HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-10 - Orange Coast Pilot.................. ll!m ...... ~ .... ~~ ..... ~~~--~-------------------~~---·- f 1 THE ORANGE COAST FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1982 , .... '' . 'f'. ' . 09'1y Not Photo by Gary Am.,._ Bill and Virginia Riar h think o f th{' prt·~idt·nt and po ini-.ettias for Washin~ton in thf'ir ltunt i n~ton Bt·ach ..,h o p. Saying it big with flowers By PHIL SNEIDE RMAN ()(the O.ity Pilot It.fl The holiday S('a.son tr:id1t1onally 1s 11nf' of tlw busiest timE'S of the yf'ar for local florists So why are Bill and V1rgm1a R1ach abst>nl from th1·1r H untington Beach fl owt•r o;hop" 20 1100 rn•'mtwr 1·oopc>ra t1v1'. wh1cM promotl'S !111v..1·r -.;alt•" and p<'rrrnts customers to order f111w1•r. for lovl"tl onc'l> 1n otht•r l'lll('S It's not surpris1n!( tt• find H1ach 1:-. a stning h1·lit'v1•r in flow1·r pow1•r In the· di.•pths of 1h1• lx•pn'SS1on. very few flnnsts went bankrupt:' ht' said "Some p<'Ople f'V<'n gave up bre:id for a day <;(1 they muld have d ff.'w flowN'<\ around ' The R1aches huvt• hf-<•n summorwd :u100 miles to help d<'<-'Oral<' cl hm.tst• for the holidays A big house The Wh1w HoUS<'. in fact Each year, bt-twNo•n 20 and 30 flonst.~ frnm around the nauon are •wlc-ctRd t.o help de<."1raL.-. trees and crf'a le cen l.t'rp11.'<'<'S for t hl' hohda v sea.son at the pres1d€'nt1al mansion R1ach nowd that rtow<'fs are trad1t1onally JSSoc1ated with lift·"• most important evenlS. from b1rthc;, to prom danc1•s to weddings to f unc>rals · • T h 1 s 1 s v 1· r v m u t h a n c• mo t 1 on a I . -..ent1rn1·ntdl liu.s1rwc;,c;· .. ht· said TradJt1onally. the prt'S1dt·nt of th1• F1cmsts Transworld Delavt-'ry /V..'50<."1<1t1on. F'TD 1s .tmong Uoin~ floral work a t tht-White House prom1S<'S lO be• a !(rt•ah c•mot1onal. sc•nllmf·ntal 1·Xpl'rif.'nc·p for th1• R1ac h1•'> They flt>w to !See HB FLORIST. Peite A2 1 th()S(' Jn Vl t.ed . And thts yp;.1r. 8111 R1c1ch L'i pn--s1dC'nt 11f thl' Christmas s pirit stays afloat llarhor" alon!( thl' <>rang1· Coast soon will be allvl' with th1· Christmas spirit as boats and waterfront hornl's, clc'<·nrntt'<l to the hilt. an· o;howca.~ 1n a sc.•raes o f long runn1n~ holiday celebrations Th(' olde>sl 1s tht• "f'<'St1val of Lights .. in Nt•wpol t Harbor, J paradt> that swrwd m 1907 wh1•n a gondola ownN c;trung hght.c; on his boat and polt>d around th<' harbor Thf' Nrwport Harbor Chamber of Comm1·rc1· t1111k 11\1 1•1 I h 1· paradt· 1n l~IY It IJ;i.., r un without mtf'rrup1111n c;m1,. Th<' p;1r;idp , now murt• rlaboratr with Christmas lights hookc·d to u1m µute·1 s and amrnah'<l devices on m;iny of the· trtlfts will run D1·1 17 2:1 • Trad:twnally. up to 100 hoill ownrrs parl1cipau• in tlw t•Vt'rll and c1rdP lht> harhot . p.1,s1ng df.'corated watc·rfrunt hnmPs aJong th<' way Another hohnay vNNiln 1s Lht• ----INDEX-------. Jac k Fros t may paint autumn leaves hut Laguna Rt•a<'h a rtists havf' the palt·tte-~ for the wintf'r holiday Af'ason. Pap;t> HI . A7 A4 Cfl 7 R2 CR 12 B6 B6 ca A t Your S..rv1t't' Bulletin Board Business Cavalcade CI&.ifled c.omica e re.word Death Notice8 Ent.e~nt Editorial G ardening Horoeco~ lntenru.Jon WM?kender AlO 87 8 2 WN>kender Ann LandPf'S Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices W('(•kendt•r Cl! A'.\ A6.A9.B4.B7 C2 n .ctt,.cu Sports l l -~ Dr St.eincrohn 82 Stock Ma rket.s C7 Television TV Log Theat.eni Wf"'krndPr Weather A2 World News A3 .. Symphony of L1ght!'i " 1n l111nt111gton Harhn11r, a parade that <il;\rtf'd 20 y(•;u~ h;wk and 1.s '>pon~or<•cl by tht' ll untin~ton Hurhour Philhurmonic If thr Newport parade IC'ans morP toward dc'<--oratro boats. the I lunungton p.1radf.' spotlighLc; LhE· r11l11rfu ll y dresc;ed homes dustt•rf'fl along thP private waterways It begins Tuesday ;inrl runs thrnugh Dec 23 Th(· nc•w('st add1t1 on to the holiday hn<'UP in the "Holiday H1 L1ghL«" in Dana Point Harbor. a •ox y<'n r old parade that is hl'ld on<' night only. Sunday In 1lunt1ngton Harbour and Nt•wport lf arbor, the best vnnta({P spol.'1 itrP from the decks of Sll(ht...:'<'ing boats that operate nightly In Ilu ntmgt.on, proceeds from hoat cru1SE"S go toward the Phllharmon1c"a 11c·h ool music progrnm rn DAnR l'oint. there art• no pu blic cr ul1H' o ffering s and RP<'<" ta t.o r!I A re ad VllJ('(f to w at.ch from docks, sidewalks or wnt('rfront restauranta Newpor t a lso h 81 a large l('l('('tlOn of restaurant.a on th e harbor as vlewinf spots. A com p lete Isl ing o f t he f'Vf'nlR follows. Newport Harbor ''FeetJval uf (See BOAT, Pa•e A%) • .., __ ----.......... -·~~ _ ... _______ .. -·-· . COUNTY EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Air curbs threaten CdM • route extension By J E F F AD LER 0 1 Iha Oallr Pilot l eaf! Conslruct11111 11f th•· <'1111111,1 d1 ·I M a r F ,-1· l' " J y ,. x t t· 11..,. 11 11 s~:hedul1.-<l IJtl· rwxl Y•'dr, w11ultl top cl list tJf Or Jll-l(t• Count v highway JJI OJl'<·ls th.1l l'OUld 11111 bt.· cornplt·lt-d 1r f1.-d1·ral t ll"Jt1 .111 sa rH l llJ n s a rt· r 1·1111 pt1'>!·cl 1111 Califurn1L1's url><t11 .i1 t«I.'> Tht· $10 11111111111 fll lljl'C t wh1t'h would 1·xt1·11d Ow ln·1•v...1v from H1~1 11111 Avt-nut• 1n l '1r..W Mesa w tra11~1t11m tu Mm·Anhur lloult-vard would 1.x· .. ht·ld up from gu111g tu tht• n111~l 1 Ut't11111 phasl',·· t·xpla1nl·d Thoma!'> Jenkins. t'Xe'<.·ut1Vl' d1n'<.·tor of th1· Orangf' County Transportat11111 Comm1ss1on U S Envirun1111 •nt.<1I Prott'<.'llUI\ Agency Ad1111n1strato1 A11n1· Gorsu1.·h said Thur:.day 111 Lo'> Angclt•s that ;.ht· m;,iy rl'rww federal ::.anct1ur~ 011 urban an•as in lht• st<lle that fJll lt1 1111~·1 dll quality :sl.Clndard;. Gorsuch said tht ,,1111.·11111" m1j.(ht l>o· n ·1mpo.,..'<I lx'tJU-.< tht !-.1111tlt (',,.,,,l A11 ~u.il11y M .111«1-:•·11u•11 l D1sln1 l w Im h 1111 l111h•s 01 • .111gt• C11u11ty 11. ur1i.1bh· tu nwl'l l!Hi7 <ill quality ..,wndards fur owrw <111tl carbon 1111111ux11l1· 111 tht' atmo:spht.•n• It wa:. only two months ago. thdt Cur.,uch lifted fed t>ral ,,,rn uw1:s in tht.· sldlt· <tfl<'r lh1• < "o.1 It forr11.J Lt·g1:sl<i lun· paSS(.•d J ... 1a1t·w1d1· automobile pollullon 111'1-" .. ·uun program The· f1>dt·rnl :sa11cl1oru.. wt11d1 wuulcl 11ol gu into t'fft~·t for about -.1x months, could block ( t'Clt•ral h1ghw.iy rlollan. as Wl·ll a:s tht· fund:s fur i.111' 4u<1l1ty ur S'-.·wa.,w lrt·dtrnt·nt planning 8Ps1des thl· Con1na del Mar Fn•1·way t•xtt·ns111n. Jt-nkms said 11lh1·r highway prujel'ts th<Jt niuld l·ume lo a hall along lht' < )r .111gl' Coast 1ndudt> w1dl•nmg ol l'ae1f1t· Cu<Jst Highway from M .1 l Ar l h u r Bu u I to-var d 1 11 Nt•wporl &·ach t.o Guldt>n We-st Stn·t'l 1n Hunungtun &al·h .md w1d1•n1ng o f Laguna Can y1>n Hodd 111 lrv1nt· and Laguna Uc '" h Hut Jl·11kms :..;1d tlw C•111111<1 dt·I Mi.it pru)l~:t appt.-dfs t.o lx• in Jo(I l'dtl·I J .. Opar<ly bl•("iJ USl" n111slrut l11111 WJS stht·dult•d tu lll'g1n thc·rt-1n 19U:I 84 whllt' loni.lrucllun on Pat•1f1t Coast lliKhway .. ., nut M:l until 1985-86 Thl· Lat(un;.i C:Jnyu11 R.,ad prtl.)l'< t t:. nul ~ h1-<lull-<l tu tx·gin until 1986 tt7 ff t• S iJ I d II l h t• I J• I 0 J (' l" t S l'ndangl·rt-d by tht• m1pt.i:.1llu11 of ft'<kral sc.int·Uuru. w11uld bt• th~ thJt an• 1ntt·ndt-d to m<.T«'<1S4· lht> t«1pal·1ty of ;,i h11.~hwdy wh1t·h wuuld affe'<·t air quality Among prO.)('<"L" <Iffc'<·tt-d by the ~nclluns r('(>t.'Otly llflk<,l was the w1di.·nin~ of Univl'rs1ty L>nvt-in lrvinl'. on wh11.:h t·unstrul'lion had to bt· tt<mporarily halted. .Jt.nk1rt'i uddt'd Alann1-d by thl· poss1bil1ly that santlluns would bt.· n•1mposed. Brut't· N10:.U111<l1-. chairman o f thc· Orangv Coun t y Board o f Supt·rv1M>rs, wn1t1· Pn·s1dC"nt Rc·agan earlu·r tlrn. Wt'(•k urging t h a t t h t· <: I 1 ·a n A 1 r A t• t b 1• amt•ndl'<J Irvine employees get • raise Sal ary increa. es a vf•r agt .. 6 . J percent throughout <·ity By GLENN SCOTT 01 11>a oa11, P11oe ai.n City employt·t'~ 1n lrv1n1 would rt'<·(•tvt· .,;ilary 1ncre&M·:. averaging 6 I pt'rl'<'n t undl'r d prop o s a I by C 1 t y M a n <i Kc• r William Woollt>tt Jr Whll<" the avPragt· 1m·rt•as1• would be ti I pertl·nt, µ1111('1.· lieutenants would rece1vt• a I~ percent salary boo!>l SNgt·anLo; and lower r.Jnk o ffit:f!rs wuuld receive an 11 percent m crt•..i:.t• under WooUl.'tt';, propoc;.al Employees who make· up tht• rest of the 382·mernber full llnw Cl t y work r Ort't' wou Id rt•cc·1 V(' raises of about 5 percent Las t ye a r p u I 1t· l· o f f 1 u · r-. recc·1vc·d a 121 pen1•nt s<tldry 1 ncredS(' Olht-r c 1 t v v.. nrks received I I 6 J-Jf!rtl•nt Woollell·!> propo'>JI "Ill tw rt>Vlt'~ed by tht.> tit\ lOUnnl Tuesd<1y night C 1 t y a d m 1 n 1 ., t r ;1 t n r c; h a d d1 stussed E·mpl nyce l;;1yoffs ciur111l( hudgt'l '>t'SSions la'lt Topped again ... uninwr whe:n thl' city hutlgN W.ts rt'\IUt't.~ from thf.' prt•VIOUS Vl'dl Aut A:ss1sta11t City M;magl•r Paul Brady Jr . who l'alled a press br1Pf1ng Thursday tc' t•xplain thP recummenda1iu11s. ;.a1d the salary increas1•s wen· always anticipated Tht.> ra1Sf'S would rost the c·1tv $508,ltiU through June 30, thf. enrl of th<" current fisc.al year Attrition would bnng the actual l'OSl to around $483.000. he said "I think 1t's fair to say tht• city d(){'S hJve the funds for 1t (thl' 1nln•ases) ·· said M ichael McNamara. l·1ty adm1111strat1v1• St.•rv1n'l> din" tor M<.Namara noted that r<'<'ent public discussions about five yl·ar dt'f1t·1ts relate mainly lo nt-w t·ap1L<1l cxpend1lurf'S, such as a nl·W UVIC CT'nter At tu<illy, city off1e1ab have llttlt• cho1u• when 11 comt•s Lu ~1vmg raises to lht' 77 sworn ~wl1tt• ufr1crrs An e•x1st1ng Workers re -a ttach the to p of the Christmas Tref' ot Newport Bea ch's Fashion hland. Hig h winds snapped 15 f f"et from the tree Wedne8day . d Stcfis es ccmlrJrt with the Irvine Police Al>SlH 1<1t1on, lht' u ff1l'ers' harga1n1ng <:1~·1cltaun. requires that lrv1m··s li(·utc·ndnts recel'/C' the· h1ghc·st salary '!Cale of any police department 1n Orange County St•rgt•anL<,' s.JIJry ~:ales must lit' at least third h1ghc·st and oHin·rs' must bt• sixth. act:ording to the two yt•ar l'Ontract Brad y ~aid city co\jncll rnernhers agrped t o those rt'ljUlrl'ml•nts last year to help n •tain top nuu:h offarers and to r1•ward th('m for the type of work. with non violent m ethods, they're• c•xix-cte<J to perform H owt•vc•r. h<· said Irvine off1c1als want to l.~:gm d1.SCuss1ons with o tht.·r uuc·s to betlc•r regulatP p o ll<"<' n1nk111gs and salari<>s .. IL dO<"l>n't <;('("m to make much fiscal St'nst' to kt'<'P playing leap frog." ht• c;a1d Undt·r lhC' rc•cummended <See IRVINE, Page A2 ) Bullfight fans get Fair shake T1«kc•t holder; who paid to set' a 1.·anC't'll"d bloodless bullfight at the Ornngt• Ccunty Fairgrounds in October have been offered free adm1ss1on to thf' Orange County summer fair next Julv In a gc.-stUf(' of goodwill .. the Orang<• Ccunty Fair Board voted Thu rs day to o ffer free fair FAIR AMPHITHE AT E R ADVANCES -Pa ge All tickets to JX'Opll' who can prove they paid t o sPc· the Old Cal1forn1a Spanish Fiesta Days and Bullfights CA:t 13 and 14 About 1.500 bullfight fans Wt•re turnt•d away both days when promoter Ruben Bohorquez failed tn come up with enough cash to pay for thf' bulls or the matadors Bohorqut>z told 300 sp«"tators on Oct 13 that th<' arena was too soft for a buUCight The next day he told police. summoned to keep order among angry fans. that $3.350 was missmg Bohorquez sai d he had no money for refunds Cla1m1ng n o finan ci al respons1bil1ty for the canceled bullfig ht, fair off1c1als said they wanted merely to ease the loss suffered by fans, who paid $5 t.o $30 for tu:kets "I don 't thin k we sh1>uld give money becau11e that wou ld be giving state fund11 away," said board m ember Clint 8 ()08(' "It's 8 good w ill geeture on our part " Anyone wanting a free tickt"t to the l983 coun ty fair must send proof of purcha..w of a bullfight t icket to the O range County Fairgroundll, 88 Fair Drive, Cceu. Mesa. Fairg rounds m a n age r K e n Fulk said h e h as received numerous Inquiries from people who paid for but ha ve n o t r eceived re fu nds tor bullfight Ucket.8 2 SSE t a Ste " Q ' ......... ----............................................................. __ ... ______________ .._.....,.._ _________________ ~~---- \ '·' ( lf11 11u11 < 1111.,1 l}All' I 'll o r I 1fd11 > l1u1 u11 1llttf Ill \OJ/I . ~\ \~ Continued stories HB video game fee hike· flayed Reaga11 says no to anla BOAT PAHADE ,_ • L.1ghb ' l 'UJI IJt• VII \\t'd t f 11111 (o .10 l11 !t :IO f ' rn ff 11111 I>., 17 111 .!:1 Spc' tulul' 1,111 \•11·\>\ llw pJ1 .1d1 f111111 1111 11\-1 k 111 1111 C.11.d111.1 Hulld.1'1' (h·l I 11:• 11 I 1•1 I 10111 1,. 1,1h pr11v 11i1•d ti~ 11,1\, ., ' I .111 kc 1 (!i?'t 11'\.IJ '1'11 k,., .... 1111 ad11 ih ltll $11 1111 .di tho l.1.11., ,111d $I (111 d 11ltlt 1·11 11 ll II I I II lo( t II 11 I l.11 h II 111 "S\111ph1111v 11( I .1gh1 ' 1,111 1,. VII wo •ol 111~1 111\ 1111111 .1 .Ill 111 I! :111 1'1\1•11• 1111 111111 I f lll'l "• l oil II 111gl1! '1'11 lt .. 1:. .11 .. $·1 1<11 .1dul1~ ,11111 $'' 1111 1·l1ild11•11 11rtol .. 1 I I ""' 11·'l'l \Jt11111:. 1.tlt 11 111 I.I/ J\ ''"I 1.d 1111,o( , ..... 1d1 I'> "' Id '°'·•11 1101.1'1' o111d S1 11 1.t.iv I l.011.1 I '111111 l l.111>01 'l l.,l11l,1\ 111 l.t~hh" I 111111 " 111 It " Ill S11r11la 'v Spc,t.1t11I'> .111 1111 th1·11 ...... 1, 1 .. 11111 1 .. 11 11.o1 .1 , , .111 t.1v 1 'l><lh IRVINE J:>A Y HIKES. • • 1111 n·.1M·~. poli1·1· ,if f1n·ro; w11u ld •·cJJ 11 f1 l1111 $:.!:.!,to I tu $28.7'.!H µ.•1 111u11th LwULenont:. w uuld lllJ k1· ln•m $:\-t,ti-t:.! 111 $4H 5ti0 Lip 111 :30 IJl'll'l'll l "' th1· w111 k"r' n m q11.d1 l y 1111 111>''11 1·111 lllll t'itSl'!> (111 t')\lt'ftllttllod V.UI k Most o llh'I"' u m •'XI"" t 111 II'<1 1v1 frrn11 I to Ii rw•rn·11t /\ I" "f""'rl 111 l•IJ • •In U 111111 \ """' ..:.11111 111ou l11111· "t"·111to1ri. 111 I lu 11t111..:t1111 I\."' h h,1, "JlUI k1·d <Ill lll1f 11,11 l 1ff111.1h h11v•· I" 111••:-.1•d r 111:1111~ tlu .11 11111.ol 111 , ... ..,. 14"1' lur l'<ll'h 111.Jtlrllll' 1111111 $1 .! hi $~1111 ( Hf11 1 . .i., '·'" t lwy ~ .111l t o 11 ... rptlll t' nly "'"l.' 111vt1 IVt'<l 111 fk•l11·1111'( tlw 111.11 h111t•:. H ll l ,ti I "I 11 • y B ud fl I."' II Cl. 11IJf 1''1'111111~ '>l .. Vl'l di llfW1<1lt11 i> , l,111111'<1 th.it tl11 · ' I .~10U IJt'1t 111t 111111 .L'>t " l:O. 1111t 11'.ISClllodlh I l1• uJ..11 ""d tha t tlw ftot' 1111~ht put ""11" ,111.ill t•1>l<il 11sh1111 ·11t_... ciut 11( t.u:.1111·~ IJt"1w..· lh1·y usually ,h.1n• th1 p1 11 f1t:. I 111111 t'iJl h 111.1d11111· l~·h.r to. a for 1111•1 l ll111t111g t1111 Ht'oll h 11ty .1d 111t1110.,t r.ot or. t'l<(1l.i1n 1·d lh,Jl tll\· 11·1• 1111g h t forn· '>(11111 11per;1tor.. to n •1nov1 th1•11 111,l\'lr1111·-.. :..1111, tlau .... Jr,....,. f ttV•'' lllt · "S111111 11 ly 1111 111.ll 11111111 y to kt't.'JI l{CJlll~," 111• ll.lrnl ( '11v 11l I w1.il' 1111·1 w1 tl1 111111 111111• •111e·1ul.!11 i; \111i. w1"t•k 111 dfvrl.li l.!1 "111uoth o v1·1 d1ffl'rt.'m.-i•11 Counc:lln u.iu Dun Mul·Alll1Jtc-r, a 1111·mlJc r ,,( th1· g1 oup, 8u1d he w o uld rl'{Ommt-nd tu tht:> c.aty 1·ounn l that llw ft't'b 1)1: ha'lv l-<I t.o $100 Belsito 1nd1l.1lt.o<l thJt u $50 h.oe w ould l.x• rnurt.• lO tht· n pcrat.ors' l1k111g M a,. A I I 1 i. I t' r , w h o h a d supporl('CI the $WU ft."t:!, smd that an :adei; huvt• l>ecom t> "ullractlvc 11us1ant't:'S" tha t CaU!IC.· t•x tra w ork ftir thl' pohC(> depart111t•nt He also said he bo·lrt·Vt'S th.Jl th..-ganws and arc:udt-i. have bt.-cn a fac tor tn tht· 1ncr e a s..-of b u r g I a r 1 e s b y y o u n g s tl· r s a llegl'dly slt·aling 1noney tu play th1• ganws l'ohct.• ('Ir It' f Earlt· HolJ1 tJrl le Hud He lsito s a t d I u 1 l e r 1 n g a n d n u 1 s t· romplatnts have riM!n at arcadt-s. But h<.• said "thert• is no way o f gt>llmg a handle" on what part the games play m the burgl.am~ W h ,.i t ' !1 h ,qqu• 11 t• ti l 11 I h 1• (.'hrr!ltlll•I'!> .prrtl Ill t 111 Ht•JH•.111 Whlu· 1 low.c•? Thut 4u1·s t11111 1s bc.•111g post.~:i by Hotx>rt (.;1'<11 ttc· of Anaheim, who c.11> "p 11·s 1d1·ntt c:1 I Santa C laUb" d a1111.' l.!1 have µrlo la1 h UI s le igh Ulll'I ranl(ly tu 1600 N Pt•11n i.y l va n1u Av<• 1n Wa:1h 111~t1111 1•vc•1 y yl'nr s111t·t• 1956 Tht-rt· ht· s;,y, h1•'s potit.od for pll·ture s, h elpc·d l1ghl th1· White Huu.'4.' C hrts tmJ!> tree a nd taken 'h rrs tmas l{I f t n.·9ut·sls fo r Aml·m·u's f"1 r..t Fam rly rangmg from a doll for Arny CarU;•r to a d 1amo11d rrng for Jac:4uc line K l'nnt-dy Ona.. ... -.1:-. Pn-s1dt.•nt Jo hn F KennC'dy <.'Vl'n drovt' G t:orge's m o t o 1 1 z 1· d ' I 1· 1 g h d o w n Pe n11sylv;.11ra Av< 11 u1-. (.il·orge says 'J'h1 • -..d.1 r y ro ·1·111111111 • nd .1111111' J!'PI) lo > .Ill l'1tv 1•1nplc1y1•t•-. •·>wt•pt W 11ullt•tl .111cl B1.11h wh11:-t• salarrt'" .1rt• "'' b\ 1 ht <r t \i t11u 1nll It .1ppr 11v1·d l lrl• tni-rl'a:-.1·-. would t.1kt 1•tl1 t I 111 Janu<1n T h us. a lmost t1ll 111 the• uty s \\11r k1 ·1., v.ould l"••p<-c.l .it l1•.1'>l .1 H f)O'n 1•11l -.al,.rr) llll rl'.C.t' Ill .1 \l',11 ' trr111• A h.1rd w11rk1111o( p11 l1n• l11•Ut1'1ld lll tou ld 11·1 1·1v 1 ,, 1·l1111l1111l'J :t:l pt 11·1·111 r.11-.1 FV gets affordable housing liut tht• Hu y1-;1r-old G<.·orge, w hu l'l<irms !w wa::. a ppointed u rf1n c.il Wh111 llou~e S anta by Pres1dl·11t Dwight D. Eisenhow e r , hasn 't b<.oen able t.o gt.·t through Th1·,1· 1 Jhl'" h11v.1·v1·1 .111 111•t t hl· 11111) Ollt>::. Cll) l'mplll)'l't'S l dJI gl'l ll\'llll' .1lso g1v1•:. 111l•tll I al"4.''> w h1d1 oll't .1w .1n h-J 1nd1v1du.11lv V\'1111ll1·tt ... ll'lllllllll! 111 l1t11111!> ,d !>!J 1.ill (11 1 ,1n <t \'l'f,Jl{I' :.' 7 f"'ll'l'llt lfll l<'il:-.l Ill till' ~.tfUt• 11f 11wclll<•I ,111d d1•11 t.tl tx·rwf1h µ:11d by tilt' l'lt)' bond fun<l.i.; for co11don1inium project tht' d oor mu1:h l ess the t·h1mnc·y of tht> Reagan Whlt.e • ll wur k1·1,· c111111 v1•1,;11 v d.111.'.., \\ otlJ lht• c II\ Teen helps to nab bank heist suspect J\ I~ y1·Jr·olc.J l'h n s tma.' LI et· o;<1lt'sma11 w<ts prn1s1·d toddV 111 tlw l'aptUr(• Thursd av uf a fun k rnhtx•ry SUSJ)t:'\'l rn Wl-slm ins tt•r Hr1.111 I'11v. n o· b11r1 o w t'J .1 vou11g b.Jy's bu \l le• .md t h.t."'<I down tlw s U'>J.X't l .111d h1 Id h1111 until off1C'l'rs a r n v1o;f pohn· "oc11d Arr(•Sl<'<l un -;uspw1cm ul b.111k 111bbNy wa:. H...ilph l Al·o:.~ IH ,r We-.trntns tl·r. polrt't sau..I "It's µ1 etty u imrnl'ndablc· · L t David W iggs "'"" "V l'ry fl·w jo!1•t 1 n v o I v e d I I ' , c..l et m 11 c· d l'Om m l•nc..labll " "W ht•n <111ml'hod~· !>J )'' h;rnk robbt,ry lCJ mt.', I think uf c1 gun W igg:. said the l.'VC"n ls tonk VUES5 WHAl CHARLll ~OWN 1 ( f INISHEP M Y CH~ISTMA-. 'X IOPPIN&. Wl I ti ONLY 15 OAYS t I f T I -v --- I ( plat L· l h uro;c.L.i y v. h t•11 tlrt Cal1forn1a F1r ... 1 Hank, 15.177 Brookhurs t S t , wa::. 111bbt•d di I :30 p m a rwr •• llldn prc>t.!Ul l'<..I j hulduµ nott· Towm or H.oldwin P.1rk w,1.., w11rk111g 111 th1 l'hnstm.L' II •"I' lot ..1dJ<1t'1•11t 1<1 tlw bank Wh1 •11 th1• sUSJH'<"l ran t hr11ugh tlrt• l•1l . pc •llt'(• '-<!IU , T 11v. 111· hot r11\ ... ,.d tho bl('Vd l' and J.:i!Vt• t'h<i!*• I h· U.l{'kil-tl lhl· SU.Spt'< l \\ lll'tl hl· Wol.S trying lo 1. lamh .. f1•111 I h t hind a nt·arby .ip.1r t mc·111 <~11nplrx. pt1la1·t· ....i1<I Wrggs '>aid $1 OIJO w I S n '<·ovl·red Hl· """u th1 111,111 "..c:. not armc-d l ~:d ~ 1 1~ ( ,r l l ·I If 1~"" I._ from Haog.n-Dazs tee Cream Shoppe '. Tlw i"uu111,11 11 Va lll·y l'lannmg t '111111111:.:-.lflll has t•slJblt~ht•d a r11•w · J ffonlal1h· hvu s1ng " dtslrr l'l llrJ t will st•1 Vl' as lht• Sill• tor .1 Iii I u111l l'onllmruntum eornpli•x 'l'lw p rnpc·1 t y, loc·ah'd WC>:.l of tlw Sa11w /\11a H1v1•1. :.11uth uf f•;d m gl'r Av1·11u1• t111 d 1·as t 11f I l.irlx.ir BmJlt•v.11 d. l lU'1 t·ntly 1:. llllllll'C~rp111 ,Jl1•d CllUlllV l.111d 1'11untarn \',ill1·y "rn ttw pron· ........ of .tlllll'Xlng tlw pan·t•I T ho olll1H'X.1l111n pl1111 (or lh•· II :1 ••l'f t.· p:.irn •I W;L<; a ppr11v1'tl las t 1111111lh b v th•· 1uu n1v·:. L 1>l·al A!o(t•nty fo'.>rmo.1l1o n Co~nrn1...s11m, wh11·h o v1·1 ,t•1·s ann .. x .111011 fl ltl l ll . r.; W 1 • d n <·., rl :r v , l h 1• r' 11 u 111 J.111 V.illl y Pl,in11 1ng C11111mrss 11>n ,.,t,1hh.,hc'll .rn dfrt1rd.1hl1• h11usang 1 "n " I o r t h t' IJ" r t , • I T h t • , 111111111'>'>1"11 .d:-.11 ap prt>Vt•d i.I 111111llt 11111;il u:>t· 111•rn11t anti 11•11t,dl\C Lr.11 t lllJP lh..rl will Jlluw th1· lrv1111 bJSt•J W rlma "> h ,, w n tan .i p .1 r l n £• r.., h l p tu pnll't"l'tf wllh t'Oll.'ilruellon plans trt v l11unc1t a pp1 11 v a l 1:-. 11 'tl u ir~·cJ Tlit> tuu nl'l I 1 ntl ll'Uled 1 t ( a 1. " rs l ht' µ r o J l' c l w h e n 1 t 1n 1 l 1 ,1 I l' d L h •' Jn n t· x al 111 n p I II(. 'l '<--<l 111 g"> B<irt H ansl'n , Shi.iwnt;.na p1 1·-.11li·nt, "Jld hrs f 1rni wanted tho h PU'>l ng t o b1 pJ.rl u ( r llU llL<illl Vallr·y f11r flldrkl'tlll~ µurµoS<'!-. anti t11 1n1 n •.r::-1• lht (rrm·~ c hant't'!> uf 11bl.cllnrng s tall t 11111d mo111•y 111• .... ,td ,ti\ Jllnc. .t1 11111 Ill <;t.dlt· h11 nJ ru n11\ hds ll o>W bt-l'll .1"' ,1rd1'1.I tu tlw pr11J1 -c. l Ill sa1<l tho• atL1on Wiii p1•rm1t his ftnn to 111 fl·r ·w vt•,1r n111rtg.11o(PS al 14 !I p1•rt 1•n t mt1·n ·sl <. '011d11m1111um µu11 li.1S4 ·r. c1bo 111.1v 11<· c·lagrblt• ( " I r' I d l I ,, I 11 " u .. I n lot Adm1n1s trc1 l1 11n o r V1•\Pra11h Fair Saturday .. f.'o (I .'i I a I M o aH y 19 1 w ttn ~om ~ Clo>Udlnesa Co1u11.11 10 .. S3 " d "' •ti. L08Sl81 111011 68 111l8hll n Wal ... 58 Mostly llOllt and vnr<ebtll winos Ove< co&stal W819'11 tOf1tQlil 811d Saturday rnor nlng bt>c om•n<,; westerly 8 to u knors 'ia•urday ef1e<noon Pen•y cl0110v 1r,nig111 Mos11y ratt Saturday l .. ~ .. "ill 111111(1 ,.,. .. H ft ., "'I s no"" mo v '-J • ,, to 110tt~n Arizona IO<llly ""'" uo I n H 1001 e•pec led 1n somfl 1Jlat es wlllle rain and '"'"long r eon 9p1ead ac1oss th" Gr ea I Plains Sca11 .. &d tllowe" llarnpened o•••• or Arizona wtlh "•~" noex1 walcll~ posred In aorne 1u11u ArctlC COIO grlppecl ""' Nllrl~SI wllll lemperalur11s In th" Single <11g1I• 01 t>&low uirn In ,om~ oiecilon• In Ille Mlsalaatppt v eney Cloocl wel•S -• r809<llng 8'181 Almosl a w-. of lloocl•ng For 1onlghl and Setur<111y lhe Nallona l Wee thar $11n 1c e foreca111 widespread re•n ltam Loulalena through the aouthern ~ltln• with M>me thundenho-s Fr11e11ng ratn or aleel wet 11,pected In ... 1ern l<ansas end nortl'lern Olllflho<NI, with anow "' rhe New Me•lco moun1111n~ and eouri-n Coeou1do Snow al90 wu predle1od tram , ... GrM1 l altee and UPP81 O hlO Valley 10 not1'-n PennsylvAnll'I •nd -tern New YO<'k T emp11r •lures •• ountl ""' 11all0t1 euly t()(ley r11nged ltnm mlnu1·8 degrees In Houlton ~alne to 73 degreM In K11y WMI Fla California Tho rierce wind• lh•I hlu tod Southern c .. 111orn111 t kOuld dltnlnlflh ow WMl!en<I with motHy fa ir 111 181 a n d wa rm e r 1emparature1. Iha Natron•I w ... ,.... 8er"'°8 .. )1 Setvtdey hlgha In l c>e Ano- erlOUld be "' the low 70. with Iowa In the 509 High• In OOU1al ar ... 11'1&)' r•nQ• frorn 08 IO 76 wllh 90fN ~ wwt 1<>#1 trom o to 52 Snow waa ••P•Cl•d In the tnountalne thl• weekend at 1 elevallOnl OI 0,000 faal, with higlla from 48 10 65 and IOWlt lrom 2f to 36 0-W 'llllWy high• mty reno-from 118 ro 64 Saturday with 1owa ltom 24 10 34 lh• ww1hat~NHf ~ t~al\KM In n()(1heln o-u may ranoa from r.5 10 86 w111 low! fr or•t l5 '" 4'> MoghJ If• 1'011lhArn dftser1~ wttre 'orecas1 t •f'Y' Ii~ lfT ""• Mlt I ,w._ from •f, Ir "' NA !ION HI lo ,.1r.an" )J ()() A1t1,Q\1~'1Ufl 4} ,. Am&tlllo }~ ?8 Anchor aye 36 17 A•h8Vllle '>0 ?ff Atlanta 67 4 I 411.,,,., {.., ... 47 16 AuSftfl 47 ·~ B1lumo,,. 4S If\ B1lllng1 )) l • B11m1ngha"' !>5 '" B"marck 36 19 f ~ rt I t• jlp .., eo -- Be><se 35 11 Fronts :.-. ;.11tr ... Oo91on 44 II 8fown~1i11fl~ 7 l ~· Norto~~ SJ J:;> Bulle lo JI 0 1 N()rtn Pl&lll' ,, 25 Bur11ng1on 16 01 Oklal'l '"'8 f ,,, ,, 26 l.ASPe< 37 01 Omahd 18 25 CM•le!lon ., ( 69 •6 Orlendo 79 65 Charl119loo w VII 44 19 Ph1l&<16H>h1• 44 16 ('hRllOllll N t 58 31 , Phottn1~ 65 SS Clll'yl'nn• 51 u P•llsburor· n 13 ClllCl.IOn 27 n PO<llond M11 JS 02 C•nc1nn9h •2 '1 Porll~nd 0•11 H '.)9 Ciflv"llllr>!l }8 17 Prov1'1.,nc-. H 32 Co111mbl11 <; c. 6 7 19 Raleigh ~1 26 Columl>u• ')$ 20 R11p>d C•ty '1 19 Oelln• (I Worth 44 •• R"'no 41 20 OaylOf'I 12 1· Rtcl\mond 49 23 Oenve• 4'.l 30 San l""" C11v )3 17 OM "4'>1,,.,5 77 ,, San An1011tr 47 45 Del roll '7 16 See Ille 4~ J7 Oululh Hl 16 Shr11vepo1t 52 19 f l Paso •J 40 siou• Fell• 25 Ill f alrt>anl< • 22 07 SI \OUll J 1 'lO Fargo 29 17 SI Pe111 T amp11 74 64 Flegtlatt 34 31 St Sle Ma•I• Ill 18 Or11111 Fellt 39 09 Spol<11ne 25 It Her'llord 38 :78 Syracuse 35 .()J H111en11 19 01 Topeka 33 ) I Honolulu 75 85 ruceon 64 411 Houinon 58 52 lulu 43 38 lndlAnal)Ollt 34 23 Wuhlogron 48 22 Jaci..aon M111 57 40 Wf<:hlla JS )2 .rack .onv1ll• 68 59 .1unf!8U 38 211 CAl fFOANIA K11n1H C'.lly 35 211 HI LO l aa veg"• 51 47 B11k8'1ll~d 52 •3 l lllle Rock 43 311 8ty1ha 57 m l oulavtll" 19 28 Eurelce 60 41 Lul>l>oek .)3 31 Freeno so 38 Mempllls 43 37 l•nculer so 45 "41aml 18 H l oe AOQe!et 87 ~8 Mllw1u•"" 26 Ill Marysvtll~ 1n m Mpll Sr P1ul n 10 Monlerey 88 m N 1HhY111" ·~ ?II N-ite. so m -or ... n• 85 se Newpor1 BNGh 61 ~4 N-Yori< " 18 Oektand 114 44 .. SURF RIPDRT . ~. • llH'f llH'f 1"'1 lwell lw ... ..... 1-.of! A•t ..... "'d AIPI .... Dtt Zuma 2 3 11 2 3 8W 8Mla Monie& 3 • 10 2 J SW Newl)Or1 ee.ctl 2 ' 10 2 3 w San Oleg<> Coun~ J 4 11 2 3 w Ovtlooll 10< . a1urday llllt.I cha•~ -~--........... Snow Q 20 -lf ••• Onla110 b5 58 Paso Rob•~ 61 14 Red BluN 67 35 RedwOO<I C•ty fi7 40 Reno " 20 Sacr•men10 SJ )5 Sl'lllna1 87 40 Sen °'8go 66 '~ San F • 11nc19C.o II• 48 PAN -AM HI lo Arapulro 91 68 8arb80<n 87 73 &irmud11 75 83 Sogol a 66 34 Curac•o 83 78 f'r!lllPOrl 80 116 Ouadalalere 83 55 Ouac:lllloupe 87 83 Klngaf on 88 72 Mon19QO Bay 85 73 MU.II an 85 611 M"'lda 88 70 Me•ICO C1t11 73 49 Monl.,•ey 51 46 Nuuu 8" &a San Jutll\, P R 85 72 T eguclgalpa m IW Trinidad 87 72 V11recru1 m n CANADA Celgary 38 09 Edmonton 33 01 Monlr.,.1 N 06 Otta .... Ill 04 Aegln" 30 13 T0tonto 27 16" VancouY9< 43 27 Winni~ 30 -03 Tides TODAY S8COrtO high e 30 pm 31 IAT\JMJAY Aral I-1201 a m 1 2 Flrat n~h 8 27 a m !511 Secon low 120 p m 0 1 ~high 7 23 p m 39 Su n uu 4 •4 pm ( .... SlllHday 8 48 a m Moon HI• 2 011 pm , .... !l•tu1day 3 18 a m ' A dm1n1 .. 1rat1 on loJns a t lo wi·r tnlerl·st 1 .:ill~. hl· s~ud Hans..·n said th<: l't.mdo mm1urru; wall b<• on l' and two -bedroo m units 1.<1rgl'l~-d for (11-st-lune hOml• b u yerl> P nn'S will range from about $75,00U Lu $95,000, he said plaN' as early as F ebruary, w1Lh l.'Omple l 1on b y Septe mbt•r o r Oct.0bt•r llou sl' Heaga n a ides, Geo rge sa ys, d eC'1ded his yearly San ta vrsll was a romme rcial vt-nlure . H e said groundbrc·aking 011 tht• first ha lf of tht· p rOJl'<.'t c.:o uld t.1k1 • H a n Sl•n ~<11d the Wrlma - S hawntana par tners hip hehtnd tht.' projec t in vol ves l ocal dc·ve lop<'rs and DutC'h reaJ Clitatc· rn Vt'S t.o rs "They'r e a n ·us1ng m t' o f m a king m o nt.•y off this," sai d G t.•o rg e. who h as bet•n a profes.-;10naJ San ta for :13 years .. I haven 't made a ruckt·I o ff lhe Whiw Ho use." HB FLORIST AT WHITE HOUSE • • • From Page A 1 Wash111g ton Thursday a nd w tl I stay through S unday. w orking u nder the su perv1S1on of White H ouse c·hrl'f flo rna Dotty Temple "I'm wry thnlll"d a l the pr05pC'<.'l," V1rgin1a Rtal h s.11d befort· her de parture .. I don 't know 1( w <.>'11 gl•t t.o mt'<'l the 1-'rt.•sadent and Mrs Rt'agan But la....,t year . Mrs Ht•agan herself w orkc'Cl with th<· flon~L' ·Only a chost·n fe w g t•t w go 11H11 their living quar t.ers Rut w h o kno w s " 811J K1ach is no s tranger to Washington As FTD prt>s1dPnt. hf> 1s CJ membt•r o f the Council on G overnme nt Affairs. a lob bying o rganrzal1on for smalJ bus111~ Thi· n ow e r industry tlSl.'lf has oo'n pressing Con grt•ss tu dC"o;1g na te tlw thi rd Sunday in Octobt-r a.' "Mo tht•r ·in-Law\ Day .. T hi· mt•asun• has bt·en approved b y tht• H u tt Sl 11f Re prc•senl.Cllives. H1a ch said. and ba<. kn s <irt;.> hoping for Senate a pproval ht•fort" the <'urrt.•n t lame dut•k ~ion ad.)Ourns • Ria,·h began his career as a flon s l after a slmt m the anned fof(.'t:S dunng World War ll Ht> learned the trade at a fn<!nd's flow er shop ne3J' use. He opera ted h is ow n shop 111 lnglew ood (or two decades. EJev en yea.rs a go, he moved the business to Huntington Beach . opC'rung the F1Cth Ave nue Florist s h op at Warne r Ave nue and Spnngdall• S treet He said his w ife has bet:n at his side m the business from the begmrnng Th<' R1aches, son Dave. d aughte r-in-law W e nd y and grandd<1ughte r Aliso n writ be fc:atured tn a ho liday FTD ad schl'dUl<.-d for publication m "Life." "Fortum· ... and "Travel and lk1sun •· m agazmes Although th1• flow1•r businC'SS in genC'rnl has bt·1•n a ffN·te d bv t h<' nati o n 's eco11 o m1c d1fflcult1{~. R1ac h scml he's bc>en doing a s teady hohday business, iwll111g Chris tmas pomseu1as and floral arrang1•n1t•nts for d isplay during the a nnu al boat p a r.1d e m n earby H untingto n Harbou r SJ>J~<:J All" '\r FOil C l·I RISTMAS (>oJo l lnivt•rsity h)· ltalph l .J aur~n ( ,urdu ro' Spor·I ( :oah I /11 1/1 1 • ,/ I I ''"' , .. , I ' "''' I/•)• • I "'' I 1 .. f 'l'l•'of 111/ I,/ /I, , I ( ,,, I I ' ,, "pl,,, Ill'" ..... I " ii I I I /" .... , ,,,,' \/1111 1• fl, I I ()ur <:hris tmas (;ift To You f('L!llldJ' $I I ,) • .. THREE DAYS ONLY l11t1IH'f" 1't1l11 'l•H 1• 'Ill I II ( 4) \'-''I Pl ·\/ \ -:n :u UH ) ... TOI .... I ( • • \ a so a 3 2 6 2 • .. 011ngo Coatt DAILY PILOT /Frld1y, 0Kembor 10. 1982 A~ WORLD Leo:ri Jaworski, 77, dies R hel blamed in crash killing 7 5 children By l'be Auo<•la led Pru11 Tht-Ud t·nM· M111llltct'!\ llUH.J 75 l11dum ehildn•n plungL'<I w tltt· Ir d l' u t h:. I II u ( 11· r v N 1 l' u. r u g u u n •• 1 r f o 1 t' 1• hl•llcoptL•r l·rash and htnh·<l that anti govt.>rllml'nt n•bt'li> werl' rl'tlpons1blt· A ~>cunJ ht'hl'Uplt•r Lr y1111{ l o evi:H·uate th(• H'VC n survivors or Thursduy'::. lrash W Ii S ( I r l' d 0 n b Y ''counter rt'vulutltHHlrlt:s commg from Honduras" and s 1 1 g h l 1 y d a m a g c> d • 1 h t' ministry said There was no mJcpcndL·nt l' u Ii f I r 111 t.1 t I \J fl o ( t h t· l!lnvt-1 nnwnt'li l!L"C.'Vunt Tia· C'h1ldn·n Wt•rto• lJl'tng tukl•fl from Sun Andrl'!I Bot·ay. nt·ur th~ Hund urun bordl't, tu lhe l u w11 of t-lu1hu11l, l1UU!ide lJll' lx>rdt•r urea N1carugua declareJ tht! bo rtll• r reg 1o11 a cl ost.>d "1111hlary zone" in the wuke of numerous dashes tht?re betwet.•n Nicaraguan troops and anti-government rebels ba:.cd 1n neig h borh1ng tfonduras Three childre n and a crew wt're reported t.o havt• survived tht.• crash Canadian figure freed CALGAHY. Canada Mult1m1llioncure Hyman Belzberg. who was kidnapped by maskt-d men, has been freed an a polu:e raid u11 a homl' m southwt-sl C:al~ary. polil'e said today. "The ludnappmg of llyman Belz~rg IS over," said Poli~ Supermtendt'nt Phil Crosby-Jones. "He 1s safe a nd w1t.h his family. Three persons responsible for t.he ludnapp111g have been arrested and tht' drama now is L'Um plt:l.L• " No other dN.a1ls wt>rt• 1mmt:d1at.L•ly available. Belzbcrg was kidnapped Thursday. Law of Sea pact inked MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica More than 100 countries s igned the Law or the Sea T reaty today. establish ing international rules for nav1gatmg the seas and mining the ocean floor The United States, however, was not among the countries sigrung the treaty. Urut.ed Nauons 5<.'<:retary-Gt'neral Javier P erez de CueUar and more than 220 envoys gathered at a beach hotel overlooking the Caribbean Sea for the ceremony, which took eight hours becau~ each dc·legauon signs the treaty one by one WIMUfo;H1.fo;Y, T1·)(11X (t\P) IA"1111 J11w11n1k1, whu lw.cun h1H 1·u1t't't 1111 lh1· yrnml(t'hl l.iwyl'I UI T1·)(tu1 a11d 1·uµ~-<I 1t l>y ul>\.u lnlrll( ttw W1.11.A·rguk la~-. thul fort.'1'11 1'1 t•Nldt'nt H1d1«nt M N1iw11 tu I t•Klltll. IN Jt•ud ut u~1· 77 Juw11nck1 du'tt Thursduy 111 11 h1•u1 t utt111·k 1m hit. 4"10 iH·rt· C1rdl' J r11nd1 "d111nt( whul h1· likt'd to do bl•st" «hopping ' wood, Hmd ranC'11 fnrt•m1111 John Cluytotl, who wwi w1Lh .Juw11111k1 when he <•ollu~'l.l 1n a grow of Spanish ouk lrl'\!8 m thl' rolhnK Tcxus hill l'Uuntry Jawor11k1 hud nut been In ,, courtroom since his dramtt~11· argumi:nt lJt-fore lhe U S Supre mt· Court in 1974 wh1.•n, as Watergate S(X'C'lal prosecutor, he Dr. Joseph Ka lir I lH' l t• Ii rif U I I y 11 t' l' U I t• d t 1.1 p 1• rt.'t'Urt.hnJ(H l111klrlj( N1>um to t)u Wuter~¥tl' M'1'11Jul "You JUHi don't uq(u1· 11n11tlwr C'1111t-uftl'I you'vt• u1 ftut•d 'lhl' United S 1ott•11 Vt'l8U11 Nixon' bdore lhe Supn·nw Q1l1rl," ht· llt\('t• ~ud. J1.1worsk1 WM about t wcJ milt,, from t.hc ri1m·h houl)(.• whrn h1· c.'Olh.1~'<.i ulx>ut 3.:w p.m He wu~ pronounced dt•ad ot 5 pm. When Juwor11k1 IK-t:t!ptt.•d thl' job as W utergu l t.• spt-c iul pr~<eutor, replacing ArchilJald Cox, whu was f1reJ in NovL•m!Jt..r HnJ. "my friends thuught that my mental health haJ failed me. that m y head s hould bt• exarrunl'd," he om.-c said Cox said Juworsk1 '1o dt•rith "Wlill ll liham(' lA'On WtUI il l(rt'Ut wu1 nor -.md l1·11dt:r of th1· hl1r 11nd hl' pl'dm rtwJ great t1l'tVICt' u& SJ>L'Clfll pr<>til'Cu t.or." J 11worak1 said hl' vott'd for Nucuu mu.J "shuc.idcn.-<J" whN1 ht• ht·urd thl' Wh1U.· Houll(! WJ>e!l und rw1lm:<l Nixon "WWI right 1n thE> m1ddl1·" of a t•overup of th•· br1·uk-111 ut C>t-mot-ratk Naliurml C:u1111111ttt'1' ht•adqu urtt-rK ut W as h1ngl0n 's Watergat 1.- ap11rtmcnt l.c'Onlplt·x in 1972. "f'or a morn~Ol. l wisht..U I'd 111•111.•r llct.>n askl'd to takt-tht• ,1ob," he said Jaworski t:al lcd his sut.n'SSful ballle for the Nixon tapes tlw pinnadt• o f his varied ll'gal t•aree r. but said he nt·ver ('tins Id c r c d f u 11 y r •• l 1 r In J( afwrward Lt"on Jawo ri;ki Jews mark Hanukkah 8y OAVIO KUTZMANN Of 1"41 Delly Piiot SteN lt IS C.:<.illl•d th1· i''t·StlVJI of Lights, an eight-day L't'lt•brallon t'Ommc·ncmg tonight ot Lhe Jewish pt•oplc's v1<·tory 2,000 years ago over thl'tr Synan enemies. Little, it sc•l•ms, hi.ls l'hang1•d over two m1llc·nia. With t'Ontinued turbulcnc.·t• in the M iddle East, and with th(• sting of ant1-Scmllll' acts ln Western Europt· fresh un tht>1r minds. J ew s may b1• looking toward Hanukkah mort-than ever thlS year as a st.atl'mt•nl uf thelr emancipation from tyranny and a r1:1tc>rauon uf th(• vow. "nc·vcr <:1g<1111." lron1l', cons1dl'ring that many r.11Jb1:. admit Hanukkah hCiS littlt• ur n o ne· o f the spir itual s1gmf1cance alt.cll'ht.'Cl to holidays sut'h as Passover and Yorn K1ppur. Yet as a celebration of po11 ttcal freedom, it has t'onsic.lc·rabll· appl1cauon in strife-t.orn 191:!2. "H anukkah reprf'sents a wallangness on the part o f a minority t.o Slane.I up for 1t.s own identity," said Rabbi Bt'rnard King of Newport Beach's Harbor Reform Temple. His torical ly. said anolhl'r rabbi, Dr. Joseph Kahr. "h ts thl' first holiday m cvmmernorallon of tht· fight for rcl1g1uus fn·e<lom 111 lhL• ww lJ " Kalir. prufcs:.ur of rt.·ltg1<111s slud1l•s <it Cal Stole Fullert1111 , said Hanukkah represents pnd<! pridt> in the a1."t:on1plishmcnts ol th<' J c·w1sh pt.-<1pl(' and for the frt'l'dom wh1l'h illlowcd thusc achu:ve>mL·nt'> "It IS a JOYOUS festival," S<JH.J Kal1r It 1s al::.o Judciisrn's yuun~w·,t hnllday. 11 a n u k k a h 1 t s ._. 1 f m r• ;-i n 11 "dt'd11.·1itt•J11 " fl rE:-ft.rs to lhe JL•Ws who r1.-cla1mL-d the t.t:rnple in Jl'ru::.all'm 1n lf.i5 BC aftt·r ul'fl'allng th1.· armH•s of th1.• Syrwn king AntirJ('hus NATION Heating costs hit for price surge Jobless bill proposed WAS HINGTON House Democrats are proposing a $5.4 b1U1on pat:kagl' of ~1st.ance for the unemployed that includes emergency publ1e works jobs, food and shelter. The new Dcmocrat.tc )Obs pmposal was t.o be added to a stopgap spending bill drafted today by the House Appropriations Committee A copy of tht' proposal was obtained by The> Associated Prt.'SS on Thursday T he package w1>uld be in addition to President &!agan's proposed nickel-a-gallon gasoline tax increase, which is supposed t.o raise $5 5 billion to finance highway, bridge and mass transit repairs. That work was expected to create an estimated 170.000 constuctwn }Obs and another 150,000 jobs in related fields. R eagan pushes for MX WA::iHlNliTON -President Keagan said tcxiay that a Senate vote against producing the MX missile would be "a vow against arms l'Onlrol tomorrow." and said he would welrome vigorous df'bat.e next year on the way the missiles are based. so long as he gets Lhe go-ahead to buud them now The House has re.~:ted production funds for the MX, and the Sen.ate lS to vote in its lame-duck session. which ends net-17 Reagan told an Oval Off1C'e session with reporters that the congressional debate has d1St.orted the issue by concentrattng on the way the weapons are to be deployed. Senate sources said the $231 btllion rrulitary spending bill. which mcludes money to buy the fU"St five missiles, was to ~ discussed on the Sena\£' fl oor today. But no vote on the MX wiJJ come before Mon<lay, said thc-SOUJ"CC'S. who requested anonymity WA::iHINGTON (AP) -Sky- rocketing na t u r al gas and home heat.mg oil costs pushed wholesale prices up 0.6 perc:ent in Novem ber, the government said today. The gain was up slightly from October's incr ease and meant. that, for the year, inflation at Lhe wholesale level 1s runrung at an annual rate of 3 7 percent. If the I I-month figure holds through December, the nation would have its smallest fuU-year wh olesale price rise since 1976. Last year. wholesale prices rooe 7 percent. ln November, the begmnmg of the winter heating season in many parts o f th• country, the wholesale prire index recorded the s harpest rises in home heating .. 'OSts since the summer f'uE>l oil costs rOSf' 6.4 perl-ent at wholesale. up from a rise of one perC'ent in October and a dec line of l 6 pe rcent the prevtous month Natura.J gas pr1c.'eS were up 5 percent last month, a dramatic turnaround from a drop of 0.9 percent in October and a mcxierate gain of 2 7 percent in September. Not since February 1980 have natural gas prices risen so sharply in a single month The General A ccountin g Office srud in a report that rc•tail natural gas customers are now paying more than twice what they did in 1978. when Congress began removing price controls The report also said that in the last decade the prcxiucers' share of industry revenues has more Food drive for needy has 1 need left -food The people at Ultrasystems, an I rvine enginee ring and construct.ton !inn, thought they had everything they needed to conduct a successful C hristmas food drive needy ramil1es, generous employees, even the• Mannes. lt turns out thc•y're short only one thmg -food Much more food is m><>ded if they are to be able to provide Christmas dinners to all the American Indian families 1n Orange County 1dent1f1ed as needy Phil Stevens. Ultrasystems president. came up w ith the idea of holding the food drive early in the year, partly he said. because of his own Indian heritage Stevens boul!tht one ton of turkey to go into the package dinners which wllJ also include flour, sugar. C'ranbernes. yams, stuffing and lollipops for the k ids. he said At 9 am. Dec 22. 15 Marines in full-dress uniform will home deliver the dinners to 226 Indian families throughout Orange County. Until then. Stevens is hoping people w1U bring canned goods and staples to t.he d1stnbut1on t:enter at 2400 Michelson Dr . lrvme Any monetary donauons w1JJ be presented to the Orange Coun ty Indian Center Any leftover food will be given to a foo d drive in Costa Mesa. Stevens said t h a n d o u b 1 e d . w h 1 I c t ht• pipelines' share has falhm. Gasoline.· rosts also climbed in November, rising I. I perce11t a ft~r falling 1.3 percent 11 1 0<.'tober and 0 9 p ercent 111 September For t.h f.' third straight month, food prices were down, falling 0.2 p ercent. the same as m October Food pm'eS had fallm 0 5 percent in September. Those decltncs retlect the bountiful harvests. Besides lhc pl«nt1ful crops, economists have attributed the genNal slowing of prices thts year to the pers1Stent reces.5ion and a world 01) surplus Meanwhile , the Reagan adm1n1strauon's top economist says unemployment, now 10 8 percent of the w o rk force, 1s "near a peak." but warns tha" the jobless rate won't fall below 7 per<.,..nt for five or six years. Marlin S Feldstein, chamnan of President Reagan's Council of Economic AdVJsers, also told t.he congressional Joint Economic Commi t tee that Democratic proposals for major pubbc works jobs would only put the economy in worse shape (See related story In Nauon's bnefs) Chrysler pact OK seen HIG HLAND PARK. Mich Uruted Auto Workers leaders expect easy ratiflcauon of proposed contracts with Chrysler Corp that would give uruon members their hrst pay raise for a year and put striking Canadians back on the job before Christmas. Gays target mayor after live-in veto -. The two sides announced Thursday they had reached tentative agreemenl on an immediate pay raise and quarterly cost-of-Living adJUStments for UAW members in both countries 'Tm s ure the m ember ship will rat ify it without any problem," said Ke n ~rard. president or the Canadian UAW bargairung commmee. STATE Flooding damage h eavy OCO'TILLO -Floodwaters subsided from the Imperial County commuruty today as residents surveyed the extent of damage from heavy rains that turned dry washes into 4-foot deep rtvers. Most of the residents of the uny desert commuruty returned to their homes during t he night a fter being forced to flee Thursday There were no reports of injury during the fierce storm. Highway 98, from Ocotillo to Arizona, was stfU closed today. But LPterst.ate 8, the major east-west traffic artery, had one lane open. SA N F RANCISCO (AP) - The city's politically powerful homosexual community, vowing to begm a campaign to "dump" Mayor Dia nne Feinstein, has accused her of capitulating to the Catho lic Church in vetomg a bill that would aid unmarried live-m lovers 1t5om<' 300 protesters on the s teps of Cit y Hall Thursday even ing h ear d gay leaders condemn Feinstem's veto of legis lation that would enable "pnncipal domestic partners" of city workers to receive the same health and fnng~ benefits as married spouses. The s peakers were especially cr itical of Archbishop John R. Quinn. who had urged the mayor to veto the proposal, calling it a "radic al repudiation o f fund a m ental val u es a n d ins ti tu lions." Quinn said he "ralSed a mora.J We're Listening • ., • What do you like about the Dally Piiot" What don't you li kt>., Call the number at left and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 642·6086 The same 24 hour answenng service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailhox contributors must include their name and lt>lephone number for venf1callon No C'irculahon calls. please Tell us what's on your mind Cl•uKled •dvertlelng 7141842·H71 ~ ORANGE COAST All other dep•rtmenl• 642~321 Daily Pilot MAIN OFFICE 1110uuwo•w4 JJ0 ~·"II• SC , ,.,.,. MH 4. (,11 "'°""°""'i~'f" If 'f'()ll ,,,. Mell eOCl,..u 80• I~.,.,.,. "'-M C• mi. ~o~ ~·~· t!~~.:·:)i' ~Y C""yrl9f'tl l!m o.-. Coetl Pu1>119"1"9 C-y •nd yOUt Cftpy Wilr b~ Thoma• P. Holey Ho newt ,w .. ,, Hlu1tretlont, •dHorlal m• .. r ot.,.. _.., .. veru .. ,.,...h ""'•'" mey be ••l>"OC111<..i wll'- 601ut<!oy •~O Sv"<l.. It Puhluh"' ""'J c11 .. 1 lcecut!Ve Olloc "' -••I"'""'''''°" of '°"''IO"I _,,., Y°'' 00 nn1 t9"•iW 'fOUf Second <I ... oo·•-1M1ld •• , ..... M•••. C•lllon>I• n": l'Y 1 am Cat,_.,,. "'Ol'<l ~ '""' ... Raymond Moel.eon !UPS ...... WO\<flOllOl'I DY ...... , .. ,,,,_,,,., 0.-~ Jar• Amari by m•ll "!O montNy l •f'' vt•"'• ( tJ11rw ( ""'""''" Tlw Or-Coetl Oally Pllol, wll" wfll<" i. <en•· °' ........ , blnH llw .._l'rMt. I< ....-Cl"""' l>Y 11'8 ()<-, ... ,. __ C:oe•t ,._1,1>1,,. corn...,, ,,.,.. .... --.,. -L. Koy Schultz Mkhoel '· Harvey ...,...,.,,.. MilrlMJ , .. ,._,... ,,. .. , ••• c..-. -· °' 9"00 """"" v .. " Pr•••d•"' (),, OCl()t of MUll•••llQ N••ll00'1 ~. 11111'."I:' ete<ll, ,~~::.:i ""-.. _..,, ,, ...... ~ '-"· "'c. .... ,. ....... -.w-1 C>.ow·tnf tlt Artv1tt•1tutQ i(.r<ul<ll'°"' "" .... " .,....,_ w. ..... ,, -~ ""' '"""inolon llMrl• ,,11•<1 ... 1 _.....,.. pi-I It el DO W•tl ..., Sl...C, & .,,...,,,,_,.. MO tno I' 0 a oo IMO (•I•-.. , C•lll .. "'• tlt>fl 1001''" "'C>-' -VOL. 75, NO. 351 ----________ ._._ voice where there was none I saw it as m y r ole and responsibility lo speak for the trad1tionaJ values of the family and the m.amage in church and Asked about Quinn's m!luence, she said she respected him but added . "No moral statement had any overwhelming sway with me." re-election in 1984 The crowd responded with chants of ''Dump Dianne" society." • Feinstein said she vetoed the o r dinance bec ause 1t was inequitable. poorly draftro and confusmg. Ra nd y Stallings of the c.oaliuon for Human Rights was o ne of several speakers at the protest rally to urge gay voters to oppose the mayor if she runs for Password--- "No w sh e te lls us that the heterosexual majo rity that forbids us the nght to marry says we're irresponsible for not marry1ng It's a Catch-22 that we're sick of hearing in ou~ lives," Stallings said A GOOD WORD PASSED AROUND ABOUT A BUSINESS IS INVALUABLE. A BAD WORD CAN BE UNFORTUNATE. OUR GROWING SUCCESS IN THE PAST 25 YEARS HAS BEEN DUE TO THE "GOOD WORDS" AND REFERRALS SENT TO US BY OUR CUSTOMERS. NO AMOUNT OF ADVERTISING CAN REPLACE A PERSONAL RECOMMENDATION. WE ARE NOT INFALLIBLE, BUT WE ARE WORKING TOWARDS THAT GOAL BY GIVING OUR CUSTOMERS THE BEST SERVICE AND QUALITY POSSIBLE. I ... LEES carpm DEN 'S Madebetterby . -Burlington fill ~ar,;;·~1:: 1~,, : iiiSiil!itiOn: "custom '''!!!.~' vinyl, parquet wood, & ceramic floors 1&63 Pt.AC!NTIA AVE. • COSTA EA. CA 92627 • PHONE 646-4838 -646-2355 l ........................... --------------~J -.Barber shoppers to sing at OCC Barber shop harmony w1l1 be o n display Saturday evening at O range Coast College In Costa Mesa. T h e 70-member Golden City Chorus will perform at 8 p .m . In OCC's Robert B . Moore Theater. Advance tickets, priced at $4 , are on sale m the OCC Ticket OH1ce, located tn tht• college's Administration ~ •Applications are now • being accepted from non - profit organizations seeking to operate roncess1on booths .. at the South Coast Chili Cookoff on April 16 in Irvine. The cookoff is sponsored by ~ the Irv i ne C hamber or , Commerce and spokeswoman , M ichelle Greer said ' • C •Two tuition-free classes in b egi nn i ng and intermediate H ebrew are sch e dul ed by Coastline Community College for the spring semester. The curriculum will stress H e brew conversation , t vocabula r y, rea d ing, and writing. These courses will enable the student to engage in Hebrew ronversation from • the start of classes and will permit reading of original biblical texts. Credits earned • a r e transferrable to the uruversity system. The classes will be taught . # : di~;c~~/~ob~i~h~elr8/~?~! ~ Company will teach a UC : Irvine Extension course beginning in early January on ·ways o f achieving effective publicity. ~ Martin Brower '• class, t i tl ed "Elements o{ : Publicity," will be offered e Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. , at UCI's Humanities Hall, 1 Room 231. It will begin Jan. 5. Building. The offke 1s open Monday through Friday from 8 a .m . t o 6 p .m , and Saturdays from 8 a .m to noon. A $1 discount 1s available for Gold Card holders (senior t•1ui.ens) and children under 12 T1cl<et.s will be sold at the door for $5. For ticket information, phone 556-5880. appltcations for concession booths can be obtatned by writing to the office at 280 I Mt-Gaw Ave , lrvme. 92714 The event is expected to be staged for the second year at Bommer Canyon, a former Irvine Company cattle camp in the city's western foothills. by Shoshana Ad ler, whose varied experie nce r anges f rom the instruction o f children to teaching at UC Irvine. She has also acted as court interprete r and as translator of various tracts and papers . She u ses her back ground of travel and lsraeU culture to enhance and add interest to the learning experience. For further information, call Adler at 552-9652 or Coastlme Community College at 963-0811. Registration prior to Jan 21 is required. Subjects will i nclude planrung a publicity program. preparing news releases and feature articles, working with the news media. and staging press conferences or special events. Registration is limited to 35. and the fee is $103. M ore information can be obtained from the UCI Extension office at 833-5414. HANUKKAH: MINOR B T JOYOU HOLIDAY ... From Page A3 wht!n lhl• klnii orcforl'<.I th1i1t J l·wa n o longt>r pr11y 1n thl• Great Tt•mplt'. llghl Subbuth cundk'll or tctudy lhl' Toruh, ttw body of .J1•whch r1•llt(i11W1 lltc•ruturt• Thu1w whu l'hullt•n"t'd him l 'Uffill to bt· known 01 the M a c c u b c c• a , w h I c h m ea n s "hammers" AftN thr('t• years of warfare, the Macc•ubccs rt·cuptured the temple, but found that 1t had been damag<.'<.I by the Syrians. According to Kallr, the Jews set to work Im m e d ia t e ly repairing the great structure for Ila re-dedication. A cruse of oil was lit. And though there waa little oil to sustain It, the flame burned for eight days. T hus was born the tradition of lighting a candle to represent each day o f H a nukka h . A nine-branched candlestick called the Hanukiya was created. Eight of the branches represent the eight days of Hanukkah. The ninth represents the "Shamash," Hebrew for caretaker. This evening, Hanukkah eve, OCC president heads fund for scholars Ora nge Coas t Coll e g e president Or. Bernard J . Lusk.in has been appointed chairman of the board ol the Hazel Cubbon Greenleaf Educational Fund. The foundation, established in 1977, is supported through the estate of Hazel Greenleaf, a native of Santa Ana who served as a teacher and administrator in Newport Beach schools. T he fund presents scholarships to four high school seniors per year, allowing them to finance their e ntire collegiate careers through graduate ~1c h ool. th.: flnt carlJlt• will bti lit wllh t he Shama.h. On tht' aecond night, two candlct will be lit. Thia contlnuc11 until on the eighth night, •II tht• l'lmdlt .. bum brls hL1y In addition to danclng, reading und games, gif ts a lso are excha ngl.>d ~ach evening, which makC'll Hanukkah the commercial f'<JUlvaltlnt of ChrlBtmaa. The similarities between the two De<.'t!mbcr holidays nN'dletlS w aoy. end there. Sp1rltually, Haf\ukkah I• a rather unimportant holiday, unlike Chrl1tma1. "It 11 ver1, minor, a vf>ry minor holiday, ' aald Kallr. l\abbl King of Newport Beach said Kanukknh waa primarily a military-political cele~ratlon ln Its early ycani. Exchanging gift.8, though a cus10m for hunctreaa of years, became more popular in America's commercial culture. T hough to chlldren today ll utiaflCMt the joy of r«elvi"I lflta, H•nukkah m an• far more '° the-Ir pu~ta Today, Kallr and K.Jn1 uld, Hanukkah aymbollsea the 1ucceHful battle for rell1iout. freedom. "The Idea of the holiday la really a aubllme one, a areat. one,'' uld Kallr, • former Harvard UnJvertAty prof...,,., The success of thf' Maccabees. he said, la meaningful to all. At Roger's, Christmas is our great love. Once again. we have created an excilinlt and delightful world of suprises to brighten your home and your holidays. Come enjoy the enchantment, inspiration and a fan tastic se lection of gifts and decorations at Roger's . ENCHANTED CANDLELIGHT SHOPPING & SANTA CLAUS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Friday ni~hls til ~you t:an enjoy shopping amid the special magic and d1arm of l'.andlcs and tivoli listhts that sparkle throughout the gardens and the S{allcry. Brin~ the little ones along too; from 6 til 8 dear old Santa will be on hand for pictures and m~morable visits. ~ o * * ~A.~~ TO D!EUCHT THIE BYE .. CLADDBN THB HBA•T• * * A CALLERY OF 15 EXCITING, DECORATED THUD TUES Eighteen stude nts c~rently _ t-+M~• rea?i~nTea sc olarsh ips . * ROGER'S CHRISTMAS COWIUIOWl.8, A MINI WOODLAND Q R 1000 ROGER'S CUSTOM DECORAnONS Graduating seniors from the Santa Ana City, Newport-Mesa Unified and Garden Grove Unified school districts a n d Mater Dei High School are eligible. Last year more than $60,000 was distributed in scholarships and aid. Th is year the total is expected to approach $75,000. Luskin, who became OCC's president last July, will serve as the foundation's c h airman as long as he is the Orange Coast president. * AN ELA.BOU. cnON-OF DU!OUED...D.&NAMENJ'S --t-t-:-_:..1 * EXCEPTIONALLY LAJtCE A BEAUTIFUL ECO POINSETTIAS * ANIMATED SCENES OF SANTA'S ELVES AT WOU Co•• ntJotl o tutlq•• 4"" ultllnwti"' ex,,.,-lerecel (; f 0Rl:0f: S£,tl/XA HS SATl'ROA>'S A.\'O . UX/JiU'S 2 /~,tf. Ike 11 lkrhs fur lluhJ.:i~ ~:n1cr1J11nin1t Ik e. 12 f'lor~l5 for l:h11•lmJ~ ~ ....... ·, 4! 0 ,\,\U.:R/01~ ~J.H Ill II //It I (, \IWI. \ Cl .• \Tl.R °"""···------·--·--,--.. ..._.- .. i ~ > . ' , ( , Robinsons PERRY ELLIS SHOES :· . ~ ' ' . .. ' ~ I "'"11 or ciove gray su .... t>u\8018 .... s Lace·uP '" "" The collection that had to happen I From flats to high heels, a total gallery possessing a retro quallty as only Perry Ellis could capture It. Luxuriously stmple, confidently relaxed, designed In bleached-out linen-like colors and radiant spring shades. One glance and you know you must have them to underscore your favorite new retro clothes. From RObinson's Shoe Collections. 103. To order call toll-free 1 ·800·345·1501. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOPPING HOURS: MONDAY-SATURDAY 10-9:30. t I 1 . t Sch-oQI hoards chie f s e l e cte d Tru11h't'll ut four Wt'Mt 0111n1l1• t'uunty &hool dh11r Cl.I hOV<' f'lt'i'lt'il IU'W µ11'Sli1t•nt11 lo Ont! )'l'Or terms Nonnn Vt1nch•r Mul,•n, who hua lx'<l on tht> Huntington St>uch City (<•lt•m<'ntary Sc.·hool Board sine • 1975, WWI elN'lt'd to ht•ud t <•r boarc.J for the first t1mt• A husband and wlfl• ulso n •c:t•lv<'d ttw cndorscmcn t of tht•lr c:ollt•ugucs In scparult• districts. Shella Mtlft:UIS WllB clcctL'<i prc..'Sidenl or the Oc.-ean View School District In lluntington Beach. Her husband Ron WllS elected vice president or . the Hunti.ngton Beach Union Jl1gh S chool District. He'll be In line for the presid('ncy next year. Hunllnaton Bt•t1Jt•h Union lflgh &·hool bourd, rcplo<"lnf( Arion Lok£• Marcus IN th<• v1c•t• prt.'lihfo11L a1rol Mohan WUI t·l~tcd president of thl' Fountain Vall('y S c hool Dtllrlc t board, suc·c('c•ulnf( C twryl Norton. The n<'w vice pre111dc•nt Lii Jam<.'8 W()('st. Norton und Wotlflt arc th<' only trust.c.'<'li on the• five-member board not naml'<i in u rc.oeall t'Umpalgn. The ck'C:llon or Vandur Molen ends years of being ovcrlookt.>d. ----- She c:harg•od hl!r colleagues of <:ngaging in male chauvinism when she was pass<..>d over at one election. Sh<• said this wt.-ck that the complexion of the Huntington Beach City School board has changed. Vander Molen Ma rcus Marcus replaces Max Sudnkow at Ocean View. Thl• new vice presid ent 1s Charles Osterlund. S tephen Sm1th is the nc~ president of the Vandcr Molen r(•plat'l.'S Gary Nelson who is stepping down after a two-year term. S he rry Barlow ls the new vice president. 5 mith Moha n • .Robnsons GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT: JOIN US SUNDAY Rob1nsor1s 2DAY HOME FURNISHINGS SPECTACULAR FOR CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH . AT THE LIDO BUFFET . I STARTS TOMORROW! SAVE 40%-70% ON OVER $15,000,900 i We'll wine and dine you with a special holiday menu. delight you with informal modeling, and dazzle you with an unparalleled view of the bay OF THE FINEST HOME FURNISHINGS. = All tn all, an exquisite w~ to -t. SHOP SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 10-9:30 AND SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12 ,11-6 ONLY. • celebrate the seasoR\., ~ I 11 a.m. to 2 p,m.. ___ . ....__.,.. _____ -1~1-----.:.:._40% OFF Our entire Trim-A-Tree collection. Reg. S 50-5225 Sale $.30-$135. December 12 and 19. 95"-$285--aFF Print eemforter.-sats. If purchased separately S135-S385. Sale $39.99-$99.99'. $1 50 OFF Panasonic 19" diagonal color TV Only 24 7 available · Reg. $449. Sale $299. 50% OFF Our entire Oriental rug collection. Reg. $100-$6,675. Sale $49-$2,995. 50% OFF Selected Sealy, Simmons and Spring Air mattresses and boxsprings. Reg. $139 95 twin ea. pc.-S1,099.95 king set Sale $69 twin ea. pc.-$549 king set And much more! Hurry, quantities are limited to stock on hand and all items are subject to prior sale. Please. no mail or phone orders Ire Robrrons Gift A LUSCIOUS, LUXURIOUS BOX OF GODIVA CHOCOLATES IS OUR GIFT TO .YOU WITH •17.50 GODIVA PURCHASE. Indulge that very discerning sweet tooth in your life with one of the world's finest chocolates. Carefully, specially made in Belgium with only the most select ingredients. then beauttfully molded and luxuriously wrapped, Godiva is one gift that's as impressive as 11 1s trresistible. And with your $17.50 Godiva purchase. we'll give you a 11. lb box. a $5 value, as your .. Gil with purchase special gill to give or keep for yourself And for 1ust $2 50 more. we'll add the perfect red ribbon and rose. From our tempting collection. with cream centers and soltds 1 lb. gold ballottn $17.50 2 lb. gold ballottn, $34 3 lb gold ballot1n. $50 V2 lb gold ballottn. S9 Robinson's Candies. 66 To order call toll·free 1·800·345·8501 SPECIAL HOUDAY SHOPPING HOURS: MONDAY·IATUIDAY.10-9-.30 . I • I ~ I ! • " I I \ , • I Oran • Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, December 10, 1812 11111111111111------------1 . Huntington condos nixed by planners Plana b y f o rmer lranlan resident Ferydoun Ahadpour and hit wife, Dorla, to conatruct 48 condo minium uni te at the Huntlnaton Harbour Bay and Racquet Club have been dealt a aetback. The Huntington Beac h Plannln1 Comml11lon turned down the propoaal thl1 week, volcl.ng concern over density. The maj o rit y ,o f the commlulon also cited posalble parking problems and expreued concern about access to the 150-alip marina. But Ahadpour, who formerly operated a diving and aalvage business ln Iran, aald Wednelday he would appeal the declslon. to the city council. A hearing la expected ln January. "I won't give up," Ahadpour, 49, said. "1'11 stay with the project until it's finishe d. It miaht be all my life." l n come t o m e e,t r I 1 l n I maintenance and repair coeta for the 20-year-old facility o n Warner Avenue, about l '1' mllea eaat of Pacific Cout Hl1hway. They aald they have apent more than Jl million ln refurbl1hln1 a 1econd-1tory restaurant. They eaUmate lt will cost an additional J2 mllllon to complete the dealred revampln1. Expanaion plane, in addition to three three-1tory condominium bulldln11 , Inc lud e d a subterranean parking atructure, a gym, a aauna and pool repaln. The 700-member k~tlngton Harbour Property Ownera Aaaoclatlo n e nd orse d th e development plan in the belief that it could provide an upgraded facility while also preserving open apace and recreational activities. HlllD IDE IALI SHORT NOTICI LIQUIDATION Of OYll 450 SILICT HANDMADI OlllNTAL IUGS Prom Storo• Thet Hevo Dlecontlftuotl lu1lno11 Dl11olutlon of Portnor1hl' • Undelmotl O..tla Prom ltor .. • **TWO DAYS ONLY** SAT., DEC. 11 10 AM-4:30 "9 HA CLIP' COUNTRY CLU9 IOOO PALM AYI. HUNTINGTON .. ACH U ., DEC. 12 10 Ml-5 "9 NOUDA't ... ._LA PAZ ROAD LAGUNA HLLI Fine Mlectlon Of rug1 In 111 colorl end 11111 from 2'lC3' to 18'ic 12' from all mejor "'8 weaving C*'lter• of the world, Including Iran. China. lndla, AuNla, Afghanletan, EIWPI. Pakl111n. Aom1nl1. & Turkey. SAVE 60-803 --.. TM ............ lo ......... --.......... ,_-,,_ I 'J,!t;.!' 14'3• 10 1 Peftien 1<.--P.,ece SI,. 133,000 17,HO 4'2•2'4 '""""'" l<..,,mlll BOllhete 1.650 -12' ... SculotU<.0 Mlt>t ~ uoo u oo t '2•4'3 a.ml AntlQue Soutnall t<lllllm 6. 760 176 4'3•2'0 Ooulellbed Atgllan Preyef Aug 176 t78 4'd ' c:i..n. .. Flet_... 176 :IO 4'8•2'3 lurkllll Olw<rle 350 to 14 • tO' £...--A-3,300 1711 t '8•8 3 Signed J!~M Tebtll 4,260 1.260 8'1"3'11 JelpU< """"" 1.126 4H 11·2.i•a "''*' Velemeh ......,,.,.lndfe 1. 160 I 271 10'2•7 3 ""'*"' Ooul>le l<noll.0 Boallet• 3.600 1,nll 9'2•8 3 Collect«• Fine Kofll ~(QYPI 1.200 3,300 10 ta7 3 Old RuUlan S9Mettlancl 1,476 460 8'<3: SW1111et19 CNMM t60 260 NOTE· Fwet -· IW.t l9fvecl -C•taioou-and complete l)flc4t Mtl .. ··--•• the ..... C.-· ol Aut""'1tlclry 1......i wtlh evetY rug eold A.14, a A, Inc. LlqllldlllOH lnnoo: 21S-1Cll-002t Developer Ferydoun Ahadpour 'f'he Ahadpours claim they need to find additional sources of But other residents claim that the three-story structures would block thelr view of the ocean and of the BolJ&a Chica marshlands. RUFFEl..L'S UPHOLSTERY .... a.11..r.-s.e I tJJ HAJllOI IL VD. COSTA MIU-541·115' ·~· THI ~. " !'-!!:! All CIOMNTION9eO IOlAA WA'lll NM,_ aATHIOOM~ Sr toe 11101 Senlce T-St-et Vo.;1 OoOI le.I Store -t Yo.;1 "'-! COST~ MIS.A 641 -1289 1S,.Newpertlh4. MfSSK)N VII.JO 495-0401 2"22 c:.-.i-c:.pie- , ... lllep llrwy ... A_., "WJ·I Phone Home Free on us Come to the center court of the Huntington Center moll and coll yoor friend or relative anywhere on the MCI long distance network absolutely free. Your free 3 -min. coll is our holiday gift to you. P\8.IC M>TICE ftCTITIOUS llU ... H NAME STATE•NT The following peraon la doing l>Ullneu as: LAIRD ENTERPRISES. 17542 SPNCe Tree Ln .• ltvlne, C.. 92715 Taylor W Laird Ill, 17542 S~ Tree Ln .. ltvlne, Ca. 92715 J~ 1>u11__nesa Is c:ondJJc:1ed by an _ .ndMdu ... Taytof W. Laird Ill This •t•tement WU ftled with the County Clerk of Orang41 County on NO¥. HI. 1982 F20ZMI Pilbllahed Orange Cont Dilly PllOC. Nov. 19, 28, Dec. 3. 10, 1982 5082-82 P\alC M>TICE ftCTTTIOUS M.1 ... H NAIE STATEMENT The following person la doing bu*'8slu: SUNSIGN GRAPHICS. 1717 E. Blreh St. • JJ208 Br ... Call! 9282 t Anthony Charles CINIH. 1717 E. Birch St. 11JJ208, Brea. Calll. 02c 1 This buslneas ia conducted by an lndMdual AnthonyC c ...... Tiiis 1tatemen1 was llled wtth 1he County Clerk of Orange County on N~. 3, 1982. F2012SI Publlahed Orange Cont Delly PllOI Dec 3. 10, 17. 24, 1082 • 5286-82 P\alC M>TICE FtCTTTIOUS llU ... 11 ~STA~ Th• following paraon 11 doing butl!lftlU' SU JA. 1853, No 8 towa. Cotta M ... CA. 92826 Su .. n Marcellua. 1853 No 8 towe S1 .. Colla ~. CA 92828. S. Mer«*ll.la Thia 111ttment WU filed with the county Clerk of Or•noe County on NO¥. 18, 1982. f20ttll ~bllahtd Orange Co11t Oally Pl!Oe NO'A 19. 26. Dec:. 3, 10. 1982. • 5052-82 trtermoua.,... .. MAim aTA'TUmMT , The lollowlng pereon le doing butllneM u : SPECIFIED PRODUCTS CO .. 15 Wplne, IMne, CA 92714 ORE G AN THO N Y ~LOWATY, 15 Lupine, !Nine. CA 92714. Tiiie ~ le conduC1ed by en lndttrldull. Oreg A. Hollowaty 11111 ttetement w• Ned wtlh the CoUnty CleR ol Ofenge County on Odober 22. 1912. ..-1 "11>fttflld Ot~ Coe1t Dell) PllOI. Noll. 11, 2.t, Dec:. 3. 10, 1M2 ft IJlHi PICfriiOUi WU ..... STATlmllT ""' ....... .,.,_ .. dOlrl9 ~-flllTA IMPO .. TING CO., 20llO l'lol'• Ln., Huntington llMcll. C..tJMt TflOm .. Peu4 1Met1, 20HO Fkn Ln .. Huntlnfton leldl. Ca. ..... lllfM ....... aoaao "'°'' Lii .. ~-.!!!ct, Ce. t2M .,.;,,;,.,~-· -•--~en ,.......,.... ...... ,..., ................... .. eo.ttr Clertl °' Or .... ~ Oft Hof. fl. "" ,_ "'"lieflld Orlftll C..t ..... 0.0. •. 10. 17, , •• ,.., HH-12 , J • HowdOes 7Ing Now menthol sta-ek-up?--------'-9 At the bottom. I " • ·-~ MERIT Ultra Lights IOO's MEN11iOL Warning : The Surgeon Generel Hes Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Compet11we btend tar levelt reflect the lower of etther FTC method or Dec '81 "C Alpoft SOFT PACK 100's FILTER. MENTHOL· 2 mg. "11(. 0 2 mg n1co11nt ev per cig1rtt~e by FTC method I 1 " . i . ; : ' I , : • . . Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday. December 10, 1182 ~~·\ ~,,~ Tax laws on child care outlined Ors. Arthur 8. Corish and ~ BY PAT HOROWITZ ot'ttleDelrPllM .... DEAR READERS: Changes In tax law affecting child care aervlce1, the arowlng number of employers 1upporting 1uch services, and the lncreued variety of care program• a cro11 the United States are featured In an updated publlcaUon by the U.S. Department of Labor's Women's Bureau. "Fmployen and Child Care: Establishing Services Through the Workplace" explains employer beneflta from programs. that support working parenta, subaldlea for child care, personnel pollclea, donaUpna to community programs, and the actual planning and funding of a child care service. The publication note• that by March 1982, half (7.4 million) of all mothers of children under 6 yean of age were In the labor force and approximately 66 percent (11.4 million) of all mothers of achool-age children ' were worklna or looldf\I for wurk. In addition to 1uldellne1 on pro1ram deal1n1, the publication lncludea extenalve U.Unp of publlahed l't!IOUIUt, recent 1urvey reporta and statistical data. An appendix contains namea and addreuea of employer- 1ponaored child care pro1ram1 operating throushout the country. A limited number of llf\lle coplea of the 83-pase pamphlet are available free from the Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, Waah inaton, D.C. 20210. Send a aelf- addreteed malling label with requeat. The publication aho la for sale by the Superintende nt o f Documen tr,4:1.S . Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, at $5.50. Food safety in:iportant DEAR READERS: Whether you've planned an informal buffet or elegant sit- Your Holiday· EnteFtainment center _)JofiJa'J Sp ec ia'6 / PERMS Reg. sso Specials Good thru Dec. 31, 1982 $35 Acrylic Nails, Fills, Manicures, I down dinner, holiday ent.eMalnlna promotea a feeUve 1plrlt. At thll lime of the year it'• particularly important to live 1peclal attention to food aafety precaution•. Preparing and •torinc larp quanUtt• of food can lead to lncreued chancel of food poUionina. Learn what you need to know by phonlna Teletlp, the home and garden telephone Information aervlce of the University of California Coo pe rative Extenaion. Dial 774-7090 and aak for message No. 460, "Feeding a Crowd Safely." • • . Gbt a problem? Then writ£' to ~ .. i Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • getting the answers and action you .-. n eed to solve inequities in go~rnment and business. Mail.your questions ' to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange. Coast' Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1560, ~ta Mesa, \C". 92626. Gregory 0 . Giiman are pleased to announce the • association of BETH D. DU BRUYNE, O.D. to their Optometric practice at 4902 lrvlne Center Drive lrvlne, C•llfornl• 92714 Or. du e·ruyne will be specializing In Family Optometric Practice and V ision Therapy [ Hours by Appointment f714J 559-5905 1 " " M • PIZZAS • SPAGHETTI • SANDWICHES •SOUP • SALAD • DINNERS " " M 1 ':!:.:-t I DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS PATIO DINING _MinhJuliet ______ __.... ______________ ~-----ALL FOOD CAN BE PREPARED TO GO A FULL SERV ICE SALON Mesa Verde Center, C.M. 540-0600 . BEAUTY SUPPLY PRE·HOLIDAY SALE 10 3 IFF 01 OUR miiE STOCK TILL lllS .. EXPERT SCISSOR SHARPENING SERVICE . . Mesa Verde Center 2701 HAltBOlt BLVD., COSTA MUA M2·217S , ............... , 2701 HARBOR At Adema COSTA MESA 979-8735 DIN & JUDY CIAINA 223 MARINE AVE. BALBOA ISLAND 873-9322 photography by jeffrey "CREATIVE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY" , Christmas Portrait Special A Beautiful 5x7 Color Portrait (choose from several) FOR ONLY $12.95 1 Person or Groups uo to 4 People Mention this ad and receive a 150 Gift Certificate for a New Wedding Booking Expires l ._ f S-82 .ti ( .. ~ ..... o.r.•n.o.•.c.o.•.•.•.o.A.1L.v .. P1.L.o.r.1r_,_,d_•_v .• o.ecem .... b.•.r .1.o .• 1.e.e.2 .......... 111111111111 ................... lllli!-.......................................................... 1rflll~ Disneyland names I Ca.ward chairwoman '-ar bara 'l:am Nomoto of Irvine, an Orange County ~nt.ral Municipal Court Judge, tWa been named chairwoman of a clmmittee to choose winners for ~neyland's 1982 Community rvlces Awards Program. olning her are Th o mas !en tes of Newport Beach, rgaret Grier of Fullerton, mes Barofflo of La Habra, E. Miller of Anaheim and Mrs. April at the Disneyland Hotel to announce w1nnen1 of the 63 cuh awards, which t.otal $200.000. ncis Kessle r of Garden Grove. lunC'h<>on will be held in Organizations will be chosen from these categories: cultura l arts, education, service for youth, accomplishments by youth groups, special health services, accomplishments by support groups. social community service, civic community service. service by or for seniors, environment, ecology and energy. Barbara Tam Nomoto .. .. Think of everyone who'd love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms.- Choost• from mer 100difft·nmt1-!ifts. in a ,·anety of shapes. prices ' and sizes. ;ill filll'd wnh ta~ty dl'lights. And we'll gladly handle all the detail~ ~t·nd111g your gifts out. ff lckor1 Farms ~~,~· We'll give you a taste of old-time country goodness."' SOUTH COAST PLAZA l.o-. t•r Cttrouwl \Jail 'l~tc ... "''"''"""''"•l~"' .. c •J'll..,.""'6i1Nnd ti II\, n ,h.u.~ l..J•.c~'CI 540 -6991 -z At partK.1pa11n11 tores. _____________________ _, ·This Christmas, express your love \Nith eloquence. 14K CHAINS & BRACELETS 50% OFF Cobra Bracelet, Regular S17.95 ... S8.99 20" Ught Cobra Neck Chain, Regular 537.95 ... S18.99 24" Herrtngbone Neck Chain, Regular s 121.95 ... SS9.99 18" Heavy Herringbone Neck Chain. Regular S243.95 ... SUl.99 20" Heavy Herringbone Neck Chain, Regul•r 1267.95 ... SUl.99 7" Sortd Rope Bracelet, Regular St91.95, onty one ... S9S.99 16" Sotld Rope Neck Chain, Regul•r S423.95, only one .•• U11.99 I 5" Serpentine Neck Chain, Reg&ll•r S27.95 ... SU.99 I 6" Medtum Serpentine Neck Chain, hgul• SI00.95 ... S49.99 JO" Medium Serp9ntlne Neck Ch•ln, ...... s 182.95 ....... .. 18" 8ox Neck (MM, • ..,.., sris.•s ... NZ.t9 Very. l•ge Mlectlon O•Mn04"W1 '"'""' 101 MMI I Iring Rtgul.>tly II ,OJ\ I , ! .-... SALR 1776,JS 25% OFF / , ....... . ~ ·~ In Fashion Island next to the state's . ·tallest Chrlltmm tree. Namesakes improving ties A four mun tlt•lt•iollon of offll'u•hc fiom Irvine, &'Otland, will I><' n •turnlna to tht•lr homt..'I M>On with cncoura.i1•11wnt th1i1t 118Wr-<.'1ty tit'» with their Oranac C.:ounty nmilt'80kc urn pollflblc. t•omm umth•11 Nm grow Into the wo" Ill ~an FruncU...'t1 r~latJuruhlp. Ac>th 11ld,.,. <·amc:• away from tht' • "Wc'rt> not t.alkmg ubout uny nwNtng C'la1m1na C'IOIM' tat'I are • draatlc things," said Brig. Oc:n. rcah11t1c Tony Hlckcta, managing J in-ctor "Certainly every ml'mbt>r of ol tht Irvine (Scotland) thedclegat1onw1U bcgoangblck Ot>velopmenl Corp. "We'd Ukc -with a very po81tlve me888ge," to establ111h links people really said Rigby. ' wunt at a gentle level and see howeverythlnggooa." Said Curol Schroeder, Rickets, Conve ner (mayor) l'Xt.'C ut1~.<.· dirt>ct.o~ of .~he The dlgnltari<.'8 huve aipcnt thia Wt'<.'k meeting with Mayor Lurry Agran, mcmbeni of u chnmbcr of c..'Ommcrt•e ad hoc C.'Ommlttt>c and t.'Ounty Supcrvl10r T homas Riley about creating an orticlal bond bclWt'('n the two C.'<>mmunltl('S. T hey say they've found suppor t for the plan, aa long as no gover nment !unda arc Involved a n d programs arc Initiated slo wly so the 1'holTUlli Dickie and Jeff Rigby, chamber: It 111 a defarut.e go. publk relation.sJJUUUlgl!C.10J' Uu:,_ __ She JWid a ~t.eerln_g com"""m~lt_tce~---• development corporation, met will be formed to fn'c u e Wednetday with the chamber of representatives from business, commerce committee formed to city government, the. school review the slat.er-city idea. Their district, servke clubs and others fourth member, Mike Thompson, (See SCOTS, Page A9 ) chri.91.mes 1982 .. o col la.cLion of thz. ftnret c:oshm<inz. ~la.r.5, kmURd in cznglaniarrl. scot.land. c.:dirrw.rcz. yerro e11t 9'1h2"2.d only oncri IZOGh yi.or Uuy 0!1Z. canba1 from thcz ammol bJ hcind anch.och y1qJd~ only 'to:t& tht 0\4regt ~t.ctrv.iot~ e~ 1201& Uu ct1~mtmt mrunt.o:n ~· inhab11.e ooly lh:z.h~ ~ ci t.1bu.and rr~ia, ~ t.htz. '>"'m~ or<Z. h~ly un-g.a ir. thtz1r ~h\..IQ.&ofllof~.~rmth, -Chlor-onc! tou.&l'Ct ~ '1!1 o ~1'1.r you'll OIJ1) with p-'1Cla fbr ~ to~ ·rnnz ply cord~ @J~o@@)~-~ 44 Fashion Island • Newport Beach· 714/644-5()70 J()(Jl Westwood Blod. ·Westwood Village · 213/208-3273 • 10 1 Y" ~ round d•• IOU ••VUU<lr "'° 00 SAU! 1461.00 D'I !:~ . . .:~ti~. •<if .. ~· , •• , , .. golCI found o... ••ct 1!"91' vry 16"0 00 SALIE SS17.SO ftrfnceH Jewi~)' Cleene -1790!!-,..w U4.91 ZS% OFF En1•1•ment Ring S.•ts .... ~ 9!"0 1QUnltCllll •:k• .........,., • 11.1100 SAU".MI 10 1 y.i .... ............. JOll . ........... llJOCIO SAU Mal.IO I ...... Mla111M~pa,......1entce H P•lllll ....... New,art ~ C. ....... .. • . A INIW,...,....._..,~ Irvine, Scotland, dignitaries Thomas Dickie, Tony Rickets and Jeff Rigby, from left, said they've found interest in forming sister-city ties with Irvine, California. CORRECTIOll On .,..._ I of th9 Beere December Ith edverllalng ••cllon there • I• en Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, o.c.mber 10, 1982 ~· Daily Pilat "For All Your Holiday Shopping Needs" edverllaement for • #51202 Duk•• of Hezzerd cer, ••I• priced et ti.II. Th• OOPJ deacrlr.Uon la Incorrect. Th • cer I• not redlo controlled. We alnc•r•IJ regret thl• error. NEWPORT Hl[LS CEMTER I Sears I Free Phone Call Home Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Huntington Center will give away ovP.r l 5,000 3 ·min. long distance phone coils for the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the mall. l't8JC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING eeos NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll Maled Pfoposals IOt rumlshlng 1111 l•bor. m•lerl•I•. •qulpmenl. tr•nsport •lion end auch othe r ltldlitles as m•y be required IOI THE FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF PAVEMENT MARKERS ON HARBOR BOULEVARD BETWEEN BAKER STREET AND VICTORIA STREET, wlH be received by the Clly -of-Co.I• MllN, et the omc. Of th• City Clerk. 71 F•lr Drive, Colla Mna. California. unlll the hour of 11:00 e.m. on December 21. 1982, •t whlcil time they ah•ll be opened publicly end read aloud In the Council Ch•mbera Se•led Pfopoul1 shall bear the title of the wort< •nd the n.,ne of the bidder bul no othe< distinguishing m•rka Any bid received •lier th• scheduled c101in9 time for the receipt of bids 11\811 be returned to the bldde< unopened It "'811 be the IOle reapoolib~ity of the bldde< to -lh81 his bid is received In pr098f time A set of Pl•na. Sp.cl•! Provisions and addi1ion1 to 0-111 Provisions to the Stand11rd SpecillcatioN mey be obtained •t the onic. of the City Engineer. 77 F•lr Drive. Coat• Meae . C •li lor nl•. upo n nonrelund•ble pmyment of S t0.00 An additional charge of S2 00 will be mad• II h•ndled by m•ll. Pl•na. apecilk:llt!of\s end other contract documents mmy •Ito be •••.mined •t the oftl<:e ot the Clty Clerk of ttMI City of Coata Mes&. E•Ch bid shall be m•d• on the Propose! l0tm. aM81a P-t through P-8 provld•d In the contr•ct doC'\tmenll. •nd •h•ll b e accompanied by • certified or eulller'• check Of' a bid bond for not las th•n t0% of the •mount of the bid, m•d• P•Y•ble to the CUy of Coat• M .... No propoMI lh•lt be considered unlesa .ccompanr.d by such c•1hler'1 check, cHh or bklde<'• bond No bid ah•ll be conlldered unleel It la made on • bl•nll l0tm IUmllhed by the 'City of Costa M ... 8nd It m•de In accord•nce with the prov111on1 of the Propot•I requl•ementa E.ch bld<le< must be lleenM<l llr'd 8llo P<eQuallfle<I 11 required by '- The City Councll of the City ot Cost• M ... r-vea the right to reject any 0t 811 bid• The Contr8Ct0t thell ~C>IY with the Pfovttlont of S.CtiOnl ·1110 to 1780 lnclualve. of the Celllornle L•bof Co(je, the 1><evllllln0 r•I• and IClle of weges eet•blllfled by the C11y of Cott• Mee8 wNc:h ere llled with lhe City Clerk of the Mid City. and ah•ll forfeit pan•ltlea prea cr l bed ther e in l or ~Of the Mid Code. EILEEN P PHINNEY City Cleftc Publl1had Or•nge Co•at Oally Pilot, Dec 3, tO, 1982 52"-82 "8.IC NOTIC( Coaat-F-8der_al ..Savings __ Invite• You to Recall the Thrlll and Romance with a Free Album, "AS. TIME GOES BY." It's a musical history of 1935-45. One hit from each year, performed by the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra. So come to the Coast Federal office In Newport Beach. We'll give you a free copy of "As Time Goes By," featuring the Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra. And the best flnanc"I services available. '-' __ ....,._4-___ ----....__ .. _ .. _... ........ ,. ..... 2620 San Miguel Drive NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92ee<I (714) 759-0181 LUCILLE BROOKS -Manag« ***************** : . Parker'• Pet• : ~ NEW MANAGEMENT : ~ NEW GROOMER : * * · ~ 5 5°0 off : lt Your ChristpMi. Grooming * Jt WITH THIS AD lf-- * * * * * 640-0090 * *'· 1111 .......... * * ' .. ,.,,,,, ,.. ~ ..... * * * ***************** •11111111111111111111 • . I I ~ • . ""' . . ,_. ........ . •. I S1.ll OFF • DEYELIPlll 111111 II II When you bring In one 1111 roll of film for developing & prints Not Yelld With My other °"9rl OM coupon per vtalt ..... ooupon .......... 11/11/11 2844 SAN MIGUEL DA. NEWPORT HILLS CENTER 720-CM• . 11111111111 We'll Help You liet Readyl- MERCHANT~.' DIRECTORY Allyn-Black'• Hair fuhion Ba.nlt of America Bonaparte Bakery Cout federal Savin91 E..S.nauaI., Lingerie Schuyler C. Joyner, D.D.S., M.D. Orthodontic• Needleport Newport Hilla Animal Hoapital Newport Hilh Dru91 Newport Hilla Flori.at Newport Hilh Ttuel Newport Hilla Shoe repair Kenneth B. Schwan, D.D.S. General O.ntiatry Parker'• Peta John I. McLau9hlin, !no. and Print• Ledger r.s. 1n .. .tm.ent S.rvioea Ralpha Market Sparkling Cleanera Traditional Jewelera Villa9e Home Detiqn Interior Decorating Walker & Lee Real Eatate What'• Cooking? Reataurant Wine Country, Retail Wine 6 Beer 9ud Graham 6 Son'• Union 76 In 6 Out Photo 640-9494 759-4572 759-1100 759.0181 6«-1169 759-0882 759-0567 759-1911 640-7373 640-7980 644-7371 640-7302 640-2970 640-0090 640-9381 644-7992 640-9-MQ 760-8035 640-9193 75g..1501 6"-1820 644-7597 644-7151 720-0459 Cadillac Of Lingerie For that Essential Gift! • ~1.lllMM -503 : :=,:;:...A,,.,._ • MeftW- tO 0 Select Items Bridal Registry Spec/al Christmas Hours: 10-8 Mon.-Sat. 12-4 Sun. Gift Certificate Available Viaa/Maater 'Charge 644-1169 PAEMIUM WtHEll, IMPORTED BEERS We Oelivtrl 144-7597 V'ISI, MasterCard ,.., ,, ,,,, ,,. ,,,,...,., ~-=~r •2.29 / ~.~:1"''2.09 ~ Many Collectors' Items & Wine Gift Seta on Sale ,_. ............ .. ..... . .............. TIWll 11111111 tc-w ... 11/M -tMI,., I e Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday. December 10, 1912 {;a/trans 'ditch' still blights growing Mesa ! In some cities, you have to t for the blight. Not In Costa aa. It k eep s its urba n ht out iri full view, right down middle of the main route into wn. The subject in question is, of ~urse. the Infamous ditch in the Q'liddle of Newport Boulevard between Mesa Drive and Fairview aoad. The 180-by 30-foot hole ~as dug in 1975 by Caltrans i$fficials looking for cheap dirt to ~e on an interc hange o f the p:>rona del Mar freeway. It didn't ~m to matter back then, because everyone kne w the Costa Mesa Freeway would be f inished ahortly. · Eight years later, the ditch &till exists, the freeway doesn't and Caltrans and the city are fighting over who should maintain ihe strip. M ea nwhile, the feSidents of Costa Mesa must live t-'ith their eyesore. A hawk has t ecently taken up residence on powerlines over the ditch near 23rd Street . Presumably. iomething good to eat lives iILthe ~itch. This whole mess was brought 6efore the public eye once again ibis week with a request by Lloyd Shaver of Lloyd's Nursery to 4llow him to store firewood on a teased section of the median f>etween 19th and Bay streets. Sha ver already grows iursery stock on the land. Pacific f ederal has taken exception to pdding the firewood to t h e Ctedian. Macie.Le tler, senior ,ice-president of Pacific Federal, bys the median has a negative (mpact on those inspecting the ~ty's new redevelopment area. That may b e . But seeing plants and firewood neatly stacked J>eats the wild patch of weeds and tusted fence prevalent further out. Pie point is not what is stored in ~e median. The point is that it ~ .. shouldn't be there anymore. But we are stuck with lt for awhile. A freeway route was adopted In 1969. A few political, financial a nd planning problems -and 13 years -later, a draft e nvironmental impact statement is be i ng readied b y Caltrans. Presuming the present route is okayed, the earliest construction could start Is 1990. That means at least seven years of living with the ditch. So let's make the best of it. If part of it can be l eased for something inoffensive, such as the nursery stock, it should be leased and the city should watchdog the lessor's upkeep of the property. In addition, the city should bring pressure to bear on the state to do something to clean up the mess on the north end of the ditch. Attractive ground cover could be planted a nd maintained. Most anything is better than the neglect now bestowed on it. If a freeway is to be built there but not until 1990, there is no reason the state couldn't fill in the ditch and let die city wiethe l a nd in th e m eantime for som e thi ng w o rthwhile . Two suggestions are additional parking for the Orange County Fairgrounds o r a n urban gardening project where residents could rent or lease plots of ground. The city has said in the past it is helpless to act becJfuae-the ditch is state land. That may be, but Los Angeles officials note that> a simUar situation exists on Venice Boulevard in West Los Angeles, and the city moved in, landscaped the area and is maintaining it. In a council meeting this week, the city indicated it might be willing to do just that. Good. Costa Mesa is fast becoming a cultural hub for the county. It's time the city put a permanent end to the battle of the ditch . Whose reSponSibility? · W inter a fter winter it ha ppens. High tides batter the be ach at the El Mo rro Mobile Home P ark north of Laguna Beach, the oceanfront trailers and their d ecks over the sand are threatened, some decks crumble, residents are evacua ted, round- the-clock sandbagging rescues most of the 72 units, and residents move back in. In the most recent storm, more than 200 firemen, state parks o Uicials, Orange County Jail inmates and volunteers from the C alifornia Conservation Corps worked all night, alongside some residents, to place 24,000 sandbags under 35 of the most threatened tJ·ailers. · The Red Cross set up a shelter 1H nearby El Morro Sch ool to provide food and coffee for the rescue workers and residents. When a 6.9-foot tide hit in the morning, the sandbags held, but b alf a dozen of the trailers were f.ound to be in danger of tumbling and condemned and several more were still insecure. So far the re is no precise estimate of the cost to taxpayers of t.:he last El Morro rescue effort, but it: involved hundreds of man hours, large amounts of material --. and of course traffic problems oii nearby Coast Highway. : The mobile home park now 1·.ests on California state park land, L:>JI"t of the Crystal Cove State P arle for which the state paid $32 rrlillion in 1979 and has allocated a hother $5 million for park cl~elopment. , But the park purc hase agreement included the granting of 20-year leases for residents of the mobile home colony, most of which lies inland of Coast Highway. The problem, of course, has to do with the 72 beachfront units that are threatened almost annually by winter stonns. And, with equal regularit y, s tate and county ag e ncies are called upon , -a l ong with volunteers, to r escue the endangered trailers. Clearly, all residents of any area are e ntitled to the use of public safety services. But the question must be asked, bow much responsibility must the taxpayers be asked to take for r e peated rescue operations in areas that are repeatedly threatened by high tides, mud slides and fires? In some instances, higher insurance pre miums offer homeowner~ a degree of financial secu rity, but the El Morro situ a tion always seems to involve a substantial a m ount o f taxpayer-financed manpower. Obviously, it's a lovely place to live or spend a vacation - when the weather is good. But it's past time for the residents to balance this advantage against the cost of protection , should they be required to pay for it themselvee. And pay for it they should, as do other private enclaves that pay for their own security services as part of the cost of enjoying an unusual living environment. 1~.M. Boyd/Working woman "' [rhe working woman w ho takes a hio-week vacation may only get 3.2 di'ys of rest and relaxation out of it, if atfe'a typical. At least, that was the ca6e with women on the payrolls of 2~ big companie. checked out by the roearchen. So much was stacked up far the ladles to do at home, they ~dn't take real vacation advantage ot but a small part of the two weeks o(t. 'The heart beat of a seal slows down ~ ORANGE COAST Dai~yPilat c o n sid e rably when it dive s underwater. This diving reflex conserves oxygen. Thus, said seal can stay submerged longer. If you are over 55 yean old, you were born before anybody had a handset. telephone. Wall phones had been around for quite awhile, bu t Herbert Hoover was the first U .S. President to have a phone on hie desk. Calvin Coolidge could have had one, but wasn't interested. . I Themot , • Haley ,~- .,Jene AMOri (1t(U1,.e fd1IOr ........ Klel.actt (OolQffOI '• (0.IOf li(--· . • • • 0 . . ... u u 0 0 0 Clues to bureaucrats' power WAS HING TON -A v isitor to Was hingto(l, wandering through the corridors of bureaucratic power, may be unders tandably confused trying to figure out an official's true importance JuSLftom the. job_tille. Who-.hu---more clout, a deputy or an aasiat.ant, a deputy assistant or an assist.ant deputy? Take heart. There is a sulefire way of telling the big shots from the merely pushy peasantry: -CHECK THE official's wastebasket. If it's made of wood, he or she is a V.1.P. s ink and built-in cabinets, and probably a 300-square-foot dining area to boot. With newcomers arriving every four hours or so. steps have naturally been taken to see that government officials on!.\ s tray b~yond the bo.unda-of JICI 11111111 of impeccable credentials. If it's made of elegance appropriate to their rank. The s teel, forget il. General Services Administration , which -Is there a water carafe? A dictionary provides the o ffice furnishings, has st.and? A 11at tree? A rug on the floor? All codified the whole thing according to the these items are marks of distinction in levels of official position. Included in the bureaucrats' wish book are s u c h necessi t ies as drapes. bedspreads, shower curtains, artifida.\... plants, plan ters, urns and wall art. Among the furniture styles to choose from are-Danish, Trad itional, Modem.