HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-22 - Orange Coast PilotWI ONESOAV . Ol Cl MBl.f~ n 1·111.' Valley recall backers f aJI short Bt PBD. SNBIDBRMAN ................ A J'ountaln Valley parent.' aroup bu come up 1hort by about 700 "cnature8 in ita effort to force an election aimed at ~ thne Fountain Valley 8dMIGI llM'1tct tn.wtees. Charline Jac1er1, election Jupervl1or for the Orange County Re1l1trar of Voters office, eald the Committee Advocattnc Reepon1ible ~ucation, CARE, haa until :S p.m. Jan. 3 to produce enough valid 1!1nature1 for a recall election. For eech of the three trueieea, the committee need• e,004 LltnaturH from rHidenll ~ to vote in the IChool dJltrict. which lncludm malt of Fountain Valley and a 1mall portion of Hundnaton ee.cb. Ttqeted by the committee are nwtee1 Cheryl Norton, Suanne Moore and Roger Bel1en. Jaaen uid the valid mcnawre. alreedy collected for eech trul1ee total ~.382 for No.rton, ~.313 for Moore and ~.343 for Belpn. CARE turned in lta petition.a lut month, and the ttptrar'1 office began a check of each signature. Jaggere aald about 1,200 signatures for ..ch t.ruatee The group already hat colleeted 600 signatures and plant to 1ather about 150 more. were dllqualified becaUM the "8ner' WM not a ... Und voter, did not Nlide within the achool diltrict or for other reuona. CARE 1pokeewoman Janet Schmidt 1aid today the IJ'OUP alrelldy hal collec:ted another 600 aipatu.res and plam to 1ather about 160 more before the Jan. 3 deed.line. "We have all the confidence in the world that we'll get enough llfenaturee," ahe uid. The recall commlttee, which wa1 formed by parentl wbo ~ with diltrict plarw few achOol cloeures and ande level reorpnilation, hal chara-d the three tru1tee1 with financial mi1mana1ement. They have alleaed that dlltrict admlnlltraton have failed to t<omply with 1tate Education Code .c:Uona aovemln8 bulbMm pnctlcel. The truateee and di1trlct ad.m.lnlltraton have denied the ~ev. Schuller to fight tax ruling The Rev. Robert Schuller lntenda to fight to win beck the tax-exempt 1tatua of hia Crystal Cathedral, ••eaed $400,000 ln .taxea by state officia1a wbo uy .lhe church II U9ed for oommen::lal ~· 1 t a t e Bo a r d o f J:quallzation cited the Cry•tal Cathedral's dance clauea, commercial wei&bt-io. meetingl and $80-a -ticket concerti in making the • oent Tueeday. But Schuller, the televi&ion evan9ell1t who built the $18 aUllion glua-paneled church ln Garden Grove, ~ he will get -the tax-exempt abitua beck. "I don't believe we have a ,"he laid, adding that all 1-relildoua activities cited y the boarc:f have been canceled or moved. Schuller, wboae weekly 1ermon1 are carried on the nationally televleed program "Hour of Power," laid activities ' . The ruling said many activities at the church are non-religious and the church failed to provide documents supporting the exemption. labeled as commercial by the board are non-profit eventa and argued that they actually aave the public money. The ruling said many activities at the church are non-religious and the church failed t.o provide documents supporting the exemption. Under atate law, church.ea muat ahow that exempted property is uaed solely for charitable and religious purpoeea. Since the Cry1tal Cathedral opened in 1980 , with an announced OOBt of $18 million, it hu been the 1ite of concert. coetlng up to $60 a ticket and other commercial eventl lpcluding meetings for a diet program, aerobics claaaea, an advertlaing agency and psychological services. Schuller, who spoke Tueaday during a newa conference at the compfex, aaid he believes the church eventually will regain ill tax-exempt atatua, although parta of the property might be diaallowed from that exemption. He laid the activities labeled aa commercial by the state board are non-profit eventl, and argued that hi• multi-million dollar organiution aavee the public much more money than could be credited to It by the exemption. "Only God knows how much we have uved local taxpayen ln what would otherwWe have been expanded police eervioes, added welfare co1t1 of unemployed penone, added 10Cial eervlcn becauae of marriages that would have been broken, added fOlter- home care for children that would have been abandoned, if not hooked on mu,.;• he uid. Schuller also alluded to a potential lea of joba becaWle of the tax d.ilpute. "I would hope that whateYer happens in thia current tax situation would not cau.e ua to have to lay off people and add penone to the unemployment line.'' he uid. · Church official.I eaid earlier that many of the perfonnanoe9 ln the 1982-83 concert "SeflOn of SpectllCUlan" Md been dropped in an attempt to keep the tax- exempt ltatua. But Schuller aid Tueeday that he 1cratcbed =:ancea by 1tan 1ucb u Goulet, Tony Bennett and Roberta Petere after he determined them inappropriate. / a1m11n111 • ' .. • • • on pet1t1ons char1H. The 1chool board rec:etved a 1pedal audit report lut w•k that failed to detect -">' flnandal wroncdotnc. But CARE repreeentatlvee have c1a1med UMt audit report did not •tilfActorilY e~ the IJ'OUP'• Chara-. Meanwhlle, a 1econd local committee hu been formed to combat the r~lleffort. a.y1e Wayne, a IPC>keswoman for the CIUzene Un1ted Apl.nlt Recall committft, uJd the OUlter eUort II an abule of t!ie recall proce-. She laid she believe. the recall la primarily a reeponee to the Rev. Robert Schuller CARE membera' an1•r over IChool c:bww. B i ll Mane1 , who ran un1ucceufully for the echool baud in 1981, ia cha1nnan of the oonunlttee supportlnc the three truat.eea. The committee abo lnclud .. Ann Gala1, who aleo ran unaucce11fully for the achool board ln 1981; former Fountain Valley School District uu.teet Betty Mignanelll and Richard Plum; Helen Oitte, a Huntincton Beach Union High School . Diatrict t.ruatee; and Zita w ..... a former h igh school board member. County 'ready' ) for tides ~ourthouse revamp becaUle a nee e aey four.fifthl vote of county eupervllon to initiate architectural drawtnp couldn't be........ . With tour mpen11on ~t llEI, , . A 1adden turse Ii hayi ... olfen hopes that thll will Indeed be ahe Mel auui'mae yet at 0......e Cout maU.. P•• A 12. 'on hold' By JBJPP' ADLER .............. Whm the nat hiah tide roUa In at D M.ro Cow ._,. the end of the year, Oranae County IOV'emment .,.tn will be rwly to provide emer1ency aid to residenca wbCM mobile homes are lhrMtened by surging wave11. County 1upervilor1 have authorized county agencies that proytde emergency eervlces to bel1n pJanni.nl for the next cycle of hi1h tides, predicted in the aree north of Laguna Beech Dec. 29-31. The board at.> agreed Tueaday to eet Hide $500,000 in an emer1enc:y operationa fund to pay for theae or 1imilar emerieney aervioes anywhere in the county through the cloee of the flacal year, June 30. The money 11 ~o be taken from unallocated federal revenue Marlnc funda. In a related action, board membera aakl they expect to bill the atatle for the $100,000 spent by county aaena-bettllna the high tidee at El Morro ?tfobile Home Park Dec. 2. County firefighters a nd Orange County Jail Inmate• helped about 200 people who placed aandbaga around 72 beachfront mobile h omes threatened by high tides and wind-whipped waves. Becauae the mobile home park ii 11tuated on state-owne d land ln Crystal C.ove State Park, the coat of providing county Uliatance should be paaaed on to the atate, several auperviaora said .. In addl tlon, Supervisor 'Thomu Riley, who propmed the action, said the state should take the lead in directin• future emer1e'1CY operation• on the state-owned J*'Cel wbOe CIOW'ty aaena-provide a&pport. "lt'1 wrona we S-Y for state property. lt'a wron1 for the County of <>ranee to be maJd.nc the.e expenditurea," said Bruce Neatande, board chal.rman. To put additional preaure on the state to pay the "9CUe blll. Nestande auggested the county could bill the tndMduala whoee mobile homes were eaved with the county'• help. Supervbor Ralph Clark ea.id the county should con1ider creating 1pecial aaeeument di.atrictl to pay for emergency operations in high riak areas. The d.iatricta would raiae money to pay for emergency protectJon In cue eome 90l't of natural disaster were to occur. (See TIDE, Pace AZ) Cookoff gets chili reception Irvine council cites complaints of drinking, wrestling BJ GLENN 8C01T °' ... .., ........ Lut year'• South Cout Chill Cookoff at Irvine'• Bommer Canyon attncted 3,000 people, 45 concoctiona of chill and a bold few who Wrt9t1ed ln a 11.uble vat of the spicy atulf. 'nMt event 1ut April pnerally WU reaarded U a IUcc:eu by partlcipanta and eapeclally by local chamber of commerce orpnben who ltaaed the aecond annu.1 affair. They railed enou1h money durln1 the one·day event to donate •7 ,000 fOI' acholanb.I .. tor local hlah achool 1tudenta and another •1,000 to the police department'• explorer lt'OUta. .,t when Ol'pnban recently lllbd the Irvine Qty Oowd to allow them to lncreaH the oap9dty um April to ~.ooo. the)' dilco¥•ed that the cookoff Wt a blld .,....,... with -people. 0.. of u.. .. CaunallWama Mary Ann a.Ado wbo objlcted to U1M1 a.w ean,an 11*. ••peclally If another 1,000 DIODle lhoW up. OMIOlald -.y of lier Turtle RoelE Mtcbbon believe that beer-drlnlllnt pertldpante from th• .-Off .... too ..... t I .aMJ rtak 81 dwY...,,. ... , tram tfie mDJGft ..... c.,.. ..... the.., I mt. P\arebUed from the Irvine Oll"'Pf""O.&IJW -.Jbl cmJtlD ti ..... caale wnp .... foo\hllll eouth...et' .01 · Turtle ... O...mtdtbllwm• ... " dmill ... ,..,,. Ndvff. •t • B 's official hanger The ma.n who dutifully hanp the many plc:ture1, plaquee and proclamationa that crowd each Orange County aupervlaor'• office wall• haa received a proclamation of hla own to hang. Davld Ramirez, a carpen ter with the county'• General Services Agency for the put nine years, waa taken by aurprlae when he wu called before the board and named "official carpenter to the board of supervilors." Ramirez' friendly way• and carpentry talents have won over the heart• of aecretarlea and superviaon alike in the coldly official Hall of Admini1tration building. Just walk lnto any one of the five supervlaorial offices located on the building's fifth floor and lt soon becomes apparent lt 11 Ramirez' "art" that largely is responsible for the distinctively penonal touch ln each office. Besides hanging whatever objects the supervisors request, Ramirez has created 1pecial wooden desk accesaories for each superviaor, built furniture and played a key role in any office renovations. "He's an intere1ting person and a real personality," said Supervisor Thomas Riley, who orchestrated the 1pecial cen!'l'DCll\y. "I think every office on this noor and every lflCfttary calla Dave when 90mething goes wrong. He is one of the ma.t well-known people in the county.'' Ramirez designed and built eecb supervi8or a 1pedal Ddaet to di1p1ay 1upervi1or1' ~daily schedules. More recently, it was Ramirez again to the rmcue - t h is time, belpinB wit h the in1tallatlon of the board's Christmas tree. Then, there are the special wood name plates he makes and bestows upon friend.a in various county offlcea for birt hday presents. There are also hia custom-made picture frames. THREE SHOPPING~ BEFORE OiR\STMM/ WHERE H~VE I 8ffN nE L>dT 22 PAY5 0.-, .... ,..... .,, '--,..,,.. David Ram irez has been hono red as "official carpenter to the board of supervisors." readily identifiable on several office walls. Riley said he and his colleafues dreamed up the 1pe<:ia resolution honoring Ramirez because "eo often the ~~ frem ........ Oms. ace Cteam lhopp9 ~ Coaot ""-llll 9'11c1 S-- CClllO -.a. CA 9'01o 11~ 1~11:.2 •~So COOll- Log..ro ~ CA 9'2c61 7'6.407~7 people who give so much of themselves are overlooked. We didn't want to overlook Dave." Ramirez responded in kind to the honor by saying nice things about his five bosses. ''When you fit to know them peraonalll, like have, you find out they re all great SUYI·" he said. He also said he was "overwhelmed" that the board cho9e to honor hlm and that IO many of his fifth floor friends came by to watch the surprise ceremony. "I wish I could have known about this," Ramirez told the board while being presented with his very own plaque. "I would 've w o rn a c leaner T-shlrta." Councilma r veal P•Uln n cl•lm • h ow• o t1e• 178 .()(J(J In baolt luxt• Claimlna ct.b\I of '78,837 In W\pAld federal and. ..... itaml LHH, HunUn1\on BMoh City Cou~llman ROn Pauhwon h•• w.d a bankrupW)' peudon. Patt.inion, '9, claimed In a dtb\Or'• petition that he own te&,734 to th• lnt.trnal R.venu. S.rvico and t13,202 to the tta'8 Franch.lte Tax Board. Patt.inion allo claimed h• owed · $8,664 In uNeCUred debU. to a bank and two credit card oompaniee. P1Uln1on1 a former police officer and real est.ate lalesman tn the city, H1ted *260,000 In a11et1 -a re1ldence In Huntington Beach and a condomlnJum ln Palm Spri.np. The Hunt;lnp>n &.ch home la ln eecrow. he Mid ln the petition. He al.lo uid he haa $6,700 ln household good• and personal property. H~ also reported income ot $290 per month for serving on the dty cowicil. HB school chief's contract extended Huntington Beach Union High School District trustees have voted unanimously to ext.end the contract of Superintendent Frank "Jake" Abbott for four years. The contract will take effect July l and run until 1987. Abbott, whoee salary is $62,034 per year, has been receiving the same rate of pay increue u other members of the district's management personnel. The group received a 6 percent pay increase last July. . Abbott, 51, has.been superintendent of the district for eight years. The district has an enrollment of 18,137. Four comprehensive high schools are located in Huntington Beach and there is one each ln Fountain Valley and Westminster. There are also an evening high school and a continuation high school. Under terms of the agreement, Abbott is obligated to pay the district $10,000 to help defray the cost of a search for a n e w superintendent should h e initiate action to leave the district before the contract expires. The district hall agreed to pay off Abbott's salary if trustees vote to terminate him. Abbott was an assistant superintendent in Oceanside before replacing Jack Roop in 1976. More rain tonight; Christnias sunny? More rain may be in store for the Orange Coast before the week ia out, but Christmas Day 1hould dawn clear and 1unny, the National Weather Service ia predicting. Thunday will have variable cloudtnea, with a 20 percent chance of rain. Temperaturet 1hould be around 62 to 6~ degrefs. a NWS lpokesman said. TIDE ... From Page A1 "In these tough times, we have Drizzles which began late Tue9d.ay night dropped only .11 inchea of rain on the coast area by early this rooming, according to Orange County pemment's Environmental Management Agency. That bring• seuon-t.o-date totals to 4.27 inchea, said EM.A spokesman Rob Moreland. The average rainfall for this time of year is 2.97 inches, he said. Last year's total up to this date waa 3.37 inches. Pallln1nn reported In the I d04.!um nt that hi• 1880 Audi 1ut.omobll• had been'* .