HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-14 - Orange Coast Pilot·=- THE DRANGf CDASl COUNTY I DITION TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS English teachers give telecourse failing grade B y l'lllL SNl~ll>l.;tlMA~ Of the Delly Pllol 81eN Full 11111<· 1•:11i.:11 ... ti It ,11 111·1 ' .t1 Orun,.;1· (',.,,,1 I 11ll1·g1· nv1•rwlwl111111gh h.1V• 111 ~1·d 1t..o1 "W11 t111~ 1111 " ll1·,1-.1111 ,1 lt•l1•v1s11111 t'\1u1 '1 11ff1 ·11'\I 1111 nui.;h s1stt•1 '..t'hnol ( · ...... 111111 ( '11ll1 •i.:1 "" lon~1·1 1,. .n·u·ptt"I ,,, ... ,u,fv111~ bus11 ~:11j.(J1,h r 1·1111111·1111 111'. .11 Ora11Kt-l 'o.~l Th.. F II~ I 1 ... h l I ,1 1 h I ' I ' r1·1.'Ullllll1 1111,1111111 \.\ill 111• JJrl'Sl'lllt•d lo ( )r .Uli'(I l'11, .... l ' t' a nl µ u ., "' 1 d 1 • u r 1 11 u I u 111 1111111111tl1·1• .... i.1111 ,,111 d1·11d1 V. ht 1ht•I 1111 \ 'o l1 11 1Jlol lot I II 1 jllt 'I lit 'Ii ll 'I I Thr· 111,11 w '"'' "' 111111 " 1111 l,olo•.,I V. I 111k.l1• I ll .t I lllllilllllrti.: d111,111•I111111 I fllllg lfll qu,il11\ llf t'o .i .. 1)1111• 11·l1•11>1ll '•I'" .tlld \.\ )ll'lht I lh1•\ ,111• l'ljlll\'.Jl1·11l 111 11 ,11l1t11111JI d.1-.." ••1111 111-.tnu 111111 1 ...... 1 -.pr 111g h~ 1r 1-.u u1 t111 ..... 1 t >i .111g1· < ·"·"' .111.t t ;.,111 .. 11 W1 ·.,1 '~'"l'I<•·' -.1~111'(1 .1 11·111·1 111tw•i1 .,f 11 lt-111un.1·-. (<>r .. 111-:1 ('11,1 -.t ( :11ld1·11 W1·s1 .111d l'11.1sllint· .1rt G enero. it y without a name .tll fl·ll t 11f 1111' ( '11.1-.1 ( '1 1111111111111\' I 111 lo i.;1· U1:.l111 I I l'h1 -.p11111< 11·!11·1 I" 11111ptt•d .111 1111.'I -.tlg,tlltlll hy fht• ( ',di1 111 lllol S I .1 I 1 • \I 11 I V t I 'I I \ " V' t t ·It I 1111111 ·111111..: v.. lwtl11·1 its 111111 \.; .11 "111101-. -.lt111tld 1011l1111u lo .1n 1 jll tl')l'\llUI°"'" f11r ll,11l,f1·1 111·d1I ;\ p11 ·l1111111,11\ 11·p .. 111111 '"' p111l>1 · I" 1·i..pe'\ h'\I 111 .J.11111,11 \ (.,,,I 1111111 1lr tlrt l'.d St.111 -.v-.11·111-. t-:nKJ1,Jr l 'owu·il 111Jd1· u p or 1':11K l1-.h de·p.11 t1111·11t \Ii.Hr 11w11 .111d writing pr11Kr..i111 -.up1•1 \. l..,.1f' Ill g1•d th.it tht• ~t.·~ port Bt-ada fire· man DaH' Mai!'> aml paranwclic· \lark \\ alkt•r di!->play -.omc• of 1hc· ~jfo., tha t an unknown c·ou plc· clroppt•cl o ff for the· To}~ for Toi~ ho lida~· dri\·c·. The• <'ouplc· dro\o't' u1• to the• fi re· ~lu lion iu a Holli--Hoyc•t• • ..,pt tht> ~ift!' on lhc· c·urh Hn d drO\'t• off. HB trash By ROBERT BARKER ()f lhe Delly Piiot 81eN A privJtl'I~ 11w111d 1rc1 -.h transfer -.1.1t1on bt 111)o( h uil1 111 .lfunt1ngton & .11 h h,L.., \i.1111 th1· ~pr at s l' • 1 ( 1 o u 11 t ' .1 n 1 I ' t ,, I 1 off1c1als Jakl' Sh1rv;m1an d nwrnh1 1 111 t h e s l a l ,. S o I 1 d W .i .., 1 1 .lYl a n a g t• m < n 1 B " t1 r d " h 11 at t 1· n cl <'<I gr" u fl cl h 1 '"' k t fl lo( cen•rnon11·~ M ofldd\ < .ill1·d th1· prOJl't't .. ,.. h<•.iu11ful ,1.,..,.·1 Hi· --.iul h1· ll'•li1•v1'(I 11 "'ou lei play d c;1i.rn1fu .1111 rolt· 111 lwlp111g station 111 "'J>t ' V. llh tht• lrd!-,h dV<tlcind1t that hl' ...aid ha., bt'('t>rnt• a t run.ii prohll·m tc• th,. '>lJtt ..t11d th1 •~iuntr\ Or,1n!o(1 ('111111ly Superv1<,111 ll.1rnf'lt V.11 ·d1·1 .il:-.o hatlc-d tl11 pr111c•1 t d'> an l'fflllPnl WJ'< o f hc1ndling trcl'>h Sht Scltd 1ran!'f1•r :.k1t1nm. ,., 1 lo( •• 111 I fl g I II I Ill p .. r 1.t n I I ' " ... .tun1p-.111·' g1'l fdrthl'r t1fld f;,,rtht·r ,1v.. clV from tht• po~1p)1· Thi $:1 m1ll111n fc)1 1h1v tilt' ) 11 I \ JI I I \'cl I ,. I \ (I v. ll '. d .I II d 11111 1.il•'(I ll.i5ih tr;111.,f1•1 ,t.il11111 in Legal of fices out • Ill B y KAREN E. KLEIN Of the Delly Piiot SleN The rt·org~1111o1111111 11( .111 off1t'f'·lt·astnR corpor:1t11111 wh11 h fi led a bankruptcy P<'l1t1m1 lw11 weeks aRo ha" ldl n1·;1rly .100 Orange· County I.iv.. pr11f1•-..o;1nn.1b wondertni;( what will h.1pp• 11 In their o ff1n • c;u1lf'' Wh <'n Alt111111 '" (>ff111· M a n a g 1• m ' n I I n 1 .1 I . 11 " Angele's h.ic;1•d n >111p.111y v. h11 h leases offtt"f> <;u1t1•0., to mon• th.111 6,000 lawyrrs m 'lfi <,1,111-... f1lt-.I .1 Chapter 11 hankruptn 1><·tt11nn bm ldmg nwnpr<. h<•)o(:Ul ... rndtnR past-dUt· rrnt n11tw1•o; 111 AOMI., subtenants AOMl's h.111krupll \ p1·11111111 sho wrd th1· 11m1p.m\ h.111 .111 $111 m1ll111ri dl'lrl ..ts of Sepl••m lwr L.i!-il wt·i·k . Chairman Paul r '1·1<t·n ;1pp11111trd H1c·h,11d M.1tlh1·w.., a l.ns An R1•l1 ' Jiu,1111•ssrn..tn who SJ:>f'l'talt1t·.., 111 11.,rR.11111111~ f1n ... nl'1<tllv str.i ~•J>t'd f11 m._, to AOM ['<; JHt·<>1d1•nt \ 1 11mp;-111~ 11ff111,ils "°t1d Bur wh1•r1· d111•<; 1 h.11 l1 ·,1v1· l-'1•1ott•n ·., s11 lrt enanli. who I Past· plu'h o ffu t .,111t1"i f1 om AOMI 1 nrtqJlf'I! w11h l.1" l1hr~rH'" r1'< 1 p11011 an·as ph11111· oprra111r., .111d ••in f1 ·r<·n''" n 111111<' Two Cr·ntury C:1t\ :itt11rm·'' 1'1 •l1•r Stoll an"il F.u~Pnf' ( ;r,..11 h.1v1 dt'(·ulc'(l thl'v don't want 111 w.111 .ind find oul Th1•\ hav1• IM't'll 1o;.<;11t'<"I .1 r oui I .. 1d1 I In ,.,t.d.lt<ih ,1 )o(roup praised (l1 ,1t11o{1 · <'111mt v. 1A.1l l 111dud1 ,, p11hl11 I 1~ Vl llllK I 1'1111'1 .t lrut k 111 ,11111 1 n .1111 t• v.ird .1 Ir .;'h 11.111-.11•1 b11ild1nK .111d 111 f111.., at H.11nl>ov.. I h'I""-" ( 11 lo(r11u11rb .11 I I I.! 1 N11 h ol-. St V\'h1·n n 111l pl1·ti·d 1n .1bu1 -.1x rn11111h' th1 fat tltl\ will bf.. :.hll' 111 pro ••. ,., .il11•ul fiOO lo rn. o f trash ,,.., ti." ... 1111 H.1111ho"' r'r 1·c;1rlC'nt '\t •• 11 rk.11 "k 111 ,,11tl th1 11 ..... ti 1r.111"fc·r JH I K I ''-' \' tll 11\,1Kt 1111 lt.1111lhnR •I tr.1,h 11111r1· dl11 w111 111 th.it h1i;( tSl'e TRASll, Plll(C A21 cold? rq111 .. ,1·111111K th1 "'"'' 11,1111~ :" , r1·d1t 111-. 111 1111• lr.1nkruptcy .11 111111 "' 1 11 1d1 n,i.t In ,J .1 n11•:-. I >u111 .111 ,1 H111111111-{t1111 H1»11 It .1ltrn111 v \• h11 11·.1'>1'<; .111 A< >MI (lrfll I ' Ill tilt' l.tlll'l IV N.1111111111 B.-11k 1>111ld111i.c 111•,ir 1111111111~1011 ( '1·1\l l'I I )urn .111 "·" 111'(•1\ .1p11111nlf-<I .1 011'11\ht I 11 f lht f(l llr ru ·rsnn <;Uhlt •r1o111I ... I 111111111111·1 I •• 11, .. 1 an off111.11 .,,,i,,, 11.1111', • 1 ......... 1 n-<l1111r-. con11n11t1·1 /\OM! 111 ,,11d pl.in' tu 11.1 ... -.1fv 11' V.11 IOU'i 11Cf111· '>Ulll'S 11110 lhll•f• I ,1lf'lo(llr11•<; Ill t h t rr·nrRa1111;1l1on pr n f11ahl1• n1·'r i<111 .1 11 " p I (Ir I I ab 11 an ti 1111prnf11.1 hie• Th<' but Id I lli( I lurn an IP.i~·-. oul or h:ls fallt·n 11110 th•· li11t1·r l'illl'gnrv. h(• c;;11d ----INDEX---- A< >MI 11pp .11 t•nt ly m lf'n<i" to t1·1111111,tl1• )1•,1-,1•<, Oii 'Hlll\I' fi 2:-i 11111111 >11 <,q11.1r1• fp1•I of uffwt• "J>al't' w h 11 h pr ov1·:. u11pr11f11ahlt'. 1·0111 pa11 v 11ff lC'1;tls s<11d, lpavltlj.( o;u lrtt•n.1111'> 11 11 1h1·1r own tn 1•-.talihsh rt·ntal <'nntriwt<; with IH11ld1nlo( 11wrwr' At V11ur S1·rv111· All F:rm,1 Aomh1 .. k H:! Bullf'ttn Arnml /\·I Cav:ikade· IW l'lass1 f l('(I ('' ·' Com11'li 117 Cr~« word Fl7 fK.ath Noll•,., ( h EchtorrAI I\ I tl EntRrta111rnc·n1 nfi 11 o rn<w.'O p<' ll2 Ann L..andrr" B2 M11v11·~ Hl1 Mu1u11l runds l"I N.1t1o nnl N1·ws td All.All.< ':i 4.C'o S porL>• < • 1 ·I S iu. k M arkPI.~ B~> Trlt•v1s1or1 l~l Tlwfllt•rs 8'i Wt>athc•r A'J. W r1rld Nc·w., A.I l'11hl11 Nnt11-.•c; Ali.AIU ·;~ '1 Cli S 11nw wn:rnl.o; havrn'I ~tvl'n up h11pt· thnl AOMI will work out tis f1n;innal d1ff1n 1ll1!'s L11wypr; 111 th1· lmp1•r 1al Rtink hurlrlin~ 111 ('oo;IA M l''<ll whrrt• Ca r1ila S1h111 1·d1•1 m.in11gr., AOM 1 'I thrf'f• floor., 11f 11ff1n• 11u1 1t•«. 1ir1· h,oppv with thr11 (Sf'f' LF:GAI., PRgr A?l W111111K 1111 .1 1<1.,1-.1111 t1·l1~ 11111 ._,. 1111 l1111Kt·1 114· ;" "'fll1 ·d .1,.. ;,,, 1·plt-<I f111 11.111:-.f.-1 111·d11 'l'lrt Vt>ll Irv ( 11 .111K1' ( '11,.-.l t 'ollt·i.:•· tt·m 111 1-. w,,, l.iK1 ·11 l ..... t v..1·1·k cl 111 t llK .111 t-:11gl 1 .. 11 d1·11·•• 11111·111 1111.,·t111g Tiii' I l'!>IJIUtltlll Ill !(I'll "Wr 1t111K f111 ·t H1 ·.1:.011 1111 lt111i,:1•r be• lt:-.tt~I 111 ( >1 .i11g1 ( '11."l l 'ollq.(1·':-. .,. lwduli· of • l<L'-'>t'' "W 11t111g f111 ,, H1·.1."'" 11u lunl{l'r l)t• an.1•plt d .1:-. '-•l1-.lv111K Lht• 1-:n)o(lt:-.h 100 fJl< lt"ljUl'>lll' 1111 O r a111-(l' l'.,,..,t <.'11ll1·K1· 1':11g l1 .. 1r 111 111-.1 -. llifll l llllg '>ll•h" fH I I t'!flll•,1(1· 'W111111g 1111 ,, H1 ·.1-.1111" r111 11111.,:1•1 .... tl1:.t v 11 ... I· 11gl1 .. tr 1110 11 ·q11111 1111 Ill fo11 1:1.1d11.llt1111 r111111 t Ir .ii II.(!' ( ·, ..... 1 Tl11 11 ..,,Jut11111 w.1:-. ... 11pJ>4>1 l1'\I II\ :1:1 l• '" 111·1-. Two V.l'lt 11pp•1~ d o1111I tw11 ,,1 ...,t.11111,.I 111111 M1• l1.11•I 1-111111·g .. 11 "" < >1.i111o{e' ( '11.1,I Jo.r1gJ1:.h lt'.ll 111'1 wJ111 W.i~ 11111· 11 1 th• .111th11r>. ol lilt' 'Prill~ h·li~ OUI.... 11·111·1 '-Ill I 1111':-.t· Vlllt• t11l ,1h It (Jlt "'Ill .di lull t11111 1':11Kl 1t.h 11 ·.11 lw1 -. .11 I h• l'11~1.r Mt>S.J 1 ar 11 p11:. 111• !killl Vl!lto:. Wl'I t· t.1k1 ·11 ,1fl1·t 111 S 11 U I' t 11 1 !'> S t U d II• d ,, I J i;11 l I Ill II port Ilg b,1.-.11 !<:11glt:.h l'llUI M~ .ti ( :11Jd1·11 W1· .. 1, O r urr~1· .i11d ( )1 ,111g1· ( '0,1.,t wlllr ( '11a,..tl111t· s "W111mg fw .1 Ht·J.'>(111 ' Tiii' t har I JJ<llllL'> lo ( ·1.a:-.tl1111.'-. l.11 k o f .111 E11Kl1sh d1·1»H t1111·11l l •I Ur '> l' I l' V ti'"'-l 111111111 l t 1• t• (JlthouKh l'o.1..,1ltn1· d,,.. . .., lt.ivl' tl 1 11111·~1· w1d1· 1 u1 "' ulum 101u1111tlt·1•). lht· Jb:-. .. 1111· al l~n ENGLISH, P1tl(t' A2 I Support mounting for Bergeson bid l)l·rlll11.1.rL' :.ind H<'p uhl1l'an" 111 pol1t11"tl .11111 hus1111·..._., nrdto:. hav1· JU1111)1·d 1111 ,, t·a111pa1gn thcil could r1·-.ult 111 Assl'rnblyw11rnu11 M .1r1;i11 H1·rg1'"'"'· H Nt·wporl Bc·.tl h . ">t·1·k111g ;, s t,1t1· Sc·11<1tt· :-.t•<Jl Fkrg1•...,111, 11· Pll'('ll·d tu <• thud ;i..,:.1·111lilv 11·1111 la:.t 1110111h , I!> l'011:.1d1·11ng ..i ru11 Jt ..i t'oa:.lal s l d ( t· SI' n .it l' ~ l ' ii I V.. h U :-. t' bound.1rtl'S an.· s till subj<'( l ui th1· rl·a ppm·tmnmen l prut'l'S.., i\ss4•mblyman Nolan Fnzu:lll', R H u n t 1 n g l u n Bl' iH: h a 11 d ou1g111ng st..itt.• S1·n John S('hm1tz. R Coron .. dt·I M ar. ;ibo huv1· .. xpn·sst·d Jntl·r1·sl in thl' St•nal1· '>l'al, which would bl• ftllt'<.I Ill 1 !-llM B1·rg1•"11n suppurt t·rs h;1v1· ann11u1H'<•d t·ndorst•nwnls from Ht•p HutJ1•rt Badham, R N1.•Wp<Jrt &·at h , stat1· Sl'n. J cihn St'Ym11ur, H Anahc·1m a nd Orange· C'ounly supt•rv1~or.. Thomac; RtlPy. Brun· N1•st..:mdt· and llarrtt·tt W11 ·<i«r T w u f o rm(• 1 J) t· 11H1 c· r a l 1 c asst·mbly nlt'n, Dt·11n1s Mangers o111d Hon Cordova, alsu havt• r n c.J 1 t· a t 1· d s u p p u r l f o r a lit•rgt."l>'Jll for &·natl· 1·amJ><1•Kn I n b u s 1 n t•.., i. t· 1 re I 1· s . l'ndorst·nwnu. havt· c.·omt· from Walu:r Gt•rk1n, board c ha1m1an of Pcil'1fw Mutu<tl Ltft' tn ... uram~· l'o and a D1.•Mot.'ral, J R Flour board l·h atrman of thl· Flour Corp . Torn N IC'bt·n . soon to-lx· prcs1d1•nt o r tlw lrv1nc· Company. and Carl Karc·hn, prt·5.1dt•nt uf Carl Kart:ht·r Enu·rpn~ Support d l«o has t·omt· frolll 1·ounl·ll nwmb1·r., in N l·wpor t Bt•al'h, l rv1r11· and Sein Juun Cap1str<tn11 8Prgt•son i.a1d :.ht• h..is not l'omm1t1t•d ht•rst:lf 111 a S t·natt:' bid A.-.'>(·mblyma11 J.'n ac•lll· said h1· may dt'<'td1• 1.(1 run but th11t tt 11, loo Purly to makt· " dt'<'ls1on Sl:hm1tl, ddl·<1U.'<.I last spring in .111 US S<·rt<•l• btd. -;aid 1f lw ran h1· <'11uld run a:. tlw llll'umtx•nt On of re reactor s hut For tht· fourth ttml' slnt'l' lo"' power k>sung began in July on Umt 2 al the San Onofre Nuclear G t•m'n1ttng St.:.1t11Jn . lht· rl'dl'tur has been shut down due lo malfunc tion Southern California Edtson Co off1e1aL<; said the 1.100-mcgawatt n•at•tor was dclS('lJ down Sunduy c.tftl' r tl'l h n1l'la ns d 1 Sl'll\'l'red 11.·akin~ ~·dis 111 at lt•a.'>t on1· of four pum~ A s1gn;1J from ;.i hPat S.'n!,ur 111s1dc• thl' rC'act.or pressurl' Vl'SS(.'I lht ml·tal bottle th.it um1...11ns the nudear core caused the unit to t.'t'ase ope r ating automat1cdll y Edison s p o k esman David Barron said the rt•a(·tor wtll bf> shut down fo r two nr thret wet'ks whilt< th<· st•als. wb1(•h leakl'd rad1oat·t1vt• wall'r. art· n·pa1n-d Tht• watN that h •ak f'd from the st•ab t.·aust'<.I nu 1hrt·al to th£• t>n v1 r o nrnt.•n1 or atmospht·r e (See ONOFRE, Page A2 I O•llr Pilot Photo by Cl'terle1 aren Bria n Et·k•·rt ( lt·ft ). I I , und Mark Simp!o>on play a fa~t ~unu· of Foo!'hall n t the· n<'w lrvint• Ho y~ und Gi rl~ Cluh ai-B rinn Hinch·~. 7, wttlrh t·-. from the• ..,j,IC'fifl(•-.. Irvine kids get their club B y GLENN SCOTT Of lhe Delly l'llot ateft Fo r one· fleeting day. th1· lrv1m.• Boys and Gnls Club wus nPw The $1 2 n11ll11111 ft11 •tl1ty 0 11 East Vail• Loop m Wooclhr1dge openf'd Monday aftf•moon Thi" chrldrt>n WC'rt• waiting Wh nt thC' youn ~'lll'rs d1Sl'OVl'r1•d 1ni11d(• thc• S IUC('O build111..i Wt'r£' nrw pool tablf's still ll'VPI. ping J.Xlll~ hal\i; that w e rr•n't dent('(I. wood shop tablt'S with no nicks. a haskl'lhall rloor with glPam111g v arnish , scf' through f1lwrglass hlsu·kboards m 1ssmi.t a stni;tl<' srnudg!' and a !'tRge still w1uttnf( for rl'I f1 r"t rwrfom1an("{' "It's 'lo n1·w thRt yn11 d o n 't cvt•n want to let thl' kids US(' 1t." o;a1ci Grrg Borsuk. who didn't mean tl Bors uk, the• boys' physic al 0C'ltv1t1f'S drrt'<.'tor, six·nt th!' h r.iii hour in the spacious gym pumping up new orangp ba.cik ctballc; and helptng rctnev" th<lS" that got s tuck in the new. unslret.ched n ylon nel'l Oth e r staff members a lso watched over the children who suddenly tran.cifonned what had been a quiet, almost dreamlike fadhty into a loud. working one Built to handle a membership of mon! than 3,000, the club as the largest in Orange County and nne of the biggest in the country, satd Ed P ortmanR , public re latio ns consultant It 18 twi<'f:' lhf' SIU' of any of tht' lhrt>t' nthl'r fac·1l1t1t•s in Costa MPs a and Newport Beach run by 1ls parent orgamuitwn. the Harbor ArPa Boys Club h s three rna1or areas arr a mult1-purp<)S4' room w ith stage and kitchen, 11 hobby renter with 11 sepa ratt" wood s hop. crafts room , darkroom and game room, a n d f inally the gym w ith an adjacent weight room and two locker ruoms "W e'r e gorng to havl' the ultima~ in programmmg, lx•ht've me," said Lou Vant.om. executive director H e said th!' idea for the lrvine facility began In 1978 when city o ffl c 1al1 approa c hed his ISee IRVINE. Pa•e A3 ) .. \l 1 11 olll\11 ( lirt ,I I 1>\Jl r I'll I JI I 1111•nl1ly I 1n1 1111111111 1-1 11111 1 ~' \~ Continued stories l 1J,1,fli11t 11( I pl11t I 1111 Ii\ l '1111 th,11 11111'1 111 l"lll(1fl•(1 d Ii< fo•fl I ,111d1·11l 1.ll l t lllHll Ill I• tfVl1 .l1 11111 .1 11 d lh t ltl j.(ll • I 1tll1td11 I "' F 11g lli.h :.1ud1·11h "''1~•1wd 111 1· ... 1, 11·,11 lw r 111 tlw l ... "!11111 • 11111 ,, 0 1<111g 1· C11.1 t 1•1• .1.!1111 lx·r11a1d l.u ... k111 11•.111111~: '" tl1• 111 ... 11 111·t111s· .itlll'il '"'" 1111 .d\o\,t)"' lltll'H"'lt•d .t111 l 11t>.l11ll"> 111 l l'l't'IVt• f1 Ttll1.11h 1111111 l.111111 \ 1111•11 1h1·1 .... 11 1.I \\ill '"'' ll .tltd 1t•\11•\o\ II 1,1l l'lt1lh . l.11,,l,111 t' .1 fill llh'I ( '11,1sll11t1• Jll l'">iolt 111 l '11,1stl11ir "fl"h ' ""·•l••:,.l.11 k Be ntley labs c ited for c h emical Bt>ntlt·-r L .1h' 111 11' 1111 "·" 1tt·~·n 1s..;u1·d .•••. 1.111"'" 1111111•1 • llJ lllJll by th1· ... 1.111 I lln1p.tll1•lt ti 11 l' j I l h .1 II d :-..; I I • I \ •\dn11n1stn 1IH111 111 tlr1 '""k' 1>1 ,, 1·ht•m1n 1l l1·ak .it th1· 111.1111 111.11 I aUSt>d a 111ghll11111' l'V.H 11.1111111 111 1,000 pc.-ciplt· I lt1111 .. 11 111 1\\1\l f ,,,,, •l llh" "I fht ~ 1t ~•(1,lo ll"li lft \HJ, f•>I .oll,11k111,,: lt11 · ,11111\111 1 .. 11t1 l1'.t1 l1t1tj.( It • h1t1•(lll , 111\ 111\ 1·.I 111 I 11 • I • I 1 1 ••ti I ' t \,\ I I It 11 11 I 11 11'1 1 ( t I 111 J.! \\ I 11 t (11 • I f I 1 I' \' II lt 11 \I II 1,.ll lH II• •11,d g1 1,tl-. 'W il\ d1111 I lh1•\ l•M1l1 ,11 th•• I• o11 l11111! 111t ll't1lll• 1,11111·1 lh,111 tit• 11 ... 1h11dol11gy"'" 111 ,l'okt ii 1\1• '""d,d, F 'ltdt"'h t•'.11 ht•t ' . it <..t1d1 11 W1 '' l ·1 .i l1•g 1 .11 ,. I llfl,lll1•1111g .11(11pl1i•ll It( I '111111,11 11·,111111 .. 111 111111 .o1 .. 1 ·w. 11111g '"' ·' 1<. .... 1111 .111111.ltll).! , .. w,., Hr \,111 p11·,11lt 111 tif 11 ... < .11ld1·11 v.•, ..... 1 \1 .1d1·11111 S111.111 II• '·"" 1h1· ..,, 11 .. 11 ..... k 1·d \ ,.dd1 fl W1•,I ... I ollllflll"> \\ ldt• llll 1 II U Jtl 111 ( 111111111 ti1 ·1 l 111 l 'I' 1111111111.., .1go II• 11·v11·\o\ ( ·,.,,111n1··, 11 ln••lll'I''· '"h11h .111• .1111·pl1 ·d .... r fl d11 .ti l 011ld1•11 w • ..._, Bt ,,111 ,,,1d lh1· 111111111111 1•1 dt < l111t•d lo u11d1 11.1k1• s111 h ,1 II'\ II \.\ .tflt'I (.;11l d 111 W1• ... I 1'11·,1d1 ·111 I .1·1· S11·v1•11s .11 g111 •d I h,.t ..,\It 11 .ti l 11111 \Ii 1111 Id lti• 111.q1p111p11.1\1· ONO FRI~. HB health food store shut down lh l\Oll~UT BARKt:tl of IM D .. ly "°4 atMt Th t· Primo N o 1 u r ,, I I-' 1111 d !\l l(H'nn1ork1·1 ;uul I l'NWUI urrt, Ill th1· F1v1· l'rn1111:1 t1hPlJJ>l ll" JI 1·,1 '""" Mu111 St1 t't'l und Ht'r.H'h Bo u lt•V1Hd, hu8 c l mwd amid 1·111ploy1-.'!i' rlu11ns llwy lost thrt't' W••••ki,,' µ;.i y lla11dwn1t1·11 :-111(11.., att.wh1·d t•1 f11111l <k1ors tl11s m un11ng S<Jld tlw I.wilily Will'> l l1 >1>f•cl lllllil f11rtlwr 11111 fl r • l•'.t f o rts l u 11•J 1·h 11 1.11 k1•1 I ,. I• I ,. I'>,. II t II t I v I'... w I' ' , . 11111->ul 't.,.s.. ... r u 1 (,JI r y Mumlr\'11, w l111 :-..11d lw 1>µt·r.ill'd 1h1· 111<11 kl't's nu•al d1'pa rl111enl , allq~t·d thul •lO 1·mployt't'S f;ult.J to rt'l."t'IVt• lht:tr µayrnll 1·h1'l k. ... l<c>t Thu n;<luy lit• 1->Jld t·111µloyel':-. a lso Wl'rl' 11111 µ • .11<1 f o r thP cJ.1 ys tht•y workt'ti rollo w111g lhl' µay µt•nuJ MJ11dn•ll sa11i 1•111pl11yl'l'S art• ti y 1 ng tu l!(l'l l ht•lf nrotll'Y through the offlet.~ o f the s tate labor t'Ommiss1oner's off1c.'t' But un o ff1t·1al with th;it agl•ncy wuuld 1w1th1·1 n111ltr111 "°' d1 ·n v thut vaJX•rs h.Hd lwt·n ltlt'<i " W t! (.' II n ' t g I V t• U U l J 11 y 111fornwt1011.'" lit• "41fd ···nw r11 .... .Ht• l'Ollhlh·11l1..1J Tht• lt'ad1•r 11! I h l' l 111111 eJ partm:rah1p u1w1 uung tht· m;,rke t ha11 lwt'n 1dl'nt1f11·d as llu~h Ma1·kt•1H.ll' b y M undn·JI :J11d throu"h l"rt'<ht applil'al11111 (1Hrr11>. 1<:c.rt M•rnning, who said hl' was ur1 invt'tlUJr, said Mo11d<iy hl' had n •n•1v1•d ;i tdl.'µht1111· l"<.tll tl11sdo111ng that a rdrtgernt1u n unit in tht· market h,Hi b1·c:n 11al10t.agl'd. eausang food to s poil Mann int-t . a Santa A11a n-s1dcnt, said, huwcvt'r, that ht· didn 't make any del.·1s 1o n s li1m"t·man~ market o~ralloru. Polit"\.' said thlS morning tht·y had rt"C.·t•1v1.'<i no rl'purts of th•· allt•twd sabotage Mandrell clatmt.•d . hu wt:vl.'r , that the.· story "was a bunch of bull " He claimed the repa ir t'Ompa.ny refused t.o service the refrigerator because it allegedly hadn't been paid for previous work Blaze destroys bus; "Tht• lab was 1·111•d !\11111d.1\ 1111 larling to .11t;1d1 .1 wa111111 g l.il 11 I 11ntu a ta11k l111ld111g l'l lr \ 11 m 11xtdl', a dit·n111.tl 'll'f 1l.111t tlt.11 l"Sl'<tpt•d Nvv I !I .. r11·1 ,1 '111.t ll p1p1· a ttJt l1t'CI 111 t ht· 1.111h l'rUplt'C.I lbn1111 .... 1111 It w.1:-. n1111.11111·d 111 .111 1 11 l1 ·~1al noll1'1. 111m ..,y..,1t·111 lw ..,.IHI Dally Piiot Photo by Rlcha1d Ka.hler A .•·ra11•· lowt•r.., u cen1ent pand into plac.·•· passengers safe lhe spokl."SWoman said . An e ngineer from an Oh10- lh.1st'<i t'Ompany w:1s e n route lo Ora11gl' County today to 1r•- vt•st1gate the c aui:.l' o f a fire Munda y that d t•s tru ycd a $1 25.000 Orange County Trans1 t District bus The bus wa.'i operating on line 75 wtuch runs between Santa Ana and Laguna Hills. ~:d,...1111 1df11 1,1).., h .1 v 1· 111.1111t.1llll"d tlwy 1•X J•<'• I .1 1111r11l1<·1 11 ( .... ta U I d 11 \\ I l'o W h rl 1 • lf 11 I l '.,! undl'I g111 ·' lo\.\ pnwt·r l1• ... t1ng ( ·111...,un·:-. .111 11111 1111t1:-u.tl wl1.1l1· \.\111·k111g 11u1 1h1 ··1>ug... 111 llw '""'''nr lwfo11 g1.,11g \11 ful I fX l\o\1·r lht•)--...11d l '111l '.! h.1d 11'.'t'll o µt•r.1111111 JI 111 JJl'' 1·t·11t c.1p.Klt \ ,111d Ed1"4111 nff1n.1b l':\.11<'1. ll'tl tho r1•,J('tor ln oµt•ralt• ,JI 100 l"·rt •·Tll 1· ... rh rwx l 1111111tlt Monday a s work begin ~ on a ,,rivatd)· ownt-d wa~I•· tra n sfe r s tation m Th e l1•<1k111g 1 lt1 TllH ,ii llunlinµlou Bt•a,·h. • o n s 1dt.•r1·d !11"11 111 hrglt 1 un centra t1 u11 l1·d p11 l111 ,111.I rire ftghw r ... to ~1 I up .111 1 1glt1 .quart• 1111 11· 1·v.1< u.1111111 111111 l'went~ w11rk1·r, fnm1 1111 1,,1 .. ,1 Ir vln l' µ11l1u· off1u·r, .111cl .111 O ra nge Count\ f11d1~ht1•1 \\1·11 · l rt•at ed .11 Im al ho..,p1t.1 h l1or •·xposun • to tht 1 h1•11111 .11 TRASll STA TION . • • It w as the second fire in six months in a Grumman Co Flxble bu~ o pe rated by thC' tra n s it d1s1nct, a dlStnct spoke:;woman '><.lid In June, the spokeswoman s a id . a fire that appare ntly originated m an engine wiring harness burned another Flxble bus. The incide nt occurred at 6th and Flower streets, tn Sant.a Ana. No one was mjured in that fire. the spokeswoman sajd. A ntatru11 ·~ ,, ... w11 11w111 th.tt ,, 1 ump;in y hu:-. \1ol.1t•·d .... 1.111 I."' In th" l'a!-1• th11t1gh l .ii< >Sil:\ l>tstrtl'l M,111,1g1•1 J1111 l:lr11\\ 11 ..,.,,cl lhl· lock o f ,, w.1r11111g l.11)(•1 '' 11111 .1 maJ<.>r \ 111l,1 t11111 Nt• pt 11.illr,..., .ire involvl•d Bl•n tlt·y .d-.11 "'·" '''>lit d ,, ... ix-cral ord<•r t11 111.1k1• llH .... 1tut111 f ~alvt: tu th(• wnk n1111t ·"' 1·-. ... 1hl1· ... o leak.-. ea11 bo.· ... 1npp1:d ..,,,.,,11·f II thcv tx.'t·ur .1~a1n :\ 'Jl1"' 1.il 111 d1 ·1 tnt>a n:-. ntt v111l.1111111,.. 111 ,1,111 l.1" have' l..C.'l."Urn'tl But 1h1· l.1h•..,I probli 111 111.1\ cl 1 l.1 ' f u 11 "p 1 r .JI 11111 11 I 1 h 1 • rc .. 1< l<•I d 'h•b 111 .ill f11ur pu111p:- h.1\ 1 I• 1 I"· I l'p),u 1·d H.tr r"" -..1111 LEGAL. • • ,11·111111n111d.i11"11" .111d \\ .1111 t•• k1 Ip th1 111 St h1 •.H'tl• I ~.11\I Tit, '""''1"11<.,., t h.11 th1.., h11i)d111g 1.., gt1111g 111 ,1,1 ~ . So ltr111·dr·1 -.aid "W• 'n .1 11 \.\ 11 1k111g l<q.,:1 l ht I .1 11 d I h1 1111.onh will b1 \\tttk111g \\tlli :\Ul\.ll I• pd\ tlw 11·111 '>lll' ~111 l 'i:, l ~ 1 l~ l ·I '1..'I 11 \~~ ...._ lrom Heiagen-Dax1 tee Cream Shoppe From Page A 1 tr<.11 lur 11 .1111•1 n~~ will hdul ttw rul1b1 ... h from the Huntrn~t1111 Bt·dch s11t-t11 Orange Coun ty guvl•r11nw111 11wm·J landfrlb · I 111 ... pnH t·llun· n·du1·t·~ !ht· 11u111li1 I td II U("k s n N•dt•d t o 11 ,111,111111 tht• trash therl·bv -...1v111g flh"I irt· ~11d Th i pr 11Jt•t I, des igned hy ar< h1t1 -<:t Hun Yt•o of Corona d!·l M.11 1:. lit•111K built by Safft•ll & Ml Atfo1 11, I m o f l rvrne T ht• tr.in~ft·r ... u1t11•n ltu tldrng will bt• 1.,1;it1•J rw.1r "n 18-foot dt•t•p . 401l r11e1t Iring JHI an.•a T r .1sh eoll1·l l1on truck s will u11lt1.u l lh1•11 malt·nal 111 the trash tro n..,f1•1 't.:1110n build ing T h l• rnliln .... h IA ill 1 .... pu:-.hl'C.I OVl'r th(' ... 1111 tu th• l11g • qu1r11w11t w a1t111g ht·IH\\ 111 tho 1111 dfl1·r .ill the· n1 Yl l.1bl1· n).1t<'1 1,1I 1s "€.·paratt'(l by h and The• l:lrgN vt•h1cles will t.ake 11 IO tht l.111df11ls Tk.1t 1vk '><lrd thl puulw will he.· tll\ Olllf otg(•d Ill tl'rl !hi fl't")'dtllg I I 11\1 I tdj.11 I Ill (11 lht• lr,i'>h ,,,,,,,,,f, 1 "1' II• .... ,ud 1h1· '>l<itc :-;11l1d \\ .1 '' l\.1.1no1g1•nwnl 8'Mrd h.1 ... )'1\1 11 1111 llllltp.tn\ ,, 314 <, fltllt ~I .1111 Irr l111.111r r lht pun h.t...,. "' It'(\( 1111~ •'lf\1'1111\1 Ill f I.,"'' k '11d lt.11111 .. ,,~ "tll Fair Wednes day (.'ou.o;tal Fair tonight ann We<l"'"oa, Overnrghl tows 11 lhl' •O, H•O"' lo<l8y and Wedne"1Av 1)8 tn 11 Els ew here tr om Pl ml Conception lo the M"'""n ooreler onO out 60 m•les Small crate ed.;1sor)' over outer w&t~rs ••om Point Conceplton 10 Se" Cle m e ntflll 151 sr1d lor t er~~ norlhwoat swet1~ 6 to 1 t •~et Winds becoming w~51t111rly IP41' tnan 12 licno1~ In,., gt t \ weonesooy l or Glly t1gt" llnO 1at1abl~ winds ntQht lf'\d mr>t" r u •,ours &net ..,..._,.,, IO SOUthw,.llJI ' •• knots Wednesdev •"""'"' !Nino wa'M 1 In 2 ltoet WMll\11• 1wefl 2 to • feel r 8 1r througr weone<10<1y I .. '-!. ·"""'""'r'· High winds tt nwt"rt "" '"'0" muoh of the MtClw'lst fllitl Antral Rockies M mOrfl ,nnw !~II tc>dAy lrom cen11a1 Monrnn~ nrrn•• Nor1h Ookota antl 1n10 MlnnE1~•1ln In flood •9YYQO<:I 08•1 • "' Mllsourt end llltno" c nt1f tempe<alure& t111mper1ttl cle11n,11 as riv"'' raced"!l h"'""' 111. ,, s1eoe Thou,8nd._ nt '"'"'A"'" hlfl homele ss bv I 1<1 ... , .... , tnold1ng WfH~ rf\h1'r11n..i ,., ''"'' ftoz90 mud m lheu hv1n9 Hlnm~ btt<hoom~ t1n<1 bn1uvnAn'111 ~ .. ud Mike Emken nl 1'11' St 1 '"'" Cour1ty fmf'tgfuu., f1reo1uf'K.ln .. ~" Ott~ The R"rt C:rns• h11~ rn11ntPr1 10 606 f&mll1es 1n Mt"'nut ;t11tJ llllnOls wtio -•e 11ttec1eo lly t11r flooelt eno 10f nel!Of's nl ""' '"" two ""9fllt& llul 11 sPO• f.,men ~H•11 1"6 eclu•I numl:M!1 d1,ptArl'l1 """ llk"'Y much htghl!• In Ar tt.a ns•s '\ev,., "' ' v"' ~ rem11tned 11t>ove 1n11 flnoo ""Ill' . TueMJay but they w11rn 1lrnpv1no Ca/ifor11iu Wtt•k~H wind• AnC1 WAI ltHU lempersl""'" wt1r" "'Ill!• '"'I Wedne!IO•Y lh•t11•Qh<>11I Soulh""' Celllorn1a, Thi! Na11nn111 WMth•" Serv~ ""Ill to<lsy l'i lgh• In lo• Ang1111" In• t.lednetday w11re tnrr110I ~I I l lorllh IOwl nee• 52 C:nlUI AI IHllM ... 'Oh• mey ••no" trom Al to n ~th low• from JS 1n 4~ Hight In lhf! moun ttolr>• w""' ... poleled from •!> TO 5S With l(IW~ ,,(W'n 15 In 10 Ow•nt Velll!V hlOh• t 5 ay ,_.h 80 with Iowa l1nm IA tn Htgh• tn northern d•""' •• IN~•y llhOukl ral'IQ4' from '\:\ lo 13 wtth lnw• trom 25 to 1' 8ou1her'1 ~t high• m•v r•nof' ~f" Mj 10 7 I With l<!wt frQm ) .. I ·r'''" /Jt'r<t I 11 r l.J." NA TIO N HI Lo AltltHly 12 6 AtbuQV"' lUl' J'l l<I Arna(11!1, 58 J8 Asnev11tP •:> 22 All&nld •) 26 AllAnlo< C1, 20 5 Auslln 50 45 8AU1mo,.,. 79 14 Brflong\ 18 JJ 81trn1nqhan 46 29 B•,marc~ JJ T9 &f)I~ •O " f::Su,.-_1 •' t 1 !J h "' ... 60 SJ [S11U11; 29 26 trQflr"'9' Nu ...,.. ~"""C..e .. OM U S 0.01 01 Cll"""e'c.. H1t1Hu• u 19 4 Fr0f'll1 Cold ~ Warm .., Occluded ~ Stabonar'(•• aSl•+'' ';6 24 • ~ ,,, • 45,( 44 )4 f• ltfl:i;t ' 111,; )'j ,, P t,()9inll 6• •7 tit1• ·11r ,,r 19 21 P111souooh ,, 16 ,-~,Pf'! 1 48 28 Prllan<l Me ·~ 1 •n< nn '~ 39 30 Prtlenl1 Ore •Cl .. i111vfl'llm1I 28 26 Providence 15 • Cotw·,,h1A t,~ 43 19 RaJlllOh JS 18 t.01urnh11\ n 24 Roptd C•ly •3 30 0,11 Ft Win 47 •O Reno ., t9 t'>1'ytnn 34 28 R1ctomono Jl 16 (>ftf'yPt 56 JO Sall Laktt )2 1• Oet MrnH•" 44 37 Sen An1onlo SJ 48 CM1rn11 Jl n S.81118 •II •O 011tulr-1 26 24 Ft Pn'lr1 SJ 46 St1revepor1 •8 J5 Siou• Faffs JJ 'l7 r;uun 29 23 St Louts • 1 :\3 f lft\J\l"lf d0 8 SI P-T!lmPfl Iii 46 (1f fl11I I ~H )f IA St 5111 Mall" ~n '" •ttulfo1f•I I[, 1 Sori"""" ti ~· t+Aln11,1 )4 l7 Svra<11~ 's t~ ••no•1hth1 11 71 Tur>"" 8 ., 17 tt()U"tl•HI ~ .. so Tuc~on 66 40 JnrJ1llnrtpo11" lli 10 fut~ .Q 40 JA1 lio 111tr M'• c,o 1 I NA~hm\Jf 11 1l n I u '° '\nvll1 'ii 1' W1rt1H,t dli t' ,tr'll\11 .. " 4d ~ .. t l\.V~il' ~A )'i CAllFORNIA HI Lo lllflA n0« lit •O Jl Oa~ A' ~f,nl'1 "4 :ia lChll1Ylilfll 41 JO Eu•eka "Ii 48 I uht><o<.• !-.1 14 FrMnO .. , "\4 Mfltmt-1t11' u l'i l 11nC8ti.1Pf' .. , 71 ~1Am1 Tl fill ~1fwAuti;tw 11i 76 I Os Angfl'"' 67 ... 0111<tand ,,,., 44 MPI< St rt~ul !6 "\I P1'&0 l'IOblfl& ~7 ,. NA1h"llllP •) 14 NfWrli Ort".-.' •T •1 Nf't'Vlr Ynr"' 74 n Nnrr111~ .u n N J'tlAtlA ., 16 O• IAno1nH c h '..() JR t•mM1n H 10 Reo Btull H ·~ Redwood C•lv ~' ., S11cr11m.,n1n 47 4 t Seline• 6'1 40 S1tn Ol"Oo f\~ !>() S•n ~ renr•~< r "7 •7 'i1001no ~, A I c hlnnc1o II• .,, l'f"lllA'1ftl(lf11u , ... Ill BA<'ICiw tll A:I Oto AMr ., 'i L ..... ;;e-~U_RF_R_IP_DR_T Surf Burl lurl I wall ••• 11 Swell 8•ach ••o .... Prd ••o Mu Dir /tJf"f\fj 7 1 1:> 1 ' SW C.Atlt~ MttO•f ' J ·' t:> t l "-'iW NJtWoor I fhuu h ) l " I SW •.,.,.,. f>•*O'' t .ntv ) , I/ ') I w Out H " tnr Wftf1nfll4'1Ay c;11utt1 '"' tflM41fll 1n tt1ft w .. •hotv •w"U ' BtSr>Or> 52 ?5 CAtelino 66 AS lo••o Boacti 68 '; l Monrovia 66 48 Mt Wilson 46 )4 Newport BeRrh 64 S5 o .. 1arlo 60 •S P&lm Spring' 68 44 PO,Rdl!n8 64 49 RIYll'Slc!e 60 45 'ioro 011mardtf\o ~8 39 <ienta Ana 66 St Santa C1u1 65 4.' lnhoo V11llov 39 ?0 ..tir quality 111 .. Atr 01111hty MAn•o,,menl 01,trt( t predtrt' o()O(l all quahty lhtn11gh l•xlO)' In Oii Area• Of the <;rourh Coe'i At• Do•n A Po1tuten1 S111ndard Index of •J ,, lorec1"1 for melropoflten 1 °' Angftles end the Sen Gabr • ..r Pomona Sen F11rnendo ar.o S11nlA Clt1rtte velleys A PSI of 4:> 11 9190 p•edleted fol ontand Or ange County '"" niwer 11de-San Bernerdlno llrft8 • OMtar reglOn• OetMtrts B•nnlno 1111me1 Er.,nor11 r11g1nn 11nd 910 l;!Mr l 8kf! AOMO rollrogs ""' 111 1011ow1 Onnd 0 100 11nh.,111thl ul for "'"'""'" peonl" 10 I 200 11ntillnllhful h>t 11veryon11 20 I 300 8nO tlllUHc!0\1• ',() 1 ~110 'fidrs TODAY '·fK urn I hiw ) OA '; m 0 f, C.11<nt1•I IU(lh ii n 11 fTI '.I 6 WEONF.:8DAY r" •I 1!1"' 1 OA 1 m l ~ f11\t a.tgh R ''\ • m f\ r <;...-nnrt tpw 3 ~II p "' I) 6 s,,,.,,ncr 111... ) .)9 p m O 6 <;"!"n"lf lllQll 10 Oil pm 3 7 r,uu '"'' tnOev nt • '"' pm """ W•Onet(fAy Al e SI a m Mnon n ut tllrtay 11 6 09 e m ..... "' .. Jft ,. '" ' ._ ________ _ --------~~~-----------·--------------------- tunt1nul• to u::.1· t h1 Orang<' Co unty l r ans rt•r stat1011 at Got hd 1 d Strl.·1·l u n d T a lhl·rl A vl·n u1., l'VC'n w hc.•n tht• n1·w fanlrty 1s comph•ll'C..I H l' ... a id thl' nt•w fat·tlr ty 1s IH'l'lkd bt'l..'dlbl' Ltw l'OUnty tra.'>h transfer '>l.Jllrn1 t Jn't h<indlt.' all tht· tr<.r~h R a 1nlw w D1 ::.po::..rl ~<.'rvt·s Hunt1n~lo11 Bt·..id1 Fo untain V .ill1•y ;ind utht•r c.-omntl.·rc1a l <1ml 1ndu ::.tr 1al a n •••" 1n O r.:1ng c· Count v It ha'> I :w l'mplny«t·~ T hl· 1979 model bus, carrying abou t 2 0 pas senge r s, was travel.mg 1n the 900 block of 4th S trt'el in Santa Ana s hortly bdo re 6 a .m . when the driver saw smoke rorrung from the rear o f the coach. The driver pulled to the sid e o f the stre e t and escor t ed ~ngcrs from the bus. Flames quickly con sumed tht.• entire coac·h Thl'rc• wPrf' no 1111urres, Michae l Dra'<e, a spokesman f o r Delaware , Ohio-based Grumman, said an engmeer was dispatched to Orange County to attempt to d etermine the origin of Monday's fire. Drake said there have been o t k er td ectrical fir es tn Grumman-manufactured buses, adding, "There's been n othing out of the ordinary. fleetwide " Penalty trial defense opens By STEVE TRIPOLI of TM Datlr Piiot Slat! J <t m f' !> And r 1· w M 1· I lo n con victed or rrrst-dt·gn'i.· murd<>r rn the s la y ing o f a Nt>wpo rt 8'-d«h man. wa'> d problt•m t h tld who was brul.d lr7<·d In th< '><inti' ..,V'oll·m th.l! no" ~<inb h1111 {'Xt-<·utc•d ha .. d1 f1•n..,l ,Jl\111111' 1 I.urn<. Safari s ued l rvtn l· bc1 .,1·d Lio n C:11unt 1 \ Saf<irr h a .. h c•(•n hi t wr t h 1t-. ~ .... -ond civil law..,u11 rn JUSt ov1•1 t w o w <•1·k~ ..0 111 Kini.( ll1JUr11· ... t·aus•·d In · wild .1111ni.11 .... 11 t tw park - 'l'ht· SUiJJl'I l u f ,1 ~Ull fdt•d M o nday an Ora nf.(1· Cuuntv Supc.·n o r Court 1s Torn th1• L>.·ar Luis Cosw, lh<' plarnt1ff s;11d rn his suit that tlll' i)(<;1r 1 la w tod his p ic k up trut'k . tiu ... tt•d 1t1-> n •ar window a nd lnJUrt'(I ham 1n tht• upp<>r body Costa ,p;k .. for ~·;oo 111 n ·rl<t1 r R1d1ard Bo nne r , Melto n 's att11rnl'Y· described hts clie nt's yuu lh and early dealings with the C alifornia cr iminal JUStrce syslt•m in his opening stateme nt Monday in the pena lty phase of M t'l t o n s O r a n gl' County Supc·rwr Cou rt tnal .J11r11rs tn th1• c a.,t· w ill over bear h 1 '.'> t r u < k . m c.· d 1 C' a I { 1· ,. s 1·11mpc•nsatmn for mrsst.'d w11rk .ind g Pn e r a l damages Costa C'l a 1m s park workc·r s were nt·E<(h gPnt by placing the bC'ar's ftwid too dose to the road whC'rt• Costa was scatt.'<i in his truck las t .Jan Y T ht• suit follows anolhN falc'<l N 11v 30 b y tht· famil y co f 2 year-old Anthon y S t o pa na. who was a t tacked by an escapl'd llgf'r during a cagro wild animal show .;taged rn Octo ber ·O So metimes the Nicest Way to Say re<:ommend either d eath or lrfe m prison witho ut possrbrlrty o f p a r o l e f o r the man they l.'O nVt C l e d Bonner said Melton. 30. had a "per<:ept1on he d idn't belong" from h Ls carly you th. when his m othc•r remarrtl'<i and had three C'hlldren m tha t new marriage A SNl<'S of petty t)wlts and runaway t rom -nom e 1nc1aen ts lande d M e llo n 1n Cal1ro rn1a Youth Autho rity facalrues whe n h1· was 13 Bonner said those facthlles, which left Me lton in th<• company of the stat.e's w orst yo uth s unde r undes irable l'Ond1t1ons, failed to tcac h Melton any valu<'S during hrs formative• years. f'olluw1ng hts re lease M elto n Wl'nl on a s pree of rape a nd robbt>ry. hts crimes displaying Mt'lt.on's lack o r normal sexual d e vt'lo pment o r o the r no rmal modC'S of communicat1on. Bonner sard ~' ~ 0 $-:.(J}7t : l ( (J// IS to Not Say Anything at All I I hJV I .ot•lf••r to ,.~prl'\\ yum "M' ilflC1 <lpP(l'Cla 11011 lrrr hr•t 111f.t1h1iq \ttppnrt thrnugnout your mo1111.1qr th,111 t>y q1v1nq hPr something ;is r:w-1\1'11 ~11 • ir1d m<>. m1ngtul .1\ <1n Annrvt"~ry 0t I 1t·1111ty R111q Hot/1 \ymhl)f11e the true depth 111 vn111 IPPlinq lnr hP1. ,;in<J without \aylng ,tny1'1111q .tt .111 ynu will~ chosen OOt" of mr 111c rq WilY' 10 wxerrly lo.¥ 11 all! At \Xi\lndl h~n1Ir1yt1 ~1)(-\rgn ,ind Creiltf' <1 "'"'' 11111q111· .111d fl(< 111nq (OJl('(t1nn or WieSf' nngs 1n 18 Kar<tt Golr1 .:vY1 Platinum u..t> cll"<irly P11,pla 1n C11tterl'f1Ce~ 1n Qtial1ty .:tnct pnct-thilt you WI II \("(' from St(')({' tO St()('('. and then Dal I< up ~ur purcha\t' from Wyndhilrn Leigh with a money ~k gu;1r;intt't' of v.:th.lt' \Xh' want you both to lnvt" hf>f ring an<l to know ~11 bought ti ~Ill Mm t lJ1amond Wedding and Annrvrrs(lry Rings R<ll'l<}f' From moo 10 S 1900 Wyndham Leigh ~~:'t.f1RT In f aV'llm Island. ~ Bearh. CA 'f26/:IJ ~;ir &JllOCIG Wll\hrt' ' • r ll11111q11 t 11.i•,I rlAll Y I'll C)f /I Uu'idfly lJUClHllhUr 14, 1982 i\3 : ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ WORLD Juvenile ruling could hu'rt county Ar1ns fr(~ ~zc l>y (;(~11 c ral approved Assembly lh Thi.• Ai.,Ol'llth•d l'r t'" l 'N l'l't•:I l N 1\ l'IONS l'lu l;l'lli I .al 1\.'-"'ll1hly f>ll'-..,._'\f \Wll rt•,11lu11011' •.• ll1ng 1111 .i nud1•.u .11 '"·' 11 .. , ,,. M1111duy OV•'I 11 S 1111.Jt, 11111" . Thi· C ·1·111·1 .d A1>.-.1•111bly ubo 11v1•1111d 1· S11v11•1 hl1H' 1IJIJH'''"''" .111d ap11111v1 ·d .1 l\L\NAMA H.d11.1111 'l'l1l t•.11 llHfU.1kt• 1h.11 h11 N1t1 tit Y1·1111 II ktllt·d ,11 11•.1:.l lilllt p1·11pl1· .111d .t. ,110\1•d !'Iii vlll.ig1·' 1h1 '\'1 1111•111 -.1.111 rnd111 1 .. pu1 lt·d tod.1-.. ArJh J1plw11.1h '"1d 111111 l' tlt.111 :1 0()11 pt·oph-\q•r1· lrlJlll o·cl r h , i1 , .•• 1 h 1 11 1 1 w ..... ,.,,,.., t1•d 111 r"1' Thi• dl«ld 111l'lud1•d 2fill pupil' hur11•d u11d1•1 tlh' d1·hri-. of th1•1r NATION p11111C1.,,11 to 111vt•s t1Hall• 11llt•l(1'\I Lb•· of d11·11111,d Wl·apu111>. Tlr1· Sovr..t n1·w, U~1·n1·y 1'.1.1' t11d.1v h.111 .. 11 tit;· rl'solut1011s nilling 1111 111111111\~ {1 l'l'l.t', bllt llhtdl' 110 llll'llllUll of t ltt• (;1·1wr ,d A '::.t·111l.il y·~ 1·:111 for u probe• of tlw ur:i• of d1t•fll1t ,11 Wt',ll)IJllS p11m<11 v s1 hoot w 111'11 thl' 10 s1·11111d 4uJk1· -.truck M1111dJV North Y 1·nw11 Ill''.'> Jt tht' '"utlt\.\1•st 1·1ir111·r 11( lht• Arabian 1'1•11111sufa ThL• 75,000--.qu.on· 111111• l'11u11try of 11111u n tar ru. ,111d lugh µla t1•aus Ir." .r popu1Jt11m 11f 8 million, manv uf th1•111 liv111g 111 tall rwrrow h1>Us1·~ of sun baked bm·~ House eye s pending hill WAS! llNl;ToN llm1s1· m1·111h1·r-; an· lJ1·kl1n..: a11 em1•rg1•111·, 'l''''Hlrng hdl th.it D1•rnn1·r.1t 11 11-.nll-rs h;i\•1· ad111 l\l'll w 11 h ,1 $:> ~ l11 I ll1111 pre-Christme1s pac kagl' 111 pubh1 w11rk.., Jobs, hou:.111g i.lld, Jlld Js...rs l.m1·1· for th1 unemplov1-<l Thi• Hou'.'>1' wa" voting tOdd" nn l ht SI• I ,1 I l1·rl con111n1111g r1·~olut1nn th1· la1111· duck C0ngress mu~t p.1~ lo kl-t'P money flowing tn tht· ft'<ll·rnl gov1•rnnwnl aflA.'r Fnd.ov B1·s1Jl'::. 1..·ons1Jt"r1ng the· ... pC'nd1ng hill . t he r1·r>rt's(.•nlat1VL'!> dfl' cil"I> I'll. pl' I l l' U l 11 \' 0 t P IHI CJ II <inwndrnl'nt Lhat would, 111 1·ffl·1·t. ra1s1· their t·urrent .mnual sal.iry of $6U.fiti2 !5U by thousands of dollar::. S o vie t . n11s iles on target WAS lllNCTON US intl'lltg1·nu· sourTt''.'> say lla· Soviet Unain has SUt.'l.'t.>SSfullv hit targl'L'> thuu:--:mds of rnrlt•s apart wrth long rangt· missiles in ;,1 may>r lt'i-1 of that country's moi-t adv;inl' .. d submar;nt' laurwht•d 11u1 h·ar WC'<llJOn. Two SSNX -~o m1s..,tl1·' wer1· f1r<'d from a Sovwt R eaga n agree WA S HING TON Pre::.1d1·nl Ht•Jg,m. trym~ to savl• th1· MX m1ssllt• from congrl'sswna I def l'a t, todJ y agrN:'d to a t'Omprom1St· pl:1n that would pC'rm11 him to pn:x:eed with produ1·1run of the weopon but rc-qu1n· him to submit n('w basing plans tu Congrt.~ -.utrn1arrn" rn thf· far north Whitt· Sc•<.1 to thl· K amt·hatka Pl·n1nsula whtlt two o thl'r 1111:\~lk'.'> r(• .. wht•d thl· mrd· l'a<'I fu , t hl' sourcc·s set 1d Monday ThP !au-st lt'St firings of the fl ,UOO -mtlf"·rangc missil es l'am1• 11Vl'l the we<·kl·nd . .said th1· ..,.,uru·s. who asked to rC'm;;iin anonymous to MX plan dt"srgned t o aid Sena t e t·hcinccs for approval o f produl'llon money the funds would be retained rn the> dcfenst' spending bill now bl'tng l'onsidered but could not bt• spent until Reagan send!> another basing plan lO Con~ress. along wrth data on 1Jlher basing schemes H.> rht' Anod1&tt•d Prt'lll N1 •urlv $1 n11llh111 y1 .. 11 l,Y a11cl 17 pul1l1t JUl.IH Ill 01'Ulll(t' ( 11u11t y 11111l ci 111• J•'lllHHJ1tt•d by d l · 11 I d 11 r 11 1 11 S 11 p rt· 1111· (' 11 111 l d1•1·1s1n11 pr uh lb111111( L'llll 11 I l<'S ft11111 l11l1111i.t l>llll'llL ... for 11t1• l'Cr.-.L'I o( k1•1•p111~ 11!1•11 l'11rldn•11 111 111v1·111ll· II.tit. 11u1hu11t11•11 suy Lo11 A 11~t·l1 ·s <.'1111 n t y 11 li.o t' x IH' <'tis t 11 I o s 1· $ I m ti I 11111 111\llUUlly lx'\'UU'.'>t' ol tlu· dt'\'ISlllll, i.a1d d111.f prohattu rr .,rf1r1·r Kt•nrll•th K1rkput1 lt'k U1ll 1•ss othc·r JOh ..,111t:. ;1rt· found, t'Ounty 0Cf1l'wl:. ~Y dle'\.'L'I 1>f Lh(' rulln1< l'ould t·v1•11lually e·l1m1natl· th1• p11:.1110 11s of probiition ckpun1111.·nt l'111plt1y1.'C-:. who dL•l1•rm11H· IHIW much parents shou ld pay for th1•1r chtldrt•n's m car<:eratron, lht•11 <'OUe<:l It . (n a 4-J dt.'C:1s1on. the· S uprt'mt' $8 million cash heist inside job? NEW YO HK (AP) Two mask(..-d men who pullt.-d off thC' lari;{est cas h heist 111 U.S h istory by rnbbtng at leas t $tl million rrom an armored car company left $W milli<m behind and may haVL' bt.·l·n working an "inside JOb." pol we say tht.· heist was a1dt>d by a flat roof on the St>ntry Armon•d Car Counl'r Co. that Opt'ned likC' a i:an of lx•ans, a lone guard, dogs that didn't bark and a S(.'<.'Urlly system that failed to sound thl' alarm, authont1cs said Monday "W e-are 1nvest1gating the ~ib1hty It was an 111s1de job." said Alice McG11lron, a deputy police <'OmmJss1oncr. The loot s to len S unday, mduding $1 million in weekend re<.-e1pts from YonkC'rs Raceway. had b<-tm picked up by Sentry rJver the Wl't•kend from sevt-ral t'l1ents. New York puhl'<' so1d company 1>ff1c1als initially repo rted o n Monday that $1 million had been tak l•n, then rev1S4•d the c:ount to $5.~I million afl1•1 "a wry detmled coun t" The f'BI spokesman Edward Gerrity said Monday that the com pany told the a~enc.·v It was an $8 million theft P olice later agret'CI A police investigato r who asked not to be identified said the entire amount take n 1n the holdup was insured. Sentry o fficials could not bl> reached for commen t M onday. a secretary said company o fficers were not available to talk to reporters. l'11u1t Ji.t11•1•d lu">t v.to'k th,Jt" i. t J tr• I 11 w I 111 Id 1 11 K p •• r r 11 1' fe11111111.tll\ 11·,111 011·.ilolo 1111 1h1ldll'll 111 111 ,l11d\ 1•, 11111·11rnct1111l1UllUI '1'111 JU,lll \ •. !U.lld llw IJW hlllKlt·-. 11111 pu11·11t' tu b .. 01 tlw ,.,.,JI''"''' 111 11111111 1111, soc;lt'ly 11:. .1 w lwl1· ,Ju1111·1• l<oh111s1111 , 11 hudg• I unalyi.t for Cl11111Kt' l'11u11l y, '·'"' Mondoy tlwt l111• w1t111p.1lt'd $1 n1dl11111 111:...; lo l lit· p111li:ol 1111 1 1lt•purinw111 will ht• "d1s;1s 111111.., .. ()I U II..: l' l' tJ U I\ t .Y Ii a'.'> II I l' 11 l'hurgrnK p.111 ·11u. f111 ,, ''" •1 t11111 111 llltdl't't'l'UlJlln ('OSI' [111 the· J>1t1>I :.!II yl'ars, .1n 01 d111g tu A:.'r't.orot Ch1d Prul>allt111 Olt11·1·1 F<l\.\.ord C lark1· Clurk1· s<1 1d 1h1· pr11l1.1l11111 dt>part111l'rrl 111111'< l11111, ,t.if I l'Oll!>ISb of two SUfll'IVISUI">, ltl eoll1·1..·t1u n s o fflt't•rs arrd I 1v1· C'lt:rks Sint1• th1· ('()Unty h.1:. yl'I tu f l,l l\1 1 tlfl•\ u l llu 1uUft I lllfloj: II " llllklll•\\ 11 li11v. ..,.11111 lh1 do I I 11111 o O•t1 ld 11111 •I .,t,d I 111• 11 1 I w I ' I Ii· 111~·11 I 11111 I l>Vt 'l llll ltt'll I \ I'' .o I ' ... I 1e·1 cl •.• 1 i. I Ci II :. 11pl111ld11tj1 l(i1 l,1\\ fiy 'l11klll~! olo1Wll tho .(,olllll'. Jll'llt'I'' ••fo11.111 11lh .d·.11 -.l11l•l>"d I llllll(I('' 1111111 '''"'~'.1111{ 11;01e•11ls r.11· \lt1· 011•,t , 111 li 1t ll '>111)1, d1•1H 11d1•11l • litldr 1 11 111 I II .111g1 l'1Ju11ty':. • 1111 r ~1·111 y '>111'11• I'. Allw1 l Srtton ' '"' "" H111 d111~ 1111 Bill Sti·1111·1 ..,;11d < >1 .111g1 · l '1111111v l'olh~·t., ll's.'. than $:l 11110 .1111111.111 y I 111111 pa11·11L., ol ,tl11t•,\ ,j Id f11•j.(lt 0 l\'d d1lltf1t•ll 111111...i d .11 S1tt1111 'l'lw h.cri.lt''' 11111\.\ will Ix 11·11 .1t th1 · • 11u111y''.'> p111l1.ol111n do p.11 t1111·11l , wh1·r1· 1111111.11-. '-did lhl•Y Wl'l l' SUI !JI ISC~I Ii\ tl11 rul111g Th• 101u11t.., chtt1g1·s p1111·nt:. uµ '" 1-o.!. d.ttlY f11r 1 h1ld11·n kl'p\ in .lu\111tl. ll.111, V1111th (;uuf111~(· ( '1·111t·1 .lnpl111 Boyi. llam:h ur Lu. 1'11111., F1111':.l1 y t 'Jmµ ' 'J he 1 liu r ~1· 1:. 1 t·dut·1·d (or l11111tl11·i> 11nal,l1• llJ p.1y lhl· full .1111111111t .. 111d ttw c·n1mty ullows 11111-.1 paH•11L'\ Lu 11111k1· t'1'lllltullon th111uglt l'Xll·Odl.J i.m yn11:nts. ( 'lark1· suid tht.' county t.'Ollects ,11 l1·ai.t sor11e· o f rl.s l'OllU. i11 about Ii'/ p1•1T1•11l ol tht• case11 where drtld1t·11 drnr1.wd with 1·r1meH are µl1.1t•1·d 111 JUVt·nilt• detent ion I ,IC'r It t11·:. "The· munty has bt~-t:n billing p11 11•rlli. ht•l·ausl· the law has n"-·ogrnl.l'd tliut 1.mrent.s havl.' an • 1111-(111111-: ubllgatwn to support the 1·h1ldro·11 wh{'n·ver they get care and hou:.tnjot," Clarkt-said Th<• I~ will take a (•hunk o( th1• µrohut1on dl.'partment's $9.8 n11llror1 hud~1·l o.ii, l't6ol f'tloco by ChertM ataT Amy G~t ch .. I ( ld1 ) a nd BrarHli Krantz test the ir ping pong skills . • IRVINE BOYS, GIRLS CLUB OPENS. • • From Page A 1 o rgan1zatlun and offt·rt·(I thl· four-al-rt.• site for a $I 1x •1 y1•a1 least.' Tht·y wanu-d <1 pl.wt• ''JU:-t for kid s ." hi' said. wh1•1(' youngsters bovs and g11 ls could get propt•r aft1·r 'l ho11I superv1s1on and a l'hanc"t· tu l1·;1r11 new skills. The club acct·ptl'tl the orfer, raised con s truct10n fund::. and signed a 50-year lease with an o ption to rentc>w. ht• l-Clld Ten-year-old Brandt Kra11Lz ol W oodbridge· probabl) d1dn'1 k no w m u 1..· h a h 11 u t l h 1· background of thl' C'luli c1s she· waited outside rU. door.-. Monda\ Jt 2 ·17 tJ m blw krww the llm(· lxX'tJUSt. she· looked ;ol her digital Wdl.<'h) Bui !>hi did know tha t her rrwnd A.mv Gt·tchcl had talked <1b<1u1 thL· dub. and t hat ::.ome guy had ('onw to h1·r sc:hool l~l Wl·ck lo cxpl<.1111 tls progrnms Her mom dropped he r off a f ter school What Brandi found, along w ith I \'t I v thmg I bl·. WC rt' SC'Vt•rJI photn~raph<.·r' f rom th1• luc:al ni·v. 'P"P<'f' who Wl'rl' taking pll'IUfl'' or lht• plan• Shl' J.Skt'<.l hl•r mom lo t·all Amv Lo remrnd ht•1 •if tlw oµc•nmg, a;ld tu ll'l lwr friend know she might gel her p11..·tun• takl•n "Your mom called." Amy t.old Brandi "Oh good, they did call you after all," said Brandi, jumping 'i up and down "Did they teU you ' they'd be taking pictures?" she t asked Amy. w ho knows a little about publ1c1ty because h er father. G ordon GNchel. IS on the local l :.<:hool board. said yes t That was a relief. They smiled 1 for th(• camera, two fresh faces t.o l grat to> a frl':.h build mg • :: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-! Under the· proposal Tylenol suspe~t STATE e Ill custody ' ' Car ins urance LOS ANC ELES St;1t1 1nsurJntt• off11..1als Jr1 1nvcst1gat111g what th1•y describl' as a large fraud Opl'ratron that mny h<tVf• bilked 1nsuramt• t't1mp.c1n1 .. s 11f hetw1!'n :s:rnoooo .ind $1 mrll11111 fraud probed Jlld thC'SC' H MC' JUSl thC' tip of lhf' 1rd>f'rg Both m terms of money and the compll.'x1ty involved. this 1s thl' largest auto insurance fraud I n \' I' s I I g a t I n n w (' . v l' undl'rta k en ," Rona l d Wurth1•n, an investigator with l h 1• s t a t l' l n s u r o n c l' Dt:partm1•nt. said Monday N EW YORK (AP) James Lewis. t he Tylen ol extortion suspect arrl-sted a fter a librarian spotted him at a reading table, will be t a ke n to ll11nois lo determine whe ther h e w as mvolved in the seven T ylen o l murders, authorities say Truckers threate n s trike Lewis, 36. charged with Lrymg to extort $I m11l1on afte r the sev('n p o iso ning deaths 1n Chicago, was arrested without incident Monday An e mployee 1n the midtown annex of the New York Pubht Library caUed police and ..:i1d. "There's a look- ahke of Mr Lewis here," said K e n neth W a lto n . d e puty assistant director of the FBI L 0 S A N t; ~: L E ~ lndepench·nt truckt·r.., m .1y stagt· .1 1mr· h11ur nal1m1wtdc· shu1d11wn 1n Jn c•ff<>rl l<• block lc•g1slat1on boos11ng gasoline t ai..C':. and nlhc•r levies, a.nd a longer shutdown m1gh t fol low If thC' law pas ... SC'S, a trurking lt-:1dt•r says The gas-lax bonsl ri lonr w r I I 1· o s 1 t h " a v C' r a~ c 1ndep1•ndPnt truckN up to $1.400 .mnually, and :di th1· bill's pruvrs1oru. wtll l'Ost t•:.wh iruckf'r up lo $!1,000 ;1 VPar We're Listening ••• ·642·6086 .. J 1 d M 1k1• f' il r k h u rs t . fl r (' .. I d l' II t 0 f I h e :10.000 m<·mtx>r lndepc:-ndent TruckPrs Association and L'<i1lor-publtsher of Overdrive magazine Res1dt-s thf' ga.s tax, he said truck~rs &rl' upset about prov1s1ons m the legislation <'allmg for hefty increases in ttw highway use fee. taxes on r ubhC'r t1rc-s, an excise tax on rww trui·ks and a tax on truck 1J<1 rL' Lewis was reading a listing of n ewspapers from around the United S tates when he was caught, WaltDn said Authorit ies s aid they had bcC'n on the lookout for Lewis at libraries and news s tands b('cause o f his penchant for writing to o ut-of- town newspapers. a nd agents had gw en pictures of Lewis t.o the library staff Illinois Atto rney Gener a l Tyronl' Fahner said Mo nday night that o ff lc1als w a nt to d etermine "if, rn fact. he was responsible" for the poisonings. Fahne r said L ewis rs o ne o f several suspects in the killings. "h.11 1111 \!Ill hko.· .Jbnul lhr llJ1h Pilot" What don t vou like" ( all th1• llUmbN at Jpfl and your mP'.'>Salitl' wrJI lx.• recorded. Iran-.. rih1.·d ;ind dr•ltvo·n·d to the <1ppropnah• t'Clllor I ht• s anw ~1 hour .r n"oH'nng Sf'rVI<'(' may br ll:lf'li In rt-cnrd lrt "''' 111 lh1· 1-cltt111 on an~ toptl° Marlhox contributor!. must include lhl·rr n.1me• .11111 11•lf'ph11n 1• number for venf1 ral1on No c1rcul<1t1o n •• r 11, ,.1 ...... ,. I I'll 11' "h.rl '011 '11111 m1nt1 Oolty ..... ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cteulfled edvertlalng 7U/&42·SU9 All other department• 642-432t Oeh.y "0..-cattwd .... t;rn111'( f H<1'11y ,. tfn1 W• 'tOI t\•"r y1;1,1 101pf' h1 1, 'lOp " t11lllf""" •1• I t1 '" and t t111r top, ,. II I • ,~,M <,1111;ul1tV "'''' •,1uu l111y If .. ,, .. ·11) '·nt "" •'"" row ( l')f•Y "" I • N\ O•" t..tt.ifflt tO tt m u111J~~f •1otr(Wlol T homo~ P. Holey ,. !I f ~hf\, r ,nd ( h11tf I ••• V"""" Of•,, ... , MAIN OFFICE UOWtn8 .. )I Coo••M ... (A M•ll •clclre" llo• I i.o, c ... t. -.. (A nu. C••"•"' '"' 0•-Co•"I Put>ll•n•"9 C-• No n••n \to,f•\, llh>•tr•U<w'"· f'dUorl•I m•I•' or-•• veftlt.•rn.t'tl\ ._,•In m•• '" r •of'O<lu<ed •ft"°"' IPM l•t o.rmt\\~ Of ( OOYfltM O""'°"'' '""~'""' Jon• Amari Raymond MoclAon \it(Ot"ld <I•'\ po\t.-Qtl 1Mld •t (Mt• M•"• (•HfOft'I• tUP~ IU IOOI ~UO.tflDltOft by<.,,.., \I I\ moNf\ly II• m•ll lot \Clmnnthlv ~­,,.,, .... _ f ,,.,. ,,q,~ f lfl1M' t mo0Mf'll1 l . Koy Schulh "'U'l' ()l#tl"J"' I ... lf"y Ml<hoel P. Harvey TM O•-'"'"' Dooly Piiot •tin wn1<11 " •- IHM<I ""' _, "'"' I\ 1>'1111 ..... d Dy , ... O.-C•1t ,_&.tl:MhhH"" (om~ny S.CMtr•I• eOUt~ •'• pu1)11tl><HI -.00 ""°"9'1 ~rtUy IO• (OOI• -M N•wOOr1 e"'6Ch H~tl"f'tft lheth f'ount•ln VaO•y 1••1"4' l..,.,,,. llt4'(f\ \outll c .... , .. ""9" ,..._, •ct"IOf' t\ e>ubl•\"""9 ~•turd•Y' •nd Su"°•~ '"" llfl"( ,,.., pu61hll1"9 ot•ne " "' no """' 11 .. ,., .. e P 0 loo ltloO Cool• Mt•• (•"'O•~•• .,.,. ''""'' M~ll NIJ'lh...,1 ~PflfYfN h111A1t .1. w..,"...,_,,., ....,. 1 >10 "9'••"""""- V1r ,,, p, "'•'t•n• ,,,, to""'''"' ,f •• ,"~'''''"" (M ,.., •t:)I ot Mo,~ ... ""0 ( •r ,lnt1f'w1. ' VOL. 11, NO. 341 but Walton said th1·n l"> no evidem ·e to ltnk Lt>Wls t11 th•· crimes The whereabouts of Lewi~· w if C' , Le a n n • :J 5 . re m <ii n C' d unknown al t huul-(h Shl· was believed to havt• bet•n 1n New York City with her hushand She· is wanted on a ll-dc·ral warrant charging misuse· uf ;i So1·1al Serurity card while tryrng to obtain work in Ch1t·ago Clean-shavl'n and drcs...,.'\l In a t a n r a 1 n c o ci l , L e w 1 s v. ii ' a rraigned in Manhattan lal1· Monday on ch argef; of unl<1wf11l flight to avoid prose<:ul1on .111d extortion US. Mag1strall· Huth Washington set bail at $5 m1ll11111 and o rd e r ed a prt>lrmrn.ir ~ 17th & Irvin• w .. tcliff Pla10 Newport hoch • lll'a ru 1g on Dt -c · :l:~ L1·w1s alll•g t•dly d1•1m111ded $1 n11ll11)n from J ohnson & Joh nson, tit• mnnufaC'tun·r of Extra Strl·nglh Tylt:n1tl. t11 prevt:nt mon· µ11r-.11111ng.., aft<'r Sl'V<"n p1•11ph· rn th1· l'hl(';1g11 arf'a d1t'd fr 11111 t<1k111g capsul1•-. lan'<i with 1 v.1nrd1• Nu t1fll' ha::. been .Hrt•sted 1n tht' <l1•aths that o<.·e:ur 1t·i.l l>l'l v. l't. n Se pl 29 and C:X·t I ThP F'BT said Lewis admitted lw .. 1d1·11t11 v whl'll arrC'Sted But Jl his ,1rr.11gnnwnt. tht' suspect rt·f11s.«l to 1tlo ·nt1fv hims1•lf as Lt \t I-. 111:. t•c>urt-appo1 nted ,1t11111wy, John P. Curley. told the m;1g1-.trall' that Lewis "chOOSt'S 11111 111 answ(·r at this point ·· J ame!ii Le wis A11 Exeldng Choice Dra11111111 I lf'\\<Plry acr<'nted with rubies. 1•1111•r,ilds and .... 1pph1rc•s CHARLES H. BARR Me""--' AmMc.n O."' Sedety A~Ocom i..• •••• -----·--------------~~~~~~-- -'·• .. Pair aid BONUS OFFER! Laguna housiiig panelist nained police in arrests G.j Buy the Pocket Computer Model PC-1 and Get a $29.95 Cassette Interface at No Extra Charge Vin ce nt e L . Mas, a property rehabilitation coordinator for Lynwood, has been appointed Laguna Beach's representative to the Orange County Housing Comm issi on advisory committee. The seven -me mb er co mm i tte e mak es recorrunendations on housing ii'""'"" r f'n f 'l l ncic:ic:t n n cC' •A look at Newport Beach u a business corporation and what makes it work will be ptteented 7:30 a.m. Jan. 7 at the Balboa Bay Club. Spon so red by the govenunent affairs committee of thf' NE>wport Harbor Area •Day use passes for state parks in Orange County are on sale, and park rangers say they make great Christmas presents. The day use passes, good for all of 1983, enable visitors unlimited use of state parks for only $40. The daily cost is funding and other matlera to the cou nty 's hous ing authority. Mas, a six-year Laguna resident, is a former Orange Co unt y planner and community developm e nt program manager. He replaces Aon Ba rker, who resigned the voluntary post earlier th.is year. Chamber of Commerce, speakers will include City Manager Bob Wyo and city council representatives. A $1 o fee for the breakfast will be charged. For more information, call 644-8211. $3, so frequent users save money after only 13 visits. The cards are good at state parks such as Doheny, San Onofre, San Clemente, Bolsa Chica and Huntington Beach. They can be purchaaed at any state park entry point. An off-duty Anaht'lm offker and a Coeta Meu reeldent who saw a s t r ange c ar In his neighborhood are being credited today with helping Costa Mesa police arrest two men in connection with two burglaries in the city. An unide ntified resident told police Monday afternoon that a car loaded with television sets, jewelry and stereos was leaving a residence in the 2000 block of National Avenue. Officer Scott Baeckel spotted the car of similar description at Baker S treet and Harbor Boulevard and pursued it to a shopping center, where one man jumped out of the car before it aped off, investigators said. An unide ntified off-duty Anahe im o fficer who was shopping helped arrest Gabriel Gamino-Gonzalez, 26, of Santa Ana, after he allegedly tried to hide underneath a car, police said. Pedro Salas-He r nandez, 25, also of Santa Ana, was arrested by Santa Ana police a short time later at Se<:ond S treet and Daisy Avenue, in Santa Ana. Costa Mesa police said the pair are believed responsible for the burglary on National and another break-in earlier in the day on Pacific Avenue. Free Phone Callllome • Uae the PC-1 (Cat. No. 26-3501) for Bu8'nesa, Science, Engineering Problems • Bonus Casaette Interface (26-3503) Leta YOjl Uae Our Read~o-Run PC-1 Software-Just Add• aette Recorder •Programmable In Easy-to-learn BASIC- Store Programs and Data on Cassettes ~ A DIVISION OF TA.HOV CORPORATION PRICES MAY VAAV AT INDIVIDUAL STOAES ANO DEALERS Pocket Computer PC-1 And Cassette Interface 14 95· SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Huntington Center will give away o ver 15,000 3 ·min. long distance phone calls for 19" llllOlll COLOR TYr-·--- the holidays. Just visil the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. A{~ ~ -{\•~-Stf16!. S WET WEATHER SPECIAL All Rain & Ski Wear Dry Cleaned . . Waterproofed FREE 1000 N. Coast Hwy. . . .. • · • • 'sliKtier #38 l lb. ol our famous Beef Stick • !:>um~r S.1usa11t'. 7 11z "' < 11oud.1. ,; ~l •12 Smu«> I smoked cht'e~ bar I . .! oz c:a<'h u( Cn•ann "i~i~s and tanizy Pub'" cheese. ll 111 ul ..,Wt'"' 11111 Mu~t;1rd. ' oz •if .-nspy lrad1cd Wlw~I Thm' ,uld ..,lr.t~her~ Uon [l(.n, 116.99" Think of everyone wholl love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms~v Choose from ove r 100 different gifts, in a variety of shapes, prices and :-.izes, all filled wtth tasty dt:l iRhls. And we'll gladly handle all the details St'ndin~ your gifts out. Hldcor1 rarms ~~10· We 'II give you a taste of old-time country goodness .. ., SOUTH <:OAST PLAZA 540-699 1 ~z At partK"•Pllllllll 11oro. , ...... ,.,"', .. , ...... ,l•lf•'""'•"' ··~_,.,, ........ d~"'lf\ """ ...... ~. ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1, • Colof Monitor • Solid State OILY RCA 2&" IUlllll ...., hnele • 100% Solid State • Electroni< Tuning • 1.4 cu. ft . • DEFROST • 2S Minute Timer PlllSOllC • 6 ,OW9f L.vel1 • T •mp. Probe • 3 Stoge Memory FRl&IDllRE • "ur• '·' cu. ft. • Pul Orde Cooldn9 • Temp. ftrobe • 40 lec'Pe Memory WHILE THEY LIST!! IURRY RCA 21" liaa•••I Color Trail w/l1111et1 • Scan Remote • Color Trak • Cable ~eady ~ • :J ' ' I~---! PlllllllC OllVEOTlll 01111 IWAYITI ... Mktowov• Convection Combinotlon·loth ' . "' . l?i--lFISHER SAYE s1oaoo IU/llTSlllSll ·~~!) • 24 Hevr rr..,.mmoltle •w......_ • ._.. • Bectroftk TvMt lllCOllOAH~ ~C::''°""' COloe ~ _..~. n-T-HAS • ~-I' l'Ull~-.US -llAH014 0AY NOG41- Orongo Coo t DAILY Pll 011 I u Directors vote to hike pay Ol l't.'l·tors o f 111x uf 01'11111-11• Coun t y'i. s1•v1•11 s un1tul1un districts will h1· uikm~ h1mw ~O perct•nt mon· 111t•t•l111t:t p11y 11'1 198:J. the rl'sult of 11\l"l'l'USI,, llwy Krantcd th1·msl'lvcs u1111/r prov1sioll8 o ( a 1ww i.Ulll' law. Currently. th1• dm~·tu1 i., who are usually city l-ou11d l nwmbt•t"b o r rcprescnl a llves of local sanitary districts, earn $50 u m eeting, w ith u mux1mum of $200 per month. Tlw puy 111<.•rt•Urh•ii, 1•!f1.-t·ll vl' J un I , will boost lh 'M' ratt .. tu $7tl u nw.-1111~ with u maximum of $300 JJt'I 1111111th. Und1·1· th1· tH'W 11lat<• luw, howt•vt•r. t•ounty 11u1'4.·rvh;or~ who also i.1•rvt• us su11Huth111 d l!Hrk l d1r1•t·turs un • 1nt.'llg1lilt• for lht• puy ro1 ses bccuusc thl'y urc.> t•mployl'd 1n a full tame, pu1d l'lectt•d pos1t11111 A c.•o unty supervisor sil11 1111 t•m·h o f tht• seven dis trict boards. Pledges totaled KOCE Channel 60, the public television station based at Golden West College In H untingto n Be ac h , collected $108,983 an pledges during the nine-day 10th a nni ver sa r y celebrati o n membership drive. The pledge drive, one of three conduc ted annually by t he station, concluded Sunday night. T he station had set a goal of $110,000 for the cur rent drive but had only reached 43 percent of that total by last Thursday night. Station olficia ls said strong weekend response pushed the pledges to the final tot.al. "D es p ite t h <; e conomic diffic u lties experien ced b y everyone, over 2,500 interested families in Orange Coun ty con tinued lo support public te levision ." said K OCE vice president Tom Stephenson. "For that. we thank them and look forward lo doing even more in the future." ~ <rHE \~ CBEACHctlOUSE ~ v Dining and Cockto11s qHH WHAL E WATCHING LUNCHEON Dlft'\'llll"N of Hm11ta1lun 1>111u·lc-1 11 . wh1d1 l111'1utlt•11 moi.t ot llunltnt(ton RN.1ch, pllt I l on ttw pay h1kt• lluntlnaiton lk'uch Coundlmun l\on Pattfruo11 vut.c..'tl an fovor, w h ll u <;ounl'llwuman Huth Bull<•y ww1 opp<>M'ti. 'fhl' ti 1 s t r i <.' t ' JJ l h I r J d I r ,. <.' l or , Suporvu;or IJorrlt'll Wwdt•r, WO$ abli4•nt A.'l a rt•sull, the ra1St•s will not be impll1nll'ne<.'<.I in this district. T he mallt•r can be rt.'