, to. 11182 5298·112 ftCTfTIOUS llU .... H NAMe ITATU.NT The to11ow1no oer1on la doing bUlllnlSI u : t.4Y SECRETARY, 1682 Langley AW • Suite C. lrvllll. CA 12714 SUSAN C DOKKEN, 251 t t Vra Pac1ttc1, Dana Potnt. OA 12629 Thi• t>utlll811 Is conducted by 81'1 tndMdual. Suun C Oolcken Thia at11emen1 """ flltd with trot COunty Clerk OI Ofange County 0<1 HO~blr II. t982 , .. ,... Plll.IC NOTICE AMINDID 'ICTITIOUS IMJSIN€11 NAMI ITATIMINT '"' .... 111t'1t The lollowlng persons are doing bu1tne1t as. SEQUOIA PACIFIC AEALCO, 27611 La Pu, Laguna NfOUal, CA 92677 , fltltl.IC NOTICt Publlah•d Orenga Co111 Dally ___ .;...:.;;.....,....-~~~--1 Ptlot. Nov 12 19, 18 Dec 3. 1912 Golden• Emplrt lnV111men1 Corporetlon, a C 1 ttlornla corpo1at1on. c/o Soutnarn Pacific Company. Ont Marlltl Plata, San Franc:llCO, CA 1410$ 8or...n COfpot 111on. a California COfl)OrlllOn 21111 La PH Road, ~aovna Nf0\191, CA 92617 ,ICTITIO\IS auotllt 41154·~ NAMa ITATU•NT The 1011ow1ng oeraon 11 c:totno ____ Nll __ IC_NO_T_tCC ___ _ bullnl!H •• flCT..-----MSS i!IUNSION OAAPt.iCS. t717 I! NaiH"aTATiM.NT B1rcro 81 • JJ2011 Br11. C111lf 0262 l Th• followtn9 Pttton te oolno Anthony c11ar1t1 caaaua. 11 11 l>i.lt'MM 81 E Birch &t JJ201 Brei Calif lAIRD ENTERPRISES 11&4~ 92621 • I Spruce Tr .. Ln • trvlnl, Ca 1121 t O 'l'N• bua>nff• •• cl>Mucttd by an Ttrlo• w 1.a1r<1 111. 1110 ~nc:llYI011•I Spruce l r1t l.n • llVIM, Ca 127 1 II Anll>Or\y C Ca181.. T1'111 l>utll'lltl ta Con4Uett<I by 1n Th<s 1111-1 _'f'H flltd Miii '"" lndrvtduat County Cleft. ol OrlflQI COu111y on Teytor w Lelfc:t tn Nov I 1H2 l'Bt• Thia •la'--t wu llllCI *1111 Int Thlt t>uelnlll I• conO\ICltd by 1 Qtntr al pt1 ln«lfllP By IMrfln Corp<watlon Donald a n 1eo11. S.CrlCll(Y Thia atatemen4 -• ni.d wllh 1111 Countv Clerk ot OrtllOI c:;o.,nry on Nov 17, 1H2. MUNTDAVOH ......,. .. .... ,_, ........ Dme, ....... ,.., Ofllel ... 11111 """'9.CA totl Phone 642-5678 lt•l E1t1t1 .•........•••••..•..•. EOOAl HOUSING OPPORTUNITY hlllisltitr,I lttict: All real estate adverllsed on this new spaper Is subject to the Federal Falr Housrng Act of 1968 which makes ii illegal to" advertise "any prete'ren· ce. llm1ta11on or dlscrom1· nation based on race, color. religion. sex or national· origin. or any 1n1en11on to make any such preference. lomrta· oon or d1scrlmln1llon • This newspapet will not knowingly accept any advertising for real es- tate which Is 1n vlotatlon ol 111e law UHU: Adverti· sers should check •their ads daily and report errors lm- m e d i ate I y. The DAtt-Y-Pit.OT as- sumes liablllty for the first incorrect Insertion only. 1--------~ BH••• l•r $de ···~·················· l••I E1t11, .•••••••.............. S•u11/ lOOZ .........••........... llUL MITIVlTllll Owner~ have sold their business and are ready lo movel This beautiful eas111de 3 Bdrm llOme. on a huge tot. ts a rtal Buy and just reduced to S 155.000 • call todayl 646-7171 THE :REAL ESTATE RS ..... OAIYll 11\.F C"HI 3 1' Living rm w/l'llgh celllng. O'looklng t he beautiful 11th fairway Lge master suite on ground floor Secluded pr1vate yard & patio, 3 car gar Vacant See anyume. Gate guarded er ea ·~·41t0 T /\Yl .<>I\ ('<l IUffllftl . VI YI • TRiii R@ducied 1hlt week 10 $349.500 L1111e1op11on or trade oown for un111 or 11ma11et hotM VIEW wtth two 2 bedroom uo111 on twve IOI Plans lo!' home plut gu .. 1 flouH e11d pool Included wlltl lfle ~ Submll ()five ~ 2001 l<lftOS Aoeo "' ~ AHi Vlot Prllldtnt '10:ttot) Pul>ll•htd Orange COHI Delly P111>lltllld Orange Coatl Oally Nov 12. 1112 Nov ?3 1H2 -··· ~ ,..... . . ,_ Publlahtd Orang• Co111 Delly ~~7e c;;2 of °'""" Cp~ PllOt OK , 10 11. 2• 1982 ' - Wr\OlaMlllilt' ..,... .• , MAI; ,_ &JM PubllthtCI Or•no• CoHt Dall~ -..L:=======--11;. ""°'· NO• 11, 28, DIG. a. 1182 Pilot. NOY ,, 28 Dl<l :t, 10 1h2 4ff'M2 SOM 92 Publl1htd 011nga Cont Dally Pllbllllltd oran9e Cotti Dally PllOt, NOV 19, 21. 0.C ), tO. 1H2 Ptlot Nov H Dtc 3 10 17 1H2 51lt-62 . • • • &179-62 PllOt Nov 29. OK 3. 10,.17, 1M2 &'17-12 • ' ' 6296 6' Pu.,M11Md Oran9t Coael Dally I P1101. Nov tt 21, Ptc 3, 10 1112 t.082·6' t • C'IO Oru11uo C.:.Ollbl PAIL y l'ILOl /I 111..luy. Oll(. mhw ,j, IUU) Ht1u11 /11 Sdr H,.,,, /,, l•lr ....................•. .....•••.......••.••.. ~!.~~~~~ ......... .'.'.!~ ~!.~~~~~ ......... .'.~~ LIDO ISU HOMES 11111111· l.11111 N111d lkn 1111111 "1 • .t1111 1 l..11h l .i.:1 I. IC .111 ... 1111 -.!. 1 • .,,1 '"''' $1 .1111101111 Hu111•ld1·d .I 11111111 :. h.1llt I l.11~1 "" 1111 114:;1111 II tllll)(' t111111,lt<1I lh•ll•"' $I '11 llllll PUIMSUU NOME l)..t'.1111'<l J''ll\ \I<'\\'" l\!,111111' 11111111, I IKlt111, ,\ h.1lh,'.rl\IO "I fl $1 .:111:1,llllll u,·1 .11t111111l LINDA ISLE BAYFROMT I .. llt'Klll \'II'\\' ftltllt fi l11lt Ill, ;1 hath, j>l1tyl1Kllll .turk rm. tlt•11 Bout ,11p Nom $1.11011,000 llYSIDf, PUCE S)11'l IJ11111.11 h.1;, I 11111\ dpl' :! 111 . ;! h.1 ttp. :! 111 , :Z bu tin, ~ llrn41 "IN•t't•s H1'(lllwtl $1..11111,11011 FAIRIAMKS RANCH Nl•W I ur. -I • h .... l'USlOlll ~·l l'lll h Nu1111.u11h E.-:.l.tlt' I :! JJI llll\' .1l I I' h1lll11p $1,:!.•0.tllltl CORONADO CAYS C11ru11.1du bl.1ml l'U'I l1<1yfron1 lot li.1· hoi.1t lllll'k Plmu. av.111 No" $:1711,0011 '' 1t•111L' Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 8oy\1dp011ve N 8 t>7S t>lt>I YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES .Yes we hLivc fan~LI~ f111.1m·1ng l.'~ 1 1s a brand rww honw \'1•-. 1l's dost• l1 R1'1 £1111, Hru111 ltt S•I• !'_._~!!~.~._,.!.•.'! ....... ' Jl••m 111 l•I• ...............•...... ....•...........•..... 1~····················· P!!'. .. 1 ... t ........ !.~q~ ,.,,, .... I 024 !~~!~! ........... !.~~~ ~!.'!r.!! .!!~!~ ... !.~! * * * * * * * * * ...................... 11000 DDWI • IAYFllDIT * USTlll( 1.2 s 111111 ""' I''" 1 .•• " '"" tL•FfS llHAHI IOAT SUP I'll 1111111111 ,,.,,,,•It.... I 11l~L 1lf,1lt• .• ll• t I.I• y, .. , t ""'" ''" 1.11111 I 000 Su•oy •E·CN ''''"" .1 .. 111,, HI "•·11I1111• L(H ..... hfolllt lllil 'I"' lUI II 1111 I ffll '"' I •" • "''" 1.•ta ft •' "'' th 1ut1 t. •1111 Pl"'' , u 1111 It• .,., .... r .,, • ''''' 11 ''"'"I $411,SOOI 11111~ 1111.i , ·•I, •I A .~'"'J 11.11111 ,.11 1 r•, ;oflt.I t••"'' I 11 1 • '''"' m.111<111 1 Ill UAt UOA ( OVL .. 'I ,. I , , •,uo I .... , .. Ill h \:' ,. O(HI Wtll ,,.,,~., "'' I '"""""II.· 11.1\lo 0 111 N lhllll•lt!I I tit '•·Ill ll'tl W1•1111t•1111111 I ltotllllll 111111 ··~· h·U 0 111 UAH y I •1 I 11111h• • II I , l•c< Xl11t I•--------· h I ..... fl fl•..,, t; ,.,HI ART GIOYIMETTI 111111i1v .. ,.11, "' c.1 ,,, ,.,,1 RULTOft OWHR lout <1 OWt S Ill 000 •1&0-1117• 1lw11 ''"'"""~ 101111~ '·--------·1 '•'•' !10 1 111 • * * *. * *. J 3 IDllM HIE CHATHAM $17,100. MO DOWN Yl 1111 ot Ter11u. MODEL AT 12%1 lloy McCar•le, Rltr. 'uo1111 1 1>11 lJ111vt<r~11y Prnh· ul ow11111 ~11111.1 1 .. nuly 141-1721 low11 {.11111111 c;o1umh111 I ll(l1111 •' [lu 111111111 ""'" ---------·1 Hqu.111• Uuoll IOCIJllOll '""''"""' 1mll •1rhuul~ f 11d 111111 ovotl ooll.k No·wt 11 I ll1•1ql1I ulot1•1 "J f Ir I 11 o llltl 1 '" 1j1l1 t1ljll '.0 , I II 111 IOI $IM (l()I) ~tt1 f •-.iUtf,I J\Od f\V•I .. 4!j '1114 I 1111 h Nt•Wl>W I 11 .. 10111 ... oll.ltir "' U• I U<1 tJbt '"" t1111111J11. 'JO • 1 t 7 n I IOI SH•~ OIJO t1(t t *J1Utlit An1t A\lt• ""ll 1,04 1 1111 (; 0111,, RHI Ealllt Hou11• u.,.,.,,,," ......................••......•.•••••••••••• !~!~!'!!.~!!t!!!r.~~ .. ¥!!'.~~~~·········'·~!f 2 I '°"~·PLIHS fl11t"' I 11 11 h \ 111t1• I IHI 111111• priul '"""' ' '""I-Utlll tml1 .. 11 ,,.,., II• 011•.111· 11Jo Ow our "'""" •h d •,utuulf 110 ""'' l'°GlH HAL TY 111-2311 1111 .. 111v11 c u~ll flow w11ii. 'll11•lho 1111 to111.-r •hit II 11111111m1 ttll 1111 NNN 011 J tr lpll ,,,., 1 ..... , ... 1 Jll 111' 1111 Ill 11 f111m1• l;jo t;u lot <;,111 c.lo••• 1111~ yo S6Gfl 000 fit,11 k y B11nh1 A Willo~ MIJ 10:10 r 01 '111 w/unohsh u~ Ivel Vt4•W Will 1to1JC..t111 .. "' vwi.111111111 10 111uvllh• rno~ 1011 lJIHlttftl" 1111 l(/fjjl HOMES FOR RENT •lllVINf • \1'·11 • ltUI~ I or A( II• s /(II) •ANAll[IM* \700 • Cllll IJllFN • HHlll Ualut•l•lt" •••HI IJ•l11al1•d .........•............•.....•••.•....•••.••. f !.'!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~. ~!.'!t~!!.!!~!~ •. !.~~? I 11• l 61 J 111 V1U11 • 1 UAll~IU\111 4 hll w l c.1 .. d1 luwnlk>U... IMUll l'C)Ol 111 me. C..At~YUI# 6 I. 111111• Olld UOll S:J'100/1111.1 y1 ly lttlt h11,111fll11I VIHW (II l.tf'ltt. A 1"44 lfHIJ' lo/ J fllll f •tro• llTIO lll'11l /111t1 7\;11 804'1 Ill UI I CUNl>0'1 r wu 1 fl• ., fh• 111,.. lf••ltl I u•.t hit-I IH qu1"t """" 11111u,lo \jt~•·1tl>dl ';tovuthu~" 11 .. w t11111 l: u inm 1ioot 111 L ll1.iJ1I ~Ill 1.1111\ 7f,Q II()/!. h '"'"'" \;/';, 1004' Ulutl~ Jfl• 'I f ... 1.UllV(• 'I A1 'l 011 ((llll)U NI w ""'<H lHI f 11lll 11l1 t '"QI• (JollfrJ 7GO 11~1¥4 w1.111 tonU tJhl ll•JlllR!' Poul S•11•, tnl( l(IWllV" tlVtjll "' ... o FOR L'E•11 t;;o,t•I Pl,•lil SllOOln1t1 11 AVllll 1111"' f I l4d (,11J~011 n11tM.1" !l!l!J 'J400 ,j 11111111 ? '. IHI 0•1•1 llOlfll• Wllll IJOOI jJrOI IU J 11t1Hh•l111j All fltlW <II; !'!!!, 11!~! ..••••.. ~~! pll.H1'1'\ ll1irbo1 lsl11nd Surim 1 fl,1 Villa A() s 160<1 llH) t Yt•hr c.•1u1ryt11 111111(111 11111 11'••'•'' ti••lf•<l S.<4?!1 /mo !l7111100 1Jt1l<.1•u"J fnlllUlt•!> IU bl!JLh 6 TRY LOW, LOW DOWM fll••lllllJl'll llt!lhly VIJii'•' '''""'•'A'"''' buy .it N1•111.i11pot1 1t11ryb& ~o 1lo••! $t39'l00 \I 1!1 600 uc t 10 ~1' <.1.111kt r1111.1 ? R\11111 tl1>11 I EDUCED $200,000 l $10 ooo trnll t. f'J. t.0-011 fl.II d1<l111I~ VILLAGE INVESTMENTS t;l'j :n iJ 'll>b 0'•'•0 1111or " o t).1 Vt•f1~J()f\ t ovuly J bd :i br1 rmn 11ornl r rtJI f c•r mul 0111 0 J 01 Wf'~tc1111 avail now Rm Dl•n Av.111 1 11113 S tOOO tcurry rrecterrck SG•l !lll~"1'Ju 115!>·?473 JQt 6'.l t t?66 0 1 b41i· 7 17 I l ' U ol ~ I I I! • 0 0 0 THE REAL ESTATERS h44 70/0 LlllGO RHL ESTATE 3 IDRll STHLI PICTURESQUE un uOl f <..OUHS C A•,. •&C( aay l>vni.o 10'• 11ll l1y $!i000 • • 1Jw11 l l()UIOA 1 ION .ii EOUlSTlllH ESTATE $ ll!i C)()() <...111 llA IRtCK Large 111mbh11g counlry lENOAC: oJCll 6J I 1261) ~5Z3 CAM"'5J>a·lltVlflE home wolh panoramic ---------•I view 01 lht• Ba(;k B<1y 12% flllD HU IY OWNER Npwpor l Ct1nt1H and LOW UOWN · HI,• 11\1oum llil TO 3 much mo .. -F .. c11t11e~ 101 s 127 000 t.J1 ~·ngte 1am1ly home " :.mo.111 h1•111 or nor~1.>~ Aroucro PntCC JBR Frplc npw c;p1$ drps, Jt '""" lo 8.1clo. Buy OWN(R p11111I & ot>mod IUICh Ly11 lrdtlS 979· IO'lO corm I IOI In lhll Willows n,ck Altlt>relli: Blo.r Nr schls p.irkb & ~hops (l 14)'731-UU No ;w;oc.. l1.1ei. $ t29; DANDY 4 PLEX soo !>!>t -32011 -A-RARE FIND! 0Wllll~l~~5~~~1~~~bttlOW f!I.'!'!~.!.'!.~~ .•. !.~~~ UIC ~ANVON CUSTOM 011 volt c.our\o 20•. 1J11 V<11;t111I 111w w 1my11mo 1101 $I 09" 000 C.73 11.61 bl 71>0 LIDO ISLE IY OWHll J 81 1600 sq II sgl Sly hOtll\I 011 ovt11~11ed IOI. J I Qu1rl t:.1~1 ond ot island Sunny So potoo Fe<-hi le $375 000 20% down ow11er l 1nanc1ng 673-40G3 OPEN SAllSUN I !'! 142 VIA lJNOINC Su CJ1a111t1 1016 ..•..............•.••• IMCRlDllU TERMS frldfl1 Ho•• • • !.~!t. • • ••• • • • !.~~! 1 _<_1A1_G~_t1_T •_!_;}_F~-~_0_ Hu11tla1toa wkdyt. S48 51X>ll BAYFRONT PRIME MOOILC HOMl PARK 11 t ~ ..... *"••II !.i "' tt " + :11.ultlt111111.,f ,If II ~ $:t I 111,111111 Cott Rtalty a lnvestm111t Co • 4 Br CdM S900 ? 61 Ip Bal Pen $600 I U1 bayfro111 $900 ;I Br o¢11lrfll $1100 JACOIS llHL TY PROP MHAIEMHT 515·1113 ''"" 3240 ............••........ CLOSE TO BEACH B1ontJ new 3 St 2' • Bo w/pflY wndPCk LOIS ol wl)O(I Skytoghl5. butlltni., and lrpl•All utll pd Dbl cm gar Cn1ld OK Drove l•IHI b v 9 2 t At a b am a , , J 3201 536-7979 •••. ~'!!~!!'.! •••••••••• Sh rp 3 br 2 ba 2 car On lhe Pom1 2 Br I Ba goragt: lnwned avall ~putious . comlor I . 16042 Wamm(Ed1nge1 & \1000/mo Ref 's req Botsa Chica) $795 inc.I 675·5030 water 8 gardener Nf'W 4 br F-R din rm 3 D u 11 g e r & A s s o c 1p1c ·s1soo mo 10 mo 7·<>7ot l••d. Ptn. FURNISHED or unlur· r11'>h~d 2 mos m1n1mum renl<1I Excel 1oca11on S 15001 mo Owner 6U·9513 LB•O lam1ly nome 4 br 2 ba 1501 Serenade Terr Irvine Tert lmmtid evatl S 1000 including water & gardtiner Oungor & As· soc 957 070' Hurbo1 V,.;w Homeb. 3 bd 2 ba lovely home, p001. garlJener S 1200/mo Avail 1115·83 646-8646 tht' surf & :.and Yl•s yuu l'arl ni11,·1• 111 w .11t1r11 on1 3 Bdrm 3 B.i ""' n111rko1 price 1 rte OWMU TRHSFERRED ~ <> Dctrm 1ncomu untll comPW~ shows dt>t11111e Musi bUlll S11ualcd on a Owt1111 S unt1 olturs IOr· p11d1> ol UIYllUl~hllJ II IS O•J~sy 1\11011 on Laguna mal 01111119 t1ugn pr1110, I u~trtim111y wull maontttl Hills ttl1s 2 t1drn1 & con· 5uper'111ew and it pr1v.11t1 ""d n1•ntn1~ dcrmrnd top vur llblll de11 condo nas tloc~' Well procell at I OullJ1 t111;ludt'~ 5 qa a11 unobstructed view of $550.0001 C.ill now lor 1 .igus L1111 now. wor• t C.lly llghl$ & Saddloback 28r. 2Ba. ocr1 view $133,900 545·991 I Agent 673-9060 Sh 2 Bo 2 B..i. vacant. ---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim __ _ fut: Christmas Yi•:. 11':-. 1n Coron;1 th•I C d 1 ,,, 3222 $5 o ask tor Ke11h FOR LEASE Mar. Don't dL•lay l'all Tim Rhone tod;1y 720-1263 1--~~~~~!:--1.!!!!'.'. .. ~ •.• !!....... 962-447 t. 968-9853 Sin J~1n . Avail now 3 St. So ot 3Br. 200. dbl gornge. •Int C1~11t11ao 1018 /tlounl.,n1 0111111 Hwy .Good locahon Call area A11a11 now $695 trnmod1ete possession on lhos spacious 2BR. 2' 1BA split level widen & lobr11ry Protessoonally decora1E1d on neu1ral 1ones Behind guard gate 131-1211 $5000 o~~,:·~·,;;·2 ·9~· Rtiort 2400 Di.ino s42.3442 mo 962 7940 COVO!t!d puho. vaulted ~~i1~··0·:(:,·t·~;~.·;,;~; 2 lloch leach OPH HDUSE dppo1n1mu111• 646-7171 last 546·2313 $ t0'1 999 R&'M~ of Costa Mesa THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATS:RS PRICE SUSMED on tht's.i 3 bu11dable lots "".l11tt1ng plans Permits ti:Jdy t o be pulled s 149 950 ceolongs comm1y pool cc Plan 300 golf. lake/ 2 bdrm. 1 ba 5650 419 RE•T TO ow• $117,SOO Call •97-16!>7 min vu Sl89K $100 BS· OrcnodAvc No pets Call w /oc eon vtew $2.500/mo Maureen While 644·6200 S I" L ' 1016 su"' PP 71411!55· 4151 Paul 720-054 t Nr;ao beach shopping. OU ••lltll schools 3 Br 2 Ba lo· •••••••• ~............ T.AYEllM IAY CHARMING 2 Br. 1 ea m11y rmlcounlry kitchen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~J~~ QVPI.£, By owner Cornt.'r IOI Jbr 1ba 6 2brl2bll unols I 568:.K d~l.umaDle 172K rsr TO owe 2nd TO 3 lfDttOOll FAMILY ROOll ----1~rft'.'.r :\.,~K!i•'-~ Musi sell lg 4Br. den. ~J1fAIJ.. trg rms beam ceil. blks tmmed ,occupancy Sat/ Isle ocn voew 499-1948 5 B• 3 Ba Guest l1ouse flJ ITC"n--$~~-Hl--+~IA-1-4-828 t NOflhpofl NEWPORT HEIGHTS Prl'SChool m exc-C'llt•tll lo<:at1on un larg<· R2 lot across from l'Xl~t1ng t·lt'llll•111ar~ school. Sall.~ prn:<· has bl:<'n n.•dun•u .rnd ~1·lkr will help f1n.int·1· This 1s .1 grt·Jl opporLuniLy for buildl•r:. ~hu m1ghl want to rl'furb1sh or burld 1ww units Com1..· l)y 01x.-n lloust• S<tl 1·4 at I 525 Santa Ann A Vl'. Co ... w Ml's..• Eil111 Artukowich Realty 720-0332 LHST ElPHSIYE: :1 Bdr m 2 ba 1.·11ntlu 111 an·a. Close• to Su Coast PIJ7a. $8000 under mkt. Gn·at tt·rms 1 lurry un this 011('. LEAST ElPEMSIYE: 4 Bdrm home· 1n M<·sa Verde Nin• family hvml' gn·;1t r~omily area. LUXURY COHO: :\ Bdrm. '.l '·: b<i. <:entr<il vac. wet bar. m1 <.TCJW<iVt•. d1!:>hWL1sher, gas BBQ. 2 l'.tr J;:ttrag1.· w il'll'<' opcm·r Frpk. stl'rc·o int<.·n·om Xlnl tt•rms A real bargain at only $1 '.lti.900 Call St1.·vt.· Arndt at 546-2313 VIEW . COROH DEL MAii HCI HY FARM MOUSE 752-9466 I CotoH dtl Mu I 022 ...................... JASMIME CREEi 2 Dc:Jrm 2 l.Ja den p,,. cec:J under m;irl<,.1 "' $27:> 000 Owner $eller n1ghly mo11vo1ed Owner has put<;ll3b8d J11olh1,;1 homt> anti must so.1c111oc.o 1111s 1ove1v honie IO(;.Hud 111 an excell11nt ..irr..i Bog loving room 1,1m1ly rnom country kol ctipn hH modC'rn) 3 big bf.'drooms & yard w•lh hu91· COVl'led patio w1lll 171 4104-1177 759 1666 ~pan•sh style lloors Lo ---------•I BY OWMER Aou1 1 condo 1us1 2 btoc~s trom B.1y on Oh.I Coron.., det Mar G1011nd 11001 unit <' tl(llfll 2 Da Du•ll 1n appl ... ntl'S Nici> cored on q111f!I cul·de· s.ic Call lor de1a11s 546·23 13 THE REAL ESTATERS pa110 Commun11v pool ~PJ and rec aoP~ $209 l•--------•I 000 no 116'3 2BA 2' 1BA Townl)ouse skyltghrs solar waler, LttO ISU HYFROllT Pre~hgoous island. lanr· as11c tocatton, you've n o'ard all lhe goop word5. now let us snow you J wa1e1tro111 home wolh 4 bdrms & 4 balhs thal has all me grace .& c harm o f whpl you d•lnlm about '° · Old Cape Cod" $2 200,000 E.<cnange tow do.,,n 3 Br voev. 1 m11e 10 ocea11. 2 2 Bl So ot PCH wlll CRI QlllR<jl' 1500 SQ ft trade equity for T D tenn1~. pool. tac CH t;ind uic 644·0995. $165 000 reduced $20. 111111 754 6505 000 By Owner Open Fu"'IY CL•SSIC. noose Sat Sun 12-spm " • 1099 Sea-Blull Or C M fu1#• 1010 ..•.••....••.•...•.... PRICED RHiHTI Oeco1a1or s dream 8 yr old 4 l><lrm home on ' 1 acre with lru1t Hees 10- cat ed on cul·de·sac Walk 10 park & 1enn1s Owner w•ll carry 2nd T 0 and pay some closong costs Owner says • Sell Now• .. Priced at $t5&, 500 Call now 979-5370 . l f >IL/ 111~. ,, J.4(Al f'f .oi. .,._nit ',l._,.tf\ll'', W11l•ia1111 1091 .•...•....••......•••• Trade equity on home, lor good mo1ornome and $5600 1.rm. 3 Br 1 •. BA, '22 x 36' pool In West· minster Bal $87 ,-000 $1290/mo eJ1ery1h1ng Estimated value SI 26. 000 Fully as5umable no qual Prv parly 898·5577 Pertec1Loca11on 17 141 6•6 8l90 or l' R fy 5 Odom 3 oath includes 6'46-1108 1do eal Otlltr '"' £11•11 rnaster suite & large fa· l•--------•I •••••••••••••••••••••• m111 rm and off-street TOP SHElr 3 Br 3 Ba 673-7300 /lldilt H••fl par~1ng IOr up.to 7 cars 1:::::~~~~~1 I'. SJ 1100 Only 5 c:Joors rrom en· E.<ecuto•e Townnome •• .'!..~.!••••••••••••• 1rance 10 Mam Beach lavish wallpaper G41pels •EWPORT IHCM Ne.;, on matkt>t al $575 & tile~ 2 frplcs large "'EWPORT llEl"'llTS 000 patoo w bDQ $172 500 " • Bet Atre Home llght Agen1 662 1700 3 Bdrm 2ba patio on lge 1nte11ors 2 l><lrm 1 Datn CALL 544-7211 FEE lot Terms lle11•ble 1ton1 lulcnen e•panded &lllAT (/SIDE LOC. St 85 000 Open Sat ltv d1nmg area Young 575-'44!14 tor inlo Adull~ & pets welcome NEWPORT BEACH S24 500 540-5937 Agt Fabulously designed home learured on Orange County Home & Garden Magazine S1eps 10 bay & ocean beaches F1nes1 crallsmansh1p 3 bdrms & 3 ba1hs $975,000 , Acre 101 v.olh ranch •M-...i161i;,;;,i.;,. Lovely 3 br 2 ba lam rm s1Cyh1es Ou.ck sate• Ownt'r 6•6·6115 $155.000 I s t & p ' I 0 b & a c h . 2BR house R·2 Lot NEWPORT-40 40 Mo· . 17141673-4400 lltJI Ul-2121 HARBOR sry le nome oak lloors loaded w111 anuque h•· 11.ires 2 !>IOry barn. large pool A KICK' $465 000 l "-!H.l lf 11{ ~f\ Realtors 675-6000 &RUT fl•D 3239 Broad St 642-7745 blle Mme w/Small yd NEW LISTIN,G EaSIS•de Big Canyon. _ McLeim' Ku. balll, hvmg rm, 1Br on Flowor S11ee1 • 3 Townhouse lull golf S7500 Some terms Bdrm hi11dwoo$1 lloors course voew 2 Br former ~61 812·•36_4 __ _ service.porch Huge mo<1el $40K below Jr.0•11tr •1a IOO back yard w r mature market S240,000 Pool, Conv Cos1~9 M~sa loc lrees Fully insutBled A tenn•~ 644>7424 Bkr ' Ou1et adult perk, space tulc lom1ly home tor S 148.500 Coll Dtane NEWPORT CREST rent S 115 I t bdrms Knight Lowest priceo 3 Br and attached cabana YILU MHDOZA 1•2 1200 Condo for quick sate. h1mlly room and storage Panoramic ocean and • close 10 pool & tennis Terms 545•60 10 dys, cny view lrom custom 4 Only$ t78,000 644-7424 546..:.:.~ eve~ __ bdrm nome Huge famo!)> Broker BY OWN-ER Irvine (The room with oak lloors and BY OWNER . LIGHT LJ'PA Grovesl 2 br/2 ba, dbl LOOK French door~ 1eadmg 10 REAL lrplc lor Christ· gar S69K Upgraded. targe private pa110 POOi mas lnv11e your froends gr n be 11 S 1 1 K d n For our new regular and spa Walk 10 provate l•--------•I lo an on1erta1ner 's 832·9199 weekly feature beaclJ' Owner w•ll lonan· dre;11n home 301 3Ba. I I ,. 2000 Boll SHOW-ce $1 250 000 Fee Hu11ti111lon wet bar European kll .• '!!~!'!! •• !~r.!06 ...... Open SallSun 12 to 5 IHtll 1040 blln Slereo pool etc. C.M. TRIPLEX CASE 40 7 Mendo za JOHN •••••••••••••••••••••• $299 500 S 11 Irvine 1171,IOO MURRAY Bk1 760-1817 Av' "!JL..S_56·4982 or1 E S • __ ,::.:.;;.~:.--1~--~-----LHDER REPO 646-081 t 833-9773 Assume 9 so~. ISi TD & very aturday on the OWC w/20% dwn Rent Daily Pilot Class1l1eds Cost• M~u 1024 lllE TO llACll Ltqu1da11on B•o-Ca~ sllould be l8K pr year MEW IAYFllOMT •••••• •••••••••••••••• Super llnanctng ava11a. Custom Reduced S200, -631 -7370: 549.3545 ASTOUHIH VIEW COSTA MESA DPLl! ble As tow ass-.. down ooo 10 s1.095,ooo 20'4 ALMOST MEW! Tnos home os only S•• years old and shows Ilka a model' Large floor plan• 3 Bdrm 2 Ba with lo1ma1 don•ng locat~d rn•nutes fr om South Coast P1aza1 Priced roghl at $135.000 • call ror Very luxuroous quality-VA terms 0 , assume 12.,. payment with low lnte· down On lhe goU COOi· Du•ll 3 Bdrm home sky· loan on this greal income rest Vacant 2 year old se Approx 5 000 sq II tote~ e"<tens1ve use ot property 2 Brdm 1 Da condo Tile root paho. Can Gerry or Chrrsla woods & ceramic tole Lrg 1:ach on large 101 Onli garagt loreptace 2 760 1397 673·776t bay5ode pa1IO overlooks S 14 }.000 Call today bolhs & larga maSler Sell th~S last wtth Dally pvt pier Grear 1n11es1-979.5370 bd1m Compare al S 109 Pilot Wont Ads mPnl opp I y S 1 . .?95 000 900 772· 7281 Motivated owner Call WALKER & LEER E D•on Scnmehr lor de· 1a11s 759·9100 appointment 6•6·7171 1a11mzm~;;;~ THE REAL ESTATERS '* NIW LISTING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Outstanding Portofmo on PEE land! Ex,c:c>llent family home fe:.iturlng a pn•m1um loc:at1on With l'XtcnSIVl' US<.· of USL'Cl brick. 3 BR's plus large' c:ovC'rt'<.l patio. Pri<:l'd for 1mm<•d 1a t l' salt• a t $3 15.0011 with I 0 1 ,._, assumable fanan1.'1ng" Call 759 I 50 I or 752. 1:n:i •HARBOR VIEW HILLS• Totally rC'modl'1Nl inside· & out this delightful ran1.·h styl<' homt• features 4 br. 2 frplcs. 3 rar garag<', <'JCt'an v 1t•w & lorgl' lot w/custom spa. Pr1ct•d to sell nt $34 0,00 0 Low Interest assumabl l' fina nt'ing Cnll 7~9-1 501 or 752-7:J7:\ llWPllT IUH IFPIOl .lf >-ILi 11~·1t RE.Alf r .\ n~ .. ...,t_<:,l~E~1'<\ EASTslDE CONDO 2 Br 2'' Ba 2 Mslr Suites w/v1ew decks Lrg patio, deck & garden $149. 900 Agt /Ownr Bob 646-5096. or. 646-6093 HSTSIDE NEW LISTING on Mag· nolla Ave Super 2 Bdrm w/lrplc and btg yard Onty $129.500 Mel Kid· die Realtor 642· 7658 The ta5'esl draw 1n tn.t wes1 a Dally P1101 Closs1lled Ad 642·5678 FOil SAU lllMT TO OWM N1181 bt>och snoppong. schools 3 Br 2 Ba la· moly rm/country kitchen fmmed occupancy $111/ Sun 1·4 . 8281 Northport tofl Adams eaa1 01 Beachl 848· 19S9 TWO IEHOOI 1•, ba 1wnnse. adu,IJ comm Walk to beach Tennis. pool. e~tra clean S 115 000 Owner 962·8•80 WANT ACTION? Ctasalfed Ads 64:.'·!l678 ,,.,,.1 1002 ,,.,,.} --1002 .••••..••••...........•••..••.........••••.• H [ S ~ A H I I I I I C A P I N I' I I I TfU.DI T 10\, \l. RI .\I n 2110 l1a Mlcatl lrlH · (114) llt-1111 (l14) lll·llll PHIMHU 1111,000 Supt:r bt•uch locntion p l 1.111 n charming 3 Btt homt• with wood floors & 1.•xtc1111ivc brirk work m ak('s this the outst11ndl11g buy in Balboo. C<J111plN<' With fa mily rn<im, out~ld\• dnck & :-o{'l hor. OLUAM I ._I--.-,. -.-I ......-ti ~ Uumptt' ll•C M.tlf on• "'"'V oh1 t•• WArnonQ Tl) M~kl' $111• ln~y S11ll WOik I l11t¥C• Wolh IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ..--,-~-R-1,-o-1R-r-1 -v-1-?-.;~00~.~= t.~~ •••·'. ~~···' ......... -.... __. . ._ .. __ ... __ J .. ..., :i:..'~ T. :.. :~: .. ~ 1.:. ~, y r I' r r r 1 !Jlliage Walk to provale ti7!>·9496 (oll Adams East ot dock .icross lr om Beaut P.llCC home 3br 2 Beachl 8"8 t959 t;each good all weatner ba Irvine Terrilce nf acc~·s~ now 111 l1111s111ng Fashion lsland/Nwp1 o; 1 age$ O a y s Cel'\ler $1250 673-1700 2131428-0600 Eves 2131886-3938 PARK CITY Ul AH Twnhse couao 3.b.r. 2' •bil ? yr!. Old S 186K Terms Lease back 547·6649 evs 979-8209 011 ol County •• !.~OJ!!!~ •••••• !.~~! SMOPPIH CHUI No San Diego Cly, 1r1ple net leases $200.000 IJwn Bk• 1·433 1723 $2000 dwn 3' Br 1 B<i.. g.ira90 bll·tns. new pa11il & 1001 Son Dimas 1oca- 11on Assume $70. 150 at 12•1, 30 yo s ll•ed 646·8844 R J E,1,1• Eas1s1de. resp adlls pre· I• "' lerred 2 Dr . 1 ba, ga. E•clvs•ve Weslchll VIiia. Dover Or, master suite w/lrptc + 2 Bdrms 2 Ba pool. 1acuzz1 etc S 1000/mo 673·3313 Exdlll•t 2100 , 8 9 e $ 6 2 5 I m 0 WOOOBAIOGE No 1 Wild ••••••••• ,............ 673·7544 IT OWHll ----Wheat 3 bdrm, 3 I.la, 2 2 E.r 1 Ba Collage car· car gar Family room $164 000 equity in com· pets drapes. small paho washer dryer Nr Asl'n ple1ely rebuilt Npt Hg ts $ 4 7 51 m 0 N 0 Pets pOOl spa tennis Avail s .. c1,.,.,, 1216 pool home to exchanne 1211 $945 •95 3018 " 540·4•84 _ _ mo .. • tor income properly Full ...................... Hott &ide ocean view 3 br conver1 den & maid's quarl&rs $2000/mo 213/449-2628 pt Ice S 2 6 5 0 0 0 E.slde 3 Br 2' >Ba duple11, GREENTREE·3Br :l'Ba 845-9554 encl paho & yard trplc, lrplc IOdry rm. commu· dDI garage. $775. tsl My pool, avo1I Dec 1!> IY OWMU $58 000 equity on luxu- rtous Broadmoor Hunt· mg1on Harbour lagoon 11on1 condo to excnange ror income property <f'ull p11 ce $199 ooo 6•5-9554 COUMTRY LIYIH No Catol 7 acres house F&C lor O C properly Cons mrtg to 520.000 855-1400 Laguna N•guel house & Roncho Calif acreac;ie tor Hawaii prop '496·7076 e.cnongollow down 3 Br 2 Ba So ol PCH . ..,.11 trade equ11y tor T 0 , land, e1c 644 -0995. 75•·6505 lllYIH TERR/FU COMFY 3 Br and t<1m rm oome French doors 1ow ISi 1 D • wan4 CdM du· plex Ownt111Brokl'r 759· 1877 IHI l •l•lt WHIH 2900 Looking t or ho"1a tn Newport Beach Pronto· pats ooly Call 760.0962 E•ecullve t>e•no tr ansler· red 10 u 1gvna Beach area 1000 Wants lo buy modern nome wtocean v1&w & easy access to bl'ilCh Call 6021991 -7822 e~•s & wkndt ,,,,,,1, .•..•.....•.••.....•.. H111" f•r•i•h' ...................... l1Jllo1 /dud 3101 ...................... htOltlH fa•llr tr t,ltare• 1111t1I, 4 Ir. ,., •• , 411111 ,., ti• r•, •u, JY• II,. 2 tr,tc'a, 2 111•Hh, I ~ .. t •0011. le/Yrlr. Prlco u1•tl•"•· lrl•o ~J 202 I. ler- frut. IU-1111 tr 113-HOI. rast & sec 631-8283 S800 mo 551·6209 or 551·4756 Clean 2 BR I Ba. encl gar . pY1 yard. no pets $495 Near n-. 1mmac highly mo 548-6680 upgraded delacned -------home on Woodb11dge 2 SllS Br & den atrium w/ spa. SUPER 3 Bdrm 1·~ oa m:i1n1enance trrt., yrd nome, close to schools Lake, pools Tennis and beach 546·5605 $1000/mo 975·3972 Evf.'!I 675-1558 3 Br 1 > ba. d/w cpl'g, $600/mo 1948 Anaheim Unl11 Park 3 Br 2"'• Ba. 2 Ave Costa Mesa car gar. 1950 s I . 1 yr lease $845 644·7220, $465 2 Br 1 ba. lfplc, 1AO 549·8755 Cabrillo 673-7787 f~l.0;!~.~! ... '.t . .!.~~! .... Yer•• Villa EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 s .. 1 ... ••• ~~f!!!':·.~! •••• !.~~! AVAILABLE NOW $525 lmmacutale 2 Od condo, 011 e111ras. pool. 2-k1ds OK. no"'aogs 8!l r=9303 Of 240-6019 Sul• Aa1 3210 •..•••.•..••.•....•... Sharp 2 br, ,., ba. den. covered patio Warner/ Rene area Lease/option evatl Agl CO·OP $695 mcl water & gardener Dunger 4 A ssoc 9S7-0701 2 Br Condo, 1 Ba Lease Bo lrplc, brick patio, Soulll L••••• 3216 $5.95/mo Avail Dec with spa S 1600/mo ••••••••"'•••••••••••• 151h 631· 1266 675-3067 Lease op11on 3000 sq ft Galed 119'1t, 1enn1s courls. ocean view S7000 mo 551·821S Mcidern 3 Br 2 '• Ba 2 Br. den. 2 ba. lrplc. d/w, w e s 1 s 1 d e h o u s e microwave. 1rash comp, $795/mo 63 t-3566 01 spacious wood decks 720-4152 180 oceon/cyn views C••'••iai .. , Ea;ls1de-381 2';-e;-Sl lSO/mo 49~6 -Uala1ai1i" JfZS prnrale paloo w/S{Ja. tncd 2 Br 1 Ba + sludlo •••••••••••••••••••••• backyd. remo<l k11chen. $750/mo Call 494·!>841 IEWPHT TERUCE 2 car garage S950fmo alt 6 or wknds 3 bdrm. 2'n ba condo 27 1st last & sec 646-3532 Vicior•a BeachOCtan Sand Dollar Cl H1ghl)I -F&llU lllME side. 3 Br 2 ea. 1rp1c upgraded w/sml patio 4 Br 2 Ba. encl pauo, 494·•63t. 49~4 ~:~~~e;~!~e'c~~~· lrplc. 2 car gar119e. No L•'l,HI lli•HI 3ZSZ pool, sauna jac No lse, C M tocatoon $850/mo •• •••••••'••••••••••• no pets Avail O.c 1st 631-7370 ~SI< 10< Jim ~ Br den, family rm $700 mo 2 13·433-0502 $875/mo & seouroly Op-Eas1s1de 2 br. 1 ba house. hon 10 buy 831·7343 (He. 1 llr• C.11•t c•pts drps, 1mmed avail ,.._ P __ ,. $495 mo Dunger & As· L•kt F1111I 3ZSS V<'n, oot. tac ....... urlly soc 957•0701 •••••••••••••••••••••• gate Close lo So Cst --------E11ec 3 bd 2ba, lrg ytd. Plaza 1 Y' lse $450 mo New carpel F1teplece. Kid:;, Pets OK $595/mo 54!>-759_5 _____ _ wood beam celllng 645·7220 Nr So Coast Plau. Easts1de, very cozy $595 a Sharp oar 1 •, ~a. pool no pels 631·0921 f.'!!t!!!.!!~!~ ••• !.~~! and racuul. 2 car gar. SIPER RICM Super speclal 2 br. 211i bo patio S6251mo Kids 3 Landlord needs big 1ax condo. lolt-rype den w/ pets o1i 556·8t47 wr11eot1•.Sez "Rent this 4 wel bar, lrplc, open br, 3•, ba. custom pool beamed celllngs. maf\)' A•11l•••l1 f.,aJ1A" hOf"'O Gourmet Kit, elltras $895/mo. •,.•••••••••••••••••••• Formal dining, designer 848-74S2 or 841·2880 l1IN• decor thrvout Na1ural 5P1c 3 br 2'~ ba very leaiaHll 3101 rock lrpl secluded tncd ctaan twnhse, pool. l<>g· 9;..·.;·;RO,:TAGE••••••• yrd Very easy 'mov•ln' Ing etc $800/mo Agl • beach, $350 under markel Agt. ~44.'t440 pier, prkg, 2br. $800 1br 537·9740 chg _ $600 UllL pd 303 E -2 61 collage. Newport Edgewater 1/871·2866 361. 36a. bl-level, pvt Helghla. lrplc redwood Small iBR apt, new crpt. yard. lrplc. new or S C decks, brtck wall•s. woo· dips s425 Plazo $850 851·9990 ded, gar S750/mo Avail 675-5068 N t '-' t 2 b t b 1·1·83 645 6625 ----wp ng s. r, a. 2 Br 1 Ba. furn , no g;, yr ad. new ctpt. w•ler pd IAYFllllT Yearly $650/mo Plu1 ~~9~16o~~~i:Perle Ln Lg nee nome. spec19. dep & v11t No pera ------• cuter o/oew lmmed occu· S t e p s t o b a a ch c., .. , ''' "" JIZZ Noce 3 bd 2 bA w/pOOI panty S2000 mo yrly 675·5069 •••••••••••••••••••••• yrd. xtrs $775. 111 & Lei. 6i 5·7673 __ C•t••• ,-,-1-.-.-,--,-,-,-, so ol hwy Gl11morouf Refs 642-7326 Btulls condo. 3 Br. 2.~ ea •••••••••••••••••••••• 1Br condo Frplc. peuo 2 Bdrm 1400 plu1 ulll 1orma1 din rm, fam rm, Be•ulllul aunset, d~or•· pool 08' s7sotmo Av All 1111/last & $100 cleaning encl patio commty pool tor t urn a PI Fr PI Doc 31. 6U 7211 Agt 642·4085 s 1150 6H ·0335 alt S0951mo 673-0896 C.,t• #"• JI 14 • Bdrm. 3ba. Uv rm. lam Spm --• ••• • • • ••• •• •• •• • • •• • • rm. r""' tm . ..,..aft 111.\..,,, OABO T SLIP-C••I• llfll 31Zf 4 8r 2bo. lge bOnu; rm. '"" .,..., " " 34 MOT A •• .r •• •• •• •• • •••• • •••• 0.,, E aide $gso, call walk to bCh Ideal tor 3 3 8r 2•, es. security ~urn 1 bdfM aptll $385 5,.8 s155 lharlng $960/mo gales , $ 1200 PP and up Enc giltragu G4S 6t60 759·0588 2110 NeWJ)Ort Blvd CM !'."!r.!!.f1~!~ ••• /.'.ff SS 10/mo New carpel. OLUrFS 4 er 2•, 8111 •tr•t s4a.49N 8y Owner 3 er 3 ea nicely new drept1, 2 car Oil· S950tmo • furnllhod w/1nllquea rage. close to the park. 760 067~ Pool lllrl)t enlar\aln· g11rd1ner lncld ·' ILIFFI (Tlenl Do11er Shorea arH 622 Cenl81 St - 6 mo or more TSL la•t H2·110a 3 bd, 2'" ba. 2000 tq ft $1950/mo 842-428:1 01 -Nr pool+ 141nnl1 club 650-31113 2 Ir 2 Ba lu.11111y IO'#n-S 1000/mo 640·2304 ., ...... ALL UTILITIES PAID Adorable CllPt CO<I atyle 2 br houae •, blk from bch wioar•ge. off·at pile 0 ptllO, no p1t11 646·83~6. e~ 5224 • house. IPICIOVI open c;elllng. 2 car gartoe w/ elec door opener S650tmo Oon &82· t700 Compar• belor• you rent Cu11om Oeelgn t111111r•1 Pool, bbq, cov rd g•r•oe. tuuoun a h*H•, llA H <led w1th ptuatt 19"dtc .. pool ~· R.irlQ, wun I ping HO 1>111 dry 17SO ... 2.•oe 1 8R Furn 16 1& 2 Ir 2 It P !IOlmo 36' W Wttton 842 11~ 3 er ~1~ ea lt601mo 1375 mo 0 111 l'l'IObll• 3 8r 2 Ba l1IOOlmo nom• No DIM• .....,. . j LIDO ISLE -3 1><1rm. 2 Oa len\tm I t700 mo 8111 Orunav Rllr '75·11'1 I• 7 SIMO plus ••curlly dtpH ll, 2 I r hou ... P•ln1eo & c1rpt1ed Aal'I req. 2033 Wall.ct r: ,. d T. n 0,.. • 0 I IOulll 0\1111' lec\1,.,-~~ .. 4131 12&8 Of 831·'71, 1991 Newpol1 ...... ,,i 175·0938 ---- ·-- ' Qt lllUO Cu I DAI~ y Pt LO r n tldtav. Doc mbtir 3, 1982 ('I I fessimtal S~ice D~ary ~ ~!;.~~!e!ou~~r IOI I 30 d1y Id Ill '"° IAILY PILIT HHIOE llHOTIRY DO IT NOWI Ask fer S11tlr1 Vour Dally Pilot Service 011ectory Aepresen1111ve IU-Hll, trt. SU ~.'P..!1!.~I ........... f!!!!~!I.~~~!!~!! •••• --: ~!!!!~1!!.I. .••••••••.•• I ovono c:••• '°' C:llol0111n in Cement·MH on•y·81<>Clc l l(.i D rLlC 110<..tAN my lrvln• Hom• Full OI Walls Cull wori. Lia Ouul wt><~/llff" ••••• P•ll·lln~ 55?·4203 •381057 Rot> 547-21183 rrN •II 63 t ~012 ..,,,, ,,,,.,,.,.,,; Ctll•lt "'' l(CtnlCIAN Stti-ltl •• •• •• •••• ••• •••• •• • •• Sml )ob•lfl11po1111 Lie •••••••••••••••••••••• CoramlC Tll11 lnllolloO, II :l3J 106 c 1() 5<18·5?03 f'1borgl1 1>oat repair Ver-I YP•• Aet• Cu atom. • nlah. point & mo111t Prot, Commurc111t Davo ~ roos, 66t·8787 oll 5pm 640·2062 \ · ~· 1· 1 .1 c•J1' c.,, r c., ... ,,. . .................... . •••'"••••'••••••••••••• Loving Child Care 111 my Remod /Repairs Lo rates licensed no me Ne11r Deck•, p1t1oa. lenc:N High Sehl. Dano Pt F'ree est Steve 752-9556 496·3410 TOP OU AU TY WORK AT REAS RATfS l1c'd Joel 5•1·•~2$ EXPEA c arp•nter doea Child Care, my home, lull Pt ol work al 11nbf!AJlObl1L add'ns. remod. decks or pl/lime Nwpt Shores rates All work guar No Skylights & 11p11rs Free erea Rel$ 548·8164 !Ob 100 eml 673-3558 c1 ••• , .. hnltt• . . •••••••A••••••••••••• f•t•l~'/.11J1 OSI Dan. 84 1·45112 ~~~~~~------• , ,/ • Doors Installed, tvery· ~'.!.'~!~!t.~!!'.~!!~• thing In blOg & repalr 3.5 SLIDING GLASS DOORS yrs ••P•! Reis Jerry 1ns1e11eo1 Aemod. adO'ns 546-44 13 & concrete Loe 361681 lmmed siorm repair Joe 892· 1327 • work. PonOleton Conslt SP&alLI PUITY r~~;~~;11 ·;~·;;·~·~;·;1~ Cleaning Service Cle11n· kinds Prompt • Repso· llness IS ne.1 to GoOh· nab le cost 6" 2-9125, ness 6"2·8809 642-274 1 !'.~~1!'!~!' ••.•••.•.•.. (;ur I'"'"' 'I' M t Olll'( Ru<1l1111) Ptumt)111µ C>t ywall fllu<;c;q \ 11141 ll1•m11oe1 J 6 G•O. 09110 P111111tnq C8tl)ll111ty (;t•11111111; Tilt Lic:'d f, 6cmued GU 4798 •vt1t HOMf CAR Af PAIR, 1.1111111 . y111d Free hllul F10ol,li&I 1~ !-4348 ***WINO OAMAGC? AttQilnt tnt mo<l No JOO IOU 11111111 .... , Htllic. rite H t Kllilh 6•8-<1672 Pt'f 11'ncod 1111....--home rep111rs Aea'Ona· le No IOI> IOO small 50·3099 eves. Orion .. ~~!~·.c ............ : Ot,tMP JOOS & Small Moving Joi>• Call Mll\E 646~91 HAULING.GRADING AEMOO SPECIALIST JG Allen lie 202752 839·6297 Uc. B 1425205 REMODEL/RE~ Stores. offices. homes. C1•lt1d111 0.Ht1l ···········'·········· None 2 big. none 2 small. Q d . don1ollllon. clean·up, .!!.! ... ~ .. , •••••••••••• Concrete & tree removal Bonoed <194-1810 From A to Z we do It all 714-675-9436 Ile <125781 WAY COISTUOTIOI lie • <120802 Plana Fonenclng Available 142-1200 · S----apts Bldg renovatton. ~~'!!!!" •• !!!!!!.... code correc:tiona, etc 20 50% OFF FIRST MONTH Y" on area Bonded. ins Dependable. allordable. Lie 191801 Palombo e~sen11el A nswering Constr. 962-8314 service , secretar1a1 &. BOAT DOCK REPAIR & bus1ne11 services, mail Gen Carpentry 20 yrs HOMi; IMPROVEMENT l>o' rental. word proces· c h a r A e n o v a t 1 70 All TRADES sing Telex-Facstmile. 645-3749 AEMODEL/ADD'NS order entry, pagers-lease 641·8967 l>uy, desk space ren1al. Ci 1 S , 1---------'--1 ANSWER NETWORK .!!1!. •• !f!!!!•••••••• C Ill WIH i ' 631·9131 task for A.V.J No Steam/No Sh1mpoo .!. ••• ~ •••••• !~~.~~f. A,.11,11 Stain Speclellst. Fast CUSTOM ••'"••••••••••••••••••• dry Free est 839• 1582 Cal>lnets-Pullmans-ears Drlvawfys, Parking. Loi Shampoo & steam clean Wall Units. 642-0881 Repairs. Sealcoatong. Color t>rlghteners. whl S&S Asphll 631-4199llc crpts -10 mtn bleach TIEES Oulc;k serv 642-7638 Topped/removed Clean LIGHT HAULING up, lawn renov 751-3476 & CLEAN-UPS Free e" 8<12·2857 UlllHIH WHTH HAULING-slu<lent w/lge Mowong. edging, raking, Lruck, aama lo rates aweeorng Free &SH · Thenk you 759 -1976 males 645·5737 John Lawn service lrom S t8 Tree iamov . clean-up, mo YO clean-ups, wee· hauhng lmmed servtce. ~6~?1o~3ee work Ken 642·3126, 6"2-5369 - ---Christian will do clean K&D Landscape Maint ups, hauling, tree trim & Rf1s1d/Comm Cleon-up yd work 860·9844 Sp1onkler sys 548-2489 --- SAM FUKUMOTO'S HAULING. TREE REMO· VAL & CLEANUP Gar den1ng. clean ups. 549. 7406 maont , tree t11m, sml ------ '!. .. '!!.£'.~'..~~~~l.t.t •.•• !~~!!!~'.'!~I ......... . C,1J1'1 ICll f'IOfltly pe11or1C1I llOU!:i{.Stl I INCJ Oil Wt't•k .. 11dt rt lllt\I C6uf;ll8 ltV•ltttbi41 e.!i 1 U'l/O tu1 hw..us1111no 110111 Jun H I · t'i Af11ll 1:. 1983 Ootll • .'."!! ••• ~!!~ .•....•• 1 non a mo"ure no11 P111ntonp plum1>111g. "~. ll111lku11 A n1v11 il greon d1ywel1 111• catpm1try thumb f or 1r11vc11lll11t1y Murk 6•6·11116 111 64? <164 I 'tic;Ll'INO ljANDS" l'rotq,.11011111 Cvutikl wmot Vou nnmo 11, w11'll do 111 HI hOu~• 1111, np c;h11rgo. Cd & Oobbt ?40·0276, :?4 p1 eter Joug ttrm. -•111 h11 rul'6 633·2 mo ITOlll IAllAIU c11rl)Ofl1ty. m&•onoy 1n1/ eat...Oooo 1eli 67~·2348 24 hrs ~~~~~!~~~!~'········ llOllEWlll WlltEI JHil1ti1I ..••.................• COMM'L. JANITORIAL &. CA8.P£l CL£ANINO ~·· Clran1no Sorv1eo LIC; Bonoed 963-5474 f!!.~~~~!''·········· Custom Decks • Mesonry & e&Ho Cov•1• Ala~ f'ree 951 Gene 539-4078 High qu&llly llousewo•k E>Cper1e11ced, depend&· ll11oatl ble honest lntethgent ••••••• •••••••• ••• ••• meticulous, i1exlble I am BRICKWORK. Smnll Jobs t h e b e 6 1 p h 0 n e Newport. Costa Musa. 673·7012 11l1er 6 PM Irvine Reis 675·317& w9etidoy' All day Sotur-Btock/Brtek Walla, Con. day and Sunday crate Very 1eas llo'd HOUSECLEANING Good Bob 673-;367 t53G-9906 refs Tranap011a11on E1t· Custom Orick·Stone pa< o 9711·9756 Block·Concrele·Stucco Houseclo1n1ng. reliable Auls Free est 549-9492 rel Own 11ansp Rea' BRICK WORK 880's , YOLANDA 642-0405 llrepla..c;es. p l anters Ouohty Housecleaning A~s !ree ~ ~6-~64_ 6y 2 ambllfous females, llivi•-f 960-4637 960.5289 ••••••••••••••••••••• Housecleaning tor the Holodaysl Good rets Chits 631·0893 at1 3 Cieanmg. No Job too big or small Exp, rehabl11. rets. $6/hr 957-3341 *A· 1 llOYIH * Top quallly 25 yr qxp Competitive raios No overiime 730· 1353 ·ABC MOVING· Oulek. Careful Service r~!~!!~I ............. . Piii PAllTlll .t>y fhchu1 d Sinor l It ,80 44 13 y1-. OI h PPV IOI j l <.U~IOOllJI' r11w11i. you 631·4<1 tO l'AINICA NCCOS WOAKI 30 yta "•f; lnl/ t!AI ACOUSll<. Cr•lltng• l.K. 361l780 r 101 '" u .1vi1 F'oi11tu111 8• f 8<1;12 001 1~10 Pninuno l>PllG lllH S1 t> pr 011y l)illll 111111efi•la 673-5370 WROPtAN PAINTCAS Al)t & home, 1n1 A e•1 rtc11 oi:t lt46 83411 Cl\IS Lowu111 rates• Protnpl neat p1ol11u1onal1 t& Yll e•p 6:J6·7149 . ,, .. ,; .. .. , .•.. ,,. ...•......... Forthmg lolerror Oes1gn HANGING/STRIPPING Vklo MC Sco11 6"5·9325 ( 1tpert wallcovenng in· stollotoo'n Reas Consul- tant As11gnm t 581 ·8590 l•tio Cov1i1 ••...•.........•...•.. CUS 1 OM wooo patio co- v"rs redwood decks & lances Randy 6"11·0622 r!~!!!~~·J!~!~ •• ~ •••• EO S PLASTERING Neo1 patches lnl/e1t1 ~esiuccoi. 645·8258 PLASTER PATCHING Rosluccos tnl/ext 30 yrs Noa1 Paul 545·2977 NORD PLASlEAING Int/eat Aestuccos Block walls 586·4892 r1~!'!~!~1. ........... . Ular El Hl·llH 40 g1.1I w1.1tu11to .. 1N $24'!1 ~!!~~~!!~~~ ......... . AC AAINOUTTFR Uundud 1111 h<. 0JU 71.• r I\' 1•61 I $,4 "i874 " ~!!l~!!~!~I ..•.•...... J 0 11ort1 "1111rns111ng A11llQ110~. i.11 c1.H1111~~ l111e 11u1111111g 04& OGG4 • ~ .. !.'i~I. ............. . ttut>f'• noot1119 ,ill typ115 Naw.recovur 01'<.k• 111. • 11602 ~48·973'1 HOF ,llOIUllt 1111 S1rvltt ....•..........•...... I 1111on11110 R1•111ov11i A\llfil now No 101J 100 1>1g R4111 J A I)' f,4', 0 I 18 T!.~'.'!~~ ............ . Mott &UIJj4'Clll K 14 OOy/l'vlt ,6 A Jll /111 Mr t,1orgttn 84 ~ i, 116 !!'!~!~ .~{~~~!~f ...•• ' Lui 1t11 :Juna.1111tu In Cnll Sun~h1nr Window Ctcanll•'l L Ill 5• 8 118!>S 20""• Mon1hly D1scou111~ WE WASH WINDOWS -l'U"it Plol"noonal Oua111y wOfk guoronteuo Fr84! ei.11m•1e 848 7391 Don t 1e rool rtipan at 1---------- l 1 11 c 1 1 o n o 1 c o a 1 St1t1 L•• 11e,11lres: 8"i7 :?890 Thal all cont11Ktors who ROOFING REPAIRS . perform work over $200 Small Jobs OK Free inclu Olng l ob or and esllmote• Coll Tom or materoals must be ucen- Chuck, 542-6392 sed Unllt enscd con1rac-tors aroould so 1101e lfl llttMHlls rt111ird their aove1111ong. Con-7~ t 77 16 552·3232 trac:I0'6 and consumers, c6ntact Mory Orondl• al Sttttl1ti1I Stlfitll (7.14)558-4086 wllh any • ... ._••••••••••••••••• •• questions Contr1c1or's PROFESSIONAL Stale License 8011rd, 28 SECRETARIAL SERVICE Civic Cen ter Plata, 754·6368 Aopm 690 Santa Ana. f. ··•IAJ · CA 92701 .!~' .. N.~.!!!~!!!~! ... ,-==========:. DRESSMAKER & FASHION DESIGNER AOasonoble oW-4447 Til• ..........•........... TILE INSTALLED All Kinds Guaranteed NEW Reis John 840-9217 -----TtH Sttritt •.....•............... Dan Hallberg Grading Hall. llv/d11'1. rms S t5, avg & Paving Co Aestcommi room $7 50, couch S 10 Loe 3976804 842-1720 chr SS Gu11r ehm -pet ~1.!!!~li!'I. •••••••• Supply/Install/Repair Lge setectoon + harO· 6,2923 ews lanoscape 645-3540 • H11ti•1. Clean ups .. T nm ming • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sprtnkiers • Maont H .. r El 141-1121 2 Aeltnod. responsible women will thoroughly Low rates 552·04 10 1J •ii•'I. si'ARV1NG coll~ •• ! ..... ············· Tree Serv Drainage & Ftooo Prot>l'm solv'd. Loc'O & lna'd 536-0914 BUSINESSMEN Cont1ct t~I DAILY PILOT for lnform•tlon regerclng the c:ounty r1qulrem1nta for usi ng a Flcllt1ou1 Butlne .. N•me. ~-Cf'.PI repalf I&-~ Frw est 64~5 -E~_PQOl __ • .., ____ 1 IL.¥.0.W h!>!l'I Xlnl STUDENTS MOVING Plumbing. healing & drain .43 topp119&-.ttou_. ot AllllH1,I e1tp Do work myself • ••• • • •• •• ••••••••••• • Reis 554·0123 ll•tltltll JAPHHE S AlllHH ~h8:~1~11~u,:~r':i\:~ references 95 1-7643 lnsureo 641-8427 c:omm Eves/wknds Em· WATCH US GROWi ployeo by USC as Jour· Mtlee's-T~t removal, cleanup, trash hauling & rototrlllng 848·6928, 548-4235 642-4321 QT. 332 lncorporauon. busineui----------•••••••••••••••••••••• advice Aeasonat>le lees· We Care Crpl Cleaners ELECTRICIAN-Priced 752-1962 Steam clean & uphol right. free estimate on Truck mount unit large or small Jobs CIBSSlllOO Ads 642·5678 Work'guar 645-3716 Lie. 396621 673-0359 839-5035 $750 00 (7 14) 898-6512 Landscap1ng-'i'd C1nups Tree trlm/remov-Ma1n1 Have something to sell? 111rgat1on Jim 851-0 129 Claaslfle<I ads do It well. ~~~!~!!'!!~I .•....•... BUSINESSMAN WILL HOUSESIT Eoucatwd & capable 644-6369 SELL 10111 items With a Dally Pilot Ciassihed"Ad 642-5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS- <. neyman Plumber Con- tractor lie =252950 ~eas rates 49<1·34 13, 661·5068 11n1r1µmn for rour 1tlll-good refrigerator Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREt=. One Item 3 3DAY6 . INES - ~r..'.'~!~!!.f!!~.l!!~ ~1!.'.'~!~!!.f~!.i!!~ A1'1i•••I• C11t1 "'" 3124 *'"t!'' l.ati 3111 ••• ,!!!!~!!~~ ...... . ;;;;;,:,~··;;;:;~~~;·~,:,~ •••• 0•0··E·:~F·ll··0•11••••••• C11t• #•11 3124 Mature aduUs, no pets .. •••• •••••••• •• •••• •••• Quiet. secure 1991 3 Br. 2 Ba, upper Furn/ N-pon Blvd 646-8373 unlurn Wintu.,or 1r1y Temrtc Conoo• 2 Br 2 ea separate entrance. pool. clubhouse S750t rno. 673-3313 ... ,;.,, .. •1e• 3140 ...................... Wsher /dry~l. onclud 8eauutul vM!W ot ocean lmmeo occup BAC HE LO R Furn/ unlurn Yrly all ulll pd New crpt. new drapes, beam cell, lmmeo occup TSL MGMT 642-1603 meatiBAU lP&aTllEiTI Beautrtully landscaped garden apts. Pool & Spa PatrostOecks. No pets Bachelor $395 I Borm $<175 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 YOU IESEIYE ITI Beau1ilul & park like Wllh OCEANFRONT WINTER Bachelors $410 te11aced pool New & views. 1 Bdrm S485 per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalla. (Nott-nfWld•llM. Eldf'9 .... 11.00) • Aptl•••I• A1'1l•1ats . Ual•r•i•itd U•l•r•i•iH .....•................ •••.....•••....••....• C11t1 /11111 3124 f!!!~.!!!~ ••.. ,.!!.~1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • WE·TUIE YILU"E Lge 2 BA, pa110. carport, • • tndry. $450 797 w w11-eechelo1 & 2 Br apts son 642-8843 bet 8PM, avell Pool. spa. laund 995-5813 rm No pets lmmed Oc· 28 r duplex wtenct gar Aedec . good ne1gh1>or- h o o o S51 0 . Call 559-5001 L1rrt 2 Ill, 2 •• Welk to So est Plaza Sec Gate. Full amenities S600 mo Da 640·2154. Ev 646·3321. cup Bachelor $375 2 er $525 955 W 19th St TSL Mgml 6<15·8122 IEW lllHI APTS A,,,, • ._,, A1'1t•t•I• . "Uale1aili•' Ual•t•i•iH .•.•••.............•.. ····•·······•······•·· HHtioflH H .. iia1too l.ati 3140 ••• ~~!~ .•.•.••• .1.~~f • •• ••• • • • ••• • ••• •• •... SA•IPIPEll APTS Deluxe poolside xtra large A LOVEL y PLACE 2 t>r . 2 be . bll·lna. TO LIVE dswshr 1' • miles l>eac:h •Homey/Pvl 1 & 2 Br No oeu $500/m o •Poottspa/t>t>q 536·8362 • 5 acres ol t>eautllully lge 28r w/gar Super la ndscaped surtoun- ctean, clo1e 10 bch Oongs $495/mo 964-4686. • Nr Frwys & shopping 536-7330 • Ou1et area • No pets: turn ovaol (114) 141-HH •Spacious Apts Luxury 2 Br upstairs. l 'lt 131 E. 181h. 646-6816 •Private Patios. ba, sundeck Perking lor 161 E.. 18th 642-0856 1 bd. gated community, •Covered Parking 1 car s775tmo pool, spa, nr So Cst Plz.a A11rac11ve 1 Br & Bache· lor w/loll Encl gar t lrpl, pool & 1ac. Gas pa. No Pa t s $465/mo 645-u 11 393 Ham11ton CLOSE TO BEACH unique t>ach wlloll ano lrpl, stove and ralrlg All ulll pd $450/mo 536-7979 8081 Holland Cr, He Btwn Stater/Warner oll Beach •Dini ng Area 3 B 2, I> 1 1H. 2111. HI. $•175 644-8573 1•2-B-r -,-B-a_t_nc_l_-... 51-,.,.-1e WALK TO BEACH I Br WOOIUIE *walk In Closets r, Ir a 0-· son· Newly decor Gas pd 1----------"" .. ., s deck 1 p 1c • g a r a g e & p a 1 t 0 wt t>at<;ony love & re· Spac 1 & 2 t>r, lovely •Home hke K11ehens S875 11' ing space encl gar. owshr, pool. Westside 2 Br stove & s430/mo Call &46-7129 lrrg $425/mo pones & streams. sec 1 blk to Huntington Both have inooo1 880 l>t>q no pell 842-5073 rel11ge. newly decorated 1----------1 536-7979 gates. en1ry l>y phone c,~•,er. lransPOrtatiOn & 675·9831 itt 5pm Newer 2 BR 2 Ba. $475 No pets $450/mo Weter Spac:rous 2 Br 1'1• ea. ----------lge rec area incl gym, . -, paid. lndry lac. • Townhouse wllrplc, E/ WALK TO ,BEACH B•· pool&. spa 846-6591 ITIUTIEI FlllE No pets, 760-1418 or t 81 94ove & relrlge side No pets 1 car gar. chelor, stove & relrtg all CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 ; Ap1l•••I• Uale1ai1itd ••.•••••.............. ~!.'!t!!!.!!!!! .• !.~~~ Bachelor apt on penln· sula, 1216 w. Ball>oa. S255tmo uhl po AQI 675· 1642 --- NO FEE• Apt & Condo rentals Volle Aen1a1s 675-49 12 Broker '1 Bi ock lO beach, 28r. l>rlghl & airy. $675 mo )'lly 968-8263 - 2 Br 2 Ba from $525_ No pets Across from New· port Beach Goll Cou1se 545·4855 WllTEll IHTALS 3 & 4 Br CIOse to water. turn & unlurn, reuona- ble, all amen1tres Broker 675-49t2 PARK He PORT ..... 4000 .,.,,,, ,, ""' 4300 . ......•...............•.•..••...•.••..••••. UIUIA IEACll llOTOll Ill Wkly rentals $95 up Color TV. free coffee. heateo pool & steps to ocean Knch s avail /' 985 N Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach 494.5294 --. OCEAN BREEZES Jog 0< t>oke 10 l>ch Clleerlul rm, t>a lurn, lmens, etc TV kllch priv Uptype ma- ture stable. reso Clean. IOOIMITE FlllEIS Otoest & largest &gency All chen1s screened with photos & references Credits Cosmopolitan Good Mo1n1ng America The Tomo11ow Snow • • • off * to all who neeo a place • .. ,.rt 141-1111 neot. qu1e1 Busy working PllOllOITOllY NIH person No smoke. no drink Poot. 111c; $300 mo Furn luxury 2 br. 2 ba. mcl u111 Avoll ca1hedral celling, trplo. 63 1·2288 sundeck. all amoniues -----1 W i ll shr w /pro t M 1 t>r w/hsehld priv . C.M 673·3887 alt 6 ..S250,Jncl ullls 646-4987 I ll 6 30pm Room In CM $225/mo plus S50 ut1l $275 Steps 10 beach • 6"11r4913 M/F own l>alh Isl & ---------1351 Newport Beach 204 M/F non-smkr, to Shr 4 br. lug 0 n j 0 A p I A ,.A t>a home. S200 + '. 979·4129 12·5 ut1IS C M 850·0907 1 Bdrm From S5t5 Ap1l•••ll §42·752.8 evs/wknds.. Ullis paid, lndry lac No bit-Ins $595/mo Sierra utils paid $375/mo llAlllUS WlLI Townhse unlurn Ual•r•iliH Large 3 Br. 2 B11 Town-~ "'OOtmo ~82 Mgmt 641·1324 536-7979 Lro 2 &-3 BA townhouse Y G from $650 •••••••••••••••••••••• house in Quiel comple1t, lljew carpet. Frreplece. FllESll( CO•fllT 3 t>O. 2 t>a. gerage. laun· aplS. encl gar. lrptc Near COUNJR pg~~~~l~N APARTMENTS Male Roommate for Bal- IH• I IHtl 40S b.oa Peotnsula Apt, ..................... ~. $2~ 673·1807 LA QUINTA HERMOSA l1Jh1 Ill••' 310f large pool, garden set· wood t>eam celling. dry lacll'a Ideal tor 2-3 Hunt Hrbr l1om $545 INN W A H 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk •••••••••• .. •••••••••• tong S675 645-3381. Eastslde, very cozy_S595 Like nu. tge 1 br apts. adults. $675 840·1126 Children OK. 840·6807 s ingles. 1 & 2 eorm. Mesa \/erde· room & Shr trg ho;;-0,-c-o-nd-o-. w 1 9 3 s UYfltlT 675 6949 631 0921 lrplC. dlN. gar, $475/up. Apartments 0 each. blks · --·--·-----no pets • Patoo or balcony. Pool & 8eaut U111 101. patio, MADDOX AP'l'S· 1 & 21>1 & Townhouses board. home cooked tst 1151 deposit' uttls. meets 1628 Sandal· 966 8479 662·2449 ot Edlnger .. '!'847-5441 Lillie Isle, pier. 3 story •MESA VERDE 2 er. 1 2 Br wt gar, upstairs, spa No peta 2650 Hafla. secutity entrance, Nic:e,qu1•l611rrounding1. E'rom$560 * S350tmo up. Bach . 1 d~luxe lrg. /Br. 1JPlc, Ba Newly decor S495 $4 15/mo No pets. Reis Mesa Pines 549-2447 tennis/ jac/ pool $550 $450-$550 842-8788 On Jamboree Ad at wood 545-2095 • • •llt1se•1tes & 2 Br unfurn & furn. $ 800 mo 6 5-306 No pets. 833·8974 req'd 352 Victoria • l>d 1•25 h mo (213) 594·8214 Bet 9-5 San Joaquin Hills Ad 8992 F l B 645 8161 1 apt .. per mont 1•..a 1100 pool, spo 1 tor de. 1 r, den. l>lllns. single 1 br. relrig, slove, lndry • Call Stu, 1-497-2338 or Spacious 2Br. nr ocn, 1 £• ••• •-,,&. "1,.1 "" Htttl• #1tf11 4100 ······'··············· ........... Estat>lished 12 yeorsl •All ref's checked• •Photos taken• •Service lot 6 Mo • 842·2834, 842-3172 gar Yrly $550+ Aeglr Pels cons $395 1920 666 d BOO 'I. ~ • ol· ' P 67,. •000 IPACltlS I 540-3 Sly, pvt Y • c>etoo, •• ••••••••• •. •• •• • ••• Beauttlui tar,.. 4 er encl· rop ~ Wallace 6-40-6029 $550 9••3166 ,,~ SHUii llOTEL IAllPIPEI Am 1 & 2 BA. pool. spa. BAYfRONT 2 Br. 1 Ba 571 W Joann 2 Br. I '"1ba S525. no S385t mo 1 Br patio. mo .,.,.. tcEAI VIEW SO patro, steps to t>eacll pets CALL 546-5605 pool, 1 Pll'M>n. no pets. 10 minutes $0 of L.aguna Yearly 675·4419 Wkly rental• now avall $105 & UP Color TV Phones in room 2274 8BO. no pets. turn avail. Upstairs N o pets (11•) 147-HH I••• ... PffStssle• $<t-251moc Slerre Mgmt Flreplac e. p ool. dish-• 64 I · 1324 waahet. pvt petio X lrg 8081 Hollend Cr. HB Furnished or unlurn. 2 ---------garden 2 er $560 Btwn Slate</Warne< mos minimum rental 2Br upstairs. quiet. encl 557·2841 ott Beech Excel loc S t500/mo. gar. no dogs 1110 Vic· ---------0 644 9513 1 1 s 4 9 5 I Large 1 Br near shops, h•••• lfati 3141 wner -o r a m o pool. an utlls paid 1884 ••'••••••••••••••••••• l1lh1 631"6812 all lO. MonroVla 548-0336. Luxury studio, free HBO. . I . I 3101 28r. 18&, downstairs, lncd 3 2 5 • • J • • 171 h Pl. on Dana Point's most W11h <10' dock for POWff '-: Hf /\CH 1148-5137 11·7 secluded scenic bluff, l>oat 3 BA 2'• ba, con· $3115 1 Br. relr1g, pa110, no pets, adults pref. 731·0 18th SI 673-7787 1 Bdrm, 1 be, pool, laun• dry, adults. no pets. $385. 833-7890 or 646-1947 . LIVING like new;-·2 Br w.Loen. oo S 12oormo wrctocle . xtra 'large private pallo $1000 without 650· 1190 S695/mo Call 661-6-4<11 Mrs Long or M·F. 9-5 6<13·02.10 --------.,.. Drive by 10 see at 24587 Lease. 2Br 1 ba, wett>ar. Santa Clara. 324 E Balt>.oa B~vd • Secu111y Gaits • Poo1 ' Ate Room • 1 ' 181t Pallo AptJ • r.uden L•ndse•P•l!Q • 01ahwuht" & 880 s OCHIFIOIT 132-4 U4 TIE IHT Newpor~:~~~4;5M --,-. -H---IO-,-,-Ul-E-- Clean, acllve, neat to share 2 br 2 t>a well lutn w /man alono , light hsl\png. all ut1I, rent lree 642.9932 BEACH AREA $84/wk Relrlgeralor-Mald-Pool Female prei:IOShareN'B. Nwpt Blvd & Wiison home o n Canal, avail phone, meld serv, spa, •••• !!!!!~.~•••••••••• yd & garage. $500 mo. THE SEVILLE 2 Br w/gar S130 wll 499·3015 •2 er. 2 Ba. yrty. Mature. 754-0996 crpts. drps, l>ll·lns, lncd ,.,,,.,.. ---------yd w/pallo, wat,t Pd. 2 Br. 1 Ba upper 1n trl· Iii. I J. • 316' non smkrs, no pets _.,,, IEWNRT 2619 "D" Santa An1 • Jog 10 8tacll ' ShQP' Most elegant opt l>ldg In Laguna Beach, llneet locatlon In town, t>realh· tekmg views. all l>urlHns. healed pool sut>-gerege, etevatot lease only S650trro Walk IQ., ocean or bay 11680·38 t2 9 to 5 M·F 3 bdrm, 2 ba. 2 l>lks to beach Pello. Pets OK $725 mo 673-3728 COSIO Mesa 5<18-9755 1 2 • 1 ' 3 2 5 I m 0 . Ptrle Knot Motel on Coast _6_4_5_·2_4_9_5 _____ _ .!.''!r.! •••• ~!......... + dep'1 213/ 799-4195. lPAITllflTS A,, e . $ 5 2 o . ca 11 ~·:~~ ~~~5 g;~~n~~ -257-9792 or (7 f<ll t-636-4120 $475/mo 851-2175 Hwy, N 8 . SI eps Io Female roomm11e wanted ocee n Wll ly r a I es. to share 3 t>Orm beach· 11-45-0440 front apt Non·smoke. ~sing~.one • & two btdroom 'P~nts. 673-3856 1 Ir $211/••· ,tn 1----------------1 ....,=--------i II • E side lrg I Br, huge Beachlron1 Bach, on Pen· •f I . t 'th. It walk·ln ctoeet gar. W/O in. $300 mo 1st & 1811 wattrN4t. h YHM· hOOkup. clean, $425/mo DHI l1ial 3111 $415 + $375 dap Nr S650 & up 8HCh Blvd al Mc:F•d· 330 Chll Or <194-8083 IEEI l PLACEJ s,. Cl1•1ol• 3111 •••••••..........••... Pro l person oestred $310 mo Avail lmmed 548-4f48 ·575.7722 Bachelor, yfly, Incl utll. 'h l>lk to l>ch, Clean S270 mo. Aoge< 64&-11131 CJ i• c•H•rtn stc· Suun 631-0213 ••••• ••••••• •••••••••• HUii Y1EW den Oulet. Oldef person -- prel'd. no pe11 893-<1894 ~!.'!t!!!.!!~!~ ... !.~~! 2 BA. S465, yearly, n- oeco1. pool. nr beach. bus No pols 498·6277 Ae111on11>le rates Kii· chenet1es. phonet .. maid ~n-ee_d_ed_l_O_s_h_r_3 ..... HIO lt•11•rt llY•. Cit••• l•J #11 31ZZ E/Slde, cheery 3 BA 2 Ba, •••••••••••••••••••••• patio. 2 sty. carport, FUINISH.ED Of UNFURNISHED ALL UTIUTJES rAID. HEALTH -STEPS Tl HUI S675 mo. 640-0997 Large 3 er. 3 Ba many Mesa Verde lg 2 br, l 'lt amenities. S 1100 Call be. gar. patio. no pell Dorothy 673-71175 S525 & sec 979-4383. 1CLUIS, TENNIS SWIMMING plus much morel Sorry, no pets. Modtls Of)tn dally 9 to 6. Clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba dpht. patio, gar xt111 $950 No pets 7 19 Heliotrope Open 972·9<106 2 Br • l rplc. llove. bll· cony. view. no peta $700 lnclda elec 322 Helio- trope. 675-6024 Open 12-4 THE SHORES-BEACH AREA Ot•E I SHiii WlWOE Wllll 759 w 19th MLnutH from Ille t>eech LUXUA'i' 2 BA 28A Marble pullman top Decor a tor drapes Plush w/w carpets Welk In Closets Prlv11e.pat101 Gourmet Kitchen Catpor1 w/atorage Spa, outdoor BBO Oakwood G.-A~ Newport IUd.tNo. 180 IMM Ave. (at 16111) '45-UCM Laundry Our newly decoraled $550/mo 548·<11130 models 1 & 2 Br epts. i-----------$550/mo & up. Pool & 2 t>r, 1 bl, Piiio, garage tennis Call Keren $500/mo 1173-1458, 6-44-21111 t-54_a_-a_2_0_4 ____ _ ~ladl/So. 1700 16th St. (al~ UZ-5113 I Br Garoen Apt. N.wty dee • blk1 10 beech 1550/mo 875-94H 1 Br yard. gar1ge No ___ FmT children or pell 2 ... , 2 IN, ""'"' S475tmo Aot 720-0740. ... ,.1, •m ., .... f!!!~.!!!~ ...... !.~~~ 1 t 2 • I • I I • r llSTAIT II lft .... 1. 2 Br. ''" 81 twnnat OCEANFRONT Dlli 2-4 Br. 8ullt1n 1, launa rm, By week or month carport/oar, yara/btlO. 1113-7173 Small Pet OK . Ftp. ---------1 S425-M35/l'llO On the ba•oh hotel I 2817, 2!43, room lt)t kll~t• & 2641 Ol'tngt Ave. t>eth, 111rnlahlcl S250 & 23 t4 Senti Ana A..._ up + dtp. 2304 W , Cllt ltlf llPPI 0 c 1 a n It on 1 , N B • TSL Moml 873-4 154. 11-42-1'°3 ,, YILLA OllMYA Spacious E Side Apta Encl oar. P•llo. dlhwtlr & ttove Most utll Ir.. No pell 2 81, 1 pef'IOll 1510 2 Br, 2 persone 1545 1 Br . 