HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-06 - Orange Coast Pilot.. THI ORANGI COAST COUNTY IDITION MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1982 OllANGE' COUN IV . C: Al If OHNIA 25 CENTS 'Ditch' problem for M esa By JODI t'AOENllE AU Of 1"-Oel!J Pllol 9ten It's bt•t•n ,·allr·tl Co~t;1 Mt·~.,·~ Panama <:anal, Caltrans t·a11al. tht· ~1ant trt•nl·h 1111d n111n· ('Ommonly tlw tl1td1 Whatt•v1·r namt· you us1·. tl11· orw-mill'-long. Wl·t·<1°-d1okt •d holt· 1n tht• m1dtllt> of Nt•wpurt Boul1·van.I bt•tw1"t."n M1·:.;.1 Dnvi; and F'a1rVll'W Hc><td 1s a eor1~ta11t rt•mmtll'r that tht• Costa Mt•sa F'rt't'way has nut lx't·ll t·omµlt•lt·d Thi• 30-foot-dt•t•µ hult• that mt•asur1•s 180 ft-Cl a(·ross was dug in 1!:175 by s\4tt• h1ghwl'.ly ofrin;1ls looking for cht•aµ dirt to lluilt.I an 1ntt·rt·hang1.• fur tht• 1H·arhy Corona dt·I Mar f'rt't'Way Tht• Costa MC'sa .l-'rt•1•wav roult'. undt'r cons1d1.•rauon s111c~· IYH, st't0mC'd hkt> a logkal plat'l' for t·xl·avation san1·1° tht• t•arth w o u Id bl' rem o v t' d a n y way w h l' n t h e f r e e w a y w a s ronstrut·tC'd, officials said Bitter feelings about tht• d1u:h still linger with many Cost.a Mesa residents, who thought that tht> exravation would ht.·rn ld qull·k rompletion of the frt"t•way T hey w ere w rong. A route was adopted in l !lti9 But t he freeway has falll'n victim to political, planni ng and financial setbacks A draft e nvironmental impat·t staternent is expected from Callrans next month. Even so, ronstruet1un of the Costa Mesa Fr{'()way ('ould not begin u ntil 1990 at th1· earliest, officials said. "The minu t e we saw tht'm take the dir t we th ought tht·y were on their way lO romplNc the Costa M esa Frl'ewa y ... rec·allt.•d Bob Wilson. mayor in 1975. "lnstt>ad they built a lower priority freeway, Coron a del M ar'' Callra ns ofHc1ala said th ey could not recall ano ther rase in the st.ate w here a freeway h as been pla nned, and excavation commenced with the land latt"r left unuS(>d . "It's unfortunatt' that 1t'l> ~'(·n that way for so long." said Cou r tland t Bu rre ll. Caltran s projt.·t·t manager fnr tht• Costa Mesa Fret>way "But fanam·ing and th<' nePd f or an EnvaronmC"ntal Impact Statt'ment made 1t happen that way. When we dug the facahty we did al with the intention that tht· fn.·c·way wou ld bt• butlt 1n a t1mf'ly fashion .'' BurrC'll said he was at a loss t.o explain why the Corona dC'I Mar Freeway was built first. adding that tht• dPath o f thC' Pac1f1c Coast Frc""t•way an tht• early I !170s w h c re t he f r 1• e w a y was to connC'<:t, nearlv killf'<l · tht· Cost.a Mesa F're1•way A ftt.•r o fficials h<•gan turning an eyP toward I 'osta Mt•sa in 1944. 11 was only a mattt·r of lime• befor<' thP stalt• had snappt.od up all the propertaE·s along Newport Boulevard. in what 1s now tht• median hctw~n M<'sa Onvf' :'.Ind 19th Stre<"t. O n t' of those• prop1•r t i1·s. a onf'·at-r(· parn 'I at N1·wport Delly Piiot Photo by Cheri•• Bien :\(•rial \'ic•w o f c:o s ta Mc·sa '!' ""dit«·h '. !oihow~ it ru nnin~ 1 hrou~h tJw •·c·n tc·r o f ~f·w1mr t Boult•van l from .\l e·~a Uri,·e· lo I ()th Str•••·t. Storalo!•' of wrnu l in n portion of t he· ~•rip 1war I '>t h Slr•·•·t , ... c·x 1w«·tc •d lo lw prote•s te·d at a c·it Y c•omwil me·e·ti n~ loni~ht. Aoul1·\"t1rtl ;ind B<t v Strc·e•l on whl('h o1 houo.;1 · ;incl inplc•x sllx1tl. tx·l11ng1•d tu Ht•t1y &·t'<'h!'f &·•'( he•r .,.11(1,,h1· ri ·m;11n~ h1lt1·1 Jl)l1Ut thf• $1)2,IJ(){) tht· -;t;1t1• pa1rl f111 1t11· pH1p1·r1y I.ind ~h 1· w;,.., f11n:1·cl to g1v1• up :!:! y1·.1r:-:ig11 that ~till h;i~ not ll(·e·11 u.;1·d f11r .1 f rc·1•W11\ ''I'm d1s.qip111t11•'d th.it 11 h,,., t;1k1·11 so long." -..tu· ";11d "1\111111 ·.,, t'tr"lll\j.! u .... nu on· 1·\'e ·r \ \'t'oll th.of j.!tl<'" lo\ " In l!lt rll. Iii•' ... 1.11t 11111~t1111 t1 d th•· ~11uthl10111Ht l.1111•-. .,( N1·wp111 t Bnu li •\•;11 d l1 •av111g I ·,,,1,, Mt•-...1 with '""' ,.,,,. \\';,\' th,,1C111ghf.1r1 ° .... s•·p.1r:1t1·d Irv 1111 g;1p111g. 11°111·1'(! 111 f 1111 ·d1.111 T 11do1\ 11111t.,1 1-..h 1 r.1v1·l1ng ht"' 1•1·n I ~th S111·1·t .111cl F,11n·1c·1A H11.11! h.l\·1· o1 \'It'\\' of .-.. .. n11· tr,.,., .111d .... 1ir11hl-w·1 ~ 11n p:1rt of th•• m1·d1 1111 land l1 ·;1M •d to lllll' .... l'rlt'~ (Set· l>IT('ll, Page A:li • view Lagunans Sycamore Hills 'freeway By STJ<~VE MIT<'Ht:LL 01 the Oell1 Piiot 91efl Mon· thi.ln 150 Lagum1 Hc•ad1 n ·s1d e·11ts do11111·d h1k111g boob a11d li11w1·ular·s f111 iJll "ope ·11 he1USt·" 111 Syl'iJl1101·e· ll11ls an m·d1·r to ht·tlt•r v1sualtzt· how a D e n se f og h i d es b o d y of cyclis t I\ 111ul111'1~l d1S(,1\'1•n·d tilt' bu<ly u f a 111oton·y<.'11st , h1dd1·n by d1·n~1· fog for at lt·ast four huur~. t•LJrly th1:0. morning m·ar EsU!nl'aa High Sl'hool in Costa Mt·sa, polKt' !'>UH.I. P11!11·1· sa id that a motor•st 1d1•nllfll'd as D<.ivt• Mallard t·allt·d th1· st;111011 at 1 :OH a .m . tu rt•1:xirl that <1 motort·ydl· was lying in th1° bake• lan1• a long Pl<Kt·ntia Avt•nut· nt·iir .Jo;tnn S trt't'l. Sgt Clifford Mt·Bridt.· said pol1t•1· s1•ar1·h1ng lhl' fog - sh roudt•d rul'.ldway south o f thl' high ~t·hool foiled to find <.iny sign of tht.· motorcyl'lt• or tht· drivt·r Tht• body o f the moton:yd1st lat1·r was d1S(:overed at 5:29 a.m. a lon g Plan•n laa A vc•n ut· near Swan Urive, abou t a quart<'r mill' away from the location originally gavt•n, polit'<' said . O ffidals said it a ppeart.-d that the mot on·yclist was thrown from the bike a f ter hatting a curb Jhs body was found 90 f('('t from tht.• motorcycle It was u n dt'ar this morning wht·th1•r he died instant ly An O ra n ge· County coroner was at th t.• <t<'t'ldc•nt SC'l'nl' this m11rn1ng No identity has bee~ r~leaaed . route' l>'"l"'~t·d lol laru· fn·1·w;1y would IJ1-,1~·1 1h1· 1·11y owm·d. $7 n111l111n parn·I Tlt1· 111•11·11111g long f11·ld trip S to turday w t1s propost·tl l>y t'oui1nlweinwn Bobbit· M ink111. a vo<'al opponnat of tht· propoSt•U Sa11 .J11<14uin l11lls Transporwtwn < ·" r r 1 ti 111 , w h I<' h w rJ u I d r u n liHw1·1·11 <.:onma dt·I Mar and San .Jua11 l 'aµ1~tra110 Thc· l't1U11cllWl!n'lilll lt·rnwd lht: pr1 ·~1·11 tut11m 1.1 sucn·ss, saying, "Wht·11 yo u offt•r t o show s111m·body a p•t'<.'t• o f va<:ant lanu with :o,11mt· (fn'<·way) markt'rs on 11 1111 a Si.ltUrt.lciy morning, just w1·t'ks he·fon· Chris tmas, and mun· th<1n 150 pt.'Ople show up, I think that's ll·rnf11· .. And show up tht:y d1<l, with 1·an 1l'foJS, nott·books, f 1t'ld glasst•s and 4ut·stw11:0. LoL'i o f 4uestwns Map~ of th1° propost:d 14-mile f1H·way wt·n· d1splayl'CI and n ty 11ff11'1als 1·xplaant.·d wht.•re the ruutt· whJCh would (·ut a wade sw.1th <wrus.-. tht· <:ity's property would bl· lot·awd Tht· lrvin1· Compa ny a lso ~nt a n•prc•s(•ntat1v1· to show plans for iJ :U'iOO-horrw dt.•vclo pmt·nt with goff 1·our~· a nd t·ommtff(·aal usc:s on prupt·rty nl:'ar Sycamore Hills Largt· cross('S markc-d st'veral art·as whl•rt• tht• transpor tation 1·ornt.lor would cross Sy,·amorC' Htlls S t·ve·r ul v1s1tt1r s 1•x presscd dism ay at th<· pr ospl't.'t of a frt·1·wa y th r ough Laguna Canyon B1·linda Blat·kHt•r, a form er Lciguna Bl'ae h p l anning l'omm1ss1cm t·hair man. p :>1ntt>d to a St,·llon of tht· canvon road and said, "Tht·n·'s going to be an in11·rchang1• ov1·r tht-rt· <See LAGUNA, P aae AZI TroublesonJe fog e x pected to clear A hlankt·I of fog that l~>Vl'rt'<I th1· Orang1· C:oast to<lay. s~:ttang off t·cir al'nd1°nL-.. traff1t· Jams und clt·lays in j('l dt·partun·s. 1s not 1·x p1•1·11·d to rl'lurn Tur•sday niorrnng Thi· so upy ,·11nd1t1ons . triggt•rt·d hy a warm nwrinl' lav1·r thHt movc'(i rnl:md off thc· ,.,;;1~1 . will g1v1· w ;1y to ha~h l'loucls and a slight warm1n~ tn·nd tha~ w 1•1·k . lht· N:1t1on~1l W1·ath1·r Hun·au pn'tiwt1 ·d · l'omnH'r1·1al flights al John Wayn1· 1\1rp11rt we,•rt· gnount.lt'ti l'arlv torlav An air traffl l' 1·11111 rol 111.,,~·r-r of f 1l'1a I said v1s1h11lty ;1t tht• n1unty airport wa~ 71'ro 111 N1 °wporl fkal'h. ;1 prt•·d11wn mnlrrri~t. apparPntly t·onfust'tl by ttw th1l'k fog bank. clrovt· 1nt11 a Panfw l'oasl ll1ghway s hop near Mal'Arthur Boulevar d P 11 l 11· 1° s a 1 d t he d r 1 v t· r . uninJun·d 1n the• :l am mishap, told 11ff11·1·p, tht• fog was so thick ht• was unul)lt· to set· p1thc·r tht· traff1t· signals at the intersection nr th1• tt•rrrnnus of Mal'Arthur at th1• h11<hway Off1el'rs said th<' nanll' 11f 1h1· damaged s hop. 1ro111t·ally, 1:-fragnwnLs M 111or f 1°11d1·1·· bendl'rs w1•re n ·poru•d in mtJsl l'Oastal l'1 l1c•s Caldorn1a llaghway Pat rol 11ff1t·t·rs ~•id tht> fog l'aUS<·d thrt.'t' morning al'l'ldl'nts o n t h<· San D11•go Fn·1·way m•ar tht· Costa Mt"S<J F'rt't•wav A w t.' a ,· h 1· r b u r e a u sµokt·swoman said evt'n1ng tl'mpt•rntun·s. whit·h havt• ~n dropping 11110 th1· low 40s. will hovl'f m tht• low 50s this wet'k. No rain 1s fon'<'asl Irvine aquatic teams seeking use of other pools By GLE NN SCOTT Of ti. Otllly l"llot 91efl Charles a nd L1d1a Roda sold tht'1r house in Long &•arh and m ovc'd to Un1vt'rs1ty Park in Irvine two years ago so tht•1r three daugh ters coulrl t•ompPtt• f o r t h <' I r v i n 1• M 1• r a q u a s synchronized sw imm ing te•am T he Meraquas ar<' cons1dt'rt'<I Southc•rn California's top duh. it's junior team won t hc national ch amp1o nsh 1p last summcr in Tennessee Thf' Boda" said th<>y wanted t h e best for their da ughters. T he move seemed to pay off Arlen r , thf' olrlC"sl al I tt. has won an invitatio n to t ry out for a U n i t ed Stairs tram 1n 1nt1•r11al111nal 1·111111)(·11111111 D1arw. tlw 1111ddl1· ditught1·r. 1s rank1·d 1h1· t11p 1·4 y1·ar old 111 th1· •·ountry th1-; y1·;11· 111 cm11pul-.<•r.v fllo{Urt''i But :;udd1°11lv. nmf1d1·111·1· has turrll'd lo 1ns1'<;L1ntv 111 thr• 1~11!;1 hrrlls t•hold Thi; rt•as11 11 /\ rl1"<·1s111n madt· lah• last month hy th1• lrv1n1· l'1tv Cotlnl'll to shlll 1l11w11 th1· lrv1n 1· Aquat1t·s · C:omplc·x . wh1·n· th•· Mt•raqua!' pr;wt11·1· ('ourw1I nu·mlwrs alo(rt·1•d Nov 2'.t t rr 1·lost• t h1· th r1't' µ11 11 l 1•11mple'x on .Ian I (111 shortly I twn•11ft1·r ) a f t1°r l1o;tr11ing 11f s1·v1·rt· nwc han11·a l pr(lhl1•ms 1·s11111at1·d 111 1·o~t :il111os t $I m11l1em to rq1:11r Thi• c1 tv 1s sllmlo{ ----INDEX----- Due to transmission trouble today's stock ma rket, metals and gold quota tions will not appear. At Your St'rvi<'f' A7 I lore JS< "P'' Erma Bombrck 8 2 /\1111 l..1ntl1·a... Bulle tin Board A5 Mov11'S Cavalcade 82 Na11onnl N1•ws Cla1111ified C5-8 Pubht· Notaet>S Com ks 8 5 S porL.; e n.word 85 Tt•lt•v1s111n Dealh Notices C4 Theakrs F.ditorjal A6 Weatht•r Entei linmenl B4 ,.. m ni 84 A:i (.'4 Cl .;J Rf) B4 A 2 1li·~1g1ll'r' .1t1tl 1·111111·iwln1·.., of th1 · 1·11111p l1·x 111 hope·., 111 w11111111~ 11'p;111 1·ost~ M1 .. 1nwhll1'. th1· p1111l s will 1 M11a111 1•111p1y u111il r 011:0.11lt1n.I<( e•ng11w1·r' dt·t•·r1111ne· tht• mos l l'PSI t•l (1 •t•l1Ve • llll0th11ds lor r1nallv .., " I v 1 11 g t h 1 • ~ 1 x y 1 • a 1 'ii ;1 1·11rnpli·x·:-. p111hk111s Thi· pools miiy h•· va1·m1t for one· t11 tw11 yC';1r~. nty off1nals pr1·dwt For tllf' Bodas. tlw nt·w~ 1·;1me· .1~ a t11tt1•1 surpns•· Saul Mrs Boda "It's 111ad1· lht• girls 1nse~·11n· Th1•y don't k1111W. what's l(llllllo( to happ~·n If /\rh·n1· hiid k1111w11. sh1• l'Ollld hav1• t.i1k1·n H sdwlaro.;l11p this y1•ar to ( >h11> St.11t· l nst1·ad. s lw dN·1d1 ·d lo st;1y h11nw .ind swim " Tlw Bod:1s an •n't al11111· 111 thl'1r frustr.1111111 Nol only do tht• li!l rrwmh1•rs of tht' MPruquns work out and 1·11111pt•h• a t the• t'f>mpll'x, hul ~" tl11 hund r,.ds of o tht•rs, 1ndud1n~ th1• lrvan1° Novaquall<'S _c;w1111 tt·am. ;i st•p;ciratt• d1vin~ t1·am, h1f(h S<:hool and UC: I rvint• squads, n •gular lap sw1mmPrs, triathlt·H·s and rvf'n hnnciwap!Jf'd pc•opl1• in nC'f'd o f tlw rnpy Whsit will h;apprn to th1•st• partlt1 p1in ts rt'mnlns Ullt'f'r tn111 Thi• t'ity t'llunn l 1m1trut·t1.'<I i1ta ff mrmhc.•rs to begin nn 1mm1'Clia t1• !lf>art·h ror nthrr ponl11 in lh1· vit'in aty w~rf' thf' tPnm~ and l)awn Ht•an prof(rams t·an Ix> rdo<::ttt•d while tlw $I fl -m 111ion rompll'X n•mains ·v;wa n l Th ii t s 1' a r" h 1 s n o t o v t' r , although 11ffidals say two ptJOls likf'ly to st"l' t•xtra ust• will tw the• 2!l ·ITH'tr r pools al Univt'rsa ty ll1gh Sdmol and UCI "l'v1• alrt•nrlv made 60 o r 70 t' u I I s , ' ' s a 1<t' C: a r o I r L n n g , s11pc•r v1sor at thl' 1•11mplf•x "l'vr ht'c·n nn thr phone• t·onstnntly I'm s u rpr isr•rl I don 't h avt• a 't·a lhas ••n my Par " So far . hn~·v<·r. thc st•arch (:arolc• l..ong h asn't y 11.•ldt>d a 50-mt't<'r. O ly m pH'·s1zed pool that to p swimmers say they need. O nt' suc·h pool loc·al groups art• t•ye i ng is the fad I ity at thC' nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air S ta tion . Tha t pool has one big probl('m , tho ugh. Its wate r heatf'r doeen 't work, Long said. C ity o ffidals are a waiting estima tMi from the base on thf' C'OSI to r<'pair it or Install a n«>w heatt'r. Meanwhile, tt}e w ell-oraa nlzed group o f dally "p awlmmen has st.artt'tl ;1 pt•t1t1on-signan~ dnv1• to protc•st th1• dosurC' Lol·al swam team lt•ad1•rs pn'Ci1ct th at wh11<· a t'hangc· of loc:at1on won't destroy thrar tt•ams, It wou ld frarturc ll'am unity among various age groups And a repr <'SC'ntat1vt' o f the Los AngC'l<'s Olympic Organizing Comm1ttN' 1s w aiting for city r('sponst• on th e d t>C'r<'as ing possi bility o f stag ing the swimming rnmpetit ion for the four-l'vl'n t O ly mpk penta thlon at the ('Omplex in 1984. Dawn Bean is the coach of the Meraquas and m oved lh e team to I rvine• four yea r s a g o fro m Tus t i n . T h <' syn c h ron ize d swimmt•ri; normally practiced in the 33-mc'tl'r diving pool at the C'om pl(')( bt."Cause o f its d e pth . Bul it h as been e mpty for almost th rE't.' mon ths because of leak.a in feedf'r pipes belo w the pool's a luminum s h t'll. The 25 -ya r d pool also was closed the w eek prior to th<' rouncil's. decision . So now Bea n's swimmers are shar ing the o nly pool still in o peration a t the romplex. the 50-metr r . The Meraquaa wo rk out at one e nd, prlk'ticint their ballet-likf' slrok<'S to l.a~ mwnr. w h ilr Novaquatic9 memben 9wlm laps in remaining portlona. Bean said ehe d~an't know (See REPAIRS, P'e .44 ) I f t\:l l >1 nllUti L <111:.I UAll Y I'll U I 'M11111l11y, I l1:1c1111111111 11 1'111.' Huntington to eye ·ban on fireworks Tht· llu111111Klt111 u .. ai·h l '11 v l'u u1H·ll wilt 1·11 11s11l1·1 ,111 ' ordm u1\l't• tuntl(hl tlwt w uuld pll.H'l' a bm1 1111 fin•wurks 111 till' thy Thi· 111·d111a111·1• w o uld liar pc•uµl1· fr11111 Sl'll111g , buy 111!i(. fur111sh111g 11r d1sl'harg111..: 1' flrt·works It would allow lht• us1• of ··saf1• ·'and sam•" hr1•wurks fur rt•ll!i(1t1us ur patr1ot11• l't!lt.•brut1uns. but only \.II\dt•r lht• d1n•cl su•~rv1s11111 of :. •'l. .-• :o; t a t l' I 1<· <' n s 1• ci . p y r n 1 <' <" h n 11 • ' IJJx-ratur · This pn1v1sw11 w uutd allo w ' Sul·h shuw:s as tht• Fourth of July f1n•works display by tht• t·1ty o r fund-ra1s111g 1•v1•nt:; hv vtht-r cirganiwti1ins • T11111gh1's 11u•1•l111g -.1.11 ls .11 ti :w \\ 1111 .1 -.111dv st'ss11111 111 H1111111 H 11 .11 tlw l '1 v11: l'P111t·1 1111 .-1t y h111-..· 11 .111:-. Thi• 11·gul.1r 1111 •1•t111g hq.p 11s .11 7 :w <1l ('11 y t '111111t•il 1·h.1111llt'l's. :!11111) Ma111 Si 'l'lw proprn.al 111 lm11 l 111·works Wits 1111\ta lt•tl by l'oum·ilwrn11:111 l{uth F111lt•y -.1·v1·ral 11111111hs ,1go l1ut was lll'ld 111 al1t•ya111·1· whil1• slat&· lq.:1slill11111 w," n111s11lt·n 'll A 1·11y n·porl 1'1;11111s th<Jl ··suf1• and sa1w" f1n·w11rks 111ftu1•1w1·s ,111d 1>r1111111h•s 1111' Us•• uf 1111•1-(al .111!1 d.111w·n1us I 1n·w 111 ks Th 1 • r 1· JH ll t ~a y s 1 ha l I 7 huild111g fin·s lwv1· 111·1·11 1-:.1us1•d hv "~1f1· an ti S<Jrw" l1n·w11rks 111 ti.II' nty 111 !ht' last six y1·ars ousekeeper enters plea A 40-y t•ar ·old ho u sPk1•1•p1•r . eslet.I 111 1·onnt't·tw11 with th1· utal slay ing u f a11 t•l1lt•rl y ewpo rt Bt•at·h wido w . hjs eadl•d 1nnUl't•nt t u 111urtl1•r Moller. a om·lmw ll11111111gt1111 B1•:11'11 n •s1d1·111 . IS :.d w d u lt'tl to apJ.H'Hr ,11 I l;1rhor M u 111t·1pal L'ourt 111 N .. wµ11rt B 1· a 1· h D t· t· I O w h 1· 11 u pn•h111111ury h1·<Jn 11g datt· will Ix· st•t Motlt·1· l'nl1·r1·d tlw 1111111t·1·11t pl1o;1 1-'nday. council studies hotel 1 1 C o n s trul'tton of a 133-unit molt•! 1n Costa Mt•s;I will bl' COnSldt•rt•d by lht• 1·1ty l'OUnt'li mN.'tmg 1orugh1 a t ti:30 at C ity liall, 77 Fa ir Dnv1· Amt'n l'an Pr11w 1pals Co rp of San D1t•gu h as subm1ll<'<l plan:. l l·a tling for a twu-story mull·I at I :l751 -27:.>5 Bristol St I. Tht· pro.)t'\'t was turrwd down by t lw planning (•omm1ss111n l S1·p1 i!7 fur ;dl!•g1 ·d park111g. lr.tft 11· a11d nms1· µrohl .. 111s Thi· tuu1wil will als11 t·u11s11h ·r a 1w 111ion s1g1wd by J:.!:i l'111l1•g1• P ark n ·sult·nls , ask111i,: for tht· 1·11nstru1·twn o f a b l111·k w a ll. Ii f1·1·t h igh. ;,il1111g F.11 r I>riv1• bc·tw1·t·11 lforbcir &iuh·vanl ;u1d Fa1n·11•w Hoad, f111low111g rt'l·1•111 n ·11111vHl 11f foltai.w 1h1·n · h v 1·1tv l'l'l·W:. . ' D•llr Piiot Stan Photo Sam t :ou('h, u ~.p.okt·sman for tht• lrviru- Co .• makt•s point on Syeamort• llills land 1)ropoM•d for mw us frt•t•way t•orridor lwtwt•t•n ( :orona dt•I Mar a nd San Jua n Capistra no. ( :ouc·h ht·lpt•d d ir.N·t u tour of Laguna Ht•:u·h rt·sidt•nt ~ throu~h tht· un•u. Condelllned killer's • execution 111 INTSVILI .t-: Tn.1-. C/\l'I l '1111d1·1111wd k1l11·1 < 'lt111 lw Htc,,1k•1 .It ww .. tr111111 t1·1 r1·cl 111 11 d c•11tlt i. ......... l111ld111~ 1· .. 11 111d11 v. '""" 1li;i11 Ill ltciuti.. lil'f1111· lit· w.1•1 ~d1t•d11lt•tf ltl l1i-C'l11tlf• llt1• rlt Kf l/ S 1·1111v11 •1 1•xc1·11t1•d lty h·tliul lllJC>t'l;•lll Brooks, 'Ill. lws 111·1•11 11tclc·11·il tu d11 · l1t•f1Jrt• su11 11i.c· 'l'w·11cl11y 1111 till' 11177 fatal i.li11olh1K 111 11 1"111 I Wurth ust·d c·11r l11t 11wd1hlllf 111:; l<J w yt·rs hi1v1· u11k1•d I I w U S Suµn•n tt• Co urt, ttll' M li II S t'1n-U1t Court of Appt·al" 111 Nc·w Orlt•cmS anti "l<Jlt• e1ff11·1uh1 rur u 11ears .I •Y ••I • "• 11111111 N t1 w111d 1111 ,1 tit r 1•111111 fut~ f,. • 11 th 1·1v1·1l ll1•,,tk11 "'""""''"'""''cl u111l1·1 11vh t 1~•' .,. ,1, ,,,;,,. tu.-l tl•·.11t. 1uw •, 11 .11 ti.• J, .• .. ~ I,. I"" l11w11I 111 I """ 111110< 1'111.: l f/tll •• t .. Hlt l:J ind• .. I•'"'' ft,•.u.,I 111 t1• I• tu lt••· w ,, I j .;: f ; ,, I ' '#1 ,,,,II •• t •1W ,. 1111111:, llll• .,1,.,.,1 I ,, rtr l•f 1"'111 ·I'''~·' :1u .. ,,, ft ,,)> Ii.,,.,, / !j•Ud jlp ... I-~ '"'' ""'' ,.,, 11•.1<11111111 llw • •rllt I~"' .. f ,1.IJl.ufl ••It,, f1·w ft' I f,,,,,, •t ,• •I•,,•-, , t,,,,,,t,1•f • I l.11 1 I~"'" '""' " ... 1., .• ,,.,.,,..c1 v1·,1t•~ V/t9t, ,,,, f.,~'-'• / f1 1• t1df\ l,1w ·1• 1:, ,,,,,, ·• .J,, •,,, Property taxes deadline Friday E v t•n though y ou rnay 11111 h~t v t• r t·n·ivt·d your Ora11i.:1· (.'uu11ty µropt•rty l ax bill y 1·l you 'd bdll'r pay 1l hy Fnday. says 1·our1ly T<•X C o llt•1·1u r Trt•asun•r Hobt.•fl t'1tro11 C itron n •rn111d1 ·d tuxp<Jyt·rs 1hul a ny hill n ot p a id or p os lma rkl·d by Dc.l'. 10 will ;iutomatu.:ully bt· suhjt't'l lo a IO 1.11·rn·nt J.l('natly Tht• pt·nulty h<Js 1)1..'l'll r<.1iSl·d this yeur from tht• form1•r Ii pcrn·nt by_ h ·g1slattv1· ;,it·ttun ( 1 11 111•• ,,,,._, ·'"''' '''''I'' 1•·1 u Wttt·t \ · ff •·• / ,,,,, tr ·• 11.u • ,,f tht·ll t11 -.1 111 ·'·'"'"' 111 ,,.t /tit•, .. (111 tlw 11.., ,11 /'"'I l•it lf,1· 1t·,1v111 it.al llH·y lo;1v• 11t1I it·•• 1·1t-d It.• 11 t.1x l u 11 :. Tt11s 1 ;111 lt .q.p1·11 1., 11w1w1 ·• wh11 l•1'1k 11111· tit 111t11,.·1l'f • .ti•·• Mardi I 1h1•, y r·;,, ( '1111111 •,;11d b11•:1U:.i· lht· l:1X l11JI fot lflf'H f;1111l 111 OJ ,Y It :1 V 1 • I 11· 1·11 ... I' 11 I Ii 1 I t. t • pn•v111us 11w11c·1 II v11u h;1v1·11·1 11·1 1·1v•·d ·1t1ur 111 I I ·t·;_il I (' 11 llJll .... "II 1 t .. ;, I ~U4-:HI I I . elly Mohan • rites set Tuesday LAGUNA • • • LB's Holm hospitalized after stroke lfoy 1 lolm. a former La~una Rt-;H·h ' may or who l'Oll ap!wd wh1lt· 11gging, was re ported m st·n ous, but stablt.• t.'Ondilion ut South Coast Medil·al Ct>nlt.'r Ill South Laguna today. •Funeral s e rv1<:t•s will b1· 'n dut:tt.•d Tut.·sday . fo r Kt.·tly ohan u f Founuun Vall1•v. w ho 1 died Friday afll.'r a short ·11lrwss , She was 15 ,. : S he was thP daughte r n f jRobert and Cami M ohan. Ca rol t M ohan has boc-c1 a mt·mbcr uf tht• ~rountam Valley &:hool D1stnl'l Jl>oard of trus tee's Stnl'e IY79 and f Was e lt'Cll'd board presid1·nl las t iThursday. i V 1s ilal1o n hours are planm·d :from 7 lo Y o'd0<:k tornght <11 • • Dlld J y Brolhe1·s Mortu;.irv. J 7~ I J &•a1·h Blvd . Hunllngtmi Bt·Jt·h Hus<iry w ilt Ix· rt'<"llt·d during th<' v1s1t.111on ix·nud M;;iss will Ix· said ;.ii ltJ a m T ul•sday ;,it Holy Spirit l'ath11IH· (.' h u n · h . I 7 2 7 II W .H d S t . Fountain Vull1·v Bun<JI w ill I.it· ,11 G ood Sht·pht:rJ Ct·ml·tl·rv 111 I lunungton &«1ch. • Mo h;,in w;,is a sophcin111r1· t1l Matt•r Dt•1 High &:hool 111 S;i nt<& Ana A ml'monal S1·r v11·t• 1n ht·r h un11r w as sc hroult...U t1,1dav at tht .. ~hoot · : .......... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 0 0 0 ° 0 0 0~0: 0 0 (J " ,.., () 0 c ~1 1~ l itcl ir13~ from Hl:lagen Dau. Ice Cream Sho.,.,. ••••f\o \• ... : ·>-··"': " ~-~ ·..: ... : '. =~· ..... "Shi· w a s v1·r y al·t1 v1· ht•n •." rt'\·allt·d Fattw1 Mll"hat•I Harns. µrtnl•1pal 11f M;11t·r Dt·1 "Sht· w,,,, a \'l'r y 11 u1gmn~. pt.•rson<.iblt· youn~ woma n who tovt·d pc.·ciplt· Shi· was ;1 vt·ry t·anng pc.·rson .. Iii' s;J1<.I sht• had applu·d tti work as a h ospital v11tunll'('r shl)rtlv bd1ir1· hn Jpath Ht·r· dt•ath was also mourm«.J today a l Fulton Elt•m(·ntary &:huol in FounWtn Valll·y. from whic h sh1· gradua tt'<.I in 1981. f''ult•>n Pnnnpal Mart· &:kl'r S<11cJ faculty ml'mbt•rs ml•l lochty llJ lx·grn planning a tribute lo Mo han, s uch a~ a m1·monal fund or an annual award in her h onor. "Kelly was very spirited and very in volvt.'<i hne," &·kcr said. "S ht• was w1·1l llk"d and vt·ry pupular " lit• s;ud sht· part1npiHt•d on g irl'> sport~ 11·,1ms a nd o n lht· St'hool's v1·a r h1Jok l"t1mrrntlt't' . . 111 add1t111n to hl•r µa rt"n ls . K ..tlv 1" 'urv1v1·d hv l hrt·t· hruth.t·rs. R11l11·rl, M wha1·l and K1·vm . and hy h1.·r i.:ramlmo1h1·r. Fran I kmpltn~ Patchy fog likely ton~tal fog 11111ng 10 low oveicast ov IT)IO·day Hoon~ near 60 along lhe coasl 10 68 inland Ct JuO)' 1on19n1 with overn19n1 low~ 46 t o S:l Parlly c louoy during morning houts l uesday w11to chance ol ·lnore log on early nours Fair 1n U>e afternoon w1lh guslv norltoerlv VOMnds 20 IO 30 mp!\ below 111P canyons Highs T uesoay 64 10 68 El s e w hPr e f r om P o•n 1 Conception 10 lhP M e .. can bOtder and ou1 60 mites Winos ltghl and va11able ovet outer waters 1or11gnt and TuesOay Winds Tuesday allernoon norlh 10 nor1neas1 20 lo 30 knols Seas 4 10 7 feel IOn•ght onoeas1nQ lo Ii 10 9 feel I uesday Locally winos wesl IO sou1nwes1 8 10 t5 knols increasing 10 t 5 to :>S knots Tuesday allernoon W1t1d waves 1 10 3 feel we~terly s"'ells :> 10 1 lf)(lt LJ.!j. su11u11arv. ' ~' :In-and r•ln pelted lhe upper Mkt-t H rly today, while rain •110 l•fl •long th• E•llern -l>Oal'd and much ol lhe West Snow lell over the western Great l •k••. ch•nglng lo rein o.... lhe , .. , of the lallea region end the e .. 1 CoHt 11etes. while e law thunderatorm• lell on ttle SoutheUI Rain alt o fell ov•r Northern C•lilornl• and lrom the upper Pacttle Co11t to Utah Scattered llghl •now beg•n to fa ll In Mont•na Rain ••• lore c•ll l or let•• today ecrON C*llral Flori<!• and lrom the mkl·Atlantle coast to Ille u~ Ohio Valley. lo-r Greal Lake• •nd New Englend Ralf'\ al10 ••• ••p•cl•d lrom lhl Pec:lllc Nort~t through Utah Sca tt•r•d fig ht 1now wu predleled In upP9f Mlehlgan. In th• higher North•••tern al•v•llon 1, end In th• upp•r Rocillee, T•mpar ature• around the n•llOn •t midnight PST ranged from II In OIMQOW. Mont.. 10 1"1 In K•y WHI and HomfflHd Alt F«oea-. Fl• dep;vh.-•~--aoou\ Q "m 5undd .. alter 'og C.u' o11s,1b1llt, to n~a'h lP.fO \i'l'O iJlfpUd HCJPfi•hrtn..,, managf't Jonr> Smtlr• Pale\ ... ete Allowed to lakP 011 ll1 t am a~ lhe l og tdl P(l \Omf'w tla' but 'andtogs w E-r e routeo 10 San 01fKio On1a"o and othe, ~1r ports until rtDout 3 a m «,a10 OpPr Rt'O''~ manaqer Many Scniocker 5Gf1IO<:,Pr said IJ91'I PMly m OflHr'l{l ttlf ,, alt1t \J4iH ... llY cons1sl~ 01 lrt.,Qtll planPS l hP NnllonAI W<>alher SP,,KP lntec:ast c;o"'~ clt)udn'IPSS .ind morning tog dlorig the coast L'"''' ruesctav w •1 h ....,.,,(1-; t>low1nQ nelo"" < "" 7or • ., t1 (Jffl 20 10 JO mpn PowM was ,.,,,o,C"d Sur,dav to mo~t Ill .,, .. Sf>Ufh6'" (..Ahforn1an5 wno .... ~n1 w11hOul #-t~c.t"C.•ly d•le' li\5' I ue'\d&Y 5 nard httttng stotm uullt) c.ompan1~.s s~1d T Ptn.pera t llres NATION Albany Albuquerque Amarillo Asnavlll• Allanl• Atlantle Crty Austin Balllmore B1lllog1 Borm1nghftm Bismarck l'IOise Boston Brownsvlle Bulla10 Bu•llnglon C11oer Charlstn SC Ct1atl1tn WV Ctiulolle NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnc1nna11 CleYll4and Columbia SC Cotumbu1 Oal·FI Wth Oayion Denver 0.1 Moine• OeltOll Ooluth El PH O Fargo :-:ag11a11 HI Lo 56 54 53 74 54 26 63 40 66 42 62 57 n 46 71 63 33 25 65 4 1 35 21 411 42 57 51 711 50 67 52 57 52 38 22 74. 62 75 49 73 411 40 24 83 35 117 411 87 50 77 55 65 49 66 42 63 44 45 26 41 27 llO 44 33 n 61 33 35 24 ~i i~ G•ee1 ~alls Har11oro Helen A Honolulu Houston 1nd1anapolls Jac11~n MS Jaci.snvlle K11ns&s Coty Lat Veg111 Lillie Rock Lou1svllkt Lubbock Memph1a M19m1 M1lw•ukee Mpls·SI Peul N111hvllle New Orleans New Yotk Norlolk N Pl•tte Okla City Omeha Orlando Phllaelelphla Phoeni• Pllllburgh Pll•nd Me Piiand Ore Providence Raleigh Rapid Clly Reno Richmond Sell Lake San Antonio Sea Ille Shreveport Slou• Falls St LoUlt SI P·hmp11 ')1 Sift Merie Spokane 33 19 55 49 39 29 60 73 7 I 5:1 63 41 62 36 6:> 59 41 28 61 37 55 42 65 44 59 30 58 45 7"' 76 52 33 311 24 ~ 46 69 411 &3 56 711 67 45 21 58 52 37 22 74 65 70 60 67 45 68 46 48 46 45 40 54 52 76 59 5g 31 47 27 77 69 4 1 20 73 38 u 36 60 38 38 24 61 39 113 72 311 31 311 30 Syracu51' Tope~A luc!on l ul~a w ash•n111on W1ch1t8 CALIFORNIA B,11i1.r•1-.,flf•tl1 Eurr~A f re~no l anr;,)~h·r Loe-. Ar1qf'lru .. Pa'o 1101>1 .... APO Blult AP1lwon11 (01~ APnn Sartramflftt1• Snllnas San D1i,qn $An f r:rn( '" n Sanr,1 rJ,1,h.1111 13ftrSIOW A1Sht>P Lonp At'~< h Momov•11 Ml W1l~1111 N-por1 llP111,I• On1a110 Palm SprlllQ< Pa,ndPnA Atvrrs1dft Snn (\P.rnRttt11u1 Sl'n GRbrn•t ~.in Jfl"'' <;;\rtl1l Ao.1 TnUC1(l V.1llih 61 54 42 30 61 4' St 33 1'J 63 ~I 26 HI lo 56 11'1 6i s' 55 41\ 6'• 33 n !13 ~9 •3 .,, 50 56 •9 47 ')1 .. , 41 65 43 67 47 56 12 lil 42 73 42 !>9 27 69 44 77 40 63 4'1 65 46 12 40 68 43 15 44 10 39 n 38 76 4 I "JI 46 69 4!> 4~ IT II() 70 84 73 73 61 116 77 82 88 71 57 86 66 116 73 84 73 112 61 64 72 711 50 84 ~ 114 73 111 ee 1111 70 114 73 From Page A1 .. t\ nd :11101 hl'r 11111 • w h1 ·n • 1 ht· l'OI n uur l"rOS."4..'l> E l T on i Huad , .. slw :..11d. :.haking ht:r h1·ad · ' T h 1· 't. · r t' g 1l 1 n g t ci h l' 1•11t1rmuus <. 'c1u1wilw11ma11 M1nk111 tt·rnwd l h t• o ut1 .. 11g a "d1·but f11r I .agunu11s ··Now th1·v'll havt· ;.in 1dt·<1 how mul"h tuncl -wt•'rt· talking about wh1·n ht·arings lx·gin next m onth < 111 t lw 1.:11rndor llulm sufft.•red a slrokt.· c.bout midday Saturda y, a fric,nd of tht.• family smd. lie was jogging at lht· Laguna Beat·h High S<:hool lr at.·k when the inciden t <l('(·urred. Earlier. tn tht-morning hl· participated tn a field trip in Syl·amo r e Hills. completing a thrt'l"mlle h1kt• o f tht.· l'anyon un ·a by noon Roy Holm M any v1stlors look advant.ag1· o f lht· opc•mng of th1• S _vt«Jmon · II 1 11 s p r o pt• rt y l o w ;1 I k t h t · 1h r 1·t· milt• ridgl'11nt-th:.it prov1dt-d views of the Ahso V1e.)O prop<'rty, Leisure W orld. tht.• Laguna lakes a nd the lrvin 1.· C ompun;v-c1wnc·d land when· a h o u s 1 n g d t · v c• I o p m t• n t 1 s pr OIJ' •sMI Thl' ~-year-old c1v1c &C'tivlsl· st>rved o n the Laguna Beach City Coun(•1l fro m 1968,until 1976 a nd was mayor for three years. 1973 lll H)76. Grc-t.•nh<'h. Int· board of directors ~md an avid paral·hut1s t . Ht• IS a mt•mb<·r of the Lagun<J H o I m 1 s a n e x <• t· u t 1 v e a l Hc't·kman lnstru1rwnt.s He's sure to be pleased with our Scottish Shetland sweater Chri:-.tmai. ii. u :rtai nlr 1h c time a man apprec i a tes .1n a dd11 iu n to hi:. t:o llci:tion of sweater:.. We ~ug­ ~t."s l thi ~ S ht.•tlam l won) dass ic , with fully-fash- 11 int.'d L rl·w nl.'~:k and s;1Jdk s houlders. nffered in devl'n handi.onH' s h adt.•s: navy, h luc mix. hurnt red. ·n1r1an Krt.·cn, n atural. maize. hurgundy .. c har- t:11al gre\', heather mix. Kelly green or pepper brown. Even :.i7.l'S .~8 In 4 8, $47.SO / •• rr., 11'• ,, /fr1•••k' Rr1•th tr( • ""'R' 11ppJ1; •'''''"· ('li.•tt• ,,.ff·/r,... f .l/fll/-24 7·111110 fSlAIUSHID 1111 \ ' l I r (J1 .a11q1 · Lll.1:.t llAll '1' I 'll ()l t M11111 l.1y l >t<<..~tnl>ttr f>., 198:;! ~· NATION f"'lood victims ~battle for homes l I lt)llS(• lt) Vt)((~ lt)(Jtty «•11 gttSt)I i 11c tax h il<t• H) Thi· Assod11h'lt 1•n·i.s W A S l llNt ;T t >N SplllT•·d hy .1 -.11 •.uhl~ n -.i 11g u111•111plu:-1111·11 1 rat ... tl11 • l.11111• d 111·k t'11 11 gr1·-.s 1-. llll l\'111g ;1ht·ad t 111 ... w1·1·k 011 ,. I'(• ... Id l ' II I H (• .1 g .. II .~ l'l'\'Olllll11·11d1•d ga ... 1111111 · 1;1).. 1111·11 ·a,,.· 1111· hrg hw.I\' 11·p .. 1r-. wrth I >t·11111n .11-. 1>1r-.h111g 1111 1111111111-. 111111 1· Ill 11 tht•1 Jlllt-. 11 11 l1a1 1v1·-. Just thn·t• day-. .ii t1 ·r th .. g11v1•1'11111t·11 t J t;p•ll'lt·d 1h1· 11a ti1>11'-. .1ohl1•ss r111t· l't'lll'h1•d .1 S ALT LAK E ('ITY Banwy B l'l.11·k ha:-. h1·gu11 lt>g l'Xl'l'l'ISl'S th.11 d111·111 rs hopt• \VIII ha v1· lh1· l'l't'IPll 'lll 1>( llw world's firs! p1·rr11a1w11t aru fin;il lw<tn 1:1k111g a slt·p or two 111 tht• 111·x1 f1·w d.1 v~ W1lh lwo ho:-.i·:-. lin king ·111-. 11wd1.11111·ul h1•a rl to t lw .11r I I''"" l11glt .. 1 11111 1,.111·111 111 N11\'1•1nl ... r , llw """"'' "·"' \11ll 11g 11t 1 .... 1!11·111111 111 1111 1.11-.111g 1111' fl•dt·t .d g ....... 11111 · '"" II\' ,, 1111·k1·I '" !I l'l'llh II• I It 1.1111'1' :j(:·, f1 h1II1t111 \\ 111 I Ii ol h1~\hW.1_\ l1r1d g 1 ;111d "'·'". fl .111 ... 11 l'l'p.11i... :\d111111 1•.t 1 .11 111 11 111 111'1.d-. 1·-.11111at1· tl11· prog1·.1111 ''ill \"ll'.111 ' 17 11 .01111 , •• 11 ... Ill 1·1111:-.t r u1 111111 111du:.ll'll':-. a11d .1 11 11 1lt1·1 1 ~1 11 .1111 0 .1 11 11:. 111d1nT t l v n •lalnl 111 1h 1• 1·011:.trtll'llPll p1'11Jl ~'lS l'1lll1f1t1·:-.,.,111 tit.II flll\\1•1-.11, tlw Ii I \i•,11 11ld n ·l11 1·d do ·1111~1 -.:11 up 's u11d.i,\. d.111 gl1·d hi.. ft·1·1 11v1·1 tl11• ... ult· n l lh1• l11•d ;111d k1t·k1·d hi~ l1•g-. g1•11ll \' ll;ll'k .111d l111'1h 1111 11\t· llllllllll'"• .111 11rd11 1g 111 ;1 .-.pukt·-.111.ill Im th1· t:11 1\'1·1-.ll \ 11! li t.di l\l1•d11";il l .. 1111·1 . S hultz to tour Europe W A S H I N (.~ T 0 N Sl'(Tt'lary o f !';1;11\• ( :1·orgl' P S hu l t z lt·av1·~ lodav o n ;1 l wo-w t•l'k t np lo ~:ur11p1 · ainwd :.it 111t·1uling ft.m·1·s with allH's :ind 1·xplon11g ways qf 1mprov1ng 1vlat1nns w11h tht· nt•w Sov tt't g11v1•rnnwnl o f Yn A11drnpo \' In add1t111n . S h u lt 1. w ill nin,.,uh 1111 .111 .1llll'd rl',.,pun,.,1· m l'as1· th1· l'uh-.h g11v1·rnm1·111 dN:1cl1·s to hft 111al'l1a l law, as 1·xpt't'1t·d r>t,·1·mlX'r l:s marks WORLD l 1r-.1 .1 11111v t'1 .. ,,11 v o l 1111• 1111 1111-;1111111 11! 1.n il11 a r ~ !-!"' 1·111111t·111 .011 d \V;1r-..1w 11fl 11·1 • .i-. h ,l\'1' ... ,,.,, .... ·d S11 l 1d .11·11:-11 .i d1•1 l.1•1 h \\'~1h ·-..1 S hltlt1"111 g11 t11 Bu1111 111 -.1, ;11•1·1\·111g T w •,.,d;1y 11 1· will I~· 111 H1·u-.s1•l s \V o·d11t·-.d.1 \ 1h1 11u g h S a t u n l.1 ~· I 11 1 ;, NAT<> l11n·1g11 1111 11 i...t1 •1,., 11lt'l'!111g • .111 .. 1 \\ l11d 1 111· will go 111 Tht· I l.1 g "'" H11n11·. l'.11 r-.. l\l:tdnd .111d l.1111d1111 S()Vie t Sp y denies r a p L O NDO N A So \'1t·I n;wul <t tl<1t'h 1· t·x1.wll1·cl from Bn tain for s p:v1ng fired a p<irttng shot al tu-. ;11·1·us1·rs. d a1 mmg thl' 1·h .. rg1•,., .1g<11nst h 1 m we r t• a "t'<Jl11 p I e lt· 1n\'1•nt11111 " Capt. Anuto l1 P a v lo vich Zolll\' flt·w lei M11s1·11w 0 11 S u11d;o\'. four dav-. .1h1'i1d ol I II l' tft: ii d I 1 n l' ~ l' l .,Ii v th l' f''un ·1g11 011 tl't'. a:-;.i lt.,;d1·r of tht• 11ppos1t1on Lal111r l';or tv n·111 ·w1·J his ptortv\ dt·mand to r a full p <1rl1.11111·11t.01 \' J 1·lia t1· o n Br1t.1111 '-. 11.,ok M'o1rn·d 1111t·ll1g1·1w1· s1·n ·11·1·" U .S . war games n e ar e nd M A NAMA . Ba hrai n --- Operating lx·htnd an off11·wl veil of secrecy. u nits of 1h1· U.S. Rapid Dcpluymt·nt For<.·1· are engaged in war ganws lo tl'st Ame rica's ilb1ll1 v lo a1<J l h t• o il -ri1·h Pl' r s1a n Gu If nations 111 t1mt•s of 1·n s1s sch1•duh·d lo 1·nd Tut·sda y . Arau thplomats ._;ml S unday lh Thi· A''111·1at1·1l l'n·i.11o l<1"oltf1•111" 111 I J\'l'I 111\\ rn, ill lh1 l\l1· ... 1·.··1t•fll \'..Iii·\' 1 1 111~'.111 !11 -..ovo· It .. 'II I 1111111'" I·'"·"' .... la.•.( wo ·1·I\ ·,., 11•1111 1111 111 .t "'''' 1111 . \\l••·h " lf11o1d111~: .111d w1111 1 y "'•·ath 1·1 11·1111111·1'1 111 11 1" llflf" 1 M11 lw1 ·-.1 1(1\ I I j'l'i j'I of 11\ d ,1\>-, 11 ( '"·''''·""lo l l 11 ..... 1 \\,t11·1 ~ d11<1I k 1111l1 l11glt 111 ..,llllJI ' Sl't'llllll:-0 ••I 111111111 •111 11 1111111~ 1111 S11111la y .111d ~f'dl\-d 11\'l'I lli1·11 li.111k:. Ii) lt1w lv111g .111"1" 111 I .11111:.1;111a a111l :\I k,111-. . .-. I .••Ill l.111.1 l • .1d1 Ith 111'.ll tlw 1t\11hP1b w1 ·11· lw111g Will'lll'll 111•'' 1111g li 1 h.1\'1· 111 1·v:1n 1;111-. \\ 11111 111111 •1 ... -.101t·kp1h·d :-..1111fh;o1::,., Ill 1'11 '1'•11.illllll 1111 ll1111d111 g lt<111 ,,.,, .1h111~: tlw I '1·;11 l H1v1·r 1\1111" 1 h,111 :10 1w11ph• lta v1· d lt'd t>regnancy b e nefits c hallei,ged Wi\~lll N< ;'f'ON 1A l 'I Thi• ~11 1110 •11 11 · (.'ourt l1Hl:1y 11gn·t·d to dl'\·1d1 w ll1·tlt1·1 1·11111 pa ny-r u11 111 .. d11 .it 111 ... ur;1111·1· plans 1·._.11 plat·t• l'>jll'('l,ol n ·,.,tnc111111:-. 1•11 pn·gn anl'y '11»11•111 -. lur \\'orkt·r,.,· d1·pt·ud1•nL'i. '1'111 · JU.,ltn ·,., s,1 1d th1·y will 11·\'h·\' ,o rul111g tha t 1h1· N1•wport N1 ·\\ ... Sh1p liuilding a nd I>r y Po 11. I.. { '., ·,. pt..11 v1o l;11t·:-. ft·d1·ral '"" '1'111 1"1111p.111.\ ':. ltosp1t<J li7.;it1011 .111d 1111 •d 11 .. .t ... uq.(11·al l1t•alth 111M1r.1111·1· pl<11> (•xlt·nds (·11v1•rug1• 111 1•111pl1 1y1·1·-.. th1•1r spous1•s and 1111111.11111·11 d 11 ldn ·n T hi pl.111 p.iy-. 111 I ult for· a ..,1·1111-111·1\'att· h•isp1tal room for up 111 I ~ti dav~, .111d f111 .111 1·11v1•n •d """fli t.ii ..,;.1·v 1l·1•,., up 111 $750. ;,nd IHI p•·1n·111111 tlH· 1•x1·1·s:-. u p 111 1:.W d;iv,., ;\ d1 •p1·11d1 ·1i1:;, illlll'ss or lllJLlry 1~ 1·11\'1·n ·d lu th1· ,.,;111w 1·x11·n t as ;111 1·111pl11y ... ··s 1llm·ss 11r injury, 1·:-.i·1 p t 111 ;.i t u d 1·1H·nd1•n1's 1111 g rw1w:-"rt·l.111·d 1·xp1•nsl·s an • n ·1111hw·:-.t·d 011l:v up \o $400 of I h1· ho:-.1•11;.I c h:1rg1·s . 111 Sq 11t·111h1·r l!J7!J, shipyard 1·n1pl11y1·1 · .Juhn Mt.·Nully filt•d a c·om p la1n t wi th th cr Equ a l O p 1111r t u 111t y Em ploy m e nt C'111111H1:-.:-;11111 1·11111 .. nding lhat the ~:-.on 1·11v..,·ag1· l11111 tat1on rm h is "1 I•"' 11n •g11 .1n1·y n ·prt•s t·nts 1ll1·g:d ..,, ' d1:-.(·rm 1111a1111n l\kNultv ~a id ·1tw d1fft-rt'n<·t• IH l \\'1·1·11 °th1· $:500 prt·gna n1·y l'l·il111g J 111l tlw Si~10 1.·1•1l111g for otlwr hospita l scrv1<.'l'S violated lh l• Ct.•d t•ra l Pre gn a n c y D1St.·rim1nat1un Act oC 1978. T ha t luw was dt·s1gnc'CI lo ins ure th at w11rk111g womt·n <•rt· pro lt•l'lt•d .1g:1111~1 all f•1r111~ of t•mploynwnt .J1:-.(·111111n;.t 11111 hast·cl on st·x T ho · ~th US C1rn 11l Courl o f i\pp1·;ds :ogn•t·d w 1lh M1·Nul ty l.1~t .Juno · 111 :.1111111:-. 11\'1·1 tho· pa:-1 Wt'l'k, 111d t11h11g Ill ktllt·d w h1·11 l11gli w111d~ .111.J -.1111w,.,u11·111:. 111 1 tlll' w .. ~, t '1111)1 '1'1 ·11 111 1111' d1·al h~ ""'11t 11·d 111 lll1111m. w li1d1 wa:-. t.11 h v l11111ad 111·,., and l111od11 1i.: as till' :-.t11r111 -.y:-.tc ·111 pu:-.lll'd 1•a-.1wa1d A1111111g 11 ... l;11t·:-.l d1·.11h-. Wl'l l ' f1vt· 1x•11plt· k illt·d un ll'.Y r11 ... Lb 111 W1M·1111str1 .is n 1ld a n ·lw .111 l11·g.011 s1·ttl1ng 111 1•1 111111 rq{11111 1111 Su111l;1y 111 M1s:-.1ss1pp1, a l1'Ul'kt•r f111 111d tlw diapt·I' dad hotly 111 a baby gi r l 111 th •· r<.1 111 s w11ll1·11 l>11g H1v1·r 1wa1· l'a..,.:a&!oUla Hu111 d1;111gt•u 111 snvw 111 Iowa a nd ~11ut h1•as 1t·r11 M 1111ll's 11ta , g l11z111g roads and mak111g lniv1·I ha~1nl11u" for m11lonsl'i. U fl 111 :1 i111'111·s o f s1111w w a s 11 11 1h1• g1 1111111I 11 11·. 111111111111: 111 S 11ok.i111 -. w .1,.,11 f1 11t 11 \\;1 ~, .11 111i ll t•I' d ;o V 111 l1.dt11\' "''"11l w1 111 tlw N111'l t'11 •11-.1 I 111!;1 \, Wt I fl 11·1·11 Id ft q ( 11 lo 111p1·1;t1 1111 .. , p 11 ... l 1·d 11 11111 l l1•l,1w,11 1· 111 N1·W Y111k a11 c1 V1·111111111 A11 11 111g 11 11· 11111·.., 1•·p111 l1111-: n 1111 d l11gti ... 1111 I Ill' dalt• wc·n · N1•\\' Yor k ('11 v, fi ~1 ; N1·wark . N .I . 711. Wtl111 111~:11111, l>1·f 11!1. f l;11 r1 -.l1111 g . 1'11 . 7 0 , a11d ll111 l111gt1111 Vt . Ii~ I 11 11111 t lw111 t\ 1·ka11,.,a ..,, all '"" '"''" 11·\'1'1 l11·11kt·. l111 1·111g till' t·v.H·u .111u 11 HI .lnt'k,,u n pur·t. a l11w11 111 ~Jiii fH'{tph•, •11td w;oll·r·:-. I 111111 11 ... Hl.11·k :111d Wl11tt· l'IVl!l'S Wt•ll• ti f1•1•l l1V1·I l l1H11.I ,.,l;1g1• Jll~l 11p-.11·1·a111 I 111111 N1 ·w p11l'l. lilt' ( :urhs ide ('on1pa ri!-ion .J.11 ks1111 ( '11u11ly sc.·at with ubuut 11,0lltl n 1s11l1·111~ ( WI ll'll 1111' l'ISlll~ l'lVt•ral Ci~ly 1·11•sl 111 M 1~-.111111 . ;a~ 111u11y u i. 1,,111111 1w11ph· 11 1 M1s,.,.1un may h1· lo •ll f11111 wl1·-..., 111 lll'lal~ ~lld ) T h" w on! floo d ing i11 a 1·1·11llll y 111 11urlh1•rn llhnoi11 viaJI n ·1111rh"'I 111 Lu 8allt', wh~N! the 111111111~ H1v1·r tTrstt'<i at a rt.'C.'Otd :~z I f1·1'l I:! ft>t•l ovt•r flcvld 'i -,.,1;1g1· , l Hfw1a ls 111 fll'a rby Pt•ru Urif'<i 11·...ad1 ·11ts 10 boil drinking water 111 .. -.111..,.. ol possib le t'Ontaminat.¥,>n I 111111 :-.t11r111 r un-off. , , f"w tlwr t·ast. n<:ar Mo rr is, t~o rra1·tors at Commo nwe a f!h J<:di...011·,., Dresde n nut:lcar po~r 1Jl•J11l lh1.11 had bt."l'n shut down as ;i prc't·;iutionary movt• becauSt-pf ~11gli W;Jlt•r Wt•f(' rcstarWd. D•llJ Piiot PllOtoe by CllertM 1'8n . , . •' Wht•n tht•rc• a rt• mo~l ly Holl!»-ICO)'t't'!'O pa rkc•J along u llunling ton Ht•at•h strt•c•t, tlwrt•'s bound lo lw t•x<'ih·nwnl alwacl. ( :a rolyn Pallt•rson and .Jt•rry ~okol in a I t);J:>· Sufuri \\'agon we r e off on a ""fox hunt" af tt•r ~t·lling tht• s i~n a l from hunlma s le r Bill Sundrin. \\'innt'~ listc•d o n l'a~c· HI . • t • The ft\'l•-day o p1•rat1 o n . t:(1 d 1'-n <.1 m l'U J odt· T1g 1·r. m voln•s U S air. na\'al and g r o u n d f o r c· f' ~ a n d 1 s Pt·n 1;ig1lll of t 1c1u h h .1v1· priv a tf'ly t·onf1rm1·d 1h1· 1·xt·n·1st•s, hut -..11d 1111 formal anno u111·1·1111•n t ""o' 111<1do· bt'('aU:.t· 0111.1 11 w;1111:. 111 µta~· till W 11 I I S 1 I 11 k -. W I l h I I 11 • U n1 11•d St.ol t·s t 11 .o\'<11 d ., bal·klu~h f111m 11lht·r :\r a h 1·u un 11·11·s 1:rit1tJI •ii l ' S M1ddl1· t-:.i~t pollt'H·~ DITCH I N MESA REMAINS AN EYESORE • • • STATE Rain c ould m e an di sa~t e r S AN FRANCISCO W11h forc>casts o f ;1 No rthC'r n Caltforma w1r.11·r w<.•tkr than tlw on<: that s pawned las t J a nuan "s k1 lll'r mudsliciPs . rnnd1tic;ns in thl• soft. san dy soil ;in· a "d1s<.is1t·r wa1ung tu h a p p 1• n . · ' a l' '' n s u I t i n g g('ol11g1st says H ii ls1rle r es1d1·n ls should le ave• th C'1r homl's 1f to tal ratnfall b v J anua rv 1~ 11111n · than :.!!'> m.l'ht·s ;md 01f a st11n 11 drops a quurtt'r of an 11wh ur half of an inl'h of rain an hour w ithou t ;iny sign 1.f l1·t uµ. said J 1•rrv Wl'l><:r. <·1111sullmg g 1•o l11g i,.,'1 f•1 r S <i n la C ruz C11u 111y "It"• JUSI ,, d1:-;1:.lc ·r \\,111111~ lo happt·n ... -.;wl W..t11·r Shoplifting on • inc r e a se L 0 S A N (.; E L 1.-: S Retaill'rs a rc• gc·;.m ng up for one o f thl'lr higgf'st h oliday seasons t:vcr nol for salc•s b ut f o r sh o pl 1ft1ng . aulhorities sav "Mone y IS n ot going as far and c ost s a rl' h1g h c·r . so people are slc'allng the things t hey want and us ing thC'i r ,·ash to buy thOS<' things thl'y rc>a lly n f'rd." Judi Rogc>r s. dtr<.'('lor of lht· A1lant.;1 has1·d National l'11;1h 1111n to P rt•\'1·nt S h op lifting . lnld t h1· L11-; An~t·ks H1·r;1ld Ex:111111wr Ms Hog.·rs c·1tl'd ;i study by h1•r non -profit oq.~a111z:it1 nn t h a t s h o wt·d l11ss1•:. f rnm shoplifting to t;il('d $11) hil lton tn 1981. up $:! htllton from 1980. Last yt•a r's lrn•s1•s. shr said. rc>prrSt•nt<.•d fl !I J)('rl't•nl of rrt;ulers' gros.-; s;1IPs From Page A1 • liu l mul'h of 1h1· n11·d1an is I il l1·d w ith 1wglt't.'l••d and d ying pl.1111,., :\ ra111-n1stt·d 1r;11kr s ht•ll ~1 1 ... ;11 11 n1 · lm·at11111 Tumhlt·· "1·1·d -. .111d tra~h ll1w th1· m ost Iv r u ... 1• d .-lw111 l111k f1·11(·1· Som(· ..,, .,·11111.-. of t lw C1·n(·1 · an· n11s.-.111g. "I think 1h1· 1·11v ,..., a wholl' 1s g1•1t111g t1n·d of ,.,,.1.·111g 1t (llll th1•n • knnw 111g 1l's an 1._,·1·s11 n · and t ho ·n ··-. 1111thtng th1• nty n m do." s;nd Bru1·1· M:1t1('rn. <'II\' l-'ublt1· S <'r\'l"l'S d11·<·t·t11r "L a.11·1:-· it 's b1•1•11 j.!l'lltllg Sl't '<fy .. ll.1 111 po ·rt·d b y th1• s t a 11"s 11w1wr-.h1p of tlw 1111"d1an . l'lty 11lf11 1als -;;1\ th1•n · 1~ h11l1 · tlwv 1 .111 d 11 tq ···li-1111 up o r 1 mpn1v~· 1·1tht-1 1h1· dtll'h 1Jr tlw ,.,urfal'Pd 111c•d 1;111 .il 11 11g N1·w p o rl B11t 1l1 •vard I\ I .111 .. 1·11 sa td I h l' l'l l)' rs paid ~ 111.0llll a :-·1•ar by th<· stall' for 111.i1111t·n•11w1· Tlw monl'y covers 1 lw 111 ... 1 111 t 11ur y1·arly d l•an up ••fl< ·r;\ !Inn-. ~·1v1· .v1•ars ;ego. u ty d 1·anup tT•·ws w<·r<· ll)ld by Caltrans lo -.11111 w t·1•d 111g thl' ml'd ian . The wc1rk was gc>ttmg too C'Xpt•nsiv<'. l'ahrans s;1111. Ht'('l'lllly Caltrans 111ld 1·11 v nffH'ta ls to rc•:o;umC' w1·f'd tng. "It's a blight on tht• n ly," said We're Listening ••• What do you hh about t h1· l>aily l11lot " What don't you hkt>'' Call thl• number a t kft and you r nH'ssag1• will bt· rt'('Ord<•d, transcribed an d ddtvf•rc•d to th<' appropn at<• t•ditor 642·6086 Thr )>am e 24 hour a ns wt·nnJ( ser nrr may he> used to rrrord lr t ters to tht• <·d1tor on ;m y topic Mailbox rontnhutors mu!>t tnrlude t h('lr namr anrl k h•phon1• numbt·r for \'1•rt(1r a1ton ~o c·irr ulat1on rails. ph•ast• Trll us what·:; on your mind .,....., ... IWwwy .......... MO~•r r •o<J•f 1• 1ov '1r, 'IOI P,•w• fOUr p 1p1r b j ~ lO o mi ca• t>efOfe 1 p "' 1nd 1ovr coo1 tttill b• _.., S11urd1y ond Suod•t 11 you do "01 rt c11vt yov• ~rl !Y :,.;, ;OU:~~·:.~ 1)9-911 QrUlltleft '1 •""--~=Count, .. -.11 ~ -tington llMGll a w",,.,..,.,.,._.,,. L90'IN 1>19* ....-0 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pubf11her Qr\d (h1t'I ( •1trvt1v1t Qt•+r 4'1 Jane Amari f•&<u•• ... ~ (d1t()I L. Kay Schult1 V.ce l't•l•clenl ond Director of Ad'vet••t1ng laymond Maclean lc-Mrnll_., Mkhoel P. Harvey O"~c•oo ol Ma•l8t•ng IC1rc:ok>t•O'lc' Cla11llled advertising 7141142·5e71 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE llO w ....... ~· (Ml•""''• , ... ...... • Od,..U Ao•'* (O\ta ,._,,. CA .,.,. Coc>yrt9M 1"7 Or-(oect PuOli\111"9 (-y No n••n \tot1•\ 1llu\trl t1on,, •d1tort11 m•Ut r Ot" _.. v•rti\•mtf'lt\ l'Wr•1n ""•' .,. reprodY<td wit._,,. \PH ••I perm1\\1ori of coo,r19"t owrwr S.lond ,,.,, OO'IAQP P4t•d •I (O\t• Mt \a, CalfforrU• <UPSi '441001 \ub\cr1pt1on bv ••rr••r \4 IStnOftthly DY ma>I M 'IO MOnlllly T ... O•-CcWl\I Oau, Pllol wltll •Ill<" I\ <- 111n.., ,,,. -· Prft\, •• °""'"-llY ltw Or ..... '°"" p""'""'"V c .......... , ~·I• _..._ ... pvl>lll--.y tllr ...... ,rlNY ,., C•la -.... Nowpor1 .... ,,, HU11ll"910fl 8ee<ll, ,_.., Yelley, lr.lne. l...-·-"·-Ill C•tl A tlfltle l9fleMI .cllll.,. II .,......_ Satvrtl•Y• -,.,.....,., Tiie prl11<tpa1 (IU9lttlll,,. plant" •I Ull Well .. , "-'· P 0 101 lllO. (°'la MeM, Cellto<nta mM VOL. 75, NO. 347 -------------------- K1 •1t h Van Ho lt. l'ltv L 1·1s un· Stn·il'<·s din><:tor. "I w1iuld l1 k1• lo havt• Caltra ns 1mprov1· th1• :1n ·a or g1 \'1f 1t b<.1l'k to tfw 1·1ty " Ll uvd Sha v l·r. o w n l'r o f L lo yd's N urs l'ry . h :1s h 1·1•n l1«r-.111g a sc"·tmn of th1• tnt'Clmn fr11ni IYth lo Ba y stn·l'ls -;11w1· I Yitl lei grow nu1=sNy stc1t·k :111d slnn · pl11ns H1·l'l·nt <1dd1t1011 of f11t·W1111d has bt·l·n <·ontt·s t t'd by P a 1·1f11 · F1•d1•ra l Savin~s & L11a11 . builders o f t h <' $17 -m1ll111n S panis h s t y le <:o mplt•x a t th 1· cor n t'r o f 191h S t r1 ·1·1 ;i n d Newpo rt Boulevard. An ap1x·;i l -------- 111 l h1· µla n 111 n g l'Olllln lSS IOn ap proval of tht· us.