-T-....... Neither Pauln1on nor hl1 attonwy, Thomu W Hood , wu : av1Uabl« \0 roepond to ques\Jont about the Income we debt. : Patt.lNOn reported that he haa : been employed u a hoavy : equipment mover tot oil flrm11 • 11..nce lut August. Patt!Non'• wife, Llnda, whom he married thl1 1ummer. is a eecretary-typlat In city hall. Pattln1on 11 employed by Huntington Beach City Councilman John Thomu, owner of a crane aod trucking bu.aineM. Thomae .aid Pa ttin1on has , been working on an oil platform : off Long Beach. Thomu declined \0 say how ' much he'• paying Pattln8on other than commenting, "enough." Fr ank 'Jake' Abbott CHILI ... From Page A 1 beer's effects: More food will be available. Last year, spectators could sample the various chili creations. But a sample is about all they got. There was little food and a lot of beer. This year, she said non-profit groups from Irvine are invited to set up ~f:,. '!~:.~~gin mud or I chili, that event is down for the COW\l. Kirah aaid a few oookin& teams supplied the more daring activities last yu.r but thia time all of the team entertainment will be 1Creened ln advance. t The new chairwoman .' h owever, played down the criticism and noted that beer is ~ sold at other community events. ( such as the Harvest Festival. ~------------------------------....... • to look for an equitable 90lutlon \0 our fundina problema," Clark The extended forecast calla for a warming trend beeinning Frida~ with clearing beainnin8 late Tburt_day. T'mperaturet should be in the low 60s Friday, rl1ing to the u pper 601 by Sunday, NWS offJdala 18id. I One thing the chamber int.end.a ? to clarify is that the cook-off is • not a family affair. -~ ' Coa stal Mo1tty cloudy tonlgllt with ocoa1lonal rain. 8outll to _,.,.... wlndl 15 to 25 mph at ttm.. o--niaM '°""' ao to u . Vattmll ~on ThurNly wtltl~~ olraln~ to ~ Tllurld9y Not1herty wlndl 25 to 3& mph. In ..... blllow the CWl)"On8. l1lgrll on Tllurld9y 82 to ee. El1ewller1: lrom Point Coneepllon to tll1 Mexican border end out eo m11e: Small craft acMlory -°'*' ...... due to '°""' to ~ ..,. ol 15 to 25 kl'IOt9 end I to I loot .... tonlglll. Wind• Ttlurtd1y IMtlng to ... to "°'"' .... 20 to 30 knot1. Locally, 1outll to llOUIMMt wlndl 10 to 11 kl'IOt9 ..... Midi ~ ltllNno to -i to nortt:.... 16 to 21 kftOla. Wind wa-2 to 4 fMt to.ilgllt, becoming 3 to 6 I~ Ttllndl:Y. w~ .,..... 2 to 3 .... Moltly <*Midy lcdght wlUI oooa1lonat rain. Verlat>I• doudl-Tllur9Cley. Occ~ional showers California . Thursday Oecemt>e< 23 3-4 24 S1 24 S4 26 58 24 33 22 7t 67 33 2' ea a 47 ao 33 2A .. 53 ee 63 30 24 " S6 12 23 M t6 46 S6 74 .. 76 92 " 26 et 61 37 45 21 53 36 ... 34 48 27 62 43 74 151 ... 38 73 11 " 22 44 40 70 43 20 18 38 33 ao ..s 67 as 70 53 .. ... " 33 S5 30 14 28 C~OMIA 62 3t lektf'lfllld 5e 62 11 82 6nka 58 43 ea ,.. ,,_ 67 aa .. .. Lanoelt• 62 ... 42 2t OlkWlcl 6e 81 74 S4 Peeo Aol>lle 67 64 11 ., ..... .,.. .. 41 .... ~City .. 60 21 24 ~ ao 43 12 24 ....,. 5t 81 .... 11 lln C*to M IO 70 Ill "" ,renollCO .. • 40 a e.nta ..,.. " 11 .. 31 ltodl1on 16 41 1314...... MM .., = ...... 41 " ~ .. =-::: 41 aa LaklM~ 62 17 .. t1 ~ ., ... 1111~ == : :: ==---:: ~ ~ ..... __________________ ___ 1--------""'!" ..... '""!" ....... ~1 •Tides Said Kirsh; "We do much for children in Irvine, but there are uid. "Special u u mnent dJ.atricta might be a way for people who choose to Uve away from the regular beet of IOCiety -10 they can enjoy their t.hlna." Tonfght'• low will be around 63 along the cxut with ocxalional showers . !~~~~h'f .!';~o;e;~~ 1~~eultt~ ~~ : well." ' The Sounds Of SANYO AM-FM Mini Player (RPSS) 29.99 Mini Cossette Ploytr (MGlOl 44.99 AM/fM Cossett• Mini Player (MG30) 64 • 99 II/Fl LED DlllTIL CLOCI RlllD Super-Thin! . -.. -- . ----------- 3C" IWl100 . ~ ' .. ' NATION Ta ball • now 1n enate's court ·Drug task forces to begin in January B1 'he Auoela&M Presa WASHIN GTON Prealdent Rea1•n '1 war ~at the nation'• UO W.,al dNs bualneu wm beat up next month whm tMk forcea ln I Z cities lllln work oo aped.fie ca.. of narc0Uc1 trafficking by Oi=~w\lliam Pr.ch Sinith aald Tueeday •al ~ of the cues will be new while othen will "focua on promJalna avenuem that we know about but have been u,nablt to puraue fully becaus e of re1ource problema." The \Uk foroea are hued ln Bald.more, New Yock.Bolton. Atlanta, Houaton, St. LouJ.a, • Ch.lcaao1 Detroit. Denver, U. Anaefea, San Franci8co and San Diego. Jerry Lewis recovering LAS VEGAS -Comedian Jeny Lewia, ~ from emergency open lieart aurpry, received vi.lit• from four of hia sona Tuesday while hospital operaton were swamped with calls from well-wish e-rs. The comedian waa reported in good condition thia morning, 24 hours after he underwent a double-bypaaa operation. He was said by a hospital spokeswoman to be doing "excellent." U.S. raps Soviet off er WASHINGTON -The Soviet Union's offer to reduce the number of SS-20 mobile miailet aimed a\ Europe la unacceptable, say U .S . officiala who want Moecow's moet potent medium-range nuclear weapon eUminated altogether. Key U.S . arms control STATE officials contend the proposal made Tuesday by Soviet leader Yuri A. Andropov to reduce the number of SS-20. to the level of French and British nuclear forces would in fact give the Soviet.I an enduring military monopoly in such weapons in exchange for "a bia fat zero" for the United States. Phone service disrupted LOS ANGELES - Telephone service in the West Loa Angeles area was disrupted during late afternoon and evening hours Tuesday when a power supply unit failed in a Pacific Telephone Co. equipment office. General Telephone Co. spokesman Larry Cox said about 250,000 of that company's customers in Santa Monica, West Los Angeles and Marina del Rey were potentially affected by the failure. Sanderson aaid Pacific Telephone cuatomen in the Beverly Hilla, West Loa An1elea and Culver City areas were ID08t likely to be affected. Cudahy gets poker parlor CUDAHY -Gamblers now have a cbo6ce ot m dU. where they can play poker in 'Loa Angeles County, followinR a vote~ the pme in "Cudahy. - Resldenta voted Tueeday by more than a 2-1 marstn to allow poker parlon ln their 13,000-populatioo city .. Man leaps from helicopter SAN DI£GO -A prominent Escondido car dealer apparently leaped from a helicopter while taking aerial pho1ographa of hia property and plunged 1,- 000 feet to hia death. landing ln a tree gJ"OVe near a parkina lot at the San Otego wna Animal park. The victim was Identified by the San Diego County coroner's office aa Daniel WORLD Weaeloh, 49, of Weaelo h Quality Chevrolet. Deputy Coroner Penny Kidd said Weeeloh WU takina pictures in the charterea two-eeat helicopter when he placed his camera on the OOMOle, removed his headaet. unhooked hla seat belt and jum}Sed. "Thia wu d efinitely a suicide," Kidd Said. Israel, Lebanon talks set two countries. WA tllNOTON CAP> The Hou1t hH aone home lor Chrltlma1, lHvln1 behind in exhaUilled Mi'\AIM h td holtap· by a tmt or wW. arler a propc»id nlckel-a ·1allon boo1t In the federal pao11ne we. The Howle comp&eted It.I lut major act of the year Tue.day nl1ht -votlnc 180-87 to Mnd the compromlte job1·creat1na piOllne tax h.lke to the Senate. Then lt quit for the yeer. &t in the Senate, wh.lch haa ·been haunted by the tax leplaUon throuahout the lame- duck aeulon, conservative Republicans Immediately m.ounted their third filibuster against the tax Increase they oppo1e, forcing another post· midnight aeea.ion. Majority lAtd r tlow1rd ti Baker Jr., R·Ttnn., vow d lO brina the meMUnt CO a final VOie, 1"lt lien. J .... Helms, R-N.C., waa juat u ateadfaat In his detenninaJ,lon co prev nt that h waa noarl)' 1 a .m . today when Baker and Helma ajfretld to take a vote ThW"llday on chdklna off debete, which would ca..r th way for final~ "1Jon on the mealW'e. The Senate then UK 1M 1d, until later today when a PIO farma ...&orl wW be held. ~ aJdel said Babr WM J>telllna aenatora a.nxJoul to '° borne fOC' Christmu to atay ln town to ~ntain a quorum wMri the vote to cut off debate ii taken Tnut'lday. Deputy White Houae pre11 ~ecretarv Larry Speakes aald Gladys Root, attorney, dies POMONA (AP) -Attorney Gladys Towles Root. known for her extravagant attire and her able skill as a "defender of the damned" in sex caaes, died after collapsing on a courtroom bench. She was 77. Root, the "lady in purp~ ... waa pronounced dead at Pomona Valley Community Hospital Tueeday after suffering a heart attack in Pomona Superior Court. "Give me a few momenta . . . rm having trouble breathing," ahe said during jury selection for the retrial of two aex crimes defendants Tueeday, just before she oollaJ)Bed. She wu repreeentt.na Mkhael Moetyn of La Puente, who with hia brother Richard Moetyn. wu charged with eight oounta of IOdomy, oral copulation and rape in an attack on a 26-year-old San Diego woman. "She died the way ahe wanted to go -in the courtroom," said her law partner, David Brockway. · He called her the "greatest woman trial · fte1pn would m11le .. 1 phorw «!1li. today co .. net.on to ... 11 IUpport for U,. ... &ax lnaeliae. s.a~ eo \#Ota .,.. rMMded '° brHk th• flllbuuer, th• prHldent "wlll •p,peal for ~~rtlHn 1upport. 1 Spnkn He MJd RMaan had not·~ for a\ l ut a week with Sen. J-Helmt, wt» ta conductJ.nc the fUlbuat.er with hla fellow North Carolina BepubUce.n, S.O. John P. Eut, and WM not Ukely to 1peak to him reprdinc the vote. "If we fel cloture (cut off debate) we re ~ to i-the bill." predkted Tom Griacom, a Baker aide. Democrat•, meanwhile, \)leaded for an •nd to the lawyer in California." Root, a resident of Marina del Rey, had recenely been put on a kidney dialyaia machine and had been complaining of aluggishneea. court Clerk Michael Bayne said. Gladys Towles Root Root's wardrobe waa leRendary. She said she owned more than 100 hat.e.-ID08t o't them large and floppy, and she waa to change even her hair color to match her clothes during publicized tria.la. and her hair died to mat.ch. The next day, the whole ensemble was changed to purple, a favorite color. Root occasionally handled cases in Orange County. In 1980, she condemned authorities for arresting people participating in get~rich-quick pyramid achemes. During the celebrated 1964 trial in the Frank Sinatra Jr. kidnapptna cue -her moet vlaible trial -she arrived ooe day wearing a low-cut fuchsia sheath, fucbm shoes, with a fuat "For this to be a crime, they muat show fraud and dece,ption," Root aald at the time. "No one can show any fraud or deception." COURT HOUSE RENOVATION STALLED. • • From Page A1 ~ ....,U.Unl far ..... --of • portion of die red eands\One bu1ldinc for the new divtldon of the 4th District Court of Appeal. But Nestande said until a lea.e agreement with the state i1 struck that lncludea apeclftc payback provisions, be fe&l"I the atat.e will only be will1ng to rent courthou1e space at lta fair market value. ''I want to see an agreetnent. '' Funeral set for Mesa's ( Louise Oare Funeral services will be held Thunday for lopg-tlme Costa Mesa resident ana active Mooae Lodge member Dorothy LouUle Oare who died Sunday. She was 55. the board chairman aald. '"The state's liven UI th1a laundry list of alterations, cushy judges' chamben and all. but rve heard nothin1 about amortizing the rehabil.l tation costs .•• ' . He said that to proceed with the renovation before a lease agreement ia id111V'd would be a ''very bad deal. -,r--- 'Ibe $3 million slated for the renovation of the tum-of-the- oentury bulld1ng could easily be put toward equally important uses, 1ucb aa upgrading area beache1 and parks, Neatande added. . "My attitude ls let them (the state) take it over and save the $3 million. They're not going to tear it down," he said. The board fint approved the renovation project laat July, 1purred by legislation then pending in Sacramento that will permit the state to take title to the building if plans for the project are not initiated by June 30. 1983. Nestande has voted in favor of the project in the past. but aald hia approval always bu been pr«l.icated on acme ahowing that the state intends to pay the county back for its ah.are of the renovation coat. Speaking In support of the project, Supervlaor Roger Stanton aald that everyone ln hi.a di.strict ia behind the OOW'lhouae renovation. ''The la\ Dia1rict bas not gotten its ahatt of harbors. beaches and parka money," said Stanton. who baa strongly advocated the project. "When it's completed we can leave it, which makes thi.I project unique." Stanton told Nestande any actions that stall the project, "could scuttle the whole thing." The matter before the board Tuesday. technical in nature, would have transferred a subleae for the courthouse from the county to the Harbors, Beacbea and Parka Dlatrict. A related matter would have permitted the architects to begin delianlna the project. Republloan ~u1&ln1 ind th• •• ......,.. of \b.11 CoriiP_... ,. • "We've been heN 120 houn .anm Monday I W•k •... We all Int t!Nd . . . 'Mwri cmrnm a dme . . . when we CJiUCht to lhow down on th.II l'DIMUN or we ou1ht to 10 home," Democratic Leader Robert C. Byrd of Weat Vtralnla aald Tueactay Alaht u th• Senate truda•d throuah another marathonellllkln. Helnw •ould not budft. ' Weary Hnaton bad bopedY. they could follow the a.d °' the Hou .. and adfpurn after approvlnl the tax lncreaae, railln8 the ,_,une cu bun 4 cm.ta to 9 cenw to ftnance 15.5 blWon wOl"th of h!Cbwayt bridae and roam tranlllt rep&lr' JOm. Koll to buy Beckman land in Irvine Newport Beach-hued Koll C.O .• a major commerdal development firm, has announced plam to pursue an option to buy a 40-.cre parcel in Irvine owned by. Beckman ln.etrument.e, Inc. of Fuller1on. The amount of the ~ wu not diac:loeed. The 40-acre site at Jamboree Road an4 Campus Drive includes Beckman'• ad.entific instruments I division. Under the acreernent diaclnled Tueeday Bedgnan will leue beck the 1rvtne plant and continue operations in the 200,000-equare-foot building for up to five yean. Beckman offlclab said they intend to relocate the division to a new site within commuting ' di9tance of the Irvine location. "The dedtdon to aell the Irvine , property WU !