11an1ng at $435 2323 Elden Ave, CM 642·7805 Lrg 2 BO Beem ceillnga. Iota of wood th1uou1. aarv bar $480, 2258 Maple 173·H03 0 1 5•1·73$41 Lrg <l/pl111 2 8r. 1 Ba, dahwr W/1101 Av al! 12 /11 $495/mo ll45·M 25 Mesa Verde 2 Bdrm . pa. tlo , bright & clean 1525/mo 646-1220. lll•HtaTE IOOIPAHYl 2 t>Orm. 1 ba. near l>eech. 2 er. 2 ea l>lock 10 t>eech, kids ok. No pets S450 garage, lrplc. dish- mo 960-6972 washer S625/mo 2 Bo rm, 1 b •. $4 5 o, _8_4_0_·3"""7"""8_7"""'"-=--- servlae, Z channel mo-br. 2 ba duplett. Balboa vies SANDPIPER MO· Pen S275. 111 & lest SHll AH 3110 TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd lmmed 673-1701 all 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~cM 645·9137. .. •2B1. 1Ba. oll MacAr-• Fem 10 Shire c M 2BR thu1. So. Cst Villas. S560 Y1t1l1M l1al1l1 4lSO home w/poot $288 non •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 78 Dena Point's most Ill· eluded sc:enlc t>IUll. Like newt Only 4 unlla, 2 B( wi den Xtra lrg private pello From $695/mo Coll 861-6441 or M-F, 9-5. 643-0212 Drive by 11t 11aa 1 & d11p. 7794 81g 2 BR, 1 ba, dplx O/W N-men. Ph 6411-4559 Ldry, gar 15' to l>eech 2 Bt 1 ea laundry rm, to see 24587 Sant• Clare pool. crpts. drapes, --------12 Br 1 Ba. Watw paid. 1 $750. mo mo 646-4667 Park City Ulah Condo. ~'-6_5_0_· _1 ___ _ 1 br, 1 ba, MacArthur VIII Sleeps 6, kitchen, walk ON THE BEACH/N e 962·4914, 9114·88111 'S400-S4 15/mo. chlld ok . no pall 2264 Maple Heall•flH S425/mo. Agent, no lee 2-sty 2Br, 2 car gar. blln1. 2 Br t Ba carpon, lndry .. ffi 314 962·0217 tr pie 116 01 h St Aval! Now. $475. 1st g to atr.11411 Avell Dec 11 to M/F to ahr home frplc. Security 979·2390 18 $450. 714/496-031<1 W/O. etc. must seel Cell Condo Kona HI Dec 15th _J_u_d_y_6_so_._1 _10_5 ___ _ rm, view of gotJ course •••••••••••••••••••••• 845-7500 Agl IH•• 4000 lo Jen 13th Wk 01 mo. ••••••••••••••••• ••••. Stps 4 730·0621 HUIFlllT from deck $475/mo 558 JQllnn TIL .,.. 1•2-11oa $485/mo 2 Br 1'4 Blll" upper unit, all bit-Ins, carport, lndry tm, bal- cony. 527 w . Wiison TIL •r•t H2· 11H 1000 1/1 IPIG. 281. bltin atove. moulc kit fir & entry Child ok, rel1. 8<15·1693 U111 paid, Oulet, Adults, Patio $300/mo Avail Jen t 844-"58 YllUmllll 2 Br 2 Ba ramify oom· Plett. cltehw .. hlt a dla.- pou I, 1nol1d ge1a9e, utlll paid $530/mo. plus $300 deposit. 232f. El· dtn, 548·4147 1 Br w 1'"2.,..5-,...,,c,...·-· w--,-8-,h- St S395/mo Don lle2-1700. 2 bdrm, 1 1>1. enc gar. W11tCllll AtH. Co9t8 MIN $425 l48-4t12 1 l>cl, avail now, wat11 & l\Ot wltll l\lfn No P~• $385 984 MIMlon 0.Mt '4t·3827 Kennebunkport? bn't that the boat that won The America's Cup In 757 ~ro~ If you're not sure Wtlo (or wtltt) Ken~n~rt WI$, don't fief INCl-you'rt not llonf. KennybUnkpol1 ls one of 14 Oi$tlnctlvtly dlfftfent aptrtment tloorplaos II SNwind Village tn Huntington 8elch Seawind Vlft1gt 1s •mutt of lat.Illy pel'10NMZ._, profmioNI pianntt19 The kind of Mttntlon )IC)U dettM. • A pet'fett bllfld of Nt\lre I/Id IMng- netled In a fortSl Wilh blbbl1ng t>rooks Ind QUlf\ pOnds, cQOllO by l\lturat oc.l'I brwz.es AdO to l1llt tennis courts. SWlfM'rlng J>001$. a~-Ind a conwnitnt IOcatJOn nur Jtqipng Ind t~rntnt 1(1(1 you've got I pllct IO)'Ol'4 WOUIO . prouoty Giii nome. (EWl'I Kennybunll,portl) °'1e Ind two bedroom. one 'oo cwo bltn eplrtmenl.$ ,..~ 15~ •·~ 15555 MunlinQtOn Vllllge 1M11 Huntington INm. CA ('11 4) ....... t f'IOlll tht 5111 °"911 r~ CltM l'IOltrl on INm to Mrfldll9ll tfllfl -°" .., .... 10 Selwwld Wll9t r11rt\W1lr9 ....... • Clpfn dllly 10 AM tll Mk 3 Br 2 Be Stepa 10 t>each $725/mo Pro- peny House, 6<12-3850, 642-1010 Quiet 2 Br. 1 Ba. ger•ge. patto. pool, no P•ll $525, 1801 15th SI. Nwpt Heights, 642-7340 Newport Shores dupleic. 2 Bd 2 Be, 0/W, trplc. 2 c ir gar . dwn1lt1, $625/mo Agl 875-t642 IA"Hll Specious 2 8drm, den apt Speotacut11 view 8e1u111u1 ga101na encl land)' bNc:h OVlf IOok• Betboa ttiand Sllp 1va1>- l1bla No pets FOi' tnfor• m•tton 180-0919 Prof woman with lamily Large Big eaar Cet>ln. Shr w11n Newpotl eJ1ec w&nlS to share rOOITI with Pool Table, c:Olof TV, 2 $<150/mo 531·8056 a prof woman or U.CI ttudent wilh high ariplra· Ir PI ' s SI a e p s · 1 4 Aoomm1111 Wenled Ilona and meturily. $320 714/545-6916 Male ll••lghl, non-amkr, Evet cell 759-1406 • Dana Point gorgeous her-$250 + ,..., ulll Oya l>or vi-. 3 Br 3'1. Ba. 6<1 2-5446 111 llpm, eeaut .Am .N .8 , Kit lullyfurn Wtw'lllatre~ ~-5620 __ Prlv'tos. Phone, Pool, any of the followln9: Female to sh1 w/M /F. Tennis Ct, Boat'g, Stpa deep aee llahlng, golf, super clean well loc11lltd lo bch. UUl'a pd, S295. tennta. horse raclng. NB Condo $275 mo 631·62113. 712-3695 theater s 1000/wk. 675-9643 Furn CM hOmlt, S225 mo (7 t4)6•2.e590 Aeiilt>le ioommeta wanl-6<1!>·2435 or call Ans AO No 7 10. 942•4300, 24 Palm Springs Condo, sips ed 10 ahr ? Br home In • Poot 191, tennis $55 H 8 Nn·•ml<1 20-30. ~ night RelH evallable prelel Ftm $215 & utw Room, lhr 81. pool, Npt 8<10..2092 & 9112·98M 752-0322 Bell kit pt1Vile0ff $225 ---- --846:2590 Pref 35, Older lnl1l1 19 lltlH 4Jlf Fam non-1mk1 to ah1re --•••• •••• • •••• • • ••••••• Balboa Pen apt .3 bOtM. CoM 2 Br, IBA 191. 91r M/I" Ammat1 to 1hare 2 2 be S225 P4lt mo IJ)ICI Avail Dec: 21, BRapllnCOM ?t>lkato 1173·1174 2 bdrm 1e<1ec:oratltd. V11Y. pooa 1oone1 $2112 50 tlt4Kh Avall now or Jan SMklng crttt•vt_p_eo_p_11-• i No pets. 209 36111 81 ptue hail ulil 1173-5254 1 S300 816·1927 __ oriented Fem roommate ~311• _ Furn rm. lull nse prtv. Pool FIM~lE ROOMMATE to lhr llltl\ 2 8t -.>t wt Condo nr HO•g HOii) 2 & •P• Nf occ 1250/mQ Sri.re lo~y N 8. llomt tkylltt 1210 Coile I Br. tv. B• 1iooll lrplt 549.3974 $300 Incl ulil 845·9&15 MIN Oet>ra 641·3Ht :..o~ie5o. l s 1J.f mo 1 room IOr ttfll. C9t11 Famele roomale wlflllff Stlltt 10 48r home. ,Uij M ... Manny to 9'\art 2 llory town• hou•• prlv HSO l'l'lO ? br, 1 l>a, bll•lnl & dish• 641·$8'18 h 0 U I 8 $ 2 I 5 tn 0 935-$855, 197•702 I wutlet 2 Ditti to bite:" 510 aQ 11 HarbOr•Belllf _!!5·5:!!!.... -Luw CondO H41rbot Aidle. t!ISOtmo eT3·257t c enter (Ac1011 rrom Slit 1Br 1n 4Br *· W/0, Atty Wiii -"' •ltton ...,, E Blutt, 9'1tte. I br, plM• ,tdCO) Join tome gtNt kit llC: 1240/mo Utu 1550 mo + 7U·l4•1 unt WM. l)OOI, f'IO Ptl•· 11nan11 al thl1 c:holc:e tnct IHO to move In, dy1 t~0-24'• ••HI $555/mo '44-4787 10c:111on Mgr 5'tt.13ee Mt·UM eveat•not wt.nett I r a, ('12 Orengo Cotati DAILY PILOT /Frtd •• y, 0-cnmbvr 3. 1082 . • {!'! .. .'!!'!.' •••••••• ~.~!! ~ ..... ~'.'.'.!!J~.'!.'.!.~O}! /•~•':'11 4SOO f!,!.~.!.'.".~~ .... !.~~ IJ!.11..'f~.a.'.'.( ••• !.~~ '!.'.lf..Vf~!.'.~ •••• !J.!f IJ.'.ll .. ~~!.~'.t.:.!.I.~ ,f~t!!!!. ........ ~~ Nowtultl &.""'" f1tntt1ln •••• !~.!•••••••••••••• t\wl .nmlt l.lluii. h•fl•llt lt••tlOIAlt l1v .. 111 Yll\I won11111 t>•• T It.., .wr A/Ul\ll!iJlll#t•l(Jhl **I BUY** <>Illy 7 ltH\JO •ttlltlfiihl l ,111 ltd I! Ill 11 thl " 1•111111 111111 111111i.•1 t "•1•t W•ft Ill f>o .... J100 11111111 ~ 11,1v ,1,, huth 1•1/u tll II 11v11111 1 111 ' "' . 1 1 0 wltll <·'""''''• OtlllO• 1n .. m & t>n rd 11•u• u ... flftr /iO Uflll "'""" viuw & 11111 ••trl '1 ll 10 1110 At•o llA 1 :\·~~'~" 1~~11~•11 w~:~.. latunl) 1ulo11 fJI t <10 11 tar y lltlttlllO "&fl OI l ~ptr II Wllll I.Ill 1 ,10, f d .t .. t .. ' .. I Cl Ill (I ~1 •• ~"s"J~,.'·•vu muHdQU b ~ I r !I I 3 ·~· • ti II"' n l}Q(.1111\l!tftll. w I Otllfllll .. t 111lhtu1h• 41JtJ 001>'1 ...... d1111 ID• llhtllll f1tot..1 "'" fl1:;~ Vlllfftl 00<1ct u 110 r u11111111r " Appli.u>< 1 ~ OB I woll "" 01 fl[l L fCH' You hh;> /4!)!1 t.4!1 J~MJ t1ApG111nc .. & ..... 11111111111 11Au1nh•o.1114.w 1•,1 ""~" °"'' 1 a•'"'" " lln111" ''AM no OGSu I 'II" ltll Ill twiiulllt1I I lld lt1th1~llh1I U"lt llunl II< h I i><ulll ftlkl flt""" I 11 f Ill> .. i.11! f•t11 llhJllttlll 1111•1 c 1tuut11tt1 n111,.tly f!IQhl II• ;• f1M t.;11!1 Mr• l'I II .. Ill llJ UIHll ANTIN 1•1·1111 IJJ.tl21 (.;dM Aut Al>ov" l 1111111 1,1111t1 •d Pio• 111\lll•llllllll 111111 (;tnwlll IJUh 1111111 111111 i.. Cl••'' 71 (,uh C 1111, ... I 11111 I ..,,.n I If ,. I I "vtuu• u1ut w1•• •Iulo hv l Ill VtCllllly I 111111011 '•1•11(1 llt"l\lllltl to Atl Nu R·l 1 1•1111 -"\ 11..xxl \.OllU t(i!I cm .... c;,111111•• Avolll Iv {l\j:jJIJ16 1011 I' I 1•111 1'0 • Tl'lltflll"ll}' lullt11110 Ql•P ~411b117ovMIWkm.1• $J9'• ti/'t 4;.>1111 '1•111•11 II•' / JllJ • , .. i V. 1 1 ''"'' CJll1111 worlo tor (.f'A 1 ~ 1 I orn1ll M ~<.ll1111urn1 \11111 Ullll I~~ l:i.l~lll Mll'lll M1tllllf!l'I wullt.lllU tOul)ll' hll!I fwu111,. ll•lll'll\;llC.tt 0111" 10 ptJ f.1 hw11111 ll~t Ill\) Ado IH ll vu 1 'I\ h~o h141111frlaf, Ot••'I 11~ I W & t,A 0/6;>6 0'>60 fot1ll l.lt1•111111I• 111 .. 111111 It•" &4(1 44~0 I llf'W $ t?'I '148 11137 I IUY Fllllltll l ii, 9'11 813:S Ow11 lo•••I f'vl bi.II m 1400 k<c 11 with offlcu 111 ~ 0'~ J 114 ,1.1;3\e: hu111 1C111llr•1 nmpt1<>. 7'1 ·• 1tlut1y ll·• 1lt'1.k 11.11111 Co~lu Mu1i.1V•Hy11rn\ '11111111\"1" ; • OAllllOllATOI <Hiii• I•µ 1ftJ11 cu11. lfXA~ O il t.OM PANY ovui/wllnll~ 01J~ Omin<J H0(1m I abl 3 tJ u1111111~1111 flO c..111111 t Xlrtl <.f•lld $800 '4!10 N1•w11•1• I ltlvO M"U" ol fltlf $390 mo I ', 11111 1&1 r1!11I ~.ull Mr ~tltulltll!I I OUtlfJ All WIHIU l.lllnll I oil Ot pl/llmO 83~ W l.l•ttli1Cl111I lllllllllitfldllCiU, fll't•(h mllllilll jlC'tlOll IOI f.t hwHtn Uni 1.yC1fl ~hll last 4 $120 '"" Ml f ··~II 1404 llmuitl S.11111uuo At tJll c!lth SI c M 63 ' :.>6.lO l)ookt.uuµ111u NCI ,,.,,. ~h<Jr l lllUI tlHIOUlldlllQ COlllllllOll u o 11~8 IJl'.)1 c.,. .. ,,, ,,,, l1vin1 .......•......•....... ••·········•···•·•·••· 25-J5. p,.,, only Avu1t NJll Bch 1146 4/90 Apt r>lutt •11tl111y Sttnd ()i(ltt()t Coiml" Cc1111111..1 1••1! 'll wl\11th Duell 497 b ll7 IOOO 11 1 ~flllll' ""lolf1tu Clll nu11lul AIJulll Ill, no ttt•.umu to 1'0 OU~ 110 1, t.uiton .. trl Wtt lrtlln 1tol1doy Sul11 I oya A<111kt Onmo~ SklllO\, f 001,. t urn 811Cld•no 6 Olftk 'l1ll 6·3. 706 Sor\ lunu trv1111• t urracu CXJ\i. ,, l'H/1•1 ''~"'' r I rnow1•1 rlh•f 111lo•u lflnl l•-,•u•A•N•l•Tu-R•£.-N•E•w-• I 11'11 book ~ 11ut10 IS l11Jt1l1 Wut•tl 43ZS ...................... 'J l)ll l\OVMI Wl \jlll $500 $/001m o. l slu11d 01 Pe11msvla n• ~tt Rt1b1Jllll s I b~I II E • ti c.; 114 .. (175· 19 29 w or k. 71-4-764-6851 Couple ntHld' room 1m meo k ot l.ll•v Cusi.i Meso or S,rn1.i An11 646 1850 1111 w 16111 St, c; M I ountl t;t11huu1tu1.1 n1rnr eAfltJI 111.l(.ulil1111y Apply tlut1 Clt•ine1110 !1?07? Sc• O•""' < "•nnt1H*IOn b4b 9007 '1•1t111fl Worto 0• hOfl II) Ill 4114!1 MucArthUI Bl, .. ., • I 100 Hq II l!o:.I Loe 2 nk wl q1t OI H Door $Jiii> 615·62!> 1 ~!!!~I! .......... !.~!~ Qood homi: 170 /94!i NU MA•ICUIUST 1>u1ldlf1Q produCI ~11111> w111v K P 01c;kor1on Fo1 Nwp1 Bch mt11l'a hulr f>fllh SouLhwll""'" SCRAM.LETS ANSWERS Shuken • Panic Alt>vm • Fe1vor BRAKFS ClSMIER·F /T r 1c.ko1 000111 ht 1.HJrklrl(I IOI DI ~t1•h1on ll llllld C1111 Oo•othy oo-• 0111.2190 Cle11Cot w1110 0 100'>'• comm P1.111ot11um Oo• 169. It 6<10·?7 16 WDt tit h 7li 10 t MIUtlltH W11t14 lop Ho11 .Sl)'llat w11n1:i ~Ol)UIOUI worklllg C()llQI· 101 {)r(){jrt1$SIVl9 t OIOll Ill Ilona NO e•11u1 nee Wa Co1t11 Moao Comm C•f ltmn, .... e ~choot CIRCUS re1110I 646·4695 ~tltw11111 "1 10 5111•tid, Covil C.0111.11tu.111 $4!> 848 {I 1114 2 ~OU> UP !Jtl\CS S 100 Ot Utlfjt <111111 LT:S l.r:..04'3 10 'IJIH•d fltJt.'>!.f)tl)fllUIO nut rnndol $ l :.10 000 G73·t1"?3 S101ugll SPOCll 12 a 18 36 door S701mo plu' $10 b U C dlll.IUl>tl 673 4 154 Nuwpo rt H STOCI UOllAIH llMIH Fiii Ml\11 ' 10 •11<! Pouguo1 Wnn1ed, Exper11n"(i $12!1 cull 64?·<.6:>2 Body Man with own tools 01 84 7 9098 OCHll YU r&TIO SAU A1111qut11J. 11e'I( bookb ll'C. l\.PPICi ktl t h.Ill, 1.101tery ( T uult. bat>y 11 11111 lnbt1c. 0000 Cht1blr1ln 0111111 S1111Sun 10 4 4 I!> BOQOOlil 1111~c; lulll Al~u 114,w htt MUt.1 rc11&0 Co&h poll 11111 llNl'I•, ul Wll••IO f'pc.oa •tart "' pn~oi. Mvt I• 11111,11 511111.1 Mutlr(J,SO' & fOon<J &Ill lc11 Cnt1,.1rro.1r. S111 ll 4 lwh1 $77 f ull $07 ctl!l4' 51.,.,rn 0111("" 0110•01 st•7 K•11u s1e1 '>O(lJ l!Cldl $ 197 1111110 flot:ll ~0111 8 LOYUStJOI $211/ 2 f 11m1ly mifo G•Tl llcim1t 1~t,c1l11 '"0T1111t111 W/4 ctua hlrtt 111"0" llillltlll!<lll $97 UBO VJCuum m1111. ~9 Ol!>COUNI FURNITURE C1>1J11r RtOQtl (T111ll01"'k), 1959 H11rbor Blvd Sul/Sun •0 3f'M CO\I(\. Mos& 631-6609 G•"'I." l•1 Reat 4350 . •••• •••• ••••••••••••• lu1111t11/lnv11t/ Bumµ •r s11cke1 011 ti vtlly old c.ar Wa1111og f o M.ik11 Sure They Sllll W01k I Ortve Wllll l\Ay Foot On Tile BRAKES " noods oxpouon~.oct baGll ott1ce employee Musi have 1yptng speod o l 50·60 wpm fatly llOU•I & good benet111 N B Call 644·5570 (Pal) M.AXIMUS 719 No H81· 1)()1 FullOtlOfl 1170•6192 Apply btllwet111 12 llllO 5 PllA MOt1·Snt Soe Kelly • & Rel• C 1111 Milr k 495·951 1 Womon~ 10 1pd P11ugoot 1125. cun 647·6822 1% Off With All Chrl1t•11 llff Slit SU'H SAU MOYIH Brown Velveteen 8 M>la & Tlrtltrtck" m111ch1ng cha1r & otlo· NEWPORT HGTS ARFA (' S1ng1e ga1age S651mo ••• .'.'!~!~! ••.•.••.••.. LOST 2 yr old lam Gteal MICllAllCS HllEI .C11n mnlo.a S 13 • S 16/hr a1111t1ng pay Full/Po•t· time avail 1n our pub. Cttll todlly for app1 537-2880 KING chg WAREHOUSE Of 847 9098 .iuat 111 111n11 101 C1111~t· m110 S200. best olfet pll must rurn11ute AnllQU('S, 67!i-4009 548-6831 640 8585 1111;11111 0,111.i Shepherd. tan, vie C M REWARD 63t-9802 CONTRACT poatho11s • No Experience Req Make up to S 12/llr stat· ttng pay Full/P8tH1mo avail to our pub Catt today for oppl 537·2880 Schw1n11 Co111tnenUJI very 000<1 cond naw 11195 $1:1() 175-0456 Sal Dec 41h, t t-• 406 Oallha. CCIM Ask 101 Craig 673-4018 COllQ(.lllblus II 1111 g()(lsl •S<ite single Mesa Verd11 area S55 Storage only 752-5822 Dana Pl single sto•age. ~ecured s11""'1 entrance ~4097 G1anado. $60 673-33t3 Olliet 1111111 HOO , ..........•.......... * DILUXI OFFICES* I MO FREE RENT 1 room 10 2800 sq It From St 16 a sq II Adi A1rpo1tcr lnn & Frwvi; Call AM 833·3223 1617 Westcllfl. NB.25tl to 4000 sq II ISi floor Agent 541·5032 A11port area • E•ec Sui· tas F1om 225·450 sq fl $ t per sq It Mony xtras Call 551 .. 1010 400-900 PLUS 1400 sq 11 Penthouse Bayhont Su•· lfl, parking, patios 613~1-003 HSI Sr&CE CDI Auracttve 1us11c ups1011s se1ttng We supply desk space. copier You sup· ply phone & $95 pr mo pr dask Call 644· 72 11 IEHTIFUL 11wrou CEMTH With use ol reception. conf room k11c11 phone secretaroal & word p10- cess1ng Mail & message serv avail separately 11 desored Call Jane 7 141760·0 tOO EXECUTIVE SUITES Full sarv1ce Keep your overhead to,.. & protes· s1ona1 Image hlgll Pre· sllgoous Wes1c1111 area of Nawport Beach. 661 Do· ver Or Ste t 4, 63t-3651 DELUXE SUITE W1ttr Front lldc St SOlsq f t Lease 642-4644 , M·F 9.5 ••• '!.f~!!!~l!t .•• !.~~ Need mveSlor or pa11ner tor 5moll Motel tn New POi i Agen1 642 1087 01 556-0347 U JOLU C1ft I listro Prospect Street G101111 Found Irish Setler M, young. Gol<lenwes1 & Slater. H B 8 47·6746 PM Foun<l re bit.. dog 30 tbs Well limned Exll man· 11111 ~ Lovaty Free 10 good hOme 546·4596 0 I K y I e A 9 ' s Lost Blkllon Fem Chi· 6191459 82 t I lluahua mix. name lag eng , O P • E 0 E 857-8086. BO• 6<172 . Anaheim. Ca Dottle· Cook. lull time. mature. expe11enced lom1ty style 101 smott re11remant home muSI be al)te 10 work weekends In La· guna Beoch Fo1 1010 call 494·9458 Ask IOI Mrs Collins 'Poco. . ,$200 rewero RESPONSIBLE P[RSON Voe El Portal C11. Fin Vty ·0001 SHCIALTY Wa111ed 10 own an<l _96.3-.58-28... 545-9 485 z yrs a.pi tn c111neso operote candy IS contec· Needs medical a11anllon M andarin rescauranl t1on vending ro111e Costa -----Able 10 cook Mandarin, Musa & su11ound111g Found White kitten No ID Cantonose & Szecllwan e1u1.1 Pleasonl busln'ess Well lraJned Voe Santio· Style $7 50 llr, 40 hrs High Profit llems Can go ~6-4790 714/846· 1660 sto11 parl·l•mu Age or --,--- exporoence not 1mpor-Pt11on1l1 5350 Ct1111ttr hnH 1ant Requores car and •••••••••••••••••••••• 12 10 3 PM Mon thru Fri S 1.695-$12 ooo cash 1n-Forgo Sandwich Shop vestmenl For delaots call LlllH I YIOll'S 631·3040 n O w T o I I F r e e PHOTO MODELS 800-652· 7777 operato• ESCORTSIDANCERS CRllSE SlllP JOIS 5 11 Komer Vending OUT CALL • 24 HRS All Oecupollons ll~ Western 011ve Ca-•••-Q,111 Available meron Paik. Ca 95611z l';jjjj~~~~~~~~~unr&l income Oi>PO"'~ -I" n L1 ~ For I n t,o ~!'!!f.!!.f~!!'. •• !.~~~ * * * 3121888·•347 Ext c -70 R e LOANS 151 •3rd . Atlantis Parlor Fee 1or 011ac10_''1 __ 90%. comm I, c;onstr Delivery Fas1 lvnd1ng 643-1645 Open 24 llrs a day IE I ED' 7 days a week; • • S ltHJ ftr Chrl st•as Jacuzzi Sauna Locsts PIZZI Or soone1 Now is the as well as Tourists l•me 10 ac t white loans B81lkAmertcar<l. Amer· lmf1'ed•ale PIT openfngs are avail We lonance Isl. •can EKpress. Oinais All ovaoloble for dehve1y drl· 2n<l 3rd TO s ZENITH welcome 7 t4l 645•3433 vets Must be 21 w/good FUNDING Art 857· 1422 2 ll2 Harbor Bl CM drtvl~ 1aco10, and able .. OllJ•fll, ,,-.-,-, -Custom Fantasy Phone to wo k evenings. Storts "'' Conversa11on wllll Barbel $3 50·S4/hr + Tips Ap-Dtttls 5035 MCIVISA 24 hrs ply dolly alter 5 PM •••• ••• •• •• ••••• •••••• Call 638·070 I Me-N·Ed's Pitz&, 17th & &.II. SATILH _E_X_O_T-IC_O_A_N_C_E_R_S_ Tustin, Costa Mesa ll1rt1a11 Co. lie. Bac~e1or1Bachelorette -,-,-11-TAL lSSlSTll_T_ Speemllzlng on lst & :?nd party entertainment MEDICAL KING chg • E~p Back Oll1ce. PIT Of ---FI T 11 type 111 Hoag Welder. m1g & setup u -646 5073 pet neadad Long 111&. -gOOd pay Coll IOI appt LADIES 3 SPO BIKE XLNT CONO S45 775-0458 Rilmpar dirt bike, Model A IOSC blue & gold. xtnt COlld $50 64'1·,824 D•A•no rm 1et. wood .l glo~!I top. 6 cha1ts, good COf'ld $450 Almost new dlft bike $50 1644 Mar- ouerne S111/Sun 10 4 Ali.o tree 10 1 good hOm• Fto11111on w111er bed. dou· a ne t dog Garage Soltt!i bf IJood conCI $75 next two weekend; !t 182 8<16·5793 G'""1911 L-133 ·3I01 152-0011 CM1no table; cu111om goto t r & blk llcQuer $275 546 6737 eves/wknds GARAGE SALE Qvct!O huadboard & dh1 MESSEllEIS 545"527 1 Schw11111 Callento 10 spd Neal app11aro11ce & de· ' WELDERS gnts bike, blue, alnt COit• 11111 •••••..•..•.....••..•. Ctotlles toys turn & b a Cl' Pre a o S 9 O more• Sal 9 .. 2 IZ. We.st· 548 6737 eveslwknds pondnbte tronsportallon cond. $50 64:.l '1824 Ct111s11an cnurcll Park1110 Lot Sate 792 VICIOrlll St S;it Dee 4, 9 to 5 Great Variety 01 Items. Good Buys Come & See port No11h,..ood Cusiom 7 Sola velour • ; leopard & took $485 f!l.~~f,. ~t.~~t ••••... 546-6737 eves/wknds n"ceu111y M or F E•pa1ie11ced people MotorcyclOS OK Apply lri make up-to S t7 /hr Fullf l•iftli•I poison. 2.924. College parHlme po&luons avail /111t11i1/1 IOZS Av , Suite A·3. <.;os1a 1n our pub Coll toony for •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa appc 537-2860 KING REHllllH WALL 2 tamlly. Set-Sun, 4-=5': 9 .. 4 371 LaPerte Placa. Bikes, Moped, toots. tv1 n . l)'Peyvrllars. sowing EST A TE SAL e· Untque Custom quaen 111a 11ead'-.. ---a1t1cle~ 101 evoryonfJ Att Doard. sp1eoo & ctt&Jae collecllon, an11que turn•· toungo $300, OBO .OD.,LS • r~co•Ts ~ • ... ptoce steet. 10· 111g11, s; • s;a " b olled cons11uc11on. lure. 'house plonts. mu· 675·97 t6 s1cat oqulpmem Cono- n u o us deity John 5 Pc Pine doneiie set w/2 toave:. S350 Expr only 642-4760 S 175111. approll 800' .. t If ..t St ~~~C.~~~!}!! ••••••.••• !2t3l!l82·0701 (B1t1 or mach • collectlbtes & 497-574 t much more "' 11" H• tft Earl) /ltli11io11 Vi1io FIT e11.per . t 231 N. 10 0 -SOLD HOUSE·TVComti'O:' ···········'·········· 964-7167 eves 01111ng table. round .. 48 inches 2 lvs <I cllrs gd t;ond $2'15 645-363'4 ~~~:~~~~·.~r~~ur'!:~h. ~11.'!!.".C.~~ •••••••• .!. c •• ,,,,' wSIH/dryr, used baby G' nt ---HARBOR AREA E••i••t•I 1030 lurn. Oesl\-gtass lop. din 1a Now hiring Full & PI T APPLIANCE SERVICE ••••'·~•••••••••••••• tbl/ClltS, tamps, pictures. evs Cooks Expe1 Pref. bu~ w e sell rec:ono . guar Ntkonos II underwater ca· rocket, etc All reas Sa• Swae Meet 01n1ng Rm Set Smoke not Required Wages appliances 549·3077 meta, 2 tensu, S 150 t0-4 2 165 Raleigh, CM D 2 I II 2 ... glass table. 60 x36". 6 Negolioble THE GRIN· ---------669-9779 Iv msg (Btwn Harbor & Plac:ent· S111 to I I •• uphols1e1Gd Rust colored ~00 ~s-rc"Hn. N ';. L!s1lL~ttl,1~~~~11~ .... c anne>.A-3.S.m..m.-S.La '!l...~~ Su.i•J tf twtfJ cs3ru50s11:d97v,,e21~1 chairs · ,__ equpmnt lenses fitters. 30 yrs ac:cumulal!ons 1oc •t1tll. ..., .... __ 642-8881 REFRIGERATOR case e1c $225 080 .. St25 Krnelt. Knacks. Saddteback College French Provincial Sofa 1·. Frost free, 2 Or. $165 6<16-2374 Lathe <190 Costa Mesa u.ve1y & Marguetltel Butnl <;>range Newly NURSING ATTENDANTS EXPERIENCED FIT 1111 I P.M. FLAGSHIP CONVALESCENT CENTER _ _!!3_-9060__ _ caoon AE1 wllensos & aii St ---Setting spaces s 10. upholste1ed $400 "ecees 1nctd Never uSed SUN::-Netghborllood Ga-(seller set-up 6am to 497·6233 MAVT AG waSher & dtyer, etec $325 646-9800 eve,. 525-7819 wknds Neat new llAocrowave & G E Oven, bllin $700 Call 675-4009 G E Olshwashet. nr new Almond eotor $200 bSI olr 675·4009 SEARS Trash M asher $15 Good cond 1751 Plaza det Sui. Bat. 675-4009 c 1 c 1 $ 5 2 5 8am) FREE admission to 8 s e n Tage Sole Azure Ave shoppers (Shopping 11,5 Line Cedar Chesl watout 979-25"16 Santa Ana Hts CM 9A~IO 3PM) 83 1 .. 4646 Sl3510BO Call lot de· Co•r•ttll 1031 Garage sate Baby furpi· 1--la•I!> 542·6691 all 7PM •••• •• •• •• • •• • •• • • ••• tu re & ctotlles, wicker. Ntwr._tl l11ei Whit D S f l X Inst '1ome Computer many llousellol<l Items 8 • ••• •• • • •• • • • • •• • • • •• t ••• • I EC1ucat1011a11enter1a1n1o0 mucto more. Sat only 9 .. 2 111111110111001 8'' II GOOd cond $900 '349 95 Inst 646·2374_ 3083 Oonn)'brook, C M IHAll SALE Ot1g s3500 5 9 9 9 N kl c • 855-1296 ,,,, ,, ,011 1045 4 .4 1 o 1un I and hrls•mas Bouuquo _ •••••••••••••••••••••• Reing, TV, bike, misc lilts Sat . Dec 4 lrom 9 Solnbed $75. couch $75. Beaut btk Cai. M , neu1e-hsellld ttems. cralt sup· A M 10 3 P M at 336 co11ee1end Ibis call Dan red. all shots. 11lnl llOme phes. Sat 8_4 191 Mesa Peachtree Lane, New· 552·4592 onlv 675-9922 port Beach between -------, • --Or CM Santa Isabel IS 23rd St . MOrllle Top coffee l11bte lo good home· Old ~ • .. 11 II . off Redtends 22•66 . Pink & wht oval, Golfers & Sa Iller ga s Sheepdog. spayed.1~1~~ !'~~'!!~'.'!.~~--~•••••• beautiful 552-8230 TO's since 1949 738-8538 558-8538 Robt Sattlet NH/CM ----------1 experience req'd. •-•·~ day wk. excellent pay w/ 466 Flagship Road RE Broker Bd Raoltors •lllTRODUCIH* benefits Pvt Npt Bch NewporCBeach office 646·4868 ,.E; 0 E sg:~~= d~';',,07d.,rw~~m~~~9 lr61e8n6d~y22 gd companion ~.a t I S u n 8 AM . 5 PM. S~~~~g~oo;!65WG~~~~~do~ Moving • Ounco_n_P_h_)'_le maculate $3•50 Firm _ • ___ _ _ -roaster oven. luggage, ' s1yle tbl. 6 chrs. xtnl IE•T•L •SSISTHT FREE Calleo cit to good many Ilse hid Items. Ne....pon Baoch Sat 9•5 cond $650 275 E 16th " " 497-0233 Ch t 642.2t11 545 .. 0511 . T's llllMT SHIFT WIDOW HAS $$$ tor TO's Models. dancers. escorls RE Loans. 10K Up No 669-8913, open '14 hrs MIF Credit Check. No Pen· ally Dennison & A,ssoc 673-731 1 Ch11s1mas casll? Pvt ply Full ume. ltont & b1ck DFFIOE I I __ home rlscma~ dec;orot ons. Anli•uts tt U ·U St CM 548-8839 expeilence. REA. X·Rey lll&tr GE 15 8 cu H frost freo 540-3471, 650·1375 1ewelr)'. etc 16405 Myrl· and tots 0111 11 you wont Moving • Double bed. SPIRITUAL READINGS Uc req Sola1y open lttllht••r upright lreezer. abt 5 yrs IOSO lewood SI · F V 11 . we go111c II we don't mauiess g dresser S125. Adv1ce--111 all matters. Some Saturdays. bene-Doctors olflce • Nawpo1t old. very good cono F111nit1111 • H t' I J A got 11. )'OU don't gttlll 275 E 18111 St • CM love mamage & bust-Ills. Ne,..por1 Beac11 area Beach 3·5 years e11pe· S175 cash 552-0105 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• '!!.!'!f.!!' ••• ~~~ •••• ; How does th!ll g111ya F11 548-8839 ness Also counseling 6 4 2. 68 80 A 11 5 -11anca In medical field, 9' desk. pe11ee1 tor arclli· Items donated by tile 3M Sat Sun 9 to ? 522 -----1815 So Et Camino Real 642 6887 E l w d I Lad)' Kenmore Was11e1. 1~1 artist or anvoft•, 2 P T k ...... 5 0 plete ••a • • . ves knds onclu •ng process ng on· Good cond . Otyer. bolh 11~1e dwts & shelue's'"'s95 co employees roceeds ca1allna Or Newport win """' c m . "" • Retail & office space has cattl for good trust ava1labla 17111 St Cosio I d e o d s A g t Mesa trom 1250 s t 10 6t9·758·0318 any11me ~n_c_re_m_4_9_2_·7_2_9_6 __ ,_!,47·8032 / surance forms Xlnl s125. 646·8 t81 • to the ~an Society for Heights pie spool ~Int cood $70 Denial --bookkeeping skllls re-644 2235 _ Aut1s11c ChlldreJI Sall 751·0665 400 s I 6<15·3477 LINDA ISLE $55 000 3rd FAMOUS CIRCUS Expeuenced Ro A nee-Q\Jtted Salary opan For • Beo;;i11ut lmporled French S8~2n_890·•417692 Taylor Or 0J~n'k 1T'i!~ur:~4 Mf~~ 8 Avoc1do Plaid velvel 11wrou CHTH Full Service Suites SS-CUT COSTS SS $650 Furnished All you need for one monthty lee• 640-5470 Newport Beach CPA form llas 3 e•eeu1ove oll1ces for lease 1n their hand· somely decorated N 8 offices located a1 5020 Campus Or Window ol· fices ranging 1n 51ze lrom ~o 10 233 sq 11 Many amen111es Included w/ leasa of 1 or all 3 oll1ces Coll Alison at 17 t4 ) 752-6616 or inquire al Coteman & Gran1. 5020 Campus Or. N B 92~60 2000 sq It olltce wlSOO sq ft ""arehouse S t545/mo Irvine a1ea Mr O'Keele leave message 85 t ·8928 Full service executive su1· tes w1tll law llbrary pr1v1· leges (Est 1977) Oftlces ovallable mo 10 mo or lease S 195-$530 mo Word proces11ng confe· rence rooms Tete• E•· ecu11ve Row Inc 390 t MacArthur Blv<l 2 t 1 (Bl Jamboree Blvd ) NB 75'1-7170 Maximus Massage Parlo1 Gor· geous girls to serve you Open lrom 10 AM unlol 4 AM 7 days a week Free bullel 7 19 No Harbor Blvd. Fullerton l1•·17D-11t2 Deed ot T1us1 101 sate behind T 0 s totalling 5630 000 Will sell to y1etd 30•1. 1n1eces1 paid quarterly ill due & payable June 83 Secu· red by one ot the chOI· cest homes on 11111 i sland Call Steve 675·3 285 aft .7.PM 548·5502 I __ All MAJOR CREDIT 101% fitl4 t:AROS ACCEPTED $29.000. 90 day 15%, T-BERRY'S nole secured by $85.000 Go-go 111rls uo go) trvs1 TO on home on es-669-8914 crow tor $285 000 be· ----------1 111nd oos11ng S6o.ooo MIDILIH 'LIS note S22,000 takas It 645-3646 ~;~~Jo::~~:; 2 4 16 19 l _ES_C_O_R_T_S_l_M_O_D_E_L_I _ --24 hours • call 835·9199 Woll pay 150/o 1n1ereS1 only ($1250 mo on $100.000 1s t TD· co mm er c1 a1 P111oa•I P r 0 P e r ' Y 1 1 6 1 9 1 S11vie11 SJIO 729-1129 •••••••••••••••••••••• -------5 Angels WIHappy Heart Anno•netmtnt1/ Style cut hair wttove & Ptt1ot11ll/ care Only S6 Perms £ ' • " S30·S35 Up Ml Mel's ,,, 101111 754·9904 ...................... --- t,•1t I l•utl S300 ded tor Ort llod ontlc interview appl call 195 cu ft F11gld1111e rel11g Walnut buffet w/hu1cll .. 81aemar Way Back; Bay Contemporary Sola. ex· p1ac1ooe 1n Mission Viefo 752•1~ _ 83w1!0 6P566frzr. go5to .,S0 28 6°9 oevetled glass door top. MOYll~ SILE posed walnut base S175 .Area 830·3703 'ART TIME "' dys. .i.,.. " very Country F1ench • 221 19th S1 Sat-Sun 9"6 64<1-6<193 Eves and/or weekends eves $995 646-8181 .Furn , anttques & callee· 673-2706 30 yr ol col· IRIYlllS 111111 New 3t cu 11 treezet UP· l1bles Sot/Sun 10-5 lecttog .. going• Couch nearly new, 7'>' No Experience Req Responsible adulls. over r1gllt S600 1 Twin Bed, mactress 4 22311 watltngford. (nr -S G ~ S ,_ 11 1us1 & blue on ton bacit· Make up 10 Sl3/hr Siar-21 with ou1s1and1ng at-846_6791 bO• springs S25 French Brookhutst/Bushard) upe1 aroge a.., a tllru ground $200/b&t ofr tractive personahttes to ---------Provenctel Furnllure 2 .... B D* Everytlltng in S oul 640·6752 ltng pay Futll Part time Cl d k 1 n • F s avail 10 our pub Cell work with you1h (ages A•eli•• 1015 n1gllt acan s. 1 es goes urn an11que 0 E bl & 1 I0-14) Cott 2-SPM . •••••••••••••••••••••• c11es1 of drawers $50 s11ve1.m15c What do you rno1e nlry ta e mr· todaylorappt 537•2860 6<12 ·4321. ext 346 eocll 540-9085 Ha1tpr1oe&Less Allnew want?Cell&ask ·lllave ror Al'loque $85/obo, KING chg E 0 E PUBLIC F!JRNITURE Backpacks Totes. lea-ii' JaO 1 Kings R~ N B 644-A594 .llVER -* 0 * ther pur~ 4 portfohos 646-407 1 Beauhlul Dining Rm set PLANT MAIN TENANCE AUCJI N ll1te•••tlii~ plus asst salesman's 1 Light pick.IUI & delivery route lntenor plan I ex-" ••• ••••• •••••••••••••• samples Also boys & 4 Family Garage Sale • Relongutar Wa nu1 top, Senior pref 549-9233 • per nee Dependable Ewer, fri41J l1JO'M A•lif.811 IOOS mens clot~lng. Ext cond shop now for Christmas• w/ ornately designed UECITIYI vehicle req. 15 lo :JO hrs NIGe bdrm, living rm fur-•••• ••••••••••••••••• Sat 9.4 7249 Seowortll~ 50C·S200 Sal/Sun 9-4 wrought iron legs ono per wk 645-1180 niture, dining l bles & HB (8chwalk) 536·~ 140 2612 Ca1ob. E Blull chairs (6) New. S2500. Slc.ETalY k ~~~~~~~~~ ---asking $800 obo Days. .. PAiNTER . B&W Custom chrs. chinas, boo cases. WESTMINSTER ABBEY : CHRISTMAS GIFTS GA· 84 1·3098 640-4910 need ed 111 Luxury L•· lmmed full/time posltlon appliances PLUS LOTS ANTIQUE MALL TREASURED LORE• M11llbU•Newpor1 Ca•ol gun a Baoch Hotel Hlgll t bit hed o MORE. 117 51 Wesmitnster Ave. KEEPSAKES Estate Sole Sat/Sun 8-4 -------l Powe1fld Secretarlal Ou· ~o~~.e ta~. Nttn r:"y~! SllYE •SAYE GARDEN GROVE· 01 over sours Store-·418 R adt 11nds NB '~ ' I ~ 554 6 103 ' H01l11 IOfO ties for top managemen1. commercial expe11enee. SllYE · room In back ot Mall Box 642-7407 .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Good skllts a must Sell Color prlnllog experlen-1 Station at "19 Mltln SI, Eno•aved western saddle. S1ar1er. Highly Motivated ce helpful 645-3840 We honor BotA, MC , BEAUTIFUL QUILT from Own1wn H B Open Frll CiHI •twit Hit blankets & stand, $500 Xtnt Benet1ts. Cell Jan VISA. Cashier's Checks Mid wesl s 150 Sal/Sun or by oppt. Port color TV, 1en1 kllch 0, best offer 673•6448 Flood, 49<1-6460 PIT Clltlstmas Vacation & Cash NO PERSONAL Call 759•1877 .9118-9502, 964-3712 or Item• Old Play Girls oil Spm work. auto j1'&1nlanonce CHECK&PLE.ASE• Food _ 960-l573 Tons misc 11ems Sat 9 ------ FASlllOll COl•HLIR dehvery $200·$500 wkly. available Items subjec1 O•o English Antique lbl. --------• AM 730 Tustin Ave NB Must sen beauttlut Sorrell $100/$200 per Welk Ca11Charhe6<16-578t -topresate. 1932 apprOll $350 1 FAMILY SALi (I>)' 16th St I Quarter Gelding Eng/ Women:s Apparel Bull· ROPT~IOTllY llAITEIS AICTtOI. 962·2U 4 962·317<1 Child's skis. wet sull, Antiques plenty 01 hschtd West To good llome n e s s 7 3 1 · 4 3 4 7 • '1075''1 Newport Blvd CM stereo Ch11stmas Bai-items Sat only 715 51 o 11 t y S a c r 1 I I c e 730·9080 Small Bayf1on1 law office 833_9265 646.11686 Ctass1t18d Ads )'our one-gains 9<151 Da)'lona Cir James Rd 7_3 55 t·0285 In Newport Beach EJr. s1op.shopp1ng centet Sat 8·4 PM -IEED l IUIE1 FILE CONTROL CLERK · per lletpfut. no1 req -------1c1otlles. Baby 1cems End Ho111d11' c.Hi 1065 Personal qualllled com-for Nwpt 8cll Law Fttm 548·22113 am only Ask A•tlio• 101 S Aaetioo 1015 lrvi•I table, Owl Ptetures la1ge ••• ..... •••••• • •••••••• .....................• FOUND ADS pamon drivers for your No eJlpe.r nee , bu1 mutt for Carol •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Lton pa1nttng King Brass ce1Uog tan w/4 tuhp be ac:curat!I typist Attn GARAGE SALE Sal 8·3 ....... ltglllS day-to-<hy errands any-10 Cletall & have pleasing Receptlonilt Experian· BookS. records c:ameia sheets Kitchen 1hrms. S 100 730-0986 ARE FREE wlle•e shop. appt. air-phone manner Contact Ced, must be at1reGt111e equip, collecUbles. va· IOts more Sat only g • .i ----PRlllAE LOCATION new ports, etc Hr or day Barb a' a M u r r fl Y for exclusive beauty U· $400,000 lues worth toocung into 1 5 Koma111. Newporl Crest • bldg t 100 sq It or cen "94•5857 759• 1731 646-~827 Ion 6<1 5-<IO 12 Cosla IUUCSTJeENT OR GlfT GIVING Moun I a In Lau1e1. Irvine. IOlt Supe1tor) Jtwt/'l. 1010 be d1v1ded On PCH. C II ----------1 M8$8 '"11'-(Take cutver to Deerfield Have something you want •••••• •••,.•••••••••• Newport Beach Slop by a : -,.--,--------1 Food service supervisor. ----------1 to Doe Trail • on lhe to sett? Class1hed ads do Emeralds Rubies. Sep· & see 2435 w Coasi l4l·llll !!"..f.!!!'!!!!.......... for S• mells program In R:;: .. ',!0~1~,::i~~ ':~~ AU CTI 1 N cornef) 11 well 6,.2_5678 pt111es. •tc at .... 11oteule Hwy, NB Agt 63 t· 1<100 J,oLI w,.1_.... 1015 Cosco Mesa. 5 hrs pr , pr 1 c es o, b e t o w 1 • "' nr d1y Mon-Fri S3 50 hr of convatescen1 in Costa 6'40-8688 WISTMl•STER •••••••••••••••••••••• Previous rood 1erv1ce Mesa 5<16-<1643 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Young marrted man wlll I M I k ----------1 r 10 0 F . ., 1050 IR•ngs. lad1es 14K Wht gold Deluxe olllce or st or a 1' do 11eneral 11andy wo1k e•p oesirab e ust ' e Sales/Olflce Mgr •r•il•ll 5 111a1 are edd g t 14280/900 Sq It "llTTO•S" IS LOST " & working w/otder ,.._,.le F I llb 1 1 •••••••••••••••• •••• •• •• ••• •••• •• • •• •••• ••• • w •no engagemen • space Call eves wkenda. ,.u_,. · or arge sa oa m g1. S 1141 ... I IPM tfl 14 It over 1C App< $11,000. 1430411200 sq ft Beach Pretty gray female Tiger 972.9525, ask for Bill Call Joan or Murfet MacGregor Yacht Corp • J • • H I • Oe<lorat0r rattan sofa. L· Mattress set5 twin $60. sell SSOOO/OBO. Ans_, Blvd Btwn 2 lwys. Civic cat longish fur. ttves on 835-8011 1631 Placentia. C llA. A Former Retailer & who lesaler is shaped. cream color lnc;I full $65. queen $ 105 Ad 534 6_.2•4300 24 11,. Cenler Shopping Center. Cllrlstine Drove (near Nurse/Companion. excel -1-1-1-1-1-1-L-0-,-,-1-0-1-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil . retiring a nd selling his e n t irc ottoman. xtnt eond. $900 king S1'l5 750·5832 i-----· ------prime location 979·6889 Banning & Magnotta). care, d11ves, local 1efs ( I 848·9112 (01amortd Eartlngs Unique or 660-01<14 Hunllngton Beach Plea-586-1316 No Experience Aeq IECIOAllY R.E. i n ven tory and busin ess urn ture. Genurne '~~no Marble design ~. Kata! lotal se coll 969· 122 t aft 6. ---------Make up to S 11/llr Slllt· Secretartal poslllon In lo th e h ig h est bidder. All will be Rust velour sole S 150 Top l bl, 36 with onllque weight. set in Platinum & Olllce spaces tor tease. lltw Cllt I htl• Jt•t ling pay Full & Part-lime active Newpor1 center d b d . Octog caoelgtass cock· wht peoe.stal base & gold 14 K 0010 vatue, s 1200. 5 1 o · $4 2 5/ mo 7 Io· Efficient. Innovative. En· posit Iona ivall. In· our Reattor"s ofli~e. Fronl ~I piece Y piece an tn g r o u p.<; to toll table $100. Cene candtea11ck tamp $300 asking SSOO a.1•3098, ~~~~:;~d ~'~~~a11g55A~~ F~~~d0~e~1:~~~~t~1~ ~~~~'.'cw~~rne~1 :~8~u~; pub. 531 .. 2800 KING chg ~~~c; fe~!~~~n~e~~:~~~ ·~~~~~:'·~~~It••• 111194111 ~~f:~~~f'ias!~ns~ =~~: ~ 6~·1572 640~9tO Camino Or, CM 3 blks E K 11 1 y brook . C M 0 I I E I t I I 1r•r1t•L OFFIOE Beachw ood table a 4 8' solo, beige prtnc. $300. Wt ..... ll& S-tl 549·5160 roan t ng, n er 'n ng. s; s; " typing. shot1hand & ap-• 26 00 X e r ox Co p ll'r • •IBM .. 25" RCA color TV, Re-•• o t Fatrvtew /Adoms Flextble, Rellabte. lnOe· Telephone/ typist, l ull peerance Real estate Chr & beige chr1 $175 mole. DLX Contempo-15 Flawless 14 Kt goto. 754·1040 Mt Tracy Found Men's glasses. vie pendent , Xtn1 Refs uma Send resume P O experience helpful but S e l el'l ric T y p ewrite r wi th .Antq. wlck ar Gh alse raiyCabtnei, 1250• Pr Ve•)' cute $750 II SQ FT I I Alpha Bela P11rking 101, 714-960-3793 Box 16336, Ir" 92714 no1euen1111 Preferlocat cor r el't ion k ey -D esk • o ffice lounge $350 Wicker chr Bedroom, 5 drawer 545-5641 • 0 ·a s • ' o 17th S1 CM 642-4277 Htl• Wut" 110tJ General Office ~~~l~r~' ~~; iniervtaw supp hes • Cil ing cnbinets -scales • :~g ~~rr'::ea ~~~s::~~ cllests + nlte steno. llt~ #1diHtT, 1111 ~~':{' Nso ~~~~~d Lost Bog grey Parstan •••,.•••••••••••••••••• TYPING, Cterlcat, Llgh1 metal storagl' t•abint•ls • naugah y dl' S45 ea Much more. Ans 1Jreen lacquer, $300, 54 '••••••••• •••••••••••• Call 720•1665 Mate Cal ( 11128) Vicks-AOCTl/llHIAIOI • bookkeeping par1-tlm1 WHltf I. T1Jler 0.. B b Ad 535 . .,~2 3 .... 24 11 desk, hte green LaeQuer. 'Gtu-Cratt 200, llbt!fgcass Real,~1 6~4·4910 cout·h -V ireo anque l ta Jes.· · ~ ·• "" 11 s t 75 Ho1potn1 Rell choppe1 "un s 1000 burg & Eve1glada. H B 2 yrs e11p .. agency or 5411-8671 ~ .. • l•riHll 11•1•1 4450 REWARD Catt 968-3031 compaoy Pay1btu a --------Vir eo 1: tnblC'!I -S tac·k ban qu et DESK· Empire Console. Freezer. $200, Nasl/3 6<16-0368 Iv mess •••••••••••••••••••••• -rece1v1bl8s Xlnt bene-lllF 110"'/llll "h · mahogany S250 call end I a b I es . S 3 5 ----- NB prof ofl. 600 sq It Foun<l black & brown ltts James Insurance. tr-STAITl" Ullll ' ... airs 6<1<1·7<1 18 64<1-160<1 lll1ttll11He1 IOll Three carp wl ba1 Sink Germen Sllepllero/ vine Cell M aurine . E eou"" Club Flnancl8l tnvestmfillf11m ....... ,, l1tl14tll ' --•••••••••• Charming 1181 11on c 010• Shellie mix n vrc1nity 752_,..,90 (EOE• Fl Nl1guet nt1f'/ ,,_ tor educator• Personnel $JO.OOO w orth T ubolyn l' to mokc 8 pc 01n1og rm set 1netu-Refinished Sq Oak cable. A•;;;~·i:;·; 1 h 0 0 any nlal bldg nr c11y hall Irvine 552-11708 v.. r ult I me pail •me ..,.. • communJCattons' dept. ding elllne ceblnet. 9' S 160 4 arm ch111rs $5 ea ctbhtet·S75. b11hroom B alYEITISl•I t•Lfl perlence pref erred sec'y lClnt '"P & S/H furniture, Rh t'lv mg room dividers. quat velvet couc;ll (gold) Mite end labtea $10 ea "matble 1.,,.. .. sink Ir> 1 2$569259 6N73e~P6°6r 1 lvCI F ouod call co cal with " " Hourly ptu1 benel111 req'o Eltec. 'aecrelartat dt'sk , bookcast'll, toys & lo ods of Blue c:oucll & 1ov99eat Desk S25 850· 1226 000, & 2 d~ewer eiblMt ... 4 brown flea c0Ha1 vie No Interior Oetlgn & resl•u· <196-2023/0olf Shoe> e•p 11 must Non·smk.r R f tt ble C • I L a gun 8 Be a ch rent directory publisher ~ 0 Items. P ot wry wh{'{'I & cqwpment, M t e ng, co 88 •a E11p1no101e table. took• plus metclltno 2 0001 •••lltll <194-7669 is opening an-ollice In ltftl hu Ottrtl pretetrecl C•U 553 .. 094 surfboard I 00'!1 o f oth er ltt'ms. 153 llAOVtNG 7!i2·2t97 llke bullet, sea1e 2-12 wall ceblnet a "marble •1•t1l1 4415 --011ing• County Need• NCR po1t1no exper r a· Secy/r~pllonlst wanted LMng room M t, 4 po, alnt W1tnut ld181 for !louse 1yp1f ' will shell. all lor •••••••••••••••••••••• Found Cdcke• Spaniel. uper'd hard working . quired Apply to David tor sm111 CPA firm In tr-S liver Dollars G old Pieces. 151 cond Aektng $250 w/o din a1ea or c;ondo, S 100 tempered gtau lndustiial space &/or of-red lemale. vrc Hunt· energe1tc sales person. McNett or Mra B1lla.11r vine TH secratortal 1111· Lots of G c m ston M w hh oppralHal . 842-7'402 1f1 4.30PM S125 8'48-11112 ahOWOf dOOl'S oljke new. ~tc;· ~~f~~~e&n~ater. ington Beach 840•288e teadlng tho mgml po 1 11-between 11 .AM end 4 per pie( 833-8042 143 I..o ts o ( Crm1u orH'!I wit h o ut Single bed w/m a1tresa. :~~~~~~ for bocll Ci ll 842-0100 969·1221 Found F1m11e trt-cotor tton Hlg "1 comm•· PM Servera~ !I yre uper.. apnrailflll ll. ~O l b~ Turquo ise . S50 Call An•.,..rAo 580, Co111e No t aos. Vic slons E+ bEenefiots AO-••ttl L11H1 between 3-SPM to per-Arr w o rk fn1m ... 1 "· unfrnoif'd . 642·4300, 24 lloura. H11nct·m•d• wooden doll * 550 sq ft S5501mo Xlnt I 7 I h I D 0 v e, • N B VANC M NT PPTY '426 So Co111 Hwy LB son. Sob Burne Restau-• ... \.I \,Y Dlol Direct nouee Cutt $55 101 P.O Bo•'• Const 5•8·2898-(2131271·5831 49,..1151 rant 31 FatlllOl1 tarand. $5000 wort h Squ l ndw r A c:tlv ily Bu wltll 2 cap t chair 642•4321 831·2430 ~Y~~;~~''• Shores _F_o_\J_n_o_Y_n_g_b_l_k_/b_r_w_n_1 __ A_u_o_10-=--=P:-:R:-:O:-:O:-u-c""T""1""'o_N_ HOUSECLEANEAS/ E•· Ne .Apply tn P«•on. Drink. Wigs 500 • w a te r purlfil'l'8 !:r~~·5:~~~~2::~1ot,n:.; o ew1111 12" A•_o_ta_l _A-rm- Germ S hap/Shallle ASSISTANT pro tor rHldent11I work. tl•Ol llR 50 • ny lons 300 pair. /\!lllOrtmcnt Of l'lra Cott C.lt._t Saw Metal oab Ilana 6 '•'••lrl•I mix?. vto Irv 552-8708. w 111 t ! a In . el( p w I L .. I ..I -II -------acC.H Lil<• f'ltw -~95. oasse11e1 a + $4/hr al· N eed c: 8 r v m • 0 Casl'ltar/lood Prepara· HoU!IC.'hO d f u r n ltur c an~upp <'11, Din. rm table w/8 ahrs. lullMcrtlJe te the 861· 1~79 •••Ill 4100 f ouoo •Fem ale Doble 1ar mo trlat. Full or "A 631·1 222 __ 11on PIT Opening a IH•ll •In FAIHIHBS m11c11109 hutch & cl'!loe --thet Pool ttlb ..... ~uat-m· ....... •••••••••••••••••••••• Shep ml11 Brn leather time eook• On T1pe IOI CIOtlng •111111 Mat re b 1700 c II A ·--..... -... -... " vrn ....... $750 up 2 160 II lndlJ· coltir H 8 Ai ... 548,5525• H k for Oreg 111111 Saacttfl Counlty C~utl Bld g #16 Use• Arllnf{t o n St. ~:d·1180• 842~430~~2'4 '"'"~~ •Int cono, Incl aecta• llrlal • Office 1810 1 Ile-841.0315 Hourt Comm't, property ' Cllt• 536-88ff Entron~'t' l'lrt e.-tewn ........ s. 6 0 • 3 7 • e 2 ' 2 . dondo Clrc11. P & T --·•-----=-------ua.lty u at . e 11p rttc , C M C t ft N wpo r t 632-1978 Hun11ng 1on. Bu ell Found: Boat (Small) AUTO DETAILER WANT-min 2 yrs Incl lyplng TIU ... ( Ill.II ost o CSU. 0 • 0 •• FLECTAIC 81!0 'fOUI Men .... .. 11'42·2834 , outtlde of Jttty eo No ll(pet .. nCe ,,... )(lot benefit• Jeme• lo· Wt Wiii tr1tn No H pe· fo'rt.'t'WllY lit F&lr Or.) 8arktt Bro•. Ollu~•. )(. ...., .......... Lift ULL .. 2500 1q 11. near Hoaf 760• 1328 dec:t In CM 1145.1111 liHtnoe. tr vine C•JI rlence nectuar y Eve-TC'rms: Cu h; c.·hccks. deposits, tono·twfn. Od c:ono S'lSO Bouquet• ol iO He41um Hosp a.p1ra11 olflo4t Lo1t Yellow Lab Attr1t-BABYSITTER NEEDED M aurine, 752.C>HO(EOEI n1now0fll VeryN1y aa1t VIS A , Mastl'rcard. BX. Tr•dl' 674"1024. 76CH>155 ittliiiWml l •llOont PerfeCI for Ill rettroom 1900 /m o. V9r, ena to ''tllleba", 1'1• 011 Balboa t111no 101 9 fiie"IH IH t draw to the Ovaranteed houri)' wage -••••H• •-••• occu loni a flOUCll yl Au t omo t t111 ok e11r yr• LI Ct••'" color A• mot 010. P/l lme, rate Wett a Oally Piiot !~117t~~. ~~t Mr Amcrlca Card WANT ACTION't ~7~,~~~••d anytime =84=~=•=2=88======1-w_•_r..:d=5=3='=·2=0='=3====i...:.'eci:,.a:,7~,4,,,;';;8:::,1s..~!_,;_4':.::':.....-J...ec..=:1111ea _...0 84a.we ...,.... ... _ _ _ c1a~'!d Ad• 64a-&e11 , r __ ·- !'.~•.e!J!~~.~~~ ... ~.~~~ !.'!! ••••••••••••• ~.~! ~.1!,.t1!C ••••• ~f Aa~~::;:. If ~ ... ~'.~!!'!r.!!~u ..... ~ ... ~'.'.!!'!r.!!~ ...... . lrvl1111 l;OHI t;ou1111y l;lub t'l11ylul p111 S11me•v l 1du 14 Ml r11w ltk• uew •••••••••••••••••••••• A1'/ 1101 F111'1I 1113 Men11111111110 lo• .. 1.. •1my1111 ' '"' Y' Old S.'OOO Oy• 11111 !101 1 MHIL .. l "t l •••••••••••••••••••••• •·-,:,;~;.;.·1·· ... ····m···'I·••• $16001011111 G7!> 1111&1 Of det.lowvJ Sb t173 !11tl4 """ 4lllJ I• 9tl\y 1•µ11c..1t J>k~up• & 10 l•lll 1000 hrM - (8101 !'188 47:12 r& n l 11 •o• urtr coup•• 4 1t1 "'""•• ?II 000111•lat tully 10 d.o llU llTlllllll fl fl !O.Q)I Mohon Surf !!~~ ..... 1..~.~~.'.!.~ ljlJ.10. HOll!ll!' 10 hp from• IOObfdl) (IHI! IUflfOOf Oii rood llt.O fllUll boaflf. kl ttg watvrbe<I. o~ UPtl{)hl pl11y1t1 pl1110. molOI 4 l!Mll• 17260 A100'J) """"' •l••llllU "' 11ew 11 3 400 OQO IHLlllllPI MUSISfLL M$tolf11 man/i1l1c; 11\200 &u 459~ llUH,ffll 94!1 11 2 11 Cv•e Or 111 (ll t AulO lrnll• I /(. itm/lm 1 lltllQ ' tJr fllt.hll~ 1.•1100 obo b7'J !t.1r,4 .. 848 1212 1138 I 4812 P1t1nt,,1h1p in Ft1\.eon 36. 8'11 9 IS4 tl11y• lllftl,,, ,,.. 114 ·---------................... . THIODORI Smli1 60llCll lrlClllt, Conn Organ, Mini c;ond ll(IQICl fOf rlClllg CrUI· 16 AUCll fOA N-.J• 11111'1 Hu11 C111111r1to11111 kll Rolla loyca g1111.e tow ""'" 6 hl<e l\llW D MU:l 1 bf't1 lh•IJ •• u Of•• ul • kmd hOW tllr''' /'.; ~ I(}"/ di 1 ollltll H•• flu '"., .1111 'ona ' 1 •.00 ~1 l:ill I~-1tl111ZHOSL A11lh111t1111 w/dova 1n1 ' ''"' th1on1v 1111uy !>i Ro1111 Royce Be111h1y • Alao lul•~l'I' M1n1111 ~1 ~lnl cond '18,500 new, 5d tr nller 111111 1000 ••no Slip 111 Ntwuotl wurk I 1004) C>i bv•t OI· cond. 12975 846·1507 11118 Otr3!l C•ll Luli1 919 7843 lotr 8!>7 4161 ROBIN S Liii IHCI MW (714) t.30 !'1100 12131 4'7 ~404 ~~~~~!l ••••••••• 1.~~ 6!1 Mv1,1.uy t.cmwt r. cyl UIO llitt•I bNft llld••lt nu11• 1111 1)6 '4~0 494 93110 Cab1na11 au11om k11. bath. wnll unna. 11oraga Low COii Fine qlty FrH 851 642·9125, 642·2741 Oai.. upright, rellnllhed. new l.1y1, beaut 1on11, $9911 640 6058 1111 3 Wllderneu-21. '7tl, Cl win chtt hOll<I\ pump, OB. HOOU Sella. SIHPI 4 FORD ll fili •~A•tc11 ll'IO l()\IA Ml\A fo 4 I 0010 'll 1111 , ..... '-I ICSY:\401 115i3 .C.142 1940 baby grund Gui· $7600 213·502 ~563 1°'01d, moo .. A 211. Shi)' Auto Naw •ng, 110111. l)r,lltt, llfH \.QOlll ' run11 .i1lnl $2160 Cull 9tlylllll8. lvt 111 011 401' 10!17 31()() w"'' Cool" ~ilivy ~ llHll ITIZ N wpor1 Uoech • • • • • •• • ••• •. •••. ••••• 042·1>405 $1\IM·ScrvlCt·Lf'Hlng TIE UllHT 01 1a1~~)~!T1~!1m11ea !!~!!!~I ..•...... !.~!~ Man's e11ede 1ocket. ntver worn Lg size, Remington E111clflC Ruor. used once Mon'1 1c11 skates. s1z11 12. •lrH cond 8•6-4543 alt 6 Sro B & 0 WORKMATE AS New 145 673-5223 Out ol Business. Wicket al wholesale Ovl ol houH. 963-3780 for directions Plnbs11 Macl'llne S276 01 trade lor ??? 6 Miiiion S Ml/'I, 6 Player 645-2963 pp Boys Bike. daybed, mat· lreSStis, king sz ma111oss s111. all nearly new branHn. 01lg 1vo11H. rep100 Aoad1to1. lid• $1500/obo Call Answe-Siilbo•'• IOfS mounh 111rnl>1t 011. •Ad 580. 842·4300, 24 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1>I01eo. h onl/ raer ha11 hrs Oreo1 C h11a1111u G ilt 1er, Pinto ooo. aut o Custom Sollbo11rd. Exira trttn•. 1u11g11gtt 1~ek/ ~~~~·A.!'.'.~~!'!!!!.~~~ 011, brllnd n.ew cood 1r1mk, full covar Nr per· Necchl In wooden cabinet $950 646-7200 •'!· fuc:tl L•n lhan 4,000 mt. with au chmtnlS I 165 Wknds $8300 Cttll 673·61174 111 !)48-6737 ---..,,,, su,. 5 Skii•f. 1013 o.tb I010 '53 Sludllbllkllr Chompton ••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 5 p111 ope Nice cor lllW 11U .............•........ t 9 8 2 s k 1 Nau 11 Que 60AT SLIPS AVAILABLE; $3750 2131592-1792 SALH·IH"IOE fi•t 11ZS ..••••••.•............ '74 HA t 4 dr Sttd1n $875 962·9759 '70 I 101 S1>y\Jo1 2000, conv !I »Pd. m111 1111ver, low ml. 1n1n1at. S5900 Coll 67!1·2287 '7& FIAT Spyd11t ·x1111 cond Sacrifice $1095, call 760 1996 "?001" Only 38 houfl Newport Beach 25'. 28'. • • Also have a 1977 For-30', 35', 40', & 45'. Call 4 WiHI Drir., ISSO LWlll •f•NTASTIC* mula 110 20 II llke 642·46'44 from 9 ·5. •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·2040 495-4949 n NE w 1 ca 11 17 1 4 ) Mon_-Frt '78 CJ7 ,Renegade .J~p, SlllLIUOl UW * FIATS * 842·2000 & ask lor Jim· SLIPS AVAIL Hunlington PI S, hord & soil IQP•. 28.C02 Marguerite Pkwy .. w-c Ul[CflnM my Jr It out. Please Harb 0 u r Ba y . o 1 S59001080 968·7961 Mission Viejo r-. ~ "'" ltmve message• 840-5545 846-7766. 6-9 (Avery Exit off 1·51 PttE-0..-0 K2 170 sklS xlnl cond, p M 8 4 0 -4 0 9 7 • r1nl1 1510 Open Sundays FIAT SPIDERS .. ----w11h 1>1nd1ngs s 100 7 14/840-7875 •••••••••••••••••••••• FIAT X 1/9's Camera, TV. bed. coflee 642-7558 675·6720 Lowltf Newport -9a-y-1974 Chevrolet •, ion 553-1801 eves 1ables cr1b. stroller Coll Rossignol 190 skis. used Slips 30·3311 $811 Camper Specllll pickup many 10 choose from Suzya.1.1691 once like new.•$75 Sideties 15-2411$711 A11 cond1llonlng,AM/FM Sa1es-Serv1ce-Leas1ng For Example· Odyssey II Video game. 15 tapes. $200 640·1392 Nylon Execullve luggage, 21" carry-on, 44" Gar· met bog, Tote Bag, Duf· tel Bag:-& Travel Ku Orig Cases. S6S 960·116 1 Mink Stroller. Gorgeous natural ranch w /Sable collar. Value S5000, as· king $2400 64 1·3098. 640-4910 ~2· 7558, 675·6'1'20 s w a I es An c h 9 . 5 Sl8f80 casselte & Sharpl TllE EXICllTWl•i• 1113 '77 FIAT -548· 150 1 Asking $3400/or bes I SHlli•f. s.H1 1014 o fter P11 ply Call 124 Sf>llnCe .r.; •••• •••••••••••••• SLIPS AVAIL C°'ona dol 545-6974 II no answer, llYI llllllYEll IUl:r\ Mar Area $9 11. Call please keep trymg A HANOFUL OF 1982 5 spd, casselle, mags. Linda 955·2473 wkda ---------MODELS REMAIN AT dark green beauty. 8-5 Toyota '76 AM/FM Ste-s u B s TANT I AL s A . ACP577 reo aas$elle Small ~3~95 Boat Slip avalllibli'I tor. 40 c amper shell 12 17 5 VINOS' ~ • Mo lher short of cash 10 65 boat Nwpl Bch 673-6618 * '75 5301. auto. sun llflOOds size 10 wetsuJt to 631· 7f77 root. ( 1DVK310) · llELP IHP A llD OFF TllE STllEfiS • '75 Dodge 500 1 •;, Ton. • '76 2002: o4 spd .. sun , 78 FIAT Slarl her 8-yr ·Old son olf Wanted Tra1ler,lor Ranger dual rear wheel,. 14'/t' roof (255PLV) in his surfing career. 22 Sail Boa1 or slip on 11a1 bed stake. S3570. • '78 3201, auto., sun 124 SPIDER Need tor Santa lo leave monthly basis Urgenll 55,000 orig miles roof (70081 under the tree. Call ans-855 9 81 A 1 R d 5 d wer ad ..,578, 642•4300• • 1 · (1023622) , • '79 3201; 4 spd .. sun ac ng e • sp • -ff M i RE-SALE SALES rool (9321) mags, stereo/Tepe Lionel 1rain1. 10 1oco.1•2•4•h•rs•-------•I wlth•:oal ,,;~~~-' 443 W Bay SI., CM • '80 3201; auto .. sun Mfnl cond. (1296). 40•50 lrl & pass. cers, __ Andy Brown 645·2963 root (4096) , s4995 4x8 layoul 775-0456 Ping Pong Table Xlnl L ___ 6_4_5_·4_oo_5 ___ :r-e Chevy Luv, n;;c;;:n;:=-r 131·3111 Condition, folds S60 H .. ~ Surfboard 8'hfl Vel~y fr· 646•2775 30' Boat slip, unungton shell. 12900 negoUable 208 W 111, Santa Ana 208 W 111, Snn111 An• Hl·lllt CIO¥ d Su11d11y Morcpdus Benz SHOP UOUll Fiil Tiil IEIT HY th•ll• Chlltl\ wllh UI Wll'll Ill Ow '1'01.1 011111 4 7 11\IPllfb v ed Mm cedas Benz 1n 11tock ln•pec1, Select & Ttt&I Dr1v111 ConSICler 80 moe pu1ch11, wt sensl· bh.1 IJttll~ 01 OllOW US IO IAllOI u I ... ,. 10 SUll your nm<dt Up to 2 yrs/ 24, 000 m1t11s. wa1t .. nty lltUH tf l•ptrts, lie I 01al?14 or2 13 MERCCDES Mtret4ts IHI Yem End S le A'k us utioul tne lAlfordnble way) 10 buy a Mercedes BonL ........... ··••rt• Au1horlzed dealer 130 t Ouall SI Nwpt Bch 833·9300.213/623-6-000 • MERCEDES WAITED HlchHt lellars hill. Call Poter Kay Olal213or714 637·2333 Meuse tf l•ptrts, lie '81 380 SL rooo ml Wire wheels $38.000IOBO 213-832-8979 UllLHIGI 111111 131-20CO Cll·CICI ¥!!~!.'!!I!~ .••••• !.~~~ 1111 YW Hlllll 4 t11>C!tld. aun 1001. AM / r M CllHOlll I ()W miles llku nl.lwl ( 10PY;J34l ..... ~ ·gu C11dlllu1.1 111 Sout1111rn "'' Whlll ctm111o11 6 cvl (,alltornlnl $11• u1 1ml11y• Stk 'ihlt I uct Al{; .l.·111 I 2 " 6 0 fl II 4 g 9 8 !; " ~30 0?80 OIDILLIO '7!l Muolling Ale 111&1(lr,, <!000 llurbor Blvd auto l r•nt• now brks COSTA MESA good 1unr11tl11 GOnd 540• 1810 11775 llSI Oii 'J.Cb·6fb() '80 Fleo1wood ~rghm d'ElegOlnto mint COtlO ' loaded moonrl 9K ml Ml< Olr 64!> 7400 &II IHI Mutto11g fatltHIGk Mutt 5nll Good Hunning Con<I I lbOO IO bO 546 s.-ao ?Oii w 1s1. S11nt11 Anil f.pm Ol'•••bil1 llSS 135·8111 1973 4 dr Sed 11 de Ville, •••••••••••••••••••••• CIQ'ed Suncllly good moior & llrH MIST SELL $500 6.Cti-6610 81 Cullen Sup1eme '11 llllllT ILS Broghm Osl economy 2 Dr air AM/FM stereo C•••IO 9911 like new velour int Till. . ...........•......... Nl!w l 11e11. 50 ..mpg, •79 Z28 lully ~quipped. cruise Ster CHS fl way 5 4 6 • 6 3 5 5 d • V s . T ·IOP llr blue on blue sphl pwr nat pwr door 673-S.94-e>IM· nu 1ues. lo rn1 15900 lock & window~ padded 79 Converllble Bog. new, 968·7961 vinyl top $5875, Ph %•·2123 pp always tn showroom. '80 Z28. 360 eng Auto white on white, lots ol AM/FM CllH AIC XlfOS ,;,,,. • 1951 •tras Musi sell' S9.600 x1n1 cond 67K mi $6 •••••••••••••••••••••• or offer 552·2971 or 000 548•7989 ' 78 Pinto Sia Wagon 631-3689 good condlhOll Bes• ol· •86 vw 8 F e p-pe '67 Converl . red. 11rong fe1 754-7386 ug ix r u . '· motor, UJrb0·400. PIS, nds mll.'lor wor.k-4 pa'.r'I Pr e. ndrwhl g misc. 11 •Hilt 1960 $1200 bsl 0~·7"7...!. work $1750 as Is ••,••••••••••••••••••• ·73 Super Oug, serviced 759-0544 * '12 UlllllCUDI * every 3000 m1 S2300 Cie ohl llZO eu10. 6 cyt. 1mmac, low 775-4612. Xlnl cond •••• ~~•••••••••••••••• miles $2495 (955XNZI & brakes. nice cond , 2167 Harbor, '73 vw convert .. nu ures ~E US FllSTI Costa M esa Car Co. $4500 835-3157 ell 4. on ~~eN1::~o~d ~;1~i •111-1120* '73 Super Beetle. orjg Chevroletsl Pooli1c 1165 owne<, lo mi. $2250 ne-•••••••••••••••••••••• gotiable 968-7961 Iv '69 Co1a11na, new broker>. COHHEll CHEVROLET msg air PIS. radials $450 '78 VW convl whl/blk, 650· 1912 5 8 Harbour. 833-1103 dys. 631·3607 Closed Sunday berglass, 2 lbs in. skag L di G If Cl 11 1 f (213) 592-2930 eves. --'79 FIAT $85 673·4619 a 8$ 0 u s, e t '65 GMC vs Pickup. runs CHOICE INVENTORY 20~00 SPl>ER -!'landed. lull set. Slln s Sid 1 & 11 :si' Mercedes -500SL. 36K. M ini cond. Sac '81 Gran Prllt 17Km7 $37,950/olr '80 Mer· $5900 675-9084 eves. loaded wtextras $8000 .:>U<H.rt •• r H ·'l ""-l\\H,\ 54~1200 1 1 1 G u 1 ever al e I es s ps good. good lfrea. ulil VOLUME SALES ~;91!v~;rTd;;'~ m':~i ~;4~4~~ 9 0 n 1 7i ''....,."""""·:-4Tl<>-110-<mo+l..o.,--i8ao Call blwn -5 ----•-s spd. AM/FM stereo cond Sacrifice $200/olr · N ° Live A b 0 8 rd 5 · 6-10PM 557-6964 cess. metelllc Brwn. e e de s 5 o o s L c ·10 Bus, 10 mi, looks great, ,7 ,. El Camino lopks or Dst or1 752..8861 $28.950/ofr 494·0167 runs s1rong $2900/0BO. good, runs great. 12300 ·77 Grand p,.,. cass ste· Chrrs. 675-9084 Remington 870 Wing· 95S-2473 wlldys '71 Dallun 1600 p U TM Top & Int. only masler. 12 ga shotgun. •··11 $t11t•• ~ Perri a Valley camper ID I I j L 111 EI 44K (57140) '78 450SL, wire wheels, all 631·3607 nego1111ble 631·3607 reo xlnt cond $2400 opllona. u .000 ml ·7 1 vw Super Beetle, m hevelte 51675 4 spd, 080 5'48-0612 leave flCTllY w/cese. $220 ~2-0109 ... ' ~.. -~ $ Fea~~~gh~~E Bott ~;~~1,io, •••DftY .. SToRAGf 0•• :;,~1·~~~~n ~;~:~!~P Sales-s~!!easlng 5 9 9 5 MINT PrlCed 10 sell• ' e b 11 e n g • s I 0 0 0 atr (002Sll) mess Mrs Ales 6•5·8730 846-5793 alt 5PM RE·SALE SALES 1'668 Pontiac LeM™. ..• . . ., u·r.· $ 1-1 ••onthly boat storage 626 So Euclid Ave '10 FIAT Gltls & Junl()(S CIOlhlng ~· I ltrH "~ "" .11 ' Sa~ There's e Reason Fullerton '72 Mei cedes 280SE 4 5 llS 443 W Bay SI C M xlnt cond SIOOO obO See to apprec11te Dark runs ':!c, ~ 1500 MU.SI Andy Brown 6"5-2963 548-7258 or 675-0750 Beach Towels. Bags, 4 ..... :r.···•••••••••••• any ~e. 24 hr secur ly, · Price & Sei.tllon S1, (lH\alO·HOO 2000 t'Dlftre Walleis. Backpacks, Learn Eleclronocs tree launching OOO.OOO Inventory ,. ~~ green $8000 640-7884 sell 6'l2-7748 '80 Malibu. fully equipped, 75 Safarr 4 dr wagon air, Hosiery. Jewelry, Decals. Ball & Howell Training -lfWHIT MIES Open Sunday 5 spd, stereo, m1gs, 'IO Ill HO I ----------1 3 tt< m1. S4100 below good 11res. trtr hitch runs lmmeculate, full power. 'll Ill, S•1rttf Blue Boole 631-3607 well. $800 646-8556 or Headwear, Visors, Sun Course, Including 1131 lac• llJ Ir II smot<e Qfev, 1 owner. Glesses Wholesale to 16 Volumes of electro-1••.0110 Tlllllll ... , 27K (4345). lhe Pubhc CASH ONLY. nics training from basic •• W d sunroo1: au11 luel tenk am/Im cass. Like new. •,·-78-lm-p-ala. 4 dr .C9,000 650• 1304 • Tak• over payments of s34oo oeo 644-6248 m1, xln1 cond $3250 No Refunds All Sales 10 advanced TV repair, Ca~I r;,,ee sel~~ ~:e~e-d~; s5995 F1na1 Every Saturday In A Design Console for lab RV STORAGE ,.,, ... _ .. ,. , .. ,..... manager. Wolfgang Jurl-D e c ember ex c e p I e•perlmenls0 .,,.,~..... , ... , ... .,,. nett, 101 highest b•dl Chnslmes Day 9 AM · 2 A Heathkll igltal Mull!· B oats, also wet slips 1------~~..,1 LOii IUCI llW r77 FIAT Xl /9 PM. 3190 Airport Loop, m111er and solid slate V••• ISTO Unit E, Costa Mesa triggered sweep Osclllo-available •••••••••••••••••••••• Sales·Serv~L1aslng Bright Yellow Beauty Golf membership at Irvine Coasl C C $3000 or make oller 6.C 1-8411, res , or 673-1960 busl· ness. scope. 113-1331 '6'4 FOl'd Van. Economical 3670 N Cherry Ave with 4 spd , stereo. A 25" Heathkit Color TV ---------6 cyl, $800 LONG BEACl1 mags (42220). wrth digital clock. digital 675"7498 114 111-lllO $J295 channel display & elec· T1••1•1l•tilM '75 Chevy C 10 350. AIT, ~~~~~~~~~ tronte tuner • •••••~••••••••••••••• B.F G TA 's. spoke megs, 1- All of above are com-c •• ~,,, s.1, AM/FM, lrlr hitch, xlnl lllllllf CHm'S -H-o-ov_e_r_c_a_ni-sl_e_r _v_a-cu_u_m-.1 plete and brand new 11111 llZO cond. $2995/0BO. ILHIT '78 FIAT Xl/9 ..... 