HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-09 - Orange Coast Pilot.. • 0 --· ...... -----------. -------··--~ .... - -'=""'----...-...... -----------·----. . . . . ---~· --------------- THI DRANGI COAST COUNTY EDITION THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, OALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Frontier Airlines said exceeding • noise limits By JEFI'' ADLEH 01 the Dally Piiot llaH Frunlll'f l\11 l111t·' Jt'l-. ''l"'l.01111,..; out <If J11h11 W.1 y1h' A111~ II t HI t' lTliSllll\j.( 111\(1 u '41lllld Ji,11 I It I tol sorts tlw µlu111·' 1111 · ,.,, ,.,.d111~ airport 11111M· lt1111t-. ,1bout h.111 tlw ttmt"' Tht· Jdl1111·1-.. I)(. !I S11p1 I HO ... bound no11)';\01> 1111 1>1·11v1 1 .111 t'XC'et'dtn~ 11111"4 ,1.1111la1 .i., "'' 11111· o f thrt·1· kt') .i1rp1>1 t ""'" m 0 II I l u r In~ 'I ,1 t I .. II' .. II approx1matt ly lwlf 11f .tit takt>o ffs 1•11.plJ1111·d Wtll1.1111 M ... t 111 I Ii • , 1 II I'" I t ' t 11 I",. .1l1 • .t1·1111"lll """ 1·1 111· -..11d llu• 11·111.1tt1d1·1 1d Fr 1111111 1 ' fltlo(hh 1·1tli1•1 .11 .. lllt't 1111~ <II til l' l1t•lo\\ th4' ll11h1• ' I ,1 11 d ,1 I d A t t V. O 11 I h t' I 1110111trn tng po111L' all f11~ht.-. .111• rtll't'lllll{ tht• ... 1.a111fc11lls "You u1uld :w.dt•ly s.iy th..it 011 till ,1vl'r<.1j.(t' (F1ontw1) 1s ru1111111K -.lightly llVl'I (thl' l11nll) dt llllt' 111un1tun111o: swt11111," Mai Lin sa11.J But th1· 110 1!:-t' abatt·1111·nt 11fftlt'f potnl1~I uut th.it lht• IHllSt ·.l.111d • .11d 1' .111 .1\l'1.1g1• h, .. ..,..._1 on t Vl'IY l,1k1·11fl 11'1.l'I ,111111·1• r111111lli lit. 1111d With 1111111 lha11 two 111rnllh!> I t'llhlllllllj.( 111•(011· Lht• I Ur rl'lll 4u,11 Ll't t•t1d!! .1-'t•IJ 18, l-'ror1t1e1 'till niuld 1•,,...1ly 1111·1•1 lht· sl.111da1 d on <111 dV1•1.i).(t' d1Jtly IXL'>lt., lw ..,.rnJ M.111111 '>!Jf'tul.Ht•d thJL if Fr 011111·1 ptloL'> Wl'rt' ltJ '1·ha11g1· µtlot lt"(.'hntqu1.-:." wnwwhdl all uf tht· .i1rh111··, fltl(ht.s would 1111 ... ·t tlw :-.w11durcJ Wl11·11 P.inf1t S11uthw1·,.. J\11 Jlnt'' fltl(hL, Ulll ttf lht <.111 JIOI \ 1.,t11·d t11 1111-.·I till' 'llut1d.11 1b lust AllKll:-.t. P SA I light 1·><•11111111·1., fl .. w wtth ,IWA IJ.1:.nl 1 r1 w:i f111 u t11111· ltJ ~Ut(jo(l'Sl .tlll'lllitllVt• t'Ol'kp1t fH llt.'l"<fUI l'll Tht· 111·w pruu•Jur"' 11·dt1tt·d 111J1M' lt·v1•h <111cJ P SA f111o(hL.., '><1t111 V.l'rt• lllt't'llllt( tilt' llCJl'>I' lt111lh M..irt111 "'"d Tht· 1111111111111111< ... t..i111111 t <1us111g problt'tll' 1111 Ft 1111lll'r's I >t.•nvt•r 1.xJuml fllKht..-. i:i l•ll ..it1-;.I .11.>oul 1111t· mile· uff tl11· 1·11<! of llll' .iirpw l.., rUllV. :.n Ht t"' l't II N11\ :! I :!·I 11111.-.1 • 11111111l1J1111,1.: 111-..1ru11u·11h ••~111d1 d 1.ik1·11(I 11111,1• l<'Vt•b 1.111g1111-1 (11>111 11!1 .I .t .. 1 llH·(, 111 IOI ~' '1'111 l11r11t .... , .ti tl1.ll 11111111t1>rll1j.( ... 1.1111111 I'> 1111 '1 Mat 1111 ..,,11d ~ 11111111 ·1 1\1111111 ' 1111t1.tl1 d 111111 'l11J1 •,t•l\111 111J J.11\•'I ().,I ·11 l-11111L11r v.011 a f1 ·dl't01I 1111111 111d1·1 1 .... 1 Allj;(U!>l 1•11.Jl1lll11( II Ill fh l11 t lltt'" h1·y1J111I ,1 :1H/I 1111!1 h1111t th.ii h ... d ht ... ,, lftlf"'"' .. f h't 01.111g1 Cou11tv g11v1·111n11 11\ 111 ..... tl\t'lll!Jl ltt k ... JJ lht• .111111111 .J '""'' li.1ul l..i1il1ly tl11 1 111111\\ Ii.id c 1111\t·ndc·d that 1111· l.11 ll11·1 ,, Jdl1111•1 l1.ivt-ls, thC' 1111i-.11•1 1l would ht· on takt·off l11·1·,1l1"· 11f 1h lu·.iv1l'r wk1.·oft w1·1~hl. I.JC lo(t•ly dut· tu adcJ1t11111,iJ t w I Thi .111 pw l 11111-.t· ... 1.onclards .. ,~ 1111 lud1·d J'> \Jill' part ur a 1 11111plt1 .1t1-<l f11rmul.i UM:<l by the 1 uu11lY to .1pp11rl1un flights F.11lurt· t11 1111-.·t thl' nwst' ltm1t.a d111111K " lhri·1· month pt•rtud 111uld rt''>Ull 11l .111 a1rltm.-losing a Jllll tllJll of I\'> \Ola I f IJghl .tllu .it1or1 111 ... ub'>(-<1U1·nt 4udrtl•f'> Fun Zone attractions find homes Jim Son·nson of ~•·w port Bt·uc·h n rn l'la~· S k .. .,. Ball in hi.., honw. II•· hou~ht th•· I· uu Zon« ~anw for ._ / .>. By STEVE MAllBLE 0 1 tha Oall1 Piiot Ban "Start hl'r up, LuC"ky," said JU<'lHllll'<.'I Hudy Lark1·n tu th" latloot•d man ~tand1ng al lht• t·cmlrol box of lh1· 1111'1'1 y go r1mnd H,1 y "Lui ky" SC'otl hit th1· ''1>la1l" button .inti wtlh his ha11ds ,r1n11111-..I 111 his .Jt'dll pc.11:k1·L., d!ld .i l ll(arl'llL' ha11..c1ng Crum ht., mouth, watt ht·d th!' JJJll1tl·d woo1lt·11 hor.,._,., bob up and down "Hurn. ltkt· a d1ar111, JUSt l1k" a l harm.' bPl luw t·d Larkt:'n ~·;inning th1· t·rowd "Lt·t's start <.11 $50.000 That'., th1..•a p. n·ally ch1•ap Do I h1•1ir $50.00IJ'' $50 000-' Okav $:l5 !HlO I'll liik1· $:!5 000.. . lit• -.1·11l1'(f fur $1 5,00ll. th" h1gh1·-.1 f1gun· of th1• mght for any of Lht· n·m .. 1n111g b1L,, p1t~·t-s, marhin1•s am.I 1purnl!. lhitl mc.kt· up lht A.tllma F un Zont· a plan· of nw rn11r1t•s that, for $5 h 1·r1• .ind $1 .ooo Llwn•, W<i:-. cltsnl<111llt'<I Wt·rlnt·Mlay Thl' Fun Zorw, 50 years o ld <md showing 11, 1s Sl'ht'duled to bt- knuckc'<i down by the e nd or the• yt>IH and n •µlat«d w1lh uff1n•!> ,md '>ho~ ·11·~ sad but I -.uppu:.i.· th•· arf'a llt'<'(ls 1mprov1nR I havt· m1x1'<I f1·1•l111g:-.," .,,11d Mtll11· Tatllo11 ownl'r of l"un Burt(!'!"'> one of lht• ltmgst..tncling food uull(·t.-. at th1.· blo1:k lonR t1rt'aclt· Taillon -..1y1ng 'ht· "'c.tnted "''m"th111g 111 "takf' with me· 'JX'nt $YOO buyin~ thP boat rid1 .ind lh1· hallt•n·J ... un bll'«< lwd mm1atun• ( t1r n<lP "I don't 1·v1•n kno w what I'm W•tng l.u d11 w1th tht·m.' shr sa1rl latt•r. Pymg tht· nwt.al ride"'> m th•· l'old of lht· t•vpnmg Tht• .tU1 t111n l1·d l.y arc ;uf1 nwn1•f'> ll.1v Ballard and Lark1•11 drt·v. lh1· 1 urious. lh1· nost<tlg1l l h t • t 11 I I 1• l t n r .., a n d t h c· J'v1· alway~ w.1ntPd lo own a v11l1 ·n lo(iinlt' crowd 'What dn wr• ht·.tr fr11111 I >i 1nk1•\ Kon1o(' 1 lf'y h1·v I )v11k1·y Ku111<" \f·ll1•d L<trk"n "Thi'> " tlw 11r111· m,1ch11lt' ,,f th1· mark• t Corridor d esign c riticized L 1 k <' m" t "r",.., "' h" h ,1' t attemptl'd lo na" 1g.Jtt thf' S<111 Diego or San~ And fn-t•\\av-. ,,, r ush h ou r . Ur.1ng1• Cou ntv supervison. ha\·1· 1·xrn...,,~'<l •,om1· reservation-; O\<'I th1· "''''' freewav'> an· dl">IJ(IW<I Com.mc·nting 11n th1• dt•'>11'(11 proposed for th1· S.111 .J11.<qu111 Hills Transportat11111 l'11rr1d11r sup e rv isor:, quf'sl1011t'd < r1t1•r1" free w a y p I a n 111• r ~ u.," cl 1 11 d e le rm 1 n 1 n ~ h 11""' w 1 cl" l ht' freeway w r1u ld h<' and wlwn· int.erchangl'S would h•· l1x <•t<·d The new fr1-..•way I'> <'Vr'ntually intended l 11 I 1 n ·k S J n ,Ju a 11 Capistrano. La~lma Ekaf'h, 11 v1111 and Nl•wpnrt flf>n1 h .t111111o( .1 14-mtli· rm1tt• "ll1;1tc·d rn1tl\A. ;1v --INDEX----- Al Your S.-rv1<1• Bulll'ltn Roarcl Bus111""'" Cavakad<' Clas.'l1f1ed Com11-,. Cros.<iworn Death Nottn"i Ed1lorial Entcrta1nm1•111 H orosrop.. lnU>rm1ss1nn Ann Land.-rs Movies Mutual F'undR Natlonal Nf.'WR Public Nn l1C°f"'I All A4 CR <l Ri <"II I ~ < '1 ll ( • 1 (I ('I:.! Al4 A fi 7,Al'.l 1:l.R7 H C4,l't1.C'll,C'I 2 S ports Dr S te tr)(' ro h n St.OC'k Markr\.11 Televi.!llon Th eaten Weather World New11 Cl7 A2 ('Q B7 88 A2 A3 1,. l\\1·1·11 P.<t 1!11 l '•~t'l ll1~h" ,,, .111 I 1111' San £AeR11 ~ r • • ·v. ·" Tl11 routt· unvf'ilr-.1 la..,l V.l'l·k run.., from the Cornn;:i dPI M.11 F11·1·v.a\ nPar Mat Arthu1 Houh·v<1rd 1n Nf'wpnrt 84-.u h 1<> 1 h1· San Dwg11 fo'r•'!·w;1 v 111·.1 r Av1•ry Parkway tn ... outh Or.tnlo(I' County Ii IS pnv1s111nt'fl by plan11Pr; (IJ h.1vc· '>IX. eight nr 10 lanc-s alnnj.( v;1r1ou'i .,tr1·t1 IH•t; I L woul d 111dudl' <;(•parate C'Xprrss lanl'S for huS<'S nr a mass transit rail ltn1• Rt•fon• vottnl.( unanimously to ,, u t h 11 ri , ,, a ~Pr 11·., o f pub I t 1 h1•.1r1n g., 111 .Janu.iry 1111 t ht· pr opno;i·d rnule <,11p1•1 v1<.,11r.., .1'ik!'cl f11r a-;.,ur;111u·., I h;1t th1· d1·'>1gn 1,1k1·' 1n 111 1on~•·h·rat111n prr>J'< tl'<i grov. th pallC'rn'i nf thP f u lttr•· ·1-:v1•n lh111g has bc·t·n v. rong "' r •• r .,<11<1 Su perv ISUr'i. < 'h c11 r m ,, n 8 r u < 1· N cs tan d". r1 ·f<•rr1ng lo lllh1·r prOJt'l'ltons rnafl1• hy < ounty µlann1·ro; or 1 ndr•pt•ndt•n l consu I tan ts "Tht· S unta /\n.i Frt•!'way Jail c-ap11c·1t1t·-. No 111w's t'VN ·gur>S.-.ecl right .. Nc·stnnd1· -;ugg1·stl'll that fr1•pway clc'ltRnrrs tf'Sl their cl1•s1gn o f thf' nrw fr .... eway by asking th1• 'l<lffil' rompu trr tn rt·dl·•nlo(n Lht· San Otego and (S4'c FREEWAY, Pa~e A4 1 Burglary • • v1ct1rns • • By JODI CADENHEAD Of the O•lly Piiot Stan Evt•r yon I' w hn c nnw I•> t hi' 11H'l'1tnj.( had a s tory to tf•ll Soml' WC'rr h11q~lary vwt1ms Othrr<i k n1·w !ll:imc·onP down th1· 'ltrr'i'·t nr ncxt door who hnd ln1-t 11•1t'v1s1on Sf'ts. JPWPlry, c·ash or 1rn·pla<:'t'Ahl<' fnmily hr1rloorn.s m thf' C'OUfl'l(' of II l'flmt' II n p 1 n g t n r l' d ll t " t ht' l1k1•l1hood o f rnmp on thr1 r -itn'f't. lhl' Cost.a M1'!aa rPS1denL'l WNI' g<'ltmg lo know e11d1 ot hN Ill a NPtj(hborhuod W all h mcet111~ Th t> tt y f' a r o Id pro g r ,, 111 lC'AChr!I llE'C'Urtl y I(•( hnt4Ul'8 lo rt>Stdents and ent•oura~NI cart'(ul survei llance and n•porl1ng of !IU3p1now act1vlllf'1! by nrlghbo~ O U1cialll say ll 11 d1f~1<ult to Mesa .1ttr1hut1• a d1n'l'l reduction in <nm!' to lhf' NC'1ghhorhood Watch p r o g rnm Hut th1<i y 1•ar the numh«r nf burgl:inPs in Cost.a MC'AA d1ppt"d 40 J)('rCf'nt, while part1c-1pat1on tn the pro gram inc·reaiwd h y obou l 20 J)('rr<-n t , r.m ·ording to pollc'f' offic't'r Philip I lnrtm1111 Mrn1l of lhc> IM burglaries in Costa M <'AA lruit mo nth involved u nloc.·kt'<i or Of)('n dooni, windows Rnd raragp rloors, H artman Mid "l rvrrybody w o uld JUBl lock up wf•'d !IP(' a d<'Crea.se " But many p<>(lple still leave their hom<'ll unlockf'd or el1e sec-urf' thf' front door and forget to use the lock hanging on thf' garage door. Hartman Mid (S~~ NEfCIJllOlUIOOD, Pa(lt Aa > Dally Pllol Pt>olo. by Gary Ambro.e Lurq Mor#(an t•ht•c·k~ out t ht· h or.,f'flf'i.h o n tht• Fun Zon t .. <·u roui.t•I. Tht· mt•rq -~o-round \o\f'fll for$ I :i,000 in Ba l bou lHH'tiou . Le 1·., st.;1rt ..tl $1 000 Do I h1•;1r $I ()()()"'" Thi· mdth1m oix•rwd UJJ with 1L-. nw~.hamt<.tl guts hangmg out fur 11ublat tn'>pN 11011 wt·nl for $800 Star Castlr· w1·nt for $1 50 &orwrk fo r $1 75 A Wt•ll w orn ptnh.!11 mal'htnt• 1t-. ~lass lop ... rn•·arc-d with wh1tt p<Jml Jnrl '>l1ck y f rom 'ptllc-d ~oft drinks wt>nl fo 1 $50 Thi• St>. Mtllton Dollar Man mo<lt•l w 1•n1 fur $1 50. Supt:mlan fn1 $:.mo . J im S111 t·n~1 ·n w ith tw o 1·hlldrPn tn tow. wa.c; w ,11\lllj.( lo l11d 1111 a Skt-.• A.all rn<it h1nc· "I l11v1· ·t'JTI .. ht· -..i1tl h1 ... 1hllrh1·11 111 l(fd111g ·•KH-t'm t•nt "I <.m play thl·rn f.,r d..t)!:> I \1•111n11· down ht•r<· fo r y1·.irs plav1 n~ l ht" .. 4' ma( h int-s · ~11rt'll!>c·n. who sa1J h1 hau t·1111ugh rnom in hi!:> &11)(1<1 how, .. · 111 accomniodatt' unc· Sk£'E' Ball nlJ< hint> got his wish Sc•v1·nt;.. f1v1• hue ks Jnd It was hi.. "I l'iinw down ht•rt· m1i..tlv f111 11 I d t 1 1111-.' o; 'a kt· .. ., <11 rl l' (..; Tum.t;tll a for rnl'r Ball.><1i1 run /.ont• l'mployt'<' from 1~5'..! Tun:..1 • .tl , pr11udh· fl.<'htn~ h lh 1 n 1 • ,,.., c <• r d :.. l ti . tl r t • ,, d . "rr·lln '<I," ._,1td h1· now II\'£'' •m a '9X <Jlrl' rJlllh OUl'9dt• L.1k1 1.;b111or1 wlwrt ht h.1!> I II'( lt«I 111-. 11\\ 11 pr J\,Jlt' fun t11111 A 15-roo t lumberjack lost his head in high winds at an El T or o Christma111 tret> lo t. Thf' fib<"rglass statut> was be in,,; ust>d to n ttrart «'U\tomen. J. ... "I h..t\'P m\ 11wn Ferns whet I Bou~hl 1t for $5 500 I have l.iumpi•r car .... a train that runs .trotind tlw wholt• ph1u• all k 111d., o f toY'> I love• toys ·· Tun..,tall. who rt:'called !>Wl't·p1ng nut thC' arcade a n d f1shmg 1>1.'llt mt·kc·ls out uf pinball m;id11n1·'· Pnd1•d up buying a Skt'<' B;11l m<1c htnc• Another $75 "'"" l;, 1 trudt• \'organg buu.'(ht a I• 1x 11( Skt-t' B<ill t1rkc•L.., for $5 .incl .1 bu1-tt·tl tncvdt· that was 1111s. ... 111~ a wh1·1·l f1)r $17 50 . I I 11 I It. c I I It k t'I s d fl d 11 Id thing!>," -;lw -..11d wh1•n ac,kc·d ISet• Fl'N ZONK Page A2l W ind een decrea in g b y tonig ht Tt 111p1 ... 1u11us '"ind ... and , lnudv sku·.., pn·va1h-.I over the ( )r<111Joi!f' Coa::.t today, d.imaging lt<'<'S .incl powf•r l1n1•s and sl'.1tt1•n11g ltlo(hl shower.; through th1· <lrt'il ThC' Nattonal Wealhl·r S<>rvtt'C' prt•d1 <'l •·d that w1nns will dl'<..Tt•a...i• loni~hl and Friday as C'loud). mov .. ~outh Thi:' high loch1y will b(' (i7 ;ind th<' low lOntt(h t 51 Jo~rida y s hou Id be slt~htlv warnlt'r, with a high of 6H 0 n W " d n t' s d a y . w 1 n d s av('raging :i5 mph knocked lr<'e'S into p ow<'r l1nC's and c aused around 200 outagt'S along t he coast, al'C'Ordmg to Jim K <'nncdy. a Southern California F .. cfo•on Co area manager ""Pherc-arl' n o ma.)Or c1rcu1ts down, but therc> h:wr lx><-n a lot o f 1nd1v1dua l trouble calls," Kenni-dv AA1d In N c>wp url H a r bor, Wednesday's h1ght"St winds were rccor d<'d at 50 mph O range County ShNiff's Departmen t Harbor Patrol 0CfJc1als said they receivc•d 34 calls for a~ist.ance Wednesday Mooring linC'S we~ broken. boat pumps were needed and t o ws f o r boa t s w e r e req Ul'!lt£d. Early W ednesday, a 26-foot cabin c ruisc.-r o wned by Roland ForemAn of Corona del Mar sank In the harbor n ear I 0th Street, a spokesman said. In Fuh1o n bland, the 75-foot whit<> fir lN'(> that IC»t 15 feet off Ill t o p In a storm casualty Wt'dnC'!lday wa11 expected to ~ pat.ch<'d up today by tree fUrgeon ' Vito Serrao l • ------------------------- F 'cu 0 .... 29. 44 -...,.. ..... _____________________ ------.. ------. ..--------·-··--------------- U11rnu11 l tlttl'll l 1All y I 111 I 11 111111 •111<1\' l >t1l llft1l1w l'ltl,' • • 111 lIJg I ~alts HB hiring ~ ROBERT UAHKl'.lt Of tM O.ily Pllol •••If •H untln!.(t on Ht•111 h ('11, 1\d1111nistr~1trn l'hJ1 h•-. '1'11111111'"''' has ortlt 1 t•d .1 I 11 1•11 1111 1 li1 hlnn~ of 111 w '11' 1·111pl11\n ·• 111 t bl' Wilk{• 111 <ll \11111 hy !ht• I ii\ <OUIH'll l11 d111p pl.;11•. f111 .1 I ei.1dt·11t1.il l1 a.,i. n•llt't 111111 lt-1· Tho111pso11 .11.,., Ii.I' .. 1.l1·i.·.l .di d ty dl·partm• 111 lw.1d, '" 1.111k pfl ur1ttt·-. w11l1 lht v11.,.. ''' m aking f.X>s..,1hl1 l'llL' Ill ,. I\ II' Hl· i..i1d lw "ill pl t" 111 1,,, titld1nir--and 11·~:m1111wr11l.t111111' t11 lbc e1ty t'OUrll ii l>t't :..!O : · · 0 u r p n • d 1 c t t· d I 1 11 .1 111 1 ' I 1~nd1t11111 at tlw t•ml • t tlw V•·.11 1 ... ~J'lrt'nwly wt .. 1k. · Th11111p ... u1 '-"d \Ve:>dnt•i.thl) "It is tun 1 lw.1· !111 1,·,mfort We e-;111 '1 w.111 1111td tli• l~t n11nutt· to 111.1k1• dt't 1,1011.-. Tht• pus'i1hl1· ""t • ut1111~· 111easun•i. wpn· u 1gg1·11·d h) 1111 1,•Qunc•tl's dt'<.'ll>lon M o1t1 l.1 v n11t 1 .. d1argt-rt·'.tdl·nt' •• $ l :111 I" 1 111onth trash n11l1't·t11111 f1 ·1· • Thompson h.td Fl'tt11111m•111h·d imposing tht• r1'(• lit· 'au! ,,,, ... h tol1C'<:t10n 1..·oi.ts would n~1· 111 ,ibout $:~ 5 m11l11)11 111 1111 w·\I I~' month!> Im l11dhl 111 1111 "'·' ,110 11• \\ 11•1' llllf'll"'d •Ill 1111 1 II\ 1111 d111111•111.1! 11 ..... ti .11 < li.111g1 l '111111tv j,,'11\1 1111111 Ill tl\\llt'd l.111dl1lh I I 1' • I I \ 11 ' \ ., .II I I I ·' ., I j 111llt< lit 11111-.I:\11111 •of ll.1 1:1 lwl.ol I 1111.t I 111d.1(t•l 'I 111•11111•,1011 -..111 1 1111· •II\ h.1d I' I ' \ I '' 11 ' I \ .. II I I ' I I 'I .1 1111111• 1,il '-' lh.11 k \\ fi, II II f,ult·cl l\I ··~I I\' ·'"'~pt•• I• .t 'f. I 11111111111 le11111 tit• ·,l,111 Ill 1111olOJI \1·1111 It t.• , •. , 11. ·" •••. 1111 .1t." '·'" ..... 1111· •II\ t.,1\1 !..lit 11 ,1IH1lll $11111111111 l1«l11\\ 111 "J' • 111111" 1,.., .11h• o! t'\ttll•Jltll\ ~tH1dllhU\' l li11111jl ... 11 ... 1111 t ltt ... h ,., ..... ·~ 11111111111 .t. \I 111111111111 \\ 111 h.1\ ,. 1111 1·!11·1 l Pll tho •. 1111111.1-.1 11! ·• 1•1l11·t he l1111pt1•1 l.111d111t-: 'ol lt 11•'.tl ti .. 1t..11d St11·1·t .111d J,dl111l • \ \' 11111 II·· · .. 11d h11\\ 1•\1 I th.ot 11111111 v 1-. IHd o1\,lll.d1l1· l1H 11111:-.ll ilt lholl 111 .1 1 ... il11\ Olli th. $~ ~ 11111111111 .. 111 h 11111 p,1111 -..11cl .11111111 ;11 Jl<'ll t'lll pf till' t II~._, '$:11 Ill 1111111 ~1·111 1.d ft111 I liudg1 I '1"'111 011 1l>nlll 'I \I) I II\ I 111plOI\ I I Diseased, damaged trees policies OK'd By PHIL SNEIDE RMA:\ Ofthe Delly Pllol Sien The F ount,1111 V.ill1' l It\. Council has appruvt·d l\\O "''"' po I 1 c: 1 es go v l' r n 1 n g t h ,. replacement of d1 ... 1·Jsl·J 01 damaged p;:trkw<1y ln·t.'!-. and 1111 r ('moval of lrt·Ps that t.111-.• d~gt> to i.1dt•\.\alk!>. l·url~ .111d gutters As a rC>SUlt o r 11nt• llt'W pol11 \' the c:1ly no lunger "'tit 1 Pµl,11 ,. aDy parkway trel r1·n111\ t .I b e cause or ill'( 1d1·11t dist ...... vandalis m or ,11 thl' d1~-rt•t1un uf J pro pt•rt y o" rwr ~,, 1•\'1uu-.h rhis was done· ,1t t II\ 1·x1x ns•· ·Way ne 0.shornt·, 1 ll\ puhl1t works d1reet11r, said p.irk\\ .1v•, trees in1t1ally are plantc·d "' " developer and btl11t111· tlll p-r operty of "' ho1111 ""' n1·r EJiminatl011 nr cl trt•(' WtiUJtl '-1\ I' 1he city $n20 1r1 tn111111111K and o ther ma1nl.L•na11t1• t'Xµt·11s<·-. ovt·r a l 0-year p<•nod he -.:11cl ln the Nov '.lO w1ndstl)1111 a bout 50 parkway tr1·1·., w1 '' blown down 111 Fount.11n \';1111 ' ThC' <:o\l tu n·pl.il 1· Llw111 t• •t.11t d about $3,0011 0...hornt -...11d The n 1·"' p' .J 1 c y ,, d • 1 ~ir • cl Tue!>dav n1~ht l1\ tlw < 11Uth 11 p rovides hom10"""'' \\Ith thn• opt1om, (nr n·pl.11 ing t.1m 1gNi lf dlseast-d parkw.i\ 1r1·1 .... 1 th1 11 o wn expen.-.(• T h c· 11 "' n t' r 111 ,, \ 1ndept:ndt·11th µu1c 11,. 1 ,,,,I _plant !_ree_l .. ~u·mu11 tn • .,..11'\ t,.d HEY WH/\ f S fHl ~1(. HU~k'V I W[ .S fill HAVf lb "·HCH'P1N t, D/\VS l U t 1 1111111 •'•II\ li-.t Pl "I"'"''""""' 1 u .. 1-. d11 I he• 11 •.1!.l d.1111,1~1· t11 1 urh-. .111d -.ult ".tlks 1'111 OI\\ Ill I 111.l\ 1•1th·1 ·' II•. thlllLil-(h the \II) l11r .il1<1Ul :s:w .11111 ;on·1 pt th• ri·-.po11sdul1t"· f111 l'l,111!111~ 11 J'h1 .. \\111·1 11 t\ ord11 ,, tro•1· thr11u~h 1111 cit\ .rnd p.i\ tu h,,,., the· 111•1 pl:111te·d hy nly ere\\~ .11 eo-.t Tnt,d n1sl !01 th" 11pt11111 " . .t >1111 t $hCI 1 t11 ll l'l I .. .,1.111•1111·111 f>l•lll \ w.1s llJIJffU\,t•d 11\ ·' .I II• •1 volt•, -"1th • ••llllC'tl 1111'111111 I , M.11 VIII \dl1 1 •• nd B.01 b.ir .. Br"" 11 d1 ...... 1·nt111g Adt. 1 'aid h• ",,., uppo"·d '" 1lic· 1·1t\ ~c·tt111g 111111 1h1 11111·.., t\ hU!olllt''' ' \ "1 11nd r 1•1.1 l•·d pol 11 \ r t g .i Id I 11 g I Ii t ! t 111 '' \ .d 11 I 1111d1·,11 ,1hl1· ..... k\\ .t\ ti,., .... \.\.,h .q1p1 ,,,.,.d u11 ir1111 "u'I' t.v 1tw • '>lll. ii rt11., p11h1 \ pl 11\'lllt"' !111 I ho I ii\ fH ,h,lft ill !ht I"'{ llf f !0 Ill 11 \ l Jl J.! 'J, ( I f 'Jlf I t e (' f Ji.Jlk\\ 1\ ,,,,..,th.ii d :1111.1g• I UI Ii' >Id••\\ .tlk' .111.f >'llllt I l '111!1 I tlil' 1~dt1 \ ,, l ... 1111 """ "' • ·lfl Jo.1\ :r,·; I J.,I ,1 •II\ h1!1 ,I I 111111 II !Ill IO l1,U1dl1 /•'Ill •\,ol 11 1)11 111 t •lltd I l '"t ,ollt•ll 1 f 1111 I'•'"'''".'~'"'" 'I' Thi 1!111·· "" '''"I•. ( .. ,., l"d "' 1t1' l"'l11 v .111 tl<ll., ..,.111d.1 l.1t~L11 1I ,\lllill I,,, I Ht,, 11.11 l'1·pp.-1 ") ;, I·" 1 l • ( ii 1. ·I 11 l't~· tr om HC:iagen-Daza Ice Creom Shoppe Fair on Dolly Piiot Pholo by Rlch•rd ll.o.111•• l'an 1111t•cli1· ... wor~ to frt•t· 'id i111"' of auto c·r·a ..,h 111 It ' iut·. ( )ut· ma11 <lit·d a11cl a11oth•·r· ''a" fio..,pitali1t·d . (.Ara~h kill Irvine man; friend hurl An l1 v111 1• 111011 dH•d lJt• Wt'\llll''><l:1y .tft .. r l11ii l'a r i.l.1mnwd 111lll a tr••t • ew11r tlH' ('ulv1·1 1>1 1v1· ufr 1J111p (1 11111 tlw S<.tn Uwg11 Fn~·w.1v Hn h •• 1 d ~w.111 :rn, a nd his IJ••'>l>l'tlK•'I. ( ';11111 1111 K Ullll, :!:l. .. 1 ... 0 11( 11 v1111· Wl 11· p1mw~l 111s1Jt· '"' fort 1g11 ... , r11r 1nort· thun 45 111111Ult'!> ,it l1·1 llw 11 -I ll IJ n1 "" IUl'll t Uraugt• t'ou11t) f1rl'f1ghte 1i. fll·l'll Lh1·111 USlll~ tlw11 "JJW~ ot L1 r l'" fl•'>( u1 · U.1ul -..ucJ C alif o r111a llq(hw.1y l'at111lman H1 1..k Stt•Vt'l\l> Sw<.111 l;;tt-1 w.t!-. prun o uncl'd d1 ... d ..it F uunt..11n Vallt•y C11111111un1ty l !u-.p1L<1I Ku no Wal. tak1·n Lu W t·sll:r11 M1•d1t'al Ccntt·r 111 Sant.i An«. wht·•l' :.ht· Wi:IS l1'>lt·d th" n1111111ng Ill !olablt· t 111lclll10ll ( >H1t e·1~ ;11 lhl' '>('e•nP l'Slllnau:d SwJn·, l'ol Wal> Lravc•hllg uµ to 60 mpli .. ~ h(· t-XI lt-<l the frt't'way Conflict question stirs HB council 11 11111111~!1111 )!1.,11·h l'1I\' < '11t1111 ilm;i11 Hun l'.t1t 111'"" " >'ll1pl11y1-<l l.1\1 l1·1l11\\ llHJllC illll.>11 .John Th11m:1!'> Thom." ix·• {1Jrni.-. w111k Im tilt· lfuntington Bt·<1d1 Co111p;111v through h1-. ll'Ul kmg .111d u .1111 t.u-.11w-.,, .•l 'I. 01d1111-: 111 do1 urr u ·111•. I dt·d \.\.Ith tht· l'llY Tht· q111·st111n l~·frn 1· l ltt· h11w,1 i>tll'' I '.tltlll'llll hd\ 1-111 ,1hsl<tlll r111111 lit\ llllJIH'il dt•\l!'>llJI)' al !c-t·l111g 11 ... I lunu11g11111 Ht•at h Co111p.111~ 1,.,·.111-.1· h1 w111 k!'> 1111 Th11111,1.,·· t\ pokt'!>lll 111 1111 tho 't.1l1· 1";111 J'11l1lll .tl 111.tl'lll't'' ('olllllll!-.!-.1011 sa11I tl11-. we·< k th.ii 1111· l'o l1tw.d H1·r111111 A• t ol l!lt I 11111h1h11 , "1 I 11 1 .ti.... I r "111 111.1 k 1 n g 11 r It.II lit lp.dlllg Ill d1 t l"olllll" Ill wh1111 th •·v li,l\'t' " f1n;111l·1,i) 11 lll'I t I 11 • "" .i .. rr 1, , •• h ... 1i "11 1 .r d1-.1p1.dll \ t l11·11.-.1·h.t. ii 1111 '>•Hiit• 11! l111·111111· "$..!:111111 111<111 Th" "1'11k1·!-.111;111 -..11d th1· 11·l.1t 1•111 .. ~11 p hl'l"' • 11 Thum .• , .111d l'.t1t1nso11 "11111 • 11 ,,, , ul <1nJ th;rl II, ... too fll\'llhdllll• l11 II .1<h Ple<lges boos t K()Cf~ on l ()th an 111 versary k.<IC I· ( li.111111 II Ill il.111l111J.!l•·ll I~ uh h.1-. 111ll1~11d 5 Hi 1111: 111 pit dgo -. .1111111,1~ 1111 !11-.1 ll\1' "·''" 11t 11-. ll)tl. .tlllll\t•f-.,lf\ 11•l1lo1,tltt11l "I fill•, ... , ·I d11\1 T Ii "' l ' t " "I 1 d •• ' d 1.. I S.it111d." th11111J.(li \\, <1111 ... d.i\ 11 ptt -.111 t 11 I" 111 111 11r 11~1 f11thl11 ll'fl'\ I'll I ,l.tllt•ll )~II.al qf !-I I II (I ti II I II l h I ' II I I ' "I .tlfljl 11g11 Tit• 1111 111l.1 •r.,h1p d11''' t "111111111 t}ir to 1gh ~lll1tl.1\ 1'111 'l.1111111 I t•rt•.,. lllellf J111 1,d P' .. ..,: •. llt<r11111g th1 ••UJ.(h '-,1J11d.1.' n1glo1 1111 l11d 111g th• f1l111 B' l " j I l It ' (' I ' •• I ( '1 If •1111.1111 , . ., lfHh \11111\ t I" 11 \ l'1·l1•hr.il11111 l'ho '\/11t11.uk11 .111d 1\ t 'li11,t111.t' Sp ... 1.d \.\1tl1 I Ul 1.11111 l'.1\',t)llltl .. Friday a11v k1111I ot lu1d111)!. Th· l''lll 1.11111 111 .. "' ... 1 \\ 11· II .i 1111 111111'1 ul 1111 .111d11 Ill• .ii Mo11d,1\·, 111\ IHlllHil 111•1•11111: 'kt11l 11111 .111d po-.:-d1lv l\\11'1111111 II lflt 111111 I' h.1d ,, t 11111 i1t I ,,j 11111 11·-.1 111 ,, l•'"l""'·tl t1.ul1 111 l.1t1d Ill l\\t'l'll tit> I ft' ,lflcf th1 ll11nt111J.!l1111 l~·.11 h < '""'P"''' ·1:111 11,1d1 \.\ .1 .. t>l"i" ...... d 11\' 1111 I II\ l'.111111-1111 ....... , 111 l><·llt•\f•d tit• -.p~·11k1·r \\,1, 11·le•n 1111-: l•• li1111.u1d • .-.k1·d ('1tv :\tt11111e' (,,,fl 1111111111 101 '" 11111111n11 1'111· l\\t• hllddlo .I pt t\ .ti• h ... 1ol l.ilt•J tho\ ,1111111lf1111·d lftt V \\t11Jld '" k .111 11111111 .. 11 l 111111 1111 1-1 ·1 •1 • o&IHI tit• ... 1 .• 1 •• 1111 11111 . ~··Ill 1.ol 11( f II I 11 IJ II I) II ..... I" I •• t I I '11 I Fl N Z() From Page A 1 dl1out In 1 pu1• lo.1,, ... "l'l"'"r111~ pun lo d '11111~ 11• \\ 1111ld , \ 1 11 ,, k 1\t1e1tl11·1 Wlllll:tll l><oll~(ht 01 ~kt I Jtdl 111.11111111 .i11d \\,1, ... 1.11l111g ... 1 \pl.1111 h11\\ II \\ ·'' 111 11< I" d f,, 111111111\11 .ti,, 111110,trw11 .. 11 t• wh• 11 lwt l11t:.h.i11d 1 ut 111 "W .111'11 Oltl 1111111•\ lti.11 .I r1I""11 1 ' Ill' 1d \'h• d ·,.\ ,, 11.111111.111 ' N1 • ,1 rt p111 l>'r loo '''·'l>P• d 1'111 y li.11 kc<I 111( 1111 .. tli1· • 1•md I-~1 I \llllltj~ \\o•ltl 1\ \'.It •llHll 111.111•1 v.hult l.111k' du11t11ll\ !111·d llf' illll •• 11 .. lt• d .• 1 .. 1111cl 1111 '"IJ" t "·'"'Mild .111d .t t.tl1lt Iii.ii l .. 1rk1·11 -.wof ,. 1•11-.1 111111 .j. t 1111 "'1 ·11 t 1 .. 1 i-I I-\ 1 11 ,111 ,11ld 111)! Ill 11 111111 -.1111111-( Hll .1 t,.J1l1 \\ 111I1 1\\11 "''"" 11 we·r1· l1'111g 11 111 .uld 1111 .... i1 ..... \\ .• ,, .. .,111 Tiu t.il1l1 11 .11 •II \\ • -.old 'I "1111rl1·1 \.\ 11.11 I , .111 got tl.1 r •• r. \.\,I'.•·· I·" kt·d .11111 I lu11t1111. l1••k1t11• Ill> .11 ,, It.ill do .1d 11·1 ft l1.111g111i.1 , "'"' .t I'll•• "'"'' l It• • •·drng 1\11tl l111all v lht II w.1 ... Ill• I-1I11 \\ 111 Pl llio 111111 1f tl11 '' llllll \ IH ·"' 1h,1t .tl1111,1. \\Ill. llu I' 1\lli1111 h.1· l1t·1·n H.111 .. " 111"'' f.11lllll l', l;111d111,11 k 'I ir•dt 11 1,..,1 "u11d.,, 1111 , 111111111111•111hcl tl11 .i1 l11111 111 •. 111:-..· 111 gr.1\ ·'' 1-;" I v1 Yo111 k1,.J (111 Mr The1111a.' !111 111111 111•mths." l'att111::.<1n s;ud p11l1l1dv 'It's a goo<l y1h :111d 1 h,l\'c 111 111:1kl· .1 l1v1ng" Th· lllJ!-. ..... 11d 1';1ll111,,1111 IS ;, SllJH'I \'I'"' l11r l11s t"lllP.>I\\ hut 1h.11 lt1 lt.1,n't w11rk1,.J 1111 pro.Jt-t'b f111 th• ll u1111ngt1Jll H1·.i1·h t lfllllJ·lll\ "111 f.11 t '"' 11111111.111\ II.isn't d II II • .. ll \ \\ " I k I II I t h t• I l1111t111gto11 ti. .. 11 li < '11111pa1w f111 1 l1111g 1111 w · I 1111111.1.; "-"d n111111.1s -.:11d 1 ,11t111son h.LS no 1 tot.flu t, Iii.ii th1 i....'otll ll(•f111t• th1· 11lv 1·•111111!1 ""' hn1ughl 11p by the• I'll\ .111d llol lli1 I lllllJMll~ .111d th.ot l'.111111'<111 d1d11 I cit 11\l .111\ 111 twllh 1111111 tho dt-< 1'11>11 'l'li11r11.o ... h.i ... l11·t ·tl .i1, ... 1 .. 1111ng 1tw 1. ... 1 111111 r• r11.1rk1 ·d l>t•1•1tlt\ «1 .• ·.111.1111 ••\\ 111·1 ,,, 1111 .11 .. 1dt• 11 1 I I 1 .1111 •I 111d l .. 1d'\1 11 ".I II lllJ.! th1. \\,1._ lilt' d1 1111.111• 11111111 11f th• • \1·11111g \\ .illt ·d I"' .1 111111111 111 l.u1 k' 1.1rt1·.I tit, h1g \\ lll't·I t11111111g Wh.it , ·'" I "'"" ., J..11 k1·n \l1111J1t·d tlll'll .11ld1 -<I 111 .. 11 v1rth ''wh.it du I h1'.11 " \\ h.11 cl" I Ito .ii 'I \11 J.'1•1 I I.., \\ h1•1•l \\ l'(ll f111 $111111111 to .11111 <.;,t11t·1 th1 ""'" '" "" t.11ugltt tl11 11wr1' ~" 111l111d .111d tht 111\\ 11\.\11r·1 .. 1 rt.• Fu11 /1 HI<' lll "l>l'ff\ fr o 111 ll unt1 n g 1on B L·ach Ctin1r.1a11\· mattt•rs He was a . wrgeL of o lawsuit by planning L' o m m 1 s s 1 o n m e m be r T o m L1Vt•ngood that alll·mpll'd to prl'Vl'nt Thom i.L'> from voting on : 'oUlh lll•nL'> Thuma., c:la1111c:<l tlw s uit was 'l'ltil'd 111 h1s favor Tuc"Sday f\fayor Bob Mandie said today th<it ht• i. ph:ilSt'<.1 that FPPC will lw lcwkinJ( into the· allc•ged l'1Jnrl11 t o r tntcrt•st "It', lx .. •n a little· 1 luudy :.ind Jl 11t'i."Cl!> to lw danf1t•d .. • Mandie· s aid thl· ! .. ct that Pat t1lls1111 w ork!> ror Thomas "both1·r.. nil' <i llttll· but 11'::. the11 l h Ing 1. 11\ n IJ t .... u r l' t IH· re . s ,1nythmg wrung 1 hopt• tlil· Fair Pol1ttc;il Pr<it'llU·~ Comm1ss1on looks into that :.C.pt-< t t1J<J" • • • Saltt·r. outgmng a rl·adl· """ ner H:.tll;,rd 1•xplamed. pldll!> to keep both rides a t tht• silt-om 1• his pruj('('I 1s r'Omplt•h:<l "I would h avl · RIVl'n $~.500 tops fur thl' mt r ry-go-round." r••markt'<l ant14ut• t<trllt'<.lor Larry Morgan whc•n 1L w,t.S all OVl'r. "I would havt' taken off the horS4:.~ .... old lht:m rur $500 each .md thrown th• rl~l of tht• Junk~ away,· ht o.;;11cJ But th1· ch1ppt'<.I wooden ho~ and tht I~ 18 F1•rn!> wheel arc· to t( ffidlll final r<.'m1nd<'rs of B.1Ux.i.1's .11t.1ch· 11n lhl' bay M~s a cops nab speeder ,\ l11gh six·1·d t ltaS(• th.JI lx•gan 111 ", . .,, Lo-. An~t·ll'!> t·rnied Ill C. ,,,1,, :'\It·-...• \\1th lhf• ,1rr1•st I)( •' l1'1k1 ,,fll'ld 111.111 on -.usp1n11n 11( .. 111 .. 11 ... r1 ... utlt11nl11•s .... 11d ( . .l1t111 Ill.I ll1~h\\,1\ J',tll 111 .. 11 ... 1 .11d tlll\ fll'I il•><ktd II' l.111 !\11 Ill dt" 1r.1v1 ·1in~ .11 !IHI 111111& •11111,1~ tho ~an ll1t ·~~11 tft'I \\,I\ Ill ('1t1'1 I l'll\' (II 111 1 I" 111 \\'o•'lllllll .. 111 lllt'kt'i.l 1111111 1't11-.111tY.lt111th,.,u,111'\l'., 'II'"''"" Cl1.1llK•' ('011111~· 1\lltl11q1t11·., ,,11d tl11· driv1•r lw.u!1·d .... 111th 1111 lht l'<•rona dt•I Mar l-'rpeway ond llnto Newport Boulevard Pollet' m Coo;ta M esa helped nlc.11. k thl' suspt'<'t 's car o H 1n a 11t·tghlw 1 h1Jl)d 1n th<' north "'( t11m 11( Costa M1•sa J\111011111 T urrt·s. :ih o f 11.ikt r .. rll•ld wa~ lakc·n 1nt1> t U!-.lt11lv at W11Lso11 Avenut· a nd W.1rn•;1 L.11w at about 11 am He \\ ii I tw tr il "' portc•d t u Kl' rn Count-. ,,1uthun11c-i. -.aid Authonttt-s o;;:ud the Men·t'CIC'S \\as n•g1st<•rc-d lo Lloyd Pt•arson I n1 . of J> asadt•_n a t IS~,.,,• t• •t I f " 0 \t-A .,41.1~'• .,,,., ,.., t lit' ' ).1, It• l~<lll!t"I j IJ Ra1nC) SnowO Flurr1esr;;l f:o"·"''"' • V f'U l8b1e CIOuff\ t~dAy "",. 2'ecrees1ng w111(l1 H1gn~ fKl i. '" f'e rlly cioudy lnn1gt1 ~ '" _,vetn.ght iowa m "'1•0 •Os t Cl w ~01 Mostly lelr nn r rtdAy wHI> jilgha In 1ne mid 10 upp•" 60~ 1-!unllngton-Newport erftn wlln lbw o! 52 end nigh or 67 'Elaewner1t lro"' P ., rt t oncepllon to lfl11 ~'"''C"" i.Ofde< 8n<I oul 60 muo~ Wonds &>oeuy llQhl and •ftrlable lonlghl ~nd Friday ll•C41CI IOC1tl M>Ult\flfl,, J> .OVlhwtHt wlnda 8 lo 1• knnl~ frlday ellernoon Pe1lly cln•Jfly ll>nlQht 11nd moauy fair on F'r1de1 ' .. I.!( ·"'"'"'"' r.'~ t-- • A COid tronl '"'""' south 1n10 ihe Oklehome P1nh11ndlA tlrHJ .. ettern Te•lll e11rly IO<!Oy F-lng tilghwny• &nd bringing fturrlM lh•I mede lr8•ftllng ~OU9 1 TM road• e1e like &Giid 1~ teld She rill Rob wr ... 111 or ftmetron County Oki& 1 Snow and denlHl fog 1hrti11<111c1 ~Colort>do AOCklH Scellt"f'd thower• 1911 In Artzon" and outhem C•lllornle and clnu<ly ... 11retctl«t ecrou lllf> Pectlk" rthwetl e nd lhe no1 1111.,n oei!IM n 111• flood weery Mldwt>•I enwhlle , re1•de n1t 011 .. ,, b-01 Wed.-dey on ieVMI IN ... IMlMIPl)I and llllnOll u IN wetet• continued to lrom ear1141r rein• For 1onlghl and Frld•Y lne e t lon e l Weelh8< S e rvlc.• orec eal 1now 1ho.,u1 from i-n MelM lhrOUQh n0<t,_..n Vant S1•ta, H ...i1 ea 0""' kihlgen'• northern pen1n1111e nd th• hig h•• el•v111on1 of one end >-. Mule<> ali/ornia H11ndr•O. ot tH lden h were tld !rom Ocotlllo lodey tonenttlll ,..,,. turned e dfY ~ lm9 • ·~ ,,.,,., )()() to 400 '9tl ...,_ ·~Ar t'll·t1:'\flJ. rr ,,,,,...,l m H''•ll • -· I ., ~i•H ,, ;.\flcj •-¥''' Jl~~f''I 1t 1 1"--.,.,A11• ~--'------------- P•r '"' tf-d I tlN f '''f dt~f t d•tY l~ •t<n ~Ole! t. fll f"I'\ """" \ It' ,f ';.l '"9' ,.,,,,,. """'"' ri rnmPtl ,,,. , Ap1Jr t' ,. 1 P' ., 1u '1 t llT• l~t ''"'C\111g (JAOD • )1 1np1l1~~ ' 60 ()u I ,., tut ft P '"lhl1i 1 '!ti.~ SP' l')u'l .Hld Jt•tl.r\t N•1•Vl' 'i.·l ' LC M io.P 9t 'Hp ''"' nt1l ...;Qur"oh ~,, ... ,.u .. r>flf 1rlmf'\n1 7·,, ,,, I''',.,' t 11 r1 • ·"' NATION AlhNny AlbuQ\JfUQHA Amnrlllo A'\hf',..111-. A1l1n111 A111n11C < 1, Auton 8111t1mQ111 B il•"O' Blrm•nonftr" Bl9me•C• 801~1\ Bn•ICI• Brown•v''" B Buol<nglon Ce'"'" Cnerl•I" SL CllMllln WV CJ'11llnll11 NC.. Cl'l11yftnn11 C,h1C8Qn C•nc:lnn"I Clflv11111n1J Cotumblft •,( Cnlumb11- (l1I r1 wn. Ooytn" o.nvc1 HI lO Ml 1A 17 '" 25 ,0 ~~ ,, ~8 ·~ ~ l~ t\S ~7 ~, 10 ,q 1 r."' 4 7 !I } 16 II A I 31' TQ 6S 3S IS ,. 10 59 52 61 18 ~6 16 11 A J6 n ~· 3' ~1 1l Ill H 't' 2f\ '•7 4 j "° iq I} •• /A HI •II lO .. , ...... rergo r1ag""" Gr<IAI r 811A H"'tlnr<I H,_l~n11 Hnnolufu HOO!UOn lndlen11pol•t J•c~~n MS Jec••nvll" K11noM t •v lll• V'!QftO lllll" Rock loul1vlll,_ lubhoc• M"mpnl' Mt•ml M llWlhMlrM Mpl• SI r11u1 N•fhvllh• N~Orl•uitnl\ N"w Yo1k No•tolk b .., 3• n 2J • A6 12 7 I!> 15 '>6 /)8 .,, 50 10 67 35 6• '>9 1!! 2• Aq •O 57 )8 57 11 JO 16 6"1 37 79 76 )• )1 IQ ~ Ii~ 11 I I 41 ''° '' 58 41 28 20 )J ,, 16 HI Phll11<111lph1~ Phoenix P111sburg11 P"l11nd M" Pr1111r>(l C'l1 " Provl<l11nce A111e1g11 Aspld C11y Reno Richmond S11ll Lii~<! Sen AnlonlO S11t1llle S hrev.,p<>ft S lou• F11111 St LOVI• St P T11m1111 SI S111 Morl11 Spo~""" SvrA(li4'A fop"~" Tu1:$0n TulH W•anlllQIOtl Wlellllll 20 52 34 66 55 54 25 16 28 •1 JO u 3J 57 JI 18 1 3• 22 56 33 17 17 71 57 38 28 8• 311 2!1 16 51 34 II I 89 ,, 10 2• 2 •6 28 .. 711 611 •9 60 39 58 35 H 76 llrllNlk'tll·•lt>f''l '"'""Y''llf 1,...., .llkl ll~lll'tf,I tu•• I• I l>rl 11111 t1•1f> j '.t,pjw•l! 111' •It'll• 111 Vt H• 111 ,.., 1 I'' II 11 l>'r jl\. '"I I 1 1 r ·11111q '" l1''•\r111.if ,lrtol lfll'.1111111/lill .1 111 .•\r111M'l'.H\l•ll I 1t·1111t\ U111q 1111111 •.y11tl••l1/•' fl11• t11w dt'flll• f ~ 111 11•1• Ill'/ f••I 111•1 ,11111 Woll I •111 \.tyo'lq H'Y'IH'1q ,H ttll )',.,_, V\tU ILl\1'' fh •',f'll; '" p f lt11• •llct''.l w.1y, 111\11 111·11•1•, ·'> 11 1111 Al \.Vy11rlt1.t111I1•111l1 \.VI' I l•'\l•I" ,lriil ( lf',llt' I 1111 •\1 .,,~ .. , ,, ·""' '"1 llllloj "'I" (tol ,f ,, •I..,. 111 w /' '" Ill K.11.11 ( "rlrl .tr Kl Pldlll II 1111 W-c k'.11/y '"Pt ml rhll1'11•11r r\ 111 q1....ill1V ,lrlCJ prirf' lh.ll y 111 .v1il \r'I' h1>ll \11111• 1&1 \IOI!' .1n<J ttlf'fl t\.1Ck 1111 yo>lll jlllll 11.1\f' ll1ll11\XlyTICff1,Hll l l'l<Jll Wl!ll 1 1111llll'YI1,11 ~ <Jll.11,Hlll'I' Of VtlltlP \t·o· \,I• 1 ~· 11 1!0111 to hM' twr 1111q .111<1 If• ~ 11 ,..,.. y1111 f • •111 /I II II W't'lll l\11l .l 111.11111 ",,, W1•dd111q ·'"" Attt llVf'l\,HY h'u 111•, U "1 1• I 111111 S 1100 111 ~ I'll Xl Dea Mo1n .. Oflrrolt Oululh rt P1110 . , •'> • t N Platl" Okterinm11 1.1y Om1t>e O•lftndo 711 111·--~~~~~~~~----- *'·--~~Rf Rf PORT Burt aurt 9-h Av9 Mu Zum• ' • S ant• "4onic. 2 4 ~18aach 2 4 aen °'400 Covnly 3 • Ov(foolt tor f1111•v d"< 111u111 au rt l"rd 10 IO 10 II av•f ..... Avg 2 ' ' 2 I weft .... 3 3 3 l .... , Olt SW w w w Tides TOOAV Second ritori !5 76 p m 8 1!(lond low t I 20 p m ''"DAY 4 0 09 t1111 111gri '> '>I\ • m ~ 6 r1 .. 1 1ow 1/lllpm 0 6 8..c;on<l hlql• e .10 0 '" 3 9 q,,.;nnd IOW IS•t) 12 01 nm t 2 Sun Hll IOdoy at 4 H p m rllt'lt Frlde , •• e •8 • m Moon rlMI today el 1 17 1 m llOU II I 39 m • Wyndham L 1r:111gh Nl:WPllH 1 c= nr Ar 11 I// t,1\l1•w1 l\~111rJ Nt'\"flClft flt<.wh <A 9/N-0 f\Jt'. 11 l!otk"<I It\ \.1,111\htn• ---------------·----~ _......._ ____ ~ ------- ' --...... ___ -.....___ __ _ i I I _J p a c;~= . .. . . . I 4 4 4 4 WORLD Cosmonauts returning to Earth on Friday By Tbc Auoclal~d Pr~u M 0 SC 0 W So v 1 c· t l'us rnonuut s An a t oly Bc rez.u v oy und Valt'nlln L e bcdt>v wall l'llll th1:1r record setting s µa~l' flight Friday 1rnd return tu Eurth after nearl y seven munths aboard th t• Salyut 7 orl.11tal 11wuu11, Tll88 1 t.'µCJrtt."d Berezovoy anJ Le bt'dt·v s~nl their 210th d1.1y in llJ>'-tl't' tod ay l'ht"t'klllf!C tht• :1ystt•n1.'I ot till' S1>yui T 7 Vto>hidt• th11t will l'arry t hem home and m o thl>all1ng tht• Sal y ut s I a 11 0 n. th t. ()ff It' ll.l l n t• w s 11gi.>m·y said Allies back U.S. missiles BRUS S ELS. Belgium the NATO allies rt•uCCirmt..J the ir 1nte nt1on t od ay t o deplo y U S m1 sstles 1n Europe tn l 98:i unless lhere 1s "a concrete agreement" on arms control with thl' Sov1l't Union T hey also e ndorsed the Reagan adm1n1s trat1o n 's proposal lo the SoVJt.>ts for an NATION agret'ment tu tdaminate all nudt>ar m1s:.1lt-s Crum Europe: know n as the "z.ero-U'ro" option Tht' agreements camt.' at a m eeting o f the so called Six."<:1al Consultative Group, which reviewed the status of U .S -Sovtet arms t.'Ontrol talk!> 1n Geneva Program slashing flayed WASHINGTON -The nation's gove rnors have given Pres id e nt Reagan an ultimatum -stop slashing domestic programs in the fed e r al budg'et or s t o p depending o n th e ir cooperation. G o v S cott Matheson of U tah , c hairman o f the Nati o nal G o vern o r s ' Assoc1a 11on . said h e told Reagan on Wednesday the adm1n1s trat1 o n 's "n e w federalism" plans should be put on hold until the states' economic problems are solved Matheson, a Democrat, told re porte rs the governo rs ' c hallenge was su l1d a nd b1part1 sa n b ecause o f deepening economic distress in nearly all the states Fans mark Lennon's death NEW YORK -With tears. music. scrapbooks and even tattoos. fans marke d the second annive rsary o f the death of J ohn Lennon outside the apartment building where the former Beatie IJved and was shot down De..· 8, 1980. as Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, we re co ming home from a late- rught recording session Eyeball 1':Ct1tw ·~ Nute• Ht•µc11 lc'1 .'i1t•v1·11 K tttt11111m 1•..111 M'lt·c 11•1/ ,,, 1lw 1111tltll1·11w11 111 1 urr> """"">'''' lx•lw1oe•11 tl1t• 1111/tt'f• ;m r/ 1111' 1111111 wlw tl111'1.11t•1wd 11• li/1m 1111 tlw W1UJh111grc•11 J\11111111111 ·111 /11·11· 1, Ill:. /I(\ "()U/l/ By STEVEN KOMAHOW AH ocleled Pr••• Wrlle r WAS lllN<:T O N ~'01 111y f11 1H 11H·t>ttn~ w i th N11rm1111 M.1yt•r , I wu:. l11ld tu mukc· 1111 p r u ni 1:. t' s , t o u ~ k h 1 m t ht· •1ur i.t1ons 1.1 rl'J)(>rtt•r w11uld us k und lo be honest with h1111 "If you'rt• sn1n·d, tl'll h am y11u 'ri• Sl'urt.od," ont' nl•gouator tutu nil' The f"Bl . Trl'asury dgt<ulb, LI S P c1 rk Poli n • and D1:.tra1·1 11f Columbia pulan· sl'IL'<.'ll'd nu· to m t• t• t t h t• m a n w h u w .1 .., tlH c•..itentng lo blow up l11t• Washinglun Monum~nl with I 000 pounds of dynam1tt-l~·aust· I mt•t Mayt:1r's l'rth.•n a c:1 mcmlx·r o f thl· media, slngll'. nu d'11ld rt·11 I was led ou t of Lh<' M>UVl'lllr shop that pulll'e wc•rt• using as .J command post <tbout 100 yards from the• mcmunll'n l Sonwom• gavt' me a white handkl•rchll'f l11 wave, and w1shc'Cl good luck I trwd to walk steadily, but 11ot tuo fast , a nd c:1 ll tht• t1111t• I watcht'd Mayer c·an•fu ll y Ill' wau·ht>d me. too lie waved me up, nwdl' mt' o pen up m y toat and tu rn aro und. His voiC'l' was slt'ady The black helmet with the visor l'o vering hi s fa t e a nd l ht· snowmob1lt· suit m<idl' ham luuk ml•naL·mg. He brok(' the· ll'l' by ask ing nw about myself, w ho I Wl)rked for, how long I'd been a repor tt'r He gestured. and 1 sat down. He t o ld me his vi ew ~ u n n udl'ar dtsarmamc>nt. spcaking ::.lowly and stopping lo make sure I was taking down evt:•ry word It sounded like a prepared s~·h "h 's up to the press, ll's up IV the media," he started, saying wt· had to begin telling the i><.>oplt· they were threalenc>d each dav with nuclear c:1nn1hilat1on. 1 w~ too nervous to ask him what ht• thought the m<.'<i1a <.'ould do for him. lt was then that ht• made tht.' only SfX'<.'1f1c demand of the da v "I want a single. unarmed pai·k ·---~--..-,----------------.. - Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/lhurec:tay, Oec.mber 9, 1982 A3 to eyeball with a madmari ~·. _....,,...,,~ __ . __ -~, Constitution Avenue White House •P Wlr99f\Olo Arli!'-1· .... kf'ld' of d ram u pla)t'd out at Washing ton Monume nt. r<.111~w1 . und1·1 " wh1ll· fl ag 1" gu uµ 111 thul llJWl'I ,111d gt•t lht• g irl o ut, 111· 1•1.,t• I won 't lw I t·~pOll,d1l1• fllf Wh.tl lld µ}Jt'lh I 11 'I l' " I l<Jll'W th;ll pol11·1· had l.1t •1·11 1r1 1•11n1:11 t with 1i.·11plt· ma lop of thl· 111or11w11·111 .111d I k111'w th<Jt thvn• Wt•f l' ,ti 1t .. 1'>l .I h .ll f d cJ <)Z(•Jl pt·vµl1· tlwrl'. but I wasn't gmng \11 t"11 hm 1 Th.11 w .L'> parl of m y ,. ():.I l' h I n g n IJ n ' t v () I u n t (' {' r .111\ tli1 11 g d 11 11 l 111 .J k t .i n~ JJI IJll 1 l"'l ''> F1nd1ng ,, 1.111g1·r turnt'fl riu t to h l ' 1 I I f f I ( II I I f " I r l' J :. 0 n s i.1Ulhonl 1l·~ Yo 1111 ld11'1 tc•ll nw I surm1s1·d tht•\; had nu vuluntt't'f'- a 11d µrt.f1 11 ~d ,, rl•gul<t r Pctrk Poh< •· 11f£11 l·r to1 du th1· JOb I w .. ::. -.1 11l b.1ck up to ask 1f that Wei!:> .ill right It w<c.n't M,1yl'r b1•1·..r11t• ag1tat1•d Ht• swnuJ t;.1lk111g f.1-.tt•r lie· ~11d the 3UlhOnl11 ~ W ('I I' J1)ay mg gnmt''> With h1111 "'l't•ll th1•111 1 1 .rn smc•ll tht•m," ht• "iiJld "Tl•ll tlH .. m ttw y smc·ll ltkl' gt•noc1dalists, Like they are " "W<''re getting awful nervous up hen<' he said. He ofle n used the plural "we" rn our conve rsations, implying he had an acc·omplice. For the third trip. Park Poll<.'(' detet•L1 ve Thomas Patrick Moyer was s uite d up as a ra nge r, complt·tc with Smokey-the-Bear ha t Up the h11J we went Mayer w aved Mo yer ahead H"' checked h1m out and then let him g o in s ide . I knew the l'levator was broken and 1t was going tu be a long wait Mayer paced and looked at his wat.c h He told me the authonttE:S were "playing games" and were stupid for pretendtng "hke the elevator's stuck." He qu1zz.ed me What ne ws media were on hand? When do the newspapers come out? How did I happen to gel selected? He told m e l o bring him the newspapers "tomorrow ." No explosives . 10 van as s iege e nds WAS HING T O N (AP) A ti , . nuclear weapons protester whd ' held the Washington Monument hostage for 10 hours died with a police bullet in his head at the wheel of a van as empty as h is threat to blast the monument to rubble Norman D Mayer was k1Ued Wednesday night after trapping nine people in the monument and holdtng police at bay with threats to de tonate the explosives he said were packed in the van al the base of the obelisk There were none. About 200 fans gathered Wednes day o uts id e the Dakota where Mark David Chapman killed Lennon on Mi ss On o a nd h e r 7 year-old son, Sean, still live in the century-old building overlooking Central Park. and the crowd waved to faces ln the windows, hopmg they were the mother and child Clark enters second week Singer Robbins succumbs at 5 7 1t didn't seem to upset Mayer that nine people came out of the monument instead of only one. He permitted them to leave. one at a ttme. They walked past me One woman whispered. "Thank you ." Moyt·r left . and I talked to MJycr a litt le more. Lrying to SC'C' his face. and to see what he was holding and to look al hts truck. The monument itself remained closed today as worke rs cleared the re mnants of tear gas fired by. police to flus h out what the y thought was a second per son involved in the incident. No one was found El se wh~re . th e c apital returned to normal Thousands off f ed e ral w orke r s e vacuated during the siege were at workj traffic and the city 's s ubway flowed normally SALT LAKE C ITY Barney B Clark has begun his second w eek o f la f e sus tained by an a rt1£1c1al heart tha l has "w o rked beauufully," with doctors hopeful h e may soon leave the criucal list aft.er treatme nt for seizures. Clark has been responding well to diet and medication aimed al correctmg a cherrucal STATE tmbalanet' blamed for a senes of seizures early Tuesday, said Or Chase Peterson. vice president o f health .9C1ence for the University of Vt.ah. T he 61 -year -o ld ret ired dentist can be moved o ff the critical Lt.st m a day o r two 1f n o mo r e compli cations develop . P e t e r son said Wednesday NAS HVILLE (AP) -Singer Ma rty Ro bbins. a two-t1mc- G rammy winner whose ballade; about gunfighters h elped shaix.· t h e west ern s ty le of country music in a 30 yi>ar l'aret>r. ci1ed SI X days a fter s urgery fo r a massive heart attack S t Thomas H os p i tal Spi)kcsman Lamar Ja('kson said the 5 7 -year-old en Lert.am er died of cardiac arrest late Wednesday as his wife . Mariz.ona , and son and daughu .. r waited in a nt>arhy room Ro bbins. who h ad a triple•- byµa~ UJ.Jt.'I a lion 111 (!J711 and a ht·art a tw1 k l,1;.t Vl·ar, underWl'nl a n H 1 hour t1uadruplt• li y pasc; opc_•r.Jt1on a wc~·k ago afwr l,,t•ing hosp1l.c:llt2t"tl "nh t•hc-<;t pains Tht stngl·r who won the fir>l uf his two G rammy awc:1rds in l~fiO fur "El Paso.' h.id bc•l'n lls tt•d 11\ t xtr••mc•h t·r 1tll·al l'Ontltllon with ..i he:u t-pump a nd re~p1rator a1d rng his t 1rculauon and brc>ath1ng Dr Larry Thomas. a rardiat surg1'0n at St Thomas. had said It was "a m1rac:lc" tha t R<)bbins s urv1v1-d last w1>t>k's upc•rat111n With the people ou~ the police wan ted to know more about the cic'v1ce he was h olding I wa• brie fed by bomb experlS frorr the Treasury Department Be fore m y fo urth tri p . ) sugg ested taking some of his l1tl'rature up and askjng him 1f 1l v.Ne the right stuff The ruse worked, because he got cl()S('r to me than before and I asked him some questions. not so much for answers as lo just establish some rapport. I don't think 1 ever quite succeeded in that. M aye r . a White H o u s e protester whom no one had much n ouced. had been obsessed by a c o n v1c t1 o n that mank ind 1a d rif t ing to ward nuc lear e xtinc tion He d ied an a ftnal gesture for. as he had p'ut 1\ earlier. "a nauonal dialogue on the nuclear weapons question." . The city's medical examiner'.i. office conducted an autopsy on. the 66-year-old man, but police~ did not 1mmed1ately release the ' results SC Gas Co. hikes rates SAN FRANCISCO The con s id e red inflatio n and provided an opportunit y for a "fair and re asona ble " return of 15 75 pe rcent on equity. Thousands evacuated by flood go hoine i ~ • ~ stale Public U tiliti es Commission has grante d a $187.9 million rate increase to Southern CaJifom1a Gas Co .. pushing its total natural gas increases this year to more than $1 billion In gra nting t h e n e w gene ral increase. the Public Util1t1 es C om m 1ss1o n Beg 1nn1ng Ja n J , residential customers usmg 81 therms of gas will pay $37.18, up from $35 89, fo r 100 therms. from $46.78 to $48 94. and from S I 08 5 7 to $ 115 33 (or 200 therms Disney VP files suit SACRAMENTO A vtce prei;1dent of Walt Disney Productions has filed a $500,- 000 rruilicious prosecution suit against a L os Ange l e s developer and a Los Angeles law firm. An attorne y for Disney Vice President Erwin Okun says the suit was filed here Wednesday to meet a statute o f limitatio ns deadline Attorney Stanley Fleshman also said the case could not be filed b y Okun's S outhe rn California lawyers because they might be witnesses The suit stems from a 58 m1U1on dollar libel suit filed in 1979 against Okun and two other Beverly Hills residents by Maple Properties. a Los Angeles developer By JUDY GIBBS Auoc:l•led PreN Wrller Residen ts carry mg brooms a11c1 s h ove ls be gan r e turning to watt'r-ravaged h ouses in thrt·l' M1ss1ss1pp1 Va lle y stales . but others waited to 5('(' 1r sandbag walls wo uld ho ld back rising rivers where flpods havC' cha.~ 35,000 people from the ir homt.>S Damage estima tes in Arkansas. M ISSO U r1 and 11 1 IO OIS hav1· FLOOD VICTIMS TAKE SOLACE -8 8 already topped the half-billion dollar mark. Twenty people have died and four arf> missmg m floods tha t be gan w1 th la st week's torrential rains. Winter returned to other parts of the country and fierc.'t' winds c ut a wide s wath thro ugh S outh e r n Ca ltfci rn1 a o n Wednesday, uprooting trees a nd dis rupt ing p o w e r fo r up to I 70,000 households We're Listening ••• What do you lakl' about the Oa1ly Pi lot ~ What don't you llkt.>~ Ca ll the number at left and your message wall be> rt'<'or<k d . Lranscnbed and dl'livered to the appropnate editor 642·6086 The sa me 24 hour answenng service may be used to recQrd ll't tt'rs lo the editor on a ny topic Mailbox contnbut<irs must 1nC'lude lhe1r name and telephone numbt>r ror verif1 r at1on No r1rrulal1on calls, plca~P Tell us what's on your mind .,.... .... ~ le• wilwd "'°"°9y rt .. 1'ty II yOv <)('! "01 h •YA 'f'CMH pep•t bf ~30p m cal-•7p m :;,:..::,,,'" 'OP~ '"" Ot 8t hHO.y 1no Svnday II 't'f'JV dO nq• tf'(..~~· ttJUI C<'I')' l)y 1 • m cal be!<•• :.2 ::..-::: y(}vl C(J(>y - a... ..... ' 0 ··-- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomo• IJ. Holey P.,t~"h"' •W><I ( h.el l •"' utt•s C)il~ ~· Jane Amati r 10M°tJ,IVe ( tJlfUf l. ICoy Schult• YK• ''"'"""'' cwwl ~9' •or n• AtNMtn•nu ltoymond Mo~l.on ( Uf'l•1(Jfl1t, Mlcho.1 IJ, Harvey Olf.c.tO' 1.t Mor••••"'O I( '" ult>tooot --- - ---------------'---.-. CleHlfled ectvertlalng 714/'642·5t78 All other depertmente 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE llOW01e .. s1 .c ... 1aMo.1 CA M•ll eclel,.. .. 801 IWO Cott• Mou CA .,,,, C°"yrl9M 111111 ()f-(Mil PuC>lftt>lnq (_11, Non•••'* .. '· utu1.1raUOf'\1-. t-Olh>f'lel rn•t•' o,. •0 v•rtlt•mtlfth ""''t" mey bt rep.-ochKtd wH,_,,. \O•'<J •t l»fMH\h>n ot (00'frl9f'• owni" VOL. 75, NO. 350 -! In Ark.1n._,,., l.iiv 1-'ri-l nk Whitt• sought lt'Clt•r.il d1~-.lc·r Jld for lht• whc1h· st.it<'. rnllin~ tlw floodin~ th1• <;ta lt• s wt•r'i t -t•vc•r rat.;1slroplw and tailed the dama g e "Just braced fo r an expe<'ted frt.'eze ~: si.aggenng." today tha t could we aken the; Fede ral aid a lso h as bee n sandbag walls \ souf(hl for 22 Missouri rounues "Frozen sandbags don't have ~: and six in Illinois. the strength," said Chuck Jones~ Upnver. weary workers couJd o f th e Ill1no 1s Eme rg e n cj"~ "If this 1sn l <1 d1s;Jstt.•1 an ·.1, on ly rest and hope today after S ervices and Disas ter Agency .·· tht·n l don't kno w 1r I rnu ld piling sandbags a top levees on "They're apt to break." <lt.•c;cnht what 0m· li><Jks like'." the Illmo1s and Mississippi rivers. The Meramac a nd Missouri • ~1d Rc•p Ed Bcthum'. R Ark , wtuch contmued t.o rise. r ivers began falling in eastern~: who toun-d somC' of thl' floudl'CI About 350.000 sandbags were Mi sso uri , but the mighty "rt> as b v hl'11coptN W l-<lnl'Stfa Y. __ used ___ 1_n_I_l_lt_n_o_1s....:._w_h_e_re_o_f_f_1c_i_a_ls_....:..M.:..::.1ss=iss:.:.:.i!:.p.!:p.:..1 ..:w:.:...:a:.::s:....:s.:t.:.il:.:l:__:r...:1.::s.:..1 n~g RAFF introduces the Seiko Adventurer. When all you want is everything. Anywhere. -,_. A rugged new quart1 mast<'fpiece that delivers an J~tounding range of convenient functions. In both tr,1d1tional analog and d igital re.1dout. Water-te~ed to 300 feet. With three different time zones, 24-hour .11.trm ancl h<?urly time -;ignals, split-second chronograph timing. rot.1t1ng h<>1el. cfay/d,1te d1~play and more. Rich black § tachymeter dial w11h step-second SEIKO hand. Encased m rough, gleaming AllMllVIDDMl .. ~taanless with a rwo-toned black and ~ta inle~s bracelet. $215 RAFF,jeWelry JI PMMon ~ Newpon -..Oh • ~ I tef*•ltone .. frteftdtJ ,..MM! MntM • ' ~ I ' • • • • • • ' I .. ~ I ' t. •' " ' • 4 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thurtdoy, D=e~ce:m;:be=r~9~ .• 1~9:.::8:2,,_.------------,------------------------------------ • • •''' ,_ Jobs prograin offers reward From Page A 1 S 1111lu A11u I 1 t•t·WllYli b1i1w<l 0 11 1·u111•11l 111fo1 n11111on tit• &WIU If till' l'OOlpUlt•r 1.lt:t1ll(llH 11411111.•lhln~ 11hrnl1.1r lo whul now 1.•xh1t.'I, "w1."ll k11ow the l'Ompult•r uri~mully scrt•wc.>d up." Supcrvisor li also appeori:d somt>whal surpr1m.-d w luarn that lhl' propo1wd freeway design d~ not include vacunt land for future freewuy expansion. ™-= =~==~-==f ==k=='//h===~ ~===~~=~=,'7(=71==~=--tl ~'. ' An Irvine women's organization is offoru1g u t•ash award to the recipient of a new program encouraging mature women to seek better jobs. ~roptimist International ls seeking applications from women who are heads of households and are involved in training or education to qualify themselves for career llTlprovementa. A $250 cash awar(i will be presented to the most deserving applicant. The recipient also will qualify for a regional $1,500 award. Applications can be obtained from the organization at P .O. Box 19278, Irvine, 92713 or by calling Charlene Thompson at 995-5008. Deadline ls Dec. 15. • Five members of Newport Harbor High School's Sailor Band have been invited to play in the 1983 Pasadena Tournament of Roses parade Jan. 1. They are flutist Chersti Balfour. clarinetist Shelly Gregory, baritone saxophonist Matt Hawley and tenor saxophonist Mell11a Soto. • A placement cente r for people interested in volunteering the ir time to local agencies and programs is being operated at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. The placement program, in cooperation with the Volunteer Center of West Orange County, is located adjacent to the Job Placement office in the Administration building. It is open from 11 a.m . to noon Wednesdays; from 8 to 10 a .m. Thursdays; and from 10 a .m. to noon Fridays. Placement in more than 300 agencies and programs on and off campus is offered. For information, call 892-771 1. ext. 437. • Winter recreational programs will be offered through the city of Laguna Beach beginning this month with offerings for every age in the family and the dog, too. Lunch-time workouts, powerobics, exerobics, jazzercise and lyrical dancing are in the winter catalogue, as well as astrology. canine behavior, calligraphy and photography. A new course called "Rattle and Roll," is offered for tots, and there's even gymnastics for children 5 to 15. For a catalogue or to register for classes, call the recreation department at 497-3311. • A bus trip to the Jan. l Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade, including reserved grandstand seatlng, is being offered by Irvine's Communit y Services Department. Cost of the trip is $45 per person. Children aged 15 or under must be accompanied by an adult. More information is avail.able by calling the city at 6tl0-3639. • Off-campus tutoring is available for Saddleback Community College students, through the college's learning assistance program. The off-campus referral program includes private tutoring in courses such as r eading, English, math, foreign languages and physical and social sciences. For information, call Gloria Martintt Quave at the learning ~lance office, 831-4519 They were told no land was reserved for expansion because the fret>way was designed to c:arry aJI the traffic expected to bt• gene rated whe n the final d1.•velopment phase of the county ~cneral plan 1s c..-omph!ll.Af.i Nestande said reserving the land for future construction -a "fudge factor," as he termed it might be use ful 1n case any design projet:tions turn out to be inl'Orrect. "Now's the easy time to get right-of-way," Nestande said "I would caution one to think about things like this " S upe rvisor R a lph Clark questioned the advisubility of building a freeway that changes in width from 10 lanes to six la nes. He said such a situation might create bottlenecks or an "hourglass effect" that would snarl traffic. Instead, Clark a s ked the designers to consider a freeway that narrows from 10 lanes to eight lanes along its course. Ho wever, R o bert Reade, manager of the co unty Environme ntal Management Agency's pro ject planning division, told the board that the design is that of a "good standard quality highway which w ould provide room for expansion by utilizing buffer wnes, shoulders or by the restriping of travel Lanes. The design calls for the freeway to carry eight lanes between Route 73 and Sand Canyon Avenue: 10 lanes from Sand Canyon to West Loop Road; eight lanes from West Loop to Moulton Parkway, and six lanes from Moulto n to the San Diego Freeway at Avery Parkw~y. S upe rvisor Thomas Riley called the freeway design one "that respects, as much as poss1ble, the topography through which the corridor passes." And Riley promised that the county would do everything to "mitigate" adverse effects on the environment of those caused by any other reasons "that appear leg1t1mate." "PECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS Univer ity by Lauren Polo Ralph t :onluroy Sport ('.oats I r.11 /1111111.ilh 11.11111.il ... /11111/.!1•1 ,.,J, , •• 11,./1 /'"' k1·1 ... 1111/1 17:11"· 1·1·11/1•1 I 1'/I/ 111•// ..,f',111/l't/ ollttf /1,1/11/ I 111/1 •.J Grt•a l Colors ( :.11111·/. ( .h111 •11/.1/t', I .111111•, \/.1111 '" /J/,,, k. ,,.,, /·11.1111. ·""·"''''· ll1·11 '. Our Christmas Gift To Yo!i • • l regu la r S 1 7.1 THREE DAYS ONLY Ra:ERT A I LFS lur uwr h l'ulu "lurt• "Ol Tll co ·\ST PL:\Z:\ -333:3 BRISTOi. ST. A Robinsons Sale 330/o OFF SWEATER GIRLS WE HAVE YOUR GIFT, OURS ALONE. Orig $42. Sale $27.99 each. A good sweater is hard to find. And two good sweaters at 33% off is a fabulous findi Left natural nubby textures in blue. brown or burgundy. Acrylic/wool/ v1scose/polyes1er. Right. cotton/rayon in white, turquoise, purple or toast Robinalre Sportswear. 116 To order call toll·free 1 ·800·345·8501. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 10-9:30. '• _ _,, __ _ • > I Ii; IJ .. 4! l' I "' ,. q '" •I ti v. I , .. }J , .. ' I ' , I ~ t a a Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, December 9, 1982 ~I Carriage rides holiday ·treat The annual Chriatmaa party of the Orange County Burn Aaoclatlon and UC Irvine Medical Center bum unit will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Friday. "A Magic Wonderland Chrlstmu" is the title for the party In the cafeteria of the medical center, 101 City Drive South, Orange. • • • A horaedrawn carrtqe will transport guesta of the South Cout Plaza Hotel to the South Coast Plaza Shopping Center In Costa Mesa Saturday and Dec. 18 from 6 to 9 p.m. The rldes are free to hotel gueeta who must show their room key to boa.rd the carriage. When the carriage ian't being uaed by hotel guests it is . available to the public on a "first-<X>me, first- 8erve" basis. • • • A llCale model of the "Spruce Goose," the wooden airplane built by Howard Hughes, will be among model a.in:ra.ft on display at Sunday's Toys for Tota open house at the Marine Corps Air Station, Tuatin. The model, l/20lh the 8Cale of the original, was built by Darrell and Merle Meyer of Orange. The open houae is acheduled from 8 a.m. to 6:45 p .m . with an unwrapped toy required as admission to the grounds. • • • The Los Angeles Master Chorale will perform a miniconcert at n oon Dec. 17 at Bullock's In the South Coast Plaza Mall, Costa Mesa. Holiday aonp from throughout the world as well as a Christmas carol arranged by Roger • Wagner, muaical director of the chorale, will be sung in a cappella. llUllY IAPPllllGI ~ A Chriatmaa awaf meet , l)IJled a11 "old fuhloned, family style,' IB 8Cheduled Dec. I 9-24 In the parking lot of the auditorium on the Orange Coast CoUeae campus In Costa Mesa. Hours are 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. The campus la at 2701 Fairview Road. Information ls available by telephoning 556-5880. • • • Officials of the Huntington Beach · Junior Women's Club plan to deliver food baskets to 200 needy families ln the organlution's Operation Merry Chriltmaa project. Baskets containing ch icken, rice, peanut butter, breakfast cereal and canned food will be delivered Dec. 21. "We try to provide food for a really good meal," co-chairwoman Karen Lechich said. The club raises money for the program through bake sales and the sales of Identification braceleta for children. It also sponsors canned food collections In sch ools a nd accepts contributions from the community. "We offered baskets to 290 families last year but had to cut back this year because of fewer contributions," Lechich said. "But there's more demand this year. We are getting more calls from people asking for food baskets." Lechich said persons ~Y contribute money to the program by making out checks to the Huntington Beach Women's Club, P.O. Box 1804, Huntington Beach, 92647. chru~t.moe 1982 A Rob1nsOns Sale OUT l:a.st.!!!alh~ ord. rnc~t. fl.mct.1onol po.nte> dun-ns thz. run ard wmlllr mon~ thz. wida. ~la. ~ e bl<Znd-cf 88X coU.on and 12Y.docron end thz. nomw i.s ~cotton ond ~ docon <Ulch pont 1~ bla.ndcz.d tbr mox.1um Comfbrt and dureb1ht,y m tot.a 1, 20 9111..0t, basic end rhSilOTl color~, mcl udmg ~' bh.~, ~"2.Q.n and burgunay.s 44 Fashion Island· Newporl Beach • 714/644-5070 UKJI Westwood Blvd.· Westwood Village · 213/208-3273 20°10 · 33°10 OFF FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, SAVE ON OUR COMPLETE KRUPS COLLECTION S69.99 SUPER-SLICE~~LD-UP ELECTRONIC ruuD SLICER Reg. $1 00. An exquisitely built. elegantly designed slicer that cuts your holiday foods from paper thin to 3/. • thick. Powerful. low- noise motor. End-piece holder. safety sliding guide and food tray fold-up for easy storage. White. '22.99 . DOUBLE INSULATED CARAFE Reg . $30. The Pffrfect thermos for keeping coffee. tea or other beverages hot or cold for hours ... so you can serve anywhere. Even eleg~t enough for an executive's office. Splll-proof lock lid. White plastic jacket with rich brown trim. 11 Come 1oin the fu~and save on all Krups 1tems gourmet ~ooks and connoisseurs need for the olldays. Stop by for your best cu?> of coffee Savor a 3·foot super hero sandwich Gather tips for holiday feasts. too It's happening in all our stores. Be at our demonstrations Thursday. December 9 to Sunday. Decemter 12 and Thursday. December 16 to Saturday. December 18 Phone your nearest Robinson's for exact times Also with any coffemaker purchase from Krups. you 'll rec~1ve a free pack ot fillers (valued at $l....50·$A.) Sale, ends DecemtSer 1 a All in Robinson's Housewares. 121 ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest Robinson's We'll record your gift preferences in every store via the only computerized service In Southern California Every bride who registers in any Robinson's through will receive a complimentary copy of the Bride Guide (while quant1t1es last) . kRUPG . '49.99 IREWMAITER l~CUP . COFFIE/TIA MAKER Reg. $75. One of Europe's best selllng sing le unit coffeemakers! And for two very good reasons: a thermostatically controlled brewing system and elegant good looks White only. , SP-ECIAL HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS: . > MONDAY-SATURDAY, 10-9:30. S19.99 •TURBO POCKET TRAVEL HAIR DRYER Reg. $30. It's especially suited for traveling because of its small size and light weight Use tt worldwide. with 2 adapters and a selector switch for 1201240 volt Two-stage setting for 50011000 watt. Comes in mirrored case ICRUPS . '19.99 FAST·TOUCH COFFEE MILL Reg $30 Grinds any type of coffee for •richer flavor. With new 3-oz. capacity, oval shaped grinding chamber and speclal stainless steel bladd to produce coarse to • ultra fine coffee in seconds Can also grind shelled nuts. grains and spices. White or brown ' .. ., • I l I ~ I l i I I ' I I I I I I . J I i t ~ t ' l T -Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, December 9, 1982 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROWS • • • From Page A1 One woman said she returned from an hour-long bicycle ride two years ago to find every piece of sound equipment in her Costa Mesa home missing. She now locks her sliding-glass window. But community service officer Patricia Litten pointed out that a locked sliding-glass window isn't always protection . In Jess than three seconds she lifted one out of its track. A locking d evice or scre w , s e c uring the w indow will prevent easy removal, she said. "If you see Somebody driving through your neighborhood and you don't ~gnize them, call us. We'd rather come out on a false alarm than risk the chance of a -burgla r y," L i tte n told the neighbors. "We want to hear YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEM•ER 11, 1HO. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO ""OTECT YOUR PROPERTY, I T MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE Of TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S. NO. 37511 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tbll on Wednesday. December 22. 1982 at 9 00 o·clock a m ol said day. In the room Mt askle 10< conducting T ru1tM01 Sales. within the offices or REAL ES TATE SEC URI TIES SERVICE. loclled at 2020 North Broadway. Suite 206. an the City ol Santa Ana. County or Orange. Stale or C elllornla. SAN M ARINO S A VI N GS AN O LO AN ASSOCIA TION, e California corporation. 111 duly eppo)nted TrullM under and pursuant to lbe power or sate conferred in that certain Dee<! or Trust executed by Judith A Jorden. an unmarried woman and Ed,.atd F Esc:eno. en unmarried man. as joint t.tna_nts. recOfded January 23. 1981. In Book t3923 ol Offaclal Reco<ds ol said County. et page 394. Recorder·s Instrument No 25139. by reason or a b<each Of delalut in payment or performance ol the obllgat1on1 secured thllleby. including that b<each or defalut. Notice ol which was recorded August 26. 1932, as Allcorder'1 Instrument No 82·302039. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. lawful money ol the United States. Of a cashier's check drawn on a state or nahonel bank. a state Of ledetal credit uniOf or a Slate or federal savings and loan assoctatlon domiciled In this slate. all payable at the time of sale an right title aoo Intern\ held by at. as "fruatH. In that real property situate an said County and State. descttbed as lollows A LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ANO TO Lot 7 In BIOCk 5 ol Tract No 772. In the City of Newport Beach. as shown on • map recorded In Book 23 . Pages 5 end 8 ol Mlacet111neous Maps. in the olllce ol the County Recorder or said County EXCEPT ell e<ude oil. petroleum. ~as. b ree. a1pheltum and att• kindred substances end other minerals und•r end tn said land exoept the right to uM any portion or the IUrlaoe or the land f0< drilling operation. mining Of quarrying of all kinds lllcluding but not e.cluslw of oil welt drilling. oil development. mining operetions together wtth the uH of Hid 1urtace lor oil wells. tank1. tunnels. mining excavations or 1halta. provided however, the same shelf not be construed to prOl11blt alant drlltlng or such 01her ope< II Ions which in no way use Of In any way effect the surface rights of said land. end which do· not enter Mid land at a point Ins then 500 feet to M id aurtece. as r~ed In deed from JOl1n H. H0<ner and Join L HO<ner. recOfded July 3. 1957 In Book 3981. Page 371. Olllclal ~di The etreet 1ddreu or other common CIHlgnatlon of the rH t prop«ty •elnabove Cleealbed 11 ~ed to be 235 Walnut SltMt. BeKh. California. The u ndersi gned hereby dleclalma all llablllty for any lncomtctnell In said atrMI aeldrese or othe< common clftlgnatlon. Said sale will be made wlthOYt warranty, expreu or Implied, regarding tltle. poeHnlon. or encumbr anc•t. to n llefy the prlnclpal b1l1nce of th• Note or ot!Mlr ot>tlQatlon HCured by H id Deed of 'fruel, wtth lnt.,fft end ot~ eums 11 pro'llded therein, plul ·=~·· II any. undlf the ttrm• t and lnlereet on IUCll eovancee, anel plu• f-. chargea and .. pen ... of lhl TNtt• and of 1111 trvll• cr .. ted by Mid DMcl Of Truel. The total amount of eald obllgatlon. Including rHaonably •lllmated feee, chargu anel expenMll..Q! the TrvttM . at the time Of tntltt.rpu!lllC9tlon of thlt l:fOlloe II "4,485.28 Dated November 30, 11182. SAN MARINO SAVINGS ANO LOAN AllSOCIA TIOH, • Celtfoml• Corp ' M TN91•, RtAL EST A TE SECURITIES SERVICE. • c.Mornla ,..., : 111 Aft"' W~,,.. .. .... ~At°' ,_.,._.. 'trante Coe11 Oalty ""' o.a 2 ••• ''· 1112 • tm42 •. from you." E a rlie r th is a w ee k a 77-year-old former Santa Monica police detective, who h a d recently joined Neighborhood Watch , copied down the license plate of what he thought was a suspicious car. P olice in La Palma arrested two me n a half-hour la ter on suspicion of robbing his Costa Mesa neighbor of $800. Cost a M esa po lic e o ffe r residents a free home security c h ec k a nd fre e u se o f a n e ngrav ing pen to m a rk a nd identify valuables. Also, about 50 Neighborhood Watch signs have been put up on streets where at least 80 percent of the residents par ticipate in the program. , ' --ET Some of the h ome security measures recommended by police include: ·~ -Lock all doors, window s and garages. Delly PUot Photo -Use double cylinder or dead-bf "1cherd "°"'* bolt locks. ~ Officer Pat Wittin --: Use s~re ws or loc king tells ne ighbors devices on windows. , -Install e xterior lighting. how to r eact -Leave a radio on if ~ible when they suspect when not home . . . 8 crime may be -L ook o ut for sus p1c1ous • . activity and notify police. happening n ext -E n g r a v e p r o p e r t y door. The police identifying numbers on valuable department property. For more information about program also the Neighbo rhood Wa tch or teaches security h o me security prog ram call t h · S 754-5320. ec mque . YOUR CLAUS INTO DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR. ALL OUR FALL COLLECTIONS. AT 25o/o TO 40o/o OFF. Eveiything from our fall co11tc:tlona by the most prntlgloue dtelgners. Oitcover a fabulous gift .... ewMters, Jackets, alacks, woven knit ehina. Ptlfect fOf the guv who IP9fld• his leisure time pi.ying Santa fOf the kid• l•nd you'd lih to get him IOIMttling special.I Or fOf that fickle fellow with a faehion paMion. SIKkl, orig. 45.00 to 66.00 a• to .... Wav.n lhina, orig. 28.50 to ~.00 1tM to aM. Knit ehim, orig. 29.00 to 30.00 ••to %1.•. Sweatare, orig. 38.00 to •.OO 211• to••· OutetWWr, orig. ll&.00 to 136.00 ••to ••· Men'• Sport· ewMr 170/215/218/280. RUFFELL'S Ul'HOL5TllY ........... 9M .... 1 tU ~IOI IUD. COSTA MISA -f41·1 IU New F~om JOHN ROBERT POWERS llllVllf&UZll HlllUl lllHI• IHVtol For detall1 cell Kim (714) 547-1221 For· rourMlf or gift lo aomeone Tt£ COMING HOLIDAYS BRING JOY Afl> HAPPINESS /b~"'." M 1 R.Ph. tt~I ., Thi.I aa the ume when gilt giving days will 9000 be here. Family reunions will unite folks who have been long apart. Love and fnendlinea w ill rule much of this wonderful world. How aald It la th at this holiday 1plrit of goodwill and brotherly love does not prevail everywhere every day. The ooming days offer all of us the opportunity to visit the church or ~pie of ous choice offc:r our prayers that PEACE ON EARTH and GOOD WILL TO ALL will permanently be a bt-ina to everyone. • YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery We will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people rely on us for their health needs We W1!ICOfne requests for delivery service , and t•harge accounts . Nl.IC NOTICE flCTtTIOU8 llU ... U HAim 8TAft•NT The tollowtng peraon 11 doing bullneaa ea: SCHAEFFER ENTERPRISES, 15102 Springd ale, No. 100, Hunllnglon Beectl. California 92M9 L•• O. Schu ller, 15102 Springdale, No. 100. Hunllngton e..cn. California 92949 Thia bu.U-la conducted by en lndlvtduat L• 0 Scl\eeffer This alat-t WU flied with Ille Counly Clerk ol ~ange County on November 29, 1912. . F2030ll Publl1hed Orenge Coast Dally Piiot. Deo. 2. 