~ted by the fact that the immediate area is rapidly becoming an office-• hotel-restaurant dlatrict," said Dr. William F . Ballhaua. Beckman vice chairman and • chief executive officer. Koll officials could not be reached for comment. Bem&Me the motion to~ the b'amfer did not carey, the Harbors, Beaches and Parlu Diatricl cannot eq>end any of the mom. aire.dy bUdaeted fer the renovation project. aaJd Scott Morpn. cne of Stanton'• aldea. Beeld• provtdin,g courtroom • apace, the renovation• were Intended to bring the old .,. •ikttnc up to cw:rent tire and earthquake atandarda . • c.omtruc&n was alated to beain before J)ecwnber, 1983. Except u a backdrop in .vera1 recent movie productiom, the olcl COW'tbowle baa remalned unused in recent yeara. The building, located at the comer of Santa Ana Boulevard and· a-o.lway in Santa Ana. eerved • the aea\ of county aowmment and bouaed ID08t CIDWlty officee in ~tion to the COU11a well Into um cleotury . ..; By leasing the bu:!! to the.) . ata1e, the Harben, ;ea and Parb Dlltrict WU expecUnc to re.11-eamtnp that could bave totaled u much • $200,000 a ' . ~· «J d: JERUSALEM -Israeli offJdaJa aald today \hat lanel and Lebanon will begin talka next week on troop withdrawals from "Lebanon and • 8eCUl'ity agreenent - meeting alternately in the The talk.a will be held in Kiryat Shmona on Iaael'a northern border and ln IOUth Beirut'• aeulde suburb of Khalde, said the officials, who refu.ed to be Identified. Oare bad Uved ln Costa Mesa 20 yean. She was the Senlor Regent of the Women of the Mooee, Chapter 1158 In Cost.a Mesa and wu active ln the Loyal Order of the Mooee. Carta Mesa Lodge 1457. Funeral services are .cheduled at 11 a .m . Thuraday at the Hilaenfeld Mortuary Chapel, 120 Gem Talk For a selection of diamonds of a Fire razes storage tanks E. &o.dway, Anaheim. Sur v Iv o r'I l n c 1 u ct e her husband, Walter; mother Charlotte Foottit, of Sun City; two aona, Ja.mes Oare of Quail Valley, and Clifford Oare, of Sunnymead, and three dau1htera, Charlotte Pa,el, of Coeta Mesa, Fredlcka Marlett and Valerie Oare, both of Sunnymead, and a aiater, Pat M-.car, of Bia Bear. I NAIROBI. Kenya -A fl.re that sent flames leaping aeveral hundred feet destroyed two ga1ollne 1torage tanks today, wonen1ng an air.cty aevere fuel ahorta1e in this eaa\ Afrtcan oaticll. Eyewitne9el at the Kenya Pipeline C.O. 'a n\aln Nairobi depot said no casualties were reported ln the blue, thouabt to have started in ooe of the ator~e tank• around m!dnf t 1\aaday. What do )'Otl like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you like? Call the number a\ ... , and your memaae will be~. ll'aM:'ribed and delivered co the appl'Opriate editor. The same 24-hobr -nawtrint Mtvlce may be used to record lel tera to Ow edl&or on any toP'c. Mailbox eoalributqrl m1.&al lac1* their name and lelepbOM number for verification. No clrcuJatJon calls, pleue. Tell Id what's on your mind. OAAHOl. COAST CteMMedacMftitMt 11W4N111 Ml..., ............... M2-4aa1 Dally Pilat By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cutififf G#moW.111. AGS DECEPTIVE PluCING o.m •,,,.n VlllMf_,,,. Buyen of gems and jewelry are particularly vulnerable to deceptive pricing becaUle meet lack training. experience and equipment neceaary for true ldenutlcaUon and fair market value. So let'• exam1ne a few of the moat common deceptive pridna pracrtJcM, I carat or more see your AGS· jeweler. • P'rff oflera are not "~·· at all, COit betJ\l lncluded lndiNIL1.lv in basic Item price: •• &l\r• ~w..u.tna ii deliped to brtna In cuatomera by offtrtnc at a 1pedal low price U\ ltMn only a few of which ~ available, and ~' .... 1-.wttehed" to ~ product; 1'wholt1al•" or "clllc:ount0 11\orw " • • buy ~ CS1" • Their prod•d•-.tH ffll_.'!"'-~---,....~ ..-.UY °""·pricld ln the tint ,,.,. OC' a.cir. qualjty . .. ~J~·~~~ M~~&Me,.ndii' wtiiie bua&.-hM withltood thie .... of Ume and II........., ,,,.,.,.. I by an ownw who valu• lall NpUtataan an the~._ ~ . , . . .. I r ' Changiiig shifts S. Africa talk slated in Irvine . Seu a •• ,,.. the Lot Anaelet consul 1eneral for South Africa will 1peak Jan. 10 on trade opportunlUee with hll nation durtn1 a 1uncheon meetin1 of the World Trade Center A.oclatJon at Irvine'• Reptry Hotel. Cott for the noon luncheon J1 S13 for amodatJon memben and S15 for non-members and 1ueata. Reaervatlona can be made by call1n8 Barbara Sd1ofleld at M0-9180, ext. 240. Deadline for reservatJona 11 Jan. 5. . • ftea:iatraiion 11 now under way for boys and atria interested ln joln.lng the Cotta Mesa . youtli buketbell program that begina Jan. 8. MORA BAKERY .r:Ji,; G0iiANb .... FROMQUB BAKERY •Bread •CrolMant •Napoleon • Eclaln • Danleh Paetry • Wedding Cakef •Caka • Pie.a Cakes Decorated For All Occaalon• G ·- Beach walken head (or their can as aurlen arrive to take on the wavee on a l~te alte~oon near the Huntington Beach Pier. The proaram 11 open to youngsters ln p-adea three to eiiht. All games will be played at the Downtown Community Center, 1860 Anahei{n Ave. Fee ii SlO. For more information call 8 7M-5158. 835 W. 19th ST., VISTA CENTER COSTA MESA 631-2630 WE TAKE PHONE ORDERS · 5E HAIN.A UrANOl. Wl .. COAIT TOCOAITUIA -.. ... MARA a MAWAI ----------------- 81n ClaTIPICAUI AVAILAIU AND alDllMAIU ANYT- Delicious, ready-to-serve Honey Baked Ham is perfect for the hoU~s. We've done all the work, so you'll have more time for your family and friends. Every Honey Baked Ham ii fully-cooked, spiral sliced and covered with our secret ~ice §laze. You can count on our quality, too, because our family 8 special curing creates a unique flavor that has never varied in mo.re than 50 years. Call your local Honey Baked Ham store and order now! C~ OEl MAR -3700 E. Cooat Highway• (7M) 673 .9000 AN'AHhM -TM VllogeCent9f• 1222So. ltookhurat• (7M) 635·2A61 El TORO -... Tow., fltaJo North• 2"601 Raymond Way• ( 7M) 837 . 3122 ~TON BEACH-19069 8eoch llvd.• (7M) 141.1575 ~ ORAHOE -Ml9"' TUdn. (7M) 997 . 9960 ... • RAHCH0 MIRAO£ -71 ·634 HwY. • • (7M) ~-389• •:lfJ' RIVERSIOE -6276AltngtonAve.• (7M) 611-9611 ....... ft..,, COA•T TO COAST USA +ALASKA• HAWA# ~-...,; •. ..,.. -............. -.... Al.IC> .. lA ~ LMl'#OOO. WIST COWCA. HOlllH HOU YWOOO. W£SllAICI VUAGI. PAIAO(H.t.. SANTA MONCA. WOOOlNC> llLLS. NOOlttl!DG£. SAN JOSE. 5'HNVAlE. PM.O Al YO,,.,., SAN C.GO OHi TASTE IS AU IT 1AllOI WATOlfOR'-ftNC),,.,., TOIRAHCE OPlHNG SOON·~ toll MCw'9y 1k*«1 Ham. l'IC Now-all the advantages of the nations largest savings and loan association-are yours to enjoy right in the heart of C:OSta Mesa. The strength & security of Home's unmatched assets of over 15 billion dollars ... the perfect safety record stretching all ~e way back to 1889 ... the full range iiiiiiiii of Homes many high interest savings plans ... checking accounts ... credit cards ... tax-sheltered pension programs and much, much more are all waiting for you now at 'the new Home Savings of Amerida office at 450 East 17th Street. You'll find service and convenience there, too, including a Drive-up Window, plenty of free parking, a Night De~itory, lots of teUer counters and new account people to answer your questtons. . We're open now, So please drop by. We want to meet you and help you discover all the nice things waiting for you at' America's Largest! .. candinavian for· ki ing under mistletoe DEAR PAT: W19at 11 t1111e ortti1 of mt11l1toe belal Hect • for &llile lll0Ud1y1t I 've rtad iboat moat of tbe 0U1er clfteratl••' bac:karoand1, but not mt1lle&oe. W.L .. Cot ta Mt u Ml1tletoe la • para1lllc and polaonou1 plant which crow• on the trunks and branches of trees. It had been Wied ceremonloualy by early Europeans. The anc:tent Celtl Wied It u 1 charm. And Northern mythology has It that an arrow IDllde of mlaUetoe killed one of their gods. But It waa the early Scandinavians who gave the plant its sociable qualltiet. They considered It a plant of peace. Warring nME IS RUNNING OUTI ONLY 9 DA VS LEFT · To Make a Meaningful D11terence In Your '82 Tax Picture Contact the Professionals at DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER 6 FRANKLIN, INC. to discuss intelligent Year-End Investments ~d~'~l~11·~1·,~~~~~~~~~ ,. ~·.I NO OBLIGATION · CALL TODAY FOR A RICHER TOMORROW (714) 641·3761 2691 Richter Ave .. Ste 102 . Irvine · Near Jamboree/405 &EM WllE A band of diamonds that says you'd many her all over again . CHARLES H.~BARR flk'Ut1n1 would •tar • lruce 11 they met urKler It. It 11 thouaht that the mod rn euatom uf klllalna und r mt1tlet.oct hm1 tu ortatna with thla Scandinavian practice. Poinselliaa Mexican DEAR PAT: J Jiil moved te Callforal1 ud lt't IO •• , .. ,. to ... ,..... ..... 1rowlq la , ...... 8omeou sew me '"' plH& or~atei la Meslco. Did 1&1 111 at Cllrlltm11 also orl te ti.ere? S.R., l'nata1-Valley Yee. Aocordin1 to Ieaend. • una1l bo\!':lt in the 1nOW to pray at his Mmdcen vilJaae'• church u. he had no ltft &o plaa t.fore lhe crecht lnlkle. On lhe •pot whe,. he rc ne hJ , I bHUtlfuJ plant Wllh IUrlft JHVH lf'W l.mmecua .. lyl.~ ht pNlm ... I' II hJt .. ft to the lfttant 1-... The Mexiceni ca11ec1 u. ..,, nor c1e i. NoetM Buena Flower ot the Holy Nichl. lt WM Introduced to the United Sta• In 1828 by Dr. Joel Roberti PolNttt, first U.S. mlnltter to Mexico. Save•90 15995 Includes Poker/Blackjack Cartridge Great ~ut on year 'round family fun! Powe rful 16-bit microprocessor provides best graphics, cok>r and sound effects. • Uses lntetllvislon • and Sears Super VldeO Arcade• cartridges. Attaches to your TV e.tity. #58-1000 ·r,. Mea.1 a.c:tron1ee Reg. 79.95 Each Give two for the regular price of one! 8" woofer, tuned port, 2" tweeter. 19 x 103/4 ')(. 71 '2". #40-4030 Video Cassette Sale SUPERTAPE• by Radio St-.it Save •40 17995 Reg. 219.95 . Compact system's cassette deck records directly off radio, phono, or "live" with optional mikes. Tuner has " edge-lit dial, FM·AFC, FM. stereo indicator. Head- phone jack. 113-1199 "Road EmergenCy" 40-Channel CB System TRC--411 by Realistlc9 Save '(120 7995 Reg. 89.95 , Give highway security! Just attach magnetlo-mciunt antenna to car roof, plug adapter Into lighter socket. Ch. 9 priority twitch. #21-1505 Bebl L·SOO Cut 2'rMt P- Reg. 14.95 VHS T·120 Cut 244"1 ~ 129.!h Reg. 16.95 Reg. 59.15 Test your skills~ your game! Buih-in board, LCD . verification, .-,. tronlc "dice", pips. #60-2161 a..yemi Hold-UpTM LCD Game Watch~_....,,,,,__ ByTmndy 1GM 350/o ~ .,,,.,,, . Off Aet· 19.H I EJectrontc cope a robbers! If you trip blnk'a alarm, )QI go to ja61. Action eound. With batleCiee. #G0-2173 ..... •IAllHlnT ... nu •llTMY• .,..cam ... uwm eNUllUCI ·-(I . ..a., •MllTZDI ellY .. •Tllll •LOIS ·-·-·- '115 JAYllll . NT CIATS .. s 110 •45am VESTS ..... '29 • vn• W-SITS ... '47 .. Pm. Y/WOOl CARmllS . . '32 .. mMUMl'..S .. '21 130 COTTON Fl.ANNE! 1.11 amu wmmsms .. '11 • WIAIDJ SUCKS .. '42 '45CMJICIY m• •n ..... '25 lOIS OMS ..... '22 ONE GM>UP ONLY . . . " . . ' ·. .·. : . This holtday 1eaaon. )Oln the Westcl1H Plue lemtly Select yoor gll1s from more than twenty lhopl. wltnout crowdt 01 endlesS perking lots wtlh the pettonal touch that Wntcllfl Plata has become known IOI Thll Saturday ahemoon. and every evening next wffk. an)Oy Chr11tmas carolers and hive the kids meet Mrs Santa -who w111 be ltlhng hef etocking with gilts IOI Toys IOI Tots and giving oot Christmas goodleS of her own!! OPEN Tll 9 P.M WEEKNIGHTS . f Westcliff 17th and Irvine Newport Beach , ~ , /, , . / , . . . ,~ . .,, . I • Plaza . ./) .. ROTATRACT" ROTARY RAZOR' Wl11f twin 1ctlon rotlry blad11. P\.U.-. l~to1 49.95 WHITMAN'S ~~R . 839 PLU 13437 11002 I Go 'N Style•• Collapsible Curting . Brush IHCIU f M-= lll . .....,..,.,... t• .. _o.a. • .,_~,,,... l99 0.11. ..... PlU•lt72 ·si.oo-., .. ...,_, °"" .._. .... ,...,..-..-, .... ~i.-o.L ..._..__ ........ , ....... ,., ....... ........ ......, .. ~ "UM-.-.... :.rc °""-'°',..., ,.....~-..a ~ ........ -........... _ ,,,__ _____ "CHIC" LADIES' 22 I 5 Cord · Shaver l'\.U... IHP2111 • CANON PALM PRINTER CALCULATOR ~~~24.95 POLAROID TIME-ZERO ONESTEP CAMERA 22 I 5 #I04HI TIME-PLU•3433 ZEAQ Twin ~~~}199 PAK I RUE .. "' 10 7f CONCENTRATED COLOGNE SPRAY 1.7 oz. • P\.U~ DmJE "'03 11 00 COLOGNE SPRAY 2.4 oz. l'\.U•J.&35 • REVLON SCOUNDREL CONCENTAATED11 I I COLOGNE SPRAY P\.U e3'31 f13e7 · U OI. • KODAK KOOACOLOR II COLOR C-110 24 E•P· PAINT PLUlml FILM C-1S5 24 Esp. AIA-100 PLU 13"42t. "SPEAK EASY"' .. TALKING CLOCK Wakes vou wnh·a voice or '"beep .. alarm "7001 l'l.U S2MI 38.I HAPPY'(HOUDAYS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! We wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy, healthy New Year for yourself and your loved ones. . Thu1 free·rolllng taat movtra I 1 c art made ot dlt·cut mttal 10< durability PlU ....... 1 ttlll/1/2 IA. PET TOYS & TREATS Choose from an assortment 2 1 ol gOOdits IO< '°""" O<Cll. i t PlUe:M23 qJ computer · QUICK SHOT TM Joyatlck Controller (ii~l AO PRICES PREVAIL WED DEC 22:Hl ttirt1 FRI DEC 24th 1987 -f ~~~~~at~~~~eo 14 I 5 systems P\.U •3"421 #311101 I HALSTON COLOGNE SPRAY PLU~ COLOGNE P\.U~ P\.Ut3'27 1301 COLOGNE PLU~l-421 HOI ... 16.00 .. Jo.oo · FlllJAY DEC. 241H STORES WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 8:00 P.M. SUNBEAM MIXMASTER 3-SPEED STORES WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY! °'* HAPPY t ~ , HOLIDAY TOALLI IPRAY COLOGNE u • ..7.50 P\.U •3'12• #1211 DUITINO POW DEA HAND MIXER ma 13.49 PlU tS.20 MR. COFFEE .:-..= 22.1 COFFEEMAKER ~:5 -ti 10-CUP tCM1 Y-c.tAIW 1l99 P\.U •30l1 •. a... ... .... 5.00 PlU~2S ''l• C....•MS....=-f•T• .... lf ... ._,_ 11404 -~ ....... Ulllll TtTWIZl ....... F .... ENGLISH LEATHER 1 51 COLOONI ~~;"It . • OI. 5· 1 I AnlR SHAVE l'\.U t:M)O ft13 40L • JUMBO FLIP 200 :~ 7.99 ' I I ·' ,, , .. upl pl n he d for triple. coupon d y IJ MAAftN ILOAH18 · •••· 1unowouM•1 .......,. • 11 tt ~.., IM H •evntr• ••ie>. 111111 w1111 trM M11111 J' "''""d 11nd 1111 flll700. 11 ''"· , .... '""· 0011"0" u 11er 111ec1h·e ••o w r111 111e u111w1t1t1 ''''"'' DNt MarUn WM J ~ 'O ... ......_OM et;: ef ,._,. ~ Mlf ,...._ •-""" IM,.,,.,._ =e 11111114 ltr111 111• 1111 .._..., 1 t t '"'°"for L..,i1 H 11111 HOU• l tr l wlll ~ llillfllflWt Oft 1 t a.,·t w• ,... : hn 4'1H '"•t1lwe'1 ,,., ... ,. ,..,.,_, ,.,,...,. ~-,.,,.._ ••"'" , .. 11. 111 ,, .... CMe......,... llltofl '"'Mf '"'°"" 1111Ht• l'fMIMtl r11t11w...,... 8-d 1111 hf!I""" "'""""' _.. 1w11 ,. I l I I W t t l11tttrw1rtll'1 "'°'lt•IO,.flt ttn ' ....... I.,.,.,. tMI ;::.;.:;1, 111111 'rtMll'I ~-::. ~ ~ "Tr::rt.,,_., rlQWld rlfufld IOtlft Md 111111 r..._.. Nto _.., -~ ..,.rntema.n.1 ln the c ........ IMI '" ""wellfl• ~·;,~•="' •"' u uuc11u"o~• HN't llOf'l • iM r '"°"'tout ot""* VMwMI P1oe111e"1 COdl F e1e *'"' '"' '""" .. • , ... ftiiMwap~r otterlna •••••*°"'..,_NIM,, IWMMil OMtlltn o.... ,.....111.,._.. '''' wljll 1111 p11roh111 pr1oe "''" v111ey tmo1110 1111101 1':'1 "1(.llr "i"n~r JW.Y etr0110•'-"'"""""' •-1....._i.;. Mtt. ~·· bplt• Deo. '''"" '"1 •ltlll , ......... , ....,. .., ""' ........ ••chtie ...... ...,.,. MetOll ti. ttu ... """'30. ,..... .. • Wpifft tb • I .. reglttlf ,.,. •1111 '"-PIHOllMI ~.,.. .,._ pone" it W.. 11 1.... Ort111n t11ilf!1_ ltlYlH or 11411lrtd rlf1111d I= lllCI two ...,_ le 1 ~ lorm yo11 oen fll1t1 olltrt rtcflllrt refund fWH'T l'"llllllY Of ,,Pllam ptliorctrdlllf toMNlft Diii ...... ua. a ..1~..;. --•--. AUMT M".Lll'I h•11111t1 1111•••,,.., ,,......,., • .., enttt1 La lw .,..._one floodt COUCIOn Off11 ........ tt l.wl !tie~ lhltterMI lfltlld .__ ~ """'-... ._. ltuot. , 0 ltOll 111Mi7t If P..o ontr .._, ~ llfOdllOt• .,, l,lnGle lefl'I UnwttMI ''""°' If ~• or 60 ""' G0V90nt lcw out lrOfll tflt lfont of the ~ lat 9'11' I IOOn woke up to T.,. JM~ I It~ ~. l.at*'•.NMael, tta Cod• 'C:::'· ilono •1111 '"' 111'11111111111111111 9Wlft IOodl -wlllUI up to"" MCfl 1v111r11.,. Tllftl-r lllPlf• •faci \hat lf 1 wanted or lour If.cent OOUJOftt. ltnd Hl.Z HOllll llytt Qrevy It ,...,..., ) wllfl N ~ 101111 hnd Ille required rlfllfld Jvnt ael, INI. ~. e the moat of lt, I tow ..,... "°"' .,,,. • °' A41nt fWund lend IM ~ ,..,, llfloll cttcMcl, ._. e..,i ao. ~0::: ':::: lilll" P'OC:..:: r,r: S:: ~':=,::::: •• to prepare my.elL I = ~ '= ':r •.!! :ro:. e;:yll~:::.-:::"w.,"::, '':c CORMICK/ICHIL.L.INO Pfoduc:lt ~ ....... Product ,,,. b0tl9"1P.;;. ffOttl .,,,. to.If on~ly two d•ya In of Aunt Mllll•'• Huoe for 11 In Look for .'"' ll•no 110 on tll• fll1tu11d. Rto•tv1 four H ·cenl ..,"'tot: A coupon fOf 1 pounc1 of 1or1111: Code 1ymbolt c ul from t ht dtll111nl Tio l•ncllo dlnntrt Aunl ...... CJOUf)CIM. Thlt off« It pedltQI. bpif• Aptll l!O, 1114. COllPOlll for Gourmet lplc1t. IPCl(lt, up lo 10 otnll. Blker'e JfYt IWANeote Cnunk Chlc:ktn 1 1 PlldctON ol bologna, 8rCMn ·~ EJcplrtt June 30, 1"'4. Ch to do lt, 10 I vtllcl wtlltt ildvenlMCI by Avnl KA"O f'r11 P1nc1k1 lrrup '-dlhlt9q\llrldreNndlOflftllld Apple Olfe;L~.O. Bo• 811 I, AINNI. a.nd the rlQUlfed r9fund Serve t•ut•t•. lr1nk1, WIAYIR Ohloktn f rtnlu ltarted by IOiJ\I =h Mllllt 't or dlt1>_l1y1d by otter. Alotlw tM 1\111 pvrolllM Ill• Unlver111 ,,oduot Oode ~ P\tln, Mtnll. 65)41. ltr!d l0tm end fl11t front lal>ll pen.ft lnlwnellonlll Entr11 poutVy ".mt· Refund Atcelltl It In coupona _coupon ln my f . pMldpetlng lilOf91. EJcpha Aprl prloe r1f11nd on 11111ar on1 IYlllCIOl lfort1 Che Ndl ltbtt of ""Y '°' Ihle IOfm by ....,.~ s1. 1113. "°'" 111\1 a-Mtllln' cnic.en. Mun-dlM ~food. Peter P111 Strid ttlt rtqUlrM refund'°"" and ~J 30, tMS. I~°' u-llM Of Kero 1hr11 McClormlok/lchllllng Thll ..,_ 4llql4ret Aprl 30, tN3 CllllM Chlc:k111 or Chunk Wllll• PM"Ut butter, ~ ~IMI the UnlverHI Producl Code t, I pdted out all Thltl Olltrt require rtf11nfl ~ IWNP· lend .. ,......., OOl.llll'ltl 191ctt, bpk11 Miich Thi• olftr dottn'I r1q11lr• I Clllctlll'I CMI. EJcplr11 Aptll 30, •tripe, Soup StalW llxln'•· ,,... •ymbol from lht front pantf of I th ht lat-= r9fUNI torm end two ...,.._ ffOll'I II, IMS. r9funO klnl'I: 1M3. 8ttrter flaln't , TrtNU•• Cave tfv11 pecti~ of W-CNollen upon. OUI CRl.CINT Frff lfff Ofter. your rtfund 111:1 (It-ounce or TM R.T. PMNCH CO. Mill And LOUii "ICH Co , P.O. lox ''"" PPMlum Turlcey Rout ~. tutltey rot9t. Fr~t. Ellpir" W.Cfl 31, 1M3. brina me. free r-~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:.:.::...~~~~~~~ or at leut uve me half the price. Next, I made a liat of all the coupon itema which I didn't know the price of, or which I wun'l sure the 1tore carried. On th.ia had colu.mns for of item, aim, alaJe ber, price •nd t of the coupon. The next day, I took my list and visited the supermarket. It seemed u lf I got a few "funny" looks as I went down the •I es checking off the it s on my list and f ling in the in lion. But, I felt I had to do thia to be e the item was able .itd that the n would give me a Waoount. I WW that triple-coupon clay I ld be in too big a h ry to look fo r rniliar products or y cost calculations. the store had been tly remodeled, the rehearsal" turned :t ~·. ~~ ;;.:~ t1~pons that we w~d be usina the next dap and put them into se)arate envelopes ~ to the aisles of th• atore. We al80 circled th~xpiration dates, and if the coupon specified a siz.e, we circled that, too, in order to make it a little easier for the cashier. We arrived at the supermarket just as they were unlocldn& the front d . My husband and I got • aboppina cart beaded down al.ales. An hour we both wound up checkout counter a e breathless but ted and anxious to out bow much we uved. I was allo a nervous. aeemed like lt tqok ever to ring rything up, but act ally it wu only a fe~ minuta. The-~ ca .. e to $263.18, and theft the caahier' started ~ triple deductions for"'-ar coupons . . . and finllly. a grand total - tun.63!!1 l wu thrilled ~y husband WM all =~~~e~ ehoi>pfng carta out the door, because we both '°*"' that all the boxes and cans would provide me with the proofs-of- pul:bue I will wie to tend foe a lot of refund often. -Verna Dean, L~Texa. Oear Verna: When at offer double or tr pie coupona, smart 1 ppera grab their pon files and make a line for the store re the shelves are leted of couponed But., lf you have e time to plan In lq.'aDICle,, .. you did, the ationa pay off at checkout counter. shoppers who save most are them who each ooupon they ln to Wiit, know the cation of each poned ltem and the ot each item after coupon la deducted. Note to permarket Poet1: nk you for all the rlea ln my Second nual Superm.rket op er Poetry CdlDDe'UUClin. Every one carefully read the competition ner1 will be ......... , &he end of • no dealer sales . • limit rights reserved tustm·newportlcosta mesa only we are now taking orders for fresh Irvine ranch farmers market tustm-newporttcosla mesa onlv jumbo dungeness · cra&s ,... •. J.9a 1~. 2. 7 cocktail shrimp rtt· •· 6.98 I~. S. 9 turkeys choice aged prime ri&s & hickory ·~ smoked hamsfff I~ ·new zealand -,IW~-off~-o-n-an-y-10_p_o-un-d-st-ea_k_oo_x_... _wh __ ff_l~ft_S_h~~~~~~-' v-,. great for chrlstmas giving! little neck extra lean fresh country cl1ins • sau119e we make our own blue point .. i. oysters fleur de tall assorted flavore cre1111 cheeses .. i.69 •• 2.9 hormel smoked baked• ht11 ~ 9 9 ...... 4.911. ~. allced to order · cache valley IWl11 ch1111 ........ ,. •. our own frffft tortilla chlp1 . no aalt ~ oz. bag ,... .II .69 '· holiday nut harvest ~ ~ macadamia nuts . I roasted and salted 4 8 ~ a oz. bag rat-S.29 • 'l raw 6 oz. bag res. 3.@9 3•4!1 1 plgnolas 4 29 ., I raw 8 oz. bag,... 4.69 • r' I I . d / 1 \ a mon s blanched & slivered 16 oz. bag 'It· 2.99 2.69 l/ new crop!! shelled I ~pecans bulk only . I "f. •. U9 •. 2. 91!!11 new crop!! shelled ~ almond! :u~~7;n~~~.1.s9\~~ new crop!! shelled walnuts bulk only 2 s~ "" .. 4.29 I~. • YI I . Carefully chosen cookbooks .are ideal gifts Ila .... 01880NI f"='=""i'P o r too d • t o v fl\"""I hl•nda, a cookbooi POll•U•I ell th• .......... of an Ideal am -h '• p•t1on1I , Jone-~ and keep1 an~. Bitttar~ yet. • cookbook ta eaay to buy , U1htwel1ht, almpl• to ~can·>' or aend. tl••lble, au9Ht1n1 al&errull• Lnar •nt.I or Tecl\n&quen Are dlr.ctlona 1uftlclen1ly detaUed for )'WI' friend to follow? U the book II about wchniques, doet It oontaln b.Miful photoa or drawinp ustraUnc the ate~ the book have a conalaten\ 'point of view? A book that jumpa bKk comple• h1u1e culalne and tonvenltnot food 1hortcut1d or te•mt •quell)' evoted to health food and Junk food, •UU-ta a clip and g:ate colttctlon of rrowed klMI. ConaJct.r •rvlnl .U.. If all the NClpet terv• ei,ht or 12 and your fr end ta an •mety neater, the book won t be too author l•ll you huw to I I I Id ae r tluna alter rai':,luanUU•T 1mple .. ur an 11 the ora•nlald 1fwrthou8htf Doe9 the for fin~ th• r~lpet book devote too much you're nc for! Or la attenUon 10 d-rtaT the book put t.c>ttther ln Do tht recipe• eome b&umi unworkabw aquandtr calorlea on fuhlon? How '• tht •>ectHlve amount• of incMxt Make a point to ~· •horteninC· oU and c h•ck 1\ for tev.ral ot er emf ty-calorl• reel/<)'. l~lenta 0 R CA lrO-R-1 E~ ompar• the aame- WATCHERS: bulc rtclpe In several authur hu tht bHl Some 1u11r · frwo , ' 'I calorie-c:anfuJ approech. d .. url coo kbook• Wh• t ';;:our "C.I,,,.,,,. If \M book pw"porV to m•r•ly 1ubuHu'• Quotlrnl Do you u.tlif ta diet, doe• It mat.ch fl'UC:'te* (fruJ\ a~) and how n111n.y t:.Joriel • :'::1 your friend'• ap•cl•I honey tor t1ble 1u1ar you can Ht to urt~. need.a? Soma ,...n, di t and would btt off llmJta th• W('/6ht you WMU • book.I.,.. merely low In for aome dletera and b•I Send• .r•1i ' .. It or choleeterol, but dlabetk!a. ~lf-•ddrnll«l •nv• hl1h In calorlea. And Look for evidence that •()d 60 cen I• ro 8 aome low -calorie the book meeta diet GOURMET RECIP cookbooks would not be needa. Low-calorie FOR SLIMMINO. l\Q11 aul\able for thOM who r eclp•• ahould be BoJc 624, Sp•rta, N1'1N have to cut down on followed by calorie 07871. '•nlll su ar or animal fata. counts. 1 , If you haven't lnterlbed the book or,_..;;;-.;.;..;.;_..;..;..;..,;.;.;.....;;..;;..;.._..;...;;..;.;~~_._~~~--~~~~~~~...;..~~~~.;.;..;;.;.;.;.;;_..;..;....-~~~~~~=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""""'--~~~--~ and forth between rac\lcal. Does the Are the ve1etable and cookbooks to tee which otberwlle deftlced it, in moat placH lt'• even returnable or e~ble for a more aultable clM>ice, if you've made a miatake. Y-, you can make a mlatake ln chooaln1 cookbooka; they don't.. have one-aize-fita-all lnterdw\aMbWty,. Books, 1lke coo~ have diatlnctly different penonalltim. Here'• how to find the rfcht match. Before you book-ahop, sharpen your mental focus on your friend'• culinary penooallty. Anawer these questiorw: Ia your friend an experimenter or a rule follower? Pred8e or creative? A purl.at or a abort.cut compromlllel'? Doee your friend like food that'• ele2ant? Exotic? Ethnlcf All- Amerlcan? Plain or ~t'a your friend'• llfe.tyle? A bou8eful of kida OI' a aleek single'• studio? la cooking a relaxina artistic purauit akin to painting ... or a matter ol survival? Doee your frieDd truly like food ... or regard it u fuel? Ia your friend calorie conacioua? Alleratc? On a apeclal diet? Or a culinary militant -no artiticlal anythina, you are what you eet, waste not, want nol, or animals have rights, too. Does your friend uu food to proclaim atatua? Once you undentand your friend'• culinary penonallty, diami•lnc umultable cook.boob la ........... Bwt the j9cbt copy and the openin• chapter, ti pom.ible, to learn aomethina about tbe Mdbor. Would tbe au1hor Mid your friend en.joy etieh other? Your ever- prepant netghbor who bakea her own bread probably won't find much u.. for a cookbook written by a titled princeaa married to a former amb==dor. ~ are the author's quallflcationa? Profeaalonal trainJng alone doesn't guarantee a treuurable cookbook. On the other hand, teaching experience aua-ta that the author baa a knack for 1ettlng technlquea ~ Rad through ~ reds-1o-pt-• 9ellle ct the author'• cooking atyle and the level of aldll required. Are the recipes complex or aimple, above or below your friend'• ability? Pick aome rectpea at random and try to Imagine yo!'r friend makln1 and aervtna thae diahee. no. your friend have the equipment called torr Are the Ingredient• readlly available, or would your friend have : ...U:J. Cl effort h the cookboo.k · · • · · .. · .•, 1 ·1 1·l 1l "1 ,·f· · f ~:~,t;:~ .. I .•",t11.i:, :.1 1 • :J1lt1 li! i!1·r·, IUVJ ti!Jll[Jf\'{ fJf~i(,f' 1 ' ' ' ' . . ' . . ' -11 ~ . ._.. ••your Holiday Gourmet Dlnl1111 BEEF BONELESS ROAST • Top R•und.. ... . LB 2.29 BEEF BONELESS ROAST "\ Bottom Round LB •2.09 BEEF BOHELEll AOAST • Esre OI Round LB 2.99 ~ .... Rib ..... .L8 •2.29 NU IOHELEIS AOABT • Sirloin Tip ...... 1.8 2.39 l&F LOIN AAMOUA Top8lrleln ....... •-" ~ ........ 'I-49 ... --- ~~· • • • II •• IUTT~~~tlletN WHOLa '°1.ED Hunts Hunts Seven Seas TOlllatDIS Tomato Saace Drassi1g .. ,~. TMLllMHO 8Uced ..... ••.z•~ .......... -.. .......... °"" ..-uc· 11( ,_SIW ,..,. Ut! IUCBl'O-., .. ;i~~ .......... ...... v ......... ., ,, . .., ...... Dllll ...... • llh) ... ,.,. ............... _. Pl-..•• .........=:&. .. =-==-.. • FANCY JUMeO HAA'TLEYI 79• Walnats ......... L.B ~hi; ............... La ~-· ll&llO.!~ .JJl,1!! 1a H• 2'!;- 1 I • I I I ~-"Clean ., 1nQusrry -c an I d evelop drawbacks One o f the more agreeable things about l ndu s trial development along the Orange Coast, we have been told. is the fact that it iB all so clean and neat -no slaughterhouses, no noisy, smelly factories. just firms dealing In plas tic-s, medical supplies and assorted chemicals. quie tly h ousea-. in tidy block buildings surroundl'd by attractive landscaping. But in recent weeks we hovt• bec ome aware of ce rtoln dra wbacks in this seeminf(ly unobtrusive brand of industry. On Nov. 12, a lt•ak of t'thylt·1w oxide from u ruplurl'd plµt• ut &>ntley Labs fon~ ~vatucatlon of an dght-squnft"-mile nreo within 1ht.• Irv ine Buslnus11 Ccntt•r . Twenty-seven pt"ople lndudlna police and Circfightt.•r s n·qulrt•d mL-ctic:Al trt·utn1tmt. Two wc-eks lotf'r, fi ve• pc-<>ph• were tr1Jatcd and l 00 ••Vn(·ua•t<•d a Cte r a mldnlght explcueion ul American McGaw Lnb~ in the same district. nnd ~aln t.tthyl\.'nt' oxide was rel~ lnto th~ air. On Dec-. 7. 700 UC Irvin.- s tudents were on cnmpus for finul t>xams when a (umlgunt lt•uk t•d through a vent in a grt--enhou~. The county fire de partment wn.1 called and there was anothn evacuation. but no injuries. Principal among th e dra wbacks of our neat, tidy industry is the incredible proliferation of new chemical substances. all serving a good purpose when under control, bu~ many pownttalJy dan~erous. Onl· problem la th~ fact that public aef ety otflclola too often hove no ldN• what klnda of hazardoU• mowrluht they may bo copin~ with when culled to on t•nwrgt•rwy ot unt• uf thu plants, or how tht· c.:ht•mlcal• mlght act o~ intl'rtlct when relt'n!Wd by leaks~ flrt'M or t•xpto. .. lonH. Count y Sup••rvlsnr Bruce N ostondl' h aa pt'flUaded coun~y l(OVl'l'IUl\tmt. uftlchall (o dNft a urdhmtll .. "t' rt~qulrln~ prlvuw fir lo 1'\•po1·1 ttwlr ln\IN\torlc'I su polk n nd rlrt•CiKht f'r11 t•nlll'd tu on ncddt•11t tR't!llC' mitcht bl' bf'ttN infurmtxJ. Thltt 111 o lugi\'ol 8lt•p, thnugh Nt1ni1· fh m t« ol'l' n •lU('Umt tu rt•lt·u~ llitl"I of thl' rh(•mit•ol11 ltwy Ufl(l for four of f lvlnj nwny trndt• IK'Creta. Grnn\t'l, J(lve-n tht> numbt•r1 of <'Ohlrnonly u t'<-1 dwmlcal l'ntltl~ l'Stlmuttxf ot about half A mJlUonL th~ lnv(lntorl\~ would ~ for from n total "<llulion , but nt lf'n11t they w ould giv.