1 T l\1s is a S 1700 value ••r ••••••••••••••••••• 6'15--8252 1 5 d ... uae. used on Y once. Will sell IOI $550! 1'i.b11g.lass Shell for sm I~=_,,,...,_•_• ,,,_P_m___ 4 spd. metallJc. orange. llke nu S75. 642•3272 631-9106 pickup, $90. 645-9701, 1978 Dodge Sportsman. ~ Factory air, stereo llELICIPTtR Slllll BEAUTIFUL 2f7R'CA 631-2316 lo ml . clean, 9 paa-... tape, mags. Only "43K 6 days. Bugaboos Ca· Coler TV 2 yr wrnly llolorizH libs 1140 senger. SS-400 65_1-_10_1_8 S11les-S8"11ce-Lea5lng ml (1BUC707). ca(l't go Call Grag Open Sun AMF Moped, only 400 ml, •••••••••••••••••••••• fY"'tV CARVER $475 55 or buy tor $18, Good used vw Sclrocco 842-8199 9 9 5 M e r I y cylinder head Complete -. ---7I4/973-1345 or eve-w/cam and valve $150 80 Monte Carl~ 1mmac , nlngs 673-1344 ____ , 545.9783 38K. all pwr, loaded. S55001oob 759-0980 RAH '10 2100 OPE 1w~:~0~'c!i~huth~~w'a~!~ -,l-l MllTE CULO 52,000 orig. ml Must $75 646-9783 Clean. 350 au10, $2000. aell $9500. 631·8058 7.leug, •lnl cond. $1800 3400 Irvine Av. Suite '79 gold Mercedes ft 2 18,NB 662·2262 450SEL, tmmilor $-2-2 , 4 take over final 10 950 548-8798 ~l1'.'.:.~:1 ~~ ~l>~-\1~ ~). ft'!!}!! ••••••••• !.~~¥ ----------1 ----------'80 Cordoba T·Top S5350 '64 1900 MBZ N ew '790s1Aabb1l,dl1tedltlon, p38ZYZllOaded paint, uphol. runs 'Well. 45.000 ml, 5-$pd 2 dr' RE·SALE SALES $2500 Call 646-3896 50MPG. never scratch 443 w Bay St C M R u n s f a n I a s t 1 c Andy Brown 645·2963 77 450 SLC BrnlTan Loaded 62.5 mr $22,500 673-7339 $4 150/olr 548-72'45 ---. CoaliH•l•l 1130 70 VW betng turned tnto •• • • • • • • •• • ••••••••••• nada Dec 18 lnjuric. s 148 Free deltvery •••••••••••••••••••••• A•I•• W••IH ISH s3995 548-8809 TV John's 6'16-1786 1981 model Needs 1111 WE PAY NJI 4 B I & hgl'll assembly Only ant 1 c ~ °" l\Al T-h Be--I I Condit' .. ,. 11'•• Home ar. 4 stoo s. S1ereo console AM/FM, S 195 Call anytime TOP DOLUR "'-A-1-1 ~r;;·niv1n t S 0 ton ,.. ,. Accessor1es S200. Medrt style w/record 546-7827. l(en. Adam "' ~~:.,"M ~~.:;J:.'w The Best of Price. M0r/°Mid";;t•1•;;;·c~~·v· a Baja. Incomplete S'700 '76 Conl Mark IV, fully or trade 646-3192 equipped, $3700 nego· Vilr• l1?Z _!!able 63 1-3607 _ 546-6746 -changer $200 759-1731 Chrrs Fii 1111 0111 Xlnl cond yellow, Prlv ••••••• ••••• •• •••••••• '67 Conhnentol 2 dr ortg F 1 YelH haler complete. great ports 1 S4lt Freoch doors 6 with Sanyo stereo system. all Red Balavus Moped. &LUI 1111• Pl ·IWlll l .. S M Ylllidn Gillrlllttt4 Party 3rd car, only 47, hardware $200 1n one. cass/AM-FM rr:-S200 Frrm '78 301 At (536UET) OlAMI C<UITY'$ 000 m1 Wllh promise of ·Ii lruce CeHtJI ~:a~a8~ ~:5~52~if e r 6'46-9783 cord playe1, speakers 645-0954 NllTIAO/llldl ·79 320! Slk. (S43XUll OUJCST FACTOIY TlC only 12800 10 new l&ll lfTllCll"I S 175 S.C8-9112 ' MOPED _ PEUGEOT 555 2480 HlrbOf Blvd. '.j~ ~~' ~~ ~%~XJ~/ AlfflOllZDI ~~~4;~2 6 4 6. 3 7 1 8 , · · w ab u k I ·· S 1 4 O O BSA M1n1 stereo rec . cass m• New cond, all extru C~=·A·~=A '80 320! Stk (254ZOS) flAT-lMCIA "Manhaltan'" S2100 "3 w/Oolby spkrs $400 va· S385 644· 1016 • '80 320t Al (010ZYA) * 1 1 l I I I Ul.H, IEIYlCE IHLWlll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS Graces of Hawah" S1.C50 lue sell $250 548-1823 Ml-1Cll LHI IUCI llW 'lll&llTtll* All in custom frames llol11t~lt1/ 17 1•163,.5790 L EUU llE 964 "-•oa I 11 .. • WE llY .. .,. Low miles. run:; 11 .. e new, . .,.. Olll • ,..,,., Stoot111 llSI (2 13) 427-5494 below wholesale blue· YILYI S wimming pool pump E•ai••••I ' •"••••••••••••••••••••• OLUI 0111 Trada·lns Wetc;ome book 1 1 $ 2 7 9 5 1966 HarbOt' Blvd. Corvttti 1132 .••.••.••••...•....•.. 1112 COllYEnE Black w/ tin leather Interior Low mites· L1k1 Newll ( 1EYB326) $11,tH ~ heater & Wier Full pro· .... ,.~.............. 'll •••• , CTlO Ill TllOll (665·RSO) Costa Mesa COSrA MESA lesslon wet bar Make ~•tr.I HlO $ I 9 5 I 0 B 0 PP • '76 2002• 1 owner. red/ Cer Co 2187 HerbOr I I t 03 1t•O t•ll offer. 646-6006 •••••••••••••••••••••• 540-3231 tan, very clean, lo ml, C • 3 -• • 208 W Isl. San1a Ana 11.· II lllllllE FIEL JOCI Honda 1910 Trail 90. un-~~;_gfoi. 11~~4;~3 *111"1120* '12 Ytlte.11200 IH·31l1 lit~ HIOUI FOR SALE der 4000 ml. Needs tuna H••'• 11Z1 llCI 1144 .642-9386 c1osed Sunday WHIH IOll 642-4644. M-F. 9•5 up, so cheap price only ,_e_ve_s_·-------· ···1•11•••1•1••1•1••11••1•1•1••1••• ::G••B·~·1•8·.•3••8•K••m•·1•• ·:1•n•t '1' COllYmE •••••••••••••••••••••·•----------$295 Call anyt ime '73 BMW 2002. Xtnt .... ~ 'lC YtlYt W11H 5.C6·78i7, Ken. Adam Ot' m1Ch'I cond 4,000 miles We can help! Before you cond $3500 or best of· Excellent condition Sliver & black$.6T9-5 1 0°P3· 345000 IELP IEEP A lit OFF Tiii STHns la.ts, ll•iol1out1 -~:..::hr:.::•":_ ____ ..-_...j---;;;;;;:--;::;;;;;;;:---i on comp. rblt.eng, buy, check our unbeata-fer 536·2390 • 548·6620 auto. clean. $ · -zo ~ k "' • r .. Irvine Av, Su114218, N.B llVltll. 7" .... ·-· clulch, bra as .. ew ble "Se e .. 11on. savings Orff/ 114~ '73 s1a11on wagon 145. 662-2262 •••••••••"1•••••••••••• 'IO lt1ll1 llO -•5 p11n1, emllm casseue, and service 1oday1 ,.-, • a MOeAAINE/EI LECTRICIAIN $900 631-8056 Top dollars for Sports cer cover, S5300 or best lllYElllln ~130;;,i"of."~1~·-;.;:i;:. G1105000d ~~n6~0 .. 3R6u8nlsvGmOOdess ,.,, 1140 Motner short ol cash sign nstall/Repa r Cars, Bugs, C1mpers, e>tler. MUST SELL FAST. 36 000 1 s2eoo .,.. ••••••••••• needs size IO wetsull 10 Olly work 5'49-2520 Ev '11 IS CHS 111•1 9111'•. Audi'• Call Bob 11 645-3927 all SILH I SlllYICE ' ';148-2379. -.6-9-V-ol-vo-, -no-t _e_scr_a-tc-h, ·0i1°FORO·M~veMck Good start her 6-yr -old son off Only 4700 ml. Like new Ask IOf U/C MGR 2PM 2850 Harbor Blvd runs superb. The best cond. 3 new !Ires. econ ~~·fo~u~~~t~ ~oar:::e lo•t1, #11io1 $1500. 6'l2·7748 .I• 1111111 ..... ,,.. llZO COSTA MESA 1tHHI 1141 car $1495 wrfl buy $850 494-3211 • • 4 030 , ........ 1. •• 1•0 11•0 ···"'················· 548 ... 7245 under the tree. Call ans-E(•~•tol ~ 1981 Yamaha SR l85cc 11. 18711 a •• :::a81vd ••••••••••••••••,••••• , ____ • __ • __ • ___ ·16 Peugeot 504 wagon. • '75 LTD S 1390 (043M01) 0 wer ad r578 642-4300 .... • •••••••••••••• bike Mini cond. 95 mpg. '""''"""'' •;78 A d LX auto. ps e/c. pb. gas. '1 8 P I n t o S 1 8 9 24 hrs • · Yacht Accessory New 5750 645--0490 HUNTINGTON BEACH-ccor • maroon. $3450 851_1048 1699uzo) ~~~~~~~~~~ au1hen11c Brass Ships M2-2110 low ml!Mge. automatic ·ao Fairmont Wegon .:. Clock. never mounled or 1980Yamaha850Spedal,1__________ $4250 557·6100 $3670(lAHo218) WANTED Twon beds. firm u s e d S 2 5 O xlnt cond 7500 m1' w/ . . WAmD! '79 Prelude, real clean. . 8 1 T. e Ir d s 5 3 5 0 matlresses/lrames or 7141522-7633 tarrng link bag & Hel · • burns r..,. gas $6.000 (1BWY057) Brwn conver11ble couch 1----------1 S 1 6 O O D I ...., MEISTER T d I I d me 1 • ,..0.7051 2.C0-1168 railer ua ue.goo 8,.7•7657 .,.. cond $350 lnll1te1>1e ----------• ll111.i1t1•1l••••I• IOIJ tender good cond s200. #olor H1•t1, S•lt/ '1:.a:S~c~~~·101n,:i1'.· 5r=· ~~~~~18~1 3s5oolb C9068R5a80nc8h0r ~ hne l101JSt11•1• flH $3750 760-1485 01rden Or-•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .. •••••"•'••••• ••••••••• llWl~~~ll!!~~ v•• --l ... I .. OuldOOf Storage eoat•. ' '76 Civic wgn. 4 spd, bl\Je S1lt1·S.nlH YAMAHA Base Amp ••&• H•tr trallers . or what )lave & blue, 1 1450 MuSI sell! ltHl•I Head wilh a double 15" FOLDINQ 110 lb, enli· you.6.CS.7656 ltU ....... f t980280ZX2plus2 Low 848·1798 ll.a 1•1•2 ••• PV speaker cabjnel All que S250 ---------• • ••• In excellent condition 873 5223 7 ·1 r, / 1111 c......... • mileage Loa4ed S8900. '79 Accord 5 apd, 2 dr, S800obo. • ,.Jf!.!!~ ••• ~'.?!....... ~ 64'"911J • .... ,.., 642·9281 regular m1lnt. AM/FM, '79 9 t tSC sunroof, al e. Hl·Ollt 1·1Pll lo I 1 1040 12· Travel Traner, llv1~ WE llY '711 280Z 14670 5 spd $11200 788-8310 p/w, right g i.ft mlrtors. ~~~~~~~~~~ •• !.!t •• !~~~••••••••• tor camping etc. $225, USEDCARS &TRUCKS (1EJU236) R ebuilt H onda 1976 1lllea1her,crulMcon1rol, .:. '74 C1lllornlan. 111 llber· 646-0368111 mess CO .. E IN OR C"'LL FOR RE·SALE SALES CVCC cyllnder need , stereo. loadld. xt ra Takamlne 12-llrlng guitar gl&1s, 10 w/Chevy Eng. ... • • F""llE ••-~•••• 443 w. Bay SI. CM com PI e I e S 2 5 0 • cle1n S 17 ,900 Call w/case. •Int condition. \/ansen Troller. good A•I• infYlft, rllll ...-r--Andy Brown 645·2963 h.•8-9783 63 1·4121 . 646· 1030, 1200. Kevin 648-3284 s 5 I AtttlHri., HOO c 1er Dellll 0 " 6112 8177 I ~unnlni crn~ 7 1::66P111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ol"mtl.IT o '80 200SX, loaded, lo ml, 80 Honda P1elude Ill ex --·------- E7ec2 'nr0o,n9lc5, ~~ghb1°.. • .Pk1~0,·, •316r1~008a 1 4 • 01 PAINT & lite body work, lmmac. cond. 15800 or tru. like MW, 28,000 m; '81 91 ISC· aunrool, ate. ....., ..... -, " ..,.., · up to 50% off your eat. 18211 BEACH BLVD. beat otter 551-4810 sesoo. 642•8155 p/w, 1lghl 1et1 m11rors. 35 wait amp & apkr bllnliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Biii 842-01001969-1221 HUNTINGTON 8~CH ' mlaslng engllhlna. $14, $845. 644·5424 24 11 SKIPJACK Ml·IOll, Ml-.1111 '78 8 2 10, new pelnt, J••••t 1130 200 Cell 831 ·4721, 12 strl"" guitar Ovitlon, Twin Volvos $15,000 Auto low bar and hitch. clutch. 11ln1 cond In & out. ••'••••••••••••••••••• 646•1030, 642•8177 elec '"i coua w /case 963·6477 As new.6~l~g223 12300/ofr. 98&-8854 69 Jeguat XKE. cpe, JS4~50~66~9~-9~7~7~9~l~v~m~1g;:. ]~~~~~~~~~ Top Dolar •---llOll--1-,-1111----• 'b11ck. lacquer. lmm1c. C11111c 18' L1patr1k1 Two MW tower-blCll 1111n 1981 blue 280zx. Primo muat eee 642-1384 Allo sax. ~built, ,r•l•c· C.ntury bay bo1t 11 cyt Mats In orig. cer1ons. 3 Pai·d cond. OL package Full ..,•••• Clll• 1114 ~:5~~:e aho~n 4 oo Grrt 13500 875-Sl81.. WI)' •dJ .. SWll/11 Pe· """· T-top. $11,000. • ••••••••••••••••••••• dea1a1s. $200 bot h For Your Cart N •"" "'802 .... '69 Ohta .. "" ' , •79.15• Whaler 70 hp 6'l1 0525 ency .. ...,_ , ovS • .,.,., m. on new Ol/Jtt ,.,.,,.,, ' E11lnrud1, new lraller --·-------· ........ IH 673-8494 eno New paint, u ..... 100 .• ~!!.r.'!~!! •••• !.~! 15500 8118-6325 A•ln IOI l•lt U28H28eHl~:!'.!'::2 '79 280ZX lmmte. Lo ml, :"~: ~.:~~111::0:01e:· 2 aolld 0 1k E11eculfvl 32' Twin Dl•••I Sport· •••••••••••••••••••••• _.,.,. $11000 t1ke ovr pymts. Diiks. 4 Chllrl, Cre· haher. 'fS9 Luhrs F/8, IMPOATANT NOTICE Coata M... 540·5630 1575·6014 Jeuy '72 Ghia convertlbla, 111r1 denza Debby 642-15272 fgls. 3K under survey. TO READERS ANO 9 O Pl 6., K I nkle, ~ lo ml 1ediel1 '80 911 SC T11ga. blut. loaded. lie 10/83 Con• lradl 642-1384 PIP '78 SC Terga. shOwroom cond • 361< ml, sarlou1 byyera only $21,000. "8·7HI ------'7 4 9 14' c•tm paint a rims, lowered 8fSK orig m l. getti ng murled 12/12. must Mii by than. '81 Ford Thunderbird 21,000 mile8 1BWY057 $5350 EACH Buy -Sell -Trade <443 W. Bay. CM. across from Robin•' fOfd Perts & Servtee Andy Brown 645-29153 l•ltk '"' •••.•.........•......• '75 APOLLO. 4 dr. pa. pb, al e. 350 auto . S 1000 llrm 536·11518 C•'1ll1t Ill J ...••.•••...........•. • 538-0321 ADVERTISERS HIGHEST CASH Imme· 1 8 ckup, "' m ' 8"1 olr 554-1852 A.B. Dlcil Printing PrHI, The poce of llama Id· dl1tely IOf your 11ehicle. Am/Fm w/11qu1l1Ht, Ra· - v1tlable pl(Cantage pll• IHI•,,,., . vertiled by ventc .. dee· dom .. l lc or foreign dlala , 13900 Fi rm #•d• 1111 15500 obO htgh Of low 1968 Sedan de VIiie. Huns 1mm1c: car, must aee greet Needs soma bOdy I ss 1.a~as s•s-0013 •••••••••••••••••••••• tem1ker. Buy/auume Ci•tl•r HH ,.,. In lhe vanlele Cleall· 4 Dys 833·11290. eves 111 8 W<>fk SS~ 497~223 530·•227 • •••••••••••••••••-••• tied advertising columne -A-,.,--,,.--·-,_----i 'llO 210 Delu1te. a/c, st• 2 Oflwet' lallfll Illa Clbl-Christmas 8011 P1r1de. dote 1101 Include 1ny •• ~ •• l ••• ~~••••••••• reo. 10 ml, xlnl cond, t 1 1 17 6• Newport Herbor Die 1ppllcebl• 11xes, llcenae, .,1_ •--~ t•Of compt 1ervlce raco1dt. na · •g• 11• • 17th 1hru 23rd Aalph tranefer r111. lln1nea '!!f!.i:::::? ....... .'~ •• 13200. PI P 875·7817 759· 1552 Huttman 1131·7008 cherges, feet for 1lr Pol· II 1•1• 1111 lutlon control device LUii I 1 I '79 Dauun 280ZX. btKll. •••••••••••••••••••••• RESERVE N O WI 10' c1rtlflc111on1 or 0 .. 1., ..... -"" fully IO•d•d $7,000. t-35t·Oll6S Doug '76 Cpe cte VIie. blk on l lll HI Peneh blk, 111 options. $3300 E11tr1ordln1ry 5 speed negot11t>te ee 1-3807 "'llll "" Schooner, Chrlstm11 documenlaiy preperi. 1•47 850-4011 ff3..3020 Perecle, Wh•I• witcll. tlon ch1rg1a u nl111 • -fi---,----,,-,-,,-i ... -.11 .. 1111111111111 Par1IM, lie. fS48-t1005 otharwl11 apecllled by & ,57 plut IH Pf!' month .!!!~! ........... •••• Ill Ill Tim• Mcc aw w /1 200 ... ... ... 1 •~ 41 .... Cuttom Bleck lmron '77 Elclo F~ 1n1, com- P11n1 Black leather Int p1e1aty 11qulpped, 110.000 wtblack IMther fllecero ml. Ilk• n•w Only lclHI C Hiii Tinted 1549&/otuS. all 8 pm wl n d owe P 011 e h•CI trt-1229 wnet11 w1ne1111 Plralll ...,.-,----...,........,.---1 Urea. Cualom Ad1. Al• '72 Cpe de VIiie. ltnlMC cage, blue & gold. ltH IHl11 l11J HI lrrwlvv .... ,Mr. ;';.d ~ldl~ ~;°; '82 301 OTSI. Ru/8111., H»IYOlll 0 r t r I d • f 0 r ? ? ? . • ••••••••••••••••••••• All1i11•/ c 0. I •• 1 ••• 0 0 • 0 0 : ··~. polllhed wtleetl, ...., lllAU.. 845--2983 PP. Prl!'ldl• 18 w/trlr. ,ood C •1 ff'M retlcluel·I HN e.4,· totel 1000 ml, H0.000 Oaya -ft 1 cond 111&o 689·9 79 111 .,Ntl •• 8 ~ & 715o11 Ev• a COOKER SPANIEL. PUP· meo •••••••••••••••••••••• of payment .. 111 ..... ,.. • • --- Pl(S AKC,7~solcl 1"4 ....... ....__. Toete'1 ..... (111MOnlh 974·7•90 • .....,, Dec. 2. Fem1lea 1215, WllT nlT Nmt ._ & llcenaa)·UU.O . -------- .._,__., pine aound eyettm. lnaldelou1. Blue. wn1 toP. _. .. ._~1 Cutlom MfllKtty eyttem lotclecS, rune P•'*"Y R1d1r de1ec10t Prlv81e Prlct. Negotllbl• own« s 19,too Wit d• Ml·~3oe 213/U2 •4 026. or ,.1 ...,. ........ 714/148·7303 Ellff and . 1 •1119 wtlncle 7 14/842·203 I Wire wheel, ei.ctllent m..... • 2 110 . TI ,. ___ , .. 500 1948 Ford WoOdy WI· (02611) Bee UI NOWI Mor• famlltn .,. gaiting 1421•11.CllllllMMlllll 714/840-5130 • "' 1':7~8°' gon, ll3,000. llAll .... fl Ille eemf)lng "buQ" tllle fn II .,., -;tet 11 you ,h•ve a cam· _ •••• ~! •••••••••·Z'l'.i OOldenRetrltvefOVOOlee. 12 118oet6ttllffer.S.era. 192tl'ordMOdelA TOMI u. ... w~r!!!~CH per th•I'• not G•fllno ·79 fUC7. vetrY io ml, io.-•71 Rentull, Rte. 1800 tOnd 1 1850. Ml.&691 '71 Sevtlle, loeded. 70t< "''· •~soo 1•8·SOH. 949.9013 IOlt MCCOf• AKC Ch, blood hn••· Oood cond. Ad9911b11 S • d • n • S I 0 . 0 0 O ~ ,.."" ...... uMd .... It now with a d t d . Be• t o r I e 1 Ai.rn• great 150.0436 1280 417&-1126 875-41181 fll... ~ ci......-Ad .. 1.fOa 8f1 t PM 53e.95215 midi ., ' • All Include power. euto. air RE-SALE SALES '443 W Bay ST CM Andy Brown 6'45-2$63 '72 Gran Tonno. 1uns & looks good. P/S, AIC. radial llras S 1050 847-4212 •·80 Future Ghia. lo ml. nu !Ires. brakes, bait , cerb . sac below whlal $3950. 875-4719 ----snoot~·· '"· '75 Monarch, 6 cyl. 3 $pd, 25mpg, red, rbll _e~6485 H111e 1omethlng lo 1ell? Claasllled •d• do II W911. ,. 1b11d11)ird 9110 ...•..•••.•.•.••...... '64 T·B11d, white, lo m1 mint cond. 1 owner 493"1063, 494-0196 Aul., V11' ··················~··· NABERS CAOILL1\l: CLEARANCE 191~~} .. ~!AC ELDORADO llARllTZ (ICTR002) s15,995 1980 CADILLAC ELDORADO "COUPf (IACL799) s12,995 1979 CADILLAC SEVILLE (392YPS) s11,495 · 1981 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE ASHO IOOf (IAHL536) s12,995 1979 CADILLAC cou" DE VILLE (104Y$0) sg995 1982 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD llOUGHAM ( 1EAL545) s14,995 Olfer Goo<f"rhrv Monday. 12·6-82 ~~D~~ 2tOO HAR80R 8LVO. COITA MEIA 540-1860 (' 14 Orono COHI OAIL:V PILOT/Friday, December 3, 1982 3: Bl-G DAYS OUR AWARD 1111116 SERVICE & PAITS DEPUTIEITS OPEi 7 Al umL 1 Pl 1011. THROUGH FRI. ' 7,_. ' t .. ~~-.: ~\ . •.. : . SALES HOURS: 9AMT010PM 7DAYSAWEEK . I HUGI INVENTORY Of NEW 1983 _HON.DAS IN ,,. STOEK - ••• AND READY TOROLLI COSTA lllSA 540•071·3 Daily Pilat On the cover. MAIN OFFICE 330 W. a.y St., Coeta Mesa, Ca.\ Mall addr ... : llox 1580, Costa M ... , C• .. 12921 Telephone: 842-4321 Ralph Richardson, as <.'Ounscl for the d efense, queSlions Diana Rigg, as the· enigmatic w ife of the defendant, in the new "Hallmark Hall of Fame" presentation of "Witness for thl' Prosecution." which will be broadcast on CBS Dec. 4. Program infonnarion is provided by the networks _,,d stations and is subject ro change without notice. .. The new veT'Sion of-Agatha Christie!s-.\!.-Witness for the. -Index P rosecution" will run from 9 to 11 p.m. In addition to Richardson and Rigg, the cast also includes Deborah Kerr, Beau Bridges and Wendy Hiller. Winner of the New York Dr.a.ma Critics Circle Award in 1955 as best foreign play of that Broadway season . the drama revolves around a London murder trial. TV Antenna ..................................................... Page 4 Day time Drama ............................................... Page 6 Tube Toppers ................................................... Page 5 Sports ................................................. ········:· ..... Page 8 Day time S<:hedulc> .......................................... Page 9 Evening Schedule ......................................... Page .12 TV Puzzle ..... .. .. . .. . ... ...... ... .. . .. ... ..... .. .. .... .. . ...... Page 36. (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (4) KNBC. NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Ofego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. _ .......... .. 9 HJ-TV, 5515 Melrose Ave., Loa Angeles, Ca. ~~TLA, 5800 W. Sunset Blvd., Loe Angeles, Ca. 11) KTTV, 5746 W. Suneet Blvd., Loi Angeles, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., LOI Angelest Ca. (56) KDOC-TV, 1730' Clementlne, Anaheim, Ca. _ .. (28) KCET, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. (50) KOCE. 15744 Golden Weet St., Huntington Beach, Ca. -P!y'l'V i24) CBS Cable · 0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. Z) Z-TV, 2939 NebrUka Ave., SW.ta Monica, Ca. (H) Home Box Office, Time-life Bulldlng, Rockefeller Center, N.Y .• N.Y. !C) Clnemax, Tlme-Ufe Bulldlng, Rpck ........ Center, N.Y •• N.Y. E) ESPN, Bristol, Ct. L) SelectV, Marini Def Rey, Ca. · S) Showtlme -' (8) SS>otllght (C) Cable Newa Network, Atlanta, Ga. _ .... -,.- (9) WOR, New York City ( 17) WTBS, Atlanta, GI. 2 Friday, December 3, 1982 mTVoa-a-· Gloria Loring calls the tune Q: I noticed Gloria Lqring's name iJI the credits for "DiU'rent -Strokes" as writer of tb~ tbeme song. Is-tbis tbe same Gloria Loring wbo appeal"S on Days of Our lives? -K.M., Wilmington, Del. ' A: Yes, it Is. Gloria wro te the "Diff'rent Strokes" theme song along with her husband Alan Thicke. Alan hosts a talk show in Canada. Before joining Days of Our Lives. Gloria was known mostl y for her singing and made numerous appearances on "The Tonight Show," Mer v Griffin and host of other t.aJk sh ows. Q: Cao you please tell me wby tbe cha rac t e r of Quint McCord on ~.\­ Guiding Ligbt a lways bas a scarf around bis neck? Is tb1s par1 of bis act or is there something be'• biding? -D.T., Ft. Myers, Fla. A: No. Mich ael Tylo, who plays QuJnt, has nothing wrong with his neck. ll is simply an affectation that both costumer Bob Anton a nd • Michael thought wouJd lit in for the McCord characterization. Q: Am I rJgbt la tblaldag tlae actor wbo plays Casa Wlatbrop 01 Aao"er World appeared In aaotber NBC soap opera? -S.M.C., Po~tland, Ore. A: S teve Schnitzer was aeen as Julie's 'twin brother on Days of Our Lives. More recent.ly he wu eeen on One Life to Live as Marcello Salta. Q: As a loyal Galdla1 L11tn faa, I've noticed Hiilary's 111t 1ame Is BHer. Caa you tell me -ow 1lle'1 related to tbe rest ol tlle Baaen? - S.W., Louisville, Ky. A : Hillary 11 the llle1hlmate dau,htcr ot Bert'• hl.dband BW. Bill, who was presumed dead in a plane cnah, had • lona·standi"I affair wtt.h Kil.lary'a mother. Simone. ror many yean Hillary did not know that BW Bauer w 11 her father . Durln1 a murder trial after Bill had come beck ~to Springflel~. the fecta IW1'0UndinC Klllary'a birth were maM ~bUc. The New Piiot T Daisy Is suspicious Soaps, 6 Fun with words TV Puzzle, 36 Cable as alternative TV Antenna, 4 ( Diana Rigg and Ralph Richardson star in 'Witness for the Prosecul ion.' -TV Antenna . Cable TY provides alternatives By P lllL SN E l DERMAN Of the Dail~ Pilot S torr A mus1c.·ian friend w ho has attended more than his shnrl' of rtl(:k cmwc·rLs rl'Ct'nlly had the chance to watch an Earth. Wind and Fire cun<'ert on television . carried by Home Box Office "IL w as kind uf nic.:e." he said. "lo be able to sit back and wcit.('h .i l'OncC'rt without worrying about the hour I'd have to sp<'nd JUSl gNting out of the parking lot. Whe n the camc.·ra showC'd a close-up. I c·ould even see what brand of mslrunwnts the· band memb<-rs were playing. And best of all. thc•r1 • WC'rC' no rommerc1als.'' Whllt• cable· tdev1s1on will probably not keep my friend from allt•ndmg ;rnotht>r rock concert m person . it has ec.•rtamly openC'd up a new altcmauvc for those who enjoy llvC' p<-rforrnan<'t'<; but dislike the hassles associated with attC'ndmg thc•m Slowly, hut '\UrC'ly, cahh.• television and video tape and disc c.'<1u1pmt'nl are likely to continue changing, or at least adding nt'w cho1c.·c·s to our le isure time activilles. New horizons are up<•ning dally fo r receiving an incredibly wide· range.· of cntrrt.-ltnment and information over the video tube. There.· an· obvious bc'n<.'f1ts to this video revoluuon. but 1t ;.1lso c.:arrn·" thl• dangc.•r of turning us into a nation of hcrmiL-;, glue-cl to our tubt•s c.•vcn more often than a\ present'. Consider some of thc benefits and hazards th<M ac..•c.·ompany th('S(.• changes m leisure ume habits: MOVIES. Cable movie services and taped movie sales make thcatt'r owners unde rstandably nervous. They won~(·r whether people will continue going out to the movies when thcy know the same film will be available soon on tape or will be aired on a cable service. There is even talk of opening a movie simultaneously at the theater and on cable for a special one-time fee. ThLc; approach , in particular, does not sit well with theater owners. Thl· studios, of course, argue that much of the cable aud1cnc.'<' for movies is made up of people who seldom go out to thC' theater anyway. Many adults arc simply not willing to . endure the parking problems, long lines, high ticket pm·es. $2 popcorn and poor housekeeping associated with some theaters. The betting from this corner is that popular films will continue to be a cable television staple, but movie houses won't be going out of business. The experience of watching a movie on a large screen with a good sound system as part of a large audience just can't be duplicated in the home. ~till, theate r owners could certainly help their cause by cleaning up their businesses and streamlinjng the admission process. LIVE T H EATER, ROCK CONCERTS. T he same arguments apply he re. Though the experience of being present during a live theater performan<X.' or a rock concert can't be duplicated at home, a cablecast presentation can be more 1..'omfortablc. / And again, cable can Introduce the plays a nd musical groups to people who would never attend an eve nt in person. Finally, cable services can preserve fine dramatic and musical pr<.'tlentations that formerly were lost when the show ended. INFORMATlON. Existing televi-lon news programs already are the primary new11 source for most American s. But there's much more on the horizon. Several 24-hour cable ne ws &entices are already on the 4 Friday. December 3. 1982 Time, Inc. o ffers a te letext service as a ource of news. air. The~ are t•o nvent1onal newscasts. featuring anchor people reciting the breaking events and other reporters in the field. · In addition, a number of C.'Ommumcauons companies, including Times Mirror and Time. Inc., ~re introducing teletext services that may eventually render traditional newspapers obsolete. With these services, news stories, weather maps, stock reports. and even your daily horoscope are printed on the television screen . Like the 24-hour news programs, these teletexts can be updated constantly. But like newspaper readers. teletext subscribers can proceed direct.Jy to the type of n~ws that interests them and they can read at their own pace. Traditional newspapers. which have a\ least a half-day time lag between preparation and delivery, may not be able to keep pace with the tele text services. GAMES. Video games once were viewed as a passing fad, but this form of entertainment shows no signs of fading. Popular video games that once could be played o nly m arcades have now bttn adapted for home sets. Instead of asking· for quarters to spend down at the local arcade, children now·are asking for $30 to buy a new game cartridge. If the craze continues. pa:rent3 may have to buy a separate television set just to view regular programming. For those who are thor ou ghJy hooked , several companies are offering a special pay cable channel that features new video games each month. HOME MOVIES. Video cameras, which are becom ing less expensive and easier to operate, may make traditional home movies a thing of the past. MoVie camera mm must Q(> sent away for processing, and a spttial proFctor and ecrecn • must be set up for vlewlng. But with a video camera, the footase of baby's flnJt 9tep can be replayed Immediately on one'a television 1et. There arc more Innovations on the vld'° horizon: televlaed ahopplng services. college level ecluc•tlonal service• and broadcast version• of women's m•1ulne material. lt m8Y be ~ a matt.er of tim@ before 1 video tcreen can do anything a printed pege can -except perhap11 line a bird cage. AUTHDRIZ•D 11AL••1••Rv1c•1aATlllPACTIDN AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP--UHAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549·1023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -49S-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 · CREVIER MOTotlS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -83S-3 I 71 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9 I 00 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 0: I ;qi! #;IQ q:t.111i:1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUM 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833· I 300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 642·00 I 0 -· 540·82 I I LINC OLM-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UNCOLH·MERCURY 2626 Harbor Bl\<d. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SANTA AHA LIMCOLH·MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 I MAZDA I MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -54S-3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC IOI LOHGNe POMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-665 I -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICk IVERSOH. INC. 445 E Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636·2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beac»h -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 H arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-93C>l MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!: VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARIMO VOLKSW AGEM 18711 Beach Blvd .. • < Huntington Beach ------ 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 H arbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 -Dayli1ne Drama Daisy suspicious of Nina and Steve · 8~ LYNDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHfLORF.N Stt·v<• and Nll):1 rnu:;t postponc rPndl·7Vflus whl'n Cliff 1n v1t1•s Nina tu lu1wh D<J l"Y h1·t 0011 ng 1 m-rea singl y sus p1l·1<1us of N lliJ and S tevt·'s n ·bl1onsh1p On a dah· with S.1111. Ope.ii run:. 1nt•1 Jenny c1nd Gri•g ,ind n ·aliws they an• on J dtiuble dull' with Alfrl'd <111d I .1z;1 Op;il loSS(•S <;t'Vl·ral msulL-; at Liza. who departs <·i:rnv Jt•nn~ n ·sls ls Cn•g's !.uggcstwn thut they make love und SC1ys sht! wanLc; to wait until dftcr th1·y marry C:ll<m irritated wh1•n S1lvt•r suggests she• rc-<.·nnl'il<' w ith Mark R<-•Y g1v1 -s J<'W1•lry lw st1>k from Phn{'hl· tn .IC'nnv anci lt·lls her to p<1w11 11 H.J~ pl.in:, on using cash to ptiy Georgi· for mak111g hornb to bl<i\\ up Mart111 honir. During h1·~1t1•d ar~umenl w1tlt Angil'\ f.Jlher . frnnk <'11llapses ANOTHER WORLD. funous with Ceolle but w..intrng M<1gg1e l<.1kt'n care> of, M;1(' sets up trust funrl for the t•hlld Umiw<1rP Sandy 1s stringing Ceolle along. MJC: quill• ;rngry wh<·n S<indy s pc.-nds Thanksg1v1ng Day with Cecille ins tead of Blame Wanting 10 go straight, Jason clandestinely helps SlL'VL' gN goods on l'Umpany. Hennt'll.a pleased when Mat· offt•rs IO fanantt• 11 c~ih•rmg l'Ompany Larry tc>lls Bla me' shC' t'an mol.'l' tn w11h h11n .md Clarit'C' 1,1ptil Sandy t·omt.•s to his Sl'nSI'~ AS THE WORLD TUkNS; .John manages 111 C'St:ape JamL•s' hulli•ls. Lah'r .John c·onfronLc; Jaml'S, whu admits hl• Lned to kill .John s1'Veral times. Holding gun on .Jaml'S. J ohn says ht• w<ints $1 million a year for Margo a nd Andy in ord1•r to kl•(·p quiet about James' r<'al parentage. Ellt>n com·c·rnecJ h1'<'ause David furious with John for bothl•rmg Dt·e Dt•t.• ll•lls Ellen shf''s so fnghtt'necl uf J ohn sh(• c-ould kill him Elhm d1scowrs John's body Bllan and Gunnar c·om(· up With plans to gC't &rbara out or hospital Stl'VI' 1nc-s t<> (•onv1nc<> Betsy that Craig 1s only interested m hl·r monL'Y t\ne! quit8 her .)Obs at Fashions Ltd. CAPITOL. Mall prepart>s for bag football game. but Danny tPlls Wall y Matt better not play. Wally relieved wh<'n Matt cannot play due to shoulder inJury which could ke<·p him out for season. Realizing she C'a nnot leave Tyler, Sloane prc•parc>s to leave Nishoba but she 1s stopped. S loafit. has managed to smuggle explosives to T yler and JOf' Luck in baske t of fruit Lizbeth agrees to be Juhc's m<tid of honor when she weds Larry Barrington. Frank tells Larry he knows a ll about his being Gordon Hull. Frank prepares to tell Sam but holds oU when Sam comes down on him for coming on to Kelly. Thomas decides Lizbeth must choosl' between him and Jordy. Judson tells Juli he'd rather have Sloane for a daughter-in -law than the selfish Julie DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Tony unable to stop David and Renee's wedding, but he continues to pester Renee. N<·il and Marie share more than turkey on Thanksgiving. Don and Maggie comfort each other. Enjoying Mazatlan vacation with Marlena, Roman senses he's being watched. Chris and Kayla make Jove. At Marlena's suggestion, Tony agrees to place his mother in Chicago sanitarium. Woody to have s.-cond album produced by T ony. Daphne warns Tony Stephano thinks Tony ls hls son. DOCTORS: Although Nat.alie is the chief suspect in Billy's murder, Paul grows closer to h e r. Adrienne desperate for Jean-Marc's facial cream jn order to keep her youthful look. Mott plans to win Maggie back. When M~e and Matt are stuck In e levator they cannot deny 6 Friday, December 3, 1982 .._ lhl'1r allr<ietmn fur l'<Jl•h other Stcvl' s nl•aks <inolhc·r smoke 1111 Tha nksgiving Day. When Eric's date. Broo ke S hields. catd1t·s StPVC' smoking ai lhC' Thanksgiving Day d111ner. she dwSllZl'S him. EDGE 0 1" NIG HT: Didi lc.•arns from Sid that J oe w.1n1L-<l Truy out of tht• wa y. Po hee do nut believe Nora's da1m that M1h•s rnp<.'Cl her Nora takL'S the story to the S tar 1ww:.papt•r but they refuse tu print any namC's Buffy sets .Jim uµ in NL·W York producing job, upset:ing Val. who wants Jim to stav in town Ian showers Raven with d111moncb. proposes-marriage 10 hC'r, and shl· says he's not a good marnagc risk. Spencer ,vetoes Camille's s uggestion that thL'V n·k1ndle rnm<inee ThC' underL'OVl'r warn 1s blown with 1>1w· man rlead. onl' seriously mjlirt•d and one cscapt•d . P ascal 1s mlm.krl"d. The phone book is still mLss1ng. but polke d 1S<.0over plans for lhe Whitney mansion in h1i. home. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Lukl• gL'L" Holly and Chark->s .1w.1v from Basil. Basil's double-cross lliscovcrcd by Percey. Witti Basil rejected by family hL' plans 10 snarl' Luke and Hullv. Ch~rles has S('izure and is left behind to recuperate_ Luk;. manages to s(.'('U rC' immunity for Holly , but Scotty's woa'king tu stop that immunity Luke pre pares to give mont•y ba(·k to oil W('JI backc>Ni. S<:otty td ls Leslie she can have om·-weC'k extension to rescue sports t't'nter funds. Bla('kie gNs in trouble with poliCt' when trymg t.o aid friend Jl\cJ Jex· must bail nut Blackie. Scotty continues lO balance Heather and Susan , but his main anll•rc$t is in baby Jason's millions. GUIDING LIGHT: With Rebacca released from hospital. Helena w arns Nola she will be hard-pressed to wmpete for Quint with the glamoro us lady. Mark also rl'leased from hospital. Going through mug books, Jennifer c;pots photo of Brian but keep.s silent Jennifer collapses and as pul on bed rest. Vanessa gets hold of Mike's files on Henry and Sean. Amanda plans to fight for Spaulding pr~idency without Alan's support. Morgan tells Kelly she's not ready for reconciliation. L ewis Oil and Spaulding Entt•rprises will be going head-to-head in court. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: After making love to Steve. Karen decides sht' wants to return to Larry. Back wnh Larry. Karen unable to make love to him. Dee insulted when Asa suggests she be his mistress. After Mary draws pi<'ture showing herself being torn in two, Will te lls J enny she must ha lt contact with the child. With "Blood Moon" to be released, Marco wan~ out of undercover work. but Ed will not let him off the hook. RYA'N'S HOPEt When a scandal sheet names Seneca a wife-beater. he belleves Kirk planted the story. Kirk denies this but Seneca swears revenge. Arriving home while Seneca and Kirk are having fistfight, Amanda hru; spell. This ume it is not merely a black-out, but she visuoliies her sister Lee and yells, "Don't hurt m y sister." Pat tells Amanda he'll help her try and remember the memories she's blocking. After making love to Siobhan, Joe dreams she Is murdered. Whe n Mitch says he doesn't like k.tda, Faith the pedielrician is put off. The .Ryan family and friends gather for a joyoUll Thanksgiving Day. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Thanking Warren for saving his lite, Brian sweara he atilJ wU1 win S\ili'a affuctlon. Rusty paying RJngo to hara.II Liza and Travis with phone CAlls and break-ins. Although he will ~ l'NIMd, everyone understands "".hen Lee decld~ to part Hendert10n , -TalMaTopja•r• -1a1un1ay _ ..... llY ___ _ --.. tD YU, VlmlA. .,.._•A IAlfTA CUUI llt8't ••r-old Vlrglnl• O'Henlon ...................... "' ... ca. ......... NI l9C .aRT'I ......... T1'e Fer- ............ u.,.11 .,.,_ ........ -........... _ ........... .., .. ... ................................ ,......flfA1a1rta.nwtta1wwM .......... 0... ......... ...... .... 'ap1 ... ,,.... ..... .... .......... (11w.) .... .......,. ... __ _ NOV A follows the gr eat gray wha les alo ng the ir a n nua l m igr a tio n fro m the Arctic to thtr Mex ica n coast T uesda y o n Channel 28 . .... ...... .loM aohMlder, AnckM c..-.. T1'e Oek ..... ..,.. .......... 7:118 THI llM WHO IUPT TlllOUGH aMT-lllAI AMR:at1 II. A ,_... brWt tw In ..... et a. ...... end ... IOIM ......... I DIDJI up loOll et c*lclr• ~ ....... ..,...,...of .. leftoe........,,oppr111lanend.........., dertMeL (1 hr.) -Tlaanclay ............ 8 ............. .,. --... 9 A CIWIL.m _,.. CtlmnMI MllMI· Ml, a.lie 8Nwti end .... l a I I,.. °" ,.. u... ... out .. tlRd ... true 1a 111 I •of Chilllbnee. Cf') ... 911\A amt Ulll'IRIMY ..... .....,t-• .._ CM11•1ra le ..,._. '9 ... Ad•• • lie a1tallrat11 .._ -. ...... .., of Kn.A .-a t he ....................... ,11w.) ... i> TOll119 • COlll:af~ fD mBE ,,. .. OllClmlfU Ta ...... _...,. ....... ., ... ~., ..... ~ ........... .... ......... ... lllUaloof._ .._W .. TNP "-,.. ....... ,.,.., .... ~ .. -•1 •ACTRmMl98 l'HllO&ll»U.-&..rry Wloas Metll ttlle ,,..w tfiJ,tln w ~J7ndvm Cre:-iti\'l' kwda~. Inc Holiday Gitt Id••• , for that special person in .. your life. Jewelry "~mlti..-~nAl'I' & .$,"' ~".,.;:11 / Treasures. to be loved 1 / and cherished. from the (714) 760-6766 COM'9\fTE JEWBAY SOVICES •OESIGNING•AEMOUNTING•AEPAIAING. •CUSTOM MANUFACTURING •OIAMONOS•PEAALS•GEMSTONES contemporary high fashion ... to the traditional. the heirlooms of tomorrow ........... =··· ... ,. .... ......... __ ....... ...... ................................. ... OW..(111r.) 2610 E. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR, CA. Across trom Sherman FoundaOon Gardens Friday, December 3, 1982 5 r Cll • • • ~N ~ n f -~~·~ •!n~~a & ~j ~!rt • t. -· "'. .. a. ~ tt.f ~ ~ C0 tc ~f ""CI o 0-c i .r . 0 "" .... -. -;;:...• .. :t .. • ~ -t • I i I i I 'i I Ee,!Sl.(§911: ~ i' f ~1 7 · JU 1'5!~1!1 l"tlf iii ~f Ir 1~ !1flb1s 1 ~ 1 Cc .. , ~ i' lf'tu; 18 C ! .S li2-i i" I <i ·1 E E f 6 ll r-i I 11'"J!dl, f~ I ! ljft u 1111• J!!1 r !. ..111!. ;1 1 J11 1 i~ • ~ 't ' FJlt ft J ,f -::lf r ~l • i I 11 D•leli OJ' I 8,, er .. ~· ,n !' ·I 11 '~';' J· iij11~ i I !1-1!1 ,, -.:-a f I ... I ' rrl .. ti • • !I Ill ii I I ii I I !ir!°!l'lil n~~I at !0JH ~i lfn' l1i1,!; 1111 $If'· ! t ;Iii ,'1 -!1§! I E fl ' fl~1 ~ -rs! -t :! ... :Ill < J1 i I I ! -fr-!~j I II !1:rt ! I !1 a~ ;.!. ' -::I "" l . ' ! ' I= 1111d trnl·k d\lw11 t'1111y and lt11wc·1 Lcot• St4'ph1m1 .. 11urprla:-d 1.1t AmJy'li W(•ll 111u111wrt•d bt•huv1111 1.11 Thunkwulvlnu dlnnt1r Tl':XAS Hul>y thrilh'<I wlH·n t hl· T1 rnc11 StJUJll'l• nw1i8Ui(l' l't'11lt·1 l·onv1·y11 woi d uf l11v1· tu lwr from Mfi'J'k Wht·n <.i1't11 Kt' µull11 •• •Ku1·1 011 J(Un. ,l\Jd11h rurn1 IJC•twc<t•11 thl· liullf'l uml Crnnt und tch1· IH Hl1 Ul'k 111 hm·k JuJ11h'11 lt·w11 u1·1 I purulyl.(•d Murk l>'·uw t:1·11111 111 lt•ll J 111lt1 h thul ht· lovc~wr G l-or gt• tic k1ll1'<I hy 'I' .I P111~1· 1l'l11r11s 111 lw11vy drl11kl11u YOUN<.: ANU T llB 1u-;S'l'L1<:ss N1kk1 huic I.I l>ul.Jy l{lrl und VK·tor w1slll'H Ill' W1 ·n· llll' d l 1IJ '11 ru1 h1•1 Kuyt• ICURMl'!lls llluo<l lt'st.s bl· u1k1•n hul V11·1or dtl('l'I 11111 wunl to roc.•k lht· bout. A lltscm an<.J Nikki u1>t·1de 1111 lrun .. Trtil'Y lhril11·d to learn U ma 1s D.mny'i1 :·u:.tt•1 Awa11• uf tht• mom•y 'J'ral'y·~ family hns, Ginu lt•lls Danny to murl Trat·y Gmu 111mcls t•hampu~m· and rlow(•rs to Trm·y. who thanks they're from Da nny. Ashll·y plans to watt·h D11t1w und Jul'k dt$lroy ork another. Hubt·rl upii..'I bt'l·aus1• Angu .. • t'alls h im a bad h1thc•r , and reS(:nts him fur kt't'ptng truth uboul hl•r motlwr lx•ang alive a SC't'rt•l all Lhl·Sl· ycan. J-Jav£• u 4111·stwn ubout your fuvoritt• scu1p or sonp scar? Write to Lynda J-lll's<:h, do /"wld Newspaper Syndica te. l'.O. Bux 19620. Jrv111c" Oiltf !1271 .J. Shi• will answt•r ns many questwtis as sht' 1w1 111 lwr column, but the voluml' of mail makes pt•rsmwl ri•µ/J1·..; 1111po ..... \/ble Be rt Raccoon jumps for joy in the a n imated f a mity s pecial "The Raccoons on Ice," airing Tuesday 7:30 p.m . on Cha nnel 4 . ??NURSING HOME COSTS?? Do Ah facUltles Charce The Same 7 Can Care In The Home Cost More Than facility Care 7 NO YES Admission :o a nursing raclllty can sometimes be a period of bewilderment and distress. Because patients are encountering ti' new environment, our staff has been trained to attend to their needs with courtesy and reassurance. Whether ror short-term postoperative convalescent care or long-term care for the chronically Ill or aged, you can be assured that our facility maintains the highest standards In the provision of skilled 24 hours nursing care Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHABILITATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W /HYDRAULIC LIFT • T.V.'S IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN IN LOUNGE Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care: 1 &&& SUPERIOR l YE. NEWPORT BUCH, Cl 92883 714/646-7764 Admimtrator RAY MARKS fbsinc Director ESTt£R CALOWEJ.l 'Friday, December 3, i9a2 7 -@)FAlaYFEUO THEIAlfT DtCK YAN DYKE llAACUI WBJY, ll.O. • 1118 · WtfY II THE WOMJ> (THU, RI) : EUCTIIC COMPANY (ft) (MC*-ftD) . ... FROll THE 55-YMlf) LM (FN) P'ONY'I ~OfU II UOWTI (fl) (lllj) lllCmE (llON. WED, RI) A MEW DAY II EDDI (1W) MEW DAY II El>BI (THU) lllCmE (THU) . llaW.E'I MA VY 11:15 lllCmE (All) 11:11 8) llMcit FOR TOllOMOW llYAWIHOPf MDYa.mlt .... llAaa.. I LSIEI llE10WT I llQ auE ~(RI) I THE llQHT WAY (TUE) ICMll•IQ ROOM (THU) NR. ITOllY: LM IY LM (fie COUIGE IAl«ETMU (ft) HOME flACllQ WEEl1. Y I"> VIC'S YACNlf LOT (fl) (THU) lllCME(AI) IT AIGMG ROOM OILY (TUE) 0 lllCME (lW, Tiii) .. Toalu y" u nc·hor Brynnt Gumtw l a n<l Jurw P uul•·y urt· j o irwd hy John l'ulnwr, \l1illurd Sc·oll und (;t·rw Sh a lit on tht-N HC ' Nt·~~., program Mond uy through 1-'riclu y a t 7 a .m . ( N liiiWOiU (THU) ~THE CAOOOEI (RI) :-.t:A~.J.our mtU> PAim TALl THEATllf (d) =WED) · Oii WAU l1'flE£T ,. _ ... OD TODAY lWCl.UI ~GOOD .-.0 AmJICA • THE FROOD.ll llOYIE ntr PUITITONEI ICOOIYDOO . IUll IEll lllEJIORT I fMENMD METcatO (FN) I Dl--..0 HOm •rBIDM (llON. WED) I AMEllCA: THE IECOMD COfTURY (TUE, I~~ ~lllJ) L ~OWN CtWmW ITOllY ) llOVIE (THU) . Oil .AAQQEM , ... ¥BJIA 1:11 • TMEJIE • A WAY IATTU Cl* THE PUMlll ,..,MTltD • YOGA FOii MEAL TH I llAQIC C/* (IL ,Alflm tCMEl90 ROOM (THU) ~~ llOYIE :hwu (FN) llAITBi Of IJ..UllOM (TUE) ca.llAICORE (TUE) 1* llOYIE (TUE} .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,,. ~ntOM (TUE, RI) WACCY WOlll.o Cl* JOMA nwt WlfTDl8 .lourn a li~t J inx Fa lkenberg cf i!-.<"U!-!'-t'.!. ulC'oholi ·m on ""(ht·r Eusy'' Monday a t 6 ::~o p .m . on PBS. i=-YNI DY'lE 11:11 WOIWI WATCH (WED) ttM CM •tCORE (1W) --Afternoon 10 TAm.ETALEI OD DAYI Cl* OlM lMI T1ILIGIHT lo. ~ AU llY CHl.DMJI ... ., CC> llOYIE IDMAllO*aA*E DtCK CAVITT (JI) (llON. 00, RI) r.cl CAVITT (TUI. WED) DOUeO wmt,.,. flll (FN) I QID (llON, WED) IDUCA110IW. MOG'?SPIQ (1W) I GllETlW TO DOW. {THU) COUIClll fOOTIAU (All HIBi-=~ COUIClll (THU) lie>"!~~· Ml) =-~~(TUE) ~=WID) llOVIE COUlfTY AT 11e 11AU. Nn'lm (() Al ntr wcao TWiii T1IUlfY ZOlll --~ OlllllLM OVllWY llfJ 11 PIMIUTI ('Al) =::~Ml) ntr...rWAY .:AA ... (II) ('TUI) NIBWGii.D (WID) FA=., •MOne-..o .,_~-..... --rr-1 (f!C.LRTOLM ·= -TMTGlll..,. mlUCAlW. ,..,.. mucATDIM.,.,., I Friday. December 3, 1982 tM t:11 ,. .. Friday. December 3, 1982 9 - -rriclay -Afternoon Movies-- 1290 "Ctty 0 1 Fear' ( 1965. Orama) Terry Moore Paul Maxwell ( t hr 30 min ) Q) ·One Man s Way" ( 1964. B1ogra ohyJ Don Murray Diana Hyland (2 hrs J fCJ 'Barry Lyndon· ( 1975. Drama) Ryan O'Neat Martsa Berenson (3 hrs 5 min) $, "So Fine 1198 t Comedy) Ryan O'Neal. Jack Warden 11 hr 3 t min I 12:110 TM nunner Stumbles· I t979 Ora ma) Otl.k Vdn Dyke Kathteen Quinlan I 1 hr 39m1n I ,.LO) ·over The Edge· I 1979. Drama) Michael Kramer. Pamela Ludwig (I hr 35m1n I (ZJ "Tap-;" ( t981 Orama) George C Scoll. T1molhy Hutton (2 hrs I 2:11~) "Tapo," ( 1981 . Drama) George C" Scoll T1mo1hy Hulton (2 hrs) 0 'Modern Problems" ( 1981. Comeny) Chevy Cha<,e Pat II D' Arbanv1fle ( 1 hr 30 min I 1:9(1.) 'UnttlShelatks" (lllr ) ~) · Ragge,1y Ann Ano Andy ( 1977 Adventure) Anrmaled ( 1 hr 25 min I 1:»1CI ·John And Julie' Peter Sellers I 1 hr , 30m1n t z, ·zorro The Gay Blade ( 1981 Com edy) George H;im11ton L <1u11>n Hutlon I I hr 33 min ) .._{LJ 'The Sea Wolves' ( t980. Adventure) Gregory Peck. Roger Moore (2 hrs J d (Sl "Going Ape'" (198 1, Comedy) Tony Da111a Jessica Waller ( t hr 27 mrn ) 0 "Ttle Gathering" ( 1978 Drama) Cd Asner Maureen Stapleton ( 1 hr , 45 min J WI@ 'L1111ng Free" ( t972 Adventure) Susan Hamp<;h1re Nigel Davenpor I ( 1 hr 55 min) lc1S C%J "Sk1doo" ( t968 Comedy) Jackre Gleason Groucho Mara (I hr . 38 min I --LliEvening .. OGNEWt ~AMQIEL.I CM .... llQH1'. ENOUGH IUT OF lm9IGHT ~CW. MC ... Q 1ra•1"H HAWMAVM O¥IR EAIY Guest author Ernest Gann ~~Harper Valley PTA (1978, Comooy) Barbara Eden. Ronny Cox A very lrberated young mother with a greet deal ot sex appeal intentionally rattles the conservative viewpomt ol local sclioot board members (2 hrs ) CID MIO llMWm ([) (0) IODeQ "Battle 01 The Champl ons" Benitez vs Hearns I Gomel vs Pin IOr(~ CS) "Soldiers Three" (1951. Advenlure) Stewart Granger. Wolter Pid- geon Three 8rrt1s'1 soldiers stationed In fnd1a 1ake theu dulles serrousty bul spend oft-hours getting 1n10 trouble ( t hr • JO min) g 90¥'m "The Hunter" ( 1979. Drama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous tile as a modern-day bounty hunter 'PG' (I hr , .. 1 38 .COMIR u..TmUR ~-----12 Friday, December 3. 1982 -..... .J .R. (La rry Hagman ) and Sue Ellen (Linda G ray) re m a rry in Friday's e pisod e of "'Da llas" a t <) p.m . on Channel 2 . 1•1C81NEWt me ... 1W'1'Y DA YI AGAIN ~ ':.-":.&. A T axon who owns a 25-acre. 2 million item 1unkyard, actress Kim Delaney. who plays Jenny on "AU My i Chll=" 01> ... lllTlllT~ TOMQHT 111111'1 CO.MY IDM*lll'IKD e• ••••mioRT -THI 99\. Hosts Len Dawson and Nick Buomcont1 review hrghllghls of lhe previous week's NFL games and Interview ~ players and coaches ( I hr l lZJ llCMI "Full Moon High" ( 1981) Adam Arkin. Roz Kelly ( 1 hr , 35 min. I I ~ CCMnYTOOAY 1:11 I Oii M TOWie Featured the lragedy which left a member ol the Long Beach State football teem paralyzed. a new lhe- ater J>fodUction on the lite of Jimmy Durante: a portrait ol virtuoso Emll Shenk· man. .,-.,..., Ll,_1-..V I CO.MY !t'~~ JJMilfl:r .. Mat .. rf •ATM _.,_ Guttl. Thor H~rdahl .... ,.._..,. .... ,., .. -.... .. "I Stole A MMllon" (1939, Myt· tery) George Ralt. Clarre Trevor Falling In love Inspires reform 1n a crook. ( t hr . 30 mrn) .. 8 Cl) 11tE DUU1 Of HAlZNID Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg square off for the pool playrng championship ot Hauard. ( 1 hr) O ID YOYAGIMI A retired voyager alter· natety helps and hinders Phineas and Jet· trey's etlorts to get Marco Polo started on his tnp to China. ( 1 hr ) II ...,_ "Cha11ots Of The Gods?" (1971) Documenl ary The th80fY th81 extraterrest11al belng.s vlSlted Earth 80!'.S 1!.5lO rs ei''fi~ (2 hrs.) • all Benson asks hlS friends at the mansion for help when his new condo turns out to be a booby trap 1n desperate need of repairs. D ~ MWU. WIJJWOIUOF .wT ~ :' llAQAzm A Tellen who owns e 25-acre, 2 million-Item junkyard. actress Kim Delaney, who plays Jennx on "All My Children .. e llCMI "Big Jim Mclain" ( 1952. AdventUfe) John Wayne, Nency Olton A specie! agent end his assistant a11emp1 to stem the tide of te<rOflst actMtlee In He:N.,2 In.) a IM "New Wave" A !tenet~ paoed aoiwy of New Wave muatc, and It• effect on kid&. clotheS. parents, ckJb9, radio and records. I ······-·-.... Simi -·~ Mountain lgh" eu.~ Thometl rw.y, prttlldent, JanueFund • • • -·ytl··· Cont. Ht·llt· l>uvil'> und Jumt• S tewart fl ank Curol HurtH'll ou '"All S lur P u rly fo r ( :nrol Hu rnt·ll ~" l o lu· hroudc·u~I Suuduy ul H p .m . on CHS. ram.~ (THU} I 1-2-1 COWfACT THE GIMAT QLL Y HOf'tl ... (fll) lli)lllOYIE ~) =-~~ COUHIE U (1'UE. WEii) MF\. ITOltY: LM IY LllE (THU) flUDOLltt AlllJ FROITY: CtMlllAI .. 1-~.E:::-=: THE CIOUIBI AGlf Of 1lllYlllOM (WED) NW. COIAIUTIOlf TtlT (FN) l!U'I VDY O'ft CtlllTlllAI ITOll't ~.J,. (TW·MI) ~WIWU THE HEAIJtMS NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT ~~,~ WE HAVE A $500 7 r, ( ~ CHRISTMAS rn' mR l>AIU "iPt:t:IAI. ~.RJO' I rriyet..1•T rmpuu ~hu•h• bar pnpu~<i hr our ramou• J•v•nr .... l.h#r .,~ ............. -..i. .. Now Open For lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~g isCL JAPANESE RESTAURANT 3840 E. Coast Hwy. Corona def Mar 673-3933 lf::::=!!'!::m:=====~cc===·~~C::::::?t<c:===:::J l ~ ~ .), CERTIFICATE ~. FORYOUI • ~ .,,hlU#.tl!o••jll•\J,ott ~1iC_V,<t •IVW<~l'lf'' fo1 "' I,. .I • ,~ ,,...,V/-.-II t" ~"'""'"¥•• .., V If If It I Jl,o 1•• V• I fit 1 •"'•I • •ll t, If 1•t1 '"•~ IHI,, I !,. '' 11 ,,., ti" \ "r!) 1-'h/' .. i'tf ""''''"•' J •• 1,11~h' ti." '•11 ti• .... ,."'~"''1 .. 1 .. ~ .• '\ .. ,.,4 ... t.or•11.o11A1J "''"'' ~,, ... ., .. , .• ,,_, +ft1·1•, Friday. December 3. 1982 11 -rriclay Cont. ual'-. happ1111•<,<. ;1110 "''"'Iller •Jn» <,hould ueHE'r sutler 1n1uo;.l1<..P .11 ll•e h;ina~ ut e>th Pf<,,,, be ljftJIJ'I I I thf'11• 'I tu ' C llOYIE ft,,. 0.1tt..•111•t1 I tY7tJ ur.i 111a1 ld A,'"' M.1ure1·1 ~1.1plPI"" l ••no lll"Tll) d1v1..,.ur ~ .1111t111u 1Jll•111r1Pr"> nf fhP '"''' 11y 111 :i nv•m-1 '"'"' cr1m•· (1t,1 •n thf' •JP"'' "''"''' his y1.iwr1 '1fl<.urn14 YJ1hf'f lw .1 1111,11 l,m11fy reu11•• '" f I h1 J:. """ 1 . H llOYIE R.1yl•me 111)1J 1 I lr,1m.1) f;imec, C,1qn<>y H1•v.ar I r R1ill111<. Am11l lhP S0<..11ll llPIWavJI <•I !')~·()·, NPW V'n1k an uppt>r c lil'>f. lam1ly tr•CJ., lo hOIO or1 !CJ t1,J1M•r.•1 .J'> .1111r•11r, 11111 k l1·atJ· .1 m1t1111111 l1q1.1.-1yrl1P<f lht> 1;ii;1c,1 ,•c,l,.t'lh'.llmt>rol PG L<' his . 3b min J s ,. NEW DAY IN EDPC A 1•11\lllf'lhli 1.1m11v encounter<, rnilny J1fltr 11lt1t" 111 i111 1111111 .. 111 al town {Pdrt 7 J mTHE~ tt:G50 OECflmEI ~ flnt.>1•11 l1'.t111urr11 hOSIS lh1s took at upuim1nt1 •11(1V11", .in<l -1~ZOME ll>EJIDl>EJIT NE'TWOM NEW& llOllAT\ME Guest Trinr H11yo>r11.lht fUYIOY OM TitE ,._ M>IUMCf.:THTOfl OYl tl'a11 ''I MOYIE ·oack Roans · 11Q8 f Cvnw dy) Sally f 1PIU 1 >mmy l t-e Jnne•, A hoo~e• aruJ d lnwri on n• 1111.~ bt>"" m&el 11nt1 111' .. lU WeS.I Ill ""•ll<t nf I f)l'W ,,. ll1te ~·. 00 ~ m'.ln.1 IA TIJN>AY l9QKT · lllEAaCHO'- AU 11 TitE f Al& Y l1lll.ET1 Of .... fMMCtlCO mXED IAQ "New W;wp A frt>nP11c:ally paced survey of New Wave mvs1c. .ind 11s ellec.r on k•ds. c.lo1he<> pa1en15 clubs radio and 1f'<:Ords eI!) DOCTOR II TitE MCXllE ([, llOYIE 'G1e:iser <. Palace' ( 197? Fanlasyl Albf>rt Henderson Allan A1hus A mean na<,ty 5aloon 1)wner wrio locked up his mulhe1 an<l mur<le1ed his son meets a wande11ny artnr will\ a penchant for pedorm1n!lf1'1trdC.le~ (I tu . 31 min) !Sl Nae .,..ORELO 11 COMCBT Sp1111y held sings .. Jes SP' s r,111 • an rt otncr ruts m a pPrlo1manrc horn rhP new U111vPrsal Amphitheatre 111 l os Angnles ( I hr 10 min J ,.,, (f)llC>ft ·la Oolce VIia • ( 1961 OrArnal Marcello Maslr•)1ann1 Anita EkbNg A weallhy end bored man ol modern Rome Illes to cti:rnge his ltle<.tyrn (2 h1<, 55 min) 11• II (I) lllOft Hawk The Slayer' ( t 98 1. Adventure) .lack P11111nce John TP11y A11 eoventuroos y~g man Pnhsls 111e Aid ol 11 oand ol war11ors 10 fight his evil uncle, the 011erlorrl who killed his lather and IS holding an .1tibess 101 11:in!<<11n (;>his 10 min}_ D OD TCMQHT Guest host Jo11n H1ve1s Gu~~··~ I YOU*ll)..,.rT TWUQHTZO. .oWll "Khartoum" { 1966. Drnma) Charttoo Heston, Lourence Olivte1 Ganer· al Charles Gordon delends t91h·century Sudan from the lanatk:al religious leader, the Mahdi (:> hrs ) @ A n.11'1 TO CCMMT ~ A profile ol Count Basie. covering his faootoos caree1 with a 90 minute concert taped el Co1ne- gle Holl, feehJrlng &Olne of the Coont'a best-IOve<I muale with such greata 81 Tony Benne1t. Ge<>fge Benson. Sarah Vaughan Incl Joe WIHlems (2 hf9 ) 14 Friday. December 3. 1982 fD C~ WEBltllfVJEW m> ,.. UTEJIQHT Featured pt10to editor Rick Smolan ( 1 hr ) ( u "°""9CSnBI l.Q) lllOft · New VOik Baoes" { 1980 Comedy) Glo"a l eonard. Marlene w11 toughby Members of a team of beautitlll women 11no plenty ot ac11on on end off Ifie i ris held ( 1 hr 20 min ) . MCt.UI 11::15 llOYIE 'The lllus11ated Man" ( 1969. St:1ence-F1c11on) Rod Steiger. Cla11e Bloom A woman pe1soaoes her husband to ha11!' his t>Ody tallooed with symbols relating to events in his Ille {2 rirs 10 min) CJ lllOYIE "Three Days Of The Condor" ( 1975, Suspen!.e) Robert Redford. Faye Donaway A research 1eader employed by the CIA uncove<s internal treachery when all ol his c()-w0tke1!. are assassinated by a 1111 111an wlio is now s1atk1ng him (2 hrs , 5 min) 12'0 I EJfmfr~ TOllQHT ®) TitE lAIT WOii) • llOYIE "The AssaSS<na11on 0 1 Trotsky ( 1972 Drama) Richard Burton, Al111n Delon The menial turmoil and intense de1erm1na11on ot an assassin lead to the last days of the Russian revotu11onary ilead~2 hrs ) LOVI, AIEICM lm..E DAVID.,.._, t2::IO ti) LATl 9IQH'f wnM DAVID l.ETTEMWI Gues1 Terry Jones ot the Monty Python troug e (1 hr . 30 min ) ~ ~Swamp Wa101" ( 194 t, Mys tery) Dana And1ews. Waller Brennan Directed by Jean RenOlr To prevent him lrom revealing his hrd1ng place an escaped murde1er holds a young man ~llve In a swa~ (2 hrs ) LOVI., AlllllC r\'Yl.I COUffl IAIUTUU. MPOllT (It) ~ "So Fine" (1981, Comedy) Ryan O'Neel. Jeck Warden A s1u1ty col 1ege professor saves his father's flounder 1ng garment tactOl'y by Inventing a new 1_ype 01 ladles' Jeans 'R { I hr , 31 mlfl ) O ~ "Ente1 The N1n1a" (1981. Adventure) Franco Nero, Susan GeOfge An American martial arts e11per1 sets out to avenge the murder of his best friend 'R' ( t h1 • 30 min ) IMtffl fTMDllQ M>C* 091.Y "Country Rock '82" The Oak Ridge Boys. the Charlie Daniels Band and Rosanne Cash perlorm then latest hits In this benelll concert taped at the Pine Bluff Conveolloo Center 1 hr. 30 min) lllOft "Wichrta" ( 1955. Western) ,Joel McCrea. Vera Miies. A Western town IS tamed by a new lawman ( t hr . 20 min) 1Ml~'ITOPTa IWUWMI ~ {I hr) enaT~ llOVll "The Defec tor" ( t966, Suspense) Montgomery Clift, Hardy Kruger The CIA enlists the aid ot an American phyalelat to elicit lnl0<rnatlon from a defecting Auulan spy. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (!) 1'0P MS IOma Ol) (Q).oWll "The Return" (196t. Sctence- Flctlon) Jan-Mlehael Vincent, Cyblfl Shep- herd Two people who had a cloee encounter with an ellen &pflcecraft es chll· dren aw11lt the alien•' Imminent return. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) w= "I Wiii, 1 Wiit .. ror Now" ( 1976, ) Elliott Goulet Diane Keeton. A matr couple try to oure their texuat 1ncompa11b1frty through a legal contract, se11 books and group therapy (2 hrs I 1*11 = "Sybil' (Part 11 ( 1977, Dra- ma) Sally Field. Joanne WOOdward Based on lhe novel by Fl0<a Rheta Sc11re1b,A young woman develops t6 d1l- le1ent personalities as a result of a 1rau- ma11c. childhood with he1 sadistic mother !1 'us) 'Cl llOYIE Boys Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner Whe(l a shapely young co-ed undertakes a sex research pro1ec1 she fmds four busi- nessmen more lhan w1H1ng to lease an iar1men1 to aid her 1n het s1UC1y (2 hrs ) ,. ---~ t9 ti) .C llEWI OVENIGHT ... llOVIE "Casino Royale" ( 1967. Come- dy} Peter Sellers. Ursula Andress James Bond comes out ol 1eti1ement when asked ro help stop two underground organiza· ltons tnvolved 1n gambling (3 hrs) lZJ llOVIE "The Sensuous Nurse .. ( 1979. Comedy) Ursula Andress. Ou1ho Del Prete. Greedy relat1ves hire a sensual 'Florence Nightingale" to take care of an aging count sutle11ng from a dellcale heart cond111on R' (1 hr 20 mm.) 2'I CS1 llOYIE "Mootenegro" ( 1981. Come- dy) Susan Anspach. Friend Josephson A neglected wife travels 10 Stockholm and begins an affair w11h a man she met In a t>oherr11an n1gh1club 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) t1t ( lllOft "Taps" ( 1981. Orama) George C Scoll. Timothy Hunoo Military school cadets lake over their school to preven1 plans to turn the academy property info e condo development 'PG' (2 hrs ) (J.)llC>ft •Burn•" ( 1970, Drama) Marlon Brando. Evaristo MarQuez. A small POf· tuguese island's struggle 10< lndepend· ence 1s e~PIOlled by a crafty t81h-centu1y B11hsh coton1s1 ( 1 hr . SO min.) 1:11(!) llOVIE "Jungle Gents" (1 954. c~ dy) Bowery Boys. Pe111Ck O'Moore When 11 1s d1scove1ed that one ot the Boys can locate diamonds by smell. they are sent to Allica ( 1 h1 . 