9, 18, 23, 1Gl2 _§_283-82 Nl.tC NOTICE FICTI'TIOU8 IMl ... H NA•8TAftMENT The followtng pwaona are doing buelr-. ... I FLIN T SYSTEMS, 18475 Bendfl ... Circle, Fountain Valley, CA 92708. ;; RONALD THOMAS FLINT, .,. 8827 Swallow AYe., Founllln Valley, .-. CA 927C>e. • LEONARD THOMAS FLINT, • 1927 Swallow AYe., Fountain Valley. CA 92708. Thie buelnMa II conducted by a , ~II pennerllhlp. Ronald T. Flint Thie 1tat-1 was flied wlltl the • Coumy Clerk OI ~ange County on NcNember 15, 1982. '202111 Publlahed Orange Cou t Dally Piiot. Nov. 11. 25, o.c. 2. 9. 1112 5047~ Ml.IC M>TIC( P'9CTmOU9 -·· NAMI ITATWRNT Thi followlng .,.,_ •• doing ~-: .JAF co11.. ~!51 w .. tmtneter. CoeCa ....... IAl'IOl'nll tH.27 I .Jeffrey Alan Frleclm1n. 2551 W11tmln1te r. Coata Meal, CaMomle 92127 Lynn ll•lne Friedman, ,HH We1tmln1ter. Coll• Me11, c..ornll t2t27 T1'll ~ II condueted by a ..... per.. ..... l~ IE. Frtedmen T1'll ~ -NICI wtlfl the C°""'Y cen of 0renoe County-on Na;ember 2'.11U. ,_. P11blllhff Oflnge CONI Dell, ..... Nov. "· Dec. 2, •• 1•1 1112 • I e1ff ... , Playgirl • " winner Shy man SANTA MONICA (AP) Jeff Winlemute, a 24-ycar-old carpenter from Buena Park, has bee n c hoaen as Pla ygirl magazine'• 1983 Man of the Year. Winle mule, who was the ~e's June centerfold, was selected by Executive Editor Dianne G rosak opf for h is "bedroom eyes," "breathtaking go o d l oo k s" a nd "r a w aenauallty," Playgirl announced Tueaday. Grosskopf said Wlntemule won. "on the sheer weight of reader letters, which outstripped the other centerfolds during the year." The 5-foo l-10, h azel-eyeo Winte mul e, wh o w o n a Caribbean cruise fo r two and a promotional contract with the magazi n e, becam e a n u d-e centerfolk candidate earlier this year when h is girlfriend, now- wife, Melodye Hirsch, sent his photograph lo the magazine without telling him. "At first I was hesitant and shy about it and. wondeted what Melodye has· go't me into," Wintemute had said after being chosen as the June centerfold. "My m other was a Jso n ot keen to start off with. But the minute s he saw the actu a l photographs, she loved it." He said he felt the Playgirl exposure could lead to other opportunities, such as modeling. Jeff Wintemute believes Playgirl hono'r will lead to modeling jobs. • > I Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Thurlday, Oecember 9, 1982 47 Newport Beach Mausoleum of the Pacific Newly rel~ased section I Purchase before need and save $245.00 per crypt, plus choice loca tions. Prices starting at $1125.00 plus the $100.00 endowment care deposit. This building is a part of a three a nd a half million dollar memorial situated high on the hill overlooking Newport Bay a nd the Pacific Ocean. r------- 1 Pacific View Memorial Park P.O. Box 1936 . I Newport Beach, Cal ifornia 92663 I I I I Please provide me with a copy of your Family Portfolio Record File. I understand there is no cost or obligation. Name Address -------- City State. _____ Zlp. ____ _ Pllfase provide me with addltlonal Information regarding your. Cempte,.Y and Mausoleum facilities Mortuary services _Cremation services A Pierce Brothers Company Tel. 644-2700 . . ·1· .. 0 HER, CHRISTMAS FINERY IS A PAIR OF GL0RIA VANDERBILT · DENIM JEANS, 26.99 ~ Other girls bring out the ruffles •nd peer1s, but it'• Glorie V•nderbilt denims that put her in • party frame of mind. It's the febulou1 fit lh• k>Yel. A fit eo flattering, eo comfortable lh• c•n't help feeling glamorous. Exctu.lvely oura, • ~pocket • all-cotton blue denim, 4 to 18, epeciel purcN99. 'l i ,. , ; I· ogetherness aids victims LOS ANGELES (A P) -Tnumatlc norles of violent crimes, like unJnvlled aueeu, ed the flrat meeting of Vlctlml for Victims, a up started by actrete Teresa Saldana, who artr, died aft.er a West Hollywood knife attack. ' He dragged me Into the car," said one Oman. "l still feel the knife at my throat," said other. "My wife still can't get over It," said a d traught husband. "I still run from the car to my door," yet a other woman said. "Will he come back again?" another fretted. About 30 people -half of them victims of v olent crime, others fearful of joining the wing ranks of victims -met at the Sherman ks Hilton to share their experiences and p rnise to help counsel future victims. Despite the support she received from f · y, friends and professionals in the medical d counseling fields after her attack last March, dana said: "They just hadn't been where rd b en . There just wasn't that rapport, that e thy you can feel." -Now, through Victims for Victims, she says she hopes to establish a network of violent crime' victims who can share their terrifying memories and show n ew victims that, "Y eah.I went through it, and you'll be fine in time." In addition, the group plans to lobby for refonns in the criminal justice system that will produce tougher sentences for those convicted, and more compassion and financial assistance for· th064t who've been vict.imiz.ed. Sal~'• aasailant was sentenced to 12 ye¥'5 in prison. The group already has the s4pport of the Los Angeles Coun!itrict Attorney's Victim- Witness Assistance am, although Saldana's group is not yet fo zed enough to be on its referral list. "We think ~t programs like hen really serve a purpose," said Laurie Nelson, director of the county p~. "It's a ~ood alternative. It's ORANGE COAST COLL EGE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Dec. 9 • 11 "ST•AMBATH" . Drama Lab Dec. 10 CHRISTMAS PAYORIT•S All Collage Choir c .... 1.1 .................. ~.~~~~! .. . Golden City Chorus c. 12 CHUCK MANQIONI! Two Shows -7 p.m. & 10 p.m. Reserved Seats ec. 15·18"STl!AMBATH" Drama Lab JAN AUBINI Violin Virtuoso -Pops to Classics c. 18/19NUTCRACKl!R BALLET Civic Ballet of Southern California 2 P.M. Matinees Only ,L!I!~~~~~~~ ,......_ ___ ____ l ans un :rarbin· . i What is -~ans un J'1arbin It is a French Parfumeur ... now open in Fashion lslahd ... and just in time for Christmas! aiood to oUt>r vk'tmw IA 1:holc.'\1." Miriam Schrwlder. 42, said llhe W&ll mot tn a la Anaeln Hlaih School claalroom aft.tr-houri when she retlat.N an atk"mpt.ed rape. One result o f the attack : "l started 1tutterlng,11 she aald. "AM a teacher, you know, you can't atuttcr. But the more I talked about It, the more 1 releued what wu up there ln my head. It's something you have to talk about, to get rid of that block." Victims for Victims plans to formally Incorporate, appoint a board of directors and steering committee and hold a well-publicized meeting ln early January. Earning money is hard enough these days. But sh elter- ing it from taxes can be even harder. Which is why you should know about IRA PLUS-Bank of America's high-earning invest- ment that's also a comfortable tax shelter. With IRA PLUS, you and your spouse can set aside up to $4{XX) ($2CXX) per working individual) each year. BANff OF AMERICAS Not only does your investment earn high rates, but just as impor- tant, the money you invest is also deductible from the gross income on your Federal income tax return. The interest you earn is tax deferred as well. You'll find these IRA PLUS features especially valuable at tax time. TiiE SAFETY YOU WANT Of course, while earning high rates with IRA PLUS, you can "I like the high rates plus the tax shelter:' l\ t. ,..,, Mr\ .. rest easy knowing your invest- ment is backed by all the resources of California's leading bank. Bank of America's $120 billion in assets provides just the margin of safety you need for a long-term investment such as this. A $50 MINIMUM Bank of America gives you a variety of plans to choose from - including one that lets you earn high rates with a minimum deposit of ju st $50. What's more, you can choose an investment which locks-in a fixed rate or you can select a variable rate invest- ment formore flexibility. With IRA .. -----BANK OF AMERlc::A A Symp hony of the Season : PLUS, you can pick the plan that best suits your needs. NO FEES At many institutions, you'll pay a fee for setting up an IRA. But at Bank of America, no matter which IRA PLUS plan you choose, you won't pay a penny in set-up or maintenance fees. So if you want an IRA , plus a lot more, open your IRA at Bank of America. IRA PLUS-California's leading IRA from California's leading bank. BANK ON THE LEADER ,. . ' • ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurlda~. December 9, 1e82 Strategy towar , . pea·ce :reaffirmed By R. GREGORY NOltES •111 'U ...... ...., WASHINGTON -President Reqan ll readlnc lett.en from American 1chool children expre11in1 fear .of a nuclear holocauat, and he ii bothered. Reaaan aald h e la concerned "about the effectl the nuclear few ll havtnc on our people." He Mid Americanl "•tlll .eek peace above all elle." But he alto made clear ln the nationally televiled speech on hiJI defen1e policies that he Isn't e to c hange his .p eace- -strenat}\ strateaY, even o g It mean.a building more nuclear miaallee. Reagan said 1ehool c hildren have been 1endin1 him lettero concerning the dangers o f nuclear war, often as a class uaignment. "It's evident they have ·1111AlllYll di1euued the rnoet nl&htmariah upectl of a nuclear holocauat in their claurooma," he said. "Thelr letten are often full of teM"Or. Thle 1hould not be 90." Reagan'• speech obvloualy wu partly Inte nded to defuse a grow ing anti-nuclear movement. Voters In eigh t 1tat e1 have approved propo&al.e for a global freeze on nuclear weapons, despite Reagan's oppo91tion. And the n ation's Roman Catholic bishops decided r«'ently to continue working on a pastoral letter that denounces any uae of nuclear weapons and even questions the morality of maintaining a nuclear deterrent. But ReaJan reaffirmed his 1trateay that 1 reduction In nuclear arms can be achieved only at the neMOtlatina table. and o n ly when the Soviet• are convlm-f tht> United Statet 11 wllllna to maintain nuclear defemee strona enough to deter attack. Rea1an Hid Mo1eow '1 new leaderahlp , h eaded by Communist Party C hief Yurl Andropov, can demonatrate ltl commitment to peace by beln1 more forthcornina at the nuclear arm1 control tafka now under way ln Geneva. Reagan hal a lot of potential mileage rtdl.na on those talka. An arms control agreement that met the administration's requirements would not only reduce the pcmlbllity of nuclear war, but would qwet domestic and foreign critic. who have questioned Real(an's commitment Your f-\oliday Entertainment Center A FULL SERVICE SALON Mesa Verde Center, C.M. 540-0600 BEAUTY SUPPLY , PRE·HOLIDAY SALE 1 0 3 OFF 01 OUR EITlllE STOGI TILL iMIS EXPERT SCISSOR SHARPENING SERVICE Mesa Verde Center 2701HAR80tt8LVD., COSTA MESA M2·2171 , ................. , to arm• control ever since he ecrapped the unratlfled SALT IJ ll'Hty with Moecow. The adm lnl1tratlon alto appHred 1low to enter the talka, which started In January, thus 1lvln1 the lmpre11lon It waa dol.na 90 reluctantly and only to placate ltl crttlca. Aside from voicing hopee about the arm1 talks, there wu little In Reagan'• 1peech that 1ugeeted Wuhln1ton ll holding. out an olive branch to the new te.dership In Moecow. While the presid ent is no longer calling the Sovietl Uan and cheats u he did earlier in hi.a admln.lltration, he obviously is having a hard time saying anything good about them either. Actor dies Will Lee, 7 4, who gained a loyal following as Mr. Hoope r, a kindly shopkeeper on "Sesame Street," succumbed to a heart attack Tuesday in New York. 0 I t a I/ IJ I 'q I \ , .. I B , d °the apeech WU replete with w a rnings about Moscow's mllltarx advanta~e over the United otates. ililio--------------------------.J119 ; • PIZZAS · • SPAGHETTI • SANDWICHES •SOUP • SALAD • DINNERS DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS PATIO DINING ALL FOOD CAN BE PREPARED TO GO 2701 HARBOR At Adam• COSTA MESA 979-8736 223 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND 873-9322 OEN &JUDY~ photography by jeffrey · "CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" Chris~mas Portrait Special • A eautif ul 5x7 Color Portrait (choose from several) FOR ONLY $}2.95 1 Person or Groups uo to 4 People Mention this ad and receive a 150 Gift C-ertificate for a New Wedding Booking Expires 12-15-82 ~cfa l'Ji'J '"ti 101 1h1 IJ't'l )(IJJ •JrlJ r.w '1'1 uh l ... f t "I '( n 1• If 6 I' r II ' . ) , . ., ~. ' "'• ' Orange Coeat DAILY Pll.OT /Thur1da , December 8, 1982 • • \ l .!Ilraf t dodger gets se~~1ce term· ROANOKE, ViA. (AP) -Enten Eller. the college student who aaid God led him 1 I refuse to register for the draft, hu , · en ordered "by a federal judge to 1-o rf_o-rm two year of unpaid public r :'.\ t'vtce. 1"' U.S. District Court Judge James Turk ~· Id Eller. 20, he t.'Ould wait until hls •· '1 1 duaUon from Bridgewater College In ' rginla In J une before reporting for 1' •~~vice in a Veterans, Administration ' '' 1'0epital or similar public institution. '.ln'x.Eller was the first person convicted for ·;,,;f~jlure to sign up since mandatory '(i !Wgistration for the standby draft was 1111 rR1Vived in 1980. He could have been · 1.-t. Sf}ntenced to as much as six years In prison. ,r 0 11Turk had ordered him after a trial ".qe e r e Aug . 17 to registe r with the 'J.t~lective Service System by Nov. 15. ~' aut Eller refused. saying registration .,,uwpuld violate his religious beliefs. Registration had been a requirement rn.oi the probation on which Turk placed \: tbe slender, soft-spoken honor student 111 after the trial. · 11.t , "I'm sorry I did not comply with the • lt11 c:onditions of probation," he told the judge at Wednesday's sentencing hearinj. " "which lasted 13 minutes. "But I felt I tuad no other choke." Elle r am lled whe n T ur k 1ulld h · wou ldn't IM.lnd him \o prison but would order him to do two years of "alwmatlv" servtoo," at no l>IY-- Auls t ant U .S . Att o rne y £:. Montgo mery T ucker and fe der a l probauon officer Jimmy Lee had asked the judge to eentence ElJer to two yean1 in pri8on. The small federal courtroom was packed with 60 to 70 people. ~ller is a member of the pacifist Church of the Brethren, with which Bridgewater College, In Rockingham County, Is affiliated. H~ had chosen to plead hls religious beliefs alone as his reaaon for refusing to register and would not let his lawyers challenge the constitutionality of the registration act. A t th e trial , Turk h ad said h e respected Eller's religious conviction - but th at it wasn't enough to justify disobeying the law. The judge placed Eller on probation and, besides directing him to register by Nov . 15 , ordere d h im to perfor m community service. The second order Eller ·had obeyea, working since August at the Community MedlMllon Q •nwr in llurrlaonbura. Va., wht!rc l>'-'OPl«' bring d ht1puteti to be IM!t.tleJ without golnl( to t'Ourt. Slni'!' Ellt<r had l:k-.m W OYlCLe<i.-t he hearlng technically WWI ror lhl' judge to decide what to do about Ellt'r'11 vlolatJon of probi.ttion, which carried the prison term. Despite expreued optimism that Eller would receive a light sentence from Turk, one of the student's lawyers said Eller would "take whatever they mete out for him." Eller refused to allow his lawyers to pursue purely legal defenses. E lle r , w ho h op es t o ente r the seminary, ls descended Crom Bre thren ministers a nd his father is the Rev. Vernard Eller. a· noted church author who teaches at a Brethren University in La Verne, Calif. Last month ln an interview, Eller said he was "not sure of God's reasons, but I feel I need to be unregistered. That's it. Thi' Roy11I , ltt1l111n crn f16rnar1ship bl'ini;:c 11 fr\·Sh new look to th" 11pt•<.tator pun1p. A••ll•hl~ 111 wh11• 1•11 Wllh bl.vi< P"l•nl IJp •11'1 h,..I •l•O wh11~ ull wllh ''""Y C8U lip •lld h!'t•l •lw "lllllr l•U wilh lloby l•ftl<I 1tp •nd httl AAA.. 6 J(I /\A • 51/i-10 8 .. 4-10 "When 1 say I'm a Christian, that ~ means I'm a Chr istian before I'm a Not all w e.. in au color~ citizen of the U.S." He said he wasn't ~utj~ tryin~ to make. a political statement but was • simply trying to obey what I see as ·# .;w••••••• S H 0 E'S a call." 99 FASHION ISLA ND i'JEWPORT BEACH 759-9551 ·~ :tc:::::=================::-r-----------r---------------------------------'--------------------------------.. ' Nil.IC NOTICE A ND/OR THE CA SHIERS OR ----------CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN NOTICI TO CRIDfTORI OF BULK 1'9'ANUSR (hoe. 110W107 U.C.C.) Notice Is hereby given to credltora or the within named transftlfor(s) thet 1 bulk tran1far Is about to be made on paraonel property hereinafter described. Tne name and buslneaa addreaa of the Intended 1ren1reror la: BYONG DAL AHN, 30100 Towne Center Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA CIVIL CODE SECTION' 292'411. . At t ile t im e o l the ll'tlt lal publicetlon of this notice, the total amount or the unpaid balance of the obllgatlon secured by the above described deed of trust and estimated costs. expenses, and advancet Is S 106,588.28. To determine the opening bid. you may call (714) 58-4-8333. Dale: Novembllf 18, 1982 ~--. .. Confllsed The location In Calllornl• ol the chief execullve ottlce or prlnclpal buslnesa office or the Intended transrtlfor Is: (II "sama u above". so state.) Seme All other business n1mea and addresses used by the Intended transferor within three yHra lul past ao far es known to the Intended transltlfee are: (II "none". so state.) None South. T.O. SERVICE COMPANY as said T ruatee. By: T.O. Service Company, agent By: Lorrie Womack, Assistant Secretary, 3 633 Camino Del Rio Suite 204 about the new iiisnred------ The namas and buslneM lddr ... ol lhe Intended tr1n1leree1 are: SHIRLEY ROSE TINGLE, 28545 Granvla Drive. Mission Viejo, CA 92691 and JOSEPH EDWARD TINGLE, 26545 Grenvle Drive. Mlsalon Viejo, CA 92691. That th• property pertinent hereto la delctlbed In general u : All stock-ln-tred1, furnllure, llxtur" equipment, trade name and good Will or a certlln Clllldren'a Clothing store an d la located at: 30100 Towne Center Drive. Laguna Niguel, CA, Unit K. The business named used by the said transreror at said location IS: TEENA'S BIG 'N ' LIL, KIDS. That u ld b ul~1n1rer fa 1n1anoeo to be conaummeted a1 the o lllce of: BURROW ESCROW COMPANY, 1679 E. Uncoln Ave., Orange. C1lllornla 926115 on or lflllf Oecembllf 27, 1982 Tiit. bulk transfer I• aubjec1 to Cellrornla Uniform Commerc111 Code Section 8106. The name aod addre11 of the Ptlfton with whom clllms may be llled la B U RROW ESCROW COMPANY, 1679 E. Uncoln Ave .. Orenge, CA 92605, and the Ju t day r()( llllng cl1lm1 by any creditor thlll be C>Kembllf 2'4, 1982, wllldl II the b ualness d a y b alore t h e conaummatlon date 1p1cllled above. Oeted Decembllf 3, 1982. Shirley Rose Tingle Joeeph Edward Tingle Intended Tranater- Publlahed Orange Cout Dally San Otego, CA 92108-404'4 (619) 584-8286 Published Orange Co111t 01lly Piiot Nov. 25, Dec. 2, 9. 1g52 5199,:82 Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICI Of TMJITH'I IALI L-No. lllltl ff-~R T.I . No. Ml1202 T:D. SERVICE COMPANY H duly appointed Trus1ee under Ille following described deed of 1ru1t WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924h (payable at the time ol sale In llW1ul money of tha United States) 111 right, litle and lnterfft conveyed to and now held by II under aald Deed of Trust In the property htlfelnefttlf described· TRUSTOR · M I C HA E L THORNTON _BE~.~~,i~~Y.:.-.[l.t.Ul:I Ii. LYTTvN and uEvRGIA M. LYTTON Recorded Marell 6, 1981 u lnatr. No. 8830 In book 13972. page 303 of 0 111e111 Record• In the ottlce or 11\e Recorder or Orange County; 11ld deed or truat describes the followfng: · Lot 1 or Tract No. 18-43, u Pllf map recorded In l>Ook 89, page 42 of Miacellaneous MIPS. record• or Ocano-County, Cellfornl1. YOU ARE IN DE,AULT UM)«R A DEED OF TRUST DATID FE8RUARY S, 1•1. UNLlll YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTICT YOUR PROPIRTY, IT MAY 8E IOLD AT A PUeLJC IALI. If YOU NllD AH EXPLANATION CW THE PllOt, Dec. 9, 19112 5391·82 MATURI OF THI. PROCHDINQ AQAIHI T YOU, YOU SHOULD CONT AC.T-A--U.Wftll. Nil.IC NOTICE 837 W. Wiit on, Coate MHe, NOTICE OF 1'9'U8T£E'8 SALE Calilornla 92687 Loen No. 3073148 "(II • street addre .. or common • T.S. Ho. lllM-8 dealgnallon ot property 11 ahown T.D. SERVICE COMPANY as duly abova, no warranty la given u lo Ill appointed Trustee under the completeness or correctnMt)." The following described deed or trust beneficiary under H id Deed of WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Tru1t, by r1eson or a breech or TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR default In the obtlgatlOnl MCUreO CASH (payable at time of sale In thereby. he•etofore executeO and lawful money ol the United Stites) delivered to the undersigned • all right. lltle and Interest conveyed written Declaration of o.feult and to and now held by It under sald Ollfnand lor Sele. and written notice Deed ol Trust In the property ol breaoll and of aleellon to cauM lleratn1tter described: tha u nd ersigned to Hit ••Id TRUST OR: GREGG KARMAN property to aatlaly aald obl1G9Uon1. and B ETTY LO u KA AM A N . and ttierealter the undersigned husband and wlle as folnt tenants cauMd said notice of b~ and of B E N E F I C I A R Y : LI NC 0 L N election to be recorded Auguat 25, FE-OE-BA L S. ~ L ASSN. OF 1982 at lnltr. No. 82-2901181 ol OWENSBORO, KY .. a corporation Ofllclal Rec:ordt In the oH!Oe of the Recorded Oecembllf 17. 1981 as Recorder o f Orange <;oun ty. Instr, No. 23387 In book 1'4327, C1llfornla. page 1399 ot Ottlcl•I Records In the Sai d H ie will be made. but olllce or 1he Recorder or Orange without covenant or warranty . County; said deed of trust deserlbea exprus ()( lmptled, regarding 111141 the follOwlng property: poJ1.Mnlon, or encumbrancn, to DESCRIPTION: pay the remaining pr'lncipal tum of L-hold Interest In and to the the note(a) aecurad by aald dNd of tollowlng dascribed property: Trust, with lnter"t u In 181<1 note PARCEL 1: provided, ad111nce1, II eny, under An undivided 11133rd Interest the termt or H id Deed or Trull, In and to Lot 1 of Trec1 No. 8858, In f-. chergea and 1xpan-of the the City of Coste Mesa. Counly ol Trustee. Orange, State or Callfornl1. as P11f Slid t ale wlll be held on : map recorded In Boole 357. pag" Tuesday. January 5, 1g82, et 2:00 24 to ~6 Inclusive. Mlscellaneoua p.m at the Ch1pm1n Avenue J.lii>I-: Tn ffie offfceo l tl\9COUn entrarte11 to ,file Glvl~C•n!er Recorder ol ssld County. Buildi ng, 300 E11t Chepmen EXCEPTING THEREFROM Avenue, Orange, C111fornl1. Units 1 lhrough 133 as shown on At the time of t he lnltlal the Condominium P1an recorded In publication of this notice, the total 'book 12115, page ~64, Olllclsl amount or the unpeld balance of the Record• of said Coun\Y. obligation aecured by the above PARCEL 2: described dHd or tru1t end Unit 85 aa show n on the aatlmeted cost1, axpen1aa. and Condominium Plan referred to In 1dvenc .. 11 $25,237.0S. Parcel 1 above. The opening bid may be obtained YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A by calling (7f4) 937-<lilfle the dey D 11 D 0 F T R u • T D A T E D berore the Ille. oec•-R 2. 1•1. UNLllS YOU 011e: Novembllf 29, 1g52 .~.._.-"._....._... __ _ TAKI ACTION TO PftOTIC'f T.O. SERVICE COMPANY YOU ft PROPERTY, IT MAY 8E H aeld Truatee SOLD AT A PUallC SALi. If YOU By; K1tllleen M. Patrick, ml> AN EXPLANATION OF THE Assltt1nl Secretary HATUftE OF THE PROCEEDl .. Q One City Blvd. Wast, AGAINST YOU, YOU I HOliLD Orange, CA 92ee8 ·CONTACT A LAWYER. (714) 835·112118 878 Deep Creek. Costa Me11, . Published Orange Co11t billy Clllfomta llot, Dec. 9, t8, 23. 1982 "(If a 1treet address or common 5392-82 dealgnetlon Is 1nown above. no warranty Is given •• t o Ill complet-8 or correctneu)." rnoney-rnarket accounts? We, at Downey Savings, want to help you understand them. _qnf:[ eff C!"_:WU ~e. Simply, money-market accounts give you an insured, high interest account with- out tying up your mo~ey with term time limits. And, a minimum balance of only $2,500 is required . It's that simple. But, we at Downey, still don't think it's enough. So we've devel- oped two inoney-marketpackages, and you can pick the one tailored to your needs. Plus, we11 pay you higherthan most money-market fund rates with either of them. The Check-Writers Package The Safe-Saver's Package Daily Check Writing Convenience, Tied to a Fully-Insured Account Paying Higher than Most Money-!Vfarket Fund Rates. Compare This to Any Uninsured Sweep Account! A Fulo/-lnsured Savings Acco unt Paying at a Rate Higher th~ Most Money-Market Funds, Combined "''ith Instant Cash Access for T hose Few, Special Times. Here's how it works: Here's how it works: You use your 5 If..% interest-earning checking account for your normaf,Oaily cransacnons. When your balance Your money-market account is used primarily for savings. But, if you do neeato make a major or unexJ>ected pur- passes $2,000, we sweep the ex- tra money into your high interest- earning money-market accoµnc. But unlike most sweep.accounts, if your checking balance falls below $2,000, we won't pull money from your money-market account to eplace.Jhe funds inyour checkiIJg account-no matter how low the balance falls . (Most sweep ac-• counts require you to keep $2,000 earning 5 1/.4 % at aU t~es.) And, if your checking account is overdrawn, we11 then puU money . from your money-market account to cover it• -and that's the only tune we11 take money from there. So, no f11inimum balance in your checking account means you can leave your extra money in yol-'r money-market account longcr- earning higher than mat money- market fund rates! Plus, look at the exua benefits you'll receive that no money-market fu nd can offer: 0 no service charges on your checking account 0 check guarantee card on your checking account (with qualification) 0 MasterCard II or VISA debit card with no annual fees (with qualification) 0 a~ safe deposit box 0 one~ trust deed collection 0 ~traveler's checks 0 preferred auto loan rates 0 unfonited in-person or by-mail with- drawals 0 many other free, convenient services 0 and a minimum balance requirement in your money-market account of only $2,soo·· chase, and you don't have enough in your everyday checking ac- count, or just don't want to pull funds from there, you can write a check from your money-market account (3 per month). This gives you the benefit of a high interest-earning account with,. out the hassles of difficult cash ac- cess that come with time limits or withdrawal penalties. "Money-Markee Packages are available beginning Dec- ember 14, 1982. Special high interest-earning repurchase agreements are available im- mediately, co hold your Money-M arkee Package dollars through December 13, 1982~' ' Tile beneflclery under aald De.ct of Tniet. by r..-on or • breech or default In the obllg1t1on1 aecured th•eby. llefetorore extcuted and deltvered to the underalgned a wrttten Dlclaratlon of o.111111 and Oemflnd few Sale. and written notice of brNCtl and of elec:tlon to -.. t he und •r=d t o H ll Hid prooertY to Mid Ollllgatlone, ~=:?'::~ =·~-: Unlike the money you deposit in a regular electkln '° be reoorded AUgulrt 13' ket fu d Do -1. M M k 1912 • IMtr. No. 11·2'2t38 of Mid A ,.cillloua lutlneH ffiOney-mat n ' Wn'°' 7 S OOey-ar et °'==~Ill ba m•da, b Neme ltat•tMnt fll•d Packages arc fully-insured . :=t ;0=: ~·=: :!Y.'ct'r; ~;: And the dollars arc re-invested in our local po111uro11, or e111Mftbr8'IOM• to wttlctt tlfM oontlnulnt Pt!J.:i=• ,...,=:.~::: ...,., ....... muee ,....... commuru. ·cy market areas-that's a good feeling. '"" lfl ... ...,.,.. 'libllcallOn le neoe ... ry Tr\llC, .....,_. • o n I J If I tt en a f • ffi.°":i i:=ri>!..an:t = ctt•rtte•· Cal .... ~ Downers Money-Market Packap. With ~z..-::::-,::t: D•putmut •I t • &r ... n. h • 1:1.-. th wh uld ..... DNd .. ~ .... -.. .. 0 ,. 'L' , 'L 0 T '0, pac"""6"' c OlCCS ~ ese, y WO anyone ,.. .. 1__,9'· DeMMIMf 11, lntoritlatloft .,., • • ? i!J l-el NI'-"" II Ill~ MCHWJ lanM. WIO( tO open jUSt an account f __ sr_.rc __ ~~ ~ ·---..... .;•C61 .. .-. , t'9 M,01 IN&~~._ _____ ..___, ••ffbillalaf6belowSl,500,..,__..,_~M 5.~5~. , ~---==--------" -------=~ 4 ~~==~ •• ,. ' :i ,, ' ~ r. t ' \ I I; .. t Or•nge Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thurtd•y, December 9, 1982 Taiwan: Everything to lose, nothing to gain I, !!J'.:~~~!~~~,CK TAIPEI, Taiwan -To some, Taiwan 11 a staunch and much-abused anti-Communist baation of the free world. To other11, it la a political embarraument which will not go away. Whichever the case, It cannot and will not be Ignored. Since 1949, this large Island otf the China mainland has been the seat ol the Nationalist Chinese government in exile. In the last 11 years It has been buffeted by international storms that might have sunk less buoyant societies. Ousted from the United Nations In 1971, its diplomatic ties with all the w orld's maJOr nauons, including the United States severed !dnce 1979, It has not had the decency -as Its enemies might put it -to st.op making an international nuisance of itseli. What enrages Taiwan's critics and reassures its friends is its total refusal to negotiate a compromise with its long-time enemy In P e king on an agreement that could end 55 years of hostility and lead to unification of China. The death of former President Chiang Kai- shek in 1975 in no way altered the Nptionalists' s tony refusal to grasp the Communist hand of reconciliation, although their prestige has suffered and their best friend, the United States, considers Peking's terms to be generous. "the people here do not wish to negotiate away their freedom and democracy," says James • • • • .. • • • .. • • • • • • . . • • Soong, the top government 1pokl•fiman. "The natfonal con11cn11us fi lha we do not wan.t communl1m . W e have everything to 1011e and nothing to gain." Since the Nat.lonall.ats caJn(\ here In defeat In 1949, the l1land'a 18 million highly motivated people have developed Asia'• hlalleet 1tandar o living after Japan. Per capita annual Income ls more than $2,000 and expected to hit $6,200 by the end of the 1980s, 10 times that of the mainland. Trade hovers around $40 billion a year and 1982 economic growth, in a time of global business slowdown, is estimated at a respectable ~ percent. In the first seven months of this year, oveneas Investment totaled $275 million, up 43.4 percent over the same period in 1981, a figure Peking must regard with unalloyed envy. Even Ln Indirect trade with the mainland - through Hong Kong and other ports -Taiwan scores. Last year, according to Japanese lk>Ul'CeS, it reached $400 million, a 63.5 percent jump over 1980. Of this, $335 million was in Taiwan-produced fibers, fabrics, knit goods and electronic parts the Communists need. In view of this economic strength, the question is why Taiwan rejects Peking's seductive offer to continue to go its own way economically, politically and internationally -even to keep Its own anned forces -if it will fly the flag of the People's Republic. The answer is part emotional, part logical. Fellow r e volutionaries In the 1920s, the •• • • • • • • nardstram ' • • • '· • • • CHNA (j..'4; \ Pacific Ocean Communists and the Nationalist Kuomintang party split violently In 1927. Since then, with brief exceptions, they have maintained the savage mutual hatred of a family feud. Surviving Nationalists here have long memories, and neither defeat nor success bas eased their abhorrence of communism. • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ' While c.'OOCl'<ilng that Peking'• tA>nna look~ on paper, these pt.'O le dfsiiUHll them u U1c achieve peacefully w6:t It could not win mili ly. Aware that Peking's tolerance may not ast forever, they aee creation of a military deterntfH as urgent. They reject President Ronald Rea~n·s argument that U.S. arms salee to Taiwan ibe. phased out because China JXl8el no preeent • •at and is a key strategic factor In curbing ~let expansion In Asia. "It may be quiet militarily now," 1ay1 Soong, "but you can't tell what will happen next ~\he mainland. And you can't rely on Peklng as an'liUy In the United Nations. it voted with Ruuit on Poland, the Mideast , the Falkland• and ~I Salvador." q Despite its anti-eommunism, Taiwan'• claim to • be a citadel of democracy fails careful ecrutiny. •Pree enterprise and capitalism are in full cry, but"<trye Kuomintang's political control over Taiw.iR as comparable to that of the Communists on'o\he mainland. In both countries, the opposition is little inore than token. Of 390 seats in the legislative Y~ 17 are held by independent, Taiwan-born deputies1 An overpowering 290 are Kuomintang graybeards who won election before 1949 on the mainland and "haven't had to run since. • "How would Americans feel if the Democu-ats or Republicans had one-party rule for the ~ 30 years even though they were in the minority?" Kang asks. • • • -A -- - HOMECOMING CHRISTMAS Give him a aweiter that he c.n live In -from now 'tit next ChrtstmH . At Nordstrom we put a label on quality, the Nordstrom label We have a commitment to quahty and value. and nowhere 1s this more apparent than on sweaters bearing the Nordstrom label. That's why the classic lad< of our r:mn crew neck sweaters lasts from season to season. Constructed of all Shetland wool, at is fully fashioned with turn-back cuffs, a dropped back yoke and comes in 12 gift- giving colors: raspberry, rust. teal. grey, baltic blue, burgundy, navy. dark green. medium brr:mn, purple. white and maize. And to assure you that every Nordstrom crew neck sweater is ready for gift-giving, we carefully wrap each one in embossed tissue. and tuck it In Its r:mn protective Nordstrom sweater bag. You'd expect to pay more for this kind of quality. but our prices represent an outstanding value. We're proud of our Nordstrom label sweaters and we're equally proud of our prices. Sizes s.m,l,xl; 32.50. In MEN'S SPORTSWEAR. South Coast Plaza. Brea Mall, Los Cerritos Center. Outside ,oor local dialing areas in Los Angeles and Orange Counties, call toll free 1-800-432-7175. Shop oor special holiday hours Monday-5aturday 10:00-9:30 •• • and Sunday 10.00-6:00 . • ... \.o • • • • • • .. . v• q ... • • • • • • • • • •• • • • "'" '-'! tt." ~'1 'f !Ir, •ti Ar (i~ Ol ·~ A~ .,,. 0:) II 0 Ot> .. • ... t ( ... ~ , ll y n ,. If ~ I' r II . ) ,-. ~­• J t t I .. 1-... I ct ,. ' "' ~ l; Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thuradoy, December 9, 1982 ~~~\ ...,.,,~ Christina card nvelopes have size limits •' By PAT HOROWITZ or ... DellJ ,.... ttaff · DEAR PAT: What'• the smallest-size ~tma1 card the_ post office wHJ accept for •allla1? I seem to recall some recent change ~ tlal1 re1ulatlon. Also, what's the best way io irap a package to be sure it gets to lt11 dettlnaUon ln one piece? N.W., Newport Beach Letter s ize s ta ndards require that envelopes be at least 3 Yi inches high and 5 inches long to be accepted for mailing. In addition to shopping and mailing ear1y, . the U:S. Postal Service is asking customers ro properly address eards and packages with the name, house number and street (or post office box number), and the city, state and ZIP l'Ode reeerved for the last line. Put the recipient's address in ·the lower right portion of the container and your return address in the upper left-hand corner. Remove all other labels from the box. Postal authorities advise using packing cartons to ship. packages. Brown paper and ~e ~rd are not necessary. Seal packages with any of these tapes: pressure sensitive, nylon-reinforced kraft l>aper, or glass- reinfo!"ced pressl:'re sensitive. Use smudge- proof ink for addressing. C<Mta me6a Art oleagtUJ :Jirw .Arl3 Sfwu.1 Lido Marina Village Saturday, Dec. 11 Sunday, Dec. 12 10 -4 p.m. Nit.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF FRANCES L. BOWEN aka FRANCES BOWEN AND OF PETITI ON T O ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A·llSl96. T o all heirs, beneficiaries. creditors a.nd con tingent credito r s of Frances .L Bowen and per sons who May ~ oth erwise interested m the w'1i and/or estate. A petition ·has been filed by Jeffe.ry A. Winterroth in the Superior. Court o f ::>range County' requesting that Jeffery A . Winterroth oe appointed as Q.ersonal tepl'e9entatlve to ad'minister the estate of Frances L . B o w en (u nd e r the lndependent Administracioo ;;if E.!tates' Act): The petition Ml set for hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive. West. in the City of Santa Ana. California on December 29. 1982 at 9:30 a.m. lF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the tlearing a.nd sta'te your :objections or file wrln en objections w i th the court ~fore the hearing. Y our q>pear ance may be in person .Jr by· your attorney. IF YO U ARE A CREDITOR. or a contingent :reditor of the deceased, you :nuat file your claim with the :ourt or present it to the personal representat.iv e ippoin ted by the court within foµr months from the date of fi r st issuance o f ~tera as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of :allfornia. The time for ' filing claims will not expire "jlrior to four months Crom the date o f . the hearing 90ticed above. . . YOU MAY EXAMINl'..: the:file kept by the court. If you are interested in the tetate, you may file a request with. the court to receive 1p ecial n o tice o f the tnventor y of estate assets nKI of the petitions, accounts lnd reports described in 3ection 1200 .5 of the :..Ufomia P robate Code. ~EITH C. WE LPUTT, lt'IU MacAr t hur Blvd., j •ltt !88, .P.O. Box 7955, ~ewpert Beach, CA 92660, {'IH) 752-7311 . Publhhed Ounge. Cout Daily lot, Dec 2. 3, 9, 1932. ~269-82 "8JC NOTICE P'tem'IOU9 llU9*EH MAim aTATWMINT TM loUowtng pereon I• doing ..,..,_ aa: PUBLIC NOTICE N(ITICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Lo•n No. 0011-500334 T.S. No. 86549-S CE N T RA L C A PITAL CORPORATION as <klly 11ppo1n1eo Trustee under t h'! follow ing descrtbeO deed or lrusl Will SELL AT PUBLIC AIJCTION TO THE HIGHEST BtOOER FOR CASH (payable at time 01 saie on lawful money Of the United St ates) all right tttle and tnteresl conveyed 10 and now held by 11 under satd Oe<!d ol T rus1 tn the properly here1naller oescribe<l TRUSTOR DIANA CREEK a married woman as her sole and separate property BEN EFICIARY CENTRAL FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION a corporal ion Recorded March 26 1981 as onelr No 35765 irf bOOk 13996. page 1074 01 Olllctal Reco1os In the oll•ce ol Ille Recorder of Orange County. said deed of trusl describes. lhe lollowno property· lot 46 ol Traci No 10346. tn 1he C11y of lr111ne. County of Orange. S1t11e of C11IHorn1a as per M\IP recorded in Booll 472 Page' 48 10 50 mclu!lve of Mlsceltaneous Maps on the Olltce of lhe County Recorder of said County "YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A O'EEO OF T f!U ST OATED MAflCH 23, 11181, UNLESS YOU TA KE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THI! PROCE"EDINO AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER." • 10 Wlldb<ook, !Nine, Ca1tfom1a 92714 "(II a street address or common oes1gnatron is shown above. no warran ty is give n a s to "' completeness or correctness) " t The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, by reason of a breach or deraull In the ob1tgat1ons secu•ed lhereby, herelolore-uecuted and deliv.«ired lo thfi undersigned-a wrillen Oeclaratton or Oelaull and and Demand IOI Sato, and wrollenl notice or breach and of e1ec11on l o cause the unde<slgned lo sell U ld property lo satisfy said obllgalions, and therearter l he under11gnedl' caused said notice ot breach and or erection 10 be recorded .AuguSI 9. t982 as instr No 82-275623 tnl book of said Offlcllll Records. Said sate will be made. but wllhout covenanl or warranty. eicpress or tmphe<I. regarding 11t1e, possession, or enc"mbrances. to pay lhe reamalntng principal sum or the no18(s) secured by sald Deed of Trust, wllh lnleresl as tn said nole provided. advances, II any. unoer lhe lorma ol said Deed of Trint, lees, charges and e•penses ol the T rus1ee and ol lhe trusts created by said Oeed or Trusl Said sale will be held on Monday, December 27. 1982 at 2 00 pm at the Chapman Avenue entrance. to the Civic Center Buildtng, 300 East Chapman Avenue. In lhe City of Orar19a. Californta NOTICE· At the l•me of sale. bods may be made 1n cash and/or the cashll'•S or oerlllled check s specified In CIVll Code Secllon 2924h. At l he lime o f l he tn11ial publlOllllon or this no1ic;e, lhe to1at amount of I he unpaiO balance of lhe obllgallon secured by lhe abOvfl descrlbetl deed o l lrual end estimated coats, e~penset. and advances ts S• 1.8.CO 93. To determine the opening bid, you may cell (7141684·8333 Oate· November 23. 1982 C EN TRA L C AP ITA L OCEANSIDE INN, 111711 Pactllc ·o .. t Highway, SunHI Beach, 80742 CORP. &June L Myer1. 2125 Hellotr~. . es said Truatoe ~ Cellf0f'r11a 112706 . 8 y • T . D S E R V I C E 1'111 ~ II eoodvc:ted by In COMPANY, 1gen1 • June L MY!K• Lorrie Womeck, Thll ttetement ..a flied with the • AHlttani Secretery Qertl ofOtange COunty on 3633 ~ml no Oel•Ato 1a •.n11• f , 1N2. · Sou1n, . --.l2llllllll. "ha .204---· l'utlllehed Orang• CoHt Dilly San Olego, CA. 921011<1044 0.0. 9, 19. 23. 30, 1982 . (8191 584-8288 5398·82 Publi1hed Orange Coaat Dally MUC.fl»TICE Pllol. Dec: 2. 9, 18. 1982 5273-82 PUBllC NOTICE FICTIT10U9 8U ... H NA• ITATEMINT •Tiw follOWfng f*IOnt ere doing bualnOM at: . CAR'S ETC • 7406 Steier A venue. Hunllng1on 9e1Ch, Calll0<nl1 9284 7 • Guy C. OIOff, 721 ~n MIN Huntlnglon Beach. Oahlomle 92841 W1yme" Kellh Nol, 9171 Maclellne Ot!Ve, Huntington e.11e11. cattfrnia 112e.e 171 Madeline Drive, Hun11no1on 8eacll. C1111om1a 928<48 Thia buelneM It oond~ by .. genetaj pertnenhfp. , Guy C. CIOM 111 Thlt alllt-1 WH lli.<1 wt111 .tht OCIUlllY Ci.rk OI OranOft CO\lnty on Nov81'110. 22, 1llJ2 . . ,*11, Publltlled Ortnge CoHI Delly Piiot. ~. 25, OeC ~.I, II, 1'82 . 5144•82 Mllkt• 11urct-p1wk~j.(•• conlt'nW. •u·c w . ...t.._ __ t"llshloo<'\.I und tht·rt• IM ll(J t•111pty ll))Mt• h1 Uw box. UR(> crumplf'J nt.>w1111a1K'r iU'l'lU11d th1• 1tt•m Including ull sidu11, top and lmttom Cornmerciully ovuilobh.· Coum stwl111 or uir· pc><·kN p11ddlng oliw mak<' good l'u~hloning mnt~rlals. Irreplac.•ubll• lt1..•ms _,houlcJ lw 1w11t by registeroo mail. ' 'Gran11y flats' due i11 '83 PEAR HEADERS: Californians vJanmng lo add so..callcd "granny flats" to thl'ir homes becauS(' of a new state law shouJd be car·t•ful in choosing a contractor, at.wrding to John F. Maloney. registrar of the Contractors' State Lkense Board1-. --- Sentate Bill 1534 will open the waJ_ next year to creation of second living units for elderly relatives on single-family residential lots. allowing living units within or attached to existing single family homes. Noting that approximately half of the thousands of complaints the board handles each year involve home improvement work. Maloney offers these tips to homeowner'i considering any home improvement work: -Use a licensed contractor (required by law for jobs costing more than $:')()). -Keep in mind that a license means a contrac t or h as m e t minimum s t a t e requirements of experieC)Ce and knowledge 5 •;. • tall 12 oz. 1.69 SOLID BRASS PLATE UNDER LINER From lnClla For elegant dining or service. but lii not !!..&!_Urunti>t• ot lltatl~ ·toi:.y...ww:k ---AlYk for u hst of foruw1• cwctoml'l'll und c'()11U1Cl Ull'm for opinion.1 of th<> contr~l·t.or's work A wk11l<'<.I ~·1mtructtll' is proud of his work und will haw no prol1h:m with this. A11k the> contrtwt<.>r tur a bu11Jn(!llS addres!i anti telephone numlwr and Vl•tify ttwm. GtJt a wriU.t~n t•otHroct und understand 1l b<oforc signing. -Don't hcsititt.4! to ask qut.-stions, don't p11y cash without a proper rt.>ceipt, and don't make final payment until you are satlllfled with the job. M alon ey al110 recommends th a t homeowners considcrlng improvements read "Blueprint For Building Quality," a guide to selecting-a-conuact0r, available free -by writing: Contractors' State License Board, P.O. Box 26000, Sacramento 95826. Santa background told DEAR PAT: I recall that last year you bad an item In your column that explained the background of Santa's name and why he ls always pictured as being fat. My grandchild Is spending Cltrlstmas wltb us tbls year and I tbink It would be fun to tell blm about these things. Unfortunately, I didn't clip the column last year, so I hope you wlll repeat this information for me. P.J.,~Fnuntain Valley ¥.thor W11.-.h1ngwn Irving. in the 1809 .. Kni<'k<'rbc.lckor'H Jli11tory of New York," ia bell<·v<'CI to be the flrsl to dt'tlerioo St. Nick aa a jolly follow wcuring a broad-brimmed hat nnd huge bn.'<.•<'hl'll onu smokin,g a long pipe. Sunt.a'11 rol>'·poly Image came to full flower In an 1837 pamting by artist Robert Weir and. ln the 1660s, m a popular 11Cries of drawings by cartoonist Thomas Nast. As allriost everyone knows, the mythical "Santa" began life• as a real person . S t. Nicholas, a bishop In Asia Minor in the 300s. A kindly man who took presen\s to the needy, Nicholas came to be known as the patron aaint of sailors. travelers, bakers and merchants, but especially of children. The custom of giving gift.<> to celebrate his feast. day, Dec. 6. grew in --Europe untiJ Nwnola.s-became. wJdely .accepted_ as the gift-giver at Christmas time. Earl y Dutch settler s i n New York brought the custom with them, but Nicholas' Dutch name, Sin terklaas. was hard to pronounce and he became known as "Santy Claus" and "Santa Claus," according to the World Book Encvclooedia. ' • Got» problem ? Then write to -_ i P.11 Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape. - gNt111g the answers and IJC'tion you .,... nee d to s olve inl'quitles in government and business. Mm/ your questions to Pat Horowitz, A t Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. . Cd\..:.. 92626.,:__ gems are beautifully polished and strung on red cord with meta Ille accenting. 48• long 9.88 28" long 5.88 24" long 4.88 Well made Kurtas from Luchnow are embellished with the lovely tone on tone Chikan embroidered detail typical of that area. Assorted Colors S·M·L-XL SHIRT 27" long Very special boxes to hold gems, treasures or secrets. Elaborate clolsonne work with multlcolored designs make stunning pieces. Assorted designs and colors 9.88 TUNIC 41 " long 13.66 1v.·to 2•1.· 1" deep Jewelry Section GRAPELEAF PLASTIC LACOUERWARE TRAYS From Japan PORCELAIN BISQUE DOLL IN WESTERN DRESS From Taiwan covers. Assorted Designs Approx 16"x 16" Bah Humbug In Red or Green Red & Green Plaid Twinkle Star In Red, Blue or Green 20· x 30" Stteel Size Leafy gold design on gold speckled black background to serve sushi and the treat ol the day. All with 1 • rtm. CELADON GREEN EARTHENWARE BOWLS From China Solt green bowls have molded carp surface designs s· dia. 6" dia. .85 1.55 10· square 3.99 18" long 11 • wide 5.99 BAMBOO TEA STRAINER From China 5 'n • tong 2v, • deep 3.69 HEAVY GAUGE STEEL CREPE PAN From Hong Kong Classic mate1fal and shape for Ina crepe or the day 4 v. • long ~-~ 1.79 (i · 6''1 • long 2.79 For shine or shower! Tar'l with 9• long 3.79 MINI STANO 5• dla. s•;,• tall 1.99 Green I __ !.:~~~~B~A~L~L;!.~~~~J~-=---=~~~~~::'.:::.~~~ ribs. r-s· long 1.11 40" NATURALLY 2 I 3·TIER BAMBOO dla. BROWN FERN WEDDING BASKETS 1.99 PLATE HOLDER From China FrQm China For fruit. picnic BAMBOO SLAT I WOOD FRAME BOARDWALK CHAIR From China· Nostalgic allng chair Is handsome enough lo combine with 1ny In· format decor. Ruggedly constructed of natural bambOo slats and nylon cord on stained and v11nlshtd hardwood 19'11 • wide 27" tall Adjull8 to 32• ,.u 14.99 FOL NG 3 PANIL IAtlBOO SCREEN or serving In a beaulilul stand· Ing design. 11 • dla. 15• deep 10.99 From Taiwan To divide a room or work H • porteble dreaalng room, Naturtl w11ti burnt accen11. e· 1a11 11V1° p1n1I Width 52· t0111 width 39.99 ings. 4 l~•INlllll SIZES av.· to 16" dla. 1• to 16° deep -2.9at.o..6.99 LIGHT NATURAL HARDWOOD STUDENT DESK/DRAFTING TABLE From Yugoslavia Trim compact design has hinged top to use flat or at an angle. T'op covers colored herdboa d ~~~§~ii;;§ lined storage : sections. -t I ; Orange Coul DAILY PILOT /Thurlday. Oec4Nnbe< 9, 1982 Immediate solution urged for state deficit SA RAMENTO (AP> Pravntt' umJ Iii.Uk• ftS(:ul cxperli ur<.' tt•lllng 11 tote luwmokl'ra, caught In parllMn blame·<:aatlng, that the state's fiscal quagmire must be eltminated immedia~ly IC a long-term, bipartisan solution Isn't found soon, the experts aay, the state's national credit rating could plummet. And the Legislature's nonpartisan budget adviser adds that this year's $1.~ billion to $2.4 billion deficit probably can't be plugged without a tax Increase. The fiscal experts testified a t a jolnt hearing ofthe nate .. . Finance and Allembly WaYt and Mean• commlt\eH, which are retponaible for money mauena. Thl'y said llttl<' that teglslatonil wanted to ht'ar. The new Legislature convenc.od this week and was called Into apeclal teeaion, partly to addl'fta the filcal problerna. But partiaan considerations have made It Increasingly unlikely that anything will be done before Democratic Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. leaves office and Republican Gov.-elect George Deukmejlan takes office Jan. 3. , Dcmocrub1 wunl Dl•ukmt Jh.in lo takr p11r1 ht f111dln6( 1,1 11c1lutlon. Rcipuhllt·1uu1 und Dt:ukmejlan u y Bruwn and tht• Leailalotur<' ahould fix lhlng11 bl'forc Jun. 3. 1'hc •2~ 2-balllon budgN for the 1982·83 fl!tl·al yt>ar. 1)11U(.ld by t hl• Leglslatur" lottt June, hos er<><fod mainly bt.-caui.4: 1M1lt•s uncl inc.'<>ml' 1.ax revenues have been less than cstimull'd dut> to the rC(..-ession. The dt.>flcil for this year Is already $220 mil lion a nd probably will be $1 .3 billion by the end of the flacal year June 30, said Mary Ann Graves. Brown'11 ranu11t•t• dirt.'<'l.Or. Stoll' 1'rco11urt•r Je.Ht! Unruh oncl th1• Comrnl1111lon on Stow l"l nont't.'. whlc.·h he chalr11, l'BlllOUl.t.' the de ficit (.'()Uld be • 1.:; ballion to $2 :s billion, dt'J)('ndln6' on tht• l'COnomy tor the rest ol tht• year for thhll(fl II kt• ~1·tt•r'tlllll' hcmw lonns ond prlim n corutrut•tlon , "un\11 our fu1cal house 11 put In ordt•t'." lle WAid he reared that If he wt•nt w tht• bond murkt•l th111 month. bt•fort• !iOnwthlng 1s done about the state's fiscal problt•nu. tht• nutionul rating ag<•ncacs would rt'<.lut•c California's bond ruling. The prublcm already forced the state to borrow $400 mllllon Crom a syndical<' headed by Bank of America lost month to pay its bills. ll was the first time in 11 years the state hod to borrow from outside sourc.'ell. And Unruh told the legislators he will 11Cll no more stale bonds, Cullforniu h ad the h ighes t rating, AAA. until Proposition 13 was approved by voters In 1978. Then Standard & Poors cut it to AA-plus and Mood ys lo AA . s for ehristmus: $}:J99 ~~~~~~~~~~:id Save $7 on the pants he'll wear everywhere. Natural comfort, versatility and famous Levi's• fit. Cord bells available in brown, tan, navy, grey, natural and light blue. Levi's• quality and classic styling-a gift for all the men on · your list. Waist sizes 29-38. '1.399 LEVI'S• CORD BELLS for STUDENTS _Waist sizes 26-30. Reg. $19. 99 'l.399 LEVI'S• CORD BELLS for BOYS Slim and regular sizes 8-14. Reg. $17.99 25% OFF.ENTIRE STOCK OF LEVI'S® SHIRTS Save 25% on a variety of styles and plaids. Flannel and cotton/polyester blends for comfort and easy care. Classic styling and great Levi's• quality. S-M-L-XL $ }599LEVI'S® 501,.,; JEANS The original shrink-to-fit 100% cotton denim jean. Naturally comfortable with famous Levi's• fit. America's famous jeans for work, for play. . MEN'S SHRINK-TO-FIT WAIST SIZES 28-42 STUDENTS'SHRINK-TO-FIT WAIST SIZES 26-30 BOYS' SHRINK-TO-FIT SIZES 0-12 15% OFF LEVI'S® JACKETS Get into the classic styling of these great looking Levi's• denim jackets. Lined and unlined styles. Fits well and goes anywhere. Sizes 36-44 reg and long. ITO~ ')jl'l.>.JI l I'. Ml q ~· ~IMO tetr 1-•rti flr or/b.,., 1t 1b .. -. ~ l•>Z " (. (J I ,.,,,,.,, • 1;tni1 '"'"~ m ,y .>n . n11nfi·· ""'bluo• 111ic;.., IJ~tcf II I ""l ll •nol~ •1111:-,qc. II '(d 'if I rt<IaJ\ ""'i~. lit) fl'JJI u ,.,IJf llJOl1'l n1oq~ ) nan11; lt'I "'" ~n~• I \c) 0# 111111, b il1!1 f)I 'TOfll hb 'Jy b-ntt< UOVt •1hl ., .. n~ ua "•'>9~ uln!t·1~ IJ lo t,. 1')1 bt; fl ll?~ nwlU• fl3ll ~ UC''°' If ,,,~ ,,.,._. t't (.jj .ictldu'tl' ""1 ·"° • • • 11wpart Beach1 ---------- S ta t e fun d s need e d now Wht•n I.1st wt•c•k'~ ~alt• blt•w m, 1t pll'kt'Ci up MHntf ll'illlt patx•c.•i. of thl' Bulbou Yuc.·ht Bas in tn Nt•wport Beac:h bl'for<' 1t hlt-w IU;c•lf out alTuss thl• m11untilm:-c Tht• end rt'SU!l was th<it the.> ell y-owncd marina bore the brunt of tht• s torm's fury A 60-foot St'l't1on uf d cx:k from 0tht• basin was nppt.'Ci lorn.e aml s lammt·d into an adJaCt>nt d ot·k Gangways w e re lorn loose.• and the pilmgs st.'Curmg 1 the dock were severed. M ore than 70 boat owners wt•n • forn·cl to n ·l<l(:ah· tht'ir l'raft until repairs can be made And therein hes the r ub. J ust weeks before t he storm. Newport Bt•ut·h had lt•arn('d it would be.• rt•t't•ivrng o $2.7 mil11o n lo w 1ntnest loan Crom the ~nou.• to rt>furbbh the.· ym:ht basin. w hl{'h is ndtllt·<l with dry rot and decay. Thv morwy is more <.·rit1cul nuw than ever bdort.', but it won't bC' availublt.• unul Late next ycnr. In the meantime, the city has dt.>c1ded to apply Band-Aids to the yacht basin a nd pray for an end to the stom1s. If ever a situation cried out fo r flexibility in governmt"ftt, this is it. We urge Newport Beach lo seek early release of these stale funds. And we urge the state gov<.'rnment to listen. The yacht basin needs help now. fluntain ValleJ---------- A nnex b est s olution W i th the approval of the Loca l Agency Forma t ion Commission. which must rule on a ll annexatio ns in the cou n t y. Fountain Valley soon will grow a little. The agency has okayed plans for city annexation of an 8 12-acre parce l earmarked for th e development of more than 160 condominiums. T he parcel 1s a portion of one of two islands of county territory, one 25 acres and the othe r seven acres. lying w est of the Santa Ana River. south of Edingl'r Avenue and east o f Harbor Boulevard. The LAFC has ruled that both islands of now--unincorporated county territory are within Founta in Valley's sphe re of influe nce and ' the re fore suitable for annexation. Indeed. the commtss1on has urged the annexation as soon as possible. instead of waiting for developer s to come up with picc:cm eal a nnexation proposals. For the time being, however, the city will move ah ead only on the properry. part of the 25-acre island, w here the condominiums w il l be built. Tha t's b ecau se annexation will give the city m ore control of the development. Some Fountai n Val ley. officia ls are hesitant to proceed with a large-scale annexation for fear it might strain city services. That's reasonable, but in the long run it is best to have these odd i::.la.nds o f cou nty t e rrito r y . attached to their adjacent cities, for th e bene fi o f presen t a nd fu ture residen ts. taaana Beach----------- Ext end th e sig n la w F ifteen years ago Laguna Beach became the first community along the Orange Coast to adopt a strict sign ordinance. The law. approved after a two-year debate, required removal and re placement of all over-sized. garish business signs within a three-year amortization period. in the inte r est of mainta ining the ·•village atmosphere" of the art colony . After a certain-amounr at grumbling the big signs came down and it was generally agreed that the e-ffort greatly improved thf' town's appearance. Now L aguna Beach Cit y Councilman Dan K enney wants to go a step further. His targets this time are interior lighted signs that stand out too sharply in the more subdued sign climate. These were not prohibited under the original ordinance, though their brigh tness supposedly was regulated. K enney's proposal has merit. In fact. the city has approved only one interior lighted s ign in the past four years a nd others that remain are getting old a nd rather shabby. The proposed la w w ould require their removal within a three-year period. That doesn 't seem unreasonable. Kenney says he has talked with officials qf both Carme l and Aspen , Colo., two · r esort comm uni t ies that ban 1 A t ui.oLdi_L . .sia~~ and_ h eard nothing n egative about t e1r aws. So far his suggestion doesn't seem to be s tirring up much opposition . but that may change w he n the issue com es up for a public h ea ring befor e the Planning -Commissio n later this month. Laguna today has some of the most tasteful and least distracting business signs m the county. It would be in everyone's interest·to have the few remaining offenders removed in due course. lrviae-------------- La wm ak in g tr ick e r y A piece o f l ast -minute p o liti c al gamesmanshi p by Assemblyman Bruce Young. D - Norwalk, threatens to jeopardize plans for Irvine and Mission Viejo to construct and begin operation of n ew train stations. Unless the maneuver can be u ndone there is the c urious possibility th at new stations m!~ht · be built at the two communities but by passed by several of the Amtrak trains on t h e L os Angeles-San Diego route. Young, chairm a n o f the A ssembly Tr a nsportation Committee, managed to tack seve ral amendments onto a transportation bill in the final days o f th e la st session of the Legislatu re. One provides that new state funds will be allocated for stations ~ or new s tops unde r a priority system that .gu~rantees Norwalk will be next m line. Norwalk has not yet been allocated an y such state fundlo by the California Tra nsportation Commissio n . Funds have been a uthorized for construction of the Irvine and Mission Viejo stations, but not for the q>sts of stopping the trains. Since four o.f the seven daUy Amtrak round-trips a re supported ORANGE COAS:r Daily Pilat -..-01>1-tw•• °'"' e1 t~ •••• •t Ho 'Wot II•• 't t t\lt -.. AMt .. \ IO"••-d<>1•0 to 80• ·~. '°'tt IN ... '"' •l•>t with state funds and t hree are fi nanced solely by Amtrak. this :outd mean that the four s tate - suppor ted runs would wind up bypassing the new stations. And there is a further possibility that if the state-funded train stops a re not authorized , the state g rant already approved for the Irvine station might go to Norwalk. This some what id ioti c situati o n appa r ently was overlooked until Orange County officials examined Young's lengthy bill after the close of the legislative session. • Now the Oran ge County Transportation Commission is preparing t o l ob by for m odi ficat ion of the Norwalk pr ovis ion wh e n !he new legis la t ive session o p ens in J anuary. This once more points up the inh eren t dange rs of end-of-session legislative manipulations a ns! th.!! ongoing need for local officials to k ee p a c l ose wat c h on t r a n s portatio n -related issues. Similar mane uvering rammed th roug h th e bullet-train legislation on which Ne wport Beach Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson and her colleagues now are tryi n g to o btain public hearings that were camvenlcntly ov<.'rlookcd. Thoma• P. Holey Jan• Amofl (."' '·• lOJ lcwbafo Kfolbkh !<H ,,.,. l'og<i t 1.1n. • f Letters to the editor Newcomers need time to adjust To the F.ditor: My wife and I were two of the victims of a 5-car auto accident on (-5. We were last in line of a long line of cars standing s tiU on a jamme.d off-ramp on the Escondido freeway transitional road going north, just south of San Diego proper. - A car driven by a Vietnam~ with three Vietnamese passengers came o(f 1-5 in excesa-oL.65 miles per hour and slammed tnto us witho ut breaking speed, totally wrecking their car a~d ours and badly damaging three others m front of our car. My wife and I were pried out of our car by paramedics and taken to a hospital. None of the Vietnamese could speak a ny English, but it w as some how determined that they thought their brakes had failed. THE POINT of this letwr is that the police stated to us that people from Vietnam and similar societies are too quickly given auto licenses and injec~ into our social mainstream before being technologically able to react or cope with , emergency situations. Their reactions and technological experiences are related to mopeds. bicycJes or even only to water buffalo .. Consequently we suffer from their incomprehension over what to do in an unusual situation requiring quick 1_ ........ ~le~es. We a nd several others were almost l<Jned. --- Should not people strange to our ways be forced to permit a reasonable time to pass to afford them. an opportunity to understand our rules and have a sufficient working knowledge of our technical equipment and the safe way to cope with it before they are given a license to propel a 2,000-pound vehicle at 70 miles an hour down a rainy, dark freeway and endangering the lives of their new fellow-citizens? HENRY BURKE MAILBOX Laguna's trees . To thl' Editor: l bl•lacve w holehC'urtedly the old axiom that an elected oHiciaJ never tries to defend herself in print in -response to criticism or att.at·k by a d t11.en regarding a votl'. But, after reading a third lettl'r or cr1t1c1sm regarding our recent council volt' on Heritage Trees, I feel c:ompelled to rt-spond. I would parucularly like w add some information for those who were not in. the audience lhl" evening of our decision. or perhaps not aware of the events whicfi took plal.'e prior to th(' council meeting. Unfortunately, by the time we were presented with the unusual request to placl' the sole remaining tree on t he property to the Hl'ri tage Tree . Lis t (agai nst the wishes of the pro"C'rty owner). that owner or the lot and some of the neighbors had become VC'ry (·ombative. This is a most unfortunate result of lack of moderation in solving one's problems. i.e .. leveling of a lot duC' to exasperation with yard maintenance BUT, SE'FTING aside the acrimony of the participants; let's think about the environmental beauty or Laguna Beach. which is so highly prized by its ~it!rens because they enjoy not only oo~n views, but indeed their beloved trees and vegetation. The question arises at what point does one consider the proper ly · · ldual over the propert y righ ts or the 1mme 1a c neighborhood. We currently have a Code Book four inches thick. page after page. defin ing the "rights" or the property owners of Laguna Beach for the safety and enjoyment of the total community. I d ebated this issue in my mmd and finally w ith advice from th e City Attorney, fell the road to moderauon to be rbund in placing the tree on the Heritage Tree List. The property owner would be permitted to appeal . to the Board of Adjustments to have the tree.' rcmovl'CI from the list although he or she H1nt1n1t11 Baa---------- Clinic will HJiss hiHJ Huntington Beach will miss Doug Elson, who took over the Communit y Clinic during its trouble d t im es in 1975 and restored it to a highly prof~ional operation, but now has resigned to seek new challenges. Elson, 3 4 , will b ecom e executiv e director of the Community Clinic o f Orange County in Santa Ana. He was named director of the Huntington Beach clinfc after the previous di.rector had been asked to resign and the facility was beset with starfing problems. Under Elson's j(Uida nce, the clin ic, located at Fifth and Orange Streets in downtown Huntington Beach , b ee a me a va J ua ble community asset, providing low - cost medical care and cou nseling to some 1.400 )ow-incom e clients each month. , Elson's departure will be a loss to the city, but he leaves the c linic in good s hape and well organized to continue providing its n eeded ser vices unde r n ew direction. The clinic's board of directors n ow is consid ering a numbe r of applications for the post he is vacating and is expected to announce a selection shortly. C1st1 1111-___;__ ___ ..;...__ _____ ~ Watch can • cut cr1HJ e There's an old saying that if you want something done right, do it yourself. For years, police have been telling us that we are the secret to a lower crime rate. The message has come acro88 loud and clear in Costa Mesa. Partic ipation i n the clty's Neighborhood Watch program ls up 20 percent over last year, and burglaries ln the city are down 40 percent. Although law enforcement officials are leery of aurlbuUng the lower crime rate spedf~y to the 'Neighborhood Watch prosrarn. the conaenaut ii that it hel.-. Neighborhood Watch 11 a t.wo...pronged attack on crime. Police officen lnetruct crou.-on homt? security and ·of for ttSldents a free home security check. Residents have free use of an engraving pen to mark valuables, and signs are poeted on 1treeta wh e r e 80 perce nt of th e hou se holds b e long to Neighborhood Watch. Those things help, but the m os t important thing . Neighborhood Watch docs is foster involvement. Residen ts are urged to keep on eye out for suspicious persons. They are encouraged to report things that don't look right to them, even 3t the expense of a raIM! .11larm. In other words, people are urgt.'d to look out ror the other RUY· And that's a human plus, u wel) u a IM!CUrity plus. Sometimes, in our mobtte a n d detached society, Nel1hborhood Watch Is the place where nelghbora flnally meet and learn to care about each other We urge you to call 754-~320 for m ore information o n Nelshborhood Watc h . It's a prosram you owe younelf. might lh!!n ~ rcqu1n·d to replal'l' 1l with another tree• of ~rhaps more appealing qualities. This. it seemed to me, could ~tisfy all of the parti1:s. If those who rca<·tt.'CI so vehemently to my vote (and the other thr('(' votes) had only rt"'S<.'arc:hcd the issue a httl<.• more, thc·y might have not "failed to sec the forest for the trl>e!" BOBBIE MINKIN Laguna Beach City Council Rules ch anged To the F.d1tor. How would you feel 1f you were playing cards with some<>ne and after you had tx-en dealt a straight or fl ush thr rules of the gamt> were changed and a pair could win? Those of us in ~ant.a Ana Heights are in a sjmilar situation. We purchased a home in a l'Ommunaty which was zoned A-I for light agricultural use (r:ibbits, chu:kens, hors<'S etc.). Now , because the county Board of Supervisors. l'OUnty land use planners, the> Airport Commission and developers want to use· the land for other than A-1 use. they want to change the rules and forc-e longtime rC'S1dents into selhng their homes because we are not in compliance with the "rules of the game." We have not c·hanged our use! What havc we done wrong? The airport is what has changt-d. &>cause the t'Ounty administration won't or can't control airport noiS<', we don't "l'<>mply.''.ls this fai r'! FRED PETERSON Infor m l awm akers To the Editor: Apathy on the part of the American voter is a grave danger to this country, not only not to vote but to fail to inform the representatives how w e feel regarding various issues, both local and mternational. All Americans, and especially our congressmen and various senators. mu.st bear a deep sense of reponsibility in the r ecent s la u ghter and massacre of thousands of Innocent women a nd children an Beirut along with the people and leaders of Israel. We supplied the tax dollars that armed Israel and plared them in <..'Ontrol of Lebanon. We have supported the Begin regime that permits suppression of human rights on the West &nk and aggression against its neighbors. W e a r e n ow exp e r ie n cing a remarkable news blackout from Israel and the Middle East area. Around the world Be-gin is known as the butcher of Beirut and in the same breath we. the United States, are included. WE WARNED, for example, Sen . Cranston by letter, mailgrarn, telegrams of the danger of this man. His track record is one of bombing and murdering of innocent women and children. From Sen. C r ans ton we r eceived a m1mrographed letter saying we have traditionally supported Israel. This shows the power and the influence of a small p ercentage of people in this country who lobby for their special mt.crests. There is now a movement to bring all parties of the Middle East including the PLO to a conference and settle this nightmare peaceably. There isn't one of us that doesn't hope and pray for a just and peaceful settlement for all people of 1hat region but we, the lndividual voter, dUzen need to inform by telegram and letter our repre.9e~tatives our support of IUCh a movement. J .W. OESKE A\hletk compeUUon provee one thlna - u doee life -ttult lf we hid a little "'°" Ume tM OUK'Omt mlaht have b8en Vft"J dlff l"r'ftl t . PHlLOSOPK&R .... , .. ._..._ ......... ., ........... . ,_.......,, ..... , .. ,""' .. ••= r' ,, ... ,_,.. 