<.'Onsidert..'tf at next month's meeting. Among thl' districts that did pprove the pay hike arc• those serving Costa Mesa and Newpor t Beach . (Th e O range County Sanitation Districts primarily serve the portion of the county located no rth and west of the Irvine Ranch.) Wayne Sylvester, assistant manager of the Orange County Sanitation Districts, said the pay for sanitation directors has not been changed sinc.-e 1968. He estimated that a typical sanitation director currently earns about $70<Jper year for this service. Under the new rates, this will increase to abou! $1,000. Trip set Actn·ss Elizubcth Tuylor will puy a Christ mastimt: visit to the Middle East, seeing childre n in orphanages and hospitals. DAVll• BROWN FRIGIDAIRE MICROWAVE DEMONSIRA llON WED., DEC. 15th 11 A.M. • 4 P.M. Tiii IEW FlllllDllllE llOIOWIVE IVEll UI 1111. \\ 1111 i.11 tlw f1•01urr• you·~,. lir1·l look1ng for! h om u ln~~rr ovf'n u p1t·1ty to tllf' f ull rm 11• t.ook111.-~~•11'111 l11r 111·111·1' 111vrl' 1"\'•·n 1wk111, M•<k>IMl !AAIM FEATURES INCLUDE: • Autu 1'drost • 'li1u,·h N·Cook l.ontrols • l>1w1.1l <.. lol"k and Tmwr INTIODUCTC.Y fllC(D PEATURES INl:LUDE: • Meal Minder Pro~ • Heat & ttold <.:ycle • 2 ~peed. 60 minute lllnt!f INTIODUCTIMY rttlC(J) M1odr1Ml 711UM FEATURES INCLUDE: • 45 Minute Time r • Uefrost Setting • Variable <.:~mg Power lmCllUCJC.Y Pl9CED THE NEW FRIGIDAIRE MICROWAVE OVENS. EYERYTHING'SNEW BUT TIE NAME BEHIND THD11 SINCE 19-4 7 .. DavisDBrown 411 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA 646-1684 OPEN DA ii Y 9-9 SAT 9 & SUN 17 4 Confused While watching the whales pass right in front of your table, enjoy a sumtuous seafood salad - maybe a half pound hamburger treat possibly a scalone sandwich. Dally from 11:30 AM to 4 PM ReservatioM 494·9707 619 SLEEPY HOUOW LAN£. LAGUNA BEACH . about the new insured ntoney-ntarket accounts? Early Bird Dinner Specials ' BEEF RIB DINNER 55.95 lnclu~~s Soup o r Sa la d Bake d Pot at o & Corn on Cob also ··" We, at Downey Savings, want to help you ·understand them ... ~ and off er you mure. ~ Pacific Red Snapper Prime Rib 57.95 DAILY 5 to 7 p.a . Fine dining. '801 EA'i l (.ll\..,I lllC.11\\A) 0 CORONA IHI \f\I< ( \ (iMI i'o0-0.\JI , Stay in the blac k not in the d ark 't. with ''" oo\\oo-,.. The Daily Pilot's year-end business review and forecast. Coming Dec. 29 in the Daily Piiat Simply, money-market accounts give you an insured, high interest account with- out tying up your money with term time lim~. And , a minimum balance of only $2,500 is required. It's that simple. But, we at Do\\'ney still don't think it's enough. So we've devel- oped two money-market packages, and you can pick the one tailored to your needs. Plus, \Ve11 pay you hzgherthan most money-market fund rates with either of them .. The Check-Writers Package The Safe-Saver's Package A Fu/(y-lnsured Savings Account Paying at a Rate Higher than Most Money-Market Funds, Combined with instant Cash Access for Those Few, Special Times~ Daily Check Writing Convenience, Tied to a Fully-Insured Account Paying Higher than Most Money-Market Fund Rates. Compare This to Any Uninsured Sweep Account! Here's how it works: Here's how it works: You use your SY..% interest-earning checking account for your normal, daily transactions. When your balance Your money-market account is used primarily for savings. Bue. if you do need co make a major or unexpected pur- passes $2,000, we sweep the ex- tra money inco your high incerest- earning money-markec account. But unlike most sweep accounts, if your checking balance falls below $2,000, we won't puU money from your money-market account co replace the fun ds in your checking account-no matter how low che balance fall s. (Mose sweep ac- counts require you to keep $2,(X)() earning 51/.i % ac all times.) And, if your checking account is overdrawn, we11 then pull money from your money-market account co cover ic• -and chat's che only cime we11 take money from there. So, no minimum balance in your checking account means you can leave your extra money in your money-market account longer- earning higher than mosc moncy- market fund races! Plus, look ac the extra benefics you'll receive chac no monev-market fund can offer: · 0 no service charges on your checking account 0 check guarante':! card on your checking account (with qualification) 0 MasterCard II or VISA debic ca.rd with t10 annual fees (wich quallficacion) 0 a jre,e safe deposit box 0 one free cruse deed colleetion 0 jre,e traveler's checks 0 pref erred au co loan rates · 0 unlimited in-person or by-mail with- drawals · 0 many ocher free, convenient service 0 and a minimum balance requirement in your money-market account of only s2,soo·· Costa Mesa, 642-7422 • <Mta Mesa/South Coast, 556-9270 Fountain Valley, 842-7424 • Huntington Beach, 962-2407 Irvine/Northwood, 730-l(MS •Laguna Hills, 859-0313 Sl.6 billion in assets places Downey Savings in the top 2% of savings and loons in the nation. chase, and you don'c have enough in your everyday checking ac- count, or jusc don'c ""am co puU fu nds fro m there, you can write a check from your money-markec account (3 per month). This gives you che benefit of a hi~ inceresc-eaming account with- out che hassles of difficult cash ac- cess chat come wich time limits or withdrawal penalties. Unlike che money you deposit in a regular money-market fund, Downey's Money-Market Pack- ages are fully-insured. And the dollars are re-invested in our local community market areas-thac's a good feeling. Downey's Money-Markee Pack· ages. With package choices like these, why would anyone want to open jusc an accounc ? -.... Al& Ora11ge Coaet 01\ILY PILOT/TuMd1y, 0.cember 14', 1982 Children's Puppet Show It's the season to make kids happy at Huntington Center with the real Santa. caroling and entertain- ment. See the Mitchell Marionettes. 4 shows dally. Dec. 16 thru 24. Phone Home Free on us Come to the center court of the Huntington Center moll and coll your friend or relative anywhere on the M CI long distance network absolutely free. Your free 3-min. coll is our holiday gift to you. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE BY VALLEY OF CALIFORNIA, INC. OF PERSONAL PROPERTY OF LOCKHART·E~F. INC . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by Valley ot Calltorn1a. Inc that e public iuc11on ot office furniture. Including without l1m1tat1on. typewnters adding machines calculators . cop1er1. office decorations. lole cab1ne11. check writers. miscellaneous oll1ce supplies. shelving and bookcases. woll be held on December 15. 1982 The Ume ot the nle 11 9 00 p m. and the tocatoon o f the sale IS 2202 SouCh Mam Street. Bu1td1ng A Santa Ana, Cahtornoa 92707 The sate wolf be conducted purSYant to Section 9504 ot the Catllornla Uniform Commercial Coda based on Valley of Calltorn1a tnc s securtly interest on the above personal pr()()erly The Items Wiii be 90td on bulk to the highest btddef ·as "· where is wtlhoul watranty CM representallon ot any kind 0< nature e.cept warranty aa to title It there are no bUI~ bidders prnent. ttle items will be sold lndlvklually Cash or other form ot payment acceptable to Valley ot Caht0<n1a Inc woll be accepted This saf41 may ba ad1ourned O< postponed wllhOul nouce or tuf1her pubhcellon The above terms and condlllons may be sub1ect to additional or amended terms and cond1t1on1 to be announced at the time ot the 1111e Th& sale Is with reserve and the goods 10 be aold may be withdrawn at any lime. For lurther Information. please contacl Richard S Ruben. Esq . 3200 Park Center Orlve, Su11e 1000. Costa Mesa. Cahlorn•a 92826. (71-4) 850-1800 Pubtlahad Orange Coast Oaoly Pilot. Dec 5. 8, 12. 1'. 1992 S334·92 rta.IC NOT1C£ NOTICa INVITING ac>S Mollee 19 hereby given that the Ocatn View School Olatrlct ol o...nga County wtll rec.Iva up to. tJu1 not lattr tllen. 2 00 p.m • the 22nd dty of o-T\bar 111112. Meled bkll tor the turnlthlng of carpel only to b8 uMd et varloua ac:hOOla In Iha Olstrlc1 Such bid• lh8ll be received In t"8 Busln.as Otflca of Iha Olstrlc1 at tH40 8 Streat. Hunllng!on llMch. California 92647 Ind ilh8ll b9 opened and publicly rNd aloud at the abo\le atatad time and pl~ All bid• 1hell be m1dt on bl forma lurnlthed by the 0111rlc1. T form ahall be accompanied by ca1tlllad caahlar'a check or bid bond for &% of the amount of the b1d. meda payable 10 Iha order of Illa Ocean View School Ol1trlct of Orange County, Ce11fornla. Each bid mull conf0<m and be rflPO(laiw to Iha confr.c:t documanta. Coplta of ttla ctrpat epeclflcatlon1 Ind total quantity o t carpeting to bt fl.lrnl1had are now on flit In the euain.a Otflca, ~n View 8chOol Olatrlct, UIMO I Streat, Huntington eaach. Ctllfornla. Thi Ol1Jrlct ,__Iha rlgfll to rejtet any or Ill bide. Mo l>ldder mey withdraw hie bid f0< 1 P«lod of fony·ftve (46) d•y• allar the dale 1111 for tlla ooanlnO of blda. SHEILA MARCUS Clefll of Ille 8oerd of Trutt- OeMfl View SChOol Olatrlct Or1n19 County, CA .L Publlalled Orange Co111 Delly Wllol, Dec. 7, 14. 1HZ &35t-12 Delfr Net ........ ~ Oerr Ambr- "Children P erforming for Children" Young musicia ns fro m the Irvine Conservato ry of Music relaxed before their concert for peers a t the Newport Ha r bor Art Museum. Pa ula T roy closed her eyes, Hon~ Cheng plucked his violin a nd Yum i Toyah.a kept her hands warm while reading her harpsichord music. When William K enned y began conduct ing, the selections by Vivaldi and Mozart· were well received b y a n audience of 6 0 . . The new I high market interest account. you or 'tyou? To _beli!~ ~ First lnterstate _gives you~--­ quiet, logical answers to the most-asked ~ons. Are the interest rates the· only reason to switch to one of .the new bani( accounts? Unt ii now. g11n•rnnwn1 rl•gulatioth put a limit on the intcrl·::it rail-:-. h;111k-. could pay on mo~t acc:ount~. Tlw rc!:iull Wflh the unrc:,trirtt::d money m;irket mutual funds \H•rc abll:' tr; pay h1gh1.·r intcrr;t. .. and allnKt lot-. of 111\l':-tor .... But. ;i-. µan of ;i lllCJ\l· tu dl•rt.·gulatt.• t ht.• bm1king indu-.1 rv. Con- grt.•..,.., ha~ aca1t-d a n1.·\\ at"C11un1 "11 h no n·1ling:-. on tlw intc:rl''>l rail' 1f .t m1111111um oalann· of $l.:>OO 1" 111;1111- ta11wd. Thh lll'W l11gh -1ntl·rn.1 111\l"'I · llll·nt an11um l'an bt.• 11ffl'rl'<l O\ bani..-. "tan 1ng I kn·mbl·r 1 llh. · Can banks pay as much on this account as money market funds? At h·a~t a._ much. In ;rnv c;i:-.1.•. It 'II bl' highly rolllpl'I ith l' ... ancl adju:-.tcd frequ1.·ntly to makl• :-.un.· that \'Ollr rund-. kl'l'P L«irning rompt.·ll· tin· ratl'"· Thl' l;I\\ n.·qull'l'~ a minimum initial dq>0~11 ot .·~.:mo. ~ot h~ a long ..,hol. Thl'r1.· \ '-l'l U· I it~. f111 lllll' thing. :\l11nt.•\· lllill kl'I fund" ;11 e not llhUfl'CI. Your han k (kµu..,11:-. on lhl· 11lhL·r hand. art.· m-.url·cl O\ 1 hl· Fl·cll·rnl l>l•p11..,i1 lihllrann· Lorporat 111n CFI >ll > ll p 111 .~ 100. ()()(). Can I get to my money when I want? ~lutual fund:-an: 111ll'n handled th11thi11ld.., or mill'' il\\(t\. ()f lour-.1•. thi-. i-. n11t till' r;1..,l· \\Ith h.111b. In otlwr w11rcl:-.. \11ur mrnw\ ;incl HlTlllllll i11forn1a1 ioi1 arl' ii lot' ·ri 11111n· an·l·..,..,ihll· t h:111 '' 11 h mnlll'' markd mutual fund:-. · l '11dl·1 !Ill' Ill'\\' law. \'(Ill.I\' :ti lm\'l'd uni i1111 tl·cl ra:-h " 11 h· clr:1wa1._. \i1u·1v ;''"'' ;1l111wl·d :1 l't>lllhina t loll or -.1-.; illlltJlll<tl k pa~ - nll'llh. prl'-ilUI h11n11.:cl p:tynwnh 111 chl·ck-.. '.\11m11rl'1l1t1111hn·1.•11f thv "" lllil\ lw 1 hl·l·b. ) \ - I If I should decide to go with one of these new accounts, why should I choose FJrst Interstate Bank? Reason *): Reason 112: Reason 113: • flO.-yy& ' ,~. ll1ghly rnmpt.•titiw nitl·:-.. Reason *4: Soun. with our Crnm 'S 'lwt\\url.., \tH1·ll l'\l'll Ol' ablt.' to arc.:e:-.:-. vou r 11w1.·-.111wnt .11·rou111 fr11111 l'OllSI to nrn~t. t hink of tlw hq111dll v and nlll\l" nit·ncl' that will 1111.·m1. •'• ••• ~ ...... __ ........ , .. -~. . .. .. . . ... .. , . ; ~· ~ . • • • • • • ··-·· •, '·· .... ,_ •• #. Only Fir:-t lnll'rstatc ':-. ~larket lntt.•rt.-st tkrount giVl'!-> you insLHnl :trn·:-s It> your mo1wy 24 hour:-a day. 7 cltl\'S :i \\'l'l'k al ;inv mil' of our iwt1rly 700 I >ay·~· ;-.:1gh1 'lt.'llt·rs' throughout the WL·st. '-----~ Reason 115: If you ... ign up 11<1\\. Fin,1 hlll·r ... tatl· Bani.." ill )..!l\l' )Oll :mt•\lra8i~'~ioJ;~ i Reason *6: If yo u '\i~n up now. your f1r:-t st.•t of rhl'l'ks ill l' frl'l' of c.:hari.tt.•. l{t.•mt.·mtwr thb: the ntw hiJ.Ch intl'l'l'~I al'l'oUnt!-1 r;in bl• rnnfusinJ<. But tlwrt.• art.• thfft.>rt.·nn'"· And nohody givt>s you the combination of IHJ.(h 111lt.'rt·st. l'a-.y illTl'!iS. and Sl'rurit \' that First lnlt.'rstalt.• l'<m. · Mort.• for rnur mo111·v. At F ir-.1 Int t.•rswtt.• B.rnk of California. il. come::. wiih lht.· territory. Only tlw Firht hlll·r~tflll' Sy:.ll'lll g1ws you in:-.tant arn·s:-. to \our lllOlll'\' tit 11Ur ~W(). hr:111dw :-. 111 tht.· 11 Wt·:-.tl·rn statt.• tt•rr1111ry. Reason *7: 'Iii 111:1kl· iL t.'\'l'O more: attrnrt1vc for you lo romc m and '>l'l' U'>, you ran !'>i).(n up to win tht.• prtZl' of a lif1.·t1lllt>-<1 t I '150.000 \"ilt.'<1111111 ~ honw in Palm Sprin~s. l I Fll'Sf lntemt.d. Bank . 17 my "1or", I 3 mg mco11no ov 1>01 c1garo110 by 11 C 111c1ho!I ' Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • • .. .. ... ......... ' • - Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Tu .. day, o.c.mw 1•. 1982 Discover the taste of Ca01el Filters, now in a Hard Pack. • , ... It.' .... ., 1'· .. ,, ,. 'Ill . .. ' • cmobm 14, 1062 r ' how to buy government land LB panels seek people By PAT HOROWITZ Of the Delly f'llot llalt • DEAH HEADERS: Evcryo1w knoWN that nut1onul parks und miliuiry blli>t.'s lx•lung to thl' governml'nt. But the govt•rnnwnt also owns u great deal mon• rt>al estate throughout tlw Unill'd S ta les. On occasion some of tht•s1• p r o p e r t i es b N' o m e s u r p I us . n n d t h 1• governml!nt ~Its them. During the next year, th1.• U.S. G1.•m•ral Ser vi1.·cs Administration cxpN·ts to sc•ll as many as 500 ptl'('{'S of real estate ranging 111 size from small vucant lots to 11'ugc anduslrwl plants. They indude everything from officl' buildings l<Mlumland. To let the public know what 1s availabll' and how tu go about purchasing the• property. t he GSA 1s publishing a monthly listm~ e ntitled "Sales of Federal Surplus Real Estate" It includes mformalJon on btddmg for the land as well as what wtU be for sale within the next thr~ months. To request the current list, send your n a m e a nd address lo lhl• Consumer Information Center, Dept. 587L, Pueblo, Colo 81009. Be sharp on knive DEAR ?AT: I want to buy a se t of good Auto & Homeowner!. • Ouoles By Phone l'UVIDK kolVtll for n1y \Oii Bid dllUf(htt·r-ln- la" 111 thl'lr t'brhitma11 prt•1wot. Thf'rt' arc 110 many dlllertnt kinds or knlve11 tbat I am confused and nted tom~ help. Whkb kind ol hou11thold carvlnit knlve11 tall longe11t'! I'd also llke to know If It's 11&fo to wash them In the dlshwasber. 1'.S., C:olitn Mesu T lw hut drn·~-. ol llw 111t.•i.I UM•d Cw· thl· l>lndl' 1i. o n f' ul tht• m<>lfl lmporto nt l'ono;1dt·rutions wlwn It cOIOt•!t to d1oos1ng n ltm~ laslt11~ krlilt• S tt•t•l blot.Ifs wllh a high l\ll'IJoll l'tlllll'nl l'l'Ullfl U Nhill'p t'<Jgt• bt.•st, uut l11~h carbon slt.•t•I 1.'0rrudt'S quac.'kly ;ind t•usily from unythmg cont.ain1ng watC'r which ls JUSl about l'Vt·a·vthmg To k<'t'P lhl'S<• blades a l the11 lx'l>l. th1·v should lit• waslwd und dnt.'<I ll110lt'tf11Jtl'1y tlltt•r UM• Bladt•s of s taanlt•s::. slt•t•I, l't1nta1n111g u l lc•ast 11 fi pt•r1.·1·nt l'h1 on11um and a high 1x.•r1.·C'nt.1gt• of t'<irbon. r<.'SISl corro::.1on t'Vl'n an an auton1,1t11: d1shwru.hcr. and n •win an edgt• l.1 1r l y w1·ll . thoulo(h n o t compared tu carbon·SlL<t•I blud1•s without chromium. Th<.• lx'Sl kn1vt~ have handles madl• of mo 1st u rt" n• s t i, la n t nt a l c r i A Is, such a s hardwoods, hard ruhlx•r, m<•tals and plastic- and-wuod laminatt>s Although it's safest lo wash cutll•ry by hand, some.• knivt>s stand up 10 dishwasher ch•antng and lh<'y usually arc .. -~- RABBITT INS~ANC£ 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newport Beech, C1. 831-77.a SEC h1ht•ll'Cf 111 inclwu tc.• lhl If 1 tl1!\hw1111ht•r llot•<Sn'l huvt• 11 l'Utll·ry Nw llon, plut·•· knlvt·H hun w nt.ally on tlw top 1 uck of lht· d11>hw1111ht•1, pu'lltioned liO thc•y.wlll 11ot bl' .1osllt•1l. l'lnc:lnJ.C th1•111 ln Uw rlutwnrt• ha:.k1•t poi1111111-( clown muld 'cut the plustk 1·o:itlng of tht• buskt·l, unll plodng thc•m poinl up t'Ould 1.·auHt• 11 l'Ut wlwn till' clh1hw1udwr is being loadc'C.l or unloudt•d. Leasi11g d eductible DEAR PAT: l leate a car In my business. Can I deduct the leaae payment•? S.T., Newport Beach Tht• Internal Rc•vt•nu(• S1.•rv11.'C' says yuu may dl'<luc:t your ll'aM> pnymc•nts to the ('XL<:nt thl'y an• fur your business or work. Howt•ver, , nu part of lht• leuse may bt.• dl'ductc•d for commuting or other personal UM' of thr car • Got -;:p1v /J/1•111'' 'l'h<•11 Wiiie' ,,; 91 P:11 lluruw1tz JJ<1I 1~ 111 <'tit 11><.I t.ipt'. - gt'ltmg tht• :u1"' 1•r., .1111/ .w111m .vou n el!d 111 so lv1• 1111·11u1111•s 111 11overnnw 11t and l>u.'>m<'S.' Mwl y<JW ' 11u1•s11011:> to Pat J/or ow111, At Your St•1V1t'<'. Or:mg1· Coast Daily Pilot. P 0 Box / 5fW. ('11.,tu M1•:w1, .•CA. Y:.tli:tfi J..agu1w Beach Cl ty Council member11 are ll<'t•klnK rt·111dt•n ts rnt<'rf'8led In serving on a variety u( <.'Ommittl'<.'8, and applkanl8 havC> until Dec. 30 to submit resumes. Thl' council will Interview prospec t ive (.'Otnmllt.ce members bc·glnnlng al 6 p.m . Jan. 4 to fill thr~ <.•ouncil qommlttees and a 'posl on the <.'Ounty's vector control district. Two vacnncic'S <>xist. on Parking, Traffic and Circulation Committee. Four seats are vacant on lhl' city's Housing Committee, and three vacancil's e xis t on the Cable Television Commiuee. Thl• city council wiU also appoint a member to the Orange• County Vector Control District for a two-year term. Lagunans interested m serving on any of these panels should submit a le tter or resume to the Caty Clerk's offic.oe by 5 p.m. Dec. 30. The r esume sh ould cover r eason s for application, mterest and any related experience. For more information, call Verna Rollinger at 497-331 1, ext. 209. Pilot Logbook -I ·1 p·1 ~ Candid commentanes excluswely m the II Y I DI PACIFIC'S INSURED Photos With Real Santa Bring the "httle ones · to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes 1 Christmas show and a v1s1t with the Real Santa with the Real Beard And instant Santa photos only $2.99. PUBLIC NOTIC£ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE 700 CIYlc Center Orin Senle Ane, CA Plelnllrt: LEONARD E. COONS Oelendenl: CITY OF SANTA ANA, CHIEF OF POLICE RAYMOND C. OAVIS, SGT. M. LANNERS, OFFICERS BE C ERRA end ZAVALA ; lndMduelly end " emptoyM• of the Sent• An• Polle• O.pertment; end DOES I through XXV, lnclueln. SUMMONS c ... No. 339542 NOTICE! You hen !Men 1ued. Th• court mey decide egeln•I you without your being heerd unle11 you rHpond within 30 d•Y•· RHd the lnformetlon below. 11 you wish to seek the advlCe or en attorney In this matter. you sllould do so promptly so tllat your written response. II any, may t>e llled on time A Y I SOI u.t .. d h• 1 ldo demendedo. El lrlbunel puede decldlr contre Ud. 1ln eudlencl• • meno1 que Ud. rHponde dentro de 30 di••· lH le lntormec:lon qw elgue. So Usted desea solocllar el conse10 de un ebogedo en Hie a sun to deberi e hacerlo 1nmed1atamente de esll manera su respoesta escrota. so hey elguna puede ser reglslrada • toemPO 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A ctvol complaint has been hied by Ille pleinl•ff against you II you wfSh 10 defend tll•s lawsuit. you must. within 30 days al1er this summons 11 served on you. 111e with lhlt court a WT11ten response to the complaint against you for the relief demanded on the complelnt, Which could result on garnlshmenl of wages. taking o! money or properly or other relief requested In the compla1n1 Dated. Aug 11. 1980 lee A. Brencll. Clerk By Amy Sliva, Deputy Alcherd O. FrnM 30131 Town Center Orin 81lh• 2tO L .. un• N ...... CA 12tn (714) 131-MIO Published Orange Coeal Dally Pll 01. O«. 7, 14, 2 '· 28, 1982 5376·82 PUBLIC NOTIC£ STATEMl!N'T OF A8ANOONMENT OF UN OF FICTITIOU9 eueM .. NAME Tne t ollowl ng per aon n11s ebendoned 1he UM of Ill• FlclillOUS Butlnest Neme GOLDEN CHARIOTS. t t Serena Court Newport Beadl. CA 92663 The Fictlt1ou1 Business Heme referred to above wes llttd •n Orange County on July 13, 11182 Fiie No 1113238 o.<elt P1r1on1. 11 s.ten• COurt. Newpot'I Beech, CA 112663 This bulineu w11 conducted by en 1ndi11>dual O. M PertOnt Thia atelemtnl Wll fu.d wl!h lhe County Cter11 of Ofeng• County on Nov 2t, 11182. Publlthed Orengo Cout Dally PllOI. Dec 7, 14, 21. 28. 11182 5372·82 MllC NOTICE FICTITIOU9 8UIMH NAMI ITATl•NT Tnt rottowlng person 11 doing l>llsl-lt S HOW PRODUCTS . 7118 Newton W~, Cotta MtH, CA g2e27. t<ettn Stewert HoOocton. 1114 lftct)fleld, long BNc;h, CA 90815 Thi• butlnett It c:onctucted by en lndMdval t<eUh HodgOOn ffljl tlllemtnt ... flied with Int County C.-11 of Clrenge County on Nov 22. 11182 PW711 'PubUahtd Oren, .. CoHt Dtlly Potot Dec 7, 14, 2 . H . 1"2 . 631112 BETTER THAN MONEY Security Pacific Inaugurates The Insured Money Market Account With An Extra Interest Bonus: Up to $100. The most significant ingle invest- ment we've ever offered i now here. An account with an unprecedented combination of yield, security, conveni- ence, and liquidity: The Security Pacific Insured Money Market AcCOLmt. It's better than the funds because it not only pays money market rates, hut it comes with a moot vital advantage: Its insured up to $100,COO by the FDIC. Act Before December 31, AndF-am UpTo$100 In Extra Interest. From now until the end of the year, we're making the Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account particularly attractive. Because we're paying a bonus for time ly action. Simply fill out one of the coupon below and bring it to one of our more than 620 banking office ·. Make a minimum deposit of $2500 and we'll immediately add the va lue of the 'coupon to your opening balance. But extra interest is just rhe first bonus you'll get. There are a lot more. Security Pacific's Security. Not only is your money insured , but •t's backed by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth largest bank, witl} more than $33 hillion in assets . And a record of more than a hundred years of strength and stabi li ty. -- Check Writing liquidity. With your Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account, your funds are always ava ilable to you, either by wri ting a pedal check. Or by elec- tronic rramfer which you can authorize over the phone. r 1 $1-0-~E~URI-;, PA~,~ ., INTEREST BoNU, I C OUPON I · . . ~· . , I ... I ' I 1: I TFUNDs. Immediate Investment. When you make a depo it in your Insured Money Market AccoW1t, there is no delay. You begin earning interest on your money that same day. So your money is working for you immediately instead of sitting in the mail. Security Pacific's Convenience. With more than 620 Security Pacific offices tatewide, you can make additional deposi ts in your Account eas ily and conveniently. Depo its can be made by a personal visit to any of our offices, by mail, by automatic transfer from another account. Or, 24 hours a day at any of our automated ReadyTellerTM locations. Security Pacific's Services. The Insured Money Market Account complements Security Pacifies entire portfolio of high yield invesonent programs for individuals and busines.5eS-from discount broker- age to the most sophisticated kinds of financial planning. All in all, the Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account is the most superb investtnent package available anywhere. Its something we've all been looking kJrward to. And its available today at the Looking Forward Banlc. -.. . -··-' --...-... I , -I I < Or•• Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueedav. Oecember 14, 1882 A• -Move-Outof ¥our-\Jninsured Money.Fund. ·Move Into . 1st Nationwide Savings New d MopeyMarketAccount TOCAY~s-RATc 1Q.000% This rate compooods daily aid fluctuates with the money 1Tla11<et. MUIHll ESI,IC Insure ,..... ........ i........._Carp. . ~ ..... .....,... l10QOOO . l _J Pa~lligbRat~LiketheMoneyFunds~!~~--~~~~~---~ Your Insured Money Market Account pays like the uninsured money funds. And you.r account at 1st Nationwide Savings is federally insured for absolute safety. You can open your account at any 1st Nationwide Savings office for as little as $2,500. Fully Insured to $100,000 ... Plus Total Liquidity No more risk! No more worry! Unlike the uninsured money funds, every dollar in your Insured Money Market Account is insured to $100,000 by the FSLIC, an agency of the United States Government. . You can make deposits or withdrawals to your account without penalty any time you stop by one of our offices for total liquid- ity. In addition, you will have limited check writing and automatic transfer options. Move Out of Your No-Interest Bai1k Cheeking Account. Move Into 1st Nationwide Savings TODAY'S RATE I.. Insured ket 10.000% Rate Checking Great News, It's Coming January 5. Unlike the money funds, our account gives you ho1115t-to-good- ness interest checking, daily aceess to your money. Ybu can write as many checks as you want, when you want, for any amount you want. And your money is insured to $100,000. Now you can have a 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Money Market Account with limited checking privileges and you can have an Insured Market Rate Checking Account with unlimited check writing privileges. Both accounts are federally insured. Don't wait ... sign up now. We'll put your funds in a Market Reserve Ptan* until January 5 when we will automatically transfer your funds into an Insured Market Rate Checking Account. If you already have Market Reserve Checking and want our new account. just tell us. We'll automatically move you to 1st Nationwide Savings Insured Market Rate Check~ng January 5. "Your daily account balance up to S2.000 earns SX'X. interest and is Insured by the FSLIC. The balance is secured by notes and obligations of the U.S. Government or government ~ies Don't settle for an old·fashioned bank checkmo account --------------------------------------------. -------------------------------------------- VISA, With No Fee! Why should you pay a bank for a VISA Credit card when 1st Nationwide Savings gives you one free? It's true. When you open either an Insured Money Market ''WIE .. , Account or Market Reserve Checking we'll give you a VISA Card with no annual fee~ Does your bank or money fund make the same offer? *VI SA subject to credit approval Income Tax Preparation at Special Discounts! Every year, qualified cus- tomers have enjoyed substantial discounts on income tax prepa- ration. This year, you can, too! It's easy to quality: discounts as high as 60% are based on your savings account balance with 1st Nationwide Savings. Call today to get all the facts and schedule your private appointment. --------------------------------------------. -------------------------------------------- 1ST NATIONWIDE SAVINGS A Federal Savings and Loan Aslociation NEWPORT BEACH 3300 West Coast Highway near Newport Blvd., 631-9205. , I, • r- . ,. f'._t l• ~ ..... ..,,~ , .. -... I :Jl'l .. c ,., I "". .. '18 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Tuetdey, 0.C.mMr 14, t912 Onofre inves tigatjon met r e asonable need Here we art\ $13,000 and a t •asl 24 2 man-hours later, and the luclcar Regulatory Commission "JRC) has issued its report on the !frty of welds at the San Onofre luclear Generating Station south f San Clemente. In a nutshell, the report - le result of a probe by five NRC westigato rs a nd e ngineers - >und no evidence to substantiate ll~gations by E. Earl Kent that Jbstandard work was involved. K ent is a former quality >ntrol engineer fired by Bechtel orporation , builders of San 1nofre. Ke nt says he was fired ecause h e compla ine d about uality of welds at San Onofre nd a plant Bechte l built in lichigan. Bechtel said Kent was red because he failed to pass a >uple of oral exams. In issuing the NRC report, egion a l branch c h ief Tom W. lishop noted, "(Ke nt) apparently n isunde r s t ood codes and egulations (dealing with w elding equire ments) and we found him o be in error in regard to the une rican Society of Mechanical ~ngineers boile r and pressure ·essel code." Kent had also ch a rged that vorkers on San Onofre were using lrugs on the plant grounds, but ~ishop noted that Ke nt could not dentify individuals or cases. and 1is accusations were "vague, very :eneral." Nevc rthelel8, Kent had made charges that San Onofre was unsafe. Rather than dismils them as possible sour grapes from a disgruntled d ismissed employee, the NRC investiga t e d . The investigation proved fruitless. One would think that would be the end of it. Not so. The a nti-nuclear Alliance for Survival now wants a congression al probe on sateiy codes. The Alliance said the NRC investiga tion "was not the thorough investigation" they were hoping for. Short of dismantling the plant to th e foundation and re building it piece by piece, we are at a loss on h ow to make the investiga tion more thorough. It would appe ar tha t the anti-nuclear lobby is willing to try jus t about anything to k t;ep nuclear generating plants off-line. And c harg es of uns afe construction, and the hoped for public panic about a possible meltdown, are just pa rt o f the same old line. When there is a reasonable doubt about the safely of specific plants or processes used in their construction, there should be an investigation, as there was in this case. But the Alliance for Survival should remember that the point of the investigation is to uncover the truth, not to prove that nuclear power is dangerous. 4. different honor Huntington Beach 's Edison ugh School is in the news fairly msisten tly as a result of the rowess of its football teams, often 1 the running for s tate wide onors. So it may surprise some wh~ hink of Edison as syn onymous vith "athletics" to learn that the chool has just won hon ors in 1not h er area -i t s r eading >rogram has been named the best n the state by the California )chool Boards Association and the ::SBA Golden Bell award will 1ow take its place alongside the nultitude of athletic trophies. The sc ho ol's reading le partment, three handpicked ·ea di~g teac h ers and a n ns tructional aide, is g eared oward improving the reading 1bility of students who were 'ound to have reading deficiencies Nhile in the eighth grade. And -emedial reading is mandatory for ;tudents who are two years below .heir reading level. • This year, about 400 F.dison s tude nts are in the r eading program. lf they live up to past performances, they will improve about two years in their reading ability level for each year of the special study. Reading department head Jim Kilroy sets the tone for the carefully structured classes when he says, "Being weak in reading is n ot a r eflection on one's IQ. Students respond if ~ou assume they have pote ntial and r espect their abilities.'' Then , in k ee ping with Edison's athletic tone, he explains, "Reading is a lot like tennis. You get better if you work at it every day." Given the e ndless complaints from four-year colleges about the reading deficiencies of entering high school graduates, Edison is clearly on the right track. And the college years for Edison grads will be that much more fruitful if they can skip over that first-year of "bonehead English." lpinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex- 1ressed on this page a re those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is lnvlt· d. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 41·4321. Schools' failure costly An 1'Cl11emal from thC' Sacramento J<'t' At·t·ording to lhl• bl•st availabl<' t u d v. tha t 0 r l h (' c a I i r 0 r n I a '11'-L'-c~·ondary F,dul·auon Comm1ss1un C.:l'ECJ. 1l t·osts Californians n'arly iH:! m1llmn a y<'ar lo provide remedial • c> U r s l' S a t t h l' U n I V C r S i l y 0 f :,1ltfornw. thf' sl<itc collt•1.ws and the .1a11•'s m mmunity l'Olh•ges. Roughly 15 pl·rn ·nt of the l·n rollnw nt in r:nglish at th<' Umv<·n.1ty of California s in n·mc·chal t'OUl"M'' 1n rt•adang and "'riling. 10 per('('nt of thl' t•nrollme~t ,11 English in the st.ah' .m lll·ge>s 1s 111 rt•mt•chal courS<'s. anti 45 pc.•rl'C'nt of tht· <•nrollmc:'nl in 1<:ng l1 :-;h in thl' ro mmun1ty l·ollt•J.:ws 1s in rc•medial (1tUrM•S B1•l·aust· the dl•f111 1t1o n of what 1·o nslltUtt>S a remechal l'OUrS<' 1s subJ<'{·t 111 d1sa gn •emt•nt sonw f'dUt:ators muint1.1111 tha l l'Crta111 courses clas.-.C'd bv th1• CPF..C as remt-dlal should Ix· l't>11s1tlt •1 I'd t·ntry k vt•I th<· numlx•rs th1•m:R'IV<'S an· subj<'t·t to dis pute. But thl'rt• is no qul•stion that, as a rC'<-cnl C PFX n •porl put 1t. "the• problc>m of s lucf1 •n1 undC"rprl'pa r:lt1on facing C,d1f11rn1a IS Wldt•s prt•ad and d1>t•p S<·alt-<l " h 's not Vl't lx'<·n cl<'tt •rm11wd wh.11 1t•t·omm<'nd<1 t1 11n s thP C PEC will mti kc· th<· lo lht• n1llt•g(•s <ind th<· L1·g1'1latun· lo d1•al w11h th<' prohlc:m 11 will t.Jk<· tht• matt<'r up at 1L'I meeting this week -but the list of a va1l 11 blt· m<'asurt•s 1s ob vwus 1•1111ugh. I S hdl1n1' l ht· ta::.k {1ulll llH• U111v1•rs1tv of California and the stat<' n•lh·grs i.u thC' m mmunity t·olh·~1's ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Puot ........... , ... , o• In• ...... uo WO\I ll•Y \t , (;o•I• Mtr•• .AOOf~\ IOHt\llOl\O."to 10 llo1 I )ltO to•I• -~·· (• th1• OTHER VIEWS a nd . wh(•rt•v<'r pos:-.1blc . l o th<.• ~t·to n d ar v S<!hoo ls , whert> thl' n •spons1b11ii.y r<.•ally belongs. It may not bl' possible.•. o r perha ps l'Vt'n pr11p1·r . to try to abolis h rC'm<•dial prfJgrams In thl' two·yl'ar l"Oll<'g<-s. but tht•n ·s no qu<'::>lmn that. at th<' vc.•ry It""-'· a flour sho uld bf· csta bhs hc•d lx•low wh1<:h 1111 111structiqii would bt• of f<'rt·d any whe re in the s l;it<•"s ~~· ... 11·m of h1ghc•r c•dut·a tion 2 Ehminalinij prat·tices and poht'll's w hNc-by t:r<.•dll toward a collC'g<' d<.•~rf't• IS awnrd1"'d r11r rC'mC'dial WOl'k . :i Upgradin~ sN·ondar y st'hool 1ns1ruc·tion and l'Oll<'gC' ent rant·(' tT1h•r1<1 <;<1 ttlal lh<· n('('(I for rl•nwdinl 1n ~t ru<.·t1o n is 'l hn rply rNlU<'t'<l throughout the· sy..,t«m nnd all hut l'11minated in lht' four-y <.·iir <·oll1·gC's. Tht• first major steps haw a lrl'<Hi y l11•1•n 1ak1·n on th<.· upgrading of udm1ss1on standords 1l will Ix• sonw 11m1· lwfnrt• lht• df1'<:l!> tin• ft·lt but that h.irdly n •du1·1· ... 1h1• urg<'m·y o f trying 111 ftncl oth1•r ways lo n '<lun• lhl'-1·xp1·n ... 1vt• C'mharrussmc-nt 'f'hl' 1sMw lll'rt', 11f t•oursc·. 1s not sirnply I he· l·o-11 hut, just us 1mp11rt :int, thC' quullty 111 :1 sy~tc·m 111 whkh whut mny l><• tlw hl•sl puhh<.· u11lv1•rslly in the· c-ountry s 1H·11<t ... more• than $11 n11lllon a yc.•ar to lt·:id l thou .... 1ncl' of 11tuil1•111s hnne•hmcl f-:11gli,..h 1111d math Th:11'1e :-.mrwthing 111111 no f.!OOtl WllVt•r~lly nor. 1n<il't.-d. 111l~ cl1•1·e·11( sy~l l'm of four y e·ar t•olkgl's, shuultl h11v1· to tolrr.1t•• Thomot P. Hot.y l'llbl I/let ,Jane Amorl C•CKut,.• td1IC.W larboro Krelbkh fd·•0<1ol Po110 (d1t0< -~- -----, ________ _ .. ' • • .. ' ..~UP? Justice not always equal WASlllNG1'0N -Carved in stone over the impr<.•ssive porll('O o f the Supreme C()urt is the mollo: "Equal Justice Und<'r Law." Unfortunately. this basil' principle of democral·y isn't being followt.'d by ft.'Clt•ral prOS<'C'Utors around the c'Ountry . F'ur cxampl<.·: Someone who defrauds a ba nk of more thun $1,500 in Houston, Texas, can expect the feds to pr()S(.'('Utc. But a few hundr<'<.l miles north. in Dallas. the fraud or embt.>zill'mcnt has to reach 5 000 orl' ll will • prosecuted by the u.s-:- allorncy's o(fi<.'<'. I N CALIFORN IA , th e fet.lt·r a l prosecutor in Sac:ramento will spring in lo ac·tion if a l'On man c.r embezzler gets away wllh more than $500. ln San Jose. it t.a k<:'S a $5.000 swindle to interest the U.S. attornl'y. These cxampl<.>S of unequal JUSUce are detailed 111 a still-unreleased, 96-page report by the General Accounltng office. The 111vc..o:,;uga1ion was requ<.'lltl'd three years ago by Sen. ·Max Baul·us. 0 -Mont .. a member of the Judiciary Commlltet.'. The GAO anwstigators found that the nation's 95 federal prosecutors tiave virtual autonomy 111 three key areas - dc.>Cid111g whNhcr to 1.ake a particular case, d C<.'1d111g when a case sh~uld be turned ov('r to s ta te au thorl lies for prosecution a nd dec,din g whether a suspect s ho uld be allo we d to plea- barga111 .. The lack of un1form1ty among dis tricts c:rcatc·~ d1 i>p:1nlll'1> 111 thl• tr<•utml•nt of suspt'l"ll'<I violators." thl' GAO study condudc•s Referring to the nunhc•rn district of California. for exnmpk•, thc• mvestigalors found wvcral l'ascs of cmbczzlemcnl Jlt:~llllllll thM wert'n't prosecuted bct:ausc tney 111volvt•d lt•ss than $5,000. T hese caSl'S wo uld have met the dollar cutoff points 111 five of the seven dis tricts tht• GAO s tud1<.·s -name ly. s outhe rn Ohio, t•astl'rn Ke n luck y. southe rn T t'xns, eastern Cahforni<fand Maryland "and would have bL-'(>n hkely ca nd1dall'd for prOS('<:Ution:· al't•ording to thl' rc•port. The differe nce in criteria among the vurmus fr'CIC'ral prosccutors might not Ix· so M:riow. 1f the cast·s they rejc<.·t wcr<.• ac tu3lly purs ucd b y stale d1s trit·t attorneys But loo often the case art'n·t even turned over to the the> s tall' prOM'("Utors ·'As a n •sult of cstalplishing dc'Clinat1on polk1es without adcquau.• coordination with local off icials. some cases go unprOSl'Cutcd ," the auditors found. For example, bNwet.>n Oct 1. I Y78, and March :! I, 1980, in the c•aslc rn d1str1cl of Kentuck y. exac:tly one of 104 l0:1scs lht• US ,1ttu1 nt•\ dt•l'linc·d to µrOlil't"Ult• was 1dt.'r1l'd tu the· loC'al auth111 1ly 1111 a t t1on Dunn~ 'the· same lime· p<.'r1od. 111 llw southt·rn t.11.,tritt of Oh10, onl y 4h 111 :i 19 C'<•Sl·~ lhl! fc·dC'ral pros<.'<.'ulo r dl'<·lin<.'<J W L'rt· n·fc..r1 t•d lo stale o!ft<;tab ONE ll.S . ATTOR NEY to ld m y ;1.,'><H"I all• T o n\ Co p <t('('lf> t h:.i l l l'l c· d1vL·rgt-nt polllws lor reJ<.'("llon "n •rk-ct the d1fh·rt nt lilZ«s a nd practlct·~ of dtfff"n·n~1~tr1t·ts " Ht: MCptamC'd tra,..--=~­ "a n C'ff1bt.·zzh·rnc·nl of $5.000 might be a pretty big d<·al 111 low3, Wyommg or M111m.'MJl<•." :inu addt-<I th(lt "in th« rural are;1s llw Jex:ab JU'>t an •n't cumpc•lc·nt to handk· b;.111k·111bbL·ry ln\'l~llgations" A Juslllt' l><·panmcnl offit·1a l 1><.11d lhl' pt ob lt•m u( f<•dt•ral ("l)(Jrd 1113ll1Jn With lilJll' and local law <'nf or<'C ffi(•nt "1s lx•1ng fully n •solv<.'<.l lhr ough l':>t.abhshmcmt of law-enforcement coordinating com- mittees." Maybe so. But mt·:tn'-" h ill'. tlw pr<'S<.'nl <T<izy-quilt sy ll'm of pr<>Sc1·u11on 1p<.•rmits :.<1mc• astonishing n·sults. ln th(• !><JuthNn ...fl1stn <.'t of Tt•l<a~. for example. & s~p«:t Ciiug ht wuh 1:J4 µo unds of smuggled marijua na WJ"n't t'Vt•n brought to tnal. he w a s "diverted " tu a supl•rv1 <.>d 1 L•hab1hta t1011 program by the ft>d eral pr(ISC-'<.'UlOf In the soml' d1s tr1ct, a man mdicted for !lmuggling 15 pounds o'T COC<1111t• (a{•c'C! J 5 years 1n pn..,on But he was a llowc..cJ to pll•a-b<.trgmn on lhl undt>rstandrng that ht· wou ldn't bt• g1\•t•n mor<-lh3n a th rt'l'·ycar S('nll llt<.' Education reform goes beyond money Supposedly the L egislature, scheduled to me et only briefly this month to apply a fix to the state 's f inances , w all b e wrestling with education reforms aimed at helping to solve the financ ial woes as w ell as improve the quality of education. Legislative staffers have been busily pre parin~ a "re form pac kage" of legislation ever since the Nov. 2 election of Bill Honig as st.ate Superinledent of Instruction signaled the direction of the voters on educational matters. HIGH ON the list for legis lative changes are performance standards tor students, teachers and a dministrators: elimination o f legislative mandated cate goric al programs a nd "special education programs:" and a change in tenure laws to permit the firing of Incompetents. Despite the planning which has already gone into the legislative package it remains doubtful that anything wlll be decided in the December session even though the Legislature w ields a big club in the matter of school financing. A key to the eventual chances for the refonn program will be the selection of a new chairman for the Senate Education Committee. A strong contender for tha t post will • • be the newly elected Senator from Santa Barbara, Gary Hart. He vaca ted his Assembly seat to run for the Senate and w as bitterly opposed by the California Teachers Association. That opposition was based upon the fact that Hart, a former school teacher, >" llRl IATllS h ad become the leader in the Assembly r or educational reform . H e h ad s u cessfully spon sored legislatio n r u iring high school stude nts to pass proficiency tests m basic subjects before graduation. In other legislative proposals h e had raised the dander of the CTA lobbyists but it was his p roposal earlier this year to require conunuing education for teachers which really riled the CTA. Since the teach ers' association h as dominated the selections of members for both the Senate and Assembly education committees, Hart's _posting as ch~innan of the Sena te comnutt.ee wouJd be a hard choice for Senate President Pro Te rn David Roberti who relles heavily on the CTA for campaign fu.nds. Yet the present makeup of the Senate committee virtually assures the defeat of any significant refonn measures. It also deprives th e c o mmittee of the membership of Sen. Ed Davis who says the committee 1s so stacked rn favor of the CTA that hi s serving o n the commiltf.'C would be a waste of his ume. Davis. the former L A police chief. has quickly become a respected member of the Senate a.nd an acknowledged leader. He. hke governo r -elect Geo rge Deukmejlan. favors more money for the schools but wants the entire school program revised to emphasize the basics. UNFORTUNATELY, one reform which must bC' made before more rnoney will solve anything has not yet been proposed. That is the establishment of uniform salaries and staffing statewide. With the s ta te now providing 80 percent of the school funds it is only reasonable that the salary structures and staffmg should be brought into uniformity just as they are for the state university system. Until this is done handing more money over to the schools will do nothing more than provide salary increases for the adm.inislralOrs, along w ith more aides for the m. By the time the funds trickle down to those who do the work 111 the classrooms, there will be nothing left to improve the educational program Afghan 1nvas1on a repetition of history Surely. what the Russians are doing in Afghanistan Is vicious and 111dcfens1ble But before you expend any indignation on this unprovok<.'d aggression. you must b<' willing to recognize thot Russia is doing only what every otht•r powerrul IYlllY 111111 Europ<'an nation has done an the past. It i.41 much th<' Ramt> kind of thing thtat Britain d id In thl' 19th century, and Holland tn the 18th, and FranC<' In thf' 17th, and Spain In the 16t h, ond any country that felt strong enouih to. ovcrwtwlm Ill! neighbors on one prct(•xt or onothl'r "Communiam" 111 merely the l:itest prete>cl. F1•w rx.•oplt• outside hislorlon:s know that In 1ht• rn1dfllt.• of lhr last t•N1tury. Brltnln t•n"agt'<I in two Af"k:rn wars. each ln.~tlng ror lhrt-c yean1, and l•ach a." unjui.llflobl<-as the o thl'r. Jndet>d, a subs<-qlfent prime minister, Gladstone. ln v(•ight•d agaln1n "that most wanton invu!llon o f Afghanistan'' a11 a cr imt• against God. C'harglng that monry vt>t«J to rl'llt•ve fomlnc In Indio hud bt•t•n d lvt•ttt-d to thn>w Afahan "motht•rJ nnd ~ ch1ldr<.•n fmm their home!' lo perish m the snow " This w rr1blt• blot only one of mnny on the rising Brillsh empire Is vividly documt'ntcd in Byron J.'urwcll's gripping book , wri lien a dc•t·ad<' ago, "QlU.'t.'n V1l'loriu's Linh• Wors" As the author l'Jlrnly puL ... IL "11 is difflt'ult for onvo n<.• to u11d1•rst<1nd lh<' r<'osoning bt•l11nd tlw cxtrriordln nry otlltudt• or the Sr11lsh toward Afghanisuin; the Afgha ns must haw found it 1mposslblc. Whil(· a lways protcstin~ (r1l•nd•hlp. lhl' British n-pcall'tlly 111vad('d tht• country and shol tH 1t.<\ lnhuhltAnt.41 Although un bh· to subdue.• tlw proud. flcr\.'t!ly 1ndt•pc.-ndc•nt Afghnns. they alwoyi; feared that Ruu1a or Persia would. 1md this frl'quently sc>rvt•d as e n c.•xcutw for meddling in Afghon :1Hn1r"" I (to not dn"tl~l' up thi!! 1thomt•lul ca'lt' m ordt•r to 1nd1c\ Br1tJun or to t•xculpot\' Sovll'l R UR11<i but simply to pl&('(' th<• pr•'*'nt Aff(han lncu!'1'1on an Its propt•r pt•rsJ>t.'CtiVt'. All countrlc.•it bt•havc· mMt• ohkt• th1111 dlfftrt•ntly wt,.-n they are ltl " po111t1on to, and 1t ~Htt'?, llttlt' whc..•t.h«',~ , thc.•y iar,. ·•royaU1t' or l't"voluuont'ry. Chr11et1an. Moslt>m or Jt'Wlsh. h is tht• nmur<.> of national powc•r. ond thC' mt•v1tabk t·onsc•quenc'<' of national sovereignty, lhal l'Om\)ine to generate and rcgenerat<.• invasions nnd ta krovers. ~nd not the ml're> form of ~ovcrnmC'nl 1lsl•lf. Undl•f ti)<.• guise of 'sprc>ading c·ommunism.'' Kuss1a 1s simply sprt'adm~ 1t.s own brond nf 1mperiali~m which IS oldt·r th.m th1• Rnn'Uln empire. and just as <.'t'rltlin to l:ollup-.<.• of t\.S own weight und it..-. own tlr t't'<i for dominion . . lllllYlll With 90 many of our own ~pl~ out of work it wuuld be ht>Jpful if ~dent RN1an could ~t togt>ther with the-new l)l't'Sldent of Mexico to ftnd • way to 1ceep their m.,.ata at home. N.A. ....... , .. c--. ______ .....,. __ _ -·-:s,•:;cttM•-.... -I ... ,_ ... "'"" 0-,0.llyPeiet Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, December 14, 1982 Make today JOUF Great American day! Great American Insured Moneyniarket Account TM Say goodbye to uninsured money funds. The greatest investment idea of the decade is here: the Great American Insured M oneymarket Account. It gives you high money-market interest, solid FSLIC Insurance, unlimited deposits and withdrawals, and your choice of variable interest or a 30-day fixed rate! Open your Great American Insured Moneymarket Account with as little as $2,500 or as much as $85,000. Immediately start earning a yield well above the average paid by uninsured mo ney funds. You get something no money fund can off er: insurance on the full amount by the Federal Savings & lo~ Insurance Corporation. Something else1'f{)u won't get with a money fund: Your choice of earning either (1) a variable rate that moves with changes in the m oney m arket, or (2) a fixed rate of interest. , UNLIMITED WITHDRAWALS & DEPOSITS The variable-rate accoun-. MEMH" offers you unlimited liquidity, FSI Tic allowing withdrawals and ..JJ1 deposits at any time. You have -= ---24-HOUR TELLER access to F.-11 s-.. & Lo•"--• eor, your money at eighty SIVi111tt Insured to SlOO.OOO locations, in addition to • ,... counter service at 140 Great er American Federal offices throughout the state. An interest-earning checking account is yours for the asking, free of service charges for all of 1983. And you can link this checking account to your Great American Insured Moneymarket Account, transferring money by telephonet to m eet your checkwriting needs. 30-DAY FIXED-RATE ACCOUNT If you prefer, you can lock in a fixed rate for a full 30 days~• the longest period allowed by law on this type account. At the end of 30 days, your account is automatically rene\\-ed at the interest rate in effect that day. Deposits and withdrawals can be made at the end of each 30-day period, and additional accounts may be opened at any time with deposits of $2,500 or more. INSURED MONEYMARKET CHECKING, TOO For those desiring full checking access to ·invested funds, Great American Insured Moneymarket Checking'" • will be introduced on January 5, 1983, co mbining high m oney-market interest with unlimited checkwriting convenience ... plus FSLIC insurance of the complete balance. You can reserve Great Ameri can Insured M oneymarket Checking by signing up for our interim account, Market-Rate Checking; then, on January 5th, your balance will be transferred automatically to Great....,.- American Insured Moneymarket Ch ecking. During the interim, you'll earn high market-rate interesttt and enjoy the checkwriting convenience of the interim account. The minimum balance is $2,500. Never before have you had such a choice of Insured Moneymarket Accounts. Come in today for more information . ~numZ ·~· A DIVISION OF The current annual _yield of ". Great American Insured Moneymarket Account at the time this was written appears below : ... I "'l1' r '·' 1 "' .1! "" .nl ':IC i'!I 1:J ~rl ,, 0 1 (Cl lrt J J'.J -:1') -J/( 0 1< n ;{:>( or • • J illo ~~! l( d~ • Annu.il Yield• 'based on rate• ol 10.685'\. per dnnum • As the rate is subject to change daily, we suggest y9u obtain today's yield by calling either of the toll-free numbers below. For rate information, ·call The Rate Line: (000) 552-8855 To open your account by phone or for answers to your questions, call Th e Financial Line: (000) 272-9000 'Annu.il Yield aswmes re•n•es1men1 of pr"'clpal and 1n1ere•1 al malurlly al wme ratl', though this u n't be guaranteed "If balante on a<count falls below U ,WO, ~ 114". per annum h ~1d IOr lllJt IO·day cvcle. 'l1m11ed to~;. transfers per monlh • lntl'ftm 1nu•rr•I ra1 e \ubwc1 to ch.ange d411y. the ~lante on your lnlerlm •<count up to Sl,(XX)" luRy ln\url'd by 1he f!>llC Ahkou11h thl' balance O•l'f' ,2,000 I• not a savings .iHoun1 or dep~11 and h 001 ln\ured by tht• Pill(, 11 h bat~ed by Un11ed Slate• Go1<Prnmen1 \4.'Cu11t1es ' 11 · ur. d I qi '..l l b ·' -~1. I I ,. " TJ ... '' I ·"" 'li, Great American Federal \ Anaheim~ Hills • 5550 Sa~ Ana Canyon Road Balboa • 600 East Balbo~-Blvd . Balboa Island • 301 Marine Avenue Capistrano Beach • 34206 Doheny Park Road El Toro • 23688 El Toro Road Fountain Valley • 1017 5 Slater Aye . HuntinKton Beach • 9132 Adams Ave. La1una Beach • 260 Ocean Avenue La1una Hills • 24301 Paseo de Valencia La1una Ni1uel • 30112 Crown Valley Parkway Miaion Vieio • 25332 Cabot Road Monarch Bay • 3 Monarch Bay Plaza Newport Beach • 5 Corporate Plaza Oran11/0live • 2535 N. Tustin Ave. J,, San Clemente • 400 Avenida Pico • 601 North El Camino Real ,. San Juan Capistrano • 32222 Camino Capistrano Woodbrid1e • Oo Barranca at Lake Come in now for your beautiful, full-color 1983 Colorscapes Calendar. _ ' 19Bl Grcal American I cdcral \ ' . ... • ~I I Orange Co11t OAILV PILOTITUMday. Oeoembef' 14, 1982 . . .. OPEN YOUR INSURED MONEYMARKET Pl.AN.NOW AND WE GUARANTEE YOU 1.5% MORE THAN THE AVERAGE YIELD ON MONEY MARKET FUNDS- PLUSA FREE PACKAGE OF IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. At last - a safe in vestment with high earnings and the ~ fr eedom to use your money. Plus bonus inte rest if you ope n your account right away! Start with as little as $2,500: Maintain at least that amo unt ... and fo r the first 30 days, we'll pay you 1.5% mo re than the average yie ld o n money market funds according to a leading index. You may continue to earn bonus inte rest (renewab le mo nthly at ,,. our option) fo r up to six mo nths __ ~YOU COITROL TRANSFERS BY PHONE TO YOUR FREE CIEXTRA•INTEREST CIECKING ACCOlllT. One of the most advanced money management tools available today is a Chextra inte rest checking account. And we 've made it even mo re valuable by linking it to your Insured Mo neyMarket Plan with -transfers yo u handle simply by pho ne. account o f the future. Bette r than mo ney market funds and bo und to rep lace many o ther investments too. Combining safety, money management convenie nce and high earnings, includ ing bo nus interest if you act no w! , Based on a lead ing index. you'll earn 1.5% more than the average yield on money market unds fo r 30 days, renewable monthly at our option for up to six months. We'd like to welco me you o r we lco me you back to Ho me Federal Country. In person, we hope. But re membe r, you can arrange for most Ho me Fede ral investments and services by p o ne -any hour, any day. Call toll-free OPEi YOlll ACCOlllT TODAY. WELCOME TO TIE •WTH, COIVENEICE, SAFEn AND STIElm OF 1-800-862-0539 Yo u'll enjoy day-in, day-out cash conve nience. Economy too, because your account is ?tee . Including 200 free pe rsonali zed checks. Use it in good wealth. You can also apply fo r the adde d conve nie nce of Overdraft Protectio n with Check Guarantee. And your choice of VISA® accounts o r MasterCard. rM 1 . llJME FEDERAL COlllTRY. Tho usands of Cali fornians have already signed up with record-breaking millions of dollars to take advantage of Ho me Federal's Insu red MoneyMarket Plan -the 0 ........ ~ 2311-18810........., 373-37660 .............. M0-1834 0 ...... ,._~72 0 Nw'=380-2329 0 0111 1 .. 1438-77340 ,... ...... ~0,...,...272·71930 ,... 311.eeee o ..,. _..,, ..... ......, 473-8731o :=--.122·2805 i.':: Lw 223-2227 0 ,..., 74&-1133 0 ....... .,~I 0 ........ ..... '86-e3llO 0 ... Dla9D 481·0843 0 .............. 3,.... 0 ...... 7ee.5212 0 ........ ,ca. Hat1Ml ll1·5222 0 ... ••C..,a..418-2731 0 .......... 7251 0 ... c:....-...1 0 ...... 297.5900 0 ........ :4· •• 493-0801 0 ........ 727·5190 0 ... ftl*9 421-5541 0 .... Me 9117-2400 0 ......... 525-GnO 0 ... n-i'* I a.1·33llO 0 ...... 512.1940 o .... ..... 11• ... 3411 o (213 !llMl11 a 412·2380 o I 111 •1 1W11 _. :..y 4~4~78 O n....1 L: 417.-lllie= 511·198 0 """'130-ee950==-0W..467-4I000¥111111~0-.. 1·21300 ....... c... ,..._10l!I0 0 ....... -.111000-.. ...... •.-1 a w u 11• 474·3li03 0 .. , ....... 70). 221 0 ,._."""' 0.. , .......... c ......................... '--t.11171 \. Also available at Marina Federal. r • •when )'OUr bul.mcc (JIJ, ~low s2.~oo. rou will c-.trn 1111<.'ft!l>I :II ~\4'.\, ... YDU CM .... MAmm THI COAST IND THI COUNTY . ' Dilly Piiat TUfSDAY. ore., 14, 1082 CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT COMICS 82 86 87 ' 'I \\'111s 11 IH11il ( ),.,,,.,. l l1·idt•' ca //,•<I ""I n1p /1111 ."t i bit•'' b y f ',.,,.,/ llo1 lu.•11bt•rg i11 J1is co/1111111 011 fJBgt• 88. , ... D ~ D Chris tmas time toy making time With Christmas time comes toymaking time, especially for Sa nta'!> helpers at the Irvi ne Fine A rts Center where youngsters are w orking to ge t that special toy made by the big night. Tea cher Donna Johnson (in top photo) insrructs these young carpenters in the proper way of cutting out a jigsaw puzzle. Proper tools (above left) are alwa ys nece!>!>d• y when making toys. A number of things can be lea rned from toymaking -like artwork (a bove right). Then, o f course, there's the painting to be done. Ten-year-old Brian Schmidt (below left) is doing a good job o f it. After the puzzle has been completed (far left) Brian and Jonathan Sc hmidt, 8, work with the pieces, putting the game together. Seven-year-old Henny Hartson (below) enjoys her work, too - almost as much as she enjoys • Christmas and the holidays. H:I Orengo Coast DAIL v PILOl /Tueaday, December 14, 1882 GOllN ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF .......... IBillWffi[illillill~ aAl#I Wl8S t-.. 1 .. 1 \\ •• ..,, \ uln1•r,1hh• :-.11111 h 1h·ul"' 0111•111111{ h·nd !\IOI( ol vury11111 d11l11·uh> 'l'h1•\ ,1r1· ull 1111t·r1·,t •111( 1111cl h11\ ,. 111 11lruftiooJI v11lut• If. ll S 09 . 11rohl(•m, lh1• boul. 1~ u 1r1rl1• l'Xpcn11IVl', II IN •• "lllillll 11r11·1· to IJllY tu w11H'ov1• your ic11m1• w,.,t """'' 1h1· k11111 "' 1l111mun1t,.., t hl•n 'hi fl ' t 11 .1 ,,1,1111· I ru" 111 I lw •1u1•1•11 111 d 111J, .111d I 1111 J "IMll1·, "'I llO)( 1111 tlumm\'' flllh .. 11ad1• 'ou .. 1111 h,I\ •·I h1· ,11·1· ol 1•luh .. 1111 Liu t.1hl1· 111 ~WI I h1•fl• ,11111 t.1k1• ,, d1.111111nd 1J1.,1·Jrtl 1111 lh1• lhtrlf'l•O lh 'Jl•lll•• OKl'lt •AHU3 J54 ·~ ------------------------~ lJEAH ANN LANDERS: Whl'n I farsl rend ubout lrnnswstales m your ('Olumn ( 10 years ago) I thought thos..• guys had to be crazy. I was also sure• l'J lx· abll• lu spot one a mile away A ft•w months ago I went lO work for an umbulanl't' St·rvll't'. Since that lime I have pulled twu w ry mu~:ho guys out of wrecked cars. Both Wl'rl' w('arm~ ladies' underwear. Another surprise .i prornmcnt lawyt.>r had a heart attack. When we a1 nv1:.'tl hl' was trying to get out of his satin and lace nighllt' h 's hke you said, Ann, you never know. - POP EYED IN JACKSONVILLE DEAR POP: Thanks for the valldation. v 32 +AQ4 Wt:ST EAS1' •KJ 92 •QI04 1·· 2 ~A 63 v K~76 O AJI08 +J!f75 +1082 SO 'l'H •7 .KQ10987 0 954 +K63 Thi• h1ddtnl( has f>rtm•t•dt'd: South We11t North EHt 2 .' Pa11 2 NT Pa11 3 . .. ... 4 :• Pa111 'l'hn1• "a wc•111lh of tult·nt l>own llnd(·r both In f'llly lnl( hridl(t• and in wrlllnl( uhout lht• gnm{'. An lnlr1 ~uin.: hook or "'inich· dummy probh•ms h1l:4 ri,•1·1·11lly 11rr1\ 1•d 0 11 th1•M• shnn•'I, "l'roh h•n" in Play," hy 1>1•n1 f>ri1•'1 IQuet>nsland Univ<'r i;it y Prrs , 11)7 pp., pu p1•r bnek. StS.95. Ava1labl1• fro111 Brtdl(t' World Ma1ea11111•, :IY Wt•sl 94th Slrel•t, N1•w York, N. y. I oois. SH.50 pl U!> $. 7a f)O'ltal(t' and handlingl. It i11 11 collN•tion or IOU jirobf{'mi, ul lly -un1l h1rl(t', th1• 1m1hlt·m~ !lrt• 1m~NI without uny twt dinl(, hul thl' auellun 'lhown " possihlt" A fl1•r a· Wt'ak 1 wo lwarl 111wnln1< h11I hy S11111 h. North'' t~o no lrump ti'>k'i for (I rt·uturt'. When South 'lhow., n c:lub valut•, Nurlh 1'<11l wt• n1nt> µrobnhh• tru·ks, with u possihll• tenlh rrom u diamond ruH. To study th<' prohh•m as it would appt·11r 1n the hook, covt•r tht• Eust und Wl•-,t hands with your thumbs and plan 1h1• play. t r urn1;. du1·k1'<I hy 1-;,,,1 II ~·11u w111 .rnd lt•11CI .1 d111m11111I. ~llU l'Xllfl"I' \llllr"•lf 111 \f1•l1·11t. /\' I h1· c•.ird' Ill'. fo:."1 Wiil' 11n1f JJlllY' th1• 111•1• ul h.