30 min l 0 llOVIE "Modem Problems" ( 198 t, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Path D'Arban- v1lle A hapless a11 tralllc coolrollef with numerovs personal problems Is end<>wed with telekinetic powers al1er being doused with nuclea1 waste 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min l M~WOIUATU. a.~ ~'Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams" ( 1981, Comedy) Rlcha1d "Cheech" Marin. Thomlls Chong Two 1nve101ate po1headS appear lo have found thelr true calling as they peddle Ice croem on the streets ol Los Angeles. 'R' ( 1 hr • 27 min.) n (l) .,_ "Full Moon High" ( 1981) Adam Arkin. Roz Kelly ( t hr .• 35 min ) • e m¥ll "Oulek, let's Get Marrled" ( t971. Adventure) Ginger Rogers. Rey Miiiand The local "madame" end lhe may0< ere enlisted ro help a mastermlnd gain poaesslon of • legefl<'ary tre&SUfe . i hrs.) WClllM ii'" ,.. M .oWll "Penny Serenade" ( 19'41. Dr11· ma) Cary Gram. t1ene Donne. Recent a~11ve pe1*11t learn that happineea can soon rum to tragedy (2 hrs., 20 min.) CC) m¥ll "The Great Muppet C.S*" ( 1981, ComedY) Charlel Grodin, Diana A1gg. Reporters Kermit, Fonle and Gonio uaoe a fabu!Oul atOlen )lwel to London. 'G' ~40mln) .. Cl) .. "Modem Pfotltlrnl" (1811, COmedy) Chevy ChHe. -l'rlclay Cont. lCl llO¥ll t hv 1 Ht!lll M111•1111I 1 11pt1• ( 11111 1 C:11rn11lty) l 1111111•1• 1 11o1dll• 111111111 llllJV 111•111111111111\1111111( I •1/IH• 11111t !10111111 lltll ti II 11t>ul11111o t1t11l1111 '"wttl '" t 11111t11n U (I tu 4() 111111) Ill~ IH'l llO¥W I he I 11 1" h I 1ttllhtto•1tot ., Wum 1111 ( IU81 lltu11111J Mu1yl •,11.-1111. tn1umy 1111111; All ulluu bt1lwut•11 two 1111"'" 1" p111 11ll11l111t 111 tilt•101111111111 prn1111t hltll 111 W~ll< lo lllu IWll 11111 lkllhtttlllll\I II (? 1111, '> 111111) (SI lllOYll ""'4011)11111 1'11111111111 .. ' ( 1\Jtl I t;vn111tJy) \.hu11y ( """" t•11tc1 tr A1~11 111llt! A hupl&!>!> 011 l11tll•l 1 n111t11llur wrlh llUIOOIOU~ !Jt'C WllUI jlC olilt•ll I' I°' Ill 11 h lwllO wrlh lulul.11w1cc; puw111:. 11111•1 ~"'\I dc111 .. ecJ Wllll llllt.ltlur w HSICI J•(, (I ht 10 111111 ) 0 lllOft · t apb 1 1•m 1 01.1111111 t,uot\W C Scott Tunothy I t11t1t111 M1llt111y ~hool caout:. toke 011e1 1111111 'o<,1111111 11, p11111ur1t plans to turn the ttl111tu111y p111p11rly cnro 11 co11C10 development f'( i' 1:1 '""I Ml@ AUltTHIFAa.Y a:. 8 (It THI NfW 000 COOPU < Jo.1..11 11110 felt• disagree ov•'' rt1111111u 111Jhl'. who11 Oscar with t:OnbrcJt•r .1ul>i ht'Iµ 1111111 tuo, •oomm11te. wins 11 new c..111 "' ,, r 1111111·,1 i awLE'I MGILI OCIOCOUfU A~ TO COUNT IAllE A ptoltlt' 111 Coun1 Basie. covenny ht'> lfll.>11lu11~ <.aretl• w11h a 90 n11nu1e conce:>n ldµCd di C.ime Qt!! Hall, teatu11ny .. omti crt lhtt Crnml''> Dt'SI tuvect tnUStt with 'l\11.tl ytt'dl!. i:I:. f Olly 13enne11 George Be11M1t1 ~.H,111 V.111yhilt1 and Joe Williams (2 111-. ) Ell) WALL ITMET ftD 'H0t ky Mou111.110 ~~h Guest Thomas B.i1ley p111s1den1 CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Gary Baranoski JOCC:I'\(. \ ""'· B \C:K II I-:,\ l.Tll J1111u• f u11t1 ID~~ "W11t1111u1m1 A111111u11 111u11t" fl111 !Ive C1111g1o•ut11n11 ft11111 01111100 Gounly dl11t u111 the 111111ou11 toe ul 1 ... tlff with Jim Cr!OjJOI Clttlll .. 111 I llJ•rn v .. W111\t1 'Olltllt On111u11 IJ0 11c;1111•1 (trc1111 I 1Jlly11. Juprtn ) (I hrb 30 111111) I Ll lllO¥ll rl1u ( jllllU tt1111 (,WltJtl' I t)hoot u111111Jht" ( 1911. C.1J11111<ly) Ju11y 0 11>11c,t1 •@ lllOYll "11'-Y ()Ind With lllt!tr llrnll'o 011 I 104 t. Wotte1n) I 11ul I ty1111. 01111111 --_ I "IU" I uy1u1 YOlllllJ I WO l>Ut11IJl1r11J llollnn "4111111110., · 111 llroukty11 ~Rr1111A 111volvu<J tn ~lttltll Wiii" IJ( I ( 1 Ill 1'1 111111 ) 00 thMllutt<.I t h<t •vl)llfl thut lud 1111 tu tfltt lluttlc ut l 1111e 11~ Hom 1nvolv1nu ( umttml C.u~ter 111111 Chtul .,111111\j (lull "'" 11.i1plurml M ( JC._,ICOM ~ht'I) Ml !Tl DAU.Al Tho L w111g11' tt1udu 111u 111111 po1&r1iy pt1t llbldtl ll!i ijUtt!lt!> u111t1u1 Ill ::.ootllto•k 101 J n ·s weod1ng ( t hr ) 0 GD IOIQHT ..... Mlc.hllOI Kf111Jhl .. 0111 t11e11d 1~ tm111ud for o 111111\Jor ( 1 111 ) G ({§) llO¥W "f Wiii flllb!>ltl With I CIVIi ' ( 1964. At1vo11111rn) Smm Cunnt"Y ll1tt1111 111 rl1a11c..h1 Ja111t11> flumJ 1-. '>attt to lbt1111l>11I 10 ~lt~lll II n111,i,1.in t.Uc.l111Q 111At.htl10 IHllJ e11lls up 111 Vo111u.1 with a sexy dout.>tu '.!il.0111 (fl) (2 htl> ) W lllEltY QNff9I Gua111s I ynn Hedg1u110. Syl111(' V11rrnn, tho Arthur Mu11ay Dancer">. fhddO Penghlti.. 1>1 Vvu11ne 01yson ( 1 hr) EE) IOOY • QUllTIOM ··s1oighl UI) ta11ct 01 Ju11atha11 Mollet puts the a11 ot hea11no 111 d ht'i1U11c;al con1u111 w•lh an e .1tan1111u11on ot 1he royal u11u c r11msma11c henleri> o l 1h11 •9th century (R) o ( t hr ) ~ QMAT P'lllfOMDMCU "Thu Chartor ltouse Ot Parm11" l ho Ouc;hess Gina Sim i.e11e11na make!. the utllmale sacrlhce 10 se1.we the pardon ut Iler neµhew Fab1111v Arlll lhen leave:. Parma torever (Pail ti) l' hi) t.EJ COUfQ( FOOTWL "Mirage Bowl' 10 ) llOVll C.h1111rh Attd Gh11111J'" N1Lt1 (ltu1111is'' ( 1~6t Comudy) fltchurd 'Chum.II" M1tt111. t hnrr111t. Cltu110 I w o 111vu1ur11l11polht1111lt•11 ptHl11t lo huvu 1011110 1111111 11uu 1,11111110 11•. tl11•y p•Jdrllo ic:u c;ruem ctt• ·1hu •111111111. ut I 111. A1111ol111< fl' ( 1 hr . I / 111111) 1 z )llOW! · 1 .ip" ( t'lU 1 rx.J111u) noc1ru11 C ~c..1111 f11nuthy 1t1111rn1 M11tt111y &<.nonl Ulc.ltll~ htkll Ill/Cl llrt•ll •,c ht>nt ICJ µ1u11011t 1Jlilt1', l<I t111111111• olt:ildtllllY ptnpOtly llllCJ <I C.UlldO de=·Jllll'lll ·pc I (;1 hi•· ) l lOlD t:IO LDAMOlt lltl a.uB. AfllNIA TM IAT\lllDAY llGHT tO:tO (f) fAl.COll CMIT Chase ll11nk1; l111's found a loak '" ro-t1c.011 Ciesr~ ca!.h tluw A11yet11 •,f•c1~1ly bac k!> Maggio·:. 111ov1e su1pt u11d Colo begins to lake on hts [!!!temal r!'spons•btlttel> ( t ht 1 U fl/) ..-OTOll lll!U Rernington 1s p1ckctl 111 tread up n murder 1nvost1gdtiun 111 wh1Ch nll 1111! !.u~peCI'> ar1• pr111.1tc eY'"• OQ)(l)MEWI l htj TMArl A l'lBfTY Conrad Jo111:. 11nd h1s Ac11etly Hiii'> Unl1c;100 Jan Anno, teaw 11ng ban1ci µlayer Gen1ye Seyal, t>e11um1 ( t ht . 30 rn1n) ~ ta OflEAT IDEAi JU!.llce" Mo111me1 Adler nsi..:. why 1u:.11ce ,., key to an mu1v1C1 Allied Llgh.ting is Your hometown full suvlce fighting center We are Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selectlon of Lighting At Competitive Prices. * Over 100 Lines In Stock * lnstallatlons * We Repair All Makes of Lamps \ 1111 .... \\Ill. \1JU h j I ''" \f II I II~ ""'·· \\l1\ .1... \11111 h.t• ~ * See Our Complete Selection o f Celling Fans * Over 20 Years Serving Southern California's ti Ill* dll'I I f • ( 111 11 I It 1111 lft ftt•\\ l't'lflL' lll!lft• ftlC:.,!'•f'fl \\llh •1t11•H· 1111 i\ f•tt1.I f 11 ind'"'~ l p111l1lt·111• 1h.11«111c111.1I••111 1Jw Ii t•I \.'I 1.( l.ilh 111'1\ 1111! 1)•\• 1tol 110 Cit• 1111•· 111.I l•.I• I.. II 11·1·1 '11 .... ~~·· II< 1111)''"1"'1 h ·"''"''"" ·II• ·-II.ill 1111111 .. t 11111·, •'J h du +.111.d '"11' ' 11•111 I h1 .. 1.11 I .1 • h.110 rt•1tt tt.-o 111.it ''"'" 111 •!•Ill" I t• 1it:.!ltrt1"1tl .011.J "i'f"'f '""" !'·"II I lw t •llhl,1111 h111h l•tlJ lftC 1t1d 111111111• 11ud1111l .. 111 llttHllllL! 1•11d 0111 1111t.1l111l' \ il•1.H11111 .. I l11c"I'"'' "' 11111 111I111 .. 11 "'" 1,..11 ~··r 111111!.'· l•.1• ~ '"'" 111•1 II d .ft-•llt "I I 1,!.111 \\ 11 j•l 1•~1.11111111•.I 1111f.t • '""I"' 111·r111111 "' a..'1Jf~ J II 1111 • 1pf1 l1 ...... lh•I t,. •I 1L1·t ,,., ••. 1,, 1tll .. 1~11' ••i,.'.ft'f 1•UltH '1t11f\ I tll ~If f11lf 1111 ~ ftlfl1 "'li·tflf' Llr. J.;ary baranoski < I tlHc ll'RA< I< >H ( 71 ·t) 67S-:J.j92 2345 E. Pactlic Coast Hwy .. Slilt 0, Corona dtl Mar * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures Ughtlng Needs. COME IN AND BROWSE You won't believe our selection, you'll love our price s and our very helpful sales people. =-r, AllIED lighting H Otll\ Mon Frt 8 I> Wr:-d 1tl 9 \at a s 30 (lusrrt Slln 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa (across lrom Nu1srryli1nd Nurst'ryf 646-3737/646-8194 Friday. December 3. 1982, 13 Maria Mon1el Pres1on rosier (I llr JO 1111nL -0 W INCRED9l.f IUJt I AllA2JMO INIO-llAM l lHAUU @) ICOOIY I ICIW'PY 000 I """' Q llll -.uc:>N DOUM IWI IOIM*ll Tiii OlD IGllE Ooli Vila and his tr!'w shi11gle 1he new w111g and µla!.1cr c.!'ilings 1n 1h~1~r11011 ol the tarmnouse '1!) COUNTY 'Wash1ng1on As~ign rnent The hve Congressman horn Orange Coun1y discuss 1he various loc.;it 1!.Sut>S with Jim Cooper 1£ llOTOCROH Coveraye o t lht> JAG/BMX World Cnamp1oo<:h1~l (l1om lnd1anapol1s. Ind ) ( l hr ) (0 )lllOVE 'lorro TneGayBtade" (1981 Comedy) George r1amil1nn l auren Hui ton ( l hr J3 rrnn ) (S) llOVE "Caveman" ( 1981. Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Oua1d ( 1 hr 31 min) Cl)llOVE "Taps (1981 Orama) George C Scott Timothy Hullon (?hrs ) tUtQIHAUU G llOVE "The Grand Duel' I 1974 Ora ma) lee Van Cteet Peler O'Brien (I hr 30 min) g) 11IE L!QEll) Of QIQ MTlUI Lanc.e101 saves Guinevere lrom Cleath at the hands of Agravarn. Arthur exonera1es Lancelot t:>ut t:>ars him lrom Camelot (Parl 7 ol 8) fl) EVBm>AY COOUeG 1"TM JACQWS pet.. It "Apple Galelte" Jacques Pepin discusses how 10 buy and use d1lleren1 kinds ot apples and prepares apple qaletle Debora h Kerr a~ Miss P limso ll on HWilness for the ProSl'('ulio n," Sal urda~ a l 9 p .m . o n CBS. '11) CA&IOMIA ftD It RIEY'IEW CC) llOVll "The Four Horsemen Ot The Apocalypse" ( 1962 Drama) Glenn Ford [ee J Cobb 12 hrs . 30 min I Public Television for Orange County '9:00 8:00 11•0 fli) NCAA IAIUTUU LSU Fighlrng Tigers vs North Carolina Tar Heels trom rasl Rutherford. N J (2 nrs) B AIEICA'I TO. TBI ,®) WEBEND IPfaAU "Arthur The Kid" A 10-year-old boy applies 101lhe101:> JS 'boss" for a 1110 ol clumsy. would·be desperados (R) Q G)ICMTIWN g) llOYIE "Possessed' ( 1947 Drama) Joan Crawford, van Helhn (2 hrs ) fl!) llAGIEI It WATBCOl.OR wmt CMa GUlAI '1!) QROWleQ YUM <{) WCT ~ Live coverage ot !he Chi· cajjo Classic semifinal march 1 (2 hrs ) lHJ -11IE MR. Hosts Len Dawson and Nick Buonicon11 review highlights ol the previous week's NFL games and 1nterv1ew ~ players and coaches ( I hr ) ~ llOVE "Do1 And Sa11ta Claus" ( 1 hr . 30m1n) '11) llOVE ·summer Love" C 1958, Corne- ll John Saxon, Molly Bee (2 hrs) 11:9 QMMD fWX Of AU.-ITMI ®J AlmlCAM IAll>ITAMI llOVll "Mexican Hay11de ' ( 1948, Comedy) Bud Abbo11 Lou Costello ( 1 hr 30 min) I llAGIC Of OL 'AMllG ~Y'EMI 11:9 llOVll "The Agony And The Ecstasy" ( 1965. Biography) Charlton Heston, Rex Hamson (3 hrs) --Afternoon tH18 T1NI ITOOGU 8 110¥a "Speed Merchants" ( 197 4, Gold From the Deep $80 Million Gamble For 39 years she lay undisturbed at the bottom of the sea Her 5' ton fortune intact Now North to the Top otthe World set sail as one man risks ~----"'everything to challenge the HMS Edinburgh to g111e up her gold' Come nose-to-nose with harp seals. white wolves and a hos! of other rarely· seen inhabitants ol North America's frozen lront1er Jorn the e)(ped1t1on on public TVI --.. ........... ________________ ~ -laturclay --Mo .... 1 ... ~ U.1. 'AMI MPOWT ltOOAWI HDC>al IPO«TtclJITU ( .,.,. 1111• W1tol I 1••1• •• I 111111 Ad11n11ll111') ltu 1111111111111 .. 11 lt.,11111 M'""'' ~In•, 1'1111111) .. llK>9lll llOOll l Y'IDIO JUICllO I .. } LAl'f·A·THOM A I .. 1t11li.1J1 f1 ,.,, 11111 h~u c ""'" l tllll1~·,1itnl', wl1t1 '11111pnlu ••U•tlll'1I utu 1Jltlltht•f 111«' lt•,tliHt•tJ II 1111·, 11nt .,, •• ,,,. •• .,I Pllutdy \JdlHt~ ,,H•W klltCJ lllOY'I! 1111· 1,.11111••11111· 1 '"''' 111.1 m11) (dA-.llt'• M.11111111',I 1pl1'1"" fl 111 :)!, 111111 ) 11:11 IWf ntl WOfllD TOMOMO• Wf.AKOUT 11:11 THATGIRL. .. CAif Aii KAMGAllOO IOINIJllm PW&JC An Alll TIDTAUt " 1111111111 I /\tor"''"' Ml~ fllMPECTM QOODDAYU.. IA TUll>AY lllOMltO OIW'fVINE MEWi } •TMK:TlOMAL IEMI 11.1.,hl'll•·•" Pu"t l'l.1y C,111·· I J1111 l l11h It• ·1 I h11V1·•'.•ly ol Monroe-.111.t c o>.oLh (II) (Hl lllOVIE "f .1ll111q 111 I 11v1 /\q,1111' ( l'IHU Otdlltd) [ llt<Jll 1,,,11hl S11· .. 11111o1h 'I 11k ! I hr , 30m111) 0 MOYIE h '.I" tit I u1) ' I I'll J Advf•ll tu1e) 8ru1,;t' Ll't". M.i11.i Yo t I 111 4 l 111111 J l:GI ,AU Of EAOlfl d COUfQ( IAUETIAU MPOflT (R) d THATICAT 'ACEIETTEM .ow.o Y'EAlta Ye.CE Of AOlllCULTIJRE YOYAGIE lllUEI UILMTE> rrtYOOR.-11 llDENTMY MEW1 THE llUflPfH •IT HORI( A y11u11y qui 1 l.i·,h1•» wolh he1 11101he1 ovf'r t'n1t•1111y ,, '"'l''", 11111pe 11toon lSJ MOYIE "W111as Uf UMngc' ( 1q1a Fantasy) Ani111,11e<.l Narrated l>y Peter lh;l1110\I t I 111 .~U 1111t1 I •Il l ~TIOllAI. ._. 1111 .• ''''"" rlull lt1t1t!lhll1J lllttf f>tlltt1hll\J I 11111 11 l>uP11ul t.111tth l411y Myr111 1111 ,.. DUllY't 1'MllMOUll I ntl IUfTtTOl9 "-' ILUlaw.J ~.::---nou&. MOtllt DAV'IY AND 00UA 114 aw.uMDO LATIMTD9'0 "'8TNMOM YOGA~ HIN.114 l A.-.:AM PUI •rrnm YIC't YACAllT LOT J Wll.CO..TO~CWNeOI A I 11lhtlt boy 11111111) Ill M1111111lt•olftl~·1111h111hl1• 111~1'><•111• 11twv1 lw. l,11111ly 1t11ll 11111•111111• wl11•11 .;•vto.11 1ttllli1Vtl~ t tlllllt lo lllhll 1a~ ~ ·~l<.llJOUl' 11'1111 M""" Hll All>tlrf f11111ay. Alm. ( '""'"""" 1.1 Ito~ I 7:111 CIEMAICOM 1* ,AlllJAllOlllJll GTMElt9tTTWI Oll.MUQCUI ®l 'AC ..... / LJTTU flAICAll / NC .. llCtt I DAYIV AND QOUATlt AllOTI A1JP COl1U.LO TWtCf A WOfllAlt CONT'IM'ORAAY HlAl 114 ISIUll lllOY'IE ' le~!. ( 11Jf1) IJ1,11n.1I N,1.,1.1~ ~•a K111sk1 Pah•f r 11111 (? t.,., '1\l """ 1 \~ flK:8' THE '9M>I (R) ( A YaY IPECl.Al CtlllSTMAI ( ) lllOY'IE 'Oltve• ( 19lifl Mu'.1< .11) 11<111 Mo~ Olt111;1 ll1·t·•! (;>tor 1~• 111111 I ~i ~=tPUHET 8 MOYIE "nl1yll111t <II 1111· •,,11ldl1,. ( 1938. W•.lStern) ( 1t•111• A111ly '.1111h•y llou l""~=- AlmlCAM IHORT ITOflY I fVT\JRE IPOflT A ~1c1111loc 1••plo1,1t1011 uf 111hte11c. µe1torrnanc1> wh1cn c.Jn n1d a111 1e1es on 11nprov1r1y thcu yame (A) (tt) llEtl QYWCAITICI 198? Cae~rs Patai;e lnv11a11onal" Olympians Bari I 1111r1u1 htll I hJrllllf\J 111111 111111 I •1l111y 11111 lt111h11111I It• 111111 \111111 1 111111111111!1111 (I ht ) 10 1 llOYa 1.11 lo, 11111 1.111111 Ktllur I t'!O. I 1111111,.yl Kww111 M11tlt11w11 11111! M111uol1tl1 (.' 111~ J 18 1 llOYll 14 11 t '"'""" I 111111 1C1111 .. 111< t1J I ynr1 lt11ll'( /111111·1"11 H11fllly ll11111tul1 I I tu 111J 111111 J .., lllOYll ·~11hHtf11y ri .. , 14111 I l'lll 1 < 11111odyl 1111 lo.1111 llt•"l""'1" 111111111 1111111 ''"" ( 1 111 1•.1111111 eb lllOV. !1t1tlt11 "I 111f1J I l1J Ui Ad111•11 llllu) I dw1111I Ar11ol1I '"' 11.11 f 11 111 '*l'o 'it{=,IM>ADIUlml ft.D, ft.D WOM.D <YI~ ) YOYAGll TO ntl IOTIOll4f ntl II.A HOOAWt MDOll 110 ICMOOl f11Jt. ltir lltillrn -.k11111) I 1111100 di KtlhlllJIUlt VI ) I llJ NO Cl) NCAA TOOAY WYIRTOllAYPI (]JJ lltlOM a...,, I UYIME a ~y TllJe TAUt "HOlllU?;,ll~Ulllily" ---~ ~AllQLIY ma ILUI MAMl.I I fOCUI C* IOalTY J Wl GAm <YI TME WUJl ) MO¥I! "9 f l) ~' ( 1'1110. (.111111•tly) 111110 ronCla. Dtilly f.';11\(Jfl (I 111 . 'iU 111111 I tG1 1) lllOYIE Tht! P111ulJ A1 11! I h11 1'1111.11111 ( rno6. 0 1.1m;i) Willtdnt Hultltll l.>t.ollrn.111 Ketr ~j:> hrs 10 r111n ) diJ CJ) NCAA fOOTW.1. A1111y C,tlJCI<. v•, Navy M1dsl'\1pmen !ro111 Vuleram. Stad111111 1111PGla=J~~~~u111 OZDE AND IWllET ft.D, ft.D WHT llOYIE "Night fla'>~HYO f l')'ol, A1Nenture) Jdme:, S1ewd1t Audie M111 phy 12 hr!>) W HIQHRATHEJI r ood r cJlloe!. Mf'111b~•·· ol a :.ttnior 1..1t1len:. cerolw t1e111 lh•· c;hol dren J.)rep.110 10 1 the c.ainp <,how {Ii) fOCUI <* IOalTY (!) wt FIJI H1ghhgh1s of Sup;it Bowl IX Minnesota Vokongs vs P1t1:.L>u1yh !)lePlf'•~ O MOVIE "Nu1cracker r antasy· ( l!l7!JJ Anunated Vooc.es o f M ot.helle l ee ilOd Ch11s1opher t ee (I hr 2? mm ) '1' MOYll "Tangier" ( 1946. Adventure) I!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~ --~-~ - SENIORS Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mar Davis:·~arown <;INCE 1947 RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE CONTROL • atMOlf \.ONlllOl • COIORlllAC • CAlllE It( AOY OllLY 411 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 646-1684 • .. I • • : y. 5 ~~------------------......... _ -Saturday Conl. and rw, awa•tJ N1rtnrn1J r .urtl11•·t" 11a11a1rd ' Alt'AJrti.ler ::,c;11urby l&AAY TY\.ER lllOOflE IEWINQ POW£1' MOVIE TN' f••w 'J Pool (I'll'•. My-,tPry I r.1111 N•'"" th I ''" •• We ltl w:irtl t?hr• I H lllOV1E I .11l11u; 111 I •II" Arp111 ' ( IC\HO ()r,1ma1 I II ! ,, 111 l 1;,<1ron.rt> Yor~ t 1 hi 101n111 I L. MOVIE 1t1r1•1• IJ.W<. 1 JI Tl1t• LO•,dnr (I'll'> S•J<,I • 11•»1 f!l!llt'•I n .. 1llr1r<1 r .ryP Dvnaw.Jy I' r1r •' r 11r I m ..oY1E r•,,,, th•· .,, .... , , 1Q4!) Corr•f'•:l(I rJ,1.,lr·• l't•j(/ll\ l't•tJtly ny.i11 p hr~ I "'I WREITlMO a:30 a.NCAN ADVBfTURE • IPO«TIWON..D <;, l11'dllleO ~ttVIHJ\jf' t I Mr t1lymp1.1 c:11111r1•!1l1•1n (f11,m I onc1on (091.1nd1 .1 fP.:\lur• ,,,, l<>Pn age 1vn1or m1rJ<.lli>wP1yt 1 or11en11Pr Tony Ayala lJ S v<; Ctrn1o1 1n wCJmPn' , vol!Pyl).111 (lrom l ,,., Iv,.~,:~ WIERWONJ> Tht• fh111l111p fflt ~ CU &..mRAllY Tho· trn re1tohte Book (scape" A young q111 who l'I locked "' 11 l10r;ir1 .11ler '"''"" rncc '"'lier., c;haract111.., 111 '"' o;ome t 1tie tino~" nn u.e shelve ... l~I (lhr I 1E1MAN TltOf'tfY AWAJtljl ITAATMJC llOYE Re11et1gl' UI The Shilo l 1r1 Koll Chick Kun Yun t:> hrs ) @) GMATEIT IPOll'TI LfQODI ·t;on G10 son Host Brooks Robrnsoro CD MOVE l<har1oum t t'lfil> Drama) Charl1on Hrs10n. LaurencP Ohv1£1r (? hrs) Elli COll'U1D alOICUI El:) .._.,. lWOPMY IHOW Covprage ot 1h1c; year s awards r.err:ornony lrom !he :')own1own l\thle1tc Club 111 New Yo1k rnctuues ;i history ol some athlpte-, who ~hav~h~of~e r-As1 ct,.., 1 IPORTICOOU NEW ITAM • THl MR. w.AJY Marcus AllPn ond Kennelh Som~ are among the rookrcs prnf•l"d 1n 1h1~ look 111 the NrL 's QQlenf!lll supP1sra1s (I t11 I {S) llOVll Ice CastlPs' ( 1979. Romance) l ynn·Holly John"inn Robby Benson ( 1 hr . r.,o mm ) (Z) MOVE "OltvP.1" ( 1968 Mu~11,ilf) flon Mood('. Oliver Reed (? hrs 35 min ) .. I~ ~T ruA• T'H( MR. · ~~TOTHIQALAIY I ftlWIQ '°" A llEAIOM llOVIE "Love Me Ot l eavo Me" ( 1965 Musical) Oo11s Day ,James Cngney (2 =ihrs=-~ ..... -=-- '11&-WU. ~DAYIAU. .... llAQAZM ......... COUIGI 149(1Tall.l Noirn I )nm11 ""' IUCa.;Guest Toni Mornson WLO AlmlCA "l he Woll And The White Tail" Twin d(ler towns end wolf puJ>t ore tonowed trom birth Into malurlly when. dvrtng a winier hunt, both the young deer eno the young woives assume thel1 adults rOIM ea Pfe<SatOf and prey 18 Ftlday, De~mt>er 3. 1982 m tta COUEGE IOWl PM'V1fW m fllVEll Of SAND ( .a1111'1.l~ Lrtf1ru11 ""' t>1trnord111.;1 f an1111.11 l•Pltrlv1t1r eil11brl1•<.1 Nlt1•tl d l(lljr yo•,fl ,Jr lilljhl ',lt•ht>< IHI' f rV;J nrvPr "' Keny.1 \ I I C1 MOVE It!'~ I ••11•) I H 1111.1) N;i .1.1· •,m Ku 1c;k1 Pt: I er I 11 ti• I• Ito , , 'iO 111111 I (E COUEQI ua«mAU ll("t A Aru111 •ll N1Jtre Oan11• r tlJht•rtq l11r,I t tlfllP Ou•· to r11an<latory t>l.Jl o. (rut req111;i11rin<. """ uarnt• rnav 1101 t,. '>1'1•11 "' vuur .Jre.11 (:> tirs) H lllEJtl QTIINAITICI t'18.' C ·t"'.1rc; I 1l.1ce l11v11a1tnr1,11 11ty111p1<1r•s O.irr C, 1n11Pr J1n1 H.tr11111y .mo Pt11t Cahny ;irr lt•e11111?d 111 th1!. yeor · c<>mpe1111011 ( 1 hr ) L. MOYE n ~atJ r..m·e~ f 198 t Mv~· ll'ryt S1.-i1 y Keat.h J.1n11e l rP Curit t I'")~~~ Of ORAHGE COUNTY 5:t5 NCAA FOOTULL !lo:a MR. WHX It AEVIEW MEWi LAV'EME a~ a COlm'Alt't GMATEIT IPOATI l.EQODS Br1l•l•v Hull" Host krn How.111! ~~ I wutt•u tflt .:,, hu··'''' 'i \111lp 11972. DrM11r11 1,.,.1 ... 1r 1 .. 1.11 ~ w.11.11·•1 L1 hr , 30 111111 I (3 THl W0N..D Of ,,._, JOYCE A ma1( ·• tJIX 11n1en1ary lrom n Ir lrPI 111.:J 5 n.i11ur.ar broa<.1cas1111q ser111cP 111 rrr.ir> lhe c P•'1•' •lilly o1 lh(' t111th nl llllOf'' .ltJ'(CP ""1111 ,l prohlf' ltlmf"J m. rncal•on 1r1 D111tlrr1 r11este 7u11ct1 flnmp il"'l Part~ t7 tu" 1 l0) MOYE Oitvef' 1 t'lfi8 Muc:rr.-ill f~on MOO<ly Oliver Ref'tj (2111<. ll) min ) '1) TltlE PfM>TECTOM ldlll EE) ...,.. OOOtE In Paul C,,JlhLO s W·Jtlel War II tall'. a young qirl 1JPnny Ag11!1PtJ ilrld a re1.tusive rutlr,1 (A1c11art.1 Harr1s1 rea111e lheu v 1ln('rab1htres wtt•I!.' <w1v1nq a o;now gooSf' .... _..Evening .... ..,..,. .. , Cl) Cit MEWi Eri}l9CMEWI couiQI IAMET9AU Notrt• Own•' v~ UCLA (2 hrs l a-: ,AIUlOUI CllUITllAI LANE 'AAAl:ll Hanna Barbera c:haraclers 101n Grand M;irsnatl Yogi Bear tor lh•s lesrr11e niu ade satu11ng the Silver Aruversary ol Hanna Oar beta (2 hrs) CD THMn COWANY , Cl) llOYll 'The Inglorious Rastards" ( 1978. AdvPnlure) Bo Svenson. FJeO W11- hrrmson Two men lorm an unusual l11or111· stlln during their efforts to o;urvrve enemy attacks and violent Cleath du11ng lhe tumultuous days ot World War II (2 hrs I m) A ~CT Of WMAl.f.I Krov and Ann Menuhin and Andres Pruna record the beh1Mor ot penguins sea llons, elephant seals. cormorants and the rare sou1hern rrght wh>tlP of the c;outh Atlan11c In the Bey of Valdes. Argentine ( 1 hr ) Cf{l llOVE • rtash Gordon" ( 1980. Ser ence·ftc:tlon) Sam .1 Jonar. Ma, Von Sydow A trio ol enrthlrn~s 1rnve1 to tho planet Mony o and help lls opprfK..c;ed Inhabitants tn the overthrow ul the evil ~~,::-~'°mrnl M'ftOMAL IALJ.M)OM mlNI) Hlghllghts Of the NatlOl'llJI Ballfoom Grand en.~. taatUflng perlOfmanoet of a Wide range ot dancM. are presem1•<1 11 hr 10 1111n I S MOVIE • I h" 1ncrPcJ•OIP Sn•1nl.r11Q Wt'"' ..i11 11980 C,nr11r•(ly) l rl~ lnr11hn ( hJrles Ci1ocl111 A hmr'.PNt1P f•r• 1s 11 h.u<J 1r• cope Wht!ll <;h1• <,1Jdde111y l1E")lll' 1H •,l111n~ rn o;1zr PG ( 1 Ill ?4 1111n I 0 MOVIE S.11111 lily fl'lt 141h 11'J81 Comeoy) f111.;h.1rd BPn1an11r1 Paula p,.,., 11s... A couple 1J1•,nM?1 lh 11 the house lhey ve 1nhe111ed " be11rQ •u 11p1t>d by w1mprre-;, ghus1s .1r1r1 ar,'>ortt>r1 111011<.lers 'PG ( 1 hr 15 rrnn) 7~1 •IEAllCHOf-• AQHflAQ(I SAY OOOOIY'E AOAll Mrkt' r;irrell hOSIS lh1s took ill how llHhJren lton1 111111 1l1Uer· eut 1am1hes each ,,, a d1tte•e•\I .. 1.1ge of l araltun view <ltvorc;e (I hr ) .IAQC ~ COMFl>EJfT\AL MEWi 10 YOU n.. YOU GOT TM>Ull.£1 ..._, Wl'TI4 LAWllEMC( wax como AUCTIOM AU CflEA TURES OAEAT AM> SMALL (;0(1.!Qf IAl«ET9AU l •vC' cover:ige of WPndy., CIJSS•C: rrnal (ht m Weslern Kentucky Unrver<..rtyl f2 tirr, ) \l ) MOVE ~ou1herr1 C:orulwt' (198 t, Or Jrna) Kt>•lll Carrild•ne rowers Alt<)the A uroup ol Nct11on.1l l,11arlf•,men nn week t>lld maneuver<; "' ii 1 0111<,1,ana bayou sp<1rk a r,rn;ill qu1•r11lla war w11h .r lnrnmu· rnty nt 1>,1rkw1>0ds r,r1un.-. R' l t hr 40 m1n1 (?) MOVE T .ips \ I 118 1, nr .1ma I George C Sr.011 Trnoo1hy H11t10n M1hlary c;chool cao .. ts tai..e over 1heir S<h<t<•I ln prpvent plan; ro rwn the ;i. Mfe"'Y p•Opefly 1n10 a lcon:~e~=nt PG' (?hrs) 1:11 DMCl RlBI QUJCC~ AQHflActt COl9D AUCTQI llJIB) IAQ 'N•Chots And Ormes· 01rector Mrke N1c:holr, c;howo; both his 1nves1rnen1 horse sen~ .-no love ol horses 81 his breeding tarm m naDID MA~ HI U WALT Dllell'Y 0 6i) l»f'MOIT STIIO«H Arnold devel- ops an instant d1shke tor thP unpleasant new building manager's son D 0 llOVIE "Gordon's War" ( 1973, Adven- ture) Paul Wrnl1eld Carl I ee When hrs w1fP is killed by a heroin overdose A man declares war on the drug mob 1n Harlem l hrs) ®)T,,j,HOOl(D COl9D AUC'110N llOVIE "The Walls MMs1e1" ( 1976. Comedy) Bernie Cnsey. Rosalind CaSh The tamlllor story of Or Jeckyt and Mr Hyde IS replayed hare with one change. the potron tnduccs the man lo turn black ~~TUX ~ llCMI "The Gay Olvorcee" ( 1934, MuS1Ca1) Fred Astaire. Ginger Roge<s. Mistaking a 1011es1<:k dancer for someone etse. a lady ·~es him 11n Invitation (2 hrs) m llCMI "Ut The Down Stallcase" ( 1967, Drema S11nd Dennis. Eiieen Heckart A nov e tee~er aocepts,.. tob In a ghetto ach<>OI and Is laoed with PfOb• !ems from studenl1 and admlnlslrellon (2 hra.) 1-.nm GU86t: Toni Morrison • CC1MC81'T AT 1'1tl mT Soprano Leon- tyne Prloe. meuo-eoprano Merllyn Home encl music dlrect0< Jamee Levine conduct· Ing the Metropollt1tn Opei'a Ofcheetra teem up '°' a pertomwinoe from the .,.,. rOOOllten ~a House (2 hrs .• 3!5 min.) ................ ----------------~- -lalurclay Cont. I\ tvi•11l11111I Muth• 1\1111111111 lttt1111 Ht•d l l llOVll A I 111 I ti 1 lrn l lw•• I I 1•,1i "''" t. 111, I 1111111111) l 111111 i 11111u1 IC.oy M11iu11d 11 J11 m MOva , .... ,11 1 '"""' ,,, , "'"~I" '•ll II Ifft I hll•tl (,' 111·.) Mt I lly11111111 1 ut1tp11111tttll (1111111 l IN•llUfl I 11ul11t .. l1 11 lntttt1111 1111 1111111 ••0" 111111111 t1tltltJluw111111tf • 111111111U.,t I 1111y Ayttlu lJ '• ~11 C,h11111 111 w11111111l'111111lloyh11ll (1111111 I uti V11u11i. Nuv ) ( l 111 :lO 1111n I ~1l !ZI MOVll /111111 1111 t.,t;f11,,.1., 11•1111 fil) WOOOWlltOH'rt .._ 1 111111111 '1'1111 (.()lttOdy) I itttlt(jl• l1111t111i1o11 I 1111tortl till! !Oft ( 1111 11111111 I lm1lll "'"' tl11d111!11ll 1 .. .,~ 011 11,,. tllolfly d1lf1ff1 Id l-lU0t•. JI 1UW ~ ~ l~Tit AMI llAN tlf M0V11 1 lll I h•o1v11111\ 111111 ( I '1111 J I •llll"IYI I I l'~y I I I' 1• """I' t I l,1 ·I I 111111) 81) OCIMM: THI llAMll llDllll'fll!W9(1011111Mllm,.nn 1~) MCWW 'Nw11u1u~ N11,:kt11ur" t 10111 llltHllll) f lt•111k IJC)fllJ (.111Jr1t l1t1 clWk.~H (.'111!1) tf l AUTO MCllO ( UVt1IR(lll 111 ''"' •,y111t .. u·.·~ ~»UJ .. tllhllhHUtl" (hull\ '1VflllU···· :t:IO I IOWl a.-..v.w Gl.UCWrt -..um OOOOTml MIXIDIAQ N1•w w •• ., .. I\ lt11t11•l1111ily p;H .,_, •,ufvf'y ut Nt•w W,'"' 11111• u ,uttt tt• 1111111.1 1111 kttlt, t h1lft1"• '""'''''. 1 lc1lt!, I IHJl<r 1111(1 llH llt d•1 I 0' JANI fONDA'I WOM-OVT s llOVll ',,. h •• 1.-~tilih ,,,, ~ I I w • .,,,) <Ill 1 1111111 I '"""dy) I tly J ,,1111111 I l1•1ilt1• (11 1111 I 1 tu .'•\ U11f1} t:t15l l. CIEMAICOM t:t:IO D 00) NCAA FOOTIAU. l\1~1111 '''" 11.u .. t 1 .... ~ ,, , ,., •• I lllllJfo• I... I l '" Ill 111111) NY I t.'l1t•, 1111111111 OHl l. HOC«fY 1 ,,., A110 .. 111~ k111v·· v·· "' I 11t1h flh1t1~ I I'"") m MOVll ~ •••• 111110 c11111o:iN''"' 11!144 ()ro.1111~t1 c "''"" r llt<11 l>t11w It''"") I ftlt.Jl't WONllttOfl RHOOA AMl.llCA: M tlCOND CENT\MY MOVll I 11h" t "" tl1111.i c t'lll 1 Adv1111hJ1t1) I 111111" N1•111 •,.,.,,trt 1 rl'tlllJ• I Gun All wmt RIEDENCll MOAD ~ W1l4 AND llAN ,:ao~=ntl ....... Df~ ~I WACKY WOILD Of JOMAntAN WlfTIM t:ll MOTOflW!D IU..UITllA TO> I'" JO ITlllt ) 2*11, oUl'~ac:.e;~AO HO 2WllltYOU MOVll 11111111.1 n11111y ( l'tll 1 I •1.i1111ll f 1111 •lfoy 1\11111111 I Ill I.I t '1111 ( I lot 1,' 111111) l 1 MOVll 'I 111d1l1 lll11J1Jy' (I'll! I I '"'"' d) 1 l.1 ~ I 1 '" '"" W.111"1 M,11111.111 I 1 n1 th 111111) t:OOO cu NCAA IAllCmAU. Vtlt.11111v t Wild c .11-. .11 K1•11f111 ky W11th .11, ti l.r J I AT ()ME I ,1111•,1 Ii told I hr,, 11 t 1111 l MllUNITfRI AMENCA'I TOP TEN MOVll 1111• VII ( 1'1/'i I 111111•ol•I) f-.11111111,,.1.• fl• tx11.i1o Wh111 (.' 111'> I fil) NOYA 'l1u111H.1yv J 11111.,1,111t1' A fl'JH•tl un tit!' ,J,1yy1•111111 w.ih•t plt1bfe111'> 111 •.1r1t1l11:111 I 11ui-,1o111.1 1~ 1111".t'llll'd Q (I hr) €11) ll'OftTIWONJ> S<..l~d11lod t:ovetilgc ol Gl.UCWrt -.AND • QNZZ1. Y ADAMI MOVll "OrC>ku11 A11uw ( 19b0 W1•'ol 1·m) J11111e!i "ilew11r1 J<'ll C1tnr111h•r I.' ltr::.) @ MONATUM Guo•.1 fhot I loyerclaht fll) ICM)( 1Ut91fU TOOAY "Ca1t1u•'> 111 ';ule<," A ... 1110::. lri111101. an employrttrn1I .1~£mt y OWllUI, 111111 olll AtttJ')lnyet l'~pl(111• !Ill' \11Jllt1d C.JIOOI'> i1Yi:ltl<11Jle tn Gale::. '1!) AllEICA: Tltl SECOND C8fTUlff CHIYHTUIY!M..1MI D1c.k Cilvllll looks .JI 11te era of wor t>ond&. vtctory g.1rcJe11::. lt111cJ ancl U••S 1a11ornng u11d lht> B1y 0011u souno alony wllh !.Pf't tat guest 11alµI l evenberg, a ::.ur\ltVCJ1 of Iha 1nla111ou!. naraan Oen1h Ma1ch ••••••••••••••••••• INFLATION FIGHTING: PRICES! • ~hele'otl 10ll IX.IS\' 1(1111!1 .Vy MOVll l.ufltv•·• . I 1 1~1·1· t l'l'l'I ~rnn~~-= I''"'•) · •IT Of MDIGHT IPfCW. HOCWl'I HEROES MOVll "St.tr ~·11 •I I 1'1/11 · ,, tt'llt• I 11 .. 11011) Kirk Mo111•,, l .1ir111111 Mtl1.h1•ll (.' hr~) ~ A TMllTE TO COONT IAllf A p111l1l1• c1I (.(Jlfllf nd~hj ~.~HJ#tflll(f 11111 tt1ht11tftJ1.1 (.;Jfftttf w1lh •• t~Q fftff•Uh' f l•flf t1fl I 111.-d .1t ( ,Jrot• u•u H,111 lt'.thJrU ,,, ""'"'' 111 1ti1• ( llUrtl .., tu ... 1 l1111ell trni•.11. w 1fl1 .ut.11 111 ... w. "~ I ony 1Je1111Pll ui:oryL· llt't1.,011 ~.11.11t V.111yt1.111 ,rnd Jtai W1llta111~, (;;>tu,,) ED PftOfllt• AIERIC.ut AllT 1 ttt '>loc111e. chron1cle1 fJI the sp1111 o l A111ettl..ll ~ 1ural past. talks about hts collec11ng. his w111tnv • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 1a~es fll'J Ii.IC o.isooe~> Ill plt.s., All Men's & Boys' Haircuts • Senior Citizens (Over 65) s3so • • • • ~OT-MARt: BARBERS: 5 Professional Barbers : To Serve You e 63 1-9654 2200 Harbor Blvd. at W~son, C.M . (K-Marl Pta.z.a) • • • • ••••••••••••••• oetoc e )Oii ea ot.Ji a "'OP 111 ~di ~ll!ys IOI !lye.is ,.,.., ~di M~tl nimsell. ¥td .issot.1J1e, lont1nui• to pment men s fa\/1"'11 that enlule 1n dr~s Of .d\061' No• Ne>'t elle!O.'O 10 l<!<l1es unhon.ll\1 We alNays n.11e a flltklfll~' ~le ~(lllfS 10 ltf dllll lllUft Ptus Olli arlllllO tne )toe~ 1<1J 1 ftnd "1pecled tulletltbl~I .wl gill 1lems IOI dl\1 S(le(tal R•lt -Friday. December 3. 1982 17 -Saturday Cont. 'i~1al ayent J11cJ lus as<o1' 1.in1 a11emp1 hl 'item lhe hdi: of tt>rru11<;I act111111ec; " I lawa11 (2 hrs ) ®11G11An.Gues1 Ton• Morrison ~) llOVE The Dwwrnnq Poul' 111H 11 Mystery) Paul Npwm,1n Jcianne WCH>d wara A PllVilft' 111ves11ga1or 15 turea by ' wPalthy Su111he111 011 hcuf",:, 10 d1•.c.ovc·1 Hie 1den111y <ii lhe auino1 "'an 1nr11m1n.:il 1n9 1e11er 11 111 55 min ) l.) llOVE Scynetome SwPet 511"-<111 ( 1978 Drarna) Shawn Hanis Ha11y Ree111i. A young g11I 1!, Happed belWl'Cll 1wo per.,ona1111es ltghl1ng llJ• cunirol ol ti,., mind ( 1 111 16 1nir1 ) l llOV'IE Tl11' SenSUUll'> NUt'>e I 19 79 Comedy) U•'>11la Andre'>s Dwho (>Pt Prete Greerty ret,;11ves htre a c;enc;ual 'flnrence N111N1nga1c · tl1 1alo.e ... are <>I .in aq1ng count sul1enng l11)m .1 clehc.atP hf«cll Icon=~' '10n11n) UM lftalllP'I GUl>E TO TME CW.AXY 11'=" TME 9'0aCFON> FLU 6:) IATUlllDAY 9IQHT UV'E I fe><,fc; lh•• Smother<; Brothers Gul'SI I .wra n1,in1 In ( 1 hr 30 n11n ) A8CMIEWI ~AUCTlON ~ ~ Ca1<1 ~tw1 ' 119bB Wc .. ,t ern) Dean Martin Aubf>rt Mitchum A Lhealer 1n a µolo.er gami> is lynched and one by onP 1t11' other rnernber<. nt lhe a::ime are alS.'.l k1llecl (2 hr<, I!> min I @ TME WOlllJ) CW '-UEI JOYCf f\ mn1111 documentary horn RTE lrl'land s nattonal t>roar.J<;asttng st>rv1ce 10 m,1ri. ine centP n::iry of the b1rlh ot Jame<; Joyce with a prol1le f1lme<1 on h>ettltun 1n Ol1hl111 Toeste, Zu11ch Rome and Pa11s C? hrs l ~~I P1nlo. (1981) Verr1111 ca Hart. Kandt BarbOur ( I hr 10 n11n I ('$) If.IT CW llZAllE Jnhr1 Byner shows you things str.:inger than 1111111. far~er than life and zanl{lr lhan any1h1nq you ve ever seen '1:) MOVIE ·she Devor I 11)•,7 ttnrrrn) Meil Blanchfl•rt. Jaci.. Kl'lly A tem11IP 1<1ller monste1 is 11nmune tn death 17 hr .. JO min ) t1M 8 1110Y1E Please l>ori't f al The On1c;ies ( t960, Comedy) Dons Day David Nrven A woman ha'I lrouhle l::ik1ng care ol 1101 hoose and tour children wh1lfl her h11sbamJ faces the challPnQe of b1'1nQ a drama c111 tc (2 hrs ) (tfJ ll0¥11 Thi' Hnwhng' ( 1981. Horror) Dee Wallace, Patnck M11cnee A woman reporter is menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf 'R' ( 1 h1 , JI min ) 1H1 ~ uuatt TMX ..... llll IDITOll't ... lllOYIE "The Best" (Comedy) fl bu• om counlry girl has great plans for hie 1n the big c1ly 'R' ( 1 hr . ?5 mlrt ) DlllOVE "High Coontry" ( t981. ()lama) Timothy Bottoms l 1nda Purt An escaped convict end h1s handtcapped gtrllriend lief> 10 the movntains 'PG' ( t hr , 32 min ) tlt1I CZl lllOYIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 1961, Comedy) GOO!ge Hamilton Lauren Hut· ion The herote 5()(l ot old Cauforn1a·s lamovs 1us11ce tighter is Incapacitated by a 1ldlng Injury. torclng his fopp ish brother 10 don the cape and mask 'PO' ( 1 hr . 33 In.) t1:1t Mm Of THI Mm llSf Ol WI II rT 8"CW. .,_ "The Siege Al Red River" ( 19~. Western) Van Johnson, Joanne Ofu Indians e11ack a fort with the help of a GalllnQ gun stolen from Confederate IOl- 20 Friday, December 3, 1982 Clint Eas l wood aruJ Sond rn Lo<-k in .. T lw <;a untlt·1,•· to lw lf•lt•t'ast Sunda) n i~ht a l 9 :00 o n ~N BC, Cha nnf'I .a... rl1er!. (:> ltrs) 'E WCT ~ Cnwrage ot the Chicago Classic \1•1 ithnal match 1 (A) (? hrs l !.)llOft Twice A Wom11n · ( f'.)80. ()le ma) A1t>1 Anaersson /\nlhony Perkins A divorcee encoun1ers oppos111on 1rom he< e'<~husband when sht) rakes on an attrac live new lover n ( I ht . 30 min I 12:9 ~ lllOft 'The Fov1 Horsemen 01 The /\nocalypse" ( 196~ (Jrarnil) c,1enn r ord. I ee J Cobb World War II produces d11f~r 1ng 1oy111t1es amunQ lhe members of a Ge1 ma~ (2hrs.35min) 1•1 ATTME...OY lllOft "Mamat:1e On The Roc,ks · ( 1965, ComeCly) frank S1na1ra .• Debor11h Kerr While on vacation a love1 s Quarrel w ... ..,,. up in d1vorc:.P with the wife marrying '"" husband s tJE>c;r l11Pnd I? his ) ~="The Pimple Thal Time Forgot" ( 1977 Science r1c1ton) Pa11ick Wayne Doug McClu1e An early ?Oth-<:entury po13r exped1t1on discovers a mysteuous island inhob1ted by pr1m11t110 people anrt r.reh1s1011c arnmals (2 hrs.) (:a.J llOV. "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 1961, Comedy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hv1 ion The heroic son ot Old Cahlornra's 1am01JS 1us1tce ftghler is 1ncapec1teted by a ridinu 1n1ury, fo1r.1ng his foppish blothor 10 dr>n the cape and mask 'PG' ( 1 hr . 33 min l rlA..." 957 tll m MOVI£ .. Across The Bn.....,., (1 Mystery) Rod Steiger. OA111d Knight Scot land Y111d pools ell 01 tis resov1ces 10 cap ture a cr1mlnel who flees the country (2 ~) . (3 IDB> IAO ' Nichols And Dimes D1rect01 Mike Nlehols shows bOth his Investment horse sense end love ol horses at his breeding farm (8) llOwtE "rtash GOldon" ( t 980, Sci ence rictlon) Sam .1 Jones. Max Von Sydow A t110 ot earthli~s travel to the planet Mongo and help Its oppressed lnh8bltan1s In lhe overthrow of the 9'111 ErnpefOI Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hf , 60 min ) Cl) .,_ "Caveman" ( 198 1, Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid The clownish memller ot d barely human preh1sto11c 111be begins 10 disc.over 1ha1 brains and not brawn will ~ the lo.ey tll his people's survival 'PC. ( 1 111 31 min I 1M @) A8C MEWi !:tM 1J llOVIE "Sybil" (Part 2) ( 1977 Ora· ma) Sally Field .Joanoe Woodw ard Based on the novel by Flora Rheta Schre1b A young womnn develops 16 dil· lerent personlllil1es ii!. ,, resvll of a lrau matoc childhood with her sad1s11c: molher l? hrs) m MOVIE King Kong ( 1933 Adven- ture) Fay Wray. Robert Armstrong A mons1rous ane OilttlPS an army while trying 10 retain possession of a woman captive (2 hrs ) l ) lllOVE 'Don't Cry It's Only Thunder" ( 1982, Drama) Dennis Ch11s1opher, Susan Saini James A femnle Army doctor ;ind a trouble prone medic help two nuns brt~ a group of Vietnamese orphans to safety 'PG' ( t hr . 50 min I 0 llOVE "BIC'>Od Beach" ( t98 t. Horror) John Saxon. flurl Young A pair ot poltce ollicers have 111e11 hands lull when they 1nvesttgate the cause ot beachgoers bel~ sucked Into the sand. never 10 be seen 1!98in 'R' ( t hr 30 min ) CZJ lllOYIE 'Oliver" ( 1968. Musical) Ron Moody, Oliver Reed A young ornhim is Kidnapped horn his new home by his Old gang. bot manages 10 escape and return 10 his benefactOI (2 hrs . 35 min ) a. Cf) llA tufT CEJ Mu. lflOIT A scien1lf1c eio:ploretlon of athletic performance which can aid ath- letes =roving 1helr game (R) .. • "Time Without Pity" ( 1956, Ofama) Mlchael RedgrAve. Ann TOdd A man attempts to save his son who 18 des- 11ned to die within 24 hours (2 hrs.) (!)--~ (() COUH1 ~ UCLA Bruins al Notre Dame Fighting lrl&h (2 hrs.) tO) .,_ "Ollver" ( t968, Musical) Ron Moody, Qtlver Reed A yovng Ol'phlln 11 kidnapped ITom his new hOfne by hit old oano. but manages 10 eec8P8 find rtlorn 10 his benet&otOt (2 hft . 30 min l " -lalurda Cont. C1) ~ ro nt1 '°' °" TMI w-.o N111t11 .. tr·,1 r.,111 .11111 .111111•1 I •111t1<1 1.1k1 YhtWUft Uff fl , ... ii lttt)' lu w1ttu1t 4..'0 HHlttr 111 lltu N111 i11 1'111" wt11111 tt1ny "'""I .111111111 11 Htl)ll A11t11 l11lw111t. (I lit I 1CJ llOYW I •n•yll1il~J 11111 /\lw.1y" W11111 tt•J IP t\nuw /\rtout nu. CHut Wt'" Alrn11t IP /\•,kl ( 111/, 1 """"IV) Wc1111!y All1111 11111111 W1hhtt /\ ''"""" 111 t <111111 •,kult ht~' 11hu1't t1111u.11• '' p"u.Ju1 11111 '•JJt.H•f"t '"" , ..... ,,11. ti I tlh,fttlllllH'• hHt!l,Jlt Hl\JYIH"• h1111·~vl''tfll1•1 "''"'•' .lutw·1 ',, ... , tit~ l>ttll•· p1l'1llJ1ul hJVt' 1tllll llut ffUU h11tlll •• 11l ltlJIHt1fl p1ty .. 1ol11uy (I for Ill""" , Ill ll()VI( 'I '" 11 t t'IUIJ I olf11t•llrl J,1111• I 111111!1 n11lly 1'11111111 I h1<•1• w111k11111 WOflltlfl ll•hul 11{111111'11 ltlf•lf 'ofllljll\lolltllll hy ll 11111h• I """"'"''·' I 11 '"" I 1 ( • ( I '" '1() """I 01 llOVlf M".t1•111 l'10Uh•111 ( 1'1111 l.•Jfl11•1lyl I .lu••y I .trw"' f' 1111 I I Arti.111 Vlllfl fl ftolflh't•'> tit fl11tl1t l Uflflt1i11•f Wllit OUllh 'llhl't Jlt•,•_,tUlitl fll'1tJlt1111'-. 1·, ttfHHtWt1tf Wllh h •ft1k1111"llL JHh¥t1f·. &flt•t bt•t111J dtHl't4'tS w 1lh flU\ lff~ll w.t•,t,• I 'f, ( I tu t0 rttlft J 1$ WHArl ~ AlllENCAJ I 1•.1l•111•1l " w,11 w•tt• a.1111.1 " ''"'P'''" "" ll111y \II'"' 1111 '"' 1111• r1n1td,1y s1•.J•.1111 wh.11 11 t.ilo.1•., lo li1 ,, ,5',1 J>tlllt)IHl1lh t 11•llft'fl1ttf11 tu11111• fnt LfllfllfJ':>lfl l f,.t11 J,1 f I Ill 1 @ llOVlf 1111· tl1ttcll'I (I'll\ I Ur.111 .. 1) .Jt1c.k N11 hol•·•"' V,1!1·111• 1'1•111111• f\11 11•"''" tuudt_jr ljt,1ud v.tlu1•· 1 ut11t• H1 t c.inlht t wtth fh l',•" 111 t1r. I IHIUJ>f c 4. N • ,,,..,., ••• tn J 111~ 111.i1t•11o1lt:.1tL w 1l1• I I' It 111 4 '11r1111 I m WOMEN'• USl(ETIAU. , •.11 ..,. ,.,,P perdrne (,' '"" lO 11111 I .. @ .... t:IO 0 w l&.YEJI SPOOMI HtLhy '" t """"'' '''' lhctl Kol Ii', 111~ 1.1111111 ~ '.l'I rel.Hy ' 11.1~. 11111~·11 111 luve w1tl1 l11111 • Oji TME WOM.D Of JAllH JOYCf A ii"''"' uot.u111c11t.i•y 1111111 H If lrcl.1111; ·, ""' '" 11 t11odl1ti1~.1111u ••• ,VH t' t11 """"' ltlt• c •1tHt 11.iry 111 1111• lmllt rt J.Ultf·~ .loyl1' w11h ,, r11olllt! lrlmeu ,,,, h1<.ilt1u11 "' ()fl[)l111 T11este /u11<.h Ru1111• dllt.l p,,,.., (l hr-, I .. I)({) IWJJIAllt HAU Of FAIE ·w1111r•,., r or Thr P111~ecu111111' Based 1111 the story lly Agdtt1J C:h11s11e A <.hrewd l u110011 ll.ir 11~11•1 ,.., hlll'd tu O••l!'flO ,, lldplt•S!> yrn111Q Arne""''" .1<.cu<.1•ct 111 111urderrny ii WtMllhy f nglt:,lt Mt.ly tnl'rnl Halpll R1chard'o1Jfl Deborah II.err, l)p..111 B11d9cs and 01<:111J l~u Ir••'""'~) U -l ...._. b llflll4fllflll hUI Ultltf~ "'""'Y , 1••t1.<111nd 11t1uul 11111111~ 111111h1l1ly 1111111 11111 lulh111 •~ 111 1 tclcmlutly ~h111 111 lllo tournl 0 LOYl IOlT A wu1110t1 wllc> c 1111001.'111111 the hllutll w1111lt1 111 1 1111noe llur lllu wlou11 ,h,, 111~1~ 11 1111111, 11 11111ul11 wo11111r1 1111111'> wllh IWO llltffl '''"' ti lllllti Ul•I. u n1J htlltll " 11111111111 u wctlt II tl1111u1tlul W()fllUfl I~ ""'" I "'I wllt111 lln !>11111°1 ·1 11 t1,,111111u lll'lb [) I I '" > t91 llO~ ·1,ru1 ( ltl!lll Mu•ut.1111 M1111 111,. C.l111v11llm l et1llu (,1111111 A l11111b11y lit•ff>U IJllHllflntl lly htir 1111111 Hntl 01•11111 '""""'' ·~I!> uut Oii ""' UWIC lu (,lllf.h ,, "''"' (I 1u., :JO men I o~> m como AUCnC* '1!) Q()U) f'ROll THE DID A (}llJUI) ()f c.llVlll'j 11111t11r 111kt' 1111e •>I the 111oi;1 ornbctrou11 1t111d 1t.i1.1111t111:. satvaue upe1a11011s as thuy llfhtlllpl 111 recovtir Ru1;r.111r1 ()Old 1)1Jlltw1 1111111 ll•u 111111<.im ol lhe R1110111s ~tm 111 1111! /\f( II( (,11Llt< ( 1 hr ) [I ll'ORTICOfTIJI 1(1110VI( ·()011 t Cry 11'!> Ortly lr1u11du1 ( 1<J8;> 0111m.i1 De11111s Chrt&topher !>u ... 1111 s u1111 J11111e::. A lernale Army doctor ollhl ,1 t111ut.ile Plllfll' 111Adl1, help two nuns t11111y ,, ~1111111 ul V1e111ame~ rnpll.m~ 10 o,,Jfc>ly ·I (, ( 1 111 , •,O 111111 ) I SJllOV1f "l 11p•," (1981,fJramai Uuorye ( St.ut I f tmolhy HCJUOn M llflar y !>t.houl •.• 1det<. IJke ove• their !><.hoot to pre11e111 plan~ lu turn \lie acudt1111y property 11110 d 1.011do <J1•vt1l11p111u111 'PL (<>hrs ) ( Zl llOVlf "llu1 tdy BuCJcly" ( 198 I, Cullll" t.lyl J,11.t. I romu111 Wa ller Mallhau Wl11le ,111 a~.,oJ~s111 1..u11c.en11a1es on nrs ne~t 11.rlt 111y ho·~ rudely 11ttt11111pted by a bumb)l11y la1lurc ul " m.111 who is a 11ump1111g su1c.:1c1e R' ( I lu • 36 111111 ) tM W llOVlf Sa1u1tMy's Hero ( 195 I LJra- 111<1) Jol111 D!>1ek Donna Reed A lloy lturrr ,,,, 11111111y1.1111 Oac:t.ground yOt'~ Ill c...vllei:w on a lw tlJ1111 schola1sh1p (? "'". ?5mrn) e::. O LOVE, ll*IEY Sidney lt-c1111~ that 11e 1s b1eak1ny the law when he trie:. to rehabtlr tale a 14 year-old st1ee1walker (Part 2) (C) llOVlf "81y Bad Mama" ( 1q74 Adventure) Any1e D1c k1nw11 Wrllram S hatner A woman cuts a rash ol v101e11ce and romance lhrough the Southwest ot lh1t 1030. 'fl' ( 1 hr , :.0 I 111111 ) !f )C()UJ·~ IJU A f11tJlt11> Nv lr11 l>!!mn f l~htlt1~ hUih (HI (I l11b I tMt 0 GD TMI DIVl.lt -c(Jll•cnoel llrum 111111 N1e,.k lry to 111111 oul w1111 1•, pc11~""""U ttm 1t1ml~1c,.llt1h1111 11111 w111111 (I 111 ) l "lJl~gy llLAMD A •.purl•· Im llt!I \Jflll.lb 11111 !/Wfllll Of •I WIJlllllll I. r1 1iitt1 d111 hy lt111111. 1111111111uu pt1()µi111,0111pult1 lw u 1111111011 oullu1 pr110 o ( 1 111 I G ll>OOfl IOCCO T"0'1 Anut•lu .. I "'"r•, V:f 81111 ~!JIX:LHll> (;•Ill!> .JO r11111 J I~ CUMICI; THE •ST°' AU~ T1N etrt l.Mfl W1ll111 Nol-.1111 ll1t1 {,hm hu ll11n1eu. Hn11d J1111111y Butt111 .i11d I .111 ::)1 f\llJ\j'> h611tll111t1 ltttt IJlll Ill '11111'• HI ,1 i.:uu11fly 1111i•,1c •.ptlt-fl1I 1u1..1ll111u ilru 111rn.1 1111t111t11al.Jlu r11ume111•, lr11111 lhtt 111•,1 1tv11 yt1ilr•, ul Au·,1111 {,rty I 1r1111" ( I hr JO """I 1HI llOVlf · 011 H11o1vu11ly l>ny· ( 1\180, Curnt•Oy) <,i1011y {,ha~e Bt•r111 Wtlllo llllltl'>tl\jt1l111y ii J.llJlflt<,JI S(}.( •,<.1111(lat Ill 1 011dCJ11, d p11v.ih~ d•Jltu five r!> 111urcJe1111I •fill) IUlll(.;Hfll••l!Jd ,1•, •l '>' rully Cl<Jll P1;· ( I 111 43 111111 I <01 llOVlf · Nuvyhty St-lloulyul<," ( 11!7L) flvOt:<..<.;a Orouke K1111 :;, llat-lltil ( 1 hr 30r11111) 0 llOVlf "Tho K111y C)I Marv111 (,1ttrJ>Jnr-.' ( 19/2, 010111<1) f1ru1.e Ut>rn, lat k N1r.t1ul 5011 Two oro1he1!> lru'>l•aleCI w1111 lheu 1t11t<S. d1earn ol t1Jltr1ny tu d 1ruJJrt.il ,,a1.i drse (2 hrs ) 1t::ll OJ -'ACK AMDEJtlOM CONRDOfTW. @ lmllED IAQ "Nrt,;hOIS And ()1111••'> Drrector Mike Nichols show:. t>olh '"" 111ves1ment horse sen~t> dr•d lovt ol hor'ot" =1" h~~.~THEQAWY 11• DUCl)®J fi)MEWI BfTSIT~ Ml WEiil MOVIE "The Egyptian" ( 1954 Orama) Peter Ustinov Gene Tierney tA phys11.:1an meels with sultenny and eJule when Ile comes to the aid ot an fgyp11an phaiaoti (3 flrS) Cl) llOVlf '819 Jim Mc l a 111 ( 19!>:.0 AcJ\/enlure) John Wayne, Nanc ·y Ol!>on A OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS How Would You Like to . . . • Learn a new skill • Develop Lsadershlp • Make New Friend• • Enjoy Regular Clvlll11n Life 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa We OHer ... • Excellent Career Opportunities For H.S. Graduate or Equivalent e Training For PtHJple With No Military ExP41rlence e Age 17 or prior to 35th birthday • OP41n/ng• for Prior Service Individual• SOUND INTERESTING . ??? CAU TODAY 979-7363 (between 8:30 e m .. 4·30 pm ) ONDY GEHRING SSGT Friday, December 3. 1982 19 -Sunday Conl. flOl'lY( AND FllEMDS "1tlONAl. OM:NllOMS LET THERE IE LIGHT LLOTO OQI. VIE MWHl>E .ElllY F AlWEU CAllfOOMI ' EUCTIIC CO.ANY (A) . flEJ~ Wl MATIE llESl EVER OOAA'TE1'- llatl (fl) '1) ICEllETl4 Com.MD e:atO OOYllEY J.iy .11rc1 '" ,,, .r\ti.1111.1111•1 Templt' 1· .. 11,1h 1•" · ''"' 1•••111o11 c •·Ir· O•dt1un 1 I Jr•w•'>I 1\1• 1 r l•Hll 1111·r Bill Aron. 1.. 1111()• lptiN H .. .1·11• W1"'"'' fl)(• !>11\h Atiarrn.1 l1111lt.1,'I prt•'.t•r1! I lit•< .111111 t tie U1ear I • ., ""''' t 11 ... r·1 .. 1pil '·(,pip 1Jra1oun 1 1 t PdCe ·•• 1111• f 11k 'idll f 1•111.111 do Vallf'y l11tPrlJ1ll I I I 111{11 nf'v t ·'", Ht~son. Cllur1..h W1111rt •,,,,., " i ~~YU m£T1IG Tm AT Cll VARY ~ltPflC( IEl.fC11IC CO.ANY (II) KJeOW YOUR la.£ llOYIE 'Going l\p,.1 11 1131 1 .. 11111•1ly1 Tony Dania ,,,.,..,., .1 w.111 .. , 11 111 ;>I min I .. m:ITMP'RESI llEIT Of Ul. LOI AMQEUS 0 OMl "°'81T8 atCOU> rT • W'llTTEJC lllA8iE m&T (R) 0 CALF0111A WEB If llEVIEW .oRTICOfTER l MOVIE ' ?or rn 1 ht' t 1.iy rn.11h• . I l'lll t Comedy) (1Porg1 H.1n11ttu11 t 11111•1 Hut ton ( 1 hr 3 I mrrr ) (Q) lllOYIE Hardly Wnr~ "".J I 111H I I.om edy) Jerry I ewrc, '.w .. rr 1 l1111r1 (I 111 11 min.) .. -~MW:-nc. II AT OllE Guesl lolk .,111q.•1o; M.1111n (;tr tJrough and Joan11.1 (,.11dr•r1 ( 1 '" J ) tR. TOOAY DAY Of DllCOVDIY loelf llAMQfJI UleETH~ l1tE WOllLD TOllONIOW '9\.W I l1tE LAWllAKEM • , ,....,. COVPfilQP rtl 111• r1<.ir1w1·1~1 ClaSSIC lrom t akp I 1ho1• NI·~ I I hr JO min) g DKamJI '9IEVIEW (Z) llOYIE "I a Dolce V1t;:i \ lflfr t f)111m.1) Marcello Mast10<11nn1 1\1111.1 I kh•·•11 (;> hrs . 55 min) ... ~ llOYIE "Gulltvr'' <, fr,1w1-. 11q39 Fantasy) A111maled (: hr•. J G AT ntE MOVIEI ([) 9'. FOOTallL Mrr1ll<''iflt.1 V1l-.111us at Miami Dolphins (J hr\ I fJ llBW.D Of TMmt CJ) llO¥ll "Oanyerm1c; Mon!'y'' { 1!)4fi Mystery) Sidney Tn1111 l 1tn11a Wa111•11 ( t hr .30mtn ) 1 ........ --.... CMTOOM THI LAWllAICERI C,1111ASp(1ncJon1o; I In de Wertheimer anrt Cokie R11bert11 101n Paul Duke for an u11 to tl'Rl minute sum mary of ~onal nr.t1V1t1es e M. Snn 01ego Chargers et Ctevetend Browns ( '.l hrs ) -~per (hanne1s· (1981 . ~omedy) Alan Arkin Mariette Hartley (I hr . 32 min J 22 Friday. December 3, 1982 $1 llOYIE 9 To 'l' ( 1980 Comedy) JanP r onda. 0()11)1 P.;111on ( 1 ht . 50 111111 ) 0 llOYIE · T!1P Gathe11ng' 11978 Dra n1a) rd A!.ller M.i111PE;fl Staplplon ( 1 ,,, 1Ct30145~~ TAUtMOUf~ @) IEIT Of ll>I AltE ~OfU TOO c,ur><;t<, Shelley Dvvall Ph11l1p M<:.KP01'1 ;rnyPr Rocky Aurnelte. p'>ychtt ente11(11r1 •T5£.=~ fil wlll STllEET WEB Rcx.11.y Mnunt.1111 H1yh Guest Thomas 13.iilf')I p1e-.11j1•nt J,mus rund 0 llOYIE Rt>c)fll Si>IVICP ( 1Cl36 l.Oll11' dyJ Mar' Brr-th"''> l ocrlle U.111 I 1 1,, IO rmn) m CllVARY CtWB. 11•0 llOYIE ft)af Tuucli 0 1 Mini-.· ( 1'11.J<' ComeJy l Gary I''''"' 0011-. [);:iy ( I hr JO mrn I 0 0.. CAl9'UI My<.ltc.r•,m ..ii lhP l1111w1 ~ ot 11edlands Johnstun CC'nter W llOYIE 'Siar Pilot' t t'JIO Science f1ct1orq K11k Morns Goronn Mitchell 12 tus I tJi) ~CE MATilf "To St•rve 111r111 All My Daye; The new heaom;i<.11>1 taunt t1p<. a campa1g11 w 11d 1he scflo.;)I n l what he 1h1nks are a netwurl-. 111 urtht'dlthy l11PlldSh1ps tP1111 8) Q t 1 t,r J '1!) ....-rEI THltOUGH THE Allft l:E'l WCl 1Dlll I 1ve coverage ot the Clo c_aJIO Classic 1111ats 12 hrs . 30 min ) _til lfmlllA T10Ul FIQIJI( IUTllO Aa1 PIKl90 Dorothy Hamill performs and co· hoors with Greg Lewis 1n an all star exh1D1 t1on tea1u1111g Jo Jo Starbucll. Toller Cran slon and John Curry as welt as amateu1 c;k;itcrs hoping to represent Ctona rn the d;=r~~\ltrr JOm1111 119@ llOYIE 'The Carpetbagyerc; .. ( 19b4 Drama) George Peppard, Cr111011 !laker I hrs 30 min) 11:11 Ml1 Of AllA tIDl 1111 WID WfTlt DAVI> _LEY TDllff CC:U-tMTTMEJt llOYIE "Midnight lace" I t960. Suspense) Dorrs Day, Re~ Hairrson 12 hrs) ~ QUOt 11 lltE .... IUWml!I ntltOUQlt l1tE Ml1 ) llOVW "Honky Toni\ Freeway" ( t98 I Comedy) Wlltlem Devane Beverly ff An- gel<> ( 1 hr . 50 mrn ) Afternoon 1HI I AGllCUl.T\m u.u. 111111 noo.a ::: .. The rortune CO<lKre" ( t966 Comedy) Jack Lemmon, Waltef Mallhau ~hrs) &D GlllAT ~ "The ChBrter- l\0088 0 1 Parma" The Ouchess Gino San- seve11na makes lhe ultlmale sacrifice to secure !he perdon ol he. nephew Fabrizio and then leaves Parma forever (Perl 6) ~~~IUIAll191AWMI ~ M IWMLOUI a.Am Of GI Some very famtllar tnhebltanta of the ~nd of 01 help a young bo'( end hts wooden trlend In this filmed sraoe prOd\letlon by the Chlklren's Theatre Compeny &nd School cm •• '""~ Ta.nman w. ..,. John Bert>our holt1 a tribute to Ernie K011aca. the technloat artist reepon- s1ble lor the evolution ol telew;1on come Cly als<1 INJ!•JretJ arr 1111erv1ews w11t1 Jaclo. l emmori Chevy Ct1.i•,p and Steve Allen L1 ho I O llOYIE t1u1u.1t• 1•1 r a111asy r 19791 Anuriated Vo1re· ul Michelle lee ano ChnstophP• L ec I I t\r ?~ min l m llOYIE · f11..,1 l ovi• ( 1q39 Muc;or;:ilJ Deanna Durbin n11ul•rl S1.1( i.. I I hr JO 11:9 1mm~£..=f.: • UllllEMTAll*G ~ IEJCAVOI MOVIE ·raps" I 1981 Dram;:i) George C Scolf, Timothy Huuon 12 hrs I CZ) llOYIE "Dead {,{'rt' (1973 Drama) Scoll An1on1 ( t hr 12 rnrn > t• 0 (J) Wl FOOTaAU Dalla\ Cowboys at Wast11ngton Redslo.111.-. 13 hrs J O Wl FOOTIAU. $t•a1He SP.1hawl-.5 at IL os 5i:l~e1s I} hr<, 1 RCTIUI AD•tt UTWE 'lhe Orst ov"•)' 0 1 Anrmal Behavior Natural My">IP•o?<> .. An explora loon tntO illllrnal behavior rr1CIUt1f's a loo~ at m0<.1ein "crentot1c research ano il re-ere a11011 ol lhe wm k ut 13th century 11a1ural 1st monarch F1ederl(.• II ol liOh<'nstautf"n l':c ... QOVBll..wr 1:aD F-l'IM)()fl 9'00TI K1uy g111es b11th 10 a son Chrcken George !Ben Vereen) lathe<ed by tier owner who 1a1ses ltghllng roosters f!"art 8) ( 1 hr I (!) llOYIE "The Sun Comes Up" ( 1949 Musrcal) Jeanelle MacDonald, Lloyd Nolan (2 hrs ) @) A VUIY IEllRY CllCl(ET Animated At 1he he1gh1 ol lhe Ch11s1mas shopping sea- 50n. me entue population ol New York Crty stops in its !racks to listen to a cricket i y "Silent Night" with its w1nl)s AD•12 AIEICM QCWJUIEfT llOVW "The Concert for l<ampuchea" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney. The Who ( I hr . 20 min ) ([) "°"""' IEMI Of K9IQ "Men's Giant Slalom" (from Bormlo, Italy) (I hr 30 min) lS) INOllT fllQCI g llOVW "Anlmal Crackers" ( 1930. >comedy) Marx 8ro lhers. Margaret Dumont ( 1 hr . J8 min l m llOVW "The Gal Who Took Tl'le West" ( 1949. Western) Yvonne De Cerio. Scolt _16ra~~) .,_ "The Ktnghsher Cape<" ( 1975. Orama) Hayley Mills, David McCnltum. (2 hrs) l1J IUMJUtf'I __, ... 'flNI Animated Rudolph travels to meny exotic lands In search or Happy. ltle Baby New Year. whOse d1aappearence has Father Time worr~R) ( t hr ) m "Ju11t For You" ( t952. Mul!I cal) Bino Crosby. Jane Wyman (2 hrs J e _,,. "Mara Marv" ( 1952, Adveo-tUfeJ.~ Flynn, Ruth Roman (2 hrs ) U TWI Guest: Tool Morrison ._HCAllMl_.I lmaMa.-..olY .,.. "Sllr Crazy" ( t 980, Comecfy) td PryOf, Gene Wiide< 11 hi .. 51 min.) -lunclay -ir=:-=. ~ ~ N1d111f11:. N1o hli1f1y 1111.tl 011i11111) l>u111h 0111111 t 1111111 1t111i1w1o "'' ~h11>j ll ~ MOW lho t111will'IJ 1 Jiii lt-·111111 Duu Wlllilll 11 I 1111111 h M111 111•11 11 II• 11 """) .. ~ CAll'l'OOM ~1' WMArtM lcll POfl OUll ~· 11111111 11 I"' f11111·,,.11 111 c.:et11bra11011 ut N11tt1111.11 1111>11• W1•11k Douylu~ I l1wt1111!i look' 111 11111 woi1I. 111111 I I/Ill er11s •ll lht1 I r1y1111111 .. N.1111111111 11111111 (,um1111ttee mod th11 Antl'lll u11 Hohlt• ""' 1 AA "°9lll'T ~ ~) Nl'W ITAM • THI NF\. GAUlY M.111 u·. Allu11 uni.J Ke1111t'fl1 '•1'"" '"" 11111 '"II "" 1tl(1k1u'> µllJloiOcl 111 lflo•, l1111k .11 1111• Nf I 11ute111t.JI ~uµer.,1,11·, t 1 111 J $1 HOlL\'WOOO ltollyWHllll 11•JHHtr•1 11111 tt.ur1·, pr~'.c1nl:., up•,.,.,,. ft•p ""' oo 111•• Puoplt; dllll 1Jve11b w l111 to ,111• 11111k1111J t11•w'. 111 lht: µ11K111c ttw1 ''"'' '''''""'' 1 .1p11.11 111 I toe lllll\11(' llldU'ill y 0fll0Yll fl1t• f ,1~,f fy(IHlll ( 111/ft f)o,1 11111) nobo11 lll•N1111 11•,111111· M<1•111111 \,' hrs ? 111111 J ·1=::: Ct.OIEUI' UI CUTAIN UNQMOO -..C AMII TltE U'OetDt WON> C~ MOfU: YEWPOINT ON~ TlOM "Poltu1.011 And D1e1" Guests Audre}' t ,,, It, ,, .llidhh th•u1w1110 ,. o .1,t111u pfi1Utlhli n1Jt11 ,,1 rn 1u11t111 '' •·•1·ufl In f"tJ~Uu •• ""••UU\ It ltiuti ~''•' '=~-· { IUll)A y llAlt WCT1CIM I )E":mAl..llo•ulollJI ffft" •I! I I\ 11111111· 11t N11f11• I 1111111• I 1\jlot11111111 to \•ho• I S WACIC\' W<*.O Of JOMATMNI WlfTUI I 1llf''tl ( tt •IUt* ti\t•l11~tteJy 1Z • llOV11 1\111111111 c 1111 I<•,. 1111111 l 111111•tly) M,,,, Btt1lf 1tJ M.t1fJ,u..,1 llu11111111 (1111 U\111111 J .. 01! LOIT II •Act di IOINDl'fTY ROIDT ICMJlJ..O MO...aYURI YOYAQI CMCAOOlMD CHURCtl ~ llfCTIUI IP(AJ( OUT AONCUl ruM: U.l.A. I OMT OTTO'I JUQ.aA.ND CHflltTMAI I illy 111•w M11pfwh ,,.,. uollrnlu\."d 111 1 1111.111 Wlllllllll\I !>llllY .11u1111 1111· ltM· tH·twt·eu,e11ollt•r lffc•lfu•J .uuJI ~·• ·.•111 IOJOtflltfTWB.TMDA\' lto1• 1.ov1o111t· ! 1111 1 tof1~ .. t. ,uut 1• IH 1uyt11 tt' ltH ,1 1••1•11 t$J fllOYI( 1111• ~fU~jllll Wo1t111 11'. l/,111 YIMllJ Al.I { l!JU 1 r.1111.1•.y) 1\111111 ,,, • ., ( 1 t.1 , 40111111 I 1•1 TOOArunJC»ON • THAT'1CAT LmU RAICAl.t "llWNmN ------- milu:' r/!la carewil ~ Li e. If 212542 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1962 2nd STORIES -FAMILY ROOMS -BATHS Costa Mesa 's Only Complete Funer al Facilities "•'I\ Ill/,! \II I· .11111 ... llJMTH CONJ.MD '""""' l'UaJCMll OAT Of DelCOYDY WOODY WOOOflCl(D AMII......,. YOGA 'Of! ltlAL Tl4 IUM>AY lllAll llOVll ·01.. 1/11 ,,. { 1'1'1 I IJ1t111111) l h111111I l.1yh11 ll11l111111lo 1\1111 (I hrt,) 0 1141 MAllVUOOl LNI> Of OZ b11me VIJ• y 1.1111111111 111f111l11!11lil'. "' tlo11 l.1111J "' (// '"'''' 1 flllll• 1 l"1V •Hui Ill', w11l1d1111 l1tt111tl lrt llllk l1f111111l .1111111 1111111111111111 lJy thu (,l11hJrttrt b lli1•.1111 ( 1111p<111y .11i.J '.d1uot {I tu 40, 111111) m f\ICI.» IT'IUT IUT\IT autcH 7:All tfYJ UGHTUI llDI Of TltE NEW1 1~ C<WW wt1MY AMO TltE l'OeOT OAYWIUMU JTV .. LOOUAT~ ) LLOYD OQI. Y1f lllllY IWAOCWIT . lllTEI llOQOI~ MW*DT W 'HI fllOYlf 'M,111 lo I II 1111· W111 1drn1 !)ul tl11 1·,' I 1'114 I o11tl.1•,y) :..to111 I dUttii llhv•·• 1t.11oy 11111 l'J 111111 t I:} fllOYlf At11111i1I ( ••II k1·1'. ( 1930. ( ""'""V) Moll' lllt•tl111l'o Mdl\jdrel '"'""'I 'I"' 111111111 I 721 71 fllOVE h1 H.11111'• Wuy' ( 19&1>. 01J r11.1J l11lt11 Wo1y111 Kolk 011111)1,1~ {J hoi, 10 111111 I 7~f l fllOVE ·~ih11J1111 !IYbtl. <,cm1~y) ( I hi ~Ill FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE DESIGN ASSISTANCE I la rhor La\rll · ,\ tount ()Jive \ lc1norial Pttrh · \ lo1·t uarr · \ lausolcun1s • Bun al I rz J\ny Cem l'tery --Sl11p1T1ent --Crematrun /1/uns 1\i.;w/ahle 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (u1sler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554 Friday December 3. 1982 21 -Sunday Cont. Clyl )drl• I e11•1111 I• W;JllPt M tlll ,Jlf >NII f• <tn J\~~~·n <un{t•• "l!e• 11r t•t ,,, )'J ... h 111tJ tll' 1S tUlll-'ly 111!1•t11Jpl,_.tl ll¥ .1 h11111lJl11111 fathJff• 11f ,J tn.H• Wflll 1' olill'lllJ 11111 1 •llll 1tj1 A' ( 1 tir 36111111 I ~ OAANQE COUWTY IPOtlTS 8CENE , .... 7:15 IUT\ME 1111• ) •l •Vl'f, 11 At''" ti Behavior 111 r ,, .... t II I""! A hit II' ,., I tie n.itu•ahc.1·. wno "'''''' .tr11to1111 1t11• 111~1 hi Sllldf anm1at ltt•h,1v111r 111t !111111111 t.11m R<1y c..11arlt>'.. t "n11y .111,J ri.w "" (1,.,,,1,., ton. •!. pres1.?11IP<1 ( I lit I '1 "'''' 1 7:'9@ MIXED I.AG Tt •• ''""'' A1t•l't1<..tn Att GarnP A ltJol< .11 111 1hP 1, ,,, • • 111,11 11.1111 enc:e fhp all '•l ••l1P 1r1 N"w York .inll 011' pldyeri. wh<J 1111mt.1c I 11 • 1.t1'.1tf• i111J ,111,.t I ttie ari yame ( 19.\ aA8'(E'nAU. l'I 1l,11ji•111h1,1 /l,pr , .11 l O'> An!)eli>s I a~f'I' ti "" I lw• I ITr.tll r1,1IC1ry l)l;r<,1< Jiii tl'!JIJl<1l10'1 •. 1111'. I 1nn• mny nol bP ""'"" 111 y1•111 .111•.J 1 I:' Ill', IC' min) OJ l9A aAKE'nAU. I o., A11y1•l1'•. I .t~•·•· vs Phtlaclelph1a 76e1:; (7 l1r~ I m VIDE<MllONI Of OMMGE COUNTY HI fJ ALL.fl~ PAlfTY FOR CAAOl ..,..._ NfTT Va11ely l,l11b·· 1ri1ernaho11.il prr•<.!!nl" a gala t;lar <;lurhJr•c1 pan~ 111 Mrn 11" nl Carol Ownell 1111t• ol lhe most vPr'>ill1lr actrl'sseo; ol lr'IPv1'>11lf1 "' I ''"'l•~·n r•c lurt><;_j 1 hr I 0 W C..S A l•.1ri1~ ""''"I ,t11t11•r•. Ponch's plans 10 m;rrry thf' Y"""4 w11111.111 !Met~~~~~' I TftJQHTZO. MOYIE P<1n1c 111 fh1· W1l<lt•rt1+"•' ( 1975 AC1ven1u11q A yow11.1 111t1n hr;ivp•. biller cold anfl d k1lli•1 bf';rr 1J1 1tw lnno;e 111 a desperate search In• h•':. ln'il '>tnpl,11her I MIS) -.AT\ME {,ue•.I I f !.