-Mfr•ty workers .. clue ma lo wl1at Ui~y ma)' lx! up agaTnst. U ntil thl'r e l s some \.'OUntvwillc rrotocol for dealing with l;ht•mlcu. emergencies:-and thut would have to lnclude the d tll'S -the only recourse for the safety worke rs is evacuation of potentially threatened residents. That ma y be overkill, but it's still better than talting chances with an unknown quantity. S hare d hoµsing help In recent times the high cost of hous ing h as o bliged many young people to accept the idea of givi ng up a degre e of independence in order~ cut costs by sharing homes and apartments. For senior citizens. unable to maintain their large homes or a(ford costly apartments. shared housing also can be an excelle nt solution, providing comfortable a nd affordable accommodation. plus the s upport and companionship of a house mate. Recognizing this need, Orange County supervisors have approved a countywide s hared housing referral system, funded with a $35,000 grant from the county counseling) programs in the county and one of 15 already establis h ed shared housing programs. The central registry will list those willing to share their homes and those wanting to share a home and an attempt will be made toi match registrants of like inte.restB through c ounseling. This information also can be placed in the central computer and made available to the separate housing programs now in operation. _ Housing Authority- Supe rvisor Roger Stanton. who brought the proposal before the board, pointe d out that participating seniors wtll realize benefits from reduced housing costs. which in turn will provide them with more income for transportation, medical services and other necessities. T h, e fund t o set up a computerized housing referral system will be administered by the ~back Foundation, a nonprofit service organization for senior citizens that already operates the TLC (transportation, lunch and The program will get under way in January and should be a major h e lp for those whose incomes remain the same, while housing costs continue to rise. A novel tax saver Tommie Iceno gle is n o dummy. He realized that some of the 30 evidence dummies languishing in county evidence rooms could be used again, saving the taxpayers several hundred dollars each in purchasing new dummies. Evidence dummies are mannequins used in murder trials to illustrate injuries to the victims. Once marked up with the injuries in a specific case, they remain for the term of the legal proceedings. • When the' case is finally settl~i they serve no purpose and could be reused. Only problem was, nobodY, had thought of it. Well, no longer, On lcenogle's suggestion, 20 of the dummies were photographed for pennanenl records, then repaired and painted. They're good as new now, and are currently awaiting use in new trials. It's too bad the rea) people they represented have no such easy alternatives open to them. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this paoe are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7Ul 642-021. L.M . Boyd/ Wristwatches Wria'twatches tend to be broken, lf at all, at the aame times ot day nationwide. Usually around noon or at about 10:10 at night. That'• when mott wearers take them oU, either to waah up or to Jet them on night stands at bedtime. The original breeders o1 Bunneee catt wft'e the wealthiest people in BurrnL And at that time, ellCh cat Md '"' own aervant. The 0,. dly of May and Chn.tm. day ~ fall Gil che llmt c:bry of. the week; 8"r' bi Leap yeera. Q. An houleOJee p>d for anythlna at all? A. ~ ao. t ftnd no '11 an tbe defenae ot bousef'lJs, but thoee who do claim fUea purify the air by deatroylng decaying vegetation. Outdocr rue.. they say. provide food for blrda, fish, llzarda and the like. I Sauerkraut cookt!d with9ut= of gin ln it la like a hot.dos t mUltard, according to 101ne speda1ilta. Maybe '°• don't know. ~t ti you're aolna to 1\.111)' tt up, ~t · leave out ihe caraway IMds and IOftl9 .UC. of apple and onion. l Blindtolded, you probably could~ tell the difference between the roar f a nevby oitrich and the roar of faraway lion, unleu you were A.frlcan .animal apmt. . White House 'poll' gloollly WASHINGTON -A computer run ungineered by a White Houae numbers analyst project.a Precident Reagan u a probable loeer to John GleM in 1984 and no bet\er than even with Walter Mondale, a concluaion that frames both the gloom-and confualon ~ere today. The computer study wu bued both on White House pollster Richard Wlrthlln's data and the actual returns from the 1982 mid-term election. It shows both the two leading Democratic prospects whipping Reagan in the Northern industrial states that he swept in 1980. What's more, the Reaganite Solid South ls pictured in a state of such deterioration that it CQQld well \ip Democratic. REPUB.LICAN POLITICAL op- eratives both in and outside the ad- ministration who have learned about the computer study performed by the White House Office of Planning and Evaluation are storming about the naivete of non-political technicians who would pump out such projections. In fact, however, the conclusions do not differ significantly from private assessments of seasoned Reaganite politicians. "I have thought long and bard," one eenior aide told us, "and for the life of me, I cannot figure out right now how the president can be re-elected ... Theee gloomy assessments come amid & bitter year-end struggle at the White Houae over the Fiscal Year '84 budget that compounds th e gloom and confusion. While budget director David Stockman presses for further cuts in domestic spending, the president's political advisers warn that oould seal his doom against alienated blue-collar workers. It was in this grim atmosphere that a computer run performed by Ronald H. Hinckley of the planning and evaluation office circulated last week. The "Hinckley Method" shows thia outcome in the next presidential election baaed on current poltUcal conditions with a nameless kepubltcan opposing a namelees Democrat: 36S Democ:ralic to 159 Republican electoral votes, with 16 ~upe. All ot tlle teven most popu1oua states (includina California and Texas} go Democratic, along with five Southern states. When Hinckley substituted Reagan for the nameless Republican candidate, the projection improved -but not llO much as might be expected. Against Sen. Glenn. Reagan wins 212 electoral votes (57 "solid" and 155 f...r:-f-Vl-IS_/_10-VAI-~ "leaning") including only California and Texas among the Big Seven states and only Virginia, Florida and Louisiana besides Texas in 'the South. Glenn's 243 votes (140 solid, 103 leaning) leave a gap of only 26 electoral votes to be picked up among the 83 from toss-up states for an Electoral College ma~rity. Acxording to the "Hinckley Method," Reagan doee better against fonner vice president Mondale, ~t is a long way from being a winner. He has 231 electoral votes (74 solid. 157 leaning) to Mondale's 186 (70 solid, 116 leaning). The i.aue would be decided among 121 toss-up votes (which Include four Southern states plus the industrial states of Connecticut and New Jeney). These projecttona are sneered at as pseudo apace-age mumbo jumbo by politicians who grumble that the nwnben expetla_on_U\Lf®"h_flQQr of the Executive Office Building next door to the White H~ never telephone a county chairman, relying entirely on election statistics and Dr. Wirthlin'a polls. They also see the "Hinckley Method" as a backdoor Wirt.hlin effort to keep h.i. hand in the political pie. But the politicians really object less to poeslble inaccuracies in the studies than to their circulation at a moment of low Republican morale, with the certainty that they would find their way into public print. Actually, the computer stud.lea mirror what the president's men have been saying in private since Nov. 2. THEY HA VE BEEN appalled by the brushfire ravaging of Reagan's Southern base. The toll of Southern Republican .. congrhsmen th.is year was caused by a combination of blacks terrified by Reagan and lower-income whites disillusioned by Republicans aa the party of the rich. Hinckley's computers only confirm what the political operatives are saying: A Democrat with a centrist image (spell that Glenn) threatens almost all of Dixie. Even arch-liberal Fritz Mondale is a Southern threat. Multiple remedies are being prescribed in an epidemic of White House staff memo-writing, but one is p~ent.: There must be an answer to double-digit unemployment -and qu.ick.ly -to give Reagan a new chance in the industrial North and ~ his Southern base. In the short run. they say. that means a better answer to Democratic "jobe" bills; in the loog run. it is economic growth. In sharp distinction to theee political imperatives, Dave Stockman -with the assistance of chief economic adviser Martin Feldstein -ia seeking to puab through a 1984 budget likely to further antagonize Reagan'.-1.oet voters. AJJ much as they deapile the numbers spewing out ot Ron Hinckley's computers, the politid.ana miaht fiod~ uaeful_in the shrouded struggle now being fought at the White Houae. Deuk01ejian's e x peri ence an as~et ' .. In leas than two weeks George Deukmejian wm be sworn in as the state's 35th governor. What kind of a governor will he be? Not since Culbert L . Olaon took office in 1939 has a new governor been confronted with the fiacal woes whieh face Deukmeji.an. Olson took over at the tail end of the great depression which had so depleted the state's funds that warrant.a were being issued to meet the state's obligations. A Democrat. his first efforts to solve the problems included more spending to expand the State Relief Administration p~am which provided jobs and aid tor the unemployed. BUT HIS attempts were hampered by a coalition in the A11embly which formed the "economy bloc'' determined to hold spending down to bare eeaentiala, The budg~t finally adopted after months of wrangling was less than $500 million. And 'that was for two years! Deukmejian takes over when once again the treasury is drained. But this time a receding eb:>nomy is not to blame. Rather it. has been the unrestrained spending spree i!ldulged in by the governor and the Legislature during a period ot unequalled good times which .,. . f -•• -l -.l-Jl-11--~ saw the budget riae from $10 bill.ion to $27 bllllon for just one year. Fortunately there are other differences between the tWo governonJ. Olaon's experience in state govemrnent was IJ.mited to one term aa aenator from Loa Angeles. A stubborn man who had not enjoyt!d good rapport with his colleagues In the Leaialature during th.at tol.U" year period, ne WU ill-prepared lot the give and take which must occur between a Year-round school needed THOUGHTS AT LARGE: -Schools should be uUJlied the year .round, and &tudent8 should &U.ef\d for 11 month• e.ch yc•r, penn,lttlng them to be gr~~tt"d ln three year'I i~ of four. and thua wrlngil\g much of the "water" governor and the legislators if an .admtnbtration is to succ~ed . The resultant turbulence between the two branches of government cast OJ.on in a bad light will) the press from which be never recovered. And, although the advent of WW 1I quickly restored surplu.teS in the state treuury before the end ot Olson's term, ·he waa easily defeated in his bid for re-election. Deukmejtan. however, bringa into office more experience in state government than any govemor lince "°mk. F. Merriam who lmmedlately preceded O,bon. Hla four yean m the Allembly, 12 years ln the Senate and tour years u attorney general, have made him well versed ln state iove_mment and undet11tand.ing ot the J.ICiallton and bureaucrats. FURTHERMORE, while he is firm in hia convic1iona and tolerates no hanky- .,.nky, he ia a political realist who will not paint hlmlell into an ldeol()lical c:iorner. • Not a bandahaldna. hall fellow well met type, neither lane a oold filh but rather a cunpuaionate man, certainly much more so thar. either of hl1 ~~ra, 'Je; ~wn or Ronald ~~ It may not be r.-.bJa tD pnidkit euic;tl)' what kind o a.,..,... the Duke Will be without mt&a&U1 .-na ~ perlono anymon dala .. .-fell ..,. Coki the OCHft .. ~---... feet wet, be Ml a..-CW Ii NI &Yer .-. for him at t&.1--. 1DllCb...,. ihm-mmt of the odm";M ,.._._.Mid the officl, 11 mg .. ,., .. , I J ma mcotm •~ lltl' rio re111 by f IC m11h11d Discover the taste of Camel Filters, now in a Hard Pack.- Orlntl 0 t OAJLY "ft..OflWtdttHOIY, OiUm II, tHI ... ., "i . ,,. • # • .. .. ·' I ""'' . . . ~ .. J•~ •' u '~ • , . . '• ... ~ ... . I . \. .. think • zoom in ., n. o.u, ........ ,, durln1 th• yuletide ID' off to a alow •tut. but eay a IUddetl ...... In ten hope that th.ii wW tbe '-' Cbr1atmlll yet. bepn buYin.I late 1Mt yea, and atarted buyTn1 even • *'aggedy Ann reaches end of line PLAINFIELD, N.J. (AP) - The world '• bigaeat -manufacturer of Raaedy Ann doUa ia aoina out of bualneaa. ~ Robert Nahodil, a California ~naultant and actina aeneral ~r of Knickerbocker Toy €0., said Tuesday that the d~iol) wu a · painful one to announce, particularly juat tielOre Christmas. "Obvioualy, we would have ·liked to have done it at a dlfferent time," Nahodll aaid. "We honestly felt it waa better to tell them now 10 that the worken can plan their Uvea with acme surety, rather than litting around and wondering." later thl1 yeer but they're maldnl up for 1ort time," uid Jerry Claueen, owner of the Tinder Box 1tore In Minion Viejo. '"Ibere are man petiodl of frenay when the 1bop 11 ju1t wall-to-wall CU9tomen. We're even runnlnl out of rnerchanda. In 101De areea. •• Many Oranae Coa1t lhopkeepera note bu.lnea hu been oU durlnl what Ml been called the wont reoemtoo In 40 yeua. But in nanl days. they uy the IUn Ml beilun to thine on what Ml been a bleak year. Kitty Leelie, publicl1t for Neirnan-Marcu1 in Newport Beach, aaid aalea at the posh department 1tore were "aoft" until last week and the store ii now experiencin1 "the laet minute ruah that we all hoped for." Sblnlaktlbere doem't ~ to be much customer l'e9iltance to expensive items and that hJih- quality 1ooda are receiving oonaiderable attention. '1bouah bullnem may be aood for eome retallen, others can't ipore the fact that the aour economy baa kept cuatomen away or cbarQled buylnl ~a th1a IMIOll. While the affluent aUll teem to be buyin1 h1ah- pr1ced He-ma, th• bucf.aet. comdoua are ~ for ways to make their gllt-buyina dollar atretcb a bit further. • The dedaion meana that 21~ employeea will l<Mle their jobs JM. 3, and 241 by April 1. Sc.ne 11.