1 ........ ......, ........ , ...... ! • : ., . , , ' ·l '• ,, ,, • ,. ,,.. ' ----------~~--~------~~--------------------o_r•~no•_c~_._•DA_IL_VP_ILO_T1T_hu_r~~·y.~Dece~m~M~r9~,19~82~~~··1 'ENTER MOSKATEL~s . / . • .l. ·1· •• • •• .. ·• J f I ••• .. '1 ,. 1 . ~ 1 . : I , . . 1 r-----------------------------------·---~---------------------------------------------. .·: I COLOR "RALPH". THE REINDEER IN THE FO.REST • • • i ·: I I AND DECORATE THE TREE i ~! ' I !.. ·I •, I ' I I r ·--·--. I I I . , ~ I I I ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I __..,,_,,.....- 1 I I I I I I ~~ I - I I I I I I I I I I , I .. --'iml" 1. • !P ............. _~-.... .. I - I . I i I .,. . ~ I ~.• I I -. '" I . . I -:· . I -':I I J • ,. , . I , I I . I , ,!, I I : I I , I ~ J I 1. I - I .~ I . . I ::. .. I .. I " . I -: I . I. I • " I ,, •·· .. I !; I I I I : I ;, , . I ; •._ :1 . I ' I ·: . . I • .;· •. . ~~. .• •; I : ,, I I• I ")/ I I · 't .1 I I ,. I I I .;.; -. I • I ,. I ~ I . ·'· I . ' i . ~ '. I NAME: PHONE: ( ). . AGE: · .. , .· i ·:: ~ .. . . ~ .. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. J . * You · CAN WIN ONE · 0~2 "FREE" TOY 0 CITY. . GIFT CERTIFICATES. ":"'. ·; AGE · GROUPS· ·• llilll Tiii BlfRf TO Olltl lfM'lllllTOll llMll ITOllE . " :. ' I • Ml E#mll llll'T. II Ir 111/W, IEOl#B 11, ,,,, . . :: ; : ~==.· ~r • -·-Will • IWTEI II ITMI IEOl#B "-If • 10-12 r.s. CATEGORIES JUDGED: . - • MOST ORIGINAL •·MOST. COLORFUL •CUTEST · . •NEATEST . 't ----.T-------~=-.:-- •I CONY.EST AT . . .: ) f. . HUNTINGTON BEACH ·oNa:v· .-~ ~ . I ! 8882 EDINGER tA• Golden•••>. i 1t NmXT TO ZODY'I , I '" · 1 ' i . .. . (714). 842-4445 I I • Ale Orang~ fout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, 0.0.mber 9, 1982 II -I I l Guaranteed: ~o more than the average yield on money -market funds -provided you act now. Beginning December 14, Home Federal's new Insured Mo neyMarket PlanSM will bring you a combinatio n of safety, high potential earnings plus a variety o f transaction privileges never befo re possible. And if you sign up right away, we'll even guarantee yo ur high earnings - with a 2% inte rest bonus over the average yield on money market funds for 30 days renewable monthly at the o ption of Ho me Federal for up to six months (according to a leading index). 1bJs special offer is good only through Monday, December 13, so sign up today. In addition, you'll receive a free ChextraSl-4 interest checking account -an important money management tool, because it's linked to your Insured Mo neyMarket Plan with transfers you control by phone. And gives you day-in, day-out cash conve nience. 200 personalized checks free! Minimum, $5,000 maximum, $75,000 de posited in a regular 5-1/2% savings account and transfe rre d automatically on Dec~mber 14. Guarmrteed: up to $2,000 Interest tllat Federal tun can't touch~ ltyauhmy. · Your last chance to open a Tax-Free Savings Certificate is fast approaching. By law; these one-year, no-minimum accounts cannot be offered after December 31. Open your account now I and you'll . ' have been using one tax advantage to create another! auar.teed: a bautlful 1983 wltll ya• FIEE calendar! Be sure to pick up your free 1983 Calendar when you visit Home Federal. This year, we're featuring CALIFORNIA fl.OWERS. You'll eam an extra 2 % on your Investment dollars for 30 days renewable 'monthly at tbe option of Home Federal for up to six months over tbe average y ield on money market funds according to a leading Index. · still qualify to earn a total of S2,000 tax-free interest if you 're married and file jointly ( Sl,000 if you file individually). Depending on your filing status, FREE! This handsome pen with our compliments -a fitting memento. for signing up early, or just stopping in.• YUmtl, one calendar and pen per family, while supplies last, not available by phone.) EFED_ .. 0 ............ 7117 0....., 37W7MO...,.. ..... l40-tDIO ... ..ei_.72 D~•_,_00 ,, G-1T.MO .......... ......,O ......... f72,7tlll0 ,_ 377,-0,_ 1111111111 47M71tD _, __. ..... Lw 10,...,1•1=....._~,o ....... "l: .... Woi.: 1M --1.cllQ 0 ............ ,,..._ D ........ ?INl11 D ...._,._ ............ Olm I ~a..-.m10 ........ 71110 .. C111119~t o .. ,,..a11...,o ...... = ,...,,o ...... m~•o ... ._. ..... ,a ... ,...,...o ..... __ a ... !l&...-o ...... 1MOO ....... 1 -.M10(11 llNl7'0 -.-o IL I & 111m•a..t4~01tl .. :.: ..... fta =.f511,Jm0 t-...~O==-G111911•7..UOOOWlllll_...DW& .. 1.a1300..._. O..-M4-1cmoo._ -..0W1110.....~10• 1 ••• . 474-3llOllO• A :l ... 1Qt. a10.._. ...... 0..t• .... --C •RI& .................. .._. LL • L " •• I • . " \ THI CUii AID THI caum .. THURSDAY.DEC 9, 1982 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION 82 66 87 What action qualify as child abuse? See Ann Landers, Pase 82. .---... ~·- 0 D 'Kid powered' toys promote creativity Way buck whl'll parc nlS, Sanl<l Claus and a t•hild's Chrislmas wish came togcth<.•r quiw si mply. Lilli<.• boys would hope for lin ·soldiers, nt•w blocks, u truck or a wagon. Girls dreamed o( baby dolls, miniature tea sets and red vt•lvet drcSS<.'S. Both wan ted Teddy bears. Christmas morning promised true surprises. with tht• whole month of Ot.>cember devoted to dd ightful sixx·ula tion about Santa's choice. Nothing can cha nge the magic of Christmas, but today's world of mass m~ia, par ticularly telcv1s1on ad vt•rtisang aimed at ~c ch ildren's toy market, t:an t:omplicate Christm gift selection. AU too .often children are to d by the media what thl'Y want and w~y they want il. Parents arl· put on tht' spot w hen they feel that some toys promoted on TV are overpriced and will lose their charm bl'fore the ne w year lx>gins. Dr. Marilyn S loan, a child development psychologist and specialists in educational toys for children. says. "Often consumers lccl prcssurt'<:I to buy toys tha t are heavily advertised -the 'hot' items on the market, but safety, creativity and intellectual growth are the critical factors t:unsumt>rs llhould u~· whfin St'IL't'ling t-0ys fur children ." As dirt't.'tor of product development for Toys T o Crow On, u Los Angl•lcs-baSt>d munuful·turer · and distributor of <.'d ut:aliona l toys, Dr. Sloan personally rt.•VIPW8 lhOUSllnds Of toys from manuCacturc.•n; throughout the world. S he notes that although par-en ts have lost aome control over - tht' sdl'l't1on of their children's toys d ue to media inflUl'Ot't.'. tht•rc arc ma ny toys on the market that wW satisfy J child's desire for the neweet popular item. and provide solid creative and educational value as well. Dr. Sloan suggt'Sts ronsumers select a toy that cnl'Ouragt'S a child to explore. "Think about the toy's potenuul for stimulating creativity," she says. "Toys should be versatile and provide the child with many play options. When a toy has a built-in reward system , ll can be instrumental in developing a child's ronftdenc.-c and curiosity." Acc.-ording lO Dr. Sloon, a child will bl' more easily enc.'Ouragc.>d to play with the toy if a number of alternative uaes can be found. Toys without e laborate de tailing or which require the child to create hi.a or her own world are best Electronic game~, E.T. hot gift items Sto ries by PAT HOROWITZ Of the Dally Pilot Staff "And what do you want for Christmas this year?" asks Santa. Orange Coast youngsters' replies must be ra nging from ultra- modern to traditional toys and games, according to a survey of toy stores. Electronic games of every -size and price range are ver y big th is year, but so are baby dolls and stuffed animals. Gail Grillon, cashie r at Toy Wo rld i n Costa Mesa. s a id customers are buying a lot or elect ronic games, but they also look for safety and educationaJ features. "I hear all the questions they ask. so I know what their concerns are. They love the game that guarantees 'a smarter kid in 60 days.' Price as very importanl to people this year too. They want value for their money.'' T oys R Us in Costa Mesa reports a healthy sales volume. with electronic gam<.'S of all kmds and E.T . merchandise in high demand . . FAO Schwarz at South Coast P laza h as been taking a lot of catalog o rde rs fro m ear l y shopper s during Novembe r , aceording to Ell a Bac he ldr. manager of the s tore know n for 1ts super-sized stuffed ammals. "As usual, our electric trains are big sellers, particularly the 1982 annive rsary car," she said. "Battery-operated animals, such as our singing birds and toy bears playing the drums and cymbals have been very popular." When asked if F AO Schwarz s hoppers have cut back at all on purchases this year. Bache ldr said, "Christmas is Christmas and people feel that children can't help the economic situation." S he reports that four $1,500 giraffes have been sold as well as Italian horse and surrey sets and stulled German Shephe rd dogs in the $595 to $625 price range. bct·ausc.• lhcy promotl' creativity and can be u84..>d how to ma~dN:hoons. To develop this urea, Dr. to l'Xt•rcisc.· und strt.'lch children's Imaginations. Sloan wc:ornn\cnds t'Onsumcrs sclc.-ct toys which &lll•ry-operated toys arc <.'Ommonly P<JpulaJ· cnw uragc d<.'t'il11on-muking. Building toys arc Christmas ltcm.q, says Dr. Sloan. Bu t toys thul arc grl•ut for this, she.• udd11. A child can dt.'Cidc on "kid powcn.'CJ" -whether they are push~ by whether to bulld a hou.e or a apace staUon and hand or pcdalad by Coot -crc'alc acUvlty tmd whclhl'r il should bl' one or two stories. Inspire.· children to become more actively Involved "SUl'l'C.'SS and failure are important proc.•cssc..os In play. T hts type.• of Coy dcmunds a response ana--an-g-rowth," says Dr. Sloan. "Decision-making teys·--.,.. childn.•n arc inspirt.>d to give something in return. t<.•ach dulurcn liUl't't.'SS and failure na'CI not be a n Morl' Important, she comments, kid-power ls intlm1datanj{ cxpcril'ncc." always avallablt> -batterfcs eventually run out. Probably the most important suggestion for The psychologist also suggests that consumers. c:onsumcrs is to select toys thal arc safe for a aelect toys which are designed for a child'• apedfk child's use, she emphalli.es. Dr. Sloan specllicall y agt• gruup and performance level. "The goal 1s to advises choosing items which have no sharp edges chOOSt.' toys tha t encourage learning but dun~c or pieces that will break or pull off and be frus trate the child because they arc too swallowed or injure a child. "Test each toy ad vunt't.'d." yourself," she says. "Ir it breaks in the store, it Jt'or example, toys with bright colors and will break instantly Ont'C its home." unusual shapes are of most Interest to pre-school More detailed information on choosing to~s age children. Youngsters in the early years o r for children Is available free to consumers in Dr. elementary education are more inclined to enjoy Sloan's booklet," "Ten T ips On Choosing Toys For toys involving language and math skills that Children." It may be obtained by writing to Toys supplement what they learn In school, she says. To Grow On, P.O. Box 17, Dept. E, Long Beach One lf'!lpor tant aspect of growth is learning 90801 , or by phoning (800) 262-1777. l Saleswoman Mary Gainer at Toy Center in South Coast Plaza said, "People want educational toys, and computer games are the big ragt> Garfie ld s tuffe d a n i m a l s a n d S tra wberr y S hortcake dolls are just as big." Gainer added , ''I'd like to say how pleasant people are being in our store this year, even though C hr istmas shopping is a busy lim e f o r c u s to m e r s a n d salespeople alike.'' Toys International a t South Coast Plaza caters to customers who w a nt t h e unus ual. Commenting on the safety aspect o f toy purchases, the fi rm's president, Gayle Hoebne r, said, "Parents need to take r ersonal responsibility for the safety or their children's toys. What's safe for one child may not be safe for a nother. We have found that toys made in America and Europe a re quite we ll-made and safe. Toy World offers just about everything a child would want on Christmas morning. "We've sold more dolls this year than in the past few years," comme nted Katie Braden of Toy City in Huntington Beach. "polls of al l k inds, esp ec iall y Strawberry Shortcake, are what people want. E.T. merchandise, video games an d cartridges and G.l. Joe figures and tanks also are in demand." Ka r t 's T oys, Ho bbies & S tationery m Fashion l,sland also reports an increase In G.I. Joe toy sales. "They're reaJ big this year for b oys." said T e d Dunn, assistant manager. "We're also selling a lo t of Do nkey Kong ga mes a nd oth er fairly high t icket it ems . P eople a re still buying Wgh -pr iced merchan- dis e , b u t few e r things p e r customer this year." · "Most people are interested in the educational value of a toy, but their primary concern is being able to have fun," Hoebner added. "We are finding a lot of c u s t o m e r s w h o wa n t t he experience of a toy train tha t can d e l ight t h e w h ole f a mily. Indoor/outdoor trains that can be set up a r o und a p oo l for youngsters and adults to enjoy are popular sellers this year." Toys for the "big ki~" abound at Chess & Garnes Unlimited In Newport Beach. The ultima te o ffe ring is a chess set with a robot adversary that co mpetes with its huma n 1>ppone nt Qn eight levels of expertise fro m top-lev el compe t ition whic h a pproaches the master level to a c)lallenging game for the average player. The robot hand can even be programiried for "emotion " tha t ma kes it hesita te be fore deciding on plays or there may be a sudden display of temper with chess pieces being knocked ' over by the black metal player. Other computerized chess sets talk bac k to o ppon e nts ; In English or in Spanish, Gemian and French. by special order. . Leonara Kerr, owner of T he Kid's P lace in lrvine, says she-Is not selling "Cad" toys. "Bears are still our most popular stuffed critte rs, a s t hey h ave been be fo re . T h is Is m y fourth Christmas season at this store, and it's the first Ume customers have been education-oriented in their toy choices. We are selling beautifully illustrated traditional books with dolls to match. In fact. people Insist on basic toys, particularly dolls that will lrust and be treasured." "Electron ic games a re to p selle rs ," say& ma nager J ane t Poland . "A lot o f people a re buying separate video game unita with separate tapes this year. Actually. Donkey Kong is a good value for its price and s ize . Donkey Kong popular item . . ... but so is the stulfed toy. Toy .experts discuss a child's ·world · of make believe By LOUISE COOK Annllt•d ,,... Wrtw K a thy Deck er a nd Do uglas ThomiJon are experts on toys. 'A. the mother of a 6-year-Old boy, Decker la a toy buyer. · As the president of the Toy Manufacturers of America Inc., ThOIT\llOn la a toy seller. Decker la concerned about what ahe aaya IB ttie poor qµallty of many of today's toys, about advertising which promJaet more than the toys produce and about price i.p which are too high. TholD80G NY• he aharet many of Decker'• concerns. He abs> worria about the hl&h COit.a of production, about low profit mar,m. and about to)'I tha't are mlsueed. Wilh only da)'I io to before ChriatmM, The A.oc:iated Pr-. bl'OUiht Decker and Thonwon J to1ether, via telephone, to talk about tor.. From her home in Danville, 11 ., Decker listed some oC the complaint.a ahe haa and ~ of · the problems relAyed to her by parenta of her eon Adam'• friends. ln New York, Thomson -who haa two gro wn c hildre n himse lf -listen ed, sympathized and .explained. .. "One o.f the blaest complalnta, is poor quality overall," Decker 6i1an . Toya .with plecee tha t fall off or don't work properly. "Things with tracks -the object never stays on the tracks." Spring- action toya that don't 1prin1. "You're 1pendln1 a lot of time and ener1y returning to)'I \hat should work In the first flace ... "One o the other problems la they (toys) are IO overpr~ . . . I can buy my '°" a ahlrt for what It cost.a to put Barbi• In a pair of Jordache Jeana ... It 111 the parenta' respon11lbUitv to 11y no, but mott parent.a want to buy their klda toys ... You just want the m to work and you want them to be n,uonable .. .'' Barely pau1tn1 for breath , Decker conUnu~: "I think the ada are mlsleadlnf. I know they have guldellnH but a good portion o them on televtslon on Saturday mornina ahow all theee super thlnp that the toyt are doina \hat they don't do at all ... "Then there are the novelty to)'I. The toy1 that require abeolutely no lf'MlinatJon ... P1utlc toyS. Thole thlnp don't lalt out to the parking lot ... " Dicker eaid then an ecne bnndl of \oya which are excellent. "And I think that the Ykleo p1Mt -if lhey'rt1 IUperviaed -are 80CJd , . , '' But ahe aaid that nten the mo1t careful parent can't monJtor au the \oyt a child 19\1· And the pecka,Pna on many toys makes It lmpcaible to Inspect the toy l>efore you buy It, ahe said. ~ Tbomaon a1reed that many of De'cker'1 points we re valid. But he aald there are problems \he public oft.en doea not understand. "Let'• talk pricing for just a minute ... The reuon that price11 on goods that are made In. the United States are 10 h tah l s that we have the hl1he u -c o1t rnanufacturln1 operations In the world . . • We have very hl1h Interest rates, we have deflcil 1pendln1 in our 1overnment ... Our national pollclea over recent yeva have been very clearly that we would aupport lncrNlt'l In Social Security, lncreaae• In the minimum w11e. lncrea .. ln re1ulatlon1 of all aorta, • hu1e 1overnmen\. bureaucrac y . And all that money enda up .ornewhere and It ends up rilht in the price ot the p>da." I I r al Orange CoHt DAIL V PIL01 /Thurlday, December 9. 1982 DEAR ANN LANDERS: Ph.•a.'I(• wit mc 1( my molhcr can huvt• our l'h1ldn•11 takt·n away from my h usband anJ ml" Our 6-yt•ur-uld sun was giving us a hurd timt> a lew days ugu. l le kl•p1 nagging und wh ining and \alklng back. Finally my husband hud ha d enough. He got u p and slapped the child Ul·ross lhc face. I am sure he didn't mean to hit ham us hard as he did. l t'<>Uld ~>e he fell real bad about it tht> minute it J'\appencd. He would rath<'r <·ut off his right arm lhan hurt nny of our kids. • The next day my mulhcr t·umc nv<.•r and saw ..,arks on the ..bo~·s face. She asked him what tiappened. When he said, "Daddy hit me," mom w ent through the ceiling. S he told 01c 1f l didn't file a child abuse t•harge against my husband she would speak to lhe teal'her and ask her to do it. According to my mother. teachers arc sup posed to report that 8ort of thing. : The re were no broken bonc.'S or anything like thal -just a blal'k-and-blue hand print on the boy's face. , My husband 1s furious. He has told me that if fnY mother doesn't bull out of our business, he is B._omg to tell her she can't <.'Orne over here anymore. j:le is a good husband and father. Ann. and I am flfraid of what might happen. Please advise us. -0 CITY H EARTACHE :: D E AR 0 CITY: Ju s t a bl ack -a nd-blue i.andprint across the boy's face, eh? Tha t must ~ave been some wallop. The bully Is lucky be didn't ~reak the cbild'SfaW:-· :. I strongly recommend that your husband get tome counseling at once. He needs to learn bow to P,ontrol bis temper and find substitute outlets for Jis rage. What be did does indeed qua lify as child fbuse. ":. There may be some organizations in your area iiaat help parents who take out their anxieties and lrustratlons on their childre n. Call the public Abrary and inquire about social service listings of &bis kind. Or write to Parents Anonymous, %230 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 208, Torrance, Calif. 90505. ~laey will send some excellent literature and put ~u in touch with the chapter nearest your home. :. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was pleased that ~u reminded your faithful readers to donate blood Co the American Red Cross. but please, Ann. be iware that millions of them do not live near the 60 blood centers operated by that fine organization. : More than 2,000 community a nd hospital-based blood banks a ffiliated with the Ame r ican A ssociation of Blood Banks o r Council of Community Blood Centers could use your help. Please ask your readers to call the nearest hospital and ask if they operate a blood bank or if Chey can refer them to the nearest facility. Millions of anonymous patients would be eternally grateful. -ALAN HOFFSTADTER (LOYOLA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER LN CHICAGO) DEAR A.H.: Tbanlls for reminding m e of the commanlty and hospital-bas~ blood banks. I beard from ne.arly all 2,000 of 'em. BUT -a ccording to t be Summary Report of the National Blood Data Center Survey of U.S. blood services, the 57 Red Cross services collected 50 percent of the nation's blood -a most impressive performance record. -•-RABBITl lftStltANCE 441 Old Newport Blwd. Newport Buch, Ca. • 131-1740 PlB.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IW .... H NAMe aTAn•NT The lollowlng pe<SC>ns ere doing bullnwt u : COMP UTRONICS ~A R­ KETINQ, 111112 Annll< Or , P 0 . ,Box 51186. Hunllnglon Beacll. CA 112646 MARK FRANCIS ERTLE, 9192 Ann1k Or Hunhnglon Beach. CA 92646 RICHARD WILLIAM M ILLER JR . 529 W Nevada St . Onlano, CA 91761 This bullness 11 conducied by a ~al partner.nip Matk F Ertle Thi• 11a1emen1 WU filed wllh I Counly Clerk or Orange Counly November 15. 1982. f20210I Published Orange Co111 Dall) Pilol, Nov 111. 25. Dec. 2, ll. 11182 5093-82 sun dust ·w GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF N Ill I h :-; 1111 I h ~outh 11 .. nl ... NOK1'11 • 9S4 ' 11I111· rnhlo. ( 10983 0 106 54 • 9 7 Wt:ST • J72 I 7 .. 0 7 3 2 •AKQ J S SOUTH •AKQ iv AK Q OAKQ +8843 EAST • 10863 \ J 852 0 J 98 • 102 'rh1• l IJllO., w11 .. /'rohnhly I lw l:oldrn AK•' o br1d1w The• ltnl111n llhw 'l'1•11m w11 .. 1n 11.. prtnw. 11 nd rl111ng to t ht• fnr1• wn-. II rrop or young Am1•r1r.1111•.1qwrl" that would .. oon l1•11v1• ils mark on world brldl(t" A reN•ntly publlalwd l>ookl<>t. 7'/tt• Jlr;dge Worl(i Hf~l of the Eorly S(.rti1•1 l11v11llahlt• rrom Bridge World Mt1g11tln(', !$9 W"st 94th St .. Nt•w York, N.Y. 10025, $4 po<Jt rr~ .. 1 has collticu•d som1• or the outstanding material or thi$ period. wn n't by 111·rld1•nt, h111 wu ownnl lo ronv1•y 11 11vhtlt• point. Ile• w11~ nliin 1 rolll'rlor or odtlllll' ... 11nd '10011' or lhl'< m11t1•ri11l nr>rwor., In tht• hookh·t. Thi" d1·11I h<·1·nu t'. or 111 ~J>itt· of. it-. n1>pnrt'nt !9lmplirity, h11d experts nrgu inr about It for month11. Ar cording to Morehead. It w1111 "1.1 problem ... with no 11up portabll' answer." South's 27 ll CP 1Hld halnnred di'ltribulif>n 11r1• u powerful :irgumt•nt for a thret• no trump openinK hid. but th<' rlub .. uit i& unstofl ped. flul ir South d11e1n 't open thrt'<' no trump. wh11t othel"'nltun~ t hl'rl''! 11 poir.. t•ndt•d In l hr1•1• no I rump down on1• 1'hf' othM flv1• 111.111t11(1•d to lunl(ui11h in 11 purl "c·or1• for 11n •·•rt•llt•nt r<·.,uh With th•• rluh' •Hark t·d llK:t1M1L him. Houth rouldn'1 rn11k.. ll\rN• no trum11 or, iodN•d.1.1ny olht•r l(llllW c·ont r11c•t ogninst b~•l d1•f1•nw. A rt'rt"l1>n11hlt· ult1•r n1ttlv1• rontru1•t ii. four hN1rt '· hut if tlw dt·ft>nd1•r• lN1d trump' nt 1•vt•ry oppor lunily. I hat too must Cull. Thow who endc·d 10 Lhrct• no trurnp urgul'd Vl'ht•ml'ntly that the• oppont'n l~ would be able• lo <'.tkh five Lritki. only onc1· inn hundrf'd hands. The con .. nvu(lve playeri. crowe<l thut ii pays to be careful. The argument has h<'en raging for mor1• thlln 20 y1•1r1. and tht•rt· arr no tl1en11 th1t It wlll tWN 11top. Whal I• your opinion'/ Rubbe r brld1e ch1bl throuaho.t tlM c•uatrr ... the lour·deal brlqe lonaat. Do they know •••tld .. )'H doa't? CharlH Gore•'• "Four-Deal Bridie" wlll teach yo u the 1trate1lee ud lactlu of thl1 fa1t·pued ac- tion same that provlde1 the cure for 11aeodla1 rubben. f'or a copy ud a ICOrepad, aud SI. 75 to "Gorea-Four Deal," care ef tlil1 aew1paper, P.O. Boa 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make checb payable to New1- paperboob. The bidding: outh We.t Norttr Ealt 3 NT Pa11 Pass Pu1 Openin.c 11.'ad: King of • ... The late Albert Morehead ranked high on our list or favori te bridge journalists. He wn'l a lexieographer as well, so when he used a par licular word you kne~ it When this d1•al rropp••tl up in a duplicate• gamt'. nine or • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Friday, Decembe r 10 ARIES (Mar. 21 -April 19): Work with and "manipulate" time. Go slow, play w aiting games. Be aware of legal rights, permissions. Individual who asked in pas t may not have necessary material to repeat performance. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent practical issues, accept re~ponsibillty. realize that som e e nvious associates may attempt to s low your progress. Focus on necessities, basic requirements, lessons learned in recent past. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You reach wider audience, popularity increases, people comment on your .. charisma." Be active, aletrt, aware and find outlets for creative talents. Be ready for change. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): It is possible to become more independent without tossing tradition asjde. Know it, maintain respect for older individual or parent who sacr1flced ln order to help advance your position. Leo plays importaht role. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow through on hunch -give full play to intuitive intellect. Lunar emphasis on short trips, visits, ideas and unique, short reports. Cancer. Capricorn. Aquarius persons figure promin ently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): What beglllS as a minor experiment proves to be ubiqujtious. Be analytical, discern motives, imprint style and communicate your needs. Profit is highlighted - money is coming your way and you'll be deUghted. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Kestnct1ons w1U be shoved aside; some rules will be broke n . you'll benefit, you 'll also be at right place a t crucial moment. Trust your own judgment -romance is in picture and lends spice to life. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Llbran con!ides secr ets -you 'll have access to privile g e d information. Puzzle pieces fall into place; hospital visit brings satisfaction. peace of mind. Clandestine NEW BUSINESSMEN Cctritact the DAILY -PILOT fOf lnformetton regerclng the county requ i rements for using 1 Fictitious BuelneH Nerne. 642-4321 EXT. 332 .POT SHOTS '-BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT IS 10 K~&:~ MYSEl..F' Hli:Ai..THY VNTI~ "" USE . IS OISCO\llLQE'C S:O~ M&.:. meeting 1s part ol scenario -you'll learn where you stand. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Yo u s uccessfully utilize abilit y to win friends and influence people. Special gift is presented by family member who desires to restore domestic harmony. Be gracious. diplomatic, receptive, willing to make intelligent concessions. CAPRICOR N (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Emphasis on business, career, aspirations, ability to separate fact from illusion, insist on definition of terms - professional superior may be confused and not unwilling to pass on muddled report. Virgo plays prominent role. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Interest is sparked in meta physical subjects, comparative religions. principle of law. Focus on education, spiritual values. plans for possible overseas journey, Funds will be made available -you'll have reason to celebrate as application is accepted. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Emphasis on other people's money. contacts with brokers. ac:countants. tax experts. One phase of activity is finished - know it, proceed accordingly. Dig beneath surface indications -if persistent, you strike pay dirl. rou1 HfAlTH DR PETER J . STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Not all the youna arc stupid, but they certainly can say stupid things. For example, when I was in my 40's I uaed to say, "f think deaf people s hould be thankful they don't. hove to hear the stupid conversation that bangs ou" ear drums day after day ... But, now that rm in m>J 70's, how I wish I could hear without strain· ing. Oh, if I could only he ar all the "stupid" ' ('Onversat1on, I'd be so thankful. Now my concern i!; gelling a hearing aid We're never satisfied, are we? -MRS T DEAR MRS. T .: No, we're not. h takes a ph1losoph1cal bent to be thankful for what we have -when we have it, before it is lost. T hat's true for hearing, eyesight and any other of the gifts we take for granted. . Rather than suffer hearing loss, Mrs. T ., I hope ·you've consulted an ear speci3list to get to the bottom of the problem. Here are some common causes of hearing impairment in older patients. One often overlooked is cerumen (wax) in the ear can als. Re mova l brings immediate r elief . Perforation of the ear drum may oe a factor. So is otosclerostS and m1ddJe ear disease followin~ the flu or hay fever. One of the most common is presbycusis (aging defect). Noise damage m ay contribute to hearing loss. so may taking drugs like . the salicylatcs. In some patients, taking eight to 10 aspirin tablets daily diminishes hearing acuity. There may be many other reasons for loss of hearing, like chemotherapy, radiation and hereditary tendency. B\Jt suppose after complete study, the decision 1s• tha t you'd better w ear a hearing aid. My suggestion is "do n't fight it." Unlike the man w h o gropes because he is too stubborn to wear glasses. it makes better sense to wear a hearing aid instead of "straining" to hear -whether the remarks are. stupid or not. The new versatile cosm~tic . • .. . that gives a natural, shimmering glow to cheeks, eyes, lips and nails . Only $10 . ReGIS HAIRSTYLISTS South Coast Plaza 540-8888 I WALL PANEL\ NG SPEC\ AL\ SELECT OUALITY 2"JC4"JCli' studs 'I~" circular saw s32~.! ll<i. •U .99. upper and IOWtf' blade ;uaros ot Ole-Wt a1umlnum. satetv swlteh helps prevent acc1oenu1 starts. oouble 1mu1ated. 1s1•. Entrv Loc1tset use on anv ooor wnere exterior keveO lotklng Is d~lreO. oeadlatcn for addltlonal securltv. Pollsned brass flnlsn. 1400IOL, ~illJc~ 5 9!,? t" single oeodllolt S/8'' var1a111e ••t1•n•n11 orlll ft(l. '2UI. "~teltfltlOrl Trlooer'' dellvtf\ 0-2S00 rpm. m HP 1max1mum motOI' outPUt.I nvenlno switch fOf removlno scrtWS. nuts. i-nme<S dtlll bits. oouble 1nw1ated. needS no grounG lnQ. f7'\ 21. PRESTONE II WINTER I SUMMER 11nci· Finl•"'"" sander ~· •2•.k l1Qhtwt\9ht. ~" purpose sanoer. HI~ oscmatlOnS · no.ooo C>Pf'l\l f04' fast material remova\. oouble 1mu1ated. 111 ~ size. 10'' cord. 17*>". Your choice 90-Lb.ROll 110011n11 StQ~9 summer winter protection . Pattflted s111cone1smcatt anti· COfT05IOn tormUla cove~ l}~-:~·~matelv 100 sauart feet tan. white or brown. 7gc . -r ' thrOW dUdbOlt with 5.pln tumbler as· semblV Polished brass flnlsn 1660-S. CELEBRATE THESE BIG SAVINGS Ii 1ncn otnsettfas 2•• . 5.p1ece Ire TOOi set s1499 HG. 119.99. set has antique brass f\nlsn ~tll'" and attractive Kin; ~rthur' handles. 2811 n111n. tC700H0. FULLY ASSEMBLED Glass Fireplace screen sn at te r ·res ls tant s r 16" 111ass doors. wire mesn fire C\11'• s9999 u1n. Antique or poUsned ~ flntsh. . EACH AS$0rted slteS. AS-8100 I AS-MOO· RrtJl$Tlll~10 WIN THISE l'ABULOUSPllZIS AT' . ANY OF OUR 15 STORISI DETAILS & ENTRY BLANKS IN All ANCICLS HOME CENTERS Arrow11ocll 11oc11er ssg!• cordless re1ep1tone sag•• spredsat1n waif Paint SB!!.? 4··x10· c1111111n1..,r ,,,,,,., Sl99 II&. .. , .•• Ac..-st-' WOOCI rott« tnit would mate a dlllttnCtlve aocltiOll to anv room. Availal>lt In lftlOll or walnllt flc\KI\. 1212 & 111, sUU(tTO s10Cl °" HMO ll llOITI: 12260 E Ciarttv 121JI UJ.6955,.._ ... AUi: 10955 E Firestone c21s18689991 YIM. 655 Horth Ms cm162•1HS SM •IMl• lllClt. 7800 Edinger Aft. 1714180 • Gllft 12662CNomMI 17,.1750-W':::,:-"' S84 Orange snow 17141 889-9661 ::::-:. •l091111tol II "'" ,,._,,,, ... : :"'-... ·-"""' '"" ,.:: 11171 South~· 1111141"7161 The Renew;-,--~~=-~~ • GJ.. 9775 hSeflnf .o 11141 •0212 ., . om ~ 11141 u1-20w umu: n ,.. 28849 s ~tfl'n 12111 54M122 ~ 2s14 s MOunt*t 17141 985 _. 999 s Mstem i2n1 5S2 2ess non IGllS: MIDAY fl-· ""' ,_" 111111111161 . ~· fllDIY I ti I I SATllDIY .UD SllNY I ti I Redo, Redecorate Placetti • ProfesslOnal Install ~-~ lttOn ,_ ,.. ti - . ' .. A .•.4.._ ... o•r••n•Q•••C•o•••'•'•oA.l•L•Y•P•tL.o_r_1_r _hu.r.•d.••Y•·-0ee .. •.m.b.•.r.e ••• 1e.a.2._...,. ........ .,.iliiiii ... ~~iiiiiiiiiiiil-i:~~~~~~~!!!!._llil ...... -. .... ,,. ..................... lllml! ...... mmi ...... '!" .... I :Ol' Blue Eyes upset · at ad Carpet store owner; 2 f a11s face s11i1 fro111 i11g<"r RIVERSWE (AP) -Frank Sinatra haa filed a $1.~ million lawau lt against a carpet store owner and two fans who say they got acceu to a photoJraph of the singer and uaed t.he picture in their advertlaement without asking permiaaion. "It was a dumb thing," said Winston Greene, co-publisher of the Easy-Ad circular that carried the carpet ad with Sinatra's photo in its Nov. 12 edition. Greene, who admitted he had not received Sinatra's permission and was ''wrong" to run the ad, added jokingly: "I'm glad Frank reads our paper." The suit filed this week in Riverside Superior Coyrt mun.es as defendants the circular's publishers -Greene, 60, and his son, Winston Greene Jr., 32, as well as Gaye Marie Garside, owner of the Floor to Ceiling Fashion Center at the Hemet Pla7.a. In the lawsuit Sinatra contends that his endorsements have an estimated market value of $500,- 000 and that unauthorized oommercial use of his name and photographs "dilutes the value" of his e ndorsements and ~diminishes his "reputation with the public and many of his fans." 1'tw 1U.ore'11 nwnl'r wut1 not In the stort' to oommcnt on the 11ult, but her father, AJ Oanide, who •aid he occasionally helps his daughter out ut the store, said Wednetday the matt.er was being handled by the Greene.. "How, l don't know. but I understand that they've been doing some talking to people," Garside said. "All I can do is refer you to the Easy-Ad people." The senior Greene said he has a complete Sinatra record collection and has seen Sinatra perform in Las Vegas several times. ''We'r e great lovers of Sinatra," the elder Greene-8810. "I don't know if we will still be his admirers. Depends on how Frank Sinatra mad he is at Uli·" 'tour years ago Sinatra took a the h e adline: "By popular Los Angeles builder to court for demand. Inventory clearance sale naming a motel and shopping is being held over!! 10 more days cen ter development "Frank only." . The elder Greene said his' son S inatra Drive Center," in reference to its location at used Sinatra's photograph to Highway 111 and Frank Sinatra spruce up the carpet ad without Drive. considering the possible legal oonsequences. Sinatra, who lives in Rancho "Exuberance took over," the Mirage on the street that bears father said . "If anybody his n ame, argued that the represents popular demand, it's development's name wrongly Frank Sinatra. So he put him in suggested his backing, and tbe u se Answer lltl service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number w i ll appel)r in your ciass.ified..ad . we take your m essages 24 hours a day ... you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5 .00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678 . Daily Pilat Create perfect styles with Perfect Curls. From hot curling brush to no-tangle iron in one magic twist. Only $12.95 R0GIS HAIRSTYUSTS South Coast Plaza 540-8888 The full-page advertisement prorninantly features a tuxedo- clad Sinatra in a · · g pose by the ad. Good 0 1' Blue Eyes." developer renamed the center. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;;~l--~...._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- BALDWIN -HAMMOND PIANO Ancl ORGANS None finer 12% financing on new Baldwins Dec. only (sale Items excluded) ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa 645-2471 •' [t] ~!~!IJ:.~ 'Give a living gift from Lloyd 's. You must see our beautiful selection of poinsettias, indoor plants. Christmas greens. wreaths. garland, plus our large selection of Christmas ornaments and gifts. ()pen_Mon.·Frt. 1·1l1. Bel. 8;~10. S..... 9-10 Lloyd's Nursery and Landsca~ Co .• Inc. 2021 NewporiltwclC•tlaySUCostaMHa,CA 17141 646-7 441 "" 11.,,,. S.:=:i.0 fiS!t";' "::., NEWPORT HARBOR PARADE OF LIGHTS CHRISTMAS CRUISE Enjoy being a part of the traditional Parade of Lights Christmas Cruise aboard the newly comnmsioned Catalina Holiday. Frid,lly, Decembe.r 17th Saturday, December 18th Sunday, December 19th Monday, December 20th BOARDING TIMES: SAILING TIMES: 6':15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. COST: 514.00 per person •Please specify sailing lirTK whrn ordering. Tickets will be honored for specified s.111hng 1imc only Balboa Pavillion M'ain Stred & Edgewater ··~ TRIP INCLUDES: • l l/1 Hour Cruise • Champape •Dancing with Lin Music •No Host Bar FOR RESERVATIONS CONT ACT: Executive Toun It Transportation 711 )Vest 17th Street, Suhe C-11 Coeta Mesa, California 92627 (714) ~1163 i'1KMl'T'NJN• ALL PRICESSUIUUT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIC'F.. ,.._ .-ow ...,., .... f« lrllflk In .... ,.. Thttt ., • • ., .. ..,. ... , ........... Oft llM bouchHMI, •114 ............. ~.loanllntdmtrilbt .... IO ll*ty ...... ,,tor lo ....... dint. GllOfJ1'5 MUST MAKE THEIR OWN ~~~ TRAN$1'0RTATION ARRANCliMliNTS . . .. c ST.MAS cSTBONUS at Laguna National Bank New federal legislation make~ it possible for Laguna National Bank to offer you an extraordinary new MONEY MARKET PLUS account as soon as the law allows. If you'd rather wait. that's fine. You can open your MONEY MARKET PWS account any time account Starting December 14, the ,YONEY MARKET PWS account will combine high ·yield, complete security and easy access to your funds. Money Market ~tes. You earn interest based on current money market conditions - just like a money market fund. FDIC~ Yourfv'ON· EY MARKET PLUS account will be insured up to$ t 00,000 by the Federal [)eposit Insur· ance Corporation -unlike money market funds. Instant liquidity. You'll have easy access to your funds with check writing conve- nience -without manage- me nt fees or withdrawal penalties. It's Easy to Get ~tarted. l I PICK YOUR BONUS BOrt<JS AMOUNT $ 15.00 $ 37.50 $ 75.00 $)50.00 OPENING BAl.ANCE $ 2.500.00 . $ 4,999.99 $ 5.000.00 . $ 9.999.99 $) 0,000.00 . $19,999.99 s20.ooo.oo or more Bring in this coupon when you open your MONEY MARKET PLUS account and choose your interest bonus. Only one bonus per customer. Bonus offer good on personal accounts only. and expires on December 30, 1982. The interest bonus will be credited to your account -and appear on your firstmonthl}'..~tement .before the dose of business, Decem· ber 30, and still receive the Christ· mas bonus of your choice. Your Christmas Interest Bo- nus will be credited to the account and appear on your first monthly statement Corne In today. Give your· self the gift of insured high interest. and we' II throw in an interest bonus that will make the holiday season a little merrier. While you're here ... Be sure to ask about our full range of personal and busi· ness banking services. The minimum opening de- posit is $2,500.00. , ... ______________________________ ...... Ask about LAG<JNA INTER· EST CHECKING, a personal interest bearirig-ac:coum.-Ask about the convenience of 24·hour banking and access to ----------------------------~ Before December 14, when the new law goes into effect, you can open a regular passbook savings account where your money will earn 5V..%. This way you can avoid the your money through the INST ANT TELLER NETWORK. December 14th rush. " And, if you' re so inclined, apply for the added convenience of Overdraft Prote~lon with an INST ANT TEU..ER/ CHECK GUARANTEE CARD. We even offer the Americ~ Express Gold Card. (Standard qualificatidtcriteria apply.) We wiO transfer it automatically into a high interest, insured •· . - 310 Broadway, Laguna Beach, C.A 92651 (714) 497·6511 MemberFDfC B<J81rtESS HOURS Monday ·Thursday 9:30 · 400 Friday 9:30 · 600 ..... eWISAIO.T ellllllATIAll • llTAllY SIG ePlll£CAm U.YAlOOE • IUllUCll •WUllUI e..US•Y eJMTZD ellYIAm •TllAll ellYIS ..... ·--·-SAVE 20o/o -30o/o AND UP STARTS TODAY 10 A.M. '115JIYllU n1 coan .. '110 '25.mssmn , . IY Aliow ...... 15 SHORT SLEEVES •45 QUILTED VESTS ..... '29 '45IWOl:IY VELOUR •nARIOW KNIT SIRTS .... '16. LEVIS ACTION SUCKS ..... '24 •VELOUR WAR• SUITS . . . s47 130 COTTON FlANNEl .._ Sl£0£S WESTtlll SmTS .. 118 • WISA8ELT SUCKS .. 142 ~ SHIRTS ..... '25 LEVIS JEANS . . . . . '22 ONE GROUP OHL Y .. ; .. ; 4\. . .~ ' :·· . .' : •I\' • .' •r ~ 'J, .-. •ff·,'\, , ·~ ~,'/ )~ ,4 Only Santas Prices Can Match Ours Everything in the store must be sola by the end of the year. ·w e are closing our Fashion Island store Dec. 31, 1982 ... ~ .. ... ... : · .. Watches 30 to 50°/o off 30 to 50°/o off Pearl s & Pearl Drops 30°/o off Pins 30 to 50°/o' off .:~ .... ~ , 7t·· . ·~·· . .. . . Rings 50 to 70°/o off . .. 50°/o off \fiJdl 1(/alheA · Q/ewfoJI I 35 Fashion Island Newport Beach 844-2494 ----------· / • .. Oran • Cout DAIL v PILOT /Thurlda • o.c.mw 9 1982 7 oz. Gouda, 5 oz. Smoked Edam Bar, one 2 oz. ChHH Spread, 21'1 oz. Jar of Preaervea, 2''1 oz. Jar of Jellr plua Strawberrr Bonbon• which add a pleasing decorative effect to thla gift pak. 1 lb. BEEF STICK* Summer Sauaage, two 7 oz. Goud .. , 7''1 oz. Belle Fleur, I oz. Edam Stick, 12 oz. Miid Mktaet Longhorn, I oz. Medium-Sharp Cheddar Stick, four 2 oz. Cheese Spread•, 5 oz. Smoky ChHH Bar, 7''1 01. Butter KMH,. oz. Jar of SwHl·Hot Mustard, I oz. Jar of Horteradlah Sauce and Strawbefrr Bonbon a. phone orders accepted 642-4302 Snacker · 1 lb. BEEF STtCK• S~mm~r S.uaage, 7 oZ: Plaln Gouda, 5 oz. Smoky Ch .... Bar, I oz. Jar of SwHt·Hot Mustard, two 2 oz. ChHM Spreads,• package of Lii', Ovai Wafer•, ptua Strawberry Bon bona. • ''We Mail ., Beef 'N Cheese ,. , -Gift·s'' Two 1 lb. BEEF STtCK* Summer Sauaagea, I oz. Edam Sl1cl;7 oz. Plain Gouda, I oz. Sharp CMddar Stick ptue ltrawbettJ Bonbon•. • 17th & Irvine, Newport Beach 642•0972 I · Mon.·frl. 10-t let. 1M lun. 11·1 Mon.·Frl. 10-t lat. 1M lun. 12·5 .... ~~re -.,... .. • 'I •"I ·' .. . ·, •.• . . . . . .·. 'i . . ' I I I 1 I I ' ' I . ! I ~ J I M Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thur1day, December 9, 1982 Christmas play at Golden We t Bv TOM TITUS Of!MO.-.Netlteff /u\ original ChrilltmW> play. \he Tat.ett In a serie11 written by U o lde n Weat Colle ge drama l n1lructor Charles M itchell , will b e unveiled this weekend In GWC's Playbox Theate r. ''Th e Jungle Christmas Tree" will be It.aged this weekend and next under Mitchell's direction. Cast members include Wolfe Wilder, Matt Liffering, Charles DeWitt, Francis Schmidt. Julie Dettloff and Rick C.OVey. Curtain limes are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. with matinees at 3 Saturday and Dec. 18 and 19. Call 894-6070 for ticket information. * THE CHILDREN'S fantasy "Potter's Place." whtch O]>ens Saturday for two wee ke nds, is being directed by Marnie Overbeck at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Driv.e, Newport Beach. Curtain times are 3 and 7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays With ticket information given at 675-3143. "Santa's Christmas Tree," a ne w musical fantas y , w ill be presented by the Garden Grove Community :!'heate r this weekend )md next at Eastgate :Park, Chapman Avenue '81\d St. Mark's Street. Curtain times are 5, 6 and 7 p .m . Saturdays a nd 2, 3 and 4 p .m . Sundays with details at '893-0806, W•·llt Dlnnti r l1luyhoulil' (492·99M), ''Mect Mt• In s l . L 0 u I II ' • u I l h t• II a r I l' q u I n l.>i n n 1• r Play hou•c (979 0511), "Sherlock llolrnc11" ot the Laguna Moulton Playhouse (494·0743) lllEA IL TOllO an.a "C hrl11tnrn 11 111 Wukl\fl Id" ot th1• Ntiwport llurbor Actors 1'hcutrr (6:H !H 10) * Rb:GISTllATION HAS bc<!n unnout~'t>d for thti wlnt <>r 11cs11lon of thl' ORA NOE J, 11 u u 11 u M o u I l u n Plllyhuuril• j.X•rfontllUlt't• woe ki.hop 'l'tw duKHt•K urt• dt~111u11c•d (111 ull I,. v 1• l s tan d ta Al 1• 11 o ( •tudt·n~ 'l'ht• wln\t•r 1wit11lon Completi ng their respective two-weekend runs are two other c h i ldren's shows , "Ha.nael and Gretel" by the Fountain Valley Community Theater (964-5392) and "James and the Giant Peach" at Saddleback College In Miaaion Viejo (831-4656). Mann Brea Plaza 529 5339 Edwards Saddleback 581 58!0 City Center 63• !1282 FOUNTAIN H lUY Pac1tic's Fountui Valley 011ve tn 962 24!t COITA MESA Edwa<ds Bnstol 540 7H4 '""NE Edwanls Woodbrdge C.llC!IN 551 0655 WESTMINSTEll • Ed..,a<ds C111ema Wast 891 3935 Otuml Stadium Drive In 639 8770 Also on the boards locally are "Finian 's Rainbow" at Sebastian's COSTA MllA Edwards Harbor Twin 631 3501 u nm UMO ~ -.. =="'-t:~~ t~~~a-r,.~,':'*"' .,,..,., ,... ... •wn ..r•H• IUCll DMllM l'lcllic'I F-Vlley £ .... _ llUntlllQ10ll.CinetN AlolC 0tlt'OI ..... Otm 111 M2 2 .. 1 UI Oltl 137 03•0 WU mu UACW-S•OOS9• s--... -~ ---NOW PLAYIN0--- lUXURTTRfRTRES lat Tw llltiltt Slltwi•uOlllYS2.IQ U.lus0t.lltntiwMltt4 s 113fd44•111ll6l6~ 2553/~'i!.) s * FOR FOOi EXCrTEmEnTI V1s1tOur ... '-18 HRS.ml ···~"<'Ii"" t~8cr&,-Jo'l:88 fti?8o ~ETER O'TOOUl fe FAW>lltl VIAR 11of\"-' 11110 111A•100 : ,g 7,~ ••: l l :)Ol1101:1071JOt140 ET THE EXTRA· • •• TERRESTRIAL am "'~Mi~<"°> * ALONE IN THE DARK m PU! Q (RI Driv•lnt Open 6 :45 Weeknlthtl I 1:30 Weekends C11iWrt• Wtr12 fret U.ltss Meted llfilnJ J1m :l l IU 11J rUrUI (.i IJ I• CHI 11 I 4 0 4 0 7 4 :I llut>U61h Murd1 ii 'rhc•• 'I' u t• • d ai y l h r o u M h lnle n •11 lud 11huultJ ~·u ll S•tur<Juy LNWt.'t'n noon llurrh•t Whlt111yt•r or on'I ~ p.m. • 8ARQAUI MATIN•••• Mond1y thru 111urd1y All flerlotrnencH before 6·00 flM (hce,1 S,ecill fllllflllllMI e!M .._.IY•I "THC MAN '"OM INOWY RIVIR" INI .. ~ ............... . ''CREIPaHOW" l"t IN l>Ol.8Y ........ --··· LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IH "THI! IMf'tM ITRNCll IACK" 1N 1 • ,_ °'°"9f ll'IMO .... -~ .. -... "VICTOR/VICTORIA" 1001 ......... "ARTHUR" 1N1 ~ .. lAl<fWOOD CENTER SOUTH WA 'IN foc:utly Al Oe4 Amo 211/6M-t211 •THI TlltAI CHAINIAW MAllACM"ltll ......... -,.;.o.:;r~ . "AN 0"1CIR ANO A QINTLIMAN" 111 ............... "flRaT ILOOD" 1111 •>-_.. ............ ... "T ... HOUH WHCM EVIL DWILLI" 1111 ............... ,, . "MONllONOR" 1•1 ·---"WO .. lD ACCOADINQ I TO GAN'" IH I ....... 8~if~o~f~Kft~ &~lft1.f'S2 Children Under 12 Always FREE Plt PE•SON -r _ _,.,..I'~ ,__.,.. 1'.S Olf ..-o.... •l'IGAC~lfF.S jleo Olllte 0,.. Dolf Al 6-tO , JI ... Sin U~ , JI. IM,OATANT llOTICll CMllOllltl UNOlfl IZ fllU! --·-.. ----····--•ei.-Oltl.fl -,..., 41# CM -IS .... .,._ t•llOA#CM_lllTll __ __ --•PanlllU l·-U.~---·- ,t,NA~\I~ ANAHEIM OlllV(·IH f....ay fl ot LeMOft $1 17t-tll0 "THI'. ltOUla WMIM IYll D-lll" !Ill -"1"0llCIO YINGIANCI" 111 Clllfll- e Ji "°4 A I Al ... BUENA PARK ORIVI IN ..__ --.. Cftetl 12M070 8 1 t ,_, ... t'AWJ LINCOLN DlllVl IN l1M04" A•• W••' of l nGtt 121-4070 ' uNfA.~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY OlllVl IN toro Qteeo ,,..., OI tloOll-11 !So I t62·2411 "E.T." !NI -"1"lAIH OOfll>Ofl" (N ) Ctlll 11 '°""'0 LUNCH WAOOK"Offtl.1"1•1 -"THE CHEERLEADERS" 1111 Cllll ,._ , .. ....... ~ ... LA HABRA lHllVI IN -·-·--·-.. -17MM2 w ..... OllANGE OlllVf IH "f"'IT llOOD" (lit -"MAD MAX" 1111 ,.., '• . . .. MISSION OlllVf IH •41 HOUlll"t•I "IHAlllllY'• MACHINI" 1111 Cltttll - "CAEEPaHOW" 1•1 -uou (9) "THE MAN fllOM INOWY lllYEll" 1001 -"TIMI IAllOITI" "Tttl HOUIE -"E EYll DWELll" tllJ -•1"0llCIO YIHOIANCI" tOJ Cl"!"- -. ... 0Soo1 1 Goo-&< ..... _ . 191-3693 "FIRIT llOOO" 1111 -"MAO MAX"C'lt CtlM Jt - - -HOUlll" 411 "IHA .. ltEY'I MAC-" I'll Cllll .. _ k> __ ,, .. , • ..... c~ 134-9311 1."TMI A,,AMS. °' "c>e!N ltOOO" •• , 2. "ALICI IN WONIKllLAND" u11 "THE l"OTIC ADYINTUMI M NIOCCHIO" 1111 "TIC~I CHAINIAW MAllAC...-1111 -. . o "ALOHI[ IM lllE OAllll" 1111 .. •, '•." .. WARNER OPIVl IM WClfMf Aff .... Of 19.c:ft ... 0 M7·Ht1 • LOI DOI CAllNALH COft MAMA IOUTA 1!!.A !!!!!.~ = --....... ;;;' .. -~f-' IJHMI -~"°II ·=-='::' .. ,,_. .....°' ...... ,. .... • o-i. .-.. -~'"· ........ "",..,..• 11• , iM "' "" MW"M °'"""' .. I Mtl &~~~ ····----· ............... fM....._.. 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE'M>ORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 ---19th SMASH WEEK I--- .... , MIHICNI WIUO 111.,. .. 11,,.1 ... ,. ION.itO· v.. t HI $79\' 1' 110 bWtO lllfl• ........ w ....... ~ )" C)t)) • I Ill 'KSl>A Y EVENING S:00.88 NEWS i: ,. a1 wl'IQ It ••llllflol\ij I lr•11d or u,,,,iey •°"I 111 mu11t1y • 000 COUflll 0..., .... n. that ,., .• ne• glflfflerld 11 not JUtt Iha t1blaH111 he lhlflkl atla la IHJMOW; • • '• rape · (11111 OllOfge ~ Ott hmottiy ttuttoo M1t1111y achoot c.Oat1 teh over their tchool to l)frtllfll plane to turn the IMMllJemY Pf~IY Into 1 c;ondo <1evt1101>ment 'PG' t:OO I Cl) SIMON & SIMON acHUM Olene .,. .. lo ClOltect wmy uytng1 from Iha bar •nd unwtlllngly beeom" the 1om1nt1c object or a would·be prl111t ;. •• • CHARLIE'S ANGELS lwo thug• aim to 1lle11ce Kelly 1111<1 the ball9rlld Clhlld In II« care before Ille cen Mild them up t1w1 rl11· er. G SOHT 18 ENOUOH Whtie Joannie II lludylng the movie "Paycho" tor • film c;ourM, the li9hll 90 out and II« blind date •• • Tony Perktn1 look·•llk• •• .,,,,,.., The Coach (Nicholas Co lasanto, left,) Sam (T~J Danson) and Diane 8 IMPACTS2: •RE.AIUNO THE SOUND BAMIOA , Larry Wllcoa hOltl lhll pr091am that loOltt at hearing lmpalrmtllts and eome 01 the oper1111on1 that era a11alla1>1e lor_peo- ple ~ 111tter lrom 1 '-· l!!fj Iota • M•A•S•H Charita UIOm91 he<Olc proportlonl 1119r r911hllng I dying pet lent Wlt h heatt mQNge ( helley Long)-attempt to- con o le elderly Buzz Crowder (Ian Wolfe) in tonight' e pisode of ~·cheers" a t 9 ·on 8 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Henry'• blood P'-r• -· When ,,. ~ trapped tnalda .,.. elevator with the ctau1tropf!Ot>lc Monroe, .,• .. :· ~ .. • ti) HAWAII FIVt-0 Extortlonllla demand • mllllon dollar• from the government In excnang41 for their ...uranoe not to blow up Honolulu with en 1tomtc bomb. • BUSINESS REPORT al) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "Sculpture: Moat [)jHlc..11 Of Art1" Cl) C8SNEW8 IDl A8C NEWS Q al CHEERS Olane trlft to collect witty Nyfnga from the b111 end unwittingly Decomet the romantic oblect ot • would-be priMt I:) THE PRICE IS RIGHT CC)MOVIE ** * "AliegfO Non Trap· po" ( 1976) Animated Liie In the mechlne ege Is Nth· tzed. 'PG' CID EMMET OlTER'S JlJ0...8ANO CHRISTMAS Atty ,_ Muppet1 1te :-Introduced In a heart· • Wltmlng llory •bout the IOYe bet_, an onflt mother ano her 1on 8:25 • Pl.EOOE BREAK Regularly tch9duled pro- 9rammlng may be delayed dUe to pledge br .. k1. .a301 Al.ICE MACNEIL. I LEHRER REPORT Ci) OAOWINO YEARS "Adolescent Personality Orlelopment'' Cl)(l!NEWS @ BAAHEY Miu.ER : The detecllvet gain evt· • dence egelnll .,.. uno.t- ground 8doptlon ring end arreat • proleasor for hie '-d conduot In •-rCh· i an X-r•ted dictionary WOAU> CW PEOPlE TAllOOY: THREE ClAS8IC TAI.ES Animated Three stories tor children •• "Rip Ven Wink la.'' ·•t ha L.lttle Prince," and "Martin The Cobbler" -are bfough1 all"9 through the cle~- ~: illon~ N8CNEW8 • HAPPY DAYS AOAJH ' H-erd and Marlon Jour· n,y to the IOdoe ""'*• they spent their he>My· moon to try and relundte the Old flame G ABCNEWSQ G SOAP Burt meet1' anoth« human In ap-and the Tate men Mt out to r91CU8 Biiiy from the cull. Cf) NEWS • THREE'S COMPANY J,te« angrily lee\1'91 and becomes Larry'• li.,.ln coolt. ·~LO .• CLOOHEY, WITH LOV£ Popular eong1 from the put are perlormed Dy Aoaen'lary Cloo<ley and the Conrad Jazz All-SW. G BUSfNESS REPORT Cl) P.M. MA0AZJNE The daredevll of derao.- ·.CHANNEL LISTINGS Cha nnel 4. vlls. N1v110 tndtans who used thelt native language as 11n ullbreakable code ln World War II. 9 ENTERTAINMENT TOHIOHT An Interview wllh Roy Clerk 18 JOt<ER'S ALIVE I:) OAANOE COUNT'< TOOAY (!i) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS "Dollars And Sense ShOw" The most ettecll\18 pain killers and the least eicpen- alve way to Clean hand- wasllables are examined. (())MOVIE **'It "0118f lhe Edge" ( 1979) Michael Ktamer, Pamela Ludwig SevenJ tMn..-gt realdents ol an e.dull\18 California com- muNty emberk on a rem- pege of harasament and deltruclion When they fail to get their p111en11· atten- tion 111 hOme. "PG' Cl)MOVIE ••'It "Taps" ( 1981) George C. Scott, Timothy Hutton Military llChOOI cedets take over their tchool 10 prevent plans to turn the academy property Into a condo d1111e4oe>meot. 'PO' 7:30 I) 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: holiday tips on 11electlng fruits and vegeta- bles, keeping a turkey mo.st and preparing nutrl- llout ldeu lor the kids. G al FAMILY FEUO 8 L.AV£RHE & SHIRLEY &COMPAHY Le-II corw1nced that a IPY Is alter a aecret lor- mula of the brewery I EYEOHLA.. MADAME'S Pl.ACE w·A·s ·H Hawkeye Wfitea to htS lather detailing, among other things. Radar'• 1ttemp11 at pualng a hlgn 9CllOOI axam and • Slldden cooling of •llectlons be1-Frank and Hot ~Cl) TIC TAC DOUOH if;) 'wtlO AMERICA "Living With Wlldltle" Mar- ty Stovller Illustrates how we Carl be&t 11118 with and prnerve our natural hefj.. 1_!98 ol wlldllta. llJ) YOU ASKED FOR rT Featured "Thailand's LOCl'I Ness Monster" and "lhe Floating Lady." I:) MOVIE • • "Bowery Boys Meet Monsters" ( 1954) BOW8f')' Boys, Ellen Corby A robot helps the Boys escape from the clutchM of a mad .clentlst. CC) SCAEEHINO ROOM CH) IHSIOE THE NFL. Hoell Len Dawson end Nlek Buonteonli re~ hlghllghll of the prev><>us weati's Nl=L. games and fJ KNXT ICBSI 8 KNBC INBCI 0 ICTLA (Ind I 8 KABC IABCI O KFMB ICBS> 0 KHJ TV (Ind ) Iii KCST tABCI I> K TTV tin<! I 0 On lV l Z TV " HBO C t( 1nf'"'" •I t I WO~I NY N Y 17 t~fl'>I < t ESPN> Cl) KCOP TV tin<!) • KCET (PBSI G KOCE (PBSI S IStlowttmt•I 0 Spotllqhl 8 ICllblr N"w~ N1•lwor1 NJLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE flCTTTIOUS eUSINEH FICTITIOUS eUSINESS NA• STATE•NT NAME STATEMENT The lottowlng person• era doing The fOltowing persons are doing buslneu u bU1ines1 es ENVIRONMENTS. 130 I N CONSUMER CONNECTION, Bay1ront, Balboa. )llend. CA 92682. 3279 Ar11ona Lene. Coste Mell, D.B.A. ASSOCIATES. INC . I CA 92826 Cellfornll corporation. 130 t N (II Robert tr11lng Wright, 3279 8'wfront, Balboa Island. CA 92682 .t.r11ona L.ene Co111 Mesa CA 7'IJs butlneel It conducted Dy • 92826 ~lllon. , (2) Marilyn Ann Wllghl, 3279 O BA. AMOC Inc .t.rlzona l ene. Coat• Mesa. CA. Ned• Brown, Sec· Tr... ~M26 Thlt ttat-1 waa llled with the ThlS 1>u11ness It conducllK! r-y • County Clark of O.enga COunty on ~•I p1rtnflt1hlO November 15, 1982 A<>berl I WrlOfll '202107 Thll statement wa1 llled with the Published Or1nge Co11t Dilly County Clerk or Orange Count( on PIU>I. Nov 18. 2$. 0ec: 2, 9, 1982 Nov 4, 1982 F201U4 ' 5030-82 Publl1hed Orange Cont Dally • .._IC MnTICE PllOt. Nov 18, 25. Dec 2. 9, t982 ! ~ "" 5085-~2 '1CTmOUSM.ltMH NAMI ITATW•NT The tollowln; paraon It doing bual,_ u : PAPAOAYO RESTAURANl MANAGEMENT COMPANY, 3439 B VI• Udo, Newport a..ch, C1otornla tM63 MIChH I 8 tanlay, 1840 Park ·F::;.::,: Mleheet Stanley hie • ·•-t -fllacl with the County Cl«k of Or111199 County on NoWlfnbllt 22, 1882. ....ne ~l>lltll•d Orano• CO••• Dally ftllOt, Nov 25. O.C 2. 9. HI. tM2 5141-t2 PUBllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS tue•H NAMI ITAHMINT Th• lolio~no par1on I• doing utlnaa1 •: THE HARVEST, 302 Via )f>OftO ~t 9"ch. CA ~2M3. ANITA SARAH BERRESSE. 2151 Oet>f• St, Lelle Fore1t. CA 2830 J Thia bllllnata 1a con uctad by .,, ldMdual. Anita Sarlh e.t"rnM Thll l11temen1 waa llted with the ;ounty Cletll o1 Orano-County on iov.mbllt fl. tH2 '11121• fl111>Uth•d Orange Coa11 D•liy !IOI. Nov 11, H . Dec 2. 9. 1HZ 509W2 onL._ key players and c<>achel. AEROBICISE Get In shape, loolC good, end leel greet wllh this physical lltnest program 8:00 I) (I) MAGNUM, P.1. O ~FAME Doris tries to reunite Iler broken famll)', and Lydl1'1 etudents toke over ·1or her In an 11ttempt to lmpr.., • VIP IJ KTL.A 35TH ANNIVERSARY News reporter Stan Ch'1!'1· berr. Is joined bV Hal Fllh· man as he celebrll .. the 35th anniversary of KTLA with excluSl\'e news storlea from Iha Past G 9 JOANIE LOVES CHA CHI D COUEOE BASKETBALL. Las Vegas VI Reno (!) SOAP Oanny hears from E1e1ne·, kidnappers, Tim turns aboul Corinne'• pregnen· cy; • detec0\18 searches for Chester. m P.M. MAGAZINE A man who believ.t that our cravings ere cauMd by allerglet, Nava)o lndl11n1 who uMd their native lan- guege •• an unbreakebte code In World War II 8) MOVIE ••'A "Come Back Charteaton Blue" ( 1972. Godlrey Cambridge, Ray· mond St. Jacquet Twc Negro detecll1181 lnv .. tl- gate a narcotic. operation In Hatlem that la caught Ill a PQW« atruggle betw_. bfacka and Iha Mafia Ci) Pl.EDOE IAEAk Regularly llCnectuled pro- Otanvnlno may be del•yed due IO pledge brMlcl (C)MCME **'A "All The Fina Young Cannibals'' ( t960) Nelllie Wood, Robert Wagner A heldatrong girl lrom a poor Southern flmlly mat· rles for money, not IOYe SOMETHINO'S AFOOT Jean Slai*lon and Andy Gibb ttllr In th1t mullcal whodunit about tan houte- gueets 11 an Englilh coun- try houM who are mur- dered on.by-one 0 MOVIE • * "The Fifth Mull!et-" (t979) Beau Bridges, Urtu· la Andr.... D'Artagnan end the Thr .. Musket-• become lnvolv.d In anotti- ., plan to block Ille 11\111 lntenllons of the lllnltter C1rdlnal Rlcllelleu eo-fnl1 the French arletocracy. 'PO' a: 10 9 TOGETHER IH CONCarr: TEX BENEKE AHO HIS ORCHESTRA Tea Beneke and hit orctlel1ra 1ra joined Dy Helen O'Connell end Bob Eberly for a .alute lo lhe music of the 19"°9 trom won Trap Ferm Par11 •or the Performtng Ar11 8:15 Ci) MOVIE ** • • "'Beoket" (1964) Richard Bu~ton. Pater O'Toole King Hanry ti ol England clashee wtt.h the Archbishop ol Canttl'bury durl~ tlWI 12th century. 1:30 G (le STAA OF THE FAMILY .Hlnnle, Oouogle and their high IChOOI frl«ldl go up against Budd)' end the PT A to pro••• the doalng of a locel arcade. Cf) CffAAUE'I AHOB.8 Sabrina P<>Mt .. • olelr· llOY•nl In en attt!TIPI 10 outwit a.paycfllc ,....,Ch• MLIC NOTICE STATEMENT Of U~NT ot' USI ot' FICTITIOUS .UtMH NA• The followi ng pereon hi• abandoned the UM of the llCllUous bulir>en na~ DAVIBON ASSOCIATES. 18<130 Brookhurat SlrHt, Sulla. 20<1, Fountain lfalley, Calllornla 92701 Th• FlctltlOUI 8u1ln•11 N1m• relet1ed to above wH llled In ()range County on 8epl 7, 1982 Da11td A. Pater•. 114 30 8rookhur•t Street, Sulle 204, Founi11n Valley. Calllornl• 92701 This bull-w11 conducted by • limited partnarlhlp 01111(1 A. Petert Thll tlltement WIS filed wllh Iha County Cletll of Orange County °" Nev. 22. 1982 ,, ... Published Orange Cout D•llY PllOI, Holl. 2s. oec. 2, e. ti, 1992 5208-82 "8.IC NOTIC( • MERVOAlmN O""te· Ban Vereen. ,,..,,_ nine &irnler. the Too Short For Prlme TIIM Playefa.. a;) 80LDONU (Q)MOW: **~ "So FIM" (1981) Ryan O'Neal, JllCk War- den A aturry COiiege pro- lesaor aa11e1 hi• l•ther"s llound8'1ng ga1ment facto- ry by Inventing a ,_ type ot tadlet' jean1. 'R' (%)MOVIE • * •·0ead Cert" ( 1913) Scou Antony. An amateur jockey rlsktt his Ille to eJ1poM 1 gambling ayndl· cate attempting to th1 the '8rllllh Grand National. 9:<>5 filD MINNIE THE MOOCHER ANO MANY. MANY MORE Ceb Calloway narrat .. lhls 1pectll with lllllht>acka to old lllma leatU<lng many of his contemporaries. 9:30 G Cl!TAXJ Louie learns that Ills girl- friend z.,,. It getting mar· fled • 8 9 ITTAKESTWO MOVIE •*•'I\ "Moulin Rouge" ( 1952) Joee Ferrer. Colene Marehand, Amldll the cale Ille of Perla. renowned wt· 1st Toulo11H-L.1u1rec struggl4MI wtlh llWI OllU- tera and rejolt98 In the 101181 of his Ille 10:00 8 CJ) KNOTS L.ANOINO Karen hold• Gary end '-bby retponalble when Qiana Is 1trlcken with • 111dden end ~erlous Ill· -· G Cit Hill STREET 8lUE8 Renko learns that his old glrllrlend le Cottey'1 ,_ name, Joyce and Fay dll- cuu Iha men in their llvee, and lhe 9Q119ff10f'I dog Is recovered. 11 !: "°HEWS THE VIAOINIAH Trampu It delayed tn • c;allfe.buying IJlp by • murde< and llolen Army S'MOVIE • ** "Quo Vadia" (195t) Robert T ay\O!. Oel>oreh Kerr A Roman arlstoorat 9aln1 Nero"• OISfaYor wnen he 1811• In love W1th a Chrl• 11111 girl A NEW DAY IN EDEN A powerful lamlly turnt a amaH town Into a model reluvenallon proiect. (Part ~MOVIE •*'A "The Shout" ( t979) Alan Batet, Su11nnah York. A disturbed man confined 10 an Institution bellelles he can make a "d4tath 11\0Ut," a aoun<I 11111 Wilt klll. 'R' tO:Oll. JUUU8 WECHTER AHO THE BAJA MAAIMBA AAHO The Beja Marimba Band, • iany group of mutlclanl with a Sollth.af-11\e-Bordef navor, plays a variety OI ...tc1k>M. 10:30 • INDEPENDENT NETWONC NEWS C8) NCH UTT\.FS CHAll8TMA8 CAAOl. The matter lmprnslonltt play1 a mullltude of roles, Including Ebeneiar Scfooge and Bob Cra1chl1, In an unusual veralotl ot the Charles Oickent holl· dayclUllc (O)MOVIE * * W ''ChHch And Chong'• Nice OfM ml" (1981) Rlcl'lerd ''Cheech" Marin, Thoma• Chong. Two Inveterate pothMdl 1P1MM1f to have lound their true calling u they peddle lot cream on the 1treet1 of L~ Angelel. 'A' (I) A0MAHCE: BENEATH MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSIMH NA• STATIEMUCT The following per1ona ere doing business u SWIFT SLIP, 2117 Seville. Btlboa CA 92681 P1tar Campbell Swift, 9092 C1.rrol1town St. li11nttngton Beach. CA 928•6 Muk SH11ey, 2127 Se11lll•, Balboa. CA 926e 1 Thll 1>u11nea1 11 conducted by • general partnerlhlp Pelar Swlfl Thll lt114lf'nll(ll WIS flied with the County p1er11 of Oranoa County on Nov t!, 1982 ,... Pubtl1hed Oran9• CoHt D•lly PllOI. Nov t8, 25, Dec 2. 9, 1H2 503M2 Ml.IC NOTICE PICTJTIOU8 ..... ~-ITAT'lmNl the totlowino !*ton• .,. doing buelneH ••· NOTICI OP UPIJCATION THE RENAISSANCE AOINCY, POR CHAMOI .. INC .. 400 I BlrGfl, 811119 8, Newpoft 8-fl, Catllornle utlO OWNIRlllP °" fhnalu•noe fle r•onn•I Al.COMOUC lnlMGI UCIMtl A oanow, tno , a C "llor nl11 ".... ' t o wnom It Mey C-n: corporellon. 4001 l lrch, Sulit O. EXECUT IVE HOJT, INC 11 ~ 8ffeh. Callfornle t2MO i iiPp-1lvl11a to tl'le Oapar1111e111 ol !~r~-! """" NW!~..._.,. COflttOI tor "•1" ._ ••-' ON IAU OINIAAL fflU8 I AT lllle tt•t-1 -Med Wllll the Pl.) to ... lilOONllO M¥trlOll el COllnt)' Ctar1I of Or .. Cour!ty Oii 3Qf0Hlrt!Orll'tld.OO.. ...... CA. NcNM!bertl, 1NI .._,. ""'*"" °'9flf9 C-t ~ flubllefl.O °''"" Coa•t Deity ""°'· Ola. t , ttU IMO? el ~. Nov tt. O.C I. t . tt. tttt • 6204-t:Z Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thureday, O.Cember 9. 1982 . .. n1811 Gi'" 10 hie fliOll ~ r-!IUn lfl thl ~' ·~· , .. tall r.,.,.,. ., .. 000" llmet OI lht 11••1 'l'O' O.lh t1t0Ut • eoutlO thel •IN kill R' KNBC (4) U 00 "F 11\{•" Durui trtt'tl w rounlw her brokf!n lamlly, and l..ydl '• studcnt.'l t.okl• ov(•r fur hl'r In on twmpl to imprC:'S!l n VIP 1 46 IZ1 CM.MAICOM 2-00. (j) CM NCWI HIC»fTWATCH IEltOIAHT Ill.KO "TtMt M-Hiii Mau" != • ,. ~ •• "' f ept' 1191 t) George 0 lc.oll Tln'tOflly Hutton M11ttary tehOOI CllOell 11118 -lllelf KhOol 10 prrtant ~ to tutti the Ka6emy prOc>t'fy Int(> a condO de\ .. OCltf'Nl"t PO I 30 C • • Cattll IClflO" KTLA (~) 9:00 "Impact 82: Br oklng th,• Sound &1·ricr." Larry Wlkox hosts p roMrurn t h o t look ai at hl'., ri n g lmptlir'm<.>nt..~ on<l t:i0mc of the operatloru> avt1ilohlt• tor pt..'Ople who suffor from u hearing lo . t * "Buddy, Budd)'" (1111) JllClc I ammon w.i ttt Maltlleu Whllt 111 IMeltlft COOC8'lllltM Ull hit next kUllng, ha la rlldely Interrupted oy a 1>umbll11g l•»u1t of a men Wl\O 11 ~,·n~=leldt 'R' CARTOONS j tN)l f'OtWt Tty!Of, J0an Ca11tlleld flr .. lda111111 lnl-tlOlt It ~yll'I • helled 18'3 lend~ .. In Wyoming t.,rltOf'Y e • • ,,. "l"8 lur11tvor" ( 191 t I llOl!ar1 Powell, Jen· ny Agutter A ~t auMvM a cat .. trOphlc; 10 ctlatl unte••IChed end -IOhet tor lh• man rMPOfl.ible. K NXT (2) 10 :00 "Knots Landing." Kt1ren holds Oury and Abby responslble when Diana Is st.rlckL•n with a sudden and mysterious lllness . ~ * • ''Roden" 11gs11 KenJI 8ewera. Vuml 61\lr•kawa Fer th It ')\tf)IC*I by • numt>et of •weaome en<J dHdly ltylng creaturH frOM the Stone Age 1;00 (t J • * * "Miracle On 34th Street" ( 1973) hi>•.,. 11111'1 C•t>ot. David Harl·· "'an ,An old m.,. named Krlt Kringle It hired Dy Macy'e to play San11 Cl- In Iha Than1119Mng Dey parade THEMAOIC (flan2) CZ)UOVIE •• ~ "0..th Aaca 2000" f1916) OeVld Cetrlldlna, Simone Orlttllh. In the v-t 2000 A.O., hit-and-tun drMno II • natlonel IPOf1 In which lemale YICtlms are worth 10polnlt. 'R' 11:008G8Cl)OJQ! NEWS • SATUN>AY NIGHT Hoat Mary Kay Place O-C· Willie Nalaort G IH 8EAACH OF_. ".i-J-" • All IN THE FAMILY Archie must atey calm tor en enllre weekend In order to peu • c:omp1ny l>hval• Qal. I HARAY-0 BUSINESS REPORT MOVIE •• ~ "hp1" ( 1981) George C. Scott, Timothy Hullon. Miiitary school cadets take over their tc;l\OOI to prevent plana 10 tum the academy property Into a oondo devetopment 'PG' 1 t:ao 8 CJ) QUINCY •Sam Insist• lhal Oulnc) not pertorm an autopsy on hit t•atl\18, 1 marllal 1111 expert ~ died without ~arent reuon. (R) U a!TOHIOHT Holl: Johnny Caraon Guest. Mary Tyler Moor• G llJ ABC NEWS NIGHT LINE G YOU ASKEO FOR IT FNtured· "Alrk:1'1 Human Prettets" end "Work:l't Loudest Voice " • OOOCOUPLE Felhc r8118all, in lleshback, the hectlO eventl leedlng up to Oscar·a marriage when both -• In the Almy ReMrYe. • ART CW BEING HUMAN "T alelllslon· The EleCltrk! Art" I:) 700 CllJB (IDMOVIE * * • "All lhat Jazz" (1979) Roy Scheider, Jea- alca L.11n911 The lumultu- OU9 Nie ol a prOlllNlonal clloreograpl'let la followed trom IUCC8ll on the 11age to per~ er-'A' O MOVIE ***~ .. The Four S.... eon1" (1981) Alan Alda. Carol 8urnett Three COU· plea, err c1oee. tong-time lrteOOI, e11.peroenca pro- IOUl'ld cnanoae In ll\ell relatlooelllps ~ one ot the merrlagaa dl1•n· ~ataa 'PG' 12:00. ENT'EATAINMEHT TONIGHT An interview With Roy Cllt'k I ®) THE L.AST WOAD MOVIE • • "Tr1uma" ( 1963) John Conte. Lynn Bari. A young woman Is traumetlzed by her aunt'I murder, then lllclfmlzed by her achemlng iar= ** * "Walk.1t>out" ft97t) .Hlnny Ag11tter, Oavtd Gul- pilll TWo wnlt• cnlldren 111• guided actOM the Auttrl· 118" Outbeclc Dy an AborfO· lneyouth. • LOVE, AMEAICAN STYLE 2:AO (.C) MOVIE {0 ) MOVIE "A 08"98fOUt Friend" ''r {flJ!Of John CHlii, t:eO(J J 80W'JHIH0'9AfOOT Ann.II• Hll/8fl Jean Stapleton and Af't(fy (1) MOVIE Gibb etar In 11111 mu~ * * ~ "6kldoo" (IHI) wnoctunlt abOut ten houae- Jaallle Gleeson, G.roueho ~II at an Engllell coun• Man An aK·hll man ta aid· llY hOuM ~ ere """' ad by hll daughler and hit o.tad one-by-one. "ltower dllldren" lflendl In 3:00 e MOVIE eecap1119 a P<>*«fUI mob * * ~ "Searon For Suf'Vfv• bou who'• out to Qat him .... ( 1972) Docllmantwy. tor not carrying out 8 CIOn· Carner• crewt foltow iun- trect 'PG' git and Pfllrle c.•tu,.. of 12.30 D Qt LATE NIOHT WITH North Amer1ca and Aultr•· Drl'YIO tETTl!MIAN --Ila In lflelt relentteaa Que9I Oueett· comedian Eugene for watflt. lelly ol "SCTV Network"; (!) SEA HUNT lournallll Sidney Zion. 3: 16 0 MOVIE 8 Cf) TOM COTTLE: UP * • "Death Hunt" (198t) CLOSE Cherie• Bronson. lee Mtlf· • LOVE. AMERICAN 11ln. In the 19308. a Moun- STYLE tie and a frontier crlmlnal "love And The S.Cret wage an old battle 11 cillltl· Habit'' Mark end Rosalie z,etlon encroaches on Ille fix Leonard up wHh an 8,.. Canadian wllderne11 'R' nun. 3:20 (B) INSIDE THE NFL 12:40 1J Cl) MCCLOUD Hoets Len Dawson and A narcotic• dealer ataget Nick &.oonlconll review lhe murder of a cab driver hlghlighta of the pr8\lloue to look .. II McCloud fired -'I'• NFL. Oamet and the fatal Shot (A) lnleMew key players and 1:00 8 MOVIE coaohel. ••'I\ "Bandldo" (1956) 3:30 (!) FAITH 20 Robe(t Mitchum, Uraula CO) MOVIE Thieu Gunrunners ae4I **14 "So Fine" (1981) their ware1 In Mexico. Ryan O'Neal, Jedi War-G MOVIE den. A 1tutfy oollege pro-• * "Return 01 The Giant '"'°' 181181 ht1 lather'• Mon1ters" (1966) l<ojlro flounde<ing germent lecto- Hongo, KJcNllro Ueda. A ry by In_,~ • ,_ type mualva earthquake ol ledles' jeans 'R' unleashes • mammolh, 3:46 CZ> MOVIE destNC111\18 oreature wJ!IQ **'A "Death Race 2000· Is att8Clked by Gammer1 . ..._+---.. ....... &rOiVICI Clt'radln., (!) MOVIE Simone Grlttilh In the year • ~ "Overland Stage 2000 A 0., hit-and.run Raiders" ( 1938) John drt\/fng Is • national IPOrl Wayne, Rey Corrigan. A In wtlich female v1Ct1m1 art cowt>oy 11ymle1 the efforts. worth 10 points. 'R' of would·b• alrpla11e 4;00 (f) TOPO'THE hijackers who era plotting ~E to telze a gold shipment. -Cl) MOVIE * 'n "The Wayward Girl" • •'A "The Bachelor Par-( 1957) Marcie Henderaon, ty" ( 19571 Don Murfay, Peter Walker A womar1 E.G. Marahell. Four murders her to\18r In a Ill ol accounllnts 1hrow • bacn-jeatcxi1 rage when She dlt- elor party for their Irland. covers that he'• lnteretted 9 ENTERTAINMENT In her atep<laughtflt.