-.iri.. and irnullwr. 11 nd \ 111J don't h.1v1• a l1•11l h lr·11·k Vou hav1• 11 "'rund l'"'"1hil Uy 11v;11lahl1" hul you mr"t 1·11111hrn1· I hi• ltn1·'· \ 1111 mtl(hl lu· .1hlt· lo sl'l up u lvnic 'JMllt• 111 dummy • ., .. 01 lrwk thr('I• you ea<1h t ht• lll'l' of 'f.Hldl'' und ruH a itpadt' 111 hJnd. No"" h•MI a <111unu111I. If 1h1• d1•((•nd1•r., win nnrl i•lin11nllll' your diamond rurr. you win lht· third trump 1n dummy and rufr unot ht•r How do you ~Huu11tt th~ bH t openlna lead? Charin Gortn hat the an1wu. f'or a copy of "Wlnalna Opnin" Lud1... llf'Dd I I .8S to "Goren· Leach." care of thlw new1paper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood. N.J. 07648. Make chech payable to New11· paperbook11. OEAR ANN: Pica~ print something I read in my Al -Anun book tonight. I think it's beautiful. - POSITIVE THINKER IN LANCASTER DEAR LAN: So do I. Here it ls: Today Is mine. It Is unique. Nobody in the world bas one exactly like It. It bolds the sum of all my past experiences and all my future potential. I can fill it with joyous memories or ruin it with fruitless worry. ff painful recollections of the past come into my mind, or frightening thoughts of tbe future, I can put them away. They cannot spoil today for me. It Is m ine. DEAR ANN LANDERS: May I respond to the woman who needed to have extensive dental work done m a hospital under an anesthetic? S he had LK>en having an affair with a friend of the dental surgeon and was afraid she might give herself away wh1l<' anesthN1zro. flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END This country IB controlled by demographics. And the magic numbers are: 18 to 35. No one under 18 or over 35 reads books or magazines. No one under 18 or over 35 watches television or buys the products that sponsor it. This group is supposed to have the greatest number of athletes, the greatest number in the military and the largest number of desires. Or so the advertisers would have you believe. l'w been an operating room nurse for 12 years LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING they anJ havl' never heard a patient say anything forgot abou~ under 18 and over 35: buying power. embarrassing whale goin.; under or coming out. In If I were selling cosmetics in this country. I'd most t:asL'S the patient is asked to count, either -go for the one who needs it the moet and can afford forward or bal'kwards. This lets the doctor know it: the over-35s. The wq_men who take three days to wht•n tht• patient has fallen asleep. get ready for bed and a year and a half to pull Afwr the procedure the patient may not be in themselves together for their class reunion. l'OmplL'te control of what he or she is saying, but If I were selling sports cars, I'd go for the guy lh1:1r c.•omments have to do with the discomfort they with the bald spot on his wallet going through his arc, experiencing, not their hidden secrets. I hope I mid-life crisis. haw hl'lped. RUTH FROM RICHMOND I saw a stunning elderly model will\ gray hair DEAR RUTH: You have indeed. Thanks for on "Good Morning, America" the other morning the reassurance. who was complaining that the only products she Capricorn:· LuDar cycle high Wednesday, December 15 ARIES (March 21-April 19): G6od n ews received in connection with business, career or plar\s Involving publishing or educational project. Be flexible, keep options open, realize your own worth. Check diet, nutrition. Body image will be important where future assignment is concerned. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Good lunar aspect coincides with travel, long-range plans. spiritual values and knowledge of international law. Justice will prevail, views will be vindicated and you'll be in a more secure position. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be analytical concerning money which other people would like to control. Protect your own interest.a. be aelf-reliant, do some private detective work. Peel away lay~~ of superficiality -you could be on way to stnking pay dirt. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Go slow, lie low, gain cooperation of family member. Negotiate with one who would aid in beautifying surroundings or remodeling residence. Ultimate victory Is gained through diplomacy, not force. Act accordingly. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA connection with mining or oil. Aries and another Libra figure prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Short trip results in successful meetings, the winning of allies and green light for putting ideas Into action. Imprint style, highlight originality and display courage of convictions. Leo native plays important role. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Review plans. decide upon stock purchase, keep resolutions concerning savings program. Follow through on hunch, strive to regain sense of direction. You'll locate item that had been l06t, missing or stolen. DEAH ANN LANDERS. I was delighted to was hired to sell were laxatives, cures for arthritis, n ·ad thl· lettt•r from "Ladd(·r Legs" who was sic~ bran flakes and glue for false teeth. These seemed LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Emphasis on health, f h h to be the only commodities the over-35s buy. employment, special services. Techniques will be CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Lunar cycle high -stress independence, willingness to fight when cause is right. Social life accelerates, travel invitation could be part of intriguing scenario. Judgment, intuition are on target. • .md llrl-<l of spending a ortune on panty ose t at Seemingly, we never take showers, wa•~h our d f rfl ·al r~•ll a:flc·r the third wearing. She l'C'rtamly spoke for ... streamlined, you'll be rl o supe uous mat.en · lo f weight, care about our breath, or go for the gusto. Basic tasks can no longer be delayed or ignored. Job AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Look behind a ' "~ou°~uggcsted that when one stocking runs, I daresay the over-35s buy more products get.a done when you say, "Let's go!" ---~se.enes (or_ ..answer Someone is helping you~ .... > aimed at outh than an other &r:QU . 111~ of throwing away the pantyhose, eut-f.t-ef,.____ =c..:..---------perhaps without your knowledge. Involves native .. 1~ ~w on~ good one from another pair. SEW ON? AS FOR THE UNDER-I~•. they are the most VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): This can be your who ls attracted, who has faith in your ability and P.!! l simply sli~into another pair of pantyhose powerful buying group in the world. Thoae who power-play day. Spotlight on creativity, variety, ultimate success. Scorpio and another Aquarian ( ippcd one has been cut ofr) and l have double have been indulged by loving grandparents and dynamic approach to problems which previously figure prominently. ~ l'Ontrol and two perfectly good stockings. -childless aunts and uncles with checks and savings were roadblocks to progress. Emphsis on money, C (?LINA SALLY bonds (with no overhead to pay out) wield more love, ability to imprint style and profit as result. PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): News received • influence over the over-35s than any other group concerning creative project -it is favorable and ~EAR SALLY: Your idea makes more sense around. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Reach beyond cauae for celebration. Focus on writing. publicity, l # ;&line. The emphasis on 18-to-35 buying power has current expectations. You'll get eoJid backing from publishing and possible appearances before media. ::: been overrated for a long time. If advertiaers are one who appeared to be Indifferent. Focus on Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons figure fi .. l>isnwcr how to IX' date bmt without falling going to research the buying habits of the 18-35s, property, security, long-range prospects in prominently. hf19k. l11w and sinker. Ann Landt'rs ' booklet. they should look beyond who buys all the records, "D:wng Do 's and Don 'ts," will help vou IX' mort.' goes to the movies, and reaches out and touches po1 . .,.:d and su1'l' of yourself on dates. Send 50 cents someone. :dong with a long. scamped. self-uddn.•ssc.-d em·elope They should ask, where do they get the money \1·11h your r<'qucst to Ann Landc•rs. P 0 &x 11995. in the first place? The answer Is they put the bite on Cl11cago. Ill 60611 the under-18s and over-35s. ' . American Cj Bank presents: MOllEY MARKET RA1IS UQUIDITl INSURED SAFEIY Plus A CHOICE OF TWO MARKET RATE ACCOUNTS We could've offered a carbon copy of everyone else's answer lO money market fund s. Ins tead. American City Bank created two market rate ac· counts to give you a choice in st!lectang the one that best meets your investment needs and lifestyle. With a minimum $2,500. you can start earning the high interes t and liquidity offe red by most funds. And more. Your funds are insured by FDIC. Your account is within easy reach, not thousands of miles away. And you have ac· cess to a host of other valuable services and personal attention. available to you at ACB. And you can transfer needed ;imounts of $100 or mo re to your ACB checking or NOW account up to six times per month. EXECUTivt; MARKET RATE I 10.ocr EXECUTIVE_ MARKET RATE _h.CCOUNT II~ A minimum $10.000 deposit offers the added adv;intagcs of higher rates. daily compound- ing and greater investment flexibilities to maximize your earnings. You can write up to three checks or transfer any amount over $500 to your ACB check- ing or NOW account up to six times per month. EX£Cl11'1Vt MAR.KET RATE II D.ir 'l'lllO , .. ANN\Jlll\ An11mlng role remo1n.co•,.to11t n.or Call any of our Rerional Offices to open your account today and start earning our high rates from December 14, 1982. -,. -s;;. Inta ;.a;;;;.,. -- We'll match interest bonus offers from any bank in J Southern California. Ju!tt bring in their coupon when you I come to open your account today. Limit OM coupt1t1 (>t'r C'U•tumt•r. The honu~ 1n1t•rt'~I will lw paid 1f the! aver.ige balanc<' 111 tht' acrnunt rt'mam11 sb()Vt' the Opc'n1n11 bal•ncf' forahe first 9()days. Offtr expires lleccmber3J.1982. _________ __, _________ _ American City Bank We'll find a way Mtimllt'r tllll Rcitional Orrkes: 0<1wntown Lot An-clu (213) f>&i-8600/Beverly Hill• <21:1) Hf>H :J:IOO Century City C2l3> !l5J·4300/Enc:ino C21J) 907·21()(1/l.oni Beach <21:n 597 ,,._. Oran1te County C714) ~·3100/South 8ay (213) 5-42·4572 Coffee'n Supreme New CHECKING SUPREME pays money market interest Ch~ Supreme.is Huntington Savings' way of paymg you the most interest we've ever offered on a checking account. You get high money market rates com- bined with all the convenience of a regular checkin~ account. Theres no waiting to earn your interest as you must do witfi T·Bllls or Certificates of Deposit. No penalties for withdrawals. Checking Supreme gives you access to your money any time you like, simply by writing• check. It ~' like this. Funds up to S2,<XX> In your acrount Hm SI/•% interest, the highest rate the law allows. But aU funds you depo it over Sl,000 •re swept into 1n investment fund tHicbd by Government Securities,• earning substan- tially hi&her money market interest. TOday s the day you can 'Start earning supreme interest on your cht.-cking at Huntington Savings. Just stop by lor all tht? money-making delails. Where does the coffee come in? Any time you come in, the coff(?(>'!i on u s. •Only (und5 undt>r $2,000 •I'\' lnsurtd by tl•I' FSLIC. Now you know why your neipbor banks at Cl) HUNTINGTON . SAVINGS:C~TIOM fH67 Warner Avenue, Comer of Colden ~--st In Huntington Btech . \ r • ·- ll25% TOOAY5 RATE• -11.848 "' Tod • A $2,500 minimu~ de 8~t s~ nnu~ Yield•• p os1 or California depositors. SIGN UP FOR HIGH RATES TODAY. Or ng Coast DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, December 14, 1982 .. TM UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS THROUGH DECEMBER 31 ONLY. . ' Your patience is rewarded. Bank of America's high-interest Cash Maximize r account is here. Now you can get the high interest rates of a money market fund and a combination of safety and convenience that no fund can top. Open your account now, and we'll pay an interest bonus of up to $100. That's a deal that's hard to beat. And it's a deal that's too With a Cash Maximizer account you can write checks · and make withdrawals. You can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement ~ This provides you with a consolidated statement for certain of your Bank of America investment accounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer account is accessible at any of Bank of America's 1000 branches and 400 VERSATELLER* automated teller machines. Your investment is insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of California's leading bank. And that's a combination no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. good to last. Coupons will be honored only through December 31, 1982. So, don't wait. Top the m oney market funds, and get an interest bonus on top of that. Look below for our extended hours locations. Come into any Bank of America branch soon. Before the year ends and your interest bonus goes away. I CASH MAXIMIZER,. ACCOUNT-I CASH MAXIMIZER .. ACCOUNT I-CASH MAXIMIZER'"ACCOUNT lcASH MAXIMIZER .. ACCOUNT l I S)O rhl\lUUpunlrtomRankofAmlrlLJ I s25 Th1sc..ouponfwmHank11fAm1:11cJ I s50 Thhwuixintruml\Jnk11fAm~rttil I s100Th1scouponfrom811nk nfAmcnca I I "j(UOd for •• ~ 10 tntcr~~t honu~ I "11ood for •• S2'i tntcres1 hnnu~ I ";tood f111 J s~o IOtCIC•I hnnus I IS ~ooJ for ii s 100 1n1crcst bonus I wtwr,i I n!"'n J (_ J .. r1 MJx1m1~r when I t!JlCl1 •• c,.,h M.1x1m1zcr when I opi:n .1 ( ·•~h M.IXlllllZl'I when I open~ Cash Max1m1zcr I 11ccount w11h .1 d<·ru..i1 of S2, ~00-I JCc.;ounr with J dcf'l1.,11 uf S'i,000 I ·"tnunt w11h .1dcfltl\ll111 ~ltl.000 I :1ccoun1 w11h a deposit of $20,000 I S-1,\/99 99 Only onl' ti.mu<; per SV,IJ99V\/ Only one honu\pcr SIY,\1119119 Only uni: hnn11~ pct or more. Only one bonus per I cusmmcr, and nu1mlH<'1h.111 on<· ru:r J<<.oun1 Bonu~ <•lier nnly I <.usu1mi:r, Jnd nut more thJn on~ f'l!r .1nnunt Ronu~ offi:r onl{ I cu~mnwr, anJ nnt more thJn one per .11 .. <.1•unt B.1111" olfc1 univ I cu~tomcr •• md not more 1han one per acC\1unt Bonus orfcr only I available on pl'r,nnJI Juuun1' .1nJ cxr11 c' l'h:ccmber \I 19111 .1vd1l.1hlc on rcr'>onal .1<.wu111,, JnJ •·xr1rc' IX-cemhcr ll, 1911 . avJtlJblc on pcr~un.il auuunu, and cxp1rc., l'h:<.cmhc1 H, I \/lil JVatlablc nn personal accounts, .md cxruc~ December JI, 1982. I Thi., 1ntcrc\t ti.mu~ will he crcd11,J h• m~ •nnu111 and Jflf'<.'Jr I Thi> 111tcrc"t h<Htll\ "'tll he ued11cd co mY .ilrnunt .iml .1rpea1 I Thi> 1nteu~\t ti.mu\ will he crt'd1t<-d m my J<.<.ount .1ml .1ppt:.1r I Th" 1n1crc~t bonus will be c1cJ1tcd m my account and appcar I on the f1151 monthly \l.1temcn1 un the ftrbt m11n1hlv ,1.11cmcnt on the f11,t monthly ~t.1tt'mcn1 11n the frrM monthly ~tJttmi:nt 1 ~~ 1 ~-1 ~~ 1 ~~ I I Addres~ I Addn·" I AddrCb\ I AJJres~ I l_soc1al Scc~::_ _________ _._~~~1~#-·-------------------:J~~Sc1..ur~----------:J Soc1al~~~----------J . 5p1rrl'AL C'ASH MAXl'Hlr'7rn E'XTC&llJC'D HOU1n5 Yo u c.in open a Ca~h MJx1m1zcrau:uu111 at nil of our bran ches during regular banking hours . &;Li H H /lrl L&;;R I &;;19, &;;j ft : For your .1ddc<l conven1cncc, you c.1n open your Cash Max1m1 zcr account a t the following branches in your area un til 8 p m., Monday=fhursday, December 14 ·.30 (except December 231 Com e 111 or c.ill for .in appointment Plc;1 ~c note. We wtl I not he open late for othe r banking transac tions. fuuntain Valley Branch 174 lO Brookhurst St. %2-1301 • Ncwpon Beach Branch 14 11 Vin Lido 759-1690 • Newport Center Branch 'iCXl Ncwpon Center Dr. 7"'19·410-1 • Wcatcliff Plaza Branch 1016 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach 759· 15J6 BANK ON THE LEADER'w BANK OF AMERICA tRcgulat10n1 limll the number o( checks per mont h. , llANK Of AMlll(..A NTa~A 1 .. l •MIMlllUf>IC -Today's rate sub1cct to change. Today's rate: applies to accounts with balance nf SI00,000 or l\•\S A lower ratl' may apply to 1ccounts wuh balanc..c' over SI00,000 Call ynur branch for dct11ls ••Annual yield la for comparleon only Ahcr your lntcrcst ls crcducd ea1.h month, you earn lntere" on 11 as well a1 orrthc principal The yield a•5umn that the 1ntc:rc't r.ite remain' ton.11nt ovt'r on..-yur and that dcpc>stts ind rntcru t remain In the account for 1 ycer ,.J 1d1 • 1U '" I I II 111 " d I IJI 1) II "'' 111:1 lu 11 ""'' 1Jul ·bo1 :•i I/ ,,. 11 I • I ,, ..... , .. (~ ) Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /TuHday. December 1'4, 1082 State, local tax take ·Jumps $23. 7 billion ~ State 11nd local gove~ment tax ~UectJons totak>d $265"'.7 billion ·du r ing the 12 month period ending June, 1982 -a jump of • ..$23.7 billion or 9.8 percent from the previous fiscal period, notes a Commerce Clearing H ouse report> of the latest U .S. Census Bureau data. Pro o1•rtv tax collcctlona showed the largl•11t pcrcentagtl tncrcWK' during the pPriod, rialna 12.7 pen:cnt to a total of $1t2.3 bllUon. Property Laxes continue to be the greatest sourc • of r evenue for st ate and l ocal governments. Individual lncomc tax collections experienced the second greatest percentaRe of Increase, rising 10.!J percent . motor V\'hlclt• and operator'• llcenae taxc-1 lncr eued 7 .4 percent, to a total of S&.!\ billion. M otor fuel taJC collec\lona lnc~alied 7.1 peret-nt, to $10.~ billion, alcohollc beverage taxe. w er e up 4.3 percent, to $2.9 billion, and tobau..'O product taxes roee 1.4 percent, to $4.1 billion . The only type of tax to register a decline In revenue waa corporate ne t income ta xea, down 1.4 percent, to a total of $14.0 bllllon over the period. . State tax collect ions totaled • $162.2 billion, up 8.3 percent, while locally imposed l ev;es .amounted lo $1 03.5 billion, up 12.3 percent, during this period. Gen eral sales and gross receipts tax collections totaled $60.6 billion, up 9.2 percent, and IT'S NOT YET TOO LATEI: ONLY 17 DA VS LEFT To Refund All 82 Taxes and Recover '79·81 Taxes I I 2 I 4 I 6 I JO.I + ITC t ETC? Real [state Research & Development (Qu1pment Leasing ' Educational Stmlnar: lPM & 1PM Tllursda1. Ole. 16 et Irvine Ho't Motor Hotel • ~er ltoad/55 f lll*ay Presented by DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. 2691 Richter Ave Ste 102 Irvine Near Jamboree/405 Our Stall of Attor neys and Accountants will oe available 9 AM · 10 PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK FOR A PRIVATE NO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT RSVP: CALL NOW {714) 841·3761 FOR SEMINAR [tJj NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAILY PILOT for lnfotmaUon regarding the county requirement• for ualng • flctltloua Bualneaa Name. 642-4321 EXT. 332 tlS N~w-Tax Relief with .... Three Money Makers Republic's Tax·Free All-Savers Certlflcate Is stlll available. But hurry! De<:. 31 st is the deadline for opening new accounts or reinvest- ing to obtain the rull exemption. $2.000 of earned interest is tax-exempt on a joint Federal return. $ 1.000 for individuals. Ir you're in a 30% tax bracket or higher. this is better than most taxable investments. Reinvest your maturing All·Savers funds In an IRA or a Keogh Plan for the self-em- ployed. Get a tax deduction this year and post· pone your taxes until you retire! Anyone earn· 1ng wages is entitled to a lax·deferred IRA, even though covered by a private pension or pror1t·sharing plaf1. Also you may have a Keogh Account in addition to an IRA. even ir your i.elf·employment is part·time. Republic's guaranteed rate certificates for IRA and Keogh accounts reflect current Money Market rates. Term 18 months to 2112 years. Additions may be made without extend· 1ng the term. (Rate set at time or purchase of certincates.) For details and current ylelds on Republic's Money Makers call our nearest o ffice. REPUBLIC FEDERAL S·~~j·~~;" • ioo.ooo r FSf'.!9 SAmA AJ"tA 17th SL West of Newport Freeway (7t4) 541·5286 NCAHEUll 202 Anaheim Plaza, 500 N. Euclid SL (714) 956-8290 lAO<IJ'tA ~IOOEL 302t2 Crown Valley Pari<wey (714) 495-0850 WESTMll'tSTER 134 WeSU'Tlln~r Mall/Bolsa (,San Diego Fwy. (71 4) 894-5347 Ht'ocl Olroc~ Al.TADENA 2246 N UI~ AW! 121)) 791 1281 681·661 I "LTAOE!'IA . AN,,HEl"I. Al!C,,01". 8UR8ANK . Cl.Al!EMOMT • CLAllE"IONT HLl<lHI!> • H"CIEl'!O" HEIGHTS· LAC.ONA NIGOLl • LOS M~E.L.ES . PAI.Jo\ SPRINGS. PASADEN". PICO l!llfERA. SANT"""'". THOOS,,NO C\llKS • WEST ... INSlE.I! • WO()Ot.ANO HIU.S In Newport, Irvine, and Costa Mesa: With Bank of America stm+dt~ behind you, you'realreadyastep •Cid . CGllfornla's #l business bank has special corporate service banken located near you. In addition to our regular branch service all over lhe state. Bank o f America has speciaJ corporate service branches loc:ated in your area. Our corporate service bankers are equipped to respond locally to your busin~ needs. We have locaJ authority to make that imJX>nant credit decision for you. What's more. we are specialists in handling your financial needs. We have lhe knowledge and experience to under- stand the special needs of a growing company like yours. We offer you acces.s to a wide range of services, including financing, cash management and inter- national services. Put the money and muscle of California· s number one _ ~bankroworkfor Newport Ccnrer 500 Nc:wport C.cmcr l>tin• Wally Nit'IM:n (7 1~) 7,9.4417 you. Call your nearest Bank of America corporate service banker roday. Look to the Leader:· BANKOFAMERICA IB ,/ Irvine lndustrlaJ Otncc 4101 M~c.:Arthur lloulcv;ard J:.ck Man.h:dl (7 M) 7'9·4 ,M l.4'on~mJ Morgan (7 14)7~9·-H97 South Couc FlnanclaJ Center .HOO Brt!llOI SC r(~I 8111 Ktnl'lC\I)• (7 ... ) 972 •• il9i Bennett HB florist new FTD president William Rlacb of Fifth Avenue Florist In HunUngton Beach ha8 been elected to a one-year term u president of Florists' Tranaworld Delivery Aaaociation (FTD). Founded in 1910, FTD has 20,000 member-florl.sta and reported aales of more than $415.7 million during the 1981-82 fiscal year. selected by virtue of her reliability, loyally and determination. She resides ln Westminster. Geoffrey K. Graves has been promoted to vice president of public relations at B.J . S tewart Advertising and Public Relations, Inc., of Newport Beach. Graves' appointment follows hla tenure u director of public relations for the firm. He will supervise all public relations efforts for the agency and its clients. Calvin E. Woolsey announces ~he formation of Woolsey Engineering, Inc .. Woolsey has 15 years experience In Orange County in land development projects. The firm is located at 18001 Sky Park Circle, Suite K, Irvine. John R. "Jack" Wile, 42, has been elected presi dent a nd c hief executi ve officer of Weyerhauser M ortgage Co. which has lta local office in Newport Beach. Wisc jolned Weycrhawier Laura Persball of Santa Ana has been appointed director of marketing for Residential F.ecrow Corp. of Orange County. The company has four branch offices, located in N ewport Beach, Costa Mesa, Tustin and Laguna Hills. in 1968. Fluor Corp. of Irvine has announced that Jolua C. Duncan, 62, is retiring as chairman and chief executive oCficer of St. Joe Minerals Corp .. a Fluor subsidiary, effective Dec. 31. Duncan will continue to serve as a member of Fluor's board of directors. and a consultant to St. Joe. The Martin Luther Hospital Foundation Board recently added five new members. They are Robert J. Rl1teen of Laguna 'Niguel , Darrel D. Anderson of Laguna Beach, Howard E. Brewer of Santa Ana. Jack Brook of Fullerton, and L. Keuetb Heuler of Anaheim. The board, comprised of area business, industry , social and civic leaders, develops and manages i n vestment programs and sp on sors fund-raising projects on behalf of Martin Luther Hospital Medical Cent.er, Anaheim. ID!illey Builders of Laguna Hills has been award ed a $1· million-plus contract to lay the groundwork for a 41-acre industrial park subdivision located in the City of Industry. The project is scheduled to completion the spring of '83. Lory B ennett, of the escrow accounti ng department of Western Mutual Escrow Corp. of Orange. h as been named "Employee of the Quarter" for the third quarter of 1982. She was Mt•n ·ury Saving~. Orangt• County -based finant1<1l 1n~tllut1un, hw, <mnounn'<l the CXL'<.'ution ;ind rt'<:ortlmg of lhl• 111\l'rim and ix·rmancnt loan tor Lht· rH·w Irv in<· Marr1iott llou·I under t·1m!>tl'Ul'l1m1 11l'ar th<· John Wuy nt• Airport. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND NEW YORK (APl T•Fre t.U • •• Purlln "·r, NL 1.~::,'.o:::::i~ g:;;:~, .. ~~ NL. t:~w. a .. ~ ~t IN Nal!Onel A~-l Grtll 10.«I 11 37 S.IT<l1 1',. NL 111on Of SKWflllH Equll 1,tO I JI ·lnan<tel Proa On .. n . hwr • -Cl'll "'' 12... NL Orn• Ull NL INI Pf'l<n al wllkll :Nf1 FO 11.M •• U Fncth ll• NL INIM -"'"'" :... Dir u.11 NL '"°"" 411 NL :OlllCI ,,..... -:i.t•IMll -.II lrl(om a.n NL M>IO (-ftMi C-1 .. F-'. F•I In,.."°" ~thlt) °' ""'°"' FIHIO -i1 Bnd All 1' It IS 20 lveh1t pllll wla G,_ _,,a;1 DIKO 11 41 t>.~ "llertel _..,., HI Vici UI 1.lS Grwth I '1 t ... • ... • ...., IM.... 1.111. 1,n IMom ... , 1 01 4corn F 11 . .0 Nl Oo111 -• NelRH • • 6.tl 4DV 11.01 NL fell Ml -all Ooln s.a LJ4 41ut11r1 IS 1Q Nl Colll Gth 2J.>e NL , t •a Ea I JI I .. 41M l'llnlb Cwllll .... I.JI I.oil • wu:q t.'3 10.6:1 CvVIO 111.3 14,U CWl9' CD 1 ... '·" A Well IS 1' NL ornwy "·" n n c .... p 11c1 t .JI NL "°''" soil s.n HIVIO t 1' 10 61 CMIP Fo t.• NL Fnd Giii S. II U I ,.,..,. F n... NL CCW1<oro •1.s1 NL .,_,, <>-: "•1rt11T )Jn •• •s c-•kut Gen•' G•wtll · '·'• NL 4,.,.rlun F-:' F11no IJ.'2 15.0•I IM...,, U S4 NL A ... • " 10 t) ln<om 1.0S 7.U Mwtll ,,,, t.14 Amcp 1.4' 1.U Mun 1141 1.01 7.61 Ft~,\ ~ NL .. Miiii IJ. '" n Cons Inv 1U7 ,, a AGE n . UI J 1' ·-IHI IUI Conlltl G 11.20 NL DNTC tiSJ ltt1 FCI '"v • II 10.1' Cont M"1 , 11 NL. o-10 .. 1o'ts Grwtll 11 1' 1111l Copley -all ()piton 6 l1 6 H l11<om 'II 10 ,. Ctry c... IU, .. ll Ullls s II s n l(A 10 GI II en 0.1-... ~ I Mom I .. 1 Ot N Pe~ 1.fO I Ot 0.Cal 14 11 IS fCI US GOii 1 JO 1 tO Tue • 01 'SJ De•-JO 11 ,, .. Caplt 10 IS 10 "" .,::: J:.: .. 1' • tO \>:'~';.. ~~ % J: hull s.n • 11 CH 9CI •,1' 1,41 Oelt.e 11.w 11 7S Cella 6 4' • ll (nlrp IJ.9' IS H Dir C• US, NL F.-a IM 111 VIO ' .. 10.J'I OodG• ., u." Nl Cmr<• .... 10 1Q M11n 8 16 .. 11 51 OoOC11 Sl 21.11 NL. lnvQI 10.14 10.11 Vtfttr ,. • 2a.tf Dru 9.., 16.71 Nl. Piiot 11.JO 11 Ii Cmalll It II 14 01 Or11(111S °"'· $unbll lJ,M 14,so hell a .n NL ... ,,., 13.4' NL. OT Pac IUI NL FO Am 11 It IU? Or•vt 14,e IUO Gete Op 1' ~ NL Or-1' 4S NL Levge 11, U 11.n Gen EIK lnw. H•rbr tl M 14.51 N Hin. t.11 NL lllnTr n '" .. Pace J4 9' 31 11 $01 Int •ft NL l!llnTi '·" · ProvlCI s DI .s . T'•• E• io'u NI. S&S Jl.3' NL 4 OlllFO I• t.tl Tllrd C Ut NL. W.$ Lt IO .. fllL 4 Herllt J Jt NL 1 .. 1 O"' t.11 t.6' ~ Se< 11 45 NL Amin• s" • n 1 ...... ..__ • 0 I ,, I • I .. ln ... st 'n NL ..... • .. • 14 > I • J N L 4 lflv In t '8 NL. F-• 10.. NL 08T 11.. NL 4mMH 7J M Nl lntom • 18 S 14 Grtfl Ind 11 • Hl 4 HIGlll 4.1' .SU 1nca. t&S tO ~CIPllA IUI 1117 4 Nllnc 111' It... SIKI 22" 14 M ttam HOA S ~ 6 Oj 4-•Y t,» 6 1. it« II It Jt IJ,. Hert 091 11 • NL 4rcMhl 'II NL EDeOledl ~I " • r t L ... .,,,. "°"""°" Clleftl 10 tD II.ti J I 0 I N L. R l'NI a tlj 10 •• l"'""' ,,11 ..,1 • H • r •to tnc..., • M S CM SVr,.., 1' tS 16 >e I 0 I J 1 N L ltlO 11 9' IJ 01 E.,.Vtll 19.. NL Hof ~ ICM NL ' I IS 61 11 11 fvr.,11 Ji 40 .. L t::t8nd II JI NL fl( 11 JI ";,. lvterTtl IJ u NL I"'" ~':'v 'l ?,' ION~ Inc I tO lljl. l'rm 80 14.IS IS ... "'" • •• Inv It J7 NL F.0.rlleel I'-· Ill Or.r-: am :: u =t :~~· 1: 10~ ~~ ttt t" r Or..P· HI t<ftl 11.1' tUI Tr•11 "' 10 A 11.M ,,. tU'J "L. T~ .,,. t" NL llMhll 'Y •.. NL. F• IUt NL. UI Owl ~ "L '"r'dji: l!:: tt'-'eit "'r'.:f o.n =L r.::: l1 ft ry I .... ,.. If: ,,",\ , .~i· Nt ~!:r. i • ti ihll & .... ~ ...... II lljl. iftlll~ ti. IJ• ~ $ ~" :t • ~ ~ ... l ..... .... l .. "" j:iji a~li·rni·i "'WI 1! 1011 ~I Moll1 ,~ .. t j11• ~\f'1 · t ... UPS AND DOWNS I , J • , • , • ' 10 11 ., 13 14 u .. " •• '°' It "2 lO 1,•1 ll >..»• n IO U lt 24 41,47',•oo ju N.- R"'ws NWrlO C c llnt<.Sc " Trn,Ml'tn SolvE• ~t~SC." Mee him LlllOl>rO D•l1" un Unlme<I ASK cpc All•-GvlE wl 81oloQ BIO Tell C5M Sv•I FtaAuto Gdl..-:o R-S.lmeol HomeH' DrU>o =:fc';. ~I II ChCI ' • 2"-1 ...... S • I Sh 1\.'o 21 • 4 Jlllo • \) , ...... 1. + .. J • "' 2 IS.JJ • "° , ~ IO•\ > '"' "' .... '"' 4~ "' 4 ~· ..... . "" "" . "" ,... • v. S\to • "' u~ • ,~ 1 • ~ ?"' I• ,..... .. s " ,. , . . .. Pd. Up 44.t Up 21.J Up U.O Up 11.) Up US UP 22.1 Up 21 ' Up 20.0 Up 200 Up 11.t Up 11.6 Up 11.4 Up 16 7 Up U.0 Up 14-7 Up 14.3 Up 13A Up IJ.J Up 11.S Uo U.S Uo 12.0 Up 11.0 Up 11.I UO IU Up 11.1 Up 11.1 Pel. Off 11 t Off 11 l Off JO.O Off ,, J Off 14.J Ott lUI Ott ,,.. Off IU Ott 12.1 Ott 1U "Ofl 11.1 Off ,.., Otl 11.1 Ott 10.t Off 10.0 Ott 10.0 Off 10.0 Off 10.0 Off 10.0 Off 9.1 Off u Off u Oii t I Off ••• Off t.O I OS h .:.~ 2 :L Grwl~ S,.. • II HI VICI 1•.'5 11.• Slrtl Giii •,fCI NL '"•' -1ncom l.'1 to inc:om , 1s 7,14 SllnG'111 11.tl ti.OS 1J'j1 GF!._ 11 .. NL •• !1 1 51'11•,• ' 11 lO 51 Invest 10." 11 tO ha Mo0 IJ.tt 14.l.S • m 14.04 l~.1' ...., 41 '1 NL ()ptn 11.SI 11 '1 Temp19'on "'-' ~:n!:0 it'll 'N~ ::rl!1. :a~ ~t TH E• 20.11 211• Ololle 21.«l •• ,. llOfln Hencocll N•I ,,,., 1),4.5 Nl Vista ..... 11 15 Orwth 1.J1 I OS Bond 14.Jt IS "4 N~.f:"riro. 1l llO V~~ao ..:!'!11" OS r,::'c':., :::: n·;: 3swG~ 12f121~: ._ l 41 l.,_ •lnllw l.11 NL fms.._ I G lljl. Tub t 11 ttO Grwtll t 17 tlJ °f'!!\ec!!~ ll 10 R~~ Jl U"!i 11,;: K.aulmn 11 NL Preld 6 16 12' EQYlt 9.1' NL fwnC 01 12M NL t<~= F~: 1 u ~~T H! J~ Grwtll 1us NL twne Set 1ut NL Gr-11,40 IJ.SS Tu e. 1.'1 I 4J IMO 11 II NL TwnC UI 6 ~ 6.Sl HI YIO • ,. 10 0 TotR• s" • • 1Pa111 ·~-t11eker ...... a11 lnllFO 11.16 IJ.20 Fal'11c1 t41103S ~~II a·: :u; U~~!:""lf' NL M11n B , 41 'IO NellOflwlclt F~ SpKI 21.lO NL HIYIO 11, NLL ()ptn 12.2' U.41 Nalnt<o uw t .11 -r F-: 1nco 10,., N summ 11 ti U,ts N•IGlll 1.M I... Com SI 14.01 NL Sllll 14.0I NL Tech 12 SO U... Nallld t,•1 1014 Devel S4..S NL Unlll O,_: TOI RI IU, IA.50 NEl ll• Fund· (.apOr u... NL. Uni Ac<u .. ., NL us Gvt '·" t.Jt Equll D. 24 Al ln<om 11.u NL nlGlll "11 NL l(~J!T. ~; \t.S4 ?~':::: ~·n ~tl; Intl FCI lUI NL nil MUI 10.» NL C111 8J II.It to M Rll EQ 1161 2U• MMB 14' NL. lllteel F-: CllS IM 1.IS • ,. Tue. •. 40 LJU 11r\ty """"' A<cm ',. '°-OJ c111 1e 1 a. 11 u 1 N•llbe•oe-lltr'm 11-• oo a.n •-s • Ut C11• K1 10. 1.n Ellrt Y 1'Cll HL ~~~ ;·r, ~: t'::n~nc ::.= :t: ~~~ ~ ·~ 1::: ~l•r" ':: =t u11r• , ., • 1• F•Ollc ,, : • ., CllS S4 .. .,. 7.41 Mani. SOt NL '"''" F-· HI IM IJ 14.n Inter.. "·'' 4.ft Par!" I• 1Q NL Am Sits • 41 NL IMom I0.11 11.11 Tu Fr 1 41 1 n Newt 01 14 6l NL Se• S/ls •• " NL Mllfll • .. ..,. MHS 12 41 1J 6l NeWI IM I 0) NL ~r::f"J' crici;r fUt ec:.llt :il :J:~ L .. 11191en Gtp: NkllOI• 21 tl NL CmSO 11 .. IJ,67 s GO!• 1" NI. Cp lelr 11 a 110> NE In Tr 11 .0 NL Or_I,, 7 JI J.a ..... L.ltw ,,_, 0010td 411 NL Ne 1nG1 10.•1 NL rnco ii.u u .. ._ "·n E" GNMA 1.. NL Nova~O IHJ Nl ttnel ~ I"-lt,I L Gr-'. NL NV v ... 1 ,,., • u ..... • • • IMom t L llHll 11 tD NL N11v"n ._.. NL ..: t,. .:~ t,.ev 01 l 5' NI. Ll-r U II NL 0tMea 10 S1 NL Com S IS.• 16,ft s.1 Sit U." NI. LMmls Sat"' °"' Yllm It... HL G "' 1.• .~ 1• II ... ----~ Capll J M NL o.trlNtlnwr f'O: ;:J. it'll NL lnC'°"'-"tt" IUI Mui 1 .. "L Direct lt.Jt 21,11 lry tt• i..u ,,..,, 7.tl UI Lord AllM!t: OtlMn d, 11 t,M r1on F-: , .. ~ 11,lt lljl. AfflltO • J7 t Gil HI ·v10 I 1t JO 1' AtlOfl 11.lli 1' 16 ff•..! 5'AIS .•.• Ind Ob 10.CIO 10,~ F.i ·It U .>e .. !Vici 11 •• ,, .. VGln 1.. 111 Dev Gt U ... t..11 I 10• II 79 lnc..., 11.M .,.... V h llM 11:t0 tnc..., >• >fl • re 1.0e 7.JJ M~·-11·• 1>.., .... t• N' L11INtrat1 lt'o: · AIM 17 II It 1t w --0 1 1•-,1 16 !! .. Fllfld llell IJ 1' TffM 11 11 I) IS "•.., b J Jt Ni_ 1:l'111 n,~', ... IM°"' I t t t • OTC SK JI 01 2' • .,.,. GI IUS NI. .,. I 17 6l Mllfll 6D 7• Par..., M lltf IJOS ~ F ... • f'IOI I &1S. US 0... 9 G UI Pe•WICI 10 M lljL C•t ...... 11.• Sc, .. I Sl.'1 .. Mas Fl-I ,,...,. Sq t IC NL IMO 1 U t 11 5"cl 1~11 , .. ., MIT 11 a ,, " ,,...n -OJ HL In-IU• IS.. ~ ii' ""'8 . 1u1 11,. P " I t • Soc• 11 1t • 1u1 11l•11o1,r, ·I "t Ml 111 1•n •'1 ,9tocll n.,,1 ,1,10., !Ml' " :iO :. 11 41 I 1 S I I J S I VMll U 1 t • ONIM t, t :,,g lf 41 a~ PIPCl~-Of ISU s: ~i~ •:: 'i! !!!!! I•. L Ml"8. tUS If M a/Ir. l"O "°' 11 11 ~In u 'tt "Oj MJv 'l!t ~ MMe· UI .. C S 47 SW lwlnlllt .,,. "L Mlltllt IJ.Jf flo\FH .. 11 • 111 ),It UI ..... , tn 16.e 11 11 Mwllll M • 1. l11Tr8 111' II 1' ~' """"' '1ete a.no Gr' ftl.t ti ~ =:~~·1.,:il~ NL ,:::: .u: ,Ht ,T:,~ f·., t ll 1: :. 't t a.tic' 11.11 It fS II l!'C II M 14 ., roeta e tS f.A "tee 11 c...it It.ti 1•.os Pl.., 111v " I~ 1t ti 1 rm Gt • w NL WettM 11. " !1111 .. It• Ml.ti l"IUf!lf IUS NL i'"' 81 11 D NL ....... 11 M'-HI Inc 1.JS t '1 Pt~llllla '"' '"" 10.... i t !ti. I ; .. ti ,,.n Inc .... ~· .. L :." ,.,,: =" =·= I .. '"" .... NL '"""' • ~\A '" ' I l ..... Ire-fl ~ --0 Ill i t ~ H 14erlt ---'1 Am ,.,. Ut Nt. I II. 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'"""rH 2.1' 1• 11• • • '' IOlo p1 2.n 1 14''t '"' Ol\IWJ'° 021 •21 ""' • \, ActmP9 .CM 10 10 '"• .,, llurllllCI I» 14 141 1H• '• Ol:F!.S 1.1• t lUI tt . GCltt<" 1 56 t4 1'1 ))w 1, A.S.E:a 2 7.S. ri 1tlH •, \, lrlH1h I S2 IJ -» ""' t "' gi. Cl AO U t» 11 , v. SE" DfJ 12 , 444 Jlh ~. AClmMI -I' -111 rlHUf .JS I )I I 'ft tel IS ttlol IOJ ... JV. Y• I 40 10 /0) J21., Adwu ,. 10,0 i: n•, :~ r1N 2.IJ 1 1 to 01 '*' IOb 112111 ni., "" ftJ ,. 7 ~ ""-~ AMO , 42 Jll ll"-, 1, "' Y ·" • n 1n.. 1, II"°" t.nt> 12 411• n~, "' Govtd 1.n 14 M2 >>"' "' A.el I.I 2 » urrirn U O II 89S •?'-t 't -y 1to21 ..:11 •4 ''°" g r•<• 2 IO S tit JI~• t ', :d,.~12 4~ 1 'ili ~·, :~ .~i:~." ~l ~~·~ ·~:: • ~: fv!!pn ):: ,; JJ; :;~ ~ am~ I 1t :· :.i ~~~. h All•n •. n ,.. CBI I --I .,. -• • GI AlrPra ID 311 ,..... '°" CllS "1';'; 13 :~ ut ,t; 8:::/ !ii~~ ::t!· \.. §~.~~11 t'.=1! :~ ~;\. i' Alrltfrl Ml 1' U IS' t • \. CCI t JIO m 1 Oonl.J .XI U 121 JO\oo, 1. tNOHk 2 1 tt0 ,_,, \lo AIMN n 1•1 1 "' CCX 11 4 Oonftly 1..0 1• 70 ~, o,, l<#Fll\ 40111 11»4 U '\\ t "° :::~ :r 1~ ti: .:~ IGN'A 112.JO 6 llO'I ,,.... Oowr ,10 11 M JO't , ti GMI' n I 5' 14 It 14 , ~. Al•PPIAJ., 4 ~. '•~CXpl I.JS 1100 ...... Ooney 1.10 . JOO Jll. 1 GWH ..... II ISi ii'•·~ AleP pf t.'4 rlOOO" 1 IG pf U S M 11• • Oow(;... 1.-' 12 IJ11 U Ii\ ""'" I.XI 1 401 11 \>I Al p I I • • L.C IS 10 0-Jon I.GI " '" .. • I, Gro .. , :DI .. •• I ,. ::i:J! r:: S ~ ~!t S~~ C~~t\10e Ii :1 :~ t ~: g~::;i :: ': 2m ::~ ~ &~:r.~ ~I.IS S •:: >;~:I~ Alb•nY 1.40 1o 32 Jt\, .,. CPC 1"1 J.10 e ttn l'I"· • '" Orne l 1 11"' "' Gr11111G lM> 11 •2 ""'• v. Al~ • SI 1 CP H•I l .14 • SJ ~··. I' l>reyfu' .60I • , .. 41 14 gl"llly . . " '~ .,.. Albl 1 o · I IO JI... CSX 2 ... 1 111 SI ... t o, ClllPont 2.40 I 1109 lt'I. rumm I.ta 19 JJO .. V. Ale•': tcH! J.; rr-: ~ CTS I IS ... "'' " IMIPnt pfJ.SO . s )Ill>+ ti: rum 1>1:.IO • 11 ,,... ... AtcoSld 1.1111 «14 JI\•, ~11 C.oot .'1 1 UI ~ • l.'o *'""' pl4,» I •2 • 1 i=Cll 1' 14 41 ,.\, ~ AIUAI ,., .. 11 201 "-. \. c.o.nc 13 ••• ~. •• Oull•P J.11 'JOI ,. .... ""' l'Wst .n • "624 II ..... Atu Clr 13 tc ..... "' ~1w,.,.r .~ . !!!! 11' • , \lo Ou'• pl 1,10 d lOO 12•, , t W. Gll'W Pl 2.'° d 14' • • "' AllCICf I.GI 9 11 U ...., '-" ..,. • II. Ou'• pf l.lO d 100 .. \, 10,, G11lfOll 2.• • 1"' JO t ..._ Allll" 1 40 I •lit -h Comrl\I 40 4 W II\.• Yo Oulte pl 2., 11 H• 1 G11lflh 1• 112 I)\,+ ..... A"'ltc 2 1' a71 It 1~ ~Ir. I «I 119 21 t I Ovitt pf 115 . . 14 JO\. \, GlllfR pll.ll) I 11 ... , loo ... • • • Sp 2.10 10 IOI ..... I Oulr.e pl 11 • UllOO .,,, • 14 GllSIUI I.lit • ~ n t,. h !:f~ C•~.: 11:1l fl~: ~ oc 0 1.411 IMI 11-. • 'lo Ouk plN LM . • , .. IJt., 4o GlfSU pr1.ti 11 ~ \o All..,G «1tt 3' x1'1 11h It PE• .SI l2 ll"' Ouk ptMl.16 .. JIM! 1314, ... GllSU 11<4.«I .. It 32"" y. AllOCp J.«I s 1111 32+.• \o Ill ...... 20 SI.... It Ounlr J.1t21 S1' 100'•• '''• O"lfUICI 1.32 • , .. U\< v. AICICp pf .. 7• 1• SS"--\>I ...Clh .XI II Ill 12• I Ouclll l ,tO f 1U / 14+\.... GllU pf UI.. 1 SI_,. _,. AlldPd . Ill . 17 •I'll It C111>Hld 1.40 9 IOI 3Jh • l<o °"41 pl 1.17 .. 140 141.\, ... O"lton .I0 10 U 12"'-'I• AlldSlr '·'° 10 10 ll\oo, 1. C.rlr.f O .21 . · 91 ti,.• \1 Ouci pt 1 .. t40 11v...... --H -AllCITtl 1 9 l:J 14\1, • V• Cort•• '2 10 49 l1 \, 0uq PIG 2.10 .. UO IS\, ... ., HMW 71 l4 11 J, Alll•C" .., • • v. c.,,,., J 9 411 ., ....... OUq ptlCl.10 • . 4 u..,_ \lo vJHllT .JOI 1 .. '"'· .• '. AlllC" pf U tt .. t~ .... C.roFt .l6 14 JO 21~. .. Ouq Pf 2.31 . .t200 1711>-""' H'1ow ,, .. I ., 11 ...... '. II IP" Pr 12 II , 1. C.rPw JAi 1 II• ""' V. 0uq pt U S . zJOO 21..... . • H•llFB t.10 12 110 l"• lo Alcoa u o 41 .... ""' v. CAIP Pl 2.•7 . . I 11 Oycol't 2A • U4 .. "' H•lbtl\ I.Ml 7 l1'S l~ ... AmH 20 It.a ~ ... CM'Toc 2.10 11 JI 37 • ''> Dyl\Am IS 1' 2ff "'~, ~\ HemrP 1 ... 1 '° JO\. Amex pf J 1 l1 , ... Ctr•Plr 1.lO II l3 131• \~ -ll-C -HAn.JS l,'7• ff IJ' ii. Amru 1.:12 19 11 lt\o, C.rtH• 1 22 ll U7 "~ '• EGG i .» 22 110 l "• Hen.JI ,.... . 31 Ith "' Amrc Pl , .., 4 2' . • ~H pl 2 . . 4 1•\o ~ E Sys ' 10 ,. .., ., .... I Hl\Cllml\ I IO :a ... I "' Am Hes 1.10 13 JHO 11\oo • • WI M 12 191 ""° • "" E .. leP .. 11 17 IS\11 • "'° H-H .Ml 11 ,,. tl\'t t w AmAor OSI 311 2"°• It HG 1.12 11 4S •• 1 EeKo 1.32 I ti U • y, H•M• 1.AO 3.U ti••, \o AB•kr . . IS 11.i., .i. ICk .401 .. 111 • • I• EestAlr SIJ I • .... Her8rJ I I 191 20 .... , \. ABr•l'ICI l .lO I s.33 461'\t , ti Catrpl I.SO :16 1192 JI-.• '• EAL wtO • • 13' 4\• t .... HAflllCI .•2 11 14 »•1, 'II. A8rd pl us J 2SvJ. . CecoCp I 1 n JS bAlr ,..,,., . ti IS"' '-" ......... JOI 163 '"'. \1t A8rd pt J.61 I ., 1 ~.,... 4 13 114 ..,~ •• ·~· Esil.lr DfJ.:IO .. 11 " -.... Herr8k 2.20 • " JIV1 ... A80U I !.Ml 10 S/6 54 loo en pl 4.» · 1 Jl' • . . EHIG" UO 1 31' n-.. • ,._ H•rtls •• II 151 31"<. • .,.., A81dM 1 11 ., 31\o • ""' eron .... • m 201At + "' EHIUll 1.10 • .. 13.... 'Ill H••KO 1.20 I 10 "". .... Allu,Pd .5' 9 1t 11 .... C..,tel 2.36 • 11• 311 > ~> blCod at 131W1 tO\\ \o, Hert SM t.2A 11 1)0 )'J~, "-AmCe" 2.tO •. l20 JI '-Ceftt.. .JS20 all ~ .... E•1on 1.n .. t•I 1'"-"' H•rtH I u 14 401, .... AC•" pl 7AO . . 13 21~ "' CAnSoW 1.61 • ~ ltl 1 • "' Ec"U" .» U 214 10 -\o Hat& '·'° 11 "1 It • ~. llCl\ICp O I CAnHllCI 2.e • SS »• • • 14 licker Cl .. 11 111 n--. '" HwNEI > • 21 ,.., •111 ACY•" I 1S 11 fi4 lol' 11 CAnlll l 1.91 • 111 I~. EClls8r 1.'4 12 4 21.i. •11 H•yesA ,. 7 t .... AOT 1: .. 11 S2 rit~, .... Cl\llt Pl J.U .. 1!00 JI \It ECIWarCI .tO 11 I~ 32\/t • lo HA,.lln .. ,; I 41' 1-"- AEIPw 1.» I 141' 11h. . CAfltlPS 1,e 1 ft1 t~ II. EIP•w 1,e I -llV., I~ Hoclr.S .2A • 11 13 -\• AmExp 2.40 II ,,... "'"'. "' CL.elil" 1.n 1 152 .. • !PG tllPf2.lS 113 JOl.o-.... HoclAM 7SS ti .... AF•mll .... 11 100 Uh· .. CL.elil pl4.ll . I )IV ." EPG pf u s . , JIV.. "' Hell,,,,, .n .11 .. 1'14-AGl\(p 1.XI 8 1:12 54\o \'t C.MPw I.ID 1 U U + .... l!PG pr , 113 ,.y,, 1\lt Helftf s 1.IO • JOS 31 , !g~: =~.~ . ~ ~. t: S~J.\ 2:t 'I ~: w· "' ~:m. .JO ii ~ :~· .. v; :::::t11.10• ~ ~~~· ~ !g~a~' ~·~~:: .o: 41 -~ ~efttrOI . . 101 m. ... EDS .. ,. 21 .. ..,. ... H•lrlnl 1.JO 140 21• tt'h "' 11c;11c v ,,.,. . , ~; · ~ ~:,~w .:~ = ·~~ .!t · ~ ~~:~Y , .. 2:: :~: ~ ::!~c': ·31 • 6 ffl •;.,.. . .,, AHerll ... 9 l 20 Crt·I-Z11 II Elgll\ 1.llO 6 73 n Hemln< 1.10 .. t9 H• , AHol" .541 . . US 13 . '""''' .40 22 lOJ 10-. to EmrsEI 2.10 14 .,, U , • ~ Herculs 1.31 11 ,, 2' • "" A.Home 2.20 1l 2t'2'I '4\. + '' Cllnlfl" AO .. x7ll 11v. EllA<I s . 10 ttv. v. HorltC" JO n 11~., l't AHoiP' .114 IS IOI 41\. "' '""' ,,, uo .. •1 13\!.t. '• EmrrA .ion ... ·~ ... HerltC pf1.» .• , ....... AMI J.111 141 ll'°", .... Cllrnl pf 4.IO .. xl91 •l\o • V. Em ... rt UO 1 10S O'' HOt1t1y 2.10 10 1t 5',\.,. V. Am-nr '"-'-\It Cl\emSf) ·•II ts47 10\oo• v. EmpOs 1.52 ' u tJ\. HAuton .lOj .., •' AH•lll " l . S 1S1 lol'-• 'II> CNt1Co I S •19 Ill. ~ Emp pl .'1 .. i t JOO 4 Heltn pl.D • 9 • . ASLFI• UI Ill<. ... CMr1 wt . 11' s• t-\• Emp pl ·" • LlOO 1lo •.... -·"" .JO 24 ,,., 14"• • \') !~~ra 1.: ;~ s;! m-: • 1"" ~~pf t!h S~ ff•• ~ l~l!~ ,«) ~~ I~ 2~:: . ::r~!r :: ~ 1li: ~'I• .. ,~ ~~;~~1 ·~;g •:; ll"'· ,.. ~:::UL~ tl"' :~ :::~1 :~·~ ~ ~.._ ~ ~:~s :~l: ~~:.~ ASlr pf ~·.U..·n,JL4tl~• I~ Cf\tM pf3.'7e ..... ,. 61~• I El\llfC" 1.llO 6 131 20 .... Hiiton 1.-' 1411)11 41"°+ ~ A'TT , -, ""'"' ~ ~ CllllW. ;IGlr~~n ~· !ll~-:-:"TIOOO um't-+~ Hi~ 11 122 JO .. Al T pf c . 14 6S''o, 1~ Chm.a 1\1,JS 13 •S 31\ 1 1'1• E1111ct U JO 1\0 V. HOllCIAy ·'° 1' ICtltS 3114 • ~ ATT pl 3 ..... 246 1137'1• + V) ("HY S 2M S 100 cl"°• \, ENSTR AO S n tSll)-"' Holl'l'S 1 .. .. 41 ATT pl 3.14 .. 24 31-.., .... ChH'I' pll.-7 .. 11 JI -V. EfttMe ... S 1'S ttllt-V. HmeG pll.10 ,. I""·· .. AW•lr 1.:IO s 10 "' •• ~ °'"y pf4.Me llSI ........ EftlH I.GI I ,.. ·~ ..... Hom•t• .AO n 120S Sl \l •IV. AW•l pl I.JS .. 1400 101.-., V. CMY pf2..41e . ..J 51 . EC111Hk S 1..12 13 » 24\. I "-" .De 11 » J91~ ~ .. ,.,.. ... 1.0 s • ,.,, .. CllHV• Ml u 10 ,. • ~ litllllmk 1 .-~· \~ Hoftwlf UO 11"' " • l\o A.m.•O .«> 12 11 »~· \• °'""" 1.n 12 no 43• •• " E11m11p1231 2 ..._ -vu 1.J41J S1 n~-"' Am.tk 1.XI u •I ,.... .... CHWSI .• 1020 " • ~. EQIGOS 1.JO s 214 u . Hone .. I " • 11 11\11. "" Amf.c 1.44" JI 2S'1 ('lllMlw • ll SJ\.. H t EQIU .71e,. 3 ..... • . Horlron .Sit !flt t s 11... • •MPln 141111 ,., ... ...._ ·~ ClllM•r . IS ,.,_ ... Esmrk s , ... 11 1:11 u60 ... HosclCP ~XI $31 SS~. I. Ampco ,60 . s 12 . ClllPft JOI • :II u -. • Vo Esqulr s .ti • SI 21 , "" Hot.ii" > 11 31 ,,... • Amrep 17 11 1011.-~ ChllFull .«123 100 1Ho • •, EtMkC _., I S 20 , 1, """OM 1.60 12 21 40 + \'I Am$111 I 1' • 21 23' "'° ~IVISCI 1.611 IJ S lit\I• 1i1Cfl... ."4 11 n 21Y>-'I• HcNsFb .40 IS 117 lllllllt + ll<t Amsler t.tO U 10 11''>-"" llC" pl I . XI ,..,_, •~ Eltlyt UIO • 121 7'n V. HINSll\I 1.4S • tit 21-.. v, ::::::~ .::;, ,: 1~"'=~ t='• .n1 :· ,ig ~~·i-t l!".?.'I'~:: ~ ~~-1:: :::!.'r.:'t:~hm' ~···iii lln<mp n .12 ll ,.., 11>,:,, t/t Clwyatr .. 1314 l•V, • v. !ven pf IA .. 12 t~. . -G 1.111 S * ~ I'> llnlOQ s Jt 11 u p;. C·IVY wt .. -I • " E•Celo UO 1 91 14 ,. Hov011 l ,41e . tl 16\l'r-..,_ An<l\Ot I.» 11 J•S , ......... ~"'''pl .. 520 IS". " Eaclv ..... . .1211 1•11t . ~. -II A) u 12 , • .,._ " AnCl•r 1.31 I l2 u ..... " '°' I 11 Ill J11'o ... En Oft l ... , ,... • .... -"' .40 1J 41 .. • "' Al\ClrG " XI I 4l 1~ .... lftlell t.n I I 33... Vt -_, -......... 2 10 4l 11' >-V. ~-,. tu~ i""'.e 1111 ,!!! >7\lo • lit ClflGE 2.1' 1 '" 111',. l't FMC 1• 1 Ot ll\• . ~ t .Mir 1 11 , .. ~"fie • _ •I'" 1 CMG pl • . lllO JOI<.-.,_ l'MC pl 2.2S .. l 1' H""Y .MJ n "°"" .. A-11 pH.Ml 111 SI , \o ClllG pl 4,75 . r200 >Slit-'•> FeOl]le A 16 10 IS--.-.., Hutl\Tt .16 6 1100 '°"' • "h Al\lxlr 10 21 lit U l't. l'h ClnG Pl 1M .• 1.UO jt"-• \o FAbC1 s IJ ff 11\0, I) -S .. JO 1'31 4l~ ', ,.,.,. .s. • 4 u.._ '" ClnO pf t.• .. l2'00 n • ,..., Fectt 20 21 '" • "' HvmA ptt.tO • 10 ""' • v. AnlMr 44t> 20 IS 1 ... • .,_ ClnG of12.J2 .. I tt .. Ftlr<"<I .. t 3tO ISi'>. .. HurttCft .JO II 12' U • ~. Apoclle .JA • S33 ·~ '"' ClftMll .n20 151 ,.,,.~ ... Folrc pf MO .. ., J2Vu .... HllttEF M 12 IOI ., ... '-All("P ""2e . , IM 20•/lo ... (111<.,. 1.n • SllS JS .... • \'It Foml>lr Al 11 41 ltlrt . Hyelrel I.ho 7 2 II' t \. ApPw pl4.11 . . 13 31 t ~ Cl1YlftV 1.10 10 1IS 21 • Fr'WtlF I 12'-\lo -I~ -Applto\9 .m II 324 20 ..... '"''"pl , .. s .,.,, .... F.... ,. ,.. nv. + v. IC llMI 1.21 10 )14 »11 .. n Ar< .. On .1411 11 ,., ltto• "Cloblr .ellbm J 0 .... ,,_, • 1'2 ,., .... IClnllf l». 16 S2V.t1 Arl1PS 2.SJ I S33 n:v.-.... c1 .. aE 1.10 . 154 ,.l'o+ \,, FecllCo 1M 11 1$3 21 ........ ICN 23 lll I v· "' ArlP pl l.SI.. 17 Jt'4 • y, ChtCll l .. 10'2 ,,._, ~ FCIEap 11211' .,\o-J IHAln l.'2 . 23 16~ 1<o Arll'pl 10.10 t40 91 ci.vEI ,_ •• "' ,.~. . FCIMoQ 1.32 II .. ,.... ... IU lllt t.ts II 1n 1'h "' llrklSI 411 .. • • IV. Clvlil pf 7.40 . &61tO SIY>. 21. FA<IHM ... • '"' ttl 11• IUllll pl 1.u . ] JI Arllle s .~ 10 2Cl I~ \It ClvEt Pf 7-'6 . ltSO Ml>-'"' FeclP8 1.JD 7 110 a • " .-P t.a 1 1'3 11 • i,, Arin Ill 1 «IS "' , ... Clev,.. AO IO " II '. F.son1 ' .ID 11 :121 20 "' 18 IO . .... 11"' .... Arm.O• . . 1' IOY.-''> CIOtoa .'2 11 1•11 ll\t • V. Fec!OSI 2.11 11 U21 ,.._,, " 11.,._r 2... 1 W. 22'-• \• Armco 1.10 •. tlM u '-CluettP .a. t " 1IV.• » Feno 1'°14 12' ts . tPow pl 2.IJ 1100 u1' • "' Arm< pl 2.IO . I ll''t I.\ iwt pf 1 . 11 1>11.-" FICIUl\I ,,., 6 16 ""' I• IPow pf2.JS . rlOO lt't, '• Armll s ·'° 1 10 11 "' "m .»21 106 2' '-' Flckst JJO 4Sull-· "' IPow pf'-12 . OIOOll361;.+l\<J ArmWI" 1.1033 309 u ... el ,40 17 :ISi JOv>-~ F~le M • .s u"' • IPow ..,,_11 .. 11200 n 1 llroC·P ·'° 11 I Uh t .... .Cl 2A 14 913 S1.i.-~. F pll s ,M 14 101 2i-,... IPow pl4.'1 • • llO J1 ...• Ar-E .1• 11 13 ""'. . . . •H • .... 20 m 40•··-.... Fl\ •• , .. .. •Yo-IA TW 1.1. 1J ,. 41 ~ "' Ar1r• .n ff n 11 . . . • 0 10 "" 3' .... Fll\IFe<I . * ,,_ .... tftPl(:p " ""'• .... Aro;ln 1.11 19 313 It''>-1111 ft I.XI II JO JOV. • . . Flretll\ .Ml Ill ltO 11 -Vt IHCO .JO 11'1 t .•. ArYll\ pl 1 . 41 ]I . ColaP•t I.JO I 1161 ~ t V, Ftlllln l I 1 1• 2l"-t Vt llWllM l)f7.0I . 1100 SJ ..• llwrco ,40 . 1n ,., ColrAlll .n 11 Ml 20h ~. Flllr.FI• t,GI • tO 21'tt "" INllM p1 12 110 '2 , .• ASlllOll 140 S ISJ 11"'. Colll\FCI .2A 10 61 21 'h F1Cllf'I ·'° .. 1311 I~-\t l""IM pll.1~ II IS ... llshlO plc lO . • 3'11• -., Col~ 1,40 . " llV) "" FllCfllc 1.XI • 13J JO'h + I'• ncllM pl?.JS 1 16~-IQ AshlO pll." . . 1 u ... , \to C.tlft s '·'° . n 4 21-.. • ', FClll e pf.ftle . 1JOI Ji\.+ I. INllM pll,43 1 ,.,,._ \lo AMIO<i J 12 llS 46V. .. CACO.s 1 a 6 .. )to\. FllT .. 1.20 S IC ,, .... • '°" ncllGos J.OI I > Jlh !:2'm ~-~ ·: ,t: ~:z.: "' gg:: o~~·: :, m·. ~! ~l~~e 1.14 .• ~ J1t ~ ':'.~~ 2'.~ : !:l ~~ .. ,, lltlM1ro .Olt s Z1t '"' cso .. l\ls.25 . •IO !06\1 FIMlss .24 I ., l \11 + • • MlftlC " .. t• Ullo ..... AUlll<" 2.40 •»SS 42 \lo c.mtiln 1 I 11' 11\o• ... FN8ol l:L12 6 ~I Jtt,. .... ~R 2MI 1 111 ll'•t ~ AOll< pt 2AO . . • 101\ll-J C"""E" 1.14 1 lU ~ 'lo FNStl JAi J 14 :D -h ntR pf 2 JS • JI "'" + Yt All•sCP .JSe 1 21 1µ,,, .• Cem6S S .:MU -Ul't • 1111 FllP• Sit •Vt, "'° nQrTK .54 1• J u-. ...• AUO•I .32 23 • J31111-"" C-Mll .~ I ,. 11 "" FltP• wt • • 11 V.-H• .. re1su J tO •• 04 2111.-~ AufoOI .lO 20 Jd~ l4V•-l \4 ComCll a 24 146J 1ln • 1 FIUftlll 1.20 12 I 1t•11, 1-. Mll<O lb JO 1215 l2Yt . .,., AvcoCp 1.20 10 143 2nll • lit CmwE > 1 Utl 1S"" • V. FtVoBk Ml S IMI 10 \'It Miii\¥ . . n 1).l .... H6 ~~ ... ·r '° 11 91 3711< "' CwE pf l.tO .. 4S UV. ..... FIWIK J.10 s 14 )I\'>-"' "''II.Ill ..... 11 S/ :m ·-l/t ~· I 11 m '"" + ... CwE pf l . . Z1 " FISllFCI 40 2 4jl I V. ntlllFn 2.no 17 SI n~ •• '"' Avon 2 I IID 21-1111 C•E pf 2.17 . 6 -, FllFlllG J::io • 1• >1111-'"i k,.S. 2.10.. 46 11"--\fa A•I• I IS n 21 '""'· •. WE pf 2.11 1 UV.. FIMIEI\ .$227 214 • llterco 2• 10 704 llO"h .... "'°'" ' ti l.S 411.,, "" WE pf 1.40 l MID ... I • i, Fl.m1111 l.J,4 12 .. ~ • ;,, pf 1.7S . n s IJO -"' -._. -wE !If 1.JA .. 000 S. \oot FtexlV AO 11 '°' ~ lit 11trtsl 1.JO 6 1161 141'> \II Belrn<o '° I 17 ,. • -JAi • IJ24 It\< ....... pl 1.61 . . .. 11'111 + "' 1'1111' uo 11 JO JI .. B~rll\11 ,., 11309 UVt Pw Df4,l0 .. JI» J2 I') Fl'91Sf 1' 16 117 23\'t, 11• ntAlll .MJ 16 .. ltll. + Vt 8elCIOt .:12 11 11• 1~ '·• Pw pf7 AS r200 SI Fleet pt 21 111 17-., • \II 9M J M IS •j.I) tl!lt • ll'lo BelCIU ' • '1m J11t.-11. ftPw pf7.n . 000 n • Fl•EC .IO,.. ,. , • ...,_ ~ "'Flaw 1.04 II ]II ,.v •• "" BICIU pf 2.0... 10 110 ->~> Pw pf7.111 .. rlOO 54-lo + .... Fla Pl U • •U )4 , .. lltl'lerv .. 2061 Jll>+ 14 BellCp' ,,.,. 10 IS7 ~. .... Pw pf 4 . 14 ,,... • v. FIAPr11 ,,,, ' 2.SJ 11~l . .... "'"' pl • l3 ......... . BellyMf .:ao 7 2111 , ..... , 'II. "'"" pfl.tt . . 11 ft\o Fl•Stl .40 .. SI In.-lit ntMln 2,60 t IClO:U ~ + h BellGE 2.16 1 426 21\'t . . . • nPw pr1..llS • . » 11~. ~ FlwGen ... Jll 11 .... l\tNllln '·"' I M ,,.,, + .... ... , pl8 4.'° .. 00 :Jl•h-\lo n-prt.50 . . IS It -.... Flowr s AO 12 211 u21"'. l't ntP-2.40 6 1413 .. ~ .. \II le1>Col 1.20 13 32 21h, "' "Pw ,,,,.D . . 11 i.lli-11t Fl-.• t m 11 , "" 11tltec1 • • U 10 .... eenTn .JO 10 1u 6"' ,,. Pw ,,.. •• 02 • . 11 21 .i. Foot.C uo • m .o .. "t" 2.16 1 :uu ao + " llencl.. ·'° 13 I 37-.,_ V. Pw pf2..0 .. 20 m~ ..... FonlM .. :m• 14"' + h TT pfH 4 . I UV.-1'11. •eneP AO.. 4 "~ "" llttc. JAG 1 1213 """. v. ForMIC tAO 11 .. n • " TT pllC • • 11 .. 14. ~ 8kll'I' l.40 S 6 -... \, iG.l"P 1M • 111 34\4 • "" FIO. .. 1.» • . JA llh . •• ntTT 9f 4,!ID . IS 4t' 1-1-. BkefY• 1.32 I n 23111o-"° ~pf 2 .. 1) 11 't Fl.,__ t.JO IS )t .ti.,+ \II "tNrth 1.12 • 51' 2S"• " 9nt1Am UJ 11SJO 20h. v. Gp pl4.!IO .. l .... • \It F•twtl .M 1 N' 11-. lltNt pl ..... . ''° a... .. • 8kAm pf . . .. Ji + Vt Ill l 1 90 1"-• \oll F•SCP Al 11 J4 U • \'t ntrpq 1 0 43 1'1')-Vt 8Ultty 2,411 10 12 34.... Tel 1.jt I J40 11to ;., F....., s 1 ... t " J4 '-11'-G• 1M 12 IJJ .... V. t V. 8en11Tr 2.115 S as 41 :. " .»to t17 40\'t • -F""Mc AO 11 1171 ,.,._ • II. 1'11 ... r «I 174 t V. V. BllTr pf 2.!ID .. I n • .... 4.JD . 1110 ,. • .,., Fri.tM .... to IS ""'. "" rntPw 1,74 ' ,. ·~ '" 9enMr 111 . . " ..... • .... IA ti ,, ,. 1 l'rwlll .AO • • It) Ul> "' llPw,,, t.• .. HOO II -1 ••• • 11 m n v.-... .01r • .. , • "' F-·• .. 1131 20 • .,.. olEI 1.11 ' JO m;. .... lt«nGP ·'°.. n 11.... •. .• 1.si • m ,..,,,. v. -o-4 -llG t.a ' 111 ""-• ~ BM'MI I.GI I 3't -· ,._ llllUI., 15' Jl\I,. W. GAF .811 400 12'H \o _111 .. 2.,1.,13001111'1>+21/t IM'lll l>f 2.... .. lt'l>-J U. •• 1' 111 Mlh+ -"' GAF pl I.JO .. U ~ t V. el'\ 2 ... I M n l4 ..... 8•ryWr .40 M tU 21'/lo v. T ,M I .. ~-V. OATlt t,_. • )t1 ll'h + h Its 2.16 7 SI .,._ t I.\ letltts .JIM 11 154 ~-"' . a I. M 31 14 1'1-\ • "° GCA .tOt 22 ,,. U\lo + "" ~OC. .llUIO -14 t ... BAuk" 1.»23 DO ,....., l't ~· .ti 14 117 11 " GEICO .5' 1J '2 41 1w. rvvell ~ 4 91 41~+ y, 8HfTr .... 20 sn .... • .... '" M 12 XI ,, -" GEO .2A 1 Jf1 10-. .. latl(p ·-117 w ilV.-.1"" loyl'lft IU 61 """ 2..JUS ~ ~ ... GF EW .. 1 ~+ .... -J-J -~(; lA 6 23 22 .,,; t• 14 2l 21¥'>-.... §!Ii t.ft f »1• J9\0 • \It WT I.AUS J1 11,._ • " 9Mr1"' I U ti ;n -._ 1 JO SI uJIW. + " TE pf lA . :D ,.,.__ V. lltlwr • 1) 91 H 1eo1Fd,1.» 1•11142""'+1\lt .•JO'Jn ~-'"' tHeu .II i tS t•i....-"" •R•rllf s.• 1 1 10411<-·i ; 8MI !If J,ll . .. 4S , .... 11 .. I -V. ~I 1 ... 11 llJ.47 .,-._ lemtw ,17 1 IS 20~• . lloclnO I. IS 12 1a '41-'-IAO ts " 2'Yt ... ~r AO If " 2'4\ • II. 1*1F Uio . IS1 I~ "° Be4let .. 109 '°"• •11o raylh 11 1'3 ~-... c 1_. t 11 11'-, \It loffPlll I.al 1 CJ 7'11• .... IH!COPI .10 s Jd41 ...... totflN t.«> to ,. ,,,.._ 111 erl'lt AO 12 ,.. 1'V.--i.n:,,, •.. llD 2111». 1 Bl4ctnH .» n 21 , : .. : \t rc1r.N P'U• .. 1 n \lo 1<0 1.12 ' m i11oo • "" '9rC"' e.12 '!'° n•111 + .... EH-... 10 ., 31 • .. tl!IPKll UIC 11 • ·~ ..._ mC• .. 2 .. ' • • lore llf I .• 11 SJ • II» llnd .2A 14 16 U V.-Vo tW!ICll I 17 ,. \oll Oomll\ J.-• , 2 t•l/lo .. .. lorC pl 7.• • I !IOV> V. CCI II 2.0I • . 21 ""' + .... ~!. I ,. M7 21\'o ..• ;.'. GA Inv .... .. • ~..... IOl'C pl ,, 0 0 llYt-.... Is 1.IO 10 10 ~ W. r ..., 4.61 .. 27 43 ., OAftlOll ... 12 1':11 ,,__ • '-~rc 2.11 • Q 14\lo • lit I• Ult ll m ,._ 'Ml rZ f8US . • IH ,, .... .,. 9csh .. • '3 11 ,.., C 2.• 1 to 4S'MI+ '1 ,.._ .. , . t ~ " 1.1• 12 2411 Sl • • . . 111m s .52 11 tt tt .,... ,_IC pf • 14\1> • "" ll'!!!!!Nh~-lf--MIJ. IL..a-19 lllW. 1 11 d10 JS \It IMI ....... IOl ,..,., y, lowl<r Ill SS Slit-V. ..,,...,,. '"'" • 104 ..-. .. 1"' Ooe• • u 114, 1~ ~" 111 ms •"-• 1 1 + "' En t 22 111 -• '"' DYii .n 11 im1 ''"', 1 IOfwlCll 1.• 10 11 ,...,_ '-M -\'t ''"' 1.11 ,. JI M OynpfU:S.. I U '"" IOIOt..p .tit 60 l~• .... 11\olt + '"" 1.• 1 S 4>'V>-11t El SA 12 ,... .. + ~ ,.,_ I I U ""' + I.\ a h+ l.1 YCWt t ...... 1121 It + \Ill Fell 2A t 1• •I~ " HllMI .9J 12 10 U ••• 21lt.-14 -~ -91 •• JO 10 lt\11 Ii IOYM .. I.• S UJ tl t \Ill U'I>• V. •• 121 '~• \.'o Hells .90 1 1' 11~. , -IC-« •"'·.... .• . • 154 ,,.,._ • ,... Hows ·• !O •IJ1 111'\-"" ~DI 14 2n 111 11 • l"t nit v ,l!l tD •1•1 11°" + V. Intl .ID H J71$ '9\\ • 1 lM 10 HI 21llnlli+1 111 1..0 10 1l0 JJVI-l't Miiis t ... 11 JU • ~ m•rt 114 'fl' ,r. m:-~ " , a': 1! ~'f ~ ~ 8::: .-'tn ~.,, i~""-t': ~:Ire~· :: i~ J OUTLOOK '83 'T ne Orange Coast is a prime financial center marked by solid growth and a healthy economy. T hA December edition of Current magazine will feature Outlook '83 -an examination of the tlmely Issues In business -addressing such topics. as .•• • Con1 rlbut1ons and progress made by Orange Coast business In 1982 • Economic trends to expect In 1983 -with a focus on local employment. real estate. construction, retail and llhance. • Loc&I forecasts and profectlons from k~ business figures. • An overview of Industry In e.ach of the Orange Cout c1tlet • Edi on grant d • big rate 1ncrea e SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Southern Califorrut1 F..ci was ari.nl4-d 41 $803 l mlllton ann~ 1•ll'<:t.rlc raw IN."N' the Cautorula Publk Utllitll't Co1nn11K¥1vn . The docliion MundMy t'Ombined i <'f\l•rul r41t{' uwr ·~"' of $~.7 mJUion in bat(' ratt ... $14 mIUaon for corlt"rv .. twfl c.uui and $9 l million tot "cncraiy l'06\.S" wHh a S2~H mJlllon de reMtt· from reduced !u ·1 '-'C.111.*. ' STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK IAP) • Sa lH , 4 p m Mond1y prlc:o •nd ntl c h•1111• of th• llltHn m o1t ac llvt New York S tock. ~cll•nge la•u••· 11 a<11no n •liont lly 11 m()f• lhM I 1 wer,.rGom , 4JO,te11 ~.\.f'l'.: l ~·= MldSo1tUI ti», IOO E u on ltO too GfftRec.orp' 11'.100 Cllry•ltr nt,'00 "-r l~l 100,100 ~~\lloeb tr.·= Cltk o•P s11'.soo ll•l,lnP111 411,200 Sc"t"mbrQ 4/S,..00 US Homo 4IO,IGO WHAT STOCKS DID HEW \'0111( !API 0ec t) w11•1 •Mt• UtU Tooo 1WI 1tO lH ,.,. 0 • HEW VONK lllPI Dk tJ METALS • n, I • l\o .. . .... .. . '· ''"' ., .... ·-. "' ~. • \j , .. Ptev 0 Us Jn 110 .. , ,, I NEW YORK (AP) • Spo1 noriterrou1 metal pric.t Monday: Copper 7 1'1\,74 con,. a pound, u S 6Mllnall0na. L.-20-23 -.1a • pound. Z1o>G 38-40 -'" • POUIWI. Oollvorod. Tin se 1319 Motlllt w .... compolll• lb ""-"'""' 711 C*>lt • pound. N Y. ...._, 13115 00 ,,., "-· N.~latl"""" $372 00-$3711 00 troy oum:o, SILVER Hendy •"d Harmo n. S 10 311 por 11oy ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS 9y Tllo AHHlltltl ,_ Soltclod wOr10 gold Pflcot loclay. Lo11den mo rning llxi11g SH9.2S, up St0.50. Lotldoft 1ltornoon llxlng $40.40, up s 10.115 •• ,..,.. 91tomoon llJllna $448 64. up S12.45. Frtlllltwt llmg S45f.OO, up $10.911. Zwldl lalo 8'tornoon llxl<lg 1-449 00. up s 11.00 bid. $450.00 Mkod M•fldJ a Hot"'a" tonly dally quo10) $449.40, up$10.85. lneol!Wd (only dol!y q\IOIO) $449.<40 "P 110.~: 1,...eM•d l•brlcollHI (only dally quoit) $471 87.up111.18. SYMBOLS d·-Y't••I)' low U·NOw y1•1ly lllQI\ Ur>1ess 01n-1se no1eo. r•tff ol d1Y1oono1 ••• annual d1sou1wmont1 bl eed Oii Ille IH I Quar11tly o• u m1·1nnu11 d octera110" Special or ••Ire d1v10ond1 or o•ymon11 "OI dea.gne1oa H •9Qlilllf ore ldonllfled on Ille loltowtng 1001no1a •·Also ••I•• °' ••HH b·""""•I rat• plus Sloca d•••dend e<l1q11•Gl11n g d ••1del\d Ooclerod Of PM on prec:1H11ng 12 rnon1n1 ·-OoctoflHI Of p..o •fl• llOCll dJv!O«\d Of •l>f•I 11p 1·Peld 1r.1a ~r. dMOon<I om11tod, deler•IHI or 1\0 K tlOll IPlfl ., ... , d•lfldOnd moe11ng k•Oocl91od or peid tllta ~·r an accumut111-. 1aaw w1111 d1YIOOndt 111 arr001e AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) • 8 •101. 4 Mond1y '"'c:• ind ~' 011ange 01 I mo11 ldl11t ""*'"" Stock f!llQh IUutt , 1r•dlng n•ll~llY II "'°'' $1 ~~;!1 vn= , '~. . Cf\tmp HO '?!4,>oo n. • WarnrCOm wt 7".100 n • W•f19 8 ,,. 100 SI~• •-n•Go ll•,600 ••\-+ AIH~• Allt 107, 100 13' • Conroy Inc '4,000 11<, OIQICon-:-11~"'~~~~7·~·~600;.;...~-'>;;....:l~-.lll' UPS ANO DOWNS ~:: ,'f.:"~"~°'" \~«~°'1":~"11 SIOO• -• .,,..,,, 1 ... 1 l\e .. ~ ll'tt mou -dlOwn tl'te """' .,._ l:,'"~han9t ·~•die\\ of .. HO -IHllrH lreCllllO 0.1-U .,, Intl UGeCI Htl -petCotnf-<Nll9fS .,~ dllltrence be•-Ille prtvlou• c Prlu •no 100.y·s ~~m. price. Harne lAtl C"ll P..llf I M ll•ll\ 0.•t 9 • 11. Up 'f& , Mellel wt "' I • , Up > tow•lllG pl ''"' 2~• Ui> 4 M•Ht l 1., <tO I Up S SlokeVC " , t•·, Up • PSEG 4 33 • 3 Up 1 M•Ht l Inc t"-'"° Up t OyMCo Am IOltt. • '• Up 9 '"•pco(lld s 10"° 4, Up 10 KOi Cp •~ • -. Up II TW C0tp wt 9 1 • "-UP 11 Wl"'Ntll n-.. I\. Up 13 Sllll•1rCp lh • '°" Up 14 Ber•ey Pho 1 1-, Up 1S Intl H•rv 31 • , v,. up 1' WMlolr Un Sl>a * ~ Up 11 Anlxltr 131\ 1'~ Up II WHhHel I" Cl\. • 1\<. Up 1' Wt•n Un• 4 1,. Up to OtMlik• '"' "" Up 11 Unlrovllf 10• • • "-Up n SuftComp pl '3' 1 • '"' UP 112> C"r~\ltr wt 1 :-. Up 14 111(0 CotP 14 ~ Up U ~1ECI plG SI n. Up 1• UAL In< :IO'• I... Up DOWNS He,.,. LASI CllQ 1 C:ooplno p1e 1" • 101~ 1 TelecomGp 1• • lo 3 AIMo..,.. n 2 "• • Ou•ne• 6\'; ~ S Ne•P t.6Cpt 12•1 111. •US HGmlt 21!• 2"• 7 GTFI pl8 IO' 1 1 I Gr1,,llfy 1... •, ,: ~ ~.c,.c:r.,, • ~:: s ~; II l.lCCOtP pl • 6' • \ 1 11 c ... rltrCo 11•,. •• U 8 rockHtl 10 "' U ICH ""-rm I~• "' U S"ekll!t JI 1\. 16 Wll\ ... ~ t)>.. I :~ ~~":Jj""_ir·-·~ It Ke"•'ff s.. "° r: ~~:~. ~~ J;:~ ~,,. n t:rlo.?l'.! ·~:: '"' ZIN .. -\ 6'• ... 