· w ill IM• lw ard tc1111gh1 l1y tlw t·1ly l'Oum·1I "If th1•\' ~·ml g1 I o ff l)l'(';JUSt• lht• lrt•t:Wi1Y Iii 1·vmmg Ill I'd bt· th-ltghi.·d ," · -.;11d Sh.1v1·r ··Aul I don't :.1·1• k1l'klllg nw o rf to 11'1 Wl'l'lb i-:111\\· I'd 1allw r look at plants 1h:1n w1·1·ds .. M.11 k L.t•I i•·•'. -.1'11111r Vl t't'· pr1·:.1d1·11t fnr Piwlfit· F~·d1•rn l . s.1111 lw 1,., llppos1'<.I tu any storagt· 111 1h1 1111"d 1a 11 h1•c·;ius1• of tht• \·.-.u.d 1mp.11·1 11f tht· s t rt p t o \'I ... I I 11 r s I 0 I t h I' l' 1 l \' . !> n (' w r• ·tit ·\'t•l11p11wnt a n ·a · . "Th .. d 1tPh Hnct t ht' m l'd1a n ~l1 1p i.,.,.,. :111 .1dv1·rs1• 1111 pal't on this 1•ntirt· a rt•a ,'' sa id Lelle~ "It 's o nl' o f t h <' r e as o n• n '<l1·vdopment has been slow id ax,:u rnng. , ·• "T hi• d t y and the community h .1v1· st•t t ht•ir s ights a little h1gh1·r a nd mad'• t hem known to Cultra ns ." hl• added . "Until~ att1•m p L<; to do that, noth ing w~lf bi: d OOl'. ) I Av nC'xt y e a r . a f i n af l'nv lronmrnta·I im p act repo~, n •1·0111mt•ndmg a route fo r · fn •1•wuy. s hould Ix• completed. l n o Crl't•wav is b uilt. then th~ strip. ml'lu.dmg t h t.> ditch, wit proba bly lw sold by the state S<llll Caltrans· Burre ll. I J . I • .. • : I .. • christmas 1982 ... 'I I . -. our IOOr. cot.ton (])(ford buu.on down WOVlUl !lorn 1 h<1. tincz.!>t. I~ staple c:oU.on, them Lo1 lonzd in thcz old world t,rndit.1on with "r'.cli'il eiLl..a.nt.IOfl to tm roll or thec.ol lor.<mdpropzr ~ul<kr ond !>\tz11.vi fit.; tajczltwr with lhii l'\na.st: nczcz.d 1.cz. W:I! k fM'I \o bla moktl.5 our ClXfi:xd "b:i" th:z. m::et c.anfort.oblq., dufoblcz ond lonS lost.ing shirt ycu I l ~~r wz.er :z.~t. c olora bh.JQ.,wnita., ptnk,)'12-\lcw,czcru ,m cz.\on, ll'IW.rdtt.r ond m\nt, $JUCUl 44 1-·ashion lllond • NftAJpOrt IJNc'h • 7141644·5070 111"1 W1·stwood Bluel. • ~stwood VIII~ • 2131208-3173 I • ) : I I . ' '; II " I ti ·' I j J . - ,.-. , .. Oran e Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, December 6, 1982 Christmas sights, sounds, Chanukah, tree light~,_ f:>D '-.....,.,_,,__~.~ Nt•wpurt l'hru1tum Sc:hools will prt•11t•nt lls unnual "Ft.'tt> dt• Not•I" Tul'ttduy ut 7 p.m. al tlll' :14:hool. IUIJ W. 15th St., Newport Bt•ut·h . Uut•stll an• invilt'tt tu t'><pl•ril'lll't' Christml.l.li sight-; und llOUnds us tht!y 11troll through a n old· fashionc'd boutique" sippinH hot drinks amt lis1t•ning to strolling t•urolers. HlllUY lllMlllll iQ T1c·kc•1 dunatium; urc• $I.Ml 1•ud1. l'11ll ti·j!)-1J:,m2 for furtht•r information. • • • ll'U.llKporlatlon. Vouth1 unde r 14! mu~t be lll'\'ompunltod by an aduh. . l'rl·-1·1•glKlrallon Ill ~lna <.'OndUL·tt.od ut th<.· Fountuill Vullt•y R~l·reation Center, lti400 Hrnukhur11l SL. Mort-jnformallon <:an ~obtained l.iy culling 8JY·861 l. · • • • Tht• sdrnol's c·huira and ort:ht•stras w ill c·umbint• to pre1it'nt three half ·hour cont..-rts under the• direl'lion of Jes&l' Whittington and Dun Hiojas in tht• John Memley Memorial Chaµcl. The 1-'ountain Vullc•y P1Ariuo and lll.~l'c~tiun Dt•J>urtnwnt is sponKOring two bu11ei; to lruruiport familit·s to lht• I Y8:t Tuurnamt•nl uf R o11t'S Parade• 011 Jan. 1. Tht.• bus will leave at 6:30 u.m. and n •turn at :t p.m . A trudilional Chanutulh party with Holida)' Mu1dt· and homemade powto latkes will be~..;he~ld;_,,_.J!~~~~,,,~~~~I~~= Ot"t-. 15 al Temple .. BifYalmr~r,- Cn~lba<:k St., Ntiwport Beach. Thii> yt•ar's ft•atured drama, undt>r tht• dirc'<:tion or Kristim· Huggit•ro, will bl' Charles Dit•kens' "Th e C hristmas Carol," with performant't.'S at 7::!0 and 8::JO in the gymnasium. The• ft't' J11 $28 µer person, whil'h indudt.'l> gr.indstand seating, 11 upe rvi11i on and Rcllgiuwi <."<>·ordinator, Evelyn Akiva, will light lhe Menorah ·and lead chnaren a1parenta ln thti blt.'tll!ing. Children will be donating glflll needy REPAIRS FORCE-·-pooL· CLOSURE··. ... ----·---------------, f From Page A 1 f where she'll find a suitable site. · But she knows from experience she can't move loo far from Irvine or else her younger swimmers, the· ones training to take over in future years, will drop out. "If we move somewhere else, it's really the end of our program," she said. But Bean said she also understands why the pools are dosing. "It's something that happened. You can see that," she said, gesturing to the empty diving pool, where holes have been cut in the shell to reach the corroding pipes. Like offic.ials for th e Novaquatics, she said her hope is that the 50-meter pool can be kept open while repairs are made to the other pools. Then it rould be repaired while swimmers worked out in the others. Art McDevitl , a project engine e r f o r Rot·kwell International, is prt.>sident of the Novaquatics Soard of Directors. He said his group plans to argue that the 50-meter pool doesn't need to be closed. ·Although leaks have been di!K.'OVered in the other two pools, none has been found yet in the 50-meter pool. M c Devitt maintains that closing the pool in advanc.-e of firidfng ·such l~aks ~ unnecessary and unfair to the 190 swimmers in age-group, seniors and mas ters levels, including several (one is his daughter) who are world class caliber. · He said he'll take that message to the City Council when it next meets De<·. 14. His argument is that <.'Orrosion has oc"Curred on the feeder pipes because of contact with soil on --CoinPl•t• Toiflildolll,latydt-Stak. • Plawu Dlmletlr; 5pec1a1 va1aa ua thae woa't tut ror,. ..... 10 come to Start Alldenoa'a today. Yoa're.,.... to feel toocl lallda. the ex~rnal facing of the pipes .. Emptying the pc>Ql and pipes of wate r, he said, won't reduce that <.'Ondition. However, Mayor Larry Agran s~id, couneil members are looking at the situation with a h...oss ~ptimi~tic view. "In every step of the way, our worst fears have been realiu.>d," said Agran, who predicted that leaks will soon OC.'t.'Ur in the.large pool. Agran said he, like other COl:Jncil members, sympathizes with the disruption caused by closing the complex, but he said it would be an "unrealistic assumption" to be lieve the 50-meter pool can continue to operate. Instead, he said, the council wants to make plans as quickly as possible to speed transitions to oth er pools. Staggering the IRA repairs isn't in the city's best interests, he added, because· of conc."ern that the entire complex · · may need an overhaul. "I'm not sure It can be properly be repaired in a way that la a good investment for our million bucks," he said. "We're still awaiting word on that. It may turn out to b e a better investment to 11imply rebuild." Watching from the sidelines ia . • .. \ ~ .. ....,. --. Orange County Superior Court ---- Ju <ts e · Bruce· ·S u.m".!..~, ~-~lA!'™µ~l~v~i~·~JJlllgl!f:..mJlA-.Jt~ ...... !-.l~rk-==-====d Olympic ·Committee organizer . · · · --· .- who notified the council reeent.ly pool that ~llf cloee for major•.• ...... ~ ..... npalft •. that the aquatics complex is the _ first choice for the pentathlon. voters to paa bonds elcht years many of thme tnWh.d wjth'lllit Sumner aaid his committee is ago to finan~ conatfuction of poQl ·criRa. · . in t.Jle process of choosing an several parka, inclu-din..1 the Said Flip Dur, heed~ foi · alternate site in case repairs are· comflex, with the idea that the th~ NovaquaUca:· •'One of the not <.'Ompleted by the summer of wel -equ.ipped an.d apacio.ua reasons ~ want to haw lhe 1984. -aquatics-center would attract" peotatt\Jon event hen la ....._ The irony of that situation is national prestige to Irvine. · we are beiTnnln1 .to b,e that' city leaders helped convince That irony has not been lO!lt on recognized worldwide." '· ~-----'-'--- ------·-·-~-.. ~---------'•"'-·----- .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM If all the benefits of an Individual Retirement Account have suddenly become very important to you, but you thought you couldn't afford them, think again.13anko America offers an IRA PLUS account that lets you cam high rates with a minimum deposit of just $SO to which you can make additional dcposfts. So even with all the other ex- penses you have to worry about, you can still enjoy the benefits of an IRA PLUS. What's more, lRA PLUS gives you a variety ~ CANCER . --------D ET ECTl ON • CENTER OF ORANGE COUNTY A NON-PROF)T ORGANIZATION OFFERING BELOW COST COMPREHENSIVE SCREtNING FOR EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER • SCREENING INCLUDES• Thorough Physical ·complete Blood Count Stool Bleeding Check Pap Smear For Women Self Examination ln1truct1on1 ' . Me~lcal Center Profe11lonaf Bulldlng ), 188octlhln Street-Sutte--105 --.--...... Huntington Beach, Callf. 841-·1111 .. ~' . ·---~-~ of plans to choose frmn. You can choose investments which lock in.a rate, or you can select a variable rate investment for more flexibility. With IRA PLUS, you pick the plan that best suits your individual at tax time. On top of all this, with IRA PLUS your investn:i~t is backed by all. the reso¥fCeS of California's leadjng bank. Bank of America's $120 bil- lion in assets pn:-~· ilCS~~-1rm!Sllitl~mas-11Dlk"ta8:ti~¥• needs. And you won't pay a penny~t-up-ermain-~~~l-~!U.JJLeeJ;~~~~~J.Q;~~+-iilirfl'*irammi:~lan!!W-r-f-=!~~~ . tenance fees, as you would at ment such as this. At the sainc . with just the margi.n of~ ·'· . . many other institutions. time, you.can alsb CO\ll'it On all the ex~ tQat Cali-. fo~a's leading.bank can offer. t IRA+ IT'S·MQRE ..-. 1liAN JUst ANOTHER IRA . Ticketa are t9 and SlO and -are avallab)e at the con ••• • Costa Meaa'1 Leiaur.e s,,rvicea Department i1 . •cceptln1 re1ervatlon1, fQr ----~•n-cht.-rrd 1eat1 at the ournament of Roee9 Paride Jan. 1. .. The S25 tickets include ' aeatin1 and round trip · bua -. ENGLISH PROV.INCIAL ·FRANCIS I • t r In the~ troubled tht)Ctl one ·an't blame local government for king juat about everywhere. for- ew tt0Un..'e8 of revenue. · So it's not too 1urpri1in1 to ind the county Administrative ffice issuing a learned report Qn he feasibility and financial respect' of placing video g.met ln o u n t y -o·w.n e d bull ding 1, pe<:ificall:v caf eteriaa, for the muaement of county employees uring their lunch and coffee reaka. The report came in-~ o an idea submit~ through the· ounty's Employee Suggestiorr gram which, in the past, has relatives Hrid thelr way . into count.y-owned ~ulldln11 e~entttally-w_ ou-ld bru]rtD tM BOant-ottiupervtm whim would have to a1.tthorl1e the 'purehue and int1tallaUon or the ..,._. · Meanwhile.-the· county Legal-JudtriarCommitt••1 _..,.~..--.. -'.> compoeed of ~ a&tal'ney,8 ana c o 'U n t y . ·a u p e r v I 1 o r • h • 1 · unanimoualy -a~ed ~bat th• . Orange County rt~ la no place fOr video pmea. • It had been .._.ied that the m , ea WefeOme addition tO t jury ••embly roam where ,.potential juron now are limited to readin1 and p1-Yln1 cards while awaltinc their calla to the C.'OUrli"oofm; roduced a......number of money- ving and financially profitable roposall»: 'fhe Administrative Office toncludes that just eight video ~ames could bring. the county anywhere from $37,000 to $203,- 000 a year and if used "at appropriate times only," could provide employees with relief from tension and jo'b -related But the Judaea concluded that · such a divenslon would detract"" lt...!!!!!111--~'-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lllll! ... -.-.~ ...... ~ .......... lli!llll ........ lml!lpl!liiilllllill .. ~._ .... _. ......... ,_ ......... ~ fr.om the. seriou~ leaal bulineu beihg_~cted at tbti"OW1boule._ So the jurors will have 'to• 1Uck To . their books and carda. · · pr~ures. . However, the report notes, "Video games placed in a ·work environ·ment may be ~>en as either an unwelcome distraction or a . welcome diversion from the daily routine." Whether Pac-Man and his ·---·---· --.. - l\s for 'the .004ntY. employeea, :· anyone who· haa. c;>baerv~d the incredible at.orpdon of the pme , player5 in video arcadff would . have to wonder if they could· be dragged away from the machiJ'im for long enouah to conduct the c.'Ounty's non-judicial bualneaa - and if not, whether the flnanclal gain would off.et ·the coet of loll work time. , L.M.~ Boy.A/ Pickpockets •\. The average pickpocket gets $124 per mark while the average purse snatcher only gets $98. Both are extremely dangerous, contrary to widespread opinion. "Laugh and the world laugba...wJ you -cry and you tell three million records." N.F. Fellows said that. The most important fish \Oday 11 uld to be the .herring. But the National Geographic Society has. ~laimed &he ~odflah probably baa . Influenced the courwe of history m0re than any othe'r .ea.creature. learning to read straight down the middle of the page .• and l WM able ID go through 'War and Pace' In 20 minutes. It's about Ruaiaia." . Women typically lived only about a ¥~~~ .. t ey live about .ven Yftft longer .. What brought abo.~t thil change ia not clear. When pollsten uked 600 du ... what they feared inmt, llO ot· lhlm said, "Overwetatu." or ~ °'=-·---similar ineani111, . . to the . .,.. ol (military, opendfalis. I am ~rof ou nd l_y ~oncer ned w Ith ·. the. · .. phY*al MNl'tty al 'the ~ valUntary· ~· and the ~ .... 0( m~offb." '"-· · ThC'U.N.h'lh~-....-a tht-hopr thM &ht! Hondunn pnlident . lhand hAI '1DnLlltm for the n1.,... and · the ft>liltf worUn. .. and that appropriate . ~Upna will be ~ken to a-.ure the proeection of ttw. ~." . . . Who really watche "l By PAT llOROWITZ Of IM Oet11 Pllol SteH DEAR PAT: Docs anyone really watch te levl Ion comme rcials? I 'd like to find out If any studies have been done on this. I know that al our home we always take commorclal time to do other things. I bet It's the same for othe r viewers. W.F .. Costa Mesa Just such u study was rl•1x1rtt.'<.l rl'l'l'ntly 111 thl' Wall S treet J ournal. During a half-hour T V show, 43 percent of the aud1C'n{.'C mas..'K.'S on1.• or more commen:aals. ac.•c:ordmg to dat.u <.-ollt.'l"tt.'Ci by Tclt.•v1s1on AudwnC'e Asscssmc•nt Inc. un 1,580 viewNs in Springfil'ld. Ill. The priml' wrget of many marketers, women espcc.·aally mothers wath school-age children were tht• most likdy to mass thl• commercials Thr<.'(· quarters of th<' peopl<' not giving TV their full attention and not watching alone were talking to somrone 1.'ISt' in the room. O~-fifth were doing hous(•hold chores. 18 percent were eaung, 17 percent W<'re read ing. 12 pc..•n.•t•nt were engaged in uth~r leisurely activities. and 6 pen:·ent wt•rt• talking on the phone "ll11i11 t•IH•1·k ' t/11t• . .;1 iont•tl DEAR PAT: Lu~l s umnwr K-Mart ran ale ad for a l'ertaln brand and lypt> or goll balls. When I tried lo buy omc. lht-rc weren't any left and I was given u "rain check." I was told then that chance11 of gelling more In s tock were slim. I walled about four months and checked back only to be tbld the order had been canceled. The salesman 11uggcsttd I check at other K-Mart stores, but thl11 would Involve time and travel expense for me. I don't think this Is proper advertising and I'd like you to check Into It for me. J .T .. Costa Mesa C<1liforn1:1 luw tlo1·~n't n •qu11'l' u mcr<:hant to give you a rain l'hl't'k , ultl111ugh nwny stores, in<.'luding K-Mart, do haVl' a polit'y of offering rain chl'(·k~ for later pun:hast' ut thl• sull• prat't.' wht.•n tht.• udv<.-rllst'<.l ~It.• all'm is sold o u t. Th is, of t·oursl'. depl•nds o n tht.• uvailabillty of u m·w supply of the somt.• produt·l. K-Mart mad<• lhas <:ll'ar to you at th<• llml' you w1•n• gavt.•n u nun ch1.'(·k /\ K-Mart spokt.>sman told A YS you w1.•n• tnformed th<• golf balls wcrt.• purchaiw<l at a ''dose-out" ~ale of thl• item by th<• manufal"lUrl'r. Although K-Mart tri<'<.l twke to obtaan mon' of the smm• Gas Co. to help • seniors It's The Sout h e rn California Gas Co. has deve l o p e d several programs to help senior citizens manage their energy bills m the fare of rising gas costs. The ass i s tan <:c programs, which arc available through local gas compa n y o ffices, include: Community Age ncy Referral. which puts sen ior ci tizcnl! in touch with local •agencies that can help them with budge t counseling. home repairs and paying bills. Th1rd -P artv Noti - fica tio n . wh ~reby a third party s uc h as a rela tive or friend will be n o tified of a p ending turn-off of gas in time ,!<> assist the custome r. Level Pay Plan, where I c us to m e r s can pay a 12-month average cost each month. Thus, b y l eveling the ir high winter heating bills and low summer bills. energy cos t s become more manageable. In ad d it i o n . gas co mpan y field r epr esenta tives will ins pect residence~ for insulatio n and energy e fficiency a nd ma k e r ecomme ndations for improvement free of c harge, and will offer cash reba~ for 11 basic w ea th e r 1zation improvem e nt s t o residents of single-family dwellings. Co n servation qu es ti ons ca n be answered by calling the conser vation hotline at (80 0) 352 -4124 . A w eath e riza t ion van, designed LO help low and fixed-income families weatherize their homes, can be scheduled for ne•ghborhood and community gro ups by calling (213) 689-4137.· Accountant tax course offered A seve n -h our Ad va n ce d Tax Practitioner Ins titute will b e presented al Orange Coast College Saturday. The institute. co- sponsored by OCC a nd the Internal Revenue Service, will run Crom 8:30 a.m.• to 3:30 p.m. in R oom 214 of OCC's Chemistry Building. Fe..s; for the institute is $35.--i'h e fee includes lunch and all materia1s. Th e i n st I t u t e l's approved for continuing education credit for public accountan ts and certified publi c accountants. Lecture t o p ics will include "Sections 385." "Tax Sh elters," and "lntem a\lonal Issues." Tickets are on sale In the OCC Community Service Office. located In the college's Admin- iat...,..lon BuildinR . The office is o p e n Monday through Friday from 8 a .m. to 6 p.m .. and Saturdayt from 8 a.m. to noon. T ickets, If available. ' wiJl ahlo be 'JOld at the door. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. . .... . Q1,111g11 Co,1~1 DAILY PILOT /Monday, December 6, 1982 ~ 1 tliOse TV coriiIDercials? \ ui 111 h.111~. 1 I w.v w 1·1t· 11ul .tVullahlt• S 11111• luw ilOl'S l't'(!Ull'(' uny and1v1dual or IJu,1111•)1..' 111•111 tu ndvt'rtt'4' goods or M'rVlt't'h "'1th tntl'nt to sopJlly t"t•ttKonnblt· dt·mumJ, u11h·i..' tlw .ulv1•n1st•mt•nl dtsc:l(JS('!. n quantity lin111 It appt•ats thut K Murt satlsftl'd tlu~· luw. I ti. lll'lgl 1111 I ~U pp I y o( golf b11 llt1 was "n •u..,onal>lt• " Pos t o/'/'i<·es 11ix ad OEAR PAT: About a year ago there was some talk that the U.S. Postal Service was gulng to allow some forms of advertising in post offices, on stamp books and maybe even on s ta mps. What ever became of this proposa)'! L.R., Costa Mesa In /\ugusl, H.181. th<> U.S. Postal Scrvatc n •qut•sll'd l'ommcnts on a proposal lo sell t·tmmwr<·a al udvcrtasing for display at post offat.'l'S, on postal cquapmt•nt, stamp booklets and otll\'l' pro<luets, but nol on postage stamps or l'nvl'lop<.•s. /\ftt.•r studying lht:-comments and the advl•rtasi ng markc•t, the postal service l'Oncludcd that any ben efits would be outwc•ighl'd by the proble ms sut'h a prog~-am would cn'alL'. _ "\ ,. 1lt•J'u11d 011 lhe wuy DEAR PAT: In late Au1111t my wife and I hilted Thousand Trait• camp1round1 near Chula Vista to bear a sales pitch and 1et some free l(lflll. The letter Inviting us Included a $10 ga11 certificate, which we for1ot to brln1 with u1 to the San Diego County location. Tiie man lo charge said be would reimburse 11 for the money If we sent tbe certificate to him. We did so a nd kept a copy for our records. We haven't beard anything alnce. C.V.S., El Toro Jam•ll Cuzncr. Thousand Trail!! office udmm1strator. apologaws for the delay and ask:; you to send your copy of the t-crtiCat:utc to lwr a t 1'1615 Botay, La k(• Jamul. Calif. 92035. Your rt'fund wall be mailed from the firm's &•auk• ht•adquartcrs. • Got a problem? Then write to 9 i Pat tiorowitz. Pa t will cut r'-'!1 tape. - getting the answ£'rs and acuon you nee d ro sol ve inequities in government and business. M111I your quesrlons to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coas t Daily Pilot, P.O. &>x 1560, Cost.a Mesa, CA. 92626. i I . ! It's long. h's slim. It's elegant. I\ 17 mg. "tar". 1.4 mg. nicotme 1¥. per c1pr1n1 by FTC method. ~ I . l ) 1 l • t ) t l l s ! ... r e. e J T I Or nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Monday, Oocemb r • 1982 Lake Erie: Good and had news It 's fit (,,,. s wi111111i11# ug11i11 , but ('011111H'1·ciul l'i ... /1i11p. to11 f.(l1 . I l EDl'rOH ·s NO'l'E Tht•rt".~ g()()(/ 111'\VS DllU bud 11t•w . ..; 11Lwu1 L11kc• Ent'. Pu"St, 1h1• Juke h11s bt•t•n dt•111ic •d up to LI poi11 I wht•rc • swm1mt•rs nnd f1shc•rmtm cun l'll.JOY • it u n cP ag11111. But , C'omnwn'ill I fishf•rtncn, f aced with t•omp<•tition from sport f1sht•rmen and some t o ugh n Pw laws nimed at kec:ping the I n let' C'lt:on. are runn i ng 1nro rough waters. By EARL BOHN ~'" ..,_ ., ..... ER IE, Pa . -Sport fishermen. enjoying the •res urrectio n of once - . dead Lake Enc. wedge themselves s houlder-to- s h o u l de r a long its ~ tributaries for the full • . run of fighting. fla vorful chinoo k a nd co h o ·salmon. But local commercial -... fishermen, forced off the wate r this year even • be fore the salmon run reached its peak , say they're being squeezed out by sportsmen whose n umbers a nd le isu re spending command the a t t e n tion of s t ate authorities. "W e were pretty rough on the commercial ~~"fishermen ttfis year . I ~~-)m ow it drove some of • "t hem out of business," says Ra l ph Abele, executive-dire<:lor of the P en n syl va ni a Fis h Commission. Ab e l e says th e -regulations stem from t wo decades of work to save Lake Ene From a body of water '' ' so polluted that parts of it burned and hazardous chemicals taant<-d the lew fish that did live, Lake Erie has become a blue p l ayg round f o r t' swimmers, boaters and anglers from around the country. "We have hundreds of thousands of people who come up here to fish," says W . R o b e rt Chandle r . e xec u t ive- director or Erie's Tourist and Convention Bureau. l Sport fishermen spend , an estimated $10 million '1" ' $30 milli . , rl 1 to on per year In pursuit of the 10 mJllion salmon stocked in Lake Erie by the state since 1968. The chinook and coho. transpla nted from the Northwest to fill the void left when pollution killed off the native lake trout, usua lly rise Crom their d ee p sum m e r grounds in October . • apparently snirring along shore for the natural cht?mical signature of the stream where they were • 1 bred a nd released by the ~ F ish Commission. 1 ,. I • Accompanied oy the s teel h ead trout, they come upstream to spawn. But because Erie's silty streambeds differ too much Crom the limestone bottom s o f the Northwest, salmon eggs don't hatch . Stocking is the only way to keep salmon In Lake Erie. Nonetheless. when the run starts. the mouths of the s treams are clogged with small boats and the banks grow a beard of monofilament line, the '' parallel strands slanting ·" down through water , where salmon egg sacks, night crawlers and st.eel I • h ooks wait o n th e •' bottom. This year's run. later • · than usual because the . , s tr ea m d ept h and •· tem perature w eren 't r ig h t u n ti l e arl y "" Novembe r , will also "' p rovide food for the "' jobless and needy. The Fish Commission expect.a to distribute at least 10,- 000 pounds of salmon a u g h t in weirs an d elivered to food banks y local members of the Marine Corps Reserve. In spring and summer. the salmon flash a bright silver skin and the meat is said to be at Its best. "We can them , we .smoke them , we b roil them . We cut them In chunks a nd boll them and dip them In butter and I defy anyone to tell the d ifferen ce f rom lo ba te r ," says Carrol lrwln of Erle. By fa ll, tho ugh, the salmon have darkened, turning green and brown in pre paration ror the 1pawnln1 run and dea\h. Their flavor la auonaer t.oo, and m an y people prefer the meat amoked in hickory or a pple. Befor e th e year• of pollution, Lake Erie wu ~ the worl<tr'• bu1le1t ,; freshwater ~hery, and • This ad I h •1•1 ol M'Vt•rul hu11d11-tl l'o1111111•1"·1;il bo11L-t s.1ilt•d UU I uf th iii l'llY uf I :.W.000 J>l'Oplt· "Thl'l'l' Wl'l'l' rour or l h e m I c· f t a 1 1 h 1• be{(anning of t in• yt.•ur, and orw guy muy hUVl' tukt'n o Cf a lready," Chandler says. lt•I llllll l' (l',h ltl ll ll)I 1hm11f'h u11h,1n11t•d '"l'hul'l> 11!1• om· th111'11 g O l II •I I II k II II l' k l'Vl0i y limJ y llUI ," •.:ayl> M\am·h. "Wl•'t l' try111~ 111 g1•1 11 1•hungt-d." J\lwl1 imyli lhl• stall• h u11 n u t·huln• but lo proll'Ct tlw y1•ll11w pt•rd1. Tht.• l'OOlllllSSIOll rt•j fl('l ll sugg<'st1ons thut thC' pt.•fl·h llrl' dl.'l'li n1ng pn ma r il y bt•co u s<.' su lmon al't.' eutlng them \\ t't'k., olj.(CI h1·1,1U~I' W t• 1111 111 11 1111111.1 Noe 11111lly wt• w1111ltl 11-.h 11gh1 up l111lll Chrls1m.1s," 1mys Muiw h Su lm11 11 , like• 1 he· INh·rully i.to1·kt.·d lukt· 1ni11l, a1~c• ol I 11m1ts tu p I' ll ll s y I v II II i 11 • s t.·11111nwrdul fl!1he rmt.•1l. But Mun<.·h t.•omplai1111 ~hut wht•n the• m ho and d1111ook muvt.• north ur 1h1.• U.S. bord1.1r on their <.'l r c•ul ur m1grat1 o n a r o und L.i1kt--&ri e; thl•y'rc lt•gal on board Canad1un boots. is for all those who ever wonder why your company runs "This mlgh\ bl' our last year in business Tht.•y won't let us fish ," says Richard Munch, 27, who helps his two brothers run a family bus~ness founded an 1939. a United Way ca01palgn. When it comes right down to it, you're probably the best reason your company has for getting involved with the United Way. \bu sec, they know almost all of the money given to The biggest threat to <"<>mmerdal fishermen is the unexplained dedinl' of yellow perch, which accounted for about $294,000 of the $333,000 landed value of Erie County's comme rcial hauls in 1980, according to F is h Commission biologlSt Roger Kenyon. "Thl'y may 1.'ul u small pt•n.•entagt'. but it's not a t.·ont roll ing foctor. ln f;a·t, it's hard to land p<'rl·h an salmon stomach a t any time ," s a ys K t'n yon , adding tha t ovcrfishmg. weather and o the r factors may be rl'Sponsablc. "IC wt.• gL•l tht•m m our nl•ti; wc have lo throw tht•m bat·k . That's JUSl feeding the seagulls. h 's a Nhaml' to waste fish hkt.> that." t c United Way goes back out into the community to help people. So if you, or the people you work with, should ever need any of our services, like day care, family counseling or health care, we'll be right there to help. In fact, there arc tens of thousands of United Way-supported programs and services in cities and towns across the country. That • l.JnltadW.U Thanks to you. It works. for All OF US. Thi s yea r , thl• c: o m 1n i s s 1 o n la m 1 t e d t.•ommt•rcaal boats to 218. 400 pounds of yello w pcrc:h or 70 percent of last year's total catch. Penn sy l va nia 's commercial boats Wt'r'c allowed only a Lotal or 24,000 pounds or walleye thi s yea r , while Canadia n compe t itors s h a r l•d u 4.4 million pound quota, twice their lamit m 1981. means help is nearby wherever you arc. . T o give th e pe r c h more lime to spawn, the Commission will ma ke fi s herm e n use bigger nets next year that will "W t• had t o qu i t f ishing two or thr t'e .., . ' Security Pacific Interim Invest .. tnent Plan. Righ t now, a lot of -investors are waiting for the December 14th start date of the new insured money market accounts.. But you don 't have to wait. Instead, you can be earning money market rates at Security Pacific today. At the sa me t ime, you can arrange in advance fo r your Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. And you'll ge t an impressiv.e extra interest bonus in the bargain . Here's how it works. We're offering an interim invest, ment plan for a minimum of $2500 which , like our Insured Money Market Account, pays money market rates. Invest now, and we will, at your direction, atUomatically transfer your ·funds in to a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account on December 14th . Funds invested in the interim investment plan are held in a Repurchase Agreement wh ich is not an account and not insured by the FDIC. But they are backed by Federal government and gove rnment agency sec urities. And by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth largest bank with more than $33 billion in asse ts and a 100 ·year record of strength and stability. lb DAY'S RATE: %. ,, . And your company knows that could mean the dif- ference between keeping or losing a valuable employee. That's why they give. And that's why they ask you to give. Because there may come a day when you need help urself. Act early and earn up to $100 fn extra interest. We'll pay you a bonus for planning ahead on your Security Pacific Insured Money Market A ccount. Simply fill out one of the cou- pons and bring it to one of our more than 625 banking offi ces. We'll invest your money now. And arrange for your funds to be automatically transferred into a Securi ty Pacific Insured Money Market Account. On December 14th , we will add the value of the coupon to your opening balance. r--------, $-ao SEcvRlTY PAclFIC 1, . .1 ~~~~I I htW ...... ._ ......... ,....-........ ~,fwwAl!rn" ' .. ;'!';:.,' ... ~;!... .. ,. I l""? ... l.! 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And when you make a de, posit in your Insured Money Market Account, you'll begin earning inter~ est on your money that same day. We're Security Pacific and we can offer you a broad variety of high, yield investment programs, plus dis, count brokerage and sophisticated fi nancial planning. So come in today and start earning money market rates on your interim investment. Along with an extra interest bonus to look forward to . • • • D1llJPlllt MONDAY me u 11JUl ( :Juu·lt·s (;01·(•11 ,./1111/,•11#''·.; ln·it/g,. p/11y t·rs. P11gt• 112 . ... D 0 Delly Piiot Photoe by Cheftee Sterr A.-t Nisson and Pe te r Hotchkiss ch eck 1937 Rolls-Roye~ engin~ as Grace Hotchkiss. and Bobbi Nisson discuss strategy. Spir.ited leamma tc re lax, abo,•c , as P ete r c lue al C unnin g ham Museum. Clues complicate classy chase By CAROL MOORE 01 the D•llJ ,llotJkll __ lt was difficult to tell who was looking the longest a nd the hardest. Front yard garde ners, freeway motorists a nd grocery shoppers Wl'rl' rubbernec k ing in ,amau•ment as the caravan of gl<'am1ng s ilver. black and buraundy Rolla-Roycea meandered down coast. M eanwhile . drivers a nd passengers an those Proper Motor Cars. known aff~uonately as PMCs, were searching for street signs or landmarks crucial to the annual fox hunt of the Rolls- Royt'<.' Owners Club of Southern California. Tw o o l th e elega nt automobiles even came under scruuny of the law. Once was jus t a friend ly inquiry at a~ int(•rsect1on as to "Why are so mtmY Rolls-Royces out today?" The officer was quickly told the obJcCt of th e hunt was to follow clues from the Stirrup Cup party at the home of Alvin and Edna Myers in Huntington &wch to the Eclair restaurant in El Toro within two hours and the prt~ribt'<i mileage. The trick was to stay on the presc ribed course by turning •·right on the queen (Victoria Str('l't) or ldt on the blue (Azure S trlo t) w h ile watching out for dead-end T streets that might affr<.'l the next ins truction. A few clues by huntmaster BilJ Sundran were more direct: "Turn right at the 26th president (Walson Street). or the orange ball (Union 76 station) or before the mcrmalds (Fashion Island insignia). But then there was "Tum left on the bottle and head for the oasis." Decoded : Fifth Avenue • and the OASIS seniors' center. The "celebration" clue caused the m os t consternation in Carolyn Patterson's 1935 Safari Wagon complete with gun racks under the scat a nd a one-digit liccns<> plat(' s ignifyi ng original ow n ership by a ranking dignitary. reportedly the S hah of Iran. She ought to have won a prize for driver's pataenc.-e and decorum as her four passengers debated whether '"celebration" meant Anniversary Drlvc or Jamboree Road The andecasion resulted an unnecessary turns a nd lost minutes e n route to the next set o f cl ues hidden an a glove compartment at the Briggs Cun n 1 ngham A-u tomoti vc Museum an Costa Mesa. "Lost is a s tate of mind ,". explained Bill Sims of Coto de Caz.a. "Rolls owners are never lost, they just get sidetracked or go into pa rallel stalls." JNry Sokol of Dana Point continued the kidding wath his remark that "they allow just a bout anybody on the streets these days" wh(>n a Ferrari changed lanes to Integrate th ree Rollses In a row. Maneuverability was a key factor in the race against the clock so drivers took advantage of double left turn lanes or the "Rolls-Royce right of way" - moving a head of turn while other stopped motorists gaze in admiration a t your sple ndid vehicle. As she steered a round the Upper Bay estuary. loqp ed through Corona del Mar and head ed for L ag una Beach , Patterson chatted about h er plans to restore the floorboards a nd veneer on the dashboard. Thoughts of a Safari Wagon for sale for $90,000 in San Diego must have been onner mtnd as she carefully drove her rolling investment through the erratic tra£fic near Leisure World in Laguna Ha lls." What an the world was she doing havmg such frivolous fun with such a valuable car? After all. it had plac.'ed second in ats 25-horsepower class at the Santa Anita Derby Day competition a nd still ran as quietlS' a s advertised. Having safely reached the Eclair restaurant and confidently turned in her "panic envelope" (exact directions for hunters who get to tally lost\) with its seal unbroken, she enjoyed watching the spectators in the parking lot. S he's used to the ogling. "At the supermarket, bag boys grumble when they have to load a l l m y g r oce ries in to' t"QY Volkswagen . But when I nave- my SuCari Wagon, they almost ask to ride home with me," she said. . "I used 1t once to drive real est.ale clients but they were more interested in the car than t he houses. And another time, I found a srown man lyini op his ba ck . ch ecking under the (parked) car." I The hunters ate brunch and compared notes as they Wllited for the last of the 37 PMCs to arrive. That h o n or. the "Out to Lunch" trophy. went to Art and· Grace Hotchkiss and Bobbt a nd Peter Nisson who were the best dressed for a hunt in formal breeches and riding boots. Missy Ann Hoelscher and Greg Smith of Corona del Mar finished in the fastest time: 1 hour and 43 minutes. · And the "Paraphe rl'\a-l ia A ward" we nt to Bob and Gayle Allen of La Crescenta and Chuck a nd J acqueline LaRocco of Flintridge who used five maps, binoculars. a compass, an atlas, a dictionary, "Healing with Herbs" and translations from German. French, Spanish and Japan~ to help them decipher clues. The most applause went to J ol·k and L ora George. Philip Wall and Marsha W ood o Nl•wport Beach who followed darCC'taons so well that their '76 S al ver Shadow covered the 39.3-milc <.'Ourse in 40 miles. A driver who declined \O be 1denufled had the closest brush with the law after making a U- turn over double yellow lines when he realized he was lost along the bird sanctuary road. But the police officer who pulled tht> Rolls-Royce over for ticketing became intrigued when ·he was shown the clues. He even tried to help out with his Thomas Bros. Maps but eventually gave up. . "I've been patrolling here for years but l've never heard of the places you're looking for," he said. 0 MYFRtDY ,'' ~venlual winner or the cro88-eounlry t>lo<-kl'd off at the tarl in llunlinKlon Beach. ii . . • l)1 u11uu Cot11tl OAll V Pll 0 l/Mcmdoy, 0 · [~ffi~ffi[rnillrna Q Allll WIDflS I l t-:A H HEA Dt-:us I .110k1ng lur t lH· P•'I f1-.·1 j.(111 1111 -..111w11111• v. h11<1pp11-.·111~1 ·:.111i.1ghtlul .11111v1x·11t1v1· "1 11 111g w11h a 111 ut'l1 ol Lh·ltl·1uus hu111ur'f I 1n111111nt•11d "l'll'tt~ o f Jo:aght" hy Svd1wy J llurn., tlluughlun M1lll111. $1 '.l !J5 ) llt•n· ur1• .1 fe w of my luvut alt• hrwi. "Wlwn ~m1t-.111t• say .. to llll'. 'f'JI li•vt•I with you,' I gt•t tlw d1i.tmct 1mpn•s...aon that ll'Vt•hng ,., nut th.It pt•r:.on ':. 1 u.,t11111Jry lu1 Ill o l t1>n1111unat·a1111g " "An author retmn .. tht• s111gular d1st1m·t1nn of b1•111g tlu..' unly pt•r~.m who can rt•maan a bor<· aftt.>r 111· '' d1•ad " ·Marnagt• do<:sn 't 1·hungt> f>'•upltt. ll mto>n•ly 11111nai.ko; tht•m ." "In thl' Canal analys11o there 1s no final analysis." "Murder as an 111d1t·tabh• offcnsl' m every 11.1t10h on earth, exC'ept whe n m1t1ons l'lllo(<Jgl' in ll ,111.I tall it 'w;ir.'" .. T ht:• i.1gn uf ii poor CXl'CU tlV(' IS that hl· 11·pt1man<ls his s uuord1natt•s in public nnd 1•w11,1Hmds thl'm in private, whl•n ht.' should be d111 ng lc'Xa(·tly the oppolilll' to e lit•1t tht>1r best dfort..," · Must so-called :wxual ant·o mpat1b1hty 111 rnarnagt• spnngs from the delusion that m.·x is an Jct1v1ty wht•n ll is primarily a rt.•lutionship lf th1· r.. l.1ttonsh1p 1s faulty th<• aC't1v1ty t.•annot be Lruh ~1111>faNory.'' • / .. Bt'rnard Baruch om·c ironically d l'ftnt•d a k 1~<·' as a gt•ntle m an of Hebn.•w persuasion who h.1'. JUSt left the room." I T hese are jusl a frw of tht.• nuggets 111 "Pia-cs of ~·~ht." G<.>t ll today It's a gold mine. -1 J DEAR ANN LANDERS: Bemg a resident of ~ilass1.ssipp1 all of m y hfl'. I can tell you at doesn't ~tk t• three years to bt•t·ume a n authority on c~x kroachc>s It tak1•:. thrt•t.• months J unC', July • jncl AugtL4't I I Ccx·kroat·ht•s a re a nuisance. I kill as many a'.! I trn But an <'Vt·n greatcr nuisantt· is those idiots \~ ho dmm then~· are big bu"ks to be made off them. 1 "Bull's'' d(•fanauon of "impurtant mom•y" and ·,r.rununent c:1t1zcns" rnnks mmus zt•ro on a so..·ale of ! tll IO Small wondt•r M1ss1ss1pp1 has a bad image 1111111}1.>ttng thl' notion that peoplt• down ht'rt.' keep 1~ •lc ~>lat<.-d t•ot·krooc:h<.-s 1n re<l Vt•lvl't ca~>s make~ l~· l1~k likl' a bunch of mon111s. R K. IN· BILOXI D EAR R.K.: Mississippi's image is a lot betler thanJt used to be. And it is improving all the time. tha r4s to representatives like Congressman Sonny l\4 o"'gomery and people like Dr. Lewis Nobles, \fho: heads t hat superb institution, Mississippi College in Clinton. I spoke the re in 1973 and loved i .! • ,Are you. ur 1s sonwcm <• you c.H'C' about messing .u caii>c/ with drug., 1Jr (Ons1d1·rmg 1t:' Are all ~u~ bad? Whal about pot -m modvrCJtion? Ann l ers' all-nt•w bouklc't, ··The Lowdown on .. separates the facts from tht• fiction. For each o et ordt•rt•d . send S2. plus a Jong. self- • ssed. sUJmpcd t'nvelope (37 cents posrage) to :~mitunders. P 0 &x /1995. Chicago, lJJ 60611. tl.1 FE WOULD I MEAN "'ORE IF= I co·uLD L.EAVE IT OCC..11\SIONALL Y, A ND ~GAR01r f'ROM A DISTANCE. 1082 GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAF\ SHAAlf Wh•t dv you had now'/ What urtlon tlo you t•ki"! Q . I llot h vuln..r1hl11. u 80111 h ym1 holJ. +AQll76 Q K JH 0 954' +84 'l'ht• htdllJll lC hll"i prOCl•t.•cJNi: North f:a1t SoutJi I 2 0 7 What url1on do you lAkt<'/ A. -Only r11n1ly do Wt1 rt•tll th1• rOMlrtUlll>t or IJ rolatlvt•ly i.1mpll' li,Yllll'm. bul t h11 I.ii on .. of tho!il' unw&. W1• don'l t hi11k lhal the hand i11 tc<Xld l'OOUKh lO bid Lwo •p•de11. hec1us1• that would 1urely l>l' fo rctng to gaml'. The same reasoning applil's lo 11 jumJ> to three hl'urt.s. Wl' will h1.1ve to rontenl our t!lves with a ruiw lo two heart . knowing that iL i11 a dastlnrt underbid. A. -W1• •rt• not thr1ll1•d with th1• 0111• no trum11 n•11111111.,1• our 1·holr1• would havr ht•1•11 I wo 111u1dt•1, whirh would hnv1• 1•lin11n1Att•d lh•• 11r1•11r111 prohlt·m. Ut'eaust1 o( our lhr11t• lrum1111 lo th•• tl•n nn1I ruffing v1lu1• ln rlub , wt• would conllnut• t o four 11padt>i.. 11ven lhoul(h w .. do not have 1&ny mor11 th•n the 6 ll<'P we promised with our urll(lnal rt<sponse. ha11 .cu11rantl•t'd lon1e11r h1•1rt11 I hlln '1111d1•1J, and ll 111 your rul'll)Ont1i111hty to 111•1• thul you piny in t h1• tight 'lttMin. Cor rnt to thrt•r hl'Mrh lhll Jll'Om"I'" nu add1l1un11I v11 luu11 I Q.4-A11 SouLh, vu ln1•rtthlt'. rou hold: •QM5 \.,9832 on +KQ~ f hf' btddrng ha.i 1>roc1•1•ded: 'lilorl11 E .. t Sout• Wetl t • Pa11 3 + 1'1111 I+ Pa11 7 Q.~ llol h vuln1•r11hh'. u South you hold •AQ983 K7 OAJ 8 •987 'l'h1• blddinl( h11t 11ruct'1•tfod. Ho•t• We.t North EHt I • f>H1 2 VI 2 NT ? WhuL action do yc1u tuke'/ A.-Vou havu a minimum hia lanced hand, ud not enough aupporl tu ral e parl ncr's •uiL. You should be itrateCul that f~ut'a in lerferencl' hat remnvt'd your :>bllg11tion to bid again. A Lamoly 11as11 now will convey a pl•rfecL dc1crlption of your hiand. Let parlner deride what action lo take afltor West bids. A. -W" '""' 1urf' lhlll nll our r111de,.. know that North'11 douhlc· 111 for t.1k1•011t , 0111 pt•n11llh•11 South hu\ nol Y"l tud Stnrt· Nwth m111it hav .. a fairly 1JtronK h.sncl for that action, Soulh 14 1·111~1· to 11 jump to (8ur 11p11dt•i. llow l'Vf'r, wr lt-lln to tht• 11hKht ly con11trvat1ve bid of lhrt•t• 1pudt>11 bccuu111> North rnny huvt> bt>l'n rompt•ttnl( url dl'r pr.-uur11. llad on1· of 11ur qu1•f'nl be1•n a kinic. WI.' would hovt' been prl'parl'd lo 1um11 to game. Q.3-Ntillher vulner11hle, us South you hold: • K95 cv J 10% o 1095 +QMl The bidding has proceeded: Norlh Eul So•tla Weet What do you bid now'! (~.2-A~ Soulh, vulnerable, you hold: I CV Pu1 1 NT PaH 2 . p .. , 7 What aclion do you take'/ A. -Portner hu laun1•h1•d 11 cue bidding 8t'14ol'nce wa lh hi!I ace showing bid or four clubs. Sinc1• you hnve no ucc• lo show, w1• would not blamt' you if you chos1• lo sign orr in rour spades and let partn('r make the nexl move. I.Jul we feel thnl you n<.wd not be ashamed or your roise, SO Wt' would Lake Lhi~ opportunity Lo show the king of clubs. Uid five clubs. Q.6 -Nellhn vulnerable, as South you hold: Have you beea ruoalq la to clo •ble troubll'? Let Clw''1e1 Corell "etp rw• ftect )'0111' way throu1h the iuaie of DOUBLES for peaaltJe1 aacl for takeout: For a copy of h.11 DOUBLES booklet, Mad l l.85 to ".Corea·Double1," care of U.11 aew1paper, P.O. Bos 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Ma.lie cheek• payable to New1paperbook1. • IU92 <:;1 10802 0 AQ7 +95 The bidding ha.s proceeded: NortJi E u t So.th We1t I • P H1 I NT Pu11 3 • PaH 7 A.-You have a dead min· imum and scant game pros peels, but that does not mean lhal you can shirk your duty now. Partne1's reverse bid +Q I0872 11:>7S 0 965% •Q7 The bidding has proceeded: North Ea1t Seulh Weit I 0 2 CV • P... 3 ~ Obie Pau 7 t•I pre emptive flMA 80M8fCI AT WIT'S END Unt• of our sons is a teacher. The other night he was on the phone with a conte mporary when I heard him say, "Only my parenL'! ... When h e hung up, I S<ltd, "What's up?" He said. "S teve said his c la ss was having nos talgia day and wanted to kno w If we had a nythmg old hanging around from the '50s and I said .. I wish I hadn't asked I 'LL NEVER F I GUR E o ut why this generation has been so mlr1gued with the '50s. It was a nothing decade style--wtSC. Men spent their ent1n .• time buttoning and unbuttoning tho:;c m1S<'rablc doublt>-breastcd suiL<>. Wom en dragg<.'<i around m Dior length skirts looking like Russian .,lre<.•t dcaners. and m 10 ye<.irs I ncver SQw anyunl' who lookl-d hkl• J ohn Travolta m "Grease .. What you saw 111 'thc '50s wasn't uniqu1.• What we wcrt' was. Morahty-w1se. wt• were Ncanderthal m mp<m .-d to today's youth You w a nt nostal gia ·~ Play this on your componen ts. Girls ne ver called guys. Ever . lC they did and their mothers answered the phone. they hung up on you and said, "What kind o( girl calls a boy?" Whcn you leCt the house 1n the morning tor school, you spent the whole dtty tl\cre. H you didn't, a teacher checked on you every pc.>raod and before you got home. your mother had received a phonf' call. Mothers were home lO ~1ve t.he phone calls. No one knows what they d id all day, but you never had to have a door key to get in and they alway~ nagged at you not to put your books d own on the lutchen counter or somNhing awful would h appen to you In the movtl's, everyone who was married s lept m twin beds. When men sat on the edge o f the bed and k1ssed tht>ir wives, o ne foot had to remam on th<' floor Not only did kids no L caJI their parents by first namt". most of them d idn't even know the n ame. It must Sf.