· TOMGHT <l: 15 (t) MOVIE An lnt8flliew wtth Roy *•'I\ .. All The Fine Young Clerk. Cannlbllt" (1960) Natllle (C)MOVIE WOOd, Robflt1 Wegner. A **'A "Serial" ( 1980) Mar· heedllrong gift lrom • tin Mull, Tueeday Weld. A poor Southern family m81· happily married Marin rles lor monay, not lo\18 County COllPle ere apurred 4:20 ®MOVIE by their trendy neighbor• * • 14 "Tepa" ( 198 1) Into explorlng alternative George C. Scott, Tlmoclly Ul•ty•. 'R' Hutton. Miiitary achoof 1:10 MOYIE cadela talte over their * * • "The Enlotcer" ICtlool lo .,.....,.,, plane to ( 1976) Clint Eastwood, tum the academy property Tyne Daly. "Dlny Harry" Into• condo dewolopmenl Callahan II joined Dy a 'PO' female rootcle In nla purauil 4:30 Cfl 8UUWINKL.£ of • group of Caillomla "'40 CSJ HAUELUJAH revolutlonarlea terronzlng OOSPEU San Frencltco 'R' Glen Campbell and AndrM t:30 G Q! N8C NEWS Crouch ere holt• to P91· 0VEANIOHT tormera Rey Ch111tes. Oen· ("OJ MOVIE lace Wlttlams. Walter and • • • "Refuge" (1981) TremalM Hawkins and the Anne Twomey, James Hawklntt Family, and The Congdon. Tho courte of tmperlala It! lhls oelabr•· lrlendtlhlp doea nol run tlon ol 9~ music tlpeO amoothfy for a quartet of at the Crystal Cathadr al In vacetlonera In Maine. Garden Gro"8, Calllornla. ~~~EFltth Musketeer" Friday•• f1979l 8-l &ldges, ursu-Da11t l111e .tfovle• ta Andr... O'Artagnan and the Three MUS11a1-1 become lnvotll8d In enoth· ., plan to block the a\/fl lntenllonl of the llnlster Cardinal RlcheOeu against the French aristocracy ·pa· 1:38 MOVIE 5:(1() (0 ••'A "Hardly Work· Ing"' ( 198 1) Jerry L.-i•, SuNn Olfver Alter Iha clrc:ua cloeee dOwn, a Vin· er1n clown triee hie hand at 111/IOUI Jobe, lllllng mllerably at them lllt 'PG' 0 • • ''t "The ShOllt" 1'.30 C01 • • fli "Jeck The Olenl Kllllr" ( 19S2) Kerwin M1l'-9. Judi .... edittl .Aller reaculng the kine'• d11U9h1er from • 111198 monater, a young rann lllld II r.warded for hit hero- ism I SJ •• "Siience Of TM North" (1981) Ellen 811r .. tyn, Tom 8kerr111 In 1919, • young ...omen'• marrlege 10 • tr'PP8f IMdl tier to • .... 111 lletdehip !ft-the ..... darneu of northern Cane- d• 'PG' * * 'io "The Border" p98t) Jack Nicholson, vater1t ParrlM A Texas border guard'• 11atue1 come In conlllCI with thoee of hla corrupt co-worker1 and hla materlalllllc wile. 'R' 1:00 1C> * * 'h "Belle Starr" (1941) Gena TlerMy, Ran· dolph Scoll A daring womlt'I leavff II« "°"'8 to become the leader ot an ' 'outlaw bind at the cloM of theCMI War. 0 * • "Young And Fr .. •' ( 1979) Erik l..81M11, Keith Lari«\. A young Mormon t>oy lecM many IMta u he approachH 1dulthood. 'PG' t :OO C) * * * "St1tlon Six Sahara.. ( 1964) Carroll Baker, Peter Ven Eyde. T enliona IOar among fl\19 deMrt oil worlctl'I When I pl-conlainlng • MJIY bk>ode and her embittered ex-husband crunee ,_. by 9:30 Ga * • • "The Court Mar· tlal Of Billy Mltchell" (19$5) Gary Cooper, CharlH Blcitlord. A men la put on trial When he defies mlll- tary brau In order to ahor1en World War II. 'Ol ***'I\ "The Cat And The Cenery" ( 1939) Bob. Hope, Paulene Goddard. In oro.r to oOllect their lnherllance, a famlfy mutt lpend the nlgl\t In • '*"'' adhOUM ( •••• "Ouecaat Of The lalend1" (1952) Robert Money,~ Rldwdaon. BaMd pt! the noWI Dy Joeeph Conrad A man'• morel fiber la deetl'°"' wtlerl ,.,. ~ ln¥Ofv9d In a Malayan _...,. opttatk>n 10eOOl t \ •• ••lmp(opwCMn- ,,..... ( 1118 11 Alan Atkin, Meri.rt• Henley A -- o I mlaundaratand lnQ• c:au... a IOClal wortter to IUSpecl the 5·yter·ofd daughter of • aeparalad couple II the victim of c'1lld abuM 'PG' HJ • •.,.' Race For YOt.JI' L.lle, Charil• Brownl" ( 1977) Animated .. Ch81'11e Brown and the entire "Peanu11" gang head for 1ummer camp, wtwlre they t>ecoma lnvO/lled In -al w110 adventuree ·o· ($) * * 11\ "A Global Artair" (1964) Bob Hope. Ulo Pulver. A baby, IOllnd by a bachelor In the lo«ll>y of the Unliecf Nation•. la claimed by ell the member nation a. "lOlle And The lmpres- alonlal" Jeckle Kane hldel t>ehlnd hit trnoertonatlont of other people I JOHN DARLING * * "Fatllng In love Again" (1980) E1t1ot1 GOU4d, Su88Mlll York A ( t979) Alan Batea. Susan- nah York A d11turbecl man confined to an inetlMlon beli-he can make • 11:00 (0 ) * * • • "Citizen Kena" (1841) Oraon We11N, Joaeph Cotten. Fla1hbaclc1 r~ the llfe of • -'thy, powerful and eatrevae-ntty Mlf-lndUI· gent ~ magnate 81 a reporter -en.. for lhe tlgnlftc:ance ol the man'• cryp!lc: lut WOtd. by Armstrong & Batluk "TOM, !D LIKE YOU 1'0 MEE.I MY MOTHER' Ml.IC NOTICE NJLIC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE "8.JC NOTICE = I ,ICTIT10U9 IUllNHS "cflfioui llUlfNHS FICTITIOUS eus•H PICTITIOU9 -.. , NAMI STATMINT NAME STATEMINT NAME ITATEMINT NA• ITATIMmfT : The loltowlng peraon It doing lha lollow1ng person 11 doing The lollowono person Is doing The lottowlng per1011 I• dol"' I llnell H ' butlneal H bUSlne81 8$ ~-II • "TRUSl ME' MARINE co . ANIMALS IN CELEBRATION BINGO BUGLE. 1741 Pomona WESTBAA L.EASINQ, 1S33• 1912& Mag,.olla. No 203·9 CREATIONS OF OEBBEE O'OEL.L No 10 Co1t1 Meu C11tlorn1a Whlltler lane, Hunll1'9ton ~ Huntington BMcl'o, CA 926<18 25 t3 Colby Place. Coat a Mau, 92627 Cakfornl• 92947 .........._. Otcl\ Young 19126 Magnolia, Cehlornoo 92626 John Heal,)'. 17<1 1 Pomona No Jofln P larlle, 16382 .......... _ No 200·B Huntington Beach. CA Oebl>ee Siii 0 Oell, 2513 Colby 10. Coat• Me66. C1111tforn<• 92627 l -Huntington Beac:h, ~ I 92646 Ptac. Cotte Mesa, Cahfornl• 112828 This bUllMH 11 conducted by an t2647 ~I lhla bl.lllMl,1 It conducted Dy 1n Th•S bu11neas 11 conducted by en ltld1111duat Thia ~ II condul:fttd b¥ .. unincorporated H10Clat1on other ino1v1dua1 Jonn Httiy lndlYlduaf than 1 partnerlhtp Oebbea O Oetl Tn1s statement was mao "''"' .... Jolln P Berfl• " [)jell Young , Th48 at11eman1 wea filed with ,,.,. County Clefk of Or1noa County on Jhlt •t•t-t -,... .-i ..i fNs ttatement WH toled Wiii\ ,,,. County Clarll or Orenfe County on NO\lllmber 30. 1982 dOUntf Cleril ol O.enoe ~ .. 1 COunty Clark of Orenge County. C>ll November 2'. t9'2' ,-.-Publl•h•d Oranna Co1:1~ Nov.tmber 19, tN2 ~ Oct 20 1912 _,_ • ' Publlattect Ore• C~I -' ,_... Publllhed Otanga Coetl 0.11)' PllOt, Dec 2, 9, 16, 23, 1882 flllot. Dec a. t . 16. U , ttu Publl•h•d Or1rng~ Cot11t Dally Jltlol Dec 2 II, t8. 23. 1982 , 5258 82 Piiot, Nov ti. 26. Dae 2. 9. !912 5223'll ---------...,,-1 ---,..--IC-IO-TIC(--=.=-., M>l3·H ... IC NOTICE "8.IC NOTIC( PIC1ffi0Ui WM - • Ml.IC NOTICE PICTmOUe Ml-H IUMI ITATI_.., Thi lollOWl"O P•rtOll tt dalllO alntal M YOUA SECA!TAAY, IHU teAn!M' e111e . N• 200. lr11ne, A 92115 Kalf'lryn Lowa, 2429 Andavef ., Coell MMI. CA 928H Tilll ~ II cOllduateCt by an I ' Kettwyn L- Til!e llatlfMflt -111.o with , ... °"" or °'Mt9 c-~ °" •. t• ~M fl11lllttfleel 01ente Cont Oelt1 Now I I , 16 OW t , f "" 60)4 It ..cnnousw11 Mam aTAftMINT f h• 1011owr110 per•on 11 dOlno bUtlnelt ... I MA L l IUSI Nl!SI AOOOUNTINO. 21108 ~ltte de OGM, C..,...rano IMcfl, Oellfornta -· Wiiiiam J""'8 fllttmtin, Ueot Ctet• de Oon1, C99111r1no llectl, Clllfoml• tH24 T1lll bulillRI It can411C1ecl Dy WI !ndlvldual WilllMI Jtfl'l88 ""'"*' Tl'lll ttettn*\t ... Iii.cl with the Co\lftty c.ti .. Orenoe COUl'lty Ol'I NOW ti , 1 .. 2 ,..,,, • P11M .. l'lecl Otange Coaal O.ity Nee, Now 11 II, Dec t t , ,_ '°'''" ' PICTITIOUI -U um •YA~ ,J NAMI ITATn9NT Tf'I• totlowlno petton II dot The tottawtno P•!IOfl I• doing bllll,_ ... bual,_ at (Al STAR TELECOMMVNI· (a) THE SOUTH COAST CAllONS, (el STAATlL.: !Cl DAAfll!AY CONHECTtO" (b) THe l f l ' p ti 0 N ' N E r w s fll I( OAAPEAY OONNICTION, 110~ TECHNOLOOIH, 1800 I . lr'f ....... PIH•. Newpor t l eecl'I, AV• • lune '''· Santi Ana. CA. Cellromte 112~ 81706 JOM R McKaon. t604 Hawn IMOL.IY N. CL..,,.ON>, a"60 I Pltc• Ne--port l each. Calllornll °'*• ,,._. COit• ...... CA'""' t2H3 fltle ._.,_ .. ~ Oy"' Thia ~· II conducted by 1n lnCIMdllal 1ndtYI01181 I •ac11ey N CM!ofd I JoM R McKeon Tiiie ll81tll'ltftl ... flled wlttl Ula • Thie altttfll«lt wM tiled wnn 1111 County C*" Of Orenge County Ol'I ' Coullty C:...... Of o.-. °='t4 NOU'M!Oer ti. !... =1 Naot ll.IMI ,... P11111tt111ed Or•ntt co .. , 0111y '"ltl!IMd Or1n19.c ... t Not. DK a t tt. I), 1NI ....... Now ti. H , Die. I. t. -$aSM2 ...... • .. .. U Or~ge Coatt DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, December 9, 1982 • Some } Oy YOU AM .. Dl'AULT UNOllll A 'WOU AM• MPAULT UNDllt A Flood victims still find NllC NOTICl M UC NOflCC OllD o• ••UIT DATIO DllD o• TlllUIT D•••o OCTOM• ti, ~. U...N YOU tlll'H ..... II tNt. IHM.111 TAU ACTION TO ll'•OTICT YOU TMCI ACnoN TO NO"CT VALLEY PARK . M o (AP) Refuaeea from a n .. 1 .. vatcd railroad l'lihl-of -WIA)' 'ru..-duy a n d Colflman, h i• w l ft', Paullftf, and lWO ION, had vou• 111•0ll'HTY, IT MAY II YOU• 111•0111HTY, IT ..... a flood that turned a l'Omforioble neli hborhood Into wa wd tor volunteeni whh bouu. to w k t• th«'lll to e.:.a~ w ith w r y fow bclo .. nr1ruH. eou AT A ""9&JC 1A&.1. • YOU IOLD AT A "*'C IAU. " YOU ~ ......... NllD AN IU\.ANATICMI °' THI ••o ... u~noee Of nte • aw lrllng aea of rooftop lal.ancb aro taking IOlace In vialt their hom8. ''lt they'd told ut ll w q 1ol"._l8 to ... to 39 feet NATU•• Of THI ll'•OCllOINO NATUH OP THI ll'•OCllCMNO amall lhlngs 8oaw l'llmt' und Wl'rtl, fl llt-<I With j(rlm-fa<.'t.'d we'd h •ve uott.en out IOO .... r ," 1";;.t~--........ "Bu: AQAINIT YOU. YOU IHOULO AOAINIT YOU.1....YOU IHOULD Look I • I -~·d h 1 h ed f mill i r fl I k h d _.a .. "' '"" \..oUW'lllmfi maau .. CONTACT A LAWYIA. CONTACT A LA ....... .. ,' ll teen-age gu IMU aa s e c Ul.c a a et {Ul)( ()Uj or a rtil (JO Ol l l!lr amageu WC did n't believe lt would i t!l this hlah." NOTICI °' TAUITll'I IA&i NOTICI °' TAUITll'I IA&.• shopping bag filled with borrowed clolhes. "You horn.. ... M n y "'lUrt\ed In lt'Ol'll. , u . Ne.,.,.. u . Ne. 11• can let' the top of a van o ver there. You couldn 't set? "h '11 ~nfl," aald J ean Sprock , 4:J, raf wr aet.•ln, Othcr1 had autf~r.-d from tht> rive r • whima NOllCE 1s HEREBY GIVEN,'"-' NOT1cr is HfREBY GtVfN, 111• before Oil Wecl""4ay Oeetm~· Ill ••ta on WtOllMCl•Y 04IC.mbet 15 1942 It before. The water 's going down." her b rick omc bclng torn Mplll'l by t he water. " · at e oo o'clocii a'" 01 Hid isay, ,,; •• e 00 o cloc~ • m 01 Hid day. 111 Another girl cheered when h er father re turned ha d It almo&t paid for . If 1m y thl11g went wrong, 1 ''Cr ying d oesn 't d o a n y g ood,'' 1aid Alm• tilt room .. , at«I• f0t cond11CU110 tna •oorn .. , aald• tOf conduellf\O from their flcooded h ome clutc h in g two cages a lwaya counted on having th at to fa ll back on ," s h e Tinke r , 68, a veteran of many flooda. "You r.:t T1u1tM'• &•• w11111n 11111 ollicu of Tru••M • 8•1H . within tilt Ollie. 01 REAL E8l ATE SECURITIES REAL ESTATE 8fCURITlf.8 holdi ng a parakeet an d a cockatiel. said . never t.rwlt the river. T h is time It came up IO ut SERVICE. locat•d •• 2020 Nor111 SERVICE. 1oc1111e1 •• 2020 Nor111 "Th ey're safe," said Ange la Cot t.on , lS. "W e Most s till could n o t ge l In to the houses, but w e just couldn't save ~ythlng. F orty-two years Brolldw1y, Sutt• 206, in the City 01 B•oa<tw•y. Sulit 2oe, in thll City 01 thought th ey'd be dead. W e h aven 't foun d o ur they w ere an xious to see for themselves what the d o wn the drain. I gueu It a sUU not real to me. It's a ~r'b'.~~1•0~1n.•v:~~·::R~~~ !~g~,to~~i.~:'~~H~~g~~·.;l.'.,~; ra bbit, tho u gh . J g uess h e is d ead." rampa'lng M e ramec R iver h ad d o n e. bad d ream ." s Av I N G 8 A N 0 L 0 AN DECO SERVICE CORPORATION •• H e r f ather , J ack Cotton , ha d to swim'j)M~wa~ "Im no t read{ t o ~o back there yet ," said Va lley Park Mayor Fred Palmer aaJd hla town ASSOCIATION, • c1111ornl• Ca1uorn11 corpor111on, ., duty h Co corpor111on, 11 duly 1ppoln1od 1ppo1n1td T ru1110 und•• ond to rescu e the birds from the flooded h ouse, w ic James leman, 3 , aa o wat.ched the rec:.'eding w lll need Ume to r et'Over. "M ore than 40 percent of T1ut1N und11 and i>or11.11n1 10 tilt pursuant 10 tll• powar 01 n•• the family w a.s forced to evacuate S untiay nig ht. waters pull a t the struc turea still standin g. "I'm o ur people a nd a ll b v t three bualOellel have been power of 1111 con11rr1d In that con11r11a In 1n11 cer111n Oeld ot M an Of the town's 3,200 residen ts ga thered on a fraid to go In to It." to-... o ut. W e'll Just h ave to .......... •• ctr1a1n Dlld of lruat HeGutld by Tru11 u11cu11d by WILL~M A n .. ~ -~ STEPHEN PELLETIER and GRANDIA &nd JOHANNA M ----....... -------'--------=-----------.....::...... ___________________ _;_ __ __: __________ :..:..:. ___ .:.:.::....:...::_:..:....::....:...::..:.._ _______ _J CYNTHIA E PELLETIER, llu•t>and GRAN DIA , nu1b1nd ind wll1. Magnavox .. Stereo Radio Recorder- • Two buiff-in cond1n11r microphones • Buiff in AFC • Cue ind Rtvitw Gitt eet Includes 3-ln parer/boner & 5· In. boner/utlllty knives With high carbon steel blades. walnut han- dlea.#B-1 Reg. 20.25. 99 ..... 12511 • • Soft 1j1ot Hamilton Beach varlable •peed ble nder #600E 465369. Reg. 24.99 1999 It ••••• , ••• , Stanley 25'x 1" tape measure stay• rigid up to 1' Power return. Belt clip. #PL425 reg. 16.45 Flameproofs your curtains. sofas. chairs. carpeting near ftraplaces and electrical outlets, around wood atoves and heaters. • • & Model ., .. 12-11 Corona quality ke<oM ne heater 12·DK. reg. 25 9.95 JHco Karo1ane 19495 1 gal ............................ 3.21 •5 gal .......................... 14.M Ma1tar Mechanic organization si.tlon 15 drawer parta cabinet, all steel frame. C15MM 425470 ......... Malco or Sunnyside scented lamp oll. Comes In 5 scents. ' 95 Medicine cabinet frame TR0-61A 18.9 _____ 12.19 Tlnue Holder TA0·55 16.99 __ )2.19 24" Towel Holder 1620-244 20.4 14.19 ._ __ l.19 All Wagner PoWar palnl8f'I In stock 11 pc. combination wrancfl Mt 3/8" to 1" ' Ind wtl•. ltCO•dtd OCIObt• 31. rtcordld Oc1ooe1 20, 1981, In Book 1980. In Book 13815 ol Ollicl•I 1428 f of Olllclll RICO•d• Of ••Id Rtc0td1 of Hid County, It paot County, II P~ 1387. ~Ofder a 1341. Recorder's 1n11rum1n1 Nd ln11rutnlfll No 24725. by r1uon of 411894. by 111100 of 1 b•ttcn or a b•tteh Of det11.111 In 1>1ymen1 or <Se111.11t Tn p1ymenr 0t perf0<m1nca ptrrorm1nce ol lht 01111911110111 of tilt Obflgl110t11 IMICU•ld tntreby, ltCUIOd tnertby, Including lh•I 1ncludlng thll brt•ch °' d1f1u11. brHCh Of del1ull. Notte. of WhiCtl Nollc:I Of w!'llCh w111 recorded APfll wu recorded Augull 19. 19112. as 8, 19N , 11 Recorder'• 1n111ument R1co•dtr'1 lnl11rurn1nr No. No 112· 119884 WILL SELL Al 82·292187. Will SEU AT PUBLIC PUBLIC AUC.llON TO THE AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. BIDDER FOR CASH. t.wlul ~ lewfut money 01 1111 Unllld States. of th• United Stein, or a calhlllf s or • ce1hler'1 chlClk drawn on 1 clllek drawn on • ltlle Of n1t10nll 1111e 0< n1110nel benk. 1 1111e or b•nk. • llate or ltderal cr1dit rlld«ll c11d11 union, Of 1 11ete Of un10n, or 1 111te or recser11 11v1ngs tlldlr111 11vtngt and loan HllOCl•llon end loan u10C111ion domlClltd In domiciled In thil Siii•. Ill p1y1011 II lh11 ...... Ill payable II Ille "'"' OI tilt 11tn1 of 11141, 1111 right, 11111 1nd Ille, 111 right, Ullt and interest Miid ~""' ne1d by ft, •• Trutlet. In by II, 111 ltia.t1e...Jn that real 1111t real property 1111.1111 In uld PfoPtrly 111u1te In 111d Countv 1nd County and Statt. dtscrlbld 81 Stall, deec:rlbld II follows follow1 "EXHIBIT A" Loi 7 ol lr1ct NO. 6903, as per PARCEL 1. Lot 33 of Tract No. rnap recorded In Book 280. PIOff 5 444. In Ille City of NewpOft Beach. to 8 of Mlec:ell1neou1 M11>1. In tht Counly of Or1nge. State ot olllce of the Counly Racord1r ol C111rornla, 1s per m1p recorded In seld County. Book 19. P•ge 29 of Misctlleneou~ Thi etreet addreu or other M•P• In the office ol th• County cornmon dealgnetlon ot thl 1111 Recorder of sold County proparty lltrt ln11>ove dl~lbed 11 PARCEL 2· An easernent for purported to bl: 11141 Port C111low brick w•tk. and Ingran and agren PtlCe, N-port Btach. C1lllornl1 over a portion of Lot 32 ol Trtcl No. The underttoned hereby 444, In lhl City ot Newport Beacil, dl1ct1lm1 tit lleblllty for 1ny County of Orange. State of incorrectness 1n .. 1c1 1tree1 •ddrtn C1llfornl1. H per Map rlCOfdld In or o1her comrnon de1lgn1tlon Book 19. PIO• 29 of Mitcello.neous Said ••le wlll be rn1d1 wllllout Meps, In tilt olhce ol tile Coonty """r•nly. txp1111 or lmpll1d, Rtcorder ol H id County. more raoudlno Ulla. po11111lon. or Ptrllwlarty dncrtbld u follows. 1ncumbrancn. to Htl1fy th• Beginning It th• mos1 prlnclp•I b1t11nct of tllt Nott or Soulhtrly corner ol aald Loi 32, otll•r obllo•tlon MCured by H id 111ence North 33 dtgrlff 36' 00" Deed of fruit. wltn lnt1rt1t 1nd Wtst along Ille S0uthwft1t<ly line otller 1um1 •• provided ttlertln. of tllld Lot 32, • d1S11111C1 ol 52.86 plu1 edYanctl, ii 1ny, under th• feet thtnel Nonh 60 deg.r-53 terms thtraof Ind lnlt<Ht on IUd1 33" Eut. 4 70 1111, thlnct SOutti 29 lld111r1CM, and plu1 1111. chlrga1 dlQr'" 06' 27" E.as1. 28.00 lt1t to Ind t1'~ Of thl Trullte 1nd Of • point 2 50 f111 Northeasterly, tilt trulla created by Ilk! o..d of meuurtd el rlgn1 englel. lrom the Trull. Th• tol•I ernount of u ld llld Southtatltrty Wne ol uld Lot obllg111on 1nclud1no rtHonably 32. tlltnce South 27 dagrees 49 ntlmal1d fe11. cn1ron and 14" E111, 24 70 l•t 10 tht l)Olnt ot IXl)IRIM of tilt Tru1tee. at tilt time blg1nnlng ol lnillll pubtlcallon of 11111 Notice, II PARCEL 3. An 11Hmen1 lor $30,927.50. concrete block r1t1lning will ano Oattd: Nov.mblf 22. 1982 lngr ... ind IO"" over e portion ot SAN MARINO LOI 34, Trtcl No. 444, In the City Of SAVINGS ANO Nll'Wport BllCh, Col.Inly of Ofange, LOAN ASSOCIATION, Stitt of Calllornl1. 81 per M1p .. TrullN ltcOfded In 800k 19 Pege 29 of 1 Cllll0<n1i corporation, Mlac.llan1<>1.11 Mops, In lht otlice ot By: REAL ESTATE tht County Recorder ol Hid SECORITIES SERVICE. County. mort p11t1cut1rly dec;rlbed • CelllMnla corpo11tlon. .. lol10w1· Its Agent B1glnnlng 81 a point In the By· O.J . Morger. Nonlleuterly llne of aald Lot 34. a Ila President dl1t1nc• of 10 00 ree1 Nonn-1er1y (SEAL) lrom Ille rno11 Eesterly coiner of 2D2.0 North Broedway 11ld Lot; thenol Nortll 33 degrees Sulle 206. ' 39· 28" WeS'I, •long tne H id San11 Ana CA 927C>e Nonlltuterly line of lot 34, 1 dlS· Ttl. (714) 9S3..e810 lllnCI tlf 47.11 INt: I'*-Soutn Publl1h1d 011noo Co111 Dilly 2g dtgrlU 45' 11" Eut, 47.00 feet Pilot, Novtmber 25. Otcemblf 2, 9, to a l)Olnl , South 60 dlgrlU t•• 49" 1982 5210·82 w .. 1, 3 20 '"' lrom the l)Olnt ol Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF TMJI TH'I I ALE r.c No. 200U YOU A"E IN MFAUlT UHM" A DEED OF T"UIT DATED AUOUIT 13, tt71. UNLEll YOU TAKI ACTION TO ~lllOTICT YOU" ""ME"TY· IT MAY •E IOLD AT A l"UklC IAU. If' YOU NHD AN IXl'lANATION OF THI NATUftl OF THI ll'AOCHDINO AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOUlD CONTACT A LAWYI ... ~: 0tence Nonh eo ...,_ 14 49 E11t. 3.20 1191 to tilt point of ~~rtlt 1ddr111 or otller common d11lgn1t1on of tllt reel propany llef•nab<MI descilblld os purported to bl 249 LI J0111 OrlW!. Ntwport BeKh. Califotnla. Th• undersigned h•••by d l1c111m1 111 t11blllty tor 1ny lnc:orrtctllMI In lllkl 1tr111t llddress or ot.htr common dellgnetlon Seid Ult will ~ rnedt wuhoul w1rr1n1y, 1ap1t11 or Implied, reg11d1ng tltl1, pos1111lon. or tncumbr1nce1, to 111l1fy the prlnclpel balanct ol the Note or otner obllgatlon secured by said Died of frust. with lntaresl and other 1um1 11 proYlded tller11n. plus adv1nces, II 1ny. under the term1 thlt'aol and Interest on sucll 1dv1nct1, end plu1 flel. 0111101& 1nd txpenees of the Trultet 1nd of tilt tru111 crNlod by 111<1 Ollld of Trull. Tiit 10111 1mount of said obllg1tlon. Including re&1onobly ut1m111d ftea. cherges 1nd exl)tlll .. I of 1hl Trustee, 11 the 11...,. ol lnlll•I publlClltlOll of llllS Notice. IS $44,969.10. D11tc1· Novemb« 23. 1982 WASHINGTON TRUST DEED On Olctrnoer 22. 19112 11 t 00 p rn • PEELLE FINANCIAL CORPORATION es duty 1pl)Olnlld Tru1tet und11 and pur1u1nt 10 o..d of Trull recordld August 21 1979, 11 ln11. No 28767 in book 13277 PIOI 121S I. Of OlllCll l Rtcordt In Int ollice ol Ille County Rt corder of Or1nge County. Calllo1nl1, Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. CASHIEF\'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED CHECK. (p11y11>lt II tlrne of sole in low1ul money ol •II• Un.ti<! S11111) al Int North entrance 10 lht county COUrlhOUH, 700 CIVIC C.nter Drnr1 West. San11 An•. CA all rign1, 1tt1e 1nd ln11re11 conveyed to and now Mid by It under Hid Oaed ol Trull In ine property SERVICE CORPORATION. s1tulled 1n SIJd Coonly Md Stitt a Cllll0tnl11 corporlllon, dlKr•bld aL •• Tru11 ... Tllo rell property In Ille City of 8y REAL ESTATE Co1t1 MHI. County of Or1ngi. SECURITIES SERVICE. S111e ol Cll1fornl1 PARCEL 1 Unit I Cehlomla corporetlon, Ill Agent I •• shown 1no dol1nt0 on 11111 ey (SEAL) o.J Mot--, C11t11n condomlnlUITI !)fin rlCOfdld .,... F1t>ruwy 211, 1979 In Book 13050. Ila Prflldenl page 1254 or Ofhc1a1 Record• of 2020 N Broldw1y, Suite 206, Orenge County. Cetilorni1 PARCEL Sante Ane .. CA 92706 2. An undivided SO petotnt internt H'I and 10 Lot 1 Of TrlC1 No 10419. Ttl (714) 953..ea 10 11 sllown on 11 rnap r1corded In Publlshtd 01ano1 Co111 Dally Book 448, peg• 22 and 23 01 Pilot. Nov 25. Dec. 2. 9. 1982 Ml1ce11aneou ... M1pe. rtc;ord1 of __________ 5_20().. __ 11_2 Or•not County. ca111orn11. togathlr 1111m111 IC """'TICC wl1h ell 1rnprovtm1nt1 thtr1on, ----'"-~--""------tMCti>llno tllt<elrom Condominium FICTITIOUI ., ..... Units 1 and 2 loclltd lh1r1on. NA• ITATIEMENT PARCEL 3· An txclu1IV1 llMmtnl Thi lotlowlng PtflOllS ere doing eppur1tn1n1 10 each unit lor tilt u11 butl-11• 1no occupency ol 1llo11 portions of THE MIHAYLO BROTHERS, a tne Restr1c110 Cornrnon Arte Cilllornl• g1ne11I p11tn111hlp, designated In the Oec11r11lon of 211181 Bluebill Drive. Legun1 Aestrlcllons and •flown on th• Niguel, C11lllornl1 92677 condornlnou"' Pl•n Jor 11cll unit Andrtw w Mlll1y10. 2818 t Trustor or record owner Is R C Blutbtll 01lvt , L1gun1 Nlgutl. LEAi/ENSWORTH, • 1lno11 rn1n. C1llfornl1 92877. Tne ""'' 1dd1111 1nd Olh•• Ch••IH v . MlheylO, 11331 cornrnon dealgnetlon, 11 1ny. of Ille Skyline o;1,.., s1nt1 Ana. C1llfoml1 1111 property described above 11 112?05 l)Urpotted to bl 254 16111 St , U1111 Metthew t.4) Mih1ylo. 4270 A. Coste M111. CA 92627 lmpetlat Orlvt, w .. 1 Linn, Oregon Th• undtrtlgnt d Trutlte 97068 dl1c;lalrn1 any ll•blllly tor any $11vtn G Mlh1ylo, 5710 N. lllCQfrtclnest or thl tlrMt addrn1 25th PtlCI. Ptlolnlx, A1l1one 850111 and otlltf common dltlgnltlOll. II Jolin A Mlheylo, 241 s. E. "l.~i:"::~ b• m•d•. but ~W~;•k Av1nut, Bind. Or•gon without c0Ytn1n1, or w11rr1n1y, Tllll blnlnltl 11 cooducttd by a a•PfWI or lrnphtd, regerdlng tltlt. Qtnlrll pwl'*""IP po ... 111on, Of 1ncumbr1nCtt, 10 AnOr-w M~ PIY lhe unpe1d ballnct ol lhl ROlt Tllll ital-I w11 tiled with the MCU•ld by 11ld Died or Trvll ltas County Cllt1' ol Oranga County on cht1g11. and optnau of th1 No~blf 22. 19'2 Trustet Ind ot lilt tru1t1 "M iid by ~1 Mid Oetc:I 01 lrvet Pubt1111t<1 011noe CoH t D•il)I Al th• time 01 the lnltt11 P1lo1, New. 25. Dec. 2. 9. 18. 1982 pubtleellon of thl• not~ ,,,. 10111 s111.aa ernount ot the uf!PtkJ btlenCt ol tilt ob110111on 1tcured br '"• •bove l'Ull.IC NOJIC( • ducrlbtd d••d o truat 1nd t1Um1t1d coatt. 111p1n111 1nd ~~:-~-..!• ldlllr!Cel ,, 122.141.13. .. • • .. • Th• bllntllcllry under Mid Oetc:I Tht IOllowlng petlOf!e ar• dolns or Trutt ll1r11olore uec:utld 1nd bUllneel II. dtllvlrld 10 lllt undt relgnt d 1 ENT EA T A IN I! AS PA 0 • wrlUll\ Otclet•tlon Of DtfM and DUCTIONS WEST-ESOUIAl!S Otrnend for 9111, i nd 1 wrtt11n MUSIC, 1331~ Ctlmlnlto Jvlftlc:o Nollet ol Ott•ull and lltetlo" 10 l11gut11 Hiiie, CA 929$3. Stll Tiie undor1lgned CllUNd ~.td IRA 8AAHOWEIN, UH~ NOiie• of 0.111111 end l!ltf;tlon 10 C1m1ni,o Juanloo, L11gUn1 Hila C.I lell to ~ rec:Ofdld In tllt county Heu . · Whllf• '"' ''" p10ptt1y 111oce11c1 eoeey KENT. U 392 Cemtnttc P1rty conducting .... Juenloo LIOUM Hille CA -.. Pl!l!LLI! l"IN AH C•"l LEO KINT, u:1 .. c::=.,o COlllP JuMlco, LAfune Hlh, CA UIN. ae I Cemtno Ot l 1 fllelnt. TNt bUtifttM II oonduoted ~ 1r1 ... 400 llldMC9Uel lln Pteoo CA 9210t If• •Mdwelfl ''"I' nt.? 110 ,... .......... -....... ... Viti! HllfnWI, ~ a.ti of Ot ... Col#ltw _, Forectoan Mfr ~ti. tlU. Daleo No~ 11. 1H2 ... ~ ............ °'r."a:."'.....!..! 1 L ~ubllllled 0 rlflt9 COM1 Oetty ..___ ...._ _.... , O.C I . t It. 1MI "'°'· Nlw, II, H. I. t. tM1 1110.11 ...... • ' --·---,,_ .. .., ....... -... ... j .. llllJPllll THURSDAV .OEC.O, 1082 BUSINESS STOCKS COMICS ca C9 C10 ClASSlfllD C11 It's · a Sunsf t preview Oilers, Barons get an early shot at each other By ROGER CARLSON O(lfte Delly ,.... ..... Sunse t L e agu e h eavy w e ight s Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley square off in the championship semifinals of the Sea Baron Basketball Classic tonight -but in the other half of the bracke t, neither anticipated semifinalist is around following W ednesday.'.!_g_uarterf inals. While Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley High quintets breezed, Ocean View was rocked by Los Alamitos, 79-65; following La Quinta's buzzer shot by Jerry Wilson, which dropped top-seeded Palos Verdes from the limelight, 57-56. The two Sunset League representatives collide at 8:15 at Fountain Valley after Huntington Beach disposed of Morningside, 87-74, followed by Fountain Valley's 60-35 drubbinR of Rolling Hills. In a consolation bracket game, Newport Harbor was eliminated by Servite, 59-48. "It's a nice, early season matchup," says Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. Tonight's schedule (et Ocffn View) 4:45-South Torrance vs. St. Anthony (consolation semis) 6:30-0cean View vs. Palos Verdes (fifth place semis) 8: 15-La Quinta vs. Los Alamitos (championship semis) (at Fountain Veller) 4:45-Servlte vs. Esperanza (consolation semis) 6:30 -Morningside va. Rolling Hiiis (fifth place semis) 8: 15-Huntlngton Beach vs. Fountain Valley (championship semis) "We're similar i.n that we're both three- guard teams and press. ''We've got to try to beat them back downcourt, to make sure (Roll) Jacobs gets back with Jamal (Garner). But Billy (ThomDSOn) Is the key to their team -he'.s t ,r-.-amar . The Oilers got 26-point production from Gamer, the 6-7 10phomore, and 6-6 Mike Mills as Morningside proved no match. Morningside pulled to within 60-56 with 7:27 left before HB c.oach Roy Miller put his first linen back in and quickly regain~ a 16-point lead. "I was trying to give them (the starters) a rest/' explained Miller. "It's hard to come back and pick up momentum, but they did It." . The Oilers were up by a 60-44 margin when Mttler began filtering tn his subs late In the third period, but just when it appeared the Monarchs might get back into it, the Oilers shut them off with a variety of buckets and moves, shared by the starting lineup. · "We have a tendency to get complacent," added Miller, "because our guys know they can acore a lot of points." The Oilers hit 39 of 71 (54 .9 percent), but only 50 percent of 18 free throws, while the (See OILERS, Page CS) Mulligan fears UCI r~pe for upset against Loyola __ By JOHN SEV ANO Of tile Dellr ,... ...,, LOS ANGELES -One would Imagine Coach Bill Mulligan's UC Irvine basketball team would be looking forward to tonight's encounter here with the. host Loy~Marymount-Uona. ,Yter all, the Anteaters come into the contest (7:30) with a 3-0 ~. lre9h off a 9tUnning upeet win over Pepperdine, while the On radle t••'•"' Klf't'E (I .. PM) Lions are 1-2, their only victory coming at the hands of Hardin- Slmmons, Tex. Mulligan,• however, la not relishing his team's situation at all. And, his reasons have nothing to do with the opponent or the 1JCI team itaelf. For the Anteaters, starting guard George Turner leada the team at 14.7, with junior forward Ben McDonald cloee behind at 13.3. Junior center Bob Thornton is the team's leading rebounder al 6 .3 (he also averages 10.7 pointa per game. - Mike Lopez will be the other guard opposite Tu ... n~r but Mulligan hasn't decided yet who he's going to start at forward between Jud Beardsley and Tod Murphy. Beardsley, a junior, started the first two games and ia averaging 9 .7 per outing. Murphy.,a freshman, started the game against Pepperdlne (which the Anteaters won .~85-82) and contributed seve n points and nine rebounds. "It will all depend on who is able to practice the most," noted Mulligan of-the dedsJon. Huntington Beach's Mike Mills scores two of his 26 points Wednesday night. The UCI coach is concerhed because hls players have been caught up in final exams (UCI is on the qua.rt.er system) and they have yet to practice as a unit the entire week. "We have never had a practice this week where everyone has been there," said Mulligan. "Plus, they're on cloud 88 and they better get off it fast. Lakers blow big lead, but • Will "They're not even thinking about Loyo la . All they're thinking about are final exams. Some even have them Thursday (today) before we leave. "Right now, Loyola is the IC&riest game we've got." The Lions, who have loet to Idaho and Cal State Fullerton, are led by forward Forest McKenzie, a 6-7 sophol"ftOre who ls averaging 18 pointa per game. Opposite McKenzie is IOphomore teammate Johnny Brown (6-6), who la 1COring at a 15.7 clip and leads the. team in rebounding at 8.7. LA g~ins share of first place with 89-86 victor..y INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Los Angeles Lakers now-own a half-1hare of the lead in the National Basketball As9ociation's Pacific Division. But the 89-86 win over Phoenix that tied them with Seattle had some of them shaking their heads. "I wasn't concerned that we didn't score 100 pointa," Norm Nixon aaid after finlahing with 17 pointa in the victory at the Forum Wedneeday night. "But I was thinking about us loelng a 17-point lead." threat. and many of the crowd of 13,763 headed for the doors. They missed a third quarter in which Los Angeles scored just 13 points -the lo west for the Lakers in any period this year. And they nearly mis8ed seeing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who was playing sick, lose his scoring string of 397 con..s ecutive regular-season games in double figures. He shot just 3 of 16 from the field. The crucial third quarter saw: the Lakers hit on only'five of 21 fie ld goal attempts for 23.8 p ercent as Phoenix put the brakes on fast-breaking Lo1 Angeles. Meanwhile, the Sun• connected on 1 l ·of 22 field goala1 h it eig'ht free throws and outaoored ·the Lakers by 17 pointa. for the quarter, which 'ended> with Phoenix up 67-66. "Our effort in the game w• the best in our last five (alt l088e8)," said Walter Davis. "W~ are in a slump and we're tryinC to ahake it off." ' Fountain Valley's 6-7 junior Rolf Jacobs fights opponent for rebound Wednesday. The only other player in double flgure1 is guard Keith Smith at 14.0. The Lakers, now 16-4, held the 17-polnt edge at the half after outaoorlng the Suns 30-15 in the second quarter. At that point, Phoenix appeared to pose no Abdul-Jabbar finished with 10 points, but had only five midway through the final period, which ended with Bob McAdoo sinking two free throws w ith three seconds remaining to put the game out of reach. Maurice Lucu, who had ii pointa, said the Suns "played; well enough to win. Thinp jusi broke down at the end." . Plenty of talk, little action at baseball meetings Kurt Rambis, making his finfo appearance in five. games aft.et• injUrlng his left ankle, scored .t layup with 3:~ remaining in ~ game to give the Lakers an 80-7i. lead. Confusion centers around the destinations of unsigned f'ree agents Kemp, Garvey and Bannister The pointa helped Rambia ~ Bannister, but he appears to be an also-12 in the game. The Laker:l HONOLULU (AP) -If you want to know what the New York Yankees are doing, ask General Manager Hank Peten of the Baltimore Orioles. If you want to kno w what the Baltimore Orioles are up to, ask Yankees' owner George Steinbrenner. That'• how confusing baaeball's Slat annual meeting has becQme. Their maneuvering involvea free -.rent Steve Kl!mp. The former Chkago White &>x outfielder arid hiS agent,-Dick .Mom, have been leaning toward signing with the Orioles. ~n walked out of an American e meeting Wednesday and aaid, ''Dick Mou has informed Edward Bennett WWiaml (Baltimore owner) that Steve Kemp la going to accept the Yankees offer." Steinbrenner, Informed of Petera' atatement, .. 1d, ''I don't know what JO'l're talldnc abouL A.a far M I know the Orioll9 are not out of lt.'' Aocordina to one llOW'Ce, Kemp will sip a $5.~ million, 5-year contract with the y ankeee. Adelina to this comedy of atatementa, Clyde Kina; who l• the mana1er of NCOtd of the Y ankeee, Mid l)e knew noth1nc about the Kemp 11!1.tµation. He .aMI, "f ait a 11\lnut.e, boys. I've IO'- to go find out what's happenlng," and he headed for the hotel eecalator. Of...-coune, King ia auppoeed to be on his way out as soon aa Steinbrenner geta through restructuring his team. Other than the ~et.en-Steinbrenner· KinR act, It was another day of inactiop ..... I .didn't order any conference in Chicago •.• But that doesn't mean we've 11iven up on Garvey. -C•llMater.._CINeft at the wee'k-long meeUD11. In three daya, Ju9t one tnde hall been completed. • While the trading wu non-exiat.ent, major-league owners met jointly and ln league llftllona. For the mo1t part It wu talk. There waa stlll another unu•ual lltuaUon. · It WM reported that the ChJcaco Cuba were aolna to hold a neW1 conference In Chkaao and announce they had licned free apnt Steve ~· 1'\at w11 news to Dl1lM Green, ihe Cuba' executive vkie predclim~ho Wll here trytna '° make IOft» "J, dldn,.t order~ conference i~ Chicago," said Green. "I don't know anything about it. I don't know where that came from. "But 'that doesn't mean we've given up on Garvey." The Cuba reportedly have offered .7.5 million to Garvey, the former Los Angeles Dodaer first bueman. 'the San bie10 Padres •uppoaedly offered Garvey S8 million. but may hold an edae becaua Garvey wanta to remain in Callfomia. Ballard Smith, Pad.ree president, said he talked with Garvey'• apnt, Jerry Ka~. and milht rnUle ht. offer, 'I don't have any feelln1 for the Situation becau. I don't know what Chlca10 hH offered. I told him (Kas-teln) 'tell 1.11 whlit you want.' " The Yankeee aJao ... k Garvey, but appew to be rurulinC third. Steinbrenner talked with Kapetein Tueaday In a stopover In Loe Aftaelft en route to · Hawau. Another frM .,.nt, pitcher Floyd s.nnt.t.er, who left S.ttl9 to try the free •1ent market1 alao remained unal1ned. The 8i.-wul1 Cardinali, tt...-.. City aoyai. and Phil8delphia PhlDlla wwe oanl6dend frant nannen In tbai dmi>Y· v-. 81Mnhrbr••ll'lll'llMl'lll' hal t1'a hand put few ran once more. helped by Jamaal Wilkes' team~ Other rumon ran rampant. lead~O points, neve~ The Tex.as Rangers reportedly were rellnq the lead. 1 besieged with offers for gold glove third Rambis had 13 rebounda,i bueman Buddy Bell. Six teams were aecond only to Lucas' 14. A.Iv~ interested with St. Louis and &lthnore Adams had 12 and Larry Nance · believed to have rhade IOlld offers. added 11 while leading PhOenix KOren with 18 pointa. 'The Cardinal offer apparently hin&ed ' • K u r t d I d a Io o d j o b on whether they outbid the Royals and rebounding tonisht," Lakera PhiWea for Bannbter. Texu wants a Co.ch p .. Riley eakl. . pitcher, and St. Lou1a ooUld 8've up Bob "It made a difference havlnc · tOl"ICh if it got Banniat.er. him back. It was noticeable \hat St. Louis alllO offered third bueman Kareem wu not feeling well.'1 • Ken Oberktell and outfielder George 1 • Hendrick, accordinl to IOW"C8 who .Ud TeXM ls holdinC out for youna outflelder David Green hu1tead of the veteran Hendrick. • BalUmore bu the pltchlnc to •Udy Texu. They have Tippy and Den~l'a Martina. Mike Jl'laMpn. and Sunmy Stewart. , T9UI Oener,.i ,..._. Joe Klein let it be known he wanted a No. l or No. 2 ........ If he traded Bell. Ian Dlep alao w• auppoeed to be lnW ... d lnBIU. The Phlladelphia PhUli• 1till an talldM rram dawn to dulk try11W co aet a left..handecl hitUna outftefder-and a reliever. NFL PLAYERS OK AGREEMENT : WASHINGTON (AP)~ NaUonal 1'oot1AU X......... pla ratlfled by a 3.f mar,ln Wectn.day \he five-year, I.; billion collective bar1alnln a1reement whleh endtid thei &17 -day strike, but chie ne10Uatora for both aide dlaa1re.ed whether ftna acreement had actually been l'WIMCI. 1 • I Orange Couat DAILY PIL01 /Thuraday, Dec mber 9, 1982 . GWC's Long earns ; l All-America honor l Stahlheber, meanwhile, was the leading · rusher in the South Coast Conference with 1,113 ~ yards on 220 carries. He ac:ored hine touchdowns. Quote al the day Gordon Cbiesa, basketball coach at . Manhattan College: "Manhattan bas always been too white, too slow and too ~atholic. But I found the,.~ution. h -~ecruited Perry Bromwell aJjfl Maurice :Williams. They're quick Baptists." Woolfolk swims for Brown . 'JI ·,.r,. Nlarl laNI lo rout ('at• . MOHi Malou 11un1pl•d Ill :.!6 m polnta to ll'ad Phllud<· phln ''' un {' y 13 2 • 8 6 v i ~tory ovt•1 A ti 11 n tu W dn 1duy night In Nullon1,1I Buk~tbaJI Aailorlation piny. 'fh1• 7U<•1 11wrtt'<.I lhe onslaught. eurly, leadln" 20-2 uftf'r •:onng 18 •tralaht point.I . . . Larry Bird 1<.vn'<I 30 points and Kevln Mcffale addt-d 22 1111 Jblwn roUcd to a 29-14 lead after orw L1uarter and routt·d · Clevt.>land , 113 -93 ... MALONI Reule Tbeu1 notclwd n points to lend (;hkngo to a 111 IOI •• New Y ork's Bernard Klng scored 4 3 points be fore being ejected for Wlklng u swing at a Octroit play<.>r us the.> Knicka rallied lo whip the Pistons, 120-109 and end a three-game losing streak . , . Adrian Danlley poured in 34 points as Utah claimed a 101 -93 triumph over Houston ... Bac k Wllllam1 grabbed a seuon-high 20 rebounds to go along with his 19.points as New Jersey beat Washington, 98-95, for the Nets' fifth straighl victory . . . Rookle Clark Kellogg tallied a season-high 29 points as Indiana defeated Denver, 130-126 . . . Guard Brad Davl1 scored 10 of his 16 points In the third quarter to help Dallas run away from Seattle, 110-94 . . . Center Artls Gllmore'a tip-In with one second left in overtime helped San Antonio edge Kansas City. 102-101. -Vlrlllnl• wln!I ACC opener Ralpb Samp100 scored 36 points • m and Rick Carllsle added 24 a& top· ranked Vfrginia wore down Duke, 104 -91 in an Atlantic Coast Conference opener Wednesday night ... Elsewhere in college basketball, Greg Stokes hact. ... 19 points and all five starters were in double figures as sevenlh-ranked Iowa routed 16th -rated Marque tte, 87-66 . . . Forward York Gro11 netted a game-high 23 points and a career-high 15 rebounds to lead UC Santa Barbara to a 77 -60 victory over Doane College of Nebraska . . . Bill Martin scored 30 points lo lead third-ranked Georgetown past Alabama State, 9g_76, as the Hoyas tuned up for their showdown Saturday with Virginia ... Dao Federmu ac:ored 20 points and Tyrone Beam· aD added 17 as No. 14 Tennessee eased past Arbona, 92-73 . . . Eighth-ranked Missouri, led by center Steve Stipanovicb's 24 points, romped past Jackson State, 86-51. ... l .ttln11d1•r,e,; bl1111",.d b ,t H••d ff'lnlf1t C31 w1ll1• C'orrado Mlnlef tu1111"tl l11 ~ lhf' ,.,,.., l){>lrnll hutout m m•orly two , yN.r11 und hia1 Ctr11t in tht• Nallonul llockt•y Lt·o~Ul' llll Uw lh•d Wing1 11kull'd lu u 2 0 vu.·lory ov~r ltw Nc•w York l11h1ndNs Wc•cli11'11day n laht The• 21 yt•ar-nld Mlcalcf knot·kc•cl t1w1Ay 26 hland,•t 1hol1, Including u J)C'nalty 8hot by Nt•w York's Clark GUiies in till' lk~'Ond pt•r1od ... Deol1 Savard 1><.'0rcd lwo goulll to spurk Chicago lo o 7 2 rump of the New York Rangers Tboma.s Gradlo und Curt Fraser nett<'<.! two goals apitw to lead Vancouver past Toronto, 7 3 . . . Doug Sulllmao and Ron Fraocl1 had u pair of goub apiece as Hartford surprised Montreal, 7-4 ... First-period goals by Doug Shedden ond Randy Carlyle hclpt..'<! Pittsburgh post a 4-2 win over Buffalo. Penguin guali<' Denis llerroo stopped 32 11hots to extend his personal unbf.at.en streak to seven games. Elway sa.t'!ii 110 to ff'ranJller!lt Jack Elway said Wednesday he al will remam as head football coach at •. • San J ose State and has turned down an offer lo bc<.'Omc lhe head coach of the United States Football League's Arizona Wra nglers. Elway, 5 1, was offered the JOb Monday -one day after UCLA Coach Terry Donahue reportedly turned down a $250,000, three-year contract. TPle111~10,,, radio -Followhig are t he 1.0J> sports -even ts on -TV tonight. Ratings are: .....-.....-.....-.....-excellent; .....-.....-.....- worth watching; .....-.....-Cair; .....-forget it. <iJ 8 p.m ., Channel 9 v v COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Ne~ada-Reno at UNLV. Announcer: Chick Hearn. It's a rematch of a game two weeks ago in Reno when La'S Vegas scored an 85-84 victory. Coach Jerry Tarkanlan's Running Rebels come into the game with a 4-0 record, following an 88-70 win over Arizona Monday night. Guard Danny Tarkanian had 20 assists in that game. UNL V is ranked 191.h in the Associated Press poll.' RADIO Basketball -UC Irvine at Loyola, 7:30 p .m., KWVE (107.9 FM), USC at San Jose St., 8:05 p.m., KNX (1070). Hockey -Edmonton at Kmgs, 7:20 p.m., KPRZ (1150). GWC wins one after the buzzer John Krcalch scored a pair ot free throw• ofter umc hud expired to give Golden Wett a 60-S8 victory ovl'r LA Pierce W<'<lnt>&day night In the opening round of the Rustll'ra' own tDumament. The victory WWJ Golden Wt>t1l'1 firat In three trk>t1 ugainsl the Bruhmrul this season. The Rustlers will m('<!t LA Southwest in the semJflnals Friday night at 8, aft.er the Cougars advancx.'<.I wllh a 63-S5 c.'Onquest of Citrus. The Rustlers set up the final play after Pierce's Ken Cook c.'Onvertcd the second of two free throws to tlc the game at 51i-58. After a three-quarter length of the court pass, Tyrone Myles missed a 20-footer and Kresich got the rebound and was fouled. Golden Wesl had lo battle back from a halftime deficit of eight points (40-32) and took its first lead in the second half wilh 9:21 remaining as Ed Dornam stole the ball and fed Sherwin Durham for a 20-foot jumper. GWC never trailed aft.er lhat, although the game was tied lwice. Sheldon Rivas was the leading rebounder in the game with eight. Meanwhile, Kresich, the Rustlers' t.op scorer this season, was held without a point m the second half until his winning free throws. The victory was Golden West's fiCth in eight . -outings this season, while Pierce suffered....its Ii.rs Toss in eignt decisions. vanguards romp Relurnjng lo the mainland after winning the Seasider Classic in Hawaii last weekend the ' Southern California College men's basketball 'team enjoyed a laugher Wednesday night in the Vanguards' gym. Everybody joined in the fun, as SoCal College romped to a 107-40 decision over outclassed Cal Tech. The victory improved the Vanguards' season . record to 5-3. The hosts spurted to their big, lead m1dway • through the first half en route to a 54-21 advantage at in~ion. Top scorer Mike Roberts, who is averaging 17 points per game, played only about 20 . minutes, but still managed lo pour in 15 points. Other Vanguards in double figures were Andre Smith (15), Dan Mortensen (13), Dav~ Corsi (12), Richard Pierce (11) and Rich R:ogers (11). Audrey Woolfolk, a junior from Costa Mesa, is · beginning her third year as a member of the Brown University women's swimming team. · Woolfolk, a graduate of Newport Harbor High, has been one of the top swimmers at Brown for the past two years. She won the Ivy league 50 breaststroke last season and was second in the 100 and 200 breasl events. She was also on the school's record•breaking 200 medley relay team at the AIAW nationals la.st year .. WHY COMPLICATE THINGS? She has been an All-Ivy League and All-F.ast selection in each of her first two years with the team. You can Charge DAILY PILOT • Classified Ada ' Offer Good Through Dec. 1&, 1982 INITIATION FEE . UNLIMITED RACQUETBALL, NAUTILU'S & POOL . 50% Off Couple and Familf Rates ) Southern Callfornla's Largest Famlly Sports Center. --Call o.r come by for a free visit! M FACUTES INCLUDE:• 44 Tennis Courts • 20 Racquetbal Courts • 50 Meter Olympe Pool• Training Pool •, 2 Basketbal Courts • 2 Voleybal Courts• Nautilus Fitness Center • Aerobic Program • T OOO'l8ments • Roood Robins• Challenge Ladders •Clinics ar)d Lessons • Professional Instructors • Pro Shop • Advanced Reservations • Snack Bar • Social Activities • -Ufecycie Program • Outdoa Co· ed Jacuz~i • Jacuzzi LCUlQe • Salll8 • Steam• Spaciou8 locker Rooms• TV LCUlQe • Babyslttitg FOR FREE TRIAL VISIT C"'LL SS.~ 546-8560 THE 0Nl¥ AEEE>UNl ¥OU N--- th8 MONEY MARKIET ACCO .. INSURED Your lnftettnent ii Insured ur to $ 100,000 by the . ,....,.. Depollt lnsur-- C:.peratfon INTEREST RATE· 1~ untl December 31, 1912. · AfWt thot, .w• wll pell pa the . ...., ...... ~ ............. 11. ., 1"9. INSTANT LI ~IDITY v:"...'::';::t;:' to yeur other Citizen• lank Aaeunts. L Costa Mesa sharp· in opener Edison s topped, but Marina, Universit y and Ir vine win BASKETBALL In thl' consolnt lvo 1w1111f1onlti of tht! Sonona Tournunwnt C<>nt<·r Doug Broiovlch, pluylng only .. Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT IThutadmy, DeoefnNr 8, 1812 Coeta Mesa High began lta basketball season Wednesday on a hlgh note by handing Compton Its first lou in the opening round of the San Clemente Tournament. Meanwhile, Marina raced pa.st Miasion Viejo, University and Irvine each won in the conBOlalion bracket of the Sonora Tournament to force a confrontation and Edison fell by the wayside against powerful Inglewood. roster for the first time In the game and they weren't ready to compete with the more experienced Inglewood team. Er.nest S eals hit 17 poi nts tor Inglewood to lead both teams In the scoring department. aporingly In the flnct hult, 1•urnt• off the II 7 p be nch to give tht' Vaquvros is trong C. 2 Ton U.S. Hychulcs rebounding support . .Brorovich finishud Wrench Set ' Service St1Uon with 11 rPb<>unds, tO in the S...l('Ond hulC, 2 floor Jack as Irvine recovered from a six-point 99 dcfidt to take control. R 11 95 1"· 1 95 "' lrvine OUl.S(.'Ored La Serna, H>-4 in the e&. • 1 C eml-Custom r----Car Covers . Marina 81, Ml11lon Viejo U Here's how it went Wednesday: third period to go up by l ive and was -•tt never i.erlously threatened In tht> final lifetime Guaranlee ''' • tf ' Costa Mesa IZ, Compton 54 Chris Neumann scored 21 points in leading the Vikings to their third victory quarwr. ------------------+-----------------.... ----~------------Ber.nard Ussery tallied 13 potnts t~' Beam Type 7 Pc. w-.... 3-..L. ,t;_ -· \ The Mustangs raced out to fast starts at the opening of each half to turn back Compton, now 3-1. against one defeat. After an even first quarter, the Vikings pulled away 18-8 in the second period and breezed to the victory on the Diablo court. The Vikes took advantage of Mlssion Viejo errors in the second period with the Diablos committing pace tft"e Vaqs, who also got ~ 1 points WUll IKB ~4188 from La nce Neal and 10 from J e re Tor(J.le Wrench Screw~vers ~ Bie\man . ur1 A stout defense was the key to the Mustangs' success as Mesa advanced into the second round at San Clemente to play Foothill Friday at 6:15. Costa Mesa a1ao shot extremely well, especially for a season-opening effort. Mesa was 24 of 43 from the field, while limiting the Tarbabes to just 40 percent from the field (22 of 55). numerous turnovers. Neumann tallied eight of his points in the seco.nd quarter to ignite the Vikings. Meanwhile, Abe Casavi played well for the Diablos and scored 13 points to lead All-Pacific Coast • • • • r eco gn1t1o n g iven to ex-are a stars Forward Ted Stitt held the hottest hand for the Mustangs, finis~ with 23 points, while hi~ 10 of 14 field goal tries. Dave Palrnblade added 20 points. his team in that department. Scott Filipek added 14 points for Former area football standouts Bryan Marina, whic h hosts Sunny Hills Caldwell and Jeff Partridge have been Tuesday .. night-in its-ne>Et-encounter.,.----name o e secon eam-A1I=Pacit~ After taking a 14-point advantage into the fourth period, Costa Mesa saw its lead shrink to five in the waning moments, but Stitt and Mark Cook each connected on both ends of one-and-one situations to keep Compton at b8y. University 73, Savanna ez Coa s t s q u ad b y U n i t e d Press Inte rnational. Norm Stolzoff scored 31 points and grabbed '1 1 rebounds in leading the Caldwell, who played at Fountain Trojans to their first victory of the Valley High, finished the season with 95 season in the second round of the Sonora tackles from his defensive end position at Tournament. Arizona State . He also had one Inglewood 7%, Edison •O University scored 27 points in the interception which he returned 20 yards second quarter to put the decision out of for a touchdown against Kansas State. Turnovers hurt the Chargers along with a cold shooting third period in which they only hi(\wo points. reach, leading at halftime by a 41-20 Partridge, who played at Golden West count. ' College, finished this season with a In the third pe.riod. the Chargers had nine of their game high 26 tum.overs on a night when they shot only 33 percent from t h e floor to 55 percent for Inglewood. The Trojans returned to action tliis 42.l -yard punti ng average at the afternoon against Irvine in a consolation University of Washington, fourth best in bracket semifinal game. the Pacific-IO Conference. Yong Choi, the team captain, scored 12 points with eight other players denting Caldwell and his Sun Devil teammates the scoring column. have a date w ith Okla homa on New Year's Day in the Fiesta Bowl at Tempe, Irvine 55, La Serna 50 Ariz. Drad Hachten was the leading rebounder for Edison with nine while Jeff Washington hit 15 to lead in the scoring department. Irvine High won its first game of the Partridge and the Huskies tangle with <season, and in the process, advanced to Maryland on C hristmas D~y in the Edi.son had five football players on the meet Sea View League rival University Aloha Bowl in Hawaii. 12 Gauchos g3in honor.s Saddleback College, which shared the Mission cOnference football champi!)nShip with -Riverside- CC and Southwestern, has placed 12 players on the all-conference first team. • Wide receiver John Marshall, who broke just about every school receiving record, and running back Jim Gleed, who was aecond in the conference rushing race, are among the first-team selections. Gaucho offensive linemen Bruce Boatman, Scott Innes and Doug Pacos a1ao earned first-team offensive honors. A trio of Gaucho linebackers, Jim Hollinger, Jack Farlsrand Bob Sebring, earned first-team defensive honors along with defensive back Bo Owens and lineman M.ike Copeland. · Southwestern quarterback Reid Sholl was the first-team QB and also earned player of the year honors. Saddleback quarterback Craig Miller was named to the second team. AU..-astc>N CONnMNCI AntT-~ ..... ...,.,, ...... SE-Bob s.brlng, Saddlebeck SE-Mo White, RNeralde WR-John Mlnhelt, Sectdlebectc WR-St..,. Plerc:e, Southwnt«n TE-Dew Komedent, C1tnn 08-Reld Sholl, SouU-1em RB-Tony Chwty, RIWt.ide RB-Jim Gi.c!, S.OdleOtlclt RB-Joel Swem. Pelomat RB-A. Pett .... Sen Ol4lgo G -Scott lnnw, S8ddlebeck a -John Mlllq\llt. RIY«9lde T -Doug PllCOe. Sectdlet>Kk C -Bnloe BoetrMn. Sectdlebectc . Return 9P9Cl•lst-Jefl H~. Sectdlet>edl Ant T-DeflNIM LB-Jim Holllng9r; Saddlet>eck ' LB-JKk Fem. SaddlebKk LB-Ray Johneon, RMnide · LB-lrwtn Smltll. Southwnttwn LB-John Martin, Cltrld DB-Bob 0-.. 8adcllebec* DB-o.nnle Mltctiell, Southwntem DB-Ron AoNboro, Santa Ana 08-Stew Clldena, Rlwr'llde DL-Mlke Copeland, 8adcllet>Kk . DL-Erlc Cox, CttNI DL-M. Rmlmmont, Rlvenkle DL-Den Clari<, Santa Ana DL-St.,,. Howe, SoutllwMt«n leoofld T-~ WR-Randy Bab«. Citrus WR-Joey Uttle, Santa Ana WR-Pat~. Palomar Ht. Wt. Yr. 6-2 220 So. 6-2 . 225 So. e.2 180 So. 5-11 175 Fr. 6-3 225 So. 6-2 200 So. 5-9 175 So. 5-10 180 So. 5-9 155 So. M 190 So. 8-0 230 Fr. 6-3 230 Sr. 6-1 230 So. e.2 250 So. 5-10 UIO Fr. M 223 So. 8-0 205 So. 6-1 218 So. 6-1 208 Fr. &-2 218 So. 6-3 195 So. e-o 185 So. e.2 185 So. 5-10 175 So. &-3 218 So. e.2 212 So. 6-1 210 So. &-2 220 So. &-7 295 So. LEVl's 501 's Sizes 27-42 Regular $20.88 NOW OUR ENTIRE STOCK KNIT T-SHIRTS Huntington Pier, Surfer, Jac11 ·s. Long Sleeve or Short. All colors & Sizes. SHOAT SLEEVES S588 LONG SLEEVES REG. $10.88 $ 7 88 MEN'S & BOYS' 0.P. PANTS All Sizes All Colo~ ,.,_ _________ ....,. BOYS Sundeck Reg. $22.95 Sun breaker Le Tlgre • SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS Sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Many Colors. SOLIDS NOW $16 88 MEN'S Reg. $27.50 PLAID BERMUDAS SIZE 24-36 Regular $22 88 LADIES SWIMWEAR_ O.P , Bobl Brooks. Alo. Speedos and many more. 50% OFF! iR2~~5 495 299 ~ Front i ~ End Bras 1 r•••••••••COUPON•• ------~ l I ~ VALVOLINE I i I VAl.Vlluif • I ' I ::;;;;:-,,-:.:::~· Galon I I· Offer good thru 12-24-82 with coupon I ·---------------------- THE NEW -0'123 CONVERTIBLE Sizes: XS. S, M, ML, L, XL and XXL. AU Colors. Reg. $179.99 NOW C>'f'.IEILL- U LD 3" Sizes: XS, s. M, ML, L, XL and XXL. All Colors. "SPECIAL- Reg. $167.95 NOW ONLY Sl 1988 C )'N ILL -o ·NEIL -~ '362"--_,._ANIMAL CONVERTIBLE SKINS Sizes: XS. S. M. ML, L, XL and XXL AU CotOrs. Reg. $192.95 NOW s1498s Sizes: XS, S, M, ML, L. XL and XXL. Reg. $158.98 NOW s12988 ~-F4 (Full Winter Suit) 2· ml. arms with 3 ml. body. Sizes: 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 , 42, 43 and. 44 or S, M, ML, L, XL. All Colors. Reg . $129.95 NOW c ~-- CONVERTIBLE (Full Winter Sult) TE-Rlc:tl Leonard, Rlvw9lde OB-Cr:'i!'C:::: s.ddlebKk 5-8 155 Fr. w 200 So. &-1 175 So. &-2 205 So. e-o 190 So. e.2 200 Fr. 5-10 190 So. 5-11 190 So. 5-10 200 Fr. 6-11 190 Fr. 5-10 186 Fr. 5-10 175 Fr. a-3 235 Fr. 8-0 246 Fr. e.5 250 So. &-2 250 Fr. 5-11 230 So. &-2 220 Fr. REGULARL Y $14.95 2 ml. arms with 3 ml. body. Sizes: 36, 37. 38, 39, 40, 41, ~--------1~------~-------~-------1 42Md44~,M,L,X~All · QB-PNI , Santa Ana Re-Stan~.~ RB-Kan AllOl'd. SaddlebKk RB-Aaron Molinar. Cttrue R8-U.-Cooper, Santa Ana Re-Tom Hlnro, ~em RB-Frank White, ~em G -Mn LA>twdo, SOutlMMtern !l -Mike Schei, ettrw T -M Dowd. SoutlMMtem T• -Chuck St .... , 8eddlebeell T -LAnoe So<*:lberO, Sen Diego c -Jeff ~ow. CltNi C -Byron KJno, ~em PK-Jofln T~. Santa AM . p -Crelg ....... Seddlebeck p -Robert ...... Sen Ol4lgo fWlum epeclllht-LaS'-w•, Cttrue ----T-~ &-2 246 So. 5-11 185 Fr. e-o 190 So. e-o 186 So. 5-10 17~ Fr. LB-Jofln SUll!ven, P911omer 8-0 195 So, LB-Olwl ~on. Sen Ol4lgo &-2 185 So. LB-CrllQ Koaa. Sema Ana 8-0 190 So. LB-Pet Porttlo, loutllwMtem S-9 190 Fr. LB-Gery Grtmttl, Cttrue 6-3 20e So. . 08-Geolf a.nn.-. Saclcll9tledl 5-11 185 So. 08-Heny Cerroll, Souttlwwtem 8-0 1116 Fr. DB-.i-Aeddlc:tt1, Senta Ana s-10 116 So. 08-W. Campbel, C1tN1 5-11 175 So~ 08-Tony Wiiker, Soutt1Weetem &-1 116 So. Dl-Greg Seller9, Saclllebedc &-2 23& Fr. Dl-=T~. CltNI &-2 2tO So. . Dl-Orl!fwn, Sen Ol4lgo &-2 220 Fr. Dl-• tl1Qtlt, 8outtiweetam W 215 Fr. 8E-c.1 LAOrone, Sen Diego 8-4 206 So. SE-T9W91 Hotrnen. 8out""9Mm 8.-1 200 So. SE-John Julen, C1tue &-2 220 So. Pteyw of tM ~: Aetd 8llOll (~em), Tf1.ooeclflm of tM yew: Kerl l~lfM (St .. eddlMIOilleOedc-). Berry Meler ,,._...CC). 8o«I .,._. (~). Volleyball tryouts set The Preclalon Junior Volleyball Club of Fountain Valley wtll hold tryout• for tlrla 17 ~and-under at the LQe c.m11erm Racquet Club ln the YOIJeybaU IYJD Wem-dalJiotn f!!C»-1:30. 'llM om • locai.d at 1 Newhope St. in Fountain Van.y. F« further lnfonudan. phone 982-7409. t••m• will be made up of 1 lrla 17-and-under; l&·Md·under. and 18-and·undef. ;..~ __ _... ___ -- NOW $10 95 STRIPES REGULARLY $19.95 NOW $12 95 MEN'S & BOYS' PRINTED SWEATSHIRTS Long Sleev e, Zlp P,er or Hooded Jacks, H.B. Pier. H .B. Surfer, Hot Moves, Hawaiian Island Design, California. MEN'S REGULARLY: $19.95 BOYS' REGULARLY: $17.50 NOW s12 11 MEXICAN PONCHOS Reg. $19.88 ONLY sg8s All SIZES CHURCHILL . . FINS SPECIAL Sizes: Small, Medium . Medium Lerge. Laroe MAKAPUAS Reg. $29.95 NOW s1988 MOREY BOOGIE SPECl~L SALE Aussie Reg. $39.95 s2411 NOW Morey "Original" 1-39 Reg, $49.95 s3911 NOW Pro Line w/Red Edge Reg. $54.95 • s4411 NOW Norlh Shore Reg. $59.95 s4911 NOW BOOGIE BOARD 'FINS .. Reg. $13.95 NOW ' sggs cai!r 81u• ' Rtd o~ BOOGIE BOARD LEASHES $ 88 THE NEW .N I Lfl 0'123 NON- CONVERTIBLE Sizes: XS, s. M . ML, L, XL and XXL. Reg. $159.95 NOW NEW C.Yr....elLL- f~EESTYLE All Colors. Sizes: XS, S. 11.4, ML, XL and XXL. Reg. $139.95 NOW s1199s o ·NEI L - BREEZE- BREAKER Sizes: XS : S, M, L, XL and XXl::. Reg. $94.95 NOW s599s SPECIAL GROUP OF WET SUITS Alpcurl, Piping Hot. Body Glove and Off Shor e. Manv Sizes and Colors. Reg. $148.88 NOW sgooo Jack'• # 1 Only ' Colors. Reg. $139.99 NOW ALL BRANDS SPORTSHOES Nike , Puma. Topsid er. Adidas. Tiger. New Balance, Asahi. Bata. Converse, Brooks-; E1o-nic and much more . 20% OFF • \ ··4 0 c , rang• out DAILY PILOT /Thurld•y. December 8, 1812 Ex-area stars ·bullish on San ·Diego school - ( BY CURT SEEDEN or-..._,......, A couple of former area tootbaU 1tandout1 have made names for them1elvee on the four.year colle1 level, and they didn't have to play at a major university to make their pretence known. The Univenity of San Dleao won't go down In history as one of the all-time great football powers, but the Toreroa were IJl'aced with a trio of former area high sch ool atars who made significant contributions during the 1982 aeaaon. Most notable la tonner Mat.er Del High star Mike Rish, who not only hauled in 40 puaes for a team-high 637 yards this past season, but also earned acholar-athlete honors. Rish was the recipient of the coaches' trophy for overall excellence at the Toreroe' recent awards banquet. His 3.7 grade point average is just as Impressive as his football numbers, and he was honored accordingly. Then, there's sophomore defensive back Greg Stein out of Edison High. Stein had a pair of interceptions this year, and ran one back for a touchdown. Basketball scores c:.:r Soutn«n Cet CohOe 107. Cet Ttc:ll 40 UC Santa Berbata 77, Doane 60 Santa Ciera 79, Sonoma St. 51 ._. ... Air For-ce 79, Adama St. 60 Atlzona S1. 83, N. Arizona 8e Colorado 57, Colorado St. 55 Ulall St. ee, Utah 85 '°""'-' Oklallol'na 85, Weetmon1 82 Hou1ton 77, Auburn 85 Te11a1-Arllnglon 70, SW Ml110Utl 87 New Mexico St. 78, Te1111-EI Puo 73 ....... low• 87, Matquelta lie Michigan 95. C1awland St. 72 Ball S"\. 78, Wlaconlln lie Iowa St. 52. Drall.a 47 MlaaOuri ee, Jacllaon St. 5 t llllnOll 59. ~ St. 55 NabrMka 89, Mo.-~ City 50 Kant St. 70, OHo Waaleyan 49 W. MlehlQan 81, MleQara 59 oayton et, Miami (0.) 17 Akron 91, Md.-EMtam Shor-. 78 N. Iowa 83 • ...,__St. 58 .... T...-92, Attiona 73 North Carollna St. 57. E. Carolina 49 • Louil..._ 82, E. Kanlueky 53 LSU N , T-MM 70 Gaorgalown 99, A1ebarna St. 78 Virginia 104, Duka 91 citadel eo. Prwbv1artan 74 E. TannHIH St. 80, South Carolina 75 St. JoMpll'I , PL &4, MatylaOd 5fl Va. Commonwaallll 54 , Rlollmond 48 Mkklla Tann. 85, W. Kentucky 57 Gao. WuhlnQlon 83, Howard 53 AppalKhlan St. 118, Man Hiii 57 .... ~~~n'1 87, Falrla l gll Army 68, Klnga POlnt 51 Hofa1ra ee. Lafay9tta 81 J-Madleon 58, Malna 53 New tiamp1lllr• 90 , NorthMllam I 1 Rhode llland &4, t..aSalla 82 St. Micheal'• eo, Vermont 12 Budlnell 78, Lycoming 80 Holy CrOM 81. Hwvard 59 Mllf\llattan 52, Seton Hall 51 (ot) St. ~~ N , CeMlll8 73 SI. Francia, NY 90, w~ 75 SI. Pater'• 85, NC-CNrtotte 57 VIiianova 97, Maritt 89 Bolton CollaDa 102. Brown 75 Penn 73, SM'CJ I 1 COMmunltY college Qoldaft .... t--• (Pint "-'d) GOld«I w ... eo. LA Pierce 68 LA SoulhwMI 83, CllNI 55 Tonlgllt'1 ga"'": 8-Glandala VI. P111dana; 8-LA Valley VI. Rlvarllda ..... _...,__ . M l. San Antonio 81, San Batnardtno eo r:S:.:=. ........ c-.. C ..... a 1•1J1 OIM ...... Hu ntln g ton 8aacll 8 7 , Momlngalda 74 Fountain v.., eo. Roling Hiiia 35 La Quinta 57, Palol Vardaa 51 Loa Allmltoa 79. Ocaar'I Vlaw 15 Ca 11' lh s Qowllllt* h Sar'<llte 68, Newport Hart)or 48 St. Anthony 53, Mira C01ta 47 .... c ... 111 r .so..••wk Unlvartlty 73. Sav.-82 lnllna 55, La Sarna 50 HH Wllaon 82. 8olu G111nda 57 Magnolia 5e, .,.,. Paril 51 (ot) · IMCh 1111 """' .... Coata Maaa 82. Compton 54 Footlllll 85, Chino 54 ........ C.. 11lad1n 81 ..... La Mirada 49. Slldcllaback 48 Pacifica 71, Santa Ana 51 ........... lnglaw<>Od 72, Edi9on 40 MatlN 81, Ml.alon Vlato 43 St. Batnard eo, Matar bal 35 Fullar1on 50, VIiia Parlt 48 Loar• 79. Rarldlo Alamltoa 52 . ....., HIGH~ .....,., ... TWM cl Eltanda 49, CulYaf City 44 Noni• .... OcNn View 48, c.llfornla 41 Santa A~ 45, Newport Harbor 41 Pair named to S hrine team SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Tony F.aaon of Illinois and Babe Laufenberg of Indiana have been named as quarterbacks for the F.ast in the 58th Shrine East-West Game. The game is scheduled Jan. 15 at Stanford Stadium. Eason, whose home town is Walnut Grove in Northern California, holds nine NCAA football records. NIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 11\1 ... ll N~STATE•NT Tiie followlng paraon 11 doing bu.,nets le: CHANNEL ISLANDS MARINE MAINTENANCE. 18831 CarouHI Lana, Hun11ngton Baacll, CA 92&49 CHRISTOPHER L. CORNELL. 18831 C1rouael Lene. Huntington Beacll, CA 92649. Tiii• bualnna Is conductad by an lndrvidual. Cllrlstopllar Cornall Tllll Slltemanl WU fllad wtlll Illa County Clerk of Orange County on November 5, 1982 • F201411 Publlalled Orenge CoHI Dally Pilot. Nov 18. 25. Dec 2. 9. 1982 5096-82 rtaJC NOTICE FICTITIOUSIM.l ... SI ..._STAT'EmNT17 Tiie fOllowlng parwon1 ate doing bu1lnnau: IRVINE RANCH REALTY. 4920 Barranca Blvd., !Nina, CA 92715. WOOOBRIOGE REAL TY, INC., 1 Callfornla corporation. 4920 Barranca Blvd., lrvtna, CA 92715. Tlll1 butlnna II conducted by I corporation Woodbtldga Aeelty. Inc. Norman A. Zalllar. !'Tea. Tiiis 1t1lamanl -!lied wttll Illa County Clar1l ol Orange County on o-Tlbar 1, 1982. ,... ICltAY a aMrTH. Cow111hr• .. ~ .... ~~ ...... .... Nawpoft 8-fs. CA.-_ ----------Publlallad Orang• Co111 Diiiy "8.IC NOTIC[ Pilo4, Dec 9. 18, 23, 30, 1982 --...,....=-------5396-82 FICTITIOU9.,._H ..._ITATE...,,. Tiie followlng paraon la doing buslnasl u : A & M SERVICE COMPANY, 1202-1 E Walnut. Santa Ana. C.llfornla 9270 I Rlcllard A . Sedivy, 14895 Kuan, lrvtna, C111foml1 92714 "8.IC NOTIC£ AC11TIOUS .,_ .. ...-STA~ Tiie tollowlng paraon 11 doing bu91naae aa: TRANSPAC CHARTERS. 177 Rlv1rald1 Ava.. Newport Baacll, Calllomla 92183 That ~n'l aound like> mud1, bul :>win wwi one of the Tornroa' kt•y dt•h ·n•lv1• ployt•111 thl11 aeuon (the .chool dol'ln'l kt'4'fl i;UHI tkfl on t.at:klt ) and wlWTlono..00 All d<'fN~v1• play<'r o( lhc yt•ar by th• tchool. And then, there's Phll Spencer whose lone job for the TOl'@ro& ill Lo return kk kof fs •nd punU; lie did 10 well In lhal <:al.egory , that he WllB honOl'\.'<i as one of the team's oo-rn<>8t valuable players on the. Toreroe' special tea.ms. Spencer returned 13 kickoffs for 289 yordA (that's a 22.2 average) and alSQ returned l ~ punt.<i for 142 yarda. AB a defensive back, he also had one interception and returned it 34 yards. The trio proved you don't hove t.o play football at a Division I sch ool to receive recognition. Here's a rundown on what other former area stars accomplished thls season. Paellle-10 Stanford's Mike Dotterer closed out his senior season by rushing for 535 yards on 113 carnes and AD STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES VERMONT AMERICAN 27PC • SCREW 81 NUT . DIUYER SET 1997 #31• Natl•• American tool .. that the 1tult to lr"P your head or whatever acrewed on. DREMEL MOTO-TOOL VARIABLE SPEED IBT scvt•n touchdown• Ht1 um.I t.t•Mmnwt4.• Emile Harry (cx-lo'ounwln Vullt•y) rntul1· nomf't tor themlk-lvt. .. pluya~ ulon6' 1klu All Amcrll·1in quarterback Jolla Elw1y. Horry flnl ht.'C.I th 11t1&10n wll.h 44 rt..'C.~pt- . loru for 763 yord (5 TO.), but he alJro had a pretty good paaaJng averaac (2 of 3, 40 yardt). . .Over at USC. rormer EdltiOn 1\andout Mark Boyer nearly became the hero of thc Trojan campus when he caught thal last-11e<-ond pass against UCLA a few weeks ago. It was hls flnil rcoopllon of the year and couldn't have come at. a more opportune time. ot <.'Ounie, the rest Is history as the Trojans failed In ~heir two-point conversion bld. Boyer went on to cat.ch two more paiises against Notre Dame the following week. 'fcummate Keaaedy Pola, (ex-Maler Del) started tor the Trojans at running batk against the Irish, Incidentally. lie finished the season with 101 yards on 18 carrlea . . . Ariz.ona State's Willie OttteDI finished the aeason with 487 yards on 99 carries to finiah 13th in the conference in rushing. Dott.crer, incidentally, was 11th ... Ex-Fountain Valley star Bryan Caldwell closed out a fine defensive season at Arizona State with 95 tackles and an interception. · Jfappy Jfanukh McGRAW EDISON DRILL PRESSES 31' ,, 3 "J77 78 #T-1141 1/2'' 4 "177 #T-1742 Just the facts: Full o/a" chuck with 700-1800 rpm variable speed control. · or 1/2" chuck with 300-800 rpm apeed control. 360 degree head rotation on both. EASYDRIYER 8 PC. ROME 81 AUTO TOOL KIT 7 88 #U-1 llt lnclud•• ratchet ball. drl .. 1haft, key1ton• blade. No. 2 Phillipa blt. cabinet Up blt1 and drt•• 1ocket adaptora. MURRI Y BICYCLES 16" RI-RISE smEWALI BIKES :.a:r52H l'CAA Pacific'• TODY Camp (t'x-V...wnda) and Freuw> ~ 1=t State'• Step~oae Pal1e (ex-Saddleback Colle1e) both bettered the 600-yard mark In the reoeMnc 11b department. Palee cau1ht 33 paaaea for the ,·~ Bulldop, eood for 697 yardt and six TOI, while di Camp wu on the recelvlna end of 48 ~ for 560 yardt and six TO. •.. At !.ona Beech Swie, former "">' Mater Del star Joe Doaolau c:ompn.d 79 tackl• anc: three interceptions from h1t Unebecker position .. L Teammate Miile DaalvlD (ex•Capt.trano Valley, '", Saddleback Colleae) had two fumble recoveriell to go alons wlth 27 t.acklea . . . Another former li:'i Capistrano Valley star, Eric Fox, had aix , •/ intercept.Iona for Fresno Stale. Paige and Fox still :u11 have one game remalninl aa the Bulldop meet Bowling Green In the Dec. 18 California Bowl. Ocher sellools •t1•\ Kansas quarterback Fruk Searer fin.I.abed hia .11 junior season with a healthy 1,625 yards paaaing ·I: (127 of 259). His fonner Edison High teammates, (See EX-AREA, Page CS) .. MdiRI W EDISOI 5" BEICB GRlllDER ( - 1997 NT-Mii Lighted grinder come• with eye ahlelda. end bell•, tool rest and water trough. Wheels glve grinding acroH two face1. (I should give one to my two-faced mother-in-law.) f-:\ STAILEY 25 n. ~ PO~:o 7 44 #U-4ll Ii REBATE by mall from Stanley. (Did you hem about the file clerk who went to a)>•ychtalri1t bocauM 1he found heraeU eating alphabet 1oup fromAloZ?) WATERLOO 16" ROllE BDDYIWl'S TOOL IOI .,. .~,· .... , !I '4697 #m1 Munchlrln'1 beginner bllr• ha1 tralnlng • #Z·llDIZ wbeel1. coa1ter brake. Glrl1' l1 plnlr. boy9' BMX 7 7 7 yellow. #IMll -,~ BOYS' 20" , .. 1 t f. The ln1crutable Mr. Motola back with hil model 370. with aandlng dlac1. engraving cult era. poll1bing wb"} and more. Baked r.d enamel flnl1h (an old family recipe) ..... TEAM MURRI Y BMX ... bo_• m-ea•1•u .... _1•8•"L•x•7•"D•x•7•V.•"·H·-----• 59·88 #5114 WATERLOO ROME 81 PROFESSIONAL ROLLER CIBlllET . I . I 4 97 #13115 Five drawer 1t .. 1 cabinet baa the cla11ic red enamel flnl1h and mea1ure126 v ... L x 18' D x ·~··H. J>opular 1tyle wltb rattrap pedal1. lrnobby Urea and chrome rim1. ln r.d. llOllTEREY n 111 IOI 21" m·s CIDISEB 'b saa!~.Za For grown-up klct.. comfy crulMn with balloon wbltewall1. chrome toullag hcmdlobara and coaster brake. --------------------------~ WATERLOO ron DUWER BOMEOWIEB'S TOOL CHEST 4497 ,~-- Handyman'• frten~ mount a on wall or ju1t 1lt1 around. Hai 2" d .. p drawera and hideaway locking bar. Tiii• butlnaae 11 ~tad by an lndlVIOutll. Rlollard A. Sedivy Tiii• •1•1emant -''*' wtlll 11\a County Clerk ol Orange County on Dacambar 8, 1982. Maril 0 . Sltvwy. 177 Alvarllda Ava .• •737, Newport Batel\, -Cllllornla 92883 Thll butllnaa II conducted by 111 lndlvldull. Merk 0. Sltvwy nonn Publl1llad Orange COHI Dally Pilot, Dec. 9, 18, 23, 30, 1912 5397-82 Thia 1111-1 WM fllad wttll Illa County Cieri! of Orange County on Dacambar 8. 1982. ...,., P'ta.IC NOTtCE Publl•ll•d Orange Coa11 Dally -------------------Piiot, Dec. 9, 18, 23, 30, 1982 • '1CTITIOU9 -·· 533042 NAmlTAT'UmNT MllC N()TIC[ Tiie tollow4ng peraona •• doing bu*-M: 1----------HEWPORT DUNES MARINE, •ecnnoue .,_ .. I 13 1 Back Bay Orlva. Newport ...-.. STA~ Baacf\, Calffomla t2MO Tiie tollowlng paraon 11 doing Fred E . Wllaalar, 909 bu"'-U: Jadwtona i.-. COrona, California REAL ESTATE INSPECTION & 91720 AIHTENANCI!. 1572 Orcllud. Loretta M. Wheeler. 