1S Sl•uflCM\ 24'. t•J Pc. Otl Otl Of! OU gi: Ofl Oil Oil Ott Oit Oii Oii Ofl Otl Oii °'' 0 11 Oii Oft Off 0 11 Oii Oii Ott l\·Hlw •I -r-Ooclarecl or potd HI pr 12 mon1111 plus Sloet. Olv•Glfld l·P••Cf~ t1ock "' p1eceo1ng 12 mot11t1a. 1111m ... caall v•tue Oii •~-41•1dond or ••·d1tt11~ d••• •·h -4•••001\dt or ••·rtgllll y·IJO-OIV!cs.llG ano Hlfl 111 lull r-S•lol "' IUll c>d-ClllOO wd·WNtl d•11rltlli1ecl wt•WM<'I 1u u•a .,w.w 1111 ••rro111t ••·Wll.,0111 ••'lll/\11 .. d .. ·E•·dl91t111UllOll P E rat•O Tl\A pttCO ol e llock n e m11l11p e ol P9t·Sfl.,e eer"'"il•·-•VOCI I>) d•v•d•ng ,,.. IAloSI 11·monlh H •n•nQ• llgu•t 11110 IHI H IO PrtCO You can't• afford to miss this opportunity to communicate your outstanding benefits to over 96.000 adult readers -residents vitally concorned About the uncertainties and progress of their coastal region. Outlook 83 Is a feature 5ure to be saved for future reference by employees. customera and buslneslftl Interested In leadlng area Industry. To rHerve your adverllalng apaQe today, contact Detty Pflol advwtlalf'IO at 142-4321. .. 1141 0 1Anga Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tuosday, Oooemll r 14', 1982 am Peck:inpah hack after f our-ye~r hiatus By 008 THOMAS A11ocl•led Pren Writer llOLL YWOOI> "I y1•arn fo r l111nw1o," 1r1Ullf'r s Sum Pt>l'k111µah , 11.11• C11•1•y dil•t•t•lul' uf niemornble Wl·stl•rns. He 's bal·k at his profoss1011 or muk111g Clhns ..ifter a four-yt•ur ubst•11t'l' But his 1·11n1 plaint s1•t •1111-<I half-ht•a rtcd T h e J11·t•l·tur o f "Ht~t· t lw H1Kh Country," "Tlw Wild Bum·h " am! '"J'he Ba llad of Cal>lt• Hogue•" was ix·rhups n11slalj.{ll' uboul work111t( w ith c..'Owboys, horst•s a nd widt• O}>l'n spill'l'S But he was obviously pkas t•J t11 bt..• Oll('c..· mon 1 in <·harg<• of n movit• t•tm1pany. Ttw new film is "T tw C.>sh·n wrn Wl't'kl•nd ," bast•d o n the Sl'l'und o f R obP rl Lutll um 's laby rinthme suspense nove ls It st't'ms hkt• a l'hangl• of pac..~ for Peckinpah, but ht• grumbl<'tl <1lX1ut thl' similarity to "S trnw Dogs." "Same thing ," ht• said. "l kn• Wt' lrnw a dt:ad dog in the refrigerator. 111 'Struw Dogs' ttwrl' was a dead cat in the closN Both 11wol\'1' a h11ust• unde r siege.'' i T he dirt~·tor's matn pru blt•111 was v 1dt'<l T he s('ript calls for Sl'('fll'S of tlw 11t•to r s watt·hing t•levision, and lh<' probkm.s \If l'aptunng ttw vi<foo il)1age on film wcrt' 1.:umµl1l'.ltcd Thu t's why ·kinpa h hank t•n'CI for horst•s ··The Oste rman Wl't'kt•nd" w ns filn11ni,: in u per Mandevi11t• Canyon Ill 1h1• Hollyw ood. Ilal ls at t e ranch onl'C' ow1w<l by tht• lall' Hubt•rt Tavlor . ·kinpah was d1rt'l·ting ~I S4't'llt' II\ whwh rdatiuns tween longtime frat•nds a t a n•uniun s ta rt tt> ravel. The men -Rutgt•r H:iut•r, Dennis Hopper. ris Sara ndon and C raig T. Nelson -be<.'Om<' d .adly ser ious during a game of w ater polo. T he omen -Meg Foster. Helen Shaver and Cassie ·---~~LU XURY THHH RfS 1st Two Matinet Show inu ONLYS212Unlus01htrwiseMottd 113t.Her•r11tl6)61.t12ss1 1~,..~':.) s * FOR fUnt EX<ITEffiEnTI V1s1tOur ... k;l:ttfil•!l'l®Iw~U!E~l!if• '-18 HRS .@ Sho ws 12100 2 :00 4:00 6 :10 1:20 10 :30 13' 4'1jj1) 0 ;12) 61~ 9282/ ~,·~) -jfDDl-DJII 1 f I THLEXTH.d·IJJ3 /V..ru~ ~~3;1,~~ • e TrRR1.srR1A1. d 0 ,., •nd10:00 6:00 8.15 •nd 10 :30 ,,,. -I-Ko No PAHe \ Plus Superman 11 (PG) EI THCEXTHA· • e TERRF.STRIAL fil!1 Al~r,f>o•.v.ai~~ (PG) ALONE IN THE DA RK ffi Q (A) Plu• So•c•r~u (Al B. T_/wuj C#I M. ? llMCe..~ Ptu• The Wo•ld A ccording To G.atp A Driv•ins O~en 6:45 W"knigh1s / 6:30 W"kends Children Under 12 Free Unless Noted V111t•s J(l'OW 11l111 11 ll'tl 111111 ll'y th i.tup 1h1•11\ Thf• d1ffll'ult pµ1·1 of tlwtr 1wl'fuan11ul\·t•i; wuw :w ung l'Olllforlubil· in huthinH i.u1L<1 on w11• uC D1'l'l·m lx•r'8 <.'l.lldt'lit duy11 Pl't'kpinpuh rou1111•d oruund thl' pool, givin~ dirl>c.'llot\s 1.0 1.lw u11d1•rwatt•r clllHl'fll opt•rato ni un<l oth1•1· f\lt'll1Ut11'S uf lht> l'rl1W, all o ( whotn lll\.'CWd1..•d hun tutt.tl r<>sp<.'<·l. Muylx.: a we. Aft1•r his sto1•my c11n•1·r, hl· drnw11 thal kind of n•nction Jllll last £ilrn Willi "l'OllVOy," Whk h ht• dl.'Sl:l'iOOS us mukin!( "<1 lot of 11111nl'y." Whut has hl' clont• in lhl' lrn;t four y1•:u'K'! "l did 11 hit of writing u11d 1 had 11 hcort ulwck," ht• 1-.•plit>d. "I had ROmt' offors fo1• fi lros, but nothing I m u Id get excited about." Ile was e xc i t<•d abou L "The Ostt:r man Weekend" when it was offe red to him by producers Pl•tcr S. Davis and Bill N. P anzer. Although it is in a suburban setting moved to California from LudJum's locale, New J ersey -it contains clemen ts of viult'nce that have characte rized Pcckinpuh films. u u "" •cosu MISA t ••• .... l -·--.. ~-~~!'..~·ft, fo!.~M~W ~"~!'~N~---·~·:·· 1 -. ct. ~ • u I l ANAH£1M • 1 • 1"'l lOlllO WU TMtNSfltt 61 •• ,. I ,,. el .. IJJ'tl '" • 1 • • '1 r ,, '.-•• 1 •WI SlMl•ITUt 1 1 ,.1 ~_.. fl I\ Jfl'\ .. fih ,.., Jr J A\fl lh94 • (XJ °"•tn....OJ lil<)f0.0,0•~(tlltlOIOfl htUhQi\Utlllit .. t Whllth•twew• ..... Illies •114111 Is• ...,.. .. r Cltrtst .. 9'H1 H•ne: IC'• nee• .-rel"MI .. •n • ~r eree. PG ;: ---•OW PLAYl•G --- llllA MV 8 ul•/• 519 S339 COSTA MIU E01t111i-4 ch a,,,~ 5•0 , ... COSU MIU fa-.tlef' ,.~ f'O '" ~ 6JI HO• ll TORO 10~110 .,,.,'fP«• 181 ~MO lllYllll E O-.i4l!a N• v1t11 JQf" ..,,. 151 06\\ OllAIHll "'• tff'•~· 6l4 91el WU TllllNSH ll u .. .._.11 <.. ,. • w, , '" '"!~. fOUllU lll UllU Pil( •t' I 11•.-j ..... I (l "'' .,. titi? i..t!I• OllAllGl ''14 l"I ",,. ~ t+J'l4Tlfl Holidays here too soon? This year, beat the late shopping blues. Take advantage of the special buys and gift ideas at your local stores and shopping centers listed in the "Last Minute Gift Gulde," a special section in the Daily Pilot coming Wednesday, December 15. Clint Eat1t11J(HHI mul Kyle Eastwood HonklJtpnk Man *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Special Eng1gements 1nd Hol1cl1r11 L,t. M1gADA MALl lO M•rooo cit t o1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 .. HE-MAN F.ROM SNOWY RIVER" t"°< n-u. l ft, •'"1t. , .. '°°' "4' HOUAS-101 ,, .. >!16, ' .......... "' t-M , •• "AIRPLANE II THE SEQUEL" tP01 ·-----...... - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALIC·IN "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" 1P01 .. ,_.. OCKA'r •TIJlll.0 tt-a >--. •• •• M'.:JO "VICTO~OlllA" 1001 •M. .,..,_ I At ONU OIC 1t -tl:a, ... M':Jt ••AllTHVlll" 1P01-uo ••• ~•otc u -~,..wwww I LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAl l( IN foe.My "' 0.1 lv1'0 ' 21J/6U·9211 -0,..t•) tlM. .... L tt ''THI HOUSE Wffl!lll EVIL OWl!LU " t•I ,.... ..... ,. -"'AM-OFFICER AND' - A GENTLEMAN" tAI MO >A SW_.,,,, to-.Jt "THE TOY",.,., ,.._ 129. IAI. t'A ,..,a "FIRST BLOOD" 1•1 t"t-10, l..""21, •"ll.a.:tt. l'.:1'. lO-zt faculty 01 Condlewooo 213/531·9510 "AIRPLANE 11 THE SEQUEL" 1001 ·~i:-. ...... ..-. ......... "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER",.,., tut.HI.~", ..... "CR.EEP SHOW" "'' 1t-•. 12'. ,..,. "SUPEllMAN 11" .... , .. ,8ot Olfic1 Qpoloi 0 ... Al UH.II Siio. Sllftl UH• IMPORTAMT MOTICl! CMllORlN UNOUI 12 FAnt -••-'"'°"''-°"' '•.--1t.rt.,o, .. Clll..fl SOlll«I • !OUfl Ut CM !W*) IS !OUll """'81 1• llO •"CM -""'1< -ACUUOllY l'OSl'l'OI --Ml~l•AU Clllt.ll-DOll NI- A~.t.H(I._. ANAHEIM DIUV f ·IN h••-'1 .,.l•-SI 179·9110 ' ..... , ,,_, ., tlllDOI:.,.,,. ..a.t" Pl> J-~1•1 -ntl l AIT 4*.CAH .....,-C•t C•IOEFISOUND h •, ,._ PAP• BUENA PARK OlllV! IN U"Cot_, A .. Well Of •f\ott 121...070 ' ~ ...... ~ .... ~" LINCOLN DlllV( IN \•~O·" ••• w.,, Of 1nou 121-4070 j •ll~t' Ai~ FO UNTAIN VALLEY DlllVE·IN So•D•-',..., 01•-"""tlkl) H2·Hl1 "THI TOV'' t,.I -"HANKY PA•V" t-.i CNll Pl lOUflD ilo ••A f';i.' A LA HABRA DRiii! IN ·---·-.. ............. 17MH2 ....... ORANGE 1-..-ivt IN "'"'" !;OOD'' 1111 "D9ATH Wlltf'iei .. MISSION [)Ul\if IN . . .... . "41 HOUlll"1•1 "IHAllKEY'I MACHINE" 101 CINI fl SOUND 1. "CLASS OI' t!M" 1111 2. "W AJllll'°"I" (Aj I. "90U\.IVAAO NM»!TI" 101 "AN Ol''1Clll ANO A OllfT\.IEMAN" 101 .... •&MElllCAN GIGOLO" tol "AlllPLAMI M TIC HOUU" !N l -"a.ICYLL I N'nle ••• TOOIT .. 11 AOAJtl" 101 C••(ll- ltocft ... 0 so ol J Gotff" "'°"' , .• ....,, 191·3693 . "FIRST BLOOD" 101 -"MAO MAX"1•1 Cllllot-\Ol .... NOUflr1•1 "IHAllKEY'S MACHINI" t•1 ()lltf ll - "AA.Ol'PlCIR ANO A o1NT\.11111Mtl" 1•1 -•AMllllCAN OIOOlO" t•I THE t'"MILW CIRCt8 by Bil Keane "There's one left over. Can you mail it to me?" MARMADl'KE by Brad Anderson "Marmaduke never gets any Christmas . card s ... give everything addressed l 'occupant' to him!" Gi\Rt'IEl..D ON THIS DIET, GARFIELD. V0U /MV PRINK ALL THE COFFEE VOU PLEASE MOON Ml'l..l..INS ACROSS 51 Bewilder 1 Folk ver989 53 Cottage 6 Puccini work 55 Prior 10 SIMI 56 Obis 14 Hiiia capitll 61 Heatt!en 15 Diplomat 62 Army bacil· Cyrus-Uf>: 2 words 16 Pip -: S.. "-LI Alttrnoon Douce" 17 Spect1tora· 65 Impeller ... 66 Slc:ily city 1t No41ce 67 Ground 20 Awn111 COV9t 21 Stllr1 ~ 68 Fuhlon 22 Ripped 69 Elk'1 kin 23 Harrll' uncle DOWN MONDAY'S PUmEIOLVEO 25 Tlltt 1 Energy units ~.,.... 2t C.i.brallon 2 H•~ 30 Budl'a tnllt 3 PtrtlM J>09I CC.JC:..c..c. 31 Ofout 4 lucid 25 Firm 48 Pledge 3-4 Beltow 5 Assayed 21 Olymplc: -51 Running 3e AblolU1t 6 Grain 27 Alert lmoll 31 E~ 7 NYC 28 l ight rays: 52 a.fill 39 0tgNe: llndmartc: 2 words 53 Le¥tilng 3 wordl 3 won» 29 Cunning piece 42 -out; Malle I 81roblltt 31 Nlcllnemt for 54 Leendet't dO • Peru lndltn • Scot? '°"' 43 Oltt'1 neme 10 Routt 32 Mut1c OP· 55 Splktt 44 Flink 11 ltoe 33 or..... 57 Huttned 45 SUnday 11111 12 LCM 35 L~ 68 OllltOM 47 "--13 Of1llty 37 Atrtcan llkt 59 S.. MOii moment" 18 Ottman .o Optrtttcl 90 v...,.... 1.g. 4t lnlktt lrtlcll 4 t Hur*'• etat. 93 Our "*IW 10 W• body 24 Turblnt 4t lndlen dty eowct Or1no-Cout DAILY PILOT /Tu.day, o.c..nt>« 14, 1882 81GGEORGE by Virg il Partch (VIP) PMNUT8 ........ ---~.., by Charlea M. Schulz "Sorry, M1'm. I'm Juat 1lltrglc to c1t1." DE~~IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum • WHEN oL 5.4NTA GETS MY LETTER I ~E'LL AAVE TO PUT HIS ELVES ON OVERTIME !' b Harold Le Ooux THE~ WAS SPECULATION ... 6llT NO PAOC>F. .. THAT JEANNIE WAS THE eENEFICIAAY Of THAT TIDY LITTLE SUM! by Jim Davis nus 15 SOME ~INP OF' WEIRD 171£T by Ferd & Tom Johnson -ER ... IT IS SHRIN~·PROOF ... ?? .... l'M 60IN6 TO n v 1'0 6£TTIN6 ON TME OL' SELL CHRISTMAS WREATHS C<WMECCIAl. 8AHDWA60H, ~ltOM DOOR TO ~ EM? 60IN6 AFTER TM05e 816 MOLIPAV 800(5, MUH ? GORDO IF IT'S THAT CUTE NEW BOY IN CLA55, I'LL COME TO THE PHONE--- c~:::..t-r LOOK TOO C.l.05E WITM ntO.eiE '40t)tJe1 ~~e.f ~AU "~""~ WJZllJK'l.e~ '40V "'-"'1e:l-J''f M~T/ ~~4 ~EMBER ... Q)O'RE' A .. WE51VIEW HI&~ sc.HOOL MARCH IN& t:!APEGOAi ... YA WANT' A SOWN FOR 1"01:'A Y~ SURCSICAL- Sl!SSION 'TWINKIE!~ . .. NEED AW MELP? by Ern ie Bushm1ller -BUT IF IT'S SLUGGO PRETENDIN6 HE'S THE NEW BOY IN CLA55, I'M NOT IN I ' 118 Orange Coo11 DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Oocomber l•, 1082 'l Was a Mail Order Bride' on CBS tonight Uy FRED ROTllt~NBt<;IW Aff h .. •l1lon Wtllet NEW YOHI< Boy m1•l.'\.:s ~il'I liuy h~·11t ~1rl. Hoy sutc's girl Boy g1·ts !!t•rl CBS flUtN u legul rink.le on a siandard tt'lt•v1:;iun vehicle tonight in e t0tally implausible, halfway dwertJng "1 Wb$ u ail Order Br1dl'." Another slgnif lc a n t twist \s th o t tht! lallonshlp between Valerie BertincUI "One-Day at T ime" and Tt.'d WD&J "Soap" ls never whllt it pears tO be -a charade remlni!ieent tn style, but t substance, or Cary Grant's movies and, Inter. e plUow farces ot Rock Hudson and Dol'iii Day. Kate Tosum1 (Mi1'S BertineUi) is a magazine r1ter who plants a bogus marriage proposaJ ln the wspaper personaJ section so she can do a st0ry on e men who seek marriage by Federal Expres.'>. e story idea 1s not hers. Kate, you see, has umalistic integrity. She calls the Idea "repu!S1ve" d act.-epts the ~lgnment only artcr extracting r editor's promise of meatier stories. Robert Fitzgerald (Wass) is a recently d ivorced Angeles lawyer, enjoying the singles bar scene, 0 answers the ad on a nigh-stakes bet that he n't stay celibate for two weeks. H is character is 8:00 I) 0 D NEWS 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS A eel burglar llnds more than he barga108CI tor alter he witnesses• mur011< 1•rit11Ull1iht•J 1n u rut·k1•tlmll IK't'lll' wlwn ht• U)'¥' "Wlnnlng'lf t•vt•rythln11, t•w n 1( you havt• to HlV<' up yuur bu<l y tu win a poin " 'l'lll' p1t•11tl11t• h1 w1•0 ut hllK 1•11uul(h fluffy ~h1t1 rn tu 11ulita1n t•arly Attent!on ll '8 nt'vf'r an lntt'lliRCnl fan.'C', though, oplhll for p l.!·in-the·f8('(' philosophy rathl'r than cll'vcmeu. The snug lt) tht'1r n.11Jl-clivl' gumt'S, imivitably. 1s that Koll' and Rohcrt ran In love but can't ~act bc.'<!aulK' tht-y1re rmn-d In their ruat'll. Kate, whost' private lifestyle '''uns tow'6rd quickie sex over •moUonaJ auachnwnt.s, luus found her ideal mucho mun, who with tt"nslllvity and warmth. ll M-'Cll'-'l thc-handsomt' Robert can also cook and sew. For his part, Robert llkt'S the looks of Kate. Mass Bertinelli, an actress who has shed her adoleS(..-ence in our living rooms, fills the part of the scxuaUy active, sophisticated woman of today. The mm is brt.'<'ZHy entertaining when Kate and Robert are doing their approach-avoidance, role-reversal routines. She keeps trying to get him into his bedroom. but he panics in the clinches. ,z CHAALES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 9:-00 I) (Jl MOVIE .. , WH A Miii Order Bride" (Premiere) ll11atle B«unollt. Ted Wess Una•· 1>«1ed comp11ce11on1 1r1se wtoon a p.ettv m.gaz1ne writer edver111M1S herH4f as a brtdal candldaae for 1n lnv11111ga11v• reporting asllqriment 0 Qlll OAVILAN A be11utllul agll(ll Irle• 10 d1s1rac1 Gav•liln when he IJlUSI reac;ue his best friend tr om a T urklSll pttson D 0 THAEE'S COMPANY Jack's well-meaning tr1ends thre111en 1ne llnan. elel fulure of 1111 res11u- ran1 Q m MERV GRIFFIN Guull Jack JonH. Fred Grandy, LIH Robinson. Johnny Yuna fii) MYSTERY fJ EIOHT IS ENOUGH Noeholas bttngs home • fosier child l11eno whom he w1n1s Tom to adop1 U) M•A•s•H The e•pt111ences of being wounded, flown by h•h· copter to lhe 4077th oper ated on ano treated 1n po st-op are seen through a young sold ler' s eyes E.T. (center) a nd host Robin William s are surrounded by friends on HE.T . a nd Friends: "Mehssa" Guy it now the s..spac;I In two murders. but 1 now twill poln11 10 Mehssa't Involvement with more lhlln gambling (Part 3)0 '1:) NOVA (E HAWAII FIVE-0 A Oaring bani. robbery is cerned oul under the cov· er of a mock m11t1ary emer- gency EID OllER EASY Gues1 actress Dame Jud- ith Anderson O '1i) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "Arct111ec1ure The Ev0lv- ~ Skyl10e ' ((; C8SNEWS @) A8CHEWSc;l ~N8CNEWS ID THE PRICE IS RIGHT ( S) &EHJl'S VERY OWN CHRISTMAS STORY A trip to Swluerhlnd t. becomes 1n e•clllng l· 1d11anture tOf Bani• and his , lri8nds when llHty meet ' K11s Kringle '8:30 G» ALICE <: ? II r.l ,. . .. t. ., It I r. I' .. ti ., l• !. j I· I I 11 1 h fD DICK CAVETT Guesl Wiiham Styron (Part 1JIRI '1i) GROWING YEARS "Adolescenl Mental Oevel· opmen1" ~NEWS @I BARNEY MILLER The deteclives ol lhe 121h practnct discover the Sii· t1on house turned ups•Oe down by an unknown van· dal who leaves a meH"Q8 th91 he's out to gel Barney ID WOALO Of PEOPLE re MOVIE • • • "A C hr111mas Carol' ( 1951) Aleslalr Sim Kalhleen Hamson Based on Iha story by Chatlff Dickens A Gold-he•rted ml-learns the value of compassion through ghostly adv8ntures on Chrtstm1s Eve 0 AN EVENING WITH RAY CHARLES Rey Charles performs many of hos gre81est hllS •· 1nciudloO "Georgl•.. end "H1I The Road Jack •• •n th11 co ncar1 llped •n Eomonlon, Canaoe $ MOVIE • • "Going Apel" ( 1981) Tony Danza. Jessica Wei· 1er Three orangu1an1 hold Ille purse slr1ng1 to a SS· mOllon lnherl1enc;e PG 0MOVIE * "Modern Problems .. (198 t) Chevy Chase P1111 0 ' Arbanvilte A hepleH air tralflc co ntro ller with numerous personal prob· lems 15 endowed wllh 1elek1netic powers alter belno doused with nuc~•· w11ta 'PG' 7:00 I) C88 NEWS D N&CHEWS • HAPPY DAYS AGAIN FonLle thinks he hH lost hie ICMJCh wUh women when 1 kiss Minda 8 new teacher running away In terror. 2 b 0 D A8CNEWSQ B L VNN 8HACKELFOAO NEWS ID THREE'S COMPANY The lhr-me accldenlal- ly 11811 their MW llnOIOrO'I tumlture • JOt<EA'S WILD G) '1!) 8U81NE88 AEPOffT (J) P.M. MAGAZINE (fO') EHTEATAINMENT TONIGHT lnlervlawl wtlh mem1>er1 of Al1b1ma ., __ Magical Movie Vi itor , ,. tonig ht a t 8:00 on KNXT (2). 191 LOOK ALIVE c;) ORANGE COUNTY TODAY H ST ANDING ROOM ONLY Rea Skelton Presenls Freody-lhe Freeloaders ChHSI mas Dinner llincenl Pr•ce and lm<>oene Coca co.star with Red Skenon In 1ne "ory of Freddy the Free1oader'1 troels and 1rlbul1tlon1 as he plans a holldey dinner l MOVIE • • , 'Cheech And Chong'I Nice Dreams" (198 11 Richard Cneech M1r1n Thomu Chong Two 1nve111rel• polhe1ds appear 10 heve found Ille<• true calhng ea they peddle ice cream on tho atreeas ot Los AngalH 'R 7:20 fJ NBA BASKETBALL Los A ng•••• Lakera "' Por111na Tra11 Blazers 7:30 I) THE NIGHT SEFORE CHRISTMAS The lfu• story of now Clement Clark Moore hap- pene<I 10 wnte hll populer poem 11 totd with musical selections petformed by the Norman Luboll Choir 0 ~ FAMILY FEUO 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY aCOMPAHV Tne g11t1 u e e•c1lecl to hear thlt wild'· Anne Mane will anend their class reunion 0 EYEON L.A, Featured e profile of Rob- ert Goulet. a look at specl· ally cers. 1 reporl on kid boxe<I m M·A·s·H When Frank 1nrealens to leave Hawkeye eno Trapper lino 11 means dou· ble duty lor lhem Ind invent a way 10 make him stay (E If TIC TAC DOUGH EID MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1:) MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING Yj, YOO ASK£0 FOA IT Fe11lured Engtlnd's Cre- ry Bush People ' and The Human Pool Tlble · ID MOVIE • • "Fllght To Mara" (19521 Merguerlle Chap· man, Cameron Mllchell A group of tcltl'111Sll and reporter• em~k upon an outer apace voyega to Mera 0 MOVIE • • • • Prelty Baby" I 1979) Ket1h Carradine. Brooke Shlelds A World War I photographer decldaa 10 marry Iha ado· ieSGenl daughter ol a pros· 111u11 In the "Red Llghl District" of New Orf.eans 'R' 1:00 I) E.T. ANO FRIEH08: MAOICAL MOVIE VISITOM Oan Aykroyd, L1t1lne Newmen, Garrell M°''" and E T jOln Robtn Wll· llama for en 1nform1t1va and humorou1 look el how our views ol •Kttelerreatrl· al• and ~I• In 1119 Murt have changed OVllf lhfo ye11s 0 •j9 FATHER MURPHY A young boy takes pan In 8 bank robbery 10 get lhCl money !le needs 10 care lor his sick mother 0 MOVIE * * • • "Going My Wey" ( 194.4) B•ng Crosby, Berry F1tzger1ld A prl•ll assigned to a oowntrO<I· d1111 p1rtsh works a m111c1e with the pa111h and the people 0 <fl\ HAPPY DAYS Fonzl8 decides 10 help when HHlllef asks Senta to get ner motllef 1na 118' grendp1renls beck on 11981~'"0 terms c;l 19) SOAP Oanny and Burt decide 10 avenge Elaine's dOllh and Oel Oonohue breaks the new• ol ChMter'• appar. ant demise lo Jesstca U) P.M. MAGAZJNE U11ng laser bee"'' 10 replace 1cupuncturt1 needles for pflln relief bike<• whO deliver 1oya l o und8'prMleged klels dur· 1ng the Chrlllmes aeeson (E THEWAYTHEV WEAi Ann-M1rgret. N1ncy Dus· Hult, Ch111ton HHlon. P1tr1ct1 Neal, Pele• S1tauss, Cloris Leachman end many 0111et1 11• fff· lured In 1 l>enef11 parlOfm• enoe dedoeattng a lhealre compln at Northwesaarn Unlvart1ly W NOVA "Tracking The Super- 1t11n1" An inve111g111vo report on the con11rucllon ol • Japanese h113t1-~ train 11ne bot-Loe Angeles Ind Sen Otego. whk:h Is sl•le<I lor compr.. loon by 1985, Is presenlecl 0 '1i) MYSTERY ' Mellss1" Guy 11 now the auspecl In 1wo murdor1. but a new twist poinll to Met1ssa'1 IOVolYernent With more lhan g1mbllng (Pl r1 3)0 C MOVIE • • "Mede In Parts" ( 11166) Ann-MMgret. LOUIS Jourdan A Paris designer sweeps a l1slllon buyer oll herleal M MOVIE * * ·~ "ZOfrO, TM Gey Btede · ( 19811 George Hemlllon. Lauren Hullon The hete>tc son 01 Old Cari. lorn1a'1 temou1 juallce llghler Is lncapaclllled t>y a riding Injury, torclng his lopplah brothef 10 don Iha Cll>8 Ind mHk 'PO' S MOVIE * * "Buddy, Buddy" ( 19811 Jack Lemmon, Wal· let M1llh1u While 1n ISSIHln coneenttllH on hit nax1 llAllng, he 11 rudely ln1errup1ad by • tNmbHno l1llure of • min wflO 11 11templlng 1uitlde. 'R' 0 MO\llE v CHANNEL LISTINGS (I * * • • "Moscow Oo4tsn't Beli.ve In Teers" (1980) Vera Alen1ov1, Alexei 811a1ov Tllree counlry g1r1s wllh clilteren1 ooal• Ind values move 10 Iha big city to pursue lhetr •mt>I· t1on1 1:30 D 0 LAV1!ANE & 8MllllLEV 0 8 KNXl ICBSI 0 0 K NB(. (NBC! t 9 l<TLA Clod I " .KA8C CA8CI c D l(FM B (CBS) lf i 9 KHJ TV (Ind I 1171 ID KCST lMICI ,, • I( tTV (Ind ) •• '• l(COP·TV (Ind.) • f1D l(r fT f P f\<.1 • e KOCE IPBSJ On TV Z TV MBO !Ctnt•milal I WORI NY N Y (WT8SI tESPN) IShowllmtl Sp0tHohl IC11bl~ N•w9 N"lworll) Levllfne euapecta that th• mi n lhe has t>Mn d111ng, a lormer 1111>41.,• 1111e1. 11 OV1 lo klll her O (tJ CHAAUl!'I AHOILI The Angela like on lhe roles ot b•byalller1 wflal1 lht IM410lnl!IY8 1 I·~· Ol<I ni.ce 01 • f°'mer CHan1 Clllmt to hive wltn.tMd 1 mllrOer G» OODCOUPLa Oticar end Felb learn th1t IMy ~II teQIM• mlnOt -gery "rr1c.1<1ng The Super· "ain5.. An 1nv81tlg1Uve reporl on lhe conatruc;Uon of a J1panese high-speed train hna between Los Angeles and Sen Diego, which 1t •••led fOf comple- llon by 1985, Is presented 0 C) 80LDONES Z MOVIE • • • • "Ovtces1 OI The Island• ( t952J Robert Morley Ralph Roc:hardton Baseo on the novel by Joseph Contld A men's moral ht>at 1s dUl•oyed when he 1>eeomH lnvotved 1n a Ma1ay1n 1muggl1no operellon 9:*>fJ@) ITOll Juoy OorelM and Violet rebel 9011n11 Rot'a atro- gance when Ille 11kes cha•g• ol lhe ollN;e tor the hOspttehzad Mr Hlf1 MOVIE * • "The Co11ackl" ( 1960) Edmund Purdom, JOhn Or-BarrymOfe. In Czar Ale-ender'• Ruul,a 01 the t8S01. lully end cCMJr•· geous w1rr1or1 wage fierce balllel eg1lnst invaders 0 MOVIE •''"Endless Love" 11981) Brooke Shiatds. Mer11n H-111 A t7-year·Old'1 ot>seu•ve love !Of his 15- yee•-old girlfriend leeds to peren1al conlllcts Ind t•-e· edy 'R' 10!00 0 ST. EL8EWHEAE Or WMlph1H'1 con1rover- 11aJ dec:ISl<>n 10 CIOM an en11<a werd pays on. NufM Rot«lthel tlkee pity on • l>Olheftome p1lianl. and Or Fiscus la mugged In the emergency roatn. eoma> NEWS D ®)llAMAAA WALTERS SPECIAL Blrbara Well•• lnlervlew5 Dolly Par1on. Join Rl"8tt end GOl<lla Hewn &;) GREAT PERFORMANCES "Danca In Amerlcl The Green T1ble" Germen choreog111phe• Kura JooH'• moving anll·Wll muaerplec• combining dance end theeter I• pa<· formed by the Jottrey Bal· l•I «:> 800Y IN OUUTIOH "Shaping The Future" Beg1nntng In 1n olive grove on a GrMk lallnd end and· Ing on Ille rocky MathOra of Scot11nd. Or Jon11n1n Miller ollera a tuclnallng e•pt1n11ton of g-11ca 1na conceptk>n Q C) THE VIAGNAN A greenhOrn j04nl the wr1ngler1 at SNIOtl Ranctl and llnds leernlf\9 the ropes 1 IOl>Qh ch1llenge. 'C1MOVIE ••\'I "Chaach And Chong'• Nice Oreemt" ( 1981) RIChltd "ChMCll" M111n. Thom1.1 Chono TWO lnYeletlle pol~I app .. , 10 h1"9 tound tllelf trve camng 11 the)' peddle 1ea croam on Ille ttr .. 11 01 Los Angelel 'R' IH MOVIE • * * "Sllr Crazy" ( t1180) Rlc:hlld Pryor, a-WllCI· flf Two men 11a mlttMlen for b1nk robbet9 Ind 1«11 10 111 R' S A New DAY IN EDIH A .,_-f\14 lemlty tumt I amah 1own Into 1 moclfl reju~•11on project (Plt1 10) 1CUO G) INc.1'8aHT ..nwOMNIWI $1 ROMANCE: MNeATI4 lHIMAGIC (Part3) 9 MOYll ft ••• 'Chetch And Ct1ong'a N1C41 o. .. me" (ltlt) AICNlld "Chtecfl" Mflflll. TllOM.. Chong Two 1n11ett<ett pot11Hd1 11ppear to h"4 '°""'d tMtt true celling u t'-Y pMdla let Cftam on tlte llreett Of Lot~'lll' , t:OO ••• (f} ""'"' .... Ruht•rt'h bt•t with h11 frl~nd and law paruwr, Jew (K1•n Klmmin."'· l8 lwbert'a aporta car ap!Nt Joe•1 bout u 11trt1nj{ t-nuugh motivation for him 10 retiat Kuic•111 f61(1Jtt'iilvenf'HI. One mapr problem of tM film It that th1.1 unconv~ntlonal farce too qukkly lortiN• the bulldina relatJONhlp for th• dlllolvlna one. Aft.er Rob<ort CQnfetlM.'9 hiJI love and hls charade, Kate set. aU huffy -ahe was no Innocent here, either -and rf'turn1 to Chicago w write a magazine article ridiculing Robert. The film then bog1 down in convoluted courtroom activity, In which Robert'• libel 1ult againat Kate 11 played out. "I'm suing you bea~ you made a public mockery of my deepest feelings," he saya. It was almoet as If ecr1ptwriter Stephen Vito didn't know how to finilh the film, so he choee a nonsensical legal proceeding and then a cllche- tridden train scene that would have worked only in a men's cologne ad. At least Cary Grant's movies - see "l Was a Male War Bride" -satlJfied in the end. IDBI TOPPIRB KABC (7) 8:30 -"Laverne & Shirley." Laverne suspects that the man she has been dating, a former tra~e artist, is out to kill her. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Gavilan." A beautiful agent tries to distract Gavilan when he mus t rescue his b est friend from a Turkish prison. KABC (76 10:00 -"Barbara Walters Special." Barbara Walters inte rvie ws Dolly Parton, Joan Rivers and Goldie Hawn. 0 8ATUN>AY NIGHT HOii. Tert Gerr. Guellts The B·52's B IH 8EAACH Of' ... G» All IN THE FAMILY Alter Archie'• union goes on strike, Archie 1>eeome1 mlMt1ble and the f1m11y l>eCOmff worried about their Mura. (Perl 2) ti) HAARV-0 &;) llUSINE88 REPORT «:> OOCTOR IN THE HOUSE A patien1 sues Michael 10< 1pp1rent neglect S BIZARRE John Byner •hows you 1111ng1 stranger lhan truth. l1tger I hen lite. end 11nler lh1n 11nY1h1ng you've ever -l MOVIE ft • * "The Conc:etl For K1mpuchea" ( 1980) P1ut McC1rtnay, The Who A hosl of rock parfo1mer1, man)' of whom get logalh· llf In an att-•tar rock orcheltt1, ere le&tureo In 11111 record ol a Mtlae of Conc«ll held tor lhe ~ hi ol relief 10 wat·••veged Can'lbodla 11:30 I) QUIHCY Quincy end Sam lnvesll· g1te when • dozen people become ill In 1 1mell t1nchlng town (R) O QtTONIOHT Holl Johnny Cer•on Gue1t RICherd PtyOf D ucNEWS NeOH'TUNE fJ YOO A&t<EO FOR IT Faeaured "England's Ct•· Z'J Bush People" Ind "The Hum1n Pool Tibia " G» OOOCOUPLE Fell• la Inspired by OIClt'I ,_ glrtlriand to write an orlg 1n1I song tor hlr ~leklbac1 ti) AAT M 8ElHO HUMAN "LOY9. MY1h A'ld Myslery" '1!) P88 LATENIGHr Host; Dennis WhOley m rooa.ue lOIMOVIE "Cindy And Oonn1" ( 11171 J Debbie Ott>orna, Nancy Ison S MOVIE * * y, "Chaech And Chong'a Nk:e OrNm1" (11181) Rtchard "ChMCh" Merln. ThomH Chong Two Inveterate potheldt appear 10 have found lhelr true ~lllf\9 •• they peddle lea cream on the ll•Mll 01 Loi Angetas. 'R' 11:31 ( C MOVIE • "Cnamplon Of Oellh" (111n1 Sonny Chlb1 Af11< kllhng 1 mobs18f, • martial lrtl 8Xpar1 relirH brlelty before llklng on a acore of hired11aa1t1n1 ·~· 11:66(H IMOVIE * • • "The French 1-leu· 1.,,.,.1•s Woman" ( '9111) Meryl Slre•p, Jeremy Irons An affair bet- two ac10fl 19 par111atec1 In tr.. romanllc patlod film In wttleh lhe two .,. parlorm· In 'R' 11:00 ii !.NTtl'T A.INMINT TONIGHT lntar'Vlawl With MflfMbert ot Al1bam1 I ~f LMT WON> • * "The French Lina" ( 195A) J-RUSM!t, Gfl.. bert Rol1nO MMqUatld- lng ... model •• -alth., glrl tt1Yel• to P1rlt what• lhe mMll I Ch1tml,.,g and det>on•tt Frenchmen ... G» MOvtl * *'~ ''BIOOd On The Sun" (!IMS) J-Ceg nay. SyMa Sidney Jep• n••• w1rtord1 lry 10 IHence In American,_.. p1i-m1n whO for- Jap1n'1 thrNI to democ· racy priOf 10 the 1llack on Pean Har bOr (E LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "LOY• And The Blue Plate Spec.al" A m1111<>n11re can't -m to get Ille lnlerMI ol 1 young girl "Love And The See-ThrOl)Qh Mild" Larry cen·1 keap 1111 mind oll seay Michele O MOVIE • * • "The French Lieu· lenanl's Woman" (1981) Meryl Sareep, Jeremy Irons An 111111 be1- IWO ac'IOtl 19 paralleled tn Iha rom1nlle pariOd fllm In which lhe two are parlOfm· Ing 'R' 12!30 0 ~LATE HIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Gues11• 1uthor Ouenlln Crl1p , lllmm1ker John Walers, comedian Mark Schill (R) 0 TOM conL£: UP Cl.08E Guest W1ll1td Sco11 TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE Guest Erik Eatrlde (E LOVE, AMEAICAN STYLE "Love And Tna Other Mls- 1ak81" Norm1n plans to oe• even with ..... wife "Love And Tna Lie" Marco 1s 1 auc: 1frlld 01 enlerlng • men'• 1p1rtmenl "love Ana The Golden WOfm" A ..,...,,lh ton IS to .eo I seventh daughl8f. Z'MOVIE • • • "Speller•" (1981) Hans Van Tongeren, Toon Agtll'berg Three friends from a sm1N town bacOme lnYOlved In the molOfcrOSS r ac•llil co cult 12:40 I) lJJ MCMILLAN & Wlff Mac end Silty ln11ettl<;11le a prole11lon11 football team when an auto· graph9d IOOlblll points 10 murder (RI 1:00 0 MOVIE * * V. "The GrN I Benk Robbaty" ( 111119) Zero Moslel, l(lfTI Novell A bank IS ll8lleged by Qlngl of .OUld·be fObbefl D MOVIE * • "8aach Caaanov1" ( 19e5) Curt Jurgen•. Mar- line Cerol ThrM young Slcth1n1 becorT>8 ln\IOllled wllh I poor nobleman wnom lhe\I bellav. to be _.ithy .-<>VIE "TM Gay Cev1tiar" ( 1948) Giibert Ro11nd. Merlin Garrlleo• G) MOVIE "They Cell Me Hallaluj1h" (No 011•) Oeotge Hltton. CherlH Southwood A theft 11 a11amp1ad by a gang of out11wa tor •bit crown )4rwalt of MaJllco @) EN'TtRTAINMEN'T TONIGHT lnleNlewt with members of Alabltlll CC'MOVIE • * "The 01mned" ( llle9) Olt'k 80Qltde, lngrld Thu· tin A -tthy lndusltlal t1mlty 11 tOfn eotrt by IM dac1danca end aoclel Uj)Mevll Of Nrty NUI Get· many. !OIMOVll "Twlllght Plnll'' (1981) \leronlCa Herl, Kindl 8ar· bour IS l MOVll * • *'" "Monlanagro" ( 1118 I) Susan An~. Erl1nd Joaaph1on A JOHN DARLING Valerie Bertinelli neglee1ed wlle lrevett 10 Stockholm ena begin• an eflal1 wllh • man 1t1e mel In 1 b<>Nlml1n nlghlctub 'R' 1:90 0 ~ N8C NEWS OVERNIGHT 1;66 H MOVIE * * • •, "Monlenegro" ( 1981) Susan An1pech, Ertand Josephson A neglecled wile 1rave11 to Stockholm and begins an affair wllh 8 man She met In 1 bohemian nlghlc;lub 'R' 2:00 I) CIJ cas NEWS NIOHTWATCH G» NEWS O MOVIE • * "Love & Money" ( !980) Ray Sherlrey, Omet. I• Mull A LOI Angel" b1nk employee'• Ille 11 turned up11d4Klown when he .mee11 end becomel romanltcally Involved with 1118 Wiie ol 1 WN!thy Ger· min enltep<eneo< 'R' 2:16(9 1 RLMF'EATUAE 2:30 0~NEWS (lJ SERGEANT BIU<O "Blll<o Gets Some Sleep" G»'MOVIE • • • "I Met A Murderer" ( 1939) James Mason. Pamala Kelltno Whtn a llen1>9Cked tanner 11n11ty yields lo the impulse ol klll· llli! his nagging wile he finds aancluary lrom lhe law wllh 1 young girl 0 MOVIE • •'> "So Fl~" (19811 Ryen O'Neal, Jack War· Oen A slutty Gollege pro- teas<>• aavet hl1 lather's llOundenng garment llC1<>- ry by 1nvan11ng a new 1ype ol l1dles' jeans 'R' l MOVIE • * • • "Outcast 01 The ttlanda" ( 1952) Rober I • Morley, Ralph RIGherdson Based on lhe novel by Joeeph Conred A man'1 moral llber 11 dellroyed when he beGOmes ln\tOlved In 1 Meteyan smuggli"ij ope<aloon 2:40 S MOVIE • • • J41$Us" ( 1979) B<lan Oeacon, Rwka HOiman The Ille of 11\e "King of Klnot." from his eerly yee1s es 11>e son of• poor carpenter 10 his fnst1011ton ol the rallglou• end soctll 1evolullon that led to Illa deeth by oruclli•lon. la oeaalled ·o· 31)0 0 MOVIE * + "Flw Guna Wet I" j 1955) John Lund. Dorothy Melone Five ex-cone 1>9Come Conlederlt• SOI• dletl end plot the helll ol • Yankee 11agecoac:11 1aoan with IOol J SEAHUNT 3:30 FAITH 20 3:35 H I MOVIE * •• "Slir Crazy" (1980) Rlehltd PryOf. 0-Wiid· er Two man are mlsllk8'1 IOf bank robbers ana _,, IOJlll 'R' 3:46 G» MOVIE • * • "A W om1n'1 ' Sac;rer ( 1949) Maur_, O'H1ra. Melvyn Oougla9 A women shoots lhe "fl99t the helped lo m•k• llmOUI C MOVIE * • "A Dangerous Friend" (197 I) Richard Thomal. Bar bllf 1 Bal Geddell. A disturbed 23-year-old Illa· llmlH • • young woman whO 1111tracte<1 lo him 'R' 4.-00 TOP O' THE MORNING 0 MOVIE "Cindy And Oonn1" (1971' Oebl>le Otboma, Nine) llK>n Q MOVIE • * .._. "Cheech And Chong'• Noc:e Dreamt" (1981) Rk:tiatd "ChMCh" M1tln, Thomas Chong TWo inwterate poth41adt eppeer 10 t11w found lhel• true calllng aa Ille)' pedd~ lea crHm on the Streett 01 LOI Angaiel 'R' 4: 10 ( Z) CHAl'l£8 CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM 9CfNE 4~9 ISPY (f) IUl.LWINKlE •l MOVIE * * '" · 'Cheach And ChOng'• Nlee OtMm•" I 1981) Aldlerd "Cheech" M1tln, ThOt'naa CIW>ng TWo lnYelera111 pothMcl1 1pt1Hr 10 haWI found tM!r true Gaiting M they peddle ICa CfMl'n on the,,, .... ot Loe~.'A' •·40 I$ L.VF-A-ntOft A c:Olft9dlM hOet llf>d ~ comic con1e11en11 who compel• 1g1ln11 one anoltler are fe&ture<11n th11 Unc;e(ltorecl comedy g1me ahOw 1t' .. dlH!1S'Jlaf1•S Da11•f•r Mo.,lt»• 5:30 U •*•'A "Acron The GrNI OMde" I 1978) Rot>- 'j .,, Logan, HNlhef All· aray. Two orpha.ned chil- dren Ml (Mii •&one IC<OSI the Rooky Moun111ns 1n Ofdet to claim • lerm In Oregon which lhey inherit. ed 1:00 l l l ***•"Moscow Ooeln't Ballave In Te111" ( 1980) V••• Alen10Y8, Ale11el Betelov Three country glrl1 with dlllerenl goals and v11uea move to the big cfty to pur-their aml>lllOnS. t:30 (0 ) * * * • "Fiddler On The Roof" (1971) Topol. Notma Ct1na A peasant mlllcman In lurn·Ol·lhe- c....tury czarl11 Russ11 tries to marry ott his ellglbla d11>gh1era while trying to hold onlo 1111 Jewish hefi· 11g9 in the tece of o~rea­ llon. 'G' 7:00 • * * "Come And Gel 11·• I 1936) Joel McC•••. Watter B<enn1n A Gruel pap« m.it owner 1Gqu1tes the ~ 10 control the Wisconsin lumber country IC *** "CllHSlmes Mounleln" ( 1981) Slim Poekens. Mark Miiier A rough and tough cowl><>y delivers 1 m.uaga ol lo"9 Ind the Cht1S1mll apjHI 1n tlleOldWMt 7:30 S • • "FaU.ng In Love Ag11n" ( 1980) Etlloll Gould. Susenn111 YOfk A men goes to h11 high sct\001 reunion In the t>ellal 111a1 he can relive the good limes Of the peat 'PG' 0 • ••• "Ollver" ( 1968) Ron Moody, Oliver Reed A '.r<>Ung orph•n IS kidnapped from hls new hOfne by NS old gang. b<JI maneges to ascepa end return to nts IMlneflC10f 1:00 H1 * • "Americ1n W1lder- nau" (No D1ta)A lllmmak· ar's Queal fOf record-size specimens ol lour kinds ol ho<ned sneep and an 11. 1001-1111 Al11ken pol1t beer ii followed 'G' t ;30 c •• '" "Coti<y" ( 11172) Rol>et1 Blake, Chattott• Rampl1ng An ambitious par1.11me 91ock car ricer hu problems adjusting l o IOSing a t1ee '( l. • • • "The Concart F0t Kempochel" (11180) P1ul McCartney. The WhO A hOst of rocil pertO<m8t•. many of Wf'tom get 1ogalh· llf in an a11 ... 11r rock orc~tr1. ire 1 .. 1ured In lhls recOfd of • -* of c:oncerl• held for the barl9- lfl of rellel to war-raveged Cambodia t:OO C) • • '' "fl'HI Batlle At Apache PUI" ( 1952) John Lund, Jef1 Ch1ndlet An lndlan ana a cavllry major join f0<ce1 to prawnt Geronimo from mauacr- lng wtttteMlller• 9:30 G» * * • "The SIOf')' 01 Ellher Costello" (11157) Joan Crawford. Roaaano BrauJ, Aller gaining f1ma through doing Cllarllll>le wortc. a glt1 r90a1n1 her Sight. Marlng Ind IC)MCh lolloWing en emot1on11 lhOCk lO **'h "ZOfrO, TheGay Blade" (1981) George Ham~1on, Lauren Hutlon The heroic son ol old Call· 1ornl1'1 t1moui tuttlce hghtllf II lncapacilllad by • tiding Injury, f()(clng hit foppish brother 10 don the c.-pa end meek. 'PG' tO:OO!C> *** "lloyl' Nlgfll Out" ( 1982) l(lm Novak, Ja,,_ G1tn« When I shapely young co-•d undatlakM 1 MK re-rch p.ojec:t, She 11/ldl lout bullnassmen more than Wiiiing to leeM an llPWI• mant 10 lid her tn her llud'f IHl**** "OIWer" (1968) Ron Moody. Oti'Yet' Reed A young orphan II kldnapc>ed ttom hie new home by In old gang. bul men-oee 10 ~ Intl '9hlfn 10 hie beneflCIOf ($) *** "Lo-ieMeOt L-Me" ( 1955) Oorll Dev. J-CegM';. by Armstrong • Batluk l'T'~ esPaCt1'U.Y IEFFEC.Tl\E IF '(OU Vl~IT HOM-.S OF Pee>~ 'THA~ vt>U KNOW.' ....... -..,...~ \ • I llllJ Piiat TUESOAV, OEC. 14, 1912 ClASSlfllD C5 Pirates' Adams: Short on heigh~ not on talent By HOWARD L. HANDY or-. o.1y ,... •ta" Some athleles perform better under pressure than at any other time . According to Orange Coast College women's volleyball coach Jane Hilgendorf, Laurie Adams is that kind of an athlete. ''Under pressure situations, she plays her best," Hilgendorf says. "ln the big games, when we have to have something extra, that's whe n she does the best. "Laurie's the kind of player every coach would want on their team. She's a real unselfish player and she'll be recruited by a lot of colleges." Adams, the younger sister of racquetball star Lynn Adams, also an Orange Coast College product, has been most valuable player in the South Coast Conference this season and in each of the two post-season tournaments that led to an OCC state title. but that's been her strong point in the game. "I've always been an outside hitter," Adams says. "It doesn't bother me that I'm shorter than others. "Sure, the hitters get most of the recognition but I don't think it is right. If you don't have the passers and setters, you don't have a hit. They deserve' equal recognition." According to her c.-oach, Adams puts the ball down as hard as aoyone she has ever had at Orange Coast.. "One of the biggest assets for a short player is to hit well down the line. Laurie does that as well as anyone I have ever had here. "She has real good court sense and does everything well on the court. She's very fundamentally sound." Adams says she would like' to attend Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) but will wait and see what ty pe of scholarships are offered. "A lot depends on who wants me," she says. "I'm probably too short to go to some of the bigger schools.'' The Pirates captured the state crown with a three-game sweep of College of the Sequoias Saturday night in Visalia. It was their third state championship in volleyball in five years and was a pleasant climax to AQams' community college career. At 5-6, she would appear to be a little short for an outside hitter Her volleyball career started with the Orange County Volleyball Association when Dale (See PIRATES, Page C3) OCC's Laurie Adams in only 5-6, but she stands tall in community college volleyball. . Chapman's Style a Haz(z)ard to UCI? / By JOHN SEV ANO Oflhe Delly ......... UC Irvine's basketball team finally gets an opponent that's going to run with them tonight (7:30), and Coach Bill Mulligan is worried about whether his squad will be able to keep up or not. press. They're not big, but they're quick and they jump well." is averaging almolt 18 points per game. Their only loss came at the hands of Cal State Fullerton, 92-75. Chapman, in fact, with its front line of Tran Sawyer (6-5), Nigel Wallace (6-4) The Anteaters have yet to lose (they're 4-0) and the squad is now bolstered by the addition of sophomore forward Troy Cannon (6-6), who sat out the first four gamea of the 1ea1on because of his transfer from Colorado State. t On radio tonight Chapman College, 7-2 under first-year head coach Walt Hazzard, doesn't have much size, but what the Panthers lack in height they more than make up for in speed and leaping ability. "Sure we run," says Mulligan in reference to the track meet scheduled for tonight at Crawford Hall. "But that's their game, too, so what the hell. Really, the best way to play them is not to run with them. K ff'J.'E ( lOa FM) •t 7:30 and Derek Wright (6-5), ahd guards Danny Poole (6-0) and Maurice Clark (6-0) are extremely reminiscent of a couple of teams Hazzard played on at UCLA in the early 60's. Carmon, who figures to break into the starting lineup somewhere down the road, will come off the bench to spell Jud Beardsley for the time being. "They run a 2-2-1 ZOlle press and then go into a man defense," explains Mulligan of the Panthers' attack. "That's exactly what (Coach John) Wooden did in 1964." "What we'll do is bring him in for Jud and have Jud play a little bit for (Mike) Lopez (the shooting guard)," says Mulligan. "The key is we've got to beat thelr The Panthers are led by Wallace, who "What this does is give us nine guys CdM, Irvine, Uni post • w-1ns Costa Mesa , Woodbridge fall in tournament play By ROGER CAR~N o< .... o.llJ Not ..... Corona del Mar, Irvine and University high school quintets continue on the championship trail t onight in the 16-team Irvine Basketball Tournament following first round victories Monday ~ but Cost.a Mesa and Woodbridge fell by the wayside and are involved in consolation bracket :play. • Here's a look at Monday's action: 'University 74, Villa Park $7 · Add the Trojans of University to the list of title ·contepders in this tournament as well as Sea View League play in January after an impressive •performance against visiting Villa Park. · The Trojans, with a brand of basketball exploiting their quickness, took the lead on Erik ·Blake's jti.mper from the line with 3:45 left in the ltirst quarter after John Belanger stole the ball to •snap an 8-8 game and never trailed thereafter. • "Pressure's our best way," noted University •Coach Jeff Cunningham following his team's conquest, one in -which University won all the ~battles -turnovers (12-19), shooting percentage '(27 of 49 for 55 percent) and at the line (netting 20 of 26). 1 Utilizing a tough, man-to-man defense and pressing, University's quickness and sharp shooting 'combined to throttle any potential Villa Park comeback. / "Belanger's a smart guard and protects the ball 1well," added Cunningham, whoee team meets an (expected man-to-man defense from Artesia tonigh t. University had a 16-point halftime margin and ! never let the advantage melt to less than 11. Blake, a 6-1 senior, 1ed all scorers with 20 'points despite missing several minutes with an ankle injury early in the third period. He returned jin th~ fourth quarter and pumped in six more points. Norm Stolzoff, a 6-4 junior, Belanger and 6-2 IYong Choi chipped in with 16, 12 and 10 points, (respectively, for the winners. iLapu 81111 55, Costa Meaa 50 Tonight's schedule .· (at lrvlne) 4 :30-Western vs. M ission Viejo (consolation) 6:15-Garden Grove vs. Woodbridge (consolation) 8-Glenn vs. Irvine ' (at Woodbridge) 6:15-Laguna Hiiis vs. Savanna 8-Santa Ana vs. Corona del Mar (at UnlHntty) 4:30-Costa Mesa vs. Tustin (consolatlon) 6: 15-Los Amigo s vs. VIiia Park (consolation) 8-Art!_sla vs. University efforts at the line in the final 88 seconds. "We didn't get inside and we fouled too much," said Costa Mesa Coach Tim Panel. • Laguna Hills exploited the Mustangs' defensive interior with several easy inside baseline shots early and in the foul department, Mesa had twice as many called againat it, and loet three players to the penK>nal foul route. Ted Stitt, who led Mesa scoring with 17, connected on a 22-foot three-point play with 4:33 left in ihe third quarter to put Costa M eu up, 37-29, but buckets by Todd Willi.ams, Carter (twice) and Mike Garcia, alons with two free throws by Kawada put the Hawks backtinto the lead and into the game . .,. Mesa shooters hit 21 of 56 from the floor (37.5 percent) as opposed to Laguna Hills' 14-of-38 performance (36.8 percent). lrvlae H, Gardea Grove 48 The Vaqueros put it loflether ln the eecond and tfilrd quarters behind a balanced attack, which lncluded three players in double figurea for the winners as vlatting Garden Grove never recovered from a 12-polnt third quarter deficit. who we think can play. 'Ve're able to do more things now with another guy who can play." UCI's starting five will remain the same, meaning Beardsley and Ben McDonald (6-8) at forward, Lope-z and George Turner (6-2) at guard, with Bob Thornton (6-9) in \he middle. ·The Anteaters. too, figure to be more inspired than their last showing, when they walked through the motions in beating Loyola-farymount, 85-73. "We'll be diffe rent," promises Mulligan, "because we've had some practices, exams are over and we've prepared for the game." They've prepared, probably, by doing a\lot more runninR the past few days. The Mustangs, playing their third gamd In four 'days and without a prac1ice lelSion before tanal1.na I with Laguna Hilla, got off to a slow •tart -ana I flnilhed cold u ict' as the Hawks advanced to the INCOnd round asainat Savanna. 1 Coeta Mesa mmed eight of nine ahota from the t field and had five tumoven In the Unlveraity gym while fallin& to a 10-2 deficit, raced back to take a 1'7 .. lead in the third quarter, then fell apart wi\h ta 2-for-12 performance In the final quarter a• IAauna Hilla rallied. J Mesa aUll led, 50-49 with 2:28 remainina on 'Paul Edlon'a 20-footer, but Laguna Hilla put It 1 away at the llne u Robert Carter. then Kraig > Kawada, then Carter ap1n completed one-and-one Irvine meets Glenn Hi1h next after the ICOrinl of Doug Brozovich (12), Lance Neal and Jlm Carver (10) carried the Vaqa to their fourth,victory in five S\&'11Defenalve at.an for Irvine lncluded Brozovich and Bernard Uuery. Althou1h it WH Irvine'• •ourth atra!ght victory, it wu the ftnt by more than five pointa. ' "Defensively we did a pretty good job on (Jlm) Smith," aald Irvine Coach Al Herring. "But offenaively, we can play better than we dJd." Corou del Mar H , Ml11loa Vie~ The Sea Kinp whipped M Viejo for the The Newport lle•ch Tennis Club wlll IOOn honor 21 memben who •re national and international ch•mplon1. Amon1 the standout• are: ( lront row) Mike BrilP; (second row, from lelt) Bob Duesler, Helen Perez, Jim Nelloai (third row) M•e Mayer, Bob Peres, Karen Knoehe, Gil Mayer; (top row) Julie Hayw•rd, Dlek Meueer and June Mlckelwalt. (See CdM, Pa1e Cl) ' .. _, ___ ...,""'_ , ~ .... ~~a.r,...--1 I I • i Malavasi. j to be I ~~!~~ed?I The Rams will replace head 1 Coach Ray Malavasi at the end of the season , accordi ng to published reports which indicate I Dan Reeves of the Denver Broncos and Dick Vermeil of the I Philadelphia Eagles are the top candidates. · The Rams, who went to the Super Bowl in 1980, have lost 11 t of their last 13 National Football t League games, and are 1-5 this 1eaaon. The Loe Angeles Times says Reeves has the inside track for the job, the Riverside Preas- Enterpri.se saya it's Dick VenneU. The Los Angeles H ,rald Examiner says Rams owner Georgia Frontiere hasn't made up her mind yet. Malavasi told the Herald-1 Examiner he's still the coach: "rm not any different than I was three yean agQ. U anything, I'm a better coech now. My contract goes through next season. I'll continue to do my job." I The Times said Malavasi Will I fl.niah out the year but then will b e g o n e i n a m a a • l v e l orpniational shakeup that ai.o will bring in a new general manager, Univereity of Hawaii Athletic Dlrector Ray Nagel, replacing Jack Faulkner, and a1 new director of player penonnel who is yet to be determined,' replacing John Math. Former aenenJ manacer and conaultanl! Don K1ostennan al8o will not be back, the Times said. All the papers attributed their! information to IOW"OeS they did not name. The Herald Examiner'• IOU.R.'e denied that either Reeve• o , Vermeil would be a aerlous candidate: "It won't be Dick Vermeil, because be'• unde~ contract and the (Mrs. P'rontiett) haa a good relationship with (Eqles owner) Leonard TOie. And it won't be Reeves beca~ he doean't have an enviable record. In fact, ahe baa no one in mind at dUa point." Vermell aaid he'd leave tM Saales only If owner Leonard Tt9 didn't want him, or lf the Rama offered eo much moner Verrneil "wouldn't be able tum it down." LHt week Toae told Ph08delolm Dally News: ,,....__. namon have happened e year alnoe Dick hu beesa here. . . There'• nothln1 t lt. . .Dick wW be ~ ... ooech." ffow.IW, both the Timm and RlwnAde paper .ud their eowam told them Verm•ll w• .. ~ ... ,,. ....... ............. The Rlwnlde paper llld rrontl•r•'• ncond choice a.we. but a.w. ....... a.n.jDbclolm'tetlnethtm. ( ..• • 0111111w ''"•'''' DAii v Pll en 'l1 1,111tloy, o cembet 141 t9fl2 Walker is a hero '.: off the fie ld, too ATHENS, Ga. -H erschel m Walker, the University of Geo. rgia'a • • • Heisman Trophy-winning tailback, Lt • being credited w ith some heroic ., activity o ff the football field -pulling a 67-year-old woman from a wrecked car. I' Walker. who was jogging here Sunday morning, came upon a two-car accident and h elped rip the door open on an overturned car ·' a nd pull J essie D ye o f Watkinsville, Ga. to safety, " authorities said. "I heard the crash and r a n o utside ," said T ed 11 Shanks, who liyes near the r site of the accident. "At first I 11 didn't even notice it was Herschel. I screamed for my wife to call an ambulance. "Then ," Shanks s aid, WALKE" ''Herschel told me to grab the door handle. He npped the door and glass shattered everywhere. And he pulled her out of the car." Dye was treated and released at a local' hospital. · S hanks' wife, Cris, said the car smoked, but lhe vehicle did not appear to be on fire. Walker was tak.mg a final exam Monday and was not available for comment. But Athens Police Chief Everett Price who talked with Walker on Monday, said the athlete "was not trying to make a big issue or big to-do about it. He was just there, and he assisted. OCC at home; GWC travels Orange Coast College takes a break Crom the basketball tournament schedule this week t.o play a pair of non-conference games. But both Golden West and Saddleback open play Friday nighl in their third consecutive tournament. Coach Tandy Gillis' Pirates (4-4) will entertain Palomar Wednesday night and play host to LA Southwest Saturday night. Both games are set for 7:30. OCC lS commg off a third-place finish m the S kyline Tournament in San Bruno. Golden West travels to Visalia for the three- day, eight-team College of Sequoias Tournament. Coach Jim Greenfield's Rustlers, 6-4, will meet West Hills in the 5 p.m. game in first-round action. Golden West and Citrus are the only Southern California representatives in the tournament which concludes Sunday with consolation, third-place and championship contests. The Rustlers are coming off a third-place finish in their own tournament. Saddleback hopes to improve on its 2-5 record when the Gauchos meet the Long Beach State JUnior varsity in the first round of their own tournament. E1 Camino and Santa Barbara CC play in the 6 p.m. opener. The four-team tournament concludes Saturday night with consolation and championship games at 6 and 8. Community college CO LLEGE OF 8EQUOIAI TOURNEY Frld8y'10- 3 p.m -Foolhlll va Klnge Rivet 5 p.m. -West Hiiis va. Golden West 7 p.m. -Citrus va College of Sequoias 9 P m. -Fr9$tlo va Sen Jose 8eturAJ'•0- 3 p.m. -West Hllle·Gotden West loser vs. Fresno CC-San Jose loser ·• 5 p.m. -Foothill-King• River loser vs C1tru1·Sequofu lose< 7 o m -West Hiiis-Goiden .. * Weal winner va Fr~Sen J05e wtnner 9 p.m. -Foothlll·Klnga RIYeJ wlnne< va. Cltru .. &lquolu winner ·~ao­Noon -Conloletlon gwne 2 p m -Third piece game 4 pm -Chemplonllllp g- •~•ACK T~NT Fridey'e a.- 8 p m. -Senta Bert>et1 vs. El Camino 8 p.m. -Long 8Mch State JV va Saddlebllcil ... w...,.•0-8 p.m. -Conllolatlon g9"'8 ll Pm. -CNmploNhlp g9"'8 ,------------------------------------------------\\ nhou mu' 1•lny foll tiuU' Whilt• S o lo ~iKH Huuui"h't' ('Jll(.'A(iU l.1·fl h~rull•1 1''l11vcl lL11111111w1· tlw ll\Olill put11l1t'<I IJ1ldw1· In ttu· rt· •. l'ntry draft und till' A11wrk1m l.A·uuut· •trlk('OUl l"nd t•r lut •1•1u1on , h1&11 aairl'<'d to a flvt" Yt!IJr t'tU\11 uct with tht• Whlw Sox, dub ow1wn. Mnnoun<'t'C..I Monday. Holu11d llt'tno111J, tht• Whitt• Sox t•><t'(.'utlw• . v rct· prt••lt.h•nl und Kl'IH'rul munogt•r 111u1d llunnat11t•1· wlll bt• orrivinU 111 'hic11MO lott·r thhc wt>t•k u11d IH l'XJll't'lt•<I w 1ilg1111 fo1'111t1l l•o11trtll'l by 1he c>nd of the wt't.'k Frt• ·no t. romJ, , (,5-49 RoD AndenoD'I point• hel~d m Fresno Stale trounce vishing Solac State, 6~-49 Monday night in coJLege basketball action. The win ralsed tfie- Bulldogs' record to 6-1. Boise State 11 l -6 . Benard Tb~mpaoa and ue11 Barmore each had 14 for Fretino ... Centt>r Steve Stlpanovlcll scored 21 points to lead eighth-ranked Missouri to a 76-61 win over Eastern UJinols .. •. In another game. junior cent.er Mlcbael Plttll arored 18 ~lnts to lead five California players in double figures as the Bears defeated visiting Seattle Pacific. 93-7~. Quote o f the d ay J oe Sexson, basketball coach at Butler, before his team's 90-53 loss to Kentucky: "Kentucky's players put their pants on the same way our players do. It just takes them a little longer to pull them up." Me isner lost for sea on Los Angeles Rams' defensive-., m tackle Greg Meisner underwent knee 4 • surgery Monday and will be out for • the r e mainde r of the National Football League season, the team announced. Meisner , a second -year player o ut of Pittsburgh, suffered torn ligaments in lhe knee in the second quarter of Sunday's loss to Denver at Anaheim Stadium. The surgery was performed at Centinela Medical Ce11ter by Dr. Clarence Shields. Basketball scores c:::r Cahlornfa 93, Seetlle Paclllc 75 St Martin'• 83, Portland 81 Fresno St. 65, Boise St. 49 "oclllH Uteh 62, Weber St 52 lcMlthWMt Oklahoma 99, ld1.l'lo St 75 Lamer 83, Ame<lcan 45 Texas-Sen Antonio 92. Austin 85 Mldweet Michigan St. 70, Clnelnnatt 69 llflnol1 79, VenderbUt 11 Loyola. UI. 89, Vllperalao 58 MlllOurl 78, E IHlool1 81 Cornell 68. Cleveland St. 59 ._... VMI 75, Emory & Henry 70 Geo<gla Tecll 85, Sewanee 41 N-Otleans 110, USIU 78 Louisiana Tech 84, NW Loulllan• 79 8111 W•llon "'•)'• ht 'II tlrup oul ''' • SlUnfonl U111vt•ully luw t'lwol tu ploy l11utk1•1h1.1ll full 1l11w rm Sun Dit•t(o In t•urly J1muury 1r hlN dcx·t111 11 MIVI' lht' okuy nt•x l w1-t·k . The· N1•w York Mt·~ and <.:hwl11null ltt'<.111 i;rul(·bu ll lt•on\ll nollf1ed lhc.> t•ommlll."'lmu•r'1 oftt('t• lh1.11 tlwy hud n·oc.·hed 1.1Mrt't'n..-nt on lht• pluyt•flj 1.t1 he.· lnvolVl'd In o trlldt• that would lmnK pndwr Tom Seaver hack tu Nt•w York .. Bob Lanier '" to undt•r1'o unulht•r round of aura<'ry on hltt right knt'l', d4lprlvlnfC Mllwuukl't' of hl11 1t>r vlce1 for al 11.'all tour week• In lh e NBA , UCLA football Coach Terry Dona, whosl' rthh ranked Bruins will play Michigan ln the .Rose Sowl, has been named Natlonol WM.TON Coach or the Year by ltw Football News ... Fred Zecllmu, an as.'listant coach at. Ohio State, wlll become nl'w ht•ud football coach at New Mexk.'O State. Tt~lcvision , r a dio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratingii are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. Cf) 7:20 p.~ .• Channel 9 V' V' V' NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers a t Portland Announcers: Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. The Lakcrs, with an 16-4 record , are atop the Pacific _Division, leading Seattle by I 'h games. Tonight, they take on Calvin Natt, Mychal Thompson and company to wrap up a lhr~-game road trip. The Lakers are coming oCf a 128-107 win over Golden State in which Kurt Rambis scon.'CI a team-high 20 points. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Portland, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570); Chapman at UC Irvine, 7:30 p.m. KWVE (10 FM). I Hockey -Kings at Wash ington, 6 p.m . KPRZ (1150). I se Lou191ane 69, Sout ..... n 64 Tenne11ee Tech 93. Florida Southern 70 laet St Peter'I 82, Allentown 4$ Hlah echool TotJitHAMmNTS lmne ~c::~:ust you Arat~ IN\ne 82. Geroen Grove 46 Glenn 43, Woodbf~ 4 1 Santa Ana 54, w .. tern 53 Coron• def Mir 54, Minion Viel<> 34 and the elements you need dependable goggles that won't fog up and spoil your day. Count on Smith for performance (~dM TOI>~' MV . • • From Page C1 •••Cd 11m1• 1n fo u l' n lJJhU wtth Duvtd V1mStc .. ·nhuy1M• h·.•dluH llw way wl1th a cart't•r hlgh 26 polr1L'l on 1h1• Woodbrldw• 1 llgh floor And, ttw &•u Kings u<it nl'arly 24 minute.-. of playing llrnt' In ror All·CJI" guurd Mike.• Ht I who Hll,_, .. ,(.'d CdM'tt r1r.1 lhrc•(• gurn•·it With ii foot lflJUI y. "Van8t1•1•11lt uyHt' t1h1Jt w1•1J und llt•s11 was a 11uihllli1r1i;i l1wtur 1111' us,'' 1mid C<IM Coach Jack Errlon, who now lllkt>R his lt•u1n ogalnst Sunt.a Ana. ''But Wl''r<.• till very inexperienced," <:umplulnt'<.I tht· tht· Vt'l<.'ran CdM (.'Oach. "We're t?'pnivmg, but Wt' JUSl don't huvt• that background. Im still looktnM for i,om<.• pos .. .,lbtlitlcs m tht> front hne" The SN• Kings lt.>d by a 10-12 margin for lhe most part, then pulk'<.l away In the final quarter. M1ss1un V1L'JO, which fell behind 25-6 at hutrumc• 1n its f1n.t wst wuh CdM Friday, went to a wnl• Monday and stayed closer Glenn 43, Woodbridge 41 Gh'nn High spoiled a pot.cnual sec:ond round showdown betwl.oen Irvine rivals Woodbridge and Irvine HtRh whC'n the EaRles Crom the Suburban League C'lick<.'<l on a bucket with 30 seconda left to grab a 42-4(} lead. Each side traded the first part of one-and-ones ut the line amidst turnovers In the final 30 sec.'Oncls. A nthony Radovcich scored 23 points for Woodbridge, giving him a 19 2 average through five gameos. Al ~o scoring 1n twin figures for hos t Woodbridge was Mark Foringer ( 10). The loss drops W oodbridge into th e consolatioru> against Garden Grove tonight, while Gl<•nn tanglt>s with host Irvine at 8. Newport a t Lakewood . LA~EWOOD -Newport Harbor Hlgh's Sailors will try to get on the winning trail tonlght at Lakewood High (7:30) in non-league basketball after last week's quick exit Crom the Sea Baron Classic at Fountain Valley, where two losses left the Sailors with an 0-3 record. Jim Wolfe (12.3), Brad Harker (9.6) and 6-8 Joe Seager (9.0) lead the Sailors' scoring column. Laguna HIUs 55, Coate Mesa 50 Savanna 80. Tuatln 51 Arteele 87, Lat Amlgoe 64 UnlVtlrWlty 74, VAia P:erll 57 T--t of Chemplone Aral~ LB Poly 80, Serra 5 1 and value. Anti-fog lens Amber, Rose,· Give the skiers on your list these rugged gloves with special vapor barrier for When you want to give the best ... this is the Original, one and only, Vuamet ... often imitated, never equaled Blair 5$, Fountain Valley 40 St. Bern11td 73, Gatder\e s 1 Mltlll' Del 49, P ... dene 47 ............ Cypr-52, Edison 43 Matfna M , Sunny Hiiia 511 8olaa G<Mde 72, Fontane 85 Wom.n CC>U.IGE UC Irvine 85. USIU 57 HIGH ICHOOl ... _, __ , Conni••••~ Unl....,...ty SS, Troy 38 o r Gray. The Smith Buie ..... $14.00 CARF&EAR MUFF SETS Great not only for skiing, but for all outdoor winter activities. Assorted plaids and solid colors. FTERSKI BOOTS Show you r style off the slopes as well as on, in the latest look for after ski. VIYa lloon Boot $29.95 $49.95 hr BoOt by aolac extra warmth. The Burler by Grandoc $19.95 PORTMASK It's a face mask fo r those extra cold days. Sizes S, M, L ...... $8.95 lfaiRINK POLES . I ~Why / wait for refresh- ments when you can take it with you in these easy-open poles. by Hot Shots ...... $43.95 Prices start at ....... $57.95 Eycetasa Lcuhcs ..... $2. 