>cm like a weird period to today's youth: License plates didn't spell out anyth111g clothes didn't have labels o n the o uts ide a nd Gemini: Spotlight's on honie T uesday, December 7 ARIES (March 2 1-April !9): Stick to familiar L'OUl"S(.' -some assodatC'S, C'o-workers want you lo s werve to ohe side or a n o the r , but they are misinformed. . T A UR US (April 20-May 20): Fo<.·u s on stimulation of cr<.•alJve pr<X.'t.'SS. ch1ldr(•n, SJ)C(:ulaoon and the obtaining of m.x·cssary reading mawnal. Be an!ilyl1cal, do some detective work. gN 1dC'as on papt•r, submit SJ>(.'CiaJ format. GEMINI (May 2 1-Junc 20): Spotlight on home environment, domcs tt<.· adJUStmcn t, t'emodl'ling, unique purc h ase aimed at bt.•aut&Cy1ng surround ings. A.<;S(.'SS property valu!'S, wkc Sl<'ps to' insure S<.>t:urity. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus tends to be scatt(•red ride with ude, be flcx1blc, havc a ltl•rna u ves a t hand You' I I h car va ri<>us vic'wpomL'>. som <• rclat1v(•s mtiy compla in, trav('I plans <'Ould bt• fo rmulated ;ind short trip may be o f tntmt-dtall' n{'(.'CSSllV. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). F111anc·1al offor 1s vahd you'vt• askt'Cl for rt•rtaan opportunities, now you f ('('(•tvc thorn tind can transform l'Vn('t!pts into p rofit VIRGO (Aug 2:J S<·pt 22) Rt.•ly upon your own 1nst1m·t.s t1mmg I'> on t.1rgl'l, vou'll be at right plan: and yuu'll huve a w1dl'. l't1ger audience. L I B R A (Sl"pl 23-0 c . 22). Highlight mdC'pemlence. show that you ar<• walltng to erase fea·rs. doubts. suspicions Get b.:hmd scenes, visit indiv idual dosl'ly assoc:iated with unique g roup. organt?.<Jtion Cut HOIOSCON BY SIDN~Y OMARA SCOR PIO (Oc:t . 2 3 Nov. 21) H1i!hl1ght d edication. wilhngncss to <.amp;ugn for tw lll'fi. Lunar t>mphasis on p o pularity, po wers o f pt•rsuusion and a romant1t· 1ntl•rlutk'. CanC'er . OlprK'Orn. Aquar1Ui> p1m ><ms play s1gn1hcant rolL>!> SAG I TTARI US (N ov . 22 D ec 2 11. Communl('at1o n r(•t·c>1vcd which could result an s()C'(:ial m ission or journey l!:mphas1s on pn-sllg<'. carrer and l'Ontac t with government offtdal CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan . 19) Restrn l1oru. art' removed, o pportun1t1t•s tnl·rc·as t'. travt•l m vi La taun could be.· part or S(•enano U nurthoclox md1v1dual shows ways to obtain goal mtnu:. rc>d tape. . AQUARIUS (J an . 20-Jo'cb. US): lnte rt-st tn 0<.'C·ult or mantic arts brings you in~cont.aC't w 1th-crcat1-ve- ind1v1dual who lcnd spice to ltft• Focus alsc> on financial p ros pects. special r clttt1on s h1p and dt'<.'1s1o n aHrettng C'hangc which would rt•j,ult ln travd. P ISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)' Pat'e s low . m1sLakcs can be rect1f1ed. legal matter no long<tr w ill be an 1rntant F~ on a<.'\.'Ommodatwn, family rl'lationsh1ps, domcsuc}adJustmcnt and agrN.'m<>n l With One who previous)y Opposed you , ' Join now and get 2 years free. You 're not fooling anyone but yourself! Clothes aren't the answer. Richard Simmons Anatomy Asylum is! Join now and get two years of fun and fitness free at all locations. That's formula. Exhilarating exercise. Proper nutrition. And a posi- tive mental attitude. It's fun. And it works. Whether you need to lose 100 p ounds, only a few. or just firm up, the Asylum has a pro - ~=1t::=:=:=:==:=:::===========:!.I parmtal discretion hadn't bef!n mvenled yet. 3 years for the price of gram for you. Call or come in now You can't hide it forever. And now you don't have to. ! i : ! i i ! I : ! I i i ! ! : i 1 I i ! i : 100% to 500% 1st year Write Off $5,000 -$10,000 Minimum Investment ;: Call For Free 112 Hour Consultation .. HERMES MILANO INC. PERSONAL TAX CONSUL l ANTS (714) 751-2400 ....... _ ................................................................................ , ! ! Attention Businesses A Fictitious Business Name Statement filed with the County Clerk Is valld for five years •fler which time continuing businesses must refile . Publlcatlon Is necessary only If ·there are changes. C•ll the Legal Department at the DAILY PILOT for Information and necessary forma. 148-4321 111. au · DAILY PILOT I I ! I i I I. .......... -.-· ... ··--··· ... ··--··-··-····· .. ·········-.............................. . Free Laraway Major Credh C11d1 ...... ..._ ... .. .,, .... ,."' " ~ HALLMARK FURS \ ..J 4f' PRE·OWNEO & NEW FUR SALE Fentut~ Luxury at a Fraction of the Original Price! Now you can buy the fur you thought you couldn't afford!! " TUESDAY OILY 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. Finest quality new and pre-owned furs allow you to enjoy • FANTASY OF FUR at low, discounted prices . Choose from hundreds of sensatlonal trade·lns and estate furs that look and feel like new. but must be classified second·hand used. Save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on designer mink, lox. coyote, lyn11 , sable, raccoon and exotic furs -both elegant and casual. Come see for yourself.I I IA CNc Colleotlon of Futil from S2IO to S3000 I up.J "ANV SMAU SllE$1 AllO !Mdlutn tllru 11rge COSTA MESA Holldeylnn 3131 Brl•tol St. tt111men • '"' !Ml ; I the first yeaNllone;when you join on a 1-year me m- bership. Expose yourself to a whole new way of life. At. trim and happy Richard's "Live-If' system combines all the right in- gredients for your success ~ -·----- RICHARD SIMMONS ' JlllJDlmY ASYl.Dll .. ....., Biiia • 9306 Uttle Santa MoniCcl Blvd.• (213) 550-8879 • Poantaln Vall~ 18030 Brookhur5t • (714) 964·8880 • Gkadale • 200 N. 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I ,, 1,.11 ~· I I 1U YDUI Hllltlll IAllY PIPll DRAlllil CDASl To keep up with all that's happening in your community , you neea the Daily Pilot ~ •• every day 11ERE ARE REASOrlS Wl1Y. . ·• Read all today's news, every day --lifl_ Follow your team '17/ The sports . action at. 15 Local, county, state, national and Orange Coast high schools, three international events, come to your doorstep in . the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot: ® Keep an eye on ~ local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council , planning commis- sion , school and college districts and county government. community co1- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is· regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up w ith nationally ranked college and pro tea.ms, too! ... B Save money and t!J shopping time Real values on items from apple- sauce to zippers are adve-rtised ' .every day ·in the Laugh, e __ or get_oaily Pilot. 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'f P'd1ik~~;;nj;~~e-;o~io~;;""o7;~;,;e·--·----------------11-11-11-----·:::,~-~ 642-4321 1 delivered Dally Piiot every 'day. ~:,~:,~:~· : ~-----•' Enclosed Is $4.75 for one-month. u.,,,\~':,•.,,~ ~-----.-.---.~---~ I I 1 N am e ................................................. . I I Addre~ ...........................................•.... : City .............................. Phone .............. . I • I s· t • • 1 1gna ure ............................................. . I BUSINESS RE PL Y LABEL Or1nge coast Dilly Pilot BoJC 1560 Cost• Mesa, CA. 9262' CIRCULATION DEPT. ' I I I I I I I I I I I "••O"•<•u~1Dlstrict ................... Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ·----------------------------------------------------------· Complete the coupon ... 9lue or tape the prepoW label on an envelope fw mailing, or cal 642-4321 , Ask fw Orculotlen. .1 ... Ill DAil v PILO' /Monday, 0 CttllllllJI n. IU8i! d 0111e th at ~ of~ r G-rat 4oliday fare along the coast. By TOM TIT S 01 ..,. 0.11, ,..., lteff 'Tis lht• flt•nM11I lu1 fo1111lv 11111•11h.'<I lhl·uh•r 1111d ltwn· on• four µloy"< ol th1~ vurll•ly 111M·11i11U th1,; wut•k but lhthl' o l tht• "Buh, hu111hu1.(' JM•r'suaston will find u puir of udulHypt.• w m1.J1t•:. IM1wmg Ill as well Tht• G-ntlcu hullduy Ian· 111dudl•:. South Coas t Rt·pl'rtory's third ani1u11 I 111·1•M•nloti11n 111 "A Ctlpstrnas Curul ," nrriv111g W1•1liwscl11y, and t hn•t• S&,Ul'day Op1•n111gs ~t'Hl'l 'tf Spt.•l'ifll'U lly for tlW yoljlng<'r Sl'l. "Visions o f Sugar Plums" a l tht· Huntington &·uch l'l11yhou:.t'. "Pnttl•r's Plan•· al lh1• Newport Thl'Utl'r Art:. C<•nll'r and "Santa'~ C'hpslmas Trt>t•" at tht• <.;ardt'n Gruv1• Communuy Thf'att'r. 1 F or I ht• gr u w n u p:., l ht• r t'• s a I w ay:-. "S (l!ambath," s tarting a two-wN•kt•nd run at Or(\ngt• Coast Collt.>gc Thursday, and N1.·1I S11non's "C<(llfornra S utlC'," a Coastlrm• College produ1.·tion bo~mg Ill Friday al tht• Wt•stn11nstcr Community Theater. J ohn-David KC"ller again t.ukt.'S the d1r<."<:tonal rl'll\S for SCH's "Christmas Carol" and Hal Landon J r. rNurns for his third go-round ..as Scrooge. Others bal'lc m thcrr Cam1har gu1~ <trl' J ohn Ellington. NoJeen Hl'nnl'ssey, Howard Shan~raw , Art Ko\ls tik. Waynl' Alcxandt•r, Don TUl'h<', Roi-. Micraelson, Ma rtha Ml·Farlaml and H1chard Doyle. 1 "A Christmas Carol" wrll l>l' staglxl Tuesdays 1hr~ugh Saturdays a t ti pm .. Sundays at 7::JO <.1nd Wl' kend after noons 111 2:30 until Christmas at SC 's Fo urth Step Tht•atl'r, 655 Town CcntC'r Dr ive, Costa Mesa. Call 957-403:.J '-'u:...!·l;st•rvations. "Steambath,'' Bruce Jay Friedman's comedy set i)-1 a heav1.•nly waiting room, is be-mg dircctt>d by ocq instructor John Fcrzac:l'a, with Craig Fleming rn tpe leading role. Otht'rs in the cast art> Ronn Be rnardo, James Rossbal·h, Karl Det.•ds, Heidi Plonski, J ohn Gutte ridge, R.J Schwa('htenbcrg, Dariny Klein, Roderick Lu<.·1o us. John Davis, Mctr,nic Hunt and Freodl'ru:k Wuebk<'r. ·Curta in time ii. 8 p.m . Thursday through SatJ rday of thrs wc'<'k and nl•xt rn tht> Drama Lab thcJler on the Costa Mesa campus Reservations 556-5527. ,"California Su1tL•" will foaturt> Jon C1anc1. K ay Dean Fisher, Shella Wa terworth, Bret Bourman, llTIRlllllDI 'l\·n H,urnllOn, K1·n11y l\l11 k1•1, IJl•hmah Wt·'lt .md l'lrfl V11unli( 111 llw t'11111<tlh11• p11MIUl'llon l11•r1t11·111:1111·1•i. will 111• l{iv1.•11 J<'nduY. :ind S.11uid11y 1111d Dt'l' Ill lli :it II pm a11d this Sunduy .11 :.! p 111 ,11 lhl• W•·1>tm111s1t·r llwuter, 7'/.72 Muplt• St. H1·i.l·rv111 1orn• !Iii:! 111111. Hl'lu111111g for· 11 st'l'UllU Vll'Wlll~ lit "V1~1u11i. of Sugar Plum:.," tht• llunun~lun &•1wh Pluyltuuw's Christn1..ai. pn•1wnt to 1L~ aud1l'm:1·s (ucl1111i.s1un 1s frl'l') Autho r &•th 'l'1tus will p(:rCorm lr1 thl' show, along with M1dnll'I Aquila, Woody .Jon(•s, LuDun11a 1k&rroi. nnd Juhn Morl•no ru; Chr~trnas t.oys, while Jt•nn11t•r Bn•nnan and T im Titus p in y L~l' young:.ll'N who v1s1l Santa's workshop. It's hr..l l'Oml'. first SNtL>d al 2. :4 und 4 p.m. S.1turdayi. and S undays through [)(>('. lU at thl' play houSt" rn lht• S<•.:1diff Village shopping l'clltl'r on Mam Stret.>t at Yorktown Avenue in Huntington &:ach BEN SON 6 HEDGES 100-s Only 6 mg yet rich el'lOUgh to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol . Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "tar;' 0.6 mg nicotine ev plf c1geren1, by FTC lllltflod. .. ~ • lllU MIHIOIWtt.IO .._.Ill•• 1"411 I d•Old\ v,.. i.,., '7~ ~u~ no tho ..... , MAC. WUfM .. lflll 10••0• "°"'"''" t-... IO.."f\ t"'-1114 Wnl ... 01'0 HI ,,J, IHlllf 1n .... d w...,, ... l'I t• ... •• '~' ce" OM ... IA'fdullt OH 2~~3 ltO..eMtVC:f,,l ......... -.OAQ.t .. ll'f LUXURY THEATRES 11l .... t1tttesi..t.11•YS2.181111tt10t11trwha111Ct4 s 11am44.111fill6S~ 25ssti:::;~y ) FOR FlJnl EXCITEmEnTI V111tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• ~"· . ·:· ~"llTll" O'TOOLll ID r1~ .. !W>11 .. :J111,a~o ~m 11 071• '91H A112'JOlll011107:J0tr40 111111 Supermu II ("GI ET"' THF. EXTRA· • I. TERRESTRIAL om "'~J>o'lli W!. '"°' ,ALONE IN THE DARK m • ,_,., Q I " I * Oriv•lnt P.-i 8:45 Wwkniehu / 8:30 Wwkllndtl ClliWrn UNtr12 f rtt U.lns Mtt..t *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Mond•r tltru l•turd•Y All Potfotmancoa "91oro 5:00 PM ff.lc.,t S,.call E1111111u11 Hf HIMfys) "CREIPSHOW" 1111 .. OOLaY ---·-LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN ••YICT<>ft/YtcTOfttA" INl ---"ART"""""' -- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUJH WAL• '" •-n. THAI CttAINIAW lllAl lAC .. r1111 ... ,.. .. . ~~ .... ,. • v ANAHEIM DlllVf IN ·-··--.. 119-MiO "Tltl~­n!IL own.LI" !Ill -~10 ,,.,.._.u.cr "'l Clllf ,,_ JI ......... . BUENA PARK ·'"'"1 '" "----...... " llMOJO "' ....... . LINCOLN DlllVf IN ' •,. A •4 FOUNTAIN VALLEY DlllVI IN ''LT."INI -"MONCO•UY"'"' Cllltll- LUNCH WA~ otlllLI" '°" "THI CHHRUADIM""" Cillf ll- 1. a ~ .. • LA HABRA • " ., .......................... ln·IMI ... OJlANGE 011•\ I '"' "NIT !!;000""' "MAD MAJC"t1111 MISSION (•1/1\d IN "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 ....... __ _ "THI IMPIRE STRIKll aACK" .,.., ----- "f'IRSf M.000--·---·--·= foc11lty 01 CoMl••oOd 21J/IJ1·HaC> "MONSIQNOR" 911 -·---- "CREEP IHOW" 1111 . ... ......, .......... ..,. .. _,.,lt()M ..,..., IWYlll'" '"' -.,._OANDITI" "ntl NOUN wttlM IYL DWlrLLI" 111! -"'OtlCID ~I" 1111 Clllfll- _,,...,.So., J Get_Ol_f'I_ 191·1693 ''"'8T !!;000"--. "MADMAX"1111 CtOll 11 IOUllD 1111 •T .. ftlAI CMAIMOAW llAllACM" 1111 -. . -"-"\OM OI TMI OAlllC"fllt WARNfR • • >< ____ ..... _ LOI DOe CAMllL.l.I 0. llMIA MUTA ....... .,,. ...... ..... '"'""•~II< ... • l"'•O•~• lh•t Wo .,. tno Ht Utll HO U OI cear•au , .. , ... ,.un _, .. , .. llAClt ••• lhM .. ~C..ttl ,Ol<kll-.. Y ...................... ....., ... ,t'W'C<4 41,1( ()i.,...M .. e1"'4141 Ol'<t .. ttH•ll UIOlll OIO)AO caaraM1U U'c....,. .. ~•(tO)•• ..... ¥ u1t•·~·--·..-..•-·•l ~-• .,,., CAU -MUCr ...""* ... -. . . . '· { THt; t'J\MILl' CIRCl'fli by 811 Keane "We wouldn't need these if E.T. lived here." \ 'I \R,..\Dl'Kl-: by Brad Anderson ''I'll miss you, too!" Jl'DGE PARKER HAVlN(;, RECEIVED FOUR COMPLIMENTARY TIC~ETS l='OA A FAMOUS ROCK STAR'S L.OCALCONCERT, SAM DRIVER lNSISiS THAI HE HA.S NEVER MET COUNTRY 60V LUKAS' P<>Ni KNOCK T005E. !='LOWERS OFF THE. WINDOWS ILL, GARFIELD ACROSS 54 Has"' mind 1 FltgM par1 58 Actress 6 Peacerut Boncrorr 10 German 11ver 59 Figure SATURDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED 14 -dt> Leon 61 Appro11mate ~+..... t!> Care --62 FlatwarP WOfry Abbr 16 Etgtlt Preli• 63 5(nmp 17 Pol tillers 64 H19 18 MD'lt ,,, 65 Pinto Dtal Ouellt'C 66 Dagger 19 Support 67 Accepts 20 Saver DOWN 22 Au1oma1on 1 Wrangle 24 Buslled 2 Sonor1ty 26 Pilch 3 tnsecls 21 Sea current 4 Fro1en 11eas 2 WO!dS 2 WOfdS 30 Aetaltwi 5 Final scoie 3 I Trees 6 AulOIStS 32 Necessary 2 words 31 · --was 1 Brew 27 Ad1acen1 47 Unb<Ollen 28 ·Or -r 48 Cut wildly 29 Cenlral to 49 Lone 1ay1ng 8 Good earth 38 Leaving 9 Cal pe1k 40 l I timeS II 2 WOfdS 4 I Set right 10 Thtnket 43 Swm stream 11 0.1111' 33 Grid limlls Range< s pal 34 Compounc so Ms Moore· tu 111 k head 35 U K river 53 Cliff 38 Was lalM 55 Eellng aru u Slut 12 Do penanu 38 Gupt roelc Sf Beach 4~ A~rstled 13 LIHO user 48 Goll l)O~ 21 Yale namt 5 I Hurl 23 Aclntfe 52 Woodsm11n 25 Squ•llers 39 • mound 42 NHL team 57 HOiy ones 43 Malh subjtcl Abbt 46 Hall stwbucll 80 EOO Ptefi• • BIG Gt;ORGt; • • by V1rg11 Partch (VIP) - "I hate Mondays." DE:\:\IS THE ME:\ ACE • Hank Ketchum ~ '1-'1 ~ WHAT CAN YOU RSCOMMsND? by Ferd & Tom Johnson AT LE,AST 15% .· ~ Or1110 Co SI DAILY PILOT /Monday, Oectmber 8 1982 Pt; Nl'Tfli SO HERE l AM, ABOUT TO 60 RtDIN6 A6AIN ON TME 8ACK OF MY MOTHER'S 81C~CLE . l ( TO QUOTE FROM THE BOOK OF ''RUTM '.,\ ~1~10 FIX 01\1£; OF MV SNOW· SHOES SO I CAN GO ~CKIN6 IN 'THE MOONIAINS. TODAY15 WEATHER 15 PARTLY SUN NV AMAZJN& ! Pl.ANNI~ 10 /V\ARC.H IN A 81&-~RADE 15 UKE Pt.ANNING FOR O~ ! FOR BE I TEa OR FOR •ORME IFNOea>{ sees Ml!, lt-£Yl.L ~ t<raJ '1l'X1K rr IN -n1e.Aft8r PLACe! ----~~~~~---. " FO~ W~ITMER THOU 60EST I WILL 60 " by Charles M. Schul i LIKE A SULLET ! l( Wl1H A FORf!AAN~ SMASH INA rot.itJL.es MA"TtH. .. i wm.i ONE 816 EXCE.P1ION ... M Q\O ~00 R£ALl. ~ 'f~IM.C 11 w•~ Nf.lli~-1 1'o ~r!OK -t~~1 ~ OEM~~':> A •H> 11111ro-.or.....,.~,. 11-c f i ii n p by Tom Bat1uk D-DP(.) (.{)5T A LOT' LEbS! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont I I ·1 . 'Remembrance': Believability missing 81 FRED ROTllENBERG o ....... IHhh'<I lo h11VI' Ntnlt'thlllK hu 1•vc•1 yliocly hut (I dul(•n utllt•1t•nt 11utf1l1t Ill CIVI' tlu v" " , ... w .. ton Wth•r lhppy 4,ht1l11u1w, fllm!!y fk'l'IJJI und l'lum11y dh~t~•tlun Mon·y'" for lt•lt.:lwd lcivt• 11Cfo.1r, ond tht• Olli' NEW YORK Tlw l'IOM."lit 1h111.c lll n •ullty II\ lllt'Ull:C "Hc•1111•1obran1·c• or Lovt"' woi1 'l 11l1·u11t• tx•tWl'l'll hl'I' l uthc•r Ullt.l hlH olcl ll11r11t·. c.:11n't t ... "Rcmcmbrant'l' of L1>Vl•" t'Onll't. wtw11 Puni I>.1wl>c.•r. a11ubc1tl." " " I l jo 1 1• J ·' lnkl'll "'rluU'lly Tlwy c·ould only huppt•11 un "Thl• P oy ng n urnu 1111.. says lo •oli..e·t <.'lury. pluy1ng Duuul.01 ti; lillpp<lbt'll to 11ll1'11l'I uhli·1· Vll'Wt•111• L11v1• Bu.11." hunsl'lr. "Oh, J rt'l'ugmzt• yuu fao111 h •ll·v11111111 Mts Ouwlwr, th1 · c•i1rtl1ly 11,·11( l il "Miii•k '•nd '' t 1 ·11 • 11 · h ?'.. • ~'" l w punt• ovn lo lwr1a\'I, Duu~lo~· c·horuc·t r ogun 11 CrtJl'l>, rl~ t Mindy." 111 h1•u• for 1t1" y•1u11•'"I ~"0<•1·u11t111 (.'lury, I ·• I 11 I Th I , I . d I • • n' ' .. ut•t·p y II uu I I'( • U!C r,ou t·un IR't' by lht.• ronstunl e re uuons lapi; an p ot 111 tun1uh1 ':c l11w · whu 11111yw hitnst•tr bt'l.'UU-K• tw d i' 111 .... 11ll · .. > 11 Y"'l'I'"' I 1 J J "I"'"' hok 1 " Ch 1 , " , ~ • <.' 0111,• up11 11 11t•, c•c•p n thouuht, <!yt'tl lil~irinu lnt.o .. ...... um, a " on anrw '• 111'<' Ml tvn1r1vt:d 111 N .111 t•11t1t't'ntrtll1on "umrw, I" •1 ... 'u11·.1 r11r 111" l'"1n1I" h i I 'f " " th 1 h k JI h f I ·' 1... ' ,. • " • • v u .. • .. t l' 11111~1' 11.•n • hl'n <.'Oml'I! syrupy m us1t· and a a t 1.•y ta '-'a l l' et.• tng i.lllu uell<.•vul>1ltty out p11.•i.t•nw nnd ~·nthuiuusm rm·mury Uw.h uf what. could have been a moVlng story uboul tlw Tiu: l''n .•n"h·1. .. rr• utJ'111·, w•tcJ plav .. •J • "''"" 1 • ·'(l I f d J w Id G th ( H I s · .. llV • l' • J"' ............... l ll " ,yt•a1·s )(.' on• an oo Is !IW(•1.1rlnu hlt1 or u {'rtng 0 0 ocaust urv1vor.1 l .. •·lx·uu on "I lou:an '.11 Lll01"'"'•0 " an·' JIOW Iii 1'11 NBC's II ' ~ I V J ~ e 11· I I .,, bl ., • """ u a t.•giunl't' tu ""'-'u 1 oung O(• tia?t u uUlng chffi, s a so an nl'ft."ut y wnall•urish µ11Klllt'thm M111/1 ,,1,..,.11, "Duy" of Our LIV'""." ut•l"' ti" Juin11 Uf> <l t I k Ilk h d k I " hoo k h I k " ., .... "' a ., ... un lt' OU s (• l' 1.•an 0 11 grl'Ut Ir Douglas n on{' as 1.· • P ony· 00 1118 loot! slams" lxiy·~ am down In tlw bus ond say su<.·h t'lus.'llc ltn(lll m1: 1mpn•r;.'i1on. Tht.· part is plnyed by Kirk's liOn, Erk. shirt St't'mmgly l:x?forc lhc bulll't:. l'an t•v1•n rt'lll'h "Look ('Vt•ryt~"y. 11•11 Joru•"l~"m." Th fl h A h f II b k IVU " -1.. (' ushbul'k IK l'nded rudel~ by u loud· Im. not er sc.-ent• a s at on lht• 1·onvt•n1 ional Mis& Dawl'l'r pl"ys Joo Robin's dauuhtt•r , h ..... J I h I TV h d r h I · " .. "" e 111out l-u, t•w s c·or cature who's • OPl>lng for a I c aru e or rage: l es op '" tht• Ca<'t'. Murt·y. whu ull(.•n<ls the reunion as u jourm1lh1l. hu11hund. R~ &'t·kt•r wakes up Joe• and consoles 1 "Remembrance of Lovt"' stars Kirk Douglus as Thot's t•v1t.lt•nt bt.>eaui><.• s ht• hus a no tebook and sayi.: him on his wife'at rc.-'(.'t.'nt death When ROM.' heurs I Joe Rabin, a l'Oll(•t•ntration camp Vll'ltrn who attt•nds "Whut a n1arv .. lou" angle." Sht• was 1... .. tt"r off t J I h f N y .. . . .. ~ "'-' "' t )llt Of.' tV<.'S norl o ew ork City, she cun't 'a reunion ol survivors to find the girl he lov(•d 40 when sht• was scrnet.•hing "Oh, Mork!" rontuin her gkoe; "It's right n<'ar th<• Ca1Bk11ls." I Y~~rs b~f?re. NBC says the movie is fic:lllluus, But, really, Miss Daw~r is around to foll In Jtx•'s new loneliness and lht• SfX't'll'r of Rose 8 t oug 118 m spiration c·omc•s from H m aguzme love Will ll bt• Woody (Michael Coodwln), the stiffons h11; rt'SOlve to locate Leah, und the movie article about lhc real survivors gather ing in lsral'l eurnesl·louking report{'r from Newswt'l'k, or the moves Crom one <.'Qunll'rleil scene to the n{'Xl, 1'" !98 1. ' · w ooden·soldicr Is raeli, who frisks hN at the The lone salvulion ls the locution filming in t?:~sll·m~ th£' mov~i{-' -o·b·v-1o_u_s_,1_v_w_c_r_e __ a_i_rpo_r_t_'?_T_h_t·_1_u_'·_k_v_re_1_1o_w~g7e·ts--t·o;~;,1~·:·1~;;~;:~~~.:~ .. ;~;;::"".:c~;:.~~:::"""'.:-'.'"PIU-ic-·t_u_r_l1:"Sq-lu_c_JD_1_s_ra-,c-1_.P_l_R_l ___________ -: ..... --.~-MOV1E----------d0Ct--°'-"'-'own--<1e1-... -P<>f1--.- ' ~' ll'OUP Of Nlllonll Guerd•· •~ "BllOQll 373" (1973) ular opinion whltn hit m•n on wt•k•nd Robert Duv111, Verni ,.,_ to 11gn 1ht com· ~ ~~~"' lnl ~~~~~·. ~..!. ~~-~~ mllmtnt Ofdtr ptlcing I .,., __ .. ..._.,......... ~.. ....-_,.,...,_......, young gin In 1 mental hol- ~'i (l)C'I09P!U~~-wtt~~~~~'Y KNXT (2) 8:00 "A Charlie Brow n l:30ec1m~:11 crl1!141 t'ID111 ••• "FtlSh00tdon' ~.......... C hristmas." Cha rlie Brown a nd his ._..... peeo) S1m J. ~. M•• h.1 Von Sydow. A trio of Gi.n Cernpbell Ind AncJrN • P 1 osophkal peer Linus set out to find 2:40 MOVIE Mr1hllnge 1,.,,.. 10 tilt I · Cfovch "' ho!Jt• to per. the true meaning of Christmas. • * "M•d• In P1r11" plenet Mango Ind htlp 111 ' lllr... "Ill • fonner1 Ray Ch111M. Den· 1111Ml Ann-M11gm. Lout• opPf-..d lnh1bl11nte In ' ltce Wlllitm1, Wllter Md • Jourden. A P1tl• deelgMr Ille ovtrlhrow of the evll \111\.IJA\ 9:00111 HEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS Kris goes undercover In a women's prison to ln"9e11· Q!I• robberlea. U 9 NFL FOOTBAU New YOfil Jets al O.trOll Uonso fJ EIGHT IS ENOUGH Joannie. Susan Ind Nancy try llvlng on their own in an IPl11mtnl. • M"A'S"H 8.J. becomes I IUNOQ811 lather to a K0tean r1m<1y Wilen IM young e1aug111er -'<• medical aesiellnce f()( her fllher • HAWAII FlVE..o MoGart•ll goes al1er a murderous op.ti smuggler • 8USIHES8 REPORT Ii!!) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Payel\olherapy" (P8r1 1) Cl) C88NEWS 91!NBCNEWS (8) ~~ PfVCE IS RIGHT * * * * "Flcldler On Tilt Rool" (1971) Topal, N0tma Crane A peuent m1lkm1n In lurn·of·Che·ce nlury czarlll Aussie trla 10 mar. ry olf Ille etiglble d1Ughter1 white trying 10 hold onto his Jewllll herllege In 11'141 ,_or oppression 'G' MOVIE * * "F1lllng In love Again" (1980) ElllOll Gould, Suaannllt Yor1l. A man goes 10 NI high llCllooi reunion In tile IMtlltf th1t 119 can r .. I,,. 1119 good tlmae ol 1119 pat 'PG' 8:21 • PLEDOE 8REAJ< Regullfly seheduled pro- gremmlng m1y !Mt delayed due to pledge btMlta e:aol ALIC£ MAa.Ell / LEi4R£R ' AEPORT 7:001e~ NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN WMn POIM ~ th41 11tr llklgtr ac 1 top dub. ..,. offend• 1M Wllote geng wl1h hie arrogtn09. • 90AP The T11• try IO POfc:lM Corinne's baby 11t1d 8llty It kldMpped by members ot I r.ilgioue cui1. • THAEFS COMPANY Jeck 1111" ldv1nt11g9 ol Jetttt'. ""' of mio. I 18 JOKER'S WILD AH EVEMHO WITH 1AA8AAA COOK The former Broadw1y lngenut·lurned·c1b1r11 et11 aupr-elngt • widt- re nglng collectlon or upbMI tlJf!M In this con· cerl. D 8USINES8 REPORT (I) P.M. MAOAZJNE An lntll'llltw willl romllllOI writer Bltber1 C1rtllnd; 1 prOfllt Of H111tm Geo. bet rotter CUt1y NM1. • ORANGE COUNTY TODAY CID 8.C.: A SPECW. aiAl8TMA8 Two conniving buelneta- men 1ry to profit from Chrl11m11 whll• S1n11 &~other ldflaa • ** "Skldoo" (19681 Jac:lllt Glnaon, Groueho Mlrll. An tJl•hll min II •Id· ed by 1111 daugh1• and '* "flower chfldren" friend• In tecaptng • ~I mot> bOll who'• out lo get him for not cerl')'lng out • eon· t1act. 'PG' 7:30 8 THE BEAR WHO llD'T THROUGH CHMTMA8 Anlmat9d. A young bruin gGel In ...,.c:h ol CMll· ""' and llndl -unu-11.111 ldwntur• llong fll9 Wiii. ~'arren Beatty stars with J u lit~ C hristie in "McCabe and Mrs. Miller" tonight at 10 on KABC (7). Q 'Q!FAMILYFEUO 8 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Laverne agrees 10 let Shir· ley'a cousin, who Is about to take hit linll ex1m 11 der1111 actioOI. Ila htf bro- ken 11ont tooth. 0 MADAME'S PUCE .(I)~ • • M"A'S'H Radar gets • "Dear Jol\n" feller -on 1 record -enct ,,,. doc1«• II'/ co COfM to hit lltlll18"09 With I ,_ ,~Cl) TIC TACOOUOH G THE SHOW OUEEH: AH ICE BALLET S I• Olymplc tkll•rs. including Jol'ln Curry and Dorothy Hemm. join tri. Joto Sllfbucit end Other WOtld-ciasl aatera IOf I perlo1mance ~I th•• dellghllul Ice ballet baaed on H-Chrfalltn Ander· een'e clasalc lllty Ille G't MOVIE ** "Ain't Ml1blh1vln"' ( 1955) Rory Calhoun, P1pet Lauri. A ctlorva girt rntr· rl•• 1 rnllllonllre 1ne1 11rugglea to 111 Into her llusband'a IOClll IPMr• (eJ 8CAEENNO AOOM ®MOVIE . * * "American Wiider· ,.... .. (No Otlt).A fNmmak. •'• qUMt I« rtcord·llz• ac>tdmena of tow kinda Of homed sheep Ind In 11· 1001-1111 Al .. k1n pOl11 IMl11 la tJll)loftd. 'G' 0 MUTINO HALFWAY The humOfoua lldi' ol 1119 problllon sya1ern is con. Yeyed In this llory 1bout two 1e.yeer-oldl Who .,. both on problllon IOf IM "'" 1111141. 9.-00 fJ A CHARLIE BAOWN aiNSTMAS Anlmlled Chtrlie Brown Ind hit phlloeophlcel pe9r Linus -OUI 10 llnCI IM lrue !Mlnlng of Christmas. (R) a a UTTlE HOUsE: A HEW 8EGIHHIHO lselah Ectw11de do.an't Ilka whit llt .... wnen • handlOfnt MW mlt\111., begin• hiving MCrtt ,..,.... Inga wl1h mmrrled ._ i MOVIE ***'A "C1pt1ln New- m1n, M.D." (11183) Gregory Peck. Tony Cur11e An Army peychlllrltc t>ecomet enormou11y ded· lcated to hit p111tn11. G MOVIE ** ·~ "TM Car•llker" ( 1984) Alan Bii•. Don11d Pleu«lce. BIMd on 1119 play by HarOICI Pint• A v1g1bond find• 1 hotM with 1 pllr of mentllly undone broc,,.,., ....... MAGAZJNE An lnttnlltw ,with rom1nce Wflltr Bartltrt CenJend; I pcOflle o~ Harlem Glo- t>ttroller Curly Ne11. 9) MOVIE * • * "Voy1g41 01 The o.mnecr· lPen 11 (-tt781 F1ye Dun1way. 01k1f Werner. In 1939. 1 lhlp. load of Germen Jews 18 fOfced 10 recurn to Oerma· ny 1l1er being dtnltCI per. mlNlon to enler Cube . • GREAT POFOMIAHCE.8 "OtHt Ptr!Ofmanctl 1CHh Annlverewy Cllebrltlon" Eac«pca 'from -of tM mo.I -IDl9 .. Gt .. 1 Ptrf11nnanct1" progtemt ot tt.. IMt dtelOe and lnl«'lltw9 With many ot tN 111entl lhowcaNd In the _ ... .,. Pftltnted. LATIN PAOf1U MOVIE * * * "8oy1' Night Out" ( 1962) Kim Novik. J- Olfner Wlltn I INplly YoUng co-eel undtrtak• I ... -di project, .,,. find• tour bullntlltMn more thin wllllng to ..... 11'1 ..,.,,ment to lid her In herltudy. (J) FAIRE TALE THIATM "HlnMI And Gretel" Ricky Sdwoder Ind Joen Collnl lltar In I tall of two loll dltldren WhO 1111 Into IM cJutcn.. of an t'lll wttell with an lnlttlebl. IPPfl"• tor c:Nldren. .MOYIE * * * .. The Runn..-Stum- blel" ( 1979) Dlclt Ven !¥le. Kattlteen Ouln4111. A Ctttlollc: ptiell .. tried tor -1ht murder ot-a nun with whom 119 had bttf\ -. pec:ted Of hllllng 1.n 11fll1. 'PO' ·~.Cl) 8UG8 IUNNY'S LOONEY aiRl8TMA8 TALE.8 Animated Bugs Bunny end hit band of WIClly pell celebrtle Cllri1tmu with 1h1lr own version or Ch1rl11 Olckana· "A Chrlatm11 Clfot." (R) (I) CHAAUE'S ANGELS A young gotler tum1 to the Angila I« protlCllon when I tr1lper thrMlenl her bid !Of I tourtlty Cl\tlnplon. ship • OOOCOUPLE Fellx brings home 1n lbandontd baby. much 10 Oleat'• d~Ufl 1:41 CZ) CIEMAICOM t:oo9 Cl) M'A"S"H Colonel Potter ~· th9 wane whlf'I 1!11 wife wrl1M 1 letter to Htwkeye " Ind nobody. Wilt ... Nm know what It aeys. G IBMOVJE . "Rtmtmbrenee OI l ove" (Prlmltte) Kiili Oougial, Pem Dewt>tr. A mlcldll- t(ll New YOfil ~ ••'*""°" "' ln'lotlooal reunion wilt\ IM women 119 hid IOlltd M I 1-·lglr In POiand when ht Ind hil deugllltr trlVll to lstMI lor IM WOfld Oa1"11ftng of HOloca.c SuNtvota. • MJOOU'H'S lt..v NIW~ ......_,,,_...._ __ ._, ____ ..... ~---_.;.------~ Anlmtttd, AudOlph trevell to rileny exotic lend• In -di Of H8')py. IM ltOy New Y-. W1t101t dlllt>- PMrlllOll hal FatNr Tlmt worried (Al CHANNEL LISTINGS • ICNXT CCBSI O" On TV L. • ICNBC (NBCI ai Z·TV • l<TLA Clnd.I OIJ HBO • J(ABC (AllCI •c1 tCIMmn) e KFMB ICBSI <II (WOR) NY., N Y. e KHJ·TV (Ind.I OJ (WTBSI , • KCST (ABC) Cll CESPNI • KTIV (Ind.I <JI <Showllma) '• l(C.OP·TV !Ind.) • Spot1i9ht .• KC.ET IPBSJ • IC•bl• News Nttwofll) • KOCE (PBS) • Ml1'V GM'PW "Selu1e To The Aoy.i 'tm- lly" Gueet1: "°"'1 Laoey, Edwtn1 lewell·l•v•r· llodl, Pamell Meloft. Wll- lrld Hyd9-Wlllte. • fl\.ll)QI ~ """""' -• f ... pro-grtmmlng mey Ila ...._., due to~· 1.=CMI • • • "'°""*"" Cofft. Tl411'11t1M HllWtllnl 1nC1 111' IWMC>I 1 lllhlon bu)W Off EnlptrOf Ming 'PG' H1wllln1 Femlly, Ind Tilt KCET om) 8:00 -"Great Performances." S:OO~'-MOVIE':'AHUNT 7:46(%) ••'h "Zorro, Th9G1y lmperltll 1n thl• c:tltbr•· Excerpts fr om some o f th e m ost e11d1" (1981) o4!org• tlon of 11°"* mualc: llPfd b I ( h Haml"on. Lauren Hulton •tthe CryttllCetlltdrlltn mc mora e per ormances int e las t ••• .. The French Lieu· T11ttt.01ceonol OldClll· Gatdtn Grove, CeHlomla. d('Cade and interviews with many of the ienent'• Women" 11ge11 IOfni1'1 11moue Jue11oe CZ>MOVIE talents showcased in the series. Meryl StrHp, Jeremy fight., 11 1neepac1111ed by * * * • "OIMlr" ( 1"8) Irons An iNllr IMll_, I riding lnfury, tOfelng 1111 Ron Moody, 011\1111 R41td. A two IClOfl 18 Plleti.llld In IOppllh btOllMr to don tile young orph1n 11 kid· th• rom1nclc period lllm In Cl.P9 and muk. 'PG' NPP'd fr°'" hll new l!onlt KN XT (2) 10:00 -"Cagney & Lacey." A Wllleh lllt ""° "' PtrlOfm· 1:00 ctJ * * * "Nicholas Nk:· bylll•Oldg1ng,butm1n. •outine m issing persons assignme nt S:OCl~~MEt kl4K>Y"lt9•7l Dt<ekBone1. :'::.'~:'°'~ itturn explodes into a major bigamy and fraud PIUI Dooley 11 1e11ur9d In ~;~ ~=::·c~:= t : t5 8 MAM AU88a.l IN case· this IWO-IC1 ptey by Jut.a Dlek•nt. A young lad OAAHOE COUNTY Feiner dePIC11ng Ille Inst•· llC41mC)ll 10 protect 111$ Mlfk RuaMll dlllvera 1111 blll1y Of urblfl Ille, l1mlly ltom 1n uncle's unu.uet btMd Of pof11tc.I 3: 15 CZ> MOVIE wicked Influence twmor at KOCE·TV'• tOth I NEWS Ot»111· comedian Gaty ** "Dead Cerl" (19731 ©> **'+"Ou1ncy'1 annl11t11eary celel>rlllon. YOU ASKED FOA IT MutedMt; Joey O'H1llO-Scot1 Antony. An 1m1teu1 Ount" ( 1979) Animlled A .. ~.Cl) NEWHART FNlured: "The Bantnder ren, Miii New Yori( Sub-jockey rllk• 1111 Ille lo boy doll "'" 10 SIVI Ille A h1nd1om1 blchelor II A Chlmp" end "Mlldng w1ys of t978; Ben DtYld· •xPOM I gambling IY"dl· broken, furn•C•·bounel ellOWI up II tilt StrallOfd A Matehatk:k tnco A Tr ... " eon, l«merl)' ol 1119 Olli· cett lcttmptlng lo lilt 1119 loyt thal 1i. huddlld In a Inn and eweep1 Ltlllt on • 000 COUPLE lend Rlld«1. Brnlth Gtend N111on11. dtp1rtmen1 etor•'• bNe-~ ~ An unknowing F..i• da1M • (I) TOM COTTlE: UP S:30 (I)~ 20 ment \.LI --.. .. ~ a me"ltd women Cl08E cm__,.,... 0 * * * "The Last Time I * * * "T0t1I T0t1I Tori!" • FOCUS OH SOCIETY 8 MOVIE * * "Tilt Ulllm11e Thtlll" Sew Paris" (1954) Ela.a· (1970) Martin BllHm, 9 AllCNEWS * • "AllH" (1981) (1974) 81111 Eki.tld, E1lc beth Tlylor, Van Jol\nson Joeec>ll Collen In Otcem· NIOHTUNE MlchHI ForHI, Franll Btltden A ruthlele ••teu• Bated on 1 story by F w . UM 1, J~ '"'"" • ~ue WOiff. The wlMet of 1119 Ii"* porsuw Illa wit•'• IOV· Seoll F11Z.ger11d Broken r.ady thtmNMll lo mount ®--·~ Olympie gll"tl It mlldt er aoroes IM alll 110!>". rom1nGei llllel ltlaller9".1 • mutlYe Air UNult on • * • * "Oh«" ( 1968) lht pewn In 1 tyran1'1 pow. 'PG' lndhlldu111 popu1111 Parl1 PMrl Htrbot. Ron Moody, Ollwr Reed. A .. plal1 4:00 (I) TOft o· THE II 11'141 erlCI ol WOf1d W11 II 9 EHTERTAIHMENT young 01ph1n la kid· • LOVE. AMEAICAH MOAHINO t:oo G't * * * "Ho1et Sahara" ~ NC>Pedlromlllt,_home STYLE DMOVIE (1951) Yvon119 De CarlO, An lnttnlltw wtlh Willlt by hltl Old geng. tlul m1n-··lolle And The Heppy * * "Love & Money" P111r Ulllnov During Nellon .. 10 NCtPt and 111tum M«llum" Chlfllt It I very ( 1980) Aay Shney. 0.nel-WOfld~er If. the propne. CB> MOVIE 10 hit btntflClor. lonely '*'°"· "love And II Mull A LOI Ang91et tor• of I North Alrlcln •• * "The ~ l.Jeu.. CZ> MOVIE Tilt S.Apert" Leonerd hu btnk .mployel'• llfl It hol• ehl.nge '""' an.- t-1'1 Women" (1981) • • "Th• Sensuous 1 unique ptobltm with turned upelde.down wt1tn glance whh eeell new M•ryl S1rHp, Jt11my Nutt•" ( t979) Uraul• Q!!.1•. llt "'"'• tnd ~ occupying 1rmy. lrone. An llfllr ~ And~. Dutiio Oii Pr~e. (Q).AH EV£...a WITH romentlcall)' lnvo!Wd WICh t:SO • * • • "Tilt Pumpkin ,.two actors II~ In Greedy ..... II_ hlr• • AAYCHAN.EI Cllt wit• of I wtlllhy Ger· Eller" (111M) ,.,,,,,. ean. IM romentlC perlC)O flm In -.illlal "FIOr.nce Nlghtln-Ray Ch1r111 pa1to1m1 men ent1epreneur. 'R' crol1. Peter Finch. A wom- wtlldl tM two -perfotm. gait" 10 ttlc• car• of an many of 1111.QrNt•t lllll -4:30 (I) ~WINKLE 111 dltcover• thet Mr 1119 'R' aglllg count IUfferlng from ~ "0-gil" end (Cl_,.,... fOIKlh ""9band It unlellh- 10:.00 •Cl) ~ & LACEY • Ollc:e1• ~ c:ondttlon "Htt Tilt"'*'· Jacll" -1n • • * "Boye~ Nrg111 our 1u1. but dec109&..lbll '* A rOllllnt mlMlng pertone 'R' 11111 COl'C)"1 llpecl In ( 1182) Kim Novik, J-unborn Child tnd '* love ~ ~ Into 11:M(e)MOW Edmonton. c.nade. 0-. WMn • lhlC>9I)' I« i-hulband ar• "'°'• 1 mejof IJlolmy and frtud * * *'h "Mon1Y Python 12:40 8 Cl) COU..O young QC>4d undet1111• • i!!!f>ortant. cue. encl Ctwll It bowted AM Tilt HolyOrlll" 11974) A tetnd bUll!lgflter Mia ... r~ project, the CD.>** .. The Return" over by 1 ~suitor Grltlem Chepman, John up hll tong·tlmt Mend '°' llnda lout bullnMlmtn ( 1981) J1n-Mict1MI Vin· I '!.,!! e NEWS CIMM King Ar1hur end an untlmely dtmlM In tilt mor• lhan witting to ..... cent. C)'t>lll Shepherd Two -.. ... ~ hit bend of 1tnlgh11 bllllr1ng. (R) "' epettnltnt to lkl '*In people WhO had 1 d ose * •• "McC1bt And Mre. encounter giants, 11ddter1 12·4l1CMMAICOAE '*stud)'. encount• With 1n •lien Miiier" (1971) We11e n end a ferocious rebblt In 1-OU.AUTRY 4:41 (1}HAUELWAH IPICtcrelt 11 Chlldren Beltiy, Jullt CNl8tle. Pert· their IMrch !Of tht ltgtnd· MMY FAMEA OOll'ElJ -•II tilt 1119ns' Imminent ntr1 Ml up 1 bu*-In 1 !!}' c:up MOYIE Glen Campoejl Ind AMiii return.. emlll mining town, only to 11;40(.l)MC>YE ,' ••'h "Badman'• Colin· Crouefl '" holJ11 10 I*· (%) • *'"' "Tel)9"(1N1) htve lltger ~ lnler· • * * "Th9 Enforcer" try•· (195t) Ge«ge Mont· '°"""'Ray~. Den-George C. Scon. Tlmoltly tlta move In on 1htm. (1979) CNnt ElllWood, gomery, He¥llle Brend. Bit ltce w..m., Wiii• end Hutton. Mlli.lty IChoot B OMAT TYM Olly ... Dirty Harry" M•lffton, Wy111 Earp Trwntlnt Htwlllnl end lM CICMte ttlce aver their ~ Cllllfltl'I i. joined by 1 tnd Buffllo 8111 ttM'l up HIWklft• Fllll'llty, Md Tilt IChool to prt¥.nt plens to "01nc1 In Amerlc1: '-"alt rOOltlt In hit pur8\llt wllh'Ptt Oamtt1 to ceptur9 lmperltN In 1,. C16tbr• tum th9 ec:e6tfny prop«ty Beyond Tht Mtlna1rtM'l" of 1 group of CllifOfnla Butdl Clllldy and 1111 tton of 90IPfl mulle taped Into • condo development TM tlch v.,lety Of dance revolutlontrlM ttftOflzlng ~ II IM Crytttf Clthedrll In 'PG' telllllty In loftt'. ~chll Sen Frenc:ilco. 'R' W ...,....~ GarOln Grove, Callfornla. 10:00 Cl:) * * 'h "Belle St1tt'' end other non-tl'IMlrk:el 12;00. !HT'E1'TAIHMEHT **I+ "Tlp1" ( 1981) (1941) Oen. Tl«ney, Ran-~ hM remained ou1· TOMOHT George C Sciott. Timothy T~•d••'• dOlph Soo11 A dlflng aide the IMlntlrtM'l of An 1111.,...._ with Wiiiie Hucton. MN1t11y tc:noot DGflll•--• .,.-. women IN-her home to dltlOl't ~ -the Nellon. "°911 tell• °* thlif ,.;:c IFll ....-b«orl'lt IM lttdtf of 1n Ptlt 20 ,._ .. (R) • A8C NEWS 9Ctloot to ~ plar'8 to l:OO cm * * * ,_., "The Cit And ou11-bend II Che clOM o1 0 CHANJE'S AHGEL8 NIOHTUNE tum the ecadtmy pr~ IM CM1 Wat. • 1"' ~ • MOW lnlo I condo ~llopfnet1c The Cenafy" 11939l Boll CB>** "Flnal Allign· A F~lndiM ,.,., .. • •• '•Appointment Wlt1' 'PO' Hop9, Peulectt Ooddtrd ment" (1HO) ~ IOUght by former com. Denger" (1951) Alan Ladd. 1:10{e)~ In Ofdtr to collec1 their Bujold, Mk:hlll Yori!. A rldee 10 return to Canld1 Phyllla Calllen. Two worn-• "Champion OI DMlh" lnflerttenc:e, 1 fttnl)' mutt Cenedlan TV rfC)Orler In to IMd I -~loft. .en lid I potC oftlct ~ ( 1911) "-....Chibt.. After tptnd tilt nlgftl In I haunt· Ma.cow dleooven I Aus-~ -·•r -~ UrJ MOYIE gator In crecttlng 1 mlll 11-.ng 1 "'°"*· 1 mMtlll !Tl * * * * "Oii_.. lien aclinllflc: ~t • • "Carbon Copy" ( 11MI 1) r~ p!ot, llrtl •Kl*'I retlrtl bt1ef1V ..., U9lng lleroldl on Children _ 0-ge Segel, SUlan Saint (I) ~ btfof9 tlltlng on 1 _. ol ( ttee) Aon Moody, ~ and lt'N.gglM tnertmlnlt· Jlnltl A ~ wN1• • '"""'"' ll"9d ......int. 'R' Reed. A young orphtn It Ing m11erlll out of the bu1lne11m1n dt1cover1 * '"' "8-1 Of MorOCC4" 1::20 Cl)~ kidnapped from ,. ,,_ country. 'PO' tlltl M hal 1 llfOWTI eon (1 M7> Wiiiiam SytvMttr. ***"" "Ey1wlln111" tlomtbyfllaoldgeng,but (J)••'A "ThePllnltd whollbtec*. 'PO' Dl8llt Cllre Low 1Pt11a (1991) &ii-"'Y WM-. mentgt1 lo llCac>9 Ind Hiiia" (1951) Lutle. PIUI (I) MOYIE di-ter kif 1 betutlllll Wiiiem HUr1. A 1-.vllion tetum lo hit btnlftc10f. Kiiiy A vtlaln 11 oulemert· ***"' "Mon11n•gro" women btctuM of her rtf)Orler ~Involved t:OOe ••'h "HleloryOITM td by LUlla Ind her (1991) Susan AnlPICh, predllectlon '°' IUdclng with I janltOf who 1118)' World -PltH' (tN1l M11 ~muter. E111nd Jo11ph1on. A thl blood ol untU9PfCClng knO'* men lll>Oul 1 mur· ::...:::"' ... ~ • * • "Salurdey The negleel9d wff9 1reve11 to morleta. der IMC M Wit~ lflln from ...__.__ .. _, ~--14th" (1981) Rk:herd e.n. SlodlhOlm Ind btglnt en • Lovt.AMEAICAH h91saaytng. 'R' .......,_,,_ -·~ )tmln. Ptull PrentlA. A lffllr with • man 1M met STYLE 1:30 8 al f9C NlW8 """ to fM Spenllh tnqul· couple d*-tllat the In I bollemlan ......... ~b. "love And TM ........ ~. OYINmH'T lltlon -.. tJllmlned. 'R' "°"" .-...,. 1nhtrtt.d .. .. .,,. " .,._.,..... 1:10 CC> • • • "Ctwllemae "-• 'R' Ing Box" TM llfMC megl-e 2!'!MITPff Moun11tn" (1991) Sllm being occupied by llllm'-e MOYIE c:ten Elmo hll to oorN up (D) _,.,"' p!r•. ghoelt end 1910rltd * • * y, "The Four ·s.. with aome rMI magic:. • • • "Soutlltm Com· Ptdten•. Mn Miiier. A. mot11tera. 'PO' aont" (19&1) Alan Aldi, "LoveAndThtFac:eBow" lor1" (tN~ Ktltll earr.. rough end tough Cowboy 11:ao cm •••~"Allct,Swwt C1rot Burnell. Thr .. COU· LeolndN-lm11te1blg dlM, Po-tr• BootM. A ::::=~i: Ab" (1978) Und• Miiier. plel, .. Clott, tong.lime ~on their Wllddlng • group Of Nlllonll Ouardl-tilt Old Wiit. PIUll ~d. Mtmberl frlendl, ex_.__ -o-r.MOYIE· • m•n on w1ell1nd ol 1n llllltn·Amtrkl1n !"'""--,... (D> ** ·0Tlll1AllOfM9" found ctlengM In tllllr m"*"""" In 1 LOU1111111 temlly -vlctlrnlltd by a rtle1lonihlpe wl'lttl Ofll of ** • "Heel Wt\19" ( 1974) btyou lptltt I 1111111 gutr• (1971 ) Ak:Nrd Jottntcwt. ptyehOOC murderer In tllllr lh1 m1rrl1ge1 Clleln· Ben Mvrllfly, 8onNI lee»-,.. _with 1 oommunlty :..-::--~ :::",· midi! 'R' ~•I•. 'PO' Ila. A young men Ind hie of bedlWOOdl C8'unl-'tr ..--• * * * "Tht Horllontll 10<.ao• ~ P'lllNnt wife attempt to .J:OOeCll CMNEWll ~.::"°.,.~"'*.!::; Lteu''""''" (1N2l Jim NETWOM NlWI "91 tv "" rnoun1aln9 and NIGHTWATCH otNr lhlel. Hutton. PIUll PNntltl. A • 1"' HEu.oH 8UrTE out of "" ll04 chy ~ I NEWI CJ) * * •• ''Flddltr On bungling Army ofllclt'. hit J""" Burtle lttultrlltl I their baby errtv.. ~TIU Tilt Aool" 11971) Topot. tide end I tie.itlful nut .. tour through tM """"*' • MOYie -trlClt down I J..,.,.... brlln and cellltll """°"' **"" "The PIMlngtt" ~TIDllNNY Norma Cf-. A PMNnl outltw. l)'lllm with •P•Clll (1975) Jllllll NtchOllon, .-u· milkman In lum-Ol·lhe--,~ ••• "A Gitt In Every elfecae, 1nlm1t1on 1nd Maril SChneldlr. A fV TM unpredtcttblt 8fttlltl ~ ~ :--..;: Po1r· ( 1152) G1oucho Interviews with gu111 MWltllan on en Alrlc:tn OOIMd4an portrey1 vlfloul .,.....,. .,.... ........, to ~. Mlflt Wllaon. Two fi. Mllilftmtnt ,..,._ I Chlrtclffl lncludlng I .. ,.... Navy Piii •tlempt to 11:00 8 (I) 0 8 NIW8 IOofl·llllll Ind MCapee 1lrlpt .... ertltt atown and hOICJ °"'° ,. ,......, '*'· 1mugglt 1 pair of IAT\MDAY NIGHT Into 1 ,_and dlngeroue 1 htnpeclted N'8band WllO !:::~~ f8Ct of opprw. raoehOf-•board their •Hott: Frenk Zippe. lttt.'PG' U1Mflla\lldto"""°"oon-7:00(1) **\t "Dar1to.lllalon" lhlp. Gullle: P'rlfQn end O.V· 11:1118aiLATUIGHTwmt 11ot to .,_..._._ 1111 l*7l Uonel ~'" • *** "Cft)'F«Con· II. Do\~ L.ITTDMAH unbttr1ble wife, J-Ofalg. A ,_ 1°'111Q QUiit" (1940) ...... CatJ· e IN llARCH CW... ney, Ann 8htflden. A "lutefl ee.IOy" • AU. .. 1"',AMLY Olorl1 IOHI her job El= "Ardlftt~"(1N0) , 1:IO • (I) TIW'NJlt JOHN, M.D • Tr_., Goftlo end I polloa bomb ~ ltY fO IV9fl I genarel pltllo by _...,... ........... 11Cf91(") e8THl.-TCW CAMON Hoat: JoMny C1tton • ...... Luciano '9\leront, ..,. v...,...,, °'· Cert ..... c.., JOHN DARLING by Armatroog I Batluk .. lilly Piiat MONDA V. UC t. 13 , Hl8? cs CLASSIFllD :They're a team to ·he ;ce@koned with Nelson, Duesler a tough duo By HOWARD L. HANDY Of Ille Deltr Piiot Sten Whl'll you win o n e n aL1una l luurnamL•nt 111 ten111s dn.-ums of furtlwr l'onqut•sts bcgm lo huunt you and 1f Yt>U huvt• a willing purtrwr. y~u ~u fur 11 · That's lht• case with Jim Nelson and Bo b Dueslcr. a s t•n1 u r s doublt.•s comb111at1on that hai. set the tl.'nnt:-. world on fire this Yl'ar. In add111on to w1nn111g on all four t ypl'S or courts •(grass. day, mdoor and hardcuurt), lht•y ,reprl•st•nted the Un1tL•d States in thL· : Dubler Cup. , "This is kind of a Davis Cup fur ;seniors." is tht• Wily NC'IS<m explains it. . "Wt• Wl•rt• in Athens. {.;rt'l'<.'t'. in May fur •the t'Ompetition which thl' U.S. won I ;playt-d some doubk•s wtth Bob and sonw ;with another partnN and Bob ah.o ,played singles. : "It's vt•ry special to bt• able to play for 'your country. ThL•y havt• all the flags out and it makes you proud to advertise thl.' :U.S . and it adds to the nature of the 'competition and its irnportance. "The team was st•lecled on previous performances -rankings and rec.'Ords." Nelson hvcs in Corona del Mar and belongs to the Newport Beach Tennis Club and the Laguna Niguel Racquet Club. He is a stock broke r for Kiddl.'r- Peabody in Fashion Island. agJmst {•;wh otht•r in smgll'S for muyl:x.• lO yt.>an. but had othe r partm•rs 10 duubll·s. "Wt• tulkl'(I about gl•lling togl'lhl•r and wh11n w1• cJ1d, we found that Wt' flt n•al wl'll togt·tht•r as a tl•am. Bob's an easy playt•r tu play with and it's run lo play with him "We pla yt·d and .w o n 1n two tournaments earlier in the• v<•ar and •11 ·~ n·1·y spel'fol lo be 11ble l o 11l 11y 1'01· y our t•o11111ry . T llt'y /Jave all 1'1t• ffol( . .; oul iwd ii n1ake · you 11rmul lo mfrt•1·1ise Ilic U. . mul it 11d1/s to the 11alurc• of I Ii•· ('0111 JH' Ii I ion n"" i I i m JJ0 1·U111''t'. • suddt•nly wt• n •<Jliwd we had a chilnc..-to go fur ll and to wm all four That 1s a ran· Ccal and Wl' dl>cidl'<i to try for it. .. The duo acx-ompltshcd tht•1r purpose with little t•Horl ~ub U1wi,l<·r (left) and Jim Nelson have teamed up to wrn nume 1·ous hono1· in doubles competition. Dueslc•r. a teactl,r at Marina High. Jives in Newport Beach a nd has been associated with the tennis scene in this erea for a number of years. "Our most d1ff1cult match camt.• m tht· finals of tht.' national day tournament." N1.·lson recalls. ''We beat Gene Sl·ott (New' Y o rk) and John P o wl ess (Wist·onsm) m that match, winmng the third and dt'<:1ding game, 7 -5." Wmmng tht.· grnnd slam o f tl·nnts m doublt>S has bt:.'<·n a<.'t'Omplishcd only onl'e 1n prcvioul> yt>a rs. Jason Murton and in thl· :-.t•nior l'lr<'uit these days. "It 1sn'l a great deal," Nelson says. ··w" pay our own traveling c'xpenscs and the• money Wl' might win leaves us still with u net loss. But we get a lot of cnjoymt'n1 and satisfa<'tion out of playing No I in thP country m the 45-and-ovcr bntl'kC't with both players expected to be among the t-Op fivc in singles. Each has also won a national singles title during 1982. go for it on thl• semors doubles circuit is anybody's gucsi>- HuSS<'ll Seymour did 1t in 1976. · "Wt• plan on playing m at leac;t two or thrt.'C of the nalionals again next yt:ar and aft<'r that wr'll SC.'<' what happt.•ns," tht•y both say. "[ didn't 'play much after l finish<..od school al the University of Utah," Nelson says. "I started again in a serious vein 'when the:r, s tarted having more 'tournaments ror the seniors. "&b and I both play singles m tht- 45-and-over age bra<'ket a nd we both belong to the same club We had played The Nclson-Ducsll'r combine wcnl a '"' slt•p further. Tht• USTA is transforming 1l::. rt'(·ords to thc t·alentlar year making it a 15-month ranking year instead of the usual 12 "Wu don't have any John McEnroe types to spoil play on the senior circuit and it's Cun." Dut•sll·r won the National hard <.