- Early American, 18th-century English and American (reproductions), Ranch S tyle, Rattan and lrldoor.OUtdoor Metal. THE GSA R EGULATIONS even pinpoint the space aUowances for each item. For example, four square feet are allowed for a dictionary stand or hat tree. but a valet rack can take up as much as eight square feet. Not all the furniture pe rks are necessarily codified; some have grown up by informal tradition, but are no less the_!ecle.cat.burea~. The uncertain ap ointee will first -Ask to check the plumbing. Then --w-a~nt to checktlle "use Stan arOs' 1st.ea pull out your tape measure. If the in the GSA~ Fe d e ral Property ~te cl es to an ofU.cial's status. The business abou t the wastebas ket, .,o_r __ bathroom is 45 square feet and includes Management Regulations, to avoid the toilet, washbowl. vanity and shower , embarrassment of ordering the wrong you're d ealing with the top of the kind of desk or perhaps a valet rack pecking order. If it's only 25 square feet when he's entitJed to nothing more than and has nothing more than a toilet and a coathook. washbowl. you may be wasting your Th e cegs state t h at L eve l A time on a nebbish. (executive) may have "executive" wood -If you can manage it, try pacing off furniture; Level B (middle management) the brass hat's office: 750 square feet is are allowed "unitized" wood furniture, top drawe r, especially if there's a and Level C (all the rest) must make do 500-square -foot conference room next with contemporary steel, general steel or door: 400 square feet de notes a definitely general wood furniture. lower level of power. Once he has found his proper niche, -Bring the conversation around to the official turns to the GSA supply gourmet cooking. The really top-grade catalog or the Federal Supply Schedule. potentate will have a 50-aquare-foot They lis t hundreds of items that the kitchen, with four-burner, double-oven GSA either has in stock or can order electric range, refrigerator, dishwasher. from suppliers. example -wood or steel -was totd w my report.er Carolyn Farrar by a former Transportation Department official. He also provided the lip on water carafes and rugs, and said that television sets are another excellent indi<.'ator of rank. The whole inc redible system has apparently grown up out or a single justifying phrase in the GSA regulations on assignme nt and utilization o( government office space. It states that a bureauc.rat's private oHice should be just large enough to allow him to "conduct his no rmal bus iness in an e fficient manner and with a reasonable degree of dignity." And dignity, as everyone knows, is very important in Washington. P~tf alls of the presidential trail In recent weeks I've given careful thought to the possibility of seeking the presidency in 1984. I have discussed this prospect with a gre<lt.many people and l- feel I have an obligation at this time to announce that I shall not run. There a re some overriding reasons why I have reluctantly come to this decision ... in addition to the (act, or course. that I wouldn't have a chance of winning. Let me mention some of the reasons for my decision . FIRST, many of you know that I've been married to the same w oman for more than 30 years. My advisers tell me that this can onJy hurt me at the poU.. [t gives people the impreeaion that I am out of the main stream in America, where divorce has become a way o( life. While l realize that neither the church nor the state considers lt morally WfOn8 to stay married under certain circumstances, It ls highly unusual behavior which might attract a lot of unfavorable comment. To tell you the truth. t his is not a political decision but a penonal one . The d~ision of my wile, Marge, and me to stay together has been very difficult for both or us. I simply don't want to expoee myself to a Qa.rrage of que8tions at every they can take pictures of us. I'm simply whistJe-stop I make: not going to do it. Once the children are "Do you think your marriage will hurt grown, there's just so much time you ~our .chances?'.!.--___ want. to bang..around togeth~. And it "IC Mrs. Rooney thought it would help would be as tough on them as it would l~~_,1-, be on me. How much time do grown children want t o spe nd with their parents? How many pictures of us all 'lllY 1 •• 1, ~: " 1 :;,. ~kv~~g a good time together can they To allay any s uspicions you might have about the support I am getting you get elected, would she sue you for divorce?" "Can you give us any valid reason for staying married to he same woman all this time?" The other issue . o f course. is the matter of the children. l simply can't stand the idea of spending any more time with our kids than I already do. We have four grown offspring and we see plenty of them the way things are. In the summer we see th em almost every weekend, and we see them often in the w i nte r , too . Thanksgiving and Christmas, with maybe a weekend ln between, doe9 it for me. If I run for the pcesidency, everyone will be after me to spend more time wlth the children IO from my family in my decision not to run, let me say th at I have the ir complete support. When I mentioned the possibility of running for the presidency to my son, the newspaperman. several 'weeks ago. he said. "You crazy or something?" All of them agree I'd be out of my mind to run for the presidency and their opinion gives m e a great deal of confidence. Two of them said I'd also be crazy to run in 1988 or 1992. 'Mysterious ·middle names SOME OF YOU ma)( wonder if the negative stories about me have h ad anything to do with this decision . I would be less than honest with you if I told you they did not. A recent poll indicated many people think I have a certain weakness of character. It's true. I have used ice cream for more than 50 years. I am an ice cream addict. When my adviler told me that I'd have to give up ice cream and lose weight if I were to run, I knew then what my dedalon had to be. There's just so much you can expect a man to do for his country. M y quiz on "middle names" a few months ago turned out to be unusually pqpular with readen -so much so, ln fact, that two of them in Detroit sent me a Ust of over 100 middle names. Since the mlDUlll previous quiz dealt only wlth authors, l've devi8ed another, from well-known personallUet In other f1elda. Followtnc lt a non-llterary aatortment of middle names; you ahould have no dlffkulty with five of them while 10 correct ii an aUmable ll'Ore: l. Aprd. 2. Afonio. 3. Alva. 4. Baines. 6. Callett. 6. Cleveland. 7. Collini. 8.UW.. 9. Oa~Uel 10. Mountain. 11. Nance. 12. S_pencer. II. Wark. 14. Wilkes. 15. Ewing. 18. Durrell. 17. Graham. 18. Hazard. 19. Maynard. 20. Sln,er. ANSWERS: a . Forme r Vice P r ealdent Henry Aprd Wall11ee. 2. Foott>.11 coach Amos Alonzo S1q1. 3. 'lbalua Alva Edi9on. 4. President I;yndon Baines Johnlon. 5. Gen. Georp Catlett Manhall. 6. Blileba1J plleher Grover Cleveland Alexander. 7. Com~r Stephen Collin1 Foeter. 8. President Warren Gamaliel Hardina. 8. Harry Ullla ("Bing") Crosby. 10. Forme r base ball comml11loner Kenelaw Moun1aln LandJI. 11. Fonner Vice President John Ntnce Oanwr. 12. Win11on Spencer ChurchlU. 13. Film pk>neer David Wark Orlfflth. 14. Aaaauln John Wilke• Booth. 1~. Adlai Ewtna StevenlOn (both father and IOI\). • 18. Aldlltect Lawaeuce Durrell Stone. 17. Either Alexander Graham Bill or William Oraha.m Sumnlr, the IOdotopt. 18. c.ornmoc1onc>uwr Hamd Pwry.18. Dther John Maynard~• RobM1 Maynard Hutcfaln1. to. Painter John 81 ....... Serawnt. One further admission. I can't end this announcement without admittlnc to you that I've been paying all my income tax. I know this makes me seem like a financial incompetent and I can only aay that I'm 10rry about payinc as much u l have. It was mistake anyone might have made. Thank you for listening to me . . . and If I change my mind next week, I hope I can count on your support. -· Southern California deflnltlona: Curb painted red? place for Cadlllan and Merced~ to park. Area poet~ "no ~··: place for Cadlllua and 'Cliche '°park . J.C.V •:::::rip I I .................... . .. ..................... .. ....... ... ... ,,.., • I . ' Fair theater vowed by .. July lyJODICADENHEAD OftMW,Nee •laft "M·•yoo u wo11'l uc •tarwd l''t>b. l . I'm a little bit 11kcptlc•I about Mr Ntderlander." Orange Cout DAii. Y Pll.OT/Frlday, o.c.Mber 10, 1982 To PIUl'C your "l"a11l 1te11ull" Service Directory ad . . l'•ll Now 642-1671 Id.JU New From JOHN ROBERT POWERS llllYIHAUDI Nllll&L UIP,_ Ill• for det•ll• c .. I Kim (714) 147-1221 For yourHlf or gift to eomeone Buoyed by auurances that a lon1 overdue $10 million unphltheater will be built at the Oranp County Fairsrounc:.ta by July, fair board members voted Thunday to spend $40,000 on parking lot drawings for the Coeia Mesa theater. but I've had that dhitlm·l fl~Ul'\I ll'Mll\)' tJn't'll befort'." said board m mbcr Clint H008<.•, who hu been lnatrwnentaJ in nl·goUutinti lhe amphttheater agrf't-ment with Nederlander. "It would be a miracle It It were open by July," he added. "l haven't aeen any miracle on thla project." The board 11ulhorl~ed the cxpendlturt' of $40,000 for working drawing• on a $1..6 million parking lot and uP8fading of 33 acres that would aUiround the theater. r--------------·----------------~ .i Ship Fruit /low!_ ij:~. ; In a surprise appearance Tuesday before a special fair board committ ee, James Nederlander of the Nederlander Organliation said con1truction of the 15,000-.eat facility will begin by Feb. 1. Already four years behind schedule, Nederlander officials blamed the conatructlon de1-y on legal and flnancial setbacka. Even lf the theater 11 not built the parking lot at Fair Drive and Merrimac Road eventually will be needed by the fairgrounds, offlciala said. I . I I' Order Your Fruit l11ket1 Ind At the meeting Thursday morning, board members expressed guarded optiml1m over the news that construction will begin soon. Relations between the board and Nederlander have been strained after ground breaking July, 1981 failed to produce more than repeated promises that further construction would begin any day. "I got the distinct feeling that the amp,hitheater would be built. TOP OF THE LINE Panasonic Portables ~~-~~:,; llgHIOS ;:._:_;: -~:;. , ~~ VHS Video Recorder! -=~ :...1-:._ Fully loaded, Wireless \ti 1 Remote $94900 V Panasonic PK-956 Compact color video camera Newvicon Tube, Auto-Focus Titling, Low Light, Fade The Nederlander company, which owns and operates major theaters acroH the country, including the Greek Theater In Loa Angeles, signed a construction contract with C.L. Peck of Irvine last June to build the bowl-shaped theater. Frustrated by the delaya, Falr board membera ordered Nederlander attorney Rick Witte to appear at Tueeday's committee meeting. Instead, Nederlander showed up, saying Witte was no longer in charge of the project. "I'm beginning to feel like Clint," said board president Burr Williama at Thursday's meeti VGT225 Meanwhile, fair board members moved ahead Thursday on plans for a hotel on the fairgrounds at the corner of Newport Boulevard and Fair Drive. Consultants submitted a report concluding the C<ieta Mesa site as an ex~llent location for a hotel. The consultan ts said the fairgrounds• proximity to South Coast Plaza and the· John Wayne Airport made it a choice site for a hotel. Hoose said the fair board expects to solicit bids in 1983. ront-Load VCR with Picture Search & 24-hour Electronic Timer $52900 O&ANVO Beta VCR 3900 s39900 PH ON E:646·8928 Mon. thru Fri. · 11 AM to 8PM Saturday · 10AM to 6PM Sunday · Noon to 5PM ViDED~~ CROSS ROADS ~ 103 E. Seventeenth St. (located off Newport & West Seventeenth - behind Denny's) • Fresh Flowen low. lo1't Forset I s,eoi1I li1oount1 In Qu11tl1J 1 Orden On lift loxes For Y 1ur 1 Cu1to111er, Friends, R1l1tiw11 Ind E111plo11e1. Call low 141-0032. Only Santas Prices Can Mat.ch _ Ours ' LEGAl NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (COD£ A•NDMENT 12·13) / ~ rJCMNlllTI~ • A ,.r .... •• cf Int'-)~" rt~, b111r fl~ •IW9UIW'WI Ard 11 ..... 1 h.>l4rd fartO<• ""' ,,...,. .... ,....,, Kl '"""" ,.., 100-,-, """II"" rlo•<Hl'rl _,,, ~· "''"' tv"l"\oll""'ft f)nO C 1 t M'I ~r~IJI ff"f"f 1 ,,.,.-,.,_,,. •lo?NI of .,..,,,,,lion ..,. -· but "" ri....i Mun! fe<'taro ,.,.,. ~m1IW'd. NI "'"""of 100-~ lhillClW rlt••llr>1 -M dr\~h• ..,., ~""" fll iv.I w.... Ill '""'''""",.,,,,, f'l_,tl_ ..,.. .-, Nt rn flood NMnl IOC\Onl <k.....u...t. Al-1110 /\""" ot I~ flrrt11 ,.,..,. 11..-.J ~1 .... u ..... .,., flCIOd hol!Al'd rortt><• Ort"""'""''· " /\r,... ll't""""1 lll'llt• N t.ht' 100-'l"ir '111n1 ...,. ~~ l lOC111 "' ...,,tAln .,,.,,. •••1Jl'Ct to ·~·"""' flf'Qlwi """ ""'l'rl•lf' ..,,.119 111'1• l h'VI """ IJ) f4:1M or _,,. U... n •nt11M1119 llroirwll' -la lrui tMn .,.., _,.. ""'"' or,.,..., p<'Otert'-'11 by I-t ... U.0 boM f lood, ~ -ot .... 11oia1 flonil'1'9· Y ~ ot I~ .,..•t•I tltlOd "'"' ,.\oc;lty •-ac-timlt -Ucn1 e\('Wliaw -,,_ .....,.,, '-· not """-~· Yl-v)t ,,,_. of I~ .--H I rlmil •111 WIMlt'I i.... oalml1 ..._II ..... -lftll'nl .. 1 W Y•! MMl"ll f M'.'\f'n -• ... 1""1, AUGUST 16 1982 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP ZONE ~ (Dl'1H 2) huntington beach planning division Everything in the store must be sola by the end of the year. We are closing our Fashion Island store Dec. 31, 1982 Watches 30 to 50°/o off . ··*··· • • 30 to 50°/o off Pearls & Pearl Drops 30°/o off Pins 30 to 50°/o ' off S6 FMhlon llland Newport BNch . ·~·· . . . . . • . Rings 50 to 70°/o off 144-2494. 50°/o off .. .u,. ·7f:4· • s -· 't) "· '• l Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT /P:r6day, Deoember 10. 1M2 MITSUBISHI STARIOll ... 1111 PLYlllHI CUllP UT08&01 Economlcal • cylinder engine, Automatic trans .. AM/FM stereo radio and morel (5e5YBA). tape. power steering & air conditioning. (960ZXT). $2695 $2995 . 1118 PllTllG 1111 lilll 1111111 SNIT OHPI SIYUWI UTOIUGI Economlcet 4 ~I., automatic V8, automatic tren1., AM/FM trana .. AM/F radio. pwr. 11ereo c.auette. pwr. 11..tng & ateertng & brak81, tilt wt'9el & air brake•. tllt wheel & air c:ond. (1ANK182). conditioning. (831YPC). $3995 $4395 MISTUBISHI CORDIA HATCHBACK .1118111111 1111 llTlll llTOIU• 21111 OllPI Economlc•I 4 cylinder engine, Economleel 4 cyllnder engine, 5 stereo radio and morel speed trana .. AM/FM atereo (MKF295). cHHlte & air conditioning. (6«981). $3395 $3495 1• 11n11 '1111 11011111 llUL OllPI Economlcal 4 ~ ~ne, 4 V8, automatic tran1., AM/FM speed tranem Hlon. A /FM atereo, pwr. •leering & brak•, atereo ce11ette and air .. vlnyl top, Ult wheel, crulH conditioning. (501ZKK). control, 1pllt Hat & air cond. (885TWM). $4695 s4995 SERIAL #200 147 WhJ -Bur I Ford or Cbevrolit'l MITSUBISHI TRIDIA SIDAN 1llO llUll IUT 414 Economical • cyl. engine, This 4 wt'9el drive ha a 4 speed automatic tr1n1mlsslon, stereo trans., radio and morel Get radio and low, low mites. reedy for winter ~I (308ZXZ). (102ZRT). $3995 $3995 _1111 "-'-"~ 1111111111 auuunu• Ul•PE 4 cylinder, 5 speed Irena., radio. 5 apeec:t tranamlNlon. AM/FM cvstom wheel, air conditioning, atereo CMMtte, two-tone P91nt l ow mites and much morel and cuatom wheels. (245VWD). (861WXG). $4995 $5995 1~- .. #f,l;U ~· Siigns of the times FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1H2 CAVALCADE WEDDINGS GARDEN ~hristmastime Bt STEVE MITCHELL Of JM Oellr Piiot l taff 1 As befits an art colony, Laguna Beach has pUJled DUt the palettes and created c-Oler-f.ul-and-- ori gi nal -holiday designs for display on downtown streets. Artists' palettes, decorated by more than 30 of Laguna's top artists, ado rn light standards on Coast Highway and along Forest Avenue. Now, the novel Nativity no tio n is not new. Silk screene d palettes, create d by Laguna's Earl Secor, hung on street lights during the Christmas holidays for mo re than a dozen years. But the 104 decorated palettes came in only three silk screen designs, and two years ago they were accidentally discarded. Members of the Laguna Beach Arts Commission rescued the wooden palettes before they could be taken to the dump. That's where arts commissione r Miche lle Purcell came in. "I thought it would be really unique to refu rbish the palettes by distributing them to artists in town and asking the m to c reate their own original holiday theme design," said Purcell, h erself an Art -A-Fiar festival exhibitor. -i So the artist ~ecruited-he r hus&aAd, l:aguAa - Police Chief Neil Purcell , Earl and Sylvia Secor, and othe r arts commiss ioners to take on the task of pr1eparing the pale ttes for the artists. And a task it was. "It took every weekend in September just to sa nd them," the woman laughed. , Then the volunteers applied three coats of base paint a nd distributed the wooden palettes to local artists. The response from Laguna's painte rs was fantastic, Purcell said. And Purcell said she would like to see the program expand next year to include more artists and more pale ttes. "I think people would come from all over to see an original display of holiday designs by o ur artists," Purcell said. She envisions a popular holiday tradition that could draw Christmas shoppers and visitors to Laguna Beach -the art colony. 82 86 8 Flowers are popular ior Christmas decor. See Page B7. Laguna Beach calligrapher Sam Schweitzer sits beside his yuletide pa lette message. Other local artists whose works are represented include Earl 5ecor's Santa (center); William E. Kaye's reindeer and Santa; and Fred Bonn's "home for Christmas" offering. The colorful palettes adorn dozens of street light poles in Laguna's downtown through the holidays. • • ~ ) Orange 011t DAILY PILOT/Friday, O.oember 10, tH2 •• GOif ii ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF North-South vulnerable . West deals. NORTH •K7U I '1 K 1045 0 7 •Al 085 WEST EAST +Q.182 •10 '1 JIU '1 Q84 O Q85 0 AKJ1093 +u •Qu SOUTH •AtU <:?Al OU! •1CJU The bidding: Wellt Nortla Eallt S.utla Pua Pa1e 3 o Paa1 PaH Obie Paa1 4 + . , Pa11 Paa1 Pa11 Opening lead: Five of 0 . ll 1s All yery well to draw Inferences from the bidding. However, don't let your Im aglnotlon toke the place of sound technique. East's three diamond preempt Is somewhat unor thodox. However, alnce his partner had pa.ssed In fir1t aeat. the chances or 1ame were remote. It teemed wiser to try to interfere )Ylth the opponents' auction. This tactic backfired because, without the preempt, North· South might not have been able to reach an excellent four 1pade contract on their own 1team. North had the Ideal hand for a takeout dou- ble In the balancing 1eat, and South deemed that hi• hand warranted a 1hot at game even oppo1lle a hand that could not open. South'• bid ding judgment w11 excellent. Unfortunately, he judged the play of the hand le.a well. Wett led a diamond, E11t won the king and continued with the ace. Declarer ruffed and c11hed the klni and ace of trumps. When Eatt 1how- ed out, it was obvious t hat the defenders had t heir book -West hod two high trumps to go with the diamond trick in the bank. Therefore It seemed that de,s:larer would have to guess the location of the 4ueen of clubs. for this contract. Since East had preempted, POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT-•• HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA SatllrdRfEs December 11 A (March 21-April 19): Aura of mystery is present -information you need re quires persistencp e te rmlnation and willingness to sacrifice some Ume and money. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go slow, realize project has yet to be completed. Focus on rights, permissions, legal documents, possible partnerships and marital status. 1 LU<E -n:> &It ON SOMETMING THAT'S GOINC5 'i SOMSWHSlllt / T HAT'S WMY I ENJOY B E'tNG ON T l-IE' EARTH . decharcr •lt-cled to play hln1 for lht;i ahorter cl ubt. So he ruffed a diamond. croHed to the king or clubs and led a club to tht> ten tor down ont'. Had declarer taken lime out to count the band, he would have reallied that he might have ten l rlck1 witho"t having to rely on the loe&lion or the queen of clubs. After learning ol lhe trump break declarer should rurr his last diamond on the table. Next he cashes the ace·king or hearts and ruffs I heart. When both defenders follow, the contract is assured. Declarer returns to dummy with the ace or clubs and ruffs onother heart. 11 the ruff stands up, declarer ruht·~ the king of club• for hl11 lt'nth trlrk. 11 We11l ovt1r ruffs, he Is down to nothing but l'lubi and must lead a cl uh Into declarer's king jack lton1tc:e, giving declarer two more trick• in the suit for a total or ten. Have '" been rtt••I•& la· to double trouble? Let CharlH Goren help you llad your way ~r'ouch the mue of DOUBLES for peaaJUe1 aad r.r takeout. For a copy of laJ1 DOUBLES booklet , tend 11.85 &e "Gorea·Double1," care of tlaJa aew1paper, P.O. Boa 259, Norwood, N.J . 0'7848. Make check• peyable to New1paperbooll1. rou1 HIALTH OR. PETER J . STEINCAOHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I've bad a spur in my heel for the f ast year. I'm wearing ortbotics w h ich h e lp a lttle, but I 'm s till a lmos t incapacitated. I recently bought a rubberized heel cup lo relieve the pressure on the spur. It hasn't he lped. I've been to podiatrists and orthopedists. One suggested ope ra tion, the othe r was agalHLlt. Wha t's your vote? -MRS. C. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): New approach to rOUtine affairs is necessary. Refuse \0 be possessed by possessions. Resolve to gain great.er personal fteedom. Valuable lesson i!I learned concerning Ufl,ique eervices, diet and employment. · CANCEB June 21.July 22):-.EmpbaaiS-On ch ange , tr'avel , var iety and an inte n sif ied relationship. Gain overall picture, leave fine points or details (or another day. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Moon in your sign highlights independence, creativity, con-ect timing, snap judgments which prove to be on target. Take --mttfat , exerc111e n epcnoence oltHOught, action. DEAR MRS C.: I haven't registered, so l can't cast my baUot. I'm not beang facetious. I thank you can understand that your doctors will help you more than I can from w ay back here. Kc.-ep up your spmts; "To~gh it out." Sometimes_, the darn lhing gets well without any S(X'Cial trcatml'nl. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Attention centers ar ound prope rty, home, security for family members. Resolutions concerning diet, health must be renewed. Long distance communication Involves possible invitation \0 travel. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Puzzle pieces fall' into place -sense of direction is restored. You'll display courage of convictions; it may be necessary to tear down for ultimate purpose of rebuilding on a more suitable base. Scorpio figures in ecenario. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): 'Sense of perception is heightened -you discern motives, you are capable of expressin~ yourself in vital, dynamic, graphic manner . ..... ,.f. ,.oo~f.SS ..,.au"~ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)·: Mediation proves beneficial. Change y~ pace -being alone is not synonymous with being lonely. Gather FOR MR. S : I think that stalisuc-s wall agree strength and spiritual reservesJ with you that colds and the flu are more hoi:nmon in CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 1'9}:Accept'-a""a;r.ar.ea=---.t~hc-months-of-Ft-branry and March I can think o( responsibility -you'll gel credit for past efforts two reasons for thas. One. that mouth, nose and and be duly compenaated. Focus on popularity, new throat are abnormally dry because of hot-air heat friendships .. fulfillment of desires. dur i n g winter m o nth s . Tw o, b c.>t'ause o f AQUARIUS (J an. 20-Feb. 18): Reach beyond overcrowding indoors during cold wcathc.•r, the current expectation. You're going to catch brass virus is spread from onli? to the other more easily. ring! Lunar emphasis on success, business, career opportunities, dealings with professional superiors. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Change of acene is indicated -travel is highligh ted and you could embark on sea journey. Focus on communication, possible publishing project. ability to overcome distance and language barriers . Dr. Stemcrohn welcomes ques tions from readers. He C'annot answer all individually but will includt' those of gent'r:il interest m h1i. column. Send your quesuons to him, in care of th1' Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560. Costn Mesa, Calif. 92626. from DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our ton, who la yNU'll old, iH In prlflCln. Jack wUJ be \here for a lo time w t'Ome. The problem 11 my husb:lnd. He refUJt'I \0 le our younaicr sons go visit him. Wo went laal ye and wok the kids (8 and 11 yrars old) and they w very sud aU the way homt:. They also asked a loc. questions that w ere dafficult lo answer, T h evening my husband suld, "That's the lu l ll wc>'rC' wking the l>oys. If you want to go see 'Jae", I'll drive you, but the young ones stay home." , The (•hildrcn love eal'h other, Ann. I bellev." they atl' old enough to understand. ln my opiniOQI the visit was not aU that harmful. We have arguedill about this so mul'h these past few months that W'f now know a third party must help us decade what ls right. You're the one we chose. Please hC'lp. -4 MASSACHUSETTS MISERIES • DEAR M.M.: I'm with you, mom , and bere are my reasons: Tbe two younger boys couldn't bave a better model of wbal ba ppen1 to people wbo break tbe law. Tbey see tbelr brotber locked up belllnd, bars, denied tbe freedom of llvlng a normal life. Pleasant, no. But useful. T be yo unger ones wlll also h a v e tbe opportunit y lo learn tbat even though someone they love bas do:.c: something terribly wrong, tbey• should "bate tbe 1ln but love tbe sinner." Tbat %0-year-old l1 still your son -no matter wha t. To de ny .blm tbe pleasure of seeing bl1· brothers would be crael. Vlsltlng with them l1 one of tbe few bumanlllng experiences be wlll have• lnslde those concrete walls. The vl1it1 may be beart-wrencblng, but they do far more good than harm. Please continue to take the boys to see tbelr brother. DEAR ANN LANDl!:RS: Both my sist.er.,_and have two children between 8 and 13 (no babies). Neither of us can afford sitters. so we have alway kept one a nother's kids whenever we've had chanl'e to go out. When l asked Sis to keep my children the l few times, she r efused. Finally I came right out an said , ''What-i~ t he problem?" She claims he husband won't allow it anymore. I asked if the ki had misbehaved. She said, "No -they behave jus Cine." Even though she has refused to keep my ki~, she has not hesitated to ask me to keep hers. resent this. Please tell me how to resolve th problem. My hostility is growing. -PUZZL • AND HURT IN HUNTSVILLE , DE AR P. AND ff.: Resolve tbe problem witlt your vocal chords. Ask wby her husband bas put bis fool down. If sbe can't come up with a reason, tell ber fair ls fair and you wlll not keep her children· unleaa site ke.ep_s yours, ~ DEAR ANN: Please t.eU your readers to place;: all e lectric cords out of the reach of their cats and·I dogs. A cord' looks harmless, but it isn't to a cat or =: dog who likes to chew on them. r found out the-~ hard way when my darling puppy started to chew"' on a cord in the living room and w as electric·· shocked to death. F.durat.e your animal lovers, Ann. : -SAD IN OHIO . DEAR SAD: Thanks for the lip. Child lovers.~ should take tbe same precaution. .: Dr. Arthur H. Hayes Commissioner, DAYl ... •OWN MICROWAVE ~VIII GENERAL ELECTRIC • 1.4 cu. ft. Oven Capodty Defrett . 25 Minute Timer ModllnT830 • Lor .. 1.4 cu. ft. • Dual Wove Microwave • 10 Pewer Lev• • Aute c..11 SAVE s30 ............ • c.1111 .. , ...... , .... • ...,... a... a """' ......... - U.S. Food & Drug Administration In recent days, we've al l been shoc ked by cri minal tam- pering with the med icines on our store shelves. Innocent products like Tylenol- products that are intended to help -have been used to hurt. Government and indu stry are working together to provide packagi ng to lesse n the chances that this sort of thing will hap- pen again -either to the people of Chicago or to people any- where in the country. But we can't guarantee pro- tection against everything that a sick mind might think of. You must help. When you buy medicines-or any product- be sure boxes are not opened or damaged. Look at seals or wrappings to make certain they're not tom. And, when you get home, ".heck the product inside the package for signs of tampering. And alert your chil- dren to thj s problem, too. We don 't have to do without any of the medicines that make our liva more comfortable. But we can use a little extra care. That's a good rule anytime. Prt~ ot a ptlbllt Nn'icv Irv tlw Food'-' °"'I Nlm/111.rtrotion. I Linda Lewin of Park Newport with tactician Gary Jobson and Defe nder/Courageous Syndicate Skipper Tom Blackaller S ·1· lJ a11ng teaID THE DEFENDER/OOURAGFX>US SAILING team had a r o using welcome to this area from the folks at Park Newport. About 350 gathered at the Spa, nibbled on hors d'oeuvres, and had an opportunity to aee a boating film and chat informally with the crew. The group da nced to live music until 11 p.m . and then moved over to winters in NB the Marriott to continue the partying. The crew and the two yachts start winter training and sailing here this month and will continue until March. The crew, winter headquartering' at Park Newport and the Balboa Yacht Club, where the boats will be moored, have as their goal to be chosen to defe nd the America's C up off Newport, R.I., next September. Uncommon gifts ~-.;::-,.from 63 countries.( S andalwood . once an Oriental fa vorite. is now a wo rldwide fa vo r ite. There's nothing else like it. From China. bath-size bar reg. 69c For Your Conv1nlenc1 T 11 E Wiii Be Open 1111J11y, v~c:. 12 and Dec. 19 / .l:<XJ am ru 5:00 pm Mon, Dtt,. 20 chru Thurs., Dt:c .H I 0:00 am co 9:()() pm 1028 Bayside Or., Newport Beach 760·0191 HOLIDAY PARTY PLATTERS Available From $2.50 per person & up ':Jke Stan/orJ fi.ouje 18926 Magnolia 963-0179 Fountain Valley G ive black or rosewood stand s with our deco- rative po rcelain plates (sold separately). Gifts with taste. From Taiwan. reg. 1.99-5.49 T rim your tree with handmade ornaments and find some to give to loved ones. Pier I's buyers gathered this selection from all over the world. % 25%off 1688 H oliday colo rs make tapers ideal for deco- rations. 12:· reg. 49c .......... ea 25• rs:· reg. 59c ........ ea. 30• 10" tapers. reg. 20• S. prtcn &ood oM week only. lhenew ~ • col le---- , . reg. 49c·2.99 ............... . • w ire baskets for carry- 1 ng eggs to market long ago became an excuse for village women to create many Ingenious designs. From Taiwan. reg. 2.79-4.99 25%off S earching with half- closed eyes for a mug every morning? Get a wood rack with 10 pegs. Take one to the office, too. From Tai- wan , reg. 1.29 G ardeners need our canning jars You may get some back next Christ- mas. full of ~crumptiou~ delights En tM"e stock on sale, reg. 2 29-1 .99 25%off ,. , _. ·ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue, 772-2.472 COSTA MESA -2710 Harbor Boulevard, 540-7337 Orange Coall OAIL.V PILOT/Friday, December 10, 1982 - II.,. 50 .. 1\N I) ( J II I 11 /,) ................... .l'Ji- ~~ !~~ 136.ll 25.99 ® iii li/4.99 24~99 2-IN-1 RACIN' WHEELIES SET Regular $39.99 ....... 21. 99 HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION MAGNUM 440 PRO RACING TRUCKING WITH 5 STATIONS Regular $54.99 ....... 38.99 Reqular $52.88 ....... 37 .99 • --- FALL GUY BOUNTY HUNTER'" ...... ,...," ... Spectacular Jump•, bumps and crHhH are awaiting when you talCe the Wlleel 'U Colt Seven -the Fall Ouyt Comu with Fall Guy pickup, AFX stunt car, 11 ft, of track, wall pack and much more. ~«/ 137. 99 27. 99 .. BELOW COST BIG RYDER CONTAINER TRUCKING WITH 5 STATIONS Regular $44.99 . . . . . . . 6. 99- VARD BOSS N.g1u1e train aet with "USRA" O·l ·O switcher • tender, )-dome tank car, 51 It. PIUt-door car, 1ondola cu with 1rnel load( cabooae, plu1·ln termln11 trac:IC, ,..railer rack Instructions and UL ~d poi39.'99 21. 99 --~--------------N·SCA L E SCENIC EXPRESS TRAIN SET WITH LAYOUT Regular $38.88 ....... 27 .99 ~ -.~~--..,,, a -LAZE~• HO SCALE AACl' Sl'l INCREDIBLE VERTICAL TAKE-OFFS! HO snle rtc9 set comes with 2 futuristic AFX Lazer 2000 cers, 2 veriable ..,Nd hind controllers. plu9°in terminel tr~. cunt•, strtight end transition tections, lfld Luer 2000 guerd rails. ~~ 13~9 28.99 STEEL-HAU~E;T~AI~ -~T with GIANT operating crane Reqular s49.99 ..... 19.99 - 'LIST$ 19.88 REG.$ 9 .;~·~~·.·~·~···~·9 BOWKER 2-4-0 LIST$ 79.98 REG. $39.99 ... 26.99 2-TRUCK HEISLER LIST $179.98 REG. $89.99 ... 59.99 USRA HEAVY PACIFIC LIST $198.98 REG . $99.99 ... 49.99 :a I piece trutl• set Includes: 21 1r1du11td trestles (2 or ~ each sin), 2 ramp aectlon1, 2 LIST ~5 99 b rld .. 1ldt1 • 1 brldt• deck. ' $14.00 • RPp. $:!.99 .,,,, ,;;;, ........... -I l/!O ICAU :? _ ----~~<ff<~, " 1•2.99 '. 29.99 I C"AN!dl -I 'UICTIOIW A/C CAA C.-...... I _..,. -,,...,._ .......... -.......... -... ------ fl'ull1' •r•••r11onat, I r11nC1· Ion rMI•, c11111n1 JNll in• ,1, fll••• san• ires. 10 . n M"4, I "C" a. 4 "AA" bit· terles re411u1re•. ~s::99 54.99 I fllMtloA "l'C .. , wllll .... ""'•"" .... ,. ..... ,.. ..... ' ..... "C" llltUeltft. tlllf, I "tV" llltU•,. 1tet IMt.a ~8~:98 39 .91 Shack , t ... B it Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Oeoambar 10, 1912 Hollywood stars turn out for gala VIP reception Con rad Bain, "Sound of Music" cast mem ber Becky Harrison and UCI Professor Carl Cotman fltllllC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING lllOS • Joe Moacolo from ''0•}'• of Our Liv~•" : C>nr11d S.ln from "Oltf'rt"nt Slrokee"; Bill Barnt!I, Lola At\8tilt'I Rama; Lynn-Holly Johnaion, •tar of "Ice Caatlt>s" and Trlaha Caet of "Bad Newa ~an" promlaed to attend the VIP ~oeptlon held In lhe Art Gallery on the UCI campus and they did. The reception wu held w aid the UCI Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Retearch Fund and preceded benefit performance of the "Sound of Mualc" the Corinthian Playen ln the Fine AN Villap eatre. The more than 100 in attendance alao Included fonner San Francllco Mayor Joe Alioto, who flew down for the fund-ralaier, and Donn Hall, mayor of Coeta Meu. KATHERINE CRAMM of Newport Beach hu for several years opened her home to the Col. WlOlam Cabell chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution for Its annual educational meetfna. To express the chapter's appreciation of her hoepitality, Cramm was honored at a luncheon at Sherman Gardena. Hoepltality committee members attending were Miami Hammond, Carolyn Dickey, Kathe rine Grath, Florence Rider, Frances Sloper and Mary Lou Speed. Carol Brokopp, husband Bob Brokopp, Bob Pierson and Dia ne Grable, choreographer The new market interest account. you or ~you? NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhlt ... led proposals for lurnlsnlng all labor. materlala, equipment. tranaporletlon and such olher lacllltlea aa may be required for INSTALLATION OF THE EAST tTTH STREET SIGNAL SYSTEM will be ~ved by Iha City ol Costa Mesa, al the omce ol the City CleOt. 77 Fair Orlva. Coata M esa. Cal1lornla. until Iha hour ol 11 00 a.'71 .. Dec 21. t982 at whi<:h llme lhey wlll be opened publlcly and read aloud In the Council Chamber• Sealed proposals shall bear the lille ol the wort< 111d the name ol Iha bidder but no other dlsllngulahlng marka. Any bid reoelved aller the scheduled dosing llme lor the receipt ol bids shall be returned to the bidder unopened. II shall be the 1ole raaponalblllty ol Iha bidder 10 see lhal his bid Is received In proper llme A HI of Plans, Spacial Pro11IS1ons and addl11ons 10 ~ Pro111Sions to tl'HI Standard Spac1fleallons may be obtalMd al Iha oltlce o111le City Englnaer. 77 Fair Drive. Costa Mesa. Calltornta. al a cost ol S 10 00 plus S2 00 II melled. Plens. spacllic.hona end other conlract documentt mey also be examined al Iha ottic:e of the Trefflc Engineer of the City of Costa Mesa ------he ' -irst-lntentate gWes,_..~-~ Each bid shall be made on the Proposal form. sheels P-1 lhrough P-8 provided In the contract documan1s. end shall be accompenled by a carllfled or cashier's check or e bid bOnd for not Ian than 10% ol the amount of the bid. made payable 10 the City of Costa MeN. No proposal Shall be conslde<ed unlas accompanied by auch caahlar·a check, cash or bidder'• bond. No bid alla" be con.idered unless It t. mecHI qn • blank form lutnlshed by tl'HI City or Coate Mesa and Is made In accordance with lh provision• or the Propo1a1 requirement a. Each bidder muat be llcenled and elso prequalltled as required by law. The Chy Councll or the City 01 Coata Mesa reserves the rlghl to re)act any or all blda. quiet, IOgiciil answers to die most-asked questions. Are the interest rates the onlY reason to switch to one of the new banli accounts? Not by a lonJ.{ shot. Thert: ':-. secu- rity. for one thing. Money market fund s are not insured. Your bank deposits. on th<: other hand. arc insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation <FDIC) up to $100.0<X>. I . i ! • \ i Tl'HI Contractor aball comply with Iha provtslona of Sections 1770 10 1780, lnclu1111a. of the Calllprnla Labo< Code. Iha 1>1evalllng rate and sc.ie of wages eslablished by Iha City of Costa MeN wtllch 11e filed wl1h Iha City Clerk of the aaid City; and shall forfeit penaltlea pre SC r I bed I her. In f 0 r noncompliance 01 ll'HI aald Code Can I get to my money_ when I want? ~--~-------~-=-~--~----------..._-Mutual funds an.: often handled thousands of miles away. Of EILEEN P. PHINNEY City Clerk Published Orange CoHt Delly Pllol. Dec 3. 10, 1982 5297-a!l fltllllC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING 810 8 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhat seated propouls for furnishing all labor. mat erials. equipmenl. transporlatlon and such olher facllltlaa H may be required lor INSTALLATION OF TWENTY TWO INTERNALLY ILLUM INATEO STREET NAME SIGNS AT VARIOUS LOCA TIONS wtll be r-ved by the City of Cosla Mesa at the olltGe ol the City Clerk, 77 Fair Drive. Cosla Mesa. Cahlom1a. unlll the hour ol 1 1.00 a m on Oecembef 2 t. 1982, at whlCh hme lhey Shall be opened pubhcly and read aloud In the Council Chambers. Sealed proposals shall bear Iha title of Iha work and Iha name ol the bidder but no other dlatlngulthtng marks. Any bid received alter the ICheduled Closing hme lor lhe recetpl ol bids lhall be relurned 10 Iha bidder unopened It lhatl be ll'HI IOle responslbilrty ol the btdder to -lhat his bid II r~ In proper ttme A set of Spec1.i ProvlSIOnl and additions to General Provisions 10 the S11ndard Specfflca11ons may be obtained at Iha offlca of the Crty Engineer. 77 Fair Ortve. Costa Meta . Call lornl a . upon nonrefundable paymenl ol $10 00 An addlllonal charge or $2.00 wiH be made II handled by mall. Plans. 1pecll1Cat1on1 and 01her CQnlract documenlt may also be examined at the office 01 tl'HI City Clerk of lhe City or Cotta Mesa. Each bid lh•ll be made on the Propoul IO<m. a/IMIS P· 1 through P-8 provided 1n Iha contrac t documenll. and sha ll be accompanied by a cerlllled or euhler'a cheek or a bid bond for not .... than 10% of the amount ol Iha bid. made payable to Iha City ol Cotta Meal No proposal shall be con91dered untas accompanied by such caahlar't check. cash or bkkl«'• bond. No bid shall be considered unless II 11 made on a blank rorm furnllhed by the Clly ol Cotta Mesa and la made In accordance with Iha provision• of the Proposal reQUlramentL ~ bidder must be licensed and atto prequ .. illed M required by law Tl'HI City CouiKll ol the City of Costa MM8 r~ the rlgnt to reled wry "' an bids. 'flle COntractor ahall comply With lhe'rovlelOna ol Sec11ona 1170 IO 178 lnclutlve, ol Iha Callfornla La.bOf Code, Iha pt9Vaillng rate and ICale of wagea eatablllh8d by Iha Cltt °' COit• MeN whleh are lllad whh Iha Clly Clef1l of Iha said City, and ehall forfeit pena111e1 pres cribed therein for noncornpllanca ot Hid Coda. EILEEN P. PHINNEY ~ Cletk Publlehad Orange Coaat Dally Pile», Dec. 3, 10, 1H2 6301·12 '--- Can banks pay as much oo this account as money market funds? At lea ta~ much. In any case. it'll be highly competiti\·e ... and adjusted frequdltly to make sure that your funds keep earning rnmpL·ti - tive rates. The law requires a minimum initial dePosit of $2,500. rnurse. this is not the l'asc with banks. In other words. your money and ac(.'ount information arl' a lot (i more al'ces~ibll' th<m \\ ith money market mutual fund:-. l 'nder the llt'\\ law. vou'rt· allowed unlimiwd ca~h-w1th­ drawab. You're abo allowt·d a rnmbination of si'< automatic p<1y- mt.•nt~. pre-aul hort1.L•d,p;iy111e111 s or L'hcrks. No more than thrt•t• of the six may be check:;. ) \ H I should decide to go with one of these new~ why should I choose First Interstate Bank? Reason *I: Reason *2: Reason *3: ·~' IJighly competitive rate Reason *4: Soon, with our CIRR US network, you'll even be able to access your in\'c tmenl account from roast to coast. Think of the liquidity and cnnvt'- nicnce that will mean. •'• •• • ,,. ... .,. __ .., ..... , . . ·~ . . .f.. • •• ·: '~· . • • • • • • • • , ....... ~, ' .... ~­..... •• Only First Interstate 's Market Interest Account gives you instant access to your money 24 hours a day. 7 days a week at any one of our nearly 700 Day & Night Tellers• throughout the West. 1, 11 Oay& Tl~ I \ - -___ J Reason *S: If you sign up now. First lnter~tale Bank will J.(1Ve you anextra$iE~M O i Rwon•6: If you sign up now. your first set of checks arc free of charge. Remember this: the new high interest accounts can be confusing. But there are differences. And nobQdy gives you the combination of high Interest, easy access, and security that First In terstate can. More for your money. Al First Interstate Bank o( California, it comes with the territory. • I Only the First lntt•rstate System $li\'l'S you 111:-lant al'Cesi; to rour munL•\' al our 900· brand1e · in the 11 WL· ll'rn talc lt•rrltory:- Reason *7: 'fo make 1t even mnrl' attractive for you lo come in and :.ee U\, you can sign up to wm the pritl' of a liftot inw-a \ I , $150,000 vacation , home in Palm Springs. .. • I ' • • • • • • • • ' • l ! • • : 1 . I • • • I t I i WEDDING Crisp- Morton Julie Anne Morton llf\d Gary Phillip Crisp 'fere married in Our Lady Queen of Angela Church, Corona del Mar. They are residing in South Pasadena. Parents of the newlyweds are Joyce and Robert Morton of Corona del M'ar and Roee andltiY Crisp of Fountain Valley. Mrs. Crisp Rawlings- ('{rasel H eidi Kraae l and Roger Rawlings repeated their wedding vows In St . Andrew's Presbyterian Church and are now making their home ln Newport Beach. Parent s of the newlyweds are Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Krasel of Newport Beach and Mr. and Mrs . R ichard Rawlings of Corona del Mrs. Rawlinas .M!I· " ALDWIN -HAMMOND PIANO And HGAllS None finer 12% financing on new Baldwlns Dec. only (sale Items excluded) ORGAN & PIANO CENTIR 270 E. 17th St., Costa Meaa 645-2471 Co~ta meJa Art ofeagW! ~ne A,.1~ Slww Lido Marina Village Saturday, Dec. 11 Sunday, Dec. 12 10 -4 .m . _ ... mfJoa~t ~ ~1-1762 \VINDO\V FASlllOSS CUSTOM DRAPERIES ETC •. ... FOR YOUR NEW OUTLOOK 40% 5AlE 60~ 10-DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Free Home.ls.tinltes... -Custom Draperies -Levelor Blinds -Vertlcle Blinds -Woven Woods Ill It ,. l1rteat•llle Prloesl NEWPORT HARBOR PARADE OF LIGHTS CHRISTMAS CRUISE Enjoy being a part of tht traditional Parade of Li&hts Christmas Cruise aboard the newly commissioned Catalina Holiday. Friday, December 17th Saturday, December 18th Sunday, December 19th Monday, December 20th BOARDING TIMES: SAILING TIMES: 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. COST: 514.00 per person • 1·1ca~ ~pccify sailing 1trnc when ordering I tel..tb will be honored for &pcc11icd -ailing 11mc onl)' Balboa Pavillion Milin Strttt cl: Edg~atn ~ TRIP INCLUD ES: • 11/1 Hour Cruise • Champape • Dancin1 with Live Music •No Host Bar FOR RESERVATIONS CONTACT: Exttudve Toun It Transportation 711 Welt 17th Street, Suffe C·ll Costa Meu, Callf omla 92617 (714) 646-1163 ·Wt'NIN· A LL PR l("L'; SUIUCT TO CH ANGE WfTHOllT NO Tin~ ""-.... ....,., dllle for lnlflr .................. In ·-"_....,. ... ,. .. ___ ............. ... •M'ai* ... dW ...................... ~ --to .... , ............. to .......... . CROUl'S MUST MAK• THElll OWN ~'9'!3-TRAN.f;fl'OlfTATHJN AlflfANGEMtiNTS. Mn. Shea M rs. J enson heo- 1ni th Mr. und Mrt. T"rry Patrick Shea are reaidlnai on Balboa I s land tollowlna their rnarriaae In Community Con1re1atlonal Church, Corona d el Mar. The bride, the fonner Janet Leslie Smith, ia the daughter of the Michael C. Smiths of CoiJta ~esa. - The .bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Shea of San Clemente Jenson- Davis Suzanne J oy Davis and Captain William '•Swede" Jenson were married in En.sign View Park a nd h ave established their home in Newport Beach. The bride is the daughter of Margaret Kelly Davis of Australia . Orange Coaat DAfL Y PILOT /Friday, December 10, 1882 • BS Tim Parke r, uzy Baron and Vin Jorgensen Benefit for developmentally ~isahled MARCH 5, 1983 I mark your calendars now. h's the date aet for South Coast Foundation for the development.ally disabled at Neiman-Marcus. The evening's festivities, which will mark the st.ore's fifth anniversary, fncludes a black-tie buffet supper, silent auction and a fashion show spotlighting the creations of Coty award winning couture designer Michaele Vollbracht. Barbara and Jim DeBoom host.c..od a cocktail party in their Newport Beach home to announce plans for the benefit. JanJce Piper and Sharon Rude will aerve aa co- chainnen and they will get a lot of help from the benefit committee wruch includes among others Vin and Nora Jorge nsen (he's the support group chairman and she's vlce president of the auxiliary). Ladies Auxiliary President Suzy Baron and her hus band Rudy, Foundation President Frank Crinella and his wife Terri, Stan and Maureen Cole, Hal and Kitty Leslie, Rhonda and Tim Parker, (He's VP and general manager of NM), Mamie Reed, Tim and Susan Strader and Victor and Melba York. ,._~ller'y ol Gilt Ideas Aaron Brothers Ar1 Marts 1ne store 1ha1 bnngs you quabry frames and a11 supples aLlow prices now presents a c:ollectlon o( Christmas gift Items at the same incredible savings M4S't P«OY VAKT ~16.'15112.118 .. holds Jewelry, spare change. and other personal possessions In Its trlple sec· lk>ned tray 11 • long IJ'.5K. OIL PNNT/Nr ~~,.CJ5 ,~~ from SpeedbaD includes 7 oil colors, techniques hand- book, and mOl'e. #IJlW'f.'15SW!lf of colorlully painted lmari w111e SCNeS candy Of other tasty tidbits to your hoklay guests REVOLV/N6 Mt/Sl(AL f/<iUUNE ROT 11.~ll.18 sits atop a wooden toy drum (Style$ may vary from stOfe to stOfe.) §JP flllL WITH MJi 24.</5112.N 35" tall wooden cane with brass fittings has a glas6 flask underneath Its brass duck head handle. • ----• KIT ~:: T::J!l{M~H:95 ~-Don gay apparel with T • shlr1S you prtnt yowwW Kit lncluda 3 colors t&Xtta Ink. 7x9• &ame ~ kTMn. and l'nOfC The Gift of Graphics For the person that deserves a special gift, our framed designer graphics are the perfect choice. Displayed behind glass in silver, gold, and black metal frames. these striking subjects by artists Davis, Avedon, Dujc. and Friedman measure 20 # x34 • to 24"x36". Reg. 79.95 S44.88 Oak and maple frames with fabric: lners 21/• • mould Frame Guarantee If we're out of !he frame me you rwed, pick a frame o( equal Of !J'8aler value and we'U give you the same dollar d1SCoun1 as the advertised frame iWf!tf:'N from SpeedbaU. Learn 10 letter with style Osmiroid pens, nlbt, tnk . instruction boo~. and more are included WR4I' IT WlH fNV,A.Ctte /llfi: 2SO $1.ai Designer gift IA.Tap In conlln· uous 21/2 h )( 5 h. rolls or matte and metallc finished papers. M455 PUCK /JOTTJ.r Off>.LR RM-'f: '151 l~ works as good as It looks_ Display it on a kitchen waU when it's not In use 3x4 • -M'l~UNICOlfN RM. /1.9516.& adds a touch of fantasy to your desk or studio shelves 7• tall , •• L&Y NJ!YJtjj,y/J/J'M RM: 12.9516. 88 C/ftHHY. PtJ4NIJTf /?Bi" 5:95 IJ.88 hD your gumbean machine with loads of color and flavor HUNTINGTON ~ 7470 Edinger Ave./Open MON ....... 1M, SAT. a SUN. 1M COSTA -.A 11M Newport tlwd./Open MON ....... M, SAT. I IUN. 1M IANTA ANA 2111 I . 11r11ea1 lt./Open MON . .fN. 10-I, SAT. I SUN. 1M 6VM6fitV MACfflNE tBJ. Z'J. "5 s 1a. aa Bright red coin operated machine with cast metal frame and glass globe holds jellybeansOfgumballs. 15" tall 6UMMfN Mlt11Ne STA>ID-ft.M l79511~88 Red cas1 Iron stand to fit gumbean machine 26" taD W!;'?f'fS!llnf with brass b1m and blue delft handle attractively holds firewood °' mag.a· zlnes. 19x 11 • ~W"tft995 from Speedb&U inchxlct ac:ryllc c:olou. artist's bn.ithn. and more -.... t.------.. r llU Or 11g C.OHI DAILY PILOl IFttd y 0.ctmbtr 10, 1982 T Ht: t'.\~lt\' C'I RC'l'S 8166EORGE ,. .. . l l ; .. _ -- by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) "let's tell each other what we want for Christmas." "I didn't order 1 b1n1n1 spllt." by Brad Anderson 1 0 ~.. • , 4 ....... "I am hurrying!" -;;~ 1'2-10 'LOOK~'DAO IS USlt«3 HIS tm ~.4 eca<NAAl<A&\JN !" GOOD MORNING, A88EY1 SAM'S WITH A CLIENT I SHALL I CALL HIM OUT 1 HE'S OOT NOTHINC, DOWN IN HIS ApPQ\NTMENT ~' HE SHOULD 6E OUT IN A FEW MrNVTES! • oM t>EA~1 l.Al>Y P. •• l'M AFRAID You'vE BECOME A ~01..F WIDoW. l\CROSS 53 Nonsense 1 Go to 54 Ship ar ea pieces 57 C11cre part THURSDAY'S PUZZLE SOL YEO 6 Greek tellers 59 Pounds down r::-r.-t::T.:"..,...~c-mr.r.-r;-rrr:i 10 Serpents 61 Mtgralton 14 Assembly 64 French port 15 woll 67 Handle Fr t6 Con1a1net 68 V1pet 17 Wildcat 70 Spouse ? WO~ 71 NollOn 19 None Preli• 72 Inner Anal ;>O LI'S~ ln.!~h 73 luge , 1 Douse 74 Aephle lJ Stow Music 75 Pew 75 t ;ind vnil 76 A1ll>1•tMt DOWN n /l'fO t Agrl'Clmeol 711 Comrn1m1ty ? Culture , I Stt>,IA mt'(il\lm f T L A N 11 Ot,Kkbortl 3 Allt!f octtthon 24 Fur source 46 Obtlln 1·1 J',)tk 4 Burned up 'l7 Auto of Old 41l MltRIC#l food '" lh'll Ill ()1111 I ,' f lllH I' 41 ..... ,, ~ ftoof l 't ltlflh H'q trll .1; ll••nl ''°'~ 411 f nlll you '.0 V•~l)I !Iii 1•1n v,.,'4'1 ~ Rhythm :>8 Prepos111on 5 I Net ti P1ix• hlhflQ 30 Wh<'fe SAn II S• -apple 1 r>on~ 11 11 ,, SS Ut11m.1te II Y1•,11 ~ 1M.0tll :l:i' H1pp1e home 56 Ftav0t O Churr.h .\~ CIN1v11 511 Faith (llll(f'f 37 Xm;is lt'ltCI 60 FICIOfY tO AVOli<.h open1nq 62 OV\lle 11 01tlh<•'' l>f'•'" ? wOfdS 63 Expanse t? r.nrrn1>11t 38 Ar.sound 65 Endtng 101 tl Wrt snow 39 C011d qam. com or con 11 Sk11tchf'f •I Soll dr111k 68 Peraulde U StAtt •3 BIK lt 1ac1t H Patent PE.\~l'TN SHO E :ifE ~ r-JEX' we.e.K ~-ieTAM , C::IJ.'AJ 00 I 'MA, tolOVJf N'f ~E:F CL..o.JO ~'f ~KoJ THI: I.A,_,, PU:A*/ (7.-IO RERUN 6ETS LONELY RIC'IN6 ON TME BACK 01= MOM'S BICVCLE 'I ----- r.. COW.\VtJ :o..ITHU~tJ C~ .. 11·41'E~ Pl(OMl='l::i ME 1'0 'fl P...:JFF TH.e. a .rn.M a;M.AM .Al:tittlJAL, f:10 HE CAN rlEb10GK AL.L .. 1'~ CA"IA~ NJ' C~AMP~fJE? ~·'!:1 ~E:>J !:l\4Jll.-L. •tJ'! "' .. -!I t : , , ' NANCY, WHAT DID YOU DD AT IRMA'5 HOUSE? 71 by Jeff MacNelly • by Ernie Bushmtller OH. THE USUAL AACKE-TEERIN9 \ by Tom Bat1uk t'l'~" \' "INllt:RBEJ\!\ Rose Parade Itinerary 5:15-Arrive at Cactus Motel and unload__ 5:45-Eree time -relax before r ehearsal. 5:47-Full band rehearsal in motel parking lot ! BRABBLE •.SMOCll r7ue 10 ll,...L,...P.JISSS1 1"HE! PAR"f"OF l..IASPE:R SMOCK w I l,...L,. 1"0- C'AY' ee PL.AYE!C' ~y DUNCIN ROt..L.S equipment. 1 ~u:i ~~tl'1 'f~~'*' 1'0 E.M0AAA9.I 'kltJ. 1 .lUSf "f~<XlbMl ... w'HY, l: KNOW exACf L.-Y WHAi" Y'OLJ HAVES, MRS. e YRC'! fOR BETTIR e• Fea WO Rll iAP!1llP 1 IAP! c:J ~====~I: I by Kevin Fagan i 1 ~MOW, ~1'~\C.l(, ~.f{E.'s l 11·1() '1 l(f40W. l't ·~ OK~'l . l llMOr.fi-st~t4V. 6A6'i f\C\\lRE ---• or NOllMl~ 1Al11'~ NO l\.Ol~E.S otil. by George Lemont HeAos, You've GOl" IHe VAPORS- 1"AIL,...S, ll'S "'fHfS CRE!fSPIN' et::FUS .' ~ ... --..,..-------------. ... RET"'~NG1Re. ~ " '{OJ $1?X.E. 1toK ~ ~AGE, MICHAEL. ~·· -. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, O.Cember 10, 1992 H7 ------------------------..... ------------~-----...----------------------------------~ ~ffirnrn~m~mIB l•/01 Iii Ci1l1I•" ,,,,. o/ L11i11 Ai•"' 1i1 II' l1iH•11 "ALL Ull" December 17·13td ,., 1 • r ,1i11,1,co 1r o~ 8 IO 111 IUJll t'rM • ll.Jl Aml.lhi• Oii bri •d Holiday decor floWers Gaillardia real toughie (~alllarcJlu Is a "lazy" 1i11r0ener'1 friend. Ulw H lmposalblt' 11011, J'IQ(>r 1irowlng condlUon1J or on amai.in.C ~muunt of rwglecl •nd ll will thrlvp In almoel any area of CallfornJa. $11 11"• 11mon t: '"' , ........ •11•111• '"" " vW f/141 ~l'i l•'H ~· 1'·1 Y~lih ~"111•1·'• fir )llUI l•1IO\l.01 l'·lfht\ Back to basics in tight economy Santa might not be quite so joUy thi.s year -sources say h'e is having a problem adjusting his fl~al budget. But Santa's not the only one who haa to tighten h{s belt because the economic cC"unch is expected to affect Christmas consumers' selection of yuletide decorations as well. ·'Due to the bad times this year's consumers and businesses are reverting to a very traditional Christmas -a back-to-basics. less harried and expensive time when candles and popcorn grac ed the trees," says Christopher Conroy, president of Conroy's Flowers and a long- time observer of holiday trends. This year s ilve r will be highlighted along with othe r traditional yuletide hues such as • red, green, gold and white, he says, pointing out that many department stores will be using silver and white, not just to follow the trend, but to save on using costly continuous lights as well. Consumers a re turning to rtowen for yuletide decorations. The use of flowers can be inexpensive, yet a n elegant way to decorate this season. Place red and white cut flowers In vases tied with red, green or white versatile poinsettias come in several colors and range from the · common six-Inch pot variety to han~ing plants and tall trees. nbbon. Pine cones, holly, tinsel Poinsettias, in a variety of Allo known as the blanket flower, 1a1Uardia belon11 to lhe dalay family. lta common name alludet to lu flower colon that have been said to resemble thoee of Indian blanketa -warm tones of 1ASK AbOOI Olllt Sl'I CIAl Ht w vr All) I vt f'AklY' "_ .... , • • . , tw 11 & Coc11tr l ••·h•h•llf (·on,,.ulU•n•"'· lne•. ll1t· r,. ••11 v ... o,.,,,~. No!o .. 1.11111,. ~ c#~, '"M 9/hl11' red, yellow and gold with yellow flower heads wllh i--------------------orange or maroon bands. Their follage Is gray aroon, and they grow from 2 to 4 feet high but can alJJO be found In dwarr sizes, and with extraJarge flow era. Galllardia grandlflora Is a per'ennlal that wiU bloom from June until late fall. The gaillardla puJcheUa Is the annual and is also easy to grow. They are known for being able to withstand the summer heat and arc extremely r esistant to drought. In a mild climate, such rs the Orange Coast, aeedl can be sown outdoors now. They will be one of the most attractive flowers bloomjng In your summer garden and In vases indoors. Cut the flowers In the morning and set them in a deep vase. Parties slated A number of Christmas parties are being planned bv area g~rden Clubs. The SpyglaulUll group will meet al 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Ritz Resta urant, Newport Center, for a luncheon and celebration. The home of Mrs. Edwin Van Dell will be the party setting for the Harbor View Hilla club. Members wiU meet at l p.m. Wednesday. BIZARRE .BAZARRE "Orafllt Couflty'1 Lar1tst Stltrtlofl of Rtasoflably Prlrttl Houst Pla!fts" Homemade Christmas Wreaths and Ornaments Cards Giftwrap Poi nsettia Plants Country Bas kets and Much More Dontt Miss our Bear Nook It's "11nbtarab/v" drli1li1/wJ! liifn • Books • Car-ds rtr. rtr. Newport Hills members will gather at 11 a.m. Friday at the home of Mrs. Clarence Pearson for 4000 Sq. fl. GrffllhouM . ., ~ . ·' festivities, and the Costa Mesa-Bay Cities Brancb, Open Mon .s11• I0-6: Sun 1 i.s . • ".; ~ •. ·< ..... , j. ··~.: ~~.~>;~),~ National Fuchsia Society, will have a potluck \ . 1 .... r: dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Neighborhood 1858NEWPORTBLVD. "-.:~ ;)}...· ·., •. ·~.1 Community Center, Costa Mesa. COSTA MESA ~ ~;/ '\..,;...-.• Velda Mahr of San Clemente will demonstrate .. __________________ _. flowe r arranging for the Orange County Floral I Guild at a 10 a.m. meeting Monday at the Santa .An8 Women's Club. '--====~~~~~~~........:=====-==== "As with all highly traditional Christmas seasons, many holiday decorations will include white a nd red candl es and big , beautiful poinsettias." advises Conroy. "We feel the use o f poinsettias or red and white carnations or mums is crucial when considering h oliday decon1ing TQose flowers coupled with candles provide a special, old-fashioned warmth that might not otherwise be felt." and candy canes can be included colors and sizes, are perfect as a · for a special touch. mantel decoration or they can grace the area benea th a He also advises being creative ChriBtmaa tree or by the front with poinsettias, the most door. Following the season, they traditional Ch.cistmas._fwe_r_an-:--d-~W'. be tr~lanted in the back To place your message before the reading publlG, phone Dally Pilot Claas1lled. 642-5678 number one selling blooming or front yaro for addea-Ollfdtooirf-~~~~~~~~--H-Jlt''­ plant year 'round. The verv color. P\&.IC NOTICE O..QOIOI 1>eper1men1 of ... elth end Humen Senic.1 NOTICt: TO THE PUllUC Ettec\lve August 7. 1982, and untl turther notlCe, "° payment wllf be made under the MEDICARE progrem for Items and services PfOVlded by Ebbe Hllt1ellus. M 0 ., of 2345 E Coast Highway. Corona del Mer, C1lltornl1 92625 This action Is based on 1 det8fmtnatlon by t he Health Care Financing Administration that Or. Hartetlus provided services which are eut>etanllally In excesa of pallent need• and which fall to meet profn slonatty recognized llaodarda ot l'lelllh care. Th• Celltornle Oer>artment of Health Services hu &ISO been ld"1Md th•t ledefll funds ,,. not avallebla for Hems and service• proVlded by Or Hllt1ellus und8f the MEDICAID program during the period ot the exclusion from the MEDICARE progrem Ouetllons may be addrested to Mr. Boyd M Swartz. Auoclate Reglonal Administrator. OM91on of Ouatlty Control, Health Care Flnanclng AdmlnlstratiOn, 100 Van Neta Avenue. San Francisco, Callt«• 94102d 4-t5) 556-3132 Publlahed Orange Cont Dally • Pilot Dec 10, 1982 5358-82 P\IJUC NOTICE AMENDED FICTITIOUS llUSINEl8 NAME STATEMENT Fiie No. 15217t The following pel'SOOS are doing t>ullness as SEQUOIA PACIFIC REALCO 27811 La Paz. Laguna Niguel, OA 92677 Golden Empire 1nvas1men1 Cor p orati on . a Callf ornla corporetlon, cro Southern Pacific Company, One Markel Plaza, San Francisco. CA 9' 105 Blrren C0tporallon, a California corporation, 27611 La Pu Road. Laauna Niguel. CA 92877 flits l>us!MN II conducted by a Qef*al pert,_ahlp By 81rren Corpc)(allon Donald B. Talcott. Secretary Tiiis atatement was med with the COUl'ty Clefk ol Orange County on Nov. 17, t982. H\JHTE" a VOH AllOfneya et Law 1llOO Falretllld Drive, 9ulta 100 Poet Otnc:. lloa 11177 lfvlM, CA 112713 F202al Pubh1had Orange Coul Delly Pilot, Nov 26. Dec 3. tO. t7. 1982 5212·82 tlmo•!i garden shop FRESH eur eHRtSTMAS TREES Come ... the difference weter m8kn. All ,, .... 4 ft. and over wlll be kept In weter from th• day they trrlve. our prtcea •••rt .. low ....... LOTZ X s OPIM 7 DAYS A wm I A.M. .. 10 P.M. DIC811•2•• I DIC8llB211t MOl.9 IACll IMfLAftOM UM 1111Gt9Y IA ... COIPOMI CUSTOM FLOCllM• FIB PllOOFI._ ••ck our 1u19191J of •0111111, ,,.... • ... 11rl11tl1. F~ESH CUT TREES AVAILABLE Dougie• Fir • Scotch ...... tll~Wlli!l!!J!il •ntatlon She•red DouglH Fir a· Noble Fir • White flr ' Stiver Tlpe I'. N BAY ST. x LOT t LLOYDS NURSER~ Share the magic of the season. Fresh CEDAR GARLANDS l·§llM F"tlve prlanda mede of Send your rrttti.np with special CJ. cart. The PTD Holiday Glow CandJe & Canu Bouqutt.17.50 -·11---fratr•ntC....r ALSO FRESH WREATHS AND BOUGHS ~ DouglH end Noble Fir. fregrant Cedar. ~J'-LIVING CHRISTMAS TREES #> i · Deaorate lndoon now .•• plant The FTD Holiday Glow -. Of tub outalde after the holiday•. Lanttm Bouqurt 25.00 ~}i\ll(~h!'.,.-1 Shop by phone • tie• 1our c,.dlt ':erd. 2140 Harbor llvd .• Costa M11a A ....... _._., .. ~ PRICED fROM 1 l 95 TO 70 00 Select fr0ttt: ALIPPO, MONTIREY AND STONE PINES. .• - POIN81TTIAS Tredftlonel Ctwlltnln plentt In hollMy wnp 1nd bow. ,,om Our ,,Orllfano OM· of ·1· lllnd, ........ etlne lf'rangementa, wreettta. wan eoaenta. For ttome or etttt. ·r1s the season when our relationships with others find expres sion in the generous spirit of giving. Not surprisingly, some of the gift s that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly. One unique way to display your holiday spirit is with a Hohday Greeting In the Daily Pilot. What better way to convey your ---'»..ico..1al .message aLwarmth and .good cheer? And. adding a personal touch. your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a line (two line minimum). you can display your holiday message lh the Daily Pilot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an addi°tional $5 you can choose from three holiday illustrations to enliven the greeting (selec t from the assortment shown below). Mail the a ttached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay.,closing date is noon. December 23. To order. pnnt your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mall coupon to: Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Cos ta Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) ------------------------------------------------------- A Include Illustration O 1llus1·at1on A 0 1llustrat1on B 0 lllustrahon C Card type 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge Card Card Expiration Date You may charge your Classified Ad Be sur•' to include your C'ard type (Visa/MasterCard) Your Card number. and ihe EXPIRATION bATE YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE !~UMBER BELOW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I [ [ I 1. I NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP J I l J_TI -STATE -TELEPHONE r I I f I I I Orange Coeet DAil V PILOT /Ftfdau "----.. ,, ~-10, 1812 OUTDOOR •S·U•lltset •s•! C*flll, weatrlerpl OOf C9 llghts for hOlldiy .... lttrtg. 11150. 1000 STRANDS 1c1c1 .. 29tx I ARTIFICIAL 7'G,...n scotch ,., ... or canadlan Pin• CHlll51'Mll5 ,.,, __ _ YOUR CHOICE --------------..... -------.---------------+---------------.--------------.---------~ 'lt>-LICHT PLUSH RED OR WHITE ASSORTED COi.Oil$ HEAVY DUTY ASSORTED COLOllS na•FOll Mini r,..,, ••"OOOr nw• .,,., •. IJfllltSet Stocltln••· Sltlrts Foll Stand Garlond -'29! s1~A! S2f!! ·sts9 ROLL SG!! s1~! -'1.a A dlSllk, dlcOratM BC. f1 .St. led & wtllte mini lit. 1UI. VM dtolce Of Wtlft8 llG. 11.tl. 21 IQ. ft. for COIOl1UI,.,... lit. .,. 4 ... for sallllltv. & .,. a.. 11*1 a....,, or llMlnl. U.L appnMd. ll500. t1teSOas for tlOlkSiy decomJnQ.. saloPtd or llld Mnold. day dea>latl119. lmm1. ..... tr"'*5 uP to ... Clllmltlr. ,..._ .... 2~" RED APPLE rree oecoraaon 1270-0SS. SW99eoxOF .. 12 lit. 'S.21. unique, festM 9lmd apoie tree dea>l ldOllS. I 14 nc. BG.., ... --and WfliftSbl. V04JI moo of s· to 4· •ortm111t Of tov SOldlef'S, 4· HOClbV HOrWors·torn·aort111e11tofsaed~ ... 12111. ()Ualfty hOIMMlcl taddlf' """ I •lfOlcM stt0S anCI fOIO. CIOWn lllllf. Type II. llltl. Christmas byllrebs YOUR s. 99 EAC~ CHOICE .a BOX SANT A ·s CHOICE IOUnd or belkNped ornaments with gtltter;-90kl trtm. 1"502. CARDEN CATE IOUnd omarnents wtOI morttd garden oeions. IA-SSO. HOllDAY ICE IOUnd or belHftaOeCI omamems With g11ttmc1 SIMr t11m.. , A-550. HOOT EXTENSION ~'1.&9 ggc a -.ra; 1"'° E ~ 12151 445.ftS"-: 1•1. Holldor Shape ooor ,,,..,,,,,. you11S599 CHOICE EACH SlEIGH BEU DOOR RtNCERS a.. fl"llm ~ .... Ill """ ...,, bell dmtlnll. ,.., 112/Q. 30" LEATHER-lOOK SLEICH DOOi RINGER A unique tlOllCllV dlalratlOn. Tift 1W IDICl/llMf ~bells. 152/SS. -.: 10\SS f flrfSrone 12151 .,,.,,, _ 155 "'"" -17141124·1MS... PM ..... --= ----12612 ,,.__ ..... °"""-.... -. "'-Hlnltr Allt 17141 M7 ... _ 17141 750-U.1--"rel 1111 =-Uottmraisr 1114117,.,,11 • -IOM ai •111t 11MOwttory 11151 ,..._ 15171 SOutttsr.121s1ae.,_, 1111&: t7151Ntinf II 17141 ll0-01 SWWW: 10SS1 .... 17141 "7 JOJ4 ~ Ml .... 11141 S llftttm 121JI 547111;1--1514 S ---17141 .,_... Utlt S ltsClnl 11111 H111SJ SJlll IOlls; .... 1SSJJ C• Dr 17141S511111 .. ,,. ... ,.., I I • ' I II I / llfllNf -••ar I ti I • GREAT SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS f'a11s & COrds 59~: """.~ ............. .,.., or lllul. 100 ••tu. 11-1 1 ... / 11111. ._...., __ _ I llllJ Piiat FRIDAY, DEC 10, 1982 BUSINESS C6 STOCKS C7 ca ClASSlfllD Uninspired UCl (yawn) • • • 4-0 By JOHN SEV ANO Ol'IMo.itJ"9iataft LOS ANGELI'S -UC Irvine's Bill Mulligan aaw It comlni all week long. The frustrating part la that a coach ls usually helpless in such matters. A natural letdown following a big win; quarter exams that interfered with practice time; the knowledge of playing an obviously weak opponent -they all p !aye d a part in UCl's li s tless perfonnance Thuraday night. Fortunatel y, the Anteate rs w e re playing a Loyola Marymount team that would be hard-pressed to give USC's women's aquad a tough contest and as a result UCI was allowed to sleepwalk to an 85-73 victory before 1,656 in the Lions' gym. "There was no spring ln their legs. You could see it during warmups," offered UCI assistant coach Herb Livsey of the players. "We had the better team SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO Bert Jones: Big letdown Now that B ert J o ne1 is on th e sidelines, probably for the season, and can do the Rams no further harm, the present seems as good a time 88 any to assess what the Baltimore Colt transplant has accomplished , or not accomplished, with the club. First, it's apparent that Bert Jones is not the leader the Rams figured they'd inherited. Second, desfite Coach Ray ~vasi's prediction o a Super Bowl appearance with Jones at the helm, the only bowl the Rams appear headed for is ihe one that you flush. Third, there are no guarantees, as has bf:erl a1Je8ed, in.Jones' contract. In other it'orda, if the Rams decide they want to ~t Jones looee all it will take is a simple "'snip" of the ect.ors. . FINAU Y, IT SHOULD be pointed out &hat the Rams HAD to take the gamble rn acquiring Be.rt Jones. Despite reports to the contrary, the club had no other _ choice. · For almost a year now it's been teported, and printed, that the Rams 1Vent after Jones, giving up two ~portant draft pick.a (a first and a tecond) in the proce98, knowing all the while the y could have go tte n Ferragamo. The reuon for the action, it was said, was to punish Ferragamo for going to Canada; that by getting Jones the club 9iould show Ferragamo who's in charge. Well, it's a nice story, but it isn't true. . "U we knew we were going to get Vince, things might have b een different," admitted a high-ranking 1eam official. "But we didn't know that at all "Sure, his agent (David Fishof) told us Vince could get out of his contract; that (Montreal owner) Nelaon' (Sk.albania) was going to let him go. But he didn't. Not right away. And. who's to say the new owner wouldn't have come in and Mid he wanted to keep Vince. "At the time of the draft, Vi.nee wasn't out of hia contnct and both (Pat) Haden and (Jeff) Rutledge were injured." BADEN WAS RECUPERATING from knee surgery, while Rutledge was recovering from tom Ugamenta and a break of his right thumb. ''Can you imagine how we would have-- looked if we haan't ~Bert and the other two guys hadn t recovered and the new owner bad decided to keep Vince in Canada?'' the offidal aid. "We had to take the gamble. We had to take the chance." · Everyone pretty much knows the rest of the atory. '!be Rame got Jones, Ferragamo got qut of hia oontnct, and both Haden and Rutledae recoveftd 'n\e ftanw• fortunes haven't been very good lately. Anyway, Haden, .ee1na the writing on the wall, called it quit.a, while Ru~e was shipped to the New York Gian ta (See BERT, Pase CZ) ~ . . . that's lhe only reason we won." UCl , in running its early-season record to 4-0, seemed to have a tougher time dealing with Itself than It did Loyola. T he Anteaters' blUett problem was psyching UP.. for the Lions, who were picked this season to flniah last In the West Coast Athletic Conference while Pepperdine, the team UCI staged Its s tunning comeback against only five days earlier, was the consensus No. 1 choice. A dd to that the fact UCI practiced only two of four days because of final exams, with one of those workout.a f ea turi ng an extre m e l y s parse attendance, and you can see why Mulligan foresaw nothing but disaster. "l tried to tell people, but nobody would believe me," said Mulligan of his fears. "But I don't want to be too hard on them. It was their first time away from Close quarters home and we won the game, that'll the maln thing." • UCI spent the finl 10 minutes of the ga me going through the motion• and trading baskell with the Lions (l-3) whose only victory this year was against Hardin-Simmons. The Anteaters' only apark seemed to come during the final 10:43 of the firat half when they ch.anaed a 20-18 deficit into a 42-30 halftime lead by out.acoring their opponenll, 24-10. "I think we had a tough time getting ~p after Pepperdine," admitted guard l'yflke Lope1. "Plua, we had a day off the followina day (Sunday), a lousy practlce on Monday, Tu~ off and we didn't have a good practice Wednetlday either because of finals. "All you can do in a situation like that is RO out and play 88 hard as you can and whatever happens, happens. lf things don't come out right, they don't come out right." ln the BeCOnd half the Anteaten again played jus t hard enough to keep the Lions at a safe di.stance. Loyola d1d get as close aa seven on five se parate occaslona, the last time being 78-71 with 1:22 to play, but to UCl's credit, every time the Anteaten needed a big play on offenae or defense they turned it. "I don't think we were lethargic. We just didn't exec ute well," added freshman Tod Murphy. "I don't think we looked at this team as being low. That wasn't lhe case. I think we were more worried about having a letdown than actually having one." Indicative of how the game went was the fact Murphy, who came off the bench and played only 22 minutes, tied for team-high honors, along with Jud Beardsle y , at 22 points. Just as . (See UCI, Page CZ) Milie Lopez Surprise! Gretzky scoreless INGLEWOOD (AP) -Los Angeles _goalie Gary Lukoeki thought 1t was appropriate that should be inYQ}ved in the e_nd~---­ of Wayne Gretzky'• record- break.ing 9COring streak. "Gretzky broke the National Hockey League record on me the other night in Edmonton, .o it's only fair that I should atop his etreak," aaid the Kings' rookie Tbunday night. "I needed this kind of game for my confidence." Gretzky was held w ithout a goal or an aaaiat for the fint time thl1 aeaaon aa the Oilers and Kinas battled to a 3-3 deadlock. He had 9COred at least one point in each of Edmonton's previous 30 games. A. Laakoekl noted, Gretzky aurpueed Guy Laflew"s record of acorlng In 28 consec utive games against the Kings last Sunday. Gretzky didn't seem the least bit concerned about being held ecoreleta. Rather, he expreaed relief. ••rnrrea1.1y glad that-the-etreak la over becau.e now I can get back to normal," he said. "I'm dlaappointed but rm glad. "I had a lot of chances In the tint and .-and periods. I bepn to get the feeling then (when he didn't 8COre) It might end tonight. "Loa Angeles played well defensively as a unit." Gretzky baa 24 goals and 52 aaaiall In Edmonton's 31 games thla 1euon. Aaked if he thought anybody can beat his stre ak, Gretzky pointed out with a smile that the Oilers have 49 games remaining "and I at.ill have a chance." The OUen, 41-10-7, earned the standoff on a breakaway goal by Pat Hughes early in the final period. Neither team could aa>re in the final 15:31. Irvine's Lance Neal (22) faces pressure from Erik Blake of University (left ), and Bernard Ussery outjumps Uni's Yong Choi. "I had a couple of good chances to 1COre in the lut five minutes of the game," aaid Gretzky. "I w• looking for the ~oal, but Laskoeki made 90me saves.'' Oilers qualify for finals with rugged victory Thompson the catalyst as Huntington Beach holds off-stubborn Barons By ROGER CARLSON Ol""'9DlllJ ........ Unbeaten Huntington Beach High goes for its eeventh straight victory.~ second basketball tourn-ament champl.onahip in a row ~ht apinlt tall and talented La Quinta In the fina1a of the Sea Baron Cluaic at Fountain Valley High with tipof1 echeduled for 8:15 . .,,, •Coach Roy Miller'1 Hunt.ineton Beach Ollen quallfied for a showdown with a tough, 55-46 dedsiorl over host Fountain Valley Thunday night, while La Quinta breezed, takina-an 85-70 dea.lon from Loe Alamitos 1n the.,other half of the eemla at Ocean View High. "La Quinta ha me and is agile," says Mlller. "And (Mark) Moses is a tremendous ball player." La Quinta entera with Moees and J.T. Debba, a pair of 6-4 junion • the Aztecs' mainstays while compiling a 3-1 record, loel.ng only to heralded Riveraide Poly. "Billy Thompeon," aaya La Quinta Coech Jim Perry, "he's the man we have to keep under con~l." The Barons of 1''ountain Valley did everything they were asked to do Thunday -110pplng the Oilen' fut breaks, llmiUn,t the front ijne to just 20 points, refualna the OUen penetration of the key and clearly rattling the Oilen' sophomore senaation, Jamel Garner, with a roughhouse style. Againlt molt that would have been enough, but the Oilers had that aat-in· the-hole -Billy Tho~~n. and the slick, 6-0 1en10t guard pulled Huntington Beach out of one tight spot after another, leadina all 8COtt1'S with 18 point.a. picking off et8ht rebounds and knifing throuch with l<ey ateala time and a.11ain. "Billy'1 a com~tor;r-.&td Miller following the victory, which was ipited by a third quarter when the Barona auddenly went cold from the field, Tonight's schedule (et Founteln ve1•r> 6 :30 -LOI Alamltoa VI. Fountain Valley (third place) 8 :15 -La Quinta vs . Huntington a.ch (chemplonahlp) (atO... View) 6:30 -Momlngalde vs. Ocean view (fifth piece) (et 0-.. Ytew, ......,, 6:30 -&wvtte vs. St. Anthony (coneolatlon champk>nshlp) mi8l1ng 6 of 7 from the field, reaultiq in jult two pohlt.a on the boarda. Dodgei-s await H()oton's approval of trade The Olien' 31-29 halftime leell w• auddenly a 10-polrlt IDU'lin and the final period w• a matt.er of holdinl olf .._, relly -with Lou Harri1an comin1 throu1h at the free throw line end remene Richard Alvares ho&dinll Chiftll ~with Thoms-on out wlth five penonal fouJa the ftnel 2:34. HONOLULU (AP) -Major lffCUe bMeball twm ltal'ted the ~ of their annual winter a foe a reconl low In tnde9, te a Ourry of activity that •w Phi lphia trade a'!'!iY Manny Trillo and the New York Yankiil ·11o ~ Mmt°llteve Kemp. A total Of 11 ridl9 wen made dulinc the 1979 ~ In Tcronto. Tb1a year, ~. only five deU had been made ~Thunday. The LOI ~ Dodllrs reportedly ..... ,....,, to pu1 with veteran ptlleher Burt HootGn and. pair of minor ........ for T-.. caecblr Jbn Sundbera. But both Hootah and Ekmdbera have to •PSl"0"'9 the mow *"'* they're both 10.,_,. ._jar ...,._. with at 1-t ftve ~ yeera on their pretent &Mma. The day's .ctivity beJan when the Y anJte. announced the ..,..unc of Kemp to a reported $5.D-milllon, plu1 lncenUwa, cont.ct. 'That move trtaered the few tndel that were made. The Philliet put t.osether a 5-for-l dea1 with the Cleveland lndianl that, in addition to Trillo, included hl1hly retarded rookie ahortajop Julio Franco, outfielder Geor1• Vukovich, catcher Jerry Willard and pttdwr Jay Beller for outfielder Von H'ayea. J'.arlier Ttnanct.y, Qewlmd Mamaer M1b l'envo Mid the PhUUet hacJ a 40-perwnt mane. of prytnc ffaY91 aoc.. from the lndlam. "They'd have to overwhelm ua,'' aaid Bordi to the ChicaF Cube for outfielder Ferraro. Steve Hendenon. The Phll1iea obtained the left-handed power hitter they feel will balance their Philadelphia may not be through, attack. either. The PhilUel lt1ll want a reUever, 'lben, the Y.U.. mine alona with I and he could be Al Holland of the Sen another deal. TtwJ .nt. outfielder Dive J'rancl1CO Glantl. The deal could be Collln1, 'rl1ht-handed pitcher Mike pitcher John Denny and a minor~ Morpn, tint ba.mm J'Nd MtJ()rtff and for Holland and llCOnd bueman Joe an unannounced amount of cuh to Morpn. Toronto fOI' rlcht-handed ntllewr Dale And the Yanlmee lnWme.d they .un Murray and outfielder-catcher Tom wwe wheelinl and ct.Una. Dodd. 11Mr'e were tw0 man minor mov. • Wlth Kemp In the fold, the ..an tne Cleveland pve the Phil1lee lhortltop ....... ""1 .... Id _.. ,. ..... J'loJd Larry Mlltiourne ,_. pla1•r to be llmmllWr, 'S aean1e; 8'"9 named ...... and the Seattle Martrwn Ovwy, the... fin& 'o111 DIA, tnded YG'l"I rilhWtmdld .,.tlehel' 1Ueb and~ o.ar Mm. ' i "We did the thlnp we had to do:' l8ld Fountain Valley a.ch Dive Brown. "I thoulht we wen In commend In a lot of way.. lncludlna the tempo, but We didn't. ~adwn--." Traff1c WU very heavy inltde and Gvner'I feathen WW9 deerly Nffled. but when the pim took ita turn1Jt1 paint. In the third pilriod, a.m.'1 ........ ... ........ _. • • .._~ (ClanW, Miller'• a1111tuu2 Md I ~ talk with Jmml at hllftlme. 11k1 Mmli. MW• told hbn lt WM .... to c ... on..._-.... CI) , a 2 3 0. 0 a s a a a • 'f'! ('I Or11ngo CoHt OAILV PILOT/Friday, December 10, Hl82 Riming ton r ecipie nt of Lombardi A ward From AP dlapatcbe1 • HOUSTON -Highly decorated EE Dave Rlmlngton, a two-time All· 4. t America center from Nebraska and double OuU;d trophy winner, won the 13th Lo'fPibardl Award 'l'hursday night as the nation's top collegiate lineman. Rimington, 6-3 and 290 p<>unds, beat three other finalists for the award, mcludlng Arkansas defensive end Billy Ray Smith, Arizona State linebacker Vernon Maxwell and Southern California noseguard George Achica. Rimington also was a two-time academic All· America selection with a 3.18 ftrade point average in l)usiness administration. Smith was a finalist for the hoQor last year and (&j • became the first player not to win the honor after being fllMINOTON selected runnerup as a junior. The Lombardi Award, a 40-pound block of granite, is named in honor of Vince Lombardi, former coach of Green Bay and Washington who died of cancer in 1970. . Rlmington spearheaded the Cornhusker offense that led the nation ln •total offense and rushing offense this season. Nebraska averaged 518 yards per game in total offense last sea1K>n en route to its New Year's Day berth In the Orange Bowl. Quote ol the da,-· Whitey Herzog, manager of the SLLouis Cardinals. hedging his comparison of swift rookie Willie McGee to a young Mickey Rivers: "Except Wi)lie doesn't play the horses, he shows up on time and he can throw." Bos ton outlasts Canadle ns Barry Pede rson and B r a ce Iii Crowd er scored two goals each , Thursday night, sparkinR Boston to an 8-5 victory over Montreal to. highlight National Hockey League action ... Elsewhere, Ron Flockhart tallied two goals to lead Philadelphia to a 4-1 victory over Quebec .. . Minnesota's Neal Broten and Tom McCartby had a pair of goals each to lead the North Stars past Vancouver, 9-6 ... Blake Daalop netted a pair of goals and five other Blues connected as St. Louis crushed Calgary. 7-2 ... a.ght wing Mlke Gartner scored the final two goals in the third period to lift Washington to a 6-4 decision over New J ersey. The Capitals remained unbeaten in their last seven outings. Senior guard Jacque HUI 1c•on-d 12 of hi• 18 polnw In the• t«'Ond halt lO l@ad I.he Unlvunlty of Southern Callfomla to • 72 ~ victory ovt<r San Jo.e s ... u. Thuniday n a&hl h..tore a .. uout erowd of 2,•02. The SpllJ1anl rM.•vt1r chalhma•>d u USC built a 48 38 advantast• mlcte.-ay throua&h the 1eOOnd halt ... Sldaey Greea tallJt'd 23 point.a and arabbed 18 reboundl, leadlng 19th-rankt.-d Nevada-Lu Vega• to on 8~·70 triumph over vtalung Nevada-Ren9 , . . Swnford u ntt•r Jou Revelli notched a 84.'ason-hllh 31 point.a and pulled down 11 rebound• u the Cardinal took an 81 -77 decision over St. Muy's ... Wuahlnaton's man-to-man deft"nM ov4:rcame an 11-polnt deficit as the Huskies thumped Pacific, 70-53 ... Eddy Gordon tapped In an offensive rebound with 2:36 remalnlng as San Diego State scored a 47 .45 come-from-behind victory over the University of San Dief(o. D e nt'e r seorl•• stre•" s nappe d J eff Ruland ecored 23 point.a and m helped snap Denve r's National Basketball Aaaoclatlon record 100-point-game streak at 136 games as Washington downed the Nuggets, 98-90 Thursday night. Denver, alter acoring 36 points in the third quart.er, managed only 13 in the final period in falling to score at leaat 100 polnts in a game for the first time in nearly two years . . . J im Puaon sent Portland ahead with a 15-foot jump shot with five minutes remainlng and the Trail Blazers pulled away to a 107-98 victory over Golden State. Portland evened its record at 11-11 in ending a three-game winning streak by the Warriors, who ·made only one field goal in the final five minutes. N HL not r e ady /or e xpans ion The National Hockey League • board said Thunday it ls not looking into expanding the league this year, despite interest expressed by at least two cities. NHL President Jollln A. Zte1ler commented~ "The board believes we are still in a position where we should concentrate on where we are and what we are doing in our preaent cities." ... The World Boxing Council announced that it is reducing the length of future..championship fight.a from 15 to 12 rounds to prevent serious injuries to boxers, along with allowing referees to order standing eight-<.'OWlts for fighters in trouble ... Partners Clll Clll Rodrlpes and Lyu Adami birdied four straight holes oo the back nine to tie Leourd 'nomptOD .and Carole Cbrbonier at 7-under-par 65 for.the first-round lea in the Wtxeo Teams Got Tournament ln Largo, Jt'la .... Nel 10D Skalbanla, the real estate speculator and paal owner of four Canadian professional sports teams, aald he is on the verge of banknaptcy __ Trustees say his debts total about $30 million. ,.. T ele ..-ls l(ln, radio TV: NQ events scheduled. RADIO: Basketball -Lakers at Utah, 6:20 p.m., KLAC (570); Sacramento State at Cal State Fullerton , 8:30 p.m .• KWRM (1370). Football - Long Beach Poly vs. Servite, 7:30 p.m., KEZY (1190). U(:t NOW 4-0 From Page C1 lnterc.>1tlnai. too, w t11 Lopoz'• team-high 10 rc•boumb, dt .. pl\.P his 6-4 hcltiht OJI lh • •hoe>tlna guord. "We wt>ri• jUlt coming oft a big win agalrlllt Pepperdlne and we knew we t'OUld beat tht.'IO auy•," noted &ardalt1y, who wu ~ ol 10 from the noor and 7 Q( 9 from the charity stripe. ''We didn't at.art well, then we got the big first bulf lead, and we fet that carry U8." UCl'11 lead never got any bigger than 12 points in the second half. But then shooting only 63 percent (19 of 30) from the free throw Une didn't help matters any. "I thought Loyola played hard," said Mulligan. "They've aot aome great out.aide ahooiers, they just don't have any inaide threats." BERT JONES From Page C1 after the club un1ucce1Sfully tried to unload Ferragamo. And now, five weeks into the season, the Rams aren't any better off than they were at the start, oth er than the fact Ferragamo is starting again, which is the way it should have been all along. As for Jones, his future on the club would appear shaky at best. His teammates don't have much confidence in him and even a couple of Malavasi'a staff members will admit the same thing behind cloeed doors. O(fered one player : "Bert w<>Wd get into the huddle, look at one of his receivers, and say, 'I'll call a pass play if you catch it'." . Sounds like a real take-charge guy. huh? It should be pointed out that there are no binding loyalties to Jones. Despite reports to the con rary, his $~00,000 annual salary, which has three years left after this season, is N OT guaranteed. Actually;-Jones shouldn't feel too bad. If he joins the Rams' quarter back scrap heap, he'll have some pretty good company . Maybe Jones, Dan Pastorini, Roman Gabriel, Bob Lee and J oe Namath can all swap stories of the good 'ol days. • • • TH E QUA RT E RBACK situation isn't Malavaal's only problem. Discontent seems to S ports on television, radio for the week~nd • • • • The Uona' Fom11t McKenDt led all scorers with 20 polntl while WlelNNltel Johnny~ and Keith Smlth added 14 eech. "We can't wie what hap.,.ned thll put week u an exew1e," MJd auard O.Orge Turner, the team'• leading 1eorer golna Into the game, who flnl1hed with 1lx point.a (on 3 of 12 from the field). "We just weren't ready mentally. "We weren't lmpre11lve, but we won. We can't be llke thl.a on Tuesday, though." Tuesday la UCI'a next court appearance, ho1ting Chapman College at Crawford Hall. The Anteaters hope by then they wlll have snapped out of thelr doldrums. . One thing's for sure, It's a clnch they won't be coming off a "high" with thelr victory against Loyola. • • • have cropped up among the troops again. Unhappy with his role 6n the club, tight end Mike Barber, acquired during the off -season from Houston, has reportedly told Malavasi he wants out at the end of the season. The report goes on to say that Barber has indiscreetly made inquiries about the new United States Football League. • • • CLUB OFFI~ are really down on the performances of safeties Nolan Cromwell and Johnnie J ohnaon. Both had horrendous outings against the •9ers in which each t ried to make one arm tackle aft.er another. - Speculation is that all the grief of the past couple of seuons has f.lnally caught up with Cromwell and he's aimplho!:~ his spirit . The wordon_Jo is. that he's simply not tough enough to play strong safety. Coliseum loan .. termed gift for Raiders LOS ANGELES (AP)-A $6.7 million lo.an from the Los Angeles Colisewn Commission to the Raid en contained in last July's agreement to bring the football team here from Oakland actually is a gift, it was reported. W illiam Robertson, the Coliseum commissloner who was most heavily involved in the Satu rda.'t' 3:Jo . p.m. (7) -GREATEST SPORTS Chargers at San Francisco. 12:45 p.m ., negotiations, said in an interVlew LEGENDS. KNX (1070). that it is not intended that the TELEVISION 5 p.m. (7) _WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Basketball -USC at Iowa, 4:45 p.m.. money will ever be fully repaid. 9 a.m. (2)-NFL TODAY -Featured: A _ Rafael "Bazooka" Limon (47-11·2) KNX (1070), delayed; San Joee State at Robertson was quoted as look at the Philadelphia F.agles and their defends his WBC junior lightweight title UCLA, 8 p.m ., KMPC (710); Lakers at saying that the advancement of troubles with winning this season. Brent against Bobby Chacon (50-6-1) In a Golden State, 7:50 p.m .. KLAC (570). funds was called a loan In the Musburger hosts. · scheduled 15-round bout, taped in agreement "only for tax 9:30 a.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Sacramento. Chris Schenkel reports. S•n~ay purposes" for Al Davis, the Billy Thompson OILERS • • • From Page C1 happen, they know h e's a sophomore.'' It was Thompson's burst, however, that took the spotlight away from the shoving matches inside, first with a steal and ensuing 12-foot bank shot on the tailend of a glide pattern to give the Oilers some breathing room at 37-31. Mike Mills, who suffered throush a 3-for.J3 night from t h e field , got loose on the baseline for a bucket, then Thompson, with a turnaround jumper from 10 feet out with 1:44 left put the Barons down by 10. The Oilers moved out to a 45-31 lead, then held off the Barons' final stretch run. "We wanted to post more and we did ln the aecond half.'y adOe<l Brown. "But we couldn't score." Miller's major adjustment was to call off an ineffective press and play a more determined man-to-man defense. Whitehair was the onfy Baron ln double figures, scoring 11 before fouling out. It was basjcally a nine-on-five game wUb. the Barons shuffling through a lineup which consiets of six juniors and a sophomore, as opposed to the Oilers' solid five starters. Gamer led all rebounders with 13 and his counterpart from Fountain Valley -junior Rolf J acobs -had nine boards. The Oilers connected on 17 of 37 from the field (45.9 percent), the Barona hit 19 of 51 (37.2 percent). The Oilers had the best in the turnover ratio, 19-24. At Ocean View the Seahawks regained the look that was supposed to put them into the tourney's championship finals with "1l '°1S5-63 verdict over Palos Verdes. ESTA NCIA PLA YS ALUMNI FIVE Philadelphia at New York Giants. 