HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-15 - Orange Coast PilotTHI ORANGE COAST DUNTY IDITION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1112 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 2 front tee(h real g ift for g r eet e r No. I Ardw r be fort• By STEVE MITt 'tU:LI~ Of th. Delly Piio t 8tett ll ull ht· wa11L-. for l 'ht 1st111;.c, 1::. h is twn f11111t lt·t·lh, Lu~u11.1 &at h '::. rww l{t t•t'lt•t l(ul l11s wtxh early A uru11d lll'W '>l'I 111 upp1•t tVt•rlt.'S, l'llUt lt':>V 11f ,in Art Culu11 v d l' n t ts t w h " w o u I d h a v 1• prt:f1 ·rrt'd .1no11v1111ly f11r his yulellme dt'l'll "The dt·nttsl 1·a111t· lll• lo 11w 1•11 lht· strt.'<.'l cand s.11d, 'l th111k ow nt·w gn-'<'tt-r :.hm1ld havP a full s n1tl1"," thl' 1p·1·1·l1 ·r said . d1splay1ng ..i wall lo wall gt 111 "H t• told !TH'. 'Why don't you eome to my ufftl't' and l1•t 11w put some tt>t:lh m fur you· " "I wld hun I h..tJ no 111111tl'V. but he· said ht· didn't t·X pt'l'l Ill charge mt• anvthmK " The n ew greeter arnvt•d 111 Laguna EWach a few months ago Like his famuus prt•dt>n.'ssor. Etier Larsen. the grc~ll'r began w ca v i n g l u 111 • > l u r 1 s l s a 11 d passc:rsby fr11111 ht:. "wl'leo111e mat" tn frhnt of th1· Lal{una Vtllugt' a.-t.'i a11d 1·raft::. l't'rtlt•i 0 11 South Coast ll1ghwuy The rww ~rt.'t.'U·1"1> 1iaJ111• 1.s No I lJ 1111a111t.-d Archt•r. am.I. wt th out going Into grl•ut del.all, thl• rea.so11 I h d t ll lllll l' Is O 11 h Is b Ir l h <'l.'rllfil·att.· 1s l.x'l·aus.: his parents Wt'n·n't c>XJX>t'llng tw111.s wht·n he and h1s bro1twr werP born 5 1 ve&rs agu FindUIR tht'm::.t•lvt•s sudd1•nly with two bal>y boys and only urn' 11amt', the An·hers labt-led the lwuts Nu I Unrnunt.-d Archer and Nu 'l. U11namt-d An:ht•r until thC'y 1•111.dd L'orll t' up with m11rt' l'1mve11uonal names No I ealk·d the dent1St's ufftt'l· .ind mcade an appoentnwnt fur II :IO a .m last Thursday H l' .1 r r i v l' d , t h L' d t• n t 1st mad e irnpresstons uf his tct'lh and askt..U No I t11 return latC'r 1n thl· dcay "I l·amt· \;a1·k ut 'l. :JO i.md 111y l1•1•lh Wi·rt· thert• waiting for nw." No I gnnnt-d Th<· ~rl-.'ter said hP lost his two fronl lt't•llt ,1bout <I y1·a1 ugo "I w11..' 1 w1.'illllg with sm1 11·m1t• urnl 1-(ot k 1\l•t•d Ill th1· 11111utll," 111· t·xplauw<l. hu. 'l'l'Xit.."I t1l• t·nt Just b~n·ly dtsc.'t.•rntbll' Al1oul hts s urµns•· ( 'h11st111as grft. th1• gn•l'lt•r s;i1d , "I'd Jll:>I caboul n·solv1·d 111)'s\·lf I 'd l.1· w1lht1lll tlwm fw tlw rf'~t of my l1f ,. " 'l'ht•n · w11>. a unw wh1·11 llt1• ~rt• 1· t l' r co u Id t· tis ti y It J v 1• affurdl"<l thl' dt>n\.dl work Opening hJ.S mouth wtdt•, lht· gret'lt·r dts plcayed tW(J rows 11! 1·xpt•n.s1ve pot-ct·lam 111luys. gold tTIJWl'IS cam.l costly bndgt'work "l'4"t' s p<•IH a f11rlun1· •111 111v 11u1ulh ," j t· laught-d Hut thut, of t'UUrst" w;i::. bal'k wla·n the greelt:r w.1s 111 th1• monE·y Back whl•n ht.• owned two bt.·auly parlurs Ill San Daegu Before ht• d1Sl'ardc-<l 111.s worldly possessions, began µn:achtng a b o u t 1 o v l', a n d a r r 1 v t• d 1 n Lagun<t &ach wh1·n• ht•'::. talwn Up fl'l>ltklll'l' H!'> tht• lll'W gn'l·lt·r "I'll havt· to say thi11 1s about llH' nicest town anu the nll'l'Sl <.'ht 1s t11UtS gift I l'Vt'I l'l'l'l'IVt'll ," Ill' :.idd, shdkl111< 111::1 lll'ud Now About lht• 111y1>tt'I y dt·11\l:.l It's frrw for h1111 lo ht• a btl 111od1•sl .tlxiut tl11• whult• lhtng, IHtl yuu t·un't :.lop No I frum '!pllling lht' IX'!H\S "You ml'an lu t1•ll rnt· lht· d1•11l1st dcwsn't want his nam1· 1t•v1·al1'11'1" tlw f<rt't.'lt•r a.skt..U "I wouldn't dr .. am 11' lt'llmg t' v l' r y u 11 t• 1 l w a i. LJ r B 1 11 P111.1r11f I," ht· swd, hu; vrnce nstog louc~ 1·nou~h tu make artists tn tlw Laguna Vll lag1· turn tht'tr twutl::. Th1•11 , aflt•r a shurl jJJUSt'. Lugunu'::. 1ww gr('et.:r bn1ke 111to Vl'l'St' "I k dtH.-s11't m't'<.l tht• p ubltl'1ty "llt''s gilt it by word <•f mouth Oil' .. 1"111 •·111•1 y1111t• to st'l' t. I ·. • Delly Pffot 8tatt ~ No. I Arl'he r after Irvine cou ncil rescinds c los ure of Heritage Park pool By GLENN SCOTT Of Ille Delly Ptlol Siett The 50-meu-r pool at lrvinl'':. Heritage Park Aquauc:s C-0mplex wtlJ remain open aft.er January even though the other two pools in the com plex have been drained because of leaks. Membe rs of the lrvmt' City Council voted unantmousl y Tuesda y night to overturn a de(·ision they made last month w he n they agreed to dose tht• 50-met.er pool a nd shut dc>wn the e n tire $ l :.! mill 10 n fal· ll 1 t y U..x·aUS(• of 11\l'rt•casmg 1111"t·hca11w;il problem.:; The• dt·nsion to t'XPmpt thi' 50 mel..l.'r, Olymp1c-s1u-d pool w,c, grt:Nt'<i with applaust· Tues<ld y from sw1mn11.•r s, coachf'>., part>nts and lap sw1.mmer.; who had lobb1P<l tu k•:>t>p It oix•n How ever. <..'Onlmut:'d US(' 1>f the· pool remains unel•rtam al l>t>st Counc-tl mt•mbl·rs said 11 loo wuuld be l'lust•d 1f leaks that l'rtppled lhl· 11ther p ools, a 33-meter d 1 v1ng pold and H 25-yarrl recrea twn prJol, also st-11w up m mrroded feeder pipes T h a l ia mini-park u nde r way ol lh1 · larg1-st pool In a 11 o t It t• f' cal' l 1 on w h 1 d1 l'Ollnnl mt·mb1•rs said should tx• s1· 1• n as rt' l., lf• d to t h 1• p110 I problems. an e 1ght -po1nt plan was c!dopkd to mtn~a..~ th1· city treasury by a lmost $6 mtllwn over ftvt· years. The rt:'venul'. gt·nl'rat.<.'<i by an assortment of fr-t> increases ca11d cusl-cutllng measurt>s, would hal<tnct• a pruJeCll'd f111t• year deficit Council members said the new funds are needed as long as residents e xpec.:t first-cl ca ss Workma n pa uses t o wa tc h su r fers o ff T ha lia Street beach in Laguna wher e a $65,000 min i-pa rk is undf"r construction. T h t• park will inc-ludf" a wood vif'wi n g pla tfor m installe d o n <'Onc-r f'lf' blocks (foregro un d ) and t•xtc•n!-iive la ndscaping. It is ('X (lf"C l t>d l o hr compl.-ted by nex t month . >.ervtn·s. :o.U('h as lhL" <1quut1c~ complc·x "Ev1•ry group obviously wants the bt•s t ," no kd Cuun1·1lman David Sill::. S ills, as well as other counc-ll membE-rs, warneJ tht• i.wtm groups Tuesday that keepmg the 50-metl'r pool tn use doesn't end the city's fmant:1al quandary over obta1mng the projected $I m1l11on to block corrosion ln the aluminum-hulled pools a n d rebuild their plumbing system. A law suit aimed at winning repair cos t s from the p ool • oc 'Alf o rdab Je · housing' boosts prices 1n By STEVE TRIPOLI of the Den, Piiot Stan M ore low-cnst hnmPs an· available becaus£' of OrangP County's a ff ordnhli-housrng prn~ram , lHll fpwer hnm•·" 111 other prrt·t· ranges an· 11n th1• market and they cost n1ore on avC'rage, a bustnPSS spnnso1 <'d c;tudy has c<mdudE'Cl $500,000 h o ldup reported in Valley A gunman eseapt'<.l with mori> tha n $5 00.000 1n l'ash a11d jewels Tuesday night 1n what m ay be o ne u f t hi.> btggrst h ol d ups in Founti:1111 Vnllc:y h istory· The holdup occ:.irred at the International <.:.Old and Diamond Exchange. IA95tl Brookhun1t S t . police said Sgt. Norm Satt.erf1eld said lhf' gunman entered the st.ore shortly after 8 pm H e handcufff'd owne r Werchen MaldJ1an and employee Diane Craft and locked them in the bathroom Satte rfi e l d said th«> man ranucked the safe, putting about $g,OOO in cash and $500,000 ln g old a nd jewelry In a black d uffel bag. Satterfield said qelther of the t v1ct1ms was hurt hut poli('(' hnd to US<' bolt cutter.-; lo rf'move the handn1ffs Sattc>rfit>ld said tlw man WIUI bd iev('(i to be• armed with a 4~ caliber automatic handgum Hr• was wearing a gray hat A dark rolored bandana ('OVef"t'<'l hiR face He was to l\nd nut nf t hi' store nboul 10 minutrs. SattPrfH'ld !laid Satterfield said th<' i>xrhnn~t·, located In thf' area of Brookhu,..,1 Street and G11rfield Avenue, b o ught ttnd sold gold anri jewelry He said pnlic<' were ttpp«I off hy a silent alar m but that the gunman w as gone when thf'y 11rrived Hia method of et1Cape is not known, Satterfield said Thr yl'ar long study, n-su I Le; of whit h werf' rl'leasC'rl Tuesday, said thf' polary which requires develop('rs to price one-quarter of their units to the affordable ran~e has incr eased housing prices "very roughly'' 10 percent ovf'r what they would l>E' without ll. Also. the num~r o f homes available 1s rough ly 2 to :i percent less than there would be if there w ere no policy, the study said The Center for the Study of Law Structur es at Claremont McKenna College i9 Claremont conducted th e s tudy. It was funded by a $45,000 grant from the Industrial League of Orange County. an association of 650 todustrial and rommen·ial finns which em ploy more than 100,000 people The timing o f t h e league's news ronferencr> coinetdes with hearings bein g con ducted by Orange County g over nment which . In part, deal with th e proposed p h ase-o ut of t h e affordable housing prog ram. County s upervisors a lready have indicated their unanimous agreement t hat the a ffordable h ou sing prog ram s hou ld be phased out over the next several yt>ars Tht• study showed that loc·al houstog C'OSt tm'N'a.c;f>S reflect th<' trend across the nation ThPy are healllly mflupm·f'd by inflation anrl high interC'St rates But the affordablt' housing program also was 1solal<'d as a factor in the· rising C'Ot'lt of hom<'S locally. said Dr William Cra r~ Stubblebin<'. who took part an the study The progr am, which applies to rapidly growing uninrorporal<'d parts of the county, has "the nPt effect of reducing th<' overall stock of housing below what it would be W1thoul th('S(' policies." Stubblebine said Stubblebine and Dr Richard Sweeney. who al8o helped with the study , said that prices would conti n u e t o rise faster and hou..~ing will be dt'veloped more slowly than it would If thC' program was w ea kened or phased out "Orange County can ch00&e by i ts law stru c ture to have houslng prices increa.8(' faster or slower than the U.S . average," Stubblebine said . S weeney said t he a ffordabl.- progra m has incr eased t h e number o f houses available In the affordable c.8tegory, but only (See ROUSING, J>11e At ) ;. des i gners. 1·011t ractors and sutxvntranors has lx>en pendtog for more than two years . Sills said another year will pass before the t'ase gol'S lo trial, and appeals l'ould h old up a decision for several more years Thus. complete repairs t.o the mmplex might be years away lf the ci ty re(·overs rf:'pa1r costs Coun cil m t•mbt>rs o nly frown when asked wh;.it h<1ppens 1( the nty loses. Said Mayor Larry Agran. "lt 1s vC>r y. very important that wt• prevca1l in the liugatwn. That w1U be the means, tf 1t hapoens. that tht• pool is rebuilt" Council members huddled for 90 minutes with their attorneys 1n a dosed session Tuesday before em erging into the publtc session t o vote to leave the 50-met.er pool in use They said lat.er they wanted detailed assurances from their lawyers that the move wouldn't JCOpardizc their legal standing. Attorney Cliff Frieden said it wouldn't as long as the rouncll authonz.ed a $135,000 proje(:t t.o ISee POOL, Page AZ) If n o thing i~ d o n t• to Nt>wpo rt Bo uleva rd "it woulcl t•x p..-ri..-1u·c· a s ubsta ntia l hrf'a kcJo wn ." Newport Boulevard a wess b y 1995? By JODI CADENHEAD oflhe Delly ""°' Steff M otorists tra veli n g o n Newport Boulevard through Costa Mesa in 1995 eould frnd t hemselves in bumper-to-bumper traffic at speeds that could drop to virtually zero mph The grim scenar10 of future traffic rond1tions along Newporl Boulevard ts contai ned in a still- unrelcru;.1.."Cl draft environmental impact statement on the Costa M esa Freeway (Rou te 55) prepar('(i by the U S . Department o! Transportation and the stat<• Department of Transport.alJon. The report ts expected lo be offic1.aily released to January A series o f public heanngs will follow befo r e a final recommendallon on the future of the Coota Mesa ~way 1s mad<> sometune next yl•ar The lengthy repo rt, sltll sub)eCt t.o change. examines tht> impact o f eigh t al ternatives ranging Crom dotng nothing to extension o f the freeway through thP Clly A 1979 s t udy citeri in the report shows that the averaJ(e speC'rl of N£>wport Bo ulevard motonsLc; wa.'I 27 mph weekdays and i5 mph on w£>ekend. M ost motorists travel the 4.75 mile r out e from Finley Avenut· to Bristol Street in 10 1.t'i mmutl's. with the shoru-st lime rt'<.'Ordf'd at seven mmutes and 1 hp longest about 19 minutes If nothmg is done lo Newport Boult•vi1rd, the report st.ates "11 would t'Xp<'nence a substantial breakdown Speeds can drop to 1.ero Caltrans officia ls refused to commt-n l un the report, saying 11 hru. not been off1c1ally released and eould be altered before January. The accide nt rate for Newport Boulevard between Indus trial Way and Bay Street ranks 12th m the st.ate, with 135 accidents reported annua!Jy per mile From Bay Street lo Bristol S treet the state highway ranked 17th m the state for acndents, w1 th I 19 accidents reported annually per mile The annual accident cost per mile from Bay tu Bristol was reported at $299,500 and $295, 000 from Industnal to Bay. More than half the accidents reported were rear-end collisions. They generally are assoc·iated with h e avil y traveled and congested highways. accord ing to the report. ln rompanson to other state highways. traffic conges tion along Ne wpo rt Boulevard is "very high" according to the report. A study dont> m August. 1980, on Newport Boulevard at Bristol found that 73,000 vehicles travel the route per day. with the number increasmg by 15 percent 1n the summer At New por t Boulevard and Pal'ific Coast Highway thC' number was 48,000 vehicles per day A survey of motonsts traveling sou thb ou nd at N e wport Boulevard and Mesa Drive found that 4 0 pe rcen t were headed south to Newport Beach, with the number increasing to 50 perrent in summer Only 3 to 5 percen t of the motorists polled were h eade d w C'St to H untington Beach. ----INDEX---- l>int·r~ arC1 I rnn~portNI from tht> 20 th N·ntury back lo tht> hall of Kin~ H enry VI II for (:hri.stmus feastt>, rc•vt>lr y and sonf( al (I(: Irv int'. Story on Pu~t· RI . At You r Servi~ Hulletm Boar<I Business Cavalcade Classified Comiai Crossword Death Not1ct'1 Editorial Entertainment Horoscope A rm Landers A4 A4 84,86-7 82 DS-11 BlO 810 0 5 A l6 88-9 8 2 82 Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Noli~ Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock MMket.s Televt.sion Theaters Weather World News ',. 88-9 86 A3 05-7 01 -5 82 B7 Bl l 88-9· A2 A3 t\ ~ l )t ""U" l lllUtl I )All l I'll l l I Wmlt1UllLJlsy llo1...a mlH'tt lb IUl!:i NB man to buy brothels A N1•WJltlJ t ""'lll It lll\L·~t1 1 .. Iii 11 u 11 :1t•lu t , t h 1· 11l1Jn t 11 1 Jll 1.>11~01111( polu"• 111v1""1ll)(l•t111n h1u. 111 run g l'd l u bu y thr1·1· l··~.d brolh.:ls 111 11ua lt11•111 N .. v,1du S1dnt·y Huidt•I. ~~. I t'l>tlrlt~lly -s uld h t: I S pu1 dHl:lllll( t h t h ordl'llos In W 1111H'lllU llU 1111 behalC o f a group of lllVt"•t11r ... 1nd uJ1ng o nt' Nt•w port B1 .. u h worn.an Bmder rt.•vcult.'<l lw 111 liuy 111~ l he b r o thel11 fo r a gruup o f bwuness ~pie w h\) n ·ullw "llrn. u; a good busrnt"SS opp11rtu 111ty " "f''rom whal l'v'-' 8t.oen of tlw lx>oks, 1t look.8 hke they can make some money," Bander n.oportedly said "It look s li ke.· thc•y (tht· l1111t l11·I,.,) JI I' jll Il l l tul1l 1• hu111111~"tl l '11lln • In W111r11·111u1' 11 11•p111 i. .. t tlwv huv1• 111 v1·1tl 1 ~111t·d 1'11 11!. r 0 1nJ lclltllllVL·ly ..ip111uvt•d tl11 tru11sa1..•t1 on llul udJc•d tltu l tf Uirnl1 ·r Ii. not tl11· r1·ttl liuy1·1 1111 ·11 t It t' I II V l' 'o I •I r " II\ ll ' 1 IJ I' 111v1-:.ll8ul1"<l B111dL'I, 1u ·n 1r c:.l111g lit m''t11J11i,,., w1111ld n ·v1•al t ht· iw1111• ,,f 011l v •Hll' 111v1•stu r 1:1 y1·,11 11ld .1111111 t 'llurd1 of N1•wµcirl li.·111 II ('lillr t II n •portt•d ly i.:11d 'Ill' hop•·~ (11 lll'l'UrtH' t ht• ll htJnt 11 y p ,1 I ( f\ I' I U II d 111 11 V I' I ti W1 niH·111ut·l·.1 l11 111.111 ,qo:t· t h t• -..11111111 dt• Pa11s, rtw V1 ll<1 .Joy Jlltl tlw J'u.<;.-;yt-;1t hnnh·llo . ., '1'111 th nl l1·.t ,111tl 1'111 t1d d 1•d Two badly i njured h e ad-on smashup • 1n 'I'wo Orange C.Ou nty r1..-sidt•n t.-. ::iu ff e r e d mass rvt• in Jurt l:. Tuesday aft.er theLr l.'ars l"lhdl>tl head-o n on Sanuag<i Ca n yon Road in $1lverado Canyon , lht· Califom1a Highway Patrol said T he victims, Ro~rt Hom . :15, o f Yorba Landa a nd K at hryn Hyde , 37, of Suv~rado Can yun, were taken to We-ste m Mt-drca l Cen t.er in Sant.a Ana aftt•r thl' :-,.20 p m coUis1on, aC\.'Ording lu Offi~r R lt'k S tt•vt•ns "H o r n was lrav c•l1ng n o r t h b o u n d a n d 11 y J 1• soulhl.JCiurul on S arll1,tgo l'.111y1111 .iboul •Hit' 1111le· north 11( S rl vl'rado Cany1111 Ho;.id wh1·n for s11 n11• n ·a-.11n thl'y 1111l111t·d 111'.ul 1111," S1L·v1•n:, s.ud !lorn su fft.•r l'll lug fr<H'l1111 .. , and tntt·rnal lnJUrll's, w h1h· llydt• susu11nt.'Cl mulliplt> lllJUr1t~ to llu· hea d , f rat·turt·s and lnll•r 11.tl lllJUfll'S Thl· C l!P 1s looking f11r "-n yo11t· who wtt11essed ltw ac.'l'tdt•nl to ~hed some hghl on rts t <1 u-.1• Stt'Vens ~Id T hl' 1m:1dl'nt wrll l'(•ffi(itn undt•r 1nvt>st1~<1tHH1 1t11•l I 111 111111•tl t 'J1u11 h r•'I"" lt-<llv "11d 111111111( i.~w hu" u lllnlllL">lt ii··~··,. (r11 n 1 th e· l l11l\'1'1'ltl'r 111 l'1 1L,l1111l(lt u11tJ tutN 11111~ Wulll<,I lll I Ull U 111 uthd H111d1•1, u" 111 d111~ 1.11 ll'JJC >rl.11, Ill tl11 1111.)l"t t o ( :!ti l11w .. 111 lb <1lll-'~111g 1101111 All of 1lw \Utl.b h;.ivt· bl:cn fll1·d 11~tu11 "1 11 1111 111 Oru n~t­ l 'rnmlv S upt·11w C 'ourt 'l'tll' J tlVt•1>t1111•11 l l~l\Jl\,'lt')1>1 uhitJ I!> llt t· :.ub.)t,·t 11( u multi 111u11lh 1 11v1·1>ll~llll•1n h v tl11· Tu:-.lln P•Jlrl~ d , · p a r t 111 .. 11 I I o r a I I t • g 1• d frn11dul1•11l bw11111".:-. d1•ul1n~s. 1t w:e.~ I l'JNll lt'\I Tht• llJllll' lJf tho· • Uffl'll t iJWllt'I 111 tin· thf l't' hrullH•l11, I I) I Ill I .... 11 t ,.i I y " s y I v I D "S1111111w B 111dt•1 h I I-IOU I N(; • • • From Page A 1 h v l11wt•r 1 n~ t in· n u m bt·r o t h omt•s c1v.11l.11Jle for <ill groups .1111! 1 ,11~1111-( ovt•ra 11 µrrt·e•s Ht· "'1 u.I 1t '" 1111t known if the:- pruJ.(1 a111, bv 111-14•n ing up hu using 11p p111 t11111tlt'' lo m u tt• lo wt'r rr11·ori11 p1 •up h -. had lnl'ft•ast•d 1h1· 11u 111b1•r .,f JJl'l>plc· 1n tht' 1oun t y w ho l'rnild rt-a lr sllcally l~Hi.sukr lt11r11t• uwm•rsh rµ S w1•1•111•v calle•d tlw s tudy's l t'Mllh Jl(ll una m lJl,l{UOUSly ,w111d 111 unambiguously b a d " Bolh S wwnt..•y ;.ind S lUbblt•b1ne sa1<.I I h1 · toun ty would have w d 4'! t• r 111 1111' If l h t• <I ff o rda IJ)e prol{r.1111 w:1.-. worth 11..S 1mpa<.·t on tht• rt..,t 11 f tht• how;tng markc.·l POOL STAYS OPEN I N IRVINE • • • From Page A 1 insta ll a cathod1t p rutt•l tllrn system tn the pools w hall m ·w corrosion The pro.)l.>Ct was cipµrov(-d on cl 5-0 vote T he council also sh1ft1..'CI $27. 000 from city conungency funch. to cover added costs of running the 50-m eter pool through J un e Costs greater than those mu.st be covered by the s wrm gro ups, mem bers swd. The 50-meter pool 1.s the base for the 200-m e mber Irvi n e Novaqua lic.:s swim team, and has become the tem porary home for the 54-mem ber lrvme M1~raquas s ynch ronized sw im ming team sin ce lh e deeper 33-meter pool ONLY 10 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT MAV6C. 1 '5HOULD MAIC:E A LI~ ----- was dUM.'<i an Scpt1 •rnlll:t It abo ts used b y .. <ll-dtt ..awcl t·ddre of lap swimmer:. <ind 1 h mt.'n and wome n who tra.m for lr1<1thl on rompt'.'lrtton Closurl· of tht' :u met.er pool has upronlloU J loc.il diving u.-am Thf' rom p le x was buill 1n 197ti usmg funds fro m the city's parks bond program. It was intcndt'<.l lo draw n<itional atte n tion to lrv1m• C1ly off1l'lals said lht• s tatus uf st.agrng the sw1mm1n~ t•Vt•nt for th e Olym p 1c p t•nla t hl o n compellllo n in 1984 remains unresolve d O lympie o ff ic ial!. announced rc~:ently th a t lrvrrll' was lhetr tup ehmce for lht· event \'>)::'d,~ l l ~ ( if lCl 11 l\.!,~ '-"om Hiagen-c>au le• Cream Shoppe ...... l'uun t rlman 8 111 V.1rdu ul1s d raftl•d tlw 1·1ght pm nt plan to ra1:-.c• the· Sti m1ll1on for thc.-<.'ll~ tr l' J ., u 1 y ll t• s a 1 d t h e p I a n s rHl'ad.., the• burdt•tt :u·ross the ('ommunlly 11 1mlu<lt"• Ht'<iut·mg llpt·nllmg c.'OSts o r gc.•nt·nittng r{'vt•nu(· for the new a111nial shl'ltl'r .ind maintenance yarrl lo l{a tn $1 'i. m11l1on D 1ll 1 n~ rt'!.1dt'nts fo r t•nw rgt·m·y ambulance sc•rv1ces. whr<.'h wo uld creatt• $1 1 million &lttmatmg futurf' n·venue from th!' first o.;tagt·s of retail d1·v1·lopmcn l a t the prop osed Irvine Center at $750,000 Re vising business lil.'ense 1.a x1~ ((ru m $15 pt.•r yt•ar to e ithe r $25 or$ I 00. dc•pend1ng on s1u-) to pnKl uc't' $2 I mrllion En f orctng truck overload '1n1..-s to gam $175,000 lnln •asmg 1."1ty I.led t.ax for holl·I g ut>sts from 6 percent ti> 7 pt•n·t·nl beginning nC'x t J uly, which wou l d µr od u t·t· $1 6 m1 l11tin Brllrng pnvatC' l'Omi;ia n1es for polru• rei.pnn ses tn fals e c:tl,11 m.,, und1S(..'IOSt-d savings Eltmanattng work programs for dt•v(•lopm~nt-rf'lated fields whl'fl' no pro j('('IS art• forl"'S(.-en , u1,.1d1'>(·11Vl·re-tl sav ings Rough seas due r.auuon t>y s1gn1jf!tief:! wno watcn lhe 1muhlng breo>ors £t aewh o •o 1n SoulhtHn C.alllornla 1ne Weather St1rv1c;e predlcle() lair •~lea ano werm O•ys In lo• Angeles !>YI 8 Chat>(;f! II I s."' I,. Jiil 1Pt lf 11 ,.,,,..,_., ,,. .(~o<uHa I High Cl<>udt Co aata l low 52 lnlenO 4S Coe.9181 hlQh 66 lnlal\d 72 Wale< 60 Light verlat>la wind• ronlght and Thu1aOay morning 0•111 coulel wetllf t>eCOmlng _1.,.1y 8 to '" ~nots Thuraday •Me<noon eAQepl l\Ot1h-le<ly 0-0\118' lslends W1o<I waVM ontl 10 3 IH I Ur\19 -llf1y ~· 3 10 s lllel ' a nd 5 10 G teat o ver oule• 1>orlharn W8lf!rt Hlgn 9Url on e~poaed wall l aclnG beeche• with t>raekera 8 10 8 lee• •nO oocu1on1111y to 10 feet A a11ong etorrn 011 lhe coo l ol ·•or tome wind ctoudlneu and rain ariowera In Owens Valley end movn1a1n er•a• on l hu,&Oey Thur.clay 111Qha In Loa Angeles •ere fOff!CHI Ill 72 degr-.... lh Iowa neai 52 Highs 1n coes1a1 lfeM _., e•r:>eetec:I lrom 67 lo 73 and iows ''om 38 to •8 M ountain area nighs should 1each lhe SOs w1111 IOW• from 25 IO 38 Owf!nt Valley leml>f!l&lures mey reach 60 wflll lows lrom 25 10 30 Snow tn 1ne rnountetna we! 11•pec1eo et e1ev111ons of 9.000 '""' wUh soulhwest w1nds from 15 In 30 mph Highs In nQtthern th!StlrlA lot lhursOay were lorec.asl lrom 55 IO SS 11nd IOW1 fr om 10 lo 40 Hlghe "' lhe low OMerl may renoe lrom 115 10 75 wflh lows lrom 38 to 46 1• Brltlah Columt>le brought wl1>lry ,..._ _________ _. .. •' -U-to the Pac;lflc NOl1hWfft eerty IO<ley with snow neevy ••In T ,, fll/)(> ra 111 re ·" en<1 flooding In eome ar eu Srrong wind• t>attered the OOMI of Waahlnglon ano Oregon. aortth guet• eround .tO mph •nd unofficial report• ol wind• o..,.r \()() l'n()h al Mount Athland. Ore Pendlelon, Or• • had eome flooding u heavy rein quickly drelneO off frozen ground 1111! ' Nattonel w .. 1i-S¥vlOa u kl Snow pl4ed up rapidly In oantral W a e h l n g l on e H l y t o d ey , w-1~ repo'1ed 2 1~ or ,_ enow t>rtnglng tte 101al 10 II 1~ on ,,.,. gtound Snow elao wu lelllno In Idaho ...,..,. a winier etorm wernlno wu pc>91ed ror lhe mountain• 1h1ough \ooay ~e. ••In cauMCl floodlng I In nort'-9f Lou1t1ane l'n<I eome • l a m tttee et Alland ele. near Sfwc..-.oon. -• lor~ to ... ..,. lhal1 hom•• bK•uH or rlelng -let late T.-day the WHthe< 8eN1oe Mid a Calirornia II lb any lllbuquerqu" llmarlllo llricho<&Qf! llatlflVIH• Atlante llllanllc: c 11, Auelln 8alllm0<e e1111no• e11mlnoh•1T• Blamarc~ BolM NATION 8oa1on Brownavlflfl Bullalo Bur11no1 on CH P91 Cher1et lon S C Cherie.Ion w v CharlOll• NC CheyenM Chicago c rnc1nna11 ciev~an<I Columt>•• 'IC Columbu• Oe ll .. -FI WO<lh Oaylon Denver Dee M04net HI lo 3.t 31 19 2A 26 33 42 4.t 51 31 5 ' 50 37 69 39 18 56 22 40 40 11 •J lS 211 58 S3 49 32 38 SI .t? 48 .t6 119 .t6 .tO 39 34 46 19 24 49 07 36 35 56 40 11 IJ so 40 .)t 19 16 .tJ 41 111 38 39 39 0 1 32 .. .. ~- f ront' • ··t -- (lf!lro11 39 IT Dulul~ JO Ill El Pasu 59 33 F&lfbAna.-. 17 01 F&rlln lS or, Flegel Alf 44 09 Greel I ~II• 1 t ?O f<nrtfo<O .)7 }5 Heit1nn 16 t~ Honolulu RO 68 Houaron ,, .. ~6 lndlan11poll• .ts <13 J8C~80rl Mt'l\. 61 SI Jeck snnvlll" 62 .,, J11nea1; .. ,, )9 Knnses Clly 4 I 29 LBS Vf!QAS ... 1'> UHlf! Roo SI .tS l ()UISYlilfl !>7 411 lubbOC~ 58 }4 M"mOhl• '>6 .,, Ml .. m1 /4 69 Mllwau•~ JI J• Mpla SI Pnu1 ,, 10 Neshvlllfl 51 49 N-Orll!OM ,,. 01 N-Var• '" 13 Norlolk 48 ,., Norlh 1'1&1111 ... IS QklehnmA City r,9 79 (lm .. l>A n ~g Oil•tltlO Phlladl!lptllO ll J!!I P1>oen1• 6~ "' PUtthurgll .... l4 Porllend M ii 111 II) Porll•nd. °'" .t'I .. Provl(lenr" 19 33 R1lt1~h ~o 3!> Aapl Clly 36 ,. R11no 411 J) Rtchmonrl 17 28 SURf RIPORT e1.1r1 •un """ .... Zuma 3 5 4 8 " II 4 7 Senta Monica Newporl Beach Sen 01e9<> Cou<ity .Ovl~ for Thurfdey ll1118 change . _......_~~-~....__ .. ~--..~-,...._..,...,..,..,..., .... .,. lurt .. rd n 12 12 12 ..... ..... ..... .. , .... Dir ' " SW I 4 WSW 3 • Wl'\W 4 !\ w R,11n Q Snow [:) Sh11we1~fi111I11J f'lur11P s(!3 Sall LA• e San Anlomo Se11\ll11 Shr*-Vf't>Orl S•ou• 1 ell• St IOyl9 S• Pe1A T ompA Ch Sit> MA•IA Sl)MAl11'1 "'"'' Dr11""' T 'lpl'• A Tuc1nn T11i9A Washmotor• w•rhlla CALl,OAMIA £loi.o,,t1fllltrJ Blylhll furfli<H r,tt~no I ennllll'lr Io~ Angelo M11rv9vllle Mon1e1ey NIWldlH 0 9'1and P.,.o Roble• Rl!<I ntull Rec:lwl>O<f City Reno !;f'cremen10 S11llno S•n D•eoo Snn r 18nc1sco !iAnt• Barbare C\11n1a M•rl• SIOCklnn l h•1m11I ll~llh Tides TODAY '1 36 26 61 44 49 44 ~s 52 J I 20 .., 39 71 63 3;> 3, 15 JI 4 l H •2 (;() 38 ~9 J7 ~~ lb I "i LO 55 39 62 56 50 S3 .t2 52 28 89 so 4g 57 61 51 49 , 53 .tO ... •3 53 50 46 32 43 "' 57 46 70 .t7 so 47 112 31l 66 , 45 43 70 <15 $1M;oucl IQW 3 39 p m -0 11 SllCMd tllgh •O 09 pm 3 7 TlfUfteOAY flral low ' 37 I m 2 3 Flral hlQh 6 57 • m 6 0 Se<:ond low 4 14 p m 0 5 Se<:ond high 10 5 t p m 3 8 Sun aert 4 4 5 pm rlt•• rnu1 al1•y 6 57. m Moon Hit S t) ••••• t t>v• fdey 7 ~· a m Ridin g be arback Do u Cruru.lull of 1he Modific.·d Moton·yd <.• ,\!'-1!>.ot'ia t io n roars up to th e Los Angt-le ... M••mor iu l Colis t>um with a s t u ff t-d lw ar lw hind h im U!-1 p a rt of tht• g roup's a nnua l Chri~tmus toy run. T h e lhrc.•e t ruc.·k lo nd:-. o f ~ifl.._. t•ollt•t·tt·d f or u11dt·r privilegt>d t"h iltlrt·11 , wi ll he.· tfi..,trilrnh·c.I b y tht· Suh a l ion ·\rp1y . . , Union boss guilty C HICAGO tAP) Teamaters union Prc1ide nt Roy L Williama a n d f o ur o t h ~r mt-n were L'On VIC't.ed toduy uf curusplrlng to bribe a U.S . 8':nator. The aix-ma n , six.woman U.S. Dt.slrict Court Jury re turned ha verdict at the beginntng of the fifth day of del.lberatiorui, wtuch lasted almost 27 hours. AB J udge Prentlc.oe H. Marsh all read the v erd ic ta, W illiams sat impassively and there was little r e a c t io n f r o m th e o the r d efe ndant.s or thel.l' families. O n tria l w ith W illia m s, 67, w ere Alle n D orfm an , 59. a mill1ona1re insurance executive and fo rme r con s ultant to the T eam s t e r s ' Ce n t r a l S tates Peru11on Fund , Thomas O 'Malley, 4 6 . a pe n s io n fund trus t ee; Andre w Massa , 65, a fo rmer truslee, and J oseph "J oey the Clown" Lom bardo, 53, a reputed Ch icago cn me syndicate figure. T h ey w e r e acc u s ed o f conspiracy, inte rstate travel to further b ribery and w ire fraud. T he go vernment charged that the five conspired to bribe Sen. Ho wa rd Cannon, D-Nev., with exclusive nghts to buy a prune pte<:t· of land in Las Vegas a t a reduced price rn retur n for his he l p 1n d e f eating tr u c k i ng deregulation legislation. Cannon was not ch arged, and the bill beca m e la w w rt h h is support Du.nng the course of t he two- m o nth t rial, th e govern ment played aboul 50 FBI-w iretap con versations th at represented lhl' crux of the prosecu tors' case. J u r or s r evrew ed o ver 30 transcripts uf lhe 1..-onversauons County r e j e cts bed tax boost S le e p ing 1 11 u nl of unrnl·urptJra lt'tl Ornng1• Ctluntv':. hotel or motel ruums won 't (•ust a n y mor<• In I !l8:i at lt>a't n1J t b t't'f1U:.(· oC ac tr on by O r<mg(• County governmc·nt County superv1MJrs ~motht.•red a m l'asure Tuc·sday that w ou ld h av(• r aised thl· countv hotel m ott•I r oom t.1 x frum· fl to 8 pE>rC'l'Ot Freeway leap fatal to man A fiO YPdr old Lon~ &>a< h ni.111 w as k 1llt>d rn:.t.in1lv Tul'sda\' when ht· JUnlpt.'(I fron1 the· Bo~ A venue' ove·rpa'!> (If the San Diego r'r el'Wci y. au o rd Ing lo Westminster puhu• Sgl E a r le· Gr<i h a m s ard Edwa rd D Wc nlwo rth died o f masstVl' rnJUrll'S Thl' VIC"llm landed an the center d1 v1dcr of the freeway and was not struck by any vehicles, Graha m said Graham said nu n·nscms Wl•re given for thP lt·<1p lmrC'dSL' of the so-cJlle<! bt>d t.1>. would h<i vt· booslt'Cl county 1 t:Vt·nut.• by $2UU,OOO a yt-ar , iit'l'urding to an ana lysis or tht- nH·,is u rf' If passed . t:uu n t y rr·v('nUt•s would ha ve increased from $600,000 to $800.000 per yt•ar .f'ollOWlng brt('f d iSC'USSIUCI Of the.· propoSdl. supervisors VOlL-d u n a nim o u s l y l o d e f e r cons1derat1on or the tax increase unul L"unty govt•mment begms work on 1 t.s 1983-84 budget la Lt• 1wxt spnng St·Vt•ral supervisors said t1JT11ng of the proposal was poor sancc the• C'uunty 1s midway lhrough t ht• f rs<: al ~ear 1 f passed. lhe 8 pt>rl'E'nl hotel- rnn t e I room tax w o uld ha ve c.·x!'e<:-Oed lhe average 7 :J pert"enl tox charged by otht>r California <.'1 tl<'S and roun tws It al.so would have exceeded the 6 percent tax levied by the c 1t1 es o f A nahetm , Newp o rt Beac h, B u e n a P ark an d Fullerton. S tatewide, th e room tax ranges from 6 pel'C('nt to 9.75 percent in Sa n F'rancisco. Both Ventura and H1vvrs 1de cou nties le vy a n 8 pc rc:e nt room tax, accord ing to thl' county analysis The lax in Orang e County wou ld have m creased the price of a h otel or motel room somewhere betwe e n 50 ce n ts a nd $1.50, rxplained an analyst in the cou nl y A udi lo r-Contro lle r 's office The m ea sure w ould not h ave affec~ the room-tax rate o f an y o f the counly's 26 incorporated c1t1es. Th e tax in c r e a s e was forwarded to the board by the t•o unty's R eve nue R e v iew C.Ommiltee. wtuch was as&gned lht• t.ask of developmg ne w ways fo r lhe c ounty t o ge n e rate revenue H B e a te r y robbe d Two g unmen held up tw o employe<."s at Arby's Roast Beef Resl<iurant, 7942 Erlange r Ave., H u n t ing to n Bt>a c h , Tuesd a y night and escaped with $350, poliC'\! said e best packaae under the t1•ee ... .. l.'1 rRISTMAS) LIGHTS HOW 114 STOCI< / - ... .. • • THE RED PLATE 11 J 11 1f1• • 1 i> t f tf' I J• •• fl ritt\~tw~f t••4of ti ......... "' ,._,,., tt1 It-.111• f I t•n I Pt oyl 18 88 • ~, ~ ~ .. :"! 4! .. "': .. ~ !"': ... 4: :"! ~ r ~ • '!': '!': ~ ~ • ~ • t! '!': '!': ~ ~ ---1 CROW• HARDWARE "': '!': • "': ~ ... .. '!': • '!': "': '!': e I I NATION : ~ µ, l l i I 1 )' i I l (It II <l t I 1 c•f ft 11 tlc.~r~1I j t1(l~t11 l\\ I h1· \"04.'IUl\'d l'fl'" :-.1\N 1\Nl'tlNlll. 11·\.1 I I 1 I ~,, \ I I It 111 I 11 I \\ 11 I I I tltl\ fl I 11111 ., ol)'•llfl ,t I Ill I I ,. I II I• I ,. I II t It I .. fl I \ .1'•'·""""'''"1 ,,, " I 1•il1·1 .ii Jlld~:t tlll .. I 1'111\11 \ 11\lt th1· f11.1fl .it' 11-.1·d 111 I'·'' 111g " tut fll.Ofl $:!:10 0011 '"' tilt ktll111~ .. 1111 11111,1 lw tt 11·d 1\ ""' tlc •lil>«t .1t1fl1: 111 I 1m11" <t\'l'f 111111 d,I\'" ,111 I 11111(11111,cl 1111' I'·"'' I lt11111d l u1 ,d,1\ lh,11 11111\ 11 It'll 1111111 .tf I kill1 t l'lt,1111 ' \' I I.II I I l,.,11ft -.11111 l ' ~ 1\1 ,,,.' fttd1•1 '"'"' ,, \.\ood .11 111 tl11 l1,11 l1 llfl M.1\' :.!\I I !Ii' 'I 111 ;i-.1 I t1l11 1 ' 111 t1lt·t1dt•d I l.1111 b11f1 h.tl )1•d th1• jlhf~1· f111' .1 $ :.! :1 II . II ti ti I " 1 • ( t u fl\ lllljll 1 ... 11 t1t•t{ ll otl tll lll'S lt.lfl1tk1 I .J.111111•1 J1tt11l1y" ( 'lt.11-:1 •• . l 'h,1g1 ,, ' wilt , l•:l1£;tl11•lh, 2 II . w ,, ' 1 11 11 v I l I 1 · 1 I 1) f e·or1s p11.11 v 111 111u1cJ1·1 .md lo II h S l I U I I J U ' I I e l' , ;1 n d ll.1111•b11fl,., \o\tft'. Jo Afl11 St..11 r I l "'.1s found gu1lly ol I llfl'J>ll .It~ 111 11\i-.tl Ul'l JllSlll't' ,,,,,,,,,, s/i/JS \\' ,\ :--. l I I N l; I c > N )11thl,lJ l,if !lltH l\11 llt1ll Ill 1111 11.1111111 ... t.11 ,.,, ... , .111d 1111111 ' d111pp1·d tl I p1·111 nt 111 N11v1·111l>1·1 th1• g11v1·1 11111 .. 111 I. p111 1111 t11d,1, It \.\ ..... l ht• I Ith d1·1 11111· II\ tilt' l>.l"l lh ll\ll lll h:-.111d y('( .11111tlt1·t :-1g11;il t h ;it 111." ,.,.,., .!> ... 11111 " )'H'l 'i1sl111g r 11 t • F , . 11 , 1 a 1 H •. )". r· \ 1. ~J.lf d\ 11td1•\ ol )>I tllllll'lllJI\ 11 II to U'l h p1·ll·1·11l 11f 1t!> l'lti7 OJSI. 1111 lov.1·!>t pu111t 11( tlw l~lll 1!:! 11>t<'...-.111n -.o far Bl'<dll.,1 p roLluLl1on 1 utbal'ks usu<1 llY rm·a11 layuff:.. •>f w urk1•r!>, th;• n1•w 1ft~·l11w would M't'tl\ It> 111thn 11t• that tht• Ut1t•t11pl•l)'llll'lll raLL· .... 11k1•ly 1111·w1ltt\Ut· rising alx.1v1· N1>Vl·llll1l·1 's lll l.l 1wrl'L•nt , ,drt·o,.1dV I ht• h1ghL•Sl 111 4:! Vl';&rs Ship ahandont~d; one dies S I·: A T 'I' L E T Ii I Ii I 1111•1111><:1 t·11•\\ 11f •• n l11d i.111 I 11·1gli11·r .1lt.111d1111t·d -.hip tod;,iv ,1fh'1 th1 vc·-.. ... ('f t11ok 1111 \\ut;·r and lwg<111 "rolllllg ..,_ L1·1 nhh:" 111 t11gh w111th a 11d lll'a\.'' .,,•;1:-. thl' l'•1<t!->l Cu.11cl s..1d Ont• J>t•1-.i1n rl1l-d A nwn h.11\1 -.111 p rt'M Ul'd thl ITl'v.'1111'11 \\ h11 Jnnk 1,. lh•· WORLD WAH SAW u s d1 plomals 111 W.ir-..iw s<J1 d today thl'-.. had l"l't t•rvnl n o off1t:1a l t·xplana11011 of 1h1· P1)lish gov<'rnmc•11 t '-. dt>t 1c;111n l o r 1 • .., t r 1 t • I l' u I l u r • ti ,1 n ci SL'il·n1tf1l' rdatrnm. with tlw l' S go1.1·rnm1·nt 1-'oltsh aulhe111l1t'l> h,1\ 1 11111 .. .,ought 111 1•xpla111 11ff111.tl lv w;1l1'1l> 111 twu lifL•boulS, aft1.·1 t h 1· .J ci I c1m orar 1 b t• g d n l11und1•r111g 700 1111IL~ uff the O rt•gon l 0<1-.t. !><t 1d P t·t l y 0 ff ll (' r l' hr I~ c ll u I' h I II S1·,11th· Ont· pt·rs1111, who wa!'> nut 1dl·nt1f11·d. d11·d abuard tht• rt·:,(:umg :.hip, Coud1 said l l.S. lies or m dl'lall th< •1 r de<:1s1on ur I b l' f f I' (' l S , ' ' S a I d S l l ' V l ' Dubrow, prl'SS and <:ultural a ffair::. o ffn·t•r <1t th<' US Embassy Ht• w o uld n ot spt'<·ulaw· about the 1..•ffet·t of l h l' u r d e r a n n o u n c e d Tu1·sdav savin~ "This will h iJ v l' • t o · l ci m 1• f r o m W.tsh111gton ' l .Jeader'. daughter s~ized l;UATEMAl.A l'l1 Y SN:unl v -.qu<.1ds ... 1oppt'{.f l·•f'> and SL·an·hl•u hou""' 1·,1rlv l I) d •• \ r " r (' l u {• ... t fl t h (. wh1•11 .. tl1ol1L'> ,,r tht• cl.1ugh1t·1 td II 11 n cl U I •• II p r I'" d I 11 l Hot><.· no Su.m • ( 'rn dov.1 JI tt 1 sh<.· was k1d11.1pp~'<I In ll'fll,t gut'rnllas T h 1· C u " 1 t' m ,, I " n gov L' r n Ill 1· n 1 ,, n no u 111· 1· d T u 1• !> d a y n t g h I t h .i t ~1 n u111d<•n11 f11·d gw·rrtll,1 group S l'l 7 I'd X I I) 11\ ;1 I ;j S U i.I 7 I) ['' ., I r " d " a : I · ~ v 1 • ; 1 r " I cl STATE SACHAME N'I 0 Gm. Ed m u n d B r" "' n J r h ,, <; tdrr1ecl nut tlw rt'<1u1n·mt·nl 11f Calif111111.1·-. nue lf•a r f1t'<'ZC' m1t1at1v1• writing .1 h•tl1 r lo Pres1d1•n1 H1·;ogc1n uri<mg him lo nc·~1111.111 · " nut lt•;1r .trr11' frt.'i"LL v.11h th•· Srn:u•t Un111n Brov. 11 °""d h1 wou Id "I.so ph,.irmJctsl ~ h11 lives 1n c.; u .o t l' m a I ;,o C 1 t y . a n d d1·m,mdl'd publ1eation of a µ< 1lllH <JI m<1111f1~ll)" Ill rl•lUfll f111 hn hft• lntt·nor M1111ste r R1eard11 M 1• n d 1 z R u 1 z s a 1 d l h l' g unrillas had warnl'd rn a communique that hl'f life "will bl' 1n dangt•r" 1f the n1a111ft•sl0 1:. no t publ1shC'd in Ce ntr a l AmL•r1 ca n and M e)\llon n t·w s papPrs by Fridav :.t:nd a rnp~ l>f th<' letter to Soviet IC'ader Yun Andropov. perhaps by d 1c·liver1ng 11 h1msdf And he pred icted that KC'agan. ,, freeze opponent. would "al'h1eVL' the· m ost <.1grnf1can1 anns n iJUl'lton of any president " (.:oca in<~ rill!{ s1nashed I. u S A N (, r: L I·. !:-> Ut1d1 11•1\•I .1g1flt ... h.t\'•' ill ll''\t•d 11\'I 111\'ll l•tl thl\T t 1111 I 1111 ll h .1 ti d '> 1 • I 7 1 cl ! I :, p ound .. 111 • "' .11111· .dt• 1 ,, o;ho11t11111 ,11 ·' 1111111.11 .., .11 r,tnp 1n 1'1 ·n1 111 1·11d ,, -.mug~l111g fl n~ h.1~1 cl 111 So11 the 1 n l'alt fornr.i Tlw .Jr11 •-.1 ... wrth tlw lwlp (I I a 11 .'\ Ill (' I I l ' d n fl I g h I 1n ... 1r11t 1111 1ur111·d p1>J11•1• I fl I 11 I Ill ;1 II l , WI' I I' Ill ad I' Suml.1-.. .Jlld M11nda y rn Pt'ru, Sw111.~·1l.1nd ,ind lht• L os Angc·lc·:-;1r,.;1, ft•dl'ral Drug En f urn•m1·11 t Acim1 rns tra lion off1u.ol:--..i1d Tu<'sday A sixth m.111 1s -.till at la.rgC', th1· .1g1·111 \ .'><llCi I ' ' I I ( )1 .111yu L111J"t n A ll '( f 11 l {)' I Wuc.J110 1>duy. Du<. urn IJttt '~. I 1111. I An t•n ( dt•t"r ) ing sight AP Whepholo Pla-.lic· n ·indt•c•r, frt•!'>hly paina.·d , hitc·h a riclc · lo a Ch1·i!'>lt111a.-. cli-.pla) in Stafford. Conn. The· trip dm~n Sta fforcl'!'> Main Strt•t·I h1·ou~ht a ... c·t·ond look h)· tu-on· 1ha11 01w 11toloi·i ... 1 or 1wdt·!'>t1·ian. EPA chief faces contempt I louse pois t•<l for his toric confrontation aftt:"r vol e WASlll NC1'0N (AP) Tht> H o U S l', po1 i,t·d Lu cite Env1ronmt•ntal Pro tt>c llu n AgL·m y chll'f Anm· M Gorsueh for cnnll'rnpt o f Congn·ss, 1s embarking o n a h1 stonl· 11.•gal t·onfrontallon Wllh tht· RL·agan adm1n1!.trat1un Th(' H o u:.c Publr<.· W o rks Com1111llt•1• WJS l·umpl1·1ing the formal n·pi•rt l!•d<1y 1111 tb 28-11 Voll' to l'l H' C11rsut'h tx 'l'a LISL' uf ht·r r1 ·fu .,;t!, 1111 P11·i.1d1·nt H1·;1gan'!> 111 d'-''' to ... urn•nJL·r ... ubp<x.•r1at•d deK.·u1111·11ls •>11 EPA 's 1·nfo1T1•nwnl 11f th1· $I tj b11l1on "supt·rf und" lox11· w;..:.L1· law Once Lhe rl•porl 1s f11L-d , tht• 1s.-.ut> t·an takl' prl>t'l-CJt•nL't' uvt•r any other floor aL·tion House Spe<tker Thumas P O'Neill said earltt•r he expc'<:led Re p Jamt•s Howard, D-N.J .. the comm1ttN·'s t·ha1rm;rn, to pn•ss for a floor vut<' somellme today llo wc•ver. 1n a news l'Onf Prence 1h1!> morn111g. O'Np1JI said the vot<· wai, bc·ing dl'lt1Yt'd unlil Thur!.C.lav or Fnday Wh1lt' · G or..uc·h ~ ... lhP lot'us of \ht· t'Onll'mpl c·1t..;:1t1on, th1· di!->pUlt' ll> bt>lWt'l'll 11i...l1lUllOll'> the l'X('l'UllVl' illld l t•gt ... f,JllV(' branc h e·"· t•qu;d und<•r the Ccmst1lut11111, <'tit·h Jl•alou.-; of the othl'r .\ 111u · (,or-.rn· h Gorsut·h has damwd l'Xl'(.'Ul1v1• pr ivilege lo withhold dc>1:umenLo; that she said an· t.oo >;t•ns1t1vc· t•' risk prc·matun· cll-.do<.urt· S h• said they indutlt· 'Ul h <·xpl11 ... 1v1 d oe umc>nts as a n a lY sf's or weak n c·,s1·-. tn govt:rnrnt 111 prosc•cu t 10n t'<t'l'' t h..i t wou Id JC'Opard12l' L1w...iJ1h vt'I 111 111 flleJ . Tht· 1:ungn.--ss10nal c-omm1ltt'<.'S "'1Y lht• da1m is a questionable> l'X p:.tnslfJll of t:Xl'<.'UtlVC privil(•gL· br<'au ... c· the d 0<.·umen ts d o no t i n volve f o reign relations. nauon aJ SC'('Urtly or Oval Offu.'C· discu ssions. the basts of p ast privilt>Re claims. "Wt• L·annoL sit idly by when l h c· ad m 1 n 1s t r a l 1o11 ass 1 •rt s <;Wt•epmg and UllJUSll f IL'd d&lffiS of cxK·utivc· privilege." said Hl'p John Dingl'll, D-M1ch .. whose· lluusC' Energy and Commer ce o;ubt·11mm1tlee vo ted 9 4 on TuC'sday to t•1te Gorsuch 1n a se't'ond C'On templ resolution OV(·r th1: same dOl:umcnts D1sputei. over Congrl'ss· right to police the executive branch an common The last wa<> a c'Onternpt t·1t.al1on approved by lhl' HouSt· E n I! r g v a n cJ C u m m l' r L' t• Com m 1 ll l' l' a g a inst I n l l' ri o r St'('ret.ary James G Wall earlier t his year But in Watt's case. as wllh ci1 ... pules 1n tht• Carter ..ind Ford adrnrn1strauuns. a ldst minute· t11mprom1st• resolvC'd th<' 1ssut· A soluuon appeared remote m th•· l'Urrenl dispute. Gorsuch told rt portl'rs Tuc'Sday that "I r!'ally (1011 t M't' a L'ompron11st· .. Heart fails; Clark critical SALT LAKE CITY (/\P) B;irnt•y Clark , 1n t'flllL'al but o;t abl l' rund1t1on today a f ter suq;wry to n·plat·t· ttw IC'ft sidt· of hr s rn t•t·h<JnHal h1·;1rt. has pnl'umorw1 and fan·:-"<twfully " tough sluggmg" to 11'<.·ov1•r from his 1h1rd op<.•ratmn 1n two Wl"t•ks. doc to rs l><l Y "II•· w:,., l't 1111 ;tl llt'fon• ..ind h<"'l> mon • t·nt1c·al now." said Dr. Chast> P(•lf'rson . Un1vt•rs1ty o f Utah Vilt' pr<·.,,d t•nt (rn hPallh SC'l<'nll''· folluwmg an 1•11lt'rgency operation Tu1'Sday aflL•r a valve brok e in Cl..irk ·., pulyurc·than<' ht>art tha n ht• h.id IH·1·11 111 sonH· t1mt>" But d ot·tm s s;11rl 1h1•v wt·n· worral·d about pnt•U11\\111t.1 111 Clc1rk's left IUllK ,111d JW!>!->l lth· cff(.'(·ts of anL~tlw:,1.1 f1111 n tlw frequent surgery "ThPr(' IS nu r1•;j")f1 wh y II can't succee•d. but <ti tht• samt• 111n c• tt will bt• <lwfullY t•H1glr slu~rn1ng fur D1 l'l.11 k ' Peterson -.aid "H1 .., ,1 v 1·1 v v1•r\ "'ck man who'-. g111w through muluplt· <.urgl'nt-s · H e• said lht• pn1·umon1a . 1hS(.·ovc·rl'd Mon<.1;1\ .1fh·1 C'l.11 k s how<'d a ~light fl0 Vt•1 wJs thought lo l>L· l1mlll'd lo tht' lt1WL'r portion of thl' lc•ft lung . h v. .ts "a s1·n11us comphl'alie.n" hut Pl·l1·1s1.n ~aid ii was being 111 ·,111·d w11h a nl1b1olles C lark 's vi t al signs and runct1ons of his other organ s wPre normal and in many CasE'S imprnvc.cJ s mC'C• his heart implant I::Xo<.· 2. said Peterson. adding that the· patt<'n t also had regam l'CI strength from several days on a high calom· hquid diet. It was thf' first malfunction m Clark's air-dnv<·n Jarvtk· 7 heart ..,.,,lf. tht· implant Solo11 ' ., alaries to rise? WAS lllNt ;TUN (Al') A b&IJ 1111·11•;1stfll{ n111gt 1·i..,1<m<1I :-.al;11·i1•; by $!11 :1111-. 1111 fl :-way tu l~11· S~·11,1t•· .d t1·1 \ht· I lm1s1 ;~pp11iV~d. 11 11v('r ohJ 1111011 i. f1om bw111ak1·r-. wlro ... uul ,1 r;11s1· 1!1 111Jpµ1op11Jt1• dw 1ng ;1 nalmmil I l't'\'!>!>11111 Tiit· I l11u-.1· VIJltil 'l'ul•sJuy W 1.11:.t· hy I !'l p•·rLt·11l llit' l'UI rcmt h·g.11 11·il111g 1m 1h1· $1lU.Uf):l now paid .i1111uall y II> 11lt:fUIJ(•1s of llll' llouSt· .1ml S l•llalt· ll w;.s j-ie f11:.1 tum· 111 fou1 yl·ar.. that Qle llouw hJb vu.,...1:cJ s ul·h a pay h1kt· Thi· 11wa-.u11• also l'OVt·rs pay 1m·1t•;1.-.t·:-. o l uµ to $8.700 a yeaf (111 -.111111• :ll.000 w n1or ft·det"oll \'lllploy1·1::. ..ind CabinL·l o ffll't•rs, llH lud1ng lht· v1Lt' prc•!>1dl'nl In lhl' S1·nalt'. lhl• proposal 11 l'>.fJl't lt•d to L'lil·uuntt .. r hl'avy n•!>1:-ta11l·1· 111 tht· final days uf tho lumt·-dul'k ~-ss1on u r Congress. Oppo:-.1ng <irgumc•nts ar:a 1•x p1 •C'l1·d to lw i.11ml:.i r Lu thost- l'lll 11u111t·n·d in tht· HouSt." where sonw nwrnlx·r:. ubjl'<.·ted lo a pay 11H'l l'<-•M· whc:n t h£-nationa l u nt·111 ploym l'll l rci le IS I 0 8 jX'l L't•nl and milltuns are out of wurk Ht•p Sam B Hall Jr , D-Texas, said hl· could not faC'e jobless UJl work1•r!> m h1:. drl>lrict and say. "I l is .~1me · for a <.'ongn'SS1onal Pll~ ra1<,1• I. And !>C'V1:rcil o ppone nts rnnH·nd«d tht>y wi:re trapped by parliaml'lllJry maneuvi:rs into voling for lht· pay ra1M-. which ~JS.'-'-d :.w:! I OY H t·p V1l' l'az.1 0, D-Cali f .. s ponso r o f the I 5 percent 1ncn•ci!>e, no ted that the 43~ Hou:-.( and Sc·nau.· members have h;1u onl y C)nl' 5 5 perl'enl pay h1kt· :.met• 1977 Workers in other proft•ss1onal and non-professional Job:-huvl had n ·gular cost o f Ir ving 1m-rP:1!>t·s. he· said. "W1 · hav t· lo!>t far more than <Jny ~roup in o ur societ y," h'e sa 1cJ And Hc,p Cla ir W . Burg1•m•r . R C:allf .. said. "Good p ay 1s t•ssl'nl1ul f o r good ~uvc·rnn1l'nl. Bcid pay ts leading lCI h.id govt•rnmC'nl " Quake deal~ hit 2,000 in ! North Yemen~ MANAMA. Bahratn (AP) ~ Th 1· d1«ll h toll rn the N ort- y t•nwn 1•;,orthquakl' has d ouble4 lo ITI()rt• tha n 2.000, lht• Gu ~ Ne>ws A1ott·ncy quoted a h igb Y <.·mc·111 offiu.ol "' say mg todal 1n San'a, th1• L'a p11al of l~ o;tr11 kt•n n 1u 111 ry .-1:: Tht· 0H1n al was not 1denttfie9 and no oth i•r detai ls wert 1mnwd1at1·ly available. Th~ pn·v1ous death toll had b~er g1Vt'll as I .OH2 • Mun • t han l ,100 other people wt'rc• n •p<11 tc-d hospltahzed with 1n1uric'!'> , Two hundn•d fifty childr~ pt'rtShl-d whc•n their sc:hoolhol)sl> collapsl'd on lhC'm during thl;' qua k l' M ond<Jy, and a {l undt'll·r m1ned number o1 worsh1p<'n. wt•n • killed when • m osqu t' crumbled on t hei during praye ri.. the Gulf Ne Agmc:y r<'ported Two hour... a fll•r surgt•ry was f1111shl"<l. Clark, th1· first human l o r t'ce1vl' a ptc·rmanent mc·chan1cal ht'art. was fully conscio us and responding to dol'tors' qu<'st1ons by nodding hts ht'ad, un1vl·rs1ly Mt-'Cltea l Cen ter spok1.•sman John Dwan said The 61 -yt'ar old rNircd d Pnlisl frnm the; S'·attlC' a rea was rPstmg qu1Mly t1Klay. a hospital !:pokc•swoman said A so<·1al w o rkt·r . M a rgaret Millt•r. said latt• Tuesday that she had v1s1l\•d the tntens1ve care unit and found Clark's wife. Una Loy. "vt'ry encouraged about his cond1t1on " Gem Talk Hv I c· Ill .lf/'11}(/f >; (', rt1fll'd (;,·m11/11,.:1•f ·II ;,., FOR THAT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT DIAMONDS AND GOLD BY OMEGA . • " .. '·' .. ~ f?>:' r: MESSAGES in your jr.., rlr'I' ') Miller said those caring for Clark (colt ht' was "mor<' alert ~\ .. ,, We're Listening ••• Wh.11 elo \OU llk1• about th~· l>all\ Pilot " WhJt don I vou like" l '.tll th1· numlwr al 14.'ft and you1 ml's!>aj.(1• "'tll !'.)(' rl>c::orded, 11.111sc.rllw'll a nu d clivt•r('d lo the-appro prrall' t'(l1111r Lookmg for a gift that will he lp the rcc1 piPnt mak c> a statement? MessagP JC•w('lry fills the rC>qu1rcmenl WC' haVl' all seen llny, gold crUSS<'d golf duhs o r tenn is r a c quc>ts. which obvious ly tell th<' world aboul th<' WC'art•r's favorit<' sport But ther e a rt' mc>r<' 1m<1ginot1vt• m essages. t oo For examplt-. when Carol Burnt'tt's TV <;h ow ended an 11 -yc>ur r u n , she bought a gold "11 " to remind her of the &C'COmpltshmenl. and wears 1t as a pendant on u gold chatn Zodiac pendants are mor<' conventional message pic<;es Some message pendants bcco'me con versa ti on pic•t·es. be ca usc their mPs.'l8gcs arc not clN1r, and must be explained to c urious friends. Do you know som rone who h as a s p eci al a('('Ompllshm~nt. hobby or tratl that could be <'Xpressed by a piece of mc>ssage jewt•lry? The first wearer of meiwtgc> jewelry must have been the caveman who hung a tagcr'ii tooth from a 1.·rucJ1• necklac-e li1s message wai1 that hP w as a good h unter Thf' llgc~ certainly gnt the messagl' @ ft . ... ~ 642·6086 ·1 ht· 'amt· 2·1 hour ans-.1•nn~ c;erv1ce ma\ hf' t"ed lo record let t"r' to tht• l'd1tm 111\ Jn~ topic Mailbox rontributor!I must mclude th1·11 n.1mt• ,.ind lt•lr•phonc numb<'r for VC'rtf1 r.it111n No r1 rr ula t1nn I ,ti l-. ple'.1'1' l'dl "' 14h.1t '1111 \mir m 1n<I ... ,, .. ,, .. , ,,,,,14., Ir " ,., llllt ! ~¥• fllUI 1'1'1 f" 11 1fl ft 'f I"" flottffl"ft / 1 11tnd .,,,.,, '• 1·, .,. ,,. .. "'"''"' ')•1111·1•., "'''' ' tit, Jf)U ,,, hf'1I l•I .. fl'I • jl C'.t-4l't ,,, ' '" ,.., htlf ,, '0 A I• ~I II f •• t ~ •11 • t-'""'"'"'"'"'' a.-la11on hh11t..-........ (lr•r"\I"' ~, .. ,, ""' ... , ... ,,! """'' •'""'' .... ""' ....,,~, ht 4 ~ ilt-.t If••,. ,... 1110 *" .. •; .. , 4-....oG ORANGE. COAST Daily Pilat Thomat P. Haley f• I ,1 ,., •11111 I 1,,,.1 f ""'' "'''" (>Hu,., Jone Amari Raymond Mocleon f •14• I"'~ trt 11' ( ,.,,,,. ,,..,.., l Koy S<hullt Michael P Harvey V I '' ,., ;,., I 1.,. 1,., I ~.,,,..,, ' I .. I 4,1 ..... 1' u •• . Ctu1Uted edvertlalng 71'/64 2·Sf7t All other dep1rtmenl1 642·4321 MAIN OFFICE )JO W e\t 8,a.;i \t ( O'\f• M1111\.t CA M •ll •Odr•u Ro• 1 \ti() ( m1• M 1t\• f A '161• C°"yrl9hl IWI Or-C°"\I Publi\hl1>4 C-"V Non••' \tori•\, 11tu\H•t1~\, flc:tttorlef m .. ,., nt •O. ""'fhf'm""'' """••n M•'f' O. ••e>tOdV(fld wtthc'M.11 \Of'filil ~'"'''""" ot t OC'l'r•oM n•"-' '-< ond t I•\\ 'JO\t•P 04l•d •• to\t• M•\lt c. •tifornl• , u P\ ,,. IOO> ~U~' ''Ot•on bv t ., , •• , ,. H monO\l'f b'f' mA1I \It \() m.nn1n1, f ...,. 0, M9 (tw\t O•llf' Pilot w ith wM(f\ I\ l~ bH'l•d lr\I• ,,,._.,., p,M\ 0 publl\~d b• t~ ()t.,. ( N\t PUOll\f\•no (on"I~"'' ,...,. .... ,. f'dlttont .,. e>ue.11\n.d .Mone•• ""'°"9"' f ,•d•'f' tot C•t• NWv Nf'•00'1 tt.Acl'I HUJf'\tlnfion ft•~" fout\I••" v .... , ''"''"• I ~ A•MP\ \outf'I <.a.tu 1 tin ... ,.~ •dltlO" I\ IMJll\IM'd ~Olto•d•¥\ •"Cl ~.......... , ... P''"' •e>•• f'U'bll'"'no P••n• ., •t UO w.,, ft•• \H·wt P O fto• •MO C&tt• lllW\• C.elltf)r"'• ,,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 348 J ~: I• lh••• \ul>••b 1 41'. 9otd and d•O'TIOnd ""'•P••<•' •l•9ondy d•"9"•d loo o Ul•<1m• of p1ovd l)O\l•\\lon l •lt 24 d •omond1 enhont1n9 o 9•n1ly <v•v•d co•• ond ••••v••d t>ro<•l•1 C•n••• 'Hl dlOmonch uma<H'dlr>9 o d•ol l><>"•d wnh ~O dlomondt beo1111ful 9old b•a<•••• fl.lqht mo9nll1<on1 ?4 d•omand QVOI In whh• Or y•llow , 4~ C)Oh1 W"h t••tUf•d b10t•f•t J. 0 OMEGA MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY 1809 NEWPORT BL VO., COST A MESA SINCE 1946 ' J " .. ' . ) " •f MON SAT 9 30 -"I 30 Master Ch11oe PH ONE S.t 340 1 ' \ I U r 1111011 COUbl UAIL Y Pll 0 I I W tHlllUbJJy, Uut.1111 tlll •I I b, 11111..' ~~,, ~--.--P.-a 1_r _h-el-dr.------------------- \\\~ in c ounty 1, I '· HB schools seek sla y ing bilingual funds FULLt.:HTON (AP) An El Montt· mun and wom a n huvt• b t•1·n <tr1 l':.lt•d in ttw :.tabbing tlt•iJths ,,r an l'ldl'rly l'OUplP klllt:d 1n lht•ir qUll't Ful l crt u n 11e1ghborhoo<l. polit·c said to<luy Tlw H untington Beat·h City (1-·ll•nwn tary) School Dastnt·t 1s planning t o apply f o r f Pdl'ral Cum.Jing for b1ll11gual l·dut·a uon under Titk• Vll of th e El t:>mentar y and S<."(:ondary Education Act. 1''unds arl' bemg sought to a&.1st non-English and limited ~nghsh proficient pupils in al'hll'ving Englis h language flul•ncy If fundl•d , the m o ney \\'11u ld be USE'd to provide • A volunte er 1s being sought to represent residents o n the H untington Beach. Airport Board, a voluntee r group consisting of three pilots. thn-e residents and the airport owner. Re spon&1b11ities include resolving complaints a nd improving noise abatement procedures as w ell as flight b 1I1ngu1:1 I l t• u l' ht' r s a nd c I a s s r o o m a 1 d t• :. u n d 1 n s t r u l t 1 o n <.t I rn a t t• r 1 a I s re-qu art'<.! bv law Th£' d1 stnl'l 1s st•t•king parents a nd t·o mmun1 t y nwmbers LO M-rve on tht· Title Vll Adv11rury Coum·1l and to ass i s t th e di s t rt l'l an dcvl•lopmg its apphl·uuon. Inte rested persons should co ntac t Be tt y Toltleo, a t 968-5729 sa f e t y co ndi t i o n s at Meadowlark Airport. Applications are available at the Public I nformation Off i<·e , 2000 M ain St. In terested persons also can write t o the Publi c Information Office a t Post Office Box 190, Huntington Beach , 92648. Onl' of thost• iJrrt•:.tt'd WU!> l.>t.'ht'ved to Ix> a(•quumtcd with tht.' Vll'tmu1, Franc:1s Harb1tz, 67, a nd Aileen Rosi• Hurbitz. 68, but Lt. Rit·hurd Kv1H1t•z s aid tht; rn ot1vc w as no t 1mme d111wl y known Richard Delmer Boyer, 25, W lill arrt•stc-d about 10 p.m. Tuesday whilt• ht• was bt·mg qul'stiont•d ;1t the Fullerton police s ta tio n , Kvancz said . Cynthia S u s1m Cornwell, 24, was arrcsl<.'<i about 4::10 a .m. today a t the home s he s hart'CI with &>yl•r, Kvanez s<.11d Both w e re b oo ked f or investigation of murdt·r and Miss Cornwe ll was also booked for investigation o f be ing an accessory to murdl•r, he said, adding that Boyer was believed to be an acqua intance of lht' Harb1tz family. The murders were dist'Overed S unday night by the couple's 42-vear-old son , William Harb1tz. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL Specials Effective Thru Dec. 24th, 1982 VITAMINS GROCERIES RADIANCE SELENIUM 150 MCG 50 TABS REG. 6.95 RADt'ANCE I-COMPLEX 50 100 TABS REG. 7.95 RADIANCE TIME RELEASE MAGNA ONE HIGH POTENCY MULTIPLE VITAMIN W/ CHELATED MINERALS 60 TABS REG. 9.99 RADIANCE TI ME RELEASE 3.95 4.85 6.75 GOOD STUFF NATURAL WHOLE GRAIN BREAD 16 OZ. LOAF REG. 1.29 S&W OLD FASHIONED CRANBERRY SAUCE 16 OZ. REG .. 76 S&W OLD FASHIONED CANDIED YAMS 18 OZ. REG .. 79 S&W COLOSSAL STUFFED QUEEN .89 .57 .59 VITAMIN C 500 MG WITH ROSE HIPS 100 TABS REG. 5.75 3.50 OLIVES 10 OZ. GLASS REG. 2.23 1.69 THOMPSON~· 7 /u l'tlflll//ll 111J11f>U I/\ COMPLETE VITAMIN LINE AT THIS REDUCED PRICE 203 OFF HEALTH & BEAUTY BULK . Buy a jar of ~t ill Creek C£LASTI!( CREME An d gct a FREE 198.1 Special Edition of rnE OLD FARMER'S ALMANAC MILL CREEK llllED llUTS CAROB CHIPS WILllUT HALVES RI W ALllOllDS ELASTIN CllEllE WITH 10,000 1.U. NATURAL 4 95 VITAMIN E 3.4 REG. 8.50 I PEClll HALVES APPLE-Clllll. &RAIOLA 3.91 1.09 2.89 1.85 3.85 .89 Come In and register for Christmas Drawing NO PURCHASE NECESSARY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON Drawing To Be Held Dec. 23 A .M. Winners Need Not Be Present. ACME SUPREME THOMPSON RADIANCE JUICERATOR Retall Value 159.00 SUPPLEMENT A TIOll PROGRAM VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS Retell Value $65.00 Retail Value $50.00 LINDBERG Y ARSln PACI SHELTON HEN TURKEY LINDBERG T-SHIRTS 90 Day Supply Retail Value 37.95 17 Lb. '20.00 Value Drawing For Five Shirts Lindberg Nutrition Drawing Dec. 23. 1982 ---~-"'!..-- ,--------------------, I I I NAME I -I I ADDRESS I I I : CITY STATE ZIP I I I I PHONE NO. I I I I I L••••••••••••••••••••~ Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 9-5 Dec. 18th Closed Dec. 26 . . . . ... _··--·---.. ------------~------- The Robinsons Gift ADOLFO ',,,,,111·.111 ,111·<1 HPlo111•1J < <111l1CtH1t 11 1111 'i tw r !;lyle And Adolfo's 1\1 1111111 ... 11 111ql1t "' 11111111,111· lr lllr• 1w1 1oqell1fH~. Th ese are lhe velours .,,,,.II Inv•· C nt111rilp11l\f•"·'''' 111 n11y1 J.tdP ivory, s;ippt11re or ruby 'f.,11 $125 JV/HC ltJtJllC)U",f• Hit • • -·~,. •' • • • •' ' ' ' • ·~ -• ' ' + o + •' -•·-,.' • ' ' ,_,.._ •• •' + YI> - • •: .. .. ·~ Priva t e fir111 s to di tribut food stamps, s tudy jail m e thods l-'oo<l i.t.1111~ 11ow 111u1ll'tl lo t1u11l1fh'<I Oralll{t' County f.11111lu.,.. "111 IM.• lh111th-tl out by privntt• comptlllll':. on an 11v1·1 tht• t'ountc>r bol'lis bc.•gmning rwxl July That dt'\.'IM011 was mud1• 'l'ul.>sdny by Orang<' County sup1·rv1i.t11 :. who upprov<.'d without comment a pmposul lll shah th<' dtstributlon o( food stamps from tlw U S. mail to a private l'Ontru<·tor Tht• a<.·t11m was wk1•n bt>t·aul>(' the federal governmen t, bc.•ginnang Jun. I. H>83 no longl'r will rclmburst• <.'ounti<.-s for the full <.·ost of stamps lost in the mail. This <.'Ould cost Orang<.• County as much as $300,000 a y<.'iH', 1at't'onling to S teve Lewis, of the t:ounty Aud1tor-Conlrollc r's Offkt'. About $1.8 million worth of the stamps art• mailed every month to soml' 20,000 quali fied families around the t'Ounty. The st.amps as good as <:ash allow n<.-edy fanulws lo purc hase groceries at rt.'<luced rates . For tht.• past sevt.•ral y1•ars. the <.'OUnty has lost about 2 pcr<.-cnt o f the food stamps mailed each month, Lewis said. By switching to an over-the -counter d1str1but10n system losses through the mail w ould be mmunawd. County officials cnv1s1on a program in which COUNTY DIGIST . stampa w ould bt> dhttr1butt.•d by a p ra vUl«! company at o nurnb<·1· of locatmns around the countr For ha ndicapµcd pNsons, those who live more than 20 mll<.'8 from a distribution <.-enter or in .emergcndcs, al.Umps still would be S<'nt by certified mall. Until the new dlstr,butlon system is in place, food stam~ will bc mail<!<.! lo all r<.>ciph.>nL'> by certified mual, which will cost tbe county an extra $3,500 a mont h . • • • ORANGE COUNTY SUPERVISORS have established a C hild Abuse Sl•rvu:es Advisory Council, which is to r<.'<.'OmmenJ lo the board a range of programs lo prevent increasing numbers or children who are abusc..'<i and neglectt.>d. T he new progrums will be paid Cor with approximately $532,000 in state funds, a result of two bills passed by the state LeRislature this year to fund child abuS(' pn'vention projecls. Among S<.•rv1t't.>s to bc provided to abused or ne&lt..'\.U.od childa•11 ¥H! WWW4:h1~ 6'•0.i1u n bl und an cm~rgcmcy aul1tance pr<>sram to provide temporary houalna. food and clothing w child· a bu11e victims . • • • SUPERVISORS A EXPR~ED continuing Interest In turnlna over operatlora at several county-operated refuse dumpa to private companies -especially the Santiago and Coyote canyon lit.es. The board dlrecL<.'<i county Gem•ral Servlcc'S Age ncy's waste management division to develop a report with in 90 days covering both the "pros and cons" of having county land fills operated by a private company. Meanwhile, Supervisors Thomas Riley and Bruce Nestande re ported that the Irvine Company, which owns the Coyote a nd Santiago canyon landfills, already has e nte re d into preliminary discussions with several waste management firms that could operate the sites someday. T he Irvine Company would take over the landfills they own and contract with a private company fo r site opera tion s . S uc h an arrunl(t'UWtll ul1.o would noquln• tht• county to t)(; a purty to a thrt't' wuy lt•lu.t', ltw board wu told • • • A CONSULTING F IRM with offices In Costa MeH waa selected Tuesday to atudy o p eratlon11 of the county Sherlff .Coron~r Department. Arthur Young and Co. will conduct the audit, expected to be completed aometime In 1983 at a coet of $136,98~. The study of the ahe rlff 'a department, munty .1a1j and coron(•r's oUkc will focus on how efficiently 1 the department operates, utilizes its ma npower", fights crime and runs the a jail. Arthur Y9 ung and Co. previously has lookc<d a t the San Bernardino County Sheriff'• O ffice, the L os Ange le• County Sheriff's Department, the California Highway Patrol and the Fort Worth (Texas) Police Department. S upervisors first requested that consulting finN submit proposals for the atudy last August, before a series of jail d eaths triggered a ~ntroversy ove r jail operations a nd the way inmates are treated. -Daily Pilot County Bureau ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- I ' I t I I· • I j - AXLI E'S VILLAGE SHOES Laguna Beach Store ·Only-245 Forest Awe., LGguna Beach MAKIN G ROOM MEN'S • WOMEN'S • CHILDREN'S . -ALL FAMOUS BRANDS - 9 West Bass! Ad.idas! lmpo! Buster Brown! Florsheim! Sperry Top Sider! Jacques Cohen! Footworks! Dexter! Grass Hoppers.! Keds! ------=·-·---~~·~··-···--·,.·-9~~ta:tNOatsy1-eote-H ah n·!-l:evts!-·----._,,__ME N-' S -·-·- E. T. ! Grosvenor Slippers! SHOES PacMan! And More! ouR 50 010 ENTIRE /C STOCK OFF UP TO UP TO ~. OUR E•TIRE SllRE Our Entire Stock Children's Shoes 50o/oOFF TOTAL DISPOSAL SALE 4 PRICE GROUPS ' FOR NEW SPRING STOCK IO~fF 50 % 33crc 20 3 if F o;, .Of F INVENTORY SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • PHOTO DEPICT SHOE CATEGORY \'U Orangti Coo8t DAILY PILOT /Wedno&dtlY, Ooceniber 15, 1982 -TuM .,.._ 131 . l lb nl11'ft C,..n .. 4''\l\f .t ,t .. ti,• ~IWI ... I ""'"-'ICt I ., .a \tillt\h.•lo.L. .. , • .....i,. '"'' ... l-d.111 •ti ot \i'l• I-. \. t. 'l..f •I ~11'4'11.,.1•4.t-J oh.t"t h.1J •.1 ic1'1r.11At•fl~ l\.1f1 J\iio., S2:lW" -Thinlc of everyone wlio'd ove a -1 - Christmas gift from Hickory Farms. l.l1111••"'t 11.,llUI\\ I 11•1cli!h ll 111 ii!lfh. 111.1 \,lltd\ ul .. h.11•· ... l)UH""' 1: J ,, ... 1 It •, t • I ... k .11 ... \•Al 't lh:l1dh I milt.,, 1h1 l.·t 11J.,.... J I ~ •UI .... ~ ... • ff ldcor1 farms OF ONIO• Fashion Island Mewpcwt Beach 640-6030 Westcliff Plaza 17th & hint Ave., Newpo1t Beac.h 642-0972 NEW GIFT CENTER NOW OPEN WOODBRIDGE VILLAGE CENTE R IN IRVINE --o,,.n Dally -~--·~--.. __..,,...,...._ ..... --.:..~---------------.. ~ r 1 :tiff christ~ 1982 ... ~ our rnoet p:>pular flann<Zl~ thcz. pz.rf<z.ct c.omph~ 1br s.M:Za~ cmcL sport.coats, our pnmi flanr$ apltom\2/Z. tha. propl.r look 6J'rl.. comfoct, for tha. iall and wmw month~. W<M"Z.n fiom the f'incz,.e,t, \M:Jr~t.<z.d yc:s~ and th zn tcu\orcui ~·corbm; mak<Z.S U1<l. pnrne flannel thz. meet comibrt· ablcz., durob\a. and lon$ lastm~ U-ou~r~ hcz.' U <I>JrLT 'M"l.Or 44 Fashion bland • Newport Beach• 714/644-5070 UXJI Westwood Bluel.• Westwood Village · 213/208-3273 . ' . t \ I Tell Her You Love Her This Christmas The Eternity Ring Ari ore of diamonds set In · platinum or gold. To celebrate the post-To welcome the future. A \1600 B SS060 C. S27SO ,,. r asn.un .... no N~•r"'' B-n • &O• ?()40 ' . .,........ . ................... ""•. RAFF jeWCJrr 32 Fuhton !eland Newport a.ec:h • M4·2CMO 3 een-ratlon• of tri.ndtr ,,.,.onal MfVlc• ca lhy je an l~( ClllH~l\1\::-. llOI H': \10\ .. fHI. 10-9 '\f' IO·h ~I\ I:?.:; . ' . TllE fUiO\l>\\.\Y •Bl FFl '\IS • ftl'UJ>CKS Wll.SHIRE • '\:El~~-...M\HCl lS • HOllf\JSOI\'~ ,. --------- ~(] This Christmas Give A Living Gift: 20 0/0 /C OFF PUPPIES . BIRDS, KITIENS AID AQUARIUMS MAKE GREAT Gins FOR ALL AGES • ...... -. •lltf '"' .... Y• t a .•• "' ..... '°" .. &'4.. .... f'W ., .. .,._-.., . .,.,, ,,.,,..,,, ... •a ........ ...._.,.. I t\~·"' ..,; -. ...... ..,, ..... , MM" Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, December 15, 1982 G IV ~ HER SLIPPERS Imm 1)GIUft GJ(.W(J lf t::.llRl IOO TW(AR Delight her with glowing color elegant fa.,h1on . perfect fit Sec the entire: g1ftworthy col lection of Danu:I G reen ,lipper\ w ,11t1ng for you now . Gold S21. Blk, Bone, White, Burgundy & Camel .Sl9 .#54 FASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-4223 #27 MAIN STREET, ALHAMBRA (213) 282-3678 -------........... -.. ................. --· ·-· .... -,_ .......... ---····-----------------.... ·------·-·--------.. ·----·------· . ' 1 Put it together with Calvin Klein from Al's Garage ... The greol 5-pocket mld-wole corduroy jean Colors pewter. camphor. petroleum. pumpernickel and block Add one of our easy core sport shirts from Gant to complete lhis,oulfit 8~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ~ . ) CllUl"'I \I\"' 111>1 lb . \10'.·fBI. 10-'l SA1 J().c, Sl ' 1:?·:1 BUSTER BROWN. ·--Oll'-locM ....... -'A_Gl __ .,_CllY_loc SPECIAL lllPMEO .lllT UllYEI ..... "' flllT ......... ..., #30 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-2464 < • ~l'l l F: HIHHl>\\,\Y •Bl FFl 1AtS •Bl 1.1.0CKS WI LSlflHE \El \I \\.\I \HCl S •HORI . SO!\>'S • AH Orn11 u C.oust lJAll V PILO l/W d1111utJuy, D Gre ting COl11 Al'llV(' duty und rt•tm'tl mlhtm y JK'nlOruwl a11d tht•ir fun11l1t·i. w1 II bl• obi{• to nd free S('asoru. grt't.•llnj.(i. tu lovt'<I om'tl ulmOlt unywh •rc in the world this Christmui., thunks lO the effortll of the mt•n from MARS Malltary Affiliate Radio SU1t1on at tht.• Muruw Corps Air Station, Tustin MARSgram forms t.·an be found al either exch nng<' ut MC AS 1'.:l T oro and MCAS(H) Tustin, th« c:ommunu:atum l'l•nler al El Toro or the MARS st.ut1on itst'IC, lo<:alt.'<1 in building 23A at Tustin. For more information alx>ut MAHSgra ms and phom' pat.ch scrvkt.'s, l'onuu:t tht• MAHS station at 651-7-179. • • The Orang e County Rescue Center 1n cooperation with thl' Eagle's Nest Christian Fellow ship will be having a Christmas celebrauon providing a free Christmas dinner, gifts and clothing for needy families. The center 1s located at 190 1 W. Walnut St .. Santa Ana. For further anformat1on call 835-0499 or 547-8630. WE DELIVER To Your Home or Boat CHILLED WINE & CHAMPAGNE 2400 West Coast Highway Newport Beach, California 642-5749 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY •..-..•...-e.cl S..e 1922 HAJll OR ILVO. ti~o111 M A llS HllllAY MPPllllGI ~ Tht1 N t•wpo1 t Bt•'6c:h Publh;· Library Iii presenting an ('Vt•nln(( of (;hri1tmaa fllma, featuring Chr latmus Cracker. C hrlatmu Messenger and Thtt Selfish Giant, at the Newport Center Bra nch, 856 San Clemente Drive, Dcccmb<>r bNween 7-8 p.m. Dec. 22. Admission is fret•. ~,or .mnrC' information, call (7 14) (j•Hl-:tz1H), • • • A "Kid's N1ghl Out" ovc.•rn1ijht swy will bt.• offorc.'tl for lrvanc• youth on Nt•w Ycars's Eve through the YMCA SNv1cc Ccmter. The event will lx•t(an at Ci::lO p.m. IX>c. J I and will run until 9 a.m. Jun 1. Location of the overnighter will be the 8addl<'back Valley YMCA an El Toro. Childre n in JZrades one through six can ht' dropped off and packed up the Irvine center, at Culver Drive and Bar n . d. The fee is 20 for one child and $35 for two. For more information, call 559-1175. -..... ._.. __ -.. -._-..- A "cllllout autlnut Name Statement fllad with Iha County Clark 11 valld for five yHrt altar which time continuing bu1lna1M1 mutt rallla. Publlcallon It naca1ury o n I y 11 (hara a r a chang11. Call th• Legal Department ti th e DAILY P ILOT for In formati o n and nae• nary forms. 642-4321 Ellt. 332 . {\•~-Stfl& S- WET WEATHER SPECIAL All Rain & Ski Wear Dry Cleaned . . Waterproofed FREE 1000 N. Coast Hwy. for$5.95 Complete Top Sldobl, T.tyald Steak, or Prawn Dinnen. Spedal value• like theH won't lut forever, so come to Stuart AadcnoG'• today. You're ••• to IHI jood luldc. . ~ Put something special • ~nside your season's greetingS: I Send Stuart Anderson's Gift Certiftcates. /JJluaJ~Q BLACK ANGUS RESTAURANTS. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM COSTA MESA -541·1156 EVALUATE THIS VALUE: Spec/al December 15, 1982 To December 21, 1982 A trn ga1i.1n ~a\\ dQua11um mo rlr 11 lh dR unJfrcravet I.lier 4~ pump h•dltr lhtrm >m•ltr t"o ,.ar, ,41.e t ,, l"t lubo•~ 14'0 h&hl bu•M ,,... oound\ cu•" and a l.n I" 1 aqua11um handb<HI~ Ste at AQual• l rop ta•1 tor o"'' 39 99 VISA' • ISIO W. BaktJ•Cotla Meu S49·1391•Corntr Harbor & e.-tf St•rtlng •New BualneH A ccc ordl n g 10 C.lllornta 81talMH an<I Profu-~ CS.C 11too 10 11no1 all ~raone dol"I tMlalMH 1tnder a llcllllo1te n•- nuu 1 Ill• a •1•1•,...111 wllh lh• Co1tn1y Cl•rll a nd have 11 p1tbll•h•d lou r llm•• I n • n•••P•IMI' Mn1nt IM •••• In wh ich lh• b<lelnu e le loc•1•d Th• ela1am•n1 le r•qulr•d by law end le n•ceH•ty In p<olK!lng your b1nlnue na me Mo el bank• r•qulr• p<oof of llllng 10 ()9en commordol KCOunte Th• DAILY PILOT p<ovldet botlt llNng •n<I publlcollon -vice•. W• hn• •" IM noc•H•'Y form• and molnloln a da lly •.,•le:• 10 lh• Or a n g• Co.,nly CourthOVM fl!Mr el~ by on • of ou r c:or,.onlonl ofrlc•• or phon• lho Ll!OAL OEPA,.TWNT 14Ml21, 1!•1 JJ2 for mor• lftformatlofl -rorme Daily Pilat 0 H \ ' '• () ' " Save 50% 2-piece wedge, 999.00 ~tit to ... ow coont1N1-. angleottomen. 0119in8llY 456 00 now DIM. Chargel--"'---· your purchaN No payment due until February, 1983 6. L1m1tcd auo1111t1e!> as shown available for befOfe Christmas delrvery Furniture. 38. •other assorted c1ecorator fabrics e1101lablt with 8 weeks delivery 2 pince wedge. 11•.oo. Ottoman. 211.00 ....... ._ .... ......,_. ----. _...._. .. All\ftJA\' , .. & BAKE S HOP HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING & GIFT IDEAS We offer a variety of perfect gifts for all situations •Pecan & frt.lit cakes, made with all dried fruits, loads of pecans, & no -~andted fruit or citron. Gift packaged 1-lb. $6.75 •Fresh baked cookies in a variety of festive holiday packages ...... From $3.00 *S uperb cheesecake & carrot cake, excellent for entertaining & office parties· ........ $8. 75-$11.95 Don't miss our other delicious products Croissants • Muffins • Quiche Croissant Sandwiches Located in Fashion Island Across from Neiman Marcus 640-8211 ·Please call ahead for large orders LAYAWAY Shop now while selections ore plentiful Use our Loyowoy Pion. ·-----------.-..--..~·· .......... _. -.. .,.~~-..-._,.-.. -~-,,.. .. -...... .._ .............. _,,,_. -----·-·------- BAUME & MERCIER WATCH FOR THE RIGHT MOMENT. You know when the time is right-it's by Bourne & Mercier. Now even more fashionable with our new stainless steel ond 18 karat gold "Summit" quartz watch. Priced to help you put something wonderful up your sleeve. Lady's, S 1,650. Mon's, S 1, 700. SLAVIC K'S Fine J.welers Since 1917 Where che besc surprises begin. Fashion Island (71 4) ~·1380 • Newpon Beach Also Greater Los Angetts • San Dltgo • Las Vegas C.llHl~l'\I \'°' ltOl RS: ~IO\,.fRI. fO.Q \T 10.b S t ~ 12.5 Orange Coaat OAIL Y PILOT /Wedneaday, December 15, 1882 J\9 "' . I THE BHO \I>\\ \~ • Rl FtT\IS • Bl Ll.OCK~· WIL~HIRE • \F:IMA ~.\I \RCUS • ROBl\SO 'S • ,-, 10 Orange Coalt DAILV PILOTIW dno1day, December 16, 1882 A cle an air proble m too close for co Inf ort One thing about M oth e r Nature -she doesn't understand the politics of clean air. S h e doesn't much ca re whether the Republicans or Democrats are in the White House or i( Detroit is having a tough time movi n g cars with ca t a l y tic converters. She just knows when th e re's a lot of gunk floating around. And when there is, she lets us know . And so it came to pass several days ago tha t a thi c k fog descended on the Orange Coast. People pulled out their cliches. "The air was thick enough to cut with a knife." And so it was. Only one problem -you'd have to cut quick before the knife corroded. What we had was acid fog. In fact, measurements off Corona del Mar indicated it was the most acidic fog ever recorded in the Southland. The pH level was about the same as vinegar. Acid f og is ex tr e m e l y hard on automobiles, plants, animals and human lungs. Having measured the fog, a question remained -what caused it? The fog off Corona del Mar was primarily nitric acid. One expert surmised that the fog resulted from nitrogen oxides polluting the air in the Los Angeles basin during the day. As night fell, they drifted out to sea and formed the fog. Which brings us to the Clean A ir A c t . The R eagan Administration , in the person of -Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Anne Corsuch, h as made clear its dislike of the Clean Afr Act. Gorsuch has coyly been suggesting that if communities are against the severe penalties in the Clean Air Act, they s h o uld encourage their congressme n to change the provisions of the act. And, in fact, California has suffered from the act. When the state failed to meet the deadline to require smog device inspections for all vehicles, the EPA imposed a ban on construction of new sources of industrial air pollution and cut off federal funds for highway construction. • The h ighw ay funds w e r e released after the Legislature passed a vehicle inspection law to go into effect in 1984. The building ban is still in effect. Frankly, we doubt the Legisla ture would have taken time out from its usual activities of torpor interrupted by inJighting had there not been a real potential for economic disaster. The Clean Air Act has helped enormously in the fight against air pollution. But the fact that we can be blanke ted by a curtain of fog akin to battery acid should prove conclusively that this is not the moment to retreat, but rather to attack harder. W e urge Was hington to observe natural r eality, rather than political reality. It's not nice to fool Mo ther Nature. Beware heater risks Don't let a portable kerosene h eat e r s poil your ·season of warmth and good cheer . The skyrocketing cost of energy has sent some people in search of alternative h eat ing sources. Portable kerosene heaters, once considered unsafe, are back in style. However, they remain illegal in California for most domestic uses. Under the state Health and Safety Code, kerosene h eaters may be u sed only in well ventilated garages, warehouses and businesses, but they are .,_banned "in•att"dwel.ling-units:··-·· Radio and TV commercials and newspaper advertisements e mphasize the cost-savings but b a r ely mention the u se restriction s. Some con sumers discover the details too late while others remain unaware, risking the safety of home and family by u sing the a ppliances labeled "hazardous" in the October 1982 issue of Consumer Reports. T h e magazine wa r n ed kerosene heaters may pose serious health hazards especially to young children, the elderly, pregnant women , p eo ple with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and asthmatics even when used in a ventilated room. Th e N at i o n a l Kerosene Heater ~iation responded by criticizing the size of the room used for testing the heaters. The trade group did agree with the magazine's findings that kerosene heaters are more economical than central heating systems or electric heaters and the units posed relatively little fire hazard whe n •. ·,,rnperly-operatled:-.. -·····.. --. - But the fact re mains that ke rosene heaters are unsale for beach rental units, college students' quarters or low-income housing -the most likely places where tenants would be tempted to plug them in. Kerosene heaters have minimal applications. The risks - primarily the gases emitted and lac k of thermostat -are too dangerous to be so hidden in advertisements. Don't be fuelish. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Olher views ex· pressed on this page a re those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-•321 . L.M. Boyd/ Proposals A poll among college women indicates the average coed gets 2 5 marriage proposals before she leaves school. Age 40 se<>ms to be the crucial year for tall men. Before then, more tall men than short men die. After 40, it's vice versa. Twice as many people die or aspirin overdoses as sedative and barbiturate overd0ses combined, according to VA hospi taJ doctors. Q . Did you say you've long wondered what "rack and pinion" steering means? The "rack" is a slQtted bar. The "pinion" ls a gear wfth teeth that fit into the bar's slots. Wben you turn the gear, its teeth puah the slotted bar. Why don't you look under "rack" in the dictionary on your desk, dummy? A. You're right. all right. It's there. En)barras.5ing. beadliest construction proje<.'t in modern history was the 12-year cl'\lineerlng job to build 138 miles of railway between Callao and Oroya In Peru. About l l,000 of the 13,000 men on the project died either in accidents or from disease. The job was finally flnlshl'<l In 1893. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat '"""'"" .,..,y O.y Of tllf W .. , •I JJO Wt•f ll•t \t . Cf\t• Mow ,._ .. , c•tr••-ftt• to Ila• ''"-'°'"'Mow ('" •>•1'1 • Q . How lon g would it take a billionaire to spend his money? A. At $1.Q.OO a day, he'd need about 3,000 years. During the last decade, the two faces most recognized worldwidf> were the faces of men with Moslerr. names. Can you identify them? Mohammad Ali and the Ayatollah Khomeini. ' Q. What was the name of Gen. George A . Custer's h orse, the only survivor or the Battle of the L ittle Big Hom? A. Custer's hone, Vic, was killed. The only survivor w as anoth er cavalry horse called Comanche. One out or every i5 people who walks into a store walks out with something not paid for. I Nobody ever wins an ice skating race by a nose. The winner is the one who first gets both skates across the Cinish line. Q. What causes sinkholes? A. Drought. Limestone caverns a hundred feet or more underground ordinarily are Cllled with enough water lO equalize the presaure aaainst their inner walls. Whe n the water drains out of them, they collap19e, and IO does the earth above them. Themot '· Hoi.y '!\bl ...... Jon• Amofl I •ttuh•t fll •o• ~''""• Kr•lbkh fclolor~ ~OQf fd·IOI 1 •• New force for destruction WASHIN~TON -A forbidding nc•w dcstrucllve force, known ir1 the! backrooms of the Pentagon by the• stark letters EMP, C'Ould end World War Ill before it started. EMP st ands for "electromagnetic impulse," an awesome Con·<• that has precipitated some hushed and worril'<.l discussion behind closed doors. It's still no more than a scienti f a« the ory mC'rl'ifully unl.t•stcd. In language only a scientist would understand, a high-altitude nuclear explosion causes gamma rays to c'Ollide with elC'Ctrons in the air molccules. This sets up a transverse electric current that creates elcctromagnetit' pulses radiating down toward the earth. BUT WHAT EMP means to the rest or us is simply thi~ Ir nuclear weapons were to be detonated 200 mil~s above the United States. the e lectromagnetic pulses fro m the explosion would almost instantaneously knock out all the electrical power in North America. No television, radio, lighting. hospital equipment, computers, telephones. Total blackout of the entire continent. All this might be passed o ff a s surivable discomfort. Back to tht• pioneer days; we'd muddle through. What worries our strategic thinkers, though. 1s that EMP might be used to knock out America's top-level "C~ubed" system -command , control a nd communi<:awons -which 1s supposed t.o n •spond to a nudt•ar strike with o n ·tuliutory atta<.'k. StJmc P entagon ;1nalysts havt• spctt:ulawd that the Sovit•t Union might fore«• the United States to surrcndc·r simply by exploding nuclear bombs m spat•c a nd robbing us of our s trateg1l' G. -JA-Cl-Al-D-IRS_D_I -~ retalia tion. Our m1ss1les, after all. d epe nd on electnc1ty to put them in motion. Bcforc wc run up the white fl ag, howl•vcr, I should point out that other' CXPt•rts consider a Russian EMP threat to bc a little less awesome than the Hcnny Penny-types suggest. They point out, correctly, that the Kremlin would still have to worry about U.S. nuclear· a rmed submarines, which would bc unaffected by any cJcctrical power failure in the continent.al United States Meanwhile. top-secret CIA reports makl' at clear that the Soviets have been pc•rforming EMP tests since at least 1974. So. or course. have our scientists. No one has the slightest idea who is ahead in the EMP rat-e, but ifs obvious that no one wunts t.o take the chance that the othl'r side has gamed a <'Ommanding 1ead. The obvious answe r lo an EMP attack by the Rus..,ians would be to "hardeo" the C-cubed fodlities so that th£•y eould withstand thc• threat. But a top-secret Joint Chiefs of Starr report, obtainc-d by my associate Dale Van Atta, shows that this hasn't been done. "The ground-based fac1lltl<.'l> and attendant communication~ of thc National Military Command System probably would be des troyed in the ·early stakes of a nuclear citlack, or degraded by EMPs and Jamming attacks," the report warns In other words, the control center at which a president would push the button to retaliate against an enemy attack might not work. IN FACT , the report no tes, the president's control center could be so badly disruptl'<.I by an EMP attack that its "ability to e xecute a coordinated strategic nuclear response to attack coufd · become questionable " The Joint Chiefs are also worried that, without cqu1pml'nt hardened against EMP effects, the ability to inform headquarters of a nuclear attack by Russian submarine missLl('s might not come "in s uCfkicnt t im(• to rC'spond before missile impat't on Washington, D.c.·· Defense contractors are now working on e lectrical syste ms tha t wall be immune to electromagnetic pulse effects. The Pentagon just hopes they'll find a solution in time» Old familiar things are always b e st Everyone should have a nest to come know you've gone too far with the -'"homino wtft>n-1he-pubTac parliof tn eoay -'curtains. Friends who come to your is over. Having a little room with a house once In a while should not be able comfortable c hair to settle into is to remember what the cun.ains look like. important. You should be surrounded by familiar things. You can talk or read or watch television or doze off, but you're in your basic place. You're home and you don't have t.o watch yourself. I'm not sure the furniture st.ores and the room designers are in tune with what most Americans want. We've never had a designer design anything in our house. It's just aU happened by accident. I like our house a Jot better than I like those rooms I see in magazines that have been put together by designers. They look more like the rooms they have just outside the men's room or the ladies' room on the ballroom floor of an expensive hotel. There isn't a decorator who ever lived who couJd surround me with the junk l like to have around me in my living room. DECORATORS go for fuzzy white rugs that show the dirt, g lass-topped tables you can 't put your feet on and gilt-edged mirrors that only Napoleon wearing his uniform would look good in. I like to have the windows covered so the neighbors can't see In, and I agree you shouldn't just cover them with newspaper but it's very easy to carry curtains too far. When strangers come I into your living room and say right away how nice the curtains are, then you It must be difficult to sell furniture. No one in a store would sell you a chair m which the springs were beginning to ,~~~ -AID-Y-RDD-11-Y -§1: sag. but most c hairs aren 't very comfortable until that begins to happen. No one wants to pay a lot of money for a secondhand piece of furniture and yet furniture looks better when it has a well-worn look. My green leather chair is 18 years old .,, now and the rest of the family complains about w hat it looks like, but I notice they take every chance they get to sit in it. I don 't take that chair when I come into the room because I'm the husband or the father. I sit in that chair because it's my chair. It's as much mine as my shoes. Tf they want one like it they can have one, but I like a chair I can call my own. The Christmas catalogs are beginning to com e in and there's a noticeable increase in the amount or maH coming into the house. so last night I made a decorating change of my own. In the living room I moved another little table over by my chair, so now I nave a table on either side o( me. It's a temporary thing for this lame of year. When the Christmas cards start coming, I'll have a better way of separating the <.'ards Crom the bills and the junk maa1 from the personal letters If you k eep the newspaper, the mru.l, a letter opener, a glass, scissors, three elasti<.' bands. some paper clips, a little loose change. th~ t elevision guide, two books and a magazine next to you, one table next to your chair isn't enough at this time of year. WHEN I SIT down ltl m y green leather chair at night, it's the one place a.n the world I have no complaint with. It's just the way I like it. I'm wearing comfortable old clothes, my feet are up and I'm surrounded by things that are there because 1 choose to ha ve them there. I was telling my wife how quickly and how well American soldiers make a nest for themselves no matter what their circumstances are. They can be out in a field somewhere. but first thing you know they've dug a foxhole and invented some conve niences for themselves out of empty coffee cans and cardboard containers. They've made that one Little spot in the world their own. That. is true. but I never should havr told my wife. "That's what this place looks hke," she said, "a foxhole.'' Trouble with TV i s its addictive qualit y A reader in Montana wants to know how it ia possible that television remains 90 bad when 90 many viewers complain about ita low quality. "And not just intellectuals," he writes, "but the kind of ordinary people I run into every day. Almost everyone la disgusted wlth ~ IYlllY HARlll W> televl1lon fare, and Jet lt seems to comm.and a large, an fiven growinf, audience." I think that what we tend to forget in th.it appraa.al ll the bNk:eJlt lldcUctlve quality of television watc ina. T h e medium hH u1umed a 11oclal and psychological dimen1lon in many people'• Uvee that F'S quite beyond Ua entertainme nt value or information content. Bece~ It captures the eye• well• the eer -while ~ relatively few demand• on the mlncl -televislon 1erve1 u a 1urro1ate f or m any relat1on1hlp1 w llhln the home and famlly. It ~an objlc:t of attention, • weU .; a •ay of nan.'Otillnl ~lt asain1t the r eality o f personal intercommunication. It ll a way to avoid conversation, to avert confronti111 others (or one.elf). to shut out diaeenaion, to lock oneseU into an artificial environment. Reeding, of coww, \.-cl to supply 90l'11e of thia eame effect -but moet reading requires 9Ctive part.idpat.ion of the mind, while TV viewing allowe us to be pusive, if not entirely coma~. 'The pneral Judlment eeema to be that. it ll pttlng wone every year: even a hl&hly-pald performer Uke Johnnr, c..non rep.wly Pokee fun at the "new ' pl"Oll'mDI Offend by the networks MCh .->n. all apparently trytna to oui.trtp the o\hen In ulDlnlty. No medium that 10 mock• iteelf can retain even a modicum of dilnl\1 or ..U-reepm. THE ADDICTIVE quality of TV retklel In the f\lncdon It perfonm, more than ln the 1peclflc con tent of th• P'Ol'mmdnC -jult -the eddk1icln to ~ la not IO much in the nlmtfne .. In the manual and onl •tllfeedam it provld H in rellevln1 ten1lon1 a nd anxieU. tmoc-1 upon w by our jDtle. faml.ly or IOCla1 obbPdonl. . (And 1'llt .. the dprette addict wW prefer any weed be Olft ~to none at ~11. 10 the tell'vltlon addict will stupefyingly w atch any prosram in preference to none, simply to cloee off participation in the real world). TV has become an "opium of the peoJ?le" in a way Mane never envisioned ln his famous epigram on religjon, and 1'8 worldwide effect bids fair to become more unJvena.l than any religion baa ~ to be 90 far. With its limiUeta potential for s ood , TV poign,ntly Wuttratel once mo.re the truth of the old Roman adage that "the w orst la a corrupUon of the best." lllllYlll .. ~YI You\h Can't Leave the Nmt (Piiot. 12111). Another way of puttinfl It: TadaY• youth MYel' pt PM' the •porta -*-(and tMy're not alone!). 0881:.RVJ:R r--.,,-·-:::ra:e ............. ., ............ .. ~=..-•g::r.:.• ... ~ ..... ....,. I ,\.~\ .... ,,, ~' Trees linked to holiday DEAR PAT: Sinc e many Cbrls tlan symbol• were uaed In ancient times, I'd llke ' to know If trees we re ever part of pre- ~rlatlan celebratlona. Also, can you tell me wben evergreen and Dr trees were first used to celebrate Cbrlatmaa? J.R., Costa Mesa F.gyptians used date palms to celebrate the winter solstice as a symbol of life over death. By A.O. 354, when Christianity became accepted, chu~h leaders had established Dec. 25 as a day for exchanging gifts, expressing goodwill, merrymaking. and feasting. Part of this !east included raising an evergreen bough to salute the return of the sun. Altho ug h Celt s a nd Saxon s used evergr een trees to ward o f! w itches, evil spirits and ghosts, fir Christmas trees date back to the eighth century English missionary Winlfrid, who later became St. Boniface. The custom of decorating th e Christmas . tree has been traced to the Germans as ear ly as the 1400s or 1500s. The first Christmas tree recorded in American h istory was set up in 1804 by soldiers at Fort Dearborn, Ill. ' • Got a pmblem? Th<•n write 10 )t '1 Par !forowitz. Pat will cut rt;<J .tape, - getting the answers and acllon you neC'rl 10 sol ve inequities in governmen t and business. Mail your questions · to Pat Horowitz, A t Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1560. Costa M esa, :-CA. 92626. Join <ihe Christmas 'Boat 1arade December 17 thru 23, 1982 BALBOA PAUILIDn Our Boats Leave N1gnt1y rrom Davey s Locker Balboa Pavilion .'\DVl\!'iCE T!Crt;ET SALES NOW : ,:,.67~1434 ~ ··• ............. . --~--...... ---.:--..,-;-. Adult••· · 12 a Under S4.oo -:-. A LIMITED NUMBER OF ATTRACTIVE · Christmas Carol Song Sheets ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO: Churches & Organizations Coll In Person. 8 A.M . to SP .M . HARBOR LAWN morluwy 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa 540-5554 NO CHARGE • NO OBLIGATION ++ -t ~ • I .·• f" . r . ·-' UP TO 75% COMMJSSION DISCOUNTS PLUS .CONVENIENCE America's leading bank and America's leading discount brokerage firm, Charles Sch wab &. Co., Inc. have joined forces to bring you a new stock tr;insaction service. Now you can buy or sell securities at a discount at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Service!> Counter, imidc i.clcctcd branchc!> of Bank of America. You'll not only save up to 75% on com· missions, you'll get added convenience in the bargain. Because once you open your Sch wab Account you can handle all of yow securities transactions right w here you do your banking. FIND OUT HOW EASY IT IS TO BUY AND SELL SECURITIES Visit the Sch wab Counter at selected branches and we'll demonstrate how to use ~he quote machine that gives up-to- the-minute quotes. You can check prices on your own securities. Or get the latest quote on any traded item. Even on brisk trading days. Also, if your safe deposit box is located at a branch with a counter, then Orange Co II DAILY PILOT /Wodnotd1ty, December 15, 198:> you may safely move the certificates you're 'telling from your box to the Schwab Securities Deposit Box . In addition, with your Schwab Account not only can you buy and sell M!Curitics while you bank, but you'll have acces:. to Schwab Account Executives by a toll -free 800 telephone number. You can place orders or get quotes 24 hours each day, 7 day!> a week, including most holidays. THE CONVENIENCE OF AUTOMATIC SETn..EMENT With a Schwab Account and a Banko America checking account, you'll en1oy the extra convenience of Automatic Settlement. We'll debit or credit your Bank of America Account for securities transactions. And we'll even depos it tock d 1 v1dcmh. Automatically. This eliminate!> th e bother of waiting for checks in the mail or having to send checks in time to pay for purchases. What's more, every transaction is conveniently recorded on your monthly Timesaver Statement!' Come into one of the Bank of America branche!> liMed here. O r ca ll C harles / I ,/ I • Schwab & Co., Inc .. toll free at (800) (w8-'1JOO ext. .:; I. Find out how tn buy and sell !-<!euritic.., more conveniently. Schwab Brokerage Service" Counter<, are located at the following Bank of America branche!>: Newport Beach 3444 V 1a Lido Newport Center 'i<XJ Newport Center Drive Laguna Hill" 2.UX'11 Calle de la Plata Pica~ -end me more mformauon on 'itri.;.k Brokcragc Scrvu;c:' Naml' AdJrc'' Cm Phonl 1 C,1atl' LIP---- Currclll ll.Jnk of t\ml·r1c.1 1;u<.1omcr 1 J Mail Ulc Chark-, ~hwah ~ C. t), Inc. Onr Secom.I Street t San Franc1<.co. CA VI ll)':t I BAN OC : BANK ON THE LEADER'" I ________________ ....._ _______________ _,, _ ---- --- --------- - ------J .. .. · · .. BANK OF AMERICA m ---------------.·, •• ~' GIVE A GRAN . . GivlJ\<J· . une for HobdaY 16 save Just~ t ursdaY I oec. Starnn<J Th . oup of our 1/3 on a se\ect gt owns. pJways famous g~nyf~, these co~Y a we\com ~e availab\e in nightgedo~:t~erns & co\~~~ assort r & \.Re<J·,. ' Sit.es )(S, s, m Now s11.ss f short t group o . ~~ve on a se\ec \ --•gntsh1rts. ;:>Cl • nanne .... 21 eye\et tr\11\ & \. Reg. S · Sizes xs, s, m NOW S\'3.85 . . ed n .. an\l\Y L\nut "'- Newport Fashion bland 644-4411 at Mr. Elllot'1; South Co.ut Plaza 557-6080 AMLING' S Newport Nursery and Garden Center Christmas at Amling's is living and fresh-cut trees (natural o r flocked ), ~ wreaths, garland, decoration ',]r.fl....-Jll' and colorful Holiday G ift plants. 10% OFF Yom· (:hri!'llmns Trt>•> If You Tnk•• II '1'i1h You EJ • I .'it)() ,. . ,.,,,,.,., h •• .L~ m·tt 11orl lu•urh 6 I 1-95 ltJ • . ' 1 Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/WednNday, December 15, 1882 tj.I MITSUBISHI STAR ION TURBO Automatic trans., AM/FM stereo tape. power stetting & air conditioning. (960ZXT). 1110 NllTIAC 1111111 SNIT CllPE Economical 4 cyl .. automatic trans., AM/FM radio, pwr. ateerlng & brakn. tilt wtlMI & llf cond. (1ANK182). 1111 PLmtm OllllP UTOlllll Economical 4 cylinder engine. radio and moral (565YBA). 1111 lilOI llYUWI UTllllll VS, automatic trana.. AM/FM ...,. caaaett•. pwr. 11eer1ng a brak••· tilt ...... a air oondlnonlng. (131VPC). MITSUBISHI CORDIA HATCHBACK Economio.i 4 cyllnd81' angln•, stereo radi o and morel ( 1AICF295). $3395 1110 UTll l 110 IEIAI Ec:onomlcel 4 cyllndat engine, 4 apaad transmlu lon, AM/FM stereo cassette and a i r conditioning. (501ZKK). $4695 1111 IATlll 20011 Oll PE Economlcel 4 cylinder engine, 5 apeed trana., AM/FM stereo caaaette & air conditioning. (644981). $3495 111111101 REIAL CllPE SERIAL #200147 -Why - Buy A Ford or Chevrolet1 MITSUBISHI TR EDI A SEDAN 1110 PLYIOm CI AIP I ATCIUCI Economical 4 cyl. engine. automatic transmission. stereo r adio and low , l ow mlles. (102ZRT). $3995 1111 TIYOTA CELIOA LIFTIACI 4 cylinder. 5 speed trans , radio. custom wheel. air conditioning. low miles and much morel (861WXG). 1111 NITIAC FllEllll EIPln 4 speed trans., AM/FM stereo ca11atte, power ataerlng & brakes, custom Interior, rally wheals & air conditioning. (193839). $3995 1110 OIOllLO OAllUI IEILllmA 0 Illy l'lllt WLDNCSOAV, DEC lb, 1981' ~ CAVALCADE 82 88 810 tiud . .;u)' U '11~111•1· 1>h'.~ U IJlf.•lllll/J)' flt•JJl't•,..,M•t/ 1noth(•1· i11 tl1t• (,'/IS 1110,•it'" "Mt•1uo1·ies Nt•ve1· IJit•." . Page Bl 1. D THI COAST lllD THI CDUITY ENl CRTAINM ENT COMICS flahrignl 1llitttttr-l!l82 The f easte of King Henry comes to life at UC Irvine By KAREN E . KLEIN ()(" .... Delly ll'llot ..... Trumpets sound out a bright fanfare, the procession of coswmed nobility begins and the court crier steps into a spotlight at the center of the st.age. "Forget the troubles of your modem-day world and prepare to lilU>ice.'' he advises guests, as the UC Irvine Madrigal Dinner, held •King Henry Vlll's 16th-century court, begins. The year is 1534, He.nry is still trying to produce a male heir and merry-making and revelry are the order of the day. Three hours later, guests have indeed sampled an evening at King Henry's table, complete with Christmu feaste, authentic dances, songs, toasts and costumes of the era. Altogether, the evening is neither a play, a choir concert or a banquet, but a unique croes between the three. What it is is a living history lesson, giving guests a chance to Jdimpee at and to participate in holiday festivities of the Old Engl.I.ah Court. While providing that les80n, the Madrigal Dinner has become a traditional holiday festivity of its own. Hugely popular, the dinner has spawned imitations at colleges and junior colleges acroea the Southern California area. The idea, started in the Midwest about 30 years ago, was to hold a dinner with people behind the head table giving a concert afterward. But UCI Choir Director Joeeph Huszti brought the idea to thls area when he came here six years ago. This year's dinner ls the fifth annual event, which has become a passion of sorts to Hu.nti and his wife, M~llnda. She made all the 120 costumes, helps coordinate the tickets and seat.Ing and attends each dinner as an overall troubleshooter. ''The first year I made 40 costumes in 30 days," she said. "It was a hard 30 days." The major problem the first year was a conceptual one, she said. "Even our singers that year didn't know what was going on until they got there." That first year, 1978, the banquet was held in Gateway Commons, the studeht dining hall ln the center of campus, on Dec. 2 and 3. About 400 people attended. Five years later, 2,600 diners were transported back to Merry Old England on eight nights. The production moved in 1980 to the back stage area of the Fine Arts Village Theater, which looks, with its high ceilings and holiday decor, remarkably like a palace hall. The Huazti.s are constantly refinlng the 9Crlpt and format of the dinner, Melinda H\.ISZU said, striving for h1storical authenticity. "You have to make comprom.l8eS.'' She said, on accuracy, "bUt least you should know when yo'1're compromlalna." One UCI tradition which was bent a Utile ln this year's event was the historical date of the festival. In put )'ean, the Old F.ng!Wl ~te of the evening was always 460 yeatS behind the actual date: 15!JO ln 1980, 1531 in 1981. But this year, the feaate was held In 1534 so Henry's 2-ycar- old dauahter, Prlncell Elizabeth, could be introduced to the court. The Huszdl knew hiltoriane would cringe If Elizabeth turned up ln court before shew• horn. "It just happened that Bruce Bal-. who pla)'ed the king, had a daupter who wu quite an accomplilhed .ctraa," Huatf aald. "She played JelUI ln a church pqeant at the.,. of six montha." Sara Bales, 2, who portrayed the prlnceta, .had a great time, Huati aaJd. "She had a little trouble at flnt •ttine Uled to her daddi with a beard but after that lhe w• fine." I <Jther f,.tu~ormen were IM'Vint wench Julie McDoweU. J -• \ and court jester Armando Lucero. Thia is the leCOnd year McDowell has portrayed a coane servant at the dinner, Hmzti aid.' "She loves to do It. She wrote her own eona. and everytht.nc else she does la ad lib." McDowell clrculate. throuch the hall during the evenlna, conversln1 ln brosd Codmey with the dJ.nen and making hlWious comments on the performances. At one point In the even!nl, McDowell gestured toward a group of strolllna madrlpl .m.en. "They llnga all riaht," ahe said. "but I'm much 'better. I s1nc from the aut ... and anetlmes lower." Lucero, the court jeNr, ti. been with the performance since the bellnnlnl. Huatl Mid. "I don't know what we'd do without him." ~ • a mlme, Lucero Jualm, doel lleilht of hand and makel ta.Doon anlmala, boCh durinC hll portion ci the performance and at lndMdual tablea throulhout the ewnlne· The majority of the perfonnlns is llnltnl. appropriately, alnce It ll the UCI' Chamber ~ l"OUP which lialr.fl up the royal court. Moet of the '°"" are "'prewnt.allve otthe period, H\m\.l I ~ UCl's Madrigal Dinner is a re turn to 16th century England when Henry VIII (below) .. portrayed by Bruce Bales, was king and court jesters (left) like Armando Lucero were the delight of the feaste. ..., ......... "a.tie aald, and two were actually wrlten by Kine Henry hbn.U. Alto lncluded are tradiUonal Christmas carols and modem arranaementa of tunes like, "Won't You Buy My Blooming Lavender," wually a very popular solo. "A couple of yean qo we had a atrl do that --.,.a and aorneone in the audience pve her a $1.000 achofanhJp," H\.Ullll • aald. She and her husband are alwaya thinking ahetld to next year'• banquet, ahe said. "It's gotten u big • we can uk our atudenta to commit themselves to," 1he Mid. The ewnlng woultl be ilnpalllble to bold aa a commercial venture beat~ labor omta would be too ~h. H\mti Mid. In the • past le;J;een. the dinner haa bet(un rnak.lnl eome money, $1 or A off of $18.60 ticket. ;· Bu\ &be time lnYOlwd for the 130 studentl who pU'lJdpate ln •• 101M upect of the event la abaal\ unmrwrable. "It la more :' difficult than l\ aps>ffn to hold a chanlcter for three houn," lhe ~~ • eaid, ..,..Uy for cholr memben, .,... of whom we b&oloo .and .. en~-1tu<!ents. 4' t • -• • \' 1 ... 112 Or unyu CO llttl l>AILY PILO l/Wu<.lmtaduy, Oouon1bo1 16, 1082 GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Bast W l'Sl vuhwrahll•. Soul h dt•ali.. 01wnin~ ll•acl: Sl•vc•n or l.i', wonrnn. They hud a c:un11!J t•rublt• lead tt th1 • hnlrwity stU>{l' of thc•ir m11trh llKainlfl the w11111ioK fr1•11t'h '411u111t uncl only l11l tt•r1•d in t h1· homt· 11trc•t1·h. 1·ontral'I. Thl• flll'l th11t thf' hur11l11 wn1• ouar mirror put t erns m1·nn1 that only th1• king nr di11m11nds offered tiny hope. rirnlt II can lw Ill 11r11rti1·1., lh1• Am1•rurn11i. did not find 1.h1• 11p11d1· sh1fl und lht· Spani!fh dc1•ltcr..r rm1d1• fou r lwarts. NORTH • 1072 ,. K QJ 10 c• K6 l>c•ur Charht': • Q76 2 Wi:Sl ' EAST +AQ 63 +KJ 5 'V 7 'V 643 0 AQJ83 <> 109752 • 10 54 • 83 SOUTH • 9~4 'V'A9 852 0 4 + AKJ9 The bidding has proceeded: South West North East 1 'V Obie Rdble Pa88 Pa1s 2 0 4 ~:> PaH Pas11 Pass Wc•ll, the North America ns almosl made a clean sweep or the titles al the World Olym· prad. After taking thf' Mixed, Women's and Open !'airs, a U.S. sc1uad lost by a whisker to my French friends In the final or t he Rosenblum team l'Vent. In addition. the Cana· dian team won the Swiss team event. Uespite the magnificent performance by your players.- the talk of Biarritz was the strong performance of lhe four-man Spanish learn -to be exact. Lhrce men and a I wus mo11t im prt11>scd by lht• ddensu of lhl• Spaniurds on this dl•al from an curly round mat1·h against 11n Am€'rican group. ll is a ll v1•ry well lo have enough tricks to .set a contract-you ha vc to l'ush them ir you want to enjoy a happy result. At both tables thr final contract was four hearts. T he Spanish-West ltid a Lrump. and the decl1tr<>r realized that he would need a Jpade discard from one hand or the othe r ir he was to make his l>t•rlar('r overtook the ten or trun1ps in hand with the 11c1• 1111rl h•d u diamond. West rose with the ace and Eas t contributed thti ten. S ince East could hardlv want a dla mood eontlnuation. W('sl in terprctcd the ten as a suit preference signal. showing values in spades. So he shifted lo :1 low spade and thl' ilefcnders 11ufckly reeled tn the selling tricks. A11 1•v<'r. Omar Have you been ruanln1 In· to double trouble? Let Chulea Goren help you find your way through the mau ol DOUBLES for penaltie1 and for takeout. For a copy ol hl1 DOUBLES booklet, aead TI.85 C.O "Gorea·Doulile.," eare of thl1 aew1paper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N .J. 07648. Moe checkt payabl~ to New1paperbooke. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Thursday, December 16 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Results of past efforts surface -superior says go ahead but do it on your own. Demonstrate confidence -be willing to revise review and rebuild. Aspirations come into focus. Unorthodox associate provides excitement. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on communication, review of values, travel, publishing and messages which clarify sense of direction. Member of opposite sex discusses future plans, has valid suggestions concerning completion of project. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Focus on gifts, tax deductions, charitable organizations and money management. Domestic adjustment occurs, harmony can be restored on homefront. Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio natives figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Delay proves beneficial-change of pace is necessary, restriction is temporary. Focus on hospitals, organization and ability to play waiting game. Pisces, Leo and another Cancer figure in scenario. Looking at all four hands. the de£cnsc is simphJ. Bul to givt' you an idea or how dif POT SH01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT REMEMBER THE PAST, AND PREPARE FOR THE F='UTURE'", I BUT DON'T FORGET: THE PRE:SENT IS WHER.E' YOU L.IVE. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You're being pulled in two directions -stop scattering forces, stick to familiar ground, heed counsel provided by relative. Emphasis on short trips, visits, special messages a nd telephone call which resolves dilemma. SAGITTAR~US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This Is your money day. Horizons expand, opportunities ab6und, popularity increases and you have wider audience. Focus also on payments, collections and chance to increase income. T YOUI HEALTH OR. PETER J . STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Our son sustained a knee injury during football practice. The orthopedic surgeon says he'll need surgery. But it isn't as serious as it was years ago. Instead of making a long incision and opening up the knee joint, he says there's a new operation that makes the repair job on the tom ligaments much simpler. Recovery is much quicker. Can you explain? -MR. N. DEAR MR. N .: There a re many new techniques, but perhaps he's referring to operation through an arthl'08COpe, which allows the surgeon to examine the joint through several small incisions and perform needed repairs. Dr. Stelncrohn welcomes q uestions from readers. He cannot answer all individually but win include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him, in care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. &x 1560, ~ta Mesa, CA 92626. . DEAR ANN LANDERS; I am the mothf'r ot three dUU(lhtcra -11, 13 and I ~. They sure ket-p me busy. Every morning I have to grab the ncwwpaper before the girls gel up and see what you have to say. Two days lallt week J had to rlf your page out of the paper. (You ran that awfu letter about painful intercoune, Such information should be dlspenaro by a doctor.) When they see a page Is mlulna they aak "Wh~re's Ann Landen?" T tell them, ·i"'Her <.'01~ was~ t anything you should be reading. so I tore It out. It always starta a fight. Don't you have an editor? You get away with murder. -BOSToN MOO'HER DEAR MOTHER: Ralpll Otwell 11 my editor and I'm lucky to have him. Notb1D1 appears ID tlllt page tbfll 11 unfit for anyone wbo can read. Quit ripping, Mom. You daughters are J>robably ~ettlng tltelr pals to 1upply diem with the 1tuf~ you ve been trying to dltcb. DEAR ANN: I found the enclosed in a craft shop in MinneaJ)Olia. I wish I knew who wrote it and if she has any other poems I could get my --handa on. -J . S. IN MINNEAPOLIS DEAR J .S.: I share your enthusiasm and bope the author will come forward. COMES THE DAWN After awhile you learn tbe subtle difference Between holding a band and cbalalag a soal, And you learn tltat love doesn't mean leaat.1 And company doe1n't mean 1ecartty, And you begin to learn that kl11es aren't contract• And presents aren't promises, And you begin to accept your defeats Wltb your bead up and your eyes open, Wltb the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child, And learn to build all your roads On today because tomorrow's ground b too ancertalD for plans, and futures have A way of falllag down la mid-flight. After awhile yoa learn tbat even 1aasblae Burns if you get too much. So you plant your own garden and decorate Your own soul, ID1tead of waiting For someone to brtouou Dowen. _ Aiiil you earn fliat you really can endure. Tbat you really are strong -And you really do bave worth. And you learn and learn. • . Wltb every goodbye you learn. Don't get burned by a ,·,line" t.l>at's too hot to handle. Play it cool with Ann Landers' guide to "Necking and Petting -What Are the Limits?" Send your request to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, m. 60611, encl06ing 50 cents and a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You apparently miss mark, but proverbial second chance will be provided. You'll have more pressure, added responsibility and chance to increase income potential. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Lunar cycle at peak -Unorthodox procedure brings d esired - results. Trust your own judgment -timing is on target and you'll be at right place at crucial moment. -------•ONLYFBOMATARI' _______ _ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): Project can be completed -creative efforts succeed. Imprint style, take initiative in breaking from tradition. Focus on romance. speculation and elements of luck, timing. Aries. Leo, Libra persons figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct . 22): You have chance for greater independence -take initiative, realize position is strong, get professional advice with regard to property values. You'll get to heart of matters in discussion with member of opposite sex. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Discern motives, check be hind scenes, confer with me mber of opposite sex whose loyalty is beyond question. Written material is part of scenario -you study, learn, imprint your own style and prove that you can express self in dynamic manner. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): Moon position highlights friends, hopes, wishes and ability to capitalize on successful business move. Funds will be provided for home Improvement, installation of safety devices. This holiday season. join the Westclitt Plaza tamlly. Select your gifts from more than twen1y shops, without crowds or endless parking lots ... with the personal touch that Westcliff Plaza has become known IOI'. This Saturday afternoon, and every evening next week, enjoy Christmas c&Jolers and have the kids meet Mrs. Santa -who Will be lllling her stocking with gifts IOI' Toys for Tots and giving oul Chl'lstmas goodles other ownll OPEN Tll. Q P.M. WEEKNIGHTS ,,O ST STORES OPEN NOON TO 5 P.M. SUNDA V,OECEMBER19 estcliff 17th and Irvine Newport Beach .Plaza Anlhorly'• Simo! S11Nk.e • Bank ol AINlllca • Cherret Barr Jewelef• • Crown Hirdwert • Or I.OU Eldet • H11"'14lnawt &llOt'I • H1llkllly'1 Men't ClotNng • HIO~Ol'y Fllmt • Hvmpty °""1Pl'I' • •le Ch1ntH • Hughet M111ktt •Met Amitt Tetnt • N1nay DuM Antlquee • Newpol1 811boe Selllogt • Peper Uf'iilmHtd • Sav·On Otuos • 8-lll'd!Plty • Storellaeper • StOfelleeper tor Htf • Veta'• lntlmlre Al)ptrtt • w"reHtt Cltllllfl • Wntclill Coinera • Wntc~tt ShOn I f • .. BRINGTBl4: ADVENTURE HOME. s10.oo BOllJS OFFER! WHIN YOU PU"CHAll THI ATARI VIDIO COMPUnR AT IAV-ONYOUwtU.•GIVaN A IT'tUI' OF I COUl'OM • IACH COUPON II WORTH 12.00 OFF ON ANY OHi ATA"I OAMI CMTfUDOI YOU l'UlllCHAll llTWllN DIC. 11111 A .IAN."" , .. ~ 1 COUPON PO ATARI CARTRIDCl MCHASlO A SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK! of'fhe £@~11 /ff}~~· GREAT l:OO AM TO 1:30 PM MON.·IAT. I AM TO 7:00 PM IUNDAY 0 T.M C LUCASFILM LTO ILFLI 1982. All rights reaerved Used by ~TARI. ll"C underlloenle AfMlllll'll ... lta.Oft......,...,_ATMI 1110 ~-"'"' t '"' .,,.,.. ft) ........... ~ I I .. •• J --------------~~-~..__:;,.-----~---~--........ ----... -.... .._ ..... .._. ____ ... ~ .. ---.. Jim and Gwen Felton Philharmonic reception draws more than 100 More than 100 attended the annual reception hosted by the board of directors of the Orange County P hilharmonic Society at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Aldrich in Dover S hores. J im Felton, OCPS preside nt, and his wife Gwen and the Aldrichs welcomed members .of the women's committees, patrons a nd the advisory board. Couples celebrate wedding, anniversary The garden court of the Newporter Resort was the setting chosen by Deborah Susan Williams and Brian David Bolton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bolton, for their wedding ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Lotus Williams of Huntington Beach and the late George E. Williams Jr. The newlyweds are residing in Westminster. At the reception, also at the Newport.er, the 200 wedding guests toasted the bride and bridegroom and also joined in a toast to congratulate the bride's grandparents, Myrtle M. and George E. Williams, w h o were cel e brating their 65th w edding anniversary. George, 84, and his bride, 87, have resided in H u ntington Beach since retir ing from the Commissary Department of the Union Pacific Railroad in 1967. They were presented a large bouquet of roses. and a letter of congratulations from President and Mrs. Reagan was read. UGE SALE 2nds and C/ost>ouis ( >u1/r1 .,hop 1012 BRIOIO DRIVE, SUITE 104, COIT A MESA - -(714) 645-3359 Between 17th & 18th St. off of Whittler Blvd. MON.-FRI. -1D-4 e Pay ~~~~Troop u.s. Dollars For State of Israel Bonds Before Maturity H.L. WOLF & CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS 120 WALL STREET, SUITE 1044 NEW YORK, N.Y. 10005 212 473-3504 Holiday Gas BAR-B-Q SALE Spttlallrln1 In llN c:oordln•tlon of tJw dttortltlv' hardttr.n tor your pro)ttt. Flnlshftl h•rdw•tt for: ORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 Ca.N Molldeys 159' N«wpwt ~. COl&a M .. , Celll. ml'7 SHUnERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTTERS Designed. Finished ____..._..., Installed ~ ~ ~· et 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters ONE DAY ONLY! Super Special FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call(714)548-6841 or548-1717 Lowest Price Ever Offered!! . · CALL NOW 675-1171 ~ :· HElllWOOD MAMUFACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 ~r~.:-~o;!-J·~:: .~·~ °' . ?f;;!(~~ ,, . ~·, . ~: - Confused about the new insured money-market accounts? We, at Downey Savings, want to help you understand them ... · and offer you more. Simply, money-market accounts give yo u an insured , high interest account \\1ith- out tying up your money with term time limits. And, a minimum balance of only $2,500 is required. It's that simple. But, we at Downey still don't think it's enough. So \ve've devel- oped two money-rnarketpackager, and you can pick the one tailored to yo ur needs . Plus, we11 pay you higher than most money-market fund rates with either of them. The Check-Writer's Padage The Safe-Saver's Package Daily Check Writing Convenience, Tied to a F ully-lnsured Account Paying Higher than Most Money-Market Fund Rates. Con1pare This to Any U11i11s11red Sweep Account! A Fu/~y-lnsured Savings Account Paying at a Rate Higher than Most Money-Market ~--unds, Combined with Instant Cash Access for ,.1 hose Few, Special Tin1cs. Here's how it works: Here's how it works: You use your 5 V.. % interest-earning checking account for your normal , daily transactions. When your balance Your money-market account is used primarily for savings. Bue, if you do need tQ make a major or unexpected pur- passes $2,000, we sweep the ex- tra money into your high interest- eaming money-m arket account. But unlike most sweep accounts, if your checking balance falls below $2,000, we won't pull money from your money-market account to repl~ce the funds in your checking account-no matter how low the balance falls . (Most sweep ac- counts require you to keep $2,000 earning 5 Y4 % at all times.) And, if your checking account is overdrawn, we11 then pull money from your money-market account to cover it · -and th at's the only time we 11 take money from there. So, no minimum balance in your checking account means you can leave your extra money in your money-market account longer- earning ltig/ler than most money- market fund rates! Plus, look at the extra benefits you'll receive chat no money-market fund can offer: 0 no service charges on your checking account 0 check guarantee card on your checking account (vt'ith qualification) 0 MasterCard II or VISA debit card with 110 annual fees (with qualification) 0 a/re£ safe deposit box fJ one fre,e tmsc deed colleccion 0 jre£ traveler's checks LJ preferred auto loan races 0 unlimited in-person or by-mail with- drawals 0 many other free, convenient services 0 and a minimum balance requiremenc in your money-market account of only sz,soo·· . Cotta Maa, 642-7422 • Cotta Meaa/South Coast, 556-9270 Fountain Valley, 842·7424 • Huntington Beach, 962-2407 Irvine/Northwood, 730-1045 •Laguna Hills, 859--0313 Sl.6 billion in 888eb places Downey Savings in the top 2% of savings and loans in the nation. ...... -..-fll IA tlOO OM tw I~· K . "*-t4 .. ,... .......... ...., ,..,..,.,, ""'••d ..... ,~, ,,. .. -~ r"""""'~, ......... uw-................ \l,, w I j)(> \\ chase. and you don 'c have enough in your everyday checking ac- count, or just don't want co pull funds from there, you can write a check from your money-market account (3 per month). This gives you the benefit of a high intere.5t-earning account with- out the hassles of difficult cash ac- cess chat come with time limits or withdrawal penalties. Unlike the money you deposit in a regular money-market fund , Downey's Money-Market Pack- ages are fully-insured. And the dollars are re-invested in our local community market areas-chat's a good feeling. Downey's Money-Market Pack- ages. With package choices like these, why would anyone want to open just an account? ----- .. • . . ·: . ...... .• . • • t • ' .. .. H I 0 1 u11uu l,11t11.1 l •AlL Y Pll U l /Wud11u11doy. Ooctt111bur 16, 1982 Huntington 01npany develops powerful rocket By Tbe Aasorfutt>d Prtu M c 0 o o n l' I l U 11 u K I o K Astronuutks Co of l lunttngton Beach, suys al h1111 dt'w loix.J u new rockcl more powt>rful than 11n earlier modl'l uM.'ti 1.<1 luunch two satl•llill'S f rom the s pace bhullh· uua •llK luau mo1Hh '11 nllb.'llOrl 'l'hl• lll'W rockl'l, thti l'AM-011, ls tht• latest In a aeries of 1()-t:alh.'CI "payloud asslst modull't" Wied to luuall'h satellitell from larger rockl'ts or Spact.'<.'raft already In orbit, J H W1bo11, 11 Ml'l>unrwll Douiilwc 11pokt'1Unan, 11o&1id. All lht• PAM roc:k1•1M lltt• UllC>d to launch ilott1lllto11 Into u stationary orblui ubovt1 lhc Earth, wl\h thtt nrWt>ll Vt'rlllon l'X• ~lt'd to be available tor uae dur1nf( ttw IWit hull o f \ht• 11180., i.h.•vl•lopt'i! PAM will tK>tnroay bl• 1uld a nt•w11 ri•INilll' l"aued by used lo launch Katellatt'I Crom tht• Mt•rOllpa('(> firm. mannro l pac..'t.' 8\allOOI. "During th~ I UUOa, orbh·to· Tho original puyload oaslat 01 l>ll r()(:kelB art-atoln1 to be the module, the PAM-D, wu capable comn)(ltclal apace lau11d1 vehicle, • hC" uld. A daftercnt model, the PAM A, Is CMpabll· of launchlna payload• of up to 4,400 poundJI. McDonncll-Oouglaa Maid two PAM-DI were aboard the space shuttll' C'nlumbla. Car sal es sh ow big incr ease 41.4 percent. Chrysler Corp. sa les r ose 15.7 percent whall· General Motors Corp. improved by 5.9 percent. 1981 period. Ford said It delivered 34,971 cards compared with 24,733 in the year· ago span. GM sales w ere 84,620, up from 79,880 a The Big T hree sold year ago. At Chrysler, 137,894 cars in the Dec. sa les of 18.303 cars Folld Motor Co. posted 1-10 pe riod, compared compared with 15,826 DETROIT (AP) The nation's Big Thrl'~' carmakers reported sak>s an earl y Dece mber jumped 14 .5 pert·ent Crom the same period a year ago. the sharpest int•rease. up with 120,439 In the same last year. ,---------•COUPON·--------, I IRVINE RANCH MARKET ANNOUNCES I I 1982 I I CHRISTMAS TREES I I I I LOT OPEN DEC. 4th thru DEC. 20th I I I I By Pop ular De mand I I • TREE DRILLING I I • METAL WATER STANDS I I • GROWER ON PREMISES I I • FLOCKING I I I 1 $3°0 OFF ANY TREE I I I I With This Coupon I ~----------------------~ USC BENEFA CTOR WANTED T he L"n1 \eH1t\' of Southt"rn Cal1forn1.i, founded in l~O. 1s thl' oldes1 ma1or pm<1tt" un1\ers11y in the wes1ern l 'n11ed States The Sd1ool of Bu~iness Admm1strat1on was subsequentlr esrnblished in 1920 and has become one of the most promrnent business schools in Amer1c.i The School prepare s )'Oung men like mnelt to \X'l1' in the complex .ind ch;illen~1n~ business environment of the future USC Busine~~ School 1s one of the best, but 11 1s also one of the most expensive. I am reachint: out for c:xcept1onal md1v1duals and ori.:.in12.1t1uns who would like to help me mtei the most d1fficul1 college requ1rc:ment of all. mone) You would not Ix unlik e the l·ord\, (arneg1es or Rockefellers who found that their THE TROJAN I :rnhful Scholar!) Skillful Couraf;eous Am.61t1ous u!t1mate investment~ were m people Your tax deductable donation will be ~pplied t0w<1rds college tu1uon and fees, books. computer costs and o ther related expenses. This is my last year in the Business School. M r area o f emphasis is in the Depart ment of Finance and Business Economics and the Entrepre-neur· Venture Managemem Prowam M~ final )ear o f scud) pro\1des a deeper undemanding of t he f1nanc1al complexities o f middle-market companies, and will help to pomion myself within the business communit) Your 8eneros1ty will amke po»•· ble the conclusion of my formal educa11on whale supporting a great un1vers1tr Liberal donors who contribute S300 or more before Dec. \!st, will receive for the next lhrte' years. a subscription-letter o f my p rofessional life-story. made possible by you Please make check pa)'able to. l.MVERSITY Of SOl 'THERN CALIFO RNIA mail to: USC.BC PO Box 8074 Newport Beach. Calaf. 926(50 •c ht't k. v.-th \OUt 41Ccoununt rt~;udm~ us maurn fTh" " •n ,nd1>1du•I studtnc • unpe1irn •nd nOI •ponlO<td by l'SC) W'orship with us on Christmas Sunday \µ1•1 wl < """'"'"' 1•ml(l'tJ111• all tla1 "'"" - Sund•) Srhool 9:.)(1 1.m. ~ 111}1 ,,., /111/11 ),.,.,, Cllrl1tmH C1ndltllt1 St~lct 4:00 p.m. 0111 !>t1ltlf1r1 I.I/•'" ln.:luck<l. Adult ll1hk C l.1"c-. ~1ornlna \\or'lhlp 'ifr1kt 11 :110 a.m. I m 1h, /•,.,".,, """ lw• I 11ri1/11111: 1111 /', rln I (1111 \l,11111 J.1~ ,,,1,11111 411 r•~u: .111 hr.1-. 11 md .lllll ").' .. ,.~ (. 111111 Oep1c1e1.I 10 M u•lc und l>r.mrn Tr1dltlon1I w ...... 11 Olt'Cfll~f 5:341 P·"'· I ell•l" •hip un<l < M••I "'"ll (lf\HIC ll.1111 'I IM Ml••tlot1 Army 17111 Wt\I Ulllltf A•tllUt' lbtlHH lrlteol 1114 R1h11 !t1nt1 A111, C 1llfontla \l1)&r 1114 \1f'. J111 'lo!Plllf .. bl 8 th Ing." W i I sun aa Id , of carrytn1 payloada up to 2.800 explalnln1e that a yet-to-be poundt and wu the wodd'• tint ~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , New Money Market • Now with ibraltar's new Cash Management Account you'll never need a money market fund again. Annu;al Yltld 12.0896 0 Gibraltar gives you high money market rates guaran- teed for each month. So you always know what you're earning. 0 Gibraltar gives you total liquidity. No term. No' penalties . So you have your money when you need it. 0 Gibraltar gives you FSLIC insured safety to Sl00,000. 0 Gibraltar gives it all to you fo r a low 52,500 minimum. Call toll-free 800-232-2020. Now for saW. and checking it pa_ys to lean on the Rock. HUNTINGTON BEACH: *91 Huntington Ctr./ ( 714) 898-9660 LAGUNA HILLS: 24260 El Toro RJ. /(714) QSl-8454 FULLERTON: 255 W. Or•,.-thorpt Ave. r(714l 87\-6101 NEWPORT BCACH: 2700 W. (o.l"lt Hwy. '(714) b31·2bU • ... • • Now with Gibr tar's new High Yield Checking Account you'll never need bank Checking again. r Annual Yitld -- 1l.0096 Annual Rate 10.29% thru Ottember .30 0 Gibraltar gives you high money market rates guaran- teed for each month. 0 Gibraltar gives you unlimited check writing. No fees. No restrictions. So pre-register now for January 5th start. . 0 Gibraltar gives you 200 person- ali zed sceni c checks. Free when you sign up before January 5th. 0 Gibraltar gives it all to yo u for a low $2,500 minimum. SAN JUAN CArlSTRANO: 31877 Ot-1 Ob~po St. (714) 493-SOlJ SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Bristol St. /(714) 979-7580 N4 S•nt• An.i F.ishiun Squ•rt i (714) 834-0717 \ • • \ Oronge C.ousl DAii Y Pit O r /Woon • doy, O c.emb r lb. 1<18 II~ . Li •PANORAMA •GRANADA BRENTWOOD •PALM •PALM CITY HILLS SPRINGS DESERT 17th It. I Mulrlende Woodmen Dew-hire l en Vicente Pelm Cenyon Drive 12·111 Hwl: t 11 Ar lington Ntwpo11 81vd 6 l1 PH & Chi .. I Woodloi I Montene a lndl1n 111·340· 223 I 11 'rHwoy 114·145· 1101 114.155.101 2111·114·7303 213·H1·U a 2U·411·7t10 714·'25 .. 07' 714·1H·l2'1 •ANAHEIM •DOWNEY •GARDEN GROVE • ~~~~GA •LANCASTER •THOUSAND •TORRANCE • PASADENA OAKS P1clllc •HEMET South Euclk:t I Broedwey 714·H1·Ht2 Florence Avo. a Ok:t fllvo1 School Rd 213·121·0511 WHtmlneter a Euclid 714·13 .. 410 f1llbroolli a Ven Owon 213·H4·1250 N 10111 It. Moorporll CoHt Hlghwey • Avo.~ • •1HI I Anu I05·145·00H , to5•4t7·Ut:J 213·373·0701 Coloredo a Sier .. Mtdre 213.3511.0754 •11t Florld11 I Sel'I Jeclnlo 714 t25·213t Happy Holidays! Happy Holidays! Whisky '·,,,,;~'t/1,J seas .. ~ 750 _¢"1_ ml. ~ .... Ow•••• a~ _ Bacardi Rum ~J ::~~~$998 £s I ; Ltr. -...... . Jack Daniels Sour Maah Whl1key Glenfiddich J&B Scotch Sing lo Mtlt Johmie Walker L~~~1 Scoresby Ballantine '· s15•• j.; ~ 750·ml. 1.0·Ltr. $13" .. 750·ml. 5811 -~ 750·ml. 5411 : $691 750·ml. Bourbon And Canadian! Jim Beam WildTiirliey 101.P1oot Early Times Seagram's V .o. . Canadian Mist ... '·' s411 750·ml. -r -$1044 -~ · 750·ml. 750·ml. s4•• 1.0·Ltr. $9ll 1.75·Ltr. s10•1 Beer Buys! Peck H I k L'9ht 6 12.01.. $319 e ne en or Otrk •ottlee Schlitz Coors Miiier Tuborg Light or Otrk • • Ho 0 • • Pock ~~ 12 12.oa.. s331 ---~:C": c. 12 12.0•. s311 ,.., c ... --,Kii _,_{~ 6 ~~ s111 r.. 8 1~~:. s1•• •• lotllee Mlchelob Beer lfw·~B~ ~. Pack sz 1~1 • 12-oz. ,,.. --~~ BoHlft .... "....,'"' Seagram's 7-C-rown Blend Whiskey Kessler BIJnd ti,~ sg~~ ~ ~ .......... -.. Smirnoff Vodka 80-Proof Grand Marnier ~.~ s15~~ ~~ •• • a 1 E&J Harveys ~ Brandy Bristol Cream !J t:r~ s 10~~ • Sherry ~I~ s5~~~ ~~ '-~9~~ Liter •• ~~ •• ___/' scotch Cutty Sark ~I~ $ 8 4~.r.~\ £1 Jicques Champagn~ •• ·-Bonet s 118 . • /Q _750 '.::. ml. •• • -/"__ '•~· ·~ ~- •!f1i,;: ~Wine ::the Week "':)( ·~· ·~· ~pV~-.......... ~-----------4 :~· Liqueurs! ~ Geyser Peak 1978 ~~~:::!!8!'~~:n s3 6 6 Year's Gold Medal Winner. 150 L11t E I T IAM ml Price n oy on .... .••..•.•••......••.•.. · s1.oo Holiday Sparklers! Andre Champagne 1so.m1. 5199 -Korbel Brut °' ~~,. ... 1so.m1. '691 l D B1ut or $211 8 Omaine Extrt Dry 7SO·ml, Martini & Rossi sp~~nte .,_ 150.m1. 5799 Moet-Chandon ~~~e _: 150.m1. '1291 Jug Wine Savings! Taylor : ~=='~ ;1~h~:. P I M e Emertld Orv au aSSOn e Rhine Caatle Summit Wine 1n A Bo• Colon e French Colombtrd Y • Chenln Bltnc Al d M e Chtblla e ROH ma en tn. •Burgund y e Rhine . '• •.o s541 Ltr. 1.5 s3 11 Ltr. •.o s41 1 l tr. • 1.5 s2s• "' Ltr. • 3.0 •411 • ". Ltr, Coke, Tab or Sprite v& ~~:.s 1~~ C1n1 ~ &.f" l wrn•• KEG BEERS AVAILABLE Pricel Elfecttn 6-. 11-24. 1MZ. At U.-..... l111M B&B Liqueur Emmet's Ireland Cr eam Kahlua Liqueur Amaretto Di Gaetano Yukon Jack 100.Proo1 s1019 ,,,,. 500·ml. 6 s6aa •V· • 750·ml. saH ..ii//////• 750·ml. "W s4 s1 •/!JP:: 750·ml. • :..a, • $6 99 ~ -~ 750·ml. S.... •r:. ~ .. Gin & Vodka! :~· Gordon's Gin Beefeater's Gin Tanqueray Gin Kavlana Vodka Stolichnaya Vodka ao.Proo1 •: 1.75 sat• -•. Ltr. ~ 1.0 sgae Ltr. ... 1.75 51691 • • Ltr. 1.75 $691 Ltr. .. s 711 _ 750·ml. Party Favorites! Canada Dry Mixers 7-Up Aegulu a Diet Perrier Water Bell Brand chip• Old English •Hot Buttered Rum e Tom It Jtrry mix 1.0 59c Ltr. 2 s11• Llr. • ·' 23·0Z. 7 4c .' age _: 8·0Z. 10·0Z. $13t Burgie Beer ,. :t. ·!4·~ tt'». ·~· ~.~. ·~ 4· •IJJP:: ·~· ·~· :~· ... :t. ·!4·~ -················· a 0 GUO o a H6 Orf'lng Co11et DAILY PILOT /Wodne1Joy, 0 ceinbet 15, 1982 AL WIN -HAMMOND PIANO Anti O•GANI Professional ~.our N ....... 111~\I I.' l111.111111u1 u11111•v· • • F/OflSI F\..OAST ?9 I '1 nl'<J Hill Avonuo ""''II• <.au.a··• 01 >llJll l 1·1111, A 106 Cosln MOSA '" •,11.1111 M 111 64 I 08 10 I .. ••""' 111•. 1)1•1 \It .ly I •• .. ., ., .... ORGAN & PIANO CENTER ,.,,,c " b4'>'l·l l l CHRISTMAS INTEREST BONUS at Laguna National Bank. • 7s.oo •1so.~ :J Nl'W fl'dtrol ~1slcttK>n makes 11 poislblt-for !Aguna N<lllonal Bank 10 otter you an ~1aord1nory ,_ T~ 1nte1est bonus W!M be aed11ed to your Kc:ount and .,~.,, on your st'<'ond monlhly lllalt'f'lll."nt M:count Th4.' MONO' MARKET PLUS account combo·~s high yield, complete sec:unly and ea~y occess to your funds Money~Rmtes. Yoo Wlll earn interesl bo~ on <ur rent money market cond11tons -rust hke II 1-noney market fund FDIC Insurance. Your MONEY MARKET PLUS K count "'111 be insured up to SJOO.OOOby the Federal Dep OS•I Insurance Corpo<11uon - unlike money market funds Instant Uquldlty. You II h<I~ easy access to your !unds Wllh check wnt1ng con llt!naence -Wllhoul ma~ ment rees or wtthdrawal penalties Ifs Easy t.o Get St.an.ed. BOl'40S AMOOl'.ff $ 1500 $ 37.50 $ 7500 515000 OPEND'f<l ~ $ 2.50000 s 4.99999 s 5.00000 s 9.99999 s10.ooooo 519.99999 s20.ooo oo or more ----------------------------4 Come In 1-0My. G.ve your· i.elf the gilt of insured hogh on1eres1, and we'll rhrow ln an 1ntere11 bonus 1h111 will make the holldey season 11 little rnerner While you·~ here .•• Be sure to Mk about our run range ol ~nonal and busl· ness ~nldnq •Mee. Nk aboul LAGUNA INTER· EST CHECKING. 11 pcnon&I lntere5t tie.1ng account. Ask about \he eoffle~e cl 24· hour bilnlong and acces to )'OUI money through the IN· ST N<T TEU.ER NETWORK. And, 1f )'OU re io incl1ntd, The rrwwnulTlopemlg ~ IS S2.50Q00 Open ~' MONEY MARKET PLUS ocrount any tJme before the close ol business. December 30 <1nd rece~ the Chnsun,u bonus ol )'OU• chooce opply for the added COflYl!n· ience ol o-dnft ~ With en INST AMT TEU.ER/ CHE.CK GOAAANTEE CARO We ~ otfer !he Nnencan f.xpress Gold urd (Stc'lndatd qualaflc:.ion <Tllcria apply) ~· 1.••~~ 310 BrOcldway Laguna Beach. CA 92651 (714)497·651 I Member FDIC B<JSll"fESS HOURS Monday Thursday 9JO 400 F nd<ty 9.JO 600 - Make today your Great American Day! Open your Great Amerlc:an lmlired t AccountT~ The greatest investment idea of the decade is here: the Great American Insured Moneymarket Account. It gives you high money-market interest. solid FSLIC insurance, unlimited deposits and withdrawals, and your choice of variable interest or a JO.day fixed rate! Open your Great American Insured Moneymarket Account with as li"le as $2,500 or as much as $85,000. Immediately start earning a yield well above the average paid by uninsured money funds. You get 50mething no money • fund can offer: insurance on the full amount by the Federal Savings & Loan lnc;urance Corporation. Something else you won't get with a money fund: Your choice of earning either (1) a fixed rate of interest, or (2) a variable rate that moves with changes in the money market. The variable-rate account offers you unlimited ' liquidity, allowing withdrawals and deposits at any time. You have 24-HOUR TELLER access to your money at eighty locations, in addition to counter servke at 140 Great American Federal o ffices throughout the state and you can tic checking services to your account. • W ith the fixed-rate account, you can lock in1 the current rate for a full 30 days••, the longest" • period allowed by law on this type of account. _ To open your account, visit FSIK any of our offices. Or call The --·--"' Financial Line at (In>) 2n-9CXX> --·-to open your account by phone! Phone for Today's Money-Market Rates. As rates ue subject to change daily, we suggest you obtain today's yields by calling either of the toll-free numbers below: For r.lte Information only, call The Rate line: (619) 2ll·EARN or (800) SS2·885S To open your ucount by phone or for ·answers to your questions, ult The Financial Line: (619) 2l1·4023 or (800) 272·9000 • Annu•I 1 ,.,td ••\umt•• 1t•ln>i••trn1•nl of p<lnc1p;I and lnle<l!~I •1 11141u111r .ti •.tml' r••~. 1hou11h thl• un'1 bl• 11u•••n•eed .. It bJIAntt• 1n •11oun1 l•ll• b;·low U ,'iOO, 'i'•"• ""' 1nnom " l>'~I tor 11t,11 10·11.ly I ytlt> .... -• ~~ '-• .... c.a, ...... ...... .etlde.tMtM -...-. .• w ......... ...... , ..... \ c. .. '4. ""'• .._, ..... l\1\ .... ,1 .... . ........ ·lOl llll---c.--.... )tit. ....... ,.,, lloH ,. .... ,JUl[f .... .... , ... ...., • 1011~ ""'" ... 1.19111 llNlt • 1'0 °''"' ... i,.... .. • llJOI Ptt0t ff •i><"' • """' ...... ''"' c.... • ..., , .... ,, .._ -. · m 11 t.tW llwf llMolta ... • I ......... , l'lo11 .. CIMo"'" • 44'l ....... •~ ... •tot I• If C-•••• ..... c.1• · mn c-c'""'' .. , _,..a. .......... , .. . I > Come In now /or your be1utllul,;lull-color 1983 Colorsca~~ Calend1r.'4 0 • • -____________________ .... ..,.. ................. ,.,,. ................. _ .. ------~_,,... Gasohol due big boost Tax exemption cited as valuable niarketing aid WASHINGTON (AP) -The tiny auohol lnduatry would 1et • Ki.ant boc»t under a provll&on of the gaa t.a.x bill now before the Senate. lfaln, from which the alcohol In suc>hol la dJatU.led. 1982 are expeckod to be about 2 2 blJUon gallons, or 2.5 per"Ct'nt o( tht> market. That'• becauae when the Senate Finance CommHtee f lnilhed work on the tax portions of the $5.5 billion-a-year t.a.x and h l1hway conatrucUon measure lut week, It exempted guohol from the nickel-a-gallon hike In the guollne t.a.x. "Without queittJon it would be very a1gnif icant," aa1d FM"ric.k Potter, an Industry analyat with lnfonnaUon Re.ource., Inc. "Th~ lnduatry la •till a new one, but It you jet that (tax exempUon) ln there, lt could clearly capture 10 per<ient of the market in three or tour yean." Gasohol , I ntrodu ce d commerclally several yean ago as a way to stretch p etrole um supplies and lesaen dependence foreign oil, la a blend of 10 percent alcohol and 90 percent unleaded gasoline. h a price uaually ia somewhere between the coat of unleaded regular gas and unleaded premium. Sales for lf th e full e x e mption .•• enacted, gasohol would f'njoy t nlne-cent-per-1allon subsidy, ~ margin analyst.a aay would give.i a clear price advantage ovf straight gasoline. ' Still, it's uncertain tha t th t full exemption will s urvive, Jl version of the bill already ~ by the Howie retains an exlatin. exemptio n fro m the currenl four-cent gu tax, but applies tbt new five-<lent tax to gasohol M weU as aaaollne. Any dlfferenee4 between the two versions w~ be worked out in a House-Se~ conference. The t.a.x break will be worth at leHt $640 million by 1985, a cco rd i ng to Trea a ur y Department estimates. The move ia teen Iar1ely u a conceeaion to Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., the committee chairman. Dole'• state la a large producer of K Mart faces $100 million Jordache suit :\ DETROIT (AP) -J ordache Enterprises Inc. has flied a $100 million lawsuit claiming K Mart Corp. sold thousands of pairs of counterfeit JorcJache blue jeans. The suit wu filed ln federal court in Loe Angeles. supplier that the merchandise was g e nu i n e , a K Mart spokeswoman said. Jordac he c laims that the nation's second-largest re tail chain, based in the De troit suburb of Troy, aold the bogus je~ in its 2,000 stores around the country, a ttorney Rober• Spelgelman said. The suit accl.Uld K Mart o f tra d e mark: i nfringe m e nt and unfatrt compeUtion. • : K Mart was assured by Its MUTUAL FUND NE:W YOllK (AP) C•TNT 10.U Nl S.IMll 1107 l<L -Tiie folloWl"I quo. Cetlletlllfel QI): S.ITCll 1' 14 NL tatlOnsl ...... ~ irtll IO 71 11 16 FTMiitl .. 14.ii: "' ~~· o1'°"tc~~~ CM t::! I~~ i.:_ ~~i\a l~t =I. OHien, Ille., we Cl\ett Fd II IS It.lo! lllCl<ISI 4.7• NL IN prl<ft .. wfll<'ll CllP Dir IU 7 Nl lncOM LU N ll•M -vrlllft Chettrwl • 41 NL. 1'11 lnYfll!On: <Olild ......... Coldfllel l't...... ano Ap 14.16 IU7 IOld !Net ~ FuflCI II M II.II OIS<O 12.H IJ, wa11 .. 1 or "'°"""' Orw111 • Ot •.fl orwltl L" •. twalue ..... wilft H I Yid • ., 7.M IJKOfn '.. 1. <lle,. .. l T-y. lnco<n 1 11 1.n Net"ff '"" 1,01 1e1 ..., ~ •• •.n °"'" s.n •· Ac .. n F V .16 NL TH ""ti '2 b.'3 Tea E• &.SS ' ADV 17.11 N c.tu Glfl n .. NL UWIEq t.4110. Aluturt IS.lO N Cwllll Al '" 1.1' u Wall u 11 N A IM...E • • Cwt .. CO t • I.~ "°'"" S • CvYld 1l 16 14 01 CMIP SCI • 7' Nl F llCI Giii $.07 S G•-Y II 1J It S C-,..d • 1' NL ,_,_n ~ HIYld '" IO Concord 21.J7 NL G.-..... N A ...... r n• NL C.-lkut Geft. lllCOfn IS.SZ N A l lrtllT 11" 14 FUllCI ll '7 If 1t1 Mlllel t .23 t.e1 A..,.rk., F-lncem 1 Ot 1 .. 5"<1 U.tl N A 8el t" I0.11 Mull 8f IAS 1 U fr-Un Gf-. Amcp IA I ~Mt lllW 12.JO 1J • AOIE U.2 J 1 A Mull I~ 14 1191 G 141' Nl DNTC 11.11 " ·-11 S1 U 1 I Mut 7. IO Nl G,_ t .. 10 fd lnw tM IO. ~" I • NL ()pit.... S.'1 Gr*'11 11,17 IJ.IS "" C• IS.Gt It.. Ulllt Ul s lr><o<n 'G IO 1' I _ _..~ IMOM I tS t ICA .... IOIS Oeut W..IO U 41 us °°" , .• 1 N Pef'I I » LO. 0.1-""° 11 " CNll 10.U 10 ~;,E Ml ::: ;,4 f:1~~. ~!! :.? ~!';'~~ : ~ u1 A..,.r 0-.al. Otlle 1U7 12 ... F-• 111<; Cap 8d Uta 1 4S Otr C... 1.17 toll Crr1rce •.11 10.'1 Enlrp IJ.111 IU I OoOC•. I I 2Al7 NL ln¥OI 10.Jt 10 1 HI Yid •.n IOU OoeC• SI JI.II NL. Piiot 10." 11. MUI\ I 1'M 11 H Dru • .,, '4.11 NL. Surllllt 11 U If 2 Ve111r .. II • " Ore'(fu. Gf'll: GT Pee 11S6 NL. Cmslk II .. 1J 11 A •1111 IU1 NL. Ge .. 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N lll(Ofn 1 n 4 0 8 C Ill< IJ. lf6' r"' 80 tJ.tl U Trtl Sii 18.M 11' 8* IM I NI. l'Mlerei.f ,.,.. lfldllllry • 1' N .... ltW IU• NL. ~"' LM J ·" • '"*ceiM._.. ::: 2m :tt =t i.r'~"' ii# 11"• ~~-.: :t:i: u·. ~~i"if• NL. ii ~: u: = ~~-l!.t4 1f ltl Ff IO .. NL l''-ftty '1: Te1r. r~ t'. ....... Co Atwt II. N 1114 ltwll I .H IJ l~I Inc -.rl 1 · N ltW t,.il( I 41 N ~~t.:. ff 14 lrl~ ... N lllV... 1119 11. ."'' ..... o. "" 1 : n. N. •n:--m~~ 4 llr 10,4 Nl •Ille »· N t S t" 1 It S 11f1 NL ICll if H I I .. 11:st en 11 ~ NL I .rs • • I y .,,. J CeM" 9\lllttt .. ill H t e.• t h lk' It.a 11 10 -I '1 N I US 1 1 CeMrl '1 l .M Ovt lite .tO .. l"'v I ., 11's Otwld t I H ~ii"(• a H os a .,, J jj1t11e II. 1 • .a tfl Ylf 11 .. 111• F. "i t i. 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Con Ill< 11 • ta.a f:.!r~ ~ri !:~ ~::.r.. u~ ~t ~::y f<~ NL ~:~ n.ri ~ TeaFr 1.42 1.1> Part11 14 SS NL 80fld l.CD I ,. l11<0fn 10t5 It.Alt "'-n 12 3' I>," Ntwt 01 2• J3 NL EOllly •a • '1 ""'"I • 111 .. . Lealntloll Grp. -t IM tOo Nl l,,...sl ... IO S6 ScEnt 10.11 .. .. Cp Ldr 11 n 11." Nkl'IOla JI " Nl Ullr• 1 71 • u v.,.. u .• "JI Golctfd • n NL NE lnTt ".. Nl Select.cl F-. u s Gold '·· -G NMA 7.0 NL. NE lnGt 10.. Nl Arri ~ LJ1 NL V•lue Llllt F4l G•-••• NL NowaFd ., u NL SIM SM 1LJ1 NL --12 S1 llL """ 11... NL. , ..... Vent 1.14 .... SellflT!en G<-· FUlld 1..... .. Llnonr 15,74 NL Nullftn 1.0I Nl CepFd 11.10 It.• lllCo<n l.tl llL l -.,ls S.Yln. Omega 10 ll NL CmSt' 12" U.'6 L ... Gt .... ... C:..11 l J.11 NL. °"'WM 1U J NL Growltl 7,1' 1.n Spl Sit .,... NI Mui 17.• NL OotlO"Mlnwr Fd· lnco U,. IS 22 Vence s...dttrs: l ord Allll9tt' Direct "·°" 10 11 S.l\ll11tl Gr-lncMI 11.lt 1a..e Alltlld 1.1' l.'4 Oppen 1 10 l ti lelan I.II t . .a tnvost 1.11 IM 91111 dll 10.0l 10... HI "Yid 11'• 20:16 ·-6.a •.t7 1.e..-rge 12. -o.w Gt 22 • JA,U Optn u.oo u. r4 com s u JI "· n CepE I ss.m. • .t. lnco<n 3'01 UJ Sp.cl ".s t i 41 Orwttl U JO 14.5" EVGlll 1 ti , ... Lutlleflln llrO: Tk Fr• 7,05 '·· Seciuo•• Sl.M NL EV Ta 11.• la&t t'und 12.77 ll,oM AIM 11,f!I 11 .. Sentry 12 II J4,J1 0 8•1 I 3'.IS .... ~ '"'°"' l.'5 •.11 Time to.• IJ.00 SM«ton ""'*· Over I •·i ·· , Mufti •• n 1.01 OTC S..: 2U• M.ff Appre IS,10 1600 b8H JS. • ·~ US Gow •.OI t,'6 per.m M 11,'1 It t7 HlYld 11.•t ... s.t EaFd f 11.;.. •• ~H FIMMI· Pe•Wld 10.16 Nl lftCOfn 1&.$7 1t U FldE I 41.,... ~L MIT 11 ... 11.n "9flll Sii 1.11 NL MMufl n .n lUO ScFld I D ...... MIG 12 14 ISOt Pellfl Mil U I NL NwOtr HJA .. Oo 5"<1 U.5' MM MIO 11.18 II.SI l'tllle a.. U S Sllffrrl 0 .... NL v...,-~:· . MCD 11.G tUS Pfteellla awte. Slerfe GI 111' NL. E•Olr JI.. llti Mlg ,...,, 11.• ... "" IO.n II ,, s ...... ,....,, 1"" Tr 171 9141 MF 11 18 ta.ta C¥f d 11.G& 1e 6' C:eplt 10.41 11 Jt GNMA t. 1141 MF8 IUI IJ.10 O•Wltl llt1 1i," lll<e 1.6' LS7 IWM 1), a MM8 l.M t.or HIYld H I IO~ I-ti 1J 1' ISM MDII 11. MFH .. ,. 1.Jll Mou 11 41 IJ. S.CI II II.• IMI MulfV I lnTra 11.• 17.D PC C91t 14 "· T"notl ,,12 10.t.I llllWMll IUI -tflffs n .11 Nl P119t'lrr1 O<p· Y.... &to • 4D Mui'" ... 1 MorrUI L.YftCll 1'119 Ff II " 11..i $9 l~y IS It U M Mu Le t. 8etk 11 ... 11 1' ~ C S G U S 58 I~ '41 • W 'Olw I U. C•ll 17.lt II.ti M-. 111 1W 1.M SoGen '" UM u... Ohl II 7. l .. 8f 10.M ICl.17 ~ t<\#ld E:"'"' 4 9' NL rtlCO ll P "I '~ , " • " ..... '.. •.u r 111 , .. , 17 " _,._, 12 ti H Ott 11.• 10.. ,_ 11.11 •31 a-0.. -111n 11.1 l11Tr"' IOUI017 ll lM 1JU 1410 c.m• UI •.• 10• ..... L.IMet t ,tO IO• ~ 111" 1' 11 1'.• 01-. UI • 14 HIY8cl .} MllllHI I U l.'1 l'lltr... IJ t1 Nl ,.....,, I• • WftfV "' #IU"ll" • .. i.. !'fl<• ,_ Slfr"' CM 'M NL. Ventw111 11 14 11 l"e<Ff 11 • ·n Or.,._ II M Nl Sf Pr"' •r U 11 NL wenSC 0 1 '5 • """I• t • lllCMI I• NL SIStr"' ltw W.111 f4t " " .. , S.f ve1 t0 u 11 I 111t1 to.fl NL '"'" 11 n NL w1w inc J., .. , Mid AM 1 D 7. N Ere 14 " Nt FM! ., OI NL. w.M ~ • =~ ~.:: J:I:• !,~· •rn :, Ml~ "' =:: .:....• Miit 89'1 II • II 6' Pre S.Mti' it Nl PIM 11.. -•1owt IO s1 NI. I NlffT 1 ·! Nl •a. :I NL. Nl -* ._,:, ~=~ o1 ':rNL r~ :; =t 11 ti ~t ('f! .. ~~ •V-1 Gtwtll HO •Ot Pru SIP 1111 .,,~ 11 • 7tt NL _.. IT'S NOT YIT TOO LAftl: ONLY 11 DAYS LIFT To R'lund ALL '82 T11tes and Recover '79·81 T11t11 l l 2:1 4 l 6·1 lO:l + ITC t ETC? Rul Estate Rnem h & Development Equipment Lt1sin1 """ . ·~ . . .. ' .. ..,.. • I Prt1tntt0 bV DAL TON, DAL TON, coo'"' a ,MNKLIN. INC • 2181 ~nttr Avt . Sit 102. IMN . ,..., Jlfnll«M/405 OUr Staff Of Al10r"'YS aftCI ACCOuM1nl1 Wiii DI MtllOtl 9 AM • 10 PM SEvtN MYS A W£tl< FOR A PRIVATE;f'IO FEE INITIAL APPOINTMENT • " CALL NOW Mt411t POR . . . . BENEFACTOR WANTED ..... Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneedav. 0.0.mw 15. 1982 87 SDG&E rate hike OK'd WHAT STOCKS DID HfiW YORK IAPI De<, I• METALS TocltJ. .. , ~· "" ., 5 p....,, •,:. 3311 24l .,. 24 1 HEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfjlrrout rnelat prtcff lod•Y c~ 1w,.74.,; c•m• a pound, u.s. d••llneuon-. Laed 19.,;.23 canta a pound. ZIM 3e40 Q8RI• a pound. cl.ilwrad. Tin SO, 1118 ~I ala w..-compottta lb AIUl'lllft-76 <*II• a pound, N.Y. .... CW)' $:185.00 per llallk. ~letln•m $383 OO·S365.00 troy ounc•. N Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS lly Tiie '"II rt•d "'-Saleciad WOfld gold prk;ea lodey. Lottdon MOffllflt •••Int $435.25, Oii $14,15. Loedon ettofflOOfl llllflt 1437.60, Of '1UO. .... ...,_ ...... $435.18, Off,, 1.41. ,, ........... 1431.00. Ofl $14.00. ZWtcill ... ....,_ ...... 143e,50, Off t1UO bid, 1487.60 Mkecl. MendJ • ".,"''" (only delly quote) "437.50, oft., uo. ~ (only dallY ~) $437,60, Oft $H.90. ~ telwtoe .... (Of'llY deity quote) 1459~. Off $12.49. SYMBOLS Doing Buslneaa Under A Fictitious Name? 641-4321 DAILY PILOT DOW JONES AVERAGES Hf! YOttiCIAP) li'l,..t OOw J-••• ._ -,,OK.14, HOC: I Clllam .... Uw c.... Oii ..... .......... , ........ 14'9 'D Tr" &11.1t 414,11 4'1u•n10-t.w VII ttt.• llO It 111 It Ill JI t O • 1tt. •1t 411.IJ Jtt.JO 1't • UD ·-..................... •.tdi ,,..,_ .. H 11 t• •• • • • • ,,..,, '"'" . .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. , ,,,,, U SO. .. .. ... •. .. • .. .. .. • • 11,11A,19 •••'I + 141 _ .. , -·~ _,.,., _, t ... ue~wAJjp1t yAq~14~ ... tCMt-1"9 11• ~· the H9w Yo<il Sfo('k E•CMnet -Ill -___ , ll'lal "" .. -- ... "'911 Md doWfl Iha rncMI bilMICI C111 jlJOtC ... I of d1M9e r"9'1fdleU of ¥0lumt I« T~. No _ .. ,._ tr9111ng 111.~ow p ••• llKI• ....... -tl8f'cM ... <'-O-• .,. '"' Olffer-.a --r>•••lout ctoo.lftl ""' end tode(s ~#Im. Pfk•. ,..,.,.. l...nl CllO P<I. 1 OH Ind 1.1• tOS'Yt + 1' Up )7.t 2 N~ ll>'lo • t Up 22.t l Mll._,"°'t a Jl14 + J\11 Up 16.J 4 ,._Et 4.Dpf 401't + 41'> UP 12.S S WorlONIW ~ • " VD 12.S t ~= 2VJ + \4 Up 11.t 1 OltleGE 1 h + '-Up U I CO.. I 32 + flll Up 1.0 t CMG 4.75pf • + Hit Up 7.1 10 ICC -.. Ill 111'1 + ~ Up 7.S 11 ~11 114 + VJ Up 7.4 12 FNclers ~ + 14 UP 7.1 lJ Intl _,, ~ + V• Up 7.1 4 MukoF• 3"" • 14 Up 7.t ts MlllW 24"" + 1" Up 7,1 16 LIL CO 1/18 11" + 2111 Up 6.7 17 OIPw 4.lflpf JO'to + 1t'o Up •·1 11 R.ace Cp 6'h + 1' UP 6' 1t LLCGlrP Jiii ~ + ,_ Up 6' 20 a.... S'.jllpt tam + s:i-up u . J1 Wa1Mw1 p(A S4 + 3 Up s ... 22 LFECo pfA ~ + 'Ill Up S.I U Cluetl'H pf 14 + "" Up S.1' JA GTE PF ~ ,.. 11't Up U • U f'tlEI 4,JOpf 231'1 + 1"4 Up S f -1 Warllf'Com 2~ : u."'~ 5 Wflltt-.• ·~~ ., . • C«ndrelnl ' • MetWI UIPf It"'°"'""" 11~ 12 NBI lllC ,, .. _ 14 Mettfl Inc U 0.'8Twm lt S.CP«Qt 17 F .. CN Cp 11~-"S:Unll ,. .... l1 5'11< J2 WI.....,_ u~w 1.-... JAMMll ........ DOWNI I.Ml CllG P<t. JO -•'4 Off 11.2 )II'! -~ Off 14 •. 2 ""' -'"" Off n. 1. 11'14 -1111i Off n .1, 21!h -,... Off 11 ... ,, -,.... Off 11 .. 2 -14 Off 11.1 " -7VJ Off 10.t• 3' -4 Off 10.1' u _,,.Off •.•. 17V. -~ Off ,,,. J4'4 -~0fft.o ,,,. -... Off ... . 16"" -·~ Off ... . 1 -flloOffl. ... ----~Off ... 