·ourt singl<'s title in La Jolla and Nelson the indoor <:hanipionship in Salt Lake City. Nelson also captured the national 40-and-over grass l.'Ourt singles title in Montcdto. Enjoyment and satisfaction, notwithstanding. they could be the scourge of the seniors-circuit for a number of years and others in the f1<:ld may have to wait for age to set in to unseat them. There is a 1111lc pnie moncv mvolvt.'CI As Car as ratings are concerned, the Nelson -Dueslcr combination should be Jusl how long this duo will <.'Ontinuc to With Moses, 76ers I Close call ~ ...... ----- don't walk on water . concerns · ' Raiders but they beat Lakers :Tom William i a busy man, holding the dual role of 'commissione r of A Y 0 and JAAF youth programs. INGLEWOOD (AP) -The "old" Philadelphia 76ers lost twice to the Los Angeles Lakers in the National Basketball Association championship series in the past three years. The "new" 76ers, with Moses Malone at center, might change that if the two dubs happen to meet again in the finals this season. Philadelphia, fac ing the Lakers for the first time with Malone at center, rolle d to a 114-104 victory Sunday night at the Forum. Malone scored 29 points and pulled down 14 rebounds in the triumph. Laker center Kareem AbduJ- Jabbar, not having one of his bell er games, had just two rebounds and 15 points. While the feeling on both sides seemed to be that the game was n 't of any tremendous signlCicance, Laker Coach Pat Riley acknowledged that the addition of Malone made the 76ers tough to beat. He's commissioner and peace-maker ff om Williams has dual role as h.ead of soccer· and football youth programs !By CURT SEEDEN Of the Delly Piiot Sten Unless you have a child participating in either the Amt?ri<'an Yo uth Soccer Organization or the Junior All-American Football Association. chances are you haven't heard about a silent. little war that's Cou~ht each year. A YSO vs. JAAF. It would get top billing on a championship f ight card in some !places. The As in the initials of the two jprograms do not stand for antagonism . :although it has been known to exist. This particular problem usually deals ith certain rights to land. i.e. football and 1soccer fi eld s. although the children , •themselves, often play a role, too. At issue here is just what to do when two popular youth sports are played during the same sea"!~ Both. you see, requtre- youngsters of the same age. and both 1requlre an all-important field on which the 'lsport ls played. l It's caused constant consternation among parents and coaches, not to mention the ·kJ~, In some cities. But that's not the case !in riewpori Beach; It seems diplomacy has overcome all of that. Tom Williams ieCms to know a llttle bit about such problems. You see, he's the commissioner of A YSO Region 97 In west Newport Beach. He also happens to be commissioner of Newport Beach Junior .Kil-American Football. In short, Williams is like a mlnl-U.N. That's why there's peace In .N"ewport Beach, despite the prnence of two warring factJona. Williams I.a the first to admit he doesn't have a ll the anawerir to th e differences b et w ee n these two organizations, but the harmony that docs exist is proof things are working. "It's just 11ke engineers and architects, cats and dogs," Williams philosophizes. "They're both great sports and I wouldn't favor one over another." Williams owns his own business, Sequoia Homes an Newport. but he stilJ has time ~ch week to coach youngest son Greg on the A YSO Division 6 Bulldogs and older son Jeff on the JAAF Cougars. Williams says conflicts between the two :1outh sports have been kept to a mjnimum, thanks mainli to the city's recreation department which has the task of assigning fields for each sport. • "The city has taken on the job of mordinating the-sports. They have a-pre- season ,1mecting with all the entitles from either soccer or JAAF, discuss field usage ard work ever ything out," Williams explains. "There are 63 socc-:r teams in west Newport alone, five football teams and another 100 or so soccer teams in the eJiit part of the city, yet we seem to get everyone a pracflce field a t least twice a week." Wllllama aaya. "We owe the city and the school district a great deal of gratitude." Williams says he's juat Interested In seeing youngsters participate In apor\S, an Inhe rited trait from his civic-minded. youth-oriented fitther who played an active rolt' in youth athlellca In Placentia long before the advent of A YSO, JAAF and ~ven Little League there. "l llko to do whatev~r J can to put the emphasis on the children and make it a l<.>armng process rather than stress the must-win situations," Williams continues. And, he fee ls the two sports have a te ndency to complement one anothe r , something parents and supporters of the two groups might find hard lo believe. "In soccer, the key to that program and the reason four million kids play it is bt:.>cause ot its motto. 'ever ybody plays'." Williams explains. "I've tried to put that aspect into the football program. In fact, I have a proposal before the Orange County (JAAF) board to do just that." Williams tried to concentrate on the youngsters, but he admits there's always that one percent of parent.a or coaches that don't have the "perspective we're trying to shoot for -whi<'h la to impart to each and every kid 8 little bit or group athletic experience. ·•And that means lettina them play no matter how good they may be. It might take three yean for the light bulb to come on. and yr>U might not have a aupen\ar, but you have the mak.1np for a good young athlete," he adds. Williama la In charge of five JAAF teams and more than 8~0 younpten Involved In the A YSO pl"Olram In the weet Newport Beach aree. He alto hu the job of coaching his two 80N' teams. "It's pretty hectic but It all aeema to work out in the end," he says. "l had a conflict lut weekend, In fact. We had the JAM' playoffs starting at 9 a .m. at 0.vtdaon Field and I somehow had to slip In a 12:45 IOC'Cer match." Most's Malone · "Moses gives them what they're looking for," Riley said after his club had its eight-game winning streak ended. "When their outside shooting falls, he's there in the middle to take over. He's the missing link they've been looking ror ... Riley also said, though, that the Lakers just didn't play very well. "We couldn't overcome our mistakes," he said. "I'm not taking anything away from Philly. they were very good on defense. But w e had 39 fas~ break opportunities and only converted 13; that's not enough." Malone said beating• the Lakers on their court was important. "The main thin(( was coming in t o thl'il' bu 1ld1ng a nd winning." he said. "Iiis not a season. only one win, but a big win for us." Philadelphia Coach Billy Cunningham was pleased w\th the victor y, saying: "We beat the worl'1 champions'. It was no t picturesque but it twas a good one. It's nice to know th•t w won, but I've been coaching long enough to know tha t tomorrow is another day." Julius Erving had 23 points for the winners and abo grabbed 14 rebound.a. Jamaal Wilkes !ICOred 22 points for the Lakers. who traJled moet of the way and moved to within three points midway throush the final period only to eee the 76en pull away again. Bob McAdoo added 21 polnta for Loi Anples. "The name of the 1ame waa defense." aald Ervln1. "Th la pme doesn't prove anythlna. but it might eatabllth tomethlns. The only time you prove tomethlna ia In th(' l'hamploruh1p rK·rles." LOS ANOELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Raiden beat the Seattle Seahawks, ~t many of the m sounded like losers afte rward . That wasn't surprising, considering that they blew almost all of what appeared to be an insurmountable lead. "lt was a very di~pponting game: I don't feel like we re~ly won," said Los Angeles running· back K enny King after the Raiders held off t~e Seattle Scahawks (28-23) Sunday. "The win will boost our confidence, but it makes me wonder what we will do the next time we have a big lead." The Raiders, sparked by rookie running back Marcus Alle n . exploded for four touchdoWllS in a span of just 11 :14 to take a 28-0 lead after less than 23 minutes of al'tion. Their advantage was still a substantial 21 points entering tht.> final period. Then it was the SC'ahawks' turn t.o explode. "We were taking the fight LO them; they were concerned,'' said Seattle Coach Mike McCormal·k after has club scored 16 points in the fourth quarter and threatcnl>d to go ahead in the late going. ''The clock just ran o ut on us . Our kids can hold their heads high." With the Raiders clinging to their fi ve-point advantage. a 50-yard ~ from Jim Zom to Roger Carr put the Seahawks at the Los Ange les 30 with two minutes to play. However, on the next play. a pass by Zorn intended for Byron Walke r was intercept<.>d by Burgess Owens at the Raiders' 3-yard line to snuff out the final Seattle threat. "They made an outstanding play," said Zorn. "Th ey put pressure on me and I didn't throw the ball far enough. I want<.>d t.o throw it so Byron was the only one who could catch it. I didn't do that." The Raiders now have a 4-1 record In the strike-Interrupted National Football League season while the Scahawks, who had won their previous two games since the 57-day walkout ended last month. fell to 2-3, "A win 1s a wln and we're 4 -1,'' said Los Angeles Coach Tom F'Jores. "ln the leCOnd half, we couldn't get any sustained drives, we didn't have good field posit ion and we we re • little ragged. 1 wasn't very pleased. We <.'Ouldn'l get any first downs." Flore, exaggerated, but only slightly. Los Angeles plckl'd up only three Ural downs In the fln•I 30 minutes after setting 12 in the rirst halt. Alh•n, who WH he ld' to no y•rd• on eight carries durlna a 3 1-17 loH by the Raiden at ClncannaU lut week, pined 156 yard• on 24 carrlt'S a1ainal the Se•hawks. . I f I r I ,,_ ('I Or no 1..0 al DAILY PILOl /Monnny, Ducurnb 1 '· 1082 .,,.-------....... ----..... -----------------------------------------------------~ Rumor miJI g rinding a t ha e hall mee ting · F ro m AP dispatches HONOLULU L1kt.• th<.•ar JUlllur counterparts, ba~l'ball's 26 ow1wrs began the ptOl.'<'S.'I of card swapping Sunday as ~hey prt•pared to t•on vt'nl' their 8 lst Wtntl•r Medinl{. Trade rumors mingled with the• SCl'nt of or<.·hid and hibiS<.•us Thr<.-c of baseball's key fret.• agents -first bnscmian Steve Garvey. pitcher F loyd Bannastt•r and outfielder S teve Kemp - re ma aned uni.agnt.•d And the trade-minded P hiladelphia Phalhes annoum.'l't.1 they had given Manager Pal Corrale!j a o n t•-yt•ar contract extension, through HJ84. The P hil hes also had th eir eyes on one of thl' Aml'rit•an League's top rookies of 1982, Von Hayes of tht• Clt•vl'land India ns, and were willing to gave up sc.'C'Ond bas<.•man Manny Trillo. The San Dal'go P<.1dres wt>re first an lane for Garvey. who spc•nt the first 12 yt•<Jrs of h is major league can-er with the Los Angeles Dodgers. On S unday, howt'vcr, the Chicago Cubs said they still were in the -.·hasc. Dallas G reen, Cubs gene ral m anager. said he had been in touch with Garvey's agent, Jerry Kapstcin. "I told him it wou fd behoove everyone t'Oncerned to know where we stand ru; soon as possible," Grt'<!n said. "Right now. though, we're operating undt•r tht• assumption that we don 't have him. but Wl' know we're one-and-two with San Diego." Garvey got l)ff to a subp<.1r start last season. but still finishNI with a balling avl•rage of .~82 a nd 86 RBI. Garvl'Y has asked for a f1Vl'-Vl•ar dl•al worth $1.5 million a year Kapstem S<Jys.Garvt'Y 1s more anterest~>d in tht• ll'ngth of the contract than HS amount. nnothor rccm d '" win 111111 1•1 UJI 111111 11\ht I :illtlCl,J\ 111p.lil ' Wn) nt• Ciu •Clky .i 1111·d 11111 U\•111 (ii l(I VlllH 111111 111 lt•,1 I 11111· l lllllll Ill :.!II Ml1.1IHlal •:.11111 "· 111 .. .!:!ml 111dl\ 1tlu11I 'it'lll lllH t 1'1'111 tl, 111 "I'·" k to;t.1111111111111 111 u 7 .I vw1111 y 11v1•1• 1h1• Lo .. A 111-tt-h'l> K111g., Crl'\1kv "l'I 'llH' l'llllM'l'llllVt• Ai!llllW" 'ii 111'111~ 1'114'11J.. Wi th I I r ...... , lll 'l llld us-.l>il 1111 (ilt•tlfl Andt'f"lll'<; flO\\'l'I play ~u.d lo l111•<1k llW 1t•1·u1d ul :.!II l.(·lllWl'I 1·~w1i11 ... ht•d hv M11111r1•11 l's Uuy L.&arlcur 111 11171• 77 1-;1,t•wlwrt• 111 1111 · N.1111111111 l l1wkt•y Lt.•11•('"'· Al Secord M'llft>tl hii. I ugu1•·l1•ad1ng i :lrcl ~uul of lht.• St'llSllll to ~IVt' (.'h1t'i1go H :1.:1 111• w ith Bufla lo A nd e r 11 H e db e r g 111•l tl•d a p uar of 800l11, rnl'ludi11g tht• gunw w anrwr lutt• 111 the third pt•rluJ ll'i t he 011nzlt'I' Nt.•w York HangN11 slop,x-d Toron to, 6·5 . . Ba rry P tdenon kithed thn•t.• ).tt>als for th<' SC'(.'Ond unw in Z4 h ours to lt•a(! Boston past Ph1ladl'lphi;1, fi 4 . Dar cy Rota's two gonls, induJang th1.• WO th uf ha:. NllL l·urct•I'. spurrt.•d Vunc<JUV!'r tu u 11-:i triumph ovt•r St. Louis. Hota's two goals t <1m(• in Uw third 1x•ruK.I whl'n thp Cunut·hs Wl'l'l' µrotcc:lm).! u 4-:i IN1cl Quote of the day Don t'la he rly, rnach of tht• Lake• ~t. Edward High S<:hool football warn, after <.:ind nn:itl's lt••w ndary Moeller High h ad rouwd them , 38-14: "ll is like Oo<l coming to town I don 't wa n t to play t h l.'m, 1. anymore. I am llrt'<I of reading about them an the paper" Sonics suffer first road loss of year Larry Drew scored on a layup m wit h 40 seconds n •rna inm g to put Kans.is City on top for good as the Kangs de>featcd Sc•a lllt.'. 106-10:3. It was the fir·st road loss of lht· year for tht- Supc·rSoni<.'S, which had lx>l-n th<• only unbeaten NBA tl'am on thl' road . . . Elsc•wht•rt.• in the NBA Sunday night, forward Mic key Johnson sank tour loul :.hot:. 111 th1• lanul :i2 st<t:on di. :ind fm1sht'll with 20 points to h•ad New Jrrs<'y to a I OH-IO:l Vlt'lory ovt•r Milwaukee . . . Jo"'orward Larry Smith poun•d an 1 t5 points, eight 11f th<:m an thl• final pc•raod. to hc•lp Golden Stall' stop Ut~h. 119-111 $math S<:or('C.I all of has points 111 the st•t·ond half, and wa:. ,also the gOJml•'s ll•ading rc•boundcr w ath 18. l'lght of lh<.•m on the offlon!.1Vl' boardi. Lo11ctl t()p•. Mcrmoe In tournament I un 1.,•ndl u l l 11'1 li11.,l11vuh.111 • w1111 lltt $.!OU 111111 Ill •l p1111• ul 1111' fo:111 11 p1 .. 111 l 'li,1111 p1u11 i.l1111 lt•11111i; tuui n111111 111 Su11cl11v. lll'.11111u John M<+:nrol'. .1 •• , ti, 1, .1 h 1 lhly t 'loyd dd1·.11t•t l Crall( Stodh•r 111 11 l11u1 h111 .. Nudd1·n tft•,1lla pl11y11ll hi Wiii llll' lllll f)lll't• 111 $:11111,()0(1111 1111' Mlll11111 J)ol1111 C 'laalll'lll•H' lo(nll tout 11.111w111 111 Sun l'll \. Boµlautla.11 "'" .111.1 0 011 Jonuury li1t•d u ~ urnl1·1 JIHI 711 to rnlly 1111111 111111 -.1n1k1•i. hmk 1111cl W iii 111-. '-l'C,lllll l'(.;J\ St•IHUI '; C.:lau111ph111:.h1p a t Put111 Bt-.u h G u ,. d (' II It • ... I ,1 Unavt•nuly 111 Nt•w M1·x1t·o hl·11d I uutlmll t·1.11wh J oe ll. M o rrison , •A l ol'nwr NPw Y111 k Gaunl.b i.Wr. was 1111111l-cJ 8undoy os h1•acl f1.1utUitll l·f.1.Jd1 ol 1111: U111v1·1~11 v o ( South LINOL <.::11 ull11.1 jO( k•·y Ray Sibille roclt• P ale Purple and C11slllla lo v1ctu1141' in \'tt<:h 111 tht' d 1v1s111111> 111 tlw Mat1 wrd1 Stak<·:. 111 tlw turf al llo ll ywuod Park Fairl1•1gh Ok kansu11 i\·1· ho<·k1•y goullt• Wayne P ollio, 11 24-yt•ur-uld junior, has d1t-<l of hl•lld 111jurn·i. lw su fft•rt:d d uring a l'ampus hruwl. rm cl polk<-11nat1 Sunday they wt•rt• luukang for thrN' m1•11 mvulvt.'<'I an the altt•n •u11on Television, radio lo'ollowin~ a rc lht· ,top sports t•vc:nts un TV toniijht. Hat m~sun-. '('if"VV <.'Xl't'lll•nt. vvv worth walC'hing; v v fair; v forgt•t 1l. 6 p.m., Channel 7 v v v NFL FOOTB ALL: [}cltroi t. New York JM:. at Announc ers: Frank l~af lord. I luwarc.l l'o!>t•ll and Don Mer<.>dilh. Tht.· Lions haw lust both gamcb sant'l' pluy was rl'bUnw<.l a fwr tht· NFL strike· and an· Z-2 lwadmg 111111 tm111<ht":. g.imr an thl· Salvl•rdunw Tht.' J<·t~. un tht.• othc·r hand. arl' looking fur tht·1r fourth straight vwtury since a n opl·ning>iJuy dl'f~·at tu Miami Jt•ts ru nnang back F n ·t•mun McNl·il ww; tht.• NFL'!> lt•ading rusher t.•ntt•1·111g th<' Wl'l'k<.·ml"s play w ath 430 yards un 70 currit.·s. R ~DJO Fuutbull Nl•W York JNs at Dl'troat, 5:50 p.m .. KNX (1070). RUNNI~ DENNIS BROSTERHOUS TAC rejects Salazar's hid A. htd b y Allit•1 to Snl;11:ar 111 ~1.1111 1111 N1rly 11i.11 ,11h1111lx·1 1h1111 tlw Unlll'd ~wu.•s lriwk und flt'ld 11 •.1111 1 h.11 w 1 It t.·11111 1wtl• an tlw 11rn:4 World Cll.11111111111sl111,... w,1., 1 t•Jl'I. It'd Sund.1y Thi· 1wt1•m wa' 1nk1·11 lJy till M1·n'i. Long l.>1s tam•1· H111111111g C111n1111ttc•1• ol The· l\thll'l1l''> l'rn1i.:11•s:. (Tl\l'). thl.• nutauuul govt•rntn~ hoity ol t Ill' 81Jill'I (')I 1h1· thn•1• n1111·:ath1111 i1pot:. Oil th.-l\11ll·1·1ct111 """" 1111 thl· 1111:1u~urul World Trat·k ;md Jo'al'ld Ch.1mp11111.,h1p:. Aug 7 11 ul H1•bank1, Fmlunc.l , it w;1-. -.uggi-:.tl'<I 1h1• w uuwr vi th1• Nt•w York City Mnr.1th111\ hl• awJrdt•d ont• whtll· th(• olht•ri. be dtol<'n1mwd by tht• loµ two f1111sh1·r:, an thl• 1983 fit,...ton Marathon in l\pnl S;il:1111r. wh11 t11111pt'lt·-. lor Athlt•lll~ Wc.'bt, won tlw N1·w York Caty Moruthon an 2 hours, U mm ut<•s, lH M'<'<llHb Nuw. at 1i. pl:111111•'1 that u ll 1hn-..• l\nwrit·<.1n 4U<1hfwrs wall t·vint• frum tht· Boston ru(•t• M1•;i11wh1h., lht· Wonwn'!> Trul·k and F1t•ld Cmn1111llt-t• .idoptl''<.1 a r1~,1ut11m thal !.<.IY!> thl• top t" 11 lw pWlhlon fana:.hl·ri. an tlw Outdoor Nataonol Ch:impwn~h1p:. 1n .Jum• tht· maJor nwt•t for qualily111g tor tht• Workl Champ1onsh1ps . wall n1:1k1• lhl' tt-um. Thl• TAC ub;o pus...,t•d u rult· wh11.:h :;&ad thOJl for <i 11 .1 I la I t • I t · I u t • o 111 p 1 • I t.• 1 n l h 1 • n OJ t 1 n n a I charnp111n:.h1p:., ht• mu ... t bl' t•hg1blt.• to t·onapt•tl' 1111l•11\at1o nully Thu:.. fort•agnt.•rs. Y..ho hL1 vt• duananutt-d ttw n<itaona l t hampiomhaps an n'<.·l'nt Vt'.11 :.. wt·11· ruk•d 1tll·li~1hlt· Rt.•sick•nt fon·a~nt•rs. huw1•v1•1. wall stall bC' IJ4.'I m1llt•d t11 1·11H1JJC.>lt• 1 n addation . tht· ltatl•rnuuunul Compt.'t1 tiun Ct>n1m11tt•c.· tubh:d :i propc>sul dealing wath randoro drug tl'St111g of athlt·tt·:. a\ 1984 U.S Olymp1t· Trials and appn1vt'Cl u proposal that all athlt•lt·!> S<.'ll'Ctl.cf f o r tlw l 98J nation.ii ll'<Jm fur lht• W urld Chump1on-.h1~ attt·nd a U S -Sc4ndmav1a ml't.'l at S tlJ(·kholna. Sw<.·dt·n. July Z6-27. . . . Cowboys cut Redskins off at pass, 24-10 T Olympia . Was h . lhc· smalll'i.I of favt• cauc·s b1dd1ng for t.ht· far:.t U.S . Oly mp11: W1>ml'n's Maratho n Trauls. w<is rt•l·umm1·nd('(I bv the WunH.•n'h Luog Distanct.• Hunnang Commatll'C' o r TAC Ben gals e cape up et bid by Baltimore; an Diego an ea y winner in Cleveland Thi· t·omm11tt•t"s volt.• wal> Z2 for Olympia. 1-l for Nt-w York. five• for Kansas C1tv, om· for Los l\n}.!l'lt'b and nom• for Buffalo Earh~r. Buffalo was :J\.\ arckd thl' US MPn'b Ol)•mpat· Marathon Tratib F rom AP dispa tches W ASHINGTON Dann y White thrc•w for a touchdown and set 1:1p two other scores and Dallas· dcfomw smothered Joc• Thcismann's passing w hen 1t counted as the Cowboys defeated thl' pn•viously unbeaten Washington Redskins. 2-1-10 Sunday. T he Cowboys. giving Tom La ndry has 200th t.•areer regular-season coaching victory . are tied with the Redskins and the Green Bay Packers an first place in the National Con ference. Each te~ 4-1 with four games remaanm g an thas stnke- shorlened National Football LC'aguc· season. White threw eigh t yar ds to fullback Ron Spr ings for a secon d -quarter .touchdown, h is passing paved the way to Timmy Newsome's 18-yard scoring SW<'<!p an the third period and his 20-yard r un for a first down on a fa.l<e punt with 7: 14 to play got the Cowboys out of de<!p trouble as they withstood a Washington comeback. Bengals 20, Colts 17 B/\.L TIMORE Ken Anderson tossed three touchdown pass<'s as the stunned Cin c1nnat1 Bengals came from behind and survived a late Baltimore rally to defeat the w inless Colts. 20-17. Anderson . who completed 22 of 29 passes for 184 yards, hit M .L. Ha rris wath TD passes of l and 2 yards late in the SL"C'Ond half after the Bengals were he ld to one touchd own before ha lflime. Trailing 10-6 at halftime. the &ngals, 4-1. drove 80 yards on 12 plays to go ahead 13-10 late in the third quarter on Harris' 1-yard TD reception. Char gers 30, Browns 13 CLEVELAND Dan Fouts completed 13 of his first 16 passes and drove San Diego to four fir s t -ha lf to uchdowns as the C h argers beat Cle veland. 30-13. Fouts, who threw for 186 yards in the first haH unll ~52 overall. Sl'l up <1 pair of touchdowns by ChUt·k MuncaC' and twu more by Jaml·~ Bruoks as San D11.:J.W rulJ.i.'d to a i7 .:J hulflfmc IN.id. Fo u ts fanis h<'d with 18 compktlons an 2~­ atll'mpl.b. with two intc•r<.'t'pllons. Falcons 34. B roncos 27 DENVER Fullback Wilham A ndrews ltirnt-d a short pru.s anlo an 86-yard S<.'Oring play and Mal·k Lul·khurst boot<'<! a paar of 51-yard fit'ld goals, nillyang Atlanta to a :\4-27 victorx over fading [){•nvt•r T h e triumph raist>d the Falcons' n.-cord to 3-2 in this str 1k e-shon ened season , w hile De nver sufft'Tcd llS third s traight l~. dropped to 1-4. and saw ats playoff hopes virtually vanish Packers,;!, Bills 21 . MILWAUKEE IX-I Rodgcrs ret·overcd a fumble in the end zonC' for GrC<.'n Bay's go-ahead touchdown and E.ddal' Lt.'<' Ivery scored on a I-yard plunge in driving rain and th ick mud. leading the Packt•rs to a 33-21 VlC'tory over Byffa lo. Lynn Dickl'Y passed for 195 yards. im.'ludang a 2:i-yurdcr to J ohn Thompson for a n insurance to uchdown. and Jan S tcnerud kack<'<.1 four field gools for the Packers, 4-1 Steelers 35, Chiefs 14 P ITTSBURGH Terry Bradshaw rifled three firs t -half t ouchdown passes. two to Jo h n Stallworth . as Pittsburg h S teelers racC"d to a n early 2 1-0 lead and went on tO defeat Kansas City, 35-14. Bradshaw. shakmg off a sprained shoulder, completed 15 or 20 paS!WS for 23 1 yards in three quarters as the Steelers built their record to -l-1. Stallworth caught scoring passes of 74 a nd 3 yards during a four -min ute span or the first quarter. . Cardinals 23, Eagles 20 P HILADELPHIA -Stump Mawhell. f1lhng Full menu of tourneys this week Tourname nt acuon an prep Nl·wport Harbo'r•s Sailor s. SANTA ANA ELKS TOOllNAMI NT basketball 1·onunu0 s al a faster h 6 · l (•I Santa An• Hloh) ~ " wat a l -point non-eagu e Mondor pace this week -beginning with setback to San Cll•ml'ntc their s Saddlobock vs weatminslllf ton ight's champion s hip duel fu-st experience. meet the rapid-7 30 La Mlr•da ve San11 Ana Valley between unbeaten Estancia and paced Oile rs o f H untington 8 Bon11a vs p:C=-' Long Beal·h Poly an the Laguna 8eaC'h in the farsl rou nd of the-7 30 LaQ!l!ll Beach vs S•nta Ane Beach Tournament and firs t Sea Baron Classic· al Founlain soNOflA HIOH TOURNAMENT h S Ba Moftd•r round action a t t c ea ron Valley at 8:15 3 15-l• Serna vs Or•llQft Classic al Fount.am Valley and 4 45-0ana H111s "' Savanna Ocean View hagh schnols ·r-----t~lrl~• a 30 Unl119rs1ty vs L• Habra ..... ,_ ..... , a Irvine VI Sonora Heightle ss, but wath ro ur au •AltON LAH T""4t•r P layers aver aging in d ouble Molldar at OcMllVlow 3 IS-Capl1tranova11eyv1 Magnolia . &·:.O-Lot Alamllot va SI. Anthony 4 45-Canyon ve Buena Park figures. Estancia goes up against 8.15-Mlr• coal• vt. Ocean view 6 30 sunny H1111 .,,, HH w11tan 4 • A power P o I y al 8 : 3 0 al ..._., •tF-leln V..., a Bots• Grande vs Braa.C)tinda T h E I r 6.30-Momlngslde vs Ser\llta ....... L aguna Beach . e ag es o l :,S-N•wporl Harbor u . Hunllngl on SAN CLEMENTE TOUlllNA-"' Esta ncia feature 6 -2 1'2 Doug e.acti 8 Chtno vs F:C,~ Pinckney ( 16.0). 5-10 Jam Curtts 8 30 ~=-rC::!::'~=ta 1 45 -Cotta Me$3 "' ComptOf'I (17.6), 5-10 Jon Johnston (12.5) a 15-Ellfl9'anz• vs Founlaln Vati.y (first a LBWllsonv~; a n d 6-1 Vi Gavan Warlaumont round) 145-EI Modena vs S•n Clemanta 0 6) Wednotd•r •• Ocean View • c TOU..N IHNT ( l . ' 8 30-La Ouinla va Palos \/erdet l ApUNA IA H A I ba Li r tt· TOlllohl'a fin ... A so tt ng or a conso aon a 15-Loa Alamllo•-SI Anthony winner v1. 4 le" u n 8 B 8 •ch "1 we 1118 k 8 I 1 L Beach a re the M1f• Cos••·Oce•n 111-wlnMr " t t e al aguna Wadnoedar et l'OUlll&lll v .... , (con1oi111on1 host Artists. who meet Westlake. 8 30-Mornin~alda-Servlle winner ve 5 30 Sen1t1g<> vs Ch•dwlClt (llllh piecel 7 w111en vs Wtttem (third !>lace) an ove rtime loser to Long Beach Hewoort Harbor· unttnglon Beac:n wtrrner a 30 E11ancla va Long BH ch Po1y Beach Poly, a_t_4 __ o_'c-toc __ k_. ________ .... ~v~!~1s~;;~-~;1=1no;;;;;iH=111s;;;;vs~;EIP8r;;;;=•=n1=•~F~ou;n=t=altl===='~ch=••m~pt00==~"'~1p•ljjiiiiiiiiiii~~~;;:;;:;;;::.::;if ·~ 1i.• UIJl•••&E Professional ~.our Let us shop for you. plan your parties, run errands. secretarial servlcea. · · Florist R.OAST 2915 Red HTll Avenue • Experienced -Bonded • Soutl\ Coast Dealgn Cenlef' A· 108 Costa Mesa! · ... EITIO IEOllnAllEI 110-1110 In Slone Miii 64 1-08 10 e!!1 Ml C»i911M •ti tcllMWANllllillftNe "''"'°'*~ 5o I• 1tltjl ~1-t-etY-OoOr cc;4ll ttOre _... Y<NI AIM) COST~ -sA 641 -1219 ,., ................. ..... ¥llJC) 495-0401 ..., c..... ca,1111•141 ....... _, .• .._lhy.) El: ONLY 25 DA VS LEFT To Rel o ALL '82 Taxes and Recover '79·81 Taxes 1: · 2:1 4:1 · 6:1 10.1 -+ ITC +ETC? Rf!a1 Es te Research & Developmen t Equipment (easing • Education al Seminar' I PM & 7PM Wednesd•Y· December 8 at Irvine Hosl Motor Hotel Dyer Road/55 Freeway Presented by. DALTON, DALTON, COOPER I FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave . Ste 102. Irvine Near Jambof"/~05 Our Slaff of Attorneys and Account1nts will be avallat>le 9 AM • I 0 PM SEVEN OAVS A WEEK FOR A PAIVA1£ NO FE£ INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW 14 141·3711 FOR SEMINAR for tht• lnJU_rt.od Ottis Anderson, race.'(] 3l yards for CJ touchdown and gainc'C.1 145 yards to ll'ad St. Louis to a 2:3-20 vktory ov<·r Philadelphia. Thl• fu~t thrc't.' fanash<'rs an the· rue'<'. to bC' held an May. 1984. wall qualify for lht· US Oly111p1l' tc•an1 • "' Mi.t.clu:ll. who hod gained just nine' yKrds on six carries this yc1:1r, hclp<.-d the Cardinals, 3-2. build a 16-poant halftaml? lead Oly mpa-a-. locatC'd nN1r-Pugrt Sound. mis ... Bears 26, P atriots 13 C H ICAGO Roo kie quartc•rback Jim t·onduc·t<'<I only one maJOr marathon thl.· Capat..al C at y Mara t ho n o n J uly 25. 1982 Of the approxamatt! 500 runnc•rs who started tht' 26-mile, :JH5-yard t·oursc. :.omc· 96 percent. a vt•ry hagh McMahol) J=9SS<.'<.I for two touchdowns and run for a nother to lead Chicago to a 26-13 victory over New Eng land. p<'rl·entagl', finished I 1 Rl•pr<.>scntat1vcs of Olympaa SJ>c.'nl arf estimated --+"' $8.000 to ~upport the city's bid against the other Mc Ma hon threw touchdown passes or 17 yards to Foun win Va lley High product.. Ke n Margerum a nd 2 yards to Emer y Moore head an the fi rst quar tt•r Buccaneers l l , alnts 10 NEW ORLEANS -Doug W illiams th rew for 193 yards and a second-ha lf touchdown to lead Tamp.1 Bay Buc."Canc:><'rs to a 13-10 victory ovl'r New Orleans. Safety Neal Colzal' rerovered two New O rleans fumbk-s df't.•p an Bun·am•t.·r ll.'.ITJ tory Giants 17, Oilers 14 four cillt.•s, a ll wn h pop ulations over one million. M t-anwh ile, the Women's Lon g Distance Running Committee a n nounce d the 198:~ U.S . Marat hon Champaon shap. to be held an Los Angc•lc-s Jum· 5, wall erve as the tr ials for the Am<•rac;m team that wall compete m the anau~ural World Chomp1onsh1f>' Aug 7-14 at Hclsanka • • • T h t• South CoOJst R unners Assocaataon will s ponsor th(• ··Christma~ Clas.<;ic" this Saturday Tht• (ave-mile C'vcnl as S(:heduled for Ma,on P .1rk an Irvan(" and IS d ue• to bcgrn at 9 a m. * fWNNINO ICHEDULE ..... , five-Mlle C!wtetmM """ -&.gins 9 e m •• Muon Perk 1n Irvine Cerlllled c;our1e For more lnlormelion. c;ontec;t the South Coest EAST RUTH ER FORD, N.J . -Rookie halfback Butch Woolfblk scored on a 40-yard pass • a nd a 2-yard run. both an the fourth quarter, to rally the. New York Giants to a 17-14 victory over Houston. Runneta Auoc:ieUon et &41· 1708 • Woolfolk. the G iants' fi rst-round draft p ack from M ichigan. c-aught sax passes for 102 yards. Dolpblns 22, Vikings 14 MIAMT -Andra f ranklin rush ed for 129 yards a nd one touchdown and Uwe von Schamann klC'kcd thr(.>C field goals to propel Miami to a 22-14 victory ovl'r Minnesota. Franklin amassed his game-h igh total on 28 ca rru.•s as Miami controlled the ball for nearly 3 minutl's of the third quarter. -NFL standings Weetmlnele/ CroH Cou11trr lleti•• -Begin• 10 e m II WHlm1nt1er High SdlOOI St.Olum The rec;a are open to boya end girl" In nine age divisions StlftdeJ c~-. Trl·lttM C&eoelc -511. 10ll and h&ll·merathOn 1>og1n1 11 a 30 a m al Coron• High School Chellengong couraa w1lh 1ome upgr.Oea AR 806 c:IMSlonl U W9ll N IOM> catagoriea FM IS SS with T ·ll'ltrl anO SS wolhOUI Wllh S 1 Iola lee Cor!l.c:t r-director Judy Flynn " 736·2241 '""' AftftUel Ctwte ...... tOll !tun -Begins & a.m Ill AoN Ave anc:I Oc:ean Front Walk, llentc. Fee 11 S8 wiln T-Slllrt Contect Slave Stein ., (213) 399·01111 lee_.. Annuet-T-pte llettl l!I 511 and 10ll -Begin• a a m. at Point Fermin, San Piic:lro FHI downhill start Contee• Temple Bell'l El'' (:l 13) 833-2467= . NATIONAL CONFERE NCE AM E RICAN CONFERENCE W L P ct. PF P A W L P c t. PF PA Dalla!. ... 1 800 12 1 7ti Raide rs 4 1 800 134 109 GrCl'n Bay ... 1 .800 13-l 85 Cam·annall 4 1 800 l lti 80 Washington ... l .800 108 97 Mtama 4 1 80() 117 92 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 PalL<;burgh 4 l 800 12 1 88 New Orleans 3 i .600 77 71 NY Jets 3 l 750 I l l 65 St LOUIS 3 2 600 94 lOZ Buffalo 3 2 tiOO 85 ?a Dc.'troat 2 i 500 59 57 San Diego :J 2 .fiOO 119 8:i C'hacago 2 :l .400 63 92 Ck•vela nd 2 3 .400 79 99 Minn1>sota 2 3 400 95 88 New Engl i a .400 80 98 NY Giants 2 3 400 80 80 Seattle i :\ .400 84 82 San Fran i :\ 400 119 11-l Dc-nver I 4 200 84 125 Tampa Bay i :i -100 68 79 I louston I 4 .200 74 118 R ams I 4 .200 98 132 Kansas Caty I 4 200 73 108 Pha ladclp~ia I 4 .200 101 112 &ltarnorc 0 5 .000 50 125 NOT E: The top t.•lght lCilms an St Louis 23, Philnd<1lph1u 20 t•ach m nferenc'l' wall qualify for San Diego 30, C tcvl'land 13 1h1• pl<.1Yoffs Tampa &y 13. N<•w Orleans Sunday's Scores 10 Ra iders 28, Sc·uttlt.• 23 Canl'inna ti 20. Baltimore 17 G tt'l'll Ba:.-3:J. Buffoln 21 Dallas 2-l. Washington 10 New-York G ia n UL 1 L.llouston Atlnnta :l4. J.)c>nvt'r 27 14 P1tL-.burgh :15, K unsas City 14 Tonlf ht's,tam e Mittmi 22. Minnesota 1-l New Yor Jc s a t Dl•tru1l ~hacago 26, N<>w England l:J (<.:honnl'I 7 ut ti 1> m ) LllTED OFFER 10.75% A.P.R. LINCOLN ME-=uRY 2626 H•rltor llvd., Cotta' M••• 540-5630 FINANCING AVAl.Aa.£ °" •l fEI 1912'• r 1101.IHuH Vice President JOHNSON & SON presents .. NFL ,. ......... ''"' Mon., Dec. 6 * Detroit over N.Y: Jets Sot., Dec. 11 San Frand1co over Son Diego * Rams over De~er Cincr..natl over Cleveland * °'""lay over ' ' NFL Reider• 21, Seehewk1 23 Score b, Ouarl•ro !wdlli<> 0 1 0 16 2J Rl111le•• 7 '1 0 0 28 lA Allen ' run IB<ilhr krCkl l A ~"\Q I run tBJht k>Ck) LA Mdttlf• J9 ml~cephon ff!lurn tU uu ii.tt.."I l A Atl,•n J run 1Bu11r kr<.k) S11<1 l ug""I 10 pu,. ftom lotn IN Jolmson ti.1tk) se~ ' 810 ... n J tun 1•1(.k '·"'"°' St.'d <..t1,, 2J pa .. , hom lout (N JOfHl'tOll ... !Lil.) SoJ F O N Johnson JO A 4} 170 THm Slatlotlca s .. h1~I duW,1!1 19 Ru~htls·~.;11Jt 19·80 Pa~s1110 yuHh 2~ 1 s.1~k~ t>y •·41 Re1urn >'~""" 22 Pu~ti<" lb 45·3 Pun1S 8·33 Fumbles lcibt 2 1 PP11n111e• Y•" dS 7 88 f1nl(l OI "OS!tl!l~1on 24 13 lndlvldual Statl1tlca LA 15 41 194 4 I 4·29 49 10 19· 1 8·37 3·0 7 71 35., RUSIUN(; SPa11Jl' Zorn 1 JS T Brci.-n 8 J2 Ooornonk •· 12. Ivory 1 2 Sm1rn 4 O Joh11$ 1 ror m.nus 1 Ra10Hts Allt'n 24 1~6 Kong 7·25 Hawkm' 6-11 B~r nw,•11 1 4 WotllS I 3 Plun~e11 3 lo• monu) 3 PASSING -S eellle, Zorn 18·•5 3 ·180 Reld4ra. Plunkell 10·19·1·82 RECEIVING -SM111e. Sa~ 4·49, Carr 3·90. Oootnlnk 3·•2. Letgen12·11. Smllh 1-39, Walker 1·24. Me1Zefaa11 t ·U T Brow n 1·11 Rel aet1. C11r111ensen S-53 Allen 2· 14. King 2·9, Bamwtll 1·8 MISSED FIELD GOALS none l A Rd•<l<'•S Bahr •2 Sea Ille Cowboy• 24, Red1kln1 10 Scor• by Ouarl•r• 0~11 .. ~ 0 7 10 1 2• WaShlllQ10h 0 0 0 10 10 Odl Spnngs 8 pus 11om Whole !St!lll•en k>Ckf Cal FG Sep11en 3 I Dal Newsom!' 18 run 1Sep11en klCkJ Was11 FG Moseley 38 wasn Btown 17 pass lrom rn~·•mdnn (Moseley k1ckl DAI Su1111g• 46 run 1Sep1rt'r1 kockf A 5•.633 lndlvlduof Slalfalfca RUSHING Oallaa. Oor..ell 26..57 $prongs 6 •9 Holl 1·22, Newsome 1· 11! Wn11e 4 14 Wa&rung1on. R•gg1ns 9-26 w "nong1on 6 32. w onsley 1·0 Tne11mann 1 .a PASSING 011tas wr .. 1e 21 29 1 216 P•.,,on O 1 1·0 W~Sll1ng1un Tneosm1M 19-29·3·23• wa,n1ng1on 1.1 0·35 REJ..£.JV!NG Oellu H•ll 6· 77 Pearton 5 50 eosbre T-rT Sprrng-s - •·30 Jonnson 1 •• OuP••• 1 12 • 0orHl1 ' 16 WHh•llQlon 11.loM 7. 1DO •/Jarren 5.~9 WHl"llQ1on 3·28 w ..... 1 1 H11mon 1·7 8rown :l-52 S•IY 1·2• P1ekert 33, Biiie 21 Sc0t• b, 011ar1.,. Bulla o 7 0 0 1• 21 Green Bly 8 7 7 13 33 GB FG St-ru<I 33 GB FG S1ene1u<1 25 Bui C11bl>S 1 run IHe11e<a klCl<I GB ROdger• •f!CO""'e<I lu..,b>e rn 1"'0 zonr 1S1enerua klC'I GB tveiy I run 1S1enerud klC'I C.B lhOmpson 23 pass trom 0.c"ey 1S1e•t>ruo klCkf GB FG SteM<ud 31 Bui B1ammer 8 pass trom Ferguson IHerre•a '"~' GB FG S1ene1ud 42 B~• Bremme1 6 Pllst lrom Ro1>1nSO<> ft1eue'a k1c1t.) A 46 655 lndlvldu1I Sle11allco RUSHING Bullalo Crtbbs 14·61 Brown 10·•S Leakl 11-36 Green Bay 1ve1y 13 18. Rodgers 5-28 Lollon 1·30 Ellr' 11 18 PASSING Bullalo Ferguson 1•-29 2 IJ• llobmson •·7·0·20 Green Bly Dickey 1• 23 1 19S RECEIVING Buttelo Le,.rs 3·S7 Mos•ey 3 51 l eaks 4·28 Green Bay. J6flo•son 3 ~5 lohon 2·•2 Ellos 3·31 Er.P• 2 26 M•SSECJ FIELD GOAlS Bullalo Herr~r 3 2 G1een B'1 Slene<ud 1 Glent1 17, Ollera 14 Sc0t• b, Ouertero Hou•ton 0 7 0 7 1• NY G1an1• .J 0 0 ,. -17 NYC. FG Oane'O 26 Hou A1'Pn '3 pess h om N°e1se.., l~f'mpt • .c;k I HOu Ca•Pt'f a PIH rrom Mann•ng K•l'l'pl k C•I tH'G Woo,IOlk 2 •un IOarw!IO koc> ,..vc, Woolloll< •O pus from 9,..,,.,.,,M 10an~o •1c1i1.t ,, 71 18• lndlvldual Slatlollco RUSHING Houston Campbell 23 6b Ed...,dltll 1 8 Crall 1·3 New 1or~ w ooitol< 16·62 Ca•penler 12·"8 Moais , ·2 PASSING Hou11on M anning 15 20·0 •89 Nielsen 2·2· 1·39 New Vofk Brunner 18·30·0·289 RECEllllNG HouSlon ArmSlrong 1 • Crall 4·68 Cempt>elf 3·2 • Bailey 2·27 Renlro 2·'3 Allen 2·3S Cl!lper J.so New York. Perkins S-74 M1111er 2 19 WOOif Oik 6 102 Gray 3 . 75. MuflsCly 2· 19 MISSED r1ElO GOALS New YOtk Canelo 37 •2 011111\llt L011HI DAIL y I'll() I /Mornluy, 1.)11<.uml.J I G, IU8'1 StHlera 35, Chlel1 14 Sc:0t• b1 Ouerlt•• t<,1111>11• <.;oly 0 P11m1u1gn 14 1 1 Pill s 1 .. 11 .. u1 111 I I Bru<Sshttw tAn<ht1•<>f• to.it.• Prll !.IJllwQr lh •• Braosnaw IA•ldf!''IOll k1<.• P1t1 Uawthut1u1 Br dd>huw 1A111leoon kock KC JackM>O 1 run U ,';j. •ft Pitt H.a!H!t t ron IAn ~ 1 K(; St.Oii J llU>I ,, ... ~, . ..,, "' J 11111 tlo.,.c1v 'rc~t P•U fhOUllt>tt • run tA A ~2090 lndlvfdual Slalltlu ·• ., RUSHING Kill\)"' l I O.,f4W 11>-39. Jackson 11· 12 Pl\'• Wf8"< 'Wri1i. 18 68 Poo.aro ) 1• PASSING """" • • t!if f llllr t8··' 1 1 24'1 Poll.bu 'oll•,_~hdtibw 15-20-l·lJI Sloudl J r'l·V RECEIVING l\un 1J Cfr; .. 1hrl1!1tll ~ 98 c,,,..,., .J 49 O· •U ~·itd.H hnt11 J JI P•l1>bu19h SIJI' &rthl-:'l I" $ll11h 3 8 1 sw~nll J ,, l ~"~"~ J-2(/ lldw1Mrr1e 2 lll MISSED FIELD(, ':l~~"I~\ Dolphins 22, , 1 ... Score by , lb• M1nnosorn " 7 t 7 1l 1 M•am• ti 3 3 11J rJ Mia WOO<lll!y I '" n ~~~,,.,\ici<t~I Mm Kramftr t8 '''' '• l'ftrn~r AA\ Mia FG von St.h.111 • • H 34 M•d FG von Sell ""' ;; -~ Moa Frankl111 9 1u11 1 ~Ill\ :SCTlJr\"1111 k1Ckj Mon k1Ckl Galbrea1t1 I M•d fG von Schom 11111 J4 A 4!>1~~i~ldu11 t1a11."1\n RUSHING Net10n 6 "' r;"'td.11h 11-34 r(ramer 1.15 Youll\j I ·S YI n I F1anklrn 28· 129 Woodley 8 14 J )f'iolC. 7-22 H·ll 313 PASSING Mtnne•o•~ ~•.l(fttr 16 28 3· 127 M1am1 v''"''" •i 13·20·0· 132 Holl 0· 1.0·0 , RECEIVING M1nne.01a Go ~l'.if\ S-24 Raslla<I 4-19 S;,nser 3 21 .,'f'lft 2·32 leCounl 2·31 M1am1 Moorto .I ~~ (:ei.Jo 2-1-l.-.\ltgOttlO 2-3 H"3rCJy ? l Ha111s 1·8 H•~ 1 1 Rose I 6 Frankl·" 1·0 1v11SSEO F<ElO GOALS Scnamann 35 Be8'1 26, Petrlot1 13 Seo'• b1 Ouarl•ro Ne., England 0 6 l 0 13 Choc11go 14 9 0 3 26 Cnr Margerum 17 pas• lrom McMa11on 1llove10 klCkl Cno -Moor .. hedd 2 pass lrom McMahon 1Rove10 krCkl Ch• Safely U1ogdn lolUllKI on el10 zone 1 Ch• M~Mahon 6 run 1Rove10 ktCkf NE Grogan I run (kick 101ledl • NE SanlOIO 99 pass 1n1e1cep11on IMttle• ktCkf NE FG RO«llO •3 A -36.973 lndlYldllef Slallollc• RUSHING New England Collin• 14-24. VanEeoh•n 5· 19, Grooen 2·:1 Chrcago Pay1on 13· 70 Suney 1u ·~ MCCiendon 13·28 Gen1ry 2 21 M'CManon 2-7 Tnomas 3 J H~rpeo 1-f·or-m1nus .. 1 PASSING -New England Grog~n 13·28·0 ·3 • Ch•co»go Mc Ma11011 ~~ -.--RECEIVING New Erigtana MO<g"n 7·130 Cotltns 3·•1 Brown 1 •1 Br.;a~aw 1· 13 OawM>n 1 6 C-ago W•l1s 2·S8 MOO<-!'>·411 Mll(lf!rum 2·33 Pay1on 3-24 Suh<t)' 2·20 H• pet 1·11 MISSED FIElO GOALS Ro•eto 53 C8'dlnel1 23, Eegte1 20 Sc0t• by Overt.,• SI LOU•S 10 13 0 0 23 PM~dl!fpn.a 7 0 6 1 20 Sil MO<"S 8run10 Oonognuto koclo.I Stl FG 0 Donoghue 26 Ptu Mon19om~ry 2 run 1Ftar,1-.tin kKkf Sil -FG 0 Donoghue 20 Sil Mo1Chell 32 run 10 Ootl<lqhu" ""kl Sil -FG 0 Donoghue 3• Pn• .Mon1gomery 6 pao 1rom Jawo1skr lkOCI< la1!edl Pnr -Spagno4B 8 pass from J,1,.or k 1 tFranklln klCkf A 63 622 lndtvkfual St1ll1llc1 RUSHING SI lours Mr1'11tll 24-US Mo"'s 1S·•2 Loma• 4 22 Harrell 4-14 Green 2·8 PholadelPh•a Mon1gomery 16·8? Harnng1on 6-13 PASSING 91 Louis lomox 13-22·0·148 Harrell 1·1·0 10 Phllade'OM• Jawor1k1 15·24·0· 163 , RECEIVING SI LOUIS Gr1!4'n !>;42 Tolley •·63 M11chelt 2-19, Maish t 1• Loma1 1. 10 Harrell 1-10 PhrloOerph1a Sm11h 7 17 Carmocnael 2 37 Mon1gomery 2 18 Spagnoi> 2 13 Camphe4a 1·9 Kao •·9 IYl l SSEO FIELD GOl>.I S Pn.iaoe<pnra Fran•1'n 54 Bue• 13, Setnt• 10 • ScOfe II)' Qu.r1.,a TafllP• Bar 0 3 10 0 13 N8"' 01leans 7 0 3 0 10 NO -Thompson 1• pau 1tom S1ablef !FrtlSCll krc:k I TB -FG Caoece 29 TB -House 3• pan lrom W1M"'m' 1Ca~ kl(k l NO FG Anderson .. s TB fG Capece SO A 61709 lncll•lduel S11tlolk:1 RUSHING Tamp• Bar WtlGer 13.35 Owens 12·•6 Wilham• 2 12 New OrleallS J Rogers 13·35 Gaian 1 2 G Rogers 13-32 PASSING Tampa Bay Wtll•ams 15·2•·0· 193 New OrleaM Sl•blto1 29-43-0-333 RECEIVING Tampa Bny Gile, 3 23 W1IC1et 3.30 House •·70 Jones 2·28, Catie• 1· 12, T Bell 1·2• Owens 1 ·S New Orleans Gtoth. 9·115. Brenne1 6 · 73 Ouckel 4.7 1 Hardy 3· 19. Scon 2 43 G•1an. 2· 12, Tnompson 1 1• Holmes 1·2 G Rogeu •·• MISSED FIELD OOAlS New n rleans Frol1Ch 33 Anderson 60 • -..--OARD '" , c-c:-0~1 't' 0""1191 14 11 0 I J(I C ,...,llutt :I 0 ICI II I~ !>D ' Mu-1 1un tR.,1hCllMt kr~'' f·I> MCJftr-. I •un 111.,.•«ll.,. llc;l.f l w • fG IJMw 4b SD lltOOl<t I IUf\ C8-r.C .... ~ICkl f,I) 8'N*I 11 Hiil \kle'I. r .. 11ed) i .., ro Bllht 3• l hi He...o,,,. • 1••H tron1 Sr1><1 10lio1 ~l(lol ~0 FG B"'urechkOI 24 ,. 54 064 ,......,.. .......... .. J~HING S.an Diego UtOOk• 7'·~111 Muncie 8·<11 Fout~ 3 5 t MllCl<lllollll 2·.l 0.U "" Ck1...,hurd P/11111 II· 11 Wl111e 2 16 C M1ll~1 t to1 rrwn.1 ... J ' ~ .tr"SING S•u• P<•q.g F4ui. 13 · J l 2$2 Cl•vefanrl Srpe 1J 4:1: JJt •1 r.t!IVIHG San O.ega Jo111ur ~J. O\andfer, S-14 IW1>nc,.1 J 49 """"''°"' 2 II BrOOlta I t Ot>vtlland "1....., .. .,. 10-1"0 "'"'" 9--13 Logan ~-11i Whtie 4,3 I ,eechwr. 3·44. C M.I..... 1·~ Oden 1·" M~1E't> Flf lO GOALS Oeve1Jnd fl•lll 1!> 41 .. .,.... 20.i. Coltt 17 u..e-, ouer\efe 1.!111cu11n11 0 8 7 1 20 t1111ll'"nre 7 3 o 7 -17 Illa• I.lull•• 11 pus ltom Paget 1 W1lc.d ktcl<) C111 Kreider 24 pau ltom Ande1son 1it1tk i;.411<.kedl • -v fG Wood 33 C' ,. M l HttrlS P8h rrom """~-18rete:h kfekl Cut 1,,4 l HtrrlS 2 PIO from l.~M>tl (l rHCh kfek) ... 8Mch 4 ft om Pegel IWOOO ktCk) A Zl59t -..1c111el lt1ll1tlc1 "4USH1H() Conconnalr Joh111on 1110 A Otrf'on S-12 AndetM>n 3.3 A•i,.1ndet I· 1 llalllmore O.Cke'{ 12 66 ,,(. \i•l1n 13· 1•. FrenkUn 10·4 O•«Of'I ' •1 ·'•11'1 t 18 Buller I 10 "A:\•tNQ C1ncrnne11 Pagel •I '~ \ IU 81111more Anoerson 71,/f8 /.~I HO C•nt1nne11 to1:.in1t~~MI ?-711 Ron 3 38 Cur.rs ~ 111. fl.11--t., 1-24 JOhrlson 3-22 Gr•ll•n / ll N.,,,., t·3 8alhmo<e Smolh 2·36 qulltf 'I J$ '"""""' 2·21 s'*"''" •·21 u ,~,.( 1· ft l out• 1.9 Beach 1.4 111C;SHf f L') GOALS Bal1•m0te Wu. I 4IJ ~·_, S., Bronco• 27 ae.,. ,, o-t.r. AllJntu 7 7 10 10 3• O.nver U 3 3 7 27 All ,.1~rW1t t ru" llUCkh""I kOCI<) Oen rjjtir l1lfl (Ket11$ klCk) Oiln 11lsti" 0 !)ass from OuB~rg NBA WEITERH COIWE,.EHCE P.clllc DMolon W l Pel. 01 S.a111u 15 3 833 lall•r• f!:o • 789 '• PhOellf• 11 8 1179 4', Porll•rld II 11 450 7 Gol<kln S1.11" 7 12 368 II • S.n 0tf'gO 4 1!:o 211 II .. MfdwHI Dlvfolon K1inw~Cl1y 10" e etS- San An1on10 I? II S7 I '• 0 .. 11.. 8 ti 600 2 Ceo.er I 1U H• 3 Utah 8 1' J3l 5 HOu~IOfl J 14 176 7" EASTERN CONFERENCE Allanllc Dlvfoton Pllllade1phl~ 16 3 94;• Bosion I~ 4 789 1 New J<lllt'Jy 11 9 S!>O 5'. Wasnlnglon 9 9 600 6' • New York 5 1:f 278 10' r Central Dlvl1lon Mllwaukftt! 13 7 650 Oe11011 1? 1 63;> •, A11on1a 8 9 47 1 3' • Indiana 7 12 368 5' ' Cnrceg(> 6 13 286 6'> Cleve•and 3 1!> 167 9 • Sund•f • Seo••• PM&dt;lphla 114 l•ll•ll 10• New Jttrsey 108. M11 .. aukH 103 Kansas Coly 106, Sea111e 103 GOlden S1a1t t 19 Utah 111 TonlQhl'• OemH No game• scheou•eo 76era 114, L11ker1 104 PHllADElPHIA Frv t> 1, J I '•"""" 11 Maton~ l'J Cflt·t ,.,. 4 rot t~y :i 1 Joneio ? R·th" J ,,,. 1.-C.u,•·lou ..i :.ct'°"""' 2 Ed,...,o. & rui.1~ <;1 10? 12·23 11• LOS ANGELES t1n•l~l""ll' • ? W1ri.t"S 22 AWltl JalllM' 15 ( J< I 11$0fl 13 N••on II WO<ll\f •• IYI• A•IOO l 1 COOP"' S Tc.otat~ •0·85 i4 ~ 10• Score OJ Ouer1e11 PM&<1e1pr..., ?' ;itl ?4 3L 114 LO$ Anoe-2• 2G n l 1 10• Fouled Ou1 NOl•ll RPbOund• Pn~•l)N• SS IMl\lone [r¥1ng 141 I o~ Ang111e. 44 (~(AOOO 91 A11tlll Phll..O~ph•a 29 1Che1>k1 111 los Arige•··~ 2• tf'. ~n§On Ni.j>!I 71 fotat tou11 Phlfadetpn1a •8 lo• Ange1ea :i 1 T echnitlll~ l 01 Ang"I•• 111egat oer6n14t A 17 '>O!> 1Kar111 k1ck1 Alf M11k<I • Ill'• !1om Ba111tow~k• COLLEGE 11 uck11u1'1 1 ... t~I ~ ~ How Top 20 fered Oen FG ,..ltt t .. ..i H111e ~ hOw 1ne lap Tv.enly 1tteml "' Oen FG tlfo • 2• lhe A•..OC•alcta Pren COflfJ191! bts1'91h811 A II A nl'.1••• ·~ Pl.SI lro~ poll-fared lhtl _... Borrkows~r lluc~""'at 11~1 1 V11g1111• 1•·01 !WAI JamM M•d•M>n All fG Luckr •I '1 S 1 3• betll l/•rg1n11 M1l>1ary 116·• I All •r G LUC1cl11.tr.• •' 2 Georo•lown 15-01 1>eOA1 Motgftn All AnO•-• 2 rut11•u<.ilhur'1 k>Ckl Sl~1• '11 !17 b4'•1 SI f rancra P• Den Wught 5 pa~• lrom 0o8"1'Q 75 40 be .. 1 w .... ~11'1 Ken1uo; 70 66 IK••fl• 1<1c:"1 too A 73 911• 3 K""1uti..y 1 l 01 beat Notr• Oam.- fndhtfduat Slelfollca __.5~•1 " • ~· J• 711 "RO'S'"''"ffi""N"'Ci-'-Kll'Jl\1A Ar dr-s 10:r~7r>3r-~...-4 Vorla<><hl 11-11 . ,f 16°'KUnhlb f R'll!I\ 9 •8 Ro1>•n1on 2 13 Ca•n 6·11 !<3 79 8~rt~ow•• 4 tnrtlu• S °"'1ver Wr'll>tte s Memph•I ::.•••• 14•01 oeat SI 7 39 Pa110• 11>-33 Wondet 1-27 o.IS«o lou·• 75 S6 0...1 Ball Sl•I• 10•·• I 2·3 11 UCLA C3·01 bM1 o.p..,1 73•70 PASSINO All•nla 8erlkowo1<1 100 r..a1 Notre O•me 8S·84 U 23 1•229 D•nver D•B•rg 1 lOu••v~ C4 11 beal Senta Clara 2• 43·2 211 w.ttt.11• O· t ..0..0 8• S6 io11 10 Pu<Clue 69 63 RECEIVING A11anle Jenk"'t 5·49 8 lnd•ne Cl.OJ 11<'•1 M•l"•i 7S·Sq Andrews J. IOG Jac~son 2·22 Mrll.. Deal T••••·Et'Pno 65·5• 2 20 Ro1>·n-1 29 R~ 1·3 Oen-9 MoUOulf t?·OI 1>e•1 Augu,.an• Wrt•h•I• G·33 w e11on S-101 Parros SD as.~ •·lO UPChurcr. 2 27 Wroghl 2· 13 10 Iowa IA 0) °"ti Oreke 68 63 ~I Mann"'<! 1 JO Odoms 1 11 lyl•e 1· 10 N••• 76 75. beet Hl..,.·l·• 99·67 WrnOe• 1 8 f QIOll 1 8 11 HOU'1tln IA ·01 ~eat Mrsa•U•C'Pt MISSCD flHD GOALS Hon<> S1a10 74·65 bHI Bo,,;ay1>• 78 59 Mllllon Doller Chellenge C•I Sun cu,, Bophulhalowana) 2IO , R.1y rtoyd SJOO 000 C.rarg Sl•dlf'• $ISO 000 211 let• Tr f'vono S 105 000 282 71 ;3. i0-67 ld""• w1<1••• ses oc.o 10 ;o i..a 74 213 Jormnv M~I"• $7!. 000 2M 7l68717'l Jl'Hy Pa11 S6J '>00 &7 7).(,{..flO s ..... Bd !nt!'<cn. $63 500 &7 11.73.75 217 J•'~ r~o<.>1.wi S~G 000 2tl 1 Gr...i No1man $~'1: 10 1 t ;i 14 Go111 ~, .. S .0 000 71·75 11·76 , w on 1ou1 nol~ sud01·n·llf'aln "~'"" PGA Senlora Chemplon1hlp C•I Palm hach Clord•n•, Fla.) 211 Ooo Jar'IU 1ry $2~000 211 Juhut Bo<os S I 8 000 2tO C.1~ B•Ml'f $111.0 AtnOIO Palmf't s 11 2SO Atl WAii $1 I ~50 801> Oo1111y S 11 2!>0 293 Moller Oar be• SS 000 Boll S1on1> SS 000 us Bob [flC~•on \J 1SO Boll Co411ni $3 250 na Jun rorrre S2 250 Howie Jonnson 5' 250 7• 75 61\ 70 71 ·7J !..0 7~ 11-16 a 69. 