5: 3 O p . m . ( 11) -C 0 LL EGE TELE VISION managing general partner of the 10 a.m. (7)-COLLEGE FOOTBALL-BASKETBALL -Virginia meets 9:30a.m. (2)-NFL TODAY-Alook at National Football League club. Estancia Hlgh 's alumni Southwest Texas State vs. UC Davis for the Georgetow n at Landover, Md . Th.is one two colorful defenses -the Jets' New Robertson said that the $6.7 basketball game, featuring stars Division n championship. Bob Murphy and will match Virgjnia's Ralph Sampeon (7-4) York Sack Exchange and Tampa Bay's million that will be advanced by of the past against the current Lee Grosscup report. against the Hoyaa' Pat Ewing (7-0), two of Renegades. Brent Musburger, host. the Coliseum Commission to varsity, is on tap tonight (7:30) in 1 o: 3 O a . m . ( 4) -C 0 LL EGE the country's top colleae centers. 10 a .m . (2) -NF L FOOTBALL -Davis is not a large sum in the F.agles gym. BASKETBALL -Illinois vs. Kentucky at Tampa Bay at New York Jets. J compari9on to what other cities Half tim e ceremonies will Lexington. 7:50 p.m. (9) -NBA BASltETBALL -1 p .m . (4) _ NFL F OOTBALL have paid to get pro football. include the retiring of the late The Lakers take on Golden State in Raiders at Kansas City. J oe Alioto, the Raiders' Steve Van Horn's jersey. The 1 2 : 3 0 p . _m . ( 2 ) -C 0 LL E G E • Oakland. RADIO attorney, defended Davis and the two-time All-CIF player was BASKETBALL -USC vs. Iowa at Iowa RADIO Football -Raiden at Kansas Qty, 12:40 Raiders, saying that Los Angeles killed in a camping accident City. BALL San Football -Phila~el hia at New York p.m.. KNX (1070); Denver at Rams, 1 p.m.. "got Super Sowl champe at • earlier this year. 1 p.m. (4) -NFL FOOT -KMPC (7lO). ----bar~pm~· .:::.·::bu::se1=me::en::,:::,t ~~=-· "----=-==================== ~Di~·eg~o~a~t~San:::.:~Fr~anasco::.:=·::.:·--.~~~~~~~~-G-ian~~-'-9_:1_5_P~·-m_ .• ~~~(l_0_70_>_;_San~_Di_·_eg~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~--, Ml.IC NOTICE flCTfTIOUI lll.llMH NAME ITATfMl!NT The loltowlng peuon II doing busi,,._, IS (A) INTEGRATED VIDEO·AUOIO NETWORK & SYSTEMS ON LOCATION ORGANIZATION. (Bl (IVAN SOLOI. (Cl INTEGRATED VIOEO·AUOIO NETWORK, (Dl SYSTEMS O N LOCA TION ORGANIZATION IEI IVAN, (Fl SOLO. 55 Drive. Bo• 16, Colle Ma&, CA 92626 Malting Addresa P.O. Box 7678. Newpor1 Beech, CA 112660. lven l•IOOvlGh SOlovlell. 65 Felr '( Drl•e. Bo• 16, Costa Men. CA 92626 Thia 1>u1lne11 It coo<1uete<1 by an tn<tlvldutll 1v1n lvlOOVtch Sotovtell Thll •t•temenl WH 1118<1 wUh the county Clerk or Or1nge County on Dec. 1. 1982 F20UM Publlthed Orenge COHI Delly Piiot. Dec. 3. 10. 11, 2•. 11182 52••·62 "8.IC NOTICE FICTIOUI llUIMH NU.ITA~MINT The lollowlng peraon I• doing WSl-U RO IRRIGATION SYSTEMS. 30S 1 Loren Lene, Co111 MHe. Cellf. 92412' R1lptl K OHn, 30S1 Loren i..n.. aoe11 M .... c1111 82626 Ttlls l>USllMIU Is conducted by en ln<llllkfull A91pC> K Deen This slat-I wu hied wllh the County Cler1t of Orange County on Dec: 1, 1H2 ~ Publl1hed Orenge CoHI 011ty Ptiot. o.c:. a. 10. 11. 2•. 1ee2 62.41·12 ACTITIOU9 IU9jNlll UMI ITATS.•NT Th• following pereon I• doing bUelneM •: MEACA10A 8V8f!M8 OEVE.LOPMl!NT, 2519 Ofenge A,,.. Unit K, Coete MMe, CA 82127 Ofttd?. LAmOlft. net Orettoe A,,. , Unit K, CO.tt MMe, CA t2t27 ,._ ~ It COflduct.cl by en ~. Ofttd P. Ufll"'1 Thia ....-it wM "'" wl1tl Ille County C.. Of Or.,. County on Nov 14, tte2 ,_ Pubfl•hed Or1no• Cotti Deity Ptioi, Holl 26. 0.0. 3, 10, 17, 1tl2 1175-a NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE w L Pct. PF PA w L Pct. PF PA Dallas 4 l .800 121 76 Raiders 4 l .800 134 109 Green Bay 4 I .800 134 85 Cincinnati 4 1 .800 116 80 Washington 4 1 .800 108 97 Miami 4 1 .800 117 92 Atlanta 3 2 .600 118 119 NY Jets 4 1 .800 139 78 New Orlru 3 2 .600 77 71 Pittsburgh 4 l .800 121 88 S t. Louis 3 2 .600 94 102 Buffalo 3 2 .600 85 73 Chicago 2 3 .400 63 92 San Diego 3 2 ,600 119 83 Detroit 2 3 .400 72 85 Cleveland 2 3 .400 79 99 Minnesota 2 3 .400 95 88 N. EnAI I 2 3 .400 80 98 NY Giants 2 3 .400 80 90 Seattle 2 3 .400 84 82 Tampa Bay 2 3 .400 119 114 Denver 1 4 .200 84 125 Rams 1 4 .200 98 132 Houston 1 4 .200 74 118 Phlldlphia 1 4 .200 ioC 112 Kansas City 1 4 .200 73 108 Baltimore 0 5 .000 50 125 Saturday'• Games ' Cleveland at Cincinnati Philadelphia at New York Detroit at Green Bay Giants (Channel 2 at 9:30 a.m.) Miami al New England San Diego at San Francisco Tara: Bal at New York (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) Jet.a ( nne 2 at lOa.m.) Sunday's Games Washington at St. Loui.s Denver al Ra ma Chicas:, at Seattle Raiden at Kansas City New leans at Atlanta (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) Moaday's Game Pittsburgh at Buffalo Dallas at Houston (Channel 7 Baltimore at Minnesota at 6 p.m.) LMTED OFFD 10.1&% A.P.A. FNNCllG AVAl.A8l.£ 2626 Heritor 11¥11., Cott• M••• ..... au u .. 1112'• \ ... ........ Vice Prnldent JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL .............. Sat., o.c. 11 San Francisco over San D ... o * lama over Denver * Onclnnatl over Cleveland * °'""lay fter .,..,... Mon., Dec. 13 .,. ... e¥9r ' 17 my "1ar", I 3 mg mcouno av per c1ga1e11e by FTC method Discover the taste of Camel Filters, · · now in a Hard PacL Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ., Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Friday. December 10, 1982 t ':t '" * .. 't l t a J • • C·I Or1ng1 CoHl DAILY PILOT /Frida~, December 10, 1982 Irvine wo-rks overtime to top Uni Westminst er , Laguna Beach suffer setbacks; Capo Valley rolls lrvint> High advanced to th<' cunaolotlon cnamplonahlp game of the Sonora Tournament with a one-polnt overt.lme triumph over Sea VI w LeaQUe rival University Thund1&y. • M eanwhile, Weatmlruter fell victim to hot· shooting Santa Ana Valley and Laguna Beoch waa stopped by Bonita ln the Santa Ana Tournament and Capistrano Valley was a winner in th61 qf.UU'terfinala at Sonora. Here's how it went; lrvlne SZ, University 51 Bernard Ussery sent the game into overtime with a free ~w with 12 seconds remaming. then rhade a three-polnt play in the extra session to aid t~e Vaqueros to victory. 1 Lance Neal made a comer shot from 15 feet Qut with nine seconds remaining in overtime to give ~in. University had the ball at conclusion CdM hosts Diablos . Four non-league games dot the prep ~ketball schedule tonight with Corona del Mar lj\gh the focal point of interest in the Sea Kings' dl,lel with viaiting Mission Viejo. Mission enters with an 0-3 record, as opposed to Corona del Mar's 1-2 mark, but the big issue is will he (Mike Hess, the Sea Kings' All-CIF guard) ot'won't he play. ' Hess was held out of CdM's first three games with an Injury to his foot. The University of Texas-bound Hess is considered the Sea Kings' big weapon. .. Other games, all set for 7:30 tipoffs, include ~cho Alamitos at Woodbridge. Laguna Hills at El Toro and Liberty Christian at American Christian. BA KETBAL L • of play In both rea\llaUon and overtime but w" unable to acore. ln the eJCtra -.ion, Nonn S\OlzoU hit a field goal to put UnlveralLy ln front before U..ery'f t.hree-Poffiter. Ke wu fouled In \he act of 1hootina. Yong Chol then hit a pair of free throws to put Uni blw:k on top, 51·50 to eet the atage for Neal'• game-wlnnlng basket. Irvine plays Masnulla foa the contolatlon champlonshlp Saturday at 3:45. SA Valley 1%, Wn tmlaater H Santa Ana Valley put on a red-hot shooting exhibition In the MCOnd haJf to come from behind for the victory. The Fa.loon. h it 16-of-22 from the floor in the second half, moet of them from 15 feet or longer, to pull the decision out. Westminster controlled the boards with Jeff F.ast.iJ\ grabbing 13 for top honors. He a.tao hit 14 points to tie with Sick Delavallade w ith Tom Downs hitting 16 for the Lions for top honors. The Lions had a couple of critical tumovers In the final period when SA Valley outacon!d them 17-14. Westminster plays for third p~ace tonight against Laguna Beach. Bonita 73, Lagana Beacll 4% Feeling the effects of six games in eight days and with the prospect of two more ln the next two . (Westminster tonight in the Santa A n a Tournament third place game at. 6, followed by Santiago's invas.ion Saturday night), the Artists were no match for Bonita. Nick Tepper led Laguna Beach with eight FV, Marina, Oilers post • wins Fountain Valley High breezed to victory in the Artesia Tournament Thursday night, while Marina, Huntington Beach and Newport Christian won by somewhat narrower margins in htgh school women's basketball action. •. .Here's how it went: Ftn. Valley 54, Banning 10 The Barons moved to 3-0 on the young season, breezing to victory over the outclassed Pilots. Therese Puchalski scored 15 points to lead Fountain Valley. Everybody played and scored for the Barons. A strong defensive effort, which shut out Banning in the final quarter, was a key for Fountain Valley, which next plays Saturday morning at 10:45 a\ Artesia. NI.IC NOTICE Mar ina 55, Dana Hills 5% Sandy Corbett poured in 22 points and Alene Anderson had 10 points and led the Vikings with 12 rebounds in the win over the visiting Dolphins. Corbett scored 10 of her points in the final period . to stave off Dana Hills. The Vikings took the lead for keeps with about two minutes to play. Now 4-1, Marina's nelit teat will be Tuesday night, 7:30, at Foothill. Hunt. Beacb 39, Santiago 37 A big third quarter that saw them out.score Santiago by 13 points, pulled the Oilers to their second victory against one defeat. Santiago moved in front 10·3 and 21-12 in the flrst two pecioda before the Oilers went to work. Jackie Townsend was high scorer for the Oilers with 16 in a game that also saw Hunti n &ach cold at the free throw line where they hit only 7-of-24. Newport a.. 51, Wllltt1er a.. 44 Newport Christian warmed up for ita appearance In the Lone Pine tournament beginnin g tonight with its second straight victory of the aeuon. Profitable move PASADENA (AP) -UCLA didn't decide to move from the Los Anselea Coliseu m to the Rose Bowl until leu than two montha before the 1982 college football season started, yet the school apparently m ade more money from its home games this year than ever before. It was reported the estimated net for six home gamea this year is $1,197,000, the largest in UCLA history NlllC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE NILIC NOTICE point.I and freahman ~an Jordan l'Ollected eeven rebounds. but f« \he mo.t part, thla wu one the Artlata will 1.ry to foraet. "W.:'v been pre.ina all the way and frankly, wo'rtt b.-comlng exhausted," said Coach Crala Falconer. The la. dro.-the ArU.ta to 3·3. Capo Valley O , Canyon 31 The Cougara adva.r¥..'Cd to the IMlmlfinala of the Sonora Tournament with their aecond straight victory. They play Brea-Olinda at 6:30 tonJght with a chance to advance to Saturday's championship encounter. Dan Mulder and Mitch Anderson paced the aooring agalnat Canyon with 14 and 12 PQinta with Burt C&l1 and Mark Otta adding eight apiece. Capo moved in front in the flnit period and held a 28-17 edge at halftime. After Canyon cloeed the gap to seven pointa In the third period, Capo Valley doubled the Canyon acoring toe.al in the final period to win by 13. Basketball scores c;.'!:r· UC INlne 85, L0yola 73 USC 72, 81111 JoM St. 54 s 111111ord 81, St. Mary'• n 81111 Diego St 47, U. San Diego 45 Wuhlnglon 70. Pedflc 53 NeY~lM Vegae 85. N9Yeda- IW\CI 75 Gonzaga 88, Bo1M St. 52 Portland ee, c.n1. Wufllngton 81 c., e.p111t 81. Redland• 59 Bvu • ...._... 10, B1o1a 83 P~Mr 71, cal Luu.an ee ....... Mont1111a St. 77, Southern U1ah 58 ldllflo St. 92, w .. tem Mont11na 55 Idaho 65, 51. Ma11ln'1 44 . ......... W•t Texu St. 94, PNll!pl 75 Ba~ 74. T-·Afllngl.On 65 TCU 82. 8leeayne 57 ...... Notre Dame 92. F.irtleld 70 BredleV 97. 81. Loula 47 Norti-tem 75. N. llllnol1 58 S. llllnoill 85, Moren.ad St. 76 (01) .... Tui-104, Nlcholle St. 48 Aultk't PMy 59, T-St. 56 (OC) Loulelena Collage S4, NW Loulelena 72 Centertary et, Loulel-Tect1 es bet ConnecUcut M. M....chuMlll 74 B<oolclyn Colliege 47, USIU 45 ............. All'llel" In Aetlon 70, Oklahoma SI. 89 co;a~·· ca.... .... ..... 9'ewMI PaMdeM 74, Olendele 72 RIWnlde 91. LA llelttr/ 80 .............. 1'1nt ...... San1e Ana 84, LonQ Beach CC 79 Santa Barbar• 57. Hancock 48 Complon 63, Santa Monica 43 El CemlnO 80, Sa6cllebac* 50 °'-'"' Arie ...... SD M.-a 93, o-t n Cerrhoe 74, South-tern 57 lmS*lal I/~ 87, Modeeto 77 Groaamont 72, Portervllle 50, T:S:.:=a ....... -Cll1•1l1na11i, 11 ....... La OWota 85. Loe Alamlloe 70 Huntlf90n 8Md\ 65, Fountain Valley 4e PWIP!w ......... OQMn View 87, Paloe Verdel 85 MOlnlogeide 79, AoMlng Hiiia 58 C1n11I "Gftl•••• Servtt• 91, &c>erana 45 St. Antl'tony 54. South Torrance 47 ...... c ......... ..,.~ ... Capo I/alley 40, Canyon 3e Stea 75, Sunny Hiiie 82 IA Habfa 83, Dena Hiii• 49 c ................. ... ltVlne 52, Unlwrelty 51 (01) a.tagno11a 11, .... Wt1eot1 8 1 ......... ~ .................. Santa Ana V•ll•Y 82 , Weetmll'lltar58 Bonlte 73, Laguna 8each 42 .. els ....... Arie ---LB Whon-55, Burbank 48 San Clement• 4e, El Modena 45 WOllMft HIQttKHOOl Marina 55, Dana HMle 52 Huntington 8Mcl'I 39, S11n11eg<> 37 Rancl'lo Alamlloe 43, W•l'Nnater 38 Newpor1 Cl'lrl1Uan 51, Wl'lltller Ctwtetlln 44 .,..... T-.i-••• ,.,......_. Fountain Var.rt 54. e.nn1ng 10 NOTICa °' n.uana .. I AU -..c>RTAMT NOTIC9 •14111 FtCT1TIOUS au..... YOU AM .. DOAULT ..... "A 8UNRIOll COURT °' Tltl '--Ne.. lllOOM IF YOUR , .. O,U ITY IS IN NOTIC« TO CMDrTCMtl NAlllE STATE.•NT DH D Of' TMllT OATID UM. t , ITATI CW C~ T.S. No. G-t'71IO 'OR!CLOIUfll •ICAUll YOU Of'~ T1'Mtll'IJI Tiie following pe11on la dotng 1tS1. UNL.aM YOU TAICI ACTION !'OR Tltl COUMTY Of'~ T.O. SERVICE COMPANY u duty A fl I I t: H I N 0 IN Y 0 U R (IM&. 1101 .. W7 U.C.C.) 1>1111oess es TO '9K)TICT YOU.. ~ltt'Y. MO. A1~ appointed Tru11 .. under Iha ,AYMINTt , IT MAY I t: I OLO Notice It l'lareby given to SN'APSHOT I HOUR PHOTO, If MAY M IOl.D AT A "'9ltC ~TO IHOW CAUM loQC>wlng deac:rlbtld deed of lrull WTTHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, cradltore of ll'la wltl'lln named 149·E Riverside Or .. Newport IAL I, If YOU NllD AN IN THE MATTER OF THE Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Md,..._, .................... lrantleror(•) tl'lat . bulk 1r-•er I• 8eecl'I CA 92663 IXP\.AMATIOlt °' THI NA~ APPLICATION OF AOMONO TQ THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR •• •rl111 ro11r HOHftl '" •"4 •bout to b• mad• of peraon11 Mlcheel l McOueeMy. 1793 °' TMI NOCl lDINO AQAINIT DEL.AO FOR CHANGE OF NAME C~H (payable 111 time of _,. In ...... i.,...,... •ot ,_ ..... property herelnaft• ~lbed. HewaU Cr .. Coste M .... CA 92eH YOU, YOU 8NOULD CONTACT A \Mier-AOMONO DEL.AO l'IM tewtut money of ll'le United Stal•) 11e •ar111ente pl11e per1111Ued Tl'le -and ~ eddr-This business Is Cond\14:1ed b'( an LAWYP. llled hie pelhlon wltl'I IN Clettl• ol elf rlgllt. lllle and Int-• oonY9Yed • Md • ..,.._ .,....... lllrw ol Iha lndended lr-19for we· tndtviduel NOTICE Oil TMlln. .. I M.I t"'9 Court lcw perlNlelon to dlafioe lojand now held b'( It undef' Mid of _ .... "-.,_ ... tMe Mltoe ln·HOuH Communlcatlon1 Mich ... l McOuMney T.L .... .,..., hie n81N lrom AOMONO DEL.AO lo Truet In Illa properly l'larelnallet I deluU WH recerded. Tiiie Equipment. Inc .• 2800 Mk:l'lelaon Tiits Sletemenl was filed w11h tile NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tl'lal AATHUR ADMOND OELAO now, dMcrlbeCI: I le Ila.•• of .... ....., Ortw. lrv!N, c.lllornla t2715 County Clerk. ol Orange Counly on on Wed.-day. January 5, 1"3, at tl'lerefonl. f A U S T 0 R: A l 8 E R T A 11, 1112, allCI Wiii IMJ-1111111 Tiie tocatlon In Callfomla ol the Dec 1. 1982 g 00 o'clocil a.m. of Mid day, In Ille IT IS HEREBY ORD£REO Illa! lit WIL..KINSON MOORE. en unmMrled "' accouflt ~ 011rrettt. cl'llel executive ottk:e Of' prtnclpal • '~ room HI Hide for conducting peuon1 lntere11e<1 In the mellet woman Oii _, flOt ha1'e te par tM .....,._ bu1lne11 office of tl'la Intended Published Orange Co111 Oally Truetea•e s.i... wlll'lk't Ille offlcel of alorHald appear 11 700 Civic IEN~FICIARY. MARK L FAHEY portloft of ,_ -t. 1ran1ferorl1:-aaab0ve. P1101.0ec 3, 10, 11.24. 1982 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Cenl•r Drive Weit. Santa Ana. a GLORIA G. FAHEY. l'l/w u )olr'tl •ett tlte111ll 11111 ,., .... flt ... All otl'ler buelneq nam .. and , ________ ........ 5..,24.,.0_.·ll._2 SERVICE. localed al 2020 Nor11'1 Callfomla on January 31. 1983 111 leQll/\t• .... '°" ..... ,., ttle addr• .. •• UNO by ll'le Intended .,._.,. TICE 8toadW8)', Sult• 208, In the City of me houf" ol 10;00 Lm In ()apt. 3 of Aecorded May 14. 1982 • Instr ......i ....,.. 1renlferor wltl'lin lhrM yeare laal ,~ NO Sant• Ana. County of Orange. State Mid day, end then and there .now No. 82-188035 In bOOll of Offldal After tilt• montht from the date PHI 10 far u known to Iha FtCTITIOUI ....... of C allfornle . SP ESCROW ~. lf My they hew, wtly Mid R~cord1 In 1h• office of 11'1• f rec:ordallon of 11'11• doc:umenl Intended tr-*"-: None. NA• ITATl•NT SERVICE. INC .• a De laware application lor change 01 name Recorder of Orange County; Nld whldl date 01 reoordellon appear• Tiie name and ~ edd,_ corportllon, 11 duly appointed eh0\11<1 not be granted. de'ed of true I ducrlbu tl'I• hereon), un .... the obllgetlon being of Ille Intended tr--.. are; The lollowlng perion 1' doing TrutlM under and pur-t to tl'le IT IS FURTHER OAOEREO that a IC>llowing Pl'operty: forec:loMd upon permit• • longer A m • r I c l n 0 • n • r a I l>llalneu ta· power of 1ale conferred In that gopy of 11111 Order 10 Sl'low CeuM Loi 13 ol TrllC1 594. 8lodl G In period. you hive onty Ille legal rigl'll Communlcellone, Inc., 210 W, FEOERATED TAX SERVICE. certain OMd of TNll Pecuted by be putlllehed k't The Delly Piiot. e I,... City of Coale MMa, M per mac> lo 1109 tl'le lorecloeura by ~ CarrllOI Avenue, Anel'lelm. 752 W 19111 SI • Cotta Mesa CA DORIS A. WATEAMAN. a wtdow, ~ of general clrculatlon, re6o<ded k't book 19, P-o-25 and tile anllre amount demanded by Calltomia 92805 9262Litll0ny P0<caro, 412 Holfdl"" rec;onted APIM 14, 1H1. In Book publlll'led onc;e a _. for four 26 of C11l1Celleneou1 maps In ll'le your cradltOf'. That 11'1• properly pertinent SI. Belboa. CA G26el . .., 14018 of Oftlctal ~d9 of Mid MIOCMll\le .-.. ottlc9 of the county recorder k't Mid To nnd out Iha amount you must ,,.,•to Is deectibed In gen«al .. : County. at page 757, AKor<lef'• DATED: Oeoelnbet 7, IH2 COl)nty. pey. OI to arrtf19e IOI peyment lo general Intangible, con1ract1. Thll business 1• conducted by •n lna1,_t No 15018. by,_ of FAANl< OOMENICHINI YOU AM .. DQIAUl. T ~A elop the foreclo1ure, or II your • q u I p m • n t , I e a • • h o I d Individual • bfeacll or oetautt 1n peyrileiW 0r JUDGE Of' TH! ot.t:O Of' TMllT OATIO A"'8l .. property la In fOf'acloeure IOf' any lmpte>..-le and fufnlel'llflga, and Anthony Porciro perlormence of tl'le obllgallon1 SUPERIOR 'COURT 1112. UNL.IM YOU T..-ACTION otl'ler reaeon. contact: ALLEN a I a 1 o c a I• d at : In.Hou•• This •l•lemenl was Wed wllh 1111 ••cured ll'lereby, tncludlng tl'lat • ...,..., R . ..,.ect9mN TO '9tOTICT YOUR "'°"'"TY· FLATT. agent a nd 111orneya for Communlcatlon• Equipment, Inc., County Clerk 01 Orange County on brMCll or Oefault. Nolle» of which Aew-r at'-- IT MAY N IOl.D AT A l'UaJC PCM Aeel1y and Managetnen1 and 2800 Mlchel1on Orlve, lrvlne, Nov t6• 1982 -recor<led Auguel 31, 1N2, M ..... iii UMM 9aM ,.._ I Alll . If YOU Nllt:O AN tl'I• An1l'lalm Hiiie Planned Caltfomtat2715 ' F202:MI Recorder'• ln1trumen1 No. t_V......,.l n h••4 ll.IPlANATIOM Of' TM MAT\Mll Community Auoclatlon, 4400 The ~ name UMd by the Pubhtl'led Orenge CoHI Oetly 82-30IM12. WILL SELL AT POellC ......... OAICI, CA etm Of TM f'fK>CUO.O AQAINIT MacArthur 8ouleverd, Sulle 370, said tr-'-or 111 Mid location IL Ptlol Nov It. 28. Oec: 3. lO, 1982 AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST (_,I) --7111 YOU, YOU llHOUU> CONTACT A Nawport Beecl'I. CA 92880, In-Hou•• Communication• 51t7-e2 8100£.A F~ CASH, lawtlA t'ftOf'ey Pubt111'1ed Orange Coaet Oall)I LAWYER. 714·752·7474. Equ~menl. Inc .. 2800 Mlcl'lelaon of Ille Unltltd 8111 ... °'a ClllNer'• Piiot, o.c. 10. 17. 24. 31. 1M2 251 flower SlrMI, COit• MMa. II you l'llve any que1t1on1, you DrW.. lfvlne, Clllfomle 92715. cMI* dnnm on 1 •tale°' net1on111 5414-82 CA 92927 1hould contact a lewyer or Iha That ••Id bulk tra nafer le bank, • etal• or federal credit '11f • 11rea1 add<-or common gove<nmental egency wfllcl'I may lnterided to be coneumrnated at me union, or a ttata ol t.deral .w. PlllUC NOTIC£ dWlgnallon I• el'lown 1bove. no ....,.. lnaured 'tfNr toan. offtoe of Paul Haetlnfe, at. al .• 8ff and loan aaeoclellon doltlldlacl 1n wtrranty I• glvan •• to Ill Remember. YOU MAY LOSE Town Cenlet Orlv•, 1711'1 Floor. 11111 llale, Ill peyatMe at IN time of FICTIT10UI .,... .. oornptel-or oorrect-)." LEGAL JUOHTS IF YOU 00 NOT eo.ca ~California t2t2t on or ....... right,. lftie and lnterwt held .... ITAT't:WWT The beneficiary under Mid Deed TAKE PROMPT ACTION aller ~ 29, 1992. by It , .. True1ee. In 111•1 , .. , Tiie following l*10lle .,. doing ol ,.ruet. by r-of • bf'eacll or NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN lllel Tiii• ~ tr_.., .. not aubject IO P'ooerl)' •ltualecl tn ••Id County bull-... deftutt In the obtlgatlonl secured pureuant 10 Article IX. Seetlon 7 of Callfornle Uniform Commarclal and State, deectlbed u ~ EOUCATION CORPORATION tl'lereby, l'leretofOf'a eaacuted and ll'le Oecl1r1tlon of Covenanll, Code Section 8106. • Loi 29 olTract No. 1806, •per OF AMERICA. 4500 Campu1 Ortlle, d .. lvered to tl'le underalgnad • Condition• and Reatrlcllone, Th• name and eddr"• ol Ille "'t9 recorded In Book 81 p_,. 40 Sulla 348. Newport 8Hcl'I, CA wt1ft-Dedaratlon of o.faul1 and recorded April 28, 1977. In Book pereon wttl'I WflOm olalme ln9Y be of mleoellal-mac>e k't u. offtoe t2MO DeolandlorSale.enctwrtnertnotlce 12189. Pagee 209-327, of Offlelat filed I• Mr. Jem•• E. Tweedt. of Itta County Recorder of uld EdCOA, a Callfornla of~ and of elKtlon 10 ~ Aec<Wds. Orange Co<#lty, California. Pruldent. Amerlcen Gene ral ••--County COfPOtatlon, 4500 C.mput Drive, tl'I• undersigned 10 Hit eatd a breacl'I ol tl'le obllgallon of Communication•, lnc;.r '2'f0 W. ~-.. Tl'le atreet addreu or otl'ler Suite 348, Newport 8tacl'I, CA ~ 10 eatltf)' Mid obllgallonl. payment of auuemenl• 1'111 Cerrlloe, An•l'l•lm, "'allfornla • New common OMlona uon ol ttta reel 92~ 1 tl'larHltar the undeulgneo occurred. lllotlce of Mid brMCfl and 92805, 1111d the IM1 d•y for ftllnQ BUllMM pr lie!~ oeacrlbed le ,,.,. b<»1neu Is Con6uc1ed by• NICI n011oe of bread1 and of Nan wu flleel for record on August dalm• by 11n uednor ellall be NIA to be: 1906 oi-'--~a11on. elestlon to be recorded Augull 27. 24, 1982 u lnllrument 82-291118e wflldl la the l>uelneee day .,.._ Newport lteeoh, C4llllomla. EdCOA 19J2, ae 1ne1. No. 82-304304 In of H id Official Record•. No lhl• coneu"'"'atlon d•I• .,.citied Tiie undere19ne d hereby Ricllerd G Nal~. t>dOk of Mid omci.t Aeoorde. peymenl of peat due emounte l'IM abOve. Cllecttlm• e ll lla blllly for a ny T P•eeldefll S eid ul• wlll be made, but occurred. TIMwalore, the Anaheim 0.ted: Oacember 8. 1Nt "c e e • r •In I I• lfloorreclMte 111 Mid elreat addr9ll hie et--. we• flied wttl'l IM wftllout covenent or wa rranty. Htll• P lanned Community AMENCAN OE.N£AAL ~......,...... or «*ier OOfMIOll lfllllillltlofl. Counly CWll of Oranoe County on •Jlfl'W or 1m9hd. ret«CllnO title, ANOClatlon doee lleretly elect lo COMMUNICAT1°" INC ,.....,•111118 C... C.... lald ...... be fNde .-.out N0¥ 11, 1N2. pdflleMllon, or enc:umbranc.-. to Hll or cauH to b• 1old. Ill• By. Jamee TWMdt i uu •• 11~1~} 1•:, wa rrantr . eapreu or Implied, C"'"11 a VACCAM ~ tN remaining ~ tum of followtng deeetlbed rMI property 10 Ilk» P,..ident ::::": :::r.: -1 reo1rdlflg tllla, poH .. alofl, or :.:. ....._. "8aa ll'le "<*(•) MCUt9d by Mid OMd of Hllely the ol>llgallon: lot 52 of Intended Tranetet.. 1111111 ,.. 1 • ..._.. encumbra ncH . to eallefy Ille ~ ............ T!'\1911 with 1n1wee1 • k't Mid not• Tract t4e5. M per map -clad'" Publlll'led Oreno• Coa1t Dally _..11 1.,. ea...., Cieri! prtnolpel b..anc. of tlle Nott or ....._.-..CA - priw\ded, adv-, If any, undet Book 402, Paget 40 to 44, lnc:luetve. Pilot, Dec. 10. 1H1 •"' "-• ,......_ otller obllattlon MCM9d by Mid ,_ ll'HI terma of Mid OMd o1 True1, of Ml1call1neout Mepe In ll'la 5"43t-12 1e•1 l I IR e e I a e Deed or f'l'Wl, wttll lfltartat aftd Publl•lle<I Orang• Cou1 O.ily ~ c:fw9M and ...,.._ of tl'le Orange County Aeoorder, otl'lerwlM ,.. • .,... ......... otllef euma u pro¥tdecl tn.telfl; Ptlot, Nov 19, H , O.C 3, 10. ttU Trultee and of tfle l~ted by lcnown .. ate 8 1uablrd Circle. flUBl.IC NOTIC[ a r u •• •111•11 .... ..... ... ..._. It trlY • .,,.., tfte sn..a NICI Oeed of Tniet. Anaheim, California. ........_ 11........ tanne lller9clf and 1nWw1 on II.di •-.,. lll'ITIN' ~ .... _.be l'le6d on Monday, Tl'le record-*' owner(e) of ll'le ITAU-~ ~~·:,NDOll.-NT Tlae llata•HI te IMIWftOli. and '*-..... ..,._ ,_ nu•fK Are ~ P'ennlno • mow? ~3, 1983 al 2.-00 p.m. at tile property II Gerald Catpent•. FICTITIOUI ..,._ .. NA• • ......,.. tit llw ... II lftd ...,.,_ o( Ille TNllle ri of A-1111trenoe to the 0 •I• d : Nov• m b • r 2 2 . The 10110.,,1110 pareon l'IU _,..,Ill ,....... IN t"""9 cw.atecl by Mid 0.0 of Clv () Cente r 8ulldlng. 300 E. 1982 ANAHEIM HILLS •b•ndoned Ille UM ol tl'le Flellllou1 , .......... ··-· '"'"· TM 1ot1I amount or Uld 85an AV9f1Ue. In Ille City Of' PLANNED COMMUNITY Bualneae Neme. .. .. , ... 11. ··~•I•• ot.lltltlOn, lflCklctlfll ,. .. Oft.bl)' ' Callfomle. ASSOCIATION ,,... ft/I ... • ..... H llllll t•CI ••••• ollar9a1 a nd N ICE: AT TIME OF SALE, By. LINDA WESTFALL TAt-FISHEAS, 400 Mltn Str .. t. H ., ... -. ..... o4 IM T"""9. el 1118 llftla BID8 MAY H MADI IN CASH Aaalllant a.a.tary Balboa, CA 92IMll Tiie •AIU "LOT ~0--tf1 ~1:1•0 .. , .......... -11 ... TE~ CALlf'ONtlA Tl'la Fk:llllou1 8ullfleH N•me ,...... ... .. ... • "',,_ ._ AfiPI Ofl TH! CA8HIEA8 OA v•A relerred to abovt wu lllad In JMtlft'--. .. C8'TIAEO CHIQ(I 8"Ctf'lf0 IN Or-,.. _ _... -Oct -Itel llMe al .. -D1tett: DUAi .. I . t• CIW. 0C>m llCTI<* 2'24'1. F~Nc;' F'rn4eo'."' . ....,, ' ,._ ........... i ., llDfllOW llRVICI, ~! time of the Initial COUNTY OF ORANGE ,.., Mlcflael 8uller", e•o 81lbo1 Clallw eerlfllee ta llae INC., pobllcetlon of t111a not1Ce me local On Novemb« 22, 1912 0.fOrt " • o c ::.:.__. .... -,__.., .._..:_.... ... _ me, the uneleralgned, • Noterw Blvd .. No, e. 8elb0e, CA t2et1 '• n •• e • • l r • .,,,,_.,"" .._ -...---"',,.. ,,_.....,. ' Tl'lll buelneef wte COftdUC1ecl bw I c..'P I Pt ......... obllgatloft teOUted by Ille abowt Public In tn<I for Mid ..,_.,, lftd llmlled narefllP ' • w • R a • f e • r d H crU1ecl dead of'""' a no State, pereoMll'f ..,.,_ .. LJnc1a ~ Mard .............. ., e'91na_,. OHtt , ..,.,.._., anCI w.tr ... Pf°* IO -Oii IN Mlle Thie etetement •• llle<I witfl lfte ,. e H .. e Lii AL ~ ",,,_..... • Of ....,eotory ~ to be .. ,. __ 7. ,. ............. ,,._ ,. ___ .... • .. ~ ...... To <leler!Nfte Ille~ bid, Aul•t•nt ••:~ or Illa """'' ..,... .. "'.,...,. ..,....,., '""' lat. 111 ta r •••• ""¥ ... (7'41 tl7 ...... r oorpotetton 1hel "'8 wlWn 0.C • 1fU. IRlai F ............ DUI ROtf t. ,.., Inti~• end aGllnowlecl .... lo T'NOIMI •• AUD T.D. lll'MCE COMPANY me tll9t ltie oorporlllOl'I ....,... =:::~ ..... W • ce1c f"""9. IN "'"'*' cloeument IM"'9M to "8 ......,. ......, CA - • ~ fllOle A. Gtrcla. ~=:..• r.aoltltlOfl of"'...., ,.11blltfte<I Or•ftle Coaet Dally ~ Isl Jule S WlltlnlOft Not, Dae. 3. 10. 1f, 24. 1tll a• ON ae, .. ,FIW'cl w.. Aoot. No ..... ~llOltt Ntt_,, I °'819, CA ... ,.ubl1911ed OfMlll Coelt Deity ,.k (1t4)...... Plot, Dec. 10, 17, P . 11, 1tll .,..._.,. Of9fltl CoMt Da!IY .. ,.,.. , 0.. tO, 17, P, tNI r::~::::;:;::;;::::::;;:;;::::=~j 11 '411.a C.ll t42-N71. ,eeu. lelfe lt•m• with • I I Dtlw Hot Q .... fled Ad 'ut • , .. ..,., toworlt for Clalelflld Id• wtll point Y911 In the "9flt direction to find the home you need. 142-5t71 )-.. ' AMAY..., • •• ..... ,. HAPPEN ING IN THE DAILY PILOT' AUTO MARKET .. , ••• llNIVf:HSl'n' Sales and Service, which for lht> past 11 years has combined Honda car aall'll and awrvk-e with their Oldsmobile and CMC tru~k op<•ratiuns, this week opened o rompletely new dealership dcvot.A..'Ci exclusively to Honda. ThUJ all nt•w 2 \IJ -acr<' <.~nter is located adjacent to the Oldsmobile dl'alership at 2860 Harbor Boulevard in Costa Mesa. It has bf.>cn more than a year In planning and building. and has been described as one of the largest, m08t modem Honda facilit1es on the West Coast. *** I.OS ANGt:u ;s .•. U.S. Ambassador to Aus tralia, Robe rt D. Ncsen . will share his experiences as a diplomat with auto dealer friends when he addresses the Motor Car Dealers Association of Southern California at its Annual Meeting on December 15, at the Los Angeles Airport Sheraton. A new car dealer himself, Nesen founded his Oldsmobile-Cadillac faciUty in Oxnard in 1948. He moved the dealership to Thousand Oaks in 1971 and later added Subaru and Jaguar/Triumph franchises. V~ry active in the dealer community, N~n was elected to various offices in t he Southern California dealer group, including those of Ventura County Director, Chairman of the Association's Insurance Trust, and Association Presidenf. In 1977 tie was designated a Time Magazine Quality Deale r Award winner in recognition of his business suc.'CeSS and extensive public service. In addition to his varied business acuvaues. Nesen has been appointed to several state and federal government posts. In 1970 Governor Reagan appointed him to the California New Car Dealers Policy and Appeals Board, where he served as the Board's first President. Reagan 's 1972 appointment of Nesen to the S tate Board of Education was supcrseru:g_ by President. Nixon's request th.at Ncscn assume the post of Assist.ant Secretary. of the Navy. Nesen . who earned his Navy Wings during WWfl, and who retired from the Naval Reserve m 1967 as a Lt. Commander. served as Assistant Secretary from 1972-1974. In 1981 Nesen ~as appointed by President Reagan to serve as the United States Ambassador to Australia . *** LO ANGEtt:S ... Toyo Kogyo Co., Ltd., manufacturer of Mazda passenger cars and trucks, has announced that its 1983 new vehicle limited warranty h as been extended to cover the powertrain for a period of 24 months or 24,000 miles, whichever occurs first. This limited powertrain warranty covers both gasoline and diesel engines, transmissions and components in front and rear-wheel drive vehicle configurations. (A detailed list of items covered under the powertrain warranty is attached.) All terms and conditions provided for in the basic limited warra nty for 1983 Mazda vehicles are applicable to the new powertrain limited warranty. · "We're pleased to be able to provide our customers with added value throughout this warranty extension," said Yos hlki Yamasaki, president of Toyo Kogyo. "This is yet another indication of Mazda's confidence in the reliability and durability of its products.'' he said. Local Orange County Mazda dealerships are Miracle Mazda of Costa Mesa, Beach Motors (Oldsmobile-Mnzda-RV) in Huntington Beach. Phillips Buick-Pontiac-Mazda in Laguna Hills. Anaheim Mazda oT Anaheim and Santa Ana Mazda in Santa Ana. •** LO ANGELES ..• Th e bright red. five-passenger sports coupe seen at many May Company stores from now until Christmas will belong to one fortunate May Company <'UStomer by early 1983. Nissan's newest entry into the car mnket is the grand prize for the Cbcistmas Sweepstakes being conducted in all May Company stores. .. Tying in so closely w.1th the national break of this exciting new car is a real advantage for both May Company and Nissan," says George B. Abraham, Senior Vice President and Director of Marketing and Sales P romotion. "The national advertising campaign will build a real awareness or the Nissan Pulsar NX. The car w111 be on display in over twenty of our s tores. Because Christmas traffic is so heavy In stores and malls, the automobile will be seen by millions. It's ideally the best new oar showroom. The names aC)d addresses or the local dealers will be featured In a sign near the automobile or near the ballot box Ip stores that don't have a car. All stores wiU havt-the car featured on a videotape. So, if one of our customers falls in Jove with the car, they'll knuw exactly which dealer to sec." "We're delighted to be able to ofter this exclllng prlr.e to our customers. The COOpH"&tlon and timing of the Dedicated Oat.sun Deelera of Southe rn California has been outatandlna." adds Abraham. "We expt'Ct over one miUJon entries. No purchase 11 neceaaary and the winner will be .elected by a random drawlns by January IS, 1983." • ••• • i Loe AlemHoe THUtl90AY'a MIUlTI (zntl-' ll-fllettl .-lefMfM _. .... , , .. ST ltACI. 400 y•rd• r ... Ka"111.,. Oo41 tHfll e 20 2 10 2 10 Flamboyan !Nlchdemu1) 2 10 2 10 Eaay L.am 1l.c1111r1 2 80 Alto r-My Easy 0..Uny, M•lronom•. Ool1 T•, WllO WMd Wiid. Ra!M a Roon. Apple Andy Tima 20 27 ta UACTA (6-41l).icl 119 00 HCOM> ltACI. 400 y.,dl R .. e Je1 (Fryday) 11 00 6 60 6 00 Funny Flo-(Treaavra) 1' 80 1 20 Rebelllou1 Gal (Blevlnll 6 00 Also raced Proll1 Plan. Tol•I Women, Jitte r Big Band. Pul Te nH, Beulah e.oon1a time 20 28 THIAO MCI. 400 yatda F0<1unat Fa-lie (Chvz) 13 00 2 60 2 80 Go Proudly (PauHna) 2 20 2. 10 Chunky Gallina (Myles) • 80 AllO rel*! Heart 10 Pan , Juli .. O•ncar. Wee lllc1orlan, C•111ar. Co .. tal Rocket. Plen1y A Truck Time 20 21 ta IXACTA (7·2) pakl $26 20 FOOllTH llACI. 400 yatda Sages Kiily Cat (Adr) 8 80 S 80 3 80 Bllllngsi.v Ali.lrM (C•Hger) 21 80 6 60 Eesy TlgreH fMyleal 4 80 AISo rec.Cl Jet Em Pass. Adlo1 Swael Baby. Super Tuned. Gold Oteog.,, Soul ot a Champ, M( MIHlle Time 2033 S2 EXACTA (4·71 paid $152 80 'WTH llACI. 400 yards Trlp!e Champion (Ward} 2 80 2 80 2 10 Feature lead., (Creager) 4 40 2 •O Jet Se1 Rab (HarH 2 20 Alao r!IC4MI Teus Truck, Split T ... S .... 1. Money Bags lu. Going Platinum Time 20 40 12 EXACTA (8·71 paid $13 20 aun" llACE. 400 yards Shirley B Geyte (lrsrl 7 20 4 40 3 20 Jultee Top Moon (Hart) 3 80 3 00 Se Azure Te (Fryday) 6.80 Also rac;eci Shelseneasy. Love And Run. Streel Smart. Annin Copy, JojOba Bean, Soul Whet T1,,,. 20 33 SEVENTH RACE. 400 y81dl Atadulno (wardl 2 60 2 20 2 10 Mikes Wlzaro (Hart} 3 00 2 20 Free Tobe Me (Adalrl 2 40 Also ••CAO~ Lal Me Sinn. Mt Ebony Oruma. Oenclng Fein, Eny Winning, Diamond• on Ice. M1 CrJmton a.lie n,,,. 20 25 12 flCACTA f4-3} paid $8 20 ta PfCI( Ill (8-7+6-11·•> pal<I $8,519 80 wllh tour wlntWIQ llckets (Si• r>o< ... ) S2 Piek Six con1olat1on paid S75 20 wltr> 151 winning tlck•ll (llv• h0<-1 EIGttTH llACE. 360 yards Hlgheast.,je1 (Fryday) 3 00 2 40 2.20 Cr>urp N Go (Harli 3 00 2.40 Poo e.ar Mita (Tonk•) 5 20 Aleo raced Tonl<ewall Te• A~s Merry wagon. Dwk lovel!Nss Time 17 112 ta IEXACTA IS-3) paid S9 80 ~ RACE. 400 yards Gone Go Boy (Oomlnguei}5 00 • 00 3.00 Funny Me ff'r~ 12 20 1 40 Petit GllNU ( } S 20 Alto receo ••• Tu. Oupe Oe lu. Champion Suger Hn a C11un MlgM~ Marcus, Jodi• E.o.press Town l eo Time 2080 ta EXACTA (7 ·81 petd S79 20 Allendance 5.203 Hotlrwood Park TMUfl.OAY'a MSU.. H (znh., ...... y .,_...,_..-""ti f1flaT MCI. II'~ luf1ongL 09wn lynn'1 FllltC'( (Mcem~.20 3 00 2 40 SIMI Blcllety (Shoelnall9t) 4 40 3 80 Clnderelt• Shoe (Maze) 5 80 Aleo r!IC4MI Plentyfleel, Wlngret, a.au Lily. Reclno Delight, Comm11tee Babe. ~turt • Ledy. Hea.,,.... Senl Me, Biilye'• lllllVet, My ~. Time· 1 17 0 .. HCONI> llACI. 6 lurlOnQs Gey 8lede (Bledl) 10 00 6 60 3 90 Ryw>'• Rab (Hawley) 10 00 u o Je1 M11n91Ner (Pi~y) 2 40 Also racect. Momeni ot Love. Malf1tt0te. Ooo Juan Garcia, Olden C1ua, Mr. Gable, Reclnd, Proper Slrlde, ChHrful Sport, Cot'p«ate HMCI T1me: 1'10 2/S t:1 DAIL v D009l..E (9-21 pa14 ss9 oo TMN> MCI. 1 1118 m11ee Con9alc>Uon (Hwty) 3 S.20 t 5 80 10 60 NllltCy'a Honey (Sblie) 8 40 3 80 Oab• Dirt (McCarron) 5 20 AllO rec«t. A Oandy Beu.... Whalen J .. llslo, hurl. ConeJa"a E•gle, Pape Too, Heron .• Boy, .....,, •• T Ip, Ml 0..,., T1me: 1.oM 315. 91 IEXACTA (5-7) paid 143' 50 FOUffTM RACE. II lu<1ongs Schoo4 Mwm (Mc:Cm) 11 60 4.40 3.20 Bell's R~ (Hawley) 3.20 2.80 My Count-(OelahouttaY9) 3.20 Also reced Solt Cadence, w oodlynn, Unrl1kebl8, Blanqulta, Red Strfft M111, &.ppr...,,,., Bongo Congo, Benton• Dolt. Solo HIC:llOty nm.: t 11 1/5. ~Mee. 8.,. l\ltlono9 r-T_. o.ooer (MuJ 4e eo ae.oo 14 20 Sem'a Comet (Dlh~) 11.00 II 00 Goodby9 J.Y. (Slel'*') S.00 Alao rec«t: Acupungture. G-al eu.1 .... Cheeklowega, Disco Lark. Heyno Bay, Mounlecer&. FlelflweV. Time: 1'15 315 91 IEXACTA (6-4) pekl 11.083 50 MX'n1 RAC.. One mi.. A110tlen (llelcMch) 6 80 • 00 3.20 ~(Romero) 14.40 9 eo Soll Song (MoCerron) 8.20 Aleo racect: Ledy Fren, Gllexla Bell. Idle OuclleH, Prune ~lclc•r Queen, Refuelln', ~ Time t 31 MVIHTH llACC. 1 1116 m"8e Grey s....n (Hawley) 9 eo uo 4 20 G. fOt Olrla (Slel,_) 11.IO 4 90 v1te1 F0t0e (Pierce) 10.eo A.lea racect: Broecltatl, Teet of Time, !kJnn)' Ridge, SaV.O 0.ound, Klf'l>lc. fine: 1:43 116 • P'tCC =~~1-7)peld 110,491.00 wllll nine lld<etl (11¥1 ~) 12 Pie* Sb -.olet paid 1191.20"""' lie wtn<tlng Ucllete (tour ~). llQH1'M RACa. 1 111 e mllM. Gr.-iwood llet (Pierce) "3.00 13,40 4.80 Mr. Aeedor(9leclll 7.80 3.80 8eeiloocl (T«O) 3.20 A.Ito r9C*I· Oolctetl Fl~, PMrln. lrlth ~ nm.: 1· ... 115 • UACTA (2-8) p.tld '52'.00. '9fTlt llACL II 18 mlee. • 8leclt 11u1et <'"-> 11.eo e.ao '·'° °""91 ol Quel1y (Mtlu) 1.40 uo O''-(VllcMdr) tUO Ateo reoed: S word ol Honour. ~.Monty'• Role, ...... 119«1. Lucky LUCH . "~=-~Hly, M•olc .,.,, ._.....,. . . Tlmr U4 i 111. • llAC'f~ (12-8) peld 11'7 IO. AHenclenoe -13,471. ~ > . NH WllTIJIN COM'llllNCI '•Ille Of;IWM w L !'cl. ~-· ti ' 800 S..ttle Ill ' 800 PhOenl• tt 9 550 Por11and II ti 500 Ool<len 8t1ta • t3 381 San Olego 4 Ill .~ Mldwael Dtvlelon Sen AlltonlO 1• 9 609 Kan ... c11y 10 1 S&I Oatl .. • • 500 Oen-• 12 400 U1all 7 13 :uo Houston 3 18 168 IAITlltN CONfllltlNCI Al19'111c DMelon Phltadelphle 11 3 1150 Boe Ion 10 ' 800 Hew Je<My t2 9 671 Weahlnglon 10 10 500 New York II 14 300 Cafltral Dlwlelon MllwaukM 13 8 819 Oe1rol1 12 8 eoo Allanlt 11 10 .474 1n<11ena 8 12 400 Cllk:aoo 8 13 3111 c 1e ... anc1 3 17 150 ~··---~MNngton 91. Oen-90 0tllend t07, Go10en Stete 911 ToNtflt't O-.. LM!ett al Utah Phlladelphil It Botton ~w Yor~ 11 Indiana San Anlonlo al New Jet .. y MllWeukM t i Atlanll o.n-11~ Oallas et Oet•ort San Olego al l<ansu C11y Houston •• PhOenl• Gorden Sl•I• at SNllle COLLEGE CUI 6 0 ••• 1? 1 2'• 41, $'.\ 9 1 s-.. 7 11 ~ 3 4'~ 5 0'> UCI 85, Loyola Marrmounl 73 UC lllVIHE -McOonald 15. Murphy 17, Tnotnlon 13, Tur,,., 8. loPel 10. Mutllgan 2. Beens O Berdsley O. Spinn O. Beatd-.Y 17 Oranolson S To1a11 33 1$-30 115 lDYOlA MAltYMOUNT -8LOwn 14, McKenzie 20. TOdd O, Smttn 1', Gabriel 10, Lee 9, Sparks O. Hlderieln I. BradlOtd 0 l OIAll 32 9· 13 73 H1ltt1me UC Irvine 42·30 Total fouls UC Irvine t6, loyolt Marymount 27, Rebound• UC Irvine 42 (Lopez 101. loyol• Mat)mount 33 (Brown 101 COMMUNITY COLLEGE El Camino to, Saddlebeck 50 llADOLEaACK -Henoerson 17, Adema 10, Mitchell 8, Werd 6, Arcenuul< 6, Ground 2, Johnson 1 To1111. 23 •·8 SO El CAMINO -Ketchlngs 20, Johnson 16, Oc1ava 12 M0trow 6, Cnance 2, Hurt 2. Oun19an 2 T Ott is 26 8· 10 60 Haltt1me Saddl<tbeck 31 ·30 T 0111 louls Seddlebeck 111 El Camono 7 HIGH SCHOOL Htn. BNetl 55, Ftn. -Yeller 41 HUNTINGTON IEACH -Garner 8 Merrigan 12, MUIS 11. B lnotnpaon 18, 0 Thompaon 1. Alvwaz 3 ~ 2 Tot.., 17 21-30 SS FOUNTAIN YAU.rt Brown 5. Hatry 8. Powet 15 Whilel\aor 1 I, Jacobi S. Newlon 8, Tinney 1, Matlin•. Hanson 2 Tott11. 1911-18 411. leote by Glol8rfett Huntington Beach 13 111 10 t•-SS Foun111n Valley t• 15 2 15-48 To1a11oots· Huntington Beach 18. Founllln Valley 28. Foulecl out Miii• (Huntl"IJtOn • Beachl. B Thompson (Huntington BNcll), Power IFountall\ Valley). Wllll.,...,. (f'ountaln llelley} <>c.an View n , PeiO. Verdee 15 ,.u.oa ftllOIEI --17. G Hardy9. Pelton 15, O Hardy 22, Nelle 2 To111• 30 S-9 85 OCIAM VIEW -JudQe 27 Ant~ •. Feria 2. Mullally 8, Belt 111. MoMt 10 Totals 24 19-26 67 leot•by~ Palos 11.,des 12 22 17 1'-115 OcMn vi.. 20 17 1' t6-157 Total toula. Palos llerdet 19. Ocea.n I/Jew 12 Foulecl OUI Pelton IPllOI llerdeS) lrvlne 52, Unlvef~ty 51 UNIVEllllTY -Betanoer (. E-•tl 8 SlorzOlf 15, Blal<• 13. Chol 5. Gentile 2. C•t• 4 Totals 22 7-1' 51 MVINE -Rnoaclet II NM! 8. lhe.y 24 Carver 2. 8lelmen 10, BroiovlCr> 4 lolal• 25 2·6 52 leote by Petloct. Unt-ally 12 7 12 16 4-51 ltvlne 10 10 111 9 5-52 Total touts Uni...,...ty 11 lrW!e 111. SA Veller 12. w .. tmlnat« 51 ftlTMINITIElt -Oelavallecle 14, EMiin 1', Brown 2. Johnaton 10, Down• 16, H~a1 2 Totals. 24 10-12 58 •• VALUY -Alls 2, Genl 20, Goodine 8. Calhoun 5. We&nl 1•. Oralle 13 Totals: 27 6-15 112 leoteby~ W•lmlns1" tO 111 18 14-58 SA Valley 7 tll 20 17-62 Total loulS WMlmlnster IS, SA I/alley 13 Bonita 73, L1111une BNeh 42 ltONl'1' A -HI~ II. Evans 11, CuMlngl\am 9 Burk• II. Minner 10, Thompson 14, Jol>Mon 1, Tn.gttad 10 Abdeleal 4. Total.I 3111-1473. LAOUttA HACH -Teopet II. Mc:G<-2 N-7. Fortune 8. EdW8rc!S 3 Dewer 0, McOrath 2. Arnell 4, W1tl0td •. J0tden 4 Totllt 111 6-10 42 leote by Oue<t.,. 8ontt1 15 20 15 28-73 Leguna Beach S 10 10 17-42 T 0181 IOUIS Bonita 13. leguna 8eecll 14 CllOletreno va11er •· Cenron • CANYON -Hannemann 4, S.tley '·Miley 8, Ellia 11. Rodman 11 To1al1"l72-8 311 CA"aTltANO VALllY -Mulder 14, Ander.on 12, Call 8, Otte 8, OeCatH 7 Totll9' t9 11· 18 49. ._..., 0-1•• c.nyon 10 7 13 II-le C8'>itttano llelley 1' 1' 9 12_.9 Tote! IOUll Canyon 12 Ceiplttreno v ea.y 9 HIOH SCHOOL WOMEN Hunt. leech • lentleao W HUNTINGTON allCH -Collon 1, Cordovi 8. Townsend 111, Cooper S. Titus 2. Becktr O. Comogllo 7 Totall· tll 7·24 39 IAJfTlAOO -Felker II, lewis 1, Trochet 2, Devis 10, Lime 1, RuMell 10. WM_, 0, llynum 1 T otala 14 9-20 S7 ._...,~ HunllnlJton ~ 3 9 11 t.-38 Santlego 10 II 5 1 t-37 Total fouls: Hunllnpton BHc;h 111, S 1n 111110 19: Fouled out Cordova (Huntington Belctl) Fin. VaNer 54, ...,ntftt 10 aA.NNtNO -C-4, Cip(tano t, King 8 Totall 3 4-11 10 '0UMTAIN VALllY -Gi.larO'#tlil •• Mytrl 2 , Puchaltkl 115. Arledge 8 , ~son •. Burch •. Wtlllham 4, Mllcllell II. Re)'M 2, Hufechmldl 3. CIOwet 2 Totets 25 •14 &•. ._. ., °"'""' Benning 2 3 6 0-10 FountiWI llllley 1 11 111 14-$4 Tot el IOull 8811nlng 12, FOUl\leln Vtlltey 1) MINiNI 16, Dena Hiit• a DMtA •LI -l!:llWICI 211. HOUllhln 12, l<IQht e. F0t"'" e, e11ukl1 a. Tot ... ta a.1l52 lilMIMA -~I u . Ctllltlnt 7, "8IGher I. Mdareon 10L ~ I , C"-1 0, Rleftt• 2. Kletwtead 0. TOlell 21 M H .... ..,~ Dana Hllltr • 14 14 10 14-12 Mtlflnt 18 1:1 a 1--.65 TOlll IOUll. Dana Hiii• "· Marl"• 18 Fouled Ol/I' A.ndtften (Mltlne) NHL CA ...... LLCONPaRINCI IM,...DWlalefl fllttlClfllOf• l<1ftf• llltlCOU~•• Wlnolt>eQ Calg111y W L TOIOA ,., 14 tO f 141 130 » l:t 10 0 104 101 31 11 13 II I t 1 I ti t8 12 11 3 tt8 ttO 21 10 11 II 121 IH f8 ...,, .. DIVlalefl ChlC8\jO M..-• I t lOU1' Detroit T0tonto ti 4 8 121 ., 42 " • 4 t)t tot '° 10 11 ' 101 122 23 • t7 0 76 110 " 6 Ill 0 iO 12'0 Ill WALll CONllMNCI ,tlrkk DWtelttl NY lal"'1de" 16 11 0 tt7 102 31 PnMao.lphla t5 10 4 I 11 9 t '4 NY lltlfloert 14 13 1 11& II 1 '9 WIWriQl()ll 1 I 9 7 99 100 29 P1lttbll'9h O 1' 6 94 126 23 New J"aey 0 18 7 83 137 19 AdameDI ........ Mon11eat Boslon oueoeo 9'llt•lo H8111ord 11 1 II t411 100 40 te e e 1t9 97 ae 14 11 3 l:J:l 126 i I 12 10 8 118 95 30 7 17 3 9' 13(> 17 Thwe4er'18-ee Eomon1on 3, K"'ee 3 Boeton II, Mont•NI 5 Washington O, New Jetsey 4 Phlladelphl• '· Quebec 1 Minn .. ola 9, llencouwr 8 SI Louie 7. C•IQtll'y 2 T OftltM'• 0-.. New York RenQert et Washington C119aty at w~ l<lng• 3, 01 ..... 3 ac.,.-.,,...._ Edmonton LOI Anoeles ,.,,,,.,led 1 t 1-3 1 1 1-3 1 Edmonton. Hunter 9 lllnnman, Hudd)'), t 52 2 Los Anoefet, L Murl)hy 3 (Boiek, M Murphy). 11 58 Pen11ty - Hardy l A 14 04 hc;ond Parted 3 lO• Angeles. Kally 2 (KOtab, Holmes). t 1 23 IPPI 4 Edmonton, llntemen I I (t<urrl). 1' 46 (PP~ Paflahlet -Hildy, lA, 7 21, Fogolln, Edm. 9 30. NJchollt, l A, 14•111, Wells. LA. mlf'O•·m•lor. 111·45, Menier. Edm, m1no1.maj0r. 18 45: Jacl<aon, Edm, malOt. 16 •5. Anderton, Edm, 17 30, Lowe, Edm..J9Y TMrd fOeitod s Lo• Angelu Otonne 11 (8 010. HolmH)',, 20 IPPI 8 Hmonton,.HUGl!et 12 (Lowe). • 29 Pen1ltl1t -Gregg, Edm, dou~e-m1no1, ' 20, Ru1kow1kl, LA, Oouble· m1no•. • 20, Nlcholli, LA, doublt·mlnor. 7-1' Sholl on Goal -Edmonton 16·tt·8·35 Los Angeles 14-6-JS.37 Goali.ts -Edmonlon, Moog lot Angelee. Laskoski A 13,MS MIHd TNma Tournamet1t (al L.M90, Fla.) Thomp1on-Char1>onn1 Roorlguez-Adama H .. ..Slecy Heaf'*'·MO<M Hav--Pain191 Pata-Wetham Couptea-Stei>l*>eon Mth811ey-Carner .Kodl-Leuet Klte·Oenlel Zoeller-Rittman McCumt>er-Bredi.y IAYI· Eggetlng Coolt·Aanlcln Pohl-Ven HooM HorUl-Reinnardt Grallam-Bfownlee er;ent.Joflnson OOlttrh<llt·Pott MOtgar"HlllJlle lnman..0-melne Sutton-Poe I-ah S Ir 81109-lopez Simons-Callison J8ClOl>-.-Colee Coody·Heynle Melnyk·l<18n llllenUna-McA"lll., PMta-Whltwoflh Flott-King wa1eon-Ale1 F"gul· Ttl>Of Ge11>eroer.Sr>ee111n Gdl>er1 ..SpullCh Tewell-Mo•,_. Been-Ra:z.o _...White Olelclnson..Clatk EIChelbero«·Br- Hataltky·M111er Sneed·Llttle Puruer-81alod< Hoch-\.uellhU'*I Colb«t·e.c'IQlect:tnl --Pooley-Oiea.n Soudlello-Hlll 30-35-65 32-33-11& 32-34-M 3+32-ee 34-33-67 35-32-67 32-3$-67 3$-33-67 34-34-811 31-37-811 3•-3•-811 34-35-89 33·38-89 3&-.33-89 36-31-811 3•·35-80 32·37-69 34-35-89 34-36-70 35-36-70 3-4-311-70 3)..37-70 U ·35-70 34·3e-70 37·33-70 34-38-70 3$-35-70 34-36-70 35-35-70 37·33-70 33-37-70 36-35-71 le-38-71 le-35-71 35-36-71 36-35-71 !le-38-72 35-37-72 35-37-72 36-38-72 3S-38-72 38-le-72 36-le-72 35-38-73 311-le-72 31-38-12 ................ c-.u. NCu-.....11 ..... C•UCU1 Ian OleOO It def CaMomle, IM. 1 .. 11. 11•115. 1 .. 13 VCl.A Cltl lfft'I-VO!lfll. 15-1. tt-4, 1e.18 T ............. 1 10 -UCLA. " .. '*le le I Allllr ...... Opeft ( .. M1•1-) ""' .............. Jonn A.le .. nder (Au11,.1111 <l•I JOtm 'lltgereld (Auttr •Ill ). 8 4, 1 8 . Pav I ~Nam .. 1A.u1trell1J d•I 8'n lMt.,n1111 8 ), II·:!, 0·0 , Otmlr KttellO. {WHI metl)I) <Ml !Im Mayotte (U I lo t..e, 6-4, l te•• Oenton (U 8 I d al Wa11en Maner (""9111118) 6 2. 7 ~. 81181'1 TMC:hef tU I) 0.1 Mite•-IU 11. •·'· 11 '· O '· Jolran KtMlk tto.im AlrllC8} def ftlC 5netb«.lo. (U I ). 0-1 , _,, PM Dent IAu11111111 Clef Ouy 'oreet ''r~>. s.1. 1 8, 8 2.1. Jeff 1otowte11 1u e 1 oaf Peter R41nnert (V v ), r ·I ... t Grand Prla tournament (al TeulMM, ,,_) '"at"-M .... V1onlck Noeh (Francel <l•I Aobarl Reining•• (Au1tr1t1a) 7 6, I •8 fl. 1, 811t 8c:enl0n (U 8 ) def JN n•t.ta" fOI !Fre nca ), 11·0, 0 1, J acob Hl•••k Swllu1landl def Ille Hute.H (Romania), 0·4, 3·11. 8-3 Women'• toufftllment (•I ltlcM!oncl, V~, Second llOWMI • weno~ Tu1n1>1111 (Au11re11a Otl Cer1tno BllMtl (Cenaoa). 8-1, e-o .~ ...... Tracy Auslln fU S.f ciet Bonnie Ga<IVMll IU S.), 0-0, &-I Men'• eoc:cer COMMUNITY COlllGE All-8outh Coaat Confe,.nce FtltlT TEAM Jonn Watld1e1 (Orange Coell). goal ... Jim JenHn (O•enga Co1111. Efrem M1ran<11 1san1a Ana), Oare~ O'Oon110 (Mt San AnlonlO, Miki Mullen t0t••'09 LOU\/, M1!8411 Oantun• (Senti Anal. l<e•ln Moreen (GOiden W1111. Rayl ROdrlgue1 (St nla Ana). areg Shull !Golden Wesl). Manuel Monlo<e (Santa Anti. Jerry Luna (Mt Sen An1onlol llECONO TEAM R1en1rd Gomaz (Golden Westl, goalie. Gary Nattll (Golden WHO Tony Scllrody tCemtosJ. Jim RUI• (Cerrltoa). Aobefl v.,. Oenl>ufg (Mt San AntonlO}, TOd<I StUrlJISI (Golden we11). Kevon Eide< (Cerrtlosl. Byron M•hlllJ (Ml San Antonio), M1guel Cerb•1•r (Golden Well), NICIO Senchet (CerrltOtj. John Wnlle tCeHllOI} Co·pleyere ol tne yHr Kevin Mor•en (Golden w .. 1). Efrem Mt1anda (Senta Ane) ~ HIOH SCHOOL. •N 0-View 2. Up6eftd ' Oeean View ecortno Trwbocleau I Orr t "ellltlt .... '· ,.._ 0 Hunllftflon ._.. J. Le 0....,1• 2 Huntington Beacl1 scoring. Vaughan I. 01v11 1, Duke I HIGH SCHOOL. WOMEN UgllM IMCll 2, C.-del Mat 1 CorONI clel Mlf IC«lflg Noonan 1 NFL lndtvtdual ataHallCll U:ADINO 'AHllla ,. l'C Yeh. TI> Bl8dlhl w P1lltbUr9h 137 82 1,070 12 01ct.ey. Green Bey 122 78 1, 102 e Monllna, San F<1n 1116 126 1,627 11 O WMe. Dallas 13S 90 1,202 10 TOd<I, NY Jell tS2 91 I 253 10 Thellmenn. wun 140 119 1,112 a Stabler, NO 125 83 984 ~ Barlktwlll.A.tl 15S 97 1, 147 6 AnOer_, Clnctnoatl lllS 111 1.3011 1 Doutt. San Diego 174 110 1,403 5 Fulltf. Kan.as C•t)' 72 39 529 3 ldml~. SI louoa 116 84 722 3 Krlf!IJ S••t11• eo 37 359 1 Jawo<tlll. Phll tee 109 1,327 1 Kr-. Minnesott 1!M 87 976· II Mc:MaJ>on. Ch!CaOO 90 SS 695 5 "•r..-. "-eo 31 •10 2 Zorn, Sffttle 11• 151 915 5 w1t11am1 Tampa Bey 160 90 t.020 3 Manning Hou11on es 36 44& 3 OeBerg. Oenver \34 11 812 5 ,, __ •"· llMdeta 13' 79 923 6 Brunner. NY G1an1a 1eo 84 1,095 4 K.,..,,..,., Kan .... C11y 71 42 4611 I Woodley. M1emr te-M 529 1 PaOef. Beltlmor• t02 4e 633 3 -, 11ent1 17 411 527 2 Niel ..... Houslon 95 47 498 4 llEAOIHG llUSMllll TC Yds Aw9. TD McNeil NY Jets 88 • 79 s e 2 COllinl New Engl•nd lie 443 4 6 0 ........ ...,. es 41s 4 9 e Franl!IUI Mlemo 97 411 4 2 3 ~. Ctnconnel• 95 409 -4 3 -3 Catnl>bell. HOU5lon 104 393 3 8 :? Sims. O.tro<1 H 3715 3 9 I T,..., "-• ao 311 4 e e OofMlt, OeHH 94 353 3 II 2 RIOIJ!"•· Washington I 11 1'50 3 2 2 "ECllVElll l'C Yde. Aw9. TD Clar' San Fr81'dtc0 32 S 19 16 2 3 S White. Mlonaola 26 •25 115 3 4 Mor>ll WastMnQton 211 327 12 e , Collin-th. ConC1""8tl 211 399 15 3 0 Wintlow Sen Diego 76 30ll I 1 II 3 T H1H, Oallas ?5 40S 16 2 t Chflal'-t, llaldeta 24 268 11 1 2 Roat, C1nc1nn11t1 24 243 10 1 2 Carm~eel. Phil 24 375 15 II 2 Smith Phffedelphia ~· 324 13 5 I U:AOINO P'Ut!T MTU..NIElll No. Ych. Av9. Updlurch o.n.... 7 t 15 18 4 lrflft, "-11 17S t5 9 B Jonnson. Atlanta 11 239 " I Brooke. San Diego $ 68 13 6 Vigorito. Miami 12 162 12 1 Woods. P1t1abu10f'I 13 1•2 10 9 Mllcllell. SI lOUI• 9 85 9 4 Mll'tln, OatrOll 13 120 9 2 SOiomon. San Fre!lcilCO 10 90 9 0 Smllh. New Englend 1' 1'>n U:AOINQ IUCKOf'F M1'1.MMllll No. Yda. Ava Moeley. Bulltlo 7 203 29..0 Smlltl, New Engtend 11 300 27 II McL11more, San Frenclsco 7 194 27 7 l'nlfft, ltlllden 11 214 28 8 Mannino. Oenv" 10 265 .26..5 Bofl"'1non, Plt11t>u<on 10 258 25 a Tete. ci..cinn.u & 150 25 o Feoowa Oeltaa 12 289 2• 1 HllV'..oclc. Ken68S C;ty 13 31 I 23 9 Mllc:hell, St lOUls 9 214 23 8 LEADING l'UN'nlll .Hlnn1noa, NV 011n11' Pr .. lrl<lge, Oen- BltdtM>nQ, St. Louil Cemtrtllo. Hew Eoglana ............ EO:leben. Hew Orlean1 Goodton, Pttttl>uf'gh G-t. 1(1neas Coty O. While. Dalles Stchwle1, Green Bay No. Yda. Ava. 24 1,122 4118 22 1.00• •5 6 H 1,2113 45 1 28 1,258 •4 9 24 1.044 43 5 2S 10t7 ~5 lt4 t,036 '3 2 21 190 424 19 800 42 1 22 923 42 0 ~=--=-~· OLIYILA==~ Tr.-. VOii ,_,..,.......,,eo .. m • ,, .. ,...._ IOf .. _... TMo. _.. .._._, .-..0 fllr•11ae. e11ent1op, •;:: v1111ovte11. ........... ~ ...... • lftd ..,.., ..,..,_, ..__ Tr11d911 L8't\' ..._..., ::it: ,,., ... ,.Ne '°' • .-eo 111 NIW YOllllC VA.HMlll -............ ..... ---~.,..--­ A"llONA ITATI -_.,.,... Jllll ,,,._ ...... ......... i'I ;;~~I D:::~:•Y·:::·;;~;·1 state chaHJpionship~·1 - VISALIA Th<m"1 o dltUnct Orange Coo1H flavor about the womt>n'il ~-ommunlty l'OUege at.ate vollc•yball championship nuu.ch here Saturday night. For the fourth tlml' in five years, Coach Jane Hiigendorf will 1C'nd hN Orange Coaat College Pirates Into the title match . Thia time il will be against C:OUege of the Sequoia&. The Pirates captured th~ Southern Caltfornw crown laat wee k e nd wh il e Sc-quoias surprised De An:za to take the Northern title. Orange Coast won the state crown in 1978 and again in 1980 and last year finished second. In 1979, the only year the Pirates m issed the title match, they finished third in the st.aw. OCC and Sequoias have met twice thls season and the Pirates w on b oth . B o th w e re in tournament competition with Coast winning at Sant.a Monica, 15·2, 15·2. Later in the season, it was 15-13, 16-14 in the Santa Barbara tourney. "Sequoias IS w1doubtedly the most Improved team in the state.'' Hilgendorf says. "They have a lot of young players who have really matur~d . They weren't that good in October but in November they we re much . ' 1trorurt>r and appear .-v@n better. now."' Hllaendorf 1ay1 the Plrote1 have a1IO improved. · "We're a tnuch better club now than we were a month ago," 1he .aya. "We but the No. 1 team In VOLLEYBALL the st.ate (El Camino) to w1n t~ So uthern Callfornl; championship. 1 "Sequolas haa a big strong duo that block• and jumps wel\, We're not as physical, but we're' lot quicker." The Piratee are paced by team c aptain a nd South Coast. Conference most valuable player, Laurie Adama at outside hitter. Adams is joined by Kari Arndt knd Deanna Low at the outside!"' hitter poeitiona, Val Grady and Jody Brencic at middle blockers ' and Kathy Mollica at setter. Adams, a product of &t.anciii , High, was All·State last seaso" and was named MVP in the SoCal tourney last week to go • with her laurels in Lhff• conference. Grady. Molllca and Brencic were also selected to the SoC4t all-tournament 11quad. ov,-oiler kickers . undefeated ~r • remain T h e O cean View and Huntington Beach High men's soccer teams remained unbeaten, while Edison feU and Laguna Beach's women shaded Corona del Mar Thursday afternoon. ean View-nipped Upland, 2-1, Huntington Beach edged La Quinta. 3·2~ Edison dropped a 3-0 decision to Rolling Hitls and La~una's women were 2· l victors over CdM. The Seahawks tallied their two goals in the first 10 minutes of the cont.est and held on with a strong defense, led by sweeper Richard Smith. Reid Thibodeau k.Jcked in the first goal of the game o n a penalty kick, and moments later, David Orr connected on a header shot after a crossing pass. Upland's lone goal came just before halftime, also on a penalty kick. The two teams were scoreless in the second half. Ocean View's next test will come in the South Torrance Tournament, beginning early Sa turd ay morning. The Seahawks are slated to play a 7:30 match against Hawthorne, and i{ they win that one, will come right back to play again at n..90n. Also competing in the tolll'm! wHl be Ma rina, Edison and Huntington Beach. The Oilers raced to a 2-0 lead over La Quint.a Thursday, than.ks to goals by Brett Davis and Chris Vaughan. However. La Quinta rallied to tie the cont.est in the second half. With about seven minutes to play, Vince Duke was fed a pass by Davis and converted the go- ahead goal. HB will play Sant.a Monica at 10:30 Saturday in the opening of the South Torrance Tournament. F.dison fell to 0·3 alter losing to Rolling Hills. The Chargers will test Rolling Hills again next. Wednesday night, on the road. The C:Orona del Mar women's team suHered its hrst setback of tlle season against tWo wins and a tie after losing to Laguna Beach. Rustlers battle -- Southwest tonight Golden West C:Ollege, with a victory tontght o ver LA Southwest, can advance to the championship game of its own basketball tournament. Coach Jim Greenfield's Rustlers defeated LA P ierce 60-58 Wednmay night in first· round play, but must get paat the much improved C:Ougars tonight (8). LA Southwest carries a 7-1 record In to the second-round game. The C.OUgars have already d efeated both Long Beach CC and Mt.. San Antonio thil teatOn. They advanced to the winner'• bracket of the G<1lden West Tournament with a 63-55 vic10ry over C!trua Wedneeday. Cricket. Short tallied tbe CU-., goal of the game for Laguna., which took a 2-0 advantage in the second half before Jennifer Noonan scored for CdM. ... . ,, put on hold . .: by El Camino SANTA BARBARA -Aftet playing well in the first half, the' .. Saddleback College basketball team fell victim to El Camino's delay game and suffered a 60-50' loss Thur sday night in the-- opening .round of the Sant Barbara Tournament. After trailing the Gauchos, 31·30 at interm.is8ion, El Camino outscored them, 14-8, in the opening moments of the second half to go up, 44·39, with 11 minutes to play. Then , th Warriors went into their delay game, forcing Saddleback to foul for possession. When the Gauchos did send El Camino to the line, the Warriors converted eight straight free throw.s, three t.imes in the bonl..I& situation, to keep SaddlebaclC from threatening. El Camlno raced to a 1 o.o lead at the outset, but Saddleback rallied for its first advantage with 7:41 to play in the first hal~, 23-22. The lead seesawed until. halftime. Kevin Henderson scored 17 points to pace the Gauchos. while Alex Adams had 10. '• ~ Jet, rocket nationals set .,T . .: Jets , rockets and' wheelstanden will converge Oil Orange County International• Raceway for the season finale Satw::da.y roght in the annual jet and rocket nationals. . A string of live-second jet ~. ill "indttde Orange County'• Scott Hammock in his Smoke !f~' Thunder jet dragater ; Hayde D ; Profitt's Hot Streak, now drive(! and owned by Bill Carter of ' LQ!lg Beach; Doug Brown I'°'" Wildfire; and Doug Rose m Green Mamba. : The all·new jet funny can of'· Nick Harmon from Washing10Q and Dick Roebe •• Firebird from. Chicago, w7f1 add to th~. program with slde·by-aide raciJl8 1 at over 280-milet-per-hour. · • Fred Goeke will demonltra" I hi.a new rocket drapier whkh • capable of tunning more than .350-mph In le.a than fou.t > aec:onda. And F.ct Jones and Joe Dou~ • will compete In aide-by-aide"' wh,eelstand ...an,. ~. ': Oatea open at noon wit~ eliminations. The eveninl lhoW opens with a fiftworka thow at ~. " •C El Toro goes after CIF crow~: See View Leecue co-c= El Toro, winner of nine t and boa1ttn1 an 11·2 overall record, duela unbeaten an~ end Rob Zeeb, w ho h av' 1pearbMded •he Indiana' 13·0 cams-ip. top-teeded Fullerton Hi1h El Toro reUee on a pwUlh1nc toniaht ('1:30) at~ Coi1t 'l·offenee, bullt eround a Colfe1e In che CU' Central backfield con1htin1 of C o n f • r t n c • f o o \ b • 11 ~ Mia Daul'-!It}.~ champ6onehip decider. runnen J.,.,., Ddridp and D.n PuOenan la led by the venatlle Trickett, In ..sditlan to • eo1¥1-Dave Wlllll. a runnlnC back-defenH, led by All·Oran,. reeel..,.., U.. with 11Mbecbr County linebacker Paul GU Olden (210) wl clehlmtve Svttenko. I' CJ Orancr• Co••t DAIL. v PILOT /Friday, Deo.mblf 10, 1Na MllC NOTICI Ml.IC NOTICf: AMI w m un am ,icnTIOU• llU ..... ~ .... ecMLOHIMM N._ tTATl•NT 1.0 .. ~eic':'c~~':Y .. cklly 1>11~141 1a110.wino '*'°"' .,. 0011\\j appointed Tr11ttH undtr tilt r&'1ltHWl r ttN MAN tolloWlnQ 0.Ctl'*I 11..o Of t1u11 A 0 I. M I! N T A N O '4 (. A l J V WILL llLL AT ~LIQ AUOTIOft COMP~NY ~Olf ~ AY&f-IO'"THI HIQHRT llDOffl 'o" luJtt A·IO' Co111 MHa t242t • °"'" AHOJOfl THI CAIMllM Ofl Aid p p 16'2 C ti ClflTll'llO CH[Cl<I IPICl,.(0 IN Circle, ~ Palmtc~ 90623 II Ofl CIVIL OODf l[CTtON 212411 Jamu R 01al11gtr 211020 I~ 81 Illa llmt ~Ml• In llWIUI Qrenl/Wlw ll'td , IC, PalOt VatdM ~ ot tlla Unlltd ltalH) all PenlnlMlla, C1 90274 f!OM, lltta and ln141f•t GOl1¥8yad to Thie 1>1111,_. 11 COlldl>C"ltld by a Ind ,_ lletd by II under Mid OeaCI Q8Mfal part"81tl\ll), Of Tru.t In the PfOC*IY haralnanet AIClto p flarrr 0-lbed. Tllll 1t1l~t w .. Iliad with the ~UITOfl. MICHAl!l WM. County Ci.,11 Ot Ot-.nga Counly on 8CHlOl!S8MAH aa Tru•tea. NOY 16 1N2 HAN>INO tNTEA vrvoa TAV8T • ,.,,. 0 ll!Hl!FICIAAY: AATHUA E. Publlthad Orang• CoHt tielly HAMAN M.D., TRUSTH OF Piiot Nov 19 H 0eci.. 3 tO 1982 ~. ~WJ'1~ ie2:~.~M,."E~s~~ • · • • s;1 ... u Pl.AH "9cot0td June 11, 1111 M lnatt A I wa y. a • a 1 • I n Tax Credit Pass-Through 4-1 WllTIOflP Pl.US DI DUCTIONS RICOVll 3 YIAIS IACk, 5 POIWAI D NO NOTIS, NO llCAPTUll STRONG TIACk llCOID DECEMBER 24th QOSINGI DAY /NIGHT 714/720-0220 No. 1104 1 In Book 140118, P•o• class1hed-raad the ads 1702o1Oflldat Rac:orda111 1118 omoe1 __ :"':•:ry:_:d:•y:_:6=•=2~·5=6~7~8--_J~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!~ of the AaoorCS.. ot Or~ CounlY.1- H ld dMCI Of tru1t dtaetlb~H the IOltowlng properly.DHCU'TtOM PARCEL I: Unft No. 11, tn '"' Ctty ol Newpot1 Beadl, County ol Or111gt, Statt of Calllornl•, H ~and daflnad on that Oattaln Condorrlntum Pl•n racord•d Augult 28, 1878, In bOOll 12820, P•O•• 278 to 318 lnclualva of Otlldel Record• ot Otanga CC>Ynty, CalllornlL PARCEL 2: An undivided 1/30 In,._ M • tanent In common In M8 lntetMt In and to the Common Al'M ol LOii I and 2 ol Traci 85118, u I* m.., ftlad In bOolt 400, PeoM 25 to 28 lnclulllve. Mlacall111aou• M9'18, In Illa oltloa of the County Racotdar of laid COunty, .. IUdl lltm ti deftnad In Iha Arllett aotltled "Oellnlttone" ot Iha Daclaratlon ol IT'S NOT VET TOO LATEI: ONL V 21 DAYS LEFT To Refund ALL ·s2 Taxes and Recover '79·8t TaKes I I 2 l 4 l 6 I 10 I + ITC r ETC? Real £state Research & Development £qu1pment leasing ··--... 111'11 ......... f§i • hlll Hiit ........... .,,., ..,.. . Presented by DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave .. Ste 102. Irvine -Near Jamboree/405 Our Stall or Allorneys and Accountants will be available 9 AM • 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW (714) 841·3781 FOR SEMINAR Coven ant•, Condition• and~-~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RMtric:tton1. I EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll, gu, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUil.iC NOTIC£ mln«ata and olhet lllf(lrocart>on1. NOTICE OF O«,AUt.T .\ND below • depth of 500 Mal, without I ECT""""' TO ••• • NOTICI cw TMISTIS'8 8.\U ,.CTITIOUI I UtlNHI - Iha right ol eurtace t ntry, u ~" ofi'o OF ni'U.T T.8. Ne. 11• NAME tTATllllENT ~ In ln8trumen11 ol racord. "~T.\NT NOTICE" NOTICI Thi lollowing pe11011 11 doing PARCEL 3: Euamenu .,. IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN YOU ..... OS.AULT UNDe9' A business ... partlcularty Ml forth In the Anlola FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU DH D M TMlaT, DAftD JULY.. ABSOLUTEL y APPALOOSA. enllllad "Euament1" of the ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS 1111. UNL.118 YOU TU I ACTION 405 11th St.. •A. Hun1tngton Declarellon under Iha Section IT MAY BE SOLD WITHOUT ANY TO ll'ROTICT YOUR ~9'TY, Beach, C1 112648 llMdlnQI In 11#1 Article entltlad M COURT ACT O " MAY M IOU> AT A PU9LIC Cerolyn Jean C,.1g, 405 1 llh IOllows: "Alllht8 and OutlM: Utliltlaa 1 N. and yoo ~have 8 AL I . I ' Y 0 U N 11 D A N St • rrA, Hun11ngton Beach. C1 end Cable 'Talevlllon", "Support, the legal tight lo bring your account lllPl.ANATION °' TMI MATUM 921148 St ltlement anO Encroachment", In good llanding by paytng 111 ot Of' THI ll'ROCllDINO AOA•8T This business 11 conducted by an "lngf-. Eor-and Rac:r .. llOllal you1 PHI due peyment• plul YOU YOU lttOUU> CONTACT A lndlYldUll Rlght1", "Exclutlva Rutrlctad permllled coils end expanse• lAwYl!ft c•·olvn Craig within lhree months from Iha dll• -, Common Area EHamant" and this notice 01 dafiult was recorded On o-n11ar 30, 11182, at 8:18 lhl• statement v.as llled with the "Matlt Box E-t". The amount 11 51,3110•82 Hof a.m ., WEST COAST BANK, a County Clerk or Or1no• CC>Ynty on PARCEL 4: e-11 u 8UCh October IO, 11182, and wiW tnCr .... Calllornla corporation, 11 duly Oc;lober 27. 1982 ~I• are partlQJ!Mty Ml forth dilly unlll your account becom•• aplolntad Tru•I•• under an d F2CIOIM In the Arllda entltlad "e.-t•" curtent You m•v not hive 10 pay pur9U&rlt to Dead ol T~t ,_dad Publl•l!•d Orange Coast Dally ot '"' Oecl1ratlon ol Cov•nant•. 1 ' A~t 10 1878 • tnet No t32t8 Pilot Nov 26. Dee. 3, 10, 17, 1982 Condition• and RHtrlctlon• In the anl re unpaid portion ol your • • • • • "Sub'-' lo:" ... _, __ (t"'-"Mut~ accoont even though lull peymanl oft Offtclal Aaoordt In the ofllea O' 1 _________ .....;.5;;.2.;.;13:..·.;.;:82 ,......, .....,... ,,. -wee d.m.,,dad. bul you must pay Iha County Recorder of Or•noa ~Ion") under Iha Section Ille •mount stated above Count y, State of Calllornta. PUBLIC NOTICE tn 11#1 artlda entlllad.. Al hs I EAec:uted by Edwln M. Gregory. , ___________ _ followt: "RIQllte 8lld Outlaa: Ullltllaa ler three monl rom the dale WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION 'ICT1TIOUI auaaNltt and C.ble Talevlelon", "Su""""', ol racordahon ol this document TO HIGHEST llDOEA FOR CASH NAME t TATe•NT ,....... • (which date of rec0tdalk.'l'I ~'' The lollowl d Settlement ar1d Encroachment", hefaon). unless the obllgetlon being (payable 11 time ol aale In lawful no l*IOll• are Olng "Community Facllltlea EaMmenl" toraclosad upon permit• 1 longer money ot the United Stat•) at the bu1inaH H . •F~~~~~.lnag• over Community period, YoU have only the legal ""'hi tront entrance to the old Orange VA. CIRCUITRY, 13883 LaJolla _...YOU.._·- 111 -•••"T ,..._., .. 10 atop tile lorectoeura by P~:;t... County CourthouH , located on Ptau, Giiden Giove, CA 112708 __ ,::-:...,;::rD~":...-=-y"-:.:" lh• entire amount demanded ~b~ S anta A n a B lvd .. between Simuel Thom11 V1d1urret•. -• ... _. •nv• • ...... --)'OUr credhor ' Sycll'llC)f'a St., a 8'oedwey. San1a 13883 laJolla Plaza. Garoan Urcwe. 1111. UM.aaa YOU TUI ACTION To find oui the amount ...... must Ana. Cellf()(nfa, alt right. tltla 8lld CA 92708 tQ-"ROTICT YOU9' ~RTY, nay or 10 lfrenge for pa~t 10 Int.,_, convey9d to and now held MlchHI Richard ROH, 1217 IT lllAY .. 80ClrA~r1NJIM:te-t.,op lhe !OfiOIOSUlt7"CJrif'.'your by It ~-aakl Dead.J!.I Truat In Iha Monave Ot .. CottOtl. CA 92324 I Al I . 1 P Y 0 U N 1 1 D AN properly Is In foreclosure 10, any proPettY 11tua1ed In •aTcl County Tnls bulllnesrlrconduc1ect-b'yT IXPLANATION CW Tffl NATUNI Olher rauon. contect· LEE H ~. St11ta deacflbed u : Sea EAhlblt general ~~;::t',f. Aoas M ""' flfK>CHDINO AGAtN9T DURST. ESO Altar---tor , .. _ LA ~ .. ~ hereto .and made • YOU, YOU tHOULO CONTACT A ·~• ,,. ,,_. ,_..,.. Thia tlltemtnl wU lilacJwillfThe L..AWYlll cu Es TA RA c 0 u ET c Lu B EXHIBIT "A" Counly Clerll of Orange County on 15 Coventry SlrH t. Newport HOMEOWNERS . ASSN .. 695 T_,, That portion ol lot I ot lht Dec I, 11182 Baaoh, Calllornla Center Drive, Sulla 800, Co111 Aan<:hO c-da De Lot Al'-tn f20S2t4 "(K • 11, .. 1 acklr-or oommon Mell. Celllornla 112112&: telephone th• County of Orono• State 01 Publi1had 01anoa Co11t 01ily daalgnatlon ot property I• llllOwn 17 ::1yis:,/r,';;: •ny questions you Calllornla, u I* map 1ecor0td In Piiot. Dee 3, 10, 11. 24. 11182 above, no -ranty 18 given u to 118 ahould con tee• 1 lawyer 0; the Book 3, Pagu 2110 and 291 or 1 ___________ s_2_1a_-_82 complelel-or correct,_). .. The government agency Whleh mey have Mlecellenaoul ~de. In the oltloa •-.,. ..,,.TIC[ banallclary under H id Dead ot inturad )'OUr IO•n ol Loa At1Q81e8 County, Callfo<nla. l"UUU\I "" Trull, by rauon ol a breach 01 Ramtmber YOU MAY LOSE bounded 1outhwe1tarly by tht lrlCT"IOUI IU .... tt dafaull In the obllgetlons MCUnld LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT north•ntarty tin• ol Illa land NAME tTATIMfNT lhetaby, heretolora 8lll8CUled and TAKE PROMPT ACTION deacrlbed In the Dead to the County dallvared to Iha undtrelgned a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , ... , 2_~8ll08· l'aCOfOtd tn 8oolt 124 f, The following pereon Is doing Mttlen Otclar ltloro of Default and .. C R C " ~ ., Offlclal Aecot1n: -tatty bu11nas1 as DamendforSala.andwnttennotlca '"e L• ueua acqu•t lub ~Y th• -••arly Una ot the land CUSTOM M OTORS TIRE ..., ..___... _ _. .... Ion Homeowners ANodallon. ha"'ng a I CENTER, 767 Bak11 SI • Co111 ..., ...,_, .... ..., elect to ca1.a lien upon the ,881 property known ducrlbad n Iha Dead to the ~. CA 1126211 lite underelgnad 10 Hit eald .. 1113 Amber Drive Huntington Southern Celllornla EOlaon Williem E Page. 3042 Yukon Pf°'*'Y to Mtlefy Mid ~Dona. C ' Con\oenv1 rtCOtded In 8oolt 7310, and thareaflar tlla unda11lgned =~b.d•!!°rC::~~lch '' tegetly Paga 313, Olltclal Record•: and C11cla, Costa Meu. CA 1128211 CIUMCI Mid notlot of bfeacil and of lot 21 TrllC1 898.4 11 recorded nortllarly and nort'-'1arly by the lnJr:u'::'lneu Is conducled by an alac1ton to b8 racorded ~ 25. In Book :jg 1 PagH 40 to 42 1out harty and •outllwallatty 1982 •• ln1tr. No. 82·28i8'3 In Inclusive. 01 Ml1«flaneous Map•: boundary of the Mod~,•.~-Wolhllm E Piii' Book of Ofllclat Record• In th• Oltleial Record• 01 Ot-County Tract. aa ._ on .,_. D on 8 Thia 4talement was Med wnh the otnee ol the Recordef ot Otanga C1l1lornta. -...... • mlCI tlC«ded In 8oolt 8, P1199141, County Cla<k ot Orang• County on c:o.nty. Of which GREGG M SELTZER 11 42 and 43 of iWlc8ll8MOU8 Mape, Nov 111· 1982 Satd S1la wlll ba made, but the ow111t-oLc8COld and-aald..U.O Racordl Of Mid Orange County. '2022JI wt1tlout covananror •"lrrl"rrty; arl•""' by virtue ot • Daclarallon of or• correctly ~lad u: Published -eren;. CoHt Dally ax.pr-or lmpllad, raci-dtng lltla Co-~:nenu, Condition• and That portion ot lot 8 ot the Piiot, Nov 19. 26. Dee 3. 10. 11182 poHaHIOll, or ancumbranoaa, to RatocUons (lletelnaltat "CC4R'•"I Rancho Cenede De Loa Alleot. In 5081·82 P8Y Iha rarnelning pt1"dpel _,,of recorded In Book 11447• Pages Ill• County ot Orange, St1ta of Illa notl(•) l8CUfld by Mid dead of 1a. in0us1ve Dnidal Record• of Cellfomla ... I* mep racordad In Tniat, *'111 lntateet ea In Mid not• orino• Cou'nty, Cilllornla. 81 Book 3. PaoH 280 1nd 281 ot prOllided, ldv.,_, If any. under annellad 10 lh• ~t>lee1 propeny Mlaoallantou8 Aecordt, In the oltloa lht tetm• OI Mid Dead of Tt\111, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that ol Orange County, Calllornla, r-. Chargaa and ~ o1 the 1 breech 01 ..,. obliga•lon for wtlich bounded t outllwHtarly by Ill• Trutt .. and Of Illa truete c:tteted by llld LJan wu given u eacurity hu nonh•Hlarly llnt ot Illa land Mid Deed of Trual Seid Nie d b8 Oaectlbed In the Deed to the County llat<I on: occurred tn that paymenu ot ol Orange rtCOtded tn 8oolC 124t Tuaadey. January 4, tN3, It 2:00 :::·;i·:;, ~~lh•~u d,uly P-o& 81 Olftclal Aecorda: -~ p.m. at Iha Chapman Avenue Y 81 aganst by Iha -1tarly llna of U1e lend entrance to the Civic Canter the aubJaCt property -• not paid dHcrtbad In tlla Dead to the 8ulldlng, 300 Eut Cl\epmen Al4 .. when due, •nd 11111 r•maln due, Southern Callfornte Edl1on 0 I I n g. • c . 11 I 0 , n t • . ow;i~r:-~O:n~~::::~~eml-ComoenY. ,_dad In Boole 7810, Al tlla time ot the lnltla l annuit lnSlallmint 01 regular Pa~ 313, Ottlclal Aeeotd•· and publltallon ot this notloa, IN total .. _,,,.,,11 due February 1 19112 norttl8fly and ~ by Iha 111\0Unl of the Uflt)8ld bellonOe of ttie at Iha rite 01 •Ix (Ill percent par aouthtrly and 1outhwe11trly obllgatlon HCured by the abOve • boundary of the Modlealc• Home d81crlbtd d••d of tru•t and ennum. In •ddltlon to attorney 1 T111C1 u "'°*"on lhMt "D" on a H llmated co•I•. HP8nM1, and , ... , COlll and late chergas 11 181 mac> ;_ded In 8ooll 9 Pagee 41 advanoaa ta $33,5111.42. tonh on Mid" CC&~~ ~~1181 with 42 and 43 of M~ Mapa: ........... _.........,. any and a sums -v ......... by tha ,.._ ,._,_ .,,. ..,........",. """l'Mf'I b8 obtained IOclallon or lta tgenll. undat the Aacord8 of Mid.,..,. ._._,ty. by c8llng (7141 837~ the <Sey arma and provisions of Hid The atr8tl addraH and other before Iha Mia. C&R'• common de91gNtton, " eny, of the !1111•: Oeclrnbar 2, 1112 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that real property Oetcrlbed eb011e I• T.D. SERVICE COMPANY purported to be' u 88188 Truat8t, aid Aasoclatlon. lh1ougt1 111 duty VACANT LANO: Dltactloni to By. Mat00 er-. ppotntad agent, hn eKacutad and ~bjact property may b8 obtained Alal8t9nt 8ectatlfY allvetad • written dadaratlon ot by wnt18fl r~ 8Ubmltted within One City 81\ld. Waat, auh and demlnd tor ..... 8lld 10 day9 ot Iha llr8I publcatton Of Orwloe. CA 82688 ea aurr•ndared all documentl thl• notice to the currant 714-f3s-e2N vldanclng obtlgatlon1 1&cured b9nallclery, Herman Sonan •nd Publlehed Orang• CoH t Dilly llaleby, •nd hu Cleellrad and da..s Roat Sonan 81 Lalleahora lrvlnt P~. Oec. 10, 17, 24, IM2 et1by Oaclira 111 •um• teeurad Callfomla ti714. ' ' &41142 hertby lmmadl•l•IY due and Tht unda11tgn•d Truett• ---------....;;...;...;..;~ ay1t>ta, and hll elected and doea dl1clalm1 any ll1blllty tor any-"8.IC N()TIC( 8by al8cl to cauM Iha prQP«ty tacrlbacLahova. to be aolCS 10 lnocw...etnaee Qf tfle ttraeladdr- ffCTITIOUS .,..... ~~the obll91t1on• Ou• tnt 8lld °"*' common datlgnallon, If • ..... tTA~ tton ' ""'I·"--.in, Tfla lollowlng pa11on t1 doing T O D. E T E R M 1 N E t F Said H la wlll be made. but W.U-u: REINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBLE without covanent or warranty, • S.C.V. PRODUCTS (PROD.I NO THE AMOUNT. IF ANY ••• .,,_or lfnpllad, ragerdlng title, 1 ~158 Goldanw81t Clrcla. ECESSARY TO CURE DEFAULT, ~~~~~ W..,rnln1t1t, CA 92683 ONTACT· LEE H DURST, ESQ ' • ·-·--·.., • Slaven Cory Young, 11311 t ttornay at L-. 895 T-Center the noll(I) aMCUted by .id Deed Gordon. LaHabra. CA 80631 11va. Suite 800, Co•te Men. of TNll, wtttl lntlt'8al thereon, • ~Is bullnaat ts condUC1ed by an alllornla 112626, telephone (714) l:'r'fovtded ~ ':.: ·=·~ = tnd!Yl<tual. 4I·13117. ' P'tBJC NOTICE 'ICT1TIOUI IUtlNIH NUii tTATIMENT Tll• loHowlng P81tona are dOlng bu-. as· VIDEO CROSS ROADS. 103 E 171h St , Coste Mau, CA 112627 Cro11101d1 C 1pl1al Corporation . • Calllo1nla corpo11Uon. 12 Hldalgo, trvlne, CA 92714. Thi• business is conducted by a c:oroor1uon C10111oao1 Cap111t Corp Juha Bynon Secretary Tr ... urer Thoe 111tement wa.1 liltd with Ille County' Clerk ol Orllfl08 Coonty on Nov fll, 1882 F2022J7 Pu1>ll1had Ornge Coast Delly P1lo1 Nov 19,26, Oec 3. 10. 11182 506&·82 rta.IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUIM.l .... H NA• ITATlllllNT Thi followlng J*'IOll• era dotno buslneu as ENVIRONMENTAL ENERGY SYSlEMS, 456 62nd St. Newport BelCh, Celll. 1121163 Allan W. Voorhl• l11c .. • Catlf0tnl1 Corporation. 4511 112.nd St_ NttP<><t Beach, CA 926&3 Tt\lt butlnast II conducted by I corpor etlon Allen W. Voorhla Marilyn VOQf'hlt. Sac. This 118lemtnt Wll Iliad With Iha County Clerk of Ot1nga County Otl NOY 18, t982 ,..., Publiahao Orange Coaet Dally Piiot Nov tll. 26, Dec 3, 10, 1982 5053·82 • Steven c. Young DAT!D: October 10• 19112 of ru11, fall, cnng11 and thta 1111-t WM filed Wllh Ille La CuMt• Racquet • ..,.,_ ol the T""'98 Ind ot tht "8.IC NOTICE County Clertl of°'~ County Oii Club • ._ .... Aun. ¥:::~ CIHltd by aald Dead of 1---AC-moua-------.. --- 0.it. 1, t1182 c/o LEE H DURST. ESQ Th9 total amount of Iha unpelO NAMI! aTA'RMINT t. ,... belMCe of tM otlllglltlon ~ Ttla lollowlng pe11on I• doing ll'Ubtl1Md 01an1.a CoHI Dally 695 Town Ce<ltar Olive, by Iha properly 10 be iold end bulllnasl 81. Piiot. Dtc. 3, IO. 1 • 24• 1882 Suite 800 rauo111bta unmated OOIU SILVERAOO WtNE l SPIRITS. __________ 5_2_2_2-_82 Cott• Maaa. Ca. 82626 ·~ and ._ at tht ttmt 2118 8 1 c I m In o d I E' tr e 111. • "8JC N()llC[ ~r ~:°'~°'!::·Agent of 111a 1n1t1a1 "'1111c111on ot the Cec>i•trano S.ach, Ca 8262• . .-... ---ea Publlihed Orange CoHt Delly ~~of a.ta la ~540~.............. Cllarln E Bolinger. 317 Bay r-,,, ...,... • ..,_ , ,,. ..,_ -._ Sl!Ofe, Lant 8eech. Ce 80803 ' NAMI ITATIMINT IPllo' Oec 3, 10, t7, 24, IM2 of Truat her9t on -.cuted Ind Tllil bulinatl II conoucted by an Th. lollowlng l*IOl'l8 a1a doing • 5300-82 dallvared to tM under1lgnad a lnOlvldull bu~:~A FOR CONTINUING P\8.IC NOTICE =~n~:.: :'nr!"!11::: Tp11 ll~=1E.:w:r=r With the EDUCATION PROGRAMS. 3857 PlCTITIOUa .,..... Hoeice ol Oeteutt and Election to Co4'nty Cler'll of °'lnO& County on 81roh St , Newport BHCh, CA NAM1! 8TA'R•NT 8111. The uodenlg118CI C*ltld Mid Holl 17. IM2 112'80 The following Plf90fll .,. doing Hoelca of Default and Eactlon 10 ,_ Francie E. Gonzaln, 2529 S. ~ aa: a.II to be ~ to 1111 county Publl1had Orang• Coa11 0111~ TCJ'trlM/ld, Santa Anl, CA. 82704 THE BRISTOL BUILDING, 1072 "'*-1111 ~II located. P11Qt, Dec 3, tO, 17, 24, tMa Allee O. Gonu lu , 26211 S. 8.E. 8111101 St., Santa An1, CA. Ott•~ 2. M2 11284•82 T~. Senta An1, CA. 827o.t 112707 WHT COAl'T 8AHk t Fr-E. Gonu1aa DEUT$CH & OLINSCHEID I Clllfomll OOfPOftlliOll "8JC NQTIC( nwa ll~t wu lllad With Illa PAOPERTl£S I, 1072 8.E. 8rlllOI • lllcl Tt\11199 J ~ Citrk of Or~ County on $1 .. Santa Ana. CA 92107 t:.!:o~=:.:-:;·4Jt "CTlTIOUI WH ~. I. !H2. Tiiie bull,_. le '°'1Clllcted by a \:;.' .. ~ .. 1 .. 101 T t..._ll 1 I TATl-..n l'9IM4 general partnerth'9. .. .. n• o ow no """" I• oolno Publleh•d Or1nga CoHt Dilly Dautach I Oll111ohald • l'\ltl Deed eu-. Inc. bullnetl .. PllcM. Noll. '9, 2$, Dec. 3, 10, IM2. Pr0Ptr1'-9 t .. egent fof OLPAAK'S COflNt8H 8TVL[ 608042 JOMPh P. O.Utec:tl Wwl C0Nt ._. HOT PASl1£8. 3 81runa Court, ~.,_---------Tlllt llltamanl WM lllad with the ~ o.111 ltlln, ,._Pott 8"en. CA tMM M.IC NOT1CE Counly Clal'll of 0r-r.Ao-.. TM!t OfltW lltth Vlrgtnta Marehall. ) ~t-----------Nov 1: -..... ~ .. , on PubtllNKI Ora~ co .. t OaHy Baruna Ct • ~I leech. CA PICTITIOU9 ...... 3• 1982· ,_ "*>!, Oeo. 10, It, n . 'Ma 12683 NAm ITA~ Pu1>1i1'1ad Orange Co11t 0111 643142 Thie bull""8 Ill Condvclacl by 1111 tollowtnt P«•On I• dotng Ptlot Nov ~II Oto 3 IO 17 181 lndfVICluat ea. ' ' ' . ' ' 5 fa2.. leth V Mlf~I l!LITl PAODUOTS. T$41•D t--------.......;:....:.:.:...::;::...i.-----------~ Thia .,.._, -lllad with Illa A ... , coata MIN. CA t2t2t COunlY Olattt ~ OrlnO& C0UMy on '*'°'""°8fl, 1300MatNA.... Nov ft, ltlf • • Cotta~. CA t2tH ,_ IMIMM ta conducted by lf1 642-5678 Publtellecl Oran .. Coaet D..., lndlttlllull Piiot. NOii 18, 29, O.C 3, 10, ltlf 'J ..=.m '-:: _, w11ti t11a Put a /ew words to work for you 5oet-12 Qal'll of °'""' C°"""t on 1111111 _, .~ :';,":?,',~ "".:::: in the 1 J;.I ...... Cell 141-H71. ~t • fnworda IOWofta for . _....,..__ __ -- R e tiring Uill llulw r, wlio <~o-founded t"W fK>rt MMrine . 'upply Co. in I 9'1-5, r.-1ire8 Dec. 15 a t age 65. The bu,,.ine s, which w &H pure ha ed b y Gulf ond Western 10 y at~ ago, ho been tratnsformed into the six· tore chain of Captain' l....ocker boating h ardware o udets. f.lu ber began his career b y doing maintenance on Newport Harbor boats belonging to cele brities suc h as Errol Flyn n a nd ! Humphrey Bogart. ! ..... ..._ ................ --. ..... ____________________ ~,, Compute r firm pick s n e w dis trict man.ager , EECO Computer, In~ (ECI) has selected R . W . (Wally) Murray as weste rn district manager for its computerized hote l Pro perty M a nagem e nt System. Murray is responsible for the Sar)ta Ana flrm's sales activities and market development in the company's far' wes t district, which includes California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Hawaii, OYEt THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND Alas k a and the· Canad ian province of British Columbia. Additionally. Murra.y will provide sales and marketing support to existing accounts. He reports to Rene Caron, vice president of Sales. P reviously, Murray h eld positions with the AM Documentor Division of AM International as western regional sales manager and national manager of marketing and sales NASO LISTINGS =~ l~~:~~1L: NL IDS Tx Ut U9 NL l!IY $1k ..... 2t 62 NL In• S.I 111 I.» NL Inv V• • ,. 10" NL Inv Retl\ s n s.n NL llt•I I) ft NL NL~.,, t~ ::: .r~ NL JP t!ICO l."3 t.27 NL Jan~ 10 .. NL =t J~tone~ ... IS.63 Grt11111 12 SI II tO US Gvt 1 71 U I THE• 911 t'O l(~llO\fl n NL IC-F"11dl tncom I JI IM G•-12.•1 1' 63 HI Yid t,a )O,S1 '"ttl'd 11.• tt.46 ,_.,,. I 1 A 1.a OIPtll t2. 1' ll.W S4tmm 22 .. U09 T.cl\ 11 S'1 ll 7• if G~ 11a.3'. ig~ l(?::Ti ~~· '"S4 ''" ., 1•·: 20.66 Cll5 a. 1 1.41 Ctn Kt a.U let , ... 1(2 7, IJ ,., CllSSI ... .,. •• C11a$a .... t.22 c ... M .... 1,., t-nl us •. ,, Ta111'r 7,C 1.1J .,.... 1u.1 ., ., •n NL LAnv m; tJ n NMA 1.• NL ... t!ll NL -IJtl NL L~ IUS NL ..._ .. s.vtel. Cltlit ..... NL MUI oa NL • support. Prior to that, he was * San Fra ncisco area dis trict i manager for NCR Corporation, I responsible for all sales activities to the hospitality industry in Northern California. Murray has a lso served as resident h otel manager for a motor hotel In the Los Angeles area. Murray has a bache lor's degree in business administration from California St.ate University, Northridge. , i : • i I I NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION 9UOf A"'*' , .. n.uo• '11•0•' o .. "" .... VO•ll. Ml•••". ,.Cl"'", •• IOUOtl, OIUOlt .... (UICI ....... UOClf I •CllANIH .... ••NUIO • ., "'" ... ,. a•o '""' ... ' OUTLOOK '83 The Orange Coast 11 a prime flnanclal center marked by tolld growth and a healthy economy. The December edltton of Current magazJne wlll feature Outlootc '83 -an examlnatron of the tlmety lslue1 In butl""' -eddr .... ng tueh toPlcl u •.. • Contribution• and progr ... made by Or.nge Cout butlnen In 1982. • Economic trendt to •xP«t In 1983 -wfth a focut on local employment. real tttete, conetructlon, retail and finance. • Local forec•t• and projeetlont from key butlna1 ftguret. • An ovemew of lndu1try In MCh of the Orange Cout cltlet. I, Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, D.aember 10, 1N2 Atari official I ired NEW YORK (AP) WAl"Mr Commumt.llone lnc. la rept.clnl • cop oflldAJ aflet' ~ lluml)(na ..._ of !; ll• Atail product• and MlUn• oft rbroad decline tn ...-. - vldeopme and home-<'Ompu&er etock priL'ea. :~ l""erry Odak, prttldent of the con1umer producu • , dlvlalon of Atari Inc .• hill been relieved of all du\iel but ,, remaln1 on tlMt payroll, Warner. the pattnt compeny of •. ~ Atari hu announced. .., , ,., qq!v!!~~J,~!~-•a "' l:rr-", '* t noc °""" ..... w. a-Clll ;u • ,,_. .......... ~~-). 1t·ll oil ft ~;r me: 11tJ ~·= ffl: 't.JI 'r.l r._::: . ~·'. • ......... ~.-·1g . y,.,. . .. . . . . • . .. . }. o~ VIiia ,.,,.,............. 1 '..1 >'I .S Ma.··••••••••••••• •• ••• I fO NEW YQlllC (API 0.C. f , ... .,. tn 1111 Jll '"' , Nl!W YDRIC I D) ~ t AMERICAN LEADERS ~-1UJQ1.~~~~-u:..1: r::~--=-= ::: =..::: : r::<MI .. °*"" , ........ "' ......... ,_...,, No IKll!'llllt ., ... ,. ....... u ... Incl· udH. -Md -~ chen9K •• t .. dlff ... -. --........ '°"' ,..., ... ,,1c. ........ '('. ~If'· iriu. -&..Mt Ole PcL I 1w11ey -1\lo + 1~ U, 11A 2 T--.e, S~ + '¥. Up 11,1 J E-J"° + ,_, u, IU 4 IC-Q> • + ~ U, 14.J S ,etrktll'tt J + ,_ Up IU ........ 1AOPI 14 + "'' u, 12.0 1 1..Hrl'lll1 mt. + IV. Up jl.A I -•Ena lf-+ 1\'J Up l.J t ,,_rDr1A It + I Up II.I tO Dlwrs 11'11 J"° + \lo Up t.S 11 ...._,. ,... • "' Up u If ICN ""-"" Mio + 4' Up t.A 1J = 1\lt + .. u, t.I It 11'8 • 1111 Up .. , ISO Wt+" Up ... 16 ToJ&Mlllll 114 + _, Up l,J 11 Meakofil JI'> + II> u, 1.1 11 Cl100FON 14"' + I Up 7A " lnucoOll '"' + -. Up 1A 20 Te.-tkt 1°" + " U, 1A 21 ~~~· -+ ~ Up 1.J tt II 14\lt + I UI' 1.A 110.40 per troy --· Hendy A Henrwn U -..~1 U V. + 1YI u, 1.J <only detf ~1• t ~., I'... : {~ t:: B 2' Wolle DtllE 1114 + lro Up 7.1 OOWlllS ,...... i.-Ola Pct. I War~ :tS -I~ Off J2.t 1, GOflN·•r't'!!! n 5011'1 -611'1 OH n.• -.,. ..... -, ... Oft II.I COLD QUOTAllONS ., TM llll • aa• ,.,_ 4 UAI.. Inc » -J" OH 11.1 ~ ~ _.... ptlcea lod9y: S T endJ JO¥o -6 OH IU ~ ~llxlno "341.00, up SUO. 6 .. _ 1 M ->'it i t.I 1....-. afternoon fht1n9 ... H .16. off ~ ~k:'f1111 ~ = ~ H ·~-., L1 f1;75, --.34 10 ~llHScl IJ\lo -111. Off ... Pwla 1111.,_ llllina 1439.20, off -• 11 Co1«0 Incl M ... -ll<o OH U f'f9111dWt fbdna S44f.OO, oft S3.o2. 1J MnolAlll 1111'1 -1 OH 1.0 ~ Z.wtdl 1ete .-noon llJtlnt 1435.00, off U Plletpa Ood M -2\<o OH 1.0 1 .,.,00 bid; $4341.00 .... , 14 Albeno CUI 21\lo -I ... Off 1,t MHtlJ a Mar•H only ~y quote a ~':f" ... c:.o.., __ i;~ -!111 g:: U '435.75, olr-f1;75. ••u 75 .-17 Teafl Ind I -V. OH 1,1 ~ orltr dlllly ~ ....,,,. • "" 11 World Alrw J -It. OH 1.1 S 1.71: " 1 • .-... 271/t -2V. OH 1A ,........,. tabftca1.0 only Oelty quoit 211 N~ Aln .... ->-. Off 7.t ... 57.14. off 11.85 ~~::c!.. ~ = r.: g: a 2J "El-fJf l llo -" OH 1 • 14 AMO s Dllt -1\lo Off •.t li Am Home a-. -.,,_ OH 6,t 2' Genstw 1 I~ -1\ll OH 6.t You can't afford to mlM thl1 oppol1unlty to communicate your outltandtng benefit• to over ff ,000 adult f'Mder1 -'9lldent1 vtt•tv concerned about the unoertalntlee and progrw of their OOMtal Nglon. OUttootc '83 11 a fMture eure to be uV9d tor future· refelenoe by emptoJ ... ~omera Ind ...--... Int .... In IMdtng .,.. lndUltry. To rn 1 ve your 9CtvertlllnQ IPW tod8y, aom.ae Olllr Plot ......111 at ea..aa1. ,, "' I rll:l ,,() ,,,. J'.l "" q •!10 ••:J 'I •1111 ,.., "" I ta I'S .11M -'9A ,,., (j" ~:> ·aA ' I It Itta. .... .... q • • .11q •n• , .. a . ..., .,>1lol t.n• lfC: ,, w•A •eO •M 'I .... 'l nt I lo '>:> .~· _,,n ..... ,, i>I b1•• •see Q'j" &ftl ... ~ '\31:1 ~, llT • l l 8 4,Jl• ~o J'>Y ~AJ • .. ~a .. Ora11ge Co11t OAILV PILOT lrrld1y1 Oec•mber 101 Ul82 _, 642-5678 A ow11u p1·opl1· lookinu for o n •11tCJI , 70'' nwrl n•ol e.'l lOl t• c:lw1s1/wd ads Firew ood. mostly hard· wOO<I. S 130 a cord. Sell pickup. 960·0587 TIE mllW.U ""UI llFT CANARIES • Singing Ball UNIQUE HANOCRAF1 ED ol Red Feathers l or TOYS ' GIFTS Chrlatmas. (red-orange) Reasonable. 675-7489 $35 648·8132 Clean windows-odd job• FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ref 642·54't9/645-7g12 fll OUllTIUI CHRISTMAS PUPPIES King JemH vertlon ol Ador11bll wht Shephllfd/ the New Teatement on Gldn Rtlr $15 646-3732 beautiful 33Yt long play ----------1 records. Holldly ~lal Aust. Shep. pups, 8 wks. S29.95 w/free vinyl oase adorable, all colors. 110 ($15 velue>. Come eee u• papers, S45. 631·8632 124 E Broedway CM, Mon-Wed 9·12 or cell 857-2040 ..... ,,.,h, • 1.,,.,, •• 170 E 17th SI, Ste. I 17 Costa Mesa. 646-3141 Engraved gills last fore· var. Tankards, goblell, baby cups, picture frames, key rings, etc etc LUYll llHHY Your Complete Ski Head· quarters • Sales, Rentall. 1 Clothing, Ski Ramp, N EW PORT S K I CO •• 2700 W Coast H wy ---------1 631-3260 CHRISTMAS -TREES WREATHS Stopl Ctwlstmas Shop! E.I. H••EL, llC. 2038 Newport Blvd CM New ski & fashion store Hl-7441 PATllFlllHS lackrto• lift SltoJ Christmas Items to fill your Holi days wi th Christmas Che&f. Come Visit Us 4242 Campus Drive. Ste E-3 Newport Beach 54M550 Mon-Fri 10-4. Sal 9.30-3:30 TREAT SOllE "IOIY" Body wraps-laclal kits gill package 644-5289 featuring eJCcluslve Bllz- iard akf1 & famous actl-Specialists In Holiday De· AKC Beal le Pupplee vewear. Register tor pr-corallona. Copperlleld's lze41rewlng Dec 15 Flowers 1936 So. Cat 169. windsurfer. boots. 111ca· KWy. LB 494-1173 AKC Gldn Retriever• $229. tlons. morel 642·5630. CHRISTMAS TREES Lhaso Apaso $250. 1711 W11toliff '''" DELIVERED from IOI 10 646.0090 Weslclllf Plaza. N.B your door Call Answer 801 :H~ReL~~~~ Colla -.. -E-.-.:...,..:,l...:....::Nl..:.....IU __ l_·l-:-::W:::IN-::D:-:S:-:U-::R:-:F=1N:-7G::-::S:-::A7L-:E-i Ad 537, 642-430. 241 hra Mesa Mistral $950. HlFly $750 lr--------- 979-8570 Teacu~:'!>Y2•8~18nlature UP Sporle (71<1)631~ 108 A Flcllllouo eu1t111H ., .. .,. NOMI ..... _ ... lll•d ---------•l-~B~o~a:::rd~l:_:ng~&:_;g~r~oo~m~lng~-I •••• •• e • •••• e wltll •IM c-.., <:Mfk 11 or la Action Call a Daily Pilot AD-VISOR- 642-5678 IBERIAN HUSK'I' PUPS .~ wellcl for"" ~'"'' 11111 AKC, xlnl markings. blue roller Skate l ::!f: •• : .:::-:::::. 1_&_b_r_n_eyea. __ 53_6-_-7_18_1_1 __ 1 SALE P11bl1cltloft 11 _,_., A KC OLD E N GLISH 40.ao., OftlJ II ,.,., •••• " ,. ctt1ft911. c .. -L..-i SHEEPDOG PUPPIES Off D1p111"'"'' 11 1111 FOR CHRISTMAS D A 1 LY PILOT tor $350. 979"-1"78 Arlsl<lltntn stoclr.lllCI -HM.11•11!on •n\I Cocker Spaniel puppies Riedel & Suregr1p1 ... c .. -;}2'::.: tor Christmas. AKC reg • Octa•froat .... .._., • blond. 642-3341 Wht1lworb i .... 332 WANT ACTION? Ill.It& llli·HIO "'11\'IQIMI Classlled Ads 64:t-!'i678 ••• • • •• •• •• • • L~·~·~·~· ·!-!!!!-~·~-~-~-~ P~LIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE P\alC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS FICTITIOUS BUllNESS NAME STATEMENT NOTICf Of' IALE Of' IMPORTANT NOTICE W.Q3I05 REAL ""ONRTY AT IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN NOTICE OF l'UttllC HEARING NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT ""IVATf SALi FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU WKEfll Tuuday. January •, The tonow1ng persons are doing The 1011ow1ng pe.sons are doing The lollow1ng persor1s are doing bui1neu H lt-oat50 ARE BEHIND IN YOUA PAYMEfolTS, t 9 8 3 1 O O O 1 m W HE A E bu11nes;s as business as No.~ IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT,Ruo~rcea Building, 1416 Ith AV I AT I 0 N SERV ICES t 11 CALIFORNIA LANO TITLE SECU R ITY SYS TEMS ACADEMY 2806 The Rl'l1ne, Nl'Wport Beach. CA 92663 Academy of Oelens1ve Oriv.ng, • Calilom1a corporation. 2806 The Rhine Newport Ektlch, CA 92663 Th•s business is conducteo by e lft the~ C-r1 of ANYCVOURT ACTION. and you Street, Room 1131, S1eraman10. UNLIMITED. 3901 Westerly Place COMPANY. 12) CALIFORNIA -Suite t07. Newpon Beacn. WORLD TllLE COMPANY 1010 N Cahlornia 92660 Main St . Santa Ana C"'llornia American Free Enterprise 92701 • the State of Cam.nle, may have tl'le lag1I right lo brlllil Calllorn11 9581' PURPOSE To I« the Countr of Loe A,.._ your account In good llan<ling byj Receive Te111monr on Project In the Maller ol the Eltate ol paying all o f yt our past due Funding Prlorlllea for the 205(1) JAMES PRENTICE MATIHEWS SR. p1yment1 plua permlllld COits and Prooosats Tl'llS hearing Is being held aka J. P MA TT HEWS, SR aka BIG expenset Within three month• from to recewe 1es11mony on proPOMd JIM MATTHEWS. o.c.ued IM date thla nota OI o.laufl Wll proiects 10 be funded Wllh federal Assoc1a 11on Incorporated (s Con11nen1al Land Tiiie Cahlorn1a corporat1on1 390 1 Companr ta Cal11Qr.nt8 CO•PO•allonl West erly Place -Sy11e 107 60 Universal City Plaza Umversal Newpart Beacn Cahlorma 92660 C11y Cahlornoa 91608 CO•POrahon Notice I• hereby given I hat the recorded This amount Is $550 00 20~11 water Ouihty Menagement Ullder~ wlltY!U.tPrlvll• Nie s of Novembef 15. 1982. a~ wtll PJtl')flj(lg_gt1n1 funds FollOWing 1111, IO tha hlghHt Ind bHI bidder. lncraau untlT your 8CClSUnl h81rlng, tf1e-STirir"B'oara wlll 1ubjec1 10 contrrm1t1on ot said t>ecomea current. You may not ha"8 develop 8 pr0Jec1 priority 1111 which Superior Court, on or eltef Iha 28th to pay the entlra unpaid portion ol will be edopled 11 1 Board Meeting d1y ot Oecembef, 1982, II the Of1iC8 your 1ccoun1, even though lull on January 20. 1!183 lndlYldu11 of RICK L LUND, 3161 Airway, payment wu <!emended, but you propoHls will be made 1111nable Suite C·I Costa Mesa. ca1t1ornl1 mull pay Iha amount ata l ad upon requell. con11c1 Jaan 92828. County of Orange. Stat• of abovet17 Ladyman at f916) 322-2868 C1ltlornl1. an the right, title end Altef three months from the dale Complete HIS ot proposals wllt be ln1er11t of H id decetHd et the ot recordellon ol thle document available tor review alter Oecember lime al Cleath and 111 the right. lllle (which dale of record1tlon epp.aara 3, 1983. lrom 8 8 m. to 5 p.m . end lntereat that the 11t111 ol Hid hereon). unless the obligation being Monday through Friday, 1t the deceased has acquired by loreclosed upon permlll • longer lollowlng olllces Th•~ business ts eondueted by a ConhnentaHA6nO Larry 0 Vaughan. Prestttent Academy 01 Oelenstve Ouv1ng corporation Tille Co American Free En1e1prise Richard J Mo11a Assoc;1a11on. Inc Vice President Tn1s S1atemen1 was tiled with tne County Clerk of Orange County on Nov 18 1982 John M Oa111sson This statement was filed with the Sec/Tres County Cieri< or Orange County on Tn1s s1a1ement was f1li!<I with the Nov t2 1982 F2024ll County Clerk ol Orar>ge County on Oct 19, 1982 F1"806 F202014 Published Orange Coast Dilly Published Orange Coos1 Daily P1101 Dec 3 10. 11. 24, 1982 P1101, Nov 19 26. Dec 3. tO. 1982 5293-82 Published Orange Coasl Dally PUBLIC NOTICE Pilot Nov 19. 26. Dec 3 10 1982 1------------ ________ 5_1_1_5·_82 P08UC NOTICE --.-,-IC-TITIOU---9-_,-... --,-9-- 5119-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person 1s doing business as CAI "B SAFE SECURITY SYSTEMS CO • !Bl • B SAFE SECURITY SYSTEMS. 1840 S Newport ~27 Costa Meae. CA 92627 Oav1d w Hanson 16•0 S Newporl : 27 Costa Mesa CA 92627 This business is conducted by an lndMduat Oevrd W Hanson FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Thi' lollow1n9 persons nre doing ous1ness as TECHNICAL ELEC'T RONIC DISTRIBUTORS 116 O<Gha<d lrvm!' CA 927 14 Measuremen1 Assoc1ell'S a Cal1l or111a corpor111on 116 Orchard. 1r.1ne. CA 9271' T hts bu11ness 1s conouc led by a corporot1on George H Comeau Measur,.ment AH()(' George H Comeau Pres This s1atam.,.1 was t.IOd w1lh Iha Counly Cll'rl< ol Orenge County on Nov 16 1982 This statement wos filed with tf)e County Clerk 01 Orange County on Dec I. 1982 F202242 Pvo111hed Orange Coasl Oa11y f20l2IO P1101 Nov 19 26 Dec 3 10 1982 Published Orange Coast 0111y 5056-82 P110I Dec 3. 10 11 24. t982 525•·82 POOUC NOTICE NAME STAnMENT The following persons 8la doing butiness: FARMER ASSOCIATES. 25251 Nueva Vlsta OrlYe. Leouna Niguel, CA 92677 Nancr Farmer, 25251 Nuava Vista Drive. L1gun1 Niguel, CA 92677 James P, Fermer, 25251 Nueva Vista Drive, Lsgun1 Niguel. CA. 92877 This business la conducted by an unincorporated 111ocl11ton other than a partnatanlj> Nancy F8fmer Thia atatemant wu filed wlth Iha County Cleric on Dec. 17, 1982. F2039U Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally PllOI, Dec 10. 17. 2•. 31, 1982 S<l 19-82 091<Stlon ol ,_ or ~Mother period. you N"8 only IN l9081 rlOht lt•le Wiler "••ourcH Control than or 1n addition 10 1na1 or uld 10 atop the lorectoaure by peylng a-cl Clee8U8d, II the time of daath. In Iha entire amount demanded by Spectal Pro)ecta end to all th• cer1all'I REAL praperty your creditor 2125 1911'1 Street 11tualed In County ol Oranga, To find out the amount you mull Sacramento. CA 95818 Stale ol C1lllornla. particularly, pay. or to 11range. for payment to ducrlbod H lollows1 to wll AN 11op Iha loreclo1ura. or rt your NORTli COAIT REGION (1) U NO IV IDE 0 5 0 % NT E REST property 11 In loraclo~re for any 1000 Coddi!lilh•m Cenlef IN LOii 11 and 12 In Bloek 47; other rauon, contact ALLEN ''\ Santa Rosa, Cahlornl195"01 Lot 3 In Block 48, LOii 19 In Blocll FLATT. 4400 MICArthur Boulevard. (707) 578-2220 48 ol Arch Baoch Heights ea per Sulla 370, Newport Be ach. map recorded In BOOil 7. PllQlll 9 C1lllornl1 92880, 111orney1 and SAN FRANCISCO aAY REGION (2) and 10 of Mlscell1neou1 M•P•· 1gents tor PCM Reelty and 1111 Jackson Street. •acoro1 o l Orange County, M1n1gamant and Anaheim Hiii• RQOm 60•0 Cshfornle Planned Comn'IUnlty AMOClallon 01kl1nd, Cohlornla 9•607 more commonly known as· II you l11ve any oueallona. you (4151 ~~·1255 (Un1mprovecr1 NIA should cont1c1 1 11wyar or the Terms of ule c11h In lawful governmental 1gancy which mey CENTIIAL COAIT "EOION (I) money of the United State• on sale. heve Insured your loan 1102-A Laurel Lene or p1r1 c11h and b111noe 1vldeneed Remember. YOU MAY LOSE Son Lula Obispo. Cehlornla 934101 by note •ecured by Mortgage or LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT (805) 5"9-31 •7 Trust Dead on lhl prC>party to told. TAKE PROMPT ACTION Ten pet cent of llT\ount Old to be NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN LOI ANGIL~S MGIOH (4) deposited wllh bid lhll pursuant 10 Art!CM IX. Sec11on t07 South Broadway Ml.IC NOTICE Bids or otter• to bl In writing and T ol the Oec11r1t10n ol Covenant•. Room 4027 PUauc NOTICE FICTITlOOI au•••• wlll be received al the 1lorH1ld Condition• •nd Rutrlc:tlons. Los Angeles, Celllornle 90012 POOLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS uEREBY GIVEN ll'llt NAME STAn•NT office at any time I ller the first recorded April 28, 1977, In Book (2131620·«80 " pubOcellon hereof end before dlll 12111g. Pagel 209-327, ol Ot11c111 FICTITIOUS 9USINES8 Iha City of Colla Mesa, California, Thi following parson Is doing o1 .-Racordt of Ora nga County. CENT"Al VALLEY RECMON (S) ""AME STATEMENT hll filed with the Buraau ol tho bull,_. u : Dated 1ni1 11th d1y ot NOYOfllber, C alllorn11. 1 bra1ch ol the 3201 s s11111 The tollOWlng 1)4!(sons ire domg Cen1u1 the 1982 Survey ol C & A MANA GEM E N T 1982 obllgallon o t payment ol Sacramento.Caltlornle 95818 buStness es Mun1c1p11 or Town111lp Finances COM PAN Y. P .O Boa !18 70, RUTH KIMSET 1_.sments hat occurred Nolle• 19181 «5-0270 WALNUT HILL LIQUOR. 14561 which conlaln date parl1lnlng 10 Fountain Valley. California 92708; Admlnlstratrht CTA of said breacll and lien waa IUed tor Rl'dHlll.Tuslin.CA 92680. Ge neral Reve nue Snarin g 22470onnJeR01d.NewportS.ecl'I. ol thlellete r ecor d on Juna 11. 1982 81 Chi Myong Ho. 14681 Red Hill. 1xpendllur11. Complele details are Calllornl1 92Be0 of said Decedent lnatrumant No. 82·200438 of Mid Tusun CA 92680 1v1lleble regardlllil thla report for Dorothy Cunnlngll1m-Vogal Rtelt l. LUNO Oltlcltl Racordl. No peyment ol Freano Bf-h Offtea 33 7 <I East Shield• Avenue Room 18 Chi Ha Je 1'66 t Rad Hill public IN91Ctlon be'-the hours (middle name Ma.ry). 2.247 Donnie Attiom., PHI dut imolinll hit occurred Tustin CA 92680 of 8 00 • m and 5:00 pm . Monday ~01d, N-port Beach. California '111 Aini••· luftt C·t Thartlor1. the Anehelm Hiii• Fraano. Calitorn11 937211 (2091 •86-5118 Tills t><nmen '' conducted by an through Frldey. In Room toe. City 92MOT•'• .... sl~· 11 __ .. ucled b" an c..eo ...... Calf. nm Plannad Community A11ocl1tlon 1nd1v1dual. all. 77 Fair Drive. Cost• M... ·~ ...., ·--""""' , Attiom., fof latale doe. he<aby 11act 10 Mii or ceute 10 ......,..,_llOfflw 100 East Cypre11 Avenue Redding. Calllornl• 96002 (918> 2•e.8378 Myong Ho Chi EILEEN P. PHINNEY Individual. Publlahed Orange Co111 Di lly bl eold the lollowlllil deacrlbed reel This statement was hied with lhe City Clerk Dorothy Cunnl!lilh•m-Vogel P1101, Dec. 10. 11, 11, 1982 property to Htl1ty the obllgatlon County Clerk or Ore.noe Counly on Published Orengo Co111 Delly Thl1 111temenl wu tllld with the 543442 Lot 32 ot Tr::J0032, 11 per m111> Nov 10. 1982 F20225CI PllOI. oac.mber 10, 1982 6433_82 g:~~ ~: ol Orange County on ----NlllC---NO-TlC( _____ ~~~~u':ive, 014::'ia::r.'n!!~~ Published Drano• Cont 0111y ,....,. Mapa. in Iha Office of thl Orange Pilot. Nov 19, 28. Oec. 3. 10. 1982 PtJBLIC NOTICE Publl1hed Orange Coal! Dally •M011 County Recorder LAttOHTAN MGIOH (t) 2092 La"• Tahoe Boule.,..rd P.O Bo~ 9428 5051·82 1------------Pilot, Dec. 10, 17, 2<1, 31, 1982. NOTICI TO .,._DIT.....,I T ..... -ord -led___, ) ot , ..... ------------FICTITIOUS eUllNESI 5401-82 -""" ,,.. r-·-v-·-•1 ,,. South La~• Tahoe, C1lllornl1 g5731 1018> 544·3461 NAME STARMfNT OF MILK T~R PfOJ>eflY more commonly known .. The following paraon 11 doing Nil.IC NOTICE AT "*1C AUCTION 525 Golden Slcy l ane, Anal\elm, Nil.IC NOTICE Ftc:Tmou• •USJNHI butln ... .., Notice I• htraby given to the Cslllomla. we Mahindra Patel and Ylcttnllla .,_II Otftce NAME STATEMVfT M A IN s T l u N c H A N 0 J'ICTITIOUI au.... 'crldllora o f VHD Program• Inc. Mrudule Patel. 15371 Bonanll Aoed The following pertonl 811 d0tng COMPANY. 18218 E McOurmoll NAMf ITATl•NT 2181 Mc0aw AYI., In/Ina, County ot Oated November 22. lff2 ~lorvtlla, Cahtornll 9~3!12 butlnesl aa· rrK. Irvine, Calif 92714 Th• followlng person la doing 'Orange. Stall of catltornla. lhtt 1 ANAHEIM HILLS (71412•5-0585 B & 8 A R c HITE c Tu RA l J s c 0 II E ... m In. 2 7 2 buslneas al : bulk lren1tar II •bout lo be mlde at PLANNED COMMUNITY GRAPHICS. 12822 Oliva St . Brentwood. Cotti Mtta. Cellt C&C •1. A llmllad pertnerthlp, Public Auction ol prOl)ar'ty located ASSOCIATION COLORADO RIVI" IAllN RIGION Garden GroYI. CA 92~5 92627 4901 81rch SI., N-por-1 Ektach, CA al 2181 Mc0aw Ave., Irvine, County 8y: LINDA W!STFAU. (7) 1) Harold M VMch Ill. 12751 Thlt buatnesa 11 conducted by 1n 92660 of Orange, State ol Csllfor'nte Allletant Secretary t3-27 t Highway 11 I 01~110 St .. Gardtn Grove. Calif tndi\lldual John T. Cantwell. t4802 PrOl)lt1y 11 dllcribld In general TATE OF CALIF<>f'NIA) Suite 21 928"5 J Scoll Eiseman Newport Ave. Unit 21C. Tuattn, CA 11: Olllct Furnl1lllng1 ol tllat Palm o-1. Calllomia 92280 21 Bronl W Brillon, 12822 This statement was ttled with Iha 92880 M1nutacturlng Company butl,_ OUNTY OF on•..,.., (1141348-7<191 Gerden Grove. c.411. 92645 county Clerk 01 Orengo County on Thi• butlnHt la conducted by • known 11 VHO Progrem1 Inc. ""'~"' ) Thll butlMll Is conducted by a Dec 1• 1992 llmllld partnership Auction will be conducted by Gaty On Novembef H , ttH. betOft •ANTA ANA MGfOH (I) general partnenhlp. F20Utl John T C1ntwa11 Olttln, Auel~. on thl 29th d8y o, Iha undar1lon1d, • Nolary ~ lndlene Avenue Harold M. Uhrich Ill Publlahed orange CoHI Dally Thie atatemonl w11 l11ed with Iha of December. ft82, II 1 00 o'ctodl In and. J« Mid C-ty and Suitt 200 Thia •i.t-• WU filed with the P1101. Doc; 3. 10. 17, 2• 1g92 county Clark of Or•noe County on p M •• , 2M 1 McGaw Aw . ltYtne. ,., •• pereonatty appewod Linde Alv9falda. Cal1lornla 9250e County Clarll ot Orange County on s2•5-82 Nov 23. 1982 County o l Ora no•. Stato of aalflll, Pf0¥ad to me on tM Halt (714) 8e4·9330 Nov. 8. 1982 ------------F10ION California aatlltac:tory ~ to Ille tM ira1a Publlshtd Orange CoHt Delly Tttm• of the lall wlll be tor OMll. u111an1 &eorel•:J of the eAN DllOO •OION (I) Publlshad Orange Co111 Oall) PllUC l9ll( Poot, Nov. 28, Dec. 3, to, 17, fg82 A 1 I a r a 1 k now n to I II e r,:•tlon that HIOUI Ille within 8111<1 Mt"lon Gorge Rold PllOt Nov 28, Dee. 3. 10. 17. 1182 ------------5188·82 Au<:OOI!"', all bullnell ~Ind n• rument ind acknowled91C1 to lullo 205 5211-•• ,teTITIOUt .,....11 ·-.,. IW\TIH' addf ..... Miid by "" Tten•Off 1hat the GC>rPOfltton ell8CUt9CI aen oteoo. Celllornil 12120 ... _ ""'""' tor tilt ttwet re-• "'1,.,. a-\IWllNn doCumtnt pur9IMflt to 1tt (71") 2lt·5114 PUBllC NOTICC FICITIOUI .u.-os NAMI ITATW•NT Th• tollowlng p1r1on 11 doing CXl8lnelt .. OUTDOORS UNLIMITED, 2808 Df#ta A"8., C0111 MeM, Cs. 12t21 Fredlr1ck L9wll ~. 2108 Oralle A"8., Coall MeM. ca. 12121. TNI bualnll• Is conducted by an indMdu1t I .Frederlclt L. ltQhlngar ..,., lllltmlfll Wll filed ""'1fl Iha ~nty Ctor• oi Orange C~tr on MM I. 1N2 ,_ Pul>Htned Orengt Coa11 O•llY P1101. Oto 3, 10, 17, 114. 19U Uff.H NAMS ITATIMINT The namt end adOrtH of the ·laws or 1 r8804utton of"' Boero The lollowlng peraona are dOlll( FICTITIOUI .,...,, pereon """' wtlOtl'I cllllN mey be Dlreotor1 Wrlllen commente othet then bUllneu U ? NA• ITAn.tff tlled. Oltrln. Oltrln ..... 881111 WITNESS my l'lllfld end ofllclel thOH pr .. ented •• 1111 l'ltarlng ANDRES COM PANY. 7181 The following per1on 11 doing Montee Blvd., Beverly Hiiie, lllould Ila IUl>mllted to SunbraaLI, HIHltlngton Beach, CA butl!l'H ... Cllllfolnle IO:ltl ,, Julia 8 Wltlillllotl ••••• Weter lilffMrtH Central 928<17 LAGUNA A\JTO LfMINO ANO Tiit leM My tot ftllng Glelml ~ ACCt No OJl·100'2032t ..... Pater T A ndr81, 7 18 1 AE.SALES. 110 Nortll Oout any erect"°' .nett " Oeoembef Publlalled Orent• co .. 1 Delly IOIQl9I Protac:1• fk#tbrttff, Hwntlng1on Beach. CA Highway. Laguna 8aect!, CA.'*' ""'· 1112, wfllcfl .. Ille bulll!el8 IOt, Dee 10, 17, f4, ~,. ltU p 0 Bo• 1Clo 928<17 Linde lront COOi!, 4M PtnfOll, '41141 ,,.........._ P1mel1 L , Andrea, 718 1 ,rC, CorPnt. CA 91720' dey lltfore Ille lucllon dat•i-------------t•w-eo . .....,...,,.. fflOI Sunbr-., HUntlf'lglon BelCf\, CA Thi• bulinetl II conclucled by .. ICJ Untd -.-. T~ (1111 nl·H .. 928<17 lndlvldull. 0.:11~1~ AT!.~~-l~ tlM .......... Plltr T Anelr" Llrlda Irene Coolt -t ..,_., ..,.._ ..,.,. ---".'1' .. ,,_ Thia '"'"'*'' ... '"" wl111 lht Thi• llatemtnl WH lilld with 1111 AllCllOllMt T 0 PMM:• yOtJr meuage HettW\O Of ~ for ~11'1 County Clt<k ot Orenge County~ Coul\ly Clertl ot Orange County on l"ublllllec:t Ora ... Coaet Delly before tllo cornmente 1110\llcl be dlftctecl to NOY i•. 1012 Nov 23 1ff2 Ho4 DIC 10 IHI r••'"IAA .......... , Jaan L•fyl'lllft II '"' lllOVt ,_,... ' .._ ' . .. ... , -~""" ~ Publl111td Orang• COHI Diiiy Publlaht O Oren gt COHI Dally r--------Oally Piiot Publl•l'l•d Orenoe Cotlt Deity Pilot, Nov. H . Dae 3. 10. 17~~2 Piiot. NOY ~e. Oac 3. 10, 17, 19112 Shop •• home 11 S Ill y CINllliod. e.a-N71 Pilot, Dlcemtllr IO,'"' ...... 1~2 ll1t-ta wltll ola111fled &42·H71 ) ' c L A s s .1 F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 • Rtil Est1tt !1..'.!!!! .~'.'.!.'.~' ...... . .... i .. ; .. , ... c. .... , 1002 E~AL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY P1~ll11ter11 lttico: All roal .. 11te ad11en1sed In this newspaper 11 aubJecl to the Federal F~D:USJng Act ol 1968 which makes II Illegal to adverilae "any prelar- ence, llmltatlon or dlscr1- minat100 based on racie, color, religion. sex or natlonal origin, or any lntenlfon 10 make any such preference. llmlla· lion or discrimination." This n-193per will not knowingly accept any 1dYertl1lng for real es- ·•············•···•··· IEAITIFIL IHFllHT An extra lerge lot with doek tor up to 60' boat Atrium entry, bulll In en- tertainment center. for- mal dining and billiard room, 4 fireplaces. Ora· mallc and exciting 2 11ory home with 5 be· drooms and maid's room and secunty system So- lid construction on steel Qll'tlan-ert9rilor;C)a1iio"O~---;--'--.. water w ith gazebo, A quiet Newport locellon on fee land $895.000 See now. 11·1 new on the markell Especially ftne detailing. - Wl\llHll<llNI llOMI ' I.e. RE Al ESl,ll E fH!-141)11 tate wlllch Is In Ylolatlon 1---------- of the law. HIHI: Advertis- ers should check their ads daily and teport errors Im· medl ately. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llebillty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. •... ,, ,., ,.,, .................•••.. IHI llt•le ....•..........••••••• C.•11•/ llOZ ••..•.........•.•.•••. TIE l•E IF Ill. OLUI Mrs. Ci.an does live In Meaa Verde In thl1 3 Bdrm, tamlly room ch armer. A rear yard boa111 a child sale en· clo sed pool. This Is a very happy house, ready '°' 1 MW larnlty to move In tor the N-Veer. E•· cell 1 n t terms. Call M6-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS More 1amll1H are getting Iha camplpg "bug" this year II you have a cam· per that 1 not getting used. Mii II now with a ClaHllied Ad. PlllOE IWIEI IEWPllT YIEW LIT NEWPORT HOTS. Must sell next 2 weeks! Asking S 190.000. SUBMIT ANY oller. RAE RODGERS '31-l2M lllE IY LEIEI Two stOI')' 4 Bdrm home In a private walled com- munity by the sea. Famlly room with ctlCkllng fire- place. formal d ining. dramatic 11ep down Nv- lng room, cathedral Clil- lngs, g orgeout pello kitchen. 011er11zed dou- b I e gar a ge with workaf\Op. etc .. etc. Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS IPNITllITT knoclca 01t1n when you use result-gelling Daily Pttot Claullled Ads 10 reach the Orange Cout market Phone 842-5678 llUIDflUIAl llUl FSfllTf IPYICH ....... .. ... Enjoy the charm and warmth of thle lovely remodeled home ln tlUt dedr.ble loactlon. 3 BR with family room or den. Mouldlnp thru-out. Spacloua yard. Garage with workbench. Ill llDPOllTC•NTSll 644-9060 Oran Cout OAILV PILOT/Fr1dav. Decembef 10, 1982 , •• '-~!!f.~~!~'! ....... ~~!!!.~.~'!....... ,~!ft~~~! ....... ~.~~11 ....... !mftf.fnnnr.l!!f ~.~ .. !'!ffft.f,/HA'~ .. '9'1!!!!.frlr.A'!H.'. .. ~fft.fN,.'Ne~ .. ~ ... ~~'.L ........ !.~l ~ ... ~~'.L ......... '.~' i &... AM.,...,, ..... ,., ·~~~·~ ~~~T:~:,~~ '11w.~ ......... Mff &.11 II-.. ,, ... ,_,_ , .... i-... U M ••••miil••iillilll••••••-loiiiilllllliliillilllillliliillliilllilji'"iiiizr,liflllliiiii'li'~~-·•.-inre.'ltT••·'l'1'17T··•••••• 10 , r, rn ••• :1';T; ••••••• -:i: neTn ••• ••••••• ••• ~1. r.'31J"m••·'m: ,-LOOK I -ft.&Y If AIMl 111 lk~86:•e11:ll'lll on~ 2 9cl ~OUM end 2 Id Ou· GAHH'TRH' "· 2 ... VltW I ar . ._, -Thie "ewolwe'' MOO-H(llS f ()R RBff .,.._ 1 C frplo, lndry rm. comm Mloro, lrp1:..:~ 9Gll LIH llLI 11•11 Pr1111l' Lh.Ju Nurd l111yftunt 5 lxlnn, ~'' bhlh l.M"' L.R .. air oond. 2 bollt •115* Sl,M>0,4100 'or Ollt new r•g11l11 nJM. .. In Hlfllof fllld9e II a 11 ......... 14:.f1~ 2111 INo M po o I I e 0 0 I m 0 lfH/mo 4 _..ly fMlui• .... If y.,... llome worthy 01 "lofert r.r'"" 11 I 2l'1 oroH P9t• 661-eaOt, &S1_.7M ---~ - .OIT l •• w .., ....,.. .. w"-MnM Mel Iha-· nOJlid .. ROOI, tennl• *"WINI.. 1 • "".-' OranOllltlU411floondO z c ...... , ... • Ml-llH • 01 cit~ Noll•• 1520.000. oourt1, end only 4 "Yr• S760 Ang, yetd, No peta. UtN br, i>Mullllll IMeor • .,n.. fu.UW H• fkmodt•h.J :J hd1 m, 2 huth + h11ai1· rt'<" r111 . Giii '••••illlllllliilllll•mf 144 7020 new 111 Oc•aneld• Od 1&40/mo. hi p1111 nltlel uc>t>«. 111 aootet •••••••••••••••••••••• bc•am 1't•lhng111. rum111hl'(i, pull~ $1~U.OOO I" '--' 111&. llTITI Owner inotlvlle<I 811b• ·~IUNT Bl!ACH• I. c • 4. v. w Incl S6t5 M3·3t5i. ..... 1 ....... Eve1y s 11urd1y In 11\1 MY .... , ..... 1--------·1 mlt ... ofter• 1100 18th 499·1817 Oen, Pool. Jee. NCurtty PHllllU lllllE Del% Piiot Cia.eitl9cl• co1 e1S•d• 2 br. nvoe llUI NW -.... , IUln .-er condo for ..... 2," w•••I .._, 3141 o•••· c 10 .. to so c 11 M Yll GOOd ~ L... OUr 8R oondO 111-1111 •OARO N OROVll• 8• tl50 • ' t•nn11 ......... ~·.......... Plue 'l' , ... '460 rno l\'t•(ln & Jl'llY Vll'Wli arln<.' room." bdrm. :J ~ iJlil opt IYlll Owner •n-bMutllUI I ,_________ S700 pocii rec No.;;... Ref•' lMEAALO BAY 3 Br. 2 545--759 bllth. 3700 M\ ft $1.38~.000 ~unfront •••••••••• •••••••••• •lou1. l14e.ooo with fn10nJfleent oc:.an fMPlU Avali 12;, ~4071 0: 11. lrplc, brick p11lo.1--------- Ml·IM75 831·1832 = :ir.,_~11':11~~ hcallenl CuHl•·HO •ANAHEIM* ?SM&2t ' with~•· SteOO/mo Cff, .. ,,,, .. , Llllll ISLE IHFROIT unu...... lor 1132,000. Owner ... 1oc111on In Garden '700 , 976-7• f1/u9'•'" 1411 , .. i r 6 bd .,. . h 1 ' Ownr rnuil Mii CUii ,.. 11" PIDI UTI 1pera1e. 811bmlt all ol-Orov.. All 2 Ir'•, encl. •CHILDREN• 1 1"-.. ~!1• garage, Y•1r,.d. 2 Br. den. 2 Ila, frl)IC, dlw, ••••••••••tt•••••••••• ..... 8oon v l'W mm rm.~ .... t , p oyroom, modeled 1teg1nt 3 t>r C .,3 u 2 pa\IOI, 11'1111• rool, mar· ...... mo. We11t ... m.leroweve, .,_,, comp, Nr So. Coall Plua uurk m1, dt•n Bout !!lip Nuw $1Wo.ooo ~ ' MS! ~t -.>t ~r~NPR~~2~:,:0 ,.,~Rod. . 1 ble counter top1, •ncl •PETS OK• 841-0783 Pet• ok. ep1e1ou1 wood deck• Sharp 3Br tin b•. poot Prime loo. 121· t27i. 0~ tn..1toei._M_"!"!!!!!"·.... 1•r•g ... Yrlv lnooml Eaatllde, reep ldltl pt• 110" QCMn/cyn vlewl~ Ind j1C11uJ. 2 C&f 011. llYSIDi PUCE Ab1lone. Red~ S200, 11 24,000. Good llnll'IClng rerrld. 2 bl'. t ba, gar-s1160/mo. 494-4678 patio. Sl25/rno. Kid• & s 1 .__ f d 1 2 •. ,, .. fi 2 1 000 10 1496.C::'44~r· •---.... ,_ II• ~ 1v111able. owe 2nd. F'un VIWIE age. $126/mo. 873-754' 3er 2B ..,.,., pall Ok. &&e.-81'7 pl.'C.'Wl'U ar uay runt p x' ur, "...., Up, >r, t•y to bkra. • 4 IX -rw11I ~loe 1240,000 Cell 2Br, 10_. 1 itory, _ .. ..,,, ••1,.._!·mo"""'.· • NEWPORT TERRACE 2 bu un 2 boot I'""""' Rt!duc..~ 11 1,500,000 76M777 • ••••••• •••• ••••••••••• /Own 8'6-88411 ,.. .. ,..., '"""' ..---• IPU .... IM&Y r ' llVEITllEm cp11drp1, pe110. lrptc, 494-3788 3 Br. f,1, Be Condo • 21 A•-•• ~,1 •--1... 24242 Senti Clltl I fM Plllll d1hw1hr b .. m•d call· 3 B View 1 walk Send Doller C1. Hlghly FllRllllS RllOH .,..,_ •1 -•-Gor,......•• marina " br 2 Price .. al 9."2X gro11 '""'· 28So Elden S540 r, w/pr vec;. upgraded w/eml Piiio. •••••••••••••••••••••• •--• • , v & ••• to private t>tach no 8 .. ,. N • b ,, ' .... _ t .. , h N ... -··-· ba o d I d 9 ,.... .. ..... r-l1tlon ev111. (l 1~··41AAA mo. 850· 17te • tove, wu .. er. ..,ryer • t•w , r . ., "l uu, cus urn r renc or1nonny • o n o, new Y ec. 111 --• ,. v...,. .... • AVWV pell, gerege, frplc, bit-d•hwehr, Comm. pool, Fst.att• I 2 prime acre h11ltqp $1.250,000 ~ ·--Reduced '25,000 r-• Management I financing AG T NO FEE Eutllde 3 er. 2~ BL prl-1n1. 111 +MC. $960/mo. Nuna, l•c. No••• No 001101&10 CAYS Q.ironi1do lsland cust. bayfrvnl lot. 05' bout dock. Plans avatl. Now $370,000 w/tt!rms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ,.11 Buy,.<J,. li• ..-"" B o7S 616' lmmacuflta 3 bdrm, 2 893--3151 lll llfflllf IYall. S.... prlcle 51.305, VIII p1t10 w/1p•, lncd 499·1817 P • t I . S 7 0 0 I mo . bath owner'a unit end •u::ilu M1gnlllcent vi-rHld· OOOContact Jotln &NI .. 75 bactlyd. r4lm0d. kitchen, Arch Bey Hgtl. New9' 3 2131433·0502 1paclou1 1 bdrm rental •---IHI enc• w/lllpl for 3 taro-· H9t 211f -2 car o-rage. "60/mo. bdrm & o.ri Ffn New b th Ith I ft_ .... _ ' -boatl. Oeelnned for In· 01•111 PllNITlll CdM 3er charm MOO 1al 1 .. 1 & MC. 848-3532. Crpt, ~--v' u, m'-~ .• •J!tXff v w o ..., ... em •••••••••••••••••••••• ., 8 2B ... 60 ..,....., ....... celllng1,trplclend1very .... ... tenelnlng & comlor1able Ill Hl4 w. :r.· r $t200 pm.y.. 11050.(213)59'·8126 u./1i" Jiii :!.ve~1 £:'00~'~.~ UIT ft en :~~~ 1~:.~;·~:.~18liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil' Npt 1 · t~!~ront) 4 er 2 Ba, encl. pauo, ,._ .,/h ,,.,, ~·e;·~i:t;.;·,~·;;ci•& •~i Near beach 1hopplng bath•. epeclou1 11m.rm. ...._., TownhouM 3Br 11000 trplc. 2 car garage, No. w•mlN au. • g1r1ge. S370/mo. 149 r~·~:ttt: c:::!'S:.:~~· 1cnool1, 3 ' Br . 2 ea: & g1me room. Elevatof llflll SpyglaM 4Br S1850 C.M. locetlon. $850/mo. ••'••••••••••••••••••• W Canadl 981-12'7 I 11 I try kltch 10 1undeck roof for LIDO 2, den 11850 831-7370 ""'for Jim 2 bdrm condo. AIC, eocl 2r--·---·----..... ll11 am Y rm coun • Spacloul & n-trl•level. ' • cer Qlr. Full upgrad11. ;~I rs~~d 1o::~p:~~yi g:,d•n partle1. $4,300, Owner'• unit hU veulted B•yfron\il~~rk Or llPU .... I~ seoo mo. 551..0255 111 8 ~r.!!!'!~1'.'!.!!'!!'!!~ lncts · prlrna11andk · C•· calllng1. Bulllln1, new 0_, .. __ c~. "'BrS2000 Landlord neec11 b"' tlJI •-•L.....-h'--~ 1•-Northfor1 (Oii Ad1m1 t ti 'f Ch W a C a r I · cerpet, lhOWI terrlllcl ...,.,.,.. v•,.. ' 11 _ _..1 <>-~ .. .,_1 thl 4 --1-llPEll ... , o Beach). e.48· 1059 844-4200. Owner wlll carry new 111. Byfrnl Condo 28r 11250 wr '""" ..-._, 1 ,..,..,, J.#i 'Ill ••••••••••••••••• ••••• .Ew Ul" •• I Submit Ill term1. $800, BeytlcM Cove S2200 br, 3'..t ba, cultorn pool •• -•• .-••••• •••••••••••• 2 Br 1 Be. trpl, IQI garage [® , ____ _...;'-----SACRIFICE. I Br Condo. ( 2 & den) home." Gourmet Kit, Super epaclal 2 br, 21..t be 1800/mo Incl. utll. Agt H11ge 4 Bdrm 2 beth, two .,111111 ma Nr b91ch. Adulll. Sec. OOO. Hbr View Hl1 48r St595 Fixmll dlnlnQ, dlllgner condo, loft-type den w/ 873-4082 story home with lamlly 2 bd p Rec lee. Mika Ollar. WATERFRONT HOMES decor thruout. N1tural w•t b1r, lrplc , open•--------- . "i~l1 ... room end l1rge p1t10. e" ...... er -ark•t 11 ...., 111 1-r ...... r • _........., be1med ceillng1, many •-•L.....- Located In Greentree In u ..,,., "' • -yrd. Very ... y 'move-In'. a• Ir aa. I 8 9 5 /mo. -,_ "111 rm, 2 ba, den. rlc· ...... _2108 -....... f pl .__....._.. fned Luxurious llvlng. One bedroom condo with view of Fount1ln Court. Gorgeou1 clubhouae, pool and 1p1. Security guarded g1te. $74.000 loan 11 1 nw •. Owner wlll c1rry 2nd trust deed. $115,000. •275.ooo. Owner ..... ••ALI 3 8r 2 8a saoo $350 und« market. Agt, 848-7452 or 8'1-2880 ,,._,.,. ol the city ot lrvlnal Mlnul" 759·1888 Clou 10 oceen 3•3, •••-.... ,,..7 9740 ch · •••••••••••••••••••••• Clo•• to IChOOI• end --•u-• "'-II $1200 to $2,000. • w-. rd w I nn In g 2 8r1 e' Fi:.:~· pter:.~50 -• g Spec. 3 br, 2'..t bl very BAY FRONTAGE. beach, mejor lhopplngl Well r-• -Sl7SK to $215K. Move In ~Oynuty'' _....._., .....,..,. Lido 80 ty r, ...,7.,on -4 Br, 2ba. toe bonU8 rm, clean twnhM pool Jog-pi«, prkg, 2br, $800. lbr priced 11 S1tl7,000, •ct Perlect Location • take over •hired •P-view. Thi• d~;;;;,.;28; 2 .'!'a=''al:Looon gar, E'elde. seso. c111 glng. etc. seboirnO. Ag1 SE~ Utll. 1p8d7. 320.~E. nowt 6'8-7171 5 bdrm, 3 bath, lnctud• precl1tlon. Fln1nclng home w/111 -11 of mfr, 673-7300 -548-6185 544~14.40 ..,,.....1ter. 1 1· """· THE REAL ESTATERS matter 1ulte & lerge 11 bl C 11 S 1 , Pllf •a•&•Rmlf tamlly rm and otf·llr .. t eve • •· a "' • ror, white merble entry. -4 Bdrm, 3bl, llv rm, lam 2 er. cottage, Newport Small 1 BR apt, new crpt, parking tor up 10 7 care. 89 1-5558 white crpt & 1hutter1, llSTI •II llM1ll rm, rec rm, OCMn View, Helghll, frplc, redwood drpe, $425. Only 5 doon trorn entr-'_w_A_L_K_T_O_B_EA_C_H_._Ooean __ , along with II• brNthllk· wllk to bch. Ideal for 3 dack1, brick walk•, 675-5068 1nce to Mein Beach. view, 3 Br. 2'h ea, 2 car Ing valuted celMng II the E.llde duplex 0-5% own, .... lfhM lllf lh.•rlng. $080/mo. wooded, gar. $750/mo. OCEANF~T STUDIO, llEm New on market at 1575, g1r. Only 2 yr1 old In u1tlm11e Pl•c• for th• ;.~.~.~':.~"r:~'. i9eR~·2·9;~;;~·,.:;;·~,~ &45-8150 Avllr 1-1-83. 8'5-8825 quaint. S350/mo, lnclud· Not satisfied where you• 000. euper loc. $235,000, may !~~:~:~~·~dc~~:d: too. cpt, gar, s1oooimo. yrly. $510/mo. New cupet, BLUFFS CONDOS lno utll. 213/598-1934, 111-lMO are? Are you loolllng tor OIU. ..... 1211 ~~ ~~~~~r gatll, IWlrnmlng & ten· Two trlplexH. all 2' 1, First, let, 8'4-9605 new drepee, 2 car ger-TWo 3 Br 2 ea one-level elk for John. a po1ltlve ltmosphere, nl1 • iunarb loc1tlon 7.50% dwn, break even. 2 8r ..-..... ....... ~ _,. ege, cloM to the perk, homea on luth "'eetlbelt, .... f1lllOE •~mum No 101n feea. Bg Cyn. Country Club, on the golf course. Owner m1y con- sider your hOme 11 dn p1ymt. 5 BR. 6'n bu. An unu1u1I opponunlly to step up wlthou1 lnconv. nlence. $1,950,000. nice office, secretary. ~ IH4 and you~ an .. c.p: s u1.ooo each. Agt. . ·--·• ·--••-· gardeneflndd. comm. poO'i . etc . C.... •I llM '1U computer, mlcrollctle & •••••••••••••••••••••• tlonal value at '4tO,OOO. 8'0-181' Sse.89111 good con d S 7 0 o , 822 Center St. 711().9075 •••••••••••••••••••••• support? Call Jim or ~~~~~~==1-~~~· ~~=-iiiil 2 131790 -9000 dy, TIL ••.t 142·1HI UOllLll APT Mery.Ann for a conllden· Ill TU llUI _6'0·0714 tor appt. 790-7302 eves. -. 3 Br, Weatclltt, 1vell. now. 831_7714 till Interview et 831-7370 ="immmmmmmml BIG CANYON ~ *3 Br. TwnhM, nr S.C. $1000. Harry Frederldl, -------- 1'4-U1D ;.--. . TRr\DI T 10\,\l J.lL\l I ' • With S18K down HK 2 bdrm Condo. eeeu1. & ...U t.lM Pl111. S.A. Pool, 1p1, ag t . 6 3 1 • 1 2 ti 8 or Beal.ltllut eunMt, decof'a- TRll\l' lmmec:tetely deductible Hcluded home over-Ss>Klou• a new trl·level. lnl••.U 1111 g1r. $780/mo. w/d hk· 5'8·S508 tor furn 1pt. Frpl ftK ... on derllng 2 bdrm looking golf course. Owner's unit n.. vaulted •••••••••••••••••••••• up. 762-5822 S995/mo 673..0896. your boring Income pro-Nort hwood Condo. Priced at 1430,000. celllngs. Bulltln1. new 1 yr old condo, B1lbo1 BAYfRQNT party or outgrown rffkl· S 1 2 O , o O o . Ag• n t 0 S 12_.. Ka 141 Penlneula. 3 Br, 2 81. all 1 Br. Trailer, prlvete, utlla Cnll •n• J1j4 ........... ,,. ,.... .... •r •• y, •• or. Owner will carry new 111. d t reler. 111. plu1 aec. -· • -with,..._ lerna -u· 1~~7~59-~~90~8~8~.~~~~~I Hpend un,. R . ltth cerpet, ihow1 terrlllcl emenltlM, dealgner de· plld. No ~. RanQ4I & .___ ... Pna •••••••••••••••••••••• lty for Ihle ne11 ru1llc 711().92'4 or 75Mt95 Submit all term•. $890, corete · moi conv•· FURNISHED or unlur-l&IA IE •• 1---------1 and roomy 4 8drm. 3!6 ny OWNER. nldn, ltO, nlent location, 1 block $385/rno. 499-1817 _,...__,. 2 1 1 •••UJI _.. ll•ft• 000 J.ro-••ftd. Cell Broker •--... rnoe. m n mum ALL UTILITIES PA.ID !AYL_~R C<?_.J .... Ila home In WALK TO 000 bet mrkt pr. 48r, "..__, -_.._...c.__,_ ~.... n••• cxceLJo,.•t'"" FllEll THE BEACH CORONA nice hm/ColleQe Pk. Fent llt/ ... •Y -875-4912 or 873-941'7 -be fa';;iiy~l;;ic, s 1 500/ mo. o~""r _C_o_m_p_a _r• be lore you lllllUTllllL Su--""' ............ 4 Bdrm DEL MAR LOCATION 11.n. CaM aft 5, Mr Slmh or 11a.-C..u Ml llu "" gar. '850. 631-106' 8'4-9513 rent. Cu1torn ~n , ... ft•• .......,,~7 .,.___, with tpect1cul1r 180 897-7931 • • • •••••••• 1 Pool bbq · d ..-•Men del Mar family deg. ocHn, Cataline 3 Br. 3 Ba. luxury con.. CHARMING~·;· Br, 1 ea. 11 ,,,. '"Z Harbor View Homee. 3 bd, ur•. · · oov r A molt luXUrloul 5 Bdrm home, Wllh 1p1rkllng llland and harbor view. s ... n··· domlnl111'11, many axlrU, lrg rm.I t>.am cell blkl •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 be, lovely home, pool, garege, ~~ with b1yfront property, with pool end bubbling hot Prlced.alturieAt..appral-~ )(Int financing 1vall1ble, Li"""'o ealty• IO bc'h . S850i mo. EXEC48<,3 B1,lamrm, gardener. 11200/mo. plUlh fin acaplng. No pier & lllp for 1 lrg yacht. IP•I Lowest prleedl>f ha ul of $475,000 fee. --ll'!ll•I-~!~hool1, p1rlts-& u67~·J300. 676•94~ -MC gait, alr-Vt!W;'J>ltkr.-Avell-tt 1s.83. 8'8-8646 'r:ik Furn. 151~ Superbly crelted Int•· kind al S 135.000. 1ct Owner hH 5195,000 ..,_....,, V'" $875mo. 720--0375 E tbl 11 c d 3 b 36 WI 0 rlorl dramltlcally count-full 6'6-7171 equity end wlll carry 2nd '. + o rmal din OPEN 1-4:30 Sal/Sun 2 br, 1 bl, bellTI celling, • •-'-.,~ .,.._. :~ba,u835 ::,.;;..N 8{ 5 W. l9on 6'2·l 71 erpolnl the bey & city To --,., .... I 233 16th Place g1r1ge, 11ove, relrlg, 1fU..-r• •-., S 9 1 5 9 • 0 9 3°6 7• 1390 Attractive Fumlehed vlewl. Rernarllably prlo-. . &&WW • ,. 875-4333 dthwtlr very nic. seoo ••• • •• • • ....... • • • • • •• • u • ed 11 only $1,350,000 ..... 1211 12·11~" tbM , .. , ••&."• •,., mo 95S-3840 evee Sl25, lovely 3 br & den, 2131541-«80 IPMtt. Lar"!.!:!,'loN. ~~· = . ..., ., .. •• · · be1utlful y1rd xlnt • ure • ..,_,. o .,_. tee. P1NM contact Ca-1111;.... Newpor1 He1Qht1 older 2 lull UH LARGE CdM home, 2 neighborhood. Children Beal.l111ut home 3 Br. 2 BL Inga. No pe111. 2234-B thryn Tennlle for details SPA USNESS & PRI-Br. 1 Ba. dbl car garage, •••••••••••••••••••••• Stry 3 cer gar Oceen welcome 848-7787 2 car garage, pool, spa, Rutg9t1 Or. Coeta M .... regard ing owner-Ull llY VACY IUrl'OUnd this de-&Ox 117 R1 lot. -vre'w For 1'•••• · very prtv1te, 1 )'Ml IM· 2131454-5104. a75191.1911t00ed lln1nclng . f••i-R Hghtfully cu1tomliad $185,000 1135oi mo. 851•8110 Why throw aw1y rent •· $1350/mo. Avllt Jen 3 B< fned d 2e18 --home Mt 1mld1t euper 481 Sama An• Ave da ?llC).3tl50 eYM when you can own 4-3 111. 71'n70--0347. • gar, yr · 'h 1cre lot with ranch ........... luge Country Green 548-5041 aft 8 ye, · w/$1200 to $2,000 pay-Serita An• Ave. S525 11yte home. 01k ff()()(I, "~~ .. , Ground• W/towerlng CHARMER 2 Br, 1 ea. 2 rnen11. S175K • S215K, 3 bdrm, ~am .. rm. formal 6'8-5707 « 559-5830 loaded wtltl antique fix· -,,... Completely deco-car gar . S 8 5 O . rnoY& In • t•k• ~ ap-dining, 2~ ba, 2 car gar, 1UfM, 2 story barn, lar09 ~ aTlll rited W/rtfl 1ppeallng 6191758-2388 precl1tlon. cell Sue at pool. Nice Greenbelt. •ufiqfn GEORGE ELKINS CO .. ••-pool. A klc:kl 1465,000. large rambllng country wallp1per & dazzling PRM M081lE J 5 E CREEK 3 B 891-5558 &lbmlt kid•. •1150 mo ...i 3141 -•-h I I I .. -• f I~ A MIN . r, 780-804 t •••••••••••••••••••••• Custom bullt French U!llllljl"'U-' ............. .,ti: ome w th P•norem c m rrore ........ v. •.m HCM PAR_K family room $1600/mo • "1-I '" IEIEIYE m Provlnclel home over-"' ._ • ,...,,...__. view ol the beck bey, rm. Wlwarm-up creek· Ao-nt &40-5273 · Urulf •• .,.... NEWPORT CREST looking the Sth filrwau. 5 ~~Realt~~ora,~~87~s-8000~~~~ Newport Center end Ing lfplc I eleoant FOR· 14:; Sp;K't.>s on ,,.,, • ...., Agenl hu 2 apeclal con· Beeutllul & park like with bdrm• .. e!eo•nt to;~., 1~ much more. Fac:11111e1 for MAL DINING ROOM. :.!3 Acrl'IC Countrydlarmer3 Br, So .•••••••••••••••••••••• d 0 I : 2 .. 3 8 r •. ,.,.,aced pool. I I 041 I arnlll herd ot horMa, Zero dn. VA or .. low.. + 20 addh1oo111 ol Hwy, good loc1tlon, CLOSE TO BEA~H S1000/S1200. 845-0295 •SpKlout Apls ~ n :W rm., rlch41y1f8bneied ac:caea to badl bay trlll9. 5% dn (If you are not • at·rL'll g • r . Av a I I. now . Btand new 3 Br, 2~ Ba •Private P1tio. v~~,V,,~·rnost r~~~: Ullllll 1111 ILllllTTI, llr. Veteren). LOW, LOW 30 SJ.1~.000 e.42-3442, &al-1288 w/prtv IOndeck. Lott of F•llJ te Nllt •Covered Perking Term1 av1llable St.850. Pride ot ownerlhlp, Har· (11•) 111 •u• YR FIXED INT RATE At NEW 2 tty, 3 BR 3 Be, lam WOOd. Skytlght1, bulltlns, Newpor1 townhou ... 4 •Dining ArM bor View Homes 3 Bdrm•--•--------only 5119,900 le THOU-la J... and frpl. All utll pd, Obi bdrm, 2 car gar. 51100 *Wallcln Clolet1 ~·, 2 bath Monecol Best v• C.u.... JIU ~.AANLOA~~~ISO~LR !2.R· c.111.,,... 1111 ~i:.~ 1':'.1~~.~5~';':: :::9;2 ~l~I~~ .. ~ per rno. By Jan 111. •Home Ilk• Kltcllent 141 67)..4400 lue In the., .. and....., ...................... ... ,.. .. "" " ...., to .... ~.............. 84()..6259 538-7979 833-580tl, 711().2578 1 blk to Huntlng1on 121 JI Ul-2121 wlll aulstl Reduced and F• llLl If ... now, Down. 4 er. 2 Ba., Lux 81g Caoyon 2 br 2 ba Center, tr11nsportatron & HARBOR prlcedtoMllet$209,900 RITllY 21 covered p1t10, v1ulted 2 Br, 1 81, Cape Cod, 2 bdrm. 2 ba, den, pool, c:oOdo. Pool, MC. ~ard· hwye. feet c1111oc1-v. &46-7171 ... __ .. ._ .... 3 BR 2 8a h-, WALi • IULn c•lllng1, commty pool. compl. remodeled. Pllt. nr Mell, Cul-de-Sec, ed. ll200 mo. Ferguson "1Ul1IS flEI """""-··-8572121 S117,500.CaU497-1tl57 beech . $1000 mo. $750538-788' &HllhnR.E.8'2•1183 l8drm FrornS515 In pr1me cond. Great loc. • .... , 675-8048, 873-4771 & T tum • walk 10 S"o. Co111 Ila, lln«f, wkdyl 833-2900. 4 bdrm, 2 ba. good family 2 Br S800/mo 3 Br ownl\M un Plaza. Gorgeou1, 101111y LET f•lfU '"' ..._, M• area. Large yard. $750 1950/mo Hive other•. from S&50 ~~~~~~~~~j-:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1 pvt ti.ckyd w/OCYV p1tlo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. 1 II• cottage mo. Pat &ea-7098 Fr. d T. n 0 r. a g I LA QUINTA HERMOSA -Lg• ... umeble low Int IS 811utlful 2 Br 2'..t B1 Palm 0e .. r1, Monterrey 418Narcluus.1725 mo. 831•1288 · 11121' Parkllde Ln, 1 blk I condo. ••·modal unit, CC Plen 300. golf, tal<a/ 873--2787 evct. wkod M Tll 1111 W. ot Beactl, 3 blk• S. THE REAL ESTATERS H1v. aomethlng you went to Mii? Claulfied ads do It well I Cell NOW, 642-5678. • NIW LISTING * HARIOR VllW HOME Outstanding Portofino on FEE land! Excellent family home featuring a premium location with extensive use of used brick. 3 BR's plus large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $315.000 with 10 ~% assumable financing!! Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * HARIOR VIEW HILLS • Totally remodeled inside & out this delightful ranch style home features 4 br. 2 Crplcs. 3 car garage, ocean view & large lot wlcustom spa. Priced to sell at $340 ,000 . Low inte rest a ssumable financin g . Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 llWNIT IUOI lfftCE 2110 ............. Cl1•> llt-1111 (11•) 112· llll loan, Hll ng lo avoid Introduce you to Of'MI ot upgred ... micro, 1r .. h mtn vu Steot< S100 u-Vtew of oce1n: 28r N9wport ShOr" 3 Br. 2 ot Edlnger ... .a.47.$441 foreclosure. Priced ~ lrvtne'1 T"""1e'R~~G?__ comp1ctor. mu1t aM. eum. f>P. 714/855-4151 C.11 11.u 3U4 1'M>a, guard gate, pool, Ba. near t>.ach, Av111. * $350/~ up n~.. 1 low market II 5l5tl,OOO. rnent1· 11rt "'"" -· $800/mo Ed 9$4-41171 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11un1 ym $1100 now lhor1 or tong term "~· '.._.,. Owner. 6'0-3138 Patio Home•. 4 bdrm, 0.1 II C...IT 2 or 3 Br, R-V 1cc .. 1, 2131333'.-3iJe · · I• 1'1 •. s 8 0 51m 0 • & 2 Br. unfurn & 'urn. FAMILY-I 3 Br 2 Be, frplc, encl. p1t10. min. to buch. lhop, employ, IChOoll, & bue. Xlnl buy. $117,500. 845-4559. 835 Joann. Naw 1850 1q It condo, blnk forec:101ur• 1111, Nve I 10-S20K, buy ell· rect from b1nk . 831-5055. 8'2·2000. 2in ba.. lnwrneae Model. '1 ••fl frplc In kl1chen. Avall, 780•1977 pool, spa. 18992 AorklL Exceptlonal floor plan ~!!.~!!!~.'! ........ ::~!~ ...... M.. now $750/mo. Diane, NEW CARPET, DRAPES 842-2834, 842-3172 ~11onec1 for aleg1nc• •~u•-• s 2000 dwn 3 Br 1 ea 55$-IMOO & PAINT -CLEAN! 3 er. RemocMlecl condo. 2 Br & s•••••D 6.,. end lunctlonel lovlng. -••ff garage t111-'1o1 new paint 2 er xlnt locetlon kid• 2 81 frplc, 2 car garage, den, comm. pool, nr • _..,. Plue your own private 111 Ille 11• l roof' San Dim.. loca-OK • 111 moe rent 'a. de-covered patio, huge Hoeg Ho1p1ta1, S750. ~80& 2 BR. po~I . 1pa, pool. S3'9,900. ••••.::......,•••••••·,·:::,.... I.Ion. AMUrne '70.150 at po9.1, S525. 9e3-1eoo « t:~' Ok. S775/rno Agt. 780-8333 ~· 1"°u.~·1"'11m.1a1vall. • • .,... 12%. 30 yre fixed. 645-5735 gardener. 1450 Ulll 111.E • - -20x48 w/endoelld porcn. 846-8&44 MC. Avail. lmmed. Agent 1 olland Cr. H8 2 BR. 2 Be. Corner tot, Ull llY 957..0101. 5 er. sin ea. rna1n bey. etwn Slater/Warner light lnter1of1. Thll 11 the ,,_,,.,,fur.,, Luxury Townhou" on 2 br 2 ba condo 2nd ft 60' lltp. 54400 on yr.... oft BMctl 8aet ~In Town """ 11• Unlverllty Or. 3 er. 2 Be, lrpic tennle, Mc get!' M. 875-0558 ,.__,__ . rJf~ •5937• egt. •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 car garage, IPltt·level. 11..t .:n1 beech. Kld1 O~ 2 Br, 2 ea CONDO. 2 Car ~•••••••••••••••! lrte .. tll PMt 120 au• '~· San Lull No pell. HOO/mo. S 6 O O I mo + d • p . garege ,_. Hoeg Hoe.-Or1ngetr•• 2 Br 1 Ba, wn ml 20.0 w/ enclOHd ~rte;.,,~~.:: Agent s.tt-7912 558-4597; 2131t12-7828 . pltal $750/rno. &40-5324 lower unit on wat.,, fAITlm porch. 2 BR. 2 BA, of 5120.000, 1uppll•d New 3 Br. 3 ea.~ Why throw rent 1w1y LIDO ISLE, 4 Br. 3 Bl. M50/mo. EV'M 55t-4IS8l •5ttt ,.......... Corner tot, llgllt lnterlcn. wttll _,., & electric. twnhm, P"' yd. end unit, wtien you can own 3-3, $1400. 222 Via Palermo 1-9.1N .. ,. nfl ~~o-~.er;i."°:*'urlnf3 T "u.-~•~Jll:tav. Thia 11 the &..t Buy In 714/524-<>797 ee&-4198 2 blk• s c Plaza. Sl60 11200 to 121000 P•Y· 875-7188 ""••••••••••••••••••• '" Town 540-5937 1151-9990 mint. S 175K-S2 t5K Luxury 1tudlo, ff• HBO, l1r~• matter tulle i.-.. "'--' 1#1 -... • a..J i.t.lt E1111ld• older wall· Move In, take over. c.:,n•I ~n!.&.. ui:,~rs: pf\OM, mlkS MN, IP•. !~1d ·::~~~··,~~cpl!~~ ::r.tt:".:".7.":":':........ ~--"" malntlllned 2 er 1 Ba. 1 Share 1pprec11t1on. Fl· rm. ..... • · • 1130 wtt. 499-3015 room/ artllt'I •tudlo b9-llLP ... .. "' ..... ~, ••••••••• car at , nft paint. nenclnQ avail. Cell Sll9 II OOO mo. ?tl0-0909 •SIGHT & SOUND .. , .... "*'=· ,. ... ..._ ·-Prime locatlon ~ Br, RVP. 111 ICCH paid, Leguna Niguel houH I. Smaft ,.:,-ok Drive by etl-~ WALK TO BEACH OF SEA 18r f.....,. nar "'"" -""" ... -.. 1har• owned In full A1ncllo Cam. 1cr••.o• ,.... · • ,,._., _ 11,..t. Ing 1 180,000. IM'llly, den, pool I epa. 840•2555 or 8'0·5fU. f 0 r H 1 we11 pr 0 p . 8 5 5 Ao ch• at a r . B•a ulllul 3 Br 2-.. Be Clelll 2 bf+ den, 2 Ila, winter 1425 rno. For •n appo+ntment 10 Aaaum. 1140,000 11t at C8I enytlme • 498-7078 S05/mo. S300 HC. condo, 2 frplc1, encl. frplc, p1!10, 2 cir ger, '94-518'4 .... c.1540-1151 12.5% st .. 1 at 1350,'limc; .. ;;-(ibii;i~~; ---------• Agent 957-0701. g1rege, micro, ocean comm. pool I. tennl1. Ooeantront 2 Bt 2 8a "P oog, Ru1ty Guinther, If dbl wide, new ... llll 2 Br. enclad garege, car-view. USO /mo. Ed $875 leMe. 980-1235 yng bldg In No. Lag: ~1·1288 ~~:.·~7.~~ par11. •••••••••••••••••••••• pe 1 t1, drepH. 773 W. 98'-1171 BEACON BAY: Lrg llv rm 11200. 752-5040, 0·5 t---------...... r. .. 1.1.M W lion. No pet1 . lrril JIH w/plne pnlg, corner wkdyl.. •••••••• ·.::::::::-..... 152s1mo. 131-4181 ••••• !................ wind/at, beetn ce11. 1 ar,i-.---,,-1-,-.,,-,--n-,-1 ~ ,__ •·•-1., •-•L.....-._,.__ /.I• EIS ... _ 3 b 1 -•• • wl d. porch, gar. Prlv 9MP "' I - •w -- -1.... r, Ila, g.,., -·-bctl tennil ct $550/mo •••....-••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• gardener $760 FUrn or to 4 bdrma. 11ertlng et , _ _. 'utN "'?"' .. :. .. 7 ..._. 10 On th• 1>e1ch hotel 1 ,. ~ .,...,,..,. 1•1 .. ..... Cute 2Br. OS*' l>fltlled unrum.64e-11i8 · .. ~,., •1475 """ .u .,.._.., ..... room ept kit~• a. VA/FHA term• or ••· •••....-••••••••••••••••• Allllng-~ Zon9CI oellnGa. pvt petlo, or-et _..... 0 • • ~aft 4· t>.tti, lurnllhed S260 I. Mime io.n. Oart1nQ 2·11y ...... llMW tor~ ac. Iota. A9co,ded loc.~tM E.alde ~quiet 3 Br 2 Ba, NEWPORT CREST, 3 8d, up + dep. 2308 W oondof In dellr..,.. .,..J map on 31 1ot1, ~ c.11 ... JI 14 "P9 ~25. ~· no 3 Ba, trMrl, frptc, pool, O c • • n front • H • 8 . A"8Ctled garege, lrg pa.. Y<N own ttl9 llnd. 2.000 map on 44 lot•. Apprall-•••••••• .. •••••••••••• pet tennll, lac. 2 car gar,_. 87'-416'. tlo. Only 191,000. Cell IC! ft, 311f, ram rm, 2'A Id In 'et for 1900,000. Prof, 32 yr old M hat 4 bl', E.llde 4 Bt 2 Ba. tenc. yrd, bar. wlllher, ~. bttM.I ••••••••• now 97$-6370 Ba. wide GNenMll,,.., Loe&t9d nMr Fontana. 2 b9 pool home to lhr r 1I1 . I 7 5 O Imo . CloH to bch. lmmac.11 = Fer beloW martt9t N1·7370. Ml-3841 w/Chrl•tl1 n l•ml~l" 752-5040, t-5 wkdyl. $875. 8'5-N30 !,~ slftglt, one tton. ·::.·:::.O~ • ~~~;.~cw:: EV: E.elde dat1lnQ 3 Bt llOuM, mnull •· llN 6 two bt4room U1..o2Clt· cfV9 "6-117' n .. I~ decoretad, nice LHH/Optlon, Cu1tom ~ ~HERITAGE .. REALTORS I \ ( >111 II F /( ., ---------• er 1 ._ ,. .... _...;. -o1 ,.. MCurlly. JG'f09 Weitze, tem rm, din'"' tr....,., Abf Newport ~ti older .2 ~ ~-..-.1. •i~• yerd Sl'75/mo. PM '300 twntlofM. 3 br, 21A 11a.l.R11!"9Wllllllll• ... Yll . -" -_....... .. ............. 831-1298 Aol A OX 2000"' 'ft. ----------------3Bdrm11ome. ~de-50x 11~~;;., ~.~,:,'.:;,';'Elide 3 a: 2,..t·ea oondo WOOOBAIOGENo. IWlld f:.;e ,T M1, 521-~11 oor.-.dl Extra lrQ M1tr 481 a.nta Ml Awie ...._702o oe.e H. · i8H/mo. Sp•. Joyo• WMet 3 bdrm. 3 be. 2 dy1, U 1-'411 eve a I' TOE E LM I I 11 I I l ... _R_A_c_s_Y_, 1' . I r I' I . I 11~1 S I A y S . P1911y Mien MCt1Jtety 10 . I r I I bat•. "My "'"" wrlllno It • • -• • QOOO, but 11 could be l*tei 111 ,.l _l_E_H_U_l_S_..,I were·~ .. ,lllllO ll'ly -." I r I I I .•~-=:!'" .... ~-:= .__ .... ___ __.......__......__,, -....... " ... -.... lJ ....... • "~'t!Ki;,,'U,utnu IN I' r r I' I' r I • ~·:r-;f# untt' I I I I I I I ... LITl ...... le•1111f1M ...... Bdrm I llug9 blldtyerd. 541-5041 aft 8 ...,,..,,, Wllltn llQt 831-12te car 91r. Famlli roo'!'. wkndl ChMry & brlollll Only f8'fl j LJ. , ... •-rt a.-1t Jllf ' Wlllhef, dryer. • AMn -------l tot.000. Tak•"'* t 1% • __ ••••°:J•••• .m: •• r.':1' •••Hii .~•••••••• Eat-ade' 3 bdrm, 2~ u , pool, .-. tennll. Avail. L. ~It Jn. or 1oen. c.111n-5310 _......_ .a YU m.ta ........ fflCI pe11o a r:· fl'P, dbl 1211.1145 mo. 496401• :r. ............... ~~t UNfUINIS... I \I I/ I 1l/'1," j PEH ' BARAf Ti At.ALTY '!:.'UI'•'' ~~ ,. muarllm ~~ ... ~"' f11t11J!! r,'1•':·.~,. ~et'!t lWY. '""•'•soar 2~, ea.1 2 co:to:' t':.~d~ ~IOUTRJTIU,._,.._ .... -·-8lt'I ci.mente pnff Of ""' 6 .,.._.e. LM -831.eaa car Qll, I.'' Yf CJUlft•rt 1 2000/l'llO, r,. ._._. .. XLNT LOCATION wltll owner1111p. 111o dern Jen to Mid Aug 1913. •••M 1848. e44-7120, 21S/44t-2121 a.UBS, 1tNNIS exl911nt ctuptex. OflllVE ..,.,_ 9tyte 4 unit -HOO '"°· lnoludet o•· NEW 2 er. 2 ... dbl Qlt. 6'M751 av 200'1 l<lnOI Ad, end "°'* wtth OOMftJNll & :r.:1:, c!Mnlng i.dy. II ~ plul ~. No -3-br-•• -.,.,-.,-c.-2_cer_Qlll'_ ..... ha S-NG ,. Cell tot detalll. <>wnwa GOif ~ view. aa.. Pet•. Elllde. NfOtmo. "'*· "° common _.., 6......._ "*" MOttl ~ w11111 tNe .-!Of b9-fo 1va rytllln9, 0111~ I UOO tall-3 bdrm, 2 .,._ M7·•1 rec ce n ter. I 7 80. •••~•;;;;......... no peta. Models low ~et~f AlmMI VMt• old a lhowa Ilk• tamrm. 1 1700 mo. 9111 Ealtllde 3 8d 1 8a l)cM.-N2-3fft, 213/HJ-4117 =•LA~ :'=·O: _ ........ t ID' lot -,_ • _.,. N!WI A MWownerOOUlcl CINllOy, Altf.17M181 St50 mo., no peu. '"""•--' "'r'" -• I 0 c .' I 0" w 11 " u n. ooaupy I ldrm .. 2 bell Av . f I • b I • J • n I • Aedec 21r. 2• .. •• frplc. ... UtfM, pool, I lllde .. _ ........ _ ... quee11on1ble vu. o.n. cltV a oo.i v1ew llPt • ...,. 18'8nl•liMI '42-00M woocs=i;. IO mo. <>t<1 no :fr' Nt-llOI .,.. • ..,. .,. wll MiP nnenoe lfl 1ppt1eabl• a rent ti-. ............... ~.. 11131 ~.,. or • ....,, GmM AfrM•nllltl ~ wy. LOcetld In .,. otllet I -.>lrtrnerttl tot ~·I nft Lie ..... II .., Nw new, tmmao, l\lgtllV L.t1 AN - area of hlgll~r priced inoom.. a... wtll llelp ••••••••••••••••••••• I bdrm, r1mlly room, upgred•d d•t•c~•d :ir.; ..... ••••••••••• ~ tlcWMI • • • It I a 9!eaf ftnfnoe & I AVI ~ OMNGI. 31r, 2 ... "9 etrlum. I oar 11rege. homl In WoodlNICIM. I I Ir 1\t k __,.., -NO lfWll ,__ nl11•I IU9MIT UC· t"ou11nd1 of d o1tar11 Clen. Good nelgllbor· eo.t ..... MWIY deOO-Ir & din, Mrtum •7-. PNf.l!Nd 10 "*'· "°"' Clelttll CHANG~ OR 1 MOUCID M111nt Pttoe "oed. Clllldren OK. rited. Meal v.w, ''· mllnleftanM "" yrd. OCO, •11 ltl llDI MS-UM - \\\llKIHCl\f1 llO!lfl" IM. AtALEST~Tl '83H400.' l, of 1321,000 II .._ .... l100hfto MT-419'. Avt/I 000 mo. JUnt term•. Lelle poott , tennl1 LOW ourr•nt r•Pl•O•· DIG IO 711-2441 or...._.,.. S'OOO/mo. 111·H11. frlt-. ,,,.,., 001011 ftrlnOlplll .,. 171-,... eeH• ONL VIII Cell owner It lellln1 1ny111tno with I f.lllellcle 1, I & I Ir. ftOU. ~ ept!Oft, IOOO 1.f., (71') Dally fttlot a..imed Ad Ml on prlw1t1 1tr'.:!.tJ THI l"UNGI. ' ~ ...... .,_, ...... orta. .. 1 .. 1• 1a • 11mo1e ,.,...., . a.11 a up . ......,.. .. A4 oofldO. ftoOt. JIO. """*" oeeen w . ...-.. ety11, Jul! oell k2·8811. 21• IM. or_. Al-1111. llNWl!l llOO. llM010" SIOOOlmO. N1 .. tl , ---~·-I'- , • Jfi_ .... ~fl'll•l••HH/ f~!/!.'.I!!!!!! •••••... ll#ldf.J -.. ~ ....,,,__,_ ' atla. _,_ ~ ••I-ffM ._,_ i.nNf ~ 84 P D .-n., I •····················· ···c ••• ••••••••...• • .••.•• ~ ••.•••.• ~ ••••..•••. :--r:r.':6:1.............. ~! ••••••••••••••• :1&:"A ••••••••••••••• If ~ ...................... No 8t.-m/No 8n.tnpoo l!LlCTAtCIAH wpantry MMOtlfY :28~8 8C~~NIHG Total tr• 111r11, land!IC8C)e, Ulll'I ...... AO "AIHOUTTI!" Wiii dO typing In~ llOfM • • '1·e •LL. Flblr"ll bOll rep_alr. Stlltl..Bpealallat, F .. 1 Snll Jobe/._ ... ,. l.IO. AooflftO • PtulnblrlCI ,...,.a:= ., ............ _ I '"~~ Ina.lie 93447•• II .. 9 I I C II " VOUP Vam1:ii. paint & malnt 1 d"'.FrM .. 1.139-1682 23310l.0·1U48·5203 ~·ltuooo~116e ....,_-. 7 ·--,. .. -,.~!I.me-L.O#ret•.Mc. ~ttN ............ .... ... •l•c:tr o • '°' • . , ·~~=-="'-----! a--~ J.a ................. -----------IOAry. 2& ~.aiHMIW14 .......... , HOUE:A Fr• .... 1·624-6824 &51·'632 30d .,. Prof,,..., et1-t 787 all ,-._.....,_ --·· _ __ ---------IY.., 6pm. We Catt Crpt CIMn«• Rf81DICOMM'LllHD HOUSfCLEAHINO: Oood •--30 ~ lllP Fr• 111 OVt fMW~t.1-117 •• _ In the Sl11m cleln & uphol. 20 yra. 0o my 011W1 WOl'f\. JACK OF ALL. TRAD£S ,.,., TrtnllPOl'11tlOn. Ex-;;;eenf•••••••••••••• 971_,.. .. 4 :..._ ,..1_..,,..3 ••••••.......,.••••••••••• JIU..., ..,....1-lllLY 181JHll Trucil mount unit Lie:. 279041 Al e...e-.1129 Call Jack Mytlme, par'd. 979-9761. IAICKWOAK: 8mall lobt ........,_ '~·"" .,..... J.O. HOf'n ~nllhlng ••••••••••••••::y••••• """ •••••••••••••••••••••• Work guar. 645--3718 o.,, ()( nltflt. &76-3014 Newpott Cott• Mlill ,,..,,,_ Antique•. kit. Clblnett, W[ WASH WINDOWS CUSTOM HOME BLDR f.,.Jul FU• P·'-=I • C8't:.I"' HouMOlaanlng, reliable IMnl. ,.e,.. 878_,175 ••1""•711••••••••••••• fine painting 84&-0el4 Ful • ProfeMlonal lllftll naedt SMALLER J088 C..••f/C..,,.,. •••••••.,•••••••••••••• -· ., rel. Own lrllltf). Reel. Farthing tnlatlor Dealgn •~II-Ouallly wort! guerantaed lllllTllY bet--. hov9". Rall •••••••'•••••••••••••• lformtc:a Tope • OI all C. Tiie. 'd I YOUNO.C S'2-oeo& Cuatom ltlc:lc .. tone HANOlNGISTAIPPllilO -•• Fr• .. 11ma1e &48-7391 Comm. Dan 537.0342 Cemanl·Muonry.Bk>Ck kinda. Prompt . Aaalon· londad. 64-4-4791 91111. -.a•••• .. ._ ~~Stucoo VIII.MC Scott 645--9325 ...... L••••u•••••••• OOITNOWI ---------c w ..... Cualwork.Llc. •bl• coat. 842-8126. HOME CARE-REPAIR. :*:I----~.,.' ..... '--Rel9.Fr•aat.549-CM92 HublrRoonng.allt'1P91. , ________ _ CdlHI #di•!.( #311057 Rob 547-2843 842-2741 1 1 d F h 1 --...,_,. ~--------t E11per1 w1llco111rlng In· New•rlCOYW·dectl• ..... 1 -~"' a..a. a.... •--"'· 11.J Pl n • var · r" au · ...___.._ -xt to Oodll· Lori-1t•tion. ....... "-····· • ..... 11411802. 5•8-"73• _. ----· PAOF°c.AeiNa MAKER #t&.lU #t----~ Fr• .... 761-4348 ... _ ..... m;;;r, ._ .,.,.,_ ..... .. • .. Thal .. , c:ontr °'' wtlo Your n.i ... Piiot • .,,. _. ''"";i;;'.~M.Ui"'iU'W;tii:.)1~,.....~~·:..:14~2::410e~'.!...---1••••~· ··~·•••• tent Alllgnmt. 511-8590 ·-pt-•-· Plf'f.... .. 1200 Servtce "Oi~ectory 21 'I" e11p. Cuetom·bll •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ••••••••••••I ***WINO DAMAOE? H"" ••• ,. .... NI...,. •&-1 ........ _.' lnclvim WQt,. over ........,aaen11t1111 l\lrnllura. Llc'd. Clllld C1re, my home. IUll TIHI Raptllr1/Remocl. No Job H~t -~~... Top qu.itty. 26.,.. -.... ••"'It~ Don'I r•roof, repair . It ncludlng l1bor and ....,. Ken Burtlett 13e-145 t or pt/time. Nwpt Shoraa T t lmall. F Mrvlca --..__ c, l>lllt "-.... ,-. ...,..... 1 tlon 111 857•2890 materlale muat be II· •••-Hll, tat. •22 ---------1 area. ~. 548-' 164 upoc:i, ~'r~ved. 7,;1~~78 oo ut . lflfldl M2-H90 omc>at 11111 ralaa. • ••• ••••••••••••••••• r1e o . • canMd. UnllcenNd con--• ,.~, _..,, " .-Fr• aat. Kalll'I 64t-4&72 -:;::;;::==:=::-.:::::::-1 . .:No:::..:owrt:=:.::,:lml::::.,· _:7::_30-~1!353~1CU8TOM wood patio ROOFING REPAIRS 1 act ahould ~~~~~~~~~IC. * Splrllual b1Md c:hlld· 1-.... ----.-.-.-.-11--1-8-·1---------1.HOUMCtaan1ng • lloneat, ·ABC MOVING· cov.ra, ractwood d9cllt& Small foba OK . Free ~ t:, adlllrt...:. ~~ .:: .ef!.•.!!l............. care In love & total IC· •-!!'!c raltabla. Quallt(i work ,,... ...... ,. __ _,. ... _.......... tenoea Rllndv 641-oe22 eetlm•••• Call Tom 0 tr~tore d C.pt.nce C.M. home. Mowl...,.. ......,...,, r161~ -.. __.. a.~ ....... '" '""' """"'• ....,...., _._ ' • r -an con"'mar1, Remod.IRepalr1. Lo r1111. • ... h.....,.F'V • • •••••• •••••••••••••• .._ •· .._ ,........., -• -11... 552 ""10 ,... .. _ .. "'•2 '"""2 ~1-.. an1 Grond'-al ••"61'"" awaepl g . ree HI ouup 088 '"""" r ...,.. "'"""'•"" .._,,. . .....,., -• --, ,. ~{'!~!/.~!!!'!!!'.~ , REMOD. SPECIALIST JO Allan. Lie. 202752. D1ck1, palloe. lenc11. .,...,. v• .S: • -J 2 Ellpar houaecleanare will ,,,,,.,, • ._.,, (714)558-4088 wfth anv Fr" est. Steve 752-95581---------i mat•. ... 5737 I Sm .. MOYtng Jobe blaulffy your home lor STARVING COL.LEOE ••••••;ie~~•••••••• • JOHN 1€111Y quHtlon1. Contraclor'I Bonded. 494-1610 EXPER C .. lt.,,.,I ••ttll Clean upi. Trimming Clll MIKE e...e-.1391 the hollda'fl. Raia. STUDENTS MOVING ED'S PL.ASTERINO l~/Mtw Siii• Lk:enaa Bowd, 28 · carpenter does •••••••••••'•••••••••• •~1-.. .__ Mlint CO. Lie. T124-438 Nall patchll. lnl/1111. 1dd'na, remod, deckl. N 2 _.. ,,.._. • · HAULING-GRADING 673·1729 btwn 8AM·12 lnauted. 641-a..27 Reltuc:coe. &45-8251 .•tam C ivic Canter Plan, Al-"'•11 Sk"'t:;h•• & r-alra. Free Fonarom .. ~10' Z~d2olmllllt all.' Fr" aat. ...2·2857 demollllon, clHn-up. noon. 831-7309 alt 12 WATCH us GROWi 141-4212 Room 880, Santa Ana. ••~••••••••••••••• ,. . -... " -... · C & P' '"STER P'"TCH NG CA t2701 Orhlewayt, Parking Lot 111. • 841-4592 714-876--CMSe lie 425181 .MPAllll ..... OllCfeta tr• removal. noon. ...,.. ,.. I ...__._=-------~• . Rlpalra, Saalcoellng. 839•5035 Quick lltV. 642·7838 BACHELOR'S HOUSE 1111111-A111ucco1. lnllut. 30 ,.,tfluhJ '-"'"' S&S Aapt\lt 831-4199Uc Dt~~1~!':i~~1:~9p:r~'Js WAY a.111111'111 LIOHT HAULING CLEANING. RELIABLE ..... ~·; ....... yri. tiaet. Paul s..s.2977 .... PAOFESS.tONAL .... I ________ _ Dan Hallberg Grading yre exper. A1t1. Jerrlf 'Fi~~l~S:!ia':: ~~~c:u.:. & CL.EAN-UPS KAREN 540-2816 by Rlcllerd Sinor. Lie. NORO PL.ASTERINO SECRETARIAL SERVICE I PavlnQ Co. Raa/comml 54&-4413 M2· 1ltl Irrigation Jim 851-0129 Fr• 111· 642•2657 Lal Shelley cl .. n-up ror 21()844. 14 yra of hippy ~/~ "-'=892 i-----754-_t3&8 ___ _ Uc. 397~ 842-1720 l--A-E_M_O_D_E_L/_R_E_P_A_IR--1 .,. .... ... HAULING-lludenl wllge the Holld•v•. R1ll1bl1, local cu1tomer1. hhl•IAJf9, ,. ........ _ Stores. olflcH. homH. c811,. WN4W1tl.~ truck. 1ame lo rates. e11p'd , o wn tr an a . Thank lfOU, 831-4410 ••~ •••••*~ ••• r~ •••• ! ... .,rw114tft ap11. Bldg renovation. ••••••••••••••••••• • Lawn-tr ... lhrub lnalall Thank vou 759-1976 646-6153 1---------1..-1 DRESSMAKER & •••••••1•••••••••••••• code Tr• trlm/ramoYal John PAINTER NEEDS •••••••• ••••••••••••• FASHION DESIGNER Incorporation, business correction•. etc 20 o·---·-Rot WORKI 30 ..... awn, lnl/ 2•1.-D (") •••1121 acMca Reaaonabla I yra In area. Bonded, Ins. ..,.. Lawn m-·tl otltllng ,.. .... -v -Rauonable. 646-8.447 · ees. Lie. 191801. Pilombo Cablnet1-Pullman1-Bara Fr• •tlmata 548-eo65 HAULING & CLEAN·UPS •••HlinbJ• 1111. ~le calllnga Lie. 40 gal wat«haeter '225 1---------752·1982 Constr. 962-8314 Wall Unl11. 642-08811---------1 OAL.L RICHARD •••••••••••••••••••••• 3et780. Fr• •tlmat•. ,,.. i.mn A ..... ti.. ...,I}~ after ldlool, 957-'121. BUSINESSMAN WILL 0.'119 Painting ... 7-6432 Plumbing, heetlng & drain •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HOUSESIT. Educated 1topp1~11. hOUll or .. LOW RATES .. •••••••••••••••••••••• fer..t ·-. ..... __ ~'-1 s .... ,_ ..... p ..... ,, nd •• NEWPORTWEST •• -mtf -,. Nlgh1 tar Sk~ on vour ... ~ & ,. ........ ,., 547-3524 .... --· l'IQ comm. YMfwtl 1. Em-Tr" trlm/remov, clean ••••••••••••••••••• 11 .......-8 1175 d .......... ...,SC D I Roll C ••• •••••••••••••••••• Supply/lnatall/"-••r cal ng. Exact painted •••••• •••••••••••••• Pr-' ................ 1 "'-~ _,. pee. fl aa pr ·~ ,,....,._ v,. U • Jour-ups, mowing. 554-7017 a IUn to •· uetom Sh •1 _..___ ._,.... I _ .... ~ h ...._. I ... _ .... Q M "' ......_ o ,..,._ .,, ....... materllll 873-""'7 Pl ..... Cb wax & detail. 650-1 t32 ampoo '" 1 Mm .......... Lge Hlectlon + hard-:;.,. ...,..,.a 1 11 """"' n t.,.. a v 141-1121 wlriter months. NB. Nori ..,... · ~ nayman um ..... · n- Color brighteners, wht ware. Bob 646-2923 eva Wiii do olh-.,..,.lall'f F~--1..-heat .,,.,... 2131471-1415 Lowest rate11 Prompt, tractor lie. #252950. F•,.,ht• ~~'!!I .......... . llalrtettt'111tten (llc'd, bonded agency) 4~2nd St., N.B. C. Coder's B1b'fllttlng Agency. Call &45-.3746 crpla • 10 min. bleach. -,....... neat proleaalonala. 15 Rea•. rata1 494-3413, •••••••"'••••••••••••• Hall, llv/dln. rma I 15; avg llHlrit.J fob1 • alact .. plumbing, .... 11 .. 1-'/fl exp. 13e-7149. M 1-5068 Moel eub)ec11, K· 14 room $7.50; couen 110; •••••••••••••••••••••• painting, etc. ••••••••~•~•••••••• """-•--1---------1 Day/eve '6 & 112/hr, chr $5. Guar. ellm. pet ELECTRICIAN-Priced Walter Webb 1181-2871 "HELPING HANDS" •••••••~••••••••••• Thinking ol a new home People .vho need people Mt. Morgen 64$-5176 odor. Crpt repair. 15 yr1 right. tree 11llma1e on You name It, we'll do Ill Cu.tom Oec:t11 • Muonry IOI spring? See the many should •lways cheek lhe 1----------11 a11p. Oo work myself. large or unall foba. Shop II tlome, It's easy Ed & Bobbi 240-0275, 24 & Patio eo-.. Rea. llsling1 In loday'1 cltssl· Service Directory In the Have something 10 sell? Rell. 55-4.0123 lie. 396621. 673-0059 with clessllled 642-5678 hrs. Fi'M aaa. Gane 53$-4078 fied columns. 642-5678 DAILY PILOT Clasallled eds' do It well. for your •tlll-good refrigerator sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item Going Into Bualneaa? Al requltff by few, new bualn••••• ualng 1 FlcUUoua 8u1lnna Heme muat regl1t1r that n1Me with the CouMJ Clerk. Call the OAIL Y PILOT L.EOAL. DEPARTMENT for fOfma aftd further lnformeelon. 142-4321 Ell.332 OLLARS DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS 3 Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't SINES DAYS per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real •tate or 2-5&1-S commerClil ads~ can-u>aayTo-r fott detalll1-. -----64 CNw.-ftfund11111 £dta 1w 11.-) Ca.;ASSIFleDS - - ~r..'.'~!~!!l!!!l!!'.'. A,.,,.,.,, .,,_,, A,.1t•••I• A,.,,.,.,, A,.1•••11 A,.,,.,.,, A,.11a1•I• .... '!J!,.l/!!t!! ... !.{!f ~ .. ~IJ!.!!.ffe!.!.'!f ,,_, IHti '111 U•lar11i11"' ll8lu.Jd8 O•l•,.i1iH O•l.,11i1tH D•l•t•ldH D.J•nldH O•l•111i1iH vu 111 mTn :-.-.-.r.:: .............. c;;;.~·-;;t;,;; .. UU ~;;··;;; ...... Wf c;;;;·;;::;•m .. jjlf ~·;;;;,; .. · .. ·,;;; .................................................................. ~."ii~ r:"~~~ CC:o,·":~: 1111•11 IOIAIFlllT •u•••••••u•••••••••• ••u•0 ••••••••••••••• •••u•u•••••••••••••• •••••••u•••••uu•••• "Cl,_ Jl4I •• •••••~•••/!if ~.CJ!!!!!l! .... Y.!f Pllon11 In room. 2274 fllllll ~nru·r~ ~~n~~ ~7'v' THE SHORES-8tA\,.H .... , .... Large Studio, carpt1 & ..................... ... ,.. 2dBR. 1485, yearly, new Newport BIYd. CM. OldMt & largaat agency. W h I d I j d. AREA me81iBJIU Baautll\lllL~~ drp1. Ocean view. IAllf•D 1'11 10mlnut•ao.ofl.aguna acor, pool, nr beach, 646-7445 All cllenta ecr..-d with ~ei:u, :.:r or~: TWO MO. FREE RENT. IPUmlll Oas. water paid. Patloa, $280/lncl utll. M1-1192 A LOVELY PL.ACE on Dana Polnt'1 moll bul. No pets. 4~77 1-----------1 photo. & Nfarancel. lmmad occup Come & ... oor n-ty pool, Jacuu l, uun11. TO LIVE Hcluded icenlc blutl, 2 bd, 1'A bl, blk to bet\, E A C ff A R E I Credh1: Coamopolltan · · oecoreted model•. 1 & 2 BHutllullv landaoapad 1annl1 courte, volleyball B••li•fl•• •H~/Pvt 1 & 2 Br Ilka new, 2 Br. widen, children & pat• OK. " GOOd Morning America BACHELOR . Furn/ Bdnnapt1.S550&$695. ~lrdenapta.Pool&Spa. court•. rec room. 2 Br JHtt 3140 •Pool/apa/bbq xtra largal:'ata patio. 1450. 482-8837 or $84/wk The Tomorrow Show. unfurn. Yrly 111 ulll pd. Pool & tennis. Call K11tn .. !~~··No pet$3•-.,5 unfum. 1 Ba. $525. Call •••••••••••••••••••••• •5 acraa of balutltully ~-'~~"9_5 8~~~0~ 974-7225 •'-+oft * 10 all wtlo N-Crpl. n~ dranaa. 6«-2611 ,_,.......,, • 557.0075 CLOSE TO BEACH 1and1cap1d 1urround· ~ator-Mald·POOI need• P'*:ia. ,._ .. -1 Bdrm 1475 Ori"9 ~ -at 24587 2 Br 2 Bl. nr San Cle-·~ BIYd & Wlllon M1-18" ~ :'ri·~~=-=P· C.111 .... JIZ4 2250 Vanguard540-M28 li111iiwiiiii .. iiyitiniiiiiLJ•---1 ~::"arM!·:::o.-: ~T, Frwya' ~· s.nta a. ~~H_<!a•.P_:.: -P•,~o,· l~eo.~ .• ~M~ ... ~~54;!8-~9~75~5~~~~~~~~~~ Beautiful LandlCaPld u t 11 pd. I 4 5 0 I mo , • Quiet area ~ ·-·• ,_...,. ...,, '"" Sunny 1 bd apt on Panln-::•••••••••••••••••••• Ou. w1ter paid. Patloa, 536-7979 •No pet1; furn •11111 Moat --1 t ......., ga1• f_.~ • 105/mo . HwvKnot. N~~t~t°:p~~ 2P:i12~~!~.=: 1Uf1. Haff bloctc to beach . ..,95: 1 Br. relrlg. patio, Bac:tlelora 1410 pool, Jaaazl. aauna, tan-~1·~ ••l-Mll In 1 -~.;_..'!.,· .:::::!: 89 • 1...-., Yrly $450 mo. Elec. & no pets, aelulla pref 1 Bdrm $485 nit court1, vollevball • -~-.._.., ,,._, CL._EA_H_&_S_U'-N-N-Y-2-Br-1-1 ocean. Wkly rites . Female. 2 5 ~Old. 731 D 18tl'I SI 673-7787 131 E 18 h •• ., ••1• 1 olllnd Cr, HB locatlon In town, brMth-· • 646-0«0 Call Answer ad No 533, weter pd. Agt. 875-1 ... 2. • • · t . .,.._ v courta, rao room. Jr. 1 Btwn Slater/Warner ti61,_ YWwl .. bullt-lna Bl, retrte. gar. No Peta. 642-4300 24 hra. 2Br 291, at1p1 to bell, 1 Bdrm, 1 bl, pool, laun-181 E. 18th. 842...o858 Br. fumllhad$430. off BMcti ~pool·au~age· 1460. nail Jan 2 . 1111 A PUOEI INUfne 8 mo. on..,............ drv. adults, no pe11. 111. -• •a Call 557.0075 elevator. 'L•••• oniv' 493-2710 Sh8'e 2 br, 2 bl houM, , •• , -$38"' 833 7 &-. • •L.K TO BE CH Wiii" ••I R1aaon1bl1 rat11. Kit· Lido Ille, bl'/ view, allp 1750 mo. 850-7938111es '" • 890 or Newiv d•cor. 011 pd, 1 ::>drm apt. Cptlng, ,. A 1 Br -l650 a up. dlenattll, phonae. maid Incl. l450. 675-3321 1 BR, $375 mo., bl'" lo 646-1947 encl g1r, dwahr, pool. drap11. all utll axcapl w/baleonv. Stove & r&-Spac. 1 I 2. br, lovely 330 Clfff Or. 494-8083. ,.,,,. ba ,,,, MNlca, Z channel mo-1---------" 2 Br b.... t ··2 al>.73 heat Oar no ...... S395 frig. 1425/mo. pin•• ' atr1am1. ••c. •••••••••••••••••••••• ufae. SANDPIPER MO-Sht lrg home Or condo, ocean/pool • angl edit · 1 Ba. upper In 111-""4· no pe a. ,... ~ · ' • ...,, · ..... 7"7"' 3 Br 2 ... nr S c 00---• "' 1 enolsd N mo 547-2874 ~ • • 91111, entry by phone, """'· · · .--... TEL. 1987 Newport BIYd. 111 1111 deposit utll1. pref'd. Av111 lmmed. pex. g8fage. o Newer 2 BR 2 ea. $475 · I"• rec 1r11 Incl. gvm. I---' INd 1111 rec rm. pool/jac. $895. C"-" ....... 137 981-8479 662 2449 642-5002 pets. 2276 Pomona, No pe11 780-1418 0; Bachelof, E/Slda, bath & ~a IPI. &4M5tl •••....-..••••••••••••••• 545-7131 ._ 545-5323 -..,..,..,. • • • · ---------1 1-475/mo. 851-2175 642-7528 eva/wtlnds kll. Utll1 pd. 1250. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo ' fMllltM ... lm41$1 M/F 1har1 CdM home. 2 bdrm, near beac h. 2 Br / 1 1 • &46-5736 846-1279 11 .... w•• • rantala._ Vitia Rantala. So. Cat VIiiage, nr So. Cat •••••••••••••••••••••• Avail 12115. S3751mo + NM1 l\lrn. Partilng w gar, up• 1 "· Lrg 4/plax 2 Br 1B1 ' -875-.4912 Brotl Plaza 2Br 181 and unh 2 1 3. 9 1 7 . 3 5 6 5 . 1-41,5/mo. No pall. Rafa dahwr. W/alda.' .. v11•1 Lrg 2 lld. 8MrT'I -...., bdrm, 1'h ba twnhaa Lrg 2 & 3 BA townhoula er. • .;_ • • ark Clll Utah Condo. Y. Ulll'1. EYff, IS-8 pm 213-360-5465 req d. 352 Vlctor11 121 1 1 . 14 9 0 /'m 0 . loll o1 wood thr:o-:i, 1415 + 1375 dep. Nr. IP'*. encl gar, rrptc. ,._ 2 Br. 2 Ba. from $526. No :C,~·-tseo git• 1575 SIMP• • kltehan, walk 1_850_·_3_23_1 _____ _ 645-8161 645-8625 11rv bar. 1480. 2258 B11ch Blvd at McF1d-Hunt. Hrbr, from $5.45. peta. Auoaa lr<>n1 N9w· · to akl Ifft. AvaM Dae 18 to Male atralgfll non-Mtkr 1 Br oceanfront bldg, Fl •~ 1 di·"' ..... Maple 873•8803 or den. Oulat. olOef' par90n Children OK. 840-8807 s;.ott BalCtl Gott eour... •~--.. ._ 26. $450, 714/496-03 14 1 250 + y, • utll. Oya winter month• only 1-400. 'IP-. poo • ... w_,. Large 3 Br. 2 Ba. Town-54&-73Sa pref'd no pet.a "3_..... 545-4455 -...,_ 673-1901, Sandv. agl. .... Piii patio. x lrg gatd· hOuM In quiet complex. • • MADDOX APTS: 1'2 br. •••••••••••••••••••••• arg• Big Baar C1bln. 842-5448 •fl IS pm, en.2Br.$560.557-2&41. large pool, garden let· AYll... . 445, 2 Br 2 Ba. pool, Nloe,q_uletlUrfoundlnga. wmTD lllTAU ...-.... roo1 Tabta. oolof TV. 21_&4_2_·58_20 ____ _ OCEANFRONT Dlll2-49r. Large 1 Br near ahope, ting. '875. 845-3381, Large 1 Br. relrlge, patlo,kldaOK.NOpet.e. 145o-i55o. 842"1718· 3&4Br.Cloaatowatw, ..... • /1~J~s.e:~:.epa H . __.. B/: waek or month. pool, all utll• paid. 1aa4 675-5949. ran91, laundry, pool, 648-teee, M0-74t4 Bet .. S. furn & unfurn, rea1on· Wkly rental• 195 up. Shi wtth Newport exec. IS 3-7873 MonrOYla. 5-46-0336. 1-1-br-,.,,--lg-----·1 c arport. No pau. br, 2 be In 6 unit bldg, L.ge 2Br w/gar. Super able, 111 am1nltl11. Color TV, tree cotr11, lg Bear Cabin, 5 mllea $390/mo. 831-«!58 T~H-E,.....,,S...,EV-IL_L_E-2-Br---1g-.,-. Pet'• cone'. 11 130-:.-5•. lnd1.,2'"10· $425/mo. 931 w. 19th trplc, gar. 1485. clean, close to bch. Broker 875-1912. heeled pool & atepe to ltom Snow Summit, Sh 1 .. ,11 h ,L ,,,.,,..,,,, -• • Sl 548-0492 ~ 521-3004 1496/mo 984-48118, oceen. Kltdl'aavall. trplc . 139 /dllly r u11 mo.,. oma,.,. fl.i.r.hW crpts. drpa, bit-Ins. fnod _:W:.:=allaca=::·~840-80:::::::::=:29~--l;:-a;;-::;:::;::-=~~=-r.-.:;-:;:;:;;:-;:::;;;-;::::-I 536-7330 H5 N Cout Hwv see-e111 blk to oceen. Pool, rec. ...................... yd wl P,,•t.1.0, waler pd. 2 Br. 1 .. _ ,,71 w. •-··n. BR dUplax w/ertel gar. 1 Br. ratrlg, bullt-ln1, 1 -~ ,,,:,.._.,_ 4 ...... :.... 1 T.....__ ,....,. ....... Vig 3 avail. Own room I beth. 2619 D Santa Ana Upat~a"". Ho ;;;~. Redec .. good neighbor-drapaa & cup11. No ~-_,.,, _.,,~ ....... .......... · Furn or unfum. 1250/mo WM hlMM Jiff A 11 e . $ 5 2 o . c a 11 .,..25/mo. Sletra Mgmt. hood . I 4 9 6 . ca 11 Peca. M0-2875 lnhl. 11f4 Room. lhr Ba. pool, Npt Br 2 be 9'!1 rental, AntOI-111 & fut. Avall Jan 1. •••••••11••.:.:i:=•••••• 1-1136-4120 ... 1•132.._ 559-5001 •••••••••••••••••••••• COUNTRY CL.UB Ll~NO Bdl, kit. Pf'Mleoel 1225. nett• 7021831-5554 Rife. pleaaa. Call after •r-• U1T191 ftl.W Walnul Sq, Condo, 2 Ir 2 IN NEWPORT BEACH 645-2590. Pref. Female CON[)().SUN VALLEY 8pm, M0-5844 Llltle Illa, pier, 3 etory 111•11 2Br upt1alra. quiet, encl ovelv 2 Br twnl\11 on Townhou111 for rant. Ba. din. gar, A.JC. petlo, Slnglaa, 1 a 2 Bdrm. 28/owr. BMutlful 2 story, 2 Br. 2 Roommate 10 ....... 1 •-. delu11e lrg. 2Br, rrplc, -.. OI' dO,OS 1110 ~ E.aide, nu Cfl>laldrapa, Dlklxa leatur11, 3 Br. 2~ $700. 650-8839 Apemnanta Ba. ci-... •. .,_ ,,..., $1800 mo. 67$-3067 _. Y1 · no $ 4· frplc. patio & 1rg aun-ea. 1700/mo. Call Sally & l'ownnou... Furn room. prlv. home ......,,.. ....., comfort· condo. Private bath. ---------1 2 Br. 1 Ba. laundry rm ~1'.U12 af141~5 /mo . clack,gar.1525/mo.111, 7141847_3857 or From IMO pool.Sac.Gate.Nr OCC. •ble. 185/dav. Call 11undry, rec room, Jee BAYFRONT pool, crpt1, drap11: · 1111 & dap. No pet1. 7141848-3725. '"-u• ,,_. 1141 °"Jamboree Ad. at Cell days 831-3910, ._ H7·1244. avail. Convenlant to 4o5 $400-1415/mo. 2Br. 181. downltllra, lncd 646-3420 ::7•••••••••••u•••••• San Joequln Hlh Rd. aft. 4:30 831-9778. ..,,,, ,. llu• 4M Freeway, Mlaa6on Viejo. ~. ,......... 2264 Maple ~d ' garage. 1500 mo. •MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 11111· for Chrletmaa. 2 Br 2bl, ...tflg/llV lnci. • •• ·-Colla Mau. CIOll to ............... ~...... 714-7et-0647 Furnished or unfurn, 2 ~.,,Sr.~Ba.o~~~.'! 54-098a Ba. Newly dacol'. 1496. ~~C:.3_a':'~ View. downtown loc, no OCC. Full prlYll19H. Bf 1 Ba C.M. llOl'ne, trg M/F30+prof.tum.room. mo1. minimum r1nt11. lrom clack. $4751mo. E/Slda, a-y 3 BR 2 Ba. No pets. 833-8974. plliea, no~ se15 mo. pate. R11p. adlt1 . 1275 Ind utllltlea. vrd, Ir pie, call 11111 4 br. Bbl. houM. N.B. E11c1I foe. S 1500/mo. 558 Joann patio, 2 •tv. carport, bldtoom, 2 be, garage, 17871 van Buren. call lor MOO/mo. 8654203 If no 549-7094 e31-o503. $250 & utll. weter. $325. 646-1309 Owner 644-9513 11L lplt Ml· 1111 1875 mo. 640-4997 upatalra no pet1 1475. appt or Info 841-5924 or ~.,,.:--"."'"88-1·~1,..eeo _____ L·=-.-::-:--=--~:-----11 Br Piii bl, Balboa Panln. M/F non-amkr. to stir 4 br, M11r Bdrm wlbllh. pool, Yearly • 2 Bdrm, 1 b• 1•951 2 B B M ... Verd• lg 2 br. 1'h 1SO. Canwey 97f.3842 M0-1347 Smal 81udio, ocean view, 40' dodc for power Fumllhad. 1'4 bl home. 1200 + v. BEAUTIFUL. $300 mo. flraplaoe, 2 C8f parking. .. mo. r. 1•;. 1. bl, gar, patio, no pets. nr Main bet!. 1335/mo. boet. 3 BR 2'~ be, con-1250/mo 873-4743 ut ... C.M. 850-0907 545-5105 aft e. $800/mo. 875-9797 upper unll. all bit-Ina, $500 & aac. 978-4383. uttla lndd. 494-3044. dO. 11200/mo w/dock, 1=-------:--:---·1----------1---.--... -.. -------....... ------1 c1rport, lndrv rm. bal-i---------~1 blllllf 11000 wtthout. CS50-t1to Furn room. prlv. home Female to •hare 3 Br. Panln Point; 1Br. view. cony. wau. -... I • lArgl Studio,.._ kltdlan, Mra Long pool. Sac. Ga. Hr occ. lloma In MIN Verde. 1 $375 mo. Stir w/Nwpt aundec:k, lndry 1495 mo. 527 w Wll90n 759 w 1ttti ll II naer beach. allopptng. -· -Call deya 831-3910, ._ chlld ok. non-amoker. ex 631_.,58 yrtv 875--0983, 650-7996. TIL ...... 142-1111 Mlnut• from tlla be.ch. IBR.. 18A . mo .. 1BA 1316/":!_lrldda utile. 1et • dCondoP I . QUWIET. utt, 1'1. 4:30 831-9778. Cal aft 8PM. 548-3831 ,.,.,,. __ ac_. ____ . --- Avail Jan 1 LUXURY 2 BR. 28A. both with"'° C8f llactrlc • StcUlll Caln mo. + -'90. to mow con . r ma HtC "' 1:-'-.. _ .--..... to ahr 2Br llM. CdM, Ealtllde ~ Mart>te pullman top ~· ~ 11cy. • PC10t & ~K Room In. ~ ~ Ap4a. foe. 1860. 759-0524 -·· '"'"· room. Piil Lawyer w1n11 to •hr 2 non·•mkr pral. Frplc, Sml cottage, 2 Br 1 Ba. Ba·-_,. ·-'llng Fr~h ....,loa Le 1 11 1 m 1 1 1 1 0 1 avea, quiet amplo)lld non-bdrm 1pt w/nonamkg, Wlhr/dryr, 4 bike lo bet\, frpt, no gar. 1700/mo .,,...., ....., • _.,. Oacorl1or drapaa ..... • • 1 & 2 llR P•ho Apes 4...._2797. arnkr. ldMI for ~ n11t F. 64 t-8108 art. S3H mo Ind ut• Cal Ind. utlt. Agt. 873-4062 !!.~·kht~~t11,•'! .. IPb•ll,oh. Plulh WIW ~ ,,.. • Gifdtn lWIUj)lftll •• ..,.--.....,...-----·r-CEANFRONT-Cu•lom panon. Refs Nq'd. c .M. lpm. •fl 8PM 751-11 ..... ':"geall J ...... 2 , .:::-.,..1• · Waif\ In Cloaeta • Otsltwasllela & 11Q1 OoaanlrOM 2 Br 211 trpf, O.OCW. i br, 2 ~ uti. 54$-3722 -~ "'11 an nd . ..,..., mo. Private patloa 181 fl ..... • JoO to lleactl & SllOOt rng 'bldg In No. Lal •1•.._ yrty l1ll.VU/rtto 1--------te to lhr S br hN, 2 conganlll 19 fem. lo n '-"'"" Jll1 No peta. 752-2550 ~ Kltc:hln 631 5909 11200. 762•5040• 9• Melin Per9one. 7400 w. NEWER comp furn, NB E/llde C.M. $250/mo + 3 br, 2 be E/Slda C.M. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ulll paid, Quiet, Adulla, Clrl>O" W/91orage • wlcdya. Oanfmt M0-1112 WlfY Mii, c:ompac, 1 Rm ~ utllt. Chris 547-7272, home, 1185, '/\ utlll & 2 Br 2 Ba. ..,.... M t p llo •"""/ ... ~u J 5,... outdo« 880 -......:.-------1=~~:-=--=-~~~-I pl/Ilda QM haa. LI oook. 642-1983 $50 ..._ 842-4558 · , .. ,. • ""'· • · ~ mo,....., an .--•, _......._ • i LEX 2 Br, 1 Ba. d/W, Met quiet r11p •mr. ..._, non'"*'*• no pets. MOO 1. 644-41858 .._.._,. -~ 1--------~ ut •I,.• tldry. WALK TO BEACH. m .... let/Ill SID. Ra . Famala roommate to F prel. •hara 3br 2ba + 6ap'1. 213/ 799-4195, VILU 111111 S550/ino 648-4830 "8::lft p I SELL Idle llama with • IHtt Jiff 1725/mo. H2·4t14, 1375 Incl utl .... 5-2913 I.,_. 3 br oottagaE, C.M. Nwpt Bell houaa on ~75,.7 :!..r 8 2 0 r ( 7 14) 2 Br 2 Ba. ,_ .... com-2 Br. Walla Id• Colla IPll1mrl Dall'/ Pilot Claullled Ad. ...................... M• •• t 7 5 .. u I 11. y.. Callel. frplo, den, ..... v ....,....., • _,,.., M11a Carport & pool •-· r I ... _ Small attrac, tum. atudlo 831 ..... 18. ~of • uell now pllx, dllhwHllar & dla-N · · ..... u11ru1 ger .... n -.it•. front. beat N--,,, bd'I 1or _,,.,,.d Nono-• " • • la)'fl'ont. '"1Y beech. 1500 po111. 1nc11d g1rag•. 0 P91• .... 15imo. ce1t Patloa/dec*a. ap., 11aet Kennebunkport? Port 1ooet1on. 3 er. 211. 1mkr. Pm k1tc'"'"9tta, F• ... ...,,°' c1t11en 10 '""'· 646-24M aq ft. 2 BR, 2 ba. Flt'• utlts paid. $530/mo. ptua j....:~~3-15:~::::33~-----peid, No pell, I 't th t t ... -h th t a k r . I 4 2 • 3 a 5 o . prvt antry. '300 Incl utlla, INN 2 'br dupleil, non· l.Jblral mwnte WMtect ..., pllca, ~$1100. Cou-$300 dapoelt. 2324 Eld-mTllT. 2 Bclnn. i"4 la. IMO 8" 8 '"' OrM 8 WOn 142·1010. pool TV tannle Raf'i amok.er. Nwpt Hta. 1225 HR n11r beech 1210 pie or ..... 21'"" an. 648-4147 2 Br, 1~ 8• 1-nt111. 2 Bdrm. 211. 1515 The Trlple Crown In '72? -~ a utll. 848-3192 or plUI "'utll 142-5119 eft v .,. ,_ .. 3M w Wllilo!'I 831 5513 croaa from beech. 2 ........ • 142-4508. )'om ---------12 bdrm 1Y. ba 810 Joann Bullt1n1. l1und rm, ,.. • ~fD~ bdrm, ctatuxa. y=· .-.......... ...__.._to --1----------pm-·---....-----2 Bf 1 Ba. Ptlveta aun s ' c1rpo .. li•· &ltd/bale. Id 1 B 1 I ._ .--.-.,_ .. St·..._ ............. to ·"'r 3Br =-Oeck ..__. Beech • t. Adults pref'd. Small " • a. gar, poo . 750/rno. Guy 8'1 room In H.B. NofMrnkr, -_, .,, F 2 lhr 38A apt In C.M . ........ k· •1~0 .......... ·ti & bay·, dog OK. 845-6453 ! .. m2:~ ..... •,mot . K. F/p . Child OK. No p1t1. If you're not aurt who (or Whet) 'i<~iiiiitii~iii:-"iiiel 12l5. 536-2876 _, apt b)' 1lllr1 to bch In non.amkr. UM+ ctep . ......., --....._.., 1650/mo. 13" A laker. ~ • *· 29a L.aauna. 1300 mo.+~ 22 & up 131-7037 quiet qu~hbot· Deluxe 2 Bdrm, bit In, H17. 21543, 641.0783 Kennebunkport wu, don't,_. bed -~·,. upi>ef unit, frpfe ... ger, Prof woman wlfamllv utll. View. 0 .. ·2192.1----·------ Mocl on oe Jten1n.. dawtlr, bbq. J1eu:al on 2548 Orange Ave. not •lone. KenMbunkport II one Of 14 11260 mo. lf\'ty, 17a-2726 wanta to etlare rm w/ AYllll lm!Md. ,_,.11 .,....., 4"' "* Point. fumWled or b If w 11 u I 4 9 6 mo 2314 '*"•Ana Ave. 1 llr, 9¥811 now. W..., a dlsllnctlll'lly different epertment ltootpllnt et dWe. 171-4M& .,,._ pror. 1210. Evta oall Pool/'-4 Br hOme, SC •••••• .. •••••••••••••• unMI\. ~1179. 821-5147 Call ror..,.,, ;;'7::':. ':'.& ':..':!~ Saewtnd VIH11ge In H~on BMch. 1 br, 1 M. ~ Nfl10, r-.t40I Plu';': M. 21_35, llr.. AHT£O 2-3 bdnn ~ •••ohfront Bae ll . 2 Br t 1ee0,1wcrs>t.i .°'7 .. tflll. ~~L.2 Momt1 Ofl"9.84Wl27 ...,.=pr"1::!,~..._!..t~klnd ~P .. •''!!· OIOH lo H. a. OOVEA SHORES. non-emkr , 1 260 . wl gtW1-agenln~.3 pm l300/mo, 1at/l1t. 1418 atow . ~ ,,,1mo.l--,....--:::::.·1=tos=---lt--;-;;::.-a:.;;;--;;L-;:--,.... ....-"'"'V· .... _.. -· 117.ot76 FUii a.. bed, mlorOW9"" 141-3523 141-237 .. _ w. Oc•nfYont. AWlll to 656-9550. 718 Shallmat, WlllUll ...._ 3 Ir, ... n . 1~ le of •ltenllon r:: ~.A perfect blend of Hutltwl 1 Ir. 3 ••· r11g. 1ep ant. 13901rtto. l-Ol~Jlat~~M~/F~t-.... -.. ,....._-1-bl-'•a.'-=-=:-.:,_~ .. i::::::-;1":;i,ii"'M' ..... ortt,. 875-7722 A... Bachelor I 2 Br apt1 Pool2Nolr.!!,f!;,_} .. ~..... nature Md lvtng -neetled "1 • fONet...,. T 1111111. Call 01"£1 o ... r .. ur. :;-:~ ............ .. ..... -.._.._.. babbllna brootl• •net~ POnd•. COOied by ow11ftauae. t cer ..,. Mt .... ~ 1; wt n yr u , 2 bllta Inn Ela.de c.M. Cleln 111 on &.-. ., • "" 2 Br. xlnt loc1t1on, t1ld1 avail. Pool, IP•. laund ' netural oce.n bf'..,.., Add to thet tannte II'· frplc, tnclry llk-41P9. bd'l 111 CdM. 87:s.a309 pvt alla'/. lonQ..,.,., llD· m~............... OK. 111 moa. rant & ct. rm. No~· lmmed ()c. NEW COHOO 1 .,, 1 la. coun1. IWlmmlng poot ... epe Ind. "'I 0, 0 . H 0 p.' •. WILCOMI flOll' non• .. to* ... _~ hOu-age, 110: 17J.3IOO • -t1-•• Poaft 1625. 983-7800 or ~. 2 dactc1. 'rplc, micro-con-i-l loc•tlon......, .... _ ..-.... .-olmo.17ll-IOOt. lfttlllr, amp prof. 1 .. t / . ....,... lo ,_ 1----------.,_... -64&4736 9ect1etor 1375. weva, pool I ipa. ._ • ..,, ,,_ .,,_,..... .. ...., .,.. .._~a.. llOO M w panor•"' v ........ ""'-,_..., ....- Laroe 8 Ir 3 la.~ 2 Br NH H7&/mo Avell flab t emc>IC>ymant Md YoU'¥9 00' • P'eoa My0M OW I 8r. cluptH W/ N• y-' lalt101. 1 310/mo. T::m .... m .... ~ "'*'"*· · 11100. calf t.oe l2br/:Zt>a, newt,, dlo. ,..,.. w· 1-•81 Ml-Hit· • WCKlld pr'OUdty call nom.. (IV9n p • t 1 o a o • r port ... 111111 175-1144 Dorothy e73-7t76 Poot Adutta. No pate. ·raL°..;;;. · KannebUnkPOf'I) on. Ind two bedroom one 1711/Me. a1..... • ...,.. pttot "" .,,,,.., t1a. M" to "" :r: 3 t1r 3 be 't'/:l. ~ ........._ • ......._ a .... .-&w I 4 1 & • 8 4 8 . 7 3 1.. 14Mf21 Lrg a •r. 2 ••. CIWP'9f, end two beth epertmenta from IMO ...... I ..... I .... .. ~ .,..,.,.., 2 .... to . - --;• ........ di ""'iiiO' 173-()114 di.,_oerpon,nrOCC. ~ -town & b•aoh. Hon condo. wa to blletl, tf.o&.1 -••• ~:J.:.O.,a,11: ':.~~/:ad~·f:,: sf:!~!:.'::;~~.':;,_~•-~-'-~-~-·-·_•_6_s_o_'_"'_o_., . • ..... -1 on•h11~ =-~'=OK. ::W.~'1r"~1:.-'i ,":::~~·= AllyoU·~ --------i 54&4004 tide. Ho pete. 1 oar..... M.f .MM ,., ._,. ., -r 1 • ..._ ....... V.... Ille. u.I INll'cl. TV hOOlll front apt. Nwpt 8Ch, ~ .... 2 Ir .. ffplc, 1tow.8t1.,..., Ir 1 81 ._ ...... _ ~~11 .... · ...,.,_ ••• .. im •••••• .z;;:; ...._ _, w. lllOllftO "'· ,., ap t 0 111 nonamlu, 1310/mo . 70 cony*"·"°'*'· 700. • . ...--:; .............. ·~· ---& 1750 MC ••• A.gt. 4174111 AvallD1o1• ........ 1... ·--•llH• = ::aw:::.= ::.~."~! :::.o:::eda~ ..... 11• llT Oen1 ,..,.,., MMt ... 1"'6 Huntington Wiiie UN Hunt._.Of' ......... ,. flum Of UIN'ft. ..... to """"'8 ..,.._.: M to lfW 4 1 MO.,,_ MNf fl-4 MIO/mo. 931 .. 166 I.Ill• IN, "' 1 "!Pf•. Oludlld _..'*"'·I.Ille e.cti CA (114) lft.1111 .. .,,. ....,..., 1 bdnll, N'l .CH. 'ool, .... br on ~111, oleWl.j 1 room to llOO ._. ft. "'*· -~ .. 711up. MW! ~ 4 """" I • flrom the ..,, DiMe ,_ ----, .... ,...,, CM ... -. ...... Illa.. • "I. t . 1 1I0 I"' 0 ' "'°"' '1.11 ........ ~ -..ut. ~. t»er ~ W•telda 2 .,, 1tove a ,..., or • ,_a wld«I. >Cira tra prtvet9 IMctt MCJ• ·---,. _,... '""'" tlon. 1•11. C•" Jene ........ 1n.140I AlrPOtt• ""' a 'rwrt· etty""" *"· Lae 2 •"-retnge. "::r) dloOrlled. -. Ho pete. *"'· petlo. F'r'"" Atltmo. Mcf!:o.n :::.:::"::ra ... on • .._7IOO Lal I .,. """ ..... Ml' to •hr 4 tlr, I b• Oii AM m.am la..QN11otc1crc.Mtoo.. Hopeta. /mo.Water ..._,,.,_ Mt-2447 Call M1·14•1 or ... ,, fl' "'9Nf 11 .... le n..-1• IDt w/9tcM, ..... & fel,., tuncteoti, ....... hOuM N.I . Hr Mech. 1117 __,, N.•. - IUCfO·mo. , ..... pa i d , In dry lac . .... 943-0l11. DrM.., "' •••• -·~·-OAM ' '''"'"•· 1400 MO. •I••· Ill .I •••••.••••• 111 a ....... 4000 ... ft. ,..,...,, ........ , 141-4312. Cla1a1t1ec1 Ade 642-6871 10 .. 14117 lenle Cts9 tn-011f aft "'9 __ ,_ ...... ,. Al"" M1:toel - Orange Coatt OAILV PILOT /Friday. o.cemt>er 10, 1982 Cl I '11'!!..4f!H/ ••• J.iff W~':!f -flM f~!.~.1. .. ~,t .... l.~!f ¥.'.'l..'!11.~ •••• !.'.!f "11..'!~~ .... !.'.ff ~'!l!.~~ ......• J.~f flttn!t!! ••••••• M rrm~ ........ '-"'f I~.~ -DO A uma A::'i,:i~211~~eq9~: 2$~~-f~·,·,~j~;·;;= ~~.0~11~~~:r:'11~ ~~~ ·,11491 ~!:-t:•L1ndee1plng :,::::=.H:=., r=~J.~=~~ **I BUY** l'!'t: ,. Mll~.:..YOUR llpetr.'rtl Menyinr ... 1 1oso1mo Aleo Mr M•N01. tlvw ,r1, 1.a ,M Colt. l•par H .. f""· •ut nol con1'11n1r, 1100 1 __ Oood IAMd '"'n11ur•' .• ~ Call 657· 010 Aoglfl leave me11ag• • Oii Golden 1'1•1111;-M ••a• m Y Ito m • neo Mu• n•~• good M0-480? APPNancee OA I wltl ... ,.·-----~ 't ~ •a f 400-to0PLVl140014.'1 1136-1068 "'d kl\ t 'l60•1111 dflwlfltleGO(d 76t.l7H u---iA I ~ LITllA·OUALITY orHLLIOfYOU ~· , • !#ii ,.r PentllOUM B•ytront Bui· 1000 I I mo. ~d 1rv .~.,~-aa;w:: -..... :o~~~cte ~~..:,~~, 0 :.. PAIN'r'" ltotMI IM· 1 ..,.. ~ ~·.. 3 . ·" u, I ,.._ 1·.-11, p111tlng, p1t101 I apaoe w 0 • ...,. 1"'"'" '"'V ~ "-'"" a ""'""' '..,..7 para I el dally wh•al 9.f.! 1111 u• -1r • ~"'-. .. ;.... .~l . c.;-t ·~· ~•,,. on w 11111 81. c ... ...... ..... ... ....... ...,. AU Olek 380 co 111111 " .... lllfled ... 2.. ............ l)flrlttf U... IAM llbbof\ -..... • ........ a ·r l ~ 173• 1003 8A&-tt01 ,0u11o 111e11 Lib, tam Ot1n9e -Oollil S.11tng1 m4HI t to a YMf' ••P« ~M!AiCAN OAI< lUnt condWon 1n111uc· I 11f ,...,... ., " "f~ Mii Sf&ll • .......... ...... No 10 VIC (htlleld 6 and ~II llaa M Imme Call 711 242A lor Chrl1lmH , dr .. Hr 110 11 ma11111I UOO LM t6Y .. 1U 0A8A .. IAU ADI NOW "' .), 't ' Attr.ctlv• ruttlo upetalrt 1400 Ml ft with omoa In Magnolia, "3·7361 ri::·.:.~·~ .::.,~1 PIT...... ~~~7r or . I 2 2 6 7llt.l40t - -C&.A•=: .. ~tw""' • .. Mlllng. W• "'~ ~. Co•t• ...... V.,y ,... Found: grly Ilg., kitten. fyplng and 10 kty eklllt Amblllou• eouple/ m•· ---~UANITURf; • NEW -:rv-~' ~f $ 9 ;"'1:,MJ,:;, tenl. Cell Mt Sc:t\eohlet Wht cn.ttl ~ l>lk eol• lltruW Con1Jlcl M!Ghele IUfll 1lngla, mktlmgmt, Ptralan rug, 16 yrl Old, llf Mutl rllM Call'\ "' -". C·" •••. 21 I. $4e..34f.4 lit. HI/ FV. ·2327 Canna. 75"4·1801 (Oil 11 MI IY b 111 In... molt 9111. '3006 Of bell !!~ .. f!.?~••••••••••f'-M 1Ptl4* &tl#lfounda1 t .., ... "'"" •• ~~ •• •••"-IM .... , ,.... ...., ... , V"""~ ~· .... 877" 0" ... "'4" 9• 1 ••• at ..... .. •••••••••••••••• .... 1\'lllVll•••••••••••••• •••-IL 1100 11. Toi> Loo .. 2 oto Found 1217: thick l\alred • ..,...,1_ ,....,. v .. • " •• '" 4)(1 HO 'TRAIN LAYOUT l~ln 177 • Full 197 !V£AYnilNQ GOES, AP· _.. .. ,. w/cpt, O/H Door, Fri/ wtllla M Semoyed(?) W -&..-AEAL ESTATE .ftt•ll••-1 1111 (lncompleta) • ,.7 pllan, 111/wr, cloll'IH. Yard S .... I021·22 [bt>-llWPtlT 11m11 ,.., dr.1385. 8711-1251 19th,C.M. 548·8016 AcCOUlllt ftCtlV•bl•, Slleeman. Need 1 • .,pe. ~'"·=~············ 540.5021 O~n 1147 -King • 1 V knlc·kn•C•. tlO 30t lldt Ciro. Oddi 'n end•. light typing. Mllura I*· rlenced pereon In com· HARBOR AREA Sola a.de 1197 OnyK. Sun 7.4 1om1 new. 1om• Old . With uH of reo•ptlon. 1100 aq ft, office & were-lelMIUh JJU aon wlll'I mlnlm11m ol 3 m.tclel & ln®etrlal teal APPLIANCE 8£AVICE To good hOme. 1 yr old llA. Sola a l,ov.aeat t2U I • 50'• ctothel. Sal 9·5. cont. room, kltch. phone, houM, xlnl 1oc. so. S.A. ••••••••••••••••••••n· y .. ,. experlenci . l"ull/ Mt•t• tor 1 ~Miul & W• Mii rtcond .. ouer. Pll Bull Dinette w/4 chr1197 c.ttai It 11 MOreterlal l word pro-1848 Minnie St. CloH to DllOlll Tll time, Mon.-Frl. &end orowlno firm. l!leet w0tk-appllenOM. 640•3077 1148·4003 DISCOUNT FURl\llTURI! •••••••••••••••••••••• Commetclll Retr'!:::t· =n:~.~.al~I & ~ 511/405 lrwye. Re11. ' l"MTI.111 W&YI RESUME ONLY lnclud· fng condlllon• In New• 1 llY .... u-•1 Beau 2 yr otd IPIYtd tem 1959 Harbor Blvd, 8taelrb2et~,C.•rb~:1.1on,,. awck•·, Ep::~1~S::-l.A~· .. _A'r-"'. ce11.· 1AA, t14e-7512 1ne1ant1neou1 r1tult1 Ing work hlllOtY e. ••1•'Y ~or t 8 • 1 c h -r..-Fr• to Lo:! hOmt. Coat• M... e3 t·M09 " ..,... .., ·-req lrement c 0111 • ~ ""'7 81"3 womentcl0tlllno9·12 u . Buell1rd/Hamllton. 7141780-0100 Rent • Mg 600 eq rt. with 1pece age technol· u •: 1418"'1·5051 ..-... • " 1-4875 1-----__..__ __ 1 ---------1 $260/mo 2944 Randoll ogyl Wlltte? S.. or call M•H St1tlon1r1. Per· Dey $ 35 Dlnlno Rm Set. Smoke I Slit lat _964 __ .a_t_1_1 ____ _ mOITIYI nms #5, C.M. 875-5118. UI 11 tonnel Mgr, 270 E. 17th IALll w~w~ ~100.. LtYllU UI Ill glUI tibia. 80"x38", a ~~Old Item• 811 Only, Dec 11, 8·5 Full MtYlce. l<MP your ,, 41$0 ...... , ... St, Co•ll M ... 92027. Full or p~/UIM. Wiii nol Retrl(I. $200 8"'8-11848 SWHt, 1ftect101111t F cs;~:~!:~.~:,'=:~ 424 Fttn ... f 8-5 PM 111472 01kmont Line. OYtthead low & profM-•• !!!f!............... -·· -BUSINESS FORMS lnttrfafl with present G s t .... ~ _ _.., .........,i home. •3"'" •"'7-82"" T Deak, Dinette, MOIOfCV• 1lon11 Im•-hlah Pr .. S 2' 11' •ro"20-Bir"!.' 8-,, .. ·, SALES job. Unllmlled lncom•. •"'" 6 alt er gH ~.. 1'00,._ ~·t221 • <l'J ... ~ oy1. blkM. h.1rn and mite cl1, Tova and 01mH, at.lglou• WMtclllf erea of ~;~o!701'mo."p1u1 N .. EWPORT"''a"'"'CH A11l111nt to WOfk with Ca11A98·t578. atove. Almond w/amoke ,..., ..,... Frenoh Provincial Soll, 7', 1t1m1. 2515 Windover Bunk Bedl, Yard Equip .. Newport 8Hch 881 d 1 ..,. Mlllof ..... rat> to learn gllU door, 1 yr o4d Im· Bu Or Newt p-Sun 11·• CIOthM, Kltctlen ltemt, Dover pr. St•'. 14, :::.:~:. tt:::o~i Ml-OJH HIH lrom the bottom S~KE EX1'RA CHRIST-~9~~~~;~·· 13110 Firm Need lovlny home w / h:~~le•r'To' slouo . C#I• .... 1-ml....;.ac.;_. ______ _ 131-3851 BMcll. . up. Must b• clean cut MAS MONEY NOW ,.. ~~:::.~.: folro ~~ ~~; 497..e233 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Farnlly Garage Sele DELUXE SUITE U. & YIOll'I coll~I gred or •~ulv. preeentlng our comp all Wuh«, dryer (etack unit) p 0 0 d Ii, 4 y ra 01 d Lane c.dat Chell, walnut, 1M4 11a4t lelff"91 Fr1/S11. 20881 l•li.•1,,/l•rnl/ PHOTO MODELS Thi• 11 car..,~ Y In nature! 1kln c1re llne. elec. Good cond. 1150. 1182·1990 Rote. $135/0BO. c111 for do-Pot holders, bell• and Sul>Urbla l.n, H.B. W.Jtr Frtal 11~-w-•-AA ESC~TS/DANCERS lrvlM. PIMM phone Jar-25% comm All prod 673·2817. 873.a.i5 tall 6.42-8891 tt 7PM Iota of Chrlttmu dec:o-•••••• ••• • ., .. .,......, OUTC"'LL 24 HRS ry MlcilMll for. confl· 1~ I ·• N • w WANTED: FrM to good • • ration•. Very, .... 2044 --S 1.50/1q It. L••••· •••••••••••••••••••••• " dentlal Interview. (714) N gu '· 0 9 xp MAYTAG Comm. Hh· hom• puppy. Fem111, Ornll• Entry table 6 mlr-Natlonll Co111 MeH Sit/Sun 9 AM. 14 Ft 8"'2-48-44, M·F, 9.5 lt~IUHI l 111 _. llMJtl 548-11131 ~Call Jetry 498--4 86 "" w/coln box ... Both med. 1111 tor boy'I '"'· Antiqued. $85/obO, SatlSYn Hllboat, c11h regl1t1r, • "' ~-~ llLll 1175or195 "· GrMt for c 11r111m11 prHenl. 8"'4-4594 clothH. dotla, toy• & For Lea .. ·Olflce 3 rm1, ••• •••••••'•••••••• -* P.R. PERSONS NEED· big f33amSlllH or Apia. 77$-132t Allt f Moth IAl&I! l&U gamet. 9572 Nell'lerWly. 1200 lq ft, Good tr•"lc, Accnt'g & WO<d PfOC. bus. * * Clenc' al ED. Magic 111and II SAS-2 ., . or • 9,·~. ".·,,pert,,, oec1r A'~y.!:!1, 12-Sat/Sun 10-4 Children M-y --~-"' 11-· • .,.,.., good 1lgn & e>cpoaure. Sell or outright or take lfl fi p rl -· ... "'"' -· -·-_, .. ·-• 18423 BNch BIYd, H.B. active pertner local to lft I I or Perl tlm•, flu. hours, looking lor 1 few lnlalli-Wlllr1pool MlcrOWIYe oven Ille dwra & thelve1, $95. end l ad Ill clotllel, 1 .. aon1ble prices. 10·4 Call 831-7900. Alt 8 & HB/FV 1re1 w/lnv11mt Oc>9n 24 hrl • d1y general olllca dutlea. genl. attractive & tlne«e (Model 78001 w/PfObe, In tu.Jl1111 11$0 648-8181 apoitlng good•. Chrfll· Sit/Sun 17182 Oak Ln. wknd• 831·9309 lundl. 847.3034 1 d1ya a week Pollllon avilleble Imme-pereona to repr11aant llovse aervlce contract. •••••••••••••••••••••• m11 gltte. NEW YORK & 1---------J1cuzzl, siunl. LocaJa dlatlly with email INlne them In lhel< pr1v1te club Stand and cookbook•. BHutllut Breakfront, YI· Beautllul Imported French NEW JERSEY, CM lnhll RlSNllSllLl PUSH 11 well 11 Tourlita. 1111 accounting and In-111 Nwpt Bch. Interview 1450. 857-6889 or lu• $11,000. Asking Walnut buffet w/hutch 229 w . Wiison, no. 1'. ••••··~·:~·:•••••••• W1nted to own end BankAmerlcud. Amer· vestment firm. required. Ca" for •PPI, 1 975-68114 $6000/bll olr. ~0·4910 bevelled glass door top, Sat/Sun. Furn., lilt\ tank, h .... rl.5 ULl t c d snack & lean E.xPI' ... Din«• All d1ya to AM · 6 PM Ask very Country French. Ladfet. Jr elzM 7•9, girts ~1C:1nk~e~dlng Rou· welcome 7141646·3433. PIMM cell tor ' Mr Ha I b '• r g Extra Upright lreez 6 $:5 9' COUCH, ruet, brown. S995. 648·6181 misc. houtehold, tool•. tll.I 10, Jackett. ewell- 1 C •• N 2112 H bo Bl c •• •75"""" · frig. Both work tine. bl1ck fabric, modern. Sat. Furniture, Chrletmu ~a tops pant• Sat 8 4 Full aervlce executive tul· ~ ~~ &4::~rou:: at r · "' Ablg•ll Prtc.: " ~ each. 120-0146 Xlnt cond. S 125 obo Matching chr set, Velour. tree/decoretlone, clo· i T 1 de' water. t ;., : les with law llbrary prM· Ina Cuatom Fant11y Phone 141-llM SALES PERSON· Marine Seara Relrlg $225, Whlrl-867-0680 only few month old. thH. etc. 999 PrHldlo 551-6299 ::.:.~~t;,,~~71~ ~'.cec! ,:1.,~'~ig:=~'u~!: Converaatlon with Barbel H1rdware, ex~er gref. pool Relrlg S295. Ken-1 day aal1. everything 1150. 631·8870 Or. 1-6-'_Cou_c_h-$50-.-S-ttt-eo-.