909 Apt. 14, Santa Ana H1lghl1, Jldaatona i.-. Corona. Callfornla Celitornla t2707 111720 Edward J . Sontag, 1572 Thia ~ 11 oonduc1ad by a Orchard, Apt. 14, San1a Ana ganaral partnarttllip. Halghtl, California 12707 Lotana M. WllMllf Tflil ~ 11 conduetad bt an Tiiie ......,... -ftlad wtt11 1M lndJWtual. County Clark of e>ranoa eounty on Edward J. Sontag o.oamtJ1r e 1M2. Tiiie '1•t-t -tllad wttll IM ' ....m Coun~ Clar1I of Orange County on .Publltllad Orange Co111 Oally o-Tlbar I , 1182. Piiot. Dec. t , ti, 23, 30, 1N2 ...m 5321-S2 Publl1llad Orange Colll Dally ----------PllOI. Dec. t , 18, 23, 30, 1"2 rta.JC NOTICE 532542 ncnnoue .,.. .. N._l'fATDmWT Tiie lollowlflo par1on 11 doing botlntM M l HUNTINGTON FO"oe. 1008 8rlOIO Orive, Coal• Male. Calltornla 92t27 John a. 8ooolof1ky 1721 Badlorcl ~= H .. porl illH all, c...,. Tiiie ---.. ~ b'/.,, lnclMCMI. -'°"" I . lo aa I Ofllll.I Tilll ... lll'IMI -llM .. "'- Countr °"' " ar.,.. Collftty Ofl HOISi_...... ,_ ""'....-o.~c .... ~ ...... DM.l,t.M.• ....... ... USITHI DAILY PILOT "PAST llSULt" · SHVICI DlllCTOIY '. ForR~t Service aJJ 64J.1671 > ... 111 • BLICK • DECKE TBUSTER Lightweight cordless •ac gets ltHll into all kinda of meH•• (like me) and come• with charging atorage unit you can hang on the wall. 11,ICI .......... ,. %" YU••ILE SPEED IEtEISllC DRILL 2497 .,.. Doublo lnatalcNd. ¥."HP drill loclr1 at cloalred speed. To clinch th• deal. llack •Decker will mall you a big 15 IDATE. 2288 #9338 PETEISGI YllElllP SET • .. II. .. __ OILERS, BARONS • • From Page C1 defen1e llmlted Mornlns1lde to a 32-for-66 perfo~ from the floor (47 percent). Danny Thomp90n led the OUen' reboundini with 10. Fountain Valley exploded quickly behind the 8COrina of Tom Power and wu never In t.rouble. "[ feel a lot better tonlsht," said Brown. "Jacobe wu under control and did a 8QOd job. The entire team wu under control ... not eo tenae." WU.On '• 18-footer at the buzzer, which upeet Paloe Verdes, wu jult the start of things at Ocean V iew In the other half of W ednesday 's quarterf inall. Loe Alamlwe simply bested taller Ocean View in every department, outacoring the Seahawks in every quarter, hitting more bucl<ets (32-28), taking more ahota (65-52), hitting more free throws (13-9), winning the turnover ratio (14-18) and with lethal balance, getting five players In double figures. "They were juat tougher than we are," was Ocean View Coach Jim Harris' explanation after his favored quintet was forced into tonight's fifth place eemlfinala. "We're playing young. We don't realize the intensity required," added Harris. Ocean View held a 30-27 lead with 3:42 left in the aecond quarter, but then the Griffins of Steve Btoolu, a former Huntington Beach High star, took • command, jumping to leads of seven (just before the ), then eight pointa in the third quarter. Ocean View could not get cloeer than 55-50 at the start of the fourth period. Aft.er that, It was one Loe Al standout after another either stealing the ball, scoring from outside or down the baseline, alo"" with darts ~gh the key. · 'We've juat got a lot of gutsy kids," said Stooks. "Nobody thinks anything of us." U that's true, it won'i be lor long after the acoring of Andy Hennann (19), Tony Chang (17), John Wall (15), Mike Defrez (14) and Keith Kaub (12), who were dwarfed by the Seahawks' Byron Ball (6-8) and Dave Faris (6·7 ~). Ball led all a::orers with 24 points, with Faris (13) and Dimitri Antonopoulos (12) also in twin figures. Servile had Newport Harbor down by a 16-point margin at halftime, but the Sailors showed eome spark in the latter stages, pulling to within eeven pointa with 6:04 remaining before-the Friars, behind 6-8 Steve Krallman, ·settled down. Jim Wolfe of Newport Harbor led all scorers with 21 pointa, 11 coming in the first half. EX-AREA STARS ... From Page C4 brothers ltenrla and Dino BelJ combined for more than 500 yards rushing. Dino carried the ball 110 times for 370 yards. Dave Geroax, another ex- F.diaon player, picked up 104 yards on 25 carries, but missed five f:1es for the J ayhawks with various injuries. k for Frank's brother Troy Searer to be playing strong safety next seuon at K.anaaa. Troy red-shirted this put 8e880n . . . One other note on older brother Frank: He finished atop the Big 8 Conference In puai.ng yardage this year . . . l>own at San Diego State, ex-Newport Harbor and Orange Coaat College player Steve Balllqtoa received an MVP award u the teams long mapper. It's not the most exdtifl8 honor in the world, but it sounds pretty good when compared to the award teammate James JollHOD (Orange Coast) received. Johnaon, who was red-shirted this aeaaon, was honored as the defensive scout player of the year by the Aztecs. U you're curious, Johnaon received the a ward for his performance as a aimula\ed defender of the upcoming opponent in practice. One other San Diego State note, Bill Falrttro&Mr, (former Saddleback College star) was ranked ninth on the team in tackles with 48. Here's a rundown on area athletes: RU..-0 Mike Dotterer, Edl80n, Stanford W. Gittens, Fin Vlly, Artz.. St. Dino Bell, Edleon, Kaneu Kerwtn Bell, Edleon, Kanus , Heny Bfflupe, Unlvwllty, 0reo<>n Dew Geroux, Edl80n, KM ... Kennedy Pola, Mater Del, USC .Ptttt Spencer, Mater Del, U. San Diego s.m AJello, Golden Weet, Tenn. FfMk S.Urer, Edleon, Kanus f'AMING tcb ,. "' 113 535 4.7 Sli8 487 4.9 1fO 370 3.4 52 146 2.8 29 119 4.1 25 104 4.2 18 101 5.6 11 48 4.4 :; 7 2.3 57 -82 -7.4 ~!I 0 43 0 18 2 18 0 26 1 24 0 29 0 12 0 11 2 14 ... pc lint ,. td Frank S.Urer. Edleon, Kansu 259 127 15 1,625 7 Marco Pegnar19111, Golden Weet, Navy Ul9 98 6 1.133 7 San Ajello, Golden WMt, Tenn. 5 4 0 28 0 Emlle Harry, Ftn. Vdey. S~ford 3 2 0 40 0 MCEMNO Emlle Harry, Ftn. Valley, StMford 8tephone Paige, Saddlebac*, Fr.eno Mike Rllh, Mater Del, u. SM Diego Tony Camp, El1anola. PllClflc K. Margerum. Ftn. Va119y, N. Artzona Mike Dotterer, Edlaon. Stanford w. GtneM. Ftn. v~. Artlone St. Dino Bell, Edlaon. K.,..._ Kerwtn Bell, Edlaon, Kanua, o.w Geroux. Edtaon, Kanua Mn Bo)oef', Edlaon. USC Kennedy Pola. Mater o.I, USC DVENM B. Caldwell, Ftn. VelWJ, Arizona St. Bred Row!Md. GWC, N. Arizona Joe Donohue, Meter o.1, LB State Tom Pl9tote, owe. N. Artzona Lee Knowtee, Merine, UCLA 8. Flllrbf'other, Sedd., SD State 811 Malrnlal, Edleon, KanNI Bob Ceaper, Golden WMt, Weber St. Mite DunMn, Cepo ~· Sadd., LB St. Mike Womectc, GWC, utu ~Pola, Mater Del, USC ong, 8addlebec*, LB State Ouene JecQon, Edteon, USC Gf9Q Stein, Edleon, U. San Diego pcrdene•dlt 44 763 17.3 5 49 33 697 21.1 6 73 40 637 15.9 6 ]~ 48 560 11 .6 6 - 17 264 16.7 1 42 26 229 8.6 2 33 i9 i39 7.3 0 14 10 90 9 .0 0 20 8 41 5.1 0 12 4 20 5.0 0 11 3 16 5.3 1 8 2 18 9.0 0 14 Iott .. tot '"' 34 61 95 1 34 49 63 0 29 50 79 3 34 38 72 0 42 24 66 0 18 30 48 0 20 21 41 0 9 23 32 0 6 21 27 0 12 10 22 o· 16 0 e 8 14 0 8 0 2 Rams announce refund procedure The Rams have announced their procedure for refunding tlcketa for the three home games not played because of the NFL playeni' strike. Letter• are being mailed to 1eaaon ticket holders to explain the procedure. -According to ticket manager Don Nlms, a 11eaeon ticket holj::ler may get hi1 refund In one of two way1. By doing nothing. the aeuon ticket holder will automatically have his ticket and .-rklng refund applied to hls 1983 1eaeon ticket 8Clt.'0Unt. However, If a seaaon 1ubecrlber·delll'ft a refund now, he calf do 10 by mallini or bringing his refund leti.r In penon to Ram tJcket oflicea at Anaheim Stadium or at 10271 W. Pico Blvd. In Loe ,Ancelet. Seuon tJcket holders brinctnl In refund letters must ahow proper ldentiflcatJon that correaponda to cheir ..,., tJcket ~t. -iiJrweiO not tar from a ...,., et der- ~ Dec. lCJ, 1982, we will aucomaUcally apply hit rrefund to hil 1983 account," Nlma Mkl. ' Ticketa pirchueCf on a linale pme t>uAI can 1 be exct\ana9d OI' refUnd.a at either of the tJcket omca. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, O.C.mber 9. 1982 (;I AD STARTS THURSDAY NO DEALER SALES PARAMOUNT NYLON CORD ~f(!!5~~- and .2 HP motor. for 1mall to medium lawn1. 3 3 88 #Sl-121 12" for medium 1lze lawn a. thl1 one ha1 .25 HP motor and adju1table helper handle. 44 88 #Sl·l4' 14" llght gra11 or hea•y weed1 get a cloH 1have with lhl1 .375 HP trimmer. JOBE'S FERTILIZER SPIKES 5 99 PAXOr20 Th419 amazing llltle guya keep your treH and 1hrub1 fed for a year. ChooH Fruit tree. E•ergreen or Tree1 • Shrub1 • Spikea. BLACK Ir DECKER 13" DOUBLE EDGE SHRUB AND HEDGE TRIMMER 2488 #lllS Tamea lhe wlldeat ahrubbery In a jiffy with an aweaome 3,000 cutting 1trokea per minute. DISRMASTER ............... _. FAUCET sa•• #M·7' You can UH thl1 gadget to get the 1crunge and muck off your di1he1 aa you uH lhem, 10 they won't pile up. (Who. me?) G.E. OUTDOOR FLOODLIGHT BULBS 75or l~~~. Fred. 3 33 £1. COLORED 100 watt• of color. In green. blue. red. amber or yellow. DOUGLAS FIR ... 11 I. I I ' ' MASKING TAPE ¥." X 60 YDS. 39c I" X 60 YDS. 594 IYz" X 60 YDS 79• 2" X 60 YDS. I 19 La1t year I had to explain to the lcld11hat there 11 no Santa Clau1. and thl1 year I'll try lo explain It to my wife. . GLmDEN SPRED SAnN 877 CAL. We're back again with thia quality wall pain I tha1' 1 wa1hable and drlH In a mere 30 mlnutH. ROMELITE WATER BUG Whatta bug. folka. Sucka the aluff up at 1350 gallon• per bour. which 1hould be enough for moat any job. CHIEF-TAIN MINI AMBER DRIVING LIGHT KIT a•• Fog llghl kit comH with all the hardware you'll need to get hooked up and roll in' again. STARLIT£ WBAllGLER SEATCOYERS 2388 u . -16·C *. ~H We'•• got you covered for mini or atandard - [: 1 \~-, Lii. n . trucka. In low or high back bucket 1tylH. and they come In black. brown or blue. ~.,,_.:-·:,] 214 .... ___________ ..... 2X& .................. 26•Lll. "· 218 .................. 4S•Lll. "· 2110 ................ ss•Lll. "· . 2112 ............... 6S•Lll. "· 414 ................. 4S•Lll. "· 8 n . 414 REM FIR 2 8 ' I'm told thl1 l1 the good 1tuff (lt'1 tho•• vole•• agaln. doctor). 1tandard and better. and lt' 1 1urfaced ' 1lde1. GUIK 16 OZ. EIGJIE BRITE OR II OZ. FOAMY EIGllE BRITE ~-99C u Good tor more than Ju1t rour car'• .nglne. O.t1 the grime off of po .. r mt>wer1 aDd other atutt too. GLIDDEN SPRED LATEX SEMI GLOSS ENAMEL I I 77 GAL Good for the kitchen or bath 'cau1e it can hpndle lhe 1llng1 and anow1 of outrageou1 children. (My apologiH to Bill Shakeapeare.) 1 99 'I 3 PC. PADIT TRAY AID ROLLER SET ~ DIAL ALUMINUM STEPS TOOL I I 8 8 #S.21 C.t one lo add a few inchH to your re ach and you'llaoy. 'Tm glad luaeDial.'' BENTWOOD 'i• I LAMINATED ;t-. f~ OAK ROCKER \~ ........ ~ ) 4477 \, I 1, _ .... _ .:~ Thia natural tlni1h rocker with cane aeat and back i1 a good loolrlng addllion to any room. CENTURION 2 TIER OAK PLANT STAND 2488 -. Honey pine flnlahed 1tand looka like the kind you'd find ln an antique 1tore: Eaey a11embly. MANVILLE FOIL BACK llSULATION .... ·. ~ • ...... ; 3Yz" FUL-TBll R-11 15" I 40 Lii. n . (SO SQ. n.) 847 23" I 32 Lii. n. (&1 .3 SQ. n .) IYz" SUPER-Tiii R-19 15" I 24 Lii. n . <• SQ. n .) 23" I U Lii. n. (31.3 SQ. n.) 1037 7•1 •• ,. U JOU are a ... acleatlal cu1tomer of the louthem CalH. Goe Co. cmd JOU upgrade all Clcce91lble attic,,.. to l·ll etcmdarde (IOO eq. tt. mla.). fMl-r.-JUr••--•caah rebate lrom llltlcMa•-c.w. a.Co. . I t !• . u . f. " t i,., r ,,, 1 ... ' ' . It ". t'' 8 Orange CoHt OAll.Y PILOT/Thursday, December G, 1G82 by CdM womeq Noonans key e Will OCCER m h o" t La g u n 11 flt• u l' h l h 111 aftt•rnoon Saul.Jll•back'• Chru.ut• Zc·ll..r Corona del Mar remalnt>d unbeaten, while Sadt.lleback High blanked Laguna Beach W ednesday afll'rnuon I n women's high school socct•t acUon . Stephanie was m goal to po6t the shutout. kickt-d In the gwm•'ll only goal as the Roadrunncni nmcht.>d a 1 ·0 victory over Laguna Bouch Meanwhile, Capistrano Valley romped past Warren, 13-1, and Huntington Beach p laye d Damien to a scoreless lie on Tuesd ay afte rnoon in men's activity. Jcnnlf ·r tallied with Just five minutes to play in the contftit, as Brooke Harrington fro ll 40-yard pass t.o Pati Brown, who In turn save the ball t.o Noonan, who put the ball In the net. Saddlt-bllck goalie :Patty llollU41Y wus busy In the nvl.li, 8W\:>pang 21 Laguna 1hot11 In pOlll ng the shutout. On Tuesday, Hunti ngton Beach's ecoreless tle was quite an accompU.hment as Damien was ranked fifth In the latest CIF 4~A poll. Top deferwve players for the Oilers were John Stroup and Ben Bartanian. Sisters Jennifer and St~phanie Noonan were inst rumental in CdM 's 1-0 triumph over Laguna Hills. J ennifer tallied the only 1oal o( the gam e, while Meanwhile, Stephanie •topped four shots in the net, Including a pair of outstanding saves, t.o help CdM improve ita overall record to 2-0-1. The Sea Kings were t.o MLIC NOTICE MVNtCIPAL COURT ORANG! COUNTY HARBOfl JUDICIAL OllTNCT 4'01 Ja1111MHM Orin Newpol't Beech, CA t2leO PLAINTIFF L EI L A ROSE O'SHAUNECY DEFENDAN T LAURA JEAN HALOWEN and DOES I through 10, MLIC NOTICE SUPl!RIOR COURT Of' CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE In lho M111t11r ol lhD Appllcallon ol JEREMY SCOTT MERTENS For Chanoe ol Nil.me ORDER TO 8HOW CAUIE FOR CHANOf OF NAME c ... No. 111151137 tnclu91ve SuttlMOH8 JEREMY SCOTT MERTENS. by CAIE NUMeE" 11271 KAREN BAKER hit Parent has liled NOTICEI YCMI l\e'te Men Mled. 8 pet1ll0<1 In lh1t court fOr llll orde< The cowt may d9clcM ._.., you anowtng pe11t1oner lo change his wlttHMlt yow being '-d ..,.._ na.me lrom JEREMY SCOTT JOll r~ wllhln 30 dare, flMd MERTENS to JEREMY SCOTf !tie lnl«metten below. BAKER II you wt11h 10 &Mk lhe edvtce 01 II 11 hereby ordered lhlll all an 111orney In thl11 .ma lier. you persons 1nteraa1ed 1n lhe matter Should do ao pro.mplly ao that your aloresa.ld appear t>elore this court 1111ruten raaponae, II any. may be '" Department No. 3 at 700 Civic Iliad on ti.me. Center Dttve West. Sorita Ana. MLIC NOTICE NOTICE Of' TflU8TH'I SALE loan No. 70I0312JDUHHAM T.a. No. '·01044 S KO ·FED MOR TGAGE CORPORATION 81 duly appointed Tru11ee undar the following described deed of 1ru11 Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CEATlflEO CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL CODE SECTION 21124h (payable II Ille ltme or aa1e In lawful .money 01 Iha United States) 111 ugh! 1111a and 1n1a•eat C9f1Veyed to and now h4lld by II under aald Deed 01 rru11 In the P•Ol>9•1y "-tetnatter doterlbed lAUS10R AICH A RO G OU NHAM BENEFICIARY SKO·FED MORTGAGE CORPMA'rlON. E tancio wo1nen, t)V post victorit•s The l'Alwndu emu Oc "" V t•w lli~h worn •n'• bMkctball l<'nms 1rniyc•tl unbeaten In the young season, while Newport. Harbor lo l o tough dt:c:l1ion tn Sun~1 Amt, 4!'! 4l. 'l'tw EaglMJ will play for th<> .ll t Jc o ( the B c v e r 1 y 11 11111 T o urnament at 5:30 Saturduy against Santa Monica a h er winning their second straight game, 49-44 over Culver City. Amy Ha thcock led all scorers with 25 point.II, many from tht• outside. O cean V iew ls 3-0 a ftc r downing California High, 46-41. A V I I O I u a I e d he a I do California. on Janu8fY 5, 1983. et damandado. l!I trlb11nel p11ed• 10 30 o'clock a .m . and then and !Mcldlt cont,. Ud. aln .-.ncle a there Show caus.e, If any they ha~. menoa q1.a Ud. ,..panda d9ntro why Hid peU11on lor change of de 30 dlee. L .. le lnlorMKton .,. narne ahO\ild not be oranled 91t1.a. II IS lurlhN' ordered Iha! •copy of Recorded Augull 415. 1981 ea ln11r No 31862 1n Book 14193, P&Q• 1873 OI Olhclal Aecordl In Ille ofllce or the Aeco1de• of Orange County. llld deed ol trual det<lrlbel !he IOllQwtng ptopetl)' OllCRIP'TIOtt Cordless Phone Puts It AH In Your Hand! lloliday R gatta slated Southlunu a.11lura will tok1· llffil' out from aomt• lu•I mlnu~· Chrl•tmH ·1hop111 n.c ~ulul(foy and Sun1fay to c:1•l1•lJrat{• tlw huht.liiV M,•ason on th<> watt·r Ttu: o nly co111pet1lio11 1n Orang(• County will be •H Oana Polnt wherl' D;ma Po1111 llo1 bor Yat•hl Club will wind up Its 114•118(m with tht-annual llollduy Rf'gatf a Su t urt.luy f or Porfo rmuncc llurull1·11p l-ludng fo'lt-.•t yacht.i.. In ottwr Soutlwrn California Vachung J\ssociOlllln nrci1s , Los Angeles·Lon& lieacb Sc•nl Beach Ya<'hl CluL ~undily S1dlurli S t•rlc•1 (&Jll l 111'4.."4· ) Su11t.lay S.nla Monica Bay Kang JJ::irbor Yu1:ht Club Chnslmu ltc"alw (Ct'nt.t•rbo(Arcb) Sutur<Jay, Sunday. Pot1{1<' Murlnt.·~ Yacht. Club Holld ny S~·ric11 (keel boat11~ S&turd:.1y, Sunday . Sao Dlego Coronodo <.:ays Yacht Club - Wi11t<'r CIB&.<ilc Scrk-s Sunday. 0'-'l't1n111tlc Yncht. Club - llullday S<>rJl'b (ull classes)" Soturuay, Sunday. M1ssHm Bu y Yacht Club <.:ommodorc's Confusion ra<,-e (all classes) Sunday. St Ualed deaea eollcller el this order 10 allow cause be :onae10 de un abooado en aale pubhahed In Orange Co111 Delly 11 unto. d eb er 11 ha c e r 1 o Pllol , I new1p1per ol general n.medla18.meflla. de "" .man9fa. c:ltcullllon, publlahed In this county su r~ll e1Ctlll, II 11ay llguna. •I le111 onca • week tor lour puede -reglstrade a tlempo consetuOve ~· l>f10< 10 1"9 day I TO THE DEFENDANT: A clvM ol llld hearing PARCEL 1 An undlvl<lec:I 1114 1n1araat In and to Loi 1 of Tract No 10095. In the Clt)o ot Cost• Mesa. County o l Or1ng e. Slate o f C•lifornla, as per .map recorded In book 48 4, page a 6 an d 7. M1sc:ellonoou1 Maps. In the ollk:e ol the county recorder ol Hid count)> Ef.320 by Radio Shack Save•100 co.mplalnt has baen llled by the Dated Nove.mber 23. 1982. pl1lntllt 1ga1ns1 you. II you wlah to Frank Oomenchlnt Cleland thlt le-ull, you mull, within Judge or the Superl<>r Cour1 >O daya aller thla au.m.mona 11 WILLIAM H. KNOBEL, 1011 EXCEPTING THEREFROM Unlls 110 14 lnclualve, as ahown on the Condom1n1u.m Plan recorded In book 13828, page 1338, Olllclal A.cords served on you, me wtlh thla ooun a Slanlon A'19nue, Suite *• Buena wrtnen rHponaa 10 the complain!. 1 Perk, C allfornla 90820. (714) Unless you do ao. your delaull will 121-3700. De entered on appllcaoon of th• I Published Orange Coast Dally :>talnlltt. and lhll coun may en11r a P1101. Nov 25. Dec 2. 9, 16. 11182 A LSO EXCEPTI N G u<Jo.men1 agalnll you fOf the relief 5203-82 THEREFROM the e11clu1l\'e r'lghl to poue111on of all those ereu des1gna1ed 11 balcontes, glfages. pa110 ano deck areas ea shown on S8ICI Condo.mlnlu.m Plan .1e.manded In the comp4alnt. wh!Ch :ould rH ult In garnt1hrnent ol PUBLIC NOTICE .. agea. taking 01 money or prope<ty ;)r olhar relief requested In lhe ;ornpllinl DATEO Feoruary 17. 1982 J PETERSON. Cie<k 8y SuMnMoeet. Oepuly MARCUS DANIEL MERCHAllN '301 Owen1m011th AfffllM Ten th Floof Woodland Hiiie, CA 91317 (21') 117·MOO Publlahed Orange Coaat Dally Piiot. Dec II, 16. 23. 30. 1982 5399-82 NIUC NOTICE MN-ta17 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME ITATUftlfT Tile IOllow1ng persons are da<ng slness as TANDE M CO MPUTER PARTNERSHIP, 9616 Ar agon Circle. Buena Park. ~·90620. • THE TANDEM GROUP. INC , a Cal1lorn1a corporauon, 9618 Aragon Clrck!. Buena Parlt. CA 90620. Thia buslnns 11 conducted by a general pannersnlp The Tal\Clem Group. Inc Sa.mue• Wenegrat. Pres Tr11s 1ta1e.men1 was flied with the County Cletk ol Orange County on Nove.mt>ec' 15, 1982 F202'112 Of'OSIMAM, BARR 6 GRAHT IS7S Hlg-a It. Culver City, CA I02:IO Published Orange Coast Dally PtlOI Nov 18, 25 Dec. 2. 9, 1982 509C>-82 K~12 PARCEL 2 UM 7 H shown on OflAHO€ COONTY the Condo.mln1u.m Plan above MUNICIPAL CCXMT -rele<red 10 HAR~ JUOICIA&. OflTIUCT PARCEL 3 The ellclusive right 4'01 JembotM atwd. 10 p0sHSS1on of lhOH potl.ons ol Newport ea.ch, CA t2701 LOI I described tn P•rcel 1 •bove, PLAINTIF,: DENTAL CAPITAL dHoOn819d 11 G·7 CP-7 end p.7 on LEASING, I aubeldtely of DENTAL Utd Condo.mtnlu.m Plan and 11 CAPfTAL COflPOflATION. p 2 DEFENDANT: DOUGLAS =~~~;tenan~ ID arcela 1 and MURPHY, 0.0 .1. aka OOUOLAI 2157 .19. t02 Pacific Avenue, MUflPHY; OOEI 1·100, lncl111lve Cos11 Mesa. C1111orn1a 92626 c::::. "(II a llreet address Of corn.man NOTICEI You h1¥e be9n au.cl. dHlgn11ton Of pr~er1y II shown above no watranty Is given as tons Tiie cowt ,..., declcM eealnal you comple1-u or correc:1ness)" Tha without ,_ being lle«d 11"'"8 beneltclary under u•d Deed of you rMfMNMI within » def•· Re.cl Trust. Dy 1euon of a breach or ttte lnlcwmetton below. default 1n Ille ObloO•llons HCUred II you Wish to _.. the ao..;oe of th¥eby he•e•otore eaeculed end an attorney in th la .milter. you dehyered 10 the undarsluned a Should do so prornplly so thll your written OeclarlllOn 01 Oefaull ano written reaponae. 11 any, .may be Demand fl>' Sa•e. and wrlllen no1t0e hied on time 01 t><eaeh and 01 etec:Uon to cause A V I I 0 I U • I• d h a • I do the unoer11gned lo aell notice ol demandado. 11 trlll11nal p11ede braach and ol election to be d9cldlr cont,. Ud. -'n lllldlenc&I • recorded Augull 19. 1982 u Instr -.,e Ud. teeponda ct.ntro No. 82·291824 of Ottk:lll Records In de 30 dlae. lea la lnfwmaclon .,. the ollk:e of 111e Recorder of Orllt1Q8 ..... County SI Uated deaea sollcllar el Said sale wlll be .made, but conaefo de un abogado en esta wllhOul covenant or warranfy, I I Un I o. d e b e r I a ha Ce r IO ••P•IU or 1rnplte0 r911ardlr19 !Ille lmmedlatamantt. de .. ,, .manere. po11ess1on. or encu.mbrances. 10 su reapuesta eterlla, II hly alguna. pay Iha rema1n1nv principal su.m 01 puede.., reQlstreoa • 11empo ,,,. note(•) MCUred by MIO deed of 1 TO THE DEFENDANT~ A Cl¥~ Trull Wtlh 1nteres1 u In Nld note complelnl hll• l>Mn llled by th• provided edvanGM. If any. unoer pi.inlltl agalnat you If you wllh to the tor.ms ol aald Deed of Truat. defend !his 1.-11. 'f04I must. with leet charge. ano e•penses of Ille 10 daya alter lhls su.m.mona 111 Trustee and ol the trusts created by aerveo on you. ftle wtth this court a Mid Oeed ol Trull wntten •9190f'M to Iha complaint Said ule wlll be held on ----011-0,-1C-NO-T-.,..-~---Untess you do to, your Clefaull w1H Tuesday. o.ae.mber 28, 1982, 81 n-. ~ be entered on appllcauon o1 the 2 oo pm at the Chapman "-- --FIC-TITIOU---1-llU--8INl!--1-1--plelntlfl. and thla coun .may enter• en1ranoe 10 the Ctvle Center NAMI! ITATIEMIENT 1uaornen1 119ainS1 you lor tha renal Bulldlno. 300 ea.1 Chapman Ave., The loll wi d'"" demended In the complaint, Wfllch Orinve. Calllornla business: •. ng peraons •1• "'ng could reaull In g1rnl1hmen1 of At Iha time o f the lnltl•I BIO OLAF OF NEWPORT wages. telling of .money or property e>ubl•calton of 11111 notice the lotal BEACH. 2305 W Balboa Blvd., or other rellal requeatad In the M'IOUnl Of Iha unpaid beta'.nce of Iha N t ee-• Cal 1 -•-92""'1 co.mplainl obltnauon aeeured by Iha above ~o ck;;'.' 1"°~6'; E.ndv;;;.., Dated Oclot>er 27, t982 ducrlbed deed of 1r111t and S111 Marcos, California 92069 J Pllereon. Cieri! eall.mlled coala. •~oenaH and Gary Blapllngholl, 1930· 163 O Cr06ly. Deputy ec1Y1nce1 11 J 148 049 43 Enelnatu. San Mercos. Celllornla HIMAfl, OOflOotf • "ouaio. Tr.. ooenlnQ bid may b9 Obtain.cl 92oeo 15110 Yenhna •l'ld.. lull• 1201, by cell.ng 11141 937 09&6 the d•y T Encino, CA t1.ue. (21l) 5014800. before Ille Ille hie business 11 conducted by 1 Publlahed Orange Co111 011ly 0 111 NOY~ 23 tte2 gonerll ~=c~! P110t, Dec 9, 18, 23. 20, 11182 8 1(0 F£0 MORTOAOE This llafernenl Wll ftled with Iha 5393·•2 CORP Counly Cle<k ol Orange County on u Utd Tru11 ... 0ece.m1>er 8. 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE Ely r o AEAVICE COMPANY, F20377t -----------'09"1 Publllhod Orange Coast Dally FICmlOUI •U81NE81 fly VICkl J Hopltlnt, Piiot. Dec 11. 18, 23. 30. 1982 NAM& ITATE•NT AWll8111 S.C•ttaty ~4:i-82 The IOl1oW1no persona are dolno On'! Coy Blvd we11, -----------t>oslneU aa Otano-CA 0~8M MUC NOTICE AMERICAN HEARING AID 714 t3~826ft -----------CENTER 17'8 So\Jlh Main Street Put1llahed Or1r1ge CoHI Oally FICTITIOUS BUSINEll Santa Ana, Calllomta 92707 Pt!O' Dec 2 11 18, 11182 NAME ITATE•NT Donald M White. 16583 Elll'I 6274·82 The 1011ow1n11 person 11 dotng Cirele, Fountain Valley Calllornta 1------------ butlness as 92708 "*.IC NOTICE COAST CARPET CARE. 464 Evelyn 0 While, 16583 Elrn.,_ ______ ~~---==~- Park Ave • Laguna Be"h CA C1rele. Fountain Valley Caltlornla 'ICTfTIOUI .-.-aa 92651 92708 NAMe ITAH•NT Freo Harford. 464 Park Ava. · Thil butl,_ II cond\Jele<J by a The tollowlng persona are doing No A L1gun1 Beach. CA 92651 ~al pertnenh•P bullneaa •• Thta buttn.ss 11 conduc1eo by an Evalyn G White (Al BRAXTON CARIBBEAN lnd!Ylduel. Thll alatemtnl wu flle<l with the MANUl'ACTURINO COMPANY, dbl Fred Halford County Clerk of Orar1ge Couniy on Bl BRAXTON MANUFACTURING Thia slate.men! was 1118<1 with Oie November 22. 11182. COMPANY OF CA L!f:O~N(A County Clerk ol Orange County on F20274' INCORPORATED, 1733 Monrovll Nov 15, 11182 Publlthed Orange CoHI Delly ~.Uni! ''Z", Cotta M .... CA F20210I PllOI , Nov 26, Dee 2. 9. 18, 11182 2$27 " Published Orange CoHt Dally 520S.82 9 RAX T 0 N C AR I BB EA N Piiot, Nov 18, 25, Ct!: 2. 9. 1982. -----------·tMANUFACTUAlNG_COMP.ANY, I. 50•&-82 PUBLIC NOTICE Delawar e eorporallon, 1733 ----------------------Monrovl~ Ave . Unit "Z", Co1t1 MllC NOTICE 'ICmlOUI MllMH NAME au TIEMENT Tha loHOWlng p•aona are doing business as: 0 C M MANUFACTURING, 1311).F E St. Andrewa Pl .. S1n11 Ana, C1tllomla 92705 • Denni• E. Melntyre. 1315-F E S1 Andrewa Pl .. Senta. Ana. Calil 11270S ConllanQe P. Mcintyre, 1315-F E SI Andrew• Pl., Santa Ana. Calll .. 92705 Thi• bualneu la conducted by 1 general partne<lhlp D.nnlt E, Melnlyre Thi• 1t1tament waa filed With the County Clerk of Orange Counry on NOY 15, 1982 F202110 Publlthed Orange COHI Dally Pllol, Nov 18, 25, Dec 2. II, 1'82, 5092·82 Ml.IC NOTICE PlCTmOUI ...... ..,._ ITATIMSNT The totlowlno P9f•on t• dolno ~-· THI! t<OIAK QALLEAY, 202 H•wporl Center Or., 811lte 8, ~ 9NGf\, CA t2MO Get.id t..ee t<Od*, 2100 Yacht Mlachl•I. Newport 8eacll, OA neeo Tflll ......... II conCIUCled by 111 lndMtlull ca.... t.. K.oalt Tlll9 ht ... -Mid .... COUl'lly Ollf'1 .. °' .... '*'"" °" Dee.I.,.... ,_,,. a1-Meaa. CA 112627 Notice la hereb)' 111ven that Tiiis t>u91neaa la condueted by • purauant 10 Mellon 1994 of the CMI corporation CC>d!, lt~te of Calllornla, the 8r1J1ton Cerlbbe9n Mlg. undenlgMd wilt Mii et pybltc Mia co by eompetllM bidding on the "'d JOMC>h E. TrelnO, S4IC day or December, 1te2. a.1 10:00 Thi• at.ltament wee ltleCI with the o'clodl a.m .. on the premlwt where County Clf(k of Ofange Countt on Mid propeny haa ~ etoreel. Ind November 16, 1982. which are localed at P\lblk: Storege, ,_,1' Inc .. 13241 Jeffrey Road In 11\9 City Publl•h•d Oranoe COHI Dally of lrvlnt, County ol Orange, Slele ol Piiot, Nov. 18. 26. Dec. 2, II, 11182 C1llf0fnle, the ebandoned goo<11. 5089-82 ch11t1e1 or peraonal property .•-tc 1Mft1'11'r deecrlbed b91ow. It! Iha metten ol: ,.-. ""'-. MICHAEL .-088 2 table•, 2 aTAn•NT °' AUIDOJ.-NT ~ .. 2 acetylene tanks. c:oucfl. 4 °' U8S °' Chelra. 2 plcturea, I~. 4 box". -Tt-... --.. -·-GINA ARREOONOO -Mirror, ~ '.....,.,. ---chHt, 17 bO•H .mlee .. 2 wicker The lollowlno peraolfl have 11blea, lemp. w~er 11and. e19c et>andontd 1119 UM of lhe~lout t>< 2 buelneeaname oom. eouch, epeallera. pnono, 2 CREATIVE VIDEO SY&TEMS, 1~N~OHY RICCO -M•l1r-. 15722 ~th L-. Humtngtori 6 boKea, golf Clube, table,--· e-:o~H·~~AEW8. 1117U Chetre =· =,_re1r1g. ~th L-. Hun1tnoton Beedl. RA 0£l~l!A -Oeell, 17 CA 92'47• bO!IH ml10., cheat , dltl blkt, ·AARY AHOAEWS, 20454 elrplll/19 wing, Chair, ,. N.E&. G"ES, INC -81 .. m Clfireae St , 81nte Ane Hit., CA CIHner, 1 detkl, 1 l>Oxff mite .. t 07 lube meclllM, 4 c.oin.ta, 3 cMfrt, P,H, OVIL TEA. 111 lmet•ld ~. toOI boll L.aguna 9Mch. CA t2t51, Landlord r...,.,.. the right to bid Thie buelneM w .. ooneluc1ed bye at lhe Hie Purch,... mull be 99'*111*1Milflll> made with CMfl °"'>'end peld '°'It -.... at~ Andrewt-.._.. ........ -Iha 11r!M of PlltctlMe M purdlmed ',_ _,_" ,_ '""' ,.,. OOode are tOld .... Incl lftllllt ... County Cletlt of °'.,,.. County °" rW\l9CI It tfl9 time of -----OSDl 1 .... t . 1NI • ,__ ... .._._.,..,~ll1t11n111 -..... ~..... ,. ....,.11 ""' _,, of •u-.nt ~ ...... ....._ ""'" ............ ' llfldlofd 1nc1 ~ '*'Y· a.ad l"llot. oeo t. ''· n . •· 1111 tflll lttl wt ..... .., of 0.--., ..... ,..,, Up to 50-Foot Range- Use It Indoors or Out 13995 Answer Hang Up and Dial From the Handset Without Tralllng, Tangling Cords Auto-Redial, mutl! but- ton, built-in batt.eries with recharger in ba9e. Base rests on flat sur· face or fits over stand· ard modular jack for wall mounting. FCC registered. #43--268 29995 Reg. 399 .95 • Vivid Color Graphics • pramatlc Sound Effects Pop in an Instant-loading Pr?gram Pak• for thrilling vldeO games, to set up a budget or teach your kids. ~F.iiiiiiiC::::i:~ Learn 10 program 1n BASIC. Expand anytime-add more memory, printer or Joysticks for greater fun with games. #26-3004 •••• j., TV end Program Pak not includael Exclusive Talking Clock Deluxe LCD TAD·112 by Radio Shack Never Misses a cam 15995 2-Player Electronic Football By Tandy'1> 1995 Reg. 29.95 -cut 33010 Computerizec:fgridiron action! LEO "players" run, pass and kick for four quarters of fun. Nonnal and Pro speeds. Action sound. #6().2156 VoxClock"' by M1cronta Calculator Saye ec-213 by Radio shack s10 40°/oOff --••••• 4995 1195 . ?5f58:: ooo•• · Reg. 59.95 Reg. 19.95 -... --00••• " ' SHI> on -Tap the button-a votce tells "' the lime followed by ''a.m." or Square root, percent and "p.m." Or set it to announce , sign<hange keys. Auto on the hour. #63-902 power-off. With batteries, Battefl8S •lllra billfold case. #65-683 25%2995 Off Reg. 39.95 Aim the "45" light·beam plstol for Skeet or Target. Play Tennis, Squash, Hockey or Practice Attaches easily to any Tv. #60-3061 Batteries extrl Novelty Radios Make Unique Gifts! By Realistic• UnusualPackagea 1295 to 1595 AM Radios Built Into ""'IMl•J'.J--;;::_ Low.Priced Gffta tor Stuffing Stocldngal =,~·. ~i~ :~~~~·. 3 .• ~ Pletol. #9().2369 ....... 4.95 :=k·.~. ~~~~ ..... 1.15 ,.. Mlctophone. #e0-2109 .... 1 .15 Poclcet AepMt. Reg. 10.95. #9().2152 .................. 7.15 Monkey ... Celou18tor. $pedal Purcha9e.fe0.1013 .......... 1.11 ~ Rlalr. ~ •. 7 .• flli91!1M0I ltelmel. #81).3()()6 ••. 7 .• Colrnlc 1000 ,.,._Awey. Reg. 38.95. H0-2185 ................ .. .......... Soft. furry "animals" make great companions for youngsters. Auto buffs will really go tor the '31 Rolls replica. Exterior oontrols make 'em easy to use. ea11a11e1 ••tr• Cuddly Cat. #12·983 ................. 12.95 Pekingese. #12-967 ..........••..••. 13.95 R8ccoon. #12-971 ................... 13.95 White Terrier. #12-9n ............... 13.95 Country MouH. #12-975 ............. 14 .95 Rolls Royce Replica. Reg. 19.95. #12-963 .•.•...•............... Sate 14.95 Chow Dog. #12·986 ....•............ 15.95 Corvette A8cer. #6().3082 .••••• 11.ff .. ...... 18().3()78 ' ...•. ' .• '. 11.11 Comb9t TMk. #8().3()()g •...••• 24.H LMlllorgtlll91 Alcer. #e0-3043 ... 21.M Corvette Stingray. ~19 .... 31.H Toyota Und CNIMr. #e().3081 ..••• ,..... m nno. f80.3046 ... •·• =~--:,., MHI. ....... -.aon ... .... ,. .. ,., .... Ortllfe ~Dally lJ ,..., o.. '· tui. ao. NOMI ~lfOMGI, INC., l<tep In_,. on prloee:. llt11111ttMd Or1np CoHt Dally ftay w1y•be • regular ""'·OM •• ,., 1• ,; CllUlll•d r•ad11. MM-ti Ml·N71 .. .. Loa Alemltoa WIDMIOAY'I MllJLTI 1•111of11-fttollt .-i.mo. .. -une) rllllT lilACl. 360 yard• MIU Fest Prtda (Fryday) 33 20 t 00 5 20 G04n To09111er (CrMgar) 3 40 3 00 Eu y Ragar (Lactur~l 11 IO Aleo rK.d Cnari1 AtO, Jtm1 Ecill•, Sound Advice, Prima P-. OUl>ln Fancy, Raq11a11 I BIUI, Nullvtlla \llllvel Time: II 29. C U ACTA (4-7) paid $71.llO. HCONO lilACI. 440 yards SuperllMPll (Oelomba) 9 20 4 20 3 llO Nevada Lamb (Tonk•! 3 60 2.80 Chlclll Native (Ward) 4.60 Alto rtc:td lnlropld Coln. Aebt Aaeured. Tu Tun John, Trltna Rambl.,, t1111 Jel, F11me al LUI Time 22 111 THlllD lilACI. 400 yMdl Ayona Chotca IOhavwz) 14 00 10 IO 6 IO Oo Sllkl• Go tC1eager) II 40 3 IO Dannye Ou1ty OeclC (Oelombe) 3 llO Alto racad Jiiiy Lunch, Comark, H«1or Joa Jr, No Po1 limn. FlrSI And F<><wnotl Ttma 2063 $2 IXACTA (3-4) plld S 127 80 'OUllTH llACE. 350 yards. TM Jeya Plan (C•rdoze) 5.110 2 60 2.40 Like To Go (Tonk•) 2.40 2.40 My P•per cna .. (Blevt,,.) 3.40 Aleo raced Soon11 Kllarrtved, Captain Sptrll, 8ru1h 8yem. Pueblo Tracer Time 18.19 C EXACTA (4-6) paid $13 20. 'll'TI4 llACI. 300 y111d1 Wahool Angel (Mylaa) 18 llO I I 20 e.oo First Cr\1&11 (Cruger) 12 00 7 00 MIN Solid WI-(Chavez) 1 00 Alto recacl Fair Blandy. Flag RiMt. Jana Berbo, SnaPOy Panny, My Goal. MIH Truly Fltohl. Lil Lady Lov• f Jma t5 93. C IEXACTA (11-4) paid S lllO 60 llXTH llACE. 350 yards Humbug County (Bard) 8 llO 3 80 2.60 lllntaga Trip (Cardena) 5 20 2.00 Doc Neat (Creagar) 2.00 Allo raced t<td Chrome. Oeregutale, Flamln Joan , Time 1800 IEVINTH RACE. 870 ywcls ToddabO (Zufe411 12 00 8 00 5 20 Whoo9M c e1 (0111) 17 eo 4 80 Strap (Dominguez) • 20 Alto teeacl Perpe1uet0<, Nasllvtlla ~ Sound P11Hm. Gtme Breaker. Snirteys Flah181 'tima 45 45 C UACTA (1-3) paid $103 80 *2 l'tCK ltX (11·3-4-9-2· 1) Paid $26.833 00 wllh on• winning tldta1 (Ii• hOIMSI S2 Piek SI• conaotallon paid $597 40 with 15 winning llekell (!Iva hOIMI). l lGHTH llACE. 350 yards. Eaty Menau-(C11<1011) 3.40 2 40 2 tO Heza Tiu Rabel (Frydly) 2.40 2 10 Sevenly One Soult! (Leckay) 2 40 Aleo reoad; Tien t So. SILzla Te Time 1107 C EXACTA (1-51 paid SS 00 MNTH llACL 350 y81ds. Aataboy 8eop (Serd) 24 00 I 1 00 7 20 1<aya1ona Kip (Her1) 3 eo 3 20 Mr Alcll Slid (Cteagar) 11 00 Al90 recacl Jel Pus. MIU Euy Cac>ar Chic; Apollo. P.-n TN, POsllOMa ll(ly Jal Or_,., W~d Oun Time 11.30 C EltACTA (S-6) plllCI $91.00 Attendance 4,453. Hollnrood Partt W1!0W60AY'l lll!IULTI t••ll of ... , llloroueNwed ,.,.., .... ) ~IT llACI. 6 lu1tong1. Hur Powar (Bleck) 17 .00 II 20 1.00 LIVI Blul (H~I 14 00 8 40 Top Encore (Slloema~et) I 80 Alto •-0 Ballte's Mika, 8otd Horizon•. Moon Penny. Br•t1• 0 Erin. Oulllc. T OUflOClear, N\111 Time 1 10 415 , THIAO llACI. II'' IU•IOl!Qt RauOf Blada (M«;arron) 6 IO 3 IO 3 20 Oulcil Study (Hawiey) 3 20 2 00 f011gh Tlllle tCu11nta•) ll 00 Aleo raced. Minne H1w llew. f'Hhlon ~::iowtedge, Ootd•n Reward, Choo Choo Time I, ti 215 .. llACTA I 1-1> P&ld ,. t 00 '0UllTH llACI. I 1116 mltH FajaetlC Kid (Plneey) 6 40 3 40 2 00 Markel Lina (Mc<:t1Tonl 4 40 2 00 Fuar1t (Bleck) 2 IO AIM> •eced Mallad•. Jlbl>llt Wacky, fo Iha Penny, Kini! Thoo Art flme 1.43 3/5 M IXACTA (S.11 paid $5• 00 . ftnM llACI. I 1/ UI mllet on lurl Oeclldrtchm (Slloemuet) 3 •O 2 80 2 40 R&lnbow With (T orol 5 40 4 00 flying G-(OelehouHaye) 3 20 Alto reoacl· C. Sharp, 861tlmo1e Bulla!, Chlal Wtla t1aM, Hit Sertea. Ootden Otrcle, 01nco Grandt. $Itek N Sneaky TlrM. 1:43. II IXACTA (4-1) paid $88.50 8'XTH llACI. ll'h lurlong1 Otl<Mlat (Ptncay) 7 00 4 10 3 80 Not C-Lava lSllOem•arl 16 IO I 00 "-ttMmtl!!I {A9maro) tO 80 Alta 1~ Campecllllo, c .. 111 Chailna. Ftaalllon Flltl, Kanbuek, Mak• No w ....... Jamie • Oellghl, Me11I Anne 1. Be A Rainbow. Tlma 1 17 415 llVINTH llACE. 6'\ furlongs Llldy Elhalyn (Vllanzue41) II 20 3 80 3 00 Thank• Judge (McCarront 1 20 5 .-0 Oellealt Oraoa (Black) e 00 Alto raced. Aglle1u1. Joan'• Ledy, Oomlllt, Bronze Marl<et, Bold .,id Joyful. TlrM· I 15 315. 15 EXACTA (8·4) paid $108 00 C l'ICK llX ( t-1-5-4-I 1-ll paid S t.162 40 with 31 Winning tlcl<eta (llX hot-) $2 Pick Sbc eonllOOtlion paid $3180 With 577 Winning Uclteta lfive lloraes) S2 Ptck Sia tctalCh conaotauon paid S3I 40 with t .225 winning tldtau ttour hOrs. ona tcr•ICll) llGHTH llACIE. I 1116 mi1N on turt U1uye Bay fT<><ol a 20 3 80 3 20 Gold Spruce (McCanon) 3 60 3 00 Oranja Reine (llalenruate) 3.llO .t.110 raced O'Happy Day. CHll•land, Manrenarea, Grateful Friend. Nalet'I Fashion, Yuma Queen Tlma. 1:43 NINTit llACE. 1 1118 mtlas Berlotlnl (Bleck) IS 00 8 00 4 20 Platea'• °'""' (Ortag•l t8 20 a 40 Plnklaa to Olekla (Plncay) 3 00 Alto racaa Oecepllon Oec111ion. Bold Ade. Oeoen. Press Notice, My Roll. .,.,.,,. 1 411 215 • 1.XACTA 11-7) P1tO $48 1 00 AllencS.,_ -14.1151 Australian Open , ....... ...,., .__ ...... ...... Brian l H cher (U.6 I def. Brod Oya,• (AU1l111lle), 8-2, 8-3, 8-2: PNl Dant(_,.,,., dal Nldl Saviano (U.S). 4-1, 7·5, 8-7. 8-1, 6-3, Bernie Mittan (Soulll AMcel dal Alcloy Mayer (IJ S.), 5-7. 1·3. )'.1. 7·5. Ptt•r Aenner1 (U S ) def David Peta (U S I. 8-4. 6-3. 4-1. 7-S, Sammy Glatnmallf1 (US ) dal Cllrit Johnllona (Auslr91111). 3-8, 8-1, 7·5, 2-1. 8-4. San T•tarman (US I def Pa1ar John11on (Auat11Ua), 7.15, 7·15, 1·16, 11m Wllkl1on (U.S .) del Ha na Hann on (Aullrlli1). S-7, 8-1, 3-8. 8-1, 8-2. Drew Olllln (U S ) del. Andy Andrewt (U.S ). 6-3. 6-3. 5-7. 1·2: 8ruca Kteeoe (U S.) def RIChllld Lawta (Bll1&1n). 8-7. ~. 8-4, 6-4. Women'• toumement (•I lllcllmonc$. Va.) hcOfld~ ..... Mime Jauaovac (Yugoll1vl1) dal Tina Mochizuki (US.I. l ·I . 8-3. 6·0, Bonnie Gadu .... (US) def Tetry PMlpe (US). 8-3. 8-3. ~ Auuell (U S I def fray ltwl9 (US I 4-6, 8-4, I · I Tracy Aualln (US) dal Kathleen Holveth IU S I. 6--0. 8-1 .... WHTINt COWIMNCa ---~ W L ,.., QI Lehtt .a.awe ~­P0'11and OalOtn Stet• San OMQo ID 4 800 It 4 too 11 • •M> 10 11 478 • 12 <tao 4 ti :ioo MldwHI otvtelaft Sen Antonto 14 g 800 KanHt Clly 10 7 lltl Oallat g 9 600 Oenvtlf I II .421 Ulell 7 t3 350 HO\ltlOn 3 11 158 UITSlilN COWllllNCI Allanlto 01¥1alorl 17 3 150 ~ . ~ • tt PhUllClllll)IWa Bo.ton New Jetaey Wutllngton N-York ti • 800 I MnweukM 0.trotl Atlanta Indiana Chicago Ctavl!and 12 II 571 5·~ 8 10 474 7'.\ II 14 300 11 C..,ltel Olvttl4NI 13 • 8 111 12 • 600 8 10 474 I 12 400 I 13 311 3 17 150 Wadnaeday'e loorff Lellllt'a 89, Phoanl• 80 eo.1on 113, Ctaveland 83 New JerMy 116, Waalllngton 95 Phlladllphl• 132. Auant• 15 Haw YOik 120. 0.lrOU 109 Chlelgo t t I, MllwtukM 101 Indiana 130. Oen var 12e oaau 110, s..111a t4 San AiitonlO 102. Kanau C11y 10 t too Utah 101, Hou11on 113 Tonlflll'• 0-.. o.n-" Wethington Ponland al Golden 6tata laker• It, lune II P'HOINIX -luut 14. Nanca 18, Adami 24, Oavla 14, O Johneon 10. Scoll 2. Macy 4, Tllltdkltt 0, High 0, COOi< 0. Totels· 36-111 14·2366. LOI ANGaUI -Ramblt 12, Wllktl 20. Abdul·J1bbar 10, E Johnaon 5. Nl•on t7, McAdoo 11. Cooper 2, Wotthy 10, C. Johnaon 2. Totals: 35-71 19·30 811. kor• bf au.we · PllOlllla 22 111 30 19-116 los Angela 23 30 t3 23-811 Thr-potnt goal• -none. f'oulac:I 0\11 -Adami Aabound• -Phoanlx •9 (LUCU 14~ lo• AngelH 51 (Rambtt 13) Anl1t1 -Pt!oant1t 26 (Adams II), L.oa Angeles 211 (E Jollnton 81 Total louts -Ptioanl• 23. Lot AngetM 23 TecllntcaJ• -Adam•. LliCU A -13,763. COLLEGE SoCal Colleae 107, Cal Tech 40 CAL TECH -l<yrta 4, Evana 2, H-I . Halgren t. Goldan 0, Pffbtaa 11. IOIJTHIEllN CALlf'OlilNtA COLI.IOI - Plarca t 1, Aobllt'll 15, Smith 15, Ptulmer 3, snannon e, Avll•• 4. Roger1 10, Aeddk:k •. Hire! 15. Coral 12, Mor1enHn 13, Tift 4, Silvera I. Helltlme, Southern Callfornla Collage, 54-21. Total route: Cal Tech 13. Southttn Calilornle Collaga I Tec:hnlcalt C.. Tech btnoh 2, Kyrla (Cal Tacll) COMMUNITY COLLEGE Golden WMt IO, Pierce SI LA NRCI -Earl I , Saiona 12, Lannln 4, Wright 5, Young 10, COOll t '· Vancla<ga.11, Copeland 2. Tolllt. 21 18-21 ~I OC>U>e.N WllT -Kraaich 8, Durham 18. Sibel to. Aev11 9, J.,,,.. 2. Myles 2. Oorham 1. Blown 4. Totalt 22 16-t8 &o Halftime· Platea. 40·32 Total loulft Ptarca 18, GOiden West 17 Fouled out: Salone (Plarae ). Tac:hntcat1: Rtl/IS (Golden Weal). Cook (Plarca) HIOHaC~ Htn. llMclt 17, Mornlngelde 74 MON91GllDS" -Broob 7, eu...., 2. Cootay I . FllUtknaf 21, Gordon 2, Millar 15, !Md 5, Wigington 11, Tot ... 32 10-17 74. HUNTIMOTOtl laACH -Gatnaf 21. Mlltt 28, Ha,,tgan 7. B Thompaon 14, O Thom~ 13. A/v-o. Beuoh 1, CtoM>y o. Frioa 0, C>naga 0, Cerrott 0 f otala 31 I-111 17 '-9bfa-1ere Mornlng91Cla 13 11 23 22-74 """llnQlon 8Mch 22 11 20 27-17 Totaf fouls· Mornt,_jda 14, Huntington Beach 11. Foulad out: Nona Ftn. Vlflev IO, Aolttng Hitt. 31 lilOLLtNO HtlU -POllng 4, 8titlal 17, Lllndy 5, Oraval1 4, L•ndrtlh 3, Ceragtotl 2 Totlls: 15 5-11 3S. FOUNTAIN VALl.•Y -Harry 4, Brown I , Whlletlllf I. Jacotle I , P-11. Hanton 3, Marlin 3, Naw1on II, Tinney 8, Briggs 2 Totele. 28 11·12 80 ._. bf 0-19t8 Aolllng Hiii 10 I 10 7 -35 Founteln Valley 24 11 10 tS-80 Total lout• Rotting Hiiie 11. Fo.,nlatn Vlllay 12. Fouled out ~ NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L P ct. PF PA Dallas .,. 4 l .800 121 76 Green Bay 4 1 .800 134 85 Washington 4 1 .800 108 97 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 New Orlns 3 2 .600 77 71 St Louis 3 2 .600 94 102 Chicago 2 3 .400 63 92 Detroit 2 3 .400 72 85 Minnesota 2 3 .400 95 88 NY Giants 2 3 .400 80 90 San Fran 2 3 .400 119 114 Tampa Bay 2 3 .400 68 79 Rams 1 4 .200 98 132 PhildJphia 1 4 .200 101 11 2 Saturday's Games Philadelphia at New York Giants (Channel 2 at 9:30 a.m.) San Diego at San Francisco (Channel 4 at I p.m.) Sunday's Games Denver al Rams Raiders al Kansas City Pittsburgh at Burfalo Baltimore al Minnesota AME RICAN CONFERENCE W L Pct. PF PA Raiders 4 1 .800 134 109 Cincinnati 4 1 800 116 80 Miami 4 1 800 117 92 NY Jets 4 1 .800 139 78 Pittsburgh 4 1 .800 121 88 Burfalo 3 2 .600 85 73 San biego 3 2 .600 119 83 Cleveland 2 3 .400 79 99 Nw Englnd 2 3 .400 80 98 Seat tle 2 3 .400 84 82 Denver l 4 .200 84 125 Houston 1 4 .200 74 118 Kansas City l 4 .200 73 108 Baltimore 0 5 .000 50 125 Cleveland at Cincinna\J Detroit at Green Bay Miami at New England Tampa Bay at New York Jets Washington at St. Louis Chicago at Seattle New Orleans at Atlanta . Monday's Game Dallas at Houston (Channel 7 at 6 p.m.) LMTED OFFER ·1·0.75% A.P.R. 1101 ..10111101 Vice President JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL Piob tf tlla W11• Sat., Dec. 11 San Francisco over San Diego * Rams over Denver Cinctnnati over Cleveland * Green Bay over D•troit LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Costa Mesa . 540-5630 FINANC'"6 AVAlABlE OIUl.l rEW 1912's Mon., O.c. 13 Dalla• UC /RV/NE .... Loyol• Merymount University ' TONIGHT STARTING AT 7:15 PM with "THE BILL MULLIGAN SHOW'' lrouOht to JOU by~ 8uedt, To,o-. 7UP/UM, U.I. Air ,~ .. Jim Clk* ,Ofd All •NOL•MICHT COltlll'ANY l'ltOOUCnON • Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Thurld• • Oecemb« 9, 1982 Loe Alemttoe ?t, OMan View II 1.01 Al.AMITOI (J9h1 t• ll•llllllln tt Wall Ill Kaul.I 11 (lt•I ... 1 Cl\&119 1' .,._,. 0 llt•o11 0 I olal• a I IJ 20 78 OCIAN VllW A111fNIUOlk;l(J• 12, ll•ll 74, '"" t3, Judo• ? MulhollY I, Mow 3, ,Derry 4 O<l\lty I tl1H1\I< ~ 1 I llltll H I •? I Cl9 1Mta 1trO-M11 leil Al11m1t111 II 'I tt 14 711 cx-1 v-1• 20 t4 1' ea r Olal twt• I o• AlemllOI If Oe.an View 11 F OUleO uut NOi .. .......... Newport Hat'tHw 41 lllilVITl 0.CMat 14, QeflKll 7, Jotlln I . K•llllman ti. Mwu ... J> e . .,.,.,... • fole/1 20 II 21 &9 NIWPOflT HAlillOlil Hai•at •• Wotla 21 foll. 8 M1.0av1an 2 ANitOll 2, SI-Md o. 01111a11t1 I o..o« 9. 110'-1 O rote/• 22 4·1148 ac ... attro-1 .... Sa!Yll• 20 14 • 1t l>t Ntwt>Otl Hai t>Of 11 7 13 17 •I Tot1lloul1 Swv11t1 tO, N•wt>O•I Hat.,0< 11, FOllled OUI Nona Coeta Me11 12 Compton 14 COIT A MH A Pilmbladtl 20, EOllOl't 1 ling 2. Coo~ e. Slltl 23. Ko. 2 Tolala. 25 12·~&2 COWTO. -0 Ht4eltt 9, C Helalfa I. 0011 4, Thomae tO, MOO•• 24, 0 1vl1 2 Totllill 22 tO 13 64 Icon .., o-ter• CO.ta MMI 13 10 23 11-12 Compton e 13 14 22-114 Total tout• Coa11 MaH t3 Compton 17 Foutad Olll Nooe MarlN 11, Mlttlon Vlefo '3 MAlllNA -r11ipa11 14, Whiteman 0, Padlll• II, RoHnwalg 4, Vieira 2, Crowley G. Nwmann 21, e.tar)Qel' 2 Totatt 24 13·22 61 MllSIOH Vt•JO -Ofllfllh 2, Mowry 4, Cuavl 13, C11wtord 10, Evan• II, Karn 2. M Ketty 4. Totata 20 3-6 43. lcor• ttr 0-*• M1tln1 II 11 18 18-61 MIUlOll ll1a10 II 8 10 14-43 Totel IOula Marina 10, M~ \/JalO 17, Foui.ct out. C....,. (Mlulon Viejo) lnalewood 72. IEdllOfl 40 INOL"'OOO -Madare 2, Shell I , S•n.-ne 10, Ray 11, .._,,,.,. 1. Smfth~. JohruM>n 4, Watn..-4, AaaM 4 Ha~ 2, Saal• 17 Total• 31 10· 14 72 IOll ON -Orazkowtkl 2. Mllle<aon II, Wettnaf 5, JOllnaon '· HemMlon 2. HKlllen 7, Wetn1ng1on 16 Total• 13 14·22 40 kor• br ouart ... a lngtawood 17 15 17 23-72 EdtlO!l 10 15 2 t3-40 Tot et foull Inglewood 17, Edlton 15; Fouled out: None ·unlverelty 73, 81venn112 IAVANNA -ltmb 13, Pl11man 2, V1nder1tHy 17, Wll&n•bt •. H~I 12. Wlteon 2. Taylor 4 Mltlaf 3. WllN 3 To1et1; 25 12· 111 62 UNIVlllllTY -Belanger 4, Evetett 2. Stot101! 3 t, Bt1kt 8, Chol 12, Ganllla 2, HosfOld I, K11llng11< 3, Marki 4, Celt II Total• 3 t 11·2 t 73 lcor• llr Quarter• sevanna to 10 t6 26-62 Unl-aitr, 14 27 t6 18-73 Tdltl oul• 5•v1nn1 20. un1versl1y 16, Fouled out Chol (University). Pittman (Savanna) lrvlne 55, la Serna 50 I.A IEllNA -0 Antin 4, Garza 4, Myera 14, Mllle1 3, Fromaon 7. Gonral .. I . llandalhyden 2, G11iwe11 2. Jones 2, Cher11er 4. Totalt' ?0 10· 16 50 MIVINIE -Rhoad61 II, Mariel 2, Naal 11, UllM(}I 13. CfrVtw 3, Btalman 10, Caklwetl 4, Br0toYICh 6 T 01111 20 I 5-28 55 1cora br OllM1.,. La Serna t5 16 4 15-50 IMM 13 12 15 15-55 Total IOll• Le Sarne 21, lrvtna 14 HfGH SCHOOL WOMEN 8ent1 AN 45, Newport 41 IANTA ANA -Kelty 25, Sob<'~• 12. Flakl1 2, Barr.,, 2, N-4 Totall 20 IHll 45 NIEWt'OllT HAAIOll -Weyna 13, Oodd1 4, Doan 8. AtklnlO!l 11, llaldle 3, Shll"er 2 Totals: te 9.19 ._. bf 0""1 .... Santa Ana 8 18 9 10-S Nawpon Harbor 15 II 10 7-41 T Olal loult Santa An• 17, Newpon Harbor 17. Foui.ct out· Shlln« (Newport H81b0<) Tachnlcel Santa An• btnch. Santa An• coac:n Ettancla 411 Cutvet Cltv 44 CIJl.VRlil CITY -flifflZlll ti, ~Nar 2, Rlclla•dt on I, Meyada I . Car~ter 10, Salhlno 2 Totllt 21 2· 12 44 •ITAMCIA -C."Ptftl4'1 I. ll!tlt119! J tt1111~ock n ''holH I , Ct11111n1•11 10 OtllltMI I To111t Ill 17·20 40 ......... ,ca-.... (;ul•fl Cilly 10 II 10 0 44 ,.,.,..,... 11 16 13 • ·~ 101111 10\lll Colv11 City '1, EttAl1'la t& OCleett View 4' Calffotnla 41 OC•AN VlaW ·-Chlte 29, Wabb 10 Chomt1>• t llnMll! 2 rou111 11 tO 2s •8 CAl..,OlilNIA -Oaru 17 Cotton ' MOOll 4 W,.._.., 4, Hafllll/\Clal 3, 1(111• ? Wllaon 2, HuflabO ~ 101111 11 7 10 41 ...... ., o-let• OcNll Vlaw 1 t 1 10 tt 41 Cal•IOtnle I It 8 14 4 t ro111 '°"'' OCivn v-•. Ca1<t01ni. 1e I Oliltd OUI Oat'l& (Ci11IOHlll) ldleon ~1.AIYeHlde Poly A lllVSlilllOa """y -Obato 6, H\1111 12 Hiit 6, 8ommai1 2, H ..... rlg 24, D<•kt 4 Totalt 26 1-4 1>3 •DllON -lKh~ono 2, Cele• 1, fr~ 13 Blllnet 17, Malnhatdt 2f. Oandron 8, r11a11t t rot••• 2• 11.21 M lcore tty 0-t•rt Al._.,llaa POiy 10 19 14 1-13 fdlton 13 12 20 2 t .. Totll IOIM AIV«alde Poly ti, EOlt0n 10 Fouled out NcMM. Tectlnk:al 10\lla· fll-llldt Potycoac11,4 llll OOftdltloM ........... c ........ Mo.I llll l'MOr11 raport Mlvy llnOW flit allhOuGll -do not have enough to Ol*I "°'-'DAY ... l. -12 tnohM ,_ enow on 29·30·1nch b&M. Five cnair llft• -•ting. INOW IUllllll'T -1-12 Inc'-,_ anow on 11-32 lnc:fl baM Cllair ltftt wtll 01*1 M nMOad MOW VAU.IY -12 ~,_snow on 24·31-lncfi b•M Cht lr Ifft• wlll opan 11 neadad OOI.~ -12 tncnn naw enow on 24-31-lnch baM Alt 11119 opan ............. JU• MOUNTAIN -II lndla naw anow on 40-lnch baH. Four doubt• chatra opar•tlno. MAMllOTH MOUNTAIN -11ncn dueling on IO·l11Ch baM. Two T-b11•. 13 ch•ll• •nd one gotcSota operating. KIAKWOOO -12-1oe.1nch b .... AH llft• Wlll opan wfllfl -ti• pe<mllt t•llRA UI llANCH -Two lnehee MW anow on 76-lnch baM. Sbc Hit• operating .. AVlNLY VALUY -Two lnchM MW snow Oii 4'0..Jnc:ll bUt. Tram, 4 trlpla, 5 double dlalr and 2 Mriace towa open llCI INCLINa -Trace naw 1now on 24-41Mncf1 baM. F~ llftl _.ting. IOIJAW VA.LUY -46-lnch baM, 64·1nch at hlgh9r atavatlonl S.-. dlalr hN1 open, tower atavalfonl bacailM ol llaavy windt. MT. lilOll·ILIOE MOUNTAIN -4M$-lnch b .... All ~111 open. •~ •ADOWI -Tree. or,,.... snow No btM depth 1eportad. Fo11r ch•lr 11111 CIC*'· Windy. IUQAlil 90WL -Traoe ol naw anow on 94·120-tnch b .... Tnrea 1111• operating. llOlllAI. -72·11tl·lnch b .... F011r Chair llNa open. TWO 11111 open II nlghl. HOMIWOOO IK1 AlilEA -42-711-lnch btM. Thr• ttl1t open. , llllllilA IUMMIT -42-lnch b"' All 11111 CIC*' locc:9f .. HtOtt ICMOOL •N Ceplatr-ValtaJ 1S, Wll'rell 1 Capistrano \/alley ecotlng. Ontlvero1 4, Nobla 3, Magy11 3, F<:kal 2. Sprlel I. T_..,., ec.a ........,_._...-.. Demien 0 HMltt ICHOOL ~ cor-dellilar1,"-... o Cor-del Mii acoMg. Noonan 1 laddhhcl• 1, "-.._. O S.OOlaback a(;O<tng -z-1 NHL CAMNaU. COWIMJICa Chic.go M111,_gt1 81 Loult oatrou T01on10 lfltwtlle ....... WI.. TCW•A .... 14 tO t 143 127 ,. 13 10 • 101 .. '° 11 11 o I 11 1UI 'e 12 II 3 lit 110 17 10 ,. • 124 121 2t ... ,..,..,...... 11 4 I 121 11 42 17 I 4 127 102 ,, 8 1t 3 100 120 21 II 17 6 711 t 18 1t I ti 5 110 120 16 WALH COWUINC• P .. tlOll~ NY lllllid41tl ti 11 6 I 17 102 37 Phllldalphle 1• to 4 IOI to 32 NY fl&ngtll 14 13 I 111 111 211 w1.ii1ng1on 10 II 7 '3 ti 27 Pllllbllrgh 8 14 5 ... 125 2;) ..,_-*MY I 1t 1 " 131 II ~·~ MonlrNI 17 I I 141 Ill 40 eo.1on 15 I I 121 91 3t O\leboc 1• 10 3 132 122 31 auneio 12 10 • 111 es 30 HertfOfd 7 17 3 91 136 17 ........., .. ._... Hartford 7, MonlrH l 4 Pllteburgh 4, eunato 2 O.t10ll 2, New YOik llllndarl 0 vancouv« 7, Toronto 3 Chicago 7, N-Yori! Aangara 2 TOflllM'10- Edmon1on at Klllee MontrMI at Botton wa-111ng1on.a1 New J«wy Ouabac •• PIMlaclalphla YlllCOl.I-at ~ta St loute at Calgary WednMdlr'• trenaactlon1 •-'••AU. Amartcanl ..... MINNESOTA TWINS -Nl/Tlld Pllll Aool ,,.,_ or Orlando or Iha Southlln LMQUa. Nelioftell. ..... NEW YORK METS -Nl/Tlld Bob Mandi lllracior ol Opet"atione; 8111 tannldatlo llcllal manager; Tlm Hlmllton P<omotion• dlrac1or; ana Jfm Ptummat promotion• admtn111rt101 IAUSTaAU ............................. PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS -ACQ\llrad Henll Mc:OoweH. forward, on walv«• from Iha Ootdan Sttte Warrlora P18C4HI Audit Norrll. cantat. on Iha lnJurao r-1111 FOOTaAU. NatloMI Foatllell L ... IMI LOS ANGELES RAIDERS -Signed Mika Ila~ Int, llnatlaellet. LOS ANGELES RAMS -Signed Eric WlHlams, ttnebllCker. NFL -Sut1)a ndtd Sun Bllnka, ttnabacktr, N-York .i.11. fOI one 11- wllhoul pay, and ltntcl loonMd ThOln~. wide racalver. Oalrolt Lton1, 11,000 101 oornmllllnQ flagrant paraonai 1ou11 ATLANfA f!AlCONS -51gna4 Kalth Kr11>fla. tight end. Plaa.c:t fluN M'1k•1, tight and, on Iha k!Jlj(ad r-lltl. ST. LOUIS CAROtNALS -Signed Wtynt sm1111. cornarbacll. WASHINGTON REDSKINS -Pieced f;erry B1001!1. dalenalve lackl•. on th• lnJured rHerva 1111. Signed Pat Ogrln. Unaman. oov P R 0 F E S S I 0 N A,L 0 0 L F E R S ASSOCIATION -Named Mark Klu lar P<Midenl. couaoa . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA -Named Frank Fetl<e running bG ooacll. DUKE -Namad Steve Stoe n hHd toolball coech. NORTHWEST MISSOURI STATE - Nemed Vernon ThomHn heed football COICh. WESTERN ILLINOIS -Named Bnic• Cracl6ocll "-<! lootbell coed\. Your participating Lincoln-Mercury Dealer con arrange low .10.75% financing through participating financial institutions for qualified retail buyers of any new 1982 Lincoln or Mercu~ Actual savings depend upon amount financed, duration of financing, and state low. Dealer participation may affect customer aawings. B 111111 LOCAL _;;--~~ .... ~ --,~ I ·'MERCURY' LINCOLN 1 _ ... _ ----. ()ff., good on cWwries ~the end of 1912. Umit one per customer. ' • I ' . I \ • Ca Oran Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, e>ecernt>« 8, 1882 IT'S NOT YIT TOO LATll: ONLY 21 DAVI LI" I ro Reluno All '8? tiJxes •nd Reeov•r 'IU 81 la..11 I I 11 4 1 6 I 10 l t ITC t ETC? Rtal fstate Re\rmh & Ofvl'IOpm11nl (qu1pm1'nl lrnink l Presented Dy DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER I FRANKLIN, INC. 269t Richter Ave . Ste 10?. Irvine Near Jamt>Otff/405 Our Stall ol At10111eys ano Accountants will bt dva11ao1e 9 AM · 10 PM S[VCN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW 714 841·3711 FOR SEMINAR "" .. " ,. '" .. ~ .. ,.. , .. ' It 's a Great American day to sta rt a year of beauty. ... .... ·~' ..., • FREE! accounts that offer the high earning power of the money market funds, but.add convenience, choice and security From the rich reds of the desert to the deep greens of a midwestern farm, the beauty of our country is captured in the Colorscapes Calendar we've created for 1983. It's available free at any of our 140 o ffices throughout California. (One per adult, please, while they last.) Come visit us soo n and be sure to ask about our new Great American Insured Moneymarket Accounts'"-the the funds never could deliver. When you come to see us, pick up your Colorsca pes Calendar and explore the wide sp ectrum of financial services we now offer-from tax sh elters to checking accounts to short-or long- term investment programs, as well as consumer and real estate loans. For the address of the Association office nearest ~~--, 1 ~1 ~I ,.__ -__ ] you, call The Financial Line, f FSIICI toll-free (800) 272-9000. --·---LI~~~·@ Great American rederal UNDH ANht<m H~ls · 55~ Slnt1 Alli Can100 Road .-. · 600 Ent 81tbol Blwd Hu..U.11111 ltk• · 9132 Ad1ms A•t lltllM ltadl • 260 Oct.-A•tnut 11•'9'1 INdl • 5 Cotpo111e Pim 0TJlll!t/Oli.e • 2535 N l111t1n Awt 8'111N ~ • 301 lhrHlt Awtnut C,,.,anM lludl • J.4206 Oolltny P1rk Ro1d [I TOIO • 13688 u loro ~d Lia-Hills • 2&301 P1seo dt V1lt"t•ll UIJIN lltt.-t • 30111 Cto .. n V1~e1 P1•b lly lllissioe V'iejo • 75331 C1bot ~d Sin a...t. · &00 Avtn1d1 PICO • 601 Noitll U Cam1110 ~ul Sae i.. c:.str.e · 32222 Cimino Cap.s111no ....,., .... • On &rr1nu 1t ll~t r04lnt1ill Ylllty · 10115 Sliter Awt c.1ie,•r '"•l"-'·•• ... •,.dr•4.I lllONrc• lay • J Monarch ~, Pim Pl.B.IC NOTICE Ptll.IC NOTICE NlllC NOTJC( SUPERIOR COURT Of' K ... 1t ll-411111 ll .... 11 CAUFOflNIA aUNllUOfll COUfn' Of' NOTIC9 TO CMDITCMta 0.-AMM COUNTY MUNIC•AL ·COUNTY Of' O"AMGE CAL#'ORNIA Of 11UU TRANIRR COURT-~ I the Malter of the AppllQtlon of COUNTY Of' OftANQI (a-. 1-.."7 U.C.C.) .IUDICIAL DISTNCT MU RAY MONAHAN CLUFF For 100 Cl'llc Ctr°' W•I Notice la hereby gh•en t o 4111 ............ en of Heme ... .. credltora ol th• wllllln rf1med ~.._.,CA - ON>«fl TO MIOW ...... AM. CA tr2'10I tran1leror 11111 • bVllt tranaf9t -f'lAl .. TIP:P:: f'ATTlll•ON CAUH P:O.-ARNA~ Of': 1bout to be m1de on per1on1t D I N T A l C 0 M ' A N Y , • CHANGE Of' NAME ,ITITIONI": autANNI ... P<oe>er1Y hefe!Nllet deectlOed _,., .... c-No. A11971 D. The -end bull!.-eddr... Dl,INDANT: DOUOLAI RRAY MONAHAN CLUFF 11.. ~NT: ICOTT T. MID. of th• Intended tr1n1teror 11: MUll,HY . D.D .t •••• DR • • petlltlon In llllS court for en •UMMON• ~AMLY LAW) C ARMEN GALE, 1525 Welt DOUOLA• .......,; DOii , ••• lllowlng petltlor• to Cflange c-No. 02197 MecAl1hur Blvd., Sult• 11. Colt• ........,., n1me from M URR A Y NOTICll YMI 1te¥e IMefl eued. Miu.CA. IUWOMI AH AN CLUFF Io MARK -' m., ......_ ..... J011 The locatlon In Cellfofnll of ttle C-Na. .... HA PY CLUFF. ,_ bell'I ...._ ..... chief •Keeullve office Of P<lndc>•I NOTICll Y• ............... . It Is hereby ordered lh•t 111 ou nMtNNMt wltllM • .,._ "9ed bu•lne11 olllc• of 111• lntend•d TIMI -1..., .............. rev per ons lntereeled In the metier lollhlnMaoft ....... tr"*9ror II: ~. ......... ,._ ...... ~ ..,... 11 · IPPM' before tlllt oourt 11 you Wllh to leek the 9dVICle of AU other bu1lne11 n1me1 end reu ,....-. ..... • _,.. ...,.. artment No. 3 II 700 Civic en 111orney In thlt melter. you eddr..-uMd by the Intended Ille"""'" alhn ...... . er Drive West, S •nll An•. dO eo promptly eo 11\el yOVT 1r-letor within lhl" .. ~· !Mt tt you wt.ti to leek the e6lllce of nla on C>Kember 29, 1882. It reeponM or ~Ing. II any. may be p11t 10 fer 11 known 10 the e n 1tlorney tn 11\11 m1tter. you o"cl!Kk a.m .. and tha n and nled on time. lmended tr.,..,_ -HONE. lhould do eo Pfoonplly eo thet yo11r snow ce uM. 11 1ny they hive, Av t t O I u 1 t • d II • a I a• TM ~ end ~ eddr-written rHponM. II 1ny. m1y be H id petition tor cll1nge ot de19111ded•. If trllttl11e l '""' of the Intended .,.,...,_ -TEO l1led on time. n should not be greni.d. ~-We U.. • 111o1•1ncte e COLLINS end BETTY COLLINS, AV I I 0 I U 1 I e d II• • t d • It further Ofdered thet • COC>Y of -..,. ~ ,...... ....,. 18334 Mt. Acllefman, Fount1ln de•••dNe. 11 lrllHt1'1al 111"4fe tlll order to lllO• c1 u11 b l de IO diet. Lee le........_ ....... v...,, CA 92708. ...., _..~Ila au•1 '* • pu lsned In Or1ng• Co111 01Uy ..... Tll1t the property perlln•f\I -.. ~ ................. Pll I .• news peper of o•nerel ~I Ullld dHH I OtlClllf el hefetO II delclr'lbed In ---11: ....... Lee .. """-•• I ... cir latlon, publlll\ed In 11111 county conH)O de un 1bog1do an Hll TOOL ANO DYE MACHINE, end II ...... 11 111 once I week lor tour 11unto, d ebe d • 111cerlo located 11 1525 Weet MaoArttlur. ~I Ulled dHll 1oltclt1r el tlve weellt prior to the dey lmmeclletemenlo. de ••• ~1. Unit 1e . Coet1 Mn•. CA. (Thia conMjO Cle .11n •bOOado en nte -hellflng. IU f81PUHll 1leg1cton , 11 Illy tnin9fer 11 fot Ille .... of eq1<pm111t 8 I Un t 0 . de 111 d I 111QerI0 ted Nov9mbe< 17. 1982 1tgun•, pued• "' regl1tred1 • onty ind not tor the Nie of the lmmedlet-t•. de Ille men.re. Frenk Oon1encifllol nempg. ~I. "' ,....._.. eec:r"•· ti hey ill9U"8. J~ of Ille Superior Court t . TO THE RESPONDENT: The The ~ -UMd by !tie puede -rllllltrede • tllmpo. bll1hed Orange Co11t Delly p1tlt101111 hll llled 1 petition Mid trenefer« 1t Mid locallon 11 1. TO THlr DEFENDANT: A clllll • Nov. 26. Dec:. 2, 9, 111, 1882 concerning your mllrlege. II you !foll SAM'S MACHINE e.«>P. compl1lnt 1111 been fli.d by tilt 5202~ to Ille 1 •MPo"M wttllln • dey1 of Tll•t utd bulk tr1n1ter It plelnllfl egelMt you, II you .,,,.... to -+----------=. the d1te 11111 11111 MHnmonl 11 ., ln1Mdecl to lie~ et lhe ~ ltli9 ~. you fl'IU9t, wltflln PlalC NOTICE l9fYed on you. )'Olllr d9teult rney be oMoe of The &ctow Group, Inc .. M deya 1tt•r 11111 1ummon1 la Ronald Jerome Br'euglllon 1t1tement -111ec1 with 11111 ty Clertt ol O<enge County on ber 22, tH2. Pmr74 bli1ll1d Orange Co11t 0111y • Nov. 25, oec:. 2, e. 1e411~, entered end the OOUf1 may enter • 11122 1 .. c11 lhtd., Sult• 110. -*on you, Ille Wlt'1 tllll court• tuctoment containing lnJunctlve Of Huntington a.:ti, CA t2t4I on °' .,,,,ltten •llC)Oflee to IM eomplalnt othef Ofder• QOl!Qetnlng dlvllion of .-°""*"'* 21. tin. U!""8 you do eo, yollt' d9tlUll wlll proper1y. apouHI auppor1. ctllld Tiiie bllfll ,,..,..., II IUbject to be entered on epplleetlon ot the cuatody. cllltd 1upport, abtOf~ Celltornl1 Uniform Cot11merct1t plelnllff, Ind tNI -1 may..,.., • '-· COlll end llJCfl °"* ,...., .. cocs. 8ectlOll •••• judgment IOlin9I you lor the ....... mey be 911ntec1 by !tie court-The The neme end 1ddrw of tlle de!T*lded In "" _,.....,,, wlllcll gernltllrnent ol •eeet. telling of perton w11t1 "'*" ol9lllll nwr lie could rHult In gernlalllftent of money or Pf°'*1Y• Of otllef court fifed 11 The laorow Group, tno.. ••t••· llhlng ot mofle'jj or or euOIOrlud prooeed)nge m1y llto 1fH2 BHcll 8~d, Suite 110, Pfoper1y0f °"*. rellef ~In r9Nt. H\lntlnalon a.di, CA .... Ind 11'11 ~. oeted Nowmber 29, 1992 tM 1Mi ~ tor 1111na o1911111 by _, l>Med: Apr11 22. 1812 Lee A Brendl, C.. crtdltor 111•11 be ~b., II, J, ~. CWtt H.,_ E. Boelld&, OIOllfY 1M2. wNot1 II Ille ~ dey D. MllMooef, DitJutY ......,_ It. K..-.., •1 ......_ llefore the co11111lftmellon dtte NlllM. OOMCN1 & llOUelO, A•ef'lve, a111te -. ...... """• ~ llbowe. 1 .. ¥ ...... ~1 ..... tll1, C...._...-, (714) 111....,... Det9d: Deotl'll~ 3. IHI. ....... CA twa. t:nl) _,.-_ Publl1lled Orenge Coeat 011ty Tfd L. a.. Publllfltd Or•no• C08at Deity PllOI. Dec:. t . 18, H . 30, 1N2 IMty a.. Pll01, Dec I , ti, 21, 30, 1H2 ________ ....;5;..;;;316-~-H ~ Tt•....... f;!H:!I Ml.IC lil)'f1C( P11llllllltd Ot'Mte COMI Oailr Ml.IC NOTICE -----------P!IOC, Dec. •• l4CJl.8I l'ICTITIOUe -·· ·-JC lllf\ftl'r NAm ITA~ ... -. "'"~ ~o:::wlng '*~" 11 doing NOTICI °" AIPUOATI09I M". T'S AUTO IALU AND M.~~. IE"VtCE, l30I W. W"'* Ave , ti-a.et leflt• Alla. CA tr104. To WllOtll It -Concem, THOMAS DIAN HURST, 41 C H AL I T I A y A A I AH Herl! ... w.,, INlnt, CA 12114. lllllTAUMNT, IHC II ~ to Tllll llutlntll 11 ooncllloted lllV Ill '"• 0•111rll11tflt or AICOllOllO lndMdUtl. Tl!omM 0 Hllfll ••• ., ... COll,,O, ror ... , .. OH TNt Mettment .,..· ..... wlltl Ille IALI HUI I WINI C'UI. IAT. Coullty ~ Of 0t1n11 ~ .., "-I 10 ... l600fMllc ._ ... at Dau TIMI t. 1"2 ,_,. =7~ ll¥d •Coatie Miia, CA f'11lllll1lltd Or.ange Coal! Ollly 'ulllltlled Orange Coe11 Oellr '*"· 0.0. t, 11, U . JO. 1-:..... ftlot, 0.0. t , 1N1 Nii.fl l'ICTmOUI -·· U..ITATDmMT Th• toflowtng peraon la doing Ill*"--~ OOLDIN CHAAtOT8, 177 F ..._...A-. Newport BMr;fl, Calltomie9*' T111odort f"rl1dm1n. tUI i.110el'ld i.otd. ,,.._port •••ell, Clillforflla t2teO Tiiie "'*'-le OCINllKttd ~ 111 ~ TlltOdelft 'rflcdlNn TNt ....,..,, ...... wllfl the County ()lftl of Ot ... County on H0\4MMr "· ,... ,_ P11lllll•tled Orenp COHt 011ty ...... Oto 1,1. ti, II. 1Ht ...... Mesa doctor nained to boards C.O.ta Mesa resident Dr. Rober' A. Peelor, has been named to the boards oL Western Medical Center, West.em Medical Center-Anaheim, West.em Medical-Bartlett Center . Irvine Community Hospital and Irvine Ambulator y Care Cente r. Peelor is one of three Western Medical Center medical staff members serving on the boardB. Rob)'D CbUd of Ne wport Beach has been promoted from account coordinator to account supervisor with Zuckerman Public Relations and Advertising of Tustin. Child's responsibiJjties wUI include intra-office management and supervision of all accounts. LeoDard BeDIOD of Fountain Va lley has completed 30 years of serV:ce with AirR~arch Manufacturing Co. of Torrance . .Benson is a lab development specialist with the firm, a division of the Garrett Corp. DaDice BruDo of San Cle mente has been named assistant cashier/operations offjcer with the Dana Niguel Banlc. The new bank, now in its final stages of construction, is scheduled to open Friday. It is located in downtown Dana Point at the corner ol Pacific Coast Highway and Golden Lantern. Monarch Properties, Inc., of Newport Beach, announces the promotion of StaD Scbulte from controller to chief financial officer . Schulte, a resident of Long Beach, will h a ve direct responsibility for cash management, banking relationships, and pension funds and will ~ist in Im lementlng the investment decisions for the . OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NE.W Y0.-1( (AP) ....... '--)'IV) 1r11.i Jtv. J9' I PMrMf NASOAQ ........... '-C·P 711'1 7~ '"'"'E."' JV. ,.,, ...... E"I -· 11$ hiellMt llldt rTle ,,,.. ,, ... '"'•'""' ............ ..... ,. ' "'-""'*''':;J ., "'» S-16 I"'"'" ,,...., ""' Peot>E.•p lftMll .. meltenet CIH 51¥. stV1 '"trntGs 11'-t 12 P9'•tt• 4 p.rn. Prl<• *' -1511• ""' ,,...., lnBWSfl .,,.,o"" P9'tltlon lntiudereteH"*'ilwP Tel I~ 30 iwe5oUI ,,.....~ !'Nie Net ....,. ...... ft ... (-Pep » :1311'1 erntb\I IS\lo 1• li"tef<eSS IHIGftlot Wed . di• 42l0 OlV. Jerlc.o ~---"""""" Moo BICI AJll CrosTre ,._, ""' vlJlttv ).16 .... PllllHI s AELIM ""' ,~ lltlrFd -.. .. Jollyn ' JIM ,, "":1',. AFAProl Jiiii Joi ~~~' 5 w. k elS)I Pl ''"" II ~' AVMCp s.. ~ 14 ..... ''"" k elver Pn,tGM A<ecli"' n"'n"" OeVtM IW. J0~1 IM• 1 a.1• Pr11$tey" ~~/. U\ltl~ De.• S-.0 S D-.32 l(eme" 2ll'" 2t1 ) Pf~(p " -t:t:!t I.Vi 1"'-ketySv ' J1V. Joi l'tlSvNC •Mvit.s 4h s i.-. llYI l(lmllell :t2\4 ?J ~..,, All8Sfl ,...,, " Dewey El """ 14 k l"91"1 '"' Ho 't.r:Jtr. AllCOllK ~,.,,. DleCrvs ~» l(IOofG ~ •·~ ,,.,.,.,, .. ,...., "' °'~" JIMoit JJh ~=v :~w· .. :r ... ~ AFWft av. ._ Do< IV ~11 ....... , AGr•t ~42"' OolltG" 11\/o ..... kullOe 17 11"1 ~o• ""' ,, l.efl<• s 1Hlo ""' "NdSv ~~~fnt ~V. m: IC" __ ...., LeMllff ~ ~ .._.., ~ S SV. 0..-0 ... Ill ...... co ~s.w .__ HM9 II 1'-' 1--= .... """ 11\li l.li"v' 2'11> al '-tile< ANcllt• '"' "" Vn< _,,, U"Br• s H Jif\to Sef•• ""'9$A I 4\IO 1~ E<onuo JO ~'" ,, 1711'1 5C"91Gd AneAGd ........ E.IPetEI ., 12 ' ........ 1. £" ... 1 ::tee JM :av. ~ .. S SVJ MGF 011 S-. S'l'I ..... Ml 22¥. U V. EleNIKI ,~,~ -GE ti 11'4 ..... A'*nGP 7"' 7"9 El-• 1JV• UV =•Pl M SeMOI' • lllrO.v 20 2014 '" 4lt J lvcMer AllGtl.I 1~ 141'1 Att .. R' »11'1 ~ E"rMel Merion 2...., "" Stotrnsl ' AWlletl ,....,.""' , 7·1', .. ,. -.11.P • >tit> "'""" 8800 .. \l'J t.Sll'I E""'" ,.,, >'-.UyPt "'' •• """'"'"' .... ~ . ~ E"twlsU 1411> ISi<. ~~,:: J~~~ trk•'h .. llyP "" '"' E~t . ,., k on11 e"' u"' 1> Ferft'IGp J~)7~ McFert ff\ t KelWtt It. 2"'1:2 ' Flctlcor llVJ 2llll '*t:l, 10 , S-EISv ,.., ~u ~::::1: ~" M< ~ 11 S.end\I" .. yltMk l~14\to " 11V. MldtllW 2l U • MclMkro e.eu .. ... '"' ~~:'~" .. 2'1 • -OC.p • '"' SN.-ees .... tPt II ~,. v. •11> ·~ Midi.... .,. SC-• lkoeil.11 AIV. 411/', F1~eu ""'JI'~ =~·: ·= m" == J:J\to ~JH, 1~ Miio ~r.. 1'V. Mlu'elG ,,_, 1•~ 81rdSeft 12-,, FIWocO ..... ,,~ _... '3 ..... E ~ ' F-10 11\ol ta·~ MOll!Col 11-11 r IS\IO I~ Fr.,,..if IS 16 =.r =2• ,... J 15-16 Fr-1711'1 ,, 8'WTllfl'I "" .-.. F,..SG """~ Monnin 11 11V. e ntire Monarch portfolio u well as related companies. NaDcy Fuen'u of Lake Forest haa been appointed manager of Gibralter S;lVings' Newport Beach branch . Prior to joining Gi.,ralter's staff, Fue ntes was assistant vice president/branch manager for Newport Balboa Savinp and Loan and San Diego Federal Savings and Loan. The State Board of Education has named Mlcbael L. Mu1bet of Huntington .Beach, 89istant division manager of data processing information services for Southern California F.ciiaon Co., to the Educational Technology Committee of the Callfomi.a Department of F.ducation. Garry A. Lapide1, Microdata Corp. of Irvine's director of security was recently elected chainnan of the Orange County Chapter of the American Society of Industrial Security for 1983. The ASIS ls an international organization of more than 30,000 security and loss prevention professionals. Orange County Chapter numbers 265 members. Distributed Logic Corp. of Garden Grove has appointed AD&boDy West of Anaheim to the post of applications engineer. West's primary responsibility will be to provide pre-sales technical assistance to customers, assuring they will purchase the correct equipment for their needs. The board of directors of Cushman Electronics, Inc., of Newport Beach, declares a dividend of three cents per common share. It ia payable Jan. 3, 1983 to shareholders of record Dec. 15, 1983 . ii ,, S.eriSt 21<. N IJh 14~ •-c• :MY, :tS\l'J UPS AND DOWNS , ..... "' SoollM11 Sl SlV. nv.n v. =El 7 "" • ••.i. sy •• 12 12V. 1\lo 114 T ME. DC ~ ~ S~)U'I ~=.: u ~ NE.W vo.-1( (API -r ... IOI-Int "" ,~ ltli) ~~ .,,..,,, .... °""' . ... . c-.. ":Z ,....., Tet""'P ,. n v. .... , _ _,_, -...... -.... 2S 2.J\.'J .. <.,.. 11Vo 1"' .... ----tlle ,,_, ,,._ -..... 1\lo T...-""'' \~ r::Uftl °' °*"" ,..., ... , ol -,, 11"4. ~!:~T. ~ "' Wed •• .,...., "~ '"" 1~ u::. '='=':::.."I'.:~.:.:-::~ 41'11> 03 TOWOC• s ... ~ 4"' 4'111 TWtlE:• ~ 4111 dlfl•9"C.e ..._ Ille previous clo\lno ,,~ 141,9 ftlCDN 11 aVI bid P<I<• -tCIUy's 1e11 Old prke. Z2 t2~ T,_Fd ~ 2314 ,...., ,, UMlkOll 19'hJtVI ,"" ""' ~u: "" s ,.,., ,._. ... JOY; Ull'S JO'I> 11 US Tt<il. I~ 1W. 41~ 4114 ...... ... ,, .'"\. Pct. UVee.11 _ .... SJt;, S7~ ~:~ ... ~ s ... , 1 ...... ,"'" 1 Up u.s 11 11\lt 14\lo IS 1 T...Vlt )~ . '"' Up 42.t 11\IO 11" V•I" ~-J NOl'pec 4\to + I Up •• )11'1 4\lo VMNICI JO\, 1Dft 4 "mwt n. • "' Up v .. u.,_s...,. V•O..• -""" s IRE " 1-. . 11'1 ~ 23.S _,.,, ve1c .. ,. 11V. • Hel .... "" '"' . ,..., 22 J ..,.. U'• VldreSI ""' Pl 7 El*IO ~ . '"' Up 11.4 1111ot 2211) ~=r=l ~ S4' a •"9nr!YM1 4\to • "' Up 21.• ~M'll ,,,,. ~ • ASl;re ,, ... • "' Up 1U ~'3 WenlEI ·=" 10 '"'"' St;, • h Up , ... ,.._ 27 WllllM I 14 11 .-ldlcll ~ + l \4 Up , ... 12 c.tillel" t)llJ . , Up 17.4 4111'1 4 == 41'-4N U'~ U llo ..... O'A ,, ~= ~ • I Up 17.4 :itw • .,, -c 14\11 14'\-14 llt\ . ,. ... Up 17.0 n n1-i :r~. ,.,...,,_ IS c""'"" , . , Up , .. , 1~ ISi!< ~""" ,. Oi.nkt ,.,, . .... Up "1 11111o IJh WofvAl11 J\j, ... 17 Mdl'ltAlr 714 . , Up 16.0 ·~ l0"1 -,, ... 1JV'. ,. AC~ ~ • Ill Up IS.A )4 ~ .......... :Miio ~ " Hor'"' 1'-. "' Up IS.A ,, ltV. Wr~fW 14\'t 14\4 10 Ettn II~ • 111\ Up ,._. 1w1 n Z:loftt ,,,,., a JI C-wtn 1 ... • 2\<to Up 14..A .. ,,,.,., " .... NM ••keCll• 22 le!Cpe 1 . "' Up 14.l n Helillllwl • • 1 Up 14.1 M AclllS~ 11111 • 114 Up 1U 25 illfrm "" .... . , Up 1U ...... DOWNI l...nt Pct. _o:i, ="--,.,_ ,, ,,,.....,"' IO I~ _,,.,. It~ 12 NASDAQ SUMMARY I :=:-)11'1 Off JO_o ... ..... ""' FlllirH8 ~2.• ......... 11 21 2 21'1 _, Off .... '.'1: s "'" "" EA"'"' • •V. ~ »ll>l1 J 1.-,. • -,,.. Off JU ~ n M Jiii f:rfJ ,_ ~ • ,,...,,gr 2 Ill Off N • HlAi u • NEW vo.-k IAPI ---•" ... -· -... 19\lo .... 17 ,,,,, ...... u l1li . 1 .. <0lll'll• 9'e<lts -=led •Y NASO. s ..... wt 2 -"' Off ... WtS• "4'fl Al ..... =£" 1•11'1 u NYAlrt ,.. l • ,_.., ,,... -"" Off "·' .... ~. llllS< ,...., ,._ Nk il.OG •V. T.::.:..n: . ~.= ~At= ~ 7 Air Fi. ,,.. -•16 ()If 1'-• " I lt-1' 2 &:.""""' n 11 .. leiM> A 111;, 11 MCI ~... . 176,7'0 44~ .. v. ..... • irwlll "" ~ _,_ Off IU t ~II "''' IOV. 11 Nlellf' 8 .... V. """"' . . •n.• ~ "" • "' • INl"wt , -Oii 1U Ir 111'1 ,._. GYHdl'" .._ 1•. ~ U\4 »"" FtEllK • Wl,lillD 171'> 17"' + 111 "' A-.. J -"' ()If 14.) P n u -4\1'1 4'-t s , ...... ,~ ~ .. 50~-UV. Jl\lt -"' II ....... 411'1 -"' ()If 14.J Id " ... 12\t HMllPI ~ ~ NwtNGt 11-. 11-. Aw"tell . _ 4",lllO 2.-14\11 --IJ ~ ·~ -~ Off IJ.4 .. ,v :tS'h •ll'I __ .. 1\$ '"' -··'"' 17 111 .. ~~.,.I~.~.. m·: ~ ~ = ~ 13 °""'"° )\It -11'1 Off IJ.J rns """..,. ..,..__ 11\.'J m .. ....... ~ 14 SAi.Qt .