1"--'"" Off 1.S 142 -lJ Off IA' 2" -14 OH u · 2¥. -14 Off u ~-V.Off 1.2 12" -IV. Off L2 12"" -IV. Off 1.1: s~-VJ Off u All new bu91M•M• u1ln9 • tlctltlout neme, mutt. by lew be ...... ered with the County a.tic. The DAIL v PILOT pt0vlde1 the forma end flllnt aervtc.1 for our cuetomera. If you are 1tertln9 • new bualn•H cell the DAILY PILOT for lnformetlon and f0tm1. -------------------------------. Sell seeurltles now. Pay taxes -· ater.. lii8tallment 8ale el 8eearltle8. ,;..---------------- Through an installment salehBateman Eich ler, For information brochure, NAME I I ADDRESS I Hiii Ri chards offers clients t e ability to: please fill out t he coupon • Sell appreciated securities• this year, • or call (714) 640-1460. I PHONE -I • lock 1n today''s market price, and • Defer payment of capital •ain ta)(es to future yea rs. · • ' r •Mmlmum market vafuo of $200,0QO. 11 BEHR CUSTOMERS, please give name of Account be<:utlve. I No one t.onne<1ed wll1! Bittman £1chler, Hiii Rlcharch. ll-'---.. 11-----------------------------.1• tncorp,>r1trd I• 1uthorbed 10 render tu advice or to I i ... Behle Hill Rlebarcls I ttuan1ntH 1he 1111 ron*uenr«'a of 1ny 1r1nNctlon. Ai In I Mall to1 •man r,, 1 1 111 fln1nci.1 pllnnlna m•t~n. you Jhourd (<>ft•Uft your own I ===--I 1111 ~dvl~n rtpr~lng ~e probable tu contequtncn of I -.....,...,. .._ .. ....,... __ ...,..... _,.... ,•ny .. 1.. I •Co Newpott Center om.. Ntwpqrt 8Mof\, CA 92980 Tht:-inteallment Mle,r•n be 1 valU.tble tn pl•nnlng tool and reP,~nu 4" Important 1tep~orw1rd In lnvoa1qr flfllbl ty. -----------~-·• (114) e.eo.J4eo. a.81d "· CoM.. u.n.. · . , · I .. _____________________________________ ... _____ .. ______________ .... _______________________________ _ 110 Oronuu Coult DAIL V PtLO T /Wodno~l.J11y. 0 <.;om bu• Hi, IU82 Critic honor 'E.T:' a s be t film of '82 LOS ANGELES (AP> Rox 11ft11·1· 1m11.1sh "E.T the Ex1ru-Tcrn•11lrial" and lt.'l dh t'<'tor, Swv1•n Spielberg, hav1' won thl' Los Angl'IL'li 1''1lm CrltJt'1i Assocmtlon's 1982 awards for bl•st film and bl.cost director. M eryl Slrt..>ep's pNformnnc.:e us a guilt-ridden concentration camµ survivor in Alan Pakula's "Sophie's Choil't'" won her the best actr~ award. Ut•n K111Ms,1•y, tht• Anglo-lnd1un uclor whu plays the utle role In Richard Allenborough's "Ghandi." was votc.'<i tx•st actor. ''The World At'COrdlng to Garp," George Roy Hill's filming of the John Irvine novel, was the only film beside "E.T ." to be honored twice. John Lithgow's role as a transsexual won him the best supporting actor award and Glenn C lose was selected best supportmg actress for her performance as Garp's mother. Murray SchisgaJ and Larry Gelbart won the best script award for "Tootsie," in which Dustin HoCCman plays an actor so desperate for work he disguises himself as a woman and becomes a soap opera star. Jordan Cronenwcth's work on the futurist "Blade Runner" won him best cinematography honors. Best foreign film went to "The Road Warrior," an Australian action film directed by George Miller. The San Francisco-made "Chan ls Missing" was honored as best experimental or independent movie. "E.T." nearly won a third honor when John Williams' music was edged out for best score by James Homer and the Busboys' work on ''48HRS," the thriller starring Nick Nolte and &Idle Murray. And "E.T ." played a part in a special award to Italian sculptor-designer Carlo Rambaldi "for the body of his work." Rambaldi created the giant mechanical King Kong as well as the space-traveler with the title role in ''E.T ." Runners-up included "Gandhi" as best picture and Richard Attenborough as director; Peter O'Toole for best actor in "M y Favorite Year," and Jessica Lange as best actress in "Frances." "The Long Good Friday," an English crime film starring Bob H oskins, ran a narrow second in voting for best foreign film. Cher was second in voting for best actress for her role in Robert Alt.man's "Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jimmy Dean. Jimmy Dean." LUXURY THEATRES 1st Two M1ti11tt Showi"~sONlYS2l2Unltss0thtrwiSf Noltd S 113r•U~Xel11il6l61-4 2553/~~,) FOR FUOI EXCITEmEnTI V1s1tOur ••. * '-18 HRS.~ An age undreamed of ... ,iORC<! R<:SS @ Q (RI Ptu\ Atone In Tn• Dark (R) ........ "'°"""'-<'..,.l i~cfO'l:1Jo1 li88 ft,~80 l'lul Superman II (PG) * Drh•-lnt Open 1130 WUk•ndl/1 :4 $ WHknlghU * Children Under12 Fret Unless Noted NO matter what the marquee says. what's now playing at United Artists Communications theaters is a real horror show. UAC the second largest movie chain in the U.S .. has embarked on a national policy of eliminating jobs fostering unemployment In city after city where they' own and manage theaters. In California, UAC employees who chose union representation are the primary targets of the company's greedy, crass "pro· fits before people" corporate philosophy. W ithin the last few weeks. UAC has locked out many of Its southern California projectionists (members of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators) rather than engage In good-faith bargaining. Manage· ment taunted these highly skilled and dedicated workers with a preposterous "final offer" that would mean: • eliminating 50 to 75% of the projectionists' jobs • cutting wages for many of the remaining employees • arbitrary reassignments and changes In working conditions (l.e~. forcing one projec· tlonlst to service up to 18 movie screens In two or three buildings that may be 24 miles apart). Janitors In UAC's San Francisco.area theaters who belong to the Service Employees union have also been vlctlmlzed by management. Forced out on strike more than a year ago because UAC won't budge from Its demand for a total wage freeze. the janitors, too, are confronted ~Ith a hostile and lnflex· Ible attitude on the company s part. UAC wants unconditional surrender, no matter what the consequences for workers, the Industry or the area's economy. "Take It or leave It'' ls their basic "negotiating" stance. UAC gives Its employe89 no real choice. But moviegoers do have a choice of where to spend their entertainment dollars. PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE UAC THEATERS JA~SE So11thttn A11ocl•t1on/COfJ)Or•t• Cam~algn e30 G•~~• StrHt, Huntington Beach, CA 920-48 Wo •d l hru \<11 (),., I~ 18 198/ ~c::mr--. " ' //11·.'~.1~1/l(/f'i.1°1· l111inollal ASSURED QUALITY s179 MlnoHa' XG·l SLR Camera 35mm with f2 lens. automatic and full manual el<posure control LED self-timer and hot shoe XCIM Camera Case ...... 11.•7 I Mlnoltae 200X Flash IOf XG-1, XG-M Dedicated Comeros.•t.97 Minolta 280PX Programmed Flash. For X700 Camero, 62.97 Minolta One-touch Auto Zoom Lens. 100-200mm F5.6 .. Sl69 s209 MlnoHa• XG·M Camero 35mm SLR with f2 lens. Apera- ture priority automation plus fully metered manual. LED self timer and hot shoe Save Case For XG·M Camera . 11.•7 PHOTOFINISHING SPECIAL Receive a photofinishing coupon book at no extra charge with the purchase of any 35mm camera shown. Contains 24 coupons for savings on photofinishing. Redeemable at your Kmart® store. ~CHINON sss Chlnon"' 35FS Camero Compac t 35mm with auto load and built-In flash IOI!-. no1 lneklCM<I sea Chlnon" lellomt~ Camera Compact 35mm. Auto exposure. letlGml-Flash AHachment, • $20. IOl!et•t nol lncrudeO $114 Chlnon CM·4 Com•ro 35mm SLR model with fl ,Q lens. CaM Por CM°' Camera, •. $12 . ''Marvelous'' Blchard Schickel -Time Clint Eastwood and. Kyle Eastwood llonh9tonk .Man ... Chrn r.a,1w11od .. mt ~yk E.a..cwuocl 111 HunkW!11k Mml \ I F.111111ow !Jn>1htr1 1 h111 M.1111·' & no·npl11~ lw C'l.11K'Y Carltl1 b,1.,nl u11e"1 II.-•~MI Po"t111t•d11nd D1n~·1nl I~ t 11111 f ·•-•K"I IPltl-Mlillltl MttmD-1 1-,.._ ,. , --TLll!Nl.C>lCO~ ,,. .. --'""'' • •~' " -----~91; ..... ••·•4•-· ........... -,.... ..._ __ _ --:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------....,:O~r~a~ng:•:_:C:o:•:l~O:A:l~lY,;..;.P~IL~O:T~/~W~e:d:n:••:d:•~Y~·:09C~e:m:be:,:.r~1~b~,~19~8~2----H.:.:..,_.8 • R -~;.:_r~ ---NOW PLAYING--- lllU t;"~~l ...... ,. •CHTAMUA £°".,°' C•"""" l •ti 110. CDlfl Miil ld••O\ *l" CC'•'I ,,,, ..... .,.,., 1111 tllOM ttJ .. .t·d\~~· 111 1~10 •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform•nces before 5:00 PM (Ercept Special En9199me11ts 1nd HoWays) "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER" 1~ tl:4&. Ht. 1:211 I U. te-• "AN OFFICER ANO A GENTLEMAN" 101 .. , .... , ...... ----_. ___ ------ ..... HOURS··1•1 , .... , .......... """'l..M lt• M AIRPlANE II THE HOUEL"C"i ------LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN "THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK"'"' • ,... °'°'-8\' ITlllllO tt;;ll.Ht.lt'.JI. ....... "•V1CTOfVVJCTotlilA" 1N 1 •• --••• .!':';.~!!,;.~~':!.._. I ••T.m&.••c .,_._...,.. .. I LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN focully Al Del Nno 21)/6,...9211 "THE TOY" ,,.1 .......... ._ ..... "FIRST BLOOD" io1 t>-• "' .. •2' .... ,,.,,. Faculty at ConotewoOd 213/531·9510 "AIRPLANE II THE SEQUEL" 1N1 . .,... ... ._ __ _ "llONllOHOfr 1•1 •• --,_ 0-..Y DIC,,._ t~ Ila_. AccoNT.ll '8'.6r 1N1 ....... ,._ Oll&.'t MC. 111 -IM PMWIW .. "THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER""' taa. ..... ,.. ...... "CREEP SHOW" 1•1 t:t» .,... ._. '10l'IERMAN II'" -·· BIG• BIG•DRIVE-IN BARGAIN $2 EVERY WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY Children Under 12 Always FREE Ptt Pm011 _, 0000 HOUO.o'I' O'l:S HOUOAYS -~CIAl l:llHIAGOKHrS ,. Olltt 0.-o.lr Al HI r Jl .... Mn & •) r • IMrORTANT NOTIC(! CMllOfl(N UetOlfl 12 fflU! --·-... ---...,, ..... --··~·­Clllf.fl-·-... CM-1$--1• ICO"" CM -~ -41CC1S1G11t ~ -""l'QllUllU 1•AU (No.ff -m .. "" - .......... " ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN ,,_.,tlolle"'Oftll 17t·tHO ~~,:,..,.....__,....,.. (•t .... HOU .. l "t•> a,...,. un -M-flll "SHAMIY'I MAC-" 101 Cllllfl- e I,.,. ... ~Al.It BUE~A PARK DlllVf IN IJftC06ft ... • ..... lftOll 121~70 ~ ! •. .. ' .. •'. LINCOLN OQIVE IN ltnc~ .. A•• •••• Of l noH 121·C070 I< JUN'AIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY ORIVE·IN -0...0 '""" OI .,_llvnl (SO) ff2·2 .. I "TttaTOY"1N1 .... "HANKY PANKYV '"' CMlllOUOO A .. A ft",& LA HABRA 0111\lf IN ............................... 17MN2 W' A'• ,I ORANGE 0111\ff IN """IT lll.000" "" .... "DSATH wtlH" 1111 42-4321 Ctil9f ft 10U11110 1. "CU.SI Of' tlM" 1111 2. "'WARNORI" !•I J. -.OUl.IVARO NtOHTI" 1111 .. AN M'1CIR AND A OUITL«MAW" 1111 -'"AMIRICAN OIOOl.0" 101 "AIRl'lANe II Tifl llOUIL" 1N1 -•JEKYLL a HY041 •• T~AOAIN"1•1 CM!fl- .... ~-So• 1 G91_Gf_ff_ l91·l69l "FIRST ILOOO" 1111 -"MAO MAX" 1•1 Clllfll-l•l ..... HOUlll'"C•I "SHARICIY'S MACHtNI"' 101 CIMI OI- . . . CC*MfUO IJf COM>O•llO CON MUl1ITS.,. Ill RIO CM"- t...-o...•'·•· ..... ••·t w.i ...... •MI..., . .., __ .,.,. ..................... .__ ........ _'W_ .......... .. -PG ;: 1110 IQllr!Biu~• 519 S339 ............ _ .. ,.-..... , -.~,,ti . \. ~11'' ·)~\ ti"~~ ~ , 1". \'.~\u ·u ~ &}~\\.~ .. Corduroy and Shetland for Christmas ... Our brushed Shetland crew neck swearer trom Boston Trader comes 1n 14 great cotoo and coord1noles with our verv O'Nn pre finished wide wale cord pant The pant 1s O\I01loble 1n ion grey. navy and town 8~§ @Rill&@~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 If it floats, COIUWU EO..•O. J•<\IOi 5•0 "" COIU llfU Ect•JrOS Hr¥00t f•~ 631 HO• 642-4321 ·chances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat Here comes A fresh new taste experience that outshines menthol. 7 mg. "11r". 0.5 mg n1co11ne av per cigarette by HC method. -., It not only taStes fresher while you smoke. It even leaves you with a clean, fresh taste. C'1-1 • t ltff"°"'" •ulNlOI _, rt ct or collect . aub.Ycrlbe to your hOmetown paper. the . Daily Pilat • . ' ·' ... . . -: . ·: ·. :: . ·. :· •: .. .. ,. I •i 81 t Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, OecemMr 15, 1982 THE t 'i\MILV CIRCt:S BIG GEORGE by Vtrgtl Partch (VIP) P£t\Nl:T8 • ' • ' I I I i I by 81 1 Keane ; I I ' I "Show biz can be cruel. Lay one llttlt -oa and bloolt -you're bottom banana." l : : I ~.\RMi\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson • t rl • • : I : • • : ~ ' ~ i i t ' l ~ t t. ~ ( I .. •\. . • • • • • . . "Could you tune down those Christmas carols?" • • • -~~~i!!!!!!!l~-;--;::~~~~;:;c;7) FROM NOW ON. I IXANT TO ' . !t , • • • . . . • . . . . . . . • • • • ' I ~ t ~ \ t t ~ • t t GJ\Rt'I ELD 1 [ THINK ['LL STEP OFF MV DIET ' l t JUST LONG ENOUGH TO f.AT A COUPLE DOZEN COOt<IES /'I. 16 t2·t5 1 THoLJ~T you WE~ CtJTTIN'DoWN ON CALORl~S? ee CONSULTED ON ALL BOOKIN(:JS! UNDER· STOOD? ~ 0 0 ACROSS 48 Lodger 1 Yes. yes, Sp. 52 He•Yenly TUHOAY'I PUmEIOlVED 5 Rushed model 9T Hml 56 Oslo COin 14 A of AEF 57 Blogn1phlet 15 ln1teld 58 Tall! wlldly 18 Ult• 59 pi.,...1*1 ~ 17 Aqy1tlum 60 Hendy ' , 18 Nery 81 Impel ~ 19 Send money 82 Greell letter : 20 T111klah title 83 Wrongt t 21 Quebec: &4 Aftltd ~ once: 85 Mum • 2 WOfdl ~ 23 Terinlt 1t1r1 ~ . 25 Mthropolda ~ "Bollll 27 Rodent \ • 29 Rlectl ' 32 Pllnt : '35 -noetrum I H Turn down 17 Reta - ' 31FromAtoZ I '" Pony11P : .0 Atplete 41 Mob ectlon 42-dt-~ 41 Dutcfl town 44 Noted Ouill• '5 In lddltlon 41 Pwent I I OON'T MAKE ME L..AU6H1 'rolJ Pl.AV YOUR WITAA ANO SINC:i WHEN AND WHERE I TELL 'fOU, PC< eABY' ANO IF YOU HAVE At-lV QUESTIONS, P.EAD YOUR CONTF\ACT I --·' ~ by Jim Davis THAI CAI HA$ NO 5EN5E OF MUMOR by Ferd & T om Joh nson 6000 MORNIN6, .. ASll.. YOUR MOM IF SME'P LIKE TO 0W A CH~IST~AS WREATH TElL la n.IEV WERE MADE FROM TME FAMOUS FOREST5 01= LEBANON Tt: M 81.E• EE DS OHiL.IMF'U7 1-ltARl7! A CA1' GO'f 1He MO'mE:R 'IRl7, AN!71fi~ PA"~5 ·~·-­A~E:.100 V'OIJNG10 FJ...V !70Wl\J FOR FOOV'! SHOE -NATIONAL DOG SHOW ~ - Ft~K \' "l ~KER BEi\~ NOW ~EMEMBER I HOU.<,> ... WHEN ~~E MAR~IN6 /N THE ~ PAAADf I CXXJR ROlJTINE AA~ m BE. L£N'ER PEITTCT ! •.SMOCK - NOi 0At:', MRS. FE.RN • NOW AJ1"' ON i'H05e 3-P GL...ASSe:s ... E PTEO LHINFQ e'ltc""'~ ,.., .... ,..,,, ....... ····· . .. -------.. '(OU CAN JlEAO A80UT 'EM IN r..ie SECOND CMAPTER OF ™E SECOND SOOK OF CM~ONICLES ... by Charles M. Schulz IF 'f'OO 9W TWO, WE'LL TMROW IN AH AIJT06WMEO fMOTO Of KIH6 SOLOMOH ! by Ernie Bushmiller HELLO, MRS. SIM5--IF YOU DON'T MIND--- -PLEASE GIVE YOUR 006 A DIFFERENT B OW NEXT TIME HE'S ONTV by Tom Batiuk t i t \ • ' ~ ' ' t I ' t • I I • • I i : t . \ Orenge Coatl OAILY PILOT/Wedn .. dav, December 16, 1982 1111 'Memories Never Die' f ilrn worth seeing BY FRED ROTHENBERG t$T ....... W'*r NEW YORK The uory lt'11 hurd not to be touch<'<! by a mother. wrC11tling with unxll'li<"ll and h<•r rcawuk••11ina mui.rmal insUm:t.s. uucmpllng to tt-klndlt• hn chlldre11'11 trwt und afft><:·tJon. Tht· audience sympathy Is further evoked by u wonderfully warm and SC'NiUvt• portrull by Wagner, the former "Bionk Womun." l'hlldrt>n? Due'K 11tw w1ant lO bl• 11 motht•r und w1fo liguln? J)(_ie,. tchc w11n\ lo at.'t'(lpt re1pon1lb lltle11 atwr huvln1 the hoapltal takt> care of twr nt~ lor llO long? vehicle oC a n)(>nUllly depr~ mother returning to her fafl\lly after six years of h08piwJiz.at1on seems artificial, but the emotions are irresistibly real in tonight's CBS movie, "Memories Never Ole." Wh('n 11h c> lt-avc'fl Ch k•ttgu for ollfornlu, she ud1nl1&: "l fet>l like I'm lc.•avln1 home." Lindsay Wagner plays Joanne Tilford, an intruder in her own house who ls summoned home to care for her children after her husband, H o wdy (Gerald McRaney of "Simon & Simon") suffers a heart attack. J oanne hasn't seen her kids for six years; Sh.awn is now 9, Kathy a teen- ager. Afte1· one suicide aU('mpt, drugs, e lectrk shOC'k treatments and therapy, Joanne's doctor thinks she's capable of being a full-time mother and wife again. Joanne's not so sure. "How can I be ready to go home if I feel this scared?" Joann rt•celve1 a rude welcome. Her hu11band'a sister and brother-In-law, who want CUltod' oC the children If Howdy Rhould die, are patronizing and inse nsitive . But the wors t treatment com('S at home. Daughter Kathy (Melissa Mic hae lsen) is hos t.Ile. Her feelings of abandonment are compllcatttd hy h er extreme protectiveness and possessiveness t ow ard her father , still recuperating in the hospital. Kathy objects when her mother returns to her old bed, and not the guest room. She's nervous about her own competency. But, except for flashbacks to her suicide attempt, Joanne remains remark ably composed and together, in fact too much so, giving the movie its most unbelievable element. Joanne's re turn set s up conflicts between mother and daughter, and between mother and surrogate mother. It also opens the characters to guilt and fea r , love and caring, while providing viewers an involving TV experience. As it turns out, her fitness ls less a problem than other issues: Will she be accepted ~-' Anothe r obstacle to family togetherness i s the icy housekeeper, Louise, played by \\'l-:1>'-0t:snA Y EVENING 8:00 II 0 D NEWS 0 CHAAUFS ANGELS A tMn·age boy trom T..,. ne-d1uppears lnlo the· Los Angeles und-orld wtule -Ching for his glr1· friend 6 NHLHOCKEY Los Angeles Kings vs New York Rangers COLLEGE BASKETBALL De Paul vs Northern 1111· nOls m M ·A·s·H A careless cotOtlel increH· es lhe number of serioully wounded soldiers urlvlng at the compound. g) HAWAII FIVE..() Bunco artists using phony dlamonds as beJt prey on -11-hMled male Waikiki tourist a fll) OVER EASY GuHt: actreu-dlractor Jeanne Moreau O '1i) UHOEASTAHDIHO HUMAN BEHAVIOR "Social Groups" (() C8SHEW8 @' A8CHEWSQ O!HeCHEWS m THE PRICE 18 RIGHT C,MOVIE * * * "Nlcholu Nlcklet>y' P9•T) Derek Bond, Cedric Hardwiek• Based on 1118 clalSlc by Char._ Dickens 8:30(8 ALICE ID DO<CAVETT Guest· Willlam Styron 1Par1 2)(R) ml SEWIHO~ (J)9HEWS @) BARNEY MILLEA Harris becOm4t9 outraged when he is fired upon. frisked and arrested by two zeelous uniformed petro1man who believe he's• robber m WORLD OF PEOPLE 7:00 II C8S HEWS D N8CHEW8 0 HAPPY DAYS AOAIH Howard's lath«, • dyn•m· ic gl)-Oeltar, arrives 11 the Cunnlnghams detarmlned 10 hnd new Mia D AJICHEWS Q m THREE'S COMPANY Chrluy tries to aell cosmettCI al Ralph Fur- ley' 9 pOl<ttr g9rne g) ~JOKER'S WILD m m> auatHESS REPORT '(I) P.M. MAGAZINE ®) EHTDrrAIHMEHT TONIGHT An Interview with R-•ty Ctooney m ORANGE COUNTY TOOAY '0J80XIHO (%,MOVIE * • .. Stromboli" p 950) lngrld Bergmen, Mario Vitale. UnaucceHlul In lmP<ovlng het lot through marriage, • poor fllher· man'• wile ye1rn1 lor something better. 7:.IO II 2 OH THE TOWN Featured: • teataur•nt wh«a the wait lor ,._... .. t1on1 averages three Weeki: 8 high IHhlon met1• -allow. • lew rnembet• of the Spike Jonet 8Md gel togelhet a a FAMILY FRID D LAVERNE & SHIN.EV &COM~AHY Shirley'• hypercrltlcal molhet ~ IO vltit D EYIWfTNU8 ANONYMOU9 STORY Host Chuck Henty reports on CllantMI 7'1 Ev-!IMN Anonymoua program WlllCtl combel1 a-Ima with 8)'9Wlt-pat11clpa11on G» M'A•s•H Aller a bed 8Melon tn 1118 0 A.. H1wt19Y1 qu1rr811 wlth Frank over ht. lnede- quac,... then nnd1 -ot hl1 own patient• II llnlclng Mark Russell, Washington 's top political satirist, can be seen on KCET (28) a t 9:00 tonight. .... ti) TIC TAC OOUOH &!) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1!) PArttN AHO TlfE PfTT88UAOH "TM Brlllth Festival" Cef. 1111 Yo-Yo Ma and compas- .,, Ollver Knu-. Jol'ln Mc:Caoe and Sir Mlehlltll T~t jOin Andre Prevtn and the Plnfburgh Sym- phony Orelle81ra tor an ai.. clly 181tlval hOnOflng Brit· 1111 ""'9lc:. QJl YOU ASKED FOA IT FHlute<I• .. France'e Well Oitney" and .. The Peltelln II A Mayot .. m COLLEGE IASKET8ALL Chapman YI UC Irvine H) NCH LITTLE'S CHRISTMAS CAROL The mallet' lmpt"esslontsl plays a mulutuda or roles, Including Ebenezer Sc;tooge I nd Bob Cralc:hil. In an unuaoal version ol the Charles Dicken• holi- day CflSSlc l:CIO II SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVE.H BROTHERS Brian, an•lou• to leave tfie ranc:f\, tallt In with • loot- IOoM COWbOy wf'>O keeps hit put and personal Ille • myster; 0 REAL PEOPLE FHtu1ed Mrs Santa, the work of Volunteers ol Amerlea, a Chanukkah radio station, • Russian larnlly that ldopte<I • polar .,.., U MOVIE • * * "The Emperor Waltz" ( 19•8) Bing Crosby, Joan Fontaine D 9 TALE.IOf'TlfE GOU> MONKEY Jake, Corley, Louoe and Jack undanatce • per110us mercy minion al lhe requMt of Jake'• Old tlyitlg buddy and • majestic Watull c;hleftaln. IR) B THE JIM HA80A8 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL OuHll lncludlng Carol Burnett and Su .. n Anton jolfl Jim Nabort In lhls hol· kley 1peclal rrom Hawaii. (J) NEWS • P.M. MAGAZINE A k>Olt at the romanc:e bei-n model Christle Brinkley and the heir to the Moet·Chandon cham- pagne lonune; • vetllflnar· Ian who developed • diet tor ovenw.lght c.11 and dogs • MOVIE **** "Seven Oap In M•f' I 1984) Burt lAneal- tar, Kini Douglu A top. ranking U S general plots a mllltaty coup In oppo111. llon IO the prMldent'a P<O- poMd dt.M"*"9flt eor- m•nt with the Sovl•• Uolon • ~AHOTHE ""SIMMGH "The Brltllh Fntlval" Cef. lift Yo-Yo Ma and eotnPol- en 011ve1 1<nu1Mn. Jonn McCabe a11d Slr Michael Tlppell Jotn Andre PrllVfn and the Plt11b<Jrgll Sym- pN>ny Oreheltre for an all· city lestrval hOnorlng Brit· ISh mustc; LA TIN PAOFILE 'C MOVIE *** .. S 0 B "(1981)Wtl- llam Holden. Ju lie Andrew, A rno'<lle director who hat tut• t1ntthed • mvlti·milliOn dollar 1\ifkey goes lrom attamp18d IUl• dde to a bizarrely ln5')1re<I r•lhoollng of hit epic 'R' $ BIZARRE John Byner 9hOWS you things stranoe< lhan tru1h, 11rv-r lhan hie, and zanier than anything you've eve1 -@MOVIE * * * "The Competition" ( 19801 Richard Ofeyfuu. Amy lrvlng Two planl111 at • San Franci11Co music compe1111on find that lhel• love lor each other con- fflcls with their PfOfHllon· II ambition• "PO' a:30 m 000 COUPLE Fallx 11 tormented when h• learne that ht• ex•wlte 11 dating lhe brother or Otcar't girlfriend '1i) MARK RUSSELL Wash•ngton'a top po1111ca1 satirist pOl<81 tun et major ·~ end ,_, stories ol the day A CHRISTMAS wtfT H MOVIE * • "Final Aaalgnmet1t'" 119801 ~ Buj040. Miel'IMI Yorlc A Canadian TV reporter In Moscow dis- covers • Ausllan aclentlflc: experiment uAlng 11arold1 on Chlklran and ~ lncf'lmlnatlng ma1-iel out of 1118 country 'PO' ($!MOVIE • • • "Caveman .. (1981) Ringo Slarr. Oer>nls Quaid The clOwnlSh member ot • bar81y hum1n pr8'11atorkl ttlbe begin• 10 dltcOYer that bf'alna and not brawn wlll be the key IO hit p.o. pie'• airvlllal 'PG' o:oo 11 ({) MOVll "MemorlH Nellet Ole" !Premier•) llndHy Wag· ,_, Gerald McRaney. A l«IS!tlva wife and mol!Mr 1trugglaa to overcome her family' 1 autplellon and 00.. tllity wh«I ane return• home .tiler apendlng llx yee<I In a "*'I al cllnlC D ~FACTSOf! Uf'E The glrll enc:ounlet prob- fen\I wl*> •"-Y try to oat dal• for the Sadie H-· kine Day dance Q 8 «I) THe FALL GUY Coll Q91• more than he l>erOllnad tor when ha accepla 8 almple 118111-0UI ··•"*'' e~··~ QHANNEL LISTINGS c..ANJl•I ANGaa AlthOugh ane wllneaMd a murdef, Krll'• rnemorv IOH may PteY9nl het from raco0n11tng the tl'lrttt when tne'• etalkad by 1~ killer I 9 KNXT ICBSI 10 ! 9 KHBC (HBC) fZI , • l<TLA Hnd.I lk f e uac CABC) c e 1<ieMB ICBS) lfl ~. 9 KHJ•TV (Ind.) 01J :• e t<cST IA8'1 II I • KTTV (Ind.) (11 !~· KCOP-TV (lftCI I • '· • l • KC&T IPBS) , e KOC! C P8SI On-TV Z·TV HBO ICIMm••I IWOAI NY .N Y IWTBSI (ESPN) f~lm.1 SOotllOlll Cc.t>le N-s Net~kl • Ml..V °"""'" "Oho1t1" Oueat1 Au.ry Blllley. BMlllOe Strllftll, p1rap1ycflOIOOltt 0t Thel· ma Moa•, Dt. Julian 1911,_ ton, Ri¢1\trd ~t ll>MAN<,...._L Wathlnoton'e top polltlGal Ntift.t pOl<M IUfl 81 l'lefOt 1Huea anc1 ,,... ••or• Of the day G 1H THI IHAOOW M TMIMOUNTAM A lllm portrait of ll'IOUfttlln cllmbet Jll'll Wlcli.W• .... turn tpec;tacular lootaoe of hi• climb• In the Hlmal•· YH 1nd on Mt. McKinley m BOLOONES (Z)MOVIE * • * "Falllnl Salyrk:on" I 1970) Martin Potter. Hiram Kelle!', A bliarre, 1urrealllllc vl1lon ot the decadence and debau· Chery that auttuse<I the Rome ot Nero 'R' 8:30 D ~FAMILY TIES A 11orm lorces the KH· 1on1 to cancel their holiday plan• and 11ay •• home. B MADAME'S PL.ACE fll) IN THE SHAOOW OF THE MOUNTAINS A him portrall ol mountain cltmbet Jim Wlckwoe IN· t1Hn apectacul1r footage ot hi• c:limbs In the H1mala· YH lllld on Ml. McKlnley. '1i) IN PENOAMANCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE S.-ly Sitts Is jOlned by a group or rlalng young Sing· .,, tor • hotiday se•ton concert trorn 1118 Eall Room of the White House. 10:00 0 <HJ OUIHCY Sam'• Ill• i• endangered when he and Quincy track • Japan ... gun.for-hire 10 organlied crime llgur81 D l1)) DYNASTY Felton throw• • Roaring Twenties party. Kryatle la 1l1ggered by an aneounter with M1rk Jenning•. 111\d Kirby confronts her notor1- ou1 pa1t Q emm NEWs MOVIE * * ·~ .. The HouM On 92nd StrMI" (1V45) llOyd Nolan, Signe Hano Our· Ing World War II, Iha FBI attempts to Invade • Nazi spy rlng In New York City fll) TlfE SUH DAOOP Aol>ert ~lord natral81 • Yllu.t at..cly ol Itta recently dlaco-ed eun Cllandar of the P"'**> lndlanl (R) m THE VIAGNAH An eaclOed convict tlMs from • t>ounty hunt« C 8CAUHtNO AOOM H MOvtl * * * ''AM That Jau" (1978) Roy Sdleldef. Jes- alca Lange The 1umultu- ou1 Ille of a P<Olasslonlll choraogrflC)her 11 followed from aucceu on the stage IO per1on81 CtlMS. 'R' 10 NEW DAY IN EDEN 10:06 $ MOVIE • • • •,. "Carnal t<nowt· edge" I t97 IJ Jack Nlcl'lol· 10n. Ann-Margret. Two collage friend• spend sev· er11 yeara before and after greduatlOn dlacove<lng Illa by an1rlng and twitching each othet'• g1rllrlend1 'R' 10-.30 m> IHOEPEHOE.NT HETWOMMEWS '1i) TrTAMC IN A TUB; THE GOLDEN AOE Of' TOY80AT8 Ra1 Harrison narrates • looll at the poputauty of toy bO•t• In the 19th - tury. INturlng old ,_... rMI footage of ocean lin- ers. baltlalhlpa and aut>- marl,_ C MOVIE • * * "Boys' Night Out" ( t962) Kim Novak, Jamet Oarne< When • th8')81y young C0...0 Und«lalc .. I ... • .... ,Ch l)<ojec:t, alle find• tour l>Wlne•¥>en more than wllllng to -liaae an apartment to aid het In her 11Udy. 0MOvtE * * * "The Lett Time I Sew Peros" (IVS.) Ellza· beth Taylor, Van Johnson BaMd on e story by F, Scott Ftllgerald. 8rolcen romances and shettared lndlYldual1 populate Perla et the end of WOf'ld Wer II. 11:00 fJ DD Cl) (JJ) Qt NEWS II IATUN>AV HIGHT Hoet; Kirk Dougr11 OUMts· Sem & Dave G '"MAACt4 Of!,_ "Lost Colony 0 1 Aow\olll" at AU. IH THE ,AMll.Y Three •••k• without Archle'I paychedl and the --f'lllng coat of IMng II taking 11• toll on the Buntl· ... 1=~ DOCT°" IN THl HOUK Dick IC>flllel tor • JOb H aenior hOuM 8UIOIOI' (OlMCME "TOlal Repture" (1980) 11:11 I Zl CHAM.a CHAMPLIN ON THe "'-Ail ICINa I 1:IO fJ HA"1' TO HAM Jet1nll9f 11111 victim to • -• or nfffJetat aecl· dantl ,.,., 8tle lflowl • woul<M>• author to wort! In the Halt' I gutlllt hOuM. G 1" TONIGHT HOit Johnny Catton, Ouatt• Burl Aaynoldt. 8art Convy. •D MCNIWI NIGWT\.M • 'tOU AltCIO '°" " '"'"'" .. ,,.,_ .• w ... Dilney'' and ''The ll"tlllaerl ltAMayot •• • OOOOOUP\& ,..,,. ""°' • w-.o of • hOllNllWI* to ••• care of Oecer ..,_ M II r.,.,_ &rbnra &lxu:k of "Hall Strl'N Blut•11 ," 'rht•rt."• immediate t•ompt'lltlon und un lntt•nn d lMgl'(<t•nwnt owr c·hlld ralaln". Joanne, wi th<.' out.aldt'r, doc>liln't know hc.•r pllK-c yet, but lhc gel.Ii no 11ymp11thy from l..ouU...• Only Shawn, play~ by PN.er Billlngaley, thl' off-11Age brolh~r of Michacl1cn, reach~• out at home. He want.a a mother. not a professional child-raiser. Joanne herselC ia trcudl ng gently. Her firs t display of physical affection comes whill' she's f ighting o n e of her flashbacks. Joanne's only other support comes from Howdy, a strong man, convincingly captured by McRaney. With aJl the trouble at home, Joanne's impulse Is to return to her carefree existence in Chicago, as soon as Howdy ls weU enough to leave the hospital The mark of this fine film is that this famHy-ln-fragments is worth caring about. Deeply. Lindsay Wagner stars as a former mental patient returning to h er husband (Gerald McRaney) in "Memories Never Die" tonight on KNXT (2). · TUBE TIPPERS 2;30 Q ~NEW8 m MOVIE KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." Brian, anxious to leave the ranch , falls in with a footloose cowboy who keeps his past and personal life a mystc•ry . • "Cron Channel" I t948J Wayne Morr11, Yvonne Furneau•. A boat owner unwolllngly aids and ab1111 crlmlnall by providing them wllh • ahultle Mrvloe to and trom Fr1nc• (0 JMOVIE • * "Take All Ot Me" I 1978) Richard Johnson, Pemela Vincent An embittered concert planllt lind1 renewed faith In hi• talent wtwtn he embark• on a relalionlhlp with a young leukemia vlc11m 'R' KABC (7) 9:00 -"The Fall Guy." Colt gets more ~han he bargained for when he accepts a simple stake -out assignment. 3:00 D MOVIE * *'A "The Flrll T 8Jtan" (1958) Joel McCrea, Felicia Farr Sam Houston ralliea Tel8ns against the Mexl· cangOYe<nment KN.BC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy." Sam's life is endangered when he and Quincy track a Japanese gun-for-hire to organized crime figures. IEAHUNT CZ)MOVIE * * • ··Falhnl Satyricon" (18701 Martin Potter, Hiram Ketler A bizarre, surrealisloc vision of 1118 decadence and Clebau· cllety that aullused the RomeofN9t'O 'R' perallng et l'IOme lrom an utc;er allack fD FOCUS OH SOCIETY '1') P88 L.ATEHIOHT Host Dennis Whotey m 700CLUB (Z MOVIE • * "Spetlera" I 1981) Hens Ven Tongtren, Toon Agterberg ThrM Irland• from • smell town t>ecome Involved In the motorcroH racing circuit H :46($JMOVtE **'It "Tap1" 11981) Georoe C Scott. Tlmolhy Hutton Miiitary achoo! ca<lel• take over their echOOI to prevent pl1n1 to turn the academy P<Oj)41'ty into • condO deve4opment 'PO' 12:00 D EHnRT AINMEHT TOHIOHT An Interview with R~wy Ctooney G "§) TlfE LAST WORD 0 MOVIE • • • •1t "Sitter Kenny" (11M6) Aou11nd RuSMll, Dean Jagger A crutadlng nurH developa • con1:0- ver-11a1 cure for lnlanhle paralytls HEWS • MOVIE ••I+ "Cloak And Dagger" ( t9•6) Gary Coo- per, Lill! Palmer A meek professor It esslgned • Merel minion to be c••· rled out rrom behind ene- my lines g) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE "Love And The Weirdo" I "love And The Awk•erd Age" 12:05 H MOVIE • • • "Flalh Gordon'' ( 19801 Sam J Jones, M .. Von Sydow A trlO or earthltngs Ira to the planet Mongo and help 111 OC>Preued tnnabitanll In the overtlVow ol Iha evll Emperor Ming 'PO' 12:25 C MOVIE * * "Conf-IOns Of A Pop Patormer' { t975) Robin Aal<wllh. Anthony Booth. A rock •n· roll •tar finds plenty ol romanttc; action whlle on tour 12:30 a a LATE HeOHT WITH DAVID l.ETT'EAMAH Guetll. oan-e ahOw ho9t· -Carol Mwrtll, Frenken and Davis. TV critic Jett Greenlleld (R) D TOM COTTLE: UP CLOSE Gueat: J1tMS Michener Cf) TOM COTTL&: UP CLOSE Oueata· Guardian Angela founder Cllf'tle Sliwa and hiswlleLIN a> LOYe, AME.fVCAH ITYLE "Love And The Hlddet1 Meenlng" I "love And The Model A.,.,ttnent (Ol MOVIE * *'A "Happy Bif'th<lly To Me" ( t980) Mell... Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford Al murdar begin• c:he>pplng away at het Clfcle of atnlat frlende, • P<ec> ac:hOOI _,. lor worr ... that ane may be the na1tt Ylctlm •• or poall-8' :,:' 'R' • • ·~ "Back Roede" {1ffll Siiiy Fteld, Tommy L .. Jonee A hO<*er and a down-on·hl1-1uck bo1er meet and head -• in Mareh of •new llte. 'R' 12:40 fJ MOVIE • • ~ "Pleasure Cova" ( 1979) Conatanc• For1lund, Tom Jonet. A atatl member" et • posh l1land rHort becomes romantically entangled with a rogulah, charming gunt. i:OOD MOVIE * * * "Any Wednesday" (1988) Jane Fonda. Jason Roblll'da Evwy Wednet- day, • "model" husband vlalts hi• mietre11 In • , ... exemptaolte • MOV1E '*'It "Tune CNpper" (1949) Aockly McDowell, Elena VarduOO A boy ••• to the -In • fllNng boat 10 prow hie Pf-end .. 1 abllah hie manhood MOV1E • •1; "Aetum Of TM Fly" (19591 Vincent Priee, Bratt Helsey After an lnvenl0< dlea u11ng hl1 dillnlagral· Ing machine, hi• son con- tlnUM 10 work on It delt>ft• prot .. 11 from his uncle. ti) MOVIE • ••.t "Ten Second• To Helf" (1959) Jell Chandler, Jack Palance Two _. ml•• fo.ced to work 1o09ther .lghr tor the a11..,non1 01 •dance< (@) EH'TlRT AIHMENT TOHIOHT An lnterYlew with Rosemary Ctooney 1 :30 D Of NeC NEWS OVEAHIOHT Z MOVIE • • ·~ "Cheech And Chong'• Noc• Oreams" (1981) Riehard "ChMCh" 3:30 FAITH 20 ($)MOVIE * * • "The Enforcer" ( 1978) Clint EHlwood, Tyne Daly "Dirty Harty" Callahan la folned by a female rookie In his puraofl ol a group ot Catllornla revotutlonarlet terrorizing Sin Franclaco. 'R' 3:36 (H) MOVll • * *' "All Thal JIU" (1979) Roy Sct>eldet, Jes. lie• L1nge. The tumultu· ous Illa ol a P<OIHllonal choreographer la lollowed from aucceaa on 1he atage to pet'M>nal CflML 'R' 3:56 (CJ MOVIE * *'A "Set..i" (19801 Mar· un Mu•, T.-day W81d A happily married Marin County couple are 8')Uf'red b)' their trendy neloht>or• lnlo a1plortng attarnehve llte.tytes, 'R 4:00 Cf) TOP O' THE MOAHWO m MOVIE ••• 'The Boy With Gr_, Hair .. (19•8) Dean Slockwell, Rober1 Ryan A young orphan must laMn to dHI 'M'lh rejection v.hen his hair turna gr_, CO) HEW DAY IN EDEN @MOVIE • • • "The Gathering" ( 1978) E.d Asner, Mau•Mn Stepleton Longtime diYI· Ilona 1mor>g members of the lamll}I ol • dying man come out In the open when his grown offspring gathef tor a llnal family reunion 4:300 ISPY IULlWINl<LE Tlu•r•day'• Dayf i•r Moeir• Marin, ThomH Cho"-'"'.;.....·1--"'-·,,10...uu..! **"A CMSlmH , Two lnmarate PotMedl Carol" (IV51) Alutalt Sim. IPPMI to have found their KalhlMn HanllQn Blled true calling 11 •"-Y peddle on the story by Char1el ic. u~ on the 11ree11 ot Otckena A cotd.,...,ted LOI Af19eln 'R' mlMr lelrna Iha Yalue ot 1:11 S MOVIE companion through • • "Melvin And Howard" ghottly advanturH on ( 1980) Paul L•M•I Juon Chrlltmas Eve Rol>ard• An olhetWIH ~IC • * • "The Concen unknown gu •t•Uon FOr Kampuchea" Ct980) attendant clllma to be the P9UI McCartney, The WhO rightful heir to Howard A host of rock perlonne<I, HughH' bllllon doller nieny ot whom get togath· ntate. 'R' er In an 1ll-1ter roctc 2:00 fJ C81 HfW8 0<ctt.tra, are INtured In NIGHTWATCH thll record ol • _,.. ol m HIW9 Conc«ll held fO< the bene- f C) MOVIE lit of relief to waMaYaged *'A "Bring Me The HHd Cambodia 01 Alfredo Ga.rel•" ( 197•) O • • • "The Run,_ Wanen Oat .. , Gig Yount, Stvmblal" (1978) Dick Van A falling piano player Mta Oyh, Kathleen Quinlan A out on • long and bloody Catholic ptlatl II tried for trait In Me1lco to retrlev9 • the murder of a nun wlth valuable head and a wtiom he had ~ aut- 't0,000 r-ard 'R' peeted of having an affair IH)MOYlf 'PO' • • "Anal A.lllgnment" (Zl • • "Stromboli .. I 1980) Gen8'lteW Bufokl, ( 1950) Ingrid Befgman. MlchMI York A Carladlan Marlo vtllle. Un-fut TV reporter In Moeeow die-In Improving her lot covere • RvMlan IClentlllc: through marriage, • poor •~patllM<'lt ulinO 1terOld1 htharrneto'• ..tfe .,..,na lor on Children and amugolM -thing baiter inctlmlnallng material oul 1.'00IH **'lt .. Mareh OIThe or the country ·PO' W6odan Soldtete" ( 193•) 1:110 MOYll Stan L-.1. Ollver H•dy • • • "The Enforcer" Two men find ,.,..,,..._ (1978) Cllnl faatwood. 1n • rantaay wofld toy Tyne Daly "0.rty Harty" 1t10p Calll!Mn 11 ,olned by a l :IO (0 I * • ft "Daya Of Wine lefNla roolcle ln hie putll\ilt And Aoaee" ( 1"3) Jecti of a O'OUI> of Calttotnla L8'Tttnon, a. .. Aemlc:k A revotutlonartee tarrortnno ~ and hie wife Sen FrNICleco 'R' ~ ale~. bvt only the husband 11 able 10 rind renabllltellon , ];00 ltJ • * • "Bell" Orr Their TOii" (1962t Myrna Loy, Jeenne Crain The Gilbreth lam•IY carry on In the tradl· llotl begun by their famous lather ( C 1 •'It "The Chrl1tm81 Thlt Almoat WHn'I" (1968) Rossano Braul. 4>eul Tripp. Santa Claus mull take a job in • departmenl atore In order to pay hll back rent. (SJ**•* "Fiddler On The Roof .. (1971) Topor. Norma Crene A pea11nt milkmen In turn--of·lha, cen1ury czarlll Russ.Ii tries to marry oft hit eligible daughter• while trying to hold onto h11 Jewl•h hetl- lage In tlla lace or opprea- alon 'G' 7:30 0 • • * "A Chr11tmH Carol" ( 1951) AIUtair Sim, Kathleen Hlrrlton BaMd on the story by Chetlel Olck..,s A cold-hear1ed miser teams the value of compastlon through gholll)' adventurH on Chrl1tmH Eve. (Z * * * "Llel My Father Told Me" (1975) Jeffrey Lynu, Yo11l Yadln A young Jewish bOy growl up llatenlng to magical tales told to him by the grandlathe• whom he Idol· lzes 'PO' 1:00 'O •••'"'"The Cat And The Canary" (193V) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard In order 10 collect their Inheritance. a tarnlly fl!Ull spend the night In • haunt· edhouM 1:30 l C • • "Improper Chan· nela" ( 1981) Alan Arkin, Marlene Hertley A --of ml1under111ndlng1 cau-• aoclal ..ortiar to suapec:t the 5-year-old daughtar of • MPM••ed couple It lhe YICtlm of chlkl al>uM 'PG 9:00 m • • Bet11nd Tiie High Wall"' C t9561 Tom Tully, Sytv.a Sidney A 1><lson warden nearly des1•oYt the Innocent duvet ol • gel· eway car lhal killed • policeman O • • • "The Asphalt Jungle" I 1950) Slerling Hayden, Jamel Whitmore. The poliGe are b1flle<I b)' a criminal mastermlnd's h•lf·mollion·dollar robbery. 9:30 m • * ·~ "Good Dey For A Hanging" ( 1959) Fred MacMurra~. Maggie -Hayet When an ex-law· man captur .. • slam sher· 111'1 killer. he Is ditmayed 10 find that the 1ownspeo· pie prater 10 think ol hos cap1lve H being gu1lelesa and incapable or 1uch • crime 0 • • • • .. Ou, Time" ( 1973) Pamela Sue MarUn, Park9t' Stevenaon The lfvft of two young couples enrolled .. private KhOOIS 1ra changed when ~ of Ille girl.s dt1COver1 the la 1><agnan1 'PG Z • '"' "Up In Smoke'' ( 19781 CllMCh and Che>ng. Edie .Adami Two drifter• embark on • crou-countty trip, frustrating Ille law and meeting an odd assort· ment of cttarac1er1 elong theway 'R' 10:00 C • • '"' "For Your Eyes Only" PHl) Roger Moore, Topol Jamel Bond !racks • criminal wno purtOlned • top secret Bnh&h delet1H avlce 'PG' (H l * • • "On GOiden Pond" (1981) Henty Fon- da, Ketharlne Hepburn. Old family tanalon• reaur- taca H an elderly couple ratum for • IHI 1urnmer at their New Engla.nd retrHt and are vlalled by their daughter, het "*"" and hleaon. ·po· 1S) •• "Miida in Perla" p988) Ann·Margret, LOUla I Jourdan A Perl• deligMr IWMPI a fllhlon buyer Off hetfMt 11;00.., •• ·~"Back Road•" (1881) Sally Flak!, Tommy lee Jonel A hooltet and a down·On·hll ·fuck boaer meet encl '-" _, In -!Ch Of a,_ H19 'R' 'Zl **'\"~And Chon9'1 Ntc;e OrHma" (IHI) Rlcttard "Cneac:tl" Marin, ThomH Chono _JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk i • I ' , ~ 811 Oranpe CoHt DAILY PILOT/WednMday, Deo«nber 16, 1982 I • '"11 ' .• t- : • BUsiness Orange County Committee for the Arts, Inc. presents ,. the Arts'' Avvards 1982 Award Winners Businesses recognized for outstanding contributions to the Arts CATEGORY ONE Less than SO employees Deepw•ter Chemical Company's contribution to South Coast Repertory has meant donations of merchandise, purchase of corporate season tickets, and, most important, the founding of FACES, SCR's young professionals support group. Deepwater Chemical spearheaded the building fund drive to construct SCR's 4th Step Theatre complex. Deepwater employees match corporate contributions to both the annual fund and endowment fund. -CA TE GORY TWO 50 to 500 employees Dally Piiot and lrvlne Mirror provided professional training tor South Coast Repertory volunteers on "How to Solicit Ads." It also ran community service ads and a special 28 page supplement outlining the theatre's history and its community service programs. Deloltte H•sklns & Sefls has supponed the arts through the personal and professional lnvofvement of srx partners and additional personnel on various cultural arts boards. Contributions ot space and services havi!'llcconfp_.fed ttfs high level of invo1vement. f n addition to generous financlaf assistance to various arts groups, DH&S Is an outstanding example of corporate involvement. C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, through its managing partner. Henry T. Segerstrom, has led the country In recognizing the Arts as a vital ingredient to growth and life. C.J. Segerstrom & Sons has donated the land for South Coast Repertory and the emerging Orange County Performing Arts Center. Not only have they pledged six million dollars for construction of the Performing Arts Center. major sculpture and works of art are intertwined throughout the Segerstrom development of South Coast Plaza. "California Scenario," lsamu Noguchi's 1.6 acre sculpture garden represents the most recent addition. CATEGORY THREE M ore than 500 employees Chevron OU Fleld Research Company's support tor the Orange County Pacific Symphony Orchestra has enabled the orchestra to expand and improve its financial status. The personal involvement of the Company's president and other highly skilled personnel has forged a major partnership which benefits the entire community. Dlsneytand has inspired volunteer efforts in Orange County for many years. In initiating the first West Coast "fnternational Very Special Arts Festival" Disneyland, in conjunction with many and varied community organizations, launched a festival which recognized the universal language of Art. This unique festival was designed to provide a noncompetitive forum tor the disabled to celebrate and share their accomplishments in the fields of visual . and performing arts and to demonstrate that in the Arts, there 1 are no handicaps. Fluor FoundatJon increased Its commitment to the Arts In 1981-82 and pledged two million dollars to the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The key leadership role which Fluor employees have played in supporting the Arts is best exemplified by David s. Tappan, Jr., President of Fluor Corporation, who Is a member of the Business Committee for the Arts, Inc., New York, and who founded the Orange County Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. 23 culturaf arts groups have additionally received generous grants in Orange County. In 1981 Fluor expanded its matching gift program to Include the Arts among organizations eligible for gift giving. Mission Viejo Company has supported many cultural arts groups in Orange County through professional services of company employees-. Also, financial contributions have been made to organizations such as SCR and the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Mission Viejo supports the Natural History Foundation of Orange County with financial and technical assistance. Live theatre was introduced to Mission Viejo Company employees and families by purchasing 2 evening performances of SCR's "A Christmas Carol" and distributing them free ot charge to their employees. Planning was developed in 1981-82 with parent company Philip Morris for sponsorship of "California: Art on the Road," an art exhibit which opened at Laguna Beach Art Museum and is touring the State of California. ' Awards for Cultural Arts South Coast Repertory, with strong corporate support from Deepwater Chemical Co., Ltd., Daffy Piiot and lrvlne Mirror, Mervyn's, The frvlne Company, The Irvine Foundation, Mission Viejo Company and many others, provides award winning productions for 19 ,000 subscribers and theatre goers in Orange County. SCR's efforts In the community provide educational programs which range from seminars for theatre goers to touring shows for classrooms; from an evening conservatory tor 155 students to an intensive 8 week training for 34 professional actors. Stop-Gap Is a non profit theatre dedicated to building communication bridges between peopfe in order to overcome gaps created by age and disability. The theatre helps seniors develop a realistic and positive self Image and gives them an opportunity for expression. Stop-Gap has been supported by Glendale Federaf Savings and Loan Association with funding and employee loans which have added up to an innovative partnership enriching the community. Special Category Awards Chapman Coltege, a four year Independently supported liberal arts college, was awarded a S6,CXX> grant from Mobil Foundation, Inc. for the production of a 1 20 minute videotape production of EdllU1d, an experl~ntal adaptation of Shakespeare's King Lear. Edrn&.s'ld will be aired over Orange Cablevision. Edmund Is a project of the Communications Department of Chapman. The college will provide In kind support In the form of faculty salaries, facilities, equipment, etc. ft is the goal of the Communications Department to Increase public access and appreciation of Shakespeare through this high quality videotape suitable for public broadcast. KOCE-TV, Channel 50, PBS, a public television station, has received support from two local businesses, Mervyn's and First Fedelity Thrift and Loan tor the "Evening at Pops" series. Rutan and Tucker supported the series "Great Performances." In the past year. KOC!-lV has received a total of S526,CXX> In underwriting dollars from over 40 locaf businesses, ulttmately · benefltfng the 2 minion Orange County residents. · ..... "Business in the Arts" Awards Judges Marian Bergeson Assemblywoman, 7 4th Assembly District 1st Annual Competition Cochrane Chase Chairman of the Board Cochrane Chase Livingston & Co., fnc. ' tMhleen Galfander Director Newport Harbor Art Museum For furthe,. Information ptease con~·, Orange County Business Committee tor t , Inc. • • 695 Town Center Drive, P.O . Box Costa Mesa, Callfornla 92626 f714J 754-<>866 A puC>lfc service of IM Dally Piiot , . .. , • Daily Pilat . WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15, 1982 SLIM GOURMET C6 SUPERMARKETSHOPPER C9 Throw a party lo trim the tree ... C12. A welcome alternative to holiday cocktail parties and sit-down dinners Is ·setting out an Inviting dessert buffet. This new way of entertaining is both innovative and cost saving. A well presented selection of desserts will delight friends after a movie, a dance or as an occasion all by Itself. Imported liqueurs transform ordinary desserts into extraordinary presentations. The crepes can be made ahead and refrigerated for up to three days, or frozen even longer. Unlike the classic crepes suzette. these crepes encase a nut filling and are served with a chocolate sauce. Chocolate lovers will find full satisfaction in a moist fudge cake laced with coffee liqueur. Guests who relish a lighter dessert will enjoy a slim slice of Inverness Cake, inspired by the famous Scotch liqueur. All go well with cognac. liqueurs or just coffee. and can be featured throughout the year. Fudge Cake Batter 11h cup• w•t•r 4 aqu•rea unawMtened chocol•t• ¥1 cup aoftened buttef 1¥4 cupe •uo•r 2 t•blHpoona brown aug•r 1n cup con.. liqueur 2 t8bleapoona hot COtfM 2 cupe flour 1 t•••poon bllklng aod• 1 te8apoon Nit 2 egg•, lightly bNten Gl•ze 11h cupa alfted confectioner'• aug•r . 2 to 4 t•bleapoona mllk D••h of v•nlll• extr1tet •'In a 1 V2 quart saucepan, boU the water. Add the chocolate; reduce heat and gently simmer for 8 minutes. stirring often. Remove from heat. Add butter and sugars. stirring well to dissolve sugar. Let cool for 1 hour. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Add liqueur and coffee to cooled chocolate mixture. Add dry ingredients, stirring well. Mixture will be slightly lumpy. Stir in lightly beaten eggs. Pour batter in a greased and floured standard tube pan. Bake for 1 'h hours or until cake tester comes out clean. Cool on rack and remove from pan. Spread glaze over cake. In a mixing bowl, thin sugar with enough milk to give glaze a good spreading consistency. Stir In vanilla. Makes 12 to 16 servings. Inverness Cake 2 cupa •11-purpoee alfted flour 2 t•••poona baking powder 14 t••apoon cinnamon 14 t .. apoon nutmeg 1/• teupoon .. ,, 1h cup ~Her 1 ¥1 cupa •uoar 3egg• 1fJ cup acalded mllk 5 t•bl•poon• liqueur 1 cup •prlcot prnervea, a trained Liqueun transform crepe, cakes into extraordinary presentations. 2 cupe whipped crMm In a large bowl combine flour. baking powder. cinnamon. nutmeg and salt. In a separate bowl, cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add 1 cup of flour to the butter. Then add eggs one at a time. beating well after each addition. (See DESSERT, P .. e CIZ) ~ FESTl\JE DINNER T~KES OFF WINTER') CHILL On a cold, frosty day this season. invite some friends over and warm their spirits with a festive dinner. Take some classic recipes, but make them special with a few different ingredients and spices. Begin with a pork roast. glazed with an orange marmalade-ginger sauce. It will please the palates of With an eletsant table a eold day beeomet cozy. ~ • even the most "light" -hearted eaters, since a 3 ounce serving of cooked, lean pork' has only 206 calories. (And it's a great source of thlamln. as well as Iron. zinc. protein and B vitamins.) Baked acorn squash. <l;dorned with apples. 4 to 5 pound• bon ..... double loln roat, rolled •nd tied 1 cup awMt or•nge marm•lede 1 clove garllc 1 piece (1 Inch) whole ginger root or 111 t ... poon ground ginger fresh-tasting apple jelly and crumbled bacon bits, -is a delicious side dish to your party pork roast. Finish the feast with a scrumptious. easy-to-make strawberry chiffon pie. You'll send your guests away with a meal they'll remember for many cold days to come! ) roast, not touching fat. Bake at 325 degrees F. for 2 to 3 hours or until meat thermometer reaches an Internal temperature of 170 degrees F. Roast Pork With Orange Glaze Freeh or c.nned fruit for prnlahlng, optloMI W•tercreN or peraler aprtga for g•rnlahlng, optional While roast is cooking, prepare glaze. Combine marmalade. garllc and ginger In a saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture bubbles. Remove garlic and ginger root. Brush glaze over roast 2 or 3 times during the last 30 minutes of roasting. Serve any leftover glaze with roast, If you wish. Place roast on platter; garnish with fruit and watercress or parsley, If desired. Makes 8 to 10 servings. Place roast, lean side down. on rack in open roasting pan. Insert meat thermometer so ~lb Is In thlQkest part pf Baked Acorn Squash 4 medlum-aln acorn aquuh I atlcee bllcoft ~ cup apple ..., 4 tart red cooking .,, •••• oored •nd diced Cut squash In half lengthwise: scoop out seeds and discard. Place squash. cut side up, In a large baking pan. Pour about 1 cup of bolling water In the bottom of pan around squash. Cover pan with foll. Bake In a 325 degree F. oven for 1 hour. While squash Is baking, cook bacon In a large sklllet until crisp; drain on paper towels; cut or crumble bacon Into bits. Discard all but about 2 tablespoons bacon drippings from skillet. Heat apple jelly In skillet with drippings until mehed. Remove from heat; stir In apples. Uncover squash; flll cavities with apple mixture. Continue to bake 16 minute& or until squash Is fork-tender. Sprinkle with bacon bits Just before aervlng . Makee 8 eervlnga. • Strawberry Chiffon Pie 1 ennlope untlevond geletlne 2 teblnpaona oold water - 1111 cupe •tnnrbenr pr111n• (11-ounoe Jar) 3 tallla1paNe lemon Juice 'At te11paon ..n 3 ... whlt1a, et room temper•tvre 1ouphenJorwn 1 bekecl and aaolecl I Inch ,_.,, .,... WNpped ....... and ............. tor pm ...... opllonal In a small aaucepen, eprlnkle gelatine over cold wat•; let stand 5 minute& to aoften. Oleaotved over very low heat, stirring often. Remove from heat; atlr In preeervee, lemon juice and aalt. Refrigerate until mixture mounds allghtly, about 30 · minutes. Beat whites In a emaH bowl untll atlff; told In strawberry mbcture. Whip cr•m In a large bowt; told In atrawberry-.gg white mixture. Chltl mixture untH It moundl allghtly, about 14 minutes. Spoon mixture Into patry ahetl. Refrigerate untn ttlMng II very flrm. Mak• 8 MMnga. ,. . . t 'a Orang Cooat DAILY PIL Ol /W d11tt1C.1oy, 0 cen1ber l b, 1982 Friends, Romans, countrymen observed rites T h t• t r u d l t 1 11 11 a I customs l'\lllt11~·t1·d with C h ris lnius h11 Vl' l'llllll' ubo u t u11 u n•i;u ll u f t•ol nd dt•m·l· Both t lw fl'nst of the Nut1v1ty of C h rist a nd th<' pagan ugrkuhural and solur observances took plul'C in mid w l n ter bt't ween rx~oember 17 and 24. I t was a tlm l' o f merry mak i ng a nd excha nge of presents In the Roman world. The Roman New Year was January 1 when houses w e r e d ecorated wi th gr1;.oenery and lights and presents were given to the childre n and the poor. Then u me the yule ri t es of the Teuton ic tribes as they penetrated into Gaul, Britain and central Europe. Yuletide brought its own tradit.ion of feasting with special food and good fellowship. There was a Yule log and Yule cakes, greenery and fir trees, wassailing, gifts and greetings. Fires an d lights, symbols of warmth and lasting life, have always been associated with the winter fes tiva l, both pagan and Christian. E ve rgr eens, as symbols of survival. date back to the 8th century. The Puritans objected to the traditio n al C hristmas customs because they were pagan i n origin. Since the middle of the 19th century Christmas has become increasingl y po pular a nd com - mercialized. If you wish to keep your gift list simple, you might consider a portion or a whole round of Roquefort c heese, a bottle of wine and one of tne lat.est bottle openers as an appropriate gift i d ea dating bac k to a ntiquity. A c h eese l ike Roquefort w as sent to Rome as early as 100-250 A.O. It wasn 't officially named unt il r ecords dated 1070 A.O. referred to Roquefort cheese from the Roquefort Caves. Lu!>t Liu 1 11ut lc:u:.l. Llw It 11 I 1 d H y 1' l ' U 1' II II I ll •I h·~tlvt• llllll' 111 1•nt1•rt11ln fnl•nds uml fm 111ly. ll1:n • un· SOllll' :.1111ph• IU•nlUkt• h u l 1tlu y Ho4ucf o rt llJ>l>l'll7t'flot STUFFED MUSHROOMS Combine• together I cup o f Itallon suusugt' (either hot or mild) with 2 tablespoons chopped c hives, 2 tablespoons c hoppe d parsley , 3 tablespoons c rumbled Roquefort. 2 teaspoons dry m us tard. sail and pepper. Remove the s te m s fr o m 16 medium mushroom caps and chop Cine. Saute the stems in butter until a lmost cooked. Add the sausage mixture. Continue to cook . s tirring into a paste. Stuer the mushrooms. Arrange stuffed side up on a broiler pan. When ready to ser ve place under the broiler until h eated through. Dust with paprika. Note: If you pre fe r • completely cooked caps broil them ahead before stuffing. CAULIFLOWER DIP Slice the cauliflower buds thin and place in cold water to crisp while prepa rin g the dip . Combine i;, pound cream cheese with 1 ounce of crumbl ed Roquefor t. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of chopped s ha llo ts plus gar lic, Wo rcestershire sauce and hot sauce to taste. Thin to the consistency d esired with coffee cr eam (about ~ cup). Don't overbeat because it s h o uldn:t be runny . Note: This combi.nation is tasty w ith crumbled ba.con added. ARTICHOKES ROQUEFORT Canne d a rtichoke bottoms are packed 6 to 8 in a tin. They may need add itiona l boiling in water i f they seem tough. 1111'\lllll' hold!. t111-t,•th1•1 ('u1 1•111'11 11rt11 lrnk1• lt11 t t11111 111 I h 11 11:-, 111' lllllll'll'l N, lht•11 plh• Mlllll1 o f 1 lw 1111xtu1·1· 011 l'lll'h flll'l'l' u11ll nl•rv1· 1·01u Nu t1• Th1i. rn1xtu11• 114 go Cl d st• r v l' d 1 n r 11 w 111w.l 11111i111 11111' llOl.IOAV l 'II l·:1•;s t•; lWIU~AI> l'o111l11111• t11UC'llll'1 11 J p11unds sl111•dtJt•d 11l1111•p du·dd.11 with 11 pound 1·1 11111llh•d Hut.jut· fort, 2 1,1h lt'l>Jll1011s soft buut•r. 2 h'u-.poun' 1411111•d 111111111, I tt•ui.11111111 di \ lllU '!t U I d U n I 'I' ti h ii 11 I' U ii II d W111 1·t •i;1t•r s hlf'1• i;11u1·1· lt) l111>ll', 111 ll 1111 g1• llll'<f'I l>owl Ll·t hlUIHI UI 1110111 ll•m JH·ru1un· for :rn 111111u11·ic t:1.11 h1.illy udtl 11111· It 11u111 • 1 .111 111 lw1·1, l11 ·11t111.: w ith 1•l1•1·11·11· llllXl'I 1111111 NIHIJOth Sl'I V1· IJll l '1'1ll'k1·1 H UI 11'11'11-{l'lhtt• Ill lightly l'CIVl'l l0 d 11111t .1l11 1•1 M.1k1·-. uhoul f1 l'UJ>i. of ,1111 ,11 I n11msa:: 'N J"IW IT OJI' l'11111l11111· I JllH llH f l'l 1'11111 dll'('"'. 1 I )Mllllltl l 'I U111hl1·d Htl\jUt•l1111 111111 II I <I h I (.It IJ Cl I) II .. w I 111 (1 1lh1·1 11·d or wh1t1·) 1111 t ii "1111ut h Sl 1 v 1· w Ith -.1 tu•i; 11f 111 .... lt pt'.11 1> tll 11pplt'1> Ill 1111 11.i< k1 1-. '1'1111< muy he · p1 .. p:111·d 111 mlva111•1• 1111d rt•f l'IJ.:l'l'.lll'd S1•1 \'\1 flt I 111 JI II I I' 111 JH • I ti t U I t• MJkt•'> 2 11 \ UIA Wine is linked with' Eastern mythology from very e arly times. It had its own god Bacchus and was featured in many pagan rituals. Bottle o peners are in the ir infancy by comparison . Ge ntly combine ~ pound of crab meat or flake d tuna with 2 t ablespoons c rumble d Roquefor t, 1 chopped hard c oo k e d egg, 1 t a blesp oo n c h o ppe d onion with about ~4 cup p r epared Tho u sand Island dressing until the 36000 125959 36000 125967 on2 , Nothing sets th~t special ·mood like ~he richness . of Brim~ And, ~nee Brim is de<aff einated, you can savor its rjch; ~tisfying taste cup after cup. (; .. F., So clfJ) this coupon and save 60¢ on .. Brim Ground. Then flll your cup to the rim. __ with the richness of Brim . .. .. --------------~ when,..,.. buy S TOf!( ((Ul()N llii1r GROUND OCCAFFUW'ED comE 6()t -------,.......... . . l91Mreuller.~to1Hc>.,.,l••, "" ,.......,,..,..,,.,. ,,..., .. ,~ ... ul 1iw. ..... ., 1M 10 lw ~ ~ r."' tfh""t •I Oii 11\f '41le Iii ""' 'Clf(illfd ptlldll.1 lllf I ~ '"""'"' ~·Ol wl!Mtl f'Vtd.fl(t 111 l!Ultll.>wllltff<ll l<M"'"IOI~ lo><.tntr•l I"'"" C11rp (lll'!)Ol!M.lytllll llUWQ/1\-d t1,.,_lt11!'41• tf'll'lldll<l'd lll\tc>tl'(~ mll\l Poly "'Y ~It/\ I.I• lllld ...,.., lk«ltl>tlfd ll•l'f '" ttl4t1<lfd 11!1ltwWl\l1>111~ "'U ~A Pu.no Ro<o MldU\ (1,.1 ~-~ CWl•.iw 11/0C tour.,,.,Oul l'fhnP•fddptnt1'f.~lf'tt!lojllDU\"°' ~ ,,,.f'J •• °'fr'-Mf ,.~t .. llldo!l•~.,(Jf ....... 1~ • 'fn>!K.dJ ......... llN ll!IWI lo""""" «"41'1"11• ,.......,.,., ,.,~"""'" . ..,,,...,,~.,.....,,,o .. .... ,~~loC..-•""'~<ciro PO&•~'! ..........,.., ll l!O'Wll Offtf _.,., .... M , I Ml. '""<IA.Cl! .. ....., only .... """"'"' (Jf ,..1 ..... 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CTM4l6 ·c-1 .... ,....,,.,..,..,. ,1,...i.i.i. ..i. .... I 1 1 ---------------STORE COUPON 9L03000 •1.00 CHECK ONE KENT B TRUE NEWPORT 0 KENT Ill 0 GOLDEN LIGHTS TRIUMPH OLD GOLD MAX 11.0Q CODE 015 STORE COUPON SEO CHECK 9734 -----'-f9'--·---,-.- (' I Orang1 Co at DAILY PILOT /W dneaday, Docen1ber 1&, 198' ulinary expertise bas ed on f air f Or dramatic en trees l lt•v\11' h~ll .. ~-s. notl-d 1111 their h1 ~-.p1111laty a nd 'm ·t•:.sf u I l'n t<.·rtaanmg, ...._.,}'' food with a Clair M · n y huvc built I,., UlallOllS us l'Ulinary 1 x1 •t'ls with utw or two 11ut wnding n-cipcs. l ut your hl•st f is h .furt·a rd. L ut the holiday "'il m ht• your reason for '''r •1ng F'est ive G lazed S.1 non A whole glazed s,tl \On oCCers a dramatic ;.i Pl 1 oat·h to a bu CC e t, and 11 1 good looking as well .1s ood l'atmg. ' lw prcparation o f 1 h1 :-.pt'<.'1ally is planned su hat a minimal effort 1s 1•qu1rt•d in the final 'ta 'l'S bl·fo1·e serving. 1'\·~11vl' G lawd Salmon is .1 'f'l'IPl' lo l·he rish for 'J>l"-'1.11 OC't'<lSIOnS. Fl:)ST I VE GLAZED : SALMON , J or 4 pound salmon or :111hcr dressed fish , I n·~h or frozen : Cou rt Bou ill on 1n•pµt• follows) 1 Deco rati o n s - l1·rfun and lime slices, pir•m•nto, and olives : Clear G laze (recipe lollows) ; Bibb ll'ltuce Mayonnaise or salad dr ::-.mg haw froze n fish . C l tin and was h fi s h . Pl t·c o n a rack in a :!O inch fish poaching pa 1. Po ur cool Court Bo 1llon over fish. Cover an l simmer 20 to 30 m1 lu te s o r unlit fis h fla cs easily when tested w1 h a fork. Remove fish 1m l<.'diately. Lt•avang the head and ta~ mtat·t. carefully skin th fish. Also the gray- f a 1 v flesh sho uld be n'r)1oved to reveal the pit flesh . Place fish on a · rge serving platter. Ch 11 thoroughly. o g laze fish . p our s l g htl y thic kened St•pso ne d As pic Glaze l'Vtnly over the entire f1.Jh C hill. Continue gl<tzmg and chilling until yoµ have built up an cvl•n clear Ya inch of glaze. Chill thoroughly. R"e move g 1 a ze from er. o decorate fish, place border or lemon and c• s lices around fish. ·orate the top of the h using pimiento and < ws. Chill again. Pour htly thicke ned Clear aze over the entire h h ill tho r o ughl y . movC' g t aze from tter and garnish with b lettuce. Chill until mg ti me. Serve with yo nn aise. Makes proximately 24 to 32 vmgs. OURT BOUILLON 2 quarts water 2 cups sliced celery 11/J cups sliced onion 1 cup s hced carrot '· 1 cup vinegar udge has irl of o l mint This recipe for holiday dgc will surprise you man y wa ys . ppermint Surprise dge 1s surprisingly ick, delicious and easy, T h is fudge is quick ·ause it isn't cooked on of the stove. Instead, 's coo k e d in a icro wave oven . The lire cooking process k cs less tha n nine inutes. And, s urpris ingly ough. there's no need r a c andy ermometer. With this ipe, you cook by time, t by temperature. The fudge is a blend of Ol:olate, marshmallow eme and evapo rated ilk, and natural cereaJ. c cereal surprises you it)'l 'its nutty crunch. r us h ed pe ppermint andy is s wirl e d roughout, creating a 2 1.1bll·spoun:. salt H f1l'J'IX'l l'Orm. 4 ll•mon i.hl.'\' · SEASONED ASPIC GLAZI!: until 11lrgh1ly th1L'k<.•11t'tl Muk,•11 u pproximult•ly 21,; cupe glaw. Cl~EAR GLAZE 3 1)~11 s ll'Y sµr1gs 2 I.my ll•UV('S ' , 11•aspoon w holt.• thyni1.• i c• n v C' I o p c , unflovon·d gl1lutin 1 I l'Up WUll'I' I C1 1\Vl•lopl' unfluvor<.'\J 1-wlutin '• cup wutt•r Com bint• all :l l ' u ,, Ii b 0 I I j II g <..'Olldl•nscd dear <:hlcko1f brulh 1 1 cup l>0iling watc1' lllMl'<.'<.lil•n ts in a 4-quart sauceJ>lln. Simmer, uncov- ere d , tur 4!'> mi nu tes. S t ra in . Coo l. Makes approximately 1 1A quarts boulllon. 2 tablespoons lt•mu11 juk·<.• Soften g<.•lutin in l'Old wu1cr. Dissol ve gelatin m boiling broth. Add lemon juice. Ctiill Sufl,•n s.wlutin In <.'old w:it<.·r. Dlssolv<.• gewtin in boiling wuwr. Chill until I s lightly thickened . Mukt•s upprox1matdy J CUf' glau.• ••• ••• ••• ••• • •• ,,,,,,,,,, HOLIDAY MEATS BONELESS 197 ~~~s~~M Lo Fuqy (OOktcl IHalf Ham lD , 091 LARGE ENO RIB ROAST BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST 8onOecl IHI lD e BONELESS TURKEYS ..._,. -ll" llUTTllt .. JTID FRYINC CHICKEN -.---· CROSS RIB ROAST -.n-o••°"'°' ...... . .. 1.58 ... 49 .. 1.89 HOLIDAY PARTY SNACKS LAOV LEE BOLOGNA •• 1 .28 ~ BRAUNSCHWEIGER .. 1.09 .-m .......... POLISH SAUSAGE ... 2 .29 ·-111 . .. KNOCKWURST ... 2.18 ~·m . ........ HOT LINKS .. 2.19 LAO"t ltf , ROUND STEAK .. 1 .97 IONf\ I\\ IOICJf 0 •I' 'llJ CV1 !,~JJ!,~~f!,L! TURKEYS " • 94 ~~!~0ER JOHN SAUSACE" 1 .19 ~F~~r#~~.~~YS . ".89 GRADE A DUCKS ... 89 ~~~~!;~ "'GwAME HENS 0 , .. 1. 3 9 ~;STERN OYSTERS1001 ... 1.59 ~?.~'!! 1~CON "" .. , 1. 6 9 S,.LJ_!~,~~lf .. Hf,,.M "3. 99 CANNED & PACKAGED I~~!.,ON HERBAL TEe(l l0• 1.07 r ~~~~~E TINY ~L~~01 , • .,89 CANNED & PACKAGED f" OCEAN SPRAY 99 6 ~l£ES a soi ctn • l Paci! S Varlttlft f"EVAPORATED 47 ' ~ILK noi tin• f ~!,L~~~!~.~~(~1~!<.,. 1. 25 £~.~!!~ BlDS '"°''°' 1.69 !NESTLE'S OUIK •iorn,11 2 .59 r ~NNA SAUSACE •Ol <""• 97 r MOTT'S APPLE Juic..E°' "' 1 • 4 9 r :~N_.S!i~N!.,~~~~~E~~°' ao• 1 .19 r ~o!.~~El<~ACHES >001CA~.6 5 rea~!~~E 75 OIC-• 1001 01 .. tLAOY LEE MAYONN~11~E .. , 1 .12 r ~!f,;.x ...:~~~LS ''°' to.1 .69 I~!T! SAUCE 0 01 ... 1.49 ~e~~~.~I~. OLIVES "ow~.99 r ~E!~,~~ BEANS . "° °' c·,.. 99 !WESSON OIL ''°' .;11 .99 !~~E.~~~.~PREAOS ,01 .... 69 r ~~:2 CELA TIN •ot '°'. 5 9 CANNED & PACKAGED f" BROWN 'N SERVE59 ' ~O~y 1H t Pllg e AM Vl r!tflft C&H SUCAR Grll!ulltlCI COLD MEDAL 89 FLOUR SlD 119 • r ~~f.~!~~.O~P ••,,on.,..37 IS!~Y\~~~t SOUP 1on 011A••49 LIQUOR & WINE r ~:: ..... 999 r~2;~UGGLER ,t\11,.,, 10.99 !~~NOFF voo~"'"''' 9 .99 !~HATKA V~~.:n 7 .99 !~~~~~':1'S 7CROWN 1199 IONOOI • 'f\tt• I t\ • f ~<?,'!~~~~M '"""" 9.99 f~~~.~~y·s SHERRY" .. _,, 7 .49 ....... 1.99 From all of us at Lucky to all of you and yours ... happy holidays! DELICATESSEN ITEMS f" CUDAHY ..ft98 &CANNED ~~~ r~~y LEE SALAMI. 11111 .. ~ 1 .59 r.~~~CO POLO SA~~l°" .. 3.89 r ~~~~~ POLO SALA~ ... 2 .19 !~~~RY JACK B1scu1;;, .. ~ .55 r ~~~ETTE CHEESE •cv .., 1. 29 r s~~CENT Rous •N .. , • 79 I ~~~~· HOT LOAF "'.. • 79 £ ~1~1BURY PIE CRU~~, .. _ 1 .19 r ~~~~M CHEESE ,n, ,.. .• 69 r KEY BUYS MEAN EXTRA SAVINCSI ••v eun .,.. •tfml orireo i.tow mew tttr¥Gay OIKOU!lt Pfl(tl Ma rtwtt Of INllUla<tiM'trJ' temcio<ttv oromotion• ill!Owl!'l:n or u cfl)tionll PIK<"-' ..W-. flnCI ~ Ol ltfY luy ltHl!l fYffY tllN vau VOCI r ~~~~.~~e~., uni .. ~ 2 .29 r :~f!~1~LOC WITH ~~!~1.99 r ~~2.~~.e: l~~~J.~ r .~~~: 1~HEESE •N ~, 1 .29 IN .. < 1 .09 ! SCHIRMER'S KIELB~1S~.. 2 .19 I sensation in every te Delicious! ..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After coo king a ixture of butter, sugar d evaporated milk, the !Ill Is a simple matter of ixing and chilling. Sur mi -aweet chocolate icces Into the butter ixture until they melt. h e n f o ld In th e malning lngredJenta. Nc-xt, spread the fudge to a greased pan and ill acveral hours. After '1' firm. cut It Int o d lvld ual pieces an d ftJIMlE, CJ> Karen Weil Saved s11.e2 K••tn •own wttk • thOl)o1ng 101•14'0 1$$ 44 11 lix:hy Tiit Hmt or comoar•bl• 1111mt ti Ill• 1uperm1rktl of lier CllOtCt IOl•l•d 173 "' T11111. ll V•llO• OI Sl1 02 II Lucky• ,,. ,, •• , ~ ,. "'" l(t1 ' ~,~-~., • °"' -· ,,.OI.., .. _., .......... '-"''"'to lit •110(1... f""W CWW" no1 '41ftt••• .. lJ'\11 IJt!Mtl -rt 00<-If tlVv _., OW-•• '"1 & ~ '"" Ollt<OO c-.of' • • • • " f c;;tive· G lai~d . olmon is u recipe to cheriKh for special occa sion • A good looking as it is good t asting, this d ramatic d ish will im press ho liday buffe t guest&. QUALITY PRODUCE COLDEN ~.23 BANANAS Ripe lltacly to U t RED lD.49 CRAPES RtfrHIWlg U S NO 1 NAVEL 89 ORANGES 4 ~flt() F¥1<Y Bag e RED DELICIOUS 89 APPLES ~~ Washington 3 ~ • htra FMtCV H OUSEHOLD & PET r ~~~~INU~ F-Oll '"'..,,. 1 .29 r ~~~~N TISSUE 1 03 01-llD OI Mttl • Jot I'°"' • f MIU<·~~.~~ TREA ~; .., •• 85 FROZEN ITEMS r DOWNYFLAKE 99 WAFFLES 1101 Pllg . I g~~~~~~~~ '101 C•h 79 r BIROS-EYE COOL WHIP 79 ION"" tfC...U.OOlhTHffl-t OI ""• !STOKELV_'S CUT COR~.111 -. 73 £.~~~~~~E~RIES ~01 -~ 1 .43 r EL _CHARRITO TAO~l~?;.1 .15 r~~~:g'.~eN.OIN~~o~..,.1 .79 r ~1!<?:~ ~OX PIZZA ••Ol oo• 1 .55 UOlll>•• 77 !~~~;>. VECETABLES .oci "'• 79 DAIRY ITEMS !!?.~OCENIZED MILK""'"' 1 .93 r ~;~,L CREAM TOPPINf 01 ,.., • 99 !Ja~?~f!!A JUICE ••on•• 1 .69 !!~~,pRES~I~ •• °' m .59 LADY LE~ ECG NOC .. 01 '"' 1 . 5 9 r ~~,1,PPINC CREA~ ,.°' cr11 1 .09 !LADY LEE SOUR CRE~~, 11~ .89 ~!DY LEE BUTTER ••oi cr• 1 .87 GENERIC ITEMS ~ ~OAS~EO PEAN~!s ... 1 . 79 HOT COCOA MIX ttO• 901 1 .19 Lii.... '""'' CORN MUFFIN MIX ""'''"'23 t flltW BROWNIE MIX tt 6190•·98 ""'"" CENERIC COOt<IES .. tw .... 99 CICllCUll t ... !)OT .... """'" CUT aREEN BEANS •~Ol 1•·33 fl"'"" r I hru I),., . :~I . I cnt! Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special 8 2.99 Three for the money-two tasty shrimp. a rish rillet and a whitemeat Chicken Plank • served with fresh coleslaw. fryes and hushpuppies. 3095 I larbor Blvd. In Co\ta Mt'!.J l1 1 111t1,1t '-tn U1t~u •~~ .,,.,,, 1111111 1 .. 1 , 147 IS lcff11·y Kd .it \\ ,,, ., ,,11,f "" ,,.111 '\1 d "' If VtUl' ''ORDER NOW FOR· CHRISTMAS'' • FRESH TURKEYSI ........ _.........~ • SPECIAL CUT PRIME RllSI I •TAVERN HAMS • GIFT PACKS, WINE, CHEESE & F.RUIT BASKETS • LET US TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS HERE AT PACIFIC RANCH MARKETI - I.I.I.A OltlGE EASTERI COHFEI . 49 BEEF BICK RIIS MllUUTEI IEEF .... LOllDOll . . BICK RIIS 2 u . 19•L,, 99•L,, BROIL ll•&· 3.41 L•. mFFH FOSTER FIRMS EXTRA LEAi IOT TO EXCEED 11% . CORlllSH HEllS CORlllSH HEllS ==:,"!urn. 14! "''' 99•L,, ... ,. 149 L'· 1.lt 2.21 THIJlll MUIHTED COUITRY STYLE 14!, BEEF 38! PORK KABOBS ,..,. c ... RIBS ,..,. 1.11 l•. FRESH FISH & SEAFOOD -DELIVERED DAILY . . ' P' SHIRE 1IJ SJ[ -. EISTERI . .... SILMON 4,, ~iEI S'! EASTERN LITILEIECl1,, STEAKS BASS OYSTEllS 25 ~ clams .. ,. II TIE i... O.J 1.21 l•. lllELL la. L' ... -.• -- ~ ~ FARM FRESH PRODUCE POTATOES FRESH . IYOCIDOES '::~E;R 29~. 1us.;.01s 89! URGE SIZE 3/ *1 CARROTS 1ft t1i. CELERY 2ft 1 .. OlllOIS 1ft .... FRESH HOLIDAY NUT SALEI SPINACH 3/*1 WALNUTS 1'! snn a llH ZUCMllll PICILITI ll•C· 2.H 1 '' le lttft Tltittlc ......... 11, 11-4 CHESTNUTS .27!. WI DlllVH ,ARKING AVAILAILI AT HAR OF STOH Pacific Ranch Market 3347 E Coast Hwy Corona del Mar 673·3510 F or coniplete ad copy and art services MIXED NUTS 1'!. advert isers a ll along the Orange Coast D .1 ,.1 l rely on II J 11 ,, Bring Imnerlal® home tOr the holidays andsave30¢ - On ~f irsL>day of Christmas my tr~~ fJll'Df-'h> me-'. .. a ~icecream on a ~ Perfect for Christmas - Pints, quarts and cakes. We also have Haagen-Dazs Gift Certificates, Haagen- Dazs T-shirts, hats & bags. , ' , tyiagen-Daz~ The Ice cream dedicated to pertectfont So.iltt Co al PtalD 3333 Rrt11ot Sllffl 16·1 So CO<lll Hwy Cotti MMcl C1 1121126 l ~l•"3 Bf'"'lt 714 711• 1762 714 0 4 5507 • •• r••-~ •• , Orang COOll DAIL v PILOT /W@dneaduy, Ottceml>er ie. 1882 Conventional method best for h .oliday bird th UAllBAllA <:iB UONS T ll E BEST ROAST Tl'llKEV METllOll Thi • Jnut thil of l"ootl S1 11•1\l't' t·ompan·cl lt1ur 1111•thuds lor r1111 :-.t111 g 11 11 kl'v I r om tht• 1 roll'll ... 1:11 1.' low ovt•n h1•a1 , h 1 g h o v t' n h 1• n t , lllh'l'OWHVl' und "t'OOktng ll:ig .. t\11 11wthods n•sulll'd 111 b1 rds of acc1•1.>1ablc• 1.11111g qua lity, but I • I •• :.. t In~ a I u r kt• y u1110Vl'rt·d 111 ~l low hl•at o \'t•n rt•t't'I Vt'U I ht• t11g h1•s1 r.i 1111g 111 .di .11 tnl>u1t·:.. M11·n1w.1v1· roast1•d 111rk1•v was lht• most ,•1wrgy dftt:tt•nt. but tht• h1nb \.\'t•rt• ratt•d low 111 .qJp1•Jr<.1m:C' and L'illlng quality (som<' had pink I high joints). A I I t u r k l' y s w t' rt' 1 naswd to un in tt•rna t t1•rnpl'raturc of 175 dq~rc•1·s. tested with a nll'at thermometer More news and Vll'Ws I rom thL' ml'dieal <and t1·1·hnical journals: WHAT'S BETTER TllAN A CHICKEN? l;uinca hen. U(X'ording to .another report in the• Journal of Food S<.·tL'ncc. A s pcc1alty poultry th a t 's growing in popularity. this fabulou:. fow l 1s lower in fat . sodium and cholcsll'rol than chicken. but higher an po tassium and B v1U\mtns. UN DER ST U DY : FAKE FAT Sucrose polyester as a synthetic fa t with no calories bt>cause it's not absorbt>d. but ll has all the tastt>. tt.'Xturc and phys ic al properties of shortening. Experiments with extremely obesc people. reported in the American .l o u r n a I o f C I i n i c a I Nutrition. indicate that the se<:rct substitution of fakt• f<tt for high-calorw :.horlening helped to reduce mealtime caloril' mtake by 30 percent. The patients dad not make up for th(• missing calories by adding other snacks. Bonus finding. the fake fat h e lps lower b l ood f at levels by rt'ducang absorption o"r c:h o le s tcr o l and tnglyc<'ndes LE NT IL S FOR BREAKFAST? Serving le ntils fo r breakfast instead of bread -provided a better blood sugar level among volunte e r s. experiments reported in the same journal. NAVY BEANS IN CAK~'! ./\w111 Jmu 111 \').IWl'hlll'lllll I l'Vlt'Wl'd Ill < • 1· 1· 1• u I l' ht• mi:. t r v 111ag11111H'. I lour m.1u~· lro1n nuvy h1 •un hull11 w.1., ww<l to n •plat·1• part ut lhl' t't•gulur flour in 1·ak1•s Tht• l'L'SU 11 ·> A l 'il k1• that w11s mon · m111s1 and tt·nc.lcr , .. g<.xxl Utsting llul h1glwr in fiber. SWEET POTATO IN DOUGHNUTS? -High an vitamins A and C . :..wt'L't potatoes arc not partic ularly µopu lar 1•x1·l•pt an areas wht•n • llw~ .111• g111w11, ur du1 Ill~ thl' h111ld,1y M'll.,011 J\ l't' 111 U I II.: l 11 l IH• .J1111r11.tl of 1-'oo<l &·u•ttl'\'. y1•ai.1 1 uasl'd douuhnut11 malll• Wllh i.Wl'l't potlllU pulp rC<.