-P-a-- 2000 sq It ottlce w/500 aq It warehouH. S 1645/mo. lrvlna erea. Mr Rogere, leave meaaage 538-1058 leaH. 1195-$545 mo. Can atart part time. Age MC/VISA 24 hrs 011111 lllP Jiii Full time, bane ts. an• more gas dryr S75. Fri· ~oe• no reuonable of· Chrl11mas Special. Amer Word Proc ••• 'ng. Con • or exna.•--ce not Im""'·, ___ c_a1_1 63 __ e_-0...;1_0_1 __ 1 ......... Pt. 831-9333 gldalre Skinny-mini ., re' tu·-.. , H"ndr--"a ol golden oik dreaser. 4 1915 Wallace, SAT. only. tlo Furn. Chalra, Oreuer ,._,...,., ,.... •· All ..,.......pat1on1 S 75 1 1 1 _, .. ..... 8-5. Twin bed, plllows, & Mirror, Paperb1Ck1. 29 terence rooms, Telex. tent. Requlru $1,950 to SPIRITUAL READINGS Available IEORPUY w!tir ·1~~.r~~6~~t az Ottlce O.ska, aecretarlel drwe, oval bev mirror. 11119 elool. toy1, bookl. Siiverwood. Sil. 12·11. Executive Row Inc. 3901 117,500 cash Invest-Advice In all matters. Great Income opportun-Personal Injury. Expr chair• and varloua ottlce 1350. 979•4544 kltch., misc. Handmade 10-e MacArthur Bl\'d, 211 (at ment. For detalla and I<>-love. m1rrlage & bu1I-It y . For In Io req. rec«1tly. Tyi>lrlQ 100 Sacrifice, <elllg. Very pl1cea. Saturday, De· Bullock• Contempo1ary 8' dolls & Chr11tmu orn1·•--------- Jambora• Blvd), NB.. cal lntet'tllew, write CAL nH1. Alto--eounsellng. 3121188-4347 Ext C-70. wpm plua. 1118-0461 Uk good cond. $50. c.rnbel 11. 9 AM -3 PM, eofa· beloe pillow beck ment1. W•••• ll•ti 752·7t70 WEST VENDORS, SUP· t815 So. El Camino Real. FM for Directory. for Arnie, 545-8893 al1tlf S PM 3111 So Bear Street I veM t SSOO 760-8045 ••'••••••••••••••••••• ---------1 PLY, INC. 266 Lago Or.. Siil Clem. 492-7296 Senta Ana (Between o 1 . . lr.tant Antique Gef1ge I f•llJ salt PRIME LOCATION: new Rincho Murlela, C A Cuetodlan Coldapot refrigerator w/ Sunflower &'MacArthur) Gorgeous chrome & glass Sale: Hundred• ol llemll furn, beby atrotler, baby bldg. t100 sq It Of can 9 s 6 8 3 p h 0 n e f•MOlJS c1ncus Cuatodl•n NMdld FIT a•nUY I.I. Ice maktlf. double doors. For more lnlormatlon, coffee table. $125. set ol 4 chair• 110, mfr· mlac., tooll. appllancet. b• divided. On PCH, 91g.354_277t or call our n I\ for buslMM complex In Secretarlel position In S22S. 540-8278 548•4990 76().8045 ror1 l2·S10, blanket rack Blcyclaa, c111n1 i nd Newport Beach. Stop by TOLL FREE number M corone cSel Mar. We are ectlve Newport Center Rockwell 10" radlal arm Solld Oak S 12, lace & linens book•. 1211 Starll1e, & He 2436 W. Coaet 800-952·5656 and Hit axioos looking for I hard wortl• RHllOr'I olllca. Front aaw, S 176. 9¥' ocoueld,h "&271oSv.eseaBotb, bbrnle/, Cottee + tbl all units 50e-S5, old plcturea Sat/Sun 9 to 6 PM Hwy. NB Agt 631·1400. tor Ext. 014 P 1 0 Ing, Mlf 1tartlng lndlvl-office poiltlon requires S4G-8278 • 8 • w · $2·110, dllhee & gl .... -----------'-;Wl:;;:;:;;:S;;T•;;;;,lll;;:;m;:;;;;;l;--·~::..:::::~.:.:..-----1 Mellage •r or. or· dual. Outlet wlll Include good telephone voice, Zeni TV 2 .. ....,_,.,. 5 2 -4 O O O X 3 9 7 . Contemp aofalloveseat wear 1oe-S4, furniture Gar1ge Salel Camping .,..., tt LH• HIS geous girls lo .-Ye you. reguler cu1todlll malnt & typing, shorthand & ap-th color 4 """"" 54&..3979 1500. Oak with glass, din SS·S200. Fri only 7-8 tent, etove, lamp•, Deluxe office or a tore •••••'•••••••••••••••• Open from 10 AM until 4 the Httlng up ot large p•arance. Real Ht ate wo r It 1 n g c 0 n d It 1 on Houeehold oflurnlture like Mt 5 pc oak bdrm M OO. 1622 Monrovl• (2 block• ctlalr1, table, etc. Motor· :·,~~80!.,~ ~ Rsi~%~~:~!:1.1~~·;:t~'. ~~tt:i.d~~ •N~~~:~: rooma for "-'H lng•111tand~'l uperlenc• helpful but $75.00. 540-8278 new, & aceellOflea. :~:j::S' sol• bed. weet6of &P1acen17 h~)~~ cyc8' c1e1'm~a·h!~~~i:' ~ .... .. ...... cul'-'"" programs. •IVY not enentlal. Prlf• local F~...,, "'dmlrA' 19 cu. 11, 545-2201 · '" 1 th t 0 ' •..,.,.ta .. -' ·' Blvd. Btwn 2 lwya. CMc Faet funding. 843-1M5 ..... ..._. '""•-~ ol leble1~le-f~uU. Id F I I • --,.. .. •-& ID M.... S1t1Sun 9--4. 469 Moun-f (".enter Shopplnn cent• l1•tlM112 ..._..__..... r11 e111. or nterv ew upright 1160/belt olltlf. M I "60 _. lain Rd ~_r};~----~ ,JEU~IHH~~=t-~~-~!:~.~~~~;.."~"'nifl'T~~~2laaM1..P!f'balaond_l...Ll,...~,,._*Mri:'.1' .. ._·f-.'ica11ir.iiMii;r1;i;.;°"nhlr..;ru;""IEMf:""'~"~'.:-c~•..a~5======l-.J•~·::rj9:5 ae~~;e:.:'s :n..' QUEEN SIZE. Navy blue ~ard Sale, bikes. plct~et, . • • Of 860-0144. •• on th• WIY for your CARDS ACCEPTED and WOf1I experlerloe lo-~...., •• lac -· Farberwere convection king $125. 750·5832 &4·s:.2s18 att3"PM ··--· ~.-n. IZ 7. mens lge. "'"''• ;, ... NB prof off. 600 1q fl. money probl9ma. Lawal -r-llD• .... lormallon evalllble wllerl R9altora 4-49lO OYerl, like,_ SIS. Soll 7' 11lnt cond Make Sat/S n 8-3 tllS9 An•· •••••••••··-1•••••••••• Three carpeted rooms rat•. lnl•est and coet. .., __ r• calling. Call Mon-Fri, 9 M&-4226 E . Beautllul Dining Rm Set. u • Gi • w/bar llnk. Charming 1111 11t, 2nd, 3rd TO'a. Call f.45-3646 AM . 4 PM 873-22118 IEOllm oner. ~· 638 Retangular. Walnut top, helm Ave., CM. ant l Iron Colonlal bldg nr city on our expert• at no REFRIGERATOR -6-4 w/ornataly designed Dec 10, 11. Collectablel, coat. Ray ESlllTS I 9lllU Oenta.1 Now accepting appllca· Uk• new, lrott 1ree. Sota &. toveaeat ssoo, ht 1 o leg• and t ti b k S M t hall. 2929 Newport Blvd. 857·1422 24 houri -call 135-9189 Experienced R.O.A. llon1 for qualified eecur-$155. 893-9060 wroug r n g 111• po ery, oo 1 ' war: ee $585. 873-44&6 needed lor Orthodontic tty ptlftonnel, Mon-Thur• dining rm g1111 top !Ible cnalr1-(8). ~. 12500. br111, much misc. 953 I. _. •••1&1ll ··=·· 11 1 ft•ll pract""" In Miiiion Viejo 8:30· l2 noon. Xlnt start· Firewood-Sell plck·UP & chra $300. dlctaphone A I k I n g S 8 0 0 I o t r . Senate St. Saa ht J 6 th 2H r10n -t""' $126.00 per cord 1111wet machine w/ 640-4190 Carol S • f exec. SullM Incl. recept. S03S DCITlll Ara•. 930•37o3 Ing eal•ry & t>enelll pkg. 960.0587 remote $600. 673·5103 GARAGE SALE 1 • a J t t '• r J ' I m . •••••••••••••••••••••• Domestic Apply In person: Penon· SAT. ONLY 7.5 ...... :r.~.Ym':i~y~-~:i;.:.~ei: •••• um11 IODEU Full-Um• live-In etten· nelOept. 1107Jamboree Hotpolnt Rettig. aide by 3 Swlvel bar stool• D•r11 {!!!'.!'1. ••••••••• !!.~f 954CONGRESS.C.M. Saddleback College ponelve to:~our bl.Isl "' lltm81t 0.. lit. dent tor children. Mull Rd, N.B. •· automatic loe mu-brown, auper nice. All 3 Rings, le.dies 14K wnt gold Color TV. desk. eewlng (Avery & Marguerite) ..-de. AdJ. 406 F .• In specia11ilng In 1•t & 2nd *ltl4tl b• non-emolclf and wU-SEO'Y/mO er. $100. 8A4-l804 sao.131-1182 wedding & engegement, mach, rodlron cart detly-Selling 1p1cea $10, F.V. lndlv. olca. otmo. TO'• since 1949 Tt10•* ting to travel occatlonal· Flnanclal lnY9Stment firm Bullt In dlthw11her. Ex· Soll, 7 ft , beige and over 1C. Ap~. $11,000, drelor, bike. toy1. clo· (teller H t-up 8im to trom 1325. 45. Robt. S1ttltlf NH/CM ly. Clll Betty, 851·9381 for educator•. Peraonnel cellent condition. SIOO. brown. 150. Mii SI000/080. An•-thH & more. 1oc to Sam). FREE admllllon to R.E. Broktlf Bd Realtor1 "--"tl"·I __ .,...,9 for t"-,_ror_ln_t_lfvleW __ .____ I sa• "281 8"'6-3476 Ad 534, 642·•300 24 hra. $100. 484 O~le St., lhopp«I. (ShOpplng hrs: Office space for leaM 7t0 ........ '" """""' .... ,. • communk:at on1' dept. """' 9AM to 3PM) 131-4148 It. $595/mo. U1111 paid. 642-2171 545-0811 discriminating Wt\o love Hmll ••• 1ec'y. Xlnt typ. & S/H 18 cu FT FREEZER . KING HEADBOARD l1c11••tlt .. tffl Coat• Mela. f.4 • 1917 air, ground floor. 1055 El Chrletmu C&lh? Pvt pty the "golden touch". No Experience Req. req'd. Exec. eecretarlil Seat• upright, xlnt Chlnete leak, $90. Pvt party would Ilk• to ESTATE SALE ,.,...,, IHti Camino Or. C.M. 3 blka E hal cash for good truat M 1 k, up t 0 s 13 /hr exp. • mu1t. Non-smkr cond, $175. 545-5187 Evs/w11nd 648-8737 trade a 1 ct. Gemotoglll Oealgner clothel, Bl .... •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• of Fairview & Adema. d a a d • . A g t • Open 7 °'YI • Week Starting pay. Full/Part Pf9'erred. Call 553-0940. Twin bed box IP<lng• e. certltled diamond valued Arm Klein, Evin Picone. Dolli, 1nllquea. camera 75'-1040. Mr. Tracy. 818-758-0318 any!lme 111-1111 Um• avall. In our pvb. Server a, s yra exper .. ~tJ!~••••••••••l!_!f liame, Oooo cond. $40. at SISOO to< a Ille model Siik, wool, cotton dre.. equipment, ar1 auppllea, SUBLEASE OFFICE 1885 PARK, C.M. Call todly for appt. between 3-5PM In per· 548-8851 car. would b•. greal .... IUIU, bloutll. Cllrlltmu gll11 & more. SPACE ANO/OR WARE· Alututt•l•ll/ VISA MC 537-2880 KING chg aon, Bob Bumi Rellau-PUBLIC FURNITURE Chriatmu Gffl. Call 12-9 p1nt1. Designer Jeana, 2800 C1rob St (E.blu") HOUSE SPACE. S min to ,.,....JI/ 0.TI llllD rent 37 Falhlon laland, * •ucTll\lil* Neat of 3 end tbls. con-pm. 675-3738. l/lhlrtt. Wool, lthr. tur Sat only 8-5 O.C. Airport, 4 ofllcH •--4 • •, •• , REFRESHING UTOPIA "'-rv only .,.2 •780 NB Apply In penon. ft IM1 ~~1..,."J CN..-. l20. Harbor llland Eatate Sale: coala.C~~~ht go~~~· Furn .. tllla. htehld goodl, plus aoo .. f war_...ouM _, • 1 ' oc ....... .... -......... ~ robee. -·mtt•, """'· Ille cab & more. 538 · ""' •••••••••••••••••••••• GLOW. '1 llnett, Ile. Senllce Station Attendant. l•llJ F~allfll ladlea custom diamond cotton swelter• Size w/garege door. Any part 1Mf I,... SM mueeur~ E.x11«lenced Pantooreptt. PIT Evening Shift. ti Nice bdrm, . rm fur· 8 drawer delk, conlam· W9tell & matc:hlng wect-· Redlande Ave. Nwpt or all. Sq. footage at~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ert 141• olftce wril. day., $5/hr. Mull be ell-nltur• bOOkCIMI walh-~orary atyte, w/ chair. ding bend. $2100. Jay ~ •• F:1~1!1 :.:=: Hgll Sat. only 10-2 Io w~o Ing r I I e · *" lllllT lmfl* 131-4485 per1ecned 675-2276, Er-If & dryer. PluS LOTS 100. &44-1804 675-3738 Llhr purlH, all ~olora. Giant Piiio Sele. Sat. Dec. O SSF7F· ·S C 0 fotll) ADS 2• hr ~:I CIC'• IEIDIL 1fF101 nle OF MISC. Night atllld with 4 dtaw-Harbor Island Estate Sale. Olahea, 11alnlea1 Oal· 11, 10 am. 121 30th St. ICE PA E F R No Experleno• Req TUml'I UIU Sl&YE SAYE SAYE tlfl. $20. beautiful, ,.,. 1 C1 'dl•-were, cooking utenlll1. N.B. 876·6829. Metll ~;~~rt 1:.•~,~~1;~~ ID£ fRE£ •KRIS KRINGLE* Maki up 10 l l1fhr 11111• Cl1taroom aldel. 3 hrs We honor BolA, MC, 8"'4-1604 mond ring, never worn. Much more kit Items. llr1pl1ct. chand•ll•r, M In person M•l CIC'• Ing pay. full & Part-time per day, written test Wiii VISA. Cuhlef'I Ch«:k• Bdrm ch11t, conttmpo-gem'*'· ror $7100, NII King 12 sheell. towel•, fllrn .. 1111 equip. nautical, 9arn-9pm &69-8913• 869-8912 po1lt1on1 avail. In our be given 12/15-82 II 10 & Cash. NO PERSONAL rary ltyle. 5 drawer•. for 15000 or trade lor ~ow•lt 1 :=0 1~ IMO thleld. etc. H.B. olllce In lnduatrlal Cal: T-11111'1 pub. 537-2880 KING chg am In PeflOnnel otflce. CHECKS PL.EASEi Food $15. 144-1804 car. Jay 675-37~ cula::: ~BM-Selectric, S~~~~~\~ ~::-.~~~ & Siii· MJ·llll Go-Go glrla (to go) Hospital IS.528 per hour. Apply r~~~~.ltemt eubjecl 8' Solid, light tan ba1ck· ••• Lt•fn lf'J,I Plclur•. bookl. Sat/SYn TREASIJRES 842.0100 969·1221 669-8914 llllllTI ~~~mer Ln, H.B. ,;;,,";:::II •-groun -floral pr nt .••• ~I!'!'•••••••••••••••• 8 AM, 30~Ramolla Pl. & JUNK. KNIK-KNACKS --------~~~~~~~~~1--00ILIL&ISYWtflUIWllUiiiU-1 11.-... • IUU _,., _.,_ $125. 8"'4-1804 6" Crartaman Jointer (OFF SAN'tA ANA JI.VE DISHES BOOKS 3 office roome. 640 aq It, L I C I O ti .,_, .. _ _. _l •HR• 207Stn Newport Blvd CM Planar w/I.,.. llke new BTWN 15TH & 16TH SS ' good toe. In C.M .. pre'-' 01 : •. range ger, ESCORTS Corporate Office, N,8. ·~-,· N_. 833-9825 8Ae-.eeM I ' Sofa, Yfll'Y good cond. •250 ... 9 2-·1 ~1 · ST• CM) A ORT. FURNITURE bkkpg eervkle. s275/mo. male ahorthalr. Vic Mell Good Mathematlcal & We ""' tra n. o expetl-s 100. • · "'" • .. ' • 7 1 7 7 Dom I ng o ... 6-..... 3 v. rd •• c M . 1 112 9 . ··-· Communlc11lon Skllll lftCt nec:etlllY· Evening • ··-720-o952. 875-1334. 15W' Cral11tnan Pedeetal MOVING SALE • Every-9am·2pm "'" ""'" 540-1497 eva. Reward" -· w6rk. Very euy aalf. l11tWIH .,_ , Orlll Preaa llke new S250 thing goea. dining .. t. 760-t219 580 sq. 11. Harbor-Biker M2-4ll0 Lite typln~ required. o\iaranteed hourly wage •••'"••••••••••••••••• BEAUTIFUL 8 Henredon 549 21., · trzr klng 11 bed. 92" 1--------- Center (acrou from Lott: Spr,1~ ~P•;"'·1 7 ~~·~o~:lb~:.•~d::\T: + bonu1 plan. Cati Mr. SchWlnn Contlnent1I, Yef'J Braaklront -6' mirrored • aola tblea plcturH Wood "awing dHlgn" Fedco). Join aorne great arm .. 01.' 2~·ard~ 873~:1;5 motlveted. SPet\C* 754-MOl. good cond, new 1lre1, dining t1ble wl 8 1t1llan tO" Cratleman table 1&w t ooti coio'r TV golf cllmbln~ ~ym. S 150, tenants at thl• choice ,,... ,,,,..,J I 9•0 8 50 $75. 776..o4~ chalra. Sacrifice at l3000 w/leg1, like new club~. M1ny hiehld boys 23 . HS duater M 54 366 or 880-1020. I. Ruz 714-.. • 9 • Wtnled m1ture woman , .. DIES' 3 SPO BIKE complete. Evet6S1-t138 $250. 549-2141 Item• 1845 Monrovia bike, 170, misc toy1, tocatlon. gr. 9-1 ltniln 1311 X147 fOf cnlld care 2-3 nights ..,. Sp. 23 s "2 2038 Pott Ram1ga1e, Newpon Beach Found: Young male Afg-•••••••••••••••••••••• wkly Salery negotiable XLNT COHO. MS. Chair recliner vlbra_tor. lllmll••••• "" Ave. · • at.•-• Newport Beach. 9·12 Newly decorated, car· han Hound. Light tan. JANITOR, PIT. For Sat• 540-6240 775-0456 good cond, $50, 502 9th ••••••••••••••••••• ... • •tufA'-fll'-Sat peted, panelled olflc1. CapoBeectl.498-2513 Sun. 7 am to 3:30 pm. Old Crul1ar1 & u1ed St .. H.8.Cal1980-5078 Antique mahog1ny ~~ •••• ~ •••• ~·~ •••••• 1--·------- turn/ unlurn. luiturloua Found: change pu11e, 2 .. ftm Sllftll 4000 Hllarla Wey. NB. WllEIOUSE BlkH. Tlr ... WhHI•. Olnett• Mt w/ 2 IMYM, ~1blnet·S75;,.bathroom 15 FAMILY GARAGE ,,.,. .t.• atmo1phera, fully 1t1f· v1lu1ble 1tam1 ln1lde. Ptlfaonll. qullltled drlv· SA2·5l8l. Seats, Par1a. 1982 Char· will Met 6. 175 C11h. marble type llnk In t SALE, dryer, blk•. l\lrn., •••••••••••••••••••••• fed, cuatom leaM. Fuhlon ltland. 87$-5609 ere. Ill ..-da met. Ori, L~ .,~_...., NM~ ... E~pP't0'1!1n2C1h1r R11~!!: le St. C.M. 8"'24309 2217 Herbof 81\id., apt. door & 2 drawer cabinet Sat. 8-3PM. 17781 Wint· 1 day HI•. Everything Cati 752 -&408 1ppt1, shopping, air-.,_..,_, -.. • •• E-'4 CM &42_2044 plu1 matching 2 door erberry, FV. Magnolia. ooee No reaoneble of• ---------1Found: Set of 1tey1, w/ portl. etc. By hour or 1-yra experience In Ing f.'Y· Full/Pait-time Chrlltmu Preeent ror 10-• · wall cabinet & "marbl9 corner of Talben. f• refuMd. Hunctrea. ol *l&mNT lf11I( pl11tlc tooth. Vic. dey. corporate l1w. Experl· av11 . In our pub. Call meon1. 27", 10 1pd, O.venpon, perfect c:ond. ~ .. wall lhell. all tor Office Dalka. S.cr9lar1al 270 1q It In Npt Bell. Jo an n I M 1 y • r CM . 494-5857 769-1731 enoe on word proceulng lodey fOf appt. 537·2880 Sc II w I nn Cont . w I $50. 2217 Harbor Blvd, { 100: tempered glaa1 !au"..,_ ~6 cNQ and varlout offloe Immediate occupancy. 642-8392 equipment helpful. Mutt KING dig 111ndlebu tote· bag. ept E4, CM. 8"'2·2084 lhow. doors. like new ••••• :~A:';';"••••••••••• pl•c••· Seturday. Oe- 111 and IHt. I.CO per Found Mld·Ne>vemt>lf, 2 be polMd end able to WEIS Need• front Rim. Coit _ only $50 for bolll. Call Huge Hie. "veral 1g•r-cember 11 9 AM-3 PM mo. 7141875-9007, yrold moetlyblllCklMP • _, •~•• work under prea1ure. W S239 Sell 1100 la.I ,_Tiii 8"'2-0131. =-tl~P==· 8811 So 'BHr Strffl: 213/493-3728 x . F~. 493-5498 or !!~m •••••••••.• r.'.~ Office located nr. John Experl•nced people 1131•1275 ~•r,nmcent L~ul• ~v 2 uonet Model train Mt.1. baby good•, co1metlc Sent• Ana. (BetwHn Julam Jnl•I f4H 97U-4230 EUROPE 4 WEEKS. ti WIYM ~Bos.n:I~ make up to 117/llr. Fl.IHI 24" 10...pd bo(a bike. 9 I~? orom ': i kvr ::-1 11.-m & 1 c191 IOCOf'no-bouttqu9 & much more. Sunno-& MacA.r1tlur) ••••••••••••••••••••••Found· Fem BlllCk bllnd countrlel. $2350. All ax· aume to~ xt2980' perMlme potlllona avail mo1 old, Ilka new $75. S800C>I080• Alto t>e.J 11111 w /can. $145. 2305 England nr 8MdlJ For~· Information, Retail ttor• at 2850 Avon. dog ·Yor1itt0wn/ Magno'. penHI. exper guide. =: P.F. • • In our pub. Celt todey tor 8«-4201, 151-9135 _ tll~I BrHkiront value 1·..::64~4-4ji7i58~ii~iis-1~Y~or1l~t~own~~S~a~t/~Sun~~·~~~5~49~4~~~~~~~ 1885 sq. 11. ~lu• 8 car 111, ·Hunt. Bch. Coller. (714) 494-8110. Evea. ~::'· 537·2810 KING 10-tpeed Aoea, l)fotwiO-111,000. uklng 15000 LIYI 11111• garage. 841-8 77. 982-2112 Oepat1June 23• Loan Prooeet0t: Minimum nal model. 1150/obo 080. 8"'0-49l0. Bouquet• 0( 30 Helium 1tl00 1.f., ldHI tor axer· Found: Fem Siberian 2 yMrl ·~In FH IWer• frtMlsl11 ... r. 873-5223 Of 548-2888 e.utlful Olnlna Rm Set, Balloon•. PerMc:t IOf all !'.{'!.'}!~~.'!.~! ••• !~~ !'.{'.'!}!~~.'!.~! ••. ~!!! clM ltudlO on Bii Perlin. Hueky, btk/whte, vie f!s.f!~!.......... MA. Call Lon !1.49-1938 Part/time. Ooocf 'r/',ng Schwinn beach crulHr, Aectanguter, Walnut top, occ111on1 6 hollday1. POOL TABLE 4x7, cuatom 8oloflu exerdM unit, Ilk• 875-7129 dya. 1173-4293 Magnolia 6 Atlanta, HB. Jta... ••• .._.. 1111 ......... ...... akllla • mutt. Sen ,.. metatllc blu• nickel w /ornately dulgned Dallvered 1nytlme. bUllt, •l•t• bed. hardly new, 12so. G)'Ctlactdoc* evee. 9e0-4155 •• '!'! •• '!::'.~••••••••• 1um• to: PBR. 18012 chain, xlnt c:ond: 1126 Of wrought lron leg• and 073-4419 uMd. •soo .... ,. ~21. custom made rect, din- If-1 1 Houtekeepar, FRENCH Fabuloul wortllng condl-Skyp1rk Clrcle, Irvine, belt off« $4&-4025 ch•lra (8). New 12500. • .....,...,. I 2 _.,,., •• 8 Found: Gry Tabby type • "'DY ev-CA" Kathy tlona. No exper nee. We CA 92714, Attention: . A1klng l800 obo. Daya lntelevl1lon Game Unit, no rm table, ... ve •• lal•I• 4411 Kitten, 1prx 4-5 moa. &;a- 7 ee;;'e..;To77 train, we acnooi. CtRCU8 Pamele RldlafdlOll. Glr11 20" Hufty Sunnower. 840-4910 C•ol w/I c1rtrldgH, mint 8' 1 " 111 " !?001 llbl9 w/ F'9ndl walnut llnlltt. $1, •••••••••••••••••••••• He 11 I R hone H 8 . MAXIMUS. 719 No. Hll'· xln1c:ond.125. cond. SICl'lflce 1175/ofr. accw. MOO. 000. Oya 548-3441; -· * 550~It1550/mo. Xlnt 8"'2-11945 Young married man will bOf Fullerton 870-t192 #lld-'IH 1145-1479 C1rved teak end velour Chrie. 175-9084 &4 2 • 1705 780·1tot for P .. Box'1. Co11t Found: Ltg~ry/wht gOOM, do Qeneral handy WOfil. ~ ~ 12-"' II •••••••••••••••••••••• d Laoperd Sola. 1326. 4' Home Bar, 4 1toot1, & Mink Stroller. Gorgeou1 Hwy/Newport ShorH _,.friend catr '"" & wkenda, PM. Mon.Sat. s. Kiiiy b"-..,_ Boye 20" Huffy Roun • 541-8731 av & •nd Acceaaorlea. 1175, Volo• activated Phone natural rinch w/Sibl• toe. 8AMSA4. * ·~· M&-Sll4 972-9525, elk for 8111. •llAlllll... • .. ·:~-. ........ mt \J9. •2054s-1479 -.. I 548-6748 ~ ~:!'~.'::~· collar. value uooo. s~::: ;:,•~:·~c: Practical nurN, compa· Can 1Mk1 113 -I 18/hr WESTMINSTER ABBEY Schwinn Varalty, 8oya lO ..... .... 1 Set French doOft 6' with 11 k Ing j Ir m I 10 0 : Alklno $2400. 8A0-4 9 IO Siiier, H.B. Rlfa. Price SCRAM-LETS =. ~= •,tarting p11"'' Full/Plrbt· 117tt~~.,!:L .. _ apd, 24", Ilk• new. PO. ............ herdW"!.~713' 1131-1782 9T·r · Sutrfbox•,rd, 'cnllnlty neg .. 142-otOO, 989-1221 I me av• In our pu • " ...... m.,._ ,.... ~37 E~om • luxu--· U 1 1 11 d .. ru1 u . n ond. •NSWERS Co 1 ll't Cell today for 1ppt. GARDEN OAOVE .......,_. _.-........ -·-nueua • un qua an • 1175 an 89m 980-0888 ft w:'~ =-~ 11 1137·2880 l<INO Chg 554-t103 8:.f!'.~::· =·::. t;"°'.,id bV a;"""'' 4,ri~~a~::.l~m=: :~:.:~::.1~:~1~:•:,_a.ie ___ ....., _____ _ btlaltill ='_-a!:2 u:J" wk, Mon/Fri. ..IL Cuti. 644-1317 RANCHO SAN JUAN 1711IOf111. 65e-0198 plcturea. a.utlfUI 1 of e Pool Table, 7', Slate Tep . .. l.!!!~ ....... ;!.l.!f SALARY 178.Stwon· EXP 8-* Office, PIT Of Ho;;a;.s,v.;.ET ESTATES. Siii Juen 7NEWTIRES kind 541-8851 VeryAeuonable. 1750 up. 2180 It. lndu-p,.ny lfMft MCretary to u.aD -FIT 11 type. Nr Hoag. ' 1 ~,~g IPd olfl9, Ilk• Caoletrano. 950lc18.5, 10 ply, MOO 3 Un1Que $49-IMt .trial -Otnce. 18101 .-. boea: "My epeecS wr111nQ °""" pttt IMY nurelnQ f.48-5073 &48-8111 ,_~73T ""a wtind Off 405 So. " Ortega C&ltl IOf all ~ Orlen1al C.oeta """-CoM1 Country Club dondo Clrcle, P 6 T 11 aood. b4JI " could be _tor day ahlft. 1( yrt up-........ -._, ,......... ~.:.,~t Dll Obl19<> W ht 1 bak ,.1 487-6922 ~ 5ftM Memb1rahlp for Hie, Huntington, BHcll. be[ter II 1 were 1peed "·Cell 831-9292 Now hiring 'ull & PIT ..... -&48-~ •llfHwf • .......-•· ro11g ron • S1500tolfw 87~1 ~ 842·2'3-'. Wn1ng my SALARY." Cooka. Elloar Pref, b\11 ..-•Mft..J• ,,,. Foltow ..... from cnr rack, 8' "'\~doon, On 11. wtr bed, oomplMe 81t/1186-47t2 ,.,,..,, ;_ .. ~., -'::.~~.-in:".:~ =:.:.:::~'1~E := ~ lw-T~~ ~:~•;•;;;: ~OM.'°;6 3~::;., blll t ==-~~ 170 8 I 0 WORKMATE ,.,.., Ufl ........ IJlf ~· H~. lmltl-EA AESTAUMNT. 1400 • IO 000. ttlefmottal 111: ~-~ -o;rs I 1 • 0 . 1 2 0 • 0 911 2 , Aa N9w 146. •!.,!.UUOOOU ... 9-!LS,. ......... .!!.!!! ........ gent, .. 4117 13 w. PCH. N.I ........ 1 IWllN. large IOlld ... tt.:..CS. U00. 751.e112 man Ill.I ,.._ . 871-1SM 87$-6123 « 5Af.2NI ..,_ rtalll/I 11N Otftoa Hetp, f/11tnt, heavy hOQ. ralltcp dell!, USOO. UAUTIFUl Mlftk coat, :-.;-:, .................. .oonttl ..... organ .. Mua1 W 113-7411 t...• ' 221 Grandvt••· L•t· STE~ TOP TABLE kMI ~ Jllnt ~ T"ow .. ndl Of ptecea of I ~ttess manarm11nl 9a,., of, v.~, ... ;b.e. Si&ns For Stress Include: A:::,.P:r•:!:l.::;.;: IF-'";!:d:°°~ =· Ulm PIR t t• .. .!P.fP.iP.! .. .18 Hou .. 1u1 8:'·111rnt111re, _:~.._:/:=::...~ !a, ~io . .::'it ~~= Lumber a d91a r.ooee-Pt. s'11ary open: M=lflolent Louie XV IC en no" 3 Im J 8 LA CllOttliftO. *' Nia, mlr· lllCI 'emly MemMrlhtP eea. Wiii ... ~. ..no np. llelpf\I . H11111 142·4800 24 "'' Ad. room ..,, V-.. ~t lenMt • .)lttere. rot.'J...~ rm.~· ""'°· 1550 lftOI. trentter '"· ~ 8outlQl!e, 19'. PrlOH 11·14 below Bch area. 842·8211, No. 161 • • !.!!~ .. 1 .. -...!'1'"'0 18,000 caH. elo. ·~ 080 .. , ....... -··UOI tl&-14e7 w PM. """" • lleftd-wllDllUll) 10AM-3PM uwu. -• • 841-2314 Oteftecl 91'11. HI l11t ___ _._ _ _,.......,....,...,-,:- Offloe per1on, fl/T, Utt ANTIQua NIOtff ll..llPIRllOPA Wottt bend\. llerdWOOCI 11 It .. O.M. 4X8' flllly Oetallecl HO A11l1ta..,ntcln1 martc;::J '*11'9, Mlftl, l!llftO. Mutt ITANO. llO lobll4e C9ftOft ~·~.~ ,1111.,111, ,1111 tweed, x 70, I dwr, 11ouom ,_--.. ~. orentlet-!.!!!.!...!.':!:.,'~ resia. rl 11C pref. llava ,i11mllln9 offloe • • • eooea ,._, ._...... -ltlllf ... 6 ...... --,_ ... ., _,.._, -... "-"""to: CIM•lfltd Ad worll ei1ptrltnct. 0111 1 9 t;~7o.~.o __ C • 1 • t n c I . I 4 It. 001on1e1 1ty_l•t 1ood • -· .,__, rt WllYML OteM for ._.. oat1. M111t .... Xlftt #H7. Dally Piiot, PO Hogttn P111mlllng It ,..,.. '-•• t79-H18 oonO. 1100. ~H Mink 9tr~ Gcw8"UI day1, hG. Paid over C II' 11 t me I I It t loll 1lt0, co.ta ....... ea 1~ MUAICAI. CYllNOIA KING-ICZI HIADMD n•h"•I ,.nC.t .,. • .,.. • 1 0 0 -I 4 •• a 0. 0. ..eo10•0. NM t43, C&. 92127, TO\', Mt.~ °=' ::;.~~ Oii pine 111nt oond. MO. OOlllf, Val11e 19,000, Ml•lt1t. 1_Ml-_7_41_1 ____ _ lebyll"er. np. to eete lwt ~-~enA. 7 11 ~~:~ flaeti. llU new. HIO. 8i1.aa11 •"'9 M400. MCMI01 114 1.1 .,.,._ for ..... 11 .. "HOWIA C°"'m• for 4 mo1. 010 In your AllPlliliellll•..,..., over 641 lllO Pl.CAN°'"' Mt Ill c~ new tn ...._ =~·All! for lob. moreUvt Cotft, 110. C.M. llome. '1111 tlma 11. Wlttl ........ IC· HVILLIO IDCll PAP!R '°'-AAOIO ittaTANT wit °"*9. """'91 ootor """°"· hNd only, 1 ~ 4 o o O Mon-,n, M2 .. 1M tractlW ptrlOIMlllt* to CUTTI"-ao. 9ollllle, CAMIM. ue. lobbte. cualllont, •Int tHct, I 0 0 or b a t o tr • -mt ICll7f141.a7't l~tter needed Deo. worti wltll ,OUI" (8"• 7 I l~~:J.!.-1 a I· 4 0 0 0 11'71. 14' 9133 ...._..., '"11 'i'"~~-llrtetlne ,.,. .....,. woman"" 10· 14). Call 2-8frllil, -· •• JQl?l ...... 11 '**" ........... told Olleue Qao..04nm IMl9i OD. ~ 17,000 TIOHN. '"'"'* .,.,, ~. ll40-2M7 morn· 141·4UI, HI UI ..... tl'llng9 ,.., wlttl Dlli!Y Ha¥e IOl'Ntlll"CI 10 ... ,, a.,...... .......... ure 91). H10 =":.i.Mdl --°"" .,.,, :"'..::.:"' "'81. E.0 .1. PtlOt WM1 Adi ~fled 9Cfl dO It...... .....1'1 ..,,_ftd MOO.''°°' 1 ..... OMO. ) .. • - - 1 .. ----· II Oranoe OoHt DAILY PILOT,,flday, o.o.m~r 10, 1912 m•t .:i~ .. !!f '11.'lc.ft« •••••• l!ff '-~/ .... 619 .. fM'!t ••• !!f ~.'.'!'!.!!lf!M ••..•.• ,.'.'!!.!Mtr!ff ...•... ~.-.'!!.hr.!!!4 ••••••• ~~ •• ,~ •.••••••••. ~'!!..~ •.••....•.. Pclng P o T•b1:~xint SPtNClA·U , all oa111n •••• f:J!fll!fl ••••••• rrm T Dais • I.HI ... dft ._. l!.:M ..,....._ ffM IHI....._ Wf w1~ • .-1n1 oond ondll :;:i!*-_, c:ent111 oockptt, cull9'. •&a• Ill * op ••• •••••••••• /J'ff ';'ll"9.w .11'1':'... .u ll'1:'llfw9N ..... r:.-.1 ... • ........ rrm e:TnTl'l'•• ....... Tm' uoo Ht-to11 -1111 _ •lnl oond EQUIP '°' ••· * ----•1 ...... 1M1 m ... ._ "''W'M •• f11111 1• ,_ HetbO< ftland fatal• SM LadlH Oo lf Club•, 1•11 t41NM Clt\lleing. D1t '7' OLllllftl Pid .... ... Anthfect .. w/ck>W In.., ._ pelftt, ,... 9ftt, lo We ._. • IOM .-.0. mt• i.ctlM ciuetom dl911'10f\d handed. tun HI, I tan Owt'91 went• Oftef• In-A11101u1lc ttane , air rlo1, ohrom• •llOY• "'I, I 2 I 0 0 10 r of r . tlon ef Nltf & UllO • apeeO .,.,., & • llef90 _ --:::\:":::-:~.~; ~4~o4~aon . I I ~ ~.~~ Nwpt. PP llU 6W Ji.ii'•:-• ::.·u:e:::.r=•~ ~~t•IY Mlftllf t?MMI cew.u lltl' =i.:ltft eHHU•. 11W7311 ...... llllTY --lnaml llftJll U.e• 9erMry "*-' (.OtStl) ~.I.a.~ ''!~1~11=-., 11111 ~!eland btat• SM· fr.~ ....... ~! The motl Moenl coupe ae2t H.,bof llvd •Y 11111 ~W~ tood tlr••. auto. rune --illliLUI bMutff\11. 1are 1 c:t di•· OILUITllAlll w1N08U"'cR· fo1 Hie. tWt bulll. (20tll Coet• ,.._. 540·8630 llMll 1111.UI aoa w 111, lenta AN lood -body oood HOO...,._ lewd mond ring, ,_ wom, ........ .... 1550 Good c:ond. For W&I • Ml,111 IOHHT CASH Imm•• HOO H•bO< Blvd 111-1111 1*· 84a-20l6 COITA MllA r;",=·o'':rll,!~~ :': ..... 11t11 Into. ~9&2 llW • 111,IM dl•tety '°'~our~. C08TA MUA Ci6oMcl ~ 'IO vw veneoonl..~,280. ...1. ow. Jey 876-3738 ,,.. Ute Ill o~:.~~~r~~; ~~,','; 11H-. l ::,~.~~~o or ior•lon 141-1MI ., ..... IHI ~~·='{.,:.~! 11H •a till .at• I track 19P4t play. 160 llY-llU•TIAll HI~ brand new oond. PllllP IUUll NHd lnHpenelva, m•· Yw fnd hie cond. 7 PHHngtr. ~ tt~I IO M\114 .... IO dey poo#lf' Amplln.120.NewRaln-FNluflnowMPOn•ofall UoO. 90·7200 t v. Ptoclucecs b~ Shan chenleally eound truck. A11t u• about th• 173·7SN daypow.r_tteinwenarit-11 1r.~T1161n ~·"•"'Y bow aho. lltalH, ela Wkndl ,. ~2 • ,._., a~•1711 --.o IM-(A"Otdable weyl to buy a 'II._ ....... --1o-• 'f· (2IOMMI). ..., ,. 5'A 1211. 1179-12114 .,ea; Sword•, coin•. war • ... oacwh!:llder. 1•1·1u.> =......... .... ~ Metcectee lelu ,_.,,., -·-··• ""' •Y 1111• •Y 11111 ---------1 eouvenlra. antlqu.e and Curll• Hawk Hllb09rd. -,... ....... II AM/FM c:Ma, lllftl oond. • IUHtJJa••• thouaanda ot colt.clll>M Exc91'41nl cond. llW . 110,llO ~-·-· &46-2970. !llHIM 111111• frutM ,,,, lt9111o':;•NOE COUNTY 1550. Mt-523119VM .,..., I•--'*' ........ . VW Bug 'ell. CW.I 1111.. -... ... .. •••••••••••••••••••••• FAtROROUNDS. ...,. 111-1111 -l •••••• ::r.;-........... t30~=¥.~ = Bch ~~~k~~~cr::.~::;: Ml-1111 MJ-1111 llLf IBP l COSTA MESA: Ent•r ~. r-Hfl .... llft.lll Nf,.~••••••!~!f 133.t3002131923·6000 anytfm9. 1111 ...-0 •75 Muetang. A/c, lt9'90, I .... Tll gale 3A olf Arllngton SI. ••••••• ~.............. y ........... ~with a ... _.. LUii A 1111 Al -.... •ulO tr•n• n•w bric• S PS V., .... eLe .... ....... ,....... .. •a ... .,.. .,, ....... sL 1000 m1. w1r. ·19 convwt. euo. wn11~•. uw-· · m lm Top quality backpacking BOAT LI · A n..,. : -11 (10421. _,. .,.,., :.a. I ~,. 21K aoo d running cond. Moth., lhOrt of CHh gMf & clothing. Mull Nil ~ ~h: 26,'. 211', • ~ whHft. •31.000/0BO. O' ............. utr•. Fac:totY ., cond .. llUIO-1175 bat off. 54M756 _ __... 1 _,_, to ~teult 10 now. Kathryn 875-34to 30. 35. 40 . l 45 . c.ii Wll • 11,111 1-11_ 2t3-132·197t. ml, S7750. 790·1708 m•tlo 1ran1 .. pwr. win• 1....;. ______ _ ,_, -.... 842-4844 l rom 9 -5, IDW 11111 1211 •-'11 M•rc•dH IOOIL, ...,.._ do w • a mot• I start'* 8-yr.-old IOl'I olf Atari + Spee9 lnvad.,1, Mon-Fri • t Im!... CLEAN ·ee VW enrl AMI (1DM844S). In hi• eurllng carHr. Plltall, Combat & Golf. · , & .511 pk» tax P9f month 4 • ..-.. trana .. AM/F"M 137 ,950/olr · '10 M•r-• • lltll N.-cS for Santa lo leew 195, 840.-7583 SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington tor d monthe on ap• .,....... cedee 500SLC 127,950/ FM, 117H. ., under th• lrH. Call Harbour Bay . Oa prov•d credit. Cap =•~-r9epf:~~ ofr,484-0t97 4H -505e -. u••M an 1 w • r ad ti 6 7 11 , ha4 lt ... 114 ah 840-5545, 846-778e, 8-9 co I t -I 12. 1 0 0 . 0 0 ; ..,...._ (N5YNE). Ull '11 H• .. '79 VW IW>blt 2 dr. MW 2tOO HatbOf Btlld. 842-43001 24 hra. OkMr, good condition P M . 11 4 0 -4 0 9 7 , rMlduel-14872.00; totel ., ••HI 52,000 orl\:, ml. Muet tW., brtla, AM/FM 11• C08TA MESA $35. 970-.3104 7t4/M0-7175 ot paym•nla • 113, .. ,,.. ., • ....,,. 1 ..,...., '90, QOOd cond. $3t00. ...1111 I t7. 79; to alert ..... ( 111 •••-111• L" _.. _...,.,. --498-"3o aft 4PM Want9d: Guitar INCh•r. t2 ga. Brownlnn Cll0tl Boal Sflp lvallabi. IOI 40 month .... __,.t • ,.,.___ ----9 "OD uBz N 1111 -aa .. a ~ fW' ~P"f. doOI tor lnt•rmed player. Oract. s: p~n wood. 10 85' boat. Nwpt Bch · ,..., .. ~. • -.-2800 HerbO< BNd. ' 4 t.. · ... · •w '79 R•bblt dlx w/alr, 4 -•• -""'"'• -""'""' oadcMd Rock. bluegra11, Jan new 12500• NII lt500 or 631-7777 •53 StucMbelc• CMmplon Ml • 1549.llT. (t5114T). COSTA MESA paint. 't:f.hot, run• W911. epd, runa .upert>, not a Nr cond. & lull powert 90 vinyl top. t5875, ph 83t-0534 eve. ti.I offer. 549-8457 WANTED 1)9fm•Mnl NB 5 PH• cp•. Nie• car. SM ue NOW .... f Tl ... ,... 12500. .. &48-3"8 llCt.idt, Mck or d9nl. 2 day"°'"' treln ~anl-M4-2123 P.P, Att•nllonll Smell family _, •,~1 lllp tor my ,_ 42 Uni-$3750. 2t3/592·1792 111111 0 2 0 2 d d r . 4 2 , 0 0 0 m I • Y· (t52JZll. 'II ...... ._ lrm want• lo buy • nlc• 'r'-~1'•:...~ •-• ftlt•, Wiii pay going rat• Ml Do\19 SttMt 1~:C, ~::,~~ R~na ~: '77 450 SLC Brn/Tan $3895/ofter. 548-7145 MLY 11111 ..,.. i~I. drauer. Call anyllm• ••• ~~ •• !::::" ••• ~ °' tr.O.C for11uM o1t 1 new1 ~ ~o~-NEWPORT BEACH 35 mpg. AM/FM CUMtl• ~= 92.5 mlS73-7339 Vn ml 111111• ~r!n 3:·~1·~ 842-84 t5 St•90 combination car . a c o • c $ t3 000 lU-e. 11111.0. 13.000 or t>eat •••••••••••••••••••••• -,_ roof.'**' Int .. wit• wNe. #uli.J $50. BMulllul ' 7021798-0320. tO-e pm. gon, ' · ·79 AH•ll•. r9d w/blll v. oft•. Scott da. 540-1005 ,.1 -• Hiil #1 Ytln....., 141 .. 11 pwr •v•rythlng, crulH •-,•---ti lll3 780-8045 ... HH 1929 FOid Modtll A Town lour. AC, Ilk• n•yw . Elle. 559·51147 • -.. tr-_........ cont, amJfm/CMI. Orig. ,. .. __.. .... I""'·~· s d 1 0 000 ••aoo s.._ , .. ,, 8llver/1ll11•r. 8000 ml, --_,, ''"" M c-"'-·--owner Uk• new MOOG ••••••••••••••• • • •••• 2"" Color Conto•-~ ... ,.,. ,. • a n • t ' . -. '"'""" ·--'711 280 Z Oat " 1u4! 49K ...... ..._ ..... ,,, mini! .,.., ont• • ..,, '""".a.. . . u ... ,........ ••••••••••• ........... 87" 't8t .. ~ ... 0 ·2 """'2 . ~ . . "" .. ..,.,_ .....,,,. 39K If I d d or -&II· on-....... -"...621 Electronic Combo piano, pht tub9 wlnl cab xlnl .,._., ,...,.., '" • .,..., ml, c/c, m1g1, u•I In). $39 000 9e2-&829 IAl.ll, mt• • • pwr • 0• e • "--· ......-- 72 notea, we1Qhl9d keya, cond. llSo. N2-t523 DRY STORAGE '56 DeSoto, llfl Otlg .. run• A-41 1111 louvrH, 15500. EvH • . -Lill• t 5li00/obo. 759-0NO .,_,. 1111 35 watt amp l apkr blln goood •750 or 1>9el oft• •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 9 4 • 8 t 11 8 • d • y 1 '72 220, .uto, air, 11•90, OVERS'"•., DELIVERY ,.,. $8.45. 8«-5424 AC/DC PORTABLE Monthly boat etor •~•· 54g..a,..57 · II W IMO T•rM 979-0500 •XI 956 K91l new •no I n e , x Int . EXPERTS l!l. ... J. HD •••••••••••••••••••••• RADIO, 120. Bobble. any •IH, 24 hr eecur ly, ,_,...__, I 8 5 0 0 I 0 B 0 ' ::-:1.-..!.............. 1111 .... ""' OHteHe &eeer41H 7 5 2 _ 4 o o o tree leunctllng ,,.,., lfll 29,000 mll•, fully..,_.... ·111 2eozx. must NII 7t 4163g.2580 '63 Newport, pu9hbullon, OrMt economy! 90 day 1150&48-75441848-6705 X3971548-3979 llWPlll •II •••••••••••••••••••••• eunrool. gd cond. Llk• 19500 lllU m 1750 or mak• off•r. powu train warranty. 11•1 •-..&.•-tr• t974 Ch•vrotet V. ton n•w. l t 3 ,4 00 080. 859-t305 72350SL.xlntcond .. bolh -YI CASHONLY.&42-71143 (159041). CORONET HORN very Yamaha St•reo. replace---• Caml)9( SP9Ciel pickup. 9 4 5 -112 1 t Eve•. Ii ul 11U Iopa, S 13,500 firm. tHe ~~ BNd. llLY 11211 gm=l~5!;~2821 S3~~,1~~~~· 4~~~~~~~ 144-1111 Air conditioning, AM/F~ 857-91&4 daya. .m.................. 913..0050 or 540-5021 COSTA MESA c.n.1.. "" ...... B •• ull'ul 6 .trlnn Epl-bfr 5PM RV & eo•T ,,.,.90, c....i·3·0'•01' aharb P,' '75 Audi Fox; !Med9-Nttte -.... llllft'I __ ............... _ -~----• ft Aak ng .. or •• WO<k. StOOO or 1>4111 of: •Y ·-·-e.ci.1i.n1 cond. $t4,000 • '11 •fllll "-,._ phon• guitar +cu•. ... • M i oll•r. Prl. ply. Call 19'. 1157-4187 _,__. 49.._91142 '711 Volvo 282C, io.Mct. Black & allv•r l•cQu•r 142 .. 11 $100/otr. 645-3eel evea II • U •I DRY SJQRIGE 545-e974. II no anawer. FUllll low mll•-O•· 842-7053 pal 1 91100 orig ml 1---------L.J .. t•I ft P ..... kMP trying. A~, Coupeor ~ ~81• ~~ .u...... '77 450SL, Mapa. Yellow • ..,... 117n,o0o °'ti.I caih 01~ 73 Pinto. air, new ur ... 0 Ru l\A s : 0 r. It c h ••• ~.~.............. .. .., _ __.... ....... ~ ""'' .. ~ ------· ... XI n..lu 2nd -A'•/FM c••• • t tOO "M I +" I ebo -1111 -~ P.I I I '1 • 1 1' 5 O O i "" ru. "'~' ..,._ ... , ... 1/874-2972 aft. 5pm. '"' • • on• er n ny. C.••tti Hll -•5•-, m . • n , • • I' . .,, Mull '" to -.>Pr• 99 V<JNo, mint cond, au-oeo. 10 druma, ~. 1tend1. •••••••••••••••••••• •• w.i Boat allpa Sh<>rtb9d 11~ mod· &44-4203 ~ 0 1 a t • . I 2 1 • 5 o o . tornatlc. w. look• l rune '73 'Vett•. • ... t. 73K • 996-5208 Muat .... Desp. l t400 11&1• Fill 1111 avllllabi. also. ell 90 day pow•r train 50008 lbelg9 I e«-etH. f911tutlc. l t450/ oner. S50 9"9· w. wtlll • .-1n11--------- or best. 544-118711 . FOR SALE •AIU wwranty. (10907t9). ·~C. AM·1~1 CUI., f'~ii I 548-7245 cond, 1 5995/obo. Oya II d ,,., 731-3e05. 842-48«, M-F.'9-5 IAYW Y1.U1f MLY 11111 pwr option • .,10, elloyl, ~ '75~FS~Li~·::,~ 730·3790, wnknda .. l!~ .............. . Fand•r Rhodes 73 K•y ......... ,:_...,.____ *East 1st-, II ---• anrl. 27K ml, 112,000. 3 00 w ,.. __ ....., H · 11 n • • ·A•• ,,_ 914-5290 '50 Plymouth, 63,000 orio •t9Gt model. mint cond. .., ,..,., .. _,, .. ,_ 11•11:1•' ·--1153-7989 1 Mt .....-1 .. -,. 754·t548 •••••¥•••••••••••••••• ml good Int nMdl body 1750. c.u 1133-9090 l«ftn -.. • ... ·-Newpcwt 8-:tl • 11·~1 .... .i ,., ...... ,,,, work. 1800/bll ofr. •••••••••••••••••••••• .. _.._.1, '81 4000 4E. Am/fm CMS, 642·9405 ' •••••••••••••••••••••• ~••••••••••••••••· 1 ··"' ~"72 1 21 El I I 0 II M•RtNE ELECTRICl'N -I •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.._ I & ..__. .....,_., mar •c r c u ar ,.. · n r ,_,.fiMI air, alloye, n•w I rel, .,,, n•• '5I MGA REPLICA .....,.,_ ,n '"·~-· ·n Oodoe A9S*I Wagon.--------- with am8. Xlnt cond. ~Jnat&U/Repell' .!~~••••••il'fi••••• oyota '78. AM/FM St• Audr mare. v•ry clean. ~~ ••• -. •••••••••• l'l'•'ll' >Ont cond MOOG ..8Mtcb • nn.t --'8dlOn ~ oonf. Mew ,_llM IHI ~1350708 . 497-1926 Olly work. 549-2520 Ev C..,.n, "11 r•o ca11•t1•. Small 17500. 957-8590 Attn: s.ntal 1975 red Flat &45-tMo7 ;' pr:!ou~yd~wn•: Ur" breJtH, tun• up, •••••••••••••••••••••• ARMSTRONG PICCOLO 1 ,, 11Mla1 ... , "" camp•r •h•ll-12175. '11 ·-1-.S Spyder. H9w top, tip top -· l'J"u v~'!.....!;.. u I •n $3000 080. eet-9191 or '75 S.11111 4 dr wagon ••• •yr old, xlnl cond. $225 ~1 _.,1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-eetll -•no .• 1 2 .995 080. -----.--875-2279Em.. ..__.Ur• lr1rhltdl runs • 8 L.J-••I -~· atxw.r Camper, llpa 8, Auto, a /c, fm 11areo. 551•1850 aft tSpm. •••••••••••••••••••••• m I . :;;;" . ..M ~ or ·: 080 Erin 559-532 •• ~.~"•••••••••••• Mlf-contalO.O propaM We'r• # 1 In the W•I rune vary -11. Aaklng lilt -llAllTll -·,. •flll 70 ~ 6<yl 55K • ....,.,. OIJJn tatalluf' :u~~E~io°f.°:'~~~ t•nk. Incl •• ~k. port•-tor New & UHd JHp • 9 s 0 0 r b. t 0 t '. '11 IP!lll am Super cert 90 day po'Mlt ml, •Ira •ng & tr•n• 1-850-__ 1304 _____ _ : ._,....,, "'S 12 Volt. Pi.ue call San~ potty. 1750. &48-8357 SalM. Thef•'• • R..aon 497-51139 ~ w/tan Int, •mlfm, treln werr9nly. (733XZX). 445 E. CCMllM Hwy comp. '2200. 957-8177 '70 FlrM>Wd orlglMI own-.••• ~:"&e-.•••••••••••• ct,, 71 4/644...0128 Flt>«nfUI camP41r aMll, ~r~ t s.i.ctton. 11, In 1111 Jdnt oond, Ultlng $6200. .., 1110 Newport 8-:tl wtcdya, Leny. 548-5591 .,., xlnt cond., In & out ~ llll•IEI . from• Dataun truck S90 • nventory. • ................ : .... Ed IM6-13H (wtcdya 9-5) 'IWlll• 973-ollOO ~ l t900. 87~18 Ma.I Branda. Sacrlllc9. TINY TIGER t2v/1 tOV, 845-9701 . . ~ 1111 AlfC ,,,, t• IHI A ,. U, H ee2-1033 ~e:.i:;:. ~~~o,~~: IJ•d"' c.,, iu1 ··1··,·1·1··~·.·~=·· ':" .. ':' ... ~110:.;;~~s;oo:··· ···;iii"ili.iaiii ... ,··11~1·1-'·11·1-'1··11·1·1·11··1·1·11··1·i·1· • UMd Undflrwood manual 873-5223 or 548-2888 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••--Rune QOOd Full l>OW9I' & w cond.I 90 typewrlt.,1, one with Sr. Cltlzena/Handlcllpped 4 cyllnd«. 4 lpeed Irena. '77 MOB new paint lop 534-e292btwn'11-5. ~ 1 e1n N~ wld• carrlane. Xlnt tor H•m r•dlo gear: Irani· rw•t moblllty & tun In your m• .-a111 com mA 90 d•Y l>OW9I' train Mr· ti p' t ond '"7K. po'MWB r werrant· .. _,. I ft•r baae mo-.. -' ty (9-uNK). r••· •r . c . " . ._,_L 1111 Y 183WYI ) CA LL 1tud•nl1 or home bua . ....,..,.,, u • ._ • Ille with an el•clrlc m 1 Mt MU 0141 Mt.mt ran · "'"' ~150/obo. 973-4223 •-· $75. 848-3476 = ~:~~ :.~t'i 3--wheea.r. Golden Cha-'70 Dateun P.U .. camper llLY 12111 ·····;11riiii·••H llLY lllU 5• wood dMk w/ retract-...,.· riots 548-23&4 I h •I I, c ar P • t k 11 ULEl-lllflll 11111111 '!r.J ............. !J.~f Low mllM & wry aharpl llllHU LEARANCE abi. typing tebl•, $80. ..l#i•H lihl 1140 $9001080. 842-8349 Lil.. ... P•I t97 t Op•f Monza, new 90 day po'Mlt train Wiit· --NII 54&-&137 eva/wltnd 11, 1•Wt Hfl •••••••••••••••••••••• .7• L u fl•lb•d cletn 63t-2040 495-4949 •••-1111 tlrH, nMdl ang. work ranty. (1AOT3&4).. MJ .. 11 SAl:E! ••••• •••••••••••••••• MOPED -PEUGEOT 555 " u. • • • D,... --$250 646-0l2t rm "'1 74 Celllornlan. ell fib«· ml New cond •fl extra. nHdl •no. Muat Hfl. Ilk-· · •Y Saal ·72 Oran Torino, runa & ...................... gl .. 1, 10 w/Ch41vy Eng. 1385 8«-t0l6 StOOO/obo. 540-52" 28402 M11tou-ril• Pkwy _, lllJmt ,.. ... , 1141 fl•llt• 100119 good, P/8, A/C, 'GokMn Retri.vet pupptee, VanHn Tr•ll•r. good . '112 vw OIESC• PU Mi..lon V..lo W• cen n.lpl a.for• you ••• .,.................. r •d I• I 11 r •• $9 5 0 . AKC Ch. blood llnet, running cond 11795 Pv1 PUCH ~ (Awry Exit off I~) check bee tH2 Peugeot 5059 Turbo -NII 8.5()..0435 Party Call e47-588Cs or Xlnt cond. $300. w/ehefl & utra tank, Open Sund9YI ::; NfKtl:~ ':v1ng~ d ...... 5-pd, allv9r/blu9 Ml .. 11 l-&4_7_~_2_1_2 _____ -4 Playful part S lamH• 538-30011. 840-9098 =2:•ta ~t352 end~ todeyl 30,000 ml. No frt eve or '79 ~ ESS. 4 dr. 8 apayed F cat, 1 yr old. .. ·'-' ....,.. ~ • ..,.. • ..., aat calla. &40-2947 '112 Le Sabre Wagon. u-cyl. Lo ml. Od cond. cs.cl-0 S5 873--5254 24 ll SKIPJACK l«qrlft/ '711 150 Plc«up, lakl OV9f ~1'11.-" HllUl .. I 1 .____L_ 11•• fUIN or buy oul1 !MM. $3.495. M7-900S ' · Twin Votvoe 115,000 llNr.n 1111 IHH. Approx 13500. s......_ .,,....__ • ..-... SM.II I .,. !:::':~ ............ ~ Lo.ded.&41-300 '112 Ford Count"'"'-"-. 9 lll llLIEI UT ........ ·~n •••••••••••••••••••••• &46-8357 _._..._..._.,. 2aso Herbor 8Nd. ., ..._.. .. • .,._........ Moped -112 Suz. lhull.. .,. ElllTm 11U ~m puaeno-r St•tlon W•-1 t wtca old. M. ltOO. IO ·mllH. ~ood cond '74 Ford Cou#W. Mull.... COSTA MESA Khl CMUIN 1111 en. CrulH control. ~ S..~T: T.,.,..,, ~~ :,:~ ~~';·~~ ~;= X~~~nt, ~; ::-~~ .. U 7 PM llft ':ms ..... .. .. /llM .... iiiiiiiiiM~.. m-:=~~~=t•~.M~~: 1 yr. P•P•"· lt25. to Or.y. $3500. 875-81111. •750 080 '711 L N • A HANDFUL OF t982 '711 Accord LX. meroolcn. 13831 Harbor BNd. lllPl lna.U new. t11,250. 844-7409 1173 48t8 • · . uv ew •ng, n w MODELS REMAIN AT low ~· .Ulomat · Gerden Grove HH a Conlln•nt•f kit, : ~~home. -M111ulck. t9', t40HP ~53 r."i 1;~,9 '~,t2:305 SUBSTANTIAL SAY-14250. -8100 ..... ..... Rolla Roye• grlll•. low 7~~~~5.good AKC Cock S~ • ....., ..,.,"-M9tc, ••tr• 9n0, all !Wt-·eo HONDA 250XL 84s-25&3 • ar INGSI Rebuilt Honda 1979 1.-a.. mllM & le Ilk• "NEW"... 540-8271 • ..--,...-pc-I. 3 old Extras, runa xlnt. * '75 5301; auto., eun CVCC cyllndtr h••d. ---. • "M\J9' S.." c:er. Thia 1---------i 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI VILLI· (t04YS0 ) sg995 1911 CADILLAC IL DORADO llARRITZ (1ASG861) $15,995 plu. Laro• varl•ty. ~oToo'":·ne~trlr: $725 MUST SELL Vu• 1111 roof.(1DVK310) compl•I• 12 50 . 11• 111-2111 onella "oneofaklnd" '11Ltllt8llHWD 117W200. 893-0098. 495-234-4 548-7t74 •••••••••••••••••••••• * '711 3201; •ulo .. aun &48-97113 ~Tll S Tergel. Wtllle/blk, allow Cllttll (183032). Lo ml. runa gr .. 1, 115o Doble, 22 moa .. Fem, CHRISTMAS SALE '74 Dodge '78 TradHman, roof. (70011) 80 Hond p elUd9 ell a le , 90K, •t3,500 or l.m llAll -&45-81t4 548-1192 1980 CADILLAC AKC, lhow queltty St50. auto. v-a, AM/FM c:ua., * '79 320!: 4 apd .. eun • ~ ••· tr,,._ . .,7 .. ~223 (7I•) 838-5790 .. ~-L ~t ELDORADO COUPI 650-t4 t3 ebln CrulHr. N••d• Suzuki 400, 5 apd, llc. off sink, 11ove, leebo>t, good roof. (932t) tru, Ilk• new. 28,000 ml ..,.. " -..,_,_ ._ ( ------,...---~ Work, Twin Evlnrud•. rd • Or•• I con d • cond. t own•r. S3450 * '80 3201; auto .. aun te600. &42-1155 '72 T CJ)9. dk blue, bfk, l213l 427-5494 •••••••••••••••••••••• IACL799> ForSMSpring.,.Spanlel S350/obo. Call Tom at $300/obo. 831..()974 •fl. 080. 551-4604 or roof (40N) H d •79 A d LX 7'1, can. Xlnl cond. Tr~WelcolM '79 Meverictt, ,_paint, $12 995 purebred pupplM. 8 wit• 873-34t5 5 (213)448-0853 Pat. . 1114111 :rno..:n. T ...... c~~k. •Ii saooo. 873-4223 TIE w•11 ""'lop, PS, AC, •1•90. , old. 835-3799 I ...-$2495 obo. 89t-t381 ·~ '79 Honda XL500, 5K m . Ford Bad Company .now 208 W. 111. Santa Ana cond. 41,000 ml. $6,300 '80 911 Targa. Petrol blue. SEU ..... Linton Plccofo. Bought 55mpg, perfect cond. van -trophlH, m•o•· CIOMd Sunday or belt off•. 955-3150 All option•. low blu• .,,... ..___ 1111 n aw . u 1 • d I w I c • 1950/ti.t. 979--5595 .. _. too m•~X1r .. to .............. """'. Wiii con-of tat• 1'110d91. IOW mite-::...-.~•-'•••••••••••••• .,,._ CHOICE INVENTORY '80 Pr.iud9. lmm.c cond. """" _ .. """' C dlll I S '7"' MONARCH 9 cyl . : 1250/bll otr. 642-1392 '73 KawHakl Mach Ill 1111 *4800. IM7-90t VOLUME SALES Nu bfak•, am/fm atweo ll<Mf partial lrad41. Prlv ag• • aca n ou-" ' ' & _ .. __ ... P"' .... 2• 13&4 tMtn calllornlel S.. us nMdl brka, run1 fair. • LAB PUPPIES. AKC. 500. New q . .,...,.,.,.. A•ln WutM lflf & CHI , 1un/rool. 18900 •1'" tod9yl S2900. 850-2357 a..ui11u1 healthy ye11ow1, .,.. 1550. 948-4850. •••••••••••••••••••••• • oeo. 552-oe21 ..____.._ 111• 111~ UllU ~ ahott. wrm'd, 551~73 942.5049 WE PIJ ~ • '75 Monarch 2-dr. r•d. I.I • La.El '112Aocord,4dr.5epdlllr, Pen; red, cul1om 1. • .... AA manual trant, 8 -cyl, lrtM ....... Ifft 80 S..Ray SUndlno9 c-. '711 Can-Am 250cc dlr1 TIP llWI I et.,•o. 4800 mllu. all m•ch•nlcal, prott. ~.... 27mpg, rbll q . lt500. Dbl Y•flowti.ad Parrot, bin crulMr, xlnt cond. blk•. good cond. muat llW '8300. 973-19t0 m•lntaln41d elnc• total 2tOO Hwbor Dml· 85().t8t3 and Mutt •••· 123,000. Mii. l'OO. 873-t408 •• llll.... S~L.-00 ovemeut 19711. Full oowr COSTA MESA 1--;__-----~ ~,t-:'b'o~ 979'.~6 842,,·2_550.,., 0~1.o~. I O'MKE·'t!c!r=~ AUi •1111 826 ~·~ A~ /.~'1~1··~:::::-;:!:~~ ~~i·;::~~c: Ml-1111 ·~d7 ~,:..be. ~=~.~1·9N:;o w7 , -59e3 d .. _..,., ... --b•tw••n 9 & t2 AM "*-.Aunt llC '"'· • 00 . etwt11maa Code•tlel Clufer 11Sf 152 c1ya. ""111/man (114)1• 1• se.ooo m1. 19,eoo Meta. ~7 1N1 Sedan c1e 1eo-10H $25. Wiii hold. •••••••••••••••••••••• •79 Ye mah• XS t 100, 2480 Harbor 8111<1. 01>ef1 Sundey 875-27.0 gree\.1NMdl aotM body 1-------,,,---1 957-8170 hrl1tmu Boat Par•d•, dr ... ldt. IO mt 12500 or C08TA MESA '19 t12 T~ n*ll cond.. wont. S650. 497-t223 ..,,._ ---------1 N•wporl Harbor D•c n •-•• ....... Ala nJI ......._ •t I 000 •••• ..... •••••••••••••• ·-~ed..,......... · trede for auto 494-6' - • , I • -1 ••••••••••••••••••••.. _, .. •7.;. .... &2 '74 EldOrado 82,000 ml. •et Muat•no Futbeck . ........... .._. .... ...._. 17th thru 23rd. Ralph • l•l 1 --·es Ghia. nu 9n0, trena. ...,.....,... 1"""90 In & out. Need• Ml* w Good Running M to~. reepootlbi. Huffman 1137-7008 79 Honda CX 500.:0000 ~_! needOI ~ ~~~~ •tc. •le. Runl pertecl ..... -'I 1111 l'Otfl. 12295. 557-.3t19 Cond. '1t500/obo hOrM. 557-&2t2 daya. hrlatm•• Boat P•r•d• ,,,.._, ~~. ·.. · WI llY ~ ---.. -12·~1oeo '""'1 ......... ., _,-c-Wotfoencl Jurl-...... . .... ._.... ••• ••••• •• • •• •• • • ••• •• •1• llLlllLU• 546-&230 partlM. Cleatk: 50' Mii-~ • .t blcll , '71 R9naufl, Rte, MOO. • --·-~ 1----------f boat avall. tor chart«. -Dll lllll Ull Mk. fOf hlgNet 72 Giiie convertll>M. xtra Auna grMt. XLHT CONO 1 1500 '71 Muateng. 4 cyt, auto, Oek upright player piano, Room lor 20 +. ~ 1200. 545-51117 -11•1 LM 11111 .. Noe, wry lo ml. redlela. 53e-9&25 842-9213 .850-1S52 AC. lo ml. Xlnl cond. manl •l•c . 15200. al>Mr•t .. 857-3567. ~LMllng e.atofr.5S4-l852 r.lli._ ITU 'TlELOOCONVERT i-,....63_1_·5009 ______ -f • t/311-4112 ti "1J ,,., Suzuki eo Aaclno = 34170 N. CMIYy A11ie. .... nJI ••••••ttlo7••••••••••• Alblt eng & 1,_ Medi 'IS7 F0td Mus. IMQ Conv. • BeldWlrl ~ ltlMI• ·····'················ Bored sts!:t~' . LONG BEACH •••••••••••••••••••••• ··1 ne•L('" IN u ST. top t 1500. warren Whl. 8 eyf. allck lhft. :. organ. bHutllul cond. ~ F• 11• 111-llH K,. " · · · ...,.;., &45-6313 Fact AIC 2450 (714) •• 11ooooeo1144-1018 ._,... .,,.,...,,..,.~ ~ ·12~~0.w-~\2:e911s . (7141 • St•lnway Upright and LAlll i.a1Jl1tt... 111 11. new pelnl, rune gr.at. 7• 4 • Arttet Bench. 138()(). Prtv TM Later Sl0t• tit en-•••••~•'••••e1Ji••• •••• '800 6464357 >Ont Ir-car, blu9, "· :•, p,ty Trme 54&-&737 nuel Chrtatmaa deart"". Outdoor Stor91gt. 8o9ta, .. -...,_.,~,.W\Jj!OCIN'I" , . cyl, good mpg, )(Inf oond. . .,. t....,.. or wnet haw you _,_ ., !fflOl!llK" .,.,:....,_. '72 C. d• VIII•. lmmac e.t of!' t•a 495-23'4 : ·Hammond a.ctrlc Org90. D.c 10, 1 t. t2. 9-4. LAMr $1 tt-$15 In &45-Ttee Top dotlara for Spotll ONt .,..." ,. , IM!cM/ out, blue/ wh1t• 1-,__:.:........;---------1 • end Lrgtt Spit« conaoi. Hllbo1rd1 1950. Hug• m Care, luga, Camp•ra, lop, 1ollded. Auna 1)9(· 80 Mull•"J'· •Ir, aler.o 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI (392YPS) s11,495 1911 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD D'ILIGANCI (1ARG638) s12,995 19IO CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI (9•9ZIT) s9g95 Offet Good Thru Monday. 12-13·82 2800 HAMOR kYD . C08TA•IA 540-1860 -• S2200. Prlv Prty Terma r•ducllona. 924 WHI fi•I'-Ft1..J 1111 9t4'1, Audl'e •-.1.--1111 l•ctly. Prlc•: n•g. tcUMll ~·~7,,,,"110-BOd •• newCall •• 64M737 18th St. CM. &42-0&MI •• ::::~7•••••••••••••• At/II. for U/C MGR ~~ _. 541-5309 }~r-~. ~-~~JIV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 75 23• Er1ceon UHF ~ '79 DODGE 0.50 P.U. w/ • -=....._ ....-n :f1 .. ,~~i:i;w!~.. -' • 8cNIMt aplrl9I organ, w/ • r 20· Hlf-cont•ln9d 5th _ •-•-t'Y"'IV CARVER f.01 •OUI ........ '114 Cecllllac: (Brougham), • rtlythm. 1450/mo dlo, H°':'a5010 hp motor. wN trlf Would oonelder -----NJI MUTMAI.. .....iv pelnted, 1 OWMt. 5'8-1734 4aallt •• 72 .844-4594 4WDhWtrecte.850-747!1 187111Md181vd. l(l.1,Sl(Jl('Ell\'1W ' -1675 S36-eo30 .Thomea eectronlc or090. PHOENIX SABOT •-.. •--6-:. a.-. HUNTINGTON BEACH \..0-11101<1~0H11• .. If & 111·1@ -•• '71 e OOredo Oflg °"'* 2 k•yboarda. LHll• lllnt cond. M60. -.-niinr, .--•• Ma-a. ~•..r• it"1M?6"1 ... • • • -full ~· whit•. $2500'. :· aplue, wl b•noh, good 1176-3739 I ............ H11 llll'"' .. •-' fMllffl f~ tn• 98CMS71 •••••••••••••••••••••• WllTEll n .... ..,.-. ............ r:.~•-----------1 eond . 1 !175 /obo . 10'181100.thull,muat .... PAINT & flt• body wont, 4 ~ trene .. loaded MB•St.ctlflllliMWll '73 Toyot• Corona De-•79 ~de vtit.. wire • 975-telO MC'1b 1125. eet-te95 up to 50% oft yout tat. L•t• model Toyo1... _..., tit the f.ctotY op-Ulla. Aunt good. NMde ..-. eaoelMt oonc1. ·:•Hammond Organ BC IMve !MM. Bii &42.01001"9-1221 VolvOt. Ptck!IP9 Iv-. tloN, Tapu~Wlttl •7, GLC. Auto., ... ale. 1om• work. S350. l1IOO, 5*-5511 • ~ MOd•~ epkra, ,ood , od cond. Muet Mii. uto tow .,.,. and hltc;tl. Cll ua WI IMtW Interior. on. 1 m II m r a cl Io. 2 d r 176-4493 •7, 8tougMm 1 oww.-· ~ _;:_ .:.O=o ~. ~1~ 1.::. :.:,_2 5 . "':7~1= 548-2"1 '-~~·A"!.'::,..' S:! :~ U300 obo, 1.-11.a.Wlf ...... !!!J :::. ~ o( • QOOd tor bef!nner, *400. ·dingy. good cond. Mutt Ford truck 11r .. &. ""''· oer1U..Olt.t:i.-.. m&DI U 1111 ..._ S...-1046 eve.. Hll. Seer Ille•. I 195~ 15" ~ mega. '25. rzi•~ UM7IO ta1IO. Lo ml. MMat ...... ,_. •11 UPAIOHT PIANO eet-tlt5 IMve ~ Cll t79-1727 (Fred). Orltlnat 21,000 low •••••••••••••••••••••• AeOft & r9fln .. wry QOOd 011or1 30 paid 132 • ,_ T 213 427-MIM 't..4 Made AX3 l1t00 °' "'llH, utrH &. lllle 1111 -.. cond. "96. &47·70f7 . tU.1 'Fowl&' tne '"" oyot8; Tr8dMM w.ka •• .._..Ofter. 142-nM .. "NIW"I A "Muel ... , .......... IWl It toededl g:~:::, eee!i~oN $80. 840-t2711 • 11f ....... ... fOf.. °T'8''~-IO delr PCllW nAn ..,. • 9/!rf ........... l!!f meg Ulf.O CAM & TIWCKt '71 llOI Al. (WT) • .. ... •J. --my. (mwocl). t<,_.., elcte & loots & ,. ... J# ..,. OOMI IN Oft CAl.L f<>f' ,'71 HOI lt11. ~ •••• Uf!! ........ l'.tee ,1::.'lr 17'0 ., .... •. • ~i aa 200· s.o. ..,M'°"rAN'rNc5TiCr· ~~ .: i :z·~, 1!,.~.,:;..¥·'= r ••• .a:,.. •HI. .:;:tnnfff.W. •• !!f r~~4.\S.0ac1. ,.,~.:!!.WLvo. ·r.;rM= =:i~•9"9 ·"'"· 1&:..vw.::r~:.1:: • ... ., .. 1 e Dally Piiot ~ ~--. _.. HUNTIHQTON MACH <1,.., awno ·11 sooeo Turbo Olwl, • ..-'1• tp"'M LT ~~ ... ,. • Cl•lllfllds .. In 1tle --...... ..., ... ,, •• 1111 (118) 411........ 1unroof, a1i.oeaculat .. ftr......... IMOOlolMt. MCMllJ .. : llWll : wl:ot1lu."~ll ::::::LO::: Tr....,.weeoome =1:'ew~t&' ...._ ~:·•7'00. ·eo zn. no...,_.,.., •• MoOt•r •hott of Ollh -pfloetM , ..... llOeMe, 1111 IMW IOU, 4 IPd. 1ff blliii iiifjl OOftil UUil AMlt'M -.. AIO, •· : ._.. .._ 10...,.. IO 1·5671 tran•ftr fMI, flnanoa blue/ten lnt..:O .. .,. .... s11'to0. • iUlid ....s vw lcllroeoo "'-Xlftt .,.., 111( flll. -. .-.rt,_'""·_. eon oft • cMrt-. .._tor*• =-. 080. liMlo1 .,._, Med. 0..-. -. Mt-~ ~ .. ·In hi• turflnt catMr. for quick tutlon oonlrol d•wloe n.4144 • .. DOI&.. ..,..... .,_..,.. ._ ,,.. ._.., < =~ .. ~.: = • c•m tales. ='=J -;,:::. Get QftHN oeat1 '1• -Im ' .. t ..... .._. ..... MMJ• rm ....... . ..... : an•••r ad 1 6 71, tlon oflartH unlH• IOf WHITI ~· ,....._ .,.., lurlroot. • o" Cl . I I 1. IO O. 1 1M KIClll...,. VW ,.., ·• ....... w.on. -. ;,i °'...,..._ epeolflM by w1tt1 ace......-Ad • .,_.1 ~ llllO ........,, 141-1111 en ~ """ ...,..... """ .-. .... , ~. :.~ ,,,..., r,.., ,.. ........ c.-... 2.1111 .,...,... t. m. MN111 _.""•a.*' -: .. . ~. :!:· ~:: ~! \ ' • .. . Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 W. a.y St, Coeta ...... Ca. Mall addr .. a: Box 1580, Coeta M .... Ca., t292t Tele~ne: 142-4321 Protirvn information is provided by the networks ~ mr.idns and is subject to change without notice. -lnclax T \' A11L<·11nu ................................................... Page 3 LJ./\'tinu· Dr1.Jm<1 ...............................••............. Page 4 Tu/I(· Topf".'n< ................................................. Page 6 Sµ,,.t~ .. . ................................................. Page 7 V-..i.vt1111t· &-h<-dule ........................................... Page 8 Evtv1111~ &-IH-dule ......................................... Page 1 J T \1 Puzzlt· ....................................................... Page 35 _ ........ (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angetes, Ca. (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. On the cover ... Perry Como is joined by actress Angie Dickinson , French singing star Line Renaua, famed designer Pie rre Cardin , the puppets of Andre Tahon , the Boys Choir of Notre Dame, and the performers of Paradis Latin in a one-hour special, "Perry Como's Christmas in Pa ris," a spirited musical holiday tour of Paris, airing Saturday, Dec. 18 from 10 to 11 p.m . on Channel 7. Com o embarks on a musical salute to Paris, highlighting such traditional landmarks as the Eiffel T ow e r, the R iver Sein e, Montmartre, Maxim 's restaurant, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre Dame. mTVoaa- some NBC affiliates dro p 'The Doctors' By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: My favorite soap opera is Tiie Doctors. I have not seen it In moatlls llere. What happened to It? -Mrs ... P .T., Niagara Falls, N.Y. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Diogo, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. A : E vldentl y your local NBC affilia te decided not to show T he Doctors. Chances are they carry a local news show at noon, so that w})en The Doctors switched Crom its mid- aftem oon slot to noon it was decided to stay with local programming, w hich is the case in many cities. The Doctors has been canceled by NBC, with its last appearance to be Dec. 31. (Many readers have wondered if The Doctors could possibly tum up on a cable network. This cannot come 10 pass since NBC owns The Doc10r1: they purchased it fr om Colgate - Palmolive a few years back. The network is not about to cancel a show and the n hav e Its ow n property shown on cable.) _ ...... a ..... (5) KTLA..:.. ~800 W. Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. (9' KHJ-1 v, 5515 Melrose Ave., Loe Angeles, Ca. (11) KTTV, 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (56) KOOC-TV, 1730 Clementine, Anaheim, Ca. _ ....... (9) WOR, New York City (17) WTBS, Atlanta, Ga. -- (28) KCET, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (50) KOCE, 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach, Ca. -l'llYTV 1 2'4) CBS Cable 0) On· TV, 1139 Grand CentraJ Ave., Glendale, Ca. Z) Z-TV, 2938 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. H) Home Box Offtce, Time-Ute Bultdlng, Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N.Y. (C) Ofnemax, TlrM-Llfe Butldlng, Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N.Y. IE) ESPN, Brfatot, Ct. L) a...ctv, Marina Del Rey, Ca. 8l 8howtlme 8 sPotttght C Cable News Network, Atlanta, Ga. 2 Friday, December 10, 1882 Q: Wbatever became of Toay Crall, wllo was seen as Draper oa M1• of Nlgbt? a M.L.O., New Rocllelle, ~.Y. A: Tony decided to le•~ Edee of Nigh t, so the role o f Draper was written out. For a Ions time Tony put his acting career on the back bu.mer while he concentra ted on being an investment adviler, a job at which he is q uite ad e pt. Ton y ls now In Hollywood and recently had a small spot on 0.)'11 of Our Uve.. Q: I've IMa wa~ c.,I ... _. I'm a bl1 fu of Canlya J--. Rt I cu'tadenlaM•~JWMll'll ... red. I remember Hr u Met1k!la • "Tiiie Adami Family" aM ..._.., •was J••l 1hllllllq •I" Maft Ulr. -R.W., Ea• GalUe, Fla. A: tntere9tlft8ly =· Carolyn Jones it a natunl who w• told to darken her hair when lhe came to Hollywood. (We would .. ume that the Iona hair Mortida wore on "Ttw Addlrm J'unlly" w a The New Piiot T Jesse feels remorse Soaps, 4 Fun with words Word Game, 35 TV Antenna, 3 •_Dec. I 0 .Dec. 16• Perry Como and Angie Dickinson sample the wine and pastries in "Perry Como's Christmas in Paris," which airs Saturday at I 0 p.m. on ABC. Jesse feels responsible for Frank's death By LYNDA HIRSCR ALL MY CHILDREN: Whale having an argument w 11h Les about Ang1t· and Jesse. Frank suffers a stroke and lal('r dies in the hospital. Jl'SSE' feels responsible and Nancy as totally devastat~. Daisy's plan lo confront Nina and Stl've fails when SteV(' refuses lo allow Daisy into his apartment Donna g()('S into labor Myra finds Palmer with Daisy and insists that he go to the hospital. Palmer plays the JUb1lant dad when Palmer Jr as born bul balks when Donna savs she'd like Chuck to be the godfather PhOl'be overhears Palmer and Charll'S arguing a nd realizes that Palmer is sterilc. Silver suggests to Kent that he hsten to Ma rk's music a nd perhaps hire him. Brooke and Tom reali1.e their marriage is over but decide not to divorce Fired from her Atlanta newspaper position, Brooke picks up on Ph()('be's suggestion that shl• Jave m P ine Valley. Phoebe rehires Benny as her l'hauffeur. ANOTHER WORLD. Realizmg Jason and S teve have been lymg to her. Ilsa sets a deadly trap for the twosome Blame fearful that Sandy will be reattractPd to Cecille An in1ured R.J . romcs home but Bob tl'lls him to give himself up o r hc"ll run him into J31L Louis unable to sell hJs art to the museum AS THE WORLD TURNS: After finding John's body. Ellen phones the police When she returns the body is gone James arrives JUSt as the police do and acts stunned at the news of John's death, saying he'd come to see John for a business meeting at John's request Dragging the raver for John's body. the only thing police find is James' pistol. Margo 1s told the nt'ws of John's death during her wedding rehearsaL Grief.stricken, she decides to be in on the investigation. Craig decid es to blow up S teve's truck. Barbara is given a nurse's uniform by Bilan. Barbara escap«_'S from the hospital into Gunnar's arms. Gunnar lS bemg sought for k1dnappmg and Bilan 1s suspected as his accomplice CAPITOL Tyler. Sloane and Joe Luck manage to escape th~ prison <1rter they detonate the bomb. Later Amir warns that when he finds Tyler, S loane and Joe Luck they w ill pay for the l'mbarrassment they caused his country Vo1ghtlander, on orders from Amir, calls Mark pretending to be on Mark's side. hoping to get more information from him Julie convinces Trey h er marriage to Lawrence 1s something that she desires. Trey is released from hospital with no effects Clegg Industries is sending people mto Nishoba to free all the prisoners. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Julie unhappy when Doug and Robert check local brothels in search of Stephano's former mistress. Renee tells Tony to leave her alone because she is happily married to David. Abe devastated by the drug-re lated death of a teenage acquaintance. Kayla's unexpected arrival in Los Angeles deHghts Chris. Oliver owns up to being Woody and Gwen's brother. Marie decides to go after Neil. DOCTORS: Homs plans to seduce Mike Remembering the psychic's prediction that 1$illy's k1Uer was a Uemm1, Carolee pla ns to s tart her own Investigation, Fe licia distraught when s he learns the r eal Adrienne, her daughter, is In MadL10n. Adrienne plans to get even with Jean Marc. With Eric quitting college, a d isheartened Steve feels faUure as a Cather. EDGE OF NIGHT: Pleading Innocent, Sky begs Raven to play up to Ian In order to clear Sky of any charges. Raven reluctantly agreee. Jan wants to marry Rawn. Miles ts the brunt or aeveral nuty h08pital jokee. Nicole shocked by Barbara'• hatred tor Miles. Val upeet becauae Jim plana to 4' Friday, December 10, 1982 stay in Nl'w York and she never had a l'han('(.' to tell Jim how much shl' loved him. Ian lt>lls Rave n he plans to be as rich as S ky 1f thmgs work out. GENERAL HOSPTTAL. When Ramsey brings Luke. Holly and Scorpio back to Port Cha rles, an angry mob seeks revenge against Luke and Holly. When C harles' extradition IS held up because or his 111 health, the D.A. goes back on has word to Luke and arrests Holly in order to quell the angry crowd Jackie furious when Scorpio considers taking Canadian agency JOb. Alan upset about Susan and Scotty's relationship and plots to break 11 up Bobbi returns to Port Charles. Rack as on has way home with Jess1l·a's condition improving. Claudia·s paren ts are nearly hysterical when they learn Bryan 1s a m ember of A.A. Blackil' fears that Laura IS gomg to fall ror Scou y GUIDING LIGHT: Mark and Amanda's hopes for a life together appear over when Jennifer collapses 3nd 1s taken to Cedars H05p1l.'.ll and put on complete bed rest. Catching Mark and Amanda locked in embrace, Morgan as horrified. She moves out of Amanda's but not before tclhng be r that Jennifer as pregnant. Morgan tells Al8n sht' will give him he r proxy vote lo overthrow Amanda as president of S paulding. Philip faces expulsion from prep school and Justin prepares to bring him home. while Alan gets Philip reinstated by rnakmg generous donation. Justin is angry wnen Alan ma1<es n ctear rna~ ne w1u a1ways l'OOStder himself Philip's father. Persuading Helena to tell him where Silas 1s, Quint meets with SiJas. A (1ght ensues and Quint is severely beaten. Wondering about Rebecca. Quint decides to fl y to Switzerland and talk to her original doctor. As Quint pre pares to a take off from Springfield airport, Nola hears Rebecca talk. ONE LIFE TO LNE: K.arC'n is de tennined Lo forget Steve a nd settle down with Larry. but Steve makes this 1mJ>05S1bJc At h05pital charity auct ion. Steve is high bidder for dinner cooked by Karen. Larry challenges SLeve to a fight and later Steve says he'll skip the fight if Karen tells Larry about Nantucket. Larry finds Karen with Ste ve. Tommy warns Steve his obsession with Karen could cause her life· threatening trouble . Dee arouses Asa's passion, then holds off until he d umps Mimi. While Tony and Pat hope to adopt Jimmy. Georgine says she wants the boy in California. Pat fearful that Tony still unable to get over his wanderlust. Jenny returns to her nursing position in pediatncs and agrees to give Brad another chance. Ca.s,,ie buys date with Drew <1t ouction in order to make Gary jealous. RYAN'S HOPE: Bronsk1 tells Siobhun she can go undercover to find out who's killing the prostitutes, but he says she must a ppear tO be a prostitute. Bron.ski has her move Into the sleazy Emerald Hotel. and at a dinner thrown by Hollis Kirkland, Bronskl plans to fire her in public for being a prostitute. Kirk and Rae make love Kim Interrupts when she arrtves·a1 Rae's apartJTIC!'nl. Ra~ ma~ges to thoo he r oway without Kim dlacovcring the \Cyst. Amanda has first therapy teSSlori with Pat.rick, but her memory fa s till blocked. Dee desperate to g t solid evtd nee that Kirk la KJm's rather. . SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Krlatin devast.at8 Brian and his plans to set back with Sutt by neWS"that he'• carryina h la child. Aja realize!! Rusty planning to drive Ua.a Insane. Uane tells Lan he'll help her catch the man who's to~ntina her with phone calls. Warren tells Brian, "Marry KrilUn or I'll kill you." Rusty realizes Mean be the major stockholder in ()peratJon Sunburst lf Lit.a a. diapoeed of and a wife abl~ to bear • chJld la fo\.lnd. TEXAS: JuaUn receives word that A.ahley may be alive TV Antenna TV kids learn Big Lesson of the Week By PHIL SNEh>ERMAN Of IM Oelt; l'ht Ila" T1,114.•v11Uun ll414•n.._ to httvt' u rulu nf thumh wlwn It romt·~ to lit'rll'K f11('U!'lllH un younuictl'nl 1'V kidll run 111uk1· rt'(·kl .. x..'1 choll'\'K mll u1•l tht'trnfd vt'S lrllo nil !'lorL'I uf trouhlt• But by the t-nd ur t•m·h t•ph1ocl1•, tlwy hat.I 1>4•ttt.'r h•urtt tlw B1N LA•sson o( tlw WL'i.'k. Co0111d1•r that clu11sll' old kids' 11how , "Lc:uvl· it to Beaver." Ell<'h Wl'llk. the good-nuturc-d but m1lw . lkuvt'r ll•t Eddlt• llaskdl or !IOmt• otht•r youna person 1.t1lk him 1nw playing hookl'Y from 11'.·hoc>I or driving dad'11 n u· without I.I li~nlk.'. But you t~>uld alwuys dt•pt•nd on orw thin~. The &:-av was going to g••t caught By the f'nd of the show, stl'rn but fair Hugh Bcuu!T'cmt wtJulcl u.tlk about thL• c.•ons1.'<;\ut'n<.'l't1 of lying or s wahng 1:1nd dt•llvl'r th<.• Bil( Ll·sson. l'hl· Jl(·uv would show rc.>moriw, und l'Veryon(' would liVl' hupp1 ly l'V('r after. The re's a nc•w ~cnerallon of Beaver:s populatmg tlw tube tht•!K.' days, but the Big Lesson rule Is still in erta'.t. Al least that's the t'Ondusion one t.-ould draw from wat<:hing a week's worth of youth-oriented shows. First. there's "Father Murphy," the NBC series that puts Merlin Olsen in charge of a house full of orphans. Last week's e pisod e d e l1 vert·d 1ts lessons not w i th a sledgehammer b ut with a trip-h a mme r one a fter another. In this episode. 1nmx:cnt young L izette> (LJsa Trusd) got her fi rst JOb working at a dress shop and was charmC'd by a handsome rtl'h kid nam<.-d T.J . Before lhl• hour w..is up. Lizette learned the fo llowing lessons: -Don't smokl• <S hl· was pressured into talong a purr and she promptly lost her lunch.) -Don't play hookey from work (S he almost lost hl.'r job after skipping to go un a picnic.·.) -Don't race your wagon. (She and T.J . were injured when their speroing buC'kboard crashed.) And there w ere lessons for other young pt.'l.)pll' on thl' show about the hazards of gossiping and about not wishing you were taller than you are To make sure we all got the point, Lizette uttered this little speech near thl' end of the episode: "f'm just a spoik•d little child. l was trying to be like them (the· nt h kids). but I'm glad I'm not I've learned my lesson." By the time the crf'd1ts rolled. the episodl''s snobby rich girl had turned over a new leaf. the short kid wasn't trying to be tall a nymore. the tt?f'ns involved in the wagon cra5h were okay. everyone had learned thetr Big Lesson. And after an overload of moral 1nslruct1on, this viewer, at least. w as close to losing his own lunch . On NBC's S aturday night comed il's, "Diffe rent Strokes" and "Silver Spoons,'' the lessons a re slipped in between the w isecracks. These series feature two of thl· biggest ham actors still on the shy side of 15: Gary Coleman and Ricky Schroder . (Does anyone know any real Ilk children who act hkc: these two?) On last wet-k's "Different Strokes," Arnold (Colcm:.inl tripped thl' nl'w building manager's son after the boy nilh.·d him a runt H1::. dad (Conrad Bain) proceeded to lecture him on the evils o{ violence. Moments late r, in a twis t on the Big Lesson approach, Arnold's father th('n turned around and slugged the nasty building manager Of t'Ourse. everyone learned their lesson that violencL' doesn't pay by the end of the e pisode , when the building Eldei;t son, Alex, portrayed by Michael J. Fox (right), learns the Big Lesson on hf amily Ties'' on Channe l 4 Wedne days al 9:30 p .m. owm•r c1grC('d to drop all charges against dad -as long as lw ;ign · -d to a new ll'ase at triple the current rent. On "Sli ver Spoons," the writers used an old plot g11nm1l k about a half-overheard conversation tp make Rltky l>t•ltcve his dad's sec·retary (Erin Gray) was in love Wi th h 1m. "I've· hl•ard this thlng about older women chasing younger ml•n," he told her. "But I guess I don't go for the nl·W morality I'm an old-fashioned guy." 1 ll' soon reahzed his mistake and decided instead 1.0 a rrange a romanuc dinner for the secretary and his dad. Surt· enrJUgh . the two adults were kissing on cue as the "To Be Continued'' sign flashed on the screen. Do you want to bet that the romance cools down next wc·L·k, and Ricky learns a Big Lesson about meddling in h is dad's love life•'! Of the• new shows, two feature young people who at lL•:t))l l.H.'ar soml' rcscmblant't! to real life teens. "Family Tics" is about two former-hippie parents raising three ultra-c·onservative children. The format isn't always bdll:vable, and the liberal lessons are often forced. but whl'n the series goes for some gentle middle of the road domestic humor, 1t can be quite good. OnL' of the best things about the series is Michael J . Fox. who portrays e ldest son Alex. Last week's episode was heavy-handed, as Alex leamed a Big Lesson about why it's beltl·r to work in a friendly neighborhood grocery than in a hugL'. ultra-modern supermarket where he's called by a 11umbc•r, not a name Equ..illy uneven is "Square P egs," on CBS. Some L'Pl~xJc~ havl' been complete duds, but last week's show, n ·volving cJround a snobby s tudent's New Wave Bat M1tzv;.ih d<im·l'. was h1lar1ous. Though 1l has its short.comings, "Square Pegs" at least look::. llkl· It's populated by real life high school kids. If NOC really wants to t.ea'ch Father Murphy's kids a fl!W Big LcSMJns about life. they ought to send the whole <Jrphana~t· to onio\ of those New Wave Bat Mitzvahs. Friday, December 10, 1982 3 -Tube Toppers -•l'riclay_ .... __ lvu.G .. ®~cm A ..... .-pen.-. ....... °" ,,.,... Pfunllett'• no¥9I of Dubin In the twtMdent ,_..of 1I0'7· 1114. (Pert I) (1 hr.) 1:11@ ~ P.:zE ~ The ...... ..,... .. hoftot the ..._. of the wottd'• moet OOMted _.,. w ............... (2 "'9.) .. Ell) llAKleQ fll•A•l"H ...,.,._.bf_, TJl8r Moon. .......... loob ....... .,._, OCM t'clef to be OOftWWdei ..... ................. ~ ...... ... Aide, ....... ,..,, Lorett8 ..... HenJ= end W--. Chitet.,.._ of'8f .. °" tMfr ..._.. eucow ( 1 fw .. ID """-) -Saturday -1unc1av----· -·-llY----· iW .. tm CtlllTllAI OOU> A......., ....... el a. .... , .............. ~ ..... "-........ OllW ........ Clw' .... --.... ........ ... ~ ..... , ... .... ... ..... ... "'·"'· t '• .. ..... ~(11W.) .. D • .... CllllTllM -.W. ,.,,,_ ......_AG1,1l1i11111to ........ 1R ............... -..... • Cltft9I... _ ......... Mll9 ........ .. a...,.....,_w1••.,_._ ftilml1'91 .... C..... .... kc ... 1 JIJ•IF elh9r II 11 w•w ·- 8 Friday, December 10, 1982 Lawrence Pressma n, left, Pa trick Duffy a nd Cindy Picke tt sta r in HCr y for the S trangers~"' ~ a turda y a t 9 p.m . on Channe l 2. -Tuesclay _Weclnuclay __ _ MIWIOW 1::9t,8D..:i-TM .................... AMI ........ TM •slsfMh 1tM ......... el "'•hlsn •••11 _. ,,......, ....... NIS..,1 ~ ..... LM:MatrJ ........ Ymft ... , ... , .... ..... w.-. ...................... ..... ............. .....,.(1 .... ) ... ""'~ ..... -TM c.-Ot MH ••• -TM ... ,. ........... ---· .... ,.. .... ...,.. .. ............................ ................................ ...... 11 ...... Q (1 l:r.) .,_ *I .W:,., .. 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MPM. • .. • a aMTllU coma 10 'Aa.M9 ARlr1t1AP9e_s, ... ,_ ... ~ .............. c.... ..... .. ....... ...... kc ...... .... ----• COllWAY ""'" GI 1MI I I I fl C....,1"'"' .............. .... elJtlel I Id llJ WI 1£ A ..... Clltl'a.) • TMIWIYMY-'•=: ....., D 111 "' Clli ... ,.... ............ ...... . ..................... ... .... kc.~ ..... lfll .... ......................... .... 11 aUAlue••CI..., u11d \\ 1 II 111 111111l lH I 1 llY l;1111H w1111d1·1" v.. lw1 l11•1 111 .1111 lht• 1·1 ltll'lllly lllJlt11·d .lwllth 111 go l11wk w 11 h Ht•llu, 1 h• "11111.111 111· 11•,111 y h1v1·ic Mu1·k 11 ·.11 ''"',\Iii"'" 11"1h. 1111111v 111 tlw World l >ii '1" 11 "'' 11'1 lw1 wl11•11 i.lw w .. 1H 1111 ,,, 111 I Ill'\\ Jilli l.1111!•111· pl.111i. Ill 111.111 h l·:i. 11,1 "11 h I' I< 111.111 1>1111 Hutl1•1 l<1tll\ 11·,11 fh .lt1d1th d oc•i. 11111 11·1.ill 1h.11 H11l1v 1" 1111w 111.1r11l'll tu M.1rk ' YtHJNt: l\NI> 10o:S'l'LESS. P aul 11·1·1, lw1111111 •d 111 liv h" po:-t und h1 ' 111.1h1t11' 111 g1·t 111"11 P.11111·1.1 V11·t111 11111\·111 .. ·d II '"'" .11l11w1•d 1111 th1· buhy 11 \\111 ,1111\\' 1h.11 lw 1" tlw faltwr K.-, 111 , .11111111 11111h·1i.1.111d why N1kk1 1" '" 1111111·11m111111.11 , wh1l1· N1kk1 \\1111d1•r" who tilt' h.ihv'" l.1t h1•1· rs N1kkt .id1111t:-that ,.1w ,.1111 1·;.in·s tor V11·1111 . hut 11111 ,,,. "ht• dul lwton• 011 \\ .i \ t 11 t h 1 • pa,. k t 11 nit 't' t Ang ll', Hulw1 I gu1•,. to -..t't' l.1•slll' A 11g11· :-till 1.11111111 .11 n ·pt Hol1t•11·,. d1von·t-fr11111 l'l.1111· L1111k1ng through th1· marl, l'l.1111· r1 ·.1d' tlll' l1•1t1•1 rrorn a fn1·nd l'l'i>I'<''""'!.: s.11llH'"" .it the• d1vun·1·, "11 nwtlu11g l'l;11n· krww,. nothing ab1>111 l'.1rl ,.pot:-1>1.trll• wht·n sht' 1·111111·' 111 1h.111k J;1t•k f111 .1ll11wrng h1·r 111 IK• tlw 111:1111 r11od1·I 111 th1• sprrng 1·.1111p.11g11 \V.tlk1·r pl.in:-tu mt•d Paul ;ind g1 t to kr111\\ hrm hl·th·r Carl lrll'" to 11·11 Patti lwr d1·t·1:-1011 to hdVt• a l>ab~ 111uld t>< · ru1 II• •ll" I k also bt•g,. h1·1' not It• g1•t pn•gna11t whrlt• J;Jl·k still th111k:-~hi•':-1111 t11rlh t•ontrol pill,. JJ.n 1• .111111•.,111111 ·'""'".\our f,l\'U/'111· "'·'I' 1•1 ·'L1.1µ ,,1.1r·• \\'n11· lo L.vncl.i l/1r .... <'h. 1· o F11•/tl Nl'wsp;ip1·r S\t1tlw;1t1·<1. PU &1' /Yo:.!0. lrVllll', C'J/1/ !l:!I H Shi• will .111s\1•1•r w; m;in}' (/UI'·'"""-" ·'·' -;ht• 1·:1n 111 her <~>lun1/1, btit th1· \0 1>/um1• 1>/ nwil m:1kt•.\ pt'r:o;o 11 .i I n · p I ws 1111 /JI>.'-" /J It· Wedding be lls toll in HCa1>ita l" this Wt"t~k whe n Julie Clegg (K imberly He(·k-lliho n ) m a r<'h«·s to t he a lta r o n he r fa ther's arm , t yco on Sam Clegg II, o n CBS a t 2:30 p.m . weekda ys. •OESIGNING•REMOUNTING•REPAIRING •CUSTOM MANUFACTURING •DIAMONOS•PEARLS•GEMSTONES 760-6766 ~ t Al.J"tJU.IA Jr•tua.' ........._ l.ATHHll 2610 E. PACIFll' COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR, CA. Holiday Gift Idea ... for that specia l person in yovr life. Jewelry treasures, to be loved a nd cherished ... from conte mporary high fashion ... to traditional. s ~ ~' (;) ~ ~~ ~ • (Across from Sherman Fovnda11on Gardens) Friday, December 10, 1982 5 -D --Mominv---- 8 Al F ra nken a nd Tom Davis will co-host "An Evening at the I mprov" Saturday at 1 a.m . on Channel 4 . c.w·tcOtW·r·.., C.WllCOLWI ; ltt MC ... nll _ ... cwmn~ ..... "" ("'> YOUTH AllDllll __ _.., ~MllAYGI~ PUmLY....U rTCM•Dmm .. ,, .... , --laturclay p -1unc1av----· _Monday ___ _ -Tharsclay • J ot• Montanu, quurU•rhut•k for lht• San Frundsco •l-t)t•rs, will he in the s tarting lint>up for u turday's game against the San Diego Chargers. Dick Enberg, of NBC Sports, will a nnounce a turday's NFL game in San Francisco s tarting a t l p.m .. o n Cha nnel 4 . ??NURSING HOME COSTS?? Do Aft f acllitles Char1e The Same 7 Can Care In The Home Cost More Than f aclHty Care? NO YES Admission to a nursing lacllUy can sometimes be a period of bewilderment and distress. Because patients are encountering a new environment. our stall has been trained to attend to their needs with courtesy and reassurance Whether tor short-term postoperative convalescent care or long-term care tor the chronically 111 or aged, you can be assured that our laclllty maintains the highest standards in the provision of skllfed 24 t1ours nursing care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHABILITATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W /HYDRAULIC LIFT • T.V.'S IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN IN LOUNGE Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care· 1555 SUPERIOR l YE. NEWPORT BEACH, Cl 92663 714/646-7764 Adminis Ir a !Of RAY MARKS Nursinc Direcl0t ESTHER CALDWElL Friday. December 10. 1982 7 -l>ayti11ae Cont. - 10 Friday, December 10.1982 .. .. Christmas t•heer com es from Cart'oll O'Connor. Danielle Brisebois, lt!fl, und De nise Miller o f ""'Arc hie Bunkt!r's Plu•·<•,'' broadcast Sunday!) on C:B , . ( $l WHAT'S UP AMlllllCAI (ti(*) (%J MOVll (TUI. WID) • YAMCAMCOOC Ml (I) THI ....... mwm» ......,. ITWU (II) 11'1) THI PACTI Of LR (II) C.-nll) llCtWID IPE'M A.It. LOI AMQllll MCK~ MVM.LIY CHAM.11'1 AMGILI IOA#WOMJ» Pm!> R.lfTITONI AND.....,. . llu. ITIBT (II) Q (MOM, Ml . llu. ITIBTQ~ntll) ~DONNIJI r£i:E/:, ~COUIQI w.11\M (Ml) (R) ~ OTTD't ~ aM11&AI (llOM) 0 MOVll (MOM, TUE, Ml) .. ~:a.,. n Ci) CHAllLU ~OM THI AUi 1C1111 1:11 n CHl.D'I PUY l·~==-~C:C.Alff(1'l womlf'I OOUl• ldDTUU (WID) CAYrn ..... THI 1C8U (Ml) lllOft (WllMW) ..._.(MOM, WID, llW) TM.OGY: Ma Cl.Al.: T MD 11'1) -r::-~ IWllQDCY . ::-..=v AT1MI llA&L ,.. ....,. 1t:tl (I) Al THI WOMJ» ~ lWIL8ff ziom ... ...., Ofllllm 0¥llllAIY Friday, December 10, 1982 9 -rriclay Cont • .. 8 (I) ntl DWU Of MAZZAll> Boss Hogg 11ies 10 gel Coy. Vance and Enos our of 1he way when he learns of a lreasure hid- den near Havard ( 1 hr ) 0 W T1t1 1'0WER1 Of lllATTMIW fTM While on a held lr•P 10 a marine park. Mallhew picks up an eene cry for help from a sick dolphin t 1 ttr 1 0 llOVIE Miracle Ori )41h S1reer" ( 1973, Comedy) Sebasrian Cabor. Oa111d Hartman An old man r1arned K11s Knngle is hired by Macy's 1r.. play San1a Claus 1n the Thanksg1111ng Day par:ide (2 hrs) 1J !!DJ ~ BPnsnn and an oddly marched pair ot c.ops t1y ro recover hrs belongings when his condo is burgla111ed ~ ntl CHNITllAI LfGDD Of NAIMftll (!) "'~ m , ... lllA~ A v1S1I to calelogup rera1te1 L l Bea11's headquar1ers 1n Marne. an 1nterv1ew w11n N11c;h1111le's lunnr est TV p11chman ti) lllOVll "Se• Ano The Married Woman ( 1977 Romance) .Joanna Pettel Barry Newman A contempe>rary couples mar r1age launders when the w•IP J)ublishes a beStseller (2 hrs ) ® lmDD IAG "Inside Outside" Both sides ot lhe celluloid curtain are e~amined 1n this two·parl senes that oeals with mak i l1lms 1n a closed marke1 (Part 21 -~ .. ·---WAU ST-.r Wiii( "Gel The P1c1ure?" Guest Brenda Lee Landry, 111ce p1es1den1. Mor~Stanley and Company, inc (£) TIC8fTBI ~ lllOVll "Atlered Slates· ( 1980, Sc1- ence-Fte1ton) William Hurl Blair Brown A Harvard sc1en1ts1's genetic s1ruc1ure is altered when he conduc1s mind-expand 1ng expe11men1s w11h 1sola11on tanks and powerful hallucinogens 'R' ( I hr , 43 min) 0 llO¥ll "Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams" ( 1981 Comedy) Richard "Cheech Maun Tllomas Chong Two 1n11eterate polheads appear 10 have toufld their lrue calhng as lhey peddle Ice cream on the streets of Los Angele<> 'R' ( 1 hr 27 min I a. D Q)) T1tl ..,. 000 ~ FelrK turns Into a snob when Oscar and the wt"IOle gang show up at the French 1es1au1an1 he IS~~ i~~ "Charles Strouse" Some lnslghls to the business ol stlow business W11h the composer ol "Annie," "Bye. Bye Birdie." "Applause" and "Golden Boy" w1lh songs sung by Marlin Charnln. Debbie Shap1ro and Allfson Smith (I hr) ••M.L~-"Get The Picture?" Guest Branda Lee Landry, 111Ce pres1d4tnt. Morgan Slanl~ Company, Inc ID PUDll Regularly scheduled programming may be Clel8yed d\Je to pledge breaks CB> llllCMI "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard PryOf. Gene Wlldef Two m6fl are m19taken IOI' bank robbe11 and senl 10 i-11 'R' ( I hr • 5 t min I •azJ -. Nin Cllanma The Nobel Prll" Wiii honOI lhe winnefl ol the wotld's 1"061 coveted •wards IOI 1chlevemen1t i hrt) .. awaal~OITNI,..._ .. T 0 U D.U 1 • "Gr .. 1 P"'10f• merl'.C 10th AnnlverMtY Celebratlon" uoerptt Ir aome of Iha moet memot• ~ "OrHt "9ttf0fmancoe" programa Of 12 Friday, December 10.1982 lhe last decade and 'nterv1ews wrlh many of the talents showcased m the senes are presenled (;?hrs . 30 min ) .. f) (I) DAU.Al J A and Sue Ellen's wed ding ends with lly1t1g lest~ Rebecca give~ Chit thP powcr In l1qht J R on hrs own level ano the new 011 comm1ss1on '" '!,ePIOllPd ( I hr J 0 tl) IUIGHT llmlJI Mi<:hael Kn1yret enrolls 1n a spe1..1a1 srhoo1 '"' cl1aulteurs to lino 11u1 who is d11111tg1ng the" training 10 woulo be a!.sa!>s1n<. ancl ll1tJ11appPrS 11 hr) 1J @) MOW Do11'1 Go To Sleep (Premiere S11spen<;e) Dennis Weavpr Vale11e Harper A. couple''> Pldesr daughter relurns tr om lhe gra1111 .1nd !roes 10 take the l11gh1ened member~ ol her lam1ly back w1lh her one a1 a 11me (:>hr'>) m mlllV ~ Crime· C llf'',IS Trum:-111 Capote Alan ~rst111w11l. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge W1ll1am Keene Culver C11y Ch1el ol Pol•ce T"d Cooke (I hr J 6l) MAKING 11•A•t•H Na1,,1eu by '-Aary Tyler MoorP. lh1-; <;pPf.tal lnnks al wriat many consider 10 be commercial 1ele111 sion·s bes1 e111erta1nn1en1 series Alan Atoa. Jamie Farr Loretta Sw•I Hairy Mor· gan and Wilham Gh11s1opher otler insights on 1he11 show s success ( 1 hr 50 men ) !Cl llOVIE fye 0 1 The Nef>Ole. 11981 Suspense) Donald Suthf>rland. Kare Neth gan Whole on a remote Sco111sh island 10 meet a German submarene an A~•s spy l1nds shelter trom the s1orm 1n the collage of a young ma med c<Nple 'R' ( 1 hr 5 1 min) (£) T°' U. IOllMQ Coverage ot the Tyrone C1awley I Anthony Murray 12- round hghtwe1ght bo\Jt (from the Sands Hotel 1n Allanllc C11y. N J ) (R) (2 hrs 30m1n l ll l llCWS "love And Money" ( 1982. Suspense) Ray Sharkey Ornella Mull A man whose oasslon lor a beautllul woman lead& hem rn10 a web ol 11101ence and mur dffl 'A ( 1 hr 30 min ) (ZJ llCW9 "The Bordef" I 1981 Ofama) Jack Nicholson, Valene Pcmne A Te~as bOrder guard's \/Slues come 1n con111c1 wilh those ol his corrupl co woikers and lhls ==le wile 'R' ( 1 hr 45 min ) .. .:11¥Mmrt~ IAn.AY-.T lnl9IT CITY A seven part drama based on James Plunkell's novel ot Dub lln 1n the turbulent yeors of 1907-1914 if>arl 5) ( 1 hr ) CO) MOVll "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. HOl'rOI') Mellc;sa Slee Anderson, Glenn Ford As murder ~ins chopping away at her circle ol e1111s1 lreends. a p1ep schOOI senior worries that she may be the next \llcllm •• or possibly the klller •R' ( 1 tlr . 48 mln) D NIGi A Mnlle old woman reminds he1 family that a lull end loving PHI can neve1 be talc.an awav ... (J) PM.COit cmlT Rtcherd Channtng outwits Angela when ne learns she is buy· Ing up shorn In The Globe IOI A con11<>1 l~lnler~ U t» T rTal Posing AS a deoeased cllen1 and hi& wife, Remington f!n(j Laure accept a deadly 1111111111100 to a WM!cencj per1y on a tr0f)lc81 Island (I hf.) • .. ,y=.u .. ( 1981, My~le<y) ~rney WMvet. Wllll11m Hurl. A tehm- llon reporter btQomea lnvo!ved with • jan. ftor who mey know m<lf• abOut 11 murdef that he wltnnted lh11n ho It tayk\g 'A' 0 llOVll "The French Lieutenant's Wom· an" ( 198 1. Orama) Me1yl Slteep, Jeremy Irons An alta11 between two actors is par- alleled en tho romanttc perrod him In whtch lhe· two are pedorming 'A' (2 hrs. 5 min) m T1tl V11G11M *II CD TWUINT 10llE ti) M lflllllllfT ... r.l""WCN-• ..... @~l\IW Guest Met Torme ffiJ.,.. ~TID ..V taL The unpredictable Brllish comedian portrays 11a11ous characters 1ncludlng a striptease .~r11s1 clown and a henpecked husband who uses his 111deo remote control to t1eeze-l1ame hrs unbearable wile ( t hr) tll:ll@ lllCMI Brainstorm" ( 1965. Ofama) Jell Hunler Anne Frances A young man de111ses a scheme 10 1\111 hrs lover's hus· band and plead insanity. 1hus risking only temporary commitment (2 hrs . 10 min.) -m THI llMlNQ OF MRMIM ntl lllCMI Cti11stopner Reeve hosts a beh1nd·lhe- scenes 100!< al lhe 1978 blockbuster with trim clips, ~Jllakes and interviews with some 01 the .t1lm's stars 11•1 D IJ CIJ III>&>..,.. IAn.AY-.T . •IUICllOf- 1 M.L •THI PAI& Y *""~ lmDD UO ' Inside Outside" Both Stdes ot the cellulo.o curtarn are ei1amlned 1n this two-par1 series 1ha1 deals wllh mak- ·~ tllms In a Cle>5ed ma1ke1 (Part 21 (CJ llO'ftlf "Cheech And Chang's Nice Dreams" ( t981, Comedy) Richard "Cheech' Maren, Thoma& Cnong Two 1n11ete1a1e polr>eads appear to have lound the11 true calling as they peddle ice cream on ltle streets 01 l os Angeles 'A' ( I h1 . 27 men) (I..) MON "The Emtlc Ad11entu1es 01 Heidi" ( 1978. Comedy) 'R' ( t hr . 29 min) t2J lllCMI "Bring Me The Head Qt Allredo Garcea" ( t974 Adventure) Warren Oates. Gig Young A la1hng piaoo player sels out on a long and bloody trail In Med· co 10 retrieve a veluable head and a $10,000 reward 'IT (1 hr . 52 min.) 11:11 e.i) ~ co.MTl "The Performing Arts Genier A Gift To Ota"Qll County" Guests president James Bentley, eKecu- trve director Len Bedsow. ctlalfrnan ot the trustees Henry Segerstrom. and gotlds chairperson Belly Belden l<>ln Jim Coopef 1~ e CJ) M PACTI A zany ensemble or characters take an Irreverent IOOk al the flood of Information that c<.'1'1fronts us In our every~~· D fl) Host Johnny Carson Guests Roberl Mitchum. Barry Manllow. 111;,J _ ... -.nu. ~-.POarr T'tll..nmm oaeocuu le. ...,_ "Chllrlet Stroute" Some Insight• to tn. butlneM of thOW bU&lnea wtth the~ ot "Annlt." "Bye. Bye Birdie," "Applaute" end "Golden Boy" with aonga aung by M•rttn Charnln. Debbie Shapiro end AHtaon Smith. ( 1 !'% Cl) ..... .,... CID _.. "Thia ts EMt" (1981. Btogr•· l)hy) Oocument•ry Fiim footage Ind dre• metlc ~Ilona .,. UNd 10 I .. the sto- ry ol Elvll Pr..-V'a llte •nd carHf ( 1 hf .. 42 ~ CJll "Hol ~cktll" ( 1'179) Cand4- da =•lie. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ,,...I u:-':•1 t• I 1Q60 M111k..•I) 1•11111 McC.nlHWtV Thu 9"9T~fo.cawr -· T111" Ilium.lo• 111 1111 1 tht · ( 11160 Whu 11 t11 ;io 111111 I .,_..C0191MIY -I I lt1e l..lltH .,, I w KampU<.h"" I ... t"Sl11rn11 ) J•>c;k M1111111111y 011111 rnv~ ... " GD __.Wl.D ~111 ,Ill m111) •••mJlvenlng ilMIL Ml AT CMAUYAUOUA In•• 11q1t .. 1 "lhu'• Wntkt11u 11111 W••r, fl)IOll\Jli 11111 J111k 1t1110111 111;.1111 "'"' uuthrn ~1111ft111111o Oll~tt ( 1011:;> Mut.11111) \luu 111u Mnyo .. G 8 •. '!~ • 1111111 l!iu •,111un ul llio 11111111111 I t1wllu11q1111 0 1H111 Nt!h;o11 (4' 1\11>) ~-Ampl111tu111lr• 111 flull11111 Now v .. 11. (I IH) "r tnnl l'.111qnm11n1' ( tl:/80 (111.r,,nt .... 111 I Oono111e1111 Ou1uld M w 1111111 Ymk ( I HI ..,, • ~ Qm IUllllll MPOIT :10nu11 t A8C ... O <f t •..O W•>1111111", 1,1.1111 •,1111or11 (1111<11 I l l 'A111;11111 !'>1111.,~· 11•1ao '" 1u1" u 1" rA•1... 011111110 11n1y1 crr1 11 111 1 110<)) Willl11n1 Hrnl li11111 H111w11 ( 1 111 4.1 NAWMPIV'I.. IL t lllOVll t~ho.,I '1t111y I 11J81 Huuor) 111111) ..,... .. ~ t 1111J Abhl11f1John11<,w1111n1111 Myk11111011•, W tOl 11111 lJ1111111110 1111111 11•114 .c... <1011111., ~"' 1111101:1111A1u 1i.u ,,.,1k., 111 " Suspenr.o) fl1111 f l.loon, I Ill Cl111udo11 (I ( I eoLI Cov111111111 11t lliu W111lol M1m11 """'" rn1,l11111 uld1i1ly "'"" whll t1h1110 llulll l\f . 50 tnln) r tuy (,llllltlp1011•1111µ (1111111 W.;11IWotlh ,) fl\rtlllllly 1110ryl1lllll1U IJnl 111\)llllllJI ,mtJ IJ e "Th11 0o10111 11001 1>111rn11J JH• k r 11uh:tr10) 11111 t •,o y11111 01t1 ~ r1'11 ir 11 '" '>(> m111 1 NlchOh1u11 V11lt111u PtJ11111u (I 111 Jl!:t IHI IOllllQ M11,h11ol ()11k11•. 11•, M1k11 Zl MO¥ll 'It" All110 I 1'17!>, liomu) min) Wer~2 hri; 30 mrn I Jut111 Ryan ':ih""'" I 11111111 A l11111n<;111u t:ll!CJ • Ca111e Krnu I t9bJ. Wui.111111) Hoo 1$) "S1t1111ct1 Qt Tt1tl Nmth" 11981 tiel>y 1.ornt1fl 11110 lfte wwtd w11h l1111u&. ert Taylor Joan (,aullreld (I 111 , :lO min) A011entu1n) Fllt111 Bu1s1y11 film !>kemll In c.law11 a111J a s11011u 1rr.m1c1d,1I 1111,110(.1 (H) "lh1s Is H~16 ° (19B1. Ou1ur11pt1yt 1919. 11 young womsn'!> marr1t1ge lo 11 PG' 111\t JOm111) lZJ "II''> Ahve ( 197!> Hmrnl) Jor111 lhe wilOu111e!>!> of 11011hu111 <.isnadu Pt. 1111 ...,. Documentary ( t '" 112 111111) 11appt11 lt111d6 hut tu 11 Illa of lu11d'>h1µ 1r1 I ORMGICOUNTYTODAY Ryan, Slla1011'011ell (I hr .IO 1111n, L' "' 35 111111 l ~ a Olt,,. TOWll r e.11111eo •• l(Hlk Ill l:ll{S) "f'all1ng In lovtl Aga111' \ 1080, f>ro Q lllOVll "Th& Passenuor ' ( 1!)l!J, ()111 somt1 models rn11k111y 111011 .11.11111J •lttblll'<, ma) Ell101t Gou10 Su!ltllll\Bh Yo1k (I ht r11a) Jack Nicholson Mu110 'it.11ne1aur A .i 111s11 w11h somu I:!~ c 1ow11" llt1• 1111 111 30 min ) TV 11ewsma11 011 an Alm •• 111 .1<,;,1y11m11111 l ou1s Car1re1 ma) Shm Picken~ M o1k M1llt11 (I h1 JO new ano iJangemui; hie ·pc;· ( 1 tit '19 LAVIMll 6 ~I COWANV rnrn I rn111 I m Olt LA. •(C) "Ch11stma~ Moun1.i1n" ( 1yg 1 D•u· repla1;.es "' look ullko 11110 11t.1 .. Hµur.111to a IO)PAl&YPIUD lLJ "Never Nevo:ir L.1ml (191!1, Dramtt) 6DCOACHllCC>Mmt q)TlCTACDOUOH Perutp Cla111 Ca1111een Nc,stJ•ll ( t h1 1'5 *29&1) "-IDQI -.Alt R11uul.irly •,c.11oduluil lllADAm'llll.ACt min I -µ1ogrnmn1111y rnay tw <1el,1yt•d Oul' 111 YOU AIKID POflt rT <OJ· Ja1.k The <11.int K1ll;;1 ( 19b2. h1111a pted.!:!_e 01eaks '11•A•1•H hrs I 1MM1Y m.10 WA.lt9tGTOlt WUJl If llllV1IW sy) Ku1w1n Malhews. JucJ1 Merce1111\ (? 1::91 fli).... ltGMATIMIE Guest M~·• T11r1110 0 "King 0 1 kings" ( 1!:16? Orama) Joi AUCI l llOVll "Heid<" I t97'l Ad11e111ure) A trey Hun1e1. Rot>en Ryan (3 h1~) ~ CfTY A S•'ven pnn 01<1111.i you11g g111 is 1>1ouyh1 tm111 htu grundla Cl) "Moscow OOe!>n'I Ueheve In Tews' based on Jamil:. Plunkell"' novel ol Dub ll1ur's Al(lone homu 111 lovtJ '"the t1ly (I (1980, Comedy) Vf•1.i Ate11tu11a AleltP1 ton 1n 11\e 1u1bulen1 ye.tr'> ul 11l07 1914 hr '.l31111n) Ba1alo11 (2 hrs ?'> 111111 1 (Pan 5t ( 1 he ) <Oi llOVll r nole!>S I ove · ( 198 1, ll:llOU "Morch Of H ie Woooen Sotd11~1 s" I ~/~MJl'Oflt'T nr1111;111co) Brooke> Sh111l<.b. M;;nin Hew111 ( 1934. Fa111asy) ~Ian l dUIOI. 0111101 Hao 7• CM.... A I/ )1881 UIU'!. OlJ~e!.SIVl1 love IOI hlS 1& dy ( 1 h• . 15 m111 I .C... yNt• old g1rlh1end ll:lad'> 10 parental con .. (L) "Your Tu1n, My l u111" ( 19/9, Diam.it NAlf'YDAYIAGAIM lli<:ls alld 11aget1y R 11111 55 rn1n) Marlene Jobell Ph1l1pµf' I eota1d (I ht MIC ... 