>11 '"(' MATIJll Tlte 01<.<.nvery (JI Ar11mal Beh:iv1or In Praise 0 1 <•Od' A l11c.u<. on 1he n;1111ralist!> wr10 Wl'•e arn11114 lhe flr<>t 10 slurJy an+mal l>cl1;iv1or 1nclucJir•\I .lohn Ray Charles 1 l'noy .md fJ;urn·~ n.imng 100 is presen1ed ( 1 trr 10 min I (.CJ MOYIE "Hooky Tonk r tl'f'WilY ( 1981 Comedy) Wilham Devane. f1pvf'lly D'l\n yelo Though 1>yp11ssed by a nflw <.uper h1yhway, a <.mAll riorida lawn 1n11nngf>s lo a11rac1 a molley cnllf'C11011 of 11aveler•, wf'IO W111d UP lherl' by 3C.CIOPl11 re; 11 hr . 50m1r1 I (H)llC>ft · Taµo; ( 1981. ()i.1ma) Gemge C Scoll, T1molhy Hullon M1ht0ry sl.lmol cadels lake over lhetr sctmol 10 prevenl plans lo turn lhe 11caderny property 1n10 n condo clevelopmeni 'PG' (2 hrs I llOft "Buddy Ouddy" ( 1981 Come dy) Jacll. lemmon, W11l1er Mnllhau While an assassin concenlrnles on M1<j nn•I 1<111 1ng, he 1s r1Jdely 1nlerrnp1ed by a b11rnbllng !allure of e man who Is allempllng c;u1c1cle A' ( 1 hr 36 min ) 0 MoY1E "Ohver ' ( 1966. Musical) Ron Moody. Olrver need A yovng rnph/ln IS k•clnepped from tus nev. Mom!' by his old gang bul manages to es<:ape Rncl 1oh.1rn 10 his benefactor (2 Mrs. 30 m111 J Ul IM WOll.D TC*OMOW IAn.AY-.T CM.Al9TY ~ CUllY JAna AlexRnC1er portrays the legendary Western heroine 111 !Mis one-women show based on Mn1the J8ne Cenary's own toilers to the dal1gM1er she g&ve up 101 nde>ptton ( 1 hr ) • G llAl'Tw.Ca TMU,. ·To Serve Them All My Days" P J defies tile heacl 24 Friday. December 3. 1982 '''•'' t1 .;.I• 11 t f 1ohr 1 J••• t ,, ,, I I I ",luO•·f I r• l t 1tl J 1 IJ1•1t111 ri .-tv• 11 1f1!1i-. 1llhy 111!'1 I ,!111 I I' 1cl I r_,J 1 1 ,., ,., lrllf 1 ) a;) COLLEGE BA8'(ET11Al.L l 1,l 1 \ I I I tif I M6 Z CIEllASCOflf t;OO e ( r CIRCUS Of THE ST AJIS I fl ' ••• f,11•, ft11n1 l1•l••v1· '• 11' I tru ~1.1111 pt•rl< 1t11 11.1ru•1y11l 1!.t11111J H t IH1•.JU IHI-. qq f;•.tl" 1f\1fH ( t•• "" f'.JI·•• 1• •ti I •i' Vt--q11, Mi ~•·v F•• 1 f11 1 11/-...t .t .. f I •if11,J', ter ~ 1,, OWMOV1E 11 .. •,1 1r11·1 f' 111 11.,, fll,l) ( IHI' ~ I '"" 11 ,,, 1' I I I I .. • A .jf>·ft•j 11Y• I' I 1 11p1t•1l If I p~•f,t1tvt• A>d llt''•' t11 II• t ,I' ''lit I '"' I ~ l'lf yl ,, II• •tf<i-, 0 ftD KltGDOlt Hf 1r1 ttfu u 1 Vc•q,I'. In /111 tr ti IHI I, O If~ MOVIE Tr. r, ·• 1•11•• 1 ", d)• 1ffl'\(' M,1fllf1 flt•rni1,j1dh Jtf1•1 /\ t"'Ht)lll( .1 lt'W lJI • 111.1~1· 1•1 llt >II'. I W~lld lllVI llftj ' 11111, ,.,, I 1il I I .. .. ufHt•f dcltt1,JyP u1t 14 £-) \, 11! ~ M~~c:;: ~ MOV1E T.1p• 1 l'•ll 1 C <)1..1111 T1111< 1lhy I I.HI• t uh•ll.. I.~ •• c1vt•f 1+ ,.,, • 11111 •• J ' , t1 .ont fJldfl I< t1111 If I 11 cldl'fh~ I { 'l)t•fh t ! ,1 t.)111to f~vt• I",.,., f'(,' C' t l MOV1E '"' W1l J I ... ,, I 1/U At.J~p11l11r•1f Hit ti'' 1 f4 '''' 11 Uu!J•'' t.A ~ ,,.. /\ qroup 111 c1.uu1t) ,,,.,,, ,.,.,,," 1•.t1111t" It lltHllh /\lttl.t ,,, tfih•r le• .+)~•· j l"J•o.1•d flJl(•I t!11ll1 lht 11,.W h 1,tl H ,t11p n (,: 111" 1'1111111 / HIS @ Of'OUP uo m llAsTERPEce MA TAE , ., ,. lh!'nt />ii My (My, f' .I ,,,. it" lhr 111.,111 ITl1l!.ll~I wf1pn hfl r1•IU',('', IO cjl\ll! h1111 ,j 11'.I ul <;tudl'nls ""~Pt'l l1•cl nl l1t•111~ 111v11lvCCI 111 unn?allhy l11er1d .. h1p•, fl\trl '11 Q (I hr IOnun I --1 WON.J> Of IUltYlV Al • JACIC YAM M'£ MOV1E "lht• I II/I'', 1 ll I\ f\1•11q.1I I a11lPr · ( 19J '• l\dv1•11t1111•i < """ (.no ne1 r1.111th11I Te>nr I 11q1.1111l • lt1t)1,1n hac.,.~,, t ,,,., •lr .. win ;lit then t•,1t1t•~* ,,,. malll'r whal lltl• 11<Jcjo, ,,. hrs I @ IEETMOYDn EWOOft COMCOITO PAUi t<f('ck1 LC1ncJ11c.1s lhf' 01cht><.trf' f)f! r>nri<o 1n .1 11111 l11rrn,111et:o 11f Al'rthn111•11., fifth 1'1il11(1 I ·llllt t•rtn 111 I I Int M.11111 I 0111 monly t:JllP•l lh+• I mµ('rm w•lh Arth111 R11h111s1e1n ac; lt•P •.11101•.1 1 1 hr I 10 1 llOYIE · £ 11dll'c;c. I 11111• I lQIJ l noml!ftCP) Tlrookl' Sh1phJ<t, M,111111 Hew111 A I 7 yefll t1h I' r, obo;c&s1vt> love for r 11<; I fl y<>ar Old y11llnencl leads 10 ra1Pnlnf Cllll fhcto; a~~!!(Jy A' ( I hr 55 min ) Ml '1i) IT K.AT1W'91E HENUM f ilm r.lrpc. newsreels c;lllls 11nc1 1n1cr111pws h1ghhgh1 ii tWO·htl\lf retr05p('('.ltVP ()fl lhe hie nnd career of KnlhnnnP tf('pl!wn. three Irmo AcnclNT'ly Aw;ird w11mcr 0111.J 0114' nf Ainllnca 'l n10•.1 rl'SflN.IPd .ind lalenied JClresS4'<. ( I 111 d!J ""'' I *' R U.=;'ooAY ~ llOft "Chee1.h Ano C.ho1111 ti. Nico Dreams" ( 1981 C..nmody) n1rtrA•d "CM<'Och' Mann Thon1i:ir, l.hon11 lwo 111v!'1e1111p polheacls appear 10 h&vfl lound tMetr lrue lalhng es lhey pelldlo 1c1• cream on the slraet!. nl I O'> Anyp1es 'R' ( I hf . 27 min I CE) ILLWIDt Coverage of IMe Budwelse1 CleSSIC from Lake lehoe Nev (R) (HJ llOft 'The Wild Geese ( 1978. Aclven1urt:') Richard Burton. Rogei Moore A giOV!l ol c1A1lf>C ,,..,.~4'M~ll"S travels IP South Afrtce In o<der 10 save e dopoS8d ' , L•t ft "' II ,, ' .~w ~1c t,1tru .hip fi I , t~t •, I tll s MOVIE r ",,, 1 1•m 1 1 urr11"J'I 1 I f"" ( 1 111•.tl Jo11 > W.11d1•11 A !.lltfly 1.1JI t••o..., p, ....... , "' .,., •••. f\1.., '"'""~,«. ll()un<Jar ,.,q 'Jdflll•''•I 'I ' 'r t ' II ..,pq•u14 "' fh~N 11.( <'' I I lu• ',1 fl f I 111 11 II II ~ l 1)MOVIE 1111 fNJ ".ll 1 I t l'l4;' f11ain.11 1ti1r11pt11"y fl., 1.111 "'''"' M"nn1r1g Jl1r ulel 11111 n l 1.11111t• h11lcb .1pp1•o1I 1°11 a ltlrt'I' t1111P lc)',p! (I 111 ~~ rmn 1 1ct211€DREFUCTIONS1'l4ROOGH A llAAZl.IAN EYE r1 ... I Ill w.illVI' 111u•,11 "' It tr Pe Brat1I t>fi .11 '"'r" <1111ld11,1s o.,, "' < .1 .111.-Neve· incl Jnhn p,•.,1110 111<1 ,111q1•1 l ,1111 Hall rs f'H! SP11h!t1 f 1 Ill ) 10:30 I WLD, WLD WOfll.D Of AJllW.S WEEKDC> SPORTS WRAP-uP ..VIWAOCWl'T lllXED MG l'•I' I 1lf•ill AmP••t ,1n All (,an ,. A I ~-11 111 Int' '"'lP'> ni ... 1 lllllU t•nce Pu• ,,, t •,L•··r1P 1n Ntiw rtn~ ~tnlJ thP pl,1v1•r·. wtin 1111f•11,11 1 111 1,.fl'ollt' olnd altt'1.I lh<' dll ljolllll 0 MOYIE l~"trh lf11111 11981 Ad11cn 1110, ( r.,ui.•·. lu .io"'t1" l •'•' M .1rv1u In the 110-. t M 11•\l 1• 111 l •I 1t1111l1e1 tr11n1r1.11 w.141' '" 1111! li,11111' 1' rtv1h11111nn C11!..fllol~ tws tll1 1111 r 111,11!1,1ri w1lc1e1ne<.s ~=ln ~if~M~ llCHAN> IMIOICt IAMY FAMEJI rM1• ( .11.1101,111 l\11qpls I 111'nt1 Or f <iluc17'' I •lll"•IS ullnrdian AIHJ•'"' l1111n!lf'• l.w11-. !:tlrw 1 Ch1u 1gu Pul•tf• C n1TH111 .' .. ,,.,, •• , H•t ht1rtt l\r:P.c.l"Ck l=~~<.I 11 '°itlll1•' 11:15 CllNEWI t1:21D INE.U •Ptlf1_."'flfl-W"'I N1',11 c,ahler ,1nrj .lei Irey l yon~ rPv•ew • .1.11 '>llutf.. Time S1ancl~ Slrll W11 1 .. 1 < ll •>or 01eanis" .:incl L Atloresct>nlt• 11:'9 I IPOfl'TI F1MAl PACH£TTEM MCNEWI IAMY F~ Thfl 1.u11rt11an Angels friend Or r •aucl' t "*'"'IS uuard1an Angelo; 1t1ur11t1•1 Cu111s ~hw;i Chicago f'uhce Co1111mss1oner R1L11arc1 Brleczek ~hr ) ATMllOYIEI MOYIE "111 C11cum.,1an11al r111<1ence" ( 197fi Myo;lery) Raymond Burr Mark Hamill A one e ~uccesstol lawyer ts ilCCuSPd Ill urnsmg a w11nes<. 10 per1ure h1msell ('1 M•s J «I) ARICA't WUJltNG_ MIT WHO't UITD-"'°' Hosls Carol lawrence. Sien Moo· neyMam Guests Ffrem Zlmbahsl Jr , Dean Jones. Wilham SMa1ner 11 hr I Q) CALAll'TY.,..... CUllY Jane Ale1t1111cler porlrayci 1Me legendary Western herome In 1h1s one wnman sMow based on Martha Jane Cannry·s own le11er<; 10 lhe <.leughler she &:,~up for aclop11on ( 1 tir ) G) The I ac;I Ride 01 The Dallon Ganif ( 1979. Western) Larry w11Cox. Jaclo. Palance l 1,e no1onous Oanon broth- ers are appotnled UC>pu11os efler 1Me death ol tMell 1aw·el>1dlng btOlher. Frank (A) ~ COll.I• IAIHTIAU. HIQIHUC»ffl "Hawaii \IS Neblaska" l[) IPCMTICBfTBI (lJ llOft 'SMogun Assassin" ( t981. Advenlure) Tom1sab1110 Wak11yama. Masahtro Tomlkawe A I01mer. shogun assassin who was maneuv&red oul of his position by a ruthless clan 01 Spies vows 10 take bloOdy revenge (I h1 . 26 mfn ) cm .. ,,.,."* (%)MDVII "Dead Cert" ( 1973, Ofema) -Sunday Conl. fl lllOW. 111111111 I 1" I '" '11• II• """I l UIJ lt.•1Jtttu•ll1 MI• If 111 I lh f I I'• i '" 4'1 1111111 .. 1 llQHT DADOT 1::11 ~l~•I"' 1od11•lhHI• II I Ii t''°I tf10 fJlttf,11,lilll f 111 ~1111 i 1P•dq1 tl\111 Vt•tt••'"~ , •.• ,,,, 1111 I I •ttfl.th I 111 I ly • I UWflt*I • •f•tlil w lllt !ht 111 •lllf •• lf1ttl lu Wtll ttthHf \ Jt1•111t1111 lf 1111 + t 111 I Q~ Tiii WOk.D Of-JA.ml JOYCI ' ,.,,,," lh11 lllllttft1tUV l1t1H1 Ht' llitl1P1d llftl111Hotl t'"'''''" .•. ,,.uu .•.• ., .. I I I lh t•k fllf I I'"' 01H y u l thu t.111111 ut tt111u•\, 11•)1 c• \tf1lh • pu1t1to hhtHtd ttit fi.H 11lli1I lfl (k.111111 l 11u~lu, /u111 fl fh '"" '""I 1 1. " l ... llJll1 ~llOlOGY 1 nAJIMNO A001111 OIL v 111111 "~•''" " Prtt'.ttflf' f tttt1dy 1 h11 I tt'"tilt 1,1d1•1 1 t111· 1 "'"-''• Uuuu•t Vin~ ,1111 t 1u 1 11 I t11111u111 t ( ,.._., 1 o •.ttU w1lh rt1 •d ~.~u1lh1111u Uw '>t111\ (JI I tr•chty I 11•1•tt11t·h11 111,11 ,uld !l1l,,1l.i tuu1•. ,.~rut t'lilfl ••• holhJ.1y d1nnt·r l lll()V'I( ' 111" Wild <."1 ".t• ( I' I /II Atlvt'l1tu11 J H11 l1o11 1111111 1111111•1 M1~ 11• ti'"'~ 1'>111111 ' z::a @ ~tu WOflU> Of JACQUEI coua. TliO MOU MOUYWOOO CHRtlTllAI PAIW>E 11.,., 11ad11hlf1ttl 11.ar.11Jt• 1• "1r11 fi1.-llyw1u•cJ H\11111 v~HJ 11~atu1c:, 11 r11r.1 111 u111fHHt fl'' hUt· lekw1:.1<111 ,111<1 11•1111<111111 .1.11 · 111.111 1111111 oa11u:. aml t''l"•'~f11,111 ""''. 1 .r ""' M.11 sllal Ru11 llow111 0 (.' lus J O]) DfTDIT.-wT n11 wmc EID PUYOflOWID .. ntl lltY "" I .1111.11o1 't 11011 of '-"-Y d1v111y 11111 11.11111 111ttJ11111 o111> caplu,etJ "',\ ,p~·l l.u ul.u u 11 1111• 11u"•f•vt• loolo. rt! lwl u1 /\1111•111 .1 I 1•ll"1 111 "'"' "' iurli. ( 1111 1()111111 I MEETntE'91Ell INTROOUCINO llOl.OQY ) llOVll . flit> I 1•q1•r1•t I 11 I 111 I IJI 11• Ranger' (IY!lll w ..... ,..,,,, r1111l11r •I"'· bury Cl111~lopl1t•1 I hiyrl I I ht •HI 111111 ) \( F\ITIME ll'Ofl'T I\ ~ 11'111•1> t"J I 1#,!fll 'I of .llhlel1<.. pellu1111,11"" wt111 11 l.•ll 1 •t .1111 Jelvs 1111111prov1114 i11t•11 q.mu• tHJ t L l lllOYIE (..h1hlr1•11 01 H.1111 ( l'l/'1 (>ran1a) Helniu1 • ''"'"' t>11p1 1111111111 ... t:lllP1c~~=" I U1lU ltOUIE ON ntE PRAltlE MEW1CDf1U WEEKLY DEta.o HOME lfT£RIOA8 8'0«T1CEJfTDI ( ) llOVll '/0110 I ht• I •") HI ttl" ( 1•1111 CorneO~I (.11•1111)1· 11.11111111•11 I 1 11•" 11111 ion ( 1 111 J 1111111) OllOV'IE fh;• I 11'111"t11•11h•11,111t W 11111 art' ( 190 I Dr.1111 J) M1'fyl •,111 r•1 Jt-11•111y lro11:. (i' 111'> ~ 111111 I a. I..:;( P£0ft.E ... LAIT Of-ntE Wl.D IUMDAY I 0<.,H1w1 I' ,1 I t• t 111111 ( i• 111 Benehl Palm~"'""' I I Ill JO 11111 I 0 ®) M2 COUEGE AU AMERICA FOOT· tAU lflfCW. (I) WRCOME IACIC, KOTTE'fl C1) llOW '[J1 Iii.it • A11ol M• Hy111' ( 19/6. Com••i.JyJ lt..t1 11 • 1 "Y I<• 11111.i Cash (2 '"") Q) lllOVE 'Kt•,1•! 11111 11 lbt I Ir 1111.1) Chdtlton th· "'' I uH•'''' • ' 11v1t-' t· nrs) a> llOVE rt11 v 1 1 r 1•J/'J 1 <11111· Jyl SHl.111 Gell D~:IJm,11! Wl11!•• I· 111•. I W llOV'IE 'Killt" I nr• e ( l'l/'t A•lv1•11 lure) Peter Fonda fplly S.i""'"" I• "'.) ~ DEtaW HOME lf1UtOftS COJlllOVE 'Hardly W t1rk111q' I 1'1tl l I·"" edy) JPriy I 1•WI'. <;11 .. 111 I lhvl'• I I 111 11 111111) s '"""A-Tla fl I Hlllttlf(lll\ flll\11 llllol 111111 • 1HIUt i1tll"111Ultlb Nfi11 l '''tllH'ih l•J•• ' I •flt" 1tlH1lhtt1 1llU , .. ttlWtH! .,. 111111 "'" rn1'1\ifttd, 1u11culy 1'01110 t1hn w lll'J) COlUQI IAlln'IAU Ill I ~·· I '111111111 """' t lr11•, l ·idlll\.M ta l9A ToeeGHT ta lllOVll ''"'"" loy I 1111·1 I I'll/ P•t11t111, 11tWh'Y IPtlt••. ~ l11u+lt1 A~Ul'1 (I t11 HJ1111r1) I \10! ll'O«T~T 'ACI TMI NA f10M .. llMCHOl- llXID IAQ 'N1d1olo, A111J I >1r1111•. r lut•t hH M1 ... 11 Nit hof• ,,,UJW't bolfi ,.,, 111v11-.1rt11111l 11111'.lt '"""" .1110 '""" "' hlll'>O .. ,11 111" t1111rnl11111 1111111 flD ~ lfllAl llttlfUl.trly '>(.llU<lultHI p111111.11111111111J 11111y 1111 t111111yuo Outt 111 ptioclvc lJ1t•<1k•. mi MllYDAY cooueo wmt ~ ..,_ .. "C 11,11111 f'u1111e11l1m . J111;q1J0S f'oµ1n 111111-. lv..11 lt'llo11u1 u1~t10~ 11110 w1u eluya111 n1.t1t1 t,,111u:,,t: E l9A IAl«n.ALL M1lw11u"eu Uut..k'i 1.11 N11w Jt•1-,11y N111:. (NcJhi Due to 111dncJ1tl1• I y lll<lt k UU I 11:yuf,JlllJll'>. thts IJUlllU may 11111 l.lt' "-'I!" 111 1you1 t1re11 I (2 1115 JO 111111 f 1$1 lllOVll · 9 fu !i ( 1980. <.,omudy) J,111e r onda Oolly Pur1on (I hr !>0 111111 l ~ fJD THI VAMIHltO GIAlfTI L orul\a :;wit 11,111.ill.'~ d r.Jocurne111ary on the duntJeis lo11..ir1y Ille w11rlt1's wt1<1le µopulfll•un 1wtl ~lups tie111y 1ak1:Jr1 IC> tlttl "' lheu ~u1v1val Sr;GO I~ .,::.n AQAllt M'A'l'H WALL l11EfT J0UNW. ~ MEWi • llQMATUllf Guesl I F ~tonfl I MOMIAN flOCKWfll .. WOllLD: AM AMEJI. CAN DMAll A nos1a1y1c look 1s 1alien at llw late a1hst ., hie. work dl1d ho111e1own o l S lockb11oye. M!l55aChUS61tb 'Cl lllOV'IE "Quo V,;d1s" (1951 Orarna) flt1lJe11 T .iylur, Oeoorah Keir (3 hrs) l. l lllOVll "lite K1t1 from Nul So 81g" ( l!J/8 Lurn1•oy) Jenniler McAlhster Rut.Jun V1h:i1u ( t hr • 30 min ) 1z 1 llOY1E "Full Moon High" ( 1~181 ) Ad.trn Arl<.111. fioz Kelly {I hr . 35 mm ) 5'GIS @ NAIHVIJ.f ALJV(] Guests Geurge Stra 11 R..tuy Oa1h~y Kelly Warren. lloy Ac.ult ~ 1~ QOOOAU MD ntl WON.D Of Ne- MAL IEHA V10R 5='0 I~ ltR.EY. CO.AMY IOMGI Of CHllllTMAI Mat All>EMC* COMADEJflW. AICMEWI CALAMTY JAMFI DlAllY Jane Alexa11Cle1 porrray~ the leyencJaty Wcslern heroine 1n tho<. nnt• wornan srw w bal>E?d on Martha J,1n1• t:a11.11y·., own 1e11ers 10 the daughter ohl' 4av~ up IOI ..tdoplton (I hr ) fi!) JAIEI CAONFf: ntAT YAMK& DOOOU OAll:>Y r 1lrn c..hps tr om his majOI l1lrns 1111.lud111y na~)llnte.' h1gtthghl a look at 1111· hie 01 Jo:•1es Cayney 1nterv1ews with 111 ... dCICH h1.., 1.olleagu~ and co s1a1s a1e ICJtured ( 1 hr 4!:. rrnn) H1 HIOllA~ (~) llOV'IE ·noorn Ser111ce ( t938, <.-orn11 ~) Ma1x Brothers. Lucille Ball (:>hr':.) g DEcemJt llflEVEW --~Elivening MOt)C)MEWI 0 llOV'IE I opper · ( 1q37 Comedy J C;iry Grant, Consldnc.e Bennett A mar "'' I , ""f 'h '"" '" ·•• """'1lht1U 1Jl10th1 nllw1 lll•ll•U 111vnlvnd Ill 1111 1111111 di ( 11fo11I II li1•1' I fC*LOCAnoet THOll A.llADMQ NmW.I NHJIAQ(J DGtfT. DOUQtt Yll. ~ T'HIJll 11 A IMTA c:uul I 10111 y11111 11ht Vuuu1111 1 l I lo11lrn1 •l•UUUIM h • 111111111111 11111 lu1ll1 111 11111 ~1)1111 tll C foh1I ftld . «I) MOVll t 1111ly <•rnly 11%1* Must<.al) 1111.111 lhulLJHt, M11l111u M1iru1u11 A (;O\Jrtlry '"'>' ""'"''• lho Wtly'. 111 11111 i;lly on IUl!I uf 1110 I t1rtf1J1 y U11<.Ull!I (:1 IHb ) m PllDQ( mAK ll11uu1111 ly sc.h6duled 11w111.1mm11111 11111y I"' dul11y11cl due 10 plotl{ltt ti111uk•1 GI) llOVll I ht• (1.11111llt•I ( l'J/7 ()lorna) Cl1111 r 11 .. lwuocJ, 51111or.1 I C>t,l..t< A 011l9C· 11v11 1i. ,,..,.,.y11110 to 11..c.011 u11 uncouµera· ''"'-' w11111·~·. 1111111 I 1lb Vt<Qdb lo Arizona IOI .1 koy !>yn<ttt ,Jiil 111a1 IA) 0 MOW ·uv.uctw.ilk ( 1979, Drama ) nu111 l.i1>ruu11, I t!tl ::11185001\j An Old COU pie rt>lu'>ll 1~1 lullve lhe r101yhbo1hood they h1111tl !.po111 1110'.I 111 1ne11 lives 1n despl1e 111t>u11 <..rtrnu .1110 poo1 l1v111y conomcmb ( t .. 1'" ·~i~QMAT All:> IMAU. t:ll ... ~ fll°"-FI COURT cz.,,. fllCXIU TO flfOflti MOVll 'G1g1" { 1958 Musical) Mau· 11c..u Chevah111 I t1i.lie c.11011 A tomboy Oe1ng groo111cd lly ht:• aunl and grand- 111othe1 set5 oul vr1 her uwn to ca1ch a man (? 111:. 30 111111 l @ IUTMOVDn ~ CONCOTO Paul Kleck1 1.11ncJ11C"I~ 1he Orcheslre De Paris 1n ;; pt:rlurinar1<..t! ol Bee1ho11en's "F1tlh l'1C1110 Co11<..e1JIJ in I fla1 MaJor." com- 111only (..dlled tht! r m).J<'rOI" with Arthur nuo1ns1e1n a!. the !.olu1s1 ( t h1 ) Ot) ITAM*G ROOM OILY "Covntry Rock 6<'"' The Oak n1dge Soys. The Charlie Oa11111l~ 13ancJ ano nosanne Cash per!Ofm 1he11 1a1e:.1 nus 111 th•s benefit concert 1<1ped <ti lhe P11111 Blutl Conven11on Center l I h1 30 m111) ( Ll A ITAi! f<>fl aJIOIY A 11111e bOy learns 11\e s1ory ol Sran the Ct111s1mas :.tar C$)lllOV'IE "G0111g Ape'" ( 1981, Comedy) rony Dania Jt!SSICJ Waller Three Ofan- yu1a11& hold lhe pwse s11111gs to a S~·mil· hon inhe111an1..e PG' ( 1 hr '<7 min) T'llt (JJ • lmAll'll a::1a i NIGHT DADOY fi) ..CllEPO«TI 'Bataan. The forgot· ten 111311" Llo yd lJobyr1s reports on Iha e.1tten1 or m.;n's 1nhuman11y 10 man 1n a .. r11re ul war, tocus1ng on lhe experiences o l Ame11<..a11 -.crv11..eme11 wt'lo survived the Oc;ith Marc h ol Oaraari afl(J Japanese !pr1s@i ~~o~°c::O~ (I hr) llADAIE'I PUC£ ':'BAND CAVALCADE Bob Crosby. Franl"e Carlt!. Ma1yare1 Whi1111g, Freddy Mar11n .rnd olhcr yrt!al big band perform· ers arc realured 111 hlmt!O h1yhhghts ot a '30s and· 40s music revival ( 1 hr ) (i) U'Ofl'Tec:errDI (l,J llOW Breaker Morant ( 1980 Dra- 111a) Edward Woodward Jack Thompson. Austlah.ins con'.,C11p1eo lu hghl on Eng· land's ~·tle 1n lhe Ooer war dec1oe 10 tight • ,fN! Boe1yue1111a.,011 !heir own 1erms. 'PG' L' hr 4tim1n l CZJ lllOV'IE · Hutley Hlltttly"' I 1981, Come- F rrd ay, December 3 , 1982 23 -Monday •Morning Movies--• •<H n.1 "' ·•' '• I J , l~ffJWfl1 ( (Cl/7 I t Tl ,;,i I ,, I lit j (I rll o11l n1111 I 0 rr-11• Ii Jt tw.1) l11f t l""'"'lYl 1n411rl Ho• I'' 11 '' "Y f 11 1" f I l1r •I' mu @ h•~I A ,,q I f\OW11' ~ 1tr No .. 1> I '•I H1 1111 I .. '1YI Mr, M;, ti 111 1\1"'"•''' (1,,k ,.,,,,, ) II• I'll ti I •l 11 i11 !O 1::11 (H Cllov1·1 1 l'lh!I Mu·11 .111 11111 M11111!v ()llv•lf Hf•111! ~l •1f H' 11111 I .. @ rl11• 111111•11•• '.lo11•1hh" I I l/'r flr.i rna) Dork v.1r1 ny~. ~ ,,,,, ... ,., • Jo11Pl.111 11 111 l'I 11 llrt t:'9 C 'I ,tfl><" I• I·• l'ltll I c.mc•dyl GPUtQP ,. (_).1 ' I d l.J .,. (I 1., )~ m111 I .. ,0 (ti" \lflor,1•11 ft< I 1'1'.I Su<;r>f'n'iP f11 11 I ~ t• I I l n•,11• lr•r f t hr '.>() """ j 2 flp;il I •I 1171 !1•111111 <, '" Anrony ( 1 I r 1, 11 rr 1 m r "'Y At •,muqtJlo•r f},ty ( I '1b3 Advt•ttf lft') r'1 ll'f ( t;r •11t'cJ M 1t.flfiO·• M~•t '1e1 f ~"'·I t::mO) H11' llPw 11,1,..,,. 11 11,4 (11,1111.l) M11.)1ttPI ( ·rll.11• H.1111.11 IT It·• I I hi I ... c· "Anv· N1q111 111,1 11 11.,• 1 nr11,.,1y1 Kini N11v,1.,. J,lfl1P' t , ,,.,,., 1 f,, l 'HI An11" .irt W•l 1"''" 1N" Cl.111• /\rlvPnl•H~·I I I'" .,.,IT II I $ l •J•f> I , 1!1'111'1 I 11,,11 ( v1•1 l lq!i." Cornl'tJy I I 1o.·.1t.,·11 I rvt t I •l", I iirk'> L! hr ,•o n1111 1 0 fhf' 1,,,,, ~ .... 1•.1 ,,.., t ! mt [l1Jma1 Alao Al 1a l.;11111 R111111 II ( 1 111 '•7 mon ) .. @ fh» Mar Wt" r~,.v••r Wa-." ( 1qt16 ()r.im:ll Clofl,,, W»hlo < ,1. '"' lir 1hame t? tire. ) .,.. lZJ ((11111 ""' 1c.1y lll,t•1" I 111111 <.om rely) I '""''l" 11.1n11l1r•rt I 111'f•r H1111on ( 1 hr 11 min I 11•101 ·rultJlt·• >r 1111 I'""' tt'lll Mw.1 Cill) 1 nnol N111111.1 I 1,1111• I· 111•, '1'1 min) -JU1ernoon Movies- u.e 'Shrtl Shocl( f 1'164 Orar"nl AN1ch l)ckcrson C1111 Cr;iw I 1 ht 10 min) g) Town Wolhoul 1'11y ( l<jf, I r><ama) K11k Dovgl;i<; r G Miw.h;ill (? hrc, I CC) "Monly Pylhon An1I lhP Holy n11111' ( 1974, Comp<Jy) 1,1,)h.un Ch,1pman John Cleese ( 1 hr 10 ""'' I Of) ·n;icp r Ill Your I 11•• ( .t1<1rl11" n111w11r (lq7f 1.0111A11y) /\n111ml,.,•I (1 hr ?!'! rn1n I ($) "l yt'WllOP'.'i ( l')IJ 1, My-;tnry) S1go111 llPY Weavrr W1lltu111 I h" I ( 1 Irr ' "3 min) 0 'Olivt>r ( 1'~66. M11-.1rnlj flo11 Mno<ly, Ollvcr Reed (2 hr<;, .10 m111) tl:ll(Z) "A1111nal Gracl\efs" ( 1'l30. Comedy) Marx Orolhers, Marua1PI Oumonl ( 1 hr 38mln) t::ll(C) "TM Gartwrnig" I 1978 rxamal c.';t- Asner Mawl"l!n ~111nl1>10n ( I hr 30 min) 19(,0) "The Cat And fhp C1111Rry (1939 • Comecty) Ooh Hopp 1'<11Hf'llf' (,Of1<Jar<l -D nr T4'mm) -·-H CZ) "Oliver" ( 1968. Mus~.el) Ron Moocly 26 Friday, December 3, 1982 Ohve1 Reeo 12 nrs 3t> min ) t:a H ·Oliver ( t968 Musical) Ron Mooay. oliver Reed I? hr'> 30 min ) 0 · A Cti11c,1n1.is <.,a1ol" 119!> t Fantasy) Ala<;11111 €'rm K.11t1leen lldlll!:.011 ( I tir 30 min) too 1 L 1 '(.,rentJel C..rerodel. (,rendel' ( t98:? Adven1we1 An1n1ated Vc11ces of PelP• Us11nov Ke•lh M11c.hf'll ( 1 hr 30 nun J ~(.CJ Johr1 AntJ Julie 11 ht 30 min J ·~ Thp HooPaway!> ( 1973 Comedy) lnyr111 [ler4111an Jut1nny ()or.in ( t hr 4'i moll) S A C hallcnve f or Retb•n Hood I t 968 l\dventurP) ll.i1111' Ingham JamPS Hay1e1 I t hi 40 11111 ) 0 'GJw,1111 And lhc Creen Kn1ghl' ( 1 hr )0 rn111 I 5d» 1.1.1 'SJJ J 1nP ( 198 t ComP.dyJ Avon O'Neat .Jack War<l<'n ( 1 hr 3 t min J 1l ·rap•• 1rna1, Dramc1) GeorgeC Scnll I unnlhy Hu11on (?hrs ) 5:05 {!!) "Y111my Mr I "'1..1)ln • ( l'l39. 81qgr,; phyJ Hrnrv I 1incJa Alice Orady 1;> hrs) !r:al(Cl "Mat1e In ra11s ( t966 Comedy! Ann-Margret I ou1s Jourdan (?hrs ) 0 Ttte La~I Time I Saw Parrs ( 1954 Drama) Flizat>eth Taylor Van Johnson 12 hrs) --llilvening -111 ... awLE't AMQB.I @) lllfl FOOTIAU NPw Ymk .Jrrs al De1ro11 L1ons Q f3 hr~) CUMEWI BQKT .. DIOUQH 1t1•A•t•H HAWAIAVf .. • HEii MJl'Ofl'T MICMEWI • lMDEllT »fDllG HUllAlt IEHA Ya MOYE "F1dc!ler On The Rool · { 197 1 Musical) T 01)()4 Norma Crane A peasanl milkman on lurn ol the-century c1a11st Russia tnes to marry oH h•s el1g1ble oaugh ters whole 1ry1ng 10 hold onro hos Jewrsh he111age 1n the face ol oppression ·c· (2 hrs . 59 nun) I SJ llOY1E "Falling In Love Again · ( t980 . Drama) Ftholt Govia. Susannah YOik A man gOAs 10 hoc; high school re11n1on In lhe behef lha1 he can relive the good hmes ol lhe past 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) m THI MCI• llGHT ta &l) PLEDQI mAll negularty scheduled programming may be delayed due lo 1:'9wa>=:."s I~ Cn'Y A seven part drama based on James Plunketl's novel of Dub Jin 1n the turbUlenl years ol 1907-1914 Part 1) (I hr ) IMCIB. / L8IB l90RT I -POWIJI ~ °' i'ICft.I NI Cll ... _ ... NAPPY DAYI MAii , .. WADll An fnle<vlew with romance writer Barbara Canlend, a prollle of Harlem Globelro11er Curly NeBI IOAP ,_..c;o,..., -"" •a...wu M ~ wmt UMMA COOi The former Broadway lngenue-turned-<:aberet stat supreme sings a wide-ranging callee· 1100 ol upbeat 1unes In this concert ( t he.) • -. -. --...... .., CID l..C.: A li'ICIM. a.TIMI Two connlv· Ing buslnessmert try to protlt from Chrl9t· '"'tS whole San1.1 Cl11uo; nil f'lnPr •rlP•1' 'LT MOVIE rrao;n liortJ011 1 rqau •,,, ence F11 l•n111 -, .. rn I -'""'"' M.1, v .. 11 SytJ11w A l11o1 111 1• 111111r11)' 11,w1>I 11, llw pl;inel Mrn1qn .rnll 1•+'11 11'-opprl' ,.,,,d 1nhrtti11;1111~ 111 n11· "'"·rllirc>w 111 1h1• r>v11 fmpeour M111q l'ti 1 I lir •,o 111111) (l ) llOVIE S~o<ltlc•' ( 191JO CorctPrJy) Jack1P ulPiJ<;Ol1 (,11>111 '" M.11. 1\11 '" tHI man ·~ a1de1J t>y h'" o.111~~111111 ,1 11l t1i>r llc)w('r ch11<11e11 111P11d• 11• •"«·•r>•nU J p11wPrlvl moh bns~ wh11 . '"'' In qPI 111111 lur ntJI • .Jrry•l1\J 11 1 t '''' u.t Pf• (I hr 38 rnin ) I OMMQE COUNTY TOOA Y 1.S .... 7::11 THE IE.All WHO SLEPT THROUGH CfflllT • llAI Anornated A y• qrog tiru1n QOP<; 111 <;earch ol Ch11<;1ni.1" .Jro\J 11n 1 ,,1m1• •Jfl'J .,val advPnlureo; alon9 "''' w.1~ 6:) FAIAYFfUO LAftME I 8'9UY I COtil'AlfY m TIC TAC DOUOtl IWIAIE'S PUCE .... 1t•A•1•H llQllATIJIE \>vest (', '""" I 1.111t 1:. I THE ..,.. QUEBt: ... ICt IA.LL£f S•. Olympic skater<. inrlu•l tr>Q J, '""Curry and Dmothy Hamill. 10 n ll·e '"'' St.ubuck .ina orher w .,rlt1 rl.i<. .k.;11•r• lnr , flt'r lormance nl lhlS dPh4t1lhll •r •• I ollll"I OJ!.ed nn H;in<, Chn~llan At1t1P•'"''• r 1o;<,oc laory tali.> I 1 hr 10 min J <CJ ~ROOM 'H llOVIE "Amp11r,i1l WolclPINP,c; (NO ()are Advenlurel A l1lc11111;1~ .. r • u11es1 IOI rpcord·c;11e c;p»c•rnPn~ 111 111111 k1mJs ol horned Shf'Pµ anu a1• 1 1 l1 l111 rail Alaskan [!Qlar bear os e•plored li 11 111 !>5 min ) l,'t IEETWeQ HALIWAY The humorous side of 1hc prooa11on <.r.tem 10:, .-cmvryed in this SIOfy aboul two 1& y.~ar otd•. who are bolh 00 probat10l1 IOI lhe f11<.I l1mP m ll()VW 'A111 t M1'.hr>hav111 ( 1955 Comedy) Rory Calhc)lrn P1Pf'r I ;11111e A Chorus girl matrlf'S a mollron,•orl" .md <;Hug glee; 10 111 11110 her h11~b;i111f<. "OC•al ~here I 1 hr 30 mm ) .. U A~ MOWN Ctf111111&AI Animal ed Charlie Brown anu ht!'. µh1losoph1ca1 peer Linus sel out 10 l111d lhP rrue mAamng ol Ch11c;tmas (R) o m unu HOU8f: • NEW ·~ lsmah Edwards doesn·r likP whal hn <;e(lS when a handsome nPw m1111s1or begins having secrel meetingc; with ma1111'd wom- en o (t h1 l 8 -.o¥ll 'Captain Newman M D .. ( 1963. ()fama) Gregory PPCI\. Tony Curlis An Army psych1a111s1 beconws enounously dt'doca1en lo his 1.1a11en1s (2 ()) iATIUllOfU G llOVW "The Caretaker" ( 11:164. Dra- ma) Alan 0111es, Donald Pleasence Based on the play by Harold Pinter A vagabond !Inds a home wllh a pair of mentally undone brothers (2 hrs) tD ,., llAGAZla An interview with romance writer Barbara G11rll11nd, a profile of Harlem Globel101ter Curly Neat e mw. "Voyage 01 The Domnecf' (Per1 1) ( 1976. Drama) Faye Dunaway. Osllar Werner In 1939. a shipload of Ger· man Jews la f0<ced to return 10 Germany allOf being denied permlSSIOO to ente1 Cube (2 his.) rB ..., IM "Inside. OutSIOe" Bolh Sides of 1he celluloid cur!ain 11re examined In this 1wo-par1 Miies lhat deals with mak· -klQ.lllcna ~• CIOMd nw"el .. ( P•n .U. • .-AT PW ~.:ti "Gre11 PertC>f· ~noes 10th Annllf9faary Celebn1Uon" E.xoefpl• from aome ot the rnoet memora· -lunclay Conl. ~,l 111t l\11luuy Afl t111111lou1 I''' kuy t1•1h,, lt1>. 11t" 111 '''P""'*' 11 l''"''bltuu 1,y111f1, •ti•• 1tl111111pl1t1\1 t11 It• !1111fl111t.ltI11111111 Nol11111 di ( 1111 f,' 111111 I tt•ICJ lllOYll W111•hh• k < l'llH M"''" .111 Due u1ut•11hu~ MjHtr ul ttu tnp rt1u1,11 111 Uf\Htp• t Ou• 1.11t hfJ• pt-td111111 111 lf1r~ fu111cu1·, tut k 1 Ofh t1rt h,Hfl 111 lhHll1•I Nttw Y<•t k 111 l'ih'I ( 1111., '• 111111 J 11ieo1 SJ .... KOYACt: TIUVllOf'I OfllGllW. GllillJI h•hft HrtllH•l.H hH•,f· ••• ll1lt1H1• 11 rffuu ku\--111. UH• lft1 lot11 •• 1 .utt·,t 11u11•t111 ~1t.Jltt fc~r lf1t ( Yt Ufll•fl ,, lt•lt•v1 ltHI I 1111111 tJy di., t1•.tlt111• I,.,,.'' It·'"'''""', tt1tl1 J,u k l ''""'"!" t l1t1vy I h,1•,•• u11I '•tttvt• Alltt1t 1..! hr) t1l41 U ll0¥1f 11111 I .t .1 Hul11 111 1111• I )11111111 (1u11\j 11•1111 Wt•'.lo•111) I''" r Wrh '" J.u.k l',11,uu.• fl1t•41t1l11111H1· (t,1ltc• tuull1 l!f-, tUt• tpflUtHlt1d dt'Jtlfllt1 , .tfh•, Utu d•1111f 111 11\t"I l.iw .ol111l1111t l•ltrll11•I I 1.111~ fl0 Ll 111•,) U MOVll '/\n A1111uu ,u1 I" f',111•, ( t•11.1 MuStLdl, (,1•f1t• t\t•Ut I 11•.lu· t 111,,11 MtJ',t <.c11 ~C..,Jlt' hy 1 u•• f\j•' •'''~' lt.t t ,1•1•,hw111 Afl Amdnr,111 ••• Ci.I 111"'' 11h.tru • .111d ,..,, ce~ 111 l'u11" l.' 111" ) 11•1) llOV11' P••.111 111·.rf 1111 /\ M1•11y (Hl Ruw1<1' 11•H,!J. I '"""ity) Jo11111" I 111111111 Cdnl1ll.-t •,p.uv Afl•'' h1· p11· ~111 pittHlt• •t i.4,UI '""'t.1 tJt•I.' qht t•·H ... 1u Nl11~ pl.u11111u1 ,Jll 111tpu1I h1Ulh. r11hl1t•1y hl U( t IH '•'''"'"'' neuu" ... ty w11t1 ltu-.arnv.11 111 " I< 1·.·.1.11 dnJ'u tar y (;' 111" II) 111111 ) @ lll()V1( '(,1111l11h•1111o1I /\q1•11I \ 144'1 $(1•.pert.,1•) l h.ulo•" 1!11y1·1 I .1u1"11 ft.11 ,111 Ou11119 tho• Sp.ttll'.to < .IVll W,11 .111 d!J<'lll 111 Enyl.moJ "" ,, t111-.·.11111 1<1 pu11 h.c ... Lt>JI OtE!elS UIJ with lllUl\ll'I oHIU l.UUlilulS!)leS lllll. ,. CUii /\ ltH>k 111 """"' w111tm ,,., 11 11011 hot llJX1l 11 t I I 11 JO 111111 I G COllll LOVI ntl atLDMll 110 .. 111 /\ti I 111k 11111111 111 id I .111 ut I 11wr 11111 1• '"' u~ 1111 lhu hopo~ ,,,.,,.,,, .. ""'' 'llJIVIVIOI "' "'" wr=1=~tlt11) tl:tl :'ft'1 MOVW ;,,,,,, l11u 'uty 1111111• t l'Jll I !.1m111l1y) t '"'"\)" llt111t1ltr111 I 111111111 lftll 11111 I 1111 ht11t111 '.1111 111 1 rfol l.1111111111111 •, lu1111111-. I""'"'' 11\)1111•1 1•, ll11 llP•l1 llt11tt1l l1y 11 tlfJ111111111uty 11111 "'ll '"" l11p111"h lirvlhu• '" •hlll Hitt I •11111 tJll•J t1111~k I'(' (I 111 11 """) 12::11 (1} lllOYll 11111 [Jm11., w .. 1i· ( 1111•. 'juspe11s11) I >1111111 Orn•, A1td1uu M,,,, 11v11 t • A 11111·~· 11111><1 111' 1111· lor lho 11111uly1111l 1l.1uyh1e1 IJI 1111 A111e11L,111 dtplu11111I lit:Ulll'> IU U•Ull •l ~tr,.111yu llrflUtJlll.tl UVUI lhd ylll LI"'. HJ""" J l f ) TOii COTIU: UP a.Oil 1,u,,.,1 Vu lc11 Bmge (I) nt! 9'00«•• @ l&nt0¥'1Jt1 ~ COCE.JllO ~·n111 KleLkt 1 0111JuLI'> lhu OrchOJSlru I le ~·1111" 111 11 1"•11111111.111111 111 Aeuthuven s I 11111 1'111110 C11111 url11 111 I fh1I M,JJOr" 1.11rt1 trrurcly tullu\J lit"' "l rt1p111vr w11l1 /\111tur fh1b11t~lfl111US1111• ~OIOl!>I (I ho J IE laA IAIKETIAU Milwaukee Butk~ •. 11 New Jerwy Nets {R) (;>tu~ 30 n1111 J <OJ lllOV11' · S111 C1<1Ly" < 1960 Comedy) l11d1.i1d P1yw Lene W1ltJ1>r Two me11 .111· r111~.lake11 tor tmnk wt1l11•t» 1111(1 se111 to f.111 'fl' ( t ht ., 1 111111) @lll0¥1f 'file f1en1.ltt t!.'tJIP1tt1ri1". Wu111 .in" ( 1981 l)f,un.i) Meryl Sl1eeµ Jert!111y hons An nflarr oe1wuu11 lwo aclors 1::. µ<11 ulluru41 u1 flot '"'"1HOH ,, .. ,.,,., fllro 111 ~tuc t1 lhu lwu 11111 l""'""'""U 11 (:.> '""' ~ 1r11n} 1111 ~ •-tcon 0.-C.CU i lllOYll ltut I 1111t· '.111•1• Ill H111111111 I ll)lt I 1111111 •II 1111 "" l•"•"P" J111111lh1111 liu/lt A1111111plnyttt 11111 111111'.I •,hup d1111ul 1111" ,, l>l1111rllt111"1y pl,1111 11 111 IO 111111 ) ( l ) lllOVW "/\111111111 I .1111 k1,,., ' ( 111'ttl, < w1111dy) M.1r • 111111111w. Mu1u1111i1 t 1111111101 c .1p1.111• ·.11o1•1hl11111 lhu /\f111.u11 11.-. ""'"'' 1otu111 11 utt1 •• 11•< ••f1I ~.-µt•cJlllCJrt In w11•1t._, '-••v•>l iJf 11 ·.<u 1uly u1.1tru" t. WHtlkt111tJ J11Hly I• (I 111 Ill lillfl ) t:t01$) MOY• · (,111,.111y1t I 111111.1111111111<' (I'!/ I (h.1111.lj ~1ylv111 K11•1l11I (U111J41tlo ( Jr•,uu /\ tw.111r1tul wot11itr1 •. 'A•uu h tur th•! ult1n1ulu ._.ru111 •·~11<•1u111t 1· 11111111'> "'" 111 .1 'lldtll111y llMll/1111011 II' 11 Ill 40 111111 J t:a 0.Rl AIC .a @ llllXE> IAO I 111· I'""'' A11u•111 .111 Ari t .. 1111<1" A loo• .11 ,111 lttl' lt111 l"• ll1o1t 1ntl11 111111· lht' •111 "' 0011•• 111 No•w Yw• 1111tl Hw pl<1ye1~ ""'"o 11111111.H 1 '" 1.r1·.1ltl .mil 11l1t11.1 ftu ri"''tl 1.i~ ITANDltO ROOM OMLY <.rn1111ty ftotk 'jj;,l" Thti (),1k ll1cl1J1: !Joy" 1111• Cl1nrl10 ( •,11111•1'> 1l.111d .111<1 Ho·.,111111• ( ''"" p111h111r1 lhcll l<tlt"ol 1111'. 111 lilt• lJ«t•1•f11 UHIC ell l•IJll'U ill 1111· l't111 Hlull I 111v1•1•t11111 ( .4!tttl't l hr. 30111u11 2M (})CU MEWi NIOHTWATCH 1::80 IEA HUNT lllOVW 'Mrnh·rn fl11111,111te ( 1981 Comedy) /\ll1t·11 llwok'> K.11h1y11 H,mold A hlrn e<l<lrn 11, ... 11•1>1·.1lt'1Jly 10 w111 back lht .... ht•,.sll ol Hu~ woct•dfl t1P IU"Wl""> A' Low Back Pain? Qualify for Energy Tax Credits DOUBLE PANE INSULATED GLASS Nol ontv oo~s •t to~t ie.s in.in ~011ven11on•1 con st1uctton ti aiso nedlS you• nome .ind may nave tu cr edits as well An b•Ol•C room wttn •01ustable shadrng •no ven111atron fo1 oo 11 you1selle1s we include one man tor t day 10 1nstruet ano "an you correctly See a 111001l 1n ov1 snow 1oom as sl'lown In Sonsll House Beavtotul & Home and Ca•den ~ ~ F( UR SEASONS AUTHORIZED DEALER -.t ;,t-.1 t ~t1 I( I • 27812 Forbes Rd. Laguna Nlguel 831-5670 ltC •391503 There Rea lly Is An An swer CALL 645-5100 WESTCLIFF C HllOPRACTIC OFFtCE ... Dr. leob«t A. 1-'fw 2043 W.stcffff Dr., Wh IOI M 1twporf leoct. 1-c •• ·, .. ,,...,....,..,., Most Insurances Acoe~ed Friday December 3 1982 25 -Monday Cont. repl,-lt•""' 1 , .... ''" .Jh~ t• .tnrj t•C)4,..1Jh''~ lfif ) ,, f\PW rt,, 1 1,10(.JFf •U' l1f(l 4 ~ ( 1 t11 '>q min L t2:ill 0 W LA Tt NIGHT wmt DA VI> LETTEIWt r;,,. .. ,p: (.Utllf'dhtl {i•lfy M 11IP•lt\f\I JOc. .. y n·H.1ll•11.ir1 M1',<, tll'W "'"'" !111hw.1y•. ,,. 1Clfb, 111'11 fl11v1 l'.1111 1,.,, ''"'Y nl ll1r• O;i~ 1anel Rc11de,.. ! 1 r • 8 f!J TOM COTT\.£; UP CLOSE MOVIE At a~ ! tY6 I A .... 11l•J" I M1chat'I r ,,.,.,t '1.111• W11111 flu w111r1t·I ,, the Olymp•t g..in1t"• 1• "'•1•11' 1111 p.1w11 111 .1 i,1nr~ µower plan (I '" !1111111 1 LOVE. AllEJICAN ITYlf 1TllUl9'fl cm " , .. v··· p.1•1 i. ,,,,,1 oa-;"1 "'" l.Jll•f''> r 'lunk .. 11 r" ~·· ,1 (Jtil 11n '" lf•t• f.Jrltlll'rl r"·ll 111'11)71'11<1 tp -irt I) l 1 hr i.J ttOflSE RAC.O wmtL Y (RI I L I MOVIE H1r h Anti I .1111 111• ( l'HI 1 C>rilmcl) \.,Jfl•l• , [i1•1<)1•r l,11 Q11f'hnt• {lr '·"' ""'"'or 111 11" 11 11111 ll ,.,..,,,., "' rt11"1' tf-"'>PP1 l1v, l1f1•r.try l1lf .. t-Jf", tnt1 ttJfl1dfHlt l1v11' TWC1 WOtOt'll ttf1fJ•l(IC1 Ori ""'" liu•r11t<;f11p " I .1.H11l1ly n (I Ill .,., rn11 I 0 AN £V(Nle() WITH llA Y CHAii.Ei Hc1y I ll,1111" peel trrn<, "'lily• I t11• t)lf'ill!'~I t1I•. int IUiJ•llQ t o\!!lll.)1 I ,\11•1 H1I ftor• fl<' lrl J.1n ,, 1h1• , 11r11 '"' I '1"'•1 "' fllrncn 1011, C.rn,Htcl tt:IS@ lllOVIE v,111c•y • 11 1111• •,•H• 11114? WP<;l(.'rn/ I tu 111 .. fl.ti! I tmt'" (.r t•q An up11~1nq ·~ .1111 11tc• I l llPr ;i tr •ntirc<;m.111 P•~,.,~~'~ 1hP Ir• ti tn t t••nl ;..h .,_1,uft-'d it LI Ill '~ """) 12:itl 0 r8) COl~ A l1't1IPlf t1uill1qlllt•r .,,.,., LIP ht'> lnr•q '""" h11•111J t111 ,11 1111l10tf'ly dem1•,p ,n lhP llttll11nq 1R1 t t In 70 m111) tM ! CMJIAICOAE -Tuesday -Morning Movies-- .. (0 1 "fhf' L .it A1 ut tl11' I anary ( 1'l:l9 ComNlyJ B11ti """" r.111lellr• { .11<1011rcl U h1 14 rn1111 ZI Ohvc)I ( 1<11,fl Mil'ill .ll) n,,,, MllMY Ohvf'1 flf•l'rl (7 hr• 1'1111111) .. 0 'lt1o;l111y ()! 1t111 W111ltl l'art I' ( 1C!!i t <.01111•1lyl Mnl llroPk<; M.ulf'lhflf' Kat111 11 hr 1:1111111 I ttl (f7) I 111· f lun 11.1111 M,m 11'107 Corne dy) C •'''"tlC' ( •,11111 <;11P Lyon 1:> hrc: I d (Cl 'C.1111'.tm,1•, M111rnla1n ( t'IA I Ora m:i) Sh111 P11 ~"''" M.11~ M1llpr ! 1 111 .10 m 111) OJ · f.1k1• All I If M"' ( tqrn Drama) n11 t1,11C1 loht1'.0l1 Pamrl>I Vine Pflf I 1 tu JO 1111n I f$l 'f tddlN <>11 lhf' llc1ol (llJ71. Mus• c.nl) l 11pol N11111111 C:r;ine (:> hrs !19 min) 1•(!) ''();irk (~•h1<.11111' ( t<M 7 Ornm11 ) L1on('I Oarryrn1111• ln111f''> Crmy (:i' hrs) (ij) 'f IASh c;mnm1 ( 1qao SC•AnOI f ti: 11011) Sam .I .lonnr, MA~ Voo Sydow ( I t11 • 50 m111 ) "9(%) 'l orro, The Gny Blade' ( 1981 Com edy) George Ham1l1on. l 11u10n Hutton () hr . 33 mrn ) •(C) "Nlch0f11<; Nli:klebf ( 19d7. D1nrn11 ) Derel< Ooocl. Cfldll(. Hardwlcke (2 hrs I (0) 'Ourncy·s Ouec;1" ( 1Cl79 Fantasy) Animated ( t hr , ?O min ) D "HMI. Last time I Sew Paris" ( 1954. f)111mo) fll111bf>fh laylor Van Johnson (?Ill!!) 28 Friday, December 3, 1982 1M~OOIEAU'TltY IAllRY FAMEll MOVIE Oad11 11 •, (,01J11•rv ( •'l'1H W•·~tP,,tJ ( ,poffl•' M t ftJU''''"'r M••v1lh 81.111<1 f\,11 Ma''"'"' '' Wy.itr I ·•'P .t111J null,1111 £1111 leilill IJ 1 Wllh f',lt (.,urell IU l•IJ•llHI' l\lltth ( l">llty olll<J fll'> tJ.lll(J 1 111 lU r11in T !; WCT TEJle8 Cnl/1•1,aqr· r tt1P f 111< J\N CIJ'>:.11 fin.ti:. !Rt l ru•. Z MOVIE T .1p~ 111(11 llram.i 1 Gt'mqe ( Sc 011 I 1111oi11y li1Jll01 M1l1t.11y '•<.ho111 1. 1rlr l« 1.tkl' crve1 H11•11 .c h11111 1•• p1,.v1•n1 pl.111<, lo 111111 tho• .11 .1 !r'I y propr-rly "''" ,, lOf do o••vehipntPfll PC' 1;> Ill'> I 1:10 C MOVIE C..hc1mp1011 Or Death lff77 AdvPnl1111'J <; .. 1111y t ll1t1il Alll't \.1111111; ,J mnb'>lf'I ..i m,1fl1ill 1rt'> '"P!'lt '"''" '• l)r~Pf ly b<'h11P 1.1k111y i>n d ,, c11r• ol h11r11.1~~1c. .,.,,<, n ( 1 h• 17 m111 ) 1::11D $MOVIE fyew11111·.,~ tl901 My•.1t•ry1 ')1qou1111•v Wpa.,P• W11t1.1m Hurl A IP~>v• .1nn rflp ''flPf bet ,,rnp mvl)lw•d with 1 11'1 1tcH wr1n 111,.Jy know """r al'.,uf 11 nnH<1f•r t!MI hf' w•llll''>'..PO tt1.ir1 t11· ,., s.1y111q ll t I hr 4 J """) 1~' W MIC NEWS OYEJleOHT OOIEMITIIY MOVIE ~f11tlhf'rr1 I "'' 111 11'1111 Dr.1mi11 K1•11h Gi111.1thlll' f"ow .. 1-. [loofht' A q11111p nl N.111onal t.u.tr!l'>lll('!I \II w1•1•k ent1 n1,1nt1uvf .. r•, u1 ,.1 l ou1s1a11a b,1y<111 (_p;u~ .-) ".1n,1ll yuputll,l w ,tf w1U1 it• driunu ntty nt bilCkWOO<l« r •Ill"'" R t t Ill 40 2:tO lmin~ C81 NIEWS llOHTWATCH MEWi Wl.LWITU..L (H) lltl()fl( ~Tm IBW1 HU The unpredictable B11115h comed1;in pomays 11a11ovs cha1ac1ers •J1Clucl111Q a s111ptease .. m Hotel Sanarn ( 195t ComPC1yl Yvonne f>e Carin. Pclf't Ustinov (? hr"i ) ta Q) 'Thr f'urnpk1n f.1ter' ( 1964 Drillna) /\nno~ nr1nc.1ofl F'Plflr r 1nr.h (2 hr<, ) !OJ lhf' Re1u1n' ( 111R 1 ~c1enct> f 1<.l•on) .J.111 Mo(h;:if'I V1ntPnl C'yb•ll Shepht>r11 ( 1 nr 10m111) (Zl !ape;' (19111 Or;imo) Clf'f11qe ( ";1,otl l 1mu1hy lhrtlnn (;>hr·,) 1t:OO (¢1 nrllc S1ar1 ' ( l'ld I Western) Gene l1er11Py rl:mdolph Scnll (?hrs ) (ti \ r111111 Ao;srg11111e111 ( 1Q80 ()rnmo) Genf'Vlf'vP 0111nld Mtrh;iel York ( t 111 JO min) ( Sl Thr r a1nled Hill<;" I 1951 f>rnma) I ass•e P11111 Kelly ( 1 111 . '> min ) 0 "Sa1111tfay The 14th' ( 198 t. Cnme rly) n1ch9r<I flen1;in1111 Paula Pren11<;_<; ( t h1 l'l min I -@ Onci-Belore t ()A ( 196fi. Drnma1 John ()e1P,k. Ursula An(jrASS (2 hrs I 11:11{0) "Alie!'. Sweel Alice" ( 1978. Horror) I rndA M1llf'r Pnul;i Sheprard ( 1 hr , 48 rr11n) @ Ill(' tlClll/011101 l 1eutenanl' ( 1Qfi? Comedy) .lim t lutton. Poula Pronll!>'i f 1 hr 30m1n ) •Afternoon Mo"'--a.a "A 01r11n Eve1y Po11" (1952. Come- dy) Groocho M111x, Marie Wrlson ( 1 hr 30mln) m> "City ror Conquesl'' ( 1940. Orama) James Cngney. Ann Shefidan i2 hrs ) (C) "Let's Do It Again· ( 1975. Comedy) Sidney Poitier. 8111 Cosby (I hr • 52 min I (%)"Lo Dolce Vila" (1961. Oral'M) Mor cello Mastr04annl. Anita f kberg (2 hrs 55 min t url•SI ~iuw11 .1nd a t>e"p .. r ked husband who uo;e<, 111'> video 11•n11i1c> control to tree1e han1f' l11., ur1bearalllP wife ( 1 tu I O MOVIE Aaclge JlJ 1 197J. Drama) RrJt>efl IJuvrtll Ve1nt1 Btuom A NPw Voik lAy LOµ w.1qe'> .:i "'"'4'''11rirtdPd c.<1rnpc11gn .1ua•11'>I .• r11111e wnr111 "'" ( t hr ~'> m'rn) 2:10 m llAT PATltOl ~ llOGllAJ'tf( ..... L MOVIE Mon1erwgrr1 ( 198 t Come rly) SuSilll An!.µacll r11.1111J lnr.ephSOll A neglecled w1lp rravPts ''' Slr1tkhnlm &nd l><>g1ns an allau w11h a rn..in she 111e1 1n ii b0hem1an 111ghlclub n 11 111 40 min) 2'40 @ WOflL.D AT lNIClE (~)MOVIE Mad" 111 f'i111" I 1966, Corm• dyl Ann M.H!Jll'l I OUI~ J11u1dar1 A P.111s 0es1y11e1 <,weep• a t 1•.ll11m li11y1•1 oft her leet -( t hr !>O min I a.~sa...r :lf1= lhp Frenc.h l •PulPnant's Wom ,111' ( 1981 Or.1mal Mf'ryl S11ePp. Jeremy tror1s An all.111 between lwn ac101<, 15 par .ill1<11''<1 '" lh!' rnman1t1 pP11ncl film rn which the lw<> l'{' 1 prfmm1n~ R (? hrs '> """) !:GI! S HOU> E Pa111 f>ooll'y 1<, featured 1n 1h1s two ,1c. 1 pl;iy ny h1lp•, r p1Ue1 dep1c1tng thP 1n<.11lb1i1ty , 1f wt,,111 l1lp ( 1 tu 35 min l ~15 1., MOVIE f1Pad C.rn t 1973 Orama) ~cn11 Anrnrry An ;imalf'ur 1nckey risl<s n1s hie 10 i>•pnse a gan1bl1n9 syndteale at1emp11ny 10 1 .. the BrrltSh t,rand Nation ;ii ( t hr 1? m111) l:il (!) FAITlUD f'O, lilOYIE The Ut11m.1tP l nnll' ( 1974 Suspense) B11tt Ekland F11c Braeelen 1M1ti1 On He.ivenly Dog" ( 1980 Comedy) Chevy Chao;e Ren11 ( I hr • 43 min ) O H1s1ory 0 1 The Wc>rld Pnr1 I" ( 1981. Comedy) Mel Brooks. MAdellne Kahn ( I hr 33 m111 ) 1~10) "Ow limp" ( 197.:l Orama) Pamela Sue Mr1111n l'a1ker 51l'v1,n!;on ( 1 hr 40 min) Sl "S1t1•11c.fl Of lhl' Norih" (1961 . Adventure) f llnn n ur<:tyn, l om Sker1111 LI hr J!i n1111) Hl(C "Corky ( 1912 Otama) nooort Blake Ct1.11lnlle R11mphng (I hr 30 min) a.(tf) "flash c,or<lon· ( 1ego. Science F'1c· 11011) Sam J Jonpc., M;i~ Von Sydow ( 1 hr . 50 rn111) (l) 'Advont111es 0t The Wiiderness f11m1 ly' ( t97!> Adve111u10) Rabell Logan. Susan Dam:mle ( 1 nr . 40 min ) (0) "Quincy's Quest" ( 1979. Fenlesy) Anirnoled (I hr . ?O mrn ) 0 "Brolher Sun, Sister Moon" ( 1973, Biography) Graham rnulkner ,)uell Bowk er (2 hrs l (Z) "Bud<ly Buddy' ( 1981. Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Walter Mallhau (I hr . 36 min) 4rl9 (C) "Christm as Mountain" ( 1981, Ora· ma) Sllm Ptekeos. Mark Miller (I hr , 30 rmn ) (aJ "Tolle All Of Me" ( 1978 . Drama) Richard Johnson. Pamela Vincent ( 1 hr • 30mln) •(I) "Flddle1 On The Root" ( 1971, MUSI· C81) TopOI. N0tma Crene (2 hra . 59 min) (I) "Skkk>o" ( 1968, Corned)') J~le Gle&!IOO Oroucho Marx ( I hr • 38 min ) -Monday Conl. fJIU I 1lttnl t'• 1111,lltuUu nt. 1111>i_111t11t t lhu lu~.1 to~ tHtf'I uHd •1tl•11"1••W!J w 11t1 1t1t11) 111 lltt• lnlw1h ·1lu1vwt •l'••••l •11 lht• '•"'""' 1111 11"""'""" I I.' tu I Cl MOV. Ill Y'> N'""' I"'' I 11111, \ 11n1tttl"J ~111 Nnv11~ l1111u1•. \ 11U lu 1 Wht•t ti ,h,tJ1t fy 1•Hllft\I I ··~t 11111h•1t.1 .... •I "''# tt•'11t1tlt I I 1 •1••1 I .1 .• l1n1I•, h1u1 lt11 1 l1t•~1' 11\t•t llH•ffl lll1UI N 1 llftfJ 11 h•1t 1• 11lt •lfo~··111l 1111.l1111-,1•1u !l ,.._ TA&.I lltlATlll lt,111·.111 A111I ( ,1utt1I H11 ~y •,,tu 11ftH ;lfH1 Jo1tt t 111111. .ftU 111 11 lul1• ol lwu ln·d 1 luld1tt11 ""'"' 1.tll lftlU Uh• t h;fc llw. ul •If• ""'I Ywlh II with ·10 111sa1m1111• •11'1"'1111 '"' 1111111rr11 11 '" I 0MOYll 111,. Ht111111•1 '111111111111', I 1'1/11 1Jr.11111l) 1>1,~ \/.111 l>y~I' kollhh•ttll IJ11111l,111 AC dlholtt J>fht"1l 111 1'1e•d h11 ltn~ ltlllt«lnt Pl 1 11un wtlh whu111 IW t111d hurn1 •,u·~p••c 1t1d ot lluv1111J 1111 .1111111 I'<. ( t t11 t'I """ J Ml (11) AU. IN M 'Al& Y U1 I) ll.l IUQI IUNNY'I lOONfY CffNllllAI T~I A1111n.1111d lh1<)'• lhir111y .11111 t.1•, U'1•HI "' W.tl ~y p.11· • Pl1•l>1.tl•· ( 1111 .. 1111.r' w1U1 H1tut vw" vtu'.HH• ul l h11tl1•·. l>11 k1•11 A l.t1rn.trn11'> t "'"' II It ~~AMOru ~ IOMQ WNTtJtl 1111111111 I 11111• I •1111 po~, (\urto11' .uu· "'''••ftH "' -..lu h tut• t Ho w Att• I l1111<J, Inc .Im 1 ,, M1111o1 1 lht Devit Mt1011 ,1111J 1111 A < h•.11 I 1.1y • '"' C.dtl ~<'t' I 111i•v1•1 I'""'• w1111•1• l 111 y Ken BuhlJy 11.111.i 11o<t M.11111.i w .. q111 " lh~ rndy•l ol .1 'I"' ••I •,111111 I I tor I a:al@ MOYIE ( ,,.,f Ill I •h•11 < l'I'>'• ltr.1111.11 Jdmes D••t111 h1l111 H 1111·. 11.1'"'" '" 1111 novel t>y Jt1tu, '-,1t•j11l1t ~ k I 111 11,11 •• 1 h•\t'• c.tedlt:'!> c.0111111.I ,,,.,,..,., 1 lw" ltoy-. 11111 ft)t!U fttlhlH (;> f1fl, "~ thU' Ml lZ) CIEIAICOflE t::tll) Cl) M•A•t•H l ""''"'' f •lh., .11•,111·11. the worsl wtltoll 111 w•li "'"" ,, '""''I , .. HJw"eY" .1111J ""'"•Iv ,,.11 11·1 111111 """"' wh.i111 .,.1r· o m MOVE H,.,,.,.,,,,,, .• ,,. I 1" l••Vl (Prenuere [)1,1111.11 l\irh 1>1111111.i·. f',1111 Duwt>t11 A 11111lt1tl' ·11.J•· N1•w Y11rl. w1<.l11wl'r Pxpc11entP'· .tn t-ttuHutn.11 ''"""""'n w1lh lht• WOlll.111 111• t1,11J l11v1'1) .f', .t 1!•1•11 •hl1'I Ill f>o l,1110 wt1p11 II"'""' 111~ i1.111qt11 .. 1 r1.1v1•t ht l:.•del tor ltlt' W 111hl t 1.Jll11•111111 ol 1t11t11 CfiU1:>1 Su1111vu1.., (;'Ill" J 0 MIOOllff'l llllNY NEW YEA.A 1\111111.tl••d Al.dolnh t1.ivr1.., 111 111.111y 1••111u t.tr•!l" 11 search ol H.1µpy !tu• llo11ty N1•w Y1•o11 who:.e tJ1-..1p1ll'.ir,J111 1• lo.1·. I .11twr f 11111' worned (R) (I h1 I @) DOM COfrYW. G) m:RV 011FF1N ,,,,,1.111• I • 1111· 1111~.11 Family" Gut>SI'• nnt.H•JI I di "Y I <lw1111 Sewell Bavt•1•,111( t. P 11111•t.i M,1•.1111 W1tl11tl 12tde White ( 1 111 J ~ PlEDQE IREAJt l11'1j'lldrl) c '""lllh"I programming 111.ly lll' 1 .. 1.,,.1•11 il11" It) pledge breaks El TOI' IWIC IODIO (R) D MOYIE Your lu111 My 11111• 1 l'l/'I Orama) M<1rl1•np Jub1•11 Pt'"~''"' t • .. 1.1111 Tne wife o l .m 111'>C.'n.,11o~t· ••'l'"'' p1111111 "' dec•dPs to q,1111 1nele1 t-111!1>11u· tiy .1.11111111 a caree1 111 1n1e11u1 d('<,1411 I t hi 4() ITllll I l0 ) MOYIE Snulhp111 < 11111lurt I t9B I Orama) Kr111l ( '"'''''"''' Ptow•'•'> Oomh•• A group ul N<1t1on,11 <..i11.i11J.,111c>11 1111 wrr~ end maneuvPf', 1(1 ,1 l uui...,1,tn.i lMf'C"' spark J sm.111 yurrrilla w.11 w1lh .i Lun111111 ntty of ba<.kwoo<1'> C.111111•, ff ( I 111 40 111111) (SJ HAU!l.WAH OOlfl£LI (,h•11 I .• 1111pl~·ll and Andrae Cm11ch art' rio..,h It> pNl01n1 CIS Ray Charle'>. flelll('(.I' With •111S W illlt'I and rrerna1ne H.iwk111~ .mi.I the 1tawk1110, Family ilnd ll•f' lniµNt.tl!. 1n lh•'> celt:brc1 II 1 I ii • pt'I 1111.•ti l.1ptt1f ul lhtt f 'Y'•IH' f 1,,tfunlt 11 111 t •·II 11•1 J '" vt ( illth lf111t f I 111 I l MOV. t lhH•I (I 11.11 Mll'.11 ,,,, 11•11• M1~ I ly I h ..... littt••I A 'fUlllllJ .......... , •• ~1J11i 111·lff11t11l11."••'N l1drl1t •• , ..... ill J., ti I ,, If ••••. , •••• ,, •• I tpt 11111 t••lltlll " I I' I ·····~I.at I I I I .. • ~ m IOU>ONI• .. 11 m l&All( MJIMU • OAAMOI COUWTY M.1•P 11~ .11111 f11h"''' f,1 1t111·,11>il I •lfl•t •11 , , "~', ,, Ii''"' 11 ,t r 1 •• 1 t v 11111 11 , 1 ;pf ,ti ~ t•h•l •toth• If ' 1 f 11 f 1 II 01 I 1:111) (8) MEWMAllT A 11111•t """ 1 .... 1 .. ,1"' ,,,,_..,., 11$ 111 lllt' I If 1llptd lt111 t lfld WH I I t••1ll~ ull f1..-1 h•HI 19 1 MOVIE 11.1.1' '"'"' '"'•'' 1 l'l/ll 1-11H11.ij M.ut111 H.11.,,1111 J1 1 ,1•ph ( 11H1·11 It lJtu t•n1tH•1 1~M I 1.1p(uu•·,1• 11111 "'· ,.,11dy ttu•llP.1•fv111, to "11.11Jf1I .t 111.i•,•.1vt1 nu d •• ,11111 'Ill 1'1 .. 111 lloHlllll (.' tll'. 111111111) Qg) IENTERT ~ TOMIGHT ®·~CITY A ""V''" ,.,,,, rl1.1111.1 btJ'_,t•d 011 ,J,u11w. ''lt111k1•ll , 11uv1ll ~11 lktl• 1111 !fl lttP h1tt1111t Ill y111U', ,,1 1 HU 1'114 (f',111 11 I I lot I H1MOVE ltu• I 11•111fl I11'11h•1t.111I • W11111 ,111 I t•Jll t I J1,111i.1J M1•1yl '.t1;•1•p J1•11•11•y lnu1·, A11 .1tt,&11 twlwt•••fl tw11 ,n tf1P 1•, p.11 tllt•h•d 11~ Utti 1t11 11tUH11 I .. 110•1 t1lt11 H• wt11L h H1t lwo ti•' i•••lfuu11111q H (, ,,,., •1 111111 } *-8 tU CAQNEY & LACEY A 1111111111• ""' ·.11•<1 r~er•,011• .1 ~.1q11ntt•fll t•,phuJt .. 11nfc1 .1 "'·•l4H tm.,.1t11y 1f11J tt,111•1 • ,.,,. ,uti) c hu•. 1·-. lurwft•,J c1v1~f hy ·• h.uut',,Htu• '.11 h11 t 1 '''I BommNEWa MOVIE Mt< .1111• A111I Mr· M1ll••1 I I'!/ I W1·.,1t•1111 W.u11•11 ll1•.1lly J11f,,. ( f•tl',111" f ',lffl1t t .1 f tip I flt1 .1111 ·' UI .. t •.1ti.•ll tt11t1111q I 1w f1 iully ll h.t\tl ldh~111 tHJl.lflf""t_,t. it•h•fP .... t•, Ulf>'V't• 1'1 1>t1 trll'lll (I 111 lO 111•11 J O.]) CKAllUFI AMOELI ED QREAT P£RfOMIAMCEI I l.tlll ' '" A111t1rn .1 fit•yu11d ltw M.w1·.lrP.ttH fflt' 111 lo v.u11•ty 11t 1!.1r111• .11 l1v1ly 111 h1ft· '111111 l•l"· .111<.l "'"''' 11(111 lt1~·.1111c.<1I plolt.1''... tt11• ft•fllt1Ut1 •d n111·~1t,1• Hu• 1no11110,f1••etru of d.111(..t'"' • •·voltJt1nf1 IJV•'' lftr• p11·,,1 ;•o yt1.t1'. (Ht 11 t11 I IC MOVIE '( .11111111 <.11py· ( t'IU t <.11111" tty) Lt•n1~1· <,1•y.1I, 1111"'"' :~111111 .J.Hl\ft'. /\ '•liLLP'·'·ful wtoh• bu",lllt•·.·.r11iHI d1·1t lJVttf' lh.11 111• '"'' " q111w11 """ wlto •' tJl111 k f'L' { t 111 1'11!1111 l t $) MOVE Mo11te1tl'y1t I t'IH I l.111111• ly J Su• .. J11 Art•,p.t1..li r 1l.11uJ .l""'-'P"""" A ftPljif'l.ll'd w ile 11.1v1•I•. 111 "'"' khnlll• .1111! CH!-glfl~ .H1 .ttf.111 w1lh .J 111.tn ·.tit' nu•I If! .. 1..o~i1te1111.111 111yhl! 11111 H t 1 t11 .11J "'", 1 0 MOVE ftw I ur t.,1•,i.url' I t'lll I Otan•.JJ Al.111 Aldo1 t .1111 H,11111.'ll I tifl•t• l1'llj>lt'' .111 t..h)• .. •• lt1HC_J IU11t+ hu·1nt .. ,,,.,, l•••tl(.t> ,uohHittd t f1,111lJt"> 1r lht•H , .. 1.11t(>fl ·~nip~ wti...-n nttt· tit lhe rnt.trrt.llJ"'' ch .111 lrdle'• Pli ( t '" 'I 111111 J ntE Y1RQllAJt 10::30 ll>EPOl>EJff METWOM NIEWI llQMAT\IRIE Gue!.1 C 1ru11• rr.1111.1•, ntE MIElJRON IUTE J,1111p llurt.1· •llui; ru1tP ... d 10111 1hinuQt• It••' I u111.in 111.,111 .11ul ""'ent1JI ru•tvuu·. >f h11tt w1tt1 ,,s,,~e< 1,JI cllL~h rllllf11tH4Ull Jftcl '''''''Vlf"W~. w1U1 11• 1eoe®e~ ~ ~. IA TUll>AY NIGHT ltllMCHCW- W.ltntEFAIAY HAMY-0 MOVIE ' A Bluep11111 I 111 M1H1IP• . ( 1953. My51ery) Jpa11 Pell'"" Jo•,l'pli Crn1en A man a11empl<, tu PIV"" h1.., ..,,., IP• 1n law 11uilty ol Ille p111'.11n 11l•<1lh'> ,11 l1t1; h11"itHtt11J 111.J d•HIUhh•t t I t11 t•; 11111 , (l<CI lllUD IAQ 111·,1>11 • •111 '"'" Holli ,11lt1· f tf1tt t t~lhll• 111J l 1Uli11t Ht• t lltUlllfldtJ 111 1111 lw J ••f1 .t•tu lltttl d•··•l', wllh 1t1nk ~~~~1.11~1·1 11 .111 IJ l MOVll ltwft fJ1 ',1 • I 1~n ::,11t.tW I t'l/11 ,,, It 111 htl 1111 .. II I 1 tH UH •·tth• d• 1 /\ 11•1·.lu.ul ut yt>t•nu Ntlll•1•t1 ....... q ,,,, ... 11uu ••I• t1111 rtlUlJd''"j ~1•11v1• 01 1 .nqJ t11ou11f,ur1 v1ll1aut• (I f11 'U1111r1 I 0 MOVIE Ar II ''I I ,.,.,, 11 11101 (I 111 t(J 111111 J 1t::IO I) 18 1 ~fl JOHN, MJ). I 1 lll'Jl"I I 1111110 tlftd f j111lh 1• tH1llttJ ~,q11ttd 11 f t11 tlVt.tfl lt HWH1f,il t1,1nu l iv j\e•r•JJllllJ ot 1u1111h tt10:Htl ·.c•1 '"t (HJ It 111 t() 111111 I CiJ 6!) ntE llEIT CW CAlll<* 11(1'.f .1uh1111y < .• 1p,u11 ( '"'"·'" 1'"111110 f1,n111i41111 ~a1tth V,1<=·· IJ1 < .. 111 "·•!1•"1 lftl I I tu l I YOU AllCED FO.. rT UC NIEWI NIQHTUMf ooocowu IONQ WNTEM !111111111 I''"" t .0111 I"'"''' llur1011 I •1111• 1 11•.11ur 111 0,11<.h IHI!> dS I ltow A11• I h11•y'> 1., c .1111 1 .1 Morra ... "Old l.t .. v1t M'"'" .11111 1111 /\ 1.1t·•11 0.1y Yov c.,111 •,, ••• f11u·v•·r l\>H•'• ',111ye1~ ltJ"Y kl'tt n11111>y 11.11111 .111<1 Mo111h.1 W11g111 111 Ult' 111,;y1t 11t .t qoud ""'"I I I tor I Eli) FOCUI OM IOCETY t IPORTICDfTER HI MOYll c Jhv"' I I lhlj Mu•.11 .ti) llon Muo1ly ()ftv«I f\I·• ti A YHll"Y 01µh<>n IS r 1J11.1"'J•l·•I 1111111 111 ''"" 11111111< l.ty h1!> utd q..-u•q tut 1J1.11t.u11·· h 1'1.4 .tJ)t• .u1d reluru fl tu•, IJ••rwl.u lcH I/ 111•, 40 ft11f1 I Z MOVIE 11,, '.1•11·.111.11•. N 1w.<' ( l!H9. < 111111•1ly) 111 u1.1 A111l11'~'> Uuiho Del I '11 I< ( '" 1 •dy 11'/,Jlrvf'•, 11111' " sensual 111 '"'" ,, N11Jhl111y.il1· ic, l<1ke Lare of an ,1q11•q t I 11111 ',11lh•1111y lllJll• d dc'ftL..tle h(:atf 1 11r11hl11>11 fl ( t ''' /0 """ I '1)700CUll 11::151C, MOVE Mrn11y l'yrlion A11d The Holy Ur:i11 ( 11114 < .11111l't1y) !1raham Chap· "'"" 1111111 c ·"'•'"•'' K111y A11hu1 ,111d his l1o11111 111 ~111qt1t . ,.11< 11111111•1 y1.111b. r1clt:Uers .11111 ,, ll'l•)L11111· r.1111u1 11 tt11•11 search tor 1111• h•ye11d.11y 1 llP (I Ill 1'1111111 J 11l40($1MOVIE lh1• I "'"'Le•' ( t97& Drama) t ""' I il'>IW(lttd I y111• Oo1ty . fJ11ty !tarry" ( .. 1U.1t•.1111•, 101111.'rl lty ,., 1t:1r1.1le 1uok1e in his IJW'.Uil 111 ,, ijr<Jup ut Ldltforn1a revotu11on .111('•, lPlllJll/111\j San r ra11c1sc.t1 'Jr { t fir . 36111111) t2:GO I EJfTtRT ~TONIGHT UC NIEWl llGHTUME • MOVE 'App111111111,.111 With DJnger" 1 1911 t (Jr,1111.1) At.111 l o11J1J Phylh~ C;:il ._,..,.,, fw~' W•Hl1t"ll ,111S ·• pu~t ulflLe lftveSh q.11111 '" 1,1L••'• I,, 111.111 "•hh<'ry ptol (2 hr< I (.! MEWS (10 llOVIE II• 11 W .1v1• ( 1974 IJ ·I,., .. , (jt M 1upl y fl11r.1u1• nt-<leha A 1111111 J """" 1111! h• p1eg11.inl wile ''"""'I 1 Ill q•·t to II f' 11u1u111.11n•, and oul 11 1111• hol t 1y 11 .. 11111• 1111='11 OJby am11es .l.2 111 )0 II Ill I W MOVIE llt»tA 111 M11 •t<o (1 967. Hrnru1) W•lli.1111 Syh1•· .11·1 1>1aru• Clare I 11ve """'"~ 1.h~.1·.t,...r 1111 ,, t1P,wl1lu1 woman hl'C.·•"''" 111 l1r1 µretlrlec.h<•ll tw sue.king t11c t.llOv•J 11l 1111·,u·,µ1•1.fl11lj 11101tal:., ( f hi :10 m111) Q) LOVE, AlllERtCAN ITYlE 0 MOYIE lhe P0t$~Cll\l<'• ( 1975, Ura '"''' J;i1 k N11 J1ul'.1111 M.m,1 S1 h11c1r1er A TV 111•w«111,111 "n ..111 Alric 111 a ... s1ynment Friday December 3 1982 27 -Tuesday Cont. "crtorni.H1tr"··. ,, i Wldt-" I UHJI ' Jdtlt '" are prp.,.·nto• 1 t I lol 11111 I l:tl @ MOV1E I •', , • I'•'> IV• 1t•11 I 8.JrtJ.tt I ,I 11 hl "' t 111 y •hi 't',111 ;\ hftd 111 1.ttJy 111,1 1.-.i f1t•t!1 f11111t)• I ,111 ~>ft>"''' , 111 If 11~ It JH In .tl1 h fpl d 11 I ,npr tJ• ' J' '• '' J t •..;,. I • i1t1f"f' hr 4~"" • .. fJ A.NOY ft.l.WtS' EAlll Y NEW ENG- LAND CHNST¥A8 fl•• •1 VI ll1,m1 .111d '·'" c 1at U''" 1 11, • 111y 1 l.1•1' 1 .. 1. 1•1 )•111 o .. k v.11 r '"', ,, • 1 ur 1 '"', ·, <. 11 ... ·~ rel,;pr HI• It••· •I orol .tr'll I •r I .111 llHt1 c.:.Pntury NPW r n~ldl d ( ,,,. fllhi\. lrd lll H+f .;,,hPlbt11•·•' M I •• ,,,, t11•lt1t;fl1t , •• , rnr1r'I 4 I tu o m aT. ELSEWMERE ,, .... ···r · , ••• ,1 unp·~ H1f• , !It ·~ 1r ' ...,ti, ,, t .,. 11 JI ',,,,, •• ,,, • t11f" u11d•'' ft" It, 1 1 ''' \JIT• 1.11u 1 • II d nr ( tV.tl•••f fp ! ' ,_.,it I •t• ••t•H11l t11H t 11 hr I BO al NEWS @ HART TO HART ltu 11111 "t 11111 .1 dangt"Ou'-hju.td• wt,,, ,1 f111 At n1 111 '1"'-4''Y' P\l 1 ,. J I•'' ti t 1t-1 II t•ltl t I ·~"0''''' (!)MOVE H11·,r1t1Hl , 1•tl•1 1>1 u-,a1 t 1 111 nr•morl. M11•'1•· M ;rklo,1111 fl wr "'"" tPL. 1rlf'r f,Jl--,. •t 't lthtfld • 1k t1 lt•t' I q 1nnnPy "'''''? f Jr • 11l11lu • I 1,, ¢ MOVIE •,; r.,,1 I t•ttt() ( "r'""'Y' M.;1 11n Mull low·.ol,11 W••lol fl ti,1pp11y r11.1•111•d M<111r ( )IJr Ir< 11p11• .10 1111flr'<1 hy Hu•oo lu~r'1t f 'U'•l., fl hi • q 111 I tlff'U 1f1~t hleslylo" r1 I I I 1 11 ""r I $1 A NEW DAY .. EI>tll /\ l "wo•d 11 l,11111ly hJtrl', , •. 111;UI 11 tWtl 1ntn •• '1h•'1••1 'l'lllVt•ft,l l•un ' " I< 1 r "t 11 l 0 MOVIE T•11• fl, r I•·• I •Ii I [Jr 111• 1 JflC.'-Nie ht 11• un \/ 1lf''•P J 'cir t 11P /\ t 1• •11'• bnrdf•t ()U.H • v,1111"' 'c..1n1t• tt1 f nntl1t I with 11111•~· ••1 111· • lltJfll t r> wrnkpr·. '""' his mdll'ltilltst•C wrl• H 1 I hr 4'> rnu m TltE VltGllAN *11 fill TltE CAI( Of OA8HIEll HAl!mETT A hln• por1ra11 nl S;irrn1 .. 1 Oa<,h1f"ll H.-11111111•11 111( 1Ur1"<. <.( t'llP fo Ill f I lr>I I f 11() (Ill op<l l;fs nPw n1fiv1r .1t>0' I Jl.t• ,. ;1tu1f 01 I 111h 11 views with l11s lnrol)l1rn1• • '1111p.in1rn l 1111.111 Hollman ( 1 hr J -; llD9'£llDEJfT ........ ri-WOM-.WI llQMATUllE GuP<;I Judy (.ol1t11., ) ITAllDIMO ltOOll OILY "\.ountry fll'lt"k '62" Th,. Oal< ll•d{l(' £loy<. file (,ltJtllf' Daniel<, OancJ .1nrl nno;;inrtt• < .. 1.,h pr>1lrn111 their lalPSI hol~ 1'1 this t>1•111•flf 111nc 1•rl tllf!P\.I .11 !toe PonP fllull [~OflVl'fll"lll ( l"lfft•r t! hr . 10 m111 ) (OJ MOYIE ' Teen lUP lh11 hh1~('r<. ( 1"1/4) Kathie Ch11-;1opt11•r 'ia1ttlr.1 r1>o1ho<1y R l_!hr 30min I (5) ROMANCf: IENEA114 THE MAGIC 1P;1rt ·w1 •. Cl)@). m ... IATIIRDAY 9IOHT •llMatOf-HAMY-0 QUIZU>I ~ IPOR'T A '.,('.1r111ihc P•pli 11.1111111 of athlellc perfOfmilncf'> wh1c:h c..an aid <11h letes 1n 1mprov1ng lheu yflme !RI ({) lllOVll "Boll Tlrrnny' f 1960. Or11111;i) A rt Gorhmkel HilrvPy Ke•lt>I A posst><;!;1ve psychoanalyst :rnoJ il c-,lyh«;h yOuf\g wnmnr begin e tragic rnmance 1n V1Pnne ~r P hrs, 3 min) rl) lllT Cl' llZMllf John Byner show• yoo 1h1ngs s11eng1>r lhan truth l11rl]"' 111111 hie. and 1anie• than anylhtng you vi" Mer seen t1i11 ....... MP<Ml'T tW lt7J 90¥ll "The Man 6eh1M The (,un · ( 1963, Wf>!ilern) Randolph Sco11 Pa111<:e Wymore The crty ol Los An(leles •8 lound 30 Friday. December 3. 1982 >d 1111 11Jqli 1111• 1•tl1111• 111 t>fh dfllf'lfll1t\N' 111,U I t1f JI, IHI( ' 11:JO f) 8 QUINCY Jttl 1 f' "" l•<!•lluJfl nl I I 11 It Hitt '" H Jt•t 1• 1t J• h11 t It l1t•lit.,._.• ftdt lhtt r•1ur1t l1•t1rJ1.fu1111u1 1r1 1f)1t1 ii..~n ••·~.Pd h lfu 111111 duJ nul tt•.clly r 1)f1Hr11I ll I l.r Ill IOHll} 0 m TOMIQHT H 'I ''' r ' fl' 1 111 I I ('l_QJ MC NEWS NIGHnME YOU UKED FOft IT ~ SONG WNTOtS Arlh11 • I w II!/ " lf•Ok lt ftlf'l r i10••,jf •·I ft11 rriar 1P<,, ''' • .t•h l11r I tir f1.1mJW.1t}•lfl ollHI A lrt>t'' •'ow• th (irc'o~l;n 1.1t•tJ•IHl 111• ' ••• ,,y.., (>.ilH 11u; I I ·t' IJ ut• I , VI' Mo• 1 •hffll!lllol •l) I Ht n11•rt.l/"I ) •• ii) 1•ul I w,11 M,1kr· I ho M,u1 l11yt• M•• ,ir, .. tJ,1nty fh1•/,.1jlf f I 11.111~ ... i11u ,li11Jy k..1yl' ( 1 hr E 8PO«TSCOOEJI ~ NC« 8'MfGf1El..D .. CONCERT I ''' 1 1 ... 1,J "ng<, Jo'<.~l' I'"' lfuJ lh('r t11t • I pt1tfnrmrtllt 1• lu1111 fhe new lltll'f't'r' .. t A111pt11(lto•al11 11 I• 1• flroq«lt" 1 tu ii ll 11 m 1'00CU.e 1125 1'C I MOYIE I ••I ' [In II A1J.11r ( 11 J /'1 ( m11t>dyl '11rt111'y I"• 11111•r n11t C .rhl1y A U1•l"Uhln .Jlld ,1 fd• tnry wnrkPr 11t1l):lOe 11~ (OI lf1no olfll1 loy(lll >lo'.rll 10 ril SJ" l11n I• I· I t1'451"·;·~t1'~~···· ""') ~ ENTOT AllmEfT TONIQHT (1]l TltE UST WOAD • MOYIE fl,1ll;irt (ll A l 1u11l1Qf1h'' l l'lfi3, Wt•SIPrr•) M.trly no1>t1tn'> flott fla11or1 Ai ur1•.pnk1•r, llos1r111y t1l'lweer1 lw1 rn11l,1w" 111t1•11s1l11''. wl1r•n ll1Py h<il'1 lall f1>1 lhf' <\.'UTH1 ll'' tr' Ill~ ) ~ = M.1<1t•r ()I l11r> World ( t'lb I "ic.11111c:P f 1c11011J V1n1.t'nt l 'r1CC', Charil" Aror1"'~'-'" A rn.10 'tr1v10CJ fnr wprlcS pPac f"l 111f'<. tu el1rr11nillP ltle .1r111a111i>n1<. cit ii• n.itmns (:?hr<,) Q) LOVE. .-.CAN STYLE H 1 MOYIE r 1nal """'!lrtme111 I 1 um flramM Gerip11rt>vP. ll111ntt1 M 11 h,wo Ynrk A <.11n.11i1..:tl1 IV •f'PWIP• '" Mnc,cow <II<. covers a R11'l<,1dn "C1£>1111t1c; E>•pc11111en1 1J<;1r14 stf'r1111h om ch1lcJro11 ;mcl s.rn11y!,jlf'<. 1nr11mrnahnQ n1.11enal out ol thf' co11n1ry PG' (I hr JO m111 l <01 MOYIE lntlP<.enl r •pn<.111£> · 11981 J Vr>ro1111.a H.irt )p5<;1p SI ,IAm•~--( t hr :JOm111) 0 MOYIE Sdhtrday Th(' 14th (t981 ('.111111'1ly) fl1l11<1rt1 APn1am1n, P,1u1a Pren 11<;<, fl r:o11ple d1scovo1 lhal lhP house thl'y'11p 1nhe11tPrl is tJP•ng oc1..up1ed lly vampues yho-:tc, and assorled mon<.rers PG (!hr l'>m111) ( Zl MOYIE "f\11dtly Aucldy" ( t 98 t, Conw dy) Jack l ernmon Wnlter Ma1thm1 While an assassrn co11cenlr11te!:. on hos next kill 1n9 he •S r11dPly 1nlerr11pted by a bumbltng la11ure ol a rnnn who 1s Allernphng suie•de ·n· ll_ h1 . 