71·70-73-76 72.73.71 71 59.75 74 73 70·74 74.75 73.75 76·7 1 75-7• 74.72 7~ 72·76·73 70-71 79.77 12 St Jo;,t•n 1 t5 Oo bf!a1 Cotumb1' 72·•5 beal Prov•dene• 111 60 13 Al•bame 12-01 t>ee1 M1d<111.1 lenMUl'l' 103.59 ., .... le•H laCh 7•·53 1• lr<n,.t>soee 12•01 bf!AI hnn C11a11a"o'l11• SS·••!I 1~ N<'lll Col<o41na 12 21 belll lu1ar l 10 61 t j 011 bll81 l .. ,..'3nll s1.1t• 47·•J 16 Ar~ar 1u 13'01 llPnl Te•a .. •S11n Anlon•o 78 !.9 bllAI Crl'll.,,.ery 79.51 17 MJrQuell!' C2·0) bfl&1 flO•ICJ~ AM.A 91;58 hf!tll TP,~$ A&M 73 58 18 Norin Carohna Stal" 12·01 ur .. 1 W<-11ern C•ru11ntt 1(13 6G bi' II No11h CA•ohn• A& 1 100 70 19 Oregon ... 11tt' P·<• t>ea1 PMll•n<I ~~ u 1,, 110 ''""'° S1a111 43.4) ~o N .. nLI·• I 0 I/ego ll·OI l..OAI N"" ul~ Hi• 8!.·94 beM Ouri·1t1•1>• • .,7.54 College ecore v Sal' O.ego 711 SI Tl'IOll'IH '""'"" I 54 Dffp IH flthlng ART'S l AHOINO (Newport..._,11) - 72 englers 16 Dan. 89 bon110 720 mackerel 11 rock. cO<I 7 "-f'IMllCI t 5CY ptn OAvn·• LOCKER !Newport lffc:h) -5 7 1ng1ers 20 Don.to 2 catrc:o D•» 1 cow cO<I 225 mackerf'I 285 1ock CO<I 1 aano uau DANA WHARF -73 ang1"r1 74 b .. t. 100 bon110 1 11rig cod so mac11eie1 72 •OCk CO<I 320 rock lllh 19 ahe<!Pthtl8CI. 2 1Culp1n IEAL BEACH -60 anglers I ling cO<I SO mackerel 5?0 roe' CO<! 70 rock llah 1 sa11d bus. 2• while llsh Cllato•l -•2 arigle11 20 mackerel, 1 aculpln 120 wlllll' croaker. 7b qut1en llah CAMEL FILTERS NEW HARD ·PACK rDuHrH R1>.cc 1 11. """ l't•th c 1 •hihtv t'·hll f;4 OU tf "'J Viv u U1l.l'•I~ t Mc..(. Kl• on) 4 00 1 lrwlr 11(1 • Pltolfl IP11•ll"f .. 80 Ah.o r1•t t d f'.C lurft Ou<J~ Hui,utahou ,,..,,.. Cool M •nor Da wn * r Otlun• p, ... IOU'. Pu .. ttt J .. rt 1111 lut.lii. lnc:H.tn I ark M• M •r·• ur.,." cno,.,., '"'"' 1H j/'J FIFTH RACE 7 rurk•111Jt Men•• tournement t.umt·4"mo Olww•.,,139 •O 11 60 7 20 (•I Anf•••p, hl9lum) •,r""''"')I W•n<l 1:i1•11w1 5 40 4 00 11"91•• final Am1>1il .,,.J (J<>hn•<>nf II C.O IVdll l°'rCJI lf.;lOK:llWO;alooa) O"I Jnlln Al«J '"' t'\.1 (>wtl•t40 0 ll•llull•lt p.,,. Mc£n•Pfl IU S) 3 6 7 b 8,3 6 3 St•r .. ct• 1'uht N•t St•r Pat I Pet MIQl111 nu1u111 WCT Chlcego Open ''"'" 1 n ur, ll"lllH F"lnal S5 EllACTA 16 'I paid S!>O!. DO Wope• I roei.. 1Po1ane11 llet Biii SllCTll RACE 1 • n~le\ on lurl S<. ullufl IU S I 6·J ' 6 6 J 6 4 lf•bd~ Pah• Pu•1••11 ISi.iii 1 I lO 5 '10 3 80 '""' S 100 000 Stonton w•rr> $40 0001 Rf'Hy B•"" 1Go\1ero"dil • ?() J DO Aurtrattan o,,.-----Tl(fHl;;nt. ,,,,,..,,J c 60 Cel Melbourn•) A1$0 •••toLI Ncirlht>tn r ,.i,,11 Proncen 81nglH Ffn•I uufltt H1>m11 rtun Gel Heade• Card ( ..... (Vl'lt llo;d IU s' Utlf M .. 11111a p,,,~ s ...... Altrnro tHvruhfuva IU S I 6 3 l' Ii 6·3 llloyd .!row• 1 41J 31!t won~ 5•0 000 Namrnlova wtn• $22 OOOJ SEVENTH RACE. b' • lurlongs Grand Ch1mplon1 tournament Fo••t>ek 1McC,;11on1 I~ 20 3 eo 2 80 RO;JI OtJnr111 IHDNle;) ' 60 2 20 (al Rancho Mlrag•) KOS> rm Cooodby11 IUluekf 3 20 StngfH Flnef Al•o •u<.t'd Done Wrong 01t1er11n1 St on Sm1111 IU S I der lloo lave• w urld 1r1s11 O B1ten My Nollvu Pr1nwu, (Au•ll&flol 7 6, 6 3 1Sm11h won' S6.000 P.ii~y • roncy lark, Besl. l•llle Bullet Lnvttr w111a $3.000) T•mt> 1 16 ~ Senior Hardccw,irt SS EllACTA (7 61 paid S1G 00 (el La Jolla) S2 PICK SllC 1 I l' H h I 71 111111l •!M 4S Men'• 8fngfH Ftnal 9 16 00 w111'1 two winning 11c1 ol• tlrve Jm1 Perley tC01onedol der Morly hor~Oll S' Pto S•• con•Ol•1to11 paod Oovlrn ll•l"!Jt>rocev1llt1, N J 1 6 •. 6-4 $40!. 00 w11h 156 w111111ng l•(l<elJ (lout 40 Woman'• SlngfH Flnal 110.SO•I S? Poe~ St~ IC•llGh <.On•Ol8h011 Celh•~ A.mle•loOn (Ldlaye11e. Cal I det Pa•d S'30 20 w•lh 7J wonning htkflll• Gnorle!.'fl H•llebr .. no 1sa11 PeoroJ 3·6 Clhr .. e 001\0• on~ IC•BIChf 6 2 7 Cl EIGHTH RACE. 1 t moles 011 lurt Falh••·Son Ffnalo C.t\lolla ISll>•ltel 17 60 5 00 3 60 I\"" llul 1 W 11z fl• fotlo• dt'I Sdnque IPtncaV) 2 GO ? •o Goraon·Scoll Oavrs 1San1a Monocat •·6 s1 .. 1 PM1urt,. ISnoom~klll f • 00 6 3 6 4 Al•o rA<.f'Cl fr8'1\. Robber ( Nan• Men'• U Doubt •• Flnal• Cancer Pa1 s Joy. M•H Hun111191on, Jim Nel11<><1 IC0<ona dfll Mer .. Robefl M11.ngo Baby Ouc~ Duealer INewporl Beacn1 det Ktng Time 1 •7 21S lamber1 1San11 Anal Ed Cottei 1Bever1y S5 EXACT A t9·51 paid $99 00 Hollaf 6·4 7 5 NINTH RACE. I 1116 m1•to1 Mfaed Doublea Finals Slyh•~ Lad IPncyt 12 ?O S •O l &O Sally Hun I Los Angelu .. B•ll Oa•l5 Ry 101togal 6 80 5 •O 1Pa1m Sonnosl Oel J\Jtre Ho .. a.a +nc<11.,.nr IP.., • 00 tN•'t\I I,. Bt •'h' t•ugt Sl'4#,,4fl A-151 fn<.ad fftt1(.tj c ... on1mtr•df·, 1Ca11tllad1 6·4 6 1 bKond N•1•'19 AtlQu•lll B•tghl IS•• HOI Wom•n·1 40 DoublH Final• Summl"• Kn'Qhl Mrghty Ouke In lna Mery Hrll 1~ocramen1ot·Cn111e11n Ryt' ~l•flebrund 1S11n Pedro) del Calhr" Ttrnf' 1 •3 3 5 Anderson 1Lala1e11e Cal l-Sall1 Huss S5EICACTA t11·SI paod '311 DO rlM Ang9ietl 6 3 6·2 Super Senlort Tpurnamenl . (al Laguna Hiiia) 8$ Men'• 8ln9lea Flnalt IO<ly TrO<lan 111•1ne) del Alex Swetka tSan Josef 6 4 6-2 10 Men"..Sl119lee.l'fnall. Bob Cl~rk lleguna H1flsl del Eorl Cooper !Orinda) 6· I 6·3 75 Men'• SlnglH Flnel1 Ron Branoon IAnahe•ml a .. r B•ll Se1oet (San O•egol 3-6. 6-2. 6·3 75 M•n'• Doublet Flnel6 Glen Sne1a1-Jerry Rtoraon Ila Jolla) del l:rnoe'Fletl.o Charlie Muller (Leguna HHISI 6·• IH' H Wom•n'1 Slngl•• Ffnaf Phytlrs Adler 11.os Angeles) Oel p,.,~1ow1 Hussey t8eve1ly H>11s1 6-• 3·6 6·1 15 Wom•n'1 Slngi.o Fln•I• Pal Yeomans !Los Angeles) del Ro..,.,..ond H~da IEI Cen(ro) 6·2 6-1 H Women'• Double• Fin .. , JOttw M ve•el • t ,.,,.....,..,..._ Beech .. GH1tuGe Amhrig ILeguna Bel>Chl oel .IMN>e lru11n-Sue Mucc .. lleguna H•"•I. 1..0 e..3 ··-··~,. ...... Pel Yeoman• Clos AngelHl-Wllma Srfl'l11 IR•..,..a.del Gel Vy Graham·Luc.111" W"'1e Clos A nge1"9) &-1 5·2 ....... ··-·· •s. hmlllft ... Jo Roskam 18u•Dank -Ho w.,d Pel•rson llil Mft~lli• '2~1 Pt.M..tl.tr 8tl HuHey tB•v•rly H•llSI 1·6 6·• 1 6 June Mrck...,.ai1 tNewJ>Oft Beach .. Tony froaan 11•••1'•1 oel Phylfrs Ad1e,.Brll Duh Clos An;•tes1 6 1 6 1 Holly¥rood Perk SUNDAY'S llESVlTS (2Slh of :II-day m"llng) ""ST AACE. 6 • lurlongs Prnc O Oner• CSbll 5 2 3 20 2 60 Lolly Love• IOll'•lllSI ~ 80 3 80 Zum• lou 111aw1eyl ' 00 Aleo raced Ne•1 t•~ ... l;;l~ing S1ar1, lnsode Movea. Linea Magrnol Arndean Ma• El Pro F0t1n Sea V•nc• Grey. Th• lombard loOl>'t' Time 1 18 4/5 SECOND lllACE 1 1 16 m•lff Debi IMcCatronl •o 60 6 oo • 60 F1ee1 Sc-am,,_ 1cu1-..1 a 20 " ao Tri Ch'"'" IBlac.•I 10 •O Also ••c•G Aclulf Count fop En1erta....,, N9901oa11' Hu1tah H..,,.,, Meny Moons Aoo Ell.,.,,_u J~ The Feclt 8u"ed T1-e T"'1e 1 ••?IS S2 DAILY DOUll.t: C•· 11 Pl od $27 00 TiilflD II.ACE. $ 1u<1ongs on turl 5, ...... hv• tOlh5yl 9 20 5 4() 2 ao M01tYllY IP«•YI • 8 00 3 20 ~· p,,me Mrnls•et 1VM!l\~uel•I 3 00 Also r.cea An•-10 ..-us-c ~O)'I • A'~· Ma••Slal u.Gn-Trme I JT lS EICACTA 12·31 pa.c1 St• I 00 NHL CAMPIEl.L CON,ERENCE Smyth• OMolon £dmo1t1on Kl"ll• vancouvt• Ca1ga1y Wrnn•peg Choe ago Minnesota SA Lou•~ ..1-.. W l T OF OA Pio. 13 10 6 1•0 125 32 13 10 3 97 9~ 29 10 12 6 10'4 98 26 10 15 !:o 120 124 25 11 11 2 108 10• 2• Hl>rrl• DM1ton 17 • 6 11• 85 •O 11 a • 121 102 38 9 17 3 98 117 21 -LI.&. 4c t3 \01 • 17 fl 73 11'1 ,. WALEI COIWl,.IHCI "••rte•~ NY 1 .. and•n 15 11 5 111 117 :IS ""'4edlllp/"8 1• 10 4 108 to 32 HY Rangeo 14 12 I 113 108 211 Weshtnglon 19 II 6 90 Ill 26 P111•bu1gn I 1• S 90 123 21 ,...,,. J .. uv 6 11 1 ae •2li 111 ~on•1e•• Bot Ion Butla'O 0U4'u.< H<'lttlOfG Ad•m• DM•lon 16 s 6 126 89 31 15 1 6 106 82 36 12 9 8 11• g 1 30 13 10 3 1.'2 117 211 6 16 3 82 120 15 Sunday'• 8c0t•• Edmc>nlon 7 ICl"ll• 3 Boston 6 Ph.1a<1e1ph1• • Ch«•oo 3 8ull•IO 3 New 'l'or• Rangf'fl 6 To•onto 5 Ollert 7, King• 3 Scot• by Petlod• lO~ Anqo•lf' 0 ) 1 .1 E <llllvl•1011 4 ~ 1 Flr11 P•rlO<I 1 (d•nor IC•n Andt"rson 1 J \M•~''''' 1;1t>U~y· 1' 711 fl>IJf l't•n~lli'!~ b hf•fl"t,if\ r dm ' 'jQ K"llY A ,, ;!7 And""°" Cdm 4 37 jlo1• ~ lA 11 41 Kor,ll> l A 1~ ~~ ttu(lh~• fnm 1!> 5:1' FOQOltll rom •118 Bovhm•• ran 18 o; M Mutt>h~ lA. 18 '8 S•cond Period .. l1ffnQnt n t-tudd\ 8 l(•HHl~y lun•I• ti <I •8 J ( L1mnn1v11 C.!Pll•y 22 IHuOlJtl ; 3!J 4 lo~ Anqf1 f"I rvati" i ll M&Jf f.1hy 01o"nt• I 1f !J 1 ~ LC' A• ~c.:1.~s. S mflt., 9 10 4(, t rdmor\ton Andf'•sor. 14 ll' '>'> 1 Fdr•1C)nlo11 ~1'°'SH th -At '•'If t•(', $'Nl4\llU•• t.l'}q Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 17 mg "1ar". 13 mg n1co11no av per c19are11e by fl C method ' C'3 I i I I ' • . ll. Orange OoHt OAILV PILOT/Monday, t)ecemb•f 6, t~82 Top yacht ·begin training By ALMON LOCKABEY Delly,... ......... ,..., Ol'Cender and CourUfll'OUll, two or lht• 12-ml'Wl'I mvolvf'd In tlw Amt>r1cu's Cup triuls, sturlt'd lht•ir winter trnlnlnt( vrt Newport &•ut•h over tht' Wet>kL•nd, jousting with l'lll'h otht•r 111 ttw ocean In light llin1 and under hozy 11klt1. Meanwhlll', tht• l'r l'w o ( tht> Defondl'r· Courageous syndkutc wen• antroduc d lo thl' Newport Bcac:h public: Friday nttiht at u gulu purty at Park Newport wht>re tht-y wlll be.~ quarlt•rt'tt during the w1nwr lraanlng scs Ions umll rwxt March. Over 300 persons attended. Tom Blackallf:r. skipper of Oefondt>r said; "WC' have scheduled three sailing sessions during the winter at Newport Bca('h, and nt each we will have fully ('teWt..>d· boats sailing every day. Sessions will last about three weeks at a lime and are scheduled for this month, January and February. The early ~ions will be primarily L'Onrerned with testing equipment. gear and sails -especiaJly on Defender which was dismasted at Newport •• R.I., before being shipped to Newport Beach. • "We also made some minor modifications to Defender before leaving Rhode Island," said BlackaUer. "These changes are such that we can remove them immediately if we decided we have made her slower instead o( raster ... Skippering Courageous during the winter campaign will be Dave Vietor from New York who has had considerable expe rience in sailing numerous offshore races. including the Bermuda. TransAtlantic and Southern Ocean Racing Circuit Other crew members are: Bill Campbell, 31. Ba'yv11le, N.J ., Defender navigator; Paul ~yard, 22. San Bruno. jib trimmer; Dan Shea, ?T;'"'Niantic, Conn .. bowman: Glen n Dardeen, 26, Fort Worth. Te~. jib trimmer: Rod Davis, 26. Huntington Beach. main sheet trimmer; Bruce Epke. 26, Boston, Mass .. grinder. Others are: Conn Findlay. 52, Belmont. Cali{., mastman; Rod Holland. 30, Oriental, N.C., alternate; Courtenay J enkins. 26. Owings Mill. Md .. grinder; Ken Keefe. 25. Larkspur, Calif., mastman; John Kolius. 31, Houston, Tex .. mainshcet trimmer; John Mulderig. 33, Marblehead, Mass .. grinder; Jim Plagenhoef, 27. Scarborough. Maine, grinder; Peter Stalkus 31. Newport, R.I .. Courageous navigator; Hank Stuart, 24. Newark. N.J .. mastman; Mike Sullivan, 25, Barrington. RI.. bowman; Mike Toppa, 26. Annapolis. Md .. jib trimmer; Jim Whitmore. 28, Port Washington. N.Y .. mastman; Scott King. 28, Nebraska. alternate. DEATH llTICIS CARUSO PHILIP J CAR USO. SR. age 77, a resident of 25141 Via Bajo Cerro, Laguna Niguel, Ca. P;i.'iSed away on December 4. 1982 in M ission Viejo. Ca. Rosary will be said o n M onday. December 6. 1982 at 7 :JOPM at the residence or the deceased, followed by a Funeral M ass on Tuesday, December 7 •• 1982 at 9 :00AM at St Timo th y's C hurch . Interment in Ascension Cemetery . M cCormick M o rtuary. Laguna H ills c;lirectors. !:>ch nt>1der o ff1c1a11ng lntermcnl will bl-made in thto> Good Shepherd Cemt.'tcry. Huntington Bea{·h . Ca Pier('(' Brothers Smiths' Monuary dtTectors 536-6539. Ft SCHER MARIE LEE FISCHER, n.-sld~nt of Cost.a M esa, Ca. PaSS<.'CI away on December I , 1982 She is survived by her fianc.'Ct' David Bokor of Costa Mesa, Ca • her mother Jan Danker o f Clarkston, Washingto n . her father M erlyn Fischer o f San Jose. Ca , .h r ma.tel'n~~ SOBRITO grand m o't her M a rt ha ,OBUC M011Cl --,-,c-m1ou1 eu11.,. .. .- NAMI llAllMINJ 111• '"""*'"II 1·11 •u11 " •I• 1"11 i.u...i11 •• LlAYlll1111N\I t•Va.1 t~Al1'114 > PI" l '111111ttl111 Av11 I """'ii llPI Mtt lll \l;'ti,' M11.ll11lll I 111w~1 1••11111111 t I'> 11u111•1•tll.i Avw Cr•11J1tll 11• t Mu Le 1111>J~ Tllo\ 111.1•111<'11'" ~rnul111.ti<l t1y w11 l1tllM11611 Mt< IU4"1 I I t'>< 1111 o 1 ""' ;1"""'"""' w••• "'"o .. 1111 11111 t.o.111ty l.k rt. Ill Or111yw t.o>u111y "" Nuv11111hor Ill llllt) rac>teot IJ11l)ll9l11•<1 U1""0" l 111111 u .111v 1'1101 Nov Jll Out. Ii 13 lO. •0111 bl' Ill Ill Nil.IC NOJICC STATEMINT Of AaANOONIRNT OF Ull Of' f'ICTITIOOI IUSINlll NAMI SANO N SEA PROPERTIES, INC, t64)11 Pacilio Co11t Highway, Suneot Beach CA 0070 Tht 11ct111ou11 bu11nu1 n1n1e r1t11rtd 10 above wu llled In Cou111r on Feb 13, 1oe 1 SANO N 8EA PAOPERTtt8, INC, 1&'431 Pacific Co1tt Highway, SunMI Beach, CA 90742 Thi• buline .. w11 conducted by • eo1por11ton l>o<Mn l Ad1m1 L This lllllmetll wu llleCI with the t:ount Clerk of Orat\ge County on Nov 111. 1982 r1111H PubllShtCI Orange Coaet Dilly Piiot Nov 22, 29. Ole &, 13 19112 5168-82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS ltUSIMll NAiii! STATHWNT ~he loltow1ng PlfllOl\S Ill CIOlng busrrntas as EB PHOTO FINISH. 12526 Valley v" St • Ga1aen Grove. Ca 92645 Edward Patrick Berry. 6592 Serene Drive. Huntington Be1ch, Ca 92649 Thll business 11 conducted by an lnd1Yldua( EdWard P. Barry This 1letemen1 was llleCI wnn the County Clerk ol Oronge Cou111y on November 18, 1982. F2025') Publtahed Orange Coast Delly Piiot Nov 22, 29, Dec 6. t3. 1982 6 tll,l.82 • PUBLIC NOTICE l'Ult IC "°.~llC-.l __ NO flCI Ofi'iUllH'I U l.I I.Mii ... Wt/TAVlOfil .......... , C1tlNllAlf INVf 'IT MINl I CJI01UtlA llU~ 111 11<11~ 111"p11ff\tt<J I 11111•• '""'" th• l ullowtug llvM tlht'<I 11 11U bl trvtl Wll I fit I l A I l'Ulll 11 AUl llON 1 CJ HU lllOIH .. I niuot H t 0 11 C.Aflti fj11y11ilM Iii lt1ll• ul llill 111 lfwlul '"'""'Y DI 111• U111t•J tillltll Ill 11Qltl lttlt 1111(1 1n1 .. ul convey.O to lll<l l!llW l ... d Ry II 1111'111 lllld l)9e(J OI lt\111 111 II•• !i'OP*IY l1t1tt11n11t8f lleM.r lll.41•1 lllU!ilOll llONAtO I; 1AYl..OH dnd JUOll 11 II I Av I Ofl, hutllanll ana wll• 11 tomn1u1111y f>!ll~ty llCNl HC#IAOV 0 ( ()ft(,( H PrlA TT llHl LOUISC J llllA Tl. hu111una encl wile u comntuntty protierty Heco,d1d Augu11 ~II. 11180 ee 111111 NO 3478 on booi. 137 10, lMl4tl •<tJ a ut O•~t A9COLC11 111 tilt 0111c.e 01 11111 ntcord•1 "' 0111no• Cw111y. •1111l 1Jffll or trutt dl1ClllMl1 11111 toliowtng f110f.ltlly lot 43 ot Truct NO 7'33, tn 11\e Clly 01 1rv11111. Cuu111y of 0 ,,111gt, Slate 01 Colifo1111a. u ~·· map recordl<I '" 8ooto, 213 Paon ~3 10 26 lnclull,,. of Ml1C1tt1neou1 Mapa 1n the olllce ol the C01Jnly Recorder ot Hid County YOU ARC IN OE.FAULT UNOER A 0££0 OF TRUST DA TEO AUGUST 14, 19110 UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALi!. IF VOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING ,AGAINST VOU. YOU SHOULD ~NTACT A LAWVER 4552 P11kglen Ctrcte, Irvine. CA ·(If • atreet addret• or comtnOf\ aea1gn111on It shown •bove. no wfrranty 11 given 81 t o IU comptet-11 or correctness1 •• The benefletery under said Deed of Trull. by '"'°" ol e breech or dlltull In the obltgatlons secured thettby, heretofore .. ecute<I and dellverea to the unC11r11gned a wrlttln Oec:larellon ot Oeleult at>d Ottmand tor S11e. end wrottefl notice of breach and or elecllon to cause lhe under11gned 10 ••JI said propefly to aat11fy aeld obllgellons, end thereafter \he unUerslgned c1u1ed aa1a notice ot breach a"d ot election to bl Recorded Augus1 3, 1g82 es lnllr NO 82-269007 In Olllclol Records S11d aale wlll be mace. but without covenant or warranty, express or Implied. regarding lllte, poaaeulon, or encumbrances. to pay Ill• rem"lnlng p11nctpe1 aum ol FICTITIOUS aUSINl!SS the notll(SI sec:ureCI by said DeeCI ol NAME STATEMENT Truat. wllll lntereat at in Hid note The following person 11 doing provided, aavel'lces. II any. under bustness 15 the lerm1 or selCI OeeCI 01 Trust, ANN K GRAPHICS, 16151 '"'·charges and llC_penMs Ol lhe Osborne. wes1mln11er, Calilornl• Trvstee and 01 lh• trusts created by 92683 Htd OeeCI of Trust Gordon K Chen, 16151 S11d1t1tew1llb•m•de,but ~ro1>ne. westmlnater. c11ilorn1a without covenant or warranty. u683 express or lmpll6d: regarding htle, Go<Clon K Chen po11ess1on. or encumbrances, to Tiits statement we• tlle<I will\ pay the remaining principal sum ot County Clerk of Orange County on the note(s) MCure<J by sald OeedO November s. 1982 Trust, w1lh tnle<NI as tn Mid note f20141t provtaed aavances. II any under PubhsheCI Otange Cout Dally the le•ms ol HICI Deed ol Trust, PrlOI Nov 15, 22. 29, Dec 6. 1982 lees. charges end ea,penses ol the 5028-82 Tnistee. enCI lhe lrusls crffled by bid Deed ot Trust PUBllC NOTICE STATEMENT OF AaANOONMl!NT or UHOF F1Cm1oua BUSINESS NAME The 1011owlng persona heve abandoned tM use ol lhe hcutlous bu111nHs name - COURTESY AUTO BODY. 727 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 The Flcll1IOUS Bu1lne11 N•m• relerrea to ebove w11 llled In Orange Coul'lty on December 1. 1981, File No F177030 JOSEPH A PATAFIO. 37 Farrag1.11, Irvine, CA 92714 DOUGLAS 0 ALBERT. 37 Farragut. lrvlne. CA 92714 Thls business was conauc1ed by • gei,.. al Pllf1t • stllP Josepn A P1111to This statement was lllect with the County Cieri! or Orange County on Novemoer 18. 11182 ........, ........... 1IO Newport Cntr Or. •21NO Newport a..ctl, CA nMO Puollshed O"nge Coast Deity PtlOI. Nov 22. 29 Dec 6, 13. 1H2 5187-82 SllCI sale will be held on Wednetday. December 15, 1982 et 2 00 P m . 11 the Chapman Aveflue enlrance to lhe C1vtc Center Bu1ldlng . 300 East Chapman Avenue, In the City of Orange NOTICE. AT TIME OF SALE BIOS MAY BE MADE IN CASH ANOtOR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924h. At the lime 01 the l n111a1 publtcallon 01 thlf nollce. the tolal amount of the unpaid bal1f\C8 pt the obllg111on ucured by the above d11crlb1d deed of trust and ea11mateCI costs, ••nenses, and 8dVlncet It $25,285 30 To delermlne lhe opening bid, you may call (7141937--0966 Dllll.. No"8mblr fS. 191t GLENDALE INVESTMENT CORPORATION H said Trualee. Br T.D SERVICE COMPANY. eoen• 8y Shatan Neice, Assistant Secr1tery Olll Ctty Bflld • West. Orange. CA 92668 Tel (714) 935-8283 PUB& IC HCltlCl NOJICI. Of Tl!UITH'I Ull I.~ NG flOfl fl II TI -. O·OIMt I IJ I OVICI CUMl1Al4~ 1 ll•tlr ttjll10tl11911 I I llRlll llflllt r lht1 IUllO'Wll"1 II~•· 11lo1 ti tlllM!i.1 "'' tn .. 1 WIL I Ci~ U A 1 f'Ulll IC AlX. llON f 0 1111 10\Jltl \I li1Ul>t II I Oh A911 AN010ll IHI UAt.Hll ll'j ••h t.! 111 11 If II C.lll LK!'i Ll'l Cll 11 U IN (.;IVIL l CHH foll 110N lllHll 11111y11tAtil .ti t111• t111" c.f .ti• 111 l•wlul r110111•y 111 1111 lJ11tll•ll '1l11t1t1J 111 nghl 1 11111 111t 1111tlft1•t '011~11{1<1 to 1111t1 1111"' 11.,ic1 ttv 11 •mil., "1 f)Ho u1 ffu•I 111 11>1• 111ripmly """"111111111 ... ~ lll>tic:I rnu:.•on 'JU:.AN o 1>0111 n 0(N[ftt.tArlY C 0ARR I l{ rcttrH llJCY ANN Hl l t.ll(ll Rt<.ou1t<t f ebr1111v 1a 1(18 t •• • 1'•7 •fl "' Roo~ IJ0•7. IJ""IU I I JI 111 Vlllt.1"1 Rt>COr ll• 111 Iha ollrcu 01 111A Huro1J1•1 ol 0111noe Co1mty ••Id de.U ot '""' ue .. c11b11• mu 101tow111g lOI 80 ol lraCI NO I IS~ lfl lhe City ot (;ottil M1t111. ua ~"" Map rtteordl)(l 1r1 Book 37, Page• 11 ana 12 or M1"ttllu11110u~ M•11•. 1111.or(lt or Hid Orunoe Cou11ty. Co11t0tru1 VOU ARL IN OCFAULf UN()C:O A OCEO O~ l l1U(H DATED F•t11uary II, 1981 UNLESS YOU TAl<E ACllON 10 PROl£CT YOUR PROPERlY. 11 MAY BE SOLO AT A PU6LIC SALE 11: YOU NEED AN EXPLANAltON Of THC NATUflE o r THE PROCEEDING AGAINS I YOU. YOU SHOULD CONl AC I A LAWYER AddrHI ol tho ObOYO IJ 4g9 Broaaway Colla MeM Colilornll No warrftnty 11 given '' 10 111 completeness or correctneu The beneltc1ary under 111d Deed ol Trust, by reason of 1 breach or dillaull 1n the obllgatton1 '8Curl<I thereby, herototoro •~ecuted ana dehve1ecs 10 the undere1gned 1 w1111en OeclarllH>n ol Delaull 11nd Demana 101 Sate. enc w1111en no11c1 of breach and ol etec11on to cau1e the un<1ers1gnea to sell 111<1 prop1111y to sattsly 1ai<1 obligations, ana lherealler lhe undersigned causoa aa1CI no1tce of b1e1c11 and ol e1ec11on 10 be recordecs Auc:t1.1st 181 1982 es ln1tr No 82·289592 o Othc1a1 Racorlls in the otllce ot Iha Recorder ol Orange County, S111d Sale will be made, but ~111hou1 covenant or warranty, e•~H or Implied, 1ego1dlno title possession, 01 encumbrances, to poy 111e remaining p11nc1pel sum ot the note secured by said deed ot Trust, wllh 1n1eres1 es 1n sales no1e provided. advances, ii any. und11 Ille 1e1m1 of sa1a Deed ot Trust, tees. charges and ei/l>enses ot me Trustee and of Ille lrusll crealed by ae1d DffCI ol Trust Seid sale will be held on Tuesday, December 2 t 1982, 01 2 00 p m al the Chapman Ave11uo enlrance to the C1 v1c Cent er &1IC11ng 300 East Chapman Ave • Oreoge. CA At l he time ol the 1n111a1 publ>eallon 01 this notlel the 10181 amount ol the unpa1<1 bal<1nce ol the Obllgatton securea by the ebove "8rc-rtDell lrQU-cH tru'9 Ill estomated coils. r ><pen111 ana 8<fY8flG8$ IS $36,302 51 The opening b•CI m1y be ob111ne<1 by calliilg 1714) 937-0966 the aay belore the sale Pate November t9. 1982 Tb SERVICE COMPANY as said Trustee Marco Brene1>. ASSI Soc One Ctty BlvCI Wesl Orange. CA 92666 714) 836·8288 PubhShed Orange COISI Oa1ty PtlOI, NOY 29 Dec 6 13 1982 5231 82 POOLIC NOTICE WILLIAM D SOBRITO. Watkins of Spokane, age 67, a re11dent of Washington, h er paternal Huntington Beach. Ca. alnce grandpal'C!nts Mr. and Mrs 1968. Passed away o n A Fischer o! Spokane. Sunday. December 5. 1982 at Washington. 1 sister Arny Huntington lntercommunlly F 1 sch er of Sp o k a n e. Hospital. Mr. Sobnto was Washington. 3 brothers. very acuve at St Simon & Allan Fischer of Idaho. Jim Judge Catholic Church. FLSCher of San Jose. Ca. and PUBllC NOTICE being a member of the Freddy Danker of Clarkston.1 ___________ _ Publ1Shed Orange Coast Dally Piiot. Nov 22. 29 Dec 6 5104-82 NOTICE Of TRUSTEES' SALE On Oec:ember 14. 1982 111 10 30 am UPLAND MORlUAUE SERVICE CO INC as TruSlee or Succenctr Tru!ltee or SubslltuleCI Trus1ee or 1hat cer101n Deocs ot Trust execuleCI by Roy E ~avert ana June B Beaver• husband and wile ana recou:leCI Oclot>et 8 1989 as 1nsHument no 12254, 1n book 13719 page 1939 OI Olf1G1al Recorcss of Orenge County Cel1lorn111 ana pursuant 10 lhll certain Notice of Oelaull enc e11c1.1on to Sen thereuna .. •tc:OtCled May 21. 1962 H lnatrumenl no 182·182928. ot 0111c1a1 Recoras or serd County. will uncser and pur111ant fo aald Deed ol Trull Mii 11 putihc auct t0n tor cash cashier'• check or ca5h equivalent ("'h1ch has been approveCI by the Tru$IN 5 days pr101 to 11leJ II the lront en11ancti1 10 Cahlorn10 lanes Title C hoir. H oly Name Soclety Was hingto n . Private flCTITIOUSllUsaNEll a n d l h e K n 1 g h ts o r memorial services were h eld NA• STATIMENT Columbus. He had re tJred 12 wtth private entombment The following pe,.on 11 csoing buSlness u ye 3 r s a g 0 fr 0 m the following. P ierce Brothers THE BABY CONNECTION. Electrolux Company B e ll Broadway Mortuary 305-A Mein Street. Huntington Beloved husband of Ellen M directors. Beech. Ce 92648 Lora L Moml()(I, 305-A Mein Sobrito. beloved Cather o f "'nllC a.nTICE Street. Huntington BHch, Ca William D . Sobrito. Jr. of 1----r _uo __ m1 _____ 92648 Lon g Beach, Ca .• R obert FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Thll buS•nen la conaucted by •n Sobrito of Eureka, Ca.. NAME STATEMENT lndMduel Edward Sobrito of San •a buTshlnees'so1•10,w1ng person is ao1ng Lore L Morrison ,. This statement was med wllh lhe Ana. Ca., a nd D e lores DRAGON FLV. 2301' Moullon County Clerk of Or•nge County on Sobrito of Tokyo, Japan. also Pkwy, Ste D-5 Laguna Hills Ca Novembel 18, 1982 F202M4 i i g a r e 8 92653 Pubhshed Orange Cout Delly s u r vd vh Ind d 2 Stephan Parmentier. 1691 Pilot Nov 22. 29. 0ec; 6, 13, 1982 gran c i r Pn an Louise.Laguna Buch.Ca 92651 5111-112 brothers; F.dward Sobrito of This business is conducteCI by en Fort Laud&rdale, Florida lndlv1du11 d Th Sob I f N Stephen Permeoher an omas r to o ew Th11 ata111m41nt was ltlecs with the York Cit y. New York. County Cte<k ol Orange County on Friends may call at Pierce October 29. 1982 Brothers Smiths' Mortuary F200'42 on Tuesday. December 7, PubhsheCI Orange Coast Daily 1982 from 12:00 noon to Pilot Nov 29. Dec 6. 13 20. 1982 7:00PM . The H oly Rosar y will be recited at St. Simon & Jude Catholic Church on Tuesday, December 7, 1982 at 8:30PM. M ass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, December 8 . 1982 at 9:30AM at St. Simon & Jude Cath olic C hurc h with Father Thomas ( McCOIMK:IC MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 494-941 5 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Gap1strano 495·1776 HA .. OI LAW ..... MT. OUYI Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5-'(). 555-' ,_Cl llOTHllS 18.L •OADWAY MOaTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &U·.9t.SO IALTZ IHCHtlOH ·SMnH~, WISTCUff CHAl"lf. 427 E 17th St ·eosta M esa 646-9371 PACIRC ¥•W ...,.,.,Al, ... C.mete~ Mortuary Chapel-Orematory 3600 Pact lie V1flW Orn1e Newport 9HCh 644•2700 I ~17-8? PUBllC NOTICE FICT1T10YS llUSlNESS NAME STATEMENT The tollowtng pe,.on Is doing buSlnlSS at• I SOFTCOP. 21901 Kiowa. Huntington Beech, C1lll«n1& 92646 L1urem:e A. Rooker, 21901 Kiowa. Huntington Beach, Cautorn1a 92646 Thl• tx.oslness II con<lucted by an lnCllVICluat Laurel'C8 A Rooker T h11 statement was llleCI with the Counly Clerk ot Orange County on Oct 15. 1982 f1tr755 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, Nov. 15, 22. 2g. Oec. 6. 1982 5031·82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTfTIOUS aUSINHS N.-STATE•NT Tht lotlowlng person Is doing bullnesa u PATHWAYS, 2821 Harbor Blvd • F-5. eo.11 Mesa, California 926211 Wllll•m flay Munar, 2621 Harbor Blvd . F-5. Cotta Meu. C1lllorn11 92626 This bollnen is ConduCled by an 1ndlvldu1t W1IH11n Ray MuSMf This 1t1temenl WU ttleCI with the County Clerk of Ofange County on Octo'-251 1H2. F2G0170 PublltheCI Orange Cout OeUy PllOt, Nov 1S. ?2,"79;-oec.r,1982 5012-82 NIUC NOTICE flCTITIOUSaulMH NAMI STATlfllllPfT The foltowlng per_,, ere doing IXlllMU H ! COURTESY AUTO BODY. 727 L1guna Canyon Road. Legul'la S-h, Celltornl• 9211& I Al PAT. INC. I• Cellfornla Corpot1tlon) Thie ~ is ~ed by a corpor1tlon, Joeeph A. PellllO. Pf•ld«lt Thia 1tettn11nt wet lli.d with 1"9 County Cleril Of Otenot COunty Ol'I New. f6, 19t2, ,__ Publlthed Orange Co111 Oell)I> llot. Nov. 22. H . Dee. I . 13. 1N2 61112 .. 2 l'UBUC NOTIC£ FICTITIOUS llU ... 11 ~STATf .. NT Tile IOllOwing peraona a<e doing boSlnest as· CAMBl\IDGE HUNTINGTON PROPEflTIES, l TO., 2943 Scwlh Pullm•n Street, S1n11 An1. Ce 92705 Cambridge C1pllll Group I• ce111om11 corporttlon). 2943 South Pullman Streit. Sant• Ana. C1 9'l105 This bullnett 11 conduc1ed by • Mmlled partnwlhl!>. C.mbrldoe Captllt Group By St111en L. Edward•. Exec. vie. Prelfelenl Thia llllement WH filed with Ille County Clefk of Oranoe County on November t6, 1982 F2.0:l21e Publt1hed Orange Cout Dilly Pilot NOY. 22. 29, Oec e. t3, 1982 5161·112 IUJLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSIMIEH NAMI STATIMINT The loltowlng pe"on1 "e doing buslneu IS. MR. SMOKE ALARM, 2g&8 Babb SI., C~la Mell. Cl. g2626 Oallid Stewn Davi•. 2966 Babb St .• Cotta MeA, Ce. 92626 Ava Ma<geurq\141111 01vl1. 2966 Bibb St • CO.II Meaa. Ca 92626 Thi• bualneH I.I conducted by •n ln<l1Yldull Oevld S Davi• Thll 1111-1 WU l1leCI With lhe County Clet'lt of Orenge County on October 22. 1N2 raala Publl•h•d u11ng• COHI Dilly Ptlot Nov 22. 29, Dec 6, 13, 1g82 5147·82 llBJC N011C[ rlCTITIOU9 _ .. MA• STATl•NT The folloWlng per.ant ... doll'IQ butlnetl ea: THE POSH COMPANY. 31157 Birch Strffl, Suite 210, Newport &elch, C1llfornl1 928'o L1mon1e Von Event. 10128 Cebrllto Perk. S•nll An•. Celllornll 92701 Ola BHlrlQe fivena, 10128 C.brllto Perk. Senti An1, Clflf«nll 92701 T'ht1 bullnNI 11 cOl'lducttcl by an lndtYldual Lemont• Even• Thi• llllement WH lllecl wtth the C°""'ty CM<k of Or111g1 County on No~bef 9, 1982 "'"" Publlthtd Orange Cont Dilly Piiot. Nov 15, 22, 29. ~ I . 1112 &04'-U -------------860 w tml>e'"' H19hway Suite K PUBllC NOTICE Stea. C•Mornia en that 11gh1 ltlle ___ .....;.....;;_________ and rnterest conveyeCI to en4 now STATf:l111£NT °" A•ANOONMeNT helCI by II vnder 1181<1 OeeCI ot Trust CW USE Of' tn the properly 11tuat1d 1n 111<1 FICTfTIOUS eu ... ss NAMI! County and Slate deSGllf>ecs II The tollowlng person have Lot 21, Tract 3115, 1n the City <1banC1one<1 the use ol the llc11ttous ot Costa.-MeH. County ol 0111nge. business name. State of C1Hlornl1, 11 per map M ORELAND-WARMINGTON recorded 1n Book 109 pages 41 10 VENTURE. 309Q Pullman StrHI. 46 M1ecelloneous Maps In lht ot11c1 Colla Mesa. CA 92826· ol the C.Onty Recorder ol aa1d The F1ctltlou1 Business Name County. Oronge referred 10 above was filed In The street tddreu or other Oranoe County on Aug 24. 1981 common det1gnat1on ot n1d Robert P Wermlngton. 3090 property 1743 l,ebrador Ortva. Pullm1n Street, Coat• Men. CA Co5ttl Mesa. Ca111ornl1 92628 • Name and addreu of the Morelena Development Co (• benel1cu1ry al whose reqvett the Celltornll Corporation) 461 So sale 11 being conducted Oerle R ttoytaton Street, lo• A!!lleles. CA Riordan cto Upllrtd Mortgage 90017 Stl'V!Creo Inc .~ N Centnit Th11 buslrll• was conducted by 1 ve Upland Ca11forn11 917116 gene<ef p1rtn1rshlp Olrecuons to the at>ove ptoperty • Robert P W8'm1ngton may be obtained by requesting Thi• atatement wu hied with Ille same tn -111ng frorn the beneltc1ary County Clerk of Orenge County on ..,llhtn 10 days lrom the '"" Nov 18, 19112 PUb1tca11on ot lh1s notice F1"221 Se•d sale will be maae without Publlthed Orange Co111 Delly ::ovenant Of warranty eapre11 or PllOI Nov 22. 29. Dec 6. 13, 1982 .mpj..CS, H to lltte. POSMSllOO Of 5 t69·82 y,._-umbrances to aausly the unp11C1 -------------1~..iranoe due on Ille note or notet PUBt.ie-ftOTIC[ MCVr.O l>y-6alel OeeCI Of TJUll.. to -------------NII S61.000 00, plus lhe loffow1ng K-o3900 nltmated costs .. pensea 11na rlCTITIOUS au ... s. Ulvances •• lhe lime of Ille 1n111a1 NAMI STAUMINT :>ublteehon ol lhtS NOl>Ce of Sale The foltow\ng peraons are CIOlng nlerNt aue lrorn Febrvary 20. 1982 botlneta u. $ Con11ct TrustH FOOTHILL SOUARE LIMITED Tumea Feet. Including c~ll PARTNERSHIP. 19762 M1cArthur S Contact Truslff 8oulevard, Suite 140. Irvine, Ca ALL. FIGURES ARE SUBJECT TO g2716 CHANGE. CONTACT TRUSTEE • Gregory C DIRlenzo. 19162 FOR ACCURATE AMOUNTS MacArthur Blvd., Suite 140. trvlne. DATlD: No•.mblr 11, 1112 Ce 92715 Upland Mont• SerYlcl Co. 1~. Bruce Col! Conklln. Jr .• 19762 "1 N. Cet1trll Aft. MacAr1hur Blvd., Suite f40, lrvlne, U~. Ca., t17M Ce 92715 (714) 111·10H Thlt boslne•• Is conducted by e Mlldelln• S1rre llmlled parlne<ahlp. Forec:loeure aecretwy Bruce Co• Conklin, Jr.. Published Orenge CoHt O•lly Oene<1I Partner Pilot Nov 30, Ceo. 6. 13. 19112 Thia llatement waa filed with the 5227·02 County Clerk of Orange County on November 12. 1982 Pia.IC NOTICE f201tl0 FtCTITIOUS auS•H PublllheCI 011nge Coaet 01Uy N,._ STAUMINT Piiot Nov 22, 29, Dec 8. 13. 1982 The lollowtng '*'°"' .,. doing _________ .;.6_.16;;,,;5-.;.8;;,;2;.1l>Ullnet8 11: .. -1c NOTICE AMERICAN TELEPHONE ----'""'"'.;..;..-------!SUPPLY CORPORATION OF IC~ SOUTHERN CALIF<>f'NIA. 6 MelOfl STATl•NT Df' MANDOUMl!NT Street, lrvtne. Ca 92714 Of' U. Df' Telepflone, Edwalkln. Anll'flll ftCTITIOUS .,_Sa ..._ & Methodt Corp (e New JerMy The followtng peraon1 have corporation). 5 Meeon Street. IMne. eblndoned lhe UM of the flctltloul C• 92714 bu1ln1H n1met ENTERTAINERS This bu~t It condllcted by I PROO"°CTIONS WEST end .... ENTERTAINERS OACHESTRAS 11 Telephone, Education, 250 E 17th StrMI, Suite K, Coe11 AnllYtil & MethoOt Corp' Mell. Ce 92626 Frenk J. FllU, The llclltloua butlneH n1met Preeldenl referred to ebove were llled 111 Tn+a at•t-1 ,. .. tiled with Ille Coonty on ~temblr 10, 1N 1. County Oterll of Or11191 County on I Drencl-'n, tic• Botlby Kent, l'IO~ 18, tN2 5503 Adobe Felli Ad .. rt 13. Sll'I ,__ Otego, Cllllornll 92120 ~ OftloM Ottlld Gettman. eka Jerry WYllAN. "'::+,.OTHMAN, a.,.,d, 7509 HMlllll A--. Ven l(UCMIL a ~v~.ee tt4oe .,,.,._...., .......... Thll l>utlneM wtl Oonducl1ed bye PllfUel•Rel C:..-"*'• Oenerll Perlnetlflip, •• -""""' ...... .-Chreld Oellmen, 1kl ""'"" ....... Ce. -Jerry Gerard Publl•h•d Orange Coa11 Delly Thia 1tatement WM "'90 with !tie fl'llOt No'I. H . 21. Oeo I . 13, 1N2 County Cieri! of Ofln9" 00\ltlty on 5 ilM .. I November 12, 19112 '·11milA ,.,,.. Put>lltl'l.ct 01e119e Coeat Delly Pttot "°" 22. "· ~ e. 13, 1t12 flee.ta Cell 142• HTI. 'ut • few words lo work for ,ou. 6 4 2 CtASSIFIED INdEX f1 PflC1 ,,., Af. Ca• • 5 6 1 ~ 8 D A I [ y 642·5678 llMf S FOi UL( t.-·· .. 1 .... hllM .. 1 ............. )1 ~·~.!:; :T ::~·n f.':n': ,;:,. II T11<<• l'-e•ftV1llo ...... t11t1\Uft k•i" lt't'UW •••llfl•ll .. f h 1 .. , .... 11111. J•l'-'I\• N'&•wl Ml,\+t-'" "••W ~-r::.::r:" Mii Jua111 t·e,+i.uano M,.9 A•• .., •• ~•(f\ 'wlul" L•cv~• ~?.111\~, ..... IUnAlS 1'4.w~n trur~•Nd llfN'h t'ftffi',,liilhtd ~.\O••u"UtLM Coftdo"nrwumt t\on r~1n1um• Un' l:::::ft~t" (Nplhn •"Urn ltvp•,..:n \Jnf A~t t'\frn """ l:nfurn Alll• f'llrn or l nl lluom• l<OOM . ll<l>ld Uot•lt.MDl•I• GV"'.tolltomu ~mmer Re-ntal' \'MMH>ft Mentel) Mrnl•h loSh•rt• Ger •lh for lttnt Ofho· RwM•I ~t~•Rfftt-111 ·~··•"-•9'•1 :::.-:i: V. •MH MH~f' Jl•M•I• ANMOUMCUIEMTS, PllSOMAlS & lOST & FOUND Af'W'tOUM•fnlPftU t ., ,... .-p- l L 0 T •' L.11.t 'ot.e·n Looi• ......... Pttwneb• ~·aJf"tvtw.• TUYtl• c l. A s s I -F~ I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 SERVICES ~rHff ()lref"t0t) EMrtOYMENT & P.C,AUTION ...-111 .. ,~1-Jo1tw •• u..-t • 11•1' "•"'"' II .t.1• MCICHANDIS( AM~ """"-·--·(IOI\ ::= .... H1•1• C....-••••t.4•~'14 ~ ...... f'r-eP •• , ..... ............ t.1t&lf's...k ---G-,..,..,,,. t.•.UO<~ ... .,,.._) ~·~ .. ·~· M•.H'tll•M'W:i V. 1n4M ......... , ... ,_llU Qlr.,-. rwrft • K'l•IP ...... ::~~~=~. ~-~~:,_. .. , ~ir•cho tt1t' stu.-., IOATS & MAllNl EQUIPMENT AUTOMOllll GftWUt • AatJclYlft c.·1 .. .u1u RHr•aU.. \'flU<1if'• ~.~.~od:t ,,_..u v,,. AVWlA .. l"C ,,_w.,.,.., IM IA m• 141lf I ... JllM I OlllUMLllAI E .. c;ettent fln111c1ng South or Highway Two 11ory two bedrOOfll hou Pu~lllher'1 lotioe1 "" 111 1ro111 Ono bedroom llll 1e.il 11~1111111.11lvurUb1tO urff m rc111r onventtftr 1n 1t1111 1111w11M1>er 1o to •hUIJ• 11nd b•nk• IUbJOCI 10 lhi Fodurul ''99,500 r Dlf Houe1no Act or 1068 IU•UOO Which mnk111 ti tllogul tol•--mmmiiiiliim-- o<Jve111t11 ·any prnler l•---------011co, llmltat•c.n or d1.c:11· m1111ltlo11 OAse<J on race, color, rellqton, H• or 11011011411 (lrlgln, or ony 1n19nt1on to m11ke any au(.h p1eference l1m118· 11on or d11e11m1na11on " I hts newspaper will not k11ow 1ngly accept any 11dvert1slng tor roa1 II•· 1818 wh1c;h II tn v101a11on ol the law IAJFHIT 60 tcet on Iha bay w1m pr1vete pier el'ld lloot lovely tomtfy 11za horne 4 bdrm1 & den Larije brtck pa110 Mollvoted Miller $985.000 l H :: ---------•I -"'°" D.lO llOO 1408 Jjjjlj noo -D08 ZIQo - HHllS: Advertis· ers should check their ads daily and --------• report errors tm-llEDICH TO UH,000 med I ate I y . T he eeau111u1 3 Bdrm home DAIL y PILOT as-Family room eKcepttonal • bultt-1n k tl c hen Rare sum es liabiltty for larger cul-de-sac view Jlflo the first Incorrec t 101 Room to e•pend l3lll lnsertlon only Secure community pro· ».G • Vides pool 11nd tennis la· =l•---------1 clltlles. Catt Marttyn = uOllll 101 Sil• Twitchell lor a st1owlng ~ ?~ ...... ~ ..... : ....... 759-9100 = ,,,, £11111 GEORGE ELKINS CO .., ...................... . = ,,,,,,,, 1002 ~ ..••..•.••.••....•.... ::: REAL R-2 LOT large & lovely 2 Br 2 Ba home located near Npl Hgts. Have approved plans lor 2nd unit As· tume $121.000 12 1'1. loan Owner will help 111'1· once 631 -7370 . 675-6766 ~ llOTIYlTIOIU uoo •llO .... tut ...... w.o -- Owners have sold their bvsrnesa end a1e ready to move! Thl1 beaulllul eas1s1de 3 Bdrm home. on a huge 101, 19 a real Buy end 1vs1 reduced 10 s 155.000 • call loday' 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regular weekly leature BOAT SHOW- TR.\DI T 10\ \I ~l .\I I\ iiE Every S~t~~~Y In tht1 : Daily P1101 Ctass1loeds ~I * ~lO ********* •IAYFllOIT* HAT SLIP SlllY IHCM UH,IOO! :\8 BALBOA COVES. 3 ' bdrm-Oef1·2 bGlh OPCN lijU UAlL'i' 1-o ~ ._, t ,1 ART llOYllETII 00 -.... . ., -----llOO) --Ill& •• ""'' --""'' --lfa'1 ------ IOIO -------- tll( ••• •IJll .... ... •1• "" tt• - IOlt -----aN -- WI -Wl>I "" "'" -ems ..., ----= = = .., ---1114 llHl.,Tlll/tWIH ... , ... .,. OCEANFRONT DUPLEX By owner Corner lol 3br/3t>a & 2t>rl2bl uMs S611SK assumable 172K 1$1 TO. o we 2nd TO 752·9466 &ll&ElllHD MOllE On Candy Lene Recently remodeled with huge ad<I on lam1ly room Floor 10 ceiling used brick ltreptace. welber Mirrored book ahetvea huge skylight Into the dining room. remodeled kitchen. dooble stainless steeJ sink. Dutcher block counters Huge lot with 50~20 storage houso with wood deck, patio, playhouse. etc • cMc Call 548-2313 THE REAL E STATERS • • -. =.:.~-,;IT ~ IHl,000 I Help! Foreclosure" • p 4 Lovely large 2 story home across lrom park Fee !!ppralsel 5182 wot $420,000 AnKIDl.IS OWnef wilt help with hnenclng 1001 144-IOIO LIDO ISLE llllEI Prime Lido Nord bay front. 5 bdrm. 5 ~ bath. Lgl' L .R., air oond. 2 boot slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, furnished, patios. $420,000. PElllllU llllE Oc<-an & jetty '11cws, Mnrine room, 4 bdrm, 3 beth. 3700 sq rt SJ.385.000. Oreanfront Lllll ISLE UYnln ~ Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. ~ bath, playrQQm, dark rm. den. Boat sJ1p Now $900.000 UYStMPUll Spcct.lkular beyCront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up. 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat IJ*'M Redl.l«'d-Sl.~.000 FlllUlll UIOI New 4 br. 4 V-1 bo. cW1tom F~h N ormandy Estatt' 1 2 prime tel"(' hllltOp Sl.260.000. 01111111 UYS Coronado (;land C\llt, beyfront lot 85' 1-t dock. Plana avail Now $370.000 w/wrms . BILL GRUNDY . Rf ALT OR ' ' I ' ---------- • , Oramgt <.;0411 DAILY PILOT IMonduy. O•cemb9r 6. 1982 CllSSlfl 'I'll<• rrm r lr<'I plttc't' tm tlw Or<W[J<' Cou.~I 642-5678 A mon11 1wupl1• ltmktuy /ur t1 f'f'"'"' · 70', read real estal<' clo~ • .a/lt'd ntJ.'f ..,.,.....,.. Arts & Crafts Cartring by Jonine Cards lnv11at1ona Certlllcatea Call answer ad •579. 642-4300. 24 hrs H & H Floral & Crall Sup· ply. 3 loc Orange. Oar· den Grove, Anaheim P T A. Holiday Boutique Tl'lurs. Dec 911'1 10 to 4 306 Via lido Nord, NB Custom & Handmad Gilts Smell & Large Occes1on1 Cordon Bleu Orlldu11te Cate11ng Speclellies 646--0 t39 F1a1s for Chrlstmaa DICK MILLEA MOTORS Santa Ana 567 ·2132 ROUX Men's 11111nloss D11101ust $fi50 J111\ G31·5'115' 7 Special Sports Tours• LA Enrettam lhlS Holldey wllll 1 Boston Bey Poc.ker Rmders va LA Aomi. OR THE CA TE RING CO A Bey boat Fbrgls. lnbrd Rose Bowl OR Super To1a1 party plannrng ser· Make olr 642• t234 Bowl Spaces 11m11e<1 vice 642-5937 Ming Car Finish Giii Call today Pol11e & well groomed Cer1111co1es & Hollday PACIFIC COAST prol bartender/server Spec1ols Cell 754-6404 BOX OFFICE ~~:11 for Holidays, por· CHICK IVERSON 540-3669 536-8826 Steve 645-1426 CHRISTMAS SALE -~~. EXPO BARTENDER . $69 over invoice on all _.,;:;:-G; (~ No 101> too small L•c new I CS 82 Sc11occos Pr ices do not include 1n. GAG GJrTS tor 011'<.t P»th~~ 'Tiit Bou' Adult P11llt1 ALSO Son ta Sulla & Santa Helper Costumes Stocking Stulfers WONDERLAND or ruN 690 W 19th ~I , CM 645-9023 ARNIE 96 .. 8-8666 all 6 '82 A~~:i~~:dar1s for cht: H om~ stalled acces1>011es. Ex1 MICROWAVE New Sharp Sealants. or Fac1ory re· ~rou&el, probe $229 Gag 9''" lot otltce/ bales. 11 any Or choose from Amena lo 1ends. Wonderland or 445 E Cst Hwy NB Llllon Mogle Chet Tilp. Fun 690 W 19th. CM 673-0900 pan, O Keele/Merrjt 645-9023. TREAT SOME 11IODY" Oller end 121241e2 546-6740 -- Body wraps-laclal kits Rent 26' mo1or home ALLIED LIGHTING ~ppckage 644-52!19 sips 8. fully loaded ' 222 V1c1orla-Costa Mesa 645-86 .. 6 646-3737 646-8194 ~ we llave Southern Call· torn1a·s most complete selection or hgh11ng at ......... M t\u.:ll.uu.:ou41 M bt tllaneous •Plants & Suppies •Bifds •Caces •Pet supplies Iii¥£ & GIFT OF LIFE! EXOTIC PUITI: Lge selection or unusual Parr} Goods AK C 0 l D C NG l I$ H WINDSURFING SALE SHEEPDOG PUPPIES M111ral S950 H1Fly S7GO FOR CHRISTMAS UPSpofls(714)631-41 t0t! S350 979-14781----'------- A PUPPY l'OR CHRIST-••••••••••••• pies blk 7 wks old S75 •Hf ,,. 847-8072 ~ MAS • l.abr11dor pup· Roler Skate./· Puppies. ncellent hun11n9 40·10~ WHIRLIGIG dogs, lor more 11110 Call .,, 801 W Bailer. Co1110 675-7952 Mesa All 1kate1 In SIOCk, Incl 979-8§70 Cocker Spaniel puppies Riedel & Suregript for Crirostmaa AKC reg . Octufrtltt blond 642-334 I Wllttl•trkt CANARIES • Singing Ball U&.NA 11'·1110 specimen size plants at incred lbly low Persona li1.c:c.J prices. o t Ae<I Fi11ttthers for 9ttt•••••••• • Ct111slmas (red·Orange) $35 646-8132 Mii Flllllll for smell animals: Free pets tor ,._ __ G •.• •.f.rs __ _ good homes & good ho"'8s lor free pets. 1• 2330 IEWPOllT ILYI., C.I. Open Dally 10-5 ••••••••••••• Newpori Wr11p & Mall Uvc 1825 Westchlf Or. NB t725 Monrovia, CM & ~o ,Coast Plaza. twr lvl "DIE CH DIET" Hilarious stocking slulfer 642-0403 • .. c. T,., .. , I Ellcr••i•c 170 E 17th St. Ste 1 t7 Costa Mesa, 646·3 14 1 Engraved gllls last lore· ver Tankards, goblets. baby cups. p ict ure trdmes, key rings, etc etc Your Complete Ski Head· quarters· Sales. Rentals. Clothing, Ski Ramp NEWPORT SKI CO • 2700 W Coast Hwy. 631-3280 J PUllFIHE~ G ifts for Her compe1111ve prtees Ferrara Roofing Co. LHist's L11cieus Lovelies Homemade gourmet lrull cakes & others 548-1293 Have your Cht1stmas Par· ly on a 44 It yacht In Newport Boy, 640-5159 IEWPORT MARIOR OlllUSTIAS JOU CHILOAENS CLOTHING Handcrafted Batik. 1n- lan1s incl • bright colcrs. adorable, reasonable prices Stella 840·8374 Stop• Ch11stmos Shop! .. l lackrtt• lift She, ... _____ _ Chrislmas Items to loll your Holidays w ith Christmas Cl'leer Come V1s11 Us 4242 Campus Drive Ste E·3 Newporl Beacl'I 549·8550 Mon-Fri 10·4. Sat 9:30-3:30 Holiday Rent-A-Car Low as $39 95/weekend Aot11ns Ford 642..()()10 HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CRUISES. S 10 833-5806 760-2578 Make 11 a Continental Christmas A gift for Crocheted Algan1, va- 11ous sizes Crocheted throw pillows & pillow tops Croche1ei::t Poncl'lo 642-0176 Singer Sewing Machines New Zigzag Models/$95 p & J co .. 548-4425 MOLLIE'S &oll ll•E Re-roof, Repair. Shingle (714) 642-8233 Sparkle for Chr7Stmas \& year round) Linda s Clean g Serv 669-03 18 Going Into Business? LEE'S FLOWERS IALLOOllS FOR lll&llH Holiday Balloon .Bouquets 650-6515, 548-6755 P&llHE Aide In parade In 32' decorated boat with gourmet bullet dinner $25 person 67G--078 I HOLIDAY SAU New mopeds Save $150-$200 Miners·. Ward & Ellis Fin Vly 962· 1922 Ui. llUllEL, l•C. New Sil• & fashion storei..--------leatunng 11Kclus1ve Bllz· zard sf\1s & lamous acl•· vewear Aeglstef lor pr· 1ze drawing Dec 15 windsurfer boots, vaca· uons. more• 642·5630 1l 11 Westcliff lrlvt Westchll Pfiua. N B • • • • e ... . the whole family C . JOHNSON & SON 22 I ~artne Ave B I 675-1572 Tis the sea- son ~ gove real gold A1 required by l•w, new bualn••••• ualng • Flct1tlou1 Bualneaa Name mu11 reglater th•I n•me with the County Clerk. C•ll the OAIL Y PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for forma •nd further lnform•lton. See us for your Cnt1st· mas Bouquets. 891·2569 FLOWERS BY MORAi CIRISTIAS IOU PARAIE AKC Beagle Puppies $169 For Ad Action Call a .. ~,:. • ·ll acenn~ ~coin/Mere 540-5630 448 E 17th Street. Scandia Down Sl'lops Poss1ve Electronic Exir- cosers for hOme/olloce use ,The equ1volent or 1500 sot-up$ 1n 45 mo- nules wh~e you watch TV or read a book ?75-0619, 573.5g39. Costa Mesa 645·8144 Bartending 101 Holiday Comlor1ers etc 2756 E Par:les. Pvt residents Cst Hwy Cdm 1590 S only. Tell us how many Csl Hwy LB OPNRTU.ITY knoctcs often when you use resull-getllng Daily Pilot Class1l1ed Ads to reach the Orange Coast market IALLOOH I ' Fifi Delivered by Santa. 0< 1(1 Kt the Clown Only $29 50 Includes 2 color pictures 15'1. discount lor riosp11a1 visit Details 543-8581 you expect We wrll do Jon Brockman Piano Co the res1 Shop, mlit. ser-897 Glenneyre ve. clean-up. all for 1 Laguna Beacl'I 497-3490 reas lee. 770·9833 -..,,..,-.,,,..-------New Microwave (Amanal. People who need people sriould ·always check the Service 01rec1oty In tile 142-4321 E ... 