75 GJ~:::~~ demand the best pe rformance from their skis, give this handy lightweight ski hot waxer. By Gold Lode ..... $35.95 KI&BOOT BAGS We've got all the famous names. LaCroix , K2 , Lange, Nordica, Olin, Pre, Rossignol, and Salomon. Sid Baa• w /loto . . . . . . . . from $34.95 others from $14.95 Boot Baa• w/loao from $32.00 others from $14.95 ~PEN MON.-FRI. 10-9 •SATURDAY 10-6 •SUNDAY 10-5 CBlaITOS L1" ftrrllM Ceont\'1 l••IWtl'll N•·••1 ""m 1' "•" OltA•GB 1140) f Ko11•ll11 I "'·"~"' ·I .... , W'I/ Marina top 1\1.11111,1 ll1gh', \'1k111w, 1111p111v•·d' 1lwl\ 11-t"111d 111 ·I I Inn "'•l::.1111 1111d 1>'1111111.1111 V11ll1·y both ft•ll In l11gh 1>d111ul lia,k1•tl1all m·t1on M11111luy nll(hl Marinu 66, Sunny llllls 59 ~tt•vt• I 'opo\'ll 11·, V1kllll(b gut ofl tu 11 last 1>t:11 l 1n pustins: tlw1r fourth v1t·tory OVl'r thl• v1i.1un.: L11nt-..•1 s C:h11:. Nt·um.11111 uml t-:11l' PKd1llu It'll tht• :.t'OI mg Nt•umnnn hit :.!O whill' Pmhlla wa:. s<.'Or111g lti. Bill A..•langer was also 1n duul>h• f1gurt's Wllh 11 points. Hun Rost.•nsWl'lg, 111 add1tt0n to Sl'ortn~ n111l' Jll)llll.S, ll•J tht• lt.•a111 111 n•buund111g with st•ven with Nt•umo.11111 grabbing six Rrn.t'11Swe1g also had four .1:..,1sl!>, h1~h in that d1.•1Mrlml'nl. Marana :.tarll'd in front, 20-18 aft<.·r thl• first p. •nod and 1mp1 uvt"tl that niargm to 32-27 and H-:J~ 111 tlw next two i.x·rn1tb T h l' V 1 k 1 11 g:. µI a y 1 n t h e Sa n tu M ..i r 1 d tournament Ut·g111n111g Thursday 111ght (7) against St Joseph Blair SS, Fountain Valley 40 It was a long night for the Baroru. who S<.'Or~ only four points in the st><:ond period and 13 for the rmcJdl<• lwo quartt•rs 111 the opening round of the 'l'ournam1.•nt of Champions at Cal Poly Pomona. "We just didn't shoot well at aU tonight," Couch Davt• Brown said. "Wt.• were poor from thl' lint' and poor from the field We had a lot of shots that JUSt wouldn't go down PUBLIC NO TICC H02837 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T S . No. f ·186114 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER I Olf All! lt1 [IEf Alfl I lllH>l II A [)l( 0 rn I HUS l (),\ 1 r (} MA' !O l"tll UNI£::.::. \OU lA"-f A\ I 0'1 ll) t'Hu1£Cl 10Ufi f'Hl" fl<ll I MA• llf Still> Al AP• hi( '~If I 1UUNLlflMlf,l'lM141~1N 0 I I It l '< A I 1 11 f 0 I I tH f'Hllt. r£ ( Ir,,, Ai,.,A 11 1 ><It 1 OU ">IHl\11 (1 l \INl AL I ;, l AW\ I H On December 29 1982, 81 10 00 , m IMP! HIAl LUH~'Ufl1\ I I( •N lll AMF HI< A '"" dtil., q q •11••0 1 tU"il1•1 Ufhh_•r ~1" 1 t•UI I •lf·1 h Jt~~~1 (If 1 rv'>I ,..,,L •\h'tl ,, •• ; l l~t• .... u,t Nu ~Hs4• 1 • '-~ unny Hills "lilu11 lvok mrnn11111d 1•11rly In lht• gunw uncJ thut l11n·1·1t u" to 1·1111111111 foul11 lutt·r to try and gN thi: h.111 .. Fount.Hiil Vulll'Y N'lurns to ac·uo11 'rhur!Klay at 5 :to ugu1nst Cat dt•no in 1.1 <.'Onsolatlon brackt•t 1i1amc. Dub Whatt:hair oncJ Jullun Harry played w ell for tlw &rons w ho fell Lo 3-3 on the year. Whitehair hud 1:1 points und liurry contributed sev<'n. Rolf JUl'l>bs, u junior, wa.<i thl' ll'ad ing Baron rl'bounder with 10 Cypress S2, Edison 43 Thi• Chargers scored only four points In thf' first ix·r1od and fell behind to never cat.ch up. In that first pt.•nod, Edison hit only 2 or 14 shots from the fil'ld, u 15 percent figure. In uddillon to the poor s hooting night, the Chargers also turm.od the ball over 20 times, 12 in tht· first harr. · Thl' Chargers made a run in the third period, moving from a 32-20 deficit to a 34-31 score by utilizing a full-court pressing defense. The Cypress ball-control game w as e ffective in the closing minutes as the Chargers dropped to 2-4 on the year. Edison plays Foothill at 7 Wednesday in the La Quinta Tournament. UCI women stop USIU SAN DIEGO Kathleen llam1lton and Jac kie Vander Poel led the UC Irvine women's baskl'lball team to a one-sided. 85-57 victory over host United States International University here Monday night. The victory brought Coach Dean Andrea's team record to 3-3 as the Anteaters hit on 57 percent of their shots from the floor and 74 percent from the line. Vander Poel had 14 points and 12 re b ounds for UCI while Hamilton contributed a game- high 19 points. UCI plays at Fresno State Thursday night before returning h ome to host a n eight-team tournament tha t starts Sunday. J Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT /Tuelday, December 14, 1982 (':l PlltATE 'ADAM, • • From Page C1 f"llckJnacr wu the <.'OOCh "The!y had 80m(' trial MlflU.Jl9 and I wu luc;ky eOO\ijlh to make It. I wun't very 1ood but J kept at it and Improved "We didn't do too w ell at .Estancia when I waa In high school but we did go to the nationals with the Orange County team." She hu a problem ahe fCf'la •he's conquering. "Yes, 1 have a weight problem. I we igh 143 right now and I would like to get down to 135. I won't tell you what I did weigh before I started taking 10me off. "I know If I lose some weight It will h e lp with my jump and quickness. I'm cutting out a lot or junk foods and I'm trying not to eat between meals. It's toufh. though. because I love to eat.' She doesn't figure to foUow in Lynn 's f oo t s t e ps o n the racquetball court where her sister has be<.'ome the best on the pro circuit. ]\ "They've tried to teach me to play racque tball and I've taken a couple o f lessons but ne ver picked it up very well." G. Whl'n ahe was namt-d MVP or thl' conft>re nce, It camt• u11 u1 surpriM "I think t•veryone on our tA•am la really good and 1 wu11 vt•J'Y surprlled It could haVl' f(On•· 1.t1 anyone on our team.'' She hu suffered rrunor ache!t l and bruilea in her car<>cr and says one of th e m o111 embarruatn1 times w as wht>n she was hJt ln the face with thP 1 ball while trying to move away. \I Aa for her future ln the ganw aft.er coUege, she says: "I love voUeyball and 1 would I like to kee p on playing," she· adda. "But I'm not ln~rested in the Olympics. I would like tr> play in anoth e r natio n a l championship with a club team, though. "Afte r that, I would like to open mr, own pre-school Cor children.' For Laurie Adams to gain MVP honors in three directions late in the aeason is an indication of the type of player she is. A t the Santa .Barbara Tournament early in the year she didn't even make the all-tournament team. But It was all uphill after that tJ' 11 ,. ''•""' '" .. t ' 0 '' 11 ~er.Ott:" iO UH: Otl•Ce 01 ll·t" l. utt1-. t.4t"C.Cu J ·rs c.I U•dnt.Jt" Count1 I Jh •I Ci•llh1rH1d ~~ecul~t.J b\' f\f ~Nf l H H BAICS ,1smq1,·m~ .. w1u ·,r l Al PUBLIL AULTION 10 1111,11[ ,1 HIDOI n rr1H CASH ii•., ..... " iunt' ot !\1th n 1.1wt11t "'n'h', it tht' Ur1114!d ""'11.1tt•· • .. tt Hw "''01lh ttu1 I .-.n11._u1c.-. n-a,rw l.vunl, (. J ,,1hc.>u .. ~ '"'QJ(,.,.u {.Pth."' O'r.••-./"t I Stlll,1 4nJ (.,,11lt..rr, 1 aH r )ht t th• tn11 inf(•te)t CO' .rC)Pd t OltJ hU-A ht•l(J b., il uwh:t I fJ Ot"t ll l 1 lru~I lft ttw r>rou~rt, ~·•·•1t~J '' ~~•·d Cnu1 h 1'•d SI .1 .. LIP~<· ti<•()··~ l'AHl,Fl ' Unll t~ l 1CJ .J., ... 1tow11 dHd 0f'liCI 1twU 111 U .-.. Cc.mcJr n11wum Pl.111 ,l .. C.Ortft•tl "" ~Prilt-ml>t·r 18 tr,lH '" hCOO~ ICl!-IS µnl)l'·-.'104 IV •11 w1c.lus1v•· vi Olf1C1JI At•t Or<.1, I~ t1J C..uunt~ PARCEL < Ari '" d"•tlP<l I bOlll +ntere~I •s d ten;..nt ,, L.C "''' ,, m tflt• ff.t._• rilt""f~~1 t PlJ '0 lhr. .ommor tir\ .. ,t ol lol , 1 l' t ' '' t.O J~ pet rr 1C f t•d 1t: b "'• 131) Ori~f"S 19 10 " 1 c.lusi ... to 01 Mi~Cf'TI tnt Ot.•\ M.1u~ '"\. '"' ,, ..,. J' ,,,, t~ suc.h It ,, 1 '"' ltt-'t t-J 11 H , TY PACIFIC. . ' 1;nlrtlt•d OPltn111 "' t Tht .. 0 •• C t D I ._, I I 0 fl C• t ( 0 \ t' t I II I \ CCJndt11(111 "a H1 !iolt1 1 11 tCt...Ofc1t•d Hi tioc;. Li69'J '-' hl•· \'lb >I QlfJ 11 f<foCO•dS r 11;(•, '"'~ lit o•• .,ur (.•f 1 .... minfotJi r.q~ I~ ,, t' 1 11 q.1\ •Qhh .mo other r.,a•oc •'I • o,. At -t 1 !;!. t. ._. P ( r '-' '1'l t-t • t "° t geothetmu• -.1e.Jn1 -1r1(1 111 "' '1» I:. ,,µnvPd Hierettom w1lf1r•ut t ,...,.., •. 1·r ltlP riQh1 10 Utd! "~lllt' '' t1· , .. p1011· ,;nCl ope1a1!' ltHCJu<Jh 11 r· ~urlac1· 111 the uPPf'r !'>00 lt.•t.•! • I •• ,. ~ubsurlilCI' ol said lanCl d~ ,,.,,.,·•·Cl m 06f'C1 lrc;m The lrvmf' ( Qm~, 11 J M1cn1gJn Corporat• )t rt•c ' '\.J Auqu~t 11 1978 '" b"C' t ~ page 71iC. ''' Ofl1c1a1 Recor.is Also £•11 ...-"1 ug dll °"' ,,._., r ptll$, whethPr suer Nater r.9t,u r.tt11ll t ' r1p._ff1t,H1 (.J;erl1mQ t~ "' P'' t~ ... perGOIJttfH] prP~·, ""' •• cootrac:.tu.t! w11hout t10\l\otl,,..., tru right ot fm1ry !or It' .. > "'" •'t" o• ">UCh ri9tHC\ fl', ff>Sf .. 1 ..... 11 Ill H ,. Df•PO I t o rn Tht.• t1v1nP Gllmt, Jt y 1 M1ch1q.Jr Lr.irµor-:tt•r ... n rf '('iqif·rt Augus1 t 1 1•re " r o ' 11; •' UJ~e ib· ' ' '1ll1Ctdl Al"t.fu J PAF-4l l t £ ;i~it>"' •' ' 1"t \•·t torth 1 tt:r: P ... t1ons. *'' r t•~rJ c.t-rta,n easempnts 1or ownf'r<.. tntl .._'~(.Cr' 5Plf f",,.,t•r' ., I t:-ncrO.-•C.t·m"rq o~ p1,. t 1 1 .. f'flfltlt-*d f'-i':ttoftlt r 1. f UH DPCtar11t1nn or re~tr1cl1trr1 r1•r,,rdt•(1 tp DOOk 'l'f.JY<t Pilqr 11 t~ r)i Qft1C•,ll Recor CJ\ [ PAR(,f L l f '"'""~111• t su. h Paspmc·rn ,,. p .rt+' 1, u1,. ~H 1orU1 .n the Art If· Pr t "IPO •· 1s .. rP"'n' f tne Qt tr:it .Jf J~··' ,,,, onO I .1na r~ 1 '1C.l1'-'' •e<:<><CJl'd '" b(l<,~ 1260 • r"q" , , 1e Jf Off (i.1! f4o rou1 1T1 1• t .. ~ J '•H Or-tlat <.ti• 1 ondor ttit• t f•C, I 1 t1P'-ld1ngr.. in )hCt JfltC!t• *""' lol ••rJ 1 tollow-. Owr, .. ,, rt<V I!. itrnt Ju• l"' uldillt-''• 1tlH1 C.. Jt I"" ll'lf•\'t\10r1 ~up pt , 1 t,, rl ~ f! 1111 n ' n t encro "nm1·r t dnd Ct""" ur ,,, IJC1hhfl'> f•11""ttmtml PAR( Fl "' E if<'<'"'"' t '"'" l I ~r Tract Of 1L tS l.iC:I n •ti '11 i.J book 414 i •'llS •!>1 :?l1•t • •• ot Mt!tc.r 1 1n•~ous Mao~ re< (Jt J t a10 C•·unt.-f')1 tt P c uq •• t drmneql' I ··~el•lmq llW P"•I "" r onvey~d t p(f'J•tl prra1df•1t tt1 11 "'''r~, ch 1..t1n;1tJ1• «th Jlt not unrt•.1~0'' •hit re!.trtC.t Ill•• 1nlµnd••d Ul\f· ,tr ti Pn1oyrnon1 01 s. o•r:l l ol J A11en11ou 1 d rec.tPd 10 th• t,v t !hot 1h' ('tc_ ~ ~·n·ott•<t Ir " lhe dtt-,C.flPltCH •" .,... Qt,.1,i1n••·" i nd an-. pnt1 / ... ~ .... ,; n lf•t• h 1n•1 o• 1 ou• , ,)·,f '.11 ;i \ Jh• unC1• r 1 c1 \JPl'ld or J1u!tl w•ll Jl)-0 <..u1•t, n "11(1 11 9ACPPl•<Jtl ft'1f' ~hf"t·t lf1ftu;;, Jud nttwr c.ommot1 de«uqntt~ m 11 1ny of thP ttlal ptop• rh ct• ,, r1b .. tJ lllOYll ·~ purpot l<>d l•J Ill 106 Briurwuod lrvonP C.A <i:n H r hf' undPr ... 1gt11· r1 T '"'•'"' Ji~t"IA1m~ .in,, ftat1d1tv frH .,,., rnr.()rrf>Ctro.-•.~ c,.I ttu. !ifff1,..I 1dOrf'C".• 1nd Olht'r commr1n dPs1on.1tu r ' ttny a110Y1¥n herein Said -.ftll' w ill flt m ,hl'' t>1'1 >Ntthout co .. eriant or ¥..•n,H11, 111~pr~._~ ' 1mpl1ed r"'q;u<J1r''~ t t • P'-''sess1on or l'ncumur •lfit•'.. tn p3y tht! tf'mh1rnnQ J_)11nc1na1 11m nl lhfl n(llP ~f>Cuted by ''"d 01 .... •>I Trust with mtPrP .. ,t u,,.,~f'!• '"" p•nv1dfld in 'a•d rit1h• 1C1vnn1 fl\ ti 1ny unClcr tne lerm> ut ~.w! l>ettd ol Trull f~f"~ th.,qt• tnd 1upen,f"t~ ol the Tru~tr•1 lf\ct fJf Htf lru•I (.(1'8lf'CI hy sa•d OH•rl r' hu\I tc f l hP ,,,,(JUI I r• "~C1f1 ,, tf '1Sllnllllf'CI lo I " $30 RM 00 The l>('nPl•r 1 .. 1t.,. 1111<1"' •8 rt n<·•·Cl t>I l fu't hl'rr•tc..1 ,,_ , .• ,,,.,,,.rt ,,,,, dellYflf fl'1 ' l lflf 1Mn<1Pf ··f~'"'''' I written Df<l.tr tf1 '" (1~ dHfit•''' ut1t't Oem"nCJ rr.r s.1t11 1lnct 1 lf\d1ttrn Nollt•• o l 01>! 11111 1r11l f '"' lonn In s.-.11 Thr unfh"lf'\IQr11•d r.rtU'')l•I 11d NOllCfl of 0,,t '"" 1t 11 flt· ''' r tc St'fl 10 bf" rPtl'HdNt 11 ttu• r!IVrilt wll«• the real prowty 11 IOcallld 0111 Novf'mt,,., 17 1411/ lml>lf•,I C0to of Am"'"'~ 87117 (.r..mplll• c, San Oieoo C..A 9l ll 17 ,., 292 &~80 Cleuara MliCM•llan V l'rn\ PubllalHHI 0Utfl0" l.O••'·' IJ.11ly Pllol Nov 30. ~ 7, 14, 21, 1982 .. ~,r, ,., Security Pacific Interim Invest .. me nt Plan. Right now, a lot of inve~tor.., are waiting fo r the Decemhcr 14th ·tart date of the new in~u reJ money market accrn1nt~. But you Jnn 't have to wait. l n~teaJ , you can be earning money market rate at Security Pacific toJ ay. At the sa me ti me, yo u can arrange in advance fo r your Securi ty Pacific Insured Mo ney Market Account. And yo u'll get an impressive exrra interest bonus in the bargain. Hen~·~ .. how it wo rks. We're offering an interi m invest- ment plan fn r a minimum of $2500 which . lake our Insured Money Market Account, pays mo ney market rate .. lnvc~t now, and we will, at you r direction , automatically transfer your funJ!-1 into a Securi ty Pacific ln•mred Mo ney Market Account on December 14th. Fund~ invested in the interim in vest ment plan a re he ld in a Repurchase Agreement which is not an account and not insured by the FDIC. But they ar~ backed by Federal government a nd government agency . ecurities. And by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth largest bank with more than $33 bi llion m assets and a 100 year record of trength and stability. IDDAY'S RATE: . ..-~. -... .. Act early and earn up to $100 in extra interest. We'll pay you a bonus fo r planning ahead on your Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. Simply fill o ut one of the cou- pons and bring it to one of our more than 625 banking offices. We'll invest your money now. And arrange fo r your funds to be · automatically transferred into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. O n December 14th, we will add the value of the coupon to your opening balance. r--------, 1$j_O E~~ I I •d. .... •• ,. .• • r ' '• ..._~ • d • I -• .,.. ... -l't ~, .. , • •-"' nt.r ' ••• k ' J ,, \I • " '' • • • . •• "'•Qwf1h.J•rJ\I \l_..,,1" •Jr'l•I r• • ltr • t _,,,t. ... '' •'•' \ .......... t\ ""'• I .t. .. t..n•rf', ., .. ,ff... ,h ...... ,.._ • , • ,, .. -I h . i.,,,h f"• I ... ,._, ...t~• t.-.1 ,_.,~ \ .._...,. I '••' 'f't ""''"' ,t ... •-" .. I ' I ...... ,. . .. - The Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. An unprecedented combination of advantages. By acting early, yo u'll be among the first to benefit from a package of investment features. never offered together before: fyioney market earnings, the protec, tio n of up to $100,000 in FDIC insurance, and the convenience and security of Security Pacific. In addition, you'll have liquidity with easy, instant access to your funds. And when you make a de, posit in your Insured Money Market Account, you'll begin earning inter, est on your money that same day. We're Security Pacific and we can offer you .a broad variety of high, yield investment programs, plus dis- count brokerage and sophisticated financial planning. So come in today and start earning money market rates o n your interim investment. Along with an extra interest bonus to look forward to. .... ~,,..._.. ..... , ..... --... ~ ............ ~ ... ~ ..................... " ... . I 1•) I .... ('·1 OrPnge CoHI OAILV PILOT /Tue1d1y, December 1 .. , 1982 Loe Alamlloe MONOAY'I lllllULTI (>Oltl ......... ...,..,,_ .. -11ne> flfllT "ACI. 350 y•rd• FuNln FIQht .. (1 onk•I 3S 00 13 00 6 eo J•tamoller (Ward) 6 '<I 2 llO e.1 Betty (CaMlla) 3 60 AIM> r.c.O MlkM Fancy, So-91Gn Oray, s -NlcklM. Wlldllla BIH, Ovid< S<>Nllon, MaQIC M .. cu •. En O.Voln Limit Tim& 1149 12 llACTA (1·41 paid S 171 llO llCOHO M CI. 400 yard• Miiady Commat\der T onkl 420 ?'° 280 Proud Ouaey (W.,d) • 00 3 20 SOl<laty Child (PauH"9) 4 80 A*> rMlllCI Otnclng 8iu. Olrl. I Sp)'d9<, GOllllawonci.<. Ml .. Jaetyn9. Salty Ooo Salty, Oro Color ada Time 20 4 I THIN> "ACI. 350 )atde Too Hep (Cardon) 25 00 14 20 a 40 AllodtbO (flouOlll 20 20 6 80 OH-Grendpa Wiiiie (Ble•lftl) 3 00 OH·Kyt Baby (lackey) 2 40 AIM> r.c.O Oangerou1 o.t>t, Aet1aiu.iao, Fllll ApoOo, Wylackle ROM. Ou111n GOid. Bar MHa Cllarg« 0H-0HdllHI for ll'llrd Time. 18 22 aa IJIAOTA (10-1) paid 1829 eo '°""TH "ACI. 300 yarda. Starabuc::k (Tr .. turt) 46.20 18.00 9 40 LlllHI Top Clllek (Cardoza) 10.40 5 20 Nallyt Emptr0< (Garcia) 3 40 Also raced. Eaay A•arda, Ball Bondaman, Callmabob. Night• Llmlll. S11rapnel1 Rocket, Studio Ori••. Carmetlno Tlma 15 75 aa IJIACTA (1· 1) paid '496 00 ftf'TH "ACI. 350 yard1 s110<1 Jet (Adair) n 40 1 eo 6 oo PrlO. ol O.vtl (Hart) 3 20 2 60 Funny F .. 1,,., (Paullnt) 4 40 Aleo r•ctd Siik Kltltn, Oura1ron. ON Brlgllt Clllek. Boolclel Cl'llck. llllle 8aldit a°T1::_•,r::; Too. Flaming a ..... la IXACTA (5-4) paid $74 110 llXTH "ACI. 870 yarda Prtlwrad POllcy (Bard) 10 20 6 80 3 80 GallMt Bird (Ftydty) 6 40 3 00 0on-o (Cardoza) 3 00 AllO rte«! Mr Leo Bug. Go Owlglll Go, Judge l9\ll Garren. A9bel Zeltt Tlma 45 74 HWNTH "ACI. 350 yard• Arman Jon (Bard) 20 80 1 80 4 00 FO<-Truc::kln (Adtlrl 13 20 8 60 OlllrUCk (Hatt) 1 00 AIM> r~ Keep on Keeping on Keep On Keeping On, Play Tutt, Gyp Clllcll, Aacllum Back Jeck. Duck N Aun. Run Nau .. Aun Corwltlft Tlma 17 &4 ta IXACTA (6-6) paid S 118 40 ta l'ICK llX (3· 10· 1·5· Ml) paid $3,424.00 II 10 winning llC:ktll (tour ll0<-1 S2 Piek c:on1olt1lon P•ld $32 60 •llh 348 nlng llcicell (tllrM llO<-) llOHTH "ACI . 300 yarda. Plot (Adtlr) 11 00 6 40 4.40 Ltml'll1 Aocken (Harli 3.00 3.40 Ml .. Oi.co DMCer (Peullne) 11.20 Alto ractd· Mil Cnle, CllurktndOOM. ~I Set Beby. Atbl Hope, Oi.clpllnarlan, Tiny TrOlt Tlrnt. 15 64 la UACTA (8-9) paid 150 80 ...-T)t MCI. 350 yards And I AIOnt (lul.il) 7 80 3 20 3.80 Joyoua Jay (Paulit19) 3 80 3 20 Sllamaco (HolllngaMadl 8.00 N,L Cowbor• n. Ollert 1 IOOl't ., OUMltH 0•11•• 0 17 10 10 37 Houtlon 7 0 0 0-1 HOU A•nlrq 54 PH• lrorn M•nnlng tKtml>I klCk) OAL -Johneon 21 pan rrom White (St1>ttln kletll OAL-fG St1>1tln 12 OAL-Jolln•on 11 pen from Whtie cs.i.1...-k1e111 DAL -FG 6-pllen 34 OAl Downe 86 fumole rt1U1n (8ef>lltn kick) OAL-Newaome 48 P•'" from Wllllt (Sepller\ kk;k) OAL-FG $-c>llen 63 A-51.1108 IMIWldual ltatttltce AUSHING-Oellu, Oor .. 11 18·85. Newaoma 4-22. SPflnO• 4·15, N•wllouM 5-10, JohnllOll 1·9. HoQet>oom 1.0. Hou11on. Crall 4·24. Campbell 7-17, Edwtrell 3·9. Caper 1-1, MMIMl>g 1.0, Allen 1· (-7) PASSING-O•llH , Whitt 21·27·0·279. Hogeooom 3-6·0-45 Hou11on. Manning 12-33-0-1911 AECEIVING-O•llu, Cosblt 8·52. JOllneon 4·117, N-3-02, T Hiit 3-28, Oo11t1t 3·22. Oonlty 1· 11, Spring 1· 10. PHraon 1·9. Saldi 1·8 , Ouprtt 1-7 Houllon. Craft 4-42. B•llty 3·33. 'Renfro 2·17. Caaper 2·44, Campbell 1· 11 EMt-W .. t roatert Aoatera ror tllt 58111 Shrine EHl·WUI football game Jan. 15 tt Stanford Stadium: bataqlled OB• -Tony Eaaon, lillnol1. •no B•1>41 Leulanberg, Indiana AB1 -Kelvin Bry•nt, Horth C•rolln1, l•wrtnct Aklkl, Mk:lllQan; Jotl Coltt, Ptnn St • end Mark Ruth. MTaml (Fla.~ WA -CM1 C..10<, Oukt; Ott-Wlllltm•. 1111no11; M1Ke Mllltr, ltnntHH, All•m• M•tthtw1. V•ndtrbll1. t l'ld John Tiet. M81)'1and. Olltnllyt lln9fl'ltn -Rob F•d1, Pitt, Weyne H1rrlt, Mie1l1elpp4 St ; Aic:t> Str~. MlclliO&n; Mark Coopw, Ml1ml (At ); Biii Conu, P.,,., St.; WtyM Rtdtott. Georgia, end St-Mou, Alat>llnl. • °""*"" ltntmtn -Merk Bora, Iowa, Mike Cll•rtu, Syr•Cu1t: Jackie Clln•. Alabama. end Mark Duda. Ouk• w~l~h~'.:! -Glenn Cobb, Olllo S1 , .,_ ~ ·-;· Pann St; Mark Z.vegnln, Noire OMM. Tim JolMf, I.SU, •nd Mlkt WllC:fler. North C..ollna. Otl ..... w bad<I -Eric Wlltiame, North ClroUna St; J-Britt, lSU; Eddie Ray Welker. Sou111«n Mltlltalppl; Tim ltwla. Piii, end Bot> Herrll, Auburn Klclter -~ Roby. lowtl OBa -John ~~ft~t0<d, en0 St-Ctatkeon, San Joee St. AB1 -Vlneent Whitt, Stanford, Oatryt Clatk. T-. Md Tlm Harrie, Wulllngton 81 WA1 -Paul Sktntl, WHlllngton; Tim K-. San Joet St.; .Hlff Slmmone, USC; CMa Ol'9eael. Stanford; Ron Wetzel, Amon.t St .. at1C1 01rrtn long, Long 8Mcn St. Otltn•lve linemen -H•r••Y S•l•m. Calllornla; Randy T,,.. .. , Ntbra•k•: Kerl Neleon. '°"'' St: Jtll Ki.wet. Arizona; Slcl AbrlrtlOWIU. Tu!M; Bart 011 ... BYU, Md Piil! Coty, WUhlngton. OtMnelve llntmtn -Cllrla Botl<ey, Iowa St; "9oole Cemp, Celltornta; Jim .i.ttcCN1, Arllon.t.St , end Toby Willlame, Nto<utta. llntbacktr• -St••• 01mkrogtr, Nebr••k•: S•m Merriman, lelaho; Mike Walter. Oregon; Mike GrHn, Oklallom• Statt. and Byron Oerb\I. use Oeler\llw bedcs -0111 Byrd, SM Joee St ; John Salley, Wyoming; Paul Moyer, Arizona St; Al Gtoea. Artzona: JMnmy Turner, UCLA. Kicker -Clludo Ntleon, Wunlngton ... we111,. cow••.:• , ...... oww. " .. .,. ,: ~ .~· oe ... ti .. "-"• ttor11.,.o GOl<ltn 8t•I• .... Oltoo 11 6 712 ,, 10 64~ ti 11 622 • •• )Ill 4 ,, 192 ....._tOt<rlaiM Ka•llH Clly 12 t ~' $Ir\ MIOrliO 1' 10 100 DellH 11 t 550 °"""" 9 13 409 Utlll I 1• 30• M0\11100 3 II 1•3 IAITI,_ .. COWIMNCI 801100 Phlltd4'1pflll -.i.r .. y W11hlng100 -York Atltftllt CMvleMft II 4 8111 •• 4 ••• 12 10 645 10 11 470 T 16 318 CtfttrelOlwltMft Mllw....-H 10 I H2 O.trOll 12 10 5-46 AllMlll 10 11 470 lt!Oltnl t I 3 409 Cllk•OO I 14 364 Cit~ 3 111 143 Nog-~a- TtftitM··~ l.aaete •I P0t11and OttrOlt 11 Hew VO<li w N1>1ng1on 11 ci.1caoo San Antonio •1 Houe1on Photn'• at S..ttlt Oeff11 el GOlcltn State 3~ 8 1'1t 11 1 Virginia (~) 2 Ktnlueky (51 s Mernplll• St 4 UCLA 8-0 1,215 5-0 1, 124 8-0 Ne 5 Geot~own (lie) Indiana 7 low• 8 MINOUtl 9 SI J011n'1, N Y 10 Alabama 11 Tan,_ 12 Loula•llMI 1CI Arkan111 14 Houaton 15 Norlh Carotln• St 18 SyracuM 11. Nor111 c ... oun. 18. Ntvllcla Lal Veg•• 1t VIiianova 20. Waal VltgMll HIGH ICHOOL 4-0 950 0· 1 1118 8-0 11116 8-0 • 894 8-0 783 7.0 642 4-0 939 4-0 512 5-1 493 4·0 370 5·1 342 4·0 313 e..o 21g 3-2 271 6.0 267 2·2 230 5-0 115 Glenn a , Woodbftdae 41 OLI• -Baker 11, Atcl* 1o. Marq .... 5, Ortega 12, Tre vino 8, Sanlort O, Cervan•• o. Total• 15 1a-18 43 WOOCJWQI -Foringw 10, BO<IUlc 8, A•CIO•C:ICll 23, Mortll nd 4, Wilt 2 . Armllrong 0, Flynn O, Burke O. Tottla 13 15-25 41 --..,o-rw.. Oltnn 9 9 14 9-43 Woodbr1c19t 7 12 9 21-41 Toti! foul• Olenn 29, WOO<lbrlcig. 2•. Fouled ou1 Boreuk tWoodbrldgtl. WIH (Woodbridge), Baller (Glenn). Fl•cll•r (Gltnn) lntne a. Qerden °'°" ... ~ GRbva -Oytt•tr• 8, sm11n 8. Duong 2. AnMn 13, Blum 1. R9)'nOld1 •. Canln 2. O'Connor 3, Dania 8. l"VINI[ -Ble lme n 8, Rllodn 5, Satermo 2, HNI 11. UMtry 8, C.,..,., 10, Caldwell 8, Flynn 2, lkozcMch 12. ._. ., Guefttr't 01rdtrl Grove 10 t 12 18-48 lrW!e t 17 18 19-82 To1111 IOUle: Gwo.n Grove 24, lrvlnt 21; Fouled out: Smith (Qardtrl Grove). Usaery (lrvlnt). UnlYentty 14, VII .. ft..tl 51 VlllA PAM -e.ltnkt 2. Rtddlng 6. ~ 18. 8 t•tt0<d 12, Moe11tr 13, Roderlclt 2, Vicario Q, Jacob• 2. Totet1· 20 17 ·20 57 • UHIVl•lfTY -Be11ngar 12, E~tll 2. Bltkt 20. s1onon 18. ChOI 10, o.n111t 3, Ho11ore1 o. Kt1Un119t 1, Marke 2. Cate 8 Totala 27 20·28 74. ._..,0.-W.. VI .. Perk 18 9 15 17-57 un1-.,1y 11 2• u 19-74 Total foula• VIII• Pwk 20, U..._...ty 17 UC /RV/NE vs. Chapman College TONIGHT STARTING AT 7:15 PM with "THE BILL MULLIGAN SHOW" Brought to you by AnheuMr Butch, Toyota, 7UP/Uke, U.S. Air Force, Jm Clldl Ford AN ENGLEllRECHT COMPANY PRODUCTION PtalC NOTICE NO~ TO CMDfTORI Of MAJ( T'RAMSRlll (a-. 11014,07 u .c .c .) Notice 11 lltrtby given 10 lht cttdltore of VIDEO CASSETTE SERVICES, INC .. Tranaf«or, wt10M bualneaa addreu 11 711 W. 17th StrMI, •J-e, City of Cotti MMe, County of Or•ngt, S1e1t of Callloml1, 111•1 • bulk trantf« 11 abo ut to bt m1dt to SVEND PELCH, Tr-fer•. wtioee bu*- addr-It 178 Malcolm Dr .. City of PeucMna. County of Loa Angalea. Stat• of California. MllC NOTICE FICTITIO\JI BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are dOlng business as BARKER & ASSOCIATES REAL EST A TE 1525 Mesa Verde On•e EaSI No 208 Costa Mesa. CA 9~626 Ne•I A Barker. 2729 Starbird Or Costa Mesa. CA 92626 1erry L Barf\er. 2729 StarbHd Or Costa Mesa CA 92626 This business 1• c;ondueted by an 1nd1vtdu8I Ne<I A B•rlter Th•s s lalemenl was toled ''"'" the County Clerk of Orange County on Nov 19 1982 PtEUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS 9\lllMll NAME ITATUMNT The rollowlng 1141rson1 are doing buslnn1 as: FINANCIAL SERVICES. 171 South Anllt Orl•t, Sullt 103, Orenge, CA 92668 Seacoast Fln1"c:1a1. 171 S A!llla Drive, Su11e 103. Orange. CA 92660 Thi• business 11 c:onducltd by an lnd!Vldual. S .. COH1 F1nand1I Jofln W Chod•k Prts•dtnt l111a statement wH flied wlfll lllt County Clerti of Ortno-County on Dec 8, 1982 Nil.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUI M.1 .... 11 NAME ITATl~NT The following owsons 1te doing bullnes1 H : (A) TOWN REAL lY. (B) TOWN MORTGAGE. 10221 Slater Ave .. •209, Foun1aln V1l,.y, CA 92708. Town Corporation. 1 C•llforn1• c:orpor•tlon, Fountain V•lley. CA 92708 Thia buainets la conducted by • corpor•Uon Town Corpor•tion Eunney Chough Prtll<IWll Thia atttement wu 11'-<! With Ille County Cl9rk of Orenge County on Dec 3. 1982 lhe Pf'operly lo be 1r1n.terrad It deaet1bed In oen-ei u : All 8todl In tr8de, llxtur•. equipment end oooO wlll ol tll•I VIDEO CASS£TTE MANUFACTURING ~ known • VIDEO CASSETTE SERVICES, INC. and localed ti 711 W t71fl Slreet it U , City ol Cotl1 M.u. F202S32 flOST• f20M71 Pu bhslled Ortnge Coe.st Dally Pubhslled Ortngt CoH1 Dally Pubhalled Orang• Cot11 O•lly P1IOI Nov 23 30 Dec 7. 14. 1982 P1tol, 0ec 7, 1•, 21. 28, 1g92 P1lol. 0ec: 7. 1•. 21, 28, 1982 5136·112 5378-82 5371·82 PUBUC NOTICE ~~of Or•ngt. St•I• of PtEl.IC NOTICE Tiit bulk tflnlltr will bt ---,1C-m_1_ou_1_11U_l*E __ ,-.--FICTITIOUS IUllNHI ------------1 conaummated on or •It• Ille 30th NA• ITATlllllUIT NAME ITATIMENT d1y of o.c:.mt>er, 1g82, II 10:00 Tht lollowlng person Is doing The loltowmg pe<sons ote dOlng A. M . " GROVER ESCROW buSlnesa u business as CORPORATION. wtlOM addr-It PATTISON SAIL DESIGN, 505 8 RIST 0 l IN 0 UST R I A L 23800 Rocklltld Blvd .. '12N. El 3 111 Str"I. Newport Beach. COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES. 1072 Toro. c.nfomla. lhtt the laat Ott• Celilornle 92863 SE Bristol. Santa Me, CA 92707 tot flllng dalrM la 12/29182. Herry Heyes P11Uaon. 29181 Ray P Olm1cflt1d Corp . t So far •• 11 known lo tllt Rldgt•ltw, Laguna Niguel. Callfo rn1a corpora flo". 1072 Tr-fer•, 111 bualneaa n-and C11lfornta 92677. SE 8r1SIOI. Senta Ane. CA 92707 add-uMd by Ille Tr1n1l«or This bu1111ess Is oonduote<I by en This business Is conduc:led by a for the p .. 1 tllrM yeera lfe: Same. lndlvldual. corp0<allon Dated: Oeo9mt>er 13. 1982. Harry H Petllson Ray P 01mseh81d SVEND PELCH Thia at•l•tnenl w1s tiled with the Ray P Olmtc:ht1d Tr-*«• County Ci..k or Orenge County on Preslelenl Publllhed Orange CoHI D•llY Nov t8, 1982. This stalament waa llled wlfll '"' PllOt, O.C. 14, 1982 F202454 County Clerk of Orange County on 6488-82 Publl1hed Orang• COHI Dally NO• 19 1982 MllC NOTICE FICTITIOUI 8U81NE88 NAME I TA TEMENT Pllol, Ole 7, 1•. 21. 28. 1982 F202t25 5374-82 F>ubllshed Or•nge Co111 Oaily ------------P110t. Nov 23 30, ~ 7, 14, 9 1982 Nil.IC NOTICE s 132.92 Tiie following person II doing FICTITIOUI IUllNHS PtEl.IC NOTICE buli=:~RT PACIFIC 2200 W NAME ITATEMIENT FICTITtOUI llUllHEH MUC NOTICE Notice It hereby otwn by Bani! ol A~lca NT & SA, Newport BNeh Brtnch, 3••• Via Lido, Newport S.tc:h. Calllornla 92583, thtt wt ""'" Nit t>y public auction, tor c:un. on Mond•y lh• 201h d1y or Oecemb•r 1982 •t 11:00 o'clock 1.m. •I Schock Bo•I Salt1, 2900 Lalaytltt, Ntwporl B•1c:11. Calllornl• • 1980 c1111ornla 42' Olf1hore Crulur, Ser111 No . JCM42192M91 B, named lllt P'refetrtd S111u1, OT11C111 ~b. d:f'h'fb wltfl twin 3200 Ceterpllllr 01 ... 1 EnglMt. Terms ot 25 peretnl down eath, Ca1hter or Certllltd CMc:ll. non-relund1bl• wllh 75 perc:t11I t>ellnCI. c:alltt. Ca1hlet or o.rJllltd Check to be p1ld to Bank o f America NT & SA within one WMtt Of the dl11 ol lale. Publ1111ee1 Or•nge Coal! 011~ Piiot. 0.0 13, 14, f5, 18, t7, 198 5480-82 Pta.tC NOTICE Co.II Hlgllw•y. Newport Beec;ll, The lollowlng person IS e101ng 1>us1ntss N NAM! ITATl.Ml[NT Cot1tornl• 92863 Al MEOl·MAG Bl OPTOMAAT The following 1141rson1 are doing FICTITIOUS IUllNEll c•u........,." .... ,.. CCMIC*A DIL. MM! -Wy1ol\ t Wt"ll • Vt11ee 1 .,, 11-ollU; .. JI liMt I I"'''' lo1e1e u • 10., •latON vtlJO -B111ht11 4 M....c.11 J MOW<y • CtW>I I l,rewlntd 10 er ... k t ll1M ' Totlll• It 10 10 \4 ...... .,a-.... CorOM Cit' Mt1 • 11 1 11 01 Mowon VlejO • I II 11 34 T 01.. louie (..CHCN>• 1Jet M.. 11 Mlffll#> VitjO 11 ~MMlaM,Coata ..... IO '-Aiulul MU.I l<aw.Oa 14, Liit'" t) C111er 10 OatClt 4 WNHam• O. Pltnlel 0 Total1 1& H-38 ta COITA llllA ldaon 11, llltt 1}, Palmbltde 4, 1111(1 0 (.()Ok 10, WllM.MllOl1 0, l<ot I IOI.,. 2 II 11 60 ..... ..,o-tw. leQUlla Hiii• 18 1D 14 11> I)~ Coa11 Meta 8 ,.. 1:1 l ~ Total lout• lll(lull• Hille 14, Co••• MH• u. I oultd OUI Ting (COii• M•H) Ko• tCOtla MtHI, COOi> ICOttl Meeal .... , 11, 'ountalft Yeller 40 BLAIR -Jac;~eon 16. Smith 10. Peron 4, Und•r•ooo 0, Aobln1on 1), Joh11•on 3 ro11111 21 13·12 && ,OUHTA• VALLIY -H•rry 7. Drown 4, Wlllft1111l1 1ll, Jacob• 4, Power 8, Ha111Qr1 ', ~Oii 4 TOlalt 10 10·11140 ...... .,a-..,. Blalr "1 14 11 '3 6S Fo.inttln V•lley 11 4 1J 18 '° Total toult 8la11 18. fountain V•l"'1 2 t, F<Nled OUI J~bl lfounlall'I V .. ley), Hiity (FOUM•ln Vllltyl c, ....... u. ldteon ~ CY'"1aa -KrlvHlltl 2 Slltrmet 4. Maueo 18, TrlOlttt 23. ,_ T T0111lt n e.11 52 lotaON -O!UllO'#tkl 8, WMhlnQton 4, M .. 1 .. eon 10, Wer1ntr t , ThotT\lt 2, Mlllltd 4. Hamilton 2. Glbbt 2. Slnelalr 2 T01al1 20 3·4 43 ac...,o-w. CyprMI 10 14 14 14-62 EO'-' 4 14 16 10-43 TOlll foul• Cyl>f ... 8, EC11eon 17, Fouled <NI Hachltn (Edlton) llerlfte "· tunnr Hlh M IUNNY Ha.LI -Mellon 15, Huo,,.. 13. Flnktntltr 8, C-5. DeYll 10, 81111 2, Wllll II. Bclrgatrom 0, OIH 0 Totala 28 7·12 &9 MAIUNA -Crowley 2, N•umtnn 20, F1llpeto t , Pactlll• 18, Aoeen•wtlg 9, Belangei 1 I, Whlltmen 0 Tolllt 20 8-12 ee lccwe ., OUMtert Sunny Hilla 18 9 12 20-69 M•rln• 20 12 15 19-88 Tot•I toule Sunny Hilla 11. M•rlna 9 COLLIQE WOMEN UC lntlne II, UllU 17 UC .. .,.. -P1Uon 8. Gomaz 7, HlgUlll 8, All., 8, Othn 5, Hart 2, H•mlllon 19, Simpton 8, VanP!_r Poet 14, R•ndall 8, MCEiroy •. Tot .. I. 3• 17·23 85. UllU -Gl-lofd 4, Brtatlt 7, Cllllte 1. Zolllcoflet 9, Morgante 10, Cl.,k 9 TotiH; 24 11-19 57 o... ........ MIT'I LAMDINO (Ntwpen e..c11) -21 angltfa. 18 bett, ta "*ll!Wel, 1 rod! tleh. 4 "'=' ~£.'t'· (Ntwpen 9-fl) -11 90Ql«1. 155 rod! c:oel, 1 cow cod OAMA WMAllF -31 angler•. 78 b-. 4 mtdc .. et, Ill rock e«t, 1 tCUlplfl llAL llACH -25 tngler• 200 mtdc.,.,, 125 roeti cod, 13 white 11111 Auetrallen Open ("Milli IMl'M) ...... l'llMM Johan Krltk (South Africa) d•I Sttvt Otnlon (U.S.). 8-3, 6-3, 8-2 (Krltk •ln1 112.000, Danton wtna $36,000) .,......,IMle John Ale•andtr.Jonn Flttg«ald (Au1treli•) ~: John Sadn-Andy Andr-(U.S ). 8-4, 4 NHL CA..,..LLCO..l"'MCI ...... lie~ W '-' T CW OA "' lllmonton K"'9t V9"(;0UY9f Wtnnlll<JQ Calgary Ch!e.•OO Mlnnnolt 81 L.Oult o.1r011 ror0/110 14 11 7 149 l:l~ 38 I) 11 fl 101 10~ lt 12 13 8 120 11t 30 13 12 3 124 11• 29 11 17 8 136 148 , • Nof'll• DIV!otltfl 19 I> • 130 94 •4 10 • 4 140 11' 43 10 19 3 108 126 23 1 17 6 .. Ul4 20 5 17 5 92 128 16 WALll CONl'l"l .. CI '•lllcll Dlvlelon NY l1l•t10t<t 17 I 1 6 124 10) 39 Phlladelpftl• 19 I I 4 170 101 30 NY A•nci«• 16 13 2 123 115 37 W•1lllrog11111 12 9 8 107 107 31 4 Ptn•burQll 9 16 6 101 138 23 Ntw Jt<M)I II 2 t 7 94 t48 19 Moo1o .. 1 D0t1on 0...bec; Bulll!O H1tllord Adam• DWltltft 11 ' • 149 106 42 11 e 8 1H 103 '° 1$ 12 3 U3 137 33 n 12 o 119 101 30 9 17 3 101 140 '1 ......, .• a-.. No Ol!nff ~led t ........ ·.a-K1fttt ti WU/\lngton T0<on10 at Ovtbec ButtllO ti Hew YO<li lal...O..t HtfllO<CI al MlnnMOtl WlnNptg ti St louta Coaet .... reaulta LAGUNA MACH •N' (tic .... Del ............ \llete) LO• Net Tourn-11: A Flight -1. 8411 Oulnn. 67-14-53, 2. Lou Cltm, 63-8-55; 3. (tie) Don Elliott. 70-13-57 •nd 8111 Hiiborn, 70·13-57. 8 Fllgllt -1. Cllllltt KautmM, 87-15-52; 2. (1lt) FrMlt Haneen, 71-17-54 and Bl• B~hen. 69-15-54· 4. John Wl\Mltr, 73-17-58. ' C Flight -1, Eugene Brand. 70-20-50; 2. Jonn Morrow, 88-18-51; 3 M•c Rottn 72·20-52. 0 Fllgfll -1. Oeorgt Wiiker: 72-24 ..... 51; 2 Ctle) Ok:k Jones. "14-22-52 and Olek Au..-. 7._22-52; 4. Wiit Penn. 77·23-54. E AIQhl -1. JKI< Hitchcock, 80-35-45. 2. (lit ) Lou U11dtrwooe1 78-28-50 end Otlrle Oodton, 80-30-50: 4 El11o11 Uflon, 84-32-52 • Monda¥'• tfeftNC"°"9 •••eAU. ~L.Maw TEXAS RANGERS -W•lvtd Sltvt eom ... pltc,,.,. fOf the purpote 01 giving lt4m 1111 uncondtllonal ,...... 'OOTaAU. Uftlted ...... ,....,. LMaw ARIZONA WRANGLERS -Signed Craig PenrOM, q.,..rltrbllCk. IOCClfl tton11 ~a-Leeew COSMOS -Traded Steve Wegerlt , winger. lo tt>t Fort Laudtrd ... Striker• for 11ret·round dr•n Cholcel In 1g92 and 1983, and CUh COlUOI OuKE -N•meo Tommy llmb•ug11 rterulllng coordinator end edmfnlllrttlll• Hillet1nt: Oa\lld lit quar1erbaclc coach. enc! Mike Pope rtcet-coecll. EASTERN NEW MEXICO -Named Bin Ktlly head loolball coach. NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS - Announced IM reelgn•tton of Fred 81tCI . tlllHlllC dirte10< and footb .. coteh. 10 tit mey become dtltnll•t coordinator •nd lletd rteruner 11 TtxH A & I NFL standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE Down g ts Cowboys up, 37-7 HOUS'fON (AP) -Daallaa Cowboy• sulcty Michael Downa had only one worry about 66(X.~pting an Citly ChriBtmaa gift from Houston OU. ·r rookJe Gary Allen -he fe&l'ed he mjght get caught from behind. But Downs dl8C.'Overed Monday night that, at least on a football field, It i& more blessed to receive than to give. Downs scooped up Allen's fourth-quarter fumble and raced 86 yards far a touchdown to break the Oilers' backa and eaae the Cowboys to a 37-7 vict::!fi that clinched a NationaJ Foot League record 17th consecut.ive winning seuon. The victory gave them a 5· 1 ' record, putting the Cowboys in a tie with Washington for first place in the NationaJ Football League's National Conference standjngs. Houston is 1-5 in the AFC. "J kind of thought about not getting ca ught," Downs confessed after his game breaker. "It's kind of embarr assing for them to run you down from behind. They were Inside the • 10-yard Line and just for us to have possession of the ball was a plus for us." The Cowboys already were in control of the game, leading 20-7, but Downs' bi~ play stopped an Oiler offensive drive and put Dallas in solid command of the game. "It bounced perfectly for me," Downs said. "And I was just able to pick it up and run with it. ''I 've nev e r sco red a touchdown in all my years of playing football. So for me to score a touchdown n ow is probably the best thing that couJd have happened to me. I've been a defensive player for as long as I've been playing." Downs' cohort in the dissecting of the Oilers was quarterback Danny White, who hit three touchdown passes, two to Butch J ohnson, and missed only six passes all rught, completing 21 of 27 for 279 yards. "I think we're in midseason form," White said. "I don't think there's any question about that." More sports, page CB W L Pct. PF PA W L Pct. PF PA Raiders 5 1 .833 155 125 Dallas 5 1 .833 158 83 Cincinnati 5 1 .833 139 90 Washington 5 1 .833 120 104 NY Jets 5 1 .833 171 95 Atlanta 4 2 .667 153 119 Buffalo 4 2 .667 98 73 Green Bay 4 2 .667 l« 115 Miami 4 2 .667 117 95 Detroit 3 3 .500 102 95 Pittsburgh 4 2 .667 121 101 Minnesota 3 3 .500 109 98 San Diego 4 2 .667 160 120 New Orleans3 3 .500 77 106 New Engld. 3 3 .500 83 98 NY Giants 3 3 .500 103 97 Seattle 3 3 .500 104 96 St. Louis 3 3 .500 101 114 Cleveland 2 4 .333 89 122 Chi~o 2 4 .333 77 112 Denver 2 4 .333 111 149 San Fran 2 4 .333 156 155 Houston 1 5 .167 81 155 Tampa Bay 2 4 .333 85 111 Kansas City 1 5 .167 89 129 Rama 1 5 .167 122 159 Baltimore 0 6 .000 60 138 Philadelphia 1 5 .167 108 135 NOTE: T he top eight teams in each conference will qualify for the playoffs. ......,.,._. Oellu 37. Houalon 7 ~··o­....... "lllaNtn New Yori! .i.ta 11 Mieml (Channel 4 al 9.30 em ) ~•Oe!Mt 8uftalo II T amoe &.y Houtton " Phlladllolll• Min,_.• II Detroit New V0tll Glenlt ., Wuhlnglon Plt111Kirgll t i Cleveland St LOUii ti Chlc;aQO GrMn a.y et Baltlinort Kantu City •t Oerllllf New OrlMn• •t Oeltu New Ef191end •I S-11 .. Atlante 11 San Franc:lac:o .....,..ca-. Cll'1Clnn1U at Stn Diego LMTED OFFER "HotM of Cheo Gol<hn Tocxh" 10.75% LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Costa Mesa 540-5630 NII.IC NOTICC Nil.IC NOTICE A.P.R. FINANCING AVAILABLE ouu NEW 1982's rtaJC NOTICE .,1101'1 PICll" JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL Plob tf 9'1 WtH Sat., Dec. 18 Los Angel .. Ra iders over Rams Sun., Dec. 19 San ffancisco over Atlanta * Philadelphia over Houston * Minnesota over Detroit Mon., Dec. 20 San Diego over Cincinnati NILIC NOTICE S w•n Enttrprosu Inc: a 719 Promonlory Or W Newpori buSlnus es NAllllEITAffllilENT CaUtorma corporation Bf!ACll CA 92660 MAIO·A MINUTE. 12:1 I w The tollowlng person ,, d oing flCTITIOUI llUllHEll ACTITIOUI .,..... ,,..TIMDIT cw wwntlMIAWAL 1'1CTITIOUI ....... Thia 00~ IS c:or>ducltd by a James H Krtushau. 719 COISI HIQhW•Y N_por, Beach CA OUSll'Cll\S Ill NAllllE ITAT!Ml!NT ..... ,.,...NT '9IOllll p~.... .. •• ITA'n•NT 11m1ted p1rtnerahip p ...... w N ee~.. 92663 JACK'(, AUTO PAINTING 138 The IOl' ....... no --·-s .,. d"""' The fOllowlng perworll •r• doing ONMT"90 ""°'" The follow!-,,_.,,., • .,. doi"" S'W.n Enter"'l•es i~· romontory..,. ewpor1 ....... ..,.... ....... ~. -·"' .... 1 ......... ~-. ..., ,.. ·-CA 92"'"" Orennt Count" Ser"H:• Inc • lndu11r1.il Way Co11t M~H CA ......... -~.as uvlneH ••· 1'1CTITIOU8 ....... HAm .... ti~·•• Frenk W Johnston vvv .. ., ' ' uv .... .., • • • N • N 0 A l L E N "" ,,... Presldef'tl Tt11s business 15 cooducted by an Ca11lorn1a corpo1111011 1221 W 9:>627 R OM MATE FINDERS 4131 "'l l"' "' Th• toll owing P•t1on II•• CLUB OF 25, o..lgn Plu•. 270 indlYiduel Coesl H1gllw•y. New()Ol't S.acll, CA J ACK ANOE RSON FLYNT, Birr II Street No 1008 Newport ENTERPRISES, 2001 TWetd Street, wltlld,.wn 11t9'"1'al par1Mf from N•wP0•1 Ctnltr Or , Newport Tllll ••• .. mctnt wta hied with lllt James 11 KrsushH r 92663 16300 Jup11tr C• Westm•nattr CA Btac:h C!'lolorni11 Placer11i., Cal1loml• 92870 IM pattMrllliC> C>P«lllng under the hech. CA 92880 Counly Cltfk or Orange County on Th•~ •letement wa.s hied with 1119 Tllll 1>ui1ness 11 c:ooducled by a 0:>611'.) K•fllJttn s Mellom 220 Roo.rl t< Jackaon, 2001 Tweed fict itious bu•lntn n1me ol J1Gk Ulfer. unlnc:orporaltd November 19. 1982 F....,.. .... County C~rk or Orange Coonly on corporation lCONA JEAN FLYNT, 111300 tieVll'lll SlrHI No B M8nlllllln SfrMI. Ptac«ltta Celifornla 92670 VANOEABIL T INVESTMENT 1oc:l1I club. 2•212 Vitti O'Oro, ""'94' N l9 l982 Orange County Juptttr Cr W!'slmtnslor CA 92683 a..c:n CaUl"'"la ""2.., L••rence C Whet'HI, 19572 COMPANY. a Cttllornl9 Llmll..,. L-··· ...,. ....... CA 82....," g"""53. ....,..... _ .,.... Thi\ t>u\lnrn 11 CMducted by an tru11>1111,_ 11 c:onC111Gted by en terr• oto .,.,..,, ,,,,.,,., • °''"' Pu1ner11tlp •t 17092 Pullm•n Steve Muler. 2•212 VIII• Pub,1.11.d Or.n&:ccoa.t O.lly 011 F--s-v·--1. Inc -WV "" s 8 .. _... l c Ill -· ... -..-·-• ...,..... ...... "" Piiot. No• 23. 30. 7, 14 1982 Pul.Jlo\lira Oumgt' Coast Dally Chet C~ 1nct1111rtu111 1nd111ldu1l '2708 A~. frvlM, CllttOl'nl• 92714 O'Ofo, Lll9Ufll Niguel, CA 92977 S 178·92 P1101 Nov 23 30 Of!C 7. 1•. 1982 Pre11csen1 Jllrf\ A F'lynl K"ll.-i S Mellom JamH L Jack1011. 340 E .. t Tiit llGtltlout bu1lne11 name Chuck Cltrh., 24214 v111t ------------5129-82 Tiils at•lem11nt wilt hied w1lll trnl lll" ~t11t11m11111w1u1111ee1 wllh thct Tllot •lllllmtf\1 w111 t1l11d w11h lhCI J•tltr•on S lr••f. Pomona. 1111em.nt lot the P•rtMflfllp wH OOro. Laguna Niguel, CA 9H77 rtatC NOTICC ------------counly Cieri\ of Orenge County on C'lunty r,1i;r• 1n Ouo10t1 County on Covn1y C•ttk 01 Or•no-County 011 Ct"fornll 91767. 11110 on Au91111 11, 1912 In tllt 8 G Frtck, 242t!1 VIit• O'Ofo, ------~~-=---MllC NOTICC Nov 19 1982 Nnv I" Ill"::> November 19. tH? .. rry A IMthe, 89 8310 PlaGe. Covnty of 0r_,. uiguni Nlauel CA 82$77 'tCTTTIOUI Mll .. 11 F~ '1fttl0 ,_ Ap1 3111. Lo110 a .. ch, Celllorn11 John ci.r•, H32 HIOllOllt flllt blleTllffi la CO!ldueled by.,. H.411111 ITATRMINT FICTl'tlOUI IUllHlll Publl1h11d Ortnpc CoHI Delly Pun11~1111111 Or11ng11 Cou1 Delly Put>lithl'O Orang~ CoHI Oa11y ll080 Ttrrac:t. Turtle Roell. l1vl111. un111corporatt0 111oelallon 01r11r Tfle lollowlng per1on II Oolng NAMI tTATliMlNT P•IOI, No" 23. 30, Dec 1. 14, 1982 f'1ll'll Nnv :13 ')() Of>t 7 14 19112 PllOI. Nov 23 30 0.c 7. 14. 11182 Robert F AUt11. Jr .. 4400 C1lllornl1 thin 1 pertnetlhlp bUIMlt• ... ThO folio n so 11 0 11 r>128-82 5 130.11:> "111.112 M1eAttltvr BoulevtrCI, Sult• 370, J()lln Clark J-" Utter A~~UUA~NAUT~AL.~,-~"M~g~ n mg ~-----------~------------~-----------~~· .. K~~~°'·"~ . '*'" Th1111~1-~wl~~ 14110 Wiii Cout Hwy., Newport G w F MINISTRIES aka Thi• b\lllMM I• c0ndue1td by. Publlthed Orange CoHI Dilly COlllll)' Cletk of Or1119' Cou11tv on &etch, CA 82M3 r nrnur11qtrnen1 for Tod•y. 818 Ottltftl f>8flNIBtllp Pll()t, O.e 7, 1•, 2f, 21, 1H2 ~ 3, 1M2 JoHPh ThOmH V•lltfo. 430 Rn'"" 1111,.. CO&li! Mesa CA o26i 8 DOING All new buatnetHI ualnt 1 fictitious Ao•t t< Jtc:kaon 1376•12 ,_ "lvtr•ICle. Newporl Bt1ch. CA 011ry W rslbd.11111 R,,,,,. Lent . neme, mull by lew M r-i:atered wtth fhlt ll•i.ment wat flied with the 1--------------Publlthed Or•no-CO•ll OellV 92"3. ..... b <:Ml~ Mete CA 92fl28 BUSINESS the Count~Ctefk. T .. -ILY PILOT County Cieri! or Of•• county on If it's ...... w"'"'' Piiot. O.e 7 ,., 21. H. 1"2 fllll bullnMa II conduct... Y an ft11' bv11n"H 11 conducted by an ,_ NOY 22. lH2 1fV• ··-62ts-12 lfldlVl<luel 1nt11111C1unl u N DEA a provide• form• end .... MIYlce• ..... ...... ...... iou'll move It JoMPf'i T VllllfO C. W '•llMI " for OU' CUltomett. If rou .,. l18ftlnt I _....,.,_,. at Lew Tlllt at•ttment ••• ftltd wttn ,,,. ff\11 ~AllWl'lllr1I ,,,, •• l1lt(I wllh IM new buelne•• c•ff the DAIL y PILOT lof ..... ArtlMlr ....... --. ..... as.__ In • Co\1111.Y C"'11 04 Oranot County on County Clflt~ ,,, Or&ngt Cunty on FICTITIOUS lnformltton end "--ma m ..... 0ec ,, 1t12 ,_ N••v 111 111~~ ,_ ~ ....... c.-... -Dally Piiot ,ubllllle4 Or•n,. Cotti O•Uy Put)flllltd Orotngt co.~: NAME? 142~ lXT. au Pubfl•Mcl Or•nt• co.::.': cl•sslfled PffOt, Dee 1. 14, 2 21, IH2 P•IOI Nov 13 30 Dfo< 7 1• 1982 '1i01 0ee 7, 14 It. ti. 1"2 53•4-12 • I $178 e' 5'U-t2 ad. o•at.eyDUr~ ~or• the '"°'"' pul)tle, ~ C•-==54111 I ' • " , ! ! 1'1w marketplcu•t> <m Ow Orange "oo.~t .. 642-5678 Chrisfmas Polll• & well groomed prof bertender/aerver OllllTllll Orenoe Co&1t DAILY Pl(OT/Tuetday. December 1•. 1982 I\ rmmy fH!Opl c> look mo for u rn1tul. 70' ( f(•ud reul N;latc· dtn .'ltfwd culN ALTEC STUDIO SPEAK· At<C Beagle Puppte1 Stopl Chrtetma1 Shoc>I ERS (2), walnut wood 1189 U. I-IL, ... avall. for Holklav-. par-Make II I Continental MICROWAVE: New Sharp m ties. Chrt1tmea ... A gift for Cerouael, probe 1229. 111111 Ull Cn{{ZB' ...-np~( Steve 64S-1426 theJwhOHoleNSIOamlN ly.SON Or chOOM lrOl'n Amane, All ChocolatH In one, ~ 1 n n i Litton, Magic Chet, Tap-Pita and Cavler In Rk:co'1 crNtlve catering. Uncotn/Merc 540-5630 pan. O'KMle/Merrlt anothe<. Pemepe Gour- We do It Ill, or Juat a«ve ---------.... •1•" met S & B e d7 & clMnup. 548~21 Scandia Down Shope. ___ .,.._..-.. __ ..... ___ oupe ' • by Janine COl'nlorter1 etc. 2756 E. ALLIED LIGHTING Fruit, ChMM & Wine + finish. $250 ee 551-3208 AKC Gldn Retrievers New atll & lllhlon •tore 1229. t .. turtng exciuatve Bia· Lh110 Apuo $250. urd at1ri & femou1 actl· $-48-0090 -Reglller tor Pf· AKC OLD ENGLISH lza drewtng Dec. 15: SHEEPDOG PUPPIES wlndeurfer. bootl, YllCe· •Plants & Carda a Chic Plque-Nlque, Cat Hwy Cdm. 1590 S. 222 Vlc1orla·C01ta M... many more. Hand Dell- lnvltetloo• gourmet French ceterlng Cit Hwy LB &48-3737 846-8194 vered In th• Newport Suppies •Birds 1•Caces FOR CHRISTMAS tlool, morel 8"42-5630. WHIRL1GIG 9'350. 979-1o478 1111 Westelfft lrfn CertlflcatM & party tray•. Cut rate Jon Brockman Plano Co. We heve Southern Cal!-:;:~Call R.S.V P .. Call anawer ad #579, prlcel. 760-6844 fornt1'1 moat complell 1---20 _____ _ 801 W. Beker. Cost• Cocker Sp1ntel pupplH Wfftclllf Plaza, N 8 . 897 Glenneyre 842-4300, 24 hra. Laguna Beech ,.97-3o490 Hlecllon ol lighting 11 H & H Aoral &1 Craft Sup competitive praa. Meta lor Chrl1tmas. Al<C reg .. YOUf Complete &cl Head· 979·8570 blood. &42-33-41 qu1t1er1 -Sales, Rentall, •Pet supplies ply. 3 loc. Orange, Gard-New Microwave (Amana), Ferrara Roofing Co. en Grove, Anehelm 1189 ··· Celllng Fane w/ ~ro'ol, Repair, Shingle CANARIES _ Singing Ball Clothing, Ski Ramp. ol Red FHthers tor NEWPORT SKI CO., Chrlatmll. (red-orange) 2700 W. Coaat Hwy. II t e I • N e w ' $ 7 9 . (71 •) &•2 '"233 AS THING ARE • Flower 1·855-<6209 " " ·o GIVE I lln OF LIFE! Utno PUIT11 Lge selection of unusual specimen size plants at Incredibly low prices $35. 646-8132 1_83_1_-3_2_80 ____ _ arrangements, S iik Plants & TreH. Hend crafted gltta. 1590 S. Cat Hwy, Leg Bch. o494-120o4 Custom llve flowering basket• for Chrl11mas by Tayla. o49S-5970 eve PATlf .... I IHtrMllllttAe9 Chrl1tm11 Item• to · fill your Holldaye w ith Chrtstmaa Cheer. Com.I Vl11t U1. o42o42 C1mpu1 Drive. Ste E-3 Newport Beech 5"49-8550 Mon-Fri 10-o4, Sat 9:30-3:30 Tiu' •-I ....... ,,, Aata tor Chrletm11 Sparkle for Chrl1tm11 ~& LEE'S FLOWERS -• ---DICK MILLER MOTORS yHr 'round). Lindi I Body wrap1-facl1I klll Santa Ana 557.2132 Clean'g Senl. 689-o:f18 SM us for your Christ· gift package 6«-5289 1----------1--;;:~;:;:::;:-;,;:;:-;~--1 . .:..m~u~B~ou~q~ue~t~•~· ~8ff'.'...1::·~25~8~9 The Video Slltlon FLOWERS BY MORAi •r fllHll for small animals: Free pets for good homes & good homes for free pets. to471 Glenneyre Leg. Bch o4o48 E. 17th SlrMt, o49o4-005o4 Coata Meu. 645-8144 Klmball Studio Plano. Xlnt cond. $1600. 982-8043 2330 IEWPOIT ILYD., O.M. • Open Dally 10-5 ••••••••••••• Singer Sewing Machl'*I Allen ThHter t;ompact I Holiday Rent-A-Car New Zigzag Modela/$95 Organ, 99911'111 speaker Have your BOAT/HOUSE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Low as $39.95/weelcend P & J Cox So48-o4o425 cabinet. $800. 982-$)o43 CLEANED before or after Locking eprlnger lork1, Robin• Ford 642-0010 •-...... --L-.ir-'1-....... --1-_-ir_ Holldey partlea. Ouallty horn t>Yttona. orrlngton --K -•HR DOORS GALOREll •llTllAI a.vice. 760-2581 Pedal• & other goodies. HOLIDAY POTLUCK 221 Merine Ave, B.I. Gin Doore ln1t1Jled Sale on ulld blkee $35 & DINNER CRUISES. $10 675-1572. ·n1 the .... Ca.II Bob, 846-2923 eva lllT PllAll Wiii Wright Ice Cream T· 833-5806 7t!0-2578 __ , old Balboa Charter Corp, Shirts. L1dl11 & Mene. up. 1_'°" __ 10_;:;.glv_•_r-_..:;g __ . _ Waterford Cry1tel Siem-now taking reeervatloo• Unique Christmas Gtft1. Pt4al ,......, Ming Car Anllh Gitt Sacrifice, 1llghtly uaed were. Alena Pattern. 67S-1976 646-5707 S-4.95. 673-3313 2809A Nwpt Blvd NB CertlftcatM & Holklay Bosch Mlxer S2o49.50; New • S 3 9 . o o •a . Newport Wr9" & Mall Svc. Put mobility & fun tn so-____ 8_1s._2_s_10 ___ 1 Spedala. Call 7~640"4 end Magic Miii $199.50 552·3586 1825 W•lcllfl Ot, NB meone·1 Ille this Christ· 8"4tl-509l l725 MonroYla, CM & mas with an electric 01111 IYEISll OllllTIUS SALE $89 over Invoice on all So. COllt Plaza, twr M. S-wheel«. Golden Che-, ______ _;_ ___ 1 rlot1. 5"48-23&4 Have your (;hrt1tmu Par-1---------IY on 1 •• 11 yacht In Firewood. mollly hard-Newport Bay. M0-5159 wood, $130 a cord. Self '82 Audl'I ...,...up. 980-0587 l&LL-,........ Mulkl on the Move: Get In '82 Rebbll Sedans I FM 111111 1-c-tean--wl-n-d-~--d-)o_b_a the Groove with Music new: CHRISTMAS PUPPIES ee eeee e i·· et Adorable wht Shec>herdl Roi Sk t ~ Gldn Retr $15 846-3732 ff 3 f ,/ TIE ETllULL Y Au11. Shep. pupa, 8 wkl, SALE PIPIW llFT adorable, all colors, no 40-IO'X. Fii OHJSTll&I p1per1, S-45. 83 t-8832 OFF King James version ol Adorlble Slameee Kittens All sk1111 on 11ock. 1nc1 the New Teatament for Chrl1tm11, 175 to Rledel & Suregript word tor word, on 33oh 1100. 6"42-8520 OetHfrHt long play records. Holt--Ill PIPS W'"ttfwet'"s dey 1pecl1I $29.95 wl " • lree vinyl cue (115 Chemplon Rancho Line, IAUN llli-1110 value). Come -us 12o4 8 wkdl, e •• e • •• •• •• • • E. Broadway CM, Mon-Piii If UTlDI We d 9 • 1 2 o r c e 11 Mu1t .... Red malM w/ 857-2040 green eyee/YfHY dr1t reo 1250. Blk fem $175 . ..... ,,.,., 1111 ILRI I l1pnhlc With 1>1ue 9)199 '50011>11 170 E. 17th St, Ste. 117 ofr. Xtra lg boned. xlnl Colt• Mela. M8-31o41 temp. Shote/wormed,. Engraved gifts lut fore-Wiii hold tlll Chrlllmas. ver. Tankard•. goblell. 530-8385 baby oups, picture frames. key rings, etc. Cocker Span Pupa, 8 wkl, etc. AKC. Buff, Champ elred, UIYll •lllY CHRISTMAS TREES WREATHS 2038 Newport Blvd CM Show Oual, Malee, $200. Wiii keep tor Christmas. Ml-7441 Call atter 7 PM 751-4953 Speclallata ln Holiday Oe- '82 Sclroocos Camp-way1 lnflet•ble Gag gifts tor o ffice/ Hol~=:on FOR THE HOLIDAYS lor ell Occ. 73 1·919o4 Bartendln~ tor Holiday Prlc:M do not Include In· dinghy S200. Data· friends. Wonderland ol 650-6515, "•8 •755 Ref. 642·5«91845•7972 MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· P I 1talled accesaorle1, Ext marine d lgltet depth F 890 w 9 c ""' "" art ea. vi reatden11 Sealant•. or Fectory re-sounder ,250_ Seaternp un . 1 th, M •----__;.. ____ Santa's coming • Don't FAIR, any style. Plano. only. TeU us how many batM , If any. 1n 1 tr u m en t S 100. 1_&4_5_-_90_2_3______ lltUllY SM.I chue him 1w1y. Let Red guitar, violin, voc1t1. In Time for Holidays Peraonallzed Cnampagne Name, message, logo. photo on every bottle, .. low 11 S• ea. Custom Cellars 875-8813 lrtlf lllt Pi•s cor1tlon1. Copperfield'• r Flowera. 1936 So. Cat 7 wka, =~~: m11k Hwy. LB. o49o4-t 173 you expect. We will do o4o45 E. Cal Hwy N.B. 968_5808 New mopeds Hot Chimney Sweep• 5o45-3722 or 831·3275 the r•t. Shop, mix, aer-973.0900 , _________ Little Miss Muttet sat on o Save 1150-$200 clean his way. Spec Rt1 1--------- CHRISTMAS TREES DELIVERED from tot to your door. Cell Answer Ad 537, 8o42-4300. 24 hrs. ve, clHn-up., 111 tor 1 Offe< end 1212o4182 11 tt Heron Sailboat. All Tulle!, along cemo • Miner•', Ward & Ellis 551-3273 . IAIY 111111 Nit reas. lee. 770-9833 1---------1 wood, hand made, and spider and read In the Ftn Vly. 982-1922 ----------Good cond. Muat aell. 1"1111 LH'I bNutlfut. 95% complete Dally Piiot Ct111llled•----'"------1BOUQUETS OF BAL-LOVE AT FIRST BITE You've had our greet 1995. 6«-5789 eecllon about Miu Mui-IUITll SllPEAll LOONS Delivered by Alkl, $1300. Call eves. 7132 Edi~ sandwiches lrom our 8" l---------1 let's Tulfet and bought II ChrlatmH boat parade coatumed me11enger1. ___ ,_4_-54_6-_2_7_8_8 __ , For Class1l1ed Ad ACTION Santa Ana. 8o4 -o4611 to our 8 •. Try our prlc:M 1971 Honda. CB o450. Leu for $9.95. You can Mii or othe< parties. Unique Bears BallOOnl 760-8768 GIVE DANCE t.ESSONS Special Hollday Rateel In our Sport• Annex • than 5,000 orig milH your tullet and loll of 85 ', Cullom ketch. Also great for decor•· FOR CHRISTMAS lllUY'l,...._.I Call a Daily Piiot AO-VISOR . 642-5678 eCaterlng •Wlltr..... Save up to 70%. PCH & $450. 962-60-43 other thlng1 through 2 13137 4 .38 8 o4 or 1_11on1 __ ·--,_...--Dorothy Jo Dence Studio Welters • Bartendlng Werner, H.B. 8"40-2555 I---------Dally Piiot Ctanllted 213/379.o421o4, Or. Pale-Have something to sell? 2515 E. Cat. Hwy. Teacup.toy-mlnleture 5"46-28"48 Boarding & Q!'oomlng WINDSURFING SALE Mlalrll $950. HIFly $750. UP Sport1 (714)831.o4108 8"42-5937 or (2 13) 592-3130 Want Ad Help? 642-5678 Adi. Ce.II 8"42·5678 ml«I. Ctuslfled ads do 11 well. CdM 813-3420 CLASSIFIED INDEX ".,.... ........ ft. S...•t\t M•C"'ftn r:.·~~::'!na ler ~·-r.a .. H1f'1 Su-.. BOATS & MlltlU EQUIPMENT = Jt1/ 111111 BH1•1 l•t 111• B••••• l•t l•I• H••••I l•r $1}• R••r•r /er $1/• H••Hr /er $1/• HHHI /er $1/• ,,.., i..J llUN ............................................................................................ •····················· .......•.....................•..............••••.••••••.•..••••••• 5i•E•l•l•t•l•l-1 •A-d•v•e•r•t•ls•-~-".~~IJ. .•....... !!!.! ~".~~~L ........ !.fl!~ ~!'.~~~L ........ !.fl!! ~ ... ~!~ .. !.~ !!!'-!~J~~.!.~1 ~!.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ... !.~! ~;......, ll• h -d ti k ------------------UNIQUE. City Hghtl. quail No down -no qualllylng. 3 ~ Height• older 2 ••• ..,. ••••••••••••••••• ethreslrsadosuldalcly eacnd LIDO ISLE HOMES ..._ nlW & rebblt• tor neigh. 3 Br. Br twnhm. M~n. take Br. t Be. dbl cat garage, •11111.t Pert 2 Ba, Nantucbt model, over. S 1200-12300 ne-50 11 117 R 1 lot. I Pnml' Lido Nord bay(ront. 5 bdrm. 511 bath. au -.. ,... Broadmoor SHvlaw. goll•ble payments. $185000 e.autlful Lancer home. ~~~~~~~~oy~s T~~ Lgc LR . air t'Ond 2 boat slips $1,500.000. Quiet park-Ilk• Mttlng. $375,000. 720-0858 D•-Shared eppreclatton 481 Santa Ana Ave ~~~ri'.:::. 2~=·~ Rm for paddle tennl1 and vld Connelly evall. Wiii trade. Sue 548-50"41 an 6 th• blll n buy 1~ town DAILY PILOT as-Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 hath + large re<.'. rm., ~.C:!:' ,~°:' 3°';!:~: C..fa.... JIU 1191-5558 .... Ill.... 132,500. 540-5937 AQt sumes liabllitY. for beam ce1hngs. rurn1shed, pattos S420.000. tam. rm. 1299,500. Low ,. .................... •umfl•• the first Incorrect ground ...... $375 year. .. __ •llllm .,,. IHO -PllPllTY lll•xn/ Insertion Only. ,E1111l1111SULI HOME 17 yrs before ldL•atmt. -·-••••••••••••n•u••••• ld••I owner'• unit w/3 '1.Jlr t.t lalt ,,. t111 " " ,.. a. •I Fie__.__ Bdrm• Plu1 renlll. Im -•••••••••••••••••••••• ',!~• .. --------144-4111 ..... , • -... No down-noqualllylng. 3 maoulate. $389,000. •-• y•• •Llll ,!;i'" Ckcan & JCllY views. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 Secluded o4 Bdrm ptu1 Br twnhm. Move-In, tllke --- rur bath, 3700 sq.fl Sl.385,000. ()(:eanfront. femlly room, IHturlng over. $1200-$2300 ne-54•-7o20 FM llYllTNm "" •H1n-/•1 lal1 encloeed courtyard, prl· gollable payments. L*l IU&. llTAR San Clemente pride of ::: i;;ii,;~;;••••••••••• Ll"'Dl ISLE l&YFR vile back yard with Kol Shared appreciation Ylni ...... ..... ownerahlp. modern Mil •••••••••••••••••••••• " OIT !~;;;;;;;;; pond. Very open and llry avail. Wiii trede. Sue PE T Spanish style o4 unit 9"1. lt•nal IHI 1...1\goon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, with loads of glue. Cur· 891-5556 N HOUSE. 2 bdrm, 2 houM with ooean/hlll• & iillll •••••••••••••••••••••• dark rm. den. Boat slip Now $900,000 rent 111 TD IPJWO,clm•-ltrilt IHf ba Large deok, vlewt golf course view. Clo11 ~i-.--------*ll•W tely $t33,000. Aeklng ..... ! ................ AS30•k0001ng dS275,000 w11tth 10 everything, only 3 _, 111 IUYH PllPllTY* only $158,950. Owner • n, uaume 1 · ye1r1 old & show• Ilk• =: Custom built French IAYSID6 PUCE JI fr, fluHI••. anxtoua.Call~-1151 Ill TU llW °C::!:t'l3-eeio NEWtAnewownercould .Oh Provlnclel home over-Sp«:t.3(:ular bayfront dplx 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br, -With S18K down S9K oc:cufy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath ::; looking the 8th fairway. 5 2 ba dn. 2 boat sn.-.L~S. Redu«'<i $1 ,500,000. 2dbrfhOUMt& t•tuddtlo zon,,· lmmedately deductable city ocean view 9"t. 11 bdrm1., etegent formal ,.... e or •r 1 u o, g t 11WP11T l.u applicable & rent the dining rm .. richly paneled shops, anttquee, e1c .... I on d a r 11 n g 2 bdrm NEW LISTING: 1 Bdrm In other 3 1p1rtment1 for & b Fll•l&"'IS RAICH Owner will carry llnanc· Northwood Condo. inc~. <>-•1er .... 11 .._,P famlly rm. II rery. n " 1 1 25 I 120 o o o A t nice complex with fir• ...... ....., ... ,.., V,__ from ~t room• N .• b 41 .__ F h N d no or years. Only • . g • n ~•-__ .. 1-mal d'-'ng finance & SAVE bu"•r ...... ..~. "' cw ., r. ' ""· custom renc orman y 1135 ooo c-" 75" so 75" ...... .,. __ .,.., "' "" ' Terms 1vall1ble Sl.850, • · -..-1 1 •1••1 --· room. Near ... -ech end thou11nd1 ol dollaral Estate I 2 prime acre hilltop $1.250,000 or 752 7373 ----.,.. REDUCED 111 I 000. • . 1A1t191 Hoag Ho1pltal. Great M ng pr ce 171 41 673·4400 Extenelwly remodeled 3 NQRJHWOOO term•. low down. $118, of $32S,OOO 11 way 8£- IZlll ue.2121 COIOllDO CAYS Bdrm hom• tHturlng 000. ~ ~~~~~r1p~~d1~:; H •ABOR Coronado Island l'ust bayfront lot. 85' boat lerge muter autte & Executive home. • Br. 142-1211 ONLYlll Cail owner at .. dock Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/terms. beth, gourmet kitchen formal din. rm, lem rm, (7lo4) end added rumpus pool, epa. premium lot & •••-0111 A PETE BARRE TI P.EALTY ll.Jffllftl ••••••• t• 1111, Mii Yl-WIE LIT-PUii XLNT LOCATION WITH EXISTING DUPLEX. DRIVE BY 2001 Kings Rd end call for detall1. tlJOO Owners wlll 1111 thil week tor below market price. Almost lot v11ue for 1 labulou1 location with unquesllonable VU. Owners wlll help finance In .w1fY way. Loceted In an area ol higher priced homes ... It'• • great YI· luel SUBMrT , EX· CHANGE. OR? - WAfl HI HONT llOMI., i.e. REAL ESTATE 631·1400 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 3.ll B 'Y''d" D• •. "'-B o7'> olo · -EIY 1.1110 ~ story 4 Bdrm home In 1 prto.111• welled com- munity by the Ml. FemHy room with 01eckllng n,._ piece, formal dining, dremlllc llep down liv- ing room. cathedral c.11• Inga, gorgeous patio kitchen, oversized dou- bt e gerage with worfllhoe>. etc., etc. Call 1§46..2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS ..... ... nm 1111.IM Redecofatedf-O«geou11 L.erge o4 BR I~ home with 2 llr4!Pf9CM. Pres- tige locatldn. Hurry, ....... 11111 llPLD llllOD Excellent buy on this ,... duoecl duplex. Front unit hH 2 Bdrm with cozy atone ftrepltl0'9 Ind wood paneling In t he llvl"g room, kitchen end dining area. COl'npletely refur- bished. The reer unit 19 15 monthl old end hll 3 Bdrm, 2'h bath end 1 Ollcilllng flrat>ltl0'9, Huge back yerd. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK ----Enjoy the prhlecy & un- tqueneea of INI unueual China Co¥I comm. Uk• • pvt dub wlpvt beec:tll Unbellevabty quiet, lrlendly etmoaphere. 1879,500. Cell Marllyn Hiii for more Info. 759-9100 , G EORGE ELKINS CO room/ artl11'1 etudlo !»