36 ::J tHI 0 Q) LA Tt wnM DAVI> lETTtlmAlt Guost comedian Myron Conen ( I hr I I (!) TOii com..t: WI Q.Oll LOVI, MmlCAN ITYll ~ Cfrt A soven l)f!rl ()1nma bnsed on James Plunkolt's novel ol Dvb ltn 1n the turbulent yAars of 190 7 19 t d ~arl2) (I hr) ) T1ll W1B It THE w> tM Cl) ...... a Sgt Enr;ghl IS arrested IOI the murde1 ol his e• wife (A) U hr . 20 min ) IM 8 llCMI "The Naked Runner" ( t967 Drema) Frank Sinatra, Pe1e1 Vaughan flrlllsh lnteOlgen<;e reQuesls lhal an Amert· can t>usJnessmen &SS.!lsslnete a defector while In East Getmany with his son 0 MOVIE 1 ht lrllP<l"''!llr· Ye,tr!. ( 1968, C:oml'dyl llr11 ... rl N1v1•11 I ola Attmyhl A 1; ,.,. .:J!oW r.i•• l.ltnw 11 11w•1111ght mucn 10 '"'' r.uner' lhtiY"' It tir JO min J I ~J MOVIE T ht• D.mny Aoventurer I 1C\47 W1",fl'rrt) [)\Jlltdf1 nl'rMllfo Milrt1n •.,.,~:~I ( t 111 10 min ) 101 AIMNTTOMIGHT (I) MOYIE Hero's Island ( 19G:? Adven t•irt•J Ja1111" Ma!,011 Neville Orand In the 1100<. , p11.1tP arui oJ to1mer .,ravl' batllP 1 ~PPP 11 ·~l.111<1 o ll 1111• CaHJlina:. hon f,1thr1q to lht• 1 or•trol 111 tJ pdtr "' yrPPc.ly t1111thPI!. t I lir 30 fTHfl I E, MOTOCROSS \meraqv 111 the IA(, CIMX W u110 ( 1o,1111p1onc.n1p nl 01cy tit M •lltr(I ' Ir "" '" 1 .. inaptth~ h11j (R) l' nr I S MOVIE I 1111•1 lht• N11,1,1 . ( 1981 Ail~··n!IHI') I •.fl•l N••r Su•"lf' Geor(Je A• Am1·111 11 "'"'"·'r alls P•pP•I "4'1S out 111 avenqf' lht 111•lf\Jt•r 111 ti1s be~I lrienu fl ( I hr :)0 mm I 1~ @ lllalOt M'Olla.E 1:JO CJ m MIC .WI OVEllGHT L MOYIE Never So f'"<>w ( 1%0 Ora nal r1.1r1• S1na1ra (.,1na I .. 1rnh11y1t1a A fr>, HIP<.<. nrt1rpr 1ear1c; fiOO 111en 1n sabot.lye 1•tf11rts aq.i1n..,1 lhP 1.ira11e-..1> rhmnu WcJrlO WJ1 II t:' l•r ':i m111 I 0 MOVIE 1111~1<,h rk'hQht I t974 O.a 1n.i) nu1qf'I Ha111'r M11111qu1• Van Oe Vf'r A young <.c11lptor m,11r11•<. ,, wnman whose lLlPet•tE' l<>t tun 111.11< tiPS 111<. 1w11 R' ( 1 hr 40 rn1n 1 0 MOYIE l hP I d<.I 1 yt.aun t t 976 O.a ma) no!'x'rl OeNiro Jeanrw Moreau In the Hollyw11oa ol 1r1r 1930s one man's ,ucc,..;s nMl.Ps h11n the h1end ot stars. 1he "'"'Y ol pnwpr tiunqry E'•ec1111vf'S and the most el141t1l1• bachf'lnr 1n 1ow11 PG' (:? hrs ;> rrnn) 1~ H MOYIE Oh Hf'aventy Doti (1qso Cornedyl C:hevv Chase Ben11 While 1nvf'<.l1ga11ng ,. pohllc.al se~ !>Candal 1n I 11nt1on .i p11vatl' dr>tec11ve 1s murdered 111<J ff'lnCilr118leCI ii'> •• o;crulfy dog 'PG {I hr 41 min} t• lCl MOVIE 0 Lucl.y Man1' I t973 Ora ma) Malc.orm McDowell. RAlpti Richard <.on A coUce salesman is captured as a c.py and c;ent to puson where he contem plates a career rn the movies (3 hrs tO min ) 1l4S ( 21 MOYIE "Sk10oo ( 1966. Comedy) Jackie Glea'itm Gro1Jtho Mar" An e>1 h11 man is aided by his daughter and her · !lower children· lrien<Js 1n escaping a rowerlul mob boss who's out to gel him tor not carrying out a cor11rac1 'PG' (I hr. 36 mm) i.. Cl) CM NEft leQtmrATat ~ ~ IAllCfTIAU. tndtona Hoosiers al Notre Dame F1ght1ng lush (RI (?hrs ) ·1._.HAT"°'-tll ..... ~--0 90¥ll "Highway Draynel'' ( t954, Orama) Roeherd Conte. Joan Bennell An e,.·Menne becomes the scapegoat when a beautiful girl he's known casually is lovnd murdered ( t hr 30 min) tie ttlJ WOlaJ> AT l.w. M (!).o¥11 "The French Lieutenant's Worn an" ( t981. Drama) Meiyl Stroop, Je<emy Irons An affair between two actors Is par- alleled rn the romantic perlOd film In which the lwo are perf()(mlng 'R' (2 hrs, S min) Ml 9 90¥ll "Brothel 0 1 The Wind" ( t975, Adventure) Dick Robinson A mount11ln men edopl& lour Olpl'laned wolf pups aoo ~ cheftshes their compenlonshl9 (2 .. Tuesday Cont. lllll~ fl,, "1"''""1 1'1111 '"'II I ll I"' I I )htyh1 'I J\,ll, 11 •111\J • 111 t11111 I ammi.l:•v_e_n---::l,._n-gm-..-.-.1.-• ..... ....... , .... ANQ(Lt CM .... IDQHT .. INOUatt AIC..._r) lll'A"t'H KAWAIAVI~ ...... lllPOftl '9CMIWt Hu1w.,-1u f'HROOQtl ntE Mn ( ) MOV'R N11 ltul,1:, N1c kh•lly \ l'M I (lf,t1t1,t) l>i·1t ~ Hu•ul 1 P•ll t Hu Jw11 kt• fh1·,•--tJ •in U11•. 1,,., •• ic l•y c r..ulu-, I ih .... 11• A 'fOilllU Ltd ~,1t .. 1np1· 111 p111f•H I tu•, lu1111ly hunt,.,, t;w 11• ,,..,, k1•d 01fhuuu tr t:' ht t H llOV'I! M. 111 , I ., I I 11 Wt • 1dt1fl I'"' '11t1t•, l flt M f .u1t.1·.y) ',1o1n t ,p,, .. 1 ~ U1vt•1 H111dy lw1 1tu111 fu d th,•111•.t•lv11• 111 d '••llld"i) w111l.J 111.,, .huJ ( 1 ht 1'1 u1u1) 0 NEW tTMt .. 'Otl Nfl QALA.XY M.111 ,. 11.11 .. 11 .11111 1<.e11111•111 '111w. '"" .11111111q 1111 rot1k1t1'> p1t ·1111•<1 111 1111 lo '.k 11 1111 NI I pult1Uhdl o.,up11r•,1,u·, 1 t ru ' m 'Otl .wet .. NQKT Ml@ tolM CHWLNOER: A SO. flJQHT OOYtlEY I ht• SIOly l>•''"'''' 1111 .......... , • 1,, ,, 111911 dll1h11!1· lt•ll(J .,, .1..... •• ,,,,,,, p11w1;111;1ll ""' 1,111 1111• '•'''•" l,lo,1!11•1111111 1•, 1Uld [I Ill J t2I all P'\.E)Q( ~ H1.,1111.u y "' '"'""''"! lp:~~Ji..:'~','~'~~s 11111y 11,. 11..t.1y1·1l 1hw " 1:9 WNEWt IWINfY aJ.£R ~cm " ···~·" t•.111 01,1111.1 tld!.ed 011 J.ime~ F'1u11to.1•11 , 1111~1•1 ,,f (Jut> l1n 1n lho 1u1bulen1 yer11" "t 11101 l<J 111 Pan 2) ( 1 hr J lllACND. I LEMEI lllEPORT '.,..Y'fAM WON.D OI PEOPlf CUNfft '9CNfft HAPP'YOAYI AGA* A.ICNEWIO ,.ll. llAClAZINE A l11ok 11 11•1· ·,11 f I .11 At11l!ocan "PY pl.1111• 1r1o11 , """'"· .11 1111)0 feel µe• '>t'lnr111 ,, wt>111.111 wno -.1·11· •,<111 i~cut~ cJ<1lf'> .J , '''"" ''"'""<''''" .... , OO'BIT.-xT TONIGHT 1ltlllEFI CO..AJff WMEnftJ> MOll'Tll TO TitE TOP Of THE WORLD N,J1u1ahSI<, Johll .11111 1.1111'1 f p•,f,.t li!l<t• v111wP1•, un J 11>u111o>y lo w11h11 4.'U 11111€'~ 11 the No1 1h Pole wh .. 11 tht•y 111&11 C.111c1tJ.i •, M h Arc11c tsland~ ( 1 ht 1 IUllMUlllEPORT 19\. THEA TllE: lfST EVEJI TEAMt (I. MOW "Roh111 And M .111..tn 11'1/h Rnm:inci>) Se;in (,onrit'•V Aull11•y HC'µ bur11 /\11 t>lder ,lfl• I w1•.,,, not11r1 Horn! tellJlnS ftor11 Oalllt• hc '>hl'IWlllltJ ( 1111?51 IU recl.i1m h1•. 11 ... 111111•\J Ma1U M.111.111 wit• 1 11.1· t!fllt'le<J Cl (l>llVf'lll ,111oJ l1ll.f't1 ht•t V )W' PG' (I hr 4!, 11)111) 10 ) MOYIE 'AhCI' ')w~·t•\ AltLP ( 19/l\ Horror) l 1nd.1 M1li!:'I [1 tiJl-r 'itwpµ.11<1 Member., ttl .111 llJlt.111 A11u'l1c .Jll f,1111cly ..i11• v1c11m1Led l1y .1 P'•Y< hnht 111111<:1011•1 111 1h1111 r111(l~I ·n I I ht 4k 111111 I ( l l MOVIE Arum.ii l .1.H ~er~ ( l'J 10 ( 0111edy) Mar• H111111 .. ," M.11u.111•I (lu111onl l .• 1pl,Jil• ~l'il1JllJ111,1 th1• Al11cdr1 eAplf>ler tf'IUtO!> 110111 •• II'( Piii e•pc•tj1f1u11 10 "''eai. tMv•x .11 ,) .01,.1ety mat11111 • Wt:t•kcnd CMllY ·n I I 111 1H "1111 ) I OAA*ll COUWTY TOOA Y t•t ... l:JI I<* THI TOft I' '""" I II I 111 ..... 1 ... 'I 'I I• tt1t•nl lf11tlf f, I f f f 11'(1 Nllh 1f l1tp t1• tJI••• ''''f ,ft111 hH••11it1u, ·• t t J1v•••1h111t f111 1rnt l11111d. 1111ly l•1t11f1h 1U1 t11t 111 it 't•I 1 ,,1,1v1ly t1•11d1u CJ "-'CCOOMI <* ICI A"'""'''' t 111, 11 I 11 lltt H11t1 ' 11t1lnt\_Jtt utul I p1 ',-iyu1 pt •viii•• 111,1 "'If IP; hH ""'· tlHf'1lt ~•' P•'I 1111 OkOOOAIC>HONOll II·• II.< I I .... , A,..,,\,. f t111,~1 I 1llt ••• ""'r'"'il .. ill f11111 1Hl•••h\I 11i11·H fi111111tw. f lltlt•1111u ft.11 ~ H1111111,h u1 1tu h '° .11 11., ,.,.,,,, d-ty' • .r ~'[~;;" r '' '"'""" ~ Cou.EQI IAlllfT'aAU. I '" I 'o1"1 •" 1111 111111, 11tolt• (.._1 t1r•, ) I YOU AMID P:Ott n M'A'l'H llQIUTIJM l .ou ... I l11dy I ""'"" f All&. Y FIUO lllAQ9C "'Oil ,un..a t I HDllY FOtil>A: THE llAM AND 111 MOV'IH I tu_., CJf101Ht111f '"-,( 1tttHt lifH 1Jt (Hit• ut Aff\t'fl •' • 1.tv .t11t 1H hJf .... 1 h,u ffl) wllh Mint.hp• ,,, -.0110 .,, t11•, t>t•»I '"nv1u.._. uu hut1nu '>tt <.nhj101 f'n111J wlUtf+ WIHI t\Hlt 1111 C)~,(,U l I"' J ID COlilQE IAl«fT'aAU. ""h.i11..i I 1y1o111 I ttJu•o1t:t'> v•, No •I•" I lttll1t' I llJhl11111 111.,h 11 111 1Utr1111) l:Ol I) (I) ~ 'DI IAClt wvt llut.k '"'ul lflntly .ig1u11~ lo yu11)C llltt two ldL!!O flll11n<l• 11110 lhe 1u11ule. u11ccwfl1tt lhJI '10 1~ < 1111y111y 11 vJludlJI!' ye111 -.111lt1n trun1 Glo t hi '> Sd le ( 1 ht ) 0 6) fATHIJI........, A telle1 011a11 1.iltt!. l 011vmc:e'> 1'1e 1ow11sµeoµle th111 J(llln Mtt;.hdftl Murphy 1!. u lt1mo1Js 1,1ank robtJe• ~r·~ HAPPY OAYt l.0111µ01111011 lror11 ,. new shoµp111y inall 1111ea1e11., to put Ct11H1 •!.1.ilham Ha1dwd•O oul nl busmess U U A Ctll.D't atY 1 tuc. Ooc1Jme111<11'Y pie st>1th a clu..e up look ar c.hlldren '>lruu qh••o w111t the daily lhrea1 ut violence hun \ll'f lliJPl!tS..'>1011 .inll ~PHtlUdl da1lo.11t•'>'. (I t11 I m MOV.: llJfdl lm,11 l111al' , •C!f(} Dr.1111c1J M,111111 11,11• .• 1111 lo·~·plt <..1111e11 111 Dt"<.t'rrtbf't 194 I ,f,1p.11w"t' lore <'" llldcJy Jht•ffl!"tHvc•, lo 11\CnHll ii 11\dV,IVP dlf H",·~,HJlt (lrt rc,ul H1tth<'lr ( I hi' ) (!) MOVIE 'V11y,11w (II l lie 0.111111C'tl IP.111 ,•) ( l'llh. 111,1111.il I .iy1) Ou11awo1y < >-.k.11 W1•1111•r In l'l')!J a ')l11pln,1il 111 I 1er ""'" Jt!W', 1•. tnrc •1'1 h) rt-lurr1 lu ( '"""""Y .illt'I tx'lllCJ CJ!'lllC"' perrr11'>~IOll 111 ··•II•·· (.ut>,1 (?Ill" I @ OUIZKIDI ED NOYA "Wit.iii W,t1LJ1 1 hP 111.111111hc.en\ gray whi!le'> olll' toll11w1>tJ oJh>ng 11tn11 11f1lllJ ,ii 111,11c11hur1 mcq1,1t1v11 <trtd an 111!0111illf' vll'W 111 l,11111ly Ille dlll(>llY illl">f' l11yhly 11111•1 l1ye111 be111yc, is prP'oe11trcJ Q (I 111 10 111111 I mi PUDQE IRlAlt negulJ•ly .... 11n1111.,tJ pro•~1,1mm1119 m.iy l>c 111•1,Jyt:Cf •kw lu pie<lyl'tJ•e,1b i C 1 litOYIE 'flt:lle Sl.i11" ( t '14 I W1•'>te111) < >e111' l 1ernc.>y RJll<hJlr>h <\coll A d,111ng w11111,111 le.Jvl'~ l1l'1 lltime to bec.01111! ttw learl1" of aro uuf1.1w bdn<l ,JI lhe dt1M> ul inc CMf Wc1r (?ht'> 1 (f .J U'Olfrscom:R IS)MOYIE "I he F1e11cr1l1 ... 1111•11i!n1·., Wt >•11 ,,n· ( 1981 D•d1T1d) MP.ryl S111~p .IPtemy 111111•, A11 alla11 t>et.,.e<.?n two JCl<11'> ·~ par .1lh•l11cJ 111 f11e 1pma11111 pe11t11l Mm''' wtllt.h lhe rwn ,111' perlnrrm11!,j 'fl' V '"' ~ """ I 0 MOYIE A..r11,.,., r hP (,1e.i1 111v1111> 11 tit, A 1vu111 '" 1 fhof1111t I '11'" lh1ullt rn tt1Ull1•1 I"' •ri•lt 1n•11l 1 t11hfl•JI ,,.,, uul 11'1111u '" 111• llu H111 hy M11•111tn111ti Hi t1fdc11 111 'lttlll •• l1t1fH ••• I jft'\}Hli wf111 It llouy t11h1tlll•tfl l.t 111 , I Ml QZJ AU .. THI 'AllL Y l:tl G TOQITHD II COMCO'T: TU 11.JeU AM> ... ~·'™ ,,,. 11 .......... '""' ""' "" l111.,lt11 11111 j11llnttl hy H11l1t11 <I C.111111ull .11111 lloti I h111ly '"' 11 '>llitil" 11 lht.' 11111:,u '"'" 1'140•, """' w.~t 1 ..... ' ''"" huk fur "'" """'''"""!} A11. I I'" 1•, ""''I -=-o OOl LAYlllNI a...._... 1.1v111111• 111u~ vullutttly tun 1 •lf1t•'• d lu•.hffJfl ruodhl wh1lt~ •JJY"'V u11 t11rr phtJft1q1.1pf1t'I l1oyfurn1ct j:.). fl.() M*Q WNTUll A•llH•I '.,( llWUll/ A loo~ nt "'" 1 '1H++<I ul ll1u 111011 1u~µ1111~1f)fU ro1 I tu• ft.u•dw1tu•1t1 ,uul A I too C .row• 111 !111J<>kly11 1t1111111q lo1•. '>"l•\,I'•. IJ,111t.1101J Ir• flu• tl.11h ' 1,rv" Mu '10111.,1111110 lo fl•·1t11•111t><11 \"1111 fly .111Ll I Wtll M.tlw 11111 MH1 111111• Mi '''" N.1111y llt1<;•,.)11il r tl I v.111ku .11111 J111ty K.1yt• \I 111 I HI MOYIE ., 1.1·.l 1 ( .11111011 ' I 111Ull l:>t.t •~tit t• f u 110111 \t•tn1 I Jut1t•• M,11; Vut1 '1ytl•JW A 111" ol '"11111111111 t1,1vul lu flit• pln11t•I Mc1111111 111111 llulp 11. 1;µpro~ttll lllfltttlllttttt•, Ill lht• llVf'lflll"W (If Ille tlVll l 111pu1v• M111v I'<. t 1 tu 110 111111 J t::al @ ~ACQUH COUSTEAU *'fCW. ·~1 l .iw 11<11t.(· ~limw11y I 11 flltt !>tm" Jac;~ue~ (.1111.,le..tu an<.l 111'. 1 11•w t1Av1•I diOnlJ lhe St I ttN1u11t. ... '11•,1wtty o1ll11<11<.l lllt< Calyµso lollow111y flit· 1111l11'" ol """'" ul thtt tlJtt1ei.1 "Aplu1ttl1C1n~ llllC1 N<•llh A111t•t1La 1Pa11 I) l:AI t J CIEIAtcO. i hrJ l:OI (J) '°"*Y CAM A MENIY ....... CHllllllAt Jw1P. < •• 111er Cash. Rosanne Cash. C1yst<tl C1ayle f d<,11e flaOO•I and lhtt M1gh1y Cloud~ ot J•IY jUlll Jot111ny cash IOI a nohday 5Pt.'Cldl hum Mt<mph1s T ennes ~e JI hr) 0 tm GAVLUI 1111e111a1tonal heco1n smug gler., l<tdnap Milo 111 utder 10 ensu1e Gav1 jlan ~=::;:~ti11a1 ope•etion at. y GRAHAM CllUIADf' COUEQE IAl«£nAU.. Indiana Hoos1e1s di Notre DiltnP r1gh11ng Irish (R) (2 hrs I <L.J MOVIE flu .. Ptw,1111 Of DB Coope1" ( 1981 Atlvc11111ft•) I rcdl W1lh,1r11s., r10befl flu11.1fl A 11111·1 ~.kYl·ll "" .i pl.rne and para t huff''o Iii .... tll!ly nv1•1 \ lruy11n with .1 tor lu11t: 111 ·.11111•11 1111m1•y P<, ( 1 Ill 40 111111 J lOJ MOVIE tlu• 111111• 11~/J, 01c1ma) Pi111101.1 5111' M.111111 P;HkPr Stevenson T "•' ""t:s ul lwu yuu11y 1..ouµle~ enrolled al p11v,11t• ·,<)11ml'> a11• 1 t1,1ll<JCU when one ol the <Jiii'. U1•1t11ver'> •,lw ''· preynanl 'PG' {I hr 40111111) ZJMOV.: ·1 ,t(Jotu• V11,1 tt961 Utdma) Marcf!llO M.1~.11war1111, fl.IHld r1..be19 A wtJJllhy ar1U hored 111.in o l modem name 111e-; In c l1<lllU1.? ru 111 ... ciylP (2 '"~ 55 ITIHI I {DIOlDONH t:tO ED MYtTEJIY Mt:l1<oS<1 l>r l:>wanfey 1ns1sl'> lhol Guy wa ... unlle• h•" psyt..htalrte r:d•l' ;ind a l11i>nll ol Mctissa''i reveals lhat she WdS .i <.0111pul~•11P y.rn1l>lf'r IParl 2) i (lhr 'J111111) ta @)IT05 ll>EPENDEJfT IETWON( .... IT'M9£T ctTY A seven µaq drama OaSP<l on James Ph1111'.et1'!. novel ,,1 Dub IH1 HI lht:i 1wo1rlen1 year::. u l 1907 1914 (Par1 ?) ( 1111 ) mi 1112 U.1. MA TIOeW. IAUM>Ofll QIWID ~ H1ghhghts o f the Na11onal B11ll1oom Gr;111d Cha111p1onsh1ps lea1u11ng Frtday, December 3. 1982 29 -Weclnesclay Cont. l!._'1'>'> W IOUD GOLD CHRISTltlAS SP£CIA1. 11 .... t· I'"" 1 n dt1 M.1fll'{1 M1 t •Ji Cutu .. 1 • f h1 ( h1pu111t1._ M •', ),r •11(1 f 11tff'f 111 I\ '-· M.,,, I l1td1J• I I 11 'l , .. J fttfP~ 1f1 II 1J 11Pr·~ df H , 11 • J '?Hr''"' • " ti 10' ,, ;,, '''" til) StMVTVA.1. I "' r.t •ii 11" W11 1' llrot tJ,..,wf\.ttt n.1t1111t•1 ,, lu11~ ti tu1'W t ,,, 111'( , 1 w1h11it1• 1 q•,11urn r t1•,1 If• I 1111! ' ~ut•1t t 1 • • .,, 1 11 I I t t r C lllOVIE '''''I, •. , t 1•11~ I c "''h 11111 MtJrtdr H,11 ) It 111 f\ II• " '( ·r~ c .1111 '" ( .... 1 I I ', 1ft 11 't f " lu h•\o~I h •• , ' f , r ~it -• f 11 J ,, II ·t I f '• A•,. r , , , 1 S IEST ~ llCZANIE t •fl• llv""' .t .,., yr11 tt-u11q', 11 p 1' r 1t1 t •, Hh 1•q11 lt1 t' tifp .anil .t 1, .. , 011111 111yU111u~ ;1111 v• 1'\t•f <',t'f:lll 0 lllOYIE 11 .. 1 t 11.11·• 1 ,,q r "·'"'·" '>tf'V" M1 •)11•··· I I I w 111." I rt.111 t r.1t··• rt ,ir~, • 11 ... , t.111q1·1 " ,,,. ,, in jPH 1,11 l•JC•I It 1111 ti" I I , 11 Ill l6mor t .. iAlllNTlt(fAR'f t::1I 000 COUfll.f 80MO WMTERS ~ 11101,.r t111 I I t11t rrc .. nrnpo<;Pt lyru 1'd r.•,u11 ,, .. ,, '" 1t•1t• 1,,, l l11r<1 1•" 11 .. 1 Mt>n.111 1 .it..111·1 7() ( ltfl'• 70 ( 1111 tlJtl H d W 111 11 (it I hP Yt•.u 11 J ,,,.,., f1 itt ltu•11 1 i t_t)l', f 1 r I I W Pl.EDGE IR(Al fl,.1} f I f I I 1 jl1 I] pu~t311'f0H 1; ~ t I• I• &v• I 1• 111e1ige t•r,.,;~ H 11()¥1( II 1qt • It 1>l 1 11, 11• 1 f;\tllP~ r ,,q. ') ~I '""' I I ' If I'' ., r11 I thP c:.rw trU 1ptw,1v 11 • 1·~.·n U••y. (u'" •111uppPr<111'. •11tr11ly 1111• 11• ltr lrl Ifft 111 lr3dlli011 ii<; ;)II ,jrt\jfy lol,fl k lf'.od• I ft11ltl1llll light aa;i111c,1 ""If 111 ,t •' .t.1t1h•.t11w.-rq I f I L:' 111'. ,.., ""'. I S lllOYIE <, ''"J 111 • 11qA 1 < 111111•1lyl rnny Oar>/il J•" u ·' w.1ltf'r fhrPI' r)(,\ll gutans hnt•I '"" 1111"' .t111>1J'> tc ii s•, n1tl hon 1nhe11tanc •· Pt, f I ht ? l m11> ) .. @ ~COUEI COUITEAU WfaAl. '>t l ,iw rf'NCf' <;1.111v ... 1y rn rr1 .. 'ipa Thf'e•(lNlt lion 1n111 !hf' 'lt I .1w11•111 I' n1v1'1 .Hlol ( irf'.ll L a11es reve.11 .. ll!lw '"" "n1rrw,.,f"· nt rn,lfr have :ilierP<I tlw 111111plp~ hat1ni11111•" 111 nafiire (11ilrt ? t ( I hr I Ml m> AM £ve.o WrTH LEO IUICAQUA .. 8 (I) llOVIE lln•.op fl·•• no<;l'mary ( lc•O nev Story (PrPlflll'lf' Ou>grilf)tly) Sclfl dra I ncwe 1 nny nr1.111rlo !he"'" 111 pop ulao o;nny•,lfpr,o; fl, "••'ntilry ( ,tnonf'y whn made ;i courn4cc1u<, 1ournev back horn a mPntal br!';'lk<lnwrt 1~ rlrarnillilPCl (? hos) 0 m TM( FACTI MI.ff N;t111hP llplfl'> il young m1ltti'l1y 11rnotemy rndrl wrr1 tllP respect of ht<; lilther rJ U ~ TM( FALL OAl'f {';nit ,,ncJ HnwtC' nrr aSStgned to r1"l11PvP 11 llN111t1l11I hn1I 111mpr r who 1s lhe c;tar nl A w1110('11'<, rnlfpr c;l..,11100 teem (t hr) I ILL. y QRAHAll CMllAOf 1ftJQHT lONI MIRY QRIF11M Sliver ScrMn Cowboys" C uec;ts Roy Roge1s, Gnn~ Autry. Rex Allen, Ously Rogers. Rex Allen Jr , Vaklma Cenutt, Snult Garrett (I h1 ) ID QOlD ,_. M DUP A group ol d111ers undertake one of the most amblltOUS nnd hazardou<; 'l&lvBQ<• operations as rMy attempt to recO\ler Russian gold bullt011 lrom the 11<>11om of the Baren ts Sea 1n !he Arcflc \.trcle ( I hr ) 32 Friday, December 3. 1982 B) 8'0fl'TacarrEJI IOI.DOMES t::11 m FARYTES lh1• Kt.,01<111•, I iy .i 111i11 Im ptnlt><.101111 1ltr>r """' lo 11111 ,., l1q1ql,11 l/ftd 11 ) lllOYE Aw.1y /\.t f111.1t• I I 1'1\ 11, 1 ... ,,t111• I '"" ( r u 111•1 l•P• rqp ti 1 I•• A 1rar1 µ.·rf 't'N '"tlvP• 1t w"'" Nh11r· JI jnr ,111 1c ~ (j,Jlt'11l Wr•rl<J w.11 " f, 11t JO nun I ® ~ arr A '>l'v('n '""' ·I•'"'·' l)il!.ed On J<1111P~ 11hin~ ell •, 11tivPI qi C Jvl • 11n in lhC' 11irbulf'11t yP:lr'i nl 1'10/ l'~t~ (.P.111 J) I I hc I E COlllQE IASKETIAU M,uq111•1t1 W,1 ""'" .11 IOwd Hllwkeyeo, (A ·''""I Q MEW OA'f IN EDDI z llOVIE full Mn11n H1qh p<m 'I Acl.im Ario~ Rn1 K1•tly 11 l1r I' """ I t::15 @ lllOVIE r "'' ()p,.,, • r 11•, •f•I" 1 t ''"" r111l11'1ly) f1iirt l ..int.il"IPI Kick flrnicJl.1• 8A~PCI rin lht> plily t 'f ( oPorqr llPf n.1111 '>l1o1w I >1111nq tilt' /\111erct.:111 nrv()lulintt ii p1il1ttt:<1lly 111d1ltp11•11t fl)l(lf1t',I 1• I 1lJllllll'd by 1111' f1111i'.r1 who hf'l11>v1 t1111 In It>' .1 rellPllPildC't ( t ht 4'11n111 I 1Q:tl Q m OIJ9ICY ()111ncy f11p., llJ '"""'''•'t., I cClp 1nvnlvP<1 '" lh• <1t",l1t• 1it .-.11 1r1r, « 1~111 t>y'>tilndl'• "''""Y ,, r111h1 1 'l.t~P• JI 1 t hr I oomm..., 0 @) OYNA.ITY Ar1.-in t>f'l•·1Y' lll.t•" new lfOJC,I 1n tum, /\le>•'> .irrc111Qf''-,1 'chancP rnPPl•nq u1•lwP1'11 Kry!itll" .~ncl Mllrk Jpn111nt1'> ancJ .IO',Pph •, 1J,11Jt}htP1 ,mrves trom Pan~ D ( 1 h1 I til) lllOVIE rh" ~n Who ~1\11•0 (lnw11 rvere<.1 ( lfl/6 Ad~enture) f>oc11nw111.1 ry In l'l70 Japar !!se athtPIC' 'r 11cl11w M11111 ·~•S lhP wnotd h<()hl'•,t mount.1111 l_I hr 3:1 n11n I W WANll.Y, LEO Do I Po ll11•.1.it11t.1 cl•'\\tt<.<;P<. how to ltve mo1e r:rcal•vPly t t h•) fCl lllOVIE Rig Q;icJ M.-irna" (t<l/<1 /\nvenliirf') /\11g1e ()1~kcll!iOll Wttl1.1m ~h.1H1rr I\ wom11n cuts a p;ith of v1,.ll'rKI' .lnn rom;in< e th•OUQh •he S0t1lhwP<.t 111 lhP 193()<; n f t hr -;>J mm ) $1 llOVIE S1ranqer In fhe Hou""' ( 1q7r,, Horror) KP1r ()ulle;'I Clhv1n HU'i\>PY A µsychottc murder!'• hid.-; m the illl•< ol ,, t.olleqr sorortty house on Lh11stnH1~ [ vn L! ht 40 fllln) l:')lllOYWE laps" (1961. Drama) Gt>Orgr C Scoll Trmolhy H11ttnn Mtl1tnry sc11ool cadets lake over 1he11 schilOI 1u prevenl plane; to tum the acarlernv propc11y 1n10 11 conoo ~~em PG (? hrs ) ... ~ ~NtiW<*llEWI ~ llGMAn. Gues1 Pearl Bnllf'ly (Pait (1~ llOVIE "Scanners' ( 196 I ltrnror) .lann1IC11 O'Neill. Patrtck McGoohari A lelhal conltlcl arises belween two smBll groups ol people whose extr11ord111nry psychic powers Include the abrllty to ktll 1t .. 1teletiDU ~min) •11MCH01-w..•nt1,Al&Y ~.o Im.I Featured A Stanlor<J White mansion converts 10 condominiums. how a telephone rs designed Sere1oqa sum mers at the races CZ!.a. "P1lvate Parts· ( 197<1. Oe11ma) Ayn Ruymen Lucille Benson A young glrl moves 1n10 her neurotic ount's shabby hotel nnd rs encountered by a gemey bunch ol perverted loclgef!I ( I hr 25 min ) 1W !Ill MOVW "Broenwey Gondolle1" f 1935. ( 11t111•1h1 IJ11 J. '"""''" J1>.111 lli<JndPll An ,~ .. 1 ..... , d"v"' I 1••1•1111t· 1 Vt·"rl1.u1 goridn '"' 111 ottll'< I • jt I 111 t,11t·rtl• r1•<;og1111ed (,'It" I 11:30 fJ 8 AACHIE llU*ER'S PUCE r d1tt1 Hlv~lt t 110 M1;r1,iy r ',H1tlif $r1tS tu~ gut I ;•111j 1-t , 1.,,•1 f1P,.,,., n11 1 t <:;1Pph-ln f ~h.il>Uoil 1•nl•P• 1111 Q m TOMGHT M11'f lt 1111 f I w .. ,,, (I ht) I ~6) A8C MEWS llGHTUNE YOU Al«ED FOA rT 000 COUfll.f 80MQ WRITERS k,11111t•r 1\11<1 I Ith The \. on1pn•,,•( lyru 1•.1 t.•.t11 11".punc;1ble tor (It I I "'" n. I M· ''·IC'• C:.ib;irel. 10 1 ,.,,., /II Im 1 1• 11111 Woman 1 111,. 'f1 1• • 1 •111 h 11 lhl'u mus• ,\ (I I" I C lllOV1E 11 " rt I , ... Only f lQS l I\ IV>'fllllll I r •G•'t M""" I 011111 James flpp..J ft,11 1o.•, " 1r111111.11 wl111 putlc 1neo a 11111~C'•11 I llrrfl-,lt 1!1'11•11'.t 111•v1u• PG' (2 lit'• '> rn111 I E 8'0fl'TSCOfTDI H 111()¥1( /PHI' 1t .. 1,.1yf'l,11Jt• (1961 c in t'dy 1 l>••• •"It• lt.trrnll '" I .1w en Hut~ 1 1 ll•l' hi>t '" ,. n I 1•ld t 11ttorn1a·s '·'"" 11·. 1., ''<" l11Jhfl•t , 111r..11 icrtarco t>y " .. ,1.11q "'l'''Y torC:•nu hr• I >p(W;h brothe1 t 11111 It•!' I apt> 111ot "'""" r'(, 11 hr 13 IT1tfl) ED 710ClUI 11:15 tt} FOCUS OM IOQETY 11,_ l lllOVIE 'Alnwljty t t'l 7h Comedy) p,,,,.. Hrlt•n M.t1i•c,.1 A <.ttugglrng hair (.)11>•,c,,.r l11tcl• !hill hr 1 1r• drmancl 101 11 >1<• th.in 111 • 1 , f,.. ",, ~' '>P•v•c...es ( 1 frf l''n .,_I $ lllOVIE 81JOdy RucMv t 1981 Come 1Jyl f,JCI.. l Pmmort W.1ltt•r M l llhau While dfl l')'wlC.'itll l. JllC.PflllillP' orr htS ne'<I kilt 1nq hP '"' rudrly 1111e111Jplrrl Uy ;i bumbling 1;11lwP o l ,1 rnan whn 1<; ;tll1'm1111ng suicide · n ( I hr 36 rmn ) 12:tll I OfTOTANEfT TOMGHT @) TM( L.Ul WON> • llOVIE Return ()I fh;• Radmen" 11q411 WP'.IPrnl Ranoolph Sc.oil Anne Jrtf1rys A l11rt11r11' hunter <1r11vPs 10 put down rool<. 111 Okl.1111 ·ma .1110 ends up ma11y•n1-1 1tte wife 111 .1 dNld lawman (2 IH'>) W = "Wet1 0 1 V101r nc.1' ( IQ69. Ora ma) Orelt Halsey, Mmgarrt l ee A man lind<. h1mo;elf en1anqled wllh a gang ol druy o;niuqglers when hP <;Pl'• out to mves· 119a1r 1hr luonapp1ng ot lu<. tormer gtrl- lr1eno (:?hrs ) 41) LOW, AIEJICAM ITY\.f ti. II llOVIE 'The Grit 0 1 Lcwe" ( 1978. Oiama) Mane Osmond. Timothy Bot toms A pre1ty New York City socialite tails 111 love with a penniless yo1ing men nur1ng the Ch11stmas se11'l011 (R) ( 1 hr . 55m111) ~(0) llOW Pandora's M111or ' (1961) Marlene W1lloug11oy T1ttany Clark ( 1 hr . 30m1n) tt::ll D GD LA ll MIOHT WrTM DA VI> LETTINWI Guosls comedian Oob Nelson punk rock 'ltnr Iggy Pop . author rren l ebowttz ( t hr ) I (!) TOii COT1\.I: UP a.Oii LOW, AIEICAM Im.I ~ QTY A seven part drama base<! on James Plunkelt's novel o f Dub 11n In lhe turbulent yeors o f t907-t9 t 41 tpart 3) ( I hr ) (£) cour• IAllllWAlJ. Virginie Cavel· ters et Duke BIUe Devils (Al (2 hrs l O .a. "The Enl01ce1" (1976, Olama) Clint Ea stwOO<l, Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry" Callahan Is 1oirn)d by a femt1le r()()l(le In his -Mor~lng Movlu- .. 0 ,,,, fl1t. 11 I If-I ultlfh l fllltllft) f,11 Mn h,u I Vutt 1111 I ,1111 'd1t1J1lu11 J I I f 11 HJ t1 ~111 J .... ,,,, l\••llh•t 11·1111 r11,111111I r ''' rt1•1·.1 .,, v 1h•t111 ~ ·,.,,,,!, 1 I 111 111111 I a.1171 I\ I 11• M.1!•·"· 1 111o1 01111 ,1 .; 111 t 1 1 t 1 1, I 1~ ,. .,,,, • dw 1f.t I• ••• t;:I01C 11 .... 1. , , ,, ' ,, "'"''"'' 11 "' It llllil) 1H 1 111• /\1ul 1111• llt'olll•\tl> '11/t• 'dfll.I •VJ /\111!11 1111.t 'I"' •.' 111111) 0 , '~ 11 u • h I pt I 1 ' ... I l I It' 1 ( I •• 11111 ly C,.tt" ... fJ 111 1\1 • t"11!f I {I ltt It 111111 Z II•• "" I Hit t1.tttl "''"''' """' I I ,,, II I''' M •• /\1ht•t1h1••·1 ... .,. ,., 7:.00(91 l,11u I 111 1 l'l·l•I I 11,1111,11 I ll'.111t W 1•Ut·' f, "'I •11t.11111 \.1 111 , t::JlllS "" 11'1,'I """"'" 1111.111 IJ<o,1 U'll H1v~ I fJ1 ilt 11 1t111 •,f I 11 I l:GO C llu I, 11 111111 II• 11••·• H.11 11·1 ( PUU :./1;1 ft•flll rlrll II , .. 1 t1111y I, ..... t1pPH•1ll1,d 1 1 11 -101111 I HJ /1111H 11 1•1,.1.,lt1111t1 1t1•Ut Ln1u r•dy) I ti'i•llJt ll+1H1Ht1lll f +l!ifl'tl thlfl•tO (I 111 I l11w1 I .. 0 1 W•ll; w ....... 1\1 .. 1 11 .. I""' 111.11<· 1 ••• '"'~ t••/111111»1 ,,.,.,.w11.t1·1 J,1d• All"'''· 11 l· 1 t I Z /\t Ill ,1 l I t I-• I'. t 1'J j(j I I llU•tlyl M.u · fHiU1J 1 ~.A.11qi111 •I r1u1111·fll (I tu 18111•11 I c;) I 1111 • rtilul 1·1,•0,1 1.1 t:30Q) ···di N l'ltfl ,t flfll h11) 11·1•,.t My·.11·1·;1 11•11 ' I ·"'' ( .' Id I 1 l'lolt 111.111 111 lhl.i lt.o~ 'I I 0 "' 4 't '"'' t 111111 l1to1111.1) 11wh 1r I I • ,1 1 /\Ill) I,,'' I hr (t 11t1fl I 10:00 Cl Ith"'' 111 1 I •t 1, My .11•1y) (l.ivul ~t.11111111111'" V.11 t"•' .. 1 f<•·di11.,v1• (.1 t+r'.) IH I ll111 II 1, II 1 holy ll111111h•r \ 1'111,' r >t.UHd ~ I )t 111 I l t111 t11f 11 !I I I .11 .. ,1 .. ',,.uflt 1.11ne" 1111 1 Cl1111 I $ M.1 J" h f' 1<1 I'll I ! t11111•clyl An11 M,11q11'1 I, 111 1, ,, 1.io 1 I hr 40 11111 I 10Q5 ~ l r1o ll11J 'ol1"otl 1"M'I Adv1•t1llll") f111l)C!•I M•ll 1111111 I 1111• 1 ,11•1•1 11 lu 'J() ITllll) 1lil5 z liti•l•lt J,1. • I'""'" 111111 I 11:.0010 '11 llolll I I 111 lily I J 1111 ( 11111t•cJy I ""1111' 1.t.1111 1 .. ( 1 '" 11. () Nt•ll J•,11111 • \ 1•JIJI II"""'' l1•11111ler Mt l11)10l1,111 11 111 47 111111) -Afternoon Movies- 12:110 Tr.t•I lltt•lf· w ..... nu.-1• ( 196? D1.1mt11 r ,,,,. I t11n " 1\1 ... Nit.or I I nr 10 "'"' Q) tr" I 111r l IJ;1> I 1'1111• Dr;im.11 <lt,.H!Je f'1·pp,irt1 I 11:,11>•·111 A-.r1ll:'y 1» lw; ) tC I 111 l'1•111 I y•" I 11111 1 l'Hl I /\d111H1 tur~) Hnq1 t M1.., ,., r .. , n~ t ' ftr~ ':> ''Ifft I H ·q r, '> I l'IH() I or11••1lyl l,mt' f 011 Ud Dolly "·""•II I I hr <in""" I S 11111111f n,,,,.,Y 11481 r.0111,,cJyJ .Jilli< l ••1111111111 W.1111•1 M<111t.,111 I I hr 'lti lntrt ) 0 '1'11· I\ pl1,1ll h111qh• ( l!J!.>U Su~f)('llY') "1o•1h11q I t.o, 1t·11 1.111•1•' Wt111 more 1. n1~ 1 12::111 Z Ttt· W11 l I"''' •t 1 l't/H A1lv1•nlu11._o) R1(.t'ldtd n,,,hH JhitJf M111•r1• , .. tu ... , .. , min) 1•t0 ) Nnbn<Jy •, l'l'rl<'•t ( 1'111 l LIJmt'l.IY) I 1111141 l\upl111 A.In• l\n1111• I I lu U 111111 J 1111 H' 1tuu1t111t1 t 1'1111 I ll11111t1 I 1111110 •. ( lllJ""Y ftnw1111I I ll•1ll1t"• t.' 1,,., p, "'"' ' • ·11111~ (I'll\! lllllltlll j '''""Ill' !'11.1111 f 111111ll1y I h1111111 I.' 111·, I •!Cl lh1111!' I l'ffll /\1tv111 1111111) 11111 t I ltUll) l Wit 1111tt f pp,•, Wu-.lut11I Jo••I M1 < 1ttt1 Vrn11 M 1lu•, f I 111 ,•Oum~ I 0 Willy Wut1k11 /\tit) lfl\1 I h1~ 11htlt t tt1 foty t lfJ/ I f 1101.1•,y) '••'"" W1hhH J1t1 ._ Allmr1•,1111 (.'tu·. I 1Sl '•""'ti /\p1tl' t 1'1111 I 111111•t1v1 l1111y 1>1111111 Jtt1,~1( 11 W11ll111 t I lu .'I """ I ZI l ull M111111 1111111 (l'llll) /\d.1111 Ailo,111 H 111 l't•lly 11 111 t'> 111111 I .. c 1...... t 1•1111 111.1111.11 ri .•• 1.1 ...... "" ~.11\r f"t~lt•1 'uU1 t.' ht•, 111J ft11t1 I H j,., " A1111 I'"' H1•·,11t',lotllo. t 1/1, I .1111.l'·YI A11u1111h11I I 1111 I•""" I $> "'( 1111•.111"1~ M""'"'"" 11•1111 111o1 11111) 'il1t11 1'11 >.t•fl'. M.11• M1l1t•1 11 111 ttl flllll, z /111111 11111 1 .. 1y lil.1tl1• 1111111 ( ""' 1•dyJ ( 1tf'IHf1t1 H,utullttlf I .unt'r Hi1tlun f I tu t l 111111 I t;:IO Ol M\l\ltllll l'tnlth•lll'. I 1'1111 I ""''"JYI L t111vy ( 1111".1' l'.1111 l>'/\rl>.11tv1fl1· t l 111 10 111111 I uo OUNEWI awa.in MQILt CMNEWI EIQHT It DOUGH AICNEW111 11•A•1•H ...,, HAWAIAVE-4 IUllEll llEPOllT .CNEWI I \llDOITNl)ltQ IUIWl IEtAYM>fl l ) llOVIE The l1tllu ~ftnp (II tl11111w t 1961. llo11m) J<1e,k1f' Jo ... t!pft Jo1 .. 11ri.111 Hc11e 1\11 ornµloyue 111 " 11011'..I ... 11op •Jt•vt•I ~s rt llluotJlh11..,1y pldttl (I tu IO""" I 1:J llOV1f ( 011(1 Me Ur L 1~dvl· MP I 1 ~·,.., Mus1c:<1ll (')011c; D"y J ... m1•" C •HJ•11·y A mobsle r rnarr1Ps lhP s1ngr1 tw m.l<ll' larnous I.Jut t>et.orne:. e111,1qt'll wl1e11 n1· c;a n·1 con1rol her 12 lus I m T'HIE fWC( 11 llQHT t:t&@ RAY CHAii.fi AT COMSTITVTlOee HAU. I\ musica l !.JJt'<·1al tea1uru1q tltn 1t•yP.nd ... 1y Rely Charil•<, a111t lhP Raelt•lll''> ,., P•P!>l'''' ed (I hr) 1::25 EE) Pl£OGE IRf.Al Reyul,11ly '.< he1lull'U programrntng "'"Y b•' c1111.1yt>d t111e lo ledJl_e break:. t;:IO WNEWI IWllEYm.!D ~CITY A !.ev1·11 11.irl 1.Jta111.1 based on James Plurtl<t.'11°'> ••o•td nt Uuh ltn 1n the turbulent years ul 1907 1914 j a rl 3) (1 hr) lllACIE.. / LfHIEI llfPO«T ... flOWER l.C.: A IPlCW. CMlll11IAI I wo t.<,nr11v ing bus111e:.">men lry to p1ol11 lrom C1111•,1 mas while Sa nta Claus ha'> olh<•1 idea:. (SJ MOVIE 'Love Is Beller lh.in fw• ( 1952 Come<Jy) [hzabelh l,1yh>t t d"Y Parks A conlume<J b.ichelor lonJlly decides ltJ sellle down w11h fl Nt•w Ha11e11 idan~~h~hr :>O 111111 I Ml ClmlAICOM T• CMNEWI .CNEWI HAIP'I' DA YI Ao.Alt ~ ':.:"~ A hypnollc,1 who help'> 11""''" • 1tt 1, '' "'' , , 1 11v• ,, '"•'fl ••U•1 I out tlh t 11 1 " I I Ott It .~ hh1rt 11 ::..T AIMJfT TOMOHT THllU'1 COWAlfY JOHfl'1ft.D llYIJI Of IANO \ "'"''". • o1pl!1l1• 1110 UAllftt lld111111 ( UIH!ittl h••lt1'"' j, •.• tu1u,ud Wht•fl H ,,,, .. ,, '" II 1uql11 ,. ..... Hit• riv •• H1v11r 01 tt•'"t'' (tf f 111 ' lOOICAl.M .,... .. ~ Cou..IQ( IAS«fTIAll "''''""'1 c ..,,,,1 11·1', .ti 1>11•1 lllttt· 11""'" (1~1111• (hu t In rlhllld 1l111y hill~ 1111! 11•q1ilt1l1Hll',, tlu•, •J1llllt' 111.11 'II I l·1 ~·d1 .,, (HIJI ••• , ••• , t/ lu I ~ Vl>EO M UOI OtlVEW MOVIE 11 .. w 11•r 1,,.,.,. 11'1111 /\<1v1·11111" l lht l1o111l lhHllof! H"\11'1 M•lfll" A qfl•IJt tit t.uu111 1111•,11•1111111"1 lf.•v••I•, lt1 '.11lill1 /\llli d '' 1tdPt f• 1d\l'I' I 1i11JJCt1tt!Cf 111l1•f fl11n lt11 ro N lh l.1t1 f•JuJ ft (~' ..... I '111111' J ID OfWIOE COUNTY TOOAY 1•@ MEWt 7:JO 6 2 ON T'HIE TOWN I I .11 .... " ' h ·~ .11 ""' th1ry !i•,h1•tfht 11 .ii N11w lu11 I fSnu 11 .i v1 .. 11 w1ll1 t1.1',"••ll1.1ll pl11y•11 I foqyl M1flt11 8 W fAIAY FEUD M.000 ANO HONOfl I l.t1l11111 .._, 11111 ·., 111t t1«1'.f•d '''"'''lv1•11 t•r1t '' lh11 t Ml•1t Yqutf• t.4 Jvt~1rn•1 I .1l11·11.1tt .. tu I 11111f.,. 1u11J hu•tid~ I .... , .. , (. '" t01111 EYE ON LA. Q) TIC TAC DOOOH IW>AltlE'I PlACf YOU AUED FOR IT M'A'l'H llQMAT\& I'"' I I 1 111 11,ult·y lf>.ttl ~ TtACHUFf 111 I••• lh1'.t.1•1h,1 lt.t:u·.._,., 4 n w.1.,. I It· 1• I t111fJ1J•rt r1 ho1vt· ll p<1-::,1 11111· "111111rJ1· ''"''"""Ilk· 11 1ol htVt• I I t11 ' I H) Y£8TERYEAJL 1127 1111"1 [ hL k C.well y111tlt". w•w .. 1 t•.1tl-111 t'J.'/ lht' year tit uh I 111.Sb• "J'' 111.11!1• 1111· 111•,1 11a11!Mll 1,1111" lhqttl 1 4u1•1 II 1wt•d 11 "IJ"Jkea'>tt!'> 11112 hnlh lftt· ,., ""1""Y .11ttJ 1111.J uppo11un1 ftt" WPfl• t •t fl11rH; l •llOV1f 1•11111 11·111 IJ1.1111o11 Roberl l )t• tl11n. !$111 I I ""' .t'<l••f 1111• lldy 10 day 1111· 01 lwn 111·1, dofl1•r1•111 'Clll1<1•11lw y flal i.111 ti1n111!t1 • l''''fc1y11d H (4 hr ~ ~ 11111, 0 911.A BASllfTBAU I o• /\11111 lo , I .11..f'r" v.., PhoPn, .. ' 1 1/ f1r ~ ID WOllEN'S 8ASKETIAU ( !,\J v'> Hf'rk" lt•y (' '" l(J" I I l:GO 6 IEVDt IRl>ES FOR 8fVfN llAOTHEM 0 W flEA1. PEOf'I.£ Ft'.ituwu " 111bule 10 unsung h1•111 I •'""Y Sk1111 "" lt•e tans ot Tn1> Rt" ~1 H .. 111.1 '>nuw .mu11al t1a111e1 Adyf11•1,.,. • 1r1•fl•f·p11 M 111•.lumt>ler~. d t. >lit-"' l11t ,j I••._., ,,, 1r1t -J (.lrH1·HJC" Sdlf':S ( I ht) U @J T Al.El Of T'HIE GOU> MONKEY When 1hf' lilH1'.•' c ,,,..,hp•, 1n •HH•rny lt:1r11o ry. J.th1• •.t•••.._, t.1 ,,,., 'Wilt• .Jfl Arn1'>h widow 1IH j f1e-f II wt1( Ht• l1t••llfJ JllrHJU{:)d by a I.ti Jltt• ,. c •I·•·~ 1fnS .1 111,Jf1 k1llmq tiger l I hi I <!J CHNITILU II KAWAI 0 T'H1E ... IWIOft8 CHNITMAI SPECW. I ;uec;I., 111t.h111u111 r <1rol Burnl'll ,1nd Susan /\111u11 1<1111 .J1111 No1tt•H'• 111 """ t1oh1Jay spe t toll ltr11tt I t.1wo111 ( 1 I 1 I r!)MEWI Q) PJl MAGAZJNE A 'YI 11 11 .1 Nt• 1 helps peup,f" •·,ph•ft "" ,, ,.,, 111v•' "le'en·age b.111t1 ~.111t J '''' Ylllffl<l lil.1 ,... n l Alue Friday 0Prernbt•r 3, 1982 31 -Thursday Cont. I HAWAI RVE-4 ...... llEPOfl'T atEERS D111nP 1111 • 1 1ngs from thP 11.p be<.Urnf>S thp r " t 't be priest & tfp\ ,n1rJ ii •I NIU\ 'wit 111w 1t •1t1t)ly t f \NI fl , ~ IUWITlEI THAOUQH 'OE ARTS Cl MOVIE All· .. ~· "' r '' I ~ I 1•111, Fan1asyl An1rnatP•J I ff' .r rn .. m,;i1 1 ''" a_ge IS ~11r11ed Pl. ( 1 IH ;>~ """ J H1 ~ onars ~,.,., CtRSlllAI Folly new Muppt'I H•• u Ir•'"' 1•d n .i heart wa1n11ny •,1,.1y ''""'' ""' lov•• belween an OttPr uu th"' ,,, 1 tu•, .. >11 ID THE "9Cf 11 llOHT t:2I fZl) l'\iDOIE IAiEAJ( flt'lllll.IH., t hp.)1111 o! prograrnm1nq rn;1 r I"' h'l.r~I'• I 1•1" I·, .. _pie~~<, IAlllEY -..lfJI Al.JC( ~CITY /\ '"' J•1•1 I• 1111.1 ba'>Pc1 on 1.11nP'.. r·11111~"" ''"V"I ,,, I ~II• hn on lhE' lu•hull'• 1 ,. ,, ·' •'l(I/ '114 • ;in 4) ( 1 hr ) lllACllEI. / l..DIEI AEP<>«T .,...Y(M8 Til&.OOY: Tl9EE ClAtaac T WI 1\111111.it ed Thr~ stones tnr h1trl1Pr f11p v.ir W1n~le "Thf' I •111• Prino ,. ;inrJ Mar111 The Cobbler 11. (11 '"'lhl .1111,. 111111111111 ~ =a;r;f~"" r 1111 •"• 111111 I .. mClmlAICOM 791=YIA<WN ~~~Tiu f.11t•·l••v1I dare<.lev1lo; N~vill• 1ni11.111 -Hh• 1 .... J Ill• ·11 natovp tany11.19P ,1•. "" 11111!1•'.tl. 1111,. L nrlfl 1n Wortel Wa1 II I ~,._,.,. TOllOHT T1l&'9 COlllPA#Y JOKEJnft.D ~ ClOONfY, WJTll LOVI l'(•J111 lar songs lrom lhf' 11.1<;1 "" I'""""'""' hy RosemRry l.loon<'y .111<1 1t11• r r11udol 1.111 All Stars ( I hr 10 rn111 I ~~"'::o.n rm c:oe._,. lllEPOWTI PMIEJfrS Dot lar<; And Sen<;f' Show Tht> mo<;t l"ifeC'hvp pain killer•, .incl !hf' lp;i1.I •·• ~11•n•,111e "'"Y '" clean han<J w.1<.llill1h•r, arr 1•K•1rn1n•'rl Cl l llO'nE: flog Mo I lt\71 Or111nal AN me Casey £lo Svtlw.on < .11pplf'd baskrt ball player M au111• ~~111ke<; 1<; helpf'd by his lellow playPI Jae• T wyrr1.ir1 (:" hro; 1 '> min) (0) llO'nE: ' nvor ll1P F dU<!" ( t !l 79. 0111 ma) Mrchil!'l Kr11mer f'ilmeta l uctw1g Several teen agr rl'soclenl~ of an exc.tusrve Calltorn1a r;ommuntly Pmbark on a 111m page ot he1assm(mt ;in<l de<itrucllon wher1 they Cati lo get thC111 ri11rents' anentron at home 'PG' ( I 111 .15 min l (Z)MCMI "T>1ps (11'181 D1ama) Geor11e C Scoll T1mo1l1y H111lon M1htary c;choot cadets take over 111e1r ~.c11001 to prevent plans to turn the ar.ademy prnp!'rty into A condo development PC, (7 hrs ) tD CMMm COUlfTY TOOAY 19(Jl) ... Nie a Oii ntl TOW FealurE'd holiday trp'! on setecllng fruits anel vegetablo'l. keep lf'lg a turkey mol'll and preparing n11trltln11s Ideas fo< the kids , ,., ... y...., U~ I lt9UY & COlllPAllf IYIOllU.. 34' Friday. December 3, 1982 I t!) TIC TAC OOUQH llADAllFS PUC£ YOU~F<>RIT M•A'l'H llGNATUAE r """I I 1 "' 11t1o , I 111 ~ ft.D AIEllCA t 111111q W1ll1 W11 11d1 Mally StouffPr tllu1.tr.tl•"· '""" w1· 1 .;r1 t •"I live wlfn and fl'P'"')etv• 11 1 •I,,,, t •''I HJ•' r1f w1lelhlf' ~ ~ltOOlll H Ma THEW\ H .... ,. I •. ., I!..... II • • t~1Ck A1100l(On1I ICvll'"' I ·qt h lhl" 111 fl • prPvlfHI'-. Wef'k 1, Nrl qd111p•, '"11 mh.,vu•w l<ry play ... •s i!O\J l fMI r11• 1 I' ' S AEJ1011C11E r,, I "' I> II••• " 11 .ind IPPI qrP<ll will tl11' pt v ·« 1 '""" "· ~ur><Jram ID 111()¥1( llt>w('r 1 11 .. y M1 '" M• r "I I 11"1114 C'rn11pdyl £l11wt.>ry 11 .. y· I llr•r1 < 1 t t.y /\ rol1rl lt•lp• 111• 11•, •" 11 • Ir tl lhP ch11011'' n f 1 rnil I .1 ••'' I I 1 I ' " --in~:.~.~\,I' I •I oh 111•• IHI hen family a11c1 I yd111 • •,11.,,, . .,,. 1.1>,, ,,,., Im he• 1n "n o1t1t•1111•1 1 '•I •f "" 1 \/11 / t hr I 0 KllA llJTI4 ~y N1•w'> 11•1 rlo• btan Chl!mbe•·· •<. 11i111rr1 t•r H.11 r 1 tor "" ,1<, hp l PIPbr<lll'S lht' l'>H ,1rin ,, 1 1 t r KTI A with e.r,h1s1vt' m•w<; '""" • '" "1111 PdSI ( 1 hr) 8 ®) IO.,_ LOV£1 CffACtt COlilGIE IARfTIAU I .•• I, r·· 1 I .. neno (2 hrs) (!)sou Q) P.ll llA~ A ,,,,111 wh~ tu 1t••v•• lhal nur r.1av111q•, ari• • .111•.rd 1 t 111"'11""• Navaro lnctoan.-. w,_.,o 11 •"I 11 ,.,, "·''"'' 1.11 q1iage ;i•, an w1t111 .. 1k,1ti1 • "'' "' W11rro1 War II Q) MOvtl l.ume Oa• k Ch.1111' ·'"" Mtoi• ( 1977 Com!'IJy) l1t1(llrPy r:.111.tir11~1· Raymond St Jacqui''. lw(I NPyrr1 oieler 1•\le<; JnvMftqillf' a n.irr IJlor 'P"' '""" '" Harlem 1hat r'i rauQhl 111 ,1 I' •wPr 111111q1<• hctweC'n IJl;:ic;kc; ilnd thro M.11i.1 i' 111 .. ) ~ COUilJ..EC'T91Q f l'.JIUlf'IJ I hit •k ti 1111 llt'Ople who c.nllec1 ::>r 11n1<.h,1w .11111 f "'~ 1\11. auc11ons Amj auctionei•" '11) 11\..EDGf RM n,..911t.111y .-.1.111•11111"'1 programming may hP orl.1yo>d 1h11' tr• pledyP brnak<; IC)llOvtl "All Hie rm!' 'l'Ptlll!I ( .. 111111lt.1I'. ( 1960 Dtam•I) Niililh(' Wood. llul••"I Wagn.-i1 A hC<1dstrnng qirl '""" ,, p<>or '->t>Utherr. lamlly m11111P<. Im 11111111•v 11111 love (2 hrs) (_£) .aRTICDTl1t (-s) ~ AFOOT leo1n S1.1pleton and Andy G•bb STilr 1n lh•S rn11s1r<1I who durnt about tf'n hovseguest~ at a11 fnghsh country house who R•A murdered (One oy one ( 1 hr 40 min ) 0 llO¥ll "The Flllh Mu<>ketPOr I t979. l\d11enture) Beau BridReS. Ursula Andrf'SS 0' Arlagnan and thP Three Musk eteets become involved tn Another plan to block the evil Intentions ot the s1rns1e1 Car d1nal Rrchelleu against the rrpnch Ans10< racy 'PG (1 hr. 43m1n) "9 To.nB II COllCOT: TD .-X.t: AM>• ORCHU™ Tex Bonek11 a11d his OfChestra are lolned by Helen O'Connell anel Bob Eberly f01' a salute 10 the m11s1c. of lhe 19•0s from Woll Trap rerm Pnrk lnr the PedOfmlf'lg Arts 1t11 ID llO¥ll "Becket" ( 1964. Drama) Rich ard Burton, Peter 0' Toole King Henry II of Ef'lgl&nd clashes with the Archorshop of Canterbury during the 12th cenl ury (3 hrs. 15 min.) ta (Jl) M.I.. ntl PM& y ... (11ITMCJll1'11 PM&Y Jennie. Doug· ii·• ,,, 1 P11·u 111 ,, , , •11>• ,,,..,Ht· 1c1 up 1111•.1 I' 1 ldv 11 1"'"I1 I A 11 111 1•·'.llht• 1-. f I ' 11 JI t !t 4 I CHARUFS ANGELS ID 000 COUPl..E j,t SONG WNT'EJIS I ' 11 11.1 '' ~ l 119' •"'"I • .o•r w1H 1'11• 1 I I M,111)l'ry ~.r JY c tf111 Y'v1tt •• ,1n1J fll,lwrl J1~n?t1, pt~rhJfm<"l ~ , l' ' ,. I 1' I r.1. r rjdll.'1 ()f' Tne 11 1 1 , .,. • 1,, I 11vP Me ;incJ Hr•· 11 r ) H MOV1E I 11 I" ""•I) 1.;1•1119e 11 I 11 ;•t , I 1°11! fl M1hl.iry •,l.11001 1d•·I" 1.1>.1 "" 1 1111" "111>1>1 tu p1rven1 ' I t 1 II i I I !1•111) I •or ,p•fly mto a f I )1 11 ~I •JU I t J' J ~ f\f ~ 171 MOV1E lhr IJ 1111,.r M1•111111,1111HJm 1·u' "'' 1, 11 , 1 ···~''tH· ~, ... g,.11 Alec , , Bi • 1 r. Jen~ P h1r,.,s an ,h,,,,.,,Ld'l t~ I Int .~,. th• hpi1dq11.u,Pr"' ot a 1~, , ti 1:1 °1q.i1111.11 .. '" r, 1... 1(1 rnrn I t:OO 0 d Siii<* & UION 0 m CtEERS f11.111• ''""• '" 011,.., 1 willy .1, P•I' 11 •rn 11" I• 11 .rn11 1111w11t1ngly .. 111 "1 1 ·!11 t 1f a woulel- tu ~ 11 t1'' I 0 •ACT 12 IREAXING TME SOUND~ ()fl ,.,, w. . 1 .1 1h1~ proq1am that 1 ·•· .111""'"''41n1ti.tll't1f'nts 11ntl some of II 1 1 •' 1111111 ttl,11 .111 .1v.11l11bte In• pf'0- 1 • _,.1 1111•1 " ·Ill,, "' .111ng toss f 1 hr J 0 110 TOO ctOIE FOfl COlllFORT Henry s l1,l••1t) 'lft''•'.lHt' ',1ltJr', wh(\fl np becomes I ll'f t j •I jl' 1! 1•IPv.1fp1 Wiii' lhP ClaUS- (r11~1t1 t •\ Mntir1u ID lllERV OllFFlt < ,,,, .. _,, ll1•r1 VC'r('(>n 1, t•, .,,, llt11nf'r ti" I" "'""' ror Prime 1 !flt-'' 1.,.,.,.,, '1 -' ' E AUTO RACING t 1JV1•1,;i_JI' r1I the v• I ".. •I. II II• II.ti• '"''"' Syracu-;e II' 1h1 (, ror I l lllOV1E (),,,,I < .ry II s 1 l11fy Thunder" I' Ill. I I If'• I r~•nfllS Ch11slophe1. 11-.. 1 • 111 I 1.11 • /\ lf.'n1Jle Army dOCtor .11111 .1 1111111111• pt111w 11•Pd11 help two nuns 1 ""'I ,, 11 "'I "' V1rt11,111'""'' 11rphans to ,1, ., f "' • 1 • "' •,o "''" 1 0 lllOV1E .,,, I uu• 1 t'lfH. ~omrdy) H1 111 n NP 11 J.11 ~ W.wlen A o;tulty col-""I'' 11•· 11 .. .,,.,.,, ... ,.,. ,.,. t.11he1 ~ tlovnder 1114 q.11111r•111 l.il 111ry lJy 111v1'nl1ng a new IYJ"' 111111•111•<> ''""1" ·n 11 h1 11 mm ) Z lll0¥1E Ot>'1•1 < "" ( 1'171 Orama) ~.r "" AlllPllY J\•1 .1r11.1IOU1 IOI "''t risks his Mo• 10 1•,po<.1• ., g111nb1tng syndicate 1t1t·n1c1111 q I • ,,, 1ric 0111osh Grand N;illon ill (I hr 1:' 111111 I IDIOU>ONU W fZl) -THE ltlOOCttBI AlaJ llWIY, llWfY ll()M Cab C:an11w11y narrates this special w11t1 flashbacks lo nlrl ltlm'i featuring rn •• n_r_of h•!· 1 cinll'rnpo1,111rs ( 1 hr ) d O W TAXI l 0111(1 learn., Ihm hie; ~111l11Pnd Zena 1s yen111g mMned fJ @) ITT UH TWO (J) llOV'E Moulin R011gr ( 195?. B1ogra µhy) .loSP re11Pr, Cote1le Marchand J\mod~I 1hc 1.illP Ille nt Paris renow ned drtosl Tnotou~ I 11111roc c:truggles with the d•AAste1s anti re101c.e5 1n the roves of his hie (2 hrs 30 ""n ) ~ ~ ctn A seven pmt drama hni;ect on JamE's r1unkn1t's novel of Dub l1n 1n Iha turbule111 years of 1907 19 14 t_F>Arl 4) ( 1 hr J -U ()) IC*"I U..O Karen holds Gary and Abby responsible when Diana Is s111cken wllh 11 'lUdden nnd mysterious Ill· ness ( t hr) II GD llU f'n8T a.ua Renko teems thal his old g1rllrlend Is Coffey's new flame. Joyce and Ftry dlscuS$ lhe men In lhetr lives, and the governor's dog la recoV91ed LI hr ) ........ -Weclnesclay Cont. J li .. 11 rt I I '' "'• I I P•tt' , It Ill -Z MOV11 t H ll lt'IJ, I I I It., ,, , (II 11 •I ,, d1•t1 fl11 llUI I UIOO MOVll "'• I f11 lh,,t I' t I t •I I llt• 1111• lt t .h..111, 1f1t•Wt1·.1 I 1,1 I' '1. 0 lllOYlf 11' ,.,,,, 1•11 ud I I IHI 11 I" It I'' •I •I It Iii I ~ 1 , , • J II I I , 11 • I ..,,. t • I ,, I I Wt•litH I 1\ J i.·11, I ·•·1111.ll 11 It ft f w 1, l•J 111 ;11id1 1•, 11 1 t1 111 ii . 1l1111ld1• t 1•<1d 111 ••hJ I ioll 111 I t1 I ,.,, II I '·I ! 11 ,. 111 t I ,, 1t .I 1 r. I I 11 ' u ~ 191 lllOVlE I I" Jl, I I ' ' I I I 111 ' lfld) t ... , ~ I J 11•f I l,1"'11t N1,1 I •\ flf l+f.11, )111 I• ti .lhl' ' lf1t 111 ti Ill I. ·Ill' 11 I''"' 11 Ut• ft ''' 1 4 t Ii ""' J If,, ,.,If I f\11u•t1t .ti ../V,11 I f ,1 I~ EJfTHTA.INMElfT TOMGKT fl) MOYIE l"' q ' l I •U ,, ... !1h11q M• ( 11t11 ( ( tfl•+ h I fH h I t I l .\lrj I d • 1,11,. 1 n .... '' 1\ ;.., 111,11 ' t '"' 1• lo J tJ1ll1tJ .. ·h·1 I 11 11,u I"' ••I l.tw •' fH • .•tt1•r f'r11h1t 1111 11' 11 1 • w •1 t I 111 tU llHI I ) 1M H lllOVlE 11 .. 'I\ I c """ A J\>t't•I '". H1 h.u • h 11f 1 fl 1 I• r M ·H111 f\ •ll1IUJ 1d l1HHI J 11 t'H f'll,t f l1o1v1•f f1 'Hnill• Al1n 1 111 11f1l1•1 l•t .,1.,1• •I •h ·11i 1',1 •1I ttih•r 11 nu 11+1 • '''''t\ ti, 1.11 ' t 1 t It ( ' 111 11 II I 1:15 l MOVIE 1\1" •1'• 11 .. 1 Ir. 11 1111/0. I .t11lit'l'W'I A.1u1n.111••1 I 1lp 111 Uu n1.u huw ,t(Jtl , ..... 111f1/t'I' 111 I t I 111 .... fl! fl) --Morning Movies- 5i:JO $' "Gl111· ''"''" M 1111111.rn1 I 1'111 I 111.1 11t...t, , '" I ~ •'' '"1 t• ~ M 1l 1 t f l hr tll """I .-0 ,,..,,.,,,,, .. , ( l1rHIP. H1 I I\ I I 1 j •H' 1\ J .. t tit 1r1 • M '''"' I I 111 ll• '1111 I l II 1 f '1 Jt11 loo I' I 1t1 f """ J H il :, l lli \/11 ,, I M .... I. JI 1 1 ( '.' it e.0 7) W.ty W.11 • >1.1 c 1111 .r. 1 1H11••of''(I .h•fl ~ l f h i, t t I '+11 1f• ..,t•I f. hi' I 1110 f j 11. fl,..... I "•·II< ~-~ I I I j 1, (1itfl Hid 11 •r fl to• II, ~ t11 t 'H A1111•11,o111 W1ld•·r11,.,-· flJ,. l!.11• Ad"'•'Hfuf••• I 1 tu •,•~ !111fl) $ u,.,,..,,1 11iHM111 t lf•1 M·t1d'i' Ohv1•r n,.,. J .•t1r 11 ""' r:al ,Q (Hit' tl1qt1I ol.111.) I, !If• I t110 f'C'l ·All Hu• I 1fl•' 1011111q I 1J1111tio1I (1'1£,(l (1111.1 IJ1l1" W •I 11 .. 11,.11 W<J!)''"' , I•• I 0 Tt1t• H1;f ,,., l llf/'t tlr.irr .11 '"IP••' MLI )1Jflf'I f 11 W.111.i• I l l Iii U\ '"" I Z: 'f>t•ctc' C •••' f 1U3 (h 1'1 U ',11111 Anl "y 11 • 1. • ''' 1 t110m lt.1 ' "'Y W.11 , l'l"l·I My" 1,1 Anft1uny <)w1111 'n,lfh• '11t11,n t >111•, l a:am 'Pu ~Ill A11 .. , f 1"'>/ (!1,1111 II v .. '"' M.1lu•P A• 1 tfH.,•q ••• 0 Clu"'l I l\r 11 Ill r I tJ11" II•" tit ( 1'181 ! """II flh t .11 f {I t•'! I 'M I "' t horn.1· ( l1nnq l ' !If ,'I """ f • z 1 Ot'.111 fl.1l •· ,'000 I'll' ''" • • f c..I or 1 ( ·•~ l l 1·111 J ,,, ~.,,, 1, ,r If u (I hr t•• 111 r 1 -1c 1 Th .. , .,,11, ... 1 .. 1 , 111111 1 » . ., .... , 1 ,, A-.,,,.-., M,uJt1•1 '' •,r 1pl1•f!''u1 r 1 hr Ut l:at 17 MO~ It , 1 .. • "' '"' 1 t'l411 I f ' , I' I I "' ""'' I ·~ t It '• I lfl II ., II d " tlltllfl~•I• ii It; I ' I I' ' ·I I•"' y I I 11 It f\ 1n lr•.,il w+11 t 1111 (I J,, t111u111 I I.JD 0 6.'? MK NfWI OVVMOHT -S wnur1 UP ~NCAJ 1. ,1 • 1 , ••• 1 Vt II 11 I ·t I •1 II t U ·• , j• I II f ' fl•t I 1ld.i, ·•'d ''' 'Nf1i1I +I I 1).1• II !11 d t I I 1 I i II I ' I I I I ~ I !I ' t I ' I I< H , I , ' I I J u t I IA6 c lllOV11 I ' • I. "'' 'I 11 I ,,, t •· 11 .I-f i+l1 1 I H lln I 1+1ql•l1·1 ul .i I" I I 11qli .11l,11111•1 111'1 11111• ll11• v11 111111,11 '• t I +I, I' I 1.111 ., 111JI1 ,.1d11 •• ., 1 r I II 11 I I 0 111()¥1( l.l I• I I I '" 11 I I' 1/1 I I tllll •• .,. • I 111·,, I 11.t I .1111 I, Adi.ti• • I I I\ I q h "' 11 11111 • till 1illt•1 -Niil t t • t I 1•1 • I JI f 11 11 i, 1•11d• -NI 11 IV ,, '· 11 ,. ·~·I I .,,.. •. , 1fh·1 t" ~ J l•ltl ·"" .... .rt. Hiii It'"..,. ... 1. ,., I I' hi ((I lflll I HO I ($I cu NEWS llGKTWATCH MEWi 2:15 lllOV1f ' 11 I 1<1• '', Mr ,,.,'I I I It ' I •l I V\ 1111,. ').iftt t I l1111htl I I 1 llllll•h ! ,.,,,,., 1111• ·' 11111• Wfll'tl II 1•l1ft '1•11',lltq flliflf'I I .-ddf'' lf11• 1111',f I•.,., ••y 1f ..... 111 1 ta 11111u u•mJ11 11• ,,,, , I do! ... 'I I' 1111 '411110) l lllOVIE I'" W•I• I • ,,., .. 1• ( 1'1 /Ii /\11 .. 1•1d11i.·> H1l h o11 l Ht11h,11 Hnq111 MtHll~1 '\ JI "' ,, I I!' J t111•f6 I lid•·•" ,, H<'l'I • ltt ,,, """ .1 •• t J1•t 111 '-tv• • J1•p11•1·d ttJlt•f hntu ftu• 111 w d11 l.tlt1r ·'"' It (,• fH', 111 11\lt! J 2::JO 0 W NEWS m lllOW , • 1/111.1 • H1•v,.11q1 ( l'l /O .. ,, 1i'UC t• f t 11111~~ J\io.1fd tf,,•,h I Hll Htrt1y1ilo1 A y,a .t p..t1111pl1 ol r.11111•,h•t"', Wl•'d"' lt.1v1 •1 wh1h· c flfllt'lldHHJ '"' I ti H I •t 1 I 1111 IJ• 111· 11 <,,..,,,,, ',t 1 It l11111•U1,. ttull 1f1 t! t11 $ I•,,,. M•· < >• I'"'" M1· ( 1'.J·,:, M11•.1 .11) I~ r ''·• f t.t1111 1• t .t1Jt ••'y 1 ;; ht ft 11•11 • t• •• 1 I '"'" .y ( l'l/'11 Ai .. 11•.llt t V •t 1·•. 11 ~A11 t11•lh l •·•• .11111 C 1111•, t11pti•'f l 1i1• 11 t.1 t1ur1) 10:05 17) t •II I 11111• I t'l'i I I "'"''llyl ll•il > /l .. J ·• lo,1 I-• , It I t , , I I ) 11~ z I 11 I l'fltl 111 ...... , l "' Ill•' ( • ,, , 111 r 11111 ,,,~, 1111111111 (/ '" . , 11:30 0 ''"" ft,,. I 1lq1• I 1'1/'I lh.1111.oJ M f .,.i ~ 1,11111 t f' tfH1'ld I urtw1c1 t 1 ht 111 II' I 0 rtu• I •·' IHl!t I !JolW 1•o1n tl'l1>4 n1,U!11U r l1:,1'11•lh T.Jyf11r V.ar 1 .Jut111•,(J1t I·' 1.. I -Afternoon Movies- 1H00 H.111· 'o11 .. 1•1 ( 1'148 MY' 11·1yl {it->111q1 n,.11 W11li.11n n1•11•t11 r 1 1,. 10 '' 1r m 11.11• "'" II• I" ·~ f 1.i.. f tw 1rd 1 , 1'111, 111 "'"'I HflltOP,ttl f/ C fl• I" I' I' 1 I 1'1/' I •1.1r11.1) M.i, ..,, ,. l1 "-I ~ t 111111 1'11 I h• H I 11 •I II I 1 ,,. Aq "'' 1 l'IHO llf.1 !11.ft I U11 11 •1>11ld 1 .. 11111.tti '(1 tk f 1 hr tll•1•r $ I 11 111HI fl• 1t1,1 " rui• ( " 1' I ,, '" y 111111 •• (, I,, 1:30 Q 'r• • N11J1" ',l.111,1 (. '"" I 0 lt1 I ,, 1 1.1 It• (l'fH' lh.1111.IJ A 11 /,111 t t I' t It Hfu•ll I I fit 1d fl•' ) Z r ;, , ' f •It I I / t 'h 1'1 I ft •Ir Atll 11ty I tH t 1••111 J 2';00 H f\ I .. ,, 111 W 1lcjP(ft1' ~1e ·=~< .. 1" """ J ! lllOYll It 111•1 11, It. •••r IA• f l'UtlJ 11.,,, ,., Mt·h·,·.11 '"'' l\111Jttn.1;t1 ( .\tH1f1 J u,tf f\', f'411fdtt1 l.mylflh ( tH1pp1rtU 1.-. 1, ti fuu 1 Iii lu ul ttlll1•1I f11ufi<h.t U P'tJP h 1 I .,., ••, h • •11u • 111 ti •,Im fluty t•t~ lho 111 • t \H 1111 ,, '" 1 1t1lt Uw killt•f fl (I 111 i\U """ , 2:.t6 l "'911.Jf M,.lli.1 M"""' llul1111I < ;1111 t•11t1i· ~u•d .rit'1111,111 I tiou1•.1t•y ,., .. lttt1l1uut1 ., • J ... ti tt. • u t lln• t11I fSr ,,utwny 11u1 .11 .11 t,,, ,,.,J 111 f J','.lf' ( lr1-..r, •, J•l1t'f Pu' It .. V11 10111111•, (,' 111· • .'0 t111t1 J l::OOO lllOV. r .. 1o.1o11 I 1•1/; Advto11llH11) (), ~ 11t11·11l.u 1 l\n 11 I '' 111.1.101 .h1•1;tu•td JP'f'••J 'I''· ,, h ·•'I ''"''' li.11o I •f ,9 tflH1 1 twullu·. tw.it \ •1t1 L '"'·I 19 1 llAHUNT .l VIC'I VACAtlf LOT (II) l2ll H lllOW I I· • I 1'11111 { <11t11•tJy) j;tllt f urutrJ ()••lly I,.,, 1n ft,,_.,. w urk1ny ~1Jfnt•u lttlwl t1U11111 .~ 1111•11 ·,utJliiU••IHJfl tJy 1 to.Jh• , t1.ua111w 1 cu, l'C, 11 ru -:.n flll , 1:311 9 fAtnt210 t i Kl ICttOOl lop 1.,, lwll••I .lrn11u (I 11f111"j ..ii K1ll111u11111 VI t (II) 0 1NEWDAYltEDOI UO !Tl TOP O' Tl4E lllOMIMO 'lj MOVE tJflt r11urt .. d t l't-1'1 fJr1Htt1-1) I f111y lttl'>t h fl,1111.11.1 11.11,. A 11""'1' of 111111,tl<••, l'>SH·11t•11('1• hl11 1f1 ,, fllllllf"Ufll ···~ Uftty JUI' 1111 llt ( l1u111 ( .11itufl11.1 ( 1 hf Ill""") l E.11PO«TIC£N'TQ OlllOW I 11vl' Mi· (JI I '"'Vt) Mo•" ( 1955, Mt1'.11 .111 11< "'' t l.1y l.1111"" < .1111 •l'Y A 111uh·,1t·• n t.tu11·· 1111 ·'''4l!' tit• 1naoe fiJ111uo•, hut tJt•, 011l1•• 1-'11r ... 1!JC•(J wt1en he l •t11'l ltlfllflll l11~1 (ii ti,., f AOv•·flhHtiJ ( 1 tit •,~J 111u1) l::OO ~ J""" A .. I h11fe ' I tu 10 1111'1 ) ( l. I .ip•, \ l'lfl I r )1,1111..t) < •llOl<JP C Su11t l111111!1 1y 1111111111 (:' 111.., I >:15 l A111m.1I ( 1.11 ,_.,,.,· I 1930 Co111edy) M,11, flrnlh•" M..i•q,111•1 (Jurn1111t ( 1 hr 38 111111) ~ 0 · lh1· H.11111y" ( 1'1/7 01,1111,1) Jell [,1•,I l11.1tJ l),1v1~ (I 111 l'l !T\lrl ) 4::111 C "1111· < .o11111•ro11y ( 1978 fJ1,ir11a) [d A'.111•1 M.11111·1'11 S 1.1plPI •fl ( 1 tu 30 n1111 ) ~ <?) M11d1 lo· ! It• ')41h ',1ref't" ( 1!)4 7, { u1111 .. 1y1 M.1 111•1·11 t> H;i1 1 Jot1n Pdyne (• h1• I S ()lover ( 1•11 .. u M""" <11) Ann Moody Ohvt•1 f1eed (? ftr<; 3'i mm J 0 I ht• ~111v1vo1 ( 1'18 I ~ cHllol'>YI Rob ,..,, Pu ... .,11 Jp1111:f Agu111•1 (I h1 ?4 min) Z • Burllly [lur1lly I 1'.)8 I Lomedy) Jatk I Plllflll•I• W ;1llt•f M.ilthau ( 1 hi 36 nun ) ~ ffJJ I lie f>t•{IJ S•• C t!J!>ll CJ1ain.J) Alan I .1•ftl W1lh;11n r!1•nrj" I• h1<, 15 n11n) 5i:30 L N11J111·1 < 19711 I 11.1111"1 Dt1v1d Pro vdl J<Jll•t:S AnrllrnllUI ( t hr , ';>7 1111n) O · HJ1r1ly W111k111y' I 1981 Comedy) Jp11 y I pw1~ ':.u'>olf 01rw1 ( 1 hr 3 1 mrn ) --•Evening --,~~ ca.wt . OQHT II EMOUQH ~.~Q Fr1driy . December 3. 1982 33 -TV Puzzle 13 15 18 47 52 56 ,., lh , .. Hi 2 J I j I o/Jd I ..Jl ... P1d,~., 5 ,, t' ., , ,• I L ' 6 1 8 14 5!> 57 r. ~it 'I 1 !I .. ' .; -Word Game 36 Frlday, Oecembor 3. 1982 36 , , 'I t ,, ~ ••• .. ,., ..... ~ f I t (J• • ;1 J• It. I I ( I I ( J.1f U"t' I ~ I t I l t1 I 1 ; I I ji4 t I 1 I '' t.. J l, 1 l' I I 1 ,._ • 1~ .. p t, lJf ... , 'I. , • ' ; ~ • l f. t 11'' I ( di• 111 I <1"<l' II '" I • 'I 't tL1fll•'I 11 '·' "tt• Ill 111111• \ 1.' .1.1 lr\ "' ' I I ,1 .,,, , ,, t 't\ tJnl•11 ll1 J ~ I I' IC:•, t. I• I I l 1 I ")th I' '::iOLU TION ., Pt I: "' H '" ,,.c., 111'~ 11,, 1 HoliSlr1•"Blu1, , f1 1.,~,1 ' Rr 11tl•·" J'1 H(•lJ*>•· (.ill• .'>I I 'I 1 I ( JI II• II If It• .' 1 Ho • • fi 1 ,, , u ',j \ \ Pl I)' "A.JG" j•r. II l 1r •· ' ~ 1,1n "'0' flo,HI l/ Mu<.,1(1.1n 11111 I IH D111.i•1 EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED· WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A con .. .,n,.,nr .,,.,,,,,,, ... to lto1p•t•I emeroencr room1 fo r ILLNESS IN.JUAIE.5 rJ'.1.<\CIURrs fhn1 )uQh Prntrc;;s1nn11l 1~ f'f•t«;Onalltf'rl l an_. A0Ul 1 S ANO ( Hll OREN ~n A111>< n\mf'hl Nl'f'ded • lmmed•Blf' Alll•nloon G1Ven won1<MAN 5 COM P[ f';:.ATION ACCEl'IF 0 LEN 70AYSA~ Jlla DAYS A YEAA 8A M 11P M (714) 752·8300 .. lllROINCY DOCTORS O,FICI 4030 Bircll SI , Su1t8 107 Newoort Beach = 5 150FF = -T -: your first visit = --with thlt •• .,,.., -= See what we have to off•r • --:11111111111fCOUPOll]111111111 I: -Thursday Cont. lf1l1tul f,,.,., l•ttl•jl •'-~'''' I\ lh~J111t1 111'.lt" 1.11 ''''' P~1u1 11'\1,..,111 wht•h ru 11111>.111 It'""_,.,,, •• I,,,,.,, .. ., U•11 (. ,.,,. f S A MIW DAY II lOUt A I"""'"' 1111 '""'''• h1t11· ••• ';llHlll 111Wfl '"'" d ll1111Jt•I H fj!l\'tlllrl ''"")''"''", 0'1111 'fl 0 llOYW lht• 1,f111t1t t 111/·1 H••t11111 •\ltit It.tit 11 t ~I i# t• t ~ I\ h· I Hl1t•) lllilf I I I 11111 • " 111 111.i t , ,,, ... lit ... I,,, t 1H t lfhl~P t h •ilfft .hu11l d ' 11f I HI.ti Wiii ktll II 11 r11 IHI I m ntt Y'ltOINWI ~ fJl) JUI.JUI WICKTU AJI> ntl IAJA llf.Allllt.. IA~ flu' l\,1111 M,111n1U.t ''·Hid it /,111y lftt\\IP 11f tuu·,u 1;u1•, w 1ll1 11 •,pi,lh til tfw n cu,h 11 f11tV1H I •l.1y· •• VtllU'I'; 1f '11th•1 '" ~1·, *II (I) llC>fPOl)pfT NllWOM MEWi @ aaGIMAT\111 t 1111 .t Pt•rtrl li.tih, I 111 ') H NCH UTTU'I CHNtTllAI CAAC>l 11.,. n111•.1t•1 11n11111','.IUlll'1I pl.tyL," 111ul11l11d1• '" '•1h•·, 111, 111111110 I tu•111•/1~r ',• 1lu1q1· ,1101 lh1h C r,ilt fut 111 111 lll'l'.11.il vt•1•.111fl 1 lht- C l1.11tt""I l Ji, h1 ·11·, ft l1d11y ~ 1,, .11 0 MOYIE r 1·1 'I fl """' I 11 '"l "''I !J11.,r11,., I I'll! I ! """' 1, 1111 lo.11 l ! """'" M.11111 111 .. 111.1· 1 II •1<1 lw1 111v1•t1•fdh· JH •"H'Ht'. • ·~ ,,,, ... , .... ,__., .... ,, 1ut111 ttu:u t1l1t· t .ttlti.u d ·, 1111°, ~111dt11" u •. • , •. ,.,,, 1111 ill" "llt:uh •I l "" l\r11J"''" II' I I 111 ; I 1111n ) s ~ ll:Mf.A114 TltE lllAQtC ,, tll .') l M0V1E l i..,111 I I.re 1• , '< 100 I I' •I 1 .,fH .. t" F h_.,llPll) I •,h id ( .ut,h)lrn U1H1IH' t ,11ll1lh In 111,. Y'"" .'OOtl I\ (l 1111 .i11d 11111 d11v1nc.i ·~ d lld1Ht'1.ll •JhHI HI INllH 11 1111111•'•' VIC 111'1'). tHt' W1Hll1 I() pt Hiii', H l t ,,, Pl 11• 1111111~ 0 Lt Q9.) 6:) NEWS IA TUN>AY MIGHT . •llMCHOf_ ALLllTHEFA.m.Y IWIRY-0 MOV1E . 1111• ( 11111p.111~ .r .. "''''"" ( IG~O IJr,1m,11 I 1/,1!1;•111 "• '" l.111" (11t..-oer A wt1111.rn .uui t11f t •dl Ii 11llu1•1 L~con1e 11v.th lcH Uw 1t.1v1·, t "t" 11.u~ c ht 4'ltn1n, ~ COlUJ.1£CT1MO I 10,Jtw .. rl ,, 11111~ rt lltt· retiple wno Ullll'l.I ~1 11111.,lo.iw tlld I •I~ An, :.iuc.11on!. .mtl .111< l1ro111•1•r" ~ IUllNEU llEPO«T llfi ITOflY: LINE IY LINE (Al MOVIE l 1ll,1ny I ""I I 1'111 I I lr.1111") Arl~ne Mantletflt•u v••f Ill(" lt,1r1 ,, young w1tr• h•,tvt• h1•1 tui·,r,.uhl ,1uc.J Cfllbr:Ht..S. OU I .._•111°. nt A•:Au.1l ,11ivt111(1J1t•"" (I h1 ?!> 111111 1 CSJMOVIE l.1p~ ( 1')11 I 1>1.1111.11 (Jt'l"4" C Scoll lrr11olhy lh11!1t1 • M1ht.11y ~' ''''''' c;.i<Jet~ la"l' 11v1•r 11•1"' '.t 1111111 lu p11•vel•I r1ans 10 1111n 1111' .t< .tllt'lll)' 11111p1•rly 1111u d c.ondo deveto1•1111·1•I f'(, t.' tu .. I 11:11 U ~y ~.Jill II ',l'.f', lthtl I J11•llC V II ( p<'rlorm an Julup-.~ '" Ill'. rel.1!•111' .1 ""If trill arts exp1>11 whn cl•nl w1ll111111 .1pp.111•111 reA!.On (R) (I nr 10 111111 1 0 6:) TONIGHT Hl•!:.1 Jol11111y < '''""'' Guest Mary Tylt'r M•>•ut· 1 1 111 1 I @) AIC NEWS leOHTlM YOU Alla> FOfl IT OOOCOU'U IOelQ WllTIRI ~ltt•l•I"'' H,u11oe ; 1111" comµoser wrlh tlit• rnd 11 MorLJt'•y < .1.1y (.,.irol W1lcO> .111tJ f~11l>Plf JonP-. 111·rlr11111•, <,ur•y!> lrom h1'o 11111'o1t..il" ·r 1rJ11il'' Un I'"' Aool . r 10tellu. ~,he I 1" Mt· ,111tl Rell 11 hr I T~IUUM H, llOV'IE . All Th,11 J,11:1 f l'l/'I Mtl',1 Cdl) Roy Sc.ht'l<ll'r Jp<,<,1t .1 I .r11111• T "" f1111111llq1un 11111 1111 t '""" .h1C111 t f11ilt111U tfi •f1t lf 11 Jt •ilull\ltlil ft U dU If' f lfh ltiUt.' I• l·ttt•,~uql 11c 11• H (,1 "'' 11111 I ..., MOYll "'" I II ..... 1... ..... 1 I Ill I r1r.111111' Atul• l\lllll ( .. ,,., fh11111•ll ltHflf 11upltt'1 1Jll 1 '"'•" 11111u 111nu h11 nd•, u~po 11u111 H p1~1fn11rnl • l1w1uw1 111 U1n1t 1Hl11th1f1 ·.hip•. who" l1l1ii 1 If tit. lll1lll•duu•j d1•.ot llollto" 1'<1 l I fol •,f ,..,, I ,.cu.e I~ DfTUT~ tOleQH't QOJ THI WT WON> MOV11 lttHJlrld I 111111 tf111f111, f 1hli ( 1t11h 1 t >'"' lt.111 A ytHH•\I Nlilll+lll t' tltHf IU1t11/t•IJ tly fUtl oilllll ', 1t11Hdt11 fllttn Vlt 1tHI ;1•l<J~~111 '" '" 111111111111,11oJ1o1to 1 ''""I m MOYll Wo1r~ ti" ul I 1/ I l\olvtot• 1111••) h•1u , A11u1t.-1l,1v11J • t•ilp 1 lw• wl11lt t f11hJ1t i. 1Ut' 0 U1h1tl 111 ltl •• , U1t /\11'. lhlll,111 ( hilh.u 1-. f.'y 111 l\t11 tllJUU• 111\,UI (. 111•.) (I) LOY(, AllEJICAH ITYU °O MOVIE I t l'lllll; '"''" I t•'.1111 /\11101•1l1· H.1v1•1 I I 1.1 II) lllOI I z MOVIE ·.~ 1Ju1 ( 1•11,11 ( I 1111•11() f.H kit• I ,ft '•l'tl •11 1 •ftl U fl Moll • A il t'll hil fh,111 I' .u lttd ti·y tu•. d1tUUfth•f tltHJ ht•• thiwt•r t '11h1t1•r1 l1u•11t1'. 11• 1·•,t ••IHh~I .; ptJWt•tflll fflPh fHl'1', wtu;" out IH q1•I h11l1 tu1 IH1I I 1U!YlllU 1t1tl d t.Oflhdt I ~1~; t 1 '" lllllllli) 12*1 0 6'.) UTt lllOHT WT114 DAVI>~ 1, .. , ... ,., 1 111111 .. lr.111l11ye1wl1•vy "' ...,( TV r~1·twu1i.. 1uu11 .. 1h-,1 <;11J11e1 /1 "' 11 tu l I (.!I TOM COTTU: UP ClOIE LOVE. AlllDICAH ITYU I~ CfTY /\ '.l'Vtrt p.111 ijr.1111,1 IJti">t'tJ un J,urun I 1hH\~iqqt 1, riovt'I 111 I J11t; J111 111 lntJ lllll.Jtilt'ltl yl'.H'. ul 1110/ l'i 1<1 v•.111 .i1 1, 11. , f TOP RA* IOllNO < pv1•r.1y1 ul 1111• I 011 lh".111 ID ( ) llnl,.·•I •,.1wy1•r fll Y I I, 1111111c1 wt'll1•rw1·111111 flllt ''"'"11"' li1111r rtr11111 1111• S.llld .. lt.111·1 Ill All.111111 t .•ly IJ .J) (flt (;'> l\p, Ill 111111) I. MOVIE 'Wlt11 " I lt.11 l'.1 .m ~•11<1 Al My (him 1 ( l'J(i/ I i1.rr11.1) H.trvt'y l<.t•1tr·I /111.1 flpthune I\ y111111y 111.111 1111111~ 'rt N"w r 11 ~ • I ollle ll,1ly h.r• It< •111Jlo• .Jdtu'>lrlllj wt1cn he tUHbJrlo\•, u1 ,1 uu11.tt•l t• wilt .J bl(l1tr1t' WASP 'II t 1 tu JO 111111 I t2l40 tJ (fl MCCLOUD /\ 11.11< •1111"'. d1,o11t•r .1.i11 , • ., 1t11· rn11rdf'• 11t" 1 .il.J tJ1111Pr If> luok .r .. ii Mt ( lo11tJ lttl'<l 1111 I.ct.ii "''"I till ( 1 ltt ;JQ llHll) UM ~YJ MOVIE tit r qo I 11 llJ I ~1 11 •11< • I •l It •II) Rill I r.1v .. r· Vt111 t•rol Wntlt•• """' I t1.11ly .l'<l m11n-.1t r ,.. l.JIJIUll'<I '" lht' 1 "''"I t1I lretanl) ,111<1 plrKl!tl rll ,1 I 11rulu11 1 111 tJ', 115 illlqry l.tlhl'I lllrtkl''> ol '.ho1r111.Jlp., 111 !111> <;,tly to 1111111 cJo w11 ho-. 