-. -I ()If 12.t rtH ZM Viii ~.: ""'~ v NIKrP \to S.1 AlrFle . ~lij, 1 ... 2 IS.16 -16 IS ... _lb • -... Off 12.7 '""'I""' ' JDVo-.. e-• n mi. Te-s.. 1S ,'Oii Miio itll'I -\lo " .... iert'ft 2-.0 --Off tu I 11-IU IS-1' 1otc:ir, ' 1SI'> ""' Iv M 4t 4tll'I 11 =":t JI'> -ll'I Off n.s ~ ..... ,. 1711'1 ~ •lh 47 • -0 Advenc.i .., ,. 1-. --Oii IU tUll 11\fo lt\I> JV. ,,,, F•r•O ..... , O.CllNCI ............ .. " ~r.::.o WI "" -1\fo Off II.I = '"" JClo1' ......... 11\lt ··~ TP' 1111'1 21 Urtel\all9IO ....... ······· t,UI • 1~ ~ Off 11.7 .-. .,_ -I•"• ~ ..... I"' ..... ··········· .... 21 ~=.:. , ... --Off 11.s ~· 11'-""' IMS lfot U\;o ta\<o ,._.. ., ."' Tetet l-··············. U17 ........... 1SS 22 22\lo -1 ... Off 11.4 ....... " tSC , .... 18!.. Pc Ge.-II ................ n • ... o 2 \II Off II.I CltIUIB ~··~ lllf .. ll'ld ~ "• ,...,leyP ~ Hew-•..•......... .. v To1e1 sai.s .. ...... ·----... . "·"o,• M '"""" 4 "" Ott 11.t ts "et>lbc' 1 -v. Ott 11.t MUTUAL FUND .. ..... I OUTLOOK ~83 The Orange Coast 11 a prime flnanclal center marked by aolld growth and a healthy economy. - The December edition of Current magazine Wiii feature Outlook '83 -1n exemlnatlon of the tlmety lllUM I" bullneH -addr...,ng IUCtt topic• u ... • Contributions and progrete made by Orange Coast bu1ln.., In 1982. • Economic trend• to expec1 In 1983 -wtth a focu1 on local employment, real ntate, conatructloil, ,..all and nnance. • Local forecl1t1 and projection• from key bullneet flgurea. • An OY9r'Vlew of lndUttry Jn each of the Orange Cout ctti... Orane-Ooul DAILY PllOTIThuraday, o.c:.mt>« 0, 1082 P A form • new unit CRAPEVINE, Tt-ua (AP) Pacific Southweal AJrllm'I wJIJ tr.Y LO fonn • n •w Texu·bued dMalon uain1 BtanJ(( lnwnu.Uonal jrtllnen, t>qulptnenl and tennlnala, '• Braniff offldalAI aakl. The ptopotal 1lde1tep1 lhfl controcl problem• that ecuttl~ an earlier pro~ JOlnt operating •1rttment. --------------------,~------------------, N€W YORK CAI") OK I W••~• ""'' • oo , ... y "' •• ~· ·~ ,., • HEW YORK IAP) OK. I METALS ,_" -212 .. , • ' l"rev ~r, •• m "" -' Pr.., .. ,,. .. "' •• m ' NEW YORK (AP) -Sc>oc nonlerrou• met .. prloel today: • Ce~~' 711\-75 cent• • pouno. US. deelinellOM. Leed 20~-2S C«tt• • pound. ZIM 38-.0 _,.. • pound, ci.1,...-ed, T1ill N .1341 Metel• Weell oompo•ll• lb. ..........._ 78 cent•• pouncr,N.Y. ...,_, 13e5.00 per ftMk, l'leff•""" S372.00-S371l.OO troy ounce, N.Y. SILVER H•ndy •nd Harmen, S 10.35 per lroy ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS UPS AND DOWNS H EW YOllllC (Al") TIW ... _1111 Iii! .,_, ,,_ -York ~-IEJ<..._ ••octu Md _...,,.. 111e1 11e,,. ...,. .,. .... -end ................... Oft r.:<~ .. "*'9t ,...,ell .. , Of ... ..,... i.::. ~"'1= ;=.:~r:,.~ dtfl .. _ ---....... _ (~ ptte. Md w.d. Dftc.. -UPI LA~~'°> •~II , ..... 11'4. I .. ... • \Ir II I V. d .... ''-• I .... . .... ...... 2 1114 • i\lo '"" . .. , .. + v. 13v. • 1v. loll'. • '"' II 1'- :n'h '"" """ I .. ,. ... , .. '\\ . "" ""' • JV. I~ .... IP. • '-1' • Ill) 19\i. • l'h 1111> • ,.._ DOWNS Pct. Up 1'.I Up 1U Up IU Up ..12.9 Up~ Up 12.1 Up 11.t Up II.• Up H.2 Up 10.6 Up IOA Up IO.S Up 10.4 Up 10.t Up '·' Up t.2 Up t.I Up t.1 Up U Up ,,O Up Lt Up U Up U Up LS Up L4 u" c~ P<•. llYI -ll\ OH l •.0 1"--3\11 OH IU •'°' -S~ OH ISA 10\/. -I It< OH lo.t 7•lll. -t\\ OH 10.• 21 -21-Off 10.2 I~ -I"' Off '"' 7\\ -"" Off t.S ~ -ft.\ ()lf'--t:;r---.---- SYMBOLS O·H ... ytarty low, u•N ... ye1rty l'llQh Unltl& 01-•M not.a ...... j)f OIYIOtnO• ire annu•I dltburMmentt t>IMO on lh41 i.11 qua rterly or aeml·•nn11 •I d•ctuallon s~· .. ot .,,,,. dtvtdenot or peymenll nol deslg'lll.0 •• regullr art io.nclfleO In th41 IOllOW1t19 lootnotff •·Alto ••tr• or al!tr .. !>-Annual rate ptua 11ock dovtdancl c•Llquldalln; dtvldend Oeclattd ot paid on prtctdlflQ 12 montM 1oo.c1...o ot paid 1fter 11oca OlllldorlG or IOI!• UP j-Peld tnia yMI. dt\lldencl omllled def .. rao °' no actton tollen e1 1 .. t dlYtdend 1mwt"'Q. k·Oec:loteel ot l)eld 1111e ~. en llCCUm\llelivt ...... ..,,,, CIMOandl in·-· , ... -1'h Off tA U -2'-Off LI fV. -.. Off LI JOV. -'"" Off 1.0 11\o'I -I Off 1.0 ,..,. \.'I Off 7 •• 17"1.t -llll. Off 7,l l\lo -"' Off 7.1 '"" -14 Off 1.1 U \4 -t\lt Off 7.0 ,,.,,, -'" Off u !O~ -, .. ()If 6.7 31YI -l V. 'Oii 6.7 ,,.,., -t \IJ Off u 7\lo -.... Off '·' ,..,,. -2~ Off 6.) n-New 1•-r·O.Clar.a or pAICI In Prteedtt>Q 12 month• 1)1111 llock dividend t·Plld '" ~=".~:~~t.~m:·::~:~:~= date •·E•·dlYldenclt °' •ll·rlQhlt y.b0dlll\Clend and ,_ In M l t•S-. In Ml Cld·Calltd '*°·~ dl9'flbvted wt.W'-1 •H llt d ww-WttPI warr•nll aw-Wlllloul watrtnl1 •dta-Ea-dttlrtDuuon PE r1100 Tl'te price Of • 1100 u • ll'lllRll)lt OI 09'•11\ate -"4f!99"0WIV90 0y dMdlnQ ,,.. 111 .. 1 11-montr. M•n•ne• ll;w• 111101 .. 1 .... P<tee You can't afford to mlU this opportunity to communlc:Me youl' out1tandlng beneftt1 to over 98.000 adult reader• -re1ldents Yltelly concerned about the unc.rtalnti.. and progreee of their coa1tal region. Outlook '83 11 a fMture aure to be aaved for future referenQe by employeee, cu1tomer1 and bu11,,.._ lnt ... ted In IMdlng area lndU\try. To .... rve ~' advertlelng epece today, contact Deity Piiot eicMtt'91ng It Ma--t331. 1· I . • ) Cit Oranoe Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thur•day, Oectmbtr 8, 1882 by Charin M. Schulz --------BIGGEORGt; by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) PE4Nl'TI THE t ':\'91Ll' Cl RCl'M TMIS 15 M'/ LIFE •• RtPIN6 0,. TME SACK OF MOM'S BICYCLE 6000 6~1EF!LOOK OUT FOR TME TRUCK ! LOOK OUT Fatt TME CAR ! .. " II II TREE! ,, /I " ,, ROCK ! s Ave o 8V TME DITTO MARKS.. i 1 _ Jl..\RJIADl'KE by Brad Anderson " I I I l I , I I I I ' I ' "' t I "Marmaduke was a big success in sehool! He ate all the stuff the kids didn't want from their lunches!" 6:\Rt'lt:LD r Tt: M BLE• EEDS • ttL ~ PIE! SHAl.I.; [ WE ~l?.SUM!: OOR Q COUR'fSHIP? l~-9 "Dldn't you l11ve any for me?" Hank Ketchum by Harold Le Ooux llM'S ~ lUPtNEO OVTTO eE f\USHLANO ... ANO HE ~S SENT' lO PRl90N ! HE .-CFVSED lO-TELL WHAT HAPPENED TO THE' t 260.000 TA~EN IN THE' HEl&T! !-./" by Jim Davis SHOE WE USED TO HAVE A BARE SPOT ON OUR WALL--- \ •1 I l • I MV N£WSPAP!F\( VOU CNlWIO UP MV N!WS_,A,,IR! IT'S iMINGS LIKE TMIS TMAT MAKE ME WONOER IF VOO SMOOLP MING IN 1'~E PAPER AT ALL f'l:NKl' "INKERBEJ\N R090 Parade Itinerary 3:30 am-Arrive at school to load buses and depart. '" I( I. DREAM IN~ OF M~. RIGHT. .. ? l ,...~CROSS 56 Wonder WEDNESDAY'S • , 1 Recotd 59 Plentoh11 PUmE SOL YED ' ".~ FestiVfl 62 Dog or cat • • /1 ~ SubseQuently 6-4 A Barrymore · .t 114 Ar awn gull 65 Nurse Caveft .16 Periods 67 Lathe. e g 1 .f.fi Foresl 2 worda , , I g(>ddess 70 Ttcket .111 An111 71 Actor , t9 Charged Skinner n partlcte 72 Sole i fO .. Nothing 73 Dakotas 1111 Ulla -_.. Indian ""Army unlt 7• Style ~> Abbf 75 Enthu11asm ~3 A Muwell DOWN 2• Es1eems 1 Up - - H24 Garment 2 Ammonia Oo<lgtd compound :U.Color 3-Tallung 22 Peal! 48 Waler body 351-Wett • Hard surface 25 Emend 48 WorM J 1 Arachntds 5 Prf9&re 26 Arra.ngement 5 t Shred 1 j!j Channel 8 "To be" paf1 28 Gloomy -53 Tell all ·-ltOtKOtd 7 En11ch 30 Forbid 55 Magazine • 'goddtt• 8 Hokling 32 Gtolon. lor 57 Gyra narnt n 1n11ruments 9 Olctatioma one 2 worda 58 Actress Tttry .H!orw111'*1 C!IY 33 Row 59 R.malndtt 45 Hues 10 Mvalc. etc 34 Chow eo VntfnPIOyed by F~rd & Tom Johnson er... ,ABouT ~BE:RT REDF~D-· I WoNDER How HE'I> l.OOk IN AN~ #f?_oN .{5 ... II ., WMened 2 word• 35 81111r e 1 Order •9 ,OOI t I Plant Itta 38 WtltflHI e3 In -: WllOlly '-""-"-"-"-1~Mott i.t!M 12Sttll'I ~ 38 Ortgon City &e !Mfd ~ monty 13 ''°' l'fl'lt 4 I DegOtr &e Vlclory l6llfA *""1 II Wtwr 43 K#td °' .,..., .. Colftp. pt BRABBLE •.SMOCK· " II I/ II FENCE! II I' D06! GREAT IDEA·· WHAT'5 THE PAINTING CALLED? _,, ~~I "' by J~ff MacNelly by Tom Batiuk A word to the wiSe: the restrooms in the school will be open. It's a long way to ,.._, ~ S'. • ' vcu...L.J. orrua . ~ '-01" A U>I 9'tOR£ £~RC.\Sf. oM ~\!» ou> ....__ _____ J06. by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ) ..,.,.. Arrs & Crafts ·arisfma5 Catl0r~3!J by Janine Card• Invitation• . C«11flcat• ,. Call an1wer ad 1579, &42-4300, 24 hrs. H & H Fl«al & Craft ~up­ ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gard· en Grove, Anaheim AS THING ARE • Flower arrangtmenta, Siik Pienta & TreH. Hand crafted gift•. 1590 s. Cat Hwy, Urig Bch. 41M-1204 _.. .. Boutique · PlTW-.S .............. Chrlatmu Item• -,()-flu your Holld•y• with Chflltma Cr-Come Vlalt Ua. 4242 Campua Drive. Sit E-3 Newport Beech ~11-9550 Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 9:30-3:30 .I Oran e Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlda , December 9, 1982 " '/'Ile n1arketplace cm tfw Orange Coast ... 642-5678 r Among people lookit1g /or a rcutul. 70' read real e~tott1 clas:n/wd oda . ..,.,.. Gifrs for Him Gourmt!r Gifts Small & Laroe Occulon1 •-------• SoecNll Sporta Toural LA C0tdon Bleu Graduate Jon Broekrnan Pi.no Co. ~ Va LA Rama OR Catering Speclllltlet 997 Gi.nn.yre ROH Bowl OR Super ___ 8'_6-0_13_9 ___ 1 LeQUM e..ch 4974490 Bowl ... Spece. Nmltld. Special Holiday RatMI New Microwave (~). Celt ~~jC COAST -Catering •Waltr..... $189 ... Celling Fent w / BOX OFFICE Waltert • Bartendlng 11 t e I , N t w , S 1 9 . 540-3M9 53e4&28 &42·5937 1-855-f209 ---------111 ft Heron 8.tlboat. All Polltt & well groomed prof. bartendtr/ .. rvtr 1va11. tor Holidaya. pw- tlle. Flatt tor Ch<lstmu wood, hand medt, and H I'd DICK MILLER MOTORS blautlf\.11. 95% complete 0 I a}' Steve 84S-1426 EXP'D BARTENDER No Job too small. Lie. ARNIE 9&8-f666 aft 6 Ricco'• orea11ve catering. Wt do It tll, or Juat ~e & cleanup. 548--0821 .. Santa Ana 557-2132 ~$~99!5~·_!644-~5~7~89!_ ___ ~------- MloQ._Cw F1nlah Gift C«1lflcatta & Holiday Speelala. Call 754·8404 011• IYEllll 0111111111 IALI $69 ov.r Invoice on aul•-------- LEE'S FLOWERS • SM ut tor your Christ- mu Bouquets. 891-26" FLOWERS BY MORAi 449 E. 17th Street, Cotta M .... 645·8144 new: MICROWAVE: New Sharp _ .. '92 Audi'• CarouHI, probe. $229. '82 Rabbit Sedana_ Or choota from Amana,. '92 ScirOCICOI Litton, Meglo Chef, Tap-:{=~~:; pan,o ·=r.:111. Miscellaneous Sealanta, or Factory r• bat•. If any. 445 E. Cst Hwy N.B. TIUT ... .._Y" Ofter ~~4192 Body wrap1-faclal kits ---------1 gift pack9gt1 844-5299 Rent: 28' motor home, Holiday Rent-A.Car Low u $39.95/weekend Robins Ford IM2--0010 HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CRUISES, $10 833-5806 760-2579 11pe 9, tu11y io.ded. MS-M16 ~-!~ 110 !.~.117 Cott• Meea, &4&-3141 Engrtwcl glfta IUt f0te- vtr. Tankard•, gobltta, baby eup1, picture tramea, key rlnga, ate. Your Complelt 8611 Heed quwtera ·Salte, Ren1111, LUTll .... , Clothlng, Ski Ramp, CHRISTMAS NEWPORT SKI CO., TREES 2700 W. Cout Hwy, Wl\EATHS 631-3280 2038 Newport 8IVd St°"I CMatmu Shopl Ml-H41 ~-~~ ~ Speclaillatt "' Holiday Ml 11111 I ' .. MUllc: on the Move~ Gel In _•_tc_. _____ _ fMturtng exduel¥e 811 c0tatlon1. Copperflel ~, zard .icis & famo4JS actJ.. Flowers. 1938 So. 11 vewear. Reglater for pr-Hwy. L.B. 494-1173 Delllleted by Santa, °' Kl the Groove with Mu1lc Kl the Clown. Only f()( all Occ. 731-9194 ::~u~~dl~= AL TEC STUDIO SPEAK• for hotpltal vtalt. Dttalla: ERS (2), wtlnut wood 543-8511 flnllh. $250 ta. 551-3201 UIY IUll NII Good eond. Mu1t sell. Aalclng $1300. Call evea. . 714-M&-2789 Pan r Goods WHIRLIGIG 90 1 W. Baker, Coate Mete 979-f570 lze d rawing Dec. t 5: Sell things last with D 1ly wlndturfer, boota, vaca-Piiot Want Ads. tlons, morel 842·5e30. Pere: & .SLlpplies 1111 Wnteffff lrttt W11tcNft Plaza, N.B. ~-~-"'-i ee e e e e ee e e e et WINDSURFING SALE a ~Gi;,~t Mlatral $950. HIFty $750. • ~ UPSport1(714)63 1-4109 -of Life! ••••••••••••• •Pl.,.,. w.a a1n• Roler Skate. !~ -;:=.. IALE tS30 = lllYd CM '8·I0'4 ••••••••••••• "' I AKC Beagle PUpplu All •k•IH In •lock. Incl $168. Rledel & Suregripl AKC Gldn Retrlevera lct11frt1t $229. WlilHIWt rlll Lhuo Apuo $250. UClll -.TJ.1111' ___ 846-0090 ____ • --••••••••••••• UN IQUE ~ANOCRAFTED TOYS & GIFTS Reuonablt. 675-7489 Stertlng e New Bueine .. Actcotell111 t e ....... ......_o ............ c:.-1 11100 to t7tltl at ,.,_ . ...,. 1111Clor • ........ • ........ 0 •••o-wlttl lllO e-, a.. .... ...... It ........ _. 1011 1•11•0• •• ................... u oe 111 wll lcll 111 WOlllOM le.__. Tllo etoto•o•t I t~lllfod 11¥ low MCI I _ . ..., .. ro11t •11oltt0H 1101110 Mo•I •011111 tO~lllt ...-of ........ -----·· Tllo DAILY "L0l ,, ............ 0,.. puMcotlell -*'"·We .......... -~ ,.,.... • ... -'"'°'" dallr 1orwlce to Ill Bartandlng for Hollday Parties. Pvt rHldente Make It a Contlnent•I only. TeU us hoW many Chrlatrriu ... A gift for you expect. we wlll do the whole famlty. the rMt. Shop, mix, --JOHNSON & SON Gag gift• for office/ frltnd1. Wonderland of Fun HO w. UUh, CM &46-9023 For Ad Action CaH a Da~y Pilot AD· VISOR 642-5678 Ot e 11 1e Co1111~ c:.11n...._. lltllof et "' 0110 o t 011 F011wel'lloM oftlco• o 11110110 tllo LEQA OJllAR~ IQ.4UI l•t. aai tor "'" ...... .............. ve, clHn-up, all tor 1 l..lncOln/~c S..0-5e30 Gifts for Him .... ,uu =·~ _r_ ... _._,.._._n_0-_9_93_3 __ Scandia Down Shope. LOVE AT FIRST BITE Comfor1ers etc. 275e E. ... 7132 Edlnoeir C.t Hwy Cdm. 1590 S. Santa Ana. IM2-4911 C.t Hwy LB Min'• stalnlMI Dttejutt. $550.Jinl. $31-5115 The IHtaat draw In the West ... a Dally Piiot Olasslfled Ad 642-5679. Minert', Wetd & Elllt l•JJlflQINI Pla.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9U-H NAME ITATDmNT T~ following P1110n• oro doing l>utlneN N " TOTAL DESIGN SERVICES. 215 6111 Slreet, N-POfl Beach, CeJ1torn1a 92683 Jellrey Giibert HolmH. 215 6111 Stteel. Newport Boach. Celllornla 92863 J-Rot>e<t Campbell, 13861 Ida Woy, westmlnator. Celllornlo 92683 This t>ullneu la conouctad by • generol pertnersnlp Jetrrey G Holmes This 1t1tement wu Ille<! with tho County Cler1< ol Orange County on Pla.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI _, ..... NAME ITATUIPfT The lollowlno p111on Is doing t>ullness u PETE'S MOBIL, 300 I 8rls1ot, Ccelo M .... Cal1lornio 9?626 Mal•k·l·Am1tghehoro. 18195 Moy Apple, lrvtne. C1Hlomla 92714 Tiiie l>ulineu ts conducled by on lndlllldual Melott·l-Amlt9llaharl Tiiis ll•t-• wos flied with Ille County Cl«tl ol Orange County on "lovembtr 29, 1962 F20a094 Publlahed Orange Coast OallJ PllOI. 0ec 2. 9, 16, 23, 11182 5265-82 Ftn \lty. "2-1922 I l'tB.IC NOTICE rta.IC NOTICE PlB.IC NOTICE MOnca TO CONTMCTOM ..one. TO COWT'RACTOM °"'9CI Ofl THI K-tz711 1 MN-Al 1tt cA&.Uea '°"..,. c~ "°"..,. ... ..,,-cORoNut NOT h NOTICE OF DEATH OF SCHOOL DISTRICT: Huntlnoton set400L DtSTRICT: Huntington COUNTY Of' ORANU ICE OF DEATH ~F 0 EE 8eect1 City 8dlool 011trtct 8eectl City 8dlOOI DllCTtct. NOT'lc. Of' aAU UNDIJt ff 0 N T E L L E J.. • NNORREENN HAOL8l0STLLEIRS,T aka 810 OEACUNE; 2:00 o'dock pm. BID DEADLINE; 2:00 o'dock p.m. OfCltft Of' POMCU>eUM l SEN HART AND 0 F . E~ of Ille 200I ~of D..mo.r 19'2 of tfle 218' day of December, 1M2. ....,.,,.. .,. • ~ ·---" p LA INTI FF cu L v EA DALE E T I T I 0 N 1 0 aka N. HOLISTER AND or· PLACE OF BID AECEIPT; about to b• mad• on peraonal COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. etc DMINISTER F.STA'""'t· PETITION TO ADMJN Adml"+•tntlon Office 20451 PLACE OF BIQ RE CEIPT: property IW91nefter dtecribtcl. v1 DEFENDANT· JOSEPH H. """I Is TE R EST AT E N 0 Crllmw i.-Huntlnaton 8tadl Admlnl1trat1on Ottlct, 20451 The MIMI and bl*'-add,_ CAMPBELL. etol No. 378251 ·I !IHI. · A 11••01 • PROJECT. IDEN,IFICATION Cralm« "-• Hl.wltlnaton 8eadl. of ... '"-'did llaneMrore ••:JAY I, Ille ~ned. &ad GOIN. To all heirs. beneficiar • • ... • . NAME: Dteadu Flrecheclt. PROJECT IDEN,IFICATI ON D. and SAMARA BUCHANAN, dba Stletiff-Corooer. County OI Orange, red1tors and continu~t To aU heirs, beneflc1ar1es, Huntington BHch City School NAME: ~tlon of ~. 8 AR 8 AR A 8 UCHA NAN & State or Colllornla, do herobf Qer11ty d · f C h II L c redito rs and contingent Ollttlc:t. HunUngton B••otl City School ASSOCIATU.2020 Quall, Newport that by vlttu• or Decree or re •tors 0 onte creditors of Noreen Hohster PLACE PLANS ARE ON FILE: Olltrlet. BMcli. CA t2MO. Forecloauro and Sole In 1h1 nhart and pel'10N , ~o d Maintenance Ooptlnment, no 17th PLACE PLANS ARE ON FILE: Thi locetlon In Collfor"'8 of the Supe1lor Courl ol tho CCH.tnly or ' y be otherwise inte~ an persons who may b e StrHt Huntington &Heh CA Ooptlnment 770-17th tJtecutlve offloe or prlnc:lt>aJ Or•.[!1141. Stoto or Coltrornla, tnltrad n the will and/or est.at.et otherwise interested In the 92e48.' ' trtet, Hunllngton Beach, CA bu1ln"' office of the lntondtd on ottobtr 12, 1982, and recotded A petition has been ~i will and/or estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thllt tr-*OB la the SAME. October 12, 1982, In Ill• obove Pla.IC NOTIC( A petition has been riled theabove-nemedSc:hoolOlotrlct of NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01\/EN 11\tt All other bualneH namH and e nt lllod act1on,·whereln, Y Kirwin L. Eisenhart In F20Z754 ....,..... ___ .,,..... ________ b W 111 R Ch Orange COUnty, Calltomla, ectlng ~School Olttr1c1 of addr-• uMd by the Intended ClJJ.VERDALE COMM UNITY h e S upe rior Court <lf Publlahed Orange Co11t Dally tTATIMENT Of' UAM:>ONMENT Y I a m · ris tlan in by and tlltough It• Oovernl,,g anoe County, Cellfomla, eottng tranlferOB within three yewa lat ASSOCIATION, • Callloml• Non· range County reque!{ti,ng Novemw 22. 1982 Pllot.Nov.25.0ec.2.9, 18, 1982 OFUUOI' th e S uperior Court o( Board, hereinafter referred to u y and through II• Governing pHt 10 far 11 koown to the Ptollt Corporation. tht abovo hat KJrwln L . Eisenhailt , _________ 5_1_45_·_82 FICTITIOUS 9USINESS NAME Orange County requesting "DISTRICT," 'Wiii reoelVt up to, bu1 , herttnafter reMrred to u Intended transfer--NONE. named plalnllff, obtained a The following peraon hu that William R . Christian be nol later then the above-11tted 'DISTRICT",• rtoalw up to, but The namet and~ llddr-JudOment end deer" or torecloeuro ppol n te d as per s al Pl&.IC NOTICE abandoned Ille UM or tile flelltloua appoi nted as person a 1 time. 8Mled bide tw the-d of a ot later than the abo11e-atated ot lh• Intended tranaltrMI are: a nd ule •g•I"'' JOSEPH H. epresentalive to a · FICTITIOUS aua.... t>ullnesa nemo· contract for the aboW projtc1, ....... bide'°' the -d of. GEORGE LOWE J R.-LOWE CAM P8 ELL end s u E A~ N ht' estate of Chon tell NAMEITAT£MENT 80NOAVIASSOCIATES, 18430 representative to administer IMdutwlll btreotlwdlnthe~ '°'~:WJojlct. INDUSTRIES. INC. db• LOWE & CAMPBELL. delondanll, ror tho Isenhart. I rvine. c The ro11owln9 per1on 11 dolnn Brookhurst Street. Su Ito 204, the estate of Noreen Hollster ldentllled above, and •h•ll bt Bide llNll be In ttle ~ ASSOCIATES, "9 8. State~ aum or elghl ~ndrad Mvenly·tl• d l t>uslne11 u • Fountain Valley. C•klornlo 92709 tunder the l nde pendent opened and publldy ,_, olouO at denbllled above, and 1hall be BMt. Suite L. FUtletton, CA t:ze3l. and 201100 dollar•. 1ow1u1 money of un er the ndepen INFAX SYSTEMS. 1548·0 The Ftctllloua eualneu Nomo Administration o f Estates the ~atAld tlmt Ind~. and putilldy reed aloud at That lht propefly pertinent the United States, and by vlnue of o dminlstratlon of Ea Adam• Avenue. Coat a Men. rorerred to obove wu lllod In . Tlwe wll be no depOllf ~Id abou1 .. Med time and~. hereto le deac:r1bed In gentr8I • writ o1 enlorc:emenl In aald action ct). The peUtlon ls le courom1a 92626 Orongo County on s.p1 1. 1ee2. Act). The peutJon Is set Cor tor tact1 Ml of bid ~ to Ther9 wll be no depoolt required lmeriOf Detlgr1 .,._, Acloount• Issued on Nowmbor t, tt82, I om caring tn Dept. No. 3 a Daniel JotePh Hortnell Jr . 938 Oovld A Petare. 19430 hearing in Dept No. 3 at 700 ouart ntM lhelr return In good taCl'I Ml of bid documents to Recelvable, Account• Payable. commanded to ... 11111 the' property 1 C D . Eutglon onve. Laverne. Calll0tnla Brookhurat StrHt, Suite 204. Civic Center Drive. West. In condition within "0" daya all• the 11arantM lhtl1 rtturn In good L...s Oflloe ~. Gooowll, and in Ille County ol Orange, State or IV c enter rive 91750 FOUllloln Volley, Callfomla 92708 h C" f S bid 09et11nO dttt WltNfl "0" de)'l lfter ttle II located at 202.0 Ouell. Newport Caltlomlo. ~ N IOllowl nta Ana, Calif. 11270 This t>utlnelt i• condUC1ecl by.,, Thca~wucondllcied bya Cal ei·c mltty 0 ....:-~ta Ana, l:.llCfl bid muet conlof'm and be °"'*'II dett. 8-:f\, CA t2tl0. LOI 12, of Tract No 6952,.. '. 29, 1982 at 9:30 a . lndivldual llmltecl partnerll'llp 1 o a on """-"mber 29, ruponalve to the contract &di blcJ mU9t oonform and be Thi ~ ,_ UMd by the recotded In 800lc 283, Paget 39 to IF YOU OBJECT to Donlel J Honneu Jr David A. Peter• 1982 at 9:30 a.m . ~ 11pon1I•• to the oontract Mid ttanafwora at Mid IOaldOn II •2. lnclualvo ol Ml1collanoou1 ranting of the petition, Thta stotement wu flied with the Thia atot_,t wu fllod wtth the IF VOU OBJECT to the Eadl bidder etl8ll IUbnlh, on tllt 8 A R 8 A A A 8 UC H AN AN & M9PI, In the OfflOe ot the Orange County Clerf\ ot Orange County on County Oenc 01 Orange County on granting o( the petition you torm furnished with the contrect Eaoh ll6ddar alMll eullmlt, on !tie ASSOCIATES. County Record«. Celltomlo hould either appear at! t Novemt>ot 211. 1982 Novemt>et 22 1982 • doOI n••"· • llel of the propoeed -tumlttlld With the contract Tllat ••Id buUl tuoarer 11 Property I• more commonly earing and state ~ F2DIOll · · .,,._, should either appear at the 11Uboorltrecton on Ihle project .. • 11111 of lhe propoeed Intended bo bl coneumm•echt lhe llnown u. 3M2 <:wemont. !MM. bjections or m e wrllt Publlahad Orange CoHt Delly PubH1hod Orange Cout Dolly h eari ng and state your required by tlle Subletting and tnctore on tNt project• olllct or Ba1bara Buchanan & Callfomla bj · • h h PllOt. o.c 2. 9. 18. 23, 1982 Piiot, Nov 25. o.c 2. 9, 16. 1982 objections or file writte n 8ubcontrs1lng F• """*-/Id. tQulrld b the Sut>lettlng and AMOCiatM. 2020 Ovall, ~ Together Wllh oll and llngular ,~tionhs whit 1 1 e co 5209-82 5207-82 obJ·ections with the court Govt. Code Sec. 4100 • aaq, F8'r PntcUoeo Act. Beecll, 924MIO °"or atter oecamo. t.he i-ts, heradlloment•, and ore l e ear ng. ======-:--==~=~~~~--------.:.:.....:..:: E.adl bidder muat llUbmff wtth,. . Code Sec. 4100 • eeq, H . 1"2. llPP\H1enencat thereunto t>e4onglng ppearance may be in DEllH lmal before the hearing. Your bid Gtr1111ed or GHhllr'o Gtleck &di bidder muat aubnlft with hll Thi name and addrM1 of the or In anywtte ac>P«1alnlng. r by your attorney a ppearance may be in person PtYtt>1e to the DISTRICT or a bid Id c~tlfled or cuhler'1 check perwon wtVI wtlorn delrN may bt PU8LIC NOTICE IS HEAE8Y I F y 0 U A 'R or by your attorney. boftd In ttle form Ml f0r1tl In ttle to llll DISTRICT or• bid llled I• Geory• Lo-Jr .. L01r• GIVEN That on Friday, January 7, CRED TO F oontract ~ In an -.nt In the form Ml lortll In ttle lndu1trl11, nc. db• Lowe & 1N3, 01 tO:OO o'Clocll, • m of lh•t l R or a coo l Y 0 U A R .E A not 1"' than 10 perc.nt 01 th• docuntl1t1 tn an -r A.Moc:tatM, HI s. State Cohgt. day et Main Lobby, CCH.tt1hOUM, creditor of the decewd, GURREN Joru1 J . Gurren, Jr., Gary CREDITOR or a contingent mHlmum amount of bid u • ltt• tllan 10 percent of the ~ L. FUiierton, CA 82931. and 700 CMc: Center Orllle W•t. Cl1Y of must me your claim wttlf JOHN J . G U RREN, 8 Ch ar lea Ourren, B arbara creditor of tht' deceased, you ~ thet tfle t>lddlr wll antwr H lmum amou11t of bid H • the !Mt• tor :"t.c dalme by arry Sonta Ana, 1 wlll 1111 the above court or preMnt it to~t e resident of C.O.ta Mesa, Ca. Allen, Shirley Ormerod ; must file your claim w ith the nto the ~opoeed oontract If Ille to -:::'-~~~1:"'..! ~ .. r~l.•o.:.i1e•tt,.•l/sbt~ bu~9:d2•6Y, ~d ~ .. pr.~eoy'-~t~rwrtt .. personal representa i e .. p I I b th f M court or present It to the aame la -•rdld to lllm. In the ... ...,....... -· -.... " .... ...~ -· ..-. ~ ........ , ,,_..., u.ed away December 8 ov ng ro er o •ry 1 eve11t of ,.._,,. to enter Into Mid 11 awa1ded 10 him. In the t>erort the ooneummatlon d•I• may t>e necMMry 10 MllalY 11ld appoln ted by the c u t 1982. Beloved huaband of Lesh; cheriahed grandfather persona representative contract, aucll aecurlty wlll bt of htllurt to enter Into Mid ~ abcwe. judgment wllh 1nteres11 and coat•. within four months f e Vi.rginia· d evoted father of and great-grandfather. Holy ap~'?lnted by the c ourt torfWft. ntraot, 111oh aecurlty wlll be Otted:o-ntier8, 1tl2. to lht hlghftt b4dder. lor c.ah In date of first Juu._a £ ' R o 1 a r y w I 11 be h eld wit in four months from the re::!:~!.'='!~:' ~t.:: '°':rRICT tllll'Ylt the rtollt 10 L~~ ":: ~~s:~::' A':~~.~::~:~. letters aa provided in Thunday December 9 1982 date ot first issuance of llTegularftlaa or tntonnalltlM In any rtjOct any or aU*ta or to wel¥t arry ln'*'<tld T,.,,.,.,_ Oeoembtr 1. 1"2. 700 of the Probat.to Cod WcCOllMIQC MOITUAltH Laguna Beach 494·9415 Laguna Hrlls 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAUOll L.AWM-MT. OllYI Mortuary• Cemetery Cre"-IOry 16~ Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5055~ ,_ClllOTH•S llLl •OADWAY MOITVd T I 10 Broadway CostaMHI 6"42·9150 IALn ..... o .. 5MfTH & TUTHILL , WHTC ... CHANl 427 E 11th S I CoetaMesa 648-9371 at 7 :00,PM at P1'e r ce lettersuprovidedinSectJon btdoortnlheblddlng. ~or lntorn....._ln~ Publl1hed Orange co .. 1 Dally &RADO.ATES, California. The time f r Brothen Bell • Broadway 700 of the Probate Code of Pur1uant to th• provlelon• of btdo or In .. bidding. Piiot, Dec. t . 1"2 Sheflff·Corontr (illna clalma wlU not e M ....,, • ..., Ch .1 ~--f California The time for a.otton 1773 of lhe LabOt Code of Pvreutnt to tllt r;:::11on1 of 640342 Count" or Orengo, CA ... 0··~,, \_;napeJ. _.... 0 · the State of Calltornta, tht s.cao.i 1m of the Code of By. K.'erown, prior to four months Chrlatlan Bw1al will be held filing claims will not expire Dl8TllllCT hu obtalfted trom Jhl th• Ital• of Callfornla, the f'talC NOTICE Sergeant the date o f the hea Friday, December 10, 1982 at prior to lour months from Director of the O.pertment of DISTAICT hta Obtalntcl from the PnOtOTT, UI & YAN ._," not.Iced above. • 9:00 AM at St. Joacblm the date of the hearing lndu1trltl Relatlona tlle ~al Director of th• Department ot "" • ......, DftlM YOU MA y EXAM! Cato t.hollcfollowChaturchGood, wts'!'-~ no~ ·~v EXAM IN t: :::0 ~of ,,,:'.::",=c = ,::•;:o;:. t~= , ..... ,., .... ., u.c.c.) == 8taoh. ca -the file kept by the couA. '""r_.... hOllclay Ind _,.. wort! In IM .,. .. ..,_., ~ ,... lor Notice 11 hereby 01v1n to the ........,._ _....,,.,, you arc lntereated In t Cem e tery in Huntin"ton the flle kept by the court. If 1oc111ty In wtlldl IHI _. II to M l'ICllct9r Ind °"'1llM wort! In "'9 Crtdltore of JOIE'. P REAL aftd Publlahed Orange COHI Delly ~tale, you n)lly file a Beach, Ca. Friends may call you are lntereated In the peitomled '°' 181111 cnft or"" of ..-y In ..._ tHt WOfli II to M 8AAIAAA RIAL, Tranererora, Piiot. Dec e. 18, 23. tH2 with the court to reoei f ............ _ ...._ •-D--esta~ you may file a request worker nllclect to 1H cut1 the '°' tad! orlft Ot ~ Of wtlOM buelneM lddt"' la 2200 53 ..... 2 1 or v __ ..,.. ..--.., ·-,,. • oontraat "-,.._ -on Mt• ,._., nMctect to txtGutt th• Harbor 8Nd •• No. 1, COtta Meat, s pee I a not Ice of .f Pie rce Brothers Bell • with 1the1 cour1t to refcelhve the OtlTRICT otttot looated at ....,... n-,.... ... on Mt 81 Count y ot Oranoe. Stal• ot f'talC NOTlC( Inventory of estate aae Broad way M o rtuary , s Pe c • n o t cc o t e 20411 Cn11Mf LaM Huntln9t0ft thl OllTllUCT office tooee.d at c.tornit, thet • ~ lr-'9r " and of the petitions accoUn OUw:ton. &42-9150• lnveQtory of estate aast>ta e.dl,CA.09flle1Nft1eoMIJMcl *''Cr._ 1.w, Hunttnaton about to bt made to PAUL aTAftmNTCW M••Dr...n and aporu deac~lW ObU/Patt.er.in •nd of the petltlonti, aa:ounta on ~ A ~ii ... r-. CA. ce.eee ,.._ .. ........, YO-.AYAlP19UL . .,,..l!YteT.-. --OP .. OP s 'I I 2 0 0 f \ h and report• de lb d 1 Mall • 0.-d • ""1o1» • ....,.... A OGllf of ._. ,.... ""-.....,_ addr.-.. II au w. ACTmOUI .,.. .. llAm C' c on o S acr e n It 8'1111 be 111e1••~ u,oft ttle lie.,._.,•"" II*..... .., 9"te. C.a Mw. County of Th• rollowlng p1r1on1 have California Problte Code.: ectlo n 1200 . ~ of lh~ CONTAACT09' 10 who"' tll• 1 11111 • INlldllfolw upon t11a Orwlga. , .... of Celllomla abandoned tht u. or the t1ctttlou1 Coo hey Cele••• PA'ITERSON CaUfornla Proti.te Code. ooncr.ot le...,..,, w upon any ONT"ACT09' to wllom th• .. Tiie r:=,10 be tranaferred ta ~ n-. Ho war• 1 ?711 E l1t THOMAS D. PAT-Pepper, Hamlltoa a •~aal'!\ectorvndtrlllm,toPtlfncit .. ......_.,._.,,,. IOoettdlt Hart1or9oulilwrd, CITY Of INOUSTAY LIMITED Street Wet .... Tu TE R SON JR • real Sclileeta 111 So Olive St .._.,., ..... .,.....,_.. "'*''*"''°Pllr"°' c1oeta M...,~n1y ot 0,.11 ... PARTNeAtHll', 21111 L• Pu "-llf t'•tat• 171.) 1-.11 ... ,,. d • . • • N "'ff:i.. I -.. ·_ I •• ..--.. ......., .,, '*"..,... ... .. ... ........ .... .. .... of_....,_ ~. L.aOllllt N19UO!, CA 82t77 .... . .. ; .. • .... ... e nt of Irvine, Ca. Paaeed o. • •i ..,., .... ae ••· CA _,...of 111e..... --. ..,..... .,, ._..111.. ••Id ptop•r•r 11 d11c111>e4 ,,, Tiie '1e1111<Wt 8\lllftetl NM1t p bll hed 0 Coa away December 6 1982 HfU, (l 3) 117·1fil. No lllddlr IMf """*-1111 bid .. .. ....... a:noral H : Al etocll In trtctt. tfttctd to above ••• llltd Ill U a ranr Born January 8 iH4 l~ P11t>tl•h•d Oun1• Coet1 Dally '°'•...,...of "*'r(IO)-.,. an. No......, iMr ....,_NI IMd ,.,..... ...,.....,.,,Ind OOoO _.of t111g1 County on .J1n11tty U . Dally Piiot, Dec. • 9. l s u I W h' t PllO\. o.c. 1. a. t. 1"2 the_.. ... '°' ... ~of lllda.. a ...-. ""*'r caot-.,. ...., t11at '"' 'oect t>uelltNt llllOWfl a1 1tt 1 1982 • . a.~! ..... _!•h.. .~~'--n·~~~ 0*12 A ,1111911 111 llon d e nd 0 .................... ......_ Ottnlt•.IUll Cher 8utgtr anG CA MPBELi.; CITV OF 63~"'8 ~_... .. ,, ....... Pa ... _ ,...~a= ..... ,.....,.. A P•Y"''"' tlonf i nf • aocatei1U200Harllor IMS .NO. 1, NDUSTRV, 2130 E 'Ourth et . end Patricia Patteraon· PWlJC NOTIC( prtor eo of .. oontreot ...,.. • 111,........ C'oe1e MtM. County of Ott1191. 240. Santa Ane, CA "8.IC NOTICE mother CttTint PattMmn ;;.( MO 111111 tie In H flOnn ... tortll In ............ fl lflt .......... Of Olllfomle. TIU butlntea w• CondUOled by i M~ Montana·.._......,;_ fllCTmOUI WM the oontraot dOCIUmen.., 11111lieInlfltf10nnaetfof1f11n Tiie t>u lll traneter w111 t>t i.ci pattMrlthlp. • Pte"'10UI Witt~ . ;;d ............ NMm ITAW l'wtltMt .. .....,_ .. Of.. ......... ............ ~Oft or.,.., fie 17111 Campbell. c11, of ..... aTATW I £~~~ ~bor ,y fh• tollowtnt pereon 11 dot,,1 Gov••-OOde Of ...... Of ,.,,..,.. ..... .....,_ 4MO ol lhe City f/I ~.1.._1_~.:....!!_ll:CIO nduatry .,_~ ... c__._.. .... ~ot .. 10;-i1n9 Pl'IOft •• ~iSt -clIIUUy; ... ten ..... ah~-~................ OollllOf ...... ,, ......_ .. ..,_... ___ ,.. .__, ... -·---Carmody, Jane BOnd and 'fHIQl~NHOMllAkl~. ~·:::l4 .. •1t••M .. _._ .. _ 2141 11tt1.._.No. IOl,Ctata Thlla....,,,_t_llltdwlththt OMATWllTEMIAl141 Zllubetb Ann Patterton· ~11 Vlt Opono, .....,._ ltltCfl. ......, to -i' utt --"' :'=-• • 1 111111 :-,_C--'Y of 0r-.. ,, ... Of 1Y CWlt of OrMOt Countv on ~\~f' cuu Mu ' c.Jrm Buland' ~~ ALAT•TI. 1084 Oltft en.r 1t1on1r1 wlllllletd lty tlle ID <l ...,,.. IDr lo far " known to '"• tot>et 11.,1..a ,._. l p1nc1r ""'" Ll111. ·~1 __ ~ ,..__._ ,. __ .....__ ,.,._.. DllTNOT .. .....,.,...,"•• 11 111on1r1 wltllllelf '' r11e T........._ ................. ..._....... --•-..... Awooado, •r. coeu 9111~ _..._ ..... _ --·---·--r· .............. :,.~,....,..... r-----·-----·-,,_ 'ACIPIC ••w 'l'hunday, Daclllnber 9, 11112 Thia.,.,._ ta ooodvoted 11r.,, •• .,._ ._.. .. ....,..,._•11 YMct 11r ''*""'M tor a...,.• L.-~ t2tl7 • f • Oll1U ,... at Newport Hub or ~ ~ ...... Otoltl .. ,., ...... "\:,: C' = r-..:-· llOflt -......... •· •100 Tllll "'*'-11 ~ ._ C~lef't1 1 M.!1,u!!! !-:._Ythtr~h,..~rclnhJ! .. ~...=::...-.. ,,.::.-=::, ~-,z.eo.. Oeelr ,.,,....., C::.:'t::= ,..., ~:i.euatPlllA :!.~=7~ ~..!r'..:.;Altn_ ... u.n ~-,...,.,-er,._..,.., JW*)Ml ~,-. _,.. ..,_n,.a.flofe>r.,..~Clfl ...... 0.,f,-,....... (1141 .... f04f ,,_ 3500 Pec1tic: vie.. Duve 0 f fl 0 w • r •, m • m 0 rt al ...,...,,,. It, ,.., ._.l'vtrArlltM0 ,?'Melt ~"" Ottly "ullllellld Or11111 Coatt Delly Courttr Olar\ of Ol""'9 ~ NfwPort 119Kh ~ IDAJ • made • .... ~ Md ..... at e ..._.., -111 -t , 11.. , Now tt, H . Oto I. t. ,... Oct._ 11. '"' f4'.2700 • to Children'• Hoepltal of '"...,... Ore11941 eo..1 ~ ' re•onteee pnoe;1t1et•1 Cell Ml• 1111 . .... _________ _, l<lni!WI ,...__ ,...., Oto .•• ,., n . Ill. ,.. •1111 OIHtlrlod la •II Pitt • , ........ -.t)t. ..... ._ ICl-1111 .. .., .. ,., - Cll Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/lhurodoy, December 9, 1982 !~!!!!.~~.'.'.... .. . ~~'!!!! .{'.'. ~~'~ ...... l'.~!!!! .{'.'. !.~'-'·.. .... '!.'.!~tt{'.~ !.•.'! •...... K'.!!!t~~. l~'t...... l!m!!l!?r.!!r.!!f !'!.!!!t¥~!~!!.'!~!.' ... !'!.~!~!.¥~!~!~.'!!~.. ~~!!!t '!~!~.".'!~ .. ~r..~·~t~!!.!~!'!.~ ~~~~{ .......... '.~~ ~ ... ~~~L ......... '.~I ~ ..... ~~~!. ........ !.~~ ~1~.!!!!! ...... 1.~~1 !•.t!r.!!.fm~ .•. !.'.~f ·~ ~~: ~~~1~~ ,~ ~ • ~ ..... ~ .. 1. •••••••• .!.~~l R.rm ....•••.•• 1.~f !t.'!r.!!.f!~!~ ••• 1.~~f ~ ••..•..•••• l!.ff Liii ISLE HlllES Prtnltl L ido Nurd buyfnmt :i IJll1111, 511 l:1.1th Lee LR .. a" c..u nd 2 hoot !illµi; $1.:'>00,UtHI ftt..1l\Odelt-d 3. bdm1, :l IJ..1th + l11q(1• rt" n11 , hewn «..'\•11ings,.(urn1>1hl'\l, VJUUH l-1:!0 01)0 PElllllULA HOllE Ocean & jetty v1"w11. Marine room, •I hdr111 , J beth, 3700 11q,ft. $1,:1115.000. Qi.'\•1m fr11111 LllDA ISLE HYFROIT , Laaoon view from ij lxlrm. 5 uuth, pl(1y1uom , dark nn. den. Boot 11h p. Now $lllM,OOO llYSfH PUCE Spectacular bayfront d plx 2 lir. :.! li.1 up, 2 br . 2 ~ dn. 2 boat spaces Ht-dut .... t $1 .soo.000 FlllllAllS RANCH New '4 br, <1 1-'J ba, custom Fn•rll'h Nonnandy &tale 1.2 prime l)('re hilltop $1,250,000 ClllOIADO CAYS Coronado Wand cust bayfront lot 85' bo.1l dock. Plans ayail. Now $370,000 w/lt-rms BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR •-l 1 fl''Y'"J,. Or••· ~J ti olS 6161 OAIYH• llUI YllWI ··--'"·"'· ...... ,., •.. R•r leOartllt, lltr. ut.l12t l arger Coron• oel M•• IOI on quiet •• , .. ,, ap()I· llM 3 OR 3 BA lnctuotno H Pl•811 gu .. I aullo 2 lovely f,"'°'· Sellef may ________ _, help I 1111101 2nd T 0 IP* Ill 11&1 M1y be betl opportunity -In IOWn 0 11eted •I $289, 3 Dr 2 Oa PoOI 1130,000 500 Incl. land. George 3 Br 2 Bl $132,IM>O Qruoe. 644-8200 4 Br 2 81pool1140,000 4 Br 2 B• $142,900 4 Or 2 Oa I t43,600 4 Or 2 84 149,900 3 9r 3 Ba F.A. I 189,000 0 111 '°' flnenclng detalla. 83 I · 7370, 545-'1636 U .. ' •• • IOxgrou .-r nc Only 3 If 2 la '800 DEC 4 Ir, 3 II. IMI rm, Lu,11 Big Canyon 2 bf. 2 bt Orangatrea 2 I r I la. ~ Bio 6*1171 2 81, rP, 811 Ptfl MOO MO g•t•. air Vl(W, patio. oondO Pool, MC gu.11d· lower unit on wa1ar, Ul\AN D NFWI 21 '"' ........ I Or, b•Vfronl $450 1875rno 720-0375 ed. I 1400 mo. F.,ou.on MIO/mo. ·-611.-e I ~~_:.v::.9'~~1~d~·~:~ Prtceo 11 e0 2x·1 oroH 2 Ori ocnl'il:L000n 1•HIM• V11ln lU4 ~""'Re t 42-ite3 r.-.., ...,, '141 ao•rlng celltnga, fir• lnoludH puol, 1111nl1 ,. ....... ., M••••mlf 1•11•2•:·~~:••3••b,-,.l•;; 2 Br 1800/mo 3 Br ':':"l'o•••••••••••••••••• I·• 11 1 h courll. and only 4 vra -"· "'""' ' • SH O/mo Have 01111r1 Lu1t1H'Y •tudlO ,, .. H&O. r.1•t••. ••~u .. 1e n• • new. In Ooo1111lde. llf.1111 beautiful yard, itlnl rred Teno re . egt phone. maid Mrv. epa, ;1,m~~:m1.;1,~"dlr~ Owner mo1111111d Sub-tlllgnbofhOOd 'I Children 631 t2M 1130 wll 490-3015 Ing 100111 •nd I kllClh-" mll all ottet1 .. , ... ldu' '"' wel<Xlme 8.44• 787 h " 8 2 •SIGHT • SOUND .... u .w.n •••••••••••••••••••••• Why throw aw•" rent Newport 6 0'" " ' "' IO pleau lh• ll11Ht 3 8R. 2 8•. Ip. nw plll, whan )'OU Clln ~n 4 3 91. nHr bHOh, Avail OF SEA Ult. frl)lel. Oat gourma1 &xCtt>llOnal "· lll-H11 cpl, 0111, $1000/mo. vrty. wtSl200 10 l2.000 P•Y· now, tnort or long tetm wtn1111435 mo ~:it~~.o and may leaae Poalllv• CIHh flow w/lu Fir11. "'· 644·9805 ,,,.n11. I 17&K • 12 HIK, I • ' 'o I a 9 15 l m o 494-6184 222 YI l ahelllf Income Exlnl II· 2 81, newly rede<:Of'l led, move In •• taila over •P-760' 1977 OCHntr0111 a Br 2 Ba, ltpl, Call fol •~pt~!~. n1nc1ng on an NNN on• o o o d con d I 7 o O. precl•llon, call Sue 11 RemOdeled oondo, 2 Br a yno bldg In No . l ag. 142..,.•IZDO trlpll net laalld prop toe 2 13179 O • g O O O d y . 891·5656 den, co mm. pool. nr 11200. 752·5040, 9·5 In a prime So Ca too. Can 790-7.302 ev... ,. ~ 1 J:lo•o~otpllat. 1750. WkdYL cto•• Ihle yr $865,000. •••11•f •• Agt. 7I0·8333 -.,-"---1-,..--,--,-1-1-1 t:'~i:,trtghl & Wllll• ~!!!!'.~.~!!!!~! •. 1.~~f .. ~~•••••••••/.~~f Liii& llLE .!!!r.! ••••• ! •...••.•. UH llU . CHARMING: 2 Br. l 81, 3Br 2Ba dbl Olraot J(lnt OCEANFRONT Dix 2·4 Br. Spacious 4 bedroom. 3 FlllPLEI tro rm•. beam cetl, blk• area. Avail now. $1195 ~~~15'1.~~maln ':;: By w .. k or month PETE BARRETI ·•· _ftEALTY TR,\DITIC>\.\I 1-lL\I I \ b11h home on extra wide Eitc ollent cul-de-u c ~~s-~i~ S 8 5 O I mo. mo. 982-7940 " 67~:.0558 on yr • _8_7_3_-7_8_7_3 ____ _ tot al Ille quiet end 011111 loc itlon In Garden 2 bdrm, 2 be, den, pool, . On Iha bHch hotel 1 taland. Fa11urea den.,i=====!=:~·~;=::-===~ Grove All 2 Br'a encl. 2 Br, I Ba Cape Cod, nr Mall Cul·d•·Sac 2 Br, 2 Ba CONDO. 2 Car room apl. kltehenlt1e l taro• sunny p1110. Plf-lllfll 1&11111 patio•: allak• root, mar-comp! remodeled. PY1. $750 53&'..7864 · o~:r-,:m0 H:8.=-balh, furnllhed 1250 l lecl tamlly hOme. $539, 12., lllD UTI You own lhe land. 2 ,OOO ble counter 1op1, encl. b • 1 c h S 1 O O O mo. P · up + d • p . 2 3 O e W. 750 ~ i"'O°'· Yrly Income 875-604~ 4 bdrm, 2 ba, good family LI DO ISLE, 4t Br. 3 Ba 0 c • • n Iron I· N · 8 · · LOW DOWN 11218000 1C1 "· 3Br, tam rm, 2~ 24 000 Good nnanc1~ area L110• yard. $750 $1400 222 Via Plle<mo 873-4154. .,, UCED PRIC 3 R Ba. wide Greenbelt, near · · 2 br, I ba, bNm celling, mo Pil 968-7096 • 1---------1..---~-----,l R,.,o E pool. Far below market available owe 2nd. Ful garage, llove. relrlg. . 875-7168 ••••••••r Hf! OWNER 97t-1ooe 1235.000 WUI IMS4 op-price 1240,000. Call dattwhr, ~ nice. l800 II TIE Ull canal front. upper 2 lion Bkr 544--0134 Bkr/Ownr 645-8646 mo. 955-36-49, ev.. View of ocean: 2Br bdrm, boal allp avall. 11, Spacious .Mngle, Ont fll IAU IY . . I FNI PUJll L'A'RGe CdM home, 2 l'hba, guard gate, pool, 000 mo 780-09()9 & two btdroom Lid R ty IWlll Newport Heights older 2 Priced at 9.22X groH. Strv. 3 car gar, Ocean uuna, iym. seoo . WALK TO BEACH aput1Mnts. 0 00 Adorable 3 BR 2 Ba hme, Br. 1 Ba. dbl Clll gar~. 91% d~reciallon avall. v 1 e w. F o r 1ea1 e , 2l3/333-3 46 Cteen 2 br +den, 2 be .... ~..i ...... ,. 67~7300 In prime cond OrNl loc. 50 X 117 RI lot. Management 6 financing 11350/mo . 851·8I10 NEW CARPET, DRAPES trplc, patio, 2 car gar, .,,.. • walk lo So. Co u t 1185,000 avail. Salel Pflc• 11.385. d1y1, 780-3650 "'"· & PAINT -CLEAN! 3 Br. comm. pool & 11nnl1. Plue. GMQeovS. lot&lly 481 Sanla Ana Ave 000. CHARMER 2 Br, 1 Ba. 2 2 Ba. trplc, 2 car garage, 1875 1e .... 98G-1235 I pl/I backyd w/cov patio. 548·5041 111 8 Contact John Shea 0 8 r a r S 8 5 0 covered p11lo , huge •· •••f •IEW Ulf** Lo• 111um1ble low Int N-port Helghle olc:let 2 O&lllllA PllPllTIH 8191751.2368 · yard, pel• ok. $775/mo ~!.~~'!!!~!! ••.. t ... 6.'., loan, Hlllng 10 avoid Br. 1 Ba. dbl c111 garage, lllal"4 lnclud• gardener. $450 HUI 1lde ocean vt.w 3 br FURNISHED Of ••~/ llllll 1111111 YllW 111111 lorecloaure. Priced be· 50 x 117 RI lot. JASMINE CREEK. 3 Br. MC. Avail. lmmed. Agenl convert den & maid'•• •••••••••••••••••••••• LOOK Outstanding Portof1110 tow market II $156,000. 5165 000 #•jJJI •••• lamlly room. 11800/mo. 957-0701. quart en 12000/mo. UNFUINISH£0 r® For our new regular on FEE landl Eltcellont Owner. 540·3136 461 Santi Ana Ave '"k UOO Agent 840·5273 2 br. 2 b• condo, 2nd fir, 213/449·2628 All UTILITIES · • ···, week"' feature · J amlly, hOrD•JeaJuJlog a New 1650 aq II condo 548-5041 aft 6 •••••••••••••••••••••• Counlry charmer 3 St, So. 11plc, tennis, sec. gale. ! J PAID, HEALTH •1 premium location wt • •• ••• • · IOAT SHOW extenalve use 01 uaed bank forecloeure Hie. of Hwy. good locallon, 1'" ml beach. Kids OK. CLUBS, TENNIS -• brick 3 BR's & large co-save I 10-$20K, buy di· ID g a r . A v 1 11 . n o w . $ 6 O O I m o + d e P . C~lllt••• 3111 SWIMMING plus -CASE vered pauo. Priced for re c 1 tr om b • n k 1121010,01010 642-3442, 631-1266 558·4597: 21at912·7628 •AVAILABLE.Now~i495• mu'h more! c:A~. i.rn1T\41dlale uJe 11 $315, 831•5055· 642•2000· NEW 2 tly, 3 BA 3 ea, lam Why throw ren1 away lmmaculale 2 bd condo, _,,,, , . '~~'; .. ~ g~~ZYPi?o~1c~~'~111he ~,:(n~r<!~~~:~~ UITllll 1-2 ~~00~~~r'!i~~~~od~'. ~':·1.2 10:.r~.1~5~~~: s~rot:~ ~o0o"ti" p3;~: ~~.e~~':J.~0~3~.9~; o;~~~M~~. or 752·7373. Charming remodeled 2 Vecant. •how anytime. PRM M081lE 640-8259 men I. S t75K-l 215K or 240·6010 Oakwood ""81Mr't ...... 1 AIEITI Bdrm doll houae on large ,,. 11,095,000. ,. .. •••4 Move hr, 1ake~Y1tr-. J All'llll 11tat• adv.rtlaed 60X125 R-2 lot. Beautl-73-1761 or 7I0·1397 HOM£ PARK ""'' .. na -1•• Share appreciation. Fl-l••I• A.a r .. _ a ...... --6# Not aatlelled where you •••••••••••••••••••••• -~Ing eu••t c ·•1 SUe at ......................... uillfuoa:;n ,..... UH'l:JJU '" thl1 n1w1paper la are? Ar• you looking for fully landtcaped. Alklng S 2 Bd House and 2 Bd Ou-n--... . .. 3 Br 1~ Ba, vacanl, cpl1 -- aublfct lo the Federal a poalllve a1moepner1, ~~~======~~1~1~3;7,~5~00:·~E~xc;e~ll;,•Tnt~fll·1 Big Canyon • Mclean ·~~ JlU<."" on plex 891·5556 preferred 10 min. from Newport kMtVNo. Fal(Houllng Act of t968 nice olflce, 11cretary. naoclng. Call 640·1151 To wnhouH. full golf + 2~:111~~~~~nal 333 E 2111 St. CM Im•• JZ44 occ. 1576. 646-6308 880 INIM Avt. wtilc:tl mak• It Illegal 10 computer. mlcrollche & couree vtew. 2 er. fMmer ,,.,n.,, 84$-.8103 No pets ••••••• •••• ••••••••••• .. di 1 _ Jiii (11 16th) ::.r1i::..~Yof~== aupport? Call J tm or UIMI YIEW II.LI moder. S40K below sa.t~o.ooo t II PllY & tltrT lllTIU .. !' ... ~-(~.~........ 645-1104 "*'8llon bued on r-. MaryAnn tor a conflden-market. $240,000. Pool, Rng yard No pate UUI to 4 bdtma, 1t1rtlng al OCEAN VIEW 2 Br, dedc, color. rellglon, Hx or tl&l tnierview at 631-7370 ~::~:rru~l~u~!~~~ar~:d ~~~~~~~~~-_!:len~n~I•~· ~84~4-~74~2~4~B~k~r;.... ~ lete IHltJ I pd 's54oimo 111 ·plus '840 10 $1475. Micro. frpto. Prlv Bch. Newport BQdl/So. nal~al origin, or any and upgtaded. Prolea· WT1lll NEWPORT CREST IHHt•Ht Ce. 1 e c . 6 4 9 y, w . $795/mo. 496-4692 1700 16th Sl lnt*'tlon lo make any alonally lendecaped wtlh Lowut priced 3 Br t81h.499· 1617 Leue option, 3000 a.I., (II OO'm) _,. P'...,~. llmll•· exteoslve brickwork Full Piil ... I Condo tor quick Hie, I 4 Br ........,0 '°' lease, 2~ gated arN, tennll er"· 642-5113 tlo#'or dllctlmlnatlon." sec u r ity 1ystem. 3 Remodeled 3 Br 3 Ba clo11 10 pool & 1ennls. B ""'"18..,50 1 1 1 1 .ocean vu, Medll. llyte,I~~~~~~~~~ bdrme. and family rm. home wllh de11. formal Ontv $178,000. &U-7424 • . 1· · ·• •nn '· 12000/mo. 551-8215 1: lllll newapaper will nol S3 1 000 H dining room and French BrOker pool, rec No pet1. Reis. knowl11gly accept any'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 4 • l. . doora. Huge patio and BY OWNER LIGHT UP A #•Ul•i•, DfHtl, Avlll 1211. 544-8071 ot c •• ,.w .•. .ad\oertlllng tor rMI ••-11 17141673·4400 pool. Possible IMM op-• I C I .,,.,, 1411 739-6521 fwnJtiM J4 tate whlctl II In violation HWPlllT IZlll Ul-JtH lion. Aaldng $235.000. REAL frplc or hr SI·-·•••••••••••••••• ... f'h Br. garage, yard. •••••••••••••••••••••• ......., 3 Br, 2 ea. upper. Furn/ unlurn Winier or yrly. W1her/dry•r lnclud. BMulllul view of ocean. lmmed. oc:cup. °'the lew. I IHI . 631·7370. ~12 maa. Invite your lrlend1 Palm 0eHr1, Montarrey $625/mo W11Uld• bH. 1 ....... HARBOR lo an enter tainer'• cc Plan 300. golf, take/ ... 5..,1 ,.. • In Eastblutt, lpeciacular dream home. 3Br, 3Ba, min vu. 1189K StOO U · &41-0763. Pela Ok ;:r ,;11,,11MPV5~flt'llM£ Oen, Pool, Jae, eecurlly 1111111 Advert ls nlghl ·llghl view. clean. wet bar. European kit. ~m. PP. 714/855-4151 Eallllde, 'elP adl" pre-WOOD8RIOGE No 1 Wiid o•te. CloH lo So Cal e ra should Check fre1h condition Only blln atereo, poot. elc. ferred. 2 br, l b•. gar-Wheat 3 bdrm 3 ba 2 Plaza. 1 yr lse. $460 mo. BACt4ELOR. Furn/ their ads dally and 1260.000. $299,500 . 511 lrvlne 0.1 •I C.H'1 age.1625/mo 673·7S44._ car gar. Famtly roo'm. i-5-45-_75_9_5 ____ --i unturn: Yrly all utll pd. report errors Im· U~l()Uf fi(J~l:S 1~~~~~~~~~1 ~~:,·~ 9gg_6gf~g2 or •• !.~~!~ ...... l~!f 2Br. I Ba, I llory, ahag, Walhlr, dryer. Nr. Au 'n C••'ffli•iUI :::,, ~1: l~~d='. Realtora 675-6000 I· =-=~~~:!!!!!!::::::::.....:::....i·--:::-::':=::;;:::::=---1s2000 dwn 3 Br 1 Ba cpt/drps, pallo. trplc, pool, ape; lennls. Avail. U•f•1.J1•H J4Z TSL MGMT 642·1803 medlately . The • IOUIFlllT '" l OllH UITlllE iar..,.... bll:lns ,_paJni dlhW•hr. beamed cell-1211.Sll45mo.495-3018 ·······················---------DAILY PILOT as HIE llEllCTIHl ---· . Ing• 2650 Elden $540 Nr. So. Coaat Plaza. Sunny 1 bd apt on Penln· • "" OllllTllAll 1141100 roof, San Dimas loca· mo '550. 1798 ' Univ. Park 3 Br 2'~ Ba. 2 Sharp 3Br t~ b1, pool aula. Halt block 10 beach . .umes llablllty for Custom bunt by original FH 'I lion. ~me $70, 150 it . car gar. 1950 s.f .. l yr and Jacuzzi 2 car gar, Yrly S450 mo. El.c. & th. first Incorrect owner• In pr1111ne condl· v,UA.!,. l0Aant.•or~,'1ngor2~.~~ JGUEOSUTSL31SBdEO /GOA· 12%. 30 yra filled . 3Br. 2ba wllll large yrd. leaae $845. 644·7220, patio. $625imo. Kida 6 water pd. Agt. 875-1642. · lion. Two SI°"/ 4. bdrm, ,,_ -'' r w warm 646.fl&.44 RemOd kitchen dbl gar 549·8755 Insertion only. 3\t ba In beat BEACH· oondol In deelrable arMI wood BEAMED CEIL· u 25 drive by 894 .,,; ---------Pita olc. 5~l47 2Br 2Ba. 1tep• 10 bch. .... ,.,w, ••••••......•......... ._,...,. ••••••••.............. '11!'.~~ ••••••••• !.~I -.UUPUI IElllD One of the dMnalt pro-peru.. In Colage Park, and one of the beroalns °' lhe weak. 4 !Mt bdrm•, c:rec:a)lng ~ In llv· ?ng room, uceMent area. Muat ••• lo belleve. . ~2313 . THE REAL ESTATERS .... ILlllD .. ,., Y11W LIT MEWPORT HGT6. Mual ... nut 2 week•I Alklng 1190,000. SUBMIT ANY oHer. RAE RODGERS ti1-12te RVM~ FRONT location. Proper· AUached garage, lrg pa-INGS. UHd brick l.p. ~•tin, ,,, •• , WI~ call 559.5001 3 br, 2 ba, lie. 2 cat gar.. NEWPORT TERRACE auume 8 mo. on yrty .... ty 11 clean ar1d setters wtll Uo. Only 191,000. Call c.n t0d1y. RAE ROOG· c,..,., 1111 · trplc, no common wllls, 3 Br 2'h ea Condo _ 27 $750 mo. &50-7938 ...,.. carry 1st r o 11 11% now979·5370 E~S631·12M •••••••••••••••••••••• Eutalde3Br.2Yt Ba.prl· r55•2c .. 2c66en.21r3r1-.,9~,?.~7· Sand Dollar Ct. Highly 1 BR ,375 blk t lnler•t. See at 2804 W. 120 acn ranch. San Lui.a vale pallo w/1p1, lncd ~ " upgraded w/amt patio • / 1 mo.. 1 d~ OCeanfronl and call for ObitQO County. Wiii aett beclcyd, remod. kllcnen. Redec 2Br. 2Be. trplc, Stove, waaher, dryer: ~:.nd P~va-11 '~~m~d alned one bedroom col· detllls. for 1979 llPl>fallal value 2 cat g1tage. s950tmo. Woodbridge . 1650 mo. dlhwahr. Comm. pool, g.. . · 2 · ,..,,... oonvenlenlfy local-• of $120.000, aupplled lit tut & MC. 546-3532. 121315ag.9096 ...,., aauna. Jae No 1,. No1 __ 2_500 _____ _ -..-\\\II HI 1<0 '1 -with water & alec1rlc. ... pet 1 I 7 o o I m o eel fOf enopa and 1Uper· •----------1 Whi lll 7141524--0797 688-4196 FllllU Neat ..-. tmmac. highly 2131433.-o502 A,utmnll mar11et Zooed A-2. Only llCl'll " IM. H NWI YIJ PIUTlll If ltll •• ,.... 4 Br 2 Ba. encl. pallo, upgraded de I ached n-L--1.1.~ $180,000. ~ RE"l E51 ... Tf; 3 Bdrm home 11"'...._ 0.. -,.. f""" 2 No I Wood"_... 2 "'-f. ..,.,..,._ r ~ '63 I ......... , 1111111 11111 ,.,_, cat garage. . home n .,.. .... ge. ,,. txn •••••••••••••••••••••• 111·lll0 1·1~00. cor11edl Extt• lrg Matr c lxtW•I 1111 C.M. tocallon. S850/mo. er & den. attlum w/apa, .... ,., .. ~ • ....... •-•·-~ "" Bdrm & .......... backyatd ... 01vo11ahlre .. model ., •••••••••A••••••••••• ""1 7370 ..... t~ Jim. maintenance free yrd •• •--1· ..._ •-"...,..... fl u.J • .~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • lllYll N• ltoantl 4 Bedrma, family rm & dining rm. Immaculate thruoul New carpel•, drapes, marble entry & decor. Wet bar. 2 tire· plao11. Artlallc pool & IPll-Giie guarded area. Priced at 1895.000 . 144-4110 Cheery & btlghtl Only Bdrm•, 4 Ba, rllc>(eoe1 IY IWID Lake. poo11. tennla. t Br unll Ltg fned yrd & Uw.T $109,000. Talce over 11% and killer vlewa. $675. 1164,000 equity tn corn-4g:~: ~~:id'r sie5o~ ~~j S 1000/mo. 975-3972. garag•. $370/mo. 149 Llltle lite pl« 3 llOfY loen. Call 979-5370 000. &44-7020 pletely rebultt Npt Hgll S..8-6t55 eYea 675--1558 W. Caneda. 981-1247 deluxe lrg. 2Br, trplc, UTTll tsLm Ullt UAL ESTITI pool home to e1tchange THE SPRINGS. 1 bdtm 11800 mo. 675-3087 Ownr must aell cuat re-for Income ~operty. Full 4 Bdrm, 3be. llv rm. lam condo. Pool, jao, running AIMlfaHlt f•r•ldM•--------- modeled elegant 3 br NIAi Y1IW -pr I c. s 2 8 5 . 0 0 0 . rm. rec rm. oceen view, •Ire.am• S500. 857-1010 -:.·::~~··············· e•ymONT home & sep guest apt. 645-9554 Walk 10 bch. Ideal for 3 ---------·~-ft fl\ P'lme loc. 127-127'L our blautltul 1 BR condo .. I $9 80/mo ~ ·-·,I. 3··~· A~-·~ .......... A .... s,,,,::,B --...,11,__1------1 with mag111fieen1 oceen --1y -!~· .. a 9r1no · H• -t• • ._ r, · h '11 lw4. ,.. ... , ... • UGJ~~ ~~ ''"" • ., •• .A-~ ........ 111-.... ~.. v-.;;ro. 50 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• !'!'!!!~............ F I .. _.. ' 2 000 to $495,000. Cour· • ·-,,_. amen ""' ge· $58,000 equity In luxu----------1 EMERALD BAY, 3 Br. 2 BAY' FRONTAGE. t>Moh. urn,.,..,,. M un Urn, lesy to t»trs. 64~24 or ... , IHO lore wlll beat all Olhere tlous Broedmoor Hunl-1510/mo. New carpel. Ba. trplc, brick patio. pier ..,..0 2br $800 lbt mo1. minimum tenlll. T5t--01n •••••••••••••••••••••• for 1132,000. Owner o. lngton Harbour lagoon new drapes, 2 car gar-wllh ap1. 11600/mo. $600'.'°'UfiL. pd. 303 E. Excel loc. 11500/mo. · TWI 1111111 1perate. Submll all of· front conoo 10 •xctlange ~. cloH lo th• park. 875-3067. Ed-•er. 11871•286e. Owner 844·9513 l ~ ba twnhH. adult ler1. Cati Rod, 873-8821 for Income Pfopeny. Full gard-lncld. ..---y 1 2 Bd 1 b• C.t••• '•I llu IOZZ comm. W1lk 10 belch. °'office. pr 1 0 • I 1 9 9 . o o o . 822 Center St. 2 Br. den. 2 ba, frJH<:, d/w, Small 1 BR apt, new crpl. Hr Y -rm • •••••••••••••••••••••• T1L ...... 1•• 1••• microwave. trUh comp, dr , •• 25, fireplace, 2 car pattttng . P 1112,000. Owner E d 1 B I .,,,....,.,_ 2 bdrm, 2 be, den. rlc-982·8460 ,.r u111 • r. qu et. 190• oc11n/cyn vtewa. lalM. lllha ,,, .. , ,,. ................•.••.. .,,llllllE •E.EI Ter1nll. pool, extra cleen ,,.~··ll!t~.~'!';W 645-9554 •• -· -• apacloua wood deck1. P • •'"67tt.. ,.,....., MOO/mo. 875-11197 ed under market at •••~• Stovellrlge, new cplt/ 11150/mo. 494-<t576 2 Br. 1 Ba. f\lm .• no g111. 9_. .IW US $275,000. Owner SACRIFICE. 1 Br Condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• d r. p ••. N 0 p. t.. Y•arly $650/mo Plue '"""'.,. -I 759-1666 Nr t>eech. Adulll. Sec. II~~~~~;;;~~~~~·"'" hnJdH 1510/mo. 675-7092. 3~1~~· =::'· ds•P· & utlll. bNo P••h•· ;-e;:2·e;_·=.~·M;;;, No gamea hire. Sefter•1--:.,.-ll_Yl_l_E_Tl=l"'."llOl-:-~--1 Rec lac Ma ke otter •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 B T h S C ,,. ... 788 t e p 1 o •a o . k •··~ • ....,_ are mottvlled ind ,.,. 968-2198 •.nil llll • r. wn M. nr . . 4........, 675-5069 non sm rs, no .-a.,,,,.,,,.,., llallc. Prloed'S20,000 1111-1---------••,. J••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Plaz.a. S.A. Pool, 1p1, 3 B View I I alk + dep'1. 213/ 799-41115, u11der markll for last ..,_ H 11-11 .IAJ.I •· gar. $780/mo. w/d hk· r. w pr veq, w OCEANFRONT STUDIO, 2 51·9 7 9 2 or ( 7 14) Nie 3 Bdrm 2 Be Harbor This ne.t 3 bedroom 2bl Clo u lo ocun 3-3 . Ca-'1l1u• II'/, V«Mlilel. blCh $425 up. 752-5822 lo private beach, no qu,elnt $3-'IO/mo. lnclud· 673-3986 View Hiiia home .on '" h~ with OWtl 1800 lq Pym 1 1200 •2 000 ••••~••••••••••••••• VIEW 281 $725 . pet1, gar~. lrplc, bit· Ing ulll. 213/598-1934, 1----.,.----::--land, w/many beaumut It or lovely pafloa and 11 10 • • · 15000 Down 4 Br 2 Ba Nr WATEA 2er s760 l lk Traller. prlvale. ulllt Ina. 111 +MO. $950/mo. .-'°'John. Beachtront eacn..,on Pen-gardena. Owner will fl. l175K lo S2 l5K. Move In covered pallo. vaulted OCEAN VU St200 paid. No Piii Range 6 499-1617 In. S300 mo. lat & lat. --ww upgridea. Lovely aec:Wd· cl 1 b•1a 1111 1 1 • take OVlf •hared •P· celllnos •• commly "oot. refer 111 "lua ••c "--· ....... , .... 31 875-7722 ..,...._,...... ed gard•n l etting o n nail 1 su ·9 n 1 precleUon. Financing St17 500 Call 497-1657 (VFR•Tutl3Brlell 1 1300 $385/ino. 489~1917 · ,...,, J.M• Jiff~.~.~••••••• ~ ...___. 1500 knock• often when you quill 11r .. 1. Call Trudy TO 81 l2% lnl. for 7 year available. Call Sue al • · OCEAN • .-• ...-••••••••••••••••• Smell ltudlo Super clean Beyfront. ,,. •• _..,. uP~otreaucia'!;Y~~~n~d~a~l~ Stubblefleld '°' • lhow-term. A teuehold •tlle. 891-5556 Wnlai•llft l LIDO lg 5Bt 11800 2 or 3 Br, R-V acces1, Super~ 2 br. 2~ ba yd. 7t3'n ·Marguerite'. aq 11. 2 BR. 2 b&. Rre-tng. 75M100. Priced to NII Inf.. , •••••••••••••••••••••• WATERFRONT HOMES trplc In kllchen. Avail. condo, loft.type den w/ 1395 Incl ut11.. 720-1337 ~. get. 1 1100. Cou-•r:w:i~h~~ltMISOt~a~ng~e~Co~as~t~!!~!!!!~ "4-1211 lniat IH4 Trede equity In home, I« N1·1• now 1750/mo. Diana~ wet bar. ftplc. open p1a or alngle. "*1tet. •••••••••••••••••••••• good motorhome ind 559-9400 beamed cetllng1, many 8-lttfuf aunl8t, decor•· 813-2182 Phone.&42·5678 BY OWNER. n/dn. 1 10, l5000 firm. 3 er, 1'.-i BA, C.-.1.J. 1111 exlr aa. $695/mo. tor furn apt. Frpl.1---------~ 000 b•I mrkl pr. 4Br. 22 x 38• pool In Wnt· •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br, xlnt location. kid• 14a-7452 or 941.2880. $t95/mo 873-0IM. C... •I• Jiii nice hrn/College Pk. Fant mln"er Bal 187 ooo Glamoroua lBr condo. OK. 111 moa. renl 6 de-•••••••••••••••••••••• "'!~~~~~!!!~~ nn. Call 1t1 5, Mr Slmh or 1121101,;..0 everything: frplc. patio. pool. gar. pollt 1525. 1163-7600 °' 2 Br. co111g1, Newport C..I• •.u 31'4 STDS ti mil AESIOENTIAl REAL FSTATf SERVICES um.a ua,ooo Enter this lovely 3 BR home through a large coW'tyard. Enjoy beech living from 2 roof patios & walk ~ block lo the marina or .beach . The best of all possible baymde world.a!! r "I Ill NEWPORT CENTER .644-9060 r-897-711:)1 Eallmated value St28, $750 mo. Avell Dec: 31, 845-5735 Helght1, lrpk:, redwood •••••••••••••••••••••• t.wge 3 Br. 3 Ba. many ~ 000 FuNy U1Umabll no So olhwy. 644-7211 Agl. New 3 81 3 Ba bl-level decka. bric k walk•. US& M Ill amenlllea. 11100. Call 1&11 IAY Surpris• quai. Prv party SN-5577, twnhrn,G'rv yd, ind unll, :~· ~r-J~~n;o· ALL UTILITIES PAID Oorottly 873-1975 ~,11s111a• man ---------"'--·· .. __ •1•~ 2 blk• c P1ca. sa50 v 1 ' · ,... .......... 3 ...,._ 2 ........... ·~ -ll'llill Ofill IHI lllall ::!'.'!'.~ •••••• :' •• ~ 851-8990 BLUFFS CONDOS Compare before you p:j~. g';:";;.ru':9 sii0'. lharge ram, ~llng counlryl • U + formal din •••••••••••••••••••••• Prof. 32 yr old M t.aa 4 br, II T'wo 3 Br 2 Ba on.level ""'·Cullom °"91 ~ No _.. 719 Htlllotr-. ome who panoram c ,. 2 ba pool home to lhr Eaallld• Older we • hornll on lu9tl greenbelt turee. ~. bbq. COY rd ~en-~ -...-view of the back bay, Dll • 1-X. ..... #~II ••n w /Chrlatla-n famlly. maintained 2 Br. 1 Ba. I co mm. po o l , etc '. gar9g1, aurrounded wtth1 ___ . _____ _ Newporl Center and 12-11~~ tbH rate flt Ill• 1111 Chlldran welcome. No car garage, n-paint. T60-9075 pluah landacaplng. No Bee.ut. oceen. bay~ much more. FeQilltles IM h~ IUl,IOOl •••••••••••••••••••••• peta. Utlla pd. 1676. EYI Small pet ok Orlv1 by peta.. otty light vt.w. Lge 2 BR, a tmall herd of hor ... , SPAOI USNESS * PAI-llfWPllT 111111 631-0208; dya 1166-1174 3 5 5 Ao ch I I I• r . 3 Br. Wealclllf. evall.~now. 1 BR, Furn. $616 2 8a, grMt otd CdM loo .• aocess to bacit bay lr.U.. .. Bel Alra Ho me, llghl $496/mo. $300 u c. 11000. Harry Frederick, 365 w. Wllaon 642-1t71 I 14 o o mo . 11a1 • . ... warm, llr. ~:~~u~;r~~1!':!i'11~'ci :~::~·~r:;~:::; !~.~!A .. !~ff Agent 957-0701. S:isJe3 I . 1 28 e 0 r $390 Attrectlw F11tnllhld1_5_48_-3_'4_4_1 ____ _ (114) 111·4444 home "' 1mld1t 1uper uv1 dining area. Young 1 br. 2 ba, pool & beech, 2 Br. enotad garage. oar· apl. large pallo. garage. Ntc. 2 BR 2 8a upatalra -=--..:.-.------!large Counlry Gr••n Aaull• & petl Wllc:Ome. carport. 1495/mo . pell. dr1p11. 773 w. e•vmONT Mature. quiet. No ahar· aptw/fptc,belcot1Y.patlo C•1I• lltll 1014 Ground a W /towering 124,500. 64()..6937 Ant 635-0292 X222 (M) W 111 on· NO Pe 11 · ft I fl\ Inga. No peta. 2234·B and gar. Avail now. Cr-. •••••••••••••••••••··~ 1reea Completely dee»-• 1525/mo. 631-4889 '-t4. Pen. Rutger• Or. Coat• Mela. dlt ref a muat. No peca. f&lllLY l•E rited W/eye appealing -SUU • LIDO ISLE· 3 bdrm, 2 H. S b 1 b S 2131454-6104. 1125 mo. Cell 875-2311, W.ll"'•P•r a dazzllnn ILD -temrm. 11700 mo. Biii E/ Id• 3 r, •· ger., FURN! HED or unlur· btwn t-5 3 Br 2 Ba, lrplc. 111cl. ,. ... • ..,, Grundy, Rltr. 815--8181 gardener. 1750. Furn. or nlehed, 2 moa. minimum 3 Br. ger, lncd yrd. 26181 ________ _ patio, min. to bHCh, mlrr~•; Maallve ''::::i AVP. ill accaa paid. untum. 648-1128 rental. Excel localloh. Santa A11a Ave. 15215. Clll• 11,., 3114 lhop,emptoy,aehooll,& rm.frplew:r~~~rFOA· ahar• owned In lull ...... 11"'8r811W •EASTSIOECOTTAQE 11500/rno. Owner 54&-~707or65t-563g •••••••••••••••••••••• bu&. Xlnt buy. 1117,500. ~L OININ<1 ROOM. 8.40·2556 or 840·6188, •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 1 Ba, klda/1>11 Ok. 6"4·9513 . • .. ,,..,.,, 2 Br wt gar, upltelra. M5-455Q. 635 Joann. Zero dn VA or u low• cell any11ma ... " 1111 Yd. get, 1595. 931-4320 Harbor View Homea, 3 bd. ...i 11 1415/mo No plllL ""' Sell wflh EASEi 5~ dn (If ~ ate no1 • Remodeled dbl wtde, new ...................... E llOI. 1rg quiet 3 Br 2 8• 2 ba. ~ home, r:::· •••••••••••••••••••••• req'd. 352 Vlc:1or1e Ifs a BREEZE Veterat1). LOW. LOW 30 ~/drpe In adult pent. unurs FOR RENT jy-pt DIW 11\dty ow nO l"dener. 11200 mo. "'11111¥1 m &4M181 c11111t1ed Ads 642-5878 YR F~~~ :cJ 1~1.foC~ 123.!500.' 547-& 100 ~ peb sa25. 87s-3eoo • \11111 111s...ea. 848 ••• Beeutif\11, p.nc Ille• wllh * •2er. 1aa. °" MecAI· -· ·-~-·-·-·-·--·--····· ~OS UNDER FOR· ,..,...,/ Ealdl 4 Br 2 Ba. r.nc. yrd, BIO CANYON 2Br, 28a terrac:.d pool. lhuf, So. Cit VII& IMO <'" • MAL APPRAISAL Call to ,.,,, ,,, i.1f ,. r e f 1 . $ 1 6 0 I m o . ~~ ~ \ttew, ·~· ~ mo. 64&-41t7 I ;: ... now. ...................... •tfWINE• 152·8040. t-e wtcctyt. Sid 752~ buy. •Private P~!:ino Fltaplt10a. pool, Clllftwllfl-.7~S.,.,1.~' BTWY 21 .... TAI .... TD 1780 e.aldl oart1no s er 11ouaa. 1 " c d 3 b !~...,.. •.PY' petto. x Ira an· -,.. WlLl•IULn ,..IUfllm •HUNT.BEACH• newlr d1cor111d. nice e:~:_u136 on °·N0 1{. •w1111tln Cto..ta .,,.21t.1MO.aa7-IM1. 867--2121 San OlllMnta pr\cM of 1700 yard 1176/~ ~= I I 7 5 9~ 3 e 'i •Home lllce l<ttCflenl Large t Br nHr 1tlopa, ~ ·.. . TllTU 1101 ownerahlp, modern eecu~ vv7-• 213/154;-4480 1 bltr to .. unllngton OOOI ... utfll peld. 1114 Bus•nessmen Spenlatl..,.. 4 unit eipt. •GARDEN QAOVE• 131-12 Aot Cent«. tr#laPONtfon. Monrovta. &ti~. • hOuM with ocean/Nit l 1700 E.aldl 3 Br 214 Ba condo Beautlful tlOMI 3 Br. 2 ea. f\'wys. THE HVtLLE 2 Br w/ew. I/ ¥UU Ort d~llljl ILEI golf OCJUfM vtew. CIOll 1125/mo. Spa. Joyce 2"" oweoe. pool. apa, ITIUTlll.. • bit-Ina, fnod bii11n111 undtr o Th• ganarou• u .. o f ='0 •:•:.~t~lnJ;o!;1r.k! *ANAHEIM* waitn. aot 63M2M ::,r,.:,~~ = 1: 1 8dnn ~rom 1615 ~w't~. w•t•r pd. ,.·1c t111ou1 Rui1uu wood• and wellP•P•fl 1700 1 t 114n10-0~1 Townt!M untvm 2819 'D'' Santa A11• Nornt J10t1 art rrqulrcrd meke tflll a nrrn family EWI A MW"'*~ .... '"•I J~M 1 ' . ~om sa50 Ave • I a IO. O a 11 1>11 low f BUlfMU olld homa. 4 bdrm1, 2 ba. ~ 3 ldnn.......:.:... 2..!:""lf •CHILDAEN• ·········.·~·······;:;: 3 bdml. t.m. rm. formal LA QUINTA HERMOSA 1.e:te-4120 P I C,A ... & s di I I 1-city & . OOMtl ..._ _.. Lovety 3 bCI I bl, ,em -. 114 ... I -.. .,, 18111 Parttaldl Ln. 1 bllc ro rmona """· tc aurroun nt an n •r... appllOlbl• l rent th• *PETS OK• nome. Frpl, ",orma1 OlnJ p;;~ NlceGreeniMTt. w. Of 8Mct'I. 3 blU 8. If I lmn :?m,:~0111~.10s!~.'~':,~ ==~~-=:::; rr:c"::. :;;,m::a~ ::.:t::1ie"t-:'a~a~i3 ~~~ld9. IHIO mo ol ldlnger .... 941-5441 lll•lml Nomt Staltmtnl ond patio. Nice H iumabl• 11n1not & SAVI! bu)'9r YIWll •dye -*PIO/mo. up. lecll -1 2 Ir. 1 k llundry rm, hour 11 publl•htd /or loen II IO'lll lnt«Mt '11•· lhouaanda ot dollaral · -~N~EW=-:::~====-c==:--t a 2 Ir. unlUfn l tum. pool, crpta, drapH. /our Cffll.fl'Cutlw wrcrb 12t7,ooo. ~IDUCID MfffnO Pftol lllllR.,...llTI Find wh•I you want In Af9nt llet I.,-.. oon-pool,..,._ 11191 f1cwtcSa. l400-t416/mo. W ~ o t 111 t OA JI. y of 1311.000 II ..-y II· IWWS. I• Delly Piiot CIH..,._. d o a : t & !t B ,. . 842-tl:M, M14111 UM ....... PJL.OT con lwlp 1111111 LOW currant replace· l1000r'l1100. M5-0IM I' fl• _ I Br.J_k _.....,. "'*Y .... L C·'l L . • "'C • • mt11t cot tlll Principal• -· r _.,. ""· .._ vi -oount ""1"· ... ,,,.. ""' "" ONL Ylll Call ownlf al ..,., • ., ..... It "" 1 l I •~. pool. •P•, "°"' ...... M?lhno. D 15 PA RT M f: NT o t (71') knoc;ka onen when yw Newicifflowntiouee 4 .a, no ,.... fWft. ..... • JeMft SO 0 2/ tll JJf for ...... ,.. uM relul1-pntnq Delly Mrm. I W 09'. 11100 01'1~--1'& ...... /llTIMr tn/ormouon ... • Piiot CIHalll•d Adi 10 ~ MO •• -'"· ., Of, .. Are you planntno a move? r111eh tile C>fanoe COMt m llCJI, 1'0-ll?I .._. _,..,,_ Ott OMIN _. ltlJl\'l;!lltll Have llO!MtNng ~want CIWitlld eda wlff Polnl market oft._. for WHtT! '"''** ...... ,_ ... •• 10 Mii? Ctwlfled eda do you In Ille tight d!Nc:tlCln Prtone '4a·M71 P\11 'vout _,.,,111119 "*°ITll":'":"'~~~~-::r.::-:'1 """1 Qsltil .. ~ • 642·f32'_ It wel? 11 Call NOW. lo find the lloma you ~ .. ~2 ... 111"8 rMder'I LL I le lt9'111 wllh Cal?Ml-IPI....,... • 't 942 ... 11 • neeo. M2·M71 ~· -... ~ "90t C4~lfl.,::led:::..:.M.;::;.i· =========:.. \ Oranr Cout DAIL y PILOTf Thureday. Deaem~r 9, 1882 I ~ ... . . . .. ~'!!ff ............... .'................ ~'!'!!.~. ~!!~•.-................................. : ..... ~!.~I. ............. f!~!!M~I............. T.~~;Es'ii .. "•u"l'I !1 14 Per Dav =·~~ '::, ~r~h=•~t •T• 111 --HAUUNO a CLEAN-UPS 1H~~=::;, 8~,=.Pr;:~ day ':::;:9~1~!.:'~~ TrM 1r1m1r•mov, c .. an,... l~1·1 ALL~~ •i<Mind 11., lif.8.-orpta • 10 min, b!Mch. w~!.~2.~• i..wn..T,..•~1..._1,_~.. .,.:~~~~2 1, a CllPMl6e. 647·Sl24 p1ua mlllflala. 973.5379 comm. £1191/wtlnda. fin· upe. mowlno 66'·7017 fOt • C. Coder'• .. bylllttna Hal, llv/dln. rme I 16: 9119 -.... -. ,.. -I ""' .....,.., & -~ rfff. ~ by UIC u Jour· ~ 301nday ad •-. ,...,. 146-37~ room 17.50,• 4*10f1 110: ......_ II ... ~ ... malnl/~I.. ...~ ,_..., LowHt ratHI Prompt, ,,_man PlumbW. Con· f•""-• 11 Iha ..__, ..., -__ _,.. ,.._ -'Jrnate .... --tOl6 ·c~~=~.··.·.~:::::; n .. t pro1a1alonal1. 16 t'-ra'o1or 110 • "2'"21'"0. •••••••"'•••••••••••••i.t'Jd t I Cftt' sa. Ouar .... m. pet •••••••• :r.-:a........ ...... .............. ¥9ftl"U ~ ,.._..... " g g Mott eut>ttct• )( 14 111.f JNfl, .......... , o6ot. Crpt r..,.it, 15 Y'9 luppey/""'811/Aepelr ·~ t• 8 ~ ... ,.,. a Pillo C:O-.. "-a. yra ap. IM-7141• R .. • ratH 494.3413, 0.VI~ tel t 1i111r Pl.It ,_. exp. Do worll myHll. Lge Mteotlon + herd· :-:::i'fl:'r."e••••••••••• F~., hall ,,.. Mt. Gene 631-4011 ....... ,..,.. tlt•&oel Mr MMgan 145-.5179 -'r. •••••••••••••••••••••• Alla. ~123 ..,._ Bob t41-2t23 9¥8 C8'1Mftlty • Maeorvy ...... ...,,.. 1---------1 A) Flb•fOI• boll r•P••r. fllooftflo . PtumblnQ .... ,,_,.. Tot81 I,.. eerv, landaollpe, Low, ..... lie ............. ~·,,.,, ,,,_.Cl-·'-,-y _.,., Varnllh, paint l malnt. W• ear. Crpt Cleanw9 ~ C>l'ywell • 8tuooo -1111 ...... r..isr..-......... handymln, oetl'*\I, ,,,.. MOllLE HOMES .... .. ......................... -;:;;:r .... Jilr.d DO IT NOWI Prot , .... te1-1717 aft 81~ c:! ~· it•icr•AtoiAt;_::,;;.-;;; IWnodal J.I, ...._"90 '~"3· r:"::en:C" tOIVY· 215 Y'•· 636-0914 30 yre ••P· FrM Mt. Dy1 ~~~~~~794 w~:tA·s~:=i~s &pm. Work guar. 645-3711 right, frM eetlmat• on JACK Of ALL TRADES Menc IM6.7111 . ----1Jf.ot2•. eve 131·5143 Fr .... ,. 1·6i4·&ai 4 Ouellly ~·11 euaran'81d · Ill hr .... , 1U1ftn large or amal Jobe. Call Jadt ~Ima ~'•••••••••••••• • ~ FrM Mllmate 841.7311~ YOAX,...... Piiot ...................... c-.11c.,,.,. UC. 311e21. 11• A4'69 n-. ..&..M 76-3014 "HELPING HAN08" BRICKWORK: Small Jobe. .... b _, CUSTOM HOME BLOA ....... ,.............. --P °' ........ You name It, .... do 1.i Newpott, Colla Meta. •;,;tu ~-;u•uu :.u. S:.:--~~' naada SMALLER J088 Cernent°"""MC>tlf'y·llook El.ECTRIC&AN Palntlna. ~try Ed 6 lobbl 240-02715, l4 lnllne. Alfa. 1715-3175 HA~NG/8TRI= Antlquee, kit. cabln911. -------- •••.Ul• tat. •II belwMfl houMe. AMI #~AOb WC:-;.~ 2!!"'1~1 ...... 0. .4.; Uo5203. C«amli: Tiie. Uc d & llra. Cullom Brldl·Stone VIM-MC Soott 145·1325 fine painting. &45-0eM -., • Comm. o.n &37..()342. -.......,. -Bonded. &M-47te 9V99. ~ Blocll.C-et...atuoco 1---------1ta.1u 1t.~ .__ Eaperl wellcoverlng In· •~u-~~~~~~~~~16.-,... ...,_ _,.. RESID/COMM'UIND. HOM! CARE·REPAIR, ~••• •• •••••••• Rell. F,.. Mt. 641·1412 etelle11on Rael conaul· -UI. :: tt.r..;.•1••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 20Uc.yr217.~1~.~ ~1 .. .: paint, yerd. FrM haul. ROBIN'S CLEANING •!9 tant ... ...U.:...-t. 581.4590 •H•u·~ Roo .. jjng•·:~·j•••••: AMJ"-•A•MeU.• Ramod.IRepelti. Lo rat•. Chlld Care, my home, full ,,_ ,.. _... .v Fr• Ml 711""348 8anllOe a lhOtOUQhlv '"'-v'"" .,. ..... ~i:: ....... 9ill Deck• patio• fence• M pt/time. NWPI Shor.a · • 540--08&7 ...... ............... tJ. ~ New·rlCOY9t 1 REMOO. SPECIALIST ,,.. .it. Steve752-tsM area. Refl. IS4M114 , .... I.TH! •••WINO DAMAGE? clMl1 houaa. •&-1 ..,... ~~ •••• r.;;";;.......... Lio. #411602. 548-1734 &::1· Uc. ~~;o EXPER. carpentet doe• Do you need •Int chlld F~~;j~. ·;.~;;·:·~;-;,j ~~~ H~S~~=:1.kin~ T~i!l5,r..:~· C~O~=d~~ll .. ,. ... , add'n•. remod, decka. oar•? Lunoh, 1nacka, kinda. Prompt • Reuon-F,.. aat. Keith ........,72 pe(d. 17947541. No overtime 730-1353 r.nc..' R-.ndy 141.,oe22 Don't rHoof, rec*t • at ....... , SlcytlgM• & repair• Fr• ectMllM & TLC. l401wk. able COii. 642·111215, . . traction of ... a67·29t0 ••ltttt••••••••••••••• f.Oen 141~512' Fltlma only. Lind• 142-2741 ~lnall.,....of HouMCleanlng, relleble. ·ABC MOVING· lllll•tl•-.lt OrtYeWaye. Partclng Lot aa · • 751·2342 home repalre. Raaton· ref. OWn tranep. RMI. Qulok, Car.tu! 8ervlc:e. ••••••~;';"c.':o••••••• ROOFING REPAIRS Rapan. Sealooatlng. Door• lnatalled, every-,.,.... able. No job loo amell. YOLANDA 842-0405 Low,..... -0410 ED'S PLASTERING smell job• OK. FrH S&S AapNt 131~1tt\Jc thing In bldg & repair. 35 * Splrituel baaed c:Nld· •••••••• •••••••••••• t6C)..30tt awo, Brien. STARVING C EOE Neat patchM. lntl•xt. •tlmatM. Cell Tom or 09r1 Hallberg Ofedlng yra Hper. Reta. Jerry car. In love & total ac> 1IDI INllU ftJITY STUDENTS MO ING Reetucicoe. &45-4258 Chud<. 5A2...Sl2. & PIYina Co. AM/oomml 546-'413 ~:~· C.M. home. Tapped/~. C6Mn ••"-C6Mtllna s.Moa. CIMn.-CO UC l12 PLASTER PATCHING Oft t£fltY UC. M7t804 142-1720 REMOOEUREPAIA up, I_, renov. 751-3478 ···~y,;·j0i8...... llnlla 18 neat to Oodll· ..Wec1: 841-6427 AHtuccoa. lnt/1111. 30 ...... ,, .... At,__ Stor .. , ottic.t, home1, C-11..,.,, ... II Ul•llll w•-& Small Moving Joti. neaa. 8"2..aeot WATCH US GROWi yra. Neel. Paul 54S.2177 L'9.•t- .. ;;e.-;-19 ............. apla. Bldg renovation, ........... ,.......... -·-Cell MIKE f41-1311 HOUSECLEANING NORD PLASTERING 541-1213 fnoorporetton, bueln•H code correctlont, etc. 20 None 2 big, none 2 amall, Mowing. edging, ralltna, Honaat a "--"able •·1-~ .. _ .. _ •• __ ................ .,... tn ., ... Bonded. tn1.. From A to z we doh all. awaeplng. Fr•• ••tl-HAU'~ "RAOING er-.... =-............. ,..,. Int/ext. ..-tuccoa. ~9e2"' ...... ..-. l'ic. 111101. P1lombo 71U764438 lie 425711 mat•. 145-6737 demoii't~ cleen.up. .. .... ~ ,_., ••••••• •••••••••••••• Block Illa 586-4892 II CoNtt. 982-«!14 Wlf __ ,.~ T..__..... eoncr-& .,.. removal. •HouMdMnlno . 11oneat. ,. Pllllml w ~!!!W. ••• '!!.'!! ••• _,_,_ .,_, • '"'"'-"' II bl Q lltu work by Richard Sinor. Lie. ••~ PROFESSIONAL A•,...liN BOAT DOCK REPAIR l llrs • Malnl Quick eerv. &42·7131 re • •· ue ' 21D144 14 yra of nappy r• ·::·Newf>oRrwesr::· o.n. carpentry. 20 yra. l/;· "'~·....,. Fr••· 142.2M1 LIGHT HAULING Ref•. eua 14w1ee local ~omera. ·ja;·ii ~·Mi-1iii. sEcA~=:RVICE D.t--10 Rolla. Cuetom Char AenoY. &45-3749 ~1~ .... _. ...... & CLEAN-UPS BACHELOR'S HOUSE Thank you, 831 .... 10 41\ .... ~ater"-•tw 1225 1---------i _.. -· •--~ :;::;., FrM aat. 142·2&57 CLEANING. REL.IABLE. ..., • -·-wu & detell. ell0-1132 r .. ,,..,,.,. .............. KAAE.N 540--2618 PAINTER NEEDS lftrill•IAltt11tl•u tt.r.:•••••••••••••••• Have something you want HAULIN0.