~ employee• w ill begin wvrking Jan. 3 for another cqmpany that plana to take over Pe.rt of Knickerbocker. Buoyed by the feelina that the apirit of Christmu ia 1n g:ivin& and not nee erily the cost ol the alft, aome have opted to pu.rchue ie.-expenaive tokena of friendabip or affection. Holiday 1hoppen are avoiding expensive item1 and responding to bargain-targeted sales strategies. Comcloua-of price tag ahocJl 1triklng many a potential cuttomer, IOllre--.hopkeepeYI" have developed apecial marketlnc atnteaiea to pt the ClOOllW'Del' t.brouah the door. 1bat they're looking for,'' added Leah Hammer, of Laguna'• Lippe· Waren 1"lne Crystal. Tony Horvat, owner of Sundance -&lothing 1tore on Balboa laland. aaid customers are on vacation they're more inclined to spend their money aa if they were bllck tn Oh.lo.'' Chriatmae for u1," said the Fountain Valley merchant. "It's been better than lut year and better than the year before!' Warner c.ornmunlcatlona Inc., which acquired Knickerbocker five yeara ago, announced lut month that it would 1ell the toy com~:nalyat1 projected J5.nlic er would have a $20 ~on to $30 million ahortfall tt1i1 year. . r:When executivea announced the' ehutdown 'I\.8day, ahipptng clerk Cliff Jackaon waa not "lt'a the lwt expemlve itema that are eellin&,!' .-kl Richard Garcia, of DeAn'a Gallery and Cuatom Framina in Irvine'• Northwood Town Center. "They're staying away tram the expenalve It.ism like the placue. '' JUchard Brill. ~of Pea International In lrvlne'a Woodbridae Vllla1e Plaza, aareed that expenllfve itelm are not DOPUlar' tbll year. Salea are down by 15 to 20 percent and people are buytna pet :'Jplie8 rather than birda, clop fish "It's the lea1t-expeDBive items that are 1ellin1 ••• they're 1tayin1 away from the expensive items like the plague." "M a N1e people tend to ahop for luxury ltema at the laet minute,'' Mid Billie Balkind of Coaet Mualc in Coata Meaa. "Because of unemployment people are afraid to apend. Guitara are moving well. Lower end equipment ls moving better than upper end. People buy either lower end or top of the line." Mort.on acknowledaed that much of hia bumne9I bu been coming from longUme c:ustm:nera. Still, moat of the people who walk through the door buy IOl'llethinc, he aaid. "More practical items are 1ellinf. rather than luxury itema, ' eaid Pe~gy Reinert, owner of Reinert a Department Store in Coeta Meaa. "Robes, jftlcketa and aportawear are aood 1ellera." really ii aad, but what can y?" 1aid Jackaon, ting that video pmea and toya of the computer ap taJdnc the pi.ce of the cuddly haired doU. ln the hearta of --·erbocker, founded In 1 2, makea the popular aedy Ann and Ra11edy y dolla, producea dolla of Wtlt Dianey, ·Seaame Street, Snoopy characten and creates other toys. ~ ~t,beaeid. t~ly impomtble to IMke a blanket statement about the ownll retail ... climate. Some "'* ...... nport a 40 pen:ient jump ln ules over lut year; othera aay the opposite. Few wouldn't admit that the eoonnmy baa been a roller-couter ride with plenty of ~-curdlina dipe I« f!V'«Y peek. ohen meana having a good ~ppl of men:handiae for the hunter. " e held a Cbriatmaa aale with everyth1na rmrked 20 to 80 percent oft," aUd G..-y Shirley, a aaleunan at Axline'• Village Shoes ln Lquna Beach. "The aalea, aa a reault, were tn••~ We're definitely up (ln aalea) aver 1Mt year." "We're working very hard to help our CU9tomen flnd what more aelective about their purcbues. And he echoes the sentiment that the Chriatmaa buylnc ~ atar1ed later than uaual. "People are still thinking twice before •pendinl their money." aaid l:lorvat, who alao noted buaineaa i• up by about 20 percent. "You have to nemember that we get acme of the tourist market and even Lf thing:I are bed ln Ohio, lf they're out here At aeveral recent economic out.look oonferencea held In the county, forecuten hMI predided a better Chriatmaa aeaaon in conjunction with a predicted national ret::OVerY. Dan Morton, co-owner of Jewelry by Sandy Morton, couldn't agree more. "It's been an extremely good Thouah tbeae are = eoonomk: timel foe most Reinert, who hu weathered many flmndal RJl'ID9 durinc her 33 yeua aa a busl" 1 women. offered a final note ol. •'"....,." "The thine rm noticiD8 ia that cuatomera seem to 6e very happy." inter arrives bringing beauty, sport and hardship WASHINGTON (AP) -lt'a the fint day of ter -a. .-.i of beauty and apol't to aome, dill.la, alifflel and barcWUp to otben -a . that ~to be lpond. Winter offidally bepn at 8:39 p.m. PST ~~;o :=~ wOl ch1ldren lilslma to set an wwcbeduled holiday from -IJUL People who trawl nplad)' will d.reed iDDonvenieDce and dlia8en winta wee1her ....... wbo can't affonl .,ffident heat foe bomee will fear fer their 11.v-.. ' ''Mere people died mt yw tram ex-11-~­ ter colcl than from any other weather f!DClmena. tncbMllDI burrticaw. floods and Mdoea." l8ld Dr. BiCmrd HaDcren. director of Natklnll Weather Servkle. Weather Service oUlolala Aid winter .c9med 350 1iwa 1Mt. year. and cost the nation than $8 billion. The sudden lharp cold map lMt January, a relatively mUd fall. ... blamed tor the 19'1-.uiwy h1cb toll. ' • The numbera would drop if people took )ifety precautiona, prepared for the cold and ~ wamlnp, ffall&ren aaid. Violent temperature cbanaea caUMd by cold frona 80IDetimel catch the unwary off IUU'd· The record dip OCCWTed between Jan. 23 md Jan. 24, una. at Brownlne. Mont., when the tbeno()IMter ahowed a drop of 100 dep-eea Fahrenbelt. tram 44 depw on one day to 56 below Jlel'O the next. On Jan. 22, 1943 it waa a moderate 54 desre-at 9 a.m. ln SpMl'fiah, S.D. But 27 minutes•• the tempentu&"e had plummeted to mlnua 4 c11C1"111, • 58 decree drop . TMn were 7& recOrd low temperatures recorded M:rOm the country durinl the moat severe cold IMP of lMt winter. In January, mow cover reached record proportlona when 75 percent of the a&rtace ol. North America waa blanketed ln white. Plwpect Creek ln DDl1hem Alaaka holds the nation'• cold weather record at minus 79.6 d.,rea, recorded Jan. 23, 1971. In the 48 ~ ltata, Roller'I P-. Mont., holda the record with a Jan. lel, 1954, reed1na of mlnua 69.7. Amonc the 00 stat. only Hawall haa never experienced temperaturea below zero. That state'• all-time law waa 14, on Jan. 2, 1961. In prepa.·atlon for thla winter, HalJ.sren auggesta that people keep an emergency aupply jl ...... :Trio held in heist, assault Garden Grove police • bllft arresied tbrw mm ·•·...pdOD of robbely, ••xual aaaault and attempted rape after a yeeatlonln1 German ~and her aon were •t&acked at a Garden Grove motel A tlp from an anonymoua Informant led poliDI to a motel ln Anaheim Tueada11 mornln1, where Ibey took two men and a juvenile they believed of food on hand In CMe of aevere atomlL He aak:l warm clotblng ahould alwaya be avallable and batterlea ahould be freah for radio• and --are at 1eut 35 mph. -- -Freezins rain or d.riale: ralnfall that flMhls.b•. , Weaiher experts wam ap1mt overexertion In the cold. Every year heert au.cka fell dorena of people ahovelJ.na mow. The Weather Service maintalna local radio atationa acrou the country that broadcast weather repodl cootlnually. They offer vital wamlnp of a storm'• appra.ch~ broadcMten alao provide wamlnp and fOl'ecMtL Mcmt people understand the t.enm med ln the9e warnlnp, even if they don't know the euct definitions. Here are the weather aervioe deflnltlonl of eome phr.-that will be bemd. _: Blluard: 1tron1 winda with lar1e, amount. of faD1nc or blowtnl mow. The wlnda &ee.ea on Judlng, fOl'IDAne a coadnc ol a . -Sleet: frozen ralndn>pe. -Snow: when \.-cl without a qual.ifyiq word, it meana atelldy mow faWnc fcir ..Yeral ~ -Snow flurries: intermittent mow with little accwnulation. · -Snow aqual.la: brief lnteme mowfalla with gu.Una wtnd9. -Heavy mow wamin8: a mowfall of at least four inclMI ln 12 hours or m lncbe9 Jn 24 houra. -Traveler'• Advlaory: a warnin1 of bazardoua drivlnc oonditionl cau.ed by IDOW, aleet, free1ln1 rain, to1 or other weather oondition. Coast phone bells to jingle 4 7 5,000 calls expected over Christmas • WIOHllOAV, DIC Ml A 11, ttll Doe vitamin C h Ip OAVALOAD! 82,3 ENTEAT AINMENT 88, 1 pr vent cold ? Dr. TELEVISION 88 t incrohn, Pase 83. ·Bargain hu~ter's paradise By JODI CADENHEAD ... Dllllr ....... The Oran1e County awap meet, kinl the boon of weekend barpin bunten, has opened for the first time in lta 22-year history on weekday• to accommodate Chrlatmaa shoppers. And while a partridge in a pear tree might be a little out of the question, holiday buyers -1ound_juaU.bout eveI)'thina ebe to fill their Christmas stockinp. Eel skin purses, hot air balloons, mistletoe, stuffed animals, baskets, desiiner jeans, pota, pans.. oak me.en and even a Santa Claua (not for sale) were lining the aisles this week at the Carta Mesa flea market. Officials from Tel-Phil Enterprises, operators of the swap meet, said they decided to remain open Dec. 20-24 after l'eCOl'd December crowds showed up the last two Saturday and Sundays. Last weekend 82,000 people jammed lie fairgrounds. But previous weekend attendance WU 80,()()(). "There are a considerable Mickey Bellah juggles racquetballs while awaiting customers number of people out there that don't have the money and they're just 1coldng to make their Chrlatmaa dollara go a long way '' aald swap meet manager Emle Galloway. About 20,000 people showed up Monday, which ia considered a n average attendance for a Saturday. Swap meet sellers are hoping the number will increase as the holiday nears. Although swap meet et04· :uuiJ.-1 keep no record of the dollar value of sales, Galloway said it appe"ared that m oat of the shoppers were buying. The swap meet will be open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday. Admission is U per vehicle and !SO cents for walkins. There are about 800 vendors at the swap meet this week, compared to the average 1,200 that sell during the busy weekends. Fairgrounds officials said they expect to earn $1 million this year from the swap meel, with proceeds coming from a percent.age of parkin~mi.ss:lons and beer and food . The weather isn't cooperating, &o this entrepreneur improvised. 0 0 Delly Piiot Photoe by \ CherlM Sterr ni It may not be like Grandma remembers, but the Swap Meet at Christmas is alreacJy a tradition, left. Below, Danny Pope of Costa Mesa watches a booth. { { 1' b!f! lob { '4 ii lib II .. 1-J J on nu UV. r in., J6f. i l (.)N no 16q I rl I I/ 11 .im IOJ n)l Im Jt1. I "1tU 9b 1 • DEAR ANN LANDERS: J have -.n leVel'a1 ?ett.tn ln your column from mlddJe.ued women ;who are worried about lhelr romantic feeUnaa and -~ auncdon for • YOW\l .cUluahter'• boyfriend (hlCh echool aae>. What puul•' me la that I never recall • letter lroin a man who ha• the .. me problem. Ia it ~uee: • :· (a) Thil eott of lh1n8 doesn't happen to men? · : (b) Men don't feel it la anythine to be ~•bout? : • (c) Men don't want to admit to the problem? : Curloua, l1n't it? Any explanation? - UPSTATE N.Y. ••.. DEAR UP: Mea do lacleecl e:sperleace tb · lem, Mt dtey 1eJdom wrtte alMMlt II. U...Uy 'letter la from dte prl WM ~ya, ''Th a• ti my t frlelMI ma41e~. 11 at me wlla lae. cl.rove. me Jaome tlte ollter t!' Or lite wUe writes: .. My )alba.ad caa't take 1 eyes off a clarllq atrl wlao l1 · cHerleacler al•1 wldl ov c1Hpter.11e called . •· by Iler aame In W1 deep lut alPt." · I llave f.rlatecl letten from mea w .. o llave complained, 'My flucee pays very UttJe atteaUoa to me wtaen my clad 11 aroancl. He loves It. WHa tlaey kin hello, It makes me ueaay. I dl1U H 1oea for lier." Alld more tllaD one you.1 woman lla1 written to .. y 11le'1 lD love wldl Iler fadaer·la·law. So, you aee tllat train nn1 botlt ways, my dear, ud the en11Deet cu b.e eltber male or female. 1 DEAR ANN LANDERS: Can you atand one more letter on the subject of high IChool kids who have jobs? What did that boy from Georgia do with all the money he made working after achool and on weekends? Did he save it for cone,e? I'm the teacher in whoee clua he fell asleep regularly becauae he worked until 2 a.m. the night befote. When I asked him why he worked, he replied, ''To pay for my car." I then uked, "Why do you need a car?" He anawered. 'To get to work." It is a vicious circle. U he didn't have the job. he wouldn't need the car. I have 1een enough of this sort of thing 10 that I am convinced kids do a lot better in echool without cara and jobs, unlea it ii abeolutely ementlal .that they work in Ol'der to help support the family. -A TEACHER IN MIDDLE AMERICA WHO CARES DEAR TEACHER: I llave bea taaclated witll letten from teacllen wlto are ......, ,..,. ...,. Yoa teaclaen are la lite froat llHI ud aee lite battle casaaldet at close ruse. y..,. oplalou are worth U1tealD1 to. Tllaak1 for wrltlq. DEAR ANN LANDERS: No big deal -or maybe It is, considering the oost of everything theae • day1. Here's a hint for all tbOM women who complain about the=!hhoee ripping after two or three wearings -y alnce they rarely come with reinforced heell and toes anymore. Put them in the freeller brand new -s-ckqe and all. Leave them overni1bt or lonpr. The followtna ct.y, wam them arlli let dry. Thllt method really wbr'ka for me. I \alally pitch my pentyhoee becau.e of map. not runa. Sign me -WISER • THAN BEFORE IN n..L. . · DEAR WISER: Tllaab for lite tip. 111 try It. "SeJCual lre«Jom" prmenta • diffkult dedsion for tttn-agen and their pareata. Ann Landers offers down-to-earth Mlvke in her new booldec, "Higb 5cb(Jol Sa and How to DMl Wldl It -A Guide for Teem and Their PIU'ftlta." For each booklet. send (JO oe.nc. plu. a Jong, 6f.al.DPed. aelf. addreaed envelope to Ann Landen, 1'.0 . Box llflP~ Chi~ DJ. tlQ6J l . - POT Sli01S BY ASHLEIGH BRIUIANT chri9t~ 1982 ... IOlll OI Ill IV CHML I •t OOMN ANO OMAR IHAAlfl Neither vulntrable. loulh dHll, NOITll •1141 ~· 0 Ill · •AltU WEST EAIT •IU •&IOU o JIOt7 <:1 1141 0 AQ 0 1017t • JIOU • 9 • SOUTH •AQ O AKQ& 0 "141 •Q·U The blddlnr ha1 proceeded: -· By PHIL INTERLANDI ._.. Weet Nen• Eu& I o r ... I• PaN INT p.,. INT r ... , ...... Openln1 l11dt Jack or ti ... It'• tint and dandy to have enou1h trlck1 for your con tract. Ju1t make 1ure you can reach them, and that you develop them ao 11 oot to aet up enourh trick• for the op ponenta to defeat you. South w11 not quite 1trong enou1h lo open two no trump but too good for one no llMA IOMllCI AT WIT'S END e bzaut.\ful cdla.dAal or hend "M::Mn ec.ctieh t~ in th:z. meet. cz.xclt.Ang color9 and~ youll Mill. ~ dlCWJ'l ~ rur ad.ct vmtAd hocking cast witl'l'W\t'd t«> aleo ovoi~ with edrm ar pstdl mxl f'lop px:llZt.e, a.cdl cx:et, 19 t.e11oozd for l.tl. • ~!Or~ trump. II• 1ledtd lo Optft In hie minor rather than hie ma Jor to m1k• It H•ltr tor hi• partn•r to r .. pund. Beuu "' !..ht! mfld die~ ffi, NorLh ml~ht havo preterred 1 two club r11pon11, but all road• ltd lo tho 11m1 1pot. A1aln1l three no trump, Woat choao LO attack with hi.II major 1ult rather than hi• minor. 