332 LOVE AT FIRST BITE $189 Ce1hng Fans w/ 7132 Edinger I I t es. New . S 7 9 1,t11[1µma Phone 642-5678 Santa Ana. 842-4611 1-855-6209 DAILY PILOT B••1t1 /or Silt g,.,,, 111 S•lt H••1t1 111 S•lt H Ii S. I -Iii Ii $ I . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -~~!!!. !.' ••.... ~....... • -~~!!!. !.'. •• '.'I....... 9!~!.'. ~~~~ .'!.1t.1! ..•.. ~-.. ~~ .. t ......... 1.1!t f!!!!-.~.~~{!!!! •. !.~~~ f!!!!.!.!.'.!.l!!! •• !J.~! !~!~'!!. .•........ !.~t !.t.'!r.!!.~~!~ ..• !.~~ •••ii: ••••• · JASllH CREEK Woodbridge C'hirte11u for dlt 1100 IALUA ISU•D FUHY CLASSIC 2 bdrm 2 ba den Prlc· Condo. 2 bd. 2 ba. Xlnt NEWPORT CREST ~ ....... E.W .. •P•O•R•T••1• •E'..•0•11••• • lllllCEI TO Perteet Locallon ed under ,,'..arket at loc • l•ile new cond Lowest priced 3 Br • S211000 5 bdrm, 3 ball'!, Includes S275 000 Owner htgl'lly upgrad'd, great Condo for qulcll aale, Bel A ire Home. light MllSSlv ' master surte & large · 759_1666 tine g. owe $10.000 close to pool & tennis Interiors 2 bdrm 1 bath . e prtee re<Juctoon family rm and ott-11ree1 -own. aasume loans Only $178.000 ~4-7424 front kitchen. expand.a 1f thid 11 home on reguia3r parking lor up to 7 cars llVlll TllUCl 55 t-8058 Broke< hv. dining area. Young • 1e ot. Adorable Only 5 doors lrom entr· Slll,000 --~ A.dull• & pets welcome bdrm 0011age wlll'I ance to Main Beach PUii 4 Ullll RIMI· S24,SOO 540-5937 A.gt beams. b r 1 c k a n d This neat 3 bedroom 2be SELLER llL-ATlll! warmth. Price Includes New on market at s575 l'lome with over 1800 sq 1n Turtle Rock 4 bdrms. -Ir Ow•tr-S13,IOO plans t0< new Cape Cod OOO. • II ot lovely pallos and 2'> ba one revel Pro' Tr~ low dwn on this Conv Costa Mesa 1oc home or enjoy 11es11 Is CALL 144-1211 gardens. Owner will fl. fess1onally decorated 'Estates" 3 Bdrm model Quiet adult park, space now. Call for loan details M.m' nanc1a1 substent11I 1st Beauttlvlly landscaped with absolutely specie· rent $115 t + bdrms • ownet will l'lelp finance TO II 12% inl lor 7 ~ar back yard patio cover cular views S575 000 and attached cabana. Call 673-6900 I \ • . tetm A •easeflold estate This is a n<us1 see before 64L4l··7:1 20RUL EST•TE lam1ly room and 11oreo-' , Prl<:ed to sell in lee dec1<11ng on anything • • Terms 545-6010 <1y1. - Wi\TI HI Hll'il, 144·1211 else 5229.500 546-5284 aves 111 IMI ' hoc. CLIFFIAYH OH SllAllE I• R~AL ESlATE TRADE Re41ct4 te SHl,IOO ILH IYY -6JI l4(ltl "' Yl·UlllE-LIT-PUIS AVP all acces paid, yO<Jr boring income pro- &liEITS Not sat1s118<1 wl'lere you are? Are yO<J looking for a pos111ve atmosphere. nice office, secretary, computer, microfiche & support? Call Jim or MaryAnn 10< a conliden- lial Interview at 631-7370 TR,_\DI T 10 \..\L REALTY Put your adv8f11srng mes- aage where the readers are. 642·5678 perty 01 outgrown resid· XLNT L".>CATION with sl'lara owned rn full ence wllh the 18'ge equ· PICTIREQIE existing duplex DRIVE 840·2555 or 840-5188, uy tor lh1s neat rustic IACI IAY BY 2001 Kings Rd and call onyllme and roomy 4 Bdrm, 3•~ call tor details Owners ba home in WALK TO EQUHTRIH ESTATE will sell this week lor be-Dail.xii/ · THE BEACH CORONA large rambling country low n:iarkel price, Almost U · I $. I 1100 DEL MAR LOCATION home with panoramic lf523l'.u4MJ)a•fllVM lot value for a fabulous. ••• .'!!!~.!! .. !.!, ..... with spectacular 180 view or the back t>ay rocilt1on with un· SIPER TU SIELTER deg ocean. Catarina Newport Center and II 1 ~ i /Off qu.esllonable VU Own· Fiil tlYHTHll'. Island and ha/b<>r view much more Fac1hlles lor •• '.'!r.! •••• !!......... ers will l'lelp linar>ce in Pnceo at current appral· a small herd ol hotses. every way Located In a" San Clemente prioe or sal ol $"'75.000 lee access1obackbay1raJ1s ILIFFS IAR&AI• area ot higher priceo ownership. modern Owner has s 195,000 RICI ALDERETIE, lkr, You owr> the land 2,000 homes . II s a g1ea1 Spanish Style 4 unrt apl equity end will carry 2nd (l14) l3l-4444 sq 11, 3Br, lam rm. 2''> valuet SUBMIT l!X· house w1tri oceanlllllls & T.O Ba. wide Greenbelt, near CH ANGE OR 1 golf course view. Close 144-1211 OJI• llts• f pool Far below market -to everything, only 3 tJn NIGEL ~}AILEY &. ASSUC1 ATES ••• •• • • • •••• • • ••• • • • •• S235.000. Will lease op-~ATI HI HUNT years old 8 shows like uon Bkr 644-0134 ltOMI" 9ec. NEWI A new owner could 3 llR• •IE 1--------•I REAL ESTATE occupy 3 Bdrm • 2 bath Sil &OQ 6JI 14()() c1ry 4 ocean VI-apt If •• • Newport Heights Older 2 1~~~~~~~~~ applicable & rent the lest Of Ttr•I· Br t Ba dbl car garage.1: other 3 apartments tor r,;;;::;:;~r:::=:=:::=:l=:==:=::=::::~:==::;. ~ Rey loC1r4lt, IUtr, 50 " 11~ ~61~~ WES TC LIFF Income Seller will help STAR . GAZER•~ 141·1121 461 Santa Ana Ave Time '10 buy.greot loca-:~:~~=n~ss:iv~0~1~~:; t'-=.=.:...:.:.:'"'---11t <.L•Y 11. POU..•N---...--.-1~~~~~~~~-548-5041 all 6 lion Needs TLC Can REDIJCED selllng pt1ee ~ ::;.!:~~'::":::~ ~ CISTA •ESA IPUl Newport He~er 2 LEASE W/OPTION TO of $325.000 Is way BE· To cl••••oo .... uog• '°' Mo...i,,., VA terms or aS$Ume 12°/t Br 1 Ba dbl car garage. ~~~EAHUARAY • MSA KE LOW current rep11ce-•ood-ct.c.,.,_..,•"llro......-• 1 thl 11 A · sking 239 manl COlllll Pr1ncip1l1 o1.,...., zoc1ooc "'"" t'9" oan on s grea ncome 50 x 1 17 1 lot 500 ownet wlll help fin. property 2 Brdm t be s 165,000 ance 3 Br. great lamlly ONL VIII Call owner al each, on large lot Only 461 Sante Ana Ave area. Call to see Harry 1714) $140.0.00. Call today 548-5041all6 Frederick, 631-1266. 142-0131 979-5370 ·-------- .. ......... ., ..... ··-,,_, .,.,..., ·-» ..... ",..,... .. , ··-..... .. ... .,_ . ......,. ..... ~ ...... .,....._ ·- Balboa Chart8f Corp now taking reservations 675-1976 646-6707 PlltlES A CRUISES Will plan & coordinate hohday social eveots 642-0994 SELL idle Items Will'! 8 Dally Pilot C1ass1lled Ad 642·5678. AKC Gldn Retr~evers $229. Lhaso Apaso $250 646-0090 HElllY'S NODUS Teacup-toy-mlma111re 546-2848 Boarding & grooming SiBEA1AN HUSKVPuPs A.KC, Kint markings. blue & brn eyes. 536-7811 Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 LLOYIS HRSERY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newport Blvd CM 141-1441 Spec1ulists 1n HOlrday De • cora11ons Copperfield 1 Flowers t936 So Cat Hwy LB. 494-1173 lldilt Boat H1•1t1 f.,•ill•H H••1t1 Uol•1•i16H ,.,,, U•lu•idH , t """ ••• ••••• •••• •.•• ••.••• • ••••••••••••••.••••.••••••••••••••••••••••• .••. ~! ..•..........•.. C11t• #eH 31Z4 C••I• llts. 3ZZ4 C11f• llt1• J~~! ..............•.....•..............•.•...... ••···••······••••·· I"~ Sp.-14'\.~ on :.!3 At'rl'S + W addluonul J< rl'S • $3.150.000 4 Br. 2ba, lge bonus rm, Bd House and 2 B<I 0\1-111'3 Br Twnl'lse. nr SC ger E'11<1e -$950 cell plex Ptua S A Pool, spa S4S:8155 ' 333 E 21st St CM gar $780/mo. w/d hk· ... 645-8103 No pets up 752-5822 !'!!r.!!.f~~!! .. J.J.~' I II PllV I tltlT 1 Br Traller. privale. u1111 2 muter suit• condo ptu1 Ang, yatd, No pei.. UtH paid No pets. Range & lam rm Front row wale< pd $540/mo 111 plut reler tat plus sec v t e w I 2 2 O O m o 1 e c . 6 4 8 "'. w 1385/mo 499-1617 553-9202. 18tl'l 499·1617 • Sm111 2Br condo nr SC LIDO ISLE .. ~ 2 be: Br c:onc;o for lease. 2,17 Plaza tn S A S•3S/mo lamrm $1700 mo. Bill Ba. 1850 1 1 .. tennis. ~dogs Jim 545-194~ Grundy. Rllr 675-6161 poor. rec No pets Refs 2 or 3 Br. R·V acceSG, ... ,,, u.1.,.;,114 •..•..•.••............ S.•1111 3Z02 ••.••••.•............. Avail 1211, 544-8071 °' lrplc In kitchen Avail 739-6521 now $750/mo Diano I''> Br garage. yard 559•94~ $525/mo Wes111de $495 2 BR, 1 Ba lplc • 641·Q763 Pets Ok rango relrig. no pe1s HOMES FOR RENT Eost51de, resp edits pre-Adlll prel 140 Cabrillo --2~~~~!'.::_J lerred, 2 br, 1 ba, gar· 673-778~ __ _ age $625/mo 673-7544 D•H '•i•I 3Z26 ,,,..,.;., "''"'' lt1•1I Z4otJ •.•..............•.•.• fl'IAVINE111' $750 111'HUNT. BEACH• $700 !Mn 2 BA 1 Ba. encl gar. S~p~~·~·9·r••;•9;··.;,;;; Pvt yard. no pets S495 courryard. retired prefer mo 548·6680 __ red $425/mo 573,~313 SHI Lovely 3 b~. Fa,m SUPER 3 Bdrm. 1•, be home Frpl, Formal Dln'g Palm DeHrl. Monterrey CC Plan 300, golf. lake/ min vu S 189K S tOO as· sum PP. 7141855-4151 '*GARDEN GROVE* home. close to schools Rm & Ceo Avail 1-1183 5700 and beach 546·5605 $695/lease 955-2473 -------PARK CITY. UTAH Twnhse condo. 3br, 2' •ba. J,yrs old S 1861( Terms Lease back 547-6649; evs 979-8209 Oat •I Co .. t1 .. !.!~!~ ...... !~!! t •ANAHEIM• $700 1tCHILDREN• SHPPI .. CHTER No San Diego Cly, lrtple net leases seoo.ooo dwn Bkr 1-433· 1723 YIW&E llYESTIEITS $2000 dwn. 3 Br t Ba, garage, blHns, new Plont (:J 14)141-2000 & rool. San Dimas loca· AGENT, NO FEE lion Assume S70. 150 at ~ii===~=~ii 12%, 30 yrs fixed li-- 646-8844 W Npt 2Br l••dti, F•r•I, CdM 3Br criarm Cron• 1700 W Bay. 2Br • •• ••• •• • • • ••• • • •• • •.. Npt ISi. 4 Br t20 acre rancl'I. San Lu1a (Baytront) $675 $800 $950 $1200 Eaststde 3 a. 2·~ Ba pri- vate patto wlspa lncd backyd', remod k•tChen • 2 car garage $950/mo 1st last & sec 646-3532. WkdVS __ _ El,,,, 32J2 .......•.••.•....•.... EXEC • Br 3 Ba, tam rm sec gate, air VIEW. PBl•O S875mo 720-3775 3Br, 2ba with large yrd • ~ d~1r'~=·~y d8b~r~ !~!.'!!~~~J~!!9..!.~~~ Wilson, call 559.5001 4Bdrm. 2'"»B8. form dining ---------room. hreplace. lease FAMILY •OIE 6•6·0551 Days 4 Br 2 Ba, encl patio. --. lrplc. 2 car garage, No Haol101too C M locallon S8501mo. IHd 3240 631-7370, Ask tor Jim.. ••••••••• • • •• • ••••• • •• ----3Br. 2Ba, dbl garage. xln1 New carpel Fireplace, area Avail now S695 wood beam celling mo 962-7940 Eastslde. ~Y cory $595 ---, no pets 631-0921 2 bdrm. 2 ba twnhse •ml -10 beach Ou1et adult SIPEI llCll comm. Sec. gate Tennl1, pools. ape. gar W ID hookup Extra clean S650 mo 962-8480 ,..., ,, .. _ ·-· •.. .. •• .. ,_....,-...,. •C- ........ ·-. .. _._. \ f >I l I 1l F II ,._ .. E If A Ill .. largest lakeltonl lot 1n Npt Bch Over 20,000 s t lot on Cl'lerry Lake w/4 Br 3'~ Ba home Aec.nUy renovate<! Asking $495, 000 673-7370. 549-3546. Obispo County Wiii sell TownhOUse 3Br 11000 l I zoos tor 1979 appratul value Spyglass 4Br S1650 .~!~!..!~l!!!l...... ot S 120.000. supplied UDO 2, den S 1650 Landlord needs big tax wrlteolll Sez "Rent lh1s-4 br, 3·~ ba. custom pool home.' Gourmet Kii, 4 bdrm, 2 ba, good famrly F0<mal d1nrng. designer area Large yard $750 decor thruout Natural mo Pat 968-7096 .... .. _ , ....... ,,_ ...... ,,_ ..... ., ... ,, .. 1•1'1'111 u >.., '""' ........... , ....... "' .. '"' ··-.. ~~ .. "°"' :;~ •re.-...,,.. 1'4•~ .. .. , ... , ,.,_., ... ..... .... ""' ... ·-..... ·-...... .... .. .... .. ~..._ ... .,_ ,.,_ .... .. -.. .. _ .... ....... ,. ....... ., ... , .._ ·--.. ,_ ••• ,, .. ., ...... ., .... .... .. ._ . ... ·-.. , ... .o., ...... .... . ... ~Good ®Adwmc ()~~ I WONDIW I , LJ 1 r 1 '.I. ' .. •, t ••••••• llY llW·IY IWIElll Coty E/S1de 2 1>1, huge yard Good loans. Lease opt avail Owner an- 11lous S 146.000. 5•8-9475 631-8632 IWIEll -TH•S TR,\l)I T 10\,\1 ~L\I I' 21 fllR·PUIH with water & eleclrlc Bayfront Udo Prk Of • C 107 7141524--0797 688·4196 (S 1700) ••• 11•1•11 f Priced at 9 2x's gross Balboa Coves. 2Br$2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• Includes pool. tennis IHI litit• Byfrnt Condo 2Br S 1250 l•CRElllLE THIS courts, and only 4 yrs • Bayside cove $2200 2Br, 2Ba. ocn view. new In Oceanside lxei•••f UOO ( 2 & den) S 133.900 545.gg 11 Owner motivated Sub· • ••••••••'•••••••• •••• WATERFRONT HOMES •-• Jal• mil •II ofle<a IY IWlll 111-1400 .. IHEH HM.n St64,ooo equity in com· CHillll.. 1011 Ill 2• plelety rebuilt Npl Hgts 3 Br 2 Ba $800 ••••~•••••••••••••••• • • 11 pool home 10 e•change 2 Br, FP, Bal Pen 1600 $5000 Down 4 Br 2 Ba., Poliij';e cash flow wl ta• for Income property Full I Br. bayfron1 $850. rock lrpl, secluded fncd yrd. Very easy 'move-In'. $350 under market. Agt . 537-9740 chg H TIE SA .. View ol ocean· 2Br 1'~ba. guard gate, pool, sauna, gym $800 3Br. 381, bl-level, pvt 2131333-3846 yard, lrplc, new nr S.C . P112a S850 851-9990 Im•• 3Zf4 . ....••.....•......... Nice 3 bd, 2 ba. w/pool, IEITM.S yrd. xtrs $775. lst & LSI, to 4 bdrms. s11rllng al 10'1· dn owe 3 bdrm. den, 1'1t ba. tamrly area No. ot Son Diego Free· 1 way. $98.500 541-8077 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililmi covered patio. vaulted ahelter Income Exlnt fl· Pr I t1 e S 2 6 5 . 0 0 0 2 Br, ocnlml S 1000 celllngs. commty pool. nanclng on an NNN on a 6<45-11554 .IAOIU RULn 4 Bdrm. 3ba. llv rm, ram 1117•500 Call 497~ triple net leased prop loc IY IW•EI Pl., •••••1-1T rm, rec rm, ocean view. Reis. 642·7326 s64o IO $1475. E/SllE llPLEX N-fisting Choice IOC&· tlon In nice neighbor- hood. 3 Bdrm and gar· age apartment. $150,000. Call tor dt1alt1 ••2-12 1111100 1200,000 BIG CANYON CUSTOM on gott course. 20% dn Vacant, •how anytime agl. S 1,095,000. 673-7781 or 780· 13117 fHli• JOH In a prime So C1 loc Can -•5 walk to bch Ideal tor 3 •••••••••••••••••••••• CIOH lhis yr $865.000 s58,000 equity 111 lu•u· 111-1113 sharing $960/mo PlllCEI lllllTI Starrci, l'rlght & Wllll• r~~~~n B~:r~~°r°'1a~~~~ ,,,.., 645-6150 Decorator's dream 8 yr 549• 1 30 lroot condo to eKchange 1tal•••ll 3101 S6 10lmo New carpal. old 4 bdrm home on 'i fOUllPLEX for Income property. Full •••••••••••••••••••••• new or apes, 2 car gar· ~;r,~J"'~nfr~~1.'~e:.'i~~~ E11cellen1 cul·de-uc Pr I ca $ 1119 , 0 0 0 . Nl!W 4 br, FR., din. rm. 3 age. C:loaa to lhe perk. Walk 10 park & tennra. 1oeat1on In Garden 646-9554 fplc, S1600 mo to mo. gard-r lnct<I. lg C.nl'on ·...M~La.an Owner will carry 2nd T 0 Grove All 2 Br's, encl Mtll nll/Fll Agent 673·9060 822 Cent., St. 'JS"' r.-.111.._.__ T h t II It ancJ pay aorl'le eloflnK pa.~Lroof. mar· COMFY .i 8r ancs lam.an.. 3 BR, 2 Ba. Ip, MW pnl. TSl II&.. 141-1H3 u ~llEIM .. c::U~:. x:!.e2 a':, ,J,::., coats. Owner llYI .. sJ. bte counltr tops. encl nom. Fr~h <l<><>ra. low CPI. ger. S1000Tmo yrly •·0-A-E_E_N_f_R_E_E"_-"3_B_;..r.-28~a. model. $401( b•low Now!" Priced el S168, gar~• =rl Income tit T.O. ·want CdM du-F1r11, Ill, 6'44·9805 Lux 3 Br 2 Ba VIiiage rrplC, lrtdry rm, commun• a ktl s240 ooo Pool 500, C.11 now. 11711-5370 s24• G llf'lenclng J)leK Cr"k l ownhouM. near llY pool, avail. oec 15 ~~~~;~;;~1 ~n~I• .844-7424 Bkr • evilleble, WC 2nd. Full Ow~er/Broker 759·1817 c,, .. , ,,, .,, 3111 s .c Plan. end unit. saoo mo, 551·6209 or : prlo~240,000. Cell ---•••••••••••••••••••••• b8au11tu1 view ol c:raelt e. 551_,.766 BHti•fl.. BY OWNER . LIGHT UPA llu/~r 6'4S·6&48 lt•llll I ...... ltMll 11r .. ma S850l mo ---"•ek lH REAL trplc ror Chritl· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 1 bl $650 410 7&0-8045. Univ Park 3 Br 2''1 Bl, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• mH Invite your frlen<l1 Wnt8la11f1 ,,,, ,,.,, ,,, Wt f.IAll .,,,,, •• ,.,.a..J Orchid Avt No pet• C.,I eu1ald• 1 Br q"'Ui'e'I Cir gar, 1950 , , I yr TWI llHMI to an entert11n•r • •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••~ •1 Ii .... ~20·0541 _ Stovellrlge, new cpti/ lee•e $845 844·7220. 1'"' bl 1wnhH. •dull Clreem home 3Br, 381, Tir~c:d~u~•ro~~~=~~c: ""'LIT c;;;;·1;r;;.~··;;;i CHARMING 2 Br, I 8 1. dr•P•• N o P•I• ~875_5 __ comm. walk to beech. wel btr. European kit 5000· 11 3 B 1, BA •••••••••••••••••••••• lrg rm1, beam cell. blk1 $510/mo. 875-7002. 3 br. 2 ba hou.e. quiet blln 1t1r10, pool. etc rm. r, " • lllTI L&lllA o or hwy Q11morou1 b h s 8 50 / & T,en116n'.'· P00 0'w· ~!',"clean 12911.600 511 Irvine 22 11 36" pool In WHI• Fanl••llc .o~••n a 18r condo. Frprc, pallo, 10 c: mo More fltl'liltes .,.-gelllno alreet. nr •chool• OOO ·-Ave , NB 558·41182 or mlnater Bal H'7 .000 coutal ~. CMh prlet pool, oar 1750/mo AV811 &71>·9411t1 the carnpino "buo" Ihle 9'1oPP"1· Hllfi ___ 98_2_·8_4_80 ___ 1648-0811.933·11773 11290/mo •verythlng S 186,000 O.C31.6'44-7211Agl 2 Br, 1 8• Cape Cod,~ lfyouhawacam· 33-07se Make your sh09plng H· --Ett1ma1ed value 1121, (714)772-7281 ---compl remO<lele<I Pvt per lhll'a no1 o•t11no Tr•O• your old 1tu11 for •' ., 'l. '• . ' • .,, !I .l :::? -... ,, ~ , --• ., ,,., by ualng the Dally SELL ldl• Item• Wllh I 000 l'ulty ueumablt no WALKER a LEE A E Find whet you want In b. I C:h • , 000 mo u..O, Mii II now wtth I lllW gOOCllU with • ~!111~·~·~Ll~ITl.!!~ ... ~ ... !!!n!~ .. ~·~ ... ~~ ..... ~ ... ~ ... ~~·~1~ .. !l~P~1:1o~t~Cl~a~u~lfledAde_~L-~D~•="-y~P-11o_t~C=llMl==f=led==A-d..J.~q=u~==P=N:=:...P•~'='Y=8=118=·=5=57=7~.i::::::::::;::::::::;;;:::::::.L:=O=elty==P=''°='=C:l=1•==1f'-d==•==:l:.:87~5~·80::.4:8.-;;;;;;o..~-_j~c=~~ ... ~fled:::.:"':d __ ==::i..~C:l":::·~Md=-ed=-~84:2:·:541:7~·:... •• • I ' f ' ('M 01 ungu Coaat DAILY Pll OT /Mond1y, Ottrctnillnr a, 1 Ht: lessianal Service Direct..,~ ~.~}.~~e!ou~~i f ~.'l.'.1• !!!!!!! •••••.•• 10111, M1int1n1nc1. S11vic1 ....•.••.......••••..• IOt II £/1cl11e1l •..••••............... I I I I 1ll11 111 II 9!!!.~n.~~f ..•...•..... I lill i •! llUf r I' h II 1111 111111nnin..,M11rt1 ~ I 1 I tt Ju t r~!ft.t1~1 •....•••.••••• °'t I I lft f I~ ftJpl ftl ti fHrJt• f tit.ti l'.1 fl I .t i I '. f'J 111 ~!!!~!!~!~I .•......... I IJ ....... II•'""-"'"') At1llljt1t•\ •II llilllllt•I, 1111 t ;110111111 1,4• ll(il.t~ T111 $11vie1 ······•··············· M1l.f' 111,11 •,1•1V1t •• '"' rttlltUlf'1•I <.fH1tl1Uf1 If t h 11.aut111r1 I. 11Jtt1lfll11111 11418 I '1111 •Al) IJ 11, lOJ1w 110 tn tnll DAILY PILOT 1nur11t• b1Jt•I 1.-111111 V1t11t1eh 11111111 i m111111 Poul 1eu~ tit> I 11161 1111 !l11m !at.HUl)UU I\ 'lh!llftt t h1,1u ( 1tlt11 It• IUhlt '"I ... 111 cu •l 1 H) 1111n 1+1t , " H1tll llY 11111 1111~ \I' 1~ I room $1 '•II • "'" 11 \ 111 fhf $!> ( IUUt I liflt l•t t UOtlt t.1pt "'I'•"' 1'1 Vt' II• jl 011 WUI lo. Illy •t•li n .. h !Jl>I 0 111 THC GREEN SCENE Ho1H,.~it1ina RALPH'S PAINTING Ht,wna ''1ii; ·;;···f1·;.-1·;;1;j.. ... , it, '••• • • • ,,-••• • • • ••• ••• • •• t 'ltJll' I ' f I •Ht •l•1d IA t 1in ~.o.o.f!~I •.••••••••••••• llul·•' rl" tuq ,ti 'YI''' lll'W II t llVt•t tlt'( kt. r!'.~'!!~1. ............ . SERYIOE DIRECTORY 00 ll NOWI lu/Jd111 ••.•.........••••••..• CllS TOM HOME llLl>fl • 11\'tK.I• SMALi en JO!lS °l>l!lWl'f'fl hOU~ll• f11•• Comm Dan !>J7 O J4t' 24hr ED 848-1825 11 l ·11•·•••" •.i, :i '"' 1 1 •• '!. ... ~ • ..... ·•·· • .. .,,,,lfll ~ ... , •• I ,, I 1tft11H1hl ,.,, (J• tqf\ I 1• •111110:' '1411 \1714 ROOF PROILEM? M.,•,1 Ulljl•<.h K 14 l111v1111111 S(i A t 1:i1ttt Mt M<irg.111 tM'.J •, 1 Tli Ask fer IH4r• Your Daily Pilot Service Oirecto•y Representative f~!l!.'!!1~ •••••••••••• Remoo 1Rep1l11s LQ retea Ottcks patios hmc.t\I Fr~ HI Stttvtl 752·ll556 142-HJI, Ht. 322 EXPER ca1pen1111 do.is add ns. remotl, lloc~s -~ -Skylights & reµah~ F1ee ~.~~i!!!~!/.~!!'.~!!~'!f flit Oun 841·4592 REMOO SPECIALISl 0001 s 1naiat1ed ovu• y JG Allen Ltc 202752 thing 111 bldg & r1ipi111 J5 Bonded 494-1810 yrs exper Ruh Juory ~!!.~~!~ •............. Driveways. Parking Lot Repa11s. Sea1co111ng S&S Aaphll 63 1·4199L1c Oen Hallberg Grading & Paving Co Res/commt Uc. 3976804 842-1720 ~!!!!~!1.' ••••••••••••• lncorpora11on, busmass advice. Reasonable lees 752-1962 !~~~~~'!!~1 ....... ~ .. . Oll1rl1tt1't Sitters (he'd, bOnded agen,yl 420·62nd St , N 8 C Coder's 8abys111tng Ag11ncy Call 645·3746 Sell Wllh EASE! Ifs a BREEZE C1ass11ted Ads 642·5678 546-44 13 tmmed s101 m ropa11 work Pttndleton Con11r 839-6297 L1c 8 1425205 REMODEL/RF PAIR Storui. oll1ces. homes apts Bldg runova11on. code corr ectlons, etc 20 y1s 1n area Bonded. ms Lie 19180 I Patombu Consll 962-8314 BOAT DOCK REPAIR & Gen Carpen1ty 20 yrs Char Renov 645·3749 £•.11!.1.!.•!!l!! •••.•.•• No Sle11m/No Shampoo S1111n Spe<:lallsl Fast dry Free est 839· 158:2 We Core Crpl Cleanors Steam clean & uphol Truck mount untl Work guar S4f>-37 16 C1m1nt Conc1111 ·······'·············· C """ 111 M11 ''"" y 111111 ~ Willi~ t.u~I w111 k I 11. Jll 10•11 r~o11 !.di .>t1tt.1 Cltild C111 ••....•............... 1 <JI' UllAI II Y WOHk Al 111 A'• 111\11 ', It ti lu•I ll II, Cltitd (ou-"'Y '"""' lull f'tof A111it. it UflliY it.tl,I•• 0# µ11111111! Nwt•I !-lit<•" " 1,111 , All w111k ,111,11 N1t ar1i1t Rt•I~ '>4U Ii 11 .. 1 I' t; '"" 1111 1>1 I J'i'ol Do you "'"'•' •i11t 1 tt11t1 ca111'/ I 11111 It "" 11 t., actt~llll ~ I\ I LL 'I() """ F l 1111u 01 It l 111cJ,1 7f> 1·.!342 '* Sp111tu.1I llJMJll L11111l c.aru 10 lovt-~ \Ut•al 1tl. Gt'Pl,11tl i l. M t11>11tl' 645 61119 Conl11clors G~n~111 ···········'·········· No11t• .. "•9 none ~ ~""•" F10111 A IO l WO U!l ti •Ill 7 14 t;;fb !1<136 he 4:.>!.>111 1 WAY COllSTRUCTIOll LI<. 4:'01!02 Pl:in• f t1t.lt1Lt11g Av.i1l<1blt• 642-1200 f!'!.'~.11!. !f~~1~~~~~~f. CUSTOM Cabmals-Pullm.inl> 9,,, i. Wall Ullll~ 64<' 081! I !J.0.0.1. !'.~'!ll!'I. ••••••••. Supply lns1a11 Rcu.111 Lge '>lllec11on + h 11cJ ware Bob 646-292J 1:11s. IU •;tu ~!)MM I /IN() IU VI · ( 111 Illy OWll Wiii k I J/IJOll t\lhlt;;ttl.'lt fo1111ic1 Tilt ···········••········· I Ullllll I l oµ!. o f olll kin"' P1 tuupt Ht •·•··"" :iblt' "'n t f>-ll 1•1.'~ 1,.1,-U 41 ~~!!.l.1!~".f .•••.••••••• TREES TuPP<'tl '"11wv1•<I ( 11.,111 UJJ IUWU n•uuv 11~ 1 t4lt1 GARDENING WANTED Mowing <'ll111nq 1,11<rr111 • W \, 1' ll' rt 1J f t U '' I ' II maltJS u4;i·'J13/ SAM I UKUMO 10 S G01rd1•n11111 CIPJll UIJ!t Rht•1tl "' ~· ttun =-rul 1.111<1 .... o1p.1 ti4:.-JS40 Ctto,m up~ r11mm11111 SprittkiCr'> M,11111 rre.i t:fsl 64? 26'>7 JAPANESE GARDENER l:IJ'I .035 111.IM 1.Allf llf.f!All jltlllll ~bl\J I II" II I I I ,.,.. ttllf 7'> 1 rJ~ tlr • 11 WINU l>AMl\r ti H1•µ.11r:.1H1·1ttt1•l Nc1 111h h•\l ,llt tH I 1• 1 ,,., ••• t I 1u<J ( ,1 ~ t'llli IJ4l1 It,.~ [.ro1 • u uc • U "' .1~1 1 f• air ot ftt ... n•• t1J1'111r~ n... lfl nhlt' No I' b \(HJ .111otl b'•O \O't1• PV• f) Uri.in ~-!~~~n~ •••••••.••.... lUll.ll J 1r• ) , r ,,1 ~Juv1 ''I C.nli f,11~ I t.11 I 1<11 I IAUL 1Nt1 (,rtl\UINl.1 tlt•lllOlllll)ll 1 lt•,1} 1( ( '<1f c ft tn h tu\. ft'flll•v ti Qu•tk ••tv t•<l• 71.!\n LIGHT HAULINI, ~ I.I F'All·l 1'5 ~IUU l.l'>I 042•:iu:J7 Ir• ''ntQv t.hnu up tluutmo In.nu cJ • , •• w-1L• \•4."·31:'!. 1>42 :. tl<i Lit• 1nlfu' Nr1 JC•O 10\1 h1•i IH .,flltt'l r •f~ l•'h.&hh It ,, ~ ,, '" J 7 l.l.t 1 SPARKLE PLENTY L " . 1 IAI jl .IN/. lllll'f 1111. .!P .. ~~~t'!~Y._........ v •IA t 11•41 it1 • l• ~ I ,. f 1t•I rt I tlf JI ~~'!~~!t: .~~'.~~!~I •.... *A· 1 MOVING* It I <ju.1111, '• Y' •'<1-t <.un•J.1·•ltt1-.1 , Hi fJ11 owt rh"'t 730 IJ',J AllC MtJVIM.i ()11IC ~ (,; tit Iii <;, I ~I\, I '"" I th ~ !I;.> IJ·l 1IJ Sll\llJftll, c Ott rr.1 Stu I N il> MOVINr .. CO Ill 1 1~4 1Jt In u1• 11 ! 1 I 81 7 WA,' 11 tJ., ( .111 )'tJI If f t C II C1 f I U I ti:i I 11'10 11(.>Ut INC. Ill f'AIH& • t11.1ll 1uti•. OK rrou Wl WA•,11 Wltll>'>W' I u ,, f'101_,_.,,,,,._11 IJU.rlll/ WIJlk flll1llllllll•11d I 11•11 lt~lifrt{llH 1146 7'.lll l " mu''" r 111 lorn or1----------1 1 tJ• ~ ,4, I. 'I;! Roof leaks re1.1irtd ' I 1 7 lb 1'>2 3?3~ Stitt Law Rtq11irt11 lit II Ult 1.01111.r< 101 wl\•1 j>t•olhtlll WOtk O•f•( 5200 111r.ll1d1n11 luh111 1111(1 -111111111111~ 11111~1 110 h • JOHN HENRY c 1•11•.1•d Unll<o•mi>ud 1,.1111 RtOMl/Htw 11,11.tor'> ~lwuld •.o !.Hile Lie •nW 541•8213 111 lh1•11 .icJver1t~in11 Con ltittl01~ aml con\u111er., =-=------'1 emmrcT·MMy ~MO-al StJcrtt•ril / Strvicti 1 /141!'>!>8·4066 w11h &n~ ····;.;t~;;rssiONAi···· c~vo•llfJtt~ ConttdC.tOf J I ( IH l l\111Al SfAVIC( Shih• LIU!llSe Board 2E: Ctvt<. Cu111ur Pl u .. 1"1 '"1 11• ~•u<A.O~· 1'14 &J{,i Roorn 6!10 S·•nto A1111 I I ~ .... I f RG 48<1.' v I Sewina/Alter•lions CA 92701 Pl b* ·····"'··············· .. ~!'!.!'!!............. unr :.;SMAt\rn & 24h ED 848 7825 1 A'>H•ON orstGNEA r • , ,.,1.,,,,.,11111, 1141. 11447 t"• required by law. 1• 1 w.-1 .. 11 ''" n 1new bualn••••• I"'' •~•.g r•• '""ll 6 urn11 Tiit 1utl ng a Flctltl out ' JJI'•' J• ' J ., o l:;~;,~~·i1j;·1;,~~.;1;~d·~~l Buatn111 N•me muat "'""' r •• 'V'f~"''~ Im lypt'' At•b C•l'>tom lr•gl tter lhet name Painlina "'"V'"' lly lJSt. 1 JttlH Gam m"'~"'' Dave lwllh the County Clerk. • • • • •• • '• • • • • • • • • · •. •• Y""'" f'lt1111lo1o1 G<.i• tllO 10b2 I Cell ttMI OAIL Y PILOT Fl~E PAINTING ~I I I -. 2 ''•0 LEGAL DEPARTMENT , , r 1 ., J 11 , , Hu • r ,,,. • 11! I .. 1 n Trtt Se111ic1 lor formt and further . v· 14 , ,, .... ,,, I , . l)t r:.~:·~·:.:,:·o:u·.:.~·y·:·a 1,n,orm•tlon. tor. •I ( ""t ""'' ' lol)d ProtJI rn SOI~ d 642~21 ll1iln> ytJu Lil 141•• ~!J!'J.~!~~~s •••...••••. Lie; d ~ lns d 'j'.j(j 0014 I Elll. 332 lt.111•., I 111tto11 I 1C"RA1Nc.u11(R rn11 1.i111es1draw1n the l •J 'l''llll{t}j Sr l!L r ti•~ -i.I p1 d t, I Ul'U·ll 111. U'.144 7£,4 W11s1 d Dally P1lo1 A .. • I II 111011• r1J11s (17'3 53711 I ) l"I) l"~I I 62• !162"' Cl •l>Stf1ed Ad 642 5678 DOLLAR DAY oo'uGH SAVERS . 3 3DAYS for your 11111-good refrigerator Sell yo,ur no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 days FREE. One item LINES • per ad, must be pnced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details (Non-refuncJal>le, ~ llnff 1 1.CICI) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 ~~~!!!. ¥~!!!!'.i! ... t!... ~~~!!!. ¥~!!!!'./! ... ~~.. ~!!.~'!'!!~!!.ff !.1'.i!.~~~ ~l!.~1!'!!~!! .f !!.1'/!.".~~ IAp1ttJDtn 11 I Ap11lm1n 11 !~!~'!! ........... !J.~t ~!.'!r.!!.~!!f~ .•• !.~~¥ f !!!!. !'!!!! ...... !.~~t ~~.'!t~!! J!~f 1'. • .!Z~~ · · .~'!!~!~!!~!!........ . .. ~1!!~!~!!~.t.~ ...... . Near new. 1mmac highly Exclusive Wes1c1111 Vina Fu1n 1 Ddrm ap1s '5385 On lht1 bl•o.1ct1 hotel 1 Cost• Miii 3824 Cost• Hts. 38Zf upgraded detactled Dover Or. mas1et suite and uu Enc giHORP room opt k11ct1Uf1tth K ····~····••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• home in Woodbridge 2 w/lrptc + 2 Bdrms 2 Ba 2 110 Newport Blvd CM Dillh lu1111~hPd S:>~O I\ • ~( 0A VfADt !\r 1 • l 1 fl, Cf,'"""•'"">. It ,tl er & den, a111um w/ spa. pool 1acuzz1 etc 548.4968 up + o .. ~, ?30U w bo.1 Nt•wl; tJ•• " ·"''" )<.. > •"' •, ~ .. oo "' maintenance free yrd $ IOOOi mo 573.3313 f' 75 DI 0 C tl 111 I 1 n rt I N fl NIJ IJf'IS U~f!}74 ;fj.l . !'.! 1 Lake. poots tennis ---.; mo -mobilf• nm 6'J 41 ,.i I 1 r •!Jf1 g S IOOOtmo 97f>·3972 Mature aou11s no 11815 P• IS to n S.3 ' Eves67f>·l558 "ARIORHD Quiet st>cure l99I OCEANFRONT lo(11tat1 1>-iO•On C&T&Llll& VIEW Newport BlvO 646 8373 bd L B b 32 I • • • 2 rm , 2 ba, weekly, l••lfl t•C 4 Charming home w 1 Ternl1cCondo12Br 'IB.i monthlv •ti'( June, E;:EAALr/ai:v '3''8,''21 '"eplace 2BR 2BA on s&para1e entrance po<>t 1 5 2 • 'g • 6 6 0 r ea lrplc brick pallO Chll Or Also included 3 CluDhouse S"50 mo wil h spa st 600 mo mar v111ous a pan ment 673-JJ IJ 650-0881. 675-3067 • over lhe garage • Te-Oetu•t> :? Bdrm h it " -1 nanls mus1 be over 50 v Furl'1st' I P 1 ta or !>cu 2 8r. den. 2 ba, tr pie d/w,! NO pol s SI .200tmo dSwhr !lbt.1 tdCUZZI (Jn d10 .:>wrt y '"' Pru 1!1 Ap11lm1at1 Unlu1nisbtd ....•....••.•........• . ' I Ap11lments Unlurnisbtd >f.t."!e~! ! • ~!!£A •• !.'!.~ t;(I I ! l • Al •I ~. C..cinuo '"111.,1. VIII ii Ht1r1tJI: u7!,.M1 '' Book.,· t•·" 2Br 1 tia· w•·lhlt• 3~4 E U&lh06 Bl•O 11.i,.O mo /, ,,,., 10 OCt:Jll llt tia, 11MO 3612 !i 10 b M F 01 u.-S !to[IS 10 D• iic11 Si'2!t1" o Pro l) I'\ 1-1 uJ (142 'lfl:J-0 I ~P.~'!'! ........... !.~q~ ~!.".~'.1!. !! J~!!!. !.~~ 1 l•r "" h?>ehlcJ '"" C M Femate roomma1u wanted )r 'o() inti u11 ~ 64&-4987 10 Share 3 bOrm bedCh· 11 6 <IOpm tront ept Non arrooke f1,.11u1 Rm N B Ktl r.>riv Ins Pt1onu, Poot f •·11111i. Ct. 8001 g, Stps to tx:n. U111 'I µd • 5295 r;:11 6223 772 3G95 HO<'m stir 8d pool Npt B1.h ~11 priv1teqe5 $225 Prot person Oosired S310 mo Avail 1mmed 548-4 148 ON 'HE BEACH NB M•F 10 !.fir home lrptc w 10 elG must s~· Call Judy 650-1105 Mb :.''>90 Pret 35. older romatc to sh• w/M'F CdM 2 Br 1BA .. pi"Qar super etean well IOCllted spuce Avotl Dec 2' NB Condo $275 mo nos\ soo11e1 $262 $0 675"9643 f,ol IQIO • (714) 847-9595 plus hall ultl £.7:l-f>254 Reliable roommate .. ant "o•' • ,,, ~o l• UL fl••w•>O•I GhOll'li !1up11n 2 I'd 10 snr 2 er home '" u ., ,. , I room tor rPnl Costa H 8 • Nn·smkr 20·30 - microwave trash comp., Barbara Aune 644-6200 b 11 w "u S 4 5 O "'0 1t-s1cJHm... S.JOO mo spacious wood decks 826·5147 548 9Q:>8 180 ot:a1an1cyn views untlngton Sunny 1 UJ Jt-1 on Penu 51150/mo 494·4576 Bt•cll 3140 ~ H.oil ~l< ~""" f:ltwr ~1,rtttr W~·"""' fiO? B.t 0 VJ fiptc 2 Mtt~.r Manny r L:;cicl c11r 1111 <1w11s1rs ~78 ~reler Fem 52t5 & u11• nl'-"....,..,Y Alli er;; 17'.4 5S&-2..,r•• 7,.__ • __ MARINERS WALK BAYFRONT f'ur•l ' •om ""v hom" M r \hare CaM homt $1250 mo water pa Agl 875· 104;> 3Br. 28a, pool.~[ ··,·a··u ... ·.E·s·E··R·v .. E··,·T·!.. rrly S4" m " \ 1 i <. ~ tH 1 J• "" _ • roo ::,,.,, G.itP Nr OCC A "'' 12115 S37f> mo 11p1S encl DM trptc N•ai ~·,,c•ou"' 2 Bd• n1 01111 s;o~ s 100 d p Call v -Hunt Hrbr from $54'> 11p1 Spf'Ch\Culor view 631·3910 6f,o~;·~:l Eves 6 ·8 pm 494-3788 Bl!aulitul II park Ilka wilh Beauttlut home 3 Br 2 Ba terraced pool L11.••1 Nil.Oil 325 2 car garage. pool spa •Spac1ou~ Ap1s Ctttldron OK 840·6807 Bvaut!lut g arden,, a•id C.o\la Mesa . ctose 10 a.inoy b<'ac;h Overloolo,• DCC. Full prlvlleges Se king creative peopl11· •• •• ••••• •• •• ••••• •• very private. 1 ye .. r 'ea * Pr1vJlO Pa1•0 3 Br den lamrly •m se 5t350 mo Ava1t Jan •C.o••·•t'<I Pa1k•''l \olAOOOX APTS & •' b• A tll>oa 1 1.,nd '>1•1'> 1v111I s27~ incl Uhht e 011enled Fem 1oommate '' c <iu L' 1>u11ounum•n. 11 • No pol I ot 111tor ~9 7J9~ to st11 lurn 2 er apt w 11on 10 buy 831-7343 _ ----3 bOrm. tam rm formal •Wei>'" Ctos"t!. $875/mo & secunly Op~ 1s1 7141770-0347 * Otn nlJ A11>,1 t 150 $' 8-t:!-8788 rr I '" 7!!0 091'1 l t kyllle $280 Cost.;i Bt I " 'i t ., I Br Pvl ba Bill boa PPfl1n Me ll Debra 548·398 1 •OlllJ < f llH>t$h<>d -Ntwr.rt Bucb 326 d•ning 2 , ba 2 ca• ga• *Hom" 1'~ 1: KilcN•nr. S~~, ·;~·1;~2·~, .. 2·;~; pool N1c.e Greenbell ~t!~:~r \~a~s~:,•::9u~O~• l hpl $2!)()/mo 673•4743 Lu> Condo-Harb<>< R1dgti 0 in o .. Ally will shr w/non smH conoo IOI Hype oen w ·1 Subm•l k•ds '5 1I50 mo Ir N'fS r.1 t Room tor rem n1 noc~ a 1. ~550 mo + 752 9442 wet bar rrptc open 750•504 l UTILITIES FRJE +-------=~~ H'un1 Sch S'50-:mo dy'> !;4'0·2134 ev1;s beamed ce11tngs manyl NEWPORT CREST 1 8d•m from $515 e • t r a s S 8 9 5 I m o Agen1 nas 2 spec1ol con- 848-7452 or 84 1-2880 T ow11nl>e untuon d o s 2 & 3 B r ' h om S650 Spac 3 t>r. 2 1 t-a very S IOOO/$ l200 645·0295 l A OUINT A HERMOSA clean twnhse pool 109· 1£.211 P.ir1<Srde Ln I bl~ gong. etc $800 mo Agl Su Cltmtatt 3216 W ol 8P3Ch 3 t>li•• s 544· 1440 ~:ii·s~d;·~;~~·;,~:;3•t,; 01 Eo1noer 847 544 1 2 Br collage, Newport convert den & maid s * S3S01mo up Baell I He1ghls. lrplc redwood quarters $2000/mo & 2 Br unlurn & fuon decks. brick walks ~13/44<1-2628 pool spa 18992 Flortun woodeo gar $750tmo 842-2834 842-3172 Avail 1· 1·83 645-6625 Su Jau 34 MOTORBO.l'T SLIP ... ~~('!!~'.'.'!! .... !.~~~ 1 ~A~D:~E~o~~~~Pil 3 Br 2'• Sa Si:!CUrily AVAILABLE NOW $5:25 880 no pets. lurn a•a1t gates. $121'10 PP tmmaculate2bd condo. (11•)8U·9595 759--0588 all ex11as pool 2 ktds 808 1 Holland Cr HB ILIFFS OK no dogs 831·9303 Btwn Stater Warner 3 bd 2•, ba. 2000 sq 11 ~~·6019 oll ~ach Nr pool + 'enms club So11tli L1aoa1 3216 L•autJI BHcb 3148 $1000/mo 640·2364 ••••••••~•••••••••••• ••'••••••••••••••••••• ----------Lease op11on 3000 sq 11 Lu1u1y stud•o lree HBO 3 l t4roo•, 2'h lta Gated area 1ennts phone maid se1v spo pool. spa Reing wash II courts ocean view Sl30 wk t199-3015 dry $750 642-4446 S2000 mo 5$1-8215 pdltmtnts Unlurnisb1d ·········•············ 81/bo• Jil1nd 3806 .••...•.•••.....•...•• UYFRONT Littltt pi.er J I r.,. OeluAt lllJ 18• lq.11.: S 1800 mo l.75·3067 BAYFRONT lm1S1d. Possession Fu1111 .hi'<! oc unlurr 2 mos m1n1mum "nl.ll fl(CUI IO< $ 1500 1n(J Ow"!!' bd4 9S 13 81/1>01 P1ninsu/1 3801 ····•·•··········•···· 2 Br 2 88 y1ty Mtilurf non srnkrt. no PN S tl10c .+ dPp • 213 7!l9 4 l!IS 257.979:;! or 171 ~ 673 3851\ ---ew101I Bucb 3169 BLUFFS CONDOS OCEAN VIEW 2 Br. deck, •••• •••••••• .. ••••.-•• Beachlron1 Bach 011 Pt" Two 3 Br 2 Ba one-level Micro. lrplc Priv Sch CEANFRONT Dix 2 .r Sr 1n SJOO mo ISi II l.i•I homes on lusn greenbelt. $795/mo 496-4692 e y week o, mo n 1 n 675· 7122 ~~';~5 P 0 0 ' e 1 c C01tdomi1t-ia-.-, 1•617•3•.7•8•7•311iiiiillil••~Co1on1 dtl Mat 3821. F•111i16H 340011 •••••••••••••••••••••• e1ut1s Jar 2 ~ ba Fam rm •• • • • .. • ••••••••••• ••• STEPS TO OCEAN New decor Large patio bee. 1 ... , .. Conti• Larg• J er 3 83 m 1n) Pool $975, 760-8384 Oen Pool, jac. secunty amen111os S 1100 C.rl FOR LEASE gate Close 10 So Cst Dorothy ll73·7975 3 bOrm 2'• ba exec Plaza t yr lse $450 mo home with pool prol re· ~ 759~ __ Clean 3 bdrm 2 bn dphc patio ger tftras S'•SO No poi. 7 19 Hf'I 01rope ooe" 972 9406 m04eled All n11w apph-C d · · 0.H.IUlltrl I\ I I dVAtl f Olol p,1 11\11 J rm r~o ~ .. ,. Imm• o C · 011 BR<;hl'lor $31!> '2 er $$2!> 4r,5 w 1911 St rSL M11rol 641) 81?2 Soac•uus ? 81 t OJ TowntlollLfJ ,,,.1f1ph; Ci S•Oe No p.•I\ I i; " ll r bll ns S5'1!,,1mo 'S•1rr11 Mgrnl 64 I 1324 FIRESIDE COMFORT L11<e nu tqr 1 tl• •I•' lrple d"°' fJ 11 S ·~~ •IP Pa110 or r.;11co1•~ Poot ,.. IPri No pQI ~h!>O H <11.1 Mo~.1 P111US 544 '2H i S.'.186lm11 1 01 p,1110 µoot I .... r~IJ'1 •W P• I 326 J 17111 Pl 64&·!1137 11 7 ences Harbor Island RO oa om1•1••• s 1800 mo 1 year lease Vnl•raislted 3425 979.7300 before 5. •••••••••••••••••••••• t Br Gnroen Apt Nt<wl~ $395 1 Br tP.lrtg pa110 blk b h no µets 1clults prl'I 966--0550 alter 5 o Da-llEWPORT TERRACE FURNISHED de' ' s IO l'tlC 7Jt-0 18111 SI 673•7787 $550/mo 675·9496 2 \1 1 [ ' I I I $400 $4 u n" r.!r:i4 IA ll< :l 8 1 Bii ~er, 011 11 01, 1m HM r oo!I c:our•• ,,,,,~ •l• ~ ,, ,, "' •;L Ju1111n TSL Mcmt 60-1603 fir (I l ur p • u 11 .,11 011 ,,,, C1<fpu1 I 111t1rv Im not ' "r '':'1 W Wit or TSL M cmt 642-1603 VILLA MEDERA ' l:!r < 601 l.1ttuly t !tt-1.t'"~ dol>hw• her & cJ•i J2PMI tMCl\<I 0•11ag,. ul ts paid S~:JO/mo plus S300 dupo!>tl 2324 El<.t en 548°4117 !'. l&l~1d1 U Ch~ or Bf'ilT•f"' r.1 •·nu Fn·rtCI dOOIS 111 PllVltll' Olllor. tarqe k11r.h .. 11 f, full b.1th A'"" Jan :.>n<t .$~6" mo N!! pets ;~'} .~~o I llcJ t .. a I no,. "'""'' • 1101 'AIAlt!r furn No Pio1 SJBS •ie I M $S IW Omo f,,46 3627 Sr ,, 10 "· 2Br rn oc11 ' "• P•• yd r 1110 aao S!.r.C> mo 841 '! 1t,l 2 bclrni I t 11 l\'Ynhstl I $4 I~ • i37~ Ol"r• N• 11 .. acn Alvd at Mc.F.1rl Ct!I' 01• 1•1 olth • perso11 p111r 1.1 no 1·•1' 89'3·4894 12 111111 1 Oii nci tr lx:Dth ~ ds Cl'f t• P• IS $00 IT'o0 Q6().(: 112 l Brltm I h S•GO 1'11~l!ITI 'I Jt 0-7 71<14 Nt wmJri Ph ti4b 4<;<.q OCC:ANF RON 1.cu~1om o .. co• J t" 2 11 111 1nfln1tf• y1tyS1200 m<> M 11 "" PP•r>ons 7400 W O n•u11 850 9192 lltlPt rx ~ Br 1 f3•l d/w l"di"r WALK 10 B(ACH S.i.'!> ma ~62 49 IA 1Hi4 86il6 ~----Ocv,111 honl, b11.&I N"w· ()01 t locot.on J fir 2 So nt .. 642 J 8!iO h~ ~ 1010 /111in~ 3844 !~!' .. ~~t."!!!'.'.t •••• J.~?~ • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • rt-4>.AC!i .,.e.arly new o/v '' ti ' 1 C. J ; B ~ <It , pool 111 beach ltoJ dt" ll l• A C p.it i,,,, No "•'I~ 1198 6277 $700 b CJ 6113 I " lo1I 1 II I, hlk 10 bCh. L11.un1 8uclt 3848 "1111•en g oe1a OK •• ................... Sl'-0 4••2 6617 01 OCEAN YIEW 11~4 u2s OCEANFRONT Sllfll• An• 3880 ..•...............•••. '* * ~1:11 tB.J. otl Md.C.Ar· 1i.ur So C!il Villa' 5560 mo 646·46b7 1 t" 1 I MJr.Arlhur Viii Avn•I Now $475 1$1 & '"''~ '179 :2390 veoport__ 3 bdrm. 2'1 ba condo, 27 or 3 er. Westchfl. avail now Sand Oolla1 Ct Highly UNFURNISHED 1 er yard ga1aqe Ne 1 Bu11n l tit• r•oot 1.11111· Most ••ltganl dlll t Id $1000 Harry Frederick, upg11rded W/S"ll pauo ALL UTllJTIES ch 11 d re n or p 11 ts dry. 11<1ult1 "" rtllS 1n Laqun.1 D11eth t11ws1 Ap11tme11t1 futnisbed or Unfutn 3900 ······s·tiwiMo······ 1 0 t . 6 3 1• 1 2 6 6 0 , Stove. washer dryer. PAID. HEALTH $4751mo Agl 720 0740 S 3 8 5 ll:JJ • i 890 or IOCilt•on m rc-v,cn 1>1e II dishwasher Comm 646·1947 111~1no v;c_..11. ill bu•lt••n• VILLAGE 548•5508 poot, sauna. 1ac No lse. CLUB S. TENNIS Costa Mtll 3824 111 1 1'!1 nitr•n 11.11~ 11111 N) h«t1IA<1 rool liul g.1rogt! TYrb?WNT no pets Avail Dec: 1s1 SWIMMING plus ...... ................ PPts s.v':o :;, 11.1 <12Q 1 01 1 11: •111 or t •w'i• n ntv N• w t .\..> \Jt.11111 t11x111v " rnu11 $700 mo 213·433-0502 ... ~ ..... B.llU 64" 'J8'.7 $850 0 up 11·•~ 111 1 •pl'"~ 1 BcJ•rn iu•t4. Ptu. much more! Sorry, -.;;;cau 13·1 c1111 c ~'l•l-A08l hom S!.•O l l•cJ1111 hom Nr So Coast P1a11 ts Md I l ty :'So £l4!1m <.1Jilno• Miu fqwotiou~P trom FURNISHED or unlur-Sharp 38r 1,, ba pool no pt . O es 8eau1tlully landscaped 10" 01 ..,00d lhrvout N t B It 3869 q; 5 n1shed. 2 mos mm•mum and t"cuzz1, 2 car gar. open dally 9 to 6. garocn nplS Poot II Sp.i 2Br nuµle• wlan1' ()" I SJ"O .,.,, r. •• t.'!t~! .•. !ff......... It + pootA If'• n1s rental. Excel 1oc(lt1on ~ PattoslcJe<:l<a No Pttlfi A"dec ouod ne1p111>r.r tmv '"' " ""' ' ... ote11.111s. ponU"' Ga~ $1 500/mo Owner pallo.$625/mo Kids& Oakwood each11tor $39!. hood ~!')111 . {;1111 MJplu f''1:18801or WINURRENTALS f )1C:00~1ng/\1te.:111ng 644•9513 pelS ok 556·&t47 _ 1 Bdrm s,475 559.5001 'i4ll·'·~;h .) ~ 4 H• C 10~1 tu"'''" 1 1>111d f1u1n Sun 01ogo Haibor view Homes 3i>Ci: Ar._rl•Hts r.,.;11,,, Giirden Ap~rtment.s 22so vonciuard540·M26 Lare• 2 IR, 2 bi t ro .i1111u 7. er tfh. ~11~~/ :','i'":~u~~.~·~~ ~~~;,,, ·~~·vs,r.:;,r~!~ ~~ 2 ba. lovely home, pool, • •••••••••••••••••••• New,ort B~<Kh/No. Wutk to So est Pt 111 d~hwr W sidfl Av•11 Oroku< F 1• •914 Sae w 1 n n v 1 11 Jo l.l gerdener $t 200/mo ~!!~'.f!!!~l. ... !.1/M 8801~1neAvt ~ai~;~ors ~:~g Sec.C.u11.• Fulleml.l1t•l•4'S ~,.2/6~jf S•95 irno • tllilia'> ~198 Av•ll 1115-83. 6~64~ Yrly l lny but charming ... (ii l61h) 131 E 18th 646·68 Ill ~~°i?11&"~ 12~ I 640 216" •• ·~. ;~~·~· r•.·li' •tu Rooms 4000 Newl>Ort cres1. 2 Br con· licieney ilpb~G ~·from 645-1104 ..,. 161 f, 181h 642·0866 Dan• Point 3826 I:': i!U.• .................... . do Dining erea Allach bch. 5300 mo Avail Jen 1 no irtrrct r.mmmm11y-• • .. • •" • •• ..... • .. •.. u.G_UiiA IEACH 011, pool. tennis Crl 17 1 675·6022 N«wport B~uh/So. llR. 21R. 31R. pool, apn "' 5o ~-· f'llM OCUM vrfW C.OllNHW CLUB 1 IVINC:.. MOTOR lllN Wrld Goose . SupertOr to . , .. ---1700 16111 St Newly decor GA\ pcJ $476 6U 8~7J 0 II• I r oint ,.,,ht IN NlWPORl BEACll Wkly l l'rtl .. t~ $9!> up Ticonderoga to· Wild I I (•t Oovtr) encl ger dw!lt•r 11001 Wests1'111 "I Br atov•· & Cludrd .. "'' !>lull Like fill•O'"' 1111 Udrm Colt>• TV frnM 'olle~ o 0 0 1 e S 8 5 o . l 1•i1tul1 3101 ODq no 111111 642 'J07.l n• w' Onlv • un•I> .:. 01 AP 11m11nt~ .... • 3 691 7537 •••••••••••••••••••••• 642·5113 Hllriqr nt'wly thlC01,1l"ll wldlln Xtre hg pri•nln ~ Townhou 111 httlll~CI po(>I 3 !tlf'PS to .11 l'-18 0272 wknds Hot1/1 Holtls 4100 ······'··············· SUURK MOTEL Wl.ty rt•nl•I~ now 11va1I $ 10~ & up Colo• TV Pflonc:s '" room '1274 He ... µort Blv(J CM 646 744!> rt:MALE ROOMMATE Shar" lovely N B home 5300 lnCI Ulll 645-9515 Fem•1e roomate wanted 10 s11are 2 story 1own- h o u 1 e S285 mo 6A5-5866 Stu 1Br m 4Br hte W 0 kll, e tc S240tmo u111 incl $260 10 move 111 6•6·8386 eves/wknds Fem anr 28A 2'1BA con· BEACK AREA $84 /wk R11tr1qera1or Mord-Poot do C M W/O, gar. Frptc Nwpt Blvd & Wilson S:295 plus ult Joen Costa Mesa !>48-9755 646-9926 l"me Knot Motet on Coast Ammie wanted stir ""lyg Hwy N'8 Steps 10 prol Mom, eul C M ocean Wkly rates $2!>5 645-8023att 6pm 645-0440 Roommatrto snare -..;;n IEED A PUCEI condo Private balh, laundry. rec room, jac Reasonable rales Kil· avall Convenient 10 405 cht>nettes. phones. maid Freeway, M1as1on V1e10 • ~erv1ce Z channel mo· 7 lil·768·0S.7 vies SANDPIPER MO· TEL 1967 N11wpor1 Blvd Condo to shr. Np\ Bch, CM 645-9137 Female prel AVO•I 1/ 1 $250 720-1328 11!1 4PM V1e•lioa Reat•I• 4250 --· •••••••••••••••••• •• •• MIF 30 + prof furn room LMge Big Bi>ar Cabtn • bf B ba house N B Pool Table r.otor TV 2 water $325 646· 1309 trpl s Steeps 14 F -,--714 545-69 l6 em share :2 Br 2 r ea w/d, lrplc, gor $295/mo Oona Po•m gorgeous h8r· -t u1rts. Joan 646·992«! bOr view 3 Br 31; Ba fully turn Wo wrll arrange Real1/s W1atti 4325 any o f th• following ••••••• ••••••••••••••• cJeep seu hr.hfng golf. 2 bd hou~e w1g1r 5500 • 1enn1s, horse rAClng S.700/mo. Island or tlteOler StOOO/wl< Peninsula area Ri.s· (714)642-6590 P o n s l b I e E x e c 714·67f>· 19:29 Work Big eear Cabin f> miles 114·754-6851 lrom Snow Summit· --t r p t c S 3 ~ / d a , 1 y High school Jr rieed room SIWt-8167 w1lh Fmty. Vlcnty HarbOr ti S 545·0227 hm. Rtnl•ls lo Shr~ 4300 642·0010, wrk Sal/Sun • • • • • • •• • • • ••• •••• • • • • c•tl OK Panzutto ROOMMATE 1'4r11,t1 for lr1tt 4350 FlllDERS ;;5;,;;:~,;·M~~~·v~;~; OlllHI & largest agency area $55 Sto.oge only All chen1s scrotinod with 75:2·58?:2 11.hotos & relerencos Dana Pt single Storage. Cr11<lil& Cosmopolitan securl!CI streel enlrance Good MO#nlno Amenca 34097 Glilnoda $60 The Tomorrow Show 673-3313 * Oii '* 10 Oii whO - need e place Ollic1 leal1/ 4400 N wrort 14 J 1111 ................. , ... . ' . * 111.Hl-OfflOU. • 1 MO FREE RENT PllOIOllTlllY PtllT 1 1oom 10 :2800 sq 11 Furn luxury 2 br. 2 ba From$ I 16 a aq fl Adj cnthe<.lrol ce11tng, lrplc, A1rporter Inn & Frwys •undech, ,111 omonllles CAii AM 833·3:223 21 • • __ Small 1 BA apt, new crpt, ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~•·INew r 2 BR 2 811, Id 1'> No Ptltl S4'l0/mo W ''"' µnllo r 1 om $G9blmo 1 rom SSliO oc11<1n 1<1tth 1 111111J1 HARBOR VIEW HOMES drps, $425 a: No pell 760 1-11 A or J)lltCt lnrlry t c (;1111 fit> I u 14 1 (Ir M f On J nlbl)11'1I HcJ tll 086 N Cun~l Hwy. 5 Bdrm. 3 ba, den. gerdn 675-5068 OCHllFllOllT 6'12· 7'28 evslwknds I Ur a1ovv x 11•t "0" q ~ ti~ 1 o 12 Om•P by ,. n JMqwn 11,11, Rrl Luound 6 .11.11 494 ~29'1 1617 We11ollll, N B 256 Incl S 1600 mo Avell no e 3 Br. 2 ea upper Furn/ SAY l IMBEAS U11ts paid lndry lac No lo ,., 14 t8T ~ uil• c~1r , 8 •4• ttOO .. ,.,. "r I ., l .,0 "rt ll to 4000 aq II Ill floor Will shr w /prol M 673·3887 All 8 752 21"7 Agl r 1 ea. lurn ·no oar unturn W1n1er or yrly • ""'" $400 n10 6-\h 4.lt•:> • "'" ~ ... "' " • Shll•t' 2 or 2 b houM. Agent 541·5032 • '" Yearly $650/mo Ptus I ar . hreplaco,, r.001 ... ~ H Ii coo1o.rng Pout p<. !Ph BIO CANYON :28r. 28a dep & viii No pell :,~~~::.d:.~:r 0/n~l~B~ Prlvlllf' peho 8 g11rnn• Now corpdl rir .. pt.at• Un nglon 01• 1111ttul l.Hll" 4 fl rn 1111 <;tllpa le Npt Sc11 lido ~~:a ~~~ l~I sltp Aoroorl area • EHc Sul· Condo, goll courll! view, step 1 1 0 be 8 ch $4GO 646·988'.l • wood h1111m <.l'1l1n11 B11tlt 3840 ct au ptlllO ~••11• l o 'i411·4ilt;() rn<.I • 185 From 225·4'50 1q It IM or 1,. option 10 buy. 675-5069 tmmO<I occvp. 390 w 9 Ay S1 Eos1111cJa. vf!ry cory $!V1!1 •••· .. w··0•0··D·L·::1• ...... bwHth Ycmrly 61r,.44 111 ,. 11 1 11 M•lu Roommate lor Bal· S l per aq II Many 1111as -1 6H-09?1 •" .. rot womm"" h nm Y boa Penlnaula Apt Calt 557·7010 Sid 752--0858 -c,, ••• ,,, ,,,, 31ZZ e Ac HE L 0 A Furn I Laro• 3 St 2 ea Town· no p ~ 'Jp.tr I II 2 llr IOYllly Wt111 4U dC>Ck tor PO"'"' w.111t• 10 llMll room Wllll Eaatblulf Condo 3 br •••••••••••••••••••••• unfurn Yrty all ulll pd houae In qu1e1 complt~. 2 81 w ig" 11p•t111r• 01n1>• 11o .11•11m1 re buot 3 UR 2''t b~ Cun a µrol wom"" 01 UCt S2.TStmo. 673 1607 •00·900 Pi.US 1.00 aqtt 2~ba, 835 Amlgo(No 8). au11lul sunset, decor•· New crpl, new dr11pH lorge pool g:irdrn sci $415/mo No pf't Rot• Qllll ontry by phnnn, Cltl $17001mO w dod. 11ud11nt w11h htgh HPrr• Penthouae Baylronl Sut- S 975 960 -9367 t or furn apl. Frpl bei1m04tll.1mme<1oc.cup ltng $075 6•5 3381. reqd J~~Vtr'.IOrt" 111~1 rnc; '"" incl 1,1ym $tOOOw111tnu1 05(hll90 1t111•M'1m111u111y 13'0 le. Pfllrklng patios .:::2=,3=1=5=4=1~==460====~;;;..=-,J,;""=S=9=9_5~1-m_o_e_1_0_.0_8_e_e_...;;;;..+--T-s_L~M-G_M_T_6_42_._1_eo_3_.L-67_5_··-59_•_9~..;.;;;;;_;;_·~...J..:.::...;,.;:.....'-'4-~-e_1_e_1~~..;;;J..,.P~oo~1~A=-..;p=-1 ~e~4d;;.;,.;6=~·~~l...;;_...t.._M_r_•~L1_,,_,g~...;....~-~""-r-ll{.:...:.fi-'~"';:...176~·1~.1~4~0h~...;;...;...1;.:;;;:.:;:;:::::::;:;;,;;::::::;;~-1-6-7_3_1_00~3---======::::::. J J ' I ... Ort\llf)fl Coo t OAIL V PILOT /Mond11y 0 1 c.ambor 6 1982 ('7 ~!!!~~.~!~!~! ... • !.~!'/ 11'j/!1,"' '"'' J03S f!!!1!.~ .' ... • .... !J.!f ~.'.'l .. fit!!.~ .... J.'.f!f llll IPAOI OIM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • 0 I IMrlllAI IHl1 l•ll IHO f WiHI Dtlr11 ISi ·····'················ ....•....•.••.•....••. LtHI .. fH '11 Ihle llatrlh .~! .... '~!! ........ 1.1.!f ... Ital 111 ... , , •· ..-m•·•• .. ,uJ l11t1••••t1 IOIJ !'.~'I. .rt.·.-.~'!. •.•. l'.'!f ~.'~I.~.~!~~· .. ~ ...... . IAUI f~l.~~f.~'.t.t ..... .. At11ac;t1v HI lk upatall• I It HTILH llllA I ¥1 111 I • t••n .. 