0 Q';) llOVI! 'G11ls tln Thu I oose" ( 1958 40 min) , .. ltlAGAJm A v1s11 10 ca1atoguf! Mys1e1y) Milla <.ma.Jy Ma1k R1chmo11d l:ll(C) "Belle Srnri· ( 1941, WestPtn) C.enti 1e1a1le1 L 1 Bean's heaoquar1e1s 111 A gany 01 lemale lh1evf's carry 001 an Tierney. Ranaolptl Scull (?his) Maine. an mle1111ew w11h Nashville's lunn• plauora1e $?00.000 he1~1 .mo a11emp1 10 (0) "C1t11en Kane" ( 1941 01ama) 01son esl TV pr1chman silence une ol ll\1;111 weaker members Welles Joseph Co11en (2 l\1s J O IOU whom they leel may tlt.:lray them ------==--=-~~~--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiii---~iiiiiiiiiiiilm.i~iiiiiiiiiii, NEW JAPANE E RESTAURANT TH\ Ill H DAil.\ "'l .. t-:C :IAI. t:nJllY T .. riy•k1•T,.111µura "'hu•hi bar l'"'PMN'd b• uur f•nl-Ou• Japan~ I hrf •ft.t.f"r •...,in~ •'°'o k.- Now Open For Lunch Mon.·Frl. 11:30 to 1:30 Dinner from 5 p.m . Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~gistt JAPANESE RESTAL'RAN1' 3840 E. Coast Hwy. Corona def Mar 673-3933 t I• e.tl •• .,, .,, "' •• "'°"'"'"•I .I 1 ·-l•l t•t+ I I\\ f t'+ . " .. ,. '" ,, '• .t A·luJ •• -·I .. , '°" • IO"•••"' i ~ ~ '•''•'' • ~. _. • 4,••1•· .,. "•· • ,., "• -. •• • I\" • l\,Jo"' ..... • • •• •• t ............ ,., """'' ••• "'\1. i • • l"I ftf • f' I ti • -Ill tt ,..,..., e ~-.u • # ,.. oJ•" IJtt,. 'It 1f,l•i11,I ;lit ,ft, •C••"ll tl,.!tw-• ~•·"""""" ,,..._,._ ..._, ...,. ..U.-'1(d '""'" IOW ' • ~ I •"" "'-~ 1.,U Friday. December 10, 1982 11 -rriclay Cont. Z CHAM.El CHAl9'l.IN ON THE FUI ICOE 2:91 H VIDEOMDOX WO I (DNEWI E VIC'S VACANT LOT l"I Z MOYIE Th., f'"' ,,., ! 111 I I or 11r t J.tl t-Ntt.r \/.1 •·H 'I'll Ht' A r. •.t I 111 I :11 flt111 f \11\ 11 I 11• ir f lju t will U u'~i _., tw. • 'Iii~ 1 w•H•,;tr uut h i. lltdh""fl,111 '1< >A'll,• $( ( 1 111 P 1 t111'1 I ~10 S MOVIE P11•11.-M 1111 1\11 11 A H w I 1971 Mt .h.,yJ H , • H•u! ·'"' l\t•1)11 f.l1t l-1n•.111 A J\H l.11u 1•1111111.1•l1•1 ,,., 111111 11' I bt•\i-, f 11•1 l' '•' 11t).'I lh•itUIH••,. N1lflii.t_. """'" .t , .. ,, h,., ,,,c , ,,, If,. r.1pt.1·" ,, ·~ ,, ~ t"1p f l' ll"t 'Y • I ., •• , I (' tu·r•I •f ·••1• I 01ll•roy· H I I I 1 J. r• tr t:a H ITANDtNO ltOOll ONl Y fl1•1l '••••11 .r P•P .,nl', f tP<l<1y Thi" fr1'Pl1J,11J .. r ( '""1 '1 l.t'1 rm111t•r VH1(.l•f1f Pt1t.:P CHIU h1H .. , •• () .. ( )(.,.\ U ~r.11 Wiii\ n"ot '>• l'ltrHI •t• llir• .lo •l y .,1 rrpdJy r rt'E'l11,1()1•r <, lr1JI ,,r1ol 1111>111,\ lllJfl• 1~ '"° ~)1,•rt"' .j r1c•l1tldy tJH'lUPt t:al) MOYIE A C• •''"•" 1 w .111 fH>.1lh ( 19b7 My~tPry l (11 "11 M.1ha1t·. L.1111.1 -Saturday -·Morning ___ _ HI ([J U.1. FAM! lllJIO«T r( "°"11C8CTDI Z MOYIE Bung Mo• Thp Hf>ilel 0 1 All'•' I G.::irc1a 111:)74 A lv"nturr1 oN 1111 • Oate'> Goy Y 11r q ' I ' r ' 2 rno1 I .. @ llOW£JI ltOOll "ts <Cl MOYIE Ct1pµ<,t1 An1t Cr.,,n9 •, Norr• 01Pams" ( 1'18 l (.r11111•dyl H11 I'""' 'l.hPPCh Ma11n Tr.1111 .. 1, illrn11~ (I hr 27 min I SC.018" Cf) Tl4E WOM.D TOMOMOW CD IPlAl OUT (;) fllO¥ll The f ,,., <:.' l ·1•11!1 o.lt I <. Wonr an' ( 1'181 01;ima1 MM ,1 <;111•P1J IPrPll"r' Irons (2 nrs 5 mor. , lcJI TMA T Ga .. CAPTa.~ llllEl)llITT ~ARAIM TllM TAU( 'Rape MXt1••11D MIW'IMAKIM QOODDAYLA. IATUllDAY llON9tO ~ .... ) ~ .,., ·ice Hor..~c>y Checking" Cue<;t Roll Cleary H111varr1 coach (RI (H) MOY11 'Onn t ( ry II'<; Only Thunder ' 11982 CJra•nil) Oorn11s C11r1stopt1e1 Susan Saint Jamw. ( I hr 50 mrn ) <OJ llOY11 Pripcy1) ( 1'l80 Comtidyl Robin W1lham5 Shellf'y O\IY&ll ( 1 nr 54 min) .. FALL Of IAGUI ... cot.LHI IAMITUU M'°"1 (II) .. l"MAT'ICAT 'ACUITT'IM MOWllO YIAMI YOIC8 '11 AClllllCtJl TUM '«¥YAGI ~cu~• ._,.,.,, .... ,...,.,.. &.-A llAIC.ll Titl HIAOl W l 1S8 needs a gooo headll™I for her newspaper but her first big 5COOP IAnde her In 11 heap ot trouble MCI)~ ... "IOe Hocl<8y 1'4 Friday, December 10.1982 Devon A Sy1T1µathet1c young 1uoge strug ~les with a puutonQ murder ca5'1 (2 h11. I E ~ flllOf'\.f II "°"'1 M C MOYIE Improper Channels t 1'181 Comedy) Al;in Arion Mariette Hartlr>y A """es '-'' rn1i.unelPr'itand1nys c.ause!> d ',(,, .. ,1 N111ke1 '" suspect the !> yea1 oto .1.1uy111"' "' <l c.epa1alet1 couµle1'> thf> v11 lorn ol c.lulel ,JbUSP PG' ( 1 hr 3:> 1111n) MSI) MOYIE · lne D1<w1ppear.c1nce 01 A1n1•'C ' t 197& 01,1ma1 f .iye Dunaway BPlle [ 1.1v1<; A 1J1!",l11Cf altorney l11es Ill provf> rn;ir ttw 1q~1;, k1Un<1pp1ng • '01 evange1o·.1 A1•11rr '>l"mplf' McPherson was r>'ally ;i r •'"? I• t1>1 eal ii romanr.c. t•y'>I (;>hr'> 1r, nun J 0 MOYIE "'" King Or Marvin Garden· · ( 19/? (Jr.tmaJ Bru1..e Dem Jack N1ct1ol ,,1n fwn 1lrolhe1s, trustri114>l1 w1111 lhP11 hve~. Cltt•:im tll r1>t111ng 10 a 11op1c..il Piilil d1!>e ( 1 hr 45 rn1n 1 UO ® CARTOOMI m MOYIE 'Bury Me Dean" I 194 7 Hnr 10<1 Marlo, Daniels June Lockhart A P11si.1ng And Receiving" GuPst OotJ Johnson (R) 1•1 DUITY'I~ fD THI PUfTITC*E NM1t ... UllWml @) IUf w J&Jl)I Cl) lfTllllA noew.. !QM 0 DAVIY AWJQOUAnt (!) awl Alme) (DLATWTl90 ~""'""'°" YOQA fOR NIAL nt r l llllOVll .. A Ch11s1mas C<11ol .. 1 •9'> t rantasyl Atasta11 Sim KalhlP(>n Harn-,on ( 1 ho 30 min 1 E 1 VIC'I VACANT LOT $ llOYIE 'F100ler On lhe Root' ( 197 I Musrcall l opot No1ma Crane (i' hr<, '>9 m1111 1 ZJ MOYIE Ou1cas1 Qt The Islands ( 195? DrllmO) RobPrt Morley fialph Richardson ( 1 hr 40 rr11n ) mMY NI@ llOYIE .. The Blue Ma,. .. ( 1966. Ota ma) Georgl:' PeppAr(l, James Milson (3 hrs. 30m1n J 7~1'AWJAW• G) THI_., TAI.II Dll..aoe'* ®J '~I umJ M8CAU I lllCtll ~ 15.E:_. ~'"'"'°'(IQ llO¥ll "Modern Problems· ( 198 I Comedy) Chevy Chase, Pattt D' Ar ban· .. IVll~r~~ llO¥ll ~Tenderfoot, Ride" ( 1938, Wa:oT~e Autry (I hr ) IU.llAM IDMMIOI.._ IAnlmAY-~ ' • c Mt...,"°"' M\19 8'0llT A sclentlfle 111plorallon of at~tto ~rtorm~mce which can •id e1h- letu 111 1&r~i':l!r}r ~ame. (Al CH) ..,. u• dmlTIMI Fifty new Muppetl •r• ln trociuo.cs lo e heart•wumlng If()()' Ab()ut tf'\9 love -... wea1tny young y11I marked tor e.:1erm1na 11011 .ippedo!> at her own tunoral ( t ho 30 min) ~ NF\. Q.u. Of THE WEB (II) 0 ltOYIE ( ndtess Love ( 198 1 RumdnCeJ Brooke Shield!. M;1111n Hewitt A 17 yf'a1 010 s obsessive tovl' ''" tu!> 15. yea1 010 g111t11enel leaus to p1.11f>n1a1 con· fflcts ano rrageoy 'R ( t hr , 5& nun ) .as ® l£TWllN THE L..-1 '='° H MOYIE S111 Crazy I 1'180 Comedy I Roc.h.Jrd Pryor loe11e W•ldPr Two m1>n ."lie rnostakPn l"r bank robbe1s and <.er11 10 1a1t R ( 1 hr ~I mrn J '=15 C1J IUYIJtl F09UI di(!) TI9Ef ICOM I CCW19TY CAL.emAlt . E WI iJfifOIU ('II) t:a5 @ VIQITAllf ~ t"5 (!) CARTOOMI -~l MOYIE "Falling In I (lvt.! Again ( 1980 01ama1 flltmt Gould, Susannah York A man goos to hrs high school reunion 1n the oeltef that he can relive the good l•me!> ot the past PO ( 1 hr . 30 min ) between ;1n otter mother and her son O, 11U'1 VDY OWN CHNITllAI ITOflY A '"P to Sw11zertano becomes an e11c1t1ng adventure for BenJI and his froenos when they me+>I t<11s K.rongte m fllOVll Free For All" ( 1949 Comedy) Ann Blyth Robert Cummings ( 1 ho 30 min) ea I KDIWOM.D (1]) PAe.flWf IUQI 1U11tt I ROAD ...... o no. no WOfl..D °' ~ ~ YOYAGI TO Titl IOTTC* Of THI llA NOGM'llBOU )llO¥ll .. The Concert For Kampuchea .. ( 1980. Mus1ca11 Paul McCartney, The Who ( 1 hr 20 min I 1 !;) Ila ICMOOl. Trps for better skung (Filmed al Krlllnglon. Vt J IA) 10JOllTitlTWILntDAY Tt10 lavorote Chrost· mas carol is brought lo the screen .. l awut CIWllP\JM Oii THI fl.II IClm .. (I) Wl TOOAY WVlrTTOmAV9 ~ .,._ lme'f /LA~ I lt9UY Tm TMJC .. Unde1p11veleged .. .... ..aim• -.TAllCUY ... MAML.I • l'OQM Oii IOQIT'f WL um Off nt1 Wllll ( llO¥ll "Flesh Gorcron" ( 1980, Sci ence·Fiction) Sam J Jones. Ma>< Von St,dOw ( t hr , 50 mrn ) CO) llO¥ll "Fiddler On The noof" ( 1971. Mus.oal) Topol. N0<ma Crane (2 hrs , 69 min) O lilOVll "A Ch11stmas CarOI" (1951, Fantasy) Alastair Sim. Kothleen H1m lson ( 1_ hr . 30 min ) (.Z) llO¥ll "Moscow Doesn't Belleve In Tears" ( 1900, Comedy) Vern Alentova, Ale11e1 Batal~r~ , 25 min.) .. 8 (I) Wl Phlledelphla E11gtes at New YOt'lt G'8nta ~l'lra ) I ~.:"'...:f'' ..... =-~~ltl'IOUI A Sllll" (1955. w .. tern) Kirk Douglas. JellOM Creln (2 hr•.) • flll ••••M•ll•• _..,. MIL P1yoh~ltt Ro~ Flrntone Iha,... hi• obMN•llon• on 11 group ot tllmltlee and lrlendl wtlO N li.d 1round tf'\9 world on an 85-foot •Wtl l MOYll ll111ly llu•I t IUll I tiu111..,1t•1tl W111111111 llutl l\allll1tull h1111u1 A t.1111•111111111 11111111• h1wym II• l'"'"""''"'t hy 11111 l1t11h1 hi 1111111Jer flril f1111.lh1111t It (I lu l>b 111111) ,.. I INTUT......, TONIQNT (fQ) TMI UIT W()M) lllOYll C 11111ly S11111<.h11111 ' I ltt/4 S11·.p!!111ou) l1ll1111y 1\111111111 r11.,., 1•1111111 A '"litpli\ '"""" ·~ fl•""'""'"'' tly •1(•11111111 1111~111111y (wo,t'> 111 luh• (:.> 111 •1 I I MIWt IM>Ctl COCUT LOW, AlmlCAlt mu MOYll ·cu111ol knowto11uu l I'll I Ot&lllll) J6Ck N1(f1oto,l)ll Allll Mo•u••• Two ,01111yt1 l11&11th .r;pc1110 ttoverttl ye11r~ ll810re Ulltl llflar urudUISllOll UIM;OYlllln\j flit by 1h11r1119 1111c1 •w1tch1ng H eh Olllt r'1 i 111end1 H ( I hr 37 min ) ,.. MOYll G1bbsv11te Tne Turntny 01n1 Ot Jim Malloy" ( 1976, Orama) Olg Younu Bill MCGUlfe A young man who ha' 11lw11yi. Otten 1n trouble lurn!I ovc• a new ledf wr1en he I"'"~ Ille repor11ng stall ot 11 ~mall· town newspaper (I hr 40 min l 1111118 G) ICTV NrTWOM The !>LTV reperto •y pldyar:. p1esu111 the11 ver!.1011 of "The Towermu 111lt111111 ( l n1 30 1111n ) 8 TOM COTTU: lW CLOll (!) ltOYll A Yilnk In fl;a RAf ( 1941 A011t1111u1t•I Ty1u11e Power Betty Graore An RAr ll•e• .~ 11urn1Jled alter 10111111g tne ~rv1ce tu bt' nuar ''"Old llama I~ nr:. ) Q) LOW, AlmlCAlt ITYU 12) ITM91T CITY II -;evcn·pllfl dfam;i b11sod on Jilfllt!S Plunl\ell s novel nl 01,b 1111 '" the tu.iwi.nt v••1• ul 1~7 1014 t IOOU..IAIUTUU __, f•rl b) \I hi ) I ) !ICC ••t& -.0 • ::::rtl>llf\U lttilel 11ng1 '"J•11••'• tltrf' otllc:I Olhet h1t1 111 ., 11t1tlo1manca l10tn lht r1•w lJ111var l<l1I Arr1µhllh<rllllO lit I OM A11g11fat1 It t11 10 r11111) tl:il l Cl 110Y11 "Cc!lllll"111llu• (ll A l'op l'ehJrrn 111" ( 1£175. Cv111111Jy1 n()bln A~kw11h Anthony IJ001t1 A •tN.k r•' rl')ll ~1111 fine!~ plttnly ot rorn1111t1c.. dC..llllft wt11lu ''" 111111 (I IH . JO min I 1• 1 MmlCA't TOP 11lt In.I LCMelM (Pen ~) I I 11r I __,~TOMIHT ,..,... llOVll .. Beyond Bell•' · ( t976) Oo<;u· mentery Ver1ov1 men11111111on1 ot the pe11no1mel. including faith hH llng, rein carnation end telepathy. art ltudfed (I hr 30mln I Cl) OOll Co11erege of tho World Match Play Champ1on1hlp (from Wantwon h. England) (A) ( l hr ) CQ) lllO¥W "Prince 0 1 The Clly'' ( 198 t D111m1) Treat Wllllema. Jerrv Orbach CZ)llOYll •·Kee11e T1ppel'" ( 1975. Orama) Mon1Que Van Der Ven. AutQer Hauer 1:11 (ti) llOYll ·Final Ass1gnmenr· ( 1980 Otama) Genevl8ve Bu1otd. Michael York 1:118 MOYll ··Petuha" ( 1966. Ofama) Jul10 Ch11s11e. George C Sco11 A memed worn an falls 1n lo11e with anothe1 man, but cJec1des to patch up her marriage alter her husband beats her (2 hrs ) 1• ~ = "The Best" fComody) A Ou1.· 11111 t.r>unlly y11I tun 1.JINI ~llS ICH ~la In Ill• big I.II)' 'fl 11 hi • ,,, min ) ,... llO¥ll The WcJ Couple (I DO& om•UY) J11tt. I 1t111111c111. W11lt•r Mattllatl Two dlllllltl'l!l 1111111 wllh c;unllk;llr\\j purl()(1 1111111111 ttix.1<10 tu 11linrh 1m ap111tn1ct111 hi Nuw York City (:I""• I 9 llOYll I 1'111 llordttr" ( 19li I, Uu'lmat Juck NIChOlbUll. VUIOllH J.Je111no A T1x.11 bOrde11 u1111•1J'1> v11111eli como tn conlllet with lho!IO u l 1111; corrupt e,o wOrktre ano 1111 mo1tt11nl111ttc. w1f11 ·n· (I hr , 4b 111111 I •11 L wac MIWt ow-.n M llOVll "One Minute To /.e10 ( 1962. Ad11enture) Ann Blyth. Roti.rt Mitchum A &urprnio enemy etteck 1n1e11vp11 • COIO- nel'1 rom1nce with a cl\llflan during the Korean War (2 hll ) (I) AUTO u.CM Coverage 0 1 lhl NAS· CAR ln1e1n11t1onal SecJans (llom North WllkHbOrO, N C ) (A) ( 1 hr ) "l:tllC) ltOY1I "Chomplon 0 1 Death" ( 1977, Adva111ure) Sonny Chiba Aller klltlng • mobatar a martial art& ei1per1 1e111e1 brlel· ly betore taking on a score or hired HUI· 11ns 'A' 11 hr , 22 min I t:a(]) llOYll "Master Minos .. ( 1949 Com• dy) Bowery Boys. Leo Gorcey The Boys t>ecome involved wrth a crazed scientist who conducts a..cpe11men1s with en epe- man ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ( L l MOVll ··so10·· I 19 78, Ofamj) Vincent Gil. Pe11y Armstrong A f1e1ce1y 1naepend· ent Australian woman who works as a 101 est ranger oecomes 1n11olvecJ with a fire pilot (2 htS ) ~ (f1.) WOM.D AT LAllQI CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK Allied Lighting Is By Or. Gary Baranoski BACt\ACllE HELIEF \ li,.,chh' lo1•d1 1 .. •c111• \\Ith J l""l"'lh ,1llj.:fl••d •p111~I 11111111111 I .i1 t 11• 1 ', , dd,-• rn.ut.ituu.: I• u111 'uur ... }""'' 1 Jr rt•'' "011w \1111 llllH 11111 II• ••• "111.111 ""fl"' r , .... · ••. c ··1.1111Jlt· of II•'(\•···· 111 I .111 "'"'' 11h 1 .. 111 ·· "''" ''"''" '"" "·''" •• ·11111,1l 111".1l1f!lllllC'lll \ 111_ 1 • • 11 t• pu 1lliun• l\••r1tlt1.1•'}t .tll"'••, 111•t1i11 •11r pH llf• •fl 1\1• , ... ,,,. 1},,,, l1•,a\•' ltu 'f'IH.1l 1·u1tl d1t1••1 ... h ,,, ..... 11 1i: l" l\\t'• •• 1111 \1·11t·1'r.u· l ft1f1t tu•d tWr\•, \u .11lpi l111t rd 111 Ip , "'" 1 r .111d 11tu111.1li1•· tl11~ 11upt1tJ!_t'd 1u•r\1• up11h '"''" d li1111 111111 t ••f111th 111 lh•• 11f~,1ft tit t'\,tPI rahn to 1tw t ••1•11 fl •d ''"' ru,tl fl•'''·· 1n1pul ........ ( .hff•'• lt11c. 'J11n~d fftlll\..tl1~rurw111 1.111, .. 1,,.,,.1•1111l•il 111il.i l111~ 1i.,.~.11hr·' '""r d11111prJrtor 111:11 .cl•11 ll!!j:<' 1 •rltr ,1 1<1111•1. l•111f••,.,l11.11 h 1111·1!11.111011. rrr 111t1r111011al '"'m·r·l1111. '" 11• 111 •lr "11~rl..-11 ·tr• I• It .mol l1Jl.111• •· \11111 '!'""" t ,• .. t11r111t. tt I •t'd '"" t liJ lw . .lil, f 'rt'•• t It •I 1• 1 • \ '' t' I• I h• • ~tlllflltlllll \ I•\ ,/r. ,l:a ry ba ranoski c llll«>l1HJ\C l<>R ( 7 I a ) 675-:1492 2345 E Paetfic Coast Hwy .. Suite D. C<lfona del Mar JI Your hom~town full servlc~ lighting unt~r We are Southern California's Most Complete Selection of Ughtf ng At Competitive Prices. * Over 100 Unes In Stock * We Repair All Makes ot Lamps * Installations * Over 20 Ye<1rs Serving Southern California's * See Our Complete Selection of Ceiling Fans Ughting Needs. * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures COME IN AND BROWSE You w o n 't believe our selection, you·11 love our prices and our very helpful sales people. _f_- AllIED lighting Hour~ Mun Fri 8·1'> Wtd til'I \.11 A·'> JO C IOst'Cl Sun 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa fac1os~ from Nurstryland NurseryJ 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, December 10, 1982 13 -Saturday Cont. HI U ftEXBID IPECIAU T "' R 11 I'"' I 1fll,,, t ,h. I 111, ri , (,(J. VII p l it t y f t If 1 ' /1 J • 1 I I I Sldl'lill nr. 1R1 .) 0 AQHT FOR IURVTV Al 0-oJ MOVIE fro ~r·• II 11r•·• tl'l·ll (.QmP•1 /I fi t II f 111 " " I I I "" I r11s) ® ttc»u.1'\Ml I ,.,, ... 1 M l I I "I II' Ell) 1N11DE IOIMU TOOAY H• w I• ',1•11 The Yfe" ,..h1fhl~Pf .r i ,,,, Jt I " I ' t,p t;s,fj1I lf-"d llt • tr ! I lo sell atm11.,,1 1nylt ,, •J I! lt,111 I •• II,. 'Iii ai) AMENCA: ntE IECOMI> CENTURY 0 MOVIE A If •• N••• t Al • I • 'U Horr H> t ''"J.t M•lh·• • .111 • ,, ··pr "" 1, tu 48m111 I s' MOVIE M.1 I" , "' I '1t1 r: '" ' flYI Ann M 1H11t1•I I 111 l1111r,f.1n I I t1r 4(1 111111) m MOVIE My M •• , , ••• i11,. , , 111 "r Cc1rt1f'Oy J W1lhi1 r ~ 1wt•I~ ( '"•II• \ 1t11 oa10 1;> h1<; t t:ll 0 AMENCM LUC>l f AND (fl ttOGAN'I HEIOEI ~ lmXED l.4Q lt1<.1 lo I ,t ,1 )I' tJl)fll ~ld(>c; 01 f"P (.(1llUl:-11(1 r t1 '1t1I .llf' l.,.AfUf\1nf•d 111 this lwo par I <;ertl" l"·•I dPrtl·. wtt11m 1> i 111ms 1n a c1c1sr ·:I •n,1r•"1 tr .• n :'t · nrmrt WOMIMOft • Mm!ICA: Tlll IECOMI> CEJITVRY c MOYIE A (,t.11• llll.1•. I ,, ,, f t 'l:i I r ant.l <;yJ Ala t .. ,, ~ ... ~ ,,.,,,.,., H I 11'.I r It hr JOmrf' t t:ll@ llOTORWED U USTRATID •IJ MOVIE Tr· "' "''I ttr ... 1 I 1 II I• Ot;inia} S1dno yr '" flrot I ll.iroe ,, I hrs I U MOYll ,onnwlul J11to" t •ll..S'• i~~~~I' l 111 tll•• fl.ill (,'ho ii MOYIE ftp "I • I >I I< ,. I 11 jr·• ( 196!> Weslel 1 I I r W1ly'"' I >11 Hl M II 11n (;> nrs) ti) ~ 1r11 Bo l'ol f I 1111 ,01) O()(l f .1111 oms 1 JQ'l:1 c;, "'"' ,. r" l•••"I ~'.1111o1 rt1~ rnond, Pa1•I Ch11't1.111 1.• hr. J @ IOMQ WNTtM I l1.11lw '''"'"'"' · Some 1rl'S•Qhtc:. 1r. tht• h~1· .. uw',·, "' '"'lu1w 1.lus1ness wlfh llw t 1 ir1 •fl'>""' nl Ann11 · Aye. !lye B1rc10• · llpf\l.111~ .11111 'Golden Roy w1111 '"'"ll """Q t•v M;ir1111 Charnm Of>ntm• <.:.h.1p11<r .1r11i Alh' .. 1•1 Smith (1nr1 ES ~· .. ....CM All'T -l,lt'nfl ' Goodacre" The ilwattl wu1111ng o;c.,1p1111 whose work rellf'c '" lull wPSlfltn herrlil!lf' l~roltle4l Alexan(Jf'r Sc1)11ttly n.:111.:111>s ~-~ tLJ llOV1l 'Rot.Jin find MA11an' 1197fi Romance) Sn,111 < nnnNy fluurey Hrp burn ( 1 hr . d'• 1111n ) .. @ WMITUIG MIG ~TllT ll'Ofrrt LIQOl)I .1111111 Wooden" Host Reg~ J:u.kson I ~=~ llWIMQll'OWIJI WIUIWOflLD 1110V8 "Fh:ish C.111111111" t t11n(), <.:.et ence-nctron) Sam J 111111,q. Mn>-Von ~Clow ( 1 hr . 50 min I lZl llOV1l 'f.h(lor h l\nrt < to1mu " Nir" Ore11ms" f 1Qll1 C<1mnc1yl n1<h.1111 "Cheech M11rr11 Tl111rrn•., C.hong ( t llr 27 mtn) -1 TAU AIOUT ..en.a 9'.MAUZll8 ITAR1'm MON "Golden D11lgon, Slh1e1 Sn11kt" ( 1979, Adventure) Ot8QOI\ l ~f' Johnny 1e Friday, December 10. 1982 Ch.ln 12 hrs ) @) Tlll IM>CUOM> FUI @ I~ CfTY A seven parl drama lta!'.Pd on J.1nw<. Plunt.eu·s novel ot Ouo '" 1n the nin>uton1 years of 1907 1q 14 tl'.111 5) I I nr I ID lfl'CtllKD'I QlJmf TO Tlll cw.AJY m NEWtCDmJ1 ftECl' m nmeGFOR A~ ·C MOYIE "Gorky" ( 1972. Oramil) Roberl lildkt! Cnarlolle R:impling 11 hr JO non ) E WO«T1COTO 6 MOVIE f •ClOler On The Root ( 1CJ1 1 M1Nt.illl Tor101 Nnrma Crane (I ht'> '>q n111n) S , HOU) E Paul Dooley is teillurec! on ttu~ two ac:t play by Jules fpofler dPp11 tinq ti•" 1nstab1lt1y ot urban Ille 11 hr l'> rr11r1 , 0 MOYIE 1 he> A~µhall Jungle I l!J'IO. Su:;pen<;f!) Sterling Hayden Jame~ Whll rnore (2 hrs ) Et) llEAl UTA n: '"°' l1 ~af:i.E+AU 7 Olf LOCA T10lf (!) AT Tlll MCMla §j! :,,.www ~TO Tl4l cw.AJY ~ nmeG'°"A~ SM 1J lOMI WIJll'I _,, Wl.DllllEll 8 IWDIM ~Y90QI( D HAPPY DAYI AQAlt U WIDf WOM.D CW ~ Sch1>d11ted overage of tl'le Ratael "BalOOka" l 1mon 13obby Chacon 15-round WBC o;uper fPalherwe1ght ChamptOnSh1p bOUI (from 5acramenlo. Call!) CO\lerage ol lhe World Mororcycle<; On Ice Champ1onsh1ps (from lnzelle Wost Germany) (I t1r . 30 """I ; ll'A'l'M OCIOCOUPU ... m COUIQI .,..fl9AU Georgetnwn vs; V11g1n1a (3 hrs ) «l)IOUl>OOlD @ DMMI Q.AmNVWW ® NMO ~YIM IUML'f nlll ~y TOQfTMlll Three generations of New Orleans pianists <;how how rhe croa1111e pxchange Is made teatu11ng lsldOfe '"Tuts' Wastunglon. Henry "Prof~ Longhair' Byrd and Allen R Toussaint ( 1 hr 30 min I Eil) "-IDGI -.AA Regularly scheduled ~)rogramm1ng may be delayed due to pl~e breaks G) ml IOWl Kansas S1alf! w 1tdca1s vs W1scons1n Badgers (from Shreveport, La.) (3 hrs) m Tlll Y~ GIAMTI Loretta Sw11 narralf'S 11 documenlary on the dangers tacing 1rie wQfld's whale populatlOO and steps betng laken 10 aid In their survtvet (E) llllPIM-=t IOWL Kansas State W1tdce1s vs Wisconsin Baclge<s (live trom Shreveport. Le) (3 hrs.) tl.l ~ "Foul Play" ( !978, Comeoy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase ( t hr . 55 min) (2) llO'ftl "Outc98t 01 The lslanrts" ( 195;>, D1ama) Robert Morley, Ralph Richardson ( 1 hr , 40 min ) m llO'ftl "Appointment FO< Love" ( 19.C t. Comedy) Charles Boyet. Margfl- ret Sutlavan (2 hrs ) ... M_,._MllC81MUT S111 Olymplc s11a1•a. 1ncludlng John Cutry al\d Dorothy Hemlll. Join the Jojo Starbvck and other wOfld·clase skaters fOf a per· formance ot thl• deOghllul tee bt1llel based on Hana Chrltltlan Anderun's claaslc taliy tale ( 1 hr . 20 min.) ...... ._ ..... R ~ a--.n a COWAllY iE ~Q( aAll.EnAU De Paul ''s Wes1ern Michigan (2 hrs ) @) WI)( WORLD CW .oRTI Scneduted roverage of the Ratael ''8A1001\;i" l 1mon 1 Bobby Chacon 15 rouno WBC super tea1hrrwe1yht cnamp1onsh1p bout ltrom Sacraml'nto, C;illt ) . coveraqP ol the Wnrlo Motorcycles On Ice Chllr11p1onsh1ps (from lnn•lle Wt!St Germany) ( 1 ht 30 m111 1 @ NCAA ..-El9AU OrNJrll Garne" Ge0<ye1own Hoyas vs V11g1nra C;ivahers (2 hrs JO min) ai) Tlll _,., OUEEt All a IAUET S11 Qtymp11. 5katers 1nclud1ng John Curry and Dorothy Hamill, 10.n tht> Jo10 'i1t1rb1Jct. Mld u1n1>• wortd-ciass s1<atcrs tor a rer- lormanc" c..l this del1ghltul ice b.1llPI bAsed on Hans Ch1rst1ar1An<tersen's1.:tass1c lairy tale ( 1 hr 45 m111 I C llOYIE r or Youi Eyf>S Only' ( 1981 Advenluref Roger Moore Topol (;> hrs !. min ) ~ ~ OT1IJl't AIO-&t., CHMITllAI r1tty new Mupoets are introduced 1n a heart w111m1ng story about the love belwPen an 011er mother and her son --•Elivening •11 (1)C81 ... me.,,. 0 llOW The Winds 0 1 Autumn" ( 1975. Adventure) Charles B Pierce. Earl E Smith An I I year-Old Quaker boy sets out across lhe grasslands ot Montana to avenge h1s family's deaths (2 hrs ) G IUT cw lmlllQHT INCIAI. (I) ~ ·1nwa11on To A Gunt1ghte1" ( 1964 Western) Yul Brynner George Segar A gunfighter •S h1red to ktll an out- cast returning 10 his Western town (2 hrs) $) .,~ 'Modern Problems ( 1981. ComE>dy) Chevy Chase Pallt O'Arban- 111lle A hople-;s 011 trattic conuouer with numerouc; personal problems is endowed with telek1r1et1c powers oiler being doused wllh nuclear waste 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 0 lllO¥I! "Ac1oss The Great Divide" ( 1976. Adventure) Rober1 Logan, Heath- er Rattray Two orphaoed ch1IC11en set out alone across the Rocky Mount91ns tn order 10 claim a lerm in Oregon which they lnheuted (2 hrs ) .. m Pl8IQI -.AA Regularly scheduled programming may be delayed due lo ;cg breaks .. I~~ seven-part drama based on James P1unkett's novel of Dub- lin in lhe lurt>Ylent years o f 1907-1914 ifert 6) ( 1 hr I (HJ .wll "Modttrn Problems" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Peth O' Arban- vllle A hapless air traffic conlroller with numerous personal problems ts endowed wnh teleklnellc powers alter being doused with nuclear waste 'PG' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ... TMI NUTCMC*D Mikhail B11rystin1kov sta11 In this American Ballet Thet11re pro- duction ol the enchanting hOllday story about 11 young girt whose Christmas Eve dreams t'no)ure up dancing toya &nel bet· tllng toy Goidlera ( 1 hr • 30 min ) ... l()CIWl.ll~•TMl ... lmS 7ll9 ....... _ MIJUCID mC*/~~MCK KABC- TV' a Jerry Dunphy 11\d former Pf91ident Richard Nhcoo clltcvll the IHderl ttnd ....entt 1h11 have lhee>ed rec.n1 hlltory -Saturday Cont. M.ihPI •HMf G flOCUI <* 10C•n f l llllf'LM ll1u1111,,i.1 •I 111111llr1w1°11 flnllu• ... CHwh11yJ11: vs,. t •tUW•'' h1utu " m .av. , IH·!lt11n .. ,,h., M) c t111•1 ( 111'14 <.11111n<1y1 '11'1k11 1111110, lh11 hh 11dl l\Ull 11111 10" 111 I -·Im THI llTM>M AillllcA'I TOP Tb CllltTMAI INCIA.l ruJJ fflu•.tt .1 t1• 1Plh I• .. 11t1ttt '11llh 111 lfu u1 oulu .. 1 l ht t111.t f I f .111 I ''' lllU Wh1lt' \ IH11tfllhl 11111 lhul .. lj•f ff1t f~111J N11•,1od H1•111111 t •1 I I I 11 I I ICC>OeY I IC~ 000 I ~y I) NflnD•MVWW llX ~ DOUAll llAN IOeJOMll Tl91()lDH()Ull l lo 11V•l1, I 1-..t I tH1 ~hl>Whhllll fo dl'.t ti , d1 ·llflllH~I ,pul ">ttftH flfllJ ii ~lh ht•h hu ll1t• 1p1tll1111~1!1 m.> OAANQI COlMTV tru l'1·tl111u1u1' "'' ("~nlt•t A I ,1tf r1~ I h 11111• t '.,,II\ t 1up•,1•-. pr,.-·,utunl J1t1111111 H1 •11ll••y ''""'''' 11 llv•• d111•t lu1 I•'" H1•d· '"" ft 111ff1 .,, n l ftu ,,.,,,,.,,.. , .... 1, I'll"' ,, 1t1 UH) ) ,,, I t t1,wp10·,uo lh·tty th hJ1•11 f ''' l11u t • '' •1t C MOVll I"' Y1 .111 I v•" l 1t1ly 11•111 1 AllVt!ttlur••I fl, <I• 1 M • ,,., I 'I" .1 ( 111 '1rr11n) I E, Al/TO RACING I ""''"' i• 11 11•1 I Hit I "~<. ti.u•I•·• '110 \111111 h•'> I .. ,Lt1" I N t •• s MOYIE M11,J.'111 1• ... 1111•11•' 1 I ti\ I ( 11111u<1y1 I 111-.y t 11.1 ,,. l'.111• I I l\tlr.111 ville 11 111 10 """ 1 *Ill CJ 6:) NCAA IASICETaAU 11 '"' Keniut;ky W1ltlt.11" !.' lu·. I 0 @) NCAA FOOTaALL llllf I·•' 0 MOVIE n, ... 1 111 11., llo1.11w•11 11''" I We'>lt'111) fli1IJl'•I ll~,111 1 '"'"' l11·v .. 1 11 hr 10111111 I ID TltE OTHVI AMQEL Mt• t,11.11uy 1• ti Booneo ,huw~ u._., l'tt• 1,1, ' r ttu A"iJ' 1 t M111cy 111 <,.111 u11.1 Mo11k 11t11.1111 fD l'VE'YDAY COOKING WTTH JACOUH PEP- It fllll' h•,1111 l'll• lol tlol Ill 1 1•1• Jarqul·~ Pi•JJHl tlt••nt1n.lf+1lr , l1dW I•• 111 11 4:!~y~ .HH1 t11'•l I i','1t••_., ( r. 1.-lf l\d u•,t .• , j, II t j, If It botleu "IJY'> '1!) W0N.D Of DFFUlNCE 0 MOYll '( lltl/l'I 1 l'lhtl M11•.i• d i) 11111 MooCly Oltvt•I 111'"'' I I 1>1, I .a@ MOYll SI.tr!•'"'·"' ''"'''' 111 .... 1 ''"fl /\1111 M••u1t1I '""U (,.tn••tJy 111111111 I 11• 1 MmlCA'I TOP TU IOUl TMll MOVW l>mk 1 '"'"'""'"' W11 111111111 1111111 Wuy1u1 W11ll111 I 1t11•. t ( l'J411 l '1d1111u11 ' .... Gll•WATPCOLOA QltOWlltGYIAM !NIIMI THI NP\. H""'" I 011fl11w•,1111111111 '' ~ Ii lltf II nnt• ff1\l'lt•~ tuut1tiuhh ,,, Uu• 1··· ... J!l W••ttk I Nt l \JiUhH' dtUf lhflHVIUW "'' 1 1 +l.1y•'fl• .111d 1 u ot ''tt'· t t tu I m llOYll Hu~,,, .... fttUIUUtt ,., ( t'••,•, •ltll d;,J Mi11111U M,1111 '11111 Will (I hf itl H 1111 j tt:IO IJ ~ '9111 °' AU.-ITAAI 9 I HOU YWOOO CHNITll.U 'Alt.ADI It"~ l111tt•t11111ul J1,uuc1t• 1l11w11 ttollywc)(i(l lhntltJ ~.11d 11111111111'. ,, t11t•.1 o f ,,,,,,Hiii pie H1H• Ith'"''' 11•1 .11111 ttU 11ttJ1"U •,t,U• llllU( hUl\j t lfUI' 111111 t'qlH 'thlHll llfUf', ( 1f1lfHJ Mui 11.11 fh111 H""'"'"' t.' 111•.) m MAGIC Of a1. 'unwo ~ Qfte>WINO YUAI l MOVll S1111111t111h I 1•1•10 1>111111.11 l11q11d lh·1yrn1111 Mu11u V11l1l11 11 111 4'. llUll ) Afternoon __ _ t~ 8 TlNI ITOOQU · MOYIE lt1u ~~,,.,,,.,1, M.1111 l 1114 '> l\>1111•11tu1PJ M.;uro1J11 l I H,11.1, P.ml 111111 "'"' (.'111 '>) Q) OUT£JI L.MTI EtJ WOOOWRIOHT'I IHOP Wl11lo1 l 111• 111111 ~ H ,f' W Of UJmt Ml> MAN H ITANIMNQ llOOM oet.Y C1>u11lry !lock II." 1111• I l.tk H11ly1• flriy~. l he C.n.lli•t: I, lllt••l ti.tnd 1HUI no" .. UUI~ ( ·•~h pedtnn1 lf11 II 111• .t l11l ,,, 11111 o~nt:lll COfltt!lf 1.ip••1t 111 1ht< ''11u filull ( o r1vt•11ru11' Cf1flh•r t I iii J 0 MOVIE I 'r 'I t•y1 I l'JlllJ <~""""ly I lf1~L.111 1 W1ll1,u11, '>ht•lh•y D\•v·•ff t 1 Ju '>4 """' S MAM TWAIN TltEATM · Hulk flt:t.<>1111•s I'" V11 ,1t1r1 I 0111 S.1wy1!1 .:incl Huc.klel"'"Y I 1111 l111d "'""' .1rlv••fllwe whpn Hu<..~ 1~ ,11d ''"''V k <1l11,1ppt•ll lty Iii'> P.1p ( 1 ho I? It II J tllll 11 teCAA IAMmAU I l~C I '"I•"~ >ti It JWll 1 l•tWkl I"• t 'l hi~ 111 111111 I ~ l~.-r .. l'fW.1 fh•IJlllllltl I llV"lolljl'I 11f t1~.t f1t1111u 1t lnwu H11w"uv1•.t. HIHiH• ,,~,. Lu11uu••· .11 •,yuu t11111 t )111n\jtt1t1ttn (;' '" j() """ , ~ OCMTAll WfTl4,..,... llOAO °' IMnf ANO MAii 1 MOVll f111y•,' N11jl •I I !111' ( I 'It,;• r <111'111ll' I I< •Ill IJ11v.1k lotllll"• I .11111111 (:> 111 I m MOVll 1J11 111 I t111lt.1I 1·111~ ( llJ4fl. M11'.•Lo1I) ''"""'''' !111111111 1111 lo 1111y111u~ (I h• 111111111 J 1• e m Nfl FOOTIAL.l • "'" 1 >•"!)", '""'IJ'"" .ti <~Hfl r l1Hlt l'>l fl 4q11f'1 ('f tit';) 1J TOYI FOfl TOTI Tl1.ITltON 0) MOVll Avonou><J I •'II'", I Advu" 1111111 ( :· '"" J II) MOVll 111 t1 ll1u111.11· (I'll'>) l>ot 11 r11u111.11y I/,.,., J EJ!) llOVA Who11t• w.111 h 1111 n111ynil11;onl ll'"Y wl1.1h '" ·II" lr11lowoll Jl1111u 11111" onnu ti 11t1u.11hu11 ff11un1tuH• .uH.1 .tn 1r1t1mrue Vll'W 111 l.11111ly hl1• ,11111>lllj lht1!<0 h1yhly 1nltll ,1111 tmu•H'• '" 1111•'.nt1l1•d Q (I h1 ) OCIAMUI: TI4E fllAMI( ~1-.wT COUIQ( WMIT\JNQ Cov<''•'U" o t lhP. I "'l" .. 11'•, P111<11 u l11v11.111on.il tit om l .ls Vc\)fH> Nov ) (:' h1:. 'IO mm I H CAVETT KltND Tl4E ICENll 1\11 1t1101- v11•w w1ll1 W.1llM M.1111u111 ,1tJ11ul his ll•l'CJly 4HliH tllil) 1:0I QT) MOVIE 1,111 ... 1 111 lwm' ( 1'1'>9. Atl~t:r1tu11•1 (.J.1yh>1• M""'" P.imola f11<1kt1 f I ht 10 """ ) 1:15 1 z 1 CtWIUI atAWt..lt OM TME FUI ICbl 1='110 ICC>OeY a~ 000 /..._..YO (1) IOUI. TIWN ll~ QIWAT'HT ..aRTl LIQEJIDI ~ OCUNUI: Tl4E ltlAW OIWtOl-.wT ti MOVIE CJ1>11 I Cr~ II S 011ly fhurtClo•t 1 l'lfl;'l [J1.trn.11 IJM111>!> Ch1t">IOJ.Jh~1. '•"""'" <.;,11111 J,1111"'· 11111 ')0 n11n I S UIA 11.UCEI THE HEAIXMI l 1<.a nc•1•os ,, 'J"'"' hr•.1011111• 1111 r11•r new">paper 01JI tl1>1 '""' '"" »I CIC>J• 1.1111)'. ""' Ill ,1 heap 1\1 llC111bl1' 0 MOVll l .op· 11'18 l (Jr.1111n1 Gemye L SLUll l111111t11y H11110n (:.>hr~) (l 1MOYIE ·Hw llorllf'1' (1981 Or.im,i) J.tlk N1cho1so11 Val1>111• Pemnt! SENIORS Davis::~arown Corona del Mar Medical Is A Med ical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For In formation & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mor 'ilNCE 1947 RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE CONTROL • R£MOIE CON IROt • COIORI U C • C•ll1£ lll•OT O•LY 411 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 646-1684 Friday, December 10, 1982 15 -Saturday Conl. Clark's Ha1oor a seemingly peaceful vii l~e prone to 11101en1 storrns (2 nrs ) U 6:) QME A llliEAJC Hnp1ng IC• rnalq.1 " tonune, Nell becorriPs " door In cjoo1 salesman O ~ LOVE IOAT Julie s once-weilllhy aunl learns lhal she is now penn1le5s .1 wornan cornpeles with a rouor lor a nano some passenger s a11en1ion5, ano a .... 0 11 pie meets lhe SUflogate molher lht'y lhlfe~ ~I Ctlll'T1W IPICW. SAVI AUNTIC ClaJIMlf TB.fTMOlll llOVll "The Carelal\er' ( 1964 Ora ma) Alan Bales, Donald PleasenC'e Based on the play by Harold P1n1er A vagabond l1nds a home with a pa1t ot men~one bro1hers (2 hrs ) '1l) a Ula TOGITMIN Two leg enoary stars of tne American music scene .• Tony Bennell and W1ll1am "Count" Basie ·· team up lor a special conceri per- formance tea1u11ng !he Count Basie Blind (2 hrs) :EJ OOll Coverage ot the World Maleh Play Championship (from Wen1wo1fh England) (A) (2 hrs 30 min ) OJ llOVR "Pnnce Ot The C11y" ( 196 1 Drama) Treat W1ll1ams. Jerry Orbacll A New York cop 1s caughl be1ween federal pressure ano loyally 10 his !ellow otl1cers. during an 1n11es11ga11on ot w1oesp1ead police corrup11on 'R t:? nrs 45 min) l~ llOVll "The Border t 1981. Drama1 Jack N1ctiolson Valene Perrine An Te•aS border guard's values come in conll1c1 w11h 1hose ot hrs corrupt co-workers and h1S ma1e11ahs11c w1te 'R' ( 1 nr 45 min ) tZJ llOVIE 'Cheech And Chong·s N1<.e Dreams" ( 1961, Comedy) Richard "Cheech ' Mann. Thomas Chong Two 1n11elerate polheads appear to nave lound fhelf 1rue calling as they ped<lle ice cream on Iha streets ot Los Angeles ·R' ( 1 hr 27 min) 1:110 (Ii) LOVI. ....V S1dney·s unr.1e·· Mor1 shows up and prov1d~ an eye open ~ revelation about Sldney·s late molher Q§ ~ CtTY /\ seven-part drama based on James Plunl<etl's novel ot Dub hn 1n the 1u1bulent years ot 1907· 1914 tJ>art 6) ( 1 hr 1 g llOVll "Taps" ( 1981 Orama) George C Scoll T1mo1hy Hutton Mrlttary schoot cadets take over lheir school to prevent plans 10 iurn lhe ac.aaemy propeny 1n10 a condo developmenl 'PG' (;>hrs J -D GD THI Dnl.11 ec:u1•c-noee Nick is framed for murder by Iha pretly prolege Of an lnternallonal 1ewel thief ( 1 hr ) BI =AIY mMm A wa11tess wants to impress the dauunter she gave up for aooptlon as an infant, and a kleptomaniac tries to find the thieves who s101e a dla· mond necklace Q ( 1 hr ) (CJ llO¥ll "A Clockwork Orange" ( t97 t. Sclence·F1c11on) Malcolm McDowell. Patrick Magee Oirectee1 by Slanley Kubnck When police caplure the leader ol a teen-age gang of rapists and murder· ers, lhe method ot 1ehabll11atlng him prOll91l even more 1hrea1en1ng 10 S(IC101y 'R' (2 hrs., 17 min J (8) tTMllM llOOll OILY "Country Ro<:k '82" The Oak Ridge Boys, The Charita Daniels Band and A09anne Caah pertorm their latest hlls in this benefll concen taped at the Pine Bluff Convention Cenler i! hr . 30 min.) (Q) llON "The Bo<def" (l!Mll, Oram•) Jeck NlcholtOn. Vaterle Perri~. A Teu 11 bolder gue1d'1 values come In conlllct with thole of hit corrupt ce>-wOfll~s end 18 Friday, December 10.1982 rw; ma1ena11<,r1c wile R \I hr . 45 rnin 1 10::JD O llOVIE ·r Ctrt Apache ( 1 ~48, Wesr ern/ J1111r1 Waynf'. Henry r onoa A stuo t>< .rn 1...lvillly oll1te1 1s. nelel respons1ti1e le>r rampan1 tno1an a11aci<~ dga1ns1 a rrn111 Hv 1urpo<,1 1:-llr<,. JO" " I '.II LAUGH lMX (I) .IAat AlllOION CONF1DE>fTW. @ llQNATlJRE Guest Colleen Oewhur•;t ~OOIERrn£ 1M l l ) ctWUI ~ 0-Tltf FUI ICDll 1M 9 SATURDAY "°""'1 'AQI 10:SI fiil OOYl9EY "Masters (JI Melal New Oat1ng 1ec11n1ques useo by archaeolog1s1s 1n Europe have ra01cally altered tneones concerning the development ol me1a1 1echno1~y (A)__ Q_( I h• I 11•1DUCIJQ])WMEWI IJIT'PTAMllJIT Tiii WID llOVll 'M1dn1gh1 Cowooy ( 1969_ Orama) Dus11n Hollman Jon Vo1gh1 l wn oorn losers hustling 10 survive 1n New Y1Jrll C11y 01sco11er their neeo lor each otner 100 tate t2 nrs 30 min 1 (!) Uvt AllT'll'OC CHLDMM TUIT'HON (CONT'D) @ MOVIE · Saf\irrlft'{S Children ' ( 19d0 Dra1T1aJ .Jotiri c;ar11elrJ Anne Shirle~ i\ woman M1d /'oer husba11d learn the re1a1111e un1mnor1ance ot money horn ner ta1he1 ~hr<, S m1n J ~ NNO f'l.A YIM IWlf.l Y E.vtJI f'l.A Y TOGETHIJI Tlort>e gP11era11011s .ii New Orleans p1an1sts. show how the cre.111vP e.cnanye is m..irte tealur1ng 1s10ore Tuts Wllsh1ng1011 Hem y 'Pr(llf>"'••)r [ ,,ngh.11r ~yrd ano Allen R To••ssa1nl H, NOT NECHIAM. Y THI MEWi Comedy .~~tches coint»ne wrlh c:las'StC ltlm and news. toorng'! 1q al" ottbeill sallric t;ike· ntt S 1 •tT Of llZAllN John Byner shows. you thinys stranger lhan 1111th larger than Ille. ana zanier thar M1yth1ny you·ve eve• seen 1 Zl llOVll Sp1•11er~ · 1190 t Adven1ure1 Hans Van TongP,1en. Toon AglPrOt!lg TllrRe l11eno~ lrnm ;'I <.m;ill tnwn oecomt> 1nvnlvi>d 111 Ifie m01orcroso; rac1n1:1 circ•Jtl 1(1 ~~ 11:11 THI ROCK10M> FLll 6:) UTIJllDAY llQHT Uvt Hns1 Nici< Nnl!e Gues1s I 1onel R1ch1A. m;ig1u1111 H.ury llnaerson (I n1 30 rr11n ) OA.ICMEWI ([) llOVll "The Gambler" ( 1974. Diam") James Caan, Paul Sorvinn A young pro lessor tasc1na1E1d oy gambling falls di>+>ply 1n10 deb! (<'hrs 10 min ) ~ :W "Ttie Barbary Cuasl" ( 1975, Adve11lure) William Snatner. Lynda Day George A man assumes a va11e1y ol Iden· 11111;1s •n nrder 10 ell.pose evildoers. (2 hrs . 15m1n.) @ ~ CtTY A. seven·pan Orama onseo on James Plunkell's novel ot Dub- lin 111 Iha wrou1en1 years of 1907 19 1<1 ~~~S) r T~ ( llOVll "The rrench I 1eu1enant's We>m en" ( 1981. Orama) Meryl S treep, Jeremy Irons An 11ll111r be1ween two actors Is par· 11llAled In 1he 1oman11c period IHm In which lh!l lwo nre performing ·n· (2 hrs , 5 mrn) (S) llOVll "Stranger In The Hou!Ul" ( 1975. Horror) Kttir Dullfln. Olrvla Hussey A. psycl)otlc murderer l'lldEOs ln the attic ot IJ college soror1ty house on Christmas Eve ~hr,, 40mln ) llO'Vll "Top Man" (1943) Don11ld Conner. Sue11nn.11 Foster (7 hr&. 30 min) 11ltl 0 110V1E 'Seven Brioes ror Seven Brotn· ers" ( t954. Musical) Howard Keel. Jane Powell The 1esl ol a lrOOp nf w1lo brOlhers decides 10 marry alter one ct tnem taMes lhe 1nit1a11ve (?hrs ) 12:00 0 AIEICA't TOP TEN awsn&AI lf!ICW. Top music s1ars 101n to salute some ol the grealest Chr1s1mas hits ot all 11me includ· 1r1q 'White Christmas' and "Rudolph The Red·Nosed Reindeer " ( 1 nr) C!J ROI ntE mrron or• I. )llOV'IE "The Sex Machine" ( 1978 Sc1- ence·F1c11on) Agos11na Belli In 2037 AD sc1Pnt1sts solve lhe energy problem oy harnessing lhe power ot the human lib1· <lO 'A' ( 1 hr . 20 mm ) 0) llOV'IE ·3 AM .. (1976) Georgina Spelv1n RhOnoa Gallero "X' ( 1 hr . 30 min I 0 llOV. 'The Enforcer" ( 1976. Draf!'a) C11n1 Eas1wooo Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry' Callanan is 101ne<l by a temale roo1<1e In his p1irsu11 ol a group ot Cahlorn1a revo1u11on- 4r1es terro1111ng San Francisco 'A' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) 12::a C llOV. The Concert For Kampuchea' ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCanney, The Who A hos1 ot rock performers. many ot wnom get together 1n an all·star rock orchestra are lea1wed 1n this recora ol a series of concerts helCl tor tl'le oenet11 01 rRl1e1 to war ravaged Cambo01a (I hr 20 mm ) 12:t0 0 NAm °'THI a.Am (J) llOV. "The People Vs Dr Ktl<lare' ( i94 1. Orama) Lew Ayres. Lionel Bar· rymore A young doc1or attemp1s to clear 111mse1t ot a malprac11ce charge (2 hrs ) 1•1':..0~...oY -LAUQHTRAX ' •IT°'....aHT UKW. S 4V£ AUTllllC CllLDMJI TB..l1ltON (CCJllTOl 6:) i.c>Vt~ ' The Prerna1ure Bunal" ( 1962. H1111 "! H.ly Milland. Hazel Cour1 A Brll· 1sh yenrleman fears. that he'll be placed 1n a_llrave betore he's <lead !2 hrs.) 1 EJ IMDINNDlllCI IOWl Kansas State W1locars vs Wisconsin Badgers (from Shreveport, La ) (A) (3 hrs ) ·21110V11 "The Concefl For Kavipuchea" r 1980 Musical) Paul McCa""8y, The Who A host ot rock performers, many of whom get 1oge1her In an all-star rock orchestra, are fealured 1n 1h1s record ot a series ot concerls tield for the benelll of relief 10 war-ravaged Cambodia. ( 1 hr . 20 min) t•@ --MIO~ 1:10 (S) lllOVll "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMat, Jason Robards An 01herwlse unknown gas statt0<1 attendant claims to be the nghttul heir lo Howard Hughes' b•tllori dollar estate 'R' ( 1 hr • 35 min) 1:MCD 1110V11 "The Midri1gh1 Man" (1974, Mystery) Burt Lancaster, Susan Clark. A college security guard relentlessly stalks lhe shadowy killer who murdered a cam· pus co·ecl (2 h111 .. 15 min) aJ) llGllAT\m Guest· Colleen Oewhursl (8) MOWll "The Wlrd Geese" ( 1978. Adventure) Richard Burton, Roger MOOfe. A group or daring ll'Wlrcenarles travel• 10 SO\Jth Africa in order to tave a Oepo&ed ruler from lhe new dlctatO<thlp, 'R' (2 hrs , t5 min.) l\J MOWll "Nea. Young Emmanuelle" ( t978, Comedy) AM Zncharlaa. Saml Frey A 1ebellloua 16-year«>ld t1ttempt1 to write a steamy novel ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) (DJ MDwtl "Ave Kittant" ( 1973) Marie • Claire Delly, El!M.beth Orancourt. 1'R' (1 t'll . 30 min ) -la•urclay Cont. l!~~CwmAl TMI MMDY IOYI I MMCY DMW WYt- tl..01 IO YOU ,_. YOU OOT l"ROWLll L l llOYll llody A1111 • .. 1111 ( l'lll 1 llt11 11111) I'"'" 11.11111 l<1111nttlfy lny1111 Ktt1111n ily /\ Y1••111U hhu" ""'" '" 11'""'1U'"'"U 111 ffll•tlt lf11t tlUH\.f•y f1tf ltOtHh, ft11 lflttrfo i•f ~1 luk1I ti ( l 111 4 11 111111 I I 0 I TMI lilA*A n Alf TRAMIPIJI UVWI 1111 c.,._.ftllfl) Aw .. 11J WlfUl1fl\J 'l\lllllt!f po1l11ti11 VflJll1tS ~••IHI 111 111•, •Iii h1tllft\J ltit1tl1u 11t I w111ut1t /11t1t• ''" I Huy t ,. ,," tlttw 'flllk City 1111111 111" lht1llu 1th•o1l111 Ill 1111 1111 """""' I I Ill I Z 1 llOVll ""' 111 11 '"' t 1'1111 I 110111.11 .JtH "'-Nu hul ,,,, V.tltotu f't11u11u1 A lo•~•~· ht1UltH UU1Utf• V.thHJ'• 'n1t1t• Ill • Uflrfll f wlltl ltH>•,t' ol h.·, t tHHIJll \ o w1uk11r·. 11th1 n1" 111ult•1111l11,111 w1f11 ·11• (I 111 <1!1 111111 I ~ COACMll Ccwml 1:,. l'i) ntf llUTCMCtCB M1~.t1111I ll1HY"'"""'" 'liar·, Ill tt-'11~. Afflt''fl( ,.,, n .• 11.11 1 ""jtttu JHlf tJUt luut u f ttu· '''" h1tnf111u f1utnJ.1y •,tury • 1t uH.1I .1 ycKUUJ \Jiii wlh•'·•· < tu11.1t11.1•, I¥• ~1'••.un~ 1 CHIJ"'" ''P t.ult "'U fuy " tllh i h.11 f1111y tuy 'o<>lll•t''" t 1 lu IO 111111 I T::le I DAMCI PIV'IJI QLIN CAllNIU IUPfMOOlt CHNITIIAI ll'fCW. 1\111 "''''"tl A 111.1411 .ll tmui. 1.i1o.e .. <.t111-.111plu , r .. "IJ"'' '"" lneolll '"~ .111tJ 111"" 11111111 ( .1.trnu UH ,, j(Hlltlt:'Y ltlhilJqh llftHt di HJ ., 11.u 11 1u th" hrs l C h11 .. 1rnal> .... I IYI °"I.AN ~00 UQNATUlll'. Guel.I Colleen Duwhur!>I COUJQE IAIKfnAl1. Aal>kvtball O;l', •u111111t ( l Ill• ) ra G ... IAll:ITIAU. (]otoi.1n bt•h• WlllPI 11~ "' I ,_ Af11Jufu11 I 1i.e1" (. Ill• 411 111111) .... <I t WAl.T Dlt9llY Wir1111u fl1n 1'111111 A11d fllJIJnr fem A111111111111J l'1H1li 111111 tu•, '-'"'"'" l11111tl ll1Ut1ll1111 111 1111.u Iha '"'"'I' .... 1 "' T1~··· lhlUf•tl!, """ Intl 1111111 .. I I ( f111J 11111.I [Iulo IJfll ltllJIUlllLI Ill 1111011 .... h111rn. (I 111 ) 0 CJD DWW ITW.11 W1llm111q11y'I 1111 ''"'•V IHh wu1k111u fut ht• t11U1•0 1u1tll 1111 ""' 111 w111~ lt1u111J 11111· """ 1m.1 ho w 1111 ~y 111• ·~ I) 8 M0¥11 Atu I t1 Anti lh1t1~11t1 IJI 11111 '•"'"~ t lfl/.I 1>1,;11111) Cltll Hu1tu1to,1111 l'.1mnl11 f1dflklln A .. 1unl 111(11 "' tht• 1Y;'O• lu•tt:. lhot htb """ WjlfH', lo follow "' fll" 1111111.lup& (;i llr'I ) D QQ) T.J.. MOOKD HoriktH \)IJU!> ulltH ,, 1)11111.J of 1>11µe11n111kul wblmt!. 111 1111.!111 h• l<lod~a.,ri~~)~u) IOUD OOU> ... @ NMO "-.4 YIM MM1. Y IVEll "-.4 'I Toc.ntDI Thlf't: yo11er,111m1'> ol Nuw Or lean~ p111111!0t'> t.h(>w now 11111 r.10111w .. UA<.h/11111~' lb 111dtlu ff'11lu1111y h1f1!Jll' "1111•. w .1:.h111uto11 Humy "Pwtui.,.111 I m1011.111 (ly10 .Jn<! Allt•ll fl I uU~S.JU•f I I tll IO '"'"I CI MOVll ·111111y Me tho H1;.i1J Ot Alfi.1110 Garc1d ' ( tY/4 AtlvonlutO) W.1111,11 0 d1es t.•y Younu A fa1t1ro\l ~1ano µl.1yer '>Ill~ out on ;i lonu a110 01uo1ty 11a1I on Mt<A1 1..0 10 111111uve a vatuaotu head anu ,1 ~ 10.000 rewaro 'A' ( 1 111 . M1 rn1n ) ••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ~ INF LATION FIGHTING: PRICES! • s4 All Men 's & Boys' Haircuts Senior Citizens (Over 65) s3so • • • • • • • • • ~\)T-MARr: BARBERS: • • • • • • • 5 Professional Barbers To Serve You 631-9654 2200 Harbor Blvd. at Wilson, C.M . (K-Mart Ptaza) ••••••••••••••• I JlfOflTm <Hl fll0"9 'ft111 Oo11J11• ( IOH I Ora1t111) lur lo NM hr•l'>t 111 V11lflt1n I'm 111 "' All T •••• '" •i.lu• "''""" • •1tl1J11 • """' '" 1.onll1t.I wlft1 lh•••;u ul t11•• l.'''"'''' 1 u wot~Otti und lw, 11111hH111111.1u wlllJ 'll' t I 111 "41> 111111 I t0 J COUJ• IAlllfTllALl .,..,, Jo ... b1111t1 v . I IC I A ft1u111~ (~hr~ J S• lOIT 1.ATIUITI• .... , .. '"*_'"' A llJflT '"'"' 1,111111111111 11t1w1b ~11111111111 lnllt. 111111 lhtf 11111utu of 111111111111 c1v111111l1011 (I ht ) 0 llON "Mr1u11111 PttJUlum•" ( l'IH I (' IHllUfly) C..hnvy ( ·""''" Pulfl rr Alhull viii" A h11plll'•'> .111 111111" 1 on1t1Jll11• wolh l\llllll!lllUI> 11111•10 11111 111(•11111111·. ·~ unllOWt!!.I w11h lultt"'"tll1< p<iwnf'J 11111•1 l111111g dou1:1t1ll wolll nuc 10:11 w11~10 'PG' ( 1 '" JO men ) .. fJl) TMI ~ lllOllllfTI TO ........ "'""" <.rie111ey '1t1ddl1110& 11 t>tar s turlde<l 11110 1Jp 111 fl 111u•111.ul snh1to• 111 ll1e rorrnmtot. "ult< ,,1 thtt pn'>lw.11 "'II <:uo:.I!, 1111.h•llu flt1'><11t111ry Glouucy t r.111k1t1 t 111110 (,Uy M11t hell f Cld1u Hoywumt Po11t l'.11ge and l11wui.,1 Arowur ('1 hr" '10 111111) t::IO D G> ILVD IPOONI fhti S 1t11t1on t.H11>1- '"'"" u111p1ltl '" ltfHJLWljUIUtl Wh8t1 r 1lw111 d .1110 K.11e'l> fOflhlll(U 1111~ •I :.n.1v tt J HATI Off TO C~Y Host C rwttiy l'111Ju w~l{,OltllJ'• uue11t•. Aluoain.1 t •HIY U.1thn ,J11d T1111 C,.111111 8111ll111r!. [l,mt1 I orro < •itlll'> Jani(;' f 111.kt< (:>hr•, ) Ml m> PlJDQI llllAll nog111,111y 1;1 hPOuled prou1.1rnrn111u n1ay hf' t.Jul11ytid 1Juu 10 pttitl~ breaks .. e CV llOVll Cry r II• t ht< S lft.1lllJ6IS". (Prt•n11u•11 My· lt'ry) Pa1u1 k Dully Cindy Pirk tltl A p:,y1 h1<llflSI rtr\<l 1111> w1lu l.11'><.0V e1 thdl a sonw. ot 011.1110 nearhs haunt Fnday, December 10. 1982 17 -Sunday ..... Morning ______ _ HlllfTafACI . -ICOTT TlMlllCOllE YI ~~ tc11 ~~ "Co11.y· ( 1'1/1 (J1,Jt11,I) RC•bPrl Bla!..e Char1<.11t• Ramplir'Q 11 tu S( min ) lc1I <.!) WMA l"I MU? , ._ tJ FOR~ 1-1 r>r n1et.1 Greer1 Hope Matte l orre reoor1s Qn Pro1cc1 Gr~r HQpe 1n New Y0tk C•ly a nalf way hooSf 101 female e11·01f Pnders 1u'>I releaseo Iron 1a1I (!) llOml'T aauJ.IJI 0 ~ ·MOdern Rumance I 198 • Comedy) Alt>efl Brook<. Kathryn H11rr04<l (1 hr 33m1n) .. • CtRITCJtlltB ClOllW .. CUTMt U-.alllOO lalllC,., lMI ..... WOMI CAlll"UI "'°"-1: ftWHMT OM ..,.,._ nolll "Homeopathy' Gues1s Ta11Q Kura oshy president ol the Heallh Researct 1'""5F== I~"~'"' ~llOOll llllPWJeC( 90Wl. Kans;is S1atc Wildcats YS Wrscoos1n BacJgers hon· Shre..,epor1 l a (A) (3 hr!.) (k ) llOft "Oliver" ( 1968 Musical) Ron Moody. Ot1..,e1 RPed t? hrs 15 min l 2 llOft Lie<, My rather T1)ld Me" ( 1975 Dlama) Jetlrey l ynas. Yoss• Yad 1n ( 1 hr , 40 rn1n J .. @ LOIT • •Aea '11 (~ EUCTIIC E.M:m0 An f skomo boy o<, <;udcJenly endowed wrl h extraordrnarv electrical powers Ourin~ a magnetism experiment at thP North PoiP ( 1 hr ) .. I :..r°'.J:il.LIJI .,... ftAM . w...- alCAOQ ,., au.c::M NOCM lflAI OU'f 10 mom NO U11Cno111 Rabb• Stan ley J Schachter and Rabbi TheocJo<11 lewis i:M cuss the h1s1ory ot the Touro Synagogue, lhe oldest ~wish house ol NII,~~~ SI""' • ~CONUm TMZM ~ ·rrom £cumenlsm To Union The I oog Cour1sh1p" Hefber1 KaplOw loot<s at the proposed merger ol the Chrtetlan Church (OtSClptes ol Christ) and lhe United Church ot Christ I DAY Oii De1C0'191' WOOOY WOlllf9C .. ,., WI YOU ... NIAL TM ... , .... M0'9 "Tess" ( t979, Dlama) Naetas· sia Klnskl. Pe1er Flr1h (2 t1rs 50 min ) (0).,,. "Wiiiy Wook11 And Tile Choco late Factory" (1971. rentasy) Gene Wilder, Jeck Albeflson (2 hrs) • M0'9 "Fists 01 Fury" ( 1973. Adven lure~ J::r,M~~3 min ) ,.I ........ "" ...... Ml CCW1W1' .nm Im 1"1 llCl90T DA-L.A. 20 Friday, December 10, 1982 (I) TV-4 LOOKI AT LEANlltG @) U.OYD 0-..¥11 CD .._., IWAOGAll'T fl) mTBIROGIM~ 6) lMI WOM.O T $)DOT AM> INITA Cl.AUi Dor 1u1ns SM·'·' tor ,, '""" ot rru Nl•rld to S('f' 1•v~ryo111 •.Ple!Jr.l ll' Cnrr\1111.i-. " the11 own d1llP11>n1 ways (I hr J(I """ 1 1~@ lllOVll Aatlte 0 1 ThP Bulge I 1%1. Aovemu•c) tipory f on(la Aol:>Prt l1y<1r (3 hrs , 30 min ) .. l)MM>AY~ O nee• nt1 I.ft 0 P<IN\'I,.,,.... a lllMONAl. DM1111'*' ([) LET nm.. UQHT lo~~Vll llMY ,Al.Will CAATOOlll B.ICTIIC CO.AllY (II) MXHlM9•11D ~ 'Stromboh · ( tC!'iO n1,1m111 Ingrid Bergman. Ma110 Vitale (I hr 41, min ) m Ka.TM CONL.Alm taG OOYllEY Featured a d•sGu~s1on on the Catholic Jewish Woman·s Con1e1en<:e Maureen Perron or FISH nt West Valley 1 11otunteer help 01gan1za11on 0~7 CJ) lMI LAHAYU 0 mlrTWGllmATCAL'IAAY CD Ati81Ck 1t Mer ~ 11.fCTIIC CO.ANY (II) ICMOWY~lal ti LC~ A 9'laAl..atNITMAI Two ronr.111 rng businessmen try ro profit from Ch,,..1 mas while Sanra Claus hll'> othr;" ideas .. l _.,M,,.11 IUT Of AJl LOI A*llUI OOML~ CllCODI "•wma filJ POI ..... 'W11h A I 1tlle HPlp rrn111 My f11ends" Arenda Ga•nPS 11anstorms An olrt gym 1n10 a youth cenler and bnl11end a group ol teens wtir• hl'lfl her when sht> <. fra=f~rs rar ker O (I hr ) ~ llO¥ll "Americar, W1ldernc~!>' (Nu Dale. Ad..,entvre) ( 1 tu • SS min l (OJ llOft "ThP Return· ( 1981 Sc.•en<'" r ocllon) Jan· Michael V111c.ent. Cybill Shep herd ( I hr , 30 1rnn ) I S fA!lm TALI TMIATM "Hansel And Gretel Ricky Schrorler and Joan Collins. star 1n a rate o! two tos1 r h•ldren who loll info th1• ctulch(l1: or an l'vtl wnr t1 with nn 1nsahllble appetite tor children ( 1 hr ) 0 llOft "Across Th" Great 0Mde' ( 1976. Adllen1111e) Robert l ngan Heath '". R=~· :m min) 11111 fi? ()) llll TODAY II um"' NM. LWD "'~ Edw1r1 Newman reports on the siluallon In 11\n Repvbtlc of Soulh Atrlco end me role nf the bl1ck Anglican br9hon Oesmond T11111 1 ht J DAYOll~ u....-.-nfCOfl&MI) -~.,..,..,. ... ............... M\m "'°"'A scientific e.cploratlo<l of athlellc l)el1ormnnoe which can aid alh· .. te·~~g:i:.~---i llllflOOftM.L T8mP3 Bey Bucconee<a at New York Jell (3 hrs ) e M0'9 "Sorrowful ~.. ( 1949, Comedy) Bob Hope, Lucille Batt (2 hr11 ) 0 ATM llOVIEI '!'J NF\. 'OOT'IAU Tampa Aay Buccaneers 11 NPw Var~ Jets t3 hr~ 30 min) 0 HEW..O cw TIMl4 19) MOVIE. The Trap ' t 1947. Mystery) ' c1n»y T 1lr>r M.1n1an MnrPlan(I 11 hr 30 Jw1n J W IE HlM9AllD '1) II THE Conut MtQ ffi THE LAWA«.EJll Cnrrespondents l •fl • I Wr>rlh1>1rT 1•I and Cok1e Rot>erlS 1011) F'.1 JI (hJ>t-l11r an up 10 the minute sum 1•1o111 "' <..ungrP!.&1onal ac11111tie« W NF\. FOOTl.AU Regional coverage ot M an nol~h1n• ill N PN fngland Pa11101s, fli!ll•rnnri> Coifs at Minnesota V1k111gs f"lh l>IJl(Jh Slt:f>IPIS ill Autfalo Aills. Cte11e- ll 1 nrowns .:JI C1nc1nnat1 Bengals (3 I 1 ) m ~m C MOYIE 'N1cnola5 N1rk•eby' ( 1947 . I ir:iir•al f>P•P~ Ronrl C"Pdnc. Haldw1cke 1. hrs 1 E TOf' IWIC IOXING (JI) ~ MOYIE '/\11p1ane•· ( 1980 Comedy) r111011rr Hay• J1111e H.::rge11y ( t hr 30 "''") Z llOYIE Ct1eecn And ChOng's Nrce I •rearns t l'lA l ComecJy) Richard ChP,,c.11 M.1111 T111lmas Chong (1 hr 7 min 1 (I) LOUii l.APU.N 1nl 0 AATI CW AllA 0 t1"0) IDT CW KIDI AM ~ TOO • >ue<il'> h<ll''<' skaters Tai Bab110n1a and Randy l 1.::rre1r1p1 Actor Todd Bridges. UFO "•P"" I ee Spe1ge1 (RJ {I hr ) O~ICtlJU..a W -'IMY 'Al WILL fll) CAUR>MU COMCmll!C*AL fllPOllT Cl) WAU ITMIT WEB 'Get The Picture?" 1 '"""' Brenda lee Lanory "ice pres•dent. l\.l{)rgan S1anley and Company Inc 1_0) MN! ~A'I WOMOU'f (I) CAL'IAAY CMAN1. .,. 0 a.. c...us ti) ~ "The Bea~r From 20.000 Falh om!." { 1953 Science r 1ct1on) Paula Ray· n1n11d. Paul Chns11an (2 hrs ) ID llAllD'WQ TMIATM ''To Serve Them All My Oays· P J delres the head· rn..isf"' when hP refuses to gl11e him e list <I <.1ucJen1s suspected ot be•ng in11ollled In unhealthy hu>ndshrp<; " (Perl 9) O ( t hr l Cl> HUIW9T1U NIOUQH lMI Mm I HJ llOft 'Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Cl'medy) Chevy Chase Benji ( 1 hr . 43 rr un) 0 DOT AM> INITA ClAU9 Dot Joins Sania lnr 11 1ou1 ot the w0tld 10 see everyone celel1rate Ch11SJmas 1n their own dltterenl ways t I hr 30 min ) m llAllM WUllllC* 1W@ ~· COUITIAU lf'ICU&. "St. Low· rpnce Sralrwoy To The Sea" Jacques Cousteau and his c1ew travel alorlg the St 1 awrence Seaway aboard rhe Calypso tollow1ng lhe rnutes ol 90mt! of the eartlest t'Apl0tnlt0ns into North Arner~ (Par1 t) U hr) 1W D TO llOOTR't NO IMC'nolll Robbi Sien· ley J Schechter and Rabbi The<>Oore leWIS d•scll!<S the history of lhe Touro Synagogue. the otde11t Jewish house ot worship In the United Stetes • I 0 nee.-wnMDAWID~ filllY cou.....,,. .. .,_ "The Pt llooef 01 Zenda" ( 1931, Ad..,enture) Ron1ld Colrn11n. Ollvtd Nlv~s) I =1::-MTS ~ .,,. "H•rotd Al\CI MeUO." ( 197 I -latunl W (CJ llOVW (U1fl .... Ulll• 1•1111y ( llH I, Comedy) L1111•ll""' H•tl J•no A11lt11111y l;iume 1J<m11t11•u ··• ''""' IJlll• • ""'l'ultt It 1 ltl• t11u11 ... 1 1a11i.111u \JtplcHlllll II ( I 111 lb,,.,,, ) 1•df)MC ..... ... lllOVW 'M111l1111 lll• I l1y111 '•II~' (Ill!'. Suup11nb11) 111111111 l 111ll11111y l'nlly llt111Jtlll A tlliUlllll: bllllllb tllU ptl\>t.IJlllJUI I> 1111 II 1t1111~ All111111c 1111w1111111111111111111 1111111111111 l? 11111) e MOVW Pu.ul lH 111.-'"""1 1·.11 1l1t ( 1\l!>!J A11v1111hm•) V11u111111 Mo1yu I 1t111111 ... MOtUft" An 111y1lu ·-.nuH1 '11•1t"• 1•,lutul 1~ lnVB~ttO l)y 11111111 1111t1lu•1•1 llllhHm hu111t11•, St18~ll!<.•1111•, p11111lt. ( 1 111 110 111111 ) • MOVll "J11•,t A l..111111111· I l'IH I 1>1.1 11111) Oavul lluwot• 1\1111 t.J111111i. A11 '"'"'" c.;.ral•C-Ptu~Mtlll •,uldlc.H •ulll"'~ tu U1uln1 1111er Wu1IO W111 I 111 1•11111 111·, hv111u ,,., ,, male e&eoll n t 1 111 10 ""'' 1 a.~ WOMJ) AT LAAQI t:11 llA HUNT llOV11 I IHlll<lt•t ( lv111 Tl111 f'lllilll> ' ( t953. Weo,111111) H.111clolph '•«•II l t!A B111ker r OllOWlfl\) 1111• ( 1v1I w... .J 1111hlcory officer ·~ •ll>'»IJ"Utl tu put .1 1t•1• 1<1 111 .. practoce ol <.111p1>1t>ayy111q 11 1111• '•""'" west (2 111~ I @ __,AYllAll fl ) llOV11 "Chaet.h And L hu11l)'•, N11.u Dream!>' t t'lB t Con11;tly) nit hartl "Cheech ' M.11111 fhu111a., Chong fwo 11we1e1ate polt1t!dd'> itppe.11 to have tour1<1 the11 true cal1Jn9 d!> they pP<1dl1• ice 1.H~dlll on the s1ree1~ .,1 l O!i A nyPIO'> n ( t hr 27 min) l:tllS) llOV1I Mon1uneg10 ( 1981, Corne d y) Susan Anspach. Erlanel Ju!.et:Jh'>on A neglecteO w1IE1 t1,1vel!. 10 Sto<.kholm a11d begms an alla11 w1lh a n1an o,h1• rn!'t 111 ,, Ml ~boh~ "'=~ (t ho 40 mm) m..,,. I llOV1I · Alo1.t> Sweel Alltt• ( l'llH Ho11or) l.11H.JJ M1llt-'•. P.1111,1 ~twppmd Members ol flfl 11.tloon Arne111..111 l,11111ly lilt' v1ctim11ed by .i pl>ychotoc rnwd1•1er 111 lhe11 midst 'R' ( I hr 48 own ) t:•(C) llOVWI Aoyl> N1ghl Out ( t962 ComedyJ Kim Novak J.111w'> Garner When a shapely young co eo undenakes a seK research project. she finds tour bust nessmen more than w1111ng to tease an ~artment to e1d her on her study (? hrs I a:ll CMOO¥W OOOLat M llO¥ll "Tom. Dick Ano Ha11y" ( 194 t Comedy) Burgess MerecJ1th. Ginger A~ ers A lovely young woman •6 lorced to choose between three boyh1end& ( t hr 40 min) !HJ MOVll lt1e Border' ( 198 t Dtam.i) Jack N1ct1olson. Valene PP1l1fll! An Te.<.~'. border guara·~ values corne on conll1ct w11h those ot his corrupt co w0<kers and hos mate11nh~t1c wile A' (I hr , 4 '• m•n) MIU llOV11 "Jel Over The Atlnn11c:" ( 19'>9. Adventure) Guy Matlrson. VtrymM Mayo A Spain 10 New York a11hner run!> into a se11es ot ca1am111es tes11ng tho nerve anti wlls ot tne pilot (2 hrs 5 mon ) ._II TOOArt MUQIOll J>a&ri(·k l>uff y ( ri~hl ) u nd Shnwn ( :uri,on ,..tur in 1lw ( :ns mo vi•· ""( '.r y For Ttw St ru n~•·rs~ '' lw~i1111in~ al '' p .111 .• Saturday. ff,~ 111111 Of M-.0 "Women·~ Giant Slalom" (from Aorm10 Italy) (A) L' ht) 0 llOV1I 'lhfl Hazing" ( t977 Orama) Jell Fas1 0111d Oav•s Th~ members ot a pres11g1ou~ <.ollege 1ra1ern11y n11ernpt 10 111oe the ouo111 of a pledge du11ng ha11ng PG' ( 1 hr , 15 rr11n ) c Z llOV11 ·Spellers" ( t98 t Adventure) Hiin~ Van Tongeren Toon Agterberg Three hoeno~ loom a .;mall town become onvc>lvecl 111 the 111oto1c1oss racing c1rcu11 (I hr 50 mm) dl@ .W.I "'*"* ~0...a.MIRI (!)DAY Of DelCOVDY 1 SJ ltOlD E Paul Dooley is featured m 1h1s two act play by Jules Feoller dep1c1tng the 1nstab1h1y ot urban hie -- OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS How Would You Like to • • • • Learn a new ski/I • Develop Leadership • Make New Friend• • Enjoy Regular Clv/llan Life cm- NAT10NAL GUARD 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa The Gu:::rd beb "JS. Ws Offer ••• • Excellent Career Opportunltle• For H.S. Graduate or Equivalent • Training For People With No Military Experience • Age 17 or prior to 35th birthday • Openings for Prior Service Individual• SGJND INTERESTING .??? CALL TODAY 979-736 3 (b etween 8 30 a m • 4 30 p m ) O NOV GEHRING SSGT. Friday, December 10, 1982 19 -Sunday Conl. programming may be delayed oue tu pteoge creaks .. IJ Ul~"-'YHOUll Portra11 Of A Teen·Age St1op111te1 A wt>urban hogr school s1uaen1 has 10 tact> the de11asta1onu conseQuences when Shi> 1<, arrf''>lef! tor shoplolhng (A) 11 rv ) O AT M.,Vlll C!l unu MOU11 OM THl "'AlllE 9 ~ an A ~ven parl 1Jrarr1,1 1:1aseo on James Plunketl s novel QI Dub Ion 1n J11e 1urbulenr yea1s ot 1907 1Q 14 (Pan 6) 11 hr) Et) WIJ) AmJICA l 1111ng Wolh W1ldl1te• Marry Stoutter 1llustra1es how we can ~<;I hve with and preservf' our na1urt\I he111aoo ol wolOltfe ~ DlllGl•lti~ .,..,... IPOflTICIJITD KAlilUUAH QOUlllJ Gler1 Campbell and Andrae Crouch aie hosrs 10 pertorm ers Ray Charles. Den1ece W1lt1ams Walter an<l Tremaine Hawkins and the Hawkin~ Family and Tht> lml)<!roals 1n lh1s cetebra t1on ot qospe1 mu<;1c taped at the Crystal Cathedral 1n r.ardPn (llrnve Cal1torn1a ( 1 hr) 0 llOYll The r11111 MuSllPl!'t'f ( t1H9 AOvenrure 1 Beau BndQes llrsula Anorec;s ( t hr 43 min ) '1') llOft The A10m1c. Kio ( 1954 Com edy) M1clley Roon"v Robert S11au<.<, I 1 hr 30m1n) UI @ lllCI "°"-I W 0 MIDAY Loca1I011 Channukah al Wol lshor;:~~;:;;&,le (2hrs 1 W11.com MClt, KOTTa llOft '"The Devil W11h1n Her .. ( 1980 Horror) Joan Collins. FolAen Alkins (2 hrs I OJ) TMArlmil Featured the t98:> Rubik s Cube World CMmp1onsh1p a child survives bt'111Q run Over by a bulloo1er, a temale l 11!le leaguer p1tcl'ies 17 no-hllters an 1nlan1 e)lh1b1ts his skill Al ware= (lhr) aJ The Sons 0 1 Kalle Elder' ( 1965. Wesrern) John Wayne. Dean Mar tin (2 hrs ) m llOft "'Uf=O Journals' ( 1975) Doc11 mentary (2 hr~) GD llCMI "Crazy Joe.. ( 1974, D1&ma) Peter Boyle, Paula Pre~2 hrs ) .. ....,,_.. l a.••tllNOmMI TMAT WAT AlmlCAll OOIPl1. IOUMD Tennessee Ernie Ford 11nd Della Reese salute Amenca·s gospel music tradition 1n a jamboree from Oprytand. guests 11'\Clude the Happy Gooom1tn Femlly. the Jorda- nalres M1Ck1 Fuhrman ano the Fosk Jubilee =1·~'"' ~l\19 Guest Colleen Dewt'IUfst ft91'f'DAY COOlm wmt MCCM8 ,._ • "P1lett Qt Mussels" Jacqun Pepin demonstrates now 10 chooN. clean and prepare mussels In a variety ol ways (I) l9A IAlll19M.L Oen~r Nuggers 111 Botton Celtlcs (Note Due 10 manda•ory btack·out regutattone, this game may not be seen In your area) (2 hrs , 30 min.) CB) llCMI "Olive<" (1968. MU8le41) Ron M~tive1 Retld (2 hrs. 35 mtn l ()) "Harold And Maude" ( 1971. Comedy) Ruth Gordon. Bud Cort. ( 1 hr 3 ! mln.) CJ) llCMI "Moscow OoMn't S.tteve tn THIS" ( 1980. Comedy) Vttt8 Alent0\111, 22 Friday, December 10, 1982 L Alexei Batalov (?hrs ?5 rn1n ) .. 1 ~~·y· AG.UM •ALLITllDT~~ =:n. Guest OuPnton ( """ • GOU>,_ ntE DllP A groop ot <11vt>1 underral(e one ,1 the most a1T1b1fluus a11u nazardous s..ilvaqe operations a•, 1t1f!y .rnemn1 10 ret:over Russran tjOld bull111n from lhe bOllnm 01 1he Bare111s ~e..i 1n lh•• Arctic Circle t 1 hr ) l.l .,VII ·Tnt>y Anu The Koala BNH ( 1981 ran1asy1 Roll Harri<, ( 1 hr , tt m1n) •O .,VII Willy woroi.a Anc.l Tr1c Ct10• n late Factory' ( 1971 r;inta'iy) ( 1Pllt• W1ld'?r. Jack Albertson (?hr~) '1') .aYW Ne•t Tt1 Nc1 Tome ' f 1r1•,t3. Comedy) Kenne1h More Be1sy 0rd1'P t? hrs 1 .. @ MAllMJ.l ALIVE l~ue~ts D11r1 ( ,1b~cl11 Ruby Falls French•P Burk ( 1 hr l l::ll lJC81MEWI I= a --..n a OOWNlY i ~ MllOloet COMFaJfTW. MCMEWI IC*Q ""1"IJtl Alan Jay l <>mer Hor• hbrel11s1 al BngaoO<Jn' Mv c .... , I ady G1g1"' Cametor ano Olhers luot.'. bark and forward at hos 1..areer w11h lhP aod nl Bobby Bairo Dav11J GMney anrt I '' Robertson l 1 hr } ~ ICMl.-G M>Olt 0 llOft ··sarurday The 14th · ( •98 1 ComeOy) Richard Ben1amin Paul,1 PrPn 11ss (1hr.15mrn) --•IEvening MllJOtl>MEWI O llOft .. Aoventures Of Huc;l\lebf>rry Fonn.. ( 1960 Comeoy) Tony nandnll Eod1e Hodges Based on me s1ory by Mark Twain A Southern boy comt>'i ol age white llee1ng down the M1ss1c;c;1pp1 (~' hrs) i 5£AWU ij llOft "David Coppcrlleld" ( 1970 Drama) Robin Phllhµs, Richard Atlenl>or ough Based on the story by CharlttS Dick ens A young orphan boy grows up in the England ot the t800s (2 hrs ) m IOLD GOU> QlllT1IA9 8"QAl. Hoste; Rex Smith, Marttyn Mc.Coo Guests The Chipmunks, Marie Osmond, Peter. Poul & Mery. Donne Summer Sister Slf'dge John Schneider. Andrae Crouch The Ook Ridge Boys. AmerfCa (2 hrs ) I AU.CMA~WAT -IMAl.l .WA 'Whale Watch" The magollieent gray whales are followed along their annu el marathon migration, end an lntlmete view ot tamlly lite among lhese highly 1n1e1 ltgent beings Is presented Q ( 1 hr ) (C)90¥9 .. All The Fine Young Cannibals .. ( 1960, Drema) Natalie Wood. Robert Wagner A heeclslrong girt ''°'" a poor Southern family marr~ for money. not love A::.') CJ> ' TAU MAN .. Hnr.;el And Gretel" Rlclly Schroder 8'1<1 Joan Collins star In a tale of two lost children who fell 1n10 1he clutches ot an evll witch with 11n 1nsattal>le &~tor ohllOren ( 1 hr ) =1=~1 &le.I ...... COC.-T u.:~PIOfl& ® ~ an A seven part drama based on James Plunkerrs novel ot Ovb- lln on rhe lurbulent year!. ol t907-1914 (Parl 7) (I hr I .. Et) PUDQI m1EM Regularly scheduled programming may be Oelayed oue to plf>di breaks 1•& •-.nt• O · VOYAQIRll Phineas and Jellrey 1n1n nob111 Hood and hos band on merry olde England and then help Charles L onObergh lau11ch l'11s transatlantoc lhght ( I hr ) O @) MC MEWi a.oee. .. The Money Masrers ' Dan Cordrz and Moc.heel Connor hnsl ;m exam1na11on ol lhe little under r,tc;od ano unoQuely onoependenl Federal Reserve ma1or economists and Fed Chairman Paul Volcker are 1nterv1ewed ( 1 hr I 0 nil a.If MeOCQfTt A S!Udy OI I he 1uvernle c11me ano 1us11ce sysrem ( 1 hr ) (!)MEWi Et) ~ A Ctllll1IAI lfllCW. wmt waM0 'AVAROTTI The Me1ropoll1an Opera star sing<; "Ave Maroa.' 'O Holy Nlgnt" and u111e1 Ch11st1nas classics from the Notre D;ime Cathedral in Montreal (R) ( 1 hr ) Et Wl TMEAT111l: MRR M (JI) H NB9Y FONDA: M 11A1t AID .. llO¥tll The r)n and 011-screen life of one ot Ameri- ca s tavotole actors os traced wolh lllm cltps nt some ot n1s t>est movies 1nclud1ng ··on G0IOen Pond' whteh won hom an Oscar ( 1 hr I L .aw 'The Cat Ano The Canary" t 1978. Mystery) Honor Blackman, Moc.hael Callan He.rs ballle tor a !Oftune ill the spooky estate ol a deceased mol· 11ona11e 'PG ( 1 hr 30 min ) rOl .aYW .. Taps" ( 1981 Orama) Geotge C Scott, Timothy Hutton Military schoo "<lell>ts take over their scnoo 10 prevent plans lo turn the academy property rnlo a condo de;.:Q;nt 'PG' (2 t>rs J ($ Ill! tnU The myths and realttoes ol teenage love peer pressure and changing morals are examined through interviews with reens. parents and teachers ( 1 hr ) 0 -IClla1a Henry Fonda and Myrna Loy star as a ma.rrled couple who retiecr on theor 50 years rogether ("?) llOft "Lies My Father Told Me" ( 1975, Drama) Jettrey Lynas. YOSSI Yad· 1n A young Jewish boy grows up listening 10 magical rates !Old to him by the grand· tarher whom he odollzes. 'PG' ( t hr 40 mm) I aa...cowrrY ~ ... NI ... nl lmlll> IAG "The Business 01 Boolls .. The marketrng and hyping ol auth<>rs, °' how pvbUsong promotes with names in the crowd such as Gay Tatese, Harry Reason· er and Atl Buchwald {D llCMI "Pewv" ( 1950. Comedy) Dia· na Lynn, Charles Coburn Two vtvoclous sisters vie '°' the coveted crown ol Rose Bowl Queen white one hes a secret 11dven· r~e over the othe< ( 1 hr., 30 min.) .. B ()) MIQlm ....... .ucl Harry jtlOl)8rdtles his marrleoe '°' the excite- ment of a relationship with 11 young wom- en G CID CHIN Poneh Is challe<lg9d to a grudge match car race by the embittered younger brother of a bOy who was killed i ara before. (I ht.) ...,._,,1111_ 9 IMn MOUITGM Malt lnvntlgat" when a dOOIOf It murder9d In Matt'• oltlee durl~a n.an 1\1'1<1 pany. t 1 hf.I •v.,.,--:. * --"The Sona Of Kalle Elder'' -lanclay Conl. t.01~ ''"'" l lt1101>ll 1111111 1111 , , '" :J 1 111111 tZJ 11111 l,11111 ml f '" l\•1111100 '""' (1\ISO M11u1tlJ I'•"' M1l 111t1••1 1111 Wt\o (I tu 10 111111 I Afternoon -,----Twm u.&>. .,...ITOOll. ..... llOVll "Mm-U1nHu11" Al 11111 I 111 1• 1939 C.uo11u1ly) ll.4111, fli11Huw I "' A1d4ln I<' ""' I • QOll J /I. H l 111hl 1'1111111 "•'""" Ployoft~" I hu 111111·11 w 1"'''1" V"""'" 111 1111• w111ICI C.OlllJ.)Ulti 1111 11 i•1U 000 111"1 flll/t' 111 th1b p1a&11111ou"' p11t1111u , 0111 .. .,1 111 ... , 1111 Oe!ltlrt tnn ant.I Co1111try Clut> I 1 '" I G ~TAMlllG IUWI MMAV!Ofl (CJ llOVll "Thu Mut111.. i.A1111' f l'Jl1,1 11.4.,.,, cal) Rob<:!• I l'1t1s1<m "'""""' I•'"'" !.' t111o . 30 m111 l (0 ) llC)Vll l>dy~ UI W111t1 1\1111 llO"t•' ( 1963. Orn111t1) J111.k I 1J1111111111. I 1111 lh1111 11..k 11 h1 30m111 J ell) llOVll Modttl W1l11 ( 1'141 I """IVI Jo ell BloncJell 011;~ P10wt1ll ( I hr Ill min) 1119@ ~ COUITIAU UllClAL . '.JI I llW ranee Stauwoy Tn rhe Sea .. Tiu· l'•1Ji11J1 "°" 11110 11\tl St l HWlttlll tl A1111t1 '""' t .11 .. 11 I .ikes re11eali. how 1t1ti urllt11p11~t·~ "' rri.111 have a11e1t1d the cw11ple• h1111111111oe~ ••I 11:11 1 na r; :a11 2) ( t h1 I WAU ITMIT ~ MPORT WIJ), WIJ) WOM.D Of AlmlALI ~ I UllDDITAMlllG ..... ll'HAVOI ._,. IOL.sncl Henry I ctn<J,, "" Myrna Loy ~la• as .l 111<1111eo 1.1•11plt< w111 reflect on their !>O y13!H~ 1o ot-HW1 tel fJ I.MT 01 TMI Wl.D O ..._ fOOTIAll l o; Al1\l"''"• 11.rnle•"' "' IKan.::: ~s (:) "'" J WCTlOllll ..... flWl.ICPUUl ADMl-12 NA-n. "ThP ()1.,1uve1v <JI A11111 1.1I Beha11101 In P1a1s" or t.1Jd A lcx.u'> '" 0111 t1Hf11ttthllltr wrh Wllfft UrtflPll\J tl1,, tu I h• .hu fy *"'""''' ltlffh•'*HH H11 lqtju1" h1f1jj II ly I 11111111~ I """Y """ lldllll'" fl1j1111111 It l'lt ••H1hut t t hi I m W\_ roC>f9AU. llt•\jh 11111 I IVHl,1\)" ol l>ot1v'" lh111u •;1, uf I ••Jit Aflyuh••, ltutt•'• I"" /\11\Jnho, lt1t1i1uP• •lt t' ,11t '"'• t 11v I t.1111 ( I lu, I ~---Aa.IOOYI.....,, ' Cou.IQI IOCCU I """'""' I 11111 , ,,., 111111 I t fi11111p11Jt11,h1p tf111tt1 f 1 •ii I 1101111 •l1tl1 11.i I ('1111•, hi 111111 I 11 YIDIO MUOI S OOTT11 WllT INCIAl OIUVIJIY ,. """, ft"\J''', .111JI1+1vt' H11Nl.011t ,\ ',i; ,,., ~11111 lhitlu+ 111 11111 !11•,11111,Jtll tv ··1••·• tttl h •i1lu1 "''' "'''' 1'''''r'•1t , Wl>P11 lw1 ,.,,,, f111h• ,,,.,I t l,1·, ~ •, t I hr I Z ..OVll I "' My I 11111111 I 1hl Mo l ''U11 I 11,111111~ lulf111y I J'l•d' fn'1'11 111•) 11 I I 111 411111111 I 1• 1l71 MOYll I 1111,111 111 1111• ~ (I ti.II 1111.Jittfl,t•J l dt1 t l11fH1•t 1\111111•1 y Juitu1 t .' '" ·, 111111111 / 1::m § fACI Titl NAnotl f·TROOI' llOOTI <ii"• I JI '""""''I ( "" "' fl,1v1· I ... ..,, •• , l u111 lilt• 1Ut t J,1• 1• ttt•Jrly t1t•11l1•11 I< !10,1111 l1y I ''"' 11111111 (I luy1l 111111111•-.) ( l11L""W• f tl•OI )'' ft•l1J"I' iHHJ ldhP•1 t11• I et1t1ly ull 111 H1 f,HUU) l1•fllotP.•,1•1• to flMk• ''""""' .1.111 (h111 11f 1.'111• I ( ~l IOQUMT '9111TOM Of THI YUl(Otl (f J lllOVll ' (111y" I 11w11" ( l't hJ I l11111111J SptHU,ul f1.u y M 11 ~•·y HPul11•y (1 111" I l'Ql UllCTMllll Q) ADAM-t2 m> AMDllCMf OOYDIMWT H t NCH UTTU'I CtWITMAI C AAOt. T 11 .. flhl' lf1f HtlJ rlf4'-,,1c .111•,1 1 ilay· d r11ul1thuh• ,f roh.. llll h11J1h, f h••tW/t'f "•'I >Ot)t '"'"' lillb ( .ldlt hU 1f1 ,tfl lHIU ..... lhJI Vt'f".1.HHI ol lhtt ( '"1"(", flu k1•11•, lo11l11J.Jy 11.1.,.,1( ( 1 1>1 ) 0 MOVIE iiu 1111.,. 11•111 111.1111.i f J·,n11.-J,1 '>1Jt• M.u1111 J .1rP.t•t '1h•<J1•11 ''' (I Ill ·10 "'"' J @MOVIE !ht· H111111111 "•HJ111t11tt•, ( l'J/'f I h.1111.1) I 111 ~ V 111 I iyk• K.ill1l1•1•11 <J1m11,.,, 11111 l91111n I m MC)VIE "'1111111,1f1HHi h H • N 111tl (1')47 MU'.lt.111 fJ1.,11111.1ll111h11• f1,.11,1l•I < l'Ct1ll11•1t (? 111-. l 2:00 6 N(WlllW(EJll Costa M esa 's 011l_11 Complete Funl.!ral Facilities :-,,.,, 111..: \IJ I· .11111 ... l l&&JUWll&Mm f ._,.WOMM llOVll Thu ft11Jtt11 HIJ'"" ( flltl I A·lv110•ll•"'I '•'""" llu.,v11& Juh11 01111111 Q;/~~nll .... (I) llOVll 'filly I lri /\ f >olpl1111' I If}~/ f1t 111•••) .,,,,,11111 I 1111111 At1111 I 111lel (? 111 I «I) llOVll t '"""" (.11y f 1'1'>7. W1tbl111n) ll11111lulph •,11111 ll11y11111111I M11~b1ty (7 "'") 04! "AMO PUYDI fWllLY IVIJll ~y TOOl"n4IJI f 1111111 uu11011tl1or1i. ul New I lfltt1t'1'• pi;UW1f'• ·.ttu...r how Hui < ttlf.llt\IU ' ,. h1tt10•1 t•, 1111uh• tuutu1111y lhlthJ•H Tut&• N.1· 11111011111 H1•111 y P111lo•1uor I 0111Jh1rn lly11l .111d All"" 11 I 1111~!.tlllll ( 1 h1 10 """) IMTROOUCltQ llOlOQY ' _. WAltlMQTOlll I llOVll "I 0110 1-, ffolle1 l 111111 I 11 .. , .. ( l'l''" fur11udy) r111 .. ti<1th lttyllll l dlly 2:ao1P.115 :::1 I ~llOlOGY ' )MOVll ·lo~~· ( 191'1. !Jrnrna) N11111as "1" K111',t.1 P11tc•1r11111 ,; t11s •,o 111111 l H llOV11 9 Tu '• ( 1980 Comedy) .l.1111• roncld Dully Parton ( t hr 5=' ~I z I CtWILll CtWll'UN Olli TMI AUi l1IO 6 2 wmt YOU O MOVll "I ow Happy" 11910. Come- tlyf M.111 A1uflop1<; Ma111y11 Mo111eie (2 tu-. I l!.l IT All TMK @) THI ROCl(f()M) FUI EE) NOMWC IK>CICW'EU 'I WOMJ>: Aa.1 AmJI.. CAM OMAlll A nos1aly1c: took '" taken al 111.; 1<11<• all•'>I ., Ille work dn<l ho111e1own ol : 1111<..klJrtdge. M.tS'>aChll!:>CllS ~ lfTitOOUCltO llOlOQY L llOYE · B•u Mu I l'll"l Orama) Btl• rm• C...t~ey. Rei !;1,1cnso11 (:> "'" ) 0 1 MOVE · 'i<111tl1t11t1 Cm11lort ' ( 198 1, '''""1.J) Keim C.111110111l1 f'owe•~ Ooothe (I lu 40 01111 I z MOYE 1 IJ• 111 :,11111k1• ( 1978 Come 1Jy) (,l1et:ch .11111 ( h11114 f cJ1e Adams (I ltt ;11 """I 1:21 EE) PUDQf IMAlt Regula1ly sch&dulec ,..- I larho1· L<.nrn · \lot1ot ( )li\e \ Irnu wial Pllrh · \ lo1·t llill'\' · \ l<1us0Jeums . Bunal /11 Any Cemetery --Slliprnent --Cre1nation Plans Avmlahle 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554 Friday, December 10.1982 2 1 -Sunday Conl. .. .. • •• " t, ; •110 r '''"' 0 h•,1 J I It f. I ' • • If ~ • 'II , 11:50 0 M OVIE I 11-:56 H MOVIE t:t:OO 0 100 Clue () AU GOO'S CHILDAEN " I .1,,,,. '' • , I '-,t , ,1 .... A 1'\ 111 I H11 '• I 11 1t II "I H .,.,' ,,,, 'lj l. I II 111 I I• 111•!1 H11 I Ii, I 1 ' I 9 NEWS ID OVTtR UWTS {i) MOVIE f1,, H "" ,I H I ih 1 t l't /' f .. 1H "'•'I Jdl!tl.trl /, ~, ,. ' 11, ~ tc.1 lt11 fl+1il~1Pr' I /. t ! At I' t. , I l r ,,, JI ;• r ,., '•-'t1 ; I ,;i,,,, • J t' ,,, i'I lt1Hl I Z MOVIE •t "I 12:05 11 MOVIE 12:30 8 MOVIE J••! r ,. " \'1,". " .. ,, It rnl ,4,A,~11 I .... 1 il)tl• , •l l''" I " I I , It I i"''Jc-· , , 9 TOM COTTU: UP Ct.Oil j •• , •• ..,, HPf•fl'/ ; ., (() TI« ROOK IEI 14 sTlt\JllP£l cm ,, .. ,,.,, '""' ""'""1 , , . : 1.,,,. r ,,,,.~~·n 1111,..,.1 tit r111ti 11,, I 1'!11,1111,1 ,.,.,., 1t P t07 1'i1d f I, 1 hi E COllEOE SOCCER c · ,., 1.111", I rt ... I riv• ' , •"q•it"t ,,,,,, tit ,,,, f 1111 I .t1ul111 I, I• r 1 I J fl) (,' hi• 0 MOVIE [1.01" c 11 Wu"' f\11cJ fl.1~.-·· 1 1•11 111 1n1.t1 J,u i.. I 1•1111111111 I •1'"' rlt1n ' 1 ., '' I 1 if' '"'·'" .111' t .1•, NtlP h+1< n no1 .t I• If t111ly It 1 t 11'.h.11 111 ·~ .thlP lo •,, l 1 tluhl 1lu111 t t t 1 V1 nltn 1 12:35 C llOVllE Cl 11"~'1' M .11o' 11'1/I ()r11 " • , I (nit,, M (. n, IWPll R.tlpti flt<'''"'' I\ j,,,,,, '•'"' "' 11, 1• .. t·•PllJt~d .-1" .. ,1 t ti ~ 6•1 I \IJ I rit.,, •fl Nh•'ft1 t f' f PlllPn\ t .,, H••Pr Ht 1ht• rnt1Vlf,,11 f:l hie;. 1() • t:OO () GENE SCOTT 9 CllOMl CllCll L MO~ N11n1•1 (!'•Ill 1lr.irna1 (l.w111 r .... •• 1,1mp•., Ar1tfr<Hot ,., A yOUf\Q man lrH I ' hr•Jp tl1ct ff'l1Ut1f•r1 OrolhPr pr-nPrgP tr ., r """ IAn!a<oy wnrh1 '"'" lht> m;i1n ·'"""' ,f <I 11ry hi• A I' hr ')I'°"' ) 1:20 S MO~ I nll•r The N•"f•' I !'lA I Advi•nlurf') r ranLn Nr•o S11<;11n Ceo•yf' An An1f•r1t ,111 111fHlhll iltl«; P~p4>rl WIS OIJf rr ·"'""4'' 1n,. "'"'''"' 111 h1<; b(><;I friend fl I 1 hr 10 111111 J 1='11 ®' MC NIWI @ mm IAQ !Joo Bu<,111~•s!'. Of Book<i Thi' m;i1~P11nn Mu1 hyping ol oulhors. or how p11l>h~1ny p1omo1e<i w 1lh names rn !he crtJwO <,uc:h "'" C111y Tnle~fl. Harry Reason "' AnO Art OtH hwal!1 t~ I! ~ Gufl'.I non Sla1ger ( I hr ) ~JCMAll.ll ~OM M ,,._. ICem 24 Friday, December 10, 1982 ' (From le•ft ) I.aura l>e·au. h.a tlwrim · h.ahmi a 11d ~laun·e·11 Te1·f' porl nt) )CHlllt' ... hoplifte ·r~ in '"Portrait of a Te•e•u -al!•' Shoplift1•r. •• """ a pr••..,1 •u1a1 io11 of .. The· CBS ,\fte rrioo 11 Pia~ huu ... e·:· Surula ) al .1 p .m . on Chanrwl 2. 2:00 0 ( 8 CU NIEWI NIOHTWATCH HI VIDEO MOOX 0 MOVIE Thi• !.1111111 11•1/•1 11o .,. •I Alan Aalf"I"-~11'-.. t11n.1h l1•tlil I\ rlt•,ltnl,Pd m,)11 c 0111!nr.-rt '' .1n u1c;tll11!11 u1 t t•l1t•w ... lit• 1 ;\I• rn;.ak,:. rl df•.Jf t1 1,hn111 1 •,11t1f1d lhdl will kill R ( 1 hr ;i I n11r1 1 z MOVIE !Ip fll Snu•~•· c l'l,'11 I '"" rty1 Chf'PLh ,inti C.l111nq I ''"' Ad.in•'. two d r1UPr' Prth.::tfl.. 11n "l 111•· tntmlt't' trip lru<;lrt11111q Uua law 11 () f1~t•t•l11•u .9q 11fj(j tlS~OflfT1( .. nt tt (h.u H ,,,,., .th 'HI "·•' Wily 'ff I 1 hr ?7 '"" :tm cr!, WON.D AT LAAQE 2::IO I!) IU HUNT @ IT'IY~IUllEU If FELD ltOC«IY (II) (.O~l't,tl)•' I'' llH• I hv1 <.ion I Womf'rf!", COll!'<J!' 1 '' iri I'' •n,11111 9;irnp ( I hr 10 min I H lllOV11 (ln liohiArt f>uwt I 1'1111 01,1 ma) HPnry Fnnilil K.1111amw Hi>pUum Old huni1y renc;1on<. 1ec;w f,11" l' 11 f'lttl'lly rnllplp 1e1um tor ,, 1a•.1 o;11mm1'• 11 1111•11 New rnglamJ rf'hl'nl i!Oll llfP 111<;1tPd tly 1he11 c1auqhtPt hPr l1nnt" ''"'' "'" .,.,,, =iG~m1n) ~="Thi' f nlO•CPr' I 1'176, n1am11) Cl1n1 Eastwood. Tyne 011ly '01rry Hnrry" Callahan Is 1olned by"' temnlP 10olw110 hoc; pursuit ot 11 group of Cn11to1111n ravnhrfuln /1118S te11ort11ng San r lflnCl&CP ·n-( t hr J6mln) ua m,AIT'M• 0 lllO~ I •1·lo "'"'" t !!JB: Mys1ery) P.>1111 '" h•.111 1 .J.1•,ppr, Cn11cn A p11vate- d111" r11 w~" '''"' ,,, lnvtJ W'1tt1 her pn11enrs lo.11uJ·.1"'"' ¥"""11 qr.rndc;on 'R' (I h• . 25 IUlll > z lllOVIE ( ·'"'•'c" Arod Chung s Nice p,. 1m· < I 11111 Comedy) Richard 1 ''"I" I M,1,,, T1>01111h Chong Two 11v1•t•11,1tP 1\11lt11•,1d', "1pne,.1r 10 have found H P•r 1111•• '<11!1119 ,,., itoey peddle •Ce cream '" II f' ·''""1" ol I P'> AngelAS R' 11 hr . .i/ n11n 1 M C MOVIE AU Tl1e r1nP Youno Cannibals" t 1Q60 01.1m.11 Natahe Wood Rabell w .10,,,., A hf'.ic151fl ny c.iul lrom a poor ~ 1ull•f'rn tam11y ma•nes lrn money not It•••· (?hrs 15 rn10) t:OO ( ~ TCW O' TME llO....a E 8'0«T1CIJfTP tOS ('lf)~ '='II H fllOV11 9 To 5 ( 1980 Comedy) .lant> f"ondll Dolly Pncfon Three working w0tnf'n rpbel ,1qa1n<;f theu sub111g1111on by n rnnle c;ha11v1n1c;1 boss PG' ( I hr , 50 1n1n I '='II (J) 9UU ... LI di @ I DMAll Of.._ till '~) HAL.Lil.WAH QOINLI Glen Campbell And Andrae Crouch are hosts to perl0fm- e1c; Ray Cha•les. Oenlece Wllttama. Waltec 1ind Tremaine Hawkins and the Hawkin• F .1rr111y, and The lml)ilrlals In this celebfa· 11011 o f gosl)ill music laped al fhe Crystel Cathedral 1n Gard41n Grove, Callfomla, ( 1 hr) -lunclay Cont. ( IUHt, Wn•.toti•\ l11t111 Wtty1u I •t1tu1 M.11 fin f CHU t1111lht~I 1lvUll\'' lfH~ tt-tollll • I lht:1H tlHIUfll' Utill ., .. , i.,,, ·d H11•11 l1hll ,, v 1111.1 Cl) MOYW 1111111 111 /\ I'''''"" ( l't/ I J\tlv1•11lutot lh uf1001l,11t /\11 oq•l1 .-.. t It·• "" I• c uyultt pu1 ..,, 1 11111•• 11111 nh wtHtthuu .. wu•l•I rlh,.., J ~--..TI.m l1'u 14J "•l1t 'I m MATI.m rtu '" • ~··'.. If Ahull I rtuhov1u1 •,o,u, '1 f 11 I J' •·'1 11 ' utlo•I.., \If Hte• u.111., II ,,,,. 11 I .,, I • ' j, ylt.1•, w f111 ,h•lvt•d 11\h 111•1 111., ,J1 111 , I ••11 Ulllllltll IH1lhi 11r11 fl•..,lt1W1 ol I I' I !II 11111 ml l'llDGI llfllAI( H1·q11t.,11., lo d 11t J4'ttU'·llfllHllt\J 1111., t• .. l1 1i,1,1•il 1 tt• I i tltoJot• t •Jt·~•k • C lllOYW I h M1 '"" M,11• t f •• 'v'11 11) Hot•.-•t I 111 hn1 .. ,, ar. , 1 • • /\ tw.I l11lt.111u .. 111••.r11.u1 • nu 111 11 luwn 111 ll1wo1h•111 I·••••:• "t• •v 11.n d .u1 I Ul1tllvttlf1H11ly tiitl·. !fl ti•vt W tlh ,., 1;t1111.11 nel.i lllHc1ttrJ11 t·' t11·, tO 1111t1) I E ' ll'O«TICINTH 1 H lllOYll "Un 1 •• 11111°11 I 'i 111d t PIH 1 I • 1 t111t , Ht""•11 y f tHhJ.I ~ 1U H 1,, It+. t 1111t l UcJ t.uwly lt•f1•4 1•1·, '' 1tl,t-1. 1 1 11! • l1h r" '••uplt" tt•tufl '-~' 1 1,, 1 ,., .. ,,,' 111 11., 1 Nf""W f nyt.Jnc1 11 IH".11 11 '1 "' "'' 11 t I , lhtt1' d .. 1uyhl1•r .... , , Ull I 111 ' ,., I' Pc. 11 hr 4 •111111• 1 SJ MOYIE flupl.tr11•1 I 1'1111) t • '""""' f1ut.Jull H.1y» J11h1• 11.t·t•·•lr flt111 .111 ·"''" tH ', C..IPW li:tll• t11 lt•tHJ ~1111 ,+11111t1J .t 111 11 VOU., h.Hf111'f W1U t11h J I' p11••, l'(j 111f11 °,111 Vll.t~ oH1CJ tuu·.1 't111lt•1tcl w1ll1 I •l t llt1fld It) lt•tl(.a .1 !.t'CIPllvt•' r It It •\\--1 11111 111 tu• MIPtJt1't:nuir.t.'" f•t, 1 I tu Utnu 0MOYIE H.ttr, Wt1 11•1111 t t1y) ( ,tw,U'i H1•Hfl1 I ~I I ••'l 1i It f J hJ• /\ '1ffl1t ll I 1-.,Yfl 11'•' llll11fl. Hll11• I tf 1• lit! t-w ..• tun I who t1w.-It + IH' I 11 "' I 1 • •' Pti I 1 "' 40 '"'" MIQ7)JElllYFAlftU t:11 m> MAtT'EN'EC( THEATRE I · "' ·c " ft1t'fl• All Mv [).1y• I 11 "" 111•11• it" h ti.uJrn,1•,fl'' L••fltt" 1' i1 ,., .... , ti 11, fh 11 1 nt l1UvP1ruu·~ 11u••·I hq ""' •' I\, ~ df'fllctn<Jc, tu• 11 ,1q11.el1 11 t~ t' 1111 t11 1 '> "''" I l:IO I Cl) QI.ONA • THE wc..D TOMONIOW IATIJll)AY teOHT @ IONQ WNnRI /\I.ff• l.i) I 1•11•1•1 JI" l1l>1Ptt1~t nf R11y.1<111u11 My I ·"' 1 1dy "(_j1y1" "C,1rne1n1· ,u1c11111111''• lt1t1lo·, 11.11 to ,i .. ~florwrlfl1 rtl Iii I .Ui•t•I ""'"' tl111 "''I I BolJOy Baorl1 fl.tv"I r '""" ~ .111o1 Rot:Jertson ( 1 111 1 M 2 aw.it~ ON Tl4E FUI SCEME .. f) (.4 TME .&RJllONI fl,111 r 111 .. fl ru,u1 bec.:on1e' t..t•r1-.1111 ••11 It 11 .... ,, ~· Ch•Mt•ny 011 L uw~" 0 W MOYIE !111· 111-.1 ,,,.,1•lly '•" I 1'180 Mys lt>ry) f 1,111h •,or .il1.t f '°'' Oun,Jwdy A vf"lt•r.m N1·w ''''"I ol( 1111111 • fJPlPtltve whO'>(' W•h• 1•, ,1;ft1•111 J '"fl( t ".(;lflOUC., 1llne~ .... (ftf;• I .lit t ' I •rl•f.il h 11 •• , tt.lfrt1ri/1ng Manh.tlt .,, {.' ru 0 ftJ) l[INQDOlll 0 ~ MOVIE Ir,. f r 1 l rnH·h1 .v11 1 1980 Scent,. f" t • ~ ''" r ' 11111.0 MJrfln !:>het-n A fl,.. tt·r1••1J •• 1.,uu .it ·•'•' 1r.u1 ... por1" tnp .11iu1111 p1 .,.,.,,." .11r1 r.tll <..J,rt('t US~ f'Jirlttl/ h.ir"' '' t1n11• '" Ot"'t.PHlber b lq4 ' po• . .Ju 1rn1 1 ft1j y•"•' 11f b'~tw~en Peafl Hi11th1r .u1cJ Ito 1 '·n1111 1! 1 J,1p,1nese !leo~t ~) 1 ;' tu O~'°"°"' £. ~ 90Wl I' ........ 1 .. 1o W1tdca1s 's W'"' """" H.11lt.1t'" 11, 11 Shrevepori l d !RJ 1. ,,, • m 111111 J L MOYIE Tt1f' r h-'tll t, I ,••utt•H,ttll '1,/y 'II ,1n ( 1981 [!r,tfll , M 1•111 '->l•l'•·p lo·o .. 1111 Iron'> An alt;)H tu•fw•'t''1 lw11 itc..f1 1t 1·. p.u 1111 U I I ''I II I IA 11 .. u.!11 I c1l11•d fihil 111 ..-,hit Ii I'd I lllli\J ft I I ,,,., I • 'IH(I I,, It"'··) 1 ••• k r f~. t l\tt ••!•• .p1111 .. 1l1ht It 1 '' I lit \I''' 1 I ) '''lJtul IH, .. I ' I ' It, i '"I 111f11l111fl1101 •• I '. t. lu"" 1 11 ht lq/lt t I II" ' , 1 11 " '' I lit• J\cl1Ull '" 1d• '' fllll1tt) I I h Ii ti I jl,, l lY\ tHd li1t•t•11fliJ dJI 1 1 I d HI I f I 11,lf I' 1111•, 1d•11ijJ 11111 ...... , H I!' I 111' I {!) MOVlf ,. !I ii ii' •I) M r H.iliy t j ( HlllHll •1' ,, . I • I /\ I ''' I I tl•·l•I 1 11, .. 1vt I I '·I I,, I, I ,, ,, 1• It 11 t:Oll 11 OPUI UP •1orn MAITt:RPIECE fliEAllt( '••'I•• 11 1•11 '~ ,.1, I 1, I IP11d w!lh lttt 111 t 111 I I, I l!t• I• I l11•,1d di IJ11• r.1 i.lltl •••l•••q wf1P11 /\llo1h ,, I I I " ,, d .11 1 lllJ I) I I t::JO tJ 8 ONE DAY AT A TM 1 C.o• 1.11 I. o I ot ti I 111 tLt .t llHU h ,.. ,, I ' I' t 0 WORLD Of IUflVIVAl 0 JACK VAii IMl'f 9 MOVIE I .1 I ,' 'fl/ I !'1l1 t 11.t 11 •> J.11 •• 1 1•f11t '( ltc111,1!d (\II•~ A I j; "'' l••I I I J! I'd f1 d lf11il'llH'lll 0'1t''1 !11 t •t I 11 11, 11 '1il' l11•11jhl ''' p1JW+•, (: I 2d STRUMP£T CITY I\ ,.,,.fl 11.111 o11.i11"t , ... It ru _.,.1 11 f>uh I t • ,I •t(J/ I 11•\ I I EB All EVENING WTTff LEO IWSCAOUA I" I I•' I "' 11JJ ,. c .,. hJV,. hit I, II I ,, '' I ,, I 11•1 fill•· l.ipt•d "' !111 I, I I j1 ii lfl f toll ft•ll ( tH IVI' I tf. It I ,, .tlllil, I "Y ()ult H,111y 111 I tllo• IOI j..,t 11tt11 t 1 1 1 .,.,, , '''"' ) ut1111, .t• I 11 II l I 111 10:00 f) 8 TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. fl 1111111 111•11 I' I' I qi• I l•·d <A di• l.1 .. t" .. ' II I I I '"'II I I! t 111H/11 fl h1 } Offi(l)NEWS 0 WOAD FOA TOOAY H MOVIE I !'tilt I ( •iflll"lY l I f lllt'I" 'l\llJ(~flltj t .UhjUCJJ1 IOU lty I I I • 1 ,. I t I J. I t • I I • ,, • 0 MOVIE I\. ... I t I 11 '" 110 '• '" t..A ..__.,, •1 ·r I ptJtt I, t Jtq•h.l•' lit .ut.1 \•' 1 I "' u11! Uu• TtHP•' Mli' l'I ! 11 •I f • tu I y1 l>11•1 j 1t1 ,j11CJtf1t•f pld fl fll It •-.I '""'It• 11• 1.I fl11• •,lfll'-\h'f C...11' I, 1t f f, ; I J 1111 1 lt11• f ll*llf fl 1Ht',h1t ~ f I t .\ J I •I 1~ 17 MOVIE • I II I tlf4() w. ·'''" , I I t 1 ~ t t >IV• /\ t 'J J •If 1r If t •f i f I t If J .JY1UI'''~ lt1tlft 'I It? I I I•, I t1 J IO:JO 0 WIU>, Wl..D WOALD Of AHMALI ffi WUKEND Sl'Of!TS WlW'-UP (I) JIMMY 8WAOOAJIT 24 MIXED BAO 11,. f<,,.,,,, ... r11 Hoook-. '• • 1 i., • I '' l' ,p1iq .1 .u1ll1qr•, "" •'• j f I 11 ff' l/!I fh lldff1f", 1(1 lh~ "· 1 t , 1 • ,, • irtrt 1 H1•,t~.or1 1• I * .\ 'I ' J ii, I ! ffi 800Y IN OU£8TlON N.ll"P MPtJ•<»'1C I ,, •'' , ff a<I..-• .,.., f t.lt...IJtf• Iv'' li1 ' t It ;\ I'• 11 't j ,, ' 1Ul F ti Jll.,r1 town , t•l1lt "1th•lll 111 .,, .. IH1 :) c ICW..a ltOOM 2 llOYm C tu 1H h A111J 1 f11i1 u ''" _. f 11 .i1Hll' l I fH I I •llflttd.,., Huh.ti I ( f110•1 I M 1tlll1 tlhlllitt .. I 1111110 1 <Ni 111v1•t•11,1ttt 111 lfu1,11h tltf '''"' I I 11v• lt1111 I tftttll tt1i1• f 1t hiuJ 11 ff,,., I tul1lh1 'I 1 ff Ill lht• ltt•t I ti I /\1 ''" ,, ff ct 'f ,.' / tlHll J 1110CU. ~ IUMDA Y ll'O«T"AQI NAT\N' lflt• lh.1•1vt1., 111 /\11n11I fh,f1t1VIHf '•"""II t 111 (t,. Mu I fl 1 11ffu11', 11f lt11• •t.trly 1111t1uul11 I 111d /H ·I., \ll'1l•, w tl11 tJPhit•IJ llllU flu Ill( ft•iu• t1f 1111 1Ht1fft.il t1 11t1d otft, ll!VU'Wtttl I I l•f 11•goo1t JOO!tl!)NEWI NCtWID l...oetl · I.AMY, ..... (•vol I lo• rtu ~ • I ( Jt1J.-f I 1t11•·,t .-tilt flll'1 W 11 dlll •. It I I 11 111' Q) ... YfALWIU q~~T\Jllll t .. 11••,I IJ111•11l11i! II j• e MO• ···•HI·'' ('')Hf) , 'I'"•""'' M .. l1t1 M11ll 1111••.d1ty Wl'llJ /\ r1.1J11111v" 1H11 •J Mo1t1n' 111111,y '''"pit• .ut •,11"'"''' f 1 1t ,•H ltt't1dy lw•ut1t11H .111IH .. ,, hHUtq tll•·I ,JI"'' 1o1t·~lylc·. H r 1 lot 11 t11111 I 11:1secu ... 1 L MOVll y "'"'I I··"~ I I ,jllo•I' I l't// Clrottll.J) H.ttlt·o M. II" I•• f'H"I II olt.it /\ Y'"'"O w ru11.i•1 ir1l 11•nt· 111 1 t 1111.!1 l11t 1• ffldtl'1l•Jf1 •Hiii .in oHH t ••.J.11 '-I d1 1ty 1li•t,11IUl•J fHH U'JtHI' ~ ... ,,,,., , •• ,, .111.irl•" H I 1 fd :18111111) 11:20 Eii) INlAK l'MVlfWI I lh ti I ,,,1111•1 """ 11 I lro•y I yort» rc•1111•w 411 I lo H II 11 j.,, fifl<J !,opt11u "-( .fuur •· 11:11 f) ll'O«TI f1MA1. 0 ,ACflfTTOI 0A8CNrWt l"{J I.AMY F~ I 1,111 1 •l••·•l•I' v I ,., f )HJ•·' ( 1IJtt•,I o1llt111u•y W1lhi1111 t-'11111 ,,,., 11111, ( 9 J AT TME MOV1EI 00) MOV1E 11... lrtll.i ,1(11 \ fll 1111.11•.111 r 1111nly ( l'l/fo W•'".11'111) 11111 llo>lof !11 Hu11ku1 A H1>~.1u11 • 1ly •,lit""' 1'·.1111, 111 iNitf I .. l flWI 1( 1kf• '" t •rilll•· 1,..,.(1 t J " ' ;.ii II .111• t•1/11 CJ t 11\ltf I 11 (to, t ti, t1 111• W1· ... 1 l· '""' (I) NOWHERE TO TURN ,1," r,i., 11 , ,1 , .. ,11u1 (..uul I .1wr.,.,. ... h1i· t th• 1•H 11 \''' 1.1 ry f ti ft1t-' rtHHf• Utdfl ,11 m1ll11 11 f•t'• •J 11 11• Alr1<..ri wt1u hc1vtt lJt-:t-'n ttt1Pt tt•d I •v w111 .out d111114111•lfHI11\1' rr•".tJll•. o l ".Ill lo '""'',. I I 111 I (24J IOMO WIWTEll Al,111 J.iy t 1 ·1110•• flu• l1h1Ptt•'>I 111 ' fifl4.J<lrn 111 My I tll I t ly { 1 41' (.,.,Jlllf-'l<Jf .1f1d Ol•wr I • i.. h.11 i.. lttrJ Int N'-IH) .ti h• ,_,fft"'f-1 "''"' It• 1 t1 11t buOllt 0,111<l f!J<1J C1 • .0111 I ofUI I '· ntJbf-'rf•,un I l f1r I m MOVIE r 1rt1 ... r [J,in I .. ,, rt I I 1 I.' I ""'' 111Jtlll [;•''""'I"•·" H "'·"I IA.>1 r ltrPll rtu \..hHt rif rt1E• H1 1P111' ( 1•h111t µtuh,f i>th1 J (jt_•Vt1!Pd tu IJh I, lt1•11111 : l!1t ,.tffllt.tf~t.J )I ti H11Wrt11.1n h•1 1 •1 I 11 , ora111.1111Pd (HJ 1~· 111• E ll'O«T~NTEJI 0 NIWDAYllEDO $ toM£ntltO'I AFOOT Jo II ,l,11 "' o ;u10 AntJ-y c i•tJh .,1,H .n rh1S ,, 1t 1 ;..h d11r111 .lh•>tJI HJ t1ott...,Pguric.t') ,,, .111 f 11q, , Lt111r11fy tu1U"lP who di._. rT'• ,.19.,. l i ,,.,ti) lltll' 11 ht 40 111111 J 11:oe50 MOVIE r.i1t1ro1 lJ.tfl"''" t1,,. I fl•'" Prie•.t f 1<1Hn fh,u11,q "''''' H •N 11•' t.Ai"• ra,,Pll Tht• t,fory ul U!I' Ht Hl,Ht ' ,,1t1 " pr :t•' 1 w f11J •1P.,.i( ·l~O tu<, t I(• 1 1 I • 1; t 1 HI• ,)fl •C.IPd :u I H;tw,lu-tf • ,,,,, C 1 1 01.1111,!ltlt'<l !R1 I· hr 0 MOVIE /\II ho A t~11.jhl • We,,. 1 111 I ( urttedyl ()p,,trt M,-1rlir C.,r1 r1t•1 ~.A.i l•'1t- Friday. December 10. 1982 23 -Monday Conl. 0 EQHT It ENOUGH Q) ll'A'l'H Q) HAWAI RVE-4 m owa UIY ',. ..• , ,, .. ,I I! , •• , Thlifl1ds. :J m.cNfWI m lM>OIT AM>INO HUIWI llEM.4 VlOR H llOYIE l•tl ~ And '~1•· I \,•o1l1 t to I 1<• /h r ar·f t , l\'H'1'1t1.-d 1\1• ltfVt t t If t11J r .JI q th y 1n ti• ' l' u 1 I • 1 t ii'-I d .,,_.. J' f "' I c.Jli ., ,. ,..,.,, • t , • ·'· I : ' '1'·• 11<...-ll Y' .,., 1 t f I' S IHO«T~I 0 lllOYIE At<tft°'IP.t '11 I ••• , ' M "'I' '1Q7) 81. Y' Jl\11(1 c .... r ...... I It ...... Jutl flc-wlo>r fr.cr•C•S I fl.·,., r•·1<'L t•, wPallr d'•O tl<>r~ r 1n orde' t ... .;1 J ,. t• ilmOr\y 11'11' yPnll .. 1n nat••'f "iJ tr .... t •t • on sport! (;I hr!. I w 1141 "'9C( 11 lllQHT .. @ atllTllAI QOl.D A t JI .., .. ' '-'"' ,,\ ' ' Cht1c;tmas m ,.,, r, s~e·1 · ll• <••'' •. '"' , te.tlur1ng Gn1(] f4P< nt,J Ct11 ''""•I .,1••H ! • pllrl<1rmi>c t•·r tt1t• lat1u1o.,,, 't.~r wt 11\Q(jP ft.en '1'\f'\f t;tOIP I (.Ut't;er-1,~,1 ht I a. ci 1Pa.WI Eli) DIC« CAV£TT t ""I fl I 1 .. 01 t ( 1111,illol (RI m) llWINO lll'OWO c ll()YI( ITtf O (_ P t t r f'I<. I l/I I ComPdy1 A,,,, At1itrr M:.t''' tp H.on,.v A ~r1ec; .t ,,,,,,u, u..-1s1an1J1f1 l... ( .:lll~, • ., ' ~0(, rl! wnncpr ,,., ~ll'"lr••t 1 a·it> ').,.rat '''1' dauqnll'• ut J ~PfliltillPCl 1111(11'.! •'> lt•e 111r l•lr .Ir• IC! llt11St> PG ' t 12 n I $ ..ctC ~ .. C<*CUl'T ti "l l1eJrt ~·ngs J1·~<.1• ~ • "'' .1nd othPr 1111 1r a oettf1tfT1iltU (\ Ii ur H\t-• h t4W l lrHvPt .,., Arno1t 1heilt1" •• I ... 4nll"''" 1 ''' H1 mint m WOllll.D Of NOPl.E 1•1C..NrWt MICllfWt ~DAYIACWN ,Jl.llA~ ~= Q) nlm't COWAMY m 6i> JO«IJt'i WLD Elll CD IUIMU llEPOfl'T 1 E QOll f.11vPt,lQe nt "" W •"•l M.11c t Piny ChrlfllJH >n'\h1p ti' 1r11 WPt•IWfHlr1 rnylilnd) It nr J I l ) llOVll fl\ro I fp An<J f "'""• Ill flo~1p fhP R1vPIP1 I t9ROt 01'<.'"""n1,1r r ft IP wr1tn('n wh~ w••1)I In work 1 W111l1J W,u II C1(lff\n~P pl ... )nt· hH1f'llf'10' t.1 fl)flt••, ~Ultl a<.scmbly hr11•\ .ttr> pt0l1ll•tl I I hi '1 n11n I '1) OAMGf COUNTY TOOAY ,.<Ill ... ~ f) 2 Oii ntE TOWN I•• 1l11!t•tf c '""' H11lly wood p111ro"" 111.1111·..emOli> ""111111 pr111h11 lion" a so:ip 11µw.i <.!H1v••••tu111. ,. '""" .1t the ~c;s•b•hty 1hn1 t,,.,.., '"""' tpehnqc; • WFAIRYFIUD LAYIMI A ttR.Ft a C09AMY &J) TIC TAC DOUQH IMDAIWI~ rA•t•H . llOMATUM (A•C"' llc•nny I 1()(11fl!l.tll llAallL /~~ MM ...vwwt NP.ti (,.lblN .11111 lt•I Irey l yons 1i>vof"W 46 Hrn11c:. t hi' I ny· and "Sophot' ~ Cho1c.e · (Ji)...,-OTTP't JUCMAND CHlllTllA.I Filly new Muppllls 11111 •ntroouce<l In .1 heofl ·watmin11 s101y 111)<,yt tl'le llwo betwoon ;1n otler mother An<! hi!• i;on ( I hr) (0) llO¥ll "Rnom Servtr.I'" ( 1938. Comii dy) M11rK Brothers Lucille Ann A 1~11111 26 Friday, December 10, 1982 ' •• ,., "' rttlr-rnr 1 I l IPtna1n 1n d hOIPI ~1fr1 •111 ~ "'""i t>~ ,,.,,n,1 11• \,.uflv1f1ce ftlf~ 11 .. ••1rhtt•rr1t r1t rri,,r Ult·) tiavr ih•• m~a~le~ l ''' 10 n111 I z ll()VI[ Mn-;rnw I 1r "'•" 1 ftPt1Pve In ,, •HU f ,. .... dl'I VPht A ertt1,v..t '', •9 li.tl.t ""' l,,,.,., >c11·1rv ~~fl' w1u :•i.·,, .. , 11 .;1·" ,, 11! .... , 1•••~. rrhJv•· 10 rhe b'!J I, 1 1u;t .11t lt1 .. u 1ll\t1•l11H''• t:i hr~ ;>'-. " ID llOYI( 1 111•.1 " "'··"1"'1 11 ·1~ :i ;\ Sv• ,, ,,. H1< h tt J ( ,.,.~,.." l oonotn /"""' A 1.111 1y td'>t.:rtl pits h1rrt',1'll aga1rt•,f 1 ~11;1t1t1;1J1· 1 lt•C•'> I•• ya1n lne ~.ngao111 ·""1;i1.11Jy r l hr JO 1111n ) ~ 6 IOUAllE KGI Patty bilnClly 111es 10 r•vvP ner ft,eorf 1nat grasses iJe<.reastt O< puta1>1y ill Weemawee High 0 m IMUlllf1 CHlllTIIAI UlaAL An1 1n.11Po A d•<.1bohca1 s11 anger armies 1n lhe 1 "'"' 1r 1i>r • "" Cl1<.ovr••ng Ch11o;tmas fc11 •r1t-f'IC r ue Sl"lur•s 0 MOY1l Atue S~·r~ I 1')4fi Musical) rrea A.,,,,,,P Bing Crosoy r wo s1111g ano :a,.ce' ""Inc •omani.e anrt ~ucress 12 ht" ! ClOIE-uf' O llOY1l K 1 C.ll!.f>" 11940 Wes1er11 J,,, H,111 0.1ni! A11clrewt, A l)Plr' µ1onee1 , r 1r•c ,., 1 C.aiotu1n111 bount1 wagon train I• "'' lr10•il •il11Je1c; f? tlfS) 9 IOAI' ID PM. MAGAZ9E A11 ·nlF••~•Pw .,...,,,.. A11n Milrgr('t ,1 Culvt>I C•ty mar wn1> na<. crea1 1•11ap1<1q1nm10 lose w•eght (I) llOVIE Ht!> Mo1e<;ly O'Kf>t!fp ( 19!)4 lltl•i!tllUlf.01 Bu11 l lnCil\le• Jl1i!l1 n1c13 A "'"' Pr1.i1~ "' It 1 PCI I• lognr hit, mo11a1 "n""''Y t2 llr'i) ® ltllXID a&o Chn'\tr 's VallPy Cur1e1n' H11c, Acitqarian l.ln1n arftsl known .is Chns 1• w11r -Nrap• li!n11h;ir ob1ect<. 111 order "'", Wt! md~ <.Pr 1n1>m in~ new w1y hung .1r l 1 lrllJ<' nytnn r.111.11n between lwn C"'.ol nrr112n ,.,,uurit .. 11r1~ 1n 1Q 71 fD PlEDOf lfl(.AJC r-lpyul.irly <,ChNJUleO p1091.ll11m1r1~ n1av Lil' 1Plily"IJ duf' ''- o•e·lq<• brPAI<<; m) NATUM TrtP OcSt.Overy ()I An1mi1 flPh<1v1c;• Se;irr It r or The Mino T hf> r•tlnrt'i nt """ Parly nat1rraltst~ M'ld .700IO I'"'' wht 1!1>lverl mlo lhP rny<.tl'11t>s of !Mt' 1111m.11111111() iHP rev1cweel I I hr ) C llOVIE rr ... t Pgenri t II Th" I one fl,t!IQPr ( 1'lAO w ..... ,,,,,,) KhnlOll Spits l11t1 v ( hri-.tophPr l lo 1yrt Ttie I onp Range• a11d I <•nlO tJursue thl'11 .111..h enf'my Bui th (,;i-e1«l•'·h who hos k1dnappeo lhr pres1 tent nt lt1P II S PG ( I hr 40 min J I E ll'O«Ttc:PTP $l llOVIE "Ftddl111 On The Root" ( 1971 M11c;11,.ril) Topol Nnrrna Crane A peasanl moll<miln tn lurn ol lhe r E>ntury ClArtSI 11"""'" ,,.,,.,to m;my 011 h1o; t>hg•ble oaugh ,_.,., wtoll' tryonq tn hnl<J nnlu h•S Jewish l1nr11119f' '" lhP IHCft Ill Opplf'S'ilOll ·c· 1:> hr& !>9m111) 0 llOVIE 'S1mrtay In New YOfk" ( 1964 Cnmedyl ChU Robertson Jarno Fond11 Alter tlP•"ll 11hed by her boyl11end ano 1ravet1nq to New Yori.. to v1s11 her b101he1 ,, yo.mu wo•ltan cons1d11rs her poslf•on on \llfg111rty ( I l'l1 45 min ) Ml ~AU.lln., .... y ( )llOVIE 'Until She Talks· t;11 IY\.YIA ,_ IUYl'I ..-eA&. cc.DY TOMIGHT I A Slftr SIUd<leo 0051 Including 011nny Knyo Bonnie rranklln, Jecl\ l em· m1111 en11 I ynn ReC1gr11ve re-crHlff ~ 01 thf' magical moments 1n Amerle8n the 11111r with scenes from "Sov1h P11c111e, "Flntan's Rainbow." "Sweol Ch11rl1y" and "L&<!l.ln The Dark " ( 1 hr • !>O min ) ldl 8 W llWYA11 -,._ Judy finds I~ h•H>IC SOidier wl'lO uved CaOt•ln Lewlt'I lite living arone cn!.1de a tant. 0 m A Cl .. ,. awln&At Arnm:tled Al111n .... hedutecl to play .I Chrrstmll'> fvP Joto .ii C.l1r11:y1P. Hall, g•vP<; his harmonica ilWflY IO"" cl'llpOvertshed little bOy 1RJ fl CtWIUFt ANOna Q) lME TOY A l•J<'" ill 1n.• '"""' m<Jvor• Tl1t? T ny dnd its two cOml'd I c;tar'> n1ch.111J t!_ytu ;mo Jac~1e Glea~nn ~ GemlUDE arm. Q01llUDE l'1UI, QO. TIIUDI ITm Pr11 Carmtl slaro; en th•~ aaap· 1.1rcnn ot hr>1 .Jccra1me<.1 one w oman oll· Arvildway !.ht>w aoou1 Gerlruue S1e1n·s yf'ar!. •n Parts tram 1903 to 1935 (:>hrs) H) llOY1l "T ilps" t 1981 Orama) George C Stoll T1mo1hy Hulton Mch~ary school cilaets la•e over their !>Chool lo prevent plan!.. to lurn 1he academy property into a conao devetopmenl PG' 12 l'lrs) 1:::11 @ llOVIE The Helen Morgan Story' ( 1957 Biography) Ann Btylh Pilvl New· rnan A •orch !.