06clartr WH 9ne or Europe'• leading playera. and hl1 play wH a claulc demon1tratlon or wlnnlna rubber bridge technique. He won the flral trick with lhe queen or heart1 and Im· HOIOSCOPf m.dlaLllf led tht queen of 1p1de1. Eaat loM ~hit klg and perttvertd •ILlt ltt1rt1 -110 olhu tulL would l\lve bnn bettel":-' Declarer could now runt el1ht trlcka, ud he qulckly aet up hl1 ninth by duckln1 a low club In both hand1. Ht won the heart return, ca1hed the ace of 1pade1 and ran rour club tl'ich for hi• contract. Simple waan't It'/ At the other table, however. declarer played the ace and queen of 1pade1. Eaal allow· ed the queen to hold. When BY SIDNEY OMARA . POTATOES 29! , ..... IWIO fllll • ••••••• ~ - WeaL '°' ht with a clutt, he re&urntd 1 ,,.., &aet &Ooll two·~ trlek1.11d ewl&clt ed to 1 dlamoftd-4own ONI H•w. 1" ....._&lie .._ :t: ... ...., CMtlet o.,.. 0.. ....... ,., • c.,,. .... w ...... o,.u. LH•1/' 11a• el.la te "Gert•IAMa."..,.. ti &Wt .. .,.,.,.,, P.O. ha Ill. N_,, ... ,N~.17"8.M&b ci..cka paJ.W. le New .. .......... b . .•UFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ......... .-s.we lt22 ~IOI ILYD. COSTA MISA-541·1 IH MOTIC9 Of' TMle1D'8 uu T.S. .... ... YOU AM M ..... A&A.T UNDO A DmlD Of'.,.,.., DATID ~ ... ..._...YOUTAU TO llR01'RCT YOUlt •fhOtliU..,,.._T,..1, IT llAY • 90l.D AT A ~ IALI . IP YOU MllD AN Dft.MATIOel Of' TtlS ... ~ Of' TtlS PWOCDDIMO AGA811T ~ eHOUl.D COMTACT A NOTICE IS WEREBY GIV£H, 1t1et on~ • .,.,.._., 12. 1983, ll t:OO o'dock Lm. of MMI fW/, In .. --..ide tor oonductlng TNIMI'• 8elaa. wttl*I the~ of Rl!*l. l!STATI! 8EOURITIE8 SERVICE, IOGated at 2020 North • oedw9y, Suit. 208, In tM City of a.ma Ana. Cowwly of Of--. a.. of Callfornla, REAL f"ITA TE 8ECUAITIES 8EAVICE. a CeMofftla • corporation, .. duly appointed Truataa under ~ pinuaM to Iha pow. of .... -fen'9d In that oertliln Deed of TNat 9llllOUlld b)' KITTY KAY lllACt<. 111 IA'Wl'WTted -*'-raoorded ~ e. 1eeo.1n lodt 13eeo of Offtc1al Aaoofda of Hid County, II page 10159, Aloordar'• tnalNrnlnt No. 4Ne, by ,_ of • bf-" or ci.taul1 In payment M pertonnance of the obllgatlon• aeourad thereby, lndudlna tMt .......,. or ...,.., .... fA --.. IWIClfdld .Mw 11, ... -...__. • ...,.,.... -ILUIOM; Will 1tfll AT ftUILIC AUCTION TO THE tff8HHT llDDER 'OR CAIN, ...... ~ °' .. lA'lllN ...... °' a CMNlr'• of-* *-on • ........................ ............... a-or .................. ~-11111 cloMlcllld In .................... .. ..... of ....... "Oh(. ... Md ..... held by It. -T,,..... In that rMI property altuate In u6d County end State. daacf1bed .. tallow& ~ 17 of T'8Ct No. 9107, In the City .. ltvlne, County of Orenge • .... of c.atornla. • .,_, on • IMP .-dad In Book 384. P...- 115, tt and 11 of Mlac:elt•naou• ~ In tM olloa of Iha County ....., of lllkS County, ~.ntEREl'AOM al ol. f9! mlner•I• and other llydlocatbolt .. ~ togettiar wllfl iM right to axplof• for and .......... bllow • depttl of llOO .... ~ .. ~ of Mid lend, """°"' .. right of 1Url-1ntry. -,_,,.i In deed of record. TM atrfft addr•H or other com4llOn designation of the r .. 1 ~~ deeorlbad .. ~ to be: 6 EmpetOf. trvtne. Ttt-undaralgned hareby dlaolalm• all llablllty for any ·lrlccNfacNea~ Mid ... ~ or -. oommon dellglMltton . ...., ....... be mllde without warranty, expreH or lmpllad, regarding tltla, po ..... lon, or •n~mbrancea. to ••tl1fy th• pttnolpel .,.._ of the Note Of --~ -ed by Mid Deed .. f"ruet. """ lnt--1 and otMr -u prcmdad tw•n: ... e.haiicea. " .,,.,, under the """' ..,._ and .,..,_ on IUdl ••c11, and pa. ..... dWOM Ind ..... of the Truataa and of .. ~ c:r.-d b)' ... Deed of TniA The tot• amount of Mid ~Ion. lndudlng r•aonably eauiaatad le••· ollargH and ...... of lfll TNMM. M tt19 time °' lnllll pl~ of tNe Notice. .. lt1,21U1. o.ect: 0.0.nbar 17, 1M2. AeAL 1!8TA TE 81.CUNTlU 8EAVICE. a ~ ocwpot'atlon, •T,,...., 8y: (SIA~D.J. Morgef, Ha Pnuldent 2020 N. llfoadwey, 8ult9 20t, lerM Alta, CA t27ot ~_;_··~!!':. (114) HMl10 ..,.._,_ Orenge Cout OallY Not. Dec. 22, 2t, 1M2, Jan. S, ,.. • llOOol2 JOUI lllAl Tll DA. P&T A J 8TllNCAOHN own dlff e ... nUal dla1nomT U IO, rou're letUnl younelt In for~ dik'ofnfort. U1uaUy, th dtaanom can be ...Uy made by X-r•1 examlnaUon. Buf. 11 you IO alont without knowlnC \he actual cauH of your 1ymptom1, what you think 11 1allbladder trouble may be due 10 twltut hemla - or to no actual orpnlc dl.IMM at all. Flr1t, remember that 1aUatonet may be allent. I have known paUenll wltl'i 1allbladder1 fllled wlth 1tonee who had no lndtaeatlon at all. Llkewt.e, many patlenll wlth hlatu1 hernia do not even realize they have It until routine X-raya have been taken. What about dlatlnctlve 1ymptoma? There aren't any. One patient with gallatonea may have continual pain In tht abdomen, and complain of h~artbum, gu, nau.ea. U a •tone "aeta cauaht" ln a bile duct, the patient auffert the typl.cal, painlul colic au.ck. How do theee aympt.oml differ from thoee in the hiatus hernia patient? Sometimes not at all. In fact, aomeUmes the hiatus attack ia eo aevere that the patient may appear to be having a coronary heart attack. b th.la all unclear? I hope IO. It may propel you to a radiologlat 10 that you will not need to keep aueaalng about the dlagnosia. Don't be surpriaed if you have gallstones and a hiatal hernia Mrs. S. Often, they are auoclated. ' lloliday Ga BAR-B-Q AL . AMCO ~~\t>Df.RS Sl!ppt~ Sp«IMlzln1 In IM coonlln•tlon of th~ dttonll~e hardw•tt for your pro}ttl. Flnlslt«l hardwar~ for: DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIEs (714) 642-4184 CloMd Moaday1 1514 Newport ll•d. Coste Meta, CaUI. 92627 It's , ,,.,,,, ,,.,,_. ''' , ... YOU CAN WITH THI. Qulok Pix"• Sy•m .. "'OM OINlftAL ILICTfHC H.,..'• how ••• QI offM I do-H·rourMff ,.,.., ......-. tor 01 Refritlereto,., .. .,,...,o..n •. Otltlw-.., ......... end bryen. 18Ctl lftllftUet II .. , .... reed Md ltt-"' cludff hunclNft of etep- br .. tep photo•. ""•· .. the Quick "•'• Dlaptey Reck lftMrff ev .. leble e v1rlety of MlthortHd r•pl.c.ment pert• nHCIH for "'"t r.,..,.. iz:f:'J;31 8ellev• It ••. with the Quick Pl•" lptem from Otnetel llec1rlc ... rou cen taff time end moner. DAYl ... •OWN C11.E. 11 .. It., lett8 .... 141-11M 1 111 1, !l I ( ~ .. .-,---. ' . t I , I I I arketing s ession cheduled at OCC An tnternational marketing seminar that ~ how an individual or company can obtain a for aelling a product over:>eaa will be offered . 6 at Orange Coast C.Ollege. Titled "Uncle Sam, May 17," the four-ani-a- -hour aeaion is oo-apomored by CX::C, the U.S. partment of Commer~e. and the Southern omia District Export COUnd.1. . '!be eeminar will run from 10 am. to~:~ p .m. Room 108 of CX::C's Administration Building. tion fee ia $20. The fee includes lunch, rlals and parking. . I Pre-registration is recommende<1 space la llmited. People may register in OC'C's U>mmwlity rvice Office, located in the dollege's Student ' t.er. The office ia open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to . Credit card orders are accepted for VISA or ~. l Seminar lecturer is Jesse Campos, senior iJttemational marketing consultant with the U.S. Department of c.ommen:e. J .. For information about the seminar, phone .,,.,-6880. )iirline threatens -. to halt operation • NEW YORK (AP) -Pan American World AA-ways, one of the world's oldest and largest aidlnes, says it will shut down Jan. 8 if three unions dq#pot agree to oootinue wage cone c .,,..,._ ,;.. The warning was made in the course of contract talke with-th& TFanaportation Workers Union by an emiaary of Pan Am Cbainnan C. Edward Acker, airline vice president Jeffrey ~said today. The airline la negotlatlng with the Trinlportatioo Workers Union and the Teenwten Union. Both uniom' oontracta expire Dec .. 31, and tlW fllaht attendants' contract expiree in April. • Pan Am's pilota and flight engineen already baye qreed to a oonUnued wage 1reeze that cut their aalariee by 10 percent two years ago, with the provisiOn that tbey will get lncrews if~ -mune shows a profit next year. H-OLIDA Y HAPPINESS FROM SANRIO ....... I ,,_.,._y f "91•n J _...,I f Hll s "'""'"" ... • Prl'tl .... JK .... 12 NAmelo IJ l~Mlr t• DOWNS ~·\'! _c';t., Off P<ti..J JYI -1111 Off JO.II '2 JYI Off 17.t Ill. -IVJ OH U.4 '"" -S-16 OH IU 2"'--.. Off 12.0 t:~i ilH ,.... -.... Off 10.J ~ -~ ~ 10.0 •v. -I/) 10.1 JV. -.... 10,0 11\1> -..... Off , .. JY, -.... Off '·' S -.... Off t.I 2\.'I -\j, Off t,I JV. -Iii OH t .I l'°" -" OH U IOV. -I Off a,r '" -.... Off 1.1 • -'-<>If ... .. -'"' Off ... UP TO 75% COMMJ5.510N DISCOUNTS PLUS CONVENIENCE America's leading bank and America's leading discount brokerage firm, Charles Schwab &. Co., Inc. have joined forces to bring you a new stock transaction service. Now you can buy or sell securities at a discount at the Schwab Stock Brokerage Services Counter, inside selected branches of Bank of America . You'll not only save up to 7596 on com- missions, you'll get added convenience in the bargain. Because once you open your Schwab Aa:o\mt )'OU can handle all of your securities transactions right where you do yow banking. FIND our HOW EASY rr IS TO BUY AND SEU. SECURJTIES Visit the Schwab Counter at selected branches and We'll demonstrate how to u.c t~ quote machine that' gives up-to· the-minute Quotes. You can chtek prices on youJ' own tccurities. Or get the latest quocc on any tt•dcd item. Even on brisk tradina da}'L Alto, if your ule deposit box is located at a branch with a oouncer. then you may safely move the c.crtificates you're selling from your box to the Ss;bwab Securities Deposit Box. In addition, with yow Schwab ACCO\.d\t not only can you buy and sell securities while you bank, but you'll have access to Schwab Account Executives by a toll-free 800 telephone number. You can place orders or get quotes 24 hours each day, 7 days a week, including most bo!tdays. nfE CONVENIENCE OP AUTOMATIC SET11..EMENT With a Schwab Account and a Bank of America checking account, you'll enjoy the extra convenience of Automatic Settlement. We'll debit or credit your Bank of America Account for securitk'S transactions. And we'll even deposit stock dividends. Automatically. This eliminates the bother of waiting for checks in the mail or having to send checks In time to pey for purchases. What's more, every transaction is conveniently recorded on your monthly Tlmcsavcr Stat~tft Come into one of w Bank of America branchd ltstcd here. Or call Charles Schwab & Co .. Inc., toll free at (800) 648-5300 ext. 54. Find out how to buy as>d sell securities more oonveniently. Schwab Brokerage Services Counters are located at the following Bank of America branches: Newpon Beach 3444 Via Lido Newport Center 500 Newport Center Drive Laguna Hills 24061 Calle de la Plata Please send me more 1nfonmuon on Stock Brokerage Scrvlcxs. N1mt-~-~---~-----~­ Addrcss~~-------~-~-~ City ______ s1atc __ 1.1p_ ....... __ _ Phone ( Current BanJc of Amcric. cusiom<:r 0 M11l 1n: Cllul~ ~hwab &. Co., Inc:. One ~d Street Cian Franc:hco, CA 9410~ Mobile missile to foster jobs ~ ANQELES (.\P) -About ~.600 Southern ,. Califo1 n fl\n. urront.ly work on Lhe MX milmile, and 4 anothe1· 1,4011 would be employed If the mobUo m111Ue._,. network went into full produe\lon, Ml'09pllC9 otfk.ia'.' • say. Al Aerojet General Corp. ln 1Uburt.n Ania, 700 , worken are currently employed on MX ~. but that· , would rite to 1,300 If approved.-bther Southern:~ California 1ubconir.ctora include the Martin Marietta Corp., with 800 employed; Northrop Corp. wl\h 1,600 currently employed and 2,100 pro~; Rockwell-'! Rocketdyne. 800 current, 1,000 pro,ected; Rockwell-• Autonetica .. 980; and ll'RW Syatema Inc., 850. • . S&L D)erger called of I :; LOS ANGELES (AP) -A proposed merger between American Savlnp & Loan and California Federal Savings & Loan Aaocl.ation, which would have produced the nation's largest such institutjon, has been called off. .. ., T he chief executives of the two flrm1 said Monday that "their negotiations for a definitive agreement have been friendly and productive, but • 'that substantial accounting and tax problems have been encountered." The two savings and loans announced their , merger plan on Oct. 26, aaytng Cal Fed would convert to stock ownership and simul~fi. ~ pu.rchued by tint Charter Corp., the' SeVedy · -SUed parent of American. The two savlnp asaoci.atlona woWd have been merged into a new $20-billlon institution to be called First Federal of America. Gas down 10 cents SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Motoriata ln Northern 11 i California and Nevada are paying an avenge of 10 , J oenta a pllon lem for guoline this Chrlstmu than a 1 ) year ago, the California State AutomobiJe Amodation has rel)Ol'ted. The CSAA December aurvey of 690 service . stations found the average overall price for all grades • 1 of gasoline waa $1.37 a gallon. compared to $1.47 a gallon last year. Retail prices began a decline in October and continued through December. Much of the price«iros- come from dbcounta aome dealers offer for ca.ah purchuea. But the CSAA aaya an abundance of paolloe has UC> incre 111 e cl competition. More than half of the atatklm aurveyW said they would be open ChriatmM Day. •I Le.ded l'fCUlar paoline awnced $1.19 a pllon t for aelf~ atationa and $1.$9 ·a pl.Ion for full aervice. Unleaded regular averaced $1.28 a pllon at .U-eervke pums-and $1.44 for full aervice. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAI( CAPI OK. 21 SILVER Today 11t 17' M7 Ot 11 • ........ ~ = -" • Mendy & """*'· 110 . .,. ,,., "°' --. GOLD QUOTATIONS Coast's distinguished performances announced 8~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 .............. ,.._ ..... ....... ........... ~ ....... ,.., ..... . ... ....... "". Utlm OllTAaU =r-OllTA .... (tot __ , ... _,, HOI .. , .. ___ f ROM -.R llllOS G A w.t.nN( n (.QMMUNICAllONS COMPANY l ,.11 .............. •..-. ...... .... ~IUCll -­ Edwll'a Soudl c.. ai.... 17Ml 41 414 IS14 134.ZSS3 , ______ , ACADEMY MEMBERS: Your ctird wll edmlt you and• guMt to any perfonn•nc9 Mondlly ttwv Thurlday. The newest and funniest 'Panther' of them all. I ii6 ,._. t.e:eento l'O!! "" '"&Mf'IT I THE WILDEST, FUNNIEST; ACTION THRILLER OFTHEYEMt pot Fnnk Galvin Im one last chanoo IO do something right. Another World, Another Time •.. In the Age of Wonder. In Six Weeu. you can find memories to last a lifetime. ·~ I j ~J~'.,"," llil2Eltiil *BARGAIN MATINm • ......., .............. , AU Perlormencff bel0te 5:00 PM (~.,... 1 ............. ......,., "THI! YmlDICT" ... ----- t A I< E '-A 0 0 L.