11~ II II 11 A 111t1mg W• IUIJIJIY OHk Mt~I· Ot I l'HO I 0 MOO( I 'l 111 1ll11J 1111 0111n11h•1tl11 I l•ll ••I 111111/1111<1 W1lt 11C1J ( 8 l Al I 'iALr U11111u• 1111111lwi111 with µ1 t1tM11\ ll!IK.I•• tur 11v""~U11t1 Ari 11111 U11h1u1lwll 101 011111 tillllll lluo ;tllllqu 1111111 1na1nug i•e. '-'••••• t•tt•• •••••••• •• •••••••••••• "' 1 1J111w•1 a''"'""" '"P o .. ttllt &ocerllllH 1 OIRtlTIHI c,io '"" d• 111111 .ia• • LlSIR r1t1t1Mlho l lu" w111 •• lllil• llPOIA op1 Vo l •It ' It. f «i;C..UHt:o.i~Lfl'• 11• • 11 -111 M1u1011 Vou111 I "" 1 4 11' $"• ll •1110 tipe,;1allLmg Ill lat 4 211d OUfC.Al l ~4 tll\6 Ar•a 1 IU J/UJ h.11 (.t111111n111 t fiU )1100.41. 1•,44 1141, f110~ 114) ., .. o I . Ollk1 l11a1t1111 I II" l •I "' StulM Ill nu<1I t;l1118frrl•n 1 I """l 1 ...... I ;jf, Ml I.~ •• Wl1l Cltr .. 1 l'U t 41 1K Wll') u• $3!.00 to .~11 Im l'fll n111111y f ,ik• Ovtol lrtd'I IJll hul w /1111 flu l1ly1n11 h4'• 111•10 p V .,.,omo "" Pl "' 10 a 11111.ti 11140 Ill 0207 111 01111. Ctll 6U n I I Hollt, !;nlllut NII/GM • IHHIFIL HWNRT OHTEI Wllh uu of 1ecap11011 cont room. kllc;h. pt\Orlt. ecr111111101 & word p10 cesa111g M1111 & rnttt8Q11 $61V avail IC!j)lflllillY II dHlfeCI C11il Jon•. 7 141160·0 100 UEGUTIVI SUITES full se1111ce K11ep your fl&. 610lo.111 Otl '1t<Allo11 a.2 2111 646 08 I I WIDOW HAii IU 101 TO• RF Loan1 IOK Up No Credit Chwck. NO Pt11 ally Denn111.an & AllOI. 873 7311 Chr11tm11~ 1.111h0I !"vi PIY htt'J ~11ah lo• uuoo llu•t d 0 fl ll • Ag I 6 •9 7!iil oa 16 u11y1111111 ovetl'lo.id tow & prolH Will poy 1!1•1, 11111111111 only 51onal 1mnge high Pre (S 1250 mo 011 S 100,000 sllgrous WoSlclllf area 01 1 s 1 r o . <. n n1m11 r c. 1 t1 I Newpor I Boac h 881 p I 0 µfl I I y I ~ G 1 e I Dover Or S l e 14, 729 1129 631-3651 DELUXE SUITE Water Front Ihle AJtaouan•tnl•/ 1•1100111/ Lo•t .t fou' $I 50t sq It Ltase 642 .. 4644 M·F 9 .. 5 • • • ••••• ••••• • •••••••• · Anaouct•tats SlOO 2000 aq U oft lee w/500 1q • • • • •••• • ••• • • • •• •• • •• It warehousu s 154!>/mo SCRAM LETS Irvine area M1 O'Keete • leave message 851-8926 ANSWERS Full service e11ecu11ve su1- 1es wnh law library pr1v1· winuow Founl leges (E51 1977> Ollices Rouge • Elhgy availoble mo 10 mo or GROW on YOU tease 5 195-$545 mo Old-11me1 sloppong a1 his Word processing. con. ankles "Fleas may 1101 1erence rooms. Telex bo the nicest or prernes1, EitecuHve Row Inc 3901 bul they re Ille typo ot MacArlhur Blvd. 211 (al crnler lhal can GROW Jamboree Blvd) NB • on YOU 752-7170 ----£o•t I Foaatl 5300 PRIME LOCATION new ••••• •• ••••. • •••• •. ••• bldg, 1100 sq It or can De divided On PCH, Newport Beach. Stop by & seo 2436 W Coast Hwy, NB Agl 631· 1400 580 SQ It Harbor-Baker cenler (Across lrorn Fedco). Join some greal 1enan1s at 1h1s cholce IOCaflon. Mgr 549· 1366 FOUND ADS ,ARE FREE Call: 142-H'JI •• ,;.,,, ,,,.,,, 445 ..................... :~.··--------· NB prof oll, 600 sq ft . *** ltl1nti1 P1rlor Op•n :.14 hrs u d•v 7 d•i~-II w •lo. J11c;u111 ::iJunu loc11t1 '" wutl 11~ 101111111 l:l1rnl..Am1111c;111d Am..i1 1c;1111 (XJJt"tla Ol11t11 • All wr•lcomo 7 t4/li4ei·:l43J "J 112 il6rbor OI CM Cu~•om Fnn111w Phone Convu•IUllOrt wllh Dorb1t1 MCllllSA 24 hre Coll 636·070 I 1-xonc DANCE~S Duc;t1111or tButt\etor ullll party entor1111nmttnt 738·8536 558-8538 •INTllOHCIH* T's lllHT SHIFT Models, dancers, escorts 669·6g 13. open 24 hrs Pt110111l St1vlct1 536' .....................• 5 Angels W/Hoppy ~lean Style cut haor wllove & care Only $6 Perms $30-$35 Up Mr Mel s 754.9904 IEED A RIDE? Personal. qu11hl1e<1 com pamon d11vers for your day-10-day e11ands any· where shop, appt, air· ports. etc Hr or day 494-5857 759-1731 1,,.,,1 545£, ............•.....•... EUROPE 4 WEEKS f count11es. $2360 All ex· penses Exper guode (714) 494-6110 Eves Depart June 23 ACAPULCO Round trip before Dec 15lh Price $140 Cal Mon 714-975-0412 Three carp wtbar sink Charming flat Iron Colo· n1al bldg nr city hall 2929 Newport Blvd S565 673-4466 11HTIOIS" IS LOST Pretty gray female T 1gar cot. longish lu1, hves on Christine Drive (near Banning & Magno11a) E•flOV#ltlfl Huntington Beach. Plea-• • • • •"'° • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • se caJI 969-1221 ell 6 Jds WHtttl 1075 i-•·-------..................... . Co••t1ci1l Young married man will ltallll 4415 eward '°' 2 ladies d1a-do general handy wori.. HIYIH 111111 Nu I"'""""''" 111·11 Ma I.. fl up Io I I .I 111 l 1114 4Vll 1'171, 111r11, 110011• plilntt 1111191 • lh•\ Olh.-Mui , •• ••lUIPIHerll l.untl 11•1 lulUIO .1111111.,1 11if1J1 llUOUt d•1ly 1111111 M.1 Ur jOf V 111 Corp 49' rr,1A 1 10 It l'I !l 1111.i L M /4~c.o w111 11n11h rollt•• 1111.il• w Ulllllh• 'I" VUIO 'l{J 1$4~ 8146 ••. ~!!f!I!~~! •... !.~~ I •oltll Ou .. ( &tC-UllY• o........ 4 C.h•lll l;11;1 1ln111u Utl>Uv 114' A' l'J ci. • 10 11 '' o 4 111 "" u11110 .. •d• i6!1U lh1•J• recl1,1~ll<Hlt ''" W11a1 18111 'I C.M 114.i! 014tl '•"'"'"U 1u1r I uil """ lllltt• UYllll Ill uur jlUb (;1111 lU\l•lY 1111 "l'l'I ')J7 111110 KINC1 thU #11du'1lf .....••.••••.......... ~~-~,, ... ~~ ........ ~.~! ....... fJ4"1 0400 Tt•ck• IS60 , "' tt c u k 1 12 ft Oo•• •u••h•t fi•ilt• •••••••••••• •••••••••• M t h " I g o 1 u H '"'111" Gouu C.llll<l Act.i1•tullll 1014 l 111 w101 I • IC>rl TV MAGAZINE NEEDS ''" 1111g <. r MJt, .u our c.hm• A •l16 th1111 !tout • .,110 ft7'> fl 1 u • only l11w 1110111h 010 m.it $1!1() llb4 9:Jll u "' l.11111•" >1'1 '"'' µ111<u11 DRIVER • HOl'E 011 O~ANl<Cl CllllT, $100. 548·0It1 $I !>O 811 llti7U All t bfUhllo11111•i AMH M COPY IAOlllllU S1JJ•°'''' 9065 ~" ,,,,, 1. i-. . ..i1u & 1111•11' l iQlll p1tkllJl & dolliVIH'f 6u11101 p111f 64 1>'3J IUIH fURllTURE Mug1Hlic;11111t l OUlt XII 1)1nrno room •01. v111ue s 11.000 u11111g te ooo OUO Al•o b11uulllul Urouklront vntue SI 1 000, ll~klng SllOOO 000 U404910 MClbl Urn11<l1 $uC,.lhCll •••••••••••• ••••• ••••• "•~lll(J \ HOtllfJI b••l 062 TO;,J ~Ulll) t1tlwk 1111lllll1Hd o lltH f'i I ply Ci.II UIOHIYI llHIHRY P1 <•h•.,~1ori111 .111ve1 t1t1nu lulOt; 11111 au11 (Orn O• trurnnly 1111011 comml& •IOh, WOtklll!J Ill II llrO IOC1ud IUf t 1101 y w1tt1111 01u11uu Cou•\ly Sllll 01a- p1tw Ad11t1111a1ng tor rv Mug z1110, 11111 11011011 ' lorgflll IOCl11 WMkly PU· bll~UliOll 6111111111 P•OO· rcim pr1>111ded Some pur1<11mu Jvu1111bie rot llHtllVll)W cnll (714) l••ll lrt•·Ltaf T1ltlt 150 ei48 0111 t:xc.ull•nl c;ond b4~ t.117it ii 110 ..,1,we1 OC$KS & CHAIRS SSSO 031 '>'11i flv•\ pll""'' ~ i•i·p try,nq 11 11mt woodun do1k1 1111v00(1 Ill I UUH\I l u gunu Gut11<11 tiotdi tlluh Powe1v<l Soc1111011111 du lltiS lot IOI) 111Ulll1Ui!lllU11l Good &kill• 11 mu11. Sull 11ar1ar, Highly Mol1v1JltU Xl111 Buntll•• Coll Jiln I lood. 494·8400 l•all Dt1H-Tt, Tr1111k $ 100 • 5118·0111 IOlllU lllfW Vuu• (.111)111• lo•t•, $/1'p• loyulu ,.., AMtrM &l•• S~, Ill 22 d h " • tflCI C.1111•1•t111 $111 II ''" lll o c 111r1 .. Dock• 9010 O&liutllul. IOfOO !IOlld mo hOQ rolltoµ dlltk. $2500 0111 873-7419 ow1vul ,uc,k•ot VCHll •••••••••••••••••••••• t ttMf)t.H t httU $? t 1!> ChOic SbCJ •111 64!1 GG40 1601\f SLIPS'AVAllA6Lr (Ill Gtllll OlNUIO Klnlj Walurbod Solid Wood fr111n11 w/ 11u1e1 . 2 u11 1hua111 $100 919·6G116 II 110 urui. Iv 111&11 Ntwporl Ro11ch 2& 28 I!; uuuqv $00 1' 1 on Pi ii 1011 JO' 3~ 40 ~ 46' Coll du11I ,.,,., wh,,.•·I• 14' WHS FUHITURE •••••••••••••••••••••• &•2 48'44 from 9 !I flat trnu ~1,1~11 $3!>10 PIT IULl•PUPS Mon Fri '>~ 000 u110 mitt& FASlllOI COUHELOR $1001$200 Pl' wook Women·• Appurel Dull· M1gn111c11111 LOUii XII Dining 1o&m set, v•luO $17,000, asking $8.000 060 Alfo boouttlul Braoklronl value $11, 000. 11slong $6000 oeo· 640~4910 1 rgt 111111quo mohog11ny dro1111r wtm11101, 1e1t11 $295 060 646 4005 flG3·30?0 SLIPS AVAii, 1tun11ngton t l02J<i:l2i Ar ';All SAU.!S Ii a r ll o 111 D 11 Y 0 a 443 w lluy St , CM ness 731 4 347 730·9080 669-fl140 SECRlTARY lamo McCaw w /$200 cage blut & gold $!1911 or trade l o• ??? 8.45-2963 PP Personnl 1111ury E•pr rtLE CONTROL CLERK lttq IC!Cl!nlly Typ111g 100 '-• new queen 1120 4 poSler w11orbed sacrll $395 OBO 646-~005 COCKER SPANIEL PUP· PIES AKC 7 weeks Old Dec 2 fernale" $275 male!i S260 714/640-5130 101 Nwpl Sch Law Firm wpm plus 896..()461 ask A r 1010 No e11per nee but mull fOf Arn1u .1/1.!!!'.~~~ ••••••••••• be accurate typist Attn I•--------• HARBOR AREA ) SOI& H1oeabed Brown, good cond111on $150 642-3449 10 e1e1a11 & nave pleasing SECRET•RY I .I . APPLIANCE SERVICE phone manner Con11c1 • we sell rtcond , ouer f-ormica Omette Sel w1111 4 Bar b 11 r a Mu 11 y Secre1a11ol pos111on In apphancos 649-3077 tw111111 ctia1u nice 646.4827 ac11110 Newport Ct1ntt1r s IOOIOBO 646 4005 ::ioldon Re111eve1 puppiot. R1111lto1 's othce Front I llY APPllANOH AKC Ch blood 111111• GHERAL OFFICE No E11pe11ence Aeq Maka up to $11/hr storl 1ng pay Full & Part·l1111e pos111ons .avo11 111 our pub ~880 KING chg General Olhce TYPING, ClerlClll. Light bookkeeping po11-1lmo 548-8671 oll1ca pos111on requires Les 957-8133 Ho11t1 1060 850-0435 ~Y~~~g.'~~cfr~~ann~ "g01;g~ Retrigerator 15'• cu It ;,iu"s·1·;;1i·b:;u",;1~i·s~r;;j, HC GOLDH RU. pee ranee Roal estaie Xlnt condition 5 150 Ou11r1er Gelding Engl 11 wks old. M. $ 100 •t>.penence holplul but 960-1636 West To good home 549-76 18 not es-.enlial Preh.i1 10(81 Norge coppe1 sldo by °' 11 1 Y S D c r i 1 1 c 8 • S1amanl( kitten beautiful 1est<Jt>11t Fo1 interview side. Go't>d condllion 551•0286 lemate. $75 · call Mrs Duhl 5200 675_61150 !!.".!'!!. ••••• •••• !.~~~ . (714) 794-3698 Weslt1 II. Ta1lor Ct. Rings. ladies 14K whl gold P1111os I OtfHI 8090 Aeallo1s 644·4910 DELUXE MICROWAVE wedding & enga9emen1, o~i(~~;;g~;1·~1;v~;·~~~~ Toshiba. va11oble pw1 over IC Appr $1 1,000, 1 · General ollice. Cosio SEC'Y/EXEC setliogs,$250.969-1463 soll$8000/0BO Answer man/elec s52 oo Mesa 8-S. 3 10 4 dys/wk. Financial investment firm N-O-FAOST-A~EfRIG Ad 534, 642-4300 24 hrs. 11381.4812 Exp type 7 lite bllkpg I t p B I ' Assisi office Mngr in or educo ors ersonnel Avocado. med. sz, $200 Olomond Earrmgs. Uniquo 8 dw" compact theater properl y mgml firm • commu111callons' depl. 645_9628 design ~. Kaiot 10181 organ, beaullful cond Non-smoker. $6/hr sec'y, Xfnl typ & S/H we1nnt, se t 1n Platinum & $lOOO OBO 644•1016 req·a E11ec secrelarial 31" IAS STOVE •10 " 642-4907 wkelys exp a musl Non-smkr • 14 K gold Value. $1200. ANTIQUE PIANO IOLF preferred Call 553·0940. Older model 645-9628 astong $500 641-3098, Mohog, xlnt cond. $595 New Magic Chai single 640·49 to 642-4014 STHTER·RAIQEI Servers. 5 yrs uper., oven. lhrero state con-u · II 8010 -El Niguel Country Club between 3-5PM In per· trol 545 494•26g5 111llCt IOtOUI Steinway Upright anCI Full ume .. patt tlmo Ex· son. Bob Burns Re.stau· ••• • • •••• ••••• •••••••• Artfst Bench. $3800 Puv per1ence preferred ran1 37 Fashion Island. Washer. dryer (stack uMl "c~~:~e~-e$7~.8:a~hgr~;~ Prty Trms 548-6737 Hourly plus baneltts NB Apply"' person etec Good cond $150 ·marble type" sink '" 1 Hammond Elect11c Organ 496-2023tGoll Shop Se1v1ce Station Allendant. 673-2617. 673·34 l5 _ door & 2 drawer c:abinot and Lrge Spk8f' tonsole 840·!>!>4!> 84!. 170G G 9 Andy Art1wn t.4~·?9G3 PM 6'10 4097 714/840 787!. Wo r 1 111 1111 Wm Lower Nl'v.IXl• I Bey Shµ~ 30 3311 $811 Side t1ea 1~ 2411 $711 S w.iHn Anth 9 5 548· 1501 6o:it Shµ 41v uloh1t1 lor 40 10 65 bo<11 Nw1>I Och 631 7777 IO ft lllloorh11 W1lh bOoll $ 19 ti()() 64(1-4005 Se~ernl Side 11e' IS shp& 11v1111 1mmed mo 10 mo N o L111e Aboarlli> 955·247J wkdylt Help' lenworJry moo11110 needed to• 37 noa1, NB 645-7711 ~ 101 N-.w & u.uu Jeop Sall'S I """"' • Reason • J)r1Ge t. SNf!CliOn $1. 000 000 1111/tlll\Ory lr [Orangt· .... ~ Coa~t .. ~ 1'11•-•w 11141 WI I01J com 1u• 1110 .. ~1rn 72 Ranchmo w/~hell new 11J1111. tun'\ good $1900 /o lr Mark 673-3149 !>6 lnllHnallonal. Crew Cab. 1101 bed. Xlnt en- 91ne needs body work a a few windows Sac111tce1 S275/0BO 631·2064 ' S 9090 V1n1 9570 0111, 101101 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••""'••••••••• 75 Ood9e Ven, skiers DRY STORAGE special' Clean 6 cyl $2600 6.42-8879 Monlllly boal storage. w •· O a1 ny s11ze. h24 hr s~urity. ~.14.'.0.' • .'!!!'.'!.( •. !.~!. ree aunc. ing NEWPORT DUMES WE PAY 1131 lack 111 Dr Ill TOP DOLLAR IU-05 lO FDR USED CARS lllSURAICE part hme lnle1v1ew Mon MAYTAG Com" Wesh· plus mt11ch1ng 2 C1001 $2200 P11v Prty Terms Tues 7 AM • IOAM. ers. w/coin Do•es Botn well cabinet & marble 546-6737 Boats also wot sllps Comm I. propor1y & cas-Eitper only B1U s Cnev-$175 or $95 ea Great lor 51y1p0e0 .• w1eamll sehere"e1· all1alsosr r11,.,·. 1093 RV STORAGE ALAI IHHtll POHIJC/SHHU 2480 Harb0< Blvd COSTA MESA lJlllty •s~t E~p "" ... ron. &ooktwuVAdams. b ig 1,.mlllts or Apts. P g '!~ ••• f................ availebl1e13_1•31 541·4300 • , .. •••••••••••••••••••••• mond nngs '811 1n ladies Call e.ve.$--l.-wke.ncts .. tnelustrlal spaee &tor of· room et El To111os, N B . 972-9525. ask tor Bill. f1ee. nr Beach & Slt11er, on 1212182 642-0084. ---------H.B. Reis Price neg 631·25 I 5 Nurse/Companion. excel mtn. 2 yrs incl typing. H B 548-2335 sllOWer doors. Ilka new: 1 9 8 2 s 11 1 Nau 11 q u e .._ _____ • ___ _ Xlnt benefits James In· only S50 for both Call 200100 o 111y 38 hours " ut-1•n • 8 2-0 00 care. drives. local refs 4 1 969-1221 EWARD for lemate Alg· 586-1316 * 550 sq It 5550/mo Xlnl for P.O Box·s Coast Hwy/Newporl Shores toe. 646-8844 * hen. graytwhl lace Lost i---------- Nov 21 Vic 01angetM Now CH I lttl• 1tu1 Viste. CM 645-5201 or 1 Elhc1ent. lnnovatlve. En· (600) 631-1596 dys B11a11 ergehc. el(pet/ PA, Busi· ost older male Irish Set-neu. Writing. Adept at l ' t • I k Organizing. Entertaining • DI Ill fer. d red. dermalilis · Flexible, Reliable. lnde· Rtat1l 4500 lost 11128, name Is Bur-pendent. Xlnt Refs. ••••••••••••••••••••• • gy Cati 642·8598 CM $750 up. 2160 11 lndu· area 714-960-3793 atrial • Office. 18101 Re· -I W. t ,---1-1_00_ dondo Clrcle p & T Found BenJ1 type dog .• !.'/. •• !!'..'. •••••••••• Huntington ·Beach black w/brwn & wh t . 1CCTC/IUUHllCI • 842-2834. • · mate, vie Mesa Or & 1r· ------vine.C M 631 -3460 2 yrs exp , agency or 2576 sq fl Irvine area ---company Payables & $1030/mo Also Mr Found Femote Shepherd. receivables. Xlnl bene· O"Keele leove message mixed blk & tan. lemale Ills James Insurance, Ir· 851-8928 mixed Golden Retriever, v 1 n e Ca II M au r In e. gold. mate mixed Terrier 752-0990 (EOE) surance. Irvine Cell Washing Macn1ne 642 0138 Maurine. 752-0990 (EOE> Sewing Macn1ne Opr , $15 • ------Also have a 1977 For-e M Canvas ' Up· 631-2064 LHE IALlttlS mula 110 20 II like L1ve-1n. yng woman pre-holster Ing producls • ---B I 30 H 11 NEW 1 Ca 11 ( 7 1 4 > I d k Perm Full Time El(per l1cr.dt1 80ZO ouquets 0 e um 642-2000 & ask lo• Jim· erre ' non-smo er Pre! , Co Ben•f11s ••• •••••••••••••••••• Balloons Perfect '°' all my. J1 II out. please room & board plus se-, v 10 speed Ross prolessio occasions a holleleys lary. nursing up or 645-2244 nal model. $lSo 080 • Dellvered anytime leave messaget aptttude 496-0669 SUCI IAI 673-5223 673-4419 Knessiel skis & Boo1s & Manager, working couple Cashierllood Prepa•a· Bike. 10 speed, girls. red Small Bobcll tractor. bindings. Size 200. $40. St1n Cleman10 ocean-uon PIT Opening & $50 new, 5•8 treller, xtn\t 673-3415_ -- front condo complex 72 c I I d $2975 84"-597 units. E xperienced. los ng Shi ls Ma1ure. 556-4396 con . . .,.., _ St,orti•f Good• 8094 custodial malnlenance. ~;:.':J1~~6 Country Club Old Cruisers & used Ct1blne11, cu atom kit. • ••••• ••••••••00 •••• '.'..ll_oekkHQI~ No pets. Bikes. Tires. Wheel•, bllh. wall unlls. storage. IELP IHP A Apt plue salary Send TEUPMOllE S{LH Seat$. Parts. 1-g-'8:r'Char: '\:cw cMt. Fine qlty, Ffee ~ ·-resume 10 PO 8011 3101. we will train No e•pen· le St. C.M. 642-0309 est 642-912~ 642-2741 Ill rr Tiit San Cte~n~672 ence necessary Evening Christmas Present tor 90." 4X8' lully detailed HO STREUS ••ltOURllT work Very easy sell. meone. 27 ... 10 spd, •eel• train tay-oul Mother short ot cash " Guaranteed hourly wage sch w 1 n n c 0 n 1 w / Bachman eng • Athearns needs sin 10 we1su11 to =~~~:.p11~cJ\,~~~•mh~r + bonus plan. Call Mr handlebar to te-bag car1 Mull see Xlnt start her 6·yr ·Old son oft Spencer 75'4·6801 Neads. front RJm. Co•t Chrtatmaa gift 5400 in his surfing career, T!!!'.'I.!!~'.~~!' ••• ~ •••• Motorizt' likt1 9140 ....•......•......•••. MoPed tor Sole $350 Good cond1t1on 979-6646 #ot•1c1cl11/ ScHtt11 9150 ....•..•.•............ '79 H onda CX 500 custom. 13.000 m1. like new $999 960-5543 LI I( E Y-a m II h II 200CC, Elect11c 111ar1 3 000 ml $.495 5~5-9223 ----· WE IUY CLHI CARS AID TRUCKS COMMEll CHIYROLET 'JU' llJf lo f I" ' II"' I \ .., .. " \ ~4f>..I :ZOO NIH llYER Top dollen~ for Sports Cor5, Bugs. Cempers, 914 I Audi"$ Ask tor UIC MGR JIM llllHllO YOLlSWHH 18711 Beacn Blvd lndus1r1al unll Hunt Sch 1800 s I Plus mezzanine PNWtou~ U--"W8a IWIO repair 847-7378 blk & gray w /green •----..C....----swealer. male Lab. dventure Travel l)lff._. (Cost...-M esr-10- Tegs). Mate Brindle Mix leb also (Costa Mesa ID T 11gs) Newpofl Beecn Animal Sheller. 125 Meu Or .• Costa Mn•. TOO YOONG-fOlt AIRLINES 1 1 ? 646-2716 w 0 B 0 6 2 0 4 3 Need for Santa 10 leave 80 HONDA 250 XL 4000 m1 e111ras runs iclnl M UST SELL S850 548-7174 Temporary. lull lime. en· S 2 3 9 Se 11 S I 0 0 4 • ' ' under the tree Call _........,.._ Waate4 ~__..~~21~5~-:=:=:==-l...:::66:;2:.;.·7:..:"::5..:.1 ____ ..J..&.,iiL.S.111U1.1'--i..0-..-..4~Hf...l4ill Y-&M&IA IT ~UH HUNTINGTON BEACH 142'-BIG&-~~--~ l•lll11tri1l1 Ct••'I 1400 SQ It Wilh olflcle In Costa Mesa Very ree1 renl. Call Mr Schachter 548-3464 644-3656 ound 11124. C M . Alg- han Hound, neu1e1ed M gryl blk 546-~34 __ 1000 s I space w/office. on w 161h SI. c M 645-9907 ound Fem Tabby cal 1100 sq II Bes• Loe 2 area The Bluffs NB olc w/cpl. OIH Door. 640-1951 S385 675-6251 ---- 1100 sq It office & ware- house. )(IOI IOC, So s A 1648 Minnie SI Close ro 551405 lrwys Reas 646-7512 (11 a htr) lmmed opening• for 10 sharp gals & guys "" 10 1ravel all ma1or U.S Cl· Iles & resort areas 1n- clud1ng N.Y City. M1am1. Dallas. New Orleans wt unique young business group No exper nee os we provide 11 2 week paid training period Above average earn1nga & trans pd All applicants must be 18 or over. sharp. una11oched & ready for 1mmed em- ployment. for interview, ~!!!~f! .......... !.~~~ Slorage Space 12· • 18" 36"' c1oor. $70/mo plus 570 stic deposll. 673-4154 Newport Beach OSI Cat, Orange 11ger. con1ac1 Vicky Schrader male ehorlhaor Vic Mesa al 557-3009. Mon lhru II er de , C M I I I 2 9 Fri. I I am to 5 pm ONL y1 5'40-1497 evs Reward li!Mgr Couple;;;;-19 P111oa1l1 5350 un11 condos. Costa •• ••• •• ••••••••• ••• ••• Mesa $350 cr~dlt to- SPIAITUAL READINGS w a r d S 7 6 0 r e n l lo1i•t11/l11vt1t/ Advice in all ma11ers. 642-.4907 wkdys Fi•••tt love. mamage & bus•· k ••••••••••••••••.. •••• neu Also counseling l\ss1staFn1 Ins mar es''"~ lodntll 1815 So El Camino Real. reps. &C he pre! en 0 • SOOS San Clem 492·7296 Resume 10 C1ass1hed Ad ~f!ll81Jlll ---.:887 Daily P1lol, PO N~ 1~:;;1~;· 0;·~;;1~~; FAMOUS CIRCUS Bo• 1560. Costa Mesa. for small Molel In New-Ca. 92627 port Agent. 642-1087 or Ma11'mus AUDICJPAOoucTi()"iQ" 556-034 7 ASSIST ANT LA JOLLA Catt I li1trt Prospect Street Gloria or Kyle Agls Massage Pallor Gor-W •II 11a1 n Exp w I geous girls 10 serve you cassettes a + $4/hr all· Open trom 10 AM unlol 4 er mo trial Full or '• AM 1 days a week Free lime Books On Tape bullel 719 No Harbor 548·5525. ask tor Greg 619/459-8211 Blvd Fuller1on Houri ~!'!!1. !! . f~~!'. .. !.~~! 11•·170-1112 T_O_D_E_T-Al-LE_A_W-ANT • ALL MAJOR CREDIT ED No experience A E LOANS 1s1-3rd. CARDS ACCEPTED needed in CM 645-1171 90%, comm t. constr T-BEAAY"S Fast funding 6'43· 1645 Go-go g"'' (to go> ,,,,, • ,, ,,.,, --66 -8914 D!:/, ' 5035 ESCORTS I MOIELI • ••• ••••••• ••• • •• • •• •• 24 hours · call 835-9199 LINDA ISLE $55,000 3rCI Deed of Trus1 for sale behind T.O ·1 1011lllng $630.000. Will sell lo yield 30'/o. 1n1eres1 paid quarterly. all due & pay- able June '83. Secured by one of lhe chol~eal homes on the 111and Cail Steve 675-3285 alt 7PM 5.48-5502. 10l'X. Yitllll $29.000. 90 day 15'1'., note Meured by $85.000 1ru11 TO on home In es· crow tor $285,000. ba· hind ulatlng 160.000 note. $22,000 likes II (714) 240-8124 (819) 729-j-048 eves EXCITING MOD· ELS *Golden Touch* Beautiful models for the d1scrtmlnat1ng who love the ··golden touch'" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 131-HU 1885 PARK.C M VISA MC ,,,,..,, ,.,... "" i.,n,., 1311 ····••··•·•··•···•••·• ····~················· Stress managenu1n1 ::br. qwy ale u~ Signs For Stress Include: Headaches Fatigue lrrltsbl/lty · Backaches U1ing gcn\Je manipulative theropy. Buie nutritional counaellng. (714) 513-1231 4121 w ... .,., ,.,, ... 111 Newport leech, Ce. l2llO ----BABYSITIEA NEEDED on Balboa Island for 9 mos old. P1t1me refs reQ 7141673· t418 CASHIER·F /T Ticket boOth in parking 101 a1 Fasn1on tstand Call Dorothy Bow~5-2790 lerical IY STOCI EICllAHE IEllH FIRI needs experienced back olllce employee Mull have typing speed of 50~ wpm. Early hours & good benefits N B. Call 64'1\·5570 (Pat). ook. lull time. mature. e11penenced family style tor small retirement home. must be able 10 work weekends 1n La· guna Beach For Into call 494-9458 Ask for Mrs Colhns CHISE HIP JtH All Qcc\Jpattons Available G•eat Income opl)Oftun· lly F or tn l o 312/888-'347 E111 C-70. F" for Directof"y. llOllATiff SAUi PIT, FIT. Kini comm11 .. work in 0C Mull lltlve llalr tor color. wlll train. 840-5249 Ivery IE·l·El's PIZZI lmm.dl•t• PIT Ol)enlnga avallable tor delivery clflvtra. Mu1t be 2 1 wt good driving record. and able 10 work evening• &terta S3 50·$4/nr + Tiot AW4Y dally af1ef 6 PM M•·N·l!d'• Plue. H tl't & Tu•ttn Coat• Mft4I Fabulous working condl• torm Typing experiet1oe I "1'" Man 1suede1acke1, never Xlnt cond Wiles Dike 11on1 No e•per nee. We req 64~420 •• 1•1 • worn Lg llZ•. Remington ~~~~~~~~~~ $750 111m 6't8-2278 WAITED! train. -aehOOI CIRCUS .. ,.,w. UIS Elaclllc Razor. uud r: MAXI MUS 7 19 No Har-TEXAS REFINERY CORP •• •• •••••••" ••• •••• ••• onc;e Man's Ice skat•, 80 K-Ukl 1000. 7.000 miles. mull 1e11. ••••• $25001olr Mark Late moo et Toyota•. Votvos. Pickups & Vans Call us lodayP bOt Fullerton 87<Ml192 needs M aiura person In .. • Wlll alz• 12. xlnt cond ApPty betwMO 12 end 5 now in Orange County ',·· pla1e •lee!. 10· high. 6"6-4543 It 6 PM Mon.Sat See Kelly · area Regard lass of bolted contlrucllon. a l. ---trelning write FD Sears s 175111. approx 800 Pmball ,Machine S275 or 1ncheS1et Model 70. 673-3149 • 2 70 caht>er. wi red field 79 Yamaha 650 Spoc11I 3X9 variable scope•1n 1.ow ml Gel cond Runs l :'arle Ike •ECltUICI IHlll Bo11 711 Fl WOflh h (213)582-0701 (Biii or trade tor??? 6 Miiiion S can make s 13 • s 16/h: 76101 Stralghl Commls. Earl) Man, 6 Player 64S-2963 TOYOT~·•OUO s1ar11ng pay Full/Part· 11on bu1IC11ng product ---pp • time avail in our pub sales Alleem lorced air heater. h D r d c as e . S 3 5 0 great $600 Call 552-7143 662-2791. 548-1037 ............ , c-...... C 80.000. 1hermos1a1 In· all today tor appl Top Hair Stylist wanted stalled. $300 751-8162 537-2880 KING chg '°' progressive salon 1n -------- .EllCAL Coste Mesa Comm or One piece American rental 64.6-4695 Slanelard wnlte Chine Exp Back Olhce. PtT or tow bOy commode New FIT If type nr Hoag US LEADER tn carton $235 494-2695 646-5073 MARKE"tlNG FIRM Frn I• f•o ltHS IESSEllGERS Neat appearance & de· pendable transporlollon neoeuary. M or F Mo· torcycles OK Apply In person 2925 College Av . Suite A-3. Costa Mesa •ODELS I ESCOITS E11pr only 642-4780 l1t11r1I Fttlll Sttrt Fi l el(par., 1231 N Coasl Hwy. Laguna Bch Nirvana Natu11l Foods Now h1T.ng Full & Pt l Cooks E1<per Prel. but no1 Required Wages Negollable THE GRIND· EA RESTAURANT. 1400 W PCH N B 642-8881 OFFICE l1111tr I ... h .. ,., Ooc10ts office • Newport Beach 3-5 years expen· ence •n me<11eal field, In· eluding proceu1ng In· surance l orm5 Xlnt bookkeeping Skills re· qu11ed Salary open For Intervi ew appl call 752·17<14. HIRING! • Secretariat • Oehve1y • Marketing •Gen Olllce 42 Stell positions 1n 4 Soulhlnnd Branch ol· 11ces MO<'llhly Pay Oo• U.Q~.Q,,.., ~ w•mmed1a1e h1nng •me111 bonuses •paid for vacauons *Med Insur Program •All promollons from 0.1fhln NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY IN SOME FIELDS Call nearest 1oca11on (24 hours> IOf appointment LOS Alamitos-Wstmnstr 714-848-4535 Costa Mesa -11v1ne 71-4-964-535'1\ T ~. g;,~r h~;,;; ~·Cid. E ~~i. Sheepdog, spayed. 8 yrs, l11endly. gd companion 968·6722 ,,,,.,,,,,, I050 ................•••• ,. **I BUY** Good used Furniture 4 Appliances-OR I will IKlll or SELL for You IUSTEIS AICTIOI t•l-1111 111·1125 I llY FIUITIRI Les 957-8133 FURNITURE • NEW Must raise Cash Prices start et Mattresses & lound Ml Twin $77 • Full $97 Oueen $147 ·King $167 Sola Beds I t97 Sola & Lov-11 $247 Sofa 01ne1te w/4 chrs $97 DISCOUNT FURNITURE 195g Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa 63 1-6609 111111/llME TUU Olhce Help I/lime, heovy oonstr sales organ . Musi Anatoelm-Garden Grove 46" oc1agon. w/4 blk naugahyde overatulfed chairs. $250. 64&-3126 type, min record kpng. 714-963-9984 phone/radio Oena Pl W-lt• ltWI ltfa Selar'y open 642-4300, Fullerton-Orange 91,.. 11 GOOd eond $900. 24 hrs. Ad No_ 7_5_,__ 714-639·3992 Orig S3500. PART Tiii 855-1296 Eves and/or woakand1 WAREHOUSE 9· Avocado Plald velvet Responalble 11<1ull1. ovlf No Experience Aeq. Contemporary Sola, u- 21. with outatandlng at-Make up lo S 12/hr ata•I-posed walnut base$ 150 tractive personalllles to ·Ing pay Full/Pari.tlme 644-6493 work with youth (ages avail In our pub Call•-------1 o. U ) Call 2·5PM . loday tor appl 537-2880 Beaulllul Dining Am 111. 6 42 -432 1. ext 34 6 KING chg Aellngular. Walnut 1op, E o e wt ornately designed ---WELDERS wrought iron lags and PIOTlllAPllY chairs (6) N-. $2500. B g w p R 1 NT EA Experienced people asking $400 obo Deya. Cuatom tmmed lull/ malte up lo $17/hr. Full/ 841-3098. 640-4910 Umt pollllon in 8118• parl•llme positions avaM Carol. o c In our pub Call today tor ----------blisneel range ounty eppl 63 7 •2880 KING pc dining rm Ml 1nclud· lab Min 2 yr1 e<>mme<· ch ing china ~blnet 9' qua! clal 111per11nce Color _g_ velvel couci\ (gold) Blue printing experience help· trlll Prtotlllll ,,.,. couch & 1ov1Hll HI lul 645-3840 Partlllme Ooocf typing Aefrlg. colle1 1abl• PllH PHltl skllls a muat Send r•· MOVING. 752·2197 60 C sume to PBA. t8012 AB OICll 3 0 llek Cl· Skyperk ClrCI•. lrvlne. Ilia wa1erbed w/3 mera. l lo2yearaeKper CA 927 14, Attention: .. '*of sheela, hHter. Ctll 761-2424 Pamela Rtohardson. etc $200 Don 127 e 181h, Cotti MIU . PIT Chl'latmas V1ea11on work. tuto malotenence Cleli11ery $200 $600 wkly Cell Charlie 848-6781 SALES/DESIGN Exclli,,g Cereer Oppty tor c:reallve lnelivlelutt who h .. good tyt ror color encl Int dt•lgn Xlnl comm. opptyl tel· v1nc4lmtnl. trelnlng avell t or rlgh l peraon . <499· 1461 Read lhe ctat.lliiOiaifor tf\t belt d11l1 in apart· meot rent... 8"2·M71 GI I I 045.5914 .. !fl.~ .. !.'.~ .......•. ~-------- Im•• ..•.••........••...••• l'"I SIU llft11~ Tirtltrffll rough\ Iron baktr'a Jutt In time fOf Chtltt-rick. I ' 111011. wt cloora. m111 Furnllurt, Mtlq1.1411, ~· $76. !159·0998 CO!leetebln II alt go.ti bll' 11oo11. blll wr~gllt AllO lree to a good l'tOmt Iron. gOlcl wahlon1, $78 • nett d09 Oareoe Sales 6&e-OH8 n1111 two weekend• 6 182 Ott GREIN cath OrlnMll Lane for WHITE elePl\lnt• • a I • I • • 1 • r wllll a Cluttfled Ad 711"'°" ca• 842·M78 Nylon Executive Luggage. rv R '. - ---21 • c1rry-on 44 Gar-c. I 10, #•tor Ho•t1, Silt/ met b•g. Tote Beg. Out-11iti SttrH 1091 lt•tlStor•t• 9160 fet Bag. & Travel Kn ••••••:/••••••••••••••• •••••~····••• ••••••••• or 1 g case a . s 6 5 tan video player. 13 t>est Outdoor Storage Boats 960-1161 cartridges incl. hke new trailers ol what have you ---$2.49 979-2516 $1 11-$15 min 645-7856 Mink Stroller Gorgeous ---~-- n111urel ranch w/Seble 10111 I M11iat collar Value $500<>, Hk· £ ai••HI Ing $2400 64 1 ·3098, ••••'·~•••••••••••••• 640-4910. 0, .. ,,1 9010 ···········•••·•······ r!!l!!!'-1 •• ~1.i!!'l.. 1.1.~~ 1611 WW lla1bed 1ra11 .. r. twin a•le $1300 846·3118 Franc11can Ware (Desert Rose). assort Madame A le•ender dolls 644-2283 MAIUIE FUEL DOCK 6 11 x e 11 all s1ee1 trauer FOR SALE Heavy duly llres wt 642-4644, M·F. 9.5 spare $3.4 5 494-2695 HELICOPTER HllH I01t11 lf1iatta1nct A11to Strvict, P11t1 ~ u .. uoJ., uo.to1 WE IUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FREE IPl'HISAL Corm1er-OeLlllO CllEYROLET 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTING rON BE~9~ Ul-1081, &41·m1 Top Dollar Paid 6 daya, Bugaboos Ca-Sttvict 90ZO & Acctuorits 9400 nade Dec 18 tntury, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ~or Your Car1 can"\ go Call Greg MARINE ELECTRICIAN PAINT & h1e body work. JONllSOll 1 $01 548-8809 Oe$1gntlns1all/Aepa1r llP to 50'1• off your e51 • Olty work 549-2520 Ev Bill 842·0100/969-1221 Li1ctl1·MtrCll'J S111ned glass 34 x25'" -----2626 Ha•bor BIV beaut•lul rich custom 1Ht11 #11iaf 4 wide GoodrlCh T iA ••· Coste Mesa 540-5630 design with Oak frame r_. . 1 I 9030 dtals & while western __ $150 540-7094 .,."';\~~~•••••••••• nms. h~ Mw low ml HIGHEST CASH 1mme----Yacht Accessory New Flis loyo10 or Datsun d•a1e1y fOf your vehicle. Swimming pool pump aulh•nllc Brass Ships truck S350 080 domesltc or loreign heat8f & hlter Full P•O-Clock. never mounted or 5'16 7330 or 540-5538 551·6285 lession wei bar Meke u 1 e d 5 2 5 0 7 NEW TIRES Need 1ne.xpens1ve me- oller ~6-6006 7141522-7633 950x t6 5 10 ply S600 chen1cally sound truck Perfect 10< Chrtstmas HO Trailer duel axle good cash for all 556-0998 Call 645-1771 end leave Gr Train set on 4x8 conCI $350 Inflatable msq board . detailed wt tender good cond S200 A•to1 l•r Silt 11ree11 homes & awl!· 35 lb COA anchor & tone • ••••••• • •••• • ••• • ••• • Ches & new eng & trans-$100 968-5808 IMPORTANT NOTICE former $150 552-7 143 TO READERS ANO -hlra large Pompanelle ADVERTISERS STEEL TOP TABLE marlln gall new w / lne pnce ol items ad· 36•30"" w/bottom shell 1 any er d $ 9 5 0 B 0 vetJ1sed by 11eh1ct. deai-5_7~ 646-754•16~·6705 6"6--4005 ers 1n lhe vehicle clessi- ACI Family Membership IHts Portlt ltHO lied &dver1111ng columns $550 1,,ct lranaltr lee. •••••'•••••••••••••••• does not include any 11p-g55.1467 ·74 Californian, all tlber-pliceble taxes. license --lltt1t·lifl glau. tO w/Chevy Eng transler ten l1nance Answering Machine vanse11 Trailer, good ch8rgea. lees 101 air pol· XI I d runnl"" cond. $1795 Pvt tu11on cont rol device with remote n con Party"'Call 6.41-5666 or cer11hca11ona or dealer $\75 49'1\-2695 538•3008 documentary preporll· btroJlt lt1rs. SH. tlon charges unless 494·2695 24 It SKIPJACK otherwise specified by Brand new tge l>faH can- delabra i ype Etegent Outside cnandaller ·~ Twin Volvoe ,15•000 the aelvertlaer 9&3.a..11 Aatlt•"I Cl1,,it1 95ZO Clesau: ta· lapst reke •••••••••••••••••••••• Ceotury bey boet. 4 cyt, MtHL "A"sl WINO-UP VtCTOROLA Grey. $3500 67~6181 Shey repllcas pickups & Cl I $250 d liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml COUP•• 4 10 choo9P A 1111c goo fro-1 (0067.81 (Slk cond1tlon 953-2805 Mave11ck. 19', 140HP "' " --Mer-c. ex1ra eng. 11,11 hsn-A3093> Pricn 111r11ng at Oxygen the11py regulator Ing oe-Incl. 3 yra old tlL Y lt,IHI & ffow meter. $150 s f0.000 & n9w trlr 875-3175 495-23"4 FULLER BRUS_H __ ~~~~~~~~~ PRODUCTS ... ,,, IHI whoteset• $1 76 494-2895 THEOOORI ROBINS FORD ~.".'.'!1 .!~!!'.~'!.~ ..... . AJ/1 lt••to 1105 ······•·•············· LUSE A 1112 ALFA ROMEO 8TYI $347 & 67 plut tllll i>41r montto for 48 monltos on ap· proved eredl1 C ap COS1 ·$1 4 .900 00. resldua•·S6368 64, total ol peymenls-$ 17.684.16. To slart lease ( 191 month & 11eenee)-$695 •2 (02569) See ua NOW! IEACH llPOllTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 112-otOO A•'i '101 ............•••••••••. IO A114lli 1000 Tlr~t 26 000 mites fully loaded sunrool, gd 'on~ Like new IJ!l.400 0 8 0 845-8211 Eves 8!.7·9684 dl)'S 75 AUCll Fox Need• 111118 work S 1000 01 best of· ,., 857-4167 Have youra•ll a Merty Cilllft HSI Fuller Chrlatmas OUallly •• , ••••• •• •• , ••••••••• Fuller Bruin product• & Chrt1tmH Boat Paradt, gllta Cell today tor quick Newport Harbor Dec Audi Fox 78 2 Or elr, d~ 642·3169 17th thru 23rd Ralph 53 Studebelter Champk>n i:~ ~·~7:41:15 uk Jrlr,(1 HAlft()I 8~>i(i (0\U. Ml\A (>4J 0010 #lrnllHHll Huttman 837 700& 5 pan cpe Nice ear ..,,8 &-J "'' IHti lall Hfl 13750 2 13159,.,192 J#W 1111 • •• '!'! •• ~............ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ...... ...... • ••••••••••••••••• Sabot, 11111 con(I, $350 F w llLP lllP I Barbtrtll• loldup blkt 1940 orCI Woody •· 1 Ill lff 111 S '50 548·0469 or gon. 1 '3·000 ITllm 835·6S6tl 1929 f'ord Mooel A town MOllltt 1ho rt ol c;uh -PHOENIX SABOT S O d • n , S 1 0 0 0 0 need• 1111 10 "1tull to 111n1 cond $709\ 675-6161. ttert n.r 6·~ •<*I aon oft ••••11•7•5-3im73ii9iiiiiiiiil J:ora, moci.1 A ·a . &hay In hl1 1urftn9 carttf rtprod Roecl*1er. lidl Meed IOf Santa to lffve To PltlC'9 )'GUI' rnMMQ• moun11. rumbl• IHI, under the Ire• Call befOte the 111tt0 lr0f111 , .. , lltll· 1 n 1 w • r • Cl • 5 7 8 • rtaolng put>llC. er. Pinto tng. 11110 lr•n•. 1"2·4300, 24 "'' PhOnt iuooeoe rtdlt 1runt1. 11111 • Otily PllOt covtf Nr f)efltctl l.tll wwii-ACTH;ip? Cletttfltld, 642-54178 than 4,000 m 1 snoo -2-M7t c .. 073-847<4 efl 6 , ' , • ('8 Or•nge Cot.tit DAIL V PILOT /Mondoy, Oeoernb•r e, 1882 • ~ ... ~~~ .'~r.!!~....... ~.~~·.'.!~r.!~ ...... . l#W 1111 l#W 1111 •• '.'!.'1 •• fr..~1.t!....... . ... ~ .. ~ !l'!tt!~ ••••.•. ~.~'!.'.!1'm~ ••..•.. ~.'.'!.'1.!~r..~t'!. ..... . ~ ... ~ .. ~ .'~r.!!~ ...... . A•lfl V•H 11et llM ..... ~ ...............•.••••••.•......•.•...•••••.•.•.•..........•• •••••.•......••.••••••.....••..........•.... i ~ . PH·IWlll lllW1 18 bJOI At (636UCTI 79 3201 S1i. (1)43XU11 /0 3201 Stk (b23XTV) 711 3201 Al (963XVN) 110 3~1 S1• (26<4ZUSI IO 3201 At (0 IOZYA) !!~! ............. !.~~! ~~~~~!!.~.· ... !~~' ~~!.~!. •• l.~ff f!!!!!~ .....••.. !~~! 70 FIA 1 1;_14 1JI011 Ccmv M•• •.o.t it.m 71 flOll!t(;tll U1'4 & 111(1 new top n-vtl lllP UMI PH 1' •60 CH t llr11/h 11 loo111 ur11et •1.111111-0t to w pa1111 11CJ1 eng TlllllTHY loall.U 11111111 1~8~ (4'111'>0:'7110 • tll!IO, «i7ll·:I t 17 l'"-n Lit • wttl'l UI We II •n bOO nt I 'UV 1 ¥!!~.'.'!~I!~ ••.•.• !.~!! lib ttuu 11111 •no uu t ,,,,d al111 It 11r1~fll11 lo1t1011 tilf it 1!.0 11'4/ II ti ~~~~~' .......... !.~! fA~!~~~'.1 •••••••• !.~~ !!~~!U ......... "-!~ un WIOLllALI at SH IS flllTl 8'J M•1c.urr <.omttt 11 ,.,, ollllll ea11•" •ulO •t .. ~lwd l•lltelt ,. -• We hllvtt • good qluc Ii u n • 8 0 0 <J \ '4 ti 0 110<..111y• .... 1 (.111t11111.1 11011 o l N£W II U6£0 •04 IUll • • SalH Service LH11og .... .. Ii h l111g• w111t1111111o., •11 1e1u1ue1 T lop Chttv1ote11! ' 1 ll'UY/ lOl•<lt'O 7~ MONARCH ll 'YI Tiil llOITIH 11U •••• llAYl AIRIVHI LOii IUOM IMW (7 14) &36 6790 (2 13) 421 5'494 traoo ult Wtlcome #••'• 1111 allow yuu ov411 41 .ui•b •'~ llOK 'I J !')00 u1 •••••••••••••••••••••• u1e<1 M1t11.t1.1 ... 81H11 In '11 •llOIHI 1111&. 11••1• IHJ 4na llllA llHlltt 1t0Gk lfllJ*,1 ttltl(I & !Jllvl't /1!111•1 •llUU 1111 T•ll ()f111•• Con1101t1 tiO c hrtmw whl• 11111111 I) 1 \;l•ll Ilk lllu• lllk Wu cun h11tpl 611lore you / ,. 111 ,.,,,. "hJ h• .. I 1 1111• Xlnl 1.und Ouy, c.1111et. Our unbe111t mClll pur1.hlllll w •1tt1'1 • '""' " '' lllUtl(I tJl 1 4U't •blo 1eto"t1on 1111111n1 lblll pmll 0t allow u• to 7, •• ,,11 11111,, •I• •1., .. , end Hf VIC~ IO<iuyt • llllOf • htUH IU IVll ')lll141 ,; .. ·w It fl 111 ti It • I fl I "' v I I c. I UOIUOI 11/t Nt• .... 11111111 rehll ""U IO m1 U 100 111!1 OOt•ll 11111ti1J11 11 oi. " th 4 1va ... 11mlf111 r l11wl111~ c.oncJ $;,/I !10 NHO 6'4(! 7:14,, 8 I I ur <J ll1u111Jff blr cJ 2 1 000 rn1I ~ 16WY0~1 $'1:150 AClt A tlANOFUL OF 1118~ MODELS REMAIN AT SUBSTANTIAL SAV INGSI * '75 5301 oulo , 1un Dlllfl• 1110 U.IVEllSIT' nu~• UP 10 2 y,.I J4 1 ti!tU 11 1 0 1111 11w1 wr11Jw1, 1111t11/l1tft 000 11111111 Wllltiflly '14111 111 <1111111 tllllrura 1•11111 .. , I tUIH IAUI a IHVIOl I t tf l••trtt I•• at1111to 1011ott1.1, .110 IJll VW Squurubut.k, 1111.111 ltllQ ltllllW Ifill. h•ll" goocJ tlltn , lluto IU111 Uuy Soll Trath:1 40 W 0¥)' C:. M 111.10111 lturn nou1111 roro P1111 & $11rv1ce 1001 ( tOVK3 tO) ••• •• • • •• ••• ••• • • ••••• :1850 HllfbOf Blvo .... Oli11 7 t'4 Of 2 d "''' ,144 I. I • II n • I 1 . 0 0 0 * 76 2002 '4 •Pd aun root (255PL V) * '78 3201 uu10 , sun root (7008) • 79 320( 4 spa , sun root (932 1) * '80 3201, llulo . sun root. (4098) Ul·31l1 208 W 111. Son111 Ano Ctos11d Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES IOI lcLlREI llW Salas-Serv1ce-Lea,1ng 626 So Euclid Ave Fullerton , (l 14)110-1300 Open Sunday TIHHlll llW? We need your 1rade-1n1 Call or see our used car manager. Wolfgang Jurl· nek. tor hlghell bldl LOiii IElCH llW Sales-Service-Leasing 3670 N Cherry Ave LONG BEACH (114) 131-1790 HHH OOllTY'S OLIEST & Sales-Servlce-LeaS1ng IOY'CARVER I0.15 IOIC'E. &'v1W 6C)~l14 ,..¥111i\..,..l ..... l\if"'~'M ... i. """'*'~ 0 COSTA MESA MCnccors ~J,.MCJU·;l;~·~.~7,;t:·,~1~1~ g~,i 11i~~' fl .. 11 10;10 140-1140 l•vrodr•d• sl•, •1 ~~~~ul1:r1~: e:/:;'!...J/K " u11t1c •u11roo1, "''· 78 Accord LX, maroo" t111 n 11 t 1>w1 w11ctw1, tl(lhl/f(lfl low mlleoge. automatic A e k. u • at> ou t t 11 o lt••HI 1141 m1rror1, u11 .. 111g 111101 $'4250 551 ·6100 (A fiord able WllYI 10 buy II ••• ". ... • • • • .. • • • .. • • I I • II • $ I .. ' :I 0-0 Merce<IH Btoi 1118;,/ f'1t1J1J11111 ~Utltl l1J11Jo 83 1 <4 7'1 1. 6'411 t030 ~lt!~[l!ll!~IAOlll~'"'!!!!I '79 Accord 5 •pd, 2 !Jr, <11111111 1111111, 111fv111/l.llu11 6'4:1·6 177 ' regular ma1n1, AM/FM, JI• Slt•tftl 30,000 tnl, NII Ill 11v1 or s4200 168-8310 • l••trts ldtc.11111 11 .. 0 :1110 ~fl!!. ~!T.t! •••••• !.~~~ ccord '82, 4 dr, 5 spd, " I • 1160 h } 78 280z s4670 5 spd air, stereo, 4800 ntllos. Aulhor11ud dtulur .!!!! . .'••••••••••••••• #J DUlb1 IN U.S. (1EJU236, $8700, 673-8910 t30 t Quall a1 Nwpt Uc;h l MEISTER ™~ RE-SALE SALES onda '79 Accord L)( 833-9300 2 t31623·5000 443 W Bay St CM Brown T ap11 deci., air ·et (180 SL. 7000 ml Wire POllSOllE/ &Ill - Andy Bro~n 645-2963 c:ond.. 41.000 11\1-SS.lOO whe4111 $38.0001080 I~ I 1..,l>Ot Wvd ~-~• .,.,... ,,. 1...,1 80 200SX. loaded. lo ml. or best Oller 955.3 150 2 t3·832·89711 O•rd•n OrOvll """" ••••" '" ..,.,,_ tmmac cond $5600 or '81 Mercodu 500SL, lalH·ltffltt OfWf ._n 12.J bi!st Oller 55 1-4810 ),..,, 1130 137,950/olr '80 Mor· LHNll 68 Roll• Royce Benlloy ••'••••••••••••••••••• ctdn SOOS LC 127 950/ l l"' 1•1-233• S 1, Kint cond S 18 500 1980 0111un 210 2-dr '61 MARK 9. tooka like olr 49,..0 t67 ' ~ • • 11533-4242 • Good cond Runs well, ROiis, gOOd cond. $2975 35 mpg AM/FM cassette obo 6'45-9628 slereo $3,000 or best --------- oller Scott da 5'40-1005 ••r•H• Glii1 1134 Eve 559·5887 •••••••••••••••••••••• ---'72 Ghia convertlbte, 11tra '74 450 SL, Brn/Brn, boll'l ·17 Mercedes 300 Oittael Excellent condlllon 538-'4207 78 280 Z Dal 5 spd '49K mt c/c, mags, l\lel onJ, louvres. $5500 Eves 4 94 -8186 . days 979--0500 ext 658 Ken nice. very to ml radials tops. I06k• new, 111.000 Besl ofr 554-t652 mi, S 15,450 Eves, 6-8 ,,,,,,; 1123 ....................... 0RA11E cou1n•s OILY HTlllllZH FERRARI ,,,,,, 1131 .....•.............••. 1974 Lotus Europa, 5 spd, 1ape deck. 33,000ml. $7450. (7 14) 796-128'4 llu'• 9131 •••.••.••..•.......... m Nowport Beach JOI YOUI • 642-9405 .. llT"4A10A. pm, 850-323 I, Of Iv msg 631-6300 ... 3 1 Bry•h 'to lllZ 300 I lmmacu101e. lull power, sunroof. aux. fuel tank Take over paymen1s of SOS 55 or buy for S 18, 995 M orty . 714/973-13'45 or even- ings 673-13'4'4 IAIE 'lO 2100 OPE 52 ,000 orig ml. Must sell $8900 63 t·8056 · 79 gold M er cedes 450SEL. lmmac $22. 950 3100 Wost Coas wy HI us f:J Fi1t f1ZS IMP n a 548·8798 .·;9·;;;~·spyd·;;·2ooit wm •.. "' -s-e1-11-ng_a_n-vt111ng w11h a conv 5 spd, met silver. faaurfl Dally Pilot Classlfled Ad low ml. 1mmac. $5900 l'1S •SI. c•TI llW Mt mi It • simple melter Call 675-2287. )Ust c.11 642-5678 eo 9 11 SC T1rg11, blue. S•Nt• 1112 toedeo. uc. 10/83 Cons ••• ••••• ••••• ••••••••• 1rade 642-138'4 P/P S11es-Serv1ee.Le11s1no 74-9 t'4, c1tmpa1n1 & IAllUUOI rims, lowero<l. 66K OflO 111&11 ml . getllng married 131·2040 .. 1·4UI t2/ 12, musl setl by lhen $5500 obo 1'11gl'1 ()( low '''!.''' 1115 lmmec car must see •• •••• • ••••• •• ••••••• Dys 633·82e0, eves all 6 '80 CRESStOA WAGON 1·351-0865 Doug Xlnl cond New llres Ask ---$7500, coll owner 1111 121 •• ,..... 6'42-8079 Extraordinary 6 speed '78 Cellca auto trans air Cu11om Black tmron stereo. g~eat cond. Musi Paint. Black laatl'ler Int. 8811 $28 o. 640·9629 w/black leather Recaro Ideal C seats. Tinted V•lklrtlfl• 1110 windows. Polished •••••••• ••••••••••••• wheels w/new Plrelll '11 IAHIT Ill tires. Custom Ads Al· 2 Or. air AMIFM stereo pine sound system New 11res. 50 mpg, C1.1s1om security system 5 4 6 • 6 3 5 5 d a y s , Radar detector. Private 673-5494 eves owner. S 19,900. Wk de 2 1 3 / 5 9 2 • 4 o 2 5 • o r '66 vtv Bug Fi Hr upper. 71'4/8'46-7303. Eves and nds minor work & paint wknds 71'41842-2031 $1200 bat ofr 6~2-7748 '59 PORSCHE COUPE '73 VW convert., nu llrts Orlgln•I. ve<y n ce. & brakes, ntce cond • $5850. (2 t3)592-2110 $4500. 835-3 t57 •ft 4 11<>00 bo<ly uorio I 1:150 O•b 2011~ 110 vw Vonagon. $6.250 Lo mt. AC. AM/LM CllSS ma11 whla, new 11rn•. •1111 CO •ld 7 p1111 11111ge1 1173 /3H8 70 VW C11mp11r Now 11101, 0 11111.1111 mu Illar AMlfM 30 mpu s 1600 114'4·8166 &6 VW BA J A BUG t600tc 196G ong w1lh 2000 mllH &1nc.e rblt s 1600, 640 1858 V1Jr1 1112 ...................... 11 1 Vtlwt lt1ltr •• ,, .. ,. 0 .... .,1 IAUI, SllVtcE HI LIHlll OVERSEAS DELIVERY EXPERTS OILEIH VIUO t966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 141-1301 140-1411 'l4 VtlYI •• , •• E11cellen1 condllfon 548-6620 Anov Drown 645·21163 C1'JJJ" Ill S ..•..•••.....•...•.••• 1tll OAllLUC OOUPE lfVILLE Hos Con11t111nt11I kll, Rollr. Royce grille low mll1111 & · 11ke new' o MUST SEE• Thia 11 a one ol o kl"d ·show c11rlll LOii IHCM lllW (7 14) 636-5790 (2131 4~7-5494 THE URCIST SRECTIDI ot late model. low mile· 11g1 Cod1llacs m Sou- 1t1ern Calllorn1a1 See us today• lllERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540-1810 80 Fleetwood Brgl'lm d'Elegance. mint cond . loaded, moonrl 9K m1 Mk olr 645-7400 alt 6pm '11 El~o llarrlh Gas. full d1g1tal. dark metallic blue w/dark blue leather, 26K Mi Take 4 AalH Vild wl'll drtve, PU, car or • • ••• 'I •••••• •.•....... wag or $3500 cash for Ceait1l 1101 my equtty Take over • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ••• • • • •• loan on bal. wino Quall .. Como in & see Newport tying 645-9190 Betoh's finest selection •72 Cpe de viiielmmac ol prevtously owned . Porscl'l•'• Audi's and 1ns1delou1 Blue, wht top, Votkswage~s toaded, runs perlectly .._ M Pr ice Negotiable ~ -548-5306 JI MIJRf The fastest draw 1n the '4'45 E Coast Hwy West a Dally Pilot N-porl Beach Cl&SSlhed Ad Call Today 673-0900 842-5678 MATCH THE· NUMBERS ON THE. WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NIW,ORT DATSUN aoa LONG'H 'ONTIAC COHHHl CHfVIOlfT . .... . . r \I !14'--1 lOO 11 Ctl41vl'tle I 11175 4 •Pd n••d• Orkl runt I 11 12900 6'1Q 23~7 15 Monartt1 2 dr 1110 m11nu11I 1n111t 6 tyl ?7mpg, rbll eng s 1600 6b0 181'.J 11 l~~~~1lr SALES !!!!!~~'···••••••!.~!~ <4'43 w Bay SI C M 79 Mus11111g '4 c;yf aulo. Andy Brown 645 2963 AC, 10 r'Tll Xlftl COnd 63t 5009 85 Chov Nova 6 Gyl, new ---pulnt, 80K ong 1111. am/ 67 Fora Mustang Coov. l rn ca n . tOnlpltllftly Wl'll 6 cyl, stick 11111 s t ock Xlnt cond Foct A/C $2460 (7 141 s 11so1b11 olr 900-1722 9 6 4 • 9 9 8 rs • I 7 t 4 I 78 lmpol11 4 dr 49 000 ~36•9289 ""· •Int 1.ond $32!>0 Xlnt 1ran1 car, blUfl, 75, '4 842 8199 cyl, good rnpg, •Int cond Beat olr takes '495-2344 C•1'!.ll11 If ZS • -· · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · ·· · · 01'•••'''' llS5 80 Cordoba l • 1 op $5350 • • •. •••• •• • • •• • ••• • • • • I t38ZYZ) loaded 'IO 011tla11 111,. lr1• RC·SALE SALES 2 dr 33.000 m1, L \T.8, 4ot3 w Bay 91 C M cream & camel, tanoau Andy Brown 645·2963 roof, plu$h Int • wore whla, ~.-! ........... !.~~~ ·17 Dodge Aspen Wagon om/Im, et• e• cond New ures brokes, lune up, $3000 OBO 88t-9t96 Of 675-2276 Ernie pwr everything, crul18 cont. 1m/fm/cass Orig owner Like new S75QO Of make otter 966-0416 69 Olds T0to S600/obo Reltabfe transpor1a11on Call &46-8422 ,. ' ••~ Cutlass Supremo Broug· 101 77'W ham. 78 toaded Xlnt •••••• •• • •••• • • ••• • ••• cond Best otr ta I( es 7 t FORD Mavertck Good ,.95•234,. cond 3 ,new tires, econ _ $850 494-32 t t " ... ,. 