~1v1•d lo(liud ~·or1•11 on tosu• 1t•s1s. ll'fkll h ·ll Ill lh•· .l11U111111 111 Fuod ~·w111't • Uhl v1•11 1·11uk111g w.ai. upp1111•11t In all louv1•, I l'~t11'dh•:..>t of 11hup<·: rmg, oval 111• loaf. T llE ELECTRONIC SUPERMARKET of tht• M I C R 0 W A V E lutur1• will bt-tied into MEATLOAF HAZARD~ home compute rs an d Mt•atlouvl'S rnodl• ll\Wra(•t1vt• 1'V sets. with bt•C'f-purk grnuncl It will pNniit shoppers ml•at mlxturc•s contahwd tu cull up a catalog of infL-ctlvl' trkhinal' from food!\ on their video the pork in t>ight out of scrt..'l'ns, compare prices. JO s amph.•s cookc•d 1n p I u ,. c• or d e r s microwave OVl'ns, as t•ll'Ct1 onically, and s how n by r cs t• a r <.' h charge• lht• c..'OSt to thf'tl' prices good thru dee. 21 ., meat l'lw~:kan.c .11.'l'uUlllH P I I I t.• r u g <'. w o 1.t «'. uounl't•d t.'ht•ckrt und ud costs will Ix• n-<.lut•t..-<l J.'ood hhop1.wr1> with llJX.'Cltil flCL'<IS l'OUlcl hur11J together Into compuwr CO•OPS lo g(•t prlCl' savinf(ll on qu untlty purchases. uc<.·ord m8 tu an urtlclt• in Cert•ul lo~ouds World. COFFEE BAGS ARE ON THEIR WA\', claims the Journa I of Food SciencL•. Single-servrn~ coffC'C bags. similar to tc.•u bags. wall be introducl'd lllllllRIO 11hortly an u nt>w puckagl' form. SO DIUM IN DRINKING WATER Is nol r<.'llll(•d 1.0 high blood prl•ssurc, s how11 u study of 295 people in one rt• g 11rn o r M i t: h i !(a n when.• Lhl' suit content of thL' drinking water 1s high. Tht• rc•port was ub!>'\ruttL'll in tht> Journal of the Anwracun D1ctctic As.wdallon • no dealer sales • llmlt rights reserved SWITCHI NG TO SOY MILK reduced the cholt'StC'rol levt'l or nwll' volunt('(~rs wi\h h igh C'h olcstcrol levels, but made no changt' among t h us l' w i t h n o r m.a 1 cholesterol, st.att..'S a study uutlinC'd in the Journal of the American Medical Association. I n th e st udy , <.·ondue·ted at th e Un1vers1t y of Westl'rn Ontu11 0. Cu11:.HJu, th1• only dit•t t•hungt• bt•lng 1: o m pa r 1.• d w a " l h (' Rubitltution of llOY milk for <.'Ows' milk IRON FORTI FI ED SALT is being wswd an India, In an <>ffort to reduce iron deficiency an<>mla, r e port s the Ame rican J ournal of Clinical Nutrition. TrialB of one year to 18 months of about 6.000 city a nd rural p eople have shown improved blood levelB of iron after USC or the fortified salt fresh, local grown tender leaf specials<' htlNlly nut rvest new crop II shelled R 1pecans bulk only 1:1 ' 1 new crop I I she':d .. 4·:19 .. 2.9 8.' . almonds bulk only 1 59. ' ..... 2.79 •. • new crop I! shelled . walnuts bulk only 2 59 ...... 4.29 •. • provisions ----=-~ Bake a loaf for brunching 1ustin·newport/cos1a mesa only tustin·newport/costa mesa onlv ""1JD=it=r sallies topaz ·;)' Th<' dcl1 c 1ou slv dt'hl·atc flavor of lemon accented wtth nutmeg and crunchy JX'('ans gives this yeast bread pull- apart ring a unique twist. twist. j LEMON-PECAN RING I (I -pound) loaf frozen bread dough •, of :J 1 ~ ounce pa~kage lemon pudding max ~ t/J c u p f i n e I y cheppcd pecans : 3 wblcspoons butter. melted • •;, teaspoon nutmeg ~llow frozen dough to thaw a<.·cord1ng l o pat'kagc dirl'<.'t1ons. Cut the onc•-pound loaf into 24: equal piece s . Max to~ethcr the pudding ma ture> with the nuts an nutmeg. Lightl y butter a 10-anch rang mold ~prinkl f' 2 spoonsful oflpudd1ng mixture arclind bottom of mold. Oat each piN.'C' of dough an~ melted butter. und th n into pudding m turt• forming two lulr; r 1 n k I <' 11 n y n • a I n i n g b u ll c· r o r p dang m1xtur~ over tof of dough. Allow to raiuntil double-cl In iuze. B e an prchc•nt<'d 350 d r ec ove n 20 -25 m1 u,,.., OTE. If top of ring sc: to be browning too q kly ('OVl~r lightly w l h nluminum foil R t movc from pan irt~f1'H•diol<'IY St'rVt' w&rm •r r .f<'a t for krvinti , we are now taking orders for fresh irvine ranch farmers market turkeyt· ch1ice 19ed prime ribs & hickory ,.,_ .. 2. 98 I~. cranberry chutney 10 oz .... 2.99 2.69 large smoked ham sf ff halilJut steaks lean, tasty l'lf. .. 4.911~. tr f st tresh •-•P roe ,., .•. J.9a 1~. 2.9W tJ seafood kaltobs ou r own Italian & ·german . I J ) "9· .. S.911~. . , sausage r19. I~. 2.29 I~. fresh boneless stuffed v enna beef knackwurst or franb ~ "9· •· 4.49 I~. 3 .4 A\. 1 me cadam new york muenster \ "I· •. J.J_9_1•_· -~ hormel sliced thin 9eno1 ulaml ,.._ .. S.691•. I 2 for 1-100 tabs f11. 4.2S ~us 7 41 one daily ·1ltamlns & minerals 90 tabs .. 7.95 5.45 r stonebuhr seven grain cereal 1.41 grocery · natural and kosher ... , .... 16oz. "I:·" .79 . IJ)9Clall .25' oft on entire good atuff bakery tine. on•wHkonlvl 1Y'\T •4 \ wil4 h~ney , 5 lb. can Nf. S.49 • ak-mak sesame MW91Gttlcoet• - 631-4404 ..... ...,.._. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, December 15, 1982 ('f FUDGE ( FrGm Pase C4) PEPPERMINT SURPRISE FUDGE 'II cup butter or margarine Golden canapes make • • enterta1n1ng easy 1 ~ cups augar 5'11 ounce can(~ cup) evaporated milk 1 6 ounce package ( 1 cup) semi -sweet choc'Olate pieces l cup 100% natural cereal, original 1 7 -ounce jar marshmallow creme ~ cup crushed peppermint candiee 1 tea.spoon vanilla Lightl y greas e 13x9-int•h baking pan. Place butte r in 4 quart mic r owavable bowl. Cook at HIGH 30 seconds in microwave oven . Add sugar and milk; mix well. Cook at HIGH 8 minutes. stirring well after each 2 minutes of cooking. Remove from oven. Add ch ocolate pieces; stir until melted. F o ld in remaining ingredients. Spread inl.o prepared pan. Chill severa l hours or until firm. Cut into squares; store in tightly covered container in refrigerator. Makes 13x9-inch pan of fudge. Do 11 • t I\• I h o lad a y l'l\tl•rtu1111118 throw you into u Li zzy' Goldl•n Yulct1dl• Canupcs are appl•llzang tidbits thut an· unbc lil'vably quick and easy to fix but t>xccptionally tasty. Makt• the tangy egg salad topping ahead of time and refrigerate it for last-minute nsi.;cmbly on l'OCkt:iil rye bread. A quick trap under the. broiler w ill melt the cheese. heat the salad and crn1p the bread. Golden Yuletide Canapcs arc just right for warming chilly caro lers. entertaining s pur-o f -the-mome nt guests or toasting in the new year. And. if you're not e ntertaining. the sal a d is a delic ious mixture f or making hearty sandwiches for hurry -up h o lida y lunches and snacks. GOLDEN YULETIDE CAN APES 16 canape1 or 6 to 8 11ervln11 ' ! t•up moyo11nulM.• l tabl('. povn frt'<'W · drlt•rl choppt.'C! t'hivC'll y, t e o s p o o n prt•purt.>d musuwd • V. ttmspoon tlU 1t I/" to 1.4 ltHH1poon l iquid red pt•pper seasoning 6 hard -coo kct.I eggs•. choppe<l 11, cup (2 o unces) shrl-<ldL'<i cheddar chl>ese 1• l'UP c hoppt!d pecans 16 slkes L'OCktail-sizc rye bread Blend tog e th er mayonn91se. c hives, mu s tard, salt and seasoning. Stir In eggs. cheese and pecans. Top each bread slice with I rounded tablespoon or the egg mixture. Broll about 6 inches from heat until lightly browned and bubbly. about l to 2 minutes. *To hard-cook , put eggs in single I.ayer in !Save when you buy ,. .11. TWO any size .,_peS-.- 91FT CUTIPICATH AYAILAILI AND llDHMAILI ANYTIMI HONEYBAKEDHAM IMISTHE iMXENS OUT OF EVBh 11 ll«i B SE Delicious, ready-to-serve Honey Baked Ham is perfect for the holidays. We've done all the work, so you'll have more time for your family and friends. Every Honey Baked Ham is fully-cooked, spiral sliced and covered with our secret spice ~laze. You can count on our quality, too because our family s special curing creates a unique flavor that has never varied in more than 50 years. Call your local Honey Baked Ham store and order now! CORONA OH MAR -3700 E. Coast Highway• (714) 673 .9000 ANAHEIM -The VIiiage Ce nter• 1222 So. Brookhurst • ( 714) 635. 2461 El TORO-Ben Tow.,Plozo North•24001 ~oymond Woy • (714) 837· 3822 HUNTINGTON BEACH -190691.och Blvd.• C 714) 848 . 8575 ~ ORANGE -1419 N. Tustin • (714) 997 ·9960 -·· •• .... • RANCHO MIRAGE -71 ·634Hwy.111•(714) W -3894 ... ., RIVERS.OE -5276 Arlington Av•.• (714) 688·9681 ... ... WE SHIP COAST TO COAST USA + ALASKA & HAWAII .. ..... AlSO IN lA HAIQA lAICEWOOO WUI COVINA. NOllrH HOllVWOOO WESTlAl<E llUAGC. PASADENA $ANIA MONICA WOOOlAN014US NOQl"1()G( SANJOSE SUNIVVAlf,PAlO AllO ANOSANOllGO Ol'4l IASIEISAll II IAICES• WAIOiFOl>UP\ANOANO IOllQANCf OPE~ SOON•COC'(ltg!l• IOelliOt-.ylalrecl HOt'I> ~ • • • Fashion news Beauty tips Trends ,.. . • Every Sunday lnth--- suul'l•Jmn Add c•nuugh tuµ wutt·r lo l'Unlt' ttl lt•as1 I 11wh uhovt• 1•ggs Cuwr 11nt.I quickly bring JU1>l to llolllng. Turn off twut. U nl•l'cssury 1 n•movt• pan Crom burner l o prcvcml furtht•r bollinK Let eggs sumd. covered, in the• hot water 15 lo 17 minutes for large eggs. (Adjus1 lime up or down by ubvut 3 minutes for col·h s ate larger o r smaller.) lmnwdaatcly run cold water over eggs or put them in ice water until comple tely t•ooled. To remove shell, cruckle it by tapping ge ntly lll over. R o ll egg b etwee n hands to loosen s hell. then peel, s tarting at large end. Hold egg under running cold wat.er or dip in bowl of water to help ease off shell. ON GREAT TASTING DEL MONfE" 1 MEXICAN FOOD. Try our tangy sahas, seasoned just right. O r our full -flavored chilcs. either hot or mild . Pour on the ~:iuces. rnco or enchilada, deliciously spiced . Cook up our hurrico filling mix, ready co add to beef. And you 'II love our hearty refried beans, spicy and mild. ~ig fl avor. Del Monte style. ·You've got it all. New Pup:n: OWn.ersl UE TO And Get a PUPPY GD'! PACI wiih one weight clrcle from any size Pa.rlna~ PaPPJ Oh~ brand puppy food. Use thll coupon now for 800 llvlnC on Purina PllDJOhOW ( lllJ size). Ollpthewetcht circle from JIU' parcllue and mail rill this cenUlade to '8' I rBll PllDJ Clift lack ID4 81.00 ocnapon book. ,, \. •I . •' Or•ngo Coast DAILV PIL O l /WucJn dily, Oocemh r lb, IU82 Rich, creamy chees cak ~rown of rosy ras pberry wears a topping M t1 k l• y our 11pN·1u l holJduy OC.'\'l.ISluns l'Xlra- " Pl'l' 10 I w ith u Nt•w York-S tyll' ChN's<--cukt'. lt ':i r ich , cr~am y o nd sinfully dctic1ous! An e legani crown of Hosy Raspberry Topping makes the cheesecake an L•x q uisite choice as a lwt1utiful buffN -tablc t't•11terp1t~cc or a s a fittingly fl•sl1ve f1naJ~ to a light meal. The word "stylt•" 1n tlw rc•t·1pt"s 1wnH· 1s a gl\'t·.iway that this 1:-. nut t ht· o rigtnal eht•t•st•t:<tkt· m.itlt• famou:. oy Lindy's Ht·$laurant m New York l'1rV. ,,<}nly Leo Lindt•mann. oii'k>er of the rt>st.aurant, k1)t'lw the secret recipe as tt was served from the <'<•ri v 1930s to the '50s whl'·n he died. Many fans have tried to duplicate it and this n•dpc is representative of th ese atte mpt.s. }.$ this r eally THE n ~ t luscious example of 1 '(_'fin e art o f \, s l' c· a k t• m " k i n g '! 'e it to your family frit•nds this holiday s on a nd IN tht•m bt• ti 'udgt•! W YORK-STYLE & CHEESECAKE 12 lo 16 servings . l t•up all-purpo:-1· rt r ~· 1 • ('Up sugar • l tea spoon g rated le~n peel s '• cup but t e r . :-.t ncd " l egg yolk " 1 , teaspoon v:m1 Ila C r eam y C ht•t•:-.t• f11lmg (recipe follu\\ s) R osy R a~ph t'l'I':-' T~pping ( rel'i pt.· follows) I n s m a ll buwl. ~t1r tc~l'LhL•r flour, sugar and lli-tnon peel. Thoroughly b~,iod in butl!'r. Sur 1n ~g yulk and vanilla . ·JC with fork or f1ngL·rs u t i l dough h o ld s togethe r lt>r css I c up of the· d'h1gh o n bo llo m of g ~pas ed 9x :i 1n t·h s pringform pan Cuvc•1 n .,u1:1in111g doug h w11 h p~o;t ic wrap and S('t Jsjde . ;Bak<· in prc hl•atc'tJ 400 deg rc·e F' ovt·n until l1J1hlly brownt>d. 8 to 10 minutes Cool un w1 rt• 1 ;u ·k until pa n 1<, cool c·nough to handlt' Press rescrvPd dou gh nrouncl sides o l pan to h~!g h t o f 2 1 i inc h c:.. J11ln111 g s ides to ba ked bqt.to m t•rust. Pour 111 C ~a m Chl'l'Sl' Ftlltng s-.'Re in preht'<llt•d 500 d e g 1 e e F' . o v t• n I 0 m inutes. Redun· hl'a l tu 250 dl'grcc F and bakl' until c:<ike testc•r in st•rll'd 1n ('Ctitcr t•omcs out clean, an' a ddittona l 50 to 60 m inutes. Cool on wtrl' I ~legant s/iow-off dessert When your famil y c omes h ome fo r t h l' h<>I ida ys. s ho w th('m h ow much you care b y servin g food that's as sp\cial a s the occasion iLc;elf. And what better place to add that extra touch than wi th an el~ant show-off dessert su"t:h as Blac k Bottom Pit . This easy version of a tr~itionally complicatc'<.l r~pe star ts off with the C\.ljlomar y spicy ginger s n'p cru st It is filled with a deliciously r ich choco late layer and a second ltght creamy rum layer. The whole delectable cr~lion is t hen topped Wfl.:l w hipped cream and pctfectly gam1sht>d with d e l ic ate c h o co la t<'- covered h o lly leaves. da · ty chocolate curls or g ted chocola te I) o f those layers ht seem like a lot or rk, but this recipe 1s a ually a streamlined ion of the traditional d s sc rt -i t u ses unflavored ge lati n• lo thick e n and J(•l l the layered mixture!'!. I .ti I,, S p11·11 tl 1·1111ll'tl H11" 1<.1 ... ph1•11 v T 11pp111g II\ l'I 111 fl H 1 • I 1· lg l' I' a t 1 • 11 11 11 I 111111. .1t lt'.t:.l II hmtr' 111 t1\'t•1111 g h1 T o :.l'r V I '. I 1'11\llV(• 1'1111 111 pa ll :11 1tl I'll I 111 ltl Wt •dgt •i> I l.ihh '1""'11' 1111111 '1t.i.111i111i-. .:1.1ti d It 1111111 fl• I ·I \\ 1•11 .ti lt•I l '.11" .1dtllthlll Hl1•11d 111 11t .. 1111 '.! 11·.1,1k1011, v.111tll11 HOS\' llASPBfo:llll\' • t•gg' TOPt'INC: .! 1 •gi.: \ 1111<' I fJ .1 l k ;i g 1 • ( I :! I I l'llP "l11pp111•: Cllllll't'') ll'tl/.t'll i-l1glt1ly t't 1•1 u11 • ''''l't·h •111·d r11sph1·1T1l':O. 111 lmg1• 1111'\111g howl W 111t·r CREAM CHEESE 11, .. ,1 togt·ll11 ·r 1·1·t•:1111 :.! t.1hlt•,p111111' :-.ug:11 FILLING 1 111·1·'\t'. s u g.11 , I ltlllt ..! I .1 h It•' 1>111>11 i- 5 p:.ll'kttgt•:-. (tt uu11n•:, It 1111111 1-"'l'I .111d \'lllllll.1 .tl llll ll,l.111 h 1•;,id1) l'n •am dll•W•l.'. )ugh "l)t'l'd until flu lfy 1 • 111p 111;1plt· ... yrup :-.11l1t·m~I Acid 1·gg .. and 1•1H~ 1>1·:1111 1 :i'l ph1·1 rlt':-., I '1 t·up:. :-.ugar yolk:-. l 111 a 11im., lwa11n~ 11•-.1•1' 111 g ... v1 up S 1•t .1 ... 1111 J\dtl \\,111·1 ltl '\lllp ti lll'll'''•"V• 111 11111k1· I I 1111 S1•1 ..... 1d1 • 111 -.11 1.111 .... 11tl't•1i.111 i.tll 111 1:1·tlit•1 ... ug.11 11 11d l ll I ll ' I ,11 I' h SI I I I II fl'M I Vl•tl r,1,pht•l'I V ftqultl :.i11d nt;ipl1 • 'Y' up ('1111k ov1•1 111l•d 1 lllll li1•111 . 't111111g l'tll\1-llllllly, until n11 ,tlm' hwl.; 111111 th1l•kt•11:, Brn~ I 111111u1t• S I I I' I II I I '" t• I V t• d r:1'\pb1 1111·i. ('cwt to 111(1111 l!'llllll'l'lllllfj' .--~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--..~~~~~~~~~~~-- i resh Cohforn10 Pot's Prtde ROASTING CHICKEN Foller form' frozen 25·or or lorger GAME HENS Bor M Boneless WHOLE TAVERN HAMS lo Me\o Holf or Ouorter BAR M BONELESS HAMS Ot Corton GOLDEN CREME EGG NOG 5th Mort.nell1\ SPARKLING CIDER tB .89 LB .89 l B 3.99 l ll 4.09 .89 1.29 ~. PERRIER MINERAL WATER - EARTH'S FIRST 79 SOFT DRINK S~t;.~~~E • s ..... ~,., HAWAIIAN PAPAYAS EA .79 ._FOSTER FARMS FRESH. -.'··~., ALIFORNIA FRYERS FOSTER FARMS FRYERS F1lle" FRESH PACIFIC RED SNAPPER 6 0 1 Medium Potted Ripe SAN FERNANDO OLIVES . I 0 0 1 G1nge"nop, Peonut Butter POGENS COOKIES LB. 2.19 .99 1.09 BILL BRAND POT A TO CHIPS eoz 99 TWIN PACK • CALIFORNIA FRllH WHOll IODY CHICKENS c LB. frozen Alos~on SMOKED HALIBUT lB.2.89 29 1-LB. LOAF 100-cr Upr19ht 175-<t White Anorted ICleene> SOFTIQUE FACIAL TISSUE .83 IO·lb Bog Ant Flovo" CYCLE DRY DOG FOOD FOLGERS COFFEi 4.59 l lLB CAN All GRl~S 2.29 GRAPEFRUIT TEXAS RUBY RED c EA. Hormel Boneless CURE 81 HAMS Armour BONELESS TURKEY ROAST Req . or Thie~ Sliced I lb Pl;g HUGHES BACON W1l\on Mo1te1p1ece BONELESS HAM 14-01 liver Beef Chit'•" CYCLE CAN DOG FOOD 6·6 5·01 All \1011eflei STOVE TOP STUFFING Ea110 Foney MACINTOSH APPLES --.. -~ IO•or Peo\. Corn, Miaed Vegetoblu lB •.39 lB 1.69 EA 1.59 lB 4.39 .39 .99 LB .39 1.49 \th~. I BIRDS EYE , ,~ VEGETABLES .49 HIBRIW NATIONAL IALAMI DA NOLA IUCID COOKID HAM GALLO ILICID IALAMI 16 01 Minute Mo1d ORANGE JUICE ~ 5 01 Soro lee CROISSANT ROLLS 1.59 1.39 2 pk 9" Pet R11r DEEP DISH PIE SHELLS 16 01 Whole 9 or W Creom ~011ce BIRDS EYE ONIONS .89 .95 12-0Z CHUB 1.99 IMPOllTEO 2 98 99°., FAT FREE 12 OZ PKG e 8 01 Rea Eac.o Creomy BIRDI IYI COOL WHIP IT~~~N .·99 J OZ PKG -.79 FINI WINll & LIQUOR ~ • • -. --.., 750.Ml CANADIAN CLUB 868 698 Proof 7.SO·MI , S1l•tr or Ambtir 6 p~ .. 12 Or llotthl\ BACARDI LOWIURAU •u• •••• 4.99 2.29 NORTHIRN -TlllUI 4 PACK MR.COFFIE FILTERS W0 1 1.49 ~---''Jf1t~ r,r Tt-ff ,,~(l"i----... "' ()u.f ttt\M: H OOvU Dt•I Mtth"HI•• e• ~J~ f• hOt 11) •t CHlllARA UDON r• .39 .99 I I t•t • t CANADA ORY MIXERS FIREPLACE MATCHES Sorr .... ~ ... °'"' ...... , c-.1 •• 1 ' •• "• .59 RAMEN NOODLES l .6S 1 t.•· Ctt•"'t l4lD't .95 SALT FREE SELTZER O 01 • ''""•" r • W'tou1·...,J HERSHEY KISSES .,o•w~o•• ~4lbQ • >olllf•' ) ) •1 CO" BROILED MACKERAl u ,.,,. fu')f • 6 •• ~ O• ' 1oncto ... 1.t~ .69 l.9S PREMIUM MUFFINS V"ft t"• r~,..u • •o Ptu• CINNAMON ROUS ', 01 lo• HOUSE VERMONT CURRY SI>"'• l•b•t• Molh'!jO<"f ~lb N<I REOUlAR, OIH RITE, RC 100, OECA~ SWEET RICE 12 PACK R.C. COLA 3.35 'ttt1tat.Av t.alo .. v••'O I 1 UI lo• POTATO STARCH Ch·•• \oo e or t onlo OVSTER SAUCE •,~I .SS .79 2.79 .6S .II BRAWNY TOWILI lllG llOll LOWI• YOU• TOTAL FOOD BILLI We •cc•pt coupo111 from ALL othor luperm•rl&•t1f ................. , ....... ··~··· ... •••••• ... Mt ........ "· .. -· ... _ •• c ........ . ·~• l'tl .. ,.,, ... J C•"'"'•''' ,._._ .... fl-•y ,... ..... ...,,..., Ml .. , .. e 0..1, ......... -.......... ,.., • ., '' 00 .................................... of .......... _,. .,, • .,.,,., , .... ,... ,,,.,. .. .,.,. 11, I•• • v.1.,. ,, ,..,,., .......... • ..,...., ,...,..,,...., lrt ..,r ..... , ,...,, 7 II •• cit "" ttec~ 11\e Item ,,..,1,14 •" ,.,.._, • •""P9", •• wtl ,.,...,.,., .. •" ........ , .......... ""' ............... "' .. .......... --..,, __ ...................... ._. .. ..................................... And a ll thla Is dont" with time-saving case because. unl i k e conventional m<'lhods. o ne mixture forms the baJb for both layers. 'But. Just because this nietho Is alreamllnc•d doesn't mran tha t the U&slc Is too. This dcltclous tiff EJ.f;GAN1', Cl l ) I .,-9 • I C...-•-lltft•l-1 wlokh Ht .... !ho ............ _ ,_,..heo ... ·M l .. c•, .... 1 h~ ,, ...... ~ ......... , ...... • ,~.... leltetlt ...... , ........ " ................... II ...... .. ................. -h .... ,... 10 Oft ....... 0.. 1t " , • ., , ........ ....-TD ·-u c.-..... -.. , ACCl•n• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wadne1d1y. December l6, 1982 C 'ff Handicapped shopper shares help! ul ideas By MARTIN SLOANE Dear Martin: Bt•lng u handicapped persun, I h ave o r ganized nl y shopping so that there is a minimum of walking. Perhaps some of these ideas will help others with handicaps, as well as those who are not handicapped. I make up my s hopping l ist to correspond with the aisle s in the supermarket. This is easy because I have prepared a ''map" of the st.ore which shows all the major sections. I have organized all my coupons in a child's lunch box and it, too, is set up by aisles. Taped to the lid is a list of the items iJ\ each aisle so that I can locate my coupons, sho ul d I go to an unfamiliar grocery st.ore. This handy coupon box has plenty of room for m y wallet, a pen, a checkbook and even a small scissors. -Jennie Anders, Asheville, N .C. Dear Jennie: Some of the sma r test supermarket shoppers are "handicapable" people. Thank you for the excellent tips. This coming March, the National Easter Seal Society will sponsor a big color coupon section that will be i nser ted in newspapers across the country. The manufacturers whose offers appear in this section will be making donations to assist more than half a million people by Easter Seals. I h op e all my readers will be looking for it. Dear Martin : On a recent shopping trip I h anded the cashier several coupons, one of which was a 10-cent R uffles coupon. S he look ed at the coupon very carefully and then handed it back to me. S he said t hat it had expired and pointed to the fine print which had a small "c" in a circle followed by "Frito-Lay. Inc. 1981." I looked for another date on the coupon but couldn't fine on e . Did this coupon expire in 1981? -Julie, Rochelle P ark, N.J. Dear Ju lie : Th e pr i ntin g you are referring to on t h e Ruffles coupon is the copyright notice and has nothing to do with the expiration date. The cashier should h ave accepted your coupon because it ha s n o expiration date and is good for as long as they make Ruffles potato chips. Companies that print a copyright notice on their coupons should clearly print the expiration date in big bold type or, if t h ere is none, they s h ould say so: "NO EXPIRATION DATE!" H ere is a tip from Cindy T e n nyson, of Bulliver, Mich.: "I kn ow many refund~rs keep their r efund f o rm s a n d proofs-of-purchase filed. But I found that it pays big dividends to tack up on my kitchen bulletin board the refund offers I am working on so m y friends can see them. They notice the box tops and labels I am saving and often give me some they don't need. CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS Clip oul thl1 file Ind keep It with elmller cuh-oll coupon• - bevereg• refund offera with blverege coupon1, for eumple. Stllll colllc11ng the needed proof• of purc:NM wtllle looklng for the re qu i r ed f orm• II the aupermerket, In ~aper• and megazl,_, and wh«I tredlng with friend•. Oflera m1y not be 1v1ll1bl1 In 111 ereu of 1111 country. Allow 10 WM111 to r-ive ·Tradition The tr a d itiona l customs connected with C h ristmas h ave come about as a r esult o f coincidence. Both the feast of the Nativity of Ch rist and the pagan agr icultural an d solar observances took place in midwinte r between Dec. 17 and 24. It was a time of m e rryma k i ng and exchange of presents in the Roman world. The Roman New Year was January I when houses, were decors te d with, greenery and lights and1 presents were ctven to thP childre n and the poor. • .it(Oh HflUllU , hit ........ rtthll\U Oller• 111111 .. II 1011111111lu• ol $22 14 l'heae otlert requlro rol unll forms to echOol 111•~1!1, auctt 11a 11ua1n~. O••nr.•· mllk, ba111n111, \lflfli1 hull tic encl 11111 rtQuh ed 111lu11u 1u1111 and tile loll POfllon wllh t11u word• "Crac;l\er Jack" froni 10 Cr •tkt11 Jl<lk Box IOPI EXPlrH M•11;h ) 1, 1083 Ille rt1qu11uu 111lund 101111111110 llllff p1oola ol pullilllt• lrOm any rtgul•l •l lZ• TIQlll •• Miik bar. '"Y 11avo1 l he prool of purchHe 11 the O\.ltet wfap Tile 1tore coupon 11 goo<l on any puroha1• at toc•l etorH OPlfH June 30, 11184 CAMHILL'I l\el111* $1 nelu11d S.nU 1119 •e<luh.O refund fC)rt11 anll 10 Ce~1pb•fl't Dune label• Ith• tro11t p1111I Only) (~ph•• March 31, 108:1. COUNTAY ITANO Oltla 0111 0. Oellclou1 Cookbook Send the HUNQ" Y JACK Mulled Poleton SI Aetund. Aecelve 1 llO·cttnl relund ind • 110-cent coupon for Hungry Jack M•ahec:I f>ol•loe1, 24 N<Ylng •il• 01 111ge. S111d tho required tefund fOfm ltld one boK bOtiom lr(>m 1 24·Wvlna E•plrH Feb 28, 1083 OH aov Corp I t R.lu'ld S..•I! tile teQulfed refund l0tm end ~ couJ)Of' llom five apec;lllly murklld ptClllOlfl of any on Boy Po11101t l.ook rOf the fO(lll on Ille PIGklff, EJplfee Al)fM 30, t983 BRACH'S 81NQO $I or $4 Relund Sand thu required loom and 1110 Bingo ca.rd (on 1111 lofm) wllh three namu 01 8111ch • productt Clrcle<I down, acroM 01 d l agon•lly, along wit h th• Un11111raat Product Code aymoo1a cut lrom the ttu81t Bra<:h'e bo~e• and/01 bag• clrcloo for • SI refund. or the Bingo cerd wtth all nine name• circled, along with th• Untveraal Product Code tymbola from the nine different 8racll'11 boxes and/or bags for e S4 refund Expire• March 31, 1983. LA ,IZZlllUA 0 Siie .. 011111 Rec<1lv11 a S 1 26, $3 or $5 r41fund Seod me ftqutrll<l refund !Orm 11nd L& PIU••I• 9 Slice• POP Strip• .. the proola Of purcMIM! Send thrM lor • St ,26 refund. 11• for a S3 refund or nine tor a SS relund9 Expire• June 30, 1983. ''-A"""' Mi•flO Nvt• S2 n1 l hiluru:J llt1t11•vt1 • llO c ""' 11lu11c:t a 'fb co1111 coupon lu• a n uu"~• cun ·01 lilenh11 1 flfluula1 Ml•ell NUii lllU • 'I coupon IO• a I ~ Ou n c 11 o a n o I P I a rlt er • Cuho•• S1111d the r11qulre<l refund lorm artd th11 111eetally prlnlll<f "Mr Peenut" In-I from lnald• • apeclally merked can ol Mlkold Null Explroa June 30. 11111:1 Hlfl la 1 1afund lorm you c111 write lor: A coupon for Ol14I free 40·tlletl P•ekage of 81by Wat on ... or a co11pon and a ••II holder FrM 8eby Wet One• Oller, P 0 Box 1071, Ridgely, Md 21800, Send a aell·addrotted, 111mp1d envelope Tiii• ollor oxplr11 May 31, 1983 SUPIRllRllT SHIPPIR tucc••• Coupol\ OfgMlie1 Send the requlfed refund lorm and eight box 1op1 ftom 7-ounce. 14-ounce or 2 l ·oul\ce 1111-Of s~ Aloe, Ct $1 25 plu• any two box tope from th• 7 ·ounce, LlftTON Cup-A-Soup Coupon•. lhll offer doHn't require a refund form· required 11lund lorm end lour Country 8tand brend Freil\ Muellroomt f.eckege label• or ono label plua S • Thll'I I• no llmlt on lhla oiler explfH May 31, 19113 or wnlle auppllea lut. CRACKER JACK S2 Coupon• Oller . Receive lou1 25·cent coupons for Cracker Jack plua a S 1 coupon for Cracker Jack or one or your l111orlte all·ntturat Dack· Receive throe 25·cont coupon• Send the required rotund form lound on apoololly mat11ed p11ck1gee and tllr1111 front n1mo p1nela 11om any Lipton Cup·A· Soup Ylflelles (Chicken Noodle, Tomato, Onion. Cream of Chicken, Cream of Muallroom, Spring Veoetlble.) E~plr11 Jut 31. 1984. SKITTLll, ITAR8UAST LacH Rocelv• aoct;ef ball doatgn or rainbow de1lgn 40·1nch long 11\oe lace• Send the required 11lund form and any combln•llon of five empty puck•gea of Sklttlea or Sterburat Send five empty p1ck1gea tor each set. plu• 50 eentt pottage and hendllng Explrff March 3 t. 19113. TIGIR'S MILK Refund. Al!Oelve • 7 l'-cent atore coupon and • 26·cent t i er'1 Miik coupon. Send AIVI R AtCE P.O. Box 66017, Houtton, Texu 77055. RecCJlve a St refund. Send five River Rice 2·pound box Iopa Expire• Dec 31, 1983 ThlH ollefl require rotund torm1: GOY A rooda Inc. Reeolve $ t Ooya coupons S&nd the reqWlld refund form and • portion of anv to Goya Bean lebel1 with the UnlverHI Product Code symbol Expires March 31. 1983 , s All Stores will be closed Christmas Da I '1~­ D o u b I e Coupon • Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' ··cents off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes liquor, tobacco an~ dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective Dec. 16 thru Dec. 26, 1982 C(l?D I Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item. Not to include "retailer". "free" or "grocery purctiase" coupons or exceed the value of the item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products •• Limit One lt•m Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective Dec. 16 thru Dec. 26, 1982 11ie qr luger of Hungry Jeck 14-ounce or 21-ouna. lllze Thero Mallhod PolllOM, llong with the la no Hmll on 11111 offer bplre• Untveraal Product Code aymbol. June 30, 1883 P11plre1 May 3 t, 1983. Here 19 a refund form you C¥I LA CHOY Been Spr out $I Wflll IM . A S1 refund. Seltun 81ut Refund Send the fequlrld refund 11 8avlngl Certlllc:lt11, P 0 Box le<m end tllrH proof• of purcn-NB-804, El PHO, TIUI 79977 Ith• Un1verul Producr Code s.nd yQUI name and lddrHI on o tymbol end the net welgl\I 3-by-5 card. Thl1•011er expires •tatem11111 from lhe La CllO'y Searl June 1, 1843. Sprouts label) Thi• offer It valid CepfflgM, 1112. U.Wted FH ture where •dva•tlHd or dl1p-"11,._x•'""d __ •_r_"*8 __ li1e_,,_ •"'°-·------ ' Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "ceots off" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the Item. Not to include "retailer", "free" or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective Dec. 16 thru Dec. 26, 1982 ~/DeUValu•••• .... ,Clroce~Valu•:'lll••• .... Produce/floral Yalu• .... USOA !nlp.-GolCS.n Prellllum·Larg• MeotT End Beef Rib Roast Jill,~ Famwr John-Shanlr Portion Smoked Ham A.nnow·Bunerbasled Boneless Turkey l'ler.ll·IOX Pacific Oysters Salod SIH·l'llsh Cooked Shrimp each 1.59 ": 3.99 .-Appetite Shoppe va1u .. •• ·- Lo\111 Rlell-Cooke<I Turkey Breast Cbllled·IOO~·Ralphl Orange Juice 1.49 Ma5tari>iec0Ham ~ 8.99 45Udt • . llb 69 Impenal Margarine pto: • Ralph.1-l'lesh ball 59 Whipping Cream ptn•c:tn. • lake~Valu• ~.59 lDc: 1.89 me: 2.59 •••rrozen FOOd Yalu•••• Pellllta Pie Shells lllda ,,.hO or llrtro C-r cool Whip )Oos. pkCJ, aos. eta. .55 .58 hO orSugar~l2os.oara Pepsi Free** ll4IQ 01 suoar n-12 oz CcuaSpnl• Tab or Coke ** t.gular or Dlet-12 01 Cans.LU.• Cola or 7-Up** ~_pular Grtn<SI 1uban Cottee Auorted 6 pact 6 paCt 1.59 1.59 poc: 1.59 Canada Dry Mixers ~2.47 1111. 59 Qlbtl. • Auorted Schweppes Mixers For Holl.day Cook!• Plain Wrap Oatmeal Ralplu Evaporated Mille Carnauon Evaporated Mille c UO 24 Caposwe Kodacolor ll Film AJJOrted 1111. 59 QI btl • 4::: 1.39 uc:: .45 ~: .50 eocb 2.17 ~::i .74 f'nllb~ .. oa. pll:g Mushrooms Fresh Chili Peppers Julcy·Tbln Sllln Lemons Vet·"tT Red Yams Red Emperor Grapes Frflh Cul Mixed Bouquets DecorattY.0• SIM Poinsettia Plants Imported Swttierla:nd Swiss Cheese ~ 2.59 ba!: 2.79 P\im.pktn Pie :a6os. l)lCJ, 1.49 Brawny Towels ~----- K.td.S\ Watch for Ralphs Holiday Coloring Contest. Details a1 Ralphs. Prices effective Dec. 18 thru Dec. 28, 1982 c.tlYrtellt 1"2 lty lllll!IM Ot~ C~y, All llltfllt llH9fYM, W• -IM fltltl te 1111111 61 ltlu•• ..... le COl'lllt18fCl•I dt•let• Of wtl&Mt ... ,. -..i...-t•l•I• 10 """'°'' •r:"'• ~· ,.1c: •• Of 1111 elate ,.1er 1111111111price1.0..etlCHI •aelutlff of lldffnl .. cl Of 11<-Mwwl prle11. We wish all our Jewish mends a Happy• Joyous Chanulcahe •••Available at Ralphs Appetite Shoppe Only. J.~•8"llem1 llltlllt .,,_ ... _,,...f/f ........................... .......... ,,....11111 ,.., ......... ..,...1ee11 ........... _,, ...... If 1'4 ... teeatlefl. per lb eacb per lb per lb. bullcb KACH & GMfllD 3IO 1711 ST., COSTA 1E1A tUITINGTON IUCH PASEO IJ( VM.OetA, LAUU HltS QUO OI., AT WALNUT, 1M 2MO 11&111., .._T ta.LS 1204 av., TUS"', IEl9IT I IM kVD. 172111711 IT .. IUI"' tt01 ADM, ...-TOR IUCM 411 N. LOMA. AMiii -IM2 ...... IUlll'8TON ECM ...._ ... WMID,fCUQMtWMUY 15471 s. ..... ,, --Tll ST• NUS: t-10 Dllr .... lmlr • r, ~ .79 .59 .15 .35 . .59·~ 2.99 .: 4 .47 ('10 Or ng Coaat DAIL V PILOl /W dntJadny, Oecumbor 16, 1082 Appetizer buff et f ltS yule party schedule Tiu:-11> I 111• i.t•u:-1111 (ot >.11 Ill•:-J\I 1t•1111x111 h •11,, 'UI. kt,111 loWI Ill''· dl'l>"l'l I >.II Ill'!'.. 11111114·1 pllllll'I> 111 .ir1· µtJ:,Ml11la111•:.. Im .1 10hu .1y gal t11•r111.,; Though 1•n.1oy11bl1· l11r :u1·sl::.. µ.1rt1t·::. t•un 1rc•:.1.•nl ,1 1.·hallt·11g1· for 1u:.y ho:-.U. amJ hosll'sst•s. drw 1<l1·u that's Pl'ffo(:t or holiday get-togl·th1•1-s ) th1• appt•l1wr buffl'l ll ws ma ny ,1<lvantugt•s •Vl'I' M'rving a s1l-clown l111111·r A buff<'l 11fl1•rs :n •al var1l'l)' 1n flavor . extun· dlld dlJJ>l.'Hr.m1·1· 1( ftMJ<l!\ A p p1· t 111·r:. 1·;u 1 be a:.y -to 111ak1• f1111ds , , r 1.• p u r 1• cl t h l' n i g h t ol'fure or .1 month uh1.•a<l ml frown Finally. an app1•t1 lt'r ,u ff<.'l t·an bt• fun and l1•x ibl1'. with enough h1111•1•s to satisfy those 1ho lik<' rich. savory oodi. or dieters who .rd1·r raw vegetabl1.•i.. St•rvt• a variety of hot nd m ld hors d'oeuvn•s. • r o v 1 d l' a s s o r t l ' <l ral'kers to go w 11 h ~lit'O Clam S p read. Add variation on traditional lam dip tu the mcmu: try .tanh a tta n C lam Dip erved with raw egetables in a colorful rrangemcnt. When serving warm ppetizers. a hot tray 1s !ways helpful to have n hand. Clam Fritters r e easy lo p1 c·k up; hey're dt•ep-fat fried nd servt'Cl ('risp. F.asy, make-ahead hot iOrs d'oeuvres arc Clam N ' C u rry Roll-Ups. :pread a c lam mixture n flattened white bread. o ll up , brus h with 1argarine and bakt• or recze until ready 10 use. Stuffed Mush rooms n • another flavorful ppetizer , failed w11h a egetabl e m ixturt'. 11 n ce d c l ams and racker crumbs. CALICO CLAM SPREAD (Makes 2 cups) 1 (8-ounce) package ream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon lemon u1ce 1 teaspoon prepart.'d nus ta rd 1 t eas p oo n Vorcestershire sauce 2 (6 11'1-ounce) cans 11nced o r c h o pped lams, drained \13 cu p f ine l y r us hed saltine cracker rum b s (about 8 rackers) '• cup c h o ppe d 11miento 2 tablespoons finely hopped onion 2 tables p oon s hopped parsley In small mixer bowl, ieat cream cheese, lemon uice, mus tard and 'v'orceste r s hire until 1ght and fluffy. Star in lams , c ra c k ers . >irni e nlo, onion and >arsley; mix well. Chill 2 to 3 hours to >l end f lavors. Serve A.tllh assorted crackers. lefrigerate leftovers. MANHATTAN CLAM DIP (Makes 1 21 cups) 1 (8 -oun('e) 'Ontainer sour cream 11. cup chili sauce or ·atsup I (6 1,2 -ounce) can nmced clams, drained 1;. cup mayonnaise >r salad dressing 1 tablespoon finely ·hopped green onion 1 teaspoon le m o n 1uice In small bowl, combine ingredients; mix well. ~hill . Garnish as desired. Serve with potato chaps Jr assorted vegetables Re frige rate leftovers. CLAM FRITTERS (Makes 15 to 18 fritters) 1 (6 1 2-ounce) can :hopped clams, drained reserving 1 1 cup liquid 1 egg 11. cup milk 1 tab l es p oo n vegetable oil 1 cup unsifted flour 2 teaspoons baking powder l/i teaspoon salt Vegetable 011 In la rge mixer bowl, beat egg, milk, '14 cup reserved clam liquid and I tablespoon oil. Stir togethe r flo ur. baking powder and sail Add to Handy helper Need a handy he lper for· t he holldayic? You'll find one In eggs! They're q uick a nd eesy to fi x for nn y m eal ot th e day Frl\ta tas, o m e l ets, q u lckes a nd scra m bles make c xtro-caay holiday m ea Is for fs m l I y or ~uests. • 1·~1-t 1111 x lu11., 11111< w1·ll Stu 111 1 l,1111.., 111 d1·1·p Lal l1'Vt'I 111 1.11 w· lw.1vy 'k1ll1•t, ht·ul uil Ill :17:; d1·w1•t•i. LJ111p n11 >.llnt• by lt1•u 1.1111H 1l'J'l1<11HlfUl1' 111111 hut 011. Fry uillil guld1•11 un1wn DI .1 I II s I ' I v l ' h ()I H1·rng1•ra1c ll'111w1•rs. CLAM 'N' CURRY ROLL-UPS (Ma kt 'S 32 op1x•t1wr•i.) ~ (ti 11 1111 111·1•) 1'11111' 111l11t't.'ll 1·la111>1, dn111wd 1 , t'Up llllll(tllllllllM' 111 -..alad Iii l ' ...... lll~ I t.1hlt•'IJ)OOll l(l lllt•tl 11111111\ 1 1 to 1 l ll•US IHlllll 1•u11·y µuwclt •r II i.lwt-i. w hth• b1<•ud, 1'1 Ul>ls l'l'IHOVL'll " MelU.'d nwrgurim· ur UUllL'f . In smull bowl, t:omlmw ~ 1.1111', lll1IVlllllllll..,I', 01111111 0 II d I 1111 .V j) II W cl I' I fo'l.1111 •11 '"" h 1111·.ul s h11• w11h 111lll11g p111 S p11•atl :! l11hh•i.1J 1llllll> I l.llll llllXllll'I• 011 1•111•11 l111•HU '>hll'. roll up U1 "''I Wllh IOOl!(UI 1111 · Wr11p In pl.1,111· wrap, n•f r1gt•rutl· or I 1 t•t•i1'. Jlrl•ht•u l 11v1•11 to 450 tkgn·1•s Cut 1•11t h roll 111 to -I ptt l't•i., plul't: on WESSON OIL ForCooklns Or ...... ·~ GALLO 1 m·I, 111 ... 1111lluw huk111u p .1 11 B.i lt1· H 't II I II lllll1Ult-' 111 Ull lll lo(t1lcl1·11 I 1 I I I \\ II S t • I V I' llllllU i llllll'!y lt1•fr1j.(l•1,11t• l1 •ll11v1•r:.. STllFJ"IW M l lSllHOOMS ( Makt'H 4 lo fi m·rvinl(:..) I pountJ ltu gc.-I rt'l>h 1nu11hroorw• I I \' II " f I ll I' I y 1:hopp1'<l t•1.·lt·1·y :! lallh •Hllt>llll,_. I lllt'ly C'l111pi11·d u• 1 t•11 P•'PI"'• :.! t.11Jh·i.1J411111i. Jowly 1•1lo ppt•d llllHlll :.! I ti " I t•" p 1111 II :.. 111111u1111111· '"' hu1t1•1 2 1 11 l1lt•:s p1111 n i; d111111wJ p11111t•nto I (fi I (JUI\( 1') 1'.111 llllflt't·d l'!Ulll\, d1 tlllll'd :! talilt•XJXIOllH fllWly 1·1·u-.twd l'l'al'k1•r crumbs l h1:..h gruun<l thym<• • S.111 .11111 111 pp1·1 M1•l1t d 111.11H.111111'111 hutt1 I l'r 1 111 .. 11 ova 11 tu 11111 1h·u11·1·, lt1·11111v 1· :.11·11" f 111111 111uNhn1111w, F11wl v d1up Kh'lll~ Ill llll'.ISIJr1• ,· tup 111 11wd1u111 '>k1lh•1, t'llClk ('(•)(•1 y , g1t•t11 p1•11p1 ·1 11n d <11111111 111 llHll J<Hl'llU• Ullltl ll'lldt•f. Add 111us hr110111 iit1·n11. .111d fJlllll\'11111 , 1·1111k :J rn I II II I I ' s I I I I II t1 111.11111 11 ~ lllHI l 'tlll•lll\ ">.l 1•pt 11 1.11H·H111t H1 u .. Ji lllU ,l11 t1t 1f11 \ JJll> With 111.111:.11 11 11 ~''°''" r111111g 111111 I ,1p J•l.111 111 ~.11 .tll ow li.1k111g p.111, bak1· " tu I 0 111 1 n u 1 1• ' •> r u n l 1 I n1u1thr 1mrni. on· t1·11d1·r S t·r v 1· 1mmt'd1utt•l y . H• I 111.t1•1.11t• lt·hov1·1' .... DINNER WINES for your ollclay Gourmet Dining -~-----I ~~ •·.uuilv Scott ft£.C Ti«ue ~ Mini f;; si 73 P~ds " Po~ato 0 s1 5n Chaps " ..., Chris 0 s...35 Blend -.,_ BEEF BONELESS ROAST •2 29 Top Round. .LB • iOtio~ Round LB •2.09 BEEF BONELESS ROAST Eye 01 Round. ~~· WHOLE ~ · BeelRlb. FAESH PICNIC STYLE Pork oulder BEEF BONELESS ROAST Sirloin Tip LB•2.99 LB •2.29 LB•2.39 011411TlM I . ·al ~. -Pl• •• ,,.33• .• 39• .,.39• .,.~2· r'U'14-49 FRESH VJXV FARMS ........ Chickens ®89° c;Ube;;; Sauce 1 . 1eoz 49e ~oz 89' MAS CUB!llSONS COAN Bl'IEAD STUFFING OR SEASONED Dressing I PRINCELLA CU'T • Yams ~ .. iWeet Pickles I STATER BROS Sweet Peas • 29-0Z 79c 2A OZ ·~.s9 11oz 42' koitTNapkln• ·~~300~·•.so Ma;;hmallows I 1.oz 69e OAOWEAT SEASONED OR COAN BREAD . , s 9 e Dreulns (• ,,oz PILLS8UtltY f0ELI CASEI CHOCOLATE CHIP PEANUT~ ... ~· • .. 49 Cookies e AEOl'1<0 ... ., PILLS8UAY IDELI CASE) CHOCOLAIE CHIP t • .. 99 Cookies 21oz .a• eoz 79e L&. Western ~ .... ~ Whole Lobster ~[(J Cola11al_,. Shrimp :{~ .. •I.39 .. s4-49 1 .... 99 ...... 98' '1.09 '1.19 'U9 '1.19 '1.39 '1.29 '1.9 '1.59 12.39 69' 69' '1.99 12.99 I .'... 1· !", ~ .. 1., .. I , • · . I t 1 ,, ...... ' ' . . . ':\ ~· . ,. • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTI W•dne1d1y, Oec9mber 15, 1982 ('I I This fruitcake doesn't need aging Wi th tht• h o l1d uy seaROn here um.I wlnll'r"11 s h ort duy11 are l'Vcn busier: there are purt&l'li to pla n , gifts lo maktt, things to buy a nd tht> list goes on. IC you're going to get everything done and bake a traditional fruitcake in time lo a ,. relax. Hl•rt·'s a l'l'l'IJH ' for Las t Manutl• l'hnstnrns F r u I t L' a k ,. 1 l • s a n updall'<i Italian t n •a t, a fruit falll·d eo.akl• tha t'l> ready to eat lhl• day you bake it S h ort l'Utt1ng thl• agm~ tame dm'Sn't mean a short c·ut in flavor in t his delil'io u s cakl'. Instead of th<• usual gbj{'e fruits, it's loaded with na turally s weet rais ins and dr ied april·ots. The fruits provad<· a good chewy tttxtun.• and -bt•t·a u st• they'r e plumpt•d f1rs l in white wint• a bll of s pirits, too. Cornmeal an the batter denolt>S the cake's Italian heritage. Corn has been a staple of Northern Italy s i n c t• t h e m i d -1 6 t h t-entury. w hen the grain was mtroduct'CI Crom the Americas. A mere half-cup of yellow cornmeal gives the c a k e a delicate. intriguing texture and light yellow colo r ; a pre tty con trast to the dark raisins and aprkots. Dried fruits. such as th e rai s in . ar e a customary ingredient in holiday cakes. but they a re also a con ven ie nt way to add appetizing fru it flavor to many foods. Try toss ing raisins with rice. s auteed almonds and a touch of ELEGANT (From Page CB) pie has all the classic m el t -i n -yo ur-mou th quality that guests will surely rave about. So. when your loved ones gather for the holida ys, take a little extra time to make those special dishes that show you car e. You 'll find Black B ottom Pie a perfectly elegant dessert that's a wonderful finale to a specia l day. BLACK BOTTOM PIE 1 Vi cups gingersnap crumbs 6 tablespoons melted butter or margarine 2 e n velop es unflavored gelatin 8 tablespoons sugar 2 e~s. separated l 1h cu ps milk 1/4 cup rum l c up (1/z pint ) w h ipping o r h e avy cream ~ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1112 cups vanilla ice cream l teaspoon vanilla extract Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In small bowl, combine crumbs with butte r . Press into 9-inch pie pan; bake 5 minutes. Cool. In medium saucepan, mix unflavored gelatin with 6 tablespoons sugar; blend i n egg yolks beat.en with 1 cup milk. Let stand l minute. Stir over low h e at until gelatin is completely dis s o l ved. about 5 minutes. Pour ~ cup mixture into large bowl; stir in rum. remain ing milk and 1h c up cream. Chill, s tirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. M ea nwhi le , t o rema ining mixture in saucepan . add chocolate. Continue cook ing over tow h ea t . s t i rrin g co n s t ant l y , until chocolate is melted. W ith wire whip o r rotar y beater, beat mixture until chocolate is blended; pour into large bowl. With wire whip or rotary beater, blend in ice cream and vanilla. Pour anto prepared crust: set aside. ln medium bowl, beat egg whites until soft peaks form: g radually add remaining sugar and beat until stiff. Fold Into rum mixture. Chill 15 minutes. stirring gently two or three times, u n til mhcturc thlckeM and can be mound ed o nt o chocolate layer. C h ill until f i r m . Gamt.h with remaining cream . whlppt'd, and chocolate curia If d<!llred. Makes about 8 1Crvlng11. • • l 'UI I\ fua •I Hpll ~ 1o1ldt• d 1i.h , fll11111p 1.1Uilllli Ill 111,1ph· icyr u p lul' u •pt'l'IUI 11.1111 a kt• tl>pj'111~. tll' 11111· n11~111:. uml lo(l'H1111lu 111111 pla111 yogul'l lrn• u l!UWk, lwaltlilul i.n:1l·k Anti, w ht•n yo u 'v1• "~111 to huvt• sonwthlng s w1•1·t." l'lwosc ruislns. Ttw y will imtls fy your lTuvmgi. und provadl• you 11npurtunt nutrition, t u o R u 1 s 1 n s a r<• 7 7 p~rccnt carbuhydratl'. fur a sun· energy ~t. and thl'Y co nt a in s1gnifil·u11l amounts of 11 o n , tha 1 m1n , f)llO pl1111 l1', 111UN11t'l41Ull\ lllld \'llUJM'I Ill\ Wt•ll 1 11 p v 1• I l 11 w 1•111111111 .. 11 Ap111'11I l11ilv 1·" fo1 LAST MINl11'E t.t.11111.,11 CHRISTMAS It 11,111., 1111 ..:.11 nl'lh f'ltUIT<:AKE < 'o 111111111• r u 111 11H.. I t•up ru1""'" .1111 lt'11111 und w111P, 11'1 1 l'Ul> dl11pp1-d d1 ll'll i.t.11HI i.t•v1•111l huu1 H ur upr'll'oL" 11vt'rn1~h 1 tu 1111ftl•n In '• cup HWl'l't whllt• 11iix1n1; hhw l t•n•u 111 win1• hu111•1 und sugur &•al in I <.·up bult<.•r ur• <.•~s. om• ul u tame'. th<.•n mt11 l(Or1m•, sofu•1wd vu111llu (m1xlurc: may J l' u p s 11 I f l l' d look curdll'<i). powch•1't'C.l sug11r Star in flour uni.I 4 t'l(gs l'tlfllll\cul. lx•at until well I •, ll•u s poun H bll·ndcd . Druln fruits vnmllu (rt•s <.•1·vc liquid): s tir 2 l'Ups l'llk<' flour Cru1\l> antu butter. Spoon 1111 11 J.:l t ll,t'tl ll i.:!1 l lll'h luul p1111 Buk1• 111 :i2!) d•·ijl'I'<' 11v1•11 ti:1 to 75 111111v11•11, until gold1·11 111111 wouJ1•11 pll'k 1n111•rL1 •tl 111 l'l'l111 '1' Cl•Ull'S uul l 0l1•1an (.'11111 Ill f).111 Ill 1111nu1t·i.. 1ur11 11111 11 11 t u r 11 l' k t o c o 11 I cumph•tdy. Bruwh t o p with n •iu.-rv l•d Jaqu1d wht lt· stall warm Uurn1ljh with upr1t·ot hulvt>s and ru11>1ns a nd 11 pr1nkl <' with udd1t111nnl p o wtlt·rt•tl i.ug~I' l~:fort• slicing und s <.• r v i n g . M a k c• s u n t• Yx5-anch cukl'. ,~! * Wllllll YIU A ERIY CHlllTMAll SHOPAH!A~ALL8TORl8 CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY -J:I.. DECEMBER 25 r--------·-------, ~----------------~ r----------------, ~----------------, : lifM~'¥il i i mt~~'¥iil i i llt~~'U 1 i liiM~'¥W i I ~~~=r-1 1 I --~~~ I I -=5~--~ I I --===--:::::--=-.::::::·-I I "' --"' -"'.. :..:::=-"'=="---::;=:..·---=-• -_._..--.. ~..r. I I -~ -.,_. ' I I ---:=:-."::...~..r. I I --• .. ---.. ---.. ·-I ........ ..... ........................... ~.,..,. ........,..-==~"1""·.....-U:.."-=:-:.:=--,_..~~·.w::.:::· 1 Gm1D VALID Dl!CEMHR 11-21. 1112 1 1 G1111D VALID Dl!CIMHR.11-2•. 1112 ! 1 G11111D VALID DICl!MBl!R 11-21. 1112 1 1 G1111D vAuo"DEc'iM°BiR 11-21. 1112 1 ~----------------~ ~-----------------~----------------~ ~----------------~ ~1t1c••A1t••,ncnnn1u1t•OAY,1MC••••1t 1•, nlltU •U#OAY, o•c••···-fN••l'Olf#U1t••TLOCAnO#O, ••ITH'• ~UA•• ~HO#• t•flJ H1-IH• RUBY RED 1 I $1 !!~E~RUIT ~ lllALL I~ A IMPERIAL MARGARINE RIEQULAA OUAATIRI 1-LB. CTN. SCHLITZ BEEll fllOULAll 011 LJO"T 1l·OZ. CAii 111n ,. ~P!.~~~~~.'~.~~-1 ...... -............... ~ 1 '' ~"~S!'.2!~~~-·~--. ·--I Mfll 1 •• 'AUL MAllON LIGHT WINll 211 OM .... tt.llMI•.-"""" ... ,. . .. , ................. U ·l TII ~~CHATKA VODKA ,,. . ..,. 711 1~. ~~MB~!... --··-.... 5i11 ROMAIN! 3:11 -..-..... -·-·--·-----·--····-.... ·--· . MAR•LI QUll!N 4 ti --eooT---------· _ .......... _,_. ~~!---eooT--·-.. --·;··---5" COKE. TAB. SPRITE 1l·OZ. CAN 'Olffll,AllMIOll ZACKY 'A"MI FARMER JOHN WHOLE HAM fl.A¥Oll,~ ........... -...... ... ........... .• SMITH'S TURKEYS e11nu1 eunD. ••Du• ...... FARMER JOHN SAUSAGE -····~UOllNDf,1• .... -._ -• - BONELESS TURKEYS eun.ln' ... OOTN •CALIP. Le 151 • La 89• Le 121 l• 1 .. !!2_~~~!~~,!f.PP~ES .. La 39• !~~.!!~!~·--· -·----··-·----5:• 1 NIPHTHYTUS 311 -· _ .. , .......... _ .. ,_ ··--·-......... , __ ,, ____ .. __ CROTONS ____ 4 ti Ofl l'OWDllllD, '"'INOPllLD, 11·01. eox SUNNY DELIGHT Cl~ l'\llOCN, CDC-MA'9.M-Ol. en.. INTERNATIONAL VEG!T ABLES lfOlllL •• ...-YID. •M&. ....... noon• PET-RITZ Pl! 8H!LL8 "11 .. Cl'L_I. .. ----FR!IH APPL! JUICE ·---•Tl...OMU. .. 99c 111 75• 12• SMOKED HAMS VICTOR, fULL Y COOKED IHANK PORTION IOUICE FU.C IOFTEllEI a.AMI CGfFEE •IATE CllffM 111• un1a .. , CAllATIOI •• wn.IBIPE ~;w;:·:::::·:: :,'.':; EVWMlEI .. l ,, ~ 211 NO. 84t ML ............ 11' 1MJI. 6 t °'. • ... 311 .... -............ UI CM .. oA 1J'Mlf& IDNIGHT 3100 BALBOA BLVD.H "1ttl.ST. NEWPORT BEACH 29711 HARBOR N R BAIER • COSTA MESA OPIN 14 HOUIJI ... ' I '• '• " .. I Ji I 2 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Wedl\Mdey, December 15, 1N2 ~II together · now let's deck the halls A l'Ustom growing In popularity and adding a greul deal or enjoyment t-0 the holiday season is ti Trim 1.1 Tree Party. Probably th e Christmas chore that is the most e njoyable, trlmming the tree, offers or nlUl'8Urilll' b (\ f 0 ,. l ' H l' r v I n". I r I ' MUiJW>Clfl sialt l 1.i'' t.•ups c hopped U<'slr1'<.I, 11pl'lnklt• nutmeg 111 ll'O!ipoon ground rnu1Shr·oorn11 on top nutnwg 1 larae onion, YIELD·: About 1 :J u1blcNpoons butter choppt>d (1 cup) g u l J o n · :J 2 Vi -c u p or mur.curlrw 2 cups cooked rke ' servings. ' 1 Vi c u p ll I res h l can ( l pound) ., whoh~ wheot bread or salmon, drained HAR VEST rornbrcsd crumbs 2 hard-cooked eggs. MEDLEY ~ cup broken nuts t.•hopped 2 medium zut.·chini ln 2-quurt s hallow . a perfect opportunity to gother the family - ftom the youngest to · the most venerable oldster -and friends to shore th e h a ppy Ol'C'asion. 2 m e d i u m slic..-ed ~-inch \hick ( 1 !.'~ ca s s er o I t• com b I n e grapefruit, peeled and cups) z u l' ch in I . l' a r rot 8 , Salmon Loaf En sectioned ( l lf.r cups 2 medium carrots, rutabaga, onion. broth, Croute decorated sections) cut in juUenne strips (1 ~ concentrated oran ge 'h cup grapefruit cups) juice, salt and nutmeg; with holly leaves juice (reserved from 1 medium rulabaga, mix well. shares the lt adds to the fun wt)en guests are asked to bring an ornament for th~ tree and the family photographer is given the task of taking snapshots so there are enduring mementos of the evening. sectioning grapefruit) pee led an d cubed (l 'h ln medium skillet melt ~ cu P ch o PP e d cups) butter: add crumbs and spotlight with fresh dill or 2 teaspoons 1 large onion, diced nuts; toss until w e ll bowl of Christmas dried dill ( 1 cup) · coated. Sprinkle crumbs ~ teaspoon salt ~ cup chicken broth over vegetables. Nog and salad of 1'~ teaspoon pepper 6 tablespoons ( ~ oC Bake in a 350 degree leafy greens and 1 egg white, slightly 6 ounce can) frozen F. oven 1 hour or until I d beaten t.·oncentrated oran ge, vegetables are te nder. 8 ice oranges, To make it truly a Christmas party, the food should be festive and decorative, too. In medium skillet melt juice. thawed. undiluted YIELD: 6 servings. walnut halves. butter, saute mushrooms ,-------------------------------------------·---------------- Sa lm o n Loaf En Croute, while seemingly elaborate to prepare. bakes just 35 minutes in a .mode rate oven and tastes equally delicious sci>ved hot or cold. Prepared in t·h e morning, it is ready at a few minutes notice to preside with honor at the buffet table. SALMON LOAF EN CROUTE Y, cup milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 lh teaspoons ( 1h package) active·dry yeast 2 tablespoons warm \Va ter ( 110 degrees-120 degrees F) 1 egg , slightly beaten 2 to 2 Yi cups sifted, all-purpose flour ln small saucepan heat milk. butter. sugar and salt until butter melts. Cool to lukewarm. In large bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water. Add coole d milk mixture. Stir in egg. Beat in enough flour to make a soft d ough. P lace dough on lightly Ooured board; shape into a smooth OOU. Place in greased bowl: tum so that greased side is up. Cover. Let rise in warm place until double in bulk, about l lh hours. Meanwhile, prepare Salmon Grapefruit Filling. SALMON GRAPEFRUIT FILLING 2 tablespoons butter and onion until soft. In la rge bowl combi n e sauteed vegetables, rice, salmon, eggs, grapefrul sections and juice from sections, dill, salt and pepper. Roll dough on a floured pastry cloth or waxed paper into a rectangle 16xl4 inches. Spoon fillln~· into a loaf shape in center of dough, leaving a 4-inch border on all sides. Fold the long edges of the doug h over the filling; pinch to seal. Cut off triangles from each corner, reserve . . Fold the ends like envelope flaps to seal the filJing. Place on a lightly greased baking sh eet seam-side down. Cut designs fro m reserved dough; place on top of roll. Brush with egg white. Cut 2 or 3 steam holes in dough. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven 30 to 35 minutes until golden. Serve hot or a t room temperature. YIELD: 8 servings. CHRISTMAS NOG 3 eggs 1~ cup sugar ~ teaspoon eacb , ground cinnamon , ginger and cloves 1 quart orange juice, chilled 1 quart grapefruit juice, chilled 1 .quart o range sh erbet or vanilla ice cream 1 quart ginger ale, chi led Nutmeg In 6-quart bowl beat eggs with sugar and spices. Beat in orange juice, grapefruit juice and sherbet or ice cream. Mix in ginger ale just DESSERT BUFFET {FroDl cover pa1e) Add the remaining flour, hot mil!t and 3 tableapoona liqu eur. Blend well. In a amall aauce p an heat the preaervea with the remaining 2 tablespoons liqueur. Butter a standard loafpan (9x5x3). Pour the batter into the pan; bake in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 35-40 mmutes or until a cake ie.ter comes out clean. Cool in the pan for 10 Jninutea. Run a knife around the aide of the pan and unmold the cake onto a rack. Bruah hot preeervea over hot cake, forming a thick glaze. Transfer to platter. S erve hot or at room temperature with lightly sweetened whipped mam on the aide. Makes e to a 1ervinga. • BRANDY CREPES ~-·c up p 1 u. 3 t.ble.poona aifted flour • ~ teMpoon aalt 3 large egp 2 tablespoons melted butter • 1~ cup milk 3 tableapoona brandy 1 tablelpoon auaar 4 tablapoona melted butt.er mixed with 2 tableapoona vfgetable oil (f or ~thepan) medium high heat. Pour a little batter into the pan and tip the pan ao the batter run.a evenly over the entire surface. Brown on on e aide; then turn and brown on the other side. Stack crepes on a warm platter. The crepea may be refrigerated for aa long as three daya, warmed up, and u.ed. They may a1ao be frozen. Be aure they are completely defroeted before ualng. FllllDI _ 4 apples, peeled and cored 4 tablespoons butter l cu p ground h.az.elnuta or walnuts 1 teaspoon lemon rind 3 tableapoona brandy · Slice each apple into 8 wedgea. Saute apple in butter and 2 tablespoons aupr until j\.wt tender. In a mixing bowl, combine remaini nl ~ta. . 1ro aaaemble crepea, place 2 alioel of app)ee on the upper third of each crepe. Sprinkle with nut mixture. Fold the bottom of crepe up and the two aidea in, formlng an opened packaae. Place crepe1 In a bakln8 d1ah and bake for 1~ minutes, or untll heated throuah. Serve warm with c hocolate Sift flour and aalt Cl_llether and place in a 'tlOwJ or blender. Add aauce. fllS, ualn1 blender at CMeola&e S.11ee low apeed. Add butter, 10 owx.w eem.lsweel llbk. COii* and IUIAf chocoi.te Od beet until t>.tter ii \.11 cup brandy 'tie conmt.enc:y al thick 1 \.11 cupm IOUr c:rmin ~· Melt ehocolate In a •::T or beet reaulu1 let double boiler. Add ,.._ ltar)d for one nour brandy and eour creem ~on bUdnc-and blend well. Makel :;:jlake crepea ln a 6-lnch ' 18 filled crepH, or 8 MJU·buttered pen over eervtnca . ...... ~;: ::::· ~·~--. • ltlve..-ide •Ma"or HouM • Callfor"ian Rib Eye Ste~k ~ Cooked Lobsters ~= Beef Cube Steak = "· '25' Fresh Snapper ~~Aid Premium Ground Beef Doll~~~*: 117' King Crab Ff°:s°'• '::"° FRESH PRODUCE •Bananas 111. 24' mecelery ~· IM#IClt 25• •vellowOnlons 3:.39• •Flavorful Jlcama 111. 39• Fresh Avocados GROCERY Cookie Mfx • Dilllclll HIMI, ~ Clltp Apple Julee ...... a. ........ . Apple Sauce ..... ~ .... ~ --··2" ..... t:;•1•• 2l:' 69• WI • ACCB'T USIA 111111' ,_STAMP COINIS lb 89' FRESH PRODUCE -Apples~ • 59' •Juice i:.f d:, '1" •Mums o-. 6''P: '6" •Poinsettias S·=' 13" GROCERY FYozen, Grade 'A' 10 '5" 10 1119 IO '9" ,,.,.., .. ,, ....... Boneless Ham ~~-: s1•• W-Added Wt.le Hom •. Boneless Turkey ~= 3-111 '4" Silt Smoked Ham ~~~i:""s-1n io 1111 (8Ytt Potlion lb Sl 39) Fresh Turkeys ..._ ~r~111111 • io 89' ·~ '181 Turkeys '°'i:. ~.,O!"' ~~~ •. 69' lefty Crocker Frostl111 GROCERY . ' .. ........ Cham,..ne ~ ''°"""' $ 700 ........ ::z:. "'-~ ·,r~· ,, SPECIAL $121 t Ivory Q liquid l1llJ Piiat W(ONLSIJAY. 0£C lb, 1liJ82 Rifleman makes his mark Carmon's debut ignites UC Irvine, 104-88 By JOHN SEV ANO or the Delly Piiot •••tt Before Tuesday night, tht' last time Troy Carmon wort• a uniform was in early Man.·h. 198 1, at the C IF 4-A basketball finals. At the time. Carmon was a member of the Long Beach Poly High squad that beat San Marcos for the (•hampionship. By his own recollection, the 6-6 forward had 24 points and nrne rebounds rn his prep finale. Little did Carmon realizc then how long it was going to take him to get back on the court. First there was a stop at Colorado State, where h<> eventually inJured his shoulder during a practice prior to the 1981 -82 season. Then thertc> was the decision to transfer and ultimate verdict to attend UC Irvine last December. Finally, there was the wait. For more than 18 months, including five games into the 1982-83 campaign, Carmon had to be conte nt just sitting on the bench and watching. Tuesday night, the Antcatcrtl -and Carmon -found out the wait was worth It. Playing only :zo o( the allo tted 40 minutes, Carmon came ore the bench to score 16 points and grab 8 rebounds in helping UCI to its fifth win without a loss as the Anteaters whipped vishing Chapman, 104-88, in a game much more lopsided than thf' final score indicates. Carmon entered the game at 15:40 of the first hall and needed only 44 S(..'(.'Onds tu make his presence Celt as he took a pass. twiste d, and canne d a s ho rt 12-foot . fallaway from the baseline. Carmon's basket climaxed an 8-0 UCI spurt whit'h saw the Anteaters change a 6-5 de fi cit into a 14 -6 41dvantage that the Panthers (7-3) never rec.-overcd from. "The last time I played was two years ago in the CIF championship game," said a weary Carmon afterward. "It felt kinda weird, to be honest with you. That's an awful long time not to have played. I was totally exhausted." Outside of Carmon's stamina, the rest of After an 18-month absence from the basketball court, Troy Carmon ( 33) helped lead the Anteaters past t:hapman Tuesday night, 104-88. his game looked as If it hadn't missed a bounce. There was one slret.ch In which the forward hit 5 of 7 shots from the field . AU his baskets were the frozen rope variety, prompting freshman Ronnie Grandison to dub his teammate the "Rifleman." "l did a good job scoring points, but I d idn't do a very good job rebounding," assessed Grandison o f his o wn performance. "I wasn't nervous at all ... just winded. The bottom line though Is that I'm happy we won and we're 5-0." The game was bilJed as a possible track meet with Chapman's speed and quickness going against UCI's speed and height. The Anteaters simply had too many guns. however, for the Panthers to diHuse. UCI built a 52-32 halftime advantage, led by as many as 28 early in the second half, and was still leading 83-56 with 6:57 to play when the Panthers made a brief run at the end. "They're a tough ball club," said Chapman Coach Walt Hazzard of the (Se~ RIFLEMAN, Page D%) Sf'OATS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER S01ith has horse sense Two of us were talking about the unlikely common denominator of hockey, soccer and horse racing. One of us was Jim Smith, the general mana~er of Horsemen's Quarterhorse Racing Association which is curre ntly engaged in its dodge at Loe Alamitos. Before that, Smith was GM of the Houston Aero9 of the late World Hockey and the San Antonio Thunder of North American Soccer. ''What the three· have in common ia the name of the game in any profe911onaJ sport." Smith said. "Rumpa in eeats." · To illustrate, Smith saw his first quarterhorse race after he took the HQHRA job seven years ago. The association had been formed by a group of quarterhorse owners looking for action between the summer meet at Loe Alamitos and the later aession at Bay Meadows. Making a profit had not occurred to the founders and when the enterprise took off from the opening day, it was concluded that someone was needed to watch the store. The board of directors decided the main qualifications were experience In the pro sports arena and a law degree, which were among Jim Smith's credentials and the deal fell into place. Late r , there was a merger with the Peninsula Horse Racing Association which operates the meet at Bay Meadows and Smith now runs both ends. It appears to be an enviable job, The GM lives part of the year in Southern California and part in the North. It appears to be an easy job. The GM is see.n mostly dining on the turf terrace and sticking pins in the program. Smith is a notoriously inept quarterhorse ha.ndica pper. Well, it is an enviable job but not necessarily an easy one. There is considerable to do between the 59 dates at Los Alamitos and the 50 at Bay Meadows, if it is simply to close down one meeting and complete the prep- (See SMITH, Pase D4) This, year Irvine • IS doing ihe killing Vaqueros, 1-19 last year, are 5-1 and in semis vs. CdM in tl"l'eir own tourney By CURT SEEDEN O(tfle Delly ......... The father of Irvine ~gh center Doug Brozovich didn't arrive at the Vaqueros' basketball game with Glenn High until halftime Tuesday night and when he spotted a couple oflrvine boost.en standing outside the gymnasium. he yelled out for a status report on the game. "We're killing them, .. the booste r responded. "Old you say we're getting killed?" the senior Brozovich called back. "No, that was Issi year," the booster responded. Indeed. things are looking up this season for Coach Al Herring's VaquerOt!I, a team whlch managed to win just one game in 20 tries last year. Tueaday night In their own gymnasium, the Vaqueros 8COred a 67-62 victory over Glenn in the second round of the Irvine Tournament. It was the Vaqs' !lfth win of .. the aeuon against just one defeat. The victory sets the stage for Thul'lday night'• (8) mat.chup with Sea View Lea,ue foe Corona del Mar, which top~ Santa Ana 60-48 In another wtnner s blacket game. In two other winnen bracket c:ontesta, University auffered a aetbeck at the handa of Artesia. while Laguna Hills needed four overtimes to nip Savanna. ' Thursday's schedule (at Woodbridge) 5 -Glenn vs. Santa Ana (fifth place) 6:30 -Woodbridge vs. Mission Viejo (consolation) 8 -Irvine vs. Corona del Mar (•t Unlverelty) 5 -Savanna vs. University (fifth place) 6:30 -Costa Mesa vs. Vitia Park (consolation) 8 -LaQuna Hiiia vs. Artesia Here's what transpired Tue&day: Irvine 51, Gleu H Bernard Ussery acored 17 and three other Vaq\'eroa acored eight points each u lrvine had a pretty easy time with Glenn. despite what the final 8COre might Indicate. The Vaqueros owned a 32-18 halftime advantaae and Jed by 81 many u 20 (48-28) with 6:4'1 mnaining In the pme. Irvine mana1ed to overrome the preeence of a couple of bta Glen.r'I playen, namely 6-7 center Ron Fl1eher and 6-6 forward Steve Baker, who llCOf'ed 17 and 16 points reapectively. Unfortunately for the Eaah.'s, Baker waited until the founh quarter '° ICOn! 14 ~ , of his 16 points, and the offensive output only managed to make the score look respectabie. Herring, meanwhile, ls simply In awe at the turnaround of his team. "I think they're starting to believe In themselves. I wu a little bit concerned about them gaining confidence prior to the seuon," Herring admitted. The Vaqueros are graced with the preeence of Ussery, a 6-4 .enior forward who can leap and alao poaews one of the strangest-looking, yet successful free throw-shootinl ltyla. Unfortunately for the Eagles. U11ery only went to the free th.row line four times (he converted three) Junior guard Bob Rhode• •• junior forward Lance Neal and reaerve Jeff Bielman each IC.'Ored e'8ht points to pace the balanced attack. while Bro1ovlch chJpped In seven and r4!!K!rvc Ken Caldwell added six points. "l think the auys leamed a lot wt year," admitted Hemna. "And the key la, thel didn't set Into tllat JOiina syndrome. It 1 tomethlng you have to worry about and w. talked a lo\ about h." C.rou del Mar M, S.•&a AM •• The defendlna Sea View Luaue champ6onl ,........ l& Potnta fram ,.uard (See fRVINE, Pap DI) Delly Not PMtoe ~ LM ~ UC Irvine's Tod Murphy hoot a hort jumper over the outstretched effort of Chapman's Leif Hodge . .. Allen no{ ready to abandon OCIR .. :: :· By HOWARD L. HANDY O(tM Deltr Piiot ..... Charlie Allen is a realist and knows the end of Orange County International Raceway drag racing facility is coming. But he isn't ready to abandon the ship at the present time. And rightfully so. He has spent more than two years operating the facility and improving conditions in many ways to make it a Camily race track. His big problem at the moment is that the land is OW11ed by the Irvine Company and future plans call for cl osing the facility . Allen's lease is up Dec. 31 and he would like an extension for as long as the owners will allow. "U I thought that six months was going to be the ultimate time they could allow someone to be there. I would listen. But ii it is more like three years, then l would like to get that long of an extension. "In order to build a sound wall, I need at least three years. But I feel strongly that Mr. (Tom) Neilsen and Mr. (Dan) Lamkin are both very good businessmen and both are very fair people. "l just have to believe that they are going to let us stay as Jona aa they ~ibly can lf we can work around some of their construction. -"I realize they will not leave the track there when the time comes '° build. I will even help them when that times comes. They are not doing It just for me but for the total community. Becau1e they want to try and 1erve the community as best. they can. "In two or three yean, l can )lave another site that wlll eerve the Orange County area. We kept thlnkln1 all this year ihat we were 1olng '° get a long term extension -perhapa five years. "I think the main thin11 thouch. " that they are aoina to be fair and try to accommodate U1 U long 81 lhey can. Ir they do that, everyone In drag racing will a~teit. 'I -.ree that It ls over but not rt1ht at the prewnt time. But we wlU work to1ether when the Urne 11ctua1Jy does come." aay1 Allen. Jerry Collins, a spokesman fqr the Irvine Company, says: "We did have a good discussion {Allen, Neilsen, the incoming president and Lamkin, vice president c1t property management). -A n umber o f matters wei;e discussed and the conclusion WJ1111 that the company would r~­ evaluate the development issues with impact on the continued operation of the raceway. • "There is acknowledgement 6y all parties that if there is 90me practical way of accommodating the raceway at all that it would onlv be for a limited period. (See OCJR, Page 05) Bryarit quits;\'. Perkins new ~~ 'Barna coach . .. .• .. :: ·: TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (AP) ..:: Paul W. "Bear" Bryant, tbe winningest coach in colle~ football history. announced ~ retirement t oday and Ra!y Perkins, coach of the Nationtt Football League's New Yotk Giants, was named as hta successor. Bryant, 69. said he would remain as athletic director of the Crimson Tide. Perkins, an All- American receiver at Alabama in the mid-1960s. will stay as C09Ch of the Giants through the end of the season and take over at Alabama for the 1983 1euon. The announcements came in simultaneous new1 conferences here and In East Rutherford, N.J. Bryant. with a 322-8&-l 7 !"('(.'Ord as a college coach, 18id his retirement would take effect Aaftl'r Alabama's Liberty BowJ game against Illinois Dec. 29. This year's Crlmaon Tide team fl 7-4. the team'• poorest mark sine<' 1970. "1'm fol1owin1 -repeat, following -the ~atest t'OllCh ln cnllege football, ' Prrklna said. "h 's u gtt-at honor '° IO there." Pryant ha1 been coach 1t Alabama for 2~ yeara. c:omplll~ a record of 2!tl·48-9 .. ---~ -.. .. -.. - -~-• r Raiders, not job, on Malavasi's mind From AP dl1patc be1 Cooch Ray Malavasi of tbe Rams [!] says he's looking forward more lo 4. t Saturday's game against the Los Angelt.>s Raiders than he's worrying about specualtion he'll be fired because of two losing seasons. "To me, the Oakland Raiders game is very Important," he told reporters at his regular Tuesday media breakfast. ''I think we can beat the Raiders and our team feels that way." He had a purpose in calling t h e L os Angeles Raide rs by their pre vious name and said, "To me they're still the Oakland Raide rs. On the right of eminent domain, they shouldn't even be in Los Angeles. I don't mind their MAUYAll being there, but I think the club has done an injustice to the city of Oakland where the fans really supported them." Malavasi opened his Tuesday meeting by announcing. "I would like to say one thing. The re is a lot of s peculation going on in newspapers. I'd like you to know that I am under contract to the Rams until Feb. l , 1984. "I was hired to coach football. That is what I plan to do. "I have no further comment. Don't ask any questions. I'll be gald to discuss the Raiders and last week's game but I have nothing to say about the speculation.'' Quote of the day Bob Costas, NBC sportscaster, noting the good looks and flash y costumes of the Ben-Gals cheerlead ers in Cincinnati: "These are the girl-next-door types, if you happen' to live next door to Caesars Palace.'' Golden ta le top Dallas Purvis Short poured in 15 of his m 33 points in the fourth period to lead Golden S .ate to a 122-113 triumph over Dallas Tuesday night and snap a three-game winning streak on the road by the Mavericks. Short's performance wiped out a 31-p oint e ffort b y Dallas guard Rolando Blac kman ... Larry Nance's tip-in with 2:50 to play in overtime gave Phoenix the lead for good and the Suns went on to defeat Seattle, 114-109 . . . Reser ve guard Kevin Grevey and Greg • Ballard combined for 20 points In the final six minutes of play to lead Washington to a 108-102 triumph over Chicago ... Gene Banks' layup and free throw broke a tie early in the fourth quarter and the San Antonio Spurs (e nded off the 'Houston Rockets the rest of the w ay for a 102-93 victory ... Terry Tyler scored 26 points. 12 of them in the furious fourth quarter, and blab Thomas contributed a key steal and four points in the final seconds to lead Detroit to a 104-99 win over the New York Knicks. \\'hmip•'K "loptoi St. l.oui" untJ dt•ft•nM•mun Oavti D11bych had , Wllly Llnd•trom lil'lll •'<I two uuulic Iii two uul11i., ll'adlng WlnnlJ>C'i lei u 4.3 N1Uonal Hockey L.t.'U6'Ut• vklory owr tho •lumpln1i St. J..oulll 8lu111 'l'ul'K<Juy. It wwa thu '4.'<.'0tld •trOliht lletlJlt<•k ,U\J rllnth l'l'V •MWI lJl l J gamt'S tor St. Loul• . . . ()(-ff'11Jl(•m1m Jim Korn flrt.'d o ICrt'C.>nt>d 11hot Crum uw blu(• lint' ot 18.44 of thl• Cinol period to lift Toronto into u 4.4 tw with QuC!bt.'C. Tht• II<' lt•UVl'li tlw Ll•uf11 wtnk'li--; In their lut 2ts games on the r01Ad . . tiu.rtford's Mark Jolla1on acored with o manutt· ll'ft to give the Whalers a 3-3 tie wltti Mlnnei!Ota . . Tony McKe1ney ec..'Ort'<i two gQP.ls to ~ Buffalo to a 5-3 victory ovl'r the New York lslandurs, tmding the Sabres' six-game winlt•ss strl•uk. O'Brie n uphold pur protest NEW YORK-Commissione r m Larry O'Brien on Tuesday uµhclJ it protest by the San Antonio Spurs or a double overtime loss to the Lakers during a National Basketball AssoclatJon game Nov. 30. He ordered that the game be replayed starj.ing with three seconds left ln regulation and the Spurs ahead by two points. The action marked only the second time in recent NBA history that a protest has been upheld. The Laker-Spurs game was played in San Antonio with the Lakers winning 137-132 in double overtime. The controversy occurred with three seconds left in regulation and the Spurs leading 116-114. Los AnReles' Norm Nixon, at the fou] line for the second of two free throw attempts, moved as if to shoot the free throw but didn't 8J)d players from both teams moved into the foul lane. Referee Jack Madden called a double lane violation and ordered a jump ball. T he Lakers won the jump and Nixon hit a shot to tie the game, sending it into overtime. O'Brien agreed with the Srurs that since Nixon never released the bal • no violation should have been called. Onl_y hal( of Sun Bowl seats sold Less than half or the Sun Bowl's II 51,000 seats have been sold for the Dec. 25 footbal l game betwee n eighth-ranke d T exas and North Carolina, and unless sales pick up. the future of the classic could be in danger, bowl officials say . .. University of Pittsburgh, fearful of being left with thousands of unsold tickets to the Cotton Bowl, has twice mailed letters to season ticket holders asking them to buy tickets for the Jan. 1 game against SMU. T elevision, radio Following are the top sports even ts on TV tonight. Ratings are: v vvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. (;) 6 o.m .