-1tudent w/lfe WOAKI ~ yra eicp, Intl Thinking ol 8" new home •••••*~••••••••••••• Make your shopping e&· No Steem/No ShampoO Jo sell? Cluslrled ada do L.andacaplng--Yd Clnup9 truck, Hm• 10 ralH. Buyer meets ae1i.r·wlth an axt. Acouetlc ClltlnOa Uo. lor aprlng? See the many DRESSMAKER & 1ler by using lhe Dally Stain Spedallat. Faat n well I Celt N OW, TrM lrtml~Malnl Thank you 7511·1171 ellecllv• claaslfled ad. 3418760. Free aatlmataa. llsllno• In today's class!-FASHION DESIGNER Pllol Cluslfled Ads. dry. F,.. eet. 13$-1682 642-5678. Irrigation Jim 151-4129 Jotln M2·5879 Davta Painting 147-1432 lied cOlumns. 6"2·5678 Aeuonable. 846-8447 For Ad Action !!!!!!! Call a -lHI DaHy Pilot . .... , ' AD-VISOR 642·5678 -------11. tt n1 tor rour 1tH1-9ood refrlferetor DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS · 3 OLLARe~ 3 DAYS = Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't INES := sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item 1 per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or 6 2 67a; commercial ads. Call today for full detalle. CLASSIFIEDS 4 •5 rn• (...........,,,, .. ld(91Met1.GO) . • vonll IA,11l•Ht1 A,.,,_,.,, A,Ml•nll A,.1l•Hl1 A,.,,_11 ~! ........... !.'Jtf ~~.!!.ffm.!~ '11'!!.!ff!~ .... ~ c-;:.-::1:1 ff1 !!!!f.!!.~ .. Y.-!ft~~ ... '!'!{J!!'l!~!!. ......... !'!'!!~!!'!!~!!. ...... ~ ... '!'!!!~!!~!!. ....... ...'!'!!~!!'!!~!!. ....... ...'!'!!~m~!!. ....... U::~ ~·~ 2 ~.!,;•,;Jn~.=: "~ ~ ;;5;.o·;q·,;1550;;;:Xi~i ~g%.L~:!'!:,.1 ~~·~:.~ ~ C•1l1 llfll 3124 C.tl.... 1114 C.11 • .., 1114 B Ii I•• --#tftNll 1f1tt 3111 amkr tdNI lor .,...,..~ Female, 25-35 VM'9 old. BJ--II lor P.O. Bo•'•· Coaat Fut fundlng.143·19'45 .-••••••••• ••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• •I ••••~•••••••••..-••••••• • a...... .. d C Cll ~ ed No ·533 .. , ... ,. H /N Sh 2 Bd 1 Ba gar pool lt1ti 3140 -'*'°"· ,_. r9q • • · ' F / tum wy ewporl ore1 llJ M15/mo. 2 Br. 1Ve Ba. Chiid OK'. No ' peu: •••••••••••••••••••••• OcMn~. ~. ~=: 545-3'122 142--4300 24 llra. AM~ ·n::;:; one loe. 848-8844. * ,,_,,.,,., fn1I upper unit. all bfl·lnl, me8tiBJl8 SS50/mo. 1Mt A Bakw. 2 bdrm, , Ila. near beedl, &k1, 8. 2 . 3 8 5 0 Small attractive 9tudlo IV snar. 2 bf, 2 ti. houae, monthly feel Share lnduetrl•I 1pace ... HJl~9 carport, lndry rm, bal· ~ · &41-4783 kid• oti. No peta. M50 142 1010 ' bell for empl'd. Non· Udo lale, bey view, allp l40-S470 &/or omce. nr e.actl & ••••••••••••••••••••••IV11,J COl'f'f. Beaullfully landacapad mo. t8CMl872 • . amttr. PM kitchenette, IMI. '450. 175-3321 Slater, H.B. Refl. Price U. l&m.B lQ8"1 527W.Wllaon Qardlnapl9 Pool&Sp& 3 Br,$4~5. Hi 8a 2 Bdrm 1 ba SOO Acro11 lrom bHch. 2 prvtemry.l300lnclutlla, Shr lrg home or condo *Ill.Ill.,,..* neg.142-4100,1189-1221 ..,_llt It. IH. •em Tll .... 142· 1111 ~oacb. No pell. Poo4~ :!,· ~5fJ._~ 1ltllHt & dep. 7794 bdrm, delu ... Yearly. phone, pool, TV, tannll. 11t IHI depoell uttte'. 1 MO. FREE RENT W 1ri.J Speci.ilil~ tst & 2"df AO Wl.U ..U ~ = E.alde CM cute bectlelor, Newman. Ph 848-415M ::.~ .8:5: ==.. ~:~. MM47ll. M2·2«I. i,:,0:1.\~ :e:. :.iJi: ;:.Ill f Robt~~=ttW 19:1cMTIL>8 2 Br. 2 8L fMllV -2260 vanou-d640-ll29 a..ocl/mo & S300 aec:ur-8"45, 2 Br 2 Be, pool, upp« 11nlt frptc '11.,. In H B Non-emll M/F 1hara CdM home. Alrpottlf Inn & Frvry1. •••••••••••••••••••••• R.£. Broker Id Re.at1«•eriJ p1ax. dl9flweaber & ~ l:l· Joyce WaltH. ag peeto, IOda OK. NO pea. ,1250 mo.~ 17&.2725 ~ 531-Z'7l5 '· Awl! 12115. 1375/mo + Call AM 833-3223 1750 up. 2180 II. lndu-142.2111 545-oel\p 1 POHi, encled gar~ 1-1277 t41-HM, tt0-74M dys 1r:Mst& .9V99. • ,... Ulll'•. Evea. 1-1 pm 1817 Weetdlfl, N.B. 258 :~d-o ~1!~1~1 ~ Chriltmu cash? Pvt P~ utll .,.id. S530=· EJd.. BacMlor'I 8"10 Ltg 2 Id BeM1 callnga. 2 bf 2 ba In 5 unit bldg ' ea. Pro f woman w/famlly '50-3231 to 4000 eq. ft. 111. floor. Huntington, Beach. haa ceatl lor good I~ S300 depoalt. 4 1 Bdrm 1485 Iott of ·wood thruout ,,.,.C gair. 1485 ' WESTCUFF 2 Br. 1'h winta to •h•r• rm w/ M.,. atrelght non·tmkr Agent 541-so32 • A en. 54M147 131E.11th. f41-8118 Hrv ber. 1480. 225.: ~4133' '52&-3004 TownhouH. No pell. prol. 1250. EvH oall 125 0 + ~· uttt. Dwi 142·283 . d • • d •. 8 gt :\..& 81 E. 11th 142.oa58 v MOO/mo 1728 Bedford 759-1408 ' Alfl)Of1 ., .. • e .. c. Sulo-2578 1q fl lrvlne area. 1111-756--031 anytime ••••• Eut9lde Bad*Or 1 . Maple. 873-H03 or "-54&..1ru 1"2-54"8 a ft lpm, tee. From 225-450 '""· f\. 11030/mo. •110 ••r. ..\Ad•••• Beamed ceillng, French 1 .. -... 643-7358 bfta. . :::'.!:. 'H. B. DOVER SHORES. 142·5820 ..., " '"' •---, I door• to privet• patio •-...................... 1 br 1 Ila. ltove refr1g. FUii e.. bed micro••.. •1 P9f ~ft. Many ll1TM. Roger• leave m••M9• ,......,...,,, ~ large khc:tlen & fUI bath'. Newly decor. Oe1 pd, Lrg 4/plu 2 Br. 1Ba, Welnut 8q. Condo. 2 Br 2 ne,;, pelnt. CloH to frig Sep .,rt. S350I~'. Beaut. ~ lrg OCMn w eel 557· 010 538-1058 lmrHlt/ ·-·• Aval Jan 2nd. S3e0/mo. encl gar, ctwahr, pool, d1hwr. W/elde. Avall 8a. den. o-, A/O. pdo, beKtl. $410. 557-ol75 1etll•I Call Ginger tloffta, Lag Bch. Prof. to ~too PLUS 1400eq. ft. 1000 e.I . ..,.,. w/offlce, 1.#t I IMM na No peta. 752-2550 bbq. no pea. 142-5073. I 2 / 1 1 . S" I 5 I mo . '700. el50-8l3t 141...e Mon-f'r1 t ·30-5 atv '350 Incl utll. 1at, IMt PenthouM e.ytront Sul-on W. 18th St. C.... ••••••••••••••••• • ••• 19• 145-ee25 eeautlful 3 Br. 3 Ba. ' l MC. 414-1294 ... •--·---,. 1111 1 bd, avail now, watw & ....., 2 BA 2 Ba. "475. r.--._ TownhouH, 2 car gar-WELCOME FOR non· t4e7:,. p003arklng, petloe. 145-tt07 ~!! •••••••• ._,.. hot watw tum. No Pett. No pate. 780·1•18 or .....,. .................... aige, fY'plc. lndry hlt-upe. amkr, amp prof. EHt ~ ..-11 ....., 1315. tl4 Mlu6on Drive. 142·7521 Wl/Wknda. '1'~t·fl I i ... .. m I c r 0 . N 0 p. t.. 81uft N!. Pl1't Ba. S300. 8hr with Newport eicec. ... ... -............. '1 sen au LETS lltteQ 148-3827 Large 3 er. 2 ea. Town-wwc::. • • • -10 mlnutea '°·of Laguna lt50/mo. 175-tooe. ~ S3t0/mo. 131-*>58 1400 aq ft. wttn office In l\ftlll• 'bt'8 ---------1 houae In-~__..._ ~· on Dana Point'• moat .. _ ~lngactlvew~~ Coat• M .... Very raas •NSWERS Mtrto Utlt paid. au .. t. Adult•. ..-. -·..-. iecluded acenlc bluff Lower 2 Br. duplex w/ ..,.,. -.,w, f I Roommate to ltlar'8 '""'· _.., · • ...,......, -· rent. Call Mr. Sohac:tlter. ft 010 Patio. S300/mo A\'811 Jan large ~7~ gair84•5.n33~· BMullful garden ept1. lltt• new, 2 Br. w/ct.n: pat 1 0 & c e r po rt . ••••••'••••••••••••••• condo . Private bath. 8')acll, c:q>ler. You ~ 548-3484 Maledy _ Exact •l Of1f 1. 844-1958 ~;l;J.~7<,. • P8tloa/dlc:b. Spa. heat lWI large pttvete pdo. 1725/mo. 131...seM MM W mm, laund~m, Jae pfy phone, & 195 pr mo Aging. Inhale •1u.,. 2 bdfm, 1y, ba 110 Joenn · ~ r:8Ba. seeo S8115/mo. Call 881-6441 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, 2 blk• to Wkly rent• now 111911. awf. t 10 <405 pr deal!. Call 844-7211' 1!"f'cpf· 6% ~~c)r.2 F~~ -MEAN IT , :~ st. Adult• pref'd. Small 2 Br. 1 Ba. 571 W. Joann. 2 Bdrm. 2 ea. 11515 or M·F, 1·5 &•3-0210. beach. Patio. Pele OK. 1105 & up. Color TV. ~~:Z:O:';"°" Vlefo. 1U111f1L ,.., dr 1385 875-8251 I'm eon1u1ed. I d~n dog OK. 14~ Upetalra. No pell. 3te w. WlltOn 131•5613 Drtw by to .. at 24587 S7QQ!mo. 873-3731 P.honee In room. 2274 ••••T -· · ' know wMlhlf the ---------• $425/mo. S*ra M9n"11. Santa ca.L NeWpclf1 BMr.ar. M/F 30 +prof. tum. roorn, -•-1100 tql\. office a ww• It full of amar1 men bluf DeluH 2 Bdrm, bit In, 141-1324 1000 llf apac 2 Br, bier! • ---1 Br adUtt oondo;.1~, IMf.7445 .. br. B bL hOuM. N.B. w1111, UM O!..'~· hOuM. Jdnt loc, So. S.A. llng or lmbeCllH wtl dl'#hr, bbq, jacuZZI on atova, moNlc kit nr & -· lie. OCMI' w , _.,., mo ..... 1325. t41-130t con · room,""'"''•..,........ 11'1 Minnie SI. C1oM to MEAN IT -- b It w vu 1415 mo 2Br upstalta, qulet1110• ~ entry. Chlld ok, refa. Molt a1agant apt. bldg. & 1750 MC. Olp. Agt. BE i CH IRE I MCtetarlel & WOtd pro-55/405 lrwy1. ReH. ' t26-5147 get. no1 ~I 5 / ..,,.... 845-1883 In Laguna Beectl, nn.c IMt-1547 ft ft ft Fam. pref. lo ahr 2 Br ceeelng. Mall & n-.ge t41-7512 i..t I fHlll SM ---------1 t o r e . f • m o . locattofl 1n town bfwth-home, Bal Ill No. S.y· aerv. 111a11. saparately If •• • • • •• • • • • •••••• •• •• • 1 Br, reMo. bale. gar. No 831..el12 an 10. EMUlde Bachelor • lu ci..... 1111 $84/wk front w/fY'plc, & kHc:Mn daalred Call· .i-Rent -Mg too eq It. Peta.. S350. 548--4201 or Beamed celllnt•. patio, ta6tlng ~.al bultl4nl, ............... ••••••• prMeegM $400/mo 1st 11411fli>.o1o0 1250/mo 2g44 Rendotf 145-.9857 2Br, 41aa. ~ fnccl 1ar91 bath, lc"dlen· utlla '-1 tedtpool,Leub-garaigel • 2 BR, ... 85. YMrlY. n9W Retr'lgarator·Mald-Pool & .;.. 873.6171 aft SPM #5, C.M. 175--5118. fOlfl) ADS yd a garaige . ..,.,., mo. .,.id. S350 • eva or. •H• on Y decor, pool; nr beach, Nws>t Blvd a WlllOn ·AIM. .o, Aaron · Dllll1'I lllTll ~ ... 2 Br 1 Ba. CtPt.1. _cSrapea. '754-0M8 . 75~~65C>No .,..._ M50 & up. bua. No peta. •111-Qn ~ Meea 546-1755 ,,.,.,.. ff ... ~ ... ltove & O/W . ..,.75/mo. 330 Clft Or. 4t4-IOt3. Mltr Bdrm wlbattl pool Fuff ..vtoe. Keep yot.1r •••••••••••••••••••••• ID[ fRE£ n ... ~1550. 718 Shallmar, E/Slde, chMry 3 BR 2 Ba. --2 bd, 1% Ila. bfk lo bdl, Pine Knot Motil on eo.t BEAUTIFUL SsoO mo' over1IMd low l profM. Storage Spece 12' I( 1t ' M Otta A. patio, 2 ~rpor1 ..... lelal --2 Br 2ba. refrig/ltY Ind. chlld ren & pat1 OK. Hwy NB St•P• to ...... 5105 .,.·1 · 8'ol\al Image high. Pr• 38" door. S70/mo. plus ••flo M75 mo. 7 ....................... VleW. doWntown loe. no 1•50. •12-1837 or ocaen. Wkly rat••· ........ . etlgloul W.cllff".,... of 170 ••c. d1po1lt. Cal·. ,~ 2 Br, x.lnt loc:allon. kid•..._. V ..... ..., 2 ... 1~ ... NW peta. Reap. adlla. 174-7225 145-0440 -·-Newport Beach. 811 873-4154. Newport •• OK, 111 moe. rent & c»-..,_ ., ... "' "'• Dana Point'• moat ... teQO/mo. 85M203 If no --• Dover Dr Sta 14 pot1t 1625. 983-7800 or Ila. gar. patio.~•· ctuded IC*llc bluff Lita -881-1uo 2 Br 2 Be, nr Sin Cl•· IHI I PLAlll 1375 mo. Shr w/Nwpt 131-3651 · · ' _BMC __ h_·------i M2·M11 e.4S.5735 '500 a eec. 97 . ,,... OnlV 4 untta . 2 er .. _...... ............ ·"'--m•n•• Ho ap., patio. 1<1 ex.c. 831-8051. IWIE Sim 1-..i--.. 1• • ..,11 1 Ii~~~~~~!!~ WILUll ... w/~. Xtra lrg pnv.t.a _,_M~ OCMI' /' ""'Y decorated, watw & ==~· ~ Fem to etv 28r hae, CdM. _., •1 t Lroo~~~~~ •• ~ ~: 751 w. 19th. patio. From Ht5/mo. :.. lndd . .M =:.mo. II •1~1 Pd· I• I 51m0 · __........., z ":...."== ..... -~ non-1mkr praf. Ftplc, ,,_.,, S 4 I 5 . 8 4 8 . 7 3 1 I , Mlnut• from the~. Call M1·8441 or M·F, 18 ""4 _._ ,....,..., "~ Wfltwldlyr .. bike to bdl Wltef frHI -•••••••••••••••••••••• MtlTfm". Lllfl 873--0884 LUXURY 2 BA. 2:8A. M . 843-0212. OrM by Large Studio wltll klldlen. ..... ... ;:.-1~~ :2i 1317 mo.'. Ind utll. Cai 11.50/eq ft . LHH. ........ Pretty gTay female Tlgel'~ll Martlte pulrnan top to .. 2"517 Santa a.a nMr ~. ahopptng. ....................... CM 146-1137 . llft IPM 758-1186 142-414-4, M.f, M ,.__.__,,. cat. longlah fur, ltvea on "" 2 Br 1 Ba. yard, petlo, ~· Oecoral ...__ 1315/mo lndda ullla. 1st 3 Br 2 ea. nr SC Pia.a, · ••• ~::::";,........ Chrl•tln• Drive (nHr1011q l•ts. 1355 Baller (B). or --Lerg• Studio, carpt1 .' mo.+ S500 MC. to move rac ""· poo1iJ9c:: NH. fwdM '-lall flll 2 congerltal ~tern. I~-:: For LH ... Ottlca 3 rma, lllPlllal P.llm Banning & Magnolla),10M1 IMS..500' ~w~C:::-~~_:;~1111118n · Ir!. Hotel Cellfomla Apia, 646-7131, wta646.-15323 ...................... :.,bf. 21~5 ~Ult & 1200 tq ft. Good trllfflc, Wented to own and Huntington Beech. PIM-~\41'" 2 Br. 1 ea. ~ up-PrMlta patloa • • L • a v a m • a 1 a o a 8o cat 8o cat L•raa ~ B .. r Cabin. tao me-142·-eaae r.::, ellln & ~. °'** c.ncty. Snack & .. cal tee-1221 llft. e. l par, neer achoola. No OounMt KltcMn ... _,_ 4t<t-2717. ..tm.=i--ea."'anc1'unit Pool T , ooeor TV, 2 . cl423u~~ft ~·~ 8pft °"""Vending Aou· pall. No waterbeds. Clrpof1 w/ltonige .....i Oceanfront 2 Br 2 Ba lrpl, "' pool. S.C oate S57S ~;:J~~:•P• 14 • F pref. •hara 3 bt 2ba .::!ct. aSt·m te In Colla MeM. New-Loet: Cat, Onnge 11gw; $450/mo. 831-1155 Spa. outdoor 88Q •••••••••••••••••••••• rng bldg In No. Lag mo. 751.e&eO . . Nwpt Bell houH on por1 8eectl & aurround· male lhorttlal!'. Vic Mela l&lndry llOlrlB IPTI 11200. 152·5040, 1·6 8'g 8Mr Cebln, 5 ~ CINI, frplc:, den, tannla. 2000 eq ft oflce w/500 eq Ing ..... ~ bual-Vei'da, CM. 1 1121. Wntllde 2 Br. atove & $550/mo 541 4f30 A LOVELY Pt.ACE Wkdya. .,.._,. 1mnbW from Snow Summit, ~I . Av a II now . ft-.nouaa.115-45/mo. nNa. High profit II.,,., 5"40-14117 evs. Reward =-. '=/~~~~ ~ Br. WHllld• Co•t• TO LIVE • ....._L -·· ... ,.._ tr p I c. I 3 I I d a 11 y . /mo. 145-2•9!1 lrvtne ., ... Mr ~· c~ .. ~ t"rr. Age L.ost· Springer Spanlel 7 p e 1 d. I n d r y fa c . Me11. Carpor1 & pool. •Homey/Pvt 1 & 2 Br :!'!If!!.~ ... =. ... .-•. r._;........... 5fl6.t187 8hr apac. 0.0..lfl'ont S br, laave mwage 53&-0541 :r,.7~ 71.1Tt~ mo.1. old. Bal. Penln. "' 4312.. No pell. 1415/mo. Cell •Pool/apl/bbq NO FEEi Apt. I Condo Lake Tltloe, lnclr'9 \llo. 3 2 Ila. "'*· ...... :14 FUI aenllCI 9QCUtl\le.... S 17,500 CHh lnvHt• ..... "-9rdl 87$-1105 833-15.33 •5 8Cr'9I of bwltltully ,.,..... VIia Aantala. ft.LAii Br 2 ba .. rwltal.. Anld-... saoo + utll. 145-1 .. with ... lltwary PfM-ment. For cMlall Ind lo-or M0-1020. E.1ld• lrg 1 Br. hwuoo• landacaped •urround-17.....,12 '"*•· N ,... ..... I llU nen. 702/131-6654 ~ ._.. •-1 laOM (Etl. 1177) Offtoee cal Interview Mite CAL FOUND· Youn" female W81k-ln doMC. gar. I mTllT • lnat --uvrm. u ry - -~ mo to mo or WEST .......:,,...., SUP · • hOOkup, clear\ ... 26/mo. 2 Br. I~ Ba twnhH. •Hr Frwy9 & lhopplrlg 2 Br. 2Ba.from16215. No . apll In 1" pWw. 1 Bdrm OOH00-8UN VALLEY •••• •••••••••••••••• leaaa S115.·S5415 mo V"°"""'""• • cat, 9f8Y blk ltrlpe '#ht No pea. 8'a.w\ 131--0213 B 1111 I d •Quiet.,.. peU. Acrola from .._. from 8640, 2 bdrm from 8aeutlM 2 ltory, 2 Br. 2 DaM P1. alnQle atoraige, Word. proc:.11 oon• PLY, INC. 2541 l.9gO Or., feat. LagUna 417..:MI05 ca~port~:~. •::;d1tJ:O: •No p«a· furn llvall por1 8eadl Golf Courw. 1518, Towntiouae trom Ba. 8laapa M comfort· ....-.cl . ..,... emr.noe, tereno• roomengT•I•" Rancho Murlet., CA Loet· Faafllon 111anc1. Dect Lr,:.:.:,'~: n~e~~ Small Pet OK. F/p . (11~!·-546 •165 llH + poole, t~nnla, able . SU/day. C•ll 3•017 Granada, llO. e..outhe Row ifto. 3901 :1~2771 ! ~ ~ 4, 9o1d & diamond. blrcij No pet•. '550/mo. 18254835/mo. t691 er H8 W9ft1 mTILI watartai:c~· T~ ~-117"1244· 9734315' MacArttv ltvd, 211 (11 TOLL FREE number pin. "-trd. 547--0tt7. 715 1-3118 2617, 25-43, 81Wn ..,_/W,;,.,. S & •It. QC* to...,, ~o:ld~ro~t San C:~": . 0#11# lntaJ ff• J7=:'7bf7':' Blvd), Ni.. IOO·t52·5858 and atk Lolt: men'e 1Uver dla·..r 2541 ~119• off 8Mdl furn & unfurn, reaaon· frw drive North on l••flll ,. a.,. fM •••••••••••••••••••••! .,... fof Ext. 01• mond rtna. 12-3, ..... cs." lfll... 2314c!:: A119• Wlll?IQ able. all amenltlaa. ~to Mcfadcten to ...................... SUBLEASE OFFICE PRIME LOCATION: n1'W SIZ N.B ./C .M. erea.Y. Luga 1 Br rafrlg• T8L ..:::' Spec 1 & 2 br IOYefy 8rollar 67._...12. Sa• w Ind V 111 • t • Ubanll ""'"'8-*' * ~ ;~5~ bedt. 1100 aq ft or mn !~!f.!!.~!....... 87&-ettt i range. laundry, pool: 142·1'°3 plnai I ttt .. rft., MC. C71~tt1. HR n .. r beach IHO o.c. Alfpott, • omoee ~d~~~tc~ ... ...... Found: Meture lem11cf c arport. No patl. ...... 9•t• entry by phone ._. =.,.. ual 142-6188 aft ,.. IOO al ~ l 24H W ~ t ........... awn.a oat WI Harbor ... 25/mo. t31 W. 19th Wll1'Ull 1ge rec area lnof. tym: r.;;n'•••••••••••••••• pm. w/garllle dOor. At'f pert ..:-... Aclt 831.1..=• 11 on the way for your 6 Fairview', north o St. 541-4492 Bachelor I 2 Br apt• pool & ..,.. ......,, L.--, I "" 39A apt tn c .M. or al. aq. tooeaige et .,._ • · ~~and u::' Balcw, CM. IM6-U62 2 BR dupla wield 0-· all911. Pool, ~auo: ,,, Ill &.I COUNTftYCl.UllLMNG ... • non-smllr. lfH+ dip. low oolnt rata . WDl-18 1~ 3'd TD'1. 'S Aadec.., good netfhbor· :P.No pea. =A 3 9A ..,..,._.. IN Nl'WPORT llM:H Wkly rental• IH up, 12 'up. tlt-1017 11114900· Oetu•• ottic:. °' •tora on' our 'expert• at no ~~gP~IYg',!::u:;hA hood, 1415 . C all llchelorl175. ana.-,fl'JllC.Naar ~~· Calor TV, tree ooftee, a• 1 .. C.M.l'IOfN.lrt OfFICI 8PACE 'OA =·1~:0~~ oo9t.AllY la a 1lmple matter 5~1 2 Br.16215. . Hrtw. trom 1848. & 'fo:M~ ._..., poof & *Pa to ytd, frplo. Ull naa LIAR. 100 aq ft, aldt M 8tWft z twri CMo 657-1•22 ju11 call 842·5178. Lovely 2 Br twnhH on 9111 W. 1tttl It. Cfllldrwl Of(, 840-M07 From IMO OCJeM, I09aflle .... tl1.oeo3.121CJ l utll. Newpcw1 IOO, ..... 7721 eenMr "'°"'* c.;t9' e. ...... nu °""81...,.., TSL= MADDOXAPT8: U2tw. on.19mboreaAd.at INN.eo..~ M/FnoHl'Ntr,tolfVOr, ............ ptlme.o;;;;,179-llli ,,,, .. 11 ,,,..ii trptc, patio & lfV-.vn· 4MM 22 tb, ~ IUmlUndlnDI. San....-... k LAguiw ...,... 1'6 be ......._llOO + 1' ...a.. omoe In lnckl9trlal or lllMM4r ....,, -*· 0-· MH/mo. 1"' Spaci6ou1 2 If, 1'it Ba. "IO·IHO. 142·1711. ~... u ... prll. 2140 yn. Lt. 11111. C.M. llCMll07 --·ff( ..... a ..... Na Pf'Of on IOO aq h ·~·-·;··iii0i0i".i0i0i00i·i·1··i·i·i··i·~ii~i.iiiiiiiiiii. ~·~z:•P· No P•'•· TowntlOUM "'""*· El ... M . ...,.""' .... 4 Ir OOOldnf. ~. JIO, t9lt-,et111I• to ttlar• I ar •· rw. NM. nw.. oarpftad roomi • '-" :::.. "°.=,.:., oer~a Lt• Hr w/9ar. luper clad patio, at•pi ~ ~to Npl lotl . ....,. In.._ V ..... t ~100 .. 1221 wl'*llnk.ClwMnf191 st~~~ manaaem,en/ "" •MUA VERDE 2 Br. 1 Mgmt. l4MaaA.' claan) clOH to botl. beeaft. Y~. '71-4411. ~lctan~°"-=r· I olllea f'OCllM. MO.=aq ft. lrOn COlonllll .,._ IW dtY -~ lf-~· Ba. ~· Me. IOI mo H4·0H. With 40• dam '°' "°°"'-lfV~1, Npe • s.: In C.M:i • 1111. lttt ~ IMf. ~ of. 'lJ. :J) C. .... No.-., 7"· ,.11111 lllFlll a.nao boM 1 M 1 .... _,.,. 9dl. ldt. an. Lawy.r w•nt• to ''" I ...._ •1 "'°· -· 1~ • _. 2 tledrOOrft.1118. ...... Uk• nu, ... , br .... WALK TO H~OH: •a· do. S1IOO/mo .,;::: ::-:· • ,..,.... Mrm •Pl w/nonam111. Ofloe flllr .... 710 arv . • •69u• . . . 8 .........,. no,_.. 8"76. "'*' -~71/Up . .., .eow.&·,.....a1 11000 ....,. eeo.11i0 · neet '· 1•1-1101 an.•• ft • ...,... .... ft L: \Ma.,.. ii,...iiiii C.Cllliiii•iiiawiif7t..*2iiiiiiiil P11e1o °' :iio':t: utna 0p11d. IHOfmo. ..,._Lone · 1 '°"'.., ,....._ Coeta •· O•nt•r caoroH tro"' ..;, .,..:Otioor 1oae Ii Stans For Stress Include: :c. ":..'::' ....... 7 -.1111 I 9r Condo • QUIET, _.. ....._ 't:Ln -.... to lfV I bf Ma, =ta":' ::':foe': c.iM. Or. C.M.' I bike E H.ad.CMS ........ WALK TO llACH 1 Br oond. ,,Im• w .. toHn .,.... C.M. l2IO/l'ftO + ........ -... ,. of ,.lrwtew I Adami. -8 .. •••••• -: 1 Ir, ...... pello, w/baloonr. atowe I ,._ 100. Hlf>. 71t•OH• 'urn rOOfll.::v· "CHM ~ 11111. Clwta 641·1111, • 7 ... 1040. Mr. T,_.. FatlQW 110 peta, adulft prat. -.. ta11rno ..,_, llOOL.... Hr 000. 141·1MI .. -··= lrrltabllltrv 1M, 111A • 290., 111A 711-C> 111ft It. 173-1711 ..... a.fint Cal cMWt •t.at10 -_,,__-••-" batlt.-e..oer.i.ooto OCIAN,,.ONT-Cuetom aft. 4:10•1 .. ne:·-r 'tmel• roolftlftate to ~.-NI ....... , 0 • W a-..1 lJacN.Chel 8 ..,...... 11111t1w *"' 1 9*lni 1 .... pool, ...... bd 2 ......... llult-o.oor I br I ... up, .... I IW ....... O.M. MO y ...... OOftf. """ 11 .. 1 •••• :mm.... I ..,_,...., ' S1; adult•, no P•••· d!Y·._.. .. ....,..., w .,..Ji .. ~11.,_ Cotti M•H. oloH to t111 a uut: hH kit.,,......_...,.._ waeore•-Awan. Ufinl .. nu. manipultUve lher1py ... I , IU-7HO or ..... ...,., .. ,. ...,,.,...,., 7400W. occ. ,.,~ ....... , ... ,I. . ......... ,......._ ,. ':4M"'.//#. I w 8lllk nutritional coun1ellnc . ._,...7 1 '*"' nt .._ lwMM OontrnUIM• lmlNll ,...... ......, ......,. to 'r:*-.... Mf.~::J;,! ...... 1 • (714~11-1111 '4::1"5909.... t~ ~:t..-::i: ~ t:..·=~'=':: =~·T~u: t9rf'WI:-.:. ......... =:. : .. : .. ~= ....... Mllttl .. ::;:;..~~= 4111W.. PL. lte-111 ~ • c:::;.,:::,~~.;;ona, den. d~;.:-..C:: llfl':lo. 111.4114, ==::-t7M74I :.:~~141·1111 or H~ac-':."1o'~ =:' :_7• • l'FMm '-C.. I IF Or nge CoHt DAILY Pll OT /Thuraday, December 0, 1812 ff!!.~.!.'.'!~~ .... !.~!! IJ.'.11. .~! ... 1.-1. •... !.~OJ '!.~'" .~!!'.'.'.( •.. !.~~ ~1.1!1!'.~~ •.....•. '·~' ,()UNO Nov 30 Dl•Cill lt1lly1lll•r eip lo i.are Oftioe H•lp, tlllme, hMll)' Olil fntllth AollqlHI tbl, llllltn, w/~, w/whllt lor 4 mua Ohl In your r.oneh 1alet0fgt111 ,Mutl l tU opth, 1210 on right fora paw Via C M home f ull time IYP•. 1-nin tecOf'd 11ono. H2·J14' ltf·)l7' "''"'"'•""' WHIH ,,,, .. ~...,... "•l;1e1tl.,/ llll ~!'!! .. ,t!'!t ... !!!f •••••••••••••••.• llM ..... ~~~~·............ WI PIY ••••....•..•••.•...... HlWPI & Rrltllll. C M Mon•,rl IA2•0114 ~/redlO Non unttr &&1·6080 8ankltlQ Dane Pl 81l1ry open Ullll ·~ Wanted Gull er INGher. tor lrtl•rmed p 1aye 1 Plock, 111ue111111, 111 N 1-o634 ttVe MANNI ILICTAICIAH CHNlfMAI I ALl '14 "' Ill.Lii OeaitnllNt .. IAeoW iu.Mll '°°· 6 apcS, Mo oft Olly won& ..... 2620 Iv , d • D , •• I 0 0 n d • • ... _ ... :rcr.:.e ~to• 12 Wiil •-•••~ ote..a. 4142·4300. 24 hrt Atl Magntllclenl loul• XV ~m n h h d 1 -•• No 75t Dlnfno 100t11 ••I, v1lue -• •P ar m" Ot•nga CoH Saving• I 11 ooo. u klo H .000 rnale & SptlnQet Spel\ltl 11\d lOlo hU an lnwn• OlllCa petton. rn. Ille 080 840·48t0g .. ,, .... l*/Obo t H ·Of74 eft ._ •ulHJ L:1-1 1Uf II _ AUi llJDll ,.,,, .. ,.,, ,,,, ••~~•••••••••• '13 KIWIUkl M•Ch Ill ..,...,_ rem•I•. Newfand & Al di••• opening tor full bkk'g, tw•no. llllng Mu11 lanla. H 8 000·2025 ti~ en11y teval poaltloo h•v• Plumbing olllce Found Lovabla Tabb'f lyplno and 10 key tllllll 11Work UP•rlance C•ll oel. vie: 5th St. CdM • muel C0t11ac:1 Mlellel• Hogen Plumblng 11 •••••••••• .. •••••••••• C•mP·••!I'• tn1111ebl• 500 H4'W 9"0· & ch.int>-24IO Hatb« llvd •• !tectronlc CornbO C)IMO, dinghy 1200 0 •1• e ra H 60. 141·4150, COITA MH A Ill 12 ~ ... ::f''ed keye, marine dlttal de pth 842·5049 1• .. ~IJ.1~~.'!.~........... ll,.5•~n!2•ap11r bltn ~!2.n't ~t~ #1111 ....,, ,_/ Ml-1GY IA4-2145 Cappa 764·1801 eoe Mt-0482 HARBOR AR!A ._, Mf·seot ... ,1,,.,... '"' WI"' APPLIANC HAVIC t""'I fltl "" ...... .. .... ltMr.... . •••••:/•' eee'iWe•••••••• Found: Young m•leAlg han 11ound. Light ten C1po Beac:h. 498-2& 13 Found. change puraa. 2 valuabla ltema ln1ide FHhlon 111and. 875·6809 Found. Set of keye. wl pl81tlC IOOlh \/le . Joann/Meyer C M e.42·8392 Found Cocker Spaniel Vic:. Buahatd/ A t11n11, H.B. 960.0747 Found: Fem Black, bllnd, dog. Yorktown/ Magno. Ila. Hunt Bch Coller 982·2152 Found Fem Siberian Huaky, blk/whle, vie Magnoll• & Atlllllla, HB 960-4155 Found. Gry T•bby type Kitten, •prx 4.5 mos Ha ll/Rhona HB 842·994!> lllllllPEI Part Tl•• S1lt1 We Nit reoono. GUiit .. •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 6484 06 22 Tandem 8o1t T1aller, Outdoor SloHge. 90811 IWI llll Ac:counll receivable, O.monilr•llno prOduc:ll llPPllane419. 149.3071 111111 W. let ha.LI UU St50...._7 44/ 7 new b .. r1no1 1416, tlaller• °' whel ne~ ~ llQhl typing Meturt per· In atorH In your araa, I llY .......... Houieflold ltema Lad'9. Ir .U. 7·9. QWlt CORONIT HORN very 957·113U. St ft·S15 min 8411-7851 .. Timi ion with minimum or 3 Sall8onue, wlll train L.. 951•1133 424 F"etnteal 8·5 PM tire 10, Jacket•, aweat-good c:ondlllOtl 175. WANTED. WOoc:I ,,~1----------1 yHra eaperlance Full/ (71 4) G&:)-3 107. ,. • IB. lope, Plnll, Set 1·4. &40.7500 Of 543'-2021 Auto Piiot Model 1111 llma, Mon.·Frl. Sand Wllher D---•13&aa. .,.,,, Ill O Tldewete r Irv . -.:. _____ ,,.,_ 'A•ll •-mn lam RESUME ONL y I 1 d p••T Tl•E . · 1-•••••••••••••••••••••• 5& 1 t2" ' laeutlful 0 tiring £pl· 12 Volt . .--...., ... n--/ nc u • -Ollhwether 1100 Oltrll Anllque Garage • phone gultu + <11H. dy, 714/$44..0'28 I Ann11tl11 H Ing work hi1lory & salary Eves 1nd/or wMkand1. Retrlg. 1200 848·5848 SIMI' Hundred• ol ltemal ~ ... , •---&. 1100/0fr 645-31M ...,.. G •••••••••••••••••••••• requlreme1111: Coeta Reaponalble ldult1, OYef S.I 01 4 cflllfl SlO mlt· ~ •••• ~a:........ TINY Tl ER t2v/110V, PAINT & lite t>octy wort!, COHHHL C.HE~AOLH •.,. jj 1 'e !I r I,,,, Meu Stellonera, Per· 21, with outetandlng 11-~~1o.,H~:pol~1, ~O ,~".~i rora S2·StO, blankei rack ESTATE S ALE; Unique OlllH flttUtatt I ganar11or Ht. 10 Iba, up 10 60% on your •I. aonnel Mgr, 270 E. 171h tractive pereonallti .. 10 ~ 12.:~20•1;48 I l 2 . tece a linens lttlelM tor 9Y9fYOM, Af1 L.1-nl ••• &00 Watte. Covel'. $100. 8111142-0IOO/M9·1221 --------- St. Coat• Meae 92627. work with youth (agH OOI • 50t·S5. old ploturH colleatlon, antique turnl• ••• ":IT~•••••••••••• 173·5223 or 54e.Hl8 Auto tow ber end hllc:h. •I 11111 !>U-1200 BUSINESS FOAMS 10· 1'4 ). Call 2·6PM. Gallart & S alll•r QH S2·110. dlehee & gl .... ture, houM plenlt, mull· Wf ...... Hem redto gHt: Irena• At New. $160 Top dollera tor Sport• SALES 642-432 1, ext· 348. 11ova. Almond w/amou """' 10t ·t4, turnllura c al equipment. Conll• MOii Brandt. s ac:rlno.. c:.tver, tuner, baM mo-07,_5223 °' 6'8•2818 Cera. 8uga. Campe r•. Asai11an1 to work with E..O.E. glaH dOOI', 1 yr old. Im· 15·1200. Fri only 1·8. nuo u a dall y John 1412·7033 dule. entennu & booll•.1~-,--,..-,--.,..-,-0 914'•• Audi'• Mnlor aalea rep to learn Plant Care maculale. $350 Firm. 1822 Monrovta (2 bloo*t 497.5741 $800 tak• •II. 845·7711 Ford lruc:k llr .. & rime, Aak !Of UIC MGR HIH rrom the bottom Interior L•ndec:aplng. 497-41233 llWMI of Plaoantl• .,..,.,._ XEROX 2300 dH k-top 9Vtl 15" camper maga, S25 --- up. Mull be clean cut Exper Helpful, but not MAYTAG Comm Weth an 161h & 17th St), Cotl• • •-~-a. copier, 11 mo. old. Rec-~I Cell 979-8727 (Fred). -... ._ II d I •• L • • M... ._,, -· •nlly Htvlc:ed. t 1700 ... ,, ,,,,., ... ·--c:o ao• gra or equ v nee:. Mull hive ~ood .,., W/<IQITT bOJIM. 8olh . ..-.~················ Tab6e W/t tOfege ., .. '°' ·····'················ 1871 1 Beed! BIVd. Thia la•':."' oppty in driving record. 75t· 75e 1175 °' $95 M. Gt•I IOf 't'ard Sile. bik ... pictur•, Dollt, entlquee, c amera IUPC)llea $150. 720-0510 '74 C1llfor11lan, all flW · A•llf /II i.J• HUNTINGTON BEACH lrvlna Pie phone Jet· pa-• -a•-big temlll•• or Apt•. mieo knlc knee•, ciothee, equipment, U1 ~tea. glau. 10 w/CM/vy Eng. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mt-a. ry Michaels for a cooll-,.;-n .-S48·2335 womans u 7. mens io-. Chrittmu Olf1• & mo<•· llfl aM7 1 Vanaen Trailer, good IMPORTANT NOTICE i--------- den1lal lntetvlaw (7 14) AB Olck 360 CD Itek U · Kenmore WHhar & gH Sal/Sun 1·3. 1959 AM· 2900 Carob St (E.blutf) •••••••••••••••••:"•~• running COlld. S 1795. Pvt TO READERS ANO wam11 S46-l63I ~~7~11~!can•JCP9'. dryat S100 Mt.842-7471 helm Aw., CM. Sal only e.5 ~~Ir=~· Party Call 8"47·5414141 or ADVERTISERS C••EER I .,..YEL •ft 5PM Dae: 10 11 Collec:tabtea Glan1Pat10Slle.Sat.Oec:. 4150--0435' ' 636-3008. The prk:• of Item• •d· L•t• model ToyotH. an •na PIT 11111111 1 · it b k • 11, 10 em. 12 1 30th s t, vtttlMd by Yehlcle dMI· Volvoe. Pickups I Vane. ,,.,., IS& I """' Ambitious couple/ ma-Admiral Side by 81,~or:-gr::· ~~c:~r~1ac009t3 H.B. 8 75-8829. Me tal uo MUD an. 24 " SKIPJACK .,. In tile Yltllele c:tual· Cell ua todeyj Found: Lrg gry/wht goose, Captain Clean Co has lure t ingle; mktlmgmt. 1' 1g•"10 r · · Senate St. fireplace, c:hendellar. 11 wlla old, M, ltOO. Twin VolVoa 115,000 fled ldver11slng c:otumna ....... very friendly positions open 1or •mbl· I em i I y bu• I 11 a••. 642·747t alt 5PM tum .. 81!1 equip. neuttce'I, 549-71 18 NS-6477 doea not Include eny • 646-81 t-4 lioua Ptlftonable gala & 645·6776 Whirlpool Mlc:towaw oven f•ul"• V.al'-leed ahleld, etc:. plk:abl• tlJIM , llc:enM, guya. lrae to traval (Model 7eoo)w/probe In •••••••••••=-;;.•••••• S ER S LE Wrought Iron Pwrot c:age . tr•n•f•r I•••. fln•nca rirl .. '1I S3SO Above average comm SALES hou•• Ml'Vlce conlrKt. 16 FAMILY GARA OE UP A with covef, never uMd. Cleutc 18 Lap1tr•k• c:Mrgea. ,_tor air pot. ••••••••• .. •••••••••.. earnings. expenses •d· Sta nd •nd cookbook•. SALE, dryat, blk .. , turn., PRfCELESS 24" Ola )( 40" hlgfl. S95. Century bay boet, 4 c:yl, lutlon control device .. .......... . UIU I YIOll'I PHOTO MOOELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALL 24 HAS 111-0207 *** ltl1nti1 P1rlor Open 2'4 hrs a day 7 days a week Jacuzzi. Sauna. Locale •• we ll •s Touri11S. BankAmerlcard, Amer· lc:an Express, Din«•. All -•come 7 t41645·3433 2112 Harbor Bl. CM Cullom F1111uy Phone Conversation wflh Barbel MC/VISA 2'4 hrt Call 638-070 1 SPIRITUAL READINGS Advice In all mailers, love, marriage & butl· ,;.••••· Aleo counset111g 1115 So. El Camino Real. an Clem. 492·7298 AMOUS CIRCUS s Maximus ~Haage Parlor Gor· •.:teoua girls lo ..,,,.. you. ~Open from 10 AM until 4 Jr-'M. 7 daya a week. Free f uttet. 719 No. Harbor lvd, Fullerton 11'-110-1112 ALL MAJOR CREDIT ~ CARDS ACCEPTED ... Liii Plll 64!>-3648 EIMITSl•llEU 24 hours • call 835·9199 UCITll& IODELS ........ THoll* Beeutiful model• for lhe discriminating wno love 1he "golden touch" Open 7 Days II Week H1-Hll 188!> PARK, C.M. VISA MC EFRESHING UTOPIA LOW. OC'a llneat. lie:. l"l'IUl«Jr 640-Q.085 T'S llHT Slln * . 24 hr Outull Maj CIC's 889-6914 vanced dally. Tran1por· Full or part/lime. Wiii not S 4 5 0 8 6 1• 8 8 8 0 o r Sat. S.3PM, 17781 Wint· TREASURES 538-78412 Grey. $3500. 875-4118 l. c:artlflc:allo111 or dH le r ta I Ion rurn. No up Interfere with preaent 975-6S94 erberry, FV. Magnolle, & JUNK. KNIK-KNACKS Am«lc:an Pit BuH Terrier. documantuy prapere- neaded. wa teach the Jcob. u9~um5i715ed income. corner of Talbert. DlSHES, BOOKS 1 vr, P•P•rt. 1125• 10 Meverlc:k, 19', 140HP llorrc:hargH unlH• prlnclplea ol proleulo· an 4 .,.. t · Extra Uprlghl lreez & r• I 1 •--.&. ASSORT. FURNITURE good home. 813•4818 Mere:. extra ang, ell fllfl.. oth•l1wlH 1paclfled by nallam. (Chemical prod.) Sales frig. Both •ork line. 135 ••l•'!f • -~· 7 1 7 7 Do m I n g o Ing OM" lnc:I. 3 yra old. theiadvertlMI'. Be ready to start Imme-MAKE EXTRA CHRIST· each. 720-0148 ··2··F·· i:,·G·······s··.!·· 9am-2pm evee. $10.000 & 11ew trlr .1---------1 C •mn7 arage . 8"' 780· 121 9 .. KC Cocker S"..,.lei "''P· 496-2344 dlately. all Ml Blacke, MAS MONEY NOW re-s ..... Relrlg $226 Wl'tlfl· Fri/Sat. 20681 ... ,.._, ... v ~~~~~~~~~'Allllt•n/ Holiday Inn, 557·3000, pre--.tlng our comp •II pool Ralrfg 129&. Ken· Suburbia Ln. H.8. ,.,,,, All• PIH. Lerg e variety . .:. Clatln H Thurs & Fri only 9·5. nalural akin care llne. more gu dryr 175. Fri-aa•a•• •Al Ir ~·•d•.•.,••.·.·,·.•.••E•v•.•,•t:!•l•h•lll•,.• 1175-.1200. 893-009e. 10' flbe1gl1N b081 with •••••••••••••••••••••• 25'1, comm. All prod gld•lr• S kinny.m ini --' , Linton Plc:c:olo. Bought 7 '.'t hp 0 /8 m otor, * OUlllO o•• * 100% eat guar. No •xg S275. Whirlpool •pt H Sat/Sun 9 AM. 14 Ft goea. No reuona o • new , u a• d t w I c • $800/obo. 75t-4268 11111 Clerical , nee. Call Jerry 498-4911 wlllr 1125. 646-8072 Hllboe t, oHh regl•ter. fer retuMd. Hundred• ol $250/btt olr. '42·8392 10' Alum Jon 80•1, 4hp CLOSEOUT! •••"I Sac:rlllc:e. rel rig. Very c:lot hH, dolle, toy• & Offlc:e Oelke, Secfet11tlll mtr. $275. 14' Jon Bua Part time. llex, hours. general olllce dutle1. Po1illon avallable Imme- diately with amall lrvlne "" accounllng and In· vHtment firm Pteaae «:411 Ablgall Price: 141-Ul4 -gamea. 9572 NetherWay. c:flalr• llnd Vllllou• otflc:e lreet OltrfltllM Ifft P.A. PERSONS NEED· good cond. sso. I s d D D y Uo l'tud p bt 7.5hp, troll mtr ....... ED. Magic: Island Is 54S.U 93 alter 5 PM l1viat P acea. ~lur •y. •· bl • · w •not. e1C, $750. 983=5272 looking for a f9W lntaltl-.................... "'•••••• cember11. 97'M • 3 PM. tame. tllka, 11111\d, c:age, ---------I gent anrac:llve & sincere Coldapot ralrlgetetor w/ 8' Couch $50. Stareo, Pa-3811 So Beer StrHI. 18001 o bo . 919-6108 .,,. ... , persons to reprue11t IQe maker, double dOOl'I, tlo Furn. Che! .... Dr-S•M• An•. (Ba twHn wkdy a~ HSI them In their Pf'lvll• club S225. 54()..82741 & Mirror. Paperbacka. 29 Sunno-& MllCArthur) ml--~ a. !!f ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... Sltv~OOd. S•I. 12·1 t. For mora lntorm•llon, r-• .., Chrlstm•• Boet Parade, In N•pt .,..~ •. lntervlaw Rockwell tO" redial erm --••••••••••• ••••••••• ' c-" I 7 1o.e 546-4990 Ollk u.....a..hl ""'--•---. Newport Harbor. Dec: requ.red. .,, or appt, 11w. S 175. ,...,. .... ....., .,....., 17th th 23 d Relph daya, to AM • 8 PM. A9k 540-41278 m • 11 /•I• c:. S 5 2 O O . ru r · 1Hllllftl IPlllllll llPUU The mott elegant coupe avat bvllt. (2018). Wll • 141 .... •••·111,100 c ... ..... " .... UIJ er l ... t4'1 WI llY USED CARS & TR~S COME IN OR CALL FOR FUI lPPUIUI. Cormter-0.Ullo •mtuT 111211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH Ml-1111, I0-1111 TQP Dolar Paid For Your C111t ............ Lleeele·kMrJ 241241 H1tt>or Btvd. Cotta ...... 54().5830 for M r . Ha Ib e rg 11311-4812 Huffman 831-7004 675-0900 Four t5" Urea l0t Tayota. Fua/19rt 1111 J~I... "1i H1mmo11d Organ Mdl ChrlatmH Boal P~ed• IEC"nll' $90. 540-e279 •••••••••••••••••••••• .:.~'••••••••••••••• M-1t1 w•lnut w/M•rlc pat11M. Clullc: 60 ..,.._ 011111 lllP "'" 1121 .... l HIGHEST CASH Imme· PIOllP llPUI& dletely lcif your vef\lde, All Occupation• Available Great lnc:ome opponun- 11 y . F or ln lo 312/688-4347 Ext C.70. Fee lor Directory Delivery IE·l·El's PIZZA Immediate PIT openings a11allable lor dellvery drivers. Muat be 21 wl good driving record, and able to work evening•. S tarla S3 50-$4/hr + Tips. Apply dally alter 5 PM. Me·N·Ed'1 Pizza. 171h & Tuslln. Costa Mesa * *I BUY** Rlnga, ladlee t4K wtlt gold ~ i. back grlU. 1950, boet 1v111. for c:flartar. Peraon•I Injury. Expr lenllh co1ot TV 24" good wedding & ~I, 873-5122 Room tor 20 +. Reaaon-req. r~tty. Typing 1QO wo rking c:ondlllon Good uMd Furniture a ~ 1C. App(. Sll,000, able rete. 857-3567. wpm plus, 898-0461 utl 175.00. 540-8278 ~OR 1 wfll Mil ... N000/080. ~ 1940 beby grand Gui-.._. for Arnie. REF.RIG"'"•TOR ~ SELL t~ You Ad 534, 842-4300 24 hra. branMn. orig. lvorl ....... , "'1 ...., ~ "" "' 11500/obo. CeN Anewe--••••• •••••••••••••••• LHI• new, frotl frM. l&lllll llOT'm .,,.,,...... ., rAd 580, 842·4300, 24 w.. ,. UOllTUY IL s 155. 803·90e0 141-1111 Ul-Mll •••••••••••••••••••••• twa. l mll1ll&I Secretarl•I poaltlon In Antique m •hogeny1----------1 •c:live Newport Center Firewood-Self plc:k·up I llT FllllTm ca btnet-•15; b•tflroom Y&mllA .... ftlll LAlll Realtor's office. Front S 125.00 per cord L• 9674133 "marb6e type" link In 1 '3800. 5f6.e194 The L.aMt Stora. 181 .,,,. Iii 111 i 980-05417 door & 2 dr-ceblnat mull CIW1atmaa cte.ing. 0 c:e poa on requ '81 plua matching 2 d oor Scflefer apinat OfQll'I, w/ Dec: 10, 11, 12. 9-4. Luer good telephone voice, A ~ l'•Jf FURNITURE • New wall c:eblnat & "mlfble rtlyll'lm, $450/mo Hllboerda $850. Hu,... typing, lhot11'tand & ap-.,.... " ue 17"~ --pearence. Real ••tale •••••••••••••••••••••• Mutt rlllM Cun type" w•ll an.If. all tor .,... • -raduc:tlona. 824 Wett experience helpful but LARRY MORGAN AUC· Prlcaa ttarl at S 100; tampered gle u &IJ•• 1113 1811'1 St. CM. 842-GIM8 not esaenUal. Prefer local TION. Dec. 0th, 8 ~ .nM1. M•llr ..... & found. aet a11ower doora, IHI• new, •••••"•••••• •••••••• •• .15 23• Erlcaon UHF r•· reside nt. For interview Refer lo ad under ,.. t • TllWln 177 • Full $97 only 160 ldr both. Call Ledl•• Sc:otl Ski Boote, dlo Hond• 10 'hp motOf call M,., Duhl quea. Queen t 147. King $187 842..0131. elze 7, blue. Like new. 4..ai.a 17250 ~94· Sofa 8eda S197 $90. 9418-5808 • · Delivery Parts Driver. over WesleJ I. Tarter 0., •'-In lflf Sole & LoveeNt 12.47 2 UOtMll Model train Mta. PHOENIX SABOT Produc ed b X Shag do metllc: or fore ign Coecftbulldeta. (te02). 551-8285 WAI• 111,111 -N-.-.d-l-ne_x_p_e_n_1_tv-e-. -m-.-. .o •.• 10,.IO c:h1nlc:1Uy aound trucil. Call 845-1771 and IMw mag. 1121-.a "'"llPUU Y• ..• the one with • Jump Metl (1042). Wll ·111,tM IOW -11,110 THEODORE ROBINS FORD ~!'!!1.!!-~·.-1. •••••• • ..," 1111 . .................... . 111111110 t1•s 11an Avallable •t loc:al gov•t 11Mle. Your call refund· •bl•. 1(3 12) 931-5337, ••I 22398 tor your di· rectory on how to pur-c:n-. 24 hra . t8 year•. mual h•v• Realtors 044-4910 :::i:••••••••••••••••• Sofa Dinette w/4 chr• 1 tteem & 1 dtl locomo-185 Head SZ Slllom Ski• 1 t c:ond ••Vol l~~~~~~~~~I Old Crulura & uaed $97 live w/c:ara. S 146 . S175 Jtn 01,,37·3":""· ..11•-•~~ f•lf good driving record & 1~ . 7,.. ~ • ,.,.. -I' C•llf. Uc Hrs 8-!>, Mon-··c"'/mo Blk••· Tira•. Wh••••. DtSCOUNT FURNITURE 044-4 "" Call &44..o914 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2060 HUSO• &lVO COSTA MISA 6•2 0010 es . , S..tl, Pana 1982 Char· ,,,..., .,. __ .._ ....... 10' .. llbolt hUll;muat NII. -Wll l 1112 Fri. Beec:on Auto Parta Fina11e1al lnvestmenl firm S C 94 ..o309 '""'" ,....,.,., "'"'· Eleborete 4'd ' N geuge 1115 K2 3558 wllh Tyrolla uetlfioa $125. 969-t895 '53 Stu<Mbaktw Chemplon Inc: 480 North Newport lor educators. Petaonnel le I. .M. 2 ea.ta ...... 83l~ train layout, v8lua $800 380D Binding•. 1175 IMw,,,.... 5 P•H c:pa. Nie:• c:ar &Lil -Int Blvd.NB 5-48-1133 . c:ommunlc:ations' depl. Chrl11mu Pr-t tor tc>-• • e . $ 2 0 0 Io I I • r . Cell e«--09t4 $3750. 213/592-1792• 1341 Domestic aec'y. )(Int 1yp. & S/H maona. 27". t O •Pd. 875-9084 Lu«, gd c:ond. Must Mlf.1---------1 Full·llme llve-ln •lt•n· recfd. Exec. eecratulal Sc: h w Inn Con 1 w I FURNITURE · NEW -'t 1 Video G Ind 19 1-"-"-'• ,,., S a c: r It Ice. S 8 2 5 . "'4 ..... ~ & .57 plus 1u pet month exp. a mull. Non-amkr h•ndleber lol•·b•g. Mutt relte C..... 11 .me .r:;;.-..•••••••••••••• 9*-1895 laaV9 meet 1948 Ford Woody We· lor 48 month• on •P· dtnl lor Chlldren. Muet c Nffdl I ont Rim Cost PrtcM etart at cartrldgea. (Vlllue MOO) S 3 000 d d I C be non-smoker lllld wll-l)f"eferred. 111553~. S 2 3 9 •Sa I I S ·100 . M•ltl-& found Mt & c:on1ole (llke Haw) 111.P lllP l 8' dingy, good cond. Musi gon, t . . prove c:r e I. ep llng to1revalocc:atlon81-s 5 T-'n S17 ·F· .. •"7 $250 or o fr . Chrl• m--sell. S •c:rlllca . $195. c:oet-$1 4 ,9 0 0 .0 0 ; 1 c 11 Betty 85t 9386 ervers, yra uper.. 831-1275 .., --875-9044 _.r •-1929 Ford Model A Town rffiduat-15368.84; total l~r 1r!""'-·' · :',w:h 3~~ :_i::;. 24" 10.apd boy'• bike. 9 Queen St47 -K~ 1167 l1llll1 N&-1895 leave meas S eda 11 . S 1 O, O O O. of peyments.-117.884.141. r•ni 37 Fuhlon tsllllld, mo• old, Ilk• new $76. Sofe ~S t 7 OdyaMy II Video game, 15 Mother ahort ot c:Hh ~ Ml 87M181. To atan INN (lat month llfYlll IEOO NB .. ftply In ,_,..,,,., 644-4201.1151•9135 Sola & LOYeMa1 $247 tepee. $175. ,_o, alze 10 -tlUll lo •••••••••••••••••••••• '85 LI I C lbl & lleenae).$895.42 . No Eirpatlenc:e Aeq ....., .---· Oinettaw/4 c:hra S97 640-t392 atatttlef6-<N-old10f10ff Curtl1 Hawk H llbo•rd . .,5.., nc:on .... onMvart, • .!· (02559).SeeusNOWI S 3 $ 11La..-A ROMJ;ot...io. DISCOUNT FURNITURE ,.. Ex°"'81"11 c:ond • ,. , .. ,or.... ua -· IUN ...... Tl Make up to t /hr Service talion Attendant, .,....,_.. • 1959 Hlftlor BIYd. S~':'~l&ni .. '!?.OFlullpu.:! ~·.~u8r!!:1ge 1c0•~ ..,50. as1.:..,... -$3000 080. 842·7500. •• 8 Oo~St~--' Sllrllng pay Full/Part P I T Evening Shllt, 6 nel modal. S1 /obo ·--,,.,_ ,....,... ._ ... -· _...., .., _...., _ .. ·-· llma avall. In our pub days. $5/hr. Must be o -873-5223 °' 548-2818 Coate MeN 831~ faaalon wel ber. Make under t he tree . Ca ll .. ,. llJ-NewPORT BEACH Call today for appl. perlec:ned 875-2278. Er· Schwinn beach crulMr. onw 848-eoot 1 n 1wer ad #57 11 " ,... -· --L.. f• 112 .... 537·2860 KING chg nle me II Ille: blue nlc:kel Dining Rm Sel. Smoke · 842""300 24 hra. ' ~kl -•· !!!'.~ .. ••••••••••••~•• .E.E••t IFFICE TOMI'S a-• chain. Jtlnt conc1: s12s or gla .. table. 80"x3e". 8 STEEL TOP TABLE BOAT.SLi°PsAvAiLAei.E: 1974 Che vrol•I iy, ton -A-.-tlJ-----1-'/i-'1- "" -beet offer 5-45-4025 upholattted Ru9t COiored 3elC30" w/bottom 9'Mllf Ping Pong T•bl•. Xlnt Newport Beech· 25' 28' Camper Speclel pickup. •••••••••••••••••••••• No Experience Req. Cluaroom aides, 3 h,. · Crushed velvet c:helrs. $50 • ...._7544184$-8706 Condition, folcM. ltO. 30', 35._ 40', 4 · 45-: Celi AK conditioning, AM/FM II a.41 ... , ... Make up to $1 I/hr start· P8f' day, written teal will Glrl9 20" Huffy Suntlowet. S350. 497-&233 Btu• cell!~ tan ~ew) ...._271& 842·4844 tr o m 9 ·5. atereo C411Mtt. • & aharpl M.000 mllea, fully, __ ...__. I"" pay F 11 & Part time be giVen 12/15-82 •t 10 xl11t cond. S25. . S Aakin" t 3400/or bH I .,_, .. ., u • atn In personn-• o'"I-. ,..,. u 7a Franch Provlnc:lal Sof•, 7 • wl5 Tulip I ti 1 . Mon-Fri. • 1unrool gd c:ond Like poaltione avall in our ... """"' .,...,.., .. • 8u ,... 730-0986 -Ladl .. Golf Cluba, left otter. Prl. pty. C•ll 1• 3 400 0· 8 0 b !'>37 2880 KING hg $5.528 per hour. Apply " rnl ..,..ange, Newly I.Ip-ha nded, lull H t, Sl•n SLIPS AVAii.. Hurltlng10f1 S4S.e974. If no an.-, naw, 1 • • pu • c: 2045t Cralmer Ln. H.B. Soya 20 Huffy Round-h o le tered . S 4 o o . ALL STEEL Tl't o mp aon . $1 75. Herbo u r Bay, D• pleaMkeeptrylno. 8 4 5 •82 1 1 Ev ••. llLf 964-8888 Up. $20. 497-6233 OFFfCE DESK. $250 844-4594 840·5S45 IM6-71e6 0-9 857·9U4 deya . ITARTIR·WIEI TUOIE. I'S llHI 545• 14 79 Lina Cedar Cheat, walnut. 842· t85e P M • 8 • '4 O • 4 O 9 7 • Toyot• 78· AM/FM St• '76 Audi Fox. Need• little •KAIS KRINGLE• 1135/0BO. Cell tor de-Remington 870 Wino· 7t4/840·7875 rao C:HHll•. S mall worll. $1000 or beat of· In pet'aon Maj CIC'a ~~llNt~· cp:.nu~.~1~. Blllngua l c:la uroom l.J1'la1 •••• tlllt 542-689l •It 7PM ..... maater, 12 ga. lflotgun, c:em per shell $2175. tar 857_..187 669-89t3, 669-8912 aides (Spanish). 3 hr pet .. ,.,.,.,, _..., 9'8", $100. 842·18541 w/c:aae, 1220. 642..0109 Lowe< Newport Bly 4173-6818 , --·-------p erlence preferred. day Affluency In Engllah •••••••••••••••••••••• Couch, nearly new, 7'~'. John Slips 30-331t. $8tt. W • #1 In the W I '81 SOOOS, wtll/belge Int., T-IEllY'S Hourly plua benefits. & S0panllh. Written..... an ... WILL ru11 & blue on tan ba«*· GRAYCO AIRLESS Side tlea 15-24ft $711, .,. ea AIC. AM/FM c:&M .. full o·Go girts (to go) 496-2023/Goll Shop will be given 12/1M2 at y.o· plele SIMI, tO' high, ground $200/bet otr. PAINT SPRAYER 111111 llllTY S we let An c h 9·5. ~~·ni: •. ~·:~= pwr option, muto. lllfoys, &89-8914 11ospltal 8:30 am In pet'S()nnel of· bolted c:onalruetlon. IM0-41752 S50 842•1858 llU.11111111& 548-1501 • PrtOe & Selac:.11on. Sl, anrf. 27K ml, 1 12,000. ----------ACOHm lloa. $5.67 per hour. Ai>-1175/ft, •pproi1. 1100'. Otneta Enlry tab6e & mlr· Soloflell •••dee unll. Nil• •111••.... Boat Slip evallabla for 40 000.000 lnventOf'Y. l/526-7981 "1!m•~!., SJH I EOllYUU OUll ply 2045t Crelmer Ln, (213)582~701 (8111 or tor. Antiqued. $85/obO, "*'• $250. Gydladdodc .CTU?CT 11 I 11 to 86' boat. Nwpt Bch r-,8-1-4000--4-E ..... Arnl--tm-c:ese--. -.. -H.B. 964-8868. t.11) 644-4594 c:uatom mede rect. din· -631-7717 a ir, •lloya, new tlrH, ••••••••••••• ••• ••••• Corporet• omc.. H.B. •no rm t•bMI, 2 lelVM, ,,. .. .. ... A di t I Good Ma1hematlc:al & Top Heir Stylist wanted Rheem loroecl 8lr i-ter. ear with 2 c a pt cflelr Ft9nCtl walnut llnWI. Sl. S-al Side tlea I allpa O..raoge """"' u me '· very c: ••n. Communication Sklll•. lor progreulve Mien In 80,000, thermoatat In· atoola, $250/obo. C•ll 000 Oya 548-3441. eve -• TUii evall lmmect. mo to mo. C -17500. 9574580 Lita typing required. Cosl• M .... Comm. or atlllled.$300.751-0182 A n twe r Ad 5 8 0 , 7eo:1tot ' ' llf---· No Live Ab o arde . 08St _o ID f1JI tlmH IOYIOE PWllO!llll, qulllllled drrv- .,., all need• met °"· appt1. shopping. a ir· port•. ate By hour or Mu11 be depandebla, rentll. 646-4695 842-4300, :i4 hf'a. .,._._._... • 8 d-... F•hKlno weepona of .. 955-2473 wk.dye ~ -•• CGlll •u •••••••••••••••••••••• ra1pon1lble, & ••If· Wented mature woman C..nu I ..,_.,..,,,.: OamM "'-eraa: Swordl. colna. -I "" 1m1 _, (1141 ~mt CHOICE INVENTORY motivated lor ...... " ... ,._,• 2 .. ""'ht• !f!!f!!•I _.. U.S ,..,. rent hend held ~-· aouwnln, enttquaa and .. ,., ..,_. VOL"u E SALES R 7 '" 9 "'""'..... .,. '"" --M Ill I XV S "'O t o r •II hrle ----~ .... """........_.I ...... ••••••••••"'••••••••• '15 FordF100 Pldlun,3tO .,_ I uiz 14·u40·8 !>O, wkly. Salary nagollabMI •••• • •••••••••••••• eon c:lant Lou 1 " . ,.....,..,... "" ....,._, .-..,.. & x 1•7 540-6240 Canon AE1, SOmearo, .. , Dining room .... vMI• 875-9084. Item., DRY synn•~ c:u. •no. •uto, wl •lr. d8';. 494-!>857 ...... ...... rst S17 000 ........ H 000 ORANGE COUNTY """~ $900. 831...aa78 759.1731 JANITOR, PIT For Sat· tuba, zoom • ....,... • • • ""' ..,, • Mink Stroller. Gorgeous F RGRO OS Sun. 7 am to 3:30 pm. WlREIOUSE ~::~·J:• new. 15 o. OBO. IM0-49 lO. netural ranch wlS•bl• cos:l M E~:: E0n1e r ="!:: ~~·,:, ·~: ·7o Oelaun P.U .. camper I I I I a LI I I I -~~~~~~~~~! 4000 Hll•rla Way. NB. No Ellperle nca Req . cnrtatrnae Speclll, Amtw collar. Va lue 15000. get• 3A Off Attlng1on St. ltee.M.if _. :!!:o' B, 0c:. !!.,P ! .. ~ .. kt t lft t1nl S4SO 842·5861. Mak to St2/hr ,,.,, golden oak drHMr, .. Aliklng u'°°. 840-4910 1---------1 ----.... r v •• ~ .. ••••••••• .. ••••••••.. e up • c--11n "" drw1, 01111 bev mirror. ••• UWI _ Top qvallty becllpecklng Salea-s.rAce-leulng UAOPE 4 WEEKS. 6 K~~r1E:~"~~.~=~rd•~~ ~nvgair.'r,; :~~,:~~':'b'::: ....................... $350. 97M544 • -842 7 ;;.-=--. gelll I dothlng. Mldt... 1111 ... .., Ir H 05b8ol;~-z .. ~1c:;~: .. =~n~ 828 So. Euclld Ave, countries. •2350. All••· Coat a Miii •r••· todeyforappl.537·2880 LETT ER·OUAl.ITY Bullod< Con 8' 75· ... I ........ now.Kattwynl75-34lO ....-fl ahaoe, Tacom• rim•. 2 Fuller1on entH. Exper guide. 631·1030 KING chg PRINTER. Brottlef EM·1 sole; :..ge ';'.:~c:k 8'1" SurfbOlrd Infinity Skla. xJnt bllldlnge, mint. new tlfea. Needa engine. (11•)1• ·- 7 l4) 494-6110. Evu p,.rallel dalay whHI loveMlll S500 7eo-.8045 Thruattr. Xlnt Cond. S tHI •t $50 . Chrl1, RV & BOAT $475. 957-8388. Open 8ufldey Depart June 23. WEUEIS Pflnter. u ... reM ribbon. · · 8175 alt 8pm 080-0818 875-9084. L~al Secretary Xlnt c:ondlllon. ln1truc:· G~ chrome & glaa Gene 1---------1 '72 Dodge 4ll4 with n11 .!f!!l!'!!~! •..••••••. ...... ," 1018 .....•..............• ou11g murlad man wlll do general handy work Cell av•• & wkanda. 972-9525, aak tor em. ~~rp~~:,:x1~:;1•£~:.:~ ~~:~~;:111~~0/u\~ ~~~4..~numl. U OO . • 17~6. POOi Table, 7', Slet• Top. rr. Wit, "...! !!OR ..... AGE :::C..:s~ffur':d',Tt"l enca on word procesalng part-time poaillOM avell Vf/t'/ Rauonable. it;;" ,,.,., .-..,... Teoom• rim•, 50 gal gu equipment helpful. Mutt In our pub. Call toOey for Soild Oek 549-t288 •• ~t••••••••••••••• Wet Boat al~ tank, e alo r•o• c om· be poiHd and able 10 appt. 537·21180 KING CoflM + tbft, well unlta. . I D WORKMATE 88A Mlnlattweo ~ c... evllllable .aeo. partmanU. 11425. work under preuure. cflg 11H If Ft• 1141 Contemp aola/lov .... t S~:.,. 145 wlDolby aptlra. M~ NII • AIU ts7-8388. WlyM Airport. Send r• If• fffH f, To god home. 1 yr old M. -• .._. .,., .._,., _,_ w-..-Olflca 1oc:11ad nr. John W ,,. p ~... •••••••••••••••••••••• ~5·po~~Jrm'-:'..~. 813-.5223 ~ 54&-28M '228. 541-1823 .. --• --1·,-7-8_L_u_v_tl_e_lb_e_d_,_c:_l_e-1n-,1 aume 10 P.O. Bo• 7820, Part/time. o typing Pit Bull El•o •nt a o r. bed. Tflou .. ndt of plec:M of Wiii Trede: Pion,"' M201 -... llt ..,, • nffdt eng. Muet H ll. ractlc:el nurH, comp•· N111Wpor1 Beach, 92680. lklll• • muet. Send r• 848-4003 972-44195. l'lendmade oopper Jteme· band equalizer or A 11•1 •• 1 $1000/obo. 540-5299 needs poalllon :6 Attention: P.F. au me to; PBR, 18012 BHu. l! YI' olchpll)'ed f9fn ,,.._ p1em.., ~ FM c:e•• CAR atereo. r -'l2 VW DIESEL PU 1 needed. 845-25 Skyp•rk· Clrc:la. lrv1ne. Free to QOOd home. • •& m .cc Wiii ... In quMttty tl0-1233 w/ahell I H ire t•nll, r• WulM 11H P CA 927 14, Attention: 146-4875 • ~~. 8~~.tlkll150 PricH I 1·1 4 (below II" a-a-n ,,_,~ NOOO. Eate .. saie. .. , .................. Loan roc:eaaor. Minimum Parnell ~dlOll. '"'"' ..... te • wtlot•ale) 86().3212 -• ••••• ••••••••••••••• 842-9293 15().1352 dYanturt Tr•vel 2 year~ In FN 845-21518 aft 3 PM $200 842-1411 ~ 5pm ~ ..,. MA. Cell Lori 549-1938 Lftllll Lll m N d 4XI' fully d•t•ll•d HO 9-.0 oomblnaUon ,_, ,,. '18 150 ptctcup, 18'1• °"' Too YN .. G f()R 1------~--1 #nsllMMIN SwHt, ettectlonat• F •uo,!.~Y • !~uc1h wttlth •c•I• t reln lay-out. • ...................... • •••• .. •••••••n ••••••• t••••· Approx $3500. UUl1 ......... W •••••••••••••••••••••• needa......,...tlemt m• '""ng c .... r o o-..._, q ., Attle9rne -~~ ~Camper, 11pe e, f4t..e367 • .,.,,au. '"""no ONO ......••• ":,................. IA2.0100 tte-1221 751-4..... ---· --.... .....--74 Font~ Mutt .... llllllml ... , We need YOU!' trade-lnl Cell Of ... our UMd a. rneneeer. WolfQana Jurl-nell, for lllgheai blcll LIMllllllft s .... a...._L...inQ 3170 N. CMrTy Ave. LONG IEACH ' (714) llMlM .... HS&lt'i amT -& AIRL.s 7 1 1 F ...... ........, ___ .,., Aalhr... 1#1 puppy _..... • m • n • S 4 0 0 I o b o . c ert . Mutt •••· Xl11t 7__..., ................ t-'---", -•-.---~-----i • , 11on1 No exper nee:. w e &-ch r It t "'a • 11 I t 25" Color Conaole. new t•""· 1no1 alftll, port•· ,_. lett ott.' H (11 I'"') 1raln, -ac:tiool. CIRCUS *lllntll &1111111 BwltlfUI Dlr*'ll ""' Set, '4001010 . 142· 143, pb1 tub9. Wint 09b. ldnt ~. 1110 . .....,.1 c.1: 84w 114 · 11 7 PM s .... Strwloe-1.MeinO ,n.a MAXIMUS. 711 No • ....,... l'tlura. Oec . ..-e ttM;...... "91 ...... Wtllnut top tea-1461 .-M. t1IO. Mt-.16» • _._ • • ~ ~tr:nge ::. !~ bor, Fullerton. 870·41192 10 attend out laa1 antique f•t•ll•tt IOSO w/orn•tely dH lgnad TlCHN turn/U>t w/lrt ••IJL-'/ '18 Luv New eng, new KJt'C\R'VER t--' .,. ma u.8. ... Ar>r>tY ~ 12 end 5 euc:tlOtl of 19'2. We tiave .......... ............ wrought Iron ~ aftd ......, H. lt_ .. 1 r..;. mini a.. ........ a • _ _.__ ,.,..,, II pelnt "'°°· t to 12;30. Df"'4I 1 c. ~ ,a11u u.1 , • .._ "'" PM. Mon-S•t. "-1(-. 1 n-mlJ(t·-e ,.. •-. ........._ (t) ..._ 100 _..r. ...,, .... -• -•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 4 2 ·1137 alte r I ~"-'"-i; DIVI"" ti .. & ra10'1 ereaa, In· .,.. -1 ,,. .. , "',..,,_ 1 dey a11e everything ,...,_., · ._, • CONI l390 "3.o1N ...... _, .. ,_ n 1-~JllMC'llll«>~n"'"' ~N y City, Mleml ..... -111111 lean and Europeain f\#nj. goee no rWontble of· A•kln o 1100 / o f r . . . ...wwwas:......... • ·-146-1613 N-.:'il'UCIO tl ... .., .... o.11ea. Nft OfiMna .,,; -tura and amell lteme. fer~ Hundrecle of 14CM190 Cerol ....., •I Xlnt cond, W"9'1 bile • .,,.~,.._-----..,,H""'1i~-==~=~~- unlqua ;i,oung buain•11 ~rti'::;":.~;3 F~l~i~~~ t"'° •,,good Mlect~ Office ~ •. -.tart.I leautlful 8,_,.front ve-·=H• •I r.r.;-................ · 1180 fl(m, Me-2271 .... ,................. 11lm .... group. oPllf, nee." time av•ll In our pub. i::!. °:= etC: cheltt l'ld vtl'lout offlct lu• s 11,ooo. Aeklng ... ••••••••••••••••••• -Piil.. Moped · 12 lu&. ahuttte D:::•v~' lwi:~•men, ~~~ loeo.clW: pr~• 2 Week Plld Cell today for OPt . tO~ buyar'e 'premium plecH. 8 elurdey, De· *8000/bet oAr. IM0-4910 l'Ofll IAll lo·mllet , good oono • • caet,, --• ;:~nrl~i:4:~~~l:::v: 837-2880 KINQ cf\9 ClllChltlel f0f.,de1111• .. m~!1· ... ~~i~:.~· ..... Ille.... .. .. • '842-4844, M-tr • ._I • DIO/Obo.11t·t812 =d~w~·.r.:: :~::::Oft. 1'*1&. pd. AN apptlcant1 LARRY MOAO~N Al.JC. S.nla Art e (Betweeri •1®.M 2·7471 aft Spm ..... 10 lodteclnflelllblelloel. 74 Honde 150K.4 1nto t, 010. 117-004 o r Wlnal low ml .. t I IQ1e mull be t8 or ovar. lllllll TION Sunflower a' MecAttflut) t1ml'I w/114 HP ..... brand on 000•1 •took, run• (111)4414113 Piii. NIW"I A "Muee ..... a herp, unellached & ExJ> Back Ottloa. PIT 0t IMS l~~=-i C.M. For more lntormellon, So ta I lovea .. 1 11100, M011'1er thOrl of c .. h = •f'IO· w::. ~o:: &:;.;;J -J:.Ja~I O ' FOtd Bed Compeny ettow U~~1_1~ - Hdy for lmmed. •m· Fl'r 11 type. Nr, Hoag. !MMttO dlnlnQ rm QltM loO ltble ,.... *9 10 ..... to ""°" ';'1l;Q 142-1103 . ' van • tropfl .... m•t•'" - ptoyment. For Int~. 848·&073 Ornetety caNeO hell trM HOUMl'IOld of"""""'• Mee & Gfw't '300. ~ IWI her .. ,,.-old eon.off ' ' • 'It G8A808 luluecl. OnfY m. too meny m• 10 !!~~ ""'* t11at Vicky Schr•der lllllLI t IS.Tl U IO. Call AnawerAd new & aooeeeortee answe r m ecllln• w/ In 1111 eurtlng oarMr. 4100 mun . Liie• new. llt s4aoo. 947.7901 ~1....,. ~. 5N!~:is ~~~::! E.ttpr only 842 .... 110 580, 842-4300, 24 In. · 141.no1 · ~MOO. e7M103 =~l'l~e:'. = For CleeemeO Ad 142-7748 A ~ 1111 ,,Mll-~T~~~t~'V!l'~D~l?!•~ .. ...,..1--1---k-,-l -1-...;.__...;._ ____ -11eeutltul Bt•ldrOflt vlllue ...... ,... ..... twin ltO .... •newer ad "171 ACTION 'IO HONDA llOXL •• a."'9 .. 'l! •••••• r... ft71 IMW-. 4 ...... .. •l•nt ne mer •1 no Now l'tlrll'IO Full I PI T • 1 1 . 0 0 0. • • k I n g full SH CIUffn s 101' ................. ... 14 .... . cau. l>lttea. rune ..... .,., ... •..:o ..,,.. -.ia&lft'wlC lie ~. Bend Cootie, b pw Pr.t. bu1 t50001ofr. -4lt0 lllnt Slti 1eo.aat • W... ... ~ 1om1 Qally Piiot t7 U MU I T 11 LL •'•-""*1 -· 090. to: Cl...mecs Ad not flleq ulr•d. W•o•• · Quart., Getdtno. !ntl AD.\ltlOfll 141-7174 _,.. tn-114e •11·~1~1~.~D~·~·~·r:P l'~lllO:·:·:P~O~j-~"'°~~ltf~lable~~· ~T~H~£~G~A~l~lit[)..~~H~•~ve~ao~met~{~nhll~ng~ ycyou~:w~an:t11ote~:1~·.1.~ldnti~OOl~ld~. :M:-:uw~·~·~t~. ~T~o~·:o:o:•d~l'l~O~M:·1~~w~~ll't~lt'l~EA8~~(~l~d==~84~2~·5~8~7;•==d~~~~~~~~~~D~-~-~··;·~··~-~:..1.!'"~-~a-io~. ~;~ 1MO, eo.t• Meal, EPI M ITAUAANT. 1400 Ip Mii? Clualfled edl do .,,,., ~we: 0 n I y. 9 . 0 , It I 0 . II'•. 8AEUE Hew tcHMtfllng IO ""' ..... , ... "*"' , ... wfttl ~ 11127. W PCti, N 8.142-Wt II ""911 142·6871 t4ao4Ut &a1-otl6. ' Clntllled Adi 842·5171 CllMlttad adt Oo 11 well Not Wini Ade -==--, J ' Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Thutldly, December 8, 1882 Cll ~~~~·.!!'!r.!!~ ....... ~.'/.•.~.'!!r.!!~ •...... ~~'!.'.!!'!r.!!~ ....... ~.~~'.' . .'!!r.t!~ ..••.•. ~ ... !'.~.'!!r.!~ ....... ~.~'!.•.!!!r.!!~ ....... ,t;.!!r.!! .... U.tt ~ ... ~ .. ,!~ ........... ~ ... ! ..... ,!~ ........... ~ ... !'J .• ~!!4 .......... . ,!flf ............ 1!'1 ~.11~ .......... 1.~~ ~fl ........... 11.tr hmt.fm. .. 1.~ -. ............ 1.~ff lr.l!.fm!. ..... 11.ff ... #rw;;;·w.;·· fll!P.ff ......... l!u f~.~~~~~·.1.. ...... 1.~~' ~!!~!tr ......... l!!f 1111 un• ...... ,., 1M1 -.-. '11 MOI, new painl, IOCI. "I DEALER IN u s:r ' ._.... 1HI Ull UI '71 lmplla •• c:tr. 49,000 75 Monaroh 2-c:tre red, .-.w --W• can llalpl e.tor• yOu Anlhraclte wtdove Int•· tit•• Perl, concl 571<. · • ' II lr1111 _.,,, .... llY1LU ml, 11tnt cond. 13250. manwal tran1, ·Oyl • • _....,.a t>wy. ctleOll out unl>MI• rlor, onrom• alloy1. 14t50/obo, t13·4223 ~ ····-_ HH , OonUn•ntal kll, '42·1191 27"'t>CI· tt11t eno. 11~ AutomlllO Hani., 11' able ..i.Gtlon .. vino• Abeo tut•IY Mtn 111 •77 MOI ""'"t -Int IO ' "'"t::IJ:' "Olla Aot:_arllte low _uo._o._11_113 ____ _ oond .. 1ter90 radio with Ind wvtoe todeyt (1CIV3'0) • ....,, en · -II ., .... ~.. 'lT mJ1 IU&.I . ,.,,,,_.,,, .... oaaMll• tape Pl•Y•r & _ ml, 1tereo tape, rack, mllee l ""'" .. Cleen NO eut UOOO 72 M«Ol.llY ........,_,.., • "'• -morel (40 1311) lllftllln &CArJIR MklnQ l2JOO t30·24H, ,... -.. , " ,.,,...., ,,..... OVIMEAI OILIVERV I "Muel a." a.r. fhlt 3400•1 I Ao, I It • euto, alr1 recllo Good .Ly ••. Ill ... -•• -•t7-Ae1af1t,M ,.,,,.. ...... ,, .. .,...., EXPl"TI onelea "Ofteofalllnd" 211 Nlrv:!222v.:.2 u • cond al00/010 _. bor 8NT lffl OfWI lllMIAn ,,_, lhOw awlll (18*2) • .... • v •94-297• 1111111 ..... lM 2t~:A M!IA . 208 w , ... """Ma ~................. UILI.. LM.... .. C.IU•l.J ....... "'' HOO Harbor Blvd. ••• aa..ea 111-1111 1111 o~et MonH. new ,,.._, 11. WILft (714) 131-lrto •••••··-·•••••••••••••• •••••••"•••••••••••••• COSTA MESA ~~ CloMd Sunday llrH, nHCI• •11g. work .......... ~............... , ... H.,bOr Blvd. (213) '27-6'94 1970 Matlt Ill •• beaulllul 1• .. ... 11•• '71 AOOOfd LX, maroon, • • ... 1250. 641-4121 Saleaoo ..... L..Mllne COSTA MllA Tr~ Welcome blaok bHUly c:laulc:, .i• tow ,.,.._, autOMallo.l~I II ..__, 11fl t• BW •• IHI ...... 7 Tll UlalT ~~-~~.•I I 11 o o o. • tc>eed trane. I • ttarllO 14250. 667-1100 ..,. Incl lala ;,r;Rn••••••••••••••• -I 1111..,... radio wlll\ 011Ht1•. Honda '79 Accord LX. A a k "• • b o" Ii.!.!:• 1N2 Peuoec>t 8068 Turbo .. 1 --.. •• '71 Votvo 2820, loaa.d, .,... c.ntllt HJ (342VZA). (Alfotdeble -v> 10 _, • dleeel. fapd ellver/blue -·-low mll••O•· 8•2·7053 or late model, tow mli.-•••••••••••••••••••••• MLI 1•HI Brown. Tepe deck, •Ir Meroedea ... 30,ooO ml No trl eve Of avee. Cec111i. In So 'H •YITTI • ~:~=~=° 4~n Mt celt1.e..o=2t41 Vtlb M fYN ..... lu4 ~~n ~ S..~ Sllvetlblacl!,T-top,350 UIBIWllM s.tee-8afvloe..L-..lng ..._.. lffl ... ;;ft;; ....... :.':.I' ';" .... ~................ loday1 aulo, ctean, 18950. 3400 2800 HarbOr llYd. 1'11 D -111• ·12 Accord, 4ctr0.051Pd11 air, ....... _,_ :::nr."e•••••••••••••• 11TI &llWIMI .... .J IHI 111111 1rv1na Av, Sulla 211, N.B. COSTA ME.IA .,.,_ • "' .. ..i .. 'l'P.llR.i 1t•r•o. 41 m ••· -.,--. • ••••••••••• .. •••• .. ••• M2·2282 ... 1 .. ... l8300. 8734910 1301 Ouell ••· Nwpt Bott ur~TER -, ... -.. eome 1n , ... Newport UM••• llYI AlllVll1 133-NOO 213/823-5000 llahl Origin al 12,000 tow Beach'• nnaet Nlec:tlon 2eOG Hert>ot llvd •71 •¥1111 '79 Muatano. 4 cyt, auto, A HANDFUL OF 1912 ......,, AM 1114 'll 380 IL. 7000"" Wire PllSM/a. mllea, extru l Ilk• or prevlou1ly owned COITA MESA · Bleck & 1lh1er lacquer AC, lo ml. Xlnl c:ond. MODELS REMAIN AT &;.;,;;;;;;,;;;;;,,;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ~e3·ahi;:;:,•;.;.•ir~·::. whMla. 831,000/0BO. 13631 Hartlof Blvd. "NEW"I A "Mual SM " Porac:ll•'1, Audl'a and ••• 1111 paint, HOO orig. ml. _83 __ 1·_6009_....,..---=-- SUQSTANTIAL SAV· ------,---t e1c: etc: Rune perlec:I 213-132 .. 71 Garden 0tove cartll (4l:ll4S). Volk9w4lgen1. ..-llT,000 Of ball c;aah of. '117 FOfd Mueteng Conv INOSI 1111 l&Tm 12496/oSO. 661-t23t . '11 Merced•'• 5008L, lllH ...... LM 11111 .. .... '10 FIHlwood Brghm ler. 11874-2972 ah. &pm. Wiit. 8 c:yt. allck ahll: * '75 5301: aulo., aun 11111... .72 ,. .... ~-•""-... 1 .. 7 9•01 f 'IO M ~ ~131-5790 d • ., ....... ..,.,. mint c:ond '73 'Vette. • _, 73K , Fact A.IC 2•50 (714) roof. (10VK310) 4 1peect Irani .. AM/FM n --....,;-mi'7.di: ~ "eo:a[c 121,e:Ji (213 427-5'9' 445 E COMt ~-';°'Oonrt 8K rni' 350 eng, wire wN1, lllnt t I 4 . t 8 I 6 , ( 7 1 4 ) * '78 3201; 1u10., 1un 11ereo tape player With a':; :sa.-1852 • °"· 414-0187 114 Ill-Ill Tr Welcome ~ ~ Mk of;. u 6•740o 111: cond, 16996/obo. Oya 536-9219 roof. (7008) c:asMlt• tape & c:uatom • 19118 vw aug w/ 1971 eng 873-0900 8pm 7 3 0 • 3 7 5 0 , w n kn d • -Xlm~,----blue-_....75-4 * '70 320I: • epd., aun whMll. (t85VNE). #.U. 1111 ttl mz -I '78 8 Targa, whlle/blk, Good oond 11100 E • 964•5290 rana c:ar, . • oonct roof. (9321) llLY •~Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• tmmac:ulete, full power, ale, llOK, 813,500 or 882•2000 · · vea AllC IHI 1973 • dr Sedan de VIiie, A...~ -~.:~: ~:_2~ * ·ao 3201; auto., sun ~ aunroof aux fuel tank trade. 1173-4223 . •••••••••••••••••••••• good molor &. tlre1 . ....,A' -, roof.(•0981 111111 UllLUO Take o~er' paymenta 0 j ,72 T Cpe dk blue blk • 68 vw BAJ A BUG . '71 Gremlin, $300. 1500. 8411-11810 ~;; ,.:;:.::;.;;,;:,•.;/,;:••• ·eo Muatang; air, 1tereo ••• •111 2800 Harbor Blvd. nu u75 H bu ' 111 7' • XI t • d. 1llOOcc. 1988 eng with Runa good, ........... • cuaett• • apeed, new .... COSTA MESA -·-Of Y or ' 1' 0111• n oon • 2000 mllH 1lnae rblt. 634-8292 btwn 1-5. C..11• Hl1 aml tm, air,•• oond. tlrH. t3750/080. Cell 208 W. 111, Sanl1 Ana ••• 1••• 9 9 5 M •rt Y. lllOOO. 873-4223 11800 640•1158 •••••••••••••••••••••• Urea brake•, tune up, 498-7832 Cloeed Sunday -· ... 7141973·1345 or even· •7, Tar 1 new tit• Tar-• 18#! Hll ·10 z21, 350 eng, auto. '3000 OBO. 181-9196 Of ------....,-~ Inga 873·13'<4 a 10g & atereo 'xint '71 BUG, new plln1 l r• •••••••••••••••••••••• AM/FM c:aaa. A.IC, ex· 875-2278 Ernie IUlt Hl1 Pll ........ , fmul 1111 • Ull 'll ---~!..!!!f> _.....,. r9oorda· dlal•, amltm, mini c:ond. '92 La Sabfe Wagon, aa-tru. Xlnl cond. 87K ml. ,70 ,. .. .-.,._ ~ "-~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ·1e 530I At (538UETl •••••••••••••••••••••• .... _.a i13]oo -.-• s 2 1oo 1 ob o . aume or buy out leaM. S5llOO 548-7919 .,.,_..,_ ...... ,.. """ ·75 P1n10, S800/be91 on. .. '79 320! Siie. (543XUI) 111111 llU&it'I H.000 ClflQ. ml. Mu1t ~noon' 17141&51-8370 (213)891-8877 Loaded. M1·3001 . "" ~·r1•2!!!.g !:1''-'1nn• Alllable. good cond. 83,. Slk ~523XTV) •t lltmlZll .... Mll00.131-«Mll .....,.. • • C_,.,.I ....,.. . ...,. '""·.., -000 ml 192·11114 or~ • " ~ FllWI ..OI YOUI • ' 1 . M . ·----• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill II FlllTI ...,.. "119.. 320l320I •t.·( ""XVN> "' 111 ~ • 1 too BZ N ·ao 911 T-P9trol blue. 'I" I• 1121 CMilhc 111 S ••••••••••••••••••••·· 1 wtidya, Larry. 548-5591 M7-3491 ·ao 320! Slk. (25'ZUS) "llhlAID.w pelnt, uphol, run1 1"11. All option a, low blue wltunrool, need• wor11. 1889 s.dan de VIiie, Run• ------....,,-~ 73 Plnlo, etr, new llr••· ·ao 320! At. (010ZVA) llfri;::M:;;M~"'£'1;:;:~~~ill 92500. Call 848-38te book. 12•.toO. Wiii c:on-53~1723 great. NMd• some boJy W• have • good Mlec:-'"' AM/FM cau. 11 100 LIM II.All UW .,., IT & l6der perta rate. Prlv pty -Ill woni.155(1. •97-8223 lion of NEW I. USED ~·~··••••••••••••• oeo. (71•) 838-5790 ... -.. ... '17 450 SLC B IT 842'13114 ... ... Chevrolatal TtnJranada ESS. 4 dr. 8 '9118-152011 12131 421.s.e. · fAGUnl Loaded 82 5 ml rn an ---L-lll• 111 ... Run• good, 11500. Mual '74 Eldorado 82,000 ml. cyl. Lo ml. Gd c:ond. --------~ T ec:t.I Wetco • · · ~ Miil 842-77411 lmm.o In l out. NMd1 1349~ 847409!5 11 .. t•fj IHI __ r __ n_• ___ me __ "';;;;;;;;---=;;..~~maifl 141t Ml11.CllTUIUMUJJ4 122aoo 873-7338 Peru rad, CUllOm peinl, '71 vw p T c notll. $22H. 567-3119 '8" Gii ..................... . -.---..,,..,..,...,,..--,,..--:--1~~~~~~~~~ all m•ohantoal , proll. op-op ""'*' • axy, rune: '71 Vallanl, au1o, am/Im DlllH 91ZO 3100 W•t Coul Hwy. M11da RX 7 . Buuty. '11 •11111 lmL malnlalned alnc:e total w/1en1, akl rack, chain•. 'Tf"'ELllUll $300. atweo II trk, good tran-•••••••••••••••••••·•~ Newport Beeclh Many xtrH. Mull ••II 01191'haUI 1971 Full COWi( 1mllm cau•He, new XLNT COND. 11500 540~1•71 epor1 "'°° 1112-3108 1910 Oa11un 210 2-dr. 542-9405 17500. 1197-8873 Sllver/aUver, 1000 ml, end bra lnc:l:cL S.. to brakH l radlala, rHr M2·8213 850-1352 '12 F d Cou t Squlr 9 --·--·---- Good cond. Aune well, I O otwome whla, mlntl lllP!'ec:l•t• 116000 Call door moaqul1o n•t 6 or s?tton :,• lallM IHI "" •M/FM 'IO IUZIA L 138,000. M2-182t between·" &' 12· • M toddler b•d. 12100. '71 ELDO CONVERT 1112 -in pa1Mn09f1 • •1-•••••••••••••••••••••• ""mpg." c:ueette ti I 1111 '1t I• . _ _. Mda. ~7 " 9157-83118 Reblt eng & 1ran1 needa -•-• gon. Cru H c:onMtro · '715 Safari 4 dr WllgOn, air, at•r•o. $3,000 or be•I •• !.•••••••••••••••••• $3750. Lo ml. MQ..M28 __, 1 11500 Wa r•n l&YILB Willi S1ereo-c:a11et1e. any gaodJlrea. trlr hltctl, ~ ~~·5~~~ !540-1005 Attn: Santai 1975 red Flat #trtHH las 1140 f.lu*lent c:ond. 114,000 i...JI 115 'II Ill 1111.... 1~. s.5-8383. r Faclory air c:ond., autO-' ••tru. 11,000 mr. Like well, seoo. 848-851511 °' Spyder. New top, tip IOCI •••••••••••••••••••••• 494-9812 •••••••••••••••••••••• Good c:ond 844-55115 matte Irani .. pwr. win-new. 111,250. 844-7408 850-1304 '71 280 z Del. 5 apd. 49K eng., 12,995 OBO . 71 MB 280 SE .• dark blue, •77 •!50SL M....._ Yellow '71 Renault, R18, 1800. · '72 Cadlllec Coupe O.Vll· d 0 w 1 & m 0 re I 7 rand orlno, good ..... --,-....,,--~...,..,..--- ml, c:/c, maga, fuel lnJ. _5_5_1._1a_50_a_11_epm __ . --1 auto tran1 PS AC AM/ • -• Auna grMt. vw Bug '89. GrMt lhtle le, MW paint, rune greet (tDMB443). Nnnlng cond 13715 75 Grand Prue, 12800/bat 1011vrH. 15500. Eves FM Kint r8c:ord1 M195 All Xtru. Only 2nd own-538-91525 c:ar 'but nHda aome seoo. 848-8357 llLY Piii 640-8271 · olr. ·Elegant. xlnl cond. 'll IPJll1 20IO ' II • ' er. Mull ... lo appre· k <$900 91111 5121 New tlr•. PS. PB. AC. :1~~ ~:t ~ ~!,Y • Red wllan Int, am/Im, 841-917 ...,.. c: I a I•. S 2 1 • 15 0 0 . ltlll It I 9151 =~kM . . '72 C. de VIiie. lmmac: Ulllf 1111.UI M H 114 7-3 4 9 1 ' ( 2 1 3) --------• xlnl cond, a.king 15200. ·11 300SD Turbo DIMel 844-8199. • ••••••• 'f!............ · In.Ide/ out, blue/ whl1• •• ~~•••••••••••••• 434-1571 Ed 8415-1395 (wkcfys 9·5) 1unroor. 1pectac:ula; !61 Aoll1 Royea Benll•y CLEAN '88 VW, tnrl, AM/ 1op, loada<I. Run• P•r-2800 Harbor Blvd. ·75 MONARCH, 11 c:yl, -------- cond, ~K. $31,000. Oyt Find whal you want In 81, xtnt c:ond. Sll,500. FM, 117915. f ec:lly. Price: neg. COITA MESA need• brk1, run• fair. 730-3780: evt 844-1533 Dally Pllol CIUllfiedl. 1/533-42•2 •tt-soM 5411--15306 ... 1llO 12900. 850-23157 • ATLAS CHRYSLIR·PL YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blocks sOYlh of San Diego Freeway oil Harbor Blvd. Complete body shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Ollpt. open Monday lhru Friday 7:30 A M to '5:30 P M and 8 A.M. to 5 P M on Saturday. llACH IMPOITS 8•8 Dove Streel. Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. we're lhe spec1eliS1s for Alla Romeo. Peugeo1. Saab & Maserall. · THIODOll IOllNS fOID Modern aales, service. parts. body, paint & tire depts. Compellllve rales on lease & delly rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Coste Mna. 641-0010 or 5•0-8211. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MllCUIY 2628 Harbor Blvd., COS1a Mesa. Tel. S•0-5630. 57 Years of friendly lamlly service -Orange County 's oldes1 Uncoln·Merc}.lry deatershlp. DAVID J. 'HILLIPS IUICIC-l'ONTIAC•MAZDA Sales • Service • Leasing 2•1138 Allele Parkway Laguna Hlltl 837-2400 • NIW,OIT IMPOITS 3100 W . Coa11 Hlghwey, Newport Beech. Tel. 1142·94015/540· 1784. fhe Ferreri, Jaguar. Aaton·Marlln headquarter• In Orange County. . -------~ MATCH THE · NUMIERS ON THE'. MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE BOXES NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove S1reel, Newport Beach. Tel 833-1300. A.1 the lrlangle ol Jamboree. MacArthur & Brlstol behind Victoria Slellon Salee, Service. Leasing & Parts. We make great deals• • NAlllS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540·9100. Oran~ County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales Service •. Leasing. • SADDLllACK IMW/SUIAIU 28•02 Marguerite Pkwy .. Avery Pkwy. ••II We offer wflat no bank or !MM company can: 1. Expertly atalled. mo1t modern aervlce & perta dept.: 2. One ol lhe Southland'• moat experienced ulea & 1e111no 11111; 3. Ellmlnallon ot lhe middleman by leulng dHler direct. 1131·2040 Mission Viejo 485-4949 • CHICk 1v11ioN 'OISCHl-AUD .. YW 415 E. CoHt Hwy., Newport Bueti. 873-4900. The only dealerehlp In Orang• County with tlleM three great makn undef one rooll ALAN MAGNON PONTIAC.IUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd., CO.ta M"8 Tel. &49·4300 Salee, Service, Leeelng. "Mr. Goodwr•oc:h." CLAlllC AUTOMOllUI 79' ~on Wr,, Coeta MeM. T-~ UM3t3 "JAGUARS OVA SPECIAL TY" XI< t20'11140'et 1SO'llXJ'lfe. Typea , Salft -~ -AeelOHtlonl 011 Plecen"8 betWMn 17th & 11th tn CO.ta MeM • • IOI LONG'll 'ONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Wn1mtn11er. Tel. 892-e&51. Orange County's 01oee1 anlf rargett Pontrac dHlerahTp. Sales, Service, Partl. • DICK MILLll flAT/LANC1A "Probably the lowest priced Flats In Sout'*n Cahfornla" (Located 1 mite north of South Coal Ptua neer Main SI and Warner Ave. In Sanla Ana) 120 W. Werner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana. lei. 51511-711 11, Your Origlnel Dedicated Det~n Deeter MllACLI MAZDA We've moved! Our new loc:atton II 1425 Beker SlrMI, Cos1a M .... lei 1545·333•. Stop by & vletl our modern ahowroorn and aee why we're the fl 1 Mezda dealer In Sou111ern Calllornla. Sales, Service, Part1 and LNllng. COIMlll hLILLO CHIVIOLO (FOf"*'Y Groth Chewotlll) 11211 BMctl lhd., Huntington 8eecf'I Nft • UMd • S.... • L.-lng • Perte • ~ . · Come by end ... our Huge tnventCHYI ... , ... , ~3t • OIANOI COAIT AMC/lllP/llNAULT H24 Hertaor lf¥d,, Coate Mlle Mt-8023 14 .. 1710 fl 1 ,,.._, DMler In IN W•ll S.. ue t()der IOf ...... Mfvtoe I leaalng. There are reuont Wtly we Me • t • , Price and .-.c11on1 Atao. the aft.new fllenaull Alllenoe 11 herel COSTA MISA DATSUN 28•5-Harbor Blvd .. Cosll Mesa. Tel. 540·8410. SetVtng Oran~ County for 16 yeaq, 1 Mile So. •05. • SUNSIT fOID, INC. (Horne ot Wiiiie the Whale). 5440 Garden Grove Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 836-•010. • OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Gerdwl GrOYe BIVd., Garden GrOYe Tel. 530-8190. Exctullvety VolVo to cover 1111 your Vof.lo requlternenta. Nft•UMd•Seles•Leaalng•Parta•ServleeeBoOy Shop Freeway c:IC>M In 1he hear1 ol Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd. & BrookhUrlt . CONNILL CHIVIOLn 2828 Harbof BIVd.. Coale M.... Over 22 yeara MrYlng Orange County S•'"· IHalng, service. Cell 5•t-1200; special parla line: 548·9400: body lhop llne: 75'-0400. IOY CAIVll IOLLS IOYQ.aMW 1540 JambofM "°41d, Newport Beach. 840·8444. Salee, Service, Perta And Laalng. • LONG HACH aMW Lerge aetectton of new~ UMd BMW'a enct Oft* fine cerer s ..... aerYIOe I . radMnl w.loOIMI Take 405 ,rMWr, to Nortll Cherry -ramp, tum rlQtlt I to I b!Oclll nof'th to 3170 N Chetfy AV9., Long Btaeft . (7t4)131-51t0 ~213J411·54'4 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, ··OR TO BE PLACED · 642 5678 ON THIS AD, ·CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP.· • • I --..... ------~---------_____....,......._~~----~-----------~---------------------- --------------- I c:ae Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thur1day, O.C.mber 9, 1982 L -~~---- . I· Warning : The Su.tgeon General Has Determined · t~ That Cigarette Srrioking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ~- 0 Philip Monla Inc. 19U It broke all the traditional rules of ' cigarette--making by concentrating on the tobacco_end~no filter ~nd-of smoking"'-----1 MERIT. The cigarette that made history by delivering the taste of leading brands having up to twice the tar. lt~s the first and only 'Enriched Flavor~ cigarette . . We made it for · you . -----~----" 7 mg "t•r:' 0.5 mg nicotine av. per ciglfltte, FTC. Report Dec'.81 c ,. ,. ~ . \ I • ~ -' .. ,. -.~ . ·-~--V· outh-CoasJ....PlazaAA~-Advertislng-Supplement-to the BAll:Y Plte'fR'hursday;-Beeember 9,-1982-. • ·1-----.i I -----~--· -- ~ ~ South · Coast Pl™ extended Christmas hours .are: Daily -1 10 to 9:30, saturday, close at 9 p.m., · Sunday, close at 6 p.m. Choir groups entertain nightly, Jewel Court. Most performances st~ at. 7 p.m. Orang~ · County Master Chorale pe~orms Dec. 18-19. Visit our Package Cheqk Booth near Carousel Court for Christmas Gift Certificates; good at .all stores. Valet Parking is available during all Mall hours between I. Magnin & Bullock's. A very Special Christmas to you from all of our 197 plaza stores. ; ••••••••••••••••••••••••• . · Merry Christmas To AIL SOUTH CO\Sf PLAZA Bullock's I. Magnin May Co. Nordstrom Sears Saks Fifth Avenue _ .... --... _. . . . . . .. . " . . r • • . I 2 -South Coast Plaza/ An Advertising-Supplement to the DAILY. PILOT /Thursday, Decehiber 9, 1982 SOUTH COAST PLAZA 'Sun Ribbon' latest art work placed near plaza Sl'ulptor C la in: F'a lken s te in's gla:-.:-.-pa neled windscrl'C~n:. l'nl1llcd .. Sun Ribbon" havl' bl'<.'n installed ,,dJi.lt'l'n l to Lill' rt•nuwn<.'<.1 1.6-acre ··c.i11forn1a SC'cna rio" s<.·ulplural gw dt n clc:s1g nl'Cl by bamu Noguchi Jt South Coast Plni.:1 Town Cente r tn c.,,t.1 M <."Sa. "Sun Ribbon " •~ Lhl' lutcst in a gro.,,,·1ng collcct1u n of pub lic art work:-. a t Town Ccnwr . • T ht· t'ulored-glas:. facadC's tha t l't!llW togt·Lht:r Lo form u gateway to Lht· rnurtyurd bet Wl'l'n tht• 15-story c:n·at Wt:stt:rn Sa vings building and tht• soon-to-open John Pohl's Bistro a rt• mar kt:d by cl1stinctly curving \\,db .ind sloping fal't'S, as 1f wind- blu" n M:. Fal ke ns tein. w h o:.e pas t works tnd ude sculpture:. a l St. Basil Chu rl'h 1n L os Angeles. the Guggenheim Caws m Ven1<.-e, and :-.howings in S an Francisco, Los A n geles. Ne w Y ork and Rome, (Sec Sun, page 121 ARTISTIC P ASSAGE -Renowned sculptor Claire Falkenstein at the gates of the "Sun Ribbon" windscreens a t South Coast Plaza Town Cente r . Described by th~ artist as "contemporary gothic," the gates are composed of a nickel alloy. ....,,- 'TIS THE SEASON FOR ROLEX. Since 1926. the Rolex Oyster has been the preferred sports watch of leaders. Self-winding. pressure-prooftcJ 165-teet- under water. We are the preferred source for Rolex. based on our leading selection and service. Come see. Shown in stain- less steel and 14 karat yellow gold: Man's Datejust. $2.325. Ladydate. $1.175. Bailey Banks& Biddle Wor~d Renowned Jewelers Since 1831 SOVT'H COAST PLAZA, COSTA MESA , '· .. Give ttt. GHr of Energy and Mobilization I /; ...-' C.puio •• the /' source for both pnmary and supple mental ,,r,, 11 O rm· mu. F~e<lom o( " mo~nwntwith COflflckM< !?' .kfiMt me amnick m both alioct and d.Mcwur. ~ . • c+4 Imo lewM C..., ..... I CoelO ~ 7M I 540-2575 • .. • I o . .. . • • • • . . . . • • • • • • .. • • • • • • South Coast Plaza/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, De<;ember 9, 1982 -3 • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ~---··--~. • • . . • • • -A-- - HOMECOMING CHRISTMAS You've already made her dreams come true. But you're still full of surprises. Dazzle her again with the gift beyond compare-our natural Canadian lynx iacket A flattering, narrow stlhouette in long hair fur, · wtth bright" coloring and beautiful markings. An exceptional value in a luxury fur, 4,990 00 All furs labeled to show country of ong1n. South Coast Plaza. 1n THE FUR GALLERY. w e·re apen special hohoay hours Monday-Saturday 1 o·oo-9:30. Sunday 10.00·6.00 • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• . ·' • T • • • • • • .. . • ', $::'' i • , l,Y .·, • -'\.~ ·'"•~J;.;·11J'I -\' ~, ~· 'i '(.JI l\(J .,,,, :ll 11:-::r:1:-)lqri:1c 11• llt::llif'WP'>A "~ I s~ll1 ·'" .. '" J ri •ur,,· 4 -South Coast Plaza/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, December 9, 1982 ,,. Orange County Master Chorale ~~~ to perform In Jewel Court ... through this weekend! 20% off!. Every handbag reg. 19.99 & up Bingo! _203 off dressy shoe group 203 off all legwanners MasterCard • Visa SOUTH COAST PLAZA The Orange County Mas ter Chorale 'and the Californians will present holiday music Dec. 18 at 7 and~-p;m. at South €oast-Plaza:- These Cree performances, staged in the Jewel C.ourt (near Bullock's), are sponsored by South Coast Plaza and initiate a program of continuing Saturday shopping throughout the month. Excerpts from Handel's "Messiah'' will be presented as well as traditional and popular music of the season. The pe rformance will be repeated the same hours Dec. 19. The Californians, a select group of singers from within the chorale. will entertain at 4 and 5 p.m. The Orange County Mas ter Chorale. under the d irection of Maurice Allard. is in its 27th year. Last year the chorale performed before a total of 35,000 people in Los Angeles and Orange counties. These concerts featured a variety of music ranging from masterworks to the "pops.'' During the past 27 years, the chorale has appeared in a wide variety of concert sett.ings and has traveled to Europe three times for concert tours -the most recent being last summer. T h e c horale's performa n ces i n cl ude th e Orange County Perform\ng Arts Center's Christmas Ca ndlelight Con cert since its inception in 1974; Christmas concerts t hree years at the Dorothy Chandler P avillion with the Glendale Symphony under the direction of Carmen Dragon; the City of Irvine's July 4th Concert on the Green IV Celebration; and the dedication of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove. The Californians present shows when a smaller ensemble is needed. Recent performances have included appearances at the retirement dinner for former Los Ange les County S heriff Peter Pit.chess, Pat Boone's Salute to Scouting and the Balboa Bay Club's annual Governor's and Christmas Balls. The Orange County Master Chorale's 1982-83 concert season includes C hristmas con cert s throughout December; the county's first Bach Festival in Fe bruary; Brahrn's "German Reqiem" in April; and the annual "pops" concert, which closes the seasoirt; in June. In a ddition to the Saturday holiday hours, which are 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., e¥tended weekday hours are 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Children can visit Santa Claus at Santa's Village in the Carousel Court during regular mall hours. Holiday caroling by community groups will oc.">Cur tnroughout the-month'llt-'1 amt--- 8 p.m. daily, and selected other times. A lso on Saturday evenings throughout December, a horse- drawn carriage will transport guests of the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel to and from the mall for shopping, dining and en tertainment. For more infonnation on any of the South Coast Plaza holiday activities, call 546-6682. Shop by the numbera w i th our budget-conscloua Hollday Gift & Service Gulde. Look for It In claallfled-every day until Christmas Eve. Dally Piiot Claulfled · phone 842-5878 I ._ __ .;,_ ________________________________ __.o I 3 S?~t~ Coast Plaza/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY Pl~OT /Thursday, December 9, 1982 -5 9 .. -: .•. ; . On flre::f i~U~ of Christmas -----my trllE-' ga'Vf-'to;--~-.. ~. ~~_J_ a.......,,. -~.,..,.efl.-jq)~ ~cream ~ on a ~ The perfect yhristinas gift' for the employee from the bu~y businessman.-- i We also have Haagen-Daz• T-Shirts and Hats in many flavors. -Dazs ~ The ice cream dedicated to perfection! South Coast Plaza 154 So. Coast Hwy. 3333 Brltsol Street, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92826 Laguna Beach, Ca. 714-754-7752 714 -494-5507 DE. IGNER STOP Primrose Bordier, designer of a ll sheets, towels ;ind b<tlhware al D<:s(:amps, was in the maH recently to visit her store on 1 h<· West Cu<.1::-.l. "I s trive to cr eate looks that are both rnm'plt•m(;'n tary and unique in their own desig n," she says. "By using 1ntc>reh<.1ngabk patl<•rns. pt'Ople can create their own persona) look." Descumps 1s on tht> lower level near the J ewel Court in South Coast Plaw. thru this weekend! 20% OFF ALL LEATHER & SUEDE HANDBAGS 20% off group of dressy shoes 20% off all l~wanne.=n==--------- SOUT.H COAST PLAZA ~ ....... SOUTH COAST PLAZA . CRYSTAL OIL LAMPS 6" 9" 12" A Cricket tradition. These handsome crystal oil lamps are sklllfully hanct-blown with suspended glass bubbles that contail lamp oil. Use alone or group together. Lamps are available in the following sizes. 6" ............................ . 9" ........................... . 12" ........................ .. 15" ........................ .. SOUTH COAST PLAZA s29.00 33.50 38.00 47.00 Lower Level, Jewel Court, Buttocks Wing (714) 556-7430 [-] l-1" ~ VJ OFF Semi-Annual NAME-BRAND SHOE SALE 20.90 to 32.90* O nJ:mally $32 to $50 For a limit~ ttme. choose from m.my famous name-branili for women ... including 8,: , ZoJ1ac. 9 We t anJ Capezm! No1 all 1zes anJ colors m every style. Al!>o, s1m1lar reJucttons on 5elected name-brand boots and handbag ! SOUTII COAST PLAZA SAU STAltTS ntUUD.\Y, Dl!CDIB!ll 9. • , . ( '" \ . Fly with Rooten's 811.d \fentura - - NffSS AJd-ef'fCB does . - ~Ofe?'1~ LUGGAGl ti SOUTH COAST ~ '-~-PLAZA ----. 540-3110 Court .· WESTMINSTER MALL 198-3331 ANAHEIM PLAZA 956-1180 8 -South Coast Plaza/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thu,sday, Decemb8' 9, 1982 IHERMAN CLAY SPECIAL FACTORY PURCHASE IN CELEBRATION OF OUR 112th ANNIVERSARY BIG, BEAUTIFUL 42• CONSOLE SAVE OVER •100000 Reg.•29•9 NOW •1870 TO t<(L, CllUll.4TE OUt 112tMNNIVClSAIY ltlMIAlL HAS Ofrcuo fH(S( "ANOS 10 US Al A Sl'fCIAl ,.ICf. !HAT'S WHY Wf CAN Off(J IH(M 10 YOU Al SUCH A Ol fAI SAlltt-tGS. 197011 fH( FOUNDING vtAR Of SH(~N CLAY SO WE AU OHEllNG THESE PIANOS 10 YOU FOR S1'70. NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS UNTIL MAR. 10 OPEN O"ILY 10-t P.M. SOUTH COAST PLAZA SUN. 11 .. 141-0411 ' Noon-2_p.m. Christmas Trombones Noon-2 p.m. So. Coast Chamber Singers Christmas Delights at Crabbee & Evelyn-==.n-JIDI' For that special someone on your Christmas gift liSt . . . • Unique Holiday Gift Baskets filled with our exclusive imported soaps, toil~tries and delectable . gourmet foods. Celebrate the magic of Christmas at Crabtree & Evelyri South Coast Plaza 714 • 641-0888 gh )ir FRIDAY Noon-I p.m. UCI Quartet 1-2 R.m. Santa Ana High School Choir Noon-I p.m. I Strolling Carolers 8 -9 p.m. Disneyland 9 Choir Noon-I p.m. So. Coast Brass Ensemble 7:30-8:30 p.m. Christmas Trombones 12:30-1 :30 p.m. Strolling Carolers ._.... Coest ,... Ml9ek>n Vlefo Mell W..emlnetw .... Oenttoe .... Plue J 10 17 South Coast eLaza/ An AdvertlsinQ Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, December 9, 1982 -9 • SATURDAY Santa Ana Christmas Parade to the Village 4 Boy-Scouts and Girl Scouts caroling thru the day II Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts caroling thru the day 18 , For that s~al day, first go to Gmgiss and pick a gift from our wide variety of fonnalwear acx:essories and jewelry. · Then hint that he take you out to a place where he can show it off . • • - 10 -South CoasJ J?laza/An Advertising Supplement tot~ OAllcY P.flQTIThursda~. Oeoemt>er Q~ 1982 Foot Locker gets toehold with new plaza store Radio Shack plugs into video trends Radio S hack , one of the world's largest retail chains with more than 8,000 stores worldwide, has opened its ne west store in South Coast Plaza. According to store manager Robert Chase, the store features a variety of physical upgrades unique to the South Coast Plaza store, including brass-plated frontage. wood-paneled and simulated suede- covered walls, and par:quet wood entry way. Also featured is the extensive h o me and business compute r department, with both micro and mini TRS-80 models. The majority of Radio Shack merchandise is designed and manufactured to the company's own specifications to be sold exclusively through Radio Shack outlets. Other merchandise lines offered are stereo components. televis ion sets, CB rlllf ios and acanners, "1deo ga me s, a l arm sys t e m s, PA equipment, calculators. electronic toys. telephones and telephone equipmen t. Chase noted that the e lectronic p a rts selection is as extensive as can be found. Plaza gets Western wear emporium O ne of Southern California's foremost Western wear retailers - Howard & Phil's -has opened a 2,950-s quare-foot store in South Coast Plaza. The s tore is the 16th for the Canyon Country-based Western wear finn. Specializing in cowboy ' boots. Howard & Phil's features more than 150 styles. ranging from calfskin to the more exotic leathers of ostrich, alligator, homback lizard, eel, rhino and anteater. Store manager Brent MartJn adds that the men's and ladles' size selection is the beat anywhere In such makes as Tony Lamas, Justin, Dan Poet and Frye. Howard & Phil 'a also carries Western-inspired spor tswear and o utwear by famous makers Pendleton, Wrangler, Levi Strauss • and Lee. A full .election of cowboy hats by Stet80n and Resist-All are featured .. well. . Weste rn decor bl1hll1hta the store, inclucliq oek de\aUini and authenUc deer ~. Foot Locker, one of America's foremost athletic shoe compan ies, has opened on the lower level of the Carousel Court in South Coast Plaza. Foot Locker specializes in athletic footwear, clothing, t-shirts, sweats, canvas bags and accessories. Al~ major brands of shoes are carried;- inch:1ding Adidas, Nike, Puma, Asahi, Tretorn and Converse. According to company spokesman Dan Rich, Foot Locker's strengt.h is depth of selection -covering all sports from jogging to aerobics - and excellent depth of sizing. The 2,450-square-foot s tore is designed as a basketball court, with shoes lining the walls and benches within. • WAS NAKED AND COLU She had a blank look about her. A kind of emptiness. No coloc I didn't know what to do. Or where to go. Then I discovered The Upstairs Gallery. h was a pretty off-the-wall place. They had thousands of beautiful pieces of original graphic art, each signed, framed and matted. I could see her excitement in the way she stood, almost quivering with anticipation, hoping that I would ·adorn her with a Picasso, Neiman or Rothe. I had to get my hooks in hei; but I was still apprehensive. I was sure it would cost me a fortune. Surprise. The Gallery's prices were real low, plus they did have convenient credit tenns if I needed them. So I thought, what the heck? I did it. Now, my wall ••• she's happy. She's gorgeous. And she loves me for what I did to hei; thanks to The Upstairs Gallery. Stop by and see what lmean. SOUTH COAST PLAZA• (Next ro Bulloclc.'1) (714) 549-9191 ARCO PLIAZA1 C Lewi 8£VERLY HJLLS1 27S So. La Ciimlp Bhd. DEL AMO PA811lON SQUARE1 (On chc ICCC>nd bef ne9r RdiiNon~) KYUL'I' HfW ..... ....., ... ....., .. ,. , AllCO ""'2A ,.., ..... ~ ... oe t • DI&. AMO PAll90H IQUA&ll • _.,~~ ................ ....., ,, .. , Ol.ANG9 OJllNTY ...................................... , ,, Dr_awin_g tur~s South Coast shoppers Into • winners CAR CRUNCH -South Coast Plaza baa extenaive parkina facilltlea to accommodate · holiday ahoppen. Martin Wigler had a weekend shopping excursion in mind. He accompanied his wife on a clothes-shopping venture for the holidays when h e came to South Coast Plaza during the 15th Annh:ersary cele~ation in October. Although he didn't know it at the time, Wlgler's entry in the mall-wide Anniversary Sale drawing would eventually be chosen as the grand- prize winner, making him the owner of a 1982 Isuzu Deluxe 5-speed automobile. The Wiglers, residents of Chino, drive to South Coast Plaza severaJ umes a year when they have a desire to "go to an excellent shopping environment, and take a nice drive at t he same time." The grand-prize winners are not the only out-of-the-county residents with a South Coast Plaza shopping preference. A recent mall study revealed that one in ever y 10 shoppe.cs_ are from outside of Orange County, and that 1)0Ul}1Cdast Plaza is the most regularly shopped center u1 Southern California. Other prizes awarded during the Anniversary celebration, held Oct. 14 to 17, were: Four trips to San Francisco, courtesy o f PSA. including airfare from Orange County, lodging at the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf and use of a Hertz. car; an eight-day cruise for TiiE GOOD OF.SIGN SHOP two from Honolulu to four Haw8tial1 isla n ds, courtesy of Ametican Hawaii Cruises; and two $25 gift certificates, courtesy of The Livery. The winners of the PSA San Francisco vacation are: -Carl E. Brown, Huntington Beach. -Sue Long, S3nta Ana. -James and Debi Sherrell, El Toro. -Liz Myers, El Toro. The winner of the American Hawaii cruise Is: -Helen Bruderlin, Costa Mesa. The winners of The Livery gift ccruficates are: -Tom Spearman, Culver City. -Joyce Gwidt, Irvine. soum COASr PLAZA 0 NEXT TO BULLOCK'S ENTRANCE . FIRST LEVEL 0 (714) 751-0510 , .. 12 -South Coast Plaza/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, December 9, 1982 Hoffman beauty supply store opens in plaza 'Sun Ribbon' blends well with center from page% defines "Sun Ribbon" as a true topological structure. one in which <:l..here is no clearly-defined top or bottom. 1ns1de or out. • An interesting by-product of the irregular curves, according to Ms. Falkenstein. is that "Sun Ribbon" actually resists wind -simply because of the "twist." The stained-glass panels -red. orange, violet and yeUow -~ere hand-cut on location and placed so that each pane differs in size Crom the ad.JOtnmg pane. resulting in a near-random appearance. Ms . Falkenstein describes her motivation behind "Sun Ribbon's" unusual design as not based upon a £lat plane or static object. "It is the interplay of space and form that creates the resulting topological space." she notes. She dcscri b es the gates as "contemporary gothic," with the nic kel-alloy beams placed at alternating angles -cr eating an illusion of depth. The gates are attached to overhead sandstone l'Olumns. made of the same Arizona flagstone used in several Town Cent.er buildings and the flooring of the cou rtyard that includes "California Scenario" sculptural garden. "Sun Ribbon" was commi~ioned by South Coast P laza own e r / developers C.J . Segerstrom and Sons, and joins such other Town Center works of art as Alexander Calder's "Pekin." Jean Dubuffet's "Tour Aux Jambes," Jim Huntingto n 's "Nightsh1ft," Charles 0 . Perry's "Ram ," and Doug Edge 's ''Construl'livist Pagoda." Henry T. Segerstrom, managing partner of C.J . Segerstrom and Sons. explained that the long-standing commitme nt to e ncour age a cultural, artistic presence within a business/commercial environment is a fundamental premise of South Coast P laza To wn Center . T his co m m itm e nt ser ves as the cornerstone be h ind the owne r / developer's desire to take ·world~ clas5 art out of the muaeum. Hoffman Beauty Supply, with up to 10,000 assorted nail, hair, skin and make-up productS, h as opened on the upper )evel of the Sears wing in South Coast Plaza. Plaza store also offers all varieties of beauty a pplia nces, including hair dryers, curling Ir-ans and -even packaged Christmas sets. Hoffman a dds that all brands carr ied are top-of-the-line beau ty and health products, s pecifically selected to offe r s tate-of-the-art hair, skin and nail care. According to owner Bob Hoffman, one o f the major stren gths of Hoffman Beauty Supply is the in- store advice of the professional sales stafL AlLpe nel are cosmetic and skin experts. Several are 1cense :;..--~• ('OSmetologists and ar~ able to offer cuc;tomers consultation as well as service. Hoffman Beauty, with 13 stores in Southern California, is one of the largest c hains of professional wholesale beauty products in the country. The l,600-square-foot South Coast A Christmas Memory-Maker 0 Gift Wrap .. 0 Bows & Ribbon D Party Goods Plan ahead now so you don't forget those you love and care for. D Boxed Christmas D Candles Card D Omaments OChristmas Cards o Notes & Individual Stationery OJonathan Davis Figurines O Rockwell Figurines D Hummel D Wall Decor D Picture Frames D Pens and pencils: D Cross O Sheaffer D Mont Blane D Parker D Lazer Craft DWorld Globes o Brief Cases ASTEROIDS At s14•• And other VISA Atari Tapes, lntellivision and Tapes, Colecovision and Tapes, Atari 5200. SOUTH .COAST '-LAZA 54.s-6026 545-6383 . . . . . " .... .. ,• •• ..,. ..... • rl· '1',(,t t1 1',1'1 l'.tfJ11 I'· 11t1T'1(' .,., ( Jl,ld 1r1t .. ,J IP~n·;>l'4<J1JC:' 1l1l1'l/1<j\,I.).\ t1A rv,t~ Je~;()I 11:1,0' ~t South Coast Plaza/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday,. December 9, 1982 -13 0 Westin South Coast Plaza offers special holiday rate Holiday shoppers looking to put some cheer in their chore should be merner to learn about the "'Dickens of a Christmas" package offered by The Westin South Coast Plaza hotel available throu~h Dec. 28. Located across the street Crom the renowned 197 -store South Coast Plaza shopping mall, the hotel has put together a special schedule of services, events and price reductions to enable a s ho ppe r to take advantage of the proximity of the two properties at this hectic time of year. Key feature of the offer is the reduced hotel room rate to $58 per night, which will be applied to a single or double occupancy in a deluxe room. The "Dickens of a Christmas" package a lso includes Welcome · Cocktails for two and c r e dit certificates from at least 25 selected stores located at the mall. In addition, sever a l h e lpful se r vices will be inaugerated exclusively for the hotel guest/ shopper. A shuttle between the mall and the hote l will be available during shopping hours. And on Saturday nights, a horse-drawn car ri age will be available to transport shoppers and guests. After shopping hours. guests can enjoy the seasonally festive park environment in front of the hotel tha t includes Christmas Carolers, and one of Orange County's largest Christmas trees. The presentation by the adjacent South Coast Repertory Theater of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" also is a popular annual event. Many other holid~-eommunity scheduled events, such as the annual Newport Harbor Festival of Lights from Dec. 17. to 23 are within easy driving distance for hotel guests. Reservations are required as the package is limi t e d to space availability at the 400-room Costa Mesa property and can be obtained by calling the hotel at 540-2500 and asking for "Dickens." Gourmet chocolate emporium brings sweet taste to plaza The first Neuhaus Chocolate Shop in California, featuring gourmet imported Belgian ch ocolate, h as opened in the May Company wing of South Coast Plaza. Decorated as a glass-and-mirror- e ncl osed emporium, Ne uhaus special izes in fine gourmet chocolates, made In unusual designs a nd u s ing s uperior natura l ingredients. The 125-year-old Brussels-based firm, with stores throughout the globe. h as earned an impreaslve reputation for its pralines, which a.re available in the gianduja (aolid milk c hocolate with slig.ht nut flavor) and ganache (dark cholcolate in plain or natUJI&} coffee, fruit or liqueur -flavor) varieUet1, often with fresh cream filling and always reff'la'erated. c~ in the new South c.o.t Plua store al8o can enjoy Neuhaus Cl"e9"°"9 in-*>ft at one m teYel'al tea tables. along with a cup of espresso, cappuccino, coffee "float" or other beverage. Ice cream, made fresh on the premises using t h e Italian, or gelatl, method, also ls available in 12 flavors. The chocolates, and accompanying specialized varieties of candy, are sold by w eight, although store owner Ralph Bauer emphaaizet that there are no restrictions on quanUty. Neuhaus mails anywhere ln the country and often a variety of glua a nd gift co ntainers f o r gift. packaglns. Baue r adda that customers may compile their own custom gift containers. The Neuhaus Chocolate Shop ta part of a, up1calln1 expan alon . program at South c.o.t P1ua that ultimately will rnult ln the re- tenanting of 100,000'"9Quare-feet of apace. Many of tM It MW ._.. have opened, and moat of the remllAnder wW open .......... Holiday Cheers from LeSportsac • Le8por&1ac I ~ CJoa8' "8• Carousel C,ourt, Cost.a Mesa, CA 92626 Phone : (714) 667-1263 • - I ,. -·- 14 -South Coast Plaza/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thurs<!!Y._Decerriber 9, 1982 WELCOME MAT -David Hubbard. left, store manager at Eddie Bau<'r in South Coast Plaza, receives a welcome from Ken Fowler. pr<'sident of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. Plaza lassos Western store The first Eddie Bauer s tore in Southern California has opened on the upper level of the Carousel Court in South Coast Plaza Well-known throughout the country, largely through its catalogs. 16 million of which are distributed annually in the United States and Canada, F.ddie Bauer specializes m goose down products and other quality outd oor apparel and equipment. A forerunner in the field. F.ddie Bauer was founded an Seattle an 1920 by a young outdoor enthusiast named F.ddae Bauer. It was Bauer who designed and patented in 1936 Amenca's first quailed goose down ~ jacket that rendered bulky outerwear obsolete. Througho ut the years, the rompan y ..has-equipped .ex.peditioos. to every continent in the w orld and has earned the title "F.dd1e Bauer Expedition Outfitter." The 7 .000-square-foo t, glass-The development of products for endoscd store is the La~t adqit!_on __ ~tiy ~x~tions mmbined wilh to th(I newly-upscaled Sears wing in o n -going testing results in ever- Sou th Coas t P laza that will improving garments, sleeping b.1gs ultimately result in the opening of and equipment for the first-lime 18 n~w stores. adventurer or Ion -lames rtsman. PUMPS ... They're news horn heel to toe. Sleek. sophisticated pumps In striking styles. Choose from the suede-like sil1ouette that Is SJ>Qrked with o kJs1re \Xldeflay. Avol- oble with motd"llng handbag. Or choose the gleaTilng patent pump that odds instant polsh to y<::AJ1 days and nights. Both 1hoe styles In o variety of rich colors. orty $27 .'19. NOY/ at Thom McAn. ~~cAn... SOUTH COAST PLAZA' 'PWr #r.e ~" l . Mourfamoui.BccfSllrk• Summcr::iausaJ(c, 2 oz. nf Crl•amy g" ·~~ .. 1 i "'. \\ h•·<'I nl i.cn11 l>oh Gouda. 6 oz. ur .uuuo ~\\\'!,'I I lul l\lu .. wrd. 10 oz. of Port Wm<• dl(·t'"''· .ii' oz Appl(• l'Jl' Cht'ddar ~qu.ire. Soz of Edmnand 11ur!>trJWbl•rry Bun llon..... $19.99• • Think of everyone who'd love a Christ.mas gift from Hickory Farms~v Choose from over 100 different ~1fts. in a vanety of shapes, prices and sizes, all filled with tasty dehghts. And we'll gladly handle all the details sending your gifts out. -----.-ldcor1-farms ~'I-Hto·---1 We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness. ' QI ITU COAST LAZA t l~.l4'4 llil."' .ttf~ttt•l·•~····"' •f1u,,)llU.w"11~l'\"flflr_·~\l"f')',h.tti('f'lf~-11 1.owt'r C'aroul!t'I \11111 540-6991 lhisad -:-:IC Al partK:IP!lting stores. is for all those who ew!r wonder why your company runs a United Way ca01paign. When it comes right down to it, you're probably the best iusoo your company bu for getting involved with the United Way. '\bu see, they know almost all of the money given to the United Way goes back out into the community to help people. So if you, or the people you work with, should ever need any of our services, like day care, family counseling or health care, we'll be right there to help. Jn fact, there are tena of thousands of United Way·supponed programs and ICnicta in ~itics and towns acron the country. That means help is nearby wherever you are. And your company knows that could mean the dif· ference between kcepi.na or losina a valuable empla,.ee. That's why they sive. And that's why they ask you to give. Because there may come a day when you need help yourself. • un••dWlll ""*'° ......... ,,.~ ... ~JP.~.of,..Mi; • ..••••• AU.11 I -S•M' South Coast Plaza/ A~ Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Thursday, Dee..-nber 9, 1982 -15 --- -------t< House Of --,-.• --~ A TRADITIOhT OF GIFT GIVING This holiday sea- son welcome fam- ily and friends to your house with the crunchy within your budget. We mail gifts too. We have everything you need to cre- .. - good taste of almonds from . our house, the ~ ate a special House.o.__.._~~~ House of Almonds. At House of Almonds we have almond gift packs-per- f ect for every- one on your gift giving list and sure to fit Almonds gift of your very own from colorful gift ,==i~=~'~ tins to traditional I decorator jars. And, they' re always in the- best of yule- tide spirit. So for almond gifts with good taste come on over to our house, the House of Almonds. South Coast Plaza • Sherman Oaks Galleria •Buena Park Mall Del Amo Fashion Center • Northridge Fashion Center• Laurel Plaza Topanga Plaza • Eastland Mall •The City• Hundnston Center j I Q 0 16 -South Co~st Plaza/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Thursday, December 9, 1982 ., - - THI DRllll l:lllT CIAIT 110111 , THUR SDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1<rn:.::> l)HANl.t l.lllJNI ~ 'l\l ltUHNIA ,..., CfNf"> Laguna looking for some -Illoneyhag Santas By STEVE MITCHELL OflheD...,"°41 .. " Laguna Beach ls coming out wlth lts own gifts catalog and Lagunans with a few extra bucks 'are being aaked to buy the city a Christmas present. The 1 3 -page c atal o g , illustrated with photographs of city parks, playgrounds and public buildings, lists doz.ens of items residents can purchase for the city. And, if you write out a check now, you can take advantage of the tax deductlblllty of the gift on this year's Income tax form, the catalog hints. Now, a $40 trash can might not seem lik e a very warm and personal glfl for the city you love. But if s just about the cheapest item listed in the catalog. For those who want to reach a little deeper i nto their 1 pocketbook, the cit y would appreciate a new Class A engine pumper for the fire department. Just sign your name at the bottom of the $160,000 check. You can buy a mlnl-park at one of Lasuna'• beachooend cul- de-aaca, complete wlth viewing platform and land1eaplna. for between $60,000 and $75,000. Or the city wlll go out and beautify a park with a 1~1.aah of floral color for between '200 and $500. Donon can adopt a gardener for their favorite park by picking up the salary and benefits, or hire an entire beach cleanup crew for around $10,000. Or how about a police aervice dog, which the cataloa ~aye would provide a varletr of eervlces to the community. The cop canine could be called upon to do public relatlona work; give demonatraUona at echoola; track Joat children, aenlora or e1caped crlmlnall; control crowd1; 1earch building and crime acenes, and do preventive patrol. Price tag for the pooch? $5,000. Other gift 1ugestiona include a sand sifter, $25,000; new tables and chalra for the community center, $1,600; a washer and <:f~yer for the animal 1heher, '680: tennil nets, $200 each, and lights for Riddle Field, $25,000. Laguna Beach la spending S2.100 to produce the catalog. The Chamber of Commerce'• beautification committee 11 picking up about half the tab. The 500 copies wl 11 be diatrlbuted to community organizations and will be available at City Hall, said City .Manager Ken Frank. You see, there'• one particular Item ln the cataJ01 that Frank would really like to eell. It's the $7 million mortaa8e on ~camore Hll11, the 522~acre cl1y-owned parcel ln Lagun• Canyon. If aomeone p lck1 up the mulU-milUon dollar tab for thM ltem. Frank guarantees he'll name Sycamore Hilla after UW donor. "You pay for Sycamore Hin. and you can call it anything you like." Fun Zone attractions find homes Jim Sorenson of Newport Beach can play Skee Ball in his home. He bought the Fun Zone game for S75. By STEVE MARBLE of tM DellJ ,... .... "Start her up, Lucky," said auctioneer l\uay t:JlrKen to the tattooed man standing at the control box of the merry-go- round. Ray "tucky" Scott hit the "start" button and, with his hands jammed In his jean pockets and a cigarette hanging from hia mouth, watched the painted wooden horses bob up and down. "Runs like a charm, just like a c harm," b e llowed Larken, ecanning the crowd. "Let'• start at $50,000. That's cheap, really cheap. Do I hear $50,000? $50.· 000? Okay, $25,000. I'll take $25.000." ' He settled for $15,000, the highest figure of the night for any of the remaining bits, pieces, machines and ginnoe that make up the Balboa Fun Zone -a place of memories that, for $!> he re a nd $1.000 there, was dWnantled Wednesday. The Fun Zone, 50 years old and lhowlng it, la acheduled to be knocked down by the end of the year and replaced with offices and shops. "lt'•ad but I suppo.e the area needs Im~: I haw mixed feellnp; aald Millie Tai:llon, owner of Fun BUrgel"8'. one of the longstanding food outlell at the block-Iona U'Cllde. Taillon, aaytng ahe wanted 10methlng to "take with me," spent $900 buytna the boat ride and the battered, IUD-bleached ml.niatwe car ride. "I don't even know what I'm going to do with them," she said fater~ eying the metal ride. in the cold of the evening. The auction led by arcade owners Ra}'Ballard and Larken, drew the oua, Uie nOitiJijC, the co llec tors and the I've-always-wanted-to-own-a -' video-game crowd. "What do we hear from Donker Kong? Hey, hey, Donkey Kong,' yelled Larken. "Thia ia the prize machine of the market. . -. Corridor design criticized Like motorists who have attempted to navigate the San Diego or Santa Ana freeways at rush hour, Orang e County supervisors have expressed some reser vations over the way freeways are designed. Commenting on the design proposed for the San J oaquin Hilla Transportation Corridor, auperviaors que1tioned criteria freewa y planne r s u sed in determining h ow w ide the freeway would be and where interchanges would be located. The new freeway ls eventually intended to link .San Juan Capiatrano, Laguna Beach, Irvine and Newport Beach alon~ a 14-rnile route situated midway -lllDEX- At Your Service Bulletin Board BusiN!l8 Cavalcade Clalllfied Comics en.word De.th Notices Editorial EQiertalnment Hormcope lntenn.illion Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds NaUonal Newa Public Notkea A12 A4 C8-9 B2 Cll-15 ClO ClO C12 A14 B6 B2 B6 82 B6 C8 A3 A6-7 A12-13,B7-8 , Ot,C6,C8,C12 Sports Dl'.Stelncrohn Stock Markets Te1evillon ,,_..,. W•ther Worid News "i •, Cl-7 82 a B7 BO A2 A3 between Pacific Coast Highway and the San Diego Freeway. The route unveiled last week runs from the Corona del Mar Freeway near Mac Arthur Boulevard in Newport Beach to the San Diego Freeway near Avery Parkway in south Orange County. It is envisioned by planners to have six, eight or 10 lanes along variou s stretches. It would include separate express lanes for buses or a mass transit rail line. Before voting unanirnoualy to auth orize a series of publlc h earings in January on the proposed r oute, aupervlsora asked for assurance• that the design takes Into conaideration projected growth patteml of the future. "Everything ha.a been wrong ao far ," aald Supervi1ora' Chairman Bruce Nestande, referring to other projection. made by county plan~ra or independent con.ultanll. "The Santa Ana Freeway. Jail capacities. No one'• ever gue9led right." Nestande auggested that freeway dealgnera test their design of the new freeway by a1king the aame computer to redesl.rn the San Diego and (See FREEWAY, Pate A•) Frontier exceeding air noise limits? .. B)' JEFF ADLER OfllM!DellJ .......... Frontier Alrlinel jell operating out of John Wayne Airport are cru.hlng Into a aound barrier of 10rt1 -the planes are exceedlna airport noi.ae llrnill about half the time: The jetliners, DC-9 Super SO. bound nonatop for Denver, are exeeedtna nolle ltandarda at one of thr•e key airport noiH m o nftorln1 1tatlon1 on approximately half of all Ukeofh, explained Wll!!.am • Martin, tlle airport'• noiae abatement officer. He aald the remainder of Frontier'• fll1hta either are rneettnar or are below the not.I 1 t a'n cf a rd . A t two o the r ~ ., monltorina pomta, all ru,hta are meet.1n1 tJ\e atandarda. "You could •fely •Y that on the a~ (Frontier) ii runnlnc 11.lchtly over (the limit) at one monltottnc atation," Martin laid. But the nol1e abatement oUicer pomted out that the nm. •tandard ii an avenp bMed on every takeoff owr a three·month period. With more than two monthll 1emalnln1 before the curnnt quarter endl l'eb. 18, Frontier atlll oould eaally me.et tbe atandard on an ave,.,. dally ..... he aald. Marlin apeculated that If rronw ptJota wen eo ......_ ~~~Jallof fl .,.., .... ,..... _,.., ~ Larry Morgan cheeks out the horseOesh on the Fun Zone carousel. The merry-go-round went for S 15,000 in Balboa auet,on. Let'a 8'art at •1.000. Do I beer $1,000?" 1be machine, opened up With ill ~ .. hanch'8 out for public lnapection, went for $800. Star C.tle went foe $150, Benerk for $175. A well-wom pinball machlne, its g1aaa top smeared With white P!!!!t.~...!tick.Y from 1pl)ed aoft drinka, went for $50. The Six Million Dollar Man model went for $150, Supennan for $200. Jim Sorenaen, with two children in tow, waa waiting to bid on a Sltee Ball machine. "I love 'em" he 1ald, hla children nodding agreement. "I can play them for days. I've came down here for years playing 0-machines .•• renaen,who-Nid-he-had enough room In hia Balboa hou8e to accommodate one Skee Ball machine, got hia wish. Seventy. five bucks and lt waa his. "I came down here rno8tly for old time's sake," said C .G . Tunstall, a former Bilooa Furi Zone employee from 1952. Tunstall, proudly flashing business cards that read, "retired," said he now lives on a alx-acre ranch outside La)te Elainore, where he haa erected hil own private fun zone. A 15-1001 lam.._J_. loll lall hea• la htp wta• aa aa El Toro 0........... tree lot. TM, • .,., ........... WM ...... med lo attntet ._-._rw I.( "I have my own Ferris wheel. Bought it for $5,500. I have bumper can, a train that ruoa around the-w.h~ plac:e -~--=--1 kinda of toys. I love toys." • Tunstall, who recalle4 •weeping out the arcade ana fiahing bent nickels out of pinba)l machines, ended up buying • Skee Ball machine. Another $7' sate.---- Gertrude Vorgang boughtf .. box of Skee Ball tickets for and a busted tricycle that w missing a wheel ior $17.50. "I collect ticket• and oil· things," she said when aske4 (See FUN ZONE, Page AZ) Winds seen .decreasing by tonight Tempes tuou1 winda and cloudy skies prevailed over the Orange Cout today, damaaina trees and power linea ana acatterlng light lhowen througb the area. The National Weather Service predicted that wind1 will decreue tonight and Friday .. cloud1 move 1outh. The high today wlll be 67 and the low tonl1ht 51. Friday should be llightly wanner, with a hish o( 68. On Wedneaday, wind1 averagtna 3~ mph knocked treea Into power Unea and cauaed around 200 outa1ea alon1 the COM\, accord1n8 to Jim Kennecl7. a Southern Calitomia ll'.dilon Co. aree maMl9f'. 'There are no major cin:ui• down. but there have been a la& of Individual trouble calla," Kennedyaald. ~ In New~rt Harbor ~ Wednmday'a windl ~; recorded at ~ mph. Oran1• County Sheriff'• Department Harbor Patrol oUldal8 aald tMf' recelved 34 calla for--~ Wecm-lay. Moorinc llnm wwn broken, bmt pumpa WeN neeclecf and towa for boau were requ.i.ct. . Sarly Wed=, 1 28-fool =..... ~Conna .. "L.r ~ ID tbt Mrbal' near 10th 8~ ... al BM llld. lnl'llh6on~&Mn.i. wbl• fir trw that Im& II tl9t off U1 top In a 1torm euu.it Wedrlllilclly Wll •II lad tD patcbed up today bJ u. ..... ..._ Vleo Semo. -~~-. - • Orange CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Thur1d1y, Oec•m* 8, 1882 tate confirms • • nac1n poison AN JOSE (AP) -A wo!n*n been p01Joned by a cyanJde. J:ed Anacin III capsule or paules, state health offlclals finned today in a report by San Joae News. Following the conclusion by te health offlclals of a cynalde lsoning, the Long's Drug Store In oroered that all Anacin Ill 'ttles be removed from shelves , ~ Americans jmong 46 d ead i~ plane crash SANTIAGO, ChUe (AP) -A hilean airliner crashed on pproach lo the airport at La rena today and police said all 6 people aboard were killed. hree of the dead were tentified as Americans - eluding two members of the verning b oa rd of the Maryknoll Sisters religious order. The Aeronor airlines F-27 turboprop, on a 290-mile flight from Santiago to La Serena, · crashed into the side of a hill and burst into flames about a mile north of the airport, according to witnesses quoted by the official news agency Orbe. In the company'• 1tore1 ln the San FrandlCO Bey area. San Joee police are attemptlna to determine whether the polaonlng la an U.Olated cue, or ~lbly a copy.cat of the Chlcaso Tylenol killinp. The woman, Sue Bowen, 30, was In the intensive care unit at Good Samaritan Hospital until M o nd ay, when she waa transferred to a private room. The h~ital described h e r condition as stable but would not let reporters for the News talk to her. According to police, Mrs. Bowen said her husband, Richard, purchased the Anacin ID capsules Nov. 24 or 2~ at a San Jose Long's Drug Store. Ater taking at least one capsule the evening of Nov. 26, Mrs. Bowen ~e ill. The police report said she slopped breathing, turned white and foamed al the mouth. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition, where she was tested for drugs but not for cyanide. The drug tests proved negative, but her husband took the capsules to his doctor, who in turn paSsed them on to the state Health Department to be analyzed.- According to the police report, hospital doctors diagnosed her condition as a 1itroke. FRONTIER NOISE. • • F.rom Page A 1 the airline's flights would meet the standard. : When Pacific Southwest Airlines flights out of the airport failed to meet the standards last August, PSA flight examiners dew with JW A-based crews for a tlJne to auggest alternative cqckplt procedures. i. The new procedures reduced llPl.ae levels and PSA flights soon were meeting the noise limits, Firing suit " An Orange County Superior Court jury has awarded $1.5 qiillion to a Newport Beach cbemist fired as president of a c:bemlcal company three years ~o. • Jurors granted the award Wednesday tu Richard T . Holzmann, 55, who was fired hom the Tustin-baaed Oynachem .Gorp ~r 4 ~ y,eara as president. His attorney, William Crosby, c,laimed among other things that ¥med guards kept his client fr.om his offices after he was Cited and that cash was taken Crom his desk. Martin said. The monitoring station causing problems for Frontier's Denver- bound flights is located about one mile off the end of the airport's runway. Between Nov. 21 -24, noise monitoring instruments recorded takeoff noise levels ranging from 99.3 decibels to 101.5. The limit set at that monitoring station ls 98.5, Martin said. won Jurors said the verdict should se rve as warning to big corporations that they can't treat employees "like an animal." Holzmann's suit claimed "bad faith, wrongful termination" and accused company officials o f trying to ruin his reputation. He said he was fired on a trumped- up "conflict of interest" charge. 9ynaehem's attorney, John Kimberling. had countered that Holzmann violated company rules by setting up an outaide company th.at sold equipment for Dynachem'.s chemical products, then lied about his involvement with the other company. ~ ............ .., ............. Crash kills Irvine 1nan; friend hurt An trvlnt man died late- Wedneeday afwr hla car slammed Into a trM near the Culver Drive. off.ramp from the San Dleao Freeway. Richard Swan, 20, and h la pa11enger, Cameon Kuno, 23, · iWio of Irvine, were pinned lnalde, h la foreign car for more than 4~. 1 minutes after the 11:40 p .m.• aa:ldent. Orange County firefighters freed them ualng their "Jaws of ~ Life" reacue tool, aald California. Highway Patrolman Rick ~ Stevena. j Swah later waa pronounced~ d e ad at Fountain Valley~ Community Hospital. Kuno waa~ taken to Western Medical Centers in Santa Ana, where ahe was s listed thla morning in stable; condltion. ~ Paramedics work to free victims of a uto crash in Irvine. One man Officers at the scene estimated ~ Swan's c.ar was traveling up to 60 ~ mph as he exited the freeway.1 died and another was hospitalized . 1--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Conflict qu~stioit stirs HB council l Huntington Beach City any kind of finding. recommende<ftheactionbecause from Huntington Beachi Councilman Ron Pattinson is The issue came to a htad when of "gray areas." Company matters. He waa a~ employed by fellow oouncilman a member of the audience at "I've worked for Mr. Thomas target of a lawsuit by planning.: John Thomas. -Monday's city council meeting for four months," Pattinson said commission member Tom1 ~Thomas perfonl\S work for thl----said one and possibly two council publicly. "It's a good pb and I Livengood that attemp~ed to ; Huntington Beach Company membe rs h a d a conflict. of have to make a Uving.' prevent Thomas from votin8 Qni through his tn.ack1ng and crane 'nterest in a pror>osed trade of Thomas said Pattinson is a such items. : businem, according to documents land between the city and the supervisor for his company but Thomas claimed the suit was ; filed with the city. 1Huntington Beach Company. that he hasn't worked on projects settled in his favor Tuetday. .: The question before the house: " Tue trade was propoeed by the for the Huntington B each Mayor Bob Mandie said today; Does Pattinson have to abstain city. Company. that he's pleued that FPPC will~ from city counc~J decisions Pattinson sald he believed the "In fact, my company hasn't be looking into the alleged-! affecting the HuntingtOn Beach speaker was referring to him and d one any w o r k for th e conflict of interest. . Company because he works for asked City Attorney Gail Hutton Huntington Beach Company for "It's been a litUe cloudy and it: Thomaa? f . a Jong time," Thomas said. needs to be clarified.'' .: A spokesman for the state Fair or an opinion. Thomas said Pattinson has no Mandie said the fact that; £olitical Practice. Commission The-two huddled privately and-eonruet,-thhe imue before the.;.... P-at.t.maon W4r · said this week that the Political later they announced they would city council was brought up by "bothers me a little but it's their~ Reform Act of 1974 prohibits seek an opinion from the FPPC the city and not the company and thing. I'm not sure there ~s~ off i c I a Is from ma kl n g or and the state attorney general's that Pattinson didn't derive any anything wrong. I hope the ':alI'~ participating in decisions in office. benefits from the decision. . Politlcaf Practices Commisa1on.: which they have a financial Hutton s al d I ate r she Thomas bas been abstaining looks into that aspect too.'' : interest. • He said officials should disqualify themselves if the FUN ZONE AUCTIONED OFF ... source of income is $250 or more. The spokesman said the From Page A 1 relationship be tween Thomas about her purchases, appearing and Pattinson is not clear cut and d k that it is too premature to reach puzzled 90meone woul even as . Pledges boost KOCEonlOth Another woman bought a Skee Ball machine and was starting to explain how lt was to be ueedby employees at a construction site when her husband cut in. "Watch out, honey, that's a reporter," he advised. • "A repainnan?" aDDIVersary ''No, ' reporter," he snapped. They backed off into the crowd. KOCE, .Channel 50, in Everything went. A vacuum Huntington Beach has collected cleaner, which Lucky dutifully $48,002 In pledges during the fired up and pushed around the first five days of its 10th carpet, was aold and a table that anniversary cele-b-ra tlon Larken swore coat him $100 membership drive. went for $1. the last time," remarked Dorothy Claypool, oY.rner o{ the arcade ice cream stand. Larken, sensing this was the dramatic point oL the evenina. waited for a moment as Lucky started the big wheel turning. "What can I say?" Larken shouted, then added more softly, "what do I hear? What do I hear?'' The rerris wheel went for $10,000 to Jim Salter, the man who bought the merry-go-round and the new owner of the Fun 7-oneyroperty. Salter, ouJgoing arcade owner ~ Ballard explained, plans to keep ! both rides at the site once his ; project is completed. ! "I would have Jiiven $2_,500 : tops for the merry-go-round/.-: remarked antique collector Larry ! Morgan when it was all over. i "I would have taken off the ': hones, sold them for $500 each ; and thrown the rest of the junk : away," he said. : But the chipped wooden hones ! and the 1918 Ferris wheel are to ~ re main, final reminders of ; Balboa's arcade on the bay. ; This total , pledged last Even an adding machine Saturday through Wednesday, sitting on a table where two : Mesa cops nab speeder ~EV WH!IT;s T._.E SIG- HURRY7 WE 5TIU HAVE 16 SHOPPING represents 'f4 percent of the women were using it to add up A high-speed chase that began Mar Freeway and onto Newport : ' public television station's oal of sales was sold. in west Los Angeles ended In Boulevard. : $ t 1 o, o o o-t n en e c urrent e -ta61e t sat on was so 0. -COSta esa w1 e a.rres o a P6ll"ce 1n Coe-i.a ""Mesa elped ! -fte j n~<) pal "I wonder what I can get this Bakersfield man on suspicion of block the suspect'• c.ar. off in a ; DA'l5 LEFT! ~ O" caThegn~e mbership drives for?" wiaecracked Jim Dunton, auto theft, authorities said. neighborhood In the north ; from continue through Sunday. The looklng up at a half-dead fem California Highway Patrol section of Co.ta Mesa. : .f2 ,_-1 Hla91n Dau. station is presenting special hanging from a pipe near the officers said they first clocked Antonio Torres, 36 , of;. _.,, the tan Mercedes -ave11-nat 100 Bakersfield was taken into ·.· • ..__ programming through Sunday ~nl{. .. ...... le• Cteom ~_,,_ f, d h f 'l mph along the San Diego custody at Wat.on Avenue and ! So.JtnCtlol1Plolo night, inc u ing t e 1 m And, finally, there was the FreewayinCulverCity. WarrenLaneataboutlla.m.He ·.· »JJ-OI-''Becket," th e "Great F i Wh J h f h COOo Meto CA<no26 errs ee, t e turn·o ·t e-Officers in Westminster picked will be transported to Kern : ''•·1$0 11!>2 Perfonnances 10th Anniversary century beast that along with the up th• pursw't when th• auapect's County, authorities said. : Celebration," "The NutcTacker" p vili '---bee Balboa' "" "" • •~So COOllk"'Y a · on ,... n • most car entered Orange County. Authorities aald the Mercedes : 1o0Uj>~'rn61 and "A Christmas Special with famous landmark. Authorities said the drive~ was regiat.ered to Lloyd Pearson : -::::::::::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;=::::~:::=::.:~-L--ud--•n_o __ P_a~varo~-t-ti-."--...... -----,.-.~"J~l'Ode~~'-t_last~~S-unda~-Y~-=-~for~__;h~e-a_d_ed~to~u~th on-Uie ~-=:.=::na:....;:d~e~l---'I_n_c_ .• ..._.o_f_P......__a_a~a~d~e~n~•~·-~~~= f-:'!asta I ! V•rl•bl• cloud• tod•y with .o.crMllng wind•. Hlg"9 eo to es. P•rtly cloudy tonight with ~OVetnlgnt ~ In mld-40. to low >509. Momtfy lmlr on Frldmy with •high• In th• mld·to upper eoa. .Hunllngton·Newport are• wllh •low ol 52 and high ol 87. ; Elaewhere, lrom Point ..Conoeptlon to th• Mulc•n 'border and out eo mllM: Wind• ;inoetlY light and Y.,l•ble tonight ~d frlday exompt IOcel llOUthMet !to ~'-t )Wlnd9 11 le> f4 kr!Otl ;F rldtiy •nemoon. Partly CIOudy tonight Md mo.tty fair on Frldmy. Fair .on EIMtWhere, the treatttah wind gu1t1 that whipped anow Into ,_,.bllz:r:ard• In aome mount.in •nd eYen d•••rt er••• were •KPeCted to dwindle leter todey u tile cold front ITIOll9d 90Vth of San Diego. There were no lmm•dl•t• reporta of property d•mage, min ing peopl• or ln)urlH In Ocotlllo but the 111uallon w•• ....,loui and getting WOl'M, .. Mid Lt. Mike Singh ol the lmpert91 • Countr S'*1fr• Oeow1ment. . . 'Temperatures NATlOH .. LO Albeny 40 21 Albuquerque 37 29 N&''()tll l WUthe1 ~··<• 90 Amllflno 25 20 lloOAA u !. Oeot Of Cornlll~C• •• AlheYtlle 55 27 Fronts: Cold .. Warm .,. Atl•nta 58 <45 -----------iiiiiiliiiiiiii....--.--~~'f 11 Atlentle Cty 50 35 Fwgo i ... PN1ac1e1pNe 81 M Auelln 85 52 F1agll8ff 34 H Phoenl• II II 1 Beltlrnore 53 30 Gf..t ,11111 H '-4 Pttt8buft_ 14 16 ·u.s. summary, 1 ~ ~= ~~ :::::" ~ -~= 1 =: °'9 : : A c:ciiCttrOnt .-pt mciutll Into &Wnetcil . ;,: 2~ HonolUIU 76 M PrcMdel ice 44 33 th• Okl•homa P•nh•ndl• •nd I ~ "3 31"' HOUlltOn "eo !.! ~.... ~~ a: wHtern Te•H euly tod•y, ..... ton ~ -"9pld <...., gluing hlgh••Y• and bringing 8rown1Ylle 7t 15 Jeek«1 MS :! : ~ :: g -llun'le9 ttwt rnede trewllng 8 35 25 JedlmrM!e 17 17 trMdl«OUL · 9\#qton I<.-C1y 21 24 8e11 L.Me "The roedm •• ltlce eolld !09," Ceac>er 14 ·IO L• Vegea 41 40 SM A'*'*> 71 17 , ••Id Sheriff lob Whit• ot <:neri.tn 8CWV "11 = Uttte Aodl 17 M ~ ~ "• Qrnllrron eouncy Ollla. cnen.tn 38 loulevtle 17 31 ~ ,... ' ,,!"°"eoi::o-=:.:! == =NC ~ I ~ = : t-.._.• r, : ;..., "'-8 '911 In Mione end CftlcaOO ae 23 M1arN 71 N 8t. P· T.,.,. 11 • ~ Cellfoml• end <*>udy Cincinnati 14 33 .....,_.. 24 21 It a .. Merle 17 tO. '911:• "'9tdled KfOM 1M Peclllc Clewtlend ~ : .._,.t,Paul 11 I lpollefll ... • 14 ·I Norl11weet •nd the northern =SC 51 21 ::=w-~ ~ ~ f=:-:: = ~i::. ftood•we•ry Mldweat, Del·" Wth ~ = New YOttl IO 41 Tuaeon • .. ·mHnWhlle, rHldenta plied = 22 14 NoffGll :: ~ ~ : : =-~ == =.: == :=r:"* !: ~ ~==-C~ = ~~ WIOMe t7 II ,.,_. • ttMI ....,. contlnwd to Duluth 4 •2 OmlM ,. 11 ,... from ..,.., ,...., 46 41 OrWldo -'or tonlahl and Frld•y, th• E.,.I P•llllO __ ...__iiiiiiiii __ .._ ___ _. __ .....,____ II 17'J•d·- Hellon el -W•ather 8erYloe ·• • • ,.... foreoHt •now 1hower1 from nor1tiern .....,,. "'°""' northern New VOfll ...... • _. • frfflf MIOhloan'I 110f1Wn penlnt111le and fh• 111911« •••••Ilona of ............... • lllf llPJll ;: a ' I I TGDAY ...... l:llit.M. ....,....., 1,;aof.m. --· 4.0 O,t "'" lllgtl UI 1.m. I.I '1t91 IOW 11.M :.m. 0.1 ~=r(letr· ........ 11:01. "'· u luft Mtt tOdlf • •:"4 p.m., ,.. ,,.., .. I: .. l.fft. Moon,.... --.. 1:11 Ml\, ...... ,: ...... .. Sometimes the Nicest Way to Say -@f!2.0JJe How~ tt>~yoot ~and~ tion for htr unfahng ~ thfouOhOUt your marriage, than by giving ~r something as ~ ~ rrwrwigful as al~°' E~m1ty Ring Som symbolcze t~ true depth of your ~ting lbr ~r. and Wlthoot saying arr;thlng at all. you will hit.'t chosen one of' the nicest WlffS to sincerely Sif1i It alll At ~m ~~Design and ere~ a most unique and exciting collectlon of~ nngs 1n 18 Karat Gold and Platlnum ~ dearly ~In dl~es 1n quality and pnce mat )'OU Win seoe ttom store to srore. and then bade up your purchase from v.ydlam Leigh With a money badc guarantee or value.' Wt want )'OU bOth to ~ ~r nng and to kflOIN }'OU t>ouoht It ~Ill Most Diamond Wtddlno and Annlversaiy Rings Range From SI 100 to S3900. Wundham Ll!lgh nrr.rRT 127 Fastion 1W1ncS. ~ BNct\ C.A 92660 Nw~\Mlslft . . . . . i: J * Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, December 9, 1982 t sinking reeling ,, . High winds and rough water combined to capsize this yacht in Newport Harbor We dnesday. The scene is n ear 10th Street off the Newport Beach eoyt. Pa ents • ID The parents ol a 17-year-old youth killed in a motorcycle accident in Newport Beach in August h ave filed a $250,000 claim against the city, alleging negligent and careless planning. lnJUries sustained in the Aug. 14 acc ident on Pacific Coast Highway east of Tustin Avenue. Police reports Indicate the westbound motorcycle slammed into a large van that was pulling out of a restaurant parking lot while attempting to make a turn across the westbound lanes into The city is expected to deny the claim. Sean Thrower, a passenger on the mo orcycre,--d1ed fr om-und lanes. · IC NOT1C£ o lf'o~, .. n~•rtT ~: ~ DECHl•Ei. 11, 1110. UNLEll YOU TAICI! ACTION TO "90TaCT YOUi. ""~· IT llAY •E IOU> AT 8AU. • YOU NOD AN ~TlON Of THE NATUAS OF THE f'i.OCUDING AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD COtfTACT A LAWYEl N0nc. <W TMJaTU'I IAU T.I . NO. ln1t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on Wednesday, Oecemw 22. 1ea2. a1 9:00 o'CIOClc a.m. of Mid day, In the room Ml aalde f0t conducting T ruae.e •a Salea. wl1hln the ofnc.a Of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SEAVICE. IOcated a"l 2020 Nortlt •ood•Q. ~ 208, Ill tfla City Of aanta ~ County Of Otwioe. State o f Callfotnla. SAN MARINO S A VINGS ANO LOA N ASSOCIATION, a Calllornla corporation, H duly appointed TruMae under and pureuant lo Iha po-r ol ••I• conlarrad In that certilln OMd of Trust execut9d by Juoetn A. Jordan, an unmarrleO _, and Edward F. e-. an unmarrlad man, as Joint tananta. -dad January 23, 1911. In Book 13923 ot Official Record• ot Mid County, at page 39•. Recordar·a IMtturnant No. ~5139. by rauoo ol a btMCtl °' delalu1 In payment ol performance of the obllgetlona H curad thereby, lncludlng that bteach °' delalut. Notice of wtllch waa recorded August 26, 1982, u Aecordar·1 lnatrument No 82-302039, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC "AUCTION "TO T-ttE HIGHEST 8100EA FOR CASH, lawful money Of Iha Unl1ad Stata. 0t a euh1et01 ct-* drawn on a state°' national bank, a atl1e 0t ladetal etadl1 unlor. °' 1 atate or leclafal aavlnga and roan aa1octat1on domlcned In thla atatt, eN payable at the time of sale, II right, litle and lntereat held by It. aa f;u1tff, in that r1al property altuata In ae•d County and State. deacribed .. follows: A LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN ANO TO Lot 7 In Block S of Tract No. n2. In N Ctty ()f-Na"Apott 8each. u lhown on a map recorded In Book 23. Paget S and II ol Mlacellaneoua Mac>a. in the ollic4t of the County Recorder ol Hid County. EXCEPT alt CNda oil, petroleum, gaa, bra•. aaphaltum and all' lltndrad aub1t1ncea and other mlnetala unda< and In aald land except Iha right to UM any pot11on of Iha _,_ of Iha land f0t drUllng operation. mining°' quarrying of all kinda lnC:luding bu1 not ex~ of on wen drllllng. ou dtfflopment. mining opara11ona toO'fMr with the uM of aald autlace tor on -n•. tank•. tunnala. mining excavation• or ahal1a. provided however. th• aame ahafl not be conatruad to prolllb11 ...,,, dr91ng "' 9UCh other oparaticlN wttlctl In no WS)' UN Ot In .., ""91 enact the """-right• Of Mid land, and wtt1ct1 do noc .,..,., Mid land a1 • paint .... than 500 tMt to Mid ~. aa rMatWCI In deed lrom John H. H0tnar and Joan ,L. Hornet, recorded .My 3, 1957 In Booll 3991, Paga 371, 0 111c1a1 Aecofde. • The atraat addreaa or other common dealgnatlon of Iha real pr°"'1)' harelnabOYe daealbad .. . purpc>f19d to be 235 Walnut Sttaet, Newpor1 Beach, Callfomla. The undaralg nad hereby dlactelma all lleblll1y tor any lneomlCI,.. In Mid "'"' addreaa °' other common dealgnatlon. ·Seid aale .-rill be mllde without warranty, axpraaa or lmpllad, regarding Ulla, poaaeaalon, or ancumbrancea, to aetlafy tlie prlftc:lpel balance ol the Note or otltef obloatlon MCured by Mid Deed of "l'ruat, with lntatMt and °"* 1U1J11 aa prOVlo.d theteln: pg advanc:.e, If any, under Ille ._ -.eof and lnteraa1 on aucti ..,__., end plua .... ctletgee end ...,.,,_ ol IN TNIMe encl Of IN '""'9 Ct9eted by Mid Dead of Truet. Tlte total MWMlnt of Hid obllgatlon, lncludlng reaaonably ••Umaled I•••· chargaa end _,... d the Trw .... al IN tlpne d IMMlll ~Ion of Ihle Notice le .......... DMed "°"""'* 30. 1912. SAN MAMfO SAVIHOS N«J LOAH ASIOCIATIOH, • Cellof'lllla Corp •• •T,......, MAL DTATl HCUAITIES '911MCE •• c.lltornla ~··"' Afenl 'O • .l.~Pr9e. -N. #20t • ._.,__CA 70t (7MtllMltO f'Mbl6aMCI Orenoe Coatt Delly ...... o.. • .....__ • UN-ea ' 3ET YOUR CLAUS --rNTO DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR. All OUR f:All COLLECTIONS AT 25o/o 10· 40o/o OFF. EverYthing from our fell collectlone by the most~ deeiglltn. oi.eo-• teu1ou1 gift ........... . ;.cut., llec:b, WOWfl knit INIU. Petfect tor the guy wtlo lfl*lda hie leiaure time pleying SlntAI for the klda l•nd you'd like 10 get him 1omecN110 apeciel. I Or tor that fickle ftllow with • feehion pneion. Slec:Q, orig. 46.00 co 66.00 a• to••· Woven lhlna. orig. 28.60 to 40.00 ,. .. to .... Knit lhltU. orig. 2.e.00 to 30.00 ... to n•. SW'Mter9, orig. 38.oo to •.oo ••to••· OuteMeer, orig. 95.00 to 135.00 ••to••· Men's Sport· .-170/216/218/290. Police also said the driver of the motorcycJe was cited on suspicion of felony drunken driving. They alleged he had been traveling west on the highway at a high rate of speed. In the claim, it is alleged the a c cident was due to poo r plannin-g by the city and its failure to post proper turn signs. .. RUFFILL'S UPNOLlnlY 1 14°1111• ....... IHI MAllOl l&.Yt. COITA MllA -..,., ,~ " NflW From JOHN ROBERT POWERS ••••UZD NlllllL lllFJ• IDYlll for detaUe aeN Kim (714) 147-1121 For ,....., or 1lft lo 10m10.w BR -DWAY Orange Cout DAtLY PtLOTITnurtdey, o.oemoer 9, 1812 NB NYSE <:OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS DoW Jones Final !WI .. l'El!IO\C-_ ___,._ ~" ... ,. s ~Ill 11. 1' • lilt II I<>-"' ,. 1.a ' MU 11 -"' II ~ .. •IH U\jo.-.... ltwt .. ilOOIO -W. " ,, t.1• . . 114 u...... .... A. L It • I Yl-.... A A 1 ,. llJ ~· '- Ill .. ,.. "'-• '"' AVJt .aaa a n..,_1 MilU. ... 11 I~ Jl\1i • \Iii Ac-C: •.• 1 " 11111-.... ~ft.-11 S I -\lo "-DI ... 11•* ,___"" AMhUSe .. •J ~14> ~.;~~ :: n~·-. 0 t G IU4 DYt-1~ Lt UI 1 ICJt •'-• -. IJlfl • ..,. •• no •111o +211e ...... tu JI -·"' ~.~ ••.• J: J11o= ~ ..... ,rt ... It 4lt I~ " Al¥M11 J M 2"'•"' ,,...,.,,AS. .... J7 " •••• Ali,. ... ., ..• ~ .... Ale,. llf t .. •• -· W. ... ,. " n .. as,. vt1v..1v. Ale,.,, Lit .. &a •1 -llo '··' 2 -·"' l.C IO llJ ltllo + 14> .Sol II IOI 2Hlo-ltll 114 ne ~"' .tOn MO MV.-\lo AtceMd 1,12 II ltS Jl""+ \Iii 1•1e-"•"1 ... u ~ ~= 1.•. 42 ,,.... ..... ~::·, ri == ~ ;!iJ. It . . 12 I._ ..... I.JS •• It IS -llo 1.• -.1m n--. = .. ,, llt 1-llil ~ tA S JHI »II>-\lo ..... 1.. . . 10 Hiio + \Iii A..C.,, IJ . . S ffl'l-~ ......... . Ill .. " 6\lo-\lo Aim•• I .. 10 -J7 ...... lllt A Tel I t S1 M-l'l .. us ....... \It llllfUll •. Jf 22 -1 ,., .. 27 """· •••• UO 41 IMI !ffi ..... AIM• .a •. tao JOW.-"' --· ,, J . • 2 J711o. "' A#MQ UI JD • I..._ llil ""'"" 1.10 IJ 5'St 21'-..... AMM,, Ull • • 2 121 -1 .151 .. w 2"'• .... . . n 11w.--. A -J.JD 7 lOf ... .,._ t\ A II 1.11 .. I UV.+ 14 A UO 10 ta SJ\lo-1\lo A 112 1714~V. A H .5' t 4 1714 ••••• J.• .. 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Jt-...,,_Vl AJlle l.ISlt It 1t141--141 A.,..a 14 2D ~1 .... ------... ,.. • -1141 ''"'' .ft • ... ttflt. .. .. ,. QI ~. "' I .. 7 !541 16 _,_, II ta.. I 1a -I V. ., .... 11ttdt\lo+l141 .. 1Nt Miio-i .. ..... , 11 ~"" •:::ijz: Jr°!: n !"Ml .._\lo . 11 • a +Ioli ... 1t ,...__" iASa.,__~ • 1.a • 1t ,,.._ Vl I •• 1J-. JI---.... ~ :-: : Tr 1.11 S 112 .,_, , " I.JI • . ts n.._ "" ,,, 4.D •• J ..-+1 ... "a; 11':::1~ ....... lfflo-"" ,.. • 114 17Yt-<Jllo UI.. J D -I ..... ,.. ttllil ... .. .-11 115 ..-.... . 1.»D N JWo.-\lo , .. " UI ...,__, .... i. IM 116 11*-" a.a • 1 ""• " I u s .,_.._" ~ '*',. ..... l.tSii .: :...=1~ .... .,._.,. .,,, ... +Vl ...... ~ ..... .... • 11i.-1,. IJ M ~ llil • .. •It *'····· 11 IJ ..-... // l4 195 11¥1--,.. .. '~-d~! \l R;' ~ .... ~\It ........ ¥; ·* 1! I= II ~.I: i ;., ,...._I tt~ ~15 I f:t ~l'i .. ,.._" QUOl" f IC)tf\ INCl.UOI '••DU ON , ...... YO•• ... 1ow1n. '·""'(· ,. ••• IOUON 01 no" ANO (IN(INNA fl UOC• • KCM4NOH ANO 11.-0lflO IY fMI NHO ANO I NUt .. lf OUTLOOK '83 The Orange Cout 11 a prim. flnanclat center marked by aolld gro'Mh and• healthy economy. ·- The Dec«nber edition of Current m~ulne wtn feature Outlook '83 -an e>eamlnatlon of the tl!Mly IMUtll In buafnetl -addreealng IUCh toplea U ••. Contrtbutlonl and progr ... mede by Orange Cout bullMM In 1082. Economic trend• to expect In 1983 -with• focut on local employment, rMI ettate, conttructlOn, ,...,. and ftnmnce. • Local foreca1t 8nd pro)ec1ton1 from key butlntM ltgur-. • An ~ Of tnduttry In MCh of the Orange COMt cltlM. J' DOWN 19.13 CLOllNO 1,027.11 AMERICAN LEADERS METALS UPS AND DOWNS ... w YOllk CAP) -Tiie 1o1io.1,,. llA GOLD QUOTATIONS w.owa ..,. ,.. Yoo. S.oo E11e-. •«Ila -W«ralllt WMM lleft IOfl9 -. 9r '1le All UlctNI ..,_ Ille --...... IN ,,_, -., ~elf-"'""""......_,....._ r:Olll of CftMle ,...,. .. , of .. ._ _.. ,..~ ~,. T-... ~ "'°''*" lllC.lllO 1442.60. oft '2.60. N6 _..,1;lK .,_.,,. -u «• '"°· 17L60~ lll•noon lblng 107 IO, off .-. ..... .,.~-.c-.ner•-....., __ -1119 ,.,...iou. <IClllftt Petll 11ternoon ll•lng SU2 5 1, ,.,k• -\odey'a I J:srn. ll'l<e. ~ Heme ~II CM Pct. ....... ftJdnQ ~.02. Off 14 M I ......, ..... 1\lt + I~ Up tM Z...... .... .,..,_ fllllng $431 00,. oft J Meten£... . IJ.,_ + lh Up 1 .. 2 ... 75 bid, $440,00 M6<ed. J ..... ,. 1...... 14 • ll'l Up 12.0 MPt14llJ ........... (only 4Alty QUOl•I 4 .. Olrl<kflltr 4~ + VI Up 11 ... 1437.60, off 17.50. S TllKloOt~ 4"' + l'l Up 11... ........,. (only deity QUOte) "437 60, Off 6 P•kr0r111 IO • I Up IP 17 .50: ~ =~ n: : ~ t:: :::: i.......,_ flt>fQled (onl'f dljly QU01e) • '--flillrl 12 • I u,. t.t 145t:M, off t 7 17. Ila; ui.. •I~ Up Lt II · fl I,_ + 1141 Up l.t It DelE "" • t\ Up U II ._,.., l llt + "' Up 1.2 M MellkeFcl Jiit + 14 Up 7.1 IS OIOdlfON 14"" • 1 Up ,_. It G~ ._, • '-Up 7.1 11 It~ S~ + ~ Up 7.1 ii ~,mo I!~ : :~ ~: ~1 STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT • U Jt t I~ u,. 6..4 ti Al II 2V. + "" Up U HEW YOlllC (AP)· s.let, J P·"'• 11'1« n ICN l'lw111 I V,) • ..... ua.. _u -Ml~ d...Jbe...flfloU -· •ll ... D Tetter ,,. ..... • " Up u New y-SIOclc Eac....... r.-. M IMllAOll l'4 + Yt Up 6.1 ,, .. .,.. Nt ..... 11, Ill ,,_. I,,_ 11. u .._..lb ~~. " Up '·' Wer1Wtem 2.l!!,_7'1 »" -UMI --"" "911"'1del 1,.,,5GI SI -~ ....... Ytl Clio Pct. CIWYtler 1,..C..a I~ + 1 .. 1 wenwc.m »Ill -u~ Off "" klll'""9e 1,011,,.. .,.. + "" 2 "'*lkll lftll 21'> -.. Off 110 GefllMI "7... U V. -JYt J Wy-llC 16"' -1'-Off Lt 1aM "6,.. tsYt t I 4 ltLM Alr1 4tl'l -4 .. Off LI Telldy tlJ... Ut'+ -2-. , ......... 21\lo -2\1') Off .... ,.,..., T•T •.toO ..-. --• UAL Inc _.., -2\0 Ott Lt 1'9'11,_.,.. •.'IOO D l'l + l'lll 7 PSA Inc 11-. -2ill0 Ott LI GTE Corp ID2,lGO ...-. -II'> I 0..-.... 5'1 IS .. -'"" Off 7.a ih .. fl 7t6,0llO ,... + "' t T .. tl lftd J -\lo Ott 1,1 Atlltlc:Nld IM,100 G.. +t .. IO c...-s 41 .. -2~ Off P.O Solfly (Mp 617,'IOO 16'• -.. 11 ,..,., AJn 4.0• -,.. Off 1 ~ s.-011011 .u.100 "" + 1"" 12 ,..,_ C.o JS~ -I"' Off 6.t -..Cr 1"9 '97,100 Ullil • 11i1 1J ltN Cor1I »~ -,.. Off ... U LHrSI .. pt IS • Off U IS Okl.c>E ,, 711. -Yt Off U I• "!ff I I~ t -.. Ott 6..S 17 CSX QI C:.. ICIS -7 Off 6A 1: =' ~~ = :~ ~ ~r.~"'.":':-:-----------~~- • GefllMt }J\I') ,"' °" •·1 SILVER 11 Slwllr 1.ACllll u -IYt Off •• I J2 A"' -o -. -2Y Ott .,.O n -'-,._ -" Oii 6.0 Handy and Har,..an, S 10.H per troy IA MllalAMl I 1¥. -¥o Off t.O ~, U NWISy n 4Jllt -'"" Off 6.0 2' s..flrlt "" -I Oii 4.0 SYMBOLS d·~ ye.,ty low .,.,.._ ye1111y floQn Unte .. 01r1et1011t• noted, ••IH ol do-• .,. ~ dosblJ•_,.11 DaMCI on .... IHI l"••llrly or 1am1·enn .. el dec1era11on lpecoat 0t ••••• dMdenOI Ot pty.ne<lta not ,..ognetecl .. r991>l1r et• 1oen111oec:t 1n Ille OlloWong lootnolH •·Alao ••II• or ••I••• D·Annual re1• plua 11ock ct,.ld•nd C•LIQU•d•t1n9 d•v•dend >ec•eted Ot pOld "' ~ .... 11 ll'IOtlllla ·Ded~ o< pOld e,lt., elOCk o~ 0t ~I UCl~l-Peiel 11111 'fM', d"'-'d OINI-. lafa<r.O Of"° IC110f1 tekef\ el feel~ -lfll ll.Oecf-OI paid IM ~. ell occ:ium..teuve ..-w1111 ctMdencl• "" .,,..,, n·-11-•·Oeclated 0t paid 111 ptec.ctlll( 12 motlll'>a plvl •IOCll di.-1.Peiel ff aloc:k '" 1>1ecod1ng 12 mon111a. e11omotec , .. ,. ••1U41 on u-d1~ or ••·dot lrl.butlOf d ete •·h-01v1<1enda 0< eic.-<ltlfll• y·f.a·CllVloan< and •-In Ml •·S-In lull "d·Colted WCI·~ dl91r1Duted wl·Wller •n uea WW•W lln WUl lflll ••·WnllOli' _,,.,,,. 1tCl•·b-rt- ,. f 1et>o The pr-of e alOCk .. t ""'"'"" ol -·-· ..,,.,,....,....., ~ a""°'"' ,.,. ,., .. , 11-1t1 Mmollf• "Ollf• onto 1u 1 Mle ~<e• You can't afford to mta thfl opportunity to communleete your outttandlng benefit• to over H.000 adutt rMdera -relkHnta vttalty concerned about the uncertalntlee Md prog,... of thetr coutal regton. Outtook '831• a feature.,,. to be Nved for futuN ,~by emplo)1•.·cuetomera Md bullMelel Int..., '" leedtng ..... lndultry. To r111t¥e ,cMW actwertlllnl IPMI ._, oant80t l>9llY Plot ................ ,.