1910 75 LTD $1390 (043M01) ••,••••••••••••••••••• · 7 8 P 1 n 1 o s 1 8 9 o 72 Ouster, 5 cyr. 2 door. \699UZO) automatic $550 80 Fairmont Wagon 960·6035 ~3670( 1AH02 18) 1••1i•t ___ l_l_l_S 8 l T ·8 1rd $5350 •••••••••••••••••••--•• ( 1BWV057) '81 Gran Prix.. 17K ml. loaded w/extras $8000 All include power. auto. or bat olr. 752-8861 811 RE-SALE SALES 443 W Bay ST CM Andy Brown 645-2963 ·17 Grand Prtx,-c;;;-s.;: rao. xlnt cond $2400 OBO 548-0612 leave mess 1't 80 Futura G1'11a, lo m1,L ..... ---------nu ures, brakes, bait , 74 Ftrebtrd S t750 Obo carb. sac below whist Runs and toolls gd $3950 675-'47 t9 846-8422 ----11100/~st efr. fbd11jirl 1110 75 Monarcl'l 6 cyl, 3 ·5;·;:9,;;,:·.;h;t~ .. t~·;; spd 25mpg, red rblt mint cond 1 owner eng 543-6'485 '493·3063. 494·0196 COSTA MISA DATSUN ATLAS CHRYSLH_,LY.MOU-lH--- 2929 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa Tel 546-1934. 3 blocks south ot San Drego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete body shop Sales Servtce Parts Service Dept open Monday lhru Friday 7 30 A M to 5 30 P M end 8 A.M lo 5 P M on Saturday 888 Dove Street, Newport Betch Tel 833-1300. At lhe triangle of Jamboree. MacArthur & Brlalol behind VlclOfla Stallon Salft, Service. Leasing & P1r11. We meke great 13600 Beach Blvd .. Weslmlnsler Tel 892-6651 Orange Coun1·fs oldest and largell Ponllac dealersl'11p. Sales, S8f'VIC9. Parta 28'45 Harbor Blvd . Co111 Mesa Tel 54 • .,.10 Serving Orange County lor 16 years. I Mile So '405. HACH IM,OUS 848 Dove Slreet. Newport Beach Tel. 752--0900 Call us, we're lhe specialists for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & Maserall THIODOH ROalNS FORD Modern sales, service. parts. body, paint & tire depl a. Competitive rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. 641-0010 or 5•0·82 11. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MHCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd . Cosla Mesa. Tel. 5.-0-5630. 57 Veers of friendly family service -Orange County's o ldest Lincoln-Mercury d .. lersh•p DAVID J, 'HILll'S aUICK-,ONTIAC·MAZDA Sales • Service • Le11lng 24888 Alicia Parkwey Leguna Hilts 837-2o400 • NIW,OIT IM,OIT5 3100 W Coaat Highway. Newport B eacl'l. Tai. &•2·9o405/540· 1764 fhe Ferrari, Jaguar. Aaton·Marlln headquarters In Orange County. deals• / • NAaHS CADILLAC 2800 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mee•. Tel. 540-9100 Orange County's Largeat C1dl11ac d .. ler. S1lea. SefVice. L .. alng. • SADDLHACK aMW /SUaAaU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy., Avery Pkwy. e11lt We ofter what no bank or le•ae company can: 1. Expe<Uy 11affed. most modern eervlce & P•rta dept.: 2. One ol lhe Soulhland'a most experienced sale• & leasing stall: 3. Ellmlnalll>n of lhe middleman by leasing d .. ler direct. 831-20o40 Ml11lon Viejo o495-o49•9 • CHICK IVHSON '01.SCHl·AUDl·VW 415 E Coast Hwy., Newp<>ft BelCtl. 673-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with lhete thrM gr .. t makes under one roofl • ALAN MAGNON 'ONTIAC·SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Meaa. Tel. 5•9-'4300. Siles. Service. Leaalng. "Mr GoodWr9neh." CLASSIC AUTOMOllLH 765 Newton W1y, Coal• M .... Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUARS OUR SPECIAi.TY" )(K 120'1/1'40'1/l60'1/XJ'1/~ Types Salea -Service -Restorations 011 Placenlla ~ween 17th & 18th In Cotta M ... • DICK MILLll FIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowe11 priced Flall In Southern Caltlornla" (located 1 mile north of South Coa11 Plaza near Main SI. and Warner Ave. In Santa Ana) 120 W. WarntK. Santa Ana 557·2132 • ~ANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana, Tel 556-78 11. Your Or1111na1 Dedlcaled Datsun Dealer. MllACLI MAZDA We've moved! Our new locallon la 1425 Baker Slreel. Cos1a Mesa Tel 545-333• Slop by & vtait our modern al'lowroom •nd see why we're th• • 1 Mazda de1ter In Southern Ca111ornla Sal ... Service. Pa.rll •nd Le11lng COIMIH DellLLO CHIVIOLIT (Formerly Grolh Chevrolet) 18211 BelCtl Blvd , Hunllngl on Beach New • UMCI • Sales • LHalng • Parll • ServlCe Come by and ... our HUQ9 lnvenloryl 147.-e7 5•9·3331 • OIANGI COAST AMC/Jl.,/HNAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd . Coale Mna S•9·8023 &'45·7770 • 1 Jeep O.el9f In the Weatl S.. us today for aales. aervlce & teulng There are reason• why we are • I • • Price and seteotlonl Alto, the 111-new Renault Alliance 11 hefel • SUNSIT FORD, INC. (Home of Willie lhe Whale). 54'10 Garden Grove Blvd., Westminster Tel. 636·'4010. • OIANOI COUNn VOL VO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove Tel 530-9190. Exclualvety Volvo lo cover all your Volvo requirements. New•Used•Sa1es•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•8ody Shop Freeway close In the heart of Orange County at Garden Grove BlvO. & BrookhurSI . CONNILL CHIVIOLIT 2828 Harbor Btva., Co1ta Mesa. Over 22 ye1rs serving Orange County Sales, IHslng, service. Call 546-1200. 1peclal parts fine, 546-9400: body ahop line; 754--0'400 • IOY CAIVH aOLLS aOYCl-aMW 1540 JamborM Road, Newpor1 Betch a..o . .,.o. s11es. Service. Plrls And Le11lng • LONG alACH aMW Large selectton of new & quallly uMd BMW'• and othef fine c1111 S•lea, Hrvlce & teallng. Trade-Ins welcome! Tak• 405 Freeway to North Ch4"'ry olf·ra")P. turn right & go & blocks north 10 3970 N. Chefry Ave .. Long Beech. (714) 636-5790 (213) •27·5"'94 FOR FURTHER INFORMAJION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP. 642-5678 A • ' . ' ,· ( lllDBANGI CDAIT ClllT 1111111 MONDAY. DECEMBER b. 1~82 OHANl.f. COlJNl Y ' Al IF-OllNIA 2~ CE N TS 'Ditch' problem for Mesa By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM DellJ Not ..... It's been called Costa Mesa's Panama Canal. Caltrans canal,. the giant trench and more t'Ommonly -the ditch. Whatever name you use, the one-mile-long, weed-choked hole in the middle of New port Boulevard between Mesa Drjve and Fairview Road is a consiant reminder that the Costa Mesa Freeway has not been completed. The 30-foot-deep hole that measures 180 feet across was dug m 1975 by state highway officials looking for cheap dirt to build an interchange for the nearby Corona del Mar Freeway. The Costa Mesa Freeway route, under consideration since 1944 , seemed like a logical place for excavation since the earth would be removed anyway when the freeway was constructed, officials said. Bittef feelings about the ditch still linger with many Cost.a Mesa residents, who thought that the excavation would herald quick completion of the freeway. They were wrong. A route was adopted in 1969. But the freeway has fallen victim to politic al , planning and financial setback s . A draft environmental impact statement Is expected from Caltrans next month. Even so, construction of the Costa Mesa Freeway could not begin until 1990 at the earliest, officials said. "The minute we saw them take the dirt we thought they were on their way to complete the Costa Mesa Freeway," recalled Bob Wilson, mayor in 1975. "Instead they built a lower priority freeway, Corona del M ar!' Caltrans officials said they could not recall another case in the state where a freeway has ~n planned, and excavation commenced with the land lat.er left unused. "It's unfortunate that it's been that way for so long," said Courtlandt Burrell, Callrans project manager for the Costa Mesa Freeway. "But financing and the need for an Environmental Impact Statement made it happen that way. When we dug the facility we did it with the intention that the freeway wou ld be built in a timely fashion." Burrell said he was at a loss to explain why the Corona del Mar Freeway was built first, adding that the death of the Pacific Coast Freeway in the early 1970s where the freeway was to connect, nearly killed the Costa Mesa Freeway. After officials began turning an eye toward Costa Mesa in 1944, it was only a matter of time before the state had snapped up all the properties along Newport Boulevard;-in what is now the median between Mesa Drive and 19th Street. One of those properties, a one-acre parcel at Newport Aerial view of Costa Mesa's "ditch " shows it running through the center of Newport Boulevard from Mesa Drive to 19th Street. Storage of wood in a portion of the strip near 19th treet is expected to be protested at a city council meet.ing to nig h1. Boulevard and Bay Street on which a house and triplex stood, belonged -io-Betty Beecher: Beecher said she remains bitter about the $62,000 the state paid for the property -land she was forced to give up 23 years ago that still has not been used for a freeway. 'Tm disappointed that it has taken so long," she said. "And it's costing us more every year -tha goes by." [n 1960, the state constructed the southbound lanes of Newport Boulevard, leaving Costa Mesa with two one-way thoroughfares separated by the gaplng; fenced· off median. Today .motorists Lr.avcling between 19th Street and Fairview Road have a view of some trc-es and shrubbery on part of the median land leased to nurseries. (See DITCH, Page A3) • view Lf::lgunans Sycamore Hills 'freeway route' By STEVE MITCHELL Of tM Dellr Not llalf More than 150 Laguna .Beach residents donned hiking boots and binoculars for an ''open house" In Sycamol'e Hills 1n order to better visualize how a Dense fog hides body of cyclist A motorist discovered the body of a motorcyclist, hidden· by dense fog for at least four hours, early this morning near Estancia High School in Costa Mesa, police said. Police said that a motorist identified as Dave Mallard called the station at 1:06 a.m. to report that a motorcycle was lying in the bike lane along Plac.-entia Avenue near Joann Street. Sgt. Clifford McBride said p-olice searching the fog· shrouded roadway south of the high school failed to find any sign of the motorcycle or the driver. The body of the motorcyclist later was disc.'Overed at 5:29 a.m. along Placentia Avenue near Swan Drive, about a quarter-mile away from the location originally given, police said. Officials said it appeared that the motorcyclist was thrown from the bike after hitting a curb. His body was found 90 feet from the motorcycle. It was unclear this morning whether he died instantly. An Orange County coroner was at the accident scene this morning. No Identity has been released. proposed 14-lanf• freeway would bisect thf• city-owned, $7-m1llion parcel. Th(' morning long field trip Saturday was proposed by Councilwoman Bobbie Minkin, a vocal opponent of the propost'd San J<Ydqum Hills Transportation Corridor, which would run between Corona de! Mar and San Juan Capistrano. The councilwoman termc>d the presentation a sut-cess, saying, "When you offer to show· somebody a piece of vacant land with some (freeway) markei:s on it on a Saturday morning, }just weeks before Christmas, ana more than 150 people show up, I think that's terrific." And show up they did, with cameras. notebooks, field glasses and questions. Lots of questions. Maps of the proposed 14 -mile freeway were displayed and city offidals explained where the route -which would cut a wide swath across the city's property -would be located. The Irvine Company also sent a representative to show plans for a 3,600-home development with golf course and commercial uses on property near Sycamore Hills. Large crosses marked several areas where the transportation corrrtlor would cross Sycamore Hills. Several visitors expressed dismay at the prospect of a freeway through Laguna Canyon. Belinda Blacketer, a former Laguna B each planning commission chairman, pointed to a section of the canyon road and said, "There's going to be an interchange over there. (See LAGUNA, PaJte AZ) ' Troublesome fog expected to clear A blanket of fog that covered the Or'ange Coast today, setting off car accidents, traHlc jams and delays In jet departures, is not expected to re turn Tuesday morning. The soupy conditions, tr iggered by a warm marine layer that moved inland olf the coast, will give way to high clouds and a slight warming trend this w eek , the National Weather Bureau predicted. Commercial flights at john Wayne Airport were grounded early today. An air traffic control towe-r official -said visibility at the county airport was zero. In Newport Beach, a pre-dawn motorist, apparently confused by the thick fog bank, drove into a . Pacific Coast Highway s hop near MacArthur Boulevard. P o l ice said the driver, uninjured in the 3 a .m. misha}>, told officers the fog was so thick he was unable to see either the traCfic signals at the intersection or the terminus of MacArthur at the highway. OHicers said the name of the damaged shop, ironically, is Fragments. Minor fender-benders were reported in most coastal clJ1es. California H ighway Palrol oflicers said the fog caused three morning accidents on the San Diego Freeway near the Costa Mesa Freeway. __ ~ A weath e r ureau s pokeswom an said evening temperatures, which have been dropping into the low 40s, will hover in the low 50s this week. No rain is forecast. Irvine aquatic teams seeking use of other pools By GLENN SCOTT o< !fie Oellr ""°' ..... Charles and Lidia Boda sold their house in Long Beach and moved to University Park in Irvine two years ago so their three daughters could compete for the Irvine Meraquas synchronized swimming team. · The Meraquas are considered Southern California's top club; It's junior team won the national championsh ip last summer in Tennessee. The Bodas said they wanted the best Jor their daughters. The move seemed to pay off. Arlene, the oldest at 18, has won an invitation to try out for a United States team in mtemational competition. Diane, the middle daughter, is ranked the top 14 -year-old in lhe country this year in compulsory figures. But suddenly, confidence has turned to insecurity in the Boda household. The reason : A decision made late last tnonth by the Irvine City Council to shut d own the Irvine Aquatics Complex, where the Meraquas practice. Council members agreed Nov. 23. to close the three -pool complex on Jan. 1 (or shortly thereafter) after learning ,o f severe mechanical prob-lcms estimated to cost almost $1 million to r~pair. The city is suinR ,,___---llDEX---- At Your Service A7 Horoecope B2 Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landers 82 Bulletin Board A5 Movies 84 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Classified ~~8 Public Notices C4 ComJCll B5 Sporta Cl-3 Cro.word ~ Stock Marketa B3 DeaUl Notices C4 Television B6 Editorial A6 Theaters 84 Entertainment B4 Weather A2 ' designers and contractors of the complex In hopes of winning repair costs. Meanwhile. the pools will remain empty until consulting e ngineers determine the most cost-effective methods for finally solving the six -yea r -old complex's problems. The pools may be vacant for one to two years, city officials predict. For the Bodas, the news came as a bitter surprise. Said Mrs. Boda: "It's made the girls Insecure. They don't know what's going to happen. If Arlene had known, she could have taken a scholarship this year to Ohio State. Instead, she decided to stay home and swim." The Bodos aren't alone In their frustration. Not only do the 6:> members of the Meraquas work out and compete at the complex, but so do hundreds of others, inc!uding the Irvine Novaq~a~ics s wim team, 11 separate d1v1ng team, high 11ehool and UC Irvine squads, regular lap swimmers, triathletcs and even handicapped people in need of therdpy What will happen \o these participant.a remains uncertain. The city council Instructed ataff membcnt lo begin an Immediate search for olhe r pools In the vicinity where the teams and Dawn Bean programs can be relocated while the $1.6-mllhon complex remains vacant. That sear ch la not over, al\hough officlala aay two pools Ukcly to see extra uae will be the 25-meter pools at University High School and UCI. "I've already made 60 or 70 calls," said Ca r ole Long, supervisor at the complex. ''I've been on the phont1 c.'Qnst.antly. I'm surprlacd I don't have a ('all us on my ear.'' S<i far, howevt'r, the search ' Carole Long hun't yielded a 50-meter , Olympic-sized pool that top swim.men say they need. One such pool local groups are eyelna 11 lhe facility at the nearby El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. That pool has one bis problem, thouah. Ila water heeter doean't work, Lone aaid. City officials are awalUng estimates from the bue on Ute coat to repelr It or hut.all a new heat.er. Meanwhile, the well-or1anlRd group of dally lap awtmmen haa , started a pellllon-signing drive to protest the closure. Local swim I.Cam leaders predict that while a change of location won't destroy their teams, 11 would fracture team unity among various age groups. And a representative of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee is waiting for city response on the decreasing possibility of staging the swimming competition for the four-event Olympic pentathlon al the complex in 1984. Dawn Bean is the coach of the Meraquas and moved the team to Irvin ~ four years ago from Tustin. The synchronlztd swimmers normally practiced ln the 33-meter diving pool at the complex because of its depth. But It has been empty for almost three months because of lew In feeder pipes below the pool'• aluminum s hell. The 25-yard pool aJao was closed the week prior to the council's. dectalon. So now Bean's swimmers are sharlna the only pool atlll In operation at the complex, the $0-melel". The Muaquaa work out at one met, pnctktnc thlalr ballet-like atrokee to taped muak, · while Novaquallca membera awlm lapa In J'@Maini"I ~Uonl. Bean aald t he doeen t ~now (See REPAIRS, Pap Ae) ' 2 Al • Orengo Coaet OAILV PILOT /Mondnv, Otte • 108:? Huntington to ye ·ban on fireworks Thi! ll un llngtun Bt'Bl'h Cl ty Council will ('Ons1der an ordinance tonight that would place a ban on firework!! In tlw city. The ordinancl' would bnr people fro m selling. buying, 1 furni s h ing o r d1 st·harglng ... 1 fireworks. It would allow the use of "sufo 1 and sane" fireworks for religious 1 or patriotic celebrQtions, but only 1 under the direct supervision or a state licensed-p y r otechn ic operator. 1' This provision would allow 'such shows as the Fourth of July fireworks display by the city or t fund-raising events by o ther organizations ToniRht'J 111(.'t'tlnt( 11tarl!i at ti 30 with o study St.>iiMlon In ltoom B Ii ol thl' Clvk Center on l'lty hoi'M' trails Thu n•gulnr nwtotlng bf'gms ot 7:30 Gt Cit~ Council chamlx!rs, 2000 Main !:>t. The proposal to bun fln.•works was miliuted by Councilwoman Ruth Finlt•y several months 411(0 but was held in abeyance whit(• stale legislation was considered. A city report cluims that "suf<. and sane" fireworks Influences and pt'omotes the use or illegal and dangerous fireworks. The r e port s a ys that 17 building fires have been caused by "safe and sane" fireworks m the city In the Last six years. ousekeeper enters plea · A 40-year-old housekeepe r, rested in t'Onnection with the brutal s}aying or an e lderly 'Newport Beach wido w . has leaded innocent to murder charges J ane Irene Moller, a onetime Huntington Beach resident, is scheduled to appear at Harbor Municipal Court In Newport B eac h Dec ; 10 whe n a preliminary hearing date will be set. Moller e ntered the innocent plea Friday, Mesa council studies hotel Construc tion o f a 133-unit motel in Cos ta Mesa will be nsidered by the city council meeting tonight al 6:30 al City Hall, 77 Fair Drive. American Principals Corp. oC San Diego has submitted plans c.alling for a two-story motel a t 2751-2755 Bristol St. The project was turned down ~y the planning commission Sept. 27 for alleged parking, traffic and noise problems. The council will also consider a petition signed by 123 College Park residents, asking for the cons truction of a block wall , 6-feet high, along Fair Drive between Harbor Boulevard and Fairview Road, following recent removal of foliage there by city crews. Dellr Hot It•" Photo ·• Sam Couch, a s pokesman for the Irvine Co., makes point on Sycamore Hills land proposed for use as freewa y corridor between Corona del Mar and San Juan Capistrano. Couc h he lpe d dir.ect a tour of Laguna Beach residents through the ar ea. Condemned killer's • execution f]ears HUNTSVILLE, Tt•>ca11 (AP) CondC'mned kllJ~r Chorllt' Brooks Jr wus tronafcrrl'd lo o death hou111• holdln'I cell today, lcss than HI huur11 before he was 8chcdulcd to become the first U.S. t.'Onvlct executed by lethal lnjt.oCtlon. Brooks, 40, has been ordered to die before sunriS(' Tues(jay for the 1977 fatal shooting of a Fort Worth used-car lol mechanic. His lawyers have asked the U.S. Supreme Court, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans and state officials for a 11wy 11( t'>O'<.'Ullo11 Nu word on u d1'(.'l1JIOn h Ix-ton rl.'('t'iV(od Brooks WWJ trnn.s(l'rrcd under light bt'<.'Urily I rom hill dt•ath row t'l'll at llw Tt•xfc Dl•partmcnl o( Col'rl-t'lltms' Ellis Unit, about 13 milt.'& northeast of here, LO the Walls Un i t in downtow n lluntsvlllt• uboul 7 a.m .. prison spok<·smun Hick Htirtlcy said. Brooks will wait for word from the 1.·ourts In u holding cc:'ll a few teet from the death chamber, Hurtlcy suld, and will be allowed visits with his family, frhmds, lawyers and a doctor. Property taxes deadline Friday· • Even though you may not have received your Orange County properly tax bill yet you'd better pay it by Friday, says coUl)lY Tax Collec tor· Treasurer Robert Citron. Citron reminded taxpayers that.. a n y bill n o t pa'i d o r postmarked by Dec. 10 will automatically be subject to a 10 percent penalty. The penally has been raised this year from thf former 6 percent by legislativ . action. ' Citron said some properly ownl'rS "may not be aware of their first mstallmenl payment (of the fiscal year) for the reason that they have nol received their tax ball." This can happen to owners w ho took title to property after March 1 this year, Citron said, because the tax bill for their land may have b een sent to the previous owner. If you haven't received your bill call Ci tro n 's office at 834-34 11. elly Mohan rites set Tuesday ~~~!:~~ · • • LB's Holm hospitalized after stroke Roy Holm, a former Laguna Beach mayor who collapsed while jogging, was reported in serious, but stable condition al South Coast Medical Center In South Laguna today. Funeral services will be conducted Tuesda y for Kelly !Mohan of Fountain Valley, who !died Friday after a short illness. rhe was 15. 1 She was the daughter o f ;Robert and Carol Mohan. Carol IMohan has been a member of the Fountain VaJley School District board of trustees since 1979 and l;as elected board president last IThursday. Visitation hours are planned rom 7 to 9 o'clock tonight al Dilday Brothers Mortuary, 17911 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Rosary will be recited during the visitation period. . Mass will be said at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Holy-Spiri~ Catholic Church. 17270 Ward St .. Fountain Valley. Burial will be at G ood She pherd Cemetery in Huntington Beach. Mohan was a sophomore al Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana. A memorial service in her honor was scheduled today al the school. ~~ frem Hl•11n Dau. Ice Cream Shoppe ~Coat' ""= llll&"dlOl-COOIO Melcl CA °'6}6 • ,,. 15' ~151 ·~So COO!f- ,ogyro lleoc:n CA <n~' ,,.-491~7 departures et>out 9 p m. Sunday alter log cul vtstblhly to nearly zero. se1d airport operations manager Jonn Smith Pates were allowed 10 take ott t>y 1 • m 11 111e tog llfled somewhel t>ul landings were routed 10 San °'41go. O<iterlO and othef ••11>o<IS unlll •boul 3 am , se1d operations manager Merly Schlock er Coastal Fog llllorig 10 low N8<CHI t>y mld·d•y HiOhs near 11(1 81QnO the coast 10 68 inland Clnudy tomgnt wllh overnight lows 46 lo 53 Parlly cloudy dur1ng morning hours Tuesday with chence or more log In early hOurs Faor In the etternoon with g"llY nonhe<ly winds 20 10 30 mph ~low the canyons Highs Tuesday 64 to 68 Schlocker said loghl euly morning etr trelltc usually con1111s or tr91ghl pqnes "She was very active here," recalled Father Michael Harris. principal of Mater Dei. "She was a ve ry outgoing, personable young woman who loved people. She was a \ff!ry C"aling person:"- He said she had applied to work as a hospital voluntee r shortly before her death. Her death was also mourned today at Fulton Elementary &·hool in Fount.ain Valley, from which she graduated in 1981. Fulton Principal· Marc Ecker said faculty members met today to begin planning a tribute lo Mohan, such as a memorial fund or an annual award in her honor. "Kelly was very spirited and very involved here," Ecker said. "She wu well liked and very popuJar." He said she participated on girls sports. teams and on the school's yearbook committee In addition to her parents, Kelly 1s s urvive d by three brothers, Robe rt, Michael and Kevin, and by her grandmother, Fran Hempling. Elsewhere. lrom Po1n1 Conception 10 the Mextten border and out 60 mlles Winds llghl and veriet>le over outer waters 1on1gh1 end Tuesday Winds Tuesdey ellernoon no•lh 10 nortt>easl 20 10 30 11no11 Seas 4 to 7 feel lonlQhl 1ncre111no to 6 to 9 '"' Tuesday Locally. winds wesl 10 soulhwesl 8 10 15 knots. Increasing to IS to 25 knoll Tuesday ehetnoon Wind waves I to 3 reel. Westerly swell& 2 10 3 lee!. The NatlOnel Wealhef S9fVJCe loreceSI some cloudiness end morning tog along lhe ooas1 uni~ Tuesday with winds t>low1ng t>elow c1nyons from 20 lo 30 mph """~ \'\! .......... Sf*·<• 7 'o0&1• us C-•c..,.,.,.. .. • I ' Power was resl0<ed Sunday 10 moll ol Iha Southetn Cehl0<n1ans who went w1lh0ul ~1nc11y aller 19$1 Tuesd1y"s herd·hlthng storm utthly companies &aid Te mperatures NATION "' Lo Alt>eny 58 54 Alt>uqu9'que 63 24 Amarlllo 54 26 Alllevllle 83 40 Allenta 86 42 Alllnllc Cl1y 112 57 Aualln 72 46 Bllflimore 71 63 8Hllng1 ~ 25 Blrmlnghem 611 41 8ltm'1Ck 35 21 8o4M 48 42 Botton 57 51 BrownaYlle 78 50 Butflllo 87 52 Bu<llnglon 57 82 CUC* 36 22 Cher111n SC 74 62 C<hetllln WV 75 48 CM<IOlll NC 73 •• Otleyenne 40 24 ChlcegO 63 as Clnclnnell 67 46 Ctewlend 67 50 Columble SC 77 55 Columt>u• 95 49 Oel·FI Wlh 86 42 .Oeyton 63 44 Oen...., 45 28 On MCllMI 41 27 ' Fronts: Cold ..,... Warm WW Richmond Sell leke Sen Antonio SNllle Stvwvef.ort Sioux ella SI Louie SI P·Tampa SI Ste Marie SpoklM Syrecuae Topeke Tucton TUIH Wuhlngton Wichita C:ALlf'C>MflA ( n 41 73 44 60 38 61 63 38 38 67 42 67 51 72 81 Ht 56 82 65 65 72 59 51 56 47 61 65 67 58 . 87 73 59 89 77 63 85 72 68 76 70 72 78 57 89 45 69 20 36 36 ~ 39 72 31 30 64 30 41 ' 33 63 26 Lo 45 52 48 33 53 43 50 411 27 47 43 47 t2 42 42 27 44 40 49 48 40 43 44 3g 38 41 ~8 45· 17 "And another one where the corridor crosses El Toro Road," she said, shaking her head. "They're going lo be enormous.'' Councilwoman Minkin termed the outi ng a "debut f o r Lagunans.". "Now they'll have an idea how much land we're talking about when hearings begin next month on the corridor. Holm suffered a stroke about midday Saturday, a friend or the family said. He was jogging at the Laguna Beach High School trac k when t h e incident occurred. Earlier in the morning he participated in a field t rip in Sycamore Hills, completing a three-mile hike of the canyon area by noon. Roy Holm Many visitors took advantage of the openjng of the Sycamore Hills pro perty to walk the three-mile ridge line that provided views of the Ahso Viejo properly, L eisure World, the Laguna lakes and the Irvine Company-owned land where a housing development is pro~. The 56-year-old civic activist· served on the Laguna Beach City Council from 1968 until 1976 and was mayor for three years, 1973 LO 1976. Greenbelt, Inc. board of direcLOrs and an avid parachutist. He is a member of the Laguna Holm is an executive at Beckman Instruments. He's s ure to be pleased with our Scottish Shetland sweater Chri stmas is certainly_ the time a man appreciates an addition to his collection of sweaters. We sug- gest this Shetland wool classic, with fully-fash- ioned crew neck and saddle shoulders, offered in eleven handsome shades: navy, blue mix, burnt red, Tartan green, natural. maize, burgundy, char- coal grey, heather mix, Kelly green or pepper brown. Even sizes 38 to 48, $47.50 • ro rurll'I' a Brno/ts Brotltus ,1tar1t opp/111111011. phont 1011-fru 1-800-241·I000. ISTAIUSHIO 1111 • oY#~o~;i;~liV ((~C~~~ J'urntshlngg for llrn. Women ~· loys 530 wmn TfU STRHET. LOS ANGlil.l!S. CAI.It-: flASHION ISi.ANO. NRWPORT BRACH. CALIF. • • ' ~ ~ I I ) Tickut.s 11rl' on iude Cor juzz entcrtmncr Chuck Manglone's performan<.-c al Orange Coast College S unday. · Two shows will bl• stag1..'<.1 in the Costa Mesa college's Robert B. Moore Theater at 7 and 10 p.m . T ickets arc $9 and $10 and arc availa ble at 1 hP coll<'gc • Construction crews are resurfacing several streelS m Laguna Beach thlS week, and motonsts are being asked lo ta k e alte rnate r o utes, I ( possible. Te rry Brandt, the city's director of municipal services. said Skyline Drive from the • The Laguna Folkdancers will host a Macedonian dance . workshop Wednesday from 7 to 10 p.m. in ... aguna Beach High School girls gymnasium. In s t ru c to r Pece . . tlc·ket o ffH·c· or through tickl'tron outlets. Ma ng io ne r<'Ct'ived an Emmy <•ward for his Olymp1t therm• song "Uiv It All You Got" and a grummy for his 1976 album. "Bellavia." For more inforjmation about the <.'Oncerts call 556-5527. 900 block to the 1100 block is being resurfaced. T emple Hills Drive. Crom Tha lia S treet to Bay V1C'w Place w ill be recoated on Tuesday and Wednesday and Bluebird Can yon . between the 200 and 600 blocks will be resurfaced T hursday. A t a oa sovski , who h as choreographed dan<.'CS for the' Ama n Fo lk Ensemble, will teach the Yugoslavian dance. For more information. call 494-7930. ~ lican ' surgery 'success' Thl· luh-st "'ur~wal putwnt ut Crown Vullt•y Animal HU111plt.al In Logunu N1f(ut.'I Is rt>stlng <.·omfortobly following ar) op<•rutlo11 to rl'pla<.'t.' 11.s scven.>d upp<•r tx•ok. "II w<•nt gr<>a l ," said vtH<'rmurlun Gayle Roberts of th<' 11pN·lal prosthetic surgery S undoy on a mutilated brown pelican num<.'CI Cathy Lee. "I'm very l'Onfident that this is the strongest one yet." Cuthy Lt.>e as the third pelican to h uve a f ib e rglass beak surgic:qlly attached stain!~ st.eel plat<.'s, screws and a powerfu l bon<' glue. The bird is named afwr Cathy Lee Crosby of TV's ''That's Incredible," which has Cl I m e d a segmen t on t h e mutilations of 18 pelicans. Busines e upporting the arts State Dcpurlment of Fish and Game officials believe an angry fish e rman seek i n g revenge sawed or hacked oH the beaks of the b irds beca use the y s teal lli(•k Ehrk(•, lttft , r«gional vice president of Wells Fargo Bank, anchovy bait and get caught in ancl llarve,•y SINarn, right, vice preside nt o f the Mission Vie1'0 fishing lines. No one has been arrested in the case. said DFG (:om1nrny, prt•S('lat. $5,000 donations from their firms to David s°Ck:th1;nL~:t ~:r~rought to Tu1tpun, 1•r•·~idt•nt of F luor (;orp . for the· Orange County Business the Crown Valley hospital Crom <:ommitlt•t• l'or the Arts which Sf)O nsors annual "Business in the JI q lJ b ,ri ;e ib Marineland and joined 12 other Arts" awur·d!oi aod ma tc ht.•s business volunteers with art g roups. --:=::::::::::============================================~.~i~n~ju~r~cd~pc~l~ic~un~s~.~~~~~~~~======~============================================~~~~~~'~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -O ') A Robinsons Sale TOWLE, WALLACE, REED le BA~RTON STERLING .SILVER SPECTACULAR · I . . . = ENJOY VERY SPE·CIAL HOLIDAY PRICES ON 4·PIECE PLACE SE1TINGS, ONE WEEK ONLY ' -~ Today through Sunday. December 12. you can realize your d ream of a sterling holiday at undreamed-o f prices. In tw elve of our mos t pop ular trad1t1onal patterns. All in stock. right this second But don't de lay. Ouant111es are .. ltm1ted to s tock on h and. sub1ec1 to prior sale Robinson's Silver Flatware. 18 1. Sorry. no m ail or phone ord ers. 4 pc place setting 16'()(; serv1cp lor 4 place kntle place rork. tour 4·pc place settings salad lork leaspoon . ENGLISH PROVINCIAL Now Now ROSE POINT '119 •. '476 Monthly payment $25 Now Now '516 OLD ATLANTA '129. Monthl)' paym ent $25 OLD MASTER . Now• Now '139. '556 GRANDE BAROQUE Monthly payment $25 r Now Now FRANCIS I $]49. $596 \ Monthly paym ent $30 " SPANISH BAROQUE GRAND DUCHESS No w Now QUEEN ELIZABETH '169. '676 Monthly payment $30 32·pc service lor 8 e19h1 4-pc place se111ngs Now $952 Monthly payment $45 Now $1,032 Monthly payment $50 Now '1,112 M onthly payment $50 Now '1,192 Monthly payment $55 Now •1,352 Monthly payment $60 JOIN OUR SILVER CLUI: UP TO 24 MONTHS T6 PAY. NO FINANCE CHAROEt Here's ao example or how lhe plan works a service tor 8 (eigh1 4.pc place H lhngs) 1n lhe Grand Baroque pattern 1s $1 112 plus 611>111 sales lax" of $72 28. lor a total ol Sl,184 28 Yoor paymen11 w111 be SSO lor 23 months w11h a final paymenl of $34 28 (Subjec1 10 cred11 a~roval ) 1 NO FINANCE CHARGE 11 required monlhly paymen1s are made by lhe billing dale •The Sliver Club Plan 1s available only IQ{ purchases ol $200 or more "Add only 6'1• sales IBx lor dehver1es.outslde Los Angeles counly ROBINSON.'$ COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY 48 pc service tor 12 1we1ve 4.pc place se111ngs Now '1,428 Monthly payment $65 Now $1,548 Monthly payment $70 Now '1,668 Monthly payment $75 Now '1788 • I Monthly payment $80 Now '2,028 Monthly payment $90 • t MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH out CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. WE'LL RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERENCES IN EVERY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CAUPORNIA • . • ' • 0Hmu COUil OAll y ,,,LOT /Mondby. Dt•t.UllllJur G, 1982 ,,.----------------------------~ ......... --------------------------=---~_-_-_-_-_~_-_-__ ~----::::,:;:~;;;;;.;;;;.;~r---i11 Gasoline price drop· quickens LOS ANGELES (AP) Gasoline prlC't.>li thol lx•gun tumbling lasl July now un.· dl'<.'llnlng al on w~n 1 fustl'r fJUl't', with rt"~ulur gm; dropping below $1 & g<1llo11 Ir\ :corn., rt•tiion11, t1Cl·orc.t111g to oil Industry 1 a nalyst Dun Lundberg •I "&•fc.>r(' ll wus dropping 11 p••nny and 1o1 qu1c1rtl·r pt•r month 11ow In two Wt>t•k.s ll'11 down u J)'mny," sulc.J Lunt.llx•r11. publi!th~r of :i Wl~kly trot.It.• journal. Lundbl1r(f1> bi-weekly price su rvey of 18,000 rt·tuil tee.•:-i.~a111ms natwnwtd(' showed thl• uvcrugc• prll't• ~·r g:.11011 vf regul:ar ut Cull -scrv1cc• stations dropped to $l.:l3 last Wl<ek from $1 24 on Nov. 11. Regular ot t-l'lf-serve pumps had fallen to $1.14 a t(tallon, down I 19 cent.1' 10 two weeks. And some Los Angel('i.-llfl'll St-If-serve st.auons have dropped their pm'l's for regular to 99.9 rents Tht.· i,urvey sh owed a wide range of pr1ces with !>um(' . urpr1sing regional variations, especially the i:.harply dc~hnmg pdet.-s on the West Coast. Beriefit tax eyed W A S 11 l N (; T () N ( A P ) T h 1· R t• u g a n .1dm11w.11.i111m 11> l'On!>1dt•1·1ng u proposal to tax m<'<i1<:;..il ~·nl'lll!> m cmµloycr grnup hcaJlh plans as part of 1t-. • I!~'" HIX I huclg«l rc '(.·omm1•ndal1om lo be subm1tlt'(I ,,,. , C.:ongH·~::. 111 J1111uary, :icl1111111::.tr;1tion vfhc:1als !>tiy. , Suc:l;l l:wrll•l 1h prnv1d(•<1 l.iy 1•mploy ers ar<· not nuw ll.lxl·tl c.i~ p11rt of an l·mployt•e's income., and the pr(•mi11111s p•11u fu1· thl· 111~'\Jn1nt'l' <1rt.• treated as a 1.<1x- dt.'Clul·t1hl1• busint•ss 1•xpt•nst• for employers. 1-;<1w1n Uuh" oi s pokt•smun for t h (' Off1c:e of Ma m1gc·mc•nt ~ind Budgt.•t, said the idea of t.axang the• lx·n1·l11-. ha!> lx·c·n thsc.·usst•d by budget analysll> for y~·;u~ and wa-. k111x·kt•d out of th(• fiscal 1983 budget al the lost rn<Jmc•nt Although un 111tcragcnc·y tai,k for«c studying theo issue· h41s not t-ubrrnttt.•d any rc.'<.'ommendations lo the· presuh•m y1•L, .. all opltons art.• on llw table," Dale said Pilots reject merger GRAPEVINE, Texas (AP) -Forme r Braniff lntt-rnullunal pilots weigh ing the char:ice of a job against the• loss of seniority have decided to buck their union's n'jl..'<·lion of a new contract one pilot calll'CI their .. last hurrah." About 250 pilots voted narrowly during an , l'motional 4 1 , -hour meeting Thursday to support the union's dedsron t.o reject the contract that would have <:l<'ared the way for a joint venture with San D1ego- based Pac1hl' Southwest Airlines Senate well pald WAS HINGTON (AP) -S o me 165 Senate employees earn more than $50,000 a year, according to the most recent report on salaries issued by the office of the Senate Secretary -and that d oesn't include the 100 senators who earn $60,662 annually. Among the highe r paid of the Senate's 6,700 employees are the seven "repo.rters of d ebate" who make stenographic notes or everythJng that ts saJd on the Senate Cloo r for inclusion in the dally Congressional Record. They each ,arn $57,000 annually. The "keeper of stationery," by contrast, makes a mere $50,304. -Most senators have at least one aide earning over I $50,000. Some have two or three. Two of the 39 1! Senate employees assigned to Vice Presiqent George Bush earn $55.!86 each. The chief Senate barber makes far less. drawing a - salary of $28.993. But that doesn't include tips Edison pact studie~ SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Wate r R<'sourccs Control Board may act al a hearing Tuesday on a pt'rm1l for a hydroelectric project on Dinkcy Creek in thl• Sierra Nevada t'aSt of Fresno. A staCf recommendation to grant a permit soughl by the Fresno-based Kings River Conservauon Drstril'I contains ~vcral t'Ondttions that must be met befor~· construction begins. One rc•q uest.i the district to reach a contract for Southern California Edison Co. to buy electricity from the pro)l>ct. Voters in the Kings Hiver district have approved a $700 million revenue bond issu e to build 340-foot-high rock fill dam. two hydroe1ectric plants and a reservoir thot will hold 90,000 acre-feet of. water. By Tbe Associated Press Selected world gold prices today: London morning fixing $443.00, up $1.75. London afternoon fixing $445.25, up $4 .00. f Paris afternoon fixing $440.07, off $2.13. Frankfurt fixing $444.07, up $2.08. ' • Zurlcb late afternoon fixing $444.75. up $4. 75 bid; U $445.75 asked. Hudy & Harman (only daily quote) $445.25. up $4.00. Engelhard (only daily quote) $445.25. up $4.00. Engelhard fabricated (only daUy quote) $467.51, J up $4.20. Copper 71 ~e-74 cents a pound, U.S. destination.,. Lead 201h-26 cents a pound. Zinc 38-40 cents a pound, delivered. Tin $6.1404 Metals Week composite lb. Aluminum 76 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercury $36~.oo per flask. Platinum $372.00-$376.00 troy ounce, N.Y. Silver Handy and Harman, $10.03 per troy ounce. ,. i ' I I NYSE ( .. (}MPO ~l 'fE 'l'HAN C'rION ouou .. o-.... uuo• H •OHOll ........ •O•• ........ IOAttPIL .... •ouo .. CllU011 ••P fllf(lltNAll \fOO •ac111111o10U1111to•111e1uo•'t .... lllHOANOUOrtNlt Due to •••• 1ran1rnl11lon •oda~·· final 11111ng1 wlll nol appear In the Delly Piiot -· • OtungQ Co •l 1'AILV PILOT /Mondoy, Oecemb•r 8, Dow Jones Fina11 UP 24.28 CLOSING 1.055.14 Gasoline price drop quickens .; LOS ANGELES (AP) Gasoline prices t ha t began tumbling last July now are declining at an even faster pace, with regula r gas dropping below $1 a gallon in some regions. according to oil Industry analyst Dan Lundberg. "Before 1t was dropping a penny and a quarter per month -now in t w t> weeks ifs down a penny.•• ·• ' suid Lundberg, publisher of a weekly trade journal. Lundberg's bi-weekly price survey of 18,000 retail gas s tations na tionwide s howed the average , 1 price per gallon of regular at full-service stations dropped to $1.23 last week from $1.24 on Nov. 11. Regular a t self•serve pumps had fallen to $1.14 a , gallon, down 1.19 rents in two weeks. And some Los Angeles-area self-serve stations have dropped their prices for regular to 99.9 cents. The survey showed a wide ran ge of prices with some surprising re gional variations, especially the sharply declining prices on the West Coast. B en el'its tax eyed . ' WA S HINGT ON (AP ) -The R e aga n ndmimstrul1on is t'Ons1dcrmg a proposal lo tax medical benetits in employer group health plans as part of its " fiscal 1984 budgl'l re<.'Ornmcndations to be submitted to Congrc:!>!> m J anuary, admimstra1ion officials say. Such benC'f1L-; provided by employers are not now 1 ., taxed as part o f an employee's income, and the 11 premium!> pmd for the insuram•e are treated as a tax- deductibl<! business expense for. employers. Edwin Dale, a s pokesma n for the Office o ( Managt•ml•nt and Budget, said the idea of taxing the t benefi ts has bc..~n dist·usscd by budget analysts for years and was knocked out of the fiscal 1983 budget al the last moment. E dison pact studied SACHA MENTO (AP) -T h e s ta te Wa ter •' Rcsout't'CS Control'Board may ~tat a hearing T uesday on a permit for a hydroclcctrk project"' on Dlnke y Creek in the Sierra Nevada cast of Fresno. A staff rec.'Ommenda lion t.o grant a permit sought by the Fn.-sno-bascd Kings River Conservation District l'Onlains several t'Ondittons that sust be met before l'OnstrUl'llon begins. Ont.• requests the d1 str1ct to reach a con tract for Sou tht>rn Chhforn1a Edi"On Co. lo buy electricity from the ,eroj(.ict. · V~ers in the Kings River district have a pproved. a 1• $700 m il lion revenue bo nd iuue to build a ·· 340-foot-high rock fill dam, two hydroelectric pl"nts and a reservoir that will hold 90,{)00 acre-feet of walt!r METALS NEW YORK (API -Soot nonlerro-.. metal l)l!Cet IOCl•y UPS AND DOWNS NEW VO'IK (AIOI -The IOl-tno 1111 .,,_, the New Yolk Sl9tk EUl\entl ltOOI 8nll _,..,,.J l...c --.. -"'"' -.... "" ,,_ -tfl l:""'t .. <-. ,........_ ...... _ NO ::':l;f'e. trallit111 --'1 -Incl• -.. Net -,.,c ....... 'l\enOH MO tlle dlN.,enu •-Ille P<tvkMft CIOM"I ~~~.~.~-~~~ i~m.'.~.~~~: ......... . H•-l..ett CllO Pct. t AMII COr1> wt I tO • t\lr Up 17.4 2 Pwebto Int I t\ro • 1141 Up U.I J ~F CorP I I> • t.. VIII II.I ~ .. ..::t"1ne1 ~ ~~ ! :: ~= ::1 4 SleleyMftl I ttllli + ttlt U' II.I 7 WnAlr .. I 141n • ,.. VD tO s I W"Alr Un I ~ • \II Up 10.J t Hori~ I tJ141 • 1~ VIII to.! II See<1PltYI I ,, .. + J141 Up t .t l1 GPU GP I I • "' Up U 12 EAL MO I •'-• .. Up t.• 11 aeldWVlll \ I 42'-• J.-Up t.S 14 AMR G-I n-• ttl, Up t.l is D•l•T••m I • • .... Up '·' ,t ~r.:-~·'r;i: ~ .,.,.. : .~ ~= ::: 11 LN H-n I ""° + 1'4 Up Lt ,, Trenl(JI Int I ,.. • \IJ UP u • Ore~ I 11"'9 • t1o Up LO II Ren-I ~ .. V. Up 1.0 22 ~ In< I ~ • '"" UP 7.t u Ore¥flit0> I *"' • ~ up 1.1 14 t:ttp<I(· I ..._ • "' VD 7.1 ~~ ..... "~ ..... "1: .. , ~.~~ ~~ .. ~:~ ,._ l..etl CllO P<t. I ••n "*119 I tCMio -t 14 ()ti IO • 2 Ttl<eMrl I St;. -\II Of! t' ~ Emerllecl 1 I 20 -t._ OH • 4 Alllff Prd I 6-'" -"' Of! U S T..cOCP I IJ'--1\1. °" L• • NH!We GP I 11 -t ott U 1 W•'-I '"" -'-OH LI I • .,.,OE,f• I ... -" otf 7.t t LN rP'tt I It -tit Oft 1.A It CettlOlr I 22 .. -n• Oft 7.1 l1 El'Wft!.ei i.• I,, .... -,.. Off 7.t I EO Intl I ... -" Oft 7.1 I "9rfec I JV. -Iii Oft I.I 14 MH"9Fd I 1" -\Ii Oft •·• 11 ~.;.,... s I 33"' -1'-Otr •.i I• •••ti"" I 1141 -\o, Oft 4.4 11 erntln I 44\le -l ott 6 .. J lt Y1"l. ffO I M -J-'11 Of! U • 1f, LI 1.9"' I 14 ... Oft U • t11tlell CM' I •141 -\Q OH U tt W\fly I 10\Ci -.. Off 1.1 ti Mer IN I .--,_ OH U tam ... ~ /U \IJ-7 Oft H H YeM8 I 1'-\IJ Oft s.S H ... v_ 11 I t~ tit Off U ·SYMBOLS ce,~r 71~-74 centt • pound, u S oettin.IJOna. LMll 20\t-2$ c.tlt • l)Olllld ZlltC la-~ CM\la •pound. ~ed Tift M t404 ~ WMll compo91te ID A......_ 78 cente e l)OUJ>d, N Y lillefcwy IMS 00 per llaek. f'lettn11"' 1372.00-$378 00 troy cwnce. N.Y. I GOLD ~U!~!.I~!~ ,,_ I S.Cted -Id gold prloM toci.r L.eMeot "'°''*'O 11a1ng M 43oo.uo11.js. L...-.. eltefnoon fixtne IU5.25. vo "'00 L~ eltefnoon 1txt119 SUS U . 110 "'oo I ...,.. efternoon tlxfne 1440.07, of! 12.13 'fMllfwf llxtne $444.07, up 12.0I. ' w late .nernoon llxlne '44-4.75, u,;_- 14,15bid;1445.75 Ulled Hendr a Herlften (onty d•llY Qu 1445 25. up ... 00. .......... (only delly QUOt•I 1445 H , 1400 ·~ •i•••d (only dell)-14t7~1. up 14 to. G_o.L_D COINS __ NEW YORI( (AP) -PttCet late F't1C18)' gold co1n1, comP•••d with Wednetd ptlcff Kru1•11•nel, 1 t roy 01., SU 7.50, up Ste 2S ..... ...,, t troy OI , '44 7 50, up Ste 25 .... Jun IO ...... t 2 ttoy or , ISll 1S uP 11e 15 A11etrt•n 100 cr•wn. 1102 troy o• S•22 50. uo St500 SOUtce DMll·P•••