• Channel 9 v v 'lJ NHL HOCKEY: Kings at NY Rangers. Announcers: Bob Miller and Nick Nick.son. The Kings hope to return to the winning trail in New York tonight after losing to Washington Tuesday. Ma.reel Dionne scored both Kings goals to give him 501 in his career. He is only the ninth player to achieve this goal in NHL history. OTHER TELEVISION 7:30 p.m. (56) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Chapman at UC Irvine. Taped Tuesday. RADIO Hockey -Kings at New York Rangers, 6 p.m., KPRZ (1150). IRVINE AIW ANCES TO SEMIFINALS • • • from Page 01 Dave VanSteenhuyse and another 13 from senior forward Greg Wynn to record their second straight Irvine Tournament victory. . · The Sea K ings survived som e early foul Q'oubles to take a 32-17 halftime advantage and they played the Saints on even terms. . VanSteenhuyse turned in his second straight jmpressive perfonnance of the tourney. In the Sea f(ings' victory over Mission Viejo Monday night, the 6-1 senior S("Ored 26 points. Woodbridge 63, Garden Grove 40 . Coach Bill Shannon's Warriors rebounded from ~ 43-41 setback to Glenn the nij(ht before by .whipping the Ar..sonauts in a consolation bracket game at Irvine High. "We played good. patient basketball tonight," 11oted Shannon. "We like that kind of an offense where we can wait 40 or 50 seconds before taking a shot. and we rould do that tonight with the lead w e had." Center Anthony Radovich pumped in 24 points for the Warriors (3-3) while teammate Mark }'ormger added 15. · Woodbridge held the Argonauts to just three points in the second quarter to take a commanding 30-16 lead at the half. Costa Mesa 58, Tustin 50 The Mustangs, down by 15 at the half and 11 in the fourth quarter, sent the game into overtime on a 15-foot shot by Ted Stitt, and then outscored the Tillers, 10-2 in the OT period to pick up the victory in a consolation game at University High. And they did it the hard way. after top scorer Dave Palmblade fouled out in the fourth quart.er. Palmblade finished the njght with just seven points, but Stitt with 21 and PauJ Edson with 17 picked up the slack. Artesia 18, University 64 The Trojans got 27 points from Erik Blake, but it wasn't enough to stop Artesia, which advanced to the tournament semifinals with the victory in the Trojans' gym. Artesia's Tom Tolbert, a 6-5 post man who had 37 points in the Pioneers' first game, led his team 'Tuesday night w ith 17. The Trojans never did have a lead and the closest they couJd come was within two points. Mission Viejo 63, Western 58 The Diablos pulled out the victory in a ru,gged game which included 55 fouls. Jim Evans scored 13 points and added 12 rebounds, and Rick Crawford scored 19 points for Mission Viejo in the consolation bracket game al Irvine. Newport, Ocean View lose Nl•wpurt lluruor High c•ontinut'll to fall on hard t1nw11 rn nun lt.•UHUl· bu11kcthull l.ll'lio11, ultl•r thl' 8u1lon. cJropJ>C..'l! thl'ir Cuu1 th 11tru1l{ht Tu11'(Juy night lo Lukl•wood An<J In t0u1 nanwnt ac·taon. O('t•nn Vacw finds i\IJ{oJr in t hl' t'Onsolation brackflt of the.> San Dimas Tournament after falling to lng ll•wood, whik Westminster topped Anaheim In t.hc <.:olonu.~· own tournament Here's whut hupf.)("nt'(J : Lakewood 70, Newport Harbor 59 Cooch Jerry DeBusk can takt• solace in the fact hls Sailors lost to the defending CIF 4-A champions. The Lancers, playing on their home court, outscored the Sailors 20-8 in the final quarter a fter thl' first 24 minutes or the game• was a seesaw affair. Down by a point at the half and up by a point after.three quarters, Newport Harbor watched the Lancers sink five of six free throws in the final 1 :20 to seal the victory. Lakewood's Tony Pope, a 6-7 post man and a re turning s tarter from last year's championship team, hit 11 of 14 shots from the field and finished the evening with 25 points. The Sailors countered with 20 points from both Jeff Wolfe and Joe Seager, but it wasn't enough as they fen to 0-4 in non-league play. Three o r the four losses h ave b e e n administered by Huntington Beach, Servile and the Lancers. · BA .. KETBALL "h 'i. JUi.t u <.·w.t• uf u:. pluymH rcul tough p.-opll·.'' 11dn11w.J [)(>Busk "Still. I reall y fe lt w t' 1>l11y1.J w<.•11 tonight." Inglewood 54, Ocean View 53 Tht• St•ahawks watched a three-point lead with jwll over a minute disappear and dro pped into thl• ('On1wlatlon brac k et of th l' San Dimas Tournament as a result. Dyron &11 S<.'Orc.-d 17 Points and Mike Judge added 14 for the Seahawks. Ball added eight. rebounds But overall, Inglewood outboardl'<i Oc.-ean Vu:w. 23-14. Inglewood's Pat Roy sc.'Ored 18 points whtl& teammate.• Hakim Satterwhite added 16. The loss dropped the Seahawks' re<.'Ord to 4-2. Oc.-ean View met Crenshaw today at 4. Westminster Sl, Anaheim 45 J eff F.astin scored 20 points and Tom Downs addt'd 17 as the Lions knocked off host Anaheim in fi rst-round action. Westminster came back from a one-point halrtime deficit and a two-point difference af~r three quarters to gain the victory. Thc> w an upped the Lions' record to 3-2 and sends them into se<:0nd round tonight at 8:15 against Kate Ila . Dionne at 50 I but Kings lose RIFLEMAN DEBUTS . • • From Page 01 Anteaters. "They're a good team LANDOVER, Md. (AP) _ and it's no shame to lose to them. Ma.reel Dionne scored two goals "We certainly wo n 't play for the Kings, r eaching the a nyone that good in our 500-goal m ark in his National conference. This is just another Hockey League career , but it ~ck~d we're going to have to wasn't enough as the Washinliton Capitals poste d a 7-2 rout About the onl y thing UCI Tuesday night. Coach Bill Mulligan is lickins The victory stretched the these days is his chops, especially Capitals' unbeaten streak to 10 now since, with the addition of games, matching Ch icago's Carmon. he has a legitimate earlier this season for th e longest seven starters to choose from. in the NHL this "Season. "We played well for three q u arter s and then we got Dionne's first goal of the careless," said Mulligan, who is evening, giving LA its only lead, now looking for perfection as was the 500th of his career. Only well as victories. "I don't think nine players in league h istory we'll play an1bod)' quicker this have attained that figure. season than Chapman. We outran Dionne's j(oals were the only them, but I don't think we bright spot for the Kings. outquicked them ever." Dennis Maruk and Bob GouJd Jud Beardsley was certainlv put Washington in front later in quick enough around the basket the first period. Gould's goal was to lead UCI with 21 points. So set up by a steaJ in front of the was Tod ~urphy, who ca.me off net by Glen Currie. the bench to add a quick 16 and Dionne pulled the i'Wlgs even George Turne r . who looked with a second period goal on one light.ning fast in scoring 15. of the three shots the Kings And then, of course, there _man aged an _t_h_e_p_e_r_i_o_d_. ____ w__;;,e.:....re'-Cannon 's contributions. "He gives us so much depth it's unreal," praised Murphy o f Carmon. "H e's such a solid player and he's so strong. He can do nothing but help us. "What he provides is another solid scorer. a rebounder, a muscleman who a cts like an enforcer.'' Added Bob Thornton: "He brings a lot more help on the boards. plus he's a good shooter." "What he does is give us a little more shooting from the wing," analyzed Turner. "And he plays good defense. "The important thing is that he wants to win, he wants to play. He's going to help us so much. I'm glad he's back." With Carmon (6 of 10 from the field), Beardsley ( 10 of 14), Turner (5 of 6) and Mike Lopez (4 of 5, 9 points) leadin g the way, the Anteaters shot a season-high 56 percent (41 of 73) from the field. "f'm glad to be part of this team," said Cannon , seemingly enjoying his return to the court and UCl's subsequent victory. Richnrd Simmons Anmomy Asylum is cnmin' to town. A a mnrtcr of focc. we're already here. With fun and fimc s for everybody But here: the he c part . If you buy a re~ular I-year mcmhcr.h1p OO\V. you II get l yc:lrs free ·folk nhclln ho-ho-ho! Thnt~ l ycnrs for the 100 pound~ or Just n fow, the Anntomy A~ylum hat1 n program juM for you. There's even a free price of the fi~t year nlonc Come spend the holidnyi. with Richard . Wh<·thc.·r ' yOll want m lo'I(.' day-care center for the kid ... . Don't wait any kmgcr ... "Lavc·h" up now at the all-new, comlly di(· forcnt Rkhnrd ammon Anmorny A ylum ~·re nrcn now nn<l deck· RICHARD RS AlllDalYASYIDll ing the hnlls. with locations dcy·widc &1 come j()in u~. And make this your ~applc,1. hc<1hnk• 1 holiday 11ea~m ever CHECK PEP BOYS LARGE SELECTK* OF BIKES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY YOUR CHOICI OF ••• MURRAY• HUFFY •5020 •26.02 MIDDlEWEIGHT BIKES w /Balloon tires AD PRICES IN EFFECT THROUGH SUNDAY DIC. 19, 1982 A 1Ura81M .•. TO llOllASI llllllmlCr ·-l'WOl•MICI YCUtOOCI 20''80YS BMX "SPECIAL IDITIOlr' QUARTZ Portable• Auto DIGITAL CLOCK . I ~-_---~-; -= l _-:..:i ••• 4r-191!188~:;~Yf~O IUI •:a:• ·--4~ I #1258" WITH EXTAA MOUNTING lltACKET FOR HOME OR EXTRA VEHICLE IA. • Mcr-..,oc...., c•cwtry •• ~ ..,..._ . ~~.,_ ... -.. -. ............ ..... • !"""~ _.,.. ... ·-....... ._ .. ... CRAGAR f., • APPUMCl e<AnOU WY •CIAUl••Y•ll'HT• •IOCllT • Tll•SPOll •WIS- RKHAIGI YCUt 6 OR 12 VOl T CAI IATillY YOUISIU & SAVI BATIERY CHARGER HIPCM llAll>Y FC>a lMllGOKIS <nen< ... M. 197' tin ltU ..., .......... 9•s HAID WOllUNG lllG# nllOIMA#Cl HEAVY MUL Tl-G•ADI DUTY GTX ;::::: ) A E 30 WT 87!BrJ 98~, . vesrr oua ..w no• ~--S.=...;;....P.....;;;;E~C=-=IA--=L;...__~.:.::"~L=U:::..:E:.;S~-=-F~R=-=----=T:.....;O=-=D:;;..:./f....:.~-=---=T....:.H..::.:R::...=..=U~S:.....;z~N-=-=D;...::A;...:....=:Y ____ Se_ll•_bl1_1 __ sp1_101 ORANGE c~~I~IS'!l~~ EL ,!~~ELD ~~~l!!:r!~ GA~~(~ ~!7 !!!! 12~~~ ~c~ss W~!!t~!!ER TUSTIN l CHAPMAN PHON[ 997-1540 so OF SAN DIEGO rwv PHONE 855 9593 PHONE 870 0700 KATULA' EUCLID PHON[ 9U 6437 PH0N[ 54 7 7471 PHONE 893 85'4 PHONE 549 1533 PHON[ 631 0863 OPIN MON. THIU fll. 9 A.M.·9 RM./SAT. I A.M.·6 RM./IUN. 9 A.M.·5 RM. -~--... ~... ""' -----~~~~~._,,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.._.._._.~~~~~~~-~ ~~~-------•• • • t u. p, ""''' (;1111 ·' lJAll v Pll ()I /Wt.1UllUHU.ly, 0 c.:un1bu1 16, 1882 lo• Alemlloe T\H!IDA'l"I "llULTI (J1et of M-clato quertorhotM mMllnt) ~"IT "ACI. 400 YA1dt Frenc1~ Fo<>nl P•Q<l tC1010)8 40 4 40 1 40 Sp,..>dld Ju111or (CtNQe<l 7 20 :i 00 S-t Powc:y (MllC!l41MI 2 40 Also racod llA,.Hh ftu Tru liumbOlla Gill Nicky Ru11nonu J~I NUll•r< NuQO•I lanet Coo<JW• Ju•uu. s,, y,.w TltM 20 611 12 fXACTA (S 61 pel<I $60 llO HCOHD "ACE. :150 yatda ~n«k 8to11W11 1Cro-15 40 • 00 3 20 N••Y Cn1ci. Go 10om1"9V'J1I ~ lfJ 3 llO Come On Oki Diu. IP•ulint!I '\ 40 Also taceo unol('I H,.r,d• Alldlluy 81{1 D••• P ic k 0 1 t no Pa t c h SOM•k•nde1ecr~ht1)' Ota fhrlt" 0du01ui Anoeto• Ange4 Wild Meblt• Time 18 00 THlllD ""CE. 400 yarlls MHlcanl1o (0omtngU41Z) 8 llO 4 80 4 60 M~la (Frey) 48 00 1$ 60 Sla&llet tCreaoetl 14 20 AllO raceo 00 Mr OuupOIW loo lnatanl Copy, Po1os Rrii.e C.uy Itch Sm•leand1oy cheeM. Bo Cn1ck Lally SI Sw1ndlo1 00-Dtsqu•lllled from S«:Ond to lost ·Time. 20 S6. 12 EUCTA (2·111 paid $418 00 fOURTH RACE. 400 Yltdl Nine Nino fOX1rot jPh><1) 18 60 9 20 6 20 Whirling S1~ (Cre1>get) 7 40 S 00 Lovely Lou Anne jHllngahd) s oo AllO raced Tisa Golden Dream Heathe11 Policy B•gorrnll Julies Lady Lawver Time 20 18 12 EXACT A t3· 7) P81d $102 00 flFTH "ACE. 350 yatdl Mklniglll SAlnl (Treasure) 1S 80 7 40 7 OC Schuyler Kid (Oelombal S 20 4 20 Boogie Fever tB•ooksl 6.00 Also tacfld Klut11e1 Lenny Mov1n Kinda Man. ScalS Clab,,.,, My Bat Admlral loc; Intent, Savannah Booll, Pappa Jol>n Time 17 93 a l!XACTA (9·2) paid $94 20 llXTH ""CE. 870 yatd1 Tortilla Flat (Pai.~ne) 8 ~ 5 00 3 20 Baton Giate tFIO<•I IS 40 3 20 Wlll'lyno (S..d) :I 00 Alao tac.cl Gobat Too Putraay Speed) Bait. OYtw Slladow, Miu Prissy Lula Time· 411117 HVENTH "ACE. 550 yardt Hipplty (Paulin•) 8 80 3 60 2 80 Miiot St PatrlCk (Valdeil 4 20 3 40 Shecky Boone (Btookal 2 80 Also raced Tr1pol 8onu1. Bat) our Walle! Dupes Utile Sear. Tn•nk Si> Say wnat. Soone< Mount. Maott!t Flddler Time 27 42 $2 EXACT A (S·4) paid $24 40 $2 PICK llX 15·2·3·11·4·5) paid S t,267 80 with 25 winning tlCkt!lts (five llorse~I S2 Pick $11 consolatton pald S24 80 wllh 424 w1nn1n11 llcketa (lour llO<ses) EIGHTH RACE. 350 yard • Patero Cn1eo lli••tl 27 00 8 60 fi 60 Vandya Polley (Broot<s) 5 40 5 00 Feeture Thia (Creage<) 6 60 Also taced Easy S&nds Kl<I al Heart mr Boone Bug 1n1rep1a Man wrangle Aloi Time tOSllU Ttme 17 77 12 EXACTA (6-81 pal<! $155 80 NINTH RACE. 350 yatds AIMI Wire j!>elombal 7 40 5 00 2 eo Aslc Carl tBatd) 7 80 3 40 Oul>I~•• T 9keott tHatl) 2 60 Atao raced Paurng ""ow Charlolles 84'Q 0.angoutang Don Dos Ro,os KM- Po111e. S,_ A Turn Two Sl>atp N E.u y Time 17 87 12 EUCTA (9·10) pa•d $45 80 Allene!~ -4.813 Men'• 1occer HIGH SCHOOL HunltnQton leech 2, Claremont I Hunttngton Beecn seonng Vuauez DllVll Women HIGH ICHOOL MOflna 1. £1 TOfo 0 Maune scoring Catkin• 1 Edi-1. AolllnQ Hiii• 0 Edrson 5CO<•r>Q 81et1t>td 1 NBA WHTIAN CC>fWIAINCI P•clflc DMolon w L Pct. Lake,. 17 6 77J su~111u 16 8 127 Ph~nia 13 10 t>O!> POlllOflO 1a 11 bO OoliJllo S111t• 10 14 417 S•11 t)1<1Qo • 4 t8 18;t Mldwoet Ohflolon Sntt An tUtHO t6 9 840 llt11•••• Cuy 12 1 032 D11llu• 11 10 524 Oenvu• 9 13 409 Utah 8 14 36• liOU>IU9 3 111 138 EASTERN CONfEAENCE 80\10<1 Pll1l•delp/>IA Nt "' Jetu, WAMUnglon Ne"' YO<I. Mtl*atJ.lit.H O.t•Oll Atlanltc DMoloft 18 4 818 Ill 4 811 12 10 545 lt 11 500 1 16 30<4 Centre! Dlvltloft 15 8 65;;> IJ 10 56S 10 11 416 9 1:1 409 8 IS 348 ,. GI I 4•, ~ 8 13 1 3 6'' 15'' 1''1 6 1 2 4 5'• 7 AU ant" lndtlr\O Chteego C14Mllano 3 18 143 II Tue1cS.y·1 Score• P0<U&11d 107 Lahn 103 Detroit 104. N-YO<I. 99 Waah1ng1on 108 Chteago 102 San A.ntOOIO 102 HOUllOO 93 Plloeni• 114, Seallle !Oii OT Goioen State 122. D111as • 13 Tonight'• Oamc>t Clevefana 11 P111tade1Ph1a Allanta at lndtana 8 011on al Oeltolt Oenvet at Mlh,,au~ee N-Janey 81 Kansas Crty Son Diego 81 Utah Bierer• 107, l•k•r• 103 LOS ANOELIEI -Rambta O. Wlll<ea 17 Abdut·J8bbar 14, E Johnson 24, N••on 11 McAdoo 11 , Cooper S. Worthy 13, C John•on 2. Llndsbetger 0 To1al1 43·80 17-24 103 PORTLAND -Natl 19. Thompson 14. COOl)er 17. Paxson 24, Valent1ne 1 I. C111 14 Lever 2, Judk1n1 2, Townes 2, Ve<h- l TotlllS 46-8 I 15-28 107 Score br O....ten Los Angeles 34 30 19 20-103 P0<Uand 28 35 20 24-107 Fouled out -none Rebounds -'Lot Angeles 1331. E Johnson tel. PO<llend (43) fnompson t 15) Au.all -LOI Angeles (31) E Johnson ( 121 Portland t301 Velenllne ( 13) lotal IOUIS -Los Angeles 23 Port18llCI ~ I ecnn.c;ats -Worthy, P0<tland INm, Coe Anoetff team A -12,668 COLLEGE UC lrvlne 104, Chepm1n .. CHAPMAN -Sawyer 6. Wallace 27 Wt1gh1 11. POOie 2, Clarl< 6, Barrow 3 Kelly 15 Hooges IS. Spellman 0, Frshman 0 Jontt 3 Wen•nge< O Totals 36 10-15 86 UC ltlVIHE -McOonakl 8. O.ard.iey n. Tn0<nl0f\ 9, Tur""' 15, L()9el II, Mu<l)hy 111. Cetmon 16, Gtend1son 6, 8ard1ley 2, 0.tnl O. Spinn 2. Mumgen 0 Totals 4 I 20·27 104 Hallhme UC Irvine 52·32 Three-P01nt pla~ Wallece IC) 3, Kell~ (C). 1, Barro w IC) t, Jones (C) 1, Turner tuCI) 2 Total foull Chapman 24 UC Irvine 22. Rebounds Chapman 38 tSawyer 7). UC Irvine 52 t1hornton 121 HIGH SCHOOL lrvlne 57, Glenn 52 tRVINE -8rorovlch 7, Rho1de1 8. Satermo O. Tamura o. M11'1 .. I, ~ 8, Uuery 17 Carver 2. Stelman 8, CetdWt!lll 8 Totats 23 11-16 57 OLENN -Trevino 11 , Corvanlea J. Frtcher 17. 8al<,e< 16 M8'Qu8Z 4, OrtOQa O Totals 22 8·20 52 8-e bf Ollaften Irvine 13 19 10 15-S7 Gtenn .a 10 8 26-52 Total loula lnllne 20, Glenn t:l Woodbfldae IS, Garden Grove 40 OAR0£N dJtOVIE -Smlth 12, AmM 7, Reynolds •. Oykstt• 2 o.,Ma 3, OuOflg 0. Moun 6 Clan•n 2, Blum 4. lkOfd O Tolats 11 18-26 40 WOODINllDOE -F0<1nge< IS. 8orauk 8 Radovcrch 24. Mortland ti, Wiie 8 Armstrong 2. Flynn O Burke 2 Lea o Lelllanc 0 T Ollls 17 29-35 63 '-• bf o...rten 0.tden Grove 1:1 3 6 16-40 WOO<lb<l<loe Ill 14 5 28-63 To1e1 fouls G8'den Grow 25, Woodbfldga 23 Fouled out Burke (Woodbridge) Technical lout Garden Grove Coa ch Campbell Coron• del M9r IO, San._ Ana 41 IANTA ~NA -Sterllr>Q 8, Johnson 4. Straav .. 12, Jelleraon II. Stown 7, Slllll'lll• 1 I Totals: 16 16-24 48 COflOftA DIEL MAR -Wynn 1:1. WOlll 11. Vance 8, VanS1Hnhuyte 15, Hou 11. McKlbberl 8. T01ell. 26 8-14 60 ac-bf Ollan•• Stnta Ana 1 10 l7 14-48 Corona d .. Met 12 20 14 14-60 Total fouls. Senta Ana 18. Co<ona o.i Mar 19 Foule<I out V•nc. (CdM) Art ....... UnlYeralty M ARTEllA -Robinett 13. Roner 3 , Tolbert 17, CM1PI 4, Beadle 20, JICOl)s 9, Walk et 2 T olels 24 20·211 61 UNIVE"SITY -Belanger 4, E .. rau 4. Stotroll 10, Blake 27. Cl>OI 10, Genllle 1. M•rltl ~ Cote 6 To1alS 2• 16-29 64 8-ebyO.WW. Arlnla 17 17 18 11-U Ull<Vt!tllty 10 111 15 20-64 IOl•I 1oul1 AtlHt• '1 Ultl••••ll• 12. 1 01>lell 11111 810111111 tt1111>11r 11tv1 U•11t11e jllt1l••1 t1l •I llc>li•hPll IAllttt••I I Qll••t I (A•l•"'•I t ... •P• IAttH••I l..:h111• "' l!WI IJot-fllly herWll CMll ........ Tv•Un IO l l.llllN M11w,.1t .t M•lt111111~ r b•newll• 10 M111111111t11•l'I' II U•11•• II We•., ~ l OOtlOiltt I 101111 19 11 111)() COti!A Ml.IA ll11Jtto1!t...,. T I 0 ... .., I} lllng 0 C.00\ 1 81111 11 Kott 2 f , .. 4 lottll• 1~ n IO ~II tt.,. bJ ,., .... l11t11n t~ II 13 ~ 2 ~ Coate Ma.. II t ti 10 10 H Total toult lualln 17, Coat• M•H 19, f OUl4HI W I llalmbl•tl" jf,;oate Me•al MIHlon Viejo U , WHlern Ill wtllTl"N -h1111 4, '•rtey 14, 3'"11h 9. ()y~ll•u .. 4, Drue. 8, Horn 8 Ke<lOw•~• ' Wlllte~V Total• 18 12 33 68 MllllON Vtl.10 -ht111a l:I. CraWI01d 1\1, Clltlv1 4, Mowry 8. Hiii 10, M 11.elly 4 lo•••• 2~ , , 32 o:i lc.,e by Ouat1e11 Wt1tetn 10 Ill 11 1~ 1111 Mia.Ion Viejo 1a n 11 11 83 10111 loult WNlltn H . Mtatlon Vlelo 27, Fouled ou1 H0t11 (W•et•nl. Mowrv tM1 .. io11 Vl•IOI CH1v1 (MINlon Vl<ltol WMlmloet., 51. A......,m 45 WllTMINllTlll -E .. 110 20, 0.LavaNaoo 4 Oowr1t 11 Browl'I 10 Jonntton 0 01•n• 0 t'o1a1e 219.14~1 ANAHllM -Downey 7. Am1oor 4 Pichardo 12. Ike 10. VankemM•n O. CUIMI 2. Pe1ot1 4 101111 20 5-9 45 le«• bJ 0-1.,. W"tmlM19' 12 8 115 15-51 Anaheim 10 1 14 14-45 Total IOVI• W"lmlntl• 8. AnaM!m 13. Foutacl OUI Paitrt (Anahalm) Inglewood 5'1 Oc••n View 53 -.oi.aWOOO -Na09'e &. SMll 4, Sea1' 8, Satle<""'He Ill. Roy 18, Johnson 4 Totals 27 0·1 64. OCR'AN VllW -J.odgo 14, Antonopoulls II. MOHi 6, Mullally 2, Bell 17 rer11 .. Ore1111Ck 3 T 01111 24 6·11 53 lccwe bra_,.,..,, Inglewood 12 18 14 12 54 00.an view 18 11 II 15-63 Total toult 1no1ewooo 12. Ocean view 8 ~•wood 70, NewDOrt H•rbor 59 NIWPORT HAReOll Suger 20, H81kar 7, Folk 8, Woll• 20, MeGavem O. Slleward 2. Gul1t018l 2. Soren11e11 O Totot1 26 7·11611 LAKIWOOD -Pope 26, Vllwat 9. Saluar 11, Ol•on 2, Southall 8, Oglesby 3. Slmmorll 8, L18eauf 4 Totals 29 12-18 70 lo«eby Ouarten Newport Herb<>< 19 10 22 8~59 LlkllWOOCI • 18 14 20 20-70 Total louts N-potl Harbor 17, Lakewood 10 HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Coal• MeN 4e, Sunny Hiiie 37 IU-Y HILU -Henoe<ton 21. Llbner 3. Pttmar 2. AIUM>n 2 Sc~p 2, Bradley 3 Con-0 Cowan 4. Clau11en 0 Totals 1$ 1·20 37 COITA MllA NHI 16 GOfc1e 9. Mcilroy 8, He<Mla 6. Schumaker J left 2 Blf10f\ 2. McWtthy 0. HOlfm•n o. Scl\mldl 0 Sl0<y 0 Tolell 22 2·5 48 le«• bf Quart.,. Sunny HIN& 9 9 7 12-:17 Cotta Mooe 8 14 12 12-46 Total 10\lla Sunny H1n1 6 Cos!• Meu 14 Edleoft •. Roeery 31 IEOllOft -Uetll~ono 6, C.1• 4, Trap! 13. Blllner 12, Me4nhatdl 22, Gendron 4, Thobe 7 T Olall, 211 10-11 6' "Ol~Y -Derr 4. EaallflQet 16. Fr-7. Krlbtl 2. Ttamm1 10 Totalt 16 7·17 311 lcot• bf a-tat• Edlaon Ill 18 1A 20-6' Roevt 2 a 1& 10-39 T 0111 IOUI• Edlaon 14. Rosary 17 ~•wood 41 Hunt. Beach 30 LAKIWOOD -Fauder 16, 8rodeut 4, Well• II. Robinson 14. Groan 0, Janet O•aham 3. Jiii Grahllm o. Madden 2 To••ts. 20 8·18 48 HUNTINGTON eEACH -Collon O. Cordova 2. Townaetld 14, COOQef 4. T11us 1. Comoguo 9 T otali 11 8· 13 30 lcore bf a-ten LakewOOd 4 7 19 18-48 Hunllngton BMcll 8 11 7 8 30 Total loula Lakewood 11, Huntington e.ch 12 ,oolhtll 51, Merln1 41 MARINA -Andetaon 15 Cotboll 14. fleiac"-5, KteratMd 4 Callilnl 2, ~hie< 1 l(eddy 0 Totala 15 )1· 17 '1 FOOTHILL -J Oiur 14. ~u 11. Je 0-10, 0.San119 10, Medi«! 2, Strong 2. Combt 2 Total• 23 S-12 51 --bf °"°".,. M.,ina S 10 8 18· 41 Foothill 10 t9 12 10-51 Total fOUla M.,ina 10, footllUI 17 NA8CAR 11183 ec:Mdule Fob 20 -<>.y!Ofta 500, Oay1one e.ac11. Fla Feb. 27 -Rlchmona 400, Rlchfnond, Va Mlll'Ch 8 -W.,ner W HOOgdon Cwot1n1 500. Rockingham. H C. Merch 20 -eot.·Col• 400, Atlante. Ga. April 10 -Rebel 600, D1rllnQIOft, S C April 17 -NOl'1"-11(n Bllnk 400. North WllkeJbotO, N C. Aprll 24 -Vlrgllll1 Nlllonal Bank 500. Mertlnavllle, Va Mey I -Wlnaton 500, Talladega. Ala Mty 7 -C<KkOf 81rr .. 420, Naslwltle. Tenn Mey IS -Muon·Ol•on 400, Dover. Oe4 May 22 -Valleydale 600, Br1a1ot, Tenn Mey 211 -Wor1d 800. Cllltlolle. N C June S -Bud--400, Rtveralde. June 12 -Van Scoy Oilmond Minot 500, LOfl9 Pono, Pe June 19 Gabnel 400. 8tooldyn. Midi Edison, Mesa post • • v1ctor1es Oilers, Marina defeated; Chargers remain unbeaten F.dison remained undl'feated and Costa Mesa advan ced to the semifin als of the Savanna tournament in women's high school basketball action Tuesday night. Huntingt.on Beach and Marina both lost non- league encounters. Here's how it went: Edison 68, Rosary 39 Coach Dave Whit.e's Chargers had Httle trouble in disposing or the parochial school entry in the Savanna Tournament in quarterfinal round action. "We came out really strong in the first quarter to take a 16-2 lead and that was the game," White said. "They came back a httle in the third quarter ·when we ran in a lot of reserves but not enough to catch us.'' Junior Gretchen Meinhardt had 22 points for Edison and is averaging better than :.W m the tour victories. She also had 13 rebounds to lead in that department. S helly Trepl scored 13 points and pulled down FV wrestlers • Wln Fountain VaJJey's No. 1 ranked wrestling team avenged Its only defeat of the 1981 season with a 36-21 d ecision over visiting Irv ine High Tuesday night in non- league action. B oth teams were undefeated going Into the match with Irvine at 8-0 a nd Fountain Valley at 17 .o and holding the No. 1 spot In 4-A ond Orange County rankings "The biggest win of the night was at 138 with >Trevo r T ti o mpso n pinning his opp<>nent," Coach J ohn Rosales of Fountain Valley said. "Irvine had a superior· decision at 119 and a mnjor dix:l~lon al 126 and a pin nt 132. After thol, w1• won th e next two bouts by decision t1nd that turned it In our favor." RrJsoles a lso praised tb e w i n s o f Mike Stevens al 98 and Marty Strech a t 1 0~. both winning by d i.ton. Jay Ru.W>ll plnnf'd hlJ foe at 185. WOMEN 11 rebounds while Janet Bittner had 12 points and 11 caroms. Costa Mesa 46, Sunny HUis 37 The Mus tangs s urvived 2 1 points from sharpshooter Julie Henderson to advance to the semifinals of the Savanna Tournament. "She's unbelievable. I've rarely seen a shooter like that," admitted Costa Mesa Coach Paul Kahn afterward. Kahn elected to go wilh a man-to-man defense. leaving torwllt'd Sh~Uy Neal with the dubious task of guarding He ndenon. WhlJe Henderson did get Into double figures, no other Sunny Hills player had more than four points. Neal. meanwhile. besides holding Henderson to 21 . led her team in acoring with 16 points, whjle Angie Garcia scored nine and added seven rebounds. Teammate Kris Mcilroy had eight polnL'I and Lisa Shumaker pulled down seven boards. Footlalll 51, Marina U Kim Kierstead returned to the Marina lineup but a coJd first hall found th~ Vikings losing to Foothill. Alene Anderson had 13 rebounds to go wlth her 15 points for Marina while Sandy Corbett hit l4 In a losing cause. Marina ls now 4-2 for the year and plays Long Beach Wilton Thursday night at 7:30. Lakewood '8, H1nttasion Beacll 30 The Oilers had trouble gettlna off more than one shot againit the taller Lakewood t.eam and were beaten on the offensive botrds accordlna to Coach Joanne KeUog. "Lakewood haa a couple of ver"/ lme playen1 and they were taller than we WC're,' Kc>l1oaR •id. J.ckle ToWNlt'nd had 14 poinll tor tt)e Oflen while Ann Comotlllo pulled down f re~ r 4 f ••11 a< i. .. ~00 (J•yl1Joa IN11 h na llllr It lh•M h NUii• ... 4i0 N .. ll•lllt , . .,, lulr '1' t,4uun11111 O.W 000 l01'9 fl()ftlj ... Mr ) I l1•tadeQ11 IW>il. f •"ildell• Al• A"I/ 11 t.11.,n111.,n pert. l'klg 400 lllOW.lyn "'"-" AilQ U 1"'44h llOO. OnttCll l•t0 ""' • •nu''*"~ U..ll11Qtuo1 IC. ••Pl 11 Wrenol•• 1 111101811 400, 111<.hnl(>tl(j v. 8ilj)1 1• Oellwat• 600 Dover Oat Sllill 211 Goody • llOO M" llntvlllo, Ve Ot.1 ' HOiiy ~Arl'!ll 400, NOllh W~kttbOro. NC ~I 0 NaU(>nal 6()0, l.illatl<llll . NC OCI 2J W1m411 W llO<lgdon AM41ttc.tll !IOO f.IO<;k!nllllem, N (, Nov 6 AUii/iii JOUllll.I 600, A1111111 Nov io Wlntton Wutorn 000. Rlv•rllllt NHL ·c-....c ... ,.,_, EdrnoolOtt Wlnr'll1>911 IC1f191 Vancouver Calgaty Chleago M.,,._la St L0\111 Detroit Toronto IMrlMDl'llelofl W L T GI' QA Pta, 14 11 7 1411 13$ 38 14 12 3 13tl 122 31 13 ,, 6 109 112 31 12 13 a 120 112 '° 11 17 11 1" 148 211 Notrl• Dlwlolon 111 6 II 130 114 44 18 8 5 143 1111 43 10 20 3 I II 1211 23 7 t 7 8 88 124 20 6 17 8 Ill 130 Ill Walea Conlefence ~•trlcll Dlvlolon HY llll1n0et1 17 13 5 127 108 311 Phllldell)llll 18 11 4 120 101 36 wu111r>Qton 13 11 8 114 109 34 NV Rangera 15 13 2 123 115 32 Plltlbvrgh II 16 5 101 1311 23 N-Jeraey a 21 7 114 148 19 Montreal Boston Outbee Bullato Heriford Adema DMtlofl 18 t 8 149 108 42 17 9 8 1315 t03 40 15 12 4 147 141 34 13 12 a 124 104 32 9 t 7 4 104 143 22 TueMlef• lccw•• Wethington 7. Kine• 2 Toronto•. Ovebee 4 Burrato 5, N-York 11lande11 :i Hartlord :i. Mlnneaota 3 W1nnlP4'0 •• S1 LOUii 3 TOftleht'o ClamH Kl119t II NV Ranger• Oetroll 11 P111tourgh St LOUlt .. f0<onto C80ltele 7, Klnge 2 kort b• f'efkMJ• Los Angelei. 1 1 0-2 Wuh•ngton 2 4 1 7 Flrat P•lod t LOI Angelea. Dionne 12 (IHkHon. Korag), 3 00 2 Wul'tlnglon. MOfuk 15 J8tvl11. 10 45 3 Wulltngton, Gould 8 Curr,.). 13 36 Penalty-WM, bench-"*' )y Haworth, 7 4 1 lacend~ 4, Lo• Ang1111, 01onne 13. • 31 5, WHNnQ1on. Gu11af1011 15. (Holl. Ht worlh), s 56 a, WUhlnQton Ga11-111 tCarpenter. M1ruli), a 13 7. Wul!lr'lgton. Ouac'-'o 6 (Curr11, Gould), 11 30 8, Wuhln9lon. M1cKlnnon I (C•rpen1er. M1.ruk), 1S 08 Penalties L Murphy, LA a 33, Chwtraw. LA. II 00. G"ln«. Wea. 115 00 Third Period 9. Wuhlngton, Novy 10 (Gunner, Catpenter). 8 18 Penalllea-Cllartr•w. LA. II 45, GutlelHOn, w... 1' 20, Lewrs LA, 14 17, Hawo<1h, Was, 14 17 Sh011 on Goa.I -LOI Angeles 9·3-11·21 WHhlngton 13·14·9-36 Goatles lo• Anglllea. u11<oekl, L .... ld Wu111ng1on. Jenffn A·8.896 Women'• tou"'811Mftt , ..... ~.NJ) ...................... Wenoy TurnbuU (Auatral••l def' Bonnie GaduMk CU S ). 6-1. 6-I. Bat bar a Pollef IU S JO.I Vl<gtn•a Ru101Aom-I ~-7, 9.3 6-2 Hertford Open (et...,_d,C-.) ,.,.1.._. ....... Biii Scanlon (U S ) d•f WOJltk F1bak IPolancl). 2-1. tl-3, 8-4, Mwl< Oldieon tU.8 l Oel KeYln Curren (South Alr~l.1 7-6. 8-4 Hans Glldema1111r (Chll•l del Rotcoo T ennt>< IU S l. 6-4. 7 .5 . . --~ ltll ....... 11 IOU1ltmM CAUPONU All al.I t re1e lte taported OP•n with pecked oowoer and 11ard lllllll llf, •.iu.oY -l)·H·lnch O.M fhree CMIU CJj)ef lllng INO* 9'411111T -2·4·1001 l>ue A• f'IHlr'I~ llfla OI,,..., wlU Ojlerllo IMOW VAU•Y -1 31811 of~ 10 Mftt oCIOflll<\Q OOl.OlmNI -54 80·1nGl1 ~ All Nllt OC>Wlllfl(j .. MA•NIVADA "AMOll .IUNe MOUNTAIN -38 ~ Peclled pow~ Thr .. dOUblt Ohellt Ol)lf•lloQ MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN 68 loohu paclled powder, lhrH t1>rl1Ct llltt, two gondolu a/Id 13 thalro opetat!nll 0000. RfOGa -54.&6-tneh l>•ff Four Nill MT M•A U •tnch b... Ge11er1 double <.hall• ac111ac•ooo -8·8-1001 beH Full C>PWlllOll lllllllA IKI RANCH -8·foo1 btat s.-cn11te •AYaNl.Y VAU.IY -4·5·1001 baM. 15 Itta "°"1Hfl AA -**Inell bUI Seven ~ft& llU INCLINE -24·54-lnc;h bHt Four Cl\elrl opetetlng IOUAW VALLEY -47-1001 baae Gondola and 13 chalra opetAliog MT. ROii -44-H-lnch bH• Th••• C1-1 IUDIE lllOUflT AlN -5-foot bua Two cloublecl\atrt OOMNI" ""UNCH -50-84·lnetl ~ Two Cflalrl ALll'INIE •AOOWI -S. I 1·1001 DIM Eight Clllilrt, 1 aurl-•-· tUOAll •OWL -1·10·1001 ba .. Four Nfto eoMAL -72-116-lnch beM Fout Cllalo . HOllHWOOO SKI AREA -32·90•1nch bH• l wo chalra, three 1urface towa operating. WrHlllng HIQH SCHOOL fountain v .... , JI, trftne 21 118 Stll\lenl (FY) dee St11ety. 10-4 tOS Strech (FVI dee Grilfln 7· 1 I 12 Miyamoto (FV) plnDOO Hendeoon. 1 S6 119 McEltoy 111 Cl.: Kenney, 13· 1 128· 8•enes (II dee Arliogheus. 14·6 t32 L11~1ns Ill l)lnneO Frec:o 3 S6 13& T Tll<>mplon (FV) ptnned Wdhama 131 145 E ThorrtplOll (FV) dee Lake 6-4 155 WMtey (FV) CllC sa-ter. 6-4 16S -Spalding tll Cite PenallOr. 5-t 185-RuSMll (FV) plnneG Oonovtn 0 15 200 Stalely (IJ dee Manc:hln, 8·4 Hwt Ab<lllamt (FV) pinned M0)'9<. 2 56 Coeta ..... •,Orenge21 118 POVndS -Leon (0) plnne(I M MHter1. 2 43 105 Sande<son (CM) ponneo Adame, 138 112 Ngyen (CM> plnn«I W1ncnes1 ... 3 36 119 C.rulll (0) dee: A Mas«1. 17·2 1211 Sollv0tes (01 -dee Moore, 11-2 132 Eiits (CM) pinned Kolpatrtc:k, 1 54 138 Conn0<1 (CM) dee AnljO, 9·4 146 -Bene (0) dee Branaton. 11·2 155 Andt!l<!IOll (CM) dee F"lores, 25·2 107 -Haney (CM) pinned T0<1es 3 j3 185 Scott (CMI dK taon. 11· 1 200 Rice (0) won by IO<lell HWI Unger (0) won by torle.1 Tueldey•1 lr•neac:tlone eAIE.•AU. NetloMI LMeiiO SAN FRANCISCO GIAl'ITS -Tr-.10e Morgen -0 .,._,,.,.,, and Al Holland. p;lelle<. to ,,.. PModelQhta Pll4llte5 '°' Mllca krukow and Metil 01vl1 pltcllora. and Cl\wlel Penigw. outllekltt FOOT9AU. -leNI , ..... LMeW PITTSBURGH STEELERS -Actlntod M.,k Malone QU9'10f-Cul Rick Moler. running bed HOCKEY -loMI ttocll•J LMew BUFFALO SABRES -Called up Oav• Andreyd\ucl\, ceri1or, lrom Oshewa Of Ille Ontario JunlOr Hockey LNgUe. and Paul Cyr, ten Wing, from V\ctorle of lhe Wes1ern Hockey LNQue NEW YOAK RANGERS -Relu<ned Pel Conec:hef. _..,.,. to TulM of Ille Central Hockey Leegue IOCCIEll Nortll A-1eaft 8-lMeW GOLDEN BAY EARTHOUAKES -Treded Joe Morrone, mldftekler. 10 1he Pllteburgh Spirit of the Major Indoor S-Leaoue !Of 8oO MCNitOI, lorw.,d Cou.EQIE EA.ST TENNESSEE STATE -Named George Buddy .. S aaaer head lootbell cotch NEW MEJCICO STATE -Named Fred Zecllmen '-d football OOKh end algrled film to a O>r ... Y99f c:onttect. OKLAHOMA STATE -Announced 1he realgnatlOn Of Olci. Young, all\lelw; dtrec:tor NFL standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE ~·M I Tll • • • From Page 01 IU'atlo1\I to OPt"O tht' otht•r onl· J1111 81111tlt •i. al-.u 1pl•ncJ111tc l'Olllitdl·1.1lJll· unw in Socrurnu1to w lw1,· h"· Ii. workinti with lht vtlH·• r.11 1111< .u111m·luth11111 of C:11lh11 "'·' u11 1.1 p1 ujl~l vltul to tht• f.!111m• 111 ttw 1ttnt1 .. OU-tr.wk wu~111111g hu thl• rue.fog pl"<>plc• quill' bl'l')tdl· lhNn1wlvl·tt with llllKll'ty , "U tor nu othl•r rt•uson thun ttw ll~'k>n ll«lrned In Nt•w York,'' Jim Smith t•xplained. "Off-tn1l·k bolting thl•re rujnl-d horse radng. n o l l o mentiun uff-t rai:k wa1iwring." The California racing people wiBh to take over any off-track businL>Ss in the slate and run it in a mannL·r to protect their sport and still provide action for the man on the street. They are thinking along lines of a "game" which is Ued to racing but does n £)t requi r e a n y pa rt icular handi<'apping skills. Meanwhile, Jim Smith and the quarterhorse crowd notice the steady increaae In attendance and handle and tap their skulls with their forefingers. "We have increued the purses t o a ttract more p eople of substance," Smith explained. "The purses for our two meetings alone will total $8 million. "But mainly, we have given the public what it wants. We have developed our own super stars. This is a star-oriented soci e ty --~gie Jac k son, Herschel Wal$<er~ Magic Johnson -and racing is now the same. "When the filly Landaluce died the other day, people all over the country wept." The HQHRA puts the money and super star angles together for the Champion of Champions even t Saturday. The prize is $200,000 and all the entrants have already won more than $400,000. The super star roster includes Sgt. Pe pper F eature, Denim N Diamonds and Higheas terjet. Smith says these names will attract more clients than the $2 exacta. "Just like hockey or soccer or any sport," Jim Smith said, "the bottom line ls people in the seats. Racing may be a little more pleasant because you don't get nearly as many people telling you how to run the team." Of course, when a guy tears up a pari-mutuel ticket, he is often h ea rd to mum ble cert ai n suggestions. HB triumphs • 1n soccer Huntington Beach High 's me n's soccer team re m ained undefeated with a 2-1 triumph over Claremont in a non-league men's high school ~r match Tuesday on the loser's field. On the women's front, Marina toppled El Toro, 1-0. and F.dison won over Rolling Hills, 1-0. in a pair of non-league encounters. Dave Vasquez scored a goal early in the first hal! for the HB Oilers on a pass from Martin Cueva. Brett Davis made it 2-0 early in the second half before Claremont scored at the 14-minute mark on a 35-yard shot from outside. Goalie John Hewin made a brilliant save with the score 1-0 in favor of Huntington Beach to save a Claremont goal. Hunllmgton Beach is now 3-0-2. RaJders Cincinnati NY Jets Buffalo Miami Pittsburgh San Diego New Engld. Seattle Cleveland Denver Houston Kansas City Baltimore W L Pct. PF PA W L Pct. PF PA 5 l .833 155 125 Dallas 5 1 .833 lSB 83 5 1 .833 139 90 Washington 5 1 .833 120 104 5 1 .833 171 95 Atlanta 4 2 .667 153 119 4 2 .667 98 73 Green Bay 4 2 .667 144 115 4 2 .667 117 95 Detroit 3 3 .500 102 95 4 2 .667 121 101 Minnesota 3 3 .500 109 98 4 2 .667 160 120 New Orleans3 3 .500 77 106 3 3 .500 83 98 NY G iants 3 3 .500 103 97 3 3 .500 104 96 St. Louis 3 3 .500 101 114 2 4 .333 89 122 Chi~ 2 4 .333 77 112 2 4 .333 111 149 San Fran 2 4 .333 156 155 l 5 .167 81 155 Tampa Bay 2 4 .333 85 111 l 5 .167 89 129 Rama l 5 .167 122 159 0 6 .000 60 138 Philadelphia 1 5 .167 108 135 NOT!!: The top elghl teams in each conference will qualify for the playoff.. ......,..a- t:vc:,~ •• M1am1 <cnanner 4 ., e 30 a'" I .....,. . ._.. eun110 et Tampa hy HOVt1on 11 PMedtlptita Mlnnetote et Oelrol1 New Yont Olllnte el WMN!>gton PttltJ>Ufgll •t ~ St LOUii •1 Cf11ceeo GreM 9ey 11 89"1mor• Ken ... CJty II Denver ..... on.an. .. DellM New !notencJ •t ... " .. Alll!ll• el 8en ,,endeeo _.,.. ...... Cinc1nn1111 et 1811 Diego LMT£D OfftR '10.75% LINCOLN MEJW;URY 2626 Harbor ltvll., Coit• Mo .. 540-MaO APR FINANCNi AVAlAaE °"•I• fEI 1112'1 .......... " JOHNSON & SON presents ... NFL ,. ............ Sat., Dec. 18 Los Angeles Raiden over Rams Sun., Dec. 19 San Francisco 0"9f Atlanta * Philadelphia over Houaton * Mlnn ... ta OV9f DetnNt Mon., Dec. 20 s. ...... °"' bft'ciftnatt .. I I I I You cah't beat this bargain Annual Toy~ Fore Farivi w Tourn y Hhi weekend ll'11 lime for the annual Toy11 Foro Fairview golf tournament al Costa Meta Golf and Country Club. The annual l'Vl'llt will be staged Saturday and Sunday on the Los Lal!COS course with tt.>e-off times from 7 to 11 each day. The enll'y fee is the blggesl bargain in golf $2. This Includes enll'y and gree~ fees. The catch ls that you must also contribute a toy. gift or a $10 cash donation when you arrive at the course. The gift or toy must be unwra{>ped and the value in the neighborhood of at least $10. This Is a tax-deductible donation and all such conll'ibutions go to Fairview State Hospital patients or to aid In their care. A very worthwhile charity event and one that 1s supported by the men's club and this year by outsiders as well, to the fullest extent. There will also be other ways of raising money. Long ball hitters, closest to the pin oompetition and mulligans may be purchased. Slgnup deadline was S~ay but you may still find ~ spot by calling Kathy Wilbur at 540-7500. DENNIS CHASE HAS been insuring hole-in· one action for tournaments around the area for some time. An account executive for E. F. Hutton, he is also executive director of Orange County Golfers' Association and specializes in the hole-in- one insurance plan he is involved in. ·"We insured 800 holes-in-one this year," Chase says. "We even had one insured for $1 million at a tournament in Texas. "But the strangest policy I had this year was not on a golf tournament but on a fishing derby in New Hampshire. They tagged a trout and planted it just before a two-day tournament in which there were 8,000-9,000 anglers oompeting for two days. "The 10-inch trout was worth $50,000 a year for 10 years to the lucky angler who would. catch it. We insured the fish for $40,000 and fortunately for us, it wasn't caught during the allotted time and after that the policy ran out." Anyone needing a unique policy writ~en , naturally with the odds in favor of the underwnter, DllTH NOTICIS WD..LETT GOlF HOWARD L. HANDY } just call Chase at 647-0101. Insuring a Rolla Royce for your favorite charily go!( tournament at the tbughest 3-par hole will be a breeze. • • • DONNA CAPONI WAS at Irvine Coast Country Club recently for the Donna C'.aponJ-USC Celebrity golf Classic and she was at the first tee most of the day competing agalnsl the various foursomes that came through in a long-ball hitting cont.est. While she used a graphite-shafted driver off the tee, with a oonventional wood head, she also revealed that she had a metal clubhead on her three wood and that sh e fell It gave her additional yardage. "I like the metal head very much but I haven't changed the driver yet," she said. "But it really seems to give you more distance and a straighter drive." The metal woodhead has gained in popularity among the pros. especially the women, since it was introduced several years ago. • • • THE SAN DIEGO OPEN golf tournament has a new sponsor and new dates for 1983. The new sponsor is Isuzu with the $300,000 event scheduled for Feb. 16-20 at Torrey Pines golf course. This moves the San Diego tournament from the fourth to seventh event on the PGA tour for 1983 and it is the last west coast stop before the pros head for Florida. "We think we'll have better weather on these dates," says ,Ray Knowles, general chairman. ETTA ROSLYN WILLETT. Passed away on December 13, 1982. Beloved wife of Dr. Henry Willett. A native of Winnipeg, Canada, she moved to Los Angeles ln 1927 and married Dr. Willett in 1935 . She became president of the Hollywood .Asaiatance League, and co- founder of the Offi.cers Club at the Ambasaador H otel during W orld War ll. Mrs. Wlllett and her husband moved to Cameo Shores, Corona del Mar, Ca. ln 1960 at which time she became a charter member of the Cameo Shores Philharmonic Assodatlon. Besides her husband, Mrs. Willett leaves a brother Noel Coppleman of Mira Loma, Ca., a brother Manning Coppleman of Swan Lake, Ca. Nieces, Mrs. Margo Ritter of Atherton, Ca.. Mrs. Marl Eliz.abeth Kaumeye r o Calgary, Canada and Mrs. Margo Herbert of Edmonton, Canada. Also surviving are twin nephews, Dr. J ohn Good and Dr. Paul Good of Regina, Canada. Funeral services will be h eld o n Friday, Decmember 17, 1982 at 3:00PM at Pacific View M ortuary Chapel. Pacific' View Mortuary directors. 'Tis the season when our relationships with others find expression tn the generous spirit of giving. Not surpnsingly, some of the gifts that mean the most are neither traditional nor costly. WERK ER FRANCES ALLEN WERKER, born September 9, 1900. Paaaed away. on December 11, 1982. Survived by her son Alfred L . Werker, Jr., daughter-ln-law Margaret and grandchildren Scott, Caroline and Elizabeth. Services will be held on Saturday, December 18, 1982 at l l:OOAM at St. Mary's Chur ch, Laguna Beach. Ca. Donations may be made ln memory of Frances Werker to: St. Mary's Church, Laguna Beach. Ca. Gates, Kingsley & Gates M ortuary. (213) 395-9988 HAllOll LA W~MT. OLIVE Monuarv • CA>nielt>l'\t Crema1orv 1625 GoslPr A~e Costa Mesc1 540-5554 "HCI HOTHHS HU llOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadwav Costa Me~a 642·9150 IALTl & HICO.HOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCLIFF CHA,ll 427 E 171h SI Costa Mco;a 646-9371 ,ACIFtC YlfW MIMOll AL ,_..IC Cerre1erv Mor1uarv Chapel-Crematory 3SOO Pac oloc Voew Drove Newport Beach S.4·2700 McCOIMIQC MOITUAllES Laouna Beac h 494·9415 LaQuna Hills 76&·0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 c Dally Piiot Cla111fled Ada Dlolth• direct tin• 642-5678 One unique way to display your holiday spirit is with a Holiday Greeting in the Daily Pilot. What better way to convey your special message of warmth and good cheer? And. adding a personal touch. your message can be as long or as short as you desire. For only 50 cents a line (two tine minimum), you can display your holiday message in the Daily Pilot's Holiday Greetings page on December 25. For an additional $5 you can choose from three holiday illustrations to enliven the greeting (select from the assortment shown below). Mail the attached coupon to place your message. Please don't delay, closing date is noon. December 23. To order. print your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mail coupon to: Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626. (Private parties only, please) ----------------------------------------------------- A B c Include Illustration· O Illustration A 0 Illustration B 0 1llustratlon C Card type: 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Charge Card " ----------------------- Card E>Cptratlon Date ------ You may charge ye>Ur Classified Ad Be sure to Include your Card type (VlsatMasterCard). Your Card number, and the EXPIRATION DATE YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER BELOW ~ • 11llJ1111 11 8 H l= LI~! I I l l I J r l l J r1 11 I f I l I I I I I 1=1 [ [ l J_[ NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP I I :C_I I l_j I I 1=-o: L.:J I I I I I ~I [ J I J _ =1 J=1TI I I 11 =11 c 1=1 ] LO I LI ,-, I 0 _1_r l l lLIJ I ]=-::I~] I_] :r=JI J_f::I_ [l STATE TEL£PHONE OCh~k or money ordtr enctoMd • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednesday. December 1!§, ..----- Delly Piiot Photo by lJe Peyne Newest Anteater UC Irvine's Troy Carmon made hi debut as an Anteater Tue day night, coring 16 po ints as UCI rolled to a 104-88 victory over visiting Chapman College. Trade for Cooper has helped Blazers OCIR • • • From Page 01 PORTLAND (AP) -The ridicule that accompanied Portland's off-season trade for center Wayne Cooper is rmging hollow these days. The Trail Blazers a r e unbeaten s1nc<' Cooper was inserted into the starting lineup four games ago. State and Utah before heading fo1 the Mavericks. Many of the Blazer faithful shook their heads in disbelief. Within a matter of a few years (no definite figure given) there will be a development in that area that would be quite incompatible with a raceway operation Tuesday night, he stifled Kareem Abdul -J abba r and blocked Bob McAdoo's shot In t he final seconds to propel Portland to a 107-103 victory over the defending Natio nal Basketball Asoociatlon champion Los Angeles Lakers. "That's something that's ~n following me throughout my career," Cooper said of his reputa1ion. "Bul I've never ~n anywhere where I had the opportunity to play 30 minutes a game." Portland Coach Jack Ramsay said he moved Cooper into the s tarting lineup because the struggling Blazers kept losing rebound battles. "We have twice extended the master lease for OCIR and it was certainly our understanding that that would be it. No further requests for further extensions and our planning has proceeded , accordingly . Now, at Charlie ' AJlcn's request, we are going to take another look at the situation • and see if Dec. 31 musl indeed be the final date or not. "A Jot of people were critical of their trade to get Cooper," Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley said, "but he's a nice center and he did a good job on Kareem." The Blazers sent starting guard Kelvin Ransey to Dallas 1n exchange for the 6-foot-10 Cooper, who had stops al Golden "W e have not been out- rebounded since we made that change," Ramsay said. "He (Cooper) can s hoot. He can rebound and he can block shots." Cooper had 17 points, six rebounds and three blocked shots against L os Angeles. Abdul- Jabbar manaRed 14 points. "We hope by next Monday to be able to advise Mr. Allen as to • whether 1l 1s at all feasible to allot the raceway to operate behind Dec. 31 thl.s year. We are gomg to ll'y and determine just. how much more time they need and how much can be allowed. and still be able to move forward with the pending developmen~ projects in that area," said Collins • • . College, prep basketball scores Colleae w .. r UC trvtne 104. Chapm•n 88 W11hlng1on St 87, P1clllc Luth41fan 78 NW Nuat-97, UC San Diego 8-4 RoclllM New Mulco St. 133, New Mexico Highland• 85 Uleh St. 80. BYU 88 Souttl-t Senre Clare 88, OlltehOme City 68 Te1tu Wellleytn 72. N. Tex St. 89 (Ol) .....,_,. Bowllng Grein 88, St Bonaventure 72 louttt WHI Virginia 98, Ohio Westey•n 50 Duka 83, Oevtdson 60 Pl&IC MOTICC rta.IC NOTICE AIL·Blrmlngnarn 56, Columbu• 42 Furman 7S, Winthrop eo hat SyreCUM 91, Ohio SI. 85 Menhallan 59, SI Francia, NY 57 Penn St. 78. St Joteph'• 89 Harverd 89. N-Hempshlra 88 Mer;tend 86, TOW11on SI. 56 MUNChuMlll 78, 8e'1llty 72 Brown 78, Rhode ltltnd 75 pt.Jue NOTICE FICTITIOUI aUIMll --,-IC_T_IT_IOU_ a.,.._.. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NA• ITATIMINT NAMI aTATI!MefT NAME STATEMENT The lollowlng P«llOM a.re doing Th• lollowlng parson I• doing The following person 11 doing butlnesa u . buatneu ... business aa J A C C 0 M PAN Y , 9 2 4 t<C'• CHARTERS. 233 19th SI , ABOVE THE CROWD 88 Fair Coron1do Or , Coste Me ... CA Newport Beach, CA 92883. Otrve Costa Mesa C1111ornia 92628 92828. Kenneth O Clark. 233 19th St., Juahn (lull tooal nemto 11 one Al /\. S..rtno, 924 COfonado Ne-Nporl 8each. CA t2883 name only). 103 Pinon Tr" Lene. Dr • Coll• M..., CA 92828 Thi• ~ I• con<tucted by an C051a Mesa Catitom11 92627 ChtrlH F. Teutar. 1548 ·o· lndlllldual Th11bus•nfft 11 conducted by an Ad•m• Ave , Coeta Ma ... CA t<annelh 0 C4lltl mdo,,,doal 92828. Thlt 1111emen1 wu flied With the Justin Thie bull-II conduc;led by • County Clerk of Orange County on Thi• ,,.,_, ..... hied Wllh tho general Plf1nerlll\lp Dec 10, 1982 County Cltlfk 01 Or1nge County on Al A. Serrano noeas Novembef 19 1982 Thia 1181-1 •at fllad wl!h the Publl•hed Orange CoHI Dally F202l24 Counly Cltftt of O<tnge COunry on P11o1, Dec 15, 22, 2t, 1982, Jen. 5, Pubhshc!d Orang• Con• Delly Dec. 10, 1982 11183 Polul Nov 24 ~ I I, IS, 1982 ,.... 5471-82 5087-82 Publl•hed OrtnQ• CoHt Otlly ---.---IC ..,..,ll't PHot. Dec 15. 22, 29. 1982, Jan 6, ,.._ "" sw. 1983 5422-82 • PtllLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUt 8USl .. H NAMI! ITATUHNT l ho 1011nw1no p11rtnn 11 dol"O b<lslnou as RAYLIN rNTERPntSPS. 27n Meo Verde Or1va Efllt, Colli Meu CA 9:16:?6 R•y ~1lncy 1i1ye1. 277~ MaH V1<de Of1v• hit Cotl• Mt.. CA 92828 Thlt busineu " cond\leled by llf'I lndlYldUAI Riiy 0 M111t K·-irtCTITIOUI llUIMll NAmlTATI!MEfl Th• tollowlng ptr1on 11 doing l>Ull,_ .. u .a IMPERIAL INHR·NATIQNAL CO., 1700 Mergarlta. Corona dtl Mar, Ctlllornta t2825. Leonid Gltck, 1700 MtfOlfllt, COfont del Mtt, CA 924125 Thi• Out1M16 11 conctuoled 11'1 II\ lnOMclutl Leonid OllClc Thll 11tlemtnl wee llltd wllh Ille Count; Clertl ot OrtnOt County on Oec e. 1H2. ,_,. Thi• t1al4"'1\8!11 wn '°'"'d •llh Iha County CMl•k ot Or•,. Cnunty M Publlthed Oreno• CoHt Oelly P1tot. Otc 15, 22, n . IM2. Jan 6. fll011Je 1913 Nc:v 9 lt8' PuOllthtd 01eng,. C1111A1° Delly MLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS au11 .... NAllH STATl!fftNT Tiw. lollow•ng pe.•on9 ere d<>lflQ DUSlntlSS Ill SEASONS, 2949 F11l111111w Strtool COllll Meu. Ct1lllOfllli\ 92626 S11mbo1 n"1t110,,1111 hi<: 8400 Clody Leflll. C111tJi!nle1le, CtlllC'>rnl• Tnl• 1>u11oe11 11 conductecl lly • Cntp()rllllC'>n SaonlJC'>• AtllllUfllll Ille 81tOh11t1 M 0..1 Oltlr«:I Mlll'l~f Thll tllllr<ml'Ol wt• f~ wtlh lhe Cc>Ur11y CIN~ ol O• anoe Counly nn N(IVi1111lHW ,4 19U ,.,., Publoftlled Orenu11 Co111 Delly P~ol Dec: I I 15 )1 1118' ~191 u Pilot 0.C. I II~ I& 22 11 62?4 12 r ln<I wh11 you w1nt in O~y r>1tot Ctnulhedl Community college l"...-.WT-ut ,.,..,..... Ml. Sen Antonio 50, Cenyona 4S Fullerton 84. Rio Hondo 68 Hlall ecftool TOUMAMDTI lntM ChMlptoMNp au.twftlMlle • lrvlne ~7. Gterin 52 • Coron• del Mer 80, Senta Ane 48 Lagune Hiii• 45, Stvannt 43.(-' ol) Ar1MI• ea. Unlverwlty ... Cennl11ton ~ Woodbfldge 63, Gttden Grow 40 MIMIC>n VlejO 63, Weetem 511 Cosla M ... 58. Tu•lln 50 (ot) VIiia Pllk 81, Los Arlllgoe 55 T--1nt ef Ctl1111,11 I ,..,.. ....... Inglewood 54, Ooe.I Vllw 53 LA 8ann1nO 49, Compton 47 Vatbum 1>e1 e 1. c,.,i " 8o1CO Tech M, ~ M ........... ,.,.. ....... W•tmtn•tat 81, Anaheim 45 Kat•• 83, 8antlligo e 1 E1tenola 63, Valencle 48 Servtt• 75, ~ 85 ,::-::::. LOI AlamltOI 52, Troy 40 COron• 44, Seddlebeoll 37 Or•noe 43. El Toro se Magnolia M. RanchO AIMlllOI eo ,..,_ ,.,......., L• Mlfada ee. HH Wltlon 56 Fullet1on 81. 1111111owW 48 ........... Stn CW-tt M, Lt H90f9 II Lflllewood 70, NewpOf1 H.oor 89 ..... .... ICMOCM. ........ , ...... , ... Chelt ...... Ma~ Coe•• ........ 9'lnny .... 37 Edlaon M , AoMr'I 31 Ocean View ell, l111t• Ant Vtlley H ~ 94, """" St ............ l akt'*OOCI 41, .. u.1tlftflon htctl )() .~ -~ ~ L -:,..----~ _ -i;,; • ..,,, • • --' - -~ ---r • -~--------~----_.. ....... ________ .................. "' .. ' 08 Orange Co at OAILV PILOT/Wednetd"Y• Oeoembef 16. 1982 ·----PUil.iC NOJICf: Mt.IC NOYICf l'UUI II.: IMICl l'Wl.IC NOllCl POBLIC NO JIC( P\alC NOJICl PUULIC NOHCl MOTIC• ..vtftMO llOI C..•W ---W OMIJ-----1,1 Wii NOTM:~ M YOU ...... DIPA"'-l U..R A YOU AN'ii'DUAUlf UNOlll A heltd P<OCIOUll will IHI r-....-NOTIC• OP TllUlnl .. IAU L-... •trwt\&1 NOT!Ct CM' T'llUlnt'I Ha.& lflUllll I IA~ DI ID Op Tau I y D a TI D C> l I 0 0 f 1 II U IT 0 A 1 I 0 •• llM 0111¢e Of lh• 8ec;re ... ~ ot T.• ..... .,.. HOll("l 01 'l'IU.ltfll'I IAU .... lta1•11..... Tl .... ,.. .IANUAlllV ..... ..,., ... YOU IVUMIU "· ,,,. u•&.1•• County 8et111et1on Dltlrlc;t No 6 el MOTICI UNUlH OllO Of lllUIT YOU Allll IH DSPAUlT !.*Dia A 'i I r WA fl I I I I l [ 0 f TAKI ACTION TO ll'RO'UCT YOU fAU ACTION TO NOllCT 10844 Elli• Avenue, Founle&n Velley, YOU A.1111 lfit DIPAUlT UNOea A IMPOIU ANI HOltCI 'tO OllO OP flllUll DATIO MMCH CAI.IF QllNIA .. duly. •011c11n••C1 YOU• ,.0,.1110, " MAY •• VOUlll PllOll'llllTV. 11 MAY •• C.Uloinle 9270&. on Of before 11\e DllD OP TlllUI TJ DA TilD PRO,.lllY OWNlfl UNO, 1111. UN&.111 YOU f Altl 1 ruttO u11d•1 Ill• IC1lluw1110 IOU) AT A "'9&.tC IM.1." YOU IOLD Al A 11"9&.IO IAll, I' YOU 26th ~y Of Jlll\UatY. 1N3, el 11.00 ll'TIM•llll ~Ml. UNLIH YOU A"l IH OllFAULl UNO&lt A ACTION 10 ll•OflCT YOUR <JU(.11U.O OMO Qf ttutl Will L.l NIU Alf IDLM'ATIOM Of T .. NHO AN U'LANAllON °' THI •.m .... WhlGh time lh•y wlll be YOU TAJll AC TO flltOTICT DUO Of lllUll OATID ·~ •• "'~•rv." .... M IOU» AT A A f PVfH.IC AUCTION '0 11•1 ••TUal OP THI ,lllOCllDNMa NAl UHl or , ... ••OCUDINO pvbllcly opened tnd 1e•d In lh• YOUlt ll'ROll'llllTV, " MAY ..... , UNLlll YOU TAKI ACllON "'9&.IC IALa •• YOU ••o AN HK..ltf8f OIOOCR FOR CASH or .. ACIAl•U YOU YOU IHOULD AQAINll YOUt YOU IHOULD Olfloe of the &oetd OI Oiiec:10t1 el toL0 AT A "*.IC IA&.I." YOU TO llllOTICl YOUR flf!OPIRTV, U~NAllON Of' THI llATUltl Ml fOl\h 111 Geo110o1 192411 of ltte CC*fA~ A UWYIA. CONTACT A lAWYllll 108441111• Avenue, Founle&n Velley, •IO AN IDlAMATIOtt Of' TMI IT MAY II IOLO Al A lll'Ull.JC Ofl THI HIOCIUNNO AOA .... T Chtl CoCle, 111 tight, lllle efld MOTICI CW NOTICI OF YMllf&l'a IM.t Ctditornl•. fOf. NATUllll O' THI '"OCllDINO I Al' I fl y 0 u N 110 AN YOU. YOU IHOULO CONTACT • 1111 .... 1 Conll9yed lO 11110 llOW held TlllUITll'I I.AU T.I ..... 11..a 1111" A •• LIT A Tl 0 .. A .. 0 AOAtN•T YOl-!L~ou •MOULD IXPLANATION Of! THE NATUlll L.AWYU. l)y 11wnd•t111111 Oeed Of TIUtl In the T .... ..,... NOl•CI ti HlAfBY OtV[N. 111111 MLOCATK* Of' 'ACWIC COAIT CONTACT A LA.wTUI. OF THt. PllOC:HOIHO AOAINll On Je11u11y t , IH:S. •I 11 00 prop•rty ne1•tn•h4N deec11bttd NOlfCC 15 HtiAllY OIVIN, lhil 011 W•1th1111MJ1ty Oeutnb4tf 22. rH:t. HIGHWAY llWIR '"OM ••Y On Jenu11y 12. 1913, •• 9:t6 YOU, YOU IHOUl.0 COHUCT A AM . STANDARD IRVICE 1'11USTOR. RONALD M WOLF onWeoneedey ~tHtt2t lt82 ut 1100 UGl(}Ch All'\ of Hid d•Y lrl 11111001 ll'UM~ ITATION TO am • AMl!AICAN llCURfTIE8 LAWVlll CORPORA. llOH. e Calltornle ANO (LAINE A WOLi'. llual1t111d et 900 o'docli em ot leiO d•y • .ft Ill\ romn Ml e110e IOI conct\iCllOg DOVllll ....V.1 COMPANY .. duly •PPOlnled NOllCC lb lltlllU\ UIV(N Corpor1uon ... Clwly •Poolnt•d lflCI Wtll 11\e IOOl!I ... •tide IOI condUCtl"f Tru••~·· ... u ... IOllll\in the Off!AI of CONTMCTNO. I-'*' Trull .. under Ind p~euenl 10 rn .. t uoo"' •••II by w11tw 01 lht l1utte1 unde1 111<1 oureueM 10 8t!N(llCtARV J F' COLESON TiwttMISllH wlflllnllleolloc.t ol ACA L CSIAf~ S £CURITfEI (M810) OMO of Tn.ttl rec;ordecl lep1. 24, ott.v1ti1u11·. 01 1111.11 c:.in""' l>••<I or Deed 01 l1u11 r.c:orlled M1rcn '6. ANO 8 0 NNtC J COLESON, ,_tAL ESTATE St!CURITtCiS Sfll\llCL loc;eled •I 1020 Notlh Btc11 -requited for lht eollre tH1. U Intl. No 31919, 111 bOOk I 1uat 0111 .. 11 Ap1ll 9 Ill& I. eol 1H2. 1• ln111 No 12•10.231. Of llu11>end 1rtil wlft 1t IOlrtl l1nertl1 Sl!RVICF loceted at 2020 NO•lll B•ulldWily Sulit 206. 111 Ille Cur of work ~bed henMn 14232, pege 12, of Offlclef Recotd• 11•co11f11tl 111 1 hu of he• ot 11111 Ollielel Reco1d1, ••eouled by 1<11 A Reoord.O July 24. 1980 •• 1nt1r, Broedway'. Sult• 2oe. In 11141 City 01 $ta11111 lutu Counly of O•enoe. 8•••• Tht won. II lo be done ecccfdl"f lrl 1111 office Ol lhe County Aecordet llll'-Ullltll uf '"" C0u111~ Of Orn11011. c 0\111011, .,.. unmerrled women .•• No 28!149 In boOll 1367!1 PllQ41 t&eA Stn•• Ana, County of Or•fli>ll. St••• n1 C11fll01 nla. HOME FEDE llAL lo the plena end ~llone on ol Otano• County, S tele Of lit•W 01 C.1•lllU111111 on APlll 16, tru•IOI. In Ille OlllGt ol lhe County Of Ollielal AeGotO• In th• Off~• OI ol C111torn1e. REAL E8TATE ~A \I ING 8 AN 0 l 0 AN Ne In the omo. ol Ille S«;retety of Ce&llOfnle. ~\ed by EOWARO 1981 "' V(tlurrt .. 140:1 I. pago 14!1!1. "-09• Of Orenoe County, Sl•I• "'• Recoroer or O••no• County. SECURITIES SERVICE • C•~fOlnll .A$S0CfA 1 ION Of SAN OICOO •• Ille Dlllrlot end .. Id pler11 er.ti M MORRISSEY Ind JACK.ALE.EN ol Oll•lldf Atc:o11" h9'ut•O by ol Cellfornl•, Wfl..1. SELL AT HIO dHd of trull CIHGllbH Ille c;oipotlllOn II dwl~ appointed (;efltu11111 co1por1llon. H duly 1pec;lllct1lon1 ere by reler•nCt M. MORRISSEY, hu.oend end wtte. 810111 H01n•u11 11 ''"Uht 111111\ ano PUOLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST fOllOwinQ P<ot>erly T I ~ 11\<:1 ' I ht oppo1n1vd f ru•I .. under end mllde e per\ of lhll noilot. WILL SELi.. AT PUBLIC AUCTION llf•"o1· M M11111oc;11 811 unm1rtllld BIOD(R fOR CASH (peyeble et 1.ot 1• Block 2 THE SOUTHSIO. ru.t" un r puttwen IO 1 pu1tu11111 10 11111 power of nl• Pl•n•. •---lfleetlon• end other TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH fll l\11 II '\ I I Ul lOr 10 Sl\O· reu time ol .... In ••wful mo:tiof 1119 AOOITION TO THE CITY OF SANTA power of Hit conl•fl•d In lh•I CCltlft!flt!\J Ill th•t Ctttain Deed ol .---C«laln OMd Of Trull ••teul4td by propouf documen11 mey be (p•y•bt• •I time of .... In lewf\11 MOl l\jt\\IU Con1p1111v 3 tOrV()r111to.\, Unlllld Sl•IHl ••. Ille Sou fronl "NA. RECORDED IN BOOK 3 PAGE Rodney 0 Rhyen •rtd Cindy LOU T, Utl uecwl•O by ROGER J •umlned II !tie office of Ille County money Of the United Stal•) ., Ille .. I 1u1IN Ul\d Siio ,eo MOf"lgUQ• entr.aoc• to Ille Orenot County old u OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. Rhy"etl hUlbllnd ano wile a• )Olnl 11:DtCK • """"men end JOHN J 8antl1llOn Dlelrlct No. 5 et 10&44 front.,..,_ lo Ille old Orange C0<IX>l•lhOll ill\ fHlnot.t c;orpor•llOll, Cou11houH. City of l11n1• Ane. MAY 8E ALSO KNOWN AS 441 1.,.9111i. r-ded JtnUery?O, IHt, ZEDtCI< end El..fZABETH A Elll• Avenu•. Foun1etn Velley, Cownty CourthouH , toeet•d on a$ EJ01..ihc:1owr Stele of C&lllornle. ell rlOfll, Ulle end So .. Btot4-"•Y· Sent• An•. CA in 800ll 13918 of Offlci•I RecotClt 01 ZEDtCI< llu1b1nd eno wlle, Clllfornl1. Copiee of the plan• tnd S1nu An• Blvd .. between Ano vv11u 111 10 1ne requHI or 1n111t11 conveyed lo eno now~ (If• 1tr"1 llddr"' or common uld Counly, •• peg• 102 1. rtco1de<1 0<:1obel 3. 1978, In BocHt tPecitleatk>n• mey be oblaJfled In Syceme><• St. l Brolldwey. Sant• 1 ht• ow110• e11d noloet or ltl• by II undtt 1e&d Oeecl ot Truti Int~ CIHlgnellon 11 1hown 1bov1, no kecordlt'• lntltument No. 21243, t2866 of Ot11e11t Rec:ord• of lakl Ille ebov.menfloned offlc:e et the Ana. CA, all right, 11111 and inlet"' prom1•~01 y note Hcuted by ltl• property 111uated In H id Cou111y w •,,an I y I• g Ive n .. I~. 11 t by re..on 01 1 breech or def lull In COllnty. 01 Peot 1092. ~dlt'• loliowlnQ c:oe11 wlllch Mid coell ere conveyed to end now helCI by II D~ ot I 1u•I 11bove 1efe1red 10. encs Stele described u ; G0mP4tlentM OI' c.orr.c:IMlll P•yment 0, perlormenc;e 01 lllt lnttrument No 2121, by 1.-of• not refundebl• regerdteu of undtt Mid Deed of Tru11 In lhe Anc:t b)' reasor1 of Ille oeraufl In l.ot 158 of T1ec1 No. 3433, 111 Tiie benellG•.,y undtf H id Deed lobllgellOnl Hcuted th•rtby. breecn 01 deleull In peyment or w he 1 h • r I h • pl en 1 • n d property 1flu1ted In Hid County 1n1 payment or Uld prom111ory lhe Cfly ol Cott• M .... County of ot T1ua1, by rt•IOh ol • btNGtl or including 111•1 bruch or deleull. pertorm11nce ol Ill• obff9e11on1 tPedfleetlontereretumed· endSleledeec:ril>edu: 110 10 •n d Ill• brlacn or lhe Orenoe.S1e1eofCelflom&a dtf..,11 In Ille 001ige11or11 MGUted Nolle• 01 wlllcll wH recorded aecu1eC1theteb~,1nc;ludln9 lh•I GENERAL PROVISIONS ANO Lot 50 of Trec:t 3&68, In lhe City of cono111on1 tn Uld 0.ed of Trutt EXHIBIT "A" lhtteby, lleretolo1e e11eculed end Auguil 31, 1982, •• Recordtr'I bfHCll 01 dtfeull, Notice of wNcl\ STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR C:0.11 Metia. M P« map rec:0<ded l.l•OWldNI 11 Notice OI O;ileull 1nd PARCEL A: lOI 1541 of Treol dtllvertd lo the undertlgned • fntlrumttll No u .308407, WILi.. w81 rec0<ded August 24. 1982, u COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICTS In Book 1211. Pagu 37 lo 44 Elt!l.l10n toBellUndtirC>eedofTrust No.3433.fn lheCitYOICOtleM .... wrluen Oeclerellon of Oef1ult af)d SELl..Af PUBLICAUCTIONTOTHE Rocorder 1 lna11um1nl No 0 F 0 RANGE C 0 U N TY , lnclutlve OI Ml10efl•neou1 Mepe, llijvu111 Ileen duty record•d aa County of Orenge, Stet• ol Oemtnd IOI' Sele, 111\d written nollGe tilGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. 112·298167. Will SELL AT PUBLIC CALIFORNIA, t977 Edllfon . recordt of Mid Orenge County P• o .odolel lo t by lew In 11td Celtl0tnle, U pet mep tec:orded In 01 b1..Ch and ol eleGllon 10 c;eu11 lawful money 01 Ille United StllM, AUCTION TO l HE HIGHEST (Current edlllofl epplleeble 10 all Tne "'"' •ddre u end 01ne1 R.-co1<1•·• ~ Olflce on Auou11 20. boOk 178 pege1 48, •9 end 60 of ll1t undertlgned lo H ll Uld or • cuhler·• clleGk drewfl on 1 BIOOER FOA CASH, lawfUI tnOf19Y D11tr1Gt lotlel -St0.00. common deeignallon, tt eny, of Ille 1982. t11st 82·293225 Mteoelleneout Mep1. 111 lhe ome. 01 propet1y to satllfy Hid obllglttor11, •••t• °' neuone& benk. • II••• °' ol Ille unueo SI••••· Of • ealhler"• Dellllled plant end 1P9cifk:etlon1 rMI p1opet1y de1Crlbed •bovt I• SUNKISl SCRVfCE COMPANY 1 lh• Cownty Recotde1 ol H id end tneree1te1 lh• under1lgned •ederel ctedll union, OI • tt•t• °' clleeti. d1-n on• •l•I• 0t nellorlll I01"1bovewe>nl -$10.00. putpOtled 10 be: 1858 Ohio PIM*. c;o rpo•8t1on . as the PIH•nl County CtilMCINldnotlGeolt>reecnandol fedefet HYl"ftandlo.nH•OC:l•tion benti., •"•'•or led•••f credit Plan• end apec:lllGellone wflt be Coele Me9a, CA 924128. ou1non11d and acting Trullee PARCEL B. A non•Hctuelve elec;llon to be Rteotded September domlciled In 11111itele.111 peyabl• •• union, or a 1111• or ftOer•f ulllnQ1 melled to pro1p.etlv• bldder1, If Tne undertlgned Tru1I•• under $'1Jd Otled of Trust, 11fo1euld. HMmtnl IOI' lnQrMt lo 111d eo• ... I, t9&2 IS Intl• No. 82-30924t In tht lime 01 Nie 111 right title ind and loaf\ astoc:lallon domlciled ln 1equHted, for • I•• ol 1 5.00 dl1c1e1m1 any llebllll~ !01 e ny on We\111Haay. Oecernt:>er n , 1982, from Nld P.,eef A lhrOUQh Loi• 185 H id Oltlel•I Rec;ord1. Orenge •nt••••• fllld by rt, .. Truitee. In 11111 state 111 P•Y•ble et the time of (norwetundlbte) to cover the ooat lnc:orrec:1,_ of the 91teet 9ddr-•• tne l1011• or 10 00 o ctocti. • m of and 1ee of Tl•ct No. 3433. In 11'19 County lhll tHI property lllU•I• In H id sate, 111 119h1, tltlt end 1n1.,. .. 1 held of pottage end lllltldllng. end other common deelgnellOn, tt said d.Jy 11111 .. N0<th r1on1 enttence City or Coal• MH•, County 01 Seid sale wllf be med•. but Courtly end Stele detcrlbad 15 by 11 es T1u11ee, In 111•1 reel Alf bld1 mu11 b• m•d• In My, 11\0Wn heteln. to the Or"anoe County courtl\ouse, Or1nge. St••• ol Calllornlll, u P« wllhout GOY•n•fll 01 w11rer•1y, Ollow• • prop<11ly a11ua1e In Mid Cour>ly encl eeeordenee. eno e11 bt0oer1 mU11 Seid H I• wlll be made, but 700 c,.;c; Centei o.1v1 west, In the mep 1eeorded In book 178 Peoet ••Pf•" or lmplled. regerellng llllt, Patcef t: Lot 45 01 lrect 10277 State. desc11bed at fo&fowl comply, wllh Siiia, Federel end wlll)out covenent or 11Wetrenly, City of Santa Ana, Countv of 48, 4t ef\d 50 of Ml1Ctllen1ou1 po11Hslon, or enc;umb1ence1, 10., per mep rec:orded In Book 445• P.ARGEL \ IOGll lawl af)911ea.bte thereto, end u expt ... or Implied, r911.,dlng lltle, 01ange, State of Calllornla. WILL M1p1, In Ille offlc;e or lht County pey tne remelntng pronelpel IUm of p 11 g •• 1 0 10 14 1 nc lu a Ive of Uflll t 8$ !lllown a.nd dellned on directed In tl'le propoHI l0<m, plan1 l)OeNMlon, or enc:umbtatlC*I, to SELL. pursuerll to the POWe• or sale Rec:ordtt ol uld County the nole(•I HCured by .. Id Deed ol MllClelleneov• Mepa, In the offkle 01 1na1 c;ertaln Condominium Plen end tpeciftcetlons, pay the remeinlng prtncipel eum ol coolem1d lo Utd Oetd Of Trtlat •nd. PARCEL C· An ••efuslv• Trull, wllh 1n1eru1 H In llld note lh• County Recorder 01 Orenge teGOlded AUQull 5, t1171. In book 8lddet'I .,. hereby notfflecl 11\et the note(•) -Vied by Mid Deed of w11nout covtnent 01 we11enty .. umenl lo pt1ee end malnteln provtded, advances, If eny, under County 12324. page 323 of OttlGlel A.ooord• llWM*ll to ptovialonl of Ille L.ebOI fruit. with ln1ere1I thereon, H •egarorng 11111, posseulon or ulitlty lines ecrou Loll t85 and 188 th• termt ol Mid Deed of Trull, Peroef 2. ~11 H.., lonh of Otanoe County, Cehlorni&. Code of f1l4' Stele of Cellfornle, the provided In Mid note(•!. ectvanou. enc:umbrencea. et publlc euollon. lo of Treel No. 3483. In Ille City of •-· c;nergH end 1xoen111 of the m 1111 Artlele entllled E•-nll of PARCEL 2· Bo11d of Dlereclora of County If eny, under the 1erm1 ctr Mid Deed the nighest cesh bldOet, In itlwfUf Co111 MeH. County of Or•nge, TtUllN end ol tile ttu•I• c;rHl•d by ~he Oecferellon of Covenents, An undivided l/401h lnle•MI tn Senllellon Dl1trle1 No . 5 hu ot Tru11. feet , cherge1 end mofley of lllti United Statet of St••• ol Celllornle, H per m•P n ld Deed ol T1us1. Seid aale will be K:ondlllon• and A•etrictlon• and 10 l.Ot 4 ot Trect No. 8835-. al edopted the prevtltlng t•I• of per •xoen-of Che Tru1tM end of the America. •II that certain teat rec:o1ded In book 1H PllON 48, 49 held on Wednetdey, OCIQemt>e• 29, rec, .. ~ 1 .. ,.,... 13303 908• snown on a Map rec:oided In t>ooi. diem waoee ... determined by the tru111 c;r .. ted by Hid Dffd or property 111uated 1n the Counl}I of end 60 ol Milo*teneou1 Map•. lo 1982. al 10;00 A.M., el the Fronl !Ott~ ~d;"' · 0• • 3 5 2 . pa g • • 3 I t o 3 5 o I Stet• Director of lnClu1trl•I Tf\191. 01enge Stal• or Celtlornlio, lheoffieeof the County Rec:otoer 01 Lobby ot St-art llllt Compeny. Tne llreel ~CldtHI ot otlltt M1tcelleneous Mep1, rec;ord• ol A ... llon•. af)911Gable 10 the wortc lo The tolel emount of the Ul\9eld dtscnbed es follows Hid County, 10 provide weter. 900 Noi111 8ro1dwey, Sent• An•· 1common dHlgnellon 01 Ill• •••I Oreoge County, Clllllomie, t~ner be done for Ille loc:allly In wtlldl the belence of I.he ot>Kgetlon MC:Uted All that Getlllfl land 1Uueted lo etectrlclly, gH, telephone end CA 9270\. property lle<elnebove dffcrlbed la "'''II ell Improvements !hereon wor-11 10 b• performed In by the property 10 be •old end the State of Cahlotnla, County ot ..--1119 M<Ytce for e&ng .... temily The 10111 1moun1 of the unpllld l>UtPOl'led 10 be. 3424 SummetMt ••GePl1ng 1nere11om Condominium eompllance wltfl Seciton 1773 ol Ille reuonable •llfmeted co111, Orange, Cll y bf S•nlt An•. re11<1en111I uM lo utcl P111cef A. Mid b1lenc• ol the obllgellon Mc:ured Circle, Coate Mll8, Celltornle. Unit• \ lhrov9h 40, inolu11ve. l..etlor Code of th• State of~ end edvanoe1 et the time desc•lbed as tol10w1· Nl4tf'nelll 10 be e&ong the lhorl•I by said properly to b• sold. The undtrslgneel hereby outed thereon Callfomlll, end tt lttlled In theoffloe ol the lnlllel putlllc:ellon of the PARCEL t end mot• convenient route 1oge111ef with Inter••. tat• cherge1. Cllielelmi ell llebtllly 10, eny E•c;epttno lh•••ftom en of lh• Seerel•ry of lh• County Notloe of Sate II le0,795.49. Unll •23, H ShOWn on thote bet-Ille said Perce! A end the 91\d "tlmeted costs. expeflMS, end ocoriec;tneu In uld ltrMl llddrest und1v1ded Vt lnt«lll lrl ell Oii. ou. s.nit111on District No. 5, of Orenge The benlilldery under Mid Deed ce11a1n condominium pl•ns nHrHI publlc utlllly •H•menl edvenc:et, es or the deta hereof, 11 or other common dellgnetlOn. end other hydroc:1rbon IUbstencet County. of Trutl heretofore exeeu1ed end ree0<ded Marc;ll 7, 1980 In Boole ltlown on Ille map of Mid 1rec:t. $22, 132. 18 Seid HI• wlll be m•de Without lying 1n, on, or under Ille ebove Eec:h bid 1n•n t>e m11oe on Ille d1llvered 10 th• und•flfgned • 13526. Paoe 474 (Loi I); In Book PARCEL D: A non-.. olu1lve Dete o-mbel t. 1982 1 1 d dew1bed property u tel tortn In propoHI form furnf•h•CI by Ille written Oederellon of DlolMt end t3526. Paoe 492 (Lot 21. 1n Book NMIMOI over Loi 155 of Treet No. STEWART TITLE OF werr •nly. exprus or mp 1• · the Final 01dlt ol Condernn111on tn Olllrlcl end encloH d In th• O.mend fOI' Sile, end a written 13526. P•g• 5 t t (Loi 3): and In 3433. In lhe City ol Cott• Meu, CAl.tFORNIA egerCllng 1llfe. poneulon, or fevor of the City of Newport Mec:h. enve&opM IUJ>PlltO oy the 0111not Notice of Oefeult end Eleotk>n lo 9001< 13528, PllQll 526 (Loi 4), end Cownly of 011nge, Stele ot •• Nld TruslM •ncumbrenc ... 10 .. \lety lhe • Munlc;lpel corPOl•llon of the Ith !>Wing the title of Ille WOftl end the Sell. The uoderllgnlld eeuted Mid Amendment end Modlllc;llron (o Clllllornle, u P« mep tec:Olded In BY: STEWART TITLE prtnelpel tl•l•"0' 01 the Note or Clan, • c:trlllled C()py of which name end eddt ... of the bldd~ Nottoe of Oefeult Ind Election lo Condom•ntvm Plen 1ec:ordod June book t78, p-.. 48. 48 end 60 of oF CALfFOA,..tA other obllgellon HGured by Mid rtc0tded J•-·•~ 27, 1953, In boOk --..--Dffd ol f ru11. with lnt•r•at ind -~1 with no oftlet dletlngul9hlng IMl'ttl. Sell 10 be -0.CS In the county Ill, 1980 1n Book 13639, Peg• H•3. MllCeltaneou• Mep1. In Ille ofl1c:e of llOO North Broach••y other iumi H provided tne,.ln: 2443. P•Ot 80 ol Offictel Reciofd1 fl 11 Ille IOle reeponalbllfly of the wher• lhe tMI ptopeny 11 loc:lled. all ot Oft1c1111 Flecords of Oraf\ge the County Reoorder of H id Sent• Ane. C•lilo1n1a plus edvenees. 11 •ny. under tfle The stre11 edd•UI or other bidder lo ... that his bid II '9Celved Dela: o-tlber I, 1982. County. Callforf\1• Covnly, for the melntenence or 92701 terms lh«eol end lnl••NI on IUCh common dHlgne11on of the rHI In the Dlllt1c:t Office .. lht eddr... AMERICAN SECURITIES PARCEL 2 plllV wall a on or a long the Tel. (7t4) !1~·111<1 idvaneei end plua tMI cll'erget property herelnal>:o ... duefll>ed II llerelnebove .. , forth In proper COMPANY An undlvreled \/290th 1nteres1 as bound•rlH betwMn Hid Lo ~5 By· Tom a~ fll. •nd Hpei\MS of 1119 TrutiM end 01 purpotled to b•: 4 Send Doller Cl~. An'/ bid received eher the P.O. Box 35&8. • tenant In common, in •nd to lots end Nfd Percel A. VIG• P1Midefl1 Ille ltUll• CrHllld by said OMd 01 Court. Newport Beac:n, Celifornle. IChedulecl etoelng time for receipt Sant• Rola, CA 95402 t 2 3 ano • (Commo" A•eel of PARCEL E An undlvl<led .82 Publlalled Orenge Cout D11ly Tiutl Tne lolel amounl 01 seld Tne under1lgned neretly or bid• th•ll be returned 10 the Tel: (7071 548·33t0 C.1 Tract No 105t5. as shown on • Pet c:tnl tnletHI H ••n•nll In 01101 Dec. 8, 15. 22. t982 obligellon, lncludlno tHloflebfy 011c;111ms •fl ll•b•llly lo• eny bidder unc>ptned. 5252 mep reco1de<1 rn BOOk 472. PegH 9 COfllmon In end to Lott 185 Md IM ~364-82 ntrmeted faH, ohero•• end lnc:orrtc:tMSs In Hid tlreel eddr- Elldl blddlt must IHI lloenMd ln By Bein L. P•vttnllov. nfld 10 or M1scet111neou1 Maps, or Trect No 3<133. In Ill• Cfly of •---------------ex.peflMS 01 11141 TrullM, el the time or Olhef common deslgnetlon. tile Stele of Callf0<nfe end quelflled Aall. Sec:rellll'I records of 111d county, 1ooether Co11e MeH. Counly o r 01enge, PtaJC llOTIC( ol lnltl•I pubUceClon of lhll Notice. Is Said aete wlfl be made without NWC NOllCl K·H7U Nm'IU~ OF DEATH 0, t:HO NTELLE (;, t: IS EN H A RT A N U 0 t ' PETITION TO ADMINISTER P.STATE 1\0. A·ll .. ll. To 1111 tu-1.-.. bt·11d1,uirll"- c•n•dl1or• 1rnd l'UIHl11g1•nl 1·n •dhor11 of ChontC'll•· L El••11t111r1 1mtl 1>'·nu1rlli whr• mlly ~· 01h<'rwl111• lnlt'r L'lltt-U In 1h1• will JlnJ/or l'tll<.IW. A p<'tition haw b\'\'n rn~ by Klr win L EJsc·nhun hl lhi.' Superior Court o f Oranai· County r"qu1·11ting that Kirwin L Ei!iC'nhur\ bt- a p po 1 n ti.' d as per•onal rep~OLaliV<' to adm1n111c:r lht' ('Ital(' or Chont('ltc L. Ei1enharl, l rvant•, <.:11lir (undl.'r lht• lndept>ndenC Adminl•tra&lon of F.s1a1 & Act). 'J'ht' pculion 11 sc-1 for hC!arlng 1n Pt-pl. Nu. 3 Al 700 • Civic Crnll.'r Drive Wcr.t, Sant.a Ana, Calif 92702 o.o Dec. 29, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT lo thC 8J'anUn8 o( the pt.'UhOn , you should eithtor appear at th# ht-ari ng • nd 1 late your • objections or We wrhlt!rl objections with the <:oun beforl' the hearlrlg. Your •ppearam.-e may be in person or by your a\1.0mey. IF Y 0 U AR E A. CREDITOR or a ('On\lngl'M creditor of the deceased. you must file your daim whh the courl or present It to the penonal representative appointed by tht' court within four months from the date of Clr11t issuance of letters as proVlded in Sectlori 700 of the Prubate Code o( California. The lime ror filing cla.ima will not eicpire prior to four months from th e date of the hearing noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file ke pt by the court. tr you a re interested in the estate, you may rne a request with the courl to receive special notice o f the inventory of estate assets and of the petitions. accounts and reports described in Section 1200 of the CAJ.ifomla Probate Code. Cooksey, Colema11 & Howard, 1778% E . l 7tla Street, West Bldg., Tuatla. Calif. HllG; (714) 83%·U7'. Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Dec. 8, 9, 15, 1982. 5355-82 Pta.IC NOTICE 10 per10<m the wort< deec:rfl>ed In Publl•h•d Orenge Coest Deify will\ all 1mprovemen11 loceted State of C•llfornfl. H per mep _ __ ••. 518,520.78 we•renty, upreu or Implied. 1111 plen1, 1peclflc;etlon1 end Pilot, Dec. t5. 22. 29, 1982 • tnereon e•ceplfng therefrom rec:or~ In boOk 178. peget 48, 49 MOnc-_.. ·-·-.. 1-.. Dete<I: December 3, l982. rege•dlng title, POUHslon. 01 YOU AM .. DEfAULT UNDEa A oon11ect doc:umenll 5493-82 Condom1ntum Units I thrOUQh 290 end 50 ol Mlscelleneoul Mep1, In TA. .... .,.. REAL ESTATE 1nc;umbraneH, lo Ullsly the Deal) CW TIIUIT DA'RO JUm M, A bid bond not IHI Chen ten 1nc1us1ve. located lheleon Ille office ol the County AeGOlder of YOU,._• Dm'AUL.T UMD8 A SECURITIES SERVICE, Pllnctpal belanee of the Note or .._ UNLIU YOU TAKE ACTION --oen• of the Iola! bid emount ..... P\ELIC NOTICE PARCEL 3 Siie! County. ono °" 1MMT DATID..,.,., c-...... •• ·-Other ObllQlllOn ..evrtd bv ••Id TO lllM>ttCT Y""-_....._ ..... ,....... l4C 1Mt. U9".ala YOU TAKI • _ • ..,n .. corporet.vn, , vvn '""vr." • •· be required with NICt1 bid end no •03121 ·-An e•ctus1ve e11em1n1 Except l1om •portion ot Mid etTtuttee, Ottd of T1u11. wl111 interut end rT MAY• IOlD AT A "'9LtC bta lhall be conaldefed uNMI IUCh appurtenant to UICI unit for lflgre11. IOI tee •If oil, gu, pelroltum eno A TIO• TO ,llOTICT YOU• by. D.J. Mor11et. othet sums .. P•OY•d•d tf\ertln, • AL 1 . I" y 0 u ... IE D A. bid MGurl1y 11 enelOMd therein. T"~i~~ C:ALE egress. use and enjoyment In a.nd to otner miner el or llydrocerbon ~~~1f!llA•Y.!!18CU-A~ (SEALI DJ. Morger, plus 1dve11cet If 1eny. undel' the IXll&.ANATION Of' THI NA.TUM s~ bid bOnd may be In the fomi of Lot A or Trtci No tO!l 15, and the 1<1b11encM In end wnder or wtllclh ~ -·--11, Pietlderll term• lheleol and nl«esl on 9'ICtl Of' THI ll'ltOClflDtNQ AOA .. IT a 0Hhler·1 or c;ertlll•d c;he c;k, T.I . Ne. T-100-J1'7 1es11lchtd common are• perking mew be produced t.