-drametlc maater 1ulle. ~ hind gerage. Cul de sac Small down & 111ume atr... Asking 11eo.ooo. io-. '239,900. Alk tor For an appointment to Dan 6• t ~8901 or eves .... call 54().1151 · ~=VE REALTORS e~~~~~~~~j 11 F-..UUS Priced II 9.2x'e gro11. ~HERITAGE RE.Al.TORS ----- BEST OF TURTLEROCK Sweeping eunMt & nlo"1 light Vl~W. Spec 3 llr, lam rm • 0..-wlll help llY I -wlfln. $305,000. Martha Sherkany, Coldwell .. ~ Banker 552-2000 VA/FHA terms Or 11-1--------- aume loin. Darling 2-aty c:ondol In dealrable arNI Alteohed garage. lrg pa- tio. Only 191,000. Cell now 979-5370 \ f >111 ti F If . ''·. .... , .. 3 Bdrm hc>me, nlcely deo- coretedl EJctra lrg M1tr Bdrm & huge backytird. Che.,.y & lirlghtl Only 1109,000. Talce -11% loan. Call 979-5370 \(.·II I t l l.'t/ 1<1 \ I 0t 1 •, SlllmEE 3 bdrm, 2~ ba. Pfen •-B. Large muter bdrm, en- cioMd patio. Pfua good Warmington construc- tion. lt43,900. II~ lnclud11 pool. tennis One of the belt prlo«l cour11, and only o4 yra homea In 8ayshorN at new. In Ocean1lde. $339,500. Stunning 3 Br Owner motivated. Su~ 2 Ba home w/femlly rm & mlt all oner.. 1p1. FeaturH Include 11-.s llALn bHm ceilings, 1011 ol 11 •• 111 1t1lned gt111 & ll1ll1n ____ ..,_ ... ___ _ tile. Cell tor vt.wlng appl. I ·-Pl.IDS 831"7370 Of $40-0312 Priced at 9.22X grou. TR\DI T 10\,\I RI ,\I 1' 9t% depreclatloo avlll. Management a flnenc:tng IYlll, S .... price $1,395, 000. COf'ltect JoM Shel ••111PUP11na ~ HelOht• older 2 Ill-MM Br. 1 Ba. dbl cat getage, SAN CLEMENTE · 10 unit, ............ 50 11 117 R1 lot. Oceanfront tlme1h1ra. I 185,000 Ctty & coaatat commls- 4& 1 Santa AM Ave slon ~. 50% Joint 5o48-50o41 eft 8 venture, 11,250,000/ ... a..-11 ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 150,000 dn. Sell 11,500.0001 saoo.ooo dn. °"'* •H· 1720. Ill IUmlTI liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Walk to ttle bMdl from ttlle °'* 3 Br 2 .. home . AllulM low.,, .... , !owl and OM* .,. oelrY Zftd. 'u" price l ~~:.ooo. a1-n10. M 1 ~ \Pl I I< ) \ \I ~I \I i' ......... ,_UIT ..,, ... 81tueted on utre terge I04. 5Qa200, .......... 2 bdrm "°'*• den. tire-=· full llH pool Ill ~yn.PLUS 2 one bdrm IMlll• MCfl ..... pttv9tt '*'°· loned A-4. lltoelltftl llnenetng. ano.ooo . -673-7300 ------ ., •• r ·"" ) , I ' • Ctl Nebraska: omething to prove a g ain t L U Nl•:w \'UHK tA I') LSll .tln·.1d y h.11-(<111ll•d I lle• "l •>qH·l'li-," hul Nd.1rn,,k.1 ~1111 hu.-. srn11t•lh1111< 111 prnve· w lw11 Ill\' l wu ll'lllll~ l'ol ltdl• 111 t lw Orange Bowl on Nl•W y, .. 11"s N ig ht. "We•'v1· h:id lln utl·d SUl'l.'l'SS Ill tlu· Orangl• Bowl u11d wt· have.: :-;on1t•lh111g to µrOVl' lo ours l•lvl's,'' D 11v,• Huninlo;\11111. Nc•braska's twu·tinw All Amt>rlcu Cl.'l\ll'r' a11d Outland Tr·ophy winner, st.aid r ecently at u bowl lundtl'un hostt•d by NB<.'·T V. wh1,•h will tl'll·vise the ganw. Tiu.• Cornhuskers arl· 4-4 in l'tght pl'C'Viuus Orang<' Bowl trips, but 111 Himln~ton's five years a t NC'brask.i ht• missed th1.• 1978 campaign bl'<:aU!'ll' of knt'l' surgery -they art' o.i. having lost to Oklahoma 31 ·24 four years ago and 22-15 to n a t ion al t'hampion Clemson last season. "W e havf.' a lot of guy:. who &re fifth-year seniors and wt.• haven't won a bowl.game t•xcept for tht' Sun Bowl (:1 1-17 over Mississippi Stale) two yC'ars ago," Rimington said "WC' want to go out in style." Nl•braska. one of c-ollegl• football's tradit ion al powers, is 11-1 and rankl1J No 3 i11 T he Associated Pn•ss poll L SU. w h ich was un ranked a t tlw start of the season and got as high as sixth , is 8-2· l a nd No. 13 after being p ick ed t o finish in or near t h e Sou theastcrn Conference cellar follo~ing last year's ~l-7 ·I mark. "P eople were saying we'd be 3-8 or ·I I. 11111~lx [l Cl If WI' ~ul ,1 1111ll• hlt hJl h.y," <.'0•1l'l1 J1•1 1,\ Stovall 1 .. 1ul "If s1111w111u· sugM1'1>l1> thul m tlw 1.11>1 "' • lllOlllh)> SUllh'Olll' WllVt·d u lll•tgk wand and 11111•adl•s t11ok p lat"' Wl·ll, th at·,.. 11ot t ht• way 1 l hup pt•rtl•d It'" t lt1• 11•i.ult of :.! 1 i yt·ul'll ol h:ml work. and I think ttw program is t u1•1wd 11nJ heud«d Ill lhl' right d1rt-ct11m. "Ir l had told vou Inst M tlllllll'I' thul w1•'d gu fr·wu laxt to f irst 111 t lw SI•:(· a1·1u;..illy lroin u lil' fur 1•11.ch t.h tu lU Se'l'Ulld). huvt· fiV(.' pl<•Yt'l')I lll<lkl· All SEC. bt• in thl' Top Twl·rny 1111<.I J{o lo till' Or;mgl• Bowl. you'd hov1• thought I wos t'l'UZy." LSU qua r tt•rhal·k A lan R is h er, whom Stuvull mils "th e• trigger that makes our ~u 11 s h oot," said h t• thuught tht· pn··:ll'a1>0n fon>c·wsl<'fi> lwlpt'U thc Tigers. .. I t's a lot easie r lo play thl' unuerdog role than the favor i lt', .. Rish er said. "When we WC'l'C pkkt.'<I 10th in tht• f11-st prt•st•ason S FX: poll, Wl' µlaswrcd 11 all over tht• w:1ll of ou 1 lockc•r roum. "At tlw st.art of the season, our goul was to win lht' na tional t•hampionship Maybe that wasn't a realistic goal. but you've got to start out that way 1f you're g01ng to have any kind o f season at all. We'r e seven poin ts from an unlx·aten season (o 24-24 tic with Tennessee. a 27-24 loss to Mississippie State and a :H-28 loss to Tulane, so we really can't complain." \ Sports show Ple nty 6 4 2 9!~!!.~'!o!.~·.1~.'1 ••••• ~!.!!!!.'!~!~!~.'~~-~ .• M~~~!!. ¥~/~.'.".':·.~~~.. ~~~!!!. ~~!~.1!.i!A~~.. ~~~,!~~.'!.!~.'!'.'!~~~ A,~::~:::.,, !'!!f~!.rnr.!11.~ ~!~~'1. ......... 1.~~~ f~!!~.!!!!~ .....• 1.~~1 ~~,.~~~.~.~~~ ... !.~~! f!!!~.!f!!! •..•.. !.~~1 ·,·,·,·::.········· · ······ a .•• TllPLH --------llHlalOll 1 Or hOUH Ull PMF'llAl l) ltAY 3 01 ' •EW,.IT Yll Ull - .11 •• 00 HOMES FOR RENT llllVlllll •t'"'· SribOfrt1n Ull trpic, Uf1Ck 0 tin, 0 I 110 I .u ,,.;.,.,, "°' I' nQ11lr11alJ2421•1 !H u1 wltl• 111pn $1t.001mu tllUllU m'"'op •••••••••••••••••••••• A11um11 U.llO'llt 1ftt T 0 a. CHll 6J(l 70711 fS7'1 300t Oa", wutei IJllld P•llOtt. 811yf1on1 ptlV Lrt.ll';h HiOO OWC w/20'11. dwn 1111111 POOi. Jut 11111, et11.1rn1, 11111 sq fl 2 Ofl ? bll r1111 alluul<I 1>1t t6K P' yttui M11111 V11rth1 llom• tor en No11f1 l.nguoo 1 ll!Jrm, I nl• courlt, volluyball µh1c.e. o•u, $1100 <..ou G:l l•/J~O. 0411 3&40 •lllVINf • 1u111.11111r1g 4 Or gur01111 IJll, gllr, 2 bfka to bltilth court,, 11t<o 1oorn J• 1 pit 01 $lngln $160 r111, cteok. llPO. ;> 011110•. Avtll l111mv<1 $660 Or turr!l•ll&<I $430 673 216'.I Tll\DITIO\,\I ~L\11 \ 1mmll1. 11200/mo ti!t364t./,ll~l 134!> Colltl!.70016 75 .. 16~6 LI •• , Jlllll 321110 2 (Jr 1 Oo ultl• po111 *HUN I lJLACH* $700 1• ., H I t>l oc.k lo bofi<oll ? b<lrm, 2 hn c:onctn, pnnt, ••'•••••••••••• •• ••••• ••I •ti•• SOOOlmo 1'1 & llltt •C.AnDCN OllOVC * 111e lt>1b mu N• S Cat 2 ll!lrm oontlo AIC, encl '1 lflti 3140 84'6·{1743 ,100 Pttw• AM 031.5213 ~~g~o ~~'~-~~H~11~1~0 .• ,.0 •• 1 •• 1 •• 1•1 •• 1•11.v .. 1 •• 1.,.1 •• •ANAHt:IM* $100 VILU&E lllVESTIEllTS ? Hr. lrplc. wooo beum Cllillngs. E Sil.le. vt1ry NtWHtl lt1t1i 3Zlf coz.y no pets Sb9 5 •••·•••••••••••••••••• 83 1.0'921 Supllr •POClnl 2 br, 2\'1 bll -_ c:or)dO, !Olt-typa (}QI) WI foHl1io Jl11/1• 3234 w111 b1cr, lrplc, opan •• • •••• ••••• • • ""••••• •• beunu.uJ CtilHng¥, muny S82S. l1;1vely 3 br 8 den. e .c I r o • $ 8 9 5 I m o . bo11u tllul y1ud, 11lnt 841114!12 or 641 2880. r111ighbo1hoo1J Chlld1011 w•lcome 848-7787 Spuc 3 br. 2'11> bo very -cioon twn1110,. pool, Jog· Why ttirow rent 11w11y? glng. e1e $800/ino Agl Rent to own 3 Br twnhm 544· 1440 nu down, no quallly1ng. (114)141-2000 $1200-$2300 negotl&bfe 3 9r, We.5tclilf, avail. now. AGENT, NO FEE p11ymen11. Shared llP· $1000 Harry Frederick. prnclallon avail. Will •gt · 6 3 I -1 2 6 6 or trod• Sue 89 t ·5556 548·5508 3 Br 2 Be $800 2 Br, FP, Bal Pen ,600 t~a1bor View Home~. 3 bd, 1 er, ba"'ronl $850 HHli•il•• 2 ba, lovely nome. pool. '' g11rdener $1200/mo 2 Br. oc:nlrnt $1000 lflt 3240 Avail 1115-83. 646 8646 ,~::·::.:~~~T rbd;~~Tb:.·d~~~·P~~~ Eas1b1u11 Con;;;-4 br .ll-111• n1 Mall, Oul-de-Sac, 2\.tba, 835 Am1gO(No 8), • $150 536-7864 s 9 7 5 • 7 6 0. 9 3 6 7 Eh111utllul & PMk Ilk• With terroaod pool. C110•1 flol 1111 31ZZ ....•••••••.•••....... lTEPS TO OOUI lllr(lll 3 Or 3 Bti mony 11menlltH. S 1100 Coll Dorothy 673·7975 * Spae1ou• Ap1& * PtMltll Patios •Cov1m1cJ Porklrig •01111t10 Area Cit1n 3 bdrm, 2 b11 dplx. •Wolk In Closets p11llo, gar xtra11 S950 ••tom11 llke Kllct\ene No ~18 719 Heliotrope 1 blk to Hunltngton Open 972-9406 Conlt1r, tr1111eporto1ton & 2 BA 2 8---1 1 ltwyt Nlee 8 upt 8 ra IJTILITIES FllH apt w/lpfo. balcony, p11t10 and gar. Avail now Cre-1 B<lrm From S615 dil rel a must No p_ets Townt1ae unlurn $725 mo Call 675-2311 from $650 9 £. ' LA QUINT A HERMOSA btwn • .., 18:>1 I Parkside Ln, 1 blk Great 2 bdrm, 2 be ups- w . ol Beach, 3 blk• S tairs apt with ltreplace, ol Edinger. 847-5441 balcony. giir Avail Jan -----1st $800 mo * $350/mo. up. Bach • l 720· 1841 wknde & 2 Br unlurn & furn All 6 wkda pool, ape 1(1992 Florida. ---- 842-2834, 842-3172 SlHPIHll APTS C1111 11111 31Z4 ..........•.....••..•. ORANGE. 3Br, 2 Ba. lrg 2 bdrm, 1 ba$4951,;Ci 2131541 •446_0 __ _ lloa•l•i•, Dt111I, den. Good neighbor-ulll, 4 bills 10 beach No Beaulllul home 3 Br. 2 Ba Rlllll Z400 hood. ch II d re n o K . pets. Loweron1rt1n • 2 ear garage. p0ot, spa, 1 & 2 BR, pool. spa. BBQ, no pets, furn avail (11•) ••l-1111 808 1 Holland Cr. H B 8twn Sle1ertWarner oll Beach IUe8tiBllU •••••••••••••••••••••• $700fmo 997-4763. Avail ple>1, 213-43•·6148 very private, t year lea- Palm Desert, Monterrey Dec 20 2 STAY 3 Br 2 Ba Quiet se $1350/mo Avail Jan cc Plan 300. go11. lake/ GARDEN GROVE 3 Br. St. Very nice en'c1 yd 1st 714/770-0347. lPAllTMHTS Beaulilully landscaped garden apta. Pool 8 Spa. Palios/decks. No pets. min vu. $189K S 100 88• 2'h Ba Luxury Condo. 2 $750/mo Agt. 536-1435 NEWPORT CREST D sum PP 714/855·4161 car gar. Full amenities or 960-8468 Agen1 has 2 special con-£ B i 3141 Oat of Coa111 $725/mo Ed 964-6171 SPAC. cus1om uec. 4 Br, $d 1ioo;$1:00&. ~45~02r9~ .• !l.~'!! .•. ' ... t. •••..•••• Pt0Nt l• ZSSO 3 Ba, pool, spa, many --------"-Luxury studio, lree HBO. •••••~••"• •••••••••• lai.oi llla•4 3206 extras $1200 /mo . 2 Br $800/mo 3 Br phona, maid serv, spa, 1 Bdrm $475 2250 Vanguard 540-9626 Bachelors $410 garage, bll-lns. new paint 3 BA, 2 Ba, Ip, new pol. •• TNE s••• 6F3r1~1d26T6 en 0 re. a g I •SIGHT & SOUND & roof, San Dimas loca-cpt, gar, $1000/mo. yrly " -OF SEA 1B f pl I Bdrm $485 131 E 18th. 648-6816 161 E. 18th, 642..0856 A $2000 dwn, 3 Br 1 Ba. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 964·0221 $950tmo Have others $130 wk 499-3015 lion. Assume $70, 150 et First, Isl, 644-9805, eves Vu of ocean 2 Br. l'h winter s~2£ me~ gar 12 % , 3 o yrs 11o0 . 673·8977 Ba. guard gate. pool/ Newport Shores 3 Br. 2 494•5184 1111. 211t. 3111. 846·8844 sauna/gym. $ 8 o o Ba. near beech, Avail 1______ Newly d ecor. Gas pd, ---------2 Br, newly redecorated, 213/333·3846, 960-73l3 now, short or long term encl gar, dw11hr. pool. R11/ l 1t1l1 good con d $ 7 O 0 , -I e es e $ 8 9 5 I mo Ntrt•Otl Bt1ti 3169 bbq. no pets 642-5073 lxti•••t ZIOO 2131 790·9000 dy , Why t-hrow renl away? 760-1977 ••••~••••••••••••••••• lrg 41plex 2 Br, 1Ba •••--•••••'•o..u•••••••• 790-7302 eves. Rent to own 3 Br twnhm -R-""'od-led ______ OCEANFRONT Ol 2 4 B j set Jan. 8-16 If yuu'n · ltloking lur a vm·atton spo t or lor swneth111g to Jn une·1 · you ;1rr1v<' ;it yvur sunmwr Shangri-La. kc·l·p tlw d:.itt·s of Jan 8-l(i u1x·n to alll•nd tlw IHth ;11111ual Anaht•im Sporu.. Vat'atton and HV Shel\\ pt•od11t·l'd by 11 Wl•rn1•r Buek Entt·qJn!'l1•:-.. I L of fi s h available Y Laguna Niguel house & no down, no qualllyfng. em e condo. 2 Br & x • r. d shwr. Wlslde. Aval Rancho Callf acreage Co10111 flt/ #11 3Z2Z $1200-$2300 negotiable den, comm pool, nr By week or month. 12111 $490/mo. f or Haw a i 1 Pro P CHARMIN0~·;·9;·;•9•; payments. Shared ap-Hoag Hospital. $750 673-7873 _64_5_-6_6_2_5 ____ _ 496-7076 lrg rms, ~am ceil, blks preclat1on avail. Will Agt 760-8333 1 br, relrig, stove, lndry. I o b ch . S 8 5 0 I mo. trade Sue 891·5556 LllllDl ISLE S . . I Pets cons. $395. 1920 .,.,,,, 675-9496 NEW CARPETS. DRAPES 5 Br, :,.. Ba, main bey p~c:~ :~~~oe~~ne Wallace. 640-6029 •••••••••••••:•••••••• 2 br, 1 ba, beam ceiling, & PAINT 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrpl, 50· S1ip. $4400 on yr lea· 2Br. 1Ba. downstairs. tncd Ht8111 lat•lliH garage, stove. relrlg. 2 car gar. cov patio. huge se. 675-0558 apartments. yd & garage. $500 mo •••••••••••••••••••••• dshwhr, very nice. $800 yd. pe Is 0 K. 1604 2 754·0986 Thl' all-111<·IL1~1v1· sh11w fur lht· v.1e.ltu1n and "µorts t•11thus1<.1sl will bt• twld ;1t th1· A11alw11n C1111v1·11llon Centc·r ThPl't· ;,in• mori· th;,in ;100 t•xh1bttors from lh1· llnllC'd St;1t<'s .ind Canada w11h abund.int 111fon11;1ti1.n on vat·<i11t1n d1•,..11rn1tron:., <ill nw;in:-. o l R V transport:il1nn and l'Vl'l'Y l~ pc• of :.ic·11v1ty from hunting, f 1sh i ng. boa ting. li;1l'k µ<1ck111g . l'ilrnpi ng ;111d n \'c•r raft 1ng. f<~\'ER HAD a ven lo v1s1t thl' Yukon l1·rn111rv 111 Ala~ka or the Nt;rthwe•st Tl·rrtlell'\' 111 Canada'' Or 1:-. your fort1• :.i spot d11~l'r tc»h11nw" Then· will lw 1nl<'rcst1ng l'll.hihits from Ornng1· i.111J S;mta B;lf'b;1r<1 t•11untw" along with tnps tu m:m:v plat·c·s from Ely. Minnl•sota to Nt•\\' OrlC':Jl\s or from thl• Wl•Sl Coast lo lhl· 1':01sl Coasl. I I t'll\') l 1 lllll pb11l11\g activities occurred last \.\'l•t·k 11l ln·11w <11111 Sanl;i t\n;1 H1\'t 1 L;,1kl'S with an g It• r :-. h ,1 \'I 11 g <1 n 11pprn tu111l\ 111 1.11eh 11!-<h ,,. I' I g h I ll g u µ l 11 I i pound-. fn1n1 th1 •.fn·,hly "t•ll kt·d W<lll'I')> J IH· nv1·r l.1krs {IJR'tll'd f11r llH· I 1rst llrnr• I h1 -. season last wee k . Mon• tha11 8,1100 poumls u l trout have• bt•l'll pl.11H1·<l 111 thl· tw11 lnkt•:. ln n •)t•bt ,1\l• tlH' f'IVt•I l.1k1 fltwn 111g Tlw plt1111 111\ Jud<'-. li,1100 ~1und-. 111 t11Jllt up lo ft1lll pow1d:-. .md ,1 1>111111" ste1<·k1ng ol ~ . ll () 0 JW U ll d :-I ll l h t• :1 ll• I:! 1:111und l'.•l!'J.:lll'Y H1·rt..'s a sampling o r tht· lwations hcivmg l'Xh1h1ts at tht· ~hnw: Do<lgl' City. Kans<1:.. St Mar~'. Montana. D1;1mond Springs, (.',dtf . Wh11t:h11r:.l" Th•· H1 v 1·r I .~1k1·s, n Yukon, F ;11ruanks, Alask;1, Wl•1ppl" ld;,iho. P11w11oµ. !Ill .11 ll' 111tnpl1 '> "'elh a A1:1z., P1l•rre. So Dakota, Cranberry Port.igt'. 111 ,tl'l'I' l.1k1· for t1 out l\fa11itoba and Hav Rl\'l•r. Nurthwl•s t Tl•rriton· I 1 -.h1n~ and ;1 1111tht 1 ThN1• arc a· myrwd u f outftlll•rs 1neluding 111.;11 rt· e :ii fish prnlll: :ir1· 1111'8(•; Blm·k Bl'i:ll' Is land Lakl' Fly-111 F'1shing Trips. l -011 111 .' I :1\'11n11•:. fhe B!'ll 1s land Hot Spring!'> HC'Sort. G old Ru,..h Ht vl·r ... mtl 1-.h pond. h11wt•v1·r. 1:-. Hunnl'rs: Klu;in1• Wildl'rn"s" Lndg1-. Marwh 1 l11s1'<l unlll s pring Wildl.'rnl'ss Exp!'d1twn :111d Grt·at Sl:1ve L.ikt• ll11u1 :. ut th1 trnut h·k•· Lodgl'. ,111· 7 d m tu I :rn p rn H1ver lfaft1ng 1:,, growing 111 popul;1nt~ and \\1th .1 flt'(·\ r1f hu;ll ;111d thl'n' ;1n· manv lcJt:·at111ns ;Jnd outf1ll1•r!> 111 ehoose motor n•111.i1-. av;11lahlt . from In Cul1fornia. thl' Anwni:an H1 v11r nc•ar S<tcTaml•nto is avuilabk wtth lhl gwnt:-. m Idaho, Ariznn;.i and Utah F I S HI NG TA CKL E of a ll t :-ipcs and de·scr1pllunl'I "di bt· on 1•xh1b1t bv virtual Iv t·vcrv 1najor manufm'lurer. Expt..•rts w1il be on hand 1~1 ;1dvist· ;rnd t•ounsc·I tll<' nov1et• and th1 • ac·t·omphslwtl fisht'rrTwn as wt•ll Tlwrf' will also lw lJ:.t1ng d emnnstra11ons and fishing dmil'S pr1·sc·ntc•d ~t·vc•ral limrs a day Thi• show hours will be· Noon tr> 10 p rn on Saturday. Noon to 7 p.m. 11n Sund<.iy <.ind :l 111 µ.m Mrmd;1y through Friday T1ck<'L" will bl· .1v111l;1hlt· at the• d<.>or F'or furthl·r information. call 9H~ ttnoo DIATH NDTICIS WILLETT Dr. Willett in 1935. Sh e E T T A R o s L y N becam e presiden t o f the WILLETT, Passed away on H ollywood Assista n ce December 13, 1982. Beloved League, and c<>-founder of wife of Dr. Henry T. Willett. t he Officers Clu b at t he A native of W in n i p eg, Ambassador Hotel du,ring Canada, she moved lo Los World War 11. Mrs. Willett Angeles in 1927 and married. and her husband moved to -Cameo Shores, Corona del r °"" HAltlO. LAW..,__MT. OLIVE Mortuarv • Q>me 1 .. "' Crcma1orv 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mes,1 540·5554 • "H CE llOTHH S H t.l H OADW A Y MOUUAIY Mar, Ca. in 1960 a t which time she became a charter me mber o f t h e C ame o S hores Phi lha rmo n ic Association. Besides her husband, Mrs. Willett leaves a brother Noel Coppleman of Mira Loma. Ca. a brother Ma n n i ng Copple m a n of Swan Lake, Ca. Nieces, Mrs. Margo Ritter of Atherton, Ca .. Mrs. Mar/ E lizabeth Ka u m eyer o Calg a r y, Canada a nd Mrs. Margo Shnr(•l11H I 1'l h111g 11'1 .1bu 41\';11l;1bl1• Fishing IH•t•ns1•s, b;11t. t:et·klt· and f11od 1s ;1v.id.1hl<· ;ol tlw ston• F111 1nl111'111;1t11111, ph11111 Ii:~:! 711;, I It VllH' J .. 1kt· has bt•1•11 pr11dl1t'111g he .. 1\'Y t'atdws 111 :~ I•> ;,. pound ts out :.ine•e• llJH'11Hll;; ll1 Nll'ly Novem ber . Irvin e will also have a n 8,000-pound p l a nt o f trout t o celebr a t e t h e R i ver Lakes opening. Both are operated by Doug Elliott for the city of Anaheim. 1':11Ill\1 !'l<I Yi-f IJU I' ,111d 11\•t· p1•l111t'I trout ;1n• l'••mmnn .11 lrv1n1· with s11m 1· lt1g 0111·s sull :-w1111111111g .11ou11d . Thi• large•sl 1;11nh11w w1·iglwd r ecently was seve n µounch. t·uught on u live· 111ghlt·n1wl1·r h~· .J1·rl'my Wh1h· Ill Los Ang't'lt•s Tom Pa~·111· of L ong Bt·;l<'h l';1ugh1 :.i lU pound l'h;1n111•I rnll lsh 11 Vll1l' L11kt· IS opt·n d;11Jv 1 rnm fl o m lo 4;!-IO p Ill /\ llll'j.{(' ( lt•t'I of n·ntnl ho:1l" .11,rl mo1111·s '" ;w;11 l;1 hie· :dong wi I h s h11n•l11w I lshlllg For n101,. 111tnrn1 ;1t1u11 . Ii l!I :?!IHI t 10 Broadwav Cos1a Me!.a 642·9150 He r b e r t o f Edmo nto n , eanada. Also surviving are Tra ining dates t win n e p hews, Dr . J oh n Good and Dr. Paul Good of f t • U Ln&IHGH Ol'4 SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCLIFF CHA,El 427E 171h Sl Costa Me~a fid(;.9371 'AClflC VllW MIMOllAL f'AalC Cerreterv Moftuarv Chapel·Crematory 3500 f111c1fie View Omm N(lwOOrt 0n <IC h 644·2700 McCOtlMtCIC MOITUdlH LaQuna Bcach 494 9415 LaQuna Hill<\ 768·0933 San Juan Cap1s1rnnn 495 1776 (. ~ Regina, Canada. Funeral Set Or eye ISt services will be conducted at Pacific View MemoriaJ Park. J i m Gor d on , 16 , a Newport Beach. s tudent at. Edison High FRANKLIN a n d a n ou \st a ndi n g J E R O M E S HE L DObl~cllst on the velodromc FRANKLIN, retldent of El clrcuit in San Die go Toro. Ca. •Ince 1974. Paseed Domingue z H flls and ~~at 0:U,~!rt:; ~~~ 1!~i Encino, has been 11elec:ted Ma rah a daughte r Nicol t o tra i n a t the U .S . brot her' Bruce and •later Oly mpic training camp Natalie Lluch. Servtefl wtU in Colorado Springs for a be h el d o n We dneaday, month. December 15, 1982 al 1 l :OOAM at the H arbor Law n M o unt O l i ve Memorial Ch•prl. lnterment u r v lco ltnme d t a tely followlng. Service• under the direction of H arbor L aw n -M o u nt Ol ive Mortuary of Costa Me11a. ~0-M!W . Gordon, a Huntlnston B r ach r esiden t , will 11pend four WPCks at the Olympic training site. A t o u al oC 4~ riders will convergP on the site for the epeclal cyclt' training !leMion. lalN. /d,.fl 3106 mo. 955•3649• eves Warren (Edlnger/Botsa 2 Br. 2 Ba CONDO 2 Car ---------•••••••••••••••••••••• Chico). $775/mo Incl garage near Hoag Hos· EtSlde, cheery 3 BA 2 Ba, llHICH llEITAL LA AGE CdM home. 2 gardener S450 sec. Agt pllal $750/mo. 640·5324 patio, 2 sty, carport. Avail until Mey. Exeo or Stry, 3 car gar. Ocean 957·0701 LIDO ISLE, 4 Br, 3 Ba. $675 mo. 6<10-0997 shared 4 Br. l'/. Ba. wet v I e w · F 0 r 1 ea 5 e • 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrplc. $850 $1400 222 Via Patermo WALUCE WOODS P bar. boat dock. $1500. $1350/mo. 85 1-8110 Pool Sauna Jae Keith 675-7168 FURNISHED or 759W.19th. 673-7979 or 673-8506 days. 760.3650 eves 962-4471. 9S8·98S3 Canal front, u'pper 2 UNFURNISHED Minutes from the beach £1•HI J.aet 3141 COlll #111 3224 l . 3z~4 bdrm, boat slip avail S1, All UTILITIES LUXURY 2 BR 2BA. •• '••• •••••••••••• •••• • •••• ••• ••• ••• •••... •• 1v1a1 ., 000 mo 760 ... 0909 Marble pulfman top Emerald Bay 4 Br S Ba, nr 2 Bd House end 2 Bd Du-••••••••••••••••••••• • · PAID, HEALTH Decorator drapes I beacl'I. $1500/mo ·111111. plex llEITALS llHTSHE CO. REPO CLUBS. TENNIS Plush wl w carpets 644-7020 Dave H. 333 E 21s1 St. CM to • 1114r•1, lfarti•& Lease/option. Custom Walk In C1ose1s ' 3 69 645-8103 No pets •• $110 te s1•n. twnhome, 3 br, 2Vr ba. SWIMMING plus Private patios ~!.'!r.!!.!~~!~ ..... '... 1 Ill Pill¥ I QllET lam rm. dill rm. trplc. dbl much more! Sorry, Gourmet Kitchen L CUFFllAVEI Ang. yard, No pets. Ulll gar. Approx 2000 sq ft. no pets. Models ~Pa~:t~~t,o~alo '• 3 bdrm, 1~" ba, family pd. $540/mo. h t plus ~lke.5 ~~~4~~ 1• 161! open daily 9 to 6. Laundry rm. 2 fireplaces. Lse Mid sec . 6 4 8 '1• W ~sds • evs 0 k d $550/mo 548-4630 Jan to Mid Aug 1983. 18th.499·1617 w n a WOO 0 $900 mo .. 1ncludN gar· 4 Br cond.o tor leue. 2~, BAYFAONT • Bal Penln. Garden Apartments llSTAIT IM dener & cleaning lady. Ba , 1850 sf. tennis, quiet. 5Br. no dock, no 2 Br, 1'A Be twnhse 642-6161 pool. rec No pets .Refs Pe t s . $ 2 0 0 0 mo Newport Beach/No. Bu11tins, laund rm, Resp party preferred, 1 Avail 12/1, 544-8071 or 575·7573 880 Irvine Ave. carport/gar. yard/bale Br 2 Be dollhouae. 739-6521 Npl Crest 4 Br. plus Ir. l•l t6lhl Small Pe t OK Ft p T $550/mo. pool, spa, pvt avail Jen 10. 645-1104 $625-$635/mo. beach. Lois Miiier, agl l'lr Br . garage, yaid 840-8208 agent 2617. 2543. 673•7544 $525/mo . West P•de ch/S 2548 Orange Ave. l;-;;;v\t;;.~-:;\:<=""':;'"::-·1~6~4~1::--0~7~8~3.:... :_Pe~l~a~o:'k ~523 C ·I Beeutllul rental H V Newport Bea o. 2314 Senta Ana Ave LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, 2 b~. Eestslde, resp •dlts pre-AMPtlS Da RVIHE Homes. 5 BA, $1500 mo. t 7 00 16th St Call for appt lamrfl'l. $1700 mo. Bill !erred 2 br 1 be gar· Agt. 673·7761; 760-1397 1a10o~e1) TSL Mgmt Grundy, Rllr. 675-6 161 age 55251m'o 673~7544 WOODBRIDGE No. 1 Wiid 642-5113 642·1603 c L A s s Hoa111 Uol•r.idH •..•.•.•......•....•.• s. .. ,,, 3I02 .•.•...••.•.......•... llFlllllSHI CdM 3bd cl'lrmng $800 Hunt Bch 2bd $800 West Bey, 2bd $950 Np1 Shrs 4bd S950 Twnhse 3bd $1000 Np1 Is 4bd byfr1 $1200 Baytrt condo 2bd $1250 Hbr Vu Hms 4bd $1595 Spyglass 4bd $ 1650 lido 2bd. den $1650 Ba~rt lido Pk S 1700 Bal Coves 2bd $2000 Bayside Cvs 2bd $2200 WATERFRONT HOMES 111-1400 '* F Q) •1. ~ E •, t D C{1 6 4 2 • 5 • 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 • s I .,, '!!~ ~· flllOrw .,., 1611 . . Wheat 3 bdrm, 3 ba, 2 WATEllFllOIT-llEITAL -·-----· WESTWE VILUIE Eastslde 3 Br. 21n Ba prl· car gar Family room. Beacon Be. beautiful vate patio w/spa, fncd Washer, dryer. Nr. Ass'n Bachelor & 2 Br epts baCll"d. remod. kitchen, pool, spa, tennis. Avafl 4BR. 4BA on sandy bee 1 BR. s375 mo .. blk 10 avalt. Pool, spa, taund 1 12 S 5 3 ch Tennis a boat slip ocean/pool • sngl adll N 1 ed 0 2 car garage s950tmo. 11 94 mo 495-018 available. Private com-prel'd. Ava11 lmme'd. rm. 0 pels mm C· ,_1_s1_1_as_1_&_sec __ 64_6·_3_S_32_ Univ, Park 3 Br 2'11> Ba. 2 mun II y S 2 . 5 0 0 per 642·5002 cup Bachelor $375 fAlllL'f HME car gar, 1950 s.f., 1 yr month-yearly. Mary Lou•-----2 er $525 4 Br 2 ea. encl. patio. lease $845. 644-7220 Marlon. 6«·6200, A,.rt•Hll 955 w: 191h St. trplc, 2 car garage, No 549•8755 U•l•t•idH TSL Mgmt C.M. locallon. $850tmo. Aedec 2Br, 2Be. frplc. •••••••••••••••••••••• 645-8122 631-7370. Aek for Jim. Woodbridge. $850 mo. •IN. /11u4 3106 1 2 8 8 (213) 596-9096 eves • • •• • • • ••••• •••• •••• • • Spac ous r 1 '" a SIPEll RICM UYFlllT Townhouse wllrplc, E/ landlord needs big 1ex Neer new. lmmac, highly Liiiie Isle, pier. 3 story ~l~~~:.e~5~5~m~~a51::,'a wrlleolf! Sez "Rent lhls 4 upgraded detached 2 Br Cottage, Nwpt His deluxe lrg. 28r, lrplc. Mgmt 641_1324 br, 3'n ba. custom pool home In Woodbridge 2 Frpl, redwd decks. brlOk $1800 mo. 675-3067 · homa. •· Gourmet Kit, Br & den. at(lum wfspa. wlks gar $750/mo Avail flllESllE COIFOllT • • • g Yearly • 2 Bdrm, I be Formal dining. designer maintenance free yrd. Jan 1 645-6625 decor thruout. Natural Lake, pools. t ennis fireplace, 2 car parking. Like nu, lge 1 br apts, roc:k frpl, secluded lncd $1000/mo. 975-3972 Westclllf, excel!. cond., $800/mo. 675-9797 frplc, dw, gar, S475/up. ~d. Verv easy ·move-In' ,__e_ves_6_7_5_·_1S_5_8____ school nearby. 4 Br, S B Patio or balcony. Pool,& ·' •" $1100 lncl. gardener & ml college. 2 r 1 Ba. spa No pets. 2650 Harlil. 50 under market. Agt, THE SPRINGS 1 bdrm pool service. 956-5730 lrpl, no gar S700tmo Mesa Pines 549-2.447 537-9740 Chg condo. Pool, Jae. running mcl util. Agt. 673-4062 4 Sr, 2ba, lge bonus rm, streams $500. 857-1010 Mar•er View BiJL--$395: 1 Br, relrlg. patio. $ 5Bd 38 -no pets, adults pref gar• E'sfde 950. call Orangetree adult condo. 2 · 8• completely 1••i•ia/a '>101 731-D 1811\ St. 673·7787 548·6t55 br, beautiful decor, ame· lanced, 3 car garage. ..--1, 4 Bdrm, 3ba, llv rm, lam nltles. upper. ell apples comm. pool. $1600 mo 2·0;.·2 .. 9;:;;,;~·M;;~;; 1 Bdrm, 1 ba. pool. laun· rm. rec rm, ocean view. incl. S595. 893·3151 752-2197 agent. non smkrs no pets $600 dry. adults, no pets walk to bch. Ideal lor 3 WOODBRIDGE·" Br, 3 ,,. Clt•t•I• 3216 + dep's. 2'131 799..t195, ::~re4:33·7 890 or s haring. $960f mo . Ba, 3 car gar, quiet cul· •••••••• .. •••••••••••• 257 ·9792 or (7 14) ----'-' -----6<15·6150 d e . 1 a c yr 1 y 1 s e Hiii siQ8 ocean view 3 br 673-3986 2 Br. 1 Ba. upper in tr~ $12001 .. 11 le convert den & maid's plex. enclsd garage. No $510/m o New carpet , mo ,.. amenot s. quarters $2000/mo. 2 Br 1 Ba Private sun· pet s 2276 Pomona new drapes, 2 car gar· Appl only 581-0160. 213/•49-2628 deck, Newpo'1 Beach • $475imo 851•2175 · age, close to the perk. Super 3 br. 2 ba. frplc. •---------block to beach & bay,-'----·----- gardentlf lncld. patio. huge family rm IM I••• quiet quality neighbor-2 Br w/gar, upstairs, 622 Center St. S895fmo. 760-9307 Ci 'ii 1 3111 hood on Balboa Penln· $415/mo. No pets. Rats Tll 11.t 142·1101 £a ••• •-,,.L J•~i •••• ~! .. '.~!••••••••• sule Point, furnished or req'd. 352 Victoria 1• -•• .,.,, AVAILABLE NOW. $495 unlum. 834·1679. 645·8161 *3 Br. Twnl'lse. nr S.C. ••'••••••••••••••••••• Immaculate 2 bd condo, Plaza. S.A. Pool, spa, 2 Br. den. 2 ba, lrplc, d/w, all extras, pool. 2 kids gar. $780/mo. wtd hk· microwave, trash comp, OK. no dogs. 831·9303 up. 752·5822 specious wood decks or 240-6019 I Br. Trailer, private, urns 180 . ocean/cyn views. l-.-,-.-,-,-b-,----3-.,-1-0 paid. No pets. Range & 1_s_11_so_1m_o_4_9_•-_4_5_76 __ ,:~ •••••••••••••••• !: •. rel er 181. plus sec 3 Br. View wlprivacy. walk 2 Br, 2 Ba, vacant, kids $385fmo. 499-1617 10 private beech, no OK. Sec.Jate. Keith 2 Br. enctsd garage, car· pets, garage. lrplc, bit· 962-4471, 8-9853 pets. drapes. 173 w. Ins. tst +sec $950/mo. SHARP 3 Br. 1·~ Ba. oov W i ison . N o p ets. 499-1617 petlo. 2 car gar, bltln I $525/mo. 631-4889 -------.1 elect range, & mo rel ' Lease o r lease o pt E/Slde 3 br. 1 ba. gar.. 1 J \ $675/mo Incl water & gardener. $750 .. Furn. or 0 ~· gardener. Agl 957·0701 unfurn. 648· 1126 I"' .-· J .!' Eat-sde. 2 bd, 1 be Ou· ~l . J ... \'1' ~~~.'!!'A~~.'. ... !.¥.f !)lex. Cl1'd gar. Prlv yrd Lease option, 3000 s.I .. S•96. NO Pets. 266 Star11nn gateo are!'. tennis eris, Santo Tomaa 6'42·6368 • ocean vu, Madll. style. •New Eat-sde, 3 bd, l ba + Fmlu $2000/mo. 551-8215 ' Bualn••• Am. lrge Detached Gilf CHtl••ni••• w/alley access. S625. No "•l•n•'•L-~ 1~•s p e t s. 2 1 2 L 1111 an • A c t • 0 r d j ,, II I 0 "' ... ,,. 8•2-6368 ~:~:~::::..~=~:.~d ;..~~·s·;~·c:~·a·;~·pj;;~· E.•lde lrg quiet 3 Br 2 Ba, 1 n oo 10 11uo1 111 Sharp 3Br H~ ba, p004 frpl, OIW, lndry, gar. no IHtr•o11e ootnt ~•II• .. • and jacuzzi. 2 car 91r, pete $825 673·3800 •ll•H r • ~· ,,.,... patio. $625/mo Kida & 1111111 Ille 1 l lllllllllll k 55"8 147 E.elde darling 3 Br hOUH, j w1111 ,,.. Co111111 c111• pets 0 • .,. newly decorated. nice I 1110 .,.,,. 11 ~·'"• Yard $875/mo Plue $300 1 0 " ' 11 '" • • 1 ,, • Aaat,.,••t• l•t•lliH MWIP I.... .., .. ,.. Ille •I"•••••••••••••••••••• eecurlly Joyce wanza, 1111 111 w111c11 1111 .. /)H /il .. fl 3111 631· 1286. Agt. I w aeneH I• IOc•l•f •••••••••••••••••••••• E 3 8 2•;, B nd Tiie 11e1111t1111 •• 2 Br 1 Ba. trpl, 901 garage •·•!09 25 r s' a Jco o 1e41111ted ltf lew end t• ,$1100/m o lnCI. utll. Agl " I mo . ~P•· oyc• nee .... ., .., "'°'"''"' 673 .. C>e2 Wattie, agt G31· 126t ,0,., 11uelnH• 11•1,,.. Ett·~ 3 bdrm, 2'~ b•. Ma tt ••11-• •••111••• ,.,,,.. encl patio a yrd, frpl, dbl ::~:.... ~" 1-i•••ll '111 gar. let, Lit & Sec $775, Tiie DAILY "ll OT •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 1 8 8 • n t a I ta b t I . llfatlw a ....,. llll!lt o!MI Smell f BA 1111)1. ~ Cf Pl. 931.&263 pv1111c ...... _ ...... w. dtp•, f.tas. ............ _...,, e1s-&OM NEW 2 Br. 2 811. dbl gar, 1011111 Md Mel111e111 e all appff plua trldile No ••llr H ••lce •• 1110 2 If. l la. furn no :Tc' Pell . E/1ICI• 1850/mo. 0 r • II • • c ... II I ' Veartv M50 mo plUI • 557·2891 c ... .,.._. ''"'°' "°' 11111 pd. No ~ta. Stef>I o II ' • " • • I • " I bNCtl. 919.aoee. BACK BAY AREA .. 11n11t111t °""H or 18r w/lrpl.'360/molncl ""•"• 1110 llOAL C....,,, .. , J1U ulll 151·'718 DUAIU'MINT Ml-4»1, •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1t Ut 101 •oro u.L• IPf EASTSIOI 3 bdrm. I b•. ....., ........ .-"""8. 131o7714 2 cir gar. Laro• yard. 1 - Cl'llldr•n and ptte OK 1111 .. ,.. BMutlful ..,...., decor .. 228 E 24111 PL 1790. rt UI t o r furn e p t l'rp l. 7M-4SOI lff61mo 873·01M , .. , H IU C./N-0 '~.,. .( -/) c ~c.. •ou n mtt v \!J I'"tJ ~l ~ v (r ;::J U MI ftl.t•4 ·~ (.l .. T I-POU.A,_ 0 ::,HO;:~ttib~.,~~. ~ 10--'" l0t'" fou' ''"'P'• ~d\ ROTMER 11 I I I' I B O SEE I I' I I I ------. !. p 0 s 0" , • ~,.-,,-, ...--11 £ NowaClays lhe1e Is on!' Q•l'l•I nrl¥11ntAO!I m lotllno ~ ~n11l1> 1111~ your urnbr1•ll11 __ R_A_'(_L_Y_E--.INol>QOy wlll lry 1c1 ...... 11 I I I• I I 0 er""·" ... ,. ,h .. ,~ .,~, .. (111 ...... !.....J-.L-.l'--.L--''--'· t•N (~:~~~r.1.; :~;p ~~'1 b:· .. ~ P~l~J IN ... ~IHO l(ll(f\ IN 1 lttl SI SOIJOI S I I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /TUMday, December 1.t, 1812 C7 IBssianal Slervice .,,,, •. ,.,, ... ,.; S.mu ......•............... Flbergl a b o11 regal•. V111nl1h, P•lnl & m11111 Prof, 1M1. 881-8787 •11 5pm. f.•.11!!.l!frJ~ ........ flf!!!1!H •.•.......... fr.l.-.-J.¥ •••••••••••• ~!¥!,f •••••••••••••• f1!'.'.!'.,•-'.-. •••••••••• l •• .s. ••• "•.• •'--Jtl.. . &a..1 .. IMM.1..._. ~1 i~•••••••••••••• JZm11111.e••••••••••• r.e."Jll'Nlr.'•9;:;'11••• No StNmlNo Shempoo IL.~CTRICIAN 011cs.ntno-lndeooe malftl, HAULING & CLllAN·UPS '!'«*! .,. '*"· ~. .. ...... ~ ...... & ...... DMlt••AKP I Stain 81)41Ci.iltl Fut lml JotNAepllltt lie:. lrM work c.ommllndu•t. CALL RICHARD !\end~ o.ment ,_. b Al h 8 11opp19e1, hou1e Of ,MHION DlltQHIA dry Fr .. Ml 839 1612 233101·C·10 14 .. 1203 Cl'ltKk Nowlin 04M8T3 1tl" aohool, 9&7·1121 .onry 25 ~ "6-0tt4 2~. ~~d yre1";'~ oomm ~ t..." r:n .... --........41 We Care Crpl C .. tn..-t 'foP' QlJALltY WORI( ltaftll J.mHI • II. ..,.,...,,.. IOeal cutComert. ~ ~~ =: ._ ...,_ s1 .. m cteen 4 uphol AT RIAS RATES •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.!'.(.............. ...................... Tl\enk VoU. 131-4410 ~ 21'2•1 :::r.m; ............ . l•llltll Truck mount unit l lCl'd Joel 5"1-'426 NIQHf STAR SKY Hllr II ,, ltl·1121 Starr Pro~"Y t.rvro.a -L --tractor llo. I 0. •LOW AATU .. •••••••••••••••••••••• Wc>tk ~ Ms.3718 •• 810 COM••• 0 on your celllng fxaclly FurNICeo........_11., .,._, Maln11n1nc• 11rvlce1 ow~•I r~tHl Prompt, ,..._, rat" 494-3413, Tr• lrlnl/remov 0...., CUSTOM HOME BLOA ""' I '"'LllN painted In oolort 1h1t ,..,...--1111ll1bll Painting, nll pro eH onalt, 15 M1·llOM __...... 5~7011 -~ .. , S .. ALLER JOBS Ct•tal1C.Mlflt 20 yra. 00 my own work ~ow In, ....... d111k • 'H-1 pl"mblng, roofing, con· yra axp. 836-Jl4I . -UI». .. __.....,. ,_,, ... • •••••• ,~............. Lie. 278041 Al 048-8128 Ill do 'o .. t" I 11 ....... , .... ... ~-·-· bel-n hOUMI RMI Cemeol·Maeonry-Block _ ___ "'' apeo a )' •••••••••••••"•••••••• orate R1m0d1llng, lie. IM.Pl'I ,_. :r.:Jlll••••••••••••••• ,....,_ Comm. Dan 537-0342. Walla-Cuat. wol'k. Lie. 1t1aJlll flJt lob1 • elaot , plumbing. ROBIN'S CLEANINQ Riii ratH. 844·1757 L I lie 531-tete AO AAINOVTT!A •••ttffA••••••••••••• c. L. .. L/ #381057 Rob 547-21183 ••••••• ~.............. PllnllnQ, l tC 861·U7' Service •• 1horOUghly AM only 64 .. 447 1 PM ow r• ... . ~ 1344764 MCMll tubjec:ta, 1(-14 l•l•tt ,.,,. •• Formica Topi -of all -Clean hOl.IN. 5'0..0857 •--------MOBILE HOMES ,,.. .... 1·52'-5824 ~/Mle .. I tli/hr. ••••••••••••••'"•••••• CiUI C1n kinda. Prompt -Reason-•••ll••• HOUSECLEANING: GoOd #1uarr 30 yr1 exp. Ft• .. t. ~ Mr. Mote-n 146-5171 PROF.CABINET MAKER bl t 842 ,.12,. ••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• "'71--0124, ... 1 .. .,1_.,.,.4 ~Ji.!l.,M --:a-'91=:::•' 21 yra exp. Cu11om-blt Chil;i°C;e••;y••;~·j~j, !.2•27°4°1 1 · • ., '" Plllntlng . Cll~try reta. Tran'PO<ltllon. Ell· BRICl<WORK, 8mall Joba. " •• "" ""' ~:. ................ _._ --•- furniture. Uc'd, ' ' "'" • ClramlO Tti., LIO'd & Pl''d. 971·97$8. NIWPQf'I, Coata M.... •1~n·1 J.D. Hom Aelllletlllig u.::._•w••::,~•W•l•NOO•-..•w••8•• Ken Burkett •"8-t451 or pt/time. Nwpt Shot" Bon"',..., ••4 •7"81~. ---------1~1ne ...... , 87" "17" ,., ... """' ...,.. "" area Rel• ~8 eteA lml,. TILi ......... ...,, "' .... .. . .._. . ..,... " ·,· A::h·I~· ln •• t~~=--=n·· Antlquee. kit. ca ... ne11. F• -Prat1111111..i ••• Nll ... "22 · • • • HouHcleanlng, rellablt -· "'"" fine pe1nt1ng 14&-4864 -•· 1 latt • Marine Woodwork, lnl & * Splrllual baaed child· fx.,.n lnltlll 163-3283 HOME CARE-REPAIR, ref. Own 1ranap AIU. Cu1tom 8'1ck·Stooe HANG N018TRIPPI ' Qulltr wont OUW~ etc,+ catm cablnlla, re-care In love & 10111 ac:-••t•/l•-l'J'-'-L paint, yard. FrM haul YOLANDA 842-0405 81ock·Concntt-Stucco vi.a.MC Seott 045"9325 •-"-f',_ ..umete 141-7at1 mode I II I t . We 11 't c:eptance c. M home !~ •••• ::: ••• -:_~.... Fr" Ml 751..,.348 Refl. Fr11111. 549-94112 :-:::::'I'••••••••••••••• H!!!!!~!/.~~~!M-.t 645-4588 545-8189 CUSTOM REFINISHING ***WINO DAMAOE7 c.!!,.1l~?!!"r111n-lfrri•f, !f!!!.~ .......... Hu';:."::,~· i-.... --La9--~--·--REMOD SPECIALIST CllM81111 Childcare In tov. & total Furn I l<lt. Cablne11 Repalra/Remod. No job ..................... CUSTOM wood patio uc. #4t1802. 546-973' ~ , .. JG Allen. Lie. 202752. •••'•-•••~••••••••••••• acceptanca FT/PT my STEVE 675-2363 loo 1mall Fiii MtVtce. llneat I ne11t to GOdll *1·1 ..... COwta,tedWood declct& ---------1 TNt al GOfl Ofa ""° Bonded. 4114-1810 Remod.IRepalrs. Lo ralea. CM home 6.45•61119 1t.J 1_ FrM fft. Keith 648-4872 neu. 842·8809 T°8 quaNty. 25 yr lxj). flOCel. Randy 641-o822 .. Piil' IM1 '*'°"" wont ~ l200 Decks, patios. lencu. • -.. t•d• Ill lnc:ludlng labor and •-~II Fr~ eel. Sieve 752-95511 11 I I ~-I ••••••••~•••••••••••• ,Exp'd In all home r'f.alrs. HOUSEC=EAN ompet live rat... I'' ~··-~ Don't r•roof, repelr • at mat1rl1l1 mual be 11-,.. .... "•• lit •11 -••II TIEii R N b t 11 Honest & dabll No ovttr11me. 730-1353 •• •• •• •.l•.r •• -. ••••••••••• frectton of ... 167-2880 ____., , .. ...,..,.... ~ •• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••'•••••••••• I eu. o JO oo ma . .--.,. __ ..... ~ Orlv-aya, Parking Lot E.XPER. c:arpenter does None 2 big, none 2 amall, Topped/removed. Clean Brian 850·3099 eves 1 __ e_r_en_da_9_•2_-__ eo__ -ABC MOVING· ED'S PLASTERING ROOFINO REPAIRS "8Cltorl ltloutd ao ltete Repalns, S..lcoallng. add'ns. remod. decks. From A to z" do II 111. 1 751 3478 Let Shelley clean-up for Quick, Careful Service. • Neat P•lchll. lntlext. Smell Jobi OK. Free In ltle6r lldYerUllng. Con· S&S Aaphll 631-.. 1911Llc Skyllghls & repairs. Free 714-675-9438 Uc 425781 up, awn r«iov. • the Holldayt. Rtllable, We do packing 552-0410 RMtucco1. 645-8258 eallmal•. Cati Torn Of lrtlet0t9 and OCJnllllMJ9, A est.Oan,841·4592 ................... !{~~!~A•••••••••••••• exp 'd, o wn tran1. ,. ........... 2 .. "12 cant8c1Mary0tondleat tlfl•tn , --•5 STARVING COLU~GE PLASTER PATCHING ..,._, -....., • ll-40lt •••••••'"••••••••••••• Doors lnatalled, every-0..1 lla1,l•1. MOWlng, ed91ng, raking, DUMP JOBS 1_64_6-_5_853_______ STUDENTS MOVINO RHtuccoa. lnl/ext. 30 • in.tAf ur-y (714>6 with any lncorpor1t1on, bualne11 thing In bldg & repair. 35 ••••••••• •• •••••••• 1w11plng. Fr•• 1111-& Small Moving Jobs Dirty houH7 Call Mean CO. Uc. T124_,.38 yr1. Neal. Paul 5'5-2977 "'"" nLnn queettona. Conlr.ctor'• actvicl. Reasonable 1"9. yrs exper. Reta Jerry Suppty/lnllall/Repalr mat•. 145-5737 Call MIKE 646-1391 Jeen "I Hate Dirt"'. tnaured. 1541-642'7 ftflllir•'-',_ State Ucenle Bolrd, 2t 752-1962 5'e-.413 Lg• Hlectlon + hard-HAULING-GRADING ··5-2803 WATCH us GROWi NORD PLASTERING ~ 4 Civic Center Plau. A I ware. Bob 1546-2923 eva Clean~ -Trimming demolltlon, clean-up. • NII~ Int/ext. Reltuccoe. S41-t213 Room etO, Sant• Ana, .!.'!!!!!.!! ........... ff!/!!.!!f!!!!........ DOOR INSTALU REPAIR Fr.:':!~.klert -~~57 Conc:rele & tree removal. •• f. rf!~!!~............. Bloc:lc wall• 586-4892 l#m.MJ..... l~C=A=t2=7=0=1·===== D·•,NEW,PORR!W .. Ecs.:.,·· Scham, poob &1 htteem creahn1. Lo,c,k1,1naeta11'11~.; 8F7r3•9• .......... UlllllR Oulcie aerv. 642-71138 .. BUStNESSMAi:tWil.l.•• PAINTER NEEDS '1uMa• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••-ml a tun o "' • .... om o or rig tenera, w " ma es. ...,... ---LIOHT HAULINO HOUSESIT. Educated WORKI 30 yra eitp, Int/ ••••••••'••••••••••••• PROFESSIONAL •-wax & dellll. 850• 1132 crpta -10 min. bleach. 8311-5035 & CLEAN-UPS & cac>able. 647-3524 ext. Acoustic cetllngs Lio. Hiar D <::) 141· llll SECRETARIAL SERVICE knock• olten ~ you You don't need a gun to "draw last" when you place an ad In the Dally Piiot Want Adsl Call now I 6'12-5678. Hall, llv/dln. rm• S 15: 1vg lltellifll Land-•"'ng-Yd Clnupa Free H I. 842-2657 , _ ' 386780. Free eetlmelM. .-0 gal waterheater $225 754-83el uee reM.11t..geltlng Dally room $7.50; couch $10: •••••••••••••••••••••• ....._... -• u1-'•• D V'I p 8 3 Piiot c1111lfled Ad• to chr $5. Guar. ellm. pe1 ELECTRICIAN-Priced Tree trlmlremov-Malnt HAULINO-aludent wllgt •••••••~•"•••••••••• 1 1 alntlng "7"84 2 Thinking of a new 11ome rMctl the Ofange Cout odor. Crpl repair. 15 yrs right. free estimate on Irrigation Jim 851-0129 truck, ume lo r11e1. Cuatom Deck11~ Masonry Bal Ille Painting for aprlng7 See the many Buyer meet• Mller-wltl\ an market. exp. Do work myaell. large or small Jobe. WANT ACTION? Thank' you 759-1970 & Patio Covert. Rau. Spec. rat•• S75 pr day llstlngs In today's clasaf-eflecllve claHlfled ad. Pl\one 642-5878 Rafa. 554-0123 Lie. 396621. 873-0359 ClaHlfed Ada 642-5678 John Fr• Ht. Gene 5311-4078 plu• materlala. 873·53711 fled columns. 642-5678 642-5878 A,.,lat•I• Aprla,.11 Aprl•t•I• A,•tl•t•I• B•ltl1 #11111 41• OIJln lt•lll 44IO l•lhl"' lt•lll 4411 I.Ill I,,.., 131• lttNalb Ull M• fluW 1111 U•l11•l1•M U•la1ai16H U•l•1•i1•1' V•l11ai1AH ······'·•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••,.•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• •• ••••••... •. • • • •• . •• . • •••• .•.•••.. •. . •. •••.••• •. ••••.. •. •• . • • IEEI a PUOEI nWPNT mlTll Ret .. , atOf"8 at 2650 Avon. -llWUI-* * * ~ TraYlll f!!!f.!!!~ ...... !.~~~ ~!f.!!!~ ...... !.~~~ •;:s••• 314• ~!.r!r.t!.~~ ... !.l.f! ~=~~:.~1~.m~~ .11~~tis ~!:~\.'::8~~u1~ 8 car ~~~~: ::~c,~.,fc~~ ·~""~ TOO Y(UIJ f(lt Flreplece, pool, dllhwaah-Lovely 2 Br twnhae on ••••••!••••••••••••••• BtACON BAY: Ltg llv rm Mrvlce, z channel mo-S650 . Furn/unfurn • lllTI 1111 Hunt Beach 540-01481 7 dtyt 1 ..;;'' lmllfS ", 11. «, p\11 patio. X lrg g111d-E.lllde, nu crpla/drapes. 1 er & 2 er relrlg bullt-wt pin• pnlg, corner vtH. SANDPIPER MO-11 1 300 800 11 557-3977 St IUl\L 1 en. 2 Br. $560. 557-2841. ~~~· pat15o5:5Jrg ·~~-Ins, drapes & carP.t. No w1,';''!;.~,caffj ~· TEL. 1967 Newport Blvd. A Y~n:.:1:1 one J5' :!-'!q'.0t1~ & up~ati L--' · ... 1 .. ,_ ~~11•1 .!"~u~::!~ mnJ111 '"') THE SEVILLE 2 Br wi g•. ....... gar. mo 1 ' Peta. 960-2675 w ',.~ '-· prv ' CM 645-9137. ••"-.,..70 Realonomlct, Corp. .., -.-... 8 I d "' -tor 10 last & dep. No pell. lennla ct. S550lmo Incl•---------.,._ -Female, white and anlcAmer c:ar • "mer-· ....--..,. crpt1. drpt, bit-Ina, lncd 646-3420 CONDO 2 br, t'h ba, quiet utll. 875-3337 , V111lit• lt•llll 4ZS0'_* ____ 1_U_lf_F_--,-.-675-6700. brown. 12/11 Wiit New· lean Expr .... Olnera. AM "*II gall I 9UY' fr• to yd w/patlo. water pd. end unit. Pool. rec room. •••••••••••••••••••••• ""5 •-,.-_____ l._l ____ .v.1t er-leath ~or welcome 71'1145-3433. trft'll 11 majOf U.S. cl- 2819 "D" Sante Ana 2 er. 2 ea. Condo near SC tennis courts. Partially la• Cl••••I• 3111 Large Big Beer Cabin. 1 MO. FREE RENT -••tt I r.;:·R_;,·~I' ., "' -21 12 HarbOf Bl. CM tlel I reeort 1r1a1, In- A v e . S 520 . Call Plaza, avail Jan 1. lurnlahed,fultycarpelld. •••••••••••••••••••••• Pool Table. COior TV, 2 1 room to 2800 aq. 11. l1al1l1 441S 5'8-6164 dudlnQN.Y.Clty.Mllml. 1·836-4120 $550/mo. 751-3191 S675. First & laSI mo. 2 BR, $485, yearly, new f rpl •1• Sleep a 14 , From $1.18a 1q. ti. Adj. •••••••••••••••••••••• i---------a.Tl 6 llllU DallM, Hew OriMnt w/ •• l.,1TI 1575/mo. 2 Br. 2 ea. rent plus cleanlng depo-decor, pool. nr beach. 7l'1545-8916. Alrporter Inn & Frwy1. * 550Ptq ti SSSO/mo, Xlnt SCRAM-LETS 24 llout• _ c:ell 83M1te untque young butlneu -tit. 962_.36t but. No pet1. 498-6277 Call AM 833-3223 for .0 . Box'•. Cont group No exper nee • ... PlllOYI townhouse, trplc, patio. CONDO-SUN VALLEY Hwy/Newport Shores wepr~a 2.e.P.. 2 er 1 Ba. laundry rm car pon, laundry rm. all Studio apt, very prl11at1 2 bd, ,.,~ ba, blk to bell, Beaullful 2 •tory, 2 8'. 2 Airport ., .. -Exec Sul-toe. 64$-8644. * ·NSWERS ocm11 training Pl(IOd. Above · ' bit-Int. amall pet ok. locatlon 2 blks from chlldren & pets OK. Ba. Sleep• 6-8 comfort-t ... From 225-450 aq. ti. ft averege earntnna a pool, crptt, drapes. TSLMgmt 642-t603 bHch. ~Ill Incl. $325. 1"50. 492 -6837 or able. $85/day. Call S1partq.lt.Manyxtraa. Share lnduttrltl space Tremor-Obeee "' M00~21;!mMo.;......, or atl 5, 642-8221 960-8468, 536-1435 974~7225 857-1244 Call 557-7010 &/or otflce. nr Bllch & c.......... v-..., •llEU lrant. pd. All~ L.,.. ...,_ Slater, H.B. Rel•. Prlc:e ..,......., -·7 mutt be 11 or over, 2 8'. 1 Ba. carport, lndry 2 bdrm, 1 ba, patio. W/D 2 Br 2 Ba. nr San Cle-••1111 ,. 1'111 4Jll 400-900 PLUS 1400 tq. ft. ntg. 642-0100, 9611· 1221 BORROW ••1411 •harp, un11tach1d I. rm, view ol golf course hook up. 485 Plumer St. Jm.t Jiff mente Ho1p .. patio, •••••••••••••••••••••• PenthOuM Bayfront Sul-Nowadays there la one T •• r11dy tor lmmld. em- lrom deck. 5"75/mo. S 4 6 5 . 5 4 4 -5 9 3 9 • •••••••••••••••••••••• newly decorated, wattt 4 2 bdrm, 2 ba. View apt. te. perking, pat101. ,IOt 1111 LIOI gr11t advantage In let-1•1 ployment. FOf ~. 558 Joann 646-59711 Walnut Sq. Condo, 2 Br 2 g a a pd , S 4 8 5 /mo. Promontory Point. $380. 873_ 1003 1512 s.f. al only 60Cll 111 ting • emlle bl your um-contact l<atle Matteonl et -• ••mt •• 2 118• Ba, den, gar, A/C. patio, 89t-1M4 femlll 2S-35 yetrl old n f 474 E 17 h S brell1. Nobody Wiii try to BellJtlful modefa fOf the 567-3009, Mon thN Fri, •--a -· • 2 bdrm, 1 ba. comp. re-S700. 650-8839 ' · IUI IPIOI DI oor 0 · 1 t. BORROW It. -$-46_5_/ ___ 2_8 __ 1_"_8_, dee Pallo Gar Large 1 Br. with appllanoea & Call Ana_, ad No 533, CM. Agt Patrlc:k Tenore 1---------td~~lg~~'!!!!ng,~~. love 11amto5 pm OHLYI mo. r. ,. a. unit. $525 ~o 551-8130 LI•••• ltMi 3141 frplc, aoro11 lrom c><:eal'). 6'12-4300 24 hrs. Attractive nftllc up1talre 631-1266 Loat: F. Springer Spaniel, '"" .,.._, """"' a • .--.__ upper unit. all bit-Ins, · · ••'••••••••••••••••••• $400/mo. 661-1192 Shr lrg home 0, condo Mttlng. We eupply desk, 7 mos. Bal. Penln. 111ea. ..-•-• --.-carport, lndry rm, bal-2 Br. 1'h Ba. small com-IOEllFlllT 1 t 1 1 d 11 tll · apace, copter. You II.IP-l•l•1lrlll Subelantlal rewttdl Open 7 Daya• W..._ Mature couple to man-cony. le 5"751 N ta faafl .t.. 3110 1 81 epot U I . ply ghor'9 & '95 pr mo •--' ~soo 873 1105 860-1020 ••1 HI• ege 18 unit b1d9, quiet 527 w Wiison t 8x •• 506 mo. 0 pe · Moat elegant apt. bldg. •••••••••••••••••••••• 966-8479, 662-2449. c .,..._72 -•lu ,. · · · -• • a11t1ld1 locatlon, ex--• ••mt. •112 1to• ~ ... In Laguna Beach, flneet So Ctl VIII.,_ nr So Cit I pr dlllc. all !1. ••• • •••••••••• •••••••• Found: Ln Ger;.,an She-1885 PARK, C.M. ___._.... eMrrld Send •--. -• • Ill -1 Tl locatlon In town, br11ll\-Piu.a, 28' ....... 181, end ·unit, Belut. ll9IY rg ooean "" -a-$750 up. 2180 II. lndu-.. VISA MC ---pr . '" • • • taking views Ill bullt-IM ..,._, Sec 1575 hOl'ne, Lag Bch. Prof. to __ ,.,.._ atrial -Office. 18101 Re-pherd, vie Brlatol by r11ume to Ad I 1065, Euttldl Bachelor Yea ... 3 large bdrm heated poo1.' au1>-9araoe'. ~751-9580 gate lhr '350 Incl ulil. 111, last .... , lllTll dondo Circle, P & T Cafe. CM. No collar. Dally Piiot, P.O. Box Beamed calling. French Yes •.. frptc, patio elevator. Lease only . & sec. 4114-1294 With UM of reception, Huntington. eeac:h. 5.40-1471 *" llllT ....,. 15IO, Coata Miii. Ca. doort to prlvatt patio, Yea ... garage. pool Sl50 & up. J.•ti t.-8., JUI -·---conl. room, kllch. phone, 842-2834. Loll: Qolden Retriever 24 hr Outc:all Maj C/C't ,_t292e-0580 ____ . ___ _ large kltehen & IUll bath. Yea •• $175. No pets. 330 c11 .. ,,__ .. 94-80"" n••••~A•••••••••••• -·-• aecfetarlll 4 word pro-000 t 1 .. lee mil!, nr Stattt 8'ot, C.M te8-8114 Aaatatant In• mark~ Avlll Jan 2nd. $3e0/mo. 645-3311 1175-59411 " .,. · .. ...... co ND o , 2 er , 3 ea. Shr with Newport exec. 1 1• • IPKe W On • No peta. 752-2550 .. V d 2Bd/ Large Studio with kitchen, Ocean view Cloae to $3llO/mo. 831-8056 ~.nga~allM.al~ ~.t...., H on W. 18th St, C.M. _64_6-_110_2t______ *KRIS KRINGLE* ~_2C ~.£>'__!'~ .. ... e11 er e ·grgt, .. _ h h I ' ...._.. .4""' .. ..,,. -• -7 845-9907 -••• ,_ ,__ Maj C/C'a ._.,.lo:.,_,_. "d Deluxe 2 Bdrm, bl1 In. nice no pett ssoo & MC near .,..ac • • opp ng. hwy _....,.... ...-1........ Shr k.lx moblle home Iii dlllred. CllC: -:i. _,.._ "' ,.._. ~· #187. Dally Piiot, PO dawhr. bbq, jacuzzi on 2049 Lemon 979-4383 · $385/mo lncld• ulll•. lat A Ii • iM bite to ocean. Poot, ;ec. 714n80-01w Wntriel, ...... Loet: Lldill ctwm bfl-eet-8113• ....._.12 Boll 1580, eo.ta ....._ b8211 5w 7v u $" 9 5 mo 2 bd Din 0·1r Deluxe. ~H~t~~·n~~ ~P-;: ~~-~ •191!_. avatl. Own room & bath. IELllE SllTE 1400 1q ti. with otflel tn c1eel1ntt.lmeuellnotcakl'• Sa1nta, T-llllY'I ,_ea_. _1212 __ 1_. -----..-14 • • • · · · ... .,.,__ •-Furn or unturn. S250/mo Costa Men. Very re11 va ue. Go-Go glrl• (to go) A .. _.._: 801'• 4 CFl'a _ 192 Tulip Lane $"95/mo. L • • v e me••• g e •••••••••••••••••••••• 1tt & leat Aval! Jan 1 rent. Call Mr. Schachtlf. 11714-731-1328 eee-1914 ,_ .. ..,., ":=d~r~~~J' 631-12321964-0227 494-2797. IUWlll Ref1. pleeM. Cell afte; Wlfer Freet 1141 5'8-3464 Loll Afgan Hound, ta-c • ...... Y LADIES ::;~~~~~ ~~.~ ~'!:J No peta. S.-50/mo. Wat.; Eat-Ide toe., Prlv entry. trt Cute, cozy & quiet 1 br YILUIE tpm, 118().58.44 $1.50/tq It. Luu. 1100 1q 11. offtc. & war• mall. blond. Dana Point. ESCllTS~ r.-.ne to: PO Box 282, pa Id Ind r y I a c & rear door, quiet, no kit. apt, walher & dryer, pa-New 1&2 bdrm. luxury 3 8' 1 88 C.M . l\oml, lrg 842"4644• M·F, 9-5 hOUM, xlnt loc, So. S.A. 418-21115, 4115-3182 Bal lal, Ce. 12M2 1546-4382. · S235 pd u111. 1131-5478 tlo. S4SO + utlls. Avail. apta In 14 plant. 1 Bdrm yrd, lrplc, call evH For L--Otfloe 3 rmt, 1648 Minnie St. Cloee to Found, CdM. 1 aid boot. DANCERS/MODELS 2 8'. 1 Ba. Eutlllde ""-Large 1 bdrm apt. J 'n · 1 · C' 11 d Y 1 from $540, 2 bdrm from 831-0503. $250 & utl1. 1200 eq ft . Good tratflc, 551405 trwya. Reas. Bring match, end you ••• 111• lllfihid per, near 1chool1. N~ $400/mo Quang 720-1404: evs 497-MllO $5115, TownhouM from good •lgn & expoeure. 646-7512 may have. 875-1331 di. -~ Need Infant ewe In my Pita. No waterbedt. 957-27.-0 atler 5:30 #....n ... , Jiff SH5 + pools, t1nnla, F1mal1 roomm1te to 1M23 8aec:h Blvd. H.B. &ss-6451 eve EXOTIC DANCERS H.8. l\ome, Mon.-Frl. $450/ 631-8155 •• -.-;C";;;•••••••••••••• waterfall•, pondal 011 lhare 3 br cottage. C.M. Call 831-7900, Aft 6 & llNl•I 4511 ---------Bachek>rl e.:Mbette ""'req. 536-1115 mft. 3 mo. 2 8r. frplc, wood beam NO FEEi Ap1. & Condo tor cooking & heating ~1 ~~ 1: u 111 . E 11 • • wllnd• 831-11309 •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost, Mlle Neut Cat, Wht pet1Y ent«1alnment BABYSITTER WAHTB> E.tlde lrg 1 Br. huge celllng1, E.t lde. very rentall. Villa Rental•. paid From San Diego 1 · Fuh eerv\Qe executllll tul· St~~ Spec:. 12' x 18' Slam, red .... Last._, 738-1638 ~ For 2-yr-old boy. Patti wdc-ln cloaet. gar, WID cozy. no pell $595. 875-.. 912 8'ot11r. Frwy drive North on Ftmale Mnlor citizen 10 tea with,_ Hbrary prM-38 dOOf. $70/mo plua 12-8. Mela del M11. A.-fUt1 time. RA•ICl6,.... hookup, clMn S.-25/mo. 631-0921 2 8' 2 Ba trom'525 No Beach to Mcfadden to atiare 2 br duplex. non-1eg11 (Ea1 1971) 0'1lcea S70 sec . depo11t . ward. 5'6-4389 I,,...} quired. Call 845-0t87 No peta. Suzan 631-0213 Ltg 2 Bd. Beam celllnga, peta. Acioas from New-s17r:)8o~5~98~ I 11 age amoker, Nwpt Hie. $225 avaHabll mo to mo or 873-415 ... Newport Found: Golden Retriever, ....... l1fl .,._ 5 p.m. 2 Br 1 81 111 nr Patio Iota of wood thruout, pon Beach Golf CourM. & utll. 646•3192 or le111. $1g5~$54!t mo. Beach. · yng M., gm bandana, lllc li•ii•:.···································~---.;.;.Uiniima-crpt, drapH. 1iove a serv bar. $460. 2258 5'5-4855 ..... "'° 642-4508. Word proce11lng, con-22/Santa Ana 045-1700 IHllllPll D 1 w . s 4 7 5 / m 0 . 5 M 4 a8-p 7 1 3 e 5 . 6 673-8803 or Wlml IEITILI ...................... M/F to ll'tr lge 3 br, 3 be ference rooma, Telex. l••l•n1/l•n1I/ Found: Ftm. Doberman. ..... ml• Account• reo1lv1bl1, 556-9550 7111 Sh 11 UllU lllAll condo, walk 10 beach. Ellecutllll Row Inc. 3901 1/aun D k b 111 h P..onll ualltled drill-lght typing. Metute per-. a mar. 3 & 4 Br. Cloae to wller, -• N.8. $350/mo. 845-0209 MacArthur Blvd. 21~ (II •••••••••••••••••••••• " rown w 9 ter • q ton with minimum of 3 A. Dul 1•/•t 3111 furn & unturn, reaaon--·-Jamboree Blvd). NB., I.a.... brn. matklngl. 642-8088 9'1, Ill nMdl met Ors. YMI• ex1>9rlenC1. Full/ Lrg 3 Br. 2 Ba. carpet, •••••••;;;;..-••••••• able, ell amenities. Wkly rentala $95 up. M/F lo 1hr 3 br, 2 be 752-7170 tt.-•tuJit. IOlf Found: Calleo caL Eut-apple, thoj>plng, air-lime, Mon.-Frl. 81nd drapea, carport, nr occ. Excepttonal 2 Br. 2 Ba. Broker 675-4912. Color TV, free cotfee, b1acl'tfront apt, Nwpt ••• -M:: •••• ;'•••••••• aide Co.ta Mee&. Caft to port•, etc. By hour or RESUME ONLY lnclud· No pell. S5501mo. only for the dlecflmlnat· heated pool & tteps to Bch, nontmlcr, $310/mo. PRIME LOCATION· new Famlly Maft(lng/ Manage-ldenllt)' 548-5715 day. Ing wont hil10f'Y a Mlaty 751-3896 ooean. Kitch'• avail. 541-'146 bldg, 1100 sq ft or can """'expanding. 11 lnltt----·------4M-&857 7~1731 requlrem1n11: Cotta Ing $650/mo. Agant 9t5 N. Coat Hwy, 5 1 (I 1 ) be divided. On PCH, .. led In Mrloua extra Found: Blk M . Lab, Mell Statlonert, Per-AYllL •• 714/496-6804. Laguna 8aec:h 49'-5294 Inge parent •0;8eR Newport Beac:h. Stop by 1ncom1 call 84e.-133 1 '°' erookhurat I Vlc:1orl•. ~~~~~~~~~ _..Mgr, 210 e. 11tt1 Lar ge 1 Br· rafrlge, COUNTRY CLUB LIVING On the b11c~ hotel 1 =!~1~ C~m~~~ All ~·~:!_:~ :;.~" appt. No rlllcal ::...~ CllC aft 3' • ...._ St, Coeta Maaa 12927• range, laundry. pool. ·-;:~118 IN NEWPORT BEACH room. kltchenet11 & ho u a 1 ho Id Pr I v . ,,_,. ""' ::x:"'d;;;;'!.......... I • Wn ca' P 0 rt · N ° P • t 1 · 3140 Singles, 1 & 2 Bdrm. bath, furnlahed $250 & eAMll87 atltt 8 1911 111 ... l ... .., It t...11 1111 Found: Labrador, vie. J• lruW 111. 2 .... --. In Mendartn $425/mo. 931 W. 19th •••••••••••••••••••••• Apartm8nll up+ dip. 2306 W . Exec.SU1111tnci.r~t .. ••••"'•••••••••••••••• MetaVwdl. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.-_. St.548-0492 llllPIPIR&m &Townhou-Oceanfront, N .B . Sht w/cpll: beaut lrg 2 Mo'y Mrv•. cont. rm .. R.E. LOANS: 111-3rd, 86222138 Young matrled man wtH ,_...,tAblelo~ 2 BR duplex w/enci gar. A LOVELY PLACE From S580 873-415'. gr~<;'.~ ·~·:~110::~~ kit., mall nandlg. Rea-90%, c:omm.I, contlt. do Qlnlrlll handY wotk. Mandarin, Cant-1 Ride<: .. good neighbor-TO LIVE on Jamb«• Rd at pontlYe to your bullnua Faat funding. 643-1845 hn••lll Ull Calf 11111 I. wkend1, ~~·,",;.S:,':: ~~e~4o1 $495 . Ca II =~=~~& 2 Br San Joaquin Hiiia.Rd. F~1.':!~af.~1."NrhOCC~ c:~~;;o~ :::;2: turn. nMda. Adj. 405 FWy. In IELPlmJ •u••••••••••••••••••• 912-1625, Ilk tor.. Send thlt ad and your ---------• •5 acres of beautllulty 144-1... Call daYt. 831-3910, evet hOUM In H.B. $27$ lnct F.V. ~21115. o.!.,.~·.~5/mo. la on the way for your Lml 1 fmn Prectlcal nurM, compa-,___P.O. 8 tooxJob151#0123/,40t2Lot I d d d aft. 4.30 831-9778. '"111. Nonamkr. No ..... , from -. .....,.._ . ......_, rv-'-'-·. L-nlon nMdl po9ltJon 91"1 *MESA VERDE 2 Br. 1 an 1cape 1urroun -Beautiful large 4 Br en-.,, ..... . .. _,,_, ,. . ...,_,,. .,...., PHOTO MOOELS 11e1ur9 nead9d. l45-2590 Ange1ea 90015 by J Ba. N-ly decor. S.-95. Ing• cled patio. at1p1 to Small 11trac:. lum. 1tudlo or kkla. 968-3880 OtllCI tpace IOf ..... 7t0 ra111. ln1"911 and cost. ESCORTS/DANCERS 1---------1 Nth. 1• an No peta. 833-81174. • Nr Frwyt & ahopplng belc:h. Yeafly. 67$-4419. nr bch fOf empl'd. Non-ft. '515/rno. Utlla paid. 111, 2nd, 3'd TD'a. Cal OUTCALL 24 HRS Baby alltlng wanted In~===~===~ • Quiet area amkr. PrV'I kitchenette, Dana Point Hae. 2/3Br, air, ground floor, 1055 El on our experll at no -..el CrelMliw 6 FV ..._ r • No pet•: turn avail With .W' doc;I( '°' l>O'"' P"'1 entry, l300 Incl u1AI, 111111 now. S250-$300 Camino Dr. C.M. 3 blkl E c:ott. Ray ~~~~~~~~~l·:-:=-~14~2~.e~7~4!_1-:::-::d Hlfil& ..... h11llellf ll14) Ml-1111 boado. t.5~2008R1m2'A0 ~~·doceon-k. poor, TV, 11nnl1. Ref'• m 0 · C 1 11 c 0111 ct of Felrvlew & Adami. 457-1422 = · Mini OOfllP'lllr opel'9tor ltW hl4tl 8081 Holland Cr, HB SlOOO without. llSO-UllO req. 413-34llO. . 817•75g..8671 75'-1040. Mr. Trecy. flulttl .,, Cuttom F~Ptlone ~.f..,!!'/. .... !J. .. nHdad for a Hrvlc1 1BR .. 1BA -28D .. 18A Btwn Sllltt/Wlllntt Mns. Long PflOf woman wlfamlly 4 bd. 2 ba, pool, No Peta. SUB LEASE OFFICE ~ ............... Converaetton 8arbll lllT'I ftflfm bullnlm. exp.r.1e1not both with two car electric off Beach want• to there rm wt No Smoker•. 1225/mo. SPACE AND/OR WARE-9rAdlr will return $31,000 MCIVISA 24 hrt NqUlred, h0we¥af, typ- S>"IOM· nreplaoea, lky-WtlllAIE OCEANFRONT ·Cuetom prof. $250. EvH call 831-0208 HOUSE SPACE. 5 min to In 1 yr fOf $30,000. S.-Cal IM-0701 :ac, ~01.o~"':!i Ing et to~ and I 10 llghtt,patlol. Spac. 1 & 2 br, lovely =fi..!.~~1~1~ 75~140e •HOUSEMATES O.C. Airport," office• cured by 111 TD . SPIRITUALAEADINOS tndlvlduaf with t0lld ~%:orma~t~i Fr.. 1 & t M t p 7400 W e DO En SHORES ROOMMATES* plut 800 a.f warehouM S4M490 Advice In 111 mattert, henC»-on accounung •-7141•1 ......,. p nee • reamt, HC. • ure «9001. . N. . V '' • E•l•blllhed 12 y.arst w/gt111: CloOr. Any pan 10111, marriage I bull· !Ml ~~~~--~~~~~~ •4 •• t •• I.I. gates. entry by phone, Oc:nfrnt 850-9192 Full Ba. bid, microwave, •All rlf'• checked• or Ill. . foot-81 be-~, ftul nlH. Aleo counMllng. :::· 1~ 1 tor. lge reo area Incl. gym, . f""' a-ent $350/mo -..-•••1 1 ..,._......,, • 111 -.. -• pool & 1pa. Frei cable DUPLEX 2 Br, 1 Be. d/w, • .,,. ........ . ' •Photos lllcen• I 0 w 0 0 Ing r. t e -1815 So. El Camino Real, Accounting Manager fof -631·5909 lnllall. 2 Ir .. mot. lndry. WALK TO BEACH ~t/~ ~!'.~F~~~~;, •Service tor 8 Mo• 557-2900. • •••••ii:umu•••u San Clem. 412-72te an 8 ~dollar oom-All Oocupatlona ~~~~~~~~!1~84~8-~8~59~1~----1 S725/mo. 11112-41114, Special ·~ ott to all who OFFICE SPACE FOR fAMOOS CICUS peny In the ln1erneaon.I Avallabll ..:. 964-8888 N.8 . 2 rooma. bath, pool, need I ptec:..' LEASE 700 II It ~ ... IM, fralgflt ~ Drop off GrMt Income oppoftun-1111 ... WILi OCEANFRONT -38', 288 tenn11. IPI Ul-4114 Tll lllT · •:. ' ax 111 I 2nd • .......,., lnd&dno ea-I t Y • For In r o llAJ tfla-a.a Ltg 2 & 3 BR 1-houae f '350 mo. 645-5846 Newp9 ~ loc. 8"7128 11M9 ••• 11111 lary ,.,..ulrament1, at: 3121811-4347 Ext C-70. '"'2!U li!AJ, .,.... upper unit, rplc, gar• . 2 bdfm, 1 .,_, ger apace. am-..,... Robt. Settllt NH/CM Suft, -... Fee DtNctofy IPlllMitl apta. encl gar, frplc. Near I 1250 mo. Cl· 875-2725 Aoorn with kltcti pm!. Nr Coron a de I M a r R.E. Brokw Bd Aeeltora e 300, 7117 Center tor . eeautllut garden apt1. ~~~_::rgrK. f~~;5· dyl, 973-4 -· ~~~~~2~7:i;,~ppln g $282.50 873-5254 · Hc!;1;~11;• ~d~•Jr!~~ 042-2171 5'S-Oe11 ~·.,.~/.:'!::.;. ~ :;:.r~::'.~~-llLMIY Pllloeldldc• Spa. ~I 811utlful 3 Br. 3 Ba. Ammie 10 al'tr 4 bf 3 ba ., r .. refll MJ,1141., 11 AM.r"°"' 10 AM umll 4 ~•let) a...,.abla ~~~~ ~,: ~~.. $560 ~~~'::,~;O:,!d~: !:n~~~l,Jryc~k-:~: ~1~~~ cc;t =~-~. Pf':.ii:~: 842-0100 · tte-1221 Due 3 years. Home on R2 ~tt:. ~ ·~· ~ Aoot• pa,.bl• petton, ~ ,....._. ~- 2 Bdrm. 2 ea. S585 S460-S550 842-8788. m I c r o . N o p 1 t •. hi. N.8. Lt cook, mat 857•1eea alt 5 3 oftlol roome, t40 eq '1, lot. t0x100. LOClted on Blvd ~ullerton · ., 9111*. w aome btlkp'O· 567-Q12 Mr. ll'IW'llOlll 39t w. WMlon 131-5513 Bit 9-5. S950/mo. 87S-llOOe. quiet M/F. A.i. $350 Incl . good loc. In C.M .. pref. Wllaon AVI. eo.11 Miii. i1M1M1U ~L""":p~ ,:,ur~= .Dentel E.t __ ..... 2 bd 1 ba Ou-Lge 28r w/gar. Super Lower 2 Br. duplex wt 11104S..2ee3. M/F over 30 to lhr my lg btclepg atr\11C41. $276/mo. Exotllenl payor. ALL M"'.,,,,. C .. "'DIT Bo 1r1a. , ...... fl21. Experienced A.D.A . ..,.., • I 1 t b h CdM apt, part turn. 548-"43 714-972-1194 """" ...., ..... ,.... ptex. Cle'd gar, Prill/rd. c e•n; c 018 0 0 • patio & carport. Kitchen p rlvll1ge1, Non·tmkr. 1350 + ulll. CARD8ACCEPTED 10A~ needed'°' ..... ,hodonttc $'915. No Pele. 88 ~~3l0o 984-4§~8. 17251mo.631-5tl4 $2150 /mo, utl f pc! 780·11410 875-3187 an •llYJlllT...... ~lnMllllOflVlafo Santo Tomu, M 2-e368 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, 2 Olk• to 640·7987. Nr OCC cot-5PM , 270 iq fl In Npt Boh. ~t..,..,.11/ "'H•al lwl I'' Anlt. 8304703 ,2 Bd, 1 Ba, gar, pool. 3 bd, 2 ~··garage, ltun-blactt. Patio. Pelt OK. lega. ••t" 25 ... 3,.. lmmedl1t1 oocupancy. 1etH•all/ ,.,.,,_ .W ... ,.. Oomlaelc Chlld OK. No pell. dry facllt. Ideal for 2-3 $700/mo. 873-3728 furn rm a bath, $196 mo. '"''320~1 utH'0o;;•rcS:.i 111 and IHt. t400 ger ,,_,I In.ti •••••••••••••••••~ ••.r.;"•••••••••••• •• ''*-""" llve-ln atc.n- $550/mo. 1318 A Biker. adutla. M 75. 840-1128 N9wpOf1 Helghtl; 1 bdrm, Crean young mall em· 850~3770 C~ Janet mo. 7 14" 7 5 -9 o 7 ' • ••••••••••• ••••• ••••• dent for ohlldt9n. ..._,.. 041-0783 2 bdrm. 1'A b• •wnh .. 1 .,., carport. Gd looa.o plOyed "-'•· 415-1837 °' 2131493-3121 ffr..f.!l!el •••• ll'! St m ba ~ ........ t Br 1M111 now W811t & $415 + $375 dtp Nr. tlon. $425. Cell J1n1 ..... , •-•-II ~,. a..tlb lrHlfl fJlf EXEC offlcH/IPICll f'8SS anaa.nwnl 11'1 to nwet oocalloo•· "°'-.'watw tum: No peea. :;:c~:.vd~ M~:!; 148-7800 •• ~'f!!c.~•••••l•••• ;;;,·-·;;;:;·~: 11351 1325/mo. S.o. -----~-t;, Cell 9etty, t11_.,.. '375/mo. 184 MIHIOn --'~d. no:...,, 898-4694 18r -.>t w/l10Y1, retno & MU W llTll $200, Npt, H.B °' C.M. Xerox, "•o•I\ avail. fOlll) ADS /'7 ,,.l'U . "• 'I 1 .... ,.... "'-.e. ....... Ortw . ..._3827 "'"" ,..._. parking. $400 mo. Wkly rental• now avlll . ., ... ll0-2758 _•_1_-eee __ 1_____ '::Jk , aL1 V4 <1 -..U W - 3 Br $475 114 Ba 2 Bdrm, 1 be, 1460. eTS-Ot12 etl 5PM 110"5 I up, Color TV. llt ... 1 aa1 IDf FREE No Exparlenoe "•q. 2 ..: ••• 2·.. ea 11111111 & d•P· 1111.. Pl'lon" in room. 2274 .,,.,... "',_, fJ ... ~ S11ns For Stre"·s Include· Mats• up •• '"''" .,. • .,.. "· 1 . ..._ ...... Ph 8'M15151 Luxury 1 Br p1ntl\oua1. ..._.... Blvd CM ••••A••n•••••••••••• 3I0-11to plua • f, Aval! ~ • ,._._ per. '""''.,, Pool, No pelt 548-11558 ._... .. _, pool. •P•. overloolttng ,_,...,.i..1-1445 . E/Slde C,M. Clean lgl on lmmed. Orly.,. pr a.f. ..;;.-.-:... In°"' ..,.,, ., ... ' -• ·-$445, 2 Br 2 Ba. poor. courty1rd, 111, 111t & PV'1 alley, lonQ term ttor-47' E. 17th 81, CM. Agt Cal: HeadacMls Ctll 104!•~ ~or appt. • ......._,, ·-patloeA':' OK. NO Pll•· 11e. seootmo. 131-oaoo ~EA C H AR E A •· 110. e7f·3800 Pat r 1o11 T •nor•. •11•-Mtl Fetlgue 117.-KING -...-tlfultlandeceiped 154t-, 960·7484 ... 1 1zee -... . , OM,•• paid. Patlol, 1 Br. yearly, gar pkn9, 80/mo. 2884 La81lle,1_ ..... __ -__ .,.....""""".,...,..=,... lrrlteblllty ............... ........ pool, 11cuul, Hunu, CLOSE TO SHOPS. 2 Br, t1pt lo blach. 1485/mo. tlj/wk COtta Meea. ATTOANEY8 I PAOF£8· e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ll SM:lteclHN to illw.r ....... bou· tennra courta, volleyball 1 88, L.-lflCS fac. Nr bctt. d ay• 731-5448 11111 fO't Af15:00,157-2740 llOHALS -LO ground flt Lott: Golden Atertever, .,.e ..... ,.... Mutt count, (IC room. ~ Br No ~··· 1450/mo, ••• 875-3211 Refrtoer•tor-Mltd·Pool """ .. I onto.e 111111 w/wtndow vie BroollhlHlt • lu· Ulina sent.le man!pulatJve therapy. .... """ -Molftl untum. 1 88. 1525. Call only+ dep. tto..at72 550/mo. Bachelor Pen. Hwpt llvG I Wlllon ••••••••••If••••••••• vtewe. ,UU. llRVICI lfltc'd, rt'/. WO ........ BMlc nutritional ~Una. 1111111-557~75 2 8r, l 88. Very prlv upti-"'°"" V Nlllel pool Co.ti Maaa 541-9755 1117 W"'clltf, N.I . 2M Hr 0C Atrpor1, IMlfnO ... 1tll •• ••• 1 bdrm apt . Cpllng , lllra unit. 3 llU from •P•· Nc:,lly ga'11, ali Pine l<llO' Moeet on Coeet to 4000 IQ " tee loot. <714) 782..2214 'ound: Ylllla WI HlrMf ..,121(714) 153-IDl~I• 1_ • Mlo47IO drap11. 111 ulll e11c1p1 Ocean, en cl ger. erneulda9, no Pl'• Call Hwy, NB. 8t1p1 to Aeent 154!·5032 8111111 beauflful P'CH of· and WllaOf'I Coaea ...._ .. "wee""r •• ,._,_. heal. Gar, no pet.e. l3H $680/mo. Aot 536-1438 for appt. ooun. Wkly rat ea. Find what you want rn "°'· MaOnlr'• Ml . .,. =~O mo MM141. fMIWlllOlrt 9Hch, a. 11.o ........ .._ .· mo. 547-2174 or NO..... T8L Momt 842-1903 045-04.-0 Dally Pilot Claulfled•. 131-7711 1 ., ... , ' ---· ; ' ' s I~ J. • ' DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVI A8 Stll your no-tonger needed Item• for ca1h. Ir It doeen't Mii, we'll run It anothet 3 daya FREE. One Item OLLAR I INE8..,, • per ad, mutt be priced. Sorry, no real ntate or commercial adt. Call today for full detall1. (MM IMWI••"•· II.ire .._ I t.II) 3 ~nAY8 CLA881FIED8642-5678 ~.'!e.'!!. .... !.'.! ~~11..'!e.'!!. .... !.{!f ~h! ......... !Mf !'!!!P.f P!~!... ... t!P.!!.~.'!!m!.I!! "1::',_I 1 11 ~~~ .... !Mf ~ ... ~'!.!!!r.!!~ .. ~ .... ~ ... ~.!!!r.!!~ ....... ~~.~I.'!~ ...... Experienced Trect Loen , .... '31< month. 8e811m. 24 tO.IPd1 boft bltle. I Well CM>c;a, OM AeolMI~ Olk utl'io:'t pl•Y9f pleno, ...... .'!!! ......... t. 1ft 1111......... 1141 rw 1111 Officer, Mutt hive ••· gaiin MS. NMd Supv pit. mot old. Ike new 176 by COlonleJ, 1380/t>tt• "'• n I • • c . I 5 2 O 0 .• 71 Honda 7501( 13 000 • llTI il'llll ................................................................ .. pertlM in 'HAIVA pro· A$>Pt 957-8724 l44•420t, Hl·l136 olr. 761MOOl ""1-4112 ml. Kerker Mull 8111 L•111• • 1111 mz 1-. #1 W• .. ..., CIHlng. )(Int b•n•flt•. ' ! u -lf__,j. ·~ 1 t•"" bo ... 2 I ... ----· • ftl.a.••ent ottlol environ· Ill.II IUll ltttll Boy 1 Senwlnn Vll'tlty 10 Wetartord Cryllel Stem· • ..,, .. ,, ---"""o ,... • 3-. Car1, Truoke, vene l"· Anthracite w/dOve Int.. .. tr1111 .....,. ~t . C all l re c y Office Supply ~o. hu I/ 'Pd. 115 Xlnt cond. were (new) Alena Pat• "110• •••••••••••••• CHAIS'TMA8 SALi '74 Mor buy. NMO Prog, rlor. chrome •lloys. ---- 114/730-0871. tlm• position 1v11t. W/ 8.44 .... 670 t . r n . • ~I 5 0 e.. ..... IUP I &11ukl 400, 8 'Pd . lie. OAC. Ab. 0 tut• 1 y MI n t 11 UUI, .,.. treln. NIWPQf1 St1tloner1 Schwinn boys Sllngrey, 552·3UI Frank I• ... Tll off rd , greet cond l.ou WOiff 1164·8184 (1C8V340) -lUlm FIUIW Tll 111 Inc. 557·0212 Mr. l!m· red, 20" whHl1, M)( LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN ITIDT1 1300/obo. 031.0174 aft, ~ OVERSEAS DELIVERY work iind pley In Pelm mon1 hendleb1r1, ult cond 8CTS. New, 1110 UHd Mother ahort 01 cuh $ A•lfl W••W 1111 llUl-lllYllE EXPERTS Springs, Lu Vegu end S•IM 185. 551-47311. 1ng1n11, oera, track, '11 •Ill •111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Liii• relOf't .,... dlmonltrlt• FITNESS ORIENTED tran1lorm•r•. ICC .. IO· ne.d• tile 10 weteult lo w lng••Cltlngnewproduct. 10 distribute th• new C1•1t" I rlH , And Llonel •nd 1t.,tt1«8-yr.•oldaonott Dirt , oood cond E PAY 831·2040 495-4141 Trevat with chepe<onad EuropHn effort IHI L.J .. 1al "" Amerlc•n frtyer Treine In hie aurflno cer .. r 13151080. ~l-6113 I llll' Ill• ... group. t11n1port1t1on •••elM mechlne Com· •• ;:,:~"•••••••••••• from 1120't end 1830'•· ,... for Sent• to teeve Honda XL250, '73, very T P llWR 28402 MerCl'*lt• Pkwy 1------..;..--1 furnished, return gue· mllllon• 840•2420 Cenon AE1 , 50rNC:ro, ••1 ~S..432e under the 11•• Cell good cond. 1385/0BO Pll 1111 •••1 Mlllllon VlelO renteed. peld tr11n1ng · tube, room, wide enol•. • n • w • r • d t 5 7 8 . 845-0177 -""" (Avery EXlt off 1.-5) and high Ntnlng1. Musi Se!M-"Newt" llHh, Ilk• new. USO Heelth Club Single Mem· 842<4300. 24 hfl. · IUI Ill• Open &.ind•YI be well groomed end •n.MUll Ml-0380 befltllp lor ule. $ l50. 'It 1111& 11111 NITIAl/111111 stert lmmedletely For ......, 1 a• -· •••• L 0 1 C • b 111 •r 01 -•·~' Xlnl cond, weter cOOlld, 24eo H ......... n• .. d. ervtew call Me-3337 -.-. • C..r..,.,, --542·8024 aft 8PM "''-~'' Ill n Ive -""' "'" Int ' p 1 ' Neede people tor Or. •••• ••••••••••••••••• . .,,, ININ ,,,, 1 df · ,,.._ ...... ,. COSTA MESA 11 AM • 4 M. Uic or Cty Oood pay hnl ti. FULL LENGTH ••••••;(••••••••••••••• St500. ""'° ......v 14t .aeaa June Pr1dgen. nefiti & retlf.m.nt.' Wiii LETTER· 0 UAL IT Y RABBIT COAT, 1150 25" Color Console, new 1980 Suzuki JR 50. Pert ua -1 ... 1 Gu 1tetlon P.R .. $6-.$12 trlln. 11511--5955 PRINTER. 8'oth« EM·l or belt°'* "45-2896 pix tube, wtnt eeb. xlnt 11111 motorcycle. Gd -- rv ht, PIT. A.-'"' Julll perallel delay •heel SURFBOARD eond. lt50. 962-1523 cond. 1200. 831·3028 1---WI--.-.:....,---... UUI printer. u-IBM ribbon. .., 848-57111 P.R. PERSONS NEED· Xlnt condition. lnttrue· 8' Roekln Fig thruster, Brend new 19" RCA ColOf frlJHn ,,, .. , flff OWi •••• .UIUL .FFIOE ED .. I I I d I llon menuel. $800. greet condlllon, No TV. mutt taerlllce. Cfll •••••••"'•••••••••••••• """ • ... eg e • •n • 751-8408. dlnQI. 1140 Of beat ofter. 882-0722 • 12' Camper Shell, felr .. W.llAlfl No Experience Req. looking fOf • •-lntelll· ll<r·Hel or H0·2Hll. eond. M•k• offer. Call '"..,. Malle up to 111/hr start· gent, 1ttrect111e & elnoare u6c for Kirk IHll f ""'81 84S.3415 af1 8, UI( lor Ing pey. Full & Pett-time peraont 10 repreHnt ,,.,, N F•• lffl L.I 8111 Tllll ..... 1 We ne.d your trllcfe.lnl Call "' -our uMd c:er meneger, WOlfgeng Jun· nek, tor hlghelt blcll LMl IUll l•W S.,_.8ervtce-Laulng 3870 N. Cherry Ave. LONG BEACH (l14) 111-lllO potltlon• evall. In our them In their privet• ~b •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ;:,:'.f!l!!'!! ••••••••• 1--· -------- pub. 537·2880 KING chg In Nwpt Bch. Interview LIVllU UI ml 'ifi~~~: ,,..,'1 1111 AIN i.mn, 11111 IUllE °"""" '75 450 SEL, io.ded. Mu.t Gift w p NHded required. Cell fOf appt, 7 s rt 1 F Beeutlllll hand painted •••••••••••••••••••••• I.,,,,.,,., H• ILIEIT ••II, •Int. ll3,500. C~MEU CHEVIOLE'T ,._,_ 111' 1~ r H ' ' I' ; \ \I f · I ~4b-I 200 UIU 111 """ 1"8 Hwbof Blvd. COSTA MESA 11 ier · d•)'I, 10 AM · e PM. Atk weet, • eet onet• oeremlc horaa. 175. Ne-.... I Piil .a •••••••••••••••••••••• 754·1548 ;f~~J. F=~ I~:;:. Io r M r . H a I b e r g puppy Meda good home. tlvlty Ml 175. Smelf Mr. FOR SALE PAINT & Ille body WOfk, ~ 1---.-.--,-llWJ-----< N. B. S~L=RSON . Marine M2-0100 IM-1221 ~r~Z· .!r-:·~:;i~i2Lo~ 842-4644, M·F, 9.5 8ft1 ':..25%~·oo~el:'ir2;:1. .. MYll ""' '74 280 Hdln. Xlnt.1--,1-.-... ---,.-.. -- .... Weltte4 H11dw111, ••p•r pref. Fin/hln IHI Sm Santi CleuMt only AluR md.h~t, V11eo, Uk141C ~~~.~~~;:.fir.~~~~~~ Salea·Servloe-Leulng eo nd . Ev11/wkndt ECEGAN'T. mint cond. Hop.Sing'• now hiring •II Full time, beneflll. Den• •••••••••••••••••••••• se. M0-8709 -· Loul• 0 0 dera. oc ng A•ln ltr "'' 114'1, Audi'• 549•1514 Aaklna •2500 OBO. poeltlon•. Fluff end fold, Pt. 831-1333 **' BlJY** M comp. 1825. 548·8381 ••••••••••••••••••••.. Alk '"' U/C MGR ()("'1VCAR\IER ... .... ...... 7141M7-3-411 eount11-. Oatlvery drlllef. IHll .. _,_IUl•ll IMPORTANT NOTICE NJJ 2131434·1578 Pressers for hend Iron· GOO<I uMd Furniture & 10·spaed Schwinn vanity 1 ,.... TO READERS•AND -lllllM ft..llif(.'Xl:·~W 'It ltr"4n 111 I AllC IHI Ing Cell 111111'111 I.I, AppllancM-OR 1 will Mii glrla 24" 1100. Ping i.m11 IOll ADVERTISERS WUIWltD ~-""'"'"""'"' ""'" Auume 11111 OAC •••••••••••••••••••••• · 414_..044 Secre t11111 po1ltlon In "'SELL tor You Po nl t • b I• S 3 5 . •••••••••••••••••••••• The price of 1tem1 •d· 18711 Beach Blvd. ...,,,.,..,,,, .... , ... ,,,.. ,..,... 1475.55 •mo. PoweJ eun '72 Metador wgn, 1uto, eetlva Newport Center ......... -551-1 II MARINE ELECTRICIAN vertlMd by vehicle dNI• HUNTINGTON BEACH roof. Power Wlndo•t. e•· ale, pb, amell V8. u-""'11 R 11 ' Ill F t _,_. _,_ Oeelgn/lnitall/Repalr I .. _·--"''-le 11111 "·t l'l'-... _. .-...-.• a___. •• or• o q•. ron ......... ••• -•1 ATARI gllM eytt.,,,.l. Mint Olty WOtk. 541·2520 Ev .,. n t ... ,,_,... c • 142-a. -••• -Extra ,_, t.nk. Full eaah oolcl & run1 Ilk• new, -•• office po11tlon •require• _. _,.._. eond. 3 gem•• ,120. fled lld\111'1~ column• •••••••••••••••••••••• price $18,180 ~lua tax 1875/obo. 554-2071 u•nllll IUll ~~:o.t== "'01:: I "' num11 D•Y• 7 54-0528 ev• ..,,,, .,,,., ::=;~' IUH, 1:'!n:: WAITED! :.u: ~I~• 173-345, 9119 IUd HIO COfpor1t1 Office, N.B. pHrenee. Reel estate L11 157·8133 1157-1458 ._,...,., HJI tren1ler feH, lln1nc1 Late model Towotet. •••••••••••••••••••••• Good M1thematlc1I & 1 f b •• ::1:"'~•••••••••••• , Autometle trans .. •Ir '81 CentUfY Ltd, all pwr, Communleetlon Sklllt. eaper enc• help ul ut VICtOflen Spool bed, dbl, P9tlo tu<nlture, new, '"" Set .. 111• n1v1Qetlon unit, chergea. ,... for llr pol-Votvoa, Plckup1 & Vena. eond .. stereo radio with 1111 4111ll crulM, lie, wire whla, Lite typing required. not _,tl•I. Prefer local Walnut SlSOI beat olfw. In wrepplngt,J.•ltow & Shipmate R'S 5000 w/ lu11on control devlo• Call UI todeyl castette tape player & vln top $7000 tak Mutt b• dependable, rHldent. for Interview 75$-IOOl white w/umb< 11. S300 opt. heading Interface 1 eer11flcatlont or dealer mo<el (401318). 8*tc, ~tlful. elegant. ~ • 1 &45-~ • rHponslble, & 1111• cell Mrs. Duhl 551~7 yr old s1o50 (l3000 documentary preper•· llLY Sllll 35,000 rnllea. All ex1t•. PY"''· motfv11tad. • .... , L Tnltt 0.. IAlllS FllllTllE CHARMOLOW BBQ B'u· new). Plue $450 flux tlon chergH unlHI DHP•r•te·mull Hll. Cltllll• HI$ I. Ruiz 714•840•8950. RN1t0<1 \44-4110 Magnlllelent Louie XV lane, doub'I burner NII gete. c:ompeu Interface otherwlte apeelfled by TOTOTA·YOUO lllEll Ulll,llO 7141731-5115 .................... .. x147 Dining room Mt, velue Ignited $150. 551~7 opt. 873·1093 ttys. the lldYertlaef. """--••& 2600 HatbOf BIVd. TIE LUlllT $17,000, elklng $8,000 bd I c COSTA MESA • 1141 ... m! ...... 11 Hot• 111'1/ml oeo. 640-4910. fMther plllows elNned . ..,,.1 ""1 llfl lfll#/ ......... W.1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~.,, ... Miki• needed for reaort F1nanclal ln11911ment nrm Hnltlzed. New Down· ~··••••••••••••••••••• CMll#I 1111 ~ '46-tJeJ • u a. 01 '51 MGA REPLICA of late modal, low mite-........... ,...... 1 BEAUTIFUL 8' Henredon proof ticking lnel'd . 74 Californian, all fiber· •••••••••••••••••••••• .., .... ---...... .....,. ""' . ......,., n person at for educ:atOf't. ~nel BfNldront -8' mlf"rorad leM 10 /Ctt.vy E WI Ill "'"" """"' _,.,., ege Cedlllect In Sou· 34882 So COHI Hwy, • cornmunleallonl' dept. dining t ble I 8 ltellen 642-4870 eanien T--:eller, go~d * 11 llllO Ill * 645--8407 them Cellfomlel See Ut Capl'1feno Beech. ~:.J ~~.ty~~,!,~~ etlelrs. :.C,lb•t l3000 F'ull Fernlly Memberlhlp, running cond. 11795. Pv1 CLISEllTI ~~~~ ?~~ ~!~~~~~ 1M2 • todeyt JANITOR. PIT. For Set-exp. 1 must. Non·amkr complete. EV. 851·1138 John W1yn1 hnnla Party Call 847·5888 or nD IPPlllll.L. Wht, FlbergllH repllc1 11101 Sun. 7 am to 3:30 pm. ...._...., ,. ... 5., .. ,..,. .. " .. ~ ... lful ~ R .,_ Club. Book Value 12000, 53&-3008. "--'-."'-Liiio (Migl)·, VW Eng, Alpp1lnn41 llllLW 4000 Hllerl1 Wey, NB. Pf',.. .. ,.., • ...,_ ~. ,_,, m ~t. Sec:r1flce IOf 1150 whlctl 1111 llllll """'"-.,. Econom1 842-5861. Servers. 5 yrs ex per.. Rec:t, engulatl, delnu11 topd, lncludH trentfer ,... 24 ft SKIPJACK IPllll1'11 llPLllA OIOllLIT ~~:~~ ... euay. Fun s~; 2600 HatbOf Blvd. bet~ 3-5PM In per-w ornete Y 11 gna PI I et e C •I I 18211 BEACH BLVD COSTA MESA LEGAL SECRETARY· aon Bob Bumi Reatau· wroughl Iron 1191 end 714/821-1503 Twin Vofva. $15,000 The mOlt eleganl coupe . HUNTINGTON BEACH Ca 1. I 9 4 00. I e h 141-1111 Good typing & diet•· reni 37 Falhlon ltlend ehalrt (8). New 12500. 183-6477 ever built. (2018). Ul .... l IMI 1111 1_7_88.-4 __ 98_7 _____ -I phone llkllla, It SH. Pf'O-NB Apply In peraon ' Asking S800 obo. Dlyt 8' ... celllng fan w,14 tullp WU • Mf,llO ' • 0-J 1141 -.7-2-C-.-de_V_ll-le-.-l-m_m_a_c bel• & gen. Lew ••Pl' · 640-4910 Carol lllohta, "new" S100. Cl111lc 111· L1p1treke llW • 111,IOO :'r.'9··•••••••••••••••• Inside/ oul blue/ white Pf'el. for frlendty 3 men SeMce Station Attendent, Bunlcbad•/Ceptalns bed• 7 -Otee Century bey boat. 4 cyl. Top Dolar 1111 ....... Opelce SGtlckT 11111.e.,.suWJ, 19 top, toeded. Runs per- firm. wm1do aome reoapt PIT Evening Shift, 8 w matching dretHra. University Athletlc Club Grey.13500. 87$-.8181. 11•1 -• l _,_.. . """ f ti p 1 dutlea w prlm1ty MC,.. d•Y1.S5/hr.Must beex-&44·4 504, 752-2404 memb4'fahlp, ri. 1900, • -Pat'd HOU~ 552-8282-~.sloe r ce: neg. tarlal reap fOf Jr. uao-perlecnad 875-2278, Er-~.... NC 1700 8'W-4 "" ..... ID\.lll .._..... •••/F elate. Nwpt Center loe. nle ...,.,.. · · -FOf Your Cati 4 •....-trana .. "'"' M 1«Nif 1111 '76 Coupe de vllle wire 844-5292 NICE wellow 8' corduroy •T• IPl Produced by Shao --I•-stereo tape rieyer with •••••••••••••••••••••• wt!M11, excellent 'cond. Tl&OID , CoechbulldWa. (8802). -·-._ e .... tte tape .\ euatom ftllSTER LOW ON SKILLS/ HIGH eoueh, allghtly UHd Indoor/outdoor ... per-.... 111,111 u............ wi-1•. (965YNE). •1800· 546-5511 ON MOTIVATION. If you Compu1er end/or Word S 100. New furniture -son, eomp. w/blenket, ~ y ••• .78 c c can type, clean, pr•H. Proeeealns. Min Selery, plctur• -temps, dining vac. cover. St800. •• -110,llO Ca.~:2~bOfS:.s63o ML ... 11 NllOIE/1111 :rsrN~Yvnrs drive, & went to grow $11/hr. ontect Paul couch, Ht • •II betow Piil TllU llllDI UNU IO 13831 Hwbor Blvd. Pvi pt·i. 1433-i1ee with our Co. Contact Snyder. 714/9711--1155 wholes•I• COit. Mu1t '4X8' Int cond eek & 1111 -. l HIGHEST CASH Im m•· 2600 Hwbof Blvd. Gwden GrOYe Lyrvutt5onlyl57·2500. llU.-i UUS ullt Cell •It 5PM euei.x wltlffen/1emp 11.,..., .._.., ---• dletety '"'your Vlhlell, COSTA MESA .........,.. Cuun Hl1 CM non·amkr• only. we wltl train. No expert-646-3375 ul! '"'Linde l1l50. 1164-8170 8 cyl With 270 outdrlve ...rs~ domeatle or fore ign 14f.1llO •••••••••••••••••••••• enoa ~· EV9nlng Plaid 92 .. IOI• a15• Com· Full eenopy and boet Y• ... thl one with• Jump 551-8285 ~ '80 Z28, 350 ~ auto, ......... W..W work. Very •HY Hll. pl. Mt golf c:lube, lthr baG ,._,,.,..., cover. Twin fuel tank• IMtl (t042). '81 280ZX. muat Mii 714 111-2111 AM/FM cua.. c. ••- Fat>uloul WOftllng concfl. Guerentlld tl0Ur1y wage $95. 4 end tablet, LIKE flu'*' Ml with trailer, ••Int cond. WU • 111,111 w•ll9RI $9500 tr•. Xlnt cond. 871< ml. Ilona. No exper nee. We + t>Onua plen Call Mr. NEW 5-pc dining rm NI •••••••••••••••••••••• Sell or trade. 9ee-8324 llW • 11,111 -•5 8511--1305 '80111 TatgL P«rol btue. 15100. 541-7961 train, we ac:hool. CIRCUS Spencer 154-&o1 . 1195 11 e f freezer W\J elk fOf Oennll. .~2-0100 ~!200122'1 '73 .. _._,A 210. ••ust "-'I All optlon1, low blue -._,_. --M.AXIMUS. 719 No. Hat· . $175.· CoffM. 'teblet, 2. HELPlll I___.. 3 ~ ~e .. ,... ..,... .,..,_, '"' ~ ....._.. 124 """' Wll -~ --,_, '" .. _ IHll I AM/FM Stereo, $1500 ...,.,... ,..,.,, .......... •••••••••••••••••••••• bof, FuMerton. 87().6112 Tow truck drivers. PIT. MM133 FOSTORIA NAVARRE -.~.......... 780-0445 alder par1111 tr8CM. Prlv •IH! n flUTl Apply bet--. 12 and 5 AM exper., bt1ng 1 OMV Wine Goblet1. Wiii pay .,._.... ,.,, pty M2·1384 ~ PM. Mon-Set. s.. Kelly print-out. 300 E. 17th St, Guy Cheddoek custom up to 125 • piece. •••••••••••••••••••••• A•"' ••rtN ltnlll 1113 We h111e • aood Mlee-CM made rect. din. rm tlbll, Celt $48-7384 dl)'I hrlttmet Bolt Parede, ..... '1 ... .,-.-................................. Ptnellt 111• 111 ... tlon of NEW & USED •W 111111 2 lvH, French walnut "'"42·1885...,.. Newport Herbor. Dao ,,,,.,'1 1111 --lllln'I ~ red, custom pelnt, c:Mwot.ul Cell meke S13 -118/ht Typing. 4CMIO wpm, Pfel... finish, $1000. Dye \J\/V 17th lhru 23rd. Relph •••••••••••••••••••••• ell meehanleal, proff. atlrllng pey. Full/Pert· u nt, nHt, entry level 548-34-41; ew 78().1801 Huffman 837·7008 1111 11000 •I lltmlDI maintained tine• total time ev•ll In our pub. position , nago11eble SOF RESERVE NOWI 80' TINll 17111 FE1•••1 ovwheul 1178. Ful ~ COMMKL CHEVAOLE'T Cell 1od1y for eppt. wegea. Send Hand writ· A • Hlghbeek, Mrth-1111 lllP l '53 Studebaker Chemplon IUlft a d br I I'd SM to 537•2880 KING......., ten r11um1 to: Leurle tonea. 7 ft. long. Moving Ill.., Tll Schooner. Christ mu 5 pau cpe. Nie• eu. Avelleble 11 local gov't NII 11111'1 n ea! ns 5 'ooo Cell -... LH, P. O. Box 272. IOfCll aale. 1140. Even-_ ~•rede, Wh~;ch. 13750. 213/592-1712 MJea. Your eall refund· =-wee':' 1 1&' 12' AM .~ ... ,. • I , · 1. r r• ' ' ; \ \l ~ ' I IElllAL Huntington Beech, CA Ing•. 6 7 3 • 18 5 7 or ••-•• .ni., 9'o. •--~ ..... •--..a-..a able. 1(312) 131·5337, Wkd&. 540-0887 Exp 8eci< Office. P/l or 92648 499~166 Mother short ol oHh IHll lall "" --ext 2231B for your di· 1-....;.:;~;..;..:....:..;;.;._ __ -l-==:=:=:::::::::=::::::::::::;::::=:===::::::::::=- f /T If type. Nr Hoeg. DRESSER needs llL• 10 .-.ult lo •••••'•••••••••••••••• 1148 Ford Woody WI· rlC1ory on how 10 pur-'69112 Tatge. mln1 cond., 1111 ...n Hb-1 200 lMS-5073 WllUIUSE Mr-.lergemlrror •tatther&-yr.-olcleonoff S•bo'1w/Nlt & oen. Exll gon,1 13.ooo. eti .... 24hfl. aJloVl,$tl,OOO. llYIUll Wlm No Experience Req. 155. E11enlng1, 873-1857 In hit iurflng oereer. cona, nu P•lnt, Moving 780-8582 Fect.rvv air cond., auto- .-TTUllUS Pert/time poaltlont. High Income. Call Mr. Cepo- blanoO, 984-8111. 1-----=-----1 NMd for Sent• to IMve mu1t ult. 1350 obo 1129 Ford Model A Town Al/1 ..... 1111 _, Make up to 112/hr start· DESK & CHAIR, $120 under the tree. Ce ll 882-3t08 •'1 5pm. Atk S • d • n' I 10 .0 0 0 . •••••••••••••••••••••• '76.!,!"-MlllYer lllf1fh/L~ dmetlc tren,s.. pwr, win·! Ing r•ri· Full/Perl-time Greet Condition. S-drwr • n 1 w e r a d # 5 7 8 , fOf Jo 87M181. IJAll l 1112 5 ...,.... oon roo ' -o w a m o r 1 evet . n our pub. Call Evening. 873-1857 842~. 24 tin. -. I •••a -1 ...... .,,., 11·•111 e11•arso •. Lei~ .."7!.W..~nd . (1DM8443). toct•y f"' appt. 531.2eeo • IHll IU 4 .,.HI llrlrn IH _,,. -.,._ .. ,,. -•• v .....,...., MLY 11111 KING chg Cr1b/youth bad.,_ mett, • ..!a... "II lf·•f u•••••••••••••••••••• Mmi..E ...................... •·" ~ 11•~ ••--• 1·••• a• S bumper pada & mobll• ull'1 •••-•••••••••••••••••I•'• '75 Chw"/ !Meffr. Ifft kit, 1271 Attn: Sental 1975. rad Flat ..u •••• ·'·••• •••••••••••-•• - -LU.. WEUER toy $100. M2·28M ._......_ __ ,, -e big tlrll AM/FM CHI Sp...t-. New top, tip top 2900 Harbor BNd. No ... ,,_ " OAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: -200 • .:. .. '""78 • ,.,,.,,. *1 DE·LER IN us A COSTA MES"' Experienced people Muat Mii full Couenea, •••••••••••••••••••••• Newpof18eac:h:25'.28'. -,.,............, &.58f4:taxpermonth eng .. S2,915 OBO. " . . . " make up to $17/hr. Full/ chalre, tablea, l1mp1, C ZILllll 1 S ll.uDT 30'. 35'. 40',.& 45'. Cell '78 GMC SutM'ben 4 x 4. for 4 months on •P· 55t·1850 lf1 lpm. ()("'1VCAR\IER IMl-11H perMlme polltlont evell plctur•. bedl. dr...... ymb• a. ner• rum, 942.4944 tr om 9-5, Spectat wflMI• & tlrN. proved or edit. Cap .... 11n NJJ· '12....., a I* UPUIEICE In our pub. Celt today '"' & much muon mar-. Beat • t I new I or S 1 SO . Mon-Fri. Exit 1ppeerance. Good e o • t -I 1 2 • 1 0 O. O O : •••••••••••••••••••••• °"""" r c ~ 1pp1. 537·2880 KING °'* tak•. 5~1n 847-3-491 LIPS AVAIL Huntington cond. CB. CHI, rHr r111dual-14872.00; total --llltm1 NJLL.J"N...Jl~J. Alloy whMlr, 4 •Pied . o. c. Merketlng Firm chg J~I-#II llllff hnlhln I H• r bou r Bay, D 1 ..... tube bmpr. 15500. 0~1~;r1~:1~t'~111!i We can helpl BefOfl you ~':~~_:~· ~~:1~~'~ar~g~1t..,:.1 ~:: now ':~ tor I~ .:.-.-;-:'••••••••••••••• ._1 __ 1 Ml 840-5545. Me-7711e, 8-1 84().1291 month payment & Ileen· buy, check OIK unbeet-°'9f a..An 1w 000 ml Werranty. $7,250. l*'Y • ~ ....... F ,,_,jWJ,. Gold dlemond & pHrl •• ::1:"'.lltte.•••••••••• P M , 8 4 O -4 O 9 7 . '71 OMC ~ ton Pickup. M ) • 1548.87. (158117). Ible Mleetlon, 1avlngt 213-417·5383 Immediate ....-m._. Ult ...................... women'• ring , 1425/ 9f 111111 11 714/M0-7875 Pi a , p/brekat, 1uto, See Id NOWI and~ todeyl '58 Rolls Royce B«lt .. y 714-833-0817 benefit• '"' b<lght, hard b•'--"'5 beat off«. 759-8001 MOit Brenda.. Sealftce Saddle tenk•. V8, 17,000 •m?••• l•PllTS lllYDllTY S1, xlnt cond. 118,500. -· woncera. Career & aome ••• ";1.";••••••••••••••• ...... 7 · m1 S4650 581-8344 ~ 11533-4242 ...._ -s Part-time. Golden Olk rotl top deek. Emeralds, RublH , Sa· .--033 • . 848 Dove Street 111.D I --:';';"A': ............... . late 1800't . One of 1 phtr•. ete. et wholt .... Brand new exee dHk, l'ndl 1111 NEWPOfU BEACH 2150 HerbOf Blvd. I.Mn nl '10 Ctlalllngar 8 cyl 551< $~~R i~po kind. 11815, optlonal. price• or belowl muat sacrifice . Cell CHOICENEWPOAT •••••••••••••••••••••• 111... COS'TA MESA •••••••••••••••••••••• ml, xtra eng & tran• Swlwl eh•lr. S250 del. 840-teae M2-0722 80• Moortng wlboet. 1174 Chevrolet v. ton 18-ll40 ~Leeelng oornpl. l2200. 541-5511 5411--3152. ._,,,_ ••1 111500 848-4006 eamper Spee1e1 plet(up. A8'1 1111 UN' p• .,-J ~• =-:::::I, 1 1 OFFICE CHAIRS reellnlng. ' ' AK conditioning. AM/FM •••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Accord lX meroon --,... '~ c.11 '"'Appl. Sun-Wed. _j-11.a-""Table ·sew 10:.·~;;.· Mete I $45. On• UP · ,, ,..,... "" atlf90 ceaeett• & ehatpl .. WI .... ,... low mllMQI eutom1t1o' ·····&i·a-.;;.·;.:.;···· 7t4-1&4-5354 ~--........... Never UHd. $250 dal: holatered 01k $85 ...... i ..... <11......... Aaklng 13400/or b .. t 29,000 mllel, Mly loaded 14250. 557..,e100 · U1·1141 -... ssoci. · FIT II HAR80R AREA Prtv Ptr 549-3152 887-3931 DRY STORAGE otter. Prl. pty. C ell sunroof, gd cond. Like ' ,...,. n1 540-1471 Office parson. , ta APPLIANCE SERVICE Oftter Oak office dHk, 645-6174. If no an-. new. S 13,400 OBO. 80 HONDA 250XL runs • .01.;.e.•••••••••••••••1·,--------blck'g, typing, ftllng. Muat We Mii rec:ond guer ~I ,_ t t Ch I t lft Monthly bolt storage, pllMa keep trying. 8 4 8 • II 2 1 1 e v •a , Kint. MUST SELLI 1725. '11 Corolle, xlnt cond. 82 Ford Country Squire. 9 h•v• Pfumblng olflee eppllenoea. ~9-3077 •••••••••••••••••••••• pe r ec r • m•• g .,... al:le, 24 hr MQ.lrl"', Toyote ·1•. •M/FM Ste-957 ..... •4 d-. 548·7174 S5400. Muet .... p11Mnger Stellon W•· work Hperlenee. Cell Antiq u e mehogln" $100. I.erg• Polodex -·• ., v " ....... -·-c 1 t 1 P ." a-u-' w/1000 oerda 115 frMlau= reo e•u•tte. Smell , '78 CMc. Sun roof. New 842-t573 oon. ru H con ro • Hogen lumblng It I 11rr..-• ceblnet-$75; bathroom · •W ... e•~•r ahell 1 2175 75 Audi Fox. Need• Nttle clutch reblt tr...., brka 5 Stereo-euMtt•. Many 881~82 L• 957-8133 "ITllll'b'I type" II!* In 1 887-3938 · wont. 11000 Of belt of· ' .,..-. flll'nrMM 177f .. trat. 11,000 ml, Like ---------1 . ..=:_ ___ ..::..:.....:..:.:::.1 door & 2 drawer c:eblnet IBM COfrecllng Selectrlc 1111 .... .., Ir• 87 18 fer. 857-4187 •Pd stereo. Mutt Hll •••••••.,."•••••••••• ,_, 111 250. e.w-7408 OIL COMPANY W~..:..°!!!'_11131005 ... plu1 matching 2 door 11. Under Hr'lllc• con· ..,._..ti We're # 1 In the W•I S2900. VW Bug •n . Gr••I llttte 1----·----- 0PENINGS ..... ~:".=-...... ...... wall ceblnet & "merble treci. 1780. 548-40IO for Hew l uud JHp '74 100 LS, eunrool coup. 875-15e5. 875-7424 car but nHd• iome ..__ Hll Offlhore riga. No •XJ>ll' .._. • .,.. -"" ..,..,.....,._ type" wall Shelf, ell tor s ..... Thlt•'• 1 Ree10f1 Very c:lelln local oer. New •74 C'ICC, auto, w/nu work. 1100. 1811-8128 ~··•:"'-'•• .......... .. nee. SU rt tmmed. REFRIGERATOR 1 100; tempered glue 1111 MT RV •~ BOAT . Price & Selec11on. 11, radio. 111150. 87Mtoe eng., 11800 anytime H Mercury Monterey. 135.ooo+ • yr. For Info Uk• new. troet ,,... ahower dOOfl, 1111• ,_I ~·,;r;.:::~······· ·s mtAGE 000.000 lnvenlOfY. ,.,, 1111 Of btt ofr. 842·9948 CLEAN ·~ vw. enrf, AM/ Rune~.~ 080 call (312) 120·1384 Ext ll55. 893-8080 only I SO tor both. Cal "'l<C Ch bl d 1 • DRY T •••••••••••••••••••••• FM 11795 22398 F• 8-42-0138. '5o.o435' 00 nH, , 4~5058 • lfll Pan time, llm9QfatY, neat Firewood-Sett plet(-up • -llU.... .. ,., ..... )J.ange .,..., ,,.,_ iml.Jmin ''-~!! .......... !!.~ .. !!!9 ............. . appeerence. good per· 111~ cord .. H DWARF BUNNIES! Show/ Wet Boal ....,. Coast -~-a..I' 'II .. m.. '11 Ullll 1• ... aoneltty, 1n 91ore demon· 587 Bouqu.1t of 30 Hel!Um rta. Many colors. aVlllllll* alto. -o SelM-~~ 1mmeo. SMOO/obo. Wiii Good cond. 11800. Cell mt• ttraton. 15/hr. Newpof1 Norge heavy duty.--. ~ p~11f:'... 16·30. Wiii hold 1111 • lllA ~-·· CGlta•U Tll a.rm 11U cone. trade. 842-1384 bttt. 8AM I 7PM Mon 41plldtrw.l •ttereo e.oti.DemoeUnllmtted. dryer. 1276 Herveet oceHoni 0 •Y•· Chrtetmea.4f6.4807 ••--•--mo s.t.an 111••~111• ... ,_ttvu __ F_r1_._l44-«>2 ___ 1 ___ 1 redlo with CHHtt•. 822·2412 Ookl. 5'4&-e448 Dellorad •nytlme. -·-•-'10 Detaun P.U .. camper ..,.._ AM 11'4•; _:;=..==:;:;;;:-;:;;;;:;;;;---t--;;.-;;;::;;:;;--..u;---1_!87~3-4-4~~1~1~----At<C Coe*• Spenlel pup--...... ..,, • • h • 11 ' e. r p. t k 11 llft ...... ...................... 71 vw Con\' • ..,,..,blade, (S42VZA). pllf Tm .. .... ... IMne Colet CounUy CIUb :=...8'i~71~1in:'12C:. 111-1111 l900/0BO. 842-6341 A HANDFUL OF 1182 '72 Ghia ~Ible, litre 38,000 mll11. Perlecit ., 11111 E11e1 ertd/or weellendt. Cell Gary, 5411--73" Memberahlp tor H ie. l40-Sl30 MODELS REMAIN AT nice, very lo m._ ...,_, oond. l5500, t7&-IOM. .... llP l M Reaponelb'I adults, OVlf II.It. ITlft.. 11600/offer. 875-8e51 or ,,..,_,.,,. '72 CNvy L.uv PU. Good SUBSTANTIAL SAV· Beat oft. 654-1162 Men you can he¥e lt1 2tOO ...,_ IMI, 21, with OUUtendlng •t· H• ..... UMd, $49-7388 811/~722 .... .... • .... ~ ............. ~lo ml. 49&-3270 ~I .... n ••nw .... COSTA MESA trectlve per90nelltlea to v •1 Wond« llttet. 8 pvp1 • ....u.I ... 1141 . * 75 5301; auto., IUn •••••••••••••••••••••• 'IS vw. •unroof, alnt ... 1. work with youth (agH 1-1 Waml .. Voice actlveted Phone Both pwent• •• "ome. ...................... '11 ....... 'GO!· (10VK310) ii se Ii oond. a. to epptecllllel i---------10-14). Cell 2-SPM, Cell n~ &49--7388 Mate tape machine. Top lmporll. Wlln«au ame lla Alva 80, brlnd A/ 390 PS PV * 71 320t, •uto., 1un 11450/obo. M 2-4a74 '11 mf• ... 842·4321, .. 1. 341. _,, 8usler nlOe. A9ta111 '200. lreedtng. Sire Soll a new. 1700. Ctttt • ' ' ' root. (7008) MOO frtAM e.o.E. 14 ou n refl"lgefetor. ,_ 83• •1k1t7'11 fl rm I 7 5 . ~~Dern llend ....,._. f73-12'17 aft 7PM oma wheall, big tlfle. * '7t 320!; 4 19CS .. ~ ·n vw, rebft ~ .-t, bb d • e ft bed, 41,000 ml, elf ,__., (t•2!1l a t nt cond ••oo •1 Cle....,.ld,""" Od. Plant o.. ru •r eroun door ..._ Mettin, OtMt '78 PUCH mul lllXI lhoelt1, relNd. camper ""'~ 20 • "" · naedl body wen. Interior Land101plng. 1125. 887-3931 CARS 11001 TAUCK8 1emperement. °""°'1un-moped. 1 200 obo. anell, In nu• cond. * · 3 I: eulo .. sun t71-1616, 941-t71I Ml-0100 tll-1U1 ExJ* H .. pful. but not Mull Mii full Coldapot 1751 0Avall1ble 11 loc•I lty to obtain the belt. 173-41329 or 875-1788. M,MOIOflO. M1·2212 roof. <:1111 'IO VW vanagon, Hit f! Hh nee. Muat ,..,,.g ood trwzerl 76 fWrtQ.1100 ~ov t a e lea. Cell l600s*I. Prtvate Plt1y. D 1 oond, 4 epd,.., ... ,.,,rm•-W• drMng rwoord. 751.n5e Whlr~oolldryer 115 .~ r efundable) 1 (312) 831-1283 103 8P Peuoeot, rune H .• • 1 Ford IOf1Q bed 1 209 w . 1•. lent• AN HI 111 '1 "°°° obo. tM-4122 ••••••••••••••••:.~ 117" bot .. n E ...__.._1 31-6337 eat 22398 for well. 1280. ton. wlutll. bed I reokl, CIOMd lundey H>I '°"' · '17 ~. 4 df, W. -·-... .. ........ ..---OOLO!N MTNIVEA8 112·73" d u•I Whl•. duel lu•I ..aTNAllA Mu•• .... '73 vw Van. """''· leet"9r ..... • •• n..1.. dryer SHH or 1 178 yourdlteetoryonnowto PUPS -At<C aae>o t " t / 1 CHOICllNVEN'TORY ' GoodCION.Newbi'IQa. 11,000 ml t S300. Opwetor for mixing r ... both a.at otter t•k•a purchaM. 24 tn. Born 10.28 ...._1040 ..,.,,,.,.,; 1'f1 .~0~ ~~ie::·0~:; v~UME SAUi •II I --. trw and,....., .... ,, • .-. :·or~..:~~ 6sM177 . BEAUTIFUL Mink coat, Cock "*1 ~ I wlcl, ....... llU pymte. 845-MM Ill'!.. -- -... flM. ::::' ml on MW ..... ,,,, 1637 Monr0¥te. Newport "'-I# ... :n::.!! ~~ AKC, luff, ctllrrip 81red, ~;;·~~;:::~kj•M~~h·r~ '74 Ford Courllf, good ~ . Nmllft '""· 141 ~ imi ........ ••••••••• 8oh :::1: ............ r.;.-;: R. 1 1180. t4&413t ,ltlow Ouel~~ ... = 600. New q . I. dWllb-eond. ~ Mii lmf'ned, I I I I t L 1111 •••.CCI a llUlll • 71 l uper '"''•· Sun ·::::;:11~~~~/.._':,~~ MAL ESTATE Schwinn t>ttach crul..,, WW 11• -e r 1 , t 5 O O I o b o . 11200/off. MM114 ..........., Need 1 •"9-m•••lllO blue nlell•I Mink 8trotlef. Ooroeou• c a I I • f I e r 7 p M. 841 4te0 M2·804t -'10 fUC7, ale. IOUYIFI, ""'· ..... bit .... new 71, Alll for ,__, ~ 1n aOfJt-::"Ott:' ;:rrJa~" or ;:~r~~ V':.~: ;~'::~· 7t1-'"' •11 can-~m 2socc din l.¥.t ............ Mff , .. ••,., '74 ::::.::~::':Ji r,~~e::":1~~·~;.""9: =~? =· =--~~ · •lnt.12400.MMlto' tlf!tJ!/..flrfr..l!!f bit!•~ cond, mu.t MG:c.•~~~':,~:; '"'~;,.:;;:u" moo.•1 .. n lt?M.1411111 . 141 460-- .,.... Inn. .. tlT llU I tfadl tape pe.yw llO. N9W atudlo UprtgM, W• .... · l 11-140e --.. tflM Md reOlllt. (11•)1• •• llQO. '74 MA "*'r· !'UM '71 VW llua C.... ~ ... ~ oouclt!Of• .... •111..,.... ~NO. New ~ nut , wl benc" Aalllng ·11 Va1nah• XS 1100, '"· to 000 IN on new •= Ji''· tootle f&l!s..."d' w. Gooct l ftl) Titel. Tiw fMt•t drew In "'-lft ~~:ro;rt I U Oh, 1112 Qwte It. O.M. bow lhoe lllet•, Ike •t100. wlll flnenoe . drW kit, lo ml, IHOO or mtr. i:nOO OIO Opelt --"°"·Ill-TIU lift Mllll .... lllOO ....... Weet. .• 1 Deity Piiot 1W 1 M1.o3GI I~ 921. 7S..1111 942.oa41 .,_.for .uto, 4M-771M .... M3S Seti 1dHI 1191'1'1• M2·5e71 ..._.... Cbulflld Ad • ..._1111. ·~ I J THI DRAllil CIAIT CUil lllllll TUESDAY. DECEMBER 14, 1982 on ANGE COUNT y C AL If OHNIA 2':J Cl:.NTS English teachers · give ielecourse failing grade By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<tMDelr .......... Full-time Engliah teachers at Orange Coast College overwhelmingly have urged that. "Writing for a Reason," a television courae offered through sister school Coastline College, no longer be accepted as aatiafying buic English requirements at Orange Coast. The English teachers' recommendation will be presented to Orange Coast's campus-wide curriculum . I committee, which will decide whether they should be Implemented. The instructors' action is the latest wrinkle In a continuing debate concerning the qUality of Coastline telecouraea and whether they are equivalent to traditional claaaroom instruction. Last ·~· 67 instructors at Orange t and Golden West colleges signed a letter critical of telecouraea. (Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline are Gene ros ity without a name ~l .part of the Coast Communily (;;()Ueje Dlalrict..) The spring letter prompted an lnveatlgalion by the California State Unlveraltr. system, concerning whether at.a four-year achoola should continue to accept telecounes for transfer credit. A preliminary report. on the probe la expected in January. Last month, the Cal State system'• English Council, made up of English department chairmen and writ.Ing program supervisors, urged that the Newport Beach fireman Dave Mais and paramedic Mark Walker display some o r the gilts that an unkno wn couple dropped o ff for the T oys for Tots holiday d rive. The couple drove up to the fire station in a Rolls-Royce, set the gifts on the cur b and d rove off. ;Support mounting· jf or Bergeson bid Democrat.a and Republicans in ·political and buaine8a circles have • jwnped on a campaign that could result in Auemblywoman Marian Bergeson. R-Newport Beach, seeking a at.ate Senate · aeat. . Berge!lon, re-elected to a third assembly term last month, is considering a run at a coast.al state Senate seat whose boundaries are still subject to the reapportiorunent. prooeas. A.89emblyman Nolan Friz:zelle, R -Huntington Beach, and outgoing state Sen . John Toro inmate fl'ees facility An inmate at a minimum eecwity detention facility in El Toro slipped away from guards early this morning when he wu on a w ork crew outside the gates, Orange County Sheriff's Department officials aaid. :Aonald Joeepb Norton, 30, who _... jailed last October foe falling to appear in court on a drunken driving char1e, walked away f rom the Jamee A. Mualck Flldllty between 6:30 and 7:4~ a.m .• said Stt: Lynn N!hrinl· Schmitz, R-Corona del Mar, al8o have expressed interest in the Senate seat, which would be filled in 1984. Bergeson supporters have announced endorsements from Rep. Robert. Badh.am. R-Newport. Beach; st.ate Sen. John Seymour, R-Anaheim and Orange County supervisors Thomas Riley, Bruce Nestande and Harriett Wieder. Two former Democratic assemblymen, Dennis Mangen and Ron Cordova, also have indicated support for a Berge10n-for-Senate campalgn. I n b u s i n e s s c l r c l· e s , endoraements have come from Walt.er Gerkin, board chairman of Pacific Mutual Life Insuranc:e Co. and a Democrat; J.R. Flour, board chairman of the Flour Corp., Tom Nielsen, soon-to-be president of the Irvine Company, and Carl Karcher, president of Carl Karcher Enterpri8ea. Support a1ao baa come from council members in Newport Beach, Irvine and San Juan Capiltrano. :Bergeson said she has not committed herself to a Senate bid. Al9emblyman Frizzelle said he may decide to run but that it la too early to make a dedlion. Schmitz, defeated laat •Prine ln an U.S. Senate bid, said if he ran he could run as the incumbent. .,___---lllDEI-~---. At Your Service F.rma Dombeck BuUettn Board Cava.&c.de 0.-fJed Comics Cro.word Dnth Notices Editorial .. ter1alnment. Hore.cope Ann Landen A8 Movies ~ B2 Mutual Funds B4 A4 National NeW11 A3 B2 • A6,A8,C3·4,C6 C5 Sport.1 Cl-4 B7 Stock Markeia B5 B7 Televillion B8 C6 Theaters B6 AlO W•ther A2 86 World Newt A3 82 Public Notices 82 .U,A8,C3-4,C6 ' "Writing tor a Reason" telecouaie no lonaer be accepted as accepted for lranafer credit The vote by Oranae Coast College t.eachera was tAken last week during an Engllah departnw:nt. meeting. The reeolution urged: -"Writing for a Reaaon" no longer be lilted in Orange Coast College's echedule of claues. -"Writing for a Reaaon" no longer be accepted u satisfying the English 100 prerequiaite for Orange Coast College English courses requiring such a prerequiait.e. - -"Writing for a Reuon" no longer sallafy the Engliah 100 requirement for graduation from Orange Cout. The ret10lution was aupported by 33 teachers. Two were oppoeed and two abatained. Prof. Michael Finnegan, an Orange Coast Englilh teacher who was one of the authors of the spring telecourae letter, said the.e vot.e tot.al4 represent all full-time Engl11h teachers at the Coata Mm camp.11. • He aaJd voie. were taken aft.er inatructora studied a chart. comparina bu1c Enal.Lah counes at Golden Weat, Orange and Oran~Coaat with Coaalline'a "Wri for a Reaaon." The c pointl to Coutline's lack of an blglith departmen t courae review committee (althouah Coastline does have a collefe -wlde curriculu m comm ttee), th e absence at (See ENGLISH, Pa1e AZ) I Time-share condo plan change asked· It's been a year since the st.ate Coastal Commisaion approved a time-ahare condominium project in north Laguna Beach where an aging 16-room mot.el now at.ands. Now the own er w an ts to change the game plan for his project at the Laguna Beach Motor Inn, 1575 North Coast Highway. .E. V. Nixon of Utah received oommiMion approval to demollah the dilapidated motor inn and construct a 37 -unit time-share condominium in it.a place. As a condition to that approval, the commisaion required that 16 of the units be aet aside strictly foe motel uae, leaving the owner with 21 unit.a to eell in weekly or biweekly segments. A represeQtative of the owner told Laguna Beach Qty Council mem bers last week that the coastal commission, at the owner's request., is now considering optiona to leaving 16 unit. for mot.el uae. One 'option would be for the owner to conatruct a 40-bed host.el in the Aliso Viejo greenbelt now in the planning stage by Orange Co u n t y government and the Coaatal CoNervancy. The facility would cost about $620,000. 'I1le owner would be required to provid~ b u s transportation to and from Laauna Beech for ho9tel sue-ta. Coast.al commi11ion olficiab say they like that idea and will recommend approyal next month. A commillion staff condition. however, would require the owner to keep 16 of the time- share unitl for motel uae until the hostel is built. That could be several years. A second option brou ght fo r ward by the owner's.,. (See CONDO, Pa1e AZ) On of re reactor shut For the fourth time since low power testing bepn in July on Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclee.r Generating Station, the l'ftlCtol' hH been shut down due to malfunction. Southern California Edison Co. officiala said the l,100-rnegawatt, reactor was cloeed down Sunday after technicians discovered leaking seals in at least one of four pump. A signal from a heat sensor lnalde the reactor pressure vesael -the metal bottle that contains the nuclear core -caw.eel the unit to cea1e operatin g aut.om.tJcally. Edi1on 1poke1man David Barron said the reactor will be ahut. down for two or t hree weeka while the seals, which leaked radioactive water, are repelred. • The water that leaked from the IMla caw.eel no threat to the environmen t or atmosphere, (See ONOFRE, Pa1e AZ) Park sculptures Laguna • seen in S&oryudpMtos by STEVE MITCBEU. o< .. u.., ....... The metal aculpture depicts a man in Hawaiian shirt and shorts, sitting in a lawn ~hair pzing at the reclining figure of a redhead in a one--pieoe bathing suit. The $5,000 work, created by Hollywood sculptor Leonard Gia.er, wu inatalled last week by city crewa in Nita Carman Park near Laguna Beach Hlgh School. Mon ey tor th e two-piece aculpture was provided by E. Day Cannan, 80l1 of the park's n a m e1ake. The city A r t s Commiaaion orpnlzed aelection of the wlnn1ng aculpture. Nita Carman WM the unofficial h09tem of Llpna 8-ch in the decadee apumlnc the 1930s unUl her death in the em"ly 1970.. Her .,.. wanted the llD811 park to be more li8nificant than jult a piece of lanc1, ., he offered to pelt up the tab for a aculpture. Arts commiuionera Monday said they plan to hold tome form of unveillna ceremony for the new aculptures, probably during the third week in January. The unvell.ing will be held in conjunction with an awarda ceremony for commi81ionen and artiata In Lag u na Beach , according to George Fowler, the city'• director of recreation. How are city officialB reacting to the art.work? Two ranking city department headl, who didn 't want to be iden tified, are decidedly not excited by Glamer'• woek. "My wife d idn't even like it," one said. As for othen in Q ty Hall? Moel aaid they didn't even know the .culpture had been inltalled at the perk. "N o ki d ding?" aaid Councilwoman Sally Bellerue. urn have to walk down and take a look at it." One thlnl ia comfortinC about the ...Wptuna. The aeldom-u.d park will have a t leaat tw o permanent villton. u.., ............... Scalpturea at Nita Qarman Park in Lapana Beach are drawlD1mixe4 reaetloa. Seated man watehee reellnhls flpre In untitled work. ·' I * Orange Co1tt DAILY PILOT /Tueaday, December 14, 1812 ~\ Trash transfer ~· Continued stories station praised ENGLISH TELECOURSE. • • CbastJlne of a placcnwnt exam that must be completed before a student can enroll lo English 100. and the h igher number of English students assigned to each te~her in the Coastllnc course. Orange Coast presiden t Bernard Luskin, reacling to the instructors' action, said: "I'm always Interested and anxious to receive feedback from faculty members and will liste n and review it carefully." Luskin is a former Coastline president. Coastline spok esma n Jack Chappell, however, was critical of the English instructors for a ttac king the structure and teaching techniques involved in t h e telecou r se with o u t J)\sidering whe ther they tueve Instructional goals. ONDO PLAN. r~ntative would be for the' o er to pay Laguna Beach up to $8,000 for each of the 16 units f use In providing affordable hQVSing in the city. f:ouncil members said they favored that concept because it w buld keep t h e money in ~. una Beach instead of in $0 Viejo. unciJwoman Sally Bellerue "Why don't \hoy IU')k at the teaching oulCOme, rather \hun the mcthodol<>1y?" he uked. Mennwhllf' F.ngllsh tc-achers a t Golden West Colleae are oorudderlng adoption of a similar resolution critical o( "WrlUf\I for a Reason," according to Wea Bryan, president of the Golden West Academic Senate. He said the senate ask ed Golde n West's campus-wide curriculum committee thr ee months ago to review Coastline's telecourses, which are accepted for credit at Golden West. Bryan said the committee declined to undertake such a re view aft e r Golden W es t Preaident Lee Steven s argued that s uch action w ould be inappropriate. • • said she will appeal a one-year extension granted this week by the city Board of Adjustment on the project. She said she will base her appeal on the concerns o f residents in north Laguna about the impact of a 37 time-share units and con cern over time share condominiums in general. QNOFRE REACTOR . • • • A crane lowers a ~emeot panel into place Monday as work begint on a privately owned waste transfer station in Huntington Beach . Br ROBERT BARKER or-...., ........ A privately owned trash tranaler 1tatlon belna built In HuntJ.naton Beach hu won the pral1e of county and ltate offlclala. Jake Shirvanian, a member of th e s t ate Solid Wa i te Manageme nt B o ard who a ttended groundbreaking ceremonies Monday called the project "a beautiful auet." l-le aaid he believed It would play a significant role In helplng to cope with the traah avalanche that he said has become a crucial problem to the state a nd the <:ountry. Or a nge County S upervisor Harriett Wieder aJao hailed the project aa an efficient way of handling trash. She said transfer stations are gainina in importance aa dump1ites ''get farther and farther" away from the peopl~. Th e $3 million facility, tbe only privatel y owned and operated trash transfer station in Orange County, will include a public recycling center, a truck maintenance yard, a trash transfer building and offices at Rainbow Disposal Co. grounds at 17121 Nichols St. When completed in abut aix months, the facility will be able to process about 600 tons of trash per day, said Rainbow President Stan Tkaczyk. He said the trash transfer process will make the handling of t.ruh more effkient ln t~t bli tractor-trailer rip wlll ~ul the rubblah from the Huntln1ton Beach 1lte to Oranae County pemmeni-owned landfllla. T hia procedure reduce. the number of trucks needed to tranaport the trHh, thereby aavtns fuel, he Mid. The projec t, d esigned by architect Ron Yeo of Corona del Mar, la being built by Saffell & McAdam, Inc. of Irvine. The tranafer station buildh\i will be located near an 18-foot deep, 400-foot Iona pit area. Traah coflection trucks will unload their material In the trash transfer station building. The rubbish will be pushed over the 'aide to the big equlpment waiting below in the p it after all the recyclable material la eeparated by hand. 11le larger vehicles will take it to the landtilla. Tkaczyk said the public will be encouraaed to .-e the recyclina center, adjacent to the truh tranafer mt.e. He said the aiate Solid Waat.e Manacemmt Board has given the company a $145,- 000 grant to finance the purchMe of recycling equipment. Tkaczyk aaid Rainbow will continue to uae the Orange County transfer station at Gothard Street and Talbert Avenue, even when the new facility ia completed. He aald the ne w faclllty is needed becau.e the county traah t.ranafer station can't handle all the traah. Barron said. It was contained in an internal collection system, he said. Edison offi c ial s h a v e maint'.ained they expect a number o f shutdowns while Unit 2 Ufldergoes low power testing. Closures are not unusual while working out the "bugs" in the system before going to full power, they said. Unlt 2 had been operation at 50 percent capacity and Edison officials expected the reactor to operate at 100 percent early next month. ·City speeds Penalty trial defense opens But the latest problem may h l J } LI d elay f '!ll_Qp eration of the 0 e P 8IlS .. ~~1,~~Tf~PO Jur or s i n the case will recommena elther death or life in prison without possibility of parol e for the man they conv ict ed. youth• unde r undeairable conditions, failed to teach Melton any values during Ilia fonnative yean. reactor ifseaiiln atrfour pumps--------.--James A ndrew M e 1 ton , have1o be replaced, Barron said. The Newport Beach Caty convicted of first-degree murder · Council agreed Mon$y to speed in the slaying of a N e wport S f • d b up the planning process for a Beach man, was a problem child a ar1 sue over ear proposed luxury hote l in who was brutalized by the same Following his releue Melton went on a apree of rape and robbery, his crimes displaying Melton'• lack of normal eexual development or other normal mode9 of communication, Bonner said. Irvine-based Lio n Country Safari has been hit w ith its second civil lawsuit In just over two weeks alleging injuries caused by wild animals at the park. pickup truck, busted its rear window and injured him . Newport Center. system that n ow wants him executed, his defense at_torney claims. Bonner said Melton. 30, had a "perception he didn'l belolll" from his early youth, when his mother remarried and had three children in th.at new marriaae· The s ubject of a• suit filed Monday in Orange County Superior Court is Tom the bear. Luis Costa. the plaintiff, said in his suit that the bear clawed his C.OSta asks for $700 to repair his truck, m e dica l fees , compensation for missed work a nd general damages. Costa c laims park workers were negligent by placing the bear's food too close to the road where Costa was seated in his truck last ~Jan. 9. ~S · wom ~ Hlagut Dr••· Ice Creom Shoppe 5oulh Cool• Plwo l33l 8o "al Street Cooto Mota CA 0711,~ ,,, ,~ 11'!>1 • I~ So COClll """" Laguno lleocn Clo 07(61 1•-15601 \ Representatives o f Four Seasons Hotels requeated the conside ra lion a fter b e ing Informed earlier that their hotel plan might not be initiated for at least a year. Th e c ity 's planning department had requested the . delay citing a heavy workload which includes a large affordable housi ng projec t and the expansion of the Marriott Hotel in Newport Center. The council voted to begin the planning process for the hotel Immediately and set bearings for mid-1983, a move that should save hotel r e presentatives months of waiting. B e rna rd S c hneider , an attorn~ representi ng the Canadian hotel chain, said he expects public hearings on the planned 325-room hotel will begin in May. R ichard Bonne r, Melton'• attorney, described his client's youth and early dealings with the California criminal justice system in his opening statement Monday In the penalty phase of Me lton's Orange County Superior Court trial. A series ol petty tnelts ancl runaway-trom-nome anc1aents landed Melton in California Youth Authority facilities when he waa 13. Bonner aaid those facilities, which left Melton in the company ~f the s~te's wont Blaze destroys bus An engineer from a n Ohio- ba!ed company was en route to Orange County today t o in- vestigate the cause of a fire Monday that d estro yed a $125,000 Orange County Transit District bus. It was the second fire in six months in a Grumman Co. Flxble bus operate d b y the transit district, a district spokeswoman the spokeswoman said. The bus was operating on line 75 which runs between Santa Ana and Laguna Hills. 'name crimes earned Melton a term ln state pri8on. deecribed by Bcmner • a "war i.one" run by black, white and Latino ganp where pl'09titution, drugs and violence flourish. Melton was convicted Dec. 1 of the 1981 murder of retired Newport Beach r e altory Anthony L i al deSousa in DeSouaa'• Boler o W ay condominium. In last week's opening of the penalty pbue, Deputy District Attorney Patrick Geary brought four victims of Melton's 1971 crime spree to the stand. Two female victims testified that Melton raped and robbed them, while a third woman said Melton tried to rape her during a robbery. Jr'~~_;._~~~~~~------------~------------,· said. The 1979 model bua, carrying In June, the spokeswoman said, a fire that apparently originated in an engine wiring harness burned another Flxble bus. The incident occurred at 6th and Flower streets, In Santa Ana. No one was injured in that fire, the spokeswoman said. Michael Drake, a spokesman for Delaware, Ohio-based Grumman,saidanengineerwas dispatched to Orange County to attempt to determine the origin of Monday's fire. Geary told jurors that Melton pleaded guilty to two counts each of rape and robbery stemming from thoee crimes. Fair Wednesday Temperatures RMn ...... Coasta l Ftlr tonight end WednHdly. Overnight Iowa In the 401. Hight todty and Wednadty 68 to 73. Elt•w h•r•. trom Poin t Cono•ptlon to th• M•xlc•n bOrd« and OU1 80 mllM: Smalt cr1tt edvt.ory over OU1« w•t-trom Point Conception to San C l•m•nt• 1111nd for luge northWHI .... u. 8 10 t 1 IHI. Wind• ·~coming wHt•rly IHI than 12 knoll tonight and W•dnHday. Locally tight and v•rltble wind• night •nd morning ttoora and _, to eouth-1 5 to 1• knot• Wednesd•Y •ftarnoon. Wind -VM 1 to 2 !Mt. Wnt9rt)' iwell 2 to 4 !Mt. Fair through ~ednMd9)'. Albany Albuquerque Amerlllo Alhevllle Atl111ta Atlantlc Cty Austin 8.itlmot• 8llllngs llinnlngham ~ 8olN 9otton Btownsvtle Bu1!alo l!urllngton Caper Ch811atn SC Chatlatn WV Charlott• NC <:Myenne NATION ·-,if ______ ...,________ ~ S Colum!M SC , . . sumniary, Columbu• I ' Del·Ft Wth High wlndt howl•d through 0.yton 1nucti of the Mld-t 91ld c.ntral O«IYer 9'oc:k ... M l'llOfe enow tell today 0.. Mot,_ lrom central Montan• 1crou Detroit ,.orth Dlkota end Into MlnnMOta. Duluth I In flood-rav1g•d put• of El Peeo !llllu o url and llllnol•, cold Fergo ~ llemper9d a-iup ~·" •• rlv•r1 r.ce<ted b•low flood GrMt Falla Jrtao9. Hlrtford I '1'houH nd1 of rHld•nll left Helentl om•I••• b y 1•11 w••k'• Honolulu 9oldlng -r• returning to find Houaton ~ mud In their llvtng rooms, lf'1(flan..,otl• room• end 1>uemen11. Mid Jacll.n MS lk• Emk•n of th• St. Louie JecUnvlMI Emwg911CY PftlPtll'~ ~ Cty l..MV9QM Little Rode LoWvllle l.Ubtloctl Memphlt Mlernl Mllwaiuk• Mpl9-8t. Paul Htllhvllle New OftMn• New Yortl Norfolk N. Platte Oldahoma Cty Olnalla ()r1ando ~ HI Lo 12 8 39 29 58 38 42 22 42 28 20 5 50 45 29 14 SS 33 46 29 33 Ill 40 21 17 13 80 53 29 28 19 4 38 24 44 34 35 17 3t 21 ... 28 39 30 2S 29 43 111 32 24 47 40 34 2S &e 30 44 37 31 22 29 24 53 ... 2t 23 40 8 37 IS 18 7 34 27 77 71 52 50 3e 30 50 31 51 35 44 35 &e 36 40 31 41 IO Q 34 44 35 T3 .. ,. .21 .. 31 43 34 47 41 24 n ~ 22 47 11 IO M 44 IO 14 ... lt 11 ..... Fronts: Cold .. w.m .. Occluded .r SCalorwy- ... 47 27 18 1S 1 ... 44 1S 4 aa 11 43 ao 42 11 31 18 32 14 53 48 48 40 48 35 33 27 41 33 81 48 2t 2S 33 25 25 15 47 32 - .. 40 41 40 33 23 48 33 Air quality 52 25 M 45 .. 53 .. 48 .. 34 M 55 eo 45 .. 44 ... 411 80 45 51 3t .. 51 16 42 31 20 The Air Quallty Man.,....nt 019trtct predlot1 good .. ..,.1y through today In .. ., .... the South COMt Air Baeln. A Polkllanl Standard lftdlli of .. Le ~2 la foreoeet for metropMlttin 14 38 U.~MdlN9M~ M 4t Pomona, Sen '•rnendo anCI 17 34 ..... Clertl8 ,,._., 5S 27 A P11 of 42 le lllo .......... for 17 11 lnlend Or•nt• Count1. th• .. 44 ~ lenwdl110 .... 17 la OOMUll ,....,_, ,...,, .. ~ 47 36 Hefllet-llilncn .... Ion ... ·"' 87 41 ... UM. 42 41 AQMD 1'81""9 -M ,..._.: 16 40 Gooel, O· 100: un"Hltll*-for 16 IO Hn1ltlwa people, 10~ 87 47 ~for MW)'One. • U 41 and~. IOf-110. 