11lhpr111t) I l hr JO n1111) 1:00 0 MOVIE l111rtdul11' t l'l~h l\tJv1·11llJff') flo~>fl M1tcll11111 l 11 .ul.1 Tl111'<;' tiun 11111nero.; ~11 lht•tt w.tr(•., 111 Mcx1t11 I·' hr!. I 0 MOVIE "flptur11 0 1 Thi' I ''""I Mr1r1 •.ft'''> ( 1966 !;;t.1e11t.e rrct1un) K1111111 Honqo, K1chq110 \JprJ,1 A 111.i.,<;111f• t'<lllh Q\lolkl' u11lea~hp•, .1 111,11111rioll1 •l<"•llllt l1vP 1 1r .. 1ture wh1ct1 " .ill.ii 1 ... ,, lly c •• 1111111e1.i ( 1 hr 30mm 1 (l , MOYIE 'I lwrl.111<1 St.1y1 ll.11d1'1•, l'U8 Wes ll•lfl) J(Jf,,, Wdylll' H.1y ( ·""' 1.111 A t.uwl>oy .1y1111PS lhl' •'""''' ot WO\Jlll tlt: a11pl<111c lt1j.JC.k1•r5 Wilt) ,111· pl<•ll ~ IU !.ellt' ~h1µ111c111 (I hr ) EJfTERT TONIGHT MOYIE 'Tiie 0.1t.llelor P,11ly 11qr,1 01ama) 0011 Mu11.1y [ G Mil•'-I 111 I ""' .1tcoun1.1n1~ throw .1 l.Jdt.hPltt1 J .111y "" lhMr h1eno ( 1 hr 10 """ ) C MOVIE S e11,11 I I 'lBO < "'"'"'YI M.11 ''"Mull. Tut>!:.11ily Wf'h.J A lt1Jpp1lv 111.11111•«1 M ,.,, 1 111 ·~ , 1ph '"' •Pl'"'~'1 hv 1t1tt11 ''* 1 J) • '(l tu 1 1 P .. l llliU 1ttlt,rttul•Yt It• ·l)h" I I I I I I I II II I l:IO S MOVll II• Ith 11•1 I 1'111 111111110) I 11111 I ,, ,f.., I I ,r., f 1,111 I lo1ly Ht111y ' 1l!11t1 u I I', .... , , t 'I ii ltt1Hdlft fl" )~10 ltl hlb 1111l'1llll 1.f 1 1111111p1+f ( .11hfujf\1n IUYUIUlfOI\ .. ,,., .. '"'''''''lf'\f 1.111, '1m,, '"' 11 n· (' t11 llolllllo) t:ll 0 Ii) '9C MIWI OYlfNGHT "0 MOVll """"I" I 1'111 I 1111111111) A1111i; I >Nuflltty tll•• I J lul1 Jtu• ( UUf6rn OI h11•11d .t•11 hu but ' II •,11ntt1Utly lor H «pM1t1 I 111~11 11111111, 111 M1m1t1 (I tu 10 111111) 11) MOVll 1111• I 1illo M11'.~t•lt11J1 ( 1!179. Adv1,111'11d ll• 111 111111u.... llr!iulii 1\11 111 .. ,• I I 1\11, 1•0,111 11•d 11111 lt1ru1• Mu!.k 1 t1·1·1• lwt•;tt1t• •t1._.,,1..., .. d u .u1ultu~r pltiH 10 t , ,, ._ U11• 11~1l 111tu• 111~ ,,,, '11 lhu .,.,w,l(H tcu 1111.11 lhLfu l11•u 11(11t111•,I lht.• ~ fPltC n •Hl~IOC r.10 I I'<, l I 111 4 I 11111• 1 1:19 Hi MOVIE I .111111!) 111 I !IV!' l\1jotHI ( 19HO llr.tll1.t) 1111 .. 11 t ,1111ld '.11· .. 11111.111 Y111k I\ flh 1l1q111• l11h1 ht(fh· tu1111ft•WUUlllft1he l ·1·lwf th t1 f+1 4 .;11 ti 11 ... 1 1111 U' Jitd 1Ht16~· of l:ot6~fl•"t~~~''' l<I 111 I 2:GO (JJ CU NfWI NtGHTWATCH IEftQUlfT II.JC 0 CDNEWI 'L IMOVIE 'M ... ,.. , ..... 1.. I I'll I 111,11118) H.11111·1 ""'l"I ll• •lo I\ I J1• N1111 I\ o,m<1ll t11r11• tut ,,i .11 f 111 ,,,, •• ,p 11t<,1blu h1t•ul1 t1nO ,1,.'111}' t1l lf~1llt •I f! f,Jt•./tt f ti" , t llfh• lldly fl ( 1111 '1)111111 z MOVIE ll11tldr flll•l<I~ ( 1·1~ I Corne dy) J,ll.~ I• 1111111 111 W.111 .. 1 M.tllh.111 Whtie dfl d~1'11 ti,1,111IIJIU1•111t,1ft''. IHI tu!\ fll"">l kiU· llOlj 111· I'. fth)UI)' thll'lfllJll••d liy .11Ju11ltJliny l1uhu1· ,., l flhtH wf14 I ,flf(•f11ptH1U ~~111(...ldfJ H ( l IH ltt 11 .. r1 ~U ~IUTPATROl !:ID 6:) MEWi CARTOONS d) MOYIE ltotol.iro l l'I' I •,, 11111( P r1c II Jn) .... l'lljl 111IWd!11 'T'1J1111 '•'llfAkawa (.11th I'. flll'lldl. Pd h( I 11unlh1•1 .,, dWe "•"t" 1111J 111" lir 1i(1r1q c ''""',,''" 1111rn the '.I ,,,., J\q1 I I Lr Ill 1111r J 2ltO C MOYIE A 11.1"'1' ""'. I """' I ( 1 ht Jt> tftlh J bt5 lfll WORU> AT LARGE 2:50 l'°S IOlll£OtltO'I AFOOT .11 .. 111 c,1.rpltllon .11111 Andy t '''''' "''" 111 lht'> 11111'.it,11 who· ttun1t rtl>111JI lt•n tu "''••'lJtH!',t•, .tf dn I oyhsh 'u1Hllry t1111• .t """" .u•• 111ur4ft"'ted one oy ur11• ( 1111 411 rt 111 I lGO 0 MOYIE ""' , I I 111 ~urv111,JI t 1972) [J<1uJrne11t,1ry t .rr1.1•r,11..11·w~ loll11w 1ungle .111<1 '""""' l 11 .. 1111r,.., o l Nmlri Arne11ca .1ntJ Au~11.111.1 111 1111•11 •l'lcrlllt>'>~ tllll!l>I for w"lt•1 (;:> IHS) ~=~(R) ~15 ~ M0V1E 0.•.1111 H11111 ( l'IH I A011en ture) Ch<11 le<; 111 ,,..,.,., l r-c M.11111r1 In the 11l'l0'.. .1 Mo111111•• ..ir111 1 lrw11tl'I < rim1na1 w.ige .in 1ofd t•.11111• ''" c 1v1li1a11on Hnt.rnatlu", '111 1111· < .111.11)1,111 wtldemess fl (I h1 <fo1t111 I i:2D 1 H INSIDE THE MR. 1111~1· I "'" I l<1w~on and t~1t.lo. Bu<>rttt<>nt1 '"v 1 w 111g111oq111s ol the JUt-JV•OU' WPPlo. ' "' l l.ftJlllP"'·· rlnt.l 1nt~fVteW ""Y p ldyer<, .trtol I'""'' 11 r11 ) ta 1) f Am4 211 , PtCIC THE PROS (R) MOYIE •,, 11111· t1'l81 <.;01111•dy) flt·"' O'N..,,11 J.Jt >. W.11 h•n A ~HJfly _ol· h'H'' pr• 1,,., .• 1 ~ 1vt•• to•. fdlnt•r •,flounder r111 q.Jrmcnl l.11 I ,,., hy rnvP11trn!J a ne w r vl t' r r 1 l•I" 1• '" H I I hr l 1 min ) Friday 0Pcomtwr 3. 198:> 35 eekender YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE 'ID ORANCE COAST DIVERSIONS T. Duncan Stevvart • • • The living has been good lh I OIO-.'.\"ZO IU-. '\ 1-:1 c 1r 111. '""" 1•11 .. 1 ...... 1rr l1ol11 "'''"' t.1111-·k•I [>11111.011:-;1. ,\,111 \1 ii \.Htllll < .11r11 a l1.t1r tt 1•1 llillt t .11 d .1 1.n 111 d •lid • \• J,d pt11i111t_'f qjli' ••I ""''"u .. 1 l.1111d11r1 Jiri-I t 1 111. ii 'I ti,11 1 ll1ltl Ill 111 • .! lolll• t ""I"" 1 •Ill-. !111• ,\i1il1 nft• I 1 .tit tllH d1tl\ t•n1 I h1 I• ,\ 1 t•U 1h i••-.t''"" ••• .1\ •h . .t \\,, d1 'H''" d ,~ .. ,,I\ 11 o! I 1' .!"1 ~to! 11.• .\11o1l1 IH\\ 11 \\1•11ld lu !I"'""' "\.,\\ 1f11 lltl~'lrl 11' I lido 11 .I \"Ill 1\< f,IJ't .. , '\1~111 I',. .i• !11 1 l•til "'t• "'"' lfllHHJ' .. 1~111 ·~HnJ' , t 111iil• I l<.olltl••tllt 11< 111 I.ti Ill• :-;, ll" I• l , ,, 1 .111 J. 1 • 11 111t1 '" 1.1h.1 •• I•\\ '''' 1u11 h.r 1111• ... , ll' ,,,, 1, I 11t11l1 ,, '"'••Ill• 1t1llll'. I ' I 'II Ill •"l .. fl•futd 111l11 .. !111 h t ....... Ill 1 n.11?11 ii l.u' •lf11 II· "'"' I 1 .. 1 ,,, '"'"J.'' J" I IHI Iii• Ii·' k .. 1 11 \ II d ' 11 .. II' I ' t I I I 11 II I' I '",,it"\ I I I "1 d 1 I I' I 'I" f l• II<• 11111 11\ 1.ik111~" "'' 1111 1 11111 lt\ ~• r 1\\ ltrH-' .1 f~H: 111 111 Iii fit'°' 11\\ II \\P!ti ,1 "°l,JJ\ •• I I ,,,. ;I (I \I If' tt11\\ t11 t1.1°' ft' t ,. \\fllllt11 .i. t.i 1 \• r \ti 1111• '' "1• f I I~ .1d1 1••111111,111.., "'' 11111d •,tit 111111 1•111111•111 \\ 11h 111, 1•f.111d1 l11lolf1 11 1l 1 \lt~1hl .... t\111L1 11111• I'·' II lt1 .. \\ 11.,lfllll I, ,, ,//I 11 1111 .. 1 r/1• 1h11n•, I l1J..1 f 11 {Hof I ffl(H I //II 1/ \\t/h .I dJ1 I ~' I I "' II ,,,, 111111 /Ill \\ ,11,t/1111 ,,,,.1 "'I /•1111 ' ,, \It II r I.JI 111 ,,,,,,1 11 /1111 I in 1/•I• I•••" 11 }f, , \• H \\I• 11 ,1 I • 111 11 po•"' t11 1 i ,. 111nd 11 .. 1 , 1'f• •• • \11., ''' ,.,, ., ,, r•I B111 1'11" rl11f11,~ ... 11111-.1 t .. • 'I"' 1rcl •I '\j, \\put I I~ 11 h .., •1\\11 l"w 1 l.1l11t .ii• \II 11!.d ''"' 111i. ... 111L' \\"'" l•••I.. :-;., th• l11lk ,1 .. " 11 .ol 1111 "''"I"'" H.111 111,1 '-' 1\111~: 111 11 1q . 1t.. fll" '"'•f', '$111 lllJll '" l'flltl ,, " " '" I '" 11 " I ~ I ' \\ I I 1 ... t 111 • ... 1 .., I II \ \ I I " ... .. 11 d tfl1i-11.t11•111 ... \ 11• I I,,.""''' di < 11 1 ""!Jo" 111 •• ,., . .i ... fflllll hi'-fw•ok \\I it ft \\,J-. fl lt'o .... I <f lht'-\\It k \\ tll f>t • .t .. 1i.it•d t• tit• !Ir 1111-.., (',.uni\ l 'lt.q •I• 1 • .i lh1 .\11. "' ·"' 11. ,, , ,,, "" 1.1111111 v .. 11 "'" 1 ,,, k llllllJll1 .. \\Jlh"lll I ~'l<N•I lll',111 111 \\flit•'-111 lflt l••>k-.11111,111 ...,.,IA.Ill ... hould k11111A lit h ..... lr,111 fh111 h• .. 11 1"I"1 .1111111-. d111111g lht p.1 ... 1 111111 \t"''' l'lw 11111 111 Iii• licw1k '1'11""'' 1~111 '1 !-'l.1flfl llll 111\ < '.11l11 ·t1 ·f · ti ..... 1 ...... .., 111 d 11 w11h 1'11 · 1111111•111 1h.111 I''' 1111.! Sit ....... 11 .11111lhl'I l'\.1 ll ..... 111 1•·11 ..... lt>I \ :-;, ... ,," .I I .tll\1 11 I I" ,I 111 11< Ill'" r\'"j llll<i .I l••h I ho11lll1·l 111 fl 1, .1 \'c Ill 11 111.11tll.llll dll lljl< 11111~1 lto .ill lll(1•f 11,il t.1\11\ \\IH II I"'' 111 lh• h1 ..... p11..t .111111 .... 1,!111 ht I f,,.,, hung 111' 111 11 It• -..1 1.t "111t .1 1 h111 kl1· ·1 1ho111gh1 11 "'"tdd 1,. ,, lu11n\ 111!1· I tll.., I'll 1 1111 I 11 ... 1 IJcmnr 1111· N1 \\ porl I~"" h t1111111 111111t \ 11.1 .. l11 ·..,l11\\1•d 11p1111 S11·1A.11t In l!IHO 1111 < ·1i.11nl1e·1 o1I ( '1111111w111 • 11.i1111"il ti11111 ll11•·n nf tlw '' ,1f rt1111 \\,1' .111111111'1 .1w.11d 101 ti .... w11rk "" ,, \·11h1111t 1 r .u 11\ 1 ... 1 .11ul .il1ou1 .1 d o 11•11 J'' "''' f11r h1' l1111ld1ngo•\.pl1111.., 111 pl.1v'o d111A11.ill lhc·11~11g111l11ir1 l 111 g1 111111.! '" 11lcl lt1 "''"'Ill .1 d11JIgf,1lldf.1lh!11:-- 111111• I g111 ....,, th•\ think thf•\' lw 111 r du "'lll"lh111g 1.1 ... 1 hul I kt·• p f1willllg lht•m .' ht• 1 f,11 k.., gr11111111g .11 hl'o w1f1· .f1•f 1 \ who w,1, '111111i.: ,11 """ ff11111 l11m .11 1 lw dining 1 t111111 1.11>1" in t 111'11 < '1111111.i dt·I M.u li111111 SIH IA ..... 11111 .111n1.,1 ·d f1e \l'I V Jnlt ft-<;llfllo( 1111 lht lll 111 * * 'N o\\ 11t.11·-. 1101 g11111g 111 ... 1111... . ..ti. '•"'' .... 11ld111i.: * l>1n11t r 1111-. 1·v1·11u1g .11 tho· !'-.lt·V. .1r1-. IA·" 1 .. r1ov.-r' "'' "" 111 ... 1 <·• (;1·1111.111 , .. 11-..1,i.:c ). , , .. J 1 .1bb.J).(•' .ind h."ti brown' o111d .1 l,111111· 111 ( ;,.Wltr/ll olllllllt'I " (1111· ( :1•r111,in WllW l lolding .1 (111 k .ind kn1f1· l>u11t .111's h.11uJ., .1f1• l11rn11·d 111 lhc· 1,1,k lw·f11ri· h1111 Fn••" llwv ;111 11111v111g t 1111.,t.1111h '..t 1.11< hing r11hl1111g 1.1pp1111o( Th•\ .unplth hl'o ''"r"'' ,ond I 111 n .111 n1.111v fnt T I >11111 ,1n Stl'w,11 I I',, N""P"'I lk.11h 111'11111111111 ..,,,.1 nf ltk•· tlw H.1lh11.1 l\.1\ < 'hil1 T111,...11l1 ·r-. .111d f1111t•11 l1o1n.111." 11 .. Delly Piiot l'tlolo by Petrick O'Oennell T . l>111u·1rn Stc•\\arl f!;Of'"' o~c·r pa~t· proof.., in lht> had .. ya rd of hi ... Corona <lc·I Mar home•. ,.., .1 -;1ory 1..tl1·r. th1· kind nf gr andp.1 1·v1·ry kid .. 1i11u ld hav1· Wlwn ht· cl1w • ... n '1 rrmf'ml-w·r ii l\.Ullt', ;I r.11 t OI 1111" 11( ht' p1><·m o.,, h1· Kt'I~ LIP"'' with h1111..,.·lf For 111 ... t.11111 ht w;" n ·11'1ncl1·d o f .1 ..,hor l \'l'J"' h1· Wfnt1• (11r h" IA 1(1 1h1 111~h1 ... 111 ""·"' 1°ll't lt•d p11·,1d1•11t of I h1 ( '1111111.1 d1 I M.11 ( 'h,unht"I of ( '1111111wn·1• 'Oh v1'.1h" h1 · t'ld 1:11111!'> fl t· <lap.., hi s lia11d' .111d 111 ... 11111 l1 v1·lv 1 p;wh1·' (111 " 1111l1't ·a1 d .111cl pt·m·tl .111d prq>.111·-. In JI.II 11 down Th1·n lw f11·t 0/l'S "()1111 '1 ll4•lit•\ t I wrut" 11 d11w11. clul I''' ht · .... 1-. ... 111 .J1•r1 \ l k 1 b.111g1·.., th1 'llltJ''t I B111 lll'(fllt lh1• 1•\1•11111g I' nv1·r 111 \\ill 1111 1rn11 t' lh.in 1111t· oc 1 ·''""' ... 111p 1n 1h1• S1 ·1· St1'\\'.1rt. /',,~(' :.! 2 ., '48 Hours' • • • <!//he a I /} l i .Y I LI r<! <~/· \'iolence onll con1 ecl\' H ' I' II .1 I. S .'\' I· II I I·. I< \I \ '\ llf '"' ll.1111 1·o1 .. 1 "'·"' .\ , I I' It •I 11 \ '• I h ' II I ' • I I I • , I ' i ~ 1 I H h 11 ' I• 111 \\ 1111 Ill 11111 I itfl I 111 • I It 1.11 1.d I I .' ol I 11• tl11 4 11111 ••• ,, ... , ... ,,, 11 •h.111 flJtt 11111'1.tll 11.1• 111.t Iii• 1. 1 l I I I .• ,, 'l l 1• t I If 111 f ',, ,, I 'It• 11 1 I \\ I 1 I I , , , I 1-.. I 11 II \ I I i. I I • I I I I I \ • t t I u I \ff " .. •Uh \111 ' tt 1d I 11 I ' • ' l I • I. I\ ' I· I• I I• .I "I 11. !I I I 1 dl1 11tl "'"' ' "' 10111 Ill! 1111•1 .d •11111• d1.irr, .. 1 l " II n Ji,1 t11, ii ·h·tt• H•.1f1 \ 111t1• I I• \ u I' H 1 '.qu ii 1 • H J1 1 I 1., 1: ...... i11d "' 1•1llf11 t lloli \ . I \ ~ 111 I I '"' I I I I loo 111 J I•"'\' ' 1t.11 I I' 'r. I 1 I 1 , r 1. , r i \ 1•I1., t '\ ,, 11 ' ! I 11 \ ' ' •fl I II t 11 .. 111 I I 11 I I 1q ,, I I I' d I I t11 11 t If I .. · .. I. 111.1 .. •II I''' 1.1 'I ti q llt• t1 I 11 .. I 11 .. 11 I I '•llllt·• 1t111 Ji' 111 1 11 · I 1 "I Ill. ' 1 '"l t 1111 Ir I 1. Ir' , , I I •'' • ti f 1 I 1 I~\ 11 I 1 111 ll. t Jo I lotil 1111• ltltld ti I• I 1 t 1 1 tt 111 ,1fl1,,lt11 I 111 .1 11 1 o I II) 111 111.il 11111 I 111 lll"I..' II I IJ• I I Iii'"' 111' d t d I ic t I Ju 111 1t11u ••pHt11• !'\;,.J11 I• 11ol \I II I I 111 lo.1d11• llt ol llt1 I I 1 ' u I• I ' tit • I IJI I 111 1 ., rt1.tlll•ll 111 1,' 1nl1. 1rul \\ 1 ""''' r t1 i1,iJ 111 111 111• "dtl.J, .J1.,Jol·•' 111 l1r.1\.11I" I 110 l1l.11 k 111.111 1111'1< Ji.111dnll\ ILll ll 111 I 11 "'"'ti' \\ 1111• 1•• "I I• 11 "I t 11 I' d II'" k 11 • 111• •\ llW I)! '\ •. 11, I •111 11. \q\'' 111 1\1 11l!• rt1• I "11111 11111 r .. lr11ol 1h1 I rll1,, 11• "'' I •t,. It· 11 ••I I I 11111• J ' •llL I !Id, \ 11111 I:: I I 11111 1 t• No d i• I lrto I 111111 -t II 11 1.111 II' . I I"." 1-. I i.1 I I \\ I d 11 I., It ·d I fl ti " ' " I I I I I 'I 1.' \\ 1II1 I 11 111 1\1111 IJ,,, \ ic·I. Para111011111 11 ........ .-- ( rig ltl ) a11cl Eddi1· \lurplt ~ i11 Pic·111n"·: 11d,a11 ll1rill1·r. ·· IH d1111l1d .t tllt ••• \111\t1 11 111.hhtt •OI I• 1110 .I llto•\ 11' ll1t lud111~ ll.1td I• 1111 •I 1:\) 11p1 I \\lt"I I Ill• Ill). Ill 1111 •II '·• )1, pr 1111' \ltt1 f1li \ "" ,, 11 • I Id j• I 111 .. 1 I ··"'11' }t4 I h11p .) .111d II I 111.11d11tld .. ,, I 11111 11. i11111111• 1 ·1 .. 11 Ii -. l\1 "11'11111 1111 \\.i111111' 1111 l .. •11i..:l<rd1i... \11111 11 o t ) I· Kiit 1111•1 \ L'll I 11 1• Ill I 11111 I I\ 1 .. 1 ..... \\ ""'' 1 I ., ... ,, It• l!t I ol1,il11).!llt I lltL'' lo 11 h.1 t• 1111tl 1111111111.ol1111t .11111111 he .... I It.ii.ti 11 I I 1., 1111" " 1 lt1• Ir 1~ 11 I• 11111 .,.,j\ .il1ol l,o .I \1 .if :-;tttllht I 11 t '11111'111 I •• f I 11 11 I j II\ ..... I f If ' I Pl II• I 1 11 1 ft I 11111 ,, 'It'll Ill' ... Ill Ill ll1tlll ... ·· I I II• 1 I' ltll!Hll• r\11111 •11\ J.11111 ' l lt•r fli 1 'untr d·tJ1•' " fti.1 N.'1111 ,tl..,11 1.., lrllt1"(f 11• pl.I\ '>l l,t1gh1 , 11.t II I 11 l\ I 111 p I l\ \\ h" ' '"ii: ... 1 • ., ti ... • \ 1 1 \ ,, , 111 111 '' hu Ii Ii• ·'1'1-" "' I 11 ... '"'"" llllllllJ.. ,.., lllll>t \l,1bl1 II' It'"'' II 111111 flh• ti I ,1,i111 '"' I""'' d 1•.11 lit Lil.ii I\ J..!t•otl 11 • I \II I o Ill\ ool\ 11th. :\Hiit '-ltllfo c·, hi,, 111d •• ltq.11k1d •rt \'''"' .111d Ill 111111.tt111111 .. ul.1ltHll 111 ,I I ln\\dt·d 1d~\\.11t. ,1,1111111 Jll l•I' 1111i...11.1I "''"' Iii• H1" I\"'" o 11 I\ I . ,, --·· \ "-••11 r• t flll t 1u 11ff t1q I \1 Jiit' flU I Ill '"' .. 1, .oH r \ :\l r111.t .. t•M I\ l1.11ttf "'" •tl•J·• ,,I, 111 1'11 11111\ I• I" 11••11111111.! .... \I 1.tl II\•" 111Jllll>t ,, N11 h. N11ll1 L!I\'' ,, ''" h. .... i11t1 H1t.tlJ ..... ,,, 11 .... ,,, •• ,..,,,,, \ltdtlH ~ 11td ,ol1lJ11ll.t1111 111 l11u1 lt•llt I \\111.J-. I " I I r •\I I ., · 111 , t \ II t 1 I .l }' I" ,ti I t • ,. t• •'• \I , I I I I I 111 llr I 1, .. I· ,1 I l 1 II '' I it I I 1 I I 11 I .111d I Ill.'. "'"'" 11 ,,.,, '1111111111.tlrlt l"li1 I di 111111 I II r I " r If I .. 11 lt I \ I n I 11 " 11 ~! 1 r l I 11 ' I ' ' 11 I' l.1 \ I' I II\ I ti, . ., l '"' I 1 II 1 • I \I 1\11111 B111 l\l11q1h\ ·.., pt•l l11lll\.lllt t • """' \\llllh llll '''"'di .1d1111 ...... 1t•11 I I • II I I ', II . I I t • • 1' • i 1 , , 1 d r, , •' \ti• 't1 ',, 1l1 ,f " 111 I • I I ... .. , If\\ \\ h \ I I fl I I ,, •• II I H. 11, ti , ... , ,,, J 11• J 11111• olll 11t•I ,), 11 \ .It"\\ 11.1 I" t II t'"llll •II l•1t du1,1I ~~\I If. fin\\ 1h1 \ 11illnd .d1"• l \J II J, ... h "''" lit• "'"" '""" \\ 1111 • """ """ "'' 11 l.11 1.d 1111 , I IHllt.11 t••I .1U\••llt Ill lt11 Ir lltid ,fl'\ I ft1 ..... f 1 loo \\I ,JI I ltl 11 1-, '-\\I ,tit I •It• .I l1l.t1 k l1•f11'1111! Oii t 111 l J 111, I• l .. 11lt t If\ ll•tltllll Ill di .I :->ho f" 1 lt.11" r • 1111)1 1111111 ,, .d11th 1h.111 "' I h• II "·" ·' 111111 " I•" .1 .... ,,1,., o11:11 \\lw11 1>11111.111 \\.i, li•11.itl11111i.: It ,1 Ill)' )11~ I h ,11 It I lw1.tl 1111 illflll .1 lfll•lllh 111 11il I ""'1•·•1111" 1111 ' 'pl111 .tl 11111 ,, 11 \ \\ 1111 111 Ip• d 1.ilrl"lt N• "1••1 I l~·.11 It ., .11111d11i1111g .. r.t111.1111 • \\ .. 11Jtl11 I 111 ·'' 111 II S11 1111111 .Ill ...... 111 lht Ill l1ool \I 1 I 111 .1 Ill.Ill \\hll lllllld lllth .tll111tf Ill f'ol\ $10() p• r 1111111lh 1\!11•1 1lw p.1p1·1-. '"''' -.1grn·d. 1tw lru\1 ·1 1111111 d o11•11111d .111.t l(•, .... 1·d 1111 110.rl 111 lh•· "" 111111:-. J\111 111 tlih" ltll\1'1 l \.\.t'-"" .ti. 11ht1lh .111d Ill' 1.111 1111 '"'·" .11.:1111111d J>u111 .1111~111p.11d1oll .• 1 .. 11\ ·'' l.111~'1111..: •• 1 1li1 111111\ "' ll tll \\'1 \\I 1 t 111 1 ltt llll!ldl1 11f I "\ t •f \ h.1 ..... ,l1• t1UI I 11 I I\• , ... 11 -. 111 N"w11111 r ,1 ... w1·11I 011 'I I• 1111 '"'"I .. 111 111 .1 ( 'ltr t'>llft.f', 11111111111g \\I "·'" ·'" ""'"II 111 ,1 ,t,,.,, 1111 111 ... 1 1il11w w1 tfrtf "·" .,,.,. \\l1.ol I• , .. ul.t tf,. 111 11111 lh.11 111111 \\I l'•ol Ill\ .. I\'" Ill I"''""" I• I ,., I I ht I''" "" I" 11pl1 11111 111 , 11 \ ,. '""'ti 1"11111 \\ • \1 ,11111 d 111 .... 1\ t I ht Ii• 11 111 , 1111111 .111 .illd 11 11 \ 1111 I 111 J',..,.idt 11,1 111 f'l l.1. "11•,, 111 '' .1. "I" 1.11111~: 1lw I "111g..,111111 111111 I 11 \\,1 """'""'" 1111111 .hqi 1>11111.111 ''f ''' .l111 v Ii.ii, 11• 1 It• ,.t ·I lr.11 tf, .. •.11 1 ''II .111v 1 11111: .1h11111 IJ11t.\ I\ I lilt f .. ,. \o I ti \I otl ' It< 1111 1 1111 \ \\I It lll•ll lll"d 1111 \ 111, ·''"' .ti 1111 I• d \I 11h tulw 11 11l1"h Sn I l11111 o111 l111rl1 /'he• /i,·i11g hos hee11 good fur T. /)1111ca11 .\"fc'\\·arl ,1 I" 11111.,lh• 1111 111p 111 lh• h•>I• I 1111 lw1 111 "" 111 \\ 1111 111 I I\\ 11 '""' f IOlll .1 pl 1•\ 11111'> 111,11 I t.1g1• (I 111111 ,111 ·"'" "·" ,1 "'II 1111111 •• l'lt'\lllll' 111.1111,1g1·l S l11 '''°' 1111tl1111 ti 111 111 I f,..,j lo•I .1 \l'.tl .11111 .I Ii.ill lt111 ti It 1 '"' \\ .1 llJ> 111tf ,tl1111ll II \\ .t •ll I lttl .t1t111 ht f j\\11 .ttlll of li,dl \I .II ... In l111t lh1 \ \At ft 11>.tl l"lt d Ill l!l l!I . I t11d11 I \\.till 111 d11 11 1111111 I \A,1-. '" II -lw "''' I 111111 .111 .111111 , :-.11,:, th• """ w11111.111 111lw1 111.111 Ill\ 111111 111 I \\ ht1 )1,..., lwt II t t•llllllllttll'.I\ I 11 11111111 I . • I 111111 .111 " " 1"1111 .11111 1.11 .... ti 111 K.111'·" t 1t;. 11 1·, 111111lw1 "·" .1 11un .. 1· .111tl 111., l.1th1·r ""'" .1 ph\'.lt 1.111 111 · \.\ "' 1111' 11ld1·,1 111 lh1t•t• boy-. '" 1\ II I <"Vt •I IA .tlll1·d to d11 w.1~ pl.1y 111.v r1ddl1·. 1 Iii 11l IH·1 h11\·.., , nuld h.1vt• 1111· girls and olh1•1 1h111g-.. I w,,., <tllH 1•1 l maslt'r 111 mv high <;( h11ol 1111 11 .. ...ir.1 " In third gr.1d1· h1· wrote· h1' l1ro•I J.l<H.111 .111d 111 lh1· 11111( ,.,, d1 .... 11\'1'1i·d hi'> ''"" h1·1 '1111ld "'' h1•1 11111' 1111 "''"' 1111111: "''''I 1lt.111 1111.1 ... 111111g II \\'I Ill Irk• 1!11, 11111 -I'''"'" II 1111 I /)11 Ith/ '>111 , ..... J,, I ... /\11" I~,, o1111/ ,/t1 •, l/11• 1101-..1 l·.11011glt I.ilk .tlHlUI hl'o b.H kg1111111tl 1>11111",11 1 111111-. "" .1111•11111111 111 .1 Ir.in:-< 11pl 11f h1~ hook J-'111 1111 "'" -.1·v1·1.il 11111n1l1''· lh· I t'i"l1<':-. h1-. l.1vnrilt' I"""" · 1\ So11g 1111111 th1• 1!1•.111," ··J 1t•11111glnl11n Oh 1\1' l>.1tl1ng 1\ 1'1.1gni.1t11 Look :11 1lw Nun 1111l111111111g S1111t.-111 " "" w111t1• 1h1· l,11t1·r fo1 .1 'I" •• l,llH' 1•11g.1g1·n11 Ill .11 1111 I lt·.111 ... l '1111> ·'' Ille· I 0111\1 ,.,,1, 111 Sou1h1111 t ",1Jcl111111.1 I 1 111'1 h.-111 ,.,.I '""" .tll 1111, ... 1ult h1 "·"' 111• ,., l!llldt·d '"" h. 111 1111 l<>plt 111 d1~ ll''"'fl 'I , \ 1·1r111.dh '" 111 111 N1·\\ Y111 h. lo 'lu•h th• \1111111 .II .l111lli.11d 1tu1 I l1 v 1·tl 111 Nt·\\ .l1·1...,•\ N1 ·\\ Y11rh. ''·'~ .. 11111gl1·. 111 111 ·v .. 1 111111pl1 t1 ·d hi., -.. h11oh11g ln-.11·.1d hi 111 .11lt'(I 1111 ·1. '·" \\ht It' Ill' 1.111ghl lllU'il 1111 Ill ",,,., 111 ,\111.1nlln .11111 I l11U' .. ttt11 flw11 he took .ill 111 ... '·''•Ill-:' .111tl p11un•d 11 111111 th•· l.n·mg~t0111· I Iott I lit 1•11t1•11"d !ht• liuiltf111g llll !'>lll t'~" 1tUI 111 d1 ... p1·1.111nn 111 l!bti lit• w.i-. l•1'111g m11111·y 1111 11l\·1 •.,t111t•111~ h1· h.1d 111.1d1• .ti 11·1 lw ... old h" h11t1•I 111 I '11'1 ::-.11 h1 put 1h1• n ·m.11nd1·1 ,,r h1~ 1·.i-.h 111 ,, hudd111g f1rn1 .11·11 v \1t•n1 tu \.\ork .1~ ,1 lx•okk1·1·1x·1 111111< ,111 \1,...,. .1 ... u1td1\.1d1·r l'lw ltu.;1111•:-..' 11111\'1'<1 .1l11ng g1 .ulu.tll.'o until l!lhi '' h1·11 l ; .. od ll11llM·k1·1·ping mag:111ne, 1mp11·,:-.1•d wllh l>u11«<111·., 1·n1•rgv l'ff1nt•111 h11n11•s. selt'("ll•c~ h1111 ltt huild 1L., h11n1t• of llw vc•a1 Afl1•r th.it, lw k1·pt p11 II\ liu"' !1'1 h11u-.1''· f1~·1· lihr.1111•-.. .1nrl 11111· h,111k I 111 Jll'-1 g1•11111~ hut al tht• .1~t· n( ii 1'111 lt•• \111111g 111 11·1111 • ·· h1· -...iv~. th-111 h111~ his [1:-.h llut 11 ·1111 l1t'd11l.111 !~Iii . .ill1·1 h1""'<·rn11I lw.111 ''IH 1.1111111 '\,\', ·, t' µ11111..: lo -.di 1111r hnll'I' .. ind D11111 ;111·-.. J'•llllf 111 build 111\t' lh.11'-. t11111pJt•ti•)\' ,t>J.11 ll11-.. IH'l !'"""''"' Th.it", h1-.. 1. .... 1 11111·' J1·11 \ .... 1y-.. p11l111 ·h I lldlllg !111' ltlf1\t'l°"lllttl1 S11 I >u1w.111 'l>t'IHb h1.., tla v-.. w111111~ v"' "·~ .md pl.1\-. hi-. v111ltn 111 .1 J.117 h;mtl flllll 111ghL-. ·• W 1·1•k .11 l11t .Ii 11111v.d1·" 1•111 hom1•s Dunn~ th1• nlht•r ''"' 11111g., h•· 11•h1'.1r.,1·-;. 11f .ill plan•s, 111 1h1• h.1tl111K1ni ··w,.11 I 1.111 g11 111, 1 lo-..1• tlw d11111 and pl.I\ 111" 1-i:it h fuglu·-.." ht• t'll.pl.1111~" Thi· lllo(ht'-. g1"1tl .11111 111 .111 1·11w1 lo(l'lll".\' 11·., c·n11v1·1111·nt •• Dottie West • • ....;111''111111 1-. II 1• 111 h ut• """11' '11'~~· 1 J>.o11 11 \ \ ' ' I • "' l'' I 111 ". '"I I' " t l 11... t \ • 1111 IL' B 11 l I l 11 I • ft f 1\\d'\ I h111f'llll1 411 10111-.,, .. 1111111,.· JU .... 1 ·' It\\ J •• •I • •• 11, t •• ... , 'r ••I > 1• ·I I• f, r 1 t • 1111 t t l• I J t 111 • •r ~·' I .il1•I• I ti 1lo1 1 ..... a1 1111 • lh•.ol•I ... """" I~" I i.,., II• t I JI l..i11 ~if· \\. IH lt111 I l I fj\\d 11 ;I"'' I 11"11 ,1• lo• 1111 l.il'I tJ11 t 1111111 "I II' I 111'111 \\ 1111• 11 ".\lu1 1111 11 llot lllll Iha lllldlt "'1''1"1 11111• II·•''" •il!lill•ll Ill 1 .... 1 011.t )'·'" .... I :a .t 'I• 1 •II II• I Ii• I lllH !'Id t 'l•ldl1J iilt\\ .....,.! , h• I• .,41 , 11 h' t 111• .,, In t11trit••• • irrtu ~\1lt ft, 1t1du11•• J1+t.\11n11111tl••t fn •J' i-',.1 fl'\\ t l\•HIL t I ) t u11Jd11 I tu J,, I• f1tj1IL!,~ I I• tl1 fl, • llt \\11f1 Jiii '\11•\ 'I 11 IJlt• ()tdlH I j I I I >1 1 I I ~ I I 11 'J l '' f It J ', ,, l 1 1\\ • ' ' I t Ii I I 11 j • '11 l t •• 'I• 11 1 t111l11+•!11t1 I• ll11d'-,~ 11 lln If ll.tl111 \\1 I• tit 'I .ii t, 111d l ~ .. II\. Ir 11t 111'1•n1r1111f1 I ' • .11J I • ., ' 111d• t ti I I I 1t' \\ i I ,, 11 I IJll1Hlli101\ "'''"'" •\tr 11• Ill ti• 111 ti• .1:1• I "' " .. ,. I>· tilt'·· k •• ,, ,,. f ,, • .,,. lttt. Jlt, II. If Ull I I • ii I ,1 lq1 .. ,, 'I. 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"fl1•1 111)(\ h •. ,, tlttf\ 11•1 ,, t I' ,, 1•1 ufw."" • 1'• I I I.' 11 •II l jl\ I ! \ ! \ I t l+l,1'11 II >it !ti l,1 d If · 1,,1r.11arolilloll \' 1\ t 111,11 11 '""'. 1(11(,tnlll lll'h1•moth nl .1 ltUI\ lt"1 'I 1 ~ 11 •t ti., •1• 11 111 111, I I I If' In '. ' .·1 f itzcarraldo A F1hn by WERNER HEAl'OG KLAUS IUNSKI 1n •f!TZCARAALOO" C LAUDIA CAAOINAU ·~- edwards LIDO CINEMA HIWP'ORT I OUt..IYAID 673 83SO AT YIA UDO • MIWP'OI T H A FAI 7: 15. 10: 10 SAT 1·00, 4:00 7:15, 10:10 SUN. 1·00, 4:00 N IO. 9:50 1·'11 ' publ11 l1'1 turt• 011 ··Thi' M.oy;, and th1·11 W urld ·· .t1 ·, .rn p 111 I >t1· H l\IE\o\l'<>HT 11 1\HBOH AHT MUSEUM u.111 S.111 l '11 1111 ntt l>r N1 \\I"" t B1·:11 h Chr 1..,t111.,, I 1 -.ti\ d \\ill Ill' hl'ld D1·1 ;1.;\ 11 J rn ;, p 111 I• --.11\ .ol 11 .11111,, l.1-.1111111 -.h11\''· phnto.., "1th S.111t.1 1111 pp1 I -.1111\\' 1 h1111 p1·1 I orr11.1111 t'!'> (;1·n1 r .ol .1ol1111 ... -.1011 ;:..! .... ·111111 I Ill/I 11 ... 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I),. . . .: •, I' Ill H·" 1\1" I .ih ::-111 .... , .111 (;1·111 t.rl .. 11111 ''1"11 'I ill Ht '"1 \ .. 111111-. .111ol 111lt1l lll.illt1ll I I. ,ltHll ..._ \·, l \\\;\)Ill.II Sl'lill()I. \I 11n 11t:JI \I 11 \\ \\ .1'11111 St s .. 111.1 .\111 l',.1l11 ( h,,1,ofr 1111'1111.t• ~'o1111111, \\tll IH hold j 1,, Jt1 111d 11 ti II lt1 I' Iii I 11 k• h .111· ::-1~ ~II ~1, l n I Hf It I• d Ht I t l 1 } , 1 U I 1'1' IH\l '\I· h111 \II t 't111t..it 11,ill ·111101 111. It I -..,, 11111 11111i \\ell I" I lt1l Ill 1 )\~ 1l H "111 1,, 1111.11"1111, '"" ~' 1111•11111.1111111 11:{.l 1d711 II II<\ l\;I·. 11111 .\t i... t nlltt 11 II.di l't'I f 11 1111" It '.\1111 o111d \\111\i• II" t 0 ht1llht'" \\di I" 11111111 I .. ' I ·" " 11 Ill I 11 i...i ... ''" ::O I g1 1111.tl lt1l11l illotl1!111 ll't\ hit\ I llFHl'l't\l;I·: 1'1\HK. Y11u1h s~·1v11t·-. Butld1ng. S('t · I >1 \ ·t ·1 .... 11111. .... I '''~" Y , 1-I '·'' • ,, H '. I I .. , , I I \ t f\f." VI 1P1. ·, : ..• 1 ·, r "/\ ,, •\ • I _. -.. -· fli!1 ·~ .. . .. . ... .. . . . . EDWARDS SOUTH COAST PLAZA AND CINEOOME IN 70mm DOLBY STEREO EDWARDS NEWPORT IN DOLBY STEREO ~~ .. cw r'(taT O C"t:NTr• ·~-=--~ .... 01to •-..' ...... ., •• O.·~ .... , lUXUllY THEATRE fi~fi. ~ S7JIJK6 .Wll Shgw• 12:30 3 .00 S ,30 l :O 10 30 70mm·Oolby PETER O'TOOLE [:i::E ANOfi"FJCER ANDA (;] GENTLEMAN Mt~~~~2~0 S:S0 7.4S~9 3S I IOJJO SSOl101030 13 i mg.1ui'21 6}~ 9'2842/ ~":'J'.t-) C HRISTO PHER REEVE I EI Tl II EXTHA-a;E MONSIGNOR m • • n HH1 s rHtAI 7:4S0,'1fnfio<AJ Al 6 ~·~ IO:JO ALONE IN THE DARK (;] "">! Q IRI n Tht11J Call Me ? J~/Utce. ~ Plu' The World According To G HP R ) * Oriv.-1ns Open 6.45 Weekniqhu / 6 30 Weekends Childrtn Undtrl2 free Unltss Nottd THE MOVIE YOL''LL WANT TO TELL ALL YOl'R NEIGHBORS ABOCT. The story of a bo.v suddenly alone in the world. The men w ho challenl!e him. And the xirl teh o help11 him becom e a man. \Ill II \I I H•.11 \ I' IH<,ATll•'•\I, < A\.fhllllll,t I 11 '1' 1,•tiH hll<Wti\\t' 1.•ttKf ... \lltl tk 1\1111\ IM•l <.I \-. .l\l k 11111\11"0!1. • 1111 ""' 111• •'I '"'''" I kl\ f II ll•\4 111101'"" "t1.Hltl l llllll'l<1,·l<11tKAl1'l llAlll \Hi hi\' hi l'J\ltft'I'' _ .. .,.. lt1ft" 111\t•' • llH II• II •II H' •· \ti• llAll 11••·1 H .,l\11J' V.I" Ill•··• 11111 t I 11<1\\I A'11 l,f11t I Ill ltlt<J\\I,' "·•• 1,11111~.t. ,\1111111 !? .. -=~~~-~'~'!!. (Dtoo..~] • ' 16 _.....,.,. Nl-WAYJ! ~ DlllVlllt •• 491 3693 CITY cenTEA ~ i~ IHI (.ITVC-(NIMf llAAJr'if#l • 614 Cl71JI •BARGAIN MATINEES·• Monday thru Saturday All Pt1form1nce1 before S·OO PM (hCttll Sptelal Engagements 1nd Hohd1ysl lA MIUAOA MAU LA MIRADA WALIC·IN "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER",...,. , ........... ..... "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" 1•1 tt-4&.. JM, •<IA t .. t .. ,.q "CREEPSHOW" 1•1 IN OOl.IY , .......... ,,. "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" 1•01 • ,._ OOl•"'f lflMO ............... "VICTOR/VICTORIA", .. , , ....... "ARTHUR•''"' -- LAKEWOOD CENUR SOUTH WAlM IN "T"' TlllAI CNA .. IAW lllAllACM" t•I ·---.. .:.o.:.r~ I i- i lO Mirooo 0 1 lo t•c•ant 994·2400 "AN OFFICER ANO A GENTLEMAN" 101 ,., ..... ....... "THE EMPIRE STRIKES 8ACK"1••1 .,. , ... ,. ... ,.. "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 ..... ._., ........ 'oculfy 01 COt\Ol••OO<I 213/531·9510 "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" 1•1 ,.,.. ... , ....... , ... "MONSIGNOR" pt) ........ , ............. "CRHP IHOW" "'' .............. < PG.PA11UrA: CU10A1tCt sucamo -o- ·.,... ..:.nlh.ao -• ..,,, • -.1'1-• ,n-or~to edwards SOUTH COAST PLAZA lllSTOlATSUHR.OWH 546-2711 COSTA MESA TRI ll(J l 4~ 10 JO ~Al \1111 l 4~ l HI ~I~ W&I~ '\AIONl•IOJO ,AClflt l~(Al~rs 0~1~( ·~ SWA, M(ITS 11•11c .. •Ow• l uCU -"flilD htl C-Af .,, ANAH(IM OR1Y£ IN "ARIOR llYO ORIVE IN I ORANG! ORIVI IN • •• '' J , .. Utu.cu • s.1 .. 0.• ••u , ... ""'""°'''it UIA"( ... ll•O•w• So• Olfou °"""" Ow, II 6 00 'II $loo. s .... , 6 O , 11 IMPOllUNT NOTICl ' CHILDAlN UNOlll 12 fllll' .....,._ .,... • .,...., ... ~. a.-. 011tt '00, • St.. llwtt 6 0 , • C:0." I0<"'1> •lOUO Ut> CAii llAOO IS "°"" SIUlllll ''NO&¥ C .. IWll) WfT• """"°" ACt!~Y ~ --All l'OlllAllU 1•~ ClNfo" -DI !Ill ..., 11A011 ANA.t4f1M A~JAHEIM DlllVE·IN I. "THE TIEllA8 CHAINIAW MASSACRE' 1•1 ~~~p i THE MEATCLEAVEll ..,..,/E"t MASSACRE"" t•• • '-. l THE I UTCHf.. 1•t '~-: i~ ,,.••OY •t Ol l•"'on '' 179·9HO C1tl f1\.0u '-t.,~ ... --,~----'-----'-I THE HOUSE WHEAl "LUNCH WAGON GIRLS" 101 EVIL OWfllS" 1•1 l'\u• ·FORCED v;';aEANCE" '"' "THE CHEERLEADERS" 1•1 -::===C'="'="=SOU=•o===-'-----C'--11t11t h WY•o __ _ 9UE NA PAlll. BUENA PARK OlllVI IH l•"COff\ A•• W•t.I CM •Mtt 121·4070 9...f ~A PA(l'fl LINCOLN DRIVE ·IN l•nco1n A•• weu of ""'o" 121·4070 IQUfrlilAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVE·IN Soft o.to ,,.... ot titoouwnt Oo) 962·2481 "E.T.1' 1""1 -"BRONCO BILLY" ,...,, C...._ Jt M>U•O LUNCH WAGON GIRLS",., -"THE CHEEM.EAOERS" 1•1 ,.... ft '°""° .. l • H A8PA LA HABRA OlllVI IN ""Otf ...... ,. ... ".,.,. t Htit ....... 17Ht62 QA .... ,I "CREEPSHOW" 101 .._ .. o··,., IH( MAH FllOM SNOWY RIV(A' t•01 -· TIME IANDllS" •THE HOUSE wt<lRE [Yll OWELLS '"' -"FORCED VENGEANCE" "'I c ... , "°"'"° -•ll>o So OI ) Goo ... °'"" ··-891· 3693 - "FIRST BLOOD",., -"MAD MA)(" 1•1 c.-•t ,, SOUflilC> t•l I "f'AIT THl«I AT lllOOElllONT HIOH"...i J "lA""D" Pll J ~"* LAIT AMelllCAN YlllOIN' c..,, ,,_ "'' "TH( HOUll WNEAE EVIL DWllll " <•1 .... "FORCED YfNOEANCI ' ••I ORANGE DRIVE IN "FIRST 8l000" I'll -"MAO MAX" 1•1 "'"" A .. '' .. , .... MISSION O lll V( IN "fltl Tl•AI CHAINIAW MAllAClll" 1•1 -loft C:...90 ffW>f (OOfthe"O Oft •oMp "Al.ONI IN fHf OAAIC" tol 4ti~MI . •, ' ~. ,. ... " WARNER OlllVI IN W-A .............. _ M7·Hfl • ,.RAI IN lllAMA c ... Me LLIYA LA TllllftZA t.01 DOI CAllMAlH c ... 1114.MA IOUTA 5 }I 0 ~ (1) (1) ~ (1) ::> a. ~ ..... "Tl :! a. ~ 0 (1) n (1) 3 er (1) ~ (.) "° CX> I\) 6 N co a> •( Table to Table )'--------__. • ..__ _______ _ ---------\____ 1\ - Royal Khyber ••• ·challenge to Western ta ste buds \.._ (1) D E Q) u (1) 0 UCJ)'.-\L KllYHr:U. Wllfl Hn .... 111/ Sti'<'<'l N11rt/1. fl<.-11 1,.,,., l~·.,..h 7':1:!-.>'.!1111 Cutt('/J ,,.t·tYl'c/ tn111111 ::1/J ·' ni t (I :.:·:w 11111 /\/1111u:iy thrc>u~ll S.11un/;iy V11111t·r .. 1·111•1/ /10111 ri lo JI I' 111 S111ul.1.' tliruu~h Thw,c/;iy , >-I• I•• J J :w I' 111 F11d.1.1 .1111/ S.11urc/.1.1 Su11c/,1.1 m /11 wu /1 /111111 I 1 .1111 IP .I JI 111 Lt11Jcll /n1111 $:J.~I:) 111 ~ ~-:,•I.I ,\ /,/ I ,//'(I ' //II(// $ / !/;'j fll ,'fi;!-J ( 't111J/J/('(1• u. 1/11111"'' 11 11111 .~I :! !J,1 ,,, $/11 'I.• H11111d1 $7' Y.i /{1•..,1•1 I .1l/1tfl.' 11~'11/111111'/ltfl 'lf l11d 1.111 1 lll..,1111· 11.1,., lnng ... 11111·r•·d 11••111. l11r J,,, k 111 "'" 1 ... 111 ·1 11 ·1111 .... ptt•1· p .. 1111 1\J>f'•ll't•ntl.v thl' 11·111 d , 1111·v ,,., 1·11t1ug h 111 -.1·1111 1n;111v .o d111 .. 1 111 ..,,.,., 1 ti P l t 111 111t•.1t .ind po tato ... 1.1pl1· 111 11111,t o 11·,t.1111 .111td11r11 ci 1'11•· 1<111.il Kll\111 r . 1111 .di l h µ11n1p .111d ,.1,,.p11 ·r11 ,. <11111 l•l't1T11· N1·\\ ,,.,.., l{..,1d1 l•K .olton h,,,., .. 11t1 111 t'd 1u,.,1111n1·r lt•.01 alo ng with Th .11. S 11·1 h 11 .111 ..,, ~It· l 'h1111 •:-.1• .ind V11•t11.11111 ·-,t· 11 .i1 .. t11 o111h Tiu ''"' 111.111.1g1·r S .tl1·1·111 Khttn1 ..,,.<~ 1t .di h1· h"' I» d11 i... g!'I thi· 1nqu1 ... n11··· tllr11ugh the· d1111r '" 1h:1t hi · 111uld 11111 ·1 :1 w1d1· ... 1·l1 ·e111111 of t.1..,I\' , 111 1i·1· ... th.it t11 .it 1!11 µ.ii.it<' with pnip< r rc ·spt't'l B l.111d \lilt ... ti.d i llPt I 111d .0111•111g th·· T.oJ ;\l.1J.1I lrl-.• ti .IJ•fJll1g ... 11t tin ... I 1111 d111111g 'I"'' Mn..,t ·d I• 1111g, ·'"" "', 1111111.11111 .. I 111 .1 11 '11rlw111d 1d 'oll !'lllll\ 11!1'1\dt•d "flit I '> t h.ii ifi;i llt fl g t• tfit• '' 11,.J1 11 lit11 ·' 111 11111-.1 \V1 ·,.,l1·r11 t,.,.,lt· l1ud ... Tiu ... I' tfh' '' 11ild 111 .... it I 111 n . g 1ng 1·r .. 0 11.111d1 ·1 .ind th<' 1111 1~l11tll1'1'.1ll1111 "' lUI n11·rlt' l1a s1·d 'IJll'l'S 1h.1t IUl'll 111111 " d1 ... t11u 11\'1· tl.1 v11r 1 .oll1•d 1·uri -:-· N1 ·111·111111•1' w rll l111tl lh1· Hov;il 1-i:h vlwr w .1111 •r .., 1111"1 111 11,1 ul T lw d 111111 •1 111t •11u 1~ .i l;1 t'a1 Ii \\1th tht• I'll Jlll<Jll <JI tfll 1'\ J'l'l'\ llll_\ .otfdt•d t'l!111pl1•1\• tflllll\'I':> Y11u ..,, 1,., t 1t1·n i... ,,,., '"ll "11llld 1n ,, ( 'h111 .. :-.1· '"'t.0111.0111 p1•1 l1;q1;.. .ill ;q>p<'lll('I 111 ... t;1rt ,111 1•nll'l'i' .,, 11·1 ll!Hl '"I I ··•·h dtrH'I', .oil 1Jl'dt•1 o l l'll'f' ;111d ... omt• 11f H•l\,il f-.l l\lll 1 ·, ... p1·1·1;d h lio1k1•d b1'1•;id Anvth111g "I rf1 •11 ·d 1 .ill lu t111wd il11\\ 11 "I ..,pw1•d up .wt'(trd111g 111 \11U1 f'"' lt·ll·ll"'' T IH· n ·,.,t,1ur<1nt 1;.. 1·:.1x•t'1;.tly known fur 11.. ... food t.Jrt•par;1t11111 in l<mdoon ovt'n,., M<iny of the l'hll'k1•n, Santa For Your Party The real Sant:i from Huntington Center wrll bring cheer to your home or office. Call 897-2533. R ~ ··•-·•fl' "'""'"I ""•"41\ __ .,_._ IMlllMMt-7444 By JOEL C. DON Of the Uuily Pilot Starr ... 1irinip. and lamli offt•nngs an• prqnirL•d in this .1111·11·n1 stvl1• that 1:-. lhl· lwart llf Indian l'U1s11ie M1·at;.. an• ·111:11·11wt1'<l tor up to I:.! hours .ind plaL'L'll u11 ,.,k1·w1·r.., 111 .i t;ind11or. d day ov<·n ful'il'd by , h.irt'u:1l Thi' ;..11u1k1· µnx.Ju1:t·d by JU•n·:-fdlhng onlo 1!11· l1<1t v111l1<·1·:-. salul';.1tt•s tl11• nH'al w1lh a savory tl;i1·or u11l1k1• ;1n:;th111g .vou'vt pl'Obably 1•xµt•nt•fll'l';i Ill b:.1rl!1•\'U\' 1·1111k1•fV D1t·H·rs will ;q:;.pn'<·ral!• l'hll'kt•11 1.1nd1H•l'I. wh1c·h " ... tnpp«d tJ! tally ... k111 ;.111d bak1·d to ;1 ,.,prrn·what d1 v nm..,,..,ll·ncv L1kt•w1:-.t·. \\l' luu11d lamb 1•ntrecs ·""" trrmnll'J ,;1 11111~t 1·>.c1·,.,,.., I.it Thi' Hoyul Khyl>l'r op<'tWd 111 M ;.irt·h l~IH uy 11 l,1rg<· p;_1rtn<·r;..h1p and h;;s ;;ln·,iuy spawnl'd th1· Lrtllc· Kh:-ibt·1 111 Artt·s 1a . Th<' N~wpon 1·-,t;1blis h11wnt 1::. ..,tyll'd aftc•r :.in Indian p<tlace, n ·plt'tt• with p1 11 k napt•ry. pattl.'nu:d c·hina. while 1 nlumns <1nd grat·c·ful archways Tht· floors ;ire dont· 111 n ·c·am-l·olorl'd lilc·s .ind thl• l'l·stauranl 1s 11l11111:itl'l v ht Our onlv 1 r1l1c1s111 W<•s with a 1:old draf t -,1•1•p1ng thrnu'gli the• dost·d-ofl wmdow s. Thl' t·h11ly .111 1111 1kd off ou1 t•ntn·t"' a lnth• loo quickly Unttl tlw ,q ,p<1n·nt problc·m 1s sulvt·d with a ltttle \\'1'<11 hl'rs lnpping. yuu may w1::.h tu n.:ques t a wblt· lc11·;1tc•d <1w ;1v from tht: wmdow arf'<1s on c:old nrghls. B1·furt: th1 · me;d lwg1m., you'll bl' s f'rvl.'d p.1µp.1dam. a l'l'l:-.p y ll'lt'fl turulla -l1kc· offering m<id<· I 111111 lt·ntil rluur ;ind spin·" This µrc·lud•' 111 vour 111t·;il .,., dl•s1g1wcl t11 pt'rk uµ thl' pal;itt• fnr mon· and li1•t ll·r 1 l11ngs lu l'tllTlP Th" Hov.11 Khvlwr 1.., hvrdlv 1mmunP trom till' l'I f<-<·t..o.; 111 tht • l'\'l.'('~lllll Tht· rl'l.:Pntlv rl'Vls<'d nwnu 11·111·1 '" .• (l,.,1r·1· to .1v111d nwnu shix:k. with thrt•t· l'11mplt•l1· dinnl'l'S, orw of wh1l'h 1:. Vl'gl.'l.an:m. IA dinrn•r n •4u1n•s twu ur rnorl' p<'Ople.) Wt· dc·l·1dt•d to sample tht· M oghul Special ~"''• Af'W ,,.., ... .,. Cf!IA~•"' o •• ,.. . 63A•t38• ~ fOUITAll UllU \II' c;111•• ., .. "'-•-t••t...,.. ,.,... • .,.,.,,.u,. llt 'M>O - ~ I OW ARDS \P CINIMA .THANKS FOR MAKING "MY FAVORITE YEAR" AMERICA'S *1 COMEDY HITI COlfA MUA cell A .U IMMIOll tlUO -ldw¥ds Clntml Ce<lltt (dwMob SouNI Coa11 fllwMlb M'"°"' Vlflll !Mii CIMtltMM 111 •••1 1'111• ~·• 1111 u Huo eiuua IMITimT• IUCll EdWnl """""""'C.W-... 01 .. l..Oe-t!!CC!P!J•fO!!Ml~l AC AOE ._.., Mf MBf RS ·tr~u' •· 1 Ht ...,11 1 •l1m1' y•Ju and I gue 1t fO l f"ly r,er10fn"llnt_e ... ('\rtf11 y HHu Th11•,111'f dinnl'r ($1ti.~5), the top-priced among the three. It we.is dl't•nwd a lrut' b<1rgarn and hc:lpful for nl'Wl'Uml•rs. though aficio nados of the c uisine may find l'hllll'('S somewhat J11nited in comparison lo l>thl'I ll)Ul'l' CXUltl' Items On the a la l'arte m e nu. Hut for th<• pnC'l'. you 'll bE• tn•ated to some r a re ;111d c•xqu1:-.itl' flavors and a meal that doesn't leave ~·ou hungr:-i Thl' spc.-cial 111ducles appetizer. soup. 11111•1• nw1n t•ntfl•l'S. r1C:t', t andoori bread, a l'UC'umbt·r y1Jgun d1ppmg sauct• and l'Offcc or tea. Thi· m1x<:d tand11on dppettwr m dudes two lypt.·:-. uf l'h1l'kl'n and lamb When you order this dish fnim thl· a la t·artl' St:-ction. tan_9oon shrimp also l!-o indudc•d . Till' yakham·e soup 1s made from a <·h1(·k1·n s tock :ind lightly seasonc:d with cilantro. t'Ori;mdcr. bay lc•af. pt·ppt'r. doves and cinnamon. Wl' WL·n· dt·hghted with tht• t hree entrees. 1nduding t.andoon l'hlt'ken tn a saut'e of tomatoes, yogurt. l'rc·am. butter and l'Urry spic«.>s. The lamb M·l<•t•tllm was ap>prt>t·tat<:d for tenderness and a tasty 1:rt·eim "aUl'l'. of yogurt. ground nuts and curry . A Vl'gl'tanan cntree eompkted the picture, peas with lrrsli-lnd1an wrdc•d e he(•SC' in a slightly spicy sauce. Hatta, the· JX>pular yogurt-t·ut·umber sauce. was a m<ffVt•luus add1t111n. WL· USC'd the t.anduori bread l'allcd naan to samplt• nil thl· saurt•s on oar u.ble. ·- Tht> bn•ad ha-.. a most unusual texture and rlavor ;mci 1s wondt·rfully hot and slc>amy. Scvt•rnl seafood entrces <ire a m ong new add1t1ons to Royal K hyber's menu. and ,Kham rc'l·omnwnds the· adventurous try murg musallam ($1-1 ). a whole (;htcke n marinated a 11d stuffed with leimb and s p1t·t•s irnd SL•r-vcd wllh dipping sauce. THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE·ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS "A funny, stirring, enveloping movle ... tt ls a success through and through:' "Youdont bavetobe16 to be moved by tt- having been 16 will do:· -Divld Anaen. Newsweek ••TEX'' !EX ~la!fl"CJ MATl Dill ON ~M MtTllfR • MCG nltY Bill M(KINN! Y 4nll 8(N JOHNSON · l•tcut~ Prod11«1 Ron M1l~1 ProdlK~ by nm 21flf14'f'NM Muw by Ptno Oon.l99tO !>(r~~y by Ch .. rhto H•~~ & Tlt!I llunlf" B~W!d on lht nc>Y"' by S ( Hinton 0.rKlrd by 1 rm llunlf' rltl'n W•h ~ Produ<llO<I• !~-.-.-..* ,........ ----........... .,.._ ..... ~·----..... -~ ...... ,., ......... _____ . UCI CHAMBER ORCHESTRA STEVEN ERDODY, Conductor UCI SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA BERNARD GILMORE, Conductor Program: BACH: Brandenburg Concerto No. ~ BRAHMS: Symphony No. 2 Sunday, December 5th 2:30 P.M. Heritage Park Youth Services Building Walnut & Yale, Irvine FREE ADMISSION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, iRVINE Committee for Art s Presents DIETER SCHNERRING-INTERNATIONAL TENOR Tuesday, December 7th -8 p.m. -Concert Hall Repertoire includes selection from opera, operetta, musical comedy, folk, religious, & the Art of Bel Canto. General-'5. Sr C1t.-'4, UCI Students-'3 SING-ALONG with the COMMUNITY SINGERS Sunday, December 19th - 2 p.m. -Concert Hall Directed by Sarah Kerr -Popular & old favorite tunes. Co-sponsored by Junior League of N ewport Harbor. Free Admission. For further information please call 833-6379 UNI VERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, iRVINE THE MAN FllOM SNOWY RIVER ,.. .. 7:00, ..00 tATllUN. 2:00, 4:00 t:CIO, 1:00, \OM (f'G) F"I. 1:15, 1~ (Ill) SAT/SUN. 2:05, 1:15, 10-.25 lbt ltlissionaru · l!I ""-t:40 IAT/SUN. 4:a0, 1:40 -----·dw.1 rd<., FOU N T A IN VAi I FY II''-1>•t<tJM ~I A' f IJl .. (,f A 839·1 500 I ! U ,_. 'AIN VA l l l 'f ~·-·--· TEXm , ..... 1:30 SATllUN. 4:00, 1:30 '·'VICTOA/VICTOAIA" '" Fllll. 1:00, 10:11 SAT/SUN. 1:i0, l:OO, 10:15 -'- "''· 1:41 IATllUN. 1:411, St.15, 1:411 "MAD MAX"'"' Fllll. 7:00, 10:i0 SAT/IUN. l:iO, 7:00, 10:30 !VIL DWELLS" flllt.Me (R) UT/IUN.1111, 9'30, 1:41 "JIKYLL a HYDI ,_?:ti, ~(Ill) IAT/SUN.. .... ?ttf. Msao THE MAN F8IOM SNOWY RIVER MAn OIUON TOUGH T.EX _JfNT~Y m e,.,_.......,..___ FlllL l:OO, 1:00, 10:00 SAT/SUN.2:«1,4:00,1:00 1:00, 10:09 (l'CI) ,... .. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:15 1:15. a:1s. 10:15 C1'l[l' S"GW 0 Fllll. 1:40 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 4:4$, t:40 "THE TEXAS CHAIN- SAWFl.~lf.~flJE" 1111 UT/SUN. S:10 7:00 10l45 STH ,___ -ITA~C>Ne (It) 8AT/-.1:M. t:el.- "THEY CALL : I I I ME BRUCE" Cl'G> Fllll. 1:40, l:ll, 10-.20 Piii. '111. •i• SATllUN. 1:00, ~ ti-)ell, Mt. I,_ 4:50, 1:40, ..... 1•.20 THEMA.N F80ll "0 " SNOWY l'RI. 1:20 (Ill) RIVER SAT/SUN. 4:05. 1:20 Fllll. 7:00, t :10 ~ fAYOlfll IAT/IUN. 1:00, 3:10 'RAJ 11!1) 5:20, 7:30, t:U Fllll. 1:30. 10-AO (f'G) 8 AT/SUN. 2:15, l:iO 10:40 "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" (Ill) Fllll. 1:15, 1:00, 9'45 SAT /SUN. 2:'00, 4.-00 I: 15, 1:00, t:45 "HEIDI'S SONG" (0 ) E.T. nmEllTL\· 1'alUlU11UAL Flllt,7:15,t:to SAT/8UN. 1:11, 3:JO 5:'5, 1:00, 10:11 (PG) • TIIAc:t( OOIJY an .. 10 ET.~~L m .. ..,.. ... ,.\. •• •< tV-t FRI. 1:00, 1:15, 10:20 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 1:30, 1:00 1:15, 10:20 :Jbt missionars · (Ii FRI. 1:15, 10-.25 IAT/SUN. 2:00, 1:15, 10:2S l'1:1:?,~~GW ~ SAT/SUN. 1~:45, 1:25 CHAINSAW MASSACRE Flllt. 7:00, 10-AO (R) SAT/SUN. S:15, 7:00, 10:30 ~. ~i<fi:t SO!f, ~ FJU. 1:00, t:30 SAT/SUN. 2:30, 1:00, t:30 "THE LAST UNICORN" Fllll, 7:40 to SAT/SUN. 12:U, 4:10. 7:AO Fllll. 1:15, 1:15, 10:15 SAT/SUN. 2:15, 4:15. 1:15 1:15, 10:15 AU .THEllANtwJM SNOWY RIVER Flllt. 1:30, l:JO, 10-.30 SAT/SUN. 12:30, 2;30 4:30, 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 (PG) FRI. 7:00, l':OO, 10:45 SAT/IUN. 1:45, 3;30, 5:15 7:00, l':OO a SAT. OHL Y 10:45 TIME BANDITS m FRI. 1:00, 10:45 SAT /SUN. 1:15, ~:00, 10:35 ~ ... ----.. ...CTOll1"~ FJU. 1:15 IAT/SUN. 3'.30, 1:15 "LUNCH WAGON GIRLS" 1'1111. 1:35 (Ill) SAT/SUN. 2.-00. 5:15, 1:15 "THE CHEERLEADERS'' Fllll. 7:00, 1o-.20 (Ill) SAT/SUN. 3:45, 7:00, 10:20 TIME BANDITS 1'1111. 1:20 SAT/SUN. 4:15, 1:20 (PO) ''THEY CALL ME BAUCE" tl'G> Fllll. l :ll, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 2:30, 1:35, 10:l0 -,.,.. 101 rlll .... -'""-· ,,,.. Ul"Ull t-1'.,.. - RICHARD OERE Alf ~ .,,.,,,.. "THE LAST UNICORN" 101 m,=.=. --GEIW'ILCIUJ'¥ MY fA\40RITI rua Flllt. 1:30, 10:10 (f'G). SAT/IUN. TE;ao, tO:tO -.unotoo'T X c .... , ...... . --..... 1:15 S AT/8UM. 1~ 4:H 1!15 "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" fN. 1:41 (R) SAT/SUN. 1:41, 1:15, 1:45 "CHAINSAW MASSACRE' fRl.7••• SATllUN. 1o:JO 7 ... <D 00 I\) -· I I l I 1 -- - - 8 --(Currently Screening),_ __ AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Raled M R, stars Richard Gere. David Keith , Debra Winger ._ and Louis G ossett Jr. The re are very few surprises ~ but some beautifully drawn performances in this E talc of boot camp and romanl'e. It's ra ted R because 11> of language. Sl'X and adult situations. ~ N co a> o A BOY AND lllS DOG: Rated R, stars Don >. Johnson as the owner of a smart-taJking dog. This ~ ~~· ~~1~~~:/;·r~f~~l'~n1~ ~~~1fa ~~li~;s n;:1~~d ~ nothing in the way of )>Ubsta nce or believability Qi san<.'t' then 1J ~ s w r~~1?1~eR~~~o~a~~/g ~ ':1v31~~s~~. v~~~~c~~ ~ another om' that was n •lt·ase<l a couple-years <tgo !: and brought back by tTllit·al demand. Nelson and g Busl'y pu t an adm1rabh• per form ances as two 0:: oult·asu. w ho fi nd a )>t•nst• of famtlv in each othc>r. D1•;tls with large-r 1ssuc'> likL• re"vengc and the making of a legend - E T T HE EXTRA-T ERRESTRIAL: Rated PG. '-Lars He nry T homai.. Dee Wa llace. Robe r t Mal'naughton anci Dn·w Barr ymore This highly acdaun l'<i St'll'nCc-fant;1sy film dc·ab with a young ho\ who bdn c·nds a ltllh· lost ahc-n from ouwr ..,p:1u · This family I ilm h.i .... lx•cn toutC'd as one• of tht· be::.t in yt ;ff., LOVE C HILD H.1tt'd H, Amy Mad1glln 1s 1mpress1ve in her f1ro.;t m&JOr ro l£'. supportc·d by Bc•au Bridges and Mal'kl•nz1c· Phllhps. The film 1s basL'Cl on tht> true· story of a young conv1ct's struggle to kt'C'P h er unborn l'hild MONSIGNOR. Rated R. s tars Christopher Reeve. Genevieve Buiold. Fernando Rey and J ason Miller. Reeve trades his Superman cape for clerical robes m this tale of a World War II priest who becomes involved m fina ncial wheeling and dealing withm the Vatican. The beautifully photographed him 1s lo ng on shock value (priest has a romance, p riest deals with thl· Ma fi a). b ut s h ort o n mot1 vat1on and substanC't..' THE MAN FRO M S NOWY RIVER: Rated PG, s ta rs Kirk Doug las. J al'k Thom pson. S igrid Thornton and newcoml•r Tim Burlinson in the title role An outdoor ad,<e ntu re tha t is some times l'nt<.•rtamm~ but cornball and out-da ted. T HE MISSIO NARY. Rated R. Michael Palm of Monty Python fame has the-mlc role in this tale of a m1ss1onary who opens a home for wa yward soub m Edward ian London Th is warm-hearted pu:lUre has some-amusing moments. but they're offset by a boring love-s tory and a surplus of u ndeveloped plot threads. T HEY CALL ME BRUCE?: Rated PG, stars .John n y Yune. Marg aux H e mingw ay. P am Huntington and Ralph Mauro in a wack y parody of the Bruce Lee karate cult. THE MOVIE THAT "LIFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG" CELEBRATES ITS 19th SMASH WEEKI AYlAMOUNT f'IC'T'URES PR~ A LORiMAR-MARTIN l!LtANO PR0VUCn0N A TAYt.OR llACIO'ORO '1LM RICHARD <ZRE·DEl!RAWINCER AN °"'1CER ANO A G£N'Tl..£MAN Aho .tlllTlnc ONlD Kr::rnt and LOUIS 00SS£TT. J R. u 'A*)' Orll(inal Mu.W by JACK l'lfTZSCUE W'rlllm by DOUGLAS °"y STI:W'IRT PTOclun!d by MARTil'I EU'ANO·Oir'KUd by TAYLOR liACXF(JRO ft _..._ A MRAMIOUl'ITPICTIJRE . R -·------' ... ...:.-r.: :-==-., . lllU M""" 8•e.t l'\lta ~79 ~339 lllWl•l MIUIOtl WllJO fd•illO\ V•efQ f¥ton 830 6990 1a .. 11a1 WooGCll<CIQt c.nem.i 551 06~~ IMW .. Oll T IUC• WlSTMIHTlll [d .. Mh Ntwl)O<I C>MN Eaw;iiG\ C·-WOl 6H 0760 191 393~ OllAllCI( ~ 63• 1~~3 _, MYt.i .CCU 1l0 •Olli t...a OIO.AGl._., March of dpDlmes SAVES BABIES I Of a ·I 111 IC \ I PLEASE HELP FIGHT BIRTH DEFECTS With • little pradke ... ' myortecmbc•IOod · •Ina Leet I u" \nu' c I' I ll \ c I '11 IC ""'~'~ .... "'°""". mtmOtY Hotbfo!M<\ ~on f•om/(NEW LINE CINEMll R ,o , ............ ,, .... , ~? ... ~FAVORITE YEAR ....... • • ' ••.• , c,.. ...... ""Htt 0 frQ.t A''-' .-MJ.tt-t• A)";(.-..• or.HA •• ,.... .. ... l ._ ........ • ... .,._, 't .._.,. • DI . ' .. ""' ..... m ........ ..,. ,.. MtComlodl ..,,.l!JM"9 "' "fAV09'1TI VU9'" , ..... ,.,,. edwards CINEM CENTER "TIX" 'IATllUM. IM. .... "'" HAllGa AT ADAMS. COST A MISA MISA YHDICIMTB t7t0 4 I 41 , .... 1:11 I ATllUN. tl:IO, 4:M, 1:1 i "TIX" AllO AT: ,.__c....__ ,_,_,,.., .......... ............. ..... ._c-u.- .,.-_,_ .,..-., .... -ISM ~\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....l~---~~D_l_v_•_,_•_lo~n-•~~-~~~~~~~~~-=----~~~~~~~~~~ 9 From Page -J AUl)ITOHIUM, !)20 W. Wa lnut S t .. Santa Ana Center Dr1 w, Cost.a Mt>sa (957-4033). Performanc~ :P lrvuH" UCI Symphony Onh1..•!>lra ,111J ChambN O r a n gt> 'ount:v Pac1f1<' Sympho ny prPSe'iits "'ill-cc g1"'t.'n!Foest.l&ys thr&oghSatur<iays-ttt4J p:m:-; §:, Orehl•s tra will pe rfor m Dl't'. 5 a t 2::10 p.m "SyrnphonyunP;iradt.,"Dt.'t· 5 at!lp.m .T1C'ketsan• Sundaysat 7:30 andwc_oeke ndmatineesat2:30un ul ~ Admission fret.' Information !l:J:~-6til·I $1:1.50, $10.50 uncl $7 .50. lnformution fiH0-:~-444. Dl'<' 26 Cl> OAKBROOK VILL/\<.a: M1\LL. Laguna -"CHAPTER TWO." Neil Simon in a ~rsonal ~ Hilb. All-Am1..·nt·an Boys Chrnr und Pat1f1c Pop:. -SINGLES-------------Vt.·111 . t'ompletes its.run a t th e San C lemen te ~ On·hc•s1ra will 1x·rfonn !A-t· :1 "i-9 r>rn Adnw .. .,11111 Cnmmun11y Tht'alcr. 202 Ave Cabnllo, San ~ frl't' lnfurrnatton 951 -:.!IH:.! COSTA l\lESA COUNTHY CLUB. 1701 Golf Cll'mPnlt.' (4941-0743) Closing performanc.•t•s arc ~ LA MI HAlJA Cl V ll' T l 1 EAT EH Mas tt•r Cot.ll'M' Dr . Cost:1 Mt•s.1 Nt'Wl'Oml'r's Orll'nU..tion to tonight 1Jnd Saturday at 8:30. :ti Symphonv On·hl•stra wall pn•"t·nt ,1 l'unn·rt ol Orangc· l'o<ist Chuptt·r of Parl0nL-; Without Paruwr:. "CHRISTMAS IN WAKEFIELD," a holiday C: Td1.11ku\·!>ky. f\lot..irt ;md Sr <Jhm.'> Dl'l 9 Jl Ii µ m ht·ld al 11-9 pm f>t-t :{ lnfornwllon 557-H 179. t·ntert;unmt•nt. continues al thl' Newport Harbo1 ~ Trl'kt•l!> .in· $1 5.:10, s1:1 :'ill and SI I 50 Information l IOLIDA Y INN. :H:Jl Ar 1:.tol St., Cosl<i Mt~• Actor.. Tht·<.llcr. 390 Monw V1sla St, Cosui Mesa (:!t:{) }!H-91:101 Pt·•>p!.· SJmµll·r I:>.'\· :1 al ll pm Adm1ss1on is $12 (ti31 -5l lll) Curtain limes an• 8 pm. T hursdays ~ U NIV EHS IT Y UN ITED MET H OD IST Fur agc•s ~5-55 lnfrnmauon 54!l-0840. through Saturdays until Det-. 18, w ith a 2:30 g CllUHCll. lrv1rw Saddlt•back Colll'gl' North matint•c• 1.A'<· 12. 3 C;.1mpu:. pn·:.<.·nt:. "llolrdJV 1-\·suval of l\lusrc." Dl'( -PLAYS--------------"FlNIAN'S RAINBOW," a musical comedy g 3 and 4 at 8 pm Tid<"t·l:. art· $5 lnformauon .. A C HRISTMAS CAHOL." South Coast ahout lc•pn>1:hauns. 1s on stagt• at Sebasuan's West "" 559-1 :11 :1 R . 1 h 1 d 1 Dmm·r Playhou:.<.'. 140 Ave P1c·o, San Clemente w cpt'rtury s annua o 1 ay c aSSlt'. opens S A N T A A N 1\ II I G H S l' II 0 0 L WC'dnt•sdav at tht.• Fourth Step Thcawr, 655 Town .St•c' D1\'C'rsiuns. 1-'age lO ~~~~~~~~~~~ . II 7 -~· 1 J ~ • i i J -~ J> ' J -~~ J f J ~ " -· If it f I oats, chances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 -- . -- 10 _____ ( _____ )·-----. DIVEllSIONS __ From Page 9 m M1ss1on Viejo (831-4656). Performances are given Fndays and Saturdays at 8 p.m ., S undays al 3 p.m . an the Studio Theater through Dec 12. (-192-9950). The show runs through the holidays. nightly thrnu~h Mondays at varying l'Urta1n llmt.>S .. F LIGHT 0 f. T ll E SEA WAHR I 0 HS ... t hl' ----------iiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil w11rld prt'm1cn· of ~· nl'w play :-.t•t in Japan, wall b<.• prl'Sl·ntt•d m final pl·rformHnt:t·;, tonight and Salurday Jl -l pm o n the.· 1''tn1· ArL'> Villag<' grt·t•n at LT ln1fw (8:\:\ fitH 11 ··HANSEL AND l ;HETEL .. ,, mu-;Kal vt•rswn 11f llw t·hlldn·n·., folk talt'. wrll lw pr!' ... enu•tl by thl· Fmint,1111 Valll'y l'11mrnun1ty Theatt·r this wc·t·kc>nd ;rnd m·\.t ,1t Lo:-Amigos High Sc·hool, N1·wh11pt· anti llt·ll. Fount<ttn V,illt·v (!Hi-t -5:~9:!) Curt-.an unw" ;111• 7 :m F11dav:-and Satrudav .... ind .! :w Sund.iv ... thrnugh l.X~ I:!\\ 1th d Ip rn :.ho\.\ Lx-c !J ··JA MES AND T llF: (;!ANT PF.Al'll . ,1 c l11lcln·n·-. pla~·. 11114.·11;, tun1gh1 .11 Saddh bat k ( 'nllq.tt· $3.99 Complete Top Sirloin Steak Dinner Includes ..S.Quj) or sal~-~_._ Potato & Vegetable Served Fri. & Sat. 4.to 6 p.m. and Mon. & Tues. from 5 p.m. ~h e Stanford fiou je 18926 Magnolia •l G11llrid 963-0179 Fountain Valley Real \ Cantonese-Food 1 eat htr• or take home · 2nd Annual Bluegrass Festival 12 Noon Sat. 12-11 The Chapman College Department of Musicke Cordially Invites Y0u to Attend A Holiday Evening of Wassail, Regal Banquet and Concert To be enjoyed December 10 and 11 , 1982 '>1roll1n)( mrn\trc•I,, mJ)(r< rdrl\ Jnd \C'r l'nMl111>; \i'rVJnt-. will Jrnuse ·"you d1n1· on J truly \Umpluou\ rf·p .1\t ,1fter whilh ,1 ft•<1\I for th<' l'.lr' will lw pn•,entt'cl hy the Cone l'rl ( hotr. W1llt,1m llJtl, 'on due 101 , Jnd lh.imlwr Ore ht•, tr,,, Jo hn Ko,h.1!-, t undue tor LINGERIE FASHION SHOW LUNCHEON Every Monday Lunch Specials From 12:00 noon Unde~ New M.,nagt-ml'nl 401 E. 17th St Costa Mesa fst cPEstADOR Restaurant "'•·afuucl ~ °'INtk' 548-3241 WI 'IOMISf YOll GOOD CHllllSl FOOD LUNCHES • DINNllS • TIOf'ICAI. COCKTAILS ~ IAMQUIT FACIUTIES • ~ CARltNG * FOOO TO GO onee 1 DAYS I SPKIAl llSCOUIT °" FOOD TO GO ) SAN DIEGO • N 1961 Act.. H=ow tn.t115 961-.5050 WJ\\dtl D1nnl'r Con< 1·r1 -&·OO pm -6:30 pm -lfrrt<•J HJll -( hdpman Den1nH I tall Holiday Evt•ning Ticket Request for -8·00 p.m D111rw1 -Conu•r1 \ 15.00 ~ponsor $20 00 Pdtron $30 00 Ht•ndat tor -BNll'd H<lll Cont erl Only S4.00 t.<'nNal Adm1~s1on ~2.00 ~t·nior Citi1<'n~ S2.00 '>tudl.'nts lor mform.ilion pl<'d\l' cdll 714/997·6871 December 10 11 (please check one) Namt' Chy Phon<' ( £ nc losed ph..•ase find; Zip $ --for __ 1lckc1s at ror Dinner-Concert S --ror--lickch ar ror Concert only. mail 10: Chapm.11n College, Deparfm nt o f Mo\i<, Oranf!Ce, CA. 92666 ~.' Dining and ~:_} Entertainment "With all the trimmings." . Lightly breaded and grilled. only $4 45. Cattforrua Style (WJ with Spanish -~ sauce. avoca~o ' ~"-9 & tomato slices, only $4 95 lrtday & saturday ' evening only ~ "1J1tt Sftappa Hollywood/Los AngeleS/Glendale/Redondo Beach/Long Beach Hunltngton Beach/Newpon Beach/Corona/Cemtol/San Pedro Cf HE f!SEACHcfK)USE Dining and Coclctalls qtttl Dining For Romantics . . the _..;01111tf., 11111/ ::.1tjl1t::. of the .'111'/ on the hc11d1 111 L u111111t1 -"I mt11n1111 ·I re::.h . ""\ n·,, ·I 1111l1rnd Loh.,tcr ti11tl otlia /rc.,fi · f 1.,·li .Cu11tilt•!1_1Jhl hlcllllcd 11 ·11/i the ·'/,/'ll.'' of th e • fl11nfic ( 1cm11 . Mew()pM ~hw AMCMO MIAACH (714) lll-6515 Brea kfast Reservot1ons 494-9707 Luncheon Dinner on the surf ot 619 Sleepy Hollow lorte Laguna Beach I REMEMBER IT WEl.l CAN-CAN ~ • J THE NIGHT THEY G e . INVENTED CHAMPAGNE I I THAN~ HEAVEN FOR LITTLE GIRLS ~~I GIGI . ~Can't Find That Special Xmu Gift?~ l'M GLAD l'M NOT YOUNG ANYMORE Give A Grand Dinner Theatre \ Git Cefttllcet• • ) • J " ~ ~~TED BY ALLAN HUNT • REPEAT PERF-e --CE. $6.95 STEAK DlANE SALMON FI LIT sw oon SUPREME COMBINATION VEAL SCALOPPINI MARSALA When wt• inrroduccJ our dinner how. it wa' ;m instant hi1 So we've decided to hring it h;ic~. O nce again. our chef will create exciting goumwt S.'\lll('S at a special low price Each deliciou!>dif\nt.•r is just $6.95 and comes with a medley of wild :mJ white rice, garden ITc~h vcgctabl~ and either n mixed gr.12Cn or orange almonJ salad. If you love crepe . the offer is equally invirinJ:?. For $6.95 you cnn savour our Seafood Supreme Combimuion. Our classic C repe St. Jacques with Potage St. Germain and spinClch salad. So enjoy this dinner show once again m our popular malint.'C price But hurry. Thi cngagt.'- mcnt is limited. At the Magic Pan. there's tllwnys something new co come back to. South O !o.M Plm.1171'4) 556-122) Brc•a Mill (714) 990-4 H l Offer 11ood after 5 PM - - ... ... a> .tl E Q) ~ 0 >. <I! "'O "C u. -... a> "'O c Q) .x Q) Q) 3: 0 Cl. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Bilbo Bagg1ns 545-1718 • Coco·s. 540-9651 • Hamburger Hamlet, 546-7392 • M1ones. 979-6735 • Reuben's. 540-9672 • Swensen·s. 556-6937 2701 Ht!rbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Costa Mesa, CA .. LENAllORNE November~December/_A'a. 12. 15, 19, 22 &·29 BEiii MIDUR ~cember 27. 28, 29, 30, & 31 • JOHNNY MATHIS January 28 6 29 a• a FllZGERALD Fd>nsmy 46 5 These extraordinary concerts deserve a spedal beglnning wtth a fabulous dinner at Maxwd's by the Sea on the Huntington Beach Pier. You wtD then be chauf&ured to the show in a deluxe custom coach, wtth a hostess servtna you compUmmtary cocktaits, after which your raawd orchestra seats wtD put you ln the bat possible position to e1\)oy these great enta:tatners. TEAR nus AD our FOR EASY REFERENCE Spece .. limited. CaD today! Pacific Coast Box Office At MalC'.NeU's on the Huntington Beach Pier 7141536-8826 714/540-3669 HaS.10 AM-6 Pll ~llf 'IOtlll RUllNVlOlli -~ AUIClllilllln <;lvt• Ill S>ROU Of ~lSl'Oll)I ~-------~1111111111----------------------~~ WI M'fl"AU.lll\lllllClltllffC-'-"°"Alll>llAfLOltOlltS -----------== - l THI DRANGI COAST COAST IDITIDN ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS County to weigh alternate plans for airport Hy STEVE TRIPOLI 01 the 0•11~ Pllol l l•N Twt·IVl' altt·rn:n1v1.·l. fur tlH· tutlll't' 1lf J11h11 Wayrw Airport th.JI n•unty off1l·1als an· hop111g will hl· .1 f1n;t Sll'P tuw.1rd u n 1 .1 v t· I 1 11 g l ht• a 1 r port ·:. unl"t'I 1,1111 luturt· will b1· c·onl.ldl·n'{I th1:. month by Orang1· County supt•rv1sors. Tlw all1.•rnat1v1.•s. wh1l'h r:mgl· from <1 total shutdown of th1· auµun tu 4111 cxpans1un that would allow llltlrl' than llHl daily c·om1111.•rt:ial .Jt't d1•panun·s. an• ~1 "'Cancer Kids' cheered By KAREN E. KLEIN Of ttte Deity ~lot Staff Whl'n 8-yt•ar-old Jt·nnifl·r Ros.., was 1n the• hospital dying o f l'ttnl'l'r. she• gavC' the dolls and toys hc·r parents brought h1·r to olh1.•r c·h1ldren in th<' pediutril'S ward. Shc rt•ad aloud from h 1·r t h1ldn•n'l> Bible to•hC'r fr1t•nds, stumbling ovcr thc l.i1g words She'd summon th<.· nurses 1f the other l'h1ldn..n needt'd help Jl'nny's last wish. ht-fort> sht• d11.>d St•pt -l in her sleep. was that sht' would lw able to shan• God with ('hlldn·n 111 hospitals and ll·t thl'm kno w why she was not a r r:.ml to cl ll' . ThL• final request o f the extrnurd1nary s1.