-om Mid lend. E!PlMIATIOlt Oii TM Un. 2020 .. ~h 8 _..._. 1dveneH, end ptu1 IHI. cn•rOM Y"" YOU tHOUl..D CONTACT .. peyab1e to IN Dlltt1c:t IMPORT.AMT NOTICE TO ,pac;e, 111 set torth In the t~i-with the rtoht 10 llM lhel Of' TMI PMC-111 ..,._T Sult 206 S:t":Y· CA Ind ••Plrl-of Ille Trutlee end of LA....... " p u r, u • n 1 1 o Ce 11 for n I• "'°""TY OWNEll O e cf 1t1 t ton of Co v • n • n 1 a . portion onty of Mld tend whlc:h YOU. YOU ...... coen'ACT A 927C>e • • a n• Ille lrutll etfftecl by Mid Deed of MOTICI Of' nw1~·1 •~ Gov«nmenl Code ~lion 4590 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNO£" A Conditions end Restrictions undetlles • Pllne pereltel 10 and 500 LA..._ Ttlte>hOM: (7l4) 953-68l0 Trull The totel •mount ol .. 10 T.a. Ne.114M th• contractor wlll 6e •ntftlecl to ~ID Of' TRUST. DATED :Ull/ll, reco1ded July 22. 1980 In Book '"' below Ille pt-I ... rl_ Of NOTICE .. HIAEllY OM~ Publl11led Orenge COHI Delly Obllgellon. Including ••••onebly l'tOTICI! 18 HEREBY GIVEN. tllll poet epproved MCUrft14'1 With the ~~:~TY3J~111Rt~:~~ Tg 131173 Pege t024 ol Otrlc11I 1110 t•nd for Ille pu1po .. ot 9on:OOWo~L~~~. In~ PilOt Oeeemb« a. 15, 22. l882. urlmeted tee•. c nergt1 ~~~ onWedne9d•y.Deeember22.19821 Otelrlcl or en epproved flnanelal ... · • Rec:0<ds of aeid county, ena 11\own ptoapectlng for, developing et>dlOI' .. ~"' -_,, ,... 5365-82 ••pen1es or the Tru1IM. et the,,.,,. 9t 9:00 o'etoek e.m. of Hid dey. 1n- tn111tullon In ordar 10 II••• th• ,..AV IE SOLD AT A PUlllC on tlle Condominium Plent tor .. id extree11ng sale! oll, QN, petro&eum room .., aetd• fOf" conducting ol lntllaf !>'lblloetlon ol IN• Noliee, 11 the room Mt esldt lor conductlog Olllrlel , ...... tundt relelned by I ALE • IF "i 0 U NEE 0 AN un11 as •PS·321 end other mlner.i end h)'droc:arbOfl Tf'llMee'I ...... _...., lbe ofloee of "8JC flOTIC( $72.438 73 Trut!M'I SaleS, within tlle offleel of lheOietrtct to lnauteperformanceof ~PlT~A!.!,OOCN ,,.'?,"o1~E .. N0"._~~~ Eiicepllng therefrom. all aubalenc .. from u fd fend by RIAL ESTATE 8ECURITIE8 Deted November 29. 1912 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES the contrec:t. "'" ""' .. " ..... " " minerals. Ott gas. petroteum, olh... mHns ol well1 drlled Into H id 81RVICE, located ., 2020 Not1tl Cf'Pk•• H 0 M E F E D E A A L SERVICE. lcx:eled el 2020 Norttl The Bo11d ol Dlree1011 ol the YOU, YOU SHOUlO CONTACT A hyd1oc;arbon avbstancea end all lklbturtece of se1d lend from 1118t lroedwev. 8'llta 2011 In the Chy of llOTICtl CM' ""'9T&'8 aA&.a SAVINGS 81'olldwey. &ill• 206, In Ille City of County Senllellon 0111rre1 No 5 LAWVER. underg1ound wela. '" °' und91, 0< locll•d on other lend. II being Sant•,,,,.., County f1f Orenge, 8 ._.• ,.,.,.... ..,, 1ttn ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION Sent• An•. County of Orengt. Stei. 1et«Vetlherigh1torejllctanyorelt OnJenuary5.1883.et IOOO AM Wl\ICh mey 1>e prOdueed trom lald expretlly under11ood end egreed or Cetlfornl•, REAL ESTATE On"-Vl, 1M3el 11:00a.m. OF of Celltornla REAL ESTATE bide end 10 we Ive eny o1 e ll CENTURV ESCROW a Cellfornla lot wt>teh underlie• pla"9 p111al18110 thet EdltOn Seeurtttee Compeny, Ill SECURITIU 8ERVICE. a c.llfomle F IR 8 T A '9 ER I 0 AN TITLE SAN DIEGO, StCURITIES Sl::RVtCE t.e11101me trregu.telfli... :orpo••llon u duly eppointeCI 1nd 550 leet o•low 1ne pteHnl IUGG4ll80l8 and ueton•. lllell ha,.. c;orporetlon. H duly eppolnted IN 8 URA H CE COMPANY, • • Cehtotnl• Gorp corporellon. H duty eppolnted BY ORDER OF THE BOA AD I rut tee unoet a nd pur1uen1 to turlec;e ot NtO IOI, IOI lhe putpoM no tight lo enter upon Ille eurf-ol TNlt9e Wldar ~ punuallt to the Celfornia ~-Ion M TrvatM, as Trutt•. Trut1 .. under and PllflUMI to the Of" OCAECTORS Deed ot Trust 1eco1ded March 2 of prospecting lot, Ille e.ploretlon. said fend or lo u .. Mid lend°' My POW9f of ,.,. conferred In lllet « ~· « 8utldtuted 8y REAL ESTATE power of •••• conferred 1n 1n1t COUNTY SANITATION t98 I H Inst NO 444. In book develop men I, p 1 odue\f on , ponlon lheleol lo H id de91h of 500 cerUlft Deed of TNllC uecuted by TtultM, eet1aln Deed Of SECURITIES SERVICE. oertaln Deed of Trutt e•ecuted ~ DISTRICT NO. 5 13964 page l552 o f Olftc;tal e.<1rac11on end taking ol H id ! .. I lot eny purpo .. whet-. u MARI< A. BAAAETT, t elrlQle men, Truet e11ec I Cl by DAVID J a Cltllornla c;orp , HELEN J. CORSINI an unmarrl«J ol Orange Count, Cellfomle Rec:ords In Ille onice ol lhe County m1M1rals. oil. gu, pe11olewm, other r~ In Ille deed from Edlton ~ Secltember 11, 1911, Ill GARONER end MA:ROARET J, Ill Agent woman, r«iorde<I July 10. 1980,'" /11W111lem H eu1i. Reeorde1 of ORANGE County. 11vdroc:arbon substences end we1er Sec;url1l11 Comp•"Y· 1ecorded look 1A2'8 ot Ofllaal Aeootde ot QAN>NEft, Ind '900fded JI.-14, Bt (SEALI DJ Motgat, Book 1aeeo ol Offk:iat Rec;ords Ot wnuem H Sutler Secretary $1ate ot CALIFORNIA axeeuted by from seld lol. tly meefll ot minet, October 17, 1958 In boolc '450, ••Id Co11nty, U page 151. 1M1 • """""*" No. 11W, In rta P~I uld Cownty, el peg• 128lt. Pub111n.<1 oreng~ CoHt Delly ~1..~~AAV, ~dA:?c, '::~1~~r we111. derricks or 01h111 equipment page 42t, Offldet Record1. ~• '"-""*"' No. 14023, look 14140. Pll09 311. of OMclml 2020 Nonh a.oaowey. Recorder'• tne1rvmt111 No 91147, llY Piiot Dec;, t6. 22. 1982 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO lrom swrface loc•tlOnt °" ed;oln1ng Alto except from • portk>n of II)',_ of• tweedl or_.,. In Record• of Orenot C ounty, Suit• 208, r-n or • bfeecn or derau11 10 5502-82 uiouEST BIDDER FOR CASH °'neighboring tend. or lying ou111e1e Lot• t85 •nd tee. one·h•lf of •II peyment or perlormeno• of Ille CalHOtftla, and =•nt to thet Sen11 Ane, CA 92706 payment or perlormence of tU• -------------n n of the above described 101, 11 being m1ner1t1, ofl, g•• e nd other obllget1011• ••oured llleretly. ~ Notloe of ~ Tet: (714) 953·6810 obflgattont Hcu1ed thereby, PlaJC NOTICE payable at ume of "'' In lewluf undertlood thAI the owne1 or 1uc:h hydrocarbon 1Ub9laneet l8ved Of lnoludlne that btMCh or o.t...ct. reeorde41 Augu1t 21. 1912 H Publlshed Or•nge Coisl Delly !"eluding thtl breach or <lefeulL. rnonev or the United S11tesl •• tne mtn111a1s, 001. gu, pe1101tum. otne. sold from uld lend upon 111• Notte• of wlllch ••• record 1n1tt11111tnt l{o. 11·302194, of Pilot. Dec t, 8, 15, 1982 Nolle• of whlc:n wu 1ecorded K.-1 ~or1" front enttanee lo Iha county 11yd1oc.rborl 1ubs1enc;et end wet... condition• however. lll•t lh• ..., .. ,.., 1, 1tl2. • Reoorder'• OMclll ~of Mild Oounly, • 5263-82 Augu1t 23. t982, H A*Corder·, MOTICa TO CMDITORI ~ourtnouS.. 700 C1V1G Center O.r"9 as set 10<1h above, Shell 11eve no Onnlor or~ In Int.,... of IMtrument No. t2~15771.1.._WILL under ef'd ~to Mid Deed ot •-ec MftnN' 1n1lfllmenl No 82-288063, WILL Of' 9ULK ~ West. Santa Ane, Celltomia all 11ghl, rtQhl 10 entlf wpon the 1urfeoe or owne11hlp ahell heve no rlgtll of ~AT PUM.IC AUCTION°" THE Trulll ... It~ a.IGlton '1lt celfl. ,..._, "'"iw. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTtOH TO THE (a-. 1101-4107 U.C.C.) lllle 1nd 1n1eret1 conveyed to afld 11ny portion thtr•ol ebove u td entry upon Ille IUrf-of the land HIOH!8T •tDOlR ~0" CA8H, 11wM ~di eM United SUllll ot .... .._. _ HIGHEST 8 1DDER FOR CASH, Not lee It hereby g iven to 1ow held by 11 uflder Hid 0'9d of plane p11ro11e1 to end 550 feet below end 1hell not drlll lor 1uc;h lllwful mon9'J Of eM IJfllted 8..._, Amlftea, a C91Net'I Gt-*~ -·-_.. few!Uf rnon.y or 1111 IJnlled SIAIM. c;redllo11 of 111• within nemed r1u111n Ille property lltueted in aeld lhe ~· aorl-ol tile said 101 1ub1lenc;es within the upper 500 Of • OMhler"• ~ Or-on • to leicS 11\iatM ~on a ..... « llAlll9MAL'8 •ALI or • outllef"• c;hec:k drewn on a tr1111'1er01"1 11\el • ~ Ir-'• 11 ::ounty 91\d State ~9Crlbed '5 tor any purpose wheteoever, 1t 1 .. 1 of .. 1c1 lend, •• r~ In lfle .._ « n1111o1W llef\IC, • atate « netlonal beflll, • It.,. Of' ....,., Peter ~. f'WnUff. w. John ttete or ne11onel bent<, • 11et1 or ebout to be med• on per1on•I 1..ct 3 In Bloc;lt I~ ot the First iese1ved In Ille deed ltom 1ne deed from Len• Vlolttll. •Widow, .....,.. oredll VIiion. Ot • .... Ot oredlt unlOn. Ot a ..... « .....,.. 8oulrtt-. ~ fedlwel cndll uf'lon. or • 11ete ., ptoperty herelnatl• deec:rll>ed. 'dd111on 10 Newport HelQhls. In tne Cabr•llo Pa<k Vtnture. • Cehl0<n1a recorded September 23, 1955 In .....,.. ...,.. end IOlll eMG cWID 1 :'i':I:.. ind loen eHoclatlon .... •m ..._. uvtnge end 1o11n IMOdetlaft" or~":d-:'=:o~d= ;·~:~~=.::~.:~:hi:;~<>; hm~~8: !~~~ne:::~onl)l ll110wn u ~:'!d!220' peg• 317' Offlc:l•I ::"::'::.-:-;:.~.: entranoe ~-= .. ~= on~T.~2~J':d:=:o"et1':::: ~:=.•::•i~~l~h~b'::J RICK 0 . AAEBER and DEBRA J. ?age 114 or Mlaeellaneous Maps. 1260-G Cat>rlllo Park 011ve. Senta Tne 11ree1 eddreu and other In.._ lleld by "· • TNet-. 111 ~~to..-..• tM 8•27•821 by thO Munle4pel Court, 1n1-1 held ti)' 11 .. TrullM •1n RAEBEA. 308 Merine Ave .. Belt>oe •eco,da of said Oiange Counl}I Ana Celll It there 11 no 111ee1 c:ommon deslgnellon. tt eny, of Ille lhal reel propeny tltuate In laid Eat Flnh Stl'Mt, In tlle Cl~I County of Ore~t•I• of th•I rHI ptopetty' 1l1ue1e In e•ld ltlllnd, CA. The 111ee1 •ddreu and other address. olrect lons may be rHI propeny dHGtlbed ebove I• County and Stet•. deecrlbecl M Santa An9. ~ 11 t11e1 Fn~~ ~:..r Hlour=: County end Stele, d .. crlb•d H The loc;alton In Cellfomle of Ille ::ommon dMlgn•tlon if •ny, QI Ille obtaJned by wrllltn reQ~•I 10 Stele purported 10 be. 2402 Nerbonne fclowl: • encl 1nt1r'19t OCftWltW9d to ~creditor end...,.. JofWI fottows· • c:tilef e11eo11tlve office or prloelpel •HI property dHG~'!>!dc•1bo~~ 11 se111ngs end Loan Association 222 Wey. Coll• M.,., Ca1tt0<ni. '2827. _ A111....-otdT-No ...... 71teln. •encl~ t.ot., nowT __ !-*'1n -"t~ OMdln ~ Souk•r•• •• ludgmeflt de .. tor. A l~1~'!~ lo '"'-. bwtlneH offlc;• of th• Intended purporled to be 2""" 11 1 .,..tve, North El OorldO StrMI Sloc:lllon. Th• undettlgned Trull•• "" ·-.. _ ,_, ........ -v fOlow1ng-...,..... ,.....,......, • 1ren1leror I• 308 Merine Ave .. N-porl Beach, Cellloinlt 92663 CA 95202 Atlenllon· Loan Setvtee d l1clelm1 eny lleblllly for efly MleoetllrtMllt Mep1, reeOf'dl Of County and 91-. • lflowlng •net.,...,_ Of lt.2'2.IO PA1'CEL I : An undivided Bell>oe lelend, CA. T n • under 110 n e d T 1uste8 Depa 11men1. not 1a1 er th• n l11Corree1ne11 of lhe 111"1 edd,_ Ofanga Oollnty, c.llfomle. Lot 4, Tract 1711, • ~ on a ec1ually due on Mid ~ on tt84trt tnl-1 In end to 1..01 3 of All other bu1lne11 n•mH end dlsclaims any lleblffly tor anv Oeclmber 21. t982 fo1 tne putpOH end other common d .. lgnetlon. tt Tiie etr••t •Odr111 or olh•1 M.,,,_ded In 80dl M, P-ee 1t lh• date 01 the 11111.,_ ol Hid rreol No. 5425, tn the City of eddr-• uMd by the Intended nGOtrectness of the ttreet •dClress 01 paying obffglllofls HGwted by eny, .nown 111t•n. COfl'lft\Oft c1M9netton 01 th• rHI of Mttoe1191-~. ~ of •jeeullon, I have ltvllld upon .. tlle Newport 8Mch Couf\ty of oreflge ,,_,.,Of within lhrH ~ IHt end other commofl designation. 11 lllld Oeecl of Trvst Seid nl• wlll be mede. but Pr~ ~ dMcrtbed II Or-. eounty, ~ 1 glll, 1111• and ln1ere11 ol H id Stele of Cellt~rnlt ... per m~ paet eo fer •• known 10 the any. shown herein Tiie totef 111'\0Unl of 11141 unpalcl without eov•n•nt or werranly. putpOt1ed to II« 440 Vl9la PYeda, Th• atrMI eddraH or otller Judgment debtO< In lht praperty In recorded In Boole t99 P9ges t enO ln1«ICllld ,,_..,.._LIDO BOOK S lld ule wlll b• me de but b11tence of 1n11 obllgellon 15 $67,• ••p<nt or trnplled, r911atdlng lltlt. ~ e..iatl, Clltor1ll9. common OHl9nat1on of H id lh• County 01 Orange, Stet• of 2 114llcltltaneoul Mep~ In the ofllee SHOPPE. 3424 Vie Oporto, ... 11nov1 covenant 01 werran1v. 704 74 in1eres1 s1.111.1a. and lhe potMHlon, or encuml>f•~. lo The u11d•r•loned tttreby praperty • purportad 10 lie: 2111 Cllllomie, deec:ril>ed • lolowa: i 111e Counly Aeco;de1 01 H ld Newport a.ct\, CA. ••P•es• or implied. regarding title, uumaled amount oc costs. pey tilt remelnlng ptl11Clpal eum of dleelat1111 •ti ll•tllllty for eny W•tmlneter ll'lece, Coeta M9M. ~ property•TR ~3 LOI 1 9111 G gounty. The ntime9 end bUllneN llCIClr-POUHSiOn, 01 encumbrancu. 8•PBflS85 and 1C111enoes whlGh will Ill• notl(I) MGured by seld Deed of 11-1.at11 ... In Mid ...... .,... C911tomla, .. ~. 60 fl·lne Nefy 7.75 " of POI Of EXCEPT THEREFROM Units f of Ille Intended Trentfef-ere: 1ncludlng fees. c huges lflel be lllCutred by lhe date of •••e ra Trull. with lnlerHI thereon, H Ot OCtler OOtNftOll Clelllgnetlorl. 8ald _,. wilt bt macle wltftoul :\'?i ~dl·end Nwly 28,55 h Swty to 18, lnciutlve, H 11\own on IM ROt>ln R Munstodf end Juli• Ann expenM$ or tne Trustee end of 1111 S6l6 32 provided In talc! note(•). edv-. tald .... _.. M made wttllOlll COlfefleftt Of' ..,.,.,,1)1, .,,,_or Com'monly known 81 4 •0 condominium Plen r1eo1ded Munllodc, 4551 Peppt1wood. Long 1ru111 created by H fd Deed of Dated Noveni!Mr 22 198;1 If eny. under the terms ohald Deed werr•nty. HprtH or lmplled, lmCtl9d. • to 1111. SI au too or HtllOCrw Aw . Corone def ,.. .... A 1 ,ugutt. ~~!~3.2_n_~ 10837. Pate Beectl.CA90808. ltutt.1opeytllerem11t11ngprmcip111 SunklstServlGeCompeny. 01 Tru11, fee1, che rg•• end regarding tltl•. poue11lon, or ......,_tolMielylfMIUflPllld .,....... -11.0 .. ..,_.._..., Th•t th• prop•rty pertinent sum1 ol the flOte(1) sec:uted by H ICI a cOtPOl•llorl expen-of the Tru11• end of 1M enoumtlrano••· 10 .. llefy th• ~ M on ._ "°'9 « ,..,._ CA 0 IC IS PARCEL 2, Unf1 4. es .nown on hereto la ClleCflbed In general u : tilt Deed of Ttust 10 wit $215,700.00 By Devid Cllavl9f lfUlll creeled by Hid Offd or prlnclpel 111.i.nc. of tllt Note Of _., 11r .-S o..d of TNll, to N T E HEAl!.8Y OIVEN ltlet Ille Condominium Plen referred to etodl In trede. llxt\K .. , equipment Nllll Interest tlleraon from J1nuuy AHi Vice Prnldet\t Tru11, !0< the amount rH1on•bfy other ObllQatlon MCut9d by Mid wtt: '11.111.51, '*" tM IOllowtnG on Wed., Dec. Httl, ttu. at 2;t5 In Pateel t ebove tr•d• n•m• end good wlll of • I. 1982 n 18'~% P•• annum H ~22 N0t1n El Ooredo St ttllm11ed lo t>e: U3,H3.M. Deed Of 'fruit, with lnt9'Mt llftd "11matecl co•t•. HP9f1Nt and o'clock p.m. •1 4801 Jemborff PARCEi.. 3 · Non·e.cfullile certlln Bodi Shop bu*-end la .,rov1ded lfl seld notll(s) ptus cotll Sloekton, CA 95202 The benef!Qery under uld Deed other eume u prOYldecl tll9ftln: edvwlOel at ._ tllM ot tlle lnllal ~r~ ~~b,°!?,!' uaemenla for '•ccen. lngreu, loCated _. 308 Menne Ave .• Belt>oe itlnd any edvences eaumeled 10 be (209I 9•8· t t 18 of Trull h«etofore •~tc:uted •nd plu1 ""ancea· If any, und9r tt1t PJtll 11011 of • NotlOa of '* Stet• 01 CelHOtftlt. 1 wlN Nii•i •-· enc:roec;llmenl, ~PPOl1 end. ltl9nd. CA. ~ 14. t 13 $I end Forec:tosure costs Trullee delivered 10 Ill• Uflder1fgned • ..,_ tlltr9ot end lrMrwl on alOfl 11,907.00. pub4ic euc:don to tllt lllOt*t llldder, IOt othef ~. e11 •• •bove ~ Tfle bueln.-name UMd by the 1es11meted to bl S2 955.54 "of lh11 Published Orang• Coesl Dl'lly WTllten DeclMellon or o.t9utt end ~. Md pllle ._, ~ ...,_ TO lor oelfl In lawful rnoM)I ol the defined In Ille Condominium Ptan Mid t,.,,.._or tt ulcS loc:atlon II ~Ill. Piiot. Dec I. 8, 15, 1982 [)emend !Or Sele, Ind e wtlllen Ind.,__. Of .. Tf\119M ... of JMlf&lf --United 9'atw ... tllt ...... I, lltte encl end decl•r•llon or rHltlCllOnt BALBOA ISLAND BOOK SHOPPE. The benalfci&ry U"nder llld Deed !1262·82 Notice Of Oefeutt end Election to tllt trulte Gt9l'9d II)' ..... DIM °' YOU .... DIPAULT -• ..... ded A 8 073 In -Th•I ealO bulk tren1fer 11 lof lrutl llerelofore 1.aculed •nd 1-------------sett The undere&oned ceuMCI NICI Tru•t. The tolll amount of Hid -• TMMT, DA• IULY t Inter• «MIO luOoMtft\ debt« Ill rec;or :'f," • 1 :.:::.:-·-.. im.nded to be contUml'Mted .. t"-klet1v1red 10 the unde11lgned e P\a.IC NOTICE Notice or O.teulf end Election 10 obtlo•tlon, tncllld"'g rtelOflatlfy 9' . .,._YOU TMm Mnioii :.C~~ "':!tlocf pr~,°''° 1"~~ =•17!0~~~ ~:,~~r offloe of .,,.,_ &ctow Co., 2070 iwriuen Oecl111e11on 01 <leleutl •nCI Sento be rec:o1decl In Ille county otlmated fHe, cllar911 end TO MMHICT YOUll "'°'an, 10 Hllifv Hid ':~ut::."!1~ common dHlgneUon ol lh• r••I N. Tu11ln Ave .. Sen le Ane, CA ~emend 101 Sei. end I wrllltn FICTITIOUI IUS*118 whtl• lhe r ... ptaperty II loc:eled ..,_ ot .. rn....a. It IN Clmt n mY • .... AT A ~ ~~--... 1n't-_. _ .. ~-_.,. ..__._.bOVe o..Grllled I• 92705 on Of efter J-.ry 3, \983. ~ollee Of Defeulj •nd Elec;llon lo NAlltttE STATtMINT D••• Novembet 30. tH2 oflnltW pollllceaon of tftll Noao. ... •AL•. " y OU ......... ':::::::::"1 ..... -.. :-.· .... ....... P' .......... ·--.. Thi• built 11en1fer 11 IUb'-1 lo !Sell The vndeftTgntd eeuled n ld The tOllOWi"" --aon1 are dOI"" S 1 • n d • r d S • r v I c • I 11,Ml,42. ·-a•anoee • T1tl Mn. :::==~ .. ,:_.:._ purpot1ed 10 be 935 Amlgol WI,"/ ,.... N I . ·• ,...... ..., .__ .,. • .....,... n .. ...,. No. 94·, Newport a.en, C&llloml' Cellfornl• Uniform Commerclel ollce of Deleull and Elect on to ouslneas 11 •C 1 oraalp0<d111tlrou"•tM Oet9d: '**""' 10, 1taa. Of' T1tl PMC_,.. AU!MeT ·JC -.....m Tne under119nad h•t1bV, Code Section 8108. 5•11 10 be recorded In lhtl covnty V C ENTERPRISES. 111531 S MA1. UTA.TE ~ OONTACT A · · _,,_ • l 1 f The neme •nd eddreu of th•..,..,. tlle rHI p<openy "loca•td AlrPOf\ Wey. Sent• An•. C.A 92707 ey Oellr• Coheli IECU""1U BERylCI Marlhel (AollnQI dlUl•lm• •II 1 •b fl ty or •nv peraon with wtlOf'I\ dillml mey be DI•• Novembef 30, 1982 fP O Box 5044. ftv111t, CA 92718) Trull" Offleer CelltOrNe ' 1 11111 Orenoe CoufttY lnCO!r.ClneH 111 Mid •ttttt llddr1ti ftlld It Burr-&crow Co .. 2070 N. CENTURY ESCROW Rt• Jeck1on, 9024 B•llelr, 2 t031 \/enture Blvd ~ .. loft. ·,_T A~ TlTl.E ~;...Oltfloft• °' = :.omr;:. ~.:io:.lhOltl TU9Un Avo., Sente Ana, CA 02706. I C.Mlornle corporellon Betlltowtr CA 90706 Sult• 1007 • Tf\IMee, ~CO/MIA.HY, ,.._ ~ ,..._ werren1y, t•pru1 or 1mplled, Allf! Eeerow 137"2F end the .... •• Uk! llUllM. Vtrg1n111 Va"'o Crowley. 9924 WOOOl•nd HI••. CA 91384 Ir: lllAl) O.J. ""°""' • OllfomlD COl1'CI.,, "' .... ~..... regetdfng 1111• POHHelon. 0( day lot tlllog otetme tw wry credltoi 3 435 Cemtno Del Alo 01111111. Bellflowtt. 90709 (2 131340-4010 ~~... ~~ ._ c.._..., CA enoumbrencu, to Hli1fy tllt, el'lllt be o.ctml>ef 3i. t982 whleh Soulh This bulll•O" la conductfld I>~ n Publl1hed Orengt COHI Delly ~= ::::;,.•• ... oedwtly. ....,..,_t14 ....... -,';"-" Pul>lllllecl Orenoe CoHI Oelly ptlnclpel ti•••nc• of the Note o' fe the bu•lnt H dly b•lore Ill• Sen Di.go, CA 112108 llmflOCI pnrlnt11en1p Piiot, O.C. 8, 15, 21, lt82 =--:!:, ,.. .. _._. ·--~"";!'a PllOI, Otc. I , 111, If, 1MI Olhef obflOlllotl MCUred by .. Id coneummetlon dele 1peelfl•d ret (714) 280·11100 Ru Jaeuon • 5388·12 -T.-...=:•• 1 ..... 714-1.:,.-::' .... 10 -T··-11 _. 11 &* .. 2 Oetd of fruet. with lnlerHI end at>cWe. By Alln1 M tgull dtl Tnot atetemenl wu filed Wllh IM _ _..,__ -ldecl th I o.t" NovoWnber 16, tte2. MonllJo CO\lfl~ ci.111 of Orano-Counly on MLIC NOTIC( Pullll1"9d Orllftle CoM t 0.lty ltvtlftiMd Or.,.. c ...... ~ ~ llmC( ::::'.:~::;:. f.~y. und;~~ AoOll\ R. Munafock, AulhOltzed Stgn•lur• Nov t982 ll'lot, Otc. tll, H. 21, 1912 Plot, Doc. 11, 22. ft. 1 terml IMreof and 111.., .. , on.......,,,, JUiie Nt(I a.u.tock, Anne M lgu1f de Montijo f'I01t00 '1GTITIOUa ........ 11411.a lo4ll.a ITATW•--=11 ff end .... Oft _,.,, Intended Tr---. Vlc••Pre1.IT1u11 Otflcer Publllh•d 011nge COHI O•llY ••• ITARllllMT Oii .-• MmF aclvenc.ti plus ' ~ Putlllef\ed Or•na• Cout Oelly Pubhth•CI Oteng1 Cou1 Oeny Piiot. o.e 1, e. 111. 22. 1te2 11\e loftowlnt '*'°"' .,. dOlnt "8JC NOTIC( PmUC NOtlCl •·•-• .._ ::' :=:::.:s"::z.'~ .. e>Md' 1J1 Plot O.C. 15, 1112 Pllol Dec 8, l!I, 22. •982 11nt.e2 1>111111-•· Not• 11,__""" II)' 9Mk ot . Tiie tollowlftl ,.,..,.. II••• Ttuil. ltte IOlat •mount 01 H lct. • 550S.t2 ~333·82 DA'KINE COCKTAii. LOUNGE. ACTmOUI -·· AMtrl09 NT • IA. .............. fl .................... Ol>llfatlon lllClvcllng r•HO"lbl~ .... , "' ..,..TICE ·-ic NOTICE MLIC N()TIC( 2901 Hort>or 9MI . Cott• Mete, CA llMm l'TAW lf9"0ll. MW Vie .'i1:i, .....,.,_ luttMel ..._: MAL atTATI H llm•t•d f•u. olletgu encl ruvu" nv .--. 92828 Tiie ~ l*tOn8 are OOifte hoGfl C.....,_ eflei -INlftl0"°'4 I MAINTIMANCI • .....,_of tM T,._, at 1~ tlt'fte FICTITIOUI ......... ftCTmOUI ........ l'lCT11lOUI ....... C•••tllce p Hefenlhl. 11818 llUllMll Ul .. Mil .,. ,..... ........ '°' eml\, •• ,, ........ c.... ...... OA .. 1111 .... llM*atl6ft of Ihle Noll09.J&. NA• ITATIMDn NA•., .. ,..."' ...... lfATllmlff !!'PPY Av• .. ,oumeln Verley, CA ,j~l CATl~NO~TC=· on MHd•t Jll• Htll •ay •• "=' , .......... _ ... ....___ N l1t.l14,'IO. The tollowfng 111tJ0111 ere do•no Th• to11ow1no pereon i• dotn9 Th• ro110 .. 1ng peteon 11 doing ... 708 21 t lrOtllbOU ·• a • DDMMMr tNI at U ito o'olOclll ....,.. -w 0...0 No-.Mr It. 1'U llU9lneM •• butlMN •.•• l)UllMH ff: Melvtn v Sitto, 1424 w. ,.,,,. CA~ am ................ -,.,.,, .. •o •ir:!9 ........ '" MAL U TATI SEASONS 300 I S Br11101, ARAOW f'.AIRICATION. 95t W OEOICAT£0 COMWAllll. ~t Pl • Gerdelle, CA ~41 Indy "•IOelle. tHO Capri Laf1,atte, NOWJOrf IHlll, °'T. ~, ...... tr, ,_It 11 tlCUNTIH Sl"VICI Sen!• An1 Celtrornl• 92704 17th atrHt. •II'. Coll• Mau, 8row11 Cltcle, HunClngtOll IMCll. Aud1ey I\ He lenlr11, 11'1t Cltdl, Coel• MtM, CA IHH c.lltcw"'9 o tllO CalN9t1119 41' ••If• "' •fl~-J.i...:..=..· •~corp . sambol Aeateui•n• inc 6400 C•Htornl• t2e27 CA tH-41 Poppy A'V•. Fountlln Vat .. y, CA DIW HllW1, tut••~· Oft111or• CrulHr, 19'1•• No .... ~=rgn-:-,r~ .. ,,_.. Crn..., t.-. Cer""nl""· Ca11101n1• 8111 Hower<I tenur, 1t74 Tlt>t11u Vele, 8431 lrown H70t Co.le•.~~~., .. , ..... ,Oii, -'CM•l1::.':.'~'•etll Ill• ~· --0.1 Moroer. 111'19 T~t t1ut1n .. 1I. c;onouClllCI Oy e rufltrton.t_•8. Coeu Men, Clrot1, Uuntln91on IHoh, CA. JfltfA 9allo, 14t4W.1811fll't , "~aM ......... CAt~. "-~ ---0.--. IOION .-..,.NO 20tl ~POf•llon Catllotnl• tn27 926U Oerelen•. CA toa41 ....... wltfl twlfl UOI ~ Dll9ll -----"' f 1111.. lante """' CA n1oe StMl>Ot Attl-enl IPC Tiiie ~ "conctucl«I b)' en Tftlt ""..,_. ~-b)'.. Thlt ~ la COf\dlleted .,. • Tilll .,..,.... II concllleted b)' I ......... ,.,.. .. ·---...... ....... (1141 MMe10 "'·-• ""'~ ._.............. ...,.f\llduel -.a partner-.... ..,_., ~'*~ Olih, C...... Of ~ a.., ~ J..... llv ......... Or-COM! •-..,..._ 'I v....... • ..... ,,,_ .... ir-~· ....,.. Dl9llt ..... ....... ........ _ ........... _ .. ' == TNI 11'1 1 w llli .... ---. --1 ••• ,-,........ .... -· OlllrtGI MlnlOf" ltet H. lri« fltMWIU V... C..,_ II Heleftifll ,_.. ·--........, ~ ---.. ..._, .._ flits aiet-il wn liltd wllll the TNe ~ w• flled 'llll!ll lllt Tfll• "•*"*" •• flled "'"" Ille Thll 11...,_.. -"'9d wWI lflt Thie .,.._,. ... lll9d wltfl .. .....,_, -· Clllllllr • Cllltl 111 --• Uh•1 County Ctet• or Or•noe CO\lnty on Counly c""' o! Orenoe eounry Oft Coul'l1Y C*ti ot OrMQe County°" County Ct101 of Orenoe OcMll't.,. c:.oui,cy Cterk of°'*"' COUfllY"' OllMll t• M _.,, •o 1..-1 •f DID. 1tll. ,.,. ., Novemt:>tt ''· tH:;> I December 3. 1H2 Nov •• IH2 0.0 a. IM2 0.0 3, 1"1 -......... NT a IA ........ .... ... ~ .......... °' ,.__,. ~ ~ .... "" .,. Ol'I Dftcet lhO .. ,__ ,_, Pletltl ,_. ,._ II• ... "*.... • lfll9 .,._, flMY ••Y·l>• • • .. ullr • Publ~l'led O .. no• COHI Oelly Putlhhed Orenoe COHI 0. Pueif••fl•d Orent• COHI OaHy l'ubll•f9d Of•"91 oo ... O.elly ll'ublllllff Oranr: C•...'... OlllJ ~---OtM9e c....Ui r,&-Ole. ti, ...... ,..,.-. cle11111f d ,. •• ., ,. 14 hot. O.C t I 15 22 1812 P!IOt. OfC a, 11, 22, 2t. tN2 If PltOt Dec I , 111. 21. 2t, !Ml fttlOI Otc,t, 11. H . 2t, IMI "'°'·OK t . lt. I • 2I, "fH1.ft "9t, 0. , .. t4, fl, 11. 11, 1 ...... ... ... .,. I &lU.12 &30M2 S400-lt , UN.U .. Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wednelday. Oeoember 16. 1982 MUC NOtlC( Ml.IC NOTICl rtalC NOllCC tUlllC NOTICC MLIC HOTICl ------c;;:-.;-----';""'1---~--~--------------~-----------·-----------------~· c ....... W~ YOUMl•WAUUUllDlaA tH.... C#•1• ' 'IOflnolJtttUalMIH 'ICflllOUallU ... H ,ICTtTIOUallUWH ltOTICaOPTllUeTU'IU&.a NOTaOP,,.,.,.....UU 0110 O• TlllUlf DATID lltiOnCIOf MOno80P.,.,.flrtUUI NAMSITA10.Nl N~MllUT,._N'T NA•ITAHMIN'T TllUl18'8 Mo. 11• '---.._. W ,,_, OICIMallll U , , ... u-.aM TMlaflft IA4.a ,_,.._MO.,,._ The 10Howtr19 n.<to11• 11111 clt~no 111 .. tnttQwlng ,..,tto11• are d1>1ng lht r1111ow1ng oeraon It doing • On ~ 6. INS II 11 00 1 "' lllPCMITMT N0nCJ TO YOU TMta .oTION TO PMtTeOT .... •m On Jenulty I tta 11t It 00 a"' bualnett •• b<•NllM• ea Wtl•,.H IJt "'"T AM E R IC AN TITl.I .... n...-YOUR •RO•HTY, tT llAY.. TOUMIUIDUAUlTUNOOU ''"'T A'9itAI O AN TIT l.I THC OLD 'IACHOUt.t GtA80N' <'110 r Cn9'11'11111 K(VlAl\OOCHARlfAS,INC , INIU"ANCI COM .. ANV,. YOUAllllll119AUl.TwmlltA llOLOATA~~L•You Dl lO o• TRU8T DATUI INIU"ANCI C OMPANY,. OUION CO~LAflOAATIY!". ''" O.ang. t a 021.•11 t11 ll111l1C Coetlllwy ,Hllllllf\Oton Celltomla '°'POf'lllon II T11111-. 0110 O' fllUaf OATIO HUD All ~llON .. TMa ll•Tl•IR , .. tllt. UM.181 C~nlll oetpor.eton ~ NtWl>Oll Bouleord, Newport Sambot Anh11111tnl ln1. (I 0.0..Ch GA t~ Al 0t&l-TN1t .. 0t lubttlMed OICl .. 1'!...f.!....~.N,. UNLl81 MHURI M TNI "OCI ...... YOU TUI ACTION TO NOTIC1 OfluDD 11arTN11eeor Bttcll CA 12Gll'l Ceffl0tni1 GO<potallonl. 0400 Cw1dy J o S1n11h . e Oeli ware Truat ... ol that CWleln OMd Of YOU TAIC.l llMiTtVllll TO PMTICT AeAINaT YOU.LYM IMOU"D YOUR •ROPIRY"t, tT llAY af T~, ot IMI '*1eln Deed ot v1l f110411bofn, 10• 16111 8 ttfft L/1 , C•1pen1.-1e Ca co1po1111on, 111 Pec;lllc; Cou1 Truat IHCUl•d by 8 TUA"T H YOUR •RO•lltTY, " llAY •• CONTACT A LAW'llll. IOl.0 AT A "'91.IC ..u .• YOU frU•I ueeuled by MIC HA I L Ne*l>Of' l!IHC:h, CA 021183 lhll Wtln•H •• t;on<I~ bY • llwy llunllngton 81ec;ll, CA tl:MAI HIRSCHFIELD. 111'1 unmarried men. IOUt AT A "*'IC ....... YOU NOTICI °" TllUt1"11'1 ....... ... ,.,. lllft.ANATM* °' TMI VI01'0fl l.UCIANO, M unmarried Chui•• D l'IYIHU, 198~ I '°'POtlllOO Trll• b\/llno• la conducted bY an and -ded Dlolmb91 31, IHI Miii> AN UP\ANAftON w'"' T ....... -MAW.~ flAOCaGllll Men. MCI , .. Ofdecl Janue1y It, Co11ntry H1v•r1. ltrtl• An•, 1;A S/IMB06 '"""'URANl lndMdu•I .. lnltrumenl No. 3'263, In loot! MATUAI cw , .. NOCllDtMQ NOTICI IS ... RflY OIVi N. Intl ACIAIMIT YOU, YOU IHOULD , ... ~· No. 12.oMU2. 11210~ INC Key Laigo Ch111.n, Inc; 14341, P•Q• 3110, o l 0 1110111 AOAINIT YOUWW~u 8MOUl.D on w.o~. ~ 2a. '*· COMfACT A LAWYIR. 01 01110111 fleoord• of Orang• 81•Ph•n J M1t11ty1 , 20.-0 I Greg 8 OltOl'I J D 8mllh ••• Rtcord • ol Orang• Count)', CONfACTALA 1ttOOclOCll•.rn.otf91dde)'.ln1he On o.c.mo.r 30, 1N2, II H>O COuftty.CellfOtnll, 11\dpurlUlllltlO Sr><uee 5,, .. ,, ''"''"Anti H lo'•'~ 01.rr1t;1 M11111011 Pr11ldent ~ Calllornle, end p11r1u1n1 10 thll NOTIOl 18 Hl!fll!aY GIVEN: room H I 11td1 IQr conducting P M • IM PlfllAl 8ANCOAP, • tll•I cer11ln Not101 ol Det1u1t CA 92701 nus 11;atam.n1 waa 11..0 With thl rn11 tlatet'Mflt .,,_. llloel won 11'11 oerttln Notlol of o.t1&111 lh«eundet Tl'tet under and by wtue ot the Tru1tff'1 Slill, w11llln the olflCll of C•lllornl• Corpo1111on •• clul'I ~ '900tded e.etember I, C11c f1y1or. 3014 w 011bo1 CC/lmty c .. 1k or Or1ng1 County on Coumv Cl11k 01 oranoe County on' recorded September 2, 11182 .. prcMelonl of thal Olrtllln Deed of REAi. ESTATE SECUAITll!I •PPOl11t1d Tru1IH und., and 1M2 .. """""""'Ho. U -310420, UouhlYO•d. Nwwj)Oll Ut&Ch. CA Novi11t11')11 ?4, 1092 Nov~· 11111? ln1trument No . 82-310417 • Of Trull d1ted December ,0, IH 1, SERVICE IPCllld It 2020 North IMWlllll 10 OMd 01 T1u1t recorded Of OttlOlal lilloOrdl ot Mid County1 11,0G\I 'lOnll not19 Otllclal Aeoorde of Mid County, will and reootded In t~ omot of thl Broed'#ay, Suite 20e, In th• oily o, llptemblf 11, 1NO, .. Intl!. No. wlll under end pur•u•nl 10 Mfa thl• bual•1 .. 1 I• conduc;lod by 11 Pvt>ll•ntel 0111110• Co1.111 Dilly l'ubll4h1d Or•ng11 con t Delly under end ~I 10 Mid Deed Of Aeoordlf Of Ille OOUnty ot oienoe, 81nt1 Ana, CO\lnty ol Urange, 1111111 24435 booll 13748, p1g1 190, OI o..d of Tllltt Mil II puble IUOtlon gener•I Pl•tlletthlp PtlOt O.C 1, 8, 111, '2, 1882 l'llot, Dflc 1 8, ttl, ?2, 1g92 ' TN1tllll•l1>1o1bllc:9'!CllOnl0t caell. 81•1• ot Cllltornl•. on o.c.tlber o l Celllornl•. AIAL ESTATI Olflclet lll1cord1, IHCUlld by fOtOllllf'l,lewfUlmoMVOfl"-Unlted UllflOlfbOm 0189·82 8111•·82 lnt\llmoneyollhlUnltedS11111 of 2.4, 11181, In Volume 14$36. PIOI SECURITIES SIRlllCt!.. Celllomla JAME.8 A MU NTS MAN •nd Stal .. ot Amerio• .• CHiiier'• rhlt lllloment WH hied Wllh '"' Amer1oe, • cuhllr'a d** payable 103t. of Otllolal Aeoordl. IXtCUted COIPOfltlon, .. duly 1ppolnt1cl F A AN ct! g M Hu NT s MAN. ohecll P•Y•bl• to Hid Tru•tt• Counly Cllfk of 011nou Cou111y on Ml.IC NOTIC( PUBLIC NOTICE to Mid TNll .. elf_.. on a ltlle or by Jay 8 . Mtinn, Ill uNMftled 11\111 Trull" under and 1>1o1reuan1 to thl llvtbllld 1111d wll• 11 tru11or(1), In dr_, on a ltN Of netloMI lier*. I Nov fll, tllll2 net1on11 bank, • 11111 0t federal 11 Truator, to Sunlllll Service pow11 ol 1111 oonl•rr•cl In that 1119 olllOI ol the County Aec0tdltr of ttate °' t.derel cndlt union or I F202t20 crecllt union, or • 11111 0t t.derll Comp1 ny, a oorpore llon, H cenlln Deed ol Trull eqcutld by 0!"'191 Courlfy, State ot Clltt0tnl1, 1t111 °' tedetel Mvtngl Md loan PublllhCld Orango Coul Dally H Vlng1 Ind loan 111oola llon TN11eel !f!d_!_TAT£ SAVINGS AND DANA M WOL, 1no l.llOH A. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION MIOCIMlOn domloltecl In thll ...... Piiot, NOii 2•. 0.0 I, 8, 15, 11182 cSomlClled In ttll• tlllte. at the main LOAN ~IATIOH, a Callfomll WOLF. 11\ltOand end ...... r41COfdld TO HIOHEST BIDDER FOR CASH at Ill• "'aln •nlrenoe to Fl1t1 5180·82 •nlrence to Flrat American Tiiie corporttlon, II~ o-nblr 30, 1llt0, In Book 131114 (p1y1bl1 11 1111''11 of 1111 In lawful Alnlttoen Tiiie lnlurllf'IOI ~•------------ '9CTITIOU8 llU ... 11 'ICTltlOUI •UttNaH NAMI ITAT'DmN'T NAMI ITATIEMENT Thi to11ow1ng perton1 we clolno Ille ro11ow!ng pt1110111 are doinO but!-aa: bullntttl .. WE.800 CONSTRUCTION CO SEASONS, 1620& Brookhuflt 27872 Mtagon, Mlallon VleJo, cA SllNI, Fou11111n ll•lle)I. C1lllo11ll• ~ Cornc>eny localed It 114 Altd Pur_,t to 1hl ~ of ot Ofllc;jel Aecotcl• of Mid County. mon1y ot 1h1 Ut1lt1d s 11111) 111. ~ 11 1'4 EMt Fifth ltrwl, In PUBLIC NOT1CE Eaat Fifth Str .. t, In Iha City of 1111 owne r end holder 01 th• 11 pege 144, Alc:ot'<ler'a lr111r-1 South Front 1111rtnce toJhe OrtflOI ,,,. City ot Senta Anll. Celltomla. .. , ___________ _ 112ee1 92708 Eugene l Colomblnl. 27872 811nbOI Rff11u1an1 Inc;. 8400 Santa Anll. Clllfomle. 111 llllt flOlll, C 'llOf}' note MCUred by the No. •707 t, bY ,_of • btNCh oC County Old Courtnoute, Clly ot th•t rig hi, 1111• e nd lnterHt ftc:Tmoua ~II tltll llf'ld lntwwt oon\'9)'9(1 to and of Truet Mio-... r-.n.d lo; Cleleult In payment or pertormenoe Senta Ana, Stitt ot C1llforn11 111 con~ 10 and now held by It NA• ITATaMINT now hlkl by " under Mid Deed of Altd by ,_ of tfle dlfllult In of 1111 obllgatlON MCUl'ld thlrM)'. right, 11111 and lnl«Mt eon~ 10 \lndw Mid OMd ot Trull In IM Thi lollowing ptnOnt •t• dOlng Mtz.llGOll, Mllollon Vteto. CA Heel Clnd~ line, CarpenttNll Cllltomle J Ol•Ph' R. Benl, 25411 Tnll butlnl .. II conduel.o bY . Trwt In 1hl proplf1'J lhllMld In Mid the payment of Mid promlnory lllCllud lng that tKelCl't or default. and now held t>y It under .. Id Deed Pfopeny altuetld In Mid County butotwKt N County end 81ete dwnbed •: not• and th• breeoh of th• Notice ot which WH 1ec;ord1d of Tiu .. In ,,.. pr0perty lftualed In end at ... dlecf1bed .. : BACKSTAGE ENTERTAIN· Sht-. El T0to, CA 112830. GC<OO<lllOO Thlt bullneea 11 oonductld bY 1 S1111001 RMtaKln .. Inc; PAAC!L t; Unit #2, •• lhOWn condltlone In Mid OMd Of Tru11 Augull 23, 11182, •• Aec:order'• Mid COunty and Sl•ll dMctlbed ... l.OI 22 of Trect No. 11424, .. MENT, 113, Wett 19th Str .. I, Cc.ta Ind dtecftbed In 1111 coodomlolum prOYldlcl, • NOtloe of DlfUI llf'ld 1n1111un1nt No. 82•2H068. WILL, Paree! 1 of a Mep 1ec;ordld In .,_,on• mec> recorded In booll Meea, Ca 112627 Olfll'll pannertl'tlp. 8tte>hett M Deell Eugene L. Colombini OISlflCI Manager plan -did on Augull 5. tMt Ill l!lectlon tow under Deed of TNlt SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Book 110, P1g11 42 and 43 of 422, peg .. 4 ~I 42 lrld 43 ot Doug111 Frank Statum, 284 1 8°'* ' IM , Page 1tel of Oflldill having been duly recorded H HIGHEST BIDDl!R FOR CASH, Perc;ll Mep1, reciordt ol Orange Mlec;ell1neou1 Mlpl, fKOtd• Of Boe Vf11a Dr , Coate M111, Ce Thlt e11t-1 -tllad with the Tnoa .statement w11 llled with the County Clertc of Orange County on Coonty Cietk ot 0111nge Coutlty on Aecon» of Mid County. provided t or by law In Hid 1ew1v1 money of the Unllld Sta111, County. Cellfornla. Orenoe County. c.llfofnll. 1128~ Die. 10, 11182 No11em1>e< 2•. 1ge2 '11Mltt ,_ PARCEL 2: Ari undllllded 11'441h Reciord«'• Office on Aug111t 30. or 1 cllhlet't cinecto. dflwn on • The 1tr11t 1dd1111 and other hoepllfl9 th«efrom all oll, oll Mack K1ouae J• • 1131 w 19th In..,_, 11 • llNllll In c:ommon In tN2. In 8ooll tnet. No. 12-3062tt: 11111 or netlontl bank, • ttll• Of common del!On•llOn, 11 any, of the rlghtt, rnlnerel•. mlneral rlgntt. St . Coall MeM. Ce 92627 tht I•• In tare II In end lo th• SUNt<l8T SEAVtcE COMPANY. • tod«ll a ldtt union or 1 alt.II or r111 property detcrlbld 1bova 11 n1tu11I gH rig hit . and other Lu Roy Bouder, 36 I 3 S common 1r11 ol Lot 7 of Tr1ct oorporatlo n . •• th• preHnt fede<ll 11vlnQ• end 1oeri lllC>detlon purported to be . 207 -2 t 1 Ill th llydroc:artlone by~ -Ramon• Of., S1nt1 Ana. Ce 112707 104t4 ... per ~ nled In Book authorized end •citing Tru•t•• domlcilld tn lhl• ""'·"' peyeble al Street, ~t 8each, CA. ~. geothlfmal tllMI 1111d Ill Thi• bualneu 11 condUllted by • Publlthed Oran~• CoH I D•I~ Publlaned 01a11g• COH I Dally Pl""I "'--16 22 " t"•2 Ju P•lol Dec I, 8, 15, 22 11182 111'83 ..-. . ........ _.. • 5100-82 483. pegee 35 to 37 lnckltlve, of under Mid Deed of Truet, llOfWllld, the time ol Nie. 1114 rlgllt. tllle end The 1.tnd1ralgn1d Tru atee produol• derived theretrom, genetal 1>11tn«1h1p Mltcef11neou1 Map•. record• of on Wednlldey, J-*Y 6, 1N3, et 1nt•r111 held by 11. u TrutlM, In dl1clalm• any lleblllly lor any wlttloul, ~. the right lo drift. Douglas F. S111um l't&.IC NOTICE Mid County, u 9'ICh term It defined the hollr of fO!OO o'olodl A.M. of thll r111 property 1llu1t1 In H id lncorrectneaa of lhl ttlMt 1ddr1U mine, lt0f9, •ICPI«• and operate Tnte 111t1men1 wH Ille<! with the In the artldl entitled "Otflnltlon1" Mid day et Iha Horth fl'Ont entranoe County 1nd Sttle, d11arlb1d 11 end othet common designation, 11 through Iha -'-or Ille upper County Cle<k ol Orano• Cour11y on flCTITIOUI llU-•• of the decil111tlon of ciov1na n11. to the county ooun~. 700 CMo follow•. any, .nown hlteln. . 500 Ml of the tubluff-of Mid Novembe• 2•. 19112 N.U. •TAftmNT condition• a nd realrlctlo n1 Center Of'lve WMt In the City ot Lot 19 of Trec:t No. 387!>, 11 pei 81ld HI• wlll be made, but lllf'ld, .. r-* In deed lfom the f202tl7 Tt11 lollowlng pe<tona at• cl()jng recorded In Book 14095, PAii 618 Sen11 Ana. County of Or111g1, State map rec:o1dld In Book 134, Pegee without cov1n1nt or w1111n1y, trvln• Company, I Mlchlg111 Publlaned Orang11 Coast Dally bualnosa 11: o f Ottlc lel Re cord•. (the of Callfomla, WILL SEl.L. puBUllll 12·14 1nclual111 ol Mlacell1neou1 111preea or lmplled. regarding 11111. COfJIOfltlon, recorded Februely 17, Piiot o.o. t, 8, 1s . 22. t982 REPl.ICAST. INC., (CA), 11116 "D • c I 1r •ti o n "). • n d • n Y 10 the pow. of ..,. c:onMn9d In M1p1. In th• otftce ol tne ciount~ po111111on. 0t encumbrencM, to tt78 In booll 12570, page 435 ot s 170·82 Production Pl-. Newport 8eac:n, 1mendm1nt1 end auppfem1nt1 Hid Deed of Tru1t end, without rec:order ot aald county. pl)' lh• rtmllnlng prlncipel eum of Otllclal Aeoordl. ------------CA 112663 thereto. covenant or warranty regarding Tho llrH t addlHI or. otner lhe notl(1) MCured by aaid DMcl of Al10 111cieot1ng therefrom ell P\llJC NOTICE Robin Chr111opti.1 Miiier. 10111 Excepting •II oll, oll right•, utte, pa1111tlon °' ~ common dHlgnlllon ol tn• r111 Tru11, wllh lnter11t thereon. u weter rtgflt1, wtlethlf llUCll w11er rwc-.. ......... K11mu Drive. Hunllnolon BMch. CA ""'9rel9. "*-al rtghta, natural gee 11 publtc euctlon, to the lltgneet pioperty 11eteln1bo11a dMCrlbed la proYlded In Nld notl(1), adv-. l'lgtlta llfllll be r1partln, O¥tttytng, • • • ....,. -g2648 r1Qht1 and other hydfoc:arbonl by Oftlt't bidder, In llfwful monf1V of die purported to bl 3277 WMhlncJlon 1t 1ny, ul'ldlf the 1erm1 of Mid Deld epproprlatlve, percolating. ..,._ ITATa....,. Auelln TnomHon. 1752 N. wll auoever n em• II nown, United Statee of Amer!Qe, .. ttllt Avenue. Coal• Mela. Celttornla. of Tru ll, , .... chug .. end preecrtptM or oontrectuel Without, Thi following Pl'IOnl ere doing Undenllotz, Orange, CA 112865 geoll'termel ltMm Ind .. productt Oll1Ml r_, propeny ettCl!etld In Iha Th 1 u no 1 ra I g n e d h 1 '9 by HPlfl-of the Trull .. and of the t-. lhl right of 1111lry tor 1hl bull,_ aa. THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED derive d therefrom. without. County of Or1rig1, 81•1• of d l1cl1lm1 •II ll•blllty for any truelt cr11t1d by H id Deed of .-'CIM of euctl rtghtt, .. r...wd (A) VALLE\' HI APARTMENTS; BV A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. h-. the right to drlll, mine, C111fom1e, cllec:f1tled • folowl; lncorrectnlDI In Mid atrMt lddr... Truat, fOf the amount , ... ooebty In deed"°"' the !Nini Con't9anY. • (8) SUNOAOWTH XIII, 11120 Pldllc Robin C. Miiiet 11ore, uplore llf'ld operate ttwougn Thi lend ,.,..,Id to In thll ~ or other common cleltgNltlOn. 1111m111d to be: $728,750.1111. Mtchlgen corporation, recorded gout HIQllWey, Hunllf\gton Belctl, Thi• 1111emen1 w•• Iliad wlln !hi Iha_._ or lhl upper 600 tMc of II tltueted In the Sim of Celltomla. Seid 1111 wtll be mlOI without Thi blneflciaty under Mid O...d ~ t7, 1978 In booll 12570, A 92&44. . County Clerk ol Orange County on Ille tub1urlace Of N ld lend, H County of Onnge and II dMc:f10ed wlrrlnty, uprHI or Implied, of Trull heretofore IJllCUlld end P901 436 of Offldll Aeoordl. L1w1anG1 0 . Scntey, 88112 Dee 3, 11182. ~ In deed from Ina lrvlne • ~ r•gerdlng 11111, POtHHlon, or dellvered to Iha underalgned 1 N1m1 a nd 1ddre11 of the Herbot l<•y Clrcte, Huntington nm.I Publl1hed Orang• Co111 Dally Pllol. Dec:. 8, IS. 22. 29. 11182 5298·82 COrnoenY. • Mldligen corporeUon, Lot 48 of Traci No. 1702, In the 1nc;umbrar1c11, to 11tl1ly 1111 written Dtc:tlrltlon of Dlfeult end beneflelary It wtloee requeet Ille BMch, CA 926&8. ,_Oed Februrf 13. 1Nt In Book City of 81nt1 An•. ae per Map p1lnclp11 balance ol tne Noll 01 O.m•nd lor Sele. end • written .... II b9trlQ conduc;Wd: Oon9d L. Ole nn I.. Ch11h1rt. 7222 13948, page 1448 of Ofllc;le l recorded In Book 291, Peoe 5 end 8 otf\er ot>UgatlOn MCured by aald Notice of Default end Etectlon to l!lren Company, t0980 Wll1hlr• Seaworthy Dr Iva, Huntingto n AloordL of MllollelllOUI...., In 1hl Oflloe OeeCI ol Trull. with lntlretl and Seit The und1nig111d ~ Mid BMS .. 21111 Ftoor, Loe Angelll. CA BMcn. CA 112848. Allo excepting 111 Wlllf rl0ht1, of the County RecOfder of Mid 0U1er 1um1 •• provided therein; Nollce of D111uh tlnd EllctlOn 10 90024: AUn: E.A. Brunkhlfdl. ~enoe D. Schley Mt.IC NOTJC( wtl9ttllr IUdl -• r1ghtl ~ bl County. plus 10v1ncee. II any, under the Sell to bl rlCClfdld In the county D1r9ct1-to the 1.bove prop«ty II Partner rlpar11111, o-lylng, apprOPfl•tl .... , EXCEPT .. oll, gu. mlnlfWt end ''""' thlfeol and lnterwt on IUQI wt11r1 the rMI property It located. may be o btained by requH tlng Thia 1111-1 waa llled With the ITA~ Oii wnltDRAWAl parcol•tlng, pr .. crlptlve or llydroc.t>on 111t>t1tanc11 below • advlllCll, Ind Olu• 1-. chatgee Diie. o.c.rnw 1, fll82 -111 M1tlng "°"'Ille blnltlc:lllry County Cllrlc of Oranoe County on "'°"' ~m:::.MTlMO contrlCNal, Without. '-· the depth of 500 .... from 1hl ..... encl Ill.,.,_ of the Truat .. end of IMPERIAL BANCORP, within 10 d•y• from th• flrlt Dec. 10, 11182. ., .......... ~I of entry lor the 111erdM of of Mid land, but wttholll 1hl t1ght of the trutll c;r1111d bY Mid DMd of 1 Calllomla Co<por11lon putlllcedon ol thlt l'IOtice. '*110 auch riahla, 11 r-..ed In deed entry upon any po11lo11 ol the Trual. The total amount 01 u ld .. Mid TrutlM Said .... w111 bl mlOI wtthout l Publl1n1a Orang• Coaat Dally The foltowlng perao n h11 from tne lrvln• Company, • _._ 1t1ove 1 OlpUI of 500 fMt obllgetlon, Including ,111onebfy By: Wllllllmln• Rembe<1 -*" or warranty, lllP' ... or Piiot, Die 16, 22, 29, 11182, Jan. 5, *11.hdrewn 11 • gener11 partner Mlchlgen corporation, recorded for IN purpoee of exploring tor, u tlm•l•d ftH, cnargea and AulhOtlzied Slgnetu•o lmpllcl, • to tft1e. pa11111lon or 1883. .. .. 7 •2 operating under th• llclltloue "*'*Y t3, test In Book 13848, bof'lng, INnlng, driMlng, ~ng. Ollperl-ol IN Trull ... II the time Wilhl4mln• Rembert ~to Mliety IN ""Paid -.... bu1ln111 name of THE NAIL °Ta 144e of Otftclal Aloordl. utreotlng or marketing 11ld ol lnltlll l)l.lbllcetlon of Ihle Notice la I/Ice p,..io.nt belal10I due on the not• or not• ------------i AFFAIR, 11 4100 Biren St .. Ste.. 108, uement1 a1 Mt forth In th• tub•I•~ u r-rwd In deed $27.123.811. 111120 S. L.1 Cienega Blvd.. MClnd bY Mid Deed of Truat. to MUC NOTIC[ ~1=~::~~1218;;8"11·1 nem• IKtlon enttttld "Cenaln Ewtt "°"' SMtilOO De>o•opment Co .. a Oiied Nolltmber 29. 11182 Inglewood. CA wtf: •uo.419.02. '*" 1hl fotlowtnCI for Own111" l rld "1upport. llmltld pw'tn•INp, ,_did May REAL ESTATE Telephone: (213) •17-5617 Htlmeled cio1t1, expenH• enil ftcmtOUe 9UIMea ttll-t lor Iha pannertt\lp waa Mtttement end enctoadwnent" of 24, 1971, In loot!"""· Peoe ..... '\{iECUAITIES SEAi/iCE Publlllhld Newport Hatbor Pr... advancee at 1hl time of Iha lnlli.t NAME •TATEMENT ftlld on Mlfci'l 3, 1982 In the Coun1y IN lr1lc:le entitled •'Eaeemenil" of Olllclal Aeoordt, end more J!C1Ntoml1 'corporation combined with Orange Cout D•llY publlCettOn of thll Hotkll of S•; Tiie IOltowlng peiaons are doong 01 Or1119t. 1hl decleratlon. commonly known • 3702 S. Parton TrutlM PllOI December 8, 15, 22, 11182 '2, '17.•. bualneaa aa: Full Name end Add1et1 Of lht PARCEL 4; E111m1nt1 aa 111 St., Sant• Anll. CA 112707. (SEAL) O.J . Morger 5366_82 NOTIC9: TO PENINSULA TRADING CO . Person Withdrawing: J 1m11 forth In th• H ctlona antltled II there la no tlrHI addr .. t . 111 Pretldent -------------HIOfJUlh OWMlll 18434 Sant• lluonlca. Founleln Morton. 227 18th SI., Huntington "Certtln ea-ntt to Ownere" dl11ctlon1 may be obteln•cl by 2020 Horth Bf'Oldwey, MtJC NOTIC( YOU Allll M .,_.AULT UllDGt A lltltev. CA 112708. 8e1Cn, CA 92&48. and "1upport, Hltl1m1nt end written 1equ11t to State 81\flng1 Suite 209, __ &_ ..... -DllO O, fRU•Ja:~TIO Eiln P Ron. 18434 Sen11 J-MortOll M1C1ro1ohm1nt" of the ertlcle llf'ld Loan Aaeodlltlon, 222 Hofttl 9 Santa Ana, CA 112706 ~·-,........ UIMAJMY "-1m. YOU l/11onlca, Fountain l/1lley, CA ,,.._ NI.IC NOTICE 'tc:TITIOUI ....... NAiil ITATaMINT 1111 totlowlng oeraon• era doing butlneaa 11: _ A CO MB I N E D I DEA CORPORATION (CA). 22117• El Toro Road, El Toro, CA 112830 Wallace & Suaan lrlth, 24818 L1kolllld St .. EJ Toro, CA 92830 Douglu Stu1rt Wilkin•. 77 Fox Hollow. lrvtne. CA 112714 Thlt bualneel It conducted by a gentll'll l)lrlnll'lhlp. Dougl11 S. Wllklnt Thia a111ement waa flied with the Coonty Clelk ol Orange County on Die. 3, 11182. ,,_ Publlaned Orange Co11t Delly P110t. Dec 8, 15, 22, 211. 11142 5295-82 flt&IC NOTICE F1CTITIOUI au ..... NAME fTATl....,- Tho rotlowlng petaonS ltO doing. business .. : J EWELRY PAVILION, 852 South B1ookhu111 StrMt, Anat*m, C1lll0tnl1 020e.t Jewelry P1t•c•. Inc .. 1 Ctlllornla ::orpor1oon. 806 S011th Hiii 61fMI. LOI Angeles. Cellfornle 90014 J ....... ry Palace. Inc;. Piiat W. Chung President Tnlt llltomll\1 WIS filed wllh lhe County Clefk of Orange County on Nov 2•. 11182. F102117 Publlanod Orange Co111 Diii)' Piiot. Doc I. 8. IS, 22, 11182 52A8-82 entltled "Euem1nt1" of the Dorado Strut, Stockton, CA Tel: (71•) 115$-8810 9CMDCll.. MIMCJ TAKI ACTION TO •ROT•CT 112708 Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally d•c l1rat1011 o f coven1nt1. 115202; Attention: Loin Ser11lce Publlanld Orange Co•tt Dally llOTICI W,..,...... OF YOUll '"ONllTY, IT MAY N Webb H. Ross. 18434 Vt1ronlc1, Piiot, Oec. 15. 22. 211. 11182. Jen.6. rwcnnoue WM c endltlona end re1trlc;t1on1. Depertrnent, not...., lfWI ~ Pilot. Dec:. 1, e. 15, lllla ~TO••&-.•--!!" 80lJ) Af A PUl&JC UU. •YOU FouThn,111~.~~ll•y. Cl A 1127d08. _. b 1983 .. ~ ... •2 ..,._ ITATWmMT l'900f'ded In 8ooll 14092, ~ 1707 4, tte3 tor the ourpoee ct ~ 5272-82 -----/llM ~"°" °" THE • ...... nesa 1 con uc;t.., ~ 1 --Thi lollowlng l*'IOnl .;. ......... • ol Ottldel Aecord1 (the • m•lw obllgllt10111 llQnd by Mid DMd Of D19'JlllCf 119M. HUG Mi W MATUltll OP T• "OCHD1NO general Ptnn«lhlp. ------------• bu*'-11; -.,, dMllr~") .-Id any -ldmlntl TNll. • Pl8.JC NOJICE --.... AeA1••T YOUw::." 8HOULD Thi• ,,e,r,~ Ro&t ~ .. • ,, ..... wtlh ,~ P\llJC MOTICl PRECIOU8ETT IN08, 350 end •fflt ,_, .. ttweto. Thi tOtlll _,.,. o1 lfll unpe1c1 MOTICE 18 ..... y GNEH THAT CCMn'ACf A LA ~·-· w ""' ,,. Avoc;edo 8' 02 Coeta ..._, CA Tiie '''"' eddrH1 or other b111nc1 ol thl1 o&llgetlon 11 NO.,.._.TICI _ THm FOUNT.U. VAU.EY 8CNOOl. o..ld: O.O."** 7, 1982. County Clerk ol Orenge County on '1CTinOUa .,_.. • • com"'on d n lnnellon of H id 'iMl,495.04, '"'--•• 295.04, encl .,.. Dl8TRICT Ilea ....... tNt 11111 FIMT AMEA1CAH TITLE "'°"' 12. 11182 NAm ITA,,_., 112827• • TMle'ftft •AUi ~,.., -• "°' .. ,.,na The toltowtno per.on 11 doing Alc;hard ~ ~. 350 property •• purported to ff. '5 H tl"'lled amount Of OOl ll , the ...... ._.. .. ,.._.,, IN8UAANCE COMPANY. ........__ -. Avoc;edo St •02. Coate ....... CA EMtter, lrvtne. CA 927t6. ..,.._ ...... ldWlflCM wNdl wtl ,_ ·---llUflNlllll;· • Clllfor1lll CCW'POf11tlon Publlthed Orang• Co111 O•llY ......,_ -· 92$27 hid .... wtl·be mecte wttflOul bl lnourNd by 91e de'9 of .... II YOU AM• Dl,AULT u..o.R A One CIHHOOlft at lu1hard ~ L ~ Piiot. Dec I.e. 15, 22. 11182 PMNETAL FfTNE88 CEHTER, A. ~t or wwranty . ..,,_ or '583.t3. D 11 O 0, Tft U a T 0 A Tl D 8ltflOd tooatltd al 1-~ ~Officer • 522542 1055 EJ Cimino Or. Coate ....... CA o n d e Ann l 1ra1n. 880 lrtlpllld, -to IMll. SI I Im or o..d! Deolmber '· IN2. llPTl•••tt 12. 1 ... UNLll• ...... ~ ...... ~ 114 &et f1tttl Iv.et __ .,. llf'llTJC( 92928. Avoc;edo St •02. Cole• ....... CA ~to MtW)' the unpaid BUNtOST SEAVICE TOU TAKI ACTION TO NOTICT TN aoarcJ ot T,..,.,_ of the ~ Anll. CA 12702 ,._ "" Mery c...rz. OTA, 1806-l!IW m21. ~due on lhl note or ncM9 COMPANY. YOUll PllOfll,TY, IT MAY II ,_tafft Valley 8«*0ot D!etrlct Tat: 714/558-32tl f'ICTTTIOUa .._.. 8e1bo1 8IYd , N9WPOf1 Blldl, CA Tlllt bullnett la conducted by ~ bY llld Deed of Trull, to • ~Mklll SOLO AT A"""'° 8AlR.. YOU rwNel to .... ttle lecllt ... lfO Publllhed Oranoe COHI Dell)' ..... ITATIMINT 92883. l'tulOerld & ..... wit: 165.*>.38. pg the lolowlnQ By~ Qwder, NIJN .. ITDU~I ~T ..... !!J!!1CWIO!!! lndloeted abCMt Ytldet the ,.,_ P110t. Dec. 16. 22, 29, 11182 The lollowlng per9on1 111 doing i-~~. II oonovc1ed by 11'1 Thia 11::=, ';,;-;:: Wltfl tM .. tlmeted co1t1, expen-1nil ~Vice Preeldent .. " vr ,.. '""-..... end co11dltlon1 atll•d In th• 5491·82 ~ea; .,, .. .....,. --....... --,,__ .... ..... .......... 222 .,_ e ~ -AGAIN8T YOW, YOU IHOULD ~of .. ao.td, ~ ..,___________ CH .. MPION PRODUCTIONS Mery e...n. OTA County CMrk of Orlf'IOI County on ~·ofu;:•;,;;.u; 8* Slodl1~: CA'i620'2 .. u ... CONTACT A LAWYU. No. 13-t8. "8JC ll)TlC( IMe ~tie St . eo.tti MMe. CA TNe •111-11 waa hied llWllll 1111 NOif 17, 1H 2. 11.444.50. NOTtCe TO 1:.=> Ml-t1t8 P.~.~i::t'At°·al~~o'~:'.~ ~m~n;:."' .;:~":Ti.'::: FOWJAIN VM.UY 112927. • ~70~2.°' °'11191 County on Publl•ntd Or1n/: co .. ~ ""°""'" 0""1UI Publlahed Orange Coul Delly C•lllornl• Corporation at d uly IMll not bl .... thlll 112, .,_ ICMOCX. D11TW:T Cellt=oor-::::= ~be! ,.... Pilot. Dec 15, 22, • 11112. Jlf\ .• YOU AM .. DG'AULT "'1DUt A Piiot. Dec. t5. 22, 29. 11182 eppolntletd ~etlt •T"~!der ~_1 month per :Lr oom. The~ MOncaM_ ,!!...,..~ Blvd .• Coet1 Mw, CA ~27. PlloPut t>~ed1" 02t21nge 1C11~'2''J~el!f 11182 5472..e2 DllO 0, TRUIT, OATIO -~ pufauwl 0 -0 ·-'ecor ..... monthly ••••• P•YM•nt for -·---·-· Thllbuelneea llc:onductldbylll ,--.. "· ,29, ... _ ...... D1C111a1R n , 1N1. u•&.11• September 18, tNO, .. tna•r·7 Nof. iubHquent period• m•r b• ....!!.....~.~T"'t lndMdull1 1983 •••• •2 PlalC NOTIC[ YOU fAICll ACTION TO ,_,,..CT PUBLIC NOTICE 2'"38' booll 13748, P999 1• • 0 :'.J:led by the C-Price -·-• -~ c nempton Mo1orcycil11, ........-.. -----------YOUR PRONATY IT MAY al Olflclal R1cord1, l !',I Cuted by: _... --ae ....._. et _,NO.... Inc ------------1 FICTITIOUI au ..... 80&.D AT A PUl&.IC'UU. •YOU ,....::,~~ t,~::~.t~?~·0~nJ1~111"'t:!.,,': the end ot the I•-period. A TH'f~N~.':~~L~~J~r Wf'tltney Bllll..... P\All.IC NOTICE NA• ITATUIENT ~nn:' ~..==o: 350 W. MfMloll 8fwd. Recorellt OI Orange County, Sllle :::::: ::::::..:.,"':" be rllQUfr'ed Dl8TAICT hat declared thll the Thie ,;:i:!ii1'~11 ftted With Ille flCTITIOUe 9UllNHe bu~~~~ng r>etaont a re dolno AOAINIT YOU YOU IHOULD .-. Ca. Of Cellfornla , WILL S£LL AT No oommllllclh ... bl paid 91"1 tolowlllQ ,.., property Wiii not bl Oou Cler1I Ot Cou NA• 9TATIMINT GROCER\' EXPRESS. 19•12 COMTACT A LAWYa Pl A INT IF F ; KENNET H PUBLIC AUCtlON TO HIGHEST .,._. ,.., ...... bfoklt In ,,. needed for dlelroom ~: nty of ange nty on lno rottowlng parson It doing Porch Circle. Hunllngton BHcn.- o.e.I: Du I~~~-,.. PETERS. d.b.I . Advanced Painting BIDDER FOR CASH (payable II regard, Ind there •llall ... no Portion of Admlnlltratlw OtflOll DecJ. IO. 11182· ,_ bustnosi ts· Cellfornla 1126•6 ,..., __.,.,. nna Company time of .... In lawful money of the deduetron ftOM any pr090MI In (a pprHl"'•t•ly 1011 aq. ti.) Ill Publl1h1d Or•nr: COHI Dally ERNIES AU10 SERVICE. 2050 L•uronce Scott Poater. 19412 --&--&-DEFENDANTS· D ANN \' Unllld 811111) a1: '°ulll tror11 ...,.11 •• iQltltl'tigMlt~ 8UlldlngA1tWtrcllo.8c:hool,ttlll Harbor Blvd , Costa Men. p h Cl I I B :ciit; .;;=;1s;1• ~SE. DAVID BROSE. llnd New entrance to the Or111191 County old .,.....,, Pio-Ortve, Huntlng1on Bllch, ~~ Dee. t6, 22, • 11182• Jan. 5, Colt10101a 92627 ere re 1• Hunt ngton H cn. ,__,,__ L 1 ...:;;;;:;:-Horizon• Bulldlng Corporation. • CourtnowN. City of Santa Ana, --.... propoMll to .._. MlCI Callfomla. Sn~ Tlucklng Co Inc: • Calll0tnla 92646 ...-:;.. ;;a;;' C.illornll CorporellOn, and doet 1 State of Celllornle .. right, lltle end r:;;;ti muet be r9lillfved by fie TN Board Of frullHI of the __________ ss_ea. __ 82_ Calllo1nl1 c;orpo11tlon. 210'12 Daryl Stuckay, 6942 Warner 1M .... ,.. ..,_. tnru 10 1nc1ut1ve lnt«llll cion~ to Ind now nelO dllllOMld omoer at tM ,ountllln Fountain Valley School Dlllrlcit •-.,. MftTM'r K1uscih Clrote. Hunttnoton 811ch. ~v:~ue. Ng2:Fe Hunllnglon BMch, ..... &~ CA..,. · IUlf•ll*• by It under Mid OMd of Trvet In the vattey acil'tool 011tflct EducetlOn rwtv. to .._ the llClllt ... to ~ nunw. Collloml• 1126<t6 • ornla 4 T ..... ---~--1 CA .. ~a. property altu111d In Mid County °"*"• '7210 <>* -FouMllln Indicated above under 1111 termt nc1JTIOUI .,..... Thr• Dullness IS :;onductld by a Th 1 butlMU 11 conducted by • -'--· .......... ....... _ .. S ....._ __ ,...., .. v-. d dlll I t d I 1he ~"""etlOn oen11•1 pannerthfp '11ttlitted 0r.,... c.... Deily NOTICll Yew Mft --.,.., .. ,. -.. ~ u . V...,. Cetltomla. N709, no ...., an con on• • • • n ..,... ITATWT v~.,... . L Scott p011., , ...... 0... 11, n, a. 1tll The C-' ~ deoldl ........ JOU Parcel 2 of 1 "'4111 recorded In tllen 2:00 p.m. Oft Oeollftblf 20, AetolUdon of the Board, AMotutlon (WAHDA L l(IPP£R) PACIFICA Shefwood s Trucking Co fn4s ttllement was filed with Ille ..... WI"'°"' ,_ --.. ,_.. ..... Book t 10, P•QH 42 end 43 or ,... Ho. 13-15. BV l(IPPE.A YACWTS, 928 w 17111 Inc: Covnty Clotk of Or1ngo County on ------------r• rMtMftd ...... IO.,._ tteed Patcel Mapa, record• of Or91191 .. tore acceptlt10 1 ny wrlltlfl The minimum monthly l••H St., Coate......, CA 92627 Heatntf M Sn~ No1t81T!bor 2•. 11162 r rtaJC .M)TIC£ ttle '"..,...._ betow. County, Celffornle. propoM11, the Cltleolted ottloef PIWl'I*" for tt1e term of ltle 1eaa1 Wenda Loul11 Kip per. 406 Sec•etary-T•••urer ,._ ------------11 you oowtth to leek the ldYlce of The 1tr .. 1 1ddr111 aod other ....it c;all fOf Ofal titddlns. Any lllall not be •••• than 1108 per North St• Lane, Newport BMch. Thrs 1111omen1 "" hlld W1th the Publl•h•d Ollng• CoHI Daltf, NOTICE CW en 1110<n1y In thlt matter. you common dea.gnellon, ff any, ol I.he per1on who 1111 lle retofore month. Thi,,.._ monthly.._ CA neeo COunty Clerk ot Orange County on Pilot Dec 1, 8. 15, 22. t982 MARIHAL'S •ALE thOulc:I do 10 promptly 10 that 'fOUI' real property dll°'lbed •bOv• le IUbmltted • wrmen bid nwy.,.,.,... peymen1 tor eubeequent period• T'llll ~It oonduclld bY en N0\19Mbof 2•. 11182 6187-e2 ~.,. Hlourw , Plllln11tl, VL JOlln written ,.IPC)nM. II any, may bl purported to be: 213 and 2 15 tllth .,. on1 bid 9IOlllCll-.a by et._ rrtet lie-...... by 1M eon.-~ . F2029ll -------------• Souklfas, Oelendlnt. filed on time Street,~ Bllch. CA. ,..,. ,.,..,,. ttw f11011eM Wff111n bid. Price lndea annual e¥ertge WANDA L. KIPPER Publlaned Orengo Cootl Delly "8.IC NOTIC( No.•nt AVllOI Utted tu eldo The u nderalgned Tru1t1e rt.fllOl!eMreepoi...,lllddlrtNI ~etttleendoftfle.._ TNa.....,_,._N•chrtth the Pilot.Dec: 1.8.15,22.11182 •------------· By virtue ot en 1oteou11on ltlUld de111111cl1cte. II trlhHI p11ecte dlt clelma any l•lblllty for any bl ,...... to _,.. ._ '°"" of pertod. A ~ dlpOllt IM'I' be County a.II of Orenoe County on S277-82 "1CTIT10U9 .,... .. on t-~2 (Judgment lfllll'ld on ...... ceMr'I UCL. I ill lclot. oneorr~ ol the IVMI addrw ._. "°' tonnat hel ~ ,....,., pl1or to OClllUPlf'IGY. Dec. 1. 11192 ..... ITATUmWT . ; 8·27-8 1) by th• Muntclpal Cou11, -.,_ UCL r.....-....,. and otti. c:ommon dlalgnallon, It been 9'1PfOved by Ille Board of tlto com11 lula.1.,... bl paid "fY ,_,. W NOTICE Tht tollowlng pereon It d01119 County o l Orange, Stat e o f de ao lllM. LN le !ft~..,. any, thown ti.eln. f "*'91. ..._, ,.., att• broker In thll Publlthed Orange Coaal Dally ~ u : , c.IHomla, upon 1 !Udgment enl•ecl .tew Seid H ie wlll be m1d1, bwt n. 90ltd of T""'91e efllll IM!Ce r .. •rcl, end tllere 111111 be no Piiot, Dec. 15. 22. 29, 11182. Jen. 5. '=A~• 1) P1tet10n Flnenclll Group. 21 t11 lnor o l Paler Hlouru1 11 SI ·ut11d dH•• aollcller a t without covt11an1 or w1rren1y, IM ...,11•..aon M to...,._ to deduction from MY propoMt In 1M3 54e8-82 Double P Flnenclel; 3) ~ .,,_, )udgmenl creditor Md 1Qllntl John con11jo 01 un 1bog1do en Hll •Jq>f-or lmplleel, regarding tltll, ._ MIO r.c:M• wttll ten (10) ..,ml11l119 the lll8'llllt ~ ------------~ ~ oereone -doing COHiii Flne nclel; 4) Pe~~·!~. Sou1ter11 11 Judgment debtor, 11 unto , d • b • r I a h • c • r Io ooa-lon, 0t encumbfenoee, lo dltWe .,_ recetpt of tlldl. lrldcler. ....IC ll)TJC( FJ•r RTECH, 7•71 .,,_.__ ....... Conttructlon M1n eoemen1 • .._.., lllOWlng •net bellnCI of 11,212.50 lnmedl11ement1. de "" m1n«1, pay lhl remelnlng prlncic>ll tum of (ntormetlon eoncernlng th• 8eeled propoMll to le-. Mid ------------Hont..!t'on 8Mdl CA 11a;;a " Cempu• on....~ a..cll, CA 1C1ually due on Mid ludgtnlnl on 111 r119UMt1 -111. al hey alguna, the notl(tl MClUfld by Mid Deed of ~ "'°'*' bl add! rlf to; proper1y mu.I be ~ by the PICTIT10U8 WM .iO: Oii Alo 3700 C...-Dr 112880; 21 f'tllllp ¢. Pet.,_,, Jr.,, Ille dll• of the l11u1nc:1 ol Mid puede -reglttrlda I tlempo. Trull, with ln11111t lh•reofl ... l'OlJNTAIN VALllV IOHOOL dllraltad oMoer at tM Fountain ..... •TATIMIWY Cfllno CA 111710 .. 2300 FllrvleW Ad. Apt W101, Coe!• exeou11on.1 111 .... 11v11c1 upon .. tl'll 1. TO THE DEFENDANT· A cM pt~ In Mid~ edVlnCll, DllTAICT, 17210 0•11 8treet, v~ 9cllool Dl•lrlol Education Th• IOltowtno peraon ,. doing • . M-. CA 112827. • rlgnt, tltl• end lnt11111 ol 11ld como111nt h11 b11n ltled by th• It any. u"de r the term• ot 11ld f'OUf'lt8ln v~. c.11tom11, tnoa, Centlf. 17210 OM Strellt, Fountain bOtlnlll ea: Aloherd Del Rio. t133 E.. Thlt bual,_ ta oonduetld by an Judgment Cll«llor In the property In pleln1111 egllnlt you. II you wilfl 10 DHd of Truat, tau, charg .. ~:2-te61, AT: Neomi Vtllfly. ~ 112708, no later GERALD THATCHER & WHhlngton St .. Senti At1•, CA ln<llVldull th• County of Or1ng11 Slit• ot dlflnd 1hlt l1wt11ft, you muet. Wltnln and lllJ)lnMI of 19'1 T~ end of , ~ than 2:00 p.m. Of! December 20, AS80CIATE8, 1IOll1 8lladtl onve, 112f:· bl>tl 11 cond Id b Phlffp C Peterton. Jr. Cellloml•. dMCrlblCI .. Toltowl: M dl)'I alter thlt 1ummon1 II Ille trullta 4"11ted by Mid DMd of '°""tin V"""'1 1M2. Santa AM. Cll"omla 12706. -uot '1 • Thi• •l•t-• WU lllld with ,,,. • AMI property-TA 323 lot 2 Slit a Mtwcf on you, flit with tnl• court• Tru11, tor the ~I rMIOMbly ldlool Dlltttct lefore acoepllng any written Oerlld T. Ololt. tl081 Slladll general =:'it. Rio ::ounty Clefk of Or1nge County on· A" -Ell Hwty 28.55 n Sly 81.01 n & written retPOflM to the complllnt. Mtlrnated to be; ~t4.73. eoar.t of TnMl99 ' propoN11, t"' delegated OfllOtf Drive. Santa Ana. Clllfomll 112705. Thia atatement wat fifed With IN Dao 3, 11182. _ P'fN Lying Sety of 1 llne WH II Parll un'"' you do .o, you1 default wlll TM blneflclery ~Mid Deed .__Moore lhall call for oral blddlna. Any Thlt bull!Mll 11 conduc1ed by an Clerk .. _ Vfl & bl enter~ on 1ppt1c1tlon of 1111 of Truat hlfetofont •-ec:uted and o..rtt of u. eoar.t pereon who hu heretofore ltJdMduel. County N of Orenoe Count1 Oii Publlah•d. Orano• Co11t Olllly' Commonly known •• 211111 E. ptllntlff. enO 11111 court mey entet a d1llv111d lo the unferalgned • o..i: OeoemMr 2. 1t12. .,.,,,....... • wrttten bid !MY llll:ltnlt OerWd T. Elllott Nov. 17• ' 2· ,_,. PllOt. Dec. 8. f5, 21, 21, 19!2......, ... OoMt Hwy., Corona dll Mer, CA ludgmenl ...,net you tor tht ,...... wtlnen DeolefMIOn of o...utl end Pubtt•hed Orange c -t Delly "' orw llld llXoeedln9 by 11t .._. Thll ""'-t -tlled with the p bll h d 0 c t o 11 ~. NOTICE 18 HEAEl!IY GIVEN thal dlmllldld Iii the ~. wl11Ch Oell'I~ IOf Seie. encl a wrlllen l"llot Die. 11, 22, ft\ ,Ml. !Ive.,.,_,. .. fllO'leM Wfttlen llld. ~ CWll of Or111g1 County on u 1 e fine OH a i --on Wed., Oec:. 2ttn, 1N2. It 2:30 could r11ull In gernt1llrn1nt ol NOi~ of o.tlllft and lllectlon to _ M04-tJ TN~ f'ltPOI 11111 llldder .... Dea. 0, ttU. = Dao. 15• 22• ' 1*· Jen. • PUllllC NOTICE o'clock o.m. It 4801 J1mbor11 w11911, talllnQ of money or property Sell. The und•nl111ed ~ aeld --bl,...... to eiteOIM Ill lotm of ,.._ Blvd .. (Front of Courtnouael City of 01 otntr refl•I reque1tad In th• Notte. of Plf...it encl Eleoilofl to .....C NOTICE ....., lldl IOtlNl "---_ P11bll•hed Or1t1ge Cout Dally Newport Bledl, County of Orenge, complaint Sell to 111 1ec0tcled In lfll ~ty .__,. _,._11 bleln 'PPfOYM by tlle 1 01rd or Piiot. o.o. 16, 22, ft, tllla, Jan. 5, Stll• 91 C1lllo1nl1, I Wiii N O •I Dllld AUQult 5, 11182. #here the~ .. ioo.ted, .. -.. ·-· --T,,...... tN3 • p11011c 1UC11on 10 the~ bidder, J AMES E. GARONER. Date: I, Ht ..,._ ITATlmll'T Thi 90ltd of T~ etllll matte 5421-.82 '1CT1TIOU8 .,_ .. tor ciuh In 11wtu1 money or lh• Clerk 1 PE.RIAL 8AHCQAP, The tollowlng 1>11•on •• doing ttw dl11t11•..aot• •to wtlCleher to um ITA~ l.Wled s.._ .. the right, tttll and By· c . PICl<EttlHO, 1 Oellfomle C«~ ~1 a L•10· 0 .. ., aL-.. 3338 .,11 .._. Mkt ......_ with ten I 10) rtaJC NOncE Thi fotlowlng per90nt -doing Int.,. of Mid ~ debtor In Deputy .. Mid TIVIMI .. """' • ' " C11tWe .... NClfpt ol llltdl. ~ ..: ,,. lbo¥ll ~property,°''° CHAM.lac.......,_ • by Wllt'tllmlnl AentOlr\, Llclo, S uite A. N1wpor1 811ch. f11torM1tlon oonoernlng th• PICTn'IOU8 .,_.. SOTEAIA, $$03 Harbor etvcl much lhlr'eOf .. ll'llY bl ntollMtY 4M ......... A-. ..... -~ ~ c.lltornle 92883 &W9PCl9ll ....... .. .... I If to; ..... 8TA1'W F-t, Colt• Mell. CA 92929 tq, Htl1ty H id e1t1cutlon, with p.....,.._ C..11101 ~-~. 0 1 o rg1 J . NlctlolH , 8 I/le l'OUNTAIN VAl.l.!Y aCHOOL Tne toltowlng peraon 11 dOlng AueMll Berton. 3051 Yukon accrued 1n1WWt end eoeta. Tat (111) n141t9 vio............ c.tt•. lonlal, Celltomla 92023 DllTRICT, t7:t10 Otk 9trHI, bu11MM 11: cu .. Colla Mell. CA flat °"'9d 12·242. Publlanld Orange Coeat Dally •ao $.LI 0..... Blvd.. Thia bullMM llConducMd by In '°"'*'" V=, ~ ~70lt MANO COMPANY. IH hit Diiion 81'~. )061 VultOfl Of, DMtlon: Hllftlor Piiot Dec: t, 8, 15, 22, 1112 h~ C.. tcratt lndMdual. (714) Ml-tN , AttentlOft; NIOllll 17111 ltf'Mt, Colt• MW. CA tat27 CO.ta ....... CA tH28 J.C. Bytllm. &24t-82 T~>l2131417·6IOO OeOl'OI J, Nlcftolll Mlllnd,~ a.Motl. Aobarl lerton, 418 Vl•t• • THIS IU8INES8 .. COHOUCTED Merthlt l~lnOI Publlehecl ()1'411'99 Cot ll Dally Titil lllllMll'tl WM flled wllh tht JIOUNT-VAU.IY TruclM. ~ leeeh. CA 92tt0 BY 1' OENIAAL PAATNfMHIP Orenge County PlaJC llOTIC( Pilot combln•f wftlt"Hew_porl Count)' ()erk of OJIOOI Count)' on IOHOOI. DteTIICT Thia bullMM .. COftdUC\ld bY en ,_,..... IMon By 8. Dlefton. HerbOt .._. fllrtll Qeo. I, ti. 12, ~blr 111. 1M2. IOAAD Of TAUITU8 lt\clMdUll. TNI .,...,.,...,., --.ct Wltfl 1111 548042 PUllllC NOTIC[ FICTTTIOUI .,_ •• NA• ITAlW....,- Thl totlowlng per_.1 ere doinO DullntUH' AAIN80 W ELASTIC CO .. 1120 Paik Newpo1t No 323, N_por, Beec:h, CA 92660 ' Ch11lott1 Mann. 1820 Park New90ft, No 323. Newport &Moll, CA 02MIO Lind• Te~lor, 13843 89i1ulle Dr . Oii Mar, CA. 12014 Thia t>utlnett It conductld by 1 ooneret pertnennlp. CharlOlle Mlf'tl\ Thi• 1111.mtnl WM llltd """ ltte County Cltfll or ~ County on NCl\f Ill, 11182 ....., °'P'llY -;:.'11 Ula 1tu W "-Mtof9 "°'*1 8tr1on County Clertt ot °'""" County on ,..., ........ ......., • A ·---&H7-12 Pul>ll•h•d Orang• CoHt Delly Cllfl ol....... Thia ete1-t w• flied with Ille Dec. 3. , .. a t1t M. It c...-. ..._. AT MOM TtWI -Pilot, Nov. 24, Die. t, 8, 111, tt12 o.d! Dtl>jftlller t, ttll. Covftty C11t11 of 0!111191 COYl'tty on _..a.me., OA l'+Ottol II n t:.1 ,....,. W 'MOTICE .... I 5127-12 ~ 'OrMOI Coeet Del~ Dec. '· tM2. ,,_ Put>llahed Or1n9e Cout D•llr Publlt'"'4 Or•ni• Co•tt Delly PllOt, Nov 24, Dec 1, 8, IS, tMt Publllhed Orange Co111 Delly to MCClonl IOO, '· 1.l, I02 end No(. Dto. ti, 12. It, 1MI ,_ l'llot, Dao. 8. 15. 22, 1H2 ::.0:.•:: ~~t= '..c..::::1,.~-' ..... llJTIC( 680S-l2 Publlthecl Ot•nt• Co11t Delly _ ut342 11.,..__. '""°' ...... l*9CIM .. Clollll MllTICIUI .,. •-,,. -Pilot, Dec. I. 16. ~. 29, '':o.-12 PWUC MOTJC( IAUMDl!n MAfltNe ....... bulfMll --;;;;. If• .--..,, __ ...._~===-=~=:---OU1110 ..,..,., • 1m ......._ (Al M". f'LUMH"; (•I M". TM lotlowlno ........ IN Miii MmlOUllTA-M P9CTITIOUI ....... Colla ...... CA tael7 • •:OO p,r11. PL'*91NO: fOI Wt PWMliNO & ...,__ •: ..... 1W ..... ITAW Oii -.... -.. ou--. "92, HI ATING, fl'IO N...,.o,. ••vet>. OAALLOP l'INANCIAL Q.,OU•. TM fOllowlno peflOfl •• clOfnt PIC'1'nOUe ...... The followtno pertOn 11 doing 11'9,...,.. dm INd Pf0Plt1)'. eo OoeCI MMe. OA '""' 111 Oqvtr ~f""' t4, ~ ...,_ • NAm ITA,.....,, bl*'--wfl: Dl'ltd '· l.CIMll, .. ,, C.llt 9'ICtl. CA th-. 11.ITI IMaflOIOl"Y· 1701 Tfle follOWlfll .,.,..., •• doing C~UflC HI L L 'I WINE ' \'IAftOf'IOAT: ,..,1MNC10fl .. wy., #a" L .. Vfl• ""°"· OA •ollerd lnlefptl"'· •no ... Or81119 A....-e. l llltl An•. OA llUllMMIL 1~8. 14431 ~ Drlwl. trvtne, ~n Clwtl Orltft: HULL MO. Cl nett. • ~ oorporlll!Oll. °:tis'*"' ll?Of. PAYN MANNI, 9lt Tlf'lllNf CA t21t4 10tO 00.n I OIMr'I A. L-. •n C.... ct.:i..~ 9-d\, CA • ~ C. ""'°""· llO CINI W1Yb!:.!MOolU MW. CA Ma7 Cttol Heed, aot Ooldtnroo, I.id .... 11 lor ~,.,,.,.. Of H•Y· .. .,, L•tvlll ....... OA 09 ...,_II oondUGted by I ~ llilllloll ........ CA-· 1U111M ...... tltlO eor-del ...,. OA tltH ~fllllof•w~'°' net1. OOfPOfllton. TI111...--le oon•u•111-, en Otenct A.,.,~. CA tntl Thlt tMll*I II~ by an WOftl .,CS ........ Ill ... ...... Tlttl """*'It 00fl191 ,_, f "r en ,...,_ ...,,. ..... ano. ~. Tilll ....,_II_...,... by"' ..-.Adi• of M,I00.00, =-of .....,....., ~ K. Pol9rd ........ C. """-" ~ ClrGI Held lllftuaM4W 0(.... OeVld, l...it "'9illclel'I( Tilll r• I ~ -lllCI....... DoMltl I."-Tiiie • ..,,.,,. ... tllM wtlft the DIMd WI t9ll of 0 II 11•. Tilll 11......,_ .. lllCI _.... ,,. •tllNM 1'9 fllld w1ll 1llt Ooun9J a.ti OI °""91 o..Mr en ""9 I I •• ........ .. COll.""Y ~ ct Onngl County on 1111. CoulltY" Cllltt ol ar.,.. a....., on CountY Cllltt of ar-.. O.W., Oii Dto. • ttM. ,_ OOUtll_y C1lttl of Or ... eeur.-, on oeo. a. ,_ K9Wlllll .....-n. oeo. s. ,... · Dec. s. '*· °"" Dto. a. ,. ,_, •u111teJ.ed 0r.-. c...1'11~ ltullftlfled Orenee C4*t °:i PvbUetled Orente ooa:= Pvbflllltel Orenoe Coat"': ,.::~ •• ~ ,.., .:-"I. t-ullft•tleel 0'8"99 Coel1 o.itr Not, 0.0. I . ti. t£ n , '':7042 "'°' Oto. 11, 'tla. ...,.. Not, 0.0. I , 11, If. It, '':.... ~· OM I , ti . It, It, t':.o..t t9ll I"...,, .. ,._, Dee e. ti. tf, "· '':...a &17441 PllOt, DIC. I , 1S. 2 , It. tMI l------------Ht7-12 , ' '/'he• 111urli<'f /)lw·,• 011 Ille <Jrcwye C'ocrst .64 2 -5678 )\ 11111uy p11t11'l1• ltmh Ult/ /m 11 r.•t1tul /(J', rt•n rl rc•u/ ''s/ull' 'l11\s1/wcl m is Special Hottday Ratesl •Catering •Waitresses Walter• • Bartending Cn{1w r.•nt:11:;( Polite & well groomed ~ L"::., ~,.ft prol barlender/server avail lor HollOeys. par- ties 642-5937 by Janine Steve 645-1426 Cards lnvllatlons Rlcco's creative catering Cenlllcates We do 11 111, or )uat serve Call answer ad "5 79, & cleanup. 548-0621 642-4300, 24 hrs La Chic Plque-Ntque, H & H Floral & Craft Sup. ply 3 IOC. Orange, Gard- en Grove, Anallelm AS THING ARE • Flower arrangements, Siik Plants & Trees. Hand cratted gifts. 1590 S. Cst Hwy, Lag Bch. 494-1204 Custom live flowering gourmet French catering & party trays. Cut rate prices. 760-6844 baskets for Christmas by TREAT SOIE 11101Y" Tayle. 495-5970 evs Body wraps-facial klls gilt package 644 -5289 Pl111FlllHS HOiiday Rent·A·Car Fiats tor Christmas DICK MILLEA MOTORS San1a Ana 557-2132 Ming Car Finish Gitt Certlllca1es & Holiday Specials. Call 754-6404 CllCI IVEISOI CHlllSTIAS SILE $69 over Invoice on ell new. '82 Audi's '82 Rebblt Saelens '82 Sctroccos Prices do not Include In- stalled accessories, Ext Sealants. or Fac\ory re· bates. II any 445 E. Cst Hwy N.B 673-0900 Oller end 12124182 ClPTll• LOU'S You've had our great sandwiches lrom our 6" to our 6' Try our prices In our SporlS Annex • Sa11e up to 70% PCH & Warner. H B 840·2555 or (213) 592-3130 • Camp-ways lnflallbte di nghy $200 Oeta· marine dlgltal depth sounder $260 Seatemp 1n11rument S 100 968-5808 MICROWAVE New Sharp Cerouael. probe $229 Or choose trom Amana, Litton, Magic Chet. Top· pan, O'Keefe/Meult. 546-6740 OllllTllS 1111101 u11ns All Chocolates In one, Pa1e and Caviar In another Perhaps Gour- met Soups & Bread? Fruit, Ctieese & Wine + many more Hand Deli- vered In the Newport Area Call R.S V P , 873-3820 Will Wright Ice Cream T Shirts Ladles a Mena Unique Cnr1stmas Giiii $4 95 673-33 13 Pul moblllty & fun In eo- meone's hie this Christ- m a a wllh an etec1rlc 3-wheeler Oolden Cha riots 548-2384 Firewood, mostly h11rd wood. $130 1 cord Sell pickup 960-0587 Clean windows-odd Jobi FOR THE HOLIDAYS Rel. 642·54491645-7972 Sanla's coming -Oon·t chase hlm away. Let Aed LEE'S FLOWERS Hot Chimney Sweeps Sea us for your Christ· clean his way Spec Als Al LIED LIGHTING mas Bouquets. 891 -2569 _5_5_1_·3_2_7_3_. __ _ 222 Victoria-Costa Mesa FLOWERS BY MORAi • •• •• • • • • • • • • 646-3737 846-8194 ~ We have Southern Cell· 448 E. 17th Street. ,~)a~,P.i~ G' lorn le., moat comptele Costa Mesa. 645-8144 ~ ~ a ~i~I selection of lighting at competitive prices : of Lift! Ferrara Roofing Co. • P1.1n11 nn<J Ci•'" Re-rool, Repair, Shingle .,,."" "'"" (7 14) 842·8233 • ,.,~r;:~ r •ltl«i Sperkte tor Christmas (& ~ Jl<J N, .. ,..,., b'"' c"' yeer 'round). Linda's OlllSTIUI •••••• • •••••• Give• dlHerent gift everyday of the year. A subscription to the Dally Piiot. Only 14.75 a month 1714) 642-4321 Clean'g Serv 869-0318 lllT PAUIE The Video Stellon Balboa Chart8f Corp BOUQUETS OF BAL· LOONS Delivered by costumed messengers Bears Balloons 760-8768 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL -Also great tor decora-Locktng springer forks, uons 1471 Glenneyre Lag Bch now taking reservations 494-0054 675-1976 646-5707 horn buttons, Porrlngton -------- Pedals & other goodies IAIY HHI PIHi u Oud con(! Must sell Ar.king S 1300 Call eves 7 14-846-2788 Like new orum set Ludwig & cymbals Sac $400 /o bo 557-1358 WHIRLIGIG '80 I W Baker. Costa Mesa 979-8570 AKC Bu,le Pupple• t69 AKC Gldn Retrievers $229 Lhaao APllO $250 &46-0000 SHHY'S """H Teacup-toy-miniature 546-2848 Boarding & grooming At<C OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG PUPPIES FOR CHRISTMAS $350 979. t478 Cocker Spaniel puppies lor Christmas AKC reg., blond. 842-334 1 ----CANARIES • Singing Ball of Red Feathers lor -Chrlatmaa (rod-orange) $35. 846-8132 TIE·ETEHALLY POPIUI llFT FOi ClllSTIAS CHRISTMAS PUPPles- Adorable wht Shepherd/ Gldn Retr $15 646-3732 Aust Shep pupa, 8 wks. adorable, ou color•. no papers. $45 63 t ·8832 Ad'Orabi8Siiimese Kittens lor Chrl11ma1. S75 to s 100 642-8520 Yoor COmplete Ski Head- quarter• ·Sales, Rentals. Clothing, Ski Ramp, NEWPO RT SKI CO , 2700 W Coas1 Hwy 831-3280 ------Stop! Christmas Shopl E.I . HIMEL, l•C. New akl & tuhion store featuring excluslve Bitz· zard aids & lamoos act•· veweer Register lor pr- 1 ze drawing Dec 15. windsurfer. boots, vaca· lions. morel 642-5830 1111 Westolltf lrin Weatchll Plaza, N.B. WINDSURFING SALE Mistral $950. HIFly $750. UP Sports (714)631-4108 ·······~·· .. Roler Skate tf/: SILE 40-50% OFF ' All 1kateii •n "ocl< incl Riedel & Suregrip• Oceaefront Whulworks King James version ot 1111£ &IC PIPS uuoa ns-n10 the New Testament , Champion Rancho Line, ••••••••••••• WOl'd for word, on 33' • 6 Wkds, • IOng play records Hoh· PICl OF LITlHS l ... rHa llft S.ef Christmas Items to fill your Holida ys w ith Christmas Cheer Come Viall Us. 4242 Campus Drive. Ste E..3 Newport Beach 549-8550 Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 9:30-3·30 Low as $39.95/weekeod Robins Ford 642-0010 HOLIDAY POTLUCK DINNER CRUISES, S 10 833-5806 760-2578 Singe< Sewing Machines New Zigzag Modets/$95 Waterford Crystal Siem· P & J Cox 54~•25 ware Alane Pattern Newport Wrap & Mall Svc 1825 Westcllll Or, NB 1725 Monrovia, CM & So Coast Plaza. twr lvl. Sale on used blkH $35 & up day special $29.95 w / Must see Red males w/ free vinyl case ($ 15 ir~ eyff/v~ drk red value) Come see us 124 ---------Make II a Continental Chrlatmas . A gilt lor the whole family JOHNSON & SON Lincoln/Mere 540-5630 MILLIE'S IOLI ll•E 221 Marine Ave, B I 675-1572. 