> ' f "< • E Q <;OUTH ,... • ., Ill Oii /l#rtO IU 6M-ftll ........ , ---~~ RUf~A PAl\K • .1 " ..... _ ........ 1-..cno LINC O LN ,~ .,f ·"' i-....... __ _ UM010 fl.1U NTAIN VAL.t'f '""'" ! ,,.. "TML OP 119 ..... ANnm" _ __ ............. ..nte TOY"-----.--, '"A-.IMI 119 ...... ----'=- .... 00009¥1" .. ----- "TMI DAM CllYSTAL",.. -.. ..,..~ ·A#I-· "" -ea ..... ~ ........ . ....... .... ......... (le.) TOen.-...... ... ....... ~ ... .._ Ill WA I I j •• '• ......... .............. ••t-1691 ... T .... ...,_..,. ;e ........ """°"'T __. ,. ...... _ ' •l'.l'.11\\ :J .... . ' .. , ..... CIMANa'I AHML.8 TM ~ '"-tleete· I ...... M .. Cllliol lln'l'l 11 NI lly IOfM MktOlftlltd ..... • 9IHf .. '"°'*4 I 09\lld w 111e 11ew11no ~ -C*IQfll Ill> In • hfino.glidlno ~· tlon. (Part I) • M•A•t•H A ~ IWoec>" ll'Om T~ bftnoe ,_ 10 the ~ of !fie 4077ttl lhet ~ -°"' of loud! """ ,_ medloll Pf*)ttc. ... • HAWAII~ FMM> 19 GOflfronted by a --Of ...... l'ape.mur• .... • OVMIAIY au..: ac1r.a .,_. Gay- ; · fia..rAHOtHG HUMAN .... "'°" I"°!~" ~ :;:.,., "'1CC II NGKT f •••• "CltlMn ~·· (1941) Oreon WellH, ! Joaliptl Cotten. F1Millbadla II r9C8lf the ... of a ~. hy, ~ and axtraveoen•· ~~,,_.... • per ~ ... report9r l ..cm. fOf tM elgnM- ·-of the !Nil'• Ctyptlc I ...... ~. Cl) IOMETHWO'I AI0<1f '_,_, Stapleton and AttOy GM>t> .., In !Ne muelcal wflodl#1lt about 10 ,_.. lll*t• at an Engllllh coun-,try ,_ ~ .,. mur· ,.,..one by one. ·=CAVUf au.: Bernardo a.rtuloc-·(= ~ tlaNMY-.UR Com4nCed N .. lhe Ylctlm of a oo-na"*il coneplr-. cy, an~ 'PY holdl IN~ room et i&MN<>fU * ** "A ChrlttmH Cerd" (1951) AIMtalr Sim, ~ Ham9oft. 9Mad on the etory by Qiartea Dk*w. A~ • mlMr ..... the v.iue Of compaHlon through gho911y adventuraa on QwtllrMa he. (B).,.NCJNI M>OM OILY ............ ~ fllNdcty n. ,......,.. Ollwlltww D!Mr' VlnoMI ,,.. and~ Com• aMUir wflh "9d 86'alton In the etory. of FAldcly tM FrMloadar"e lrlele and "4elulllll Olla .. N pi.. • ~ .... .MOYll * * * "Nutcradlar Fane. ff(' (1979) Anlrnllted. Volo- • of MkNle Lee and Chriet._ Lee. A glrt'e .... ..lllClclclw._..1-t· ... cMtn9 ,., "*'1 ..,_,. ............... .., to .. a •ldeotM .-.., UftOar ttle ..... of • two-h.dad mcue. 'G' l <=-NaWa ~-=Y9AAAIN ~~·lhe­ of • dlllln °' .,.,..,..,. eeor.. In Otdar to mMI ... IMecor•• Cea~ girt. 1:.. .... Q My .... JaMca aOout '* llllalrwtlfll*~Burt .... Mary ...... be9I Mng wlthanalan. i :raoowMY JD ... cooking .... 9 KNXT ICBS) 9 ICNBC (NBC) 9 KTLA (Ind.I ih<ABC!ABCI 9 KFMe ICBS> e KHJ·TV (Ind.I 9KCST <ABC> 9 KTTV (Ind.) '9 KCOP.TV (Ind.) • KCET <PBS> 9 KOCE !PBS> Renowned sopnno Leontyne Price sings Christmas music at 7:30 on 50 and at 8 on 28. I eon 10 IN Nducttw W!f9 ol • l'YIOl:letar. 11 JOKIWI WILD ...... IWflORT (I), .... ~ A lentaey Ctvll1ft'IM ehop- plng ._ In ~ Hiiie; lllree bfother• who - •l1aft'IPllng to roller el!ata 1000mllee. 0 INTIRTAIHMUfT' T'OHIQHT A IOOk at mooMa !NII ~~-u.llty. • OMNCM! COUNTY ~y CZ)MOYll * * "The Oeng That Couldn't 8hool Straight" ( 11171) .>arr; °"*"· lAllgli T9yior· Young. TWo bwn-bif'g .....,, .......... In ~ become lnVO!Yed ln--wwa.·PG' 7:80 8 t OH THI TOWN "-lured: • look .. the tern-. rOdl oroup .. ~·IOOk•lfMe lood UMCt for ~ and ITIO\ll9a; IN pr.-a '*"G made to ~ and~· llddlCll .,.,., 181"Aa.YNUO LA~ a IHIRLEY &~MY ~ and 8Httey enrol In • conMpOil<*ice mod- elr!Q ectlOOI. I IYIOHLA. ~"-Aee Madame liOlde • hueban6- huntlng oonteat on lloer ltlOW. OuMt Qlal1ae .... -~· (!) oouw IAIQTIAU De Pail ve. Purdue • M•A•t•H Delly bomOlng -IN ~ by M Inept Nor1ti ~-------­...... epectailOr IPCW1 .. "-407'7WI. I (I) TIC TAC DOUllH MAoCfB. / UiHfElto IWflORT • IClllBY CINTIR TONIGHT "~ At Kannecty Center Wllll Leontyne Pr1oe" Ali -*'O at ltd- "°'* Qvtllmaa ""'* and reed Inga leaturae renowned eclP'WIO 1.-. lyne Pno9. tlut!M p .... ~ gUft'i a;r-Alk. and Norman lc:rtbner condUc:tfng ... ,...... ~andhW... """°" Qlor9 Ml 8odety olW~ 9 YOU Me<B> '°"IT F..vad: .. ~With A CofM Pot" and ''The Human Kangaroo• Of ~~ IMMTUL.l "U.C. IMne CMelrnu T~· ®MOYll •••• ·~· (1NI) Aon Moody, Olh9r Reed. A young «Pflen 1e 111ct- NSIP9d from hll ,.. homa by '* JJfld gang, but -- (DJ On-TV rr z.rv C8J HBO fC) (Clnemul (J) <WORI NY.,N.Y G'J <WTBS> (I) (ESPtO C.J ( Srlowt I,,,. I • $c>o111Qhl e IC.bl• Ne-Nelwwkl agee 10 aacape and return to hit benef9ctor. ·o· &'00 8 (I) llVIN INDU "°" MVIH MOTHRM The McFaddanl oome to IN aid of e ~ widow .._ untorgMng ln4awe ar• trying to .,.. • .,., ~ cNlclrarl ..-; from her. Gal MAL NOl'\.I ,,..,~; • toy ~eo- lurwa' corn.ntlon: lkat• boerdlng In -. • edlOof tor SantM; IN IUltlOt of ''The Prepple Handboolt"; a~ on Chld Find. (R) .MCMI ** * "TO'IWlc:h" (1937) ~ Colbert; cnartea Boyer. A ~ couple Mt OU1 from ,_.... to FrMOe carrying 40 rnlmon lt- fOt the c:zat. ea TM.80fTHa OOU>MONKIY Jake, Jedi and Cotily - ledloan~,_ ~...,.Gan. Oouglu MacAr1hlw .... lfley lry to ltacll dowtl rapom of 8ar1lfl ....... I ,,.,,.,y~ .... ,.M.MAGAn. A lantaey Ctwtetmae etlop- plng epree In a.--ty HtMe: ""-brotllan who -at~ to roller Mate 1000mlea. • MOYll * * * "OrMt Ellpecta- uone" (11175)Mlc:Mel YOtll, Sarlfi Mllea. 8aMd on IN •'°'Y by Chartae Okaw. A Y°'lftQ boy'e .. II deeply lnfluanced by • c:flance encounter with an MCaped prteoner. e KlllEJY CINTIR TONIGHT "CtlrtlllJftae Al ~ Center Wllh Leontyne Pr1oe" Ali .,..,.. of ltd- ttonll Olw1l1IMe ""'"'* and reading• faaturH ··--..-~ tyne Price. "'*" Paula Aobleon. gultartll Etlot Rell. and Honnen Scribner c:onduc:tlng IN F_.lvel OrcMltra and IN W.,,,._ lngton Qiorll Arte 8odety of~ (1:)MOVIE *.. "Home From The Hiii" ( 11180) Robert Mltchunl, 0-91 Pap. pent. ,. -·.-.... til .... ___ .. ... CD) NCAA WolQTIAU. Cotondo .... Rama va. UICT ... Cl) LOeT IATIWT'R NITWOM Alolt~ Mtelllta ,... Into tM '-*olM ..... cMID- llon. -~ • ... ~ n. ...,,.. .. r1•11 Fnnco NWO. -... o.cq.. "" Amel'lcan --... .,,. ..., ... out to --.. ""'"* °' Ille --~"" a.. ODOOCMl\.I o.:......_. _ ,_.,... and _.... '* INlntlOne ....,,.. ,,... whlle Ill S allUng. • THll •ltJH TN ~ Oratono 8odety of VIM ~ Qeofge Fredettdl ...,.,.. ........... !'' """ gullet con- ductor land« llllgO lrorn "'-Mormon T..,,_., 1n .... Lale• City. HO. (I) MOYll * * * "l.0¥9 A• l'lret 8"e" ( 111111) ~ Hemlton. s-...,.,. JerMI. ,.,,. wortcf• _. ""'*" -pn gNw llP hill one-tilt• ltande .... lie 1111 In tow with a top ~ Y°'11 taen- lon ~. (R) I INrlttll ........ ,..,... .......... "' .. ~':,P ,..... ....... ,...,.. ........ ....., ..... ,..... ..................... ~119'111f1 I INlt·Hll• , • .._,........,,I"> ~'M.WIU _.._..,.. Queeee. Leutente ~. l.eal1~.MyrlLW· ... ... ,.OMWa ATTH9WM'TI ~ ,.,_, ...... ""'*',.,.. men 1e IMller of --nlae tor an ..._.., JaD P'Of'lllll ffom IM f.aet Aoonl °' tM White ...... (J) 'AT OOWNI H'l?MOTIDI THI OON H'tl)nOU.. , .. ColllN ""'"' ~~1n•o• hliartoue art form. (%)MCWW * * "Uptight" ( 1HI) M· an Mayflelcl, Raymond St. JaoQUM. Altar 1M King ......ina11e1n .... ~ Of ~ ll'llltante bulldlng UC> lnarlilMIOf~ln ~Ion fOf a race Mii are b«fa)ed by -of their own people. 'R' •.ao a a ,AMII. y Tiii ElyM rMllue Thal her ··enlighten.cl" atmuo .. toward 1-....oe Mxuallly ax1and only to Oltiar peo- ple'e GNldrln . (!) INOINNOIHT NITWON< NIWI I NeQHT CIAU.lftY I~ a!tOUIHCY A lemoue 91Kgeon makM a latal mlalak• ""*' he allowe an lne~ dool« to par10tm • ~ i1allon for lllm, (R) ·~NIWI Mart '* l<fY9tle lhal "'* dM>fce ~ .,.. P"Onr. ..... IOCat.a ......... and Kirby t... her ,.,,., the truth about her !He In Par· CiJ~ * • t,t "Chflatmu Ev." (1947) Oeorge Raft, Ann Harding. On Chrl91Mu Eve, IN three adoC>tad IOf'9 Of • WMlttiy eplneter ...,,, thal her ,.., .._ 19 de< 1lo!*ig e alnllter "'°' egainel her. .ACHNITMAI INCW. WITH LUCWtO 'AVAAOTTI The Metropolllan Opera ..., -. .. Alie a.tada." ··o Holy Nlgfit'' and °"* CMetmM a.... from IN Notre o.rne Cathedral In MontrMI. (A) • THIVIMNAH Ellubath le binded In an acdOant and found ~ «Ing by .... a:x-corwki who 19 OU1 IO rnutdar T rarnciea. ®MOYll ••• "Don't Cry, It'• Only Thunder'. ( 1N2) Dennie ~.~ .... , Jarnea. A female Anny CSOC.Ot Ind • trou~ prone iT.tlc ~ ""° ,__ bftng • group °' Viet· -orpNnl to .-.y, 'PG' ~ :.ry IN IOIN • • "Loocilnl .. (No 0..) Sflll9ly Win-.. A _.. .. c:arnlwal -....... ·~pace ....... lllllblttoua )'OWlt elrtpper. .MCMI • • "Honor Ou9rd" (No Oe1a) Aod S~. A Pid-- ftlt MIO ~ the Anny and aac..-IO CeNda beCorMI lhe 'MOii of .,. ax-MlirtM _.,_., and hll hunting buddlM. 'A' 10'.IO • INDIPINDINT' NITWOMNIWI • AQUM111M ~,,.,.. CN•• The Ion NcNa CtlemW ~and-**'Adn- -hoorak~ unOW IN dlracllon of~ Nanna ~ a flOllMy oonoart from c...... <:d- i In.,,,_,.._ Yortt. N'4~ -CHAM.-OHAWUN OM THI NM I09tl 1blD .. 8\1>9• ... • tAT\NAY NIGHT +toea: ...... llmon. Alt OeltUNI& OulM: "-'Y .....,,__ I INllNOCM- AU. .. THll",.._Y ArcHe ..,., fcllltl --.... ....,_ lhe 8IMca. I HAMV~ • ·····~ DOO'TOR .. THI ~ Ou!Ulfl ,.-,.. I .... """ from .,. ,.,,__, s ·MOYll **'A "ChHCh And Cllong'e Nloe DrMinla" (11181) Alctwd '-a-di" Marl!\, Ttlomae Chono· r-........ pOltlMde ~ 10 ~ b#ld !Mir true calllng .. ~ .,.... Ice c:r-.n on thl W-. of Loa ,.,,...._ 'A'. WINE CELLAR ·SPECIAL FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES KHXT (2) 9:00 11&...ow at r111t JM&e." Otorp Hamtlwn, Buan S.ln& James 1tar In movie about world famout vamplN who 1tvee up omt·blle 1tandl when he falls m love. KCJ:J' (28) 9:00 -"ln Performance at the White House." Famed vlolinltt ltzh.ak Perlman la muter of ceremonie. for an all-1tar jau procram. KN.BC (4) 10:00 -"Qulncy." A famous surgeon make. a fatal mlltake when he allows an inexperienced doctor to ~rf orm a simple operation on him. ~~OH r-.. All' * ••Mod9rft p,~·· (tN1) ~ Qlaae, Petti o·AtbafWlk A ~ W tralllc c:ontroll•r wllh ,,_oue peraoNI prob- lem• le ll'ldowecl with .... lnetlo l>OW«• altar being dol'9ed wtlh nuclear ....._'PO' 11:IO. Cl) HMT TO HMT Jonaltlan end Jenni!• become ruo11i-whln t~ are ·~ with lmprte. onmant In Mexico or dMtll •t the hande °' lnlerna-tlorMll drug emugglart. ··THl~M CAMON Hoet: Johnny Careon. Ouaete: Btubeth AltiMy, Pet Boone, Niii Sffnon, Bob Uecker. I"> •OMONaWa ~ • YOU A.-clD l"Oft fT F .. tlKed: "Sit~ With A CofM Pot'' and ''The Human Kangaroo• 01 ~~ In order to win the e.vor of hl9 ,_ gfrtfrtlnd, Oacer r: on I ._.._kldl. ll'OQ'9 OH IOaSTY .... LA,....-r He*: Dennie~. • 700CW9 11:40 Cl) MOYll * * * ''The Ff9l'ICfl lJau.. tenanc'e Woman" (11111) Meryt SlrMP. wemy lrOtla. Ali llfalr ~ two acton le par.-.ad In the rornanlic partod Nm In -"lc:tl the two .,.. partonn.. ~.'R' 11MIB)MCMI * * * ''The Frendi lJau.. tenant'• W-" (tN1) Meryt 8 t raet>. Jet9f'lly lrOtla. Ali .,,., ~ two actor'9 la .,., ..... d' In the romMUC partod flm In wtWlll IN two -~ lrlg. 'R' 12:00. INT'Bn'Meim:IT TOMaHT A IOOk lit l'llOvtel tflat _,....._..-..lty. ·~LASTWON> ••• ''TM Deedlr ""'*'' ( tH7) Ja-a MUOll, ~ 8lgnorllt. A ...... IPY 19 lllS llcNd to tg1ow· upon alllt'9r...c to the ,_... eecnlaty "*Ing I !lay oMcllll with the -lftUlliltS*'Y. i= • ·~ "awtetrnaa ~ .. ( 1 .. 7) o.orv. Raft. Anti Herdll'IO-On Ctw1at,,_ &e.IN~~ eoneola~......, ~ ttllll .. ,..,,..,... II .. di urlQiiiie a lillitii ........... • LDW,._..YCAH 11'\U "'--And n. ...... Of n. '(.... Monty ""'* ...,. 111111 cNrtly .,._,. • ._, "Lo\19 And Tiie btfa ,,. .............. out of OS.. tor ..... --~ CD'lMOYll .... "Hot "-*•* (117') c.ddl ....... 1..-tan l>clfM ...... 'X' .MOVWI ***~ "Wooctatocll" (1t10t 000-.... ,.. tMnr of ... lop rnualclel ll'OUfJll of the .... ·eo. pertorm .. ... ,.._ rock oonoart lllld In lelNI, New VOtt&, ln1Nl.'W lt:IO. al LA ft *IHT WfTl4 DAVID LITT'IMeAN au.ta: COfMCMr1 JtKry Senflelld, oorMWClal artist 8Noe McCall, Madeline l<Min. • TOtlt com.I: \W Cl.()11 (!) MOVIR ..... "Barbary COiet" ( 1935) Joel McCtaa, Edward 0 . Aoe>lneon. Red llghtl, gamllllng and .,__ Ing ,...,,, '" Ban Ffandlco lntfle 1IOOe. • LOYI. AMINCAH 8TY\.I "l.olle And The Itchy Con- dlllon'' Lucy and Artdl.- ,,.... In • darmaloloOlll'• ofb. ..~ And The 811111.,-· Howard etaru etunerlng ..__ N'• ...., Ille Mel Mand'• wflil, 11:11 (1:) MOVIR • •• "A ChrletmH card" (1151)Alaltalr Sim, ~ Hwrtaon. .... on "'9 elOf't by a.tae Dk*-. A oold "-*9 m1aar laliml 1M ~ of compa .. 1011 through ghoetly ad'ffnluraa on Chr'tlltmal he. 11:40. (I) MOYll • • ''The Oullltw Of Mer- cy'' (1t7t} ... ~ TOtf'/ ......,.., ho young CSOC.on t.111.e dr..uc -............. fOf utra f11N11r111 for haaltll care II Nfl.IMd. I"> tt:AICZ)THI...,._. aoTHcenURY °'9M w-.. ,..,.... • ~ ol IN lftOdarn WOttd ...... ,,_ the McN191onet••• ..... 1:0ee MOVWI •• ·'Th.~ Mon- ....... (1957) Orem WI- iiame, Lola Albrl9lil. Strange death• occur ..._, •......., flle Into ... ~deeM. • lltCMI ••• "F,... Of,.,..... .. ( 1te 1) lhdtonl '*"*'· Ooearw Hart. A ..... and ....,.. ............. . ~~ ...... ~ --.ry. .MCNm ..... "40-" (1tet) Jedt W_.,, W9anl COnrad. A "'4INl9lno adllOt "'* .. ..,.,,,,... tovMf* to ti!' .. .,...., GUI. 9 ..,..,. ..... IT TOMGHJ A looll lit mo-Ala lhel ~~-Ullly. 1:.ao 8 GI N9C H1W1 OVINUllHT' CD'l lltCMI· .... "l!ndlaae Lo\19'' (11111) lk'ootle ........ Martin ....... A 17..,..-0Wa Gtl I II .. iolle t0t I* 1&- ~~ .... IO .,.,...~_,.,....... ~'A' 1:41 (II) MOYll ** "luddy, luddy" 111111.-.~.w-. • ....,,.,. Wtlll an ....in COi ........ °" ... ,... .......... ~ lrMmlpled _, •• ~ fllura °' • -wflO .. ..................... (l)MOYW JOHN DARLING I* l t.t "hMllltftt' =t.~T= ,.,.,......,.........., ..... ............. .,.. ,.., . ...,. . ....,, .. ... hi ......... IMrt .... .• .... ,.. NIM MOVW ** "~" OMfl ~o Ofon. ~ ~ - l:.OI CC) MCWW * ** "The Oathaflng" (1171) ld AaMI, .. .,, ..... e...,...on. t.ontfflN dM- elont MIOnO ,,.,.,...,. °' tN I~ of • .. men come 0U1 1n 1111 °"" w111t1 hie gfOWfl oftlprlng gather tor a llflal lllllllly r-*"'. l:IO ...... (!) 'AMl!.Y N'l'AI .. lklftw ltilnlle ..,... to M Mnt ewer to.,.• danoar • MOYll ***'Ai "lntermeuo" 1111311) lngrld Bafgmen, Laella Howard. An 1n1- l ove 1flalr develop• ~ a married c:onoert Ylollnlet and .. d9'19til•'• mualo taeciher. a:oo• MOYll * \; "The Leach Woman" (1 MO) Coleen Otey, Otant Wiiiiama. A WOfNll\ mar. rled to a younger rnan dle- C0\'91'9 I.Ill_. of youth. t>ut not the one of happ. -i=.ttUNT **'Ai "The P~" ( 11175) Jeck NlchOleon, Marla~. A TV ,__ on an African uelgnmant repl-a IOOk-alllle and aacapae Into a,_ and oane-ou. •r.. 'PG· •:ao~=lO * * * t,t "Montenegro" (1N 1) Suean Anec>ach, Erlend Jo .. pheon A ~ .... ,...,...to Stoc:llholm and beg1ne .,.. ""* wtlh • man the met In • boMmlan nlghtdub. 'R' CD)MOVtE * * * "StJr Cray" (1980) Richard Pr,or. Oane WllO- .... Two men .,. rnletakan tor tier* roeo.r. and Mnt ~jell. 'R' CilH«.DMm Paul Dooley la ,_lured In thl9 i-.act play by .MM ,,..,,., deplc1lng IN lneta- bllty of urban -t:IO (.C) MOYