HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-07 - Orange Coast Pilot• THE ORANGE COAST COUNTY EDITION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Cities due say on bullet train route? lh c; LI·:'\ I'\ ~< o l"1 O( lh• 0•11¥ Pllul Sl•tf 1\ t•1ll \,1.,.~1\1 ., \ • 1.,1 ", •1•tl11r11 l .d1tu1 ru.1 'tit•-.. ,111d t 11l11du' .1 \llht '" .1pplt1\1l1,.• ', .... ,,.,,.-d 11111(1 l I 1.1ll1 I tlltlt 11.1 Ii• t 11 111111 •1111 Id Ill 'i.11 1.11111 11111 ,\,.,. 111111' "11111.111 1\1.111.111 II< I g ....... 11 H Nt•\\ I"''' II<"' Ii \\ ... , t • II I 1 I) f Ii I t' t' l.1 \\ 111 , 1 k 1 I •, f " '>fkll"•" tltt hill All l 1111111111: ltt I v, t I• \,,l 11!111\ 111.111 l\11lwll Fr,,,,, ll t ·.11 1,11,111 '"" ._,, 11 \\ lllt.1111 I '1,t\ t II H \ "'·' It"' tlit 11111\ 111111~11••..,1111 h t I J H ,f II I 1 It H It It t tf "'I f J.1 "f H '111 11)' ,r,,, 111 th• "''" I• 1•1 l.1tl\• '1'111 h111l1 I II 1111 \\"111.1 t 1111 toll .1 n• \\ '' p.tl .dt .t I 111 lr.u k ... IJ lH11 ,1. .. , \11g• 11, t 1111111~·h 111.111~·· < '1111111\ 1 .. S.111 I l11 g11 .11 I"• .f, 111• '" 11111 1111li ... , .. I 1111111 It ·"'" 1-. pl H1li1 ti 1i 1•111 " I.. \H~1! It lr1tt t '' 1li1111 .1 \l1I11 ,r 1 I I 1 t I 11 I I " 11 I .1 I • t I I I I • .q•11t•\1J •I tl1 ,1,111 111111• 1111)' 111 I •ii\ 1 "11111 ii Ill I 1111 "" I • ti , • I 1 1111 \\ " 1 Id I 111 I I \\ • I iJ 1I11 "I I I ' 1 •• , u ti \ j'H\ I l 1111 I• "I 'I ,, \\I •lJ j, I I H t' I 111 If I • ' 11 j t ••• , ,, 11,, 1tlo111. 11111 I ••J'J'f "',ti \\ 1.itld ltt Ill" ,.,,I\ .1111111 11111' 11• lltt l11il l 11 l• f I I"' ·.1.111 I '111.l 11 I I 1111 l• • \ 0.,1111111 .. 1"11 \\•Htfd I• .l( 1\\td ltl .'l,ud .1 t t lltl1t.1l1 11f 1111i\• ttl• IUt ,tllif Ill t d J'lt.11 tt 11t1lt ,d1 lfu l1111tl )1ll\ I I llllit ld I 'J 1111 t "II\\ 1u.111d •ltd Ii~ l11J1 \111111th11 .. 11 •111 I )11 t 1•t1 l t I" JI }11 j I Ii ., ,,f II< 11•1 '•1111 .11d1 111(11 "''' t 1 •• I,. 11,. I• g1 I 111•111 111111111 l-.11111 1, '"'"'' 1111 11,. ,,,,Ill '" 1!11 It I I I 11,111. 1111111,ol lt•I \1111111,111 11 q • It s I I t " I< t,, I II I I ti. I ii I\ .1 '. 1 • •It 11 •·t, I\ 1 •1 • 'I JI,., 111>~ I•' 11fi..,ll~111 1111 ·''''"' Ill I' I ' d I• H "~I tt It \ I HI d d I 'I" 1 , • I I II !lied l1dol I ,1\la11l1 t,( \),, l1,1tl\ Ii\ I.ti• 1'11111 I ( t I •• ' I~ t I t'' f \\ • \ I I t I ' 11t l1dl\ 1\ot11ft ti 11 It It 111 t tl1.lf 11111•l1t 111.d\I I" I .1ppt ,ti ,ttl "·.ti tit 1111111'.f '1'11• 1!1•111111111 .111 I 11.ltl \ \\ 11111.1 ti ,,t 1d ·.ti. I' Jiii 111111: 111. l1 ·g1 ... l..t11111 lwt .tlht' ltt lot flt\ I ... \h,1f 1111 ,,f t•tJ\ I 1111111•1tl"\ "l.httldd t ttlll111I 111111111111' Ill 1111°11 Jill I .d11 llUll • '-. .. I 11 1 .. , o1I .. 11,. 1.il 11." • 1 .. 1111.I 11,. 111" "' .l11t1 ••lit .. 1 1111 I" Ht. I 11.1111~ .. Jloll 11 \ IP '·"( 111111 •II• 1. ,,, .. I." It •I I I'" ..... 1 ti ti I • I 1• J11 IHI' IUll1t1l1•, td l}li l.1 ,I ,1 ''·dt•~I Ill lo1t1 \1tl'lhf _, \ t II Iii\ 111.111 111 lit . y .. 1111)-'. f 1 ) l,1\\ 111 \ \\loo ,.._ t 11,lll lllolll "' I IP \ • 11il11\ l 1,11"'Jl"I \,ti 1"11 Onofre flaw claims hit lh STEVE MlT('lll-:1.1. O(tlle D•lly Piiot Sl•tl l'h,11g1·' 1.J ... ui. ... 1.111 d.11d Wl'ld111g ·'' 1111 S.111 ()111111. Nul I'"" { ;, 1u 1.11111g ...,,,,,1, 11 Ii.I\• ll<'• 11 l.tlM 11 d 111"11li· t.111t1.111·d I)\ ' It' N II ti I I I H I g II l.1 '.•I \ Cw111111,-.1 .. 11 1 .. 11 .. ,, 111g ,, 1111111tli long p111l1t 111 1li1 pl.1111 1h11 • 1111h·' '11lllh 111 :-....111 ( '11·1111 1111 l\l, .. 111\\ hill'. .1 "l>l1kt· ... 111.11l 1111 lh1· .11111 IHll i•'oll :\111.111 11· !1>1 Su1vl\,.t 111g.11111.1t11111 ,,llfl tl11 NIH' 1nq·,t1g.1t11111 \\.o 11111 tit. lhlltUllgli 111\t''>llj,!,olll'/I \\I \\I ft h11p111g 1111 .11ld111g th.ti ~·111111 \\ tll plhli lul ol I Oltlgt I.., 11111,.J proli<• 1"g.11d111g '·"' f\ 11~1,' .11 lh1· l\lldt·.11 µl.1111 Alh·go1llPll ' "' llllJllllJH'f "1·ld111g 1111 P'I'' .111.f , 1 .. , 1111.tl sy..,t1·111 "'PP"' 1 o1s "• 11 ,., l" h ,11 lo( I o, ., f J.1 \ 111 ti ti' II I ,tf s l •• I\ d •• I d t .. I I • , I "II I I C"qlllfllll• 111 111d • \ t II dt Ill' ""' I ' C'Clll'ol I llt I 11111 11 \t l1·d l •• 1111·1 \\••I k I I I b1 \t II ~•It 1., ... l· .. 11 I "'' "' " 1••11111 I ({,. 1111 I ' .... ,. q t1.d11' '111111111 I 111:1111 ,., H•1ht1I ,,1,11h tl1.,1h111d .t11tl 1111111 --.,,11 111t1•lt1 ,, "'II .t 11u1ll11 I J•l 1111 Iii '\)11 t.11•,111 th.it h .• , "ttlflt 1t1d1 I .tlltll h. ti\ K· t1I lll•d ,,,, \ ..... , •1111111•• 11' l\l.111 Ii II<• Iii• 1 •ol l1t 1o1I, .. 11.f J\, 111 ",,., 111 .. d IH; llht ti. l.1!11 .I '''" 111 • .J t \,1111111.11 11•11 (,, 11111111111.1111 111•, tfl'dll l' .ii \\,I 1)11 I• 1111 .,j I 11 •1111 Ill •I t11p(,q11I du II! !Ji1 1p1.d11' t•I ., • ld11q• 11 tl,1 :\)10 lll1!.tll pf,.111 If 1.., ,,fl, I' 111,.11 )•I t lllJ I• d .111 I 11 \ ' .., I I ~ , ti I 11 11 IJ 1 I 11 '.\ t I .f 11 l !-'. pl.It llll'' "' '.'-..111 I 11111111 Ill 1111tl llototlttl 11\ 11\1 !'oil<< Ill\ t 'lll'•il••I 11t.J t ll~11111 •I f 111 I t 'll I ' ' I' I l I 1 •• I I' I ti 1.. \\ t I I It 11.1".J l\l1111d1. lo\ ll11 NI{(' ''1'111 1 ... 1111111 11111 t' \\t d1tl 11 .. t tf 1 f, t I ii Jo 110 K• 1111 .. 11.t Ill\ t •fll',11• .t11\ •• 11. , ... 11 .. 1.-!11\ \\t dot ''"' 11111•11.l '" lt1t 1(11 I ,.t if11 !•llttl .. 1111 NI« r• g11111o1I 111,1111 Ii 1 liwt l't •I 11 V\ Jl1-. I 111p \\, 1 .. 11.i 1~ ... 1t11 ·I', I'''" 1·d1111·.., l •• ' :-.. I 1l ()It" I I t I I II 111• .111 .. 1.11 1111. H1,Ji11p -..11d 1\1 l111p .. 1111 111.111' ,.f K1 111 ·, • h.11 l'• "' ·"' "lll1 ·""gt d ''·''' t. t "'' 111••11.tl '·"'I\ ,111.t 111 • .tth 1111111111 .11.diottl \ tol.111111" 1111.-. .. Ill.II 11 I • \\t H (111 \\ oll if1·1f l1\ lftt• ;>;I« 111 tlw .I.II• t 1111• I.'" 11 111111111 II\ tl11 NH< ""' -.111:·•'' •I' ,, • 114 11111. l.111 ti 111 ""' 1. ·" .. ii•(\ <,\'>II ....... 111d lh11 .... tHll1pl.11t'1' \\ti• fu1\\,1Jd t d In ">• ti Ito 111 ( ',.!1!111111.1 F:dhttll ( '11 111.q .. 1 "'"''I .. t lft•· J1l,11il I )I 1111 .dl1·g.1!11111' 1tl\'1·..,11go111•d 1,., 1 t1• N HI' B"l111p '"1d 111 111• o11\ • d Ill lff1t I \.\ 1·ld111g I\.\ 11 It I.ti! d 111 tft ''-l~'.11 tdl·fJlloll \ lhlt'I' 1• lf11 •111.illl\ 111 1•1•~ l'lfllt •.., ll'ol d I \ \ 1 •I 1\1 I' .1111 f •·I 111 I 111111pl.011L' ,1, 111 1111tt11,1I ... u ..... cl I "tlO I 11 .f 111,l.tflt•if •'I 1q11111 Ill .1111! ll•'JH't \11111' 1<.,l'1' 11'\0FHE. Pagl' A2 I Cable guide bite assailed 8 } 1'1111. S~Ell>f:H\1 \'\ 01 Ille D•lly P iiot St•lf A 111 \\ pr 11~1.1111 11111tf• l •·• l)l•lflj! llllJMl"t '" 1111 V\', . .._, ( )t .tllgt C11llllf\ l •• i.1. It 11 \1,1 .. 11 o,uh.,u 111< , ., h.1 ... I''"' 11k• d " f 11111 \ or 1·11111pl.1111h .111d .. t 1.111(11 •• 11nt1 rr 11n1 th1· 1.dtlt "I" r.11111 D1tk1n .... 111l'.u1111 l '.al1lt"''"'' 111 ... C.il1l1·"' ... 1. n .... ..,111i..,, r 1l>t·1 ... lrcHltlltJl\,dh h.t\'1' 11• •I\ I'd ,, (rt·• m11111hh gu1dt·h1111k l1,1111g th• n111v11·-. "11 ti '11111 1 •,I"" 1.1 I pln~lolllllltlllJ.: ,,11111.J 11\1•1 1111 l'Otnp;in v <; 'lh l li.1111u 1-. Hui 1 ..... 1 \\11k <.ilol1"''"'1'' :\I Ollll ,uh .... nl" r' 111 I h1111111g11111 B1·.11h l-tHllll.1111 \',illf'\ \\' t ... I Ill t 11 "> t " I .t II d S I , 111 t t 111 r 1·11·1v1 d .1 n•"' p111g1 .111 ni.q.,: .. 11111· rt·.,.·111hl111g • T\. <.;u1d1·· 111 '"'' o111tl f11r111o1t (n.it1on,cl rt•,1111n .1rt11 f,., plu-. Sht·~pi sh a<·lor l1o1: ,d Jil >''.in Pll 11 u ti 11n1 I"' 111.q•.111111 1111 l11tl1 d I It 1!1 I 11.,111 l'.old• \ It 11• 11111• 1.11 111.011.11" 1 I >"11" l.1 1<11 .. h "111 ,I.tit ,j tli.11 th1 II•,\ )'tt1.f• 1.,,.,J \11111.J 1~ d1 111lu1ttol It• t dt 1111c: I lt t. 1111 ..... 111d .l,tt111.11 \ \I'• I .f.1tlll II\ \II \ t I \\llJ lt.t\ • lo• '"" .tit .11ld111 •II .. ol f \IJ I" I Jf\l1fl't ,,. I lfi11l!l~t I 1 < f l\'lllg tt1t g111d1 ....... t .. 1 11lt1 I ' \\ l1o1 lj'll ltp lt1J ''" I 11111pl · l• ( .ti I· ,, ft Ill, I'·" k.11:• \\ 111• 11 111• 111.J• th• I'·'' '1 I\ 11 t ' 11111111 JI.,, fll l 111 o1t1tl Sl111\\ 11111• .11, .ti,, 1•111 ~ 11 •1 11tHll1hl\ 11"1 II•• h1.ftlll' ,,., II• ·' ,,, .. ,:1.1111 11111.!1 I· I 1'111 ·"'"''' '"·" 1•111d1 ,,, p111tllf1ft if "11111 ,11J1">t I tl11 I' fl• \llH I I •llJlfd.Ollll • llO 1 •,i1i11· ... \,ll'lll' ,111d '" 1li1 l'ut.111 l',ilil• 1'111•\1,11111 1\111h1111I\ 111 "I \ • lltllll l1ud., lolilll ti llH 1111• I "'·"'' llJ• •d 1111111 tl11 l1111l ''"' ll• IJ;·"'"•' I Ill• ' ii1l11 I I 11111pl.1111I' \\t It I. t I' I I t I\ I l 1111tIII)'.I·111 H· " .. I'""'' 11i1111111.1t11111 dot l't 1111 111.I H• • tf .11111 Ii\ l1111111•r I h11i1111,1tn11 H• ·"It < 'o11111111111.111 t ,111 \ l .. t, J ·' t •• tl,t 1,... I II 11 111 Id 1111 t I\ t'f >1j 1111 ,ti I·" tit It I•\ '''"II 1• II\ llit''> l't "'I,\ l\11,11d <'li.011111.111 111·11 'li11 I t II .. 'ii\ ( 111111111111.tll 1111111 I """ 1111 \.ill• ' .,,11d lt1 l1"tl • ti It I• I l\i t I fl• •I I'"" cl 11 .ttl J l • \ l.,11,I\ I 1.11 l.' • ""1Jdo1111f!o. o1l1<111t tlu ,~ ... 111 .... 11d ltt \\ •• 111, .•I"• th• I'< I \ 11111 111 t ti 1111111111• d I 1·g,11 .!11111 t 111' tit\\ "'II 1 .... II • II" I I'( 'Ti\ f 'f ~ \ J (I\ t d11,.,1111 1111111 H.11•·111.111 1111 I \\1th 1 <.,1·1· < \Bl.E . P agl' i\21 O•llJ Piiot Photo by O•ry Amb<oee \l'hc•n th.-y plann<'d u livin~ nntivily c·c·lc·hrn1io11 nl tlw Cr)"tnl Cathf'dral in (;nrdf•n (,ro\'t', tht~) tlidn 't f i~urt> on hundlinl( !Wvc·rc· <'Ri;;t>s o f 1'IH~f"fright. Sa.•phunit~ Mt·Ku y ('OUX<'lil o r<'t·nl<'ilrunl co~• nwmbt•r lo lhf' ft>Rlivitit•8, whil-h nrt• df'luil..cl on l'ul(C' HI . ('1>1111111111·1 ·.1111 ,.,.,lull\ .1dd1 d kt •\ ''" lllJ1fl•llh 1111 '"' l11dl1' 11.illt .,, .. 1. Ill .11 t Ii.ti 11111• I Ii• , ,, 11q•t11t11 ,,IJ.,", ii th• ,,,,.Ill'" '''I'·''' It 11).'lll\ ( t>.1-.t.d ( 0u11111u•,,t1•t1 .-nd 111\11111111tt 111.11 11\11\\ "llt1t 1111.111 .. f11t , x.01111'1• 111.11 11111'11\111111111•111.d 1111p.ut 11·p<11h \\di I .. · 11 ·1111111·.J lwf1111 ,..., 111o111\ .. ., 1111) It .1111 .. I'"' cl.iv 1 ould 1,. 1 u1111111g Bt1 i-!"'"11 "·" l1t•t•11 ,, . .,, .11t l1111g "'·'''"' g.1111111g lt•\t 1,1g1 1111 1 .... a1 • 111 ...... 111d l t1llltl11· ..... 1111. i\11~·11-.1 1·1111•!111µ, ... tltf 1111 l11gg .... 1 l1u1dl1 1111 111• l1dl \\ill 111 \\ I 11 1 ll 11 ~~ '>II If I" t I I I II )' 1111 II J.: ' fJ1·111111 I ,1111 1 l•ll I l t.I I• .J 'f't,tll'JH•I f.tlttlll ( 01111\1111111 t '-;111 ..... 1d II< I).'• ... 1111 ,.., l111p111g 111 \\Ill Ii" '>l/ft)'llll "' ·••J.!.lllll)J, 1lt.1t '"' lull 1111• 1., 'i-!'""I g11\1 1111111111 'I 1,111 ... l.1111111 J\1 I).!• 1111 1-. Snac·k tinu· f111pHI>' fir I 1)H\ lfll t ) i1Hflf dtld Ll'i I filllfltllll I ffll JHl,1 I.,,, 1.1kt 111111 p.it It .. 111 \ 11 \\ 111 tli1 l1ill )\. 11•1 .. 111 .11d !\l1•t11l.1\ Iii.ti 1111 1,,. .-1 lf'Jll(I t 1a1 • • .~.11 \ t1, It 'lt•ft , t• dtl11l11, l1• tl11 J•lll)" I Sitt .. 1Jtl Iii.it lllJ1tll ·,l11111ld l,d(t' pr11111t\ 11\ll 111H••I"~ th.it 1h• ",\,l1•lt1 ""'' 1 .. dt 1,,,, d I ' I" I •• , I I 11 I I I" 'II I' Jiii I I tl1111k lh• "''" ,.,, , ... 1~11111g 111 IH d1l.1\1d ''"'"·'' .ht · .. 11d ·•J-!lt1&11i1 1t1.1I f,1\\,t1JI' lt••ltl I I II • I f .. I ' d , .. I 'II I I' I ti I I' Ii I 11tl1• I\\ t ,, lo.di tlw Jtl11j<·• I J\1 I 1:• ,o•ll .11.J J11 11.1 ' t 11til• ti 111 "1111 'i "'"'''· ttld ,,,,.., Ill\ ilt d 111111 111 Jlllll 111 t t 11111 I S l11 .. 11.J Y11lllll' I .J1 11).1\ 1111-: 1111 It •• 1111• t ""'till 11 .... 1 ... II 1111 d11111• \\lfl1 1111 lull II f'·'"'' d 111• lull ""ultl ).'I\• 1111 t \.11t1q.J1 c 1t \ t «•Uf 11 ti'\ In ''•"''" 1\11.1 'l'u.,1111 11 v1111· S.111 ·'"·''' < .. , .... ,, ... , .. ,111t1 s .. 11 t .,, 1111 "'' •• ' .... ,. ... ltl '""'""' 1111· ... ' I • 111 I It I I ) I • 'II~ I ( '111111 t ~ J~,.11d ••I .... II)" 1\l'>t•I'> ·""' \At1Ufcf h.1\t "''''"' '"' t\1111111.111 ll1gli Sptt•d IL 1tl 1 d f II I.I I' lt,JVI' lllll y1•I I 1•f 1•,J!.l 'd , '·" 1 .ilig11111•·11h f,11· tlw -.v ... 11·111. • .l1l111ugli 1111·\ ,1fl' p t,.tfH llllj.( l li.11 111>10.,l 111 !lit• I 11Ult• \.\ flllffl I U11 '"'It " t >-"11111-( 1.11l10.1d 11.11 k -. " 1111 .. 1 .. ,,., ,1 .. gg1•1l'(f Ill \ill llllJ"> l t HI 11llll/11111 ·'> 111 ()1.111g1 l l•lllllV llll>'ol 11f 11111·,1 lr.11k., ,,,. ""'"'d l1v tl11· S.11\f.t "' Ho1tlV .. 1) 111 11 ... '>tlUlh "•lllllV lt11wt·Vtl 11f l 1tt,d.., 1llt pl.11111111g ,, it .. p.11 tu11· lt.111 ... 1 tl1.1l1 111!111\\111).! tlH !I.JI k-. ,1., llll''Y \\ 111~· .ol1111g ti..-111,,...1 1lu \ .1n Ii .. 1 • 1 11 g 1 •, 1 u n 111 I 1,. '" ,, 1 It 1:-.1·1· I HAI!\', Page A 21 Ditch storage flayed B' JOl>I ('ADEMIEAI> Or°the O•lly PU01 Sl•ff l>1·l1.d1• llVt'I 1111 d1!1 Ii th.ii ""'"''' N""''"'l B11Ull'V.11tf '>Ill t.11 • d Mo11d.1~ 111glt1 ·" th• I' 11 '> I ,1 1\11 °' ,1 ("I l \ { 11 U 111 ti It •r1 .... 1,f 1 I 4 tf (a JJf •)lt "ti 1tJ._•.t I ll~l ~ 1 lJ I •• ._,, t I 11 l ht ll tJ \.\ \' .u ,t It t II•• \\,1\ 11ght 11! \\,I\ 1.111.,.d .., Nur'"'' ""l•h h.1~ IH I 'll •l1',1 ... 111g ol °"'I llt1ll 11f lhf• 1111•tl1.111 1111 I.> \l'.lr"> Wflll l flllllt ti .1ppt•l\',1I l•• ... 1111t f1n•\\1~1d 111 th1 .. I I .. I 11 l \\ I • II H •• ' " I\ d l 4 l h ... 11 t ., 1 ... I' I 1 II I I fl I h I ' I 1111 It I I I ,, .. 11 1.!1•1,1111111 :'\.1.1rk L1 lit 1 ..,. 111111 \'11 1 p1 .. -.1d .. n1 r1>1 l',11 du 1-'1 d1·1.il s," 1ng:-. .i11d L11.111 bu1hJ1·r!. of the $1 7 m1ll1on S panis h !>t ylt.' butlding at 19 th anrl Nt·wport sc11rl thC' city c;h11uld , .. ...,, '" '''fl'" t.Jt1on.., r1o1 thl· '11 Ip '[ 1!11111. 1li1· rtll'di.m ... 1i11uld 1)1" 1 ultl\.1l•<il L..ttl'T ..... ud I don t k II• I\\ """ I 1 ·"'hit· 1 l ... B1Jt I Ii• r11 ... 1 tl1111g "'" h .. n t· lo do 11> g1 t with { '.ol11.111 ... (1111' q.1\1• h1µhw;1\ d1·p.1rl11w11t I . Thi· ..,\JI" ti\\"" llit· rtwd1,111 ..111p 1h.1t t· .... 11 n<h l><·t" 1·1·11 M,...,,, lkl\'t ,.nd 14th Stn..-·t Tht I.ind h .... I""'" und1·r 111n ... 11J1 r.111•111 ,1-. 1 n •U It f111 t >-ll ll'll in or lht (', 7'.l.t Mt·-..11-tl'l'\\,t\ .,mn· IH4 1 !11 lH7'1 th1 ° ,l,1\f· I UI .t :l<I f11,H d"''JI h1>I•· th111ugh the• n1t•d1a11 It 1 · l \\ l • " 11 M c ·' ,, D r 1 v 1 • .1 11 d r ill\ II\.\ J<11,11f \t1 ulJl,1111 dirt (111 11111 .. 111u 111111 11r .in 111t1 n h;ing1 t .. 1 1111 f\l',11 II\ C:11r11n.1 d1•I Mo1r I'""·'' \ laq!t' a 11d ulH 1011 .... h "t·l l-1 c·d 'l°il I i-:,t•h a lia11do11I from tTl11n1i11g fi .... lwnu•·n alw;inl llu· c:tw11111 ·I 1 .... 1,. al 1lw dc w k al \r1 · ... 1'111 11-.1 of 1h1 'url.11t·d -.11q• ti .... 1-. • 11 1;.,.., •. d ll\ th• ,1.111 111 '.111nu ... 1iu ... 1n1·s.-.t"' for o,t11r,1g1• t S t•1• 1\1 l•:SA. Pa~e A 2 I I a11 di11 g i11 '\t•\\ port B1·ad1. Trash pickup fee dumped H) nu ni .. nT HAHl\fo H 0 1 Ille O•llY Piiot St•ll l mp11 .... 1111n 111 .1 t.111<·1 :, llJIJl'"'"'' $I tll I" I h1111'1 111.fd m1111tltl\ 11.1..,ft , •ill•·• 111111 It• 111 l!Ullftll,l.(ltllJ f\.•"1 Ii \\.t"> '4 '"flf'l'tf •• hr11ptl\ M1111d.I\ 1111!lit 1·,,, 1'111111• 1l111o111 H1111 l',11f111,1111 ,111d I lnt1 1\1,11 1\lli,11 I ... 111111,1.~ ·"""' ·''' .. .,, '"' 11 ·1· prt \ 1,.11.,h \\ 1thd11 \\ tl1<•11 '<llflfllll I .11111 I'·"' d tlt1 "·" 1111 lh ""''"'' M .• \Ill 1\11 It 1\1.1 "ti It .111 d Cou11111111.111 .J.11 k 1.;,.ll,· \'1>l•·d 111 apptnv" 1111· 111· 11 1d111.111l •' 1',1l1111"111 ,IJld l\l.11 t\111-.11 I y11111d u>llllt 11 1111·111111·1' ll111h B.1d1·\ H 111 h l-'11111·\ .111.I .l11ht1 1'1111111 .... 111 llJlfl00,111g l fll' Ill d111,11t1 I It w,1.., 1• .. 11111-;t111 \\ lu• d111pp• d 1h1• -.11rp1 ''t' .. 111111111111·11w111 .1r11·1 Mand11 ltr1111ght 1111' 111 d111o111o" 11p fnr rt• 111tr11d1wt1011 1'.1tI11i...nn ... aid ht• 1111 11111).!1•1 '>ll PP"' t '"I 1 '11· '011I1 "' l'I ''"' llH'o"lll" ll!'(otl,.._, • .tlHll/f $.' 11111111111 111 1 11\. fund, 11·p11r 11 di\ .11 • ... 11111\j.( 11111/o,t•d Ill llt1 l1,1t1k .11 !'llllllh 11! 'ltt• t ti\. ., l'11l>llt F.wtl1t1•·' < ·.,, p Thi· l'F<'. ., p11l1l11 11011 p1l1f11 1or1111t.1tt1111. '" tlw t'll,\' l.111tllnnl f111 ''"' C't\'11 (',•11t1•1 ,11111 l"l'llft ;ii l .11t1 .11 y 'I h,. 1 ,,...h ""' plu ' ;1pp.111•11t Iv hutlt up lwo; .111'-t• lht· 111, ·., h·,...,1• p .1vnw11h 111 tilt' PFl' I .... , .. 11fftt 1.11 ......... c1 1· .• 11111 .. 1111 '·"" 11iu1 1•1-1 · tl1ro .. ·111r .. 1nd11 .t11•d th1·v 111.1\ 11·1111 n tlw ... u1 p h 1,. m11111•v 111 th1· , ilV ( lfllt lul' 111d11 ,1t1•d II w1111fd I" p111 11 th• •ti\ l.!• 111 J,ol 11111.f tll.J I• II t d 1°1 It• (JI J•o1\ lt•I II I Ii 1111111111111 ....... 1 .. "'"'"ti• 1'11111.0f•d ti ... \ I 11111111111 Jtt !lit "' \ l 11 ... ii \ t ,,, 1\1.11 ;\il"I' I ... 11d ti "l1t1l l.111 !" 11111111"' .1 -~I .' .1111111.11 1•1 1111 I ••o,tdl II)'-\\ ht•11 1 l>t \ I ,Ill 11 ,1.._I ti ln1 d il l\J 11 \ll1,!1 I o1I-.,. ,11.J let 1·t • 1\•·t l J'I• ,11 f ~I • '"lift \111 h111tJ..!t ,,, ... , ...... 1111111 I It• 't. I •ti t11111oll1h It·• \\t1t1 •'1'11111 \otl \\11111 If"·'' f11,1 111l1111l1t11·tl 11111 " I 'I '"'' d1·.1dl111 k 1111 ,., 1111 ti .111111'111111 I.it; I l'.111111,1111 \\,1 ... ,11,.,..,,, .11 lht 11111• I 1(\ .11f11111110,t1,1llll' 0.,,.11.J !ht r1 t \\ .t llt 1 dt d 111 11ff't I 1111 ll'.t"'' 1., .. 11j.!hl 1111 111 p.11·1 I" ~.tll• l1·c•" • h.11g ... 1 '" 1h1· 111\' fti1 dumpmg 11 lu.,.. "' U1,111gt· C1111n1y )~•1\'!·1 nn11·11t 11\\ rwd l.111df11l -;111•' \ )111· 111fi.1;.t '"Id tht• 1 ount v's I holrgc• ftl !hi l l\V o r ilhOUl $fl\ 11011 •• 11111111 h \\ ·" ;ICll l111dgt·H·d I d1111 t k 11nv. hn\\ \.\ t r 1 go111g 111 JI·" Int 11 h1 -..11d ,\I ftl1.11 .. d \\ 1111 th• pr11p11"•d 11,1::.li t 11J(1•1111111 f1·1 \\,I, ,J 11111j)(1<..il 111 1111~ .1 IH'lq1<11 t ..,.,,. 111 1h1· ,,,, 1111$1'211111111111 Tlwv .... 11rl M1111do1v 111gh1', .u 111111 to d1 t1p lilt• 11.1,h ft•t• will 11111 ,if l1'l I pl.111' 111 litl\ th•• IH'ltpo1 I ""' ----INDEX---- ()runµ•· ( :ounl ) lntc•rnationul ltiwt.•way hui. lo..,I ii., lt•a!--t' with th•• lnitH' Company and the clru~ nu·inJ.< -.trip mn y bt• for<'t'd l o do..,c· np•·ration-. Jun . I . St•t• -.lory, Pagt' Cl. /\I '\'11111 S•·1\·111 nu .. 1111'S.<. l 011 \',Ill"' f1 • ( ·1a ...... t11·d (.'om11" ( ·n..,,..,w111 d l>.-.1th N11t1••'' 1'::.lthlf 1.11 l-:1111 ·1 \;111\llH'lll I l nr11"'' 'P'' A 1111 I .11nd1·r!'> All H·I A~ l' I 7 n7 R7 l' I M i Ro A2 A2 M11VI\'' M utual funds Nal111nal N('WS J'u bhl N 11t11·<'S S11111to, ll1 S t<'1m·rohn S1111. k M arkt:'L'i Trlt-Vt'ltnn Th1·ntt:'rs Wt•1-1thrr World NC'W'I Rli 114 A3 Bn.C4 ( • 1 :1 B2 B5 R8 R6 A 2 A 3 .. I I' I \~ 11111, Pa a ru·w rout t• a~ hust·~ rt• plae t• pla n t·s TRAIN ROUTE BILL • • • From Page A 1 ft•olhtlb 111l.111d of ~.011 .Ju.111 Cap1stn.1m1 ;111d S.111 < ·1,·11wn11· Thl' tur11wl1ng pl.111.., (.i ''~ 1111d tunnl•l 1' µlanrwd o.;oulh 11f 1>1•1 Mar, JU~t 1101 th of Sall I >wgo) hav<' rC'\.'t'IVtod st1ong op1x"1111111 among tht> foothill 11· ... 1d1·11t:-. Berg 1· :-. o 11 ' r ,. 1 1 11 I I ' n·aµport1um·d 111 ... 1111·1 111'"' 1h1 7 U t h , 1 n t I u d t' ., S .1 11 .J ll " 11 l'.1 p I" l r ,1tl11 .1 11 d p .1 I I " "I l'api ... 11.11111 A.·a1 h l lt·r d1 ... 1r111 1111 l1111g•1 111\11., I r\'1111• A'o ... 1°1111>1\ 111.111 Nol tll Fr1111•ll1· H I f\1111111gt1111 f{t -.11 It ,., 11 \'1111'0 .., Ill \Ao 11•p1 l"•l'lll.111\'o• ( '.,111111u r11t' 11111·11 "' 111 1111 l11dll'\ lf.olll l""l"l',tl h.o-. ... , .. "'I\ 1111·11 p11 k111g 1111 .,11-.1111 A p11l1l11 fll l'">l'lll.lllt>ll •If lhl' 0.,\ ... 1, Ill h -.1l11dultd .11, oi"l·•k 1 .. 1111-:ltl o1I I h I I I \ I II,. ('I l \ (." 1111' ii ( 'h,11111!1 r., l .11 I St 1111·11111•\1 r V...1 ·'1 ( '11.1..,1 ''1"'"'111.rll\'o 1111 1\1111111 ,111 ll1gh !-.1• • d lt11f 1., .... h1·dul1·ol 1 .. l 'fol.1111 lht "'"l' Ill ollld ,If"\\ I I 'I"' t 11111 ... MESA DITCH DEBATED • • • From Page A 1 Cit\' ofr1t 1.1h h,,,., 1 l.111111 d tht•V'Vt' bc.•t•JI lln.1bJ1• 111 I I IHI\ .111 tht: d1tt h or tlw "H f.u '"' .111 o1 lx'l.·au'l' of tlw ... 1.111 ·., '"' 11• 1 .. 1111' Tht• ont• mtlo• l1111g ol111 It 1., diok1·d w11h ''~·•·ch .111d """" St'\'ll(lllS of tilt' 'UI f.111•d 1111 di.tit arC' f1ll<·d "'"Ii \~1·1 ·ol-. 11\111~: pl<mt' .-.nd 11111•1 C11y Puhl11 S 11'111·., d111·1 1111 f~l lll f i\l.1llt•l l1 tnltl lilt IOlJlll Ii t I It I I \\ ol ... ol • 1111 l IJ ,j flf I ' () j l '..t11.111.., n1I l1\'<1l111g 1 lw N1·wport B111il1 '.11 d 11wd1.111 'I ho· ur, ,., p.11.t .$Ill tJlllJ ,.J \'l'.OI 11\ ll1t· ... I.off '" tn.11111.1111 1h1··,lnp \\'1 ;di .igrt•t• Wt' d l1k1• IH "'' ••fll ,, "f'dl I' l)ll lh1· l.011d '"old I\ 1.1' "' I lnr 111 II .Ii I ·But t I 11·11 '" • 11111• I 1,11 k tn I ho r 1•.tl \\ 111 Id ONOFRE REPORT • • • From Page A 1 81..,hup ""'cl :!I.! h11111" od 1nsp(•1.. t1on .. "'hn h do1.., 1101 mdudl' hour., from tilt' N lll' 111 Washi ng ton'' ..,how1•d nu dt·f1nPnUl''o Ill v.1·ld111g ,,1 I h• nudt:"ar gt·n1·1.1l1n~ ... 1.1111111 . II.. ( KI II II .1 I'" .11 ,. II 1 I \ m1:.und1 r..,1111111 111d1·., ,111ol reg u I J t 11111., I d 1 .1 I 1 11 g \\I l It Wl·lding r1·qu1r1n11111 ... 1 .111d "• found hrm t o lw 111 t·rror 111 HERC'S rtll W~LD W1'R { Fl YING /'Cf-~ FCR CH~l5TMAS SHOPPING ONLY 18 DAYS I trr1 - ., ~-·~j .. ,~ -~ --- 11 g.11d II! tho• ASl\11': (A1111 111.111 S1i<. rt l) of MN hani1..·al l::ngrrll't'"'' hod1·1 and pn--ssun.• v~'I t~)(lo· · B1.,hop 'WUd l{t g.1rd111g K••nt., 'h.11g1·-. oil di uJ.!, u ... <. 11n 1h1· pl<Jnt grour11f... H1-.l1op ...;11d tht .il11·1,:.it1011.., "'' 11 \ 1 1 \ v.1guc \'t·n. g1·n1 r.11 ,111d h• cK1·n11 1.,ufd nuc 1d111t1f\ 111dl\·1du.1b "r l ,,.,. . ., Thi N Hl' 'I" nt $I .I 01111 111 • fllldUl l tho· ln\'t'"lljo(.illlin ·, \ 1 I ( I • \~.~\i~ l l"" l ·I lt"I II\~"" \._ worn Haagen-Oaz•. Ice Creom Shoppe Valley eyes b11 sheltc1~ 111·<> JJ<>sa I 11,. 1'1111111.1111 \'o1ll1 v Ctt\ o•llll• rl \\ 111•1111 .. uli t ,, 1ww pl.ti\ t11111gli1 1 .. ,.1. .. • 1111 ... -.h1·l tt·r ... <il lo K ,,J 11111 hO'I 111111.., Ill 11• I Ill l'oll" tilt lllllllllf h,_.., 11·J1•1t.·d p111p11· ... t1 ~ tor li1tJI lJlr~ "'" 111 1-. 1111 l11d111~· 11111· pl.111 fl'' "'lllo·rl ,,, 1111· r'ou111.1111 \',,J), \ ( 'ho1111),. I ,.j ( 01111111\l'llt Thi 111" p111po.,,ol 1.1IJ... fo1 l\\'11 I >1,111g• C'11u111' 111111p,11111·.; 111 J""" I\ "II' 1,111 .1 hu~ i.h1·lt1·1 p111p1.1111111 th1 11tv fm a on• \•,IJ 111.tl flllllld It ll""lgllrfll',1:11 p111t,J, """ 111' 111 ,, l11ng t1 ·rn1 olj.(f I I 1111'111 \\ <1!dof f11IJ1J\.\ l'.11111111.oll h Ill 11\r... plolll olfl 'I 1.011 .ii Shi II• I' nl l'.tlll.,1111.i li,1•1 ol 111 No\\ fl"! I B1•;11 h ,111ol 1\ 111 '. I I I .. II B II ... s It I' I I I' I ' lio .1olq11o11 l1 r • ·d 111 S.111lo1 1\11.1 1'111 1111 ...... 111 l 11 I ' \\ ttll Id 111 ' IJ lll fl fl I d \.\ I If I d p .111 t • I r II r .id\'t·1 tr-.111g ,.,,...1,·1 ... U11d1·1 1h1s f'lllflll.,,ol 1111• 111\ \Aoflllld ll'<'l'IVI' ol fll 'I I 1·11l.1g1 • 111 lh1• 111 I o111\ 1'1 lhlllg I • \ I 11 II t '• • 1 11 ol \\ " II l d Ii I' ~·11.11.11111 ,.of ,, 111111111111111 I' 11111111 ...... 1111\ Id $)II )K'I ,,ltf'ltt I )KI 111111111t Ht'"''' II Ill .111ol :!0 -.111·111•1' \Ao11U)d I><• 11i...1.tlh·d ll1Hh•1 lh•· pr11p1~ol l 01l\ 11((111,ol-. .1bo \Ao!IU)of h,1\·1 ,1llll11111l\ "'''\\Ill I• tlto ')h• 111·1, "'llU Id ,,, pl.11' d .11111 I 1111 lol l 1 \II\.\ ,111\ I I II" lllf'llh -..•fo·o 1 .. 1 1111 1li1 h· 11. 1 ... I I II f "11111 r1 I Ill I I ol " I ' 11 • 111 t 11, II.ill 111:!1111 Sl.111·r 1\\1 l'IJ!il I(. ~H Afi"I<:. t1 .. u1nQ ,Jnd HC1tnantfl pendmtng to ' \If .... ,t.tHCfo ,,, "" ,.,u\l,mg IOt\6!. or L E'ff8m C•tlltoilP fllolC1\ ontmiANI r s fCIR JlllROOUC..110t~ An 1rr11n U1CP 01 tne f()Unta1n Vc.tllcv t.,11; < nuu"'~' r•-.1flhh*itiu1g a IC1ca• "'yen10'" n' tu,,tru 11... (11,lC ..... 11l~CllNANLf '• J r1H At10PTICI"' An t1r<J1nu1'< P ot 1n~ r uu1Ham Vallev L1'v t. 11w1r11 tl~IP<-l•tltnQ tn lhf<, 1ty manAQfH (Prta111 ttul1tt\ arn1 µnwAr'l trJ th.I Ar;, hn1Hmg ntf1tr•r AflMINt<.rRA11\lf ITl'M~ ( (1ll,1dttr.1111.r1 c>I r101., v '"' tf'DIAcemen• , i •'lo.W.1~ IH•t•\ f •fl\1tlf•f1lf1hl 11, pr1IH y hit H1t• ''"""'""' 11 , 1 ,j1•'-'' 1111•• p.i,~ ""''f l'flt"' A,.,'"'-t ,f I rnrit·"•d Ornnu•· • .... 'llltll, It (II'' •fl'f'I_. t•lj,1•( ,.,\t .. flf C'oh1Hlf q ,,qtt•t•ntf'ld Acr••c'' 1n •· t I ,J~ .l' 1J •~ "'' ' "" 11 t t , ,,., 11-.11ufll•·• ,.;no '~'11lfl1 ,, , ·I t ) 1 pi J\..,.-1 1• I• n E.1u~nd'l.'l c,,,._..,., t ,,., ,,.., .... .,,. ,,, ... , More fog tonight (~oastal Lo"" cloud' ..tT ''' q lo' 4' 1 •' l Wednesd..tv ""on11n J IP ,., """ ' rair Wilh SOMf' f"HQtl cir U•S' Coastal 1n1 u1<J I • ....,,, ' i ,_ Coas1al tHgh r, t 1nltln•t ht\ w .tt••• 58 Light )lartnt1W wuut "''11qt1t and WednPsd.:lv "'''' '""'' ni,d'' coastal wa'r' It•• c1m11 Q sou1hwe~1erly fl 111 '" kno l\ Wednttaday aftprnt11111 I tHJ ,u10 I o w c I o u rl s I 1J 11 1 •l t1 I <1 n ft WednesdttV mo1n1rio l/ .. ~. !HllllllUI r\· • J Snow and c oht t ·•",."''111 w swept &cros~ lhP nnrthPr1' Pl,1•r1C', ea rly I O<l&y tl•O PI! ltlj temperatures 1nt,, thP 70' ''"" 11ngle dtg•t ranJ:l'l Ir 'ln1 It P Contlnent&I 01v1dn ,.,,,..,. .. l, d throuoh norlhf'lrr• wo,. t•n1on Further soun1 thP watf'ry residue ol ''"I wf'P~ ' \IMm• c;onllnved lo all~t th(\u•il~• '11 people on lhf' Mo.S••••PP• V~llf'y a nd cen11a1 1111n~ w"""' v04unt-• IOPIHKI <111<11~ In llalll» 1he sUll clsono llood .. alP" More 11>1n 76 000 PPnP•~ '" three a1111es h.,v., bMn lotcf'd rn !lee theu hnmA• 9ncl d•mAQ•' ntlmAtft• wettt "'>l'HnorhmQ \)',() m1Ut0f"I ~9Utf' nf "'" un·w~1H"·ll llOOdlng, 0 111(;1818 11110 ·califor11i<1~ F0<9CHle•' J"ed•rt!ld mor<1 lnQ Of1 Wedn•1d11y OS PCll'• vl1•tl•llly loroed lod•y I ~IOS1Ht'I or Altp()I II In LOI Ano11let l ono FltUICh Anti Or •"941 Counl y Th41 11418 IOUI' ICIQ kt'IH pl11n"' l rom landing ~• l 01 Ang11••" lnt.,.natlOflal AtrpQrt lhto morning ellhough dep,r11no lllghlt were allowed rn •to,umt1 ~Jl~r daybfeak Marty Sclllock~• IN! "" rin• t • op e r a Ilona • u perrntend "" 1 eap.cled lull optu•llOn• wQ<Jld f8MH'l<I taler In lhtt day I l'lf'IY h•d beet1 -'>ul down abour 10 pm Mondly he tald l NATION At I'' A LUl'J >••t l , •• Arn ti llr IH ( t , '-lqP A-.hf!,,.·llfl' All,1r'll "lln1< L h An1t1mmf" A1ll1n9' 9.,n·110Qt1..trt 8111tfn1lH lo t\r11"fl Rn,tnn fht>¥.lflli,1tll•• Buflnlo Butl1n91•'"' C,;1P"• v, .. ,, .. ..,.,, Cttort,rn WV LnArltt,. NI ( .hevAno"' C..hlCllQ(\ Cmr1nnAI• CIAvfllftnC! Cntumt11a c,l Columho• 01tl Fl WI~ Onylon ~nyf"f (~S Mnu ,., [°)f'trno !ltJIUlh fl Pt1<t r AUbA"'°'' f A<gn flflQSIAll HI Lo I < I ,. ~n ,, II\ '.f 1,(1 i' l Io •• b~ • 1 h.. 44 l'I ~ti .. , , 14 ·~ 10 TO •6 78 ">l S7 6J 18 ''l 56 1"> 36 '' ~7 32 5q ·~ 43 14 43 \0 51 'lQ so 20 63 56 ..,, 28 ">'I '9 49 79 ~I 22 43 31 51 32 24 4 61 35 2 10 27 8 ~? JO The FOfecast FOf 7 p m EST Weone~y Deceml>ef 8 •H f' 1'prn(.e•.tlurtt-.. .,,. I'"'', .. , .. , F•onls C ,.., 1......., W.irrr .,.. Or, li101•r1 ..- (.ltP8t r-Oii' Hanl"'d .. _.~tQn8 Honnlulu Hou!'lton lndlenepolr, JRc•sn MS Jacli!:~nvtte June11u Kenau Cty le• VeQU llllle Roe~ lOU•5v•llf' lubt>oc:I< M"mph1; U19m1 Mttv.aukMO Mpla SI Paul N .. 1hv11i.o I• 111 4 I 17 f, 14 6Q 4 I 64 6" n 4 c, ,,, ~' 40 49 11 4f> 10 Ii I 17 16 14 •• "1 ..... 711 \Q II\ 411 ,, Nflw OtlPHn'\ Nt'w YOftil NotfOf .. N Pl11lttt u~ 111 C11y Omnhn (),ldf1dlt Ph1IAtJl'lphht f'h~n1• P1tl!inurot P1t1and Mr P111An<l Ori' Prov1ct.-n<.fl A•l"'ll" A•11C! C ll'r R,.,,n R1chmnnf1 C\1'1t l"lu• ~1rn Antnmo L ·---~~Rf RIPORT """111 .. "lhtfh·ttpmt ~lflH'I (.-II'\ ~.t l OUll s~ ""h' 1 , .. "' , 'II SI" MHrll' ';pok&n"' <;yr•Clllfl ropekA rut80n Location H11n11nato11 ••u11 c; • .,._,, ,A,,,,, ....... , h•llt '40th ~..,, Now,•u" 221"d r;, Nl"~l1ntl Belboa w,.,rto• Ro<hOtlfll l ty1111 , ql.wtjly t IOfh •W T''•lift n, 1 ''°' """ Llflm~tl" r·,., TrAf"IQJU t •,11.-,4\U Todey'i Avg/M .. I ;i ,•' 7 I I,• I l I,> '. I ,• I•' fntr fJf•OC1 f1t1t t)Of'ltt 11111 ptlfll lltlOt flfin• pnrn flltlll IHUH A••r•o• hmp ~!l ~II ~ll r,q •,9 '.II •,fl .. fl •.11 •,A lntTH1t1tiW •h(Jh l11f1•" 'l pm I '""°' 11df' lO 4 l Am C.w~ll f'111t1 ltOh """'' lullA Wn11h1ngton W>rM" ( o\l()A•y f clrno"1on Monttfllftl /)lf•WR fh•Qtnft Tntnntr' V"ntnuvf'1 w""'''"~ SnowQ 71 53 ~B 47 n s• J9 n 58 36 •O 28 66 64 6~ 44 71 47 .,, 11\ 61 44 4'l 33 64 45 70 43 11 3 .,, n 12 46 42 3' 66 39 44 ,, 111 J6 ., ti\ 41\ 11 I< I 61 11 ?1 32 9 68 3~ 46 35 71 ., 53 37 70 46 49 36 21 011 10 07 !>6 3' '>4 " OCI 12 \l n 18 111 n1 -.I.A. at John ~hull It• Wa y ru• Airport., providing D•llr Pllol Photo• br Garr AmbroM ~e rv u·(• 1n log. Delly l"ttot 8t.ff ~to I· t •t· for ( 'ahlc·,~ ... tc·m, lc·lt·' j..,ion guide· tq>-.C'l ling lo \\ , . ..,, Ora11gr Count~ ,·wwc·r .... CllARGl1= DRAWS FIRE • • From Page A 1 ('11>1· \'>1111,...1dt11i.d l\1111111.1\ 1\l I• I lh1· 11111 l111g Jl,1\1 l•,l\1.01d.., C'.tl1l1 •"\ I• 111-.· 11 g11111.tl 11r.111g1 I '""' llH II• \I g111ol1•lw•1k I•• 0 \\.t,11 I 1·\pl.1111o·d p111f11 1 h I" 111 ... 111111 I lo '·"" ih1· I"""'""' pl;1ll" , .. f'l t1dlll I ol "'('llltd J.,.,, rlt•l.tr11 cl I II I) I.! I I 111 11 .. 1 111 g I Ir.' I \\ I II ''" dt'l11hu1• d 111 .oll -.111,.... 11IH'1 .. o111d f""'"rl1J\ I" .ill It ... 1d1 111' 111 llr• 1 .. 111 '1111· ... 1111 Jll llll\11111111.rl JllllJ~"' ""'" "'''' '·"" 1\11 ... 111"'' 11111•1' "" l I I d1 )111\ Id 1tl ·' 11 ..... 11 1•r 111•1.1111r111ng lr-.1 • \ 1 f\ 1t tho·\· , 1111,,...,· 11111 t11 ,uli-.1 11111' lo th1 Ill\\ 111.1g.1/llll ~OI 11H'llllllll Ill tht• "('('(Jlld, fll'l' l1-.1111g" It.id h1·1·11 111dudC'd 111 th•· ( '.1 l1lt'' I .,11·111-.' .l llllOll IH 'l'llll'll I 11 ~"" ol111~ t h1· lll'W mun I h Iv ~:u1ol1·h1111k t ,.,., ,111d Edw.111h .11l11111tl'd , "W1• h.JV•·n't 111111111llllll ,ll\•tf ,..., Wt•ll ,1, \.\'1• -.h11ulol h.l\t' 111 ..... 1ol (',1hl1·-.\ ... ll'l1l ... ... 111,.,. rrli. r ... ''di Iii· 1nf11rnwd ol 1h1 .olt1·111.1ll\'<' frl't' ilsl111g.., I 11 d1·f1·n..,, of lh1· 1 h.1rg•" Sometimes the NtCest Way'to Say f "'og again s h uts down oc airport 1·•11 tho "" ""d d.ry 111 a row, ol1·11...,. log 1·11v1·lopt·d .th<· Orang1• l ·0.1-.l trnl.1\ :incl 1.., t·xpc.'<·tt·d t•> 1•111 b.11k 111 111n1gh1 and Wo (I 111 ·.,ol.1 \ /\.., 11 d11I Morul.oy, th« th1l'k ""'"'' log h,111k 1 lo"·tl J1Jhn W.1y111 /\11 port ,.nrl 1ngg1·n-<I "' -.111ng .,( 1111nw t ,11 Jl'\"ll.lt·nL.., 1n I 11,1<,l,ol I 1111 .... Tiu· 111lJ11t:-o .111p•11t. ll<1~1·d l\AoH t M1111d.1\ by fug th;,t 11·tlw 1·d '1 ... rt11l11 v to 1.c·ru w;,i.., 1 lu'>l·d for rnort· th.m .in hour thi... 111111 n 111 g C111n111l·rt·1a I fl 1gh h w1·1 t 1ft•l;1Y•·d 11r r• rc1u11·d 111 ( >111.11·111 /\ tow1·r ><r>11k1· ... rn.in ..,,110 till' ... 1 1 p o r l It ad rt· u pl' n l' d f o 1 1·omnwnwl 1.1k«11fb and lan<l1n!'( ... by B.:HI :1 111 with ""1br111y put <•t half ;1 mrlr· Tiu• fog forn·d l'lo~Ur(':. "'' l.1111g B1°<1l h Airport and Lo!> Ang1·l1·.., ln11·rnal10nal Airport Monda~ 1·v1·nrng Roth w1·n· balk 111 opt·r .1l1on today \V1·.1lht•1 of f1u<JJ., now ha\·t· n•vt!r Sf!d t heir projectio n and rn-<llC'I the• th11·k fog will SCI in tonight .ind V...'t·dn1·...day due to a < o 11 I 1 n u 1 n g w J r m ;11 r m il s s ll"''111g 1nl.1nd o ff 1h1· l'oast l-AJ\\ ,11 d ... "'"" l'.rhll'SVSlf'lll.'> had ht·1·n 'f"'rHling abou\ $400.000 hdort· po:.wg1· cosL'> to produn• ll.., o ld rnonthly guidebook Hl· .,,1111 th1• $I ~ill monthly fet.· will 11! fs1·t !o.11m1· of 1 lw l'OSl o f the 1111pr11v1·d rww magazine Tlw 1ww pr11gram g utdl' and 1L<; f1·1· an• 1·x1w«t<'d to be d1scuSSC'd T h u r :-. d a v .1 t t h l' mo n t h l v nw1.·l111g or° th<• P :TA Board Th~· 1111·c·trng. wh1l'h 1s Of)<'n to lhl' publ1t'. IH'g1n ... at 7 ;30 am at Ht> .... ilvnn'., H1•s1,1urant. 7 402 ~Al111g1•1 1\\• I lun11ngton Beaeh 0 1 Sl(J}7(: (JLZj11 1s to Not Say~Anything at Alll I tcrw 1x•11r•1 le> P•prr\\ your l<M' Niel apprec1<1- lton lnr hc•1 11111,ulrnq \upporl throughOUt yow m..im.~IJ" 111.u, 11y qrv1nq hrr mrneth1n9 ii\ P<'"-<)11.11 .ind 1111'.u 11nqh1I .is .:1n Annl'or't'""'Y or Ftt>rnriy Ru1q 0..11h wmoolr1e the true depth nl ynw fr('IJ1111 '' 11 11r•1 .md wrlhot>! saying ,111y1/11ng .ll .111 you will I~ cnmen one ol thf' nict'\I w.1~ 1o \1111 Prf'ly '><1Y 1t .llll Al \XfynOl1.1m I r1gh 111/i' ()1•\lqn .:1nd C re.:1te a mmt ur11q1w ,111rJ rx< rt1n4 c Ollf'<11011 of these nngs 1n 18 K.lr.it Gokt .wr<1 Pl.lUnum \AA> clf'.:1rty expl.:1111 d1Hewn<es 1n Qtkllrty t1ncl p11ce rhat you will \t'f' from \lOrt> to \l()({' <Ind lhl"'· t>.lek up your plll<h,,\f' Imm \X/ync1ham Lf'•Qh with a mont'y b<l<k g11r11..intf'f' ol v.ilue \Xt'e w.'11t you hot11 In IOI/\" lwr Jrng .1nr1 to know you b0uqt1t it IM'lll Most D1arnon<1 Weddrng ;md Annr\IC'rs,iry Rrng~ R.1nqe From St 100 to S3900 Wyndham Le1gh ~~rr~R 1 IJl r.1oJ1HY1 Island.~ Be<Kll. CA 92660 NtW Bultock.s Wl!Vvrt> ) t •1 .11 " ( ' ' t r •All I Pil (1 r I 110 .. 11 .. ~ ()1,c,urr11Jor J 1981! A:J STATE Nickel gas tax hike OK'd by House face law uil fc•r n<>l _joining • union It\ 'I h1· AssoC'lalcd l'rt•si. :-. \N VHAN< 'ISl'<) 111 ,1 1111111 ~: lh.il 11111ld 11ll.-1t 111 .. 11,.i11d'> ul ..,,1111111 di..tthl 1 11qol11\1'•'' Ill (.',1llf111111;i, lh1• ·.I " I • ~ II f 11 1' 1111' (' 11 ll 1 I h , 1 ~ 11111 d I h.ol 11 ·,11 ht ·t ' W h11 I• 111,t \o1 t•lllll'I' Jl>lll .1 1;11 1111 ',,, 11 JI t f •I , •• , ' 1 I 't 11 \ It • I~ t t , , t' '" "" .1 1111 1l1t 11111111 \ I h1· 1111.111111111u' 1S.·1 '"'"" l\l1111d.l\ liv .Ju..,1111 · All.·11 1111111 ... · •• 11 d .... 11d th.it ll''lllll lllj.( d1"'"''·" 111 .1 w111 k1·1 ll'ru..,.11g 1 " ,, I 1 1 d 1 • Ii y ,, I o Ii o r .1~l l"t'll1t•11I ':. ":;l111p l lllU:oil' • 1:-0 \1111 d1 ;1-.111· ltll' tht• l'OUll lo 1·nd11r,1• "111 f.H't .• 1 nvll -.uit 1111~hl 1·v1•n lw ,, pn·lt·r;1hl1· 111l'lh11d 111 , ·11 I11111 tlt• 111 ol .111 .ig1·111'\I .. hop 1 l.111,1•," tl11• l'Olll I !>llld 'l'h1· d1·1 1 .. 11111 l'llltld tt ffl'l'l .,. 111 .. 11 ··111pl1>v1·1·" o th er th1111 11.id111' who 1111• n•pn•S1•11lt·d II\ I h1 ( .ol 1I 111111.1 St h111il 1'11111111\1•1•, """II\ 1,1\ll•ll I ()1/1 1,.ansplanl recorded S l t\ Ft> I< I> r'u 1 t lw lh11d 111111 Ill lillh· 1111111 th.111 " m11111h S1.1111111 d U111v1•1-,1l \ l\t .. .i .... 1 t\11\tl d1111o11 .. h.1\t• 1 .. 111111111·d .1 111·.111 lung 11.tll">Jll.llll tl11 .. 111111 1111 .1 .!. • \ 1 11 •old .1111 •Ulll.•lll g1v1 11 11111\ ,, It" 1111m1h,, 11> llv1· l·r.11il< l..1Fo1g1 111 s .. n lLd,11·1 ".1-. 11•po111·d 111111111 .ti 1•11! .. 1.1l>lt· 1rn1d1111111 .dt1•1 !ht 11" h11ut ,u1 g 1·rv M1111d:1v NATION 111 "·" tlw 10th pall1•11l ln 11·u·1v1· .. uch .111 11i.x·ral1011 at St.111(111 d i.trH 1· tht• ml'dll'al 11·1111 r l>t g.111 1ti. lw.11 t lung pn1g1.11111111 M.111 h !-1. 1981 I Ii• 11v1· ph' '>Ill.in lt•a111 \\," l1·d hv Ur Stu.isl .l.111111·..,111 .is.~1sl.1111 p111f1·"'""' ol t.11 d1nv.1:.nd.ir surgt•rv and lw.Jd ot th1· hospll.il'i. hl•.11 I I ung pn 1gr:i1 n Social Security s tudied W A S 11 I N l; 'r () N l\lt•rttht·r.., of lhl' pr1·,11l1·111.., 1·111111111'"'"" 1)11 S111 '·"St'{ UI II\ o! I 1 tf I" ll'>'l Ilg 1111'1 t ,1!:\t''> Ill p.1\ 11111 111x1·:. 1 ut:-111ll\•m111-. .1111 1 Jlll'h111g l>ol( k lht 11 l11t·11w11 l .1g1 11111 Vt·ar ·" \\,I\" 111 "'ht th1• ,\.,lln1·, j 11 I oblt•ll I' ( )111 111 I h"'' up\11111' 111 ,1 111111l 1111.o11 .. 11 11! .ill 1h11·1 1111 tld ht .uluplt·d \.\ 111·11 1111' .1111111.i I l'o1111111 ... ,11111 1111 S111'1,1I S1 'l'Ufl Iv Hl'f 11r111 hold, '" l.1:-t "h1·itult-d mt·d1ng Fr11l.1~ tl1·sp1l1· pn·vmus htnL.., 1111 g111up wolild n ut ma kl· f1n11 prnp•i~Jb f111 l hangc• 111 ,1tld1t11111 lu 1tlt'.t!> put l1H\\,11d I.1st month lwu 111•\fo pl.111s v. 1·11· urnl1•1 d1S(:u .... ..,1•111 M1111d.1\ for dealing with th1· '>h1111.1g1· 11! $1 50 b1ll1on to $:!011 1111111111 S1K·1.1I St·cunl\ f .1t 1·:. h\ I h1 1·11tl of th'" dt-tadt• l(<l>nnedys end . 1narr1age B . \ H N ~ I . \ I~ I. I· l\ l .a .., .., t\lth11ugh Joan K··1111t·dy, 111 ,.;11d hl'r dl\01J1t·1· f111rn St·11 l•"Alwa1d M K1·n twdv ')II, w;i~ l11v11dl\ ..,111· l11·ld 11o1t k ll'iar-. ,.., 1h1· r·nupl1· alll'11ll1·d ;1 I;) llllftllll' ht•.11111~ t11 dt\'td1 111111wv .rnd pt op1·r ty from I h1·11 .! I \''<II rn.1rr 1.1g(' M i11sou r1 N atio na l GuC1rdsmc·n ht•lp<'d build lt·v1·1·' t1x l,1v ,..., tht· M1:.1ss1pp1 Hl\011 tont1nu1·d ri ... 1ng 1n f11111<h 1h.i1 h,1Vt· forct•d m on• thdfl 2h ()(}() pt>t1pll· Ill thrl'(• ,1,1tt·s lo fll't.' lh1·ir h11m1~ ·nw K1·nnt•dys .1ppean·d Monda\ 1t1 1'11urt, as rPqu1rl0d hy M.;i.::..il'hUsl·tts law . 111 tJbt.11n an ordt·r d1ssolv1ng 1ht•1r marriage effl'<'llVl' [~:t• ti. l~l-1:3 Tlw Kt·nrwdys said l hl'rt• had bt•c•n an "1rretnl:'vabl(• bn .. 1kdnv. n •· of their unton S250 mlJJ1on in dam.age and 18 Jll'Oplt• Jl•.id \\ 1\ ...., I I l N t , I t > N I A I' I N111 '• d ,ol1111g Ii\ ml1111111ic11 ,111<111 • • '"' 1·-. .. 11111, I '1 •·.,1d1•111 H'"'l<·•11 ·, 1 ,dl 1111 .1 1111 k .. 1 hik<' 111 1111• ft dt I oil g, ... 1011111• f,1). I l1'oll l"I ll\\' 11111"' •·111 h t.1d.I\ .111d '' 11111v111g Iii\\ .11 d 1 \I H • \t•d .1pp1 ov.il by 1111' lull S1·11.it1· 111 .1dd1t11111 Iii 1.11,..111g tht· ~.1,1111111 t.1i. to 111111• 1·1•11h ,1 gulh111 '" I 111.1111 1· $!1 !1 lid l1t111 worth ol li1gliw.1v, lu 1dg1· and m ass t ransit 11·pwri., th1• 1111•asurl· would fun·t• 1lw 11wrwr.., ol l11g,K1·r trul'ks to pay 111111'1' l11gliwuy llM'I ll.IXl'S tn 1•\d11111g1· for lilH.·nd 1J('(I rult·1> •HI Heart patient critical S1\l.T LAKE CITY (AP) At 11(111,d h1·art rt·<·1µ1t·nt Dr H.11111•\' < ·1.11 k w.1!:-o pb1·1·d 1111 1h1 • 111I 1t.tl 11..i t11d<1 v Li f\l'r ht• !>U lf•·rt·d 't•11u11•.,,·,, ho~pltal :ip11k1•,.,1n.1n ... 1111 lJlll\'t'l'>lt V 11{ lJt;d1 M t•d1l'UI ( \·111t·1 '>f111k1·srn,111 Joh n Dwan ... a id t'la r k's 1·011 d 1t1un was duw11grad1·d lrom ::.1·riou s tt> 1'1 llll"tl ;i i lt•I' !ht• Sl'l 2Urt'S '"'l'lll'l1·d .i i .ihnut o.I 45 am P S T !Jw,111 !>a1d 1111• i.t·1zurl's were 1 1·1111lt nlll'd with :.<·dallVl'S and t Ii ( I I l ;1 ll ' I w ll s b e I n g llW1·,l1g;1\1·d I XK t111 :i .al:-11 wt n · invt-sugat tng wh.11 t•fft'( I lhl• Sl'l1Ufl'S might h,l\'t nil <.'I.irk', rt't.'OVl•ry. Dwan 'Jld 8'·11111· tlw ..,..,zun">, Clark h.id 'l><'lll .i i.t1•1W1Jl1) rl'::.lful night. J>v. .111 ., .. 1d On M onda v. tht· h I \'1·.11 cold rl'ltrl'd dt•11t 1~t had lw1·n .. 1t11ng ,,1 tht· suJ1· 11r his tx'l.I. d11111g mild t'Xl'rl 1:-1"'• hi.tt•ntng tu 111u ..,11 .111d 11n .1 ... 111nally JOk111g v. sth 11u1 .,,.,, h11'>ptl<.d off1e1als !>.lid ( 'lo11 k. \\ 1111 111·1.11111 tht· l1rsl 1"''"'11 l11 11·11·1\1· o1 1w1111ant·1H .11lit111 • .r 111 .. 11 l l;1:.I Thursd.iv. 1s 1n Im. '1x1h do1v 111 1h1 · hosp;t<.11 s ..,,11 g11 .d 11111 11 .. 1\'t' 1·<1n· un11 l 'l,11 k I r11n1 tlw S1°<1llll0 art-a, h;1d l11·1·n l 1:.l1·d 1n St•rlUUS n111d11wn '>llll'I' S;1turd<.iy 111• h.id h1•1•n 1mprov1ng sl<'.11lil v .111d l11s .. ond1t1un had lx·<·n '''P'~ 11·d 111 I><' upgr;;id1-d in •• '"'" dav,, ::.a1c.l llt--l1·n Kc·e. din .. 1111 11( nun.mg Com pared t o that o f o p e n - h earl surgt'ry pauen ts. Cla rk's 11't11v1 n h.111 lwl'n "about the> -...1111t ,inti h<·llt•r th<in some:· sasd L1nd.i C1.in11l'lh. ht•<1d nurS(• of tlw ... urg1c·;ol 11H1·ns1v1· t"arc• unit ll Ul k '"''' u lld Wt•+(hU. 'I"" 1111•111.1ir1• whit Ii hu" 1,.., 111111· 11111• 11f tlll' p1 ln1111 y 11A•m" 111 1h1' l,11lll' cll1tk lil'lililllll ol l '11111<1 t .,,, plls.'"·d tlw 1 lou~· •>ll .1 ~Ii:! 1 1:1 volt• ullt•1 1111111• 1t11m IO h•llll ... ,,, d l'llllll' 1h.1J ... t11•1t h1·d pJ:.t 1111111111(h I l l11w1·v1·1', 1111' 1r1111 .. 1I voh' w.1"1 ,1 :!.IH lf!~I tull\ on v.1111'11 l ·lO 1)1·1111111.ili. jllll11·d Wi l li Hti H1•p uhht·uni-111 11g1·t'l'llll( to lh1• tax pr11v1swns of 1~1· 1111•al\un• t111d 1nd 1call'd thut fou l pus.'"K'' w;" assun ·d l.':1g h ty twu D1·n 11KTU li. :md 117 H1·publw11n!> votl'CI a1o1u ini.1 t h1• h1 lo. !JI tlVl.,111111) Supprn u·" .. r 1lw i.t·•'ol11w t.1i. 1111·1 t'llM' :-,1111 ti W<I' lll'l'th'CI to 1t•p.111 the· 11.1111111"' 111,1d~ ,111d p111v1d1· ;1b!> JI tht• i.m111• 111m· B111 H1·11 I h ·11ry lh·u~i-. l> W 1!>, ,,1111 tht• 1111•,1:.\ll't' "l.1kt•1> JOll'> .1w11y, rn1 doubt :ihout 11 II dr1.11n1> $~1 ~ 1>11111111 lron1 t h t• 1•1·11111n11y, wl11d1 wall 11111 lw ~J,;t•llt 011 food , d11tht11g Ill i.l11·lt1·r " U 11 the· t·1111t1·11v1•rs11.1l lnl·reaM·d lwavy ut.1· lhX for trut·ks, H1 ·p W1l1 1a111 Fn·1111·I. H M 11111 . -"'lid h1 · w.1:-"p t1SlllVl'ly ;.igh<i'>I" al .Ill 11u·1.-.1.,1· ol 11vt•r 1100 i.x·r1·1•nt f11r tlw IJt Kl'bl trutki. A rli of 80,000 111111111111 would poy an unnua l l11•,1vy U'W' lll)( Of $2.()0() under tht- JJlllJ>tlSJ l, 'u m 1purl•d with $240 , 11rr1•1Hly. h t:' said Hut H1.·p Sam G 1hbo11t1, D Flu .. \olld 1 lw pa1·k1.1ge w as bulanct'd l>y bt•11 d1 1s tlw 11 Ut'k l'fll w o uld 11"t·t·1v1.· "111 add1uon to the tax, 1 h1 ·y ~t·t w 1dl'r trudo~ a nd bigge r I l'Ul'k!o," h t• Stlld S1•na t1• M ajority Leader lluwurd II. Buker Jr., R -Tenn .. ~•d thl:' full &:nat<· like ly will l'11 n i.1d 1·r th e l e gi s latio n Th uri.day A Briti~h arm y hulldozt•r removes the concrt'lt' roof of a disco in Ballykc>lfr., Northt'rn l rf'land, whi('h was bombed Monday night, killing II> pt•opl .. and woundin~ 6h. Ireland disco blast kills 16 IRA tiaims re pon ibility for explo ion; 66 wounded RALL'{KELLY , Northt>rn lrl'land t AP) Thc> I rish Nat1on1J L1bera t 1un Army da1mlod •1·spons1b1ltty w d ay fnr thl• bu•b bla~t t h at s<•nt ~t l'Oncrel1•roof c·rashing onto thl· danl't' flhr •>f a ds~:o·bar pm·ked w1lh Btt1sh soldwri.. k illing It) pt•opl1· J1d wounding titi <11hns Tht t:f11m was madt· 111 .1 eall 111 a &•lb5t TV \Wlwn Belast P olll'e Ch ief Inspector He rtx"t No rris hsted the dead as 12 m n and four woml'n cind sci1d 10 orthC' fatalit1l'l> w1.•n• sold1c·r<; "lu a hornf1c St't.'n<' ... Polle" Supdnl<'ndl·nt 8 111 W ilson said. a\ rei.euer' useJ cranes and pm•um<1t1t· drills to protx· tons of rubble· which h urtk·d onto tht· 1·r•JWdl•d d:J11n· f lt)or M onday 111ght Polin· said i:l gf•lign1tc· bomh was plan tl'Cl by tht· s1dt· of " m <c1 111 pill;1r supporting thl· Ii.all room P11li1·" .ind w1 lnc>sst·!> so1J t hl' r1111f n1llaps1•d "like· <J d<·l'k o r 1·;1rds." l l'l'Jllng pandt·monium ;iniong the· l'Sl1matt'CI 150 peopll• ;;1 the: d~'O-dance Crequented b y soldie rs from a nea rby ·British armv baSE' ·'i'hc rou( JUSl cavl-d in -JUSl lhl)pptp g up everybody," said Pt•lt'r Cook. 29. who was serving drinks when tht· bomb went off "I tm-d pulling bodies out but 1t was hop<>les.-; Girls w e re running a round scrc•aming their heads off .. "I s.1w p('Opll• lx'ing carried out but tlwy wc·rc so ba d ly mutila ted I rnuldn'1 louk ," ::.aid M a1 r ad Pl·opll'::., owner o f a ne arby h otel. Jatkll' M cM1chael, a c ustomer sn thr· bar at thl• time o f th e blast, dl'S<'nbed tht· S(.'C'ne as "absolute l'ar nagl' S u r g eon s a rri v ing from nearby L o ndonberr y w orked frantically to save the m ost mutllatcod VlCUms. in some cases pc•rformsng a mputation s o n the roads1d<:'. police a n d w itnesses said S i orms Ill I ht· M l'>Sl!>SI pp1 \' .dlt•\ '111l''' l.111· I.1st v. t•t•k hJ\'t hie 1,1t1 '<I 11\ 1·r' Ill rt't.'\ll'd h1~h l1·v1·I-. lt-,1vtng ,11 lc•asl 1111 11111 s (j II v J .. Ill l's H Thompson saying · 1h1• w or..t is not o\·l'r.'' dnnuunt·1·d tuddy h1· would clt-dc;n• SIX I OUllllC"> 111 th1 norlhf'rn part 11f the• -.t;ilt• ,..., dt!);jsl\•r <lf1•as. but lw dtd not i.p1·1 d v whtlh C C1Ullt1<·s Health care hit county jail probe • Ill WORLD Soviet." "to negotiate' HONN W1·'t c.;, rn1anv Seu t•t...11 \. 11( Statt· c.;1·11rgc· l' Shult1 ..,,1v' 1h1 m·v. Sov11'1 I· JdC'r .. h1p "·" l'Xp1t•o,s1•d ol \l dl111g1H .,:. le• n11gut1.11t• 1h d 1If••I1 Ill I''> \' 11 h 1 lll' \\'t''>I bu l h "" t \ • I .. 1gna l1·cl ;1 1 h.111g1 111 poll\\ th.ii n1uld I 1 ,1 d I ll I nq1 I II\ I d L' S rt l,1!10ll ... V. Ith l\ll1NH\' "N11h•11h., .. u1i.,1.1nt1\1 pos1 1111n.., h<.1\l' -.h1Ct1•d' Shult7 luld n•purter'i during a {)11.(hl h1•r,. t11di:1V B ll I h ' ., ... I d h l' w .l ~ 1·nc 11u1 ,1g1·d thPrt· h.ii. lw'f'n "c1 111111 mot<' £•mphas1o;'' 1n S11v11 l 1·1o. µr1·•,.;;1oni-th<il 1wg11t1.1lmn~ with th1• Unttt.cf S1.11t•' on Jrm'> u•ntrol ,1nd 111 lwr ,..._,lit~ \\ill o;u1i·Ped Spy 1n NA TO sentenced LONDON F11rm1 1 NATO o ff1 t1JI llugh I I a m b I t• t •' n . ,, t l u ., t· d o r p;1ss1ng d::iss1f1<'d d1x.umcmL., to the· Sov11•1 Unum, t·han gC'd l11s plt-.1 f111m 1nn1>cc·nt tn ~uilty toUdV and wa::. ..,,n11·11(1·d 10 10 yl'ari-1n pt 151)11 Jl amblt.•ton. a C<1nad1an. droppt'<I his du1m thal ht• wa.c; g1vmg "duc:lorrd" d(l(·u1T1C'r1ts to th<' S11v1C•I KGR '>f'C rl't pol 11 t• .ind th.II h1• wac; a d1111lilt· agc•nt working for c .. no1rl,1 .:ind PrancP As th•· wv1•11lh d:.i\. of the> trial gof u11dt•r wav .' 111!> lawv1·rs askt'd that ht• hi .1llnwPd-10 1·han~t· h 1s plt-.1 of Ill no<"en t W h 1•11 till' JUOgC' askc·d th•• hU yc·.1r 11ld prof Pssor how ht· plt-<ldC'd tu charges o r gwing l'las.c;1r11•d NATO dtx·umenls t0 tlw Sovlt'ls from 1956 to 1961. l1.1mhlpton rc>phC'd: "Guilty "'r By JEF F ADLER 0 1 the Delly Piiot Sl•H ()v1 rtr11wd111g and tht• :.hot t.1 gt· uf trd11H•d mt·dtl'a l 1w t "'" rH• I ,, n · t'I tNI as major prnblt'lll!> "' till' Orange> County J.11l. .1 ~·othult.ants' review of h1·.ilth l'•"'' al tht• Santa Ana d1 ·1t·nt11111 l.1uhty ha:. found 1\ddtt1un 11( trn1nl'd ml•d1t·al ~w,...,11nni·I to tlw staff. crt•allon of tw•1 rt•l,1t1«l dC'tn xd1cat1o n µ1 og1 am:. c1nd mt·dsl'al scrC'Cnsng of 1nm;i1t·<. tiunng lhc> booking prt1tt'"' would go a long way tn 1 m pr o \'I n g J3 ii h £'a I th c a re. .wcnrdin,I? 111 the· n•pc>rt. prt•parC'd bv Amht•r..t A~-.<x·1attun Inc, or s:m1.1 MonKa Tllf' r<'porl .ilso rc'(·ommt•nds th.11 tlw 1 ounty nm1ra1·t with a s m .ill numb1·1 of add111onal ho..,pllc.11<. t•• pr11v1d r Pmergency '>(•rv1n·' to 1nd1v1duals taken into 1 u .., 1 11 d v h v t' 11 u n t y I a w 1·nfor1·1•m1•rH .1g1•nl'IC•S Tht• 'ltudv of l{t"alth care at the .r•ll w;1s ('On)ll11!-.C.1Cml'rl by Orange (.'oun ty supt•rv1sur.:; last s um m er In rt''iJHHlSt' to t he.> repor t's Call 642 -567 8 Put a few w ords lo wo rk lo' ou We're Listening. Wh.11 tlo \Oii lik1• ahoul th1• !);111\ l'ilot' Wh,11 don I ~ou h ke '' l'.all 1lw numbt·r .1t ldt .11\cl y11u1 nw....,,1g1' v.111 11'· n·111r<kd. 1 r .inwnhl-<l anJ dC'liVl•H '(I 111 I h1· .1 ppr11pn.111• <'<fl 1111 •• 642·6086 I h1· ... 1m1· 24 hour Jn~"'l'rln~ '\t.'rv1('1' ma~ b(' us rd to rc<'ord tel lt'f' to lh1• t'lh tor on an\ tup1<' Mailbox <'Onlnbutors musl in<'l ude 1h1·1r narrw and tf'lf•phnnP numb<>r for \.frlfl<'al1on 'llo <'•r<'ula t1on I ,11! ... pit',l'I' r 1•ll "' "'h.11 'on 'n11r minrl . , .. ,. ' . . ~··••'•' ti ''" ., f ' • '·' ' ""' 1. 1/'t ,, ••• ··~ ,j . . t •i • Clrculcrt lof'I , ... ,.._. "4 ,. A ill't ... 1-4J1t .... ",_.I ftp' I' fl.r I ... .,,,,.,, .. ~'''° '" ""'I ..... eoo ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Haley I 111+1,,.,,_, +H11I ~ I u·I I •rt u.11 .. P 01', r:t Jane Amari I .,, ,, v~ f ,1,,, ,, l Kay Schultz y,,.,_ p,,.,11lttl'll 1• t f 111,.11r11 o t A1tvl"1•1,1f\Q Raymond Maclean I n1•rul!"' Michael P. Harvey nj,. '°' "' """''"'no f +t ·l·t•· ,., Kenneth N. Goddard Jr 01,.,1.,.. ,,f Op..i.rrrt•fYI• CIHllfled adv1r1l1lng 71 4/942·5e78 All other depanment• 842-4321 MAIN OFFICE uo w.-1 e.,. ~· C0\11 Mn• CA M•1I l dd,.•\\ Onw t\it() l.O"I• M•W (A .,.,,. Coov••or.1 ,.., O•.,,oo co .. , Put111•r.•119 ,_, N o n•w\ \tOf'lf'' 1llu\t,efl0f\t •<IUOr••t m•t•r Or "6- vttrU\•m"'h ni.r,.!n m•v tM ,.,o~ochlCM without '0-C 111 o-rm•\\U~'' Of tooyr~ht owntr TM OlltlQll (O.\( 0111~ Piiot, •Ith whl<l'I 11 <....,. blMd IM N,.., Ptftt I\ 1><111101,_0 11• Ow 0.e- (Ntt PU04"hH'"O Comp.et\y ,,.SM'•'• •••t10ft\ •'• pul)ll'~ ~•• '"'°"'"' Frid•• tor C•t• ....,.,. ""9f'•OOt1 8..eotl\ HurttlftOf~ 8t.C:h ,outtte.M \leOey, l••I,,. l _._11 .. c11 !.oulll Co"'I A•l"Ole,......... •Olh '-"" •• °""'•"-'d S..turd•Y\ end \Uf'tlt•'f'\ TM Oll~ct~et put)tf\h•f"9 ptl l"lt I~ 11 1JO W•'t .... \t,_t. P 0 •o• t\tO Cott• ~u C •11to1"1• .,.,. I I finc.hgs and rt't.'o•nl dt.•athi. tn tht• Jait1.:;upt•r\11Mlfs apprnvt•d last w1·~ lht• nH·J s<.·JI St 11•<•111ng pn'f'am ~p<•rv1l><1r. ..t~l'l·•·d tr• hire: four p ll h1·:alth nurs<•s a n d a su rt s t<.1ff or thn'<' tu Sl-r1·c·n tn t•s ror m1.•J1l'al probl1·ms a!o th art• lx·ing bookl'd into lht· J3.li ThP ~-.(:rt"t'ning program was tit c·on,ultan1,· pr1mar v n f1mmt'Addt1nn mh 1•rst al!oo !ougg<'sl"o a dftu xdna1111n program b1• 1sabhshed for pubht inebr1aU'l> vw arf' ;a1l1-d OnC' ... ut·h t't•ntl'r Vtuld b<• ho ust'tl ll1!>1clc• lht> jail (" pt·~t'I!> arn-skd rur 11f(f•J1S(''> I a d d I I I I) n l 1> p u b l I l' t unk.-nm•ss. It •s the gill giving season egatn and whal better gill ror friend or family than line jewelry lhe lestlng gill for a llletlme and tongerl It's e token ot your elfectlon or es1eem 1hat can be helrloomed even beyond •he span of one ltfellme A well choaen gill or fine 1ewelry hn the e1emen1 o f pe rmanence that exceeds eny other II h as been "Christmas" several weeks now We are never certain when ou1 season wilt actually start. but we have been planning tor II since last summer There are many races we only see once • year. those who come 10 buy their annual Chrls1m111 gift of llne jewelry There are those laces who ap p ear early In Novembe' lor a prelim inary look-aM They come back later. perheps twice. belo'e m aking lhelr actual selectloll J ewelr y buyera are Often c1reful, cau1tou1 buyers We ue p roud thal so ma n y "be·backera" do make their llnal Another d1·tox1r1c~1t ion cenltc'r would Ix run outs1dt• the Jail for 111•11plc .11 rt·:>lc•d sol1·ly for 11111l\ll'al11 Ht /\ 1.lt•t11x.C1l'a t1un t·t·ntl•r 0UL<;1d•.• th1· j.111 ,.., rcx·1m1ml'nde<l lx'<.'auSt.'. "Th(' pr1·sl'n l praC'llt'c o f sobt>nng sul'h 111d1v1duals in the Countv Jail r1•pn•S1•nLs .tn snl'ffl"<·ttve u~ o f p e 1 s o n n l' I a n cl s p a t' I:' " ac·<·ording to lht• report C) I h t ' r rt' l o m m £• n d .i t I 1l n ~ '>Uhm1lll•d lo tht· CountV for improving hC'alth care> at th<.> JCld indud1• E s l d b l 1 s h m t' n l o f a n 1nhrmJn: in tht• medical 1solat1on 'I'< llC>n C>f lht• )<Iii r<:'S('f'VC'd for womc·n su that when a nurse's selec t ions here We have M ea c.en led O 1 1 :.t>rv1l·c•s a r c> requi r e d . f o r a woman the> nu rse w ill not have to · b t• t· a I I C' d r r o m t h e m e n ' s In r Irma ry Add1t 1on of a t least one rt·g1i-t1·rC'd n urse 1r1 the m e n 's 1n f 1r mary an d m e di c al' obsC'rvallon area. Exp<rns1on o f p sychiatric S<>rv1c·c•s in the jail so that services .1n• availabl<:' a t all tames. Expan sion o f diagn ost ic serv1('l'S to inmates by b e tte r utilizing t he county's Pub lic1 HC'alt h Laborator y F...'>llmated cost for adding the :n add1uon al jasl m edic a l staff • mc>mlx'rs called for 1n th e report 1s $736.000 p<>r year ltley bear the Charles H. Barr label. As Certified Gemologists and Registered Jewelers of lhe American Gem Soclely we have the expertise l o advise you rega,dlng you' pur chases of gemstones and fine jewelry. We have a wide Hlectlon of gems lrom the most exotic to the m o'e l11mlllar varieties And speaking of "f1mlllar" isn't It nice lo shop where you see familiar flQes and feel and atmosphe'e of conllnully? W• pride ourselves on our frlendly. well-trained 11111 who hive served you contlnu1lty through lhe years The only new fices ire addlllon• we found we have n"°4td lo keep up with the 8Vlf grOwlng acllvtly In our 1t0fe ltn't tt nice to hive that feellng of 1ru1t In old friends. part1Qul1rly when 11 comes to buying a1 111t1ng a gift 11 • place of tine 1ewelry Seaeons grHllng1 from ell your friend• at Charle• H. Barr J•welera . anticipated an abund ance of ary " 1 1 _,•mo <>j•S shoppers lhla yeu and hive --cuARLES H. BAD R In c re 11 a e d o u ' I n v en I o r y 11\ Donna Blackman Biii Pennell Mergaret Gable Rick McElv1lne Anni MICMn Jean Wllt11meon JU l<ubkl• accordi ngly Sh opping at _ Charles H Barr Jewelera 11 e Chrlstmaa hebll with many of your lrlends Drop by 1nd find out why There Is a parking PIK• cloae t o our f ront door 1uat w1111ng ror you The old 11ytng "the nicest thing• come in 1m1ll pecka~s" la oert1tn1y tr~ ffpe<:lllly II , e~e.J{t,A Acc,....MIO- la. .. •'t 11111 & '"i.e. w .. idH,.... MewportlMclt Judy Blackmen Terry Crow. Aobeft Tlhanyl O.b.,.. Q...,do JIM MCIE!vllM J .. nBatrW~ And of COUrM, Mary 8err1 . . ~. \I 011111uu Cu.1-.1 DAil Y I'll U l !Tuewdtiy Oucumbur 7, 1982 eusonul s hupt•s ' 1 :. c 7 .. llot(t>r Mortrnh• pokt•t> clc·i.iJ(nl'i into nu ornunwnl us Murkul'l Won~ pulb u hulo on top of un nngc·I at holi<lay chu.1st's at l rvint• Fint• Artb <:e nter in He ritugt.• Park. To rt'gis tt.•r youngstt'rS uge 6 to 15 in d ecoration cluss from 3:30 lo 5:30 p.rn. Wednesday or lo yrnaking from 9 to noon Saturday~ phone 552-10 78. Introdu · Gibraltars new:= Money Market Bonus Account. Six built-in bonuses tpp Money Market Funds. Bonus Number One: Guaranteed High Money Market Rates. , ow thl' high rates you want clrl' your'> And 1hcy'n: guarantet'c.I Im one c.alendar month. W11h Gibraltar's new Money :"\1.irl-.C't Bonus Account you gl'l thl· safot y. wnvmil'nce, frcc<lnm and liquidity never before l°l\"i- siblc Plus you get the kind ol nsl-.-frt't' earning power, in'itm'(I safl•ty, .:ind guarantero mtca "it Muney M.irl-.et Funds can'1 rnrnpctl' wi th . • Bonus Number Two: Insured Safety to $100,000. Every dollar you invest in our Money Market Bonus Account up to Sl00,000 is insum:I by the FSLIC. backl'<i by 1he full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Bonus Number Three: Total liquidity. No Tenn. No Penalties. Now your money is instantly available. No wait No worry. No long distance transactions. You can deposit or withdraw anytime you want because your money is as close and convenient as your nr<1rl'S1 Gibraltar office. Bonus Nwnber Four: Checking Convenience. Checking convenience is part of 1he package at Gibraltar. It allows you lo write 1hree checks a mcinth with no mini- . mum amount. Anq lo make 1t even better, we11 start you off with .1 supply of per- sonaliLed checks Free. If you don't think you11 be needing any checks. Gibraltar has a special interest bonus for you. Select the mxheck optioniand we11 pay you up to ~% more. Bonus Number Five: Low $2,500 Mini- mum. AJI you need to HUNTINGTON BEACH: N91 Huntington Ctr.1(714) 898-%66 LACUNA HILLS: 24260 El Toro Rd. I (714) 951-8454 RJllERTON: 255 W. Orangethorpe Ave. /(714 ) 871-6101 NEWPORT BEACH: 2700 W. Coast Hwy. t (714l 631-2611 Transit cutback nixed A proposul to t'11m1nau .. some llt!gments of thl' Orunge County Transit District's Dial-A-R ide servlc:e has been scrapped by distrkt directors who voted to misc rareii for certnln Dlal-A- Rlde service. Directors hinted Monday that more Care hikes arc l'Omlng as the d1str1ct struggles to make up rev1mut>S that have fallen below budget projections. Directors saved Saturd ay Dial-A-Ride service following a pub l ic hearing in whi c h representatives of senior clll:wns' groups and the handicapped protested the proposal. The hearing was the second one in which Dia I-A -R Id e use.r s protested the planned Saturday service cut. Fares for regular users of the service were increased from $1 to $1.25 per service zone, and $1.25 to $1 .50 per zone during the peak hours of 7-9 a.m. and 2-5 p.m. The Dial-A -Ride zones are usually defined by city limits, with charges based on the number of zones a rider passes through. Dial-A-Ride fart.>s for so-c.·aJled . special users -the elderly and handicapped -were left at .their 50 cent-per zone level. Joa nne Cu rra n , OCTD spokesman, said directors were unanimous in opposition to the service cuts .• The vote to raise fares was 3 to 2 with directors Roger Stanton and Donald Holt dissenting. Stanton also is an Orange County supervisor. The increases end. for now at least, a round or service changes wh i c h began with t he elimination of several bus routes and service cutbacks in some other>. Directors said figures which show both rider s hip and passenger-generated revenue Pelow expectations made the cuts pecessary. Statistics for the first quarter of cx:TD's Ju ly I-June. 30 fiscal year showed ridership of 7.9 million passenge rs. t>am high Money Market 1nteres1 is~/,500. With insured ..all'ty and a low minimum investmN you have everything In gain. Plus. 11 your 4veragc month~ balance falls below SZ,500. you sllll cam 511.% interest ft the month. Bonus Number Six: Convbtientftlephone Transfer Service. To make it l'Ven t>flSier. you ·<n move money l:>Plwl't>n your Mom'y M<lrket Bonus A:c:>unt and your check- ing account at Gibrahar iu!!l by callirt '5 24 hours a day. 7 dayc; a wt"t'k . Special Charter Member Converimce. To make sure ynu start earning high Money Marke~rterest the moment 1t0'i available', call your nl'arest Gibralt..->ffice or dial toll- frl'l' 800-232-2020 now. Our telephone service representative er start processing your account immediately and answerry questions you may have. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO: 31877 Del Ob. SANTA ANA: 392.S S. Bristol St.1(714) 979-7 N4 Santa Ana Fashion Square I ( ~ ll8 11). olckr famou~ IX't'f Stk·k' Sumnwr S.1ui..1i;ct•. 2 nz. or (r.•amy ~V.lll'>. d 7 11%. wht•t•l of'""" 1tt1ft t;ou<Ll. boz ur1.m10 !'IV.l.'1'1 11111 Mu .. t.ird. lllllZ uf l'un W11ll: dl\'l.'M', ;\ 71, oi. A111ik l'k' Clwddar lt(1u.trt', fl 11L. uf l:.d.1m .1111I our S11.1v.bt•11) Bon Hun!> SI u.oo• .... Think of everyone whp'd love a Christmas gift fromHickory Farms~~ Choose from over 100 different gifts. in a variety of shapes. prices . and sizes, all filled with tnsty delights. And we'll gladly handle all the detai ls St.'nding your gifts out. ff idcor1 farms ~~10 · We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness .. , SOUTH COAST P LAZA c l'«!t•t""1tfUm.t\.1oti••1.e1.,,., •1'\J.,W\Uf,.,,.t,.dd.ilut\1l1o.,.,"I. 1t..J•v d 1.o•H'r C1truu~1·I ~1all 540-6991 -:-:IC At parllC'lpallnR stOl'es. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--' 1ot£.9bmivmar, (jfi6mtiotv · . on KOCE-TV/50 Tonight Band SWing! 8:15 . Together in Concert: Tex . Benel<e and His Orchestra. Swing again with Beneke's brassy big band. And enjoy the hits of the 40's as Helen O'Connell and Bob Eberly sing the songs they made famous. »The 1982 U.S. National Ballroom Grand Championships. Which of the competing couples will cha-cha, waltz and disco their way to the winners ci rcle? Join host Juliet Prowse for the dance spectacular of the year! 9:30 Tiiis ad ml4• pouiblt In p1r1 by a grant 1rom the Cttporatioll lllf Public BroffCISting Ski • Wlnd1urfrng • Tennis • Sportsweu FINEST· EUROPEAN . . SKI FASHIONS AVAILABLE ·20-SO% OFF NOW ON SALE • FILA • COLMAR • BOGNER · •RED X • ELLESSE • VELEDA • KITEX • DESCENTE • COLAN! • HCC . . • .. ' - 1779 NEWPORT BLVD. C.M. (714) 645 4310 • ' . . . llQI Cout DAILY Pll.01/Tu M!~y. o.c.nlber 7 1982 Many Christmas program's schedule" along Orange Coast A "Community Chrl1tmwi <.:urol" µrograml 1111 plannl>d for 1.30 p.m. Sunday ut Coldt•n Wet1t College In Huntington &nch Thl' hQlldoy event, co-sponsored by the Wl'fit Orangt-Cqunty YMCA and the college. will ~gin with more thtln 100 groups and o rganizations gathering at th<' t·ollt.•gl' for singin_K of carols. Tom Reilly, t'O-star of the popular TV series "CH1 PS," and the Golden West College band will entertain. After the program, the audicnt-c will travel in small groups to private homes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Westminster;. Garden Grove and Seal Beach visiting senior tilizcns a nd singing carols. A n yone wishing to parllc pate in this "Community Christmas Carol" should contact th e W est Orange Cou nty YM CA at 847-9622 for more information. • • • The Newport Be ach Parks, Beaches & Recreation Department is again sponsoring a Rent-A-Santa Claus program through Dec. 23. A Santa can be re nted for a minimum charge of $25 for a 1h-hour visit. The fee includes one candy cane per person with a 24 candy cane maximum. For groups larger than 24, there will be an add itional charge. San l.as are available daily between 10 a.m. a nd 10 p.m . "Reservations must be made a nd paid for at least 24 hours in advance of the visit and are on Sea ordeal ends as family rescued S UV A. Fiji (AP) -An Ame rican family weathered 25 days at sea in a !He boat frequently capsized by waves as high as 50 feet and survived by eating flying fish and killing a large sea bird and sucking its insides for moistur e, the son said today. He also said at times they wished for death, and that they lived on birds' eggs a fter being washed up on a deserted sandbank near a remote F iji island. The son. 17-year-old Christian Aros of Long Beach, Calif., said by telephone from his hospital bed in Suva he believed his 53-year-old Cathe r, Robert, reported in serious condition. could have survived only another two days. H e said he and his mother, Margaret, could have_ sul"Vived five days more when they were rescued by villagers from a sandbank near the island of Cikobia-1-Lau nearly a month after their 29-foot ketch Vamanos hit a reef and sank Nov. 6 en route from Raritonga to New Zealand. A local doctor who treated them on the island said they were in a "ge nerally OK condition, although very exha usted and suffering dehydration and skin sores cau sed by sunburn." The Fiji government brought them to Suva by helicopter. The U.S. Embassy spelled the family's last name Arrows, but relatives quoted by the Re~ister newspaper in Santa Ana said the name was spelled Aros. THI ...... ,. ,. ....... All CIDllOllOHN) IOU8 WAl'WI MUTING . .,,~~ Senllc91-S,.,, •• ,y_o-Free Phone (Cell Store __ , Y-A<u) cos'~,~~~}~}99 Call Home ~~~Ol Now thru Dec. 24 MCI __ , __ ..__,....,_ ... _,,_...,_,._...,_·' -.. ond Hunt 1ngton Center w rll give owoy over 15 ,000 3 -min. long distance phone colls for HIUDIY lllPPllllll 11 first-come. flrst-•ervt> b&1I•. ft'or m o re Information, cull tht• Dcourtmt•n\ ut 640-2271. . ' . The Newport Elc1nentary School Part>nt Teachers Assodatlon will prt.'14.!nt a home tour and ChrlslmBll boutiqut! between 10 u.m. und 2 p.m. Thursday. Six Newport homes -three on Lido Isle anc.1 thrt.'(' on the Balboa Pennlnaula - will be featured. . Tickets are $5 In advan<..-c and $6 al the door. The sch ool Is located 14th Street and West Balboa Boulevard. For furthe r inforll'\ation call 673-5509. • • • Merchants at an Orange shopping center are collecting gift items for dependent children under the care of Orange County govemtnent at the Albert Sitton Home, also located in Orange. All iypes of new items are being sought, including clothes, toys, books and games. Donated items should not be wrapped: donations of wrapping paper and ribbon s are being accepted, however. .~ . Gifls may be• dropped oH -at the Orange- Olive Center, located at 2681-2703 Orange -Olive .. Road, Oran1t•. For further Information, call 998-16W • • • Wt'tt County CouNCllf\i Cen~r. a prlv•te, non-r.roflt com19unlty coun1ellne clinic In Hunt Oi\On ee~-. II offerlna a "Give Love for Chrl•tmat" pr()lriim, at 7;30 p.m .. Dec. 14, at Homt' Federal Savlnp In Seaclllf Vlllqe., t WC.'CC wanta to help families learn to cope with the tough econo,nJc llmett and 1\J'eMt>fl o( the.> 11eason throuah mutual family 1u'pp0rt. ·Partlclpanta will prepare a family mural and enjoy traditional family games and learn new Ideas which make It easy for people to get acqualnt«i. Fret-refrethmenta will be served. For further Information call 847-3356. • • • The Girls Club of the Harbor Area will present a Chrl1t.ma1 play, "'I:he Nut.cracker" at 7:30 p.m . Dec. lfJ at the Cana Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave. Donation la $1. In addition, the club will be offering special activities Dec. 20-23. Call 646-7181 for further Information. • • • ' All 56 residential sales offices of Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson, Realtors, froi-n· Santa Barbara to San Dlewo, will participate in the ~ual Toys for Tots drive through December 20th, according to E. James Peck, president. Throu6'ti donatlona from the pubUc, "Toya for Tots" provldH toy1 for tho uund1 ol undcrprlv1Jt'decod chlld~n who would otht'rwl1e be forgotten at Chrlalmaf. Thi.I year marka the 36th annaver1ary of the proaram, which la lp<>tUOred by the Uni~ Statee Marine CorPI Relerv~. Th\• U.S. Marine Corpe request that all toy donations be ·new a nd unwrapped. and be deposited In the T oya for Tots barrels for Identification In the proper age bracket. Coldwell &nker-Forest E. Olson la one of the L'Ompanies of Coldwell Banker, a nationwide real estate and real e1tatc related aervlce ·company. * * * The Golden West College Symphonic Band will perform traditional and contemporary holiday music in "The Many Moods of Christmas," a luletlde concert acheduled at 8 p.m. Friday an Saturday in the main theater at ... the Huntington Beach campua. ' Thomas He rnandez will direct, and Gerald Schroeder, a pianist, will be guest artist. General admisslon is $:l.50 ($1.50 for Golden Key card holders). Tickets are available in the colle~e bookstore. Confused , about the new insured money-lllarket accounts? _We,-at Downey Savings, want to-help you understand them._ .. . an4 offer you iwre. Simply, money-market accounts give you an insured, high interest account with- out tying up yo ur money with term time limits. And, a minimum balance of only $2,500 is required . It's that simple. But, we at Downey, still don't think it's enough. So we've devel- oped two money-market packages, and you can pick the orie tailored to your needs. Plus , we11 pay you higher than most money-market fund rates with either of them. .• --r . The Check-Writefs Package The Safe-Saver's Package e Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you. can . 642-5678 the holidays. Just vis;L _ the MCI holiday booth Daily Check Writing Convenience, Tied to a Fully-Insured Account Paying Higher than Mos t Money-Market Fund Rates. Compare This to Any (/ni11sured Sweep Account! Here's how it works: A Fu/o/-lnsured Savings Account Paying at· a Rate Higher than Most Money-Market . ·~unds, Combined with Instant Cash Access in the center of the moll. Early Bird Dinner Specials BEEF RIB DINNER 55.95 Includes Soup or Salad Baked Potato & Corn on Cob also Pacific Re4 Saapper Pri•e Rill S7.95 DAILY 5 •• 7 •••. Fine dining. · 3801 EAST COAST 1 llGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR. CA (714) 76().0JJJ , . for Those Few, Special Times. 1 _ • Here's how it works: You use your $ 1/4 % interest-earning checking account for your normal, daily transactions. When your balance Your money-market account is used primarily for savings. But, if you do need to make a major or unexpected pur- passes $2,000, we sweep the ex- tra money into your high inrerest- earning money-market account. But unlij<e most sweep accounts, if your checking balance falls below $2 ,000, we won't pull money from your money-market account to replace the funds in your checking account-no matter how low the balance falls. (Most sweep ac- counts require you to keep $2,000 earnings~% at all times.) And, if your checking account is overdraw11, we11 then pull money from your money-market account to cover it• -and that's the only time we11 take money from there . So, no' minimum balance in your · checking account means you can leave your extra money in your money-market account longcr- earning /ligller than most mo~ market fund rates! ·Ptus, look at the extra benefits you11 receive that no m~ket fund can offer: 0 no service charges on your checking account 0 check guarantee card on your checking account (with qualification) 0 MasterCard II or VISA debit card with no annual fees (with qualification) -0 a.free safe deposit box 0 one jne trust deed collection 0 fiw traveler's checks 0 preferred auto loan rates 0 unlimited in-person or by-mail with- drawals 0 many other free, convenient services 0 and a minimum balance requirement in your mo~markct account of only s2,soo·· Unlike the money you deposit in a regular money-market fund, Downcw's Money-Market Packages are fully-insured. And the dollars arc re-inv~ in our local community m:irket arcas-#uit's a good feeling. Downey's Money-Market ~kages. With package choices like these, why would anyone want to open just an account? 1 __ F_1'~_.1e __ 1 'Autom.tk prc-euthonied uantfm '-eel 10 Ml( .. PCf MOnlh. 4·1r belalK'C '''" bcto-suoo. dlCemt "111 be Plid • s.zs~. · ' chase, and you don't have enough in your everyday checking ac- count, or just don't want to pull funds from there, you can write a check from your money-market account (3 per month). This gives you the benefit of a high inrerest~account with- out the hassles of difficult cash ac- cess that come with time limits or ~ithdrawal penalties. QMoneyMarket Packages are available beginning Dec- ember 14, 1982. Special high interest~ repurchase agreements arc available im- mediately, to hold your Money-Market •Package dollars through December 13, 1982~ I ,., llll>l.ll 7 1082 T elecourse rev!ew f ay resolve dispute , 1''or th<.• bt•tter part o f a year, ere has bt.•en a good dt:al of informL•d d c•b utc about the lue of tl"lt.•t.·ourses offorcd by Coastline Community Collt•gc. ~ Lust spring, 67 facu l ty t members at Coast line's s is tt.•r I.colleges. Golden W est and Orange Coast. sig ned a letter to all four- yea r colleges and univers ities • ncludiog th<" California S ta te 1'.rniversit y. com p laining that the .l~lecourses wer e easy. but had : igh dropout rates. The signcc•s &•ss, uss1stu n t vi<:(-' chnnccllor of ucmk·mic affairs at th l• l ~-l·umpus Cal S tate system, was m Fountitin Valley to gu ttwr d ata on l tw ll' l t 't'.0 U l'SeS. . 1 lt' hus been uskcu l>y C al Stutt• odministrators and the syst e m 's academic sena t e t o revit•w the c·ourscs a nd m a ke a ret•ommenda tion on wheth er they sh ould be accepte d for transfor cn-dits. Bess believes hl' w ill hav(• a pn·ltminary report r ead y by J a nua r y . I urged the universities n ot t o · accept te lecourse units a s t ransfer I credits. As lay persons, it is d 1fftcult for us to judge why a telecou rse is !(•SS worthy instrut·tion than that r cceivt-d in a lectur e h all c rowdt.'Ci w ith hundreds of s tudents. I t would st>em that the vis ual aid <.'a pa bih t it•s of ll• lcv isio n might actually i.·nhan<.'l' some lectures. I' I I M o r e recently, the English Council. r <'presenting Cal S t ate 1 1 Englis h instructors. claimed a basic w riting te lecour sc o ffe r e d by i Coastline should not be aen•ptcd , for transfe r c redit. ! The te lecourses h ave been 't nitil'ized because they require only 15 hours of viewing time a l sem ester. Coastlin e has po inted I o ut tha t apart from viewing time, there arc assignme n ts, interaction , w ith a teacher and m idter ms a nd I finals taken in a classroom setung. I And like a shadow behind all I of the rhetoric has been the fac t that som e teac hers may be .'worried t ha't the spread o f telecourses coul d eventually threate n their e mployment. N ow, a fter m o nth s of w rang ling. 1t looks as 1f at least o ne m ember of the educational I iYstem w ill soon be ready to ~ddress substance. rather than (form. Last week. Dr. Robert 0 . Huwt•ver. this is something t h a t rt' q u i r cs a n i n f o rm e d judgment based o n facts. Bess will bt• look ing at the dropout rates in tt'l{'<'OUrst·s. as well as the suc.-ccss r ates of s tude nts who t ook prt'limin ary work in telecourscs al Coastline. a nd th en transferred to a Cal S ta te ca mpus. Did the courses stand t he m in good s tead? It's about time we knew. We arc glad to se<.' th e investigation finally taking place. It 1s to be hoped that the issu a n c:e o f the rt•port, whilt· not putting a n e nd to useful debate . w ill lay to r est some of the useless rhe toric that has surrounded the issue. W e hope both sides will receive the results with an o~n mind. ~Reprimand for Watt I The in tensity o f o p position to se<.:retary has issued leases in the fth e h ig h -h a nded p o li c i es o f w~ldcrness ar.e~. partly to comply 'Inte rior Secretar y J am es W att was wt th the s p irit .o~ t he act , a nd I nowhere better e mphasized than partly bec:ause mlihons o~ acres o f :m the H ouse o f Representatives f<:dcral lands ou t side the : last week w h e r e members. in a wllderness a r eas have yet to be (sweeping 275-73 vote, d ecided to explored. . l withho ld federal m oney for some W att. h~~e~er, d ecided to !.Di his m os t con trove r sia l ignore the sp1r1t. 1f n ot the letter programs. The financial reprimand m ay be softened when the $7.4 million a ppropriations measure. with its list of do's and don't's, for W att. comes to a vote in the Senate. The secretary has more support there. but the vote in the H ouse s h owed there are ple nty of Republicans among his critics. The H ouse bill prohibits for the full budget year the Issuing of oil a nd gas leases in any p art o f the 80 million acres of wilderness areas des ignate d in the 1964 Wilrle rncss Act. It furthPr h alts the use of federal m oney for Cuture oil and gas leasing oCf the Centra l a n d Northern Califo rnia coasts, a move hailed by state e nvironmentalists. W att's bull-h eaded insiste nce o n proceeding with his a ll-or - nothing progr am for r esource llevelopment. without regard to e nvironmental co n cern s. undou btedly precipi ta ted the House vote. The 1964 W ilderness A c t did not officially close the 80 million acr es' o f forestland t o mineral e xploration until the e nd o f 1983. but since its passage no I nte rio r of the law. by insisting that leasing s hould be permitted right up to the 1983 d eadline. His further insistence that all o( the nation's offsh ore waters .should be .opened to o.tl leasin g was only mome ntarily stymied by state laws uit that managed to remove a few o t the m o r e e nvironme ntally sen sitive tracts from his program. The H ouse m easure not only blocks these m oves, but includes a personal d ig at the secr e tary b y pro hibiting the u se ot h,1 S discretio nary fund to pay for social functions and pro hibiting the closing of Na tion al Park Service facilities for such functions. This was sparked by W a tt's use of the C us tis-Lee Ma nsion in Arlington N ational Cemete r y f o r two Christmas celebrations last year .. • The GOP m ajorit y in t h e Senate m ay be kinde r to the secretary when the appro priations bill reaches the m , but the m essage is clear. James W a tt has tried to go • too far in imposing h is person al views on th e nation and if the Presiden t cann o t re in him i n . con gression a l con t r o l _o f his pursestrings may do the trick . Op inions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invil· ed. Address The D~ily Pilot, P.O. Box IS60. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (71") 642-021. L.M. Boyd/ Polite· lnl;lian s Those who know the Amf'racan Indian languagt•s suy thNe aren't any swear words in thnM' vocabula rie!I. Tht• cheetah 1s so wary th:H the big-gaml" boys don't t'V('n try tu lurt• 1t Lnto a t rap The way to catch a chcl'\ah is chase 1t in a trut·k unttl you're close enough to grab 1t by thC' iatl and fltp 1 t into a large box Seriously. Q How ohen does a man typically buv a new overt•oat? A. Once cvcry eight y<'ars Pigeon fanciers can bl' dl•votl'd Couple of years ago one• paid $80,000 for such a bird. Q W}f.y an• Germans call <'d •·Germans"? · A When their ancient fordalhPrs cnt~rcd balllc. they shouted. vellc.'<.i. ORANGE COA ST Daily Pilot P"Oh\ftf'Ct ftt'Y .. , .. lfk!l ir••' •f J. l#f't I•• " c .. c. •w --~· ,.,,,,...,,...,...10 llO• 1!<00 (II.\~,_. ... (.A •hit hollcrl'd a lot. and the Gouts l'Olk'<i tht·m "Gt·rinani" fTom a Ct.•htt· word 1m·anmg "to shout." Tht· t.·ht•ckou t clerk o t your sUfX'rmarkP\ l·an ht• cXpt.'Ctl'd when ringing up pnn•s lo m{)ke sn error on the bill of 11n1• in t•v('ry Chee custo";?<'rs H yuu .want to turn your acreage into a,J:lusv public driving tee for pral'lltlf"ng gutrers this summer. you'll nt•c-d alx1u1 30,000 golf• balls. maytx- mort·- Som<.'lh1ng cl:.t.• you can do to whll{• ;1way thl' umr at stoplights is count the words that tx•gin and end with th<.' si-1mc• two lettt•rs. Llkl' perhit.'OJX'. And Enhv~·n. In lhl• larg~· armlf'9 of th e wurld. ('Very third l•nlisu'CI man is a 11Crgcont. Thoma• '. Ha~y P.1~ ,1 ~· Jone Amari tl'f' ,, .,,. tit I f larboro Krolbkh lJ• , '"'11• LI •r --. ... - . OK .ll-IAT~ (:JX)TJ -~. Het.1> IT. I Voices of morality heard , W/\SlllNUTON "Hult•s must Ill' supp11rtl·d .rnd 1•nl1ght1•nt·d l>y pul1li<.· t1p1111t1n," said ul1L' o l th•• SJH'ak1·rs An11th1·r war1wd uguin'lt lhl• d1Vl'1':..iu11 uf "our rn11ral und i11tc:ll1'l·tu:1l rt•soun·t.•s, as Wl•ll !IS Olli' pl'lll'lll'al l'l'Ot101111l'S 111111 lhl· w11s11• a11d th1• ix·ril of war " Tlwn• w:Js sunwthing old~ I a ... h111111'd about tl11.' word~· And about thl' 11wn. ll>11 tht• lushoµ~ ur thL· Aml'l'll'Ull l'ath11lit· l'hu1d1 All ol 1t ap1x ·urt'lf 1.ovt•n rnon· a11at·h1111w .. 11t· ag<11n ... 1 tht• M•t\111g Tiil' C.:ap1tul ll1hon llotc·I hurdlv M 'l'lll:.. Jll apprnp11.iH· pla<.•t• fc11 t.lt:tl1Jgu1·~ tlll thl· pr<l('t&<.'t'll wit.I pr~tc\tc:..I mur~1l!ty of \.\Jr <ind pt•m•(• and dt•m0t.T<.1lll' go\'l'r'll:llll'l' Bl'T. APART fiuan tht· ..,l'lt111g. tlw t1Udl'.tt' \\.Jr d1al6gu1· and tft>IJ..ill· lai,t Wt•t•k nl the• National Cunll·n ·nt.t• ol (.'.,tholit 81!.hi>ps. th1~ 1:11n:..,dl"Tat tmr of publ1t· polu.:y in tht• t.·ontt•>.t of :..hat t'd C:hrl!>tmn w:whmgs. nmg with a bit ut tlw t011(' 11f lht• <.·arl1Pst Amt.•ru.·an ar~unwn1s, ol the prt•at•hing ;md thl' pamphll'ls that lt'<l to till' J.)t_'l·laratm11 of lnd<.•JX•nd1•nc·1• a nd tlw Cunsiuuuon. The• tltalogut• 111 Washington !:1st wt·t·k somt•ttnws suggcslt'tl thL· dt•tt•r1111n:111on ul th<' rntin for whom t h C' c·;1p1 till was nanwc1 "It 1 ... loo pmbablt· that no plun ,..w1· prnpt>M' will hl• udoptc•d ." (;1•orgt· W ~I~ h Ill g Io ll .., "Id cl 11 I I II H I h I ' (.'1111 .... lllllllt1Jl,d ( 'tttl\'1'11111111 Ill I I "111111"1 l<I 1h·l1•g:1t1• ... \\"•I ... 11g1!1' ... l1 •d 1 h,11 111111'1 \'lllllJ)l'Ullll"llg l.111g11.1~1 tlllghl lllt't'I \\'llh 1rn111• p11plll.11 :1pp111v,d "I I 1!1 pl1"1'1 till' Jll't1plt'. \\ l 111 kl \\ h.11 WI' llltl "i h•t ·.., ~ -------------,_. ! .. ·,;.. RICHARD RllVf S c11 .... 1pp111\'I'. ho\\ t.1n \\I' .it11·1\\.1fd'> th·h•111 I OUI \\Ill k" Lt t u ... 1.1i...1 ..... t.111d.11 cl tu \\Im h 1111 "' 1-.. .111d hu111· ... 1 <;111 r1·p;111 Thl· c v1 nl 1:-. 111 I h1 h;111d-. ol ( ;od " Thi I \'t'llh th.11 l11ll11\\l'1I g,1\"l 'WC/Id' lik1· '\\';...,l11 ng11m· .... 11111Hi111.t 1in·,-rd11 11111 kt111\\ ho\\ l11ng tlw lw .. l111p..,· \\11nl.., "111 liv1• tl1.1t '' 111 tlw h.1nd-.. ul G1wl 111 llw i\nwtl\".11l f.H·11plt-But 11 ,.., thnll111g t·nough 111 1111t· \Y.t-c k ol H 1·v1111 .ti 10111pl1·' :1gt'. 111 hc•a1 n1111 sp1 .11-. I ll 111ural. ... 11nplt· w111 d ... Alt1•r 1lw hlu..,ll·r 111 t·:.n1p.11gn .... ind Cunl.(I'\''"· 1t 1 ... n lrl':..h111g, ti 1101 11·n1·w1ng. 111 IH';1r 1nt•n ..,p1·;1k 111 11•1111:-. ul \\ h.11 lht•\ ;in· Iv•. i;1tlll'1 1h:in wh.11 th1·\ an· agai'11:..l. Tlw U111u•d Stt1t1 •.., Ii.is \\,1'>1111 1111111· 111.111 .1gc1111.1111111111 111111•.tl .111d 11111•111 c·tual '>IJUt, ,., -.11111· w .. , ld W.11 II d1'1111111g 1twll .11111 u~ I liy 1.1.h.tl ll IS .1g,1111-.I l.tll11 I th.111 \\)111\ 11 1-.. 1•11 ()111· 111 lhc l11-.h111"· l\111 lo.11 I K1 t 11\ 11t .111111.Ju Al.1,k11 '""' t11 de 11111 li1m..,.·ll 11 o t b y 11 p p":.. 1 t I •> n t o • · g o d I t· s !. t•nmmuna-.m," !Jut t)y wh,1t tw lx•lu·vcs J1·,u:-. Cht 1~t s tuuci' for "forg1vt•nl•ss. gt•ntl1•rw..._.., p:it11•111·1· long sufft·nng, ICJve ut t•n1•1n1t·'> ' \\ E \\ II 0 A it E 11111 1,1..,li11f>" liu t Jll ~1 pl.11 11 111111 l'.111111(11 i\1111 1 u .111 .. 1.111 h-.1111 1n1111 th.it \\'t .111 1101 th1 Jll•11-JI• \\ hu •• 11 ,.g.1111 .... 1 l11111n1u111;.111 ,111tl .1l11t111111h11 u11ph a'>.1111 I'"'' · \\ 1 .111 llll pc •1pl,• \\hu ,111 lo t l111 d11111 \\1 .111 fol pt<itt lull\ t1.111 ... t.1t111 )..( 1h1 '"" 111 1h1 ni:ty111f\ 111111 ltf< hi.I\ t I\ .1n1T 1111 pu1 -..ull ut h,1pp11H'""' l•>r rn11 ... 1 ul 1111 1Jt·11plc 11111-.1 ol lht• 111111 S11. lt11111 ·• \' I 111 I h1 b1,li11p-.' .\ nd. hooray £or Am<•rwa' No m~1Ut•r '\\lh' ,. ph11b1:1.., th1 U 111tt d St.111·' -..1111 It .... 11,, 1·m·1g:\' and •11x•n·1w11d1 till!·>-' t11g10\\,111 111~ :.!'.! '<.1n .. f111111 11 1111111 1" th,11 d1•balt•cl '' h1·tlwr .i l'.t1h11l11 h.11..I th1 11ght 111 lw pn·suh 111 111 .1 11.it11111 \\llling 111 h1 •Jr :tnrl I :..us p1 l\. 11·:..p1md to ... 11 \'11111.., o l 111111 .1111 v J ohs and pay Inake little sens e ..... <.:.onst.dl.'r this and set> 1r ll makt-s scnst' Cahfornwns hnvcr-JU."t <·ll-t'tt'fl,. m:in to un •>ffi<t• f1>r "h1l·h tJw salarv ts , l:!,5110 ll1s "t•h1<'·1 asst:,tanl" hu~\'t.•vt.r will rt'C'C'IVC: a s.,la-rv of 5~5ti .. m Jrnuu111 li,11011 grl•atl'r' th.111 that (.Mid Ht th<· govt•rnor Thf• o ffl('l' IS that o r lit·utt.·11ant go\'l'rnor l"urmcr as....c•mbly :.pt·<ikl'r Lt·o l\kC:u-thv IS the man who will "11 the• of ti1·<.· In udu1t1on to h1:.. l·hwf a:..:..i...1:.1111 . Mc<.\1rthy will havt• :n otlwr pcNl1u11 .. 111 f11l 1nduding two dl'puly ,1s.-.1 ... t11nt!. .11ld ,1 Pfl"l> M't'l'C'lary BESIDES RECEIVING a sulury $1:t •. ~5tl grc•atcr than t hat of h i:, bus<;. McCarthy's <.'hid as!>1stu11t will bt· krnghu·d \v1th tlw wnrkang l1tl1· 111 "d1ll'I or ... lafl .. Now what :lfl' tht· dUlll't> or th1<, dm•I of staff and the <!<! uth t.•rs'! To tlt•ll•rmin1• that om· must first know thl· dut11·~ ol tht• lll'Ull'nant gov••rnor'. Th(• trulh 1s hl· hasn't any Tlw onlv con~utut1on<1I r<.-spons1b1hty 'ass1gn('(J 1i1 thr 11culc>nant govl.'rnor is that ht' "is Pn•s1dcn1 of the S('nau.• but has onlv a t·asting votl•" This means ht• t'Ould ,;<>lt' on a qul"St10n only 1f thl' S<.'na lt.• ts dt•ndl1x.•k('<I in a 20·20 tit.'. But the fa,·t of the m:nwr t!> thJt fut th(' past quarter <:entury thl• senators havt.• made 1t clear to t'at•h SUl'l'l'l't.hng hf'ul(•nant govc•rnor that his pn.•sc•nct• in thc• senate during St'SS1ons 1s nut wontl'Cl So ttw u m,111u11on 11 I""' '''"11' hc-c·111111· 1111 ;in1ngh·.,... 111 pi.11th• ~ l)I l'UUl..,t' thl' 11111..,11IUll•11I ,tl,co pi ov1d1..., th.11 th• 111 ·ult n.1111 g11\ t 111111 ,hall .1Cl m thfrcrl~r-11t1 11 .. 11t1·Ht.,. "'·'" of I h1 1!11\'l t 11111 0 1 1 I 1 IH ~11\'t 'I 11111 I' IARl WATIRS lllt';lp.111t~1ll•d ll .it ..... pt1t\ 11h· ... h1 • "h.ill SUl"('l•t•d tlW ~tl\\ 111111 Ill ll1l I\ l'llt 111 dl'ti\h Ill' '1· .. 1~11.1111111 Rut until 11111 111 111 ..... , ·,.,, llh li.1pp .. 11 1hc• l11·11h•11.i11t g11\I 111111 1" 111 1.11 I .1 1"11 onl\ \\1th 110 d1111c •' 1111 11•1\\11 .. .111tl 1111 11''1)1111'11111illt"• Tli1 .. """"II t lt-.1\ I llHI< h lor hl"I dllt•I 111 -..1.itl 111 hh '..!.! 11th1 1 .11111•..,, to do t·" t•pt 111 ·""" c 1 lhl phe1111· • 111d indttlJ.W 111 trll1 n111\1•1 .1111111• Tht• t111wlu..,11111 th1 ·11 '' I h.1t tl11 1111 wt• is ,1n 11bsurd1t' .• 111 .111,11'1110111 ... 111. ~ 1'111~ no J)UI p<N· \\ li.1h11t•\·c·t ,, I lll..,1111~ tl11 t."pav1•1-... 1111111' th.111 · 1 11111111111 ,1 \c .11 It ..,houltl 111•\·1·1 h.1 \c he 111 111 .1 tc·d ,111d -.hould ha\'l' IH>t 11 .1boli-..l11 ti 10111 .• 1p1 .\t, lt•,...,t 12 otlw1 ... 1.111 ' ll,1\1 .1111\1 d .11 th.11 dt•u"on und up1 111t•· \\ 11h11l1t .1 h<'lllt •n;11ll g11v1 ·1 1w1 l-"urth1•11111111 , th1 11ltu1• h,1, n11111• rt'<'t•nl l't 1)1 ·t.'\llllt• .111 1•111h.111.1-.. ... m1 111 111 lhl' /.!ll\'t•t 11111 F111 I 11Ut \t·.11· ... ti,:et I Ill' IX'i1pl1· Plt-t·Cld .., l.>t.•m1K r.il1t7 gow•rnor ,11111 ,1 I(, p1thlit.Jll Jll U\1 11.1111 go\ l t 11111 Tiu-. ~11\l 111lic·1 1111 \ 11 \t t-..('(I th1 unl.-1 .ind 1h'l11·11 .1 Ht p11ltl11.H1 h"' • 111111 ,111d .1 D1 ·111oc1 .1111 IJ.1 u11 11.1111 h''' 1 111111 I•.\ 1 11 \\ht 11 bttlll 1111111"'°' \\t'l t' ltr)l'ci IJ\ n11111hP1 -.. 11( till ..,,11111 p,11 t\ lht l\\11 111'\ c I \\ 1111-.c'(I 111 h.111111111\ 1'.1d1 .11\\ ,1\" ..,U,Jlll ltl\t'i 1•1 tli• 111lu 1 " .1111uo' "''. th.ti th1\ .Ill 111 d11111111t p.11111-. thl situ,\\1on '" nt•ur 1mpo..,,1hl1· THIS I:\ :\0 "'" ",1•1111d1 11111.1t1••n IJI tl11 nt \\Iv l'll'l tt·d 111 lll1 ·11.1111 i.:11\l 111t11 t\11 \ '.11 Ill\ I" ,1 d1·11·11I h•Hlt '>I ITI·•ll \\ h11 \\ill \\ 111 k 11\'1•1\11111 I t• I ,1,ii1l1-..h •' h.11 ttllllllllll" I t•l.1111111,(llJ' \\ llh 1111 111'\\ j.!ll\·1·111111 . C1·111 gt> lk11k1111 JI.Ill ,i),,, .1 dt'C'l'lll h11111· .. t 11\.tll tiHI llli \11\ l.11·t tht \ ·If• 111 111111•11•111 1~ .11111.d p.11I11·' \\ill llt'ollt• llltllllll bt'l,IU..,l 1111'11 .t1d1~ \\Ill ~·· 1111.111 ... u-..p111111h t)111• t'lllght """ I h1 1111,11 ,1b-..u1 Ull \ Ill ""' ~·ll'l'h''" "t11.1111111 1 .. till' p,1\ 1111.! 111 •• ... 11 ... \ '" ,11\ .11d1 lllll\ h g11·.11t•1 th.111 th.it ul 1h1 1·lt'Clld olllu.11 Bltl th.11 I' go•llll'. "".ill •1\'ll th•· l11t l'h1 ..... t.11 ~ 111 lhi ,111111111'' g11w1.tl 1.., ~ t';',.1Utl lout l~i... t11p dt !llilll'' .Ill' p.11cl tllellC th,111 ;:>htl 01111 l\lt-111li11-.. nt 1111• L1 g1,l.1tu1 c \\h•''' ,,d,1111.., ,II t' llll I\ :.!.1.111111 )i,1\ t ;1 n1ul11111d1 ul itHlt·-.. dt.1\\ttl~ l\\llt J.., lllll( h ;11111 m<>rt' "1th .. 1mw p.11d t>\'l't :.1;11.111111 It ,111 111.1kt·' ..... 111ud1 """"• ·" King C.11\llh' 11 \Ill~ h • 1111p\\ tlw ou'.•" \\ 11h hh1\ ll'l ... • There 1s no way to pre ~ict the .future Although I must con fess lhat o nt' of the journals I enjoy as much as any ls Th(" Futurist, publis hed by the World Future Soc iety, I read it m ore for stimulation than for enlig htenment. ll provokes my mind. but it does not satisfy my curiosity. The present fad of "futuris t.le research" is based on a sound con<.'lus10n. IYlllY 111111 but a t aulty premise. T h e sound conclusion is that we need to look ahead mor e k eenly a n d further than we customarily do . The faulty premise 1s that we can extrapolate with any degree of reliability from the present to the futurt'. A s Gunnar M yrd a l. t.hc highly n•spcctcd Swedish social sclPnti!l t , pointed out some 40 years ago. ''lllst.ory IH not thc result of prcdcU"rmint>d f11«". Nothing is Irredeemable until 1t is past. The outcome will depend upon dcc1slon.-i 1.nd actions yet to be taken ." Wh() could have prcdkled. for 1n"U1nct>, that the f1ourl1hintt whaling indus try would collaps~ bt-fort' the 1udd.-n dla'OY•ry of hu~ vtiM or oil In P ennsy lvania? Who could hMvt' for«"ruit that the a'4saulnalion o f 11n ob at'urc> urchdukt• could huvt• s£•l orr tht' most monum1mlal w11 r 111 W1•stl'r11 h1stor:v~ M yrdul l'ul h·tl m ost o f futur1st1e rcscarc h "prC'lc•n t 111u::; nonst.•ns<'," .mu whtlt• th111 m11y ~·.1st ro11g wrm. 11 ts ll'U<' thot too lilllt• of what lXl~·s for 1<>Ut:h prognostication 1s snb(•r. <':.&Ullou:.., t('ntativc ond mod1•..,l T lw1 t• or<' simply too many var111hl<'i. m human 11f l111ri. to aSS<.•rt anything with as.,uram'l• that 11 will romc.' to bl'. T h (' m 0 s t w I' l ' ll II ti 0 I s 0 r ((· r prov1s1onol fK'c•n:.u-los. 1( P happ1•n .... t~ I'< most hkcly to follow; 1£, on thC' otlwr h and. R hopl')<'11s, 8 ts• rnort• hkt•lv to follow And t·ach of tht•sc• hypotht•i.r"• mu 1..t b\1 h l' av ti y q u n l tr It• ti b v rl'sl'rvotton . ll•tidt'rfi d•t' s uddPnly. followers dum~w tht•1r t•nttrio;l" ~rnups dissolve.• and r<•form 111 s tranJ<" und unexp<>t.•tC'C.I muwtlons. P uc·al rc•markc•d that tht• whuh • hl11tory of th<' world would huvc• ht."l'n d lffon•nt If Cleopotru's nosl' had ht.>c•n 1hor11•1" nnd whi\t• that ts a funt:l ful nol1t111, II rlramat1tl.'S th<' <.>t1ntingc•ncy of •humon nff11ir11: If l llllt•r }:\lid 11old hill palntln~!I tn Mumt'h, tw might not huvc• joln l.'d I lw Bund. and without h is dcmonlt• c han1 mRtic 11•ad1•rship, G••rmany a nd all of Eun1f'M• mlj(ht h1wt• bt.-.•n spared fa d<'<·adt' of nightmnrc• DESPITE MARXIAN rtogma. ht!lt.ory la sh•JM-d as mu<.•h by J>f'f'!'<lNillllf'!4 as hy f.'vc•nu1 11nd fo~ and tn>nda. Tht' latll'r nwrt.•ly prov1dl' lhL• soil for 1lw lutur<': what · 1s planted and rl'Upl'd <ll'pcnds ' upon indiv1duul toh•nls and c•ven nl•uro~ws for the> lcdgt>r of mankind is strNtk('d with psyd1opathology that is b('ytrnd all rational calculat1on or fort•sight Wlwthl'r our gloht• Kot'' through tht• C :1•lwr'H\H 1>( nu<:l(•or war tkpcnds less 1.1111rn thl' ur momt'nts lh<'mst•lv('s .1lthuugh 1h1•\ Ml'. of t.'Olll~l'. 1ntrins1l•ally «1tul than upon th(' d rivl's ancl d1spos1llons of tht• lt•;.1d<'r-... who d1rt.'<.'t tht'tn. Whol 1'> so alarming about the r'utur<' , .. not thal it t•annot be prcdklc'<i, hut lhut our ult1mall' Cott• hanRcs on th(' hl1t1d c ho1n•s Wl' nrnkt• n ow nnd t11morrow lllllY Ill R1•(u1dng '° IK"ll ll h ome on lAC'l'()Unt or th<' buyc•r'11 roc·e Is ill<'gal, let ul<mt• racist and Immoral Fflllow N1•wport Beach rt'!lldt'nU, ph.••11t• tak(• nolt'. WHITE & DISGUSTEP .......,_ .......... _ ...................... . _.....,,.....,, __ ...... f .. , ....... . ...... ....., ....... ,~ • Introducing the inighty mite™ ~By IURlllA ~ [-l -COUPON----, . . "".·"\ EUREKA'S :~\ '-\\··. · MOST . ".\ "" ".·-. POWERFUL . ·,3~·\i_. UPRIGHT · ;,_ < Model SAVE 15% ~.~ .. ;2061 FREE ESTIMATES I ~, ~ I ·- 011 ILL VACUUM CLEANING PARTS I REPAIRS JIE FULL-POWERED TOP PERFORlllCE COMPACT VIC! r C1•11l1t1 With Ei1ht Pitot THI Sit! \\ SELF PROPELLED FOR EASY CLEANING p 'l' Model :: 5047 1 DAY SERVICE! l NOW $127 ~-------------· . • NEWPORT VACUUM CENTER. open oa11y 18321/2 Newport Blvd. • Costa Mesa : 8:30 to 4:30 at Intersection of Harbor and N•wport Blvd. 646 514· ~ Seturday FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED • &fo 8 to Noon FREE PARKING IN REAR This Christmas, express your . love vvith eloquence. 14K CHAINS & BRACELETS 50% OFF Cobra Bracelet, Regular 517.95 ... sa.99 Diamond "'"'"' I 01 M""'' ••ng lttgui.ttly 11.0JS SALa '776.JS , .-···, 20" Ught Cobra Neck Chain,# Regular 537.95 ... ua.99 24" Herrtngbone Neck Chain, Regular 5121.95 ... 159.99 18" Heavy Herringbone Neck Chain, Regular 5243.,5 ••• S1J1.99 25% ~ OFF -~ 20" Heavy Herrtngbone Neck Chain, Regular 5267.95 ... snt.99 7" Solld Rope Bracelet, Regular 5191.95, only one ... S9S.99 16" Solld Rope Neck Chain, Regutar S42l.95, only one .•• SZ11.99 15" Serpentine NKt Chain, Regular S27.95 ••• SU." ~ ~ ~ 16" Medium Serpentine Neck Chatn, Regutar S100.95 ..• 149." JO" Medium Serpentine Neck Chain, Regular S182.95 ....... " 18" lox Neck Chain, c ,.-....... I Regular S125.95 ..... J." Very large selection In Fashion lsl•nd next to the n.te's tallest Chrlstmn tree. .,. .... ._. I Ornnoo Comn DAILY PILOT 1Tue1tcJtJy. Oocomber 7, 1982 ]1~ old fOBfiioned afrr{esfcliff ~laza Remember when f.erv1ce was more than 1us1 a slogan? When hometown merchflnts spent time helping you select the perfect gift? When Christmas shopping was a 1oy, not a chore? This holiday season 101n the Westchfl Plaza family, where the hohday sp1r1t still means sharing JOY with our customers, our lr1ends Select your gifts lrom more than twenty shops without crowds or endless parking lots, with the personal touch that Westchff Plaza has become known tor En1oy twinkling lights. Christmas carolers and Mrs Santa ' ·and share 1n our spir11 ot giving by b1tng1ng along a special package for Toys for Tots This Ch11s1mas, 101n the Westchfl Plaza family. and have a merry Old Fashioned Ch11s1mas1 Westcliff 17th and Irvi ne Pl~z~. Newport Beach a a Quality in fashion and. services with that personal touch Spe cial P.rices for the Holid ysl ' 1•1<1 yf'f OOICI tound cM 20c I ·~ir 161000 SAU 146S.00 25% 10 1 yf'f QOld touncl 0'' '•ct ·~·'>' 169000 SALK nu.so 10 1 y.i 001C1 ,....QUI,.~ 100 •~9'&Wly Ml)OOO IAU 16H.IO OFF Engagement Ring Sets ) I l Ii'. 11) f J , ,, I ' I' !ft ,, 1r. '· I n ... lJ IJ l) q J!f •c I .,. d J I RAFF jeWeltY -·----~·• ............... ~ ......... ••rvk•---.,........-,-IJ P•lltloft l1lafMI. Newport ...... C. M4·2MO ~~~-~~·.-!• ______________ __:__::_ ______________________________ ..... _________________________________ ~---------- I Orengo Cooat DAILV PILOT/Tue day, Dec mber 7, 1982 Court only recourse By PAT HOROWITZ Of 111e Dellr Ho• tlaff DEAR PAT: Last Apr il tbe E l Toro Venus De Milo figure saloa wbere I belonged weal out of business. I bad about two moatbs to 10 on m y membership and the salon owner told members witb time left tbat they would be reimbursed for any expenses Involved In transfer ring to another club. I spent $%0 for a transfer fee to use my remaining time a t tbe Saa Clemente ·venus De Milo salon where my membership was honored. I sent a copy of the $20 recelf t to the owner of the El Toro saron, but tbere s been no response. Cu you belp? · K.S., El Toro Sorry, but the El Toro salon owner says there are no funds available until the salon and its equipment are·sold. Venus De Milo corporate headquarters in Newport Beach also re fuses to honor the promise made to you. Its spokeswoman said each salon is individually owned and operated with no moni1;1s except " the monthly franchise fee being received by the corporation. S he added that she'd never heard of a transfer fee refund being offered by a salon owner, but all arrangements are "between the individual owne r and the patron." It looks like Small Claims Court is your on ly recourse in this situation. A doption d eductible DEAR PAT: Someone told me ador tion expenses can be deducted on a federa tax return. I adopted a cblld last year, so I'm curious about this. H.W .. Fountain Valley Adoption expenses are deductible, under certain circumstances. according to Internal Revenue Service. Since 1981 the tax law I allows a deduc·tfon of $1.500 of qualified adoption expens.es for a taxpayer who legally j adopts a child wi~h s ial needs. This refers to a specific faciwr or . dition that makes the ~ child difficult to ·with adoptive parents. These factors include such things· as the child's r age. ethnic bachcground, or physical. emotional or mental handicaps. Guide to sh ots DEAR P AT: I am plaaa.lq to do some exteaslve trnvellag next year. ~llere cu I get informal.ion about wbicb ' vacclnatlons I will need a10d otber bealtb·related travel concerns? J.M., Newport Beach Order a copy of .. A Medical Guide for In ternat i,o nal Traveler s" from the l mmun iza. tion Center. 18411 Clark St., Tanana 91.356. A $1 charge covers postage. handling and production costs. The 44-page. pocket-si;~e booklet contains a wealth of informaticin on specific diseases and vaccines, special m<:dical conditions and other health matters o ( interest to international travele~. ' '. Got a problem? Then write to • 1 Pat !forowitz. Pat wilJ cut re:cJ tape. - gettmg the answers and acllon you ~ need to solve inequities in government and business. MaJ/ your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Y our Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1560. Costa Mesa, •CA. 9:!626. 1,uto & Homeownerr. Quotes By Phone Call Ho..-e Free on MCI [ ou can Charge DAILY PILOT Cla111fled Ads E.T .. you -anyone can call home and day 'tll . Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-min. long distance call by MCI ls on us. Happy holidays. 11 New From •I JOHN ROBERT POWERS lllMllAUZll PIUIUL ...,,.. lllYIOI For det•ll• call Kim (714) 547-8221 For rourMH or gift to llOfMOM HEALING ENERGY FORUM A scientific experience with Spiritual Hes/Ing Every Wedneaday at 7:30 Hear Rev. Kathy Snapp Wed., Dec. Ith A 11th Followlng by • .. larlng on of hend• hMllng MrYlce" Co-apontol'ed by WIHlam Ft Partcer Hollttlc c.nter end-Community CfMch by the ~ 141L22114It.,IMta1- $150,000funds gone; promoters sought ANAHEIM (AP) l'ro111ot1•r '1'1•1 ry Wt•aiot iwya hl11 theatrical promotion <.-u11111uny cummuwd no <.•rime in <.'Onn<.'(0Uv11 with th<> aal'• of thout1Unu11 of uollons worth of t cketa for a <.•an<.'t•h'<I lx·1wCh •how thut hod been schedult'O Sunduy ut th1• Anaheim Convention Center Weast blamed the canc.'Cllation or thl' 11how on offlclals of the Foundation tor America's Sexually Exploited Children, and suld the foundation should be responsible for refunding money to ticketholders. Foundation Director JIU Haddad refused to say Monday whether the organization has any of Lhe ticket money to refund. Meanwhile, angry tlcketholders have besieged the foundation. convention cenler and a telephone soliciting company with telephone calls demanding refunds for ti<.·kets purchased at $1~ apie<.-e. The incident is under Investigation by Anaheim police. W~ast and Dean Grose, public Information officer for the city, say they don't know exactly how many tickets may have beeh sold, or who will be responsible for refunding the money. Mike Keller of Keller & Associates, one of the telephone solicitation services that sold tickets for Weast, estimated his company alone took in about $25.000 in ticket monies. Tickets were also being sold by Odin Productions of Bloomington. Ticket holders were given a fher Sunday saying the show had been canceled because the promoters failed "to· finalize contractual and financial agreements with the city of Anaheim and the Foundation for America's Sexually Exploited Children ." Haddad. the foundation director., said Sunday night that her organization had been "tot.ally misrepresented by Presaedlum." She would not elaborate. saying the matter "ls in litigation." She said she did not know if the foundu1lc111 would O.• ubll: tu 11•fund uny tkkt•l 111<m1·y 'J'h1• tlwn1 1uud tkkt<t holdt•r11 t•ould 1 t'qU('lit rdund!i by co lling numb<>r• "lvM\ fo r 1~r<.'$iC'dium and for two other tlnl'\11 that wld uckeui Otho Productions In Bloomington und Kt.>llc•r um.I Assoclat('ll In Gard<>n Grove. But Gr<J84.• suid tlc:kcl holdcni who callc.-d tht! Pre1tul•d1um number r<'achcd Gary Klaus, a form"r salt•s manuger for Prcsal'i.11um, who told 1.1wln11 to cull the <.'Onventlon center or Anaheim poll<.'t• No 01~ an1w"r<.'d the phone at Keller and A11.'o<X:ll.lt.<'» thi1J mornlnai. and directory aMia\lul(.'e hud no llsUng for Odin ProducUona. Gruse said that on Nov. 4, convttntlon <.-enter ort1c1 Is rec<'lvetl notlficatlon from the toundalion'1 lawyers that the ahow wu being cafl(.'t'll'd and the promoters had been "ordert!d" to turn over the ticket sales revenue to the foundation. • YOUR TRUMP CARD IS AT REPUBLIC FREE INTEREST-EARNING CHECKING $200 CHECK GUARANTEE • $2500 LINE OF CREDIT REP<JBUC'S Chek-Reserve/Check Guaran· Chek-Reserve Une of Credit from •500 to tee Card. You get a winning hand of financial S2500. Wrtte checks for more ttwn your c .. h services with this one convenient card. balance. Access to cash at any tJme, against Free Chek/ln Interest-bearing accounL your line of credit Reassuring overdraft pro- • Only $400 average balance needed. tectlon. ·Only StOO average balance needed if 55 Most financial institutions require a much years or older. higher balance for free checklng. Low Interest • With $2000 in any Republic Savings Ac-charge, too, on loans against your credit line at counL Republic. The 5 V4~ annual interest on your Check Guarantee. Your checks up to $200 checking is compounded daily. Call or come guaranteed at any established business. by for full details. Check Guarantee and Chek·Reserve Line of Credit on approved applicatlon. - SAl"tTA ANA 17th St West of Newport Freeway (714) 541-5286 NCAHEIM 202 Anaheim Plaza, 500 N. Euclid St (714) 956-8290 LAOOl'CA NIQ<JEL 30212•Crown Valley Parkway (714) 495-0850 WESTMINSTER IJ4 W6tminster Mall/Boise f, 5:1t" Diego Fwy. (714) 894-5347 ll~od ()If.er Al.TADENA 2246 N l.Jlkf' A•~ (2t3> 791·128t 681·6611 ot.l lot.OLNA • ANAHll"'I • All<.AOIA • UUROANK. Ct.ARLJl\001 • CLARl MONl HllGHIS. HACIE.NOA HE.ICHlS. LACONA NIGOEL l~ Al'OGElf.!> ·Pot.~ SPRt,.,Cl\ • PASAOlNA. PICO RtV[RA ·SANTA ANA• TtlOUSANO OAKS. WESlMtNSTE.11 , INOOOLANO HILLS ettal • 1 .. ""°'°' tO&lCCO<O Here comes A fresh new taste experience that oatshines menthol. .. 1 mg. "1ar". O.S mg ruco11ne tv. per c1gare11e by FTC me1hod. It not only tastes fresher while you smOke. It even leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. ~ .. _ .. • llllJPllll * To11ig l11 ', "l,,a vern t-untl 0 TUESDAY, DEC 1, 108' S l1i r l ey ' ' . o d e . tii p I IS CAVA LCADE 82 <l edicatc J l o the lll te turry 0. THI COllT 1111 THI caum BUSINESS 84 8 rP,edi11g. Pa#• BB. COMICS 87 , Phil H ettema, pro p master , oversees the prop room . Mark Noel works o ut the bugs in a udio.contro l room. Dally Piiot Pholo• by Oar)' Ambroq Crystal Cathedral celebrates Christma Shepherd boy imported from Israel born 300 y ards f rom birthplace of Christ By LORENZO BENET Of the Dally l'tlot Staff "Are you in the cast," Stage Manager Jeff Jani asked a startled Lorianne Henderson or Orange, who minutes before had her nose buried in ~ textbook. Jani didn't wail for an answer from the 16-year-old. "All cast members assemble in the Green Room. we're starting at six (p.m.)," he said, walking away. It's rehearsal time -ex"3Ctly 50 hours and 35 minutes before the electric stars over Bethlehem are swilehed on and 80 decibels of Christmas hymns reverberate off the glass structure or the 12-story high Crystal Cathedral, signaling the opening of Dr. Robert Schuller's "The Glory of Chnstmas -A Living Nativity." This particular evening, the atmosphere on the ground level floor of the cathedral was hyper-charged, wired with anticipation. Stage.managers, armed with walkie talkies. were running up and down corridors, shouting orders, taking directlves. Prop Mast.er Phil Hettema was hurriedly nailing together the Chrillt child's crib in a room jammed with 200 candles, 24 lanterns. a dozen baskets (µll of fruit, banners and spears that were laid out as though they were the rell'nants of an ancient civiliz.ation.rMeanwhile, 250 volunteer cast members, fresh from home. school or work, were filing into the Green room, which. incidently. is beige-gold. Green room is just a show-biz term to describe the place where the cast gets a pre-rehearsal briefing. But that's ' not important. What's important to the professionals directing the performances, and to Schuller himself. is that the cast understands that "The Glory of Christmas" is a serious, mega-buck, hyper-tubular production; it is essential that cast members forget about their kid's dentist appointment earlier In the day, forget about their homework, and "get into the mode of what we're doing here," explained Steve Sanborn, production stage manager. What they're doing is simply outlandish. They have taken this $20 million House o~ God, a place where scores of babies have been baptiz.ed. ~ere countless sins have been privately confessed and forgiven, and transformed It into a theater to stage 49 performances of the reenactment of the birth of Chrtst. Sch uller's press releases are hyping this as the nation's larest Christmas pageant -the only one in the United States using three camels, two donkeys. seven sheep, three baby lambs and a ram. . The settings and props are massive: a 90-foot high backdrop containing 656 lights appearing as stars; three screens more than 30-feet tall show projections of historic paintings of·the reenactment. A dozen .theater professionals have ~n hired to coordinate the event, which includes -4'tlylng angels and 2,268 pieces of wardrobe. ~~ Schuller even spent three weeks in Israel , searching for a youngster to play the part .of the ahephetd boy from Bethlehem. "Thls is an instant tradition -only two years old and already a tradition,'' Schuller said during a reception on opening night. It began like 81\Y other half a million dollar roed show. On the mothing of Nov. 27, eight 40-foot. moving vans l'ft a warehouse in Huntington Beach and rolled up to the cathedral. Th.en 19 hardhats, and one woman unloaded stage pl«'es, steel ~at.es filled with props, arches1 the Bethehem scenery and the gigantic blue drop, and carried everything across a ramp laid out over a fountain, directly into the front part of the cathedral. By 1 p.m .. some workmen were tying the · drop onto a 75-foot long aluminum truss th.at was 1-ter raised mechanlcally 100. feet off the stage Ooor. They had spent the prlvioua few days, bulldlng ramps and platforms, and nailing down carpet padding and stripping. This day, some were fatigued aa they sprawled themaelves over the platform1, sat in pews. or leaned against whatever wu available. Some wore their tools, which were attached to leather belts that hung low oo their hlpa like 8'x-gun holatera. >..they laid wires and adjusted cables, their acrewd.rtven, wrenches and hammen rattled and dinQd to the bea\ of their atepe. Sweat dripped fl'Ql'D foreheedt, only to be at.orbed by bandanaa wrapped around thelr heeds. "Rope down!" ahouted the heavy eet man wt\h the bushy mustache who atraddled a ltull 10 ltories above the •lale· Hia name WM Bruce Honer. a 30-year-olcfRedondo Buch reeident who earns $360 a day riQina 1potll1hta, cables and wtree at ridlct.Uoualy hJ~altltudes. Lately, he begiN hi.I days by repe up the .cenery framework and ends them y 11 dine down a 100-f oot ptece of rope. Lor ianne He nderson studies fo r term pa per while waiting in the hall before a cast m eeting begins. "The money goes with the risk," he explameo later. "Heights have never really bothered me -I do some skydiving and hang gliding. I mean, after skydivinB, this is nothing." . . By late afternoon Nov. 29, nearly everything was in place. Three workmen were na11mg down the last r~w-bo:u•ds 6f th!? manger scenery. The costumes had been unpacked and,ncatly hung on 14 clothes raeks in a dl"essing room on the ground level floor. Two hardhats, entwined in the cathedral's superstructure like flies lrapped in a spider's web, were rigging the last few spot lights into place. In the back of the cathedral. lightboard man Scott Bokowski was scfewing together a 48-channel interface so the $45,000 computer lighting control board could manage the dimmers being used in the show. Earlier thfs day. the animals had been trucked in from Gentle Jungle in Burbank. and were resting in a van behind the cathedral, munching on hay. Up in the balcony, audio engineer Toby Foster was standing over a sound console, adjusting voJUmes: testing for realism and sonic ex<:itemcnt, figuring which hymns wot11ld blast forth from what speakers that were hung in clusters ln 10 d~Herent locations around the cathedral. "This place," he said, bringing down the volume of the voice of pageant narratol' Thurl Ravenscroft, who had been caressing everyone's ears at about 80 decibels. "is an acoustical nightmare. There's a lot of echo." " * ** It was several minutes aft.er 6 p.m .. and folks were still making thelr way into the Green Room. They were divided Into two groups -A and This night, the B's would rehearse, while the A's watched. But none of this !lf?emed to matt.er to Lorianne; she had found an inconspicuous spot in the back of the room where she could continue her reading. Others were still signing in on the attendance sheet on the piano near the front of the room. Some talked, aome read the messages acrlbbled on the chalk board: "Need to trade four Uckets on Wed. for Thurs." "I need to trade 2 tickets for Dec. 9 for 2 tickets for Dec 11." Then, without warning, a slender. brown-haired woman wearing a gray blazer and skirt burat Into the Green RoOm, beamina wl\h all the eagemea of a hl1h·11ehool cheerleader. Her name waa S\ephanle MacKay. She wu the at.agln1 coordinator and 1he rMlly wen'41d to get thl1 group 1J9Yched up. "Are you reedy for thil?!", she yelled, shaking her flat in the air. ''Yeah!," the crowd shouted beck. The acene at.artln1 to reeemble a football pep ... uy. "A'• ralae your hands!" About half the IJ'OUP railed their hands and shouted ·•veeh!" 118 11 MUie your hendl!" "Yeah!" "Okay," she said, -slowing down the tempo. "Now bow your heads for a prayer. Lord we praise you for: this show ... " A few minutes later, MacKay was rt.>cling off instructions in her hyper-active voice. "Shepherds, you have t.O act lost. You have to keep your own d ialogue. Pretend you're in Disneyland for the first time," sh e suggested. She bounced across the room act.Ing out her words, gesturing wildly. "And when you see the angels," she went on, "you have to have a shoe ed look, a surprised look, like you've just walked into a surprise birthday party.'' Everybody laughed. A woman in back said she thought MacKay was cute. "The Ethiopians," the lady of the hour continued. "You have to look tougher. Take longer strides when you're up there. Take it big, everybody take it big. The cathedral is so large every movement looks small. .. " "She's beautiful. I love. her," said another woman, a little louder than the first. MacKay wiped her brow, possibly reallz.lng she wu expend~g too much energy too early in the evening. Much work lay ahead. She turned the meeting over to Sanborn. who had a few last minute directiv~: the A group was reminded to watch their partners in the B group. The cast muat arnve an hour before each show. There ~ould be no dieting -people were told to bring sack. lunches if thev had to miss dinner otherwise they might pass·out on stage. Women should leave .. th«>ir purses Jocked in their cars. ''This is a one time thing," MacKay said. "Who knows where we'll be..next year. Let it be a ministry. Let's all get to know one another." Then everyone got up and went into the next room to change into their costumes, except Lorianne, who just sat there. her blue eyes glued to her textbook. *** The scene in the costume room reached the 300 volt level. About 125 people were piling layer after layer of gold weave fabrics and Jntricate blue and green handwovens over their cotton and polyester outfits. A Mary Kay beauty consultant transformed herself into an Ethopian gift bearer. A hemodialysis technician and a food broker became North African spear carriers. The King of Tars~. resplendenL in an aqua robe and jeweled crown, was by day a floral d,esigner In LagunA Beach. Robes were hemmed to the clatter of coat hangers shifting along clothes racks. Mussed hairstyles were brushed back into place. People wandered around, complainlng they were too hot, complaJning that their costumes didn't fit. "Did the shepherds of old wear glasses," om: middle-aged man asked nobody in particular. "I feel like half a shepherd," mumbled Harriet Vollner of Orange. "I'm missing my ul\demeath part " Out in the hallway; little lmafan Copty, who Schuller flew in from Israel a week earUer,..was chewing a piece of gum as he was introduced to cast members by MacKay. Ever since the kid stepped off TWA flight number 7, he had been makmg one PR stop after another. He had been interviewed on most of the televi.!lion and radio stations. and written up in several newspapers. He even sat next to Schuller on a float during the Christmas parade in Hollywood. He makes great copy. He was born 300 yards from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ. His father was born In Cana of Galilee, the site of Jesus's first miracle. while hit mother grew up in Nazareth, home of Joeeph and Mary. Ri&ht now" he waa auppoeed to be 1ettlng ~ changed into hia Galabia robe and Kafaia headdress, but his dark eyes were riveted to a hand-held Donkey Kong 1ame being played by 13-year-old Mark Symonds, who plays the Little Drummer Boy. "l'm not going to be on the Johnny Canon ahow tonight, maybe the 16th," Imaan said, trying to get Mark's attention. Mark never looked up. Meanwhile, the rehearsal upetaJra wu being held up as three st.age managera stood around arauing about the loettUcs of setting th.rt!e one-ton camels through a doorway and onto the at.age~ "The First Noel" wu bluling over loud speakers situated on walls and ceillnp throu1hout the cathedral. About 40 W'9emer\, ahepht'rda and kings are standing outaide, ahlvertna In the 40 desree weather u they wait for their cue tO l'nter. "Like, the.e camela lllnk 80-0-0 ba·a-a-d," Nld Becky Smith, 16, of Anaheim. "Llke, lMt y"r I had tO et.and rtah\ behind one. It wu '° l1'09 ,, The carnela were beln1 led by profl'191onal trainers, who apent moet of their time pettl"I pd whilperina to,the animals 10 they remained Calm. , tage hand carry equipment in front of Bethlehe m stage. But a middle-aged man in an Arabian costume kept calling out ont-camel's name. and asking the trainer questions like "how long does it take to train one?" The eamel got startled and started to moan and gurgle. The lramer, a tall man with blond hair and a beard, began to get annoyed. "Look, don't ca11 out its name.'' Finally, MacKay gave the signal, and the cast began to move forward, through a side door, then up on st.age, carefully avoiding the camel and sheep dung that now covered their path. "Move slowly," MacK.ay yelled, trying to be heard over the music. "Don't spook the animals." Hctlema was running back and forth on stage, sweating, adjusting people's positions in line, lifting arms higher to better display the spears and banners., "A 100 percent better," he said to a group of Arabian guards. · Up on the balcony, Sanborn is surveying the confusion. looking important and giving orders over his walkie talkie: "Shepherd number one there's your cue ... They got to be ready ... Pete. check into the vacuum cleaner noise." Ten times during the course of the rehearsa flying angels Cindi Todd, Gayle Carter and Diana Bosco were raised as high as 7:> feet in the air by motorlied cables attached to harnesses strapped ). between their. legs and around their hips. Airborne, they were told to lean forward, to , spread out their arms, to bring their legs back. ¥ and by 9:30 p.m., Daana's ribs were achmg. Gayle: was fCt.tfing tense and Cindi was complaining that her cable was too slack, causing it to jerk every 1.ime it hoisted h~r upwitrd. Naturally, they were enjoying every minute of it. • "Tony-y-y-y," Cindi whined at the' man operating the control board situated in a com er 1 a balcony, about 50 feet from where Lhe girls tak oH. "What's the matter with my line?" "Nothing will happen," he answered back, trying to reassure her. He sensed she was upset, so he left his post, walked down a side stairway, climbed up, on stage, walked through the manger _ . scenery, climbed up a ladder, and onto the platform where each of the girls were standing on two pieces of tape marking their take-off spots, . looking like ~llerina puppets in their tights and leotards. "It's not going to hurt you," he tried to explain. ~·It's ~st a little jerk " Cindi started to whine again. "Look, if it's scaring you, talk to the, stage manager. The cable Is a little far off. ao it'S:.-1 winding a litUe on one side. but it's not going to slip off the drum." Diana wasn't llstenlng, she was stretching out 11 her legs. ''I feel like a apace cadet," she said._ ~ *** Down on the noor, rt'hNnal continued. The A group was sftUng tosether In pews to the right of the stage. lmaan, who spent this day In Loe Angeles beln1 int.ervteweod by the Cal'IOn people and a radio at.at.Ion deejay, wu slumped against hla 1Ht, lookinl bored. "I hope my P9ft comes soon,•· he uld in• eoft, tired vok-e. "lmaan," she uked. ~your famlly believe In Jetut u the uvtor?" He jult Nt there for • mornf'l\t, not eonUrely aul't' what to make of t~ ~ueetlon. Then he repllfd ln p,erlec\ Enallah: 'Yl'lt, Wt' are • Chrt1tJan1. • "Oood," the women aalcl. SatldJfd, the turned her attention beck toward w •tap • • ., .. ~·• r nge Coaat DAILY PILOT /Tuead y, December 7, 1\HS#' ' y •.a 0 DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have read your udv1t.·c daily for more than 20 years. I feel as if t It.now you p<.>rsc.mally. You have a kind ht•art and a good set of braina. Please let me share my problem -which is really a problem for all mankind. 1 feel a deep sense or sodnctss about the overriding lack of compassion that Is all around us. lndifferent.'t' is the order of the day. Nobody wants to get involved. Murder in the name or religion Is an everyday oc"Currence an aU parts of the world. And t~en some nut In Chicago kills seven strangers by putting cyanide in Tylenol capsules and ruins a company's good name. As a businesswoman I can tell you, aside from the tragic loss of life, it was a rotten blow to a (ine organization. Can you imagine what It must mean to build a splendid business and have It wrecked overnight by some maniac? This is an example or how the fortunes of all or us hang by a thread of luck. It Is so unfair it makes me sick that some screwball should have that much power. Please address this s ubject, Ann, and IC possible, say something to make me feel better. - DALLAS READER DEAR DALLAS: You will be de llgbted to know tbat Johnson and Johnson, tbe company tbat manufactures and markets Tylenol, bas not been sunk by 'bis terrible tragedy. Because tbey conduct ed themselves with 1terling Integrity, putting the welfare of the consumer first, they are coming back 1tronger than ever. J ames E. Burke, chairman of Johnson and Johnson, bas announced tbat tbe company will replace all Tylenol capaales wltbout requiring customers to 1bow proof of purcba.se. Tbe r ecall· and destruction of tbe Tylenol capsules, along with tbe testing, cost the company $100 million. By tbe time you read this, Tylenol will be back on tile she lves in a 3-way tamper-resistant capaule. Tile new package will be marked, "new safety sealed." A warning printed on tbe box say1, "Do not use If safety seal1 are broken." Wbat happened to Johnson and Johnson could have happened to any pbarmaceutlcal company, but the manner In which they bandied this dl1aster was so first-rate, so utterly clauy, there 11 no doubt that It bas Inspired their old customers to 1tay wltb them and encouraged new onea to climb aboard. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your advice to the woman whose husband was getting the come-on from a brassy dame stank. lt seeml whenever they met socially, the shameless hussy would cuddle up to "George" and get awfully chu(nmy. You said it would be best to ignore the woman and not appear threatened. My experience proves you are wrong. The same thing happened to me. I decided I wasn't going to stand around and let some tramp wreck my marriage. When she leaned over the coffee table to straighten my husband's tie (he was seated on the sofa), I gave her a swift kick in. the rear and she landed in the avocado dip. It was the last time that bimbo cozied up to my George - KLARA IN TOLEDO DEAR KLARA;. Sorry, l.....,don't recommend violence, but I mus t admit, notblng sacee's like succeu. WHALE WATCHING-LUNCHEON Whlle watching the whales pass right In front of . your table, enjoy a sumtuous seafood salad - maybe a half pound hamburger treat . . possibly a scalone sandwich. Dally from 11:30 AM to 4 PM Rtstnations 494-9707 619 Sl££PY HOLLOW LANE. LAGUNA BEACH GOif ii 011 lllDGI : BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF ";ut W1•'1I vuln11rablt•. dt•ah1 Opt•nlng l1•ad: Nlnu of 0. thtl tt•n and rapturt'd th .. tfU"t•n with thl• M't•. ltt1 druw trurn1>• In t hre11 round• ind It'd • dlamol\d to tht' ••·vrn and ":11111 '1 t!ffht. Back camt' the Jll<'k Of lp•des, And derlart'r flneaaed tht< qurrn only to aet' WHt product• th11 king. Declarer atlll had to loH a diamond trick anti the ace or clubs for down one. WM• almojt un•toppablt'. pro vldt•d ":11111. I h11 dangt'r hand, • could bt-kt•pt otf lead for the momtnl. "' diamond trick. 1-:ut duly Card lor .. hu 1lvt'n tht n1mt1 or th.. "Cun.. ol NORTH •tU <;i QJ3 o JJ07U •KQ WEST EAST • KTO • JJ082 <:;)78& <:?ti Ot OKQ8 •A J873 • IOH• SOUTH •AQ <;)AK1084 0 A8'2 •52 The bidding: cotland" to the nlnl' ol diamonds, po .. lbly bt>uuat of It• connt'ctlon with tht Masucrt or Glencoe. II meont difftront. thlnr• to our d!!clarers In a team of tour match. At both t1blt1 lour hearu was reached In quick llmC'. Note that neither Wett fell It obligatory to enter the auc· lion with such 1 shabby club suit. That sort of overcall courts a penalty double for a set of tllanlc proportions. The other declarer looked more deeply Into the hand. Ir Ea1t, a passed hand. had the K·Q·8 of diamonda and the ICt' of clubs, thP contract Wll doomed lo fall. Ot'clarer would be forced lo take a 101• Ing spade finesse before he could set the diamond• up for a discard. But if West held t.he ace of clubs, the contract The aolut Ion waa brilliant -declarer durked t hfl nlnl' of diamond• In dummyl F.u t could not afford to put up an honor without 11crlftcin1t a trick in the suit, o ht' too playt'd low. And declart'r allowed tht-nint> of dia monds to win! He was ~ultc prepared 10 lose Lwo dia mond trick• and a club-he wanted to avoid taking the apade Cinuse ir possible. shifti•d Lo a 1p1dt'. but It wu too lat•·· Ueclarer rQt1e with the '"" of 1padt14. t'fttf'rtd dummy with a dlt1mond and aluHed thl' tfUl'en of 1pade1 on the 13th diamond. Making four odd. How do 10• ,....._ the bHt .,. .... lead? Charle• Coren ha• the aa1wer. For a copy of "Wlaa!q O,.•lq Lea•h." ee•d 11.85 to '"Gora•·wad1, .. car• of tlala ••w1,.per, P.O. loa 259, Norwoed. N.J .. 071'8. Make cltocka pey.W. le New• pepe"-lla. EHt South Pue I <::) /'"p··· ' <:;) Pa .. w .. t North Pa .. 2 Ii:> Paa• PHI At both tablee Welt led the nine of dlamond1. At one table declarer covered with West could do no better than exit with a trump. Declarer drew the outst.and· ing trumps. cashed the ace or diamonds and gave East a llOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA Wedneaday, December 8 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Initial IO§tructiona are apt to be erroneous. Know it, have alternatives available . Exercise caution. be analytical, seek rea'i<ms, motiv~ and ultimate solutions. You can afford to play waiting game. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Diplomacy is essential. Focus on necessities, basic issues, expenses related to dependents, pets and special services. Oomesti.c adjustment is part of scenario. ,Libra, Scorpio and another Taurus figure prominently. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Define terms, qvoid seH-deceptlon, give logic some space in relation to impulse or pleasure principle. Emotions tend to dominate -relationship prows exciting and. at least, ~mporarlly re warding. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus on bask procedures. added responsibility, more authority . and ability to close transaction. Spotlight also on prop e rty . home, securit y , dealings with governme ntal representatives. Ch eck rules. regulations. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You'll be provided with a "pass key." Means doors previously closed will now be opened. Short journey indicated , completion · of task figures in scenario. You reach more people by touching on universal theme. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be ready for new start, chance to increase income and make known your needs for material and money. You'll locate it~m that had been lost, mJssing or stolen. You're likely to g et to heart of matters. especially in dealing with member or opposite sex. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Take initiative. highlight confidence, wear bright colors, make personal appearances. Intuition works overtime. Individual who taught you In past makes reappearance -you'll once again have valuable ally. SCORPIO (Oct. ~3-Nov. 21): Look behind scenes, participate lri event related to special organization, c haritable cause. You'll make nume rous contacts including exciting, crca'llve Gemini, Sagittarius natives. Focus also on humor. BEING AWARE is A FAMILY AFFAIR NOTICE UF(CJM JN«JlolfY 1M3TMS~ WIU 8E AVAllAlll..E TO VOUHQ AOUl.TS 1e AHOOVEA REPLACE YOUR FEAR WITH AWARENEUI ENAOUNOW SECURITY SYSTEMS ACADEMY CAU. FOA IHFOAMATIOH AHO A FMI ll'IOCHUAE (714) 175-4211 COUASE IHOl.UOU 8ELF·OUDl9l TEAR OA8 & P£R9C)fjAL Pf!OTECTIOH AWAAIHEICI T~ STATE CElmACATIOH. AHO ONE TEN! OAS CAHISTEJI .. , .... """'" .. .....-.. ..... ,, B y PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna.Seach \ \' . \ ~ --:''-;:,,; --~ -~-~ "Boy, they a ren't kidding!" travel plans and necessity for being fle xible. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Be ready for revisions, reviews and opportunity to rebuild on more suitable Structure. What you need wHI be made available -lunar emphasis on friends. hopes. wishes and income derived Crom business or career. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Spotlight on achievement. prolrro tion, produc t ion and arrangement reached with member of opposite sex. Written notice may be frightening at first, but later · proves to lack substance. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives play key roles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fcb. 18): M ake arrangements connected with travel. education and major domestic adj_ust.ment. Open lines of communication =-Show ... tlia t you are willing to learn and to apply knowledge. Taurus. Libra, Scorpio natives figure prominently. . PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Dig beneath aurface -you're due to make •t.artllng dt.covery. Money, tax shelters and "laundering" could be involved. Define terms. see people as they are, steer clear of self-deception. You'll have accen to confidentiai data. · T rou1 111A1 r11 DR. PETER J. STEINCAOHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I bad blgb blood pressure for years. A1 I did not bave any headaches or otber 1ymptoms I did not take my doc tor'• advice to treat It. Now, I'm paying for It at the' age of 63. I get attack• of congestive heart failure. I think you described tllls condition In one of your recent columns. Like 1lmllar patients, I get 1bortness of breath, stubborn cough, fatigue (so much so tbat a walk around tbe block makea me deathly tired); my ankles swell; I lose my appetite. In addition, people are always telllng me that m y lips look blue. My doc tor now bas me on digitalis, which J understand ls the standard treatment for a condition 1ucb as mine. But, he Insists that J come ln to see him regularly so be can check on digitalis action. Just what does that mean? -MRS. J . DEAR MRS. J .: Your ankle swelhng and other symptoms are indications that your heart muscle isn't s trong e l)ough ·to pump blood and needed oxygen all over your body. For over 200 years s ince the-drug was-discovered in Efl81and. digitahs has bt.>en the basic pillar in the treatment of congestive heart failure. It strengthens the capacity of hear1 musd e. The reason your doctor insists on frequent checkups is this: digitalis can be harmful as well as helpful to the heart. When taken in overdosage, or ' allowed to accumulate in large amounts in the body. it can cause nausea, loss of appetite. irregularity of the heart and other abnormalities. Recently.· taking diuretics also helps get rid of exc·ess fluid in the legs and other organs. A new helpful drug under study is amrinone This can help congestive heart failure when used an conjunction with digitalis or alone. Heart patients who take dlgitalia ahouJd be thankful for iu diKovery. It hu saved and prolonged many lives ov~r the years. But as your d octor ~ys, patients who take it should be carefully supervised by their doctors to insure safety as well as helpfulness. Mt.IC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICE FICTlTK>Ut 9Ut .. H FICTITIOUt M.1 ... 11 NAM41 eTATl .... T NAMI tTATIMUfT The lotlowlng peraons are doing Ttie 1011ow1ng person 11 doing 0011neu 11 1>U111neu u --------------------· BRISTOL INDUSTRIAL G W f MINISTRIES. eke, COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 1072 Encouragement for Today, 616 SE 8t1alot. Santa Ana. CA 92707 Alline Lane, Colla Mesa. CA 92828 Rey P Olm11olleld Corp . • Gary w Fal~. 816 Rh~ Lane. California corporation. 1012 Coate Mesa. CA 92626 SE 8111tot Santa Ana. CA 92707 Th11 bUSlness 11 conducted by an Thia butllneM 11 conducted by a 1n<11Y1duaf c0<po<a1ton G W falbe Ray P Olm1Chekl Th11 statement w11 Ille<! with the Ray P Olm1Cheld Counly Clerk of Oranoe Cunty on President NOY 19, 1082 This statement w11 tiled w11h lhe noaa1 County Clerk of Orange County on Publlaned Orange CoHI Dally Nov 19. 1982 PtlOt Nov 23 30 Dec: 7, 14, t982 . , F20Ma 5 t78-82 Published Orange CoHI Dally ----------P1101, Nov. 23. 30. 0ec 1. 14. 9 1982 DI-IC NOTICE 5132·82 ___ f"UIK. ______ _ ----------1 iJK:TITIOUa ....... n,. IOl!ow!ng pettons .,. doing NAMI tTATll•NT butlllltl~ u ; The lollowlng pettone atl doing ROOM MATE FINOE,RS. 4131 ~ 11 Birch Strfft. No 1008, Nawpon ·~i~Q SAVE S100 ON OUR .~ COLOR COMPUTERS! Use ,,,,_,.At/ service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will ~ppear in your classified ad ... we take yqur· messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service rs only $5:00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad ca II 642-5678. FINANCIAL SERVICES. 171 BNch, Celllo<nla South Anti• Drive Sull• 103 Kathleen S, Mello mL 220 Orange CA 92MI ' ' Se\19nlh StrNI. No 8, Mannattan SaecoHt Fl~ancl•I 171 s e .. eh, C111t0fnl1 to2u Anha Offve su111 103 0r· ....... c~ Thie busln"a •• conduetld by an 92Mt ' · · ..,... ,. lndt\lfdual Thll but1nee II conduc11d by KetlMen S Mellon\ lndMdual 1 an This statement was f'*I with the 8..eou1 flnanc:lal County Cletk of Orange County on JoM w. Chodalc Novemb«· 19. 1112 Prllldent ,_ 16K Standard BASIC TRS-80 Color Computer ~ts 29995 • ar... a.nee ... UMful ~-All on Our en.t.nt-Loedlng Progrem P • c.1rtdgM • E.ducdoMl-Helpe With Mllttt end A19dlng • LMm BASIC P~ In Color • EMy to Expend • AttlichM to Any TV --...... '' ... -..... --. u .. .• ~ .. u • • • • -• a This stat-I wu 1111<1 with 1111 Publlthed 01.tnge COHI Delly County Clerk o1 Orange County on Pilot. No-.!. 23, 30, Die 7. 14, 1982 o.c e. -1t12. s 111 -82 fl1ll7ll Pubt11had Orange Oout Delly rtalC NOTIC( PllOt, Dec. 1. 14, 2t. 28. 1982 ______ ..;..;. __ _ 537M2 '1CT1TIOUt--aa Nam ITATJ!ll_NT Mt.IC NOTICE The fOflO.;.;ng pereona .,. doing 1----------bullneH u · l'ICTITK>US llU .... 11 BARKER & ASSOCIATES AEAL .NA• tTATll•NT ESTATE. 1525 Meaa Verd• Orlv. The followtng pa11on 11 doing EHi. No ::108. Cott• MeH, CA bUtl-.. 92828 NEWPORT PACIFIC, 2200 W Niii A 8arlcet. 2729 Starbird COHI Hlghwly. Newport BHCh, Or . Coat• Mna. CA 92828 Callf0<nla 92H3 Terry L Barker. 2729 Statblrd Swan Enlerprlsu, Inc .. 1 Or , Cotti MIN. CA. 92828 Caf•fOfnl• corpo<eUon This bull,_. la conduclld by an Thia bUeineN le conduetld by 1 lndtYldual. Mmltld pM1nerenlc> Neil A 811tller Swan Enterprl-, I~ Thia 1111-1 w11 llfed wttll tlll F'rank W. JOhn•lon, County Clll'k of Or•f109 County on Prllldenl Nov t9, 1982 Tl'lil 8111-1 •• lllld with lhl ,_ County Cflrlc OI Orenge County on Put>lltllld Orange CoHI Dally Nov«nblt 111, tM2 PtlOI, Nov 23. 30. Die: 7. t•. 1N2 Color Computers with Extended BASIC for.Great Graphlca a•••• .. ·-····--• .. ·~ IJ --'"' -... -----'111127 5136-12 Publl1h1d Or1ng1 COHI Dally PHot, Nov. 23, 30, Die: 7. 14, 1982 •-II' ..,,.TIC( ~ t7Mt __ ..:;..T:;;..;;-;;;;;..;.;;"";;.;.;~...--=- "CTmOUe.,_N MAmtTA~ -... II •I ti 01 .. -.. - -• - u ••.•• wJ .... ---- -•• .. -----.... -----· _., ,, •• - -•• -l6o -- - - LowM lewe ,_on UK lltlftd1d IMllC- Now °"" •·• •ma. ,.. ..... .., ltad1e lhaek IEE IT AT YOUR IUllEIT RADIO IHACI ITORE. COMPUTER CllTER OR IWITICftTllll DIALER •' D a D rect 642-4321 Call Collect lulttcrllM to the ... W9ptl,... .... , le'ten,.vr ...... ............. . YOUI N .... teww hllyN•WllM',... DAllY PllOT PtCmlOUI -Tl'le IOllOWl"f 1Mf801'1 ,, doln9 MAim ITA~ bullMM 11. Tll• followtne 1>9'10ft fl doing JACK'S AUTO PAINTING, 13e bwiNM • tndu"rl1f W1y, Coate MN1, CA 'ATTl80H SAil OUIGH, ~ 92927 ·-ec --'111 lttHt, Newport IHCll, JACK ANDlASON FLYNT, ~ ""'._ Callfornll lltP. 18300 Jut)ltlr Cr., w.tmin.t.r. CA __ lllC_mlOUl _____ IU_l_I_.-.. --Herry H•yM '""'°"· n111 taea3 .... ITA~ Ald9nl1w, l1911n1 Nl9111I, llONA JEAN FLYNT, tNOO TM ......... .....,. .. llOll'tl Ce11torn11 tMT1. Jupl1er Cr , W•t~. CA tM11 ~ • TNI ......_ 11 OOflOuGtld Dy 111 1'1111 ~ II OOftCluctM Dy 111 CA) TOWNNAl.TY. (I) TOWN ......,...; M. ,.9't1911n lndMcMl.Mctl A "rflt MOlllTOAOI. 10ll1 ll•tlf Aft.. Tiiie .......,.., -flllCI """ tM Thlt """'*"' .,.. flled """ ltle •llO!t , ....... Ylllr, CA tt?OI. ~ Cllrll et °'Mii o-iey °" County caertl lfl °''"" ~ °" TOWll C. ...... I, a c:.llJorftll No't fl , ,... Nov ft 1Ma =.,...., ,...,.... VIier. CIA ,_ ,_ TNa ....,_ 11 OOftdl ..... 11y 1 ,.ublllMCI 01enee eo..1 Deify l"11t1ll1"9d Of•nee Coeat Oellr ...,......., "°'· o.o 1, 1•. u . n .,.. ""°'·No¥ n , '°· o.o 1, 1•. 1111 T .... ~ 117 lllO-U =: . Tiiie 11111 ... 11 -... """ .. :?. °"" ., ar.,... o.-er °" o.o. ',.... ...,. ~ OtSN& 0.... Delly ...... 0.. '· ,., If. ... ,... .. ,, .. Dlal the lllNCt llRe 642-5678 -1 ' .~ ~ I .. I I I ii 1 I II H I 111 do1 ( 11'1 1•111IJ11C 7 19tf'1 I • TM r-------------.-------------..-------------..-------------~ I CASH MAXIMIZER.ACCOUNT I CASH MAXIMIZER ACCOUNT I CASH MAXIMIZER ACCOUNT I CASH MAXIMIZER 'ACCOUNT I I S)O r::,k\~i>::./:~": I s25 r.::i1::.~r::.},'::i: I s50 ~~kl·',i0A'.~~'r'.~~n I SJOO ,{~1.·:.;0r,:::1,·.~11,11 I I · 1>R••JforaSIO ·• ''i:•oilnrJS!., I ''Jt•w.JturJ '\() I 9'.l:'f•Jfo•r.i'llUI I 1ntcrc\I honu' tnll'll.,I hunu' tnl•H:-11>\um' •nt•I•'' "°'""' .• whcnlnpen.i I whcnlorcna I "'hcnlup•llJ I "hlnlt•f'<ll.I I I Ca-.h Mu1m 1ur I ( .l'h M.uom1::cr I t".1,h \l.1x11n1zn ·• · C a'h \l.1~11111:,•1 I JlCount wuh J Jcpo<ou tlf S2.'i{Xl-$.4,\IY'>IW .1nnum with :i Jcpn~rntS~ ()tU~YQ</999 Juo11n1 wnli J dl'f"l\tl nfSfO,UlO·Sl<JWYVY .U .. lUWll w1r.h.J d1:J'i"" "' 211000111 111111< I Onlyunchomu~ p.•rcu~tomcr .anJ nm more: I llnh onchunu' I" r <.u,tomo:r, and n111 lllllfl' I Onl) um bonu' I"'' .u,111nKr . .inJ not murc I ( )111} ""' bo•llll\ rc11.u\111mc1 .111J 11<11111111, I thanonc~raccount Bonusoffl:runlyava1lable than11n<:pcrauoun1 Bonusollcrunlyavailablc thanone perac•11un1 8<1nu .. uflcr11nly.iv;u lablc • 1han1>ncrcr .iuuunr Bonu\ollcrunl) .1~.111.ibl, I onpcnoul11ecoun1~,andc•pm.·s~bt-rJI. I nnP<'uon;alaa:oun",andapirc~O.:cc:mbt'rJI, I c>nper"w,.lal'Coun.-. anJc•parc~Dct.cmbu ll I conrtr..,•nala•o1un1\ anJcxptr<"'l)l'C.1:mh..·1 ll I 191!2 Thi• m1ercs1 bonus will hc crl'd11ed l'J'U. Thi~ m1crt"ll hlmusv.,11 !)(' l r.'tltted 19M2 Th•' tnt<rnt l><'lltU' "111 he crl"11l<'\I I •II) TI1" '"'• '' '1ho111u'"111 h. l1<"11tl.J I 111my account .mJ 01PJlt'01ron 1hdir,1 mnnthh I tu Ill\ .iuuunt .111J JPJ'l'.Jrrm th• 111'1 rnnnthl} I tom\ JllC1un1 JnJ ·'Pf'i:Jrt•n rh< hr.t mo>nthh I It •llH .lu••Ulll JnJ JpfX.1n•n th< 11 ... 1 m .. nthh I I :.tJrcmc~ I .. 1.ncrn.111 • I ".11cm,·m I ''·lllln<nt ~ I I N11mc · I NJml ~ I N.lml' I ,,1mc I I Addn.·-;~ I AJJr'~' • I Atktr<" I \,IJ,.." I I 'i<1e1al'x'\.Urll\·• __ I '>1 ... 1.1l'>nu111\ • I 1,,,1Jl<;.,·lu1tl\ • I I ~------------.... ------------~ (CLIP AND SAVE) \ . you open it. That's a deal that's hard CASH to beat. But then, the Cash Maximizer account is an account that's hard to bea t . $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of California's leading bank. And that's a com bi nation no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere TOP THE MONEY MARKET FUNDS _/ ANDGET U PTO l $100 INTEREST BONUS. A good thing just keeps getting better. Bank of America's new Cash Maximizer accou nt will not only pay interest higher th an many money market funds, banks or savings and loans, it will also pay an interest bonus of up to $100 when With a Cash Maximizer account you 'll be able to write checks and make withdrawals. You-can get a·monthly - unified Timesaver Statement® that con- solidates all activity on this account and cer tain of your other accounts. Plus yo ur Cash Maximizer account will always l5e accessible at any Bank of America branch. THE SAFETY OF FDIC INSU~CE. But perhaps most important, you'll have the added peace of mind of knowing your investment is insured up to BANK OF AMERICA • $2,500 MINIMUM Of POSIT ' -can offe r. - ---, - Federal regulations don't allow us to offer the Cash Maximizer account until December 14, but you can get ready for your interest bonus now. Simply fill out one of the coupons and save it until December 14. Then bring it to Bank of America and cash in on the Cash Maximizer account. .,, . BANK ON THE LEADERTM MNll Ill 11~1 IU~ A •• . ' ! '.J Ht USI THI DAILY PILOT "PAST llSULT" SllVICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call IT'I IDT YET TDD LATlh llLY 14 llYI un To Refund ALL '8? I 111t1s and Recover • 79 81 1 IXH I I 2 I 4 I 6 I 10 I 1 ITC t ETC? Real lstate Re~e.irch & Oev~topm,nt •qu1pm•nl I eJ~ina . lducahonal Seminar lPM ' 7PM Thursday. Otc. 16 at Irv me ltost Motor Hotel Oyer Road/55 f rHway Presented t>y DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER I FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave , Ste 102, Irvine · Near Jamb0ree/40!i 642-1671 Id. JU Our Stall ot Altorneys and Accountants will l>t ava11a1>1t 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INlflAL APPOINTMENl RSVP: CALL NOW 714 141·3781 FOR SEMINAR Get an outstanding hedge against declining interest rates. LOCK IN 11.500°/o ANNUAL YIELD based on a RATE OF 10.738°/o~ FOR 31/2 to 10 YEARS \X'i1h a Home Ft.·Lkr.11 "''Url·d l\(H\l1111mum ~tont.·y ~l:trke1 Ct.•nifir.Jtt.'' t•r IRA /l\t.•oj(h1 .u:· Olun1. you can lll\l''I 1lt1\\ -h' phone - am.J ~am a h1~h. fixt.•<l rate .f11r ~our l·hrnn:.· 11( term' fro m 3·112up1t1 10 ~l'·"' A )(U.lrantt.•e<l i1we,1mt.·n1 'u11.1hll' for rl'in· \'l''lll\~ pn>n:l·<l:-. from Tax·Frt.'t' Savin~.; Ccr- 11f1c.11c' Am.I f un<linlo( IAA anti Kco~h account!'! f11r a~.khuunal \'~r·cntl 1a..x ht.-ncO!s \X hL'll \oU c..:all, a..;k .1hout other lon~·tcrm, ~u.1r.1ntt.·~·tl ar<.'1>um:-. -which pay heft)· ca~h ht inu'l'' upon ma1uri1y! Earn 2°/o more than the average money market fund. Guaranteed and insured. !'111on. Ho me Fcl.kral \\ 111 offer 1hc ln:-.ured ~1()n1.·,·Markc1 Plan"'. A Ill.'\\' 111v..-:-.1mcn1 - \\ ilh n1ont'\' market lnll'rl.''I. ln'Url•tl ~afL'l\' nL·ver hdore r<>,:--ibll-anc..J 1ran.,:.trtl11n pri\:. ile~l'!'I Plu~ thb honu' 1n11.·rc.,1 a<l\antalo(L': we: ~uarant~c to pa~ ~ ou a 2% hi)(hl.'r ra1e than thl.' averajo(e yid<l on mnnc~ mark~! fumJ, ( accortlm~ to a lead in)( index) fo r 30 tla~ ~ rencwahle mon1hl~ :..11 thl.' option 11f ttomt.' Federal for up 10 '1x mo nth:.! Provided you sign up Immed iate ly. Call n ow. Tb.ls off er may be withdrawn at any d JDe without prior n odce. Minimum, $5.000: maximum, $75.000 <l1.·pmltL'U· now in an insured 5· l/2% saving_.; ~Kr11unt and tran!>fc rreu au1oma1kallv to the hlj(hl.'r·earning account the nr!'lt. <l~•y 0lhe hrw a llnw' f or 'ilo(ning up now, you'll abo rc<.'t'ive free Cht.·x1ra"' interest checking (lndudinH an inl· tlal 'uppl~ nf personalized check.,) -linkl.'<l to ~11ur ln~urcd Mone)•Market Plan wilh trans· fc:r' ynu <.'Ontrol h)' phone. Chextra'!'I abo the kL·~ t() Homc Fcdcral's nl.'w q uail!)' hrokcrage 'ervkl' Save up to 70°/o 4 on stock brokerage services. By :-.pt.•c.:1al arran)(t.'ffiL'nt \\1th f1<ld11~ Um· kt.•ra~e Servk'e~. Inc ( nlL'mhc:r :'\:e\\·· Y1 irk Sux:k Exchanj(c). ~ou ran nm\· makl' '1ot:k market inv1...·.,tn11.·n t~ -quic..kl y and mnrt· <.'onvenil•nt I\'. And save up to 70%, o r mor~, on bro· keraae commJsslons. In a<.ltlltion, you l·an 'an· pn:nn u., timl' tlurtn)( thi' anivc 1ra<.lm~ pi:m>e..l hy hjVlllj( ... .. 1-800-862-0539 ,·n ur tra~k:-with fitldir\' iirnkl·r.1).tl' Si:rvln·:-, · l m·or~1r:111.·d ~L·t1 ku ;1lJ111ma11r ally thn>uKh niur Cht.•:<tra intt.'rl''>t l'hl't. ki11g :tl'l.'lllllll. Opt.·n '11ur hrokt·r.tgt.• al'l'tHll\I ltllla\. .u .Ill~ I h Hlll' Fl·tkral 1 lffa·1.· • • ''"' 1·Jrh ,.,(hJr.1,.Jl1ol '"''"'"'"'uni• h.Jc"l lk1eul.1111111' h'qutr\• •uh-IJllUJl l11rk1tur\''• In• htlhnJl 11 "'' of I.I'll lkkrr~\J -IJlll' 1111 .Alltt•unc• "'t1hJrJ"'11 fr11m lltA/Klo\!jth ~•llUlll' Nu ... k111 .. '"·'' ll•·ro "u' '"""'lhlllC 111 J lv.l.l ldcph11t1\' 'Ul'V\.'} lmpnn•nC tlunw fnl· •·r JI '' "' ~ J f\'ll'"•'f\1,1 '-'••Jkr /Im 1kt:r •tll.I mAy nul Nll<.ll\• "-'\Utnk.'• lfJll\J\lhlll' ~~ 'rm --- Rothman Joteph Galvin 1 Rothman nanied ~esident Joel B. Rothman of Newport Beach1 Anaheim Marriott Hotel general manager, was Installed as California Hot.el and Motel Association president at the organization's annual meeting In San Franci!K.'O. The AssociaUon represents over 100,000 hotel and moll•I room' statl'WICfo. Huthman hus lx-t•n with ht' Murrn>lt Corp sllll't' 19Cil. . Associated Inns and Restaurants Company of .America has named She raton Newport Hot~es Barbara Joaepb·aa general manager of the year. n doing so, the firm became the first major ho el company to select a woman for top managem t honors. G. Tlmotby Galvin has been named the 21st president for the sales and marketing council of the Building Industr y Association of Southern Californ ia. The association is a professional organlutlon which serves all individuals and companies associated with the sales, marketing and me rchandising of residential housing. Suiee Miiie r , realt.or-associate of Re/Ma x Ht:altm·s of l rvirc. has been S<>l<'<..'tt.•d to appear In "Who's Who in California" for her professional achievements In the Cields of r eal estate and financial plannlng. Homart Deveiopment Co. announces that Peter B. Denniston of Irvine has been named senior development director .. office buildings, for the company's Weste rn territory. Before join ing Ho1"Q4rt, Denniston worked for the Irvine Company in Newport Beach. Don Seara of Santa Ana has been promoted to group sales manager for Keeler Foods, lnc. The OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS N~W YCHtK IAPI ~LJL ... , ...... .S O V. ll>eooE 11.11 l\IA AO ..e.t'--Cp ll•lmecl 11l!o IM Pttrltt _,.....,_.tllldl rTtt lntffttG• llYI llh Petti--•-It ..,.,, ~ c.iooas 1 .. 1w111 .... IOV. PlllleNel ,.,.,,,, -n et C°"'C(H lweSoUt ,._. ~ Pl.,c.SS • p.m. Prlcn tlD not CmlSllr Jemlbv ISO,., 16 PIOo!HI ' lntt-'9taltmWll ... ~wTtl Jeri to ~II· i.-.. Pteltlnt merk•wn • ,_ Pep vjJllfy 16 "1 Potlll l••loft ,., ,...,..,, dh C2\4o C2"' ~ftlY" l -~ 2' PrtlGM 'tt.'' alcl All< 1Trt 16-n 11 el1SC pt I••> 11 PrtSleyn AE Incl 16V. I""° vttrFll l(elver IS. 16 I \.16 Pr09rp AFAProt JJllo Joi citron Ke men 21\'J 2t'IO Pl>SvNC AVMCp ~ ~ Ot•. KtlySv t JO•• 13 l'vf1let1 Acedl"I 2J\lo U llt YIM tCimllell 21H ~P\llDC~ A«w•Jt 1 ... ,, ... , 6 1·32 6 \.I Klnelnl 1-.. I j:''C :=t'.. :. 1~ ~~· KloOfG Jf\lo ... ~ ~~=v " '~"'" Allalll II llYI yEI 1~10 """" AlkolM •\I) .0 oi.crys KYllO• ~27 ltoectSv ,.,.,.,.. 1\1) '" OI•~" L..enct . l6 26 ltolltlMy AFwn I ~ Dec ... 1.-., I ...._ .... Ml --AGrMI ..... 41\1) ~i¥ .,_.. Miio '--Co •Yt ~ Sedlltr :~~r". m:~ 11\lo I Lil""' ,...., • Sefeto .__JI 1-lnlrd a Miio M~HtlG<I "i::' '~ ... V'4i ~'" 1~17 ~ ... 1 A HMf II 1'-I"' ,.,, 11'0 12 • 4l\lo ~ rlpH "~" !t ri 2Al'i " MGFOll J ,.,_s. ..... A I U ~ MedtGE II 'i _, ~· ~:: IPM I """IJ .. J\lo vc:Mer !Fi: 1L.. .. ... --1:" •• r...., r . Mar MIMlt I JI~ JI ll'Mel I .. 16 t'O Mew.II Jiit 4 ' Ikon• Avm•' Miit M'-....... J'll MC '" ~JO elWlr aaoo Miii 6S ntwl1ll t•llt UV. MC erl Ir-IOV. SwEISv =~r~~ .... ' JQtOll I'll R MCi:l, !Oh 11 Slenclyn 1V. 1"0 r.•lflGP ~ )7\ll MC U~ 24 SldMlcro INftlHE 12~ IJ F rcor J1Vt MlduW "' t tdAt91 .... , ... "' "' Ft '5y1 JI'-Jf Mcllf(ep .,.,,,.,, a.utFr _.,\lo " ... '" 17YI f: MldlltH .. 16 IM Sl~~:!~t 9eyl1M' 12'0 1)\1) ~::,:,~ ~ ,v. Mldllk ... 11 ... .... 1\lo JOV. ~ .... Pl" ).16 "" F~lkl ~ ~:: ::~ejo JD\/)~ let1Lll 41'6. 41 ~:~N-~e ""' "" ....... D'I\ u-. Mo Jtlll'1lolltlt~ .. tO\lo 11..Co I~ 16\lo l'IWocll t '" Mon!Col llllt II ... a1n11on 12~ II" F«ettO \~·~::~=, U\'J 1•~ •lrtdlr w. 7 ... "'-if 2t ,.... ···-~""" .. ,.,., " ....... _..,,,,. 17 11\lo ...... ,,.. , .. l'rttSG C2'11o o y, -c1.-IJ Ill!. arwTom av. ...., ,,.,.,,., -10\lo M<ltlltr JI .,, Sant.a Anu-baSt.'<i wholesale distributor of foods and relalt.'CI supplws serves restaurants and institution.a throughout Southern California, Arizona a nd Nevada Scars has been with Keeler Foods aince 1965. S1gnul Dcv('lopment Co., of lrv1 nl' has annount.'l-d that lloml' Federal Savings and Loon has s1gnNJ the latest lease at the firm's NL·whmd Cl•nll'r m Huntington &oc·h. Signal announ<:c<l the l'l1nlt'J is now 70 percent lease.'<!. Other new tcnunta indudt.• WcL'<is und Co., florist: K itchen KonL'<!pts, gou1'ffil't cooking store: Oui 3 Gall ery, art galler y, and Graph1l'S WL'St Gallery. lfoliont.•t1cs, Inc., oC Irvine has announced rN'Ord rl'V('nucs and earnings for the third quarter of 19H2. Jlelaonct1cs stated further that the revenue and t•urnangi. for thl' nine months cndl-d Sept. 30, exl'eedl"C.l the rt>venue and earnings for all of 1981 or any previous year. • 1'hl• first sl'lbwroom offering a wade selection of- I urn1 turc dC>signl•d t•xclusively for computers has op<mcd its doors in Anaheim. Computer Consoles, a rww business vt!i'lturc of Greg and Al Itson Bishop, is lt><.·utl•d at 1979 Stull' Collegl' Blvd. This sturc is the first In ll plannl'Cf chain ('Overing tht• major dties throughout thl• west. For informatit>n, call 978-1155. ThC' El Camino Business and Professional Women's Club will hold Its Christmas dinner m<.'l'tang on DL't.'. 14 at Virginia Berners' Restaurant, :H3 N. El Camino Heal, San Clemente a t 6:30 p.m. Spl'akl'r will bl' Mary Martin on "Nl'w Age Thinking for Ac..'hieving Your Potential." Call 493-f)676 or 492-9988 for reservations. lSh J,S.\o t:::'" 9'1> ~ JD JO•• r.rEI 1 '"" UPS AND DOWNS I It.. 11-.. 11"-SS>"• 56~ 'TJl DC "' " H::''> ~:~ ~~ HEW YQttK CAPI -The fotlowlnt 1111 .,_.._ 'h lllo Tteymf' H . 761,> ~ ... °"'' . ,.. . c-i .. to><. "" TtlcmA 27\ot 27" tllOCh --·-· ... , 11e ........... 4"' 4J~) Ttne"t """ '"' -----, .. -· ... _ °" ..... 4S r ::.ToT1 S'1o 6 r:rctftl of cNr9 ,....rc11•1 of ...,...,,,. ... '"' '"' Ito ., =r.. l~U" ~OI•. II," ~ No wc:wll tredl~ ••ow U ore Ind· Jl'41.,, ~ .. ~ 414 ... i.dtil. Ntt -Ptr<tn eve <l!en9" .,, IN '"" ""' ,..,, 21V) dlfftrtMt .... _ ,.. pr .. IOYI clollne 1t•.1o 1f>tlt TysonF'd n JJ\lo .,.d price -todev'• t•t bid Pf'l<t. '"' 7'-UnMcGll ltV. 21"1 JOllo 20'IO IJS E"' 4h SYo ................. U"I ... • "' "~ .,14 US S..r 21YI JI\. ········ 5611> S1 . UST'O IJ 12\lt llY, 1J UVellll .. v. .. ._ Nenw Lftl C"9 Pct. 11'41 11 .. ~:~ ... ""' '"' I WillmAL J7 • lJ Up ••• ,.,, 41.. 1414' IS 2 Tor.VII 2~ . "' Up •1.1 ~Sol VMllt tSV.~ J o .. o..c. JV. . .. Up ... ~4lh VOINOll JI JI~ • -ff.-W.• _II" J . YI Up au ~.,... VeitOvl te¥tll s , •• JJ.16 + 1).16 Up JI.I JI ,, ... Velcro II II ' PttrlW lll!'t + 2YJ Up 21.1 ~.,, .. Vl<lreSI ~' 1 Antfco II ~ .. "' UP ·u.o Ci vt s-. 6 I ... ct J~ .. Up JU =· n fj"" d!'-a .. i If uw. UY> =-=. . ~ w ow = 11:: . -"-· . . ..... 2tl!'t n ... ,.,~ IJ t-1 U\lo • f Up ltj U\lol~ WlnO<C ..J.4V. Ul!'t I• Ttaon , ... ·• YI Up 12-.. IJt'o W.llrey , ... " u ~~f.,~~ I + Iii> Up n .1 ·~ 20\') WIMrO a '""° 11v. " ,..., . '"' UP n.• Jl\'J :wv. W.lvAIY I I\'\ 11 Input ·~ • "" Up 22.2 ~~ WOfntl 12 I"'° II [C'r'Y" '"" • .... Up 22.2 70', ,,., W-~OI MV. Joi~ " IYI • IYI Up 2U '"'" «> Wrl~W Uf914\lo JO AGas ltf ... • "" Up •• 1 JV. J .. l ion I 27\'J . JI \11115'1M u • 2 Up IO.t " u~ n,e,• Not -'keCllt. n .......... t •Vt . ' u. 1:1 u c..-co ,. + '"' Up 24 ~= 11~ . '" Up \I.I u '""' • J\io uo ••a ........... DOWNI . ... ,..,,. L.nl (flt Pd. I NIClrUt Jll> _, Off ... IMC--~ , .... F11tlrHI Dlll 2J'A Ner,.C MYI Jl NASDAQ SUMMARY J Sl•nLI 1 _,,.. Off 11.1 l""et• i1 iJW. t ""'"' ~ ..... 1110•1• n Ullo , Llntl "" , .... YI g:: IU IO MM 0tvc1 JV. Jl'l NelwkS ...... -.. • Wl\G~ 2 -7·" 17.t ~=~ OftlllE1I 17 11..., NYAlrl JV. Jh J\I) J\lo NEW YOltK (API --· ecfl .. o .. r. s E•M• 10\lo -J g:: 111111 1 .... GovEl'n 14\'i IS ~1000 '"' 4h 1i-:;:•• '=~.,,.~Itel-~~ N~ 6 WO rein 2\lo -" g1w1sv «> 41 Gre...,Sc It It N t ltn A 10'11 /IV, 1 Horl11t1 , .... -,,., Off nredH .-. . GrtyAdv n ,. ~111111 e .. v. 61 ~ltl . . l,CISa,toO "' St'o -I i llerlGt 11 '"' .. g:: g:En .... 2 GHlnlll IO'IJ II Nlkt I Sol\lo Sol1h MC t... . . •, 100 4JV. ..,.. • •-t krlN• ,,.. -'lit Swat IOVI II Gyrwyn "°" 11.lo NClrGt ·~ 14\oo A#ltC . • .,.,. 33\'J ..... + l'O 10 •m=1 IJ\lt -'"' Off CepAlr ~ ''"' .._ .,. s NwtNG1 ''" 11'0 H.._ .. ma 4... S -~ II • 111!111 4YJ ..., g;: ee,.c, 22 24 :tmlPI IO IO'ii NwllPS 17 ""' AlrFle ~ J J.16 J .. 16 + IJ.16 12 0.IE=tP J\lo -"' ~ ... 12 n~ "'""' IV. I l\I0 .. 11 ...... , .. Ferdltllt n• I 1·16 1 ls.12 • 1·16 IJ =::.. S\oo "' Off rltl• 1S'h .. Ht'llltOW 11\lo II VjNYCrP \lo S.I• Convet .. • ,JOO •VJ .-.. + 1'41 14 JYJ "' gi: "'' '"'. =~.1 ?Slit» Oct-r IJ" 11~. ,.,,,,..._ . • m ,100 24'1> J•'--..., u J ... \lo rtH "'°' ~ ,..,.. 2t gt.~"' . -~· lftltl . . . Jll,000 «I «l\lt • t -YI Oft C""'l"Y I ::..,~· ~J6.\io I es .. ~ 0~• P ... 11 J0',100 JI~ Jiii> + .. I "' ... Off J 1).16 J IS.16 ..._,, '1 °" F' ,,, • J"' 4 II Al!C s .... Off C""'L.e• u~ 11 ...._,, 1"" J""' Ol1tfl" JI" JI .. Ad\len<td 111 It "'"'"' IJYI -l\lo Off E .. ""' . -I~ IJVI PCA 1£1 I 11\'t De<ilfttd . "',, ........... ,.. JO =~ s -.... Off ... .... llo Horllltt J\j. 4 P-1 JI~ JI Uncl\afteed . .. ...... " " 1,9'0 21 s _, YI Off .-. .... IMS l"I 2l Ullo ~Gelt ,...., It T•ot 1-........ , .... J,JIJ n c;T,.~ 12YJ -IV. Off ~ll•S.0• 11'-11'0 tSC 17 ... 11 •"':,('" ..... I~ lteW ,,..,,. .................. • ,.. n JVI -"' Off IUUIA ..... 41 111tre1nc1 Ill> 9"' ~~E~t 1\1/) 11YI .............................. n 1• ~'m'I! .. 2\1) .... Off ClllUll .... 4114 ...... " 141.. T•el Ml& ... . . ......... , )4,411,!CIO u Wiii._,, .. -1'-Off «I .... Ptnl• • JI"" nv. Find out what's ·cooking along the Orange Coast Look for the Orange Coast Cookbook tomerrow, December 8, in the Pilot. l ~~~~ A special thanks to our sponsors: South C~ast Plaza · South Cqast Rlaza VIiiage Irvine Ranch Farmers Market -Haagen Da~s Ice Cream Lindberg Nutrition • • I 16.J u.o 'P I .O 1u 0.1 r 1 .o .. t.7 t.J u ... t.1 t.I t.I t.1 '·' t.I t: \ , Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Tuelday. December 7. 1982 I Gasoline price drop quickens LOS Al-IGELES (AP) -G~sollne price• that besan tumbllna lut Jul)' now are declinina at an even fa1ter pace, with reaular , .. dropptn1 below tl • gallon In tome re1ton1, according to oil lndu1try analy1t Den Lundber1. "Before It wu dropping a penny and a q~r per monlh -now In two week.I it'• down a penn)'," aajd 1-undbers, publlaher of a weekly tn1de journal. Lundber1'1 bl-weekly price survey of 18,000 retail 1u 1tatlona nationwide •bowed the avera1e price per gallon of re1ular at tull-aervke 1taUona dropped to $1.23 lut week from $1.24 on Nov. 11. Regular at aelf-1erve pumpa had fallen to $1.14 a gallon, down 1.19 centa In two weekl. And aorne Lee Angeles-area aelf-aerve 1tatlonl have dropped their prices tor regular to 99.9 centa. The survey 1howed a wide range of prl~ with some aurprl.alng reslonal var\ationt, especially the sharply declining prices on the Weet C.out. Benefits tax eyed .WASHINGTON ("P) -The R eagan administration is consldt)rlng a proposal to tax medical ~nerits in employer gr9up health plans as part of ita fiscal 198~ budget tee.'Ommenda~ions to be submitted to Congress tn Jan.uary, administration oCficials say . • Such benefits provided by employers are not now taxe~ as part of an employee's income, and the prerruums paid for the Insurance are treated as a t.ax-dcductibl~ business expense for employers. ., Edwin Dale, a spokesman for the Office of Mana~ement and Budget, said the idea of taxing the benefits has been discussed by budget analy1t1 for years and was knocked out of the fiscal 1983 budget at the last moment. Edison pact studied SACRAMENTO (AP)--The state Water Raources Contr?l Board may act at a hearing today on a permit for a hydroelectric project on Dinkey Creek in the Sierra Nevada east of Fresno. -A staff recommendation to grant a permit 1e>ught by the Fresno-based Kings River Conservation District contains several conditions that must be met before construction begins. One requests the district to reach a contract for Southe~n California Edison Co. to buy electricity from the pro)ect. Voters in the Kings River district have approved a $700 m illion· r evenue t>ond issue to build a 340-foot-high rock fill dam, two hydroelectric planta and a reservoir that will hold 90,000 acre-feet of water. · METALS NfW.!.?.,AK (AP> -IPol llOnl9n'-met P'I09t r-Y. Ce~r 71~·74 Genii 8 po11nel, U, 0.llnalJOM. ~ '°°""13 oenu • pound, .. ~ -··. ~ ....... Tiii .. 1273 Met• w.... ~•lb. ,........_ 11 C*\la e poutld, N,Y, ...,_, SMS.oo:. llMI!. N ~ $312 ·S371 00 troy ov GOLD QUOTATIONS ., .,,. .......... ..._ ~ WOtlCI OOld PflCM IOCl9¥. L•ltfH mornl110 llalllO 1411. 11. 11 a1uo. LeMeft afternoon 11a1ng 1464.60, ··~·· ... lllernoon "•Ina ...... 03. YI>.,,. ,,__ ~ 14M.N , 11P 112.tt. ,..... lele ---~ 641Ut, auo bill, '414.2• .... MMMI• • H•r••11 (ollly O lly q11ot ..... eo.vp•H .. ~ l°"'Y Clell'( ctllO•I ""4.50. \ llti 01 .111111· < 1i.11>I l >All 't Pll 0 It I 111•~t.1.1y lJt•t 1•111h1•1 I l'HV Lena llorn ' Lou Go el l. Jr. I t o p Image A ward • w1nn r 19th SMASH WEEKI---L OS A N<:Jo:l.l•:S 1 /\11 t S1t1~l'I L··11.1 11111 Ill' .111d ... 1111 Lou G o'-'''tt .11 .11 t' .111111111( I tw top w11111l'11> ol tlw l:ilh .11111u.rl lmugl' Aw.1nh prt·"'" Lt•d l11 t!nh•rta11wr:. .111d ~p111 l:. I 1g111 •'' w h OSl' work pn·s1•111s l.1v111,il1l1· imagl'S of blJL'k µt ·nplt·· ... 'flw u .. u1·1/ ..... ,.,.,. '1:1 ... t·d 011 lmllo1i11µ. o/' 100 '\.\(.'/' ,,,..,,,,.,,,. ... llllll'I l'llY lt'IH 111'1 Ill lh1 l 'ft.., 111ovH· "'1'h1· M.11 \ ,, ('cill111-. ~tur v." 'ulflot ll·d tlo 11w.11 d lof l>t•'I ·,11 II t .,,.. Ill ,1 cir ,,111,1111 ·1'1 It '· 1111111'1·1 ws 111 TV 11111v11• Tiu· 1,. ... t .,. .. MIS~IUN VII JO ll{W,Olll fllACll W .. TMlllSfl• I,. I• I '"' ltl t•jl• T hl• awu1 ds w 1•1 1· ha1Hh d out Sunday night ,11 1111• llull)'\111111 Palladium bv th1 I~ \'t't I\ 11111, H ol l ywoo~I hr.11Hh 1>f tl11· Nlltional /\s•1111·1a11n11 I 111 th1• Advurn.'l'llll'lll of ( 'olor \'d l 'l•oph'. !Wid gr oup :.pokt•s\\'0111.111 J11,in Webb. 1111 I io11 h ;,/,. mu/ of ..,,,,,,,, 1.000 ,,,,.,,,,,,., ..... ,,,. ,,,,. n,., ,.,.,, ;H· t 111 .1 w ,1 n l w 1 11 t t 11 I'•• u I W111fwlcl rm h1N 111h· Ill tlw NB<.'' m111"1'l 11 '· ·•H11pl11 .111 .11 .. .i ( ;, ... ,, . 11;11 ... -1/0/1' .. ,..,,, lwmwb. "S1sLC'1 S"tt•1 • " 1th pr 11d lit 1 r d111'<·L111 , Juhn l\4:rr'!' und ""n1t·1 S M.1yu Ang1·l11u ~:'11111•1 f'tl till' JW,ird for ht•st lt•h •\111'11111 11111v11· Ill' lllllllKl 'l'll'S, • ·Miss Horrw. whoM· "mg ltlh'<I ~t~e s how rt'l't•111 l y up1 1wd to i;ave fC'Vll'W~ 111 Los Ani.:l·ll·s following u ~lll'L't'ssful run 0 11 aroadway. was nanwd lH'SI Ce.ma l e artist 1n tilt• mustl' Urdegory Shl• also ''1111 lhl• !lull df Fam<' A ward Uh a p111111•<•1 in the enterwinmt•nt 111du,11 v ht•!o.1 111.1h.• artt:.t ,1ward H ll'hH: "11111• .. ~:miles.' Luvl•.'' tfw thl'llll' 111 11 movie uf tlw so.1111c nonw. a11tl s<1ng 11 with Dwn,1 Hci:.s Thi• 1•t>ii.udl· "1•'11111.., ul ;1 Pu1~n11u' Tr 1'1•" o f ttw NB(.' 'l'V :.t·rt1·1> "11111 St1 t't'l Blu1 , .. w,l', t.lppl•tl UI> IH'i.t l'fJll>IHlt• Ill II cJ1at11lllll' &'l'll'S J.iylll' Kt•111wdy took toµ mOVll' al·lfl·-.:. honor:. fur lwr starring ml\· 111 "Aolly .uul Soul" Tht• ~'uts Wall1•r 111u:-.u·u l revipw, "Ain 't Misb1.-h11vi n g" look 1:111 :1w~11·d us bl·'it TV SJ>•'< sal Ill' t'tllllt.'d y :,(•I'll "S l'J>l-.C)( It. Gossett, \vho playPd th1• d1111 sergeant in thl· film ·· J\n Dlf1l'l'I and a Gcntkman," won thl' award for lwst al'lur Tlw C1ln1 itself was nanll'd bc•st 1111111011 Ricturt!. A\\a11ls fur 111·-.l .. upportmg aL"to1 II\ a film w1•nt to Moses l; u1111 for .. H ;1g1111w " Thcrt· was 1111 .1w;1nl for supportmg actn.•ss. l 111.1g1· /\ w J n.b for "fXll'lS wt•n L 111 C1ItI1Jrn1.i A11g<.•ls dc-s1gnat<'tl l11tu•1 Hcgg1t•·J .. t·k .. on, runrvng IJ;1l·k 1-'1 JnL"u Ha rris of thl· Paw.burgh Swc·ll•r:.. boxer Sug:.ir Hay L1•111wrtl am! Los Angt'lt•s L;1kl·r-. gu:.i rd MHg1t· Jnhnson In th<· l.-g1timu1t• tht•.1ll•f l'<JH:gory, tlWJ l d Wll)lll'f' Wl'l'l' Paula K1•lly, be.;t Ol'lrf's:, ffll' twr p<'rfornwnrt• 111 "Can ·u·r," aml to Stan Shaw. bt'sl iJC.:tor fur his 1 olt.' an "l lumt•" In add1t1t)ll to Mis.., llunw. ot her musk aw:.irds wc·nt tti. Rn. K ing, best blul'S nrllst, Jarnt•!oo C l evel anJ and tlH• Southl•rn California Communit v Chr11r. best gospl•I an1st ui'· g rouµ. Grover Washington. Ul'SI Ji.IZ7 artist or gruup; Kool and th .. · Gan g , bl·Sl VOl'al gruup. Al Jarreau's "Brl'aking J\ w:iy." tx-st al bum . and L 101wl H 1dl 1l•'s "Endless Love." bc.-st <>ong Tlw bl•!tt !>tagt· pldy ,1w;1rd wt•nt to "StJph•~Hinir<'d Lad1t•!-.,'' a rt.·vU<' of Duke• Ellins:ton'!'> 1nusk A\\afds fur lwst Jl'tor and al'll l...,S in a TV l'uml•dv serws or s p 1• t· 1 a I wt• n t t o S h e r rn a n llt•msll'Y and lsabt·I San ford. who play Gt>orgl' a nd Louise Jl'ff1•1stm on tht• CBS hl'fles "Thi• .11'CCt•1-.,cms" Eurl G . Gravt.•s, edito r anti publislwr of fih1r k Enu·rpt'is1· mag::iztn('. won thl' Pa t•s1dt•11L Award for tht' 1nd1v1dual who made d1sl1nt·t1vc pf'ogn•ss (Qr blacks Ill tht• bus11l<'S.' <lf'l•no Jarreau and R1d1w lll'd fen the l\'<:1ly Tyson, who µli.lyl'<i on Ms. Wl'bb t-a1d Lh<' awards Wl•re bu:;t•d on balloting of 100 NAACP branch~s n a t111nw1clc• :.ind of ::ibciut 1,000 mt•ml>C'rs of the Bt•vl·rly J11lls Ho llywood branch STHE MAN FROMR.1 ] NOWYRIVE~ PIBJC NOTICE ....... NOTICE OF TllUSTEE'S SALE No. T.S. 1MO VOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOt:A A DEED OF TRUST DATED NOVEMBER 3 1981 UNLESS VOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MA.V BE SOLO 4 T A. PUBLIC SA.LE IF VOU NEEO AN EXPLA.NATION OF THE NA.TUAE ~UC NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE No. A10N40 In the Superior Court of the State of Cal1forn1a lor the Counly ol OH1noe ot In lhe Mall•• ol 111e Es1a1e or Horry Ge>ser l>e<l'11$e<I OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Notite •S hl'•l'O; given lhal the VOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A undersign"d will 3ell al Pm1ate sale. LAWYER Oo Oecemoer 11. t982. at 11 oo 10 highest and bes I bidder. sub1ect to cunlirnH1t1on 01 said Supeno• A M . Peoples lnvesimenl and L.oan Court 0,,.,, dlll'r 1 )lh 01 O•'CPmb('r A.11oc1at1on as duly appo1nled 1!1117 a1 t'>e «ll•t<• "' MEAO ~ Trustee under and pursuant 10 MEAO 1 10 1 OO•<I St Ste 170 Deed ol Trust recoroed Novembe< NeWl>Oft Beach County of Orange tO, t981. as ins1r No 11140. boo~ State ,,1 Ca11lorniil 111 lhe ughl Ollel 14286. page t It t, ol Oll1c1al and mte•esl 01 ~10 deceased at tne HU Records. executeo by CynH'l1a E .._ •u ....,, COST&•IA IO•-S..."'C.0.-• ""1• ~•illn -..... ,._... '\ .. Pelletier. a m11med woman as her lime"' cJealh and all the •!Qhl. 1111• H9 ~lJ9 -.. AllAlltlll• .. ·~ and 1nte•es1 111a1 th<' estate of seld sole and separale properly. who deceased ha\ ocqurred by 1~!.'!~. acquired tille as Cynlh1a E Wells. I •--~--an unmarried wt>man as lruSlor •n -::pe1 "loon 01 law or otherwise other )•6 31g1 II TOllO IAMO\S--• ~&1 ~HO tl• HU WUllllllTH f.,..1110.c.._.w ... HI lU~ • ._.. °''"' • • 1• ~so Wlll lll .. TIR •.oc•n *11'°' l• " Ht lUJ Iha ottice ol 1~8 Counly Recorder of than In add111on to that of said s c deceased. al the 11me ol death 1n_~========================~. WOrlangelL SECLouL n!yT PtU•BteL~c' Aau"c'<>;~01~ 11nd 10 all 1t.e certa•n Real property------------- " S•tualed 1n City ol Costa Meso TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH County 0 1 Orange Staie 01 ____ PUB __ l_IC_NO_T_IC_E ___ _ (payabje at time 01 sale in lawful Caflfomla IUPERIOR COVftT OF THE money of lhe United States! at The A porllon 01 .01 13 ol Newpoll CTaTE OF CALIFORNIA South fronl entrance to the Orange .. County old Courthouse 211 W Heighls as sl'lown on a Map COUNTY Of ORANGE Santa Ana Boulevard City, of Sanla recorded '" boo~ 4 p-age 83 °1 100 CM c: Center Drl•• S 1 C 1 u 1 M1scell11neous Moos record1 ol Senta Ana, CA Aoa. late 0 ah ornia • n9ht 111 e sa10 Orange Counly descr1De0 as --•ntflt: LEONAftD IE. COONS and Interest conveyed to a"o now .--held by It unoer said Deed ol T1us\ tonows O.fendenl: In lhe property s1tudted 1n said Beginning at Iha most Norll•f.!lty CITY OF SAHTA ANA, CHIEF OF County and Stale described as corner ol '>a•d lot ~in9 8 point •n POLICE RAYMOND C. DAVIS, Loi 8 In bloc:k 540 ol Coiooa the Southeasttrly line of Orange I OT. M. l.ANNIElll, OFFICERS del Mar". 1n the City of Newporl Avqnue as 'hown on said Map, 9 E C l R'R A • n d l AV AL A : Beach. County ol Orange Stale of thence South 50 East a1on3 tne lndMduellJ and H employ• .. of Caflfornla. as per map recorded 1n NOt1heas.ierly oO<Jndory ot 581 Lot Ille l ent• Ana Polle• o.p.,1,.,.,.t; Book 3. Pagea 41 arid 4:> ol 425 'I feet to tne true po101 or end DOES I through XXV, M1sc:etlaneous Maps in the office ot 1>eg1nnu,9 ll•enct Soutn 50 Eas1 lnc:luel••· C R t along said Nonheute•ly tine 60 SUMMON• ~ntyounly ecordl" 0 SA•d feet th<>nce South 40 West 162 57 NOTICEI You heit• been eued. The slreet address int1 01her teel thenc;e North SO West 60 feet. Th• court m.,. dKkM atelMI 1'"' common designation 11 any ol tile 1nMce Norll'I 40 East 162 57 IM!I without your ti.Ing Mllfd unleu real properly described above 19 to the true po1n1 ol bt'Qlnnlng you reepond within IO deya. Reed purported to be 506 Mar.gold More commonly known as 237 lh• lnformallon below. Corona del Ma• Colllornia Patme1 Sl•IHll C.011a Mau.. CA 11 you wlsl'I to ... k ,.,. advlc;e 01 The uoders1gneo Trusiee Terms of s"e cash in lawlul an altorney In 11111 m1111er. you d11cl11ms any 11ao111ty lor aoy money 01 the Untied Slates on ~le should do so promptly ao lhet ~ tnc:o<"rectoess or Ille slreet aooress or part cas11 and balance evidenced wr1t1en response II any. may be nd h8f de 1 1 o~ note secured by Mollgage or hied on 11me P 01 common signa 10" 1 TruSt ~don ll'le property so sold av 1 a o I U 1 I e d h • a Id o any. aN>wn herein .. . Said sale Wiii be mooe but Ten percent 01 .1moun1 bid 10 be demendado. El lrlbunef pu•d• 'f'lllhoul covenant or watt anty dP.posned with bid d9c:kllr c:onlra Ud. aln evdleMla • express 0, Implied. regarding lllle Bids or otter~ lo be 1n wfll1ng and m.noe que Ud. reeponde ct.nlro posMSs•on, or encumbrancPs to will be received at ll'le eloreseld ct. 30 dfH. Lea fa lnformec:lon que pay the rem,.oing punc•Pal sum ol 0111<.e al any 11mo 11ller 11111 lirtt 119118• lhe notll(sl secured by said e;...d of publ1ca11on nereot and belo•e dale 5 1 Us led oasea aollcller el Jrull. w1lh Interest lhe•eon as 01 aaie conHIO de un abOgado en esle prOVided in '8ld notll(s) advances Daleo '"" 111n day o• Novembf!•, a 1 u n t 0 . deb 8 r fa ha c •, 10 tt any, under the terms ol s.~1d Oeeo t982 1omedl11amente, de Hta mene<a, p l Tru11. lee a. charges and Fran!< r Mead Ill su respiieste eterlta. 11 hay •~una, e1tpeoses ol the Tru11ee and bl 1"6 Allomey 11' I ow puede ser regl1tred1 11 llempo trutls created try said Deed ol June Geuier logi>rl 1 TO THE DEFENDANT. A cMI }rust, for the emount rentonably Leto E Ge1"' complaint hu been llled by l he "llmlted to be '148.701 87 Co·E•f'OUlrt• or lhe pta1n11H agaloll you II yOY wllh to The benellc:l•ry under said Ol'ed Estale ot aa10 Oecedenl delen<l lhls f11wsu11. you mull within of lrust heretofore executed and ""bllslltod Oranae Coast Dally 30 deys eller thll summon• la dallyered to the underaigoed 11 P•lnl ... ,,. 18 1q :>!> Q..., 7 1982 N<ved on you Ille wllh thll c;our1 1 \!Willen Dec:farallon of Oelauft and 537'1 8' written resPonM to the compfafnt ·i Demand lor .Sele nnd a wr111en _____________ 11oa1n1t you'°' lh• relS.I demanded Notice ot Default and Eleclloo to PUBLIC NOTICE lo lh• complalnl, which could result Seti. The unaera1gr1e<1 cauSf'd ao1cJ In oarnl5/'lman1 ol woo••· lolilng of Notio. of Default end Elecllon 10 NOTICE INVITING 810S money or proi>efly 01 other relltf &.it to be recorded 1n the coun1y Not1te 1~ ne•rby g1ve11 1ha1 the reque1ted 1n lh• complaint .wtlere the real ptOC>trly It 1oca1fJd Boaro ol rrusteea ol lhe Hunh11g100 Dated Aug 11, 19110 Oet• No-temt>et It 19112 !lHCh Union High School 0151•1CI .... A Branch. CMlrll Peoc>les fnvetlment and w ill r ece1ve sealed bids lor By Amy Sliva Deputy L.oan Auoc1111on supplying W11J11 Screen CRT fllehllfd O. FretN u u ld Trustee '"'"'"'"" meeting or ~uol 10 the )01)1 Town Cenlet Ori•• By CAAL F spcc1hc11tlona on Ille In lhe olllc11 01 lu11• 2IO ENGELHA.RDT, '810 01111k:I L991111• Hteffl, CA mn Anomey tn Fac.t B1cJ, shall be c.foarly marked (71•) U1•Meo 9916 Senta Monica Blvd Wide S<.reen <.RT tetminols Bid PubHahed Orange Coatt Delly Pll eev.tty H11t1, Cehl 90212 510 llddrl!lltd 10 Allyn t 01. Dec: 7 14. 21. 211. 19112 Tel 12131553·96401 Rowlny Purchatlf\Q Merieger 537&·82 :• 5S3-A900 Hun11ngton Bench Union Hlg~ •• P,11bll1heO Orenge Coast O•lly Scflool O•tiric.I 10251 Yorl.lown l't&IC NOTICE Pilot. N<w. n . 30, Dec ?, 10112 AVf!. ~•11n1tng100 Beach CA 92648 FICTfTIOU• 8UllNt:•• ;• St24 82 ond rtH:~vel.l &IO• t>efote 2 ()()pm , NAMI tT•TIMINT • .. -IC Ml\TICE WttdnelMJ8y, Ol>c•rrib411 15, 1982 111 ,. ·r ,..._ nu Wllleh umo .,,.0 "'" • llld• ...,.111 be lh• lollow1no oera6n It OolnQ '• MOTIC• ~ A~ATIOH ~~oro;•oo n(I ttl!d to Bldg b\Jll~~~~rot MAO 01 OPT()MART, fO I ILL AL C 0 H 0 L IC C.cll bid 'h"ll rNna1n vlhd lor a 1 tt l'fomOlltory Dr W . N-Potl : -~~· per1od or 30 daya •fl•t lht dey e.11cn CA 9:>6e0 T WTIOl'll n Miy eonc.to· • llf)8Clfled lor the r-pt ot bid• J11111e1 H l<rauahaar, 1 tt AVID A. a LtHOA 9 STEVENS rne Board of TrullH• •h•ff b• F'romOf'llOry Or w . HHll)Ofl &e1cti. ~ to the 0e9e'1tntnt ol th• .ao10 judo• of lhR quaflty ol CA O~&eO ofioOe 8ever89 .. co"trol for 11qulpmen1 oll1tred 1no reaervH the lhlt botirltt• It COf'ldutted by 1111 t" Ori 8..,. ._ I Wine C'ubffc right 10 r1111ec1 1ny or 1111 Didi 111\d to tndtvldu11 I h II ....... Arly UfeQuflllllY lhet4"n J•~· H Krau.ii .. r ting ''•C•I lo 1e1 alco o e Oei.a N~rww 73 t(I&? Thi• 11a1_,1 w•• ttled wtlfl 11141 Yet•On..:JO :~.~2A::::i~: A!fy11 flowlt'( O<lOly Cfefll OI Orano-County on lngton leech 0...f Ill t 2t41 Purch•tlflO Meneotr Hew It IH2 ,_ '"" •heel Oreng. cfo.:l Diiiy Publlllltd Orcinoe COOi Diiiy Publlttlld Orenri• COHI Diiiy Daaaml* 7 lU2 PJIOI. NOY 30. ~ 1. 100' 1101 Nov 23 30. oec 7, 14, •N:I ',... Meo U HH·H 4121·12 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITINO BIOS Notice IJ hereby given llJJl\. lhe Ocean View School 0111r1ct 01 Orenge County will receive up 10 bul nor l•tor lhan. 2 00 pm ll'le 22nd day oc Dec:embef 19112 MMJle<I b1d1 for the turn1st10ng ol carpet only to be used It venous scl'IOOls •n lhe 0t11r1c1 S\JCh bid• 111au be rece.veo 10 111e Business Otlice of Iha Otstrict 81 18940 B Streel Hunt1nglon Beacn. Catilornl& 9264 7 and stialf be opened and publlcty reao 11loud at Iha lbOve staled 11,,,. end C>IK• All bods shill b• meoe on bid lorm• lurnished by lhe OtatrlCI The torm shall be ecc;ompen•ed by • certilled cashier 1 cl'lec:k or bid bOf\d lo• 5~ ot the amOYnt ol the Old, mede payable to the order ol the Oceen View Schoof District ol Orange County Ceflfornte Eech bid must coof0tm end be rul;)Onlllvo 10 lhe coollttet doc:umantl Cop1111 of ll'le <atpet spec:1ficai1ons and total Quen111y o f cerpe1tn9 10,'-be rurnraned ••• now on Ill• 10 the Business Olfic;e, Ocean V1l"w SchOOI 0tstt1Cl 16940 B Streel, H11n1tng1on Beech Calllorntt Tne 0191rlct re10•vea ll'le rlgflt 10 re1ec1 on~ or 111 bldt No bldoar may wllhdr•w hit bid lor II pt1r100 ot rorty·ltve (4SI de)'I aller lhe date sel !Or Ille openoog ol bldt SHEILA MARCUS Clet"lt of th• 8o••d OI Trustees Ocean Vw Schoof 01111n:1 Orange Counly. CA Puoffshed Or11ngt1 Coul oe11y P1IOl. Dec 7. 14 19112 5356·&~ M}LIC NOTICE flCTl110U8 8UllNH& NAME aTATIMINl The loltowf~ persor11 ere dOlno OutlMH 81 ALLAN A N O AllfN CNTERPRISES, 200 I TWM<I SllHI P1ece1111a C11h10tnl1 92470 Robert K Jac;kaoo, 200 1 Tw...O Sir"'· Pl1Kent1e. C•fltornla 921170 Lawrence C WhfltlOI. 106'1'2 5,..,. So10 Aoao. Irvine. C111t1or111e 9270& Jem!la L J1ckaon 340 tHI Jelleraon Street l'omon1. Cal1lorn1e 91787 Barry A Blithe, 99 83rd Pf.Ve Apt • 7, long J!Hch. Cehlorrn1 90103 Rotlll•I F Allon, Jr '4400 MI OAllllur 80llllVAfd, Suite 370. N...,poft ~h C1k10tnll 026e0 T 1'119 butintt• It conductfld by a general pannetth>P RQWt I( JKll-1 Thlt etel~I wll lllild \!with 11141 County Clerlt of Or•no-C0Ut1ly on Nov U , IH 2 A"8119fld"8tl •• .....,. .. L_ ...... Al1Mlf .....,8"1, ...... "' .............. 0 ....... -,..,. 'u1111111eo Ot1no• Coe11 01lly ,Mol Dec 1 14, 2f 21. '"~ ~ 1iu-aa • ~.... ,.... o'I 1.uo 1 o•a1101 .iift • .,,, ?i'• 1 llflJl'•'4t•# •U•lt1itt•li-1t.,••..fwf .. t iiiiiiiilrir_~L~U~XU~R[Y THEATRES="--•••• Plus Superm1n II (PG) ET Tl II EXTRA· •le TFRRI STRIAL [jlf? Al~J>o',JJli~l\~ (PG) .ALONE IN THE DARK [lJ ~ Q CR) Drive-ms ppen 6:45 Wffknlohts / 6 :30 W•ends Children Underl2 fret Unless Noted * •AAQAIN MATINEES• -{ Monday thru S1turday All Perlorm1nces before 5:00 PM fflctpt Spec.al En91,.ments and Hol.,1ya1 LA MllAOA MAll lO Mttooo ot •o•ecron' LA MIRADA WAUC-IN 994·2400 "THE MAH FROM SHOWY RIVER" 1oot , .............. .... "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" 101 .,,.. .. ___,...,. .__ .......... te.At "C REEPSHOW" 101 IN OOU Y ._,._.._~•um LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" 1001 •,.... ao..e' arr•o ,..._ ....... "VICTOR/VICTORIA""'°' ... , ..... "ARTHUR" ~t , .... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll lN "AH OFFICER AHO A GENTLEMAN"' 1•1 ,.t..:.& .... IUI,,... "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" 1001 11'.Ja.~ ..... ,... "FIRST BLOOD" 1111 ......... ~ ........ Jocu11y at Conole•ooo 213/531·9510 "THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS" ~•1 ..... ..._ . ., .... , ... "MONSIGNOR" fl'i "-"!'···---... "THE MAH FROM SHOWY .. IVE"" (H I '"'"' .. "'•·-- lo• OK<t 0.-..., lt i• '" he Slar11 lO '" IMPORf AIH NOTICl' CMllDllllll UNOlll 12 fll((' ,..,. ,.._., __ Mt•••• _,..,.,u, .. C.. Fl IGUllO •'WI! •• CM~ IS TGIA-111 • "° ... w llAOIO WITll O«IOI .caSSOtrt l'llSlllllll --UI l'OllWU:I•-.& ~ -.. Oii NI -. ._.,., ... ,, ... ANAHEIM ORl\ll ·IH ff••wo• ti ot l•,...,, St 17t•tHO "'TH[ HOUSE W"EAE Ctlll DWEl..LS'' 101 .... rOl!CfO YENOIANCl'; fl'l C "t • touhO IUf~A PAQa BUENA PARK DlllYl IN HneOln Aw-e •••• of (t'loft 121·4070 1. "'"' nua CHAIWIAW '$ MAUACM " 1111 lfllifl~ji 2--1'14E MUTCU:A\IUI r~t't MAUACllr Coll ,r., ;'°?- J "f "' 8\ITCHlll"t•I ::•/'~ Clllf••-'-'!f..., "LUNCH WAGON GIRLS" 1• " ... "THE CHEERLEADERl " 1111 C"'lH- "CREEPSHOW" 1•1 -"0 "1111 ---~----~-----&utNI> J>AP .. LINCOLN DRl\ll IN t""'-0•" A"'• Wetl Of C"Oft 121·4070 J( UNIAI~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORl\11 IN to" O·•oo ffWY ot ttoou~wtt• oo) 9'2·2411 "ntf MAN "'OM I NOWY 111\IEll" IN• -"l llilf 8ANO"r "TH£HOUH WHl ll[ ElllL DWILLS"t•l -'011CED tlfNQE:ANCl" 1•1 Cl'illl- "E.T." , .. , "Fl .. IT •LOOO" Oii --"BRONCO BILLY" fN 1 "MAD MAX" .. 1 ~--~(Ml-"'°""'°---.._ __ __.,._ ___ _,Cllll--'--"----~--.. _1 LUNCH WAGON Gl .. LS" l"l 1 ·=·:--•AT lllDOllllOffl -a. •za""o" 1•1 "THE CHEEAl.lADElll" fl'I ). •TMt t All AMPICAN lllllOIN ____ c1_111 'I IOU!ICl"'="---'"""::.•_.1..... ___ e_~'--"_.-.-..~--1"-"' A 14 A ALI A lA HABRA 11~1~! IN ............ '""" ..... ,.. ...... 17Hltl ....... ORANGE l1lllVI IN "'"'IT 9l.OOD" fl'I -"MAD MAX"1111 0 ' ~ I MISSION l>lllVI IN . . - WAa:lNfR I<· ' ... _,. .. _ .......... au•111 U lOllO U llDUI GAOYI '"• " ,,,.,., °' ,. ' '• r • 1 "" t1• lf\0 •.11 '110 U I COllA llllA 1011111'111 U lllT -llllOIOll atAtll •d•M"1l(..f••hit(,M1f1 f' .. t, t l•_,,y.,_.tff411o .. J ·~ • t •' "4 vt•IHI 1Jf11•'• 1/111111 •001A. CO•IA Ill.IA II• i:..-,.~oOu~t• OHllOf t ~. ,, t, !tr.I OllAllOI "" 0 .. """ ~U Ul•U \ Ot IJllJI! Co st DAILY PILOT /Tue day, Dectmb r 7, 1982 THE t '.\'91Ll' CIRCl'N BIGGt;ORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) Pt;.\~l'T8 by Bil Keane ""' • ,, "Which one are you saying 'no' to, Mommy?" "Which on•'• your lt1d1r?" \. .. ~.\R~.\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson DE:\:\IS THE ~E!\ACE Hank Ketchum 1 ~ IU.1J I --1 j ~ • " "I told you last week that bones are not on our menu!" ~'::=?. • ~ 1 CAAT STAY~ l)NNER,M'.JM l lX> L4lE ~ ~~ Jl'DGE PARKER HE MUST .-<NOW 'YOU. MR OAIVER' THE TP,UTH 1S n1AT I GOT 1' PHONE CALL OCP.ECT\.Y FROM HIS BUSINESS ~ WHO AEOUESTEO~T 'IOU eE SENT THE ~-=--­FOUR BEST SEATS IN THE HOUSE 1 ACROSS 53 Malar 57 Skinned MONDAY'S PUmESOLVED 1 Guy S8 ACIOf' Greene 5 Anllmooy 59 'OK Preli• 61 Accuse 9 Punlsn 62 Willow 14 C11tlornt1 city 63 Flc>Wer 1s 111111n nver 64 Preposition 16 Supine 65 Ni<:kt 11 Neel •s -66 Schism :... 67 Hundredths 18 Claim ol yens t9 G•ueho gear 20 liMglft DOWN 220tbut• 24 lOW·ptlc:ed 1 Cigar 28 °""'" 2 Accept • 1111. 27 llvtly 2 WOfdS 2tMfTgtld 30 Small coin 33 Pit Vlpet 3 Mine tunnels t.:J:J~~=..c:;..-.;"""'......, 37 Re11ttvn 388Ntto - • An1111 30 Oftnetl 5 "MyG•t -' 31 lnlheplll 8 CrulM 32 Addict 7 Slotnf\it 33 T tnt group I Stupid 3• Gtm 39 Thin tllck 9 W1ttr source 35 Wt1ll ..0 tntttv.. 10 Te11e1 38 Mtny tr11 • t Htjfy !NM 11 loud Olltcry 37 Roman •2 JllktflY t2 PltOt Prtl•• glldlator •• Ltytt 13 POd content• 40 FolloWff• •5 -tnd Pop 21 OtowM 42 Ammo lltm 4f ~ 23 lnlllllgtnU 43 M'Yd'Y' 47 °""'Y lltlt 25 Oool up 45 CrHtora 49 -up ~t 28 Coronary -4 7 Wlllllf'll Rote- •8 Accuslom 50 Mell dlth 51 Pretend 2 wordt 52 Lovely spots 53 Yolltl 5' NVloM 55 "-oo l>ttgh 68NofM ••plOflf IOAST Itta en hOul' by Harold le Doux SOMETIMES MO.\\ PEDAL' THIS 810UE Ulo..E ~E'S A RACE DRIVER ... ((- l'Vf: 1AKE:l\l A GOOP J..OOK Al MYSS..F, ANCl I t:t?N'I l..IKe WHA'fl seE.· rboAY WE MUST BE 601N6 E)(T~A SLOW ,, .... 7 ( CHf:!:R U~ JUV'GE: •• weR'{ MAN HAS FAUL.15 ANP FAIL..INGS. l 61Vc UP. AUNT FRITZI, ·MAY I SIT ON YOUR LAP? PHOOEY-· I STILL WANT TO 51T ON SOMEONE'S r-~~ LAP l'l'~K \' "INKER BEA!\ WEL..l , Ii L.001<5 UK€ IT'S ~ININ& TOO HARD 10 PRAC.1lc.E OUTSIDE 100t¥,> ! :!.'M New A-r "fH IS, Kt DCi'O ... c:s~ve ,,.. 1"o M IN F't.-AIN NGL-ISH I • . ONe e>ANANA AND 1"RIF'f! 5ANCi'WICH 'TO c:;o ?'!! ' . j J •• 0 • • ( I .. 118 Or UllUll t.ooett IJAll y f.Jll l) I/ I 11ut.cJ11y 0 C:I mtH ' 1, I 82 AB how dedicated to late actor Tmu~ht'i. t•p1so<l1.! o f "LaV1.•r 11t .ind Sharh•y" &!> ht•ing dl-dll'Ull·d rn nwmory of Larry R11·t·d111~ • who hmJ l.llJJ>l''" t"d sevl'rul t11111•i. o n tht• show Tht• S JH'l'IUl ded&l'Hlion show will 1.11r 1111 ABC al H:30 Brt.'l'<hng. :t::i. w;u. kalh'll S 1.•µ,t • 'Nova' xaill1ne wh a l es up close tonight lh .. 'Rim IWT1t11;Na1<.;n o A~ hlewl110n W1ll•1 NEW YOU K St.·11•11(•1' I HIN l'lllTI\' 11 1011~ V..'t•V "" ll•l.-v1111<111 1<1111•1• "Mt1 W1i,111I" w11w1•d w1 with lw. tud111 1•x 111·111111•11 IN '1'111111.iht . "Nuv 11 " 1•i.a1111111•" ~my whult•1> Uf>, du:.1.• uml 1nt1mull'ly N1•xt Tut ... d.1 '" tht· 1oe.·1t nu fm1}trum hit< tws " rrdt· ,;., tt11· wnrltl' h1uh SJ)t't'll ll'iltll' yt·111 r uunil Th111 111 1lw IUtlt wN1"4>1l uf "Nu v il ," whrdl h.ui u fund1n1e nm11111tr111·11t I mm John">Lm & Johni;un 1111.11111111u1· tlw "•'ttl'!o m·x t 1.•u-;cm Ont· w11111l1•1'h w hy tlw way wh:th· IHI( I ht• lllui.t Ill lt•1•1•i.t I llR Of plt11t11u1·1111 w l11tl1• ,., tlw unly i.lus Wlllul1L -1 .-./- Old f1>0lJ.igt• h OWli tht• dlHffiUlltling 11( tht· ttnltntilli b y lt11..• whullng 111dui.try, wh11·h cinu· lftrippt·d tht.> hufl•' lwJ11t11 nncJ pr <Jl.'t•111wd th1..·1r bluhlx•1 Into oil und UM'<.! tht• btmt•s foe l>Ul'h thtngi> O.S <'OrM•I.' Tht· un1y whul1·. whwh lit :J~ ft.'l'l lung untl wc11Jh1 'l!l twi ... 111 :lbo M..'t.'.ll .m u 111..at1ng lic:ent:. a court:.hlp that lx>gtn!o un llli unnuul m1gruuon from J\laskn tu Cull form a. 2 7 I n a l' a r a t' c 1 d C' n l 1 11 lloll yw0i.1t.l lit· as surv1v1.•d by his n1otht-r. G1'0rgaam1 Bn'l.·d111g of Fallbruok, .111d 1.1 s1s 11.·r. l'.1111 Brt.'t.<d111g ul L..a.:un.1 N1gu1.•I B o rn Wc1 rrt.•n Lawn•111·1· BrN•d 111g an J at·k sunv1ll1', Ill . Bn•t•dang had num<•roui. TV cr<'d1 t.s 111dudang starring roll-,. 111 NBC's "Who's Wa tC'htn~ Ttw Kids" and CBS'~ "Th l• L u,.1 Toui~lal'e .. l.nvt•r1w Slairlt·y .. dt•dic·ntt•J 11w 11tor) of l.ur ry Urc·c·cli ng. and in C'n111p11n•d tu AH<. .. ,.. «0111pt•t1llo11 ot "l11tppy Days" allll "L aVt•r111• und S hlf•lt·y." pulil11· lt·l1·v1:.111n's "Nova" 1~ a wortt1wy 1h.-ullt•rnut1vc. (Tht• t~~~1~~~'.~'i~:'.;-s ut fJ p rn on KCt.::T, l)\•vuttn~ a full hour to om• sul>.)(>t'l sl•t•llls lllo IJru1• a11 unJt•1·1ak1ng fur "Nova," wh1l·h h.ai. l ci.s money to liJ>'.:.nd th;111 th•· rwt works tlo for hour long dUt'U1H1•11t:1ril~ W;.11\t.'r CronkH1•'s "Univc.•rsl•," u :!O tninUtl' program, did lx..·tH.•r. lm.·klang Sl'Vt:'rul current S('ll!n<·<.• dl•vl'lopml.•11 t.s on t'ach bro<!d<:ast. • Thi 11hotour·a111'1y of 1lu· gruy whole· 111 m ut1011 11> dl:.aµp111nl1111(. not th1 • Hlll'Hl'llYl' Nj)('\ lfldl.• CJfft•n •d l)ll uth1•1' 11111111111 µroJ(n1rn~ Jn fat'l, at times 1t'11 d1ffwull tu s1•1· w ltwh 1·11tl nf thl· whull· lio lip I 11 n •po,•·. huwc•v 1.•r, th1• docile 111:1111111alN allow human~ to gN t'lusc• C'l\ougla tu tt1ud1 Thi· Hmmals hav(' no llll>t11w11v1.• ft•ar ''' 111..an In Southt•rn (.':1lrforrau. p<·o pll' pny $1() to sptmd thll'i' hours Wtlh Llw ways You ('Qll t.'Vl'll SJJC.'nd $1 .000 for a long-lt'rm l'Xl ur 1011 w thc•1r horn<•:.. "No vu" 1s n1or" 111 tc•n•Kllng nc•xt wt•l'k wht•fl It rNurns to lanJ and 1nvt•lit1.iaws th(.l h1gh-s pt.•1.'<.I trami> of Euroix· und Japun llut the• s how bogs down 1011..• in t h1• broadcas t wrth mcktarl p<trty hand-shalung, when buslnt'SSllll'n rn Jap<ln and the United SWll's consldl'r lfralR to bring the !iUJX•r trams here ..and "A lll't.' " La'>l sumnu•1 he uppt.•,1r"d an "Dt•alhLrnJJ" al Thl• L1ttlt'} Tht·al1..·r o n Th<• Squurl' 1n Sullivan. 111 Rt.•sorl." lit• also guest sturn.J 111 "Tht.• Lov<• Boat," "Bight ls Enough," "Bad News Bt!<irs." "Lou G'•"~ ""''' H is film t'rcd1ts anc:ludc d "Young Otx.·tprs in Love" and a starring roll' in "Slr~l Musu:." But CBS ~HVl' "Universe" only a sumnwr showcus('. so PBS d~!lcrvt'i. ~·n'C.llt Cor bringing sdcncc to vicwl-r.. "Novu" nott•:. thul lhl'Sl' whales. proll•c.•wd by 19:$7 lcKislution that 1Jrohib1ts their hunung. Me worth mon • ullve than dL•ad IX't.'llUS(' of their popularity wilh tounst.s. Am <:r1l·a 's fastes t train . The Mc:lroltner b<>tween New York and Wushmgton, averages 80 mph. A Mt.•troltner official maintains that it L'Ould go 130 mph if tl didn't share the ru1Js with heavier and slower freight trams. # ,.,, EVENING 8:00 I u u NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS One or 1118 Angels becomes the target or an assassin fJ EIGHT IS ENOUGH Fearing that the other chil- dren may follow the gorls in moving out, Tom sets up a no-rule• tyS1em for the houMhold ID M•A•S•H The op1><ess1ve Korean heat gets to eve<yooe. espec1ally Khnger Cl) HAWAII AVE--0 The daughter of a detpl&ed Latin Amencan dlctltor Is kidnapped near h4lf Uolverslty of Hawaii dormitCNy. flD BUSINESS REPORT "11) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "Sculpture Meaning IThr!S;m .. THE PRICE IS RIGHT MOVIE **It "Nicholas Nicllleby" (1$47* Derek Bonet Cedric Har~e. B8MCI on lhCI cllMlc: by Cherlee 06ct<ens. A young lad attempts 10 protec:l his remlly trom an uncle'• wicked Influence. (B)MOVIE * •'h "March 01 The Wooden SOidiers" 119:µ1 Stan i..urel, Ot<Y9I" ~ardy Two men find themselves In 1 lantuy world toy lhop. CD) NEW STARS IN THE NA.GAl.AXY Marcua Arlen and Kenneth Sims era amono the rook- ies profiled In this look a1 the NFL'a POlentlal 54.1~­ atart 8:25 ti) PLEOOE BREAK Regularly acheduled pro- gramming may be de4ayed due to Pledge.breaks. 8:ao m ALICE fD MACNBL I LEHR.ER REPORT m OAOWINO YEARS "ChlldhOOd To AdOles-cence·· (l)QIJNEWS ®J BA~MIUER Alter • palnlul case ol bite and run. Wojo laces the prospec1 of rabies unless he can overcome his fear or llMdles. I WOALO Of PEOPLE 7:00 CBS NEWS NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Marlon transforms herself Into 1 veiled bel\.lty when lhe lt111s lhe might lose Howard to 1 younger wom- an • ~APNEWSQ Jeulc;a chooMs be!WMn Cheeter and Oet Donohue. and 8ur1~1 llhe>cking late Is r-led. Cf) NEWS G) THREE'S COMPANY J-1..J>rtng1 1 date home and finds Jecil and Chrissy In the bedroom. I Qt JOKER'S WILD NORTH TO TFIE TOP Of' THE WOAlO Netllfalltlt John and J-1 Foeter tue ~· on e journey to within 420 mllea of the Nortll Pote ""'*1 they Yltlt Cenlde's High AtcUc lllenda. • IU81NE88 REPORT Cl) P.M. MAOAZINE 'A look et Ille SR·7 I, an Amerlcen IPY plane that crultM et 3,000 feet pei eecond·; • women who Miis eofl eoulpture dolll aa crlll'le~rent1. 0 f.HTt.RTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Merv Or1fflrl • OAAHOE COUNTY TODAY ~ An dy W illiams a nd Aileen (Juin n tar in "'Andy William · Early ew E ng la nd Ch ristma .'' to night a t I 0 on Cha nnel 2. ., • • '' Allee, Sweet Alice ' ( 1978) Linda Miller. Paula Sheppnrd Members or an 1tallan-Amerlc1n family are vlcttmtz.ed by a psychOtle murderer jn lhetr midst 'R' Z MOVIE * * * * "Animal Crac:I<· ers" ( 19301 Maril 8rolhers. M11garet gumont Captain Spauldinsf, the African .. ~. retuma rrom • r-' eicpeditlOfl to WfMk havoc at • aoclety matron'• weeleend party "'G' 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a COt.tple W'ho aupplem&nt their food lllOj)plng With I f(tp ·~ oery ttore dumpstets, a con_,tlOfl for red heeds only. people are put In a z:ero gr •vity cyt1nder U RACCOONS ON ICE Animated Rich Lrttle. Rita Cool•dil• and Leo Sayer prov1<1e rhe voices for this musteal spec:lll 0 BLOOO AND HONOR The rise IQ power of Adolph Hiiier causes vary- ing reactions among three l1mlll111 of dlHetlng becll- grounds 1n this look at the early days of NW Germa. i (Plrt I) EYE ON LA, MAO.AME'S PLAOE Cf) COl.LEOE BASKETBALL De Paul"' 1111noo.1 St1te G) M•A•S•H H•w1<eye and Trapper. With an uSlst lrorn Radat. make up a lletltlOus cap.. taln In order to donate his 11111.!}'._ to 11n orphanage G) C1J TIC TAC OOVOH '1i) MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING @) YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured "Tl.._ Day The Amazon Flows B1ck- w1r<1s" •nd "Wntlng On A Raw Egg Yolk " 0t FAMILY FEUD m cou..eoe BASKETBALL lndlana f"oghtln l100Sler'S "' Notre Oeme Foghllng lrtsti ffi) HENRY FONDA: THE MAN AND HIS MOVIES Tho on and oll screen Ille ol one of America's favor- ite actors 11 traced with him clip• of tome of his bell movlet lnciudlng "On Golden Por>d" Which won "'"' an 09C8t 8:00 f) (I) BRING 'EM SAO< ALM Buck retuciantly egr-to guide the IWO-lec:ed Bnun- dl Into the )unglil. uneware that he 11 C41rrylng • valu- able gem 11olen from Glo- r1e·111fe U 0) FAlliER MURPHY A teller ol'tall tat" con- vtncee the townspeople Ille! John Mlclleel MIKplly It e lamout benk robber U aJ HAPPY DAYS Competition from • ,_ lhopj)lng mall th<eeten1 to put Cunningham 11ardwere OUI of buslneaa. 0 8 A Cffk.0'9 CAY Thie documentlry pre· sen11 e close-up looll at cnlldren auuggltng With the dally threat or violence, hunoer. oppression and ~lrltual darkness ID MOVIE • • • "Tor11 Torel Tora!" ( 1910) Martin 81lsam. Joseph Cotten In Oecem· ber 194 1. Jap.nese forces ready tllemMllYee 10 mount • maUNe lir Hsault on ~Hllbor • MOYIE * * * "Voyage 01 The Oamned' tPan 2) (1976) Faye Ounaw•y. Oskar Werner In 1939. a ship· toad or German Jews "' forced ro return to Getme'" ny eftat ti.Ing denied perw- mlsatOn to enter Cuba. ti) NOVA 'Wl\llil Watch The meg- nllieent gray whales are ronow.o BIOng their annual mar•tllon mlgratlOfl, and an intimate ,,_ or family hie among these highly 1n1811igent 1>e1nos 11 1><e- sen1ao o '1i) PL.EOOE BR.EAK Reoularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due 10 pled99 breaks CC) MOVIE • •'It "Belle Starr" (194 O 0-Tte<ney, Randolph Soott A daring woman le1ve1 lier horn• to become the teaOet ot an outlaw band at the oloMI of the Civil War {5H"OVIE * * * "The Freoch Ueu-1en1nt's Woman" ( 1981) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons An elfalr belWMn two a<:tor1 It paralleled In lhe romantic period film In which the two are perform- !~ 'A' UMOVIE • • • ·~ .. Acrou The Great Owlde" ( 1976) Rob- ert Logan. Heather Rat- ltey Two orphaned c;hil- dren Ml out Mone aoroea the Rocky Mounta•ns In order to clllm a term In Oregon wttlch they 1nhef1t- ed 8: 15 Qi) TOO&l'H(A.M CONCERT: TEX 8EHEKE AND HIS ORCHESTRA Tu Beneke end hi• orcheatr1 are joined by Holen O'Connell end Sob Eberly lor 11 1111u1e to the music of the 1940. from Wolf Trap F11m Park for the Performing Art1 8:30 D 9 LAVERNE& SHIRLEY Lever ne Inadvertently beCOmeS • leshlon model wlllle 19yltlg on her ptloto- ~~:rlend Q * * * "Ft11h Gordon" ( 1980) Sam J. Jones, MP Von Sydow. A trio of earthllng• traYBI to the plan.I Mongo end help Ill oppreeeed lnllebltanll In the overthrow Of the Wit Cmt*O< Ming 'PO' 8'416 CZ> C*B•MCON! 9:00 8 ()) JOHNNY CASH: A MEMY MEMPHIS CHA181'MM ,CHANNEL LISTINGS June Certer CHh, floeenne Cun. Cryttel Oeyte, l!dd19 Rabbit end lhl Mlgl'lty Ctouda of J<!y Jotn JoMny Cull for • hOI· : 9 l(NXT ICBSI 0 I D ICN8C INACI 1 e l(TLA (Ind I " • .l(ABC I ABCI c e KFMO ICB~I •• . D KHJ TV llnd'1 ff) I e KCST I AOCI l 1 e KTTV lllld I • 1 • KCOP lV llnd I • e 1<CET tP8Sl • e 1<0CE IPB$1 On TV l TV HBO IClncrm11a 1 IWO!ll NY N Y' IWlB~I IESPNI 1Snow11me1 $QOlllQlll tCabll! NI'''"' N"'twvrll I ldey 1peol1I from ' ~11,Ten-. D lllJ OAYI~ lntemetlonel lleroln ~· (lier• kidnap Mio In ord« to -• Oavlltln'• 8'Bllt• 1ll'ICM In lhelr hOel opefB- tlon .. ,........ • OOIW'NfYC a&.YGMHMI ~ 1.=o.m • * ~ "Our Time" ( 111'1 Pamela Sue Martin, Parker S111vanson The llvee ol 1wo young couples en1ol1ed er private IJChootl ere chenged when one or lhe girls d11Cover1 She IS pregnant 'PG Cl ) MOVIE • • • 11\-"La Dolce Vite" (196 l)'Marcollo Mestrolen-- nl. Anita Uberg. A wealthy and bored mon of modern Rome trios to change his llle11yto 9:10 fli) MYSTERY "Melissa" Or Swanley lnslstl thll Guy wes under hll ~yc:h atrlc care, and a lrlend or Mell11&'1 reveals lh81 lhe was 1 compulsive amble< (Part 21 Q 9:30 ®l tT05 INOEPEHOENT NETWORK NEWS '1i) 1M2 U.S. NATIONAL BALLROOM OAANO CHAMPIOHSHIPS Hlghllghtt of the National Ballroom Grand Cham- pionships, featuring per- lormanoes of 1 wide range of danc ... 1<e pr.-.nted. 10:00 9 Cl) ANDY WILLIAMS' EARLY NEW EHOLANO CHRISTMAS Anoy WllH1m1 and special guesll Dorothy Hamill. AlleM Quinn. Oictr I/an Patten alld ftuttst Jlm8$ Galway rec:epture the spirit •nd joy ol an 18ttHlentury • New England Christmas from the Shelburne Muse- um In Shelburne, Vermont. U Qt ST. ELSEWHERE An eternen1 or tear grips the ll01p1111 wt.en several patoenll dl9';1ln<Ser mytterl- ou1 clrcurrlatanoea, and Of Cavanero feudt with 1 r~tlulnurM •G e NEWS (!I HART TO HART The Hatt• act out a den· 119'0UI Clletede ...... "" women~ to.,. Jonath•.n tllt" tllem 11c»- {ir~v1E • * * "HuStf1ng" ( 1975) ~ee Remick. Monte Merk- h•m A women -~er. t•k" a llrethend look et the b~ world of PfOltitUtlon al) THE VIRGINIAN When an Old friend II lynched the Vl<glnien .... out to find lhe guilty par- 1181 IC)MOVtE **·~"Serial" { t980J Mar- tin MUN, Tuetday Weld ,. happlly mtrrled Marin County couple are apurred by lhfllr trendy neighbors Into exploring alternatlve llleetylet 'A' (SJ A NEW DAY IN EO£H A ~I family turn• 1 small 1own Into a model -reju119nlllon pro;ect. f Ptwl 8) 0 MOVIE It •'• "The 8order '(1981) Jaot< Nk:ttotaon. Valene Perrine A Texu bordet gu11<1'1 veluee come In conlltc:t With thoee of hit cor1UPI co-wbf'tters end hl1 meter11n1t1C Wlle. 'A' t0:15 ID THECASEOF DASHIELL HAMMETT A lllm portrait of Samuel Oashletl Hammett lncludea ~ from Franclt Ford Coppola'• new movie et>oUt the author end lnter- vlewt with hit longtime compenlon Ult1an HellmM. Ut'.30. INDEP£HDENT HETWOMNEWS STANOINO ROOM ONLY _ •. "Country Rodl-'t2'1-T Oak Ridge Boye, Tiie Charlie 01nlel1 81.nd ~ AoHnne C11h perl0rm 111et1 t11teat hit• In thl• ben- efit concert taped 11 Ille Pine Bluff Convention Cen- ter {Q)MOVIE • • "Teen·eoe Hltchh•k· er1" ( 1974) Kethl9 Chfl1to- pt1«, Sendre P .. body "R' M>MAHCE: llENEATH THEMAOIC (f_lfl I) 11:oo ••••CI>oa NIWI I IA TUfllOA Y NIGHT 1H IEAACH CW ... HAMV-0 lllT OF BIZAME John Byner "-VOii ti.lng1 ttreno-then truth, 111ger tl)en Nie, end tenler then anything yau've --11:" I ..... MPORT 11:*1 ()) QUINCY Quincy'• 1n-11ge11on Of • loen tl\Btk '1 murc:lef INd• him to .,..,.,,_ tllllt the yovng~ wflO con..-to the crime did no1 r..-Y oomll'llt It (R) D (ftTOHIGHf Hoel JOflMy Cinon. e O MCNIWI NIGHTUNI • YOU AIKID '°" rT FM1"'9d "Thi Dey TN Ameion fflow• l ack· -d•" encl ·~1n11 On A Rew Eto Voll " enocua (l)NQCll'Ml.-0• ~ "'"---.... ,,...., OWi" encl ~ .... " • performenot fl'\)1'11 ltlt MW IDBI TDPPIRS KNX.T (2) 8:00 -"Bring 'Em Back AliVl'. .. Buck re luctantly agrc..'<.'s to gu1dl· th(' two.faced Bhundi into the jungle, unaware that he is carrying a valuable gem !Holen from Gloria's safct. KNB C (4) 9 :00 -"Gavilan ." lntcrnutional he roin smuggle rs k idnap Milo in order to ensure Gavilan's assistance in their illegal operation . KABC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." The Harts aC't out a dangerous ch arad e when a h\t w oman assigned to kill Jona than takes tht.• hostage. Umversol Amphitheatre in LO, AnQ.iet 11:35 (CJ MOVIE • • "Let's Do It Agaln" ( 1975) Sidney Po1t1et. B•ll Cosby A milkman and a lac1ory worker engage In belllng and hypnotism to ralM funds for their lodge 'PG' 11:45. AAT CW BEING HUMAN "The lntrleale Eye" 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TOHIGHT An lnl..-vtew with Me<V Griffin U QJJ THE LAST WORD fJ MOVIE • * "Belled Or A Gun- fighter" ( 1963) Marty Rob- bin•. Bob B1rron An un1poken hoslihly between two outlaws 1ntenlll• When they both fall lor lhe seme gnl ;= '*** "Meet.r Of The World" (196 II Vincent Price, Charles Btonson A man 1trMng for world peace trlel to eliminate th• armamentt of all nations. Cl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Love Nes1" Ir-gell '* neoghbor 1rrB1ted 81 I peep.ng Tom (H)MOVIE * • "Anet Alslgnment • ( 1980) Genevieve 8ujOld, Mietlael York A Canadian TV rec>orter In Moscow d•s- COWl'I 1 Russian ac1ent1roc experlmenl using aterO!ds on children and smuggles Incriminating materlal out or the country. ·po· fO)MOVlE * • "Indecent Expasu<e" (198 I) Verontc. Hert, Jes. sieSt J- 0 MOV1£ * • "Sa1urd1y The 14th" ( 196 I) Riehard Benjamin. Peula Prll'llJN A couple dllCCM!f that lhe hOule they've Inherited " being occupied by vampires, ghOstl and aeeorted mon- ttllfa. 'PG' (?)MOVIE • • "Buddy, Buddy" (1961) Jack Lemmon, w .... ter M1tth1u While an asaesefn conoentratN on hit nex1 klN1ng, he IS rlldefy lntetrupted by• bumbllng laflur• of a men wtto •• ltl411!!Pting eulc:lde 'R' t2:'30 D Cll LA TE HeOHT WITH OAYIO LETTEMlAH G11e11 comedian Myron Cohen 8 (!) TOM COTTLE: UP Cl.Oil. ., L~ AMERICAN STYLE "Love And Tiie Tycoon" V1ne1u ge11 Involved w1th the he11d of het company 12:40 f) Cl) MCMILLAN & WIF£ Sgt Enright It lfrettod for the murder of hit e11-Wile. (A) 1:ooe MOVIE • • • "The Naked Runner" ( 1987) Frenk Sinatra, Pet« Vaughen Br II Ith lntalllgence raqUMtl thll an Amertcen butloeelnlen ......inete • detactor wtille In Eelt Germ1ny with his ton 8 MOVIE * • * "The lmpotelble Yeert" ( tteel OeYld Hlwn, L048 Albftolll A ·-~ gift grOWI "P ovwnlght mUGh to her fllthtr' a en.. ~: ~'"9 Acl\<enturw" (1947) Duncen Renaldo, Mortin Oarrelaga. ., MOVIE • • ·~ "Hero'• 111and" ( 1962) James Mason, Nev· ille 'Brand In Ille 17001, 1 plrete and a former slave battlil to keep en 1sl1nd off \#the C11'ol1ne.s lrom f1.ll1ng to the control of a pair of ~eedy brothers OJI ENTERTAINMENT TOMOHT An lnterv1-with Merv Gr1ll1n l$)MOVIE • * "Enter The Nln)e" (1981) Franco Nero, Susen George An American mar- tial 1rt1 expert M IS out to avenge the murder of his 11811 friend 'R' 1:30 tJ a NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT CO)MOVIE • • "Turkish Oehgllt" (11174) Rutger Hau«. Mon- ique Ven 0. v.,. A young -.,tor mltl'IM a -wnoee appatlle for fun m•tcnas hla own 'R' O MOVIE * * • '>\ "The Lot • Tycoon" (19761 Robert OeNlro, Jeanne Moreau In the Hollywood ·or the 1930s. one m•n'• auccess makes him Ille friend of '""· the envy ot power-hu~ry execu11~. end the moet eligible bachelor In town 'PG' t:35 (H) MOVIE • • "Ofl Heavenly Dog" ( 1980) Chevy Chase. Ben~. While lnvestlgaling a polltl- cal M.X -nd•I In London, e pfi111te detective Is mur- dered and reincarnated as a tcrutly dog 'PG' 1:~ {CJ MOVIE * • • "0 Lucky Ment" ( 1973) MelcOlm McDowell, Ralph Rlehardaon A c:ol· IM telatman II Uj)li.Ked IS e IPY Ind tent 10 pfison Where he oontemplates 1 cer-In lhe mOllias 1:45 (Z) MOVIE • • •; "Sktdoo' (1968) Jackie OIMlon, Grouc;ho Marx An e11-hit man Is 11d- ed by his daughter .and her "flo-children" friend• In eteaplng 1 powerful mob boss who'• out to get h1m for not c:errylng out 1 oon- trect 'PO' 2:00 9 Cl) cea NEWS ...aHTWAT~ 2:301:::ws 8lAOEAHT BIU<O "WT!efa Th&fe't A Wiii" • MOVIE * * "Higtlw1y Oregnet" ( 1954) Rlcllerd Con le, Joan Bennett, ~n ••- Marine becomH the acapegoat wnan • beautl- lul girt 11e·1 known casually • It found murdered. 2:~(J)MOVIE • • * "The French Lieu· 1-nt'a Woman" (19111) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Iron• An elfelr between two actors 11 p1<elleled In the romantk: period fNm In wtllch the two .... per1ortn- i1 'R' 3:00 MOYE • • • "Bfothlf Of Tiie Wind" ( 1975) Dick Robin- son. A mountain man adoc>ll lour e><phanecl wolf pup• encl daaply cherllhee their COftl!)llllonthlp. C!l llAHUNT l :IO (ft) IT AHOtNO .-c>OM ON\.Y ''Country Aoc:l< '82" The -Oek Ridge Boye, The Cllllrlle Oenlele Bend encl Roeenne CHll peftorm their lllMI 11111 In thla llen• JOHN DARLING ""' COnee<1 taped at the Pine Bturr con...,_tlon een. ter. 3:30 (J) F .AfTH 20 CO) MOVIE • • "Take All 0 1 Me" ( t978 I Aleherd Jonnson, Pamel• Vlnc.nl An embll·. terd conC8" pianist and e young girt dying of leukem- 11 mMt and enrich each other lives l!)MOVIE * * "Enter The Nln)a" ~81) Franco Ne<o. Susan eorge An American m11· t ar11 expert sets out to . avenge the murder Of his bnt friend 'R' (t)MOV1E • • • ·~ "La Oolce Vita" ( 11181) Mar<*lo Mutroian- nl, Anita Ekberg. A Wealthy and bored man of modern Rome trln to change his lifestyle 4:00 Cf) TOP 0' THE MORNING ID MOVIE • 'h "Jagyar" (1955) Michael COnn«s, Barton Mac:l.Mle A lelllSh and oonnhllng oil man stops at nothing, 1ncludlng murdet, In 1111 mercenary c:on- i ts. 4':30 BULLWINKLE 4:45 L.Aff-Ar THON A comedian 11os1 and lour comic contutants who compete 1g1lnS1 one tnother are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 4:50 CC) MOVIE • • ·~ "Corky" ( 1972) Robert Blake, Charlotte RampUng MOVIE •• "Final ANignment" ( 19801 Genevieve Bu,old. MichlelYorll Wedne•d••'• .D •flfl•e •• ., ... 5:00 ©) • * "The Retum" ( 191111 Jan.Mlcnaet Vin- • cent. Cybill &i.pne,d Two people who hid • cloM encounter wilh an alien apec.-crall •f' cl\Tldren -•II the e11en1· Imminent return. 8.'00 ••• "" "The Bof-der" (11181) Jaclt Nlchollon, Valerte Perrine A Teut border guerd'1 walu81 come In conflic1 with thote ol his corrvo1 co-workers and hit m11erllllttlc wit. 'R' 8~30 © '* * ·~ "Heidi" ( 11179) A yoong girl 11 brought lrom h4lf grandl1ther'1 Alpine home to live In the city. CH> * * "Jack And Tiie 8ean1t1lk" ( 1976) Animal· ed. An adventurous young boy cllmbl • giant l>Nll- 111tk to a meglell kingdom governed by • greedy, ~ennlcel glent •o· (OJ ... "Nobody'• Par- ,., .. 119111) Gabe Kaplan, Al911 Karraa Three unlikely lleroee Ml OUI 10 beltle 11141 red 18')9 and burNUCrecy • of city hall. 'PO' {%)**'*"The Wild Geese" (19781 Rlch•rd Burton. Roge< Moore. A group of daring meroener- IM travels to South Alrlea In order to eave e depoMcl ruler from thl ,_ dlcta- torlhlp 'R' 7:00 (!) • ••IA "Jane Eyre" (19441 Orton Wellet, Jo.n Fontaine A young Englllh gover,_ lallt In love With lier brooding, aec:reuve employer. 7;30(1) ... "Jeeu•"(t9791 "Brien DNcon, 'Rlvtc.e Nor. men. The Ille of thl "l<lng of Kings," from hie early yeara u the eon ot a poor c:arpaoter 10 hit lnetlgatlon of the rellglou• and eoc:lal reYolutlon thll Mid to hie death by crucifl11lon. It delellecl ·o · t:OO CC) • * "Thi legend Of Tiie Lone Ringer" ( 1980) Kllnton SplletMy, Chr;tto- ph« Lloyd The lone Rlnglw end Tonto ~ 1half erch-anemy, Butch ea~. wt10 hBI kto- ~ Iha prBlldent Of the U.S 'PO' -® • * t,; "Zorro, The Oey Bled•" (1H T) George Hemllton. Lauren Hutton. Thi hllrolo eon ~ Old Cell- fornle'• famous juttloe flolltw It ~ by • riding Injury. ~ hit ~ lltOlllW 10 don 1118 c..,. encl meall 'PO' t:00. * * "I, 1119 .My'' (1953) 81H Elttot, Preeton Foe1er Blled on the novel by Mickey Spllt-Mika Hammer 1eta out to avenge the murder of his b8S1 Irland (0) * * "Wiiiy Wonl\1 And The Choc:otlte Factory' {1971) G-Wlldaf, Jacll Albertson A world femou1 confectioner offer• a life- time supply ol candY to the live winner• of 1 treasure hunt. (%) It * • * "Animal Crackers" ( 1930) M&1• Brotnera, M1rgaret Dumont Captain Spauld· ing. tile AlricB!I ul)lo<er, returns lrom 1 recent exP9c11tlon to wreak havoc at 1 toclety m11ron's weekend party 'G' t:30 ID * • *\.\-"Gilda" ( 1946) Rita Hayworth. Glenn Ford The wile of • South American c11ino owner lalta In love w1th her hus- band's rlght·hand man. 0 * * * "The Competl· tlon" ( 1980) Richard Orey· lu11, Amy Irving Two pl1n- ls11 at • San Francisco music: competition llnd that &heir love for each ottww conlllcU wtlh thelt prole11lonal ambmons 'PG" 10:00 Ct)* lt\'t "Blolor-Up" ( 1968) OeYld Hemmings. v-ase Redgrave Wiien • young London p11o1og1a- p11er hat tome of his pic- tures blown up, he discov- ers wllet eppeara to be a murder * * * "Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder" (l982) Oennla Ch1lttopher, Sutan Saini "'.,,... "' Army doe1or and • trou- bla-p<one meooc help two nuns b<lng • group of Vlel- nameM «phans to 11lety 'PO' <I) * * "MIOe In Peria" (1966) Ann-Margret, Louis Jourdan A Perle dellgner twee9• 1 fllhlon buyer ott • lier feet. 10:45(%) **"Buddy, Buddy" I 198 I) Jack Lemmon, Wai- tClf M11theu Whl19 an aasanln oonc.ntrat• on hit next kitting, hi It rudely Hlterrvpted by e bumbhng leilure of • man who le attempting IUic:lde 'R' 11:00 cm • • • ·• "Scllnnerl" (1981) Jennifer O'Neltt. Petrick McGoohen A lethel conlllcl erlHs bet--. two lm8lt group$ or people wlloM e11traordl- n1 ry p1yohlc • powers Include the ablllty to klll leleplthlellly. 'R' 12:00 8 * • 'h "Then There Were Three" ( 1962) Frank Latimore, Alex Nlool Our· Ing World WBf II, • Nall offioer hunll through AHled temtory for -ber• of the ltati.tl underground • • • '.+ "The Third Day" (1965) George P99Pet'd, Elizebeth Athley An emnealac: le acc:uted by hit wlte end cousin Of murder- ~ • woman Ind lier Cl'lild CC)• •'h "For Your Eyea Only" (1981) Roger Moore. Topol. Jamee Borid trBCk"'I e criminal wflO purloined 1 top eecret Brttllh defen.M ~.·PQ· * * * "9 To 5" ( 1980) J-Fonde, Dolly Parton. Three working women rebel egelntt their aubjU- getlOn by • mela chauYlnls1 boa. 'PO' CJ) •• "Suddy, Buddy'' (191111Jac:lt Lemmon, Wei.- tar Matthau. w~ eA 8lldtln conoentret• on hle'MJCI kilting, he II rudely Interrupted by 1 bumbling failure ol e men wflO It attempting eulclde. 'R' • • • * "The A9')1\Blt Jungle" ( 19501 St•ling Hayden, J-Whitmore. The pollQ9 •• beffled by • criminal me1termlnd'1 • halt-mllllon-dollar roC>bery. 12:30 CZ) ••• ''The WMd , GeeM" 11978) Richard Burlon, Roger Moore. A ll'C>\19 of,d11lng meroener· lee travelt to South Alrioa In ord« to .. ..,. a depoead ruler from thl ,_ dlote- tOf'ltllp, 'R' 1:00 <m * * "Nobod)''I Per-19ltt" (tM11 Ge. K..,..,.., Al9x Kerr• TllfM unllttfy f*oee eet out 10 bettte thl red ,..,. end butMucfecy ofdtyhelt 'PO" ~<H>·•·"~V (1tlt) Jemea Ceg~. "-" E Aollil'9 \ llllJPllll • TUESDAY, DCC. 7, 1982 ClASSlfllD C4 Irvine Company to ~hut daw.n .. OCIR . Lease renewal denied; Drag racing facility will close Jan. 1 By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .... 0.-. ...... •tan Orange County International Raceway, the lone surviving drag racing facility in Southern Qllifornia, will shut down in January with the Irvine Company opting to deny a lease renewal with current operator Charlie Allen. These are events that are not widely publlc1zed but Allen feels are equally, If not more, important than the professional races. "This gives the kids with the hot cars a chance to ra<..-e them 4nder racing condlllons and not on the streets whe~l they could kill someone else," Allen says. "The lease for the drag racing facility expired in September," says Irvine Company spokesman J erry Collins. "We exten.ded it so the operator could complete the winter program. It is now scheduled to terminate Jan. 1. At least one major professional race a month is staged involving the cream of the drag racing fraternity In top fuel, funny car and other categories. The National Hot ROd Association has staged its World F'inals at OCIR each of the last two years. a major ~vent on the drag racing calendar. "It was always regarded as an interim use until the property was suitable for development. The raceway use is no longer appropriate for that site." Evety top driver in the sport has appeared at the track over the years and speed and elapsed time r~rds have been established at the track. Lions Drag strip in Long Beach was closed several years ago and two years ago Irwindale followed suit. The lone surviving strip was OCIR with exception of the Pomona Fairgrounds where a once-a -year meet is held in January. "U there is a requirement and demand for a facility like this. one will likely be located in another area. lt probably won't be in the Irvine area, however," Collins says. "We have grudge racing every Wednesday night, high school raci ng each week during the school year and when we don't have a major race on the weekend, we hfive additional grudge racing," Allen says. "The track operator (Allen) has requested a meeting to discuss th~ situation further and we have agreed to that. But we don't think it is likely that an extension will be granted again. Oilers strike it rich ... behind Jarn(el)'s 23; OV tunes up, f2-59 By R OGER CARLSON Of !tie 0.-. .......... He has only been on the scene for four games -people are still having a little !trouble pronouncing his name' -but for the record it's Jamel (pronounced Juh-mell) Garner, although at the rat.e he's going it may jUllt be shortened to Jam Garner. The 6 -7 sophomore from H untington Beach High led his Oilers' teammates to a convincing TONtQKT'a ac~ (etF-e.lnV...,) 11:30-South Tcwrance "9. La Oulnt• 11, 1s-e.p.renu vs. Fountain ve11ey (et 0-Vlew) 4:45-81. Anthony at M ira Coela (con10lellon quer1erllnalll) 78-60 rout of Newport Harbor in the first round of the Sea Baron ·Basketball Classic at Fountain Valley High Monday night. jamming the hoop three._times w ith dunks on h is way to a game-high 23 points before being pulled with still 6:03 left in the .:on test. do a lot to ~)' Coach Jerry De Busk. "I don't mind the 0-2," said OeBusk, .. it's how we're going about it." ' The early 9-0 deficit seemed to put the Sailors in a state of the milds with the only apparent aggression coming from the Oilers. who were systematically arousea by each of three Gamer dunks. Billy Thompson, the Oilers' 6-0 senior 81Jd an AU-Sunset League star as a junior, was almost in the role of a volleyball setter for Gamer. popping the ball up for his teammate's kill through the nets. "That really flees us up.-.' says Miller. "l'd like Jamel to get a couple like that in the first · quarter of every game." With the verdict settled fairly early. both coaches emptied their benches. "We thank the property is more valuable to the communlly for usek Lhat are ind1catl'd m the general plans for the area. Thl• raceway just never figured in for that use. "It is inappro.priate with the growth that is carrying on in that area now. Sin('e the raceway opened in the late 1960s (1967) it was regarded as an interim use. It was there pending development of the area. "That time has now arrived and the lime for closing the raceway has also arrived," says Collins. "We have periodically renewed the lease in . past years. We were able to do It because the freeway interchanges and other developments occurring in that area at the present time weren't as imminent as they are now. ''These Interchanges will soon be built and we plan industrial expansion in that area. The new Irvine Center (shopping area) is also involved in the interchange program. There will be construction on the interchange next year. "Actually. work on the lrvii:ie Center project has also started. Most plans have been approved and it is something that will begin to take shape in the next few years -wi.thin five years. "On tht• sitc of the raceway, industrial d-:velopment as plan'ned':' It is part of the· Irvine lndusttaal Complex -East. "One other thing. At times there are insurmountable traHic problems as there Is onJy one way in and out of the racew.ay siu;. There ha~e also been some other problems including complaints of noise Crom rl'Sidents in the vicinity and policing problems, of course," says Collins. Allen says he ls prepared to spend between $150,000 and $200,000 to avert the noise problem. "They made a studY. in Englishtown. N.J . and built sound walls that have cured their noise- problcm," Allen says. "We could do the same thing here. I'm willlng to spend that kind of money to make the necessary improvements in that lane. "As for any other problems. I can alleviate them and·will work with the Irvine Company to do so if we can get a l(fase renewal. Wh atev~r the. future of drag racil'\8 in · Southern California, the future o( Orange Cou11ty lnternatior<al Raceway doesn't look good. unless a drastic change in thinking comes from those in power at the Irvine Company. "He has only been playing three years.'' says his coach, Roy Miller. "One year with the eighth gJ'ade all-stars and a year with the junior varsity as a freshman ... he's still very raw. b u:tr ,1 here's l rem end o us potential." "After two pretty tough games last week I was just glad they all had a chance to play tonight," added Miller. "My onJy concern was a possible letdown. We were 3-0 last year and·then played two poor games in this tournament." (See OILERS, Page C3) Charlie All~n, operator of Orange County International Raceway, stands in front of the track that is scheduled to be closed J an. I. The Irvine Compan y is not expected to renew the lease. Meanwhile at Ocean View, the host Seahawks tuned up with a 72-59 conquest of Mira Costa, which sets Coach Jim Harris' crew up against an old nemesis -Los Alamitos -Wednesday night at the same site (8:15). Walker, Carter grab brass ring agaill Heisman winner, Michigan receiver honored as three-time All-Americans L os Alamitos, coached by former Huntington Beach High star Steve Brooks, RUl St. Anthony away. 75-61. Garner added a dozen rebounds to his credentials as the Oilers took the Sailors apart. jumping to a 9-0 lead and ext.ending it to 52-32 with 2:52 left in the third quarter on a Gamer 6-footer after taking an offensive rebound. \ NEW YORK (AP) -Herschel Walker, Georgia's Heis man Trophy-winning tailback, and Anthony Carter, Michigan's game-breaking wide receiver, were named to The Associated Press All-America college football team today for the third year in a row. Fralic, a 6-5, 2-10-pounder, is the only sophomore on the AU- A m erica first team. Hoage, Hudson , Hunley, Jackson . Marshall and Walker are juniors. Walker. a 6-1, 220-pounder, has rushed for 5,259 yards in three seasons and ranks third on the all-time NCAA rushing list. He needs 724 yards to pass Pitt's Tony Dorsett. the leader with 6.- 082 yards. The victory puts the unbeaten Oilers against Morningside Wednesday eveniJ!g at Fountain VaUey (6:30) in the quarterfinals. Morningside qualified with a 68-65 victory over Servite with a last-quarter press turning the tide. Four other players, including Nebraska ce nt er Dave Rimington. two-time winner of the Outland Trophy as the nation's top lineman, made the e lite All-America team for the second year in a row. The other repeaters are defensive end Billy Ray Smith of Arkansas and defensive backs Terry Kinard of Clemson and Mike Richardson of Arizona State. the second team last year to the first team in 1982 -Southern Methodist running back Eric Dickerson and Southern California middle guard George Achica. Steve Korte of Arkansas an~ Bruce Matthews of Southern cal and placeklcker Chuck Nelson o"f Washington. Also named to the defensive unit were outside linebacker Wilber Marshall of Florida, tackles Gary Lewis of Oklahoma State and Gabriel Rivera of Texas Tech, linebackers Ricky Hunley of Atnona. Mark Stewart of Washington and Darryl TaUey of West Virginia, back Terry Hoage of Georgia and punter Jim Arnold of Vanderbilt. Elway finished the season with 262 pass completions in 405 attempts for 3,242 yards and a nation-leading 24 touchdowns. His 774 career completions are tops In major college history and he also ranks among the aU·time leaders in passing '}'ards, total offense and sroring passes. Newport Harbor is relegated to a 4 :45 consolation game at Fountain Valley Wedn esday against Servite. , For the Sailors, the aftennath was a at.ark contrast to the 4-0 Oilers. The Sailors, now 0-2 and underdogs against Servite:'didn't The AP All-America team will be featured Monday, Dec. 20, on "The Merriest of the Merry - Bob Hope's Christmas Show -A Bagful of Comedy" N~TV. 8-9 p.m., (EST). Two player:s moved up kom Joining Walker and Dickerson in the backfield ia Stanford quarterback John Elway. The rest of the offensive unit consists of tight end Gordon Hudson of B,righam Young. wide receiver Kenny Jackson of Penn State, tackles Bill 'Fralic of Pitt and Don Mosebar of Southern Cal. guards SMU's Dickerson alternated at tailback for much of his career but atill•set a Southwest cOnference career rushing mark of 4,450 yards, breaking Earl Campbell'• rerord of 4,443. After a slow start, partially Poly foils Estan~ia hid for repeat at Laguna 'By ROBB MUNSON ~ ..... 0.-, ..... Estancia'• F.agles were foiled Monday night in a bid at a second straight Laguna Beach basketball tournament championship at the hands of the speedy Long Beach Poly• Jackrabbits, 70-54, at Laguna Beach High in the championship game .• F.atancta was held to aeven flrat·half pointa, while Poly pulled out to a 19-polnt lead at int.ermlulon. Led by Chris Sandie (who waa the tOUmament MVP), the 6-6 aophornore helped Poly dominate both lldes of the court. "We were a little tentaUve at the 1 a tart," aald Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman. "We got the good shots. but we missed them. We got lnto the one- pl us-one early, but we didn't take advantage of lt." Mistakes hampered Eatancia's first- half as the Eagles committed 12 turnovers, and ahot only 12 percent from the field. Poly, on the other hand. shot 50 percent. · With 3:36 left in the third quarter, Eatancla closed the gap to 14 points when Jon Johneton 1rored on a lay-up. Johnaton scored 13 M!<.'Ond-half point.a to help the Eatanda attack. But at the cloM of the third quarter. Pol~ ICOl'ed eight 1tralght point.a, topped off by a Sand le al.am dunk, making the IOOre 48·24. ' "I'm proud of 'the way we hung m there," said Sunderman. "We came back. We can look on the losa as a ~ood experience. We really learned a lot. • The final quarter of the game proved to b-: a moat productive one for the F..a"le. as they poured In 30 polnta. All- toumament player Jim Curtil a.wed 12 fourth-quarter point.a (17 In a ll) to help Ettancla stage a comeback. Poly jumped out to a 6~-35 lead with 3;51 remaining, but Eetancla fou1ht back. The F.agls ~t on a 14-2 spree, but time wu apln1t thM'I. Four Poly playeni ecored In double fll(urn; Terry Stallworth ( 14). Realt Leonard ( 16). Sandie ( 17). and Vincerat Camper (16). As for the F.agles, Johnston and Curtis were in double figures. whale All-tournament player Doug Pinckney had nine points as did Gavin Worlaumont. .. Thia waa a good tournament for us," added Sunderman. "I wu pleaaed with the way we did tome thlng1. Oor pre91 w11 effective, and at times our qulckneu ¥(U equal to Poly'a, If we had made-tht• eaay ahota, It would have been an eight-point prne." Eatancta ahot 00 perc.nt In the tecond half (43 percent In the game). but Poly domlnatcod with 88 percent in the 1eCOnd half (58 perwnt overall). due to nagging ailments, Carter caught 28 passes this season for a whopping 628 yards and seven touchdowns. He is Michigan's all-time scoring leader and holds the NCAA record for highest average recorded per play for all-purpose yardage. He also holds the Big Ten. record to1 career touchdown receptions. Jackson was Penn State's big- play receiver as the Nlttany Lions switched to a passing offense in 1962 and finished the regular season ranked No. 2 nationally in The AP poll. Jackson caught 41 passes for 697 yards and seven touchdowns. , Hudson was the nation's fourth leading receiver -and second among tight e nds -with 67 receptions for 928 yards. , .. arnAM Tight End -'3~: Hudson, Brlghem Young. &-3'.\, 221, jun10r Wide Receivers -Anthony Cer&er. Mlehlg1n. 5-11. t5e, l«tklr. Ktnny J~kton. Ptnn Stete, 5-t 1•~. t74, !iinl<>f. South Riller, N.J. hcklu -8111 Frellc. Piii. 8-r>. 270, aophomore: Don Mose bar, Southern Celllornia. 8•7. 270, ""'°'· Gu11d1 -Steve Korte, Ark1n1u, 8-2'A. 270, Hnlor: 81uce Mallhews. Southern Cll1lorn11. &-5. 285. Mnlor Center -01111 Almlngton, Nebr11111. 8-3. 290, ""'°' Quertert>ICll -John Etw•v. StenlOfd. 8-4. 202, ""'°' Running Bick• -Erle Oiclll!ton, Southern Methodill, 8-2. 217. senlOt Hll'tc:MI Wiiker, Georg11, &-1. HO. JUnlor Ptaceklek* -Cll\ICll Nelton, WllhlnOton. , 6-1 t, t73, eenlor. 0..... End• -Qullid• Lln11>1ckeu -Wiiber M11tMh, Florid•, &-1. 223, junior, lilly "9y Smith, Atll-. 9.3-.., 2H. ~ Tec:k1t1 -Qery Lewla. Ollllhoml 81119. 11·5. 210. M!llOr, Olbrlll ""'9r1. Tea11 Tectt, W , HS, eenlof. Mleldle Ol*d -0-ge Aenlce, 8ou411efn Clllfo<nll. 1-5, HO. eenlOf LIMblcllert -Ak*V Hunley, AtlNM. .. 2. 230. IUnlOr: Merit Stewer1, W..,qton. w. 227, .mot. Oettyl Tllll9y, Wiit Virginie. t-4. · tn . ..-lec*1-Terry~.~ .. 1.1M, 111n1or. Teny Klnetd, CleftllO!t, I· 1. tto. "'*"· Miii• -.dlofl. Miene....._ .. ,,. I ''°·--· P\lftter -Jim Altlo6d, VMdlrlllll, W , .. ..... ~.Ge ('l 0 1 ngo Coftlt OAll V PIL01/Tuead y. 0 It's official: Johnso.n quits SC basketball LOS ANGELES Sophomore m <.-enter Ken Johnson, who started all 28 games. as a freshmun at Southern California a1td led the Trojans in rebounding. 1s quilling the team, Coach Stan Morrison announced Monday. Johnson played in Southe rn Cal's 76·72 exhibition victory over Athletes in Action and the Tro,ans' season·opening 72-51 loss to Oral Roberts He has not pracuced or played with the team since the Oral Roberts game on Nov. 26. Johnson , a 6 -9, 245-pounde r rrom Montgomery. Ala., talked with Morrison several times in the past week before informing the coach of his final dt•dsio n Monday, it was announc'<-d in a press release. "After long deliberation, Ken feels that it is in everyone's best interest that he transCer at the end of ·the current semester to another institution," said Morrison . "We wish him well and hope that the change will allow him to reali%e his personal goals." As a freshman last year, Johnson averaged 9.5 points, third-best o n the team, 7.9 rebounds and 1.5 blocked st10ts, which led the Pacific-10 Confercnct'. Against Athletes an Action, he scored four points and grabbed three rebounds in 30 minutes of action. Against Oral Roberts, he 8<.'0red two points and pulled down a game-high nine rebounds while again playing 30 minutes. . Sophomore Clayton Olivier, wh o is averaging 4.8 points and 2.3 rebounds, has started the last three games at center for the Trojans. Olivier has been backed up by freshman Gerry Wright. Quote of the day David Magley, rookie forward of the Cleveland Cavaliers, receiving a $1,000 check as compensation from a San Diego hotel, where his room was burglarized: "I sh ould have told them about the color TV and stereo I always carry." Walker to run In Sunkist meet LOS ANGELES -Hersch el [!] Walker of the University of Georgia, •. > winner of this year's Heisman Trophy as the best playe r in collegiate football, plans to compete in the Sunkist Invitational Indoor track meet on Jan. 21. Al Franken. director of the meet at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, said Walker will run the sprints. The college junior has a best time of 10.23 seconds for 100 rheters outdoors. The indoor races here will be 50 and 60 yards. Walker will compete in the Sugar Bowl game against Penn St.ate at New Orleans on New Year's Day and then tum his attention to track. Franken said Walker will try to·win a place on the 1984 United States Olympic team. • SMU hurt by Alamame'a Hurt Bobby Lee Hurl M.'Ort'tl 2 I pt1111u. m •ntl pulll>il down f114•Wn rl'l>ound11 to ltod Alabama to o 74~M v c.·tory ov('r Southl'rn MMhodl11t In collt•K • boi1koibull Monduf nltiht . l't•ntt•r Stevt Stlpanovlch lk'on·<: 16 of h111 22 r>0h1tJ1 In th1· M~'Ond half flli t>lght·rnnkf'd M111110url hf'lc.J utf u lilt(' Temple 1 ally to down thv Owl11, 76 68 . Forward Hobby Parb pm.'<'<.i fourth .. ranked Ml•mphi~ Stott• with 21 puh1t11 1111 t ht• Tlgt•rt1 d1•fl•1tt1-.I KNtt S u11t•, n .MJ . . St•nlur Darrell Wa lker ~-orcd 22 of hlR cart't'r-hl~h 2U polnt.H In the first holf as ll>th·ranked Arkunmu outdlllilied • Southwc.'5t MilitlOuri. 117-66 Ra11tll Cro11 S(.'Ort'd 20 polnLs to lead No. 20 Purduf' \o t• 71 -~8 wan owr Miami of Ohio . . St'nlor rorword Sidney Green, who has hl•lped Nl·Vuda-Las V<'gas to (I J-0 re<.-ord and a national ranking of 19th, has been named PacHic Coast Athlc•lic Association player of the wet:k. Canadians rip ~rtford Doug Wlckenbei~r. Mark Napier ~ and Pierre Mondou scored two goals ' apiece as the Montreal Condiens exploded for seven goals in the third period to crush Hartford. 11-2, in a National H oc ke y League game Monday nigh t. Wickenheiscr started the third-period blitz by sc.·oring his 14th goal of the season ... Left Wing Doug Small scored two straight goals in a four-goal third period. rallying Winnipeg to a 5.3 victory over the New Jersey Devils. Scully signs $1 million pact Sportscaster Vin Scully has • signed a multiyear contract with NBC worth $1 million annually. a report in a Los Angeles paper said today. He wiU remain w'th the Dodgers when it does not conflict with his network duties .· .. Gar y Wheelock, a former pit.cher at UC Irvine and for the Seattle Mariners in the 'American League, was named pitching instructor for the American League club's Class AA, A ·and Rookie league teams ... J oe L ee Dunn was named head football coach at the University of New Mexico ... The Boston Red Sox sen t third baseman Carney Lansford, Garry Hancock and a player to be named later to Oakland for Tony Armas and J eff Newman In the first trade of baseball's winter meetings in Hawaii ... Ohio State announced that the school's entire allotment of tickets has been sold for the Buckeyes' Holiday Bowl date in San Diego with Brigham Young A non·profit philanthropic corporation, the Weingart Foundation. has pledged $3.2 million to refurbish the East Los Angeles College stadium for the 1984 Olympic field hockey compeliifon ... A . six-member committee was named to search for a replacement for ousted Un1versity of Kansas foot ball Coach DoirFambroagb . . . National Foo tball L eague playe r representatives voted 19-9 to recommend that the 1,500 players who struck for 57 days approve the five-year, $1.6 billion collective bargaining agreement. Television, radio TV: College Basketball -Notre Dame vs. Indiana, Channel 56. Taped. RADIO: Basketball -Cal State Fullerton at Wichita State, 6:05 p.m .• KWRM (1370) and KIK (94.3 FM). Hockey -Kings a t Calgar y, 6:20 p.m .. KPRZ (1150). College, prep cage scores Area youths run 10 titles College Loulalana SI. 97, Loyola. Ill. 80 w .. T • .. Memphlt SI. 72, Kent SI. 59 Nevad•·ln Vegas 88. Artzon• Mlssl:ulppi SI 102. Fla. Inter. ee 70 NE loulslana 55. NW louitlMa Nevada·Reno 1 13, Idaho Coll 44 82 SllllOl'I 59, Auburn 68 9-aT--1 ,..,... "94llld San Otego 75. Ooane 71 Loutllana Tech 118. Teua Tech Portland 59. Sen Joae SI. 57 60 Chrl91 Coll 57. Cal Tecl't 55 So Mississippi 50. Tulane 48 "oc:klH Flotldl SI 81, FIOflda A&M 79 SouttlwMI w Kentuclly 74, Evanavtlle 61 La Ht b<a 115, ~ 52 Sonota 94, IN!ne 52 Orang41 113. Le Sern• 59 o.,,. Hilla 47, Savame 41 Eddie Lave ll e of Fountain Valley and Kes Jus1onis of Wcstminster won age group cross country c hampionships recently in the Youth Athletes National meet at Meredith College in Raleigh, N.C. Oklahoma 110. A bllen• Eeel ...._ ... T---•• Chnshar 61 Navy 86, Allegheny Coll. SS l'1rM "9WW Arkansas 97. Southwasa St Bonaventure 90. s.ton Hell W•lmlnller45.~38 Misaourt 68 88 Santa Ane Valley 55. Le Mirada Lamer 85, Stene H910l'tls 51 F1lrlelgh OlckinlOl'I 90, Maine 61 51 MldWMI Lehigh 78, Genysburo 59 ::.an•• An• Valley II~. Le Nltad• 51 Purdue 71, Miami 59 Boston Coll. 92, Norttteulern 79 ~ Indiana SI 86, Buller 71 Providence 65. Holy Cross 83 Troy 52, Aenct>O Ai.mlt09 45 MichlQan 96. Kenau 74 Rutgers ~. Or-oon 42 Wom.n Murray St 91, Bowling Green 79 High echoot HIGH ~ Nort"-tetn 69, FIL Soutl>am ... ..,_ C...-.. .,~ Hila T--1 57 l'1rM "-M Finl flound Mlnnesote 87, USIU 72 l09 Alaml109 75. St Anlttony 1 1 Mhl$0Urf 76, Temple 68 Ocean Vlew 72. Mlfa Coeta 59 E.ttanci• 60. e.mio-42 ~Ill M«ningS1de 68. Servile 65 .... ....,.... T--1 Clemson 83, Cltedel 56 Huntington lleactl 79, Newport Harbor tMMCt "-id Alabama 74, SMU 68 90 eo.11 ~ 39. ~ 3S NF~ standings ·· NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA. Dallas 4 1 .800 121 76 .Gm Bay 4 1 .800 134 85 Washngtn 4 1 .800 108 97 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 NewOrlns 3 2 .600 77 71 St. Louis 3 2 .600 94 102 Chicago 2 3 .400 63 92 Detroit 2 3 .400 72 85 Minnesota2 3 .400 95 88 Raiders 4 1 .800 134 1011 Cincinna tl 4 l .800 116 80 Miami 4 1 .800 117 92 NY J ets 4 J .800 139 78 Pittsbrgh 4 1 .800 121 88 Buffalo 3 2 .600 85 73 San Diego3 2 .600 119 83 Cleveland 2 3 .400 79 99 - N. Engl 2 3 .400 80 "98 NYGiants 2 3 .400 80 90 Seattle 2 3 .400 84 82 SanFran 2 3 .400 119 114 Denver 1 4 .200 84 125 Tmpa Bay2 3 400 68 79 Rams 1 4 200 98 132 Phil. I 4 200 101 112 Houston 1 4 .200 74 118 KC 1 4 .200 73 108 Baltimore 0 5 .000 50 125 NOTE: The top eight teams In each conference wlll qualify for the playoffs. Monday's Score New York Je.ts 28, Detroit 13 Saturday's Games Philadelphia at New York Giants (Channel 2 at 9:30 a.m .) San Diego at San Francisco (Channel 4 at 1 p.m .) Sanday'• Games Denver at Rams Pittsburgh at Buffalo Baltimore at Minnesota Cleveland at Cincinnati Detroit at Green Bay Miami at New England Tampa. Bay a t New York Jets Washington at St. Louis ' Chicago at Seattle New Orle.an.S at Atlanta Cfakland at Kanau City Monday's Game Dallaa at Houaton LllTD> OFFER 10.15% A.P.R. LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harltor llvd., Co1ta M••• ...... FIMCllG AVAlBE ouu. fEW 1112'• Lave lle. 11 . was the wanner in th e 11 -12-ycar-old division wath a timC' of 10:05 for the 3,000-mcter run. Jus 1on1s was th e winner an the 9-10 -year-old bracket with'a time or 10:38.0 for tht' 3.000 meters. 1101.1111111 Vice Prealdent JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL , ..... , ....... Sat., Dec. 11 San Francisco over San Diego * Roms over Denver Clnctnnatl over Clevelond * Green lay . ,,., DeffOlt M.n., Dec. 13 Dollat over Jet com out • roaring PONTIAC, M1t•h (Al') Tlw lugh-rtying Nl'W York Jt'lJI on.o lookanij forwunl to tlw Nutlonul ~·ootbull Lt•ugu<' playoffs while 1.A:trolt Com.•h Monlt-Cl1trk looloi tor the kum hl· knt•w before tht' player strakt'. Th(• Jl'ls, behind thl' deudly pussang of Richard Todd to We11h.•y Walker, beat th<' Lions 28-lJ Monday night. It was th.:ir fourth straight victory sin<.'C an opening-day defeat to the• Mrnmi Dolphins. Todd, taking advantage of Ot>troit's attempt to l'Over Walker man-on-man with defensive back Wayne Smith, completed 23 of 32 passes £or 384 yards. Walker caught five for 164 yards and the fleet, shifty wide receiver turned three of them into touchdowns of 56, 41 and 19 yards -all against the hapless Smith. "We were just trying to take advantage of what Detroit was giviAg us and tha t was the short pass," said J ets Coach Walt Michaels. "In this league, you take what the other team gives you." The J ets held Detroit to 274 total yards while Todd & Co. were rolling up 429. "Our defense played as Wt'll in the first half as we can play," Michaels said. "The whole team picked each other up the rest of the game." Third time a charni for Golden West? (.; 11 I d <' n W t• 1 t C.: o 11 t• ~ I' l>11'1k1•tl>all l'OO<.'h Jina (irt•1•nfh•lc.J Clgurc.'<I ht· wm1 do1t1u lht' right th1118 pl'wr to ttw H('WlOn wht•n tw puirt•d hlK RuNtlt•r11 with LA P1,•rl'<' in the opening round uf the Golden Wc.11t 'l'ournam(•nt l t' a tomm<.>n prncticc tor the h<Jtit of u tournaml•nt to scht-dulC' un N1sy opponent in tht· Op<'nin8 round to ussun• a plucc> in thl• wannc.•1'1> bral'kl•l W(!dnt•sday night (H o'c.-loc:k), Grel•nrat•ld's Rustlt>1 i. (4 -J} wall squart• off wath Pwn:1-. u tt•:1111 which has a ln .. udy d('ft•ulcd Coldl'n Wt·st twat'l' th111 scui,on and sports a -'1-0 r<'('urd. "Picrct• has l<> bt• ti'\c favorite' for thas tournamc.•nt," Greenfield says . "Thcy'rc c.•om1ng off a c hampio nship of a 16-team t<>urnument." l lc's rderrlng to the Ant~lope Valley Tournament where tht.> Brahmas beat the Hustlers in the third round (56-54) e n route to the title. Pierc-e also beat Golden West in its opener, 78-72. Golden West sNtled for third pla<..'t' in the tournament behind the play or all-tourney selections J ohn Kresich and Sherwin Durham. Krcsach as ave-raging 17 points Toys Fore Fairview tourney set 4tncl 10 1t•lx1undi. p<'r a11mt•, wh1I Durhuin Is uvt·rugan{( 13.2 point.I J't''' c.·onlt'llt • Wt-d1wMluy m~ht'ft otlu-r linst- round gumt• will pit Cltru11 and LA S<.luthw1'!tt at tl. On Thursday, Glendale 1md Posndl•na t:C(O"Wt•t at fj whilt• LA Volll'Y 1111d H1vvrs1dc.· CC tanglt> ul H tn oth<!r rlr!il round gam(.-i». Thl' tourn<1m1•rH condudes Soturduy wath t•unsolatlon, third phat•t-and di:unp1rmsrup games i. t· t I o r 4 . 6 <• n d 8 p m . n·~JX'(·t1vl'ly In othl'r c.·ommun1ty college uction this wc~k. Orange Coast opens play in the rour-team Skyline Tournament in San Bruno f'r1duy night against City College of San Francisco. Thl' Pm.atc.·s. 1f they ~an, wo uld nw .. t the.· w 1 n n<'r of the San Mateo Skvlanc.· l'ontcst 1n the four-tc•am iournl'Y Saturday Saddleback, which defeated OCC for third pl ace In last week's Miles Eat.on Tournament, is involved in the Santa Barbara Tournament, beginning Thursday against EJ Camino. GOLDEN WHT TOUANRV Wedneadey'a o- 6 pm -Citrus vs LA South-ti 8 p m -LA Plef'oe vs Golden WMI TlllHldeJ'• 0- 6 p m -Glend ... V5 Pu.den• 9 p m -LA. VaJley VI R1ver"de Frld•J'• 0-2 p.m -Cllrut-LA Soulhwetl to-vs. LA Plerce-Gotoen West loser 4 pm -Glendale-Pasadena IOMr va. LA Vattey-Rlvert1de l0Mr • 6 p m -Giencsei.-Puaden• winner va LA Veltey-Rtverslde winner The Jets led 21-3 at halftime. but the Lions came back with a 48 .. yard bomb fro m Gary Danielson to Mark Nichols in the third-quarter to pull to within 21-10. Detroit then had a chance to make a game of it when Todd fumbled after being sacked and the Lions Stan White fell on the Ball at the J ets 1 yard line. One of the biggest bargains in weekend golf is being offered to the general public for the first timt! this year at Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club. 8 p m -C•lrus-LA SOUlh-1 winner vs. • LA Ptefce-GOICSen West winner But Billy Sims fumbled trying to dive over a pile on second down and Ken Schroy recovered for the Jets. ''That's the most disappointed I 've felt a n d the mo s t embarrassed I've been," Clark said. "I don't know how to start on a night like this, but the defensive secondary is not a bad place. "We didn't execute the basics. The very things we've emphasized since Tha:-l(Sgiving. We can't catch balls and we can't cover. "We never had m ore walk· throughs over the goal line in short-yardage situations in our life. But. we fumble when w e get in a Ratne." > .. • T h e a n n u a I T o.y s F o r e Fairview charity tournament to be staged Dec. 18-19 over the Los La~os course. was opened to tht' public this week with the final signup set for noon Sunday. The e ntry fee and green fee is only $2 but each player must bnng an unwrapped toy or gift worth in the noighborhood or $10 or a cash donation in that amount in order lo play. A ll of the gifts go to the patie nts a t i''alrview State Hospital with the cash donations going to aid those in the hospital. ALI are tax-deductible For those not able to play golf, gift.s may be taken to th e clubhouse. For more information phone Kathy W~lbur at 540~ 7500. SatlHdeJ'• 0- 4 p m -Contotetlon game e·p m -Third place game 9 p m -ChemplOnal'tlp game SANT A aAQA"A TOUflNEV Tl'llHldeJ'I 0- 3 p m -Long 6eKl1 vs Sant• Ana S p m -Senll MonlCa vs Compton 7 p.m -H•nc;oc:k .,. Santa Barbati 9 P m. -Saddleback vs. El Camino Frldey'e Oemet 3 p.m. -Long Beech ·Senta Ana loser vs . Saddlebacic·El Camino loser · 5 p.m -Santi Monoea-Conipton lo-is. Hanc:ock·Senl9 Berbara lose< 7 pm -Hencocit-Santa Barbera Winner vs Senta MonlCa-Compaon winner 9 pm. -Seddlebac:k·EI Camino winner vs. Long Beactt-Sante Ana winner -Seturder'a o- 4 p.m. -Conso1111on geme 5 45 p.m -Third piece geme 7 30 p m -Champjonlhlp game SKVUNE TOUMAllEMT FrldeJ'a 0- 7 p m -Of1ng41 CO.SI vs Clly COiiege OI San Francisco 9 p m. -San Mateo vs. Skyllne .. llHdey'a0- 7 p m -ConlOlallon game · 9 P m -Champ.onsnlp oam. Coffee'n Supreme New CHECKING SUPREME pays money market interest Checking Supreme Is Huntington Savings' wdy of payf ng you the m~t interest we've ever offered orra checking account. You get high money market rates com- bined with all the convenience of a regular checki~ account. Theres no waiting to earn your Interest as you must do witll T-BUls or Certificates of Oepos. it. No penalties for withdrawals. Government Securities,• earning substan~ tially ~her money market interest. TOday s the day you can start earning supreme interest on your checking at Huntington Savings. Just stop by lor all the' money-making dl!tails. Where does th~ roffee come in? Any time you rome in, the coffee's on U!I. 'Only funds under $2.000 ire inturN by tN FSLIC Checking Supreme gives you access to your money any time you like, simply by • Now you know why your neighbor writing a check. bankl t It pays like this. Funds up to 52,000 in a . your.tccount earn 5Yt% lnterest, the highest CD HUNTINGTON r1tto the law allows. But all funds you deposit over $2,~a SAVINGS AND~ !twept Into an investment fund bKked y AllOCIAT10N t/161 Wal"Mr A\'\'nuc, omer of Coldf'n ~tin Hunttnstun 8"ch .... • • i . I I l i NHL CAMPlllL CON,.l'llNCf E1Jmon1or' Klng1 w1nnirwo VanCOO'Wttr C•IQ•rv lmfthe DM•lon W l T 0, 13 •0 6 140 13 10 J 97 ,, 11 2 113 10 ,, 6 104 •0 15 5 120 Notti• OMelon QAPl1 11~ J2 94 29 107 26 911 211 124 25 Ch•cego Manntt\Oht SI lOUI• IQto>t'IO OtHro•I 11 • 6 11• 85 40 17 II 4 127 IOJ 311 9 17 J 98 117 } I 5 14 5 83 107 IS 4 17 6 13 1111 14 WALfl CONffl'IENCE Patrick OMelon NV lslan<te<• IS 11 5 111 97 35 Phili<lelph1• 14 10 4 IOI! 90 l? NV Aaft\1ets 14 12 I 113 108 29 w .. t11ng1on 10 9 b 90 93 26 Pmsbuigll 8 1• 5 90 123 21 N-J9'sey 8 18 7 89 131 19 Adame DltlelOn Montt&dl 801100 8ulf&IO Oueb8' Harlfortl 17 5 6 137 91 40 15 1 6 108 82 36 12 Q 6 114 9 1 30 13 10 J 122 117 2Q 6 17 3 84 lJ I 15 Mond1y'1 Sc0t•• Wlnn•P<IQ 5, New Jt!<HV 3 Monireol 11 Heriford 2 Tonight'• O•mH eoaton 81 Quebec W1nn1oeo al Watn1no1on Toron10 at NV 111an<1e,. SI Louis al E<1n1on1on Klng1 81 C111gsry NHL l•ed•rt Gretz~y. Edmonlon M Stastny, Quebec 8ouy. NV ls1enaers P S1u1ny, Ouftb~ Savarcl Chicago Kurr•. Edmonton Goulel Quebec ROQers. NV Ranger& Nilsson Calga.ry A ~la>lny Ouet>ec Q A Pio. 22 54 76 20 26 16 2 1 23 44 20 22 42 10 29 39 17 ,, 38 20 17 37 14 23 37 13 24 37 10 25 35 Aualrallan Open (•I Melb<Mitne) Second l'lound ltngle1 Jonan Kuei. lU S I del Mike DePalmer tU S ), 6·3 3·6. 6 2, 7·6 Steve Dent°" tU S 1 det Jonn Frawtey (Auatr•ll•I 6 1 6 2 3·6 6-3. Chris Lew•• fNew lealan<ll <lei Rod Frawlev IAu11ro11a1 6·4 5.7 6 • 6 2 Paul M c Namet:! 1Austrot1at def Pl tt., f, .. 141 (AUSlrtal. 6 2 6· 7 6·3 6-3 Women'• tournament (•I l'llchmond, Vo I Flrel l'lound SlnQI•• Ma1y Lou J>latek (US I del 8arble 8remb1011 (US I. 6·2. 6 I, Kami_, Horvath IU S I def Shelly Solomon (ll S I 6 3 I ·6 6..4 • L•laure World Super Senlort (at l 119une HIU1) 15 ,..n·o Doubleo Flnal Vein Hughes 1Laguna HlllSI· Robin H• pens11e1 (San 01ego1 <tel Tony Prod1n (l"11ne1-0an Walke< (Los Angelfll • 6 8 1 6-1 70 ,..n'• Doublee flnal Harry 8roS1us tS1n1a Mon1ca1 Joe Robinson (Woodlana 11111t1 def Roger ~~~an (G~••l-Bol> Cl•rk tleguna Htlltl Ml1ed Dou.,_. l"tn.i June M1ck~wan (Newport 8aathl·Tony Pro<tari 11rv1ne1 a e• Jo Rookam 1eurb1n1t1-11owsrd Pet9'tol' tla M"'111 6-0 6-0 Mlaed DoublH Con.olatlon Tina Kerman.Jim S·mPSOO tlaQVNI t11llSI ael Jean·len Welles 1Newl>Of1 e.ach1 •·6 7.5 6·3 NFL Jet• 28, lion• 13 8cCH• b1 Ou•rt•r• NV Jets 7 u o 7 '8 Oetro11 l O I 3 13 Del -FG Murray 31 NVJ -Crutchflelo I run !Leahy, klek) NVJ Walker 611 pau lrom To<i<l (Leahy, klekl NYJ Wallte< • 1 pess lrom Toaa tL eany klCI<) Del N1chots •a r a•s lr'>m Oon•"t"'" !Murray 1uct..) Del FG MuHay n • NVJ Walker 19 pu1 from Toad lLeahy •1ekl A -79,361 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING -New Vork McNeil 16-49 AUQUstyn•ak 1 -36 Crutcnl.eld 4 e a.,t>e< 1..4 O•e•~lng 2..0 Ha.<Pe< 2·3 Toad 3·7 Oe 1to11 Sim• 12 ·•3 Oanlellon 5.51 8ussey 6·20 PASSI N G -New York Todcl 23·32 1·36• Oe troq Oan1a lson 14-37-3·222 RECEIVING New VQO'~ 'Nallt9' ~ 16'& Augut1yn11• 5 u Jones •·69 Gaffney 2-37 Har~ 2·28 MtN9'1 2 20 8afl<um 2· 18 [)jerking 1·6 Oe•rou S1m1 8 65 Scoll 2·28 Bussey 2-0 NIChOts I 48 Norrts, , .30 PQt1.. I IQ Kane 1. t2 MISSED FtELO GOALS N&w York Leahy 2 30 24 Colleg• top 20 I GllO<Qll 1•61 11.0 0 995 10 1·0 952 11.1..0 8Q4 10..0 t 869 9 t t 782 9-2·0 71Q g 1-1 835 II 2 0 622 11·2·0 684 11·2.0 511 Q·2-0 .,. 8·3-0 385 6-2 1 383 a 2 t 311• 8·3-0 301 9.3.() 238 9'3·0 t82 1-:i-o 1e2 a.3o·t20 10-1-0 85 2 Penn SI 12) 3 N&b.ratka (21 4 SMU 5 UCLA 6 Piii 1 r.~m,nn 8 Te•H 9 Wuh1ngton 10 West Vtrg1n1a 11 Arl'Jons SI 12 Oklahoma 13 !SU 1• Arkenaa1 15 use 18 Maryland 17 Ohio SI 18 AubUm 19 MICll>Q•n 20 Tulaa COLLEGE BOWL ROUNDUP Independence Bo wl l •lutdaf, Dec 11 (•I lhfe,,...n. LA.) W1econ11n (6-$1 VI Kenaa• St••• t6-•· 11 Hollday Bowl 'rldeJ• bee. 11 (•llllf'I~) ONo Stele 18·31 •• 8'1Qh•m 'l'Ollfl9 ta-31 l•"9•rln• Bowl laturcla1, Dec. 11 (-' OttMdo, "a.I 8ot1on College (6 2· 11 vt Auburn te 31 C1lltornla Bowl latwclay. Deo. 11 (tt,,_) Bowling Green (7·•1 v• FrHno Slate (10·11 lun Bowl let111clay, Deo ... ( .. 111'-,TH .. ) NQfth CarOlltll (7·41 vt h•H (a-2) Alof\a 9o1t: lahlrday, Dea. It • (M HeMMll) Mlirylencl 11•31 vt WW1tnol0fl ft·2) Qalor Bowl lhuredep, 0.0 ao (al JMkMl'IYllM, , ... ) W•el V1rg1rnt1 Ill 1\ YI flOll<.ta Slala 11 JI Hall ol Fern• Bowl ,rlclaf, o.o. 31 (•t 81rmlne'1-. Ale,) VlllUIOIOlll (9 31 Yt Air I ()I~ (1 61 PHCh lowl frldap Oee ii (et Allaf)la) lennH•'"' lfi·4 1) •• lowt (7 •I Bluebonnet Bowl frldaJ, Dec. 31 (at Ho11e1on) "'r~•"'"" (II 2 11 •• Fl0t1oa 17 31 FIHI• Bowl l elurdep, Jan. I (al Tem,.., Arla.) O~lttnom~ (8-3) •• Arlzone Stai• (9 21 Cotton Bowl Seturday, Jan. 1 (al D9lla1) ::.oulhern Ma1hod11I 1 10 U I) vo P1t1s1>Urgh l& 21 ROH Bowl l at11rcley, Jan. 1 (al PaudeN) Mteh19~n 6·31 vt UCLA (Q-1·1\ Orange Bowl S•lu.rdOip, Jeft. 1 (•1 ....... 1) lOuS•ana S•••• (8-2~ 11 YS Nal>l••kl ( 11 I) Sugar Bowl Saturday, Jeft. 1 (el Ne• Orleafte) Penn S1a1e 110-1·01 vs Goo.rg1a (11·01 NCAA Individual leadera LEADING l'IUSHE.1'19 TC Yda. Av9. At• l"r ""' Oktolnomd 353 1 877 170 6 w~u.ao GeurgtJ 335 I, 7()2 169 3 ,)1<k~"O" SMU 232 1 611 1'1 0 l'lo"'" Nt1bra>ko 228 1 578 143 5 0<'1"""'"" So M!b> J 11 1,545 140 5 MM•O" UIJh 309 I 507 137 0 Gunl•r Tulu 195 I 464 133 1 Spe.,~~r On•o St 252 1,37 1 124 6 Rick• M1ct11gun 2•3 1,300 118 2 ~ ••~lie Georgia I <!Ch 280 I 208 109 8 LEADING PASSEl'IS PA PC Yde. TD Rol'flS<")r UCl A 3 II 191 2 824 21 R•'tlle• I SU 234 149 1,834 17 EIWdf S1onfor<1 405 262 3 2•2 24 PeJ~e Flo .. da 2J3 167 I 944 9 8•·""~'' Ou•.. .174 236 3 033 20 ::. voung evu 367 230 3 100 •8 Aronl 1n Tempi" 247 157 I 640 13 l....,t.,,o F1esno SI 298 153 2 620 21 v err a u1o1n •66 85 I 315 13 81..c .. ~tlg<: Penn SI 292 181 2 216 22 TOTAL OFFENSE Vde. Awg PG 01lluo lOOQ e.,.., .. SI 3 567 6 I 326 , $ f<""'9 8YU • 3 507 1 3 318 9 E '""" lll•n•>•$ 3 258 6 2 196 2 R Cunf'Qr•m UNl'ol 2 908 6 I 290 6 Eh•o1y StAnlotd 3. 104 6 7 282 2 flUI·«' Bos1on Cot 3014 6 9 274 O A.,m r, UCLA 2 937 6 8 287 0 B<•Md! Ou'e 2 885 6 8 262 J I dylO• vancle•ll•lt 2 679 • 8 243 S NuQPnl ColO•ildO St 2 369 5 2 236 9 RECEIVING 'llh•l~ 51.1nlord Math" u1,no1s Lonq eeach S 11ud$Oll 8'1'U [11110 F1esno St A MauriPw~ Van<Je1b1lt Hamb•.Ck UNLV Simmon> USC Gr11!1n Tulane JoHlkn Vande•bllt 0 PC Yde. Afg. 10 68 s11 6 e ,, 69 941 6 3 11 68 751 62 11 67 928 6 1 11 62 1,510 5 6 11 61 797 5 5 11 601060 55 11 56 973 s 1 11 56 784 SI 11 56 •70 5 I ... A ~IT!'l'IN C~l'IENCE pecfftc 1)1vt•lon w L Pct. Qa Sean~ 15 3 833 lalL•ll IS 4 789 ., P11080'• 11 II 579 5·, Po<lland 9 11 450 1 GOl<len State 1 12 361 .. , Sano~ 4 15 211 11'" Midw .. 1 DlvlalcMI Kansas C11v 10 6 625 San AnlQf\<O 12 ll S7 I " OallU a a 500 2 Denver e 10 444 3 Utan 6 12 333 5 3 14 1715 ,.,, _Housion EASTERN CONfEl'IENCE Atlanllc Dlvl•lon Phtla<lelpn1a 16 3 80$100 15 4 Now Je<Sfly 11 Q 9 9 w asn1ng1on N-Vork 5 13 Cenlral DMalon M1twauKH 13 7 Detr~I 12 7 At1an1a 8 9 Indiana 7 12 Chicago 6 13 Cleveland 3 15 Monday'• lc0<H No games ~eouled Tonteht'• Qam" AUan1a at C~veland Oallat at San An1on10 Nt!'IO VOfk at Crucago S.allle II HOUSlon Ulah al Portland San Ooego 11 Golden S•••• COUEGE AP T09 20 1 Virg•nte (491 2 Kenh.c'y 161 3 GllO<getown t31 4 Memphis St S UCLA 8 ln<t18na 1 Iowa 8 M ISSOUfl 9 HOUSIDf' 10 v1nanova 11 Alabama 12 SI Jolln t NV 13 L0u11ottlle 14 Tenn-15 Arkan11t , 16 Ma1qua11e 17 !'+-Carotlna 18 NC S1a1e 19 Nevalla·Laa Vaga• 20 Pu•due 842 789 I 550 S'I\ 500 6'\ 278 10'h 650 632 .,., •71 3'1\ 368 5'' 288 e\1t 167 9 4-0 1.14$1 3-0 1 089 s..o 1.011 4-0 942 ).() Q IQ ).() 830 4..0 704 2·0 &ff 4-0 838 •·1 584 2-0 554 5..0 543 4-1 462 3..0 44 1 3-0 295 2·0 21M 2·2 208 2-0 19Q 3-0 183 4.1) 158 l l ,~ 'f' -l•~l'U!lh 1• Mll•l••tl...,11 Ii• 'Nttvhl .' , .,,,.,,, 111 111~~• It C:e11•1..i II W1 .. y 0 l'alt• tu11 ) 1•1111 l I 1ol•lt JI 11 1 t ffl IHte 1tr OllMleft J •I l1h '" I 4 11 Iii ft4 111 l'1•lr 111 1• T •• •I 1' l•ll•I lttUlt I "~11\111 I 111 I tolt Ill ........ ,, '"'' , ..... ,, ,, .. ,... .... AIMotHnamenl leam L .. IHIA .... II T--· !lie-. A(lrentHft l W••tl•k•I l\ICll••d M••uu1• 1~an 11agu1 Anll1ony l •• (( h•llWll 'I c .... 1 •• ( ...... IWlltllll•I I 11n ~lt•w••I 1we119111 Ill••• I U• •• IW•rrw111 Oo11g ""'~ hn•y tt atant••I Jim Cum• ([111111<.111 At>QOta l4M>lle<O tlO P04rl. latry 1Jt•llW01lt1 II (,II Jl\Ofyl MV P C1t11a 8111111"9 IB POiy) Chadwick 4t l99una .. IMlh H LAOIMA MACH -1<1111* •• MCGI•'" ;o NM•• II ''"'v•w II, I t1w11rd• 1 Mt0ta11i CNADWIOI( -I .. "· I ordt .. HI 9, 11•11 10 KClufftlell 4, 0111 4 l c0t• llr Q11arl•ro I ••OUtllt l11•u~11 11 I 14 II !lY <.1 ... ow1<~ 10 !I 1•, 12 40 10111 10..11 L111un• 811ot11 12. cnadwlch tO, fouled out NoM la Habra '5, Univ.rally S2 UNIVll'lltTY -Bel1nger 2. E••.ren 4, S1011oll 14, Dllhe 7 Chol Ill, Ganlll• I. Ho1tord 2. 111111119., 1, L•••lon O, Ayo•I• 2 IOllll 71 tO 1162 LA HAINIA -Tr\141f11an 22. Vanci.tgnll 8, Wet Maawtll 4 Hanaen 1'3, J•cUon 3 P•pP••<l 4 Wall Maxwell 4 f9flln(I 2. Ot•k• 0 Brown 2 Mec>e;og 0, De4QICllHO 5 TPlllt 26 13 23 65 lcoreltyO-. UrHY911lly 10 12 7 23 52 LI Hsbfa 18 18 Ill 18-85 Total fouls Unl~lllr. 2 1. L• HIM 18. FOUied oul S1ot1oll (Un _.,,YI Sonora M, lrvlne 52 ll'IVINI -Bit tman 1, 8 ro1ovlcn 4, CatdweH 2. c-II, flynn 0 M•!1el o. Neal 10 R-d•• I U•-V 18 l o tals 17 IS.17 52 IONOl'IA -J Samuel.on IQ HOOk 3, E SamU(lfton 22. Jonn.on 11 l(rame< 8, M S1muel.ot1 7 8aca 6, MM11no 4, Jonan..., 8 N•POI• 0 Muci. 2 To111s 3• 18·24 I• 8c0t• bp Quart.,• Irvine Q 8 IS 22-52 Sonot• 25 :10 19 20 84 lo1a1 loul1 lrv1M 17, Sonora 17. Fouled out None 'It WHlmlnater 45, Saddleb.ck 31 WflTMINITfA -OeLa~allade •. JoM11on 2. E .. 11n 18, Downs 13, Davia 2, 8urkman 2, 8rown 4 Tolllt. 18 9·14 45. SADOLE8ACIC -Garn 6 , l(lel 8, Wa1k1n1 4. S1an101<1 2. luJltl' •. MCAlllS1e1 2. Cage 12 To1a1s 16 IHI 38 lc0te bp Quer1er• Wa.1m11mer 13 u 6 12 45 Soddleb(1t k 12 12 8 6 38 total lov1, w1111m1n11er 12 Sadotebach 14 Fou"1d OUI CoqA ($8dCllfll>3CI<,. Walton tSoodteo .. , .. , HIGH SCHOOL WOME" E1tancla 90, Bellflower 42 llLlfLOWll'I -Oeyton 8. DeRusha II, Kone 2 Lamanaak1 3 MOl)fy 4, -bury 14, PalrlCk 5 Tolal• 18 6-14 •2 EITANCIA -Carpenlat 7, COl'lw•r I, lhetchtr 2, Halhcock 12, Scholes 12, Cnostman 14 Braiell 4 Pavlik 2. HUQheS 8 Tolals 2S 10.20 60 lcore bp 0 .... 1 ... a.u11o.... 9 • 14 15-•2 Ellene.a 9 14 21 16-60 Total toult 8ellll0wer 15, E11anc11 15, FOU..Oout ~ Coate MeH 39, Oomlf\9UH 35 C:OITA MEI A -HMadl 8. Mcll1oy 3. Neal 10. Garcia •. Sc:l>umel<e; 10. 88f1on 4, Lett o To1a11 15 e..21 311 DOMINQUEZ -Holliday 2, Frazier 0, Oucksworlh IQ Moor• 0, GrMn 7, 80IOe<I O. Smllh e. J~ 1 To1t1a 1s s. 1 t 05 lcora bJ Quarter• Cos•• M au 10 8 10 13-39 Oom1ngue1 s Q 13 e-35 To1aT loult Cotla Meaa 18, Dominguez 18, Fouled ou1 None Technical louls Dominguez coach Woman'• Top 20 COUJQE 1 use 1s11 2 Loulal1n1 T ecm 3 M•rylano 4 Old Dominion 5 TenneHee 6 KanlH SI 7 Kentucky 8 Cheyney SI Q Long 84Nlch SI 10 Te•U 11 Penn St 12 NO C..Ollna SI 1) Georgi. t4 UCLA 15 So.Ith Ca<otina 18 M1HOU1t 17 RulgefS 18 ArlLont St IQ Ml-AiOPf 20 O<ake 3-0 1,020 1·1 943 4..0 ••3 3-1 642 4·1 806 •·O 7H 2·0 751 2..0 839 1..0 811 l·I 541 2-0 477 4.() 418 3·1 •12 4·0 372 2·1 275 5-0 252 3.1 203 1·1 134 4-0 11Q 4-2 77 HORSE RACING LEADERS (throuell Nov. 21) JOCICfYI CorCl9'0 Pr~Y Velaquez C. MoCatton OetahouH•ve f ell Mac8alh Shoemal<., Oay Maple Peuaull l 8Mh• Goto It a The One MeM19t Geto Oet Sot .>oM Hen•y M119siy's ~rnc ltac• ~ .Slush w111> Pro Prnce Speffbnd Mounte h i 2IMI P- 1.63Q 352 303 $8,792,522 1,358 27 4 224 Sll,34"4 139 1.565 287 239 S8.886,Q52 1,264 283 196 S6.7SS.086 1,27• 1Qll 18Q $6,324, 192 I, 138 187 156 $4,734,.407 1,•0S 191 212 S-4,536,9011 6115 110 103 S4.•76.132 I 1178 353 297 $4,388,523 1.121 169 188 $4,248.986 llarl• 1•1 2nd ,._ e • 1.-s 1.1Q7,400 12 8 2 Sl,086 375 13 3 2 $723.4114 12 s 3 $651,$90 Q 2 3 $588,779 5 2 0 $560,300 14 5 8 $572.545 11 4 3 SS20 482 t2 5 3 SS181157 e 4 4 S495,llOO Wom•n'• volleyMll ,.....,_c.._ .... ..._ ,rtdey'•~ Weel et UCL.A UCL"' 127·131 YI Brigham Young (33-111, Ce111ornla (21· t 1)..,., San Diego St. (3e-3) ...... , •• f'utdlle u,,._., use f23· 11 v• re"n .... • (30·'l. Neblallcl (27·51 •• Putdue (32-0) ' loulll et Ufll'f, of Houa- COLLEGE Paollle (31-111 "' Ariton• (22·1!il; Teua C hrlat C oll. 57. Cal Tech 55 (31·14) va, Stanford (29-10) CHRIST COLLEGE -WOO<I 13, Hartman • Mof111w .. t at Cal l'oly (8LO) 10. HanMn 10. E1ehetberga< 10. Btandon 10. Hewell (26· I) va. San JoM SI, (2 l·Q), Tul• 4 Totel• 23 t 1-l!i S7 Arizona St (31-151..,. Cal POf; San Lull CAL TECH -Peebles 18. Golden 13. ObltllO. 28·9> Kyrlekakls 10 Helgt., 8, H-8, Evena 2 T OlalS' 28 3-" 55 Tolal fouls Christ Collage 12. Cal Tech 20. Fouled ou1 Kyttakakit (Cal Teen~ lecnl\ICal loult Cl•"" COiiege coatn HIGH SCHOOL Htn . Beach 71. Npt. Harbor IO ~ HAA80fl -Harker 1•. WOiie 6. Fotk 10, MoGanan e, 5.-ger S, C100k 2, Liberman o. Alffflon 2. S.-e<d 2. Gullerrez 4, F111111Llln 2, Sorenatr12 To1111 28 e.14 80 llUNT1"0TOM HACH -0-2a, Mlflt 15 8 Thompson UI O ThOmpaon 4, Herrig"' o. Alllarei 2. &augh 2, Cet1ot4 4, Cr09by 5 Fries 4, Or19Q• 0 'tl>llla 33 12·22 78 8-e ltr Ouettere ~ Haf'tlOr 10 12 HI 22-80 Hun11nglon BMch 21 18 20 ~1-71 Total Joule Newport Haroor 18, Hun11no1on e.ac11 17. Foui.ct OU1 Har lier (Hewp()ll H9f bor I 0c .. n View 72. Mira C otta st lllll'IA COITA -Caroaec1 8, Slmt 8, Anderton 2. Carlton 9, W..otrl 20. PlouOh 10, Cl!oh 4 To111e 21 3-9 &9 OCIAN VllW -JUCIQe 101 AnlonopoulOI 11. Ferlt 10, Mullally 6. Bolf 9 Mow . I 8"'fy 4, OretnlGlc 3. Douty 7, Walth 2, CoolldOe 2 TOl .. 1 30 12·24 72 • kOf• .., 0--. Mire Cotla 8 18 12 28-H Oceln VIII'# 14 13 20 U -72 Total foul• Mlra Coat• 16, OoMll Vtew 12, Fouted out CefOMCI (Mir• Colle) t.cMic.t loul• M1'11 Cotla Otncl1 L• ~otr 11, 11-.na1a M llTANCIA -JOMllOfl 11. Curll• 17, 11'111011ay 9, Mu111Jt •~ Werlt11mon1 I , LOCl!wood 0 TOCelt '1 lz·U 6oe Lions top S addle back l l11 i, l1·vi11e, l .Jag1111a <lrop lt)urn y deci ion Wti.tm1nau·r'• Lion., OJX'm'(l i>lay 111 tlw S.mt..1 Ann llll.(h 11t•l111ol lia11kNhull tuu1 nuuwnt with u ·l~1 :ut vrl 1111 y uv1•r SJddl{'had( l11gh but Urnv"'''ty. lrv 11w und l.u~uno Bttt1L•h h<Hh lo"' 111 o th1·1 tour1uurw111 t1t·tio11 Munday ni~ht 1.uj(u11<1 l:it•ad1 dr oppNJ n 40 :.HI cf'l:C1 ion to Chudwh:k 111 tht• t'(J1U10lr.it1on hnah1 of tht· L.t11.(urw flt•ac:h tournunwnl wh1lt• \Jmvt•n.ity wu:c loMlllf to L .. 1 I lnbrn, 65-5:t in \ht• Sm1or a tuurrwy lrvm.e lost to Sonoru, IM :-ii 1n tlw Hum<.' t<>ur1wy h ·ud an thu• dt•pur\m(•nt Un1vt·ri.1ty rc •turm. to at·Uon Wl-<lnt'Miay ut ~: 16 11w11n!it D:mu ll11ls 111 :i 1:011soluuun brockl•l 1tr11nt>. } Sonora 84, Irvi ne 52 I 11•1'1"11 how ll went Wt•11tminstcr 45, Suddll'blu:k :iH Thi· VllljUl'ru:i of Irvin<' had a rough 11turt, fllldlng tlw11t.>M•lvc-s trailing, 4!5·11 ••flt•r mw qu111 h•r tind 4~>· 15 ot the halft1mP 1numnlssmn. -.. It wmm't a roal wc•ll plllyrd "om" hu1 w1• arc• geUtnM bc.'llL'r CVC!ry duy," W1•11tml1111tN Oxll•h Jon .Borchl•rt stud "Tht• win brings our rl-<:ord w I I imd I thought our kuJs did n good job on th1• hoard:c and p1ckl'd up SOnlt! foul 11hut.s" Jt•rr Eoi:.un was high St·orl•r for tlw L1uns with 18 and had four in \ht• crucaol finol quarll'r Tom Downs added ta und was llkt•w1St.> on tht• ball in th<' Cina I stanza. Tht~ Lion~ hit 6-of • 7 al th<' lin" an the final ,x•rhx l. It was thl' M:ason 011(•1wr for lrvml' ogaanst tl}l· third gunw ul the y1•1.1r for Sonora. B<:mu1•d Usst.<1'y plt1yt>d wl'll tor the Vnqs, hi\tinl 18 point11 und grabbing narw r<'bounds Lon<.'<' N<.·ul h;•d a good court game-to go with his 10 pomL' John nnd Mark Samuelson scored 41 points bet w<.•en tl'wm for the wmnmg Sonora wam lrvmt• rl'lurns 10 acuoh Wednesday at 6:4!; against La St•rna. Chadwick 46, Laguna 39 Westminster rl'lurns to acuon Thursday night The Artists ft.'11 Lo 2-2 on the season in losing to Chadwick in the• c:oru.olat1on finals of the Laguna at 6:30. La Habra 65, University 52 Bcac:h tournament. · Desp11e a 19-poant effort by Yong Choi, the Tru.J<.11\S from U mv<'~llY l-OU ld Ol'Vl'r c.•atch up to the fast-start mg La Habra team. Un1vc•rs1ty hit "only 35 perc.-cnt from thl' floor whale La Habra was canning ~ perc.'Cnt of its s hots. Norm Stolzoff c.·ontnbutcd 14 points lo th(' University c:auS<' while Choi had 10 rebounds to Laguna play<'d lh<' wanner on e ven terms lhroughoullhl' Cu-st hair bul a poor fourth quarter thaL saw Chadwick outsc'Orc them 12-6 spelled the diffcren('('. Jim MrGrow with IO, Coby Nacre with 9 and Smll f111 tu1w w11h 8 puu·d thl• Laguna Bet.ich scoring. OILER S • • • From Page C1 Billy Thompson ttddt•d I !l points and Mike Mills poured in 15 counters. alo ng with 9 r ebounds . Lou H arrigan . scoreless, had sax assists for the Oilers. The Sailors' only real spark came Crom Huntington Beac h tra nsfer Brad Harker . who scored 14. Bnan Folk added 10 for Harbor. but 1t was obviously a Sailors' effort that belongs an the •forget 1t ' file . Thcrc wasn't a turning point -but there was a spectacular point -that coming with 5.50 le ft an the third quarte r as H a r r i g an s l e p p <.' d i n a n d intercepted a Ne wport pass under the Oilers' bucket He flipped the ball to Billy Tho mpson on the break .a nd Thompson fed the ball to Garner for a dunk, igniting the c:rowd. Nineteen seconds later Garner was at it again , dunking with anothe r assis t going t o Thompson. The Oilers connected on half of their 64 shots from lhe field - while Newport was limited to just 47 au.empts, canning 26 for 55.3 percent against lhe Oilers' wne and occasional press. Dimitri Antonopoulos, a 6-3 senior, was the catalyst to Ocean Vi e.w · s t rt ump h , with h 1 s hustling and scoring ( 11 points), along with the double figure scoring of Make Judge (10) and 6· 7111 Dave Fans ( l 0). Newport Harbor trans fer Byron Ball added nme points and 10 rebounds, while Judge and Faris chipped in with 9 rebounds each for the Seahawks. Ocean View enjoyed an overall edge m rebounding by a 44-22 margin and put the game away in the third quarter, expandrng a. five-point halCtime lead into a 47.34 edge. Warriors, Police lick wounds , Florida fans jailed TALLAHASSEE. Fla. (AP)- When the shoving, hitting and arrc..>Sting was finally sorted out, 25 police oCCicers were licking their wounds and 15 fans were in .)311 I That was the result of a me lee Saturday night among about 800 University of Florida and Florida State fans who outnumbered Leon County s heriff's depulJes and FSU polk~ after the annual football rivalry between the two ~hoo~ • Gators, from the University of Florida, raced onto the field after the ir team d e feated the Se minoles 13·10, to tear down the goalposts. Florida State fans tried t.o dl'fend the goals and the lawmen, who were kicked . hit and bruisc..od in the process, tried w keep the two sides apart. "Ther~· were a lot of people who walked out with bloody noses and busted eyes." said Maj. Larry Campbell of the Sheriffs De partment. "There should have been a lot more arrested out there." P o I i'c e w e r e s i m p 1 y outnumbered and overwhelmed. In addition to 15 fans arrested on the field, seven more were arrested in the stands for charges including disorderly conduct, resisting arrest with violence. disorderl y intoxication and batte ry on a law e nforcement officer. By mid·morning Sunday. all 2i of those arrest ed , who appeared io be about evenly divided betw een Gator and Seminole fans, had bonded out of jail. The most serious incident occurred when an FSU officer·s gun was kic~ed out of his holster. Artists "Al tl:iat point an arrest was being made a nd th e officers wanted to get the weapon before anyone else did," said Lt. J ack Handley, of the FSU police. The gun was quickly recovered. "I JUSt ho pe measures are taken against the people involved so that it-won't happen again," said FSU Athletic Director Cecil "Hooue" Ingram. Handley said law enforcement o{ficials will meet to determine what steps could have been taken to avoid the mob scene and what can be done in the rtiture to mak<' sure it isn't repeated. "I think there will be a lot of meetings on this," he said. Estanci a., Mu s t a n gs post wins Estancin High's Eagles opened~ defense of their Beverly Hills women's basketball tournament ch a mpions hip in impressive fashion Monday night, defeating Bellflowe r 60-42 in an opening round game. At th e Morning side tournament m Inglewood. Costa Mesa's Mustangs came back with a 39-35 victory in downing Dominguez High, a fter losing its first game in the competition last week. Estancm will return to-action Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. against -Culver City. Sally C hris tman paced the Eagle sc'Oring with 14 poinfs and had 14 rebounds, four assists and three steals to go with her point total. Amy Hathcock, in addition to scoring 12, had 11 rebounds and five assists plus a steal. earn all-league Debbie Hughes, an all-league performer last season. injured an anklt! early in the game and will be sidelined for at least 10 days. Angie Garcia played well on defense in the fourth quarter to preserve Costa Mesa's victory over Dominguez. Shhlly Neal and Lis a Schumaker each h,!'f 10 points for the victors. Sax Woodbridge and a pair of Laguna Beaeh High football stars w e re honored with All-South Coast League laurels, as chosen by the league's football coaches, including a pair of first team selections. Woodbridg~ offensive tackle Scott Nolan and Laguna 'Beach punter Adam Johnson were accorded first team honors. The offensive player of the year is Mission Viejo receiver Fred Coler, while Bob Jenkins of Capis trano Valley, a 6 -3 . 225-pound tackle, Is th e defensive player of the year. Othe r Woodbridge playe rs honored on the second team include receiver BiJl. Russell, t.'lckle Greg Flynn, quarterback Kevin Burke, lineman Ball Whiteside and defensive back K evan Armst.rong. Laguna· Bea ch's Ni c k Christ College top Cal Tech PASADENA Christ College, with a balanced scoring attack , scored its first victory of the season here Mo nday n ight, holding of{ hoet Cal Treh for a 07·0~ d<'Cialon. Jon Wood had 13 while four o thE>r players hit 10 for the Eaalet Including Fred Hartman. M a tt H anae n , Dav e Elch<'lberger and Oeorgc Brandon ThA-F.aalee are now l ·4 Cor t.hc ytar. Hernandez (lineman) and Kevin Manno (linebacker ) were also named to the second team. ALL-aoun. COAIT L.EAOUE l"l"t T-Ott.Me ,_ ,...,.,, edloo4 Ht. WR-Fr11C1 Colet. MIMlon Vlejo6-1 WR-.>oM Mcbeld. Lag Hiia 6-1 TE-Todd Wllllam1. lag Hiii 6-t T -Greg A1lkenn.&~V 6-3 T -Sec>tl Nolan. Wopdbrldg96·3 G -S ieve Michell, MV 6-1 G -Tim Moy, SnClrMte 6·2 C -Maritn Goggins. $111 C1mt6·0 -8--Klaus L111tenb1uer. MV 6-1 8 -Roger Brown, MV 6-1 8 -Burl Cell, Capo Valley 6· 11 Punier-Adam JOM10n1lll0 8·2 PK -011v1d Jonnson. MV 6· 1 Finl T-o.NnM Wt. Yr. 1711 Sr. 185 Sr 205 Sr 216 Jr 225 Sr. 195 Sr 170 Sr 210 St 190 Sr 180 Sr 172 Jt 170 Sr. 180 Jt OL-Brent Troltlar. CepVlly 5·8 t5a Sr. Ol-lerry Lewson, SnClmnle 6-0 175 Sr OL-Bob '*11tlnt, Cll>O Valley 6·3 225 St. OE-Merk Davin, Capo VIiie)' 6-2 205 Sr. OE-Roger Flc1ttlng,SnClmnte 8-3 tllO Sr LB-Sl\ane Preti. 0.M HI"-5" 10 180 Sr LB-Peul DeCasu,CepVll &-11 180 Jr 08-fle!>Ol9 P..,dteton,C.,,Val !>· 11 170 Sr 08-Kyle Marshall, MV 5-tO 17p Sr 08-Allan Roman, Legune ""'96-0 180 Jf 08-0.vld Hill, Mltllon Vi.to 6-3 163 So ..... ,_~ WR-8111 AwMll, Woodbridge &-11 170 Jr WR -Jen Man.uilhanl,CapVa! 5-10 165 Sr TE-Oeve Henle. Dena HtM9 ...... 215 Sr OT-Greg Flynn. Woodbl'ldg9 &-1 220 Sr. OT-Rlclt Oetwd. Capo Valley •S 240 St 00-~ l(lnwy,Cee>Va! 6-4 205 Sr. 00-Jen C91entloo, legHh 6-0 180 Sr c -Nicll v~·· MV ti-I 185 Sr 8 -Kevin Burke. Wdbfdg9 8· 1 18e Sr. 8 -l -Plllmel, llgllll• H1111 &-0 170 Jr 8 -Jim Arno, Sen Clement• &.e 145 Jr. a...-T-~ 0\..-8111 WNtellde. Wdtlfd99 M OL-Oevln Megy. Mlaelon Viejo6•1 0\..-Ndf ...,_._, LB $-11 220 Sr. 190 Jr 173 Jr &·It 173 Jr. OE-lr1C laCM. Capo v-.y 8-t 2011 Sr. DI J1>M Nlecoll, Capo V•"9y5·10 1IO 8t Ll-8111 HuleJ, Mtlalon VlelO &·I 174 9f l.8-l<evln Marino. LI &·8 180 If M 190 9f DI-Mike Gertnalfl, Dena H• 1·2 tlO It Ol-AandY leMMl,OepV.. 1.e 1?0 Ir Ol-Jotwl w.lw,lnClmnl• ... 110 It Ol-K Mt*fOf'lt, Wdllrd99 1-t 170 Ir Often..,,. l)4aywr of IM Y.--,,.a COiet (M!lalon Viejo) ~ pteyer Of ""',_ .. .,.,..,. ICllCIO v•) "We shot a little better tonight than we did in our opener but we need lo improve on our free throw s h ooting," Coach Paul K~hn said. ''Whe n t.he game came d own to the wire, our defense did a good job for us." Los Al bows to h e a vy fog LOS ALAMITOS -Heavy fog forced the cancellation of Monday night's program at Los Alamitos before the first race was held. Everyone admitted to Los Ala mitos on Monday received a rain check from the Horaemen's Quarter Horse Racing Assn. which will be honored any night during the winter meeting.· f'ans who did attend t h e cant-eled Mondov Prol'ram will also be given Cree parklnf by showing their parklna 1tub rom Mond•y and they will also receive a free proaram by showing their program from Monday nlght. AU waaers made on Monday's card •t early-blrd bettlnl a nd any wagl'rs madt at tht track beforl' th«' cancell•Uon YJtll t>. rt0funckd. Racina will resume at Los ALtmltOll ton18)1t With I '1:45 tint post. r ' a ., .. Orange Coaat DAIL v PILO r /To"1dey, Dticombw 7 1982 I ClASSlf llD · Tit' n111rkt•lplac1• on tlw Orange CoClst ..• 642-5678 A mcm11 P'!Oplr lnoking /or a rental. 10'' read real ntate c:la.4Js1/ft>d ads ~oCiday Gift &Service Guide --.,,_ .--.... ·1 , <:<.' ... & lor C11ft' tor I l11 T1 Dc:c.orat1or\1., ROUI' rr 'sfm Bariendtng lor Holiday LJtjrt n5 ParltH Pvl 11t1lden1S HOLIDAY POTLUCK n only Tell us how many DINNER CRUISES, $10 Men s 'JIOlnlHs 011e1ust $5SO Jom 631·5115 Lt11lse'1 L110lt111 LevtllH Hollltim1oe gourmet fruit cakes & others 548· 1293 80 1 WHIRLIGIG PvPP•fll6 excell nl hunung w Boker Coaia dogM. lor more onlo earl Mesa 675 7952 C {f 1 ( you upecl We will do 833·5806 760·2578 A LUlt'/ZU~ lhe rest Shop, mui. ser-Make 11 a C o n1 lnen111 ~ ~·r ve. clean-up. all lor 1 by Janine Cards lnvllallons CerllflCDleS reas lee 770·9833 Chro11mas A gill lor -lhe Whole lamoly Enler181n lhls Holiday wllh JOHNSON & SON Special Sports Toursl LA Aatoers vs LA Rams OR Aoae Bowl OR Super Bowl Spaces 11m1111d Call today • PAOlFIC COAST BOX OFFICE •Plants ' Supplies 979-8570 Cocker Spaniel PUPPIOI Pc. r'on J l 11<.t I (1 itt~ tor Chroaimas AKC reg blond 842-3341 ANARIES • S1ng1ng Ball 01 Red Feather• for Ch11s1mas (red·orangal S35 646·8132 THE CATERING co A Lincoln/Mere 540 -5630 Tol81 parly planning se<· Scandl& Down shiiPS "ice 642·5937 Comlorlers etc 2756 E 540·3669 536-88~8 •!Wets •Cacei Call answer ad "579 642-4300, 24 hrs Po111e&.;;ii"" groomed I Csl Hwy Cdm 1590 S prof banender/server Csl Hwy LB 1v111 lor Hohdays. par-Joo Brock,;an-Poano Co lies 897 Glenneyrt ~(\ LEE S FLOWERS •Pet supphs GIVE l llFT OF LIFE! •oac• Tr1111t, & Eacravi•c LLOYIS llRHRY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newpoll Blvd CM H & H Floral & Crall Sup ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gard· en Grove. Anaheim Clllrlst•as Craft Shew SO. CST PLAZA HOTEL Mon. 10·2 & Tues. 2·6 Sieve 645· 142~ Laguna Beach 497 -3490 EXP'D BARTENDER No rob 100 small. Lie ARNIE 968·8666 all 6 New MK:rowave (Amana). fur du: I lomL See us 101 you1 ChrlSI· mas Bouquets 891·2569 ---FL:OWERS BY MORRI lllTIO P~HTS: Lge selecllon of unusual specimen size plants at Incredibly low prices. 170 E 17th St Sle 117 COSIO Mesa. 646-3 14 1 Engraved g1f1s 1as1 lore· H•-7441 $189 Celling Fans w/ 448 E 171h Slreel. Cos18 Mesa 645·8144 ver Ta11ko1ds. goblets, Your Complel8 Sko Head· tJaby c ups. p 1c1ure quarters· Sales, Rentals. lrames, key rings, e1c Clo lhong, Ski Romp, elc NEWPORT S KI co . Spet1ah11s 1n Holiday De· corallons Copperllald's Flowers 1936 So Csl Hwy LB 494-1173 111es , New , $79 1·855-6209 MICROWAVE New Sharp Carousel. probe S229 Or choose from Amana, Litton. Mog1c Chet. Tap· pan, O'Keele/Merrll ltMl FlllHI lor small animals: Free pets lor good homes & good homes for free pets. a•1u•, F1a1s for Christmas DICK MILLEA MOTORS Santa Ana 557·2132 546-6740 2330 IEWPOIT ILVD., O ••• Open Ditily 10-5 CHIL DAENS CLOTHING :HOO W CQOSI Hwy Handcrafled Ba11k. In· 631•3280• 1an1s lnct. br1gh1 colors, StOpl Chr1s1mas ShoPt SELL idle 11ems with a Dally Polol Classified A\1. Bou tiq m•i-; · 17' Boston Bay Packer --------.-.! Bay boal. Fbrgls, lnbrd. ---------Make olr. 642· 1234 P.T.A. Holiday Boullque Thurs. Dec 91h 10 10 4 306 Via Lido Nord, NB Custom & Handmade G1l11 Mong Car FanlSh Gilt Ce11111cates & Holiday Specials Call 754-6404 Ren1: 26' mo101 home, sips 8, fully loaded 645·8616 --A-LL-IE-0 Lt'O'H'Ti'NG 222 Vlctorla·Costa Mesa 646·3737 646·8194 We have Southern Call· lornoa's most compl81e selecuon ot llghllng al compe1111ve prices CllHITlll IOAT PllllE Balboa Charter Corp, now laking reservations 675· 1976 646-5707 •••••••••••••• UNUSUAL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! How aboul an antoquo blcycl ? Or a steer lrom the iear tandem or En· goo Bille? You can l1nd 11 ell at lhe adorable. reasonable E.5. RUlllHL, l•C. prices Stella 840·8374 New sko & fashion stor111 tea1ur1ng e-clusive Biii· zard sklS & famous oc11· vewea1 Register lor pr· lze draw1og Oec 15 windsurfer. boots. vaca· lions. more• 642·5630 ~ .. 1 0\ s P&Tltf lllHS lackre•• lift Slte111 Chrosl mas llems 10 (Ill your Holidays w 1lh Christmas Cheer Come V1sll 1.Js 4242 Campus D11ve. S1e E·3 Newport Beach 549-85SO Mon-Fri 10·4. Sat 9 30·3 30 Holiday Aenl·A-Car Low as $39.95/weekend Robins Ford 642-00 10 Ferrara Rooting Co Re-roof, Repair, Shtngle Newport Wrap & Mail Svc (714) 642·8233 1825 Westclill Dr, NB MINIATURES FOR CHRISTMAS? Why Noll Come see what we have Al. Mint B8218r 400 Westminster NB 645-3281 1725 Monrovia, CM & So Coast Plaza, lwr lvl Have your Ch11s1mas Par· ly on a 44 fl yacht 1n fllewpor1 Bay 640-5 159 llLLOHS FOR lllNER Pdal Ptlslter HOH l••••r1 11¥11. .. 675·2570 AKC Beagle Puppie s $169 AKC Gldn Re1r1evers $229 L naso Apaso $2 50 646-0090 -SHERRY'S POOILES 1111 Westcliff lrive Wes1chll Plaza. N B WINDSURFING SALE M1Slral $950 Hofly $750 UP Spoils 17 !4)631·4 108 UNIQUE HANDCRAnED TOYS & GIFTS Reasonable 675-7489 ............. ________ ,. A flcllU..t 810t lHtt ....... ---·Ned --~Qeftl le --·' CHICI IYEllSOI CHIHSTIH SALE S69 over Invoice on all new. Singer Sewing Machines New Ztoiao Modets/$95 P & J Coll 548·4425 Sparkle tor c"hri'Stmas I& year 'round) Linda's Clean·g Ser11 669·0318 Holiday Balloon Bouquets 6S0·6515, 548-6755 .... E CH llET" Hilarious sloclung stuffet 642-0403 tlLLOHS I ' Fl• Delove<ed by Sanla, or K1 K l the Clown On l y $29 SO Includes 2 color pictures ts•;. d1scoun1 tor hospital v1s11 Delalls 543~8581 Wol Wrtghl tee Cream T • Shirts Ladies & M<!n• Unique Christmas Gills $A 95 673-3313 Teacup-loy-mlnlature 546·2848 Boarding & grooming SIBERIAN HUSl<Y PUPS AKC, xlnl markings blue & brn eyes 536-781 I Roler Skate.;; SALE .0-IO'l IFF •111141 ... lhe yeett...., wtllcll ·-..... .... 1111e1 ... --.... . PIOllllC.-le __, (acerinj! '82 Audi's MOLLIE'S IOLI MllE '82 Rabbll Sedans LOVE AT FIRST BITE ~·--(i d r .. llOLll&Y SALE Mu 1c. & All 1ka1t1 In 11ook. Incl Riedel & Suregrlpt ..... It Ill••• ••• CM ft.H . Cell Ille i..ee-1 o.,..,, ............ . 7 132 Edinger Santa Ana. 842·4611 '82 Sclroccos Prices do nol include In· slalled accessories, Ext Sealants, or Factory re- bates. of any 221 Marine A1f•, B.I 675-1572. 'Tos the sea· son to go"e real gold l or 't ht (}ff1u: IEWPOIT URIH ClllHSTllAS ll&T PARllE New mopects Save $ t50-$200- M1ners', Ward & Ellis Fin Vly 962· 1922 Music on the Move Get in Have yovr BOAT tHOUSE Iha Groove with Mu soc CLEANED before or eller lor all Occ 731-9194 AKC OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG PUPP(ES FOR CHRISTMAS $3SO 979-1478 Ocea•fri1t WllHlwerb W.UA IU.·1110 OAll.Y PILOT ter lft f Or .... 11 .... .,411 ... ce .. ..,..._. 142-4321 Small & Large Occasions Cordon Bleu Graduate Ca1&rlng Speclallles 646-0139 445 E. Csl Hwy N.8. 673·0900 Oller end 12/24/82 Are you planning a move? Classohed ads will poin1 Gag gills lor olllcef you In the righl direc11on friends Wonderland 01 lo fond the home you Fun 690 W. 19th. CM need. 642·5678 6415·9023 Rode In parade In 32 decorated boat with gourmel bullet dinner. $25 person. 675·0781 Holiday parties Quality WANTACTION? servoee 760·2581 Class/fed Ads 642·5678 A PUPPY FOij CHRIST· MAS • LabcA.c.101 pup· pies, blk, 7 wks old $75. 847-8072 ••••••••••••• C•ll 142-5171. Put • few words to work for you. Ill.a Nil.IC NOTICE aun•NT Of' WITHDRAWAL l"flOM l"un.fl .... ONRATINO ~· FICTITIOUa IU .... H N.- The following pareon haa WllhOrrwn u a o-i-al partner from I.lie partnerll\lp operallng una.r Ille llclllloue bualnaea neme of VANOER81l T INVESTMENT COMPANY, a Ct llfornla Llmlled Pertnanhlp at 17092 Pullman ,.....,_, lrvtne, Celttornll 92714. The llc;1lllou1 bu•lnau name 1ta1emen1 f0t 1he pannerllhlp was llled on Augu11 11, 1982 In Ill• County ol Of'"O' John Clerk, 5832 Hlgng11a Terrace. Turlla Rock . lrvlna, California. J<>M Clatlt F1M11J Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI Dally Pllol, Dae. 7, 14. 21, 28. tt112 5375-82 Nil.IC NOTICE OfflCE Of' THE aHEtWf-COftOMEA. COUNTY Of' OflANGE NOTICI! Of' aAU UNDIR Dl!CME Of' FOflECLOIUN: EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, etc., Platntltt ve ANTHQNY L . MERCANQANTE. el al, Oefendanl. No. 37-44-71 I, the underslgnad. Btad Gates. Sn.tiff-Coronet, County of Ofanga. S111e ol Calil0tnla. do '*8by c:er11ty thal by virtue of Decree of Forac;101ura and Sal• In lhe Suparlor Court of Iha County of Ofanga. s1a1a o1 Culomll, en111ed on Augutl 30. 1982, Ind rtcOtded Augu•I 30, 1082 In Ille abova enlltled ac;llon . wherein EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS• COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. a Calllornl1 Non·Profll Corporation. ------------Iha ebove n,!m•d pl1lntllfls). Nil.IC NOTICE oblalned a )udOmant and decree of ------------l orao101ure and sale against 1"1CTIT10Ua _,...... ANTHONY L. MERCANDANTE. NA• aTATl!Ml!NT d•landanl(I), lor Ille aum of Three The followtng paraona are doing lhouaand N'lell hundred eighteen & butl,_. as: 24/100 Dollars, Lawful m~ of the Ct.US OF 25, Onlgn Plaza, 270 United S111es, and by 'llrlue ol a Newport Center or .. N•wporl wril of enlorcerr.enl In said aotlOn Beach. CA t28'1Q. latued on Saptambat 29. 1982, I am Jack Uller, unlnc;orporaltd eommanded 10 Mii ell tbe~opatty soc;lal club, 24212 Vlsla D'Oro, n lhe County of Orangec""Slale of 1.9guna Nlguel, CA 92883. 112853. Calllornl1, dacribed .. follows: Steve Muler. 24212 VIiia LOI t5 of Traci No. 5018, City of O'Oro, Laguna Niguel, CA 112877 Newport Baach, u lhown on a Map Chuc;k Clerk, 24214 Vitia recorded In Book 188, Pages 26 O'Oro, L.aguna Niguel, CA 92877 I h r O u g II 3 0 , I n c I u s I v e o I e G Frldc 24212 Vlsll D'Ofo MllJC8111naoua Maps, Record• of LAQuna Niguel 'cA 92977 · Oranga County, c1111orn1a. Thia buelnen rs r:onduc:tad by an Properly 11 mora commonly unlnc;orporated ueoclallon olher known 11: 2815 C1rob, Newport thlp BNc:.h. California. lhlltl • P°f: Uttw TogelNr w1ttl .. and llngular Ille This 1111_,1 wu lllecl Wllh Ille 1anemant1. haradllamenlt. and County Clerk ol 01'"09 County on appurtenenc>aa l'*aunlo belonging o.c. 3, 1982. ,_ "'i!°u~~~~;'~;"HEAEBY Publlalled Orange Coaat Delly IVEN fhel on WED~ESOAY. Pllol "'-7 14 21· 28 11112 DECEMBER 22. 1982, 11 10:00 ' .._. • • ' ' 5283-82 o'dodl, A.M. of thll day at Main ----------~-=.tLobby, Courthouaa, 100 Civic McCOIMK:a MOITUAlllS .Laguna Beach .. 94.9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1s11ano 495-1776 HAa90ll LAW~MT. oun Mortuary• Ce~lery - -crema16ry 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S.0.5554 nl« OtlWI Weal, City ol Santa I wfll Mii lhe abo1fa daacflbed properly, under n ld writ and ea, 0t u muc;h lhataof u m1y • neca11ary 10 sa1l1ly ••Id mant 'Wflh lntwes11 and G0t11, o Ille hlghesl bldd«, for caeh In l1w1UI money of Iha Unfled Stan.. ( Doled at Sonia Ana, C1llfornla. Novembar 15. 1982. BRAD GATES. Snatlff-Colooar County of Orange. Celltornll By K. Brown, ::.i=· .,, . .,.. • c.llett• 1 11T.,.,._,.,.,...2IO •r:;i;:iftti#> ..... Ca. ._. 11 e AIW'Nr Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICI! Of' roal'POMl!Ml!HT Of' IALE Of' STOCK APRIL MANAGEMENT CORP· ORATION 7317 Paramount BoulaYard PIGO RI...., •• Callfornl• 80660 APRIL MANAGEMENT CORP· Of'ATIOH 1148 Colew81er Ca.nyon Otr.a Bavefly Holl•. Ca111ornla 90210 NOTICE IS HEAEBV Gii/EN thll Ille PubllC AllCloon of Ille lloctc of J 0 LITTLE ENTERPRISES, t Calilorn 1 c;orporalloo. previously nol!Qd, published and eclladuled for 3_00 P M. on August 1t. In 1na Office ol Dlllfld M. Zlmbefoff. Inc . 4631 Tallar A¥&11ue, Sulla 120A. Newport Beach, C11t1ornl• 92eeo. pursuant to Illa S.Curlly A91eaman1 dated November 13, 198 t. wH postponed un11T Oec;memliar 10. 1982. al Ille same lime and place, Judgment for relief from 11ay 10 pr~ with aald auc;tlon having been grenled by Ille United S111 .. Bankruptcy Court, Central D111rlct of C.alllorn11. effecllve Deoeml>ar 9, 1982. Dated: Dec;amber 1, 1982 John D Lillie By: D1v1d M. Zlmbetoll his Allorney 4631 Teller Avenue SUlta 120A Newporl Beach. CA 92MO (714) 833·2823 Publl1lled Oranga Coul Dally P1101, Dae 4, 5, 8, 7, 8. 1982 5314·82 Nil.IC NOTICE FK:TITIOUa .,... .. NAmlTA.,._NT The lollowlng parson I• doing buslneu ... ANTIQUES ANO "IAUTICAL, 1810 Well COHI Hwy,, N-port 8Mcfl, CA 92"3 Joseph Thom11 Vallejo, 430 Rlverald•. Newport l11oh, CA 112863. Thia buslnels I• conduc;led &; an lndl¥fdual. • Joaec>h T Vallejo Thie 1111-t wes lllad with Iha County Clark ol Orange County on Dae. 1. 1982. . , __ Publl•ll•d Orono• COHI Dally Plkll, Dec. 7, 14, 2f, 28, 1982 534•·82 Nil.IC NOTICE FK:nnoua..,... .. NAmlTATIM9NT The followlog paraon 11 doing bulllneMas: SNOW PRODUCTS. 788 Newlon Way. Coeta M11a. CA 92$27. Kellh SI-art HodQOon, 1814 Ulohlleld, Lono Beec;h, CA toe 18. PlBt.IC NOTICE the desc11pllon '" !hos guarantee Nil.IC NOTICE ------------and any IX'":Y 1ssul'd on Iha name of H02a37 1 purchaser al • sale under said NOTICE OF TflUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S aALE Deed ol Trull w1ll atso con1a1n Hod Loan No. at14 T.S. No. F·1.... 011 excep11on The s11e61 addrlSI T.a. No. 7...._. IMPOftTAHT NOTICE TO and other c;ommon de$ogn111on, 11 GE 0 R GE MA YE A 1 s du I y ""°""TY OWNElt any. cithe real properly described eppolnled Tru11ee under the YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A above os purported lo be 108 foUow1ng described deed ol trull DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY~ Briarwood. Irvine, CA 92714 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AIJCTION 11181. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Tiie under119nad Trustee TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TO PAQTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT dlscleoms any lltblllly lor eny CASH (payable 11 1lma ol Ale In MAV'BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE 1neorrec:1nen of Ille street address lawful money of the United Stain) IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION and other c:ommon desognauon. 11 all right. lltla and lnleresl conveyeo 0 F T H E NA TUR E 0 F TH E any. Shown llerem to and now held by 11 undef ¥IP PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU S810 Hie will be .,ade but Dead ol Truat In the propl'rly SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. w11nou1 c;o¥enanl Of w1rrtnly hefein1llet described On Declambet 29. 11181, 11 10.00 express or 1mplted, reg1rd1ng htla. Trullor ANTHONY L MAXWELL am IMPERIAL CORPORATION OF poswss1on. or encumbflnca1 lo and MARVEEN R MAXWELL. AMERICA as duly appo1n1ed pay 1na remaining prk\copal aum ol husband and v.11• as jOlnl tenants Trustee under and pursuant 10 Iha note secured by IOld ONO o1 e.neflelafy CEI INVESTMENTS. Deed of Trull rec;orded June 23, Trust w11n 1nteras1 thereon, H a Calolornla c;orPOt•lion 1981, as onSI No 33899, in booll pr()1(1(1ed In aaod nolt tdvances, II Recorded Novembar 17, 1980 as 14111. page 11176. ol Ollicl•I any. under tne term• of said Deed 1n11r No 22441 In booll 13837 page Records In lhe olllee of Ille County ol Trust. feas c;harges and 731 of Official Racords In Ille office Recorders of Orange County, S1a1e expames ol Ille TruSlea and of Ille ol Ille Recorder ol Orange County, ot California eHCuled by KENNETH 1rus1 created by said Deed ol Trull, Hid dHd of 1ru11 describes Iha H BATES.es1ngiemanWILLSELL lor t he amount reasonably loltowlngproperly. AT PUBLIC AUCllON TO HIGHEST esllm1ted 10 be S39,800 00 Loi 14 ol Traci No 3062, In Ille BIDDER FOR CASH (pty1ble 11 The beneficiary under ••Id Deed Counly ol 011nge, S111e of time of 11141 In lawful money of 1he of Trull hare1ofore exec:ultd and Callfornla, .. per map recorded in UM•d SlllHI al the North front delivered 10 the undtr11gnad • book 92. pages 19 and 20, entrance 10 Ille County Courthouse, wr111en Oacla1111on of default and Mi1eell1neous Maps, In lh• office 01 700 Civic Center Drive Wesl, Santa Demand lor Sale, and • wrllten Iha County Recorder of n ld An1, Calllornl• all rlghJ. lille and Nollce ol Oetaull 1nd Elec;llon to County, 1n1eres1 conveyed 10 and now held Sell. The undersigned causeo sald PARCEL 2· Tl'lel portion of Loi /4 by'• under said Deed ol Tru11111 the Nollce of Oelaull end Elecllon to 1djaaen1 to uld Lot 14 on the property slluated 11'1-Hid County Sell ,lo be racorded...ln l~COOllOI HofltlWffl lylng Nonhaatletly ol lhe and S•••• described as· PARCEL 1 where 1ne reel proferty II lac.led Nor1hw111arly extension of the un11 No 116, u shown an<I D••e November 17 1982 Sou111we11erly llne ol Hid Loi 14 described on the Condominium Plan 1mpe<111 Cerp ol Ameuc:a and Southwesterly ol the lolloWing recorded on September 18, 1978 In 8787 Comple• Dr desctlbed llna book 12845. pages 904 to 971 Sen Olago. CA 92123 Beginning 11 • po1n1 In the lnclusrve, ol Ofhcltl Records ol said (7141 292·6480 Southeasterly line ol slid 1.01 A 11c County Cl1ud1a MacM~••n V Pres 1na Norlh corner of Hid Loi 14; PARCEL 2 An undllltded 1/80111 Pubttsned Orange Coaa1 Dally thane• Nor1nwt1lerly 11ong 111e tnlarasl as 1 tenant In commoo In Pilot. Nov 30, Dae.. 7, 14, 1982 1111111'\ded Norlhe11taf1y tine ol said lh• lee lnlarul In and 10 lhe 5226-82 Lot 14, lo an lnterwcllon wllll lhe common area ol Lot 2 of Traci 9660 •-IC NOTICE Nortllwe•terly e1111n11on of Ille as par map hied In boa« "35, pages ,.~ Soulhwaterty line of Loi 20 ol uid 111 10 21 lnclu•lY•. ol M19Getlaneous NOTICE Of' "*.IC HEAMNO T r • G I N 0 3 0 8 2 ' t " • n c • M114>1. rec:ords ol said County, as ONA~MDZOMNO Northwaslarly along the sucn lerm 11 defined In the 8r1oc:le CODE AME~ Northwt1tarty n1en11on ol 1ne entlllad "dellnlllons" o t Ille Nouc.e Is hereby 11,.,.,, thal Ille SouthWfflerly ltne ol &llcl Lot 20 to Daelaratlon ol Covenants. Board 01 Suparvlto" wlll hold a• Point In lhe North-larly line ol Condllrons end Ae11r1ct1ons publlc hearing lo consider • NICI Loe A .... recorded In bOOk 12699, page 1118 proposed amendment to the YOU AM * Dff AUlT UNDCR A ol Ofllcitl Records codlfie<I orcsinencae c... No CA D 1 1 D 0 , T " u • T D A ' E 0 e.capllng all oil, 011 r lghll. 11 1•4 NOVl!MelR I , 1tl0. '*ltaa YOU mlneralt, m1nerel rights, (IJlural gas TO ADD SEC 7·t · 118 CD TAKI! AC TIO .. TO l"ROTECT rogl'lll, and Oilier llydroc:trbons by "COA $TAL DEVELOPMENT" YOUR l"flOl"UlTY, IT MAY If w h It Io e v • r name known, DISTRICT. TO THE ZONING CODE ICM.0 AT A ""*-JC aALI. • YOU geotlle<mol llaam and all products AND TO AMEND SEC 7.9.19, Nll!D AN Hl"t.AMATION Of'™- derived llleratrom, wHhOUI, hOwellef 7.9.21. 7-9·150 1, 7·11-150 2 and NATURE 0' THE l""OCEIOINO Iha rtghl to drlll, mine, store, 7·9·150.4 OF THE ZONING COOE AOAINaT YOU, YOU aHOULO explore and oparela tllrougll Ille AND SECTION 7-9·2118 OF THE CONTACT A LAWYl!R. aurt1oe or Iha upper 500 '"'of Ille SUBDIVISION CODE FOR THE 336 Cl1errylrH Lane, Newport tubturl1ce ol Slid l1nd. Bl reservad PURPOSE; OF PROVIDING LOCAL 8Mch, CA In Oeed lrom Thi lrvlne Company, a COASTAL IMPLEMENTATION "Ill a 111"1 addr ... 0t common Mlclltgan Corpo11Hon. reeorded PROCEDURES daalgnallon 11 thown above. no Augull 11, 1078 In book 12795; D~TE OF HEARING: Oacember v.arranly 11 given •• lo 111 p~ 780 ol Olflclal Rac:ord1. n tt82 complelenaH or c;orreclness)." Alao e11cepllng Ill wller 11ghl1. TIME OF HEARINO. t .30 a.m or Thi banaflCllry under Hid Deed whalh« such w1ter rights Shall be H soon lh41r••11« as poulbla. of Trull, by rHson of a brNCtl or determine Ille opening bid, you may 1111 .. 1IC NOTIC·E call.(714) 937..0966 ,._ Date· November 12, 1982 NOTICE Of' TitUStt£'1 •AU· GEORGE MAYER l.,i No. 1'MI01JIM as .. Id Trustee, T.I . No. QIM.a By TD SERI/ICE EQUALITY SAVINGS lll'ld LOAN COMPANY, agent ASSOCIATION u duly appointed By Ktlh~ M PolrlQll, T rut Ila under 1111 followi ng AsSISllnl Secrelary dfferlbed dM<I of 1ru1t WILL SELL ~ Cit•y CB~~2.:Seel, AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 11:7t's-e21111 HIGHEST BIDDEff FOR CASH Published Orenge Coii'st Delly jp1yable ti lime of tale In lawful Pilot Nov 23 30 Dec 7 1982 monay ol Iha Unlled Stelesl all ' ' ' · 5105-82 right, lltle and inlw .. t c:onvayed 10 and now held by II unda< Nici Deed ------------1ol Trust In Iha propat1y '*"naftw delcrlbed Tru11or JO PRANZO, Jr., 1n Nil.IC NOTICE K.arnl unmlfried man Eecrow No. 1lll7DO Beneficiary· Union Feder11 NOTICE TO CfllDITORa 0' Savings and Loan Assoclalfon. • IULK TflAN•,E R AND OF corporation INTENTION TO TRANa,Elt Aac:orded Juna 18, 1981 u lnslr. ALCOHOLIC I E V E flAQE No 28777 In book 14106, p1ga LICEMSEll ) (aece. 1101·U07 1726 of Offlclal Recor<ls In lhe ottie:e U.C.C. lltd/or M07J NI") ol lhe R«lorder ol Or'"O' County; Nolle• i. hereby gJ.,.,, 11111 a t>illk Hid Offd ol tru11 describes Ill• translef ot pertonal propatty Ind a follOwlng proparty: • llllnlfer of Nquor lk:enM(•) I• •l>OUI A portlOn ol LOI 36 ol Tract No. 10 bl made. 053. •• Shown on I map llleraof The name(al, Social S.Curlly (or) raoorded In Book 1t, P1ge 42 ol Fed«al Tall Numbat, and malling Mllcellaneous Mapa, <119Crlbed as 9ddtess, and ZIP Code Number, of Par«* 2 as lhown on • map flied In the 1ran1fero1(1) are: Book 88. Pages 10 a 11 ol Parcel JARMAN FAMILY S TEAK Mapa, In Iha offlea ol the Counly HOUSE OF HUNTINOTON BEACH Recorder ol Orange County, INC , 1130 Highland Drlwl, Newport Cllll0tnla. Be1Gh, California 92MO. Fed. Tu YOU Aflf IN De,AUl T ~ A 1195·30602411 Dfl!D Of' TflUaT DATl!D •1M1, Tiie n1me(1). Soc;l1I S.Curlty lor) UNLl!la YOU TAICE ACTION TO Federal Tall Number, and melllng l"flOTl!CT YOUfl l"flOHRTY, IT addres•. and ZIP Coda Numw. of MAY IE •OLD AT A l"UILIC lhe trlll\sle(M(IJ 8te ' I Alf. IF Y 0 U 111T£1J All C H U N S 0 N P A K S S l lll"lANATIOM Of TMf NATUfla •033-32-5082. 13403 BMc11 Streat, Of' T .. l"flOCEEDINO AGA*IT Cen1ta.. Callfomla 90701 YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A Thal lhe part0nll property bl L.AWYl!fl. transferred II desc:t1bed In o-r-at 1132 SN Bii.off, Cotta M-. CA a 1 m a I e r I a I I , 1 u p p 1 I e • , 112827 merchandlH. equipment. jor) "(K 1 •treat addrese 0t common tumltutH, l1J11Ufes 111\d equlpmenl, dt1lgnat1on It allown abo,,e, no gooowlll, 111danama. 11111. warr1nly Is given aa 10 IU lellehold lmprovwnants. lrlll\CfllM . OOfTlplet-or correc1..-1 " etoc:lt In ltade, and A8C lloaflM of a The benafldary under Mid Deed ~iu-.-. SIZZLE8 aacUt o1 TNOt..1111 (OU9'1 ot a l>taec:ll or 1oc;a11d a1: 18552 s Baacto Blvd •• dlfautt In the obligellonl -.d° Hunllngton Beach, Callfornl• lhlraby, heretofore axec;vted Md FAMIL "f STEAKHOUSE NO. 57 dellvared lo the undersigned a 109etller wlln 1111 followlng written OaclatallOn of o.faull and dt11:rlbael atcohollc; b111•r1t• Damand fOt Sala, and written notlee lloanM(t): ON SALE BEER 4 WINE of bruch and of tltc;11on lo ~ LICENSE NO. 41-35491 now luued the undersigned lo Hll Hid tor H id premlaes, for preml11t propatty to Nlltly llld obllgatlona, localed at 111me 8ddres1J (or) -and lheraaltar lhe undarelgnad addr .. s cauMd l8ld nollee of bc'HCll and of Tllel Ill• IOl•I conalcsarallon tor election to bl 1111 1ransf«'W_Nld butl,,.. and of Rac:orded Jv~. 1N2 as lnttr. 111d 1ic.nM(1fT11~ aum ot $31t,· No. 112·284867 -ol H id Olflclal 000.00 Including Inventory ~de, Hllmated a1 14,000,00. wllloh Said ule wlll b• rnacsa, but conel1l1 of the folloWfng: wit hout covenant or warranty. Deaoltpttoft A-• a11pr-or Implied, reg•dlno tltla, CaShi..t ChaCk 116.000.00 poSllttlon, or anc:umbrancaL to o.maod HotH to bl r• ~Y Ille remaining prlnc:IP411 tum ot placed wilh c:tlll Iha notl(a) MOU..0 by Mid Deed ot lhfough esc;row 195.000.00 Trual. wl111 lnleteat u In Mid note Note and MCurlly egr... provldad: adv1nc:.e, If any, under mant 1n tevor 01 1ne llfma ol aald o..ci of rruet, ,,.,. aattat 120s.ooo oo taae, onaroaa and axpanaes of tlla Thll 111111 bier'! agreed bl~ Tru11 .. and ol the INltt OtMted by .... Cl •OTHllS llU •OADWAY MCMITUAAY t 10 Broadway Costa Mesa 6-42·9150 Publlahad Oreno• Coul Dally Pllol, Nov. 23, 30, Dec. 7, 1t82 5138-82 NlllC NOTICC aun•WT °' MAM»Oll•WT Of' U• Of' PICTmOUS ..-e1NAM1 Tlllt bu"'-II GondUc;tad by an lndlllldual. Kellh Hodgdon Thia 1111-1 WM ftled with the County Clerlc of Ofanga County on NO't 22. 1N2. ~­Publllllad Oreng• Cotti Dally r1parl1n, overlylng, appropriative, LOCA T10N: Boerd Hffrlng Room. def lull In the obtig1t1ons aac:ured percoletlng, preaorlpllve or Hall of Admlnlt11a1lon, 10 CIYlo thereby, herelolore executed and eonlrac1u1I w11hou1, however. Iha Canter Plaz• (Corner ol 8rotd11oiy d•llvared 10 Iha undertlgned a right 01 enlry lor lh• aierclse of •nd Sinl8 Ana Boutevardl. Sonia wrlllen Oac;llf•llon ol Delaul1 an~ IUCll rlghlt. u raMrved In Ille Deed Ana Demand lor Sai., and wr111en no1ic. from °llla lrvln• Comp1ny. • PROPOSAL COd• Amendment of bleach and 01 tltc;Uon to eause Mlc;hlgan Corporallon, recorded Ho CA l t.4 propo-10 edCI Ille Ille undarelgned 10 sell u ld Augu•I t 1, 1978 In book 12795, f>'OC:e<IWH 10 Ille Ofanga Counly properly to Nllaly Mid ObllgltlOna, page 780 ol Off1Cl1I Racordl Codified Ordlninot1 lhll are and tneraalltr Illa unde111gned PARCEL 3. E111mant1 ti HI n-ssary lor Iha County to oeuMd Ilk! noliea ot breach end ol lorlh In Iha 11c;11on1 enllll•d perm II aulhorlly over Ille alaollon 10 ba "c;erlaln aasamenlt tor ownat1" unlnoorpotaled Coatlal zone".. Aac;ofded Decem'*' 28, 1981 OI end "1uppor1. Hlllamanl and 81 provided by th• Celllornl~ Instr No 3:J054 In l>OOk 14337 Pao- encroachmenl ' ol the artlc;la Coaalll Act 01 1t 78 1008, of Slld Ottic:lll Record• enllllad •e111mant1" of Ille Meterlal 11101 you with 10 be Said 11fe wm be made, but eald 1ranel••••l•I and u ld Slid Deed ot Trull tr.n•flfor(•l 11111 conlicl«a11on fOt Said Hie wlll be ltaid on the tranelef of Slid bUlineaa and of Wedl!Mday. o-n'*' 15, 1NI et .. Id llQlf'IM(ll le to be paid only 2 00 P m a1 lM ChaOmall A._ • aft« 1r_.., hi• bean approwd by an111nc;a, to Iha Chilo Canter 0epartman1 of AIC:OhOllc Bellwaga Bulldl11g, 300 Eu\ Chapman Control. pureuanl 10 ~ 24073 et 6-. Ill lhe City ot Oranoe MCI Al the lime ol 1ha 1nltlal IALTllM ... OM SMrTM I TVTMtLL , WISTCLW CHAPll 427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa ~&-9:171 PACllllC ••w .-.OllALPAI• CenwlefY Mortuert ChaPel·Crematory 3l!l(JO Pacific View Drive Newport BHCh M4·2700 e Dally Piiot a.11Hlecl Ad• The tollowlno pareon 1101 tbanOoned lhe UM of lhe Flctitloue ~.._. OOLOEN CHARIOTS. 11 a...-Couf1, Nawpot1 8etCf1, CA Pllol, Dae.. 7. 14. 2f. 28, IH2 5:)7742 NIUC NOTIC( tHa. ftCTITIOUI ..,... .. Thjl Flolllloue Bu1ln1H Nema • NAM1 ITATl•lfl referred to abo¥e WH filed In Tiie lollowlng '*''°"' are doing Of•noa County oo J111Y 1a, 1882. bl*""8 ea. Flit Ho. 193238. MAID·A·MINUTE. 1221 W Ott.it Pareona. 11 8«-COUf1. Coasl HIOflWay. ~ IMotl. CA NawpOrt Bael:fl. CA t2983, ttte3. Tiiie bUalllWI -condue1ed by ()fange County 8arYll;et, lno, a tn lndllfldl.lal, California corpotallon. 1221 W 0. M. P.,tone CoMt HigllWay, Nawpof1 BNcm, CA Thia etet-1 w• Iii.cl Wftll IM t2"3 County Qertt of Ol'ttlOt County on Tiii• butintM I• conctuclad by a Nov. ff. 1H2.' COIP<>f•tlon Publl•Md Orano• COHI Oally Ofanot CO\ll'lly ""°'· oeo. 1, 14, u. n. 1N 2 .......-IM san.12 0,,., eo0p.. Dlal the direct llne 642-5678 Prtaldenf Tiiie 1181-1 wM lll90 wtlll the COunty etarti of Oranv-CO\ll'lty on Nov ft, 1H2 • ,_ Publl•htd Oran,. COHI Dally PllOf Nov 2:J, :JO, Dae 7, 1 ... 1N2 1121-12 Oac;lartllon of '"111c;11onarecorded b r 0 ugh t I 0 1'h 1 e 0 8 , d o f without eovananl or w•rranty, In l>OOk 12899, s>-oa 1118 of OfflCJtl ~· ollll'ltlon al the lleall Hpres. or 1mp1oect rao-rdrng tltla. "9c;ofda mvt1 bl hied wtlh Illa Clar1I of 1 ~oo. or anc:umbf.,_. 10 PARCEL 4 E8Mtn41fllt .. auc;n Board 24 now• Of mote ptlof 10 I pey Iha renielninQ prlnc:IPll tufft of eaeemen11 are pertleularty Ml lorth acheClulad heating Illa CC>Piltl ., tlla note(•) -ed by Mid Deed OI tn tllt Anlci. lltllllltd .. ._,,.. raqulr~ Tru11, Wllh "''""' M tn aald nof1t ol 1111 O.Clareuon 01 covan1n11, For furiller llllOrlll•llon, al proY1ded advaneas. II any, unO« cond111on1 and ra11r1c11on1 lnl .. Hled paraone er• tn¥ilad 1 tllt l«m• of aalel Dead 01 Truet. recorded In l>OOk 128ff, ~ 11 ti c;all Dave Moore of 1111 Plan11ln '"8. cf\algat end ,..,.,_ ol Iha 01 0111c111 ~ords. (The • Meal« Code Sec:tton 11 ( 7141 l:J4·&HO, Trua1 .. tnd ol the 1rue1a craateel by 0ao1er1llon under th• 11cllon 10 c-Into Illa omce IOCaled 81 MIO OMcl Of lfutl haadlno• In tuOll t<llele enlltled •• 400 Ctvtc Cant., Dflll9 Weet Said u1e wlll l>e hold on tollowe ·•Ownl!fa rlonlt Mel ctut•. H I Senla Ana CellfOtllll A fl'llltedty, Otcemt>at 18, 1112 at ~11111111 and core ltlevlalon", of th._ CA II ,4 ie oYetllble tor 2 00 p m , ti lht ChaOft\ltl A~ll •eupport ano u1t1•mtn1". r8\ltew at thlt loeallon entrance to the C1¥1c Center 'encrOIChment" 8nd "Convnunlty BY 01\DIA Of THI BOAM> Of' Bulldlno. soo .... Chapman lacllttlel uaamant" SUl"ERVISORS OF OAANO A-. In the City Of Oranot. CA PARCEL&. laaamanl over LOI .J COUNTY CALIFCORNIA NotlOI: Al lllM Of .... Dicta mmy ot TrKt H18 u P9' map flied In Oett c>.o.mw 1 l N2 b• mtcta In cu11 andJor..,1111 bOOll 414, PION I& to 23 tncll.otlve. I EAl) JUNE ALllCANOIA aHhl•r• or Garllllld Check• Of MltQtllllltOUI Mapa, llle(Mdl of Clerll of the IWd •PHlfled In clvll code HCl lon Hid Co11n1y, lor Ill• PUIPOH ol of ~ of 2124'1 drtlll90I .l*lflltlno the property Of anot CO\ll'ltf, Celt A I t ". ti"'. 0 f I" e In I ti.' conWyed l'ltreln. prOY!dM llle1 tlUCfl Publttlled Or1n04 COH1 Dall publlDllMln of '"" ~. "" totel dralnaet alltll no1 unrtHonlbl~ PllOt Ole t . lH2 8"IOU!lt of IM llnP9ld belenot Ol IM !H lrlot 11\e Intended ult •11d • ' N1W .....-1on MCllfH by ttle ..,.,,. 1111~1 of Mid L.Ot .J • dt1crtbad daad (If uuat •11d Attention It 4'1teeted 10 Illa fact lhOP et horM 11 • MllY """'"" ooata, Hpelllft, a11d fh8f the Oii. etc •I• •~CtOted lrOll'I with ctlNlfled •42·&e?I •0~811CH I• ., ••••• 74 la T h a I t 11 a II e re I n d a 1 c r I b • d publloMlon of tllll llOtloe, tllt total 11.m.1 wa 10 ba ~. amount ot lhe llnP9ld Mlencle ot 1M eut)jeet to Ille tbOW ptoYleiollO, at Obl19tllon MCUrtd l)y lht tboft SERVICE ESCROW COMPANY, duorlbacf deaO.of lru1t and 14212 eeacll 81 . WH tmlntter, 11um-.ld cot.la. e•penMt, M d Celltornla t2883. on or aller 1dvanc11 I• I 121.1at.l8 To J_.,y 4, 1"3 datermillt 1M °'**'9 bid, you may All other b111ln•H nam11 and Gall (7 14) 514-1333. -McH•-uead by tfla trtntfet0t•I Oeta· ~-4,i, _1M2 wtthlfl """ .,_, !Mt peel, eo I• IOUALITY -VINGI _, •• 11nown to trantle1M(1). trt' LOAN AllOCIATION llol'9 ee Nici TNll9e N•me and addtlH of aaorow " T.D. lllW!Ca holder. llAVICI 11ci.ow COMPANY ....... COMPANY, IOU t H OI\ 81.. lyLomlWllfMClll, waat""""9r. ca Hta. AlllltMt ....._,, Oetecf· No.-ber It, 1HI HU C..-0 Dll flllo I . JARMAN 'AMll.Y lulte ICM INC SflAI( HOUel °' len Dllao. CA .. ,.....,.. HUNTINGTON HACH 11'91 ~ l"ubllahe41 Oteftl9 Coeet Del~ l"llol.. Nov, n. IO. Dee. J, ... .... r ''• 111111 \ 1111 UAll Y ··~ CLASSIFIED ~~!!!!. ~~ ~1!....... ~~!!!!.~'!.!.'.'I....... 91~!!. A~t~•.1t!1..... •·;~::!!'', 1100 !'.~~~~!.¥~!!!!.'!~!.'... !'.~!!!!. ¥1!1.r~.'!A'! .. ~11.1•1~~~!! .f ~!.-l!A"!. ••1111 llOI I ,~ ... #11111111•11 ••••••••• , ••••••••••• C11t1114111 Jllf ., • ..,, •••d JU 11, .. ..,, 11116 "" INDEX •••••••••••••••••••••• IVI •• .,.... • • I 11-1•"111 Ill/Fil •••••••••••••••••••••••••• .-....................................... . •• • ••• • .... •••••• ••••• ,,, •• , -,, ' Du ,,, ·II 011'1' Od Pu 0C(A~lll40NI DI• 2·4 Bt ft "-TM M, C11 Liii llLI 11111 p1 tow L.l\lo Noni b.lytnmt l\ bdnn, ;'11 • lw1h I L.ac· l.. H , 01r l'C:)rnl 2 l>c1o11 •llP'i •1 .~00,tHNI PIH /ILIP l l WNll I H TLIRIOI I Lll •••••••••••••••••••••• COMf v J 01 ano f1m rm /U plu HARIOH view liOMre 0 w u~ u• month 12 11 IOOll I lr111lt1f hrk h(>m8 'r1H1Ch door1 low 3:J3 r: 21a1 St CM 6 B<lrm 3 bA den gardn o/J 71Ha N ' k l rHaftr Ptrttl 1lt JOA48 wl•11tlOM'U JIC)ftll lat r 0 • w1111 CdM du &415 I tOl No peta l11tl tttlOO m CI Av111 "" •w on Ill• r•'ll II Ill . A •J.1()11••• o4 lhJ1m Olt-11 2 8R J Ba Cort .. r 1(11 fl'-~ 7'12 .. 197 AOI on '"'' l)etcl"I hOl•I I 642-5671 lllS(1 rtl SAU = .. ~=~ g-·= ..... ~ ... , PM. r.-.: ~T.,. --v.1 .. , ~-.... 11 """'" ~~.t:· L..i-.e .... 1 ~ ........... II .... ~ ... , .. c,.:tt:~ ........ :::~::11 &o..111 1.o, ..... ...... "~''' .. .., .. 11-.s.1. IUl ESTAfE A<r•-""kl<r A~INIM• fOf ••I• t."".!:r.~,,) c. .... 1 .. , ..... c., .... ~~::-.::~.,,, o..i. .... UNlt ll•I• ....._, ........ d i=l~·;r,~,.. ..... ,..,Sal. 1! M.._..IC_T . rh "-°""' Kon Ul~•C• l'r .. :: .. ~~ .. fta.wtw•.Far•' Oro~ .. A•al f..Htet E1thu1• Ru .I DCMt¥1'aMfid IOITALS. "°""'" "''""'"'" -uorun1u11H MciiwNt n,,., 0t UaJ c ..... 1i ... -.1n•f'wt• c..-....... v.r T .. -,,.,. TO'llt,.....n Uftf Drui,lit•n "-'" DutiiM•H U•f Alb''"" ~IJ•flarft Apo f\trn °' l nf """"" ·-•lloo•d Halob,N<Meh Cunlllomu SumM1r "•nub VM'eltOft Men,•I• R~•ala \o Sha rt• Cua1n fOf' R.•nt Oftltt R~ntal lk.IMU ltt'n\11 lftdUllrlll "'"''' ::.•.,: V.'anlt'd Miu R•nt•b IUSIM£SS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE ......... gpport. Bu.1.J11itt,• Vi •Mf'd 1:=::::::: ~::..~ MOM)lOl..oa.1' MOIW)' Yl'aftttd• Mot\l•lf'• TO ' ANNOUNCEMENTS, rmo1ms& LOST l FOUNO ~ ..... -.u Cu """' Lqall'GlK'O 1Ml6 t'°"od _.. Sontl Clvbo• T'ra•t"t• EMPLOYMENT & rtEPAIATION Sd1oob ln.ttrw1*' JottW.n1..-t• ll•IP V. >nloel M 6 J' MEICNANOISE IOATS & MAllNE EOUtrMUIT TIANSIOIUTION A.lrt'Uft Camprrt,,_Salf' Rf'tU Derinf Ctn =~~~s. ........ M4*1' Hm~,Sal• MtnC TralMn.Tr1ul !';;.~~~!"J., .. AUTOMOllLC ..... , ... A#Uqlln Cta:ntn llKr,al..ofl Vdutlf'I ~,i-,_~,:och ·~ r ......... v-AuUJlAuuta AWIOaWaalH IUll9 .... 1111 111' 1• 1• 111111 loll INI IW I ... , .. I ... lllU !Oil ,. 11111 1111 11>11 IOI< 1: 11111 llluil llllll l .. "41 111111 Ill» Jtw IM 11111 '""' -llOI Diii Z:J,9 ---= -- llOI -SM >G -:I* lll$ )l.M) -J1QO --4QIO -UllO <110 •• ·~ UJO 13)0 uoo 41!0 •lOO ·~ -- l<l•111111.li•ll'tl :i W1111, :.! h.1th + IJrtw n-..·. nit . IJt•uni l''ihnl(•, l urnistw<l, [lllll<• $1\111,001) PElllllUU 11011 Uwan & j.'l ty Vll'Wll Mw 11w 1 uoul. 4 lid rm. :I l>uth, :noo ~ h $1 .:Hl!\,IHHI Ol''Ullfltllll Liii& ISLE IAYFROIT 1-ll(OOll Vll'W frum tl tJdrm. 5 l.>.llh. pluy1oum, durk rm. Ul'n !lout 11f1p Now $1IOO,OOll IA YSIDE PUCE 8µ..'l:lUl'Ul11r huy fnmt dplx 2 IJ1'. :l ll:1 up, ~ hr. :.! bu d11 :.! l.1out !>lJlUL't.'1>. Hl•dut•t'<.I $U100,0t)(). FAllHIKS RANCH Nl'W 4 hr, •11 , bl1, c•u"torn l"rl'lll'h Nui 1nonrly Est.aw I 2 prim1• ucrc hilltop $1,2:>0,llOO COIOIADO CAYS Coronado lsland cust. bayhvnt lul. ll~' boot dc)c:k Pluns avml. Now $370,000 w/terms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR HI Boy\•d .. Do·..-..., B 67~ 616 1 R11l £11111 ••.•••..•..•.•..•...•. EQUAL HOUSING OPPO R TUHIT V IE....aT MlltlTI II CtsTA IEU Charming 4 Br & family room 2 bm:k llreplaces. counlQ-kitchen. quiet residential area in young development. Seller will finance $229,000 Fee 144-•110 TAYLOR CO :~•:0l0:~1:.1::.~~ Cl~.":::., 111yr• olen 111 11 oro: light 1nttriora 1htt 111he <MmttlHrt>kar 7MI t81T 1 II PllV I e11n e1c.. CANYON :.iu1 :.iu. rMm 11rot 1111<..1t«H11t• & fund with a 0111 kl Larue J tni 1!1iun ~Illy u'i:'~~~ 8ett Uuy Ill Town Rng y11r1J No 11911 Uttl Coodu g<1ll cow vo•w b11lh '°'""""• oJ 12'0 & btlfm '1 '1 bi\ and 11 ... u ~~d IO g00 •11,,010~0 640-61137 •ot ,,,,,.,, L l)CI U40/mo 1 .. 1 plu• 1..., ur ltn ul)lofJll to bUi o~:.~.{'01:1)()~ ~ r11101 •n111n111o C11ll 10~ 1~~.-.,1~v~~1,01111 tcJt lrtHltal Pull •••••••••••••••••••••• ~8~1~4~.~6~7e '• W Siu 15:10858 ti7J 41~ UI t400 "naurodble 11 101~~ 20a48 w t en(.Jl.IUll 1111111 l•111l16H fintblull Coodo 3 br NOW ONl v ,,1111 :.00 p 0 r ch 2 e A ' 8 A ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Br condo IOt iellH 2 '> ,.,b. 135 Amf1jO(No 81 DCEAIFROIT LOWH TPl lCE 144·1211 corn.1101.1ogt111n11111ou 11111111 JIOJ 011 . 18~0 '' 1e111111 101ii . 11110 9367 Jui 2 01 upptor tu•"' l llllOLIFFI Tfll• 11 the BHt Buv 1n • •••••• •••• • • •••• • •••• POOi rec No pet a R111 213/~<I I "480 unlurn w int•1 01 yrly l.omt>l*tilly rtnlOdel.a In Town 640-51137 VarMllle• o11cn $825 Avlll 1211 544·8071 or W•ll•rl01ye• 111tlud tll8:1 l.orga 4 bd1111 3 VlfW, JOr 1725 730·65? t FAMILY ... E 6C1au11lul view 01 oc.t1n bulh homo with l•mlly tll llllll 11 Nr WATCR 2Br $760 1•1 Br g11rage, y11ro W/PffL 1mmed 0<;cup room All 11aw k11c111rn llll IVY OCEAN VU Sl200 $525/mo Wo1"d" with Olk Clblnet1, 3 llr•· RVP 1111 •ccn paid, (Vertalll••I 841 0763 Pel* Ok II ...... Vll W 0 Ac H fl 0 A r u rt1 / pl Ct' and 3 CfH garage /It .. I ltui IHI 1hor1 owned 111 lull OCEANFAf 30r S 1300 4-5 BR 11om1 wtpoQl artd unlurn Y1ly Ill ulll pd 011 • lurgu eor1.11r Prtvato ••••• -'!.".,•·.!·····.·.·.·.·.··.·.·.·.·.··, 1 840·2555 or 840·5188, LIDO IO &Br 11800 Eo•ttldt, '"P ldltt pre· 1pa Quality car~tlnQ & N,.w 1orp1 11ew l.l•llt>H beach l!ICC8U Owt1t• Ctll anyilmo WATl!'.AFAONT HOM[S lerrud, 2 br, 1 bll, gar· dt•Pt• Naar new kllCh· ntnm CCIII 1mmod OCCUp mo11vot1d and wlll coo ILUFFI IAlllAll H 1· 1400 11ge S625tmo 673·7~44 on 11opllanc11.10 lam rm TSL MOMl 642· 1603 porate w11h 111 1yp .. ol You own tiltl le1nd 2,000 D•1lb 11/ IHI 4 3 • Cl a r g • r D g • S"nny 1 bd 11p1 0\1 Pen1n· l1r11111c1ng 320Seawurd IQ II. 30r, t•m 1m, 2'• U•it1 J11l1J1 Jl00l•JH./iJl8' 3JOf SUPER 3 Bd ,, Sl,700/monlll. yetirly aulo Ha~blOCklobePCh now S3ll!i,OOO a11 WldO Orettnboll n1111r •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• rm, 1 • ba l•rrv Over. &44·6200 Vrlu $41'10 mo C111c 4 001 fill bt1IOw ,,)11rhet llPH TU SllLIH Cule 2Br, open b .. mtd home, clOH to 1choola , 0 - ~.,11 HIHll'1 ~23~.ooo w111 iooliO op· FH llYllTtllll calling•. pvL plllp, graat 1nd bellcll 5•6·6605 w11101 P AQt 67'i· 1642 11!1'11" tiit. lion 0111 844·0134 San Ciemenla pride 01 IQC 640-4198 3Br, 2ba with 111rge yrd 2Br 2Ba ~ll1p1 to bc:I\ RlAl.E'>lATl ownership, modern Cllll lltll 3124 Remod kitchen. dbl gar :;50m~06~~-'f~j81~~: 17Mt00 Newport H111gn11 old8f 2 Spanish ttyle 4 unit apt •••••••••••••••••••••• S725, drlva by 8114 W Bt 1 Ba obi car goraoe. house with OCMnlhlll• & Terrlllci Condo! 2 Br 2 Ba Wllaon. call 559·500 I AIHTI 50 • 111 R 1 101 golf courH view. c101e separate entrance. pool, FAMILY IOIE Beaulllul home 3 Br 2 Ba S165.000 10 everyt hing, only 3 clubhou11 $7~0/mo. 2 car garage. pool. 1pa, Not 58t1slled wllere you 46 t Santa Ana Ave years old & 1how1 like 873·3313 4 Br 2 Ba. encl patio, very private, 1 year lea- are? Aro you look Ing lor 548-5041 all 6 NEWI A new owner could lrplc. a car ga.r~e. No se S 1350/mo Avail Jan a po-.111ve atmo1phtre. 3 Bd 2 b th Prot 32 yr old M hu 4 br. CM location $850/mo 1s1 7141770-0347 nice oll1ce, secretary, Newport Heights oldet 2 oc1 cu,py rm · 1 1 11 2 be pooJ llome l o sh.r 631·7370, Ask tor J1m --- 9 1 Ba dbl c IY ocean view ap w/ChrlStlan lam11y - --3 bdrm. tam rm, to•mal compu1e1. m1crollcne & r car garage, & 1 th • 50 17 RI I applicable ren e Children welcome No N11w carpet F•repleee. dining 2•• ba 2 car "ar supnor1' Call Jim or • 1 ot h 3 1 1 • " "" 5165000 ot er apartmen • or pets u111s pd $675 Evs wood be.,am celling pool 'Nice Greenbelt Mary Ann lo• a conliden· • income Seller will htlp 631-0208, dys 96" t t74 Easts1de. llflfy oozy S595 Submit .. id• s 11"'0 mo 1tol 1ntltfVIOW at 631·7370 461 Santa Ana Ave S E .,. " ~ ., TR.\DtTIO\,\I RL\l 1' OCEANFRONT DUPLEX By ownor Cornar 101 3br/3ba & 2br/2be units S685K assumable t72K ISi TO . owe 2nd TO 752-9466 548 504 1a116 linanoe & AV buyer --•-&. JJ~111 no pets 113t-092t 760•804 t , thousands of jlollaral ll1w .. 1I -•t• •~ -----.iiiiiiiiiiij REDUCED selling price ••••"••••••••••••••••• 01111 loi11I 3ZZI NEWPORT CREST FUINISHED Of IELIEVE IT Oil IOT ol $325.000 IS way BE-LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, 2 ba, • • • • •• • •• ••• ••• • • •• •• • Agent hes 2 Spl8Clal con-UNFURNISHED yOu car1 own a hOme In LOW current replace-lamrm. S 1700 mo Bill Lo11ely-3 bd, 2 ba. Fam d 0 1 2 & 3 B r 9 Nawport Bench tor only men I c;osllll Principals Grundy. Rltr 675·6 t8 l home Frpl Formal Om'g $ tOOOIS 1200 645-0295 ALL UTILITIES S 116,000 wllll an as· ONLY111 Call owner at Rm & Oen Avail 1• 1183 --PAID HEALTH sumable 30 yr loan. (7t•1 HHlll U11l•111i1t 1tl s59511ease 955•2473 fl•ilr It r11t CLUBS' TENNIS O t 1 d d 142 0131 •••••••••••••••••••••• wlldys Newport 1ownho4se. " • wner 11 mo Iva e an • Gl•11•l 3202 ------bdrm, 2 car gar 1S t 100 SWIMMING plus llex1ble end ooen to ol-•••••••••••••••••••••• Super neat 1 Br v111a. ""'r mo By Jan 151 lers Spacious 2 Bdrm l•t••• 111•1ll 2000 courtyard. small & cozy .. ~ mudl more! Sorry, 2', ba condo with garage •••••••••••"" .. ••••.•• HOMES FOR RENT $400/mo. 673.J313 __ 833·5806, 2_60·2578 no pets. Models and carport, community c.M. TllPLU £1 T -----;J3z Lux. Big Canyon 2 br. 2 ba open dally 9 to 6. Pu,ll1her'1 lotice: li~======~i~··~l~bo~•~l1~J1µ11~4~~J~OOI~ All ree' estate advertised • • • • ••• • • • •• • • ••••• • • • In this newspaper Is AID sub1ect to the Federal VIEW UnU ISL --; ) pool and spa 1111100 • •••• !!!............... condo. Pool. sec guard· O k -.1 144·J211 'Assume 9.50~• tst T.O. & EXEC" Br, 3 Ba. lam rm, ed. St400 mo. Ferguson a WO,.... OWC w/20'/t dwn. Rent •IRVINE• see gale, air VIEW, patio. & Halln RE 642-1183 Nl[JEL l11\1LfY & l\SSUCll\IES should be 181< pr year. $750 S675mo 720-0375 2 Br seooi mo 3 B r Garder. Apar1ments 631·7370. 549·3546 •HUNT BEACH • Foa11llill Villt 3234 $950/mo Have others Newport Buda/No. Fair Housing Act ol t968 CORDIA IEL MAil Owm must sell cusl re· ••• •••••••••••~••••• • Fred Tenore . a g t 880 lrvint Avt. w m es 1 -.. Fabulo1.1sly designed " hlch ak I jtt..,,al to modeled elenant 3 br iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! . advertise "any prefer-home featured in Orange home & sep guest apt 11 It 11 d Prime loc 127-127 '~ ence, m a on or 1scr1-County Home & Garden Abalone Reduced S200. IEDUCED 1200,000 TR \DI TI<)\, \l RL\11' $700 4Bdrm, 2' 1Ba. form dining 631· 1266 (It 161111 room. lireplace. lease •GARDEN GROVE• $700 646-0551 Days Spac 3 br. 2'"' be very 645-U 04 ~ lOIO l01$ mlnatlon based on race, Magazine. Steps to bay 000 to s495,000 Cour· color. religion. sex or g ocean beaches Finest ----------clean twnhse. pool. jog· H••li•JIOll 9lng. etc S600/mo. Agt Newport Buc:h/So. lfaet 3240 ~·-o _ 1700 16th Sl -n.llonal 0 In 0 In tesy to bkrs 6•0·4424 or rtg · r Y craltsmansn1p. 3 bdrm& 759-0777 BIG CANYON CUSTOM. on goU course. 20"1. dn. --------- Vacant, show anytime. 21 Flll-PUIH • Ml) 30» l4» 1n1ent1on to make any & 3 batlls $975.000 l•--------•I such prelerenc;e. 1tm1ta· •••••• •••••••t•••• •••• $. Cl f II 3211 ''' Oovttt 3Br. 2Ba. dbl garage, xlnt .f!' ••• !."!.!'........... 6 42-5113 )100 ~·It lo30I Ult) ~ -)4l0 lQlO lOU llW lion or dlscr1mihl1tlon ·· 17141 61l·4400 This newspaper wm not 121 JI US.JUI knowingly accept any HAA80A adver 1t11ng tor real es- tate which ts In violation ol the law ~ Walker 8 Lee ~ H1a111 /11 Silt • .Jo •••••••••••••••••••••• *II),,,,,,,,,. ---======-• .., ..................... . -----= GtH11l I 002 ~ IOU •••••••••••••••••••••• -----1111) I01I ----UI ----.. - ••• tfllO • ------ FAMILY SPECIAU Large 4 Bdrm. 2 Ba. WESTOUFF Coste Mesa home With NEW PRICE! An abund- a I arm aystam. prof. ance of reasons to bvy landlClll)lng. cable TV + Convenlanlly located new paint and seller Three bedrooms Open termsl Great for your 1100< plan. Pool and •P• lamlly Sale priced at $242,000. $121.900 • call today! H l-lSto 646-7 t7 I l:i::::::::iil THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our new regular wffkly feature BOAT SHOW- CASE Every Saturday In the Dally Piiot Classifieds COLDWeLL BANl(eRa ~-.-&. 1et•TW _.... . CHiil ill Ill $240,000 Top income buy south ot the highway! Duplex, each 2 BA. one bath. Fireplace. Detached gar· age Submit ell ollers. A "must sell'' situation. A RARE Good Income area. C111111 ''' 1111 l 022 .......•..•...•••.•... J&SMllE CREEi 2 bdrm, 2 ba, den Prlc· ed under merkel 81 $275,000 Owner 759-1666 agt $1,095,000 Priced at 9 2ic's gross 673·7761 or 760· 1397 Includes pool, tennis courts. and only 4 yrs new_ In Oceanside. LI •• I.LIP Owner motivated Sub· YIWIE " m 1 ilTo lters:-- area. Avail now. $695 Hill side ocean view 3 br •••111111••!!!!!~~~ mo 962-7940 con11ert den & maid'• A 1 . 1 2 1 11 Quan.era $2000/mo "' •H I 4a~~~m,Lar~!· ~= ;';'5~ 2t31•49-2628 .,. ••• ~'!!~!~!!~!!. ...... . mo Pat 968-7096 lilHI /11 .. 4 JM , •• J••• ..................... . 01 TH SUI IAYFHIT Prestig~!~F~~a~. lant· ·-.~~~2~W" llYESTIEITS Vi ew ol ocean 2Br ••• ~~!!!'.'.'!! ••. }.~~! PICTHESOIE astlc location, yo.i've ---------11,ba, guard gate, pool, AVAILABLE NOW. $525 IACl IAY l\aard all the good Pos111ve cash flow w/lax (114)141·2000 sauna. gym $800. Immaculate 2 bd condo, Little Ille. pier, 3 story delu11e lrg 2Br. lrplc S 1800 mo. 675-3007 EOIESTllU ESTATE words, now le1 us show sheller Income Exlnt II· AGENT, NO FEE 2131333-3846 all extras. pool 2 kids you a waterfront home nanclng on an NNN on a ---------•INEW CARPET, DRAPES OK, no dogs, 831·9303 large rambling country with " bdrms & 4 baths triple net lease(I prop foe 3 Br 2 Ba SBOO or 2•0·6019 home with panoramic that has all the grace & In a prime So Ca loc. can & PAINT -CLEAN' 3 Br. i----- v1ew or the back bay. charm ot what you close this yr $865.000 2 Br. FP, Bat Pen $600 2 Ba. lrplc. 2 car garage. SHli L1•alll 3211 l••t4. Possession Newport Center and dream about 1n 'Old Slarl<y Bright & Willis 1 Br. baytront S850 covered patio. huge ••••••••~•••••••••••• Fur111shed or unlurn. 2 much more Foc11111es tor ca~ Cod" $2.200.000 549.t93o 2 Br, ocnlmt StOOO yard, pets ok. $775/mo OCEAN VIEW 2 Br, deck, mo• minimum rental a small herd ol horses. r--:..:..------~i:-=--~=::::7=:-::=--JACOll IEALn Includes gardener. $450 Micro, lrplc. Pnv Bell EKcel loc $1500/mo accus to back bay trails. -fOURPLEX PROP •WIE•EIT sec Avail lmmed. Agent $795/mq •96-4692 Owner 64•-9513 RICI ALDHETIE, lkr. Excellent cul-de·UC lll-1113 957-0?0t c,,,, •• ;,,; •• , Yearly -2-B-drm-.-,-ba (714) 131-4444 loca11on In Garden /rriae 3244 fallliliH 3400 ltreplace. 2 car parking Co111 .... 1024 Lido ealty ~!~~=-:~~~ ~;;:,., -;;:_ '''/::, ... ,, 3201 ·····"·i(liii:i······· ·E~~~·:ri4·,~·o~~·~· ,se,°..°:mo 675-9797 • • ••• ••• ••••• • • •••• • • • ble counter tops. encl. •• ••••• • • • ••••• •••• •• • to 4 bdrms. starting at Oen. Pool. Jae, security I -• 673-7300 garages. Yrly Income NEW 4 br, F.R .. din. rm. 3 $640 to $1-475. gate. Close to So Cst 1111ia1aJ1 3101 BAYFRONT J URI 1111 Sll,IOO. ...... ,., ... S2•,000. Good financing lplc, S t600 mo to mo Plaza t yr lse $450 mo ••• • •••• •• •••• •• •••• •• avallable OWC 2nd. Full Agent 673-9060 545_7595 2 Br. 2 Ba yrly. Mature, ., Big canyon . Mclean price $240,000. Call 3 BR, 2 Ba, Ip, new pnt. non smkrs. no pets S600 ••r lcCarlllt, lltr. 141-llH Townhouse. full golf _B_k_r_l~O_w_n_r_6_4_5-_6_6_ .. _6 __ cpl. gar, StOOO/mo. yrly C111'1•J11i••I + deps 2131 7994195. U11I11111I1•H 3415 257-9792 Of (7 14) •••••••••••••••••••••• 673·3986 market $240,000 Pool, C111111 ''' 11•1 Nr So Co~st Plaza Beachlront Bacil. on Pen· '•" .EST ••• tennis. 644-7424 Bkr YIEW LIT c··H·:A··M·ING~·2·0;.··;ii:. Sharp JBr t ' ba, pool In. $300 mo 1st & tut ,,. • -Ulll& " and jacuz:zi, 2 car gar, 675.7722 I •I l.WllT .. -· NEWPORT CREST -·· lrg rml. beam cell. blkl paho $625/mo 1(1ds & "" ""' LowHt priced 3 Br. Fantasti c ocean & lo bell S850/mo petsok 556-6147 C1tl lll ''' 1111 JIZZ :> Unerly fantastic prtoe for Condo lor Quick sale, coastal Vl8W Cash price 675-9496 'tS13 C.U..U,Jta:~ --"' a 3 bedroom. H« bath close 10 pool & tennis $ 1-S 5 . o o o. 2 Br. 1 Ba Cape Cod, O.~lut1 -···srirs.ii"iCUi... A townhome for $84.950 Only $178.000 644·7•2• (714)772-7281. GREENTREE·3Bt. 2Be, •t•i'i&.-..1 3~00 Large 3 Br 3 Ba many Neatly $8000 below nea-Broker WALKEFI & LEE R E comp1 temodeled Pvt lrplc lndry tm commun .... " resl sales pri08 1n com-beach S 1000 mo • · Dec 5• •••••••••••••••••••••• amemtte1 $1100 Call • plea Great starter or BY OWNER · LIGHT U~ A , 675-6046 ~'cfo°'!oav:~1•6209 tor \1:~.u;~• ~~~J~d/r~ .. ~ ~rothy &73-7975 -~:- temhc tor 1nve1tmen1 REAL lrplc tor Christ· #1ldt Bl •f LARGE CdM home 2 551~756. w. Canaaa 981-1247 Clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba dpl.1t, Close 10 South Coast ma.a lnvtle your ''*'~1 r11k Z300 Str 3 car ar Ocean 1 patio. gar xlrU $950 Plaza Call 5-46·2313 10 an entertainer s •••••••••••••••••••••• y, F g 1' Univ. Park 3 Br 2 ~Ba. 2 A r I &. • ..I No pets 719 Hehotr~ , •=> THE REAL ESTATERS OHTA IEU IPUI VA terms or auume 12% loan on 1hls great Income property 2 Brdm 1 be each, on large lot. Only S 140.000 Call today 979.5370 \ f >I l / tl F II 1i t A ' '\ ••,I '••1 '•' drum home. 3Br. 3Ba. v 1 • w 0 r •as e • cat gar. 1950 s I .. 1 yr 1u1l•••l1 •t• 1 .... wet bar. European kot, S 1350/mo 851-8110 lease S8•5. 644-7220, .,-.-·•••••••••••••••••• Open 972·9406 bltn stereo. pool. etc daya.~3650 ~ 549-8755 l•IH. 1 Br Garden Aot Newly S299.500 5 t 1 Irvine CHARMER 2 Br, t Ba, 2 1H i•Hll 3101 dee . blks t o beach Ave., N B 556·•982 or c a r R 8 , $ 8 5 o 3 br, 2 ba. al e, 2 cer gar • ••••• • •••••••• •••••••• $550/mo 675-9496 833 97 lrple, no common walls. Small 1 BR apt, new crpt, 64&-0811. • 73 619175 ·2368 • rec c en 1 er S 7 5 O . drps, $<125. Beaut ocean. bay Pavilion LtW, LIW PRICE l'tlK MOBILE Ci •I• ...... 322~ 552-3266, 2131597.4957 675-5068 c11y 1tgh1 view Lge 2 BR. • l lP-IT ,...,._ " 2 Ba. ~eat old CdM loc .. Ft ""'r• HOME PAllK •••••••••••••••••••••• l.1•••• Ifie• 3241 2 Br. 1 Ba, furn., no gat s 1 "o o m 0 I e 818 • Bachelor apt near Lido · llPER RICI ••'••••••••••••••••••• Yearly $650/mo Plus 548 3441 Isle w/patlo & security, M~ Sp;""" on Landlord needs big !&Ji EMERALD BAY. 3 Br 2 dep. & viii No pets --·-' .11; some view. Try 6% dwn. :l:l At•r(>8 wrlteollt Set "Rent lhls 4 Ba. frplc. brick P1allo, Step 1 to beach Colli lllll 3114 $87,500 644-7020 + :w odd111onal br, 3' '· ba, custom poot ~;~~3~t78· $ 1600 mo. 675·5069 ___ •••••"'•••••••••••••••• • ,,. LlllO HAL ESTATE oi<n'fl home " Gourmet Ku, · OCEANFRONT STUDIO. Eastalde Beohel<>f ,., $:1.l~0.000 Formal di111ng. designer 2 Br, den, 2 ba, lrplC, atw. quaint. S350'/~g. lnclud· Beamed celling, Fren~h EAITlllE decor lhruout Natural microwave. trasll comp, Ing utll. 2 tS/:>f6•1934. doors to private patio. " FA• 181 IP If rock lrpl, secluded lncd spacious wood decks ask for John. large kitchen & lull bath Fllll! ~~~1~44~-l~O~IO~~I Waterfront 3 Bdrm 3 Be ----------1 Vllfl -'IM + 2 Bdrm Income u111t1 Owne(s unlt offers tor· TIW1UIOllE WIJL mal dining. huge patio, 40 FNT SLIP super view ana a private Excellent Newport Beach dockl Well priced al tocatlon 3 bdrms. 2·~ $550,0001 Cell now tor batlls. new carpel Walk appointment! 6"6-7171 to beacll. Securtty gate THE REAL ESTATERS YOU OWN YOUR SLIP $300.000 Also lor lease at $1000 mo or $1200 wtlh sJ1p .,... - wn -" S 143 100 yrd Very eaay 'move-on' tao• ocean/cyn views. Avall Jan 2nd $360/mo . tWlll Ju sf L rs~ cD Go R-$350 under market Agt $ f 150/mo-.494""'57-6-c.,.,,. ''' ll•r-312 No petr152·2550 ~dg;1~!ec!~R ~~~r;:· GEOUS 3 Bdr w/warm 53M 74o chg 3Br, 2B11. pool, 8~~~;1;~i"~~~-~~·dc:c;~r':.~ t bd. avail now, water & -walk to So C-oast wood BEAMED CEIL· 3Br. 3Ba, bl-le11el , pvt $1250 mo. tor turn apt Frpl hot water lurn No Pets, INGS. Uaed brick t.p. yard, hple. new nr SC. 494-3788 $995/mo 873·0896 $365 984 M1ss10n Or1ve a..t Plaza. Gorgeoui. totally Call today RAE ROOG· ---Plaza $850 851·9990 6•6·3627 pvt back yd w/cov patlO ERS 631· t266 JIHlllW 0.llll 3 Br View w/pr1vacy, walk Cllll #t ll 31Z4 ____ ---- Lge assumabla low Int ' ' Nie. 3 bd, 2 ba, w/pool. 10 private beach. no •••••••••••••••••••••• Utll paod, Ou1et, Adults, loan. selling to avoid ln1tl 2fl0 yrd, atra $175. 1st & Lst, pets, garage, lrplc, bit· Furn 1 bdrm apts $385 Patio S300/mo Avall Jan ••••• ,................ n-1 ··"·7326 foreclosure Pr1cad be-Palm Dasen. Monlerrey ..... • ""' ___ ins 1st+ sec $950/mo. and up Enc garages ....:.!44-6958 ~~~ar:~~:~59.ooo CC Plan 300, golf. lake/ " Br. 2ba. lge bonus rm. 499· l6 l7 21 to Newport Blvd CM 2 Br t Ba -,-n-tr-1--p-le-x-. '"' 0 ti , i ..,iii ... iii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil mtn vu $1891( $100 IS• gar, E'llde $950, call w•u• •l•HI 3ZS2 548-•968 crpts. llrps. sm patio /., S.11 CJml•ll Jll, ..JWll. p~~4 151 5"8-6155 ••'•••••••'••••••••••• D.t1uie 2 Bdrm, bit 1n .... 7~/mo No"'1)ets-=====1 WTlllE OUlllU ........ .-.,.IU••••;;1••1•;•• PA.RK CITY, VTA.H 4 Bdrm 3ba hv rm lam ~ 8 r. en;-n"Mny rm, d1whr, bbq. jacuzzi on 540·•484 :m ********* ~-:m •IAYHHT * AIJIS, NEW c-.1 wi111 till SUP ls11aaMt Fl11Hlwl llOIEI '" • Twnhse condo, 3br, · ' 'llW SIJ?S/mo & MCUflty. Op-b 11 w vu S" 5 O mo "bd , 610 J 2Br. 2Ba. ocn view. "''•b•. 2 yr1 Old $188K rm, rec rm. ocean II • lion to buy 831-73-43 826-5147 " rm, 1 'ba oann Secluded " Bdrm plus 99 "" walk to bch Ideal tor 3 St Adults prel d Small family room. featuring St33•900 545-tl Terms. Leese back sharing $960/mo #nnMll Ifft• 3Zll Sm East Side Apt, all ulll dog OK 6•5-8453 :: WllJ l(ACI :: s411,1001 Lido Rea ty :l: 38 BALBOA COVES. 3 673-7300 ::: bdrm-den-2' bath OPEN &...-...;;;...;.....;...;...._;,....;.......;...._~l 1Ho DAILY 1·5. enclosed counyard, prl-UI CLEIEm 5•7-6649. evs 97g.9209 8"5·~150 ····•"••••••••••••••••• pd 1350 mo Quiet non---Good vatt back yard with Kol 1 Super special 2 br 21n ba k wshr/dryr pvt pa 3 Br 2 Ba. S550/mo pond Very open and airy Walk to the bffeh rom O.I 11 C.••'1 S510/mo New carpal, condo. loll·lype den w/ fi:; 646_8086 • • loc. close to school• With loads of g11ss. Cur· thi1 cute 3 Br 2 Ba hOme. ,,..,,. ISSO new drapes. 2 car·gar· wet bar. lrplc • open 548-6897. 540·4031 rent 111 TO approaln:ia-AsMim• low Interest loan ••••• ~;.-;,.••••••••••• age, close to the park. beamed celtlngs. many B••lillfll • ATII: llVHTOH laly $133,000. Asking and owner w111 carry 2nd. $2000 dwn. 3 Br 1 Ba. gardener rncld. u t r as . $89 5 /mo. lfati 314 tp:~i.r~'lo b~!i-~:~1 ~ 2 NB d Only S 158.n50 Owner Fu II pr Ice St 60. 000. garage, bll·ln1, new paint 622 C.,,~ St 10• 848·7452 or 841-2880. •••••••••••• •• ••• ••••• 6•5·9857 spacious con 9s, • 631-7370, 549-3546 & roof, San 01m81 loca· TIL llcat 1.z 1 • 0 ' .. side by Side, loc. near anKious Call 5.C0·1t5l lion. Atsume $70,150 11 " 2 Br. cottage. Newport 10 IEIEIVE ITJ 2 Br 1 Ba crpt drapes CdM H igh. Fash Isl, 12%. 30 yrs fixed. Eaatalde 1 Br. quiet . 'Heights, lrplc, redwood Beaulllul&parkllkewith stove & O/W S475/mo'. !l~ UT llOYllml :;:; REALTH/tWIH ~: •HO·llll* 91)$ ;:~ ----------1 churches & many other 549.9944 Stove/Inge, new cptal deck s, br ick walks. terraced pool. 556·9550 716 Sllalfmar. INll amenities. Comm. pool. drape• N o pet s . wooded, gar. $750/mo. •Spacious APIS A I OLUlllEI Very desirable rental ~1116.,, F•1•1, $510/mo 875-7092 Avall 1-1·83. 645-6625 •Private Pat~s -------- Victorian on the lslandl 3 ,units OwnGood aasum11• BllNI 110f 34• MOTORBOAT SLIP •Covered Parlllng 2 Br. •Int location, kids Bdrm1, 3 bath•. new and oans. er very mo B•11li11sl111 •••••••••••••••••••••• *3 Br. TwnhNP' nr SC. 3 Br 2' .. Ba, security *•wOlnall~glnACre10'se11 OK, 1sl mos. <rent & de-vated. 3 Bdr S 183.500. 4 •-IHO 120 acre ranch San Lula Plaza S.A. OOI. spa, ,.. p P ~ po11t $525 983-7800 or ;oc•ck1n11'r·1iB1!~!1ea~dg~~f~e''. Bdr St85.000. Call Shir· ••• ~~!.•••••••••••••• I•• J••• Qblspo County Wiii NII gar. $780/mo. wld hk· g5a"'~o•5•8.8 St 200. . •Home t1ke K11c11ens 6•5-6735 -1au Sh0pley for a ... _'i"" C. I 101 919 1 1 up. 752-5822 7 •--renll At 575.000 ~, 1 '"'"""'··•· TWO IEllHI I• llt••• lor 1 appraise vaue 1 blk to Huntington Lge 2br/2ba. newly dee. 759-9100 1,., ba twnllaa, adult ••••~•••••••••••••••• OS. S 120.000. supplied 1 Br Trailer, private. 01111 BLUFFS CONDOS Center, transpottatlon & Pool Adults. No pets Uflllll VUt: li()"ll:I comm. Walk 10 beach 15000 Dowd pnat4 10Bt. a2 Blttad., with waler & eilclrle paid. No pet•. Range & TWo 3 Br 2 Ba OM-level trwy• s 4 1 5 6 " 6 • 7 3 1 9 • UTIS,USEI Aeallors,1175-6000 cover• • ·vu 714/624·07g7 688-41M refer tat p lua HC. homelonlushgrffnbelt. ITILITIEI FREE 673·0884 u-ro1 •·1~===~~~~~~1;~:;:;~;;;::;;: Tennie. pool, Htra clean celllnv1. commty pool. -SS 5 499 tll17 ..... • t tc AMC -S112,000 Owner $117,500. CaU 497·1857 J11J lll•I• 8 Imo. . CO mm · poo ' e t Bdrm From S515 ----.-p-t _w_/_p_a_tl_o e::: ::: -· . 1162-8460 • Ii 1 ,.,,._, "" 2 or 3 Br. R-V acceu. 760-9075 TownhM unlurr,om $650 LB~:·~ t 9th s I . •11 TMJ-• S~\\.cj}~-a£2fS" ._., SACRIFICE t Br Condo •••II •••••••""'••••••••••• lrplc in kitchen Avall 81ulfl 38'2'~ba Famrm, L•OVtNTAHERMOSA S3t5Jmo Avatl.now ~='· : _,._u_u_• __ _. .. cu.•, -Nr beach ~dulll sec •••••••••••••••••••••• If IWlll now S750/mo. Diana, New decot. Large oatlo. ,. ..-*" Rec lac Make otter PllOEI lllm 1184 000 equity In com-559-9400 Poot 1975 760-8384 18211 Parkside Ln, t blk 2 Br 1 Ba yard, patio, ~ar :s::=:•' = •=':~!....~. ::: 988·2198 OecO!ator's dream 8 r.: p1eteiy rebuilt Npt Hgts SOS 2 BR. 1 Ba lplc 3 8 Weetclill avail now w ol Beach. 3 blks S $4115 1355 Baker B) ~ := """'° ,.,,..,. '-_.. --old 4 ~rm home on 14 pool home to excnange range. relrlg, no· pe11: 11~ Heny Frederletc: ~no-... 947-SHl 545•5004 - h;T -'"'"' IH4 acre With frutt ,, .... lo-tor Income propet1y Full Adlll PNI 140 Cabrltlo, an I 6 3 1. I 2 e 6 0 r • $350/mo up. Bach . 1 2 Br I Ba Eutlide "P" 1-•1 ..., I G 0 T H U H I •••••••••••••••••••••• caltd on CQl•d•·•ac. p r I c a S 2 8 5 , O O O 873-7117 5/1.ssoe a 2 Br unturn & turn per, near 1choola No ~' := I' I' I I I PRIVATE Walk lo park & ttnnla M S-9554 poot, apa 18992 Florida pets No wat arbeds • ... tllff : • • • . . . . Own9f wm carry 2nd T.0 2 Br, •Int locallon, kid• BAYfRONT 842-2834, 842·3172 $460/mo 631·11155 =.:i.1• \ SPI and pay 1ome closlnt If IWlll OK. 111 mot rent & d9--= I T A ' l N I 'r Cotti Owner llyt "Sell $58,000 equity In IUXU• poelt S525 M3·7800 or ....... --UlllPINI ans Wtslllde 3 Br l lOVI a ...,_,. ------....-......-....., ' • 2 bdrm. 2 ba Plan 3 In Nowl" Priced •t I 15t . rlOua 8ro.cimoor Hunt· 6'5-5135 r .. 1. t & 2 BR, pool. apa. rtlrlge. n~ Cle<:orated =: ... r-= I I I I r J • 0 rang. Tr. e pat I 0 500. Call no. 979.5370 lngton Harbovr lagoon FUANISHEO or ul)l11r· B80. no peta, turn avail No pelt $4150/mo Water v..-. .,. , . . . I \ ,!;/' Homts Prole11lon111y front condo 10 e1ichanot ~ 3 Br 3 Ba. 1>1-i.v.t nlened, 2 mot, mlnUn4:im (l 14) ul-tltl paid , 1 n dry r a c _,..,.... -decorated Plu1h carpet. twnhm, r v yd, end untt, rental. Excel 1oc1llon -t 4&-4382 ---------; I T 0 R E T I ~! cue tom allutttra E•cel· let lnc011'18 Pfcperty Full 2 bltl1 C Plaa 1150 I 1 5 o o 1 m 0 o wn 1 r 801 1 Holland Cr. HB ---Aeed tl'leclU1l'1edad1toi . I' I I r Cutleltlkln1j•t>outlltll)llM lentamenlUH 1128.900 p r lo e 1 1 tt.OOO . H1·"90 u 4.9513 8twn81ater/Wltnef 38r "~ $4175 2 Br.1 8a the .,.., oeai. In apart-d11e: "lit'• not'""'" Tiit ~· 6'5·9554 .,. on Beach 1'425 POOi. lndry tee No ment rent•. 6'42-M78 ly llmt ht'• r1ont 1• wnet1 ne .,._,.,.,,,, /,._. J., ___ , t'.Ulllde o lder well• HlftlOf View Homet, 3 bd, -----pet1 12·7PM 541·t5M ... ,""' knock • ol1en W'tlen you uee reault·oetllnQ Dally Pilot Cl111llted Ada lo reectt the Orange Ooeel mertle1. Phone 842·5878 r 1 -----""".""-.,,thlnkt ht"9 -·•-." t.nu:l'ltnnenu ~U '-'-ti9d Adi, your one· mlinlllMO 2 It 1 Ba t a l>t. !OWiy hOme, poof, lnl•t _tff -- • N A 0 N I L G c-.... ..,. •hv<U• ...... d Trtct. equity In hOme, for 11~ ahopplng ~,., -car garage, n-paint. gardener 11200/mo •••••••••••••••ul'•••• E t id e lrg 1 Br, '"''• · I' I I I I lood motor home and Sman pet ok Drive by Avail •ttllo.83 t41&-86't Orlingetr•• 2 8r 1 Ila, wllk•ln CIONI, 91r. ~ D .___...__...,_.___._..,_ -!:.:~'1.! ::,. ~'1.::C' 5000 fll'm. 3 Ir. t'h 8A, For OIH l lflecl Ad 3 115 Ao c hea t er . · lower unit on water, hoollup, oleen $421/mo. • UNSi!'l~I r0t1 ANSWft r r 1· r r r r 1 I • I I I I I .... -Lill ....................... . I 22 • 38' f>OOI In W•lt· ~CTION 106/mo. 1300 llC Newport cr .. t 2 Ir con-1150/mo EYft 661·tM1 No pell 8Ullll 131~213 mlnater 1111 181 000, Call a ~t '67~701, do Dining ltH. Attacfl ~··• •-·-&. ,, Lrn :z lld Beem ..-......., ' o ''" PllOt ----91r, poot, tenn11 en 11 --· • --... I 1290/mo e11erythln,. • , ' It. encillld g11rege. CW· Wiid Oooee . &upetlor to •••••••••••••••••• lot• of wood ti,ruout, !attm•tec:t v•lue 1 12 , AO-VISOR e;tta. ClrtPll 173 w Tloondero t• ,0 Wiid Luxury a1udlo, '* HIO. aerv bar 1 .. 0. Ult 000 Fully aatUmlblt no 842·M78 I N t I 6 0 phOftt, meld Hl'V. IP•. MIPI• 913·1101 or qual Prvparty8H·6&17. u~s~i:c:' Nt.:.e ' ~g_:.~.~437 8 • 1130 wk. •tt-3015 141·73M "'ff 0 • rung Cou•t DAil Y PILOT /Tuueduy, 0 1't m110111 7, I Ill? lessianal Service· Dire-=-ary ~ ~!.:.8N~l~ev~R!r ICll • lO cloy 1111 Ill Ill•• DAILY PILOT SHVIOE • DIRECTORY 00 II NOW• Aslt tor Sandr 1 You1 Dooly Polol Serv1cu Oullrtory Repr~s1111t.i11vu 142-Hll, ut. 322 ~!.~iJ!!!'!l.~!~!~!!{'!t REMOO SPECIALIST JG Allen Loe <>02752 Bonded 494 18t0 ~!/.~~!~ ............. . Driveways. PJr kong LOI Repairs Sealcoating S&S Asphlt 631-4 199Loc ~~-•1.!~'!!'!I •.••••••••. f~!l!.1.!!.1.vf!! •••••••• Oh1rl1tt111 Sltttrt No M • "'' Nu •1111111111• • th<. <.I l•unllv<l "Ill''•' YI '•Ii.lilt '>v1·1.1.tlhl I j t 4,•o h)tul f.I N tt ...... I ..... ,,,, II 111 t•1tU l, l.uc.lt11 " U11tJ~11H111111 l.11 Jrl•P<ICI ,., •·h••lfl• ~ht.Ill Au1•111 Y l.i•ll iJ4r, .1l-4f1 t.n1u1 1111111111 "' r1t w111 101111 H1 /nttnlntt1 Strvltt ·······•····•····•···· f tlH•t CJ'~ hu.11 t t~f.hltf V..11111~1· JIUllll IS mu1111 l"Hll !Ult .. (>(, t 8767 ,Ill ~''"' Buildtu CUSTOM HOM!; !ROA 1111110~ SMALLER JOBS b11tween houses Rt11>/ Comm Oon 5:17,0342 f~!l.'.".!1J'. ••••••••••• Rtimoll Rl?ll•ltr" Lo rates Oeck11, µatoo1> fe11ettll Freti ""' S111ve 752·9556 EXPl:A curpenter does add"" rtimO<I decks Skylights & rep;111s Free est Dan 8411 4592 Ooor> 1ns1a11eo every CIVI'• 10 tllrll llliMt h 11°111 hv (Jiii 11111• $ 111, 1IVIJ 1on111 \7 bO I UUI ,, \ 10 t h• S"J Gu.tr l'ltt11 pt·I l)(Jflt (,"" l\'lhlll ,.., Ylh UkP Ou wur I\ my•11•lt n .. 1~ f•r,4 u n:.i W11 L1trt• IApl t;ll'.llllll~ Slt•11rr1 t.l1mn A upi,01 I 111~1\ mou111 un11 Wutl\'\ll•tH 1)4(> J/ Ill C11111nl Concret1 .......•...•...•..... c.,n•t!rrl Mu'\1)111 y Alod, Wull~·Cuo,1 wur~ lit 38 tO!> 7 R11h !>4 7 /68J Child C11e ..•.•.......•..•.•.... Gt1old Cilru my hunw lull or pl time Nwpl Snoro .ire .. Rel!. 548 6 IG4 111111g "' bldg 4 rop.i1r 35 -Oan Hallberg Grading y1!i tt~Pt:• Rets Jerry & Paving Co Restcomml 546 44 13 Do you r11•NI ~•111 ctuhJ care? Lunth "'•It "" .ic11v11il'~ 6 TLC S40 wl.. F 11ml' only L1n<1 .. 751-2342 Lie 3976804 842·1720 lmmed storm repa1t ~!!!!~!!! .•••.•.•.•••• lncorporat1011 bus111esi. advice Reasonable lees 752· 1962 Aatomotiv1 ~····················· •• NEWPORTWEST .. Datsun 10 Rolls Custono wa>t & ae1a11. 650· 1132 work Pendleton Constr 839·6297 Lie B 1425205 REMODEL/REPAIR Store~ offrce~ hOmt11> ap1s Bldg renovation code correctoons etc 20 yrs 1n .ireo Bonded ins Loe 19180 I Palombo Com.tr 962-8314 BOAT OOCK REPAIR & Gen Carpentry 20 yrs Char Renov 645-3749 We Care Crpt Cleaners Steam clean & uphol Truck mount unit Sell things tast with Oauy Work guor 645-3716 Pilot Want Ads * Sp11r1uo1 basoo ctJOl<l care on lov., & IOfjl (It cept.inct• C M ho n11• 6~5-6169 Cont1ictors G1ntr1/ ···········'·········· None 2 DIQ 11onc 2 smull From A 10 Z wt! do 11 .111 714-675-9436 he 425 i8 t WU COMSTRUCTIOM Loe 420802 Pl.ins Fmanc1ng Avo1lal.lh1 6'2-1200 Fina what you w\1n1 in Dally P1101 Closs111edi> CUSTOM l 11• 111 I t •1111111 111 ft 11 fl W11ll 111111. t1<1,• 11118 I P.0.0.'. !'.~~1.i~1. ....... . 1>111 pl~ 111 1.111 ltt·f' 111 I tJ•' '••h•c lhu1 t h .u tl Wotfl 11111> li~t. •111,• I 1 V~ G/1et1it1/ •....•...•............ 111 I I 1111.lllN 1'111 ml •HJIH ""'' w.t1n111h~ vu t11ru•· •II 110.111 ICIU¥ l 11. 1'1C1i1,11 11/ I OJ'.J'I I I t t; I ttlC..IAN $1111 1uh"' fl1•p.111 ~ I it ,JJJ 1011 t; Ill ';1111 r1;/0'I \~~· ~A3 -. lit•~" ... , ,,,,, °""''""' 601'41 ,..,,, ... , Ill 4IHN I 01' OUAI 11 't' WOHi\. Al nrA~ nArr". 1,. 11 J1w1 !>4 7 442!. I l'rot v.ork ul u11l>t•Jh.1l>h rttf41-. All w c1r k c)u.u Nn 1otl IUO #ml "/'I J'•'•ll RE'SfO COMM l IND 20 ~rs Do mv own work lie; 278041 Al b4b fll~fi For111ic.1 Tilt ·······*·············· f ()11111(..J 1 UIJ > o l Ill l\or1ds P1omp1 f~{ .. 1-;011 t.1blt• C.Cl'.I Id<' 9 I:''' 1>4? 2741 ~~!!.~~~~'············ TREES T VPlll'U rt'mOvf•(I t.lf'dll up lown H•11ov 7!"11-34 76 L;JndbCflp1ng Yd ClllUl'l!t I rt'O lllmlrf'mOv·M8ull lmqo11011 Juu 851·012•1 ~~!!.'.~!~'············ GARDUUNG WAMtEO ..... .,. ,, ' • d ••••• , , ·~""' •""I I JOI! I t Hq • If 11o 111 • 1, 1·~ S'11T '•AM I LJ~ IJMI I J 0 ', ti Htl••ltUltJ t It ttll U&1• lthUttl ti t t ttHU .1111 l..irttJ ·•·•Ill 1 .. 1•1 1• .. 10 I h olll llf•~ I flllHtlllltl ',p,111~h·• t M.rn1' t Oil• t1•,;I t..i4~' 'lt1••T JAPANESE GARDENER 1111\ •10:1r, TME GRUM SOHE 1.1w11 111'1' ~1111111 111~1.111 It t•t ltUllltl•flUJV,At l .1w11 111t1111I fl11l111ilh1u1 f u H t•?-ttUn.1h' ~4H l,;lH;'J ~~~~r!'!~!' .•••.•••••.• t..trpt<\lty M ''""'¥ Jlooh1111 l•lut11l>1111j L>tyw.111 :,1\1"" I •It• At11110'11 I J A f,.u, 'l'l'I() JA(;.11. Of Al l I HAUL s I 111 J.11 ~ ,111yl11111 0,1y <n 1119111 i.;7:, JO 14 1'.11n1t11si c.11p ·ntry C 1•1 lrl'll(; loll• t I(;" II ~011<11 ·(J (,44•'11'111 l'VC~ ttOMf ( Mtf.nfl'Alrt p,11111 yJt<.1 I rt't' h.1111 I 11·1 t"•' 7'J I 4.j4{j **•WINO OAMAr.r • Ht•p.111~/Aflrr•od No jOb IClO Snl.lll r ,J,,I ! ... I YICU H•'" t•'>I Kullh 64C.·4612 I •11••1111ncctl'" 1111 a"!"' ol 11onw rnputr!> Ro.1!.011 ,1bl1• No 1ob too "'lllll ljfi() 3099 ldVllS 8r 1•111 Sull wolh EASEt II s a Bllf:E:ZE CIO!o&1lled Ads 642·5678 ~~~!i.n_t •••••••••••••• I• 1"41 11111' \ •,tu , .. ~ Hbt\o' j ~· l 111 Ml~ I 1111 1a11 1 llA IJL ttll • 1, 1 tAIJltl( I UoO•L1ht1ott 1 I• .u1 utJ C•)tltr• I••>. l••n •• toov.11 ()1111.. ..... """ ti; Ill 111,tll 111\Ul INI, II t.11 Atl 111''> , ,.... .... ''"" ;'''"' ltAUl INI' ,111111•111 w/lq1 If •u" 11111• h1 t 1tl••~ 11\Hllk vnu /'•!• l'llh Jul11r , , ... '''Oll•Y f It 1U1 up hj1ul11 u1 hnnu•d '''·'tl•t '' 01>4? t 11 '1 lt4,•.'• lh'I '!.'.~~;!'1. •..•......•••• 2•hr EO 8'8-1826 f l1ffltH~ 1 ~•nl W th t fu al '!."."!.I!.!.?.~!'.~ ....... . .... fll•h•J I httlllJtlUJ ,.,."( '"•°" tll hi• c.optrtth'f M rr~ f.41.i 7tl lli ttl I l'INI, 1tllt~t; , You n.unt 11 v.•· II 1lQ 1t• (ft K U11t11u '40 0<-7!> l'1 hr ~~~~~~~~~~!~f .... ---. HOAll4 ~ I Ir ANINC• "tt·f VIC.t' •I ll1UfOU<jhly t lt"111 llOUM' '>40 01111! HOU SC Cl f At~INlJ l.100<1 rPI!> frJ11~11orl11l11>11 f:,. IJl'I ti 'Jl'I !Ji!ll> Howl'1.lbt1t11111 •1l1.tl 1l1 ntl Own tr.111 ... p Rt.,1 YOI ANOA • 1>4'1 0•1U~ SPARKLE PLENTY C1om11ng ~,.r voco Ch•a'n llne~:. tS r11:•1 10 C.otlh n\lSS b42·11809 ~~~~!~~~~~!~I ........ r!!!'!!~I ...•.•........ Ill HI ol 1 I I 1•111111 , tt 011• I I,_' 110111 • ""'"''·• ,,,,. ,r QfJ •It tU Ui h tUU •t It .... t 11111.dll1 rJu •t•t, .,,. u ~ Ht I 41tU h"' htti•I !'.~~!~~U!!~I ......... . lllJ'1ltlr ',!,MAii 1/11 1 111 llJ'•I '•I I I clot< .11t 11 Jt, t 1111,1t1h '147 t'1.,. •I f~!'.~!~~t!~t ......... . ( li 1l1Jill lh·~ ~ ... MI •C•ftf \ II '"11111 l.11v1111, II• .1,, I 111• 1 I I 11•1111 11 l'I 11)711 1111111 It• r ,1 IV l.111d~I ·llJ•' fl llHJ'(fl\1UI CI UH nt !fl 4 !>Illy l'.J yr~ '1 IL U't M ~~~~~!r ............. . lllltt KWl)llK '1111 111 t' It ll"wl ll•ll ( ti 1.1 M• .. ~ """" flt•I • IJ71 If• Cu"h 10 UttC" ',to11f• ftl•»«. k C.111u.re•tt ~.11.,. '' flt•f f r•·t• I ti f}4't 111• ~~~!~f .............. . *A· 1 MOVING* IOI• qu tl'lf l'J tt 1 .. µ C:u11•11• 1111v .. "'" No ov1•1t1m1 'JU 13t> l AO(. IAOVINC1 Utt• " c,.,, lul S1·rv1c•· I nw 1th•~ !.1'·04 IU •, 1 ARVIN(. (,<ll l rc,r ~I UOfN f!> MOVINC. CO l 1r 11~4 4JG h1w •t•tl tJ'I I IM;/7 WAlCH 11•, c.now• rt.'!'.'l'!I •••••••••••••• B,11 Isl<• f'o1111tng Sp1•1. r .1h·~ S7'.l pr ·o"y plui. 111o11H1o11:. &7J 5379 FINE PAINTING l , "" I tt d UI .. I H 0/1 Ill. H 11 '' ••I It "11 , lu• .. 1f C•1lr11t1•1 11~111• 1•;<1 hJ 1 J.l IU l O'ih• I ''°''" • l•r1uu1 t Ut• ii t1tl'i1' '• ltJU 1t 1•, "' t••I' b o, I 1•111 RALPH'S PAINTING l t w r 1tt 111 M••lllh• I"''""~ :.JU yt 'I . " I"" ••'>t tlr· 11/ I 111!,'4 "' I 11 '1 l·l"I !~l.~~~'I. .....•.. : .... ~ tflftll1IJ IUlt r1(1t IJt l•Jll llAf\IC .1111. ·~ r IUI ·r,11~·. Vl J fJ11 '_,,<•It 1;11 1, t 1.''> I ,, .. t I A 1Ut fJVIHU1' lfl 14tll '" ,,. Ht~.... CtJO\UI I ''" fl •IJllltll ,fj t 8'1!10 Palio Covets •..................... I J<; I OM wood I''''" cov•·r~ n:<.1,..ood 01'<..k~ I.I It ou·~ Ra11dr G4 I Ot.:';> I ~!~!!!!~ !-.,t1.~~1. ••••••• £ 0 ~ Pl A:.1£ HINC, N1 .11 JJUl~lll' lnl "•I Rt SIUtC.Cl' (,II!> 821Jll PlASf(R ~'AIUlll~C . fll',,111{(.tJ' lot! I ... 10 yr't f~, JI f'JUI !. 1~ '/'J77 NUHO Pt AS 1 f. RING 1111 t'~ I h1·::.lut• <J'> l:JhX.~ Wjli'J !.81,.413\12 ~!~!'!~!~I ............ . 2•hr ED 848-1825 40 9,1t w.11 .. rlwah:r Sn~ ri.e lo~Ji;!.I draw 111 lhf· WCSI ll D,11ly P1IOI Cl<1i.i.1l1eC1 Ad 64~ 5678 ft • 11 1l. " Tilt ~I I •••••••••••••••••••••• '• U t • tH I t h It 1• I I I VI•• II• I I , I ,1 ~.'!!'/..~ !~C.'.'· •••••..••. Al IU.1111,1J1 If H h11110••d ii• h• II 1~41t.4 f 11·t , ,, 1 11l4 '·fl.'4 ~!!!~!!~!~1 .......... . I D It""' IH•l1111 ,11111r1 Anhq" •11 '.il4HH I llllt f1to1l HtJ tJ"'> (JfJt,;1 ~.o.o_l f~l .. ~ ........... . II •I•• Hr 1ot•r11 Jll 111' (..,1JH1f11t t4f 1f (I I'll' 1111 , 111,, T1tt S11vitt ·•···················• tA1•' ,,, I '1• I I t , ,, t fl•flt1 ./I' fl 11 ti h I' h t1uul1• '' • 1Jth1llU1nq ;<Ml 1.'Uk f,41j,4,_ I • T.u.1.o.1J~I. •.•• ~ •••••.•. M t1 l UlJJ• '"' r t I (J lJ I /1 \1, II 1, I Mt 'A•11(l.1h loJI' 'Iii N• "' "• '""' t11 ~ ~ I Window Cl11nina l4J 1\tfOl 1..1'1M01 1 ••••••••••••••••'••••• Ill /If ,11 WlllOOll'> ROOF PROILEM? r , 1 r•te•f" ·~·· 11 U11•fl I ,,. runt U•p rn ~•I OiJ,Jhl-; .,.,,,.,. QU.tf H•h 4t(J 11 ,11 11111 o l C.O>I lr•r 1•J,hm1h 841! lJ'J I 8' 7 Wl'IO HOOi INI• kf l'A1H~ ,m,111 11Jh UK f 11 1 t t111t 1tt l tll f orn Of Lhu(~ 4. C.J');.i Roof luh repaired /' I r 111,, 'iC,:0 'i?J<' mJ<>1iNIIDi!J Rtpu1l"4w ~k: t 1Ul2 54lHi213 ----- State Law Requires: Tl 11 JI 1. ,r1tr tCICJI "' 0 !>< fltir" ... !)r~ 0 11 I $200 111r;1uthi'tt1 1111.rn .. •10 Ill.JI• rtilll> 11111 I 111 It• tl'fl •• , \JhhC.1:115•!<.I r.c;, tr ·~ ll>lli 5hC.ulll "'' 1111111 u1 lfu .. , .uJv••rt1!.1ttq Coo tr.1<1r.rr. ilNJ tColl"oUITI•"5 to111.111 M.Hy ur.,11d1 ..... 1 11141 '>I '108(. ,,,,1h !,1111 tl\Jf\ ltOU$ ( fJfllf,JC.l(,,r 'i Stttl•J l1C.H.-f• SO•Hd 21! Stcretarial St rvicts C1v•1 C1 .,,,., P112a · · · · PflOt (;;;;)~A~•••• no,,n, t;~O Sdn1 .• Att~1 :>((;Hf l ARIAi SFIWICF 1_'-_A_'1_<!-TO_l ------7511 0361:1 I Mu~th "' your phone to tl;tY•' '>Orr.01111119 to sull? µIJC.<' " lost acting c.l .. s· (;.IJ~~lltfld JdS do •I ... ,.,, S.tlu•d lid 042 5b78 • tor your ttlll-good refrigerator DOLLAR DAY ·DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full detalls. 3 3DAYS LINES CL:ASSIFIEDS 642-5678 (Non-rerund.a.i.. idr1 llnee 11.00) A1'tl•1at1 A1'tl•1at1 A1•1t•t11t1 Ap•tl•tats Unlurnisltld Rooms 4000 .•.••...•.••..••.••... ¥!.'.•.tf ~!1 •• ~~~ !~!! !.~5J ~!!~~~ .'!!~!f!.. .. !.~~~ Ind as trial · Lost I Found 5300 Pmon•ls 5350 NEWPORT CHTER Rtnl•l 4500 ~~;: ~~;; ·~~~;~r~~~ ·5;; 'c~~~~;; ;::~~;~;·;~~r~: . U11l11111i1iH V11/.,11i1it' U11/1111idt' ••••••••••••.••....••.•.....••...........................•.••..••. ·················~···· . f!!!f.!!!!~ ...... 1.~~~ f!!!f.!!!!~ ...... 1.~~~ Haj~~~l100 3140 ~'."!t~!!.~!~f~ ... 1.~~? LAGUNA IHCM MOTOR IH Lake T ,lhoc Incline Vtq 3 Br 2 bll Skt renldl. ArtlO•· nf'lll' 702 8.11 !l".i54 Full SQrv1ce Suites s75c1:·;·2·16"0"17·~~0~: IPr d~ rf>d de1m111111s • Co11v~r,at1on v.llh Barbe1 SS CUT COSTS SS st11a1 Oll1ce 1810 1 RC· 1os1 111;>8 name ts Bur MC VISA 2~ hrs 2 Br . Westside Costa •••••••••••••••••••••• w1111 40 dock tor power Wkly renlill!. S95 up Color Tl/ tree cotlee Mated pool .is steps 10 oce .. n K•tth s ava11 R1nlals to Sbatt 4300 S6'>0 Furntunlurn dC>flCIO Cttcie p 8 r gy Call 64~ 8~98 CM Calt-638-0101 All you need lor onp Hunt•ngton Beach aiea EXOTIC DANCERS ' -Mesa. Carport & pool mestiBAU SAllDPIPER APTS boat 3 BR 2'' ba. con- No pets $4 15/mo Cafl •p•RTIEl.TS A LOVEL y PLACE do S 1200/mo wt dock ...................... Share 2 Dr 2 ba ''Oue.e Lr<lo 1s1e. bily view slip incl $450 675-3321 monthly tee• 8A2 2834 Lost C.it Orarogi: tigm Bachelor B.;chelorene 640-5470 2576 SQ II Irvine area male '1mortha1t Vic Mesa party e111crta1nmen1 833-8533 " " TO LIVE S 1000 without 6~· 1190 llSTAIT II Beautltul1y la11dscaped •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br Mrs Long St030/mo Also Mr Verde C M 11 129 738·8538 558·8538 0 Keele leave 111essage 540 1497 evs Rowaro * lllTRODUClllG * 985 N Coast Hwy. Laguna 8e<1cn 494-52!M *DELUXE OFFICES* 2 Br. 1•; Bo twnhse garden apts Pool & Spa •Poollspa/bbQ leaso 2Br I bo, wetbar, Male pret 21·30 yrs Lt Bulltlns. laund rm. Patios/decks No pets. •5 acres ol t>eaulltully 324 E B alboa Blvd coolung Poof Jae. um Bacl'lelor $395 landscaped surround· $GSO/mo Walk 10 ocean ms. steps 10 Npt Sch Shr lrg home or condo I st lost do posit ulll& 966-8479. 662·2449 1 MO FREE RENT I room 10 2800 sq ti From SI 16 a SQ II Adj Alrporter Inn & Frwy!. Call AM 833-3223 851-8928 Lost Sp11nger Spaniel 7 T's NIGHT SHIFT I d I · I C 'I moi. old Bal Pen•n carport/gar. yard/bale 1 Bdrm $475 1ngs or bay 11680•3812 9 10 548-4260 Sm a II Pe I 0 K ti P 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 • Nr Frwys & shopping 5 M·F M •F share CdM tiome Avail 121 15 $3751mo i '> Uhl o; Eve~ 6 -8 pm n us rta 1 omm area Rew11rd' 673· 1 tOS 1400 sq ti w11h othce in or 660•1020 \ Modets, dllncers escorts 669·8913 open 24 hrs Costa Mesa very reos $825-$635/mo. • Quiel area 2617. 2543. • No pets tum avail 2548 Orange Ave Bacllelors $410 (71•) 8•1 9595 2314 Santa Ana Ave 1 Bdrm $~85 • Room. snr Ba. pool. Npt Newport Shores duple>t. 2 Sch kll pnv1leges S225 Ba 2 Ba, OtW trplc 2 6415-2590 Prel Female c a r g o r • d w n s t r s 28/over __ 650-32:JI -- 1617 Wes1c11fl NB 256 10 4000 sq II 1~1 tloor Agent 541.5032 ~~~-3~~~ ~r. Schachter SCRAM-LETS SPIRITUAL READINGS Advice '" alt mat ters love mamage & bus1- ne!i~ Al!.O COUl1'8hng 1815 So El Camino Real San Clem '92 729& Cati lor appl 131 E ISth 646•6816 -IIQ.111 Holland Cr HB TSL Mgmt 161 E ISth 642_0856 ~n Slater/Warner 6~2-1603 orr Beach -sTWE VILU"'E llR. 2IR. 3IR. ""~ • Newly decor Ges pd, • Bac helor & 2 Br •PIS encl gar. dwshr. pool. avail Poot. spa, laund t>bq no pets 642-5073 rm No pels lmmed Oc· cup Newer 2 BR 2 Ba. $475 Bechelor $375 No pets 760· 1418 or 2 Br $525 642·7528 evs/wtmas WOO DUH Spac 1 & 2 br, lovely pines & streams sec gates, entry by phone. tge rec area Incl gym pool & spa 846-6591 955 W 19th SI TSL Mgmt ~5-&.122 ,.. IHlllERS WALi Lorge 3 Br 2 Ba To...,,,. Lrg 2 & 3 BR 10.,,nhouse house tn quiet comple11. apts. encl gar Ir pie Near ler~e pool garden set· Hun I Hrbr from $545 Spacious 2 Br 10, Ba ltn(I l675 645-3381. Children OK 840-6807 Townhouse w/lrplc. E/ 67>5949 MADDOX APTS 1 & 2 br Side No pets 1 car gar. •MESA VERDE 2 Br 1 S6251mo Agt 675 1642 CdM 2 Br 1BA epl, gar .'YF"o .. T space Avail Oec 21 poss sooner S262 50 Spacious 2 Bdrm den plus hall ulil 673-5254 apt Spec11cuto1 view Beoulltul garde11s and 1 room tor re111 Costa sandy beach Overlooks Mesa Manny BalbOa •~•and Slop avail· 548-5678 able No pets For 1nlo1· Furn room pr1v home ma11on 760·0919 pool sec Gate Nr OCC Condo nr Hoag Hosp 2 $250 $ 100 dep Call Br 1', Ba poot • lrpl/ d..tys 631·3910 e11es alt p ii I I 0 $ 1 5 0 01 0 4 30 631·9776 040-2950 9 .5 M·F Cos•~ Mer.a close 10 E Blufl 5Pd(; 1 br pleJ· OCC Full pr1vrleges sant area pool no petfi S275 incl u111111es S5551mo 644 4 767 549· 7094 bt1-1ns $595/mo Sierra Nice quiet surround111gs Ba Newly decor S495 S450 $550 84 2 8 7 88 Mgmt 641· 1324 No pets 833-8974 Bet 9:5 • 2 Br Condo • QUIET e~tl 1 01 Pvt ba Balboa Pen1n FIRESIDE Co.Fo"T cond Prime Weitcllll Furntshed 2 Br 1 Ba 571 W Joann Oelu•e poolside atra large loc S650 759-0524 S2501mo Like nu. lge 1 br aplS, UP s t o" s No Pets 2 b r. 2 b a, b II . ins eves 573.4743 trplc, dw, ijllr, $475fup $425/mo Srerra Mgmt aswshr 1•, miles beach Palro 01 balcony Pool & 641-1324 No pets SSOO/mo OCEANFRONT-Custom spa. No pets 26540 Har la 2Br upstalfs quiet. encl 536-8362 Decor. 3 br. 2 be up Mesa Pines 5 9-244 7 0 amernlle,, yrlv S 1200/mo ____ ___ gar. no dogs 111 Voe-Lge 2Br wt gar Super S 9 5 Mature Persons 7400 w $3~5. 1 Br, retrtg. polio. I o r •a 4 I mo clean. close 10 bcl1 o I 850 9 92 no pets, adults pret 631-6812 all 10 $495t mo 964-4686. en rnt • 1 731-0 18th St 673-7787 2Br lBa downstairs tncd 536-7330 DUPLEX 2 Br. 1 Bo d/w, 1 Bdrm. 1 ba. POOL laun· yd' & g~rage. ssoo mo WALK TO BEACH Ba· ~~;ys~A;K :~2~~~~ d1y, adults, no pets 15.i1.09ee chelor. stove -a rel11g. all 964•8956 • S385. 83 3 -7890 o r EtSrde,cheery 3 BR 2 Ba, u111s paid S350tmo 646-1947 patio. ~ sty. carpon. o..7979" 2 Br. 1 Ba upper 1n Irr· S675 mo 640-0997 l1vin1 3844 .••••.....••.......... Ocean front best New· port loca11on 3 Bt 2 Ba Bk• 642 3850 642-1010 Room tor Fem tn noce apt, Hunt Bch $250 rno & Uhl 848·0272 BEAUTIFUL lrg 2BR CaM apt above China Cove Gar avail S3951mo 675-4268 Sm111t attractive s1uel10 nr b<:h for empt d Non- smkr Pr111 l<Jlchenelle. prvl e11try $300 Incl u11ls 'l)hOM.~. TV. tenrn Rel s req 493-3490 Male straight non-smkr S250 + ullt Dys 642·5446 ell 6pm 642-5620 Beaut very lrg ocean ..,u home Lag Bch Prol to shr S350 incl ulll 1s1 1as1 & sec 494-1294 OCUIFROMT Shr w1111 Newport ei.ec S390· mo 631·8056 Sei:1<1ng creative people· or1en1ed Fem roommilte to <;hr lurn 2 Br OPI ""' Hyltte S280 Costa Mesa Debra 548-398 1 Lull. Condo-Harbor R1age Atty woll shr wtnon 5m~r SSSO mo + 752-944 2 dys 640-2434 evf's/ wkn<ls FEMALE ROOMMATE Snare 1a~e1y N B home $300 met u111 645·9515 Female rooma1e wonled to Sham 2..sU>ry town· house S285 mo 6~5-5806 Shr tBr in 4Br hse w 10 11 11. fllC $240/mo u111 tncl $260 to move In -s~e eves1wlcnds 1000 s I space w/otllce on W 16111 St, C M 645-9907 Atrport area • Exl!c. Sur· 1es From 225-<tSO SQ ti SI per SQ II Many klr as Call 557-7010 -~!!!!I! •.•...•..• !.~~~ 400-900 PLUS 1400 SQ II Slorage Space 12. x 18 Penthouse Baylronl Su•· 35· door S70 mo plus te por111no. patios $70 sec depo.-.11 673-1003 673-4154 Nl"Wl)Orl DESI SPACE CDM Beach Anrac11ve rusltc ups1a11s Baiintu/lnvtsl / >Cttrng We supply desl\ • I Sl)ace copier You sup-F1n1ntt pty ph0ne. & $95 pr mo •• • •: • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • pr do'" Call 644 -72 t t lu11ntss IHUTIFUL ••• '!ft~!!'!!'f!f .•• !~~~ MEWPORT CHTH Nt>ed 1nves1or or p1111ner lor 5mlll Mote• 1n New· port Agent 642-1087 or 556-0347 With us of reception cont room. k11Ch. pl1one. secretarial & word pro· cess1ng Mall & messtige serv avail separately 11 <lestred Call Joni" 7141760-0100 EXECUTIVE SUITES U JOLLA Cafe I listro Prosµect Stree1 Glorio or K.yle , A gLs 6191..459-82 I I Full service Keep your flt t 10 L 5025 over t\PJd low & protes· • • !~ • r. • •• • ~!.". • • • • • • • Slonal image h1Q11 Pre· RE LOANS 1st-3rd st•gooui; Wes1cl1tt o•ea ol go•,. comm 1 constr Newport Beach 88 1 Fast tund•ng 643-1645 Dover Or Ste I .s 63.1-36$.1 -HELP!l!!! is on the way lor your money problems lowest ANSWERS Tnough -Guin• Otter • 1n111nd NOT RIGHT Cu11e 1a11<111g about her ohnd date Ho 'l not smart Tile 011ty tome hi! s 119hl IS ... 11 n he lhtnkS ne 6 NOT RIGHT FOUND Young lemal; cat gray bl" ""Pe whl leet lagune 497-3605 lost fu111on 1a1ana Dec 4 gold e. diamond btrd pin Aev..ird 54 7 -099 7 Lo-.1 SUPERMAN 20 lb mtllf' muu . bl~ w wlute C.ht-SI nt>ull!rnd 5Cllr On s t om ach John 548·8465 LO!>I men s s1l11er dtil FAMOUS CIRCUS Maximus M.issag,. Porlo• Geir-. geous girls 10 o;erve you 01>+11 lrom 10 AM until 4 AM 7 <lays a "'f:t?k Free bullet 1 19 No Harbor Blvd l'ullerton l 1•-170-1192 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CAAOS ACCEPTED T-BERRY S Go-go g1r1s 110 gol 669-8914 ESCORTS I MODUS 24 hours coll 835-9199 mono n11g 1<'·3 r('ward 1----------N B c M arflcl 675·6999 Found M.iturf' fPmule S1amcso cal v1c Harbor & f1111v•t>w north 0 1 Bakt>r CM 54& .t2~2 FOUNO Nov 30 Block k•llPn wicollar wl wh1te on nght lore pJw Vic Nwpl & 6rt$10t CM 557-8080 EXCITING MOD- .I £LS *Golden Touch* plex. enclsd garage No pe1S 2276 Pomona, $475tmo 851-2175 New carpel Fireplace wood beam ce111ng Ees1side very cozy $595 no pets 63 1-092 1 WALUCE WOOIS 7S9 w 19111 Walnut Sq Co11do 2 Br :> Across from beec:n 2 Minutes from the beach. Ba. den gar A/C pe110 bdrm deluxl' Yeerty LUXURY 2 BR 28A S700 650-8839 $7~/mo Guy 631·5300 Hottls Hottls 4100 ······'··············· SUUH MOTEL W~ly rentals now avail S 105 & up Color TV Phones in room 2274 Newport Btva CM. Roommate to sharo turn condo P11vote balh taun0;y rec room Jae avaol Co11ven1en1 to 405 Freeway M1ss1on V1e10 DELUXE SUITE W1ter Front lldc $ 1 50 IQ ti Lea&P 642-46-44 M-F 9.5 rates 1n1eres1 and cost Found Oalma1t.:in 1~pP ll'· ISi 211d 3rd TO$ Call male dog hdS lags VIC on our e~perts di no College Peril area Bt!aut1tu1 mode•s tor 111e d1$Cflm1nJ11n9 wno love lhl' aolden touch OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK 631-9693 Marble pullman top Decorator drapes Plush w/w carpets Welk m Closets L• aH IHti 3141 OCEANFRONT • 38r 2aa 714·768·06~7 cost Ray 540-34 7 1 2 Br w /gar. ups1a1rs $4 15/mo No pets Rets req'd 352 V1c1orra S.5·8161 SPACIOUS I 2 Br. l''>b& $525. no pets CALL 546-5605 Private patoos Gourmet Kitchen Carport wtstorege Spe outdoor BBO Laundry $5~/mo 5-48--4630 F1rep1ace. pool, dlshwesh Du• loi•t 3126 er. pvt palio X frg gard· • • • • • •• • • • •• • • ••• • • •• • en. 2 Br ssso 557-2841 DOEH VIEW Large 1 Br near shops. pool. all ullts paid 1884 Monrovta 548-0336 Dana Point s most se- cluded scenic blull Like newt Only 4 units. 2 Br wi den Xtra lrg private patio From S695tmo Calf 661 -644 1 or M-F, 9·5, 643-0212. Drive by 10 see 24587 Senta Clara THE SEVILLE 2 Br w/gar. crpts. drps. bll·lns. lncd yd w/pallo. water pd. 2619 "O" Sant a Ane A v e $520 Call 1-636-4120 Lorge Studio carpls & drpa Ocean view Mesa Verde 2 Bdrm , pa-$260/tncl ulll. 661-1192 ••'-•••••••••••••••••• upper unit lrplc. gar OCUI VIEW s 12so mo y11y 675-2725 10 minutes so of Laguna dys 673"4585 "ves on Oana Point 1 most WESTCLIFF 2 81 1•1 Ba secluded scenic bluff Townhouse No pets hke new 2 Br wi den $600/mo 1728 Bedford atra large private patio Lane 548-7533 $695/mo Call 661-6-44 1 or M-t. 9·5 643-0210 Orrve by to.see a1 2-4587 Santa Clara OCEHFRHT 1 br. 1 De stove, refrrg, new pa1n1 Close 10 beach $410 557-0975 Su Cl1•t11t1 3116 ..••.•••..•.•.••....•. 2 BR. $465. yearly, new decor, pool. nr beach. bus No pets 498·6277 64$.74A5 -- BEACH AREA $84/wk Relr1gera1or-Ma1d-Poo1 Nwpl Blvd & Wtlson Cos1a Mesa 548.9755 Pine Knot Motel on Coa51 H wy NB Steps 10 ocean Wkly rates 645-0440 Condo 10 shr Npt Sch Femt1le pref Ave1t 1 t $250 720-1328 all 4PM 2000 SQ ti othce w/500 sq 857-1422 11 w111ehouse $15451mo 1o1 1 T ln11ne e<ea Mr O KHtlt rrOf flftS, IUSI lv.ive message 851·8928 Dtt4s 5035 ··•··················· MIF 30 + prof furn room. PRIME LOCA TlON new &.N. SATTLER 4 br B b<1 house N B bldg I 100 sq It or can M C I water S325 646-1309 be d1v1ded on PCH ortcace •· nc. B S Si>ec1almng 1n 1st & 2nd Fem sh8re 2 Br 2 Ba Newport each top by TO s since 1949 w/d lrplc. gar $295/mo & see 2436 W Coast Rot>I Sauler NH CM -+ ullls Joan 646 9926 Hwy NB Agt 631-1400 R E Broker Bd Re:iftors Fem pret 10 $hr 2 Br NS prol off 600 ~Q It 642-2171 545-0611 bome Bat Isl No Bay-Three carpeted rooms Ch ? P tront w/lrptc. & l11tcht>n w/bar &ml\ CMrmong flat ristmas cash . Ill ply prrvlleges s4ooi mo, 151 iron Colon1ot bldg nr cuy has cas'1 1or good 1rus1 halt 2929 Newporl Blvd d e e d s -A g I & lilst 673-0247 alt 5PM $565 673•4466 619-758·0318 a11ytrme Most elegant apt bldg tn Laguna Beach. finest tocillon in town, breeth· takmg views, all built-ins. heated pool. sub-garage. elevator Lease only $850 & up JIEED A PUCE! Ask tor Aaron 2 bd. 1'~ ba. bfk to bch, Reasonable rates. Kit-Mstr Bdrm wt1>0111. pool SUPER IARHlll! l0l% Yield children & pets OK chenelles. phones. maid BEAUTlfUL $300 Pho Exec: Suites incl recept . $29 000. 90 day t s•. S 4 5 0 4 9 2 . 6 G 3 7 or service, Z channel mo-545·5105 alt 6 sec Y servs. con I rm • note secured by $85,000 974·7225 vies SANDPIPER MO· DC(• FR T kit • mall hondlg Res-lrusl TO on nome In es-l••I• .... , JllO TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd 111 Dll por>stve to your business crow tor $285,000 be· 2 Br 2ba, retrrgl stv mcl ...... ~•••••••••••••• CM 645_9137. $375 mo Shr w/Nwpl f\OedS Adi 40.5 Fwy In hind •~1s1tng $60,000 View downtown loc. no 1lt ..,2Br. IBa, 011 MacAr-Exec 63l-8056 F.V tndlv oles Mofmo no10 522 000 takes 11 pets Resp edits thur,So C11v111es $560 V•t•tioaRtnt•ll4250 lromS325 963·6445 171 4l 240•8124 16191 330 Clilf Or 494-8083 110 , bright & ctean $525/mo 646-1220 $600/mo 855-8203 II no mo 6416_.667 •••••••••••••••••••••• Fem to s~ 2Br hse,rCdM 729-3046 eves Ha11tia1to11 ans 661-1680 Large Big Bear Cabin non-sm r prnl rplc B.!'.•.i.n.t.•.•,!.!".!~!.!!.~. Wiii pay 15''• Interest only ', •.. L 31~0 Smatl studio, ocea" vi'ew, 1 br, 1 bo, MacArthur Viti Pool Table color TV. 2 wshr/dryr 4 blks lo bCh 11250 S 00 000 IMIEllATE •••••• :~ •••••••••••• ~. nr Main bch $335/mo Avail Now. $475. Isl & tr pt s Sleeps 1-4 =~1~P~o7b~~f111;u;11 Cell R~~~~s~oQre,~1 ~~~ ;v:r 'u1 T~~oo~m~1t•al HOIPAHYI WALK TO BEACH h Br ullls lncid 494-3044 _!ec:Urll!'__ 979"2390 7141545"6916 garage 6-4 t-8777 P' o Pa' I YI· I 6 I 9 I 2 Br 1 ea leundry rm. w/b11lcony Stove /-flP ---3 Br 2 Ba. nr SC Plaze. Oan1 Po1n1 80rgf'<>US ha;: 2 congernal YO lem to shr ' 729-1129 pool, crp11. drapes fr ig S-42551~7 9 lltrtNI# IHd 3111 rec rm. poot11ac S695 bor view, Br :i·~ Ba, ~o~e.2 s~ifs;d~11~ ~ 1~0 ~t~~de~l~~r P:~e~· 1.400.s41s1mo 3..-97 __ .... 1;................ 545·7}3 I, eves 545·5:123 lul1y furn We will arrange ise • u 1 0 1 Aa111aat1•••l1/ No FEE & C C a y ot 1he fotlo 1 SSO dep S.2·8558 675 782 d"" 673 4293 2264 Maple 3 bd. 2 b1, garage. laun· . I Apt ondo SHiii IHd Jiii n w ng. eve; ,_ • l.r11111J1/ 2 Br 1 Ba carport, tndry dry recirs Ideal for 2·3 renlals Villa Rentals •••••••••••••••••••••• deep Ha lrshlng. goU. F pr ct ,,,.,e 3br 2ba £ I f, ' 2 pupp•es eppro11 12 "'k5 1885 PARK.C M German ShePhl'rd m1~ VISA MC malt> & Sprrngt-r Speniel ll'male Newfand & Al REFRESHING IJTOPIA lanta H B 960-2625 GLOW oc s 1tnes1 loc Found Lovable Tebb) masseur ell0-8065 Cill VIC 5th SI CdM , I 644-2145 trson• Strvitts 5360 Pt11on1/1 5350 •••• • • • •••• • • •• • • • •••• • ••• • • •• • • • • •••••• •••• 5 Anqels Wt Happy Heart Style c!t na1r wdove & c.ire Only S6 Perms $30·$35 Up Mr Mel s 754-9904 LIHA I VIOll'S PHOTO MODELS ESCORTStOANCERS ' OUTCALL 24 HAS 189-0207 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 241 hrs 11 dlly NEED A RIDE? Per11onal. qualllled com· pon1on drl11ers for your doy-10-day errands any· where shop appl. air - ports. Ille Hr or day •94·5857 759-1731 7 d11ys a wook Jacuzzt.• Sauna Locals as well 1u Touristl BonkAmor1c11d Amer Tint/ 5450 •c1.in E•press, omers All £'UF.o?e··;·weE:.Ks .. 6 welcome 1141646 3433 countnet 52350 All eK· 2112 Harbor Bl CM pensas e 11pe1 guide WANl ACTION? (714) 494·61 10 Eves Ctao;lollfl<.1 Ads 6-42-5678 Depart June 23 ,,,,, .. , ,,,, .. ,, S11ric11 SJIO S1rYit11 5310 ................•.••••...•....•..•.......... rm, view ol golf course edutts $675 8'0·1126 675--4912 Bro«er Ntee 2 br, 2 bll. gar P8· tennrs, ho5rse00r0ac1ng, Nwpt Bch house on Cl••ltc/•/ ••••~~~ •••• !~;9•••••••• from deck $<175/mo TEI IEITA I 110 111 mo + dep I healer I /wk Canal. lrplc. dltfl tennis a S""" 658 Joann Specious 2Br. nr oc11. t Wll L S600tmo 12 13)692-37l 1 1714)642-6590 po o 1 A'v 111 now ••• ~!'!!~!! ..•.... !.~~¥ !!!!.-:.!!. .. '!~ •.•••• ".~ $ in TSL .I.. •42· 110" 11y, pvl yd, patio, 880 3 & 4 Br CIOM lo water, tv• B B C 5 S300tmo 645 2495 lndu11r1al S"AC• &/or ol ~fiess n llUQ"l,l{!tll • S550 mo 8~6-3166 furn & unlurn, reason-lg aor abtn miles " \. ""' "o:: $485/mo 2 Br 1" 81 2ii'drm 1'• ba 1wnhse able, Ill emenlltes A1'tl•111t1 Fa111i1iH lrom Snow Svmm11 Sl1r tPi\C: Oceanlrorn J 01. lice nr Bflacn & Slater FOUND ADS ~ ofc 1 (!. upper unit. all blt·ln•. $<115 + $375 dep Nr Broker 675-4912. ,, V•l•t• '"° ~8:.~ ~67 s 3 9 I d 8 II y 2 b lrpk;, washe1, dry ~4~ ORI~ P11ce96~ 1221 arv "' Jl',,,Qtl"' ""'. • carport, lndry rm, b&I· Beach Blvd 81 McFad-•••••••••••••••••••••• er $300 +viii 6'45 144• .., £..,_1 •: J.J cony 527 w Wiiton den' Quiet, Older person IEAWlll 1-------...i ,,.,.,, w .. ,,, 43ZS ~o~si sg fl :::o~rngo~:: ARE FREE Signs r or Stress Include: Tll M1at 142-llOI pral d, no pets 893-4894 YILUIE ;.;Q;·~h~~;·J·/~;;d·r~~ ~iwy1Newport St101u 2 bdrm. I ba, near beach. Naw 1&2 bdrm tu11urw For Ad •ctio' n wllh F'mly. '/tcnly H11bor loc 848-88U • Call·. Headaches ktd k N IS S-450 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING ' n S 5 YIW llllU mo' 900·69~l· fN NEWPORT BEACH •Pit In 1-4 plane. I B<ltm Call a H &4 ·0227 hm. '•'"'"'' 142·1171 Fa tigue 2 Br 2 Ba. temlly com Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm from S540, 2 bdrrn from 8•121-000K10P. wr1111 Set/Sun I ( b /It Plew, dla .... ·aiher & "It• 2 Bd rm, 1 b a, $450. 1cartmenla S59f>. Townhovse trom Cll anzu o IHll/ 45001 .. ________ ff f8 I Y " nw " sees + pool• ,.nn11 D :1 P'lot •••••••••••••••••••••• ·• a kaches polll, enclld gerage, 111/fu t & d•g· 7794 & ownhou••• wattrlalf1 pondll a.~ a"y I ' ' I t 43SO 1100 ' l I 1---------1 8C . utlf1paid.1630/mo. plu1 Newman Ph 64 .4559 From $580 lor cooking • hea11" .!!!/.~!.!! .• !.'!...... ' a Oo/HP Looc . 2FQ c, J•llnOll" II LHT U"lfl" "l'llllc:i man1pulat1v l' therapy. S300 depottl. 2324 Eld· S-445, 2 Br 2 Ba, pool, On Jamboree Rd. Ill paid. From Sq.an Ologg AD-VISOR Dena Pl t ingle 11ort111•. i.a~PJ; S385 o~i'.e2;~ Pretty gray femate Tl~r .. &Z~· nutri\ionul l'OUn!k•llng. en. 548·•147 patio. kid• OK NO pels San Joequln Hiiia ~d Frwy drive 'N orth on securtod, t lrff1 entr•no« t:I\, tonot-11 trn, Ill/ff on Lr g <l /plex 2 Br, lBa. 8'16·9666, 980_·7_48_4_ _ 144·1100 Buell 10 McFadden IO 642·5678 ~~~1~renac1o. SGO 1~:.~~ ~:nlo:~~ lo w:rr ci,rt1Hne Drtvt (nu r (714) 553·8231 dshwr. Wt side Av•ll 2 bf, 2 bl In 5 unit bldg, Beeutlfut tat,... " Br en· 8 •aw1 n d V I II a g • 114'" .. ," ..... SI CloM 10 Bauning & M•gnolla) 4121 Wniertr Pl., lte 111 I ..,. 5 f ·pl ... 85 ww (7 14)893·51118 ° "" ..... Hunong1on !Mach l'ltl· t 2 1 11 . 4 • Imo . r84c, a;r -c lad patio. 11ep1 10 i.--------ic111 111et1 At11 your on•-5 1405 frwya Rua .. cell ltt·1tt1 att e Newport .. ech. Ce.121410 -=64==5-=66==25::::::::::::=!:=9==4-<!:_._3_~l:::52=8=·300===4:i...be:::ec:::.h_Y~e:a:r~:_:6:7~5=·":4~1~8~W:a:n:l~A:d:•~C:a:ll~8~4~2~5:8:7~8l:::::=::=::=::=:=:=::=:L:'':o~p~a:h:o:pp:1:11g~c:•n~t:•~r-l.:8~4=6~·7~5~1:2...:::=::::::=_J~1~~iiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiillii .. I .... -.............................. .. • • . , c 1 lf!t!!l!'!!~! ...•....•• '!.'.11 •. 'r!!'.1!.~ ..•. !.1.~ #t1ti H'1H 1•1•ll1rt IOIO 01/Jlf 111111/11111 I IHI•, ,,., r1111kl ISi •• • • ••• • •••· • •••• •••• • • •••• • ••• • • • ••• • • ••••• l•1l••111 IOI Ci 11111 I OfO •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Jtt1 WHl1' 1016 llOHMICS IHHD • •• • •• • • •••• • • •• • •• •• • Cen n'oko S 13 I 161h1 Young m1ml•d man wlll A•t/•1111 IHt * *' BUY** .... 0.,1.,·'"w·.··ao··11 •• 11 •• 1•1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 1 ~ , """"'1111 •• '"" ••• • 1•. •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • C.h1 •• , lll•I • fh•11I I '.u 1111•• COl!llJll! llt•ll• WI (JIClill~ 01(1 r n"lilh AnlltlU• 1bl, •• 0 •11 • t 11111~1111" •••/f 1032 vlµp tOll IJliO Ooou u•IKI fu11llh1111 A MO•l llrt1nlft 'lutrlllt u ... nw111111 111111 111 Ill " •to• "' "'""' <JO 0•11•u1I 1181\<ly 'NOi~ 1tartm11 l>llY f ulll P1111 C all •viii & wk•nda llrllt avolt 1n ou1 pull 912 9!12b .... IOI 8111 Cllll t oday h>t "'''11 '>37 2880 KING '"0 "62 2 144 001 :tl1'4 Appt11nce1011twill14111 2 /01,1 11111 lluu JJ1 l fl11l11h l htt&tu lilt lllhi & tlt111pl , or Slll 101 'l'W lh1flot• "'I \1 fUOIJ A•klllU ,.1400101 b1;111 lltw H I I iltlp rt11t f tt1c;111n1 111novat1v11 tn orgellc. upttr/ PR. Ou11 ntu. Writing Adept al 0 1gan1i1ng. enterta111l11g fle1tlt>l11. Rellat>le, tnde pendent, Xtnl R11la 7 14·980-3793 Ulllll PHltTllll llAITDI llOTIM xrnox JWO oo .. tu p oll•• ,,,. u1y c;111 M11gnlllc1•nt LOult xv l•l·Hll lll·ff•I tOP•l.lf 18 n!•J 1111t R lflt• S1il 1060 44S 6•1T4 II no M•-r I ED I CAL Cxp 8ack OlllC• Ptl or f l l II type Nr t1011g G46 6013 Dining ioon1 t tl votut • t111t1y ,.,, vit •II ' 1100 • • • • •' • • • • • •• •• • •• • • • • l>le•H kt P lly11iu $ t7,000, Diking S~ 000 I llY PllllTlll 111""' wtatl;iuui• "''8 10' LOOllH FOii Toyol• 70 AMI I M Sto ODO 840·4010 Ln ori1 &IJJ •111>Phn• $l!>O no OS tO A OMlllSTMAS ''" (.Ont111 Small 1111 IOI USER c ml'"' 1111111 i2 1111 SAUS·SHVICl LDSlltli ,. 1•.u ·l 11111 111 11 lo11i11 44~. l {,y i t ..... ,.. •AITIOH AUOTIOI --------1................ ...... t>Ta ti 18 Thut1 OK 0.11 PM Pltln fUANllVAt! . NfW COCl<C'fl 8 PANlfL pur I'"' I ••WI l>lulU Ir.I •Ill IESSHIERS 1111• Iott~\ 111•w t 11 11111 Nt•WIJ!lll Ulo.tth 1111 $ t•1 1 •I.I I • I It IJ/J 0111JCJ UJ I .'U~U 4'11 4•141t Nedi OPP"ll•l'lllCO IL da pendabl• lr111111porto11011 ll9C8SHry M 01 r Mo torcycle• OK Apply 111 person 2925 Co11ago Av . Sulltt A 3 Coate Mesa 111 desp erat e need ol work. 2~ yr Old m n, t .. o In watd111g ot all k1nd1 Dependable. hatd wo1k· 1ng. will do any other typo o t w o rk Don 642·9677, 558·6007 Now h111ng Full & PfT Cooks E.11per Pret, bul H•l• W111tH 1100 no t Required Wage11 ....... ••• •• • ••• • • •••••• NegoUoble THE GAINO. Adventure Travul EA RESTAURANT, 1400 TOO YOUNG FOR AIRLINES ? ? ? W F>CH. N B 642-8881 Othce Help, 1t11me heavy constr sales organ MuSI type. min 1ecord kpng. ( 11 I Chtr) phone/radio Non smkr lmme<l openings 101 tO Dane Pl Salary open sharp gals & guys tree to 642·4300. 24 n1s Ad travel all major U S Cl· No 751 1tes & resort areas, In· OlllCeMngr/Bkkpr, parlfl, eluding NV City. Miami, deys 6-10 hrs per week Dallas. Naw Orleans w/ EXPERIENCE ONL v Call unique young business 645·0911 eves or 7 ·9AM 10 attend~' IHI tntlqu• Mu•t ralM CHh r>1r s AKC, 1 w-.i.. old nuctl l.l111r.11111}t ''"unno ovctlon 01 1982 We nave P1ICI• ''''' It oec 2 f 11m111111 127~ 0.-r 10 11 l:i 11 4 Ln11111 • tine mlMIUlt OI AMtf· Ml ttrOtHI & found ... fl\. I.' $'!I 0 .... 1111>11,110• SCi'>O ••uuo 1cen tild fUfopoan fuml• Twin $11 • rull $117 1t41G40 'llJO 11HhH 111>r1• 8.H Wv11 ture and •mall 1ttmt Ou n $147 ·King IUH 111111 ~I GM 642 0846 Aleo 1 good selection of Sola o.ci1 11t7 Ooldtn nuw•vvr PblNli", S I 11em1 lrom P11nn1ytv1nt1, Sota & Love .. at $247 AKC Ch t>tood lln••. 1 It !10111 1r1iler ~ t'U• TabtH. cn11r1, etc, ate. Sota Oln•tt• w/4 Ch•• 860·043~ ~tood 6c7o{g .,:0Ap1111Jlo 10~. buyer'• premium. 1117. Wrought Iron Parrot cagt Call Charles 101 d11tall• DISCOUNT F'URNITURf wllh covor. ntvor uHd IOlll Sll11 LARRY MORGf;,N AUC-1959 Harbor Blvd. N " di• x •O" nigh. t95 Do~h 9010 TION Co•ta MClll 831-66011 538·7602 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1685 Toronto Way.C M, ROAi SLIPS AVAILAOL( 714·556·9901 _._SIFl Ill Amartcan Pit 9ull le1r1e1r. Nuw1><x1 6 ocn 2!; 28 1 yr, pep111 e S!?5. to 30 '.l!I • 40 . & 45 Coll Ornately carved hall trM QUEEN Sil! Navy t>lutt good homo 1173 48 18 6<1 ? 4 644 ti om 9 6 S250 Call An1werAd with whllt OfChlOe $t!i0 e11" ,. 580, 642·•300. 24 hrs 645-2516 al1 3 PM Mon· " B~autllUI Breakfront value ---rllOfl I Dlfl•I IOfO SLIPS AVAIL Hvntington ,.. G JI •••••••••••• ••••••••• H n tb ou t Btty Ou s t 1 . o o o. e s k r n g .!!!/.'. •• ~.'.~ •••.••••• Oak up1rlgh1 t play,er"' p21n0n0o. 84q,.~545. 84ei.7766 6-9 $5000/otr 640·49 10 livi•I mu n o e c ., p M 8 4 0 , 0 9 7 , A • 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11381•4912 1 t4t840 787S .//.~'!!.~'.~........... SUPH UU MOVIH Hammond' Organ Mot HARBOR AREA Turtltreck M-111, walnut w/~artc APPLIANCE SERVICE Just In llmu IOI CnffSI· presel & back grill $950. group No exper nee as we provide a 2 week paid training period Above ave r age earnings & trans p<l All appllc;ants must be 18 or over . sharp. unatleched & ready tor cmmed em· ployment For interview, con1ac1 Vicky Schrader at 557-3009. Mon 1h1u Fri, t I am to 5 pm ONL VI We NII rec:ond . gua1 mast Furniture, Anllques. 673-5122 Part Tille Siles opptiances 549-3o77 Collectables 11 all goes' 1940 baby grand Gui· Oemons1rat111g products I llY lPPLl&•CES Also free 10 a good home b1ansen orio ivories Lower Nowport Buy Slip~ 30·331t $811 Sid., ues t5 2411 $711 Sw oltn A n c 11 9.5 548 1501 in stores 1n your area, les 957•8133 a neat dog Garage Sales s 1500/obo Call Answe'. Bo111 Slip avo1IOblo for 40 Sal/Bonus, will train next two weekends 5 182 rAd 580, 6'42-4300, 24 lo 65 boat Nwpt 01;1t (7 14) 963-3107. Wasner-Dryer $135 ea. Grinnell Lane. hrs. 63 t-7777 Olshwasher $100 I 3 3 3 I 0 1 ---10 ff M ' PART TIME Retrig. s200 646-5848 • 1 r Jlllllll HAH PlllO """' Eves and/or weekends ' 1'2·0011 s3900 566•6194 with bOtll.S 19,500 Responsible adults, ovei Relrlg, Hotpolnt, 16 cu It. ___ ___ 648-4005 2t. wllh outstanding II· supe~clean. hervest ~!l.~~~.~.'.~t ....... Skii•• 1013 Several Side 11es & strps trecllve personalltlH to gold. •"'40. J20· I l 46 csT TE S E U •••••r•••••••••••••••• "" A AL n1que Ladies Scott Ski Boots. a11a11 1mmed mo 10 mo Assistant Ins marketing work wtth youth (ages Norge copper side by artl<lles lor everyone Art 9,zo 7 blue Liiie new N o L • v e Abo a 1 d s reps, F&C he pref Send 1 O · 14 I Call 2 • 5 PM , side. Good c ond111on. coUec:tJon. antique lurn1-590 968•5806 955·2473 wkdys · -• Re~ume to Classified Ad 6 4 2 • 4 3 2 t , ex I.. 3 4 6 $200 ture. hOtise pion ts. ual!:.·t::-::=-""". "887 Oa1ly Pilo t. PO E 0 E 675-6160 cal equlpmenl Con II· 85Head SZ Sia oii\Skls IHtr:. ,,.,,., 9090 Box 1560. Costa Mesa, PllESS PlllSll Washing Macl1lne. nuous dal ly John $175 ·····'·····~••••••••• Ca 92627 -AB Olck 360 CO Itek ca-$15 ~741 -Call 544·09 t4 DRY STORAGE ~UOIO PRODUCTION mera. 1 to 2 years exper 631·2064 HOllll 1060 185 K2 355S with Tyrone Monthly boll s10, ngo. ASSISTANT Call. 751-2424 Kenmore w asher & gas ........ •••••••••• •• •• 3600 Binding a. $175 any site, 24 hr S!.'Curily. w 111 r r a 1 n . Exp w I . Must sell beautiful Sonell Call 644·0914 • f 1 111 cassettes a + 54/hr all· PIT Christmas vacation dryer$ 100 set. 642· 7471 Quarter Gatdtng Eng/ , -ree aunc ng er mo trial Full or ·~ wor1l. auto maintenance all SPM _ West To good home ~tli•f CotH/1 1094 IEWPOllT IUHS time Books On Tape delivery 1200-$500 wkly Admiral Side by Side re-o n t y S a c r 1 I 1 c e . • • ••• • • •••••• •••• ••• 1131 lack lay Dr II 548-5525. ask lor Greg Call Charhe 646-5781 Ir 1 g er at o r S 2 0 0 SS 1·0285 MELP HEP l •••·H 10 . Houri SALES/DESIGN 642-7471 all 5PM - --Ill OH TIE BABYSITIEA NEEOEO Exciting Career Oppty GE Copper 2 door retro· {!."'.!!11. ••••••••• 1.~!9 on Balboa Island lor 9 tor crealive ind1vlduat geratoi. regular size. Rings. ladies 141< whl gold STREETS RV STORAGE mos. old. P/tlme. rels who has good eye lor St50. wedding & engagement, M olher short or clfSh req 714/673-1418 color and Int. design 760-8045 over 1C Appr $11.000. needs s1zo 10 we1su1t 10 Boats. af,o wet slips Babysitter. exp to care lor 4 mos old in your C M home. Full time Mon·Fff 642·9184 IOOllEEPEll Small company needs young energetic person to sel up and maintain double enlry. Full time. Call 631·51J5 Clerical Part lime. lleK. hours. general ot11ce du1tes Pos111on available 1mme- d11tely with small ln11ne tex accounting and In· vestment firm. Please call Abigail Price 141·3lH Xlnt comm, opptyf ad· -sell $8000/0BO Answer start her 6·yr.·old son ott available. vancemen1. training avail A•ttioa 1015 Ad 534. 642·4300 24 hrs. In hlS surling career 113-1331 Io r r I g h I p e r s o n • •••• • • •• •• • • ••• • ••• • • Need tor Santa to leave I•--------• 499-1461 LARRY MO RGAN AUC· #i1t1/JHt181 1010 u nder the t1ee Call TION 0ec 9th, 6 P M ••• • • •••• ••••••••••••• ans w er ad -5 7 8 11•11IMtllli111 SALES Reier 10 ad undor Anti· An II q u e maho gany 642_..300• 241 nrs ••••• ;r.~•••••••••••••• Full O< part/lime w111 not ques. cablnet-S75. bathroom --/fol11t1tl11/ "marble rype" sink In 1 lnterlere with present litrt/11 IOZO door & 2 drawer cabinet Aam1ng1on 870 Wing· ••• ~t!.'.~'.~' ....•.. !.J.~~ 1ob Unlimited income ••• ,.................. plus ma1 ch1ng 2 door masler 12 ga shotg n Call 498·1576. Old Cruisers & used wall cabinet & "marble · u • 110 UMANA IT-115& CREnRY Bikes Ttres. Wheels. type" wall snell, all for w/casa. $220 642-0109 X1n1 cond w11e's bike SE Sea1s, Parts 1982 Char-$ l.40.. tempel8d gtan John __ $750 firm 646-~276 Personal In fury Expr le St CM 642-0309 shower doors. ltl<e new, Browning Clt0<1. 12 geuge ~ 750 roq recenlly. Typing lOO Blk Cruiser. w/rubber only $50 lor both Call trap w/case, used only 74 Honda K. 4 onto 1• wpm plus 898·0461 asll handles. recently rbll 642.0138 ~ S485 552-71~ ~1:nc~o•tr8~1g~'O~uos IO< Arnie $100. 675-7586 2 Lionel MOdet train $815, Winchester M odel 70, 549-7879 549·8322 SEC""."' ll.E. l•i/djlll 1 steam & 1 CISI locomo· 2 70 caht>er. wired field AEWAAO 101 tnlo or re· u IOZ t I ve w I cars S I 4 5 3X9 vanat>le scope "' turn '78 vamah.t A0400 Secretaffal pos111on In 1Wllt1i1/I 5 644-4758 hard c a s e $3 50. 10 1A 13 5 128 1 Lie oct1ve Newport Center ••••••••1•1··.·~·w··a·L•L•••• --~-552_ .. ]143 5p 7266 51·1ve, wlt>tue Realtor's olltce Front llETl I • LOVE IALLOOIS-olllce position requires • ... plate steel, 10· hlgn, Bouquels 01 30 Helium Top quality beckpac1<1ng stnpe. dent & Bell decal gear & clothing Must sell on tank, black pipes, good telephone voice. bolted cons11uc11on. Balloons Perlect for all now Kathryn 675-3410 clip-on handlebar, ttdden typing. shorthand & ap· S 175/h , approx 800' occasions 4 holidays i-----pearance Real estate 12 13)582-0701 (Bill or Delivered anytime Skis. xtnt bindings. mint by 1811 lhtn short bJon<Je E 1 harr M obour t8 r ed experoence helptul but ar J 673-4419 Steal at $50 Chris. baseball ca.P S60·6809 CllSTlllCTIOI not essential Prefer tocal F1tt to Yo. 1045 Elaborate 4 •6 N gauge 675-9084 Three lOb open111gs. no resident For 1n1erv1ew •••••••••••••••••••••• t I I at $800 ru I ,. 8 t GS450S Suzukt Only 4700 moles l ike new 642-7748 call Mrs Duhl To good home, tem Ktl· rain ayou • v uo '" I II llllP nee 548•1733 Wesley •• Tayler Ct. len ap~ 3 mos old. free sac $ 2 0 0 I 0 II 8t HiFi sf,,,, 1091 Cook. lull time. mature. Realtors 644-4910 spay & shots 540-6884 675-9084 ••••••"••••••••••••••• e•perlence<J family styte ~~~~~~~~~~I Alan Video Game Incl 19 BSA Mini stereo rec .• cess Motif H1111111 Silt/ l or small retirement -To good home. 6 mo.. M cartridges. (Value $600) w/Oolby •Pktl. Musi Mii •111t1$t•t•fl 11'0 hOme. must be able to SEC'Y /EXEC F>it Bull. gentle 651· 1280 & console (Ilka New) $225 548·1823 ••••• :r; ••••• ••••••••• work weekends 1n La· Financial 111vestmen1 firm Small F Shep mix. appr"Oic s 2 50 or o 1 r c n rt s Will Trede Pion-;;;;Ta Outdoor Stoiage Boots guna Beach. For into call 10< educators Personnel 6 mos, great w/klds & 675-9084 band equalizer lor AM/ trailers or whet have you 4941-9456 7\sk tor Mrs · communicauons dept other animals needs tots FM c ass CAR stereo ..!.!_ll·S 15 min 645•7656 C . XI I I & S/H • Odyssey II Video game. 15 olltns sec Y n YP of TLC 548· 1200 tapes. S 175 960-1233 A a to Strvitt, l1rl1 req d Exec secretaroal1----------CR.ISE SNIP JOIS u p a must Non-smkr Or/Whl Cat, apx 4 moa, 640·1392 21" Ctltr TY. I Attt1111it1 HOO All Occupattons preterted. can 553-0940 sweet dispostlion, n•s Frenclscan ware (DeMrl $200 642·747 1 all 5pm ••• • • •••••• •••• • • ••• • • Available home. 848--0838 R , •• d Pf<l NT 4 Ille bOdy work Great income opporlun· Servers. 5 yrs exper . ose). assort "'' ame Stereo combiii'aiiOn, up 10 50% off your e:it 1 1 y . F 0 r 1 n 1 0 between 3·5PM In per· Fe111it•1t 1050 A I ex 8 n d •' d 0 11 s S50 Beaut1lul Bill 842·0t00/969·122 1 3121888-4347 Ext C· 70 son. Bob Burns Res tau-•••••••••••••••••••••• 644-2283 760-8045 Fee tor Directory reol 37 Fashion Island. IELICOPTEll SIHIC • -A•tll /or Silt Dehvery 'NB Apply 1n person F~~~:T,~: c:4!w 6 days. Bugaboos Ca· ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,., •• IMPORTANTNOTice .. Service Slatton Allendant. F>rtoes start at nada Dec 18 Injury •. l:.•i••t•I TO READERS ANO IE·l·ED's PIZZA part time. Interview Mon Mattresses & found set can't go Call Greg ··~··""•••••••••••••• AOVERTISERS Immediate PI T open111gs • Tues 7 AM • 10AM Twtn $77 . Full $97 548-8809 S.•tt1l 9010 The price of items ad-avallable lc.r daltvery Exper only. Bill's Chev· Queen $147 . l<lng S167 •••••••••••••••••••••• d~lvers. Musi be 2 t w/ ron. Brookhurst/Adams, Sola Beds$ 197 Stained glua 34 · •25" MAllllE FIEL DOCI verllse<I by vehtCle deal· good dnv1ng record. and H B ~ Sola & Loveseat S247 dt>tourilutll~tcoha;u,s9t~m FOR SAL( ~~ 1~1::,t7s~~glc~o~~~~ uble 10 work evenings 0 Dinette w/4 cnrs $97 esign w r e 842-4644. M·F, 9·5 Starts 53.50•54,hr + Sewing Machine pr.. $150. 540-7094 __ does not mclude any ap- Tips Apply daily after 5 C M Canv as & Up-OISC9059UNHT FURNB11TdUAE Swimming pool pump 10' l ,Od1ac 1nlla1abte boat. pllcable tans. hcense. PM Me·N·Ed's Pizza ho lster m g prod ucts C 1 •• arbor63 v660. 9 heal8f & filter Full pro-wl l , HP Se~ull brand transfer fees. finance Hth 4 Tustin, Cosra Perm Full Time Exper osta MllS8 1· lesslon wet bar Make new eng w ood lloor. charges, fees lor air pol· Mesa Piel • Co Benef 11s 6 6-6006 oars. pump, seats & cu-tu11on control device 645-2244 Couch. nearly new, 7''t'. oller. 4 sn1on S 1.000 642-8703 cerllflcattons or deater C , DES rust &-t>lue-oo tao back· Perfec:l lor Christmas HO , ---documen1ary prepare· Dental 1b Ooi.J111o 500 I'• f ort du11I 1 ur wh""''" 1.c•, 1101 twll ""J~,. S3!1 IO !;6 000 UI IQ fl\ll t• t10,:ICl'21 IADDLHACl IMW l l\4Ul Mollllllt 111•• l'~w, Mt' um V•"tr IAvt•I / r "' ott I ' I 0 11•t1 ',11ud.e1 -. AC ·SAi f c;ALE6 443 W Uny St CM Andy 8•owr1 645·2963 ~R Wo rn I Ill '"" Weal • tor New 8 ua•t(t Je~o Snit·~ .,1•1v1t t t' "~""' Sat Thoro' u Reason Tiil UCITllU'i 1113 f.lr!Cu 4 Soloc11or1 'll, IMWs ooo ooo tnv11ntory MAYE ARRIVED! A HAMJr IJl 0 1 t411• 1"" b';O ·i:•J 1 "' "' 111 •J C d 'JI a6 15 tJ j t • lflU -J [if f If~ • ~' !. • ~! • • • • • • • • • !.~ • • ·au MIZ 300 D It '". ,1th l1Jll ,, .. ,,...' :.u111 oul H4' tu, I t ,,. .. t •• ~, 11"11'1 '"'''"•!f•I• ot !j,1h ~'I r>1 lluy lot \It 'I \I r, M II I I v 1 111111/ I I j~'r (II 1'¥1'" 1111~" u I J IJ•14 RARE '10 2$0C CPE 'u' 11011 "' 10 nu Mu I'll \(,•)()(/ t..J I flO'>f> THE LARGEST SELECTION nl '''" mcillH '''"" 11'11ln ·•IJt• ~u'Olt1.1C"' m Sou lf1t rn (;,1htoin1i.11 ':.l'l I" tlJUll'f' HIERS CAD I LUC 2WU 1t.irb1J1 OlviJ (.OSIA MESA MODll 5 H(MAIN A I 7•1 p<J l ll M 1 1 <;••dt•i!i SUfJ'ilANllAL ~AV 4•,os~L 1n1111..i1: ~:-:> 540-1860 tNOSt 11• .. o 110 r l•·1·1wo1J1t C11w""' N t llMIOlaWI Ill 0 ,., I011 • 75 !f.101 •IUl(I Ull !,d8•117'ffl d (l!'!J8Ut 11 fllffll 1.01111 com •'4 101>1 !10VKJ t01 _________ 111 101\llrO moon11 !Ii< 1111 etm 601110 • 1(, ~00~ 4 t.l)d Ull 7 / 4!/0 SLC. Btro/T ,,,, M~ olr 84~ 7400 ·"' 58 1n1ernt1t1011ol. Crow Cab. flat tHld, Xlnt Ult gtne, nucds body wQrk & a lew windows Sac1111co1 S27S/OBO 63 1-2064 Aut11 Wu11d 959' ...................... WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS au• MAHDI PllTIAC/HIAllU 2480 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA t41·000 t41-1451 WE IUY ' OLEAN CARS AID lRUCIS COHMELL CHEVIOLET '!\JI 11.trt•·r Ii . I ' '"' l \ °'1 ~ ' I !14'>-1200 MICH IUJH Top dollars lor Sports Cars. Bugs. Campen, 9 t4 s. Audi's Ask tor UIC MGR JIM MAllllO YOLISWAIEJI 187 11 Beach Blvd HUNTING10N BEACH 142-2000 WlllTEO! Late model Toyo1as. Volvos. P1ekups & Vans Call us IOday! 1~·arle Ike TOYOTA.YOLYO I, .......... & c ........ .. "U•·UO>wUO.U'7 WE HJ USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALl FOR FllH lPPll&ISIL Corm1er-OeL1llo CllHllOLET 1821 t BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH rool (2!>!11'l Vl l0'1Clu\J G2 !> ru• , <ipm • 1H 3::101 •• u1n .un ,,. ~00 ,,7 .. 7 3 1no1 (/00111 .,;n " u .,. 3 II 197J d <J• Stt<lllrt do Ville • 111 320• 4 ,11c1 .u11 oood m o10 1 & 111e& 1c1ot t9J211 7~ :i~o .1uto Jtr. ~' •t•O S!>OO Ei•&-8610 • tlO J20t AUIC. I.Ill " ,. w I• "l,j I,, ii l( I n I 72 ~ <lt! Ville Imm&<: IOt>I (400(;) S (j !> 0 0 0 0 0 d I I 81 hi t 7 14/f..,'JY ~880 tn<.1 e OU U!' w op 135-311 1 IQ,HI• o 1uns. IJt'rlec.lly 2011 W 1\1 Su111,1 A1t" CIOll&d Sun<1o.1y CliOl<..f INVEN TORY VO! UMr SALES & 108 McLAREN llW S<1h.1l>'Serv1Ge-Le:ir.1110 626 So Eucl•CI Avt\ Fullerton (l 14)110-1300 Open Sunday 1975 BMW 2002 4. $1Jd bluoltan 1111 . au "Blau punkt c.iss 55500 OBO 673 l;J4d 1980 O.iri.un 210 2·d1 Good co11e1 Runs well. 35 11'1pg AM/FM C885tllte stereo S3 000 or be~I otter Scotl da 540-1005 Eve 559-5887 '19 2400 S111uotf l'rt<... N••u o t•unto EAculll'nt cond S 14 000 'i48·!>30& 494·9882 1C111v10/t t 1920 MGB 9144 •••••••••••••• •••••••• • ••• • • • • •• • • • •• • • •• • • • SEE US FIRST! 77 MGB nf·w pc11n1 IOI.I W1> have a good sclec· ttre5 F>crl c;u111,J 571< llOtt ol NCW & USED $41!i0 otiu 07J 4"23 CheYIOklts• 7 MC.B btult<111 1111 lo n11 !>tMo Cl '••r11• r41CI< ·"king snoo 8J0·2485 497 69t. 1 Mt GPM ~!!'"!!! .......•. !:1.~~ 1982 Peugeot 505S Turlio diesel 5$pd. solver/blue 30.000 mt No Irr eve or sat calls 64cr.'J94 7 PORSCHE/ AUDI 1363 1 Harbor Blvd Garden Grove Salts·Servict Ltasi11 114 &3&-2333 74 9 14 cstm puint & rtms IOwer e<J. 66K. ottg m1 g elling m arn d 12112 must sell by then S5500 obo hogh dr low lmmeic car must se& Oya 633-8290, eves 1111 6 t .35 t -0865 Oovg 76 S Targa whol(' blk ,; c 60K $13 SOO or COH~ELL CHEV•OLET ""' If. rt.,, ll : "-"l\"1 ~-, su.1200 7fl Impala 4 dr. 49.000 mt xlnt cond S32~0 842·8 199 111 MONTE CAllLO c1e .. n 350 auto $2000 3400 Irvine Av Suite 2 18. N B 662·2262 f~.'l.~'.'! ......... !.~~~ '80 Cordoba T -lop $5350 ( 138ZVZI loaded RE-SALE SALES 443 W Bay St C M Anlty Brown 645-2963 Cooti•tal•I 9930 .......•.............• 1970 Mark Ill a beaulllul black beauty classic. Must sell $1000 642-7500 Corvtltt 9932 .............••....... '14 COllYmE Flltlli 9723 uade 673-4223 S1lve1 8 black T ·top 350 auto clean S69SO 3400 Irvine Av Suite 2 18 N B 662·2<'62 •••..•............•••. ORANGE COUITY 'S ONLY AUTllOIUZEO FERRARI DUUllSMIPI ' 3 100 West Coast Hwy N-port Geooo 642·9405 72 l Cpe dk blue blk 7 s cass )(Int c.ond $8000 673 42Z3 7~ 9 t 1SC sunroot. 01c, pwr wndws righ tllell mirrors te.;ther cru•!.8 stertw 1oa4ed >tras c.t e a ~ S 1 1 9 00 63 1 4 7'21 f,46 1030 642·6177 81 91 tSC sunrool <l c pwr wndws riqt>t llett mirror!. m1ss11lg f'n91 Iro ns S14 :>OO '11 CORVETTE Block ~ solver lacquer pa1n1. 9800 orig m1 $ t 7 000 or oest cash of· fe1 lf6741..2972 alt 5pm • P.o.'A ! ........... !.~ ~ ~ 77 Dodge Aspen wagon am Im air e• cond New 1ores brake-s-tune up SJOOO OBO 661-9196 or 675-2276 Ernie an-1011, Hl·IU1 Ho•'• '1Z1 --···ib················· 631-472 1. 646-1030. 642·6177 F11d 914' ••.•...••.........•... '71 FORD Mave11cl\ Good cond 3 new 11res econ $850 494·321 1 Top Dollar w~ c~~~e~p~~~~~~1vou , buy check our unbe<11 Paid able setec1ton. saving' end aer111ce loday• FOi' You; Cart JOMISll I Sii LiHtll•ltrCllf'J 2626 Horbo< Blvd. Costa Mesa 540-5630 HIGHEST CASH 1mme· d1atoly 10< your veh1cte, do mestic 0 1 foreign 551·82&5 UllVERSITY SILES I SEllYIOE 2850 Harbor 81vtl COSTA MESA 540-9140 78 Accord LX maroon tow mileage-. au10<Dol1c $4250 557-6t00 Need inexpensive me· 79 Accord 5 sPd 2 de Chan1cally sound truck '1f'gu1ar marnl AMIFM Call 645· 177 t and leave $4200 768·83 10 msg ~.''.~'.'1.!~~~~~'-~······ ,,.,,,, 9101 •••.•..••••.•......... CARS $100!1 TRUCIS SlG!I Accord 82 4 dr 5 5P<I. aor. &teroo. 4800 m1ll.'S $8700. 673-89 10 Honda 79 Accord L x Brown T JP4! deck .w cond 4 I 000 m1 S5 300 or ue~t olhtL ~..3150 74 Targa n""' 11res Tor· ga top II stereo Xtnt Comp! sef~f' recor<JS $ 13 500 (7 1415!> 1 8370 betore noon ~.of!!. ~~f.t.t .•.... !.~~~ •1 DEALER IN U.S.l ~CARVER IUl.S·IOtCE •.a ....,.,,,., 'l. --.#it I: tfilt n, ~.,,,,,,, ..... " .... t\AU ~--.n :2..J 58 Rolls AoyGe Benlloy S 1 ;lllnt COlld ~ t8 500 11533·4242 Sub•ru 9162 ••••••.•••............ s .. tes Serv1ce-Lea!1111g SHIUIACK SUIAllU 131-2040 415-4141 75 LTD $1390 (0 43M01) 78 P in t o S t 89 C !699lJZDI 80 .Eau mont W agor $3670( 1AH02 181 8 1 T -B ird $!135C ( 1BWV0571 All tnclude power auto air AE·SAl E SALES 443 W Bay ST CM Andy B1own 645·296: • 80 Futura Gh11 lo m1 nu 1t1es. brakes bait cart>, sac below whls $3950 675-4719' S1100/ltst tfr. '?$ Monarch. 6 cyl, : slid. 25mpg7(e0,f()r-- eng 543-6485 Experienced A 0 A needed lor OrthOdonllc practice In Mission V1010 Area. 830-3703 TU llEll S Al ground $200 /bsl olr Gr fialn set orr hi!' 1Ht11 #11•11•.U~ Lion charg es un tus Classroom atdes. 3 hrs 640-6752 board . detailed w / htritt HZO otnerw•H specified by per day. written test will straets. homes & IWll· •••••••••• •••••••••••• Lile advertiser Available 111 local gov 1 K11•inn C/li1 • 9134 11 l._ a770 sales Your call refund-• • ••• ••• ••• • •• •• •• • • •• rO •JWlfeJJ ~ '69 GaJ;uy runs _.S300. 540-1471 DlllYlllS IEEIH N o Experience Req. M ake up to S1 3 /hr Starting pay. Full/Perl time avail. in our pub C all today tor appt 537·2880 KING chg IHEUL OFFICE No Experience Req Make up lo S 1 I/hr start· Ing pey. Full & Part-time positions avail. In our pub. 537-2880 KING chg IDLF STlllTtll-llHEll El Niguel Country Club Full time • part lime E1t· perlence preferred Hourly plus benefits. 498-2023/Goll Shop. be given 12115·62 at 10 8 pc dining rm set lnctud· ches & new •no & trans· MARINE ELECTRICIAN am 1n personnel oftlce 1ng china catlrnet 9' quel lorme<. Sl50. 552•7143 Des1gn1tnS1all/Repo1r Aalif•ll/ $5.526 per hour Apply velvet couch (gold) Blue Olly work 549·2520 Ev C/ .. litl 9520 20451 Cra1mer Ln. Ne couch & loveseat sel. Plttlt·ltft --•••••••••••••••••••••• 964-8888. Rei ng. coffee table Answering Machine 11111, lluillf •IOIEL 11l "s! MOVING. 752·2197 with remote. Xtnt cond ~·!f•t•I H30 Shay replicas. pickups & able 1(312) 93 1·5337 72 Ghia con11ert1tle Mira •;G .. VW BA•J•A••BU•G• ext 2239B lor your di· nrcf' vt:ory lo mi radials 1600.:.c 1966 eng with rectory on how to pur-Bt'st otr 554• 1652 2000 miles since rbll ChllSe 24 hi& ,,,,,. 9131 $ 1600. 540-1858 • • • • • • • • • ,. • • • • • • • • •• • 7 1 BUG new -paint & r 8· AJ/1 Ro•to 9105 TUCIEll'S AllES Bar wi th 2 c apt c harr $175 494-2695 •••• • •••••••••••••• coupes 1 to c hoose Biiinguai c lassroom stools. $250/obo Call -E>1tra largo Pomp1ne1te tromr (0067681 (Stk LUSE A 1112 aides (Spanish) 3 hr per A n 5 w e , A d 5 8 0 . Oxygen therapy regutalor mar 11 n g a I I new w I A30931 Pr1cee ttilrhng at •••• •................. dtnls amlfm. mant cond $2100 /o bo f213)691·8877 day. AltlullflCY In English 642_4300 24 hrs & flow mete< S 150 I an y a r cf $ 9 5 0 B 0 llLY Sl,ll5I, ALFA llOIEO CTYI & Spanish. Written tnt1 • 675-3175 646-4005 $3•7 Wiii be given 12115-82 al UlllES flll•ITlllE FULLER BRUSH Camp·woy1 inlfatilble 8:30 am in personnel OI· Magnlllclent LOUii xv PRODUCTS dinghy $200 Oat a· 8 57 plus IU pt!r month '14 Ill S 1200 wtsvnroot. needs w0<k 536-1723 ~~!~~~ ......... !.~!! '65 Mercury Comet. 6 cyl auto. s1~1 bt!lted radials Runs goo d $450 494.9390 75 MONARCH 6 cyl needs brks runs fair $2900 650·2357 75 Monarch 2-dr, red manuAt trans . 6-c yl 27mpg, rblt eng $1500 650-1813 lice. S5.67 per hour Ap-Dining room set. value Have yourseft a Merry marine 01gllot depth lor 48 months on ap· ply 20451 Cralmer Ln, $17,000. asking $8.000 Fuller Christmas Ouallty sounder $150 Seatemp pro ved credi t C ap H.B.964-6888. OB0.640-4910 FullerBru1hprOduc11& instrumen t $100 . cos t -Sl<I 90 0 OO, 'I• VW IUS '72 Mercury Come1, 4 Cir Auni. good $1500 Must auto. air_ radio Gooc set1•642-7748 co nd $800.JOBO C t od I lck 5 resoduat.$5368 64, 10181 TtUPllllE SALIS Lerge antique mahogany gilts. 11 1 •Y or qu 968• 808 o t paymenlJ-$17.684 16 We w1" train. No experl· dresser w/mlrror, ralln delivery. 642•3_15_9 ___ 1 ~em Boat Trailer. To start tease ( Ut month el\C4I necessary. Evening S295 OBO. 646-4005 Brus celling Ian (New) new b eatings $475 ·53 Studebal\8rCi\iimp1on & ltcttnse)·$695 42 work. Very easy Hll. As new queen si ze 4 wt5 Tulip tighll $100 957-8388 5 pass cpe Nice car 1025591 Sff us NOW• Guaranteed hourly w~• poatw waterbed, a.cru 730-0986 11111 lowll f040 $3750 2 t3/S92· t 792 IEACH II PORTS + bonus ptan. Call r S395. OBO. 646·4005 ALL Sl'EEL ••···'· ••••••••••••••• "' ...1 848 Oov• Street Spencer 754·680l. OFFICE DESK. $250 '74 Callfornl&rl, aO ftt>er. •tt4 llt•ts ltt•d NEWPbRT BEACH 7 I v w ~P· Top Camper 494.2974 w 1en1 sli1 rack c11a1ns am tm cassette new t>rot..es 4 radials rear door mosquito net & IOddlUr b&d $2 100 957-8388 ~~!!~~r ......... !.~!~ '79 Mustang 4 cyl. auto AC . lo mr Xtn1 cond 831-5009 TEXAS REFINERY CORP 9· sole Hldeabed, Brown, 842·1856 gless, 10 w/Chevy Eng t9•6 Ford Woody Wa· 112·0100 flSIRllOE needs Mature person good condition Vansen Trailer. good gon. Sl3,000 I 8 9 I U I Comm'I, property & cas· now in Orengo County S150. 642-34411 SllFUllll runnlngcond $1795 Pvt A•di 9101 Mazda AX 7 Beauty Xtnl trans car. blue, 75. '4 cyl, good mpg. 11ln1 cond Best olr takes 4115-2344 ualty IHL Exp. ntc , aroa. Reg1rdle11 of Formlca01nette Setwl1h 4 9'6".S100 842·1856 Pa1ty Call 847-5666 or 19211FordModelA Town •••••••••••••••••••••• Many i.lras Musi r.ell $1895/olto min 2 yrs incl. typing training write F O Sears. ewlvel c11elrs. nice GRAVCO AIRLESS 536·3008 ~7~~~6~ S 1O·O0 O 10 Adi 5000 hrllo s75oo 897•6873 Good cond 644-5585 PJ~!!'!~~J!! •••••• 1.~~! Xlnt t>enellls. James In· Box 711. Ft. Worlh Tx S 100(0BO. 646-4005 PAINT SPRAY EA 26 000 mites lully toade<I 11 J 111z c tla s p B 7610t St I nt c I C Ford. moel"' .. '2"'.-Sh~y "' ro u ss u reme roug• 1urance, trvtne Call · rag omm •· l<ing size boK SJl(lngi. idnt $50 842· 185CS 24 It SKlPJA K .,. .... ... .. sunrool, gd .cond Like .... ,,.,,,, ltnl 41111,.0 •••••••••••••••••••••• ham 78. loaded Xlnt Maurine. 752-0990 (EOE) slon building product condition Twin Volvoe $t5,000 reprod Roadster. side new S 13 .. oo OBO •• ":.~ •••••••••••• !' •• '?. -1 YtlH haler conc:i BeS1 olr takH Kennel Asst's needed aaln 548·4162 S~~2':'~"y~~;;c,::1 .. --•963iliiil.eil4•7•7-•-t mountt. rumble seat. 6 4 5 . 8 2 I 1 Ev• s . Mt•rcedes Btnt I• Ort•lt CtHtyl 495-2344 PI T. Exp. preferred Top Hair Stylist wented i• stereo front/ rear heat· 857·9684 days SIOP •110llD FOii 1 111 1 1 Bullocks Contemportry 8' cuSlom made reel, din· C 8• L --k-er, Pinto eng. auto trans. " li•tt llS1 Co at a Mes a •re a -or progress e 18 on n sofa· beige plllow t>ack Ing rm table 2 IHvtS lassie 1 apstra 8 tuggege rack/ trUl'\k, lull ·75 Audi Fo• Needs tlllle Tiii IEST IUY SALES, SEllYIOl •••••··~··••••••••• 631· 1030 ~.C:,~~~-~~'stf5omm or lov-t. $500. 780-8045 French w11nui llnlen. S1'. Century ~ boat. 4 cyt. cover. Nr perfect• Leu work S 1000 or bes1 ot. lhM cnock with us We'll AID LHSll8 '75 Ponto. $800/best ofter Loan Procesaor: Minimum ---------000. Oy1 541·3441. eva. Grey. $3 • 875·6181 . 01an '4.0'00 ml.,,.$7200 fer 857-4167 Show you over 47 aupcrr:> Rell1ble. good cond. 63. 2 yeara experience rn FN Gorgeous chrome & gtaes 780·1901 Catt 673.fl474 811 5 ut.O Me<cedos Benz in OVEASEAS OEUvEAV 000 ml 892· 168'4 or c I l 549 t936 WAREHOUSE coffee table. S125. ----------1 M •vtrlck, 19', 140HP -------1 •• 11 •• W••••••••••••••l.1.l.2. stock Inspect. Selecl & EXPERTS 947.3491 MA al Of• • No Experience Req ___ 7_80_·80_4_5 ___ 1E~1:o~:n:-::;:· :.:!!~~ Mere. e11tr1 eng. ell fish-'65 l•ncoln Convertlble, Tttt Oftvet Consider 60 Ullll Ill -,3-P-1-nt-o-.-.-1-r.-n-e_w_t_lr-es, IUllClllST Make up to $12/hr ll•rt· Naugahyde couch w1t11 S50 for all Chrt1 Ing gtor incl 3 '1'1 old 95"" rtstortd Must 911 mos purcnase w sens· AMI F..M cass S 1100 FOf Nwpt Bch men·a 11alr Ing pay Futt/ParHlme mttchlng chair & otto· 875<9084 S t0,000 I new trlr. $3000 OBO 642•7500 fmll• ... , Ible pmts or lt1>w u• 10 • YILYI OBO. aalon. too·~ comm avall. In our put> Call man. S 4 O O /ob o Ui,;;k~;;;jj;;"(,i;;;';;;,;;;;;;l•iil4tii5-iii2i3'ii'4m ____ _,,,.,., '"' We nMd your tradn-tn• tlllor a IMM to suit your 194!8 Harbor 81Yd 6<1&-27HI 1od1y 10< appt 537·2880 751·4268 Mink Stroller. Oorieou• •••••••••••••••••••••• C•ll or ... our uMd ca. nttda Up 10 "2 "''' 24 COSTA M(!A .............. 4 KING chg -B-e1_u_r-1ru_t_D_i_n_ln_g_R_m--s.-t-.I ~~w;~'. ~a:1~". r&ti:~~ 10 11.,.rglH• boat wlln '75 ford ,.100 Pie-up. 3tO ~~~;j~~!~t Jun-000 mll" warranty . Hl·IJOI HO·l•tl F1bUtou1 working condl· WELDERS Rttanoutar, Walnut top, .A1klng $2400. 640·4g10 1 '" hp OI B m o t or· cu. tng, auto, w/atr LO• I 01 llW IHll ti l•ptrts, IH tlon1. No exper nee: Wt wlornately dHlgnod $800/obo. 751·'4268 1900. 831·8678 01&1 714 or '1:1 A•ttl UH' train, -aohoOI. CIRCUS Experienced people .... ;ought Iron l•g• and UI UWI _.. 10· Alum Jon eoil.-.. hp '70 Oaleun p v Ctmp8t' s .... -,.,lllC•·l .. alng MERCEOl:S ·····"···········1;;; M~IMUS 719 No. Har-mah U9 lo 117/hr. Full/ chairs (6). N-. 12600 176. '42·7'471 111 5pm tntr 1275 1'4' Jon Bau 1 h 8 11 . c 1 , p 8 t Ii 1 t 3&7o N Cher'Y-Avt ltrH,,._I llll ~!'.'.~'.~ .............. . bof, Fullerton. 870-81112 Plrt•tlme 1><>tltlon1 111111 A a k In g S 8 0 0 Io Ir . M''•-'I•-• b1 7 &hp, troll mlr. Mall. 19001080 842-«l4t LONG BEACH .. ••rt WMLE•a1i 8t At>r*I b9lween 12 and 5 In our pub. Ctlt today for 840-.4190 Carol , .. ,.,, ...... etc. 1760 "3·5272 • 114 111·1 llO Vear [no Sate - PM.Mon-Sat. s.. Kelly •PPI 537-2880 KING Beautllul Br•tront, ..... ,,,."' ., ----ae Chelly Plek•Up, Jdnt A ... u •• b 0 u I I h. ...HAU SALIS" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~l~c~hgL _______ j lue '"11 ,000 .. , .. Ing •••••••••••••••••••••• .,,, 11•1 Dody. wltll orig 1un -·-• .._...-(Affordable wey) to bvy • 80 Chty fer Cordo111 • " " ' 1hade, Tacoma r1m1, 2 ---•, • Mttc~ts Benz l r For Ad Actl0f1• .". ,,....~ .,.,, $5000/btl olr 8'40·'4910 .... a Ct111f1 ,,,, new tire• Netd• englnt IUllT •1 •• 13'"2ZVZ~l0 ....... P tl tf G f •• .,, -eeeeet•eeeeeeoeeee e••• ._.75 957.a3H " • ....... V '7V9V ., me. 00 typ no ..... ..,. .... ·-~ .. .... G I Cal a ' tk•ulmll•,•,o'!'. up1t8.RS.•n1d80'1',: 1100 &42-747 t al1 ITlllTI Cnr111mae 6011 Per•d• 72 Dodg .. x4 with flat .,.m '81 rord Tnunoert>lrd • -pertle• C11111e 60 eall· t>.cs 4 w<I unit rebufll Au\l'loriao dec11et 21 000 mlltit 1BWY057 Skyparlc Clrcte. tr111ne. Mother ehort ol cuh bott evell tor ch•rttr Madera off • 1 & , 1301 Quell St Nwpt 8ch Daiy Plot CA 92714, Attention. FOf Cla111lled Ad needl elie 10 wetaull to Room for 20 + Reason• ' road t,.. Stlea·StlvlC.·lte_.""' 833 11300 1>13/823 ~ $~50 eACH PaMel• Alch8'dl0n ACTION ltart '* 8-yr ·Old IOn oft Ible rate 857·35e7 TICOft'll '""•· so gel gtt .... • Call a In nie 1urf1ng OllHf tank, 6 1toragt com• AD.y~nn A~!!~,!!.an..'!!,no.~11~n'?1 oauy Piiot Need tor Santa to IMw Bu Ing • d t11 tPs'r' t83m,•,n u I 1 4 2 5 I.JUI\ ..,...,. ..., """ ... ""'" AO·VtSOR undtr tllt tret Celt Y n " ng et I • 642 5678 yoo I() the right <llrectlon 842 se78 • n 1 w., ad • 5 7 8 , reaeonablt price 1na1'1 • 10 find the home you • 142.uoo 24 hre. what ctaulfled 11 111 Sell th1091 1a11 ••th oa11y need. 642·5&78 lbOul 842·S&79 PtlOt Wini AOt IV't' CARVER IOJS Jlll<."l ·~'1\V .. ,..,..,,.ff.A;~--.. ·~· ........... _ .. ~ .......... People whO need Peoplt Thi! e what the DAILY Pll01 SERVICll DIRECTORY la •II •bOull 8vy • Stll • Trt<te UJ W 8ay,CM .ctou ttom Aob1n1· l'Ofd Par11 & Service Andy Brown 645-ne;J ---"-~ r!P.!~~!~ .......• !!.ff '7 I Valiant. auto. am/Im atlf'eo 8 trk, good tran· 1por1. $400 88a·3 roe ,,.,,,~ "" ...................•.. '8 1 Oren Prnc, t71< ml toaded w/utr11 Hooe or t>tt olf 751-IM 1 '76 Ottnd Pr111, l2IOO/be olr Elegant. 11tnt cono New tif... PS, P9. AC .. .,., . .,, ,.,, 43•·1171 --'Ind whal }'OU want 1n o.lly PtlOt Cteulfttdt ('ft ... Millions of.'taste' smokers rall promise of MERIT breakt . ' . . to -flavor rough . Nothing halfway~ it. Warning : The Surgeon Genera l Has Determ ined · That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 0 "h•llr M •• ,,,. '"' 111112 • • 7 mg "tar:' 0.5 mg nicotine av. per cig•ana. FTC Rapon Oec'.81 \ - . . • ... ~~=---------~~~~~~~~~------------.....-..... -------------------------------------- pw . " THI DlllSI Gllll CUIT 1111111 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7. 191:12 ORANGE COUN I Y CAL lf"ORNIA 25 CENTS , Cities due. say on bullet tr8in route? lly GLENN SCOTT Of the Delly l'ttot llaff A blll to give several Southern California cities and t'Ounties a voice in approving a proposed bullet train route has been introdut'ed in Sacramento. Assemblywoman Maria n Bergeson, R-Ncwport Beach, was one of three lawmakers to sponsor the bill, AB 4. Joining her were Assemblyman Robert Frazee, R-Carlsbad, and Sen. William Craven, R-Vista. It was the only bill Bergeson helped introduced on the opening day of the new leg1sla uve session. The bullet train would run on a new, separate set of tracks from Los Angeles through Orange County to San Diego at speeds up to 160 miles per hour. It also is planned to stop at Los Angeles international Airport. The bill would requlrt' approval of the system Crom a majority or city councils in cities where the trains would run. Two of tht' three rounty governments also would be required to back the Plans. Those a pprovals would be necessary, according to the biU, before the State Public Utilltit'S Commission would be allowed to grant a certificate oC convenience and need. That certificate is the finaJ government lssuance now mandated before construction on the route can begin, said Bergeson aide Julie Foreberg. The legislation might knock plans for the system off their fast track&! Officials for Ame rican High Speed Rail Corp., the prlvutc company proposing lo construC't the syste m , are predicting they could run trains on at least a S(.>clion of the tracks by late 1988. B"rgeson , however, has carefully avoided references that might make h e r appear an obstructionist. The Republican assemblywoman said she is pushing the legislation because s he believes th a t local governments should control planning in their jurisdictions. So Car , local officials have found themselves shut out of the process thanks partly to last- mmult> legislation p~ in the closing minulC!S of the last session m late August. Assemblyman Bruce Young, 0 -Downey, who is chairman of lht~ Assembly Transportation Commitlt'e, 11ucccssfully added key cxempUons for the bullet train system at thut tim('. The exemptions ullowcd the system to bypass lengthy Coastal Commission and envlronmcntul reviews. That means, Cor example, that no envlronmental Impact repOrts wall be rcquirL'<i before as many as 100 trains per day could be running. Bergeson has been researching ways of gaining leverage for local cities and counties since August. Froeberg said the biggest hurdle for the bill will be winning support in Young's D e m o c r a t i c -c;.o n t r o 11 e d Transportation Committc('. She said Bergeson is hoping to win his support by arguing that the biU offers "good government." Trans lation: Bergeson is hupi11g to convince Young and his committee members to lake a non-partisan view of the• bill. Bergeson said Monday that tht• local input is necessary to rest.ore crN.libihty to tht! project. She said that mput should take priority over concerns that the system may be delay<.'Cl. ''Unless there is s uppo rt, 1 think the process is going to b<> delayed, anyway," she said, agreeing that lawsuits from frus.trated groups might otherwise halt the pro~l. B~rgeson said she h as· conferrL>d with Young and has mvited him to join her effort. She said Young is displaying "increasing evidence" that he'll go along with the bilJ. If passed, the bill would give. for example, city councils in Onofre flaw claims hit Report says charges of poor welding uni ounded By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM Delly Piiot l laff Charges of substandard welding at the San Onofre NucJear Generating Station have been labeled "unsubstantiated" by the Nuclear Regulatory Co~iol'\ following a month- long probe of the plant three miles south of San Clemente. Meanwhile, a spokesman for t he a nti-nuclear Alliance for Survival organization said the NRC investigation, "was not the thorou. gh investigation we were hoping for," adding that group will push for a congressional probe regarding safety codes al the nuclear plant. A llegations of improper welding on pipe and electrical system supports, as well as cha rges of lax industrial standards, cor rosion of equipment, and even drug use by construction workers we re leveled earlier this year by E. Earl Kent, a former Bechtel Corp. quality oontrol engineer. Bechtel, which designed and built San Onofre as well as another plant in Michigan that has come under attack by Kent, fired the vocal e ngineer last March. LB eyes The Laguna Beach City Council is expected tonight to 'select a consultant to design a "village entrance" for Laguna Canyon Road, one or ~nly three entrances to the city. h 's the first view many visitors see of the city. OHicials at city hall say it doesn't leave the motorist with much of an impression. There's a half-century old sewage treatment plant, a municipal parking lot, a power substation, an uncovered flood Bechtel officials said Kent was fired because he failed two oral examinations. Kent maintains his dis missal was the result of frequent complaints about the quality of welding at the Michigan plant. His allegations prompted an investiga ti on into welding practices at San Onofre m mid- 0 ct ob e r by five NRC investigators and engineers. The r esults of that probe were released Monday by the NRC. "The bottom line is, we did not substantiate any aUegations (by Kent) and we do not intend to investigate further at this point," said NRC regional branch chief Tom W. Bishop. "We foud Bechtel's procedures (at San Onofre) t o be satisfactory," Bishop said. Bishop said many of Kent's charges dealt with alleged state occupational safety and health administration violations. Those matters were forwarded by the NRC to the state. Others were found by the NRC investigators to be unrelated to nuclear sareiy systems, and those complaints were forwarded to Southern California &fison Co., major owner of the plant. or the allegations investigated by the NRC, Bishop said 10 involved pr~per ,welding; two related to design adequacy; three to the quality of procedures used by workers: and other complaints abo ut materials u sed, maintenance of installed equipment and Inspections. Bis hop s aid 242 hours of inspection "which does not include hours from the NRC in Wa shi ngton," showed no deficiencies in welding at the nuclear generating station. "H e (Kent) a pparen tl y mis understood codes and r e gulations (dea l ing with welding requirements) and we found him to be In error in regard to the ASME (American ~Society of Mechp.nica1 Engineers) boiler and pressure vessel code," Bishop said. Regarding Kent's charges of drug use on the plant grounds, Bishop sajd the allegations were "very vague, very general, and he (Kent) could not identify individuals or cases." The NRC spent $13,000 to conduct the inv~tigation. entranc e designer control channel and several other rather unimpressive properties greeting Art Colony visitors. Nearly 40 consultants r esponded to requests for proposals sent out by the city outlining the task of creating a "village entrance" to Laguna Beach-. City officials will recommend tonight the oouncil retain Hogan Roy Stephens ol Costa Mesa to perform the planning task. The council will also be asked to allocate $40,000 in city and county funds to complete the consul ting project, which is 'expected to take six months. The job will not be easy, said City Manager Ken Frank. The approximate 4.5-acre study area Snack t ime has a variety of public and private owners. frank said the oonsultant, along with five sub- consulling firms, faces legai-and-..-- eronomic limits unique lo each of the separate properties. What the city envisions is demolishing the old ·sewage (See LAGUNA, Page A2) A large· and obvioosly-welt-4-ed-seal-gets-a-- handout from returning fisherme n aboard the Channel Isle at the dock at Art's Landing in Newport Beach. Hans Dickman, 95, a nautical legend in Newport . Santa Ana, Tustin, Irvine, San Juan Cupi11tran o and San ClPmt•nlc· 11 chanct• to review the syRtt.•m. Tht• Orange County Board of Supervisors also would have some say. American High Speed Rail officials have not yet released exact alignments for the system, although they are predic14ng that mos t o f the route would run beside existing railroad tracks, with stops staggered in various 1.:ommunit1es In Orange County, most of th()S() tracks are owned by the Santa Fe Railway. In the south county, however , officials are planning a departure. Rather than following the;' tracks as they swing a long the coast, they are h o pinR to tunnel beneath (See TRAIN, Page A%) Theft charge reduced By STEVE TRIPOLI OflMDellJNotll.tf Newport Beach aucli-0neer Roberl Ogle agreed today to pay $57 ,655 to seven customers as part of a deal that reduced grand theCt and conspiracy charges against him and three former employees. Ogle pleaded no contest to a felony grand theft charge in the case. He was sentenced to three years probatio n with several conditions attached by Orange County Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas. The charges arose from several 1981 cash-for-jewelrv deals at Ogle's Newport Galleries In which Ogle aUegedly misrepre- sented the value of the gems. The district attorney's office had a lleg e d that Ogle and his workers produced inflated app r aisals with forged signatures. "The no -co ntes t plea, oonsidered tantamount to a guilty plea by the court, involves a February, 1981. sale in which Ogle allegedly took $45,000 from three customers for the purchase of a diamond necklace The .dea I work ed out by Deputy District Attorney Maurice Evans and a lawyer for Ogle and his as.wciates calls for: -A one-year jail sentence for Ogle if he does not pay $30,000 to the customers within six months, and the remainder by Dec. 1, 1983. -Dismissal of three grand theft charges a nd a charge.-o.f-- oonspiracy to oommil grand theft against Ogle. Similar charges (See AUCTION, Page At) 'Old man of the sea ' dies -Sh eep ish actor When th ey planned a living nathity celebration at the Cry11a l Cathedral in Garden Grove, they didn't figure on handling aevere ea1e1 ol 1tagelright. Stephanie McKay coaxes a recalcitrant call member to the lettivities, which are detailed on Page BI. .. By STEVE MARBLE OftMDellf ..... S .... He had a pasmon for the sea, .for boats w ith wooden hulls and at 95 years of age would still w ander into his o ld Newport Harbor boatyard to Inspect the workmanship and breathe in the salty air. Friends said h e was a throwback to a grander era of boat building, an ancient mariner who never managed to get the oceal') out of his blood. lians Dickman, whose name 1till stands on the Cannery Village boatyard he aold 28 years ago, died Saturday. Friends sald he leaves no ~latives in this country, hia wife having died two years ago. His ashes will be shipped lo Kiel, his natlve German town on the Baltic Sea, where he started working in a boatyard In 1902 when he was l~. "H e was a very resp ected penon around here," uld Jean Skinner, who, with her husband, bought out Dickman In 1940. Her husband, Frank, started working with Dickman 40 years ago. "He'd juat wandel" in here and look around," she explained. "If he felt like It, he'd work for an hour or 90 and if he didn't feel like It, he'd walk home." She aald in recent years Okkm.n continued to do SCXM caulking on wooden-huU boats, a job she described as being tough even for a young man. Dickman finished hi s appr enticesh ip in Germany, becoming a master boatbuilder and had documents signed by the kaiser. H e later traveled to Switzerl and, working in a boatyard on Lake Lucerne. During World War I, Dickman was in the German navy, repairing ships and submarines. "He worked on the naval vessels but he never fired a shot. He was proud of that," Skinner said. Before coming to the United States in 1925, he ~tarted his own boaty,ard in southern Germany. The boatyard still bears his name, Skinner said. Dickman moved to Newport Beach In 1933 and managed the old South Coast boatyard. Two years later he founded Hans Dickman Boat Works on the Rhine Channel. H e retired and sold the buslnes.5 in 1954. Orange County International Raceway has lost its lea e with th e Irvine Company and , the.drag racing strip may be forced to close operations Jan. I . See story, Page Cl. \ At Your Service A8 Mov1ea 86 Business 84 National New1 AS C~lValcade 82 Public NotJcea B6C4 Claulfied C4-7 Sporta c 1-3 c.o.nk.'s 8 7 Dr. Stelncrohn 82 Cf'Olllword 87 Stock Markeu BO Dt-ath Noticca C4 Televtalon 88 F.di&orial A6 '"'8ten ee Entert.a.inmen \ Be W•ther A2 Horoecopc 82 World Newt A3 Ann Landen m I .,!!1 Or nge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/TuHday, December 7, 1982 9CdM doct<Jr hit 0111 '.iiWith 20-year 1:fban -on Medicare 1.• I ~..!~~~~BLE • '1' Corona dcl Ma r physician 111Ebbe Hartellus has been banned n from participating in the federal Medicare program for 20 years Tor allege d ab!-lses o f the program. Dr. Hartellus, 57, has appealed the lengthy suspension and will appear before an administrative law iudl(e for a hearing next year, U.S . Department of Health and Human Services reported. . Hartelius, who could not be ..teached for comment, gained Y9>toriety in the 1970s during a :'fengthy court trial and a subeequent state medical hearing that "resulted in the suspension of his license to practice medicine. Norm Siegil, a federal health department spokesman, refused to detail the alleged Medicare · wrongdo,ngs e xcept to note Hartelius assertedly provided substandard care and performed '1ervices in excess of the needs of his patients. Siegil said the alleged abuses •1J>vered a multi-year period. He '<41lid pas t disciplina ry action •'taken against Harte lius was . taken into consideration. He added that a 20-year ,.suspens ion in t he Medicare program is severe and rare. The physician was cleared or c harges o f arso n , fraud , conspiracy and bribery in the early 1970s following a much- publicized trial ln Orange County. He was arr es ted in 1970 following a blaze at his Corona del Mar offices and later charged with seducing two women through the use of drugs. One of the wom e n , co urt r ecord11 showed, later died after being committed to a state mental hospital. In 1Y7ts, following years ot hearings before the State Board of Medical Examiners, Hartelius had his license suspended for 45 days. The h earings centered on charees of moral turpitude and unprofessional conduct that had been brought against Hartelius. The swpension also stipulated that Hartelius could administer n a r cotics only t o pat1.-nts con fi ned to approved hospitals and nursing homes. Siegil said as a part of routine procedure, the federal health department's investigation into the alleged Medicare abuses will be forwarded to the state board of Medical Quality Assurance. A s us pension fro m th e Medicare program does not affect a physician's medical license or his right to practice medicine. Only the sta te board has the right to suspend or revoke a medical license. A spokesman would not reveal whether the state medical board intends to take action against Hartelius. AUCTION CHARGES • • • From Page A1 against former Ogle employees Michael Ray Smith, Joella Seliga 'and Judi Messick will be reduced !JO a single misdemeanor grand 4teft charge against each. Ju Today's plea is the latest in la se ries of actions against the ~~-year-old Ogle, whose Wes~ Cl!oast Highway business is no l~nger operating. with a diamond again at the center of the dispute. P olice claim there have been 24 suits brought against Ogle or his business. ' Ogle made news in 1979 when he told Hawthorne Police he had been robbed of $2.2 million worth of diamonds. r Buse replace planes at John Wayne Airport, providing shuttle service m fog. Penalty. trial on for killer The penalty phase in the Newport Beach murder trial of J ames Andrew Melton h as opened with testimony from three women who said Melton attacked them in a 1971 rape; robbery and assault spree. The women were called to testify Mo nda y by Deputy District Attorney Pat Geary in his a tte mpt t o convince an Orange County Superior Court jury that Me lton should be sentenced to die in the state's gas chamber for the 1981 murder of Newport resident Anthony Lial deSousa. Last week the jury found Melton guilty of murder a nd robbery , the latte r a spe.cial circumst ance finding that qualified Melton for the death p e nal ty d e t e rmination proceeding. Fog again shuts down OC airport F.or the second day in a row, dense fog enveloped the Orange Coast today and is expected to r oll bac k i n tonight a n d Wednesday As it did Monday, the thi~k moist fog ba nk closed John Wayne Airport and triggered a string of mmor car accidents in coastal cities. The county airport, c losed twice Monday by fog that reduced visibility to zero, was closed for more than en hour this morning. Commercial flights were delayed or reroute d t o Ontario. A tower spokesman said the airport had r eopened fo r commercial takeoffs and landings by 8:30 a.m. with visibiUCy put at half a mile. The fog forced closures at L ong Beach Airport a nd Los Angeles International Airport .~ .. Monday evening. Both were back i™Operation today. :~r In 1978 the Orange County Superior Court ordered him to ,pay a man $5,300 for a diamond iring that allegedly turned out to .bJ! worth only a fraction of its .Jiated value. One detective said Ogle told police the diamonds wse stolen when he and his wife stopped at a restaurant on their way to Los Angeles International Airport . Ogle said he was going to the airport to transport the diamonds to Saudi Arabia, where a buyer was waiting. Under state law, the.jury will hear evidence, deliberate and . recommend either death or life imprisonment without possibility of pa role to Judge Ro bert Fitzgerald, who is presiding Dvet: the case. T he women, all from the San Francisco Bay area, testified they were Melton's victims in a span of less than a month in May and "Village entra nce'' project (sh a ded ) due for upgrading. Weather officials now have reversed their projection.. and -' -- predict the thick fo_g will set in tonight and Wednesday due to a continuing warm ai r mass · flowing inland off the coast. ~r ~'.Another man was award~d '10,500 in a 1978 settlement, m !!"Other case involving diamonds. In still another case, a man was awarded $18,000 after he sued Ogle and Newpor~Q.a lleries, I I HERE~ THE WORLD WNl. I A. 't1NG N:£ rlf>D"I ~ CHR\5TMAS 5HOPP\NG. ONLY 16 ~YS LEFT! - ··~ .. ... . , .. .. • .... lfA .... -. . . . ~ ..,,, ... _,, __ . -- L loyd's of London, the firm that had insured those diamonds, refused to pay off that loss, Hawthorne detectives said. ~ from Hl•11n Dau. Ice Cream Shoppe Soull't COOll PIOlo 333J -OI S,,_ Coo<o Mete CA 9'o2o 1~·1:.A-17~ ·~ 5o COOll """"' loO<A> 8«Jcf\ CA <nM' ,.. 4197.~7 June of 1971.· L GUN Geary told jurors prior to their A A testimony that Melton pleaded guilty to two counts each of rape From Page A 1 • • • and robbery stemming Crom the treatment plant, scheduJed to be incidents . Furth e r ch arges shut down in January when the against him were dropped as part city's sewer system is connected of a negotiated settlement of the to the $100 million Aliso Water case, Geary said. ~ Management Agency facility in Two testified they were raped Aliso Canyon. by Melton, while the third said Melton tried to rape her. Two The combined properties along a lso told the court they were ·the canyon road could house a severely beaten by Melton. All low-cost senior housing project, three said they were robbed. an attractive parking structure to Geary said he would bring a accommodate Festival of Arts fourth Melton Vicum 10 the stand-......... ~,t-t·o rs-and s h opper s : and today -a man with whom perhaps a hotel and shops. Melton lived briefly in 1978. Geary told the jurors, the man was attacked by Melton and left to die with his wrists slashed. _Frank said the c ity will schedule pu6llc meetings to d iscuss the con s ultant 's preliminary findings. .., TRAIN ROUTE BILL . • • From Page A 1- foothills inland of San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. · The tunneling plans (a second tunnel is planned south of Del Mar, just north of San Diego) have received strong opposition among the foothiU residents. B e r g·e so n ' s r ec e n t I y reapportioned district, now the 70th, in c ludes San Juan Capistran o a nd p ar t s o ( Capistrano Beach. Her district no longer covers !rvine . Assembly ma n Nola n Friuelle, R-H untington Beach, as Irvine's new representative. Community interest in the '- bullet train proposal has slowly been picking up steam. A public presentation of the system is iocheduled at 7 o'clock tonight at the Irvi n e City Co unc il Chambers. Carl Schiermeyer, West Coast representative for American H igh Speed Rall, is scheduled to explain the system and answer qu('stlons. The meeting was organized by members of The Ranch Community Assoctation, a g r oup with seve ral homes bordering the tracks in Irvine. More fog tonight Low cloud• lfl<I tog 1onlgh1 1nd ednead•Y mol'nlng, 011\e<WIM 111r """' 9Dm9 hlgfl doudt Co11111, Inland Iowa In 40• Colllll high 83. lnl1nd 55 Wiier 68. . • Light v1rl1bl1 wind• tonlghl and W1dnHd1y morning over 0011111 w111r becomi ng 1outllwHlerly 5 to 14 knoll Wedneld•Y 11temoon. Fog end low cloud • tonight a nd Wedneld_., momlng. ,V.S. summa!Y;. Snow and cold Can1dl1n air "'"91 ICfoel lhe northern Plelnt' early 1od1y . droppi ng 1emper1turH lnlo Ille 201 ind 1tngl•·d lgll n ng• from the Cont111ent1I Olvldt Hllward 1t1roug11 nor111em wi.c:on11n. Further 1oulll, Ille watery reeldue of llal wHk01 11orm1 continued 10 effect lhowanOI ol people. In 111t Milellllppl V llley a nd c.ntnl llllnola, w11ar1 ""*""-' tOllCSed dlk• to bllll• 1M ltlJ.rtllnQ lloodw9terL More 1111n 21,000 peopl1 In lhr• at9* tieve beel'I forced to tiff their 11omH end d1megt eetlmetee -· IC>Pfoeclllng 12!50 mlllon ---ol lllt _ .. T e mpe ratures NATION Alb1ny Albuquerque Amll'Hlo Ancllor1G9 Alllevllle Allenll Allntc City Austin 911tlrnor• Bllllng1 Birmingham 81tmarck BoiM Botton 8rown11111e Buff II<> Burllnglon CNP« Ch1.r11tn SC Ch11l1tn WV Chll1tte NC Cheyenne ClllclgO Clnc:IM1tl Clewllnd C01umbl1 SC COlumbu• Oii-Ft Wth Oeyton o.n-0.. Molnet Oelrolt Duluth El PNO Fllrbenlt1 Fargo F19ot11ff HI Lo 53 35 51 25 60 35 30 19 55 35 50 37 51 43 65 41 57 « 29 9 59 37 25 14 45 30 70 41 75 52 57 35 83 31 31 11 72 57 55 32 59 -45 43 14 43 30 51 211 50 211 83 IMS. 51 21 59 89 49 211 51 22 43 31 51 32 24 4 11 35 2 .10 27 5 52 20 Ont11t 1'1tta Hlllford tfflln• Honolutu HOUiton lndlenlpolle JICken MS JICkllwlle .iu- K-Cty luVeoat llllle Rock l~ t.ubbodl Mempflla Miami Mllwtuk• Mple-81PllUI Hdrlllle 24 5 New 0ti.an1 57 41 New YOfk 32 5 Norfoltl 7 4 84 N Plllll ee 51 Okla City 43 28 Omlll• &4 3e ()tlendo 59 54 Plllledelpllll 33 32 Pl!Oenlll 411 H Plllebufol! 57 40 Pr11end Me 49 37 Pr11and Ofe 41 30 p,~ 5 I 37 Allelgll 55 31 Rapid City 78 74 Reno 42 211 Alcllmond H 11 1111 I.lie• •I S3 Ian Antonio ~tie Slit~ 81oua Felli floodlng, ofllclelt Mid. IUlf 111'111 811.oull , SI Pet•·folmDI 81 Ste Marie Spotcent S~tcuM Topelc1 T"'llOll Forecaeters predlctld mor1 fog on WldneadllY .. poor vlalblllly • forotd lodllY'I Cloluft of llrPD(11 L...eleft In Lot Angelle, t.ono 9Mch •hd 'HunllJlllton Pi.r °';.:' ~ I lltPI ,,..,_ &anll Anl Rio;er Jet!V from lending et°to a Angella ~~~ S~i ~1 tneernellonel Alrpor1 11111 morning, BalbO• Wedot 111tf1au111 d9Pertlng n1g1111 -• poor ellowed to ra1ume •lier' Aodlplle.:n• ~icNocur "" airport'• s:=z.~oo11• = op";,"~f1on1 111perlnttnden1, , ~ C"'""94. !t*_., 1,2 = &I Gii &I $1 II ~tff tun Dl*•t!Oft• would TrafllOll' (T•v r • ,...... ...., In ltlt dey. Tiier had • -Tomorrow Hlgll lkle 4 11 p:m. Low Tide 10 4 1 t m l well Olfecllon '-' 1t1u1 ctown ellOut 10 P m. W•I 'he Mid. .. ' ( • Tulil We1t11119'on Wtcnll1 Ctlgtry EclmontOfl 1 MontrMI Otttw• ,.... foron4o vencouver WIMlpeo CANADIAN • • 71 53 65 47 72 51 39 22 55 31 40 21 " 54 55 44 71 47 112 21 51 44 49 33 .. 45 , 70 43 31 3 51 u 12 •1 42 33 ee 39 . 44 31 12 31 42 15 41 33 . II 83• 37 21 32 • II S2 41 85 71 "' &3 37 70 .. 49 se 2 1 01 20 .07 61 31 IM 3t oe ·11 62 ai •• 21 111 .01 , Sometimes the Nicest Way.to Say @~ove How bettrr to~ )'OUr kM and appn!da-- tJOn ror her unfalhnQ ~ throuQhcU )'OUr marriage, than by gMllg hrr JOmeChing as pmonatand~asan~~ Eternity Ring Both~ the true depth or your ~lrng for tttt. and without saying ~at all, you will~ ctlosen ~or the nicest ways to sl~ say It 1111 At ~m Leigh ~ DeslOn and Creatr a most unlq~ and ~xclting collectlon of these hing at Alll • rings in 18 Karat GOid and Plabr.JJm.'"' de~ txpla1n d•~~ 1n quality and pnct that )OU w111 s. rrom sun to store. and thm bacJ< ~ }'Ollr pure~ from ~m Leigh >Mth a money back guaran~ or val~. '-"' want you bOttl to 10'.'t her ring and to 1tnOw )QJ boUghf it ~I Most Diamond '"'<kflno and AnnlYrrsary Rlf'IOS R~ From SI 100 to $3900 Wundharn Ll!lgh~1rr.r'" •, 171 Fd1lon 1511nct. ~ 8Nct\ CA 92660 NNr ~ "1lltft .. 1 llllJ NII To11igJ11 's "'IJ11 ver11e and ~ TU!80AY, DEC 7, 1982 • D S J1 i r It• y ' ' epi ode . I ~ CAVALCADE 82 dedicated lo th~ lute Larry 0 BUSINESS 84 Breeding. Page 88. COMICS 87 ' Heta ema, prop master, oversees the prop room. Mark Noel works out the bugs in audio c;ontrol room. Crystal Cathedral celebrates ChristmaS Shepherd boy imported from Israel born 300 yards from birthplace of C~rist By LORENZO BENET OftM D9Mr l'llot 8teff "Are you in the cast," Stage Manager Jeff Jani asked a startled Lorianne Henderson of Orange,' :who minutes before ?lad her nose buried in a textbook. Jani didn't wait for an answer from the 16-year-old. "All cast members assemble in the Green Room, we're starting at six (p.m.)," he said, walking away. · It's rehearsal time -exactly 50 hours and 35 minutes before the electric stars over Bethlehem are switched on and,§{) decibels of Christmas hymns reverberate off the glass structure or the 12·story high Crystal Cathedral. signaling the opening of Dr. Robert Schuller's "The Glory of Christmas -A Living Nativity.'1 Th is particular evening. the atmosphere on the ground level floor of the cathedral was hyper:..Charged. wired with anticipation. Stage managers, anned with walkie talkies, w ere running up and down corridors, shouting orders, taking directives. Prop Master Phil Hettema was hurriedly nailing together the Christ child's crib in a room jammed with 200 candles, 24 lanterns, a dozen baskets full of fruit, banners and spears that were laid out as though they were the remnants of an ancient civilization. Meanwhile, 250 volunteer cast members, fresh from home, school or work, were filing into the Green room. which, incidently, is beige.gold. Green room is just a show·biz tenn to describe the place where the cast gets a pre·rehearsal briefing. But that's not important. What's important to the professionals directing the performances, and to Schuller himself, is that the cast understands that "The Glory of Christmas" is a serious, mega.buck, hyper·tubular productlon: it is essential that cast members forget about their kid's dentist appointment earlier in the day, forget about their homework, and "get Into the mode of what we're doing here," explained Steve Sanborn, production at.age manager. What they're doing is simply outlandish. They have taken this $20 million House or God. a place where scores of babies have been baptized, where countless s.ins have been privately confessed and forgiven, and transformed it in to a theater to siage 49 performances of the reenactment of the birth of Christ. Schuller's press releases are hyping this as the nation's larest Christmas pageant -the only one in the United States using three camels, two donkeys. seven sheep. three baby lambs and a ram. The settings and props are massive: a 90-foot hi~ backdrop containing 656 lights appearing as stars: three screens more than 30·feet tall show Pl'djections of historic paintings of the ~tment. A dozen theater professionals have beer} hired to coordinate the event, which includes flying a ngels and 2,268 pieces of wardrobe. SCbuller even spent three weeks in Israel aarching for a youngster to play the part of the lhepherd boy from Bethlehem. "This is an instant tradition -only two years old and already a tradition,'' Schuller said durins._ • ~ption on opening night. 1 It began like any other half a million dollar roai show. On the morning of Nov. 27, eight 40·fOQt movjng vans left a warehouse in Huntington Beach and rolled up to the cathedral. Then 19 hardhats, and one woman unloaded stage pieces, steel crates filled w ith props, arches, the Bethehem scenery and the gigantic blue drop, and carried everything across a ramp laid out over a f°'1Jltain, directly into the front part of the cathedral. • By 1 p.m .. some workmen were tying the "°p onto a 75·foot long aluminum truss that was .. ter railed mechanically 100 feet off the 1tage tJaor. They had spent the previous fe w days, bUtlding ramps and platfonns, and nailing down carpel padding and stripping. Thia day. 90l1le were fatigued as they 1pf8Wled therNelves over the platforms, sat In siewa, or leaned agaJnst whatever waa available. Some wore their tools, which were attached to lelither j:>elts that hung low on their hips Uke •·sun holsters.,.. they laid wltte and adjusted cablts, their .::rewdriven, wrenches and hammers rattled and clinked to the beat of their atepe. HMt dripped from forehead.a, only to be lblotbed by bandanarwrapped around their heads. "Rope down!" 1houted the heavy aet man -n.h the bushy mua\aehe who 1traddled a tn.119 10 It.dries above the atage. Hia name wu Bruce Honer. a 30·year-old Redondo Beach resident who Mini $3~ • day rialnc 1potl11hta, cables and '1rin9 at ridiculouaJy ~titudes. Lately, he beslm hJa daya by repe up the acenery framework and enda them y alkllng down • 100·foot piece of rope. ... "Yeah!" "Okay," she said, slowing down the tempo. "Now bow your heads for a prayer. Lord we praise.you for this.show. __ .. A few minutes later, MacKay was reeling off instructions in her h yper-active voice. "Shepherds, you/ have t.o act lost. You have to keep your own · dialogue. Pretend you're In Disneyland for the first time," she suggested. S he bounced across the room acting out her words, gesturing wildly. "And when you see t he angels," she went on , "you have to have<a shocked look, a surprised look, like you've just .walked into a surprise birthday party." Everybody laughed. A woman in back said she thought MacKay was cute. "The Ethiopians," the lady of the hour continued. "You have t.o look tough~r. Take longer strides when you're up there. Take it big, ev~rybody take it big. The cathedral is so large every movemen t looks small ... " "She's beautiful. I love her," said another woman. a little louder than the first. MacK.ay wiped her brow, possibly realizing she was expending too much energy too early in the evening. Much work lay ahead. She turned the meeting over to Sanborn, who had a few last minute directives: the A group was reminded to watch their partners in the B group. The cast must arrive an hour bef9re each sho~. Thet"e • would be no dietin« -people were told to bring sack lunches if they had to miss dinner otherwise they might pass out on stage. Women should leave tht>i' purses locked in their cars. .