11 Q 47 's IUIF llPllT Tides ....................... IMefl A, Mei PN A'I -Dir ZUIM 3 12 I • 2-aw Santa Monlctl 2 3 12 1 2 IW Nftport 9NGh 2 3 12 I 2 IW San 01eOO Cnty 2 3 12 2 I W <Mfoolt fof WedMedl)': ~ lnOreeat In tlle ~ IWlll. '" • ' about 20 pa11enger1, was traveling in the 900 block of 4th Street In Santa Ana shortly before 6 a.m . when the driver saw smoke coming from the rear of the coach. The driver pulled to the side ol the a treet a nd eacorted pueengen from the bus. Flames quickly consumed the entire coach. There were no injuries, Drake said there have been o ther electrical f ires in Grumman-manufactured buses, adding, "There's been nothing out of the ordinary, fleetwide." Bonner's first witness Monday was Melton's mother, Elna Gray, who testJfled that her 10n "just kept everything bottled up inside" as a youth. Bonne r said he also would bring the state CY A director, a psychiatrist and two mental health workers to the stand . Sometimes the Nicest Way to Say @~ove Hc>N~U>~yOAX~ and~ don '°' htf lllfaillng ~throughout yOAX marriage. Chen t7J gMng her something as personal and~ as an ~or Etrmlty Ring. Both S}""bOlize the t~ depth or )'DUr fftllng fat her. and without saying anything at all, )IOU will ~ c~ one of ~ ~t wa)'S U> ~say It am At w,nchm Letgh \'14 Oftql and Cr'Ntr a most ~and e.ctttng COllKtJon d ~ rings In 18 Karat Gold and Aaclrun. ~ ~ eJCP&aln di~" ices In quallly and pm that )OU wffl see from SUR fl:> SUR, and Ihm bade ~ yout ~from \X¥dllm Leigh wfttl a money bade guarantft m value. ~ want )IOU both to kM her ring and to . knolN )'DU bought It well Most Diamond \M!dd6rlg and Ann~rsary Rings ~ From SI 100 fl:> S.3900. • ' Orange CoHt DAIL y PILOT /Tuesday, Oec9mber 14, 1912 • ..a WORLD Juvenile r ling could hurt county Arm freeze approved by General Assembly Br 'nit AttMla&ed Pre11 NMl'ly •• m1Won YMrl)' 9\d 17 public Jobi In Oranp Q>unty c:ould b ~ Jeopardlied by a California Supreme Co urt dt~l11lon prohlbltln1 counties from blllhtR pal't'n\I for the 0011ta of kt> plna th"lr c hildre n In juvenile hall, authorhJet aay. By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 UNITED NATIONS -Tht> General Assembly passed two rt'solutions ca lling for a nudcar anns f rl>eU' Monday over U.S. objectaons The General Al>.wmbly also overrode Sovitd bloc opposition and approved a propo&al to h1vettigalt" aJleaed u~ oC chemkal weapon•. The Soviet news agency Taos t o day hailed the resolutions calUng for an &.nn1 freeze. but m:ide no mention or the General Assembly'• call for a probe of the use of chemical weapons. Yemen quake toll at 686 MANAMA, Bahrain -The earthquake that hit North Yemen killed at least 686 people a nd destroyed 136 villages, the Yemeni state radio reported today. Arab diplomats said more than 3, 000 people were injured. The death toll was expected to rise. The dead included 250 pupils buried unde r the debris of their NATION primary school when the 40 -sccond quake struck Monday. North Yemen lies at the southwes t corn er o f the Arabian Peninsula. The 75,000-i;quare-mile country of mountains and high plateaus has a populalion of 8 million, many of them living in tall narrow houses of sun-baked bricks. House eye_s spending bill WASHINGTON -House members are tackling an emergency spending bill that Democratic leaders have adorned with a $5.4 billion pre-Christmas package of public works jobs, housing aid, and assistance for the unemployed. The House w as voting to da y on the so-called continuin~ resolution the lame -d't.ack Congress must pass to keep money flowing to the federal government after Friday. Besides considering the s pending bill, the representatives are also' exp ected to vote on an amendment that would, in effect, raise their c urrent annual salary of $60,662.50 by thousands of dollars. Soviet missiles on target WASHINGTON -U.S. intelligence sources say the Soviet Union has successfully hit targets thousands of miles apart with lo ng-range missiles in a major test of that country's most advanced submarine-launched nuclear weapon. Two SSNX-20 missiles were fire d from a Soviet submarine in the far north White Sea to the Kamchatka Peninsula while two other missiles reached the mid- Paci f ic, the sources said Monday. The latest test firings of the 5,000-mile-range missiles came over the weekend, said the sources, who asked to remain anonymous. R eagan agrees to MX plan WA S HING TON - President Reagan, trying to save the MX missile from congressional defeat, today agreed to a compromise plan that would permit him to proceed with production of the weapon but require him to submit new basing plans to Con~. Under the proposal - STATE d esigned to aid Senate chances for approva l of production money -the funds would be retained in the defense spending bill now being considered but could not be spent until Reagan sends another basing plan to Congress, along with data on other basing schemes. Lo• Angeles County al•o expect• t o loae • 1 millio n annually becawte of tht• d~n. aald chief probation officer Kenneth Kirkpatrick. UnleH other job slot• are found. county oUlcials say elfecta of the ruling could eventually eliminate the position• of probatJon department employees who determine how much parents should pay for their chlldren's Incarce ration, then collect it. In a 4-3 decision, the Supre~ $8 million cash heist inside job? NEW YORK (AP) -Twtf IT)QSked tnen who pulled off the laraest cash heist in U .S. hlstoey by robbing at least $8 million from an armored car company leff $20 million behind and may have been working an "inalde job," police say the heist was aided by a flat roof on the Sentry Armored Car Courier Co. that opened like a can of beana, a lone guard, dogs that didn't bark and a security system that failed to sound the alarm, authorities said 1 Monday. "We are investigatina the possibility it was an inside job," said Alice McGillion, a deputy police commiaaioner. The loot stolen Sunday, including $1 million In weekend receipta Crom Yonkers Raceway, had been picked up by Sentry over the weekend from 9eYWAl client.t. New York police said company officials initially reported on Monday that $1 million had been taken, then revised the count to $5.3 million after "a very detailed count." The FBI spokesman Edward Gerrity said Monday that the company told the aReDCV it w• an $8 million theft. Police later agreed. A police investigator who asked not co be identified said the entire amount taken in the holdup waa Insured. Sen\r)' officials could nol be reached for comment Monday; a secretary said company officera were not available to talk to reporten. Police seize • Car insurance fraud probed suspect in Tylenol case LOS ANGELES -State insurance officials are investigating what they describe as a large fraud o pe r a t ion that may have bilked insurance companies of between $300,000 and $1 million. "We looked at 44 accidents and these 44 are just the lip of the iceberg. Both in tem\S of money and the complexity involved, this is the largest auto insurance fraud investigation w e've und e rtake n ." Ronald Warthen, ari investigator wUh the s tat e Insurance Department, said Monday. Truckers threaten strike LOS ANGELE S - Independent truckers may stage a one-hour nationwide shutdown in an effort to block legislation boosting gasoline taxes and other levies, aDd a longer shutdown might follow if the law passes, a trucking leader says. The gas-tal< boost alone will cost tne average independent trucker up to $1,400 annually, and all the bill's provisions wiU cost each trucker up to $5,000 a year, said Mike Parkhurat, pre s ident of the 30,000-member Independent Truckers Association and editor-publisher of Overdrive magazine. Besides the gas tax, he said truckers are upse t about provisions in the legislation calling for hefty lnCreases in the highway use fee, taxea on rubber tires, an excise tax on new trucks and a tax on truck parts. NEW YORK (AP) -James Lewis, the Tylenol extortion suspect arrested after a librarian spotted him at a reading table, will be take n to Illinois to determine whether he waa involved in the seven Tylenol murders, authorities say. Lewis, 36, charged with trying to extort $1 million after the seven poisoning deatns in Chicago, wu arrested without incident Monday. An employee in the midtown annex of the New York Public Library called police and said. "There's a look· • alike of Mr. Lewis here." said Kenneth Walton. deputy uailtant director of the FBI. Lewis was reeding a U.ting of newspapera from around the United States when he wa'# caught, Walton said. Authoritiee said they had been on the • lookout for Lewis at libraries and n ews atanda because of hia penchan\ for writing to out-bf- town newapapers, and a1enta Md given pk:tures of Lewi.a to the library staff. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you ltke? Call the number at left. and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. i 642·6086 The same 24·hour answering service may be used to record lel· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulallon calls. please Tell us what's on your mand D-'Y''" o.e-y ......... Mofteer fo011y " '°" CIO ~~·;;.· :'J::1' ~ •lld you• copy ... ,r b• -....o 811tutdllY llftO S..-y It you do tlOI rtc*v• y0111 WI :.V :,:, ';au Q~:,: .,. -... .., ORANGE COAST Daily Rilat Thomot '· Haley Pubf,11>111 ond Cll1•I E.ecu!"o Off.c.er Jane AmOf'I r aKUll•ll [d1tot L. Kay Schvka VoeePr~ Md 0.. KIOr ol Adwetht"'9 Mkho.I '· Harwy ()w9(!0' ol M«\ tllftll 1C1tcllio!IOlll CIHl!fled •dwef11•tnt 7141142-5111 Ml other depa"9Mnt• 142 .. 321 MAIN OPPICI •WHl .... M ,CMlll-.CA .... ...,._ ... U•. C•lll Mete, CA ... c.,.,rilM tet Ot.,.. c-• "'*'"" ... c....-. -----... 11-·•··· etllteflel "'-"' .. ,,., .... _., -~ "'"• ... ·--.c• ......... 9"'1el lltf'mlt ....... '""'""'-' Coun • .,rt"d la•t Wl't'k that o Ult• law holdln~ pClrt•nta fl f\1 la II y rt•• p on11l b It• t or chll r'-'n In c u aito lly 11 unco thuttonal. 'l'hl' ju1tln·1 MJd t law 1dngle11 out purt>nllf to be• the exJX>Me or prot.c."<'tlng ~t a whole. Jan e Robin11on. u budget anal for Orongt• County, ¥Aid M that the 1unJclpatt-d $1 mlllio loaa to th<! probation depar nt will be "diilaaitroua." Ora ge County hae been ch.argt parcnta for a portion of lncaro allon C08t.N tor the put 20 yeara, according to Aaslatant Chief robatlon OfCkcr F.dward 'Clarke Cla e said the probo lion depar enl collection s s ta rt oonsia of two supervisors, 10 collec ons officers and five olerkl. Ince the county has yet w rl'('ColVl' o ropy or thl' courl ruling, n a. unknown how IOOf\ tht• dt'<'llllon t•oulll ufft·<·t ataff rrn:mbt.•ra. Tht• high court ovt>rturol!d at>vt'rul •·urliur dcc l1lon1 upholding thf' law. By 1trikJn1 d own tht.' atatutc-, juutcea app&rt'ntly uoo 1toppt"d oountlet from c·horglna parent.a for the costs o f hou8ing dependent chlldrc>n In Orange County'• <'ml•rgency 1helttir, Albert Sitton Home. But dlrf.'Ctor Bill Steiner said Orangl' County t'OUc.oet.a leu Lhan $3,000 annually from parent.t of abused or neglected children houacd al S itton. The h&rdest blow wtll be Celt at the county'• probation d epartment, where officials said they were surprlaed by the ruling. The county c:harges parent.a up tO $~2 dally for children kept in Juvenllr Hall, Youth Ciuldanc:. .. Cent.er. Joplin Boya Ra.nt-h or Los Pil\09 Jl'ore.\r)' Camp. The t·har1e ia reduced tor famlliet unable to l*Y tht> full amount., and the county allowa moel parenta to make rettituUon th.touah ext.ended paymenta. Clartce aald the "°"'"ty oollecu at leut tome of ltl co.w In about 67 pereent or the cues where chiJdtton oharpd with crimes are placed In juvenile detention facllltiee. "'The county haa been billin&. parent• because the law haa ~zed that parent.t have an ongoing obligation to tupport the children wherever they get care ' and houaina," Clarke said. The W. will take a chunk of the probation department's $9.8 million budget. .............. .,a....~ Amy Get ch el ( lcf t) and Brandi Krantz test their ping pong akilla Irvine kids get their club By GLENN SCOTT <>'Ille 0.-Not Ii.ff For one fleeting day, the Ini.ne Boys and Girls Club was new. The Sl.2 million facility on • F.ul Yale Loop in Woodbridge opened Monday afternoon. The children were waitin~. of more than 3,000, the club is the largest in Orange County and one of the biggest in the country, said Ed Portman n , public relations consult.ant. It is twice the size of any of the thre<> other facilities in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach run by its parent organization, the Harbor Area Boys Club. option to renew, he aaid. Ten-year-old Brandi Krantz of Woodbridge probably didn't know much about the background of the club as she waited out.aide its doors Monday at 2:47 p.m. (she knew the time becauae ahe looked al he!' digital . watch). ' What t~e >:o ungster_s __ Its three majQI areas are~ dlacovered 1ns1ae the stucco multi-purpose room with st.age builcllnc were new pool tables and kitchen, a hobby center with 1till lewl, ping pong balls that a separate wood s hop. crafts weren't. dented, wood shop tables r"OOm, darkroom and game room, wi&h no nicks, a basketball floor and finally the gym with an with 1Jeaming varnish, see-·adjacent weight room and two . But 1he did know th4lt herj friend Amy Get.chel had ~ about th club,.-and-tha' so.~ .. ·--'!! through fiberglass blackboards locker rooms. miaaihg a single smudge and a stage still waiting Ml" its first performance. "It's 10 new that you don't even wut to let the kids uae It," said Grtl Borsuk, who didn't me9J1 it. Borauk, the boys' physical llCtivities din!ct.or, spent the first hour la t he spacious gym ~kepiog up new ora nge tbll1a and helping re1rieve tboee that got stuck in the new, unstretdled nylon nets. Other staff members also wat.ched over the children who suddenly transformed what had "'-been a q.tlet, almost dreamlike tacility lrao a loud, working one . Built to handle a membership "We're going to h ave the ultimate in programming, believe me," said Lou Yantom. executive director. He said the idea for the Irvine faciUty began in 1978 when city o fficial s approached his organiiation and offered the four-acre site for a $1 per year lease. They wanted a place "just for kids ," h e said , where youngsters -boys and girls - could get proper aher-school supervision and a chance to learn new skills. -The club aa:epted the oiler~ raised construction funds and signed a 50-year lease with an guy had come to her 1ehool week to explain ita J>rogra'!'91: Her mom dropped her off afteq school What Brandi found, along wi~ everything e~. were· aevera~ photographers from the locaJ.i newspapera wh.o were takinlQ!. Pictures of the place. She ukec(Z .her mom to call Amy to re~ her of the openin&. and to let her friend know she might get her picture ta.ken. "Your mom called," Amy told Brandi. ''Oh good, they did call you after all," said Brandi, jumping up and down. "Did they tell you they'd be taking pictures?" asked. Amy, who knows a little about publicity because her rather, Gordon Getchel, is on the local achool board, said yes. That waa a relief. They smiled. for the camera, two fresh faces to gra<e a Cresh building. Ait Exelt.lng Cllolee Diamond jewelry accented with rubies, emeralds and sapphires ... CHARLES H. BA RR 17th & lrvfne, w ...... ,.. .. ............. ........ ........... ......, ..... ........ l. p ••• '• .. ~. Lagun ~ housing panelist named V l aceate L . Mat , a property r e habilitatio n coordinator for Lynwood, has been appointed Laguna Beach'• representative to the Orange County H ou s ing Commission advisory committee. Th e seve n -member co mm ittee m akes recommendations on hous.lng i11"11f>11 . l"Pntn l 111111 i11 t An c-e •A look at Newport Beach u a buainess corporation and what makes it work will be praented 7:30 a.m . Jan. 7 at the Balboa Bay Club. SpoQsor e d by th e government affairs committee of the Newport Harbor Area •Day use pasaes for state parka in Orange Cdunty are on sale, and park rangers say they make great Christmas preeenta. The day ute passes, good for all of 1983, enable visitors unlimited uae of state parks for only $40. The daily ·cost is funding and other matters to the co unty's ih o ualng au~horlty. Maa, a six-year Laguna resident, is a former Orange Co unt y planner and community development prol(Tam manager. He replaces Aaa Barker, who resigned the voluntary post earlier this year. Chamber of Commerce, Sakera will include City r Bob Wyu and city co repreeentativea. A $10 fee for the breakfast will be charged. For more information, call 644-8211. $3. so frequent users save money after only 13 visits .. The cards are good at state parks such as Doheny, San Onofre, San Clemente, Bolaa Chica and Huntington Beach. They can be purchased at any state park entry point. P air ai police i arrests An off-duty Anaheim t leer and a Cotta Meu resident ho 1aw a 1tr1nae car In hit neighborhood are beina ited today with helping CO..ta Ha police arrest two m e In connecUon with two burgl in the city. An unidentified reeiden told police Monday afternoon t a car loaded with televiaio sets, jewelry and stereos was lea ng a residence in the 2000 b of National Avenue. Officer Scott Baeckel a tted the car of aimlla.r deecrlp n at Baker Street and H bor Boulevard and pursued i to a shopplna center, where on man jumped out of the car be re it aped off, investigators Mid. An unidentified off uty Anaheim officer who was ahopping helped arrest brlel Gamino-Gonzalez, 26, of ta Ana, after he allegedly to hide underneath a car, lice said. Pedro Salaa-Hernand alao of Santa Ana, was by Santa Ana police a sh later at Second Street aDlll&JllllB Avenue, in Santa Ana. Costa Meu police aaid ltfJ pair are believed responsible ~r the burglary on National and aaother break-In earlier in the tJ&Y on Pacific Avenue. Free Phone Call Home BONUS OFFER! Buy the Pocket Computer Model PC-1 and Get a $29.95 cassette Interface at No Extra Charge •UM the PC-1 (C.t. No. 26-3501) for Bualneu, Science, Engineering Problems • Bonua Cauette lnterfmce (26-3503) Leta You UM Our Ready-to-Run PC-1 Softwere-Juat Add • C•sette Recorder • Programmable In Eeay-to-leem BASIC- StoN Program• end Date on C•settea . \ mi:m:mm A DIVISION OF TANDY CORPORATION I PRICES MAY VAAV AT INOtVIOUAL STORES ANO DEALERS SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER Now thru Dec. 24 MCI and Huntington Center will give owoy over 15,000 3 ·min. long distance phone calls for 11" 11111111. CILIR TV,.__ the holidays. Just visit the MCI holiday booth in the center of the moll. -'{\•~-Stf1t9. $ WET WEATHER SPECIAL All Rain & Ski Wear Dry Cleaned . . Waterproofed FREI ~ 1000 N . Coast Hwy. ·s...&a"•38 t lb. of our famous Beef Slick· Summer Sauioagc. 7 oz. of Gouda. a 5 oi. Smoky (smoked c~esc bar), :l oz. each of Crt."amy Swiss and tanizy Pub .. chee11e. 6 oz. of Swcet-lfot Mustard. •1, oi. of L-nspy Cracked Wheat Tums and Strawberry Bon Boos. I 16. 99• Think of everyone wholi love a Christmas gift from Hickory Farms: Choose from over 100 different gifts, in a variety of shapes. prkes and sizes. all filled with tasty delights. And we'll gladly handle all the details sending your ~fts out. ff idco r1 f arms ~~10· We 'I I give you a taste of old-time coWltry goodness.,.,. SOUTH COAST PLAZA l.n~ 1•t Cnrn11M•I 1\11111 -:-z c '""''~ .... ~..,,~ ... ~ • .,.,. .... .,. 540·699 1 .,,. .. _..,. .. 11_,,,, ..... ,,,11.-ol'!Mo_;.;._1' _____________ At_pa_r_l1C1P1_li_ni_•1_or_c1__,. • Celor Monitor • Seid Stat• DILY · lCA n··~ ........... • ''°" Solid State • Electronk Tuning WHILE TREY UST!! HURRY RCI 21" 1111e111 Color Trak w/l1111et1 • Scan Re mote • Color Trak • Cable Ready OILY 99~!. $599!!. • 1.4cu.ft. • DEFROST • 25 Min ute Timer PlllSlllC • 6 Power Leveh .• Temp. Probe • 3 Stag• Memory ••1111111 • H ... 1.6 (U . ft. • Pul Circle CAoltlng . ,.,,. ,,.. • 40 l edp9 Memory ~ ~I . ·) c;:-.:::J ' . 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P••kPn S1 71 11 14,, ._ Sllrwln I 12 .. 44h, "'° P•n11 s 1 9 I.cl 71 • '• Sllrw pf4 40 l1tO 10 ll P•IPlrl . 7S. )•~ Sl••P•c I.. • 11 131 ..... PeytN 44 1• JI 211 'r Slon•I II I) '14 ll'I<. P•yCsll 74 2' Sii u 1: ~, Sim Pre 40 17 10 2'"• , t\ PHbOY 1' ll )44 I'•• .... ~::::~I ~ II ~~ l:'l'o \lo ~;enr, -~ 1 14~ 1~, , • , , Sinor Pl l 50 • 15 ... ,.:~c "p; HI 4:7 l9\•. ,, !.1<ylln• o1141 ~ i..\to. '" P•nnCp .1611 10 ~ IJ1, ~::::::~~n 1~ • I~ jf."' 1' ::i't'Y 1J %2~1 ~ .. '• Smlt8 76013 IOIJ .. •: 'l'o P•PL pf• .c> 1300 JJ 1, Smuckr 1Cl 11 9 1'•>• 1i,. P•Pl pf. 50 1100 3S • I Sn•t>On .... IJ IW ,. ••• '·• P•PL Oprl IS S 711,, \II Son•I I lO • 3'? 21' • • I• PaPL pr 11 iSO 11 Sot\yCp '* 14 4113 ISV> i " P•PL pr I rlO tO Soollll l.<IOI 10 23 JO\. P•PL f''·'° 1150 •S SourtC 7 'Ill 113 21', ~ ::~~:01n:1~ ~~ ~t \~ ~c'r'iPGPlt; '9 ~ ~~; • "'° PeopD s .3' 14 IS ,.~ •• h SoJerln 1.20 I ' ~. ~ PeopEn 1 6 so 10 , 1 • So\Hlwn SOii I S4 ,.\/. • V. PepsiCo 162 '11111 3J» •"• 5oet8k I 1 231 ""'• \1 ~~~i:~ 't~ ~ 1~~ ~:: ! :: m:Jto ':~ 'h~ ~~: ~ P•trln 50 I JC16 t•' •, 1 • SolnGf; 7 08 l S 14-11. '• PttAs • :u. 11 71 , • 1 SNE Ttt S 04 • •170 60\, ,... s Edison grant d • big rat 1ncrea SAi' FRAHClSCO tAP) Souuwrn c.aurornla t:dllon WU IJ'Antt."d a '3()3. l million IU'\l\UAl ek'Ctric ra~ Llwreuo hy thf' Callfomla PubUc UtJUUft ~. The decWon Monday combined letll"taJ r•Lt-lncrt'WM. .. of •566.7 mllUon ln ~ rat.ee, $14 million for t-onaervatlon cotllt and $9.l million for ••energy C011llt" with • $286.8 mUUon dt_.cre ... from reduced fuel coat&. AMERICAN LEADERS N• w YOMk (AP) ~· ..... m. puu 4"41 Ml <1-01 II"' laft ll'°>I ol(llw A"'•"l•n M0tli l11<~ t .. 119\. lr•ofno NIKlfllllly •• "'°''.I".,. I' tn•1•SY•I »1 -• ~. Qon>,Pltl J)'lliO t .. I. • ~ .. Cn•fl•P HO to IOO S VO W••n•Com "" 111.ilOO .,.,. • 1~· wino• P•.tetO >t\>oo • •'• 8ow.,.f.O 10., '1111 IS\, I ... 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'I Off S• cl New yeatly low U•New y .. fly ll'!ln urueu 01~rw1se no1&0. rt1•1 01 dividends .re &Mu•I dosbursementa blMCI on Ille 1u1 1uarte•ly or sem,.;i1nnut l de<:ll••lion ;pec111 or e•t•• d.v1c1eno1 or p1ymant1 not te11gnAleO 8S regular ere 1dent1IMIO on ll>O 0410w•ng too1"01es •·Also ••1fl or eatr11 II-Annual r11e PIV• 1IOC~ <l•V\~•"d C·L1q111011ing 01 .. 1oend lelel•••d Of\ PAIO '" prec.ct1ng 12 rnonth• .o.c1aract O< PAIO •"et 11oclt d•vldenG or .phi UP f·P•10 llllS yeer, dlvtclet\d ornllled, tefaaact 0t no acuon 111ten .i IUI dividend ""''nil k·Declefltd or peld t~•• yew. all 1ccumula11va ,._ wotl> cl1v1dendl 1n wreers METALS Ht:W YOl\t< (API llWtJlf Pl ic.t lod•Y 6po1 nonf11rrou• c .... , 71~73 ""'' a pounct, u a o..llNllOn• L.-. 1'~-23 oetllf • pouncl 11111 ff--40 Q91\lt • pl)Ulld, 114111.,.,.0 Tiii le 16~t Metale WMll ~poll•• lb .........._ 71 Q91\le a PoUl\CI, N 'V ........ 13'6 00 '* llMll f'tclllfl¥M 1363 00436$ 00 troy ounc•, N V GOLD QUOTATIONS SILVER n.,..... ·•-r-Oec:1ereo or OAld '"~Iii 12 mont111 Pkl• ttock d1v1oend 1-Pe10 :J ttOci< 1n P•KtO•n 12 mon1111 •111rn•1 CHll v•lue on ···~YIOenO 01 H •Oltlnlkll• Otll ,, •·h ·d•v•deno1 or ek-r•Qllll y-E.<-ct1v1oe11c and Nlaa 1n full l·S•le• It\ 11111 C•O·C•lla<f wd·Wl\tn 0111rlt1u1ea Wl-W~ 1111110 'l(W·Wllll werrante 1w·Witt1o(lt ,..,ran11 •d••·b -0111r1bu11on p E ••ho Tiie pr1c;e ol I tlOCk "~­ rnull•P'• or oer·lfl•r• Hrn1ng1-oer1ved d1V10lf\Q '"• la1 .. 1 12-rnont11 • .,n.ng1 llgUf 11110 1 .. 1 SAie OttU • Pel A\ pfl.51 . M IS'•. '. SouP•c 1 flO • S)f 36\, ... Pliu t L .. 18 13'7 17'~ I SoRy to 7 t0 n 2)' 1 I Iii 1--------------------------------------:::r~~!' ~ 11 a~I ~;~ ol~: t~17.J n: • r,~ ~'t: 1~ PnU•EI ., 12 1 11t ... ~ .... So Roy °'JI ,.. IS ......... PllllE pf J IO tJO tt•1 Soumt~ Ott • IJI • Phil[ pf 4 JO tl'IO lJI,. I~ Som~ pf 1 al 10' • . Pl>llE pf 4 40 1100 JS • I s ...... , l211 ,., sn. •• PllllE Pl I .r200 Sot SwBt.\11 I lt • • 11', • \II PllllE pt I IS 1100 t1 , • 1 Sw F18-.ID I 2' 14'1a-\It ~::1~:~rn ~ :n .. ~ i:r~:t~·:r 10 ~ ~~- Phl•E pf I ID .r90 )8 .... ·~ Sw Enr Sl 17 U U Vo PllllSub ' lO 10 n n •. '· Swl PS I ., I ,... ..... • ' .. PllllMr 7.cl l01172 " '• Spart" to 9 17 II'•• _.,, Pl!lllnCI jJ 11 41 ~, i. SPKIP 111 111 t •11 t I Pllllln Pl I • I 34 • '. Sptrry I., • JSSJ JJ • " PllllP~ ) 70 t IJ'3 J2', ~. Sc>•l"9.> I S7 I •1tll lt~ • 14 PllllVH ,tO • lA '°" SquerO l .. 17 •)If ll't • '4 PltdAlft 28 I 250 34h, ~. 5q11lbb I lA 11 7'7 41h • ·~ PleNG ••• 7 l II • '• Sl•••v ID • 1«) ""' "' Pier I IS S. t •o • t SllPnt 'IO IS JS 40" '11 • Pllll>ry , .. • '°' SJ • I' SIOMol ... 17 j6 lA ... Pion.et I 16 17 1"4 11• t SIDllCI 7 .cl 7 1$St JJ_.,, • \lo :::~L8oi i ~ 11 t: ::~ · " ~=" J: ~ l~ ;!~ 1 \. Plltstn Ml 10 Sn 141,, \• StP•cCp 70 IOS 11+• • "9 PIAllRK 10 2'4 10-.. ~. StanO•• ts ' IJ 11 Plantrn • tt 14 1 ""'· SlanWk 16 11 119 24\. • .... Pl•ybOy 111 41 •\.i , It Slarr•lt le II IS l'IV.-"' Pneum s ,ao 11 1n n v. , '. Sta MS. 1 l2 1 10\lo .... PoooPO . .0 10 94 721., 1 1 St•11ICll 1.44 I Ull 744-o + "' Pof•rlO I~ 7)9 74... 1. Sltf90 1:111 ti 30 V. 1 1"' Pnotos .50 11 .. 1 ,. 11\o Sterclll 7' tt JS 14 • \It ---------·------·.,_..,_...._._ .. _ ·-~·- NEW BUSINESSMEN Contact the DAIL V PILOT for Information regarding the county rfqulrementa for using a Fictitious Bualness Name. 642-4321 EXT. 332 DAILY PILOT ___ _J. PoPhl 8033 3.1 ltt.• \• ~:~~~~ t'li 1~ et ,i~, ,,. Portee ,., 12 17 13"9• I• SltvnJ I 20 14 ll7 21\1.' ,....._ __________ ..,. ___________ ,_----------~ Potl• Pl S.50 • 1..c> l.lti • 1 StwWrn 1 .. 1' SJ 2Slto • PO<tGE I.I• S ta 1$-\> ''• SIOllVC I .. 9 M ., ... ~ PoG Pl 11.50 L400 U j,. SlkVC Pf 1 r:JOSO ult' t • "1 PorG Pl l.60 2 11 , ~ StoMW '·'°"' • 77 ..... ::g ": !·~ 2! ~~; ,., Stone• .o" 1st 1•"' • '" Polite~ 1 o11 IS n 1'1 ~ StopSll l I JO 10 137 !O\• • '4 PotmEI 1· .. ""' II~' '. ~::~::c n ~ 'ffl ~._ .:: :~~.~· .. :; .. ~ ~r·: ,~ s1r1011.11.s. " ••• , : \II Prutey .JO 11 1n ""'. "' s.. .. 511 .JO S 1" ~ • " P•mrk n2 . .cl 7 IS• ,_,,. '• ~ri:r,G 11:? 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WyflM Ml t2 ft It' r U11Et pf s.•. at 1129\ft + lh .... •·-,._.;~ ,.. --~;~~-L : =· ~ ICO• iM • 4l 19"+ .. uner,..f) IJ t2 -· \O> «llev t • I 14' Mlt+ "' )( .... -r-Y-J- Ul\El llf 2.n :: 'ni.... = ~14 ~ '!: ~ xtRA .. ,~'t;: ~~~· 1•1 U11E~ IM .. »fll ... ''j4 ' 41t lafeClll UU7 71 11 •I U '.C: I .. 111 ..... ••· lillr1:. II 4 ;:"°' • J \\ ,.._,. .n l 4'• ""' 14 I uP;! =:-; ~ st •ii nt ~: "' r,.., .. ,. .•1~" ~ 6J1 •• I li 1 11 + \It \ •l,:D " 14... ...... _, • lo.) Ul\rYI 111 I 11-+ -. :n 14 a 4S lot. 1-• IS 44 ~ • ~ Ufllll>f 4 U .,_._ \lo e1t.11111 I Ill I) ,.._ ~ -Ill l.:D I 60 rt.\. t l'"f You can't afford to mis~ this opportunity to commwnlcate your outstanding benefits to over 96.000 adult readers -residents vitally c;mcernod about the uncertainties and progress of their coastal region. Outloo~ ·e:l iG ll ff'nttJrP "lurP to be saved for future reference by employees. cuatomers and businesses lnterest4d In loading area Industry • To reeervtt your adv.rtlltng apece tod•v, contect Delly Piiot advertising •t 842-4321. I , • ----------------~---.,..._~ ....... ...,,,..-~------ 118 • Orange Cooat OAIL Y PILO l /1 uoaduy. December 14, 1082 •1 W as a Mail O r d er B rid e' on C BS tonight Oy FRED ROTH ENBERG t.~ T•vl•lofl WtlteJ NEW YOHK .Boy nu.°'"•lb gll'I. Boy lrnws .clrl. Boy sut•s girl. Boy gl·t11 f!Ctrl. CDS JJUt~ 11 lt·uul wrinkle on a stanc.lurJ tt•ll •vhlion Vl'hk'll, tunlght In the totally 1mpluusiblc, halCway divl'l'llng "l Was a Mall Order Bride." Another signi'fica nt twlgt ls thtt t the r~ta~o~fp between 'Valerie BertinelU "One Dtly nt a Tnne and Ted Was; "Soop" ii-1 ncvt>r whut It .. ppean to be -a charade reminieicent in style, but not aube~-e. of Cary Grant's m ovies and, later, the plUc)w farces o( Rock Hudson and Poris Ouy. .. Kate Tosconi (Miss 8ertJnclli) Is a masaz:lr1e wnter who plants a bogus marriage proposal in the newspaper personal aection so she can do a story on the men who seek marriage by Federal ~press. T~e st?rr idea i_s not hers. Kate, you see, has jol'.lrnalisuc integrtty. S he calls the Idea "repu.&s1ve" ilnkt accepts the assignment only after extracting hq editor's promise of meatier stories. Robert Fitzgerald (Wass) is a recently divorced Los Angeles lawyer, enjoying the singles bar scene, who answers the ad on a high-stakes bet that he ~ap't stay celibate for two weeks .• Hts character is EVENING ~600 NEWS t 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS I : A cal burglar linds more t than he bargained tor alter J he witnesses a murder. f 0 EIGHT IS ENOUGH t•stobhit}lt'<I in a rnckNbull l!M:~ntt whtm h" lll.lys· "Wlnnlnfi'111 cwrythfng, t•Vt\11 if you huve LO glw• up your body w wm a pomt." 'l'hl' p rc•m1Kf• Is w1•uk but hu11 enough tlurty chorm lo sustult1 c•arly lllt1•nthm ll'11 nevt-r nn lntc1ll111.·nt f11m!, thouKh, opting for plc-ln-the-fat.-c phlloeophy rllthur than clcv~meu. The snas to their ~_pt'Ctlvc gamt>M, Inevitably, Is that Kate and ~bert tall ln lovt! but can't react ~oeausc they're mired In thf'lr ruk'll. Kate, whose prlvat~ life1tylc leuns toward quickie sex over emotional attachments has found her ideal macho man, who whh .eMitivily and warmth. h ~ms the hanchlome Robert ca" a1J10 cook and sew. For his part, Robert likes the looks of Kate. Miss Be rtinelli, an acire111 who ha1 shed her adolescence in our living rooms, fills the part of the sexually active, sophisticated woman of today. The film is breez.ily entertainlng when Kate and Robert are doing their approach-avoidance, ~ole-re.versaJ routines. She keeps trying to get him into his bedroom. but he panics in the clinches. I Zl CHAALU CHAMPUN ON THE FILM ICENf 8:00 6 (I) MO~ "I Wet A Mall Ord•r Bride" (Pr.mlelo) ValerMt Berllnelli, Tlld WaM. UneK- pected compllcat1on1 arlae when a pretty magazln• writer advertlaea h•rsell aa a bridal candldat• for an Investigative reporting aulp2men1 0 Q!! GAVILAN , A beautll'UI agent tries 10 distract Gevoan when he must rescue his best friend from a Turkish prison 0 ®) THREE'S COMPANY J ack'• • well·mean1ng friends threaten 1he flnan· clel future of his restau· r•nt.Q m MEAV GRIFFIN Guests: Jaclc Jones. Fred Grandy, LIH Robinson, JOhnny Yune. EID MYSTERY I I Nicholas brings home a foster child friend whom he I I wants Tom to adop1 m M-A·s·H The experiences ol being , wounded, flown by hell· copter to the •077th. oper- ated on and lrealed tn post-op are seen through a young soldier's eyes E.T. (center) and host Robin Williams are s urrounded by friends on "E.T .. and Friends: "Malissa" Guy Is now the suspect In lwo murd8fa, but a new twlsl points to · Melisu's Involvement with more lhan gambhng. (Part 3)0 '1l) NOVA Q) HAWAII FIVE--0 A daring bank robbery 1s carried out under the cov· er or a mock military emer· gency. EID OVER EASY Guest: actress Dame Jud· Ith Anderson. Q '1i) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS "A•Chttecture The Evolv· Ing Skyline" @ CBSNEWS @) A8CNEWSQ ~N8CNEWS ID THE PRICE IS RIGHT f_$)BENJl'S VERY OWN CHRISTMAS STORY A trip to Switzerland becomes an exclling advenlure lor Benjt and hts friends when they meet Kris Kringle. 9:30 ID ALICE EID DICK CAVETT Guest: Wilham Styron (Part t)(R) '1i) GROWING YEARS '"Adolescenl Mental Devel· opment'" ({)@ NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER The detectives of the 121h preclnci di~ver the sta- tion house turned upside down by an unknown va.n- dal who leaves a message that he's OUI to get Barney ID WORLD OF PEOPLE (CJMOVlE * * * "A Christmas Carol" (1951) Alastair Sim. Kathleen Harrison Based on the story by Charles Dickens A cold-he11rted miser learns the value ol compassion through ghostly adventures on Christmas Eve f 0 AN EVENING WITH RAY CHARLES Ray Charles perform• many ot his greatest hits - including '"Georgia" and '"Hit The Road, Jactc" •• In this concert 18ped In Edmonton, Cenada l $1MOV1E • • "Going Aper· (t98t) Tony Danza. Jessica Wal- ter. Three orangutans hold the purse strings to a S5- milllon lnher1tance 'PG" @MOVIE * "Modern Problems·· ( t981) Chevy Chase, P•lti O' Atbanville A hapless air tralfic controller wilh numerous pe<aonal prob· i91'T!s Is endowed with t11lek1netic powers after being doused with nuclear waste. 'PG" 7:00 6 C88 NEWS D N8CNEWS IJ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Fonzie thinks he hu lost hi• touch with women when a kiss aends e new teacher running away In t•rror. IJ A8CNEWSQ 0 LYNN SHACKELFORO '-Cf) NEWS ID THREE'S COMPANY The threeaome accidental· ly Mii their n-landlord's lurnltur•. • JOKER'S WILD fJl) '1l> 8U81NE88 REPORT (J) P.M. MAGAZINE ®) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT lnterv-• with members ot Al•bama Magical Movie Visitors,'' tonight at 8:00 on KNXT (2). \J!i LOOI< ALIVE ID ORANGE COUNTY TODAY H STANDING ROOM ONLY 'Reo Ske11on Presents Freddy The Freeloader's Chrtslmas Dinner' Vincent Prtce and Imogene Coca co-star with Red Skelton •n the story ot Freddy lhe Freeloader's trtals and rribulatlons as he plans a holtday dinner Z MOVIE * • •,, "Cheech And Chong's Nice Dreams" ( 198 t ) Richard ··Chee..'ti" Marin, Thomas Chong, Two IMeterate potheads appear to have tound !heir true calling as they peddle ice craam on lhe streets of Los Angeles 'R' 7:20 0 NBA BASKETBALL Los Angeles Lake•s vs Portland Tr all Bia.tars 7:30 6 THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS The true story of how Clement Clark Moo<e hap- pened to write hts popular poem is told with musical se1ec11ons performed b~ the Norman LubOff Choir, 0 ~FAMILY FEUD 0 l.,AVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY The girls are elicited 10 hear that 'wild" Anne Marie will atlend their class reunion. 0 EYEON L.A. Featured· a profile or Rob· ert Goulel, ·a look at sp4ICI· ally cars, a repor1 on kid boxers ID M·A·S·H When Frank threatens to leave, Hawkeye •nd Trapper find o means doo· ble duty for them end Invent a way to make him stay Q) l]) TIC TAC DOUGH EID MACNEIL I LE.HAER REPORT mi MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING (10 YOU ASKED FOR rT Featured: "England's Cra- 1:'/ Bush People" and "The Human Pool Table '" ID MOVIE * * .. Flight To Mars" (1952) M•rguerlt• Ch•P· man. Cameron Mltctiell. A group of 11<:lentls18 and reporters embark upon an outer space voy~e to Mara 0 MOVIE * • • "Pretty Baby" ( 1979) Keith Carr•dln•. Brooke Shields. A World War I photogr'apher decides to marry the ado- 1escen1 d•ughl•r of a pros· lltule In the "Red Light Olatrlct" of New Orleans. 'R' 1:00 6 (I) E.T. AND FAlfNDe: MAGICAL MOVIE Vl81TOA8 Dan Aykroyd, LereJna Newm1n, Garrett Morris ano E.T. toln Robin Wll· llama for •n lnlormellv• •nd humorooa IOOk •I how our views of extr•t•rrNlrl· •I• •nd Iii• In Ille future have chenge<I over Iha ytiars 0 ll9J FATHER MURPHY A young boy takes part Jn a baok robbery 10 gel tlwl money he needs to c.11re lot his sick mother 0 MOVIE • • * • ··Going My Wey" (1944) Bing Crosby, Barry F ttzger aid A pries I assigned to a downtrOd- den parish works a miracle with lhe parnsh and the people 0 ~ HAPPY DAYS Fonzie decides 10 help when Heather asks Santa to get her molh•r and her grandpar•nta beck on speaking terms O SOAP Denny and Burt decide to avenge Elaine's death and Del OonOhue break& tha n-s of Chester's appar- ent demise to Jessica ID P.M. MAGAZINE USlng laser beams 10 replace acupunclure needles tor pain rallel; b•ker11 who deliver 10)'!5 to underpr1vileged kids dur- ing th• Christmas season. Q) THE WAY THEY WERE Ann·Margral, Nancy Dus- sault, Charlton Heslon, Patricia Neal , Peter Strauu , Cloris Leachm•n and many others are IN · lured In a benefit perform- anu dedicating a theatre complex et Northwestern Unlver!llly. EID NOVA "Tracking The Super· trains·· An lnvesligative report on lhe construction ot a Japanese high-speed train line between Loa Angeles and San Diego. whleh is slated IM compl• Hon by 1985, Is presented c:;i mi MYSTERY '"MeOsu" Guy is now the suspect In two murder·•. but • new twist points to Mellasa'• lnvolv•ment with more than gambling. (Parl 3)0 • - C M~VIE • • ~ade In ParlS" ( t966) Ann·Margret, Louis Jourdan A Paris dMlgner sweeps a fashion buyer olf her feet. IH)MOVlE * * '"' "Z0<ro. The Gey Blade" ( 198 t) George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old C•ll· lornl•'• famous justice lighter Is lncepacltallld by • riding Injury, l0<cing his foppish broth•• to don the c•pe and mask 'PG' ($'MOVIE • • "Buddy, Buddy" ( 1118 t) J•ck Lemmon, Wal- ter Manhau. Whll• en as1Hsln concentr•tea on his next killing, h• la rudely lnterrupled by a bumbllng tenure of a men Who l• attompllng eulclde. 'R' 0MOVIE * * * * "MOllOOW DOMO'I e.tle\18 In T .. ra" Pll80) CHANNEL LISTINGS V•r• Al•nlov•, Al .. el Batalov. lhree country g1rls wllh <N18fent go•I• and v•lve1 move to the big clly to pur1uo lhelr ambl• t1on1 1:301J Q.9) LAVERNE a SHIALIY 9 l<NXT !CBS) 0 D l<NBC (NBCI '11 9 l<TLA (Ind.I ... 8 KABC I ABCI c • ICFMB <CBS) (}j D KHJ·TV llnd.l (Ill e l<CST IABCI Ill e K'tTV find.I , .. 'e KCOP-TV (Ind.I • e KCET (PBS) • • KOCE I PBS) On-TV Z TV HBO <Cl~malll (WORI NY,. N.V <WTBSI (ESPNI (Showllmel Si>ottlght ICab)t NtWt Nttworkl L1v8fn1 suspects th•t the man sh• hH been d•llng, • former tr•P81.• ertlal. 11 out to 11111 h., o {fj CHAALl@'I ANOl&.4 TIMI Anoef• tak• on the role• of b•byaltt•fl wtlefl the '"u10111at1ve t l·Y"r- Old n~ ol • former client c1alm1 to l\ev11 wllneeH<I 1 rnufffr Qt 000 OOUPl.I 0110ar Md F .. h1 1t11n that lhey tach 1~1rt minor IUI~ "Tracking The Super· trains" An l11vestigatlve 1eport on the construction of a Japanese high·•poed . train line between Los Angeles and San Diego, which Is slated tor comple- tton by t985, is presented ~ BOLDONE8 r z)MOVIE * * • * "Outcast 01 The Islands" (1952) Rober1 Morley, Ralph Richardson Based on the novel by Joseph Conrad. A man's mor Ill fiber Is destroy4td when Ile beeomes Involved In a Melayan smuggling operation. 9:30 0 @) 9T06 Judy, Doralee ar>d Violet rebel against Roz's arro- gance when 11"8 takes charge or the olf1C8 tor lhfl hospllallzed Mr. Hart MOVIE * * "'The Co1seck1" ( 1960) Edmund Purdom, John Or-8arrymora. In Czar Ale••11der·a Russia 01 the 1850s, lusty and coura- geous werrlMs wage tlarce t>attles against inv•ders tOI MOVIE •'it "Endless Love" ( t 98 1) Brooke Slllelda, Merlin Hewltl. A 17-yHr-old'• obsessive love lor his 15· year-old glrllrl«>d laeds to parental conlllc;t• •nd tr~· edy 'R' 10:00 0 Q!! ST. ELSEWHERE Of. Westphal!'• controver- sial declslon lo close •n entire w•rd pep off, NurM Rosenthel tekh pny on e bothersome patient, •nd Of. Fiscus Ill ~ In the -~room. e umm NfW8 O l!I> BAMARA WAL TEAS IP&aAL B•rb•r• W•1tar1 lntervl.wt Dolly P.,ton. Join Rivera and Goldie H-.. f.li) GREAT PERFOAMANCE8 "Danee In A.merlc•: The Green Table" German chor•ographer Kurt Jooss's moving ant1-wa1 masterpiece combining danoe •nd theater la P«· formed by tha Jolffey Bal- let. '1l) BOOY IN QUESTION "Shaping Th• Futu••" Beginning In en ollv• grove on a GrHI< l1lend ~ llf!d· Ing on the rocky -Mlor• of Scollend, D<. Jon•then Miiier 0Her1 • la11<:lnetlng explanation of genetic• and conoepllon. O mT~VI~ A grMnhorn Jolri• the wr•nglers et ShHOI\ R•nch and finds le1rnlng th• ropes 1 tough challenge. (CJMOV1£ ••'it "Chaach And ChOng'a 1\11ce Ore•m•" (198 t) Rlcilerd "Clleeeh" M1rln, ThOmH Chong. Two inveterat• potheed• •Ppe•r to h111e louod their true c•lllng H they paddle loa cre•m on th• 1treet1 of Los Anll8f" 'R' (HI MOVIE • • • "S11r Crazy" ( 11180) Rklh1td Pryor, Gene Wild· ., Two men are m11111cen for bank robbers llnd 1«1t toj•ll. 'A' I S)AN!WOAYINIDIH A ~"' lamlly torn• • •mllll town into • mod84 r•tuwnttlon pro.i-ct. (Pitt 10) 10'.JO ., IN09INDllNT HnWOMNIWI lS)~:91NeATH THlMAGIO (Pert 3) .MOYll ••'A "Chaeah Aod Chono'• Nic. OrMm•" (198 t) Alehatel ''C"-teh" M•rln. ThOmH Cl!OnO. fwo lnvet9fat• potl'MNlda appaer to hlYB found their true calllno aa tfleV peddle toe Cftam on Ille tl ..... 1 OI LOl~'flll' to1:00 e D 8 (() 0 ~ NIWI • Rooorl'fl bc•t with hl.iJ trilind and luw 1)61rtncr, JOf' (Kt.•o K.inunlrw), is Robert'11 11port1i car a.cuiNt Joo'1 boot u strong cnou"h mollvation tor him to n11118t Kau•'• uggrt1J.Mivt.•n••lllf, • One mU.JOr problem of the film ls that thlfl unconve ntional farce too quh:kly forgets the building relationship for the dlmolvlng OM. After Robert confe9ell hJa lov .. and hill ~Mr~. K»w g<'ts all hutfy -ahe wu no innocent her", cittwr -und return• to Chicago to write a magazine article ridlcuUnti Robert. The film then bogs down in convolut~d courtroom actlvlty, 1n which Robert's lft>el suit against Kate is played out. ''I'm suing you becauRe you made a public mockery of my deepest feelings," he says. It was almoet WI if &Ct'lptwrlter Stephen Vito didn't know how to finiah the film, so he ch06l' a nonsensical legal proceeding and then a cllche- ridde~ train scene that would have worked only in a mens cologne ad. At least Cary Grant's movies - see "l Was a Male War Bride" -satisfied in the end. Valerie Bertinelli TUii TOPPERS KABC (7) 8:30 -"Laverne & Shirley.''- Laverne suspects that the man sh e has been dating, a former trapeze artist, is out to kill her. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Gavilan." A beautiful agent tries to distract Gavilan when he must rescue his best friend from 8 Turkish prison . KABC (76 10:00 "Barbara Walters Special." Barbara Walters intervie ws Dolly P a rton, Joan Rivers and Goldie Hawn. 0 SATUROAY NIGHT Host; Teri Garr. Guests. The B·52's, 0 IN SEARCH OF ..• ID ALL IN THE FAMILY Alter Archie's union goes on slrtke, Archie becomes miserable end the lamlly becomes worried about thelr future (Part 2) G) HAARY.0 EID 8USINf88 AEPORT '1l) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSf A patient sues Michael for apparent neglect. ($)BIZARRE John Byner shows you lhlngs stranger than lrulh, larger than file. and zanier than anything you've ever seen (ZIMOVIE * * * "The Concert FCH Kampuchea" ( 11180) Paul McCartney. The Who A host of rock perf0<mers, many of Whom get togeth· er In en •ll·star rock orchestra, •re featured In thll rllCOrd of • aeries ol concerts held for the bene· flt of 1eUel to war·ravege<I Cambodl•. 11 :30 tJ Cl) QUINCY Quincy and Sam 1nvesll· g•le when a dozen people become Ill In a small r•ncn1ng town (R) D ot TONIGHT Host· Johnny Cuson Guest: Rlch•rd Pryor. 0 @) ABCNEWS NIGKTUNE 0 YOU ASKED FOA IT Featured: "Engl•nd'a Cra- 1:'/ Bush People" and "The Human Poot Table." m OOOCOVPLE Feliic Is inaplrlld by Oscar's MW glrllrlencl to write en origin•! song for her nightclub K l. fli) AATMBEJHO HUMAN "love: Myth And Mystery" '1l) P88 LA TENIGHT Host· Dennis Wholey ID 700CLU8 fOl MOVIE "Cindy And Donne" (1971) Debbie Osborne, Nancy Ison (S i MOVIE * ..... "Che•ch And Cllong's Nice Dre•m•" (1981) Rich8ld "CheoCh" M"ln, Thomu Chong Two lnv•teJata potheads appear to h•ve found their true celling •• they peddle lee er.am on the alrMts ol Loa Angeles 'R' 11:36 (()MOVIE • "Ch•mplon Of Death" I t977J Sonny Chlblt. Aftet kUllng a mob•ter. • m•rtl•I art• ex1>«t retires brleny befora tllclng on a score ol hired 11aa11lns 'R' 11:56 ('°4) MOVlE * * * "Tha French Lieu· lllfl•nl't WomM" (11181) M•ryl StrHp, J.,•my Iron• An affair t>et-n two t1etor1 11 per•llaled In the romantic period fllm In which the two •re partorm- lng 'R' 12:00 It EHTERTAINtioWHT TONIGHT lnterv-. With '"*"bef• of Alabama. -~ILMTWON) • • "The French Line" (11154) Jane RutMll, GIP l>flrt ROiand. Muquered• mo ... m~. •WHlthy glrl trevelt 10 P.,-11 wtMtr• she ~· a charmlf19 •ncl <Nbonalr Fr~hm•n. (}) NIWI • MOYll **lo\> "Blood On The 81111" ( 11145) JamM Cag· n•y, Sylvia Sidney. Japa- n•se warlords try to silence an American n-S· paperman who foresees J•p•n's threat to democ· r.cy prior 10 the attack on Pearl Harbor. G) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Blue Plate Special" A millionaire can't seem to get the Interest of a youno glrl "Love And The Sea· Through Maid" Larry can't keep his mind ofl aexy Mlohele. 0MOVIE • * * "The French Ll8u· tenant's woman" (198l) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. An alfatr between two actors is p•ralleled in the romantic period film in which tlwl two a1e pe1f0<m· Ing. 'R' 12:30 0 QJJ LATE NIGHT WITH • DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: author Quentin Crisp, filmmaker John Waters. comedian Mark Schllf.(R) It TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE Guest: Willard Scott Cf> TOM COTILE: UP CLOSE Guest: Erik Estrada II) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Other Mis· takes" Norman plans to get even with his wife "Love And The Lie" M1rco is• auc •fr aid of entering a m1n's apartment "Love And The Golden Worm" A seventh son ta to weo a seventh dauohler rZJMOVIE • • "Spatters" ( 1981) Hans Van Tongeren, Toon Agterberg. Three friends from • small town beeome involved In the motorcross racing cir cull 12:40 tJ MCMILLAN A WIFE Mac and Sally Investigate • professional football team when an auto· gr•phed lootbell points to murder.(R) 1:00 It MOVIE * * V. "The Great Bank Robbary" (1969) Zero Most•I. Kim Novak. A bank 11 besleOed by g•no• of •OUld·be robbau 0 MOVIE • • •·ee11eh C•Hnova" ( t965) Curt Ju1gens, Mar- tine C.,ol Three young Sk:ill•n• beeome Involved with • poor nobleman Whom they believe to be -.lthy. (!)MOVIE "Tile Gay CevelJer" ( t946) Gilbert ROIDnd, Martin Garrelaga. II) MOVIE "They Cell Me HalleluJah" (No O.te) George Hlltoo, Ch•rf•a Southwood. A then 11 ettemptad by a gang of outl•w. for the c1own jawela of Maxk:o {[I) EHnRT AINMfNT TONIOHT Int~ wllh members of Alati.rne, (C)MOW **"The 0.mMd" (1960) Dirk Bogarile, Ingrid Thu· Un. A -•lthy lnduatrlat family 11 torn apart by the Cl•cadonca end eoclal °"hNv•I ol .. rly Nul Ger· "*'Y· (0}MOW "Twlllght Pink" (198t ) Veronlea Harl. K•nc:JI 9., • bour 1$)MOVll • • • v. "Montanaoro" ( tH1) 8uaan An1p1ch. Eiland J0Hph1on A JOHN DARLING neglected w11e travels to Stockholm aoQ begi1>s an allalr with a man She mel In a bohemian nightclub. 'R' 1:30 0 O~ NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:55 H MOVIE • * • . .., "M on1enegro" (198 t I Susan Anspach, E.rl&nd Josaphson A neglected wile travels to Slocl<holm and begins &() 1<1ta11 with a man she mel in a bohemian nightclub 'R' 2:00 6 ('!) CBS NEWS NIGHTWATCH m NEWS 0MOVIE • • "Love & Money" ( 1980) Ray Sharkey, Ornel· le Mutt A Los Angeles bank employee's Ille is turned upside•dOwn when he meets and becomes romantically involved with the wile ol a wealthy Ger- man entrepreneur 'A' 2:115 (j) FILM FEATURE 2:30 0 ~NEWS_ <Jj SERGEANT 8lLKO "Bllko Gets Some Sleep" m MOVIE • • * "I Met A Murderer" ( 19391 James Mason. Pamela Kelllno, When a henpecked farmer finally yields to the impulse of kill· lng his nagging wife. he finds sanctuary from the l"w with 8 you"i girl. ro MOVIE * *Vt "So Fine" ( 198 t) Ryan O'Neal. Jac.k War· den A stulty college pro- fessor saves his tather"s floundering garment facto· ry by inventing a new lype ol ladies' jeans 'A" Z.MOVIE * * * * "Outcast Of Tho Islands" ( t952) Robert Morley, Ralph Rtehardson Based on the novel by Joseph Conrad A man's moral fiber Is destroyed when he becomes involved in a Maleyan smuggling opereuon 2:.0 (S MOVIE • • "Jesus" (1979) Brl•n Deacon, Rivka Nolman The ltle of the "King of Kings," from his early yeers as the son ot e poor carpenter to h•s instigalton of the rallgJous and social revolution that led to his death by cruC1flxlon. is detailed. 'G' 3:000 MOVIE * • '"Five Guns West" (1955) John Lund, 00<olhy Malone Ftve ••·cons become Confederate sol- diers and plot the heist or a Yankee stagecoach laden wtthloot SEA HUNT 3:30 (9J FArTH 20 3:35 H MOVIE • • • ·•Stir Craty" ( 19801 Richard Pryor, Gene Wiid· er Two men are mistaken tor b&J\k robbers and sent lofall 'R" 8:45m MOVIE • • • "A Woman's' Seorel" I 1949) M•ureen O'Hare, Melvyn Oou9las A woman shoots the singer sh• helped to make t•mous (Cl MOVIE • * "A Dangerous F'rlend" (t971) Rklhard Thomn. Barbara Bel Geddes lo disturbed 23-year-old vie· 1tm11es a young woman who Is attracled to him. 'R' 4:00 TOP O' THE MOANING ,01MOVIE, "Cindy And Donne" ( t971; Oebble Osborne, NenC) Ison. UMOVIE • • ·~ "Chaech And Chong'• Nice Dreams" ( t981) Rteh•rd "Cheech" Marin, Thomu Chong. Two Inveterate pothead! appeer to have found lhel1 true celling as !hey peddi. lo• cream on the strMts ot Los Angeles. 'R' 4: 10 ( Z CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 4:308 llPY !l) BULLWINKLE IZ IMOvtf • * '"' ''Cheech And Chong's Nice Or .. ma" (1981) Richard "Cheach" M•rln, ThomH Chong. Tw0 lnvetefate polheeda opoe&r to hllve found their true e•lllng •• they peddle tee cr .. m on the t lfMit ol Lo• Arlgelet 'R' t:40 I S1 ~-A-THON A comedian ho•t •nd IOI." comic cont•a11n1s who compete 1ga1n1t one anotl\er are fealured In lhl• uncensored comedy game show M'f-dne•if 0 11'• O ut1t h nf-Mol'l f-• 5:30 0 * * • ·~ "Across The Great Divide" ( 1976) Rob· ert Logan. Heather R•t· tray Two orphaned Chit· dren set our alone across the Rocky Mountains in order to claim a farm in Oregon which they Inherit· ed 8:00 r Z * • • * "Moscow Doesn't Believe In Tears" ( 1980) Vera Alentova, Alexei Batalov. Three country girls with different goals end values move to the big city to pursue their ambitions. 8:30 O, • * * * "Fiddler On The Root" (197 t) Topol, Norma Crane A peasant milkman !n turn-of·lhe· century curfst Ruasla tries to marry otf his eligible daughters while trying to hold onto his Jewish harl· tage 1n the lace ot oppres· sion 'G' 7:00 <!l • * * '"Come And Get 11" (1936) Joel McCrea. Walter Brennan. A cruel paper mill owner acquires the power to control the Wlscons•n lumber country C) * • • "Christmas Mountain" (198t) Slim Pickens, Mark Miller A rough and tough cowboy delJvers a message of love and the Christmas spfrU in the Old West. 7:30 S • • "Falling In Love Again'" ( 1980) Elliott Gould, Susannah York A man goes to his high school reunion In the belief that he can relive the good times OI lhe past. 'PG' 0 * ** * "'Oliver" ( t968) Ron Moody, OllY« Reed A young orphen la kidnapped lrom his new home by his old gang. bul manages to HCape and re1urn 10 his benefactor. 8:00 (H .,, •"American Wiider· ness" (No Oate)A lllmm•k- er's quest 10< record-size specimens of lour kinds of horned sheep and an t 1- tooHall "1ask•11 polar bear 1s followed. 'G' 1:30 I C * * ''I "Cork~" ( 1972) Robert Blak•. Charlotte Rampllng. An ambl1tous part-tune stock car raoer has problems •d1ust1ng to losing a r•ce rz • • • "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( t980) Paul McCartney. The Who. A host of rock performers. meny of whom gel togeth· er In an all·tllt rock OrGhestr•. are featured In this record ot a setles of concerts held for the ~ flt of rehel to waM•v&Qed Cambodia 9:00 ID * * ~ "The Battle At Apache Pata" ( 1952) JOhn Lund, Jeff Chandler An Indian and • cavalry malM foln forces to pr•vent Geronimo from m•ssacr- ing wtllle settlers. 9:30 m * * * "The Siory 01 E1th8f Costello" (1957) Joan Craw:!Qrd, Rossano ' Brau.I Alter gaining lame through doing ch•rllabla work. a girt regains her alghh hearing •nd apeecl\ following an emotion•! sh<e ' tOJ * •V. "Zorro. The G•y J Bl•de" ( 198 t) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton The heroic ton of Old Cell- torni•'• l•moua tuatlc• lighl81' Is inc•pacltatlld by a rtdl09 Injury. forcing hi• topptsh brother 10 doo the cape af)d mask. 'PG' 10:00 (C1 * * * "Boys' Night OUt" ( 11162) Kirn NOvllt, Jn1os Garner Whan a ahep•ly young co·ed under1•kH • MK t-rch project, Iha f)nd1 four bull.-smen m«• than wllNng 10 lease en ttpan- mont to •Id her in hat atudy. 00 •••• "Oliver" ( 1"8) Ron Moody. Oliver Read. A young Mphan 19 kidnapped from his ,_ hOma by his old gang, but m1naget to atee.pe end r•turn 10 his ~acior ($1 •••"love Me Of LNV8 M•" (lll55) Dorla Dav. J•mo• Cagney. by Armstrong & Batluk • .J '• 1 ' \•I•\ ,_,.., P C "O• CIOw <.no -.. AA It 44 It I•) 11 '' , t \lo . ,, ,, .... ~ ... A.M, I» S l .. t I•'• I"" .... ,_CA> '"' 1111. ... AMlt wl tll/ ,.,_ '-AMlt pf 1 11 I• 16~•, t.. APL 11 ti 1'-AltA t 10 d )OV. • ASA :M . ltM M '"' AVX .» » JI• tJV. t 14 AlllLAll ... 11 17... .01'> , V. Ac,,..c 1 • .0 1 ti 1714 v, ACm•I .1211 I) • I ::'1~u: ~o : .:~ _. AGmMI .. 1' 10 IV. , V. .-.... .. n 10 •• 110 ti"' h AMD t a 101' tJ\.. V. "-"'L' 2 u 1 nu nv. ... Aetl pfJ... llJI " • ~. ~=' 60 1 lf: 't"' . ~ Alf Prct ID • 111S n-.-1 Alr11Fr1 60 It m 1"-t "-AIMN n J U. 1 •••P pfAJ., J ,... • Va Ate P clpf ti t• I , ~~ •••P pf • . 1200 ..... •••P pf •.44 dllO " • , •l•Ppfl.1' 1110060 ,,, .t.l .. KO 1.60 ) ) 1'~. Alllany 1 • .0 10 «)It 2' t 1, Alber1o .Sol it JS Jlv, • lit Allll$n • I 13 10. ... ,, h Al<•n .tel ll toll 20e lit .t.l<oS1cl 1. IJ 10 JOI JO•> .... Al••AI Ill ... II :12S 23., Atnctr t) n ,.. v. AllQ(p t.01 9 .:I 1J , . AIO(:p pf1.tl • U+. t l<t Atfl11t 1.<IO I 4JO U V. I~, AIOI~ 2. 1' 19 II\. v, Al91 Ct I.JS I IJ'~ Alli! 2AD I 1131 ]µ.. • \I> All..,O .0 )1 11 Uw • '-Allctep 2 • .0 S lt«I 12 -t. Ald(.p pl ... U .:I SS'-• '-:~ll4 .1\! .~ ·: -~ AllOSlr I.ID 10 &321 JI\>, V. AtlclTel I 9 SJ t•\I. . Ahl1Cll Soll 1"'-1<t AlltCh pl•.<t) ll t:R\ ... Alptl Pr . 1 1''\o-v. Alcoa 1.10 •1 10.2 2"t • lit Amax .10 JSSJ 19'1<. ... Amaxpl J .. s 37 ... Amrcoe 1.:12 20 29 11 + v. AmHea 1.1013 2151 26'1•-1'- AmAor .05) . • JOO t \I>-"• ABa-r 12• llVI t V. ABrencl l.SO 1 Sll 0"9-II) A Bret pl 2.IS 19 JS''>. ... ABrcl pf UI . 12 o A86c1t 1 60 10 11' SSl<o-V. ABklM 1 11 JS lS + IW ABuJPcl _.Jt t 11 li'l>- AmC•n • iO 2" ~ "' •can p1 2.10 1 tt"' v1 ACntCp JO I .. :~~·n l:ll :; 10~ ~~I~ AEIPw 2.2' I 2M2 11 + Va :w.r;:r. t:: ~ T.! u~ • ·~ A011Cp 2.10 I 2ti S<V. ..... AGnl pfA le . . 9'0 SOV>-\t. AOnl plB.tM .. U1 S2.\0-V. AOIBd 2.14 .. IS 11 ...... AOnCv 1.IOe .. I• 29-~> AHerlt ... 9 S 20 AHolsl .5tl .. 217 13 .. AHom41 2.20 13 23:20 ...... • V. AH0$9 t ... 1S lMI --1 AMI .Sl 17 22'2 J7-~ !~:;'II 3°4 ~J ~""· ;.,_ ASLFta 2'J 17~-~> !:ir., .-: ;: ~ ~:,"' ASterll AD to SIJ 13ft + \lo Am$1r I to 31< '1 -1 AStr pf s.s1 . • .. ~. "' ATT S.«I 11'0l7 •I'll.• Va ATT pl •. 23 •~• "' ATTpf JM .. S5t )I -.... ATT pf J.7• .. l<SS J7 ...... . AWetr UD s • .. ... _ .... A Wet pf 1.25 .. ts.cl 10 ........ . A-ron 1.60 S 21 UV. ... . A,,..so .«112 n ,._"' ._,_ 1.10 IS ., ,. ........ Amt« 1 .... 1' S9 24 + .... AMPln I.Cl II ... UV. 11/o Ampeo .ou .. :r. n . . !:::;~~ 1.,. 1! :: m-;:.. · ~ Amlter 1.tel IS 7• u•., Amst pf ... .. t S"9 , v. Amslecl t.60 1S .. tsv.-1\o A11<mp n .n lJ MO "' Po AnloO a JI '1 26 -... All<-1.» II l60 111.,_ Va AnCley 1.:12 1 111 ~-"" AnclrO 11 .20 I 2' IJV> + .... ~ 1:: :~ .:: n .... = ~ AllMv pfJ.60 . 225 Slllt• .... A11l•tr .JO 2• IUI ..,,_., • 1 ... Ani. _,. • 11 13~. Va Ant1111y Mb 20 22 7•-v. Apecllt .2• I 4" 100..--V. ApellP WI le . 101• I~ ... ApPw pf4.ll .. ,. --v. ~';-~~=ii 11:4;11o::14 ArcllDn .1<1110 in• 11-1v. ArhPS 2.52 7 3<10 U... + ... Ari P pf l.SI .. 90 ,,_.. + .... ArllBst .<SI . . 2' ""'-' V. Arlll• . '2 10 211 11 -... Arin RI 2 ZIG ~ ..... Arm.O. I IOV.. Armco I.JO . m ••• li'o Arm< pl 2.to JI 2•'~ + '° ArmR s .ID 1 "' 29\t. • \t. ArmWtn 1.10:12 !17 t•to-V. AroCp .IO 11 Cl , • ...,_ "' A.-E . 14 11 n 1.-.. .... Ar1ra .22 D .. 1..._ '° Arvin 1.lt 11 10 ltvo-"' Arvl11 pf J 7 JOV.-"'° ANrco A .... 29 -1 AllllOll 2..0 S 261 t7-~ AllllO pl•.SO 2 ~ • .._ AllllO plJ.9' . IC M'h-11'9 A~DG 2 11 11• .. v. .. AMID pf •.7S . t IS -I Atlli-1.60 1) 19 1''1io-.... !lc,x~~ 1: ; m ~.· lit Atl1t1c11 2.<IO • 09 •1•'>-1"-AtlRc pf l.H 00 J7 .•. AllRc pf 2.IO . 2 91'4-2"-Atlas(p .2'e 2 112 1...,._1 !::r:~, ·~ ~ .~ ~.,..:I~ AWO(p 1.20 10 ll09 ,.,_1\.W Avc:o pl 3 20 II 5t -1\<'J ~::f ·~ :~ .: ~t!= ~ AVOft 2 I "°' ,,_ .... A•I• I IS 11 200 I.._+ "" AyOln' 22 JOI )ti,_, -----Balr11<0 .lO I 107 ts -1 Bkrlntl .'2 • 23'9 22' 11._ B .. dOr .»" 111 n 1vi BaldU s •• • 2ti2 M-211> BldU pf 2.0t .. J 1IOY1 • 'h B .. ,,,' 1.cw 10 m ~ v. :a1~E1 t: : = ~'\<. ~·~ a:lt llfB 4.90 •• 170 :1111> .... 8...C.I UD IJ :JO 21-14 BMT.. .lO 10 m '""-IJlt B~ .90 13 7 JI • II. =~ i-:i : ~_;_ ~ B-o4V• 1.» 1 cs n~.-"' BMAm 1.51 1 W• ~ 'I> BkAm pl . 1129 Hh • ''> B'-AIUy tA 10 IS 10 -V. ~Tr LIS S '21 >t 114 BkTr pf 2.90 • 23 B-Tr pf 4.22 61 «> , v.. B-• .11) . 22 .... • BMcl $ II J1t J1'4-t BernOp .60 . • llV..-loll 8Mnet 1.m I a1 tS•-IV. ar"1J t.•. s JO • '" B« r .«1l4n1n ... v. ..... .JM 11 3'1 "'· .. B-11 1.)t22 ,.. ,. 11. 8a11tTr ... 19 11JO • -... ..,,..,, 11' ,. 11~ "" ...,SCO UI • U 22~ • o,_ ::r~':l' 1.~ •i ,::: ~ .... : ~ .... ,,. l.a .. JJ ... .. B«tnO I. U 12 '3< 4l.,,_ " hk« ISO 4 V.. Be4coPI .10 • 1't 1.-... a.tlMH .a 1a 111 ,.,._ V. ... _ ·""'" ~-14 ... ltncl u ... )0 u -.,, ... uo2.m .. " ,..,. • .,_ ..,,,,, uo 10 ,, J3 .... ....... 1JJ 1J U7 11 -Yo ~· 111404 1t '°"' .... =p 21J -U \I.+ V. 9-f ::::: : 11.: : -i . ._. pf ).. • . ,.., 103\lo + ~ ---rt.•.. ao ,, _ .. .10t 14 "' • -.... ey .. •11 • ..._Yo l"cl .JJ 11 1912 ,,.... • " SU 1 . , tsl 17....,_ ,. i. -ty •• It 212 J7V.-1"- fTflr .n to JM 2211>-"' lflMY UD 1' • J3 " lsl'Sl .. Itel • \It 8'-ckD .12 • A'12 I·~-.., • • • • 'I 01.1ou110 .. , INCi UOt I ••II•' o .. '"' .... .,., •• MIDWUt l'•ll•tt p ... •OHOlf, 0 11•0•f ""'0 c ... ,1 .. 1011 HOO t •C114.t"8t \ Al!jO II PO•UO a y tlll 11a\O Ufll lltUl llU Dow Jones Final '-••• Nol •I•• IOI •lo .... ll I loh ( hlW' I 11\1 I' I llCh C loh" t tty I' I IW\ 11 .. I 1\4 ~::'~~ ~= ~~ !!::. :: 1 a~111 's .: ~···· j~~~·~ •• ~ .. ·~~.Ill::· .. Cr4111 1• \I I alH I 10' H•~ \o )jlf11•"' ii 10 II) 'O' • \" Ctat'le I Ml 2' 1\1 !t', en11e t 1 tt •tJ al 't, 11 J'"'"' l J... JJI 10•1 • .., ~•I•• ~4•1 !"ylh )1 •Jt )<f•• '• •l'\1• to 10 ., 1/•o 1 •• J•llt'lll "I IA I he 1¥4 ... l l•O• ( IUW t l\y ••ON '., 10 H ,.. • • •• ••5•1 1 ll ' " .,,, "' J .. ~ pl -4 1/0 fl•· Diil.HP• 1 «I • II u.. flllPk n I°' II II .... • •• .:".,,·r.1 • •,. 11 ~ ,u,· .. ·, ,"', J,•.·, pfpl •, ~. ·~"' ~:A. I llahJn 1 IO lit •i\\ 11 '"'"'" I hi ti•• 1 .. u • , • -,.. !llOHlt ,., tJ101• •r•, r•nt 1 •• IJW ,.,, , 1., C.tn1~• IN " .. Jtr~ llf 11 111 1 '°'•• 1<o ltuell 1 ltil IO 1 It'• rftl pt• W •• 0.,,, <. C.t mln t «If a I•'• lt r pf II 110 II' 1 • 1 1 -11 •Jll JJ~ b Cr h i DIN D' I.It )1 C..Alnv • 1-. ~ JO•, 1, Jet Jll 1 II 10 I•'•• .:;;t 1";11 ••I> )).'; .. ~rwmt" 1 la It 1~ ti~ lo (,ll,1r10ll Mio 1J 1~ ll , H• Jtwtl~ I .. • UI ., .. Bot doll 1 n • qla ff 21• ul .. o I 10 ll M•, \o C>nlolt • • • IV'• '• Jewl( pl I )I • h Bo<tW• I )I • th J/I•. • • urnn n .It Jt1 41ft ,. • 6tl11M. u II o~ ti•. '"" J••ICI IJll:a. 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Ull 711. 1. a --.. , ---~ CnlrVTI .7• ' 129 I~• E.t.l wlO . :JOI 31<9 '• Hel1F8 1.IO 11 ~ 291 "° Lim ltd S 1• 23 1•11 23 • ~> C..;vill 4.IO • SI ....... , , EsAlr :;itt,'9 • tt I~~ '-Hall1111 1,llO I .011 ll~• I• / Lln<HI J I 157 0 Cr1·1...S JOI 11\<o v. EtAlr plJ.10 ., II HamrP I .. , S3 30'!<\. Va Lln<PI 2.. • ..... CeuAlr «In .,. ti • ... Ee•10" I.JO 7 .. I ,,... HanJS I.,. 101 13"9 Lltlort 1 60ll I 1•7' d~• le '""'r'll .<IO"'"° ,. ... '• E•'1Utl l.l'O • llJ IJ... HellJI 1.... ,, 17 .... Llllort pl 1 u 16'9 .... E KOCI :M 13 SI.. 17.. , ... Hl\Cllmn I 10 11291) 201• • I l..o<klld I llS 1•\. I._ Cllm pl 1.20 II t• • "-' H •nc1H .~ 19 -1 11~ + ~ l.ocllle 5t 10 Ul 7t~1 ' •• Cllml p1 • 60 11 •I'-Ea Ion 1.n u 311 tt• • • .., • ---- c11emSp .IO 11 10S •\.. ~. Ec1111n ~ 1s 11• 20 ~:~~J 1 'l' 1 ~l :~~ :'! t::~n l: 1! 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M.~: .. :'J·n. ~ 2:~ I\ lflt(p I "'JT 101 n • I i mt p1e1 n • " t¥> u .. llL" ~·19 • '* to•, 1, 1•1N11• .n 3 •31 1Pt1t ' I"""" I 11104S M \t Ull'l llf t'• J1 u , "-7eyre <Ob 16 ,,. 631• "' man 1Ill1' u .. ~, 11o "I"\."' / '° ., u-., '• ~•11l1ttA .Ul . II• I', " r•s.. 1 It s 191 JO"-•• u Pl .. , » IU ,,.,._ ' ltro , u IS ., ••• ,, You can't afford to miss this opportunity to communicate your outstanding benefits to over 96,000 adult reeders -residents vitally concerned obout the uncertainties and progrese of their coastal region. Outlooj( '83 Is o feature sure to be saved for future reference by employees, customers and businesses lnterestad In loading area industry To reserve your advertising apace today. contact OaUy Piiot advertising at 842,..32 1 • •