•nger sufte1s pe1sona1 ano prole!.stonal ioss as !.ne tights a bante ~a1ns1 alcoholism (2 hrs 30 min ) ._ U CJ) M•&'l'H Morale plunges at the 40771h alrPacty sweltering unaer a severe rieal wave wnen alcohol is proti1b1ted 0 6i) .C ,..._ Y atllT1IAI ,AlfTY A oau1tng array of NBC's top s1ars. 1nctud· 1ny Teo Danson Ga1y Coieman. Charlolle Rae and Debbie Allen oresent <1n hour 01 Yule11oe comeay ano music ( 1 hr ) O TitArl~E Felllureo the •982 RuD•k s Cube World Champ1oosh1p a rh•ld survives being run over by a bulloozer a tpmate l •Ille L eaguer pitches t 7 no htlle•'> an .n!ant ptn1b1ts noo; st..111 at waterskung ( 1 hr ®) DOit cottYlll CD mJIV QMlllwt u11e<,1s R1i:tiarel Ha1"s June Allyson laura flr;in1gen Harla11 E'll• ' S0!1 ( 1 tu ) m QOll J & A Gold Put1e1 Award Pl;r 1olls The lonest w<>l!'ll'n golfers 1n lhe wortu i.;ompcto lo• a $50 000 trrst p111e 1n 1r11~ pres1191ous putlcng ronlest from 1he Ot>se•I Inn ;1r11J Count1y Cluo 11 hr ) E Cou.IQI WMIT\MO (JI) Co11erage 01 lhr Caesar s Palace 1nv1ta11ona1 (tram Las Vegas Nev I (2 hrs) 1 i l llOVll "Tncis' (1981 01Ama) Gaarge C Scoll Timothy Hu11nn M1l1tary school cadets talle over lheu <,ehOCll to prevenl plans to lurn lhe acildf'my property •nlo a cor11Jo Clf'vetopment PG (:>hrs J (0 1 llOVIE 'St11 Crary" ( 1980 Comedy) Richard Pryo• Gene Wllrte1 Two men ore mistaken tor bank robbl!rs and sent to 1011 n ( I hr . 5 t min I m10U>~• a. f) Cl) ..wHAllT Orel< 1ell1Ctantly agrees to help a local housew1le with her wrtttng omb11tons llOWS 'Susan Slade ( 196 t Orama) Troy Donehuf' Connie Slevens When r>er daughter g1vflS birlh to an 111eg1t1mete child. a woman poses os the lnlant's mother until a crlS•S exposes lhe truth (2 hrs. JO min) (ft enaT~TOIMNT lllM8 Cl) C..-V a LACSY The precinct 1s beset with e vortety ol problems. including A flood ol SAturdoy N1Qht Specials, an 11noe1cover cop who posed 1n the nude, 11ncl a lotlery hell.et that could be w0<1h SI million 10 th41 delecllves ( 1 hr ) D GD C...,..AI * WA1t91GTOlt Oi11honn Carrotl, Barbara M11ndrell, Ben Vereen. JoM Scl'lnelder end Dinah Shafe cetebrote lhe Christmas seaaon lrom lhe Nouonat B1.11kJlng Museum In Washington. O.C.J~·l Ii;,;; ~:"'cn.yenna Social Club" ( tlHO, Comedy) Jamee Stewert, Htnty -Monday -aao..~ Movlu~ •e 111 .. 1 •• , 111 llu w .... ., I .... I I t'tU I C ,1,lfu,dyt M••I lh111 ~, '-~•Uh•lu • ~.th11 t t fu t \ 1tttn J l 1 M11,t11w fJ,u1.nt lhtlu•...,tt ht luu· \ 1tJUU ( ,1111,,d,. Vtlfol /\l1Hd1•Y1I Ah•·• j h1tlt•hJ\ •• r~f '\ I ltllll • .. $ II" Huh IWtl(' t •'111 ( "" Iv IH\Jfld l\t•I Jlt .u I f11 •,I 1.1• ~' t J I ""''I .-,ll7) I Hill1A1111nl 1l•l / l1•1111u ll•dh Woriu j,. W 1111 I fh11IHl1"1 I ht !,!! o 1 ie .. n '"' "'·'' 1 , 1 1, .i·. '" .. , ..... c ''"' 1 .. ,,.1111 •I'"' I •t•I ...... ., •• l P'HO W11 h ft .... hid H •••• l•• '• l I ti 11111111•1 I h1yd (I h1 •Ill 111111 I 7'°9(9 1 M,111ly11 ll'i11I H•"ll'•'l'l1,1 '""" 1111•n1,uy N u1o1h t 1•'1 •1~ • i.. tf11 f ,,,, lie• I 0 lru lu.t 111111 , 1w •" 111•11 fhttfU,1) • h1+1h11lh L 1yl111 V.i11 Ii •111 ,, I (1 ht '>'11tt11!) 7:J0 ~ /,1, • And I l·t• ( ho,11< I ti• ( 1 I /I ' 1111 •. yl At t11.tlPt1 It,,, I flllll Z '>II m1th•'• I I 11 0 ( )1 ""·•J fl1Uh I (\1•qJllh1tt M.11111 V1l.1l1• (I lu ,,1., 111111) 1::11 c, All•"J'" N111• '"'"''" 11•111. 1 ""'·' ·~ Arn111.1l1 •d tl t11 .'1111" t .. ~ th·,,,, .. , •,.,, .. ,, c M, 1111 ~I.,. H1oyr •i •t1yf '.1.111.111 I t 1lh11t' 11 ,,, • .,.,,. ,., 1.•111•.1 m 11111 •• 1 .... 11 ...... 11 .... ., ,,.,1 .. '''·' "'·I) r •1•thJ1t' l~;H lll11h11l1t''lt Mu. h•~y l<1•• lll'Y 1.1 ru-. I l::ID ID l 1lt• Al I"" I I I 11.1, I lto111t.1J l ,nu 1--ru t' H,11 vPy I l 1 lw fl<1tef1•1 Jp,1f1 ,lllHll1JH', ~.'hf ) ( I 'Ill 1 I It'""'" .1.11 i. I I I llllfl I 11111 C i J I \I I lt1 I l't11' I"'""''' I h 1l1itfl l.1,1 Ii I I I 11 ~t•11 I fu• .. I H II , I f • 1111 ti, hJ••lt•ltrf I,,,, 1111 ffll 1111 y 11 Ill 4. Ht, ; 0 ·I•• 1 f1i y 1 1 f#HI t 1n11• lt f Hu"'''" l "111n I 1l•l1t lf'.lll1Jf'I 11 f11 11 I 1tt1f1. & I• " 11 1, '' '\J l ,.,,,I t tr11r1111J h11111 , , ,..,...., , ,,. 1," W• 1~ .. , 11 h• tn " ~11 7 1 1111! M, 111 ·''"''" 11 llt/.1 t 11111•11,1 l\11l1l l1·t11t lv.1M11111•1111111I I '" n•O Ith •' , 1 • •1 •t1,•• "' 1\1,114 I \,111 1 11 •1, 1t 1 uf ~ I I Ii• • I "11n ~ U:m S t '''"'''' t 1•1t.H M11 .. u 1111 H 1111 Mundy t lflv111 H••••d f .'hr•, t•, 111111 ~ l M1 •.111w 1111••'·'' 1 tit•lu .. ,.,. Ii• J_.,.,., • UUJ 't1fllttdJ'I v •. ,,. /\h•t1IP\r.J Ale•,f'• lJ,1( 11 '"' L J11• f''1 ltl t •JUternoon Movies-- 12:000 .... , ,. fl I ) t111i1u1y Anqt•f ( 1'1411 My•.11.;ty} ll.111 t lo111 , f 1, , t ( I 1<1 HJ m 1 1 •••• 1 , M., 1tt·o1" t, ,, , 1,,,.,, .. f) H.11 M111,uu1 'tt'tlf' lw1111•1 (.'ht•,) ti T.q •· t PtU I t11.t111.q ( ,,,,,, 1• l l •ti I 111u11h1 t t 111 1 1,' to. I o '' •. "' .• ,., , , "'tu • '"lt'l')i ' M.11 • llr1•tl11•1 I"' 1111 II.ill 11 111 to Hull ) 1t::JO 0 ',1111t! iy lf1 tJ••w Y1uk , l'H14 C u1neo 1(} ( I.ti Ht1bt•,l11111 'lfU f CJlld1J 't "' 4•, u111' I I~ C 1111• I c•qc•ttd Ill H11• l ""' ll,111y1•1 11 "1111 w .... 1.·111J t-11111<111 '•P""'"''"' c.1111., I •t•l1111 ( h y•I I I ht 411111111) 1alt 0 t 1111111 It A111I I '"'"U' Nit o llfe .. 1111 I 1•1111 t """"'' J Hu huHI t '1011!,h " M•t .1. 1 '"'''"',. < ,111111u , t 1u ·1 """) 19 ti flo11Jl•llll• f 1'111 I I 11 .. 111u j JIJllltf• ( •IUl•Uf .... ,..., • .,' ' ftulhn-, (l htl t'l ... .,,, •l • '•'"'"'1"'" (l'l!•O llr.1111111 1ny11rJ lht1u111;1t1 M1t11u Vllul" ( t ft# .C~J 111111 J 1:11 S •;,ft,,u" 01 Tltll NC11t11" ( l{llj 1 A1Jvw1ltJll•J I llto1 fh.11•,tyn foht hkttflllt t 1 ltt 4•,,,11. J 0 I 1o1 I ',1'"•""1)111 (I'll'•. 1111111111) J11•"' fJu 1, 11',1111 M111t.J •-u tuu,uJo• ( 1 hr 11!1111111 I a:OI C I lit• l r.11 .111111 . 111111 Al11111'>I W.1~11 I ( 1'fhh f 1Hll1t1 .. y) rto•.· •• u •CJ fhu//t P..iul I "l'I' ( I 111 IU 111111 ) l W" 1111,,· ( 1•J'«1 W11~ltJm) Jt~I M <( 1t•,t V1n 11 Mitt<!':> (.'tu'-.,) ._ l II• Al11t1• ( 11J/'1 llorrrn) John Hy.111 '>h•t""' r .1111•11 I I tu lt.J 111111) t:al( SI l 1111"1111.1~ Muu111.1111' (WU I Dr1t 11111) '>l1r11 P11 kt""· M111k M1ll0t (I hi '.JO If 1111 ~ 5:GO C AllclJ'" Nuri I 111111'" I i!J/t.. I &rtlrl '•f l A 111111rilt•tl (I lt1 1'1 m111 ) "'°'0! I 1111 N111t11 '.1,1111! (.'hi~) ( l I '11111 l\11rd 1•t ' ( 1eJU I ()1dtnH) Juck NI( 11111'.C>ll V.1(.-111• 1'1111111.; (I '" 45 ,. .. ,. --1;E·vening .. §o .... CtWILrl ANQILI ®l II'\. fOOTWJ. ().111.i~ Cow ooy\ di Hou~1on Oeler~ r) (3 hr!> J (IJCUNIWI Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer CALL 645-5300 Qualify for Energy Tax Credits DOUBLE PANE INSULATED QLASS Nol only <Joas 11 to~• ie~\ "''" ~011ve111•onc11 ton s11uc11on •I also ned1~ vou• home dnO mdy !lave th c1ed1ls as w ell An ••OllC room w1in AtJ1usl a Dle snaOrno •no vtn1t1a11on f o1 do •I 1 Jt,.Stller~ we 1nc1uoe one man tor 1flay 10 1ns1tuC1 ano \ltlfl ~ou 0011ectty Sn a mooe11n our $1\ow room as snown 1n Sunsei House Beaultlul & Home and Ga1den rim ~ FOUR -,f A',ON'-i AUTHOHIL£0 DEAL I fl .. 27812 Forbes Rd. Laguna Niguel 831-5670 llC • 19•~3 WESTCLIFt= CHIROPRACTIC OfftCE Dr.I~._...,_ 2041 WHtclHf Dr~ W.. IOI H•wport IMcti •-cec.·a .. 1?-._...,...._, Mosl Insurances Accepted Friday, December 10, 1982 25 -Tuesday -Morning Movies- 1::11 z ThP ( ,,,,, ,.,. K II •llUI ''"" 11QSO M11~•1 iii I '" M, c iltll .. ·y r~ ... Wtv ti t11 ,'0 111t i t:tm@ Orw", , ",•A 1t1r1111 11'1/( Oranttll f ,, II ft,,.. •. t 1r I yr 11 .. v •· hr',) --15 S t1t1 .. tn1.l M1luf'1*' ma) '"''"' fltr"'"fl M .u~ M1ll1•' mon) l'tt\I t t '" 1)1,1 10 ltll C HpuJ1 I 111/•1 A tv1•11l"tr•) (I Po lt min I ,_(fJ Crv 111 rt11 ( ,,.,. r 1'1JH l>ra111,11 Vu .. 1u1 Mill1111• R1111.rr I I Wolf· 1.• tlt'> I i l 'Chef'Cl1 A11rl ( 11111•4 • Nu 1> r>re.imc,' ( 198 I (.,prtlf'tly) ft1t h.1111 ( l1~"'C.h ' Moir in, Tho111a~ Lhonq 1 hr .' ! ,.,,., I ~ 0 'Mnd('rr1 Protllrrno. t 1'1H I < .orrwdyt Chevy r ti,1..0 r>,111. r J Art1:111v1111• ! 1 11r 30 rnri'I I .. 'C t M,1CJ!' Ir P.11" t 1411~ on11'dy Ann M.11orPI l 1111'> 1 .. wo1.1n I• '""I 11:11 H fliltP f ,.,, 't'n<ir l "" C ""'"" f\111wr11 ( 1417 C.ornP<:lv 1 '"""'"''''j 1 h1 nuo I 1 O <,o I "'" 1 I 48 1 ! • •1111-'<.lv 1 nva1 ()'NPal J'1Ck War IPll I I It• 11 1111r• t $ W1nrt., Ot < hanqt> t 14JA I .1"llil"Y• Anomate<l N;irr.11ert hV l·p1Pr 11-<l•n ~ 1 I hr ?0 "'''') z M<>'>< 11w r ,.,.,.,, , '"''"'"•t· 11. T.., 1' ( 1980 (.e>mPf1yt Vt'lil Al••••IO•.I A11•"" Biltalov (,' '"' /'-o """ I .. 0 Nu11.r.1 k<>r r ,)r.1.,..) ( l'H'll Anr m:ile<l Vf'•C 1• I M•< twtlr> I pr• 1ru1 C'hr1<, 1ophl>1 I t'<' 1 1 t01 • '"" , m AtP 'IPU Wttl II I l'J4!l Mustr.ill) Do"alrJ •) Conru" r 114,1 .. 1n I 1.111 (7 ht<. I tt9CI) lar 1• t I 1•,1 l\1Jv(l11f.m•1 Vu 11·• Mature M1U1.JPI Wilt)H q I~ hrc; I -(C A Ch11<;t1T1il<' C:.1,,11 I I 'I'• 1 r •lrllil"YI Ali!SIRll 51m Ki1thlPPr1 H..)rto<,nn I I hr It) mon) CH I · lorro Thi' t .. 1y Ht-11JP t 1 qA I C.ur11 edy) Geort;w Hnm1f1"lr I .h11Pn H11t11111 ( I hr 11 Hllll I SJ lruJ1a11 I ove C,111 I 1'1 ll• Muc;11 al) Je:1nnn11p M11c.OoMlt.J Nl'i'.<l" I rlily (I hr 4r, min) .. @ 'lf'llfll frnm A11 llro•1111w11 Wo1m>1n ( 1948 nnrnAriC'P) Imm f rin1n1n1' l nu1c, Jornoan (7 hr<. ) .. 0 Tht> H1mtcr· \ 1479 Dlilntil) '·IPv•· Mc011f'Pi'I l Ir w,111 ... II ( 1111 IA m111) 1W(Z) 'fht> C.ontP•t I tH K:1mp11rh1U1 ( 1980 Mu<;•cal) r;i111 McC;irtn<'v lhp Who ( I hr JO 111111 ) 1~(Cl fhe CathP11ny· ( 11170 flrarna) rd ASnf'r M111JrN1n St.iplNon ( I hr 10 min I (0) "Pretty 8ilOy ( 1'17'=! nramil) KP1lh Carradine Brooke Shield!> ( 1 hr 4q min) -Afternoon Movies- -• "fvery Grrl Should Be Married" ( 1948 Con'6dy) Cary G111n1 ~tsy Drake ( 1 hr . 30 min ) e "633 SQvadron" ( 1964. Orsma) Clltt Robertson. Geor~ Chaklrrs (2 hrs) Of) "March Of The Wooden Sold1t1rs' ( 1934, Fantasy) Sinn l 11u1el, Ollvef Har ~ ( 1 h< . 30 min ) (.I) "Buddy. Buddy" ( 1981, Comedy) Jeck Lemmon. Wslt!JI M11rth8u ( I hr . !)5 min) ... "The Bortler'' ( 198 t Dram11) J11ck Nlcholson, V11lerle Perrlnl'I ( 1 hr , 45 min) (%) "Cheech And Chong'11 Nice Dreama" 11981, Comedy) Richard ''Cheech" M11r· 28 Friday, December 10, 1982 1n I homas Chnng ( 1 nr ;> 7 rwn I 1a.c T11ou1e 111'JRO D1am .. 1 .1.1c ~ 1 .. 111 mon nobby 8Pr1<;011 It' tu<; l 1!il O F ndte.,,., I • •v1: 1 1'IA1 krn" '"' 1• 1 H•oXike 5h ,.., h M-irtor 111'"''" I I 111 "" r111n t tM $ Je<;u· t tQT9 (Jr,1'"·'1 flr 1• ll• .1 t "'' Atv~a No.mar 1 1 h• 'if 1111• z (1t1tca<.1 Ot fhl' t<,l.HtO<, t'l' D111 •nil) Robert MorlPy llalf1t1 lh, '··••ti~· 1n I t hr 40 mon I lJI H Oon'I Cry II''> I Inly Truri'l•lt'• I 11~. Dram;t) [>Pnn1s \.hn,loJ''"" «.:,u.., • .,, •.,111tl lrlmes ( 1 nr "0 rnm 1 (3 "The l rl~l T y1 nn11 \ l'I fl r>r.1111.q nobert D~NHO lea11r1P Mt•lP.-lu '·' tH1 mon) W CCJ He11J1 · ( t9!G Ac!vt<11t1111•1 11 h• I I rn1n) l , ··so f 1nf' 1<lB 1 I orO('{lV I ny,u• O'Neal Jatk War.Jpn 1 1 111 11 n11r a.. z. The C<>ncerl for K.irnputt•l'il' ( 1'180 Muo;1cal) P;i 11 Mc C ,111npy Thi Who ( I nr i>O mor 1 d0 "The Hunte• \ l'l7'1 Otilrflllt ,.h•v• McOui>en f It Wallach 1 l hr 38 r111n I 5:9 "Ha1Ll D1111e1 f •973 D•ano.i) J11tt 8rrdge~ Ville1oe Perro11e (i' hrs 1 c ·c:.a11tp King t I 1£.i3 Wp<,lf'•I I llnll er I T aytu1 Joan C.tull1Ald 11 ht 10 111111 I !. ·r,rendet r_.r<>ndel G1rnoe1 t l''lfl? Adventure I Animated Vc •re<. ol Pf'lf'• Uc;11nov Ke1lh M •IGl1Pll I 1 h1 10 nun I 0 Quine t < Oues1 11'Hq r 101.i<;y I Anrmaled 1 I hr ?0 mon ) llGI@ The 5anen s (P;t11 11 1'170 WPs1ern1 r >tenn forel Sam I thnl rnr ... 1Jro1hers '>Ct ou1 10 malo.P lt•P•r lt>tlUl•P, 111 1he posl ·Ctvtl WRr Weo;1 (;>ht<, 1 t:15 Z 'Stromboh' t 1950 Or,1ma1 lnQrrrt BP1gman Marro V1tatP t 1 hr 4'> min I .. DG..,,. awan.-u Clll ..... BMT•lllOOGM AllC ... Q ......... KAWAI PWl.f OftJllAIY G1ie~t ilCl•PC.C, r)nrw• lu<J11ti And~o~ ~ IUIAllTWl~Tl41 MTI (fl _,. Ya'f OWll CHlll'11IM ITORY A t11p to Switzerland bf>eomes Rn c'r.rtrnp adventure lor Benji and his trlf'nrts when 11he~~~ 11:11 .... u.m'f l&LJll ': CAVITT Guest W1lhar11 Styro" $art I) (R) ..,...YIAM .,_ "A Chrrstmac; CarOl 11% 1 Fantasy) Alaetalr Sim, Kathleen Harr1c;o<1 Based on the story by Charles Dickens A cotd -hearled miser learns the value 01 COfTlP85Sion lhrough ghoetty 80VentUl8fl on CMs1me1 Eve (I hr . 30 min ) (ID M ._ wmt Mf awLll Roy Cherles performs mony of his greatest htls -rnclvdlng "Georgie" and "Hit The Rood Jack" •• In this concert t11ped In Edmon ion. Canada (l)MCMI "Going Apel" ( 1961. Comedy) Tony Danza, Jeaslca Walter Three oran gutane hOld the purae strings to a S6-mil !!~ 1nn.ttt111~ 'PO' (I hr , ?7 min ) O MCMI "Modern Problems·· ( t98 I, Comedy) Chevy ChaN. Petit O'Arb111n 11Ule A hapless air trelllc controller with numerous pertonal problem• I• tlflOOwtld -...11r tplploimPf1r l «1w••r.,.. 1•1t·1 f., .. nq J•lll'·•· J w•lh f1uCl1>.1r N·l~lt J • t 4'1 ,. •' 1 m WOM..D ~ PEOPU 7Mf)CalNEWS ONICNEWS 0 HAPPY DA YI A<WN QMCNEWI O {) '..ll MAGAZM 0 l 'n91 IMAOCnFOfll> f)MEWI @I OTPTAMEWT TONIOKT ii) Til&'S C09AMY m J()l(EJn n.o fl) m IUIMll lllEPOfl'T fD lOOICWVE E MR. ,,_.T'llE: IEIT EVO AUNIERI (II) H ITA.NDIMQ 1'()()11 OMLY ne1l <;~t'it(ll• PrP""l115 rrr<Jdy H11• f 11•f\lo,11ler rtono.,I m.is fJ1ro111·r V111r ;>nr hu P .1mJ lnioqerol' I "':I LI~ ,1ar ''"''' f:{1•() hlo.!•llrnr Ill lhH Slqf\ I r110oJu1111(' r 1pnlc1.rdPr "Ill.fl<; .111(1 lril111 li•lo II•"-rtS ~ ... "-\1,,r • • I +t ,1,, i11y tf1r111pf l. lllOV1f I ••P A M"'"'Y ( I 'lfl() I\ 1.,.n1t1r< 1 n;iy <,1"""''Y ()1.,.,u., M11I• /\ I At1t1µffl' ti.,,,,. ••n111l1 1yP•• < tire-,. l11r•u•<1 111 • .. 1df\ 1nwn ..-.HPt1 f\t• nPPt<:. .~11c.1 t,,._.l iJ!lt'~ r•HTI,l11f1<. .11, '''Y 'lved wi th lht• Wlf,. nt ,, NP~Hl f (, •• ,.,,,., f'r1lfPPf'•neu1 VI I 1 lor I'>""' Z lllOV1l l l·>'••t t1 Arorj 1 tu l•lj Nr< 1° [J11·:1m 1481 1 •roNJy) R.chRrd (t,~t M.1 .. r ft r t • C.l!llt•lj Twn lfl¥nler.;t .... pnltt•.u]<. Af'I •• ., ' tt<lYP I )UHd lt1..--11 llu~ rtU1u(J .'\~ thpy I ..,d1tl•1 t.-~ C e .. •n1 " tr• ~'tt»1::tl .1 l to; A l•''' R t to 77 rrw 1 ED~ COUNTY TOOAY r•trn .wa 7:31 Q leA IAla(fTSAU. I · l\nq1'le., I a~e1r. v'> p.,111.in1l Trri11 01.VPl'o 1 hr\ 40 min I 7~ tJ TI4E leQHT ll:FOM CHNITlllAI T n .. 1ru1> <;tnry ,, r1ow ('t.>m<>nl t.la11. M c•wP hAp pr•nprl lo write ho<; rnriut;it ()llf>m 1<; lnlol ....,,1,., mu'>•cat ,, .. 1.,.. 1onr1• r>e•to ·•ml'f1 hv thc- Norman l uOOll C.t1u11 l fDFAla.YRUID lAYIME & lta.(Y & C09AMY (Yl C* LJ.. rea(UIP<.J ii pr11hiP of rJO(I Prt C1)ulf'l ,1 11101< ill '>Pec1all y r ars " l nrt 011 kod1)11(P1S Q) TIC TAC DOUGH YOU .-CED'°" fT ........ " llQMAl\1111 Guec;1 M1tn<; fnrmilt ; llAC*IL / l.EWJI MJIC)RT • MAGIC Of Oil 'umNO 1 lllOVll Prrtty AAby'' ( 1979 Orama) Keolh Cnrr:icfo1e ArClOkP SluPlrl~ A Worlc1 W;it I phologr;iph"t 1J1>c:111("' LO \TiflU .. 11\t• .1dnlescen1 11a .. yhte1 nt ,, p1n<;f1tute on lhe 'Rell l rynt 011'it111 1' ''' New Otl!'flnS 'R' l_I hr 49 mrn I m lllOYR ''Fltghl Tn M ;irs· ( 195;> Set ene,e I tt.trun) MillguenlP Chilpm11n. Cam e•on Mrtchtoll A orouv nt soenttsts 1111c1 repo1t<>•s f'mt>Ark upon en outer spilCI' voya~ to Marc; { 1 hr • 30 mrn ) .. IJ (IJ l.T . ..., ,....,_ llAGICAl ~ ~ Onn Aykroyd Laraine Newmarl Garrell Morns anc1 f T JOln Robin W1Hl.11ms tor an intormat111e and humorous IOOll at how our 111Pws ot e~trateirestrlals and Ille 111 the future hllve ChAnged over the years tt 'tld ,Antllt ~ A young boy takes flMI 111 n bank robbery to get ltle money he nee•Js 10 r.or11 for his sick mother ( I hr) m .ml "OC>tng My Woy · ( 1944, Oro· ma) Bing Crooby £\ar1y FIU:gerald A f)rlest assigned to o downtrodden p111rlsh works 11 mlrocle with the pRrlsh and the ~o~ (2 hra) M OJ) MAWY DAYI Fonde decldefl to help wh11n HHth111 11sk11 Sonia to oet h91 -Monclay Conl. I 111\rlll Ill tflhf IWlt lOWIJVk•• 1111111111 14 •• " 1141 t hil.t •I• Wy ... 1111111 Wlttdt f1,1r11• '"'' I ..... r11ll1t "'"II I ..... ot Ill 1111111111 (I '" I() 111111 J «A) CtWl.8'I NlllLI 9 IO'MD ,.ITWAl. Tt1t1 r.,1111w1md IJ<lllilt 11111.J vui ul •,1 Y""U" 111 ltnto I 11lu ""It• "" I ttut -,1nuu v11luo•;tly ut the I"'' V'""J' f " • ltH1111ri; f1111ht1<11I I I 111 '1 111111 J QED M1D1A MC*I Iv N11w~ I h11.r 1.,1111 ( tUHUf(li1 '"•WUy/tt littlk N ,., fiuw '"'~ •lllY• ltH ruhl•\J • f u ·. hul 111 --.111ttt• .11111•/ll•\J ru •v. """" ,. ... ••llJll'• tll) ) c1 llllOVll t11u 111111 M1111111 11•u.1 l\rtvrn1tut••' A11yu1 l>u. "'•n•1Hn Wilf1111I• ">f1ot11t11 A "' 111111 'ul". •• Jttllh ul .,u;ltuu tt uru.1 h)"""" .~ th1uuut1 fhtt '•H111hwu~1 ,f thu t9JO~ ll ( 1 111 ;•I nun I 0llllOV11 •1.1 Ill I tlu ~.11111111 t ,.,, .. Mr· hoy, J 11~ti•t f u(11jo Wuttm1 Uitht"t I houuhl"t uf 111utdttt u11ttu thu hi ,_."~ who• 1111 11r1tu1pu·.111y d11rtt•1 "'"•t1Ju·. lhtf hl1•,1 fltt!I~ hJ1111t1ry q i u vttlttf1HI h•,t11110 \;·H{1t' "' ltltl I lonrJu l<1·y~ It (I ltt l'l 111111 ) z 111110V11 t<••t>ll" l 1p111tl I''"" lhHlll•lf M111111.1u11 v.111 I >t-r Vt•rt llut11111 11.11101 A ftt,_u_. ..,µ1111nit yul I'• f1 Ht t•t I Ht ft poJ1.11t11t11 ;tf .t'\ cl 111ullll'. 111 S11ppttrllr•O t.111 lll11\1ly (I 1111 ~r~ ... ~NrTWOM_.... llQllATUlll Guest llt•n11y 1 '""''""'" W01LD Of IOOlll 1i.t1t ==x_.., IA 1U11DA Y MIGHT ... llARCHOf-AU. .. THI ,,,.._ y HAMY.O mJD IAQ C.1111~1l1 " v.1111•y < urt.1111 Tt11::. Buty,man 00111 ,.,1,-.1 knt1w11 d~ Ch11•, Ir> who wr.tps la111111,11 ul11'"'t 1-. 111 uttl!•r 1h.1y we m.iy 5efl tt11•111 111 .1 11pw w11y t1u1111 .111 or.inye r1yton cuflJtrt IJ••lwu;·r1 lwo l ol orudo mou111a111~ 111 IQ/ 1 '1:) DOCTOA .. THI NOUU 1 (1....,. IAllaAU Oet.••1111"" l rl1111111 <n1 !Ml 11110V11 Raytun.. I 191! I fh,1111.1) J<1mes L .tyntly. llOW;tttJ E Hulllll', A111111 1t1e ~UC•ill uphec1vnl ol t9i'O!. New Yrn~ ,111 upper ctc1ss 1am1ly 111es to hOld on I•• lrdd•lton dS dn dllyry OliJ<;I. IPA<h ,, rn1hl1H•I hyhl aga1ns1 lhe r.1c1'>t eo;taOh<ohn11•nt Pl, \7 hrs , 35 rn111 ) l Q) EVDYll9tG QOH ~I llllOVll I welvP Pl11'> t 1111• I 1 't/h Comerlyl :,tiar1111 I dlt• It I I 11' 1'· 1111n) n•@ llllOVll 1 '"t' 1 .. 111• .. ru Hr-11 ( t'J'111 Adventurt•I llt!v•ll•· flr .. nr1 Oo111rt'<; M11 h.1 el~ Ct11r1e..,1• yue11111,1 • < ·•I 1<11 P .i Y' ""I 111 Ht•O Cru ... , 11uic;,,,t••. ''"'' ~• "'" ft. pruv11h1 r11ca1ca1 d"'t,1•)1ju1t.t' ,,,, lh••11 11ltt1~ It\·""" t;.t hrs) m .,..u "°°"' 11:11 i) Cl) ~ .HlMN, IU>. (,r •1111 • pldV" rn.llchm..ik1•r Im a p.trdly1ed p.1111•111 WlllJ res1SIS a µo~Sll>lt' r IJJP .Jf11l •I Llr11k1•11 nearted Rcppl&s (Al 11 ht 10 1111n J 0 6:) M •at Of CAASC* llosl lntmny Carson Cuf''.I'> Su1.11111f' PIP'>t1 .. 11r-0.1~111 Steinberg Steph .. Hll' < .1.1pp1•lh M.llt' 01;~'"'' IR) (I r1r ) I YOU AIKED FOR IT A.IC .... tlQtfn. ooocouiu @ QBmlUDE Itta. QSITIU)( STEM. 00- nla Ila Pat Ca110 stars 111 th•!. dtldf'.J 1:111on o l her acc1.11rned one w rJn1;ir1 ull Rroadway ~now about Gertrnde S11~1n", years 111 f',111~ Iron• l'IO I'" 1111'> (7 t•t, I '1:) '91 UTDIOHT H, ,1 f>r·11111 Wt "'• 11 hr I c llllOVll 11 .. 1 ~ lh 1u•I~ I l'Jll I t Ollllt• d'tl •,ully t lfthl l t11t1tt1y I nu ln•m· A t, ,, h•' •'"' •• ln w• to 111 1t11 ~ r1 H., .. , ,, • ., ... 1 ~Utd t1u1uS ;.iu•.t II ··•h••t I .1 I Hl,.tf lilu II I I 111 11• 111111 ) r; IPOflTICPfTWJt l llllOVll '•""U"' I\"" ,t 111 I l<tll A hm•tu••' ',,,., •••• , ' w •• ii. 1,11111 I M I ,,.t11h I• Jt111k.•wu /\ 11 Ht h t tr •''"U"" 11:..·ut •'•Ill wfut wot., fttflfUHi'lt'lltt) PHI ul h1•; 111 1111 '' I '( ii "'" 1ltt•1•, ' l11i ' Ill ., 1if(f1 VI I/\ • I tlot.et t 1 J, Jl'vl1f ''' 1111 •t 0 I 0 MOVll I "'' • , .. , ,, A I , , I I t l'I It H1 1111oHll 11t ',ylvtd 11d11t''( f;Julll l Hnhl+I'" /\ .,.. OlftlJ IJIH l111dt, t1t11•111H lhfu,11 t•1+1•d l•f 11 h 4H hf 111111.tnht •t1l1•t11t1a1 lllY\llvttt' lw• U1t•I 11 flf 101 I a~ aoc..anc:t "''"'Y 1,,,,.1., ""'' MytH1t 'oy ·.101 tJ'> it 1n11tltfHI 11•11plt• wlu rutltttl ot• lfurn 1J0 y••cU . h 1ut·lftc.1• ~l'llCU• n:a 'OCUI oee IOClfTY I,,.. I CHAN.II QWllPUN '* THI fUll ICIJll t!GI 81JfTPTAJ9MNT TONIGHT A.ICNIWI~ · MOVlf '°'"I'' 1 ~.u 1 t•t// ',lJ'•P•'"',P) I ···.lw Nu•l•,1111 f .. ,, y I H ~ wuocl l th• l\11.1d 111 ,t yuvt•f11111u1t1 l11Wdf•f ,,,, f111t· Ulll' -Nl1u d1•1 llJ,1•, l•t q t•I 0111 t il lfu 1tu~111w.-. I unl••d h)' h1 11111111<1 .1• ... 1·,1,1111 1.'t•r•. J t9J NIWI rfOJ llllOVll 1111• M1111111l11 ""' •,,..,,,,, 1<111 .. 1 ( 1'll/ Wt •,11 tu, I•·•• V 111 ( lr·11f ',1pl.tt111• f'o'h•'' f ,.,.,. p.1u lt•d 1•1flv1t I .ud IWff l.t/.if r11t•11 111 t1".t uu1q .1 tnwr1 tfolf U11 t lllh t-H••. 111 .t 1111111!·'.~ t1.111cl t•I "'111,tw•. (I lit Ill """I m llllOYll All/II r 1 lhH llr.1110.11 111>11 .. 11 M1h h111t1 ''••li•t I t1lk An uv1•1 '.1111111 1·. ,uuS +.hJhh<H" q .. twf,tl nnfuly turr1•, UH A11110 1nv;1•.1un 1ntu •' d11.,p.l1•1 (I hi UJ tfUfl) m LOV'f, AlllEJllCAN ITYlf Z llllOYll 11., Ah11t: 11<11~ H1111t11) J11t111 lly.t11 . <.ii.Ht/fl r.i11Hll A IHHJllt 11111 1>.1by t lHtu• ... Htlu lfw worlrJ w1ltt litotr" c l.1w• u1d .t .1t ot•tl tu•ftltt 1tJ4•t 1n'1tlf11 t Pt, \I 111 tU 111111 ) IHI 0 6:) U Tt M0KT wmt DAVI> LElTEJmAN <.ui;~i., 1.,~111· N11·l'.1•11 fl<11ll.tril W.tlll•r'. 11111) 0 TOM COTIU.: UP ClOIE I .ue .1 c ''""·' '-1IPHIHrl1 0 llllOYE 'H,11td.1y f flf ' I,,,,.,.... I 1 U'>~ Lur11Ptty 1 ( 11111•11 W1•hh ),1111• Wyrri.111 IW'P )'llll1ty qui h••(.Oft1t rtt•JfH.J l.utlf" whllf' H,1vt'l111q lt11uuqt1 '-,outh /\1t11•ru .1 w11ti tl1t•11 p.t11•111-. I I lit JO 111111 I 141 TOM COTTU: UP ClOIE c .u1'"' M,.1,11111 ( h.111011 m LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE E RODEO 0 llll()Vl( 'J t,. ll11r !••I I 11/11 I •I llllol l~•t"' fht to 11·.r11 V.1f .. , '' l 11•tt!l1t I\ IP•,t hurc1PI U'-•dtd v thu.. t.• ,..,. u1 c 1r1f1i, I w1lh 01u·.,1• o l r11 tcurupf ll wntk••r •• 11111 h1"-, rn1tlt'nAh~l1c w 1li• ft' I 1 hr 41; rrun > 12:11 S NCI( ""'9NOAELO II CONCERT '>l"""I l1eld '>lll<J~ lt">'>t• (>111 .ti tJ Oli•l'f 1111 111 j µprtounttnt • tr1 ,,, u t• ,,,.w t ''""'.' ... J A111µt11IJ11.,1lr1• '' I • /11 q1•l1 I 1 Ir IO '""') ttlieOO •! COlU.0 A 101111• i.o11• .11111111• wt.r " t v•·t1"'1 t 1' P'·•'• 1 1 fl 1UI''' I c <•! '~'"'~" Ju111 ; H~•··~ (ft 1 t • r .·n 111111 I 1:00 0 ODll AUTIIY C!J I.AMY FAMQ m llllOYll Tt1r (>.11• At lh~· f p plil rr,,. S1a11~ 11960 f>r.1111.11 ll1lber1 Prt".l'J". Do111111y Mc C.1111<· tlci<,erl 111 th•• 111.1y l•y W•ll1ttf1• l11'J' M1•11 l11•r 1 I lh r ''I th •f11.a f,tt ) t ''"' '.,., tl•HJ<J•t N•ll IL• ',,,t j,.., I''"'"' T t.ty I ft f I r1I Ill n111 f ---------- 1 L 1 lllOV1I t anno•tl>all Run' ( HUI 1 t 11111M1fyl fl"'t lt11y111110i l)<)fn Del UfM \/111""'" r 1111111111 t tlar11ct•1t COftlpttl• In • 111~1 '" t rnt"I •ult • 11ce PO (I ht J& lhll• J •O• lilOV1I t,llu1t1 11 A11d (,ho1111'1 NICe lll11tt111~ t ltltll ( 11111.clyJ RlchttrcJ 1 1,, ur t. Mum I •11111111• C"hong lwo "''"""""' "'""""'"~ 11pµt111r to h eve found tliu11 11"11 ~11llt1•1J 011 1t1"y pecldlt1 1c.e r.ream Ill It.I' '•lr•H•I'• 'ii I "" Anuol"b n' 't ht • / ll"U I 1• 1111 llllOVll A \ ty It• I htt Night (191)6 ''""''""""I I t111111111t CI A11ttn. B111tn Don l1•vy A p11111 111111111·~ <IHughttt• II kid· "''"""'' Uy it rnunl.tlly de111ngt1d men wtt .. 11 t.,t1tJ '11•,l.uvtof.i rmu w~lch111g her and t.111 1tu11ca "" lov11r'> 11111e ( t hr JO min ) 1:101 Ci llllOVll •111111"~ ( t98 t. cr.modyl Biii M1J1r.ty H,1roltl H.im1~ A N«w York cobble 11 >1.rr1u tor •••utermml cm1v111<.t1I lilb bolt """"' 10 111111 hirn 1n enhsttr11,1 1n tlte U S Aror'l_ n ( I hr 20 nun I 1:JI' W '9C ..... OVIN9CIHT ~AUTRY llllOVll Thi' Borller ( 1981 Du1mB) 1.11 k tl1tl101""'' V.ilurm Pemne A Texas ""'"'" yu.1111 >; VrJIU&lt c.<Jnie 1n confllCI w11f1 lhu!.a ul t11~ c.orrup1 co workers and 111•, 111r11e11al1<,l11. wclA ff 11 hr 4!> rn1n ) 1lM H llllOVll Tt11-, I<; flv1s ( 1981 B1ogra· pt1y) flot11rnl!r1ldry r11111 footage and dre· 111.1111. t& t.1e1J1to11::. are u~d to tell the sto· I I "' I 1111,, '., l•::.lt'y' s hi!' .1nd C<trllel ( I hi 41' 111111 I 2:00 R ~ NIWI leQHTWATCM rD W1LLW1 TIU 2:9 $)llllOV11 lhe Oest (Comedy) A bu•· um country y111 ha!. gr11a1 plans Im hie 1n lr•P ~· (lt11 ;.t',rncn) t:IO ~ .... £ ~ Mi COWTACT IUMTI (R) W0tld :..upe1 l 1yhtwt>1yht Lhi1tr1µ1onshtp" ( I hr 30 """) @llllOYll · 1t1-,1111y 01 lhe Wurld Part I" 11'l8 I Co111f'<Jy) Mel Brook::.. Maaeltrie 1<.1t111 M,111 , 1llus11111u~ h1s1ory • lrorn N1 .. 111cJp11h.1I t .ivecr11,:11 tu the Spanish lt1qll•'>•ltw1 1-. e~a1111ntld 'R' ( 1 hr . 33 111111) 2:31 7) WOflLD AT LMQE ~ t L llllOYll C..1ease11 I 1gtt1n111y" ( 1977. 8111111.iplly) RcchiHt'l Pryor, Beau l:3110ges Al11•r Wo1ltJ Wilr II a 1au tJ11ve1 becomes '"" 111:.1 IJl<Jt.k Chi1mp1un "' the h1st0ty ol lliP cuc.e car tuc.1111 PC ( 1 nr 36 m111) HO (jj IU HUWT ~~ Ouo VAtJ•:. · ( 1951 Drama) Rr IJt•rl T iylor Deuor.1h Kerr A Roman .t111.ln< trll yr11r1<. Nt>rO ~> d1'>lavo1 when he 1,,11., 1111011P w11t1 ,1 Ch111.11an gul (J hrs) O llllOYll ·Ftadler On The Roof" ( 1971. M.1~11 .. 111 It poi Normr1 Crane A peasant 1111lkm..ir1 1n furn o f the century cza11s1 R11.,•,1,1 111es 10 marry oll hes el1g1ble dauyh 1i;1s while 1ry1ng tu hold onto his Jewish tw111,1ye '" 11\1• lace ol oppression 'G' (2 hr 'J'l rn1r I 1:311 l V FAITM JD H llllOYll "Tttp•, .. (1Cltl1 Orarna) George c '•COii T11nuthy Huttein M11t1ary schOOl 1 J1·1 1.1kP over rheir !.Gho<ll to p1even1 pl.in~ 10 turn lhti 1.1cademy property 11110 a t.unuo development PC, (2 hrs ) $ llllOYll Science 01 The North" ( 1981, AClvPntu11>) fllen Burstyn. Tom Skerttll In l'Jttl 3 young woman's marriage 10 a 11app1>1 1eaus her 10 a Ille ot hardshrp 1n 111 .. w1l<Jernes!. of nor 1hcrn Canada 'PG' 111., 35m111 I Friday December 10. 1982 27 -Tuesday Cont. ProkOhev ~ ROnlf• tfl't l1JIH•' w •lfl '''' reogr.;phy Oy I ev I''"""""~ 1 "'''''! • r, Zhdannv dnd (,ahr•d I H.1no•b1 1111 1 •f Ou• gfeatrc;1 pt1rna b..tllflttrt.t'· .,1 lh1 • .,,,,1,,. (2 hrs) fl";) AlfT M II.a IUWt m ,.. uTBIQHT H •• , 1 1·r,, ""' "", (I hr) ~~""""' Sylvia Krr!.1el Al.1u1 < 1111y mon J I'• I ·1 f,, ·""'" 11 r11 'l (~) MOV11 (.,1n(ly Ar•rl (Iv••• 1 11<1711 Debbie OstJnrne N.ir•• 1 1•,, • I r 1 10 min 1 ($ MOYIE Cneec11 And Ch .. 11q 1111, D•eam~· \19111 G1rt1 .. tJy1 n,.1,,.,1 "Cheecri Marin Thumas Ct..,11q Tw1. 1nveteratP potheatls ilµt>P,Jr If 1 ,l v" t •ir .. • lherr 1111e callrng a-; thPy peor11.-1rr• ,,,,., on Jhe ,ltf't'ts 111 1 <>'i Anye•P-. r~ t 1 r • 27 1111n ) m NCl.ua u::a(¢)M0Ylf Cnarn1•••" <If OP.,1111 111171 Adven1ure1 So1111y l h•b'I All•'r k1ll1n!J , mobs1e1 a marhil .111., e•rit>rf r1•1 "" tur.,1 ty t>elOrP laking un ,1 <,("'P nl horo•<l -1~~"" sins R t 1 hr ?? m111 I 1'9 ffi) MOVE "ThP Fr Prich I 1e11t>'11,.11J • Wnm an" ( 1981 01ama/ Me1y1 S111 .. 1•p l11r11m1 lions An .iflaor belWPP.n lwc> il\1or" r 1 l• altelelJ rn 1ne romanuc. pp1•NJ """" "''" 1 the twC' are pPflO•monq R 1, r r '• min/ 11:91 IJIT'DT~ T091QHT ®) THI LAIT WON> · llO¥ll 'The rrcnc.tt l •r1t· 11 1',.1 Comedy) Jane RussPlt (.,•lt>P• 1 14.,1ar •11 MaSQ11erad1ng ilS A muder "' ""''"llhr o•• uavels to Patts wherP she meet'> ..i c:harm ~ =ebonair Frenr.hm;in (;>hr• 1 fiS lllOYll 'Blood On The Sim t 1'J4' Orama) James Cagm•y ')y1v1a Sulm>y JapAnese warlords lty 10 S1lenc:e .ln Amf'r 1can newspaperman whn 1011".f'r• Japan's threat to <lernocraf y pnor In lltr• attack on Pearl Harbor (/I hr"> I .., UWI, AlmlC.All ll'YlE 0 llOVll "The French l1e111en;int ~ Wn111 an" ( 198 I. Orama) Meryl Stmep Jf'rPmy Irons An affair betwPen two ac1orc, 1<; p;11 alteled rn 1he romantic pe11od film rn wh11 h the twn Rre pertormtng R' (<' hrs '> m.n I •.._....Movies••-- .. 0 "AcrOS& The Creal Otv1de" (1976 Adventure) Robert Logan. HealhPr Rill 1ray (1hr .30m1n ) .. Cl) "Moscow Ooe6n't Believe In roars" ( 1980, Comedy) Vera Alentova. AIA•et Batelov (2 hrs . 25 min) .. all "ROSie" ( l967. 01ama) Ro'>l!hnd nus sell. S8ndra Dee (2 hrs ) .. cm "Fiddler On The !loot" (197 I, MUSI c11I) Topol, N0tma Crane (2 hrs. 59 mtn) W (J) "Come And Gel It" ( 1936, Ot:ame) Jo.I McCrea, Waller Brennen. (/I tvs ) CC) "Christmas Mounleln" ( t98 I, Ora me) Slim Pickens, Mark Mille! ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 19(1) "Falling tn Love Again" (1980, Oro ma) Etlloll Gould, Susannah York (I hr. 30m1n ) • "Olivet'' (1968. Musleal) Roo Moody Oiver Reed (2 hrs , 30 min ) 30 Friday, December 10, 1982 t2::JO 0 EI) LA~ NtOHT wmt DAY1D l..ETTDIWI r ,u,. 1 .rum ,, Oul'nlrh < ror,p lilmrrr.tker h hn w,t11•r• , w111•r1> w Mari-~c:n111 1n1 0 TOM COTT\..E.: UP ClOIE 1,ue• I W1ll.H<l •,r r11f 9 TOM COTT\..E.: UP ClOIE 1 '"""'' fr 1• r ,,., '" (E) lOvt, A.ltEIC.All ITY\.E E 'Oii ftD • TME NIA (II) z MOV11 ~P>'llerc, I 1'181 l\rlv•., 11u1· 1 11<111'• V.ir TnroyN"'' T1111n Ao1t•rt11•111 f I t1•t• •t1f•·t1 J1, frtHll ,I 0ll1tl1 1t\W'1 tU4f H11f I" ltv•'•l ti lt·I ""•"·'• .. ,· •tH nq (UC,,., ft 1 h, •,o '"'' t:beO 0 °8 "'CW I •N & WFE M 11 lrt<I ' .. illy ,,,._,~, t•qiltP .t prr1lf'',c,111n,•I f1111lh;tll 11 ... H,1 w 'l•*f• .1r1 dlJ(l~lriphPft ft1r11t>.ttl poml·~ to "H•k l Hl1 t 1 h i cJO """ J I~ 0 MOVIE 1 hP (,rl'.rl H.111• II fll>f!<, ''Iii r ( ou•r•<l'r') /,., Mr•'.11 I Kon II Yol~ ,\ t II ~ • f11•~ f>lj•· l ll) !j.llllJ' f w >t1lr' t•r• 1ntJtu•1 (, hr'.., 1 0 MOVIE l11.,1tl < .. """"'v.i \l'lh' \11PH•tt"1 l 1111 l11r 1''""" M.ul11u ( ,H1\I 'ru1·P )' WtlJ '1t' 111 1n· tit ( llrt F I# f"Otv11 1 NII ,, pi II 'H l;lt•ft I! wt '"' tt ~f ~hf"\11 ' t'\fl' "'''•tltt ,_ 1 l I l() 111u 9 MOVIE I"' ',;i, ( l'olll•. ' I IJt, w ..... ,,~t11) ( uftJ•·ft Hn1an I MjPl1f ( ul''·''" ~ tt "' t'-•nnri il_9 PITIJtT .-wT TONIGHT m MOVll ltPy Cati Mp H,\llero1.ir1 (~Jr) Crar,. < "'"'11 < ,.,, ""r H· 1 r rr 1r1t>c, r,f1qft1-NC•• •tl A tt1r•lt '• tlft--rr' lf!t1 by l l·'"Y nt ciutl.1wc. tor lh.-,-r1twt1 wwPl"t , I M1«1r11 It t1r JO m1ri J C MOVIE T hp Dam""'' 1 I"" I [lr 1m.q 011~ fi,.J.lldP 11191111 Tr l'hll A "'l'•I thy 1nih-1i...1t1,-1I f,tm•ly tC:O 1 >'I ,,, tlff L, lhP rJp t 1 .. r1Cf• .in'1 <, •t 1al irt•l'd\ ll rll p;irlv N.111 ( 11•rmany (?hrs 4'l rr11n J E COUJQf WllHTUltQ (II) 0 MOW "Tw1logh1 f'rnk' f 1'181) Vp11111 r a Haft K.inrl• £';ir ti<"" ( 1 ht 10 mm 1 S MOVE MttnlP"PtJr t •GR I C'.nm1• rly t Su<..1ri A11sparlr rr1and J0"1!trn<.on A rtpglPrtfl<J wile lravPI•, IP Stockhnlm .11111 hcyrns an atta11 w11h 11 !Tliln o;he mel 1n ,1 b•>hen111rn noghtrlorl> n I I hr 40 r1WI ) 1:111L1 MOVE ·sr. FmP (1'lAt l.omPdy) Ry;in O'N('i!I Jae~ W.i!df'n A Slutly ( OI IPgf' (>10IP<.s11r save<; hr<, lather <; tlnun 11'1 rng qarrnent t;u,tory by onventrno ii n••w t.tPe of ladies 1eans R ( t n1 • 3 1 min ) 1:11 U m ..C NFft OY!NIGKT .. (HJ Anl!l11can Wilderness" (No Dalo. Adv1>nl11rt1I ( t hr 55 min) 9:11 (C Corky · ( 197:> Or Arna) A11be1t ~IRkP r.harlotte RAmJ'lftng ( 1 nr JO min) (l l '1hf' Conceit For Kiirnpur.no11 ' ( 1980 Musical) Pa111 McGa11ney Thf'I Who ( t hr 20 min ) .. m Th~ Batlle Al Apache Pass" ( 195'1 Wesle•n) .John Lund Jolt Chandler (2 hrs) 9:11 Q) f he S10<y 01 Esther CCls1et10 . (19 57 Omnia) Joan Crawtord, ROSl>ano Brazzi (2 hrs ) (0) "Zorro The Gay BIAde" ( t981 Com edy) Ge0<ge Ham1ll0t1 l auren Hutton ( t nr 33 mrn) -(Cl "Boys Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner (2 hrs ) (A) "Oll11er'' ( 1968 Mus•cat) Roo Moody Ottver R~ (2 hrs • 35 min ) Cl J "love Me Or Leave Me" t 1956 Mt1sl- CAI) Dofl& D11y, Jame3 CagMy (2 hrs ) (%) "ChHCh And Chong't N~ Dreams" ( t981, Comedy) Rk:h•Hd "Cheeeh" Mar· l55 HI MOYE Mo111enegro pqA 1 Com!' tlyj Susan Ano;p.Jt h frlilrttJ Jo!>eph<,t111 A riP<Jlect"•l wolf' 11;ivel•. In S1oc.kr1olno a111J lJl.'!,j•flS .in nlldtr wolh ii m,w <,lie mi>t tn R twhemoan r11g111c.hHl n ( 1 hr 40 1111n I 2M e (]) caa Nrwl NIOHTWATCM .., .... 0 MOVE I OvP .\ Mnney . t 1 'l80 Adven1o11P1 Rily Sha•~ey Ornell;i Mu11 A l Cll> Angell,.' . hdnk emplOyef' s lole r~ twnet'.l up~•flP •1<>wn wr1en hP rnee1s ;inc1 toPtcime•, Hin1;111lu.ally 1nv11lvPc1 wrlh lhe wile ol .J wP.tlthy Gprm.:in 1•n1reprPnt'ur R ( 1 hr J!> mrn I :t15 l ~Fl.JI FUT\llE t:llQGi)NFft (!) IDGlANT -.J(O (I) MOYE I Met A Mur •11 •r "' . ( t 9 J9 Myo;teryl J;ior»s MaS(ln f';imPla KPlllno Wt"'n a ht>n!'l{•r ~I'll l.1mw1 l1nally y1e111i; tr 'hH '"'P JI~<> ,1 .... 111ng his n;igg1rig Wiii' hp lo11 J<. .,ln;;hi.iry fr0111 lhf' 1.1w with a young Y" ( 1 ror 1'i n11r• 1 (l 1) M HA TlllOl 0 MOVE ·So I 111e I 1'1A 1 CnrnPrlyl fly1r1 O Nf'al J..ic~ Wilr<.len A slutry col '''']'' prurpsq11 <,av('<, hos l.ilnt'r°S lloun<ler " .J gil11rn•r11 tae"tory tly 1nve111rng a new 1yr•· nl ta'11P<; 1e;ins R' ( 1 ,,, 31 min ) Z' MOV11 01,11,.:is1 0 1 TllP tsl1m1j!> ( 1q5;> Or,1mo) Rnbt>rl Morley RAl(lh Roe 1tar l<,uri Aase<l nn the novel tiy ,.,.,.,,,, CnrH.1·1 A man"' mmal hber rs 11'<,lrClyetl wtwn ne becOmPS rnvOlveo on a M;ilayan <;m11gg1ong opPrnhon ( 1 hr 40 r111n) M s· MOYE IPS\I<. ( 1979 Drnmal BnAn ()p:icon nrv._a Norm:in Tht> hie ol lhl' Krng c.1 Krngs 11orn '11'1 early years as thP son nl a poor carpenter lo hos 1ns1rg;i t1or. ol lht> rnt1g1ous and <,OC'.1al revolu11on lhlll ted IO '11<, Cleath by C:llJC rlll\ron. IS rlrta1le<l 'G ( 1 hr 51 min ) M l MOVE Children Of F'lage" ( t97S Orama) Helmut Groem Olga Georges P11.nt An l<;1aeh phys1c11111 gains a new iierspec hvp on the Arab·ls1aef1 conllocl when he reocogn11es a <1yoog Palesllnran g11~rrlla as ;in olct lroend 'PG' ( 1 nr 45 min) .. D MOYE r rve Guns West ( l 95'> Western) Jnhn I und Oo1othy Malone r 1ve e.<·coos become Conlederale sot drers and plot lhe hers! of a Yankee sta gecoach laden with loot ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 1n, Thomas Chong ( 1 hr . <>7 min ) .. llZ> "The Sa•O<> Charm" ( 1948 Drama) Rnbell Montgomery Susan Hayward (2 hrs) ,..g "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980. Comedy) Vera Alentova. Alexei Batelov (2 hrs. 25 rnln ) 1t:ll(Q) "Take Alt o r Me" ( 1978. Drama) Richard Johnson, Pamela Vlnoent ( 1 hr . 30 mm) ('Z) "Fellini Setyrreoo" ( 1970, Drema) Martrn Poller. Hrram Ketlet (2 hrs , 7 min) -JUtvnooa 11ov1ee- ,..11 "Double Dynamite" ( 1951. Comedy) Jane Russell Grou<:ho Mark ( 1 tv , :Jo min) e "The Socrel rnveslon" ( 1964, Dl'•- ma) Siewert Granger R8f VAiione. (2 hrs) CC> "T~ Concer1 ~or Kam~" ( t980. M\Nc:lll) Paul McCllftMy. ~ WhO ( 1 hr . 20 min ) -Tuesday Cont. fll •lhur H I fit ,, II lj•1Ut1!1lt. •11•• Pl .t~~~l'"" . Ci) P& lllAQAZM: ~ lt,01\j l11qu htlUlll'• 1• tn1;f,l1 ' '" If 11 • hHI' 1~t cttllt•• lt11 1 ~1111 t'lu I I ,k111 ol\>f h ,.., t It , , I ''1th •qirt wlht\jt-t'°'~t 1,~ 1Jlf11 f11-.lttu••'••l1tillt (I) THI WAY THIY WIN A ''' M1111111•1 Nnn' y lh•-.·•mtlt ' tuuU ••1 th't1d 1'" P ull•t •n '~····· I .,,,, ,,, UI I I I • t hJ1h1tl tli I 11111111 PH1111• '" lt1 1h1111 I 1~1 1 lu111uld I••• f1tllllotl1t P i\t•d!t dllHtj I If+" lift 1 11,,11111 I II f'J1u 1hwt•·,l1u1 I •111-.,u1 .111 lu. I it =!'°~. I· ..... , ''" •• ,,,........... fl, 111.,.1-I .J•'' ,.., 't 11 1 ''"' • ''"'·h•u 11111 I I I II n • • r ·Jll I ••11 I I ,111 ltt11• ht•fwcu•t t A· ,.... " I ti '''''U Witt f 1 llt i I •J•I• 1, 1 It I JU' t 111· t•lll t•d ) l' 111 • m 111v1mv M .. ,, , , • , , ..... "" .,.,,1rn I '" !"'1 1111111h 1 lu1t .1 """' l\1\11111 1 111111°1 I· M\'11 1 '• •l .. ••P1•·'!f w ilt JI•'' H1.111 q.t111til!1 q ti' lfl 11 f I ~I hi > c MOV11 M • It I I I u' , ! '. H .• ' I 1j ... d'J'I A1u1 M 11 ''"' 1 111 ! 1,u1l,111 /\ t· 111·. '""•l~JI t•t ·¥w-••1•r t 1 I hllU J d)<f I •II r1t11 ,, ... , '· ', E ll'Ofl'TICElfTER H MOYil ,, 11 .... 1,111,,.1., tl'ltll U,t•dy> '11•1 f1J• ., I I II UI I l!Ht'll thll lt1f1 1t11• h1•t 111 111 I 11111 t ,1lll1tHll1I • l1HH011 pi' l ti 1• l1qtlf1•1 1 ll• .IJl·h lf.llt'tl by I llt1111q Hl!lll'f f1tfi Ulq h1•, h1pp1·,t1 l IO!lli•I 11 hH+fht ••Ill 1IHdfi1.I !-. f 'C1 llhf ff I ~ 1 I ' -I lflij ,,, •• t 11lur•1 I II (I t.r \\IHI t.01110 M.tllh.u1 Wtoh· •h I,., rh•AI kttl t t•v ,, h111nl•lift\J ''''''''Pll 11f •1 1t11l1• 0 MOVIE ;. f 1," ,,. I f\ul11•11" 111 f,•,11 t l'H\tl • 11fl11•d"f l V11t.1 Al1•11tnv.i Alt"'''' Hi1l.•l11" t1111·• l 1111"''Y qui·. w11J1 d1tl1•H•H1 '" ,,. 1•1'" thH''o ffllt\'t• 111 Hitt tH\J t ·I) I~ ' .. ,, ·"' 't ... , ,, ' t 111 ii , ' ( L. t" • ·''I fHO I .. 07)AU .. TMEFA&'t' a:. 0 11Q LAVDtNE 6 IHMlEY I ,.,,.,,,.. •,u·,pt""t I Hi 11 th• "'·•' .tu t1.1• tu•1•11 ,J,11 1114 d f11n1tt""l '' u,1•"1 .1tf1 I • !Hit 1o lo.111 llt'r l) ( 9 J CtwlUF1 ANOEll Q) OOO C<MU ®DANCE · < ,,,. Ii .. '"''"' 11.1111•1 Ir fl111111·10 A111.l J11lot'I lf.1 II••'"'"''· t'f•,4 "'"""'"of PrttkOlu.~\; ~ flofllP J .u1d Jolu•t w11h c ho r~oqr.Jph/ t i·( It•,. t 1.;r v•."'y ,t;:tuu14 1'1111 1'hd ,,,o.,. '"" I •.• ' I 'I 1r11 ~ I 1ru ,, lttt CJ't"'.-ll••">I t ''"'11 r,., 1. ,.,,,. 1•f H1 ....... oturv t.'tir I L MOV1E I "'" I' ( ll ,,,,. ( .1ly ( l'lH I llrd"1.JJ '""'' Wrlh,1111 fr rry l)•lM• Ir fl N"w VUtk '• •P '", .111yt1I t1<•lw1-en te1to1,1I p11 .. ,sur• 111ll 1,,y.1f1y "' t11~ IPllow o t11Cl'r•. thJ11114 nn H1VP'-,tUJf"t1HHl nl w1de~µ1f',1t1 µutlCe c.011uµ11<1n R (? ''"' 45 m111 ) l ctWIL.£1 awilPl..IN ON THE Fl.JI .a. .. 111) llOft """'"I f1l1a1 •d ( 111'111 Ari""" 1111111 h1t111 I •t tuv•I•• V11y111IM M11•knll fl "'''•""•" c.<11n11a tn the ,.,,, 111 11 1111wlywu•I 1.u11plo 111101 ll111y 1>11y l'I t ''"" ht11111 lblt1111I ( j 111 4 .. 111111 f ... ., tl l llOV9 I W114 A M uri ll«Jetl lhHh• (Pr 01n101e C11111u1Jy J V•l111111 Uot1u1ulh I otl W1111 U11t11J!fl( toe I <.<llfljlll< t1ltu11~ ""' .. whon 11 11111t1y 111a gn1tne w r11111 .11111111 f >\fl', fhHMtlf tlh u htlttnt ( UIHll•Jttht tu1 d fi •vftbf1uu11v11 1uput1111\) ,j••btiJIUt1ttnt (.• ,.,~I 0 OD GAYLAM fl t"'"""'"' 11uur11 '""'• I• d1•,t I j\( ' ( iuvtltU I whu11 hu tHUbf fttt.C Uh I 11•. 1>w.1 111111111 t11;rn u I w lrn;h µ11w11 ( I t11 J u OQl TINl't ~"'" Jil(,,k ' W•lll "'"'"""II hound:. lhtlllllrin u,.1 t111111111.11 l11lt1rt< of '"' tll~liw11ml I ) m ..av ~ ( tllttbf', 1.u k '"""" r I"'' ( .r 1111t1y I ,.,.. 11111 '111!.t>fl J11111111y Yw1t1 (I 111 J flD WYl'fllt't' M1111...... (JI)'( ,., """" "''' ~IJ'-fUtc I 111 two 11uut111'~ t.Jul tt nuw twuil JH1111t~ tu MtJli!l!>ll' 111v11l11til110lll w1l11 111\lll' 11111111}11tnl.!l111y ( f.'<11 I I) () ( I tu I W NOYA l 111du11u Ir,.. '•"1'"'1111111'> An If "'''·'"l·•hvt~ '"'UJrl f)l1 tht.• l OllhlfUt '"''' u l .1 ldp.1111·,.., l111Jh ~1wuc1 """' li11e lw•lwttori I "" A11uu1t,., .11111 Sdn I h&yo whtt It " ,J,jftJ<J Im I 11111pl8111111 by f9ij'1 I'> IJll1~111 "d I) ( 1 111 ) t E COlilQI aocca 1.1111t1• r1ye ,,, itw tJ•111 .. 1011 I Ct111111p1onhh•p (1111111 I CH I I r1111h11 <ldlti fld) (II) (i' '""I I Z MOYW "lllll< u .. 1 ()I I t1u hlitt11l1.· ( l'l!:i? tlru1llfl) Rullefl MOiioy n.uplr 1111 h111d""' lJ,1~utl 1111 lhC f\OVl'I IJy J11..,epl1 < .0111d1J A 11td1l's mm at f1bo1 '' ~te ... troy..-fj wht!1t t1~ l>t.n..unltl'S mvoh;tttl 111 rt Mor)dy.111 .,,..Ullll""ll op+•r<tllfln (I hr 40 111111) IDIOlDO..I a:. fJ @) I TO I h1dy Dmalef' '""' V111f1'1 rnb,..I "'Y""'~' lln1'-. ""oga11ce wlttm '>h« 1,1k•"• t hflrUIJ o f lhP 111111 1J for the t10~p1l.Jf ,,,..d Mr tllllf I 9 J MOVIE lhl• ( ll'>~rl< "" I 19ti0 All111J11 t111o;) I <11rn11ld f'urct.1111 John Drew Ao.11 'Y"""" 111 < 1.11 A1u,a1111e1 •• Au~!>•a o r th,. tH'1lh h11-1y d1 111 1..0111ageoo& wa1110,... w.tgf' lrf•rt..l' tltlllll'!> dga111,,1 11wa11e,... (;> ,,,., JO 111111 l 0: MOY• "I rt1~le"'> l 1111t>' 1191! t fl11111<1rtce) A1ooke $h1etds. Ma 1l111 Hf1w111 fl 1 f yen1 o l<J' s obsessive 1nve lo• n1s 1 '• yedr old y11lf11end tea<.ls tu pare11ta1 1..011 lhl Is ano tragedy 'R ' ( I hr 5~ m111 ) ,.. 0 W IT. a..WMEJll Dr We!>lphatf's co111ru 11e1s1a1 oec•sron 10 close an en1111> wt11d pays o lt Nur-.e Rosenlhal lllkf'~ prly 011 11 bo1hc1c.ome pat1en1 ano Or r1scus ,., r11ugi d 1n tile eme1genc y t0om I 1 nr ) 0 . Q)Q) .... 0 IAMMA WALTal ll'laAL Oa1ba ia W a lle1s 1n1erv1ews Dolly Pa11on Jufln R111e1s and Goldie Hawn ( 1 hr ) fE) cmAT PEWa.AMCEI 'Oa11co In Ame11ca The Green Table" German Cho 1eoqraphe1 Kun Jooss·s m011rng an11 war mike macarewi ch Lie P212542 SATIS FIED CUSTOMERS SINCE 1962 2nd STORIES -FAMILY ROOMS -BATHS 11111~1n1p1•1·• 1 mnuuur~ U•n1.e •rid 1"41•1et '!JltflhH11••<1 lly tho Jollley Allll'tt ( t 111 ) lillJ IOOY .. QUllT'IC* ' tll111p11111 The f 111l1rn" f 1t1u111111nu Ill 1m nlllm u•r1ve 1}11 • c ,q,.,h 1"-ltUUJ Of HJ ontJlf•U 011 th• fl)(!ky ..t•1u.tu1tt1 ul ''' u llnttd l>t JrHt1ithu11 M U'et 1lh111. 11 t.1•.c '''ttl•nu u•pln11.1Unf1 o f uu•,ttt •l t. 0111)' "'" "f1tluh ()Cl tu ) I c I llOV1I '( flnm h l\ntl ( ''"''0 ,. N K'ct t11"'""" t1•1t11 <0111111lyt H11111110 t '""" ,, M111111 ', .. ,, ...... ( ltl1l•t1 t WI) 111vulfo,1lu pu 1httud·, 11ppttt11 tu tu1vt1 loun<t II""' '''"'' 11ll111u "" ll•ny poclcll" •<" 1 "'""' "" 11111 ~'""''' "' I "" Anou1n11 ·11 ( t tu ,•I """ I 1HJ llOVW '.tu ( 1u1y < 1!.IUO Lumu1Jy) fl1c 11.11t1 f'• f"' 1,.,,.,. W11r1 .. , f wu 11>e11 urtt flll')l.tkt~•' lt.u h1Hllil r•>ht•t•r·, .uut ,...,,,,to 1a1I H 11 h1 •,1111111 f $ A NIW DAY .. IMM I\ f•CIWHrlul l1t1111fy '"'"" a bllldll tow11 tllh l •• lln>llttl lllfllVtHlll '":"~)~\ .. l10j Mt:at ~ llOV1I ·111 T111~ 1 '"""" 01 nreoe ( IY7!J n111111.1j IJrHlht fll\j\l Judi Huwker fl wt;.Jllhy w11J11w y111ei. up 11111 t drear and '.•-<.1111 tcf11 wh6" .,,.., 1m 10,.. " Aenod1c 11ne (.Ull\16111 (;?hi~ ?!J l1'11n ) -~~-IWOM_.. llQMAT\1111 Guesf M•lc:l'> I 01ma11 I ) ~ _.,,. THf llAGIC (P11rl ~ llOV'm I .hu .. 1..n Ancf C,h111111·., Nice (),.,,,""" ( 1<!13 1 C11111Pcly) fl11,.lra1d '( 't1eoc.11· M.m11 r lrnr11t1'> Chung Two 111111•IP1rll!• µofhuau:. appear 10 118116 founo It""' 11u" < .11f111y d !. mey peolllu 1c.e c1eam VII ......... Ut11!. ul I U!. Al\gulu' ff 11 nr :/I '"'" ) tt•iDU llJ @J WlllEWI Ul'\MDAY llQHT •llMCHOl- AU • nt1 FAia. Y HAM'Y.() QUIZKl>I ' IUll•U MPORT DOCTCM .. THI HOUll ) IPORTWOMJll (R) ~ John Ryner .. nows you 1h1ny'.; !>lt1rngor lho.1n truth farg;11 lhlln hie and t:Jrher t1t.i11 ttnyltung yL>u""E' 011e1 ">een ! Z} llOVll · I he f.vnc.en For Kampuchea" ( t'l81} M u'>•cal) Paul McCar1ney. Ttre Who I\ h11'>t nt rncll pet101me1s. ma11y ol wh<rnr Y<'I togelhf!f 1n ''" all <,lar rocll orc.h1·~11.1 are featured en 1t11s 1ecoro o t a s••11P'> n f ·~one.ens held lo• 1hc benel11 ol rehel to w <H ra11dged CambOd•a (I hr 10 m111) 1t:ll 0 CU QUltCY Quincy and Sam 1n11es11· Qdlt: whun a do1en people uecome 111 rn a !>m.1111Anc.t11ng town (R) (I hr 10 mrn ) 0 W TOMIQHT Host Johnny Carson Guest Ric hard P1yo1 ( 1 hr ) fJ ®J UC ... ~ 0 YOU Al«ID fOft IT Q) OOOCOUPU @ O..:I 'The Bolshoi Balle• In Romeo And Juliet" The Bolshoi's 1954 11er51011 of FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE DESIGN ASSISTANCE Fnday. December 10. 1982 29 -Weclnesclay Cont. EJ) llAlllMJSIELL Wt ll01•1j! II ll t t 1,1 Ctll ":ll1us1 pu" ...-· h11 •' 1•• it rttl~' .lt)flP._ n f lh., j.t t m IN THI IHADOW M THI MOUNT AJNS I\ hi" ptHlt.111 t I I! "'"' 1111110'' w,..,"'"' ''"'' ,. ,, • ,, ,, ••;• '11 1 rnt~ o. H1 11,.1 1nt tu Mc ~111h•y tE QOll 4 H.,1•r,Ul'' I 1•11• Wf1rl S ~~ 1' ' r'lrly ( h.1rnp1n11 .tup h Hl W14fll'A ! 111 I 11ytand1 1ro •· lu· l MOYE f, ,, (•·I' 1 1 t •' I I ., I ''·l•Qhl 1'1/ I " • i. "If~ Ill I I I t"l1qh T rtyln1 ' JIJflq 1 !/v• t>1"t1f1l1nq It "· ,, l.1t111ltP~ 1ri Hfl1(1~lyr tu•• Htu• uw1ilv1•1t If• ltPPI W;)f<. r'< 1 I I t' \1 11H1 ) Z llOVIE r .. 11.r •11,1, 11101 •• m.u M ..Jthfl J ,,,., tt.,.ur .,. 1•1 •'' f\ tH/,\rtP ' ... urrt->,il•' tu \ii d o t lt"l•• (11"1 ·• cfr·nr t' ~1nrj 1h•t1.llJl hP' ( tt\,al dl11 •• t !tu• Aomf1 n l NPr 1 H (,"" t;f '""' EI)80l.DONU utO m FAm.Y TE• " 11 . Kr~run"' 10, ,.,,.._' tt·1.l1t I <>Hly ,.,, hnnu' D llA.DAIE'I PUCE ffi • THI IHADOW M M MOUNT AIU 11 Mm pnnra·I ot rnn1111111 1mhf·1 111 Wu kw1ffo> t .. 1l1jrt•' ",,.,.., t t ut.ir f1}11f.1u; 11 tw~ , limb.., 111 th._. tt1tt ii h'1 • ,1ru1 m M• Mr K tnlf'y m IC~ATTHl~HOUU flf'Vf'f y <;111 1011'rcl I ~ I I' If I r ; youno ll,,HtQrrr ln1 ,, t1 l11J.tv Prl~f r cP11 11orn th" r "c;1 11""'" "' th>-w1 .. 1r Hou"" (1 hf l -0 W OUNCY ~:t•'" 1.1, "r"l.1rn1•·r1· l whrn tlP iVU1 (.Jutru) ~, 1 .t t •• ,, •• , •· ' Ql;fl tn1 h1tP t< prqant4 ,..j 11 u• h J11n11 f t t11 I 0 (fG) DYMAtTY I 1Uo111 l~otnw• •• 1 rti,11,r1<1 lwpnl1p<; pillly l'ry<.llC' • '.f,1qoP1Prl hy 11• PrlCntJnter w •lf M.1r~ )Pf ur <J'• :inr1 Y. 1tf , c.nnfronts hPt n11lt111ou• t • t ; f ·tu omm..ws (f ) llOVIE lMf' Hou•,•• c >11 <),•nc1 '1H•\f11 11"14!> D1;1rn.11 l fqy J rJo l.11 ••<}("' H.t 'iO nuronQ Wntl., W:t• II ''"' r Ill '"''"'I I • 10 1nvatJe-:1 Ni111 <.py 11r11:i 1n NPw • ·•• C.1ly l7 ht<;) &:) lMI ... DAQQIEJI f111ti,.11 H'""""' ""r l:llP'> a VISIJ;'ll •.tudy nt ""' 11•r N1tly 111'.f llV Prf'd "'"n c:ilrru'1ar nt 1111 P111•lil<1 ffufl.111 . lnl 11hr1 (~) ~ 119()()11 (RJ llOVIE "All Th.!I! .JM/ t 1'1/'l M11•.o f ill) nny S d 1f'lr1Pr .Jr•<,<,o( ,, 1.111q1> flu• lllmtJflUOUS fflf" q f ;) prt ft, 'tt"'lnetl r t-\Otf'f'lotJ t:tphpr 1c; tollowPd trnrr ,,,. < <>•.• rm lhr• c;fagf' IO Pf'r<,()flill t ,, ••• • n 1;> ti(•, I min l ~..WDAY•IDD THI~ -{ ) MO¥ll 'C.1rnal Kn11wlPc1yP t 1'1/ 1 Orama) Jack N1c:ho1c;on Ann M:irqrPI Two college lrron<Ss c;pPnrl scver:il y<'.11s before al'd nlltlr gratJ11:1111m rl1-:cnvp11np hie by sha11n9 and sw11chll'g enr.h olh"f " ilrlends 'A ( 1 hr . 37 rn1n) .. •911111NT•IW<A..WS _.,,_Guest Mnrt1n Sheen l1TAllC • A TU9: THI QOUIO AQI Of 90AT1 RP• Hamson l'illfAles A IO(lk Al !he p0pvla111y ol 1oy boil!<; 1n the 1<'11h century le1111111ng old ~wsrool foolal)f' ol oceAn 11,,.,rs bBllfe~h1pc; Al'd c;11bmn11l'P<, (CJ llOftl Roys· N1ghl 0111" I 196:> ComfJdy) Kim No1111k. Jomes G111ni>r When a shnpt>ly young coed unoonnkM a ~re rese111ch p•Of!>CI. c;he finds four h11'>1 rle"'lmen mme than willing to lee'W fin llf>'lrlment 10 aid her In hf!f s111<1y ( 1 hr 56mln) D llO¥tl ' The I est Ti"'ll I S11w Per1c; 32 Friday, December 10, 1982 •• 1 •• 1 , , , , t I I I\ t ' ''\ If I' t I 1 • fl I 1 •,.,,.tJ r t .. I 1 t! I ·I 11 1lr • ,1 Wo1fd V1.t1 II ' 1 1H 11• 0 0 0 8 t 0 W NEWS 0 IA T\JRDA Y NIGHT 0 111 IEAllCM M-m All IN TME FAia Y Q) IWlllY-0 ~ COUil.1.ECTIMO I I 11 , .. 1 •I•, t n !'4'' t J 1. rt11 tpu1 1tt=> •ill' I I t ID IOUEll AEPO«T m DOCTO.-IN THI HOUSE E ~ llOR'f II o•I I '" ( 1 lh It I-I I .,.. •'·t l t ,, ~ tlhlf I ( ' I rl1 " I I ""' ,, t t ,,, I• ,, 11111 r "'I ·• r •Jll''') H l fllOV11 I 1 " I I 11 I I '1; I II -.I I I f 1t I 110111 ""II ! tu I "" I . ",, I 1 1111 1111··· ii I 1 I jl "' 11 •. 11 0 MO~ I t l II 1 1 r1 .. , • I 1, () ff I 11111 m111H1f 11:15 z c~s CHAJllll.IN Otil M FUI SCENE 11:30 0 6 HAJn' TO ltAJfT 11• ,.1,., 1.111 • ,., .1 ,, .. ., '•'·• l• •''• 1 .. I ... I W• 11 ! ft t1 1H " .,., ,, fin Ho111 1J11t· 11 ,,,,,. 11 fol 11)1 0 m TOMIQHT 11 .... 1 lt1l 1nn'r t " .. I II I n"v'u ' 11, •• 0 1~ UC NEWI NIOHTtM D YOU AllCE> FOii rT mooocOUPU . .. '}<!' A r.uTE TO COUNT IAME A t •• '"' ,,, ' I H.t • t\'tH•htl t ~ '·lt "'' f •••• f w•P t u rrnr• 1IP t nrH "'' i.1rw t "'' ti If ~ ( ,,,, ~·•Jt•• H.111 1,.,,11u rin .uin•· ' 111; ( .("\111,1 hi',-·' lttVf'd ""'"" H11•. '"'''""'' ,,, 4 t 11•.tllHr .. ,, •,.ur h 11t·.1t-. ,, T' "Y H•,. ""''•it <_Jf" rq• A• 1 ,, 1• 'J tun+ .t 11 1 I Ir~ Vv ll1.1tn<. f, hP I ffi FOCOI <* soarTY a!),.. LA~ H t f;t11 II \f;t lit, 1 I hot E ~ z llOVW Spt:'flf'r' 1 l'lli I I\ 1 l'l'f • ' •tiln Van Tonqt•n·ri fl '' l\\JfP•t:.l••t J rt11('f1 lr1f"n1S<. frnrr1 ,, 111,111 town tH•t Pffll llVc;IVttft Ill thr n111f1H1 HI'.' 1,11 tnq t ll(iHf ( 1 hr '10 m•n I mr.ct.l9 1btl $ lllOV11 T.tp' I f'IH t Ill ''" 11 •'""II' I Sc nil I nnolhy lt11t1"" M1lot.1r) "I ""' ,, 1 ar1f•lc; I tkP c 1v;•r 1''1t1t ,f ht,nl 111 JHPVPnl plrtn~ to tuHl 1hP ;u .111t•1ny 1uniw1tv '''' t cnndn ttpvelnpmr 111 1•r i (,' 111• 1 tt:tl 0 EMTUrrANmfT TOMIGHT 8 (1QJ lMI lAIT WON> llOYI! "S1<:IPr K•m11y' ( 1'1'111 ll,,1rt1,q Ro<;nhn11 n 1;<.<.i>ll Ot>,t11 ,l:igQPr A ' 1110,o1<1 1ng '"''~ h•vPlopc; .t 1 lrtlrnvf'lr"h'l 1 u1P tl•f 111f11n11lf' pn1.ily<.1c, 1:> t•rc;) l!J ..WS m lllOYll "Cln Ai. 11111! rJ.:iggt>1 ( 1 \)4t. A<lvenhHI') Gnry Cnnpm I 1111 PnlmPr II mt>f1k prol essnt 1'i ,1.,'i•t1nPd :i <;l'C1e1 """ '<100 In bf' c i'llf1Pd (>Ill tr nm ll"h•l'rl pnNny llnec; (:>hrs) Q) lOVI, AllllNCAN Jmi 12:191H1 lllOVW "Flac;h Gurdon" ( 1'11'0 '.r1 Pnce F1rt1nn1 Snm .f .lonpc; Mn• Von <;ydow A 1110 ot ,,,Jrthhno.., lt.l vel 1n lht' fllRl'PI Mongo illl•l hplp •I<. ON )Je c,<,f'cl 1oh11b1111r11<. 1n lhe 11ver(hrow nl lhP t>v1I fmrpror Ming 'PG (I hr 50 n11n) '2:21 CCJMOVW · Conle<;q1nM ()f A Pon PPfntm Pr.. ( 1Cl7'i Cnmnrty) Robtn Askw11h An1hooy 1)001h A fOC.k 11 roll <;IAr f1nrf<. plenty of rnmnnllr. Ar llon wh1lp "'' lf>w (I hr 30 min) ta:. D CJD LATI 9IQHT wmt DAVI>~ G ue!>IS game ,hOw hl"SIP'><; Carol Mem t f, ,, ..... , " , r1"v' rv , ,.,,, I 1 ' I f4 1 t 0 TOlll COTTl£: UP ClOSE I !1 f fh1' ~ ,i 1 t 11 t 11 •r 9 TOlll COTTl£: UP CLOSE I •' " .. I' /\ l' A f, I W lOvt. AMEMCAN STYU E AUTO MCINQ t · ''''·"I' •' ""' lr011·111o1 I I I '-,, .. J,ll• fll /\1f.11tlol I"' lfll t(l or I L MOVE 1t1•n ', t fJ.\ t 111,, 1,, It 11•1 ff., f1t•v1•1,, ''' )Pl /\ h.u 11 1 f ,,,,, wt1~ oN.Ud h t11 I l,1ft11•f 1 Ill h1•• h•! th1 11qlil Wt111 df1 I I t1tt1ll t)i' I ~ l f '( J I 1 t ,f •• ,., !l llfl l 0 fllOV11 11 •t t f 11°•!1 J.1, I• I.A· ) 1 1 f J f.A,t•lt',' t 1 JI I\ Ul!1 •f I,.,, ' ,,,, ,,. '" ,,,,,., tH·~11r1• ( t I [ l •nq i./Y 'I '' I 11•1 If !i' f plil I t ft !t''1tl'1 I f 1' l'J 'I ' I ', ' ""' tt1 JI hi' fTl+tV 111 Oil• •• , t r 1•1· "•lh·• H r ~ IH (,'} MOV11 l<.h > f(• I l I t't!l 1 I I' ~ ,,.1 I ' '" "1 I •.•• I "'' t ,If•! '1•Wl1 Ill fl!', llH ~ '"''''' t'• l t'11I 1 I• W• I 1(1 f\,lt t uf 1 Ht W '• I It 41 n l:l::AO 0 8 fllOVE I'• • ,,.,,. C ·~•' ' t'I ''1 ' U 1• I '1tH f f 11f•,lqfl1j f, tll 11 '"' /\ I 1tf '11• f tu11 .11 ,I 11or;t' f',l.HH1 t'I• I ' t l If P HI.If 111 1 L, 11111 IH1Jl1•CJ h,11 f I I I 4 i111•.._, t l•f 'fl 1~ 0 lllOVE ''"1 i Ut1P 1)· 1 l.tfllt r W"•ff11•<.rJ.1y 1 •lfhf, .. !11 J,")4;.l)('I I<· H'lAtf1't .,., v W••dl•••• ti.11 11Hidf\I' hu• t1.incf t h t\1 111...-:• I .t l•f~ t'-Plllfll ,.l,111 t•t , u fllOV'IE r '" I r ·"I 'I •'f I 114 I Aclv•·n 11111'1 n. •d•l\ M t r )1>w.1ll f h'rh1 VP1rj11q1 A t l t ,.., .-· ti, tt11• .••• , .r, ,, f1~h1n11 hn.11 t• • .,,( ~ f\I ~Wf' t1 ,tfl<1 JH •• f,lhll"'h h1" "'''" t • t() rtl•I I 9 MOVIE flNuon t II lh1• Fly n 0 orTBIT Al9IDfT TOMIGHT Q) fllOV11 '"" C,"Cnnd• T" llplf' (I '1'>'1. M('.l•·•yl 11•11 1 h,,,,,,,,.r I.ii • l'.11:in1 P 1""' f•tl1•u ,,, f -i eiS t 1 \Nnrk loQ•'fher f1Qht t !hf' 1nr•r1IH "' nl • •JrlnfP' ( 1 hr 10 """) 1:JO 0 W MIC NEWS OVEINIOHT l fllOV11 ("hpf'Ch A1\d ("t11111u N11 P flrr•.im~ l'IR 1 ( nml'dVI 1:51 $ llOV11 Mf'lv1n Ane1 ttnw'1re1 ( l"lAO I .(lnlf'dyl P:i11l I PMAI J,1Go11 RnhA•d~ 2:C10 M 'Ji....ca MEWi NIOHTWATCH C lllOV11 llr•lllo) MP 1 hf' Hl'll • I All11• 10 1 .. irco.1 1 11'1/4 A<Jvn11ht1Pf E WOtllD CUP llt..O (fl) H! fllOVE r 111.il A s°'1qnmen1 ( l'lflO llr:ima) CPnP11•PVP R111nld M1chi:i111 Vwk 2:15 l fllOVll I.ho<:! <;1111y ( lq8 I llPlfO<) rrrd ASl:JlfP lnhn H ou<.Prnnn OlllOV'IE Thi' rntn•t l'r' ( IQ76 0rAm'1) \:lull fac;1w11nrt Tyr1P Only l::JOfJO) .... CD lllOVll Cro<.<; l hAnnPI l lq4B. nm 111;1) W:tynf' Morns Yvonne rurn1>n11• A '"'.JI 11w 111'f 11nw1liingly Aids and Abt'l1; ' flflllnAI<, hy fll0Vlc1111Q thl'm Wllh A <:hullle •,,.rv11 p !n ''"'' Imm frlllir<' ( ! hf 10 '"'" l 0 lllOVW lllkf> All OI MP ( lq78 Dtil· 111.1) R1t hA1tl Johnson Pnmela V1ncP11I ,_ 0 lllOVW ' Tho !=11c;1 T1>x11n" ( 1956. Wm>t ""'' Joel M cCro11. Fel•c1A re11 Sern Hous Ion r11lhes To .. 11ns age1ns1 lhfl Mn~ICAn ~vernment ( 1 hf 30 min ) llAtuff .... vtC"I Y ACMf LOT (I') llO¥tl ··r elhnl Seryncon ' (1910. Ot11- mn) Mer11n Potter H11am Kellt11 I Mt -.1 A 1J 11 "'°"' ' 11111 ···•••ti l o d71 J 1u1I I' M11I f l!UI I ,. 0 I .i.i1,. " c " 1 I I/ I ''' I I' f4, Ill I I ltl •I '· ,,, a lho l111t1I t 1h ,u1I 'l'H\I lh1;1t11H M1·1,1 '.t t•PJ ht "' ~.'ht '• llllH I '*l 11 ... 1111 11 tlltf fl I 111111 MO c I ftl,tlti u fl ii ., l•t "' I tlfltl I I I ( j I/ fl1q111,1) Jf,1111ph1 J t I >/11111111111 Jt111t111, ••) 1111 • t I t• I ~I 11 lftf I "' t11 H I l,t°'fl f ,1 1 t I ( 1•11lll ti ,.,It,,,, 11 •ltj 'ulHI J I •f 1• M1t• V IH 1•('111W l t '" 1,0""''' 2::JO s ( •IVl'llhlll 111tt11 \ ltll!l'•lyt H1110~· 11111 l1fr11,IJ1i<ttl f hi 4 ''"I ,. L 11. "'" "''~'I I t " t ""' t I,,.,, •.•• • r f 1 d \ I.Uk ' ttf t'l't ll11",l 1fl t I ''' !111'1, J:JDO "'"''·" '''" ,,,, .... 111v•i1,. ,,q,,, ''""' 111 U•'I If~ t ,,,, p• 11,,.,111.u H.it i. 11 •tu ')11 • 2 h ! 11 ol l I lh1 l' • .tlt J t f l'f' ,.1 I t1,1 1111q It, ht•1r M1. 11·( •httJ 11 lf11 J1,11 1'.1111 t 1 lol J ll """I .. S A Lt1111,lf1•1f , C d ol 11'1'11 ~ ttlltrt.,yl A 1t'.l11 l '-i•ff .-,,tt lt·r•I tt11t11• •f ( t ht ,H '"''' d C ( Ju1 .... 111111'a Mr111nld•n 1tfU1 l>••t •llrl) "'"" f'u k1•11'. M1Hh M1ll1•1 I I 111 II) fl Ill' * H l)lo"'' 11 It.II M11~11 olfl H,111 Mrn11ly <> .,,,,, Rr•• I t. *'' ''•" i11 l floto,11 A111! M.11.,111 I 1•1/1 l f1Jfltd fh,t'I \111.ih {.••ftlll'lr /\•Ht11•y tt1•p f11111 (ltH ~1'1fltlll) 0 .'11tt11 ll1t l •. 1., fU.1 h t ''011 C iHtt , 1, t ''''"'I' H.111 ft 1 I 1qn11• Httlltil• f I '" 'i """ Sdll(l7) ''"' "11~1'11. 11 ·"' .1 I i'lllf w •. ·.1111r1J ''"''''' ' • .,., ··'"' t llh•I rt111111 IH 1h111• •,•I jl t tt1.11-.1 lt11•1t ft fl 11 11 Ill lht J )'' ( ... .-v I' ;/'<1f• ·' C.-' ht 5:::30 $ r.1p , 1•u 1 r '·'"'·'' '''"'"' '"'>< Pll r.,. .. Illy Hulli .,, I' t1r. 0 ( Jl1v1·1 j 11H1U Mu•,u .-1~ HPn M1 11dy ')h"~'' Ht•'-·lf I h1· H'' 1111 J z ( t •""Plf A'" (' llCJ ,,., 4' ,,,,.,.,,. C 1 JHl C.11tl1t••>v1 Hu t1,11 l hPt-'' t1 M.11 1r1 1 r1orn.1•, ( tu.HHI 1 , ''' .' / 11 1n ) .... •Evening1 .......... H0600NFn O~ANGna ru caNFn 0 191. H()Cl(IEY I•>' /11 'I•., •. "'""I ,• N1•w 'V r~ R,mq!'•, c. lu 9) COLL.Eal IAUEnAU I .1•i• ,. Nn1ltwin llhno1~ 1,• ~.,. J 00JMCNFftQ IDM•A•t•H (l)HAWAIFM-4 ffi OVIJt EASY , , •. 1 Jfl.trlnf-' Mort""~n; C) (l;) NKtErl I 1 t•,, 'Hi1f It f {ID UNDERIT AJC>INO HUMAN IE.HA VIOR c MOYE IJir I I I l~•Lkil'hy' I l't.S I Dr 1ni.t p,., •. p n1 .• j ( •'flti( H ar'1N "-P hct•,~t I •f' U11• ( ~oi, oh .. l1;.-(,;t1 )rl(l flu kt•ll~ A )'OUIHJ t"nJ """"lfJf..., I' '''"1.-~c.1 tu•. t.uruly lrutn Hf Ufl( lt4 Wlf kt"'•11nftq .. f11 t' '" r-11·. I ED Tltl PfllCf IS AIQHT t::JO a (l;)NFn [if IAllNEY -..J...EJI mwa ED OtCK CAVETT ' .. ,,,.. w "'"" <,1y1111> fP.11t l1 1n1 {ID IEWIMQ POWEi E WON..D CUP UlltO 1 ""1·•ll"' ,,1 It•" W 11f,lt•f (., ·•'•t <,tjh II (h11111 Vill <1 hPt•• f h •tl ttl t fu tO I II WOM.D °" ,.OllU , .. CM ... ...... M.un DA YI AOAIM MC .... G l , JI. lllAOAJIMI J onuT ._,,r TOMIC»fl TNm't .,_AMY G? JO«D't ft.II at) ll>IMll llUOf'l llOYll rtu I ~u ,,1 II H •, t 1'011 A,1.,,,.,!f+J''" 1, •• ,11 N 01,111 lhil •• ,, I'"• ,11 A tl111 I .. fl 1• i,,.. t' lttl I Ill JI 11' ' I It' t .11h I, ,.11 I lt••J t 1ttll I I •f ' ' • ' , ~ • , I ' ' If .. , I • 1 I ' I I ~, I I 0 IOXIMG l MOYll ., .. '"" 11 h \J'"' ftPI Jlt ,Ill ~'1.fl I I. 'I' "'' ',,., t 111 ••J' J11 •f f .l1tflUltU <ft It l"""~c~·~·~~v , ..... 1:il 2 ON TlW TOWN I • 11 • 11 I' ...... , •• " tf I*...,,,, 11, ••• ,. . ... ,. fr1lt't" Nt1t• .. •) II h11,I 1,1 ,I hi II •,t,nw ,1 lt•Jl.I n1t'ltfll 1t•'" .ii 1'11• 1 1 ,._, I 1 1 fl,md yt1I IO\)Plh .. r §fl'.),.,._YftUD L.AVIMI l ..-..rY l COl!lf'ANY mwn .... ANONYlllOUI ITOftY It t t1uri.. li111,1y rt1pri1t'> ''" U1.11lf"'' I f yt!Wllflt,.'»'-Anutiyfltt lJ' '"''~r.1111 Wl1u •• I llfHt>dh '#11f1f\ Nllf 1 'f"Wlfflt• I •1111' ·I ot lf l (!) TlCTAC DOUGH I~ YOU AIKfD Fott IT IDM'A0l'H @ llQMAT\ME <.w" I M,11f,11 ol•• • fll) lllAaml I a.a.R llEPO«T {ID l"flEV1N AND Tltl l'fTTUURGtt I 1 • I •·I ... t. r 1•·.11v,,1 t 1•H1·, •· v, I M., ~, ' •, " I ''"t'' ( lhv11t K1n1'.'.t 'fl J11t111 M 1 ( i1l11 .p1 t 111 Mn t 111·1 l•JJI t•ll JtiH /\n1j11 J ''"vii l!I I II• f It t ,, ,, ')''''I I, •ll , ,.,, 111 I tll t I 1 •Ir I• .t y,11 h1 "' 1t11u; lir1tt 1 • J hr' H NCH UTTU'I CHAl8Tf!IAI C~Ol I 11 .. 1111 .t1·r 11n1•11•"""''""·1 pld(' +1 11111l1d11dt 1 r 1 11•" '~'I nJ1r1q I tw1 ,._.,., c q1• 11 ' fic.h ( f 11 t11I •f H t IHI 1·,1;.11 'llt'f 11111 t•I 1J t l .t1,11h .. , 01c...."•_.t1' hul11f.ty 1 l,1 I 1 ltr J m cOLL.Ea1 uu£TIAU. ' '"'''"'·"' v" llC Ill""" I t tu 10 """ J HO 6 lfV(N IM>EI FOA 8EV£N MOTHERS £i1•ar u ••ou"> 1 1• .._, "'' , u,' 1111 w 1lt1 d l1Jurl••\.1,1· 1 fJWCn 1y JVI" ~·'•'p·. tw~ pd '.I ,Jt1d Pf.!' ,qrl,JI 11r1 ,I rny•,f•''Y I. 111 ) 0 (l;) RlAlPEOP\i ( .-.111111·d M1, ' .. 1111.1 ft11• w11rt-111 V• ,,,11,., r• ,t /\1 ''''H 1 ·• ( h,Jrt•1f.h,•h t.i iu I 1t '' •• '''· .11 l,11r11, thdl rle1tlplt._•tJ .~. ~ 111' I I '" f 1 , ' I D MOYE Tt1t• I 11\J "'"I w tll/ I 1'1411 Mu--.H +ill B1r1q ( '" .t>., lf •.• 111 I lJtd.11111• /\ .,)It .111.tr 111t'°' I( •I .J ~ hl•tu>q! tit I It, .. r '"' ·f:''' '' ll Au, If,,, I • t f ... 0 llO T AL.El Of nt( GOl..D lllOMEY I 1 •'. <"""r ikt I rJtJ•P <llld J,11 lo.ur0Pf1.1l-t .-su••t IOIJ .. , flH'ff y 'Hl'•'•IPH 11f 1111 l1•Cji1t",I 1JI J,i.._, • .._ 11ld tlymq l111r!dy ''' f I n dt• I 1 Wt1t1',1t hu-,ltau J t t, I 8 l.A f1N PlilOfU 0 Tltl ... !CdOftl CHAISTIIAS IPECW. C..iu.,~11 1nrhJrtu1q C .ul11 ft1Hf111f1 .tr1d • 11 ll''' A11lc11 111 J1rt t'~ If •I it h11t 1• i, f••' ,)! fr n ti tW .H ~ 1 t ~J NEWI co P.111.. llAQ.AllitE A IHI .... .tf ,, ,. t !fT"!d,I( jl Ue1wl'NI lllOdPI ( ''""I'" f111rt•l•· / .in,1 II ,. heir 10 tt•fl Muet ( htt11• Jc•n' hftrup,tqru; fcJf '1.ic\P ' vPIPI n.tr·~Jf .... ,j(, dP~•·lnJ1P<.1 t r.11...-1 f, H' OV'"'W411\Jt 1 l 1f 11 HJ j .q'.. m MOYE .,,,.,., r '·'Y '" M ,, , "1114 •ll'\I ·'"'' 1• 11111 I I flu •~fto !It II .._ I J "'Uh•• /\ I f 1.1nl. '"\J I -1 Jt-,1 '"I It ploh;, • tftthhtt '( 1q 1 ''Iii'" 1tu111 I, 1f11t ,,,,., .. ,,,..,,, \. p111 .• 1 i· ,111111.,1111•11t 1u11• .... ,nw11 iN10 o"' • ,, ' ~ 11 ,, hr· l4' COU..U.UCTINQ I ••• 1 I •• I ''" c f,1•1) I 1h ii 11 •1h 1· .and 11111 .1 .,., 1 .... ,._ ril t ,,. tID,,,~~ •'~' •• ,.~,~~~.-AU ................ Titf,...,,__, 11 ... 11111 1 1, ~ ti t , 111 .1 r~ .,. M 11 ;tr•fl 1 ,,,u 1,.,,.,, .,.., 1 ,., Ii f111 M(f ti·• ,uul ' ... t •" I J1111 '' 11 •I A1111tt• p,,.,,111 .ttul 11 J I II 1;111 lh '111!1J•lt11l11 I 'I IUl',lht f11I 101 I, ,, ,, .... h1.11i1f1liq l\Hll'.11 lllH'.11 ( 1 c MOVll ' I I , , q H JI t J 11 I I 11f 11 II t t1 ft I. ffl ••lt> W1I f\ f t•of¥ f\ rt Ovitt hi I 11 tJ I 1t1Hlh lflll 1,,, • I ii if 1111o.-., 1•1c• 11 ••t1.1ll11111t 1l••\J ·.111 I ' 'I ..... ,, •• ,, ,, l It I lti ,111111t1"q 111 , I IC 1, t t .1 11 ,, £ IPOflTICUfTtR s la.ARRI 1 , , i~1, ,.. ...,. / ... 1h1nu•· 11.111141•1 It• 1'• lt1dt1 11111•1 Ht.tit l1h 1llH) I I I It II 1t1;tt 4f ' r ' ... , .. vr•I ·~•HHt 0MOVIE ''·•I II J. '"' ' 1 t'lllf) ,,,,, I t I ' I •. ,.I' '"'ly h.;10111 I NO t p I .11 ol I 1 I f11r " l'rH ~ ''"1pe l•f 11 ht11! lf.,11 ltu·1r hi\ ... ~ 1111 t<11( h nlt1e1 • 11 lltt I. ndh tru•lf P" ·f•·1,1,111111U ,t111ht11,;ns ,,, ' • hf•, 14 '11111' 1:011 H AU IN THUAa. Y l::30 4 A CtlllllnAAI VWT (D OOO COUPU ,,4, A TR90TI TO COUNT IAllE A pllll1le of 1•d fiot'.!I' f r1v1•r1riy I 1• f,1tJ11IOU'1 CAt66f .,., 11 t iCJ" ' I• 11111 ,,,, t,11.-••f hve di'"~ I 11 1t1J I tt.111 ,,, 1l11tlf 'J ,UlfU1 Of lh~ ! I 1i!I t~ f 11 'vi ! 11 11 ftll', pt1fffJft'1 1111 , f1·o1t.1;, ••. 1,. 11 '"'"' .a•. f ony l\pn 11tt c,;•11rw l'•'•11it• 4 •. u.1l1V,ttn,.~tMt1 df\C' I • II I ,u1~ , f1r {I!)MARtCRVllEU W1 ,,, ,1 .. 11· t••fll"'"'1 .1t111•.1 ,, lot '1ri .it • .11 1 •·· .uP-1 •• uuJ I 11•N 1111111•1 t 1f If It tl,t"( ti MOVE ''" ,, /\ '""'"''''111 ( 1'1110 I 111 l ~ ,,., • " • ... , l < ,, 1 ~A•< f, u1l V11rk /\ I I I J• I I J fl'fl<i'''''' M 11•-.( ll!N 1J11,. ..,.,, 11 ll 1• 1.1n '.1 11·td hr •'tf.J.-at1"0-•nt U ,!1141 t1·1111 l 1111 1 t\1ldri•" dfH:l '1frllHJlJIP'"' H1I l1'tllft11h•1q ll1o1l1•1111I 111 .,f lhf' LU\1ntry f11, ! 't Ulrwn} s MOV1E I ··~"'"''' c 1•1111 ( .1J11t1•1ly) fh1 'I' f 11 I 11•1 n1 (J1J1U 1 l t·~ r luwn1~h ll•l'il11 l'f 111 .1 t>.itt~ly htJfll..-9'1 pft""hl'tlOllL 11d11· t1t•q111·. ''' ,, •• , uv1•r 1nft1 n,,..,,., dnd n I t1r.1YVfl tN II t·•' lflf• ~~·y t t tu'-pt•11plp·•, 11 ... '""·•' J ,, t tr Jl flt•lt 1 1::15 1171 MOYE 11 •• '.11·1·111 11 ... 11,1 .. en 1 l'lJ'1 II• 11 ... 1) fll·lf•· 11.,,.0, I'"'' f ly1111 A 1,.011 1!1~ I '.,,., p11-N1·1 •at ur• th11wef-'11 tJuoon I '.• 1t·1·1t ,1f11J t .... , hN•'f '" ',h;ikt-1•.pt'lttre .. tn l ' J ·" J • t ,... ,(J lttlf t:OO 6 18 MOVE M1•111<11''"' Nt>ver 01e t 1'11·11111'11' 01.1111.11 I 1r11!• .. 1y Wf!ynPr r,pr~ .JI l Mt H.11w1 A .1·11·.t11v1• w1tP ..tnfj rnrJther I 4;1l~JIP'. I ~~"''''' ,n,1• h f'I lrlffllly S \U~pt r .p\1j ti V.1 I 1 wh•.f tu• IPtl1rns home 1fh.. p .... r J111 f • , yf::r•' 1 1 .1 rTiental c1tn1c.. t 'tor-.) 0 (l;) Tltl FACTI Of I.ff Thi' y11Js • 1 1 1J1 1Pt '(rJt~i .. ,11•. w l1Pt1 fht:"y lry to gel • •t• ' ·' rt, .,. :.,.. H ....... 1ii ,, D<JV tttnc.e 6 llQ, nt( fAU OOY I 11f' lhHY\JHlt"1 ,(,, wh;•n '· .1'11o.P'J'Jf t"'1~gf1nu .. 0 lllADAJE'I PUCE ~ CtWIUE'I ANGEl.I q Jt .. f'-. rnof P 1t1an tit• ,)Ccept~ t\ s1m- 1 I I ht I ID mRVQllFAN r,r.,1•.t• 11.i•IPy RPAlrlf.1• Striloqht 1.jl'I 01 Tn1•l111.1 M ,1.,., f)r l 1ue51•. Rauy pi11ilp',yCl'oto~ Juhan Bunon, f t1~ t Af 1 .1•n,JI•" ' tu Friday. December 10. 1982 31 -Thursday Cont. 0 10 CHRISTlUS COMES TO PACUMD II .. . ' I I 9 SOAP m P.at MAGA2JNE •. , , I • . ,.,, ,., THE WAY THEY WERE " M ,, f'' I I I •t· I J ti! 1.1 • '• I I I , Ill I t• • '' 1 I' 1• I' • 1 I! l'I l''" '1f 1 In •1 1h 0 II (•11 I' M MIXED UQ 'I ,, I 111 ,. I! ' . if t j t I II A If t 't I" ! Ho I , p' I I I '' I• ' ,., .,, ff) U S CHA<*ICL£ t, I I I' . ,\ '' m sNE.u ""fV1£Wa 1 •• , 11 , •• j, 1 ! , ,. ' •' I\ I U I C MOVlE ., ,\ '· 'I •' E UOflTSCVITUI 0 MOVll ., . I Ir 11 ' i ,, 1 . ' .. S MOV1E fl "1 pd11 ,,,, 11d fllf I wJ1(t ;, t' • • ., •• ! 111; fl • r 0 MOVIE 1,,,,,( , t ., 1•1/i, r.,. l'fr1' tJ'"I M 111 ,,, j(,•U•fl'~tl! A I I I •• , ... , tout• II h•H1 ,)fltl ' 1ht IHlt1 f 1•nl1Hy ft1111•,t1 H"•v I t '" I" 1'1' ~.ll WOlllNI WATQC 1 ••. ,, ..... o1 I""""'"' I 111 )lh! .1•,lf•I' t..J trlll.t lfldl tfHJ (,If t l I 'H 1PI f II! 'iftP"lttTf141 ,, I 1•1 '1hoH Ut 'ti•, ... c. t1• llll lff•l,uui 1:3110 IO JO~lOVEICMACtl ll• •I'''"'''"' t J • t, I ( ti• tit .) ltf• t1•,1 1pl1 tJ wl t•f tu• ~· 1 , .,,,.,.,., 11· ft 1ru1• t 1 lt1r• ri 1w ir 111 ' "'~ 1' I ,,)t 9 CHAll&61 ANOll..I W OOOCOW\.I l d' MOYI! 'I" ••'t ,, ... , I•"'·''' I "'1' Tt1nfttJ 1• 1 M lflr-n,, J tu" I I\ ,, ''' '"· hvPc. .. uf' 1.11 1 .. rP'1 whPr t ·"I po• .. rrt p<.(~j')PP '" "' .tri 1f'IC.l I 1tu1n l11r lhf' r r1rn1r1t11ly 1nc..ntu• t 11t1 ·• r Ji; ''"'fl u I .-H ynnp whn lttllc; 1n <"1111 I ''"" h1111 m.1y tw Pllm•nAINl Ci' ,,,. ff) INlAJC flMVIEWI N•'.tl ( r·lhlf•I ,Jl\rl IAI '"'Y I v•>n<, h11<,t .1n •nlrHm>ll!vP l<>Pk .11 wl"'' 11nw ,JI lhf' 11tOv•p<, c:l) INll>I OMNOl COUNTY H MOYW l lh I t1>1wr>rrty [)oy I 1 qAO ( .11111Mty) ( hPvy rh;i<,r n""I' Wtutn ow,.. fttJAlllll.J ,-. ptllltH ,,1 c;c"-~' anr1Ftl in I ""''"" :l r11v llf' dn1n( ltVf .... m11r<l('rntl ,Hiil rP!nCArr>o'lfr><1 ;:t<; fl r,r 111lly dog p(, 11 hi 43 fTIH) I ~QOMDrn.I l:a@ ~ GOU> A h0lld11y speclBI ''' 34 Friday, December 10, 1982 '· •' l:A5 Z CHARLES CHAMPUI Otl ntE FllM SCENE t:OO D 8 SIM<* .. SIMOtl 0 ffi CHEERS ,, I 1' I I 0 1 O TOO CLOSE FC>fl COWOflT ffi llERV GlllFJ' .. ', 1, 1.1 r •• ,. ' •I '' ff) ntE GOLOEIC AGE Of T£L£VISION f, •• A 1 •I f I' 1 1 /, I I f I r •, '. , I i1 "' It 1 m MASTUIPIECE THEATRE 'I' 0 t1 t \ I I' t I I ,0 ,, E Al/TO R.ACIMG Z MOVIE ' • tJ ,. .. t'• I A f ED IOlD OtllS ~OffiTUJ ll · .,. ··~ t J ,,, , 0 10 rT TUES TWO '• 1n ,.,,,,I I ""' I •flUt; ~·. 9 M()V1( I•• i .,. 1\ ' 1 bPI I II'' It If • I ~ ft II, f f • I I I t I', ~() It Ill c MOVll A I' ,, r .tllf ,l'·V ! J\!. I' I t•P H.i .1·d 11 1111• I '·I' I, ~ 11ld I I' lfl•·d ., II 4 llt!p;I' ol!I! ft•I !I qf jt 11 ( 1111'o1rn.i' f .4 l MOVll 1.,' ~ lf ''·d' !tf'cllt-tr t .. •1 tu ... 1J1f tr tl<1hf'rn .H niql1I ~ 11 M0V1( I I • T h1~y .. Mu II'" """·1rr.1:" /\ I 11•i n ~1111lhou ,. t•td•"• c! 11" l~f'f•f111t If ,p I Jlt/t I t I I .. ·, '•I "'• . ' .. 11 .. \>\.,,I , )i 1 -IJ tiJ ICNOTI lANOINQ 1\111, r ,, , .. 1• ,-lQ!lrll/1,-llJ 1Pt. ,1 ,. .,..,-... , 'f· I t .. ··•I I • don;Jf P hPf ~ 11Jnt1.., I Jl"'f ( h.Ut.t t f h.1111 1• tnr 11 norm1111or,. ( 1 '" 1 0 {C te..l ITIWET .. Ufl H, I "' Ir" 1 rvP fP<ttl\#ifl(u:-. \If• I 1*'"11( lt•tf l 'J c1P<;lllt( ltVl't lJArf\J Wt1 .t1 1qf1 II '" It,.... • pA.;I ·~tu,otrntl '"', tt1H "-. \JdUt1t1c111•t f,efh1•t ~~~;; ::· ,, J or "" '"lo 1.1y B ODYlllY ( lol•h . I .1•111ly II l'"''''"I "' t:I fArm1ng f;:uiuly "' lruh.t I• u 11,,,. ... n11 lt1fl u1andn1other wf1t1 ... 0 .1ll1hty '" lllo'llf!lfJlll the lam1fy unit '" '"'"'\l th1Pl1ll'n1••I hy qnc•AI 11no A< ,,,..,,,,,, , 11arion•. 1 ni r) ( t hr) 0 £V£AYTMltG GOES S A NEW DAY .. EDEN II Ji ,.,.,, ,1 1.11•11ly I 1 l/'lrf l I t r jfl 1 1 ffi ntE VIRGINIAN 10: 15 H MOV1E , , 11 1~1 n1.1 .. .. t"ti1r t • Ht-•J .(nJ~n "'•" • ,,~ ,,n .. 10.-ny t I • ... urtHlu·' ;u lhf!1r , H h h•1'•'11 .\fHJ ;irt-" ~ ._ ft .. (j tly " t HJ~ ,., t , .. , • .1r11 , ... r1'l 1 tu~ .. <.on ' . "' J'l" ,,, 10:30 (I) INDU£JC>OfT NETWOM MEWi 74 SIONA~ l 1uP .. ~1 c.,_,, lnr1 Jr\( l>',(•t1 m m ANIC .. A TUI: THE GOlDOI AGE ~ TOY IOATI n,., H ''" ,, '" 11;i11;it,..., .1 loo~ .11 ,,,. f '1;1,n1, 'f rr,., t1n.11, ,,. thf• l'lln I 1r, 1, tft1r111(.l 11ltJ npw••'"''' f111>1tl«Jt' n t • ,,, hr ••f t1 .. 1tllt1',t11p .... ~1ru1 •,11tJffh1f1nt•~, E NFl STOflY: LM IY LM (II) 0 PU Y90Y ON THE A.II S ROMANCE: BENEATH THE lllAGIC d'.ut ·l 11:00000•4 106'.)NEWS 0 SA TIMDAY NIGHT 0 .. l(AJICH ~ -W All .. THEFAa.Y (l)HAMY-0 24 111XID IAQ "' , [J1111p I .ru '"" • hOtl 1 h1~ ,1 I '· ' ,. ,,,, t t ,,., t {•··•d r •J t,,,,, A , ~ .t•.P tr•••n ff) IUUEU llEJ'OlfT •'1~ s u '"" it he r<tfl'<-. ''"'" '"" 1tht.1l.1nq ltt-> 1•1,1f11I pPn plfl ~ DOCTOfl .. THE HOUSE C MOV1E ~l•·t pc; !~H' < omP<J~I Roff H • 1, ti r l R.1m• A NPw '< 1r~ c:it1t11P ,J I t •t 11pn-t-'f'I '""(""!fl\t'''LP<. hi~ tlf'~t ' I • him •r enh<,t•no on thP II S • , ll I 1 fl• :;>O min ) E IPO«Tlf<l'Ull ("') S LOIT Um.LITE NETWOM Z MOV1( 'lit In <;1rn ~ •' I 1'l7» ( ""'"' I ' ' ' ~ ""'' ( .t.,•ng r <l•<' Ad;imc; I 1r ''1ff,,, .. 1 Prntl;tfk oH .1 cro<;ir... c ,H,ntry 1 l t11, f' ll•nu th1" l;hv <'ine1 n1PPt1ng .:ln 1 1 1 ,,,,,r1r•n1 r.t th .. ir,•cter' .. ;:tlonq lhP ..,,,, fl • I t11 ,• 7 nun 1 11:30 0 1 & 1 OUWCY Th" itppil!Cnl murder of .111 ,,,.,,.,,v 1n;in hy '1 young rlf'l1nq11enl lt+r••-at,•fl'J tt1•l f•A,1<,fpncr 0 1 a "t-nio1 r 1t1 ;1•11• ~w11ole prttjt'CI IR) ( 1 hr 10 m in ) 0 W TOMOHT Hoc.I .Johnny C:i1r.nn 1 '"'" I fl11<1IPy Moor p I t h1 ) 8 !lOJ UC MEWi~ YOU UICED FOii rT mooocOW\.I ~MOVIE IP SP<"t<'f Je.1n I •1111<; T11nt1g "'''' M.1rlPnP JobPrl A pall's l•vP<: fHA ,., 11.111q1'1P11 whPn a o;uppo!'.ed P<;<;Rpee t1 '"' ·"' 1no;trtu1tnn lo• thP c11m1nillly on<>anp t11•h11•n<1~ lhPm ;in<l :inyonP who l11llc; 1n ""'·" t w11h him m;iy be Phm1na1ed (:> tu I tJj) AllT cw.-IUINI '1i) NI l,ATEleQHT HO<;t DPnn1<, Whol!'y 11 hr I E POllTICOmR l MOYW 'GreasPr'<, Palace ( 197" I 1nt.1<;yJ Att:w>rt Hender.-.on Allan A1bus II "'""'" nac;ly -:;iloon owne1 who locked "J h1'> molhe1 and murcJered his o;on ""'"''· 11 wandPonq actor with a penchant 1111 pPllormony m!fACIPS (I hr 3 1 min) 0 MOYW NPw York Babes' ( 1980) < ,1011a I rnn1mj M aJlpnp W illoughby ( I tu 10min l 0 MOYW Ao<11dwatk' ( 1979, Drams) rl11th Gordon lee Stresoorg An old cou plR rehJSe 10 le1111e the neighborhood they hnve o;ppnf mos1 o t their fives tn de<1plte 111hnn crime and poor hv1ng conditions ( 1 hr 40 n11n) m111cu11 -Morning Movies--• lctO s ' ' ' ' Wtu II I l I••·• HO H ,, t l •11 l I 11· "· I t. • t• •I I'''•" M.i ,,.,. ,,, ' f I I ~ \ I 1 I I •1 I ,, f .... I 1 I \,I 11 ,, , 11 I I "1 t:Gl 17 , , I Io I 1.11 I ,, •• l\.~1 fl I I • l:JO 0 '''" I It I I 7:00 9 t, I Io I I 'I h• c IJ ,, \I 1 11' 11 $ I t 11 1 l!Ufl I 7::JO 0 •' ( I I I II I\ I I t I l I ' M , • 1!~, !!lol l h 1'11 ,1 I f!ltl a:OO O I•· •' ,,, '' " t .,t, . ' I' '' I, H t ft I' I 1 t lh I ti t l l:JO c '" I " I . ' I I I/ 11)) ,, ,, ,,, ~ ' , .. , I' •• '• I I I I I I. t:G00 ''• ... , ,, < I Jo I I fll ,,, ''I t:JOW \ I I I Wt .. I t.1y• ''' I o 0 •1111 I '->•11• M .1111 flt• , .... ' ., ' z l I ( t11•t'1 h I! 'f, •1 I •11111 ' .. 1ctOO C I " ' ,, hi I II I• ,. J '4 lfl' J $ l.l.1 J• I I A If ... w, ,, I. I "''' !• fl I • 11 l'l••I If t! I ., I I lo I II J t '' I' , , ' I' I f.t t 1' II I . , , l~ '.' 11 I, 111 • 11: .'\ '·· hHt'J H1• 1, 1':000 H.1 •I• r ··1 , 1 z I lqf" I t ,,, ,, ' 11::IO 0 W1, -Afternoon Movies- 12:1DO " ti1 ,,11,,. , " ,, M,, t.1 !~ ... I I I( It m .,. •j·•' ... r 1 1,r•' I I s 1,11• r ft•I • HU~, r , , r• , It ,1• 11 tt:i!I C ''" I ',,, .. I ,, "I ~. •• "I I I j, I ' . '" t I I II I ' 100 ,. (:;) 11 It 11 jc I II I I •11,I1 I JO 0 J;OO I 1"00 II II 0 ,, ' ' ~ 1 I ! If I I "t I 1 I H I ilo '''I 1, j t J11 I ,., I' ••••• II 'I II 11 Ill II y1fl;J I' I '.' I I j ~ • I I ,, I I I fll ti I t t t ~. I/' ,,, ' I• If I 11 I ti I! I t,11 ,, , 11 I\ ti I I ,,, ••''• ,, ' '' I ' I' 3.45 l '• ' t 10 11 t I I "~ ' I lj Ii I II I' '''' It 1' ft , It t ./1 t I I I 11 I I I 1 I , '' IS • I I 11 I 11 UI(:) CI I 1 I\ ,. , .. S.1!0 9 , , I• I ,. 1H I I 1 111-I ll l•' 1 ~ 14 I y I ll',i H 1 H JI t !1 I 't•I f • f .... 11, I I I I \t' It 11 0 I ' •' 1\1 1 J #11 II 11 I II f, 111h•ll1 l 1 ': •, •' t '· ,, ' f I JI' J 11 c z ,,, ~ ' ' I 'I,• l• 1.1 ,!Ill \.j ,, 'i' --•Evening U0000NEWS 0 CHARUE'S ANGELS a caa NEWS QEIGHT ISE~ 10 A8C NEWS Q W M'A'S'H ,, I I • 111/H 1111 •II '· J11 l\tJ I i i 11 i'I I• I 11 d " I fl. I.•·• ... ID HAW Al FlVE~ ff) OVER EASY 11 f J I I f .. d 11 I' tt ,...., I ffi NBC NEWS m HUMAJ«TIES THROUGH ntE ARTS 0 MOVIE '' •' H r·t11"1 1 hH t·I• ' ' I ,., I'. I .. t11 f I I ) jll. Pl ,, t•'' ,, ",., .. .,,., .. , t A 11 At r f I I I J f 1'1 r 1 '' 1 i ..... 11 tll.1, ' '. a;} ntE PRICE 18 RIQHT e:lO 8 ffi MEWi 10 BAltNEY .UR WWCE ff) DICK CAV£TT •. I ''l' I Ill' I ir 111•· 1 I ( m GllOWINQ YEARS H YEST£RYUJL 1917 I. r I ~ f 'I 1 1 11 ti I'"'' I . '· I' l\t I It ' 0 llfOVll I I I , ,.,., H •• f111d 1 • •t1.&111111,111, ~n I I ''' S Ill: TllNAQl ITYLI tOP !! 11, tt • I I t I lt•1 Ip I• " 1'·11 jl+ !1 ! .,11 h A I I • It H lw1 , I 1 ht t 7-1 ~:w..:. "Of'U ..CNIWI HUPY DA YI AOAIN UCM!Wll) • $ , JI. MAGAZINE OIO_, l NIWI fO IWTPT ~NT T<*IOHT G) THMl'I COWANY OJ W JO«Ut'I W1l.D m m IUllNHI REPOflT l lllOV1f I"' I • " I.~ I. 11 I ,, ,. 'fl.1 I t •• I /VI I ' I" I I' I' • , 'I !I h ·· I +I 1 II 0 ,, ,I f /,• 111 I I " II I Z MOVll '. '"' ti 1\ , i'JI Ii W H1 t J' I l,1!1 . ,,,, "'' , ' " 7116 11 MEWi 1.1, I U11 I ' 11 , , •• 1J1 1!f I •' ' ,. /, I • I 7:30 0 2 <*THE TOWW I, .ti ,,, "· I'" f I 1 o'o 1 ; I .. I ·~ ,. t 'i,d I "' ,.,, I 0 ntE CHAllTlllAI RACCOONS ,, , .. ,, ! I I , . l, Jt• I 1t11 '111.t• 111·1 t1 llHt1l1f'I ttilf• 111 0 LA VERNE I ...UV I COfllfl ANY 0 EYE<* LA. '. ti • I ' ' J\ t ,,.,, •t ,, f I IJ I ., 1 hu1t •I l·lfl1I • "'' 1 • 01111~· J.,tj)H1dl11lll .l 1; I S (V'TIC TAC DOUOH 0 IW>AMFI PUCE 110 YOU AIUCED FOfl IT W M'A'l'H ~4j l6QNAT\Mf ( o1 11• I ( o I I 1 EE) MACNEl. I LEHRER REPORT WFAJa.YFEUO m WLD~A l. I, .. ,, II t li;lf1t1q ,.,, 11 I-•.j I I I• I•• IP , .. ,11,1 11r.J1 ti 11 t 11 1. 1• 1 "·• ••• I j~ ··' 1' ,, '" I I I H IN8tDE ntE NF\. 11 • I • I "· ,, '• 1' I 1' ,, I 1, I h I r '' ~ f ~, jl , ,, ' , , ~ ~1 ·" , ,, 1' ' ' • t , ''"''I• 1U', 'Iv•'•'" t.Jf I I,,, I •' ~ ' '• t.' N ... ('Id/•'' 111d I ' I ,.. • '.I s AER081CllE I .... I J •I I I lt•t• )'1 tf ,.. t f J '' q ·•" a;} PAT IOONE Sl'fCW. CHIUSTlllAS llt+OW 1 ,dt• Wiii It' IJIVl'll I 011 /yf•f i ro "i 11 It '',.,, ,,, . ,,, ,, ,ti ,o• ( jf I¥ ' I I I I ~ f) I §' MAGNUM, PJ. QWf .. l!o•.ir:.r 11, It ,;llf•t•q''' f !' ,1! 1111111• 11 I, I JI J 11 1 "'' •11 ) tr I I' I I 1f &' ,, It •' tf ',,.,, ! t '• 0 MOVIE '"" ,, I ,, I ,• I . r ), .. ,. .11 n,, 1 t, · t n , • '• ,.. ~ 11111 If II •t I f '' d ! t 'II f I 11 ! 1 I ii 1 • t 1i 1 11 1 I 1¥ ! It (I Friday. Dec.ember 10 1982 33 AUTHORIZED S ALES SERVICE SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW/SUBARU 28402 Marguer 1te Parkway M ission V1e1 0 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 JamborPP Ro.id Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W 1st St Santa Ana -835-3171 LONG BEACH BMW 3670 N Cherry Ave Long Beach -636-5790 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 .. "s Friday. December 10, 1982 0:1;11a11;e;s'1a.1•Ji:1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Castel M0sa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newpor1 Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd CostCI Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 • 'i:a ·' 1:0:13 ;t;•1 ;tt JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 HMbor Blvd Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 130 1 N Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 1363 1 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOY OT A 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-8555 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 187 11 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -846-9303 VI '-0 ...., u 0 ... I~~ fOllMIH'f OQ) ntl Wl WOM> l60W ll11jl11t1 A111t lh\11"'' 111 I M1nut ul) Mi. fo1ln M 1 U••' I 111111o , 1111IH1 A nt1U htwl t1· olf J•h,fUU 1 '•i htllltfl It t Ufl1pttfthttlt• f11 IJ, 11•1•'11•f I '"'"'' 11 I• hn. I ~--::. ...... ,, l totllllfl••.-. I 11H11lll)'fl ( l4t11fl l>1tl!U1t ~ J 11111t• 1t '''''t WI •I th,hd A 1 01 ... lu•J •t 1 "'" • 'I• ,, "ldtfltt'-1 If Wth lltt1,, yttHlltJ W "'·*'' 11 II 1 lolttt t 1Jf\ho11,tt1I hy rw, _.,, t1n1 •''·'"' hts I Cl) LOVI. AMIJICAit ITYU ~ll()V9: fu"t-C11f/q(lf1lll1I t~1l1f1lo •,.••t ..... ,..,~" Pt•h11 I 110 I t111 1.1 1\,,1t111 "' 1 '''"•' I 11u11 .. t1 f,11""'' t1t11. '"""·nu•"'"'"" 111 htH f,11rnl)' ". ,..,,.u.1t11111•, ,tf111111•1 •IWf l llfhlll If f'(, (,'fir .. , 110t111h I H ITAM*Q flOOll 0..'I' ""''"t ff,•• A/ Tt1t• t >tt~ H11J\.W lint·· .,,., < ''"''"' C>urnHI'> fi..,u1d .-11d Ho•ut111u1 ( d'·" ptufur11 1httu tnltt"' r11h. 111 ttw, fh•nt•f1l , 0111 '"' lcipt•d .tl 1t1~ f'111t~ I Hutt< 11'"'"''''11t1 < t•11hu t2:JI 0 (li) lA Tl NIOHT Wl1lf DA V'ID lETTfMIWI C.1tJt''''> "t-f, ft•tt f' Hri~I' .1h J1m1 ( 1tt\-t dt l1t--1"-1't M 1Hy fi1•th ) hul t1fllt•rju•r1111 rt11y110 Ooo,,lw (HI I I '" I U TOflt COTTU: UP Cl.OSI 1,,,,. .1 l.1111111 r "" (f l TOflt COTTU: UP Cl.OU 1111·•.1 11 .. • Ci1Vf111 jPc1r1 I) 41) LOVI. AMIJICAN ITYU 1'[l TO. MMC IOJONQ C""''"'\l'' "' 1111· I "" 1~ flt:!.10 (0 C I I Holl•·•I '"1wy .. 1 IN ( I t;> toun<J wt!fhHwt"tyht 11111 tt,_.,~,,~,, hu 11 (11oni the 5 d nU!. Hott•I 111 Alld11l11 C11y '' H • ,., 111,.,,, l .oYW •111 .1 1 >f t fto lti.l1u14),, 11,.1 ru,uthq Hul1t11I M11tltty Jtolpl It.. 11,.1d• 1i1 Hu•11t1I 111 ltit• 11 .. -.. ... 1 tt., •.ttf•I I •Pllfttd /\ 111 • l t1t1fttl hftW ln·.h11yucl wf·t•f1 f111 tu, i ftlf't• Ut'l;ol..,ud ''' tt M·tlt1, u• •,rnuuuh••u ••P•'''tt"''' t I ~" .,au '1tul) tiiillG ii llCClOUO A w .. 111.111 '1111v111t "" M 1 I • ,.s lt1df •iHt l ..... lf)'lfl\I Iii .,,,,,.. 111 _•_·~•t_ H t' ·~ C llOV9 t 11l"lf1· I 11d • ''IH) t 1'11 t ( Hlhttdy/ t l111•.!1thl Hittl f1t11t A1dl11111y '1111110 tu111t1h1tO .. , t101I0111,1111n1u•lt1 t111 1t1.-h•\J''"'·' , ... , ... ,.u 11111 ''j·'' H < 1 "' t•U MOVll A··"'\l''"'"'11 !11 ~ 111 11•11"1 My·.1t11yJ P1tltu )II 1 J '~"''' 1111111 H.u 1-.Hlf f • .,,,,,,,,, .. t1rnuJ ''• "'"'~·,t1U1tlud l>y ,, I'll .rJlt lt>I' 1!1 11Wll/t1f1,11 if (.~tu J 0 llOYa '.1.-u 11I ~ 'l And lttt f 1 11hlt1f1 t 1\Jfl ( 11111t1\Jy) loll t~1Ulhllt' U1-.·,4~f •,toll,f '1IHVt1ll"'t ftttt Ot lh1·i1 n f .t WUll!t•f1 ~ flhhtH I ftt1tflt pt11tJIAn1~, Ht 11f4VP11ll tt1l11l1tHl~h1p~ 11111 111111111 I 9 ~ MOVW lrurtltH H111t/1111 (l'IU:t Wt••,1t•11q J11lut W•'I''' plt11ontt-~I ~c fm111t•', 111 •1ut •111f1rn11.-tritJ1n 111thJ1 .1 11:1»t11•011 (I '" I l1•11111l1u 111111 ·, A '1Wlfl1fh1 l,fflt lt11t• llJ tuuhJ .1 d1ur1 lpr tl,9) OfTDIT.-wf TONtQHT (!) MOVll H1e Clone'> I 1•1/4 !..Lwrn" I 1r t•Ofl) Mic h.u:tl C 1fthH1t• ( ''''U"'Y 4lltHt.1 !\rt t•V•I '.( u~nl1·,1 c tt'rllt••," Ch lllt-' lfJ 11-tµlnt tJ ,u1 u11c.,u•,poc l11•y tJtH lt>1 Hflly tu tllivtt ltlt• ''""' turn dYd"'"' l11r11 I I 111 Ul 111111 I 0 ltOYll C:1111eu K.1111• ( 1'141 1)1dm.11 1 """" wo11"'~· J11~1·p11 1 ... 11 .... r 1,1.,11u.1t.k· tn1 ,,11 tfu1 Mt' 1 t u ....,.,1•1111)1 I 1...AJttfh11 lllHI tt•lt1hllUrti'Hl' •.t If ·•ulql\ll'"' 11a,.,_.,,.ape1 111ou11ulu 11'4 ., 1u11111lm '•""'' fmt. f11t thu .1u111ru '"" ,, ,,, lhu u""' ,, , 'Yf'lh lttttt '<N'H\I (./ fu•t, t:• H CAWTT __, TMI ICaNll A11 u11t11 vutw with W olh11 Mn1H1uu uh11111 hi~ .. 01tu1ty "" n• llf\\J ''"I L i lllOd 11111 I 10•11 11 I lllHlr•l11llll "W11111 1111 1 lllA I ll11111111J M"'r' '•"""I' l11111111y h1 ,,.., A' 11tluir tmlwt••10 '"""' Ul 101-. 1. 511u 41Uu lutl 1r1 lhtt n 11rtu nl1t Jit1n111S lllfh Ut iHhlt J1 Uur lwo tHtt 1.Jt11ftHfHlll\J H (, t1P '1 t:ll U1h MK MIWI OYEMQHT 0 ~ ll1111y I y1ul1111 I I'll' IJH1 tt1 u> Aydn CI Ntt11I M.1,t•n1 (h1u•ri•,,,,, A fhuHhurnu •,t>llJutt fu11J· u• 111u' urid 1111t11Hlt..., in lttt• 1Hth t llllUHy ft11l111tt 1Jt1rty I•(, 0 Ill'> '1111111) heo H HIM'IY fOMDA: THI MAit AM> la lllOVlll I ht• un a11d oll '>( ""m hfll ul 011ti nl Amo" tit tr h:tVOfllft tlC ftJf~ I!. UdltJd w 1lh hint <.llpb of ,,,une ol tu-. nu~I rnov1tt•_, 1n<.;lutJu1y On (,ulU*'tt Pt1r1cJ wtuch w (;lt tu1n .. i11 (")t,(rlt (I ht I HI~ (f ) CU NIWt NIQHTWATCH IDQIANT -...co NIWt ~I I ctWUI CIW9\JN OM TMI FUii ICIJll 2:11 UT PAn.ol J:2I MOVll Woo<l-.h>e k ( 1'110 Mu<.u .. ul) Oncumen1,11y M.my 111 !ht: lop 1111J'>1t..al 111uup~ ul tho lolti Ml" pmlorm .11 the l.irnuus 1oc~ 'one t!ll lltthl '" IJ01hul New VO•k 111 19b9 ( l hi'> '• 111111 ) 2:11omN1Wt (J) QHOIT TOWN -Word Game EMERGENCY h lfld 5 0111--IS;l ~I;. '1?J</'7/ 110;:1 S/1*1 IW~ 1132¥77 7UJrlJIY,7 5JJt:r15th! --------- DOCTORS OFFICE rHE ATTENTION YOU NEED · WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A co11venient allerr1111tv11 to llosplla/ emergency rooms /or If l Nl~~ INJUfjl[S FRAC1UR£S l'1uro111111 P1C1ltj~~10ndl & Pe•~Ull.Jl1tel.l c.111• AOUL r~ ANU (...HILDHr N N•> At1po1ntn\t.tnl NeedetJ • lmm,..tJ1oilt-' A,lh"'nl1r,11 U•vt~n WORKMAN 5 COMP( N">A Jl{JN Al.Cl Pl [ O 1 OAYS A WEEK 38~ OAYS A YEAR 8 AM 1 1 P M (714 ) 752·8300 EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 Birch SI . Su11e 107 Newoort Beach I N 5 15oFF your first visit ------wtth lh1• <ovpon - See what we have to offer ---:11111111111fCOUPON1111111111 t: Friday. December 10. 1982 35 December 10, 1982 )'( >1 'R < J >\ll'ILI L < ;1 ·11 >I·. I() c >I {.\:\( .L l .( l\'.'·d I )I\ Ll{SI( }:\S Tht• c·a ... 1 of • \ ( :hri!-tlma ... ( :arol' loa-.1 ~ llw 'ult• ""t·a ... 011 on -.1aµ:t• at ~oulh ( :oa~I Hqwrloq . Don Tuche addicted to !vf exican food. theater By J IMMY JOHNSON Of the Dally Pilot Staff Don TtH 111 w .i:-.n'1 1·.iling • 111 •\I'd lh1 · fool l11nj..! ;a.•ia. '.illd \\ llh th,11 \V,rc.. J11,1clq f IA. Ith 1 \'• r \I Imig hut t h 1· :-.hr r dd<·d m.1nu ..... r 1pt ... 111 th<· W.11t rg.11v h1·.11 111J..!' Th.1l look:-. good." lw d nH l-.l1 ·d . ''hut I h~1 v1"11'1 had m y Mvx1t·an to(Ki fix for t ht• d;,i y, s;r I think I'll pas:-. on luneh I h~vt•n't long been up Crom the breakfast table .'' T ul'ht• 111w •nly <1dmr1s ht• Is • 11ldr1 Lc>tl lo Mc•Xll':ln food If lw dOt "'ll'l ~('l II a l lt '<ISI 11nn· ;1 cfav h t· lllllTll'dt.1tdy WM'' into w 11hdraw<i l ''A rlay w ithout Mt'xwa n food for 1111•." he• said. "1s like• ( 'h1 i--1 111 ..... \\llh1111t (( ·11.1 111·-.1 I >1 . k• "" '! 111 I >11 1-,.11.., l111l1d.I\ , l.1 ...... 1, .. 1\ ( '1111 ... 1111.1 ... t ·.11111 1• 1111 l101t1· ... r 111111 toll :->1111th c·.,,...,, f<,.,,. rlor\ ... Ill• 1111 dilllf\J.! lh• ,, ''"' ... , ...... 1111 1\11d .1 11-..11.d 'J 111 hr 11.1.., •lfll' 111 lb• 11111111 p.ll'h 11 1 pl.iv ... tlw gti ..... 1 11 1 M.1111' .11111 1111 gl11"1 111 1'1111,1111.is lu1u11· ._ l'vb r l•·.v 1 ... t hi· ... u~.11 plum · T111 '11 :-.;11d ·II :-.rn1 .111·11 ·1 g111 ng t11 lw SlTnugl'. th< n lie • M ;1rl1•y I {1.':-, a mnns lt•r a 11d fun tu do. I IH k uf, lov1 · th<· p ;1 rt ·•T fw w.1y w1• do ti "<'an•:-. th1 · lw ll 11u 1 111 tht•m . hut thl',V l11v1· II .. · t\ Chn slma' Carol" will • 1111l11iu1• on th1• mainsl<lgl' .1t th~ fourth s u•µ th<'<•l!•r through De'( i ii Joining Tut'hl• 111 t ht· l'ast 1:-. .. See Tuche. P age 2 " .. Don Tuche. • • Addicted to M exican food and theater From Page I 11111~: 11 ... t 01 South L'11<.1~l H(·p 11·g11J,1r..,, inc Jud111g II.ii J .. indon .Ir ,1-. !-,1 r uogt• .l11IH1 Ellinglt>n <I'> ~iii l '1,1t1·h1t. Non-t·n He nne:ssl'Y .1.~ ~.tr-. Cr<.iL<'h1t. Art Koust1k as I' t·n1w1g. M<.irtho M l:f'arlc..ind ~ Mr. F£'zz1w1g; Hit'hard Doy le as lhl· s pin l of Christmas pa'>l Tut he r<.'<:('ntl y <.ompletcd "The· l>1 v1 r1t•rs." c. pluy that had IL'> w. ·-.t l'oasl pn•m1t•rl• 1111 lhl' mamstage a t South Coast. In 1t he 1·la y1·d .i f11lk::.v fnd1Cin<1 f.irnwr. w lm·h g..ivt• him ;i ch<llH:c· lo dr;1w ..,1 mH.' from h1::. fornily roo L'> 'The Diviners' was a lot of I ur1," h1 -...11d "Although I ru•v1•1 11\'t'Cl tht It'. 111y 1J.1r('11L-. ( i..111\t' I nu11 M1:0.."><.1Un I knuv. J 1<11 .il>oul Missouri folklore and smce 'The Diviners' w as a folksy piece of w111 k .ibout .1 r w .ii t\1111•flt'.m 1.lllirl \ I ..._ ,,.., il1lt· t11 dr<1v. I 111111 111\ l.1111tl.\ 11.11 h.grc111nd tor 111_\ ""rt , I\.'! V dtid \\ '°' ol 11111111 1 \ dtM !Pl \\ 1111 llH>\'t·d Ir 11rr1 M1-....,1Jltr 1 111 N111 tl11 111 I .il11 .. 1111.1 •. 1111 I 11• 11dlv .11 1111 111111111111 ti I I• \\ ,,.., .i tl11\l••1 dtr1111i..: th1· H11-. I )1 p11·-.-.11111 .i11d I I 1-t".dl h1111 l,.lk111g ,1b. •Ill f,1k11tg t hit kt II!:> .JJ ld 1 ,111 g1>11d.., 1111 111-. ..,, 1 \ ru·-. I ,l!,llt'"-"' 1111 fl \\.1::-11'1 .111\ 11111111 \ lftlllfld 1111 k tlw11 I \\ .1::-1111111 111 Hc •c h l1 11g 1 ti .. 1.., 11p 111 the 11011111 111 11.111 of 1111 ,l.11• l1llt Ill\ l.111111 \ IJl(>\'(•d "'tit• lt1\ Ar1·.i "'111 11 I w.i-. 7 I J..:11\\ lj>fll().1kJ.c11d 1'111 1 t \\ ,,.., .i 111111 h.11 k Ill 1111' -1!1 111 '"" \\ 111 ll I tlinugl1t I \\ ttllld 1111!11\\ Ill Iii\ d.1cJ'.., ''"'"r.·p• I"' t 111 111. I '111\c-r,1t v 111 l '..J1t••t 111.1 .11 I~ r k1•l1•\ 1111111)4·d .i1 111111d 111 111\ .... rud1··' .11111 l111.11lv l1<•tto11 wd 111Jt I 11i...t lo:-1 1ntc•n•..,l " fut h1· h.od -.l111w11 .111 11111·r1· .... 1 111 .ll'lll 1g .111t't .11l('11cl1ng JUlllW high sd111ol I h • firs t dtsc.·ov<-n·d lh.1l trll<·n·st wtwn as a kid ahnut I.! 111 I:! his l.1lh<"r took hrm 10 !>l 'I. ·1.x. ... 11i ul d Salesm ;rn" <.tt SC:1n Fn.i1111S<:o·-. Actors Workshop "I was d(·l•ply m oved.'' he rt-<:al k·d . "urn.I [ gul·ss Lhat"s wht•n I rn<.idt · up my mind L11 be C:1n <.1cl11r · Tuc lw wc11 ch<·d Jround a nd d 1"' nvt•1t•d till' h1 ·sl drama d<1:-..'>('' w1·n b1'111J..! t<1ughl :1l S;.in J<i .1111.:i...111 S1:.r1 · I le· l'nrollc•d .111d w l111f.o lht·n· nwl .1 g 1 C•LIP n l ,1c 1w·.., whu w1>1rlt..l l.itt•t bc·1 c1nw lht· h.11 kl>nru lo v. hC:lt 1::. 11ow the• l>i:::-l 11 p t 11111 v u1mparn 111 1111 -.L.1l1· .\t '-\.111 Fr.1m·1sc:u S1.11t· his ''"1111111,111· was 1\1.11 lit\ &·11""' Att1 11d1ng tlw dr.m1c1 prugr<.1m tlu 11 · .11 tht· l1m1· wo ·n· Da\ 1d E1111rn · .... Juh11 1J~1 v1d K1•1lt•1 , MarLhd McFarland. David Clvrnt·11L..,, John Arthur l);.i\·1s .111d H1d1;11 ct H1 •kow "W1• .ill 111<•1 durmg 1lw gold1•11 ,1g1· of th•·.it1 t • .r S;m Fr.111t'IS1.'t1 St.ii•'." Tw lw r .... dlt·d ·11 wo1s" good lllltt 111 I~ 1l11·r1 !\lu-.1 of \1' .tit flto\A \\<ti l\lllJ.! Ill fllllft 'o!:>lllfl.d t I H '<al(., Hight 11l1l 111 ... d111ol IJ.11. 1d dlld Martin canu• south Ln Lo ng Beach ancl with c.1 -.m..ill w4:1rdrobe of '11-.tunw-. \\ 11111 working till! 111 .111 old -...1,1t1rn1\\ o1g1111 wh;1t w1· . .ti k1111w ,1.., S11u1h C11.1::-t H1·1wrl''' v w;11'. hor ll !'111 .it11.i11·tl ,ti th1 ,.l1 •11.w11 v 1 ht ·y s hr1w1 ·d 111 kt ·1 ·p1 rig I h1::-.ti I 1ugl'lh1 ·1 Tlwv h;1d l1111·.,1ghl c.tnd 1·11lild ... ,., ""h.it \\ .1-. down llH' ro<.111 ' In thl· m1•;.1n"' hilt Tut ht· h.111 ..,t,1 v1·d 111 S.in F1 .in11Mn u11011 gr.id ua tloll, JOI Ill Ilg l ht· Al I or.., Wor k-.hup t\{tc•1 .t Y•'<ff o f h.11 d 1 . .1101 1>111 k sl<.lgl' hf• had do1w 0111~ 11111· l11t par!, sn 1l WdS no :-111 pnst that Ill' JUntped ill lh<' 1 h:111n to JOlll t::mml'S a nd fk.nson Jl SCH "W1· <lid 1t ;,ill on grn~s roots .Jlld fol'<,tf s upµort.'' Tuchl' smiled . "Th...il ~ why w<· Ml' so s trong ;mu healthy today W e don't have lo c.ll'pcnd on outsid e help. "At ont: time Actor!> W o rks}\'JP. was the model for good theater, but we've now s urpassed them. Wl•'ve come t.o full fruition. W1· h;1d th<· ..,prrll o f youth 1>uild1ng <I tht•a lt•r a nu ll has p;11d of I .. Tudu• o p1·11 I y :.id mils tw t •nJ<iys tl11 lif1.·1-tV l1 · o f • .in ac:tor 111· 1s 11111\'lnt·1·1·1 .., n •gular Y lU !) .)Ob 'Aould dnvl· him bonkc·rs 11·, not easy tu m;ikc• plan::. in t I 11-. bll'.'ol Ill 'S.'>.'. ht· o ff t>rt.od. 'l1<1''<.1 us1• you nevl•r kno w when 111 I f'llrtl Wht·n• thl• nt·Xt .)Oh will 1rnm· but I wouldn't w<.1111 1t ,111 v 11tlw1 w ;1y I'm just happv lo ht v.111k111g because lhl• un1·111plnv111u11 in this bus 1m·s.-, 1::- -.t.1gg1·nng Wt• have· up tr> Htl 1w1n·11t urwmploynwnt -:o 11·-. tilt· l-.1111 1 111 hl1-.1rn·~.., v11u li,l\'t 111 Ix• .• tilt t11 n·I••' .tnci' 1·nj11\. ot lu·rw1i:.l· , .. u \\ill d 11 111 .in .111,11 I\ ti l.tl k ~I 0111 llllll [I) l11111 Ill• h1 likt''o 111 gl'I .1\\.1\' .ind d11 dll l1 ·11·n1 th111 g.., ll1..,t th" p.i-.t ... um11 u·1· ht ".1'.' up ,11 I .. 1k<· T .1h•><· lw lp111g cwg.111111· .1 small ..,t1mnw 1 "'''"'k 1:111u p lit· vallt•d 11 gl•t1111g .aw.iv t11 It'( h.iq.~l' . It "'.I!'> .1 Ill'\\ g 111U I' )ll'.'ol g1·11111g '.'!.1r l1'<I -.o I h.1d .1 t h,mn 111 dot \'l'I vth1ng ' lw -.;11d "] d 11I ,0111t· d11•"t0 lt11g .111d t1· .. t·h1 ng It \\ .i::-tough J\l"'t I 1 k1 sum1rn r 1.irnp. hut I l11\1·d 11 It \\.is g11ud I 111 n11 · 1'111 ~·ht.·dukd tu go h.11 k llp th1:-. summt>r and d1t1'< l ;i shuv. thmk I would like to do mon· d1n'<:trng. becaus<' I'm looking forward Lo this summe r. I'd lrkt.• lo do 1l all I guess that's my foncJc•st drc·am. I nt-ver seem to get t•n11ugh of this bus iness." The• business never seem s to gN l·nough of Don Tuche eithc•r H1• has playt.•d major r oles in s u< h plays a s "The Birthday P;1rty." "T1nw of Your Life," "Pue blo." and "That Champ1onsh1p Season ." The actor c:ontmued to toy with thl' sandwich as he spokt.· C'umpassionatcly of his caret:r, never 1Ak1ng the wrappings off "I .1m an l'Xlremely lucky man 111 Ix· ahlc• to make a living doing v. h...i t I wJnt." he e mphasized "Whl'n l look around and se<..' pc.•upk try mg to escape through drugs. a k ohol and video games, kt•I hlt>sSt·d . "t\nd that's usually when I lw.ad for thC' barrio for my daily M1•x1ean food fix I love the stuff ;usl hk1• I love this busm<.'ss .. -----------------~(~at ~H.pen~)~------------------ oc Master Chorale. • • Provides Christmas spirit II tlo• (Ir 1111:1 < 1111111\ M.1..,L11 l'h .. r.il• 111111 1·1h I 1 I''' 1 k1 1111 d11l11 I 11 .tVI' VOil Wllh .I \I• .t\\ di!'-'' 11f I 1111 1111.t' 'oflllil 1t1111 h.1h h11111IJU~ \A, 11 11 \\111 1ld11 t 11•1 •1 l1k • 1l11-.1l1 1111• o111d t. .. tlvlH'I t ....... d 111 .. th11111u).!hh t'l1J11V.1hl1· l'VI 11111~ 11l t 111 t1k1 ·, .. r Vv'•· N•···d .a L1t1l1 · C'l111 ... 1111.1,," .11lll ·'"' 111 1111 \l\'<•r Id"" '1'111• I hr or ,of,.', f lr...I <'11111 f t I 11! 1 h t "'.!SOii. , 11t1th1l flu· ( ;1rn \ of< '1111..,1111,1..,, pr11v11l1·d .1 good 1111,IUI'' of< 1,,..,..,11 .111d pt1p11l.1r work' 0tlld tomh11wd 11.11lt11on.il .ind n111d1·r11 1 .1r111<. Mu,u· I >111'< t111 M .11111\t' All.1rrl 11111d111 11'<1 llll' 1 h111,d1 .11 J.1..,I l'r 11f,1 Y .., It 1111 t •rt With llll' qUll k pr 11l1 ·-.-.11111al .... 111 1h.1r 111 nw' .1fll•r ,, l1 v1· v 1·,1r .......... ~ 1.1111H1 with t11H' ~11111p Ad1111rahly. Alh1rd 1<, ,1l1l1 · 111 11 .. 1d tlw ... 111g1·rs powt•r fully wt1.h11111 IPllrnj.( tw. p1•1o;;111.d1t v 11111 •f'f••1t• w11h llw J)('rformann· Tlw firs t half of the• 1·v1•11111g's l'onn•rl, lo :i 111 •:11 ly {1111 hml!'-1' .11 ( >rangl' l'oasl Collt•g1•, l>q(nil with ....c·l1·1·11011 ... from llandt•l 's "M c•"<;111 h ," ... 1wlud1111.( with tlw lrad1t111n:t) 'll;i lll'l11ph l 'hrn us" .111d the· ;iud11'111·1• <111 1U-fc·t.•t The· ....,.,nnd hall 111 th1· progr.1m J Patu1t•d l 'ht 1°'tm,1s tun1•::-, l>11!h 11ld (,1 vnrtlf'S With lh'W .in .rn~1·n11•11ts <1ntl unusunl holiday far l' The· "Ml'"-'>l.1h " "4°l1'(·t111ns wt·re lx"lt wh1•n I lw 1·n11n• dwruo; got rnvolvl'd, slnct' nom• nf tlw lhrt'(• ... oJrnsL<> pr ov1·d In ht• l'XC't•pllo nol Ht•!{1f'lt,1hl y, .1 Wl'Ok t·h11mh1·r 111d\C•!jtra By KAREN E. KLEIN o r the Delly Pilot Sta ff dr~1ggt•\t d11wn th1• l'hor.dt• tlunng this f11 -.1 li.111 . .. ,1:r;ip111g along ..it a "low and fa llt'nng pat't' But lhl' "llallt·lu.1o1h Chorus" <'amt• tJff w1·ll .