'Tis the sea· son to give real gold Sacrifice, slightly used Bosch Mixer $249 50, and Magic Mill S 199.50 846-5091 Scandia Down Shops Bartending for Hollday Comforters etc 2756 E Parties. Pvt residents Cst Hwy Cdm. 1590 S. only. Tall us how many Cst Hwy LB you e1tpec1. We will do Jon Brockman Plano Co. the rest. Shop, mill, ser· 897 Glenneyre ve. clean-up, all for 1 Laguna Beach 497-3490 reas. fee. 770-9833 ---------1 'lew Microwave (Amane). LOVE AT FIRST BITE $189 .. Ceiling Fans W/ 1971 Honda. CB 450 Less 7132 Edinger 11 I e s . N ew , S 7 9 . thin 5,000 orig miles Santa Ana. 842-46t t 1-855-6209 $450. 962-6043 CLASSIFIED INDEX T1 rlx1 f11r Ad, Call 642-5678 HOUSlS fOtSALE G-ol ""-"""bland 8albol PtNMllfll t epultlM lkul'I Coron~ 441 M •r fa.le Mif'U O.u Pa.nt DToro f'"Oll~n\all"y Hu"Mtnc\Oin 8.erh lrvuw LA1vn.1 Bt•th lAllif.nA U1U• IAcwn• N11u.tl M 1s'KN\ V1t)O ~r.:1meS:.:;h S.n Juan CaptHrittH) S.1'11• ",,. s .. 1 k tth Sou\" I.Al""· 'A""tmflutn Mobtlf' HOMet ~ale Rut ESTATl Arruu '"' Salir APMtme-mi. fOf '-l.1lf' ts~.:.r;r,~t C.:tmitttt)• 1AU tt)Jillt Commer-cul l'roptrt) Condomi•twfft~ ~ate Ourpffu·' l ftlh '•'' ~lo~\4o'tt4 1..._p,-rt, INhft.tnaJ PrnotrlJ LoblfJf~k MotMl• Hmt Trlr Pr~' Noufttft On«n Rf"\On ~~(.~,_Prp:Oj; Owl"'~.,, i,op "•rwM\ f"er'"' r.ro't•'t Rn l !Alat. fut.aftCf" Ru.I tll•lt 1' •Mf'd RENTALS How!tn furN\Md Hou•f"\ \.."fWtfti\~ HCNMt f'Urn « l "' Condom1.ru"m' t"wrft Condonu-.~nn l nf Ta.i~.\ottf\trft T.,.,,,_l•I ()ypH•n fwr" Oupt • .-.., Cftf Apu ''"" ApUl.nfwf'I Aph fUr.M lnf ......... ROOfn .. 80.r d Haub ,Mot1PI• Gw t1 HofTM>t Swmmn Rt1u11' V11tatH)ft Rf'ftfab llm .altJo Sl\ar•• • O#•lt for R.-"1 Of~• lltnt•I lkouwu A•ftt•I lnduttnel Rf'f'IUI t.r::.t \t.aMf'Cf Mt:U llf'n4•1• BUSINESS, INVCST· MENT, FINANCE t:::::~~·· :::.:::;::: ~':'.!. r Mone> 101..o ... .... , .... ". Morta•att.Tn 1 ANMOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND ........... ""'""' c .. ,..... IAtf>ll'IOIH'" ._ ....... rn-....1.t• Son•n•t.• Tta•tl• SHYICES BOATS & MARINE EQU"MENT '"f'Mra.I b h \t•·M '4'h1t.- &u.b '9•t1M t ~1p ho•h Po-o ft(,..au. Mf'rwt th,.nf'r 8uah~tl "°•h "IP' lJol.-. f'o.t\.......,. ""'' .... ,,~""'"" TUNSrGRTATION !OtJAL HOUllHO OP,.OIHUNITY ,,,, ,,,,,. ••..••......••.......• EHOIS: Advertis- ers should check their ads dally and report errors im- mediate I y . The ''" DAIL y PILOT as-,,;) ::; sumes liability for "~ the first Incorrect :::· insertion only. '!!..~111111 .............. .. ,,,. s ... ,, ,., Slit ~ •••.........•.•••••.•. ~ 1111 ,,,.,, 'JOi:i •••••••••••••••••••••• .:a G11Jt11l lOOZ :...!.~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... , STEPS TO .1"1 SlllY IEICHI •:1.1i Beautiful beach duptexl :;:Z Two 3 Bdrm 2 bath unlls •11· Live In one ano rent the ;;:, other• Steps to private "·' beach, clubhouse & ten-:;~ nfs. Only $285,000 lee. ~~ call todayl 646-7171 (;;>_ •ll. ,,_,. ,.,.,. ""' ., ... ta .. THE REAL ES TATERS ,, .. '1~ LOOK ~: For our new regular ~: weeldy feature ;:::: BOAT SHOW -S CASE ,;.., t l1' 'n Ao Every Saturday In the 011 Pllol CIUlifleds New , $39 00 ea 552-3586 Kimball Studio Plano Xtnt c;ond $1600 962-6043 ----· Allan Theater Compact Organ. separate speaker cabinet $600 962·6043 DOORS GALOREll Gitt Doors Installed Call Bob, 646-2923 OVS For CIOS!>llil'd Ad ACTION Call ,1 Dally Piiot AD· VISOR 642 5678 Have your Chf!stmas Par- ty on a 44 fl yacht In Newport Bay 640-5159 llllOOIS FOi llllH Holiday Balloon Bouquets 650-6515, 548-6755 HOLllAY SALE New mopods Save $150-$200 Miners'. Ward & Ellis Fin Vly. 962· 1922 Have yoor BOAT /HOUSE CLEANED before or alter Holiday panies. Quality service. 760-2581 Pt4al P1tllltr 2809A Nwpl Blvd NB 675-2570 CllllTH SllPUCE Cnrlstmas boat parade or other pantes. Unique 65', custom ketch 2 13/37 4 -3884 or 213/379-4214, Or Pala· mlert lilFT OF llllC FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Lei "PAUL, THE BOY MAGICIAN" entertain your youth gatherings during the holiday• Rates 11an al $35. Cell Paul, 960-3989 Music on the Move Gel In the Groove with Music tor all Occ 73 t-9194 GIVE DANCE LESSONS FOR CHRISTMAS Ooro1hy Jo Dence Studio 2515 E. Cat. Hwy, CdM 673-3420 MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· FAIR. any style Plano. guitar. vlolln, vocals. 545-3722 or 631·3275 AL TEC STUDIO SPEAK· ERS (2), walnut wood finish $250 ee 551-3208 E Broadway CM, Mon· 250 Blk fem t75 W e d 9 -t 2 or c a 1 t lllllll ILIH 857-2040 With bl~ eyes $500/bSI ofr Xtre lg boned, xtn1 •t1ck Trt•hr temp. Shots/wormed, LLOYIS HllSERY I ElcrHi•c Will hold 1111 Christmas. CHRISTMAS 170 E. 17th St. Ste 117 _ --~0·8385 TREES Costa Mesa. 646-3141 Cocker Span Pupa. 8 wlcs, WREATHS Engraved gifts last lore· AKC, Buff, Champ sired, 2038 Newpon Blvd CM ver Tankards. goblets, Show Qual, Mates, $200. 141-1441 baby cups, picture Will keep for Chrlatmas.•--------- . frames, key rings. etc. Cell etter 7 PM 751-4953 Speclahsts In Holiday De- etc corallons Copperfield's 1ir11t DHI Pu•s Flowers. 1936 So. Cst In Time for Holidays r H LB 49 7 Personalized Cropped, Fawn/blk mask W'J 4-11 3 Champagne 6~8~ CHRISTMAS TREES Name, message, logo. DELIVERED lrom lot to photo on every bottle, as Flfst 11par1mc"11 Fino one your door. Cell Answer low as S4 ea. Custom thats ju~1 righl tn cl1ss1-Ad 537. 642-4300. 24 Cellars 675-8813 fled hrs Hoasts Jor Slit Hoos., /or Silt HH1t1 l•r Silt HoHts Jor Silt Ho usts /or Silt Housts /or Silt If it 'sgot wheels, .••..•....•........•.. .........•...••....... ...................... ...... . ~!.".~~~t ........ !.~! ~!~~~~L ........ !.~! ~!.".~~~L ........ !.~~! f~!~.!~::::::!:~~1 ~~~~1~·~ ~!~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ J~~~! °i.~!°i:!ti!~!°i.::/:ij.! LIDO ISLE HOMES P1irm L1du No1cl IJ.1\fr1mt ~bdrm.~·. bi.Hh Lgl• L H J1r lfllld I. boat 'hi"> $1.flllU.000 H1•in11dd r'<J :1 lxlr 111, 'l 1,.11h + lJrgl· r1~ nn, 1,. .1m u·1hni.t'· lurni'ht·d, pMt(r., $.t'lO,()t)(I PENINSULA HOME 0..h111 & Jt.>ll:> Vlt'\.\'' Maruw rr•1m, 4 bdrm. :i l,;1th .1700 sq II $1.:~85.000 ~'l:.·anfrunt PllCE SLISIEI IEWNllT VIEW LOT NEWPORT HGTS. Mull sell ~Jtt 2 -kst Asking S 190,000 SUBMIT ANY offer. RAE RODGERS 6 Oul.1•1 Reduced $8000 Musi self lmmed. All new 2 Br 2 WTSllE Ba custom house. lenc- Exten11vety remodeled 3 ed. deck, more S 131 Bdrm home leaturing 900 term5 By appt PP large muter 1utte g 138 Watnul St. 754-1648 bath, gourmet kitchen or 642-0765 ILIFFS IAIUll Yoo own the tano 2,000 sq II, 3Br. lam rm, 21; Ba wide Greenbelt, near pool Fer below market $235.000 Will lease op- tion Bkr 644-0 134 and added rumpus I t . V. II IOJ~ room/ 1nlst's studio be-.!!~.'!'.'! .• ~ •• 9. ..... ! l~~~~~~ .... -1 hind garage Cul de sac No down • no quahlytng 3 street Asking $160,000 Br twnhm Move-in. take For an appointment to over. S 1200-$2300 ne- see, call 540-1151 gotlable payments Shared appreciation avail. Will trade Sue Newporl Hetghll Older 2 Br t Ba dbl car garage. 50 x 117 Rt tot $165,000 46 t Santa Ana Ave 548-50 .. 1 alt 6 891-sss6 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1I HHtio1toa llEIUCED ~HERITAGE __ REALTORS LINDA ISLE BlYFRONT L.1gn1111 v11•w rio111 h bdrm, 5 l>l.11h, pluytuo111. ~}~}!/~~!. ••• !.~ dark rm, d1•n Boat -;lip. Now $!1111111011 BAYSIDE PLACE Sr>t-< U•tUl•ll" l,,.1y fmnt dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 'l l>a dn 2 hunt !.J>:lC't·:. th-due c'fl $1.500.000 um11su11 For IMMEOIA TE sale at $429,000. By owner Low dn will buy elegant fully remodeled 3 br home & sep guest apt . .. !.~!~~ ......... !.~~ $200,000 H.I. COHO BIG CANYON CUSTOM, ..,, .... Fil OllUITIUll FllRBlMKS RANCH ~ci.4~l1'1t Abalone Nlw I hi .~· ba. l·U-..l•Jn) fo"r<'nth Normondyl~~~~~~~~~ VA/FHA terms or as- 1ume loan Oarltng 2-sty condol In desirable ereal Attached garage, lrg pa· tlo Only $91,000 Call now 979-5370 Large 3 Br 2 Ba w/2 car on goll course. 20% dn. gar. air, frplc Assume Var.ant, show anytime 12 SOY, 1st and o..,ner ,t $1,095,000 will help ftnenc.e Asking 1~~7~3-~7~7~8~1 ~or~780~·~13~9~7!I $t24,000 631 -7370,1: 549-3546 f..o11t..ttt I 2 prtml• ut·rc• hilltop $1,2511,000 • COROllDO CAYS Cornn.Jdu bland t·ust bJytronl lot 85' boat doc.k Plans av:11I Now $370.000 w l<'rrns BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\•dl' D••v<" N B 675 6161 .\'(:'I l / tl~' /' .~ ( A, • • \ ... • [ ~ T ... f .... 1 <., TJUDI T 101\AL RL \LTY YHI• 1.u ... O.ue PENTHOUSE 2 bdrm, 2 ba Large deck, view! A1klng $275,000 with $30,000 dn, 9"llme 1st Owner will carry fT'I l ITW. '=iiiiciia1ii1 owiiiinefiiiigii53-6iiii6ii1oiiil Lovely 4 BR, lam rm, 2'"' No down • no quahlylng 3 1• ba, 1w1mmlng & tennll Br twnhm Move-in. take over $1200-S2300 ne- llYlll TUUOI MPLll 1111,• 2 Bdrm uch aide divided PlllE IOWIFlllT LIOATill 4 bdrm home on cornef lot wtth unkmlted view ol beach & ocean Spa & patio Owner very llex- 1bte. Priced 10 Mii nowt $625,000 lldll Lidp Realty 673-7300 Thia neat 3 bedroom 2ba by double car garage home With over 1800 aq Concrete drive, private It of lovely patios and patios, S t27.700. gar<lena. Ownar wlll II-ler loOar•le1 lltr. nanclal aubatanttal lat 141· Jlfl BEST OF TURTLEROCK IAlllll llHE TO el 12% tnl. lor 7 y11r li:ii:iiii:i:::::::~ s I & 1h term. A leasehold etllle. weep ng sunsei n 1 SELLll IEL -1 T1lll tight VIEW. Spac 3 r, ._ Priced to NII In fee llUT FIU lam rm . Owner will help Try low dwn on this .... 1111 wllln $305,000 Marthe "Estates" 3 Bd1m model NEW LISTING Ealltlde Sharkany, Coldwell wllh 1bsolu1e1y 1peot•· on Flower Streat • 3 Bank• 552_2000 culer views S575,000 Bdrm, hardwood floors, ---------644·7020 ~:~~l~:rg~,~~ m~~u~: WILLOW llltt HAL ESTAR trees Fully tnaulatad. A MODEL ~ IHI cute family home tor •• ~!!~!~!!!! ......... . I 148,5001 Call Diane In Woodbridge Creek-Trade equity 1n home. for Knight side Homes 4 bdrms, good motorhome and 142·1200 2'~ ba Kitchen/ family ssooo firm 3 Br. 1•~ BA. room area Covllfed pe-22 11 36' pool In Well· tlo Protessionally land· mlnstlr Bil 187.000 ecapad. Quiel cul-de-sac $1290/mo everything location $210,000 Eetlmeted value S 128, 000 Fully asaumabte no Qual. Prv parly 808·55!!_ you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot c lassified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you * ~ • I c 00 • ~ a_) ~ • >< a_) • ~ • p c •(In lk lll"!n' •lvl not hl1h 1n prlrt1; rl'unn •b14' (0 t. cl• •lfitd edwrt1 .. 1n1 PtlftllC HO llCl HOllCI 01 MA"lllAl ~ IALl ''•ttt• •J ·~"''"''' 01 ti 1'1~1111111 va \..uf1 A. th·1to '' It Uwh ttllt111I NII)~ lh By Vllhft• OI ''" t 'l~Ulk .. I I Uttt.J 01• 1,,.. ••ntl,.,t l 1t tHH: f JulhJm11ttt vnt .. '"'' on 10 •t\ lhH Mu111l111111 l..11•1r1 '""'"" Jull•l•ttl Ottl111.1 (.;ovnly ••I Ot lll'1J•• :.,,,.., nl Cn1t1<1Hl1iJ ,,,1u.n u 1uuomont ont•h'•J Ill tavu• (II (. "" " llufl.>ttl 11 II Ill ul o~ tuJV"'''"' l t\kt1H''''' un\I ogl1htt ••vtt.u 5. rh.kl\Jttt a t\I 1tl ,,. tu..J\}tnurll fi•hltH(al ahuwuty u flU1 h .. 14.tOClf Of ,, l 110~ 11•1 '" 1\111111 .i .... 1111 •llhl )UdQmtUll on .,_., llitht UI '"-' HJ,0101(1• ul ~mcl .,.,,,, Hho" I tu•vn '"""'IJ t1111111 1111 11111 11u111 111111 1t1111 tntOl.,•I OI SOll\I jtlltl)1t1t111I 1tohi11tt•I 111 tho pro1w11y 111 llHJ t.ounty (II Ornno". Stl\to 01 <.ulllo11111 Ousvtb<Hl "~ lollow• neat p1op111ty commonly ~11ow11 .1& 13 7 Sun tu Anu A•cmuu. N11wpo11 BttnW. C11I Ll'QUI d11~cnp11on LOI ~8 nl lrdCI •44 In "'" Clly OI Nowpur I 80111.;h at pu1 1il11P recorded In Boo~ 19 P11ou '9 M11sc;e11a11eou1 Mapa 111 1110 olllcu Of .,,., County Reco1do1 of OrAll\lll County NOTICE IS H(REBY Glll(N lh91 on Wlldneaclay 12 29·82 81 2 00 o'clock pm "' County Courthou5'l 4601 Jambo•ee Btvu . trront ot Cour1house1 C11y 01 Ntiv.port Beach County ot 0101>00 State ot California. I will S<.!11 ot publlC auction to the highest blddl!• tor cash 1n tewlul money 01 me Unitl'd States. au lhe tight uue and 1ntures1 of said tudgment oeb101111 on the above oesc11b110 prop<11ly or so much 1nereot as may be n<'.'cesnry 10 uusfy said exocutton with accrue<I 1ntttres1 and costs Dated Dec;embe< 2 1982 DIVl$tOt\ Harbor JC Bynam Marshal tAc111101 Oranoe Cou111y By S Hysong. Deputy ThomH M. R911ele Ptatnlllf'• Attorney 4041 MecArlhur Blvd. Newport B .. ch. CA t:teeO Tel: 752·4515 Published Newnon Harbor News Press comblnll<l w1111 01engto Coast Dally Piiot Dec 8 15, 22. 1982 5381·82 PUBLIC NOTICC ORANGE COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT-WEST 8141 13th Street WHtmlnater, Catlfornla 92$83 PLAINTlff DUANf W l VONS DEFENDANT HOMER JARVI::> and 00E$ t lhrO\lgh 10 "IGIUSlvO SUMMONS CASE HUMBER 852'18 NOTtCEt You have been aued The court may decide agelnal you without your being hHrd unleH you rHpond within 30 daya. Read the Information below. II you wosn t(I s~~ tne advice ol an attorney 1n tho' mJ1te1 vou should do so promPllt 50 lh.JI yO<lr wr•llen responst.' 11 an~ may bt' ltle<I on ume AVISO I Uatad ha aldo demandado. El lrlbunal puede dec:ldtr contra Ud. tin •Udlencl• • menoa que Ud. rHpond• dentro de 30 dtH. Laa la lnlormaclon que algue. $1 usted desea sol1c1 1ar el · conse10 de un sbogaoo rn e~te asun1 0. debe11n noce 11 0 inmed•etamenle uo estil ma11e1u su respuesta escrnd so hay atguna. puede ser reg1st1ada a l•ernpo 1 TO THE DEFENDANT A c1v11 complaint has uecn filed by the ptaonull against you II you wtsn to delend this lawsuit you must w1th1n 30 days alter 1n1s summons 11 s.rved on you t11e w11h this cou11 a w11nen responsl' 10 !he complo1nt Unless you do so your del.1u11 w1t1 be entereo on apµl1cat1on 01 lhto p1a1n11fl and thos c:ou11 may enter a 1uogm<>nt ag:un~t you tor the rehtil demanded on the complaint Who<:n could re~ult 1n oarn1snmenl OI wages 1ato.1ng ol morwy or P<OCMl<ty or other reltet reque~tPO "' the complain I DATED June I 19&, RICHARD J WAC..K Cterk Bt Vc.landn Ponte Deputy Published Orange Coa~I Dd•lv Pilot No• 24 Oet t 9 15 1992 5181 82 Ptltl.IC HOTICE NOTICE INVl'TIHO aioa The County Sanitation Olttrlett ot Orange County, Cattfornla wlll receive Maled blda unltl TUESDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1982 8t 11:00 AM. Bids must be received at the 04strk:ts" Admlnltlr•llve office• by Ille dale and time heretnebove Ml forth, at which time they wlll be pubtlcly opened end examined 81 the office of the Dl1trlc11, 10844 Ellis Avenue, Founlaln Vattay, Clllfornta. for the fotlowlng. SUPPL YING CHLORINE IN ONE TON CYLINDERS SPECIFICATION NO. C-012 Bids mull be submitted on the form aupplie<S by the Dlatrlcla tn KCOrdance with an provialona of the IP9Clfleatlons Specllleattona, bid bl1nk1 end 1Uf1her Information may be obtained at the above adorns Telephone 5'40-2910 Of 962-2411 la/ Ted E. Hoffman Chief of P<OCUfemenl & P<op«1y Published Orange Coaat Dally Piiot. Dec. 15. 1982 5490-82 P\8.IC HOTICE FICTTTIOUS au••••• NAME IT A TEMENT The following P«llOrll are dOlng buatne.s .. TRANS -CO A ST CONSTRUCTION CO. 4029 Westerly P•-. Suite 202, Newport Beach. CA 926e<> Shamrock Bulldlno Co . a Callfornla corporation, 4029 Westerly Piece. Suite 202, NewPOrt Beach, CA 921190. Thia business Is conducted by • COfpot'ltlon Shemrock Bulldlno Co Gayle e. Pott Pre.ident Thia 11e1emen1 wat flied with 1he County Clerk of Orange Countv on Dec 10. 1982 F204311 Pubtl•h•d Orange Coaat Dally Piiot, Dec t5. 22, 29, 1992 and Jen 5. 1993 5495-92 PUBLIC HOTIC£ FICTITIOUI BUllHEIS NAME STATEMENT l he follOwlng persons are d0<ng business es • THE HACIENDA 1n~ College Aveoue Senl8 Ane Col1lorn1.i 92706 HAVE KlfCHEN Will rRAVEL ENTERPRISES e Cslilom11 corpo1011on In~ Cot199e AvenuP. Sitnl11 An• Ca1ttor11•0 112706 Tht• bullilflU It cond1Jcteo by • COfPQ<8llOn H~Vf' Kltt hnn Will T 1t1vcl. EnlPrl)rlSlll J11nn Nf'PIUnf' Pr11-1dC<nl Tnt1 'tlttftmMI WBI tlltld wlln IM Crn.nty Cltt1k ol Or11nq11 County M NllV 18 198~ IOI.A' 6 lfottlTH CounMlon al uw 4400 MKAr1h11r llwd., '""•NO Newport lffc:h, CA t2'tO ,m20'7 ~ubllth•d Or•ng~ Co1111 D•llr PtlOI Nov ;i4 Der 1 8 1!1 19112 6183 ... 2 118VI! IOITiflln1ng 10 •fllf? Cluatltoct da do It ~I 6 4 2 • 5 6 ' 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Orongu Coual O"tl. V Pll.OT /Wednoadoy, Due: mbo( 1&, 1981 It .. 9!~!!. ~{.'!!~.~ ..... '9'.~f~ .!P!tt.lffl/.. ••• '9'.'!~ .ftt!r.~.'J!~ •. ~~!!!t ¥~/.'.'.8.~·!~.. !'.~~~!!. ¥~/.'.'~~'!'.'... A,.,{~~:::;." ~:.::::.-' A,.u::::::." D•-''"''/ 1,. ... 1 ,.,,, Jiii c .. 11 #n• 1114 lnla• 1144 I•• J••• ....................... •••••••••••••••••••••• ..................... . u.1,, ,., ~'' ''" ........................ ••···••••·•·•··•••·••• ...................... c. .z. 1n1 .. ~ '" 1 '"' ti • 1114 • ~ ...................... ILJffllYll 2 Bd ti tlllM 11111 1 fkl Pu llltl&.t .... ~~!~~~ ................... !!' ..........• !!!~ ... ~........... ';:.';'"" ,,..,." HPll TU SMUii l b011n, ''· b• tarml~ pl111. 2 10 4 bdtma. at11111og at AVAILAOL( NOW 140'> l&YflllT 2 8f I Bl upper to 111 •••••• I!~ ••••.••..•.• ?! ... tlYllTHm rm :1 lir9j)I~• L-.. Mid 33 ( 2111 81 CM .. ~ lo I t4f. l1M1M:lifll• 1 bd OOtldO, Ltttle Ill•, Pier 3 alory plu, enoltd O••A041 HO ~ l>Otfll. ,., II• ,.., °"' Bll S1111 c1e1n•n1t p1ld• Of ~~001~"~41~,c~/ .. '~~~ 04., e1o:i No pe11 •II ll•trH, u1>ot. ? o~'g~ d•lu11.• lrQ 201. lrp1c, ~": 2?~: Po;&ona, In• co11 Clrapea entt ownc1t1hlp, modetn d•n•t & c.l••n•no l•dV 1 II PllY I tlln ';,K2tcf U:f8 , 8JI 3 :J 11800 mo &75-30fl1 ., Imo t 21 0" S!.llb 8panllh ,,.,... 4 unit apt 942·8 ICI t Ang, Y•ld, NO 1)4111 Ulll Sml eot11g• 2 ij1 1 91 r11~t'-•. PoOI. Ol•hw•lh Cell 539 ®'I hOUM wllh cx;oon/hHla & Pel $540/rno l at plu1 l ••I• bl 3llO ltpl, no Q8t 1700/mo tr pvt pa~o IC lry r'd golf C:OUIH VltlW CIOff ....... • • ( 8 4 8 '• w r6;~·;·8;,"~~~~~i~'kid; tnci ullt Agl 1573·4~2 ~~It $r160 6~. 841 WMIWI to t11t1y1ntng. only 3 18tll •Gf·1&17 OK Seo gate l<etlll Ill"--2 Br 1 Oe, 111 tit, Patio. Spi c 1 & 2 br, IOv•lr Y•c•w"t !!',~~ o'w•h_?.w,~~!~,! Vvfltt wa'.lll2•b•dbec11 ,so,~~ 4 Br conao f~ l••ee. 2' .. A21.860() -d ' & Pll'ltt ' •1ream1. ••t N ,.. ..... ~ .. """'" ,.., '" " ~ H2·'47 f. ~ 9·98!>3 lt•l•HI• JIOt f)~'w r•t:•-; 6 1°":n' 0 g.IH. •nlry by phnn•. occupy 3 Bdrm., 2 bath Nr walfr 2bd 1760 8a, l850 • f · """"· SHAHP 3 or. ,,..., ea, cov •••••••••••••••••••••• •58•9560 710 Shallmor, to• 1tc 1re1 Incl gym ctty a ocean vt-•Pt If Offen Vu pOOI, '~· No5 p.1180• 7A•I• ptllO. 2 car gar. 1:111111 2 llr 2 81 yrty Mature. A pool a •P• FrH cable 11ppllc•ble a rent th• V•tHlll•• 11200 ~3;1~~2"' <C4• 1 Ot tt513CANMDl·IRV"'f ••aol renge, a mor•t nontmkrs.no1>111 seoo ln116tt . 2 tru mo1 oth•r 3 apartment• IOr Oceanfrt 3bd $1260 • I • l .... Or tease o pt .. dep'1 213/ 199·o4196. AVAIL... 846~8591 lncom• Sttter wlllhetp Lldotg5bd $1800 t v. Br. gar1g1, vard Univ Parlo.3Br2'1t B•.2 IHO/mo tncl wator& 25 7-8792 or C7 141 Large t 81 r•frtg•, .... lllllWW flnonco & SAVE buyer WATERF'RONT 1'10Me8 1525/m o. Wut•ld• cer gar. 1960 1.1 .. t yr gard&n9r Agt 057'~1 81a..3988 range, loundry, pool, - thousand • Of dollarel 111-1400 84t-0783.Petiok. 1eu11845 6U·72:>0. ----Oaylront,prlvbeacn.t500 c arpo ii N o peu Lrg2&36RtownhouM REDUCED 1elll11g prlct 549·8755 C .. l1alal•a1 .,. It, 2 BR, 2 ba Fir.. $426/mo. 93 I W lllth epla. encl gar, frpl~ Neer ot $325.000 11 way BE· Eatttltle, lffP adtta pre-U I I "H 3..o1•s ,..., Hunt Hrbr from 1545 LOW cvrrenr replace· Rnp party p1efam1d, l f.,r.cs, 2 br, t ba, gar· orangetrM adult coodo. 1 •••• ,.!!~.!~ ....... '.~. i:>tiiee. g111, $1100. Cou· ..!!_!46·0~ Ctllldr&n 01< 840-9801 ment caatltt Prtnclpats Br 2 Ba dollho uae, ·~· M26/mo 673-7544 bt beautiful decor eme· Nr So Cou1 Ptau P1• or ""?:'ti •MESA VERDI' 2 Br I ONL Viti Call owner el 1550/mo POOi, •P•. pvt E I Id 3 8 2'h B I nlilet vpper Ill applet 8hlfp 381 t V. b•, pool & 3.2 1112 ea. Ntwly decor 1495 MADDOX APTS 1 ' 2 bf (714) ~7e3a_c7h5~~ola Miiier • IOt ::t: peallo rw/ap8,a.f~~d Incl. i 595. 8e3.S 151 and )ICUUI, 2 Cir Qlr. 2 Br 1 Bt Private evn• No pell 833·897• Ntee, quiet Mllroundlnga. ••2 01•1 v .... ti $025/ Kid & ------1450-$550 842·8788 ,. • • ----~ackyd. r•mod kllchen, WOODBRIDGE· 4 8,, 3 P• o mo a deck, Newport Beach • Lovely 2 er 1wnhae o n 8 1 9 5 1----------LIDO ISLE · 3 bdrm. 2 b..i •• car garage 1950/mo. a. 3 car gar qutel cut-pel1 ok 658-6to47 block to beach & bay, E.tlda. nu crpta/drapee, e __ • ------leotaf lnr..t!f. llJOO f1mrm $1700 mo 8111 181 IHI & aer. 646-3532. de. 1 a c yr I y t 1 e quiet quality neighbor· frptc, patio a trg aun· Lge 2Br w/gu Super ••••••••••• ••• •••••• Grundy Rtlr 875.-6161 ••NI lltol 11200/mo Alt MMllltlea. A .. ,, ... ,, l•1aJ1.iH hOOd on Balboa Penln· dectc. gar 1525/mo 111, clHn, ciou 10 bell. 21 FOll·PLUfl ' -Appl only 6Bt-Ol80 .,-.-.•••••••••••••••••• aula Point, furnished or 1811 & dep. No pell 1495/mo 984·4888. Priced al 9.2x·1 groaa. •••Ill D•l•t•iliH Landlord needs big tax lllM. lllHI 310f unlurn 634· 1879. 848·3420 536-7330 Includes poot. tennit ••••••••••••• ••••••••• wrneottl Se.z 0 Rent this 4 ••••••••••••••• ••••• •• -----courts, and only 4 yra C.•tt•I 3111 bl'. 3'A ba, c;uatom pool 2 Br 1 Ba, f11)1, 1gt g11age 2 8r 1 Ba. ullls paid. 'h 3 bd, 2 ba, ga1age. tavn- new In Oceanalde ...................... home ... Gour mat Kit. 11111111 1800/mo Incl ullt Agt b Io c.k to beach . beellelf dry feell'e Ideal tor 2·3 Owner motivated. Sub· Formal dining, deslgne< Attractive beam celling 673-4062 1800/mo lM & 1111 adutla $875. 840· 1126 mtt alt otters. HOMES f()R RENT decor thruoul. Natural home Auto mat I c lllHI _M_S._5_74_3______ llW Otl'IS 2 bdrm t •,;, be lwl'!hse IOIHI llW.n rock trpl. aecluded lncd sprlnklera, patio. near Ci lo I#. 311l 1eR .. 1BA • 280 , IBA s41 5 + 5375 dep Nt ,d. very eal)' •move-in·. communl7i pool & tennis lt•l.,•I• 3101 .!!!!'. •• ~ ••• !!....... bolh with two oar eteetrlc Beach Blvd at McFad· -lll·2Tl11 O •tRVINE• 53~9~~g~h mg arket. Agt. ~~~:.P s!.~~· P:~o~ 0;,·.;·;AO.NTAOf:b;,;e·h~ • ITIPl3 BTl3MUIB lt;~i11'1~~aces. lky· pdfloref"dau, nteo1:.....otsldef'8"~:°"94 SAN CLEMEN E • 1 unH. No peti. Mary Lou M•· pier, prkg. 2br. $800 tbr .. arge r. a. mony F ,,.. •.r Oceanfront timeshare 1750 4 Br, 2ba, ig. bonus rm, rlon 844-6200. $600 UllL. pd 303 E. 1menltlea. $I 100. Cell re• ITdr m, 1 be. $450':° Clly a coastal commlS· gar, E'ald• $950, call Edgeweter 1187 1·2866. Dorothy 673.-7975 1•11 fe Siii. lat /last g dep. 7794 t t 50~ J 1 •HUNT. BEACH• 54 ,. son approv$a 250•o000"1t $700 8-8155 Small t BR apt, new crpt, Clean 3 bdrm. 2 ba dplx. 631·5909 Newman Ph 846-4559 venture, 1, • B 3 ti f d1pa, ••20: patio. gat. litres. ~~50 $ 1 5 o . o o o d n . s e 11 4 drm, ba, v rm. am ... " • $445 2 Br 2 Ba pool 11.500•0001 1300,000 •GARDEN GROVE• rm. r.ec rm. ocean view, 675-5068 No pets. 719 Hello ope l~~~~~~~~~I pal~. kid• OK. NO pe18' dn. Owner 492-1720. S700 walk to bc:h. Ideal for 3 2 Br, 1 Ba, furn. no gar Open. 972•9405 i: 8'6·9666. 960·7484 sharing $960/mo. vearly$850mopluedep. Nie. 2 BR 2 Ba s ltfdi11 Htat •ANAHEIM• 645-6150 Super 3 br, 2 be, lrplc, utlt pd No peta. SLeps to apt w/fple, baloon • a1lo ~lfi--L4', I Br a 2 Br relrtg, bullt· , L •300 1 $700 patio, huge family rm. h 675 5089 and ger •va1I now Cre -=w.I Ins. dral)ea & carpel No "" 1. $5 10/mo. New carpet. 5895/mo 760•9337 beac • • · " • • APUTlflTI Peta. 960-2875 •••••••••••••••••••••• •CHILDREN* new dr,apes, 2 hear gakr· . BAY FRONTAGE, beach, dSll r m8o mCuaslll.6~5o 2pe31ta1. Beaulllut garden apt a. 2 Br, 1 Ba. Varv prlv ups· PRIMl MOBIL[ HOM( PARK 11 •• ~ ..... h .,., t;U !.I A1 "°' ~n H " $.I. I •ll.lkt11 Cote Realty I lnveshwut Ce'.\ 114/lH-1 ... •PETS OK• VILUIE llYESTMEITS age, c ose to t e par · L• u• JH•. &. 3141 pier, prkn, 2br, $800. 1 br · • ' I k S ... -·' gardener lncld. ..'#. •••••••• "'."!........ $600. u'i11. pd. 303 E. _1_w_n_9_-_5 ______ 1 ~!1'd~,~~~~i. pa ..... at ~~!~~I~. ~ ne~~· ~r:~ 822 Cen~~ St. IQ• EMERALD BAY, 3 Br. 2 Edgewater. 1/871·2866 Great 2 bdrm. 2 be upa· 2 Bdrm. 1'/• Ba $560 $550/mo. Agt 536-1435 TIL l&.t -2-1 • Ba. frplc, brick patio, ,. I I .. 31•• talra apt with llreptaee, 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. $585 or 960•8468 with spa. $1600/mo .,.,.., I ,.., •• balcony, gar. Avlll Jan. 398 w Wiison 631·5583 ---------'*3 Br. Twnhse. nr S.C. 875·3087 •••••••••••••••••••••• 111 S800 mo. •----------•CLOSE TO SHOPS. 2 Br, Plaza. S.A. Pool. spa, · llOMfLH APT 720-1841 wknds Ell·tde, ~ bd. 1 ba Du· 1 Ba. Laund lac. Nr tich gar. $780/mo. w/d hk· 2 Br, den, 2 be. frl)lc. d/w, 831-7714 All 6 wild• plex. Cit d gar, Prlv y1d. No pall. $450/mo, 1at up. 752·5822 mltf'owave. traSh comp, $495 . No Pell. 286 only+dep 960-6972 spaelous wood decka. Beautiful sunael. daeora-C•il• #111 3114 Sa.nto Tomas, 5"2·8368 (714)141·2000 1 Br. Traner, prlvlte, utlle 180° ocean/cyn views. t or furn apt. Frpl. •••••••••••••••••••••• COND0 2b<, 1'hba,qulet AGENT. NO FEE paid. No peta. Range & $1150/mo 494-4576 $995/mo 673--0898 ' 2 Bd, 1 Ba, gar. pool end unit. Pool. rec room, refer. Isl. plus sec.• · ...... Child OK. No pau tennta courts. Partially $385/mo. 499·1817 2 Br, den, 2 ba, lrptc. d/w. C••I• #HI 3114 ~•liBJIU $550/mo 1399 A Baker. furnished. lully carpeted 3 Br 2 Ba $800 2 Br. enclsd garage, cat• microwave, trash comp, •••••••••••••••••••••• APllTlllm 641-0783 $675 f irst a 1111 mo. 2 Br. FP. Bal Pen $800 pats drapes 773 W spacious wood deeks Olll IE 010 eeautllully landscaped 1 Br. avail now Water & rent plus cleaning depo· 1 Br, bayfronl $850 W I ti on N o p e 1 •. 1eo• ocean/cyn vtewa AU UTILITIES PAID 081den apts. Pool & Spa. hot water furn No pell sit 962·4361 2 1~';.:rr1ntW.$lOOOn $525/mo. 631-4889 $lOOO/mo. 494-4575 Patlos/decics. No pets. $375/mo. 984 Mluton Studio apt, very private -----------13 Br. Vleww/prlvacy, walk Compare belore you 1 Bdrm $475 Drive 646 3827 PllP llllllflEIT Esl·ld•, ~ bd. 1 be Du· lo private beach, no rent Custom design fea. 2250 llanguard~G-9628 • • tocallon, 2 bf kt l rom lll .. 11411 pleJt. Cle d gar, Prlv yrd. pets. garage. frplc. bit· turn. Pool, bl>q, cov'rd 3 Br. 1475 1~ Ba beach, ulll Incl. $325. • $495. No Peta. 266 Ins. 191 +sec. S950lmo. garage. surrounded wfth 2 &, $425 1 ea 960-8468. 536-1435 1--~~~~~~__;· ORANGE. 3Br. 2 Ba. lrg Santo Tomas 642·6368 499.1917 plush landacaplng. No Bac:hek>ts "4lO Pool, No pell 548-9558 frft.t 3144 If I • Dn I den Good n•lgh bor-Eat·td•, 3 bd, 1 ba + fmty Nooh Laguna 1 bdrm t ~~~. Furn $515 1183d1rmE. 18th "•6-68$41685 llWNllT YILUlf w;1;i·s~.·c~d";·2·sr·2 ••• ai., fl 1 hoo d . Chlldren Ot<. Rm Lrge OetKhed Gar ba, gar 2 blka 10 bea~h ~ Bea tllul/LandscaftAA ,_ l11•tl 1400 $700/mo997-4763,Avall w/alleyaecess $625.No •vait 'immed $650· 385W.Wllson 642·1971 181E.18th.642--0856 u ,,_ Ba,den,gar,A/C.pat..,, •••• ••• • • •••••••• •• •• • Dee 20 Pe ts 2 I 2 LI 111 an ,. llWPOIT YILUlf Gu, w1ter paid P111o1. S700 650-8839 Palm Desert, Monterrey 642.9368 • 553-8467, 851-1345 · 111. !II. Ill. ~e~~111 1:~:~~· v!~:'::ii Ll•HI lt•ti 3141 ;~n P~~ s31~K0r!ii>a~ G2~-"Rg:1u~~~;nJo B~ E.alde trg quiet 3 Br 2 ea, ~I.'!!~.¥!!!! .•. .!.~!~ G:_·~~~ L;~~~~.. ~:~'~a~~~a°!sh~~~t:i: courts, rec room 2 Br ••'••••••••••••••••••• sum. PP. 714/855-415 t car gar. Full arnenlllea. frpl, D/W, fndry. gar. no 2 bdrm eondo. A/C, encl 2 pool. jaeuul. sauna, ten· bl>q. no pets. 642-5073. unlurn. 1 88. $525. Can HfllflllT -0 I" $725/mo Ed 904-8171 pets $625. 673-3600 car gar. Full upgradea. nla eourtt. volleyball 557-0075 Moat elegant apt. bldg. •I• .,, .. ,, lllM. 11/i•I 310f E.stde darling 3 Br houae. $600 mo. 551--0255 all 8 courts, rac room. Jr. 1 L~~h!:f'~i!ldB:, ~~8~j 1 bdrm apt C ptlng, :~::g~nl~ :=\:=~ lt~I~ ZSSO •••••••••••••••••••••• ntwly decorated. nice ., I II " 3•&-f Br fu~lsl\:7~~5 I 2 / 1 1 . S 4 9 0 I mo . drapH, all utll except taking views, all buttt·lns. s2ooo d;n .. 3•9;•;•9~· 3 BR, 2 Ba, Ip, MW pnl, yard $675/mo. Plue $300 ~!.f!r.! •••• ~!:' ••••• ".ff!. all 845-6625 heet. Oar. no pell $395 heated pool. sub-garage. garage. blt:lns, new patni cpt, gar, SlOOO/mo. yrty. security. Joyce Weitze, Super speolal 2 br, 2'h be B••li•fl•• mo. 6o47·2874 elevator Lease only & roof San Dimas toca First. lat. 1544·9805, eve• 631·1266. Agt. condo loll-type den w/ IH •I 3140 BAY TIMBERS 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo ne&r SC $850 & up. tlon. Assvme $70.150 .; 873-8977 E.llde 3 Br 2~ ea condo wet bar, lrplc, open ••••••!••••••••••••••• 1 Br., fireplace & pool p 1 a11, a val t Jan 1. 330 Clllf Dr 494-8083 t a •• 30 yrs fixed. 2 Br. newly redecorated, 1825/mo. Spa, Joyce beamed celllngs. many Yll IESEIVE ITI Pr1v;!Ua~o6~g:;age i-S_5so_i _m_o_. 7_5_1_·3_1_9_1 __ 1L•rgeSludlowllhkllchen, 64&·8844 e-of~,c:~d.RS:~o/~f· Wattze.agt831·1266 ::8~~:~'2·ors:41.~~;,o Beautllut&parkllkawtth 399W.B;ySt. $575/mo 2 Br 2 Ba. near beach. ahopptng lfll lfl•ll 2 l3· 790·9000 dyt 0, NEW 2 Br. 2 Ba, dbl gat, , terraced pool. -br--el-lg---''---1nd--townhoute, lrptc. pa1lo. $385/mo lnelda utils. 1st E. t UIO 790-7302 111 appll plUs fridge No Spec. 3 br, 2 ~ b• very •Spacious Aptt 1Pet"s rc:ni. ·~m. 19i0 car pot'l. tavndry rm, an mo + $500 aec. to move ••• :!!.~!'/.~•••••••••• 81191' Pelt E/1lde. S650imo. Clea~ twnh•. pool. Jog· •Prlva1e Pellot Wallace. 940_6029 blt-tns, smelt pet ok In. Hotel Callforr.la A;>ls Laguna Ntguel houee & Cttt•I ltl #•t 3111 557-2691 glng, etc. $800/mo. Agt •Coverod Parking TSL Mgmt 642·1603 L •ave me•• a O e Rancho Call' acr.8g. •••••••••••••••••••••• 544-1440 •Dini"" Area 2Br, 1Ba, downstairs. lncd or aft 5, 842-6221 4\M-2797 . CHARMING: 2 Br. l Ba. EASTSIDE, 3 bdrm, I ba. •Walk.In Ctoaet• ~~~7~7~ w 8 11 Pr 0 P • lrg rmt. Mlm oelt, blka 2 car gar. Large yard. H2art>orb ~~ H~, ~· •Home llke Kitchens ~~~=age. $500 mo. 12·-bd-rm-.-,-b'-•-.-com--p-.-re--fC-u_t_•_· _eo_z_y_&_q_u""'le_t_l_b_r to bch. $850 /mo Chlldran and pets OK •d. """"ys"12'""oo' /' 1 blk 10 Huntington dee. Patio. Gar Large apt, washer & dtyef. pa- WANT 3 Bf', 2 Ba houM, 875-9496 226 E. 27~~ ~508L $790 !•varll e1n11•: .83 . .,.,.8:!06. Centrwya'°' .• transpor1atlon & E/Slde. c'-Y 3 BR 2 S., vnll. $525 mo 551-8130 tlo $450 + ulllt. Avail. Long 8eac:h or Or Cnty ....-... ,. ~ .....,.. -patio. 2 sty, carport. J 1 n t C a 11 d y s W ti I 2 bf 1 ba beam eeill"" $675 mo "~" """7 2 Br. 1o,.; Ba 1tnatl com-720-140~· -4"7 ... 90 ~O~d t~r!:~ ~~u:r oar'age. ~love. refr0tg: EUiiid. 2 Br. house on Eatlblufl Condo. 4 br mUTIH Fllll ____ • _ _.,..., __ '"-'--Pit•. $475/mo. No pe11 .• ____ .. _ •• _ •• _._ ....... __ Sanders 7200 Adams St, ds.hwllr, very nice $800 private 1treel, $550/mo. 2$'.lt9b7a.58357Am1g5 0 o<N3o ,.817• l Bdrm From $515 WILUIE __, 5o48-4506 • •• •.~ ••• tt •• • ••• •.1.t •••• 31 •• 1.f. mo 955-3649, eves l~ulre at 324 21at St. or · • 9 v Townhse unlurn 759 w. l9tl\. _C.:..M_.:..64_2.:..·.:..9.:..59;_4..;.. ____ l:L:--=--::.R-;G:-:E:-::C:-:d;:M::-h::-o:-m=-:e~2::1 cal 536-797g. 213/541-'480 from $650 Minutes from the beach. Yl&•I· ft.3~-!! •bd•r•m Nr~tFalEtE.lv:iaPl.:,~t~~ndo lfll £11•1• " ' Mesa Verde h<>m41 for en-Beavtllul home 3 Br. 2 Ba LA OUINTA HERMOSA 1.UXURY 2 BR. 2BA. -..--· ""'"..., w. __ Stry, 3 car gar. Oeean 2 ca ga1-pool spa 11521 1 Parkside l.n. 1 btk Marble pull!Mtl lop Vea . .lrplc. pllto 875-4912 &oker. ••IH ._ v 1 e w For 1 ea a• , let1alnlng, 4 Bf. garden r -.-. • • w 01 ..... h, 3 blk• s. Yes gar--pool •••••••••••••••••••••• s 13501 85 l 8110 rm dee« ana 2 patios very Pffvate, 1 year lea· .,.,.... Dec:orator drapes · · • -.-. 2 Br 2 Ba. from 1525. No WANTED 4 Plex. wttt pur· mo • i m'mac .' SI 2001 mo' se. $1350/mo. Avail Jan of Edinger .847·~~ 1 Plulh w/w carpet• Yes. $ 75· No pets pet& Acrou from New· chase for cash. tess lhan day•. 780-3650 -· 754•1 ... 8 lst. 714177()..()347 •---....;;._____ Walk In Ctoaets 645-3381 us.5949 """ Beach Goll COUrae. .,.. ---------* $350/mo. up Beeh • 1 ,..v. • 5 yrs old, toeeted In CM, 2111 IOUI ILYI ---------1 NEWPORT CREST g 2 Br. unfurn & turn Private patloa Meu Verde 2Bd/g1g1. 545-4855 Nwpt Beach or CdM Large 4 bdm, den, 2Yt 2 bdrm, 2 ba condo, pool, Agent hll 2 ~al con· pool. spa 189112 Florlde. Gourmet Kitchen nice. no pets 1500 a MC. __ W1_m __ l _ll_E_IT_IU __ _ onty Prln only. Write to ba, llvlng room. dining ~u!~:n ~·1-~~7~· Cit d o s : 2 a 3 B r s 8"2·2834, 8o42·3172 SCpaarport. outwdoo/strorBageBQ 2849 Lamon. 97&-4383. 3 & 4 Br. Close to watet. Cluslfled Ad .-885. Dally room. 2 car ga1age $1000/$1200. 645-02115 2 d DI G D I Pflot. PO Box 1560, ht•, 1_ .... __ Yltw 2 Br, frplc, wood beam lllllPINI APT$ Laundry b . n. ar.$ e uxe, fvrn & unlurn. reason. Coste Mesa, Ca. 92626. $l500 Mon~9: month celllngt, E.tlde. very 2 Br $800 /mo 3 Br t & 2 BR, pool. spa, $550/mo 548-o4630 ~~-~~~~i'9&7'..o2~9,5/mo. able, all amenities Give loeatlon. price & In· lease. Immediate pou. cozy, no pets. u 95. $950/mo Have o thers. BBQ. no pets, turn. avatl. tUTllT II Broker 675-4912 come of property. Remodeled. 631-0921 63F r,•.1d2.,! en or•' a gt ~l 14) 14l·tlll 2 Br, 11-41 Ba twnhae. Ell·ld• toe .. Prlv entry, frt ""' 8 81 u It d c ue & rear door. quilt, no kll. lt•llll Wtlll Far&t 11• f, I I V. JI JZJ4 ,,o an r." Bullllns, laund rm, $235 pd utn. 63"t·5478 •••••••••••••••••••••• 211·111-2012 .~!~.'.~ .. ~ .. !'-.~ •• ~. Lllll llLE Btwn Slater/Warner carport/gar, yard/bale. PARK N PORT ---------1M25, lo'V91y 3 br & den. Ii Br, 5'n Ba. main bay off Beach Small P•t Ot<. F /p. La~e 1 bdrm apt , COUNTRY CLUB LIVING !'.-.~!!!l!ffl!~ll. •.•• C.111 •• ,, 3114 beautllul yard , xlnt 50· llllp. $4400 on yr tea· ,,, ..... ,,. 3141 $625·$635/mo. '49517~2°1~0 rang ... ., 5:30 IN NEWPORT BEACH APA~TMENTS lllM. /'11al 3/H •••••••••••••••••••••• ~·hg::77~~lldren se. 675-0558 ••'••••••••••••••••••• 2617. 2543. " Slngles, 1 & 2 Bdrm. •••••••••••••••••••••• LWl-motTIYf • 2 Br. 2 Ba CONDO. 2 Car Luicury atudlo. free HBO, 2548 Orange Ave. 2 Br, frplc, wood beam ~partmenls lfllOll Im&&. Spacious 3 bdrm. 3 be. Why throw rent aw1y? n., ....... neat Hoag Hos· phone, maid 11rv. spa. 2314 Santa Ana Ave. celllngs, E.atde. very a Townhou- Avalt unlH May. Exec or condo ao. ol So. Cit Rent to own 3 Br lwnhm PttatSJ50/mo 640•5324 1130 Wk 4K-30l5 Call for appt cozy. no pets. $595. From 1560 ahared 4 Br. 3'A Ba. wet Plaza. Pool. spa. tennis no down. no quallfylng. ,....,, ltffi 3111 ~~-~";t 631-0921 On Jamborae Rd. al bar, boat dock. $1500. ct, elc. Parttally turn If $1200-$2300 negotlable LIDO ISLE. 4 Br, 3 Ba .•• -.-."""••••••••••••••• __________ 12 bdrm. 1'.~ be, lireplec:., San Joeqvln Hills Rd. 673-7979 or 873.-8506 dealred. $850 mo. de paymenta. Shared •P· $1400. 222 Via Palermo OCEANFRONT DI• 2~ Bf'. Wlll\All Y1LU1f dishwasher. private pa-144.1 .. 545·80 to. ev. wknd preclallon av111. Wiii 87S-7168 By week or monlh ,. 2 B 1 s£•o L ..,,. 3141 546-5284 Btohefor ... r ap I tlo, gar. No pell. ~ Beaullful large 4 Br. en-.!I.~~••••••••••••••• trade. Sue 891-5556 Canal front , vpper 2 813·7873 avall. Pool, spa, laund mo. 543-5478. 834 H•· clad patio, lllP• to Emerald Bay 4 Bf' 3 ea. nr New 3bf 3ba bl·M rwnhm, •••II.ff•• bdrm. boat tllp avail $ t, rm. No pets. lmmed Oc:· mllton beech Yearly. 675-4419. be8Ch $1500/mo "tU 7/1. pvt yrd, end untl, 2blka lt«t 1141 000 mo. 760-0909 cvp E aide In pl 1144•7020 Dave H. s c pt a 1 e . s 8 5 o • ••••••••• ••••••••••••• --a•R M. 1... Spicious single, ont Bachel0<2 Br. •£$32575. ~: .. 1. t:,i~ 1 ~dr~ WbOllth t403• BdRodl2,!o:__PoWttcon· 851·9990 2 bdrm, 2 be, den. pool. •-5rw & lwo btdroom .., BBQ ,. ..,._ Have something you want _ nr Malt, Cul-de-Sac:, Lease/option. Custom ip•rtmtnts 955 W. 19th St. retrtg, dlahwuher. do. S 1200/mo w/dock, 10 sell7 C1ass11ted a<ls do A I way 1 a s a I e I n $750 536-7864 twntlome. 3 tlr. 2'-'> be. TSL Mgmt Gas lnclUded. S-435 mo. 11000 wfthout. 850-1190 11 well / Call NOW. clautlled·raad the ada tamrm,dlnrm,lrplc.dbl l 845-af22 631-6741 Mrs Long 642-5678 every day. 642·5878 2 bdrm, 1 ba. S..95 Incl gar. Approx 2000 lq tt. Sfaclout 2 Br. lYt Ba. DELUXE APTS. 2Br $595. -0 -C-E_•_N_F_R_O_N_T_·_C_u_e_to_m_ u11t 4 bike to beach. No Mike. SMI. 521· 1618 4 BR $795 aner l5pm call " peta. L-unit In du· dye, 551-4481 eve a ownhouM w/trpte, E/ • Decor. 3 br. 2 ba. up. '::~~~' Q./iQ ~ Ah.' -/) t ~s· :::: plu 213-434-8148 wknda I aide. Pet9 OK. 1 ear gar, &46-8055 tmenltlet, yrty 11200/mo v\!:> l'oU ~~ <b <r bit-Int. 1595/mo. Sterr• llW 1110 IPTI Mature PetsonL 7400 w 2 STAY. 3 Br, 2 Bl. Quiet BAYFRONT -Bal Penln, Mgml. 841·1324. Altracllve l Br & BaoM-Oc:nlrnt 850-9192 O '"°''O"'Oe i.n.,, of th. ~ llCrOIW'b-.cf WOid' bt Jo-. 'o foit"" fow, t.ft'pt. WOtdt I t I E r ·,, N 1 I I NOTIX Ii' ' I I r I . r_N_o_v_v _E.--.1 -'!) I I• I I -; My t>rother ln·l•w IS really • • • • QOOCI IO f\11 '" lawa He ntve1 .....---------.OOH lo --I hem I C lRLAG I 1-~1,.;-.;,1--1 ;;,...;..,.,r"""--1-o ~:::; !'4 .•. t:~ "=t .___, __ ..._~__,._.....__. V"" clov•loo ''""" 11•11 Nu J ~ 6 UNloC•AMlll Aeovt UHtt~ 10 GU AmWtf rrrrr 1 I I I I I I ICl&ll-LOI b1nra 11 ot111Hklfle1 1 .. 0 '. t;-" ....... J-" --.. .. .. "-:?:-U•RW ·-.. , .. tA .... I ,.,_ :;.-....... r,=:,.. .... ::~· -.,. ... .. , ....... ··-.... ttO!•• .... "'°' ........ •t•u ,, • .......,..t .......... :::U'::: ... ._. ,,, .... •l .. ti•,~ tlA•t l .... .. ,,.... ,.,_..,, ,,..._.. :::" .. ""'"" .. ,.,,,, ,. ... ,, ,., ow., •• """ ,.,,. ..... ,., .. ··~l• .. f_ :~ .. .._ ,. ........ ft,,.... ''°"' ··-,, ... :t'"•"'• :-... h .. ,,_ .. =:. , ....... ........ ..... .. _ .... ...... r.;:. Cl::.... ...... --.... '"-· ::.:J.. ....... ::o.-··-........... ~6-~ 'J!t>A 1..,nt ,~ .. )Hf"'"' " St. Verv nice encl yd. qulel, 5Br, no dock. no FURNISHED Of' ---.... , lo!'. Encl gar, lrple, pool DUPLEX 2 Bf, 1 Ba. d/w. 1750/mo. Agt. 536-1435 p •ta . I 2 o o o m o UNFURNISHED r--or 960-8488 875-7873 All UTILITIES I.Ike nu, lge 1 br ap11, &"spa. Oaa pd. No pe11. lndry. WALK TO BEACH. SPAC. c:ulfom exec. 4 Br, 3 Ba, pool, apa, many extraa. $1200.lmo. 1164-0221 ti TIE 1111 Vu of ocean: 2 Br, 1'A Ba, guard gate. pool/ uuna/gym. 1800. 213/333-3648. 960-7313 Npt Crest 4 Br. plu1 Ir, evatl Jan 10. 840-8208 lll08fll lrplc:. dw, gar, $475/up. $385/up 845-4411. 393 $725/mo. 962·4914, PAID. HEALTH Patio or balcony. Pool a Htmltton 1164-6888 ClUIS. TtNNIS :ft'· No pets, 2650 Harle. WH411H4 flllllt OCEANFRONT -38r, 288 SWIMMING plu$ eea Pines 549-2447 Baehelor. I & 2 8r:f apta up~er unit, frplc, gar, IYllL ... m"'h 1 So $395: 1 Br. retrlg, patio, avau. Poot, spa Indy rm. ll 50 mo. yrly. 875-2725 ""' more. rry. no F>•t•. adult• pr•I. No peta. tmmed Occup Clys. 973-4585 .,,.., BIG CANYON: 3 bdrm no ptts. Modtls 731-D 18th St. 1573-7787 Bachelor S..10 M onaco Townflome dally 9 t 6 1 Bdrm S..60 overlooking 181te & fair· Optfl O ' 1 Bdrm, 1 bl , pool. faun-2 bdrm $540. Newport Helghta, 1 bdrm, 1 be, carport, Gd loca· llon. $425. Ctlt Jane fMIS-7800 waya. Totally charming Oakwood dry, adul11. no pets. 845 Paularlno. TST at$2200mo $385, 833·7890 or M l75•0081 Why lhtOW rent •way? -~-wrden ApM"lnlents 1546-1947 ,_..;;o'"-m,.--·-----l 18' apt w/11ove, r9'rlg & Rent to own 3 Bf' twnllm EASTBlUFF· VIII• Ora· .. _ ... •--.... /No 1---------Lrg 2'ed. Beam celtlngs. puki ng. s •oo mo no down. no qualifying. nada, spacious 3 bdrm, ,_..po .. ....,-... . t•UUTI 1011 of wood thruout. 875-0612 aft 5PM $1200-$23008 negodtlabte 2~ be. Canyon vt•w. 880 lrvlM Aw. ...mTI ~:,rvplbar6 7S346808.02325ol5r Luxury 1 Br penthou ... ~~~~:W!n ahva:1~. ;ftj Mat & fresh 11000 mo (•t 16•hl 2 Br t a.. 1.unory rm, S..e-7~58 • pool, •P•· overlooktng trade sue 891-5558 IRVINE, Rancho San 64S·UO• pool. erpt1, drapea courtyard, 1st, IHI &. S..OO-S..15/mo. ..., Nat 3111 aec. MOO/mo. 931-0300 NEW CARPET'S, ORAPES Joaquin. Lovely San Newport k M:il/So. 2294 Maple ................. uu• •---------- & PAINT 38r, 28a, frpl, JoequlnPlen.2Br&den, l'100161hSI 21k 18a.C81'l)Of1,lndty **** t Br. yearly, gar pkng, 2 car gar, COY pttlo, hllQe Views to park, lake & (II DMI) rm, Y1ew of gotf COUrM E.x~tlonal 2 8r, 2 Ba, llpt lo l>Mch. 1485/mo_ yd, pell 01< 18042 foou1111a. FtHh pain I. 6 .. ~ ... Ul from dec:k. 1475/mo. ont'i tor the dllCrimlnal· days 73 t -5446 evea Warren (Edlnger/Bolaa ~ rea<IY 1900 mo ... .. 558 Joenn Ing 1850/mo, Agent 875--3218 Chico). $750/mo Incl A9ent l540-56e0 lll .... M2·11U 71414~. __ 15-60-/m_o_._BacMlof ____ P_en-_ gardener. 1450 MC. Aot or.,,.. 4M0-0087 11 BR. 1375 mo .. tllk to lllOUM var...._ pool 957-0701 oc .. n/pool • 1ngt edit 1495/mo 2 Br. !V. 8a. •uti..IM 1pa, ,·eeurlly gaie, ali 3 Br 2 81. frplc. 1850. Beautllul rent at H. V prel'd A111tt lmmed. upper unit, all bll·lna, ...... J141 Wnenll!M no ,,.., cal Pool Sauna J..,, K .... h Homea. 5 BR. S 1500 mo. 942.5002 carport, lndry rm, b•l· •• ••••••••••••••••••.. for ~ ' ' ' ...... .... "'"t 873-7761· 780-1397 cony M2·4471, 988.9953 ...., · • 2 Br winter rental. $5&0, 1 ·527 W Willofl Nr 8ctt, lg 3 bdrm. 2"t be TSL mt ... 2·1903 /m•t 1144 2FBr <;:;:r· Nwpt Ht1. hH to boh Avail now lll .... 14!·1111 rn~c:l;-,RLg~m~i:·r:!' BEACON BAY: Lrg Mv rm •••••••••••••••••••••• :r.· . Cleetlt, bflck Pltya R.E. 873· 11100 W/D hook up. Fenced w / pin• pnlg, corner W0008RIDOE No. 1 Wiid •· ~:. SJ .. 502jffl0 Avell 1 Br OoHnlront bldg, D•luae a Bdrm, bit In, l: tne~et Oatdenef wind/et, tleetn cell. 1 br, Jan 1 ............ o "'ewtir, bbq, lacuul on • • · wt .. por ...... _p -. ....... Wlleet 3 bdrm. 3 l>a. 2 · wlnt•r mon1h1 onty bll w vu 1 49 5 mo !IO. &38-0921 ten"nis ct"'5&0~ ~j cer ger. Family room. W11tcllll. ••call. cond.. a..oo. 9'1~1900, $andyt 821-6147 ---•a ._. utll. 87a-3337 Watlher, d~. Nr. All'n IChOOI nHrby. 4 Br. A9t. -..... pool, epa, tennll. Aval!. 11 tOO lnol. g11d•n1r I •-.;;....------Westside 2 Br. 11ov• I A LOVILY PLACE 2 Br, 2 Ba, bltnt, ella• 1211, 1045 mo. 495-3018 Pool MrVICe. 859-5730 .,,,..,. rtfrlge, ~ cleoOrated. TO LIVI hwlhr. new deoor, Y•· ........ 1 h"'hly I L--YI •-• ,_......, No,,.. •• 1450/mo. Water •H~/P'lt 1 I 2 If 1y ,_., new, mmac, "' · .,_.. n .,.,.,.,_ pa Id 1 n dry f a o . •PooVec>elbbq U3-2571 upgraded detactied 58d. 381. complelely r;;:,·~:·;_~:-:,;••••••f!• ...._.312, •&~•of Melltlf\My 1---------- l'IOme In Woodbrldol, 2 l•nc•d, 3 oar garage, --~ tandecaped 11uround• 2 br tower, frp~o.J....DIW, Ir a oen. etrtum w/1p1, oomm. pool s1eoo mo ••••••••• .. ••••••~ 2 er. 1 Ba. 1! .. t.,. llP· lf'llt ger, M76 yrly. "Ull Htl'I malnlananc• ftH yrd. 762·2187 ao-nt. Y=art • 2 8drm, 1 be per. n .. r tChOOla. Mo • ffr ,nwye I ~ 81. AY911 Jan. 7 S..8et Lek•, poot1, tennle, ft , 2 «* ptirkfnO pelt. No wat•rb1d1. • oui.t.,.. Dec ti, 10Mt.-noon • 110001mo. g15.3912. la 0-•lf Jnf 1mo. 87t-t1t1 '4!10tmo. 931·1 155 Nol)'i "'"'.,, .. 175-1551 ..................... • : ... ei.-i. .... 1_91191 _________ 1H• *• oc.en llt9W 3 bf The f111 .. 1 draw In lh• Leida Ira 1 I r, 11110• (''1 .~~~... .. ............... Ttt~l THI 81'fllt,..Q8 1 bdrm conver1 den I me1d·1 w .. 1 a Dally Pllol Wlllll-ln d0e9t. pr, WlD 1611 Ct. HI a 11'1, 1415, ~. ·.,.. ~ Pool. jeO, """*" quarter a 12000/mo. Clelllflld Ad Call TOdey IM*tllft, dMf'I 1424/'"°' etwn ..._/Wwner decor. poot; nr ~. .. ,...,,. a500 111-1010-l1Sl ... 1-2al 842·6171 No,,.., .._ 131"°213 °" IMdl but No,,..,. 4114111 ' \ 3 2 1 ltlU fit Pralessianal Service Direct :~ '•"''" f~!l!.'.!!!.rJ!~ ••• • ••• .1~!!!!~1!.•.'. • • ••• • ••• ..• ~-'l.~".!-.t .•.•........ !!~~~-.C .............. r~~~!!!!~'!!!!I •••••••• ~~!!~r ............... ,r!~!!!~~·~!~ ....... ~1. ••••••••.•••• ~~ State Lew 111,•lrH1 .........••..•.•.•••.. Thal all co111111<:1ora Whu CUSTOM HOME 6LOR No 8tt•m/No 8h•AlPoO 1>tt•l1>1111 wurk ov•r $~00 nMOI SMAll LA JOOS Stain S1>4IClall1I f a11 lo1..luo111g l11bu1 ond betwwn hOUtet R11a/ dry frff etl 839 1582 ru111ur1a11 mutl bu II Comm 01111 !>J7 0342 f!!'!!~!I.~~!!!!!! ••••• 1 flfl•M.S Unllcenscid con· f !.~'!'.~~ !!~~!!'/. ...... lructors 1hould su tlUlt Cerrieiit· MHOf1ty·8loek 111 111elr &dvorllslng Con· PROf CABINC: r MAKCR Woll1·Cu11 work Lie 1111ctor1 nnd consumers, 21 yrs e111p Custom·bll •381057 Rob 6•7·2883 co11111cl Mary Orondle at furniture Lie' d , (7111)558 -4086 with ony Ken Burkoll 636· t45 t c,,..,, "'' que1llorrs. Conlractor·s ..........••..•..•..•. State license Boero. 28 Marino WOOdwOrk. Int 4 STEVE'S TILE Civic Center Plaza, etc. + cairn cnblnull, ru nourn 690, Sonia Ano, model ktt W11llv Expert lne1111 {163·32113 CA 92701 64!>-4588 C•ll4 C111 ---........•..••..••••••• f!!I!. .. !'~ ............ ---Chlld C1re. my nome. lull ~!~'!!!~!l.~!!'.~!!!'!t Remod /Repairs Lo IDIOS or pt/lime Nwpt Sh0te1 Deckt, pa1101. lences area Reis 548·6164 REMOO SPECIALIST JG Allen Lie 202752. Free Ht Steve 752·95!>6 * Sptrltual based Child· Bonood 494-1610 EX PER carpenter does care In IOV8 & total IC· ceptance CM home edd'ns 1emod. decks ~!/.~~!~ •...•••..•.... Skyllghls & r11palt1 Free 645-6169 esl Dan. 8<41·4592 f!!'!!.'!!!f,.'i!~!!f!.. Drh1ewoys, Parking Loi -Repairs. Sealcoollng Doors 1n1tolled. every· S&S A$pl'llt 63 1-4 199Llc thing 10 bldg & repolr. 35 None 2 big, nono 2 small. From A 10 Z we do II ell. yrs exper Rois Jorry ~!!!!~!(! ••••••••••••• 546-4413 714-675·9436 lie 42578 1 --Incorporation. business ---P!!.'. !!~~,!~I. ........ odvlco Reasoneblo tees f~!I!.'. !!!!!!! •••••••• 752· 1962 Supply/Install/Repair -----Shampoo & steam clean Lge selection + hard· Aolo•otir1 Color brlghleners. whl ware Bob 646-2923 evs .•••..•............... crpls • 10 min bleach •, NEWPORTWEST • • DOOR INSTALL/REPAIR Hall. llY/dln rms S 15. avg Datsun 10 Rolls Custom Locks 1ns1elled Free room $7 .50, couch S 10. WRlll & delall. 650· I 132 es11mates Biii 968-8739 chr $5 Guar elim pet ---odO< Crpt repair 15 yrs P!T!'!~!! •••••••.•••••• Bo•t•, ll•i•llO.ate/ exp. Do work myself. S1nice Reis 55+.0 I 23 DRYWALL TAPING .••.•......•.......... All Textures & Acoosllc Flborgls boal repair, We Care Crpl Cleaners Free est. Kevin 650-9088 Varnish, paint & main! Steam cleon & uphol. Prol, reas, 661-8767 alt Truck mount unll WANT ACTION? 5prn Work guar. 645-3716 Classlled Ads 642-5678 Ap•rl11111111 .,.,,,, ,. ""' 4300 Ollie• ll•l•I 4400 V11/u111ill1ed ........•....•........ .•••••....•........... ······•··············· IEWNllT OEITH s .. c1,.,.,. 3116 ROOllATE Full Service Sult .. ••••.•..•...•....•.... FllDERS H CIT CllTI SS 2 bd, l'.lt ba. blk 10 beh, S650 Furntunlurn chlldren & pets OK ~ Oldest & largest agency $450 492-6637 or All clients acreened with All you need IOI' one 974-7225 photos & references. monthly letl 2 er 2 Ba. nr San Cle-Credits Cosmopotllan 6•0-5470 Good Morning America •DELHE OFFICES* men1e Hosp . patio, The Tomorrow Show newly decorated. water & •·~ ott * 10 ell who I MO. FREE RENT gas pd . $485 /mo. need a ploce. 1 room 10 2800 sq. ft. 891-1644 ·····" 141-1111 From S 1 16 a sq. It. Adj --Alrporler Inn & Frwy• 1 Br with appllel'ces & Call AM 833·3223 frplc. across from ocean 2 bdrm, 2 ba View apl $400/mo. 661-1192 Promontory Point $380 1617 Woslclill, N B 256 lo 4000 sq It ISi floor s .. , ..... 3110 Female, 25.35 years old Agent 541-5032 ...............••.•••• Call Answer ad No 533. So Csl VIiiage. nr So Cst 642-4300 24 hrl Airport area • Exec Sul· Plaza. 2Br, 1Ba, end unil, tes From 225-450 sq It nr pool. Sec gate $575 Shr lrg home or condo. S 1 per sq It Meny ~•ru mo. 751·9560 151 last deposit utlls Call 557-7010 ---966-8479, 662·2449 ~!!'.'!-~'A~~ ...... !.~~! Beaut very lrg ooean vu 400-900 PLUS 1400 eq. It home. Lag Bch Prof to Penthouse Bayfront Sur· CONDO. 2 Br, 3 Ba. shr $350 Incl ulll ISi. last le. p111k1ng. PDllOI Ocesn view Close 10 673·1003 nwy & shops. 499· 1480. & sec. 494· 1294 IHI SPACE CIM OCWIFllOIT Ap11l•••I• ·Fe1aidH Atlr active rustic up81alr1 01 0.1.,. 3900 Shr with Newport exec setting. We supply deslt, $390/mo 831·8056 ........•.•.•...•..... space, coptlf'. You 1up- SEAWlll Shr lux mobile homo. ) ply pnone. & $95 pr mo VILUIE btk 10 oceen Poot. rec pr desk Call 644-7211. avail Own room & bath IUmFIL New 1&2 bdrm luxury Furn or unlurn 1250/mo apls 1n 14 plans 1 Bdrm 181 & IHI Avall Jan I. IEWPORT CEITEll from $540, 2 bdrm from Refs please Call alter Wllh use of reception. S595, Townl\ouse from 6pm, 960·5844 cont. room. kllch, phone, $865 + pools, tennis. Female senior c11u:en to secretarial & word pro-w1terlell1. pondsl Oas shere 2 br duplex, non· c:essing. Mall & m...-ge for cooking & heating serv. avail separetety II paid. From Sen Diego smoke1, Nwpl His S225 desired. Call: Jane. &" ul1J 846-3192 or Frwy drive North on 7141760--0 100 Boach to McFadden to 642-4506 Seawind Village M/F to shr lge 3 br. 3 be EIECITIYE Simi (714)893·5198 condo. walk 10 beach. Full service. Keep your Roo•1 4000 N B $350/mo 6<45.0209 overhead low & profet· slonel Image h~h Pre-........••.••..••••..• M /F to sl'lr 3 br. 2 be UllU IUCll beachtronl ap1. Nwpl strg1ous Weslclt area ol Newport Beach 88 1 MtTH 111 Bch, nonamkr S310/mo Dover Or Ste 14 , 548 .... 148 Wkly rentals S95 up. 831-3651 Color TV. free coffee. Single parent (lemale) healed pool & 11eps lo looking for rmmte (I) 3BR DELUXE SUITE ocean Kllch's avall houso tn CM $250 All 985 N Cooal Hwy, nousehold pr IV Water Fr11t Ihle Laguna Beach 494-5294 648-4987 atter 8 S 1.50 tsq It Lease. 642-4844, M·F. 9.5 On the beach hotel 1 Shr w/cpte· beaut lrg 2 room kllchenelle & Br CdM apt above China for Lease-Office 3 rms, bath, lurnlshed $250 & Cove. Gar av1 11. 1200 sq ti. Good trelflc, up + dep 2306 w. $395/mo 675-42611 good sign f. exposure. Oceanfront . N .B 18423 Beach Blvd, H.B. 673-4154 Christian F lo Shr b~ furn Call 831·7900, All 8 & N B DOVER SHORES. house In H B $27 Incl wknds 831-9309 ullls Non1mkr No pell Full Be. bed. microwave, 01 kiCIS 988-3880 Full service executive SUI· trig. Sep enl. $350/mo tes wtlh law library prlvl· 1111111 Call Ginger <4 bd. 2 ba, pool, No Pets. No Smoke<a. $225/mo. Jeges (Esl. 1977) OfllCH 641-6666 Mon-Fri 8 30·5 avallablfl mo lo mo 0t 631--0208 leese S 195·S545 mo N B 2 rooms. bath, pool tennis, spe •HOUSEMA.TES Word processing, con· $350 mo. 548·8127 ROOMMATES• terence roome. Telex. EslabllsheCI 12 yearal Executive Row Inc. 390 I Room with kllch prlv. Nr •All refs cheeked• MacArlhur Blvd, 211 (et bus llne & shopping •Photos taken• Jamboree Blvd}. NB .. center. 962-7520. •Service tor 6 Mo• •152.111d Special 1h oil to all whO New comp furn aml com· need a place. PRIME LOCATION· new poet t rrn. pool side gsl 132-.4134 TllE IEIT bldg, 1100 eq ft or cen ha. N B Lt cook, mat be divided. On PCH, quiet M/F Ref $350 Incl 2 bdrm. 1 ba. gar apaoe Newporl Beech. Slop by ul 845-2683 Coron• dtl Mar & see 2436 W Coea1 Kitchen prlvlleges. $262 50 673-5254 Hwy, NB A(lt 631· 1400 $250 /mo. utrl pd Ammie 10 ahr 4 br, 3 ba SIPH llllllll 540~7987 Nr OCC COi· hOUM. ColleQO Park, Ir· tege Exec Suites Incl reoept , vine $280/mo + ulll1 Furn rm & bath, S 195 mo 857·1868 ... $ sac·y serv1, cont rm . Clean young male em· kll .. mail handlg. RH· M/F over 3-0 to 1hr my lg ponslve 10 your buslnesa ployed Rel1. 495-9637 CO M •Pl. port furn. needs. Adj 405 Fwy In M/F 18·25 10 share CM Non-1mkr $350 + ulll F.V. lndlv oles Mo/mo duple111: $275 mo Incl utll. 750.9410. 675·3167 ell from $325. 963-11<445. 730-7207 08 549-7094 5PM omoe spece for tease 710 evH M/F over 25 10 ahr 3Br ft. S595tmo Utlls paid. Studio, furn. nr bch tor $320 Incl ulll On Canal air, orouno floor. 1055 El empl'o Non·tmkr Pvl 650-3770 Cl'luck or Janet Camino Of. C.M. 3 blk• E kit, pvt entry $350 Incl of Fairview & Adame ufll. Pool, Iv. tennis. Female 10 1hr 2br. Iba 754-1040. Mr. Tracy. Reh req'd 493--3<490 dbl, Capo Sch, $250 + ullt Gay/91r ok SUBLEASE OFFICE .,,.,, .,,,,, 4100 661-38311 SPACE ANO/OR WARE· ••••••'••••••••••••••• Feni roommate to.,.,, 3Br HOUSE SPACE. 5 min lo WURi •TEL condo, 2Be. non·tmkr, 0 C Airport, 4 offices Wkl~ rental• now avall no pets $220 mo + ,.., plus 800 1.f warehouse w/gari': OOOf. Ally pet1 $ 105 a up Color TV. ulll. 850-3239 Phonee In room. 2274 OI' alt. . footage at t>e· Newport Blvd. CM l1•l•l1 WHI" fJZS lo w going rate . 846-7445 •••••••••••••••••••••• 557-2900 BEACH AREA Fern. needs room. up 10 OFFICE SPACE FOR $200. Npt, H.B. or C.M. area. 980·2758 LEASE. 700 sq fl, exit Newport 100. 646· 7728 $84/wk Working married cple 9am·9pm eeek hse or apt to 9hr. H. 9. office In lndu11rlal Refrlgerator·Mald·Pool NB/CM erH $300 or Nwpt Blvd & Wllaon teas mo 641-9486 center, nr 9eaeh f. Slat· Cotti Mesa 548-9755 er. reaa. reot Cple w/2 chlldrtn need 842--0100 989·1221 Pine Knot Motet on coast 3°<4 br hOuM W/g&I •• CM H""1y, NB Steps lo 10 Dana Pt, early Jan 3 otflce room1. 640 eq tt, oce1n. Wkly rele& (619)27 4·3278 all. 5pm good toe In C.M., pref 845-0440 bkkpg Mrvlce 1276/mo ~!I.~'.!!!.!~~! 1.~!! 548-9&43 4R!~~~~. ~~~~It-E/Sldt C.M. Cleen egl on * IAYHllT lfflOI cheflettM, ph~. meld pvt •m· ·~ t•m •lor· 270 aq II In Npt Bch, Hrvlce, Z channel mo· age, s . 87 -3600 Immediate ocoug•noy. vi ... SANDPIPER MO· 180/mo 2884 l.•Salla, lat and tut $4 O g•r TEI., 1(187 Newp<>rt Blvd. Co1ta MetA mo. 7 14/875·90 7, CM fl.46·9137. Aft 5;00, 957-~740 213/493-3728 . V•tall•• ,,.,,,, 4Z$0 EXEC offloH/specel L;;g~··019··9;:;·c:.-;.~· Ollln •••l•I fflO S 1351 S326/mo. Ste .....•.....•.....•.•.. X•rox. Rtoep avall Pool Ttbi.. colOI' TV. 2 Sher• b .. ullful PCH OI· 191-8091 frpl'a. Sl••Pa 14 11<11645-6918. flee. MIWlntr'• Mj arn ATTORNEYS • PROFES· t31·778e CONOO·IUH VALLEY &IONALS • Lg grO\lnd nt Q;j OAEEN cMfl ~ 2 ttory. 2 8'. 2 Otf!CH 111a11 wtwtndow .... 8teepe 6-1 COMforl· for WHIT! t1epl'lant1 vlewt. FULL U A\llCf •bl•. 115/dey C all with a Cletalllecl Ad Nr OC Alrl)Oft. leaeln{I 857·124<1 Cell '42·5818 (7 \A) 752·223'4 ' f EL ClRICIAN Prlceu Ulllllll W&ml UGll I HAUi.iNC.. right. 11•• .. 11m11u on Mowing d<Jg1n11. 1111100 f. ClCAN·UPS •u•o• O• emall IOb• 1we11p111% r1a11 e111 f ,..., ... , 04' 2G!l1 llC 31111621 673 0350 ma101 ~ bl:JJ HAULINO f. Cl.t~N UPS Cl[CTRICIAN CALL AICllAAO th•1t•l l11rit11 Sml JOO•IRet:111lra LI<; ilfltr 8'11001, (157·0 n I •..................... 233108 C·10 648·5203 NIGtll SlAH SKY ~'. .. '!!~ .............. --TOP OUALITY WORK 011 you• ce111no l'•oclly AT REAS. AATES polntaCI In color• lhal 24 In H 141·1121 Uc'd Joel 547-4425 glow In mo uerk 1 rumoc•·POOl·wote1 holl -------Wiii do Olher special~)' eleclronlc lgn serv ulC R.(810/COMM'L/IND. )obt elect , plumbtn?. -20 yrs Do my own work l'lllnOng, etc 661·287 B••• C111 S.tdtt Lie 27804 1 Al 64&-8126 -•..•..........•..•.... ------H••'r.••• Wiii c11ro tor ioor ambull· !!!~!~'.l.F!!t ........ • • •• • • • • •• ••• • •• • • • • • 1 tory .,d., w lie you work P11nung • Corpon1ry or vacation my C M For mlct Topi • ol 1all Ceramic Tiie Ltc'd & I home 545-4 ise kinda P1omp1 • Reuoo· Bonded 6<44·4798 tvOI ---abte COSI 642·9125, --HH1Hl1HI• 642·2741 HOME CARE-REPAIR. •••••••••••••'•••••••• pa1n1. yard Free haul ROBIN'S CLEANING ,.,.;,.,, ••li•i•• Free esl 7!>1·4348 Service • a lhoroogllly •...•.......•........• clean house 640.()857 CUSTOM REFINISHING **•WIND DAMAGE? -Furn. & Kii. Cabinets Ropalrs/Aemod No Job HOUSECLEANING Good STEVE 675·2363 100 small Fast eervlce. refs. Transpotlatlon E•· Freo est. Keith 646·4872 per'd. 979.9755, ~f!!.'.'!!~ •••••••••••• ---E•p'd In ell home repairs Housecleonlng, rellabll! TREES Rea1. No fob 100 Smtsll rel Own trtsnsp RHs. Topped/removed Cleun Brian 650-3099 evet VOi.ANDA 642-0405 up, lawn renov 751·3476 IPUILE PLHn ~~~!~.._ .•••.•........ Cleantn~ Service Cle n· Cleon vps ·Trimming DUMP JOBS llness I next lo GoClll-Sprinklers • Malnl & Small Moving Jobs ness 642·8809 Free est 642-2657 Call MIKE 846-1391 HOUSECLEANIN~ JAPA•EIE llRIEIEll HAULING-GRADING Honest & Oopendable 939.5035 demollllon, clean-up. Brenda 9G2·2690 Landscaping-Yd Ctnups Concre1e & tree removal Let Shelley clean.up tor Tree trlm/remov.Malnl Quick 118<V. 642-7638 th• Holidays Relleble. Irrigation Jim 851·0129 --011p 'd . own trans HAULING·SIUdenl wllge 646·5853 OarClenlng-lndscpe main•. truok, 1ame to role•. tree work commllndust, Thank you 759·1976 Find whol Jou wont tn Chuck Nowtln 642·2873 John Dally Pilot lesslfleds Ollitt ... ,.i 4400 A••H•t1•••I•/ £•11 I r, .. , S300 .•..•................. l•n•••I•/ . ........•...•........ · IOo PRllE LOCI Founo Pit Bull Dog. mate. "''' ,, .. , tan, vie: 17th & Newpott, 360-1160 plus s.I Avetl. ..•••••••••.....•..... C M 963·4421 lmmed. Only 804 pr s.I. £111 I F•HI S300 ,,,,,.,,, S3SO <174 E. 17th SI, CM. Agl ....•.•..•.•.......... 5'atr lck Tenore . . ..•.......•.......... 631-1266 HCIRTS IEHH FOUND ADS Ellpr only 642-4780 Shr N.B. furn. e111ec. ollloe, nr airport, pvt outside ARE FREE Lllll I YICll'I enl, sec'I serv. avall. $100 mo. 857·6363 PHOTO MODELS 1.,1.,,, l1•t•I ffSO Call: ESCORTS/DANCERS OUT CALL 24 HRS •......•.............. 111-0201 Retail SIOl'e et 2650 Avon. 142-Hll 1665 1q. fl. plus 8 car garage. 641·8777 *** CISTA MEil Lott. GolClon Retriever, Atlantis Parlor 300 sq. It. 10 2600 sq. It vie BrookhurSI & Bu· anard, fV $50 Reward Open 24 hrs a day 75& pet sq tt. & up Call 968·1986 7 d•y• a week Realonomlcs. Corp Jacuzzi, Seunt Locals 1175-6700 ·REWAH· as well as Tourists c ••• ,,e;,1 1011 lam bird, bl• & gold BankAmerlcarCI. Amor· macaw parrot. vicinity lean Ellpreas. Diners All ... ,.16 ff 1S Hunt Beach 540-0146/ welcome 714/645-3433. ..............•••.•... 557-3977. 2112 Harbor 81 CM • 550 sq It $550/mo Xtn1 -for P.O Box's. Coast lHt lltili·TH Custom Fantasy Phone Hwy/Newport Shores Female, wl'llte and Conversation wllh Barbel IOC. 6411·8844 * brown 12/11 West New· MCIVISA 24 hrs Share Industrial space potl Brown leall'ler col· Call 638--0101 &10< otflee, nr Beach & lar Reward SPIRITUAL READINGS Slater. H B Reis. Price 548-6164 Advice In all mailers, neg 642--0100, 969-1221 Loil F Spr~er Spaniel. love, marrt•o• & busl· .IOc 1101 LOCI 7 mos Bal enln D1ea neu Also counseling Substlnllal rewarot 1815 So El Camino Real, 1512 1.1 ., only 80411 181 673-1105, 660-1020 Sen Clem 492·7296 floe< of 47<4 E. 17th s1 - CM. Agl, Patrick TenOl'e Found Lg Garman She· FAMOUS CIRCUS 631-1266 pl'lerCI, vie Brlstol by Cele C M No COiiar '•'••lri.J 540-1<17 I Maximus ,,.,.i fSOO Lost· Golden Retrle'ler MDSaage Parlor Gor· ...........•...••..... mhc, nr Stater Bro1. C M $750 up 2160 ft lndu· ~eous girls to aerve you llrfal • Otflee 1810 I Re-648·9029 pen from 10 AM until 4 dondo CJrcle. P & T REWARI AM 7 otys 1 weef\ Free Huntington. Beach bullet 719 No Harbor Loll Ladles cha1m bra. Blvd, Fullerton 842-2834 celel, Bullock's Santa, l14-llO·t112 1100 DQ tt otfk;e & ware-sent1men1111 value Al.L MAJO& CREDIT hOuM. xlnt loc. So. s A 11714·731·1328 1648 Minnie St Close IO CARDS A EPlEO Lost Algan Hound, le-55/405 lrwys Reas mate, blond Dana Polnl EIGHTS I IHllS 646-7512 498·2195, 495·3182 24 h<>Yra • call 835-9199 3200 sq fl 1noustrta1 space. a1.t1omollve OK, foond, CdM, 1 lkl boot. R~dotph St., C.M R~· Bring match, and you EICITlll may have 675~1331 Cla, er or 00<oon. 548· 185 655·8451 eve MODELS ll•t•fl 4SSO Loll. Mala Neut Ce1, Whl •... ~ .. •• • •• •••• •• • • • • .• • • • • ~ Slarn. red ea11. Lut seen Storege Space 12 x 18 12•8 Meu del Mar Re-36" dOOf $70/mo plus · Touch* S 7 0 s • c . d e Po s II ward 546-43119 673-4154. Nowport Beach 1.,1.,11/ln11t/ fi•Htl ........•.•.•••.•..... .. ,; .. ,, ... '-'r.!!~~l!l ... 1.'!! famlty Marking/ Manag• ment expanding. If Inter· e11ed In serious extra Income call 848-833 1 for appl. No rtskll TR.AVEL AGENCY 25· 75V. ownennlp avell. 720.0771 $49 MAKES YOU A Yurik• food dtSlrlbulor Many ereu. 554-9527 ~!~!l'.!~.~! .. 1.~~! R.E LOANS. 1Sl·3rd, 90%. comm't, con11r Feat funding. 643-1645 llELPlllU 11 on the way for your money problems. Lowest rllea, Interest and coat. let, 2nd, 3rd TD'e. Call on our experls al no cost. Ray 857-1422 !!~!l' .. tf f~.'!!. .. 1.~~f Bullder wtll r-9urn $39,000 In 1 yr for '30,000. s .. cured by 1et TO 548-4411() ••iJ!:I."' ,,,,, I $035 ······•·····•········· 1.1. um11 • .,,!81' ....... Special zing tn 1et & 2n<S TO'a alnce 1949 Robt Selller NH/CM R.E Broker Bd Reeltore 842·2171 6<15--0811 WIDOW HAS W fOt TO'• RE LOtl\I, 10K Up No Credit Check, No Ptn· alt~. Dtnnlt0n f. AllOC 87 .7311 142,114 21t4 Tl Out 3 v-ara Home on M 101. 90•100. located on Wiiton A .... Co••• M ... Eltcetl.,,1 paY.or. 71<1·912·1"4 -Jl~ I YUi '11U S80,000 15% 3 yr note I 2nd TO l*!lnd '711.000 8 of A 1 .. on11 S150,000 vacation horn• In tht Trlnl:r.,. A~t Per:x,&7&o f'l'O. '°' ...... (114)2.C0.11U W'll~ l8 t9)72t·30411 ml nd Found Golden Rel1lever, Beaulllul model• 10< the yng M . grn bandana, vie discumln111no who love 22/Sanla Ana 645-1700 1ne "ootden tOUGh" Found Fem Doberman Dark brown w/llghter Open 7 Dayt 11 Wffk IJ1-HH brn markings 6<42-8068 Found Calleo eel. East· 1885 PARK. CM 1k!o Coate Mesa.. Call 10 VISA MC Identify 548·5715 Found: Blk M . Lab. *T'S llllT llln * Brookhutsl & Victoria, 24 hr Oulcttll Maf CIC't Rod bandana. Call aft 3, 669-8914 964·6867 ---•KRIS KRINGLE* Found. Labrador, vie In petlOl'I Maj C/C's Mesa Verde 669-8913, 669-8912 &e2-2138 T-llllRY'I Found blacit puppy, tan & Go-Go glrla (to go) while markings 51b fe 689·891• VIC M•tr-11• & Avery CLASSY 1.ADIES 831-172 Found blk/Whlte klllen w/ ESCORTS big fuzzy tall 11110 DANCERS/MODEi.$ ortnge/blk tabby cat Vic 142-4ll0 Unlverelly Or & Irvine C M 548-4908 WANTED • French con· veraatlon with ttuenl HWARI person lo achieve lluen· Lo11· 1tpht brown male cy. Call Berry, 840-690~ Pit Bui vie Pomona & Wiiton Cr of pad eors. EXOTIC DANCERS 730·720 da. ev Bachelor/Btcheloretle 549.7094 perry eotertalnmtnt 738·8538 5511-8538 Found lrtah Setter vtc Wiiton 4 Harbor Male ,,, ... .i 730-7207 8.30AM·S ""''" S3H Found Siiky Tetrret, ...................... VIC Coeat Hwy. HB. 873-9552 lllYllt SHVlCE You don't need a gun 10 Personal, quallfled c:triv-"draw faat" when you era. ell need• met Ors. place an ad In the Dally appts, ahoppln(I, •Ir· Piiot Want Adil Call now ports, etc. 9y hour or I 842·5878 day ,,,,. .. , 414.5957 759. 1731 i.m111 '"' ...••.•..•••.......... Stress mu""fl""'"'"' i I q",.'I ofe Ve~qu e 2J.C. Signs For Stress Include Heorlaches Ft11lg11r> /u/tobl/lly Bocl< ochns U-.tnR ~l·nlll' monlpulattw• th<.'rnpy &c 1c nutritional c..'Qut\~·llng (714) 553·8236 4121 We.1terty Pl., Ste 118 Newport Beach, Ca. 12680 ... . 0111)' IJOuH? Call MHn STAA\llNQ COllCOC tD 8 PLASTEAINO ... Pllll.llt Jttan "I Huie Dirt CTUO[NTS MOVING ~I Pll'1* lnl/ex1 Oon'I rt·•OOI, 1~111 11 -114fl•llll58 fY .. CO Lie T124 436 RealUGCOI 1145·82&8 ft11Cllot1 of S$ II 1·2800 ~~~!!!~'!!~I ......... : l1111Urtid 64 I ·8427 PlASTCR PATCHING WATCH US Gf.\OWI AOOflNO ACPAIR5 RHIUCCOt tnt/eltl 30 Srntll Job• OK F roe BUSINlSSMAN Will Yll Noll PM.II 545-2(177 r~1~1!~1. ............. 1111mate• Cell 1 om or HOUS(SIT (dUCatt<l Cnuek, 6-42~392 & CIPOblO 547.3524 NORD PLASTERING Piii PAllTIH tnllnt AMIUCG09 bl Rlchnro Sinor Lie --~~J ~!~~~~~!~I ...••••.•• Block w•ll• 58fl..4892 2 08H 14 yra ol IJuppy lttpH,/flt• Cu11om Dock• M11sonry 1oc111 cu11om11r1 r1~!!~!~1. ••....•..•.. L~ •112>1 & Patio Cove11 no .. Think yoo. 63 Hl410 549,9213 Froo est Geno 539-4078 PAINTERNl'EOS 241u El ;.· 141· 1121 40 II I W01tthelltll $226 ,,,,,,,,,,, ,.,.,,,, ro1a1 lrllCI aorv. 1and1SG1pe, WORKI 30 yrl exp, lnll II noymon. cement, mo ext Ac:ouellc ceU1ng' lie ~'!~~~!!~~'. .......... . ...........•.....•.•• PROF~SSIONAL tonry 2!. yrt 636 091<1 366780 Free HllmllH Dnvl1 Painting 847·8432 AC R.AINOUT'TER SECRET ARIAL SERVICE •• ,.,, ... t, Bonded-~n1-Uc 83<44711<4 754-6364 ...................... Bal l•le Painting -Starr Properly StlrvlCel Spec rates S75 pr dey Fr .. Ml. 1·524·5824 ~·Al.N!!!~!!~,! ... Malntenence ee1v1ces plu1 material$ 673·5379 ~!!f~!!~i~I ........... DRESSMAKER f. avallebla Pelnllng, plumbing. rooting, con· Lowest rate51 Prompl, J D Horn Rel1nilhlng FASHION DESIGNER crele Remodelln~, etc neat prolesa1onal8 15 Anllquea. kll. c11blne11. Reuonabte 11<48-8447 ---Roas rates 64 -7767 yra exp 636-7149 fine pelnllng. 645--0664 ''" '-"'" -AM only 548°447 I PM llALPl'I PAllTlll ~!!'!~!!!~11.~~r.!! ... ....•••.•..••......... -SS lOW RA TES SS ~~!!~!l ••.....•...... Low rotes, lie. 536·9898 Tree trlm/remov. clean BRICKWORK. Smoll jobs. MOBILE HOMES MnlotLHI MIT'S uP•. mowing 554-7017 fllewµort, Cotll Musa. 30 yrs exp Free eat Dyl V'Home repatr/Remod. T.8.'!.'!~~ ••••••••••••• IMne. Reis 575.3175 971·0824, evs 631·5943 vF1x.11 Servioe Custom Brlek-Stone r!~~;!'~ ••••••••••.•• •Carpentry •Plumbing Motl 1Ub~t1, K· 14 Block·Concrete·Slucco •Elec •Fin C81pentry Day/eve & S12/hr Farll'ling Interior Oe5~n •Ota.Mo4dlngs-Cablne11 Mr. M0<gan 645-5176 Reis. free est 649-9492 HANGlNG/STRIPPI G •Shelving •Faooels to !!~~~!.~!~~!~r ..... ~~!!~t ............... VrSlll·MC Scoll 645·9325 gar dOOf 1prlngs Big or -amall -we do II •Ill Fest. WE WASH WINDOWS ,,,;, C1re11 •A· 1 MOYlll* elllcienl service 20 yr1 Fut • Protesalonat Top quollly 25 yr uu .............•.••••... up. 8352651 951·6067 Ovallly won< guatanleed CUSTOM wood potlo Compe111lve rates covers, redwood Clocks & Free eetlmate 848·7391 No overtime 730-1353 fences. Randy 64 1·0622 ~!!.'!~I. .......•...... ---Thlnklnfi ol a new homo .ABC MOVING· Bu(iflr meets seller-with on Huber Rooling·all tyre•· tor spr ng? See the many Quick. Careful Service e lectlve classllred ad. New-recover·dec e llstlngs In today's classl· We do pecking 552.04 10 642·5678 L.lc 11411802 6<18·9734 fled eolumna. 642·5678 f!'!.f!!~!~! •••••••••• !~'1. .Vf !!'.'!. .... !.'. '!! !~'l..Vf !!~'!. .... !.{!f ~!!I..'!~'.'!. .... !!.'!': Jli1 WHIH 1015 ClllllE HIP JOH LOW ON SKILLS/ HIGH Sates $3K month. Be Sllm, . •••••................ All OCcupauons ON MOTl\IATION II you gain SSS. Need Supv pll. Young married man wlll Available can type, clean, press, Appl. 857-8724 do general handy work. Great Income oppotlun· drive, & want 10 grow Call eves & wkend•. with our Co. Conlacl Sales 972-9525. ask for Biii I I y F o·r lnlo Lynn alt 5 only 957·2500. FITNESS ORIENTED 3121888·4347 Elli C-70 CM f\On-smkra only. 10 dlalrlbule the new Need help wllh your Fee for Directory. Eur opean eflorlless Christmas Part1'. Allracl Dental Mall clerk IOI' private mall exercise machine. Com· energe1lc. cot. om needs Experienced R.D A center. Ener~llc person minion•. 8'40·2420 money tor scnoo1. Wiii do needed for Orthodonllc w/car Dys on-Fri Ap· anything within rees. Call practice In Mission Viejo ply In porson. 2813 unnuY answer ad no 564.• Area 830-3703 NewpO<I Bl, NB Typing. 1hor11-ano. Ille 642·4300, 24 hrs • DESK CLE~K for resort bookkeeping & payroll. Baby sitting wanted In hotel Exp req. Start Im· M1J1agemen1 Nonsmoiler Real es1111e Crestview & fV area med, good benefits AP· .............. development. Salary 842-6741 open. Send reaume to ply In person al 34862 So lc•t. TraiHll Ad • 1022. Dally Piiot, '!!.'I.!'!~!~'!. .... !.'. 'ff Coast Hwy. Cep1111reno Box 1560, Colla Mesa Bch <496-6656. .. , •• , .. , 01tfff 92628. lCCT'I lllllER Start your new career on DISTRIBUTORS our 3rd shift, earning SA. II you are a hlghly moll· FOR YUKRIKA FOODS. Up to $4 50 as you be-vateCI. pro1ec1 oriented ORANGE CO. 554·9~7 come more exp·d. You uoanuY 1.1. lndtvlClu•I with eotld Oomesltc wltl be promoted 10 Secrelarl•I position In hands-on eccounllng e111· Full-time live-In a11en· mgm1 & supervisory le-active Newporl Center petlence, I would tll~e to oanl for children Musi vels. Call: 714·537-4840. Realtor's office Front discuss a position 111 an ti. non·smokor end wll· Interviews held every otflce poalllon requires Accoonllng Manager for good telephone voice Ung to travel cx:ceslon&I· Wed. 6·7 pm at 111 Del en 8 mllllon dollar com· typing. ehorthend & ap- pany In the International ty. Cell Belly, 851-9388 Mar, Costa Mosa E O. pearance. Real Htate freight business Drop oll for Interview. E experience helpful bul a resume. Including sa· llllVEllS IEEIEI not essenllal Prefer loca• lary requirements, Bl No Experience Req MHIHIH Waltd realdent. For lntervle"" Sutle 300, 7777 Center Make up 10 $13/hr Fabulous working condl· call Mia. DIJhl Ave. Huntington Beach, Starttng pay. Full/Perl lions No exper nee. We ..... , I. T iyter C.. 92647 The position 11 train, we achool CIRCUS 1mmec:11a1ely available lime avatl in our pub MA.XIMUS. 719 No. Har· Realtors 644-4910 Call today for eppl. Acct• payable person, 537-2880 KING cng t>or. FUiierton 87<>-6192 IEO'Y/UIC expe<, wt some bkkp'g ApQly between 12 and 5 Lumber & data prc><:OS· Enetgellc outgoing female PM. Mon·Sal See Kelty Ftnancial Investment firm sing exp helpful Hunt to deliver belloon bOU· 10< ecluc:.lora. Per$0nne! quet teieorems Mull IECIAIHCS IEtlfl • commun~tlons' dept Sch aree 842·622 1, have own car 760-8768 Can make $13 • $16/hr sec'y Xlnt typ & S/H lOAM·lPM --Experienced Tract Loan llerllng pay Full/Part· req'CI E111oc. 1ecretarlal Adventure Travel time avail In our pub e111.p. o rnust Non-smkr Processor Musi have TOO YOUNG FOR uperllse In FHA/VA Call today tor appt preferred. Call 55:1.0940 537-2880 KING chg processing. )(Int benems, Servera, 5 f' eJCper., pleasant office envirOI'· IEllCll between 3· PM In per· AIRLINES? ? ? ment Call Tracy eon, Bob Bums Reslau· 714/730.()671 Exp Back Oflioe. PIT or rant 37 Fashion Island. mJll I her) FIT U type Nr Hoag. Im openings lor 10 FOLLOW TNE SUI 646·5073 NB Apply In petson . sharp gals & t:.Y• free lo Work and play Jn Palm trt•••tric lffitt Shipping Clerk needed l0t travel eft mt W S. cl· whlste dlslt1butor UPS lies & resort areas. In· Sprrngs. Les \legaa and 16·20 per wk. Must be up. req'd. Apply In P«· eluding N Y Ct1y. Miami, resorl areas oemon11tal· '*''· ou1going, wntlng lo son 2813 Newport Bl, NB Dallas, New Or1ean1 w/ Ing exciting n-product learn Hunllnglon Beach. unique young buslneas Travel with chaperoned 848·3465 TUCIH group No ••per nee es ~roup. transportation Computer and/or Word urnlshed, return gua· Part time, temporary. neat we provide e 2 week paid ranteed, paid tralnmg appearance. good per· Proeessln8. Min Salary. training p<lflOd. Above S 11/hr. ontact Paul and high earnings Mus1 aonallty In storu ~on· Snyder, 7141979-1955 averoge earnings & be well groomed and 11ra1or1. SS/hr. Newport trans pd. All applk:en11 atert lmmodletely For Beach. Demos Unllmiled. TIUPlllE llLH must be 18 or over . 1n1orv1ew. eau 846·3337. 822-2412 We will lraln No eicperi· sharp, unattached & 11 AM • 4 PM, ask tor enoe ~. Evening ready lor 1mmed em-PUT TIME June Prldgon. work. \lery oasy sell. ploymen1. FOi' Interview, Eves and/or weekends. Gueranleed hourly wage contact Kalle Malleonl al Gu 1111tlon P.R , $6-S 12 RosponSlble tdutts. <Ml' 557-3009. Mon thru Fri, pr hr, PIT Ask for Julie + bonus plan. Call Mr 21, wllh oCl1Slandlng at· Spencer 754-8801. 11am10 5 pm ONLYI 646-5781 tr•ctlve personalities lo work wllh youth (ages Tow truck Clrlvera. PIT. Apart.Ht MH11er General Housekeeping Service footling tor moll-10· 14). Call 2·5PM . MA 11111per . br1no a OMV Mature couple 10 m•n· v11eo aou1t1, full time. 642-4321. e111t 346. prlnl.OUI 300 E. 17th St. age 16 unll bldg qulel M·F 8-2. $4 pe< hr dur· EOE. CM eastslde locatton. e111· Ing training. Trans req perience preferred. Send Cotta Mesa resldenll PUITIO 11111 Typing, 40·60 wpm, Plea· resume to Ad 1' 1066, pref 957-8431. Ope<ttor IOI' mixing res-aant, neat, ef\try level Dally Piiot. P.O Box ln1, colora. Former plas-poettlon . no.,otleble 1560. Costa Men. Ca IEIERAL OFFICE tic or baking mixing OK. wao-a. Send Hand Wfil· 92626.0560. 