-.This is a one lime thing," Mad<.ay said. tage hand carry equipme nt i~ front of Be thle he m stage. "Who knows where we'll be next year. Let it be a · ministry. Let's all get to know one another." But a middle.aged man in an Arabian costume kept calling out one camel's name, and asking the trainer ques~ons like "how long does it take to train one?" The camel got startled and started to moan and gurgle. The trainer, a tall man with Lorianne Henderson studies for term paper while waiting in the hall before a cast meeting begins. · Then everyone got up and went into the next room to cbflnge into th~lr costumes, except Lorianne, who just sat there. her blue eyes glued to her textbook. * '* * T he scene in the costume room reached the 300 volt level. About 125 people were piling Jayer "The money goes with the risk," he explameo aft.er layer of gold weave fabrics and mtricate later. "Heights have never really bothered me -I blue and green handwovens over their cotton and do some skydiving and hang gliding. I mean, after polyester outfits. A Mary Kay beauty consultant skydiving, this is nothing." _ transfo~ed ~erself ii:t~ an Ethopian gift bearer. By late afternoon Nov. 29, nearly everything A hemod1atysis tec;hmctan and-a-.rood broke~ was in place. Three workmen were naa.Ling_ down became North Afn~n spear carriers. The King of the last few boards of the manger scenery. The Tarsus. resplendent m an aqua robe and jeweled costumes had been unpacked and neatly hung on crown, was by day a floral designer In Laguna 14 clothes racks in a dressing-room on the ground Beach. level floor. Two hardhats, entwined in the Robes were hemmed to the clatter of coat cathedral's superst.ructure like flies trapped in a hangers shifting along clothes racks. ·Mussed spider's web, were rigging the last few spot lights hairstyles were brushed back into place. P eople into place. In the back of the cathedral, lightboard wandered around, complaining they were too hot, man Scott Bokowskj was screwing together a compla~ning that their costumes didn't fit. 48-channel interface so the $45,000 computer "Did tlie shepherds of old wear glasses," on~ lighting control board could manage the dimmers mJddle·aged man asked nobody in particular. "I being used in the show. F.arlier this day, the feel like half a shepherd," mumbled Harriet animals had been trucked in from Gentle Jungle Vo~~r of Orange. "I'm missing my underneath in Burbank, and were resting in a van behind the part. cathedral, munching on hay. Up In the balcony, Out In the hallway, little Imaan Copty,. who audio engineer Toby Foster was standing over a Schuller flew in from Israel a week earlier, was sound console, adjusting volumes, testing for chewing a piece of gum as he was introduced to realism and sonic excitement, figuring which cast members by MacKay. Ever since the kid hymns wou~d b~ forth from wh!t speakers that stepped o~f TWA flight number 7, he had were h ung m clusters in 10 OTfferent lcications --beerr makmg 1'ne PR stop after another~~ had around the cathedral. been interviewed on most of the television and "This place," he said, bringing down the radio stations, and written up in several volume of the voice of pageant narrator Thurl newspapers. He even sat next to Schuller on a Ravenscroft, who had been caressing everyone's float during th~ Christmas parade in Hollywood. ears at about 80 decibels, "ls an acoustical He makes great copy. He was born 300 yards nightmare. There's a lot of echo." from the Chureh of the Nativity in Bethlehem, * * * the birthplace of Christ. His father was born in It was several minutes after 6 p.m., and folks were still making their way into the Green Room. They wer(' divided Into two groups -A a nd B. This night, the B's would rehearse, while the A's watched. But n~ne of this seemed to matter to Lorianne; she h•d found an inconspicuous spot in the back of the room where she could continue her reading. Others were still signing in on the attendance sheet on the piano near the front of the room. Some talked, some read the mesaages 8C1'1bbled on the chalk board: "Need to trade four Uckets on Wed. for Thurs." "I need to trade 2 ticketa·for Dec. 9 for 2 tickets for Dec 11." Then, without warning, a slender, brown·haired woman wearing a sray blazer and •kJrt bunt Into the Green Room, bearnin1 with all the eageme11 of a hi1h 11ehool c.heerleadet. Her name waa Stephanie MacKay. She waa the •la8ina coordinator and she-. really wanted to set this group peyched up. ''Are you reedy for thls?!", ahe yelled, ahaking her flat In the air. "Yeah!," the crowd shouted bllck. The scene 1tarting to retembt. • football pep rally. "A'• ral.e your hands!" About half the IJ'OUP railed thetr hand9 and 1houted "Yeah!'' "B'1 ralte your hands!" Cana of Galilee, the site of Jesus's first miracle, while his mother grew up in Nazareth, home of Joeeph and Mary. Right now, he was suppoeed to be getting cha"8ed into hl1 Galabia robe and Kafaia headdress, but his dark eyes were riveted to a hand-held Donkey Kong game bel"8 played by 13.year·old Mark Syinonda, who plays the Little Drummer Boy. "I'm not goi"8 "to be on the Johnny Canon show tonight, maybe the 16th," lmaan said, trying to get Mark's attention. Mark never looked UP.. Meanwhile, the rehearsal upstairs was belng held up as three stage managers s tood around araufng about the loglatica of getting three one·ton camell throuah a doocway and onto the ac.ae. "The Fini Noel" wu blastinc over loud spoken situated on walls and celllJ'\11 throulhout the cathedral. About 40 Wl1ei'nen, ahepherdl and kinp are •tandinc outaide, 1hlvertna ln the 40 d~ weather u they wait for their cue to enter. "Like, the. camell atlnk IMH>-0 ba·a-a.cl," aaid Becky Smith, US, of Anaheim. "Uke, latt yeer I had to 1tand rtaht behind one. h wu 'lib arc-.·· The camell w~ beinc led by prof.monal traiMl"I, who ..,.nt mOlt of their time petUr\I and whwpertnc to lM animals eo they remained calm. blond hair and a beard, began to get a0-"loyed. "Look, don't call out its name ." Finally, MacKay gave the signal, and the cast began to move forward, through a side door, -u.11::.u....;.---• up on stage, carefully avoiding the camel and sheep dung that now covered their path. "Move slowly," MacK.ay yelled, trying to,be heard over the music. "Don't spook the animals." Hettema was running back and forth on ·st.age, sweating, adjusting people's positions in line, lifting anns higher to better display the spears and banners. "A 100 percent better," he said to a group of Arabian guards. Up on the balcony, Sanborn is surveying the confusion, looking important and giving orders over his walkie talkie: ''Shepherd number one there's your cue ... They got to be ready ... Pete, check Into the vacuum cleane r noise." Ten times during the COW'9e" of th~ ttheanal, flying angels Cindi Todd, Gayle Carter and Diana Bosco were raised as high as 75 feet in the air by motorized cables attached to harnesses strapped between their legs and around the ir hips. Airborne. they were told to lean forward, to spread out their arms, to bring their ~gs back, and by 9:30 p.m .. Diana's ribs were aching, Gayle _was feeli_!!g tense 8Jld Cindi, was com_R~ning that her cable was too slack , causlngit to jei1c r every t.lme It hoisted her upward. Naturally. they were enjoying every minute of it. "Tony·y·y-y," Cindi whined at the man operating the control board situated in a comer of , a balcony, about 50 feet from where the girls take off. "What's the matter with my line?" "Nothing will happen," he answered back, trying to reassure her. He sensed she was upeet, so he le ft his post, walked down a side stairway, climbed up on stage, walked through the manger scenery , climbed up a ladder, and onto the platform where each of the girls were standing on two pieces of tape marking their take-off 1pota, looking like ballerina puppets in their tights and I leotards. "It's not going to hurt you," he tried t.o explain. "It's just a little jerk." Cindi atarted to whine again. "Look. if it's acaring you, talk to the 1 stage manager. The c.abJe is a little far off, 90 it'• winding a little on one side, but It's not going to slip off the drum.'' . Diana wasn't listening, she wu 1tretchi"8 out her legs. "I feel like a apace cadet," she aaid. 1 *** I Down on the floor, reheanal continued. '!be A group wu alttina tosether In pewa to the rtaM of the stace-lmun, who 1pent this day in Loa Angeles being interviewed by the Canon~ and a radio station deejay, w• alumped apbwt his seat, looldn1 bored. "l hope my pArt comes eoon,'' he Mid in a tolt, tired vok». 0 bwn, doel your fAmily belieYe ln J-.ia M the aavtior?" Mked an elderly woman lllui,.. neerby. He jult aat there for a moment, not entirely IUte what to make of the ~· Then he • replied ln oerfect F.r\gliah: 'Yee. we are ChrilUana. '' "Gaod," \he woman Mid. S.tWAed. ahe turned her attent.Jon beck ioward \he ....... Or no Co I DAil y PILOT I T u •d y, DOG mber 7 1982 NB •• - Dow Jones Final UP 1.29 CLOSING 1,058.13 ·Lyon relinquishes some of his duties Developer Wilham Lyon. pres1dl•nl and chief operating offtc.•c r of Nc.•wport Be:.ich-based William Lyon t'o , hm1 annoum·c.-d plans to re linquish some of his d ullt•s :.it the Southc.•rn California building firm. Dick J Handall, who has been with Lyon since 1963 and most re<.·t•ntly was n:.iml•d his special assistant, will assume tht' position of president and <·hief operating ortic.'t.'r on IA'l· 15. Lyon will remain <.•hoirman and c hi ef c.•xt.·1.·u l1vt• 0H1l'er of the <.'Ompany. The 59-ycar-old Lyon bough t the fina ncially aihng AlrCal with Orange County devt'lopcr George Argyros last year . He took over Robert Clifford's position as presid ent and chicf ex(.'(·ut1ve officer of the regional air carrier Dec. I • A spokesman for the WILLIAM LYON building firm today said tht-c hange had been in planning for more than a year. The William Lyon C<>. reported -almost $98 million m home sales last yl'ar and expects to reach $100 milhon in salC'S by the end of 1982 nandall, 50, joinl"d the board of directors of the Cirm in 1973 a nd was promoted to the position of executivt• vice presidcnl in 1975. Ht' will continue to • direct operations of Lhe Northern California division of the company. AMERICAN LEADERS SYMBOLS P<i ... Up U.O Up 1'.J Up U.1 Up U .O ..Op 12 •• Up 12 0 Up· 11 6 Up IU Up 10-6 Up It.I Up IOJ Up 10.0 Up 100 Up t,I Up t 1 Up t• Up '" Up II Up I.I UP Ll llP 1.t U p 1.t Up 1.t Utt , .. Up , .. p(i"' Off IO J Off I.I Off ., Off 1.1 Off 1.J Off 1.1 Off "' Ofl • J Ott ,. Off 5.4 Ofl ,, Off u Ott u Off " Oft so Off so Off H Off u Off 4,t Off 41 Oft 4,S Off 4.J Off u Ott 4.S Oft 4 4 a·....._, ~•ly IOW. ll·Nfw w•rty 11ion uniou othe<WIM noted t•t•• 01 01vK1Mo1 ve ennuel dlst>ur~t• b•-on tl'IO taat 111t rltrly or ••m•·•nt1ull oectarttron Ja«•el 0t ealrt GM09"°t 0t ~·not lftlOMt.O •• , • ., .,. ro.n11tlt0 '" ,,,. -·no roo1no1" METALS NEW YORK tAPt PllGM 10<l•y • Copper 7 1 ... H cents • pound destinations L...S 2<>">·23 ~" a llOI"'° Zinc 31!·40 cenlt & pound. oelt~t<.O Tin 6 1213 Me111s Wee!< comPQtll• 11> Aklmlnum 16 cents •·Pound. N Y Me<CWJ $36S 00 pet l\UI< "'•""""' nn 00-0?6 oo 11oy oun N V GOLD QUOTATIONS e,n..A~Pt- Selectec! worlO gokl proces today Lo~o" morning lla:,,g $09 $12 90 Londo" &fle•noon hung S•S• 50 S9 2S Pllf'le ahe<r>e>on 1•~"'9 S4S403,upS13 fr-""1 l1•1ng S4~98. up s12 91 Zllfldl 1au1 allernoon 11~tng $03.25. $8 50 bKI $454 25 uked Hendr A Harlftan (only dally quo S454 50. up $9 25 E,,..._d (~ Oa;ty quote) S4S4 50 S92S E ....... d tonty da.ry QUOtel S477 23. S9 72 11 E.W YOftK (APJ, S.lft, J p.m. iwtce -rwl < ..... of h flftljit it!MI Kl ,.._ 'l'of'k Moc' Ea-.e I tradlft9 --lly et more•-t i. llCA I J.DO.W 141.o AMR Gorp I 1,67'.... 24._ taM I t_.S11.-0 .. " Pa11 Am I 1,DS',111 4 Amer T&l I ,..,.,,. "" + GolOft ....... I l,llt.... 1114 + Mal•t Inc I 1.-,-M\Ot CllryllOf I 11m ,1t1 14 ll••Oft I 1,CllS,.. 11'- S<llhtlftb'9 I ~.1'0 a--+ UnlTtl I .. ,. JOI!) J ... nsJn I I ll,• .... =:::.·~:r ', 'S =: HetlWr111 I 1SS,• Miii SILVER tt11nay •no l'farmwn, 110-990 11er ounci• n·Now ·•-r-o.cill9CI Of p9ICI on 12 .rnon1111 ptu• 11oct1 dlVIOellcl t•P aloe' 1n 1><.c.ci1ng 12 _.II&, e111 Cati! vlllle on H •d1\ltdtft0 0t uodltt dt te a-b·OrYtdendt Ot ••~IS Y•lll -..... ltlt\111 ......... f\jll cio..c.n.o *Cl•WNn ~ wi. IHll•O ••-Wllll ••rrenta ••·Wll ,..,,.,... •al .. b<4illrl1tu11tn p e rerio ,,.. C)rlCI Of ... _ •-Ai.o ••111 0t e1111• o-Annuei rate '*'' .ion d•vtoend e•Ltqv1oet•no 01v1dena >oe111eo Of ~a .., p<.e.dlf\O 12 mon•ne 0Deet11t.O Ot ~ lhOt llOCk 01\/ICMnO Ot rc>llt 111> J•P&JO Ihle Yff'· 01vlelenG omlll.O. lttefreo 0t no 1C1t0n llllten 11 , .. , Cll'ttdO<la -1"'9 k·Oeclar.O 0t o&IO Wt ,._,, an ..e<..mulalt"t ·-.,,,,, Cl••iOeftO• lft .,,..,. mutlt!IM OI P«•lllwe -·-~ ... -~~· d1V'IO"'f .... 1411-1 ,, __ ~ tnlO 1 .. 1 .... lltiele •· IN NB na Horne, Lou Gossett Jr. • 1op •mage A wards winner J. 0 S A N (; 1-: I. I': S l A P I ~h.i1·1 l.1•n ,1 1101111· und uc·tor llalu l:us.-.t•ll J1 .11t• amo111( llw t~p w11l1Wl'li ol till' I !l. lh unnuul llnag1.' AWJI d s pt l"•l'lll\•d t o cpH•rtnllll'l'i. ,11ul sporls f1gun·11 ~host• work pn·M·nt:-. favorablt• 11j1a1wi. ol blad< pt'tJplt-1 Tht• uwards Wt'l'l' hu111h>tl uut Sunday night ut ttw I lullywood li\-lllad1um by tht• Bt'Vl'rly I l 1lls f-tol l ywood braru·h o f the• National A:-.sm·1atiun for tlu• . . . Tlw u .. 11nl~ •• c·1·•• lm.-.1•tl 011 lmlloliu# uf I 00 N1t 1t l.'P l11·1m,·l1t·~ m11imnt•idt• mul o/' about 1,000 11wmbt•1·~ ol' tlw llt•vt•rly 1n1wr t•aty 1c•.1l'llt'I Ill tlw l'HS 11wv11· .:'rh<> M;irv1.1 Cul Iii\. Sto1 y," n1llt~ll'tl tlw ow,ut.I for bl•11t nctr\'S.'1 111 ii dr1111111tw i.1•1'lt'l>, mtnJM'rn.·s ur TV muvw Ttw Ix-st o {• to r u w a I'd w t• n t t o P a u l W1nClt•ld for his role• an tht· Nl:JC ' llll 111 '>t'l'll'S. "Sup h I!> t I l':J tc•J (;1•11ts" *vani·t•nwnt o f Colurt•d Pt'Of.Jlt•, s d group spokl'swoman J oun ebb. 11 ill!O-l lollywoml br1111f'h . "SiHtl>r S ister," its prucJul•c·r- dlrt'Ctor, J uhn llcrry und wrltt•1· M oyo Angt•lou gHrnt·r«d the nwnt.,l for bt.>St tt•lt•vh1ion movie or m!niS('riC'lj. Tht• cp1¥odc "Frulti; of u Poisonous Trt>t'" of the NBC TV SC'rh.•s "llill Stn•t'l Blues" was -tuppcd as bl•S t cp1:wde 1n a dramatic series. ;Miss Hurm•, whoSt• so11g-falll'tl ~gc show n't·ently op1.med to rave r<'Vl<'WS 111 Loi. Angeles fQ}lowang a sUl'l'<.'ssful run on ij,toudwa y. was nam1.•d b<'st f-tJ1rnle a rtis t 1n th1.• mus ic ~1£gory She also won the Hall ~~;:!Fame Award as a pioneer 1n t~e t'ntertaannwnt 111dustry best male artist awurd. Rkhic wrote ''Endless Love," the theml· to a movie or the same nam1.•, and sang it with Diana Ross. Jayne Kennedy took top movie actress honors for her starring role in ~Body and Soul." Th<' Fats Wallt•r mus ical rev1t•w, "Aan't Misbeh aving" took an award as best TV special or c-omedy series episode. Awa rds for best supporting actor 111 a Calm went to Moses Gunn for "Ragtime." There was no award for supporting al·tress. In the legi t1mate theatt'r category, award winners were Gossett, who playl'<i the drill strgeant an th<.' Calm "An Offat-er a'nd a Gentll'man," won the <1~ard for bt>st al'tor. Th<.• film 1(~elC was named b1.•s t motion picture. Image Awards for sports Wl'nl to California Angels designatt..>d hitter Reggie Jackson, running b ac k Franl'o Harris of the Pittsburgh Steelers, boxer Sugar • Paula Kelly, best actress for her performance m "Carrier," and to Stan Shaw. best ll{'tOr for his role .in "Home." :'Jn addition to Ma ss,,,iornl'. other musil' awards went to B.B. King. b.est blues arust; James C leveland and tht• Southern California Community Choir, b.est gospel artist or group; Grover Washington, bes t jazz a1:tist or group, Kool and the G11ng, bl'St vol·al group; Al J*reau's "Breaking Away," best .1tbum; and Lione l Richie's ·•Jtndless Lovt!," best song. The best stage play award went to "Soph1sticat1'<1 Ladies," a rt•vuc of Duke Ellington's music. ""Ray eonar and~o A-ngeles- Lakers guard Magic Johnson. Awards for best actor and actress in a TV comedy series or special went to Sherman Hemsley and Isabe l Sanford, who play George and Lo~lse Jefferson on the CBS series "'fhe Jeffersons." Earl G . Graves, editor a nd publisher or Black Enterprise magazine, won • the President Award for the individual who m ade distinctive progress for blacks in the business arena. 'Jarreau and Richie tied for the CeciJy Tyson, who played an Ms. Webb said the awards were baS<.>d on balloting of 100 NAACP branch es nationwide and of about 1,000 members of the Beve rly Hills-Hollywood branch. POOi.iC NOTICE SPSsatS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE No. T.S. 1llO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Pta.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PAOf'ERTY AT PAIVA TE SALE No. A10IMO In lhe Super10t Court ol the S111e ol Celllornla lor lhe County ol O.enge In the Maller ol the Eslai~ ol Harry Geiser. OeceaHCI ~E D 0 F T R U S T D A T E D VEMBER 3, 1981 UNLESS YOU T E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY 8E SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN 8CPLANATIOH OF T~E NATURE OP THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A Nol ice 1s heret>y given 1hat the LAWYER unde<Stgned will sell It Pn.,ate sale, On Oecemt>er 17. 1982. •• 11 oo to hlghesl anct t>eSI l:>tdder, sub)ec1 A..M., Peoples lnveSlmenl end Loan to confirmetoon of H id Superior Cour1 on or aner t~th ol Oecemt>er Association 81 duly appointed 1982 al the olloce 01 MEAD g Tri.Isl ea under and pursuant 10 MEAD. 1101 Dove St . Sia l 70. o.eci of Trust recOt'ded Novemt>er 1p, 1981, as in11r No 111'0, l>OOk Newport Beecn. ~ly of Orange. t,286. page t 11 t. 01 Olllclal Stile of CeltfOt'nla. all Iha right, lltle CMIA •IA - Atllaords. aHculed by Cynlh1t E and'"'""' ol Mid d~ et lhe : .... ,.,. u...--Oiro ~ pijfetier. 1 m11trled women as her lime ol death and all the rrghl. title )1fSJJt ,..,, )07llt UHH> '°'• and septfale property. who and 1ntetest that the estete of Mid ceau -fl T... WHTI9*flll ~Ired title as Cyntl11• E Wells. deceeted 1119 acqu i red by f-OIO.-l-~ Eo..-c:.-w ... ntt-Tlllh<>l•O a~ unmarried wt'rnan 85 lruitoi. in IJpet auon ol law or otherWlse 0111« s.e 3101 )'1 ueo n 1 JU~ 111 Wt'f,. o11v1'" 191 '613 lhfolflce oflhe CountyRecorderof lhan In •dd1t1on to that of seld 1 ~========""=-===·--====·=-==-==--==============~ QIWlge County, State ol California. deceased. Ill the time of death, In,_ Wk.'l SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION end to all the certain Real prQC>e1"ty,, ___________ _ rn·HIGHEST BIDDER FOR GASH slluated In City of Costa Men.• PUBLIC NOTICE (pfyabje al lime of H ie In tawlul Countt of OM1nge, Sta-te of ___________ _ m ney ol lhe United Stales) et The Ca~l~rf.On OI l.Ot 13 Of Newport ·"".T .. ~ _,J:C~Lll'T ~-'!41 h lront en1renoe to the Orange • ,. •" .....-,. ..,..,...,. C unty old Courthouse, 211 W Helghtt, n shown on a Map COUNTY Of' °"ANO« 8 Ana Boulevard. City ol Sanie recorded 1n book 4, page 83 ol 100 Chltc c-teP.Dftw 4, Slate of Caltlornia all right, lltle Mltcellaneous Maps, recora-s OI lenla AN, CA and lnl-1 conveyeo lo end now Hid O.ange County, descrit>ed as Plelnltff: ll:ONAM> I . COONI llifd by II under Hid Deed ol Trust lotlows Oe .. oldent: 1n1 Iha property 111uat1d on tald Beginning al the most NOf'l~ty CITT Of' SANTA ANA. CHll[, Of' r-.A .. nty and SIBie dHCrlbecl u COfner ol H id Lot being I poinl In POLICI RAYMOMO C. OAYll, -,-v Lot 8 In block 5•0 of C0t0f"ll the Southealterly rtne of Orange IGT. M. LANNUIS, O,,ICl"I Mar", In lhe Clly of N-port Avenue, u sho"':n on said M1p. •I C I " "A •" d Z A V AL A ; County 01 0.ange Stile or thence South 50 Eut •tona the ....,,..,..,. end .. ,...,..,_ "' c lot0<'n1a .. Pit map r~ded In NO<tneul«ty bOUndery ol Mid Lot. the ...... AN lteke 0111.--t: B ok 3 .' Pagu • 1 end 42 or '25 3 1 .. 1 10 th• arue P0!"1 01 eftd DOllS I thre111h XX ... M laneous M•PS. In the ottle• OI beginning, lhen<:e Sou1h 50 East ~ l County Recorder ol seld l long Htd Noraheestarly llne 60 SUMllllONe nty f .. t. therlca Sou"th 40: Wal 162 57 NOTICll YM hfte Mlft .-cl. he streel address and other f .. t. thenca North 50 w .. 1 60 leet. Tiii _, .,.., dectde ..-... )'9U mon dealgne11on 11 any. ol the thenel North 40° Eul 162 57 leet wttlMMlt ,_ ....,. .._.. ...._ r!:I property deacrlbed abo"e " to 1118 true point ol beginning rou rl8IMllMI wtthlll • .,._ "8ed p rported to be 508 Marigold. More commonly known 11· 237 lM lrlfonftefteft ....... C rone del Mar CalllOfnll Pelmer Street. Costa Mesa. CA II you Wiii'! to Mell the ldvac. of ~ha undersi gned Tru11e1 Terms ol sale cash In lawlul en 111orn1y In lhla miller, you d clalmt any llablloty lor any money ol lhe United Stetu on 1818, thOUld do llO promptly ao thl1 your , orrecl"MS ot the saree1 addr"' °' part cash and belanoe evldenoed •rltlen r11ponH , If any, may be other common deslgnetlon, If by nott Hcure<J by Mortgage or llled on time a shewn herein TNll Deed on the property llO SOid. AV I IO I Utt e cl h 1 t I cl e ~·aid sale wlll be made, Dul Ten percent of al'!'lounl bid 10 be cle11teftcl1cle. II 1rl~llftll ltllffl whhoul covenant or w1rran1y deposiled with bid d9clcllr -'" Ud. 9'ft 1 •1JlG611 a~pren or lmpUed. regarding 11111: Bids Of otters to be In writing and ~ .,_ Ud. ,.....-d9fttnt ptuenion. or encumbrenc:H . 10 will be received It the aforesetd de JO dlee. le9 t. "'"""•Dhn.,. Pt Y the remaining pruiclpel sum ol ofllce 11 '"Y time •lier the first elgua. m notl(•) secured by said Deed 01 publlcallon hereof and before dale ~I uated deae• aollclter el u,1. with lntera.t thereon. 11 of 1111 conHlo de un ebogedo en Hie 0..,ded In Hid notl(s). advenc;ee, Deled this 171h dey ol November. 11 u" t 0 , d 1 b•r11 ti• c er 1 o "h"1'. under the terma of t11(11 Deed t982 lnmedlatam8"11. de lttl m1ner1, ~ Tnist, feu, charges and Frank F. Mead Ill eu<r"PU19te lllCtlta. ti hly llgun1, 1 penaet ol the Truatee and ol the Attorney II Lew ~ Mr reotettedl • tlempo. I ''' creeled by H id Deed ol June Gelser Logan t. TO THE" DEFENDANT: A CIVIi T ull, lor the amount reasonably !:,~aE;:2~1rselxrol lhe complelnt hH been filed by lh• tlmeted to be $1.e8,701 87 ...,.,. ~-u iplelntlff llQllN1 you 11 you with lo Tiie benellcl•ry under said Oee<I Ettate ot "Id Decedenl. det.nd thl• lawtull. you mutt, wttnln Q T1utt heretofore ••ec:uled and Publlth•d OrenQa Co11t Dally 30 d1ya efte'l' thlt 1ummon1 11 ~~ared lo lht underalgned 8 Pilot Nov 18 f9, 25. 0ec 7, 1982 Mf'ved. on you. nie with 1hll cour1 e 11 Oeclaretlon or Oeleult 1n<1 5379-82 ..Olien reaponM to the complelllt end for Stle. end 1 wrlllen ~elnll you f0< lhl rellel demendld tlte of Oefeull end Election to POOi.iC NOTICE In lhl compllH!t, whlctl could rMYlt • The un<lertlgned cauMd Mid In garnlthment Of w19M. teklnG o1 111'8 ol Oef1u1t and Election 10 NOTICE INVITIMG lltol money or prapet1y or Other relief I to be recorded in the coonly Notice 11 nereby given lhll lhe requeeled In lhe complllnt J ere the real pre>pefty IS located Bo.ard of Trust-ol lhe Hunting. ton Oa1ed· Auo If, 1*· 1>111· November 11. 1982 Beech Union High SchOol Diltrtel L .. A. I<~. CW1I Peoplet ln..,..lmont end w ill recei ve u1led bldt for 8Y Alny SllVI, Oeciuty Loen Ataocllltlon 1upply1J1g Wida. Scra.e.n C!U NclMn9 O. ,,_ .. "Mid Trull" T1<mtn1l1 meeting Of equel to the lt111 T.wn c-. °"" 8y CARL F sc>eclllelhons on ftle 1n the olflce of ...._ • _ ENOELHAROT. l81d Olatrlc:t ut-e ....... CA_,, ,. AllOf"ney In Feet B•d• shall be clearly marked C1M) .,,.,.. • 9918 Santi Monica Blvd Wide Screen CRT Termlnlll 8ld PublllMd Orange CO.I Delly Pt1 Bevef1Y Hitt•. Cllll 90212 ,5 10 . eddreued 10 A llyn E 01, Oec.1. 1.e, 21. 2e. 1982 Tel •. (2t3) 553·96•01 Rowley, Purchulnt Menager, 63?8-U 5~900 Huntington Beech nlon lflgh blllhed Orenge Cont Delly School 011tr1ct. 10251 Yorktown Pl&.IC NOTICE , NoY 23, 30. Dec, 7. 1982 Ave , Muntlnglon BMeh. CA 921548. ,ICT1TIOUl IU8INIH ~..+-------..;5;..;1.;2.;.4·=0:l and rec:etved 11 Of before 2:00 p.m., NAMI ITAftMIMT rta.IC NOTICE WedMtday, o-mw 15• 1982• •I The lollowlng peraon I• doing wnlch time 111<1 pl-bid• Will be b ttnn• 11 NOTICI OP """-ICATION gu~~o~ end reed In Bldg, u A).MEDl•MAG, 8) OPTOMAAT. I I l L A L C 0 H 0 L I C •&ch bid th•ll temeln .,.lid fa< 1 710 Promontory Dr. W , N.-por1 alVlllAQH I d I 30 f h Bltie!h. CA eaeao ,,...... Pit 0 0 d•y• • ter I • day Jall'IH ... l<llUthur 711 wnom 11 .,.11 eoncern. •peclfled tot thl rtOtlOt OI llldt 11 Or w ...__..... •·~ VIO A. & UNOA S. STIVE.NS The ri•td Of rfvtt ... lhrll bl c':'.9'::0" '•....-..v-• ...-II, _..,..1111 to lllt Deperltn«lt ol !f!1u1!!!.Ju0dO•_! .!~'r~t!!,, Tl'tll lluel,,... 11conOUC!ed11y en Ollo a.v.r~ Control tor -.. ,........ "-'-..... ......... ••• ,,.. lndMclull t" Of\ .... ..., a W1ne (P1.1llllc flghl 10 11).et eny Of Ill bid• end lo Jemn 11 Kreuettaer tint ltlece) to .. 11 •lcohollo w~~nv,.:;:::~~~ fhl• '"'-' w• fllecl wttll lhl 1r1011 et 1012~ Adlm•. AttYn e • ......._County Clllnl OI Oranoe County on iflt'on laMh, C811!0fnll ~· PvtctlhlnO ~ NO't tt, 1H2 ,_ ll1hed Ot•nr. CoHt O•llY PuOll•l'teO Orenge Coelli O•lly Publllflecl Oreno• OOHI Deity • DeolitiM' 7. HI 6M042 PMOt, Nov ~. 0.0. 1, tH2 PllOt, NOv al, 30, Dec 7, 14, 1tef 5n5--ea • a 1at-12 t , P\llUC NOTICE NOTICE INvtTINO 9!01 Nolle• la hereby glY9<1 thet the OcHn View SchoOI DlllrlCI ol Orange County wm receive up to, bill nol leter lh"ln. 2 00 p m., -the 22n<I day or Oecemt>et..1982, Met.a bid• IOf the furnishing 01 eerpet only 10 be uMcl el various acnools In lhe Oittrlcl Such bid• thall be recelY9d In the 8ualneu Ofll09 ol the 04stric1 et Hl9•0 B Streea. Hunllngton BMch. CeMfOfnll 92647 end etlall be °'**' end publlely r..a elOUd 11 lhe 1bo¥9 •lated time enO peeoe All bid• •h•ll be made on bid fO«M f\lmlehed by the Olttrlct. The lorm •h•ll be. ecc:ompanted by • cerlllted CHhler'• check or bid l>Ond 10< 5% ol the amount ot lhe bid, made payable 10 the Ofder of lhe Ocieen View School Oittrtct of 0.enge County, CelifOf"nlL EICtl bid mull confonn end t>e r~ 10 the contrec:t doc.-itl Coples ol the c.rpet tpeclfleetlon• and total quer1111y of c1rp111n9 lo be lurnlthld ere now on Ille In 11\e Butlnest Offtc41, OcQn View SehOOI Olttrk:I, 189•0 B S1r .. 1, Huntlnqion BHch. Celltornle. The Dtsarlct reNrV" the rlghl to reject any °'all bid•. No blddlf mey Withdrew hit bid for • Pl(IOd of forly·llve (45) d1y1 after the d.ie tel tor th• opening ol l>ldt, SHEILA MARCUS Clerk ol the Boetd ol Tru•t- 0<;11" View Sc;hOOI Olttrtc;I Orange Counl}'. CA Publl1hed Ore"ge Co11t Deily Piiot, Dill 7, 14. 1982 535e-82 Nil.IC NOTICC 'ICTIT10Ut.,.._H MAm eTATa•NT The lolloWlng per.one etl doing b\lllneM H ' ALLAN ANO ALLEN ENTERPRISES, 2001 Tweed Street. Pleoenlll, CeNCornll 92970. Aot>en 1< Jeclteon. 2001 T....a S11•. Plec«llle, Cellfornle 92eto Lewrenc• C Whetzel. 19&72 Slerre Soto Rold. INlne, C.llfOfnle 9270$ J1m11 L. J1c1t1on. 340 El•t Jeller1on Stteet, Pomona., Cellfornll 91787 ..,,., R 81lthl, 99 83rd Pl-. ~~ 7. Long 8each, Calllornle Robert F l'llen. Jr., 4400 MacArthur 8oulevlrd. Suite 370, Newport 8Hclll. C8"fornl1 9He0. Thie .,.,.._ It concluc:1ed by I ,.,. .. pertlllfllll9. Rober! I<. J11Ckt0n Tllll tlet-t wM ltlld with 1hl CounlY Cllfk ol Or9l1fl County on ~.ff.1H~ ........ ,.... Miit'.., ....... --~ ......... ..... ... ............... CdMll .... _ ,..,. ltullllehecl Oreno• Co11t 011ty "'°'·Die 1, 14, 2r. H . 1111 1173-U 111111 MIHIOll tllJO ... 411 htt.t• I~ llf• lll \'tf ft11• llfWl'OAI lllC• WUIMlllllUI I 0•1•0 Nr •• fl C. • • IO•••O-t. ... w We\I ~1'1 \ 11~ "111 h•'IO 110 0/hO I'll 10~ lllflll( I Ollilf'AOI W· ~u •11,-..i Ui ... ,w •')I Uf1'\\ ......... ,.J,,,,, ...... 0 ... ""IMlll .... , lUXUA~ THEATRES ltl fwt M1ti110 Siie• i1u OMLY S'2.til U.teuOllltr•ise Mlled s 113t.U¢•n1il6l6s~ ~SS/~~~,) FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V111tOvr ... ARCADE of GAMES• .:: .• :"'," "u• Superman II (1'0) ET THlc EXTRA· • •• Jl;RRF.STRIAL am Al~,.Po-,li~l\!!. ll'O) .ALONE IN THE DARK fiJ l'lui! Q ( R) Driv••n.& ppen 8:4!5 W116m19hta I 8:30 Weekends Children Uttderl2 Frtt U.ltss Neted •BARGAIN MATINEES* Mond•r ltlru S1turd1r All Perlorm1nc11 be lore S:OO PM lE•ce,1 S.-W £"1111itllllftts alld Hlidayi) "THE HOUSE WHEAE EVIL DWELLS" 1111 ·~blll,&.41 •• ,,.... ......... • "CREEltSHOW" flll IN DOl.IY .... ___ ,,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN "THE EMPIRE STRIKE I IACK" 1"91 W,_ocaAYt '1•0 !>-------"VICT°?'-'.~~~IA" .,.., ".ARTHUR".,..1 -u• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll "' •n.I! TIJtAI CHHtUW MAllACM"lltJ ._ .. ,.., .. ,,:.~"l. "AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN" 1•1 , ........... ..... "THE EMPIRE STRIKES IACK" i-o1 IHI,_.__,.,.. "flR8T BLOOD" "' ---..... -·= faculty 01 Col\Cl1ewo0d 213/531·9510 NTHE HOUSE WHE"E EVIL DWELLS" 1111 ............ ,....,...,_ ''MONSIGNOR., OtJ ................ - "THE MAN FROM SNOWY .. rVE"" !NI ·----- "CAEEP SHOW" t•> .. "'.._. .. ,,. J'o• Olli<• °""" Dtl! •t '* '.. -sin u~ , ..._ IM,ORlAIH ltOTIC(I CHllDll(lt UltOlll 12 '"H! _..,_"'°""'°""'Wl'•••--us, .. ~-·'11Utt .. CNl-ll-~ 1f llOAM CAA-..000 wmt-~ 1W11Di --.. ...-..l•llU ~--·-- .,..~, ... ANAHEIM DlllVf IN ·-fl••l-11 1n·9llO •TtfEHOUllWMl'llllS l!Vll DWfi.ll" 1111 -'"f'OflCIO VIMO«ANCI" I'll CMtlll- 8 ......... i.• BUENA PAllK OQl'/f IH ~ ! •, • I A~• LINCOLN OIWvf rN UM'Otft A•• wet1 OI 1.l'IO" 121·4070 . ,,, ....... FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlllVI IN so~ Oteoo ,,.. ot "°*"""' cso 1 ff2·2 .. , CNllR- "CME,IHOW" flll -uo··~· •TMf MAii '"'* SNOWY lllYl.fl" !NI -"TIMI IJUICllll~ •THI HOUll WHtfll Ull. OWILLI" 1•1 -"'OllCIO VINGIANCI" 101 CINlfl--"l .T." t"1 -"B"ONCO BILL V" 1,., Cllll fl '°""° LUHCH WAGON GIRU" flll -"THE C .. IRLIAO.RI" 1111 ClllC fl *""' A ,A,.,,A LA HABRA '""' ~ -·-·--·---171-IMI "NIT !!:;OOD".., "MADMAX"ftll MISSIO N I"'"' 'N -- WAIJNHJ ' I •• ._ ... -........... '''IR8T ~000" 1•1 "MAD MAX"tlll C:•"-1111 ._ .......... •-c-.. ........ , ·-.. -...... .. .......... ,..... ...... u ... IAMll lllO .. Po11t•k•A-""Oltffl<I l•••n...-IW<•, l•••MWt 11< • llUISO Ut ~UO ~,. u 01 COlfa lltla IOUlll ... H UU -tl-IOll IUCW 011A1111 l<t•<llf\ C-!Mtlet , .. ,le''°""""" V1-.y lf#11d _,..,.. t• .... A~ Or•-it ._,_ tit 1111 l>mt lft VU 741t ao OlU Ut Ol•O tolfa MCIA UA .....,,.., ~40 0\U • [ .. _ ... ,.,.,., .. ,,.., .......... ,1 . , 1- '('t NI Orange C~11t DAILY PILOT1Tue1d1y, Oeaemb11 7, 19~ 1CllSSIFllD Tile marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 I\ mong peoplt' looldng for o rental. 70f'r read real estate clalf•lffed ada . .. ..... ~ .. ....._ ...... 1 ........... ~ ..... .-... Arts & Crafts Care ring • Gifts for Him Gour mer G ifts M1~cellant:ous M1'ilt-ll.rncou\ P .1rr\ (11 u1d' Pu'&. 'l1pplu.... 1 rt~-.~ for the Family ~Dctor.1tH111~ a,,.;stmf1.S B:~~~.~~'.n~v1t0~e~~~~~: HOLIDAY POTLUCK M en's sl~~~~~ D•lejust L 1h1tftLt'I II •• ·~-~...._ •••••• 801 :H:aL~:~G Cotta P~:!11io~11=11~:'on~ I " . only. Tell us how manv DINNER CRUISES. s 10 $550 Jim 831-6116 •• .... ... .. ' jlrl>I] 'b...... MHa • 876-7952-c {I• ~( you 111pec1. Wt wlll do 833-5808 760·2578 Special Spo1ts Toural LA Homemade gourmet fiull ir.:IJ r,i 979.8570 Cocker Spaniel puppies -J:t UJlrJt11Jf ~~e rc~!ti;.~°t' ~iKio':ri Make 11 e Cont'ii'ie;;\;i Raiders Vt LA Rama OR ~1 & othera 548"1293 ~ .i:.• ~'! ~ -,,,. .-. for Christmas. AKC reg., 7.J re~s lee 770:9833 Christmas ... A gift for Rose Bowl OR Super ~ 7 ,,,.,,, blond 64_2_-3_3_,._, __ _ · the whole tamlly. Bowl ... Spacea llmlt•d. _.,.. :~._\ ~ CANARIES . Singing Ball Entertain this Holiday with JOHNSON & SON Call •Oday , ,'> • •Plants & of Red feath•ra tor byc~~~~ne THE CATERING CO A Lincoln/Mere 540·5830 PACIFIC COAST /{f [ Supples p . >'I'l l t I Chr1atmas. (reel-orange) Invitations T~tel parly ptanning Mf· Scand11 Oown Shops BOX OFFICE . • -•Birds c;r\l. I • 11 <. S35 646-8132 Certlhcates VIQ8 542•5937 Comfortec"S etc 2758 E 540'3669 538•8826 H o liday flowtr s ~ ~~ ~· ~ v P"'l~ •Ca&H (11fc') --- Call answer ao =579 Pollte & well groomed Cst Hwv Cdm 1500 S. I b ' p •• -...11.. .-~.. LLHIS l•lllY 642-4300, 24 hrs. prof bartender/server Cat Hwy LB ~ V' f~ e et __..s llHOll TrepllJ ~ CHRISTMAS H & H Floral & Cr alt Sup· evail. for Hohdays, per· Jon Brockman Plano Co -LEE'S FLOWERS --I f•lflYI•& , TREES ply.31oc.Orange,Gard· tlea 645·1426 897Glenneyre '''( See us tor your Christ· ~IYE l llFT OF LIFE! )70E 17th St.Ste 117 iS t 'G<>mls 2038 NWewREpoA,~HB~vdCM en Grove, Anaheim Steve Laguna Beach 497-3490 '-'I CS mas Bouquets 891-2569 • Costa Mesa, 646-3141 • pur ing EXP'D BARTENDER f t H IXHIO PUITSt lge selection of unusual Engraved g11ts lest fore· --------141·1441 Ollrlst•as Craft Sllew No lob too small Lie New Microwave (Amana), O r C )t Offit! FLOWERS BY MORAi specimen size plants at Incredibly low ver. Tankards, goblets, \'our Complete Ski Head· s---1alls1s in Holiday Oe· so CST PLAZA HOTEL ARNIE 968•8666 alt 8 S189 ... Celling Fans w/ 448 E. 17th Street, 1 baby c ups, plctu1e quarters. Sale1. Rentals, ,..... Mon. 10-2 & Tues. 2·6 I I t• 5 • New · S 7 9 · MICROWAVE New Sharp Colla Mou. 64.5-810 pr ces.. flames, k.ey lings, etc Clothing, Ski Ramp. corattons Copperfield's t-855·6209 Carousel, probe s229. -F IEIS for small anlmals: Free pets for eic NEWPORT SKI CO • Flq_wers. 1936 So Cat -~ Fiats 101 Ch1lstmas Or choose r1om Amana. ,.,... good homes & good homes for free pets. CHILDRENS'Ci:OTHtNG 2700 w. Coast Hwy. Hw\'. lB. 494-1173 .....-.....-. D~!t:~:~~~Tl~~s ~~~~6·~!:i~1~:~:it.Tap-2310 IEWPOIT ILVI., o.•. Handcrafted Batik, In· 631"3280 SELL 'Idle Item• with • • G f f 546-9740 . I'-Open Dally 10_5 tants Incl., b1ight colors, Stopl Christmas ShOpl Dally Pilot Cluallled Ad 8 l. , i t Cerci icaces 17' Boston Bay Packer. Misce r<J OC:OUS · • adorable, 1easonable I.I. llUMMIL, 110. OU tqUCS Bay boat. Fbrgls, lnbrd. ALLIED LIGHTING • • • • • • • • • • • • • prices. Stella 840·8374 New ski & IHhlon 1torct • TllUT SOME "tOIY" Meke otr. 642·1234 222 V1c1oria -Co1ta Mesa - -(eaturlng e•cluslve Biii.· ~ ......... 646-3737 846-8194 Ol•llT11ae I & I _,.~ P.T.A. HO!loay Boutique Body wreps-laclal kits Ming car Finish Gill We have Southern Call· n -UNUSUAL -.. zard tk s_ amoue a<:ll· ...,... Thurs. Dec 9th 10 to 4. gift package 644-5289 Ceftiflcates & Holiday tornla's most complete llAT PAUii CPHR~ISSETNMTASSI • d • ._D tor-,~ 1 \ c 306 Via Lido Nord, NB Specials. Cell 754·6404 selection 01 ltghtlng at Balboa Chtrter Corp. A A ,. 1ze raw1ng t c. '" O .> Cust om & Henomadel~ now taking ,_vations W ...,.._ How 1bout an antique windsurfer. boots, vaca-1·--------• Gifts Rent. 26 motor home, compe1111118 prices. 675-1978 846-5707 blCycie? Or a atee1 l1om Ptt<; & upplit.., tlons, morel 642-5630 ----sips 8. fully loaded Ferrara Roofing Co ~ the ree1 tandem or En· • 1111 Westollff lrlYf UNIQUE HANDCRAFTED PAT•FIHOI G f 645-8616 Re-root, Repair, Shingle Newport Wrep & Mail Svc. • goo Bike? You can find It Westchll Plaza. N.B. TOYS & GIFTS .... , ... lift .... , I t s (714) 842-8233 ~~~~ ~~~:~'!~~~~: ~. ~ all 81 lhe. AKC Beal'e Puppi es WINDSURFING SALE Reasonable. 675-7489 Christmas Items to fill for the Fam1'ly MINIATURES So. Coast Plaze, lwr lvl. • ~ Petlal P1ttlitr 169· ••1a1re1 $950. HIFI" S750. 2.0.• I rt II ..t AKC Gldn Relrlevers "" , you r Holidays w i th ~ FOR CHRISTMAS? 11 1Wpt Yw. $229. UPSporls(714)631·4108 Christmas Cheer. Come Why Noll Heve your Christmas Par-II 1----------i Visit Us. 4242 Cempu1 Hollday Rent-A-Car Come see what -have ty on • 44 II yacht In IALLHll I ' Fii Lhato A peso $250. , __________ 1 Drive. Ste E·3 Newpo11 Low as $39.95/weekenel At: Mini Bazaar Newport Bay. 640-5159 Delivered by Santa" or~ 675·2570 646-0090 ••••••• • ••••• _____ ..,.. __ _ . . • I I ~ ' .___ _ 10_., Sal 9:30-3:30 645-3281 Holiday Balloon s2g,50 lnclu~es 2 co4or Shirts. Ladles & Mena. T 1 i W,l_,.a e 1· CH.cl IYEISO. pictures 15!1. discount unique Chriltmas G1l1S HCUt.'!>~8'°48n ature h Beach 549-8550 Mon-Fri Roblns Ford 642-0010 G i fts for H er 400 Westminster NB UUHIS Fiii llllH Kl th• Clown . Only 1W11 Wright Ice C1eam T· SIEllllY'S PMIUI Roler ~&. t. Sinnar S-ing Machines Sparkle for Christmas (& Bouquets for hosp11el visit Oeta11s· 5 3 "'" CllllSTMlS SALE Ne~ Zigzag Models/$95 year 'round) Llndt's 650-8515, 548-6755 543-8581 · · · S4 9 673·331 · Boarding & grooming •-H~ A Fleiltlew •uelNH ..... --Ne4 ---~a.tile ................... ..................... .......... _. ..... l'•Mlcall•le__, . ,. I, $69 over Invoice on all P & J Cox 548-4426 Clean'g Serv. &89·0318 "llf OU lln" ..... SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS lff C · new: MOLLIE'S IOLI Miii -~ Hilarious •locking AKC, xlnt markings. blue All 1keles In ttock, Incl atertng '82 Audi's .,., 1 Marine •ve, B I. • stuffer 642-0•03 MOLllAY SALE ' & brn eves. 536·78l1 Riedel & Sur-rlpl '82 Rabbi! Sedans '"' " New mopeds ,., ... '82 Sclroocos 675-1572. 'Tis the SI&· llWNIT 11&111011 Save $150-$200 S At< C 0 L 0 E N u ll SH h1ufrfft LOVE AT FIRST BITE Prices do not tflClude In· son 10 give real gold. G if cs Miners·. Ward & Ellis M usic & t ereo SHEEPDOG PUPPIES ........... • ..... If ....... .. ~·· CCIII Ille ""81 011'8rl111e11t el lfte DAILY l'ILOT fer l11fer111elle11 •11 • _...,...__ . 7132 Edinger ll&Ued accessories, Ext for the Offic e OlllllTIU HAT F VI 962 1922 FOR CHRISTMAS S1nta Ana. 842-4811 Sealants, or Factory re· Ar• you planning a move? PWH tn Y • Mueic on the Move. Gel In $350 -979· 1478 •Te ••••~W~'• Small & Large Ooc:aslons bates. ii any. Clesslhed ad1 will point dlB gili§ 181 8111211 Ride In perade In 32.' Have your BOAT/HOUSE t10hr•1G11r0coocv.e73w11~9h19~u91c APUPPY POR CHRIST· Call l 42_5171. - ~ Ill.DI • ---~..;;;;;;:J Cordon Bleu Gradulle 445 E Cst Hwy N.B. you In tile right direction lriends Wonderland of decorated boet with CLEANED bttJore or alter MAS • Labrador pup- Cate1lng Specieltles 673-0900 10 find the home vou Fun 690 w 19th, CM gourmet bullet dinner Holiday perttes Ouallly WANT ACTION? pees, blk, 7 wka old. $75 Put •fe w word• l1U!f1Qmll 648-0139 Otter end 12/24/82 neeo. 642·5678 645-9023 $25 person. 675-0781 service. 760-2681 Ctasslled Ads 642-5678 847-8072 to work for you. PUBl.IC NOTIC£ STA.,......, M WITMDRAWAl ,_,~ ONMTIMO '*'-" l'ICTTTIOUS llUalMIN ~ The lollowlng peraon h•• wlthdr8M\ N • generel partner from the Plflnenhlc> operetlng under Ille flctltloua bueln••• n•m• of VANOERBIL T INVESTME NT COMPANY, • Celllornle Limited Partntrthlp et 170112 Pullmen Avenue, Irvine, Celltomle 112714. The llellllou• bu1lneu n•m• 81•1-t for the pertnertNp wu flled on August 11, 11182 In the County of Orange. John Clerk. 5&32 Hlghge1e Terrece. Turli• Rock, lrvlne, CelHornla. Jenn Clatll F1•111 Publlthed Orenge Cotti Delly Piiot, Dec:. 7, 14, 2f, 28. 11182 5375·82 PUBl.IC NOTICE Offtel °" THI! .....,-COfM>NIA. COUNTY M ORA.NOi NOTICI Of' SAL.a UNDI" D«CMI OF FO..CLOSUNE EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, etc., Pl e lnlllf YI ANTHONY L . MERCANDANTE, et el, Oelendent. No. 37-44·71 I, 1111. underllgned. Breel Ge111. Sherltf-CorQlllr. pourity of Orenge, Stete ot Cell16rnla. do hefeby certify thet by virtue of Decree of For1clo1ur1 end Sele In th• Superior Court of the County of Orenge, Stile of Celllornla. 9'1lered on lwgull 30, 11182, and recorded August 30, 11182 In Ill• •bove entitled ecllon, wherein EASTBLUFF HOMEOWNERS' COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIO"I, e Callfomle Non-Profit Corporetion, ------------the •bove nem ed pl1lntlll (1). obteinld • )uOomenl end decrM of lorectoaure end 1al• egelnll ----l'IC--Tm--IOUS---...... ----~ .. --ANTHONY L ,MERCANOANTE, MAm STAT'lmNY delendant(s); for the aum of Three Tfla followlng Ptf90fll .,. 4o1no lhouuncl MY'lr't hundred elght"'1 & buel,_. u : 24/100 Dollare. Lew!\11 money of the CW8 OF 26, OM!gn P1ua, 270 United Stetet. end by virtue ol e =ort Center Or .. Newport wrt1 of enlOfcement In l8ld action , CA 112MO. lllUed on September 211, 11182. t am PUBLIC NOTICE -NILIC NOTICE P\JBltC NOTICE 1he de1c11pt1on m th•• guarani.. ., .. ,IC NOTICE d1t1erm1ne 111e ppenlno bld. you mey .. _.,. Mftnl't ------------end any l>"":Y ll!Wed in the name ot l"UUL call (714) 1137-0966. n-.n. ""'~ NOTICI Of' f'OSTPONHRNT ._,7 I purchue< 11 I sate under said NOTICE OF TilUSTal'S ·~ Diie. Novemb« 12, 11182 NOTICe Of' TRUeTU'S SAL.a CW I A.LI Of' ITOCIC NOTICE OF T"USTH'S SALE Deed of Trust Wiii lllO contain uJd t.... No. »14 ' GEORGE MAYER ~ Ne. ~ APRIL MANAGEMENT CORP-T.I . No. F·,_.. Oii l•C8Phon The street 1ddr111 ,, T.I . No. 1-... II.a.Id Trint•. TA. Ne. lllM-S ORATION IMPOftTANTNOTICITO 9"° Olhef common Oesign111on. ti GEORGE MA YER 11 duly ByT.O SERVtC£ EQUALITY SAVINGS end LOAN 7317 P1temount 8ouleYlfd '9t<>fte"TY OWNI" .ny, •:the rNI l>'OPflflY CSMCl11*! 'itppolnted TrullH under the COMPANY, egent ASSOCIATIQN u cl""' eppolnted PICO RIYlfl, Cellfomle llOeeO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A •bove 18 purported 10 be 108 tollowtng CSesc:ribed dMd of trull By t<eth'-i M. Petrk*. -·, DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 20, 8111rwood. lrvlne. CA 92714. Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Aoul•ctenlBS.Cretery • ~ ~·~ :~ t:.~~;~e APRii. MANAGEMENT CORP· t1181 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Tht und1r11gned Tru1tee TO THE HIGHEST 8 100ER FOR ne ily lvd., West, AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE ORATION TO PRQT6CT YOUR PROPERTY, IT dllClllms any llabllity for any CASH (P•Y•ble •• Om• of Hie In ?~:78:5.~.:2868 HIGHEST 8100ER FOR CASH 1148 Co4dweter Canyon Drive MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. incorrectnea1 of the 11ree1 addre" lewlul money of the United Sleles) (nayeble el llme of u1e In lewful "-~rty HUii, Celilomie ll0210 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION end other common .._,.,,nation, II ell right, lft"" end lnltll' .. I con.__ Publtahed Orenge COHI Delly ..-S .,....... .........., .., ··•-Piiot, Nov. 23, 30, Oeo. 7. 11182 money ot the Untied let .. ) ell Of' THE NAT u A E OF THE any, lllOwn he<em to and now held by It under .. Id 5105-82 right, tnlt end lnt••t con~ to NOT,'lj::E IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\et PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU Seid Ull wlll be mede, but Deed of Trull In the properly , end now~ by 11 under Mid Deed the Publle Auction ol 1tM 1IOdl ot J SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER wllhoul covenent or wart1nly. herek11l1er deletlbed· of Trutl In t111 property here!Mfter O LITTLE ENTERPRISES. e Oo o,cemtMw 29. tt81. et 10:00 expnm or !"'plied. r911erd1ng lllle, Trutlor: ANTHONY l MAXWELL rtBJC NOTICE deect1bed. Calllornle Corpotltlon, prevloully em IMPEIJIAL CORPORATION OF potMHton. or encumbrences, to end MARVEEN R, MAXWELL, Tru11or; JO PRANZO, Jr., an noticed, publlthed end acheduled AMERICA u d uly 1ppolnted P•Y the remelnlng prlncipel 1um ol ttutbend end wife N je>int 1enen11 IC-tlnl ~man tor 3:00 P.M. on Augull Ill, In Ille Tru11e1 under end pureu1nt to the note MCUted by $81<1 0..0 of Beneflc:lery. CEI INVESTMENTS. e-Ne._,. Beneficiary: Union Feder el Off~ of Oevld M. llmb«otf. Inc , Deed ot-Trull recorded June 23, Trull with lntarell thereon, H • Cellfoml• corporellon NOTIC• TO C"IDITORS OP: S.vtno• end Loen Auoclatlon, • 4831 Teller Avenue, Sul1e , 120A, 11181. 18 Inst. No. 33899, In boOlc provided In said note. advance•. ii R«:orded Novemb« 17, 1'180 u •UUC T"ANSf•R AND Of corporttlon N-port Beecn, CeJll0111i., 11211110, 1411-1, page 11178, of Olllelel eny, under the termt of ni<I 0..0 1n1tr. No. 22441 InboOlc13837 ~· INTENTION TO T"ANS'I" Recorded June 18, 11111 u l"'*tr. pursuentto the Security Agreement Records In lhl office of the County ot Trull, lees, charges and 73 1 ol Offlclel Record• In the otflel AL co Mo L 1 c a 1y1" Ao • No. 28777 In book 14108, pege deled November 13, 1118 1, WH Recorders ol Orenge County, Slate 1J1.pense1 ot the Trust" end ol tne ol the ~der of Or•noe County, llCINSI(•) (SH•. 1101•t117 1729 of Oftlclel Aecofde In the offloe Pollponed unlll Oecmember 10, ol CaMlorn11 e11ecu1ed by KENNETH 1ru11 crnted by said 0..0 ot Trust. Hid dffd of 1ru1t dtterl)es Ille u.c.e. --4/w M7I a&f') Of tlle Recorder of OrMge County:' 1982, et the eeme time end pleoe, H BATES,• llngle men Will SELL 101 th• emount reesone bly lollowlng property Nollcie II hereby gtwn !Mt• Ill* .. Id oeect ot 1ru11 d-lbM the Judgment for rellet from atey to AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST llllm•led lo be $311,800 00 Loi 14 ol Trecl No. 30e2, In the trenlMr of pereontl property end e lollowlng propetty: proceed with said e~lon havloO BIDDER FOR CASH (peyeble tt The benlflcllf)' under sekl 0..0 County ol Orenge, S tel e ol treneler of 11quof lloenM(a) i. ebout A portion of LOI M of Trect No. been grenled by the t.JMeo Stet.. 11m1 ol Mii in lewful money of ttte of Truat tieretof0<e executed Ind Cellfomle. N per mep recorded In 10 be meoe 653, • 1t1own on • IMP thefeot B1n1tr119tcy Coutl. Cenlrtl Dbtrle1 United Stein) •I the N0tth front d•ll~•red lo the undersigned • book 112. pagu 111 end 20. Thi netnee•). 5ec111 Secur11y (Of) recorded In 8oo4l 10, page 42 of ot Cllllornle. etleclive December II, entrlOOl IO the County CourthouM, wrlllen Oec:ler•lkm of oetllUlt •nd Mltc*leneout Mept. In the office ol Federel Tu Number, Md INllnQ .. ......_ Mllpe, dtlolbed • 1982 700 Civic Center Drive West, Sant• Demand tor Sele, end • written the County Recorder or u ld eeldr-. end Z.IP Code Number, Of Pwctl 2 •.,_on• map flled In Oeled Oec:emblt I, 11182 Ana, C1lltornle •II right. tllle end Notice ol Default and Elecoon 10 County. the trentlerOft•) ••: look 88, Pagee 10 & 11 of Perctl JoM 0. Liiiie lnte<eet COf\veyed to end now held 5841. The underllg,,.O ceuNCI .. Id PARCEL 2: Thet por11on ol l01 A • JA"RMAN FAMIL y STEAK Mept, In 1M offtce of the County By Oevld M. Zlmberott by II undlf Hid 0..0 of Trust In the Notice of Deleull end Etectlon to •dlecent to H id Loi 14 on the HOUSE Of HUNTINGTON BEACH Reoorder o f Oreno• Countt, hit Attorney property situated In Hid County Sell 10 be recorded In the county Nottb-1fyiog NorthMl1trlY ot the JNC.. 1130 HIOhlW'ICI ~ CellfomlL .I -Jeck Utter, unlncorporeted commended to Mil all the property aoclel club. 24212 VIII• O'Oro, In the County of Orange, Stele of Laouna Niguel, CA 112883. 112853. Cllltomla, 0..Ulbed H follows; 4831 Teller Avenue end Stele dncribed H. PARCEi. 1: Wiler• the real proterty Is loeated Northwt1t1rly t icten11on ol Ille 8Mc:h, Callt0ml• llHIO. Fed. 'Tu 'IOU AM• RPAULT.,..... A Suite 120A • Un11 No. 118, u 1hown end 0.1• November 17. 11182 South-te<ly tine ot .. Id Lot 14 •115-30t0249 DlmD OF .taaT ~-•·~--·~.w---·• Newport a..cn. CA deectlbed In lhe Condominium P1en lml*l•I Co<p. ol America end Sout"-terly of the lollowlno The MlneC•), Soclal Sec:urtly (Of) UNUM YOU TAKS ACnOM TO Steve MHler, 24212 VIiie loL9S DLTract No.5018~Ctty of o·aro. Laoune N!Ouel. CA 112877 Newport Beech, u 11\0Wn on • Mep Chuck Clerk, 242 14 v 1118 recorded fn Book 188. Pegew-28 O'Oro, Legune Nlguel, CA 112877 I h r 0 u g h 3 0 . I n c I u I I " • 0 I e. G. Flldc, 24212 VIit• O'Oro. MllC4lllen~• Mep1, Record1 of i..eguhe N9iei CA 92877 Orenge County, C1Ulornl1. fhll bullneet r. condue1ed by 811 Prope1ty 11 more commonl'f unlncorporeted daoclatlon other known u : 2815 C1rob, N-port tlten • pertnerthlp. ~T!"!:;,'8a,, eno 11ngu1., the Jec:ll Ut1• ........ Tiiie 11•1-t wu filed wt1h lhl 1enem1n11, heredllemenll, end County Clerk of arenoe County on appurt--thereunto belonging Dec:. 3, 11112. or PlnU~~~HERE8Y ,,_ Publl1hed Or•no• Cotti Delly GIVEN Tll•I on WEDNESDAY, Piiot, Dec:. 7, 14, 21. 28, 11182 ~ECEMBER 22, 11182, el 10:00 5283-82 O doc:tc, A.M. of 11181 dey et Main ------------"~lobby, CourlhOUH , 700 Civic _,.----------Center Drive w .. 1, City of S11111e r "I An• 1 w111 Mii the •bove deac1tbed 1>1operty, under Hid writ ind McCOflMla MOlTUAlllS IM<:r•. or • mucn thereof u may Laguna Beach b• neceuery t o H ll1ty ••Id 49'·9'15 • with lnter..u end cot1t, Laguna Hills o the 111g11ee1 bidder, tor ca1t1 1n 1ewtV1 money of the United St•t-76&-0933 Oeted et Sent• Ana, Celllornla, San Juan Capistrano Novwnber 15, 11112. 495·1716 8AAO OATES. HAUOll L.AW.._MT. OLIYI 1' Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 G1sle1 Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_ClllOTHIH lti •OADWA'I MOttTUARY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 Shwltf-Ooroner County of 0rllllQI. Celltomla By K. Brown, .::::::: 5r~·T~c,w.e211 i.-..... ca.-___ ......, Publlthed Orenge Co11t Delly Ptlot, NOv.,_23, 30, 0.0. 7, l1182 5138·82 NlllC NOTICE ITA~lfT CM' UAtDOU•NT cw Ula Of' MTmDUt .,.. ....... Tll• tollowlnt pereon II•• ebll lelof .eo tflt uee of ma Ac:ttttoue 112eeo recorded on Septemb« 18. 11178 In 8787 Compteir Dr cleecribed line: Feder• Tu Number. end m11111ng ftM)ftCT YOUR ..._...n, IT (714) 833-~23 book 12845. peg11 904 to 97 I Sen OieOO. CA 92123 Beginning et .• point In the eddt-.. end ZIP Code NUmMr00f MAY 81 SOLD AT A ~UeLIC Publlthed Orenge CoHt Deify lnduiMJ. Of OITIClet "8cotdt of Mid (7-14) 292-&480 Sou!MPtertx_line of said Loi A at t111 tr--..(I) -· 8 AL I . If Y 0 U N • • D AM P1101, Dec: 4. 5, e. 7, 8. 11182 COUnty. Cleu<1i1 MecM1ltan, V Prnf the North corner of H id Lor 14, c H o f11 so N p AK . s s ~TION 0. nm ... ,.. 5314·82 PARCEL 2· An undivided t/80th Publlthed Orenge Coe I 01ily thence Nort1'wt1te1ly elong the •033-32·*2, 13-403 8eedl Street. CW ntS PM>C...,.. AOA918T ------------1n1er .. 1 H • tenant In common In Pilot. Nov 30, Dec. 7, 14, 11182 einended Nortl'tMlterly tine of said CettHoe, Cellfol'nle 80701 YOU, YOU 8HOUL.D CONTACT A PUBLIC NOTICE the 1 .. lntert1t In end 10 the 5226-8:1 Loi 14, to en lnterMC:tlon with the That Ille ~ propeny to be LAW'llR. '9CTITIOUI 8U-N common erN of Lot 2 ol Trect 8660 PUBLJC NOTICE NollhwHterly u1en1lon of the 1rentt«red 11 dtec:rlbed 1n Otl*• 1132 Sea Bluff, Coete W.., CA N ... 8TA.,......, .. per mep fifed In bOOk 435. peges Sou•h-lerly line of LOI 20 of .. ,d • • m. t. r I • 11 . • up p 11 •.' 112621 The following peflon '' dolno 11110 21 lnckl11ve. of Ml-"•neou• ~TICI Of' "*IC HIANMG T r act N o . 3 O 8 2 ; I h • n c • mtrcllenCSIH. equipment, (or) "(If • itreet addr-or common bullnMI u : Mepe, record• ol Mkl County. It ON A ~-D ZONMQ N orth w • t 1 • r I y •Ion g I h • fumhurw. flxtvr.t end ~. dttlgnellon la tllown •bOY•, no ANTIQUES AND NAUTICAL, ~term 11 dlfloed In the ertlcle CODI.._..,....., Northwetterly exten1lon ol the to:C:.:::'· tredentme. I••••· werr1nty 11 given 11 10 111 8 entltled "d1llnltlon1" Of th• Nollc;.e la llefeby Olwen that the Sollthwnttfly tine ot Mid lot 20 to lmpr-ta. "9lc:ftlta. comp68'•-°' ~)" 1 10 W"I Coalt Hwy., ~rt Oecler •lion ol Coven en 1 s, Boerd of Supervlaort wtll llold a • point In the ~ttfly line of etodt In ttllde, end ABC llcilnM oh The belltlldery under e8'd Deed BMcJ'o.c;:h~mH Vallelo. 430 Condi tions eno RHtrletlon• public hearing to con11d1r • Mild Loe A. bu*-ltnown u SIUltr F~ of TNll, by,_ of • bf'lectl or RI Id N recorded In booll 1211119, P-0-1118 proposed am endment 10 the YOU AM• DffAUl.T .wmal A SteallllouM No 57 end le loCMed dafeult tn 1M obllgatlont ttQ"9d ven 1' ewport BHch, CA ofOtflclelRecords coellfled ordlnenciee c -No CA DllD OF TlllUST""lrAT•D et: 11862 S . Beech Blvd., 11\eret>y, heretofore exeeu1ed ttld 92m· bull 11 conduc1 Excepting all 011, 011 right•. 8t-4. MOW-..'-1•. UML9SS VOU Huntington BHcll. c entornl• det1ve1.CS to the undefelgntd • lndl~uel. -ed by.,, mlntr•ls. mineral rlghll, neturel ges TO ADO SEC. 7·1· 118 co TAIC• ACTION TO P"OTICT •oo••ll•r with tll• lollowlno wrlt1lf'I Oecleratlon of o.teult end JOtepl\T.v-..... rlghll. end other hydrocerbont by "COASTAL DEVELOPMENT" YOU" '"O~l"TY, IT MAY 81 dHCrlbed elcohollc beverege OemandforSele,endWftttennotlot Thia ll•'-'I • .;~ wttll lhe whetsoever n I mt k nown· DISTRICT, TO THE ZONING CODE aot..D AT A "*-'C SALL W YOU ilcenMCI~ ON SALE 8Eef' & WINI! of brMctl and of llec1lon to«:.- County Clerk of°' Coun geotllermet •teem end ell prOduct• ANO TO AMEND SEC. 7-11·19. •ID AN IXPLANATION Of' ntl LICENSE NO. 41-354111 now ltllied th• uneltrelgn•CI to Hll Hid Oec. l , l N 2 llnOt tyon deltvedlhetefrom.wtthoul,h-7·11·21. 7·11-160.1, 7·11·150.2 end NATUR• Of TMI "90Cl•DtNQ IOf .. Id premlMI, !Of preml-Pfopenyto ... lefyMildobllOallone, ,..... th• right to drlll, mine, •lore, 7-ll-1!I0 4 °'THE ZONING CODE AGAINST VOU...1_!.C!U IMOULD IOOeled .. (-tdeltW)(or)-and tll•rHlter lh• =·•oneo p I 1llplo1e end ope1e1e through the AND SECTION 7·11-2811 OF THE CONTACT A L.AWTWR. ~ C.-0 Mid notlot of end of ubl Ill.CS Oienge COHI Dally ""1-or lhe upper 500 lee! of Ille SUBDIVISION CODE FOR THE 338 Cherrylr .. Lene, NIWl)O(I Thet the tole! contieleretlon for tlte:tlon to be PllOt. Dec: 7, 14, 21, 2t, 11182 tubtUrface of Mid lend, .. ~ PURPOSE OF PROVIOING LOCAL BMch. CA ""tr-W of ulO ~end of Atcofclecl J/l1lt 30. 1982 -lnett &344·'2 In Deed l1om The lrvineColnpeny,. COASTAL IMPLEMENTATION "(H • llleet llCIOf"9 or common Mid llcenMC•) .. Ille -of 1311,· No. 82·2'498~ of Hid Oltlcl•I PUBLJC NOTICE PICTITIOU8.,_8. MMm9TA,....lfT The follo•lng person 11 doing bulineM ea: S NOW PRODUCTS, 781 Newton we.,, Cott• Me .. , CA 112827. Keith 81-1 Hodgdon, 1'14 Lltenrleld. Lono 8eacfl, CA llOt 16. Thie ~ le condUC1ed by an lndMdull t<ettll Hodgdon Tlll1 11•1-t wu flled with tN County Clerk of Orenge County on Nov. 22, 1N2. ,.,. Publl•h•d Orano• CoHt Delly Pllo1, Dec. 7, 14. 21. 28. 11112 &377-12 Michlgen Corporellon. 1ecord1d PROCEDURES. dHlgnatlon 11 111own ebove, no 000.00 lnoludlng Inventory Aecotda. i\ugutt 11, 11178 In book 127115, DATE OF HEARING: Oec:ember werr enty It given •• t~ lta H tlmeted et 14,000.00, which Seid ule wlll be medt, but page 780 of Offlclel Record• 22, 1982. • complet-or corn1Ctl'IM8). conelell Of 1111 followtng; wllhoul covenent or wert1nty, ""° ••tepllng Ill ••let rlghll, TIME OF HEARING: 9:30 e.m. Of The beneflc:laty """' Ulki OMd Dn•••..... ......... tlCpretl Of lmptltel, regarding '""· whether ...ch weter right• •hlll be 11 aoon ll'tefMfter -~· ol Trutt, by ~ of • brNCfl or CMtllen Cheek 115,000.00 poe ... llon. or enoumbranoee, to rlperlln. ovtrlylnf , epp1oprl1llv1, LOCATION: Boerd Room. Clefeull In IM obllgelfo!\1 eeeu1ed Demand Nol" to be,... pey "" '*"8lntng ~ """of percoletlng, prucrlptlv• or H•ll of Admlnlttrttlon, 1 Civic thereby, herttofore ••eculed encl pl8Cltd wfttu:ulL. __ ~·L~ ~ tald Deed of contrectuel without. llOweve<, the Center P1u l (Corner of ero.dwey delivered to Ill• underelgntd • thtOUOfl aec:tO'* 195,000.00 TN81, Wltll lntifWI •In MJOnOte rtoht of entry for the ••erCIM or end Sent• Ana llcMAeYwd). Stflt• written Dedlt•tlon of Oeftult end Note end IKUt'lty egrw-provlclecl: adv-. H eny, under ~ rtollt•. • r-ved In the Deed Ane Demand for Seit, end written nolloe rnent In fe-of the terlN of MIO 0..0 of Trvtt. lrom llle Irvine Company, • PROPOSAL Code Al'nenelmenl of breecll end of election 10 teuet Ille..._ l206.000 oo ..... Ct\tfgee Ind...,._ of Ille Michigan Cerporetlon, recorded No CA 91•4 1>'0908H 10 .oo "" Ill• underelgned to H ll o ld Tllet It llM been eot..o ~ Truetea end of"" tNtt8 Of9M«I by A119u11 11, 1178 tn book 127115, l>'OCedu,.. 10 Ille Orenge County Pf0f*1Y to Mlllfy uld otlllptlonl. Hid trinalerHfl) end uld etlcl OMd ol TNll. page 780 ot Offlclel Record•. CoellfleCS Ordlnenct1 thet .,. end lherHltlr Ill• undt11lgned trtneferOf{I) thet oonefeltftt'°" !of Said 1•1• wlll b• lleld o n PARCEL 3. Ett•m•nll •• Ht necetNrylor the county 10 -ceuMCS NICI notice of brMCll encl of '"' tr-i.r of Mid~ end Of w.dnttcley, Oeclmber 15, 1982 ti lo1th In th• HCllon1 entltltd 1 11 tfec11on to be le .... _...., ... 200 pm at tllt ~A-"certeln ••••m•nti for ownert" permit eutllor ty over t • ......___ ttld lleenM(t) 10 .... _.. on., : . . . unlncorporeted Coutel zone -· Recofded ..,_,,bef 28. 1N1 a •her 111111fw h• belt\ epprowd by entt1nce, to th• lvlo Center end "support. 1tlllt111tnt t nd .. provided by Ill• Celllornl• !Mir. No. 33054 In bOolt 14337 Paot °"'*1rnenl ot .\ICoflolle .._ ... lulldlng, 300 E•al Cllapmen encroechment " ol Ill• ertlclt Coutel Acl of lll78. 1008, of Mk! Offleiel Aecordt. Control, putlUMt to Sec:. 24073 et A-. In tfte City ol Orenge. entitled "eHemenlt" of the Meterl•I the1 you with to be 81ld n l• wlll be made, but eeq At th• time ol tlle lnlll•I IA&.TZ ..... °'4 MTN'' ""*" MSTCUfP CtuPtl.1 ......... Ntrnt! -O O LOf.N CHAl'll OT S , 11 l---.. -_-IC_"""_Tll't ___ _ Oedat•llon of '"tr1Gtlon1 recorded brought to the eoarel ot without covenent or werrenty, Tllet th• herein ducrlb•d puMoMton °'""'nob. Illa t04al In booll 128119, page 111• of Oflldal Supervleort etllf'ltlon et "" lleerlnO .,.,,, ... or ill'IOlled. '90Sdin0 tltlt. .,....,. .,. to be COftlllllWl'IMt. _.... of "'8 wipeld ba6lrlCe of"" Record• ""'91 .,. llltd wttlt Ille c.1' of tfli poetetelon, or enevmbr-. to "'°*'to"" ebo¥9 piowtelo11e. • oeMltatlon -.d by ttle •'- 427 E t 71h St Costa Mesa 848-9371 ..,.,,_ ~. ~ a.di, CA ,._ nv1-. 92t9S. fl1CT1110UI ........ T1't Flot1t10111 eueln•n N•m• NAMm ITATS•lfT referred to 1bove wH llled In Thi tollOwlng pereont II(• dotno 0ranoe eoun1y on July u . 1N2. bull,_ •: Fiie No. 11G23', ,._~ MAID•A•MINUTE, 1221 W Oer'tll ,.,_., 11 ..,_ """"'• CO..I Htgtlwey. Newport 8"ctl, CA NewpOf1 laadl. CA 92f9S, 112183. PAC9'1C ¥11W ThM ~ "'°' oonclue1ed by Orenge County S.Yloee, Inc., I ~ ,... en~. P Celllornl• corpOfellon, 122 t W ~~,!Aortuary Thll -~:':'Med wttll ttlt COMt ~. H9wpot19eecfl, CA -~~=~ve County Cieri! of 0renoa County on "=' butlMU 1e conduC1ed by, Nov. :zt, 11112. COfpcitetlon NlwpOrt BHCh PublltllOd Ot1ngl Cottt Ditty 0rinoe CounlV ~-2700 e , Piiot, l)ec. 1\ 14. If, 291 1MI · e.w. Inc , ... ,._ ________ ,,~ N72>tl Clltt eo0p.,· "MldtM Dally ~llot ClaHlflecl Adt - Dlol the lllrect lln• 642-5678 I Tllll ~ ... "'-d with Ille County c..-of°''"" COunty on Nov 1t. llt:l. ,_ Publlth•CI Ot•noe Cotlt Otlly PllOI, Nov. 23. 30, Oec. 1, "· tN2 &1tM2 PARCEL .. Euement• .. ~ loetd 24"°""or-·priorto1118 pey "",..,,..... prlnclpel""" of ''"VICI! HC .. OW COM,ANY, dHOtlb•d dHd of tr ult and _,.,., • .,. pattlcularl'f N1 forth ecNdllled '-'-· till coplM .,. ,,.,. note(•) MCuf9d by Aid 0.-Of , .. ,.. IHCll •t., Weatm.lltlltf, "''"'•'" Cotti, PpellMt, •ltd In the ArtlCla lf'ltltled .. _,, .. .....-.cs ..... Trutl, .witll im.wt -In Mid not• Clllfor nl• IHH. on or tft•r •dvltlHI II • , ... Ht.16. T• of the Olellrttlon ot coven1n11. ~or hirtlltr lnlormellon, ell prOVlded, edlltnOM, II eny, undef Jtnuary 4, ltt3 •t1m1M Ille ooenlna bid, ycM,I lft8y oond l tlont •nd 1t11tlcllone lnlerelle<I j)lrlO!"ll tte Invited to Illa ttfmt 0'-'9ICI 0..0 of Truet, All other butlne11 n1m• and otll (11•:.o5'44ha· -~~=.~=J:.er:;:~~111!! oell Otv• Moor• ot the Pl1nnlnt IMI, CMISot': °'*' ... Of'"' Idell .... • uMd by the tr.,,.,.,ort) Ott.-,_.,. ~':o. oec11ret1on" undt1 tht 1tc1ton Codi S.C111tton1 ~p~..;: ! !:'~ OI T:U..~,.,_fl "81ed by \wltNn tltree ~ IMI ~·,'° ~ ~~TION 1lflcl llttdtnOe In IUG.tl artlelt tntilltd M ~C: c:i.;;, .. ~w.t ~ letd ule wlll be lltld on :,.:nown to trtnttef-.1 • •••· • 11111 T.,,.... tollowl "Ownert rlol'lt• Ind dutlta. HI, a.ma AM.~ A~ Ttllneley, '**""' 11. 1Na It NeiM and tddr ... of eeorow -T.O. llf'VICI 11111111 .. end cebre telev111on;:. of !flt CA It ... II....._ !of~ 1-00 pm .. et 1111 CtltplftOft A-. lloldtr, ll"VICI llC"OW COWAN\', 1111"' ,;•uPl)Ort ·~.d ·~!.'•"''"' , ~ 11 t11at toAtton. entrance to the Civic Center COM,ANY. 14111 l••oll II., -...,.,.. WOl'Mdl, ,.::=:.,,,~ Community ,~:,o,.,~:oC:a ':, '::~r. :=~~· .::g.:~~~~" W::-::~ tta :-"c.!:"='° 1· PAAOfL 5, f....,..,t -lot J COUNTY CAL~ONM. Hotlea. At time of .... bide lft8y JAM1AH 'AMIL y lultl IO' of T1act N18 "•~ map llled In Otte·~ 1 1t12 bt lftld4l In 01111 an,llor tlle ITIAIC MOUe1 op: ~ OltllO. CA tUOI-*' booll 414, PtOM r.;!° n tnefll"ye, ~HALi' JlJNI ALlXAHDIR 011l'llart or oarllfled cllttll• MUNTINOTON llACH D lll-tlll of ........ 0 "'°"' •11 . r-09 off ~ °*" OI ... .... 1peolfl•d In OIWll oodt HOiion )NC, ,.,... 0r.,.. c ....... Deity "Id ovnty. tor t t purpoH o o1 l,..•Nttort.,, Ill"" ..,.. ~ JlnMll. Not. New. a , IO, Dell 1,, drainatt lleMtltlnf tlll P'°'*1Y 0r-. Coufttr, ca11f At ,"• ""'' or tll• 1n111a1 ,......... 11..,.. ~ lltteln, ~ l"8f wotl , tlllllleCI Orlft .. Co911 -... Pl UDlttOn .. tHa ....._ ttw tM.i ,......, dr91n,.. tfletl not ul'trtttontbly u ..._., --"".,, ltle.,,..... ....... ol IN QMUN ION '""" rltl,..Ot 1111 1n11ndtd "" Ind PtlcM, Dtc 7• lltl Uls.&I """'''°" MCU'9d by 1118 .....,. 'hal*:a •it09"'*•' °'Mid L04 J ~ dHOtlll•d dttd of "''" •n• "' ...... Or~Coul Deltr At~ .. ~ed to the ftC1 8Mp ., "°""9. " • teeY """'•'" i:o•ta. "''*'"'· ""' -DID -1 that ma Oii. etc ... •m,>ted "°"' "'"'dMIMfted 9'~·M11 •dv•"UI ,, 111.Ht H To .--.. ·-• .., ... .. -• ' ' \. - •