• 1"' 11 ,1lm1i...I always do(~ JUSt bt"taUSt' o r llS famd1,111ty, .111d lht• .1ud11•1wt• was o bvio usly pleased with lhl• pt•r lorm<.1nt·1· Th<' C.1hfornians. " 19 mC'mber gmup w1thrn .1 Kr<iup. pt•rformNi j S<'rlN-of Chrtslm.1:-. f<Jvtmtt•s .1r11•r mh•rm1ss1on F..ach of thC' familiar !uni~. ltk1· ·.J111Kll• Fklls" and "What Child 1s This'>" s portc-d ,1 1ww ;1rrangt•nwn1. so lh<1t lhe C'V('mng nt.'V<'r shpp«'d 111(0 lht• worn l(rOOVC' or llrro fam11ianly thal I!> ;ilw<Jys a dange r for a Christmas program. Thl• Californians, ma111ly a publlC" ri>lat1<>ns ancl rund-ra1s1ng arm o f tht• l'ho ralt•, al'l'ord111~ lt> hus111C'ss manager Donna BunC't', P\'rform ;:ibout lfi unws a year. The rnod1f1N I Vt'rs1on o r "The Twc:'IVC' Days o f l 'hnstmas" thl' group sang. with Hw words chan~l'<i lo h1lm~ --arcasm, was probably tht• b 1ggC'St hit o l t Ill' st'l Aftn the Cahformans' portion of the program. thr c•nllrl' chorale returnl"d to thl' st.age for morl' < ·hnstmas tunes MO!lt rn<'morable was "The Shepherds Had an t\11g1 I .111 unu-;ual ;ir rangt•mt·nt with Lynn L<tr..<>n d11111g .1 1111 ·1· sopr.tnn solo .rnd .J.m 1· (;rt'<'n un tlw r'.11gl10,h h11n1 E .. '>l><'<'lal ly good w,..., .Ian 1 lult'Olm's 'iOIO on "A I 'ht 1 .... u11Js M1'<.llt·y," which l'tmduded the program The Master C horalt· b the oldest continuing ~l('I for rmng a rL'i group 111 the county. Bunct:' said. It "".1'> foundc-d rn I !:156 whC'n th(• c1tv o l Anaheim l't'll'br.tl1'<l 1L'i cr•nlenmal · All.11d has bC'r'n wrlh tht· chorale for fl\1' ..,, .1s11n~. and beforf' thut spl'nt 11 years as a proft·~'or of music a l UC Irvine Except fur th<' hired in solo1sts. c horal<.' nwmbers arC' amateurs. nx't'IVlng no pay for their ,1vPrag<' of three hours a week rC'hearsal time During tht• WN'k l)('fort• a performance. Bunce said, tlwn• may bl· up to 25 h1>urs of rehearsal ex~lcd Rdwnrsal time is increased by the £act that the l'horalc performs all ov<'r the rounty rather than 1'.l1l·k1ng with a h o m e auditorium for 11 .:: 1wrform<111''C'S Bui lhc· choralf' st rives ror d 1·oun1y-"" rde app<'al. and thus It tries to put each uf 1Lo; concerL'i on in .::everal locations. Bunce said fk•,.1de OCC. "The Glory of Christmas" appeared 111 Fullerton and Santa Ana Open auditions for the group will be held Jan 8 Chorale members must be able to read music Those interested in audilloning may call Anthea Kjerulff at 524-5279 for more infennatlon. ?nst I ~------------------------------------l~ ______ o_n __ S_t_a_g_• ____ __.~~--------------------------------_..:':...._3 'The Nutcracker , Has become seasonal s tandard • • • llt·attwr· \oil.. a ... Clara ;111d C hari••-. f :ol~an :a... ( :011 llt' i lor I )ro ...... ,. I"'''' t•r Along with bo<tt p<irades. l'C:trohng and yule lugs. Teha1kovsk v's Christmas 1;;dl1·1. "Thl· NUlt'l'ill'kt•1," has lx>t·um1 · .1 '>l.';1:-.1111.r I sldndard This y1·~ir. like past VC'ars. tlw Sugar i'lum F'airv. th1• Nuteravk1•;. Pnnl"l' and th1· Snow (~ut·1·n w1 II pin1ut·ltt· I ti rough t lw l'Ollnty 1)1) Sl'Vt•r;il d 1 ff t•n ·n t 1x. i:as11111" B:tlll'l go<'I''-1·an takt• thl'll' 1-.nl'k ot JH"t·.,t·11L;it1ons put c1n hv th1 • B.ille•t P;wtl1l':1 w I lw D:11 P .. •' J\ r1:-. T lw .. 111· thr11ugh11u1 tht· 11111111h B.1111'1 P.1u I 11 .i.., \( I ... 11111 \\ill I~ p11l1111111d "' K111111 ... H<·n" F.11111 " t :111xl Time Theatl'r tcm1ght ,11 H p 111 un<11·1 lhl' '-JXllhtll ... h1p n l 1111 F11llt 111111 < '111 11 g1 l '.1l1Hfl 111 1111 "'"' .ind tho · Bu1·n.1 l '.11k F1111 1\1 1:-. C111111111":-.11111 l 11 111•1.il ,1d1111s...,1un 1:-. $.> 1\<h .1111 I Ill k1 , ... I ,111 111· pur«h.i:-.1•d 11\ L i:.:.i Criffin a~ the• l>oll and ll«>icli Ec l~rc·n a-. 1lw Puppe·& ,,ith Chari••., (:ol ~an a~ C:omwilor I )ru-. .. t·lmc•\ c·r· in ""Th•· '\111c·ral'l..c·r:· ( .ill1 11g H71 HllOll I')" :!.1..! .\Ill I lh 111111.d d1 ln1t .rl Kn1111 ·., H.illt·r I '.wtl ""' \\ill It llll'll It• holrll' lllrl .rl 1tw I .. 1gun.1 M 11ult1111 l'l.1vhnu ... 1· \\ l11·n Jll 1 !111 rll<llH'l'S ;in• '.t IH •d Lilt ·d Dt '( :!() 1 tw •ugh :!.I .it '.! :~o ;ind 7 It! d.111\' T11 k, 1-. $11 1111 .1dulh .ind $11 1111 d1ildn·n . 111.iv lw 11r1l1•11•d liv 111.i; I Tiu· Da11s1· Ar L'- Tlw.11n::-. l!l I 1'271 N1111 1.11 I..• 1 will l>t 111 Id .11 S.tddlt ·h.11 h. ( · .. 11. 1:1 ~ 11• 1\, ,, \l.1111 1111 .111 I I>··· '.!I .r1Hp11• .q1dlM1 ·1·1 ;1( -' ,11tol l fl Ill 1'01)1 ltl•tll 11 al11111 1.il11111 , l':dl l\:\ t lli-lfi 111 /h/! 111i/n --------------------------------------------4~'-----'-n_t_e_r_"'--'_·s_s_i_o_n ____ _...~~------------------------------------------- Q range Coast t~eater • • • M ore darin g this year B ' I'< 1:\1 'l'rl l ~ 11111 .. """ 1·.i .. 1 ...... n r /'111, ,., t/11 111·'1 111 .1 "'r11' 111 fl\ 1• .-0!11n111 ... /1\ll \\lllJ! l/11 \I I/ (11/1' Ill t/J1,1(1/ tfll/1,# /ht ( )/ 11!/ I { ...... 1/ \),,,, 11ld "'"'' jtf<Ofl ........ 11 . .t th1 .. t11 ,, ·""''/.! tlh' (II .,Iii'< ( 10,1 .I tff \I I 1 lllL' .t\\ 1\ I 10111 lh1 II ft1f11•d 111tf11 Ill t 1'1,dtllf I ' .111d 1.1k111~ .1 I l)ollll 1 \.I. llh m<:1tronal far (rum th1· trrc'<l and true Thi ,''"" p.011111d;11lv truo· .ti S11t1th ('10. .... 1 H• I'' 11 .. 1 \ lh1 fl""' '' .11 ,,... p11·11111 I!" col holh till' • """.! """ \\r, ... , t '11o1 ... 1 "·"'' l \o .tl1t1lllld1•d '"' 1111 111.1111 .. .i .• ~;1 .011.I 1lu ... 111.1111 1 S1·1·11nd St.11~" In l.111 11 .. I.ti I• I lilt .... I llll\t•lif'd .I 111.111 111 prnd1111 ;ttl I 11l11• .1 ....... ,. .. 1 \\t11 Id 1111 •11111•11 · ... 111 1!111:.! H:l I Ii• '"" d1111111 pl;ivhous•'"· Sl'll.1 ... 11;111·.., \V1•st .ind llw I larlt·quin. W(•rt•n 't quite so daring, bul I·" 11 111.111.q~··tl 111 1111111111 11111• llt '\\' ... 1111\\ clltrlll~ IHH:.! 1'111 ' ·"''' """ 1111tl .. d 1h1 11111p11·f'11llt v•·r ... 11111 ... ,,r :--.. 11111 l'.11 tlu .111d N111111.oll [..,Th.ii Yrn1''" Oil .1 t t1lU1f\ ·ld,L!~ Cost.a Mt...a's SC'R l'onunued tu stand as the 1lr1 .111 1 l1\ \\ 1111 It 11th•'' .1n m1·.1 ... u11·d t\ pn111t ,, .. 1111.t• \\ . .., 1h1 th1111ol1·11ng pr11d111t11111 11f Sh.1h.1 .. ,,,. .• 111 ·, 111 Ill\ IV I '.11 t I ... probably tlw 1110,1 .01nh11111u ... "01 k v1 I 1111 till' m.11n,1;1g1., though 1lt1 1111111 clo\.\ 11 In 1•.11 th pl.1\'> ltkl' "D,1" .md "Thi· I h\ 1111 r-. pt n\ 1·cl , q11.1lh 1111pn·,'>l'l.'1· .ind 111l1m;1lt·lv 1111111 111\·11l\111g < )11 th•• S 1•11111<1 St.11<1 1h1· "'11rltl prt·m1t•11• ,, ·"'"" g11t 1111 111 .in 1mpn·,.,1v1· s t.1r1 ''1th G1't1rg1 S1 l1l1.dd ", B111th1 ·r...:· prul>.1h lv lhC' m11sl involving pl.iv 1nount1·d on 1·11h1•r <.t,tg(• 1n 198:.! ThC' 111110.,rwetive "Bodil's" and the musical social satire "Coming Attractions" also scor ed high in their impact 1>1stint(U1'ih1'<1 J>l'rforrnan<«'s wer<' in abundanc<' on hoth sl<lgl's. but ,1 handfuf stood out -Je ffrey C '111111>, Ill I 111 I )I\ Ill• I' l'hn111.1 I Iii! Ill 111 Ill\ I\ <"'111,1111,1 1'111..11 Ill Ho<l 11 ... ,11111l.1111!.11'111 1 111 Tiu !\1.11 1 Wh11 t "111ilol '-'• • I l111111glt I 11111 111 lh• lo ,ult11g I ult 1.1!1 g111 \ .11111 Ill "llJ>poll V.'.1\111 ( ;, ,,. • 111 Tit• J>1, 111t , .., · I )1 11111' Fr.1111 Ill ·Br 111 lwr ... l'.111111.1 """''' 111 1\ll 111 F.1,·111 S111l N11 .• 11.t '1'.1111h ( 011111\ 11 Ill Hntl11 .., Tl11 t1lcl ( S11u1h l'.u 1111 I .111cl tlu 111 v. 1 t 111 {.11l d1 n l'ond' ) 111111 µ1·l1•d f11r top htt11111 ... o1 Martha McFarland and J t"ffrt•y Comh:-. in ~<·t·n<' from HTh f' Divint>rl'<:· prt•i-wnh~cl thi ~ fall bv tht• Soul h Coa:-.t Rcp<'rlory. ------------ :-,,1,,,11111 \\,I lh111111 l'l.1\lt1111" 111 I'll' lit• ...... tll l 'I•"" •11• I lit tit I ti II 1111\. ii·" t \\ fll Id J•I• 1111• I• \\ ,, " . .\11 '1 1111 1)111111: Ill i\I· I.tit . " I I• It lo I" I" Ii It 111 t dt d \\ 111 ~ :\I .. t lllllfl t "'l\f llldl\ ld11,dh \\I' JI,.\\ tit! ( ..... 1 "" lfl '··•Ii ......... 11i '"" 111· ...... H1lll'I .111d I 1,. ·'''I I' ti 111.t 1 1111' 11 H1 11 II .\.11111• d 11111 l· ... '" c ... 1.i1 11l'1111d \\l11l1 l1 .1 l>o 11111.11!-111.11l1 a 'spnght Iv "( ;porgt• M" and Lis.a Cutl1•r '' • ,, "" 1111•1 .l1l1 '1;1 1111 Ill :--111111 I'"" It "Ill ,ti I •\\If I !IHI II •\ I lf10 IJ,11 l1tJll!ll 11111111 I I 'f.1\ 111111'.t °' 111111111 I ,1111\\ 111 I f11 ,11111 11 •• 111• 1111 S.1111.1 t\11.0 ,1111\\ltl.u 1 ,.i..,,, 1111111 • ,..,,.1 with Nt•1\ ::,1m11n's "I Ou~ht to Ix· in P1l·turcs" and th'· currl.'nt no~,talg1a fan'. "Mt>t.'t MP m St Louis." Among thP pcrfnrmanc.:es that st.'lnd out ar<' (j ""' .. 1 Ht \.ti I 11·1·d .•• 1111 · S 111·1 .... 111t11 ... l1 ,,.,II Ill 11111 1111 ... \\'1 111.1111 1\.111 1\ C'11l l1·1l ..... 1111 \11llllJ' 111.tll \\1111 "'" 11J1•;i<o, Ill ~·1111\ (';11;it:-." 1\111<1· W111.111I '111d1ng 111u..,11 o1I 1 •1111,.1h .i tlr .ig 111 "S111.~a1 " ;ind I ,1,. \\'11'1111 cl1 •l1ghl I lrll\ II ving !11 JI·'"" (111 It 111 'SI I .11111 .... For South Coast Repertory, nearing its 20th anniversary on t he O r a n ge Coast, consiste ncy continued lo be lhe byword Audiences could count o n first-rate performances even w hen th e plays themselves failed lo completely satisfy. On the d inner theater circuit, changes were effected In both operations. The guest star format at Sebastian's West seemed lo disapp,ear after Vivian Blaine's rocky "'!n ln "My Life. ' Nl'Xt Fndav's l"lumn. lh<' St'\'ond parl of 1h1:-. .• r w~. will dtS.t;<'\"l l'Ommunity lhl·Uh •r in l~tt2 alun~ I Ill' Oranlo(t' Coast. Then. during Christmas w1 .. ·k. we'll take a look al t he top 10 non -profl•ssional fl udut:llons. somt• ou L'ltanding act.ors a nd ac1r~"<.'S. .ind the Dally Pilot's ninth annua l man a nd womun of 1 hl· yt•ar ill thl•at.-r -··- ,.---------- .l a11 11111-.u·1an Chuc·k Mangion•· will pt·rform al C )1-0l ll;.!•' ( '.oa ... 1 (:oil<·~·· Sunday. -'1u/1a '""' ',,. .. , . .,,,, .. 11111/, I "''"I' 1012 BRIOSO DRIVE, COSTA MESA (714) 645-3359 Between 17th & 18th SI off ol Whillier Blvd. MON.·FRI. -10-4 Chuck Mangione ... Scheduled to play at OCC I 1 .... r<Jn• indt'1.·d wht•n J.ilt. mus1n;1ns <Jlhll'Vl· 1h1 It \.vi 111 popularity of Ctnu k M .11lgiorH' 11 1 ... ,allJlllll-, li,1\ I -.1Jld Ill 1111' ri 11II11111-. l I 1· hos won (;1.a111111v ;,w;anb. £1nmy .i\\ .ar d-.. Ill' 1 v1·n hangs "Lil "1 lli J.ill 1ru111pt•\t·1 llt//I\ t:dJt-:-.pH· t1IH'I' Ill .a\\ltila· S1111d.1v 111g h1. lw will po I I 111111 111 I WO 'how:. ,al 7 p Ill .11111 Ill p Ill ;it llH 1{11111 11 I{ f\l1••t 1 Th1".1\t•1 ,I I ()I .1 II J..: I l' II ,I ... ( l '11111111u1111 ~ l ·,,i I a·gv 'J'11 h.1 h .11 1· 1111 -...111· <•I lht ( K'(' IH k1•l 11tt11·t'. Jll lh1 , 1ll1·g1·.., ,1d1111111str;a11011 l1u1ld1ng .ind <ii 'r11 k111011 11utl1 es F I u g ,. I ti 11 r 11 1st M.111g111111· h • .-. hurlt h1:. ... 11111 ..,.., b' -.1mpl\ 111g1 .111.J1111g 1111·l o dll th•1111-. l1utl1 1111 -.11l1d li.11111111111 ,1111l tu11·-. ,and I> I II I' I I I ' d h \ 11111\ 1 11111111 • .t rhvthmu p.11l1 11.-. ) {1• IS J°x•rh.1p:. 111·-.1 h.1111\\. 11 tor thl· '-.ong Ito • WI 1111· lllr thl' l!JHO llsc the Daily Pilot "~·as\ Result'· ser v11·e d1rertorv Your servtC'P 1s our specially Call 642-5678 ext 322 Wintt.-r Olympu.~. "'Gave· l'nl<·rtammt:nt magaz1m'S It All You Got" "~ thl' finc""St composer of I n h•~ t·Jrly d <1ys . thl· dt:cetdl'. with such Mang1r,m• playC'd w11h ;1lhums a!> "'Bcllav1a" and tlw \Jlt·nll'<l Art Bl.lkl·V ··f'1•t•ls Su Good .. J J L./ M1·':-.L·ngc•n. Ill· MJng111nc· :.ind his gr .• Ju,J\t'(l lrum lhl· qucirtt•\ will pl<.Ay :-.wn1· 1'~1:-.1rn;1n S<:hool uf Musil n1·w mall'l'IJI Sun<i:iv. 111 111 H1x:hl•sll•1, whc·rt· llt' ;, d d 1I1o11 Io h 1 :-. .11 Id 111akl·:-. lu:-. honw During 1·l;1:-.s1l~ 1\11 told ti sh11uld l h 1 • I !1 7 lb Ill• w .a s I 1 1• ,, w 11 r I h w h 1 I r· d1· ... cr1b1•d hy n~any .. v1·ning ~~~~-====-~~~~ CAll: Pacific Coast Box Office AT MAXWELL'S ON THE HUNTINGlON BEACH PIER 714/536-8826•714/540-3669 WE ACCEPT AU. M>J()R CRE.DIT CARDS, PHONE AHO MAfl ORDERS Two great styles from Boston Traders. Cl'e'Nf)8Ck and ShOwi collar rag wool Functtonol and rugged lhOt take IO !tie outdoafS &~~@[; 56 FASHION ISLAND . NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~---\(-~ ___ o_n~S_t_o_s_• _____ ~~----------~--~~~--------~--- 'Cats • • By MARY CAMPBELL ~ ......... 1-wrtter NEW YORK -The l ea n . k ee n t a bby . jumping around . introducing characters and songs. keeping the pace bris k -the veritable maste r o f ceremonies of Act One of "Cats" -is, under that gray, elastic skin, really mild-mannered, dancer- actor Harry Groener. Groener has been on Broadway before, in the sh o rt -lived "Oh, Brother!" and "Is There Life After High School?" and, for eight months, as Ado Anni e's l o ng - suffering feller, Will Parker. in a revival of "Oklahoma!'' "Cats" was his first hit Broadway opening. The Winter Garden Theater box office opened Aug. 23 and had sold nearly $8 rrullion worth of llckets. two-thirds of that before the o p e n 1 ng Oc t 7 Bac ks tage s tairwells were lmed with flowers on operung rught. There wer e cases o f cha mpagne, t o n s of telegrams and gifts galore. While taJking with a r epo r ter betw ee n matin ee and evening shows, Gro~mer leaves on ms cat face and puts on shirt and jeans and one treasured gift -a gold pendant with Cats written on it. He can't wear it dunng the show beca u se 1t w o uld mterfere with his winng for sound Another o pe n1ng - night gift was a Cats carr ybag with a Cats sweatshu-t 1ris1de. There was cat food and litter boxes w1 th fans 1ris1de to air them out. The two cats -Rum Tum Tugg e r and Alonz o . kno wn as Terrence V Mann and Hector Jaime Mercado in the human world -who s hare a tiny dressing room with Groene r don't Call Home Free on MCI E T . you -anyone can call home and day 'tll Dec. 24 free for the holidays from Hunting- ton Center's MCI phone center. Your Free 3-min. tong distance call by MCI Is on us. Happy holldays. .·Dancer-actor H arry Groener has f irst hit on Broadway have cats at home and perfo rming there this gave him all their cat season again but came to equipment. Groener and the big opening night. ln his wife, partly inspired "Cats," Groent>r's name by the show, have 1s Munkustrap. The acquired a kitten, Bllimt. audience doesn't identify Groener met his wife, him with tha t name actress Dawn Didawick , because he doesn't have when both were in "The a solo with his name on it Matc hmaker" at the as do some of the others. A c to r s Theater of But h e's l isted a s Louisville in 1976. She's M unkustrap in th e program. All the cats are named and dir ec tor Trevor Nunn told each one his personal history. "That's primarily for the actor's own purpose," Groener says, "so you're not just a cat. It helps you be an individual cat. But the audience doesn't know. "l 'm second in co mmand to Old Deuteronomy, the leader and protector of the pack. I fight when need be. And I will take over when Old Deuteronomy leaves us forever. "That's why I'm the one k eeping things going, rounding up all the cats to perform their numbers, so t hat Old Deuteronomy can choose one to go the Heavyside Layer, which is the best place to be ... Though Broadway has see n him only in musicals, Groener has played Shakespeare in Seattle a nd modern drama in Los Angeles. OH SELECTIH IS HIUSS DOES IT AGAIN! BMX BIKES UPTO 503oFF FREE DRAWING! BMX BIKE MTllECWIE 121'"4 terH, lttler Prizes Bf.ACH CRUISERS FROM 69.95 .ALL MA J OR BRANDS SPECIAL PURCHASE MIYATA lts,.Hl 11 ..... ~PllOE s 6 • -CHRISTMAS MUSIC-- UC IRVINE. F'tnc· Arts Concert Hall T he· u1m111un1ty S1 n~c·n, present their Christmas p1ogram IX'<: 19 al :l p.m Admission is free IJO HOTH Y C HANDLER PAVILION, Los AllJ.:l ll·s Mui.it· Cl:nll'r Carmen Dragon t:ondu1:11ng the-(;IC'ndale Symphony Ort:hestra in 1ls tradJUonal Chrii.tma-. t·unu·rl Dl·t· 2 1 and 22 at 1:1:30 p.m Wilham Hall Choralt• JOtnS 111 smg111g Christmas l«1rul.., T1t·kl'L'> rcing1• from $4 to $20 RC'servat1ons (21:1) 241 -9.Jl;j DOROTH Y CH A NDLER PAVILION. Los Angt·lt-s Mus1t· Ct•nt<'r Los Angek-s Master Choralt• and Chnmb<.'r Orehc•stra present a program of three Bal·h Chrt!>lrn<is Canwtas DC'c 12 at 7.30 p.m T1t·k1•t.s rangt• from $5 to $11:1.50. Information (:ll:i) 972 i282 OOHOTllY CH ANDL EH PAV ILION. Lus Angl'lt•s Music Ct•nter Mt>SS1ah Sing-Along. with thl• audll'm:l' as the• chorus, will be> held Dt.'<.·. 13 and 15 ut 8.:30 p.m Roger W<1gner will conduct. Tickets an· $li. br111g :-rour own SC'Ort• or buy one at the door for $:150 Information (213) 972-7282. DOHOTll Y CHANDLER PAV1LION, Los Angt•lt~ Music Ct.>nter Los Angeles Master Chorale and Sinfonia Ort:hcs tra present "A Carolful r j J._ J .~ ~ J ~ } ) ~ What's happening a long Orange Coast Christmas" Dl'C: 17 at 8:30 p.m . De<.' 18 at 3 p .m. and Dl'<: 19 <at 7 JO p.m. 1'1ckets range Crom $5 to $18.50 Information (213) 972-7282. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE. 435 S . Boylt· Avl.'. Los Angelt'S K.PFK's Christmas Fair will t·ornbint· Gre(.•k, Armenian. Middle-Eastern and Balkan orc·hestras with dance troupes and folk danct· instruc·tion on Dec. 10, 11 and 12. Arts and Crafts show and food available. Information (213) 877-2711. O HANGE COAST COLL EGE, Robert B. Mpon• PC'rforming Arts Theater. OCC Choir sings "Ch n s lmas F'avoritc.>s" Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. Tickets $1. SA N T A A NA HJ G H SC H OOL AUDITORIUM. 520 W. Walnut St., Sant.a Ana. Pa<:ific Chorale presen ts its a nnual Christmas concert Dec 10 and 11 at 8:30 p.m . Tickets range from $6 to $12. Jnformation 542-1790. GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE. "A Community Christmas Carol" will be presented Dec. 12 at 1 :30 • e If it 's got e handles • you'll grab a sale • faster in • Daily Pilot e classified • ads. call t 642-5678 p.m.. followed by Christmas caroling to homes of elderly m the area. Information 847-9622. GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE. Sym phonic Band will perform holtday music in "The Many Moods of Chris tmas" Dec. 10 a n d 11. 8 p.m . G e n e ral adrrnss1on $2.50. lnformauon 847-9622. SADDL EBACK VALLEY PLAZA, El Toro. Children's chmrs and artwork will be resen ted Oct:. 11 and 12. along wit~t from ta. children's matinees of "The Great Muppet Caper" will be shown Dec. 11 at I I a.m. and 1:15 p.m. CHAPMAN COLLEGE, Orange. Cha pman Concert Choir and Cham ber Orchestra present a banquet a nd concert in the traditional English mode Dec. 10 a nd 11. Wassail reception begins at 6 p.m. Tickets for dinner range from $15 to $30. for concert only $4. information 997-6871. -PLAYS------ ''CALIFORNIA SUITE," Neil Simon's West Coast comed y, will be presented by Coastline College this weekend and next at the Westminster Community Theater. 7272 Maple St .. Westminster (963-0811 ). Performances w'ill be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and S undays at 2 p.m. through Ot'C. 18 "A C HRISTMAS CAROL." South Coast Repertory's annual holiday show, continues at the Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa (957-4033). Cu rtain is 8 p.m . Tuesdays through Saturdays, 7:30 S undays a nd 2:30 on weekend matinees throug h Dec. 26. "C H RIST MAS IN WAKEFIEL D ," a trad1t1onal English celebrati on, is on stage at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Mon te V~ta St. Costa Mesa (631-5110). Performances are given at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 2:30 Sundays unul Dec. 18 . "FINIAN'S RAINBOW," an Iris h -fl avored musical revival, continues at Sebastian's West See Diversions, Page 7 1oth..9lnn~ Ottfimtimv on KOCE·TV/50 l J. Friday night 8:45 Celebrate a Dazzling Decade The Great Performances 10th Anniversary Celebration. Join the festivi· ties as your favorite stars salute ten years of . .,, ... • ext raordinary music, exqui- site dance and outstanding --j drama with scenes from television's premiere per- f ormance series! Thia 1d m1•1 poulblt In p111 lly • grant lttrn 111• Ctrptr1t1on for Publlc 81oedCN11119 - j --------le ;;;;,~;.;-,;;;~------·)\.------------------7 •• From Page 6 Dinner Playhouse-, 140 Ave P ico, San Clemen te (492-9950) P er forman ces are nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times until further notice "HANS EL AND G RETEL," the c lassic c hildre n 's pla y w ith mus ic , concludes its engagement for the Pountain Valley Community Theater at Los Amigos High School, Newhope and Heil avenues in Fountain Valley (964-5392). Final performanl'CS are tonight and Saturday a t 7:30 and S unday at 2.~iO. "JAMES AND T HE GIANT PEACH ," a children's fantasy, ends this weekend at Saddleback College in Mission Vie jo (831-4656 ). Closing performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. EXCL USIVE SO CALIF ENGA GEMEN T "STEPPIN' OUT" • NEW CONCERT ''"™ CHUCK MANGIONE ... o THE QUARTET .UfO Mu9.C: '"OM LOVE NOTES ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ROBERT MOORE THEATRE 2701 Fa11v1ew Costa Mesa SUNDAY,DEC.12 2 Show• 7 p.m. & 10 p.m. Rese1ved Sec11~ S rO & S9 TICKETS THAU TICKETRON OR OCC TICKET OFFICE V1sa;MC 17141 558·5527 GRAND OPENJNGf Introductory special· 3 lessons for51500 (First new 100 adult students only) The Astaireway to fun and popularity. Specializing in beginning and advanced. American-Social- lntemational- Modern-Latin· Ballroom. Fre~•taire DANC• aTUDIOa Fl'9d ~ ~ 8'udloe, 2727 Newport_ ~:.t. 9ulee 200 NewpcM1 Beech, cA l2tlO (714) ·~ Mon.-a.t 10a.m.·10p.m. and S unday at 3 p.m. in the Studio Thea ter. at 2. 3 and 4 p.m. through Dec. 19. "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS," a musical set near "SHERLOCK HOLMES," the original stage the turn of the century, is playing at the Harlequin version in the myste ry series, is playing at the Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon (979-5511 ). Curtain times vary nightly except Road, Laguna Beach (494-0743). Performances are Mondays through Feb. 20. given at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays and "PO'ITER'S PLACE," a children's musical 2:30 Sundays until Dec. 18. comedy, opens Saturday at the Newport Theater "STEAMBATH," an adult comedy. is being AJOt~entel', 2561 Ctiff Drive, Newport Beac:-tr-presented-al Grange Ceesl-(;ollege's Dnr'-8atAm:wal-l.L.-;a19"'-------;;... (675-3143). Performances will be given Saturdays Theater in Costa Mesa (556-5527). Curtain is 8 p.m. and S undays at 3 and 7 p.m. through Dec. 19. Thursdays through Saturdays until Dec. 18. "SANTA'S CHRISTMAS T R EE," a n ew "VISIONS OF SUGAR PLUMS." an original children's musical. will be presented for two children's musical, makes a re turn visit to the weekends at the Garde n Grove Community Huntington Beach P layhouse, Main Stree t a t T heater in Eastgate Park a t Chapman and S t.. Yorktown Avenue in the Seacllff Village shopping Mark's avenues, Garden Grove (893-0806). Curtain cer)ter. Admission is free and performances will be times are Saturdays at 5. 6 and 7 p.m. and Sundays See Diversions, Page 9 PMMmfl ltTIHS fffmB A KMMO W KIDi ~ MA.NI ff· Tif ~ STAffHJ fOIRf HA'f13 · Jll ~ · AOlllO BY KNM1 W m ral!!liiilLr-,...iiiii_iiil:-aiiiiii.iiir:i.,.....~1 •11,!m.•:J\\iffiTIN ANJ lHGltO BY KEN RN<L~~.~ .. ~~ 8 STAllTST.-aY HU COITA MllA .... WllT••Tll wmtM Sllow\ 51111. ~ Mann Brea Plaza Edwards Harbol Twin Edwlrds Woodbndoe EIJwards Cinema West 529·5339 831 3501 Cinema 551 ·Ol55 891 3935 FGUITAll IAlLIY GUiil COITA MIU ll TORO ..... P.tlClllC'S Founlaln Valley Slldlum Onve rn Edwa1ds 81l5tol Edwards Sacldltback City Cen111 NO 'AUil ACCIPTIO Duve In 962 2481 839 8770 540 7444 581 5880 634 9282 '0" THll INOMll•"T Ko to • • • Provides three sty les of Oriental cuisine KC >T< >. -1:11111 Vcm K;irman Ave .. Newport J;, .itl1 ";.i:.!-i l :JJ Lu11d1 . .;{.•r v1'(1 from ll a.m . to 2 J• 111 M1111cl.1y 1hr11u~h Fnda.Y Dinn£'r serv<.'<l from 5 11 • ! 11 µ 111 Sum/;iy 1 hruugh Thursday, 5 Lo 11 p.m. l-1 '"·'·' ..i1Jtl .S;.iwrW.J.v. Sunu<Jy-bFUm4t-11t-rved-from /11 ;11 ,, "' 111 :.! JJ m Lunl.'h from $5.25 w $lJ. 75. /J111111 1 lru111 $1 !-1:) tu $25.5U. Brun<:h $9 25. llt '' '\'.tl11m:-n111111nM·ndt'<l . J.,,.,.,,at•sc.· 1t·-.1..1ur<.1nl.S usuall y offer one of lhn'<' I\ It " .,f cut,.,1rw: h1b:Jl'h1 <:ookt·ry on gas-fired grills. 1.1 ·' 11,.,h .mcJ -.w<"t.'l<.<n<.'tl n ee l-ombincitions al the -.u .111 11.ir .ind lht· mun• ~l<.indard ll'mpura-teriyak1- ,uh.1' .1k1 f;an· 1\L N1·wp11rt 's K o lo . diners have th e ••1•1i<1rtu1111v Lo i.<amplt· ;my of thl' lhree sumpluous "•·rid" 11f 01wnli1I food. Thl· teppan _yaki room li•n•,l-:-hilx.1t·h1 grills. whert• guests can ~atch food 1•11 1•.i•t·d «l th1•1r u.abl<~ by the flashy cutlery work • .i ..,1,,,1iru1 1 hl'I,. If yuu don't prefer the l'Ommunal d11 1111~ .,1 th<· 1<·pp:.n room, lhc main dining area rm 11u <•I lc-r" an l•qu;.illy abundant selection or • g• 1.1l>lt· <.1nd ,(•afucxJ lC·mpura. l'hicken and beef Lt·11 .... 1k1 ;,and other aSM>rled dinners. l''inally. tht·n··~ a l'Ompletc sushi bar wilh a .111111·what ~llm 1-i M·at.-;. h's first <.-ome. fi rst served 1L 1111 i.,,,r but n.~·rvauons. a must on weekends, 4 ,111 Ii<· maCH· for thC' ma in dining area or teppan l'C)t11•, T lw lunl·h ml•nus, by thl.' way. arc trimmed- d11w11 V<·t.,.,i(lns vt lht• t.linner menus, with slimmer f.JOrl1011~ <ind pran.·s W1· 11p11.t.J lur lhc main dimng room, sirn.-c wr: Ii 1d .air t ady ,.,;,ampll-d lhc lunch and dinner Care in Ill• h·p~n room u n previous visits. Teppan dinners 11u ludl· :.t1up. ,.,...IJd. nl't' and tea. Combinations of hr 11n11 laib-ilt·r. 1·hu:kC'n. S('allop:. and different cuts of prime beef are prepared on the grill with seasoned vegetables including mushrooms, onions, bean sprouts and rucchini. Firi.t-umers may wish to sele<:t lhe chicken and ,.;111 .mp l1.;•ppan ($9.95) or the beef teriyaki steak and ~tirimp l'Omhinalion ($1 2.50). Seafood a ficionados • "'' f<·<.Jsl 1111 :1 s pl·cial c:ombmation of lobster , ·• ;dl11µs. ,.,hnmp and wmpuril ($32 for two) or the 111 .. 11 ty ilfJpt'llll' m:.iy find 1Lc; way to lobster. New 'i'111 K "h Jk and ~hrimp. thl• lop-pnced individual ·I It l I 11111 <tl $;l~ 50 K11111 w;1s upt.•r.1.;•d in 1975 by two J apanese • 111 ,, .. r . .i11111" lh.11 also have' started a similar "A funny, stirring, enveloping movie ... it ts a success through and through." -J1~t Mulirl. New York Time• m-----NOWSHOWING----u Tiii '"9TAll llllWll ...... ......_. '91·6110 F......-V..., Ul-1MIO Clrlllll Mii 137•0340 COSTA •llA Uwetfl llMM NAHi C-.C..979~141 ~ 651·0'55 UA Cily ~ tM-3911 CllTA W LAIW llAQI ntnl!llTll UA a.-~94 IMll Cwt 414-1514 ca.-W. •1.n31 I /ltCN1DllV ..,_.. VOUlt CMDWIU.Am9f "°" NIDAOl.UJ 10/llfV K#ll l'lfC:aKflteMOW ~ 'IP • • •• • ,. .. ,._, ......... ,. • • ••--•••••• ••••"9 t1 •• • •• ••• .... By JOEL C. DON Of lht· l>nil~· Pilot Rturf n ·,.,u1urnnt c.·allco loU"r-trrMtnne~otiS7""'fP<>zai dt.K-s11'L urrcr a sushi bar. however.) Tht· main dining room affords diners an l'>'i><m:.1v1· view of sculptured gardens, a carp pool .ind .J p:.irk-ltk{· <i rl'a in lhc heart of a major busfoe!$ n·nll·r High wood-beam ceilings rely on earth tones and tht:' room is a<.'t.'enled by hanging paper lamps .. ud u ll·W indoor plants. &age napery adds the final l11ut·h of e lc•gan l'c and tables include both <·h11JJSlil·ks. fo r the tradition a lis t, and a full silvl•rwure plan· setting. Yuu may also request, by reservation, to dine Jupan<.'S<'-style in a tatami room. where shoes are rl•movro and you sit on plush floor chairs before low l<1bk>s. Combina tions o f s hrimp, lobster , chick en , scallops and different cuts of prim e beef are pre pare d on the g r i ll with sea sone d vegetables inc luding mushrooms, onions, bean sprouts and zucchini. s .e rvice is generally quic k and helpful. • ~Pl':1ally wht:'n ~onsidering some of the more <·xut1c.· '!lenu. oflermgs. The main dirung room can get a bll n?1sy, though the tables, with cushioned rallan chairs, are appropriate ly spaced to allow t·asu;.1 I l'onversation. Wl.' found prices to be most appreciated. Our drnnt·r induded lwo drinks, two appetizers and t'Ompleu.• c.-omb.matl~n diru:iers. all for about $35. The a ppetucr hst, which is also included on the u •pv;,an room menu , IS an international assortment of dt:l11.:ac1el; suc h as egg rolls, steamed clams. The Outlaw ... The Outcast... and the Legend that was bigger than both of them. Willie Nelson Gary Busey ~ •r-~an~..c: n Exeluslvely At Edwards Cinemas ~ •<I~ •••I• R•U'lo I t'I 'l,,_.I '1 \ ~ - ,• ~ t'St'argots. spare ribs, frog legs. raw oysters, shrimp ;.ind vegetable tempura and barbecued chicken on a skewer. . We dl'Cided to try the frog legs ($3.95), fried with a tempura batter that was ·crispy yet not greasy. The portion was petite, with two medium- slwd'ieg;s. ·Yalliwci ($2 95). two skewers of chicken barbel·ucd in a te riyaki sa~u~c~e~.~w~ais=-i.:.:Y:~~--.......;lLJ t'Omplcmcnt to the frog legs. There are 25 dinner selections to choose from . each of which includes aoup, pickled cucumbers or sunomono. choice of fried or white rice and green tea. K o to sets itself apart from other Japanese rcslauran~ with soup offerings other than the standard miso or light broth. On our recent visit, w e were served a creamy cauliflower soup and on other cwnings you may be offered cream of pot.ato, clam chowder or corn soup. Miso is served on Sunday and Monday only. . M)'. guest_selt;cted the top sirloin, tempura and yakitora t'Ombmat1on ($11.50), which arrived on a seeming gargantuan platter brimming with tender slices o f teriyaki-seasoned beef and c hicken vegetables and shrimp tempura as well as a corn cob hunk and salad with French dressing. The feast was quile overwhelming as my companion remarked that the dinner could have served two. The sukiyaki and tempura djnner ($11.25) was dee med an equally s ple ndid offerin g . Take advantage of two or more people on this selection as it will then be prepared at your table. Th~ sukiya.ki bowl was filled with a generous portion of shc-ed beef ~ well as hunks of tofu, yam noodles, omons, sca!11ons, mushrooms. eggplant and bamboo shoots. all m a savory broth. The tempura included shrimp, carrot slices, squash a nd broccoli with a hght sweetened soy dipping sauce. If you'd like to sample a UttJe bit or everything from the dinne r menu. the K o to Gold e n Combination ($27.50 for two) includes shrimp tempura. beef teriyaki, lobster and vegetables. Ishiyaki steak ($23. 75 for two) is a meal with pizazz as shces of New York steak and vegetabJes are cooked at your table on a superheated special st.one. Those searching for more traditional Japanese Care should tum to the back of the menu where side orders include dried seaweed with· wasabi (green honeradiah), tuna fileta with poi, broiled eel; wfu with soy sauce and a host of other delicacies. ... ., . From Page 7 given at 2, 3 and 4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 19. -MUSIC------ ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, Costa Mesa. a.m. Admission is free. Information (213) 498-4280. -ART------- SOUTH COAST ART CENTER, 283 East 17th St., Costa Mesa. One-man exhibition of the photography of Rene Laursen began Dec. 4 and runs through Jan. 8. Hours 10:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m .. Tuesday-Saturday. Information 646-4545. An exhibit featuring the photography of Ron Leighton and the rhythmic arrangements of Diana Schoenfeld runs through Dec. 24. Hours are Tueeday-Saturday, 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. BOB S IEMON ART GALLERY I 1 166 S unflower, Costa Mesa. Exhibit features art by Christians. Hours Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m .-8 p.m . and Sunday noon-5 p.m. lnfonnation 549-0678. ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER, Anaheim. Walt Disney's World on Ice features .. Golden City Chorus presents barbershop harmony Dec. 11 at 8 p.m. Admissjon $4 advance. $5 at the dooi:. lnfo~tion~-~5_27. CAL STATE UNIVERSITY. LON'G BEACH:-- University Music Center Recital Hall. Jazz concert Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. Admission $3 general Information (213) 498-5526. CALLIGRAPHY, INC .. 31 SeaclifC Village. 2207 Main St., Huntin!,ton Beach. Children~s holiday era (workSfiop he d-Dec:-i8, l•3 p.m . Fee aa $10 per child. Information 960-5775 between 1-5 p.m. Olympic Silver Medalist Linda Fratianne. Performanees--begin Dee. 26 and-eontinue-thf'ou,gn.--------!'- Jan. 2. Tickets range Crom $5 to $9. Infonnation 999-8900. BOWERS MUSEUM. 2002 N. Main St., Santa. KNOTT'$ BERRY FARM, Buena Park. Holiday Festival of Music begins Dec. 11 and 12, MUSIC CENTER EAVILION, 135 N . Grand Ave .. Los Angeles. Cellist Lynn Harrell and pianist Ilana Vered present a dual recital Dec. 14 at 8:30 p.m. Information (213) 972-7211. Ana. "Buckskin and Beads" exhiblt opeos..J)ec. 10 Cor an indefinite run. Holiday exhibit. "Beneath the C hristmas Tree," opens today and continues through Jan. 9. Houn are Tueeday-Saturday, 10 a .m.-5 p.m . and Sunday, noon-5 p.m . AdmilSion by donation. Information M7-8304. featuring choirs, ch orale groups and VkCM11.,.....~----.....--• costumed carolers throughout the park. Santa is in his log cabin daily from noon-8:30 p.m. GOLDEN WEST COLLEGE, 15744 Golden CAL STATE UNIVERSITY, LONG BEACH, Recital Hall. Violinist Cho-Liang Lin and conductor Jean-Francois Paillard will lecture Dec. 10 at 10 BC SPACE, 235 Forest Ave., Lafuna Beech. See Diversions, Page 10 R'.1i !DflllD MOM. STREEP "S11U.. <»' 1lft NDrr JESSl:A TAND'f' 0...-ti.....,...., Nrsmt ALMENOQ;. .vu:. Sliary i, IWID NEWMAN _. IOIJfl' llt:N1'm s..-,i., i, IOIJfl' ~ .......,., ARLENE IXl'«MN .._. 11J IOIERT ~. a,_,.---=-· ---~"' ............... .,.,......~. _. ... __ ....... ,, __ ...._ ....... ....._ ........... ............ , •••• ,IUCll J ··-Edwllds Vlefo Twin 830·8990 Edwlrds Newport Cinema 844·0780 Clnedarne ................... ................. 134·2153 •m•1••m·J1Blll·ll·lll·11 lllflf· mmt•l·IBll• lllllllllllllll·ml••lll·mlRE IR14!i'a11i1El 'CllliND' j··~ -----~~~ ----NOW PLAYING----• a ........ 1111111 -·-· 1111 =~ ~"'-" ,,..... 111·-,. ·-~---·-.. -,--.. .... • •• . ................... .....__ .......................................... ~~--#'II•••• ..................... _ _..~ ............................ _ ... _______ ... _______ ,..,. ..... __ ........ _.i. ...... i!!-M-"~ ,,. -. tO _~~--~~-====-~~dc __ ·_··_···_-·-_ .. _ .. _···_···_)~~==::===:==::====:=:::====:::===:~~ _. _ -On Stage _ >--- 'Open Windovvs. , Theater group ge ts audience involved • • You know the feeling. You've just seen a play and you're exiting the thea~er feeling empty and unfulfilled. The production had no impact or. your life; you 're the same Joe that walked in the place a couple of hours ago. Happens a ll the time, right? Probably not. But if you're looking to get a li ttle more out of your theater life, say, a heavy dose o f "global inter -depend e nce," or ha nds on experience with "creative group proble m solving," Terry May and Richard Yorba just may have the dinner show for you. They direct "Open Windows,'' a participatory theate r company bent on getting the audience members to experience some sort of self-realization -to takt-something home other than the usual · achmg back and beat-up hands. "We've done a lot of acting together," May explained. "We noticed that the audience wasn't c•oming away with the same intensity we had felt on stage." So during an excursion through Caspers' Regional Park near Mission Viejo one afternoon a year and a half ago, May and Yorba came up with the idea of writing and producing plays in which the audience could passively participate. But don't confuse this ''reach out and touch someone" brand of theater with the 1960s' type that thr us t s pectators into the spotlight, forcing them to interact with some wound-up performer they had never seen before in their lite. The idea here is to provide a harmless activity for audience members, who may choose whether to participate. For instance, the latest May-Yorba collaboration, "The Way Home," playing next LURI HOW TO SUCCEED · II TELEYISIOI COllERCllLS FREE WORKSHOP Sponsored by Richard Goldstone Productions, one of the countries leading commercial production companies 7:30-9:30 p .m. Dec. 15th Costa M e sa for y our reserved seat Call 931-1305 ..... ~ . By LORENZO BENET -or the Daily Pilot Starr Thursday night at the Old World Restaurant in Huntington Beach. is tbe..usualstory about-a-group of people leaving their home land in search of new surroundings. During the course of the journey, the migrants share memories through song and dance. Then at one point during the show, a udience ·members are invited to sha re a personal memory with the person sitting next to them . "We hope that people feel the atmosphere is safe enough to share experiences they may not otherwise share," Yorb4l said. Each participant writes down the memory of his partner, rolls it up, ties it with a piece of ribbon and drops it into a central box. By the end of the play, it becomes clear tha t what's most important about creating a new home are the memories and traditions people bring to it. In celebration, the scrolls are hung on a Christmas tree by audience members, bringing the show lo a close. "In developing a show for the holidays, we wanted lo do some thing to allow people to share joy with the ones the y love,'' May said. Other "Open Windows" project.a include a nature walk through the wOOdS and along htlJcrests, with periodic stops to play games and interact wit}\, performers and musicians. ln another piece, "Story of Hoops, Story of Fishes,'' Yorba and May use games, dance and drama and a variety of props to get participants involve<! in group communiecation and problem solvi!lg. MARK HAMILL . HARRISON FORD CARRIE FISHER BILLY DEE WILLIAMS ANTHONY DANIELS ,_,.t;..A,i()!>OOW$1 o(( .... •8'¥11> Pll\IH .... ,,.-W 1-Ql -.. llMN KERSHNER -.. GARV KURTZ .._ .. LEIGH BRACKETI -LAWRENCE l(ASOAN -.. GEORGE LUCAS ·---GEORGE LUCAS -.. JOHN IMLUAMS [X)fmur.,._J .,....,.·-=::.=~--.acae•wuw c.. ..... .,......_.. IPGfl'MlllT•a.a-mt~ ... c· • .::::.'':':, .. ..,,_ ~,....., ... ;;..,~ tw·W•111im.w1 ,. EDWARDS SOUTH COAST PLAZA AND CINEDOME IN 70mm DOLBY 8Tm0 EDWARDS NEWPORT IN DOLBY l'QMO The productions a re d elibe r ately no n - contro.versial, allowing for the broadest range of interpretation by participints. "Every interpretation is right," Yorba stressed. "Whatever the audfonce creates is 100 percent theirs and magnificent."-- From Page~ West St., Huntington Beach. Gem Opera Puppet Theatr e will present Humpe rdinc k's "Konigskinder," Dec. 11 at1 p.m. in-Health Sc:ience 131. Admission $1 at the door. HOBBY CITY, 1238 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim . The Puppet Center presents a '45-minute holiday musical running through Jan. 9 at 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m . Admission $1.50. Call 828-1490 to confirm show times. -SINGLES------ MAN~WOMAN INSTITUTE. 18682 Buena. Vista, Yorba Linda. Get--acquainted party tonight at 8 p.m. Admi.-ion $10. For ages 25-55. Information .M5-0840. NEWPORT CENTER PUBLIC LIBRARY, Community Room, 856 San Clemente Dr., Newport Beach. Dr. Robert Schwartz will lead a dt.:ussion on "Bum Out: What la It?'' Dec. 11 from 5-7 p.m. Admiaaion $3. Infonnation "1-1232. --------- -- I I I I \ 1' 1 \ 11 ·, 1 : I I f \\ \ '\. I I 1 I I I· I I \I I ', 11 l H " I I I. Ii I H II\..., \I ~O l I 0.. atory Of G boy audtknly alone In iM wor1". The men who challe,..e JWn. ..:.::.. And the /lirl w ho help• IWn hcome a man. MICHAEL IDOLIY INTDNATl<*.\L .. CAllUIDOIS nuea-.OIOPP IURROWD OIOllOS MILU1t- 1Ulllt DOUGLAS • 'AClt '11IOMPllON to ·-"1111 MAN P110M SNOWY aJVU-TOM 8~N • llOIUD TMOIUftON • LOtUIAINI IAYLY -.... _ .. A.ll.C"BAN.K>"IPAftlllON -JOHN DIXON ... Fii.ED CULCULUN .__ .. -MICHAIL EOOUIY "" SIMON WINCIR -BJtUCI: llOWIANO ....._ OIOf'F 8UIUIOWl8 -OBOllOE MllUR 111-. I • .... At ...... ....,. ... ..,_ ........................... .,.~, ....... .. ... '. ' I •1 \\ '\. 1 I I H '~ .. ' ~ ' , , ~ ~ --iJ I ~ . , ----------------__.(curr"'ently Screening )""-----------------1 U AN OFFICER ANO A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Ge.·e, David Keith , Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises but some beautifuUy drawn perfonnances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and adult situations. A BOY AND HIS IX>G: Rated R, stars Don Johnson as the owner of a smart-talking dog. This L.G . Jones film, based on a Harlan Ellison novella, was originally released in 1974 and has gained nothing in the way of substance or believability since then. BARBAROSA: Rated PG, mainly for violence, stars Willie Nelson and Gary Busey. This is another one that was released a couple years ago and brought back by critical demand. Nelson and Busey put in admirable performances as two outcasts who find a sense of family in each other. Deals with larger issues like revenge and the making of a legend. E.T . THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, s tars H e nry Tho mas, Dee Wallace, Robert Macnaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed scienc.-e-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best an years. FITZCARRALOO: Gennan comedy (English subtitles) about a man devoted to bringing grand opera to Peru in the 19th century. Cast includes Klaus K.inski and Claudia Cardinale. STE&&BOUI 2ad Annual Bluegrass Festival 12 loon Sat. 12-11 CALL: Pacific Coast Box Office AT ~SON THE HUNTlNG10N BEACH PIER 714/536·8826. 714/S40-3669 WE AC~ AJJ. tWQR CREDrT CAJWS, PHOME AND MAIL ORDl!JlS. Movies now showing along Orange Coas t HEIDI'S SONG: Rated G, this is superb holiday fare for youngsters. The a ll-animated, musical version of the classic nover features tne voices of Lorne-Greene, Sammy Davis Jr. and Margery Gray. LOVE CHILD: Rated R, Amy Madigan is impressive in her first major role, supported by Beau-Bridges and Mackenzie Phillips_ The. film.is based on the true story of a young convict's struggle to keep her unborn child. MONSIGNOR: Rated R. stars Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernanao Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Superman cape for clerical robes in this tale of a World War II priest who becomes involved in financial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully photographed film is long on shock value (priest has a romance, priest deals with the Mafia), but sh ort on motivation and substance. THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS: Rated R, stars F.dward Albert, Susan George and Doug McClure. An American family moves to Japan to find their new house is a haven for 19th century Japanese ghosts. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Rated PG, this sequel to ''Star Wars" was nearly as well- NO matter what the marquee says, what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters Is a real horror show. UAC, the second largest movie chain In the U.S., has embarked on a national policy of eliminating jobs, fostering unemployment In city after city where they own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro- fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last few weeks, UAC has locked out many 'Of Its southern California projectionists (members of the International Alliance of Theatrlcal Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good-faith bargaining. Manage- ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75•1. of the projectionists' jobs ~ _ • cutting wages for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes In wort<lng conditions (I.e., forclnt one projec· Uonlst to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 miles apart). received as its predecessor when originally released. Cast revives most of the old characters, played by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, and introduces some new -including "Yoda" featuring the voice of "Ml.a Piggy's" Frank Oz. THE LAST UNICORN: Rated G, this is · another animated version of a novel -but this time it's for adults as well as the kids. The story, based on the fan~ by Peter S. Beagle, follows the odyssey o[ a unicorn on her search for another of her own kind. Features the voices of Mia Farrow, Robert Klein, Alan Arkin and Jeff Bridges. THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER: Rated PG, stars Kirk Douglas, Jack Thompson, Sigrid _Thornton and newcomer Tim Burlinson in the title role. An outdoor adve nture tliat is sometimes entertaining but cornball and out-dated. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R, Michael Palin of Monty Python fame has the title role in this tale of a missionary who opens a home for wayward souls in F.dwardian London. This warm-hearted picture has some amusing moments, but they're offset by a boring love story and a surplus ol undeveloped plot threads. THEY CALL ME BRUCE?: Rated PG, stars Johnny Yune, Margaux Hemin gway, Pam Huntington and Ralph Mauro in a wacky parody of the Bruce Lee karate cult. ., TEX: ·Rated PG, stars Matt Dillon and Jim Metzler as brothers growin g up in a small Oklahoma town and finding out about the realities of life. Critics are heralding the tum as a positive turn-around for Disney Studios. Janitors In UAC's San Francisco-area theaters ' who belong to the Service Employees unlol} have also been victimized by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage freeze, the Janitors, too, are confronted with a hOsUle and lnflex· lble attitude on the company's part. · UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the consequences for workers, the Industry or the area's economy. "Take Ito~ ieave It" ls their basic "negotiating" atanoe. UAC gives Its employees no real choice. But moviegoers do have a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS IATSE Southern AS1oclatlon1Corporate Campaign 630 Geneva Street, Huntington e .. oh, CA 926'8 t - Photography on display Portrait photographer M arlan Oloberson of Irvine is displaying her works this month at the Irvine Fine Arts Center. __ Her black and white photos are b e ing presented in the center's new Community Artists Corner. The center, located near Walnut and Yale avenues in Heritage Park, opens at 9 a .m . every day except Sunday. It closes at 6 p .m . M o nd ays and Fridals. at 9 p .m . Tues ay through Thurs d a Y and on Portrait photographer Marian Globerson of Irvine. Saturdays at 3 p.m. THE MOVIE THAT •uFTS YOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG" CELEBRATES R'S ... .....,,..,.,,,..,, Ut5JJt -f ............ c-Ul<GeSS 20th SMASH WEEKI ....... -~ .. ,}' HST ~ ~OIAIClOll~ V CANM\ 'V ~ ,,~'t.':.l ! Starrinc ::.i~e4:-c KLAUS KINSKI CLAUDIA CARDINALE Fltzcarralda A Fiim by Werner .~::v:~, .... n (SJ Exe1 .. 1 ... e Or•••e Co••ty E••••e•e•t FRIDAY 7:15, 10:10 SATURDAY 1:00, 4."00, 7:15, 10:10 SUNDAY 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 1:50 · edwards LIDO CINEMA ~ ... ':' ... 673-8350 *BARGAIN MATIN•aa * MOlldey ttln1 l1tunley All Perlonuncft bef0f9 i:OO PM I~ ...... EllllHUll IM......,., "TIM MAN FllOll INOWY NVER" INC ----- --__ ..... _.,_" ___ _ . ......,. __ _ ···-·-"--~- lAl<IW')<Jf 'tNTJR s ( ) I 1 T ~1 ..... ... ~ ~ "AN~AND ACMNnDIAN" ... ----- "1'HE TOY" ------· Art classes, workshops set for Irvine Center • Weekly classes and on.e-day workshops -introducing-chtldren 10-arr-witloe otrerea- bcginning J an. 10 at the I.-vine Fine Arts Center. --1 Subjects will range from fantasy drawing to calligraphy to a "Creating Together" class for pre-schoolers. Saturday workshops will focus on topics such as valent.ine cards, Ukrainian egg workshops and cartooning. . Participants-may be registered in w vance by contacting the cit y's Community Services Office, 660-3639, or by attending the first class session. space permi ttin~. The center-is a t 4601 Walnut Ave., a t Heritage Park. in Irvine. Its hQurs are Monday and Friday ftom 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. rACIFIC TNEATllU DlllV(·lll SWAP •urs 'STlfltll ,_ MQI -PIM Tiil Mt II" ANAHEIM DlllVf·IN, llAlllOll llVO. DlllVl·IN I OIAlllf DlllYl·lll I Ml It I N U IVll.U 6 ·-· ••t--fl ., -·IT- ""' ...... ..., .... , ..... Sin lie, ... ••NllTUT IOTICI! CltllDMI ._ .. 11 JllH! ---.. -........ ,.._ ... __ __ --· ..... CM .... ,.._ ,. ... CM..._ ___ _ ...... flnal.l•IU. ______ _ .. ,, •.• ANAHEIM DR'Vf IN ... ___ , __ _ .. -... .. -.---... Cl9·A- .. ' ~ . BUENA DAR~ .• ,. ., ..----·-llMOJO LINCOLN I"'. f , ... ---·-llMOJO ·., . ~ULJNTAIN VAlll Y r1w1 v ~ 1N . . f.il Wfl.Y 3q . •' •. "'TllS~Y"­ "MAMCY PAMCY" --·"- I A H.\tH<'A •.. ., --·---·-.. .,.. ... ---~ 0 RA ~~GE 1. • '" """,'\ t, r;: \1 I •o . . -~· TM-.· ... -•,mYU, • MYD9 ••• ,.,..,...,.... ... -·"-.... -Se• ____ ,, __ . ... ,.., ..,...,~000"1111 "MAD MAX""" __ ,,_ .. ) ............ "WMIY'9 llACI_. 1111 Cllll·PllOUllll •A111...:..A11D ·~­-•.-1cA111---.o-.,.. ............. ·-.:av-· •w:• :M1-..crt111 .~ ! I ·Newport, Downeg &, France -~ave-sooreth dellclooslg In common. They all share the knowledge of how to ixepare and seNe authentic French Country cuisine. The Pleasant Peasant offers true home style French Country dining. presented In a casual romantic atmosphere. ~ the; J£eaJ!lfl_i..J (fiaJm{i.J Downey (213) 927·0133 Newport (714) 955·2755 •••••••••••••••••••• -~ -·-~· i•• • > I "MY MVOlllE VIAr . AMERICA'S #1 C0UEDY HITI ,..,_,,,.,. ·--l-r.o WiiN61JA c:eara ..U Felfim HU.Ff ... -&lwnl~ ~ &lel'dS .... Edwllds FOl.llUin v., ~0.7U4 839-ISOO a-SSHllSS IJ.4.21U GllTI W WtMt• IUCll &lwn a.-ac..... ~ ........ c.... 97M141 141.o>ll ---&lw ....... V ..... <tts.tt:re ,.,_accp!!!_!!!tE rl ACAOfMY MfMRERS 'f'ou• c a1d ..,.1 adm1• y1J1..J nri(' e wuo~' 'o I'''( D4'1fit_.rf"r'l•<"l<fl' ~()n 4Jt, "' '.""I ,.1 ... ·---.,----~­•-ftAY-- ..~. TMS•GUmL" ......... .., .... IAT,_ till .......... ..... MCI( "°"Tl ...... IDOll """'"' ... -. '18 HRS.·. ------"THE TOY''.,.. ......... -IAT,_-. ..... ... 1:1161AT.OM.Y- "THSYCALL .....,aoor -9llUCr..., ... -~ M T,._ ... =.--.-M T,_, Mt.-MMOUea ..... IVll. DWB.1.8" ... =.. ... MT .. ,. ... 19QW9- 11HEIDl'S ----SONG" i-> "THE --TOY"..., MT--.-.-... ..... "TH! LAST IAT ...... 11 UNICORN" c•1 .......... •• ... IUCllAIU> om . ... ..,MT"!!leAT ••• oerrw IS 1. I l I l l t l l Carole Farley ••• Becomes wldow for third time PARIS (AP) -American soprano Carole Farley is a widow again -for the third ~ thls year. _ Her appearance in the lead role of Franz Lehar's "The Merry Widow ," now previewing at the Theatre Musical de Paris, not only marks the third production of the operetta in which she baa Argentine director Alfredo appeared this year, but also Arias has jiggered things the .third language. around a bit. The character of WillLso.Jnany: thirds.._o.~___,the= widow is usually from the almost overlooks an important fictitious cen ra ruropea first: She is the first American country of Manovia. In the ever to sing the role in France. Paris production, however, She is also. the only American she is from the United States. in the cast. In 1977, Miss Farley made ·To simplify matters, her debut al the Metropolitan Open, linCirig the 1eed role in Alban Berg's "Lulu.!' It la one of the moat difficult operas for -==· demanding_ much H e r last American performance was in September at New York's Lincoln Center . She sang Mahler's Symphony No. 2. Carole Farley ( [) -;J OINING ·&: ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ' _.. Rial . Cantonese-Food! Ht here or take home STAG CHINESE CASINO . _ 11 I 2 ht PL. ~.waNwt hadi Olw. J.fHfl . M.-to M ....... o.ity-W"6inds u..til I :00 e.a --·------ 3421 Via Udo. Newpott ~ach ~ (714) 67S·4904 ~tJIJDW NOW SERVING COUNTRY STYLE SUNDAY BRUNCH '1 99 Includes Beverage -Well D rink or Beer 9 to 1:00 1712 Placentia COSTA MESA 645-8091 EST" ·1 ~nnot tell • lie." The Mrvice la good, the food better end the prlcea. th• betl And tt\lt'e the Honeet truth. Serving bre•kfHt, lunch end dinner, at 15 convenient loc:etlona. • A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning tradititinal Japanese cuisine a nd superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, andslt'ak. Delicate soups and delight( ul salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. va•ato 60 Fashion Island Ne wport Beach I 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 2n-184o • Hollywood/Loe Angetes/Glend•le/Redondo Beech/Long Be•ch ' Huntington Beach/Newport Be•ch/Corona/CerrltOl/S.n Pedro jiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiili~ Begin Your .New Year at the Marriott. King'• Wherf -135.00 per pet"lon • Prime Rib dinner/salad bar • Champagne at Midnight -one bottle per couple • Dancing In the Main Brace Lounge • Favors P9clflc Bellroom -S75.00 per pel"IOn • Steak & Lo.bster dinner · • Unlimited Cocktails • Champagne at midnight • Favpra • Colttlnuous music with The Society for the Preservation of Big Bands and a Las Vegas show band For lnformetlon end Aeservetlons Phone 714/M0-4000, Ext. 8100 ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY ... STAR HOTEL li-lD1NING" ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE 5t I cr::ACHcflOUSE Dining and Cocktails qnn -/Dining For Romantics .. the )v1111d.' and _,;qhb o( tlit' surf 011 the beacli at Lllljlllltl -·· / ct1t1.tri11tJ ·/resit :Y<'l.t' L11qla11J Lobster 1i11d other /i·c)li · fis.li ... (-nmilcft~tJfit b!t·11dcd 1l'itlt tlie )i1ra~· 1f the · I'acifoc ( )aan . ... Op. ..•. , ... ._ -mo•••• (114) sn en Breakfast Reservations 494-9707 Luncheon Dinner on th• surf at 619 Sleepv Hollow lone Laguna Beach -DelTaco South Coast Plaza -Sears Lower Level lST ANNIVERSARY SWEEPSTAKES I REMEMBER IT WELL CAN-CAH ~ • J THE NIGHT THEY ··9 e. INVENTED CHAMPAGNE I I THANK HEAVEN FOR · LlnLE OIRLI ~~l GIOI ~Can't Find That 8peclal Xmu G l'M GLAD l'M NOT YOUNG ANYMORE fl\ Gl¥e A GtMd Dinner Thein ~ ~~ l fl i, ti DIRECTED BY ALLAN HUNT REP FAT PERFO $6.95 STEAK DIANE SAJ.M(}.J RITT SEAFOOD SUPREME COMBlNATION VEAL SCALOPPINI MARSALA CE. When we introduced our dinner show, it was an instant hie. So we've decided to bring it back. Once again, our chef will create exciting gourmet saut~ at a special low price. Each de~cious dinner is just $6. 95 and comes with a medley of wild and white rice, garden fresh vegetables and either a mixed green or orange almond salad. If you love crepes, the offer is equally inviting. For $6.95 you can savour our Seafood Supreme C.Ombination. Our classic Crepe St. Jacques with Potage St. Germain and spinach salad. So enjoy this dinner show once again at our popular matinee price. But hurry. This engage- ment is limited. At the Magic Pan. there's always something new to come bade to. c -. '·- -; 16:·-----------------4( Comln• Attraction• )t:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======~~=~= I Kim Carnes ••• ~Bette Davis Eyes, inspired album LOS ANGELES (AP) - K i m C arn es c a s t few backwa rd glances at h e r G r a mmy-winning "Be tte- Davis Eyes" when she went into the studio to make her next album. "W e w ere n e v e r in competition with that record," sa ys Carnes, a slim blonde with 9C'Ulptured features and a sandpaper-edged voice. · In f ac t, th e si ng e r - so ngwrite r s ays t h e magnitude of her success with "Bette Davis Eyes" and the "Mstaken Identity" album was inspiring rather than intimidating. "We all had so muc h confidence from the succesa, and were so up from what happened last year, that we could hardly wait to get into the studio and make a better album," she said. The resu l t is a n album called "Voyeur." It is a co llectio n of s ongs t h at con solida.te Miss Carnes' switch from the aofter pop of and Wf ,,.. JOI IOOI CllflfSf 1000 WNtMls • D9MIS • TIOflCM COCITAU ~ IAIHU fACIUTtB . . ... cAiHING * FOOD TO GO . ' ... ,.Aft the five albwm that preceded "Mistaken Iden tity," to a distinctive blend of rock 'n • r o ll and hig h -tech arran g e ments that she developed with producer Val Garay. "Bette Davia Eyes," a ditty about a femme fatale w ho, like Mi.a Carnes, has hair of "Harlow gold" -platinum, like the late actress J ean Harlow -won song of the year and record of the year Gramrnya and dominated the airwaves last year. "Mistaken Identity" was nominated for an album of th e year Grammy, but bt to the John Lennon -Yoko Ono opu s, "Double Fantasy." With the pcmible exception of her 7-year-old son, there are few people in Mm Camel" life who aren't involved in her recording career -a career that began two decades ago ~hen she a nd a teen -age rlfriend re nted a S unse t trip studio to make a record. Kim Carnes NOW1'HRU DEC. 21 ,.. .. II HI = ....... Via. ll'CM ..... . Alll 11 Tlclllllll . ...... Ftt111:•• 1:11,.. .... Tilllrl.111. .. .. 4:11.1:111 ~ ... . (714) 971-4011 . . .. . . . . . . . . . . THI lllllil CDAIT CUil 1111111 OHANGfCOUNIV CAllfOHNIA 2~ C£NIS Air curbs threaten CdM • route extension By JEFF ADLER O('tMO.., ......... Construction of the Corona del Mar Freeway extension, .:heduled late next year, would top a list of Orange County highway projects that could not be completed lf federal clean air sanctions are reimposed on California's urban areu. The $10 million project - which would extend the freeway from Red Hill Avenue in Costa Mesa to transition to MacArthur Boulevard -would be "held up from going to the construction phase," explain ed Thomas Jenkins, executive director of the Orange County Transportation Commission. U.S . Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Anne Gorsuch said Thursday in Los Ange les that she may renew federal sanctions on urban areas in the state that tail to meet air quality standards. Gorsuch said the sanctions mltht be reimposed becauae the South Coast Air Quality Management District -which includes Orange County -is unable to meet 1987 air quality standards for ozone and carbon monoxide in the atmoephere. It was only two montha ago, that Gorsuch llfted federal sanctions in the state after the California Legislature passed a statewide automobile pollution inspection program. The federal sanctions, which would not go into effect for about six montha, could block federal high"'ay dollars as well as the funds for air quality or sewage treatment planning. Besides the Corona del Mar Freeway extension , Jenkins said o ther highway projects th at could come to a halt along the Orange Coast include widening of Pacific Coast Highway from MacArthur Bou levard in Newport Beach to Golden West Street in Huntington Beach and widening .of Laguna Canyon Road in Irvine and Laguna Beach. But Jenkins said the Corona del Mar project appears to be in greater jeopardy because construction was scheduled to begin there in 1983·84 while construction on Pacific Coast Highway la not aet until 1985·86. The Laguna Canyon Road project is not scheduled to begin until 1986-87 . H e said o ther projects endangered by the impoaition of federal aanctlona would be thoee that are intended to incre.ase the capacity of a highway, which would affect air quality. Among projec\a affected by the sanctions recently lifted was the widening of University Drive in Irvine, on which construction had to be temporarily halted, Jenkins added. Alam\ed by the J>(*ibllity that sanctions would be reimposed, Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange Cou n ~y Board of S upervisors, wrote President Reagan earlier this week urging that the Clean Air Act be amended. Nestande alerted Reagan that California and Orange County could lose federal h ighway do llars generated by the proposed five-ttnt increase in the federal gasoline tax if the EPA sanctions are levied. (See FREEWAY, Page At) Marriott expansion ·gains Newpo'rt planners OK new version of once-thwarted projec_t By STEVE MARBLE O(' .. DlllJ ......... Plans for a 15-atory addition to the Marriott Hotel in Newport Center have cleared a major hurdle with unexpected ease. Newport Beac h planning commissioners, meeting Thursday , unanimously recommended the city council approve the mult1·mllllon.0011ar expansion. City council public hearinp on the propo881 likely will begin early in 1983. 'lbe plan to add 234 roorD8 to the hotel -a new and larger version of a project that was turned back a year ago -has met with little resistance. back major developments, said she was not attacking the hotel plan and was not asking commiaioners to deny or delay the project. "I'm just questioning our planning process," she said. Watt claimed the city appr oves developments without taking into account traffic that will be generated by future projects in and outside the city. could increase substantially it Marriott Is asked to help fwad widening a section of Pacific Coast Highway between Bayside Drive and Jamboree Road. The widening project could result in eliminating 10 mobile homes at the DeAnza Bayside Village or a portion of Bobby McGee's, a popular restaurant on the other side of the highway. The widening project would coat up to M million. said Don Webb, uaistant city engineer. The Marriott could be required to pay a portion of that amounL . .. .............. ..,.., ....... Bill and Virginia Riach think of the pr_esidenl and poinKttias (or However, Jean Watt, president of Stop Polluting Our Newport, said traffic studies for the project ~~~~-:are-lackin&..- Washington in their Huntington Beach shop. The Newport Center Marriott, if expanded, would become the largest hotel on the Orange C.O..t at 611 rooms. The expanded facility would also include a ballroom, a video game room, a subterranean parking lot and a rooftop lounge. In recommending approval, commissioners agreed that the Marriott should fund at least $'-1 2,0..00 ort h of a..t.re_e '!'he Marriott last YMI" lost in its effort to expand the Newport Center bot.el. At the time, the Marriott proposal was tied to the , Irvine Company's master plan for enlarging Newport Center -a R)an that was hit with a erferendum ana ult1ma e y shelved bv the lrvtne Company. _Saying it big with flowers By PHIL SNEIDERMAN °' ... DlllJ ......... The holiday season traditionally is one of the busiest times of the year for local florists. So why are Bill and Virginia Ri.ach abeent from their Huntington Beach flower shop? 20,000·member cooperative, which promotes flower sales and permits customers to order flowers for loved ones in other cities. It's not surprialng to find Riach ia a strong believer in flower power. "In the depths of the Depression, very few florists went bankrupt," he said. "Some people even gave up bread for a day ao they could have a few flowers around." The Riaches have been s ummoned 3.000 miles to help decorate a house for the holidays. A big houae. The White Houae, in fact. F.ach year, between 20 and 30 florists from around the nation are lelected to help decorate trees and create centerpieces for the holiday .euon at the presidential mansion. Riach noted that flowers are traditionally associated with life's most impor1.a!lt events, from births, to prom dances, to weddings to funerala. ., · "This is very much an emotional , sentimental business," he said. Tradidonally, the president of the Florists Transworld Delivery A89ociation, FTD, is among th08e invited. And this year, Bill Rlach ia president of the Doing floral work at the White House promiaes to be a ,IP"eah emotional, eentimental experience for the Riaches. They flew to (See BB FLORIST, Page A%) . -Christmas spirit stays afloat Harbors along the Orange Coast aoon will be alive with the Christmas spirit as boats and waterfront homes, decorated to the hilt, are showcased in a aeries of long.running holiday celebration&. The oldest ia the "Festival of Lighta" in Newport Harbor, a parade that started in 1907 when a aondola owner strung lights on bia boat and poled around the harbor. The Newport Harbor CWnt>er of Commerce took over t he parade in 1919. It has run without interruption since. The parade, now more elaborate with Christmas lights hooked to computers and animated devices on many of the crafts will run Dec. 17·23. • Traditionally, up to 100 boatl owners participate in the event and circle the harbor, passing decorated waterfront homes along the way. Another holiday veteran is the ----lllDEI---- ' . · Jack Froet may paint autumn leaves but 'Lapna Beach artists have the palettes (or 'the winter holiday seaaon. Page 81. At Your Service A7 I BuUeUn Board A4 'D • ....i--C6-7 lc::k:de 82 Clalllfted C8· 12 C.amD es 1Ca08word . B8 Death NodoM C8 1 1'.n~t Weekender I r.ditGiiil-AlO CIU'Cleninc 87 Hormoope B2 h\tenm.6on Weekender .( Ann Landers Movies Mutual Fundl Nadonal Newa 82 Weekender C6 A3 'Public NoUoee A8.A9.B4.B7.C2,C4,06,C8 SjJOl'ta Cl·6 Dr. Stetncrohn B2 St.odt Marketa C'7 TeleYtllon TV Loi '11waten Weekender W•ther A2 World News A3 "S.ymphony of Lights" in Huntington Harbour, a parade that started 20 years back and ia sponsored by the Huntington Harbour Philharmonic. If the Newport parade leans more toward decorated boats, the Hunllngton parade aPOlliahta the colorfully dreaa-ed nomes clustered along the private waterways. It begins Tuesday and runs through :Dec. 23. The newest addition to the holiday lineup in the ''Holiday Hi Ughta" in Dana Potnt Harbor, a lix·year--old parade that ls held one nlaht onfy, Sunday. In Runtlngton Harbour and Newport Harbor, the beat vantap spots are from ~ dedm of alehtaeeina boata that operate nighUy. In lfuntincton. jM\JCMCll from boat ~ 10 toward the Philharmonic'• school music pl'Oll'&m. In Dana Point, there are no public crulae 0Uerln1a a nd speetaton are advt.eel to watch from docks, sidewalks o r waterfront 19tauranta. Newpor& al10 hH a lar1e eelec\lon of ,_tauranta on the harbor .. vtewN ...,.. A co=!• B1\ln1 of th• event.a f · -N.wpon Harbor: ••r.uvai ol ( ... BOAT, .... Al) Watt, a leader in two recent referendums aimed at turning Topped again improvements. City officials said the figure Worken re-attach the top ol the Chriltmu Tree al Newport Beaeh'1 Fulaloa lalaad. H .. la wladl 1Dapped 15 leet from the tree Weclaelday. Bullfight fans get Fair shake Ticket holders who paid to tee a canceled bloodlem bullfight at the Orange County Fairgrounds in October have been offered free admission to the Orange County summer fair next July. In a gesture of goodwill, the Orange C.OUOty Fair Board voted Thursday to offer free fair FAIR AMPHITHEATEJ\ ADVANCES -Pase All ticketa to people who can prove they paid to see the Old California Spanish Fiesta Daya and Bullfights Oct. 13 and 14. About l,~00 bullfight fans were turned away both days when promoter Ruben Bohorquez failed to come up with enouah cuh to pay for the bulla or the matadon. Bohorquez told 300 spectators on Oc\. l!l that the arenl\ WM too aoft for a bullfJcbt. The next day he told police, summoned to keep order amona •nary fans, that $3,3&0 wu l'Diainl· Bohorquea Hid he had no money for refunds. Claimln1 no financial reaponaibility for the canceled bullflaht, fair offidala Mid they wanted merely to ee1e \be km Mlf.fend by fana, who p9Jct $&to NO tor Ucketa. • "I don't think we lhould/w money becaUM \hat woul be liYiDI state fundl away," Mid 6oard"" member Clnt llome. '1t'I a IOOd will a-tun on OW' put." An10M wanUJll a tr. tlcbt to the 1813 COUlllJ fair --.... proof of ~ of • ~t ticket to the Oran•• CountJ hirp'oundl, 18 l'alr Drlw, ea.m M-. . f'a&r1round1 mana1er Kea f'ulk Hid be bH rec•A••d nUlllll'Om tnqulrtim '"-....... wbo pa&d for but ha•• aot ,..-vec1 nfundl for "v"._t dcMtl. . Newport mobile home war grows BOAT PARADES. • • l;.lghta" can be viewed from 6:30 ti,) 9:30 p.m. from Dec. 17 to 23. loectators can view the parade from the deck of the Catalina · IJollday (644-8211 ) or from boats P.fovided b y Davey's Lock er (873-1434). Tickets, for adults, ~-$6 on all the boats and $4 fo r ~dren. -Hunti ngton Harbour; .-Symphony o{ Lights" can be viewed niRhtly from 5:30 to 8:30. There are four crul8' . .'S euch night. Tickets arc $4 for adults and $2 tor ch ildren under 12. For reservations, call 840-1777. A special boat parade is held Saturday and Sunday. -Dana Point Harbor: "Holiday HI Lights" from 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday. Spectators are on their own to find suitable vantage spots. FREEWAY PERILED . • • He said the sanctions would cost the state $1 billion. That money could be used to fund many highway improvement projects the state might not have been able to otherwise afford, he added. "Why have a gas tax increase if we can't take advantage of it?" Nestande asked this morning. "They have written a law with standards there is no way we can attain -short of economic collapse," said the supervisor, a member of b oth the AQMD boa rd and the s t ate Transportation Commission. Nes tande and other state officials have said the clean air standards are unfair because California, and 17 other states facing similar sanctions, cannot ever realistically meet them. "Let's draft a law we can live with. We've made continuous progress for 10 years in cleaning the air. No one supports dirty air. Let's continue to pressure the auto makers to make cars that are more smog-free," Nestande said. Bandit gets $48 ,000 at Newport ge:m store Police continued their search today for a s harply dressed gunman who left the owner of a Newport Beach jewelry. stor-: Russ cosmonauts return to Earth MOSCOW (AP) -Soviet Cosmonauts Anatoly Berezovoy and Valentin Lebedev returned safely to Earth today after a record-breaking 21 days in space orbit, Tass said. Berezovoy and Lebedev, both 40, spent nearly seven months aboard the orbiting Sal yut 7 space station before uncoupling their Sal y ut T -7 craft and returning to Earth, the official news agency said. .. handcuffed and gagged and strolled o ff with $48,000 in jewelry. The middle-age bandit, police said, entered the jewelry shop at the Ne wporter resort, 1107 Jamboree Rd ., Wednesday afternoon, posing .as a customer. The robber pulled out a gun, handcuffed shop owner Shields Krutzch, 58, and stuffed a cloth in his mouth. The owner said the gunman then cleaned out all th' display cases. Krutzch was able to draw the attention of several hotel guests who notified police. Seve ral persons said they saw a man matching the description of the. bandit walking casually from the store. from Hl•1111 Dau. Ice Creom Shoppe Sou"' CCQI Poalo )llJ &>sfCI S'- Colto Meoo CA ~o ,,. 1!>4 11~ 1~5o eoOii"H\olV­ Logyno Beocf,. CA <12~ 1 ,, ... 91 ~, By STEVE MARBLE Ofltleo..tr ........... A b ltt~r dl•pult' betwt1t'n tenanta and OWN'i'll ot a Nt-wport Seach m obllt1 h ome p ar k ef!Calated \hia week u reetdenw filed leaal d0c.:umenta •eekin& more than $49 million in dama~t.'il. Renters IH DeAnui Bayalde Vlllaae a llege owners are frlghienln& existing tenant.a and scaring off prospective tenant.a with threata that the park soon will be redeveloped. The legal documents, in the form of amendments to a n existing lawsuit, claim owners alao are gouging residents with excessive rent hikes, unreasonable tax bills and an annual surcharge. The two aides have been wrangling for more than a year Whaling Wall holds up Laguna Beach airbrush artlst Robert Wyland did a litUe touch up w o rk this wee k on his Whaling Wall adjacent to the Hotel Laguna. The mural maintenance was prompted by nearly two years of exposure to the salt air and an occasional chipping caused by automobile bumpers. "Actually, it's holding up very well," W yland said of his 200-foot long creation. The 26-year-old artist, who specializes in realistic airbrush renderings of sea life, said he inspects the concerete "canvas" about once a year. The wall painting has a protective coating of clear epoxy, but it is still subject to the environment, errant motorists and an occasional toesed rock. The "Whaling Wall" was Wyland's first major whale project. Earlier th is year he created a 45-foot long whale mural o n a wall inside the Orange County Marine Institute ln Dana Point. Compensation for both projects came in the form of meager donations from passersby and supporters. More lucrative are his sales of posters and original paintings of sea mammals he sells at the summer Sawdust Festival in Laguna Beac,h and several arts and crafts shows. The wall murals were works of love and Wyland vowed to keep them ln good condition. Wyland said he'll have to recoat the wall with more epoxy in a few y~. Fair Saturday - Consla I Mostly fai r wi th some Qoud"-a. -Cont el low 53. Intend 48 eo.tal high es. Inland 73. Weter 58. Moatly light mild v1ll\able wind• ow oo.111 ---tonight end Saturday morning. bec:omlng ..t.-ty 6 to 14 knotl Saturday ettemoon. Partly cloudy tonight. Moatty fair Saturday. U.S. suniniarY, Heavy 1no• moved Into northern Attzona today, with 119 to a foot expected In 1om• pfacea, whll• rain and frMt.lng rain aprHd ac:roH th• Oraat Plalna. Scattar911 llh-• dampaMd ptllta of Arit.One, with flutl flood watchM polled In IOl\'la Nraa. Arctic COid gripped ttla Northaalt, with tamparaturM In the llngla digit• or below iaro In 1oma NC1lon9. In the Mleallllppl Valley, flood _,.. _.. reoadtng after almoal a .... of floodlng. FM tonight and Saturday the National Waathtr Service fOfac:Mta wldaa9fMd rain from Loulelana through the toutharn plallW wtttl -thunOallhowara. Frff1lng rain or elaat wu upecMd In ~ ~ end ~ Otllllhoma. wfttl enow In the .... Mallloo mou"1alnl mild IOUthlrn Coloredo. ._ 11ao -ptadlctad from IN OraM Lal• end upper Ohio Vf//wt to nOf1hem Pw~9111a 9"d wa11Mrn ,_ YOfic. tamperatura1 around the n4lklft ~ today ranoacl from mlnue-1 cf•1:;:.1n koullon, .M.ir19 to 71 In Kay Wwt, Fla. :cOii/ornia The n.ca wlnda that bleated with lows from 35 to 45, Highs In southern d--1• -• l0tec:u1 lrom 65 to 73 with lows from 45 to 55 Te mperatures NATION Albany Albuque<que Am8111to ~ Atlanta A llantlc Clly Al4tln BallllnOI• 81111ng9 Birmingham 819matdc 8olM Botton &ownsvtlle Bufllk> Bvrllngton CUC* CharlMton, S.C. cnart.ston, w.va ChatlOtte, N.C. Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columble, s.c. Columbus Oellu-Ft.Wor1h Dayton o.r,.,,., Dae MOlnee o.trOll Duluth EIPaao Flllfbanh Fer go Flagatafl GrMI Falll Hartford Helene Honolulu Houa1on lndlanapoll Jeclleon.,MIM. Jdeonllllll ~ ~City LM vaou Little Rode LoulaYllle Lubbodc ~ .. Lo 33 00 >112 35 35 28 38 17 so 28 62 41 47 18 >111 42 45 UI 33 2>11 SS 38 38 19 35 21 « 11 Miami 71 51 MllWIUkM 31 07 Mpla.·St.Paul 38 .01 N1aahllllla 37 01 New 0!1Mnl 69 46 New York 44 t9 Norfolk r, ~· North Platte 27 22 Oldahoma City 4" "2 Omaha .. " 0'1ando 21 17 Phlladelphla 67 39 Plloanl11 35 20 Pltt1bu~h « 42 p ··-32 17 ortla ...... 43 30 Portland, Ore, 27 23 ~ 27 16 ~City 19 18 Reno 43 40-RlchmonCI 2.2 0 7 Salt Lal• City 29 t7 sen Antonio 34 3t Saettla " 09 8tw9\l900t1 ~ ~ Slollk, ... 75 65 St. LOllla 5t 52 St ....... Tampa 34 23 St Sta Meria 57 40 Spotc- 11 51 Syrac:uM aa 29 Topeka 16 ti ~:" 51 4 7 Wllllhlng1on 43 M WIChlta : : CAU'OMIA 43 37 ........ dlmlnlltl .... waallMCI with rnoatfy • 78 74 2t .. 22 11 45 29 65 68 44 11 53 32 42 25 4& " 21 25 19 ee 44 11 a5 615 27 13 35 .02 « 38 .... 12 57 H 41 1t 41 20 49 23 33 17 47 >115 4& 37 82 " 25 11 31 30 74 ... 18 11 25 11 31 .01 3S 31 ... 4t 43 ,. 41 n SS '2 IURf RIPIRT aoutllarn C•llfornl• 1hould • lf•lr •kl •• a nd warmer ~•turH, the Natlonal "··' ler"'°9 MYS-• I ..,,_ Ngtll In Loa Mollaa ' ' ..... .,. 1n .. low 70. .. lowt 'Ill .. eoe. ...,. In ooellll .,... \.;, £= INY range from M to 78 wttll •-••-iiillllillln.., ________ _ ..,. •di,.. and Iowa from !...,.. w... a-. 41 '°.f &AMll9ft .. ..,.... ....... , .... ' In wH e11peo1ad In the Huntlnl'Oll Pier 1·2 po«·lalr 10 n1ount1lna tlll• wHkand at, lenta '4M ,.._Jetty 1:.3 fOOd 51 19'eY•lteM Of ll~ IMt, wltM ._ It. Hew1*t 1•2 good 51 .............. to .. and Iowa"°"' Hnd 14. ....... 1 ,_ .. .-..... a-. v~"""' ,.._ lllboe w-.. w ..., 11 ,._ "°"' M to M latwder "9dlplla, Laguna 1 ,_ II Wttfi 1 ... trOfft I • to 14, tll• tMo¥ Hollow t·2 '°°'.._ 11 ..... ..,.. ...... TtMlll9 1·2 PoOt-• .. Hiii' .......,....~ ncw1t1em81 11 • • T~_. High TlCla d7 • m ·Low r• 1:20 pm ...... Olrtictlon ........... ,.. ........ to IOllll. ....... . . , ......... ~ lertl9dol 8annuda 9ogota cw-,,...,., Gu ...... ,. GI 1d1'aypa ~laay Mlallafl ..... Meilloo City Mol•••-v ,...., ..,, "'*'· '·''-T191~ Trtnlded Vlf90NI 'Tides TODAY 57 m eo 41 50 38 50 45 87 58 82 m Nm 50 m 51 54 ... .... 115 51 . 81 34 87 35 87 40 41 20 53 35 17 40 • 55 ...... .. Le t 1 • 17 n 75 • .. 34 .. 11 IO .. a • 17 .. .. 71 • n .. .. • 70 n 4t 151 .. ... .. • 71, "' M· 17 71 "' 7t I ..,_, lllgll 1:10 P·"'· U IA~AY l'lnll... 11:01 Lin, 1.1 == l:t1L.m. l.t 10w 1:IO p.n1. 0.1 • 111111t 7:a p.m. a.1 Ill" Nll •:U '·"'·• rllH ....,,.,., ... "' MoOft NII l :Ot P·"'·· rlM• ~··"•"' and th• act.Mty haa brouahL city official• Into thu fr•Y a..vorM times. Tom Peckenpau1h , a n attorney reprl'aentlng the DeANa Corp .... id he hu seen • neither the amended complaint nor the orlalnal lawauh filed laat September. He d ecline d to comment on the 8CUon. The suit -In which cla11 action atatua 1a aoU41ht -names 11 plalnuffa includina Newport Plannina Commi•aioner John K\lrlander, a realdent of the park. The mobile home p ark, a neatly 1roome d faclllty with aome waterfront 1pace1 on the eut aide of the Upper Newport Bay, la on land owned by the Irvine Company but leased throu1h 2013 to the DeAnza Corp. 'fen a nt 1poke1man Art Sullivan, who claimed hia monthly apace rent h aa 1one from $381 to $730 ln 1hc months, said he la parUcularly angered by dl1elo1ure atatementa h e said tenants are forced to sh ow proepecUve buyen. The d11Cloeure, Sullivan aaJd, quotes park owners u saying they want to redevelop the park by 198~. Sullivan aaid or:lglnal leues ligned by many tenanta call for pretervation of the park until 2013. The amended complaint, tiled by attorney Paul Morgan, city attorney ln We.tminater, seek.a a preliminary injunction to halt the d11Cloeure policy. Sullivan, named aa a plaintiff in the suit, char1ed that the dl1c lo1ure1 are not only "apolllna" aaleti but run aaalN\ the Kt&ln of a new city 1-w. The c ity counc:1I recently lmpo.ed new U>nang provi.IJoiu on the 29-apace park whic h prevent.a o wn e ra from redeveloping the park withoul first obtalnln1 city permluion. The zonina change alao calla fo,.. owners to relocate aome retldent. even If r edeve l o pme nt la permitted. P ecke npauah, last summer,• blalted the zoning change aa an ·abuae and misuse of the city's zoning powers a nd said it d e priv es hi s clie nt of oonatitutional rights. Althou gh it was widely predicted, the DeAnza Corp. haa not taken legal action against the city. .............. .,a.. ...... Laguna artist Robert Wyland touches up his "Whaling Wall." HB FLORIST AT WHITE HOUSE • • • From Page A1 i Washington Thuraday and wlU •tay through ·Sunday, working under the supervision of White Houae chief florist Dotty Temple. Repreaentative., Rlach aa1d, and backen are ~ hoping for Senate approval before the current . iame auck lellion adjourns. "I'm very thrilled at the prospect," Virginia Riach aaid before her departure. "I don't know if we'll get to meet the Prelldent and Mrs. Reagan. But laat year, Mrs. Re-ean hereelf worked with the Cloriata. . "Only a chosen few get to go into their livina quarters. But who knows ... " BW Ri.ach ia no stranger to Washington. As FTD president, he la a member of the Council on Government Affairs, a lobbying organization for small buaine98es. The flower industry Itself has been pressing Consreaa to designate the third Sunday in October u "Mot.her-in-Law's Day." The measure baa been approved by the House of • Wach began his career as a Ooriat after a stint in the anned forces during World War II. He learned the trade at a friend's flower abop near USC. He operated hi.a own abop in Inglewood for two decades. Eleven years ago, he moved the business to Huntington Beach, opening the Fifth Avenue Florist sh op at Warner Avenue and Sprinsdale Street. Ke said .his wife has been at his side in the business from the beginning. The Rlaches, aon Dave, daughter-in-law Wendy and granddau~~r Alison will be featured in a holiday ad scheduled for publication In "Life," "Fortune," and "Travel and Leisure" magazines. SPECIALLY FOR CHRISTMAS Polo University by Ralph Lauren Corduroy port Coat · Tr.11 /itir111:1111 n.lfurol .. /muldered. 11atth pnl'J..N .. 111th flop~. renter 1 rnt. "l'!t •1't1nwd .we/ h.intl rn/lt'd. Great Color CnmPI. Chnrnltite. Taupe. J\/1J111·e. Bliu'k. Sra Foam. s,·11rlr1. Bern" Our Christmas Gift To You regular $175 • • ' THREE DAYS ONLY J;CEERT A I LI 'S l11rrnrrh rolo ~lorl" • SOUTH COAST PLAZA -:\3:\3 BRISTOL ST. I ' ' HANUKKAH: MI NOR BUT J OYOUS HOLI DAY ... . Ray Bradbury due at Laguna store Sclenc.-e Jlctlon writer and lecturer Kay Bradbury will be at the Fahrenheit 451 Used Book Annex, 506 South Coast Highway in Laguna Beach Tuesday. The author will sign copies oC his new limited edition publication of "Fahre nheit 451," numbered and signed • A presentation of the musical "Oliver" will be staged tomgl'll starting at 7:30 at Harbor View School in • Newport Beach. • A holiday craft fair to benefit the Save the Children program will be he ld on a Laguna Beach blufC top Dec. 15 to 19. The Laguna Village Art by himself and with a new foreward. The book is bo und in aluminum (fireproof) and illustrated. The book annex Is across the h ighw ay fro m the Fahrenheit 451 bookstore and Bradbury will be at the annex from 7 lO 9 p.m. The show is directed by Robert Conrad and performed b y students. Tickets are 50 cents and available.ft the door. perfonners. Proceeds benefit the non- profit Save the Children program that he lps hungry children w orldwid e by working with their families on projects to meet basic needs of life. For more information, call 494-9053. I and Craft Center, 577 South Coast Highway will Include unique holiday gifts, mimes, carolers, a live band and other ----- : • A free guided tour of the Upp e r N ew p o rt Bay ecological r eserve will be •conducted in the morning : hours by the Friends of minutes between 9 and 10:30 a.m. from a point near the intersection of E.astbluff and Back Bay drives in Newport Beach. ~ Newport Bay Dec. 18. Bay tours are conducted Additional tours are once a month during the fall scheduled for Jan. 15, Feb 19 and winter migration period, and March 19. For more l usuall y on the third Saturday information, call 646-8009 or I• of each month. the Department of Fish and Tours depa~t ever y_2_o __ G_am_e at (213) 590-5126. I •The public relations direct or for the Irvi ne Company will teach a UC Irvine E x te n sion course ~ beginning in early January on ~ways of ach i eving ~ effec-tive publicity. Martin Browe r 's class, t itled "Elemen t s of Publicity," will be offered Wednesdays from 7 lO 10 p.m. at UCI's Humanities Hall, Room 231. It will begin Jan. 5. Subjects will include planning a publicity program, preparing news releases and feature articles, working with the news media, and staging press conferences or special events. Registration is limited to 35, and the fee is $103. More information can be obtained from the UCI Extension office at 833-5414. From Page A3 wht>n tht• klna or<Wrt'd that Jew• no lonaer pray In the Great Tt<mpltt, llaht Sabbath candles or 1tudy th.-Torah, lht• body or J cwlah rellaloua Ui.rature. Thoae who challenacd him ca me lo be kno wn aa lhe Maccabee1, whic h m&ana ''hanuneni.'' After three years of warfare, the Mac:cabee1 recaptured the temple, bul found that It had been damaged by the Syrians. Accordlna to KaJir, the Jews se t l o work Imme diate ly repairing the great structure for lta re-dedication. A cruae of oil was llt. And though thel'e was little oil to 11.11tain It, the flame burned for eight daya. Thus waa born the tradition of lighting a candle to represent ea ch day of H a nukkah. A nine-branched candlestick called the Hanukiya waa created. Eighi of the branches represent the eight days of Hanukkah. The ninth repr'e9enta the "Shamash," Hebrew for caretaker. Th.ls evening, Hanukkah eve,· O CC preside nt h eads fund for scholars Orange Coast College president Dr. Bernard J . Luskin has been appointed chainnan of the 'board of the Hu.el Cubbon Greenleaf Educational Fund. The foundation, established in 1977, is supported through the estate of Hazel Greenleaf, a native of Santa Ana who served as a teacher and administrator in Newport Beach 11Chools. The fund presenta 11Cholarships to four high 11Chool seniors per year, allowing them to finance their e ntire colJegiate careers through graduate school. Eighteen students curre ntly receive Greenleaf acholarships. Graduating seniors from the Santa Ana City, Newport-Mesa Unified and Garden Grove Untfied school districts and Mater Dei High School are eligible. Last year more than $60,000 was distributed in 11Cholarships and aid. This year the total is expected to approach $75,000. Luskin, who became OCC's president last July, will serve as the foundation's chairman as long as he is the Orange Coast president. Robinson's PERRY ELLIS SHOES . lhe flnt candlo will oo lit with the Shama1h. On the aecond nl1hl. two candln will be lit. Thia contlnuea until on the elahth night, all the candlet bum bri1hUy. ln addition to dan<.'lng, reading and game•, 1lft1 also are exchanged each evening, whlch makes Hanukkah the commercial to aay, end there. Spiritually, Hanukkah 11 a rather unimportant holiday, unlike Chriatmaa. "ll 11 verx minor, a very minor holiday,' Mid Kallr . RabbJ l<Jng of Newport Beach said Hanukkah wu primarily a mllltary-polltlcal celebration In lta early yea.rs. Exchanllng gifta, though a custom for hundfeda of yean, became more popular In America'• commercial culture. Thou1h to children today il MtiafJee the joy of rect'lvlnc lift.. Hanukkah meant far more to their parent.a. Today, KaJlr and Kina u.ld, Hanukkah 1ymbollze1 the 1ucce11ful battle for reU1lou1 freedom. "Th e Idea of the holiday la ....Uy a aublime one, a great one," Mid Kallr, a former Harvard Unlvenity prof~. . t>qulvalent of Chrl.st.mas. The slmllaritlea between the two Doc-ember holidays needleu The lucce9I of the Maccabees, he wd, ii meanlnaf uJ to all. At Roger's, Christmas is our great love. Once again, we have created an exciting and delightful world of suprises to brighten your home and your holidays. Come enjoy the enchantment, inspiration and a fantastic selection of gifts and decorations at Roger's. ENCHANTED C.ANDLEUGHT SHOPPING 6i SANTA CLAUS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT f'riJay nights til 9 you can enjoy shopping amid the special magic and \:harm o( candles and tivoli lights that sparkle throughout the gardens and the gallery. Rrlng the little ones along too: from 6 til 8 dear old Santa will be on hand for pictures and m~morable visits. FR££ SF..tll.\'ARS SATUROA>'S Al\'0 S{li\'IJAYS 2 P.~I. l>cc. 11 H..-rhs for lluliJ.ly t;nkrtaininl! l>cc 12 Flor;ils for (hrbtm:i.s ..__~ ...... • ~ 0 AMl:RICA~~OST/11 II 111 11 c; IHIJI \ Clil\1/iR -···--·----·--·----·-- The collection that had to happen I From flats to high heels, a total gallery possessing a retro quality as only Perry Ellis could capture It. luxuriously simple, confidently relaxed, designed In bleached-out linen-like colors and radiant eprlng shades. One glance and you know you must have them to underscore your favorite new retro clothes. From Robinson's Shoe Collections, 103. To order call toll-free, 1·IOO·Ml·lll01. SPECIAL HOUDAY SHOPPING HOURS: MONi:>AY·IATUIDAY 10·9:30. . I ' . ' ----------- OUTLOOK '83 The Orange Coat 11 • ~m• flnanctal center marked by aolld growth and a healthy economy. 1ne o.c.mw edltlOn of Curr.nt magazine wtll fMture Outlook '83 -an examination of the tlmety luuea Jn bu9lneM -addr ... lng IUCh toplc9 aa ... • Contrtbutk>f)a and progr .. made by Orange Coaat bultneat In 1882. • Economic trend• to expec1 In 1083 -~h • focut on local employment, real •t•t•. conttruc::tlon, ret8'I Md flnanct. • Local fcncaata and pro)eeilon• from key bullnen flgur•. • An OY9Mew of lndu9try In MCh of the Orange Coaat ottlet. • 11 - Dow Joi1ea Final DOWN 9.19 CLOllNQ 1,111.17 You can't 8'ford to ~ tNa opportunity to communicate your out9tandlng beneftta to over 11,000 _,... .......,, -reeklent1 vtt"9y concwned •bout the uncertalntlM -Pfacl'W of thalr oalMel Niian. Outlootl '83 II a r.ture.,,. to be MV9d for future reterenoa by ampeo.,111, auetomera and bulln11111 en•••dlnlMder'O.,........,. To flllM ~ ---· 1PW lodlr, -=·· !II! MM ----·~··'·