1537 Monrovia, Newpotl ten reaume to: Lautle No Experience Req Sch Lee, P. O . Bo11 272. Assistant Ins merkellng Make up 10 S 11/hr start· Huntington Beach. CA reps. F&C lie pref Send ino pay full & Patl·tlme REAL ESTATE 928'48 ,...---Resume 10 Ctasslfted ACI positions avall In our S1teaman Need 1 upe-. •887 Dally Pllol, PO pub 537-2880 KING Ctig rlenoecl person In com· WU~HSE Box 1560, Costa Mesa. merclal & lndustrlal real Ce. 92627 Giit Wrapper Needed es1a1e for a auoc:essfvl & No Exp rlence Req Apply In Person BACK MIMI up o $12/hr 11811· Atlanhon BGI s & CFl's • growing firm. STREET. Fashion Island est w0<klng conCll1rons Ing per. Full/Part-11rne exciting l'ew lltld of NB In Newport Beach avall. our pub. Call aviation Wrtte or send today ~1 • appt 537-2880 resum9 to. PO Bo11 282. Good with hands? Need 7 14/646-5051 KING c Bal 111. Ca 92682 Engrevers, wllt train g SALES Nowport Trophy, :1UERS IAIYSITTH 631-4465 Excellent po\enlfal In Need Infant care In my high Income food service Exp need p40 le H.B home. Mon ·Fri ltl• WHtd Industry No experience mak to SH/hr. fl:.111 Refs req. 536-9795 ett. 3 Hop-Slng·s now hlrlnPc all nMl .. will train II you're parl positions evell polltloos Flutf and old, outgoing. have cer, are In our pub Cell today for BABYSITTER WANTED counter. Oellvery driver looklng for PIT work, appt. 637·2880 KING For 2.yr-old boy Pttl/ Pressers for hand Iron· please call 720·0365. chg lull time. Reference• re· Ing Call quired Call 645·0687 494 .. 044 Sales·"News'" all« 5 p.m •lTI-MIWH WOMAN • CtmPHSIO• Hoapllal nll1e, IMng alone In N.B IUITIOIAIS AOOHITS Ill.UR OllP. area. w/e11tra bdrm to 1n1er .. ted In ~u11c1an1 llEOEIYUU Olllll Needs people tor Or boero & care for well· wllh g.,oe l~I 11rlng for Cty. GOOd pey. hrs, be-bel'laved h1ndlcepptd Corporete Otflco, N B new be•uly uton tn .oood MatnemaHc•I a nellll I retirement Wiii school glr1, 3 night• per Nwpl 8ch Comrn or tr1ln 859-5955 wk, non-amoker. Reply Communlcallon Skllt1. rent Call Joyce oys Ule 'tpln~ required ULEI to Ad 103g, Box 1680, 642.()()92. tvs 552·8075 Mu1t • epenoabte, P R. PERSONS NEED· Deity Piiot, Costa Mesa. Ca. 92828 OlllHI INllALn ruponalble, & tell· ED. Magic 111ona la mollvateCI. 2 vr1 e1Cpr In Mandarin looklng for a 1-11111111. restaurant Able (o cool\ I Ruiz 714·6 .. 0·8960, gent. attractive & alncer• ~!~~-~~ ••••••••• Mandarin. CantoneH & X147 pereona to repruent Szechwan II~. 17 50 hr, -them In their prlvele club ~'!!~.~~ •••••••• Hotel In Nwpl Bch. Interview 40 hrl. Coate MtH Maid• nMCleCI for relOrl Furntture, clOlh~ & misc: Send thlt ad and your hottt. Apply In 1*900 II required. Cati for IC)pt. 7 days, 10 AM • 8 PM Aall 128 McAuley, lclorta reeome 10 Job • 13/4092 34882 So COUI Hwy, PO 80IC 15102, LOI Ca.pltttano Beach l or M r . Htlberg Dec 16-19 Ana,••ea. 90015 by Jan 675.()(1()() JANITOR, PIT For S•I· ... tWI .. 24 • 1983 SALES PERSON • Marine ~ Sun. 7 am to. 3·30 pm ..•...•..•............ 4000 Hllarl• W•y. NB Htrdware, up•r prtl. ~'/J."!!'. •••••••• ~f ... , ........ 642·51181 Full time. benefit• Dana Mini com~ttt ~alOf Pt 831·~33 Beautllul oak treadl., L!GAL SECRETARY· n••d•d or • aervlca Oood !tCln~ a dlct•· Ill.II atwlno machine. 3 pc blltln.u. Ex!*i.nc. not ~ "'· I SH. pro• Unique ,_ .. otrflOtle Empire pllltof Mt, floor required, how•~. tyr Mlmp, Englllf\ CNM Mt Ing al 80 :m and t 0 & gen. law ••r>er countert°" wt,ltt punn. etc. 541· 1H2 Set at kty br, 10UO It f9QUfrlld ~r•I for IO.Odly 3 man cation unlla. Wt art 2473 ,Mway Dr, CM, Fo1 nrormatlon. call rm Wm <So aome r~t open!"! an Offlot • .,.... 71 <11991.0253 dutlM w/prlmaJ, .-er• ln9o ...... need ..... 1arlal rwP for r atto-I menagemenl ttlt,1. ...... , .... , .... Tlmt eta.. Hwpt Center IOe 30"' COl'lln'I.. 10091. l• 11. 11111 W 8'4"6292 n~ ... , ..... Call Meny tmeel _,= 6 knock• onen wtttn you Mee •t!uton. Peclflc coleellblea Dl8C HT• uM relUlt·~tll~ Deffy Are you ptannlng a move? Purlflcet on Produc11, !D,"'-IMC Piiot Clt11 fled d• 10 Ctaaelfltd ade """ point .,, 10 ""· 540-0143. '~'a tNCh IM Orlngt Cotti r:" In IM rtOhl dl*tlon -------... W 19"1 ., . CM mttktl find the horn• you Ha\19 eom.thtnO to ... ? Pnon• .. 2.r1• need &42·5178 Cleltlfltd eel• 00 II well 141·7~1 141143& ----·· I -----·----------------------------~ • tor rour 1tlll1ood ,.,, ... , •• °' Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedne1d1y, Oecemb•r 15, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUQH SAVERS Sell your no-longet needed lt•m• for CMh. If It doe1n1t .. 11. we'll run It another 3 day1 FREI. One Item per ad, mu1t be priced. Sorry, no reaJ •tate or commercl1I ad1. Call today tor full detallt . {Moft•NfWd1"•· Wre .._ tlM) 3 "2nAY8 INE8~ CLAS81FIED&642-5678 ~!!! .............. ~ !~.~ ........ ,.f.!f !{'!!.'!~!!.~! ... ~f fr.!!!,l.~ •• "-'f ,,,,,_•1'1••/ .~.u .. • •••...••••••• •.t.J.I. A •• •.t,•.• •• l.•.~!!~ ....... ~.•.t.•1 , ... ,,,, A••.,,_...,,..., A•,.., 11~ ANTIQUE NIGHT Wiii PllllTIH SURFBOARD ... '!!!!!.'! ....... I.'.!! Mutt Hll '13 vw l'Van '"" "; 1111 ._:.:. ... "; ...... ,;;; ;.a.;.;;··m·,. .. ;;; ~~l~ .......... nii SlAND, 150. Bobble. M1gr11tlclent Louie XV 5' 13,ockln Fig thruator, lllU .. A '73 Kawa11kl MICh 111 Good oond. New brlkH, •••••••••••••••••••••• ;mr.•••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••• 7 s 2 • 4 o o o 01nfng room aet, value or lit condltlon. No Ill., Tll 600 New eoo a chamb-catbe, Irena end fldlal• .._...,.. ~Jiiin vw Bug '119. OrNI 11111• ·eo Z28, 350 eog, auto, X3971548·39711 $17,000. ••king $8.000 dings. $140 Of beat oller. ITmf' 1 r a . 1 5 o o 10 b 0 , FM. t0.000 ml on new ~Y--" car but n .. d• aome AM/FM cHs , AIC, ••• MUSICAL CVLINOER OBO. &40-4910. ::~i~~~~rkor 960·2888. Mother tllort of CUh &48-4t50, 842-5049 mtr. ~~~~3 s ..... a«vtc.-LMal~ work 1900 988·6128 trll, Xlnl cond &71< ml TOV, $25. Bobble, DRESSER need• Ill• 10 wetsuit lo '78 Oan-Am 250c;c dltl Tiii DllTIH 1111 anytlnw. 15800 548-7989 1 5 2 -4 0 0 0 9-driwer, l1rg• mirror University Athletic Club lllrt tier 8·yr.-old aon off bllce, good cond, mue1 A•• &Hll•j 1110 •-'77 VW , rtbll eng, tun1I, Cit~rtltl fllO X3971548·3979 155 Ee Inga 873-1857 rnemberthlp, reg. 1900, In 111• aurllng c:ereer. Mll.ISOO. 6'13·1408 ••• .. •••••• ••••••••• • _,., •Int c ond. $3500. ••••••••••••••••••/' ... · v n · He. $700. 644-4655 NMCI tor'Santa to 1 .. v• lift llllYlll 875 0505 641 8718 IEE II FlllTI BEVELLED EDGE PAPER DESK & CHAIR, 1120 undor lht tr ... Call '70 Yarnall• X8 1100, II Alli UPllll A HANDFUL OF 1982 • . . 7 5 2 • 4 0 0 0 Evenings, 673-1857 Indoor/outdoor, 4 per· &42·4300, 24 hra. tr• tOf auto, 404-7754 V SUBSTANTIAL 8AV• •o• YOUI • cond, 4 epd, 7 eeater. lion Of NEW & USEO COMMRL CHfVIOlfT CUTTER, 130. Bobble, Great Condition. 8-drwr CllTIM SP& • n. w. r • d II a 7 8. di .. kit, IO ml, 12500 Of LUllH ... MODELS REMAIN Al UI u• f:i '80 vw Vanagon ....-xii Wo ll•v• • good Mlec- X397/546:3979 SOLID OAK. Coffee. end aon, comp. w/blaoket, ' '78 Honda 750K, t3.000 ~:'!/~~~';.,Jc)';,;~:-INOSI HllTNAIDA. 19000 obo. 554-4222. Chevr0iet1I GOiden Oak rOll top deak, lbl ... wall unite. Com-vac, oov8f'. $1600. fV "'" ml. Kerker. Mull Sell. OAC * '75 5301, auto., aun IW IT I Muat Hll '73 VW Van late 1800'1. Ona of • temp. eota/love aeat Ntl TUU .II.' 1;.,.. "" 11500 obo 842:1384. Lou WOiff 984-8884 roof. (10VK310) Wlm M -... GOOd cond New brlket. kin d. 11695, optional. 1500. O•k w/glHa din. 4)(8', alnt cond., rack & ••••••~••••••••••••••• Honda XL250 ,73 very * '78 3201; Iulo .• sun · •IGUY\'I carbe, trant and radial•. Swlvel chair. 1250 del NI. 5 pc oak bdrm s4oo. c u ea, w/1111 any lamp 26" COior console, new d d 5385iOBO roof. (7008) 1111 ..... 11 c-i llW... .... FM. 20.000 ml on new • .. ')o I 1,,' I• • )• ' r.: \ "1 f • 1 H~l200 S4ll·3l52 Elegant a o ta bed. $1150 964-6170 pix tur,, wlnt cab. xlnt go~ ,.1~o7n•~.. A•,., WulH llH * '79 3201, _. epd .. aun -"'' .,._ mtr.13300 080 972 ..... 9a ___ ... 150 """2-1a23 ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• roof. (9321) &4&.3433 A ••IJuni 1010 " " Autumn Haze Mink Stole ""'""· ·'"' " WE y * ·eo 3201: auto .. •un ,,.,.,,.. ... 174't.";-'.;-;;'.'7'.::-::;-:-:-':":':--:;;".':":·I...:~==:~~~~~ ."Ir: •••••••••••••••••• Crib/youth bed, new mall. 1800. Great ChrlalmH AC/DC PORTABLE 'It •1& 01118 Pl root. (4096) •••••••••••••••••••••• '7 1 Super Beetle, Sun 1114 -· HARBOR AREA bumper pad• & moblle Giii. S.2-6492 eves. RADIO. 120. Bobble. Xlnt cond, wat8f' cooled. TIP llWI 111-1111 WI KL llT Root. Ae-blt eng. new APPLIANCE SERVICE toy 1100. 642-21164 7 5 2. 4 0 0 0 ehalt drive. II llllUllJI c•lnt, new llrH, new ~~r ~=·~:~~ W•Mllreoond .. tt;{. Mu11 Hll laatl Couches. SCRAM-LETS )(397/548-3979 11500. 968-3830 Fii 1111 UIS 208~·::::./na Brlnguaanywrltt.,.,._, raku . xlnt trene, Y (280MMS) appliances. S. 77 chair•. tablaa, lamps, Brand new 19" RCA Color 1980 Suzuki JR 50. Perl .. •• Ill-thOflz.ed Mwoed• dMI 11795. ~5-3903 llLT 12•1• I lft &PPt.WIOEI ptcturee. bede, drMNfl 'NSWERS TV, mu11 Hcrlllce. Call llret motorcycle. Gd -CHOICE INVENTORY & we'll beet ltl Appflee to '11 vw Bua Camper con~ • • Les 957-8l33 &muchmuchmore.Beat ft 882-0722 cond 1200.831-3028 ""111/m&ll VOLUME SALES all 2_.0D'e, 300D'a, vr. Good Eng & Tlr.. Tll.-r ottw tlkee. 556-0177 UnwlM ·Toxin 'll h-.a, lll ftw I 24t0 H.n>or BIVd. & 300TDT'• & 300CD't in Muat See. 12200 Negot. • ... PHI Wasll«·D~r $135 aa. Envoy. Gattie ... ' .. l -COSTA MESA etock only · OAC. ~ 650-4029 -2060 Harbor Blvd. Olehwuhef 1100 I late~lq LMttNh VISIT Ir 1 •I 9000 ml, Jtlnt, lll<e new, 141-4111 · ends 12-20-82. ·ee S COSTA MESA Retrlg. $200 646-58_.8 LOON bacli plllow•~ My brother-In-law Is ~111~•1 11100 obo. &45-4058 141•1411 II I II LAI EI • 1&.1111• quarebac k, New 141-0010 REFRIGERATOR q11u1•17 1fY· ea3r129htone11. ~':1'X.~~1s,~n~~ 1;;,;.i •••••••••t;;; f1al/1111 rraNI 1111 WI llY 1ft mNm uree, "'=-~ro· --------- Like new, troll free. · llO-O .~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••"'•••••••••••••• AuthOflled Mwoedel 873-0188 Joe bfr 4PM 1112 _,.ILIT $155. 893-9060 Bar 110011. ThrM 2e In them. .... Hll.. 12' camper 811•11 · felr IWI .-11•1 8~~1~~ Benz Dealer ••va&JIR Wllll wrought Iron. Pertlmmon WHEEL Chair, H&R gOOd FOR SALE cond. Make ofter. Call """ 1301 Quall Street '78 Convert, Jdnt cond, nu - Firewood-Self pick-up ... , •. Xlnl cond. 1100. condition 175. &42-4144. M-F, 9-5 MBl151.·3415 aft 8, uk '°' Ill Tlllll (l1!~--NEWPORT BEACH tlrM. AM/FM CHI, mu•I Facitor; •Ir cond .. auto-$110.00 per cord S.0-8588 673_28s. •,...-.-Ill t•-NII 16900 675-7772 all matlc trans., pwr. wln-960-0587 Alum. Boat, Valeo U14C Open Sunday • .vv 8. d o w a & m o r e I --11--.---.-,-.-.-1-0--BAKER'S RACK , top WHEELCHAIR.mo1orl1ed Rod holders. locklng Allf lfrrin, 11111 1--------(1DMB443), -quality. approx 7'.~ fl. "AMIGO" almost new comp. le25. 548~381 'AllnHllfl HOO OILY 11111 Call Gery, 549-7386 $150 &42-6492 evee. $ 1 o 5 O w a a S 1 3 5 5 . •••••••••••••••••••••• ELIO. ITIYI HO J,,,.in 1111 673•2654 ... i!,llMI•,• -•• P~~N~ ~· ~Ju~a~'. -=l~.,~!1~~ Hardly uaed. 549-7388 ••••••-'••••••••1••••s••• Be0autllul.,~am~d Cord •• ~:'J!!! ..... ~ 8111842-010019"-1221 lllT llLLU COSTA MESA Emeralds. Rub H. a-rgan ....... to...... Sat•lllte navigation unu,•------------------'74 280 seden. Xlnt. 141-lllO l·E WUIH SIO phlrM, eto. at wholelale ·497-2528 Shipmate RS 5000 w/ Allfl t.I Wt -11111 cond . Evu /wknd• Call Gary, 549-7386 Pr Ice a or be Io w I Met8f'nlty clothes. size 10 opt. heeding lntertac. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Top dollare tor Sporte 549-1514 1111 llllTI CAllLI 14 cu ti refrigerator. new 640--8888 and 12. Page Boy and yr old $1060 (13000 IMPORTANT NOTICE Cars. Bi:'Jl'· Camper•. SllO Oasll ...... ~Ir cond. & full powerl 90 rubber around door ##liafn U11 MotheftlOOd. S3 to $35. new). Plua 1450 flux TO READERS ANO 914'•, A l'a 'IO lerM4et -I day power train warrant- $125. 667-3939 •••••••••••••••••••••• 875-8943 Balboa Isle. gate, compua lnlerlao• ADVERTISERS Aak f()( U/C MGR Aaeume I•••• OAC y. (152JZI). --------Table NW 10" Rockwell. QPI. 673-1093 dys. The price of llama ad· Ml llllH UIU Ill HLY 1•11• Must sell last! Coldapot Never uHd. $250 del. Baby Items tor Hie or vertlMd by vetllcle deal· YtLllWllll 1475.55 •mo. P~ aun .,,.. • • freez8f' 175. Refrlg. 1100. Priv ply ~9-3152 trade all Ilka new .... ,.1 ,.,,,., HfO "'In the vehlele clan!-18711 "-··h Blvd root. Power windows. ·-YI Tll ... E Whlrlpool/dryer 195 •• , __ .,;,....;______ 850-0185 S.5-4328 •• • ••••••••••••••••••• fled advertlelng columns --. 1• Ulm Extra fuel tank. Full caah 1966 Harbor Blvd. $175/both. G.E. w..,_/ llbftu..ttu "" . . '74 Callfomlan, all fiber-doee not Include any •P· HUNTINGTON BEACH ..... -price 118,HO plu• tu COSTA MESA ........ dryer $95ea or 1 175 •••••••••••••••••••••• MIQIC Island, Lido Penln. glua, 10 w/Cttevy Eng II bl II 141·1111 •--...,..~ andllc.da873.-1345,eve 141-taoa 141-.. l 2080HarborBlvd both. Best offer takes. Antique mahogany Prlveta club Membership VenHn Trailer good P ca 1 • tax••.· cen ... ---------4 speed lrane., AM/FM 673-1344 COSTA MESA 556-0177 cablnet-175: bathroom 1 1000, S.2-6492. running cond. 117115. Pvt Iran• er lee•. finance WllTD! stereo tape player with liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 78 Volvo 282C, toecMd. 142-0011 "marble type" link In 1 8,A11 artificial tree. used Party Call 847-58&8 or ~roc~e:r~f :;:it. ~'·i~TvN~).cuatom 1111 ••MSEEL ~-mlleage. 642-70531---------IJl!ftlH Ull door & 2 drawef cabinet once. eleQant red °'na-53&-3008. c.rtttlcallons 01 deeier --,..__ -•••• 'II lattler OL I • •••••••••••••••••••••• plua matching 2 door menta s1SO, S.2-S.92 document1ry prepera-•Y MHI Black, t>eeutlful, .iegan1. •s. Volvo. Good rvnnlnn Alloy wheels. 4 speed, ILISI HT 1&U wilt cabinet & "marble 2 ft .,"IPJACK 1 35 000 mlee. All extru ... caaeette llghl bl e t .. wall •hell all tOf Atari w/4 games hardly 4 -' t on chargu unleu llMll Ill' IM • · cond. 1500, muet Mii. • u • .... , Ontsen, ,..... 1rroo·, tempered glaa• used s 100. Aft 6PM, Twin Votvoa 115.000 othenwlae 1peclfl•d by 2tOO Htll'bor Bt\ld. DHp•r•1•-muat sell. David 650-7573 custom dark blue. 38. 1982 Charle St. C.M. "'°"' door•. Ilk•,_, 873-6850 -.....11 the advertleer. COSTA MESA 7141731-5115 000 ~1~~;~~:500. &4l-03o9 only I SO tor bolh. Call ... 1111 714-833-0817 Boy's Schwinn Varalty 10 &42-0138. llJ1nllHH•• Clall!IC 18' L•P•tr•k• Aa*9n/ J, ...................... , spd. s9~~~~rd. --un--u-L_L_ ... ___ ••• 'Y!~tt!. ..•••.• l.o.!~ g:;~~~-~e~8r· ... ~feJ.'!! ••••••• !!.~ "C~....:" ·~~~:r's~~~•:":\= ~~~!.-.!-! •..... !!.~! Bouque1a of so Helium : · :. . 11H .... "u .. tJlhr UO.U'7 780--0445 -.-,------1-1-4-1 1970 Mark Ill. a bellulllul Schwinn boys Stingray, red, 20" wheels, MX handlebar•. exit cond. Balloone. Per1ect for all HELPlll I need 3 or more Speedater repllca. The WI llY 1971 O.teun 240z. 4 epd. •••••••••••••••••••••• black beauty claaelc. occaalons & hollday1. FOSTORIA NAVARRE mo.telegentconYWtlble CHMlte, towner, xlnt '51 MOAAEPUCA Mull aell . 11000. Oellvered inyt lme. Wine Goblets. Wiii pay ...,., bullll (2018). Wu USED CARS & TRUCKS cond. 13900, 989•5137 Xlnt cond. '4000 842-7500. 673-4419 up to $25 a pl-. $49 SO(). COME IN OR CALL FOR ev.. 84S-t407 DH, 1135 21" GIRL'S BIKE 1-.. -Cout Cou t Club C~l,,~42~-,~~8s4edvaesy1 •• W 111bf.IOO HU ......W, 1118 • • •• !,I!•••••••••••••••• 3-apeed. 125 ,....... n ry ~ "'",., ~-Cormler-oeutto t1natl 1113 • '70 Chellenger 8 cyl 65K 64_._..192 alter 8 p.m. Memberehlp fo r Hie. v v v Theodore Ro na Ford OllYllLO •••••••••••••••••••••• Whl, Flbergl••• repllc• ml. xtra eng & trans l.JUJ.i i!~~2:7s.8851 orliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil n Arnler hwrlftr ~~~~~ef1~· 18211 BEACH BLVD. HAHi •lm'I ~~,~~ v~~\:c:~r. 4~':!.~~ compl. 12200. 546-5591 •111UJI #IJ EISENHOWER Comme-lllllLPlfflU,!.! 6 cyl W1frl ~ 270 outdrlve •--.a ........ .a-.a HUNTINGTON BEACH •Y,EUTllllUlllZll cal, Clauy, Fun Sporle 87S-0800 '72 Chaltenoer, mecnanl· •••••••••••••••••••••• morallve Coln. 1 10. •~ Fu1r canopy and boat -._ 141 ..... l, 14t-1111 Car. 19 400. R lch 1---------1 cally sound, MSO"' best Slldl!!P glus doora. uaort Bobble, mEm cover. Twin fuel tank• 1946 Ford Woody Wa-IULDl91 768~987 'll 11111 Piil Otf8f' S.6-2963 or 7 to e· high. tinted 7 5 2 . 4 o o o Mother ahort of cHh with trailer, exlnt cond. ~. 113,000. Top Dolar .. l'IH ELEGANT, mini cond. '72 Charger, good cond. glus In anodized alum X387 /~8-3979 neec11 alze 10 wettult 10 s.11 or 1rede. eee.-8324 'I Mklng $2500 090. Au t o . I 1 4 8 5 I o I r • freme. B••• otter. 11artner6-yr.-old10nott aslt tort>ennte. 1829FordModelATown Paid · •1·,··,·,··-·••••.:.::=· 714/147-3481 4984313/SS4-7505 M-F 61"1•11. Voice 1ct1vated Phone 1 hi 11 S • d • n I 1 0 O O O -·-2131•"•1•79 .,.. v Mate tape machine. n • •ur ng career. Eteclrlc Boat. 1981, xlnt 87M1e1: ' • Super earl 80 day~ ·-" It.-.. ,., a. ... ~ -'--.. "'~-•ia • .,,.,.. Need tor Santa to leewi oond.13905. e...s.eo15 FM YOUI Cart •rein--. 17 .... XZX). ... -ff!!l et 1#1 IHI ....... • -v-,....,. .,.,. -"" under the tree. Call 1111 llllL I JI•• a SM ' --·-"• _, ---.............. •••••••• ... ~.e!!! .... ~ ::,~~7°d fl rm 17 5 · :.."2~ 2: 1,,...#5 7 8 .... ,,,Jal Plcttup or C«ipe repllca. LIHI .. •rnry 3100~ 8Mctl "!!,u,, 1u ... ~T ~" FJ.'~'l al~~ 90 Canon AE1. SOmacro. H1 ' a... "" Built to taatlng etan-2828 Harbor Btvcf. ·~..,..... iii U ""'6 . • r d tube, zoom. wide ang.le, CARS 1100 TRUCKS 1751 Ftis"eR•v•••,row"" .. ~ darde. (6802, 1042). Coale Mesa 540-5630 9't2•"405 -Fiii 443 W. Bay~. f1=Blraln warrant-~:.~:• new. 155o. ::=.b~a1r11r=d~g~~~ #8!!_~-.... Schoon•~. Cnr1a11!~. ;;~~::O.from 19760 to HIGHEST CASH Imme-!~! ............. !!.ff 2GeO Harbor Blvd. :;:-;:,~ sen:. y. •LY 11111 1-312-931-5337 ext ... u .. nlr -Parade. Whal• wetch. ~ • ..,_..,__Ford ~ f« .,,,.,,, venlcle, Attn: "--111 t975 ,..,. ..... t c~!!A .. ME11SA Ar4';C Bl'own &45-HIJ2"3 ....... 1 POLAROID INSTANT 22398 for ......... direct""' •••••••••••••••••••••• Pantee. etc. 848-4005 ,._,.,,,,. .,.,..,... ,_, ·~· ~· -...... -·-how 1 ·--·en 24 Z1Llllll 111-llT 2GeO Harbor Bl .. C.M. domullo or foreign Spyder. N9w top, tip top --------..... ••t 7C:~~~01g~Bobble. :,', 0 pur ue. Cymbals. Snare Drum, ... ,. "11 "" &42-0010540-8211 551-1285 eng .. 12 .995 080. '77 MGB. nu red paint,•••••••••••••••••••••• 2Ge0Hatbor81Vd. X397/548-3979 a 11 n • w Io r $ 13 0 . •••••'•••••••••••••••• '65 Llncoln Convertlble. SSt-1850 •ft 8pm. top, tires. atereo. xlnl 72 Matador wgn, auto, COSTA MESA ---------BEAUTIFUL Mink coat, 847-3491 Sabol w/ull & o.s. &It 115% reetOfed Muat Mii WllTD ,11 _.12• cond . S4 tOO/otr. P•. a le. pb, small ve. ••J-ltll C..1,•.__ •••• kn. length, Jtlnt qullllty cond. nu paint. Moving ._ 080 .:.~2 7..,,,,. · _._ • 759-1800, 673-4223 look• & runa llke new. -•••• • .'::: ••••••• ~ & cond. C>rk brwn, small Fender Rhodes 73 Key mu at Hll. 1350 obo ~ ·.,.. • """'· Dependable c:.r, 1200. AEO. 11750. Call evs M75/obo. 5~·2079 1 --.6-9-0-,1-,-.y-.-ru-n_a. __ LETTER .QU ALITY _a_.1_1_1_50_._e..._6-_3_8_3_9_ stagemodel.mlntcond. 662-3108 alt Spm. A•k 4WllltlllriNI lfSI 84MIOO 988-1221 875-4908 Oyt976-3130 'Jr..I 1141 1_,L Hll S300 "' S750. call 833·9090 for Jo •••••••••••••••••••••• ' • Fl s • •••••••••••••••••••• ..,,. · PRINTER. Brothef EM-1 Mink Stroller. Gorgeous '75 Cnevy Blazer lift kit 7v at tatlon W•C Opel OT 1970. Silver, 19 •••••••••••••••••••••• S.0-1471 parallel daisy wheel natural ranch w/Sable Ollln htllltut' ,..,,, 11111 big tires. AM/FM ca11: A•,., mr..llM ~J2SC:,57n~ 5 cc. Stlctt $l800 1tll 11111. (2) 11162 Ranchetoa Both 6 prlnte<. u-IBM ribbon. collar. Value 15,000, r.1/-t•I "'' IJNh H10 13200. MS-8078 •••••"• .. •••••••••••• · • • 552-6282 eves Low mlles & VW'f aharpl cyt. 3 epd. Sl.000 t~es Xlnt condition. lnatruc-Uklng 12400. 640-4910 •• ~.~"•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Alla •-tt 1115 Bub 1111 90 day POW9' train war-both tlon manual. 1800. e tr~k 1.,_ player SSO. OIPf l&OllllS BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: '78 OMC Suburban 4 x 4· •••••':I'::••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ltlltit 1150 ranty, (1AOTtM4). ' 645-3411 751-8406. ..... ...,,. B S I Newport Beach: 25', 28', Speclal whMll & Urea. LIAll A 1111 1111 OYM WAHi •••••••••••••••••••••• OILY 11••• Amplifier 120. New R•I~ Moet ::;.~:033 ecr flee. 30'. 35'. 40', & 45'. Call Exit appe•rance. Good ... , .... ...... urlSTER ... ll•tt•n 1150 bow •floe •k•t••· size 842•4 6_.4 lrom 9 _5 cond. CB, cua. rear _,. -11 4 cyllnder, _. epeed tr11ne. ... llllllll ••••••~•••••••••••••• F1tt,. fH 1111 son 125. 759-1288 Brand new exec desk, Mon-Fri. • NII, tube bmpr. $5500. •WDTIIUI 9,?_1d•y8power29UNKtraln war-NllOIE/llll ..... fHI '89 Mercury Monterey. •••••••••••••••••••••• waterlord Cryetal Stem-must sacrifice. Call 840·1261 1211 r-. 'I· ( ). 2080 Hiib« Blvd Run• good.1500 OBO • -••• • UI Ill ware (new) Alina Pal-662-0722 SLIPS AVAIL. Huntington '79 OMC y, ton Pickup NLY 12111 13831 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA . 5_.8·7874 -•-I 3 9 SO Harbour Bay. D a · & .58 plue tax per month Tl•lllll Garden Grove Sweet, affectionate F ~~2r !:"'·.,,. Fran·k •a· OFFICE CHAI.AS recllnlng. 840-55,.5, 848-77118, 8-9 P /1, p/bralcea, auto. tor 48 months on •P· ..... Seniff 141 ... 11 •••I••• HSI puppy needagood home. "" ...,.,.,.. Metal $45. One up-p M , 1 4 o . 4 o 9 7 . Saddle 1antt•. ve. 17,000 pro¥ed credit. Cap ...... ,_ 1 ..... a... •••••••"•••••••••••••• 842-0100 968-1221 Orey Norwegian fur cape, h 66 o 7 is 3 t 9 e 3 . r 9 ed oak 185 714/840-7875 ml. MeSO. 581-8344 c 0 at -$ 12 . 1 oo . oo: 2090 HerbOr Bl'ld. --... '81 Century Lid. all pwr, 1111 FHI 11 .1 1••2••• crulH. ale, wlra whle, lllTlll etloulder lenoth • Boat Sllp avallable tor 40 •--a... t••• realdual-$4872.00: total COITA MESA • ..-••• vtn. top, 17000 or take Frullll1tf UH 175. 644-96e8 Older Oak office dHk. lo es· boat. Nwpt Bell :~-. •••••••••••• ~ of paymenta -113, 142 .. 1. '80811Ttll'ga,Petrolblue. OYefpymta.&45-2898 .. epeedtrana.&astereo •••••••••••••••••••••• Slate Bumper Pool Table perfect Chrlstm•s gift 831-7777 1874 Chevrolet iy. ton 817.78;toatartleue(111 ••• •m•t All I f bl radio wltfl caa .. tte. **I BUY** wttn red ten ijke new w/ 1100. Large Potodex ewnper Spedel plekUC). month payment & Ileen· -opt on•. ow ue ~ HIS (342YZA) accee. l3SO '833-0536 or w 11 o o o 0 a rd a S 1 s . WANTED permanent NB Alf COf'dftlonlng AM/FM M) • 1548.87. ( t 5887). We can helpl Before you book. $24•900· Wiii con-•••••••••••••••••••••• llL f 11111 GOOd used Furnll<ira & 780-8538 . 667-3939 sllp tor my new 42 Uni-•tereo caeaette 'a atlatl>I See ua P«>WI buy. ctleck our unt>eat-~~64~~~ lrade. Prtv Tll LAllEIT 111111 llllLUI Appliances-OR I wlH Mii ntteny Billard llght honey IBM Correcting Setec1rlc :!.t~·,:::1 t::Y u~~ :! Asking 12900/or beet IUlll llNIT1 able Hlecllon. Hvlnga llUITlll 2600 Herbor BIVd. orSELLforYou col0fed.l 250.e33-0538 II. Un1d7e50r•~!!l~e060con-cer . Call collect ~~7:'~!ty~I N==~H and..W:.todayl ~~~t~1p~ oflatemodel,lowmli.-COSTA MESA l&ITtll 1"11111 °' 780-8531 trect. . ~-7021798-0320, 10-8 pm. P,.... kMp trying. • lU.... lllYDllTf all mechanlcal, pro ff. •o• Cadlllaca In Sou-141· 1HI 141-tlll Ul-1111 Franclac:an "Madeira" 8 ltlr "' ... II ,,.,.,., H10 . -S llLIS t ..,. maintained elnce total them Caltromlal See ua I "' n1-1 place Nttlng W/Mrv dll--•••••••••••••••••••••• ·····'·····""·······-Toyota 78 AM1rM ,. WI 1117 2850 Harbor Btvd. OYertleul 1978. Full cover todayl 1tll lllTUI .. ,_ het 1150 833-0538 or Golden Retriever pupplee, ORY STOR'GE reo caaaette. Smell •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA end bra lncl'd. SH 10 Ullll Mu•t ... 1 80 day pow9I' Lea 957-8133 7so:.8531 · :~ .. ~~-blood llnee. n 9;~~r8 •h•ll 12175. II INI .... ,... ....... app'9Clete. SlS.OOO. Call UllWI tr a In warranty Solid Oak LIONEL ELECTRIC TRAIN Monthly boat 1torege, , 26,000 mllee, flllly I08ded between 9 & 12 AM (1EJT6S8). CoHee + 1bl1, wall unit•. SETS New 8110 used AKC Cocker Spanlel pup-eny lllte, 14 hr MCu<l1)', We re II t In the Weet eunroof. gd cond. Like 1111 ~ Wkda. 540-0887 2800 Htll'bor Blvd., llLY 12711 Conlemp eofallove ... 1 engln· .. c~re track plea. Butt. 11 wks old. free leuncNDQ for New & UHd Jeep new. I 13,400 OBO. 1!!11 _,. .69 912 Targa. mint cond.. COSTA MESA 1'1111111 ~-~~:'~~:'~ ~~==~fr~·'~io~~~·:~~ Female ~~5 ~~1e s250. 11.,a1• .... "".., .... • u ~rr-ie.T:-r:~u~ :s~-~4 2d~~-E " • • . ~~.~a~~m-.:C~~g anoys, 11~2 141-1111 .... ••• Elegant sol• bed . A F T 1 0000001nven1or; • MLY ••HI '72 C. de VIiie. lmmac 2080HerborBlvd. 972 merlcan Iyer ra ne IOllAll lllPllM 144-1111 • . '75 Audi Fox. Needs llttle .. '76 814-slMlr With/black. lnelde/ out, blue/ whit• COSTA MESA -4695. from 1920'• and 1930'•· Wonder llller. 6 pupe. ,-b '#Orll. 1 1000 or beet of-1111111111.UG 5 *""' M oot Ladlea u• 1111 9' couch & loveMel, brn/ 648-43211 Both parents at home. RV & eo•r _)\)range"•-,.,, 857-4187 2800 Harbor Blvd. c:r.''u::" : ... cond. :op•c'• 11°y•d;ir·l cReu~lnpeeor--·· gold, 1275. Bobble. FULL LENGTH Top Imports. Wlenerau n Coast _-0 ID 1111 COSTA MESA 17350. Eve 171>-0880 ' · • · '80 Muetang, air. stereo 152 • 4 O O O X 3 9 7 : RABBIT COAT, 1150 Breeding . Sire Sch 3 ORY STOR'GE · ...................... 141-1111 548-5308 caueue. 4 •peed, n-548-3979 or belt otter 645-2698 (VA). Oam hand aetectecl ft Ult -HJ cosu 11u1 '11 TUU '75 Cou-pe de viii•. wire tires. $3550/0BO. Call BEAUTIFUL 8. Henredon by Walter Manin. Gr .. t •-__ ........ 11u1 Mt-IN> Ill•) ~m• '78 Accord LX, maroon, Xlnt cond, lo mt, tobeeco wheel•. e11cetlent cond. 498-7932 tem--ament Oppor1un.. .-.,.... -low ml~, eutornatlc. b n t 123 500 11800. 548-5591 1---------Brealcfront -8' mirrored C RS .. ~ · •~· 11....., '70 Dateun P.U., camper ... -.. 5 .. 00 r me .. • • 'll MUTAll ..V, dining table w/ 8 ltallen H I TMAS lly to obtain the beet. Wet-• ..,. 1 11e11, 0 a r pet k It ..,2....,. ~ -..t 64$-2811, 642-9G21 1982 Clmanon, 8000 ml, S800 FIRM dlelra. Sacrifice al $3000 GIFT IDEAS 1500 plua. Pftvate Party. tvallable atao. 1800/080. 642-8349 '80 HONDA 250XL runa all feet equip, Ille• new complete. Evea 651-113e Beautlful hand p1lnted 831-8283 • AID •lnt. MUST SELLI 1725. '72 t11T • ope, die blu/ blk, oond 111.000 Calt ft 351 Cievetand, Nna gd. Beeutlful Dining Rm Set. ceramic horM. 175. Na-GOLDEN RETRIEVERS UY-WI.Liii '72 Chevy LUY PU. Good ~e-7m =~ 7~ .. ;::.-,~: 5. ee'1.16" . • ., e:r.J1~y wor:..1221 Rectangular. Walnut top. t'~ra-:-'s~~~ t'.:. 'ti S:,.UP1S ·J~t2f'040 IM lad llt ...,, • ~;)85o~ mt. 48W270 '78 CMc. Sun roof. H9w 873-4223 '78 Cad.~ de VIiie. 01,,.,ill, 1151 w /ornately dHlgned Mr. & Mre. Santa 120. n 0-· 111-1111 ll ...... •Ill,... dutdl. r9btt t1llllO, twlea 5 W. •-1111 S3.7 . NPV 176. .. ................... . wrought Iron lega and Sm Santa Ctau ... only Codt 5 Pupa, e wk•. •Pel atoreo. Mu•t M ii •••••• -::1~.····•••••••• Pvt pty. 833·2798 '77 Regency. 4 dr. wire chalre (8). New 12500. 18. 840-8709 eves. Loul-AKC, • Champ Stred .•• .....,.Al--Red, xlnt ooncl, '3200 12100. ,77 ..... _ F'--' lnl tlk wheel• leather Hitt Aakl'.3 $800 obo. D•y• .. Show • Males. 1200. :::e.Ttt-. .. ~........ or beet. l40-6529 875-tses. 175-7424 •lD(AlER IN U.S.A. 40Kml.S549s1:::. 5 5 . 0 o'o m I 13 300: &40-4 10 Carol 10-aoeed Schwinn varllty Wiii keep fOf Chrlelm•. ,,.,,,,.. lltn IJM '11 ..... •74 Cvcc, euto, w/rw m~ tJt.7229 eft lpm. 646-1789 evee Bunlcbedt/Cllptalna bed• glria 24" 1100 Ping C ati afte r 1 P M .••••••••••••••••••••:T A l 3ao Pl PV _, 11800 · _ -El "-~"'--'Lo ml-le lff1 w matching dreuera. p on g 1 ab 1 • 1 3 5 . 751-4953 '81 MOTOMCANE M<>ft-etw!,m. ~ ..g ..,..; ot t>it'ot1. "2.·IMiMI •• Mlntc;;d. &;;";'oot. !!:'••••••••••••••••••• · ~-,.50_., 752-24 04 551-1918 WrOUQtlt 11on Perrot cage EO >Ont =~r. sses I ft bed. 48,000 ml, air 1171 Accord. lvfUOOf, ~-.,..111.1~a-JUr• tenk. rnu•t Hll. 1tlt P•t PtlTf , ATARI game eystem Mint wttll cover. never uaed. atlodla. ra!Md. ~ • _ AIC. to mllH, a 1pd. ...-... al('W1n1-. • .,-110,000/obo 644-1361 or .. t economy! 80 AY NICE yellow e· COfduroy cond. 3 gamH iuo. 24" die x 40" hlgh.195. V•m•ll• R1¥a 50. brand tllell, In new oond. I __ -•• sseoo. 780-l416 .,.. llWn IN HI power treln warranty. couch, ellghtly uHd Oaya 754-0521 eve 636-7M2. MWi7~7!0..:..7 llft 7PM M,M0/080, ee1.n12 We need ~ tredMftt · ~ (1&8CM1) 1100. New furniture · 857-1458 -· H.O. '11 '°'d ::"I becl 1 Cell or,.. OUI UMd oer -'-~ '51 "°'la~ Bentley •·,·-····~~··• NLY ••11• p1e1 r• 1ampe dlnlnQ ml-~ a f!f llH ~~w . Jun. :n.-.-. •••••••••• 1'1.';'; 11 111n1 oond. 111 .• 500. -·-· .. • u • • Petlo furniture new etlll r-• UI G•ner•I 6 Star Moped, ton, w/uttl. bed l"ICllt. ..-1 ... ·-m .. 1 .:t-'!:'":._::: ....... --111• couch ••t • all below · • ••••••••••• ••••••••• 1200 ml Xlnl l300 Firm dual w1111 . dual fuel ,._, Of 1 -~ -_. •-wlloletale coat. Mull In wrepplnge. ~How & OM upright pl•Y9f piano. 7 ......... ..;. · •-•••-1ft 11NNc PIOOIObO Wiii --------..,, I"''' t I ludM tn -,_ ulll Ca ll aft &P M whit• w/umbreila. 1300 man/elec . 1 5200 . ...__., t•nke. •tweo, •le,*· ...,... ...... .facte 1411314 ._.._ 11' .. -Ptnen nc ....,,. 337 a •• "f-LI-"'• 551-e807 11381_...12 .78 PUCH mexl lu•• 111.000 or takeover ~L...ine -.. • • n"r.T.": ............... •vtomatlctrena •air 2080H•botetlld '".,.. "._ ~ "" cl U OO b PW'fntl. &45-2118 3e70 N 01\eny A1'9 ,,_ Ah 99J4 Sa .. l~lWlng C!Ofld, (11C01'11). COSTA MESA Plaid 92" aofe $95. Oom· CHAAMOLOW BBQ Bu-Oak uprlgln, rellnlelled. ;'7~ or 875•1f .. o ' LONG BEACH . Tr.r.l/!!.r.:z ... Z'I.".. ...... .., llHI 141 .. 11 pl. Mt goff ctube ltllr beg tene. double burner Mii new keye, beeut tone • '14 Ford Courier, fOOd (114) •••-ll• '13 t<ermaM Oflle, atnt -.... M•w•• lff. 4 end tablW, LIKE Ignited 1150. 551-8807 ..... ~ah 3. ' 103 IP '•u1eot, rune ;~,~~~.'~,~· !!r ooncl. 1hruout. IHIO .. 1.... -•• _ H-= ~. 1872, 2,000 •no. raCllo. NEW 5-pc dining rm Mt Fetthtr plllowa cleaned, Thom .. Eltetrontc Ofgen well. IHO. -bell ..... 761-1111 -C08TAMtM outomallo. s:,od cond 1195. 11 c.f. frHzer unitized. New Oown· 2 keyboerd• LHlle &&2-7398 '73 Cnev. IA T. rune,grfft, -lllllt'I '72 Ohl• conv.rtfble, xtr• , ... ,. 1111 .._1111 1 "'· 54 •·• 4 t 175. Cott" tabl ... 2. proof ticking lncl'd. eplcre, w/1>enci11, good N .. T... looll• orMt. 11500/obo, lllllT n1e1e, WffY IO ml. rtcllel9. ••'••••••••••••••••••• r.'-r1tt IHI &4M133 642-4870 c on d • I 4 0 5 Io b o . lite• ..-. 1250 or belt 955.9411() 9"t otr. 554-1852 'I 1 Corolla, •Int cones, 1111 -.:u; ••••••••••••• .. • "-· C"' dd k 8'f'"~"""10 .,.... '7t F d Ran-u ' & 15400. MUlt Mii. ''18 l'ury won. pe, pO, VIV'/• na oc cu.tom Full Famlly Member1hlp, "'"'"' otter. 970.o3H or IO!."' ,. on. ...,,. ffB Mt-1173 8« .... t• ttlat le IOededl Of\llM, emlfm, alSeoo riew made rec1. din. rm table, Jolln Wayne Ttnnls N9w Studio Uf)flgllt, Wal· lCLNl CHRISTMAS Oln SOH. 2190 Harbor ~r.'••••••••••••••':l' to day power t19ln ..,. tlr9a, fOOCI cond or 2 lvH, French walnut Club. 8ooll Value 12000. nut, w/bench Aiklng PUCH NEWPORT MOP-ltvd, Trailer Perk, 9P909 '80 AlC'I ale, louver a, r~.-Im r.my. (tUWDGJ. trod•. a 5 8 • o 114 , ~'ii:!'' 11000 . Dy• ..,.forlt50wlllcll 11800 wlll finance EO 33. ""''· i1nted wndwa •• ~ .. ~..-........... •Y !!11 MO-HM 1; eve 780-1901 lnclud•• tran9ftr tee. 142~ • LIKE Nl!W 1350/obo '77 CMYy El Cemlno. Xlnt Selee·l«vlce-l.Melng tutooaee .. etc. Muet ... , CUAN .. VW, enrf, AM/ .... -------- SOFA -7H!Ofl~bedl,Mterth-~1~1.;,~11603 0 • 11 All• lllJ 645-'°h aft 1 running cond, cemptr IY'IV'Q\R\JER S'llOO. •1-M'f3 FM. '1":Moe. -.. 'f!ffllt#d ..... 11.tf 1onea, ,., , ovtng •• • .-.r. •• • •• • • ••• •• •• • a h e 11 • I S 5 0 0 I ob o • rL.11 MOO •74 NC4 rotery. """ 'ti T--11'9 ... tor.-. ..... '' . Even· lfw o.lllnQ fin w/4 tulip Oyneflt boot•, u 12, UMd drew In th• a..3'01 l(llSRJl(t·f\\.m =t, tootle fair , ncl• '11 W 20IO ""'* llwd. A8 ti ..., ..... lnt•.1..!73·1157 or llgllla, "new" l tOO. t MMOnM6. 540·1304 Tne !Ht••~ Delly PllOI Hewi IOfMttllne to .... ? ~,-._,.,,..,..wo ""' wortl,9H-'f662aft Good oonct. l1to0. Cell ~!A .. MllAtl ...._."" 730-0MI tv meo. ~Ad. 642-M17I Ctualflect ad• clO h .,,..., """"-"" ... "t"•.,...., 1 Motl"""""· ~1 -.. 11111•• '" n o11 14:i '<'r8 M5. 551~739. '• ' ' \ . .. . DI~ Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Wednetday, December 15, 1982 • . \ • I MERIT, the 'Enriched Flavor.'c~rette, delivers a taste bonus that comes across loud and dear. You ta'ste it on your first . · dra~ ----# You taste it with every puff you take. Extra taste. That's 'Enriched Flavor~ sinoking. That's MERIT. ' The0 cigarette that · delivers the taste of · leading brands having up to twice the tar. There's nothing halfway about it. MERIT.-We tnade it for you. Nothing ·halfway about it. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. . 1 C Phfllp Morrli Inc. 1982 7 mg "tar:· 0.5 mg nicotine av. par cigarana. FTC Aapon Dac'.81 • I I t THI IRAIGI CIAIT 1:1111 1111111 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY . C A LIFOR NIA 25 CENTS 2 front teeth real gift I or greeter No. I Archer before By STEVE MITCHELL CM"'h Deir .......... If all he wants for Chriatmu la hla two front teeth , Laguna Beach's new greeter got hls wlah early. A brand new aet of upper ivories, courteay of an Art Colony dentis t who would have preferred anonymity for hla yuletime deed. ''The dentilt came up to me on the street and said, 'I think our new greeter should have a full smile'," the greeter said. disolaying a wall-to-wall grin. '1He told me, 'Why don't you come to my office and let me put aome teeth in for you'." "I told him I had no money, but h e said he didn't expect to charge me anythina." The new greeter arrived in Laguna Beach a few months a,o. Like his famous predeceHor, Eiler Larsen, the greeter began waving to motorists and passersby from his "welcome mat" in front of the Laguna VIUaae art.I and craft.I center on South C.OUt Hl1hway. The new p-eeter'• name la No. 1 Unnamed Archer, and, without golna lnt.o great detail, the reason that name i1 on hl1 birth certificate la becaU8e h1a parent.a weren't expecting twins when he and hi1 brother were born 51 yean qo. Finding them1elves 1uddenly with two baby boys and only one name, the Archen labeled the twinl No. 1 Unnamed Archer and No. 2 Unnamed Archer until they could come up with more conventional names. No. 1 called the dentilt's office and made an appointment for 8:30 a .m . last Thuraday. He arrived, the dentist made imprea1lon1 of his teeth and asked No. 1 to return later in the day. "I came back at 2:30 and my teeth were there waiting for me," No. 1 grinned. The greeter said he lost his two front teeth about a year ago. "I wu rualing with aomeone and got kneed In the mouth," he explained, hla Tex.aa ae<."ent just barely di1<.-em.lble. About his surprise Christmas glfl, the greeter said, "I'd just about resolved myself I'd be without them for the rest of my Ufe." There was a time when the greeter could easily have afforded the dental work. Opening hla mouth wide, the greeter displayed two rows of expensive porcelain inlays, gold crowns and cosµy bridgework. "I've spent a fortune on my mouth," he laughed. But that, of course, was back when the greeter was in the money. Back when he owned two beauty parlors in San Diego. Before he discarded his worldly possessions, began preaching abou t love, and arrived In Laguna Beach where he's taken up residence aa the new greeter. "I'll have to say thla la about the nice.t town and the nicest ChrUtmas gift I ever reteived," he aaid, shaking his head. Now . About the mystery dentist. It's Cine for him to be a bit modest about the whole thin&, but you can't stop No. 1 Crom spilling the beans. "You mean ·to tell me the dentist doesn't want hi1 name revealed?" the greeter asked. "I wouldn't dream of t.ellin, everyone it was Dr. Bi 1 Pivaroff," he said, his voice riAing loud enough to make artist.I ln the Laguna Village turn their heads. Then, after a short pause, Laguna's new greeter broke into verse: "He doesn't need the publicity. "He's got it by word of mouth -me. "For e~eryone to see." .,.., .................. No. l Arch er after Newport Boulevard: One long parking lot by 1995? By JODI CADENHEAD o<hDelW .......... Motorists traveling on Newport Boulevard through Costa Mesa in 1995 could find themselves in bumper-to-bumper traffic at speeds that could drop to virtually zero mph. The grim scenario of future traffic conditions along Newport Boulevard ii contained in a still- unreleaaed draft environmental impact statement on the Costa Mesa Freeway (Route 55) prepared by the U.S. Department of 'transportation and the state NB ~rug dealer sent enced A Newport Beach man and former Orange Coast restaurateur has been sentenced to six years in federal prison for his role in a multi-mllllon dollar cocaine smuggling attempt. Charles Michael Anderson, 38, was sentenced Tuesday after being convicted on drug charges following a Los Angeles court trial, said U.S. Attorney Darrell Macintyre. Macintyre said Anderson, who will remain free on a $150,000 appeal bond, confided that he has made up to $4 million ln drug dealings and has stashed the money outskte the country, in a secret location. "We're not even sure what country the money is in," noted Macintyre. Andenon and two others were arrested in early 1980 at John Wayne Airport when their chartered jet out of Miami was met by federal agents and a 1pecially trained police dog from Los Angeles. Macintyre said the dog, (Sff DRUGS, Paae At) Department of Transportation. The report is expected to be officially released in January. A series of public hearings will follow befor e a final recommendation on the future of the Cost.a Mesa Freeway is made sometime next year. The lengthy report, atilt subject to cha.nae, examines the impact of eight alternatives ranging Crom doing nothing to extension of the freeway through the city. A 1979 study cited in the report shows that the averaa~ speed of Newport Boulevard motorist.a wu 27 mph weekdays and 25 mph on weekend. Most motorists travel the 4.75-mlle route from Finley Avenue to Bristol Street in 10 ~ minutes, with the shortest time recorded at seven minutes and tbe longest about 19 minutes. U nothing is done to Newport Boulevard, the report stat.es "it would experieme a substantial breakdown. Speeds can drop to zero." Caltrans officials refused to comment on the report, saying it Thalia m ini-pa rk under way has not been officially released and could be altere d before January. The accident rate for Newport Boulevard between Industrial Way and Bay Street ranks 12th in the atat.e, with 135 accidents reported annually per mile. From Bay Street to Bristol Street the state highway ranked 17th ln the state for accident.a, with 119 accidents reported annually per mile. The annual accident coet per mHe from Bay to Bri1tol was reported at $299,500 and $295, Workman pauses to watch 8urfers orf T halia Street beach in Laguna where a $65,000 mini-park i8 under con11ruction. T he park will include a wood viewing platlorm in11alled on concrete blocks (foreground ) and exlen8ive landscaping. It is expected lo be completed by next month. 'Alf ordabJe· housing' boosts prices in OC By STEVE TRIPOLI · o< ... Delr .......... More low-coat homes ·are available because of Orange County's affordable housing program, but fewer homes in oth er price ranges are on the market and they cost more on ·average, a busine11-sponsored study has concluded. $500,000 holdup reported in Valley 'The year-long study, result.a of which were releued Tuesday, aald the policy which requires developen to price one.quarter of their unit.I in the affordable range has increased boualng pricee .. very roughly" 10 percent over what they would be without it. • Alto, the number of homes available la rou&hlY 2 to 3 percent lem than there would be lf there were no policy, the study said. The Center for the Study of Law Structures at Claremont- McKenna College ln Claremont conducted the stu dy. It was funded by a '45,000 a:rant from the IndUltrial Lacue ol Oranae County, an uaodation of 6!0 lnduatrlal and commerdal finnl which employ more than 100,000 people. A gunman eacaped with more than $500,000 In cash and jewela Tu~ay night ln what may be one of the bigges t holdups in Fountain Valley history. The holdup occurred at the Jntemational Gold and Diamond • Exchange, 18956 Brookhunt"St., police Mid. . s,t. Norm Satterfield UJd the sunman entered the at.ore shortly after 8 p .m. He handcuffed owner Werchen Maldjlan and employee Diane Crafl and locked them In the bathroom. Satterfield said the man ranucked the ufe, .P-J!.~~ about te.ooo ln cuh and ,~.ooo in 1old and Jewelry in a black duffel bee· Satterfield Mid neither of the I victims was hurt but police had to use bolt cutten to remove the handcuffs. Satterfield said the man wu believed to be armed with a .46 caliber automatic handsum. He wu wearing a gray hat. A dark- colored bandana covered hla face. He was in and out of the store about 10 minutes, Satterfield said. The tlmin1 of the lea~ue'a news confenmce c:olncides with hearln11 bein1 conducted by S.tt.erflelc;t said the exchance, Oran1e County 1overnment located in die area of Brook.hunt which, in part, deal with the Street and Garfield Avenue, propoaed p bHe•out of the bouaht and 1old 1old and affordable houain1 pl"Olram. • jewelry. County aupervlaora already He uld police were Upped off have indicated their unan1moUI by a silent alarm but that the. a1reement that the affordable cunman waa aone when they ~ houaln1 pro1ram ahould be arrived. HJI method of eecape la phMed out over the ne.i ~ not known, Satterfield said. yeien. The study ~owed that local housing coet increaaes reflect the trend acroa the nation. They are heavily influenced by inflation and-high interest rat.es. But the affordable housing program a1ao was l8olated as a factor ln the rising cost of homes locally, aald Dr. William Craig Stubblebine, who took part in the atudy. The prosram, which applies to rapidly growing uninco~rated parta of the county, hat • the net effect of reducint the overall atock of housinc below what it would be without thete policies," Stubblebme said. Stubblebine and Dr. Richard Sweeney, who al8o helped wtth the study, aaid that prices would continue to riae faster and houllna will be developed more alowly than it would lf the pr;>1ram waa weakened or phaed out. ti ''Oranp County can choc.e by lt1 law atru cture to have houaing pricee lnereue fatter or llower than the U.S. averaae," Stubbleblne Mid. Sweeney •id the affordable pro1ram hH lncreHed the number of howlee available in the affordable ca...,.-y, but only (lee Ho~o. Pa .. AtT 000 from Industrial to Bay. More than half the accidenta reported were rear-end colliaiona. They generally are asaociated with heavily traveled and congested highways, according to the report. In comparison to other state highways, traffic congestion along Newport Boulevard is "very high" according to the report. A study done in August, 1980, on Newport Boulevard at Bristol found that 73,000 vehicles travel the route per day, with the number increasing by 15 percent in the summer. At Ne wport Boulevard and Pacific Coast Highway the number was 48,000 vehicles per day. A survey of motorists traveling so uthbound at Newport Boulevard and Mesa Drive found that 40 percent w ere headed south to Newport Beach, with the number increasing to 50 percent in summer. Only 3 to 5 percent of the motorists polled were headed west to Huntington Beach. • Balboa shuttle study slated By STEVE MARBLE or .. ....,,... .... A trolley car or shuttle bus that would nm the length of the Balboa Peninsula -long a dream of aome Newport Beach leaders -is garnering new attention. The Newport Beac h City· Council, in an afternoon 8elaion Monday, authorized aeek:inc bida from profemional conaultanll for a broad-bued transit study -an analysis that could cost more than $75,000. City officials conceded they have no idea what sort of people-mover might be suggested in the study. It could be a fixed- rail train, a bus or a streetcar, they said. Some city officials have suggested a park-and-ride p~. for the peninsula. Thought ala> baa been given to making u.se of the old Pacific Electric right-of-way which runs down the middle of Balboa Boulevard, the main roadway on the peninsula. The right-of-way now is med for parking. While aeveral council members have lobbied for a shuttle system on the peninsula and other areas of the city, past experiment.a with shuttles in Newport Beach have fallen short of being a sucee91. In 1974, said city Traffic Engineer Rich Edmonston. "The Harbor Hopper" was system tried during the summer months. It aerved {our areas of New~rt Beach, including the peninllW.a, with school buses. Edmonston said the program was not a financial success. Ironically, he said, the peninaula route was the least U8ed of the four. The Bank of Newport, headquartered in Corona del Mar, operates shuttles from its (See BALBOA, Paae A%) Irvine's H eritage Park pool will re1nain open By GLENN SCOTT Of .... Deir Not ..... The 50-meter pool at Irvine's Heritage Park Aquatics Complex will remain open after January even though the other two pools in the complex have been drained becauae of leaks. Members of the Irvine City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to overturn a decision they made lut month when they agreed to cloee the 50-meter pool and shut down the entire U .2 million facility becauae of increasing mechanical problems. The decision to exempt the 50-meter, Olytnpic-aized pool waa greeted with applauae Tuaday from swimmers, coaches, parent.I and lap swimmers who had lobbied to keep it open. However, continued w.e of the pooJ remains uncertain at •t. Council members said it_1oo would be closed if leaks that crippled the other pooS... a 33-mete r diving pool and a (See POOL. Pal(e Al) ----lllDEI----.. Diners are transported from the 20th century back 10 the hall of King Henry VIII for C hristma1 f ea1te, revelry. and song at UC I rvine. Story on Pa~e Bl. At Your Service Bulletin Board Buainem C.vabde o..&(led Comb Cr'Ollword Delth Notices EdttoriaJ Entertainment Horoecope AM Landen At At 84,B&-7 82 08-11 BIO BIO 06 AUi 88-9 82 B2 Movtea Mutual Funds National Newa Public Notices Sparta Dr.Stetncrohn Stock Marketa Televl8lon Thetcera w .. \her World Newm .. 88-9 86 AS 05.7 01-5 82 87 811 88-9, A2 A3 • i j_l~I * Orange Co11t DAIL '1 PILOT/WednHcJIY, D.aember 15, 1982 NB man to buy brothels A Newpurt ~.ch Inv u1wnt counaelor, ttw objec t of an ongoing police lnV\'9tlgut.lon, hu arranged to buy thrt>r ll'14al brothela In northem N1.-v11djj Sidney Blnder, 5~. reporwdly said he la purchaal ng the bordellos In Winnemucca on behalf of a group or Investors, including one Newport 1W1H:h woman. Binder revealed he Ut buying the brothels for a group of business people who real.lie "this ,La a good busines..'I opportunity." "F.rom what I've seen of the book.a, it looks like they can make aome money," Binder reportedly said. "It looks like they (the brotht>l•) art-prtltltabh• bu1lneuei." Poll~ In Winnemucca rl'poru.id they havt' lnvestignted Bmdt•r and tent1Hivuly upprovt.'tJ the tranHc:tlon but uddt·<.l thut H Binder It not tht• real buyl•r, then the tnv£'!4 tore mu 11 l beo uwesligatA.>d. Binder, a«'Ording to ucx.'Ount:J, would reveal the name of only one invetitor -43-year-old Joan Church of Newport Beach. ond l 'rn l<'Mrod," l"hurch ntporttodly Id, nuttna ahe hu • b u•l t1 c>u d ,. """f' from the Unlwnilty of Plll.lburgh und hu long wuntro to run o brotht•l Bind r, IK't'CJn.llng w reporta, I.I tht< obJl'<'l vi 26 lawtull.I alleging fruud. All of the 1ul1.1 have been rllt•d .,galnat h im ln Oran&l' CQunty Sup<'rlor Court. Th«!t Jnve•lm(>nt ooUNelor ablo ls the sub~t of a mulU·month Investigation by th • Tualln police department for alleged fraudulent business deaUng1, It was reported. The nam~ of the current owner of the three brothels, coincidentally, is Sylvia tickled "Simone" Binder, 61. Church reportedly 11ald she hopes to become the majority partner and move t o Winnemucca to'manage the Simon de Paris, the Villa Joy and the Pussycat bordellos. "I'm thrilled and l'm Two badly injured HOUSING. • • From Page A1 head-on sniashup • in Two Orange County residents suffered massive injuries Tuesday aft.er their cars collided head-on on Santiago Canyon Road in Silverado Canyon, the California Highway Patrol sald. The victims, Robert Hom, 35, of Yorba Linda and Kathryn Hyde, 37, of Silverado Canyon, were taken to West.em Medical Center in Santa Ana after the 5:20 p.m. collision, according to Officer R ick Stevens. "H orn was traveling northbound and Hyd e southbound on Santiago canyon about one mile north of Silverado Canyon Road when for some reason they collided head-on,'' Stevens said. Horn suffered leg fractures and internal injuries, while Hyde sustained multiple injuries to the head, fractures a nd internal injuries. The CHP is looking for anyone who witnessed the accident to s hed some light on its cause, Stevens said. The incident will remain under investigation. POOL ST A YS OPEN . • • 25-yard recreation pool, also show up in corroded feeder pipes of the largest pool. In another a c tion whic h council members said should be seen as related to the pool problems, an eight-point plan was adopted to increase the city' treasury by almost $6 million over five years. The revenue, generated by an assortment of fee increases and cost-cutting measures, would balance a projected five-year deficit. Council members said the new funds are needed as long as residents expect first-class services, such as the aquatics complex. "Every group obviously wants the best.'' noted Councllman David Sills. Sills, as well as other council ONLY 10 SHOPPING OAYS LEfT. IMYeE ! 9iOULO MAKE A LI~ members, warned the swim groups Tuesday that keeping the 50-meter pool in use doesn't end the city's financial quandary over obtaining the projected $1 million to block corrosion in the aluminum-hulled pools and rebuild their plumbing system. A lawsuit aimed at winning repair costs from the pool designers, contractors and subcontracwrs has been pending for more than two years. Sills said another year will pass before the case goes to trial, and appeals could hold up a decision for several more years. Thus, complete repairs lo the complex might be years away if the city recovers repair costs. Council members only frown when asked what happens if the ~ity loses. ~~ tr om Hla11n Dau. Ice Cream lhopp9 ~ ... Coot< "'°'° ))J)9'-Sl'M' c°"·o ~~ c" o;e20 ,.,., 1c...& 11''!>1 '5l ~ l"c.aoi ....... >ov'O IMor." (.A ~I ,, .... 01~1 by lowering the number of homes available for all groups and raising overall prices He said it is not known if the program, by opening up housing opportunities to more lower income people, had increased the number of people in the county who could . realistically consider home ownership. Sweeney called the study's results "n ot unampiguously good or unambiguously bad." Both Sweeney and Stubblebine said the county would have to determine if the affordable program was worth its impact on the rest of the housing market. The study also ci ted "time-consuming and expensive" e nvironmental impact sta tements; requirements that developers also build roads, fire stations and other improvements; increases in permu fees and uncertain approval procedures as factors which increase housing COfits. BALBOA. • • From Page A1 Pacific Coast Highway parking Jot \0 the beach during swruner months. The shuttle was ordered by the state Coastal Commission as a condition for development but remains something of a secret in the beach city. Laguna Beach has the only city-operate d bua eyatem in Orange County. The Laguna system is well-used but does not turn a prof.it. Bob Wynn, Newport Beach city manager. said any peninsula shuttle likely would be operated by the city or the Orange County Tranlit District. He added that the city's consultant will be asked to design a transit plan for the peninsula with the thought in mind that it w o uld be expanded to other areas of the city . Wynn said the study will be financed partially by the city and a developer building on the Balboa Fun Zone property. Riding bearback AP wn,tlolo Don Crandall of the Modified Motorcycle Association roars up to the Los Angeles· Memorial Coliseum with a stuffed bear behind him as part of the g roup's annual Christmas toy run. The three truckloads of gifts, collected for underprivileged children, will be distributed by the alvation Army. Union boss guilty CKJCAGO (AP) -Teamateni union President Roy L . Wllliama and four other men were convicted today of conaptring to bribe a U.S. 11tm.ator. The six-man, alx-woman U.S. Dtatrict Court Jury returned lta verdict at the be£lnning of the fifth day of deliberauona, which luted almoat 27 houn. Aa Judge Prentice H. ManhalJ read the verdicta, Williama aat lmpulively and there wu little r eact.Ion from the other defendant.I or their famllles. On trial with Williama. 67. were Allen Dorfman, 59, a millionaire insurance executive and former consultant to the Teamatera' Central States Penalon Fund; Thomas O'Malley, 46, a pension fund trustee; Andrew Maaaa, 65, a former truatee; and Joseph "Joey the Clown" Lombardo, 53, a reputed Chicago crime syndicate figure. They were accused of conaplracy, int.erst.ate travel w further bribery and wire fraud. The government charged th.at the five conspired to bribe Sen. Howard Cannon, D-Nev., with exclusive righta to buy a prime piece of land in Las Vegas at a reduced price in return for his help in defeating trucking deregulation legislation. Cannon was not charged, and the bill became law with his support. During the course of the two- month trial, the government played about 50 FBI-wireup conversations that represented · the crux of the proeecutors' cue. Jurors reviewed over 30 transcripts of the conversations. County rejects bed tax boost Sleeping in one o f unincorporated Orange County's hot.el or mot.el rooms won't cost any more in 1983, at least not because of action by Orange County government. County supervisors smothered a measure Tuesday that would have raised the county hotel- motel room tax from 6 to 8 percent. Freeway leap fatal to man lncrease of the so-called bed tax would have boosted county revenue by $200,000 a year, according to an analysis of the measure. If passed, county revenues would have increased from $600,000 to $800,000 per year. San Francisco. Both Ventura and Riverside counties levy an 8 percent room tax, according w the county analysis. The tax in Orange County would have increased the price of a hot.el or mot.el room somewhere between :SO cents and $1.50, Following brief discussion of the proposal, supervisors voted unanimously t o def er DRUGS consideration of the tax increase • • • until county government begins From Page A 1 work on ita 1983-84 budget late ' next spring. trained to sniff out drugs, went Several supervisors said timing aft.er several suit.cases containing 3~ pounds of cocaine. of the proposal was poor since A 60-year-old Long Beach man the county is midway through Anderson, a former part owner was killed mst.antly Tuesday the fiscal year. of a Dana Point restaurant, is when he jumped Crom the Bolsa If passed, the 8 percent hot.el-appealing his conviction, Avenue overpass of the San motel room tax would have Maclntyre said. Diego Freeway, according to exceeded the average 7.3 pen.-ent Federal agents have alleged Westminster police. tax charged by other California that AndenK>n is part of a large Sgt. Ear 1 e Graham said cities and counties. illegal drug operation originating Edward D. Wentworth died It also would have exceeded in Colombia. ,_----------------------------_,' of massive injuries. The victim the 6 percent tax levied by the Luis Ferreira, one of the three landed in the cent.er divider of cities of Anaheim, Newport arrested at the airport, is Cons ta/ High cloud•. Coutat tow 52, lnl1nd "5 CoMtal high !le, Inland 72 Wale< eo. ::.:· Light varl1ble wind• tonlglll •nd Thuredey morning ov•r coutal wllw. b41CQmlng _,.ny 8 to 14 knott Thutlday att«noon ••099' norti-t•1Y oYet out« 191and• Wind w•-on. to 3 '"t UTge -1et1y ew.111 3 to 5 r .. t and 5 to 9 fe•t over out•r non,,ern wetera. High 1urf on expoHd w•ll·laclng b••cllH with breakers 8 to 8 IHI end QOCMlooally to 10 reet • f~ .. ·i ... • '• .... '~ •:: U. . suninia~ ~· A atrong 11orm ott ,,,. coast of , :• British COlumbla broughl wintry •' WNtllll< to the Pacific: Nortn-t t1~ 1 Ml'1Y today wltll snow, heavy rain ~ and floodlng In eome ar-. 1 ~ Strong wind a baller•d th• 1:-eout of Washington and Or11gon :.: wttn gu111 around "O mph and ·~ unottlclal r•portl or wind• ov•r Is 100 mpt'I 11 Mount Ashland. Ore 1:-0 Pendleton. Or• .. llael aom• ,,~ lloodlng H heavy rain quickly '0: dratMd off lroHn ground, lh• I~ Hatlonal Weetllll< ~ Mid. t.., Snow plle<I up rapidly In c.ntrat ?:-Washington .. r1y today. :•% Wenatcn.. rep0<1ed 2 lnchM or .~. ,_ enow. t><lnglng 111 1otal to 8 ·~ ~ on the ground. ; '\ Snow alao waa lalllng In ldano 'i" wr.... a wtnl« etorm warning wu I poated for the mountalne througn I • loel9)'. I EIMwh«•. r.irt ~ lloodlng s In non~t Loulalane anCI eorM • lamlllet at Allendal•, n•er ~. -• f«oed to IMYe Jh•lr homM b.eauM of rl1lng .. , .. Ill• Tuetday, the Weatllll< ~aa6d. "CiiliTornia A warning or hlgll eurf pounding tha South•rn C1llfornla eoHt r.m11n1 In •llact unlll lurt111r notio., M)'I the Natlonel WNllW SerAoe. Sh1·fool tldM and b<Mll~ to 10 t..c lllgtl "can cauee eroelon end propert,Y damaoe f« the next f9w deyt.' the WNther 9etVloe 9"d when It luued the warning 111• T\Mdey, Tll• largHt br•lkert were IU •O••I •long WHl•l•olng oeaohff, euoh aa Lagun• 11nd '"' "8CMe, with 6-10 14001 ~-· pteclleted ........... Tiit W .. thtt 8«vlee .. Id lie wsnlna wM prompted by tltOftO .--lrom .,, tmenea "°'"' In .,. Oulf of Allllka. Tha agano.-al10 werned Rough seas c:.ullon by alghl-• wno watell the tmuhlng brNll.,1. El••wher• In South•rn Calllornla, the wuth•r S•rvlce predicted f1lr 1kl" end werm days In LOI Angeles, IXll • chenoe ThUI ~Of.IV Oe<.t•mber 1 6 •for 1om• wind, cloudiness end reln lh~• In Owen• Valley and mount1tn ateu on Th1.1rtday Thurlday highs In Loa Angela ...,. forecut at 72 degr-. With Iowa near 52. Hlg,,a In coaat1I 1reu -• expected from 67 to 73, •nd Iowa from 38 to 48. Mounllln arae hlgha 1ho1.1td reach the 50s. Wit,, IOW8 from 25 to 38. Owens Vati.y tempetaturM m1y reacil eo. with Iowa lrom 25 to 30 . Snow In Ill• mounlllna wa• ••PK1eCI at elaY1tfon1 ol 9.000 •-. with aout'-t wlnC• trom 15 to 30 mpt'I • Hlg,,, In nonllern d91«1a for T,,urao1y -• forecast from 55 to 65. end Iowa from 30 '*8 High• In the low o-1 mey rrom 85 to 75, with lows lrom 8 to 48. Tempe ratures Albeny AlbuqU41rqu• Amarlllo Anchorage A1hev1He Atlante Allantle City Auatln Batllmota Bllllnga Birmingham , Bltmatck 8olM NATION Botton BrowneYllle euna1o Burlington Caaper Chat1ea1on. S.C. Cftat!Mton. W V ChatlOtt•, N C. ~:One Clnclnnlll Ctev9land Columbia, S.C Colum~ OaHaa-FI WOf1h Deyton o.tlver o.a M04ne1 Ht Lo 34 31 44 19 51 2" 31 28 51 33 50 "2 37 34 89 48 39 19 38 24 56 49 22 02 "° 38 "° 35 72 58 43 .. o 35 32 28 13 58 !50 53 40 49 31 32 19 38 38 51 "3 42 41 48 38 46 38 69 39 "6 39 40 ·01 3g 32 N,., ..... w. ,, .... N(.JAA t~. f1q1t ·'' Fronts Cokl .,. Oetrolt Dututh El Puo Faltbanka Fatgo Fl11gat1ll Great F1111 Hert lord H.i.tia Honolulu Houston lndlanepolla Jackeon. Miu. Jackeonvllte Juneau Kan ... City LU V11gaa Ltltle Rock Loulavltte LubbOc:k Mempllll Miami Mil'Naukea Mpl .. St.Peul Nuhvllle NewOrleena New YQfk Norfolk I North Plall• a-City . 0 PhlltcMlpllle PhOenlx Pl1t1burgh Portland, Me. Portland, Or•. Pr~ Rei.lgh Raolci City A.no Rlehmond 39 37 30 19 59 33 17 -07 25 05 "4 09 31 20 37 25 38 15 80 88 64 58 45 43 61 53 62 52 45 39 "' 29 53 35 51 45 52 48 - 58 24 56 52 7" 89 37 34 33 30 53 49 64 81 38 33 48 35 45 15 59 29 fl u 37 25 63 ... 45 3" 28 18 45 ... 39 3S !50 35 36 14 48 32 37 2S SURF RIPDRI ..... ..... luff .... .... .... ...... ... ... "'4 ... ... .,., zuma 3 6 12 2 4 SW Santa Monie• 4 • 12 3 4 WSW ~tBMcn 4 • 12 3 .. WSW '""=-CW!~ 4 1 12 4 I w ~~ fOf hl/flelty Llt11a Chll!OI • the freeway and was not struck B e a c h , Buen a Park and scheduled to go on trial Jan. 11 in • by any vehicles, Graham said. Fullerton. Los Angeles. Charges against the Graham said no reasons we.re Statewide, the room tax ranges third person, Sandra Jane Szabo, due given for the leap. from 6 pereent lo 9.75 percent in were dismissed. I .-.::_~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~_;_~_._~~~- R1tnf3] SnowEzm Showers lllll Flumes(!3 <;1.th<111.••v •• Sall Lake San Antonio Saatti. Shf•.,.._, Slou• Fatt1 St LOUii St Pat•Tampa SI Sta Marte Spoll•ne 1'vr1tru•~ lof*• Tucson lulu W11hlng1on Wichita Bak11<1l'-4d Blythe Eureka Freano ~tll< Lot Angetw Maty1\lllle Monte<ey ~-Oakland PMO Roble9 ~81u" RedwooCI Ctty "'-"" Seer-to Satlnal San 0..00 San franellCO Santi Barberi S1nta Metia Stockton ff\emlal UJll_,.. Tides TODAY • 38 26 67 ... 49 '44 55 52 31 20 '41 39 71 83 32 31 35 31 UH eo. 38 59 32 1~ ~ HI Le 55 39 82 58 !50 53 42 52 28 69 ISO 48 57 81 51 49 53 40 .... 43 53 50 48 32 43 41 57 45 10 41 5() 47 82 3t es I 45 43 70 45 S.Cot)d low • 3:39 p m -0.t Second hlQtl 10:09 p.m. 3.7 "'l"MUflUA Y Feret tow 2.37 '·"' 2 3 Flr1t high I 52 1.1'1'1. I 0 8eConcJ lo'# 4: 14 p m ..0 I 8-ond hiOfl 10·11 pm 3.1 111" Ute 4 48 p.m., rlHI Thllrldl)' "52 • m Moon Mta 5'.12 p m . rlH• Tllurldty 7:51 am. • e ~ ~ e '!"! . e e '!: ~ e e • ...,, ~ e '!"! e e ~ • ..,. :.'"! • ... ~ e e !': ~ ~ '!"! ~ e '!"! :.'"! THE RED PLATE A II .Clll•On thOl Olll'S oaci. 10 1 a•• early Ame,,can l1m11-.s g1.,.n to aomeone """<> dew,.ed tflK'"' P•••M Al ,,,,, hOl•d•y •eo•On r•meMbit• rhe Aed P1at• wMn words 1ut1 aran I enough e e e e ~ ~ e e e ~ e e e e e e :.'"! e e e e e $ $ e • v 9 e EJ •CROW• VISA' HARDWARE e e e e ~ ~ '!"! ~ :.'"! e e e • ..., e e 9 Pair held . ' 1n county '.Bereaved groups form on Coast slaying FULLERTON (AP) -An El Monte man and woman have been ureated In the 1tabbing deaths of an elderly courle killed In thei r quie t Fu l er t on neighborhood, pol.Jce Mid today. Weekly meetings for people who have bee n widowed or are having difficulty coping with a family Ulntm are being held in Corona del Mar and ~Hilla. A group called In Transition meeta from 3 to 5 p.m. Thunday at the Oasis The Huntinaton Beach City (elementary) "School District 1a planning to apply for federal funding for bilingual education Wlder Title vn of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Funds are belna 1<>ught to Ullat non-EncJJah and llmited English prof!cient pupils in achieving EngUah language ~-lf funde d, the money would be ueed to provid~ Senior Citizens Center rn Corona del Mar. Lif e lin es, a second bereavement group sponlOred by Hoepice Orange County, meeta from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday ln the Laguna Federal Savings and Loan Community room ln Laguna Hilla. • bilingual teac h ers a nd claes r o om aid es a nd instructional mate rials required by law. The district i1 seekllg pare nts and community members to aerve on the Title VII Advisory Council and to aasht the distr ic t in developing its application. Interested persona should contact Betty Tolliea, at 968-5729. One of thoee arrested was believed to be acquainted with the vlcUma, Francia Harbltz, 67, and Aileen Roee Harbltz, 68, but Lt. Richard Kvancz 1ald the motive ~aa not immediately known. Richard Delmer Boyer, 25, was arrested about 10 p.m. Tuesday while he was being questioned at the Fullerton police s tation, Kvancz eald. Cynthia Susan Cornwell, 24, waa arrested about 4:30 a .m . today at the home she shared with Boyer, Kvancz said. Both were boo k e d for investigation of murder and Mias Cornwell was also booked for lnveetigatio n of b ei ng an accessory to murder, he said, adding that Boyer was believed to be an acquaintance of the Harbitz family. The murders were discovered Sunday night by the couple's 42-vear-old son, William Harbitz. "SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVE.L CAROUSEL MALL Specials Effective Thru Dec. 24th, 1982 VITAMINS GROCERIES RADIANCE 1SELEllUM GOOD STUFF NATURAL WHOLE GRAIN IRUD 16 OZ. LOAF REG. 1.29 .89 150 MCG 50 TABS REG. 6.95 3.95 S&W OLD FASHIONED 1 RADIANCE 1-COMPLD 10 100 TABS REG. 7.95 4.85 CUllERRY SAUCE .51 ·RADIANCE TIME RELEASE 111•1 OIE HIGH POTENCY . MULTIPLE VITAMIN W/ CiiELA TED MINERALS 80 TABS REG. 9.99 'RADIANCE TIME RELEASE 16 OZ. REG .. 76 S&W OLD FASHIONED CllDIED YAMS 18 OZ. REG .. 79 .59 6.75 S&W VITIMll C COLOSSAL STUFFED QUEEN OLIVES ~ 500 MG WITH ROSE HIPS I 100 TABS REG. 5.75 3.50 10 OZ. GLASS REG. 2.23 1.69 THOMPSON@· The vitamin company. I COMPLETE VITIMll UIE IT Tiii IUICEI PRICE 20% OFF HEALTH & BEAUTY BULK Buy a jar of MiJJ Creek CELASTI!( CREME And get a FREE 1983 Special Edition of 1HE OLD FARMER'S ALMANA<; 'MILL CREEK I EUSTII llDIE •1m1m lllll CllPS WIUIT HALVES RAW ILllllDS' PECll llLYEI 3.11 1.11 2.11 1.11 1 WITH 10,000 l.U. NATURAL 4 95 VITAMIN E 3.4 REG. 8.50 • 1 IPPLE-Clll. · IRAllU . 3.11 .II Come In and register for Ch~latmas Drawing NO )>URCHASE NECESSARY 1 ENTRY PER PERSON Drawing To Be Held Dec. 23 A.M. ~Inners ~eed Not Be Present. ACME SUPREME THOMPSON RADIANCE .lllOEllTll SIPPLEllEITITill VITIMll Retall Value 159.00 PlllUM SIPPUMEITS Retell Value $85.00 Retell Value 150.00 LINDBERG SHELTON LINDBERG vusm P111 IEI TUllD T-llllTI. 90 Day Supply 17 Lb. '20.00 Value Drawing For F1w 8hlrt1 Retall Value 37.95 Lindberg Nutrition Drawing Dec. 23, 1982 ,----------------~---~ I l 1NAME I l 'ADORE8S I I . CITY STATE ZIP I I I i ! ettQNE NO. I L-------------·------J Mon. thru Fri. 9-9 Sat. 9-6 Sun. 9-5 Dec. 18th Closed Dec. 28 ·The Robinsons Gift ADOLFO Soph1s11cated Relaxed Confident That 's her style And Adolfo's. At home. at night, at intimate little get togethers These are the velours she'll love. Cotton/polyester in onyx, 1ade. ivory, sapphire or ruby S·M·.L. $125 JWR Clubhouse, 89 \ • • . Sell seeurlt l es now. Pay taxes later. ln•t•llme nt 8ale o f ee•rltle8.-~ Through an installme nt sale, Bateman Eichle r, For information brochure, please fill out the coupon Hiii Richards offers clie nts the ability to: • Sell ar,preciatcd securities• this year, ' or ca ll (714) 640-1460. " • Lock n today's market price, and No Ont ronncCIC"d with 8"t('man Clc;.hlf'r, tull lltlch.,rd•, • Defer payment of capital gain taxes lncorpom ad IJ 1v1horlz•d I<> rMdrr IH 1dvlc.t' nr 10 to future years. gu.rr"n1ee 1he ••• comequoncH of •nrc tr.,nwctlon. "' In I all fin.anci.111 p~nnlnfi mitten, you ~ou d contvlt your own I •Minimum market value of $200,000. 111 .,dvlwr~ rcflrd na the probl IH con1eqUtonct'J of flt., lnu1.llmen1 \.lie an be • val111~ , .. pl.lnnln~ool i nd -any Ml~ rfptfWnh an lm,,,runt "ep forwtrd In lnvC\IOt 9bllily I·.' . -Ii·. -- \ i I I I I I • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, Decemb9r t &, 1982 NB 81 Dow Jones Final DOWN: 18.73 UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YOllK IAPI -The 1011owl119 HM IMw' the Hew York Stoo. f.llc....,.. "'Ck' -WMfeflll 11\at hive -... IN"~" -dDWn Ille ..-1 -" on r:,rc..-~ .. -. ._,.,., Of VOlllfN NO -"'"-1.-. .... ._ u IWI lllU· -....... -W(tn(99'1 ,.......,., ...... dltttrtn<I --.,,. pttYIOUS <IOllne ll<IC. •nd t-y'l i~"'°· 0#1<.t , -I.Ml Che 1 TrllGPt. ,..._,. " • •h 2 Amit• PIA 10 t n, J MotMEfwl IS" t 1 • ~tt LI• 12 + \It s ,.,,,,.._ " 2\le • .... 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Z1 Clllll'1WCO wt •¥. -_, U 441m Mlllls , .... -"' 2A Gofllfta Alll It"' -11.'l u lmoc;oAm IJ -1 SYMBOLS ~·· Up 12.S VII ._, VII 6J UP U VII 6.J VII 6.1 Up 6.1 VII ~· l)p u Up S.I Up s.7 Up U VII S.3 VP S.I Up S,I Up S.O Up •.• Up •.7 Up 4.6 Up .... Up U Up 4.S Up 4,S Up 4.S Up f,J Up U Pel . Off 1S.0 Oft U.l Off 12.1 Oii IU Oft IU Off 11.1 Ott 11.1 Ofl t.2 Ott •.o °" ... Off ... Oft ... Off .., Oft u °" l.O Off 7.7 Off 1.1 °" 1.S Off 1 •• Off ,,. Ofl , ... Off 7.J Off 7,1 Off 7.1 nft 71 d·New ye1t1y tow. u·N•"' yearly llfill'I l,lni.u 011\e<WIM noted '"" ot 01~•011\ds .,, •nnUll 0111>ut11tn1n11 baMd on lhl 1111 1uar11rly or 11mh annual d1 cl1 •a l1o n jpecutl 0t ealra b oY!denda Of peymenla no1 1ea09n111<1 a. •eou•., 111 o<11n1111ec1 "' the o\IOW•"i! lootnollt a-Also .. 1,. Ot t1l•M b·Annual fall plut •10C-dlYlcJt nd C•LIQuld1t1ng 01v101no >ec:tatecl Ot 11110 1n pt-.ng l t fl'IOtllllt -Oecl111d Ot PllHI l ltlf ttocii dMOMO or 111111 up 1-P..o 11111 ye11, dlVICllnd omottecl. ''''""' Ot no llCllOfl 1911"1 II IH I dtvldltlO nttllng i.-Oecl1rec:r 0t p110 11111 Yff', en iccumultl1v1 I-whll OIVlcletlOt In arrll•t CLOSE:llZ.85 METALS NEW YOAK (API t po1 nonltHO\lt ~N ~IOC11y c~ 11"·T•o,; -•• • poutH:t, v.1 <1tt11n1llon• l ... 19'A·:t3 eet\11 • llOl>lld zai.. 3e-40 -·· • PWnej, ~ Tift M 1116 ..._,_,. Wleli OOMPOeh• II> ~ 71 '*°'11 I ~. H Y ~m&OO l*ll- "'"""'"' i 388 00•1316 00 11oy oun~1. NY GOLD QUOTATIONS .. Tiie ........ ,... S..led world QOICI ~ lodty• ........ •Mar111 tlllAI 1436.2&, Ott '114.16. ......... '"'"'-....... S4'7.60, Ott t11.110. .. ..,. ....._ ..... '435.13, ott •1 u I. ,,...._. ..... '437.oo, ott 11•.oo. ,.. .... ....,_ ..... $43460, off 'S1UO bid, $4'7.60 Mic.Id. H••-• • ""''"" (only de lly quo te) $437.60, ott s 11.llO. ......... (only dilly CIUOI•) "37.60, off 111.tO. ~ ~ (only dally quote) ... 5.~. Of! I 12 49. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK CAP)· Sllft, J p.m. Pf'k e • W Ml C""'9t of tllt llftletl moll 1<11 .. ..... Yon Stet.II Ea"'"... Is-, ........ -lenotlly .. -· I-i 1. ""'91Co I.All.AGO ~ -l/t Wernrc.am 1,a ,5411 31111 • 114 Amer T&T 1 ... ,2'0 to"--11/t llM 1, ... ,JGO '°"" -.... 011.-1 17•.AOO 17--llolo c11r.,,1., m.-u • ~ Merrill L'fft JC.• S. -11/t !'rl-cm 1311,1. M -1-AmEaPf'ftl m.1• M\4 -1'- Elst It-W ,JGO --ti! euon 616.200 ~ -"' Olftlnst tOt,200 o -1111 ~~nc ~= = ·;i "' 5'1118hF11 s..-m JIV. SILVER Hendy end Harman, t 10 126 ~ \roy OUllGI. fl·Nl .. ltsut •·Oeclarld Ot PllC! In preeecllft( 12 mon1111 plut &1ob OtYiOlnCI FPAlcl Ir SIOCk on ptec.d•f\9 12 mon01a. UIUl\1'- U tll valul Ofl 11-do'tldend or ••·<ltallll>Ulfot 0111 • IJ •·E1-cllvtdln01 or tr<·rtonlt y•b.OMOan ano 111M 1n 11111 t ·&llel •n 11;11 C•O·Ct lllCI wd·wi-dlllrlbuted.'Wl•Wllw IU Ut O ••·With Wl rtl n la •w•WllllOlll '""''"" 1dtt·Ea.Oi11t10Ull0n P E rthO TN PrlCI OI a tlOClo la t mul11P11 OI oet·tfl•re Mtn1119a-o«io..cl I>) 01v1c11ng tl'le 111"1 12·montll ..,n1ne1 "911•t tnlo IU I 1111 OrlCI ------------------------------., NAM E I I ADDRESS I . I PHONE I BEHR CUSTOMERS, please give name of Accoun' Execu,lve. ,,I I Maol ;-.,, il llmlnu ·Behler, Hill Rkharcls I I -.... ,... ...... ..__. ____ ..._... I tao NeWport O..• on.. . ......,.,~. CA u. I ~'~ ... , •. ca.r.N , .. ~ 111 ..t -----------------------~-~ . " ,. . . . . ' I