•co nd-g1·ader has transfo rml•d 1hc· lives of her parents. Kl'n and Cheryl Ross. and l'Vf.'rvorw who knew her Tht> Rosses. of H unungton Bt'al·h . and thl'1r young son . Chm .. h<iVl' undert<tken a pro.Jl'<'l tht·v t<ill "Cann•r Kids " Tht· pro.Jt·t·t 1s a1ml'd at fulfilling Jenny's wish by d1stribuung toys to every hospitalized child in Orange. L os Angeles and R1vl'rs1dl' t:ounues. and liolding Christmas parties in all thrC'l' countic•s for the children. thl'1r fam1ltl'S and families who haVl' lost C'h1ldren to cancer. n • ... pon:.t• h1 1111' s ll'lk111g d11w11 •11 llllf' 1•>.p.en ... 11111 pl.111 hy II JUdMl' 1·.11 t.1·1 tlw .. Yl'•Jr. Th1•n • l'un 1•1lll y ,11·1· 11 da1 ly l'11mn11·11·1.d Jt t rltghL' uul uf J ol\11 W11y11t• Tlw pnx.'l'l>-' of dl'l1·n11111111g t lw b1•-.1 .11!111 n;111v1· wh1l'h will -1t11rt with tht•1r l'>'f>l'l'lt·c..I off1t·1al 11111111.lm·t 11111 lll ... u JX'l'Vll>Ol'::-0 0t '(' l·I. prnb<.1bl~· will take 1111irt· th,111 a Yl'i.11', at'l'Urd111g lo airport l'lans and Prugra111s Off1l·1·1 Su·plwn , Kozak J1" J<:x panswn altl•rn1.1l1vt·:. 1ndud1• pl;.in::-. that would allow 2:.!, ·I I , 55, .J 7:! or !Ill Uuily l'lllllllWl'l'l;d jt'l bt•l'UIH•l' lht• llll"fJ11rl0S t)flj.lll)UJ t lights, plus 11111• 111·11v1::-.1on t•ulhng n111lJ.t1•1 plan lur t'Xpansicm was l11r u., m.111y ll1ghl1> 11:. 1w1-<l1'<l to strm·k dow11 by Ora ngt· County "f11lly 1111·1·1 l111·,1ll y gt·n1·ruwd SupPrwr t'11u11 Judgt• B1°ul·1· d1•111a111l .. Su1111 w r, with till' udn1on1t1on Ah1•1 n.1l1Vt'' 1111 lht• 11ppos11t· that IL't Wlll'ltl ch•ftt'IC'lll'Y WWI Ill> l'IHI o f th1· i.1J•'l'tru11\ 1n1·luc.h· hulun • lo l'Wl,uil·r altern:.l1v1· ll•1111111at11111 of sdwdull'd Jl'l plan., ::-.1·1vkt•, 11•rn1111a11on uf nun-Ku:tak talll·d th l• n{·w :.t· LJ.i1.·d u l 1·d Jl' t st• r vice, a· alu·rnuuvt•s "a prCJ(•t•s.-i of kl'l'ping ..wnb111a11nn 11f th1ist· two options with th1• lt•twr umJ lhL· spirit of o · 1llll' lotul s hutdown o f the till' Sunmt'I' <kt·1sion so that wt• -uir~rt -----........-.... -::ivo1d 111ry p t t fU-I Js In Km.ak said thl• full r:mgt• of dcvt .. Jop1 ng a pllu1 tu 1mprnvt· this ;1lt1·n1at1vl•:. 1::-. lll'tng pn•stmtl·d uirport." N11t111g lhu t th1• lily 11 1 N1•w p111 l Ht•ac h brought tlw IH\\''>llll tltat 1•1•::-.ult1'tl 111 Sum1wr'i. ruling ond that tot•vt•ral 11th1·1 j.{1 llUfl' ilt'llVP)y UIJJJU!.l' Ull Jltll t l'll.p.111:.11111, Kozak :.md tilw full 1 ._ing1· uf :altt•r11;,t1vc.•::-. 1s hi·ing J>I l"'l'lllt'tl l>l'\'l.IU:.t• "thl .. 1'-l>Ul' a.. Ml 1 IJ>l' ror pO lt.'llllUI lit1g.1t10ll .. lie. i.;11d t 111· t'OUnty IS trying l(J avo1c.J any h•gal <1ct1on against tlw al1t·r11a llV(•S ll l'hUUSl'S ht:t'UUS(' 1.·ud1 uru• 1<1kl·s many mo11ths tu µlu11 und launl'h l'Vt:n w ithout sU('h lx1rrwrs 'I' h 1· r f' 11 p fH' a rs tu b 1• a '11•11111111·111 icn11mg ttk• muj(Jrlty of '>Uf1<'1 Vl">(Jtl> fur an 1m·n ·ast· in th(• 111ir11IJ4:r of Jt.'l t·urrlt'r flights out ul tht• mrport. l'SIX'<'tully in light ,,j u 11.·~·olutum rL't'('ntly 11dopl\.'<.l hy lh1• b<xtrd '>Ulllng tlial tht•rt· rs 110 fcasr bit: ~I tl' for a sl't:o nd u1rpurt in lht· counly to meE't prv.Jl't"tt'ti nt't.od'> That rf':.olut1on , s1.•vercd !:>Upl·rv1son; s1;11d, lt•avt.>s John Wayrw as tht• rmly ultcrnutive for nwNing tht• 1.·ounty':. vroj('~ted (Sec AIRPORT, Page A2) Lag_una school __ land for-sa e By STEVE MITCHELL 01 the OellJ Piiot Stefl Laguna Beach UnHit-d School D1s lrt(·t trus tl'es havt• vot<'d una•n1mously to S<.'<'k b1dd1.·rs for purt·haS<> of 11 fi acres of surplus sch0t>I land rn.a..mo\a?...-to unprove- tht• d1stn<·l's financial posture. Thl• minimum bid that will be• ttl'l.'t'pll'd for the~ vacant land in tht• Top of the World t•ommunity Is $3.1 million. The trust~'S volt• was made during a m <:l'ting Thursday night a t thL· d 1slric:t offlcl'. The distract will advertise the land sale in na tional a nd loc&l ix·riodicals and a Feb. 17, 198:J d1.·adhne has been set for rl'turn of scall>d bids from prosp<..'<.'UV<! dcvt'lopers and public agencies The• pi.tree!, loeatcd on Alta Laguna Boulevard near Park Avl•nut" was purehased b y the school district in the l'arly 1970s fur $325,000 in cash. Thl' property overlooks the Saddlc,back Valley, and offers a panoramic view of the P ac1f1c OcN1n A citizens' committee which stud1<.'Ci the potentia l lanCi salco, re<-ommended up to ~I unrts l'ould bt• constru t·ted on t h1.• m ostly-flat acreagc. with 3.5 atTl'S S<'t aside for a SO(ttr and baseball field. Whoever sut'l'essfull y bids for ttw land would face the task of gi11 nlng approval from the City o f L a g u· n <t B. c a c h f o r a n y dt·vt•lo pme nt on the parcel, which 1s zoned for JC!!ilden-tial - USl'. H owever. f o llowi ng dLScusswns between the school district and cit y officials, the dis trict twlieves the city would "look favorably upo n working with the successful bidder " P rocel·ds from the land sale would go to bolster the district's f1nanc 1al s t atus The o n ce- W('althy district has suffered a number of C<..'onom1c setbacks the past four year.,, including those brought by Propos1t1on 13, state t·•,Urt rulings. inflation. dl'Chnrng s tucknt c·n rollment and the f('('<•ss1on But Clyde Lov<.•lady, the district's bu:.iness manage r. said Lnguna schools could not spend the princ.·1pal r eceived for the land sail' for anything except l'op1tal improvement prO)CCts ... lluwt•vt·r. he said inter est l'drne-d from ihc· principal c,an be used for saldra~. programs and other district net."C!s. "Thal> 1s going to b e J Christma5. pn•S4'.'nt to me and a lot of kids," Chl'ryl Ross said Sht· works on making arrangemt·nts for th<.· toy drive, "1.•arly in th<.· morning. late· at night. on my K<'n a nd Che r yl Ross and the ir so n Ch ris look O\'e r th e toys co ll t-c ted for Hcancer kict.,:• a project in!o,p ire d by the ir daugh tt·r' c·ourage. Report on college TV courses planned By P HIL SNEIDERMAN 01 lhe OellJ Piiot Stefl tl'lt'l'ourse <'rediu. should not be transfrrred 1f a Coastline stud ent movcs to a Cal State campus. lunch hour any time· l can " ''Wt• don 't want tu tomml·rc1alizl· this or cap1tal1ze on Jenny's dt>ath," she said. "Wt· JUSl want to do what J e nny want<.•d sh~ wanted to takt• earl' of tht• cann·r kids" Th<.· Rosses have arrangf.'d drop-off points for toy5. at t hun::ht'l>. medrt·al ol I 1l't·s. policC' stcJt111n-. and homc·s Thf.'y have· <Jrr<tngt·d for the Los Angclt'S and R1vt•rs1d1· partiC's to bt• held 1n l'CH1JU1ll'llon with parl1c•s g1vl'n by a u 111c<'r s upport group <:all1•d Ca nd lt·lighters 'fhpy'rt• s<.•C'king a plat·c• to hold lht• party m Orange County Rut most of all. tht•v'r<' '>l'"'t'kini.t UCI survey shows dissatisfaction By GLENN SCOTT 01 lh• Oell, Piiot Sten Orange County 1s J:>t.gmmng to d ispl ay some troublesome sy mpt oms of age and urban1zauon that are causing a surprisingly high percentage of rC's1dC'nts to contemplate moving out , o c<:ording to UC Irvine reS<>archt.•rs. Rt.•su lt s from a n~w rnuntyw1de tl'lephone survey 1nd1c·att• thl' county's popular image as a high growth area may. be changing faster than most people believe. said Dr. Mark Baldassare, a UC I facul~y _INDEX_ r l· s t' a r c h a s s o c 1 a I t' w h o l''->Mdmat<'Ci the..· s tudy During an on-campus bnl'fmg Thursday, the first t1m<• th£' l>Ul'VC'Y results have• bc<•n madl' p u b i 1 c . B a 1 d a s s a r l' s a 1 d 1mpl1t·atiuns from "at'('t'll'rnting urbanrzat1011" may mt'an that th<' ;ittracllvC'ness that oncc• dn.•w people to the couQty may he clt'l'ltnllli;t. c Ht.' noted. for l'Xamplc. that of th1.· 1.000 people quf.'sllom•d m August through a random sampling of the population. onl' adult in nine report<od a dc·s1rl• to move• outside the <.'Ountv The· predominant reason: I l1gh hou,sing costs that dis<.'ouragcd Al Your Service A5 thl• rt•s1dC'n lS lhC'y would be able Bulletin Board A5 to affor d to buy lh1.•1r own Business B4-5 hom f.'s within the nC'xt thrC'<.' Cavalcadl' 82 years Cla.o;s1f1ed C I O·~: Rt·~archcrs drsc'Overecl thnt 6:1 Comics CB ix·n·t•nl own their homes wh1lr Cros.c;word :n JX'l'CC'nt rC'nt Eighty pcn:<.'nl Death Notit"CS AC! 72 of those renters said they'd hkl' Editorial to o wn homes. but o nly 23 Entertainment Weekender perc·t>nt claimed they could Horoscope' B822 afford to buy, &ldasarre said. Ann Landers Movies WeekendN Of concern, he noted, is that Mutual Funds B4 most young fam ilies said they National News A3 couldn't afford lo buy home's. Public Notices C7,C9 Only the two-mromt' ramiht'S m Sports C l-6 the hig h Income brackNs im1d Dr S teincrohn 8 2 they could afford to buy, hf.' Stock Markets 85 notC'd Tclevtslon TV Log That f indin g 11h ows how Theaters Weekender m •turat1on has cha nge d t h e Weather A2 county. he said, from on orf'a tha l .__w.,o_r_ld_N_e_w_s _____ A_J_ .. • <See CO~NTV, Page AO toys "I've hl'ard thl• drop-off ptimts ar<' not OVC'rwhl'lmt"C! with toys," Ross said She· and her husband havl' booslt.'Cl the• dravl' by purchasing $200 worth o f dolls ;md stufft•d a nrmals. F~ll'h 111y will IX' wrappt'CI and taggt•d wrth ::i paix•r h<•art that s.ivs, "l know I'm soml'l:xxJy 'tauS<· God don't makf• no junk1" lt wai. om· of Jenny's favontP sayings Jenny was dragnos('d as having no n-llodgk1n's lymphoml:I lttsl Ft•bruary. Although doctors rnrtiully said she was m an 80 pl'r<'t.'n l c.·un.•-ratt• bracket. the d1sN1sc sprt•ad from h er lower vertcbraf.' throughout her body, <See TOYS, Page A6) A California State Univt•rs1ty ac.Jministrator who is examining thl' quality of television courSC'S off<•n'<l by Coastline Community Collt•gl' says h e cxpN·ts to pr<:~(·nt a preliminary report on his findings in January At 1ssuc is a charge madl' by somt.' fat·ully members tha t t<:k'<-'OUl'SC's urc not t..-omparabll' to classroom ins truction and that J oe m ith o f NewporJ De nch c limb up a storm-wr ecked.do<'k after examining his boat in the Ba lboa ya cht basin. Dozen of boat sli1) were d a m aged b y ahiR week's h eavy winds. Balboa ~asin braves batt6ring Thl' aging &lbon Yacht Basin in Nt.•wport &>a0('h has survived another storm barely. Docks u l the ('1 ty owned mar i nu . sch e d u I l' d t O bl' d<'mdllshcd ond r<'bullt li.tt• n«xt yN-.r, w ill be luh ed back 1ogf'th<'r an comin g week s In hop<'S tht'r ll Inst OIJI the y a r ~ Th<.' yucht busin, buih 40 yenn< ngo and purchased by tht> city last yt•nr, took thr brunt of the choppy S<.'ns and galf'·forre w inds Tut•sd ay Docks were wrencht.'Ci looi.t'. gongwoys 1mappcd end pili ng. s plat More than 70 boiat-ownerx .have ht.'t'n or will \)(• forc('(f to rclocell' th1•1r t'rl'lflif while• work C'rt!ws put the m arina bac k togethe r . City offidals sold they're looking for o ffs h ore moorings tor th<' displaced boats City Ma nager Robert Wy nn Kaid longtime city e mployt•ea r<'portcd that the storm wa.~ the worst. to hit. Newport &acb m mon.o thon 20 year.. Ile soid tht' <See BALBOA, P11• At) \ ' Dr. Robert 0 . Bess. assistant v 1t•t• chan l'ellor of academic affairs for the 19-campus Cal Sww systl'm, was asked by Cal Stat <' administrators a nd the system's a ca demic se n ate (repn~nting l<'achers) lo review thl• telccourses a fter a critical lettC'r was rccew{'(f la!:>t s pring. That le tter. sign ed by 67 instructors at Orange Coast and Golden Wes t colleges. ra1se"d questions about the quality and compara~ of Coastline's t<.'l<'t:ours . Orange Coast and Goldt•n est a r c Coastlin e's s ister colleges in the Coast Community Colleg(• 01slric't. More r ecently, the Englis h Council. representing Cal State English instructors. asserted that a basic writing telecou rse o ffered bv Coastline s h ould n ot b e ei1g1ble for transfer credit. On Tuesday, Bess me t for seven h ours with Coastline admm1strators a t the college's Fountain Valley offices. "l could not have asked for m ore cooper ation," Bess said la ter. He said he was given a large amount of written mate rial by the Coastline staCC. I n January. Bl'SS said, he s h ould be able to pr esent a prelimi n a r y report o n h is findings to th e C al S t a t e A ca d emic S<.'n ate and t o representatives of a commiuee that helps de termine whether c ... ommunity college courses meet general e ducation standards of lhl' Cal S tate system. I le said CoastHne's te lccourses l'OUld eventually come before a challenge rommittl'C that would de tt.•rmin<> whether te lecourses sh ould continue to be c lig1ble for transfl'r cred1 l. Although Coaslline 1s the target of this study. many othe r ('olleges und un iver s ities througho ut the state and the nation utlllzf' l<'lt'COUr'M'tl. "1 nm pr0Cl'C'd1 n g very iw nsltivt•ly and deliberatel y • bc-cau~ thlt rnmlfkallons do go beyond Cou\linl'. Whatt-ver conduisions we reach will have inrlul•n cc on p eople ualnf le h.'<'OUMi<.'S around thl' country ' tl1i;c dlst'uss1on Tu('Sday wl\h Coastline oHictals focused on (See TELEC()tJRSlt, Pa1• All r + l .4i • Oru11uu Luu111 DAil Y f'll U l /I 11tluy, 1Jm.t11n1>111 :.!, IU82 Tr~iler park now safe from waves? ----------------Newport Beach By STEVE MIT<:llELL 01 IM OellJ "lot 11.n t-: ml' I' g l' n t' v t' I I' w s II II d vohmlt'l'f's p.ll'kt·d up and It'll El Morro M11bilt· I lunw l'a1 k lilll' Thursduy r11ghl . s.1y111g th1· \Vur:-.1 c~f ;i thrl'1' clay surf a11d t11l:.i l a~"ault 1111 th1• ir:11lt•r 1•om1nu111ly IS llVl'I' :11 lt•asl flll' llllW • Tht• l't1111b111al11111 111 hag Mii I und l11gh 11th•:-. :.111t·1· 'l\11·sd a y has ldl v1gh1 of tht• 7:! lllllhllt· ho11w:-. uninhab1tablt• 0 1w of !ht· 11 .11h•1 s 1s ha11g111g prt~:anuusly ov1·1· wh.11 n •n1;1111s of its wav t•·1·r11dt·tl founda111111 and on ly a t•ablt· .111ad1l'd to a 11-ut'k prt•vl'nlt•d 11 from lw111g dainw<I bv tht• :.1·a Thul'-.tll'V A ti tl-f~>0t tu.k • w :1s t·>.~-<·tt·d by m1dmo r11 111g today. but res1dl'll~ say wavt•:. an· smal lt•r and lht• dangt•r uf n1tJrl' dam..igt• is minimal "Tht• w orst 1s dt•f1n1h·lv 11vt·1 ." said purl-tum• El Murru i·t•Mdt·nt Mike.· Fli:inagan, who s ix·nt mul'h of las t night rt•µlal·ing sandlJ,;gs undt>rm•ath his tr:.11ll'r Comic die · Ma rty Ft>ldma11. ~9. shown in 44Thc.· L a1'1 Re make of Ot•u u Gt's le," di N I today in Mexico City of a h c·art attack . A GENTLE RENllNDE~ · ONLY 22. SHOPPING DAYS 'TIL OH~ISfMAS1 "'J')w M il I ' •I 1111 s111:1lh ·1, l111l ll's s ll ll l11pp111g ag.tlll'>I lh11 ,,111dh.tg1>o," F l.m.tg1111 ,,,ul "W1· u 1uld 111:-.1· :.111111· h.1j.!s 111dav .11111 l11111g h1 , hut I 1h111k w1•'11• 111 pn•lly g11111l :.hu.,.·" .lt•I I 'J'.1 yl111 , u spok1•sm.111 11 H tli1• Ura11g1• l'1111111 y l"111• I h· p.11 11111•11 I , s u td .d111u I I !>IJ volu11t1·1·r:. work1·d u1111l .1h1Jlll 11 p 111 Thurs day al El Morro bl'lon• pulling o ut l '11u11tv o ll1n:ib l'l11s1•d 1•IH' :.uu1hbou0nd lum• 11f Pal'lfl<' l'ou:.t I l1g ltwa:--1war tlw 1ratl1·1 1•11d11v1• JUSI north u l L..iguna Bt•ad1 fw '''\'t•r.11 h11urs Thursday Th.11 n ·:.ultt•d 111dl'lay:.111 up lo l:.i m 111ult•s fur Laguna bound mutuns~ a:. dumµ trut·ks brought 111 111 o rt• s a n t.l bags l u l h l ' l'Ulllll\Ulll l)' Tlw fin· SJX>kt•smun !k11d s tat1.• ,111d counlv vulun ll'l'ls will no t 1 l'I urn tu. £1 M o rro ton 1gh t , 1•xwpl fur a h ,mdful o l off1l·1.1ls to llllHlll<:>r lkt• t1dt· "Whut we'vl' plat·c•d 1n lht•n · s houl<J ha11dl1· 1h1• probl1·111 ." Tavlor ~1d ··W1.•'n · nut bringing C' .,.;C'-rv n n C' b a-e:k 1 n un IC' s s sonwti11ng dras tic· happt"ns " "Tonight will bl• a normal tidl' so w1•0 rL' prl'lty mul'h wrappl'd up lhl'n ·" T ill· dl'partun• of vnlunll'l'.l> lt•m t•s lht• task of :;.honng ~p :-.Ii µp.,1g toaL·hl''> and rt•in ror<:1fig ISe.e TRAILER, PAge AlO>- Tht.• sands of lin1e D•llY Piiot Pholo by LH P•yne ---- T lw linw ha!'! t.•xpirctf on the.· n w tt·r·s arnf tlw 1mrki11g s pa<'t' i~ limilt'<l a !'! win<l-blown ~anti cfr·ift!>i a ppt·ar lo look likt• snow d r ifl!-1 u l s 1wt nt•ur tht• New port Pic.•r . T ht• cfril'tin~ i,and i~ u n ·sult ot' lwuvy winds thal hit tlw Ora ni.;'•· Cou~l Mone.lay uaul Ttw~da y , d oing t•cm ~icJc rabl, .. dama~t·. AIRPORT PLANS CONSIDERED • • • Third victim From Page A 1 a ir t rans portallon 1wt•ds Tht·' a rgut• tha t evC'n 1f a st·cond airport silt• w c.·n • found ou t.:.1dc- lhl' t"Ountv ver y :soon. tl would lx- y1.•ars tx>ion · that airport could .f.tarl SC'rVIC('. Othe r s, le d b y S up1.•r v 1sor H .. ilph Cla rk. sa y .thl· probll•m t'Uu Id Ix-solved soone r by ,101111 m il1tary-nv1lia n use o f lht• El Toro rviaruw Corps Air Swuo n K oz..ik said county planning o ff1 c wls will draw dcta1lt·d proflll's o f a ll 12 altc.·rnt1t1v1•s aflt•r th.cy a re pn,•sentc.•d l<J tht• s up1.•rv1sor s. re turning f]u r a :.c l'ond prl'st·ntatiun in m 1cl M a rl·h At that time. SUJX'r~isors will O~d~l1~ c;reeur~~ from Hlagen Daza. Ice Cream Shoppe """ .... •:Ji'" 1.') J • ~~· •.••• .. } ....... .,., ...... . 1·~ •.: ' .. " ··.:. h, ... ._, >¥ "'° ~..:.,--. .t' ...... ' ·~ .: ...... :-.t•h'l·t al ll•a:.l 0 1w, am.I probably l u t p11 ... 1·1ll.1t1 11n to .J u d g1• lht<'l' or four. of the ahernatiVl'S Su111nc ·1 \\ho .is a n •-.uh 111 h1'> tind ord1·1 full s tud1l's of thl.'1r ruling Ji,,., \'l'lll p~<·r o\t•r t•n v1ro nm1•ntal 1mpa~t o,n--n-nr-!'ai'i1rr"'poi f~p.111sion 1Jltills. J{im 1k ;11rp111·1 ,irt•a. including public s,ml lwar111gs. K owk said Ht• ..... 11d till tOUlll) prnt>,1lil~ Al th< t•nJ of that pr()('(.'l>S the "ill 11111 h .iv t :• plu n to 'how 1Jltc·rna11v1.~ will b<.> prc.'St'nl£'c.l to Sum1w1 u nlll t'.11 l v l ~H I. 01 lht· l>Uµt•rvo1ors onc.-e again, and "l1·r1,11nh 11111 lx•l111 t: tlw 1•ml uf tht•y will t•h1:K.1o;c• a singlC' pro.)l~'l I !ltl:I" BALBOA BASIN • • • From Page A 1 l'llV hits not IH..•c:n a blC' lo rnlc:ulat<• th 0 1• am o unt u f duma g l' I.Jut cst1matt•d ll would be sev crnl thou'>lmd d ollars lit.> said Lhl• l'tly IS ('OOSldC'r111g st•c•kmg stall' d1sa swr funds Thl· sl(>I m. p.ttking wind!> up tu 75 mph. rippt>d a 40-boat '>l'<.'llon o l . dock I rom 1L'> pilings a nc st•nt 1t s lamnung into an ..id.J.i<.·l·nt dol k . said T ony Mc·lum. l'll;io· t1d1·l.inc.Js .idmin..,lrator D t•sp 111• thl· s tiff winds , d ,1111..igl· w b1.k1Li.. a t tht· basin w as slight. Sl·\'c.•rµl --Lrnkl• loost• a ml I l11.1ll·d 11tlo N t•\\ port Ha rl)l)r T h1·\ wt 11• rt'l'OVl.'rt'<.l )Jtt•r l\lt•lum ~<11d o n Cl' b oats <ire.• f'l' lllll\'l'd , l h<• I W O M•t'l ICJll:. ttl doc:king will l)l· pull('d apa rt a11d all<ll'h1•<l to m•w p1hng!-. lro m e:1lly, N1!wµu1 t o l f1t 1J b had ,1usl lc.•arm•d the• t'llY w ill hi.· rc•tc•1v1ng a $:l 7 111tll1on lo w 11H1 r'll>I loan from tht• s t.ill• to n.•h,1b11itJIP tht• faullly. ric.Jdlc-d with dry rot a nd dc.·n1y Mc.•luin said thl· manna had bc.·t·n ;\llo v. c.•d to dt•tl•11o rutt• lx·fon th<· t:tly acqu1a·d It l<1'll \'1·,1r Ht• -.<ud thl.' ma nn;1. wh1k• not In lop <,hapt.• '" ..... \lj{nt ·cl orr 1 l~l·tll)y b~ lnSpl'l'lOl S f'1•r m.1n1•n t n ·p .11rs on tla m.ir111J "ill lx·gm 111 1.111.· Hm:~ l\11'lum :.t.11d <ill Inti shµi.. will bl.• n p pl'<l llUI o f lhc.· n\,1n11a and r~·pl au•d .ts wil I thl· h.1s1n 's bulkht•.ul Warmer Saturday Tht· mnnnu. wh11. h induclt•s H n •:.t .... w ;1111 a ;. ac·h t brokt·rag1· I inn ;rnd Sl'VC'r11l ap.11·trn1.•nLs. 1s lot·att•d at tht• li p ,of H arbor blond Urive· of NB crash i den titted-- I\ 1h 11 d 1p <•r :.on k1ll<·cl Ill Lt h1gh-s.,.•t·d t .ir t•ra:.h in Nc.•1A-port Bt·m h h a.., lw c·n 1d1•n t1 f1t•d ;is John &;ir:111t1110, HJ, of Sun Ju.an C.iplSll iilllJ Sl'a r ..i n1 1 n o, 1ra l l 1c.· 1nv1·sug,1tur:. said. w a:; r1d1ng 111 ,1 l'ar dnvt•n I.iv Ma rt· Lu1!; Mant11, 18. ol South ·L<1gun<t Ma1110 was k1lll•d wh1•n his <·:11· ... µun o ut of tontrol . •lll P<.1t:1f11 Ct1<1sl l11ghwuy. w est Qf &1ll.KJ;1 Boulc.'va1d. and s trut'k ;.1 V!'h1c)(• l l a\'l'l1ng tn lht• o ppost ll• d 1n ·l.Uon Tlw th 1vt•r nf tht· wt.ond «ti K u1 t•n J\nnl' Pra1gg: :.!Ii. o l llunungton Beach . w a ... ::il<.o k1lh•d l\lt•mon a l M>r Vtl.'l>s f11r Pra1gg. •' g 1 a dua!l• o f C a l S tJlt• Lon g Bt'iH'h , will be h t·ld I p m Sa turd a v a I P ac 1 f ll 0 V 11· "' ~ll-nwna l ·chapt·I in Corona dt·I l\ l;.11 Shi is :.u n·1vl·d b' ht·r p,11 1·nts, Nt•lson .rnd &•tty P1 .ugg o f. Cost.1 l\lt·'kl. u brothe r, Mark nl Co:-.lil l\ksa. a nd a s 1s tl•r . J u d .> o f Sat 1 ;1 nw 1110 S hL• alsn lt•<t \'C"' g1 ,md p..1n •11t:. 8ls 1t• S H•\'C•n:. of Alwd1·11a and Phvlhs Co lm:m of M1ss1on V11.•.10. Funl'ral a r range ments fur Manto c1nd S carunt1n o art• inc:omplt'lC B I ·ader Rolla llay · die at 76 l·\1111·1.tl ,,.1v11l'» 1111 111su1 .111u · 111d11sl1 \ f1 .,1d1 ·1 l<11ll.1 )( ",h •1r v" J l11 v ... 11 •• l1111J.1l111u· Nt·wpw 1 B t .. 1111 11•s 1d1 11l who tl11•d 'l'hu1 "l.1 ~. w ill hi· .ii l I'm M II fl d •• \ ·" 1·111 II ll' v 11· w Mt 1111111;11 t 'li;q11 I 111 l'otrni:t dl'I M.11 11 .• v ..... \.\11 11 d11·tl .11 l1 1.:1g M1·1111111.il ll1i-.1111.il l11lluw111g :i .. 111111 111111 ..... w., .. 71j lit• w.is tlH· l11und111g p11·:-.1d1•nl 111 1111 Wo1 Id Aff.111 s C11um·11. !o.l 'I \ c•d ol'> jll l''>Hl l'lll 11f th(• Nt>'-' p1111 11.1111111 An Mu'M·um d111111g 1ls lu1111.111v1· y1·a1'> a11d was ,, 11 u s111 »I Ch :1pnw n ( '11ll1·g1•-i11 01,111g1· ) I.IV'> '>l I \'t·d 11>1 111.tllV Vl'UI '> • .-. .1 vu lu1111·1·1 It .id1·~ ~,f tilt '11 I1 I UI 111.1 ) f 1.,11 l A '>'>Ill HI t11>11 m1 lud111g .1 11 1111 a' 1 lw11 """' .,r 1h1• ,,.,.,011.1 11 11 11 '> liu a 1tl u l d11 n l111' lie \.\,;.,. tl11n11n-<l thrt·•· 111111·:-bv tlw h1•.tt t a'-'>UC'iation. • I It 01J1 •1 a tt·d 111'> own ins ur.inu i1g Pnl'l!'i> 111 L o'> A11g1•lc•!> a lld (Jra11g1•0n>Ullll~ili L;J.l 0 J.0 -UL..l.Jw..--- l:ih• I !J711s \-\'lw n ht• rlllf'l'cl I l.1 vs w,1..," life· rn1.·111lx·r ol tlH' M ti I 11~11 Uull:ll' H11u ncl wbll· of thr· N .1111111;d Assm·1;1111111 ol Lili· l n s u1 antt• U 11d1•1 w 11t1·1~ Hl' ri·1·1·1v1'll lou1I ;incl national lifr 1ns 111 :1n11· :a\\ ;11 d' 111 f1 1 i..1 t .i ruc· to Ora n gl' C'11u 111;. .11 llw ag1• orr.f<ma wa., <1 g r .. du.Jlt 111 Sunta Ana Hig h Sd wol Bd 011 moving lo L1c.k> hh· 1n Jllf1!I ll.1.)S w as u lru:.lc _ o l tlw S.111 l\l:11 1no C11mmunllv < 'hun h · I h · I'> SUIVIVl d by !us Wiit· of :,7 V4'<1r .... ~ Alll·nl· Ha~ of C11r11n.i d1·l l\h11 two h'm !>. 0 Rulla H 111 of Colorad o .md Doug!;,., E 111 L.1g una Bt·..il·h . I wu s1stcn ., 1\nnll' L aura<· Bra d s trc•rt o f Corona fl<•I M..11 .. nc.J &·~y K1rb v 11 I A ( l a d 1 a . :.i rf d l w u gr<incll·hild1 l'n Tt11· l.11111l y ha:. suggt•s 11.d n11•11111n.d t·1111111hut1o n:. tu tht· ht•J I l tl'-'>tll'IJllllll Chamber chief re-elected in Newport l',1rr1I South, th1 f11'l:>l "' oman pn ... 1d1•nt 111 tlw Nl ''purl Hdrbor i\11 .1 ChJmbc 1 ol Cc1mm«rtl' hil~ lit 1 n -.t lt'I. lt'<I lo '>t'r vt• <t "l.'<.'Ond 11 1111 J'> tht t·h.11nlx·1 's leader South . ..in It \'111t n ·!>1dc:nt <.tllcl bu ... int·,., l''t'l.'Ull\'1" w ill b<•gin h1.r "'t·11111I tt·rm Js prc•!>1d {'nt 111 Ji11H.1J 1 y folio\\ 111g tns talla uo n ll'I t'lllOlllt'S Jim 0 ,1lc" m.in.igt·r of the.• Villa N ov,1 rc·.,1,1ur;1 nt 1n N e wpo rt 8<.'al'h hus h1•t•11 :.<'l<'l'lt•d v ict·· pn·:.ult•nl Hobt•11 S hac klPton . of lhv •11.·t·o unt l n g firm Pt•al. M:11 w1('k , M1tt·hdl und Co w as namt•d th"t· c.·hamhc•r 's t•h1d I 111:1111·1.tl off1t'l'I a nd a ttornev Bt•1 nanl !:khrw1dt•r St'lTPtary · Cons ta/ Slightly warmer Some high cl0<id1ness Cleveland Columo•a SC Columous Dallas·l'C Worth Dayton Denver Des Moines Detroit 70 63 75 62 72 62 7t 52 72 63 •S 26 63 39 67 57 52 32 •o :is ·08 ·29 55 33 32 04 35 28 63 42 38 28 81 72 76 56 74 59 63 73 82 62 35 27 61 41 53 37 76 70 75 66 47 38 ATOMIC SKI PACKAG ES ******** Coastal low 50 Inland 38 Coastal high 85 1n1ano 75 Waler 61 Etsewnere tiont variao1e winds oecom1ng wes1 10 n0tthwes1 10 to 15 knots on arcernoon West 10 sou1hwes1 swell 2 to 3 leec with 1 lo 2 loot aflernoon wind waves varoao111 winds less than 10 k nots IOn•gh1 and Saturday morning with westerly winds 10 tO knals Saturday afternoon Faor Chrough Saturday u. . Sllllllll<lr)' Showers and thunderstorms spread IO<lay from tne M1ss15'1pp• Valley to IM upper Great Lakes the lower Ohio Volley and the aoutnern Appa1ach111ns Tornadoes touched down late Thursd•Y 1n parts of 1111no1s. Arkansas end M1ssoufl. an d thunderstorms re&ched lrom sou1h-central Texas across aoulhe11s1ern Missouri 11 was raining today 1n the Paclllc Northwest with snow reported In the lllgher etev11t1ons Snow allo fell over parla of eastern Montana end northern Nor1h Dakota Dense log lormed over the Carolinas and much of lhe mid Allantlc Coast r901on Rain •lso spread from the northern P•cll1c Coast through the northern Plateau Temper•tures eround the netton e•rly this morning ranged from 14 1n Rawlins Wyo to 77 1n Baton Routa L• -T empe ratures Alb•ny AlbuQuefQUO Amarillo AnchOfage AthevHle Atl•nll Atlantic City Auatln 811tlm0fe e1111ng1 8 trmlng111m Slamarck Bolte NA TION Bolton 8rown1Vlle 8utl1lo 8urtiogton Cupe< Ch1rle1ton. S C Ch11le1ton. W v Ch8rl011e N C Cfleyenne ~ Clnclnn•ll HI Lo 56 37 u 26 51 32 07 09 66 59 69 65 53 49 80 53 55 51 38 23 78 88 41 26 41 35 '\3 44 ,,I 82 " 80 52~3 30 12 76 84 78 5!1 88 83 33 20 71 58 nee Oululll El Paso Faoroanks Fargo Ftegstall Great Falls Harllord Helena HonOlulu t<ouston lnd1snapo11s Jeck son Miss Jac1<1onv1flfl Juneau K&nsas City Las veoas lollle Rock LOUISVIiie Lubbock Memphis M1em1 Milwaukee Mpls·SI Paul Nashville N!Jw Orleans New York Norfolk Norlh PlllllO Oklahoma City Omahe Orlando Phlladelph111 Phoen .. P1t1sburgh Portland Me Porlland Ore Providence Rote1gh Raptd C•IY Reno Rochmond Sall Lake San An10,nio Semllle $11reveporl $IOU• Falls SI LOUIS SI Pele· hmpa SI Ste Marie Spokane .. . - e 10 76 16 63 57 63 32 75 69 82 75 57 51 60 53 49 23 60 45 59 33 67 66 55 49 56 42 66 56 57 42 57 42 62 40 68 57 36 20 33 25 61 53 37 23 80 51 56 43 76 70 57 26 74 62 84 70 55 52 37 36 10 •...jjf'c:,n.a "',..t~f'' Y· ·<~ -.OU u 5 OH!t • CO"'m.-t <' Fronts Cola ..,.. Warm .,.., Syracuse Topeka Tucson Tursa Washington Wocll1ta CALIFORNIA Bakersfield Bly I he Eureka Fresno Lancaster Los Angeles Marysville Monterey Needles Oakl•nd Puo RoblM Red Blull RedwOOd C1ly Sacramento Saltnas San Diego S•n Francisco S•nla Barbara S•nla Mar1a Stockton Tiier mat Ukiah 81rstow Big Sear 81ShoP Cataline Lono Beecri 82 51 61 37 53 32 62 50 56 53 58 37 56 42 81 55 54 53 39 53 32 65 54 53 58 59 5 1 51 52 41 48 46 54 52 50 40 !t4 46 64 48 52 50 64 42 58 53 44 70 45 58 37 43 10 48 28 86 50 60 40 SURf RIPDRT •,. '··· 111•i':eii?.-im11.lilltr ... •nz-. .................... .. Tod•y'a W.v1 AYer19e Loc•llOll Avg/MU l h•pe Temp Hunungton Piar 1·3 lalr 58 S11n11 Ana Rlvllf Jelly 2·<1 good 59 40111 St Newport 2·3 lair 59 22nd St N-port 2·3 gooo S9 Qa1ooe Wfldoe 1·2 poor 59 Rockplle, LaQun1 1-2 poor 8 1 SIHpy Hollow 1·2 l>OOf' 81 Th111•·8rooU 1·3 l1lr 81 Sin Cl4!meflll Pier 2-3 good 541 ti f ral•lglr (T Slreett 2·3 good 58 5 T omooow High Tide 10 5 t • m Low lid• 4 38 p m Swell Ofrecuon Wet I l I • ...... Monrovia Mt Wilson Nev.pO<I 8e9Cll Onftarto PHadena Riverside San Bernardino San Gab1101 S•nta Ana Santo Cruz 1ahoe Valley PAN AMEIUCAN Ai:.afWICO 8arb&d01 Bo1mude Bogol• Curacno Freeport Gul delOUP8 Hovane K1ngslQ11 Montego Bay Me<ldll NIU 8U Sen Juan T egucig11lpo Trlnldlld v .. ecruz E, l ended fo1·eca I 66 40 44 21 63 39 59 34 62 41 57. 40 58 39 65 40 63 40 61 46 39 t 1. 7S 84 73 75 64 90 68 79 62 72 86 72 66 75 82 83 82 72 73 82 73 84 73 82 63 88 73 73 SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA COAS1 AL ANO MOUNTAIN ARr AS Fair Wtlh oc;Caslonlf high CIOUdlnOH Neltr norm111 iempern1ures CoHl81 and valley 1111101 highs 85 lo 7!1 end tows 3S 10 4 5 In moun1a1na highs 45 10 65 t1nC1 1ow1 1n 20s 1nd 301 11/'C~pl lffnt 1n hlQh Y8ll~yl Tides TODAY becond low 5 '1 p m 1 2 IATUftOAY nrtl hlgll 12 13 l!m 39 Firll low 4 38 1 m 2 5 Second li1g11 tO SI • m 8 2 Second low 6 14 pm .o 9 Sun uh 4 "3 p m ~11111 S111u1011 II 43 n m Moon 111111 e 47 pm '"' S.turdfty 10 30 n m I I HOBIE SPORTS LTD. 2831JAST HIGHWAY a, ~ CORONA DEL,M~ 675-9700 OBIE)'to TS LTD. . ,. ( I" 111111" l Cl I I DAil y I'll 0 I If 11t1.1y, IJt•( l'll11Jt•I ,J, 1iJ6'1 • \ ~ Attl•• • ltr ~ till • • rt:~g 1s l r<l l l()ll i1n11•)rlant l:1~;1/i1u· ;u/ 11ro1/111·1i' t• 11111u111l 11111 h1111"' and th1· prc·111 \1•tl h11111111lnl(blrd loud 111 JH'I 'Uflph '11111•' a 11• l111•\pt•1"h'" hut nutritlonul 1•onll•n1 i" "' 111101111.11 that "'' "1111111•1 II it ml1¢hl h1· 1•v1•11 mor1· 1•1•111111m ic'11 I lo m uk1· OUI O"fl 111iAhtr1·. U) l'AT llOltoWITZ 0 1 th• Dally Piiot llall I >l•:i\H 1n :A1 ll•:1<s '1'111' '1'111 111.tll,ll \ S.dt•I\ l \11 1111 ti 11 ·111111d-. 11111-.l11111•1-. 1h.11 11·ghll.il11111 111 111·\\ Ill•'' " '1111 111111111 l.1111 dt"•l•ll• ,1 I 111 Ill • lt.111)'1 111 It do 1.11 l.1\\ 1111 , , gi-.11.1111111 '" '" ··d1111 l>E \It l''\'I'· I r1·,1w1ufrd 111 011 111IHrlh1111wn t h.> t '11lll11rnla \\'01111111 11111w111t11· l11i.t M.1y. I "'"I $15 lor 11 11111k1·m 1·r '' hlt-h \\llllld 11pp1•11 r In lht• fll'" m:i~u7.l111', 1lu1• to lll'gi11 p11hl il•a 1i1111 111 l>1•1·1·111h1•1. My du·c·k "u' c·1"lll'd. hut I hn \I'll I h 1·i11 II 1111\ t hl111ot 11 t a ll ahout "111•11 "'' mukt•o v t· r "Ill Ill' 110111·. 1•v1·11 thoui.:h l'H wrlth•n 'i\'Vt·rnl lt•ll..ri. :ii.klni;t 11h11111 It N.M 1 ('m~tu M1•'u Iii• 1111111\\1111• l1111111111111tl1111I 111111t· "1" p111v1d1d l1v 1111 S 111 I 111 j'lt /1111 k1111\\ 11 1111 lh lllolll'\I v,1111•114 •, 111 1111111111111,.11111 1 M" .!II 11111111 111 "'"" 1.1111 ... 11,.,11 111111 q11.11 l1 I 11111111 111 ,1q11•1 li\dl ,1111111 1111\.\dt•I lopl11111.il 1111•11 d11 111 ,I\ .11l.1l1lc .11 111 I ,1111ply '1•111..,), 1'•11,111 ,1111u11111 111 \',1111 11.1 ll.1\11111111 ••Ill g.tll1111 of \\,il11 .111d11d l•1C11l 111l111111i• C.l>., ~untu Ana l'IH Ill'\\ l.1\\ I• •111111 ' 1111!. 1w11d1·11l 1111 oh .il1•1' 111 p111\ldt l'J lli pu1.i1. .... 11 \\1111 ,1 1111111 11111l.1111111g tlu 1d1•11lll11-.1l11111 111111 1111·1 111 '"'' 1111· Tt11 I 11-.1111111 I 1111'11 11111'1 111111pld1• 1111' l11r111 \\llh h1<. 11.11111 .111.I .1dd11•''· .111d 111.111 11 I 1,l\ k lo !Ill' 111.11\lll.lt'llll l'I l11 l 11• -.1111 I 111 • !111· I' 1 l'ghlt I t•d T1r1· 11utlt•t-. 11\\'111·d 1,, 111.111ul.11111111 -. .111d l1r.111d 11,11111 111.11 kl'lt•1-. 11111:-.l n111t111u1·. l11 till 11111 th• 11 gl'\11 .1111111 1111111-. lh1·111:-.1•l\'l':'> ful lht l'll'\1111111 I .11111 I 1hll11 tl11 1111 Ill' 111 1111• 111,111i,,&J.11 l1111 I 111 tu .i 111tl11 !11111 p111111 1lt·-.1g111 d 11\ 1111• 111.11ful .1t·t11r1·1 l'11hlhl111 K.1111 1\1.111111 ll,11h11111 ,,11d ll''f'"ll'4' 111 1111 • 111,11\1·11\'1 I ol\.J\I 1 ll'l 'llU•jll \'.,,., IHlll Ii l,11 g1•1 lfl,111 ,111111 lllolh d , .111d '''" lt ·ll•·•' 1 \fll.1111111g 1lw clt·t.1\ 111 •,d11•1h1li11g h.iv 1• hh ·11 "tl'lll lu 1 ,11 h I"'""" who 11·..,111ind1•d 81H• 1·11uld 11111 l111 ".11t· .c11\ 11•1·111 d 111 h.1v111g 111 '.11~1 1111111 v111 1 ,111d 111ld I\ YS h111 ... 11111111g.11h·l.iv ,,,.,.,.,.,,.11t l11 \IHI 111111111111 w11l111111.111 \llU 114 "1111,111\ 111 0.,1•1• 11 Vllll \\,till .111 lllllllt dl,111 I C'lll11d, l•I II \1111 \\11llld fll• 11 I tu \\,111 ,1 It\\ 1111111lh' 1111 tho 111.1k1 ·11vc 1 II do .111·d l'l.11 1 111 11 I'll• 1 ,1., rn 1•1kd "( :01 :1 11101111·111'' '/'111'11 Wl'llt' Iii J'm llorow111; JJ,11 1\ 11/ '111 11~1 1.1pc #1•11111~ tlw .111 ... wt•rs mu/ ;wt um \'Ill/ tll•(•tl II> "'"'( /llt'(/11/llt'\ Ill RtlVt'//)t)lf•flt lUHI l1u,1111 ·-,.:, M.11/ y11w t/11t'.'>l1t1t1I> to P" t lluruw11z. At \'out St•t \111'1'. 01.1111w Ct~1,.,1 /).11/y Pilot. }' () Box l:1till. <'t1.,t.1 M1 """' l'A Yi62tl A~ 11111ny /C'ltt•rs u' 1\ 111•\1 h-d1 ·1 .ti l.iw. '1g111 d I 1\ l '1 • :-uh 11 l lk.ig.111 1111 < k 1 1:1. d1.111g 1·d 1111· 1q.:1:-.l1.il10J1 p1t111d4111 l'lt'\llllhh .di lilt d1·.ih·r:-. w1•n · 11 ·qu1n·d lo 1·rn11pl1 le· 1111 · 11·g1-.11.il11111 1w·111.., a11d 111.111 1111•111 1>;11 k 111 11\1 · 111.imll.1111111·1 IH•:AH PAT: (';111 you ~ivt• ui. a "homt! rl't'iJw " lor hummingbird lt•t•clt•r-.'! Wt• ha \l' 11 lot of bummin~hird:. /111."llilt· II 11/ IH· il/1 .... 1\'l'/l'll. 1>111 111111111·1/ 111(/llll'/I'.\ Ill: lt•llt·1: ... 11111 1111·/1ult11~ 1/11 • l'l'.1d1 ·1 '.i., /111/ 11111111·, :1tlclrt•M, 1111c/ /)11."ilnl'S.'> how ... · 11/10111· 1111111/w1 1·;in1111/ 111· 1·1111. ... 11/1•H•li .. Man jailed for bu_ying explosives A S;111 Onul tt· Jllll'lrar 110\\·1 r µlant ma111lt'll.lllt't' \\ 111 k1•1 h .1 ... p lNlClt·d llllllX'l'lll lll :111 l'"pt11-.I\ t-. poSSl'SSlllll 1.:h .ll'g1• .1111·1 111" .1111 ''ol la:-.t mo11th t ur allq.wdh 111" 111g l'Xll'l'llll'ly f.lO\\'t•rlul l'>.plP'-1\t'" M1dc:ll'I &•Q!lll. :!;"1. 111 ('\pt I"':'> w a:.. ,111.11g1wd tn South t>i .111g, County Munil'lpal l"uui 1 .111d "' lx•ing tu ·Id 111 Ornng, · l'oun t \ ;.11 I 111 l11•u of $:.?:'i,111111 h.111 11 1-. pr1•hm111111·:-; lw;1n11g '" ,....1u . .:uuil:J_ for Oc•c'. 7 R<.·rg111 w ,1:.. arn· ... 11·d N11\' I II 111 th l' park 1 n g Int 11 I ,1 S ,1 11 l'h·nwntt· ~uµ .. rm..ir k1·t 1111111 • Seagoing· Sant-a----.-.-- due in Dan~a Point1. s.1111.1, -s .. , 11 .... ,, · \\ 111 l'lw !:->.in1.1 At St.·" ft·"1""" .... pull .111 lllllhll.il .,'11 tgh lll 'Pllll:-.1111•d h,\' llH• 1),111.1 1h11111glt l>.111.i 1'111111 ll.1t1i .. 1 1'111111 ll.11 bor J\,..,1111.1[11111, S.11L111l.1\ o11td Su11d,I\ and D;111a Wh.1rl Sportfi...l1111g ,111d kids "rll lri:nl\'ttl'<I m nrtc• E l-l:'-t1rrrrnn-Kc•a l .rtr11111r \\tlh S.111lo1 r111 !11·1 1111111 I 111~ \Vomr11\ C lub I p Ill I ... h d.1\ a 11 t• g l ' d h l ' g a\' l' S :.! ti II 1" .1 n und<'rt'O\'t•1 Jl'tl•t 11\ 1 l....!.!..L......,_-1---- 1 1. pound hlot k 11"1"':'1 pl.1,111 • R ) n a H . R o thb e r g. l't1ord1nat11r 1d l'htldrt•n 's ;.1•1 \'tt't'" tor tht• N1:wporl Rt·;11 h puhlll· ll lJ1.ir~. h.1s l.1t1l•n 1111 ludi•d 111 1h1 l.111·-.l 1·d11ton of "Who':.. Who in L 1bra1 v <ind l nformauon St·1-vtl'l•s." • Sht' has bl'l·n with tht· t'll) 0!'> ltbt ur y -.y ... ll•m l>lllt't' 1~7:! l'X ploSl\'1 • l'<l lil '<I l' I Lt., Al Ehlo\\' -..11d o11·11.1l pho1og r.1 ph:-. ol I h1 111H 11"11 pOWl'I' µla 11 l \\ l 'l l ' I 111111d 111 &·q.(111\, l'ar ;1fh r t h1• .ir 11 ·-.t-. "li t• ,,11d h1· h1111gh1 lhl l'Xpfo:o-1\'t•-. l)l'l ,•U'I 111 \\ .lllh d Ito go out 111 tlw dc:-.<'11 .111d 111.il-.1 ,, big b;ing on Nl•\\ Y 1 ,11 -. i-:, • Eh lo\,· ... :11d "It ''nu Id h.1" I 11 1 11 a \'l'l',V IJ1g b;mg .. C -4 i-. "0111· 11 1 th1 11111-..t po w c· r I u I l' :-.. p I " ... 1 ' 1· ... manurat·turc·d." l'.:hltl\\ -..iul lh main u ..... 1:-. 111 mil11;i1 \ '"It\ ll' and ll 1-. t•-.µt·na II.' tit '"I .ilil< bPt"il llO,t• II l'.111 bt• 11111ld1·tl I}\ hand. h1 -..o11d A -.111.1.J• ''" k • .i11 IC'vl' I a :-Ill.• 11 h111111 h1 -..11.t Whl·n Hl'r~111 app11!o11 It• d " San Ch•nwnu· l'tJmpan\ th.it ti-.1·-. C-4 anll <1:-.kt·d \\h1·11 h1 (11ultl bu V -.oJlll J \\'t1rk1 I ht I olllH su.,·p1l1uu., ,ll)cl 11µpt d 1111 I'"'" 1 Eh h)\\ °""ti "Wt• h.1v1• no ind1l.1t11111 111 ""I" h<' bought 11 ."' ht· ~1111 l'nlH" .111 T still 1n \'t·:-.t1gatmg tht ·" 11.d photo.., ol 1 lw plcint \\Im Ii I~ r g111 said lw b o u ght I r11111 ,1 l1 ·l l1•\\ l'm ployt·1 · '' h 1 • w ,.,.. ,, pd11t "I It· -.;ud lw w.inll·d 1 .. 1,. • .t.i. t o ... how p1·11plP \\ h1·11 h1· w 11rk1·d." Ehlo \\ "'"I .. e ,\ lttl'pUhl1t h-.tu111111 II• ,tl1111 Ill •ti pl t·1111 ·11~ll u.d -.\rid111111 1 \\Ill l>t .,\.igt•d S ;11 111d." .ii tlu ,\n.dw1ni Con\ 1 11111111 1.'1 11111 h\' p1 11!1·,-.11111.d-. l1n111 ,111 lt\'llll. b.1-.1 d group -.1u1h 111g th1 '111111111111 1·1111d1l11111 1.1·• 111111-. 11 .. 111 1111 <.'t·111t·r 1111 rt.1 Stwh n l l'l\IS \\ill 1 .. I I 1I11 .• ' 11111 I 1 '•II I 111 .. 111 t11 111111n 111 1 h1· t >1.111g1 l '11u111 ;. H 111111 1 .il '"' I llll\'1·11111111 II 1111 I l)1 ..,1d11·d 1111•1111\ 111 .1 1n1d11.ol J•111111.il ,1, tl11 • '.\111,_:l1• JI.i i t Ill' Ill No •\\ 1"•11 B1•;11 h .c11d 11 Villi .... 111\lltd li1 Jlllll .1 111'\.\ P .111 11h \\'1th11111 1'.11 tnl'r ... 1 li.ipl1 I I• •11111111.: 111 th1 11 t'ol Join Us In Ill,,,,, \\111111'11° .. ht.ihh l'-'>lll' 1 11 t 111 U n 1 1 "d S-t " t 1 ., • • pn·1111'n-.11 ual ~:. nclron11· .., ,, h II I Ill II II h d I !'> U I d I ' I t h .11.1111·r11t·d h v ullv ul 'l'\'1•1\.11 -.\mpt11ms •lh.1l rt'(UI r1 g ~ •• rl\ during t'Jlh 1111 11'l1 u.1I 1·H Iv i\mong tho'l' 'i)'111p1111n-. ,1n l1l11.i1111g h o .id.wht·'· le m .. 11111 11111.1111111' .111d tll'o11111111a 1\11111 · ml111111.it11m about lht· h ., tu 11 • of I ht· t'l'll ll'r 111,1\ be o l1l,11t1t'd Ii\ '.illtng th1• ii\ llll 1111111 .1 1 l 't j 7:17:! Tlw rng.11111..itwn 101 -.111gl1· 111111 h1·1 :-. ,111d futh1•r... llH't•h T u c ' d ,, v f u 1 m u 1 t' tnl111 m,1l1111i tall Bill Glt·11111111 at fi II :! I 'i;"i '.J , L7_i(l'!irl1i1tf ) <.:-)11r 0-+!I ii! ..:..:-\1/111irJS, r11 1 Wednesday, November 31st thru Sunday, December 4th Our Thanks -Special Pnc1ng This comm11nny ha\ f'<ten<led 11\ sucl1.1 Wf'I· come \1nCf' wP rncJVPd here from C.1n trl.t f1V<' yeill'\ ,;igo. I hell wr Wclnl to '><=ty ,;i rf'\• 11111<11ng 'T™nk you .1nd 1n this spmt fnr lllf' Wf'f'k of NCJVE'mt>e1 )Hiil t11rough DP«·111tw1 4th. illl J('W('lry 1n ow 111\IC'ntory will t1!' pr 1< t'l I 1n (' -in.id1,111 <lnll.tr\ trq111v 1IPn1 to .i 20% Olscountl I r111\ I\ ,, Ollf' llfflf' 0 11ty wry rc•,11 bf'rlt'fH .1\ our policy l~l\ oilW,fY\ hf'l'rl 111 price ow JPWf'lry f,11rty ;ind to bitrk 1110\1' prn f'\ w1t11 c1111 monry h<l< k 1Ju<1r <mlt'1• of v.11111' Spf>c1.1I rracures In ,1<!rl111r 11 10 lhP m;.iny fin<> p1e<e\ c!t>\1gnl'd ,incl ur•,11t•ct 1n our own s1u<110. Vtl1' will oe show1nq .in c•xrl11s1V{''COllt'Ct1on or Jevvf'lry Oy Toni ( r4Vf'll 1 of V;inrnuver. 8 C Mr Cavelt1 hM t re.Hr<J Jf.'Welry for Queen. (ltU!Oeth II am l'mJ<f'\\ Anne .1nd is a three time Winner ol tht> w Jrld \ O~ar' tor j{"INf"lry design, the DPBel'r\ D1t1monch lntern<111on.11 Award We lkM' ,;ifso ObU11ned from fur~. for this WN"k only a s1unn1ng selection ol loose d1<1mo11rJ\ .ind colo red gemstone\ ve1tue<1 ill wveral mlllron dollars, tor sale at very. VPry ftl\/Or ;iblf' prices \M> hope you wtll 1oin u\ lor this relebrc1t1on Looking lorw.ud to \f'e1ng you Wyndham Leigh ~~~rHoRT 121 ft1sl11on hldrKI. Newport 81'.lCh. CA 92660 Telephol'l(' 114/644 or,01 • Nt"" Bullock\ Wilshire EARN AND LEAR Deliver the .... JailyPilat Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642 -4321 and apply today . Daily Pilat . . . Tiu: 11w.-,r dliuc.·11t .Ille! < uc,t-c:ff't::c. n vt· wu~ cu hwld vour w,1rdroh<: ,., co li"ncl ;111 C.'\f>c.:rc) <HI h.H'L" c.,u nfi'denc. t' in· Lpruft.: . ..,..,1wn.1L< Jc,t /J1c:c. ... di.~pe( rn lii1<:~-in-pr-r~iclmr ----,... ' expert knowletlf!.e CCJllL ernin.1-: rlu: \'t1riou'> eh:mcncs of </u;i /iq . \C:n·h e. v;1/w: and ;uh·icc:. W1e frd \\ t: "'" e .u !JJt.'\'t:d che..,c.-ohjt.·c. civt:~ am/ m rurn 11H 11ce i rn1 to cc1ke ;1d\ ;111t;1µ1: o( our upcimum sdt:c ciun /c>rl chis !lt.':tso11. Gentlemen's Cit tr11nq 1nsp11ed by 1rad1t1on 46 Fashion ls1a11d Newµo1 t Be<lch (/ 14) 640-8310 "' ....... ·----------------------------------~--------, I ~.~~ I I r~;,/·. I IT'S OPEN NOW! OUR • I FRUIT SHIPPING DEP-RTMENT ! We've been shipping fruit for 40 yaersl Everybody loves our I "Made To Order" fresh or dried fruit packs. There Is nolh.lng llJ(e I 'em. We h11ve 1000's of Gift Packs to choose from or we'll make I 'em to your order. Special attention and discounts to quantity I buyers for your friends, customers, relatives. I They'll all love them! One call does It all and your Christmas , ~ shopping Is done. look what they'll receive -mouth watering Cornice Pears, Large Red Delicious Apples, large Navel Oranges, OPEN DAIL y 'Tll 6 Fairchild Tangerines, Nuts, Red Grapefruit and HOLIDAY Candles. All ~ -~"" ., in a holiday carton. Quantity Discounts. Call 645-003211 h A~- Mr. Camp !I I\ _ ... ~ I <:«..... °" 11 ~~ _.t? N..-t Tiw I SAVE UP TO 40 LB THE 59 KINDi Wcrid. 1 r----f(• 1 • r :1 • r11-- ---1 r-----(lillf;I•Til-----, r----i(•l• Iil•Itl-----, 1 1 I 11 LARGE SIZE It FRESH I I I LARGE SIZE 11 CALIFORNIA :1 GIFT PACKS 1 I ...£AJB0ttLD t i-NAVE1. --II FRUIT-BASKETS I I l TANGERlNES I} ORANGES _:!DRIED FRUIT PACKS! I 19¢ II 11 I ! lb. !i 19¢1b. !! 15°/o Off ! •--------------J •--------------~L---------------' GIFT PACKS, ONE CALL DOES IT ALL -....._ r----(~•l •I:J•T11-----1 r-----((•l•Iil•Iil----.,r-----((•l•Iil•IaJ-----, I I I SAVE UP TO. 49' 11 SAVE UP TO 29' I I I LARGE OR MEDIUM I I II . I I I NEW CROP 11 LARGE ICEBERG II CELLO BAG I I ONIONS 11 LETTUCE II CARROTS I 1 1 I _ 11 II I I 10¢ :: 19¢ · U 10¢ l : I lb. I I each II bag I I I . -11 -__ II _ I 1 ·---------------' ·--------------:.JL ______________ ;;:., I ORDER YOUR FLOWERS, AND FRUIT, NOW! .-----i<•l•li.!.l.lJ-----, ,-----~·I•r;i.r,r----~ r------«·11r;i•nr---..., I 11 II I I CRISP FRESH 11 TEXAS RED OR I I NO 1 IDAHO I I SMALL 11 COACHELLA 11 ' I I CELERY 11 WHITE I I BAKERS I I 11 GRAPEFRUIT 11 I I 10 II II 10¢ I I ¢ II 15¢ ti lb. I I bch. 11 each I I I I I I 11 I , _______________ ,l _______________ ,l ______________ .J 40 y .. ,, ol Produce Know How" Ol'EN 1 OAYSA WEEll t A "4 lo .,. ... LIMIT ON All COUPONS, EXPIRE DEC. 9TH BONDED 1601 Newport Blv FRUIT SHIPPER FOR 'fO YEARS MORE flHONES· 645.0032 645.0031 145-00I) 64S-00t4 ,.._"-I "'-"• .. I 645-0032 ti 111 n1•1 111 llith ~I rite,.._... I L••••••~••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I .. j i i t t '. ·~ '1. if "' .• -:j :~ ... '• ·~ la 1" ... .. 1' :~ jf if -'r. •C ;1 !~ , .. I • . :: 1: '. ·; .. •• ,. I ~ ,. ... ·~ ·: :• ,. ,-. , .. ·~ 1. '· ~ I I- I I I I .~ _, "u •• 111.111111· l • 111·.t DAil v 1111 o 111 r1 tl11y D11u1111u1, :1. 1uut' ~n SU p :.ct girl di arrc tcd • ' A Ii \1·.11 .. 1.i \\1,1111111,111 g11I \\ ft11 h .1d ho I'll Ill ,I I (ffll.t 'Ill\ I J.11 1• N 11\ I ttllh I I 111111 .. "''I , , 111 .. 111111-: ""' d tt d .tilt I ··Ill' \\ ·'' l.1 k " II II II I t I ' ... II, I " 1111 11 i.: 111.ll'htt11·1 \ .111th1111t t1'' ,,I\' F 11111 '""' .1111•1 c·1111 ,.,111· ( '11<1f><'t \.\ ,1, 1.1 1,, 11 to I lu111111g 11111 11111 ·111111111111 111 1, ll11:-p11.1I 111 I l11111111 g l1111 1 ~1·.11 II 1111 Nnv :.!O, L1111g lk"'' It po i11·1• ·" """"'" lt1·1 11111lh1·1 ' 1111\ I 111'1td. \\ lt11 \\ "" h 1l ""·1 tt11 11• 11 ... , 1111.t " hi· I ''"'' Solar Day P 11h111-.d "ll'lit I' ... 111d1•111:-.11 (.;11ld1·11 \\',.,, l. '11ll1·g1• \\"Ill h 11 ... 1 ·' S o l.11 l>.1~ ,ti th" l1 11 11 t111g to 11 B t>ddl l ollllfH I'-V\'1•d111 .. ,d 11v. :-t.11·1mg ,1\ !I ,1 111 Thi· .11·1" 1111·, "h 1·duh ·d 111 1h1· 1·1·11\r<tl 'lu.111 "ill Ill\ ludo• 1•xh1h1b. hy lllaJIH 1111111 ... 111.tl l1n11" 1111 '111.11 l' I\ l ' I' g y ,1 II d I l '> I 11 Ill 11111 ll .1J'lplw.1t11111' I•'' h 1h1tn1 ... 11w l11dP 111 .. 11 It """"' ·,,,111 111\1 -.111!.tllll l lol1 1<11, •• , II l<11d111 \ 1-: t:l111d1111~:1·1 .I;! WUN l11111h 1·d tot Ill \ l ,,,1 .. :.1111111 111 .oll1·111p1t·tl llllll'd1•1 '1'111 • t ltdd . d11 d Th11r ... d.1 \ :11 tl'I .d111 \111 '> d 1·11·111 11111 •d -.111· h .111 ""t kr•·d t.1 .1111 d1•,11ll, ,,,11d l .11-. A11g1·l1•" < '<111111\ I ><·11111y 1>1,1111·1Allrn111•y < ;,111 I 111111•11hra twk A p11·l 1111111.11·y h1".11 111g '' "'lll'duh d W1·d11l':-d11y at GWC l\kl>1111111·ll llu ugla:.. N111 th1'11J1 l'tll 1' H11c:kl'l1h 111 , Hut k\H•ll .. 111d TH\\' !>1·1111111 ... 11 .1 111111' 1 .111g 1· I ro m :->llll p l t• th 0 \'ll0 t''o t 11 "IJ•H l' 1t .. ·lu111l11g~ ,\ ... o l.11 lu11dwu11 will 11 .. 't'r" d 11111n to.:m 111 I p m . 1111 l11d1111;: ... w, 11 .. 1. -..1up .. 111d .... it .. ul. roll and b ut11·1· ,1t $:! f-111 HEATING SP-ECIAL- 9 Point Servjce Call I Replace t~lr1 ~ -s299s Wllh tt\I' •c:tvc;r111ement 2 Clun & 1d1usl ptlol 1nd burne1 3 Clun & 1d1us1 lheimoslal 6 Clun carhushon 111 4 Inspect lk1r lo; piope1 d11ll ~ YmlUfll & clun blower 7 Check '°' 1as lu ks at lu11racr S Check Ian ' lomtl c0<lho41 9 lnsprct poiol utet~ conltol J IH 1 \l., ~ Ask us about the .. • New Carrier "SUPER SAVER " Fornace Heating & Air Conditioning Speclall1t1 since 1915 545-5542 T()YS Wl~ltl~ Gllll}S From Pogo A I I \111111.tfl\ l11lf1•1tll' Ill 1111 'fill 111 .l111ttY ltt I 1 lo.flll r·tl 111 I V.1'.h It• 111 I l.11111h .111111t1d Iii• I 1111 111 J\11~!11 .I \\ lt1 II ,111 k l11 \.\ tlfl' Ii.11th \\,h .1lt111h l llVl'I S l11 \\ 1 uh It 1111 " ltd :ocl 111 h1 1 111111, .11111 "'l1ll• 111.11 v dw 111~ 1111 1.1,1 t1 w 1111111111.., 111 li••t lllrn·i..,. 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" Hu ....... \\,1111' 1<11'.1" 11 1111 l.111n 1 Klil'fi.11I11"'> lo ,111 \'11111 w Jiu \\ o111h \11 1111111 . Ix 1 ;1u,1 ,111 ,,,ul l.11111lt1·" of I clr1\l'I p.1 l1t t1h iJll ,1, d 1·1 p fv ,ti l1•1•t 1 d 111 •Ill 111111t11111.1l "11'>1 ii" t ht \'ll 11111" 1111 Ill I I\• I ••I I ·•l11pl1 11.. .ittl .1111 I '1111 \\ tll h •VI 111 I" 1 ( l 111s\lllotti ~\ 1tlt1111I r I I• 1 lfll ,1 ,11 ( 'ltt " ,1 '1111 111,rl f .1111 I I fl •tl II llt ol pltV 11 ,,j I ollll 1 I '""" 111 • 11• ,.11d • 'I 111 1111 I 1111 II t·11111f11y1 I ' !->111 ,, .,,1 ,\11" 111 .. 11 I•, 1111 ... ., .11111 I· •II d ,\1 I II Ji.ti' o111d 1111•11 l 111 11d,.. ·"' l•lp1111: l111o1111·1· 1111' '''"C • 1 'I 111 , 1 11.ut 11t1 . kind 111 dt t \I 111 1111 t H11 , ' .. itd "W1 · · \\11• 111 I o1 q111• I la1111lv It w .1, ,di I 11111ld "" Jll I 111 ~~I I lljl ,111d 1(11 111 '''" 1, • \ 1·1 ""' Hui .l11111v l1,1d ,1 \II 1"11 11111 I ho1\·1 111 s ltt k \\ llii II 11 d1111 l Ji.1\.1 ,111\ 11llt1•t tl11111. H11 11tl 11 1111 •;,.,,, " p111.J<1 I 1o; 11111 I ti 111 -1.11ultl ltk1· 111 111.1k1 1 lio 111\ d 11\ • .11111 \hi. p.11t11 !...111.11111u.1l 1t11111• ·1 w ould .U1v1 111 1.1k• 1111 l11.ud1111 ufl 1h1 h11 f•lt.11 .. ,111tl v,t I 1111 t llllllllllnttV 111\•1l-.1 I l.1 ..:.;111J 111 lt.•\J• ••• '·"' .11111 ltttd UU\ 11 11 1111 \, 1.t1 , 111111" 1111t 11, IJ1• Jll Ill 1td ti \\ I '11111~1 "''""''' ••• \'11l11n11•1•1 11111• "' ,,,., 111 <".11111, K u.I ~ lt•111ld •• 111 'll11t l11ii ,, ............... A Gallery of Gift Ideas Ac1ro11 B1u1lwr' Art M .. n ... MASS CfW.1BfR':,T/Cf1 RE.a 8 95 $5 88 COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL • Counseling-Adacem1c. Moral Social. Spiritual • Emphasis On The Understanding Of The Necessity For Order And D1sc1pl1ne In All Areas Of Life. • Oceanography-Athletics-Music • Advanced Techniques In Classroom Design And Scheduling Result In Top Achievement • French German Latin • Accredited W A S .C. • Over 95% of Graduates enter College • Average and Above Average Students ( Aecen1 Na11onw1ae Testing Snows N C S1uaen1s) Tes11ng 1n H19r11·•st Possible Grouping NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL Pare nt Orientation for fall (Sept. 1983) registration to be held on M onday, Dec. 6, 1982 at 7:00 p.m . (1 hour). S tuOent!> will be IPSleO on SeturCJay Dec 11 1982 Par .. nl OnPnlal•on requ111>Cl before stuClenl rs 1es1eo Phone for further Information end. locetlon. 645-9282 NEWPORT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL GRADES 7 through 12 883 W. 15th, NEWPORT BEACH NO matter what the marquee says. what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters is a real horror show UAC. the second largest movie chain in the US .. has embarked on a national policy of eliminating 1obs. fostering unemployment 1n city after city where they own and manage theaters In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the pnmary targets of the company's greedy. crass "pro· fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last few weeks. UAC has locked out many ol its southern California pro1ect1on1sts (members ot the International All1an~e of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage in good·faath bargaining. Manage· ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many ol the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes in working cond1t1ons (1 e , forcing one projec· t1on1st to service up to 18 movie screens in two or three buildings that may be 24 males apart) Janitors an UAC's San Francisco-area theaters who belong to the Service Employees union have also been victimized by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from its demand for a total wage freeze, the lanltors, 100. are confronted with a hostile and lnflex· ble attitude on the company's part. UAC wants unconditional surrender. no matter what the consequences for workers. the industry or the area's economy "Take It or leave 1t" is their basic "negotiating" stance. UAC gives Its omployees no real choice. But moviegoers do havo a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS ~ tATSE Southern Assoc111t1on/Corpor111e Campaign ,830 Genova Street, Hun1tnn1on Beach, CA ll™8 1 "" ''"" th.11 bnr14, \'OU qu.11.I\ h.1ni.•'i i)llU .1rt 'uµphl'' 111 lr1\.\. pnn'' 11rJIA. pn·.,..•n" " ,·oik<-hon nl Chn,1111 .. , gift 1l•'lll' di thl' s.mw 111n.,dlt--!t '><l\i111y' I w lum1tur,. w11h d '1urrl1, <"mp..'1<'1 lrMm f1H1n-1 .m.I durc1b.., con1>11 dU< k ("''' n1~ 111 bf, l\.\.11 r<•!I'.' .rnd blul! I P> oiwn l<JI dll •'\ !MNd I LOfA :JY:lrSUtl'fR ?Eb 24ft 95 .$188.88 Thi~ h'l" w1dl.' ftMm 'ttil.l IA.ith wnod \Uppt>rt.5 unfokJ, 1r1 rC"veal a ~uper soft hl!d Covered In brown row ,,nd blue cotton dock l.JCi!fiHTf{)L Dl5Nf.Y ffl/Nfj ~ J95 1288 M1Ckey. Muinlt! f>oM~I and fnemh 111 bnghtl'r th<J11 hf<' canoon rotor <'hoow Imm (i re!ldy In fratn<' pmw. 18x24 • f04M FllllD La=AS ~ 1299S $74fJ8 w.AWtA OltiANIZUt fiEfj 795 $5.813 hv I MJ.!rmdd\' h111d~ small iltl rx ~'Wll\9 ~uppbt-s. ~kll'S and film eo,,t'n ofhct' supphes 111 ;in 11 'o I J 1,4" pli!~tic ory<llllll'I Wllh 12 1.ltvtdt>rs ~qj"':!W~ lndudt'1 1 C, Wtlh.'ICOk•UI\ h1u'>li.>~ .llld l'\'erythm<J , •1-.t • \.~'" II n• 'l.'d to gl'l vuu (}11 VOUI W•1V .. ., h.•cflmt119 i) Wtllfll("llkl\11 t1rtl~t C hristmastime Is Drawing Near And that means back to the drawing l:x.><mi forg1ft ade,\'> The adjustable Jrdwing table by BMC h<h d 20"x:{(l .. top of white laminated plastic and a sturdy metal ti.ls.! 1n wh11e.blackorre<lbaked enamel Reg '"f) cy-,s38.88. The color coord1nat111g metal stool with .1 wooden .,.eat is 18" tall Reg 24 95 S16.88. Complete the w t '"1th a flexible antst\ lamp an assorted color'> Reg ~ YS $9.88. ~II 1hwc uems Reg 113 85 559.88. Ol/ff()N t.XM11'lt5-8/.10.:. w 14-95 $ 9 00 I 24X36" fitfj 3795 $25.1(3 I Anbque yellow frame w11h lim•n I lmer 3"mould $/.48-7 75 Frame Guarantee II we rl' out ol lhl! haml' ~Ill' you nl'l!d p· .. k il 1T,1m>' of equal or grt.>atl'r value and ~f''ll 91\.1' you th•• scimc dollar dtseounl .,, the d<l\.erttsed fram<> t.,1111\' lli.l.I\ of pholu~ ,111.I otlwr nwmOf<ll'lk,, 111 ,, lw1n~ IUl'l<I 11l l\1m 1-\.,lh IU I c;l'if adlwc;rw r>·"~"' In oh >'l111.'tl Ct>ll II' I~ «J.J))IC. SftffXW} OL ~!ffl SfT fif(j 1995 I" <l IJh'111 fjttl fflt V<JUI fiwon•1• •11hl 1) 1111 c .. lc.r, llll'<'••d 1111 ( olr'l\,\"''lh' 0 p<1JX'r .111d bru,111:, '"'' , 1nd11cl1•d I . • I~ , ~ • J' I l,,. ,o._jt, 1_J'ft't h•'f~ tt I 01t1 tif • :J p \ •• • •lh f ru ,, • fOSTeft. 5CNfN ~fl/N7it•KYX7T Rla 14 95 y7813 BRASS CANDlESTiCK SCT Re(-; 495 .$3.88 "•'• ,.1 ~ b111'• , mJJt•,11o k m.iko ,1 kl\.••111 h0h.f,11, • t'll h flll•'< •' \dlo'll \;lill t1dd tht fh1 k1·1 of,, fl,11Hlll•l 1 •111dk \" I.iii WJ!l~fRJPT KIT PU:1 995 $5.lJ8 p,., II .1 ...... 'Ill I .Ill\ \11.tlt<lll' 01 lrn11tl.1~ "''"' l\11h,1 k111nd11.!1n.1.J • ~·IMtt"' I'• 11ho~ 1'-1 ·1 r·~ 11rn111 mtl m1111• HUNT~GTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave./Open MON.·FRI. 1oTsAT. & SUN. 10-6 COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Btvd./Open MON.·FRI. 9·9, SAT. & SUN. 1<>-6 SANTA ANA 2911 S. Briltc>I St./Open MON.·FRI. 10-9, SAT. & SUN. 10-6 WALT {)/S/llEY'S /JCST CJJMICS Rtb 595$1288 :l.l 1. ,., .... I t fXJ.f/th A(Jf([JC ~vr-SET ff{fj 1995 I . ":~, 11..,11 'ft1l1•J \\1lh q ,_,,, .. ,.,"~ n"·m,• uld!.J~"' "" J 1111 ~ h111,ft1 '· .md .• r •.. , 11.111'"'"l ,., ..... 1111"1' .. I ~ CBI In CBS CCI CCX CIGNA nJ lO • ~10 pf 1 I! LC NA Fn U ~NA pf I 10 HAI IX.. PC 1111 1 IO I f Hol J 6' 1 c x , .... c x pf ' C ' I 1• " I 17 ( )f .,, )1 LCJ I I ()All' Pit 01/f11d.1y IJ1•c1.m1lu11 •• !081 Na ff(5 . DOWN 1.74 CLOSING 1,031.37 ~\\\ _.,y. Mexico double oline • prices ga Ml XI{() U 1 y (Al') '1111 Ill\~ g11\ll lllllt Ill I 1llflt huJ lh p111g1 1111 lo ,,J\t 1\11 xuo' t-t•llllllllV hv Uu.u.L.lu114 Uh. µLl.u 11! I' 1>1111111 It hop•> Lu ll'{iyu Lu:ill): -.uh,11!11, hv d1..,.11i11 1grng lJ S m11111r1'h fr11111 filling Up 1t111:-.~ 1111 bmdt f 'I IH lw111111 Ht M111 ... 11 v 1,-.u, d .i -.11lt llll 111 I hu1,..d.i\ 111gl11 ui111oun11ng -.h 1 p h1k1., l fr•< llVt 111Ht11 di 1lt IV nol onlv lll 1h1 111-.t ur g,1 .. but tell µLtwl<!UJJI µuid114 \ •l.l w_.-U Puu ~ .u. till pUllljJ:O. '>t>o~I 1111111 tlH mu1v.i~ Ill..!.!!. rl l ttlll" 111 $1111 fnr Oii( g,1111111 UI l\j~Uli:H gJ"411rlll 1>11" I I 111 I ,k" ""kc 11 d horn .! I t • ""' 111 1h11ut ;, I cl nh JX 1 g 1111111 "1111! p11111111111 JUllll>I d 'l11m1 HI tc llh to 1holll ~I lill I );11111 -.111 fl 1llll 11 g .... JJl IU ... 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I .. •It• UPS AND DOWNS N[ W YOFIK API It• tuilu"' nq h I '\hOvrr.' thf' N~ \'Of i., h• ._ £ '' httn(lt \toe ki •net wdrr~nh th.ti twv• er-,,.., '°"' ttw-mo'\t And ().;)•n tnti m I fl \\.-0 on Pf't"(f'nt Of (~ ,.,. • fMHI • \ ut •Olwm!ti tor frtCIAV N t) \~( Ut tn ~ It kl t ... b I JW \1 .,.,. nc: I udHt Niii N\0Jltf(tnl1tt)trtf\H~t~'4't t~ 0 lffHH'"4 IJI twH, th! Uft VO" (JO\ hQ prtrft tno 10ic1 t'i' J u ' "' • • UPS 1 cm!'r'~ ..... ,11 ' "• ''J? u:",. ~ 1 Sn tl~lnll 10 • I llP IJ I ) Cl\tY'°'' wl ) • UP II ~ 4 lfd Corp "'"" J Uf 11 0 s ro .. ••Ml9 p• 11 • 1• Up 108 • Emp0£ PIA •h. • UP • • 1 ~damlii Orq TO • • .. Uo I o I 1-ih<e•CorP 1'l • UP Io ' O•taTrrm I 11111 Uo 1 9 10 Aontolnc 11 I • UP , , II C~"p • 1• I • Up / / g lr.<Po .. c:~~ ~~ ; ~~ : ~ 14 Apptd MlJll qo 11 • ITP u l r11nu1 Ind lf .. 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ID Aluminum 7f r""" a oound N 'r M•tc:urr SJ6~ 00 per 11&$~ Pl11lnum $'.172 00 S376 00 ltoy ounce NY GOLD QUOTATIONS a, Th• Aooclll•d ProH rt" 11C.t.-d ~ tM:1 ~ P' lOO•'t' London morning flalng $UO 7 5 oll s; 'IO London ellernoon flalng SH 1 25 Oii s~ oo P11I• elle•noon ll1ln9 ~•4? •O uo $3 S• Fr1nk1 .. r1 ll1lng $441 99 "" $2 91 Zurich lel• •lie.noon ll•lno suo 00 on s~ '>O btd S•• 1 oo n kf'd H1nd1 6 Horma n I nty 011ly Quote SUI 1~ Oii $' (llr (ng•Utatd ~•,. ll • y q..01e1 su I 15 011 s~ oo Engelhard 11Dflce1ec1 •~•v 011y quo•" s•6J 31 011 s•. GOLD COINS Nf W ~Of t-AP I r 11 ' ll)lf' I dOy Of ljOld ,..,.,,"' t(ln I> 1 1 (f ., 1)1 w, dnPtll•y • t'lrter-. K1u9t"•nd 1 un, or SH7 ~O up S161~ Mop+ir-tw ~·~ tlll~?!t-Mulcen SO PH O • I• ~ 01 S!tl9 7!t up s1a 1• Aullrlon 100 c1own qaoi hry 0 1 ,.,,<,fl UI $1, ()~ S MO Lt 0• it1". J.n fit STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT SILVER . l .. ., .. 1, • ... . ,, .. •• ~ .. . . 11•t1dy 1nd 11••m~n S 10 ?fiO ""' 1tor t>Uno " N"' uvt , 0tc1a110 or o• o '"' l>•et•O•n( I) ,,,ontn• 1)111• .. OG. 0. dtnO I Pe Cl " 11oci. 1n P•tctO ng 1) mon111t t•llmalec CHI\ •• ut on •• d • oena o• •• o tit butlO< Otll t E• o • dt nd• or u •>Qlllt y E• o "10ttl< •"0 11 ti n lu• 1 S• tt ,. 11t11 co Co tO "'O Wiit" o \It b\lltO .., Wl'llt nuto WW w '" ......... u •w WllllOU .. 11111111 •d a Et o "' bullOI' PE ••t o Tl\t o• tt 01 • tto« H • tl'lull Pit 01 l)lf tlll•t torn1t1g1 dt • vtO bl o 11 o ng the 111111 1 ~ mon1n t1•n no• houu 11'110 IH I .... ,,, te •• ~•1•11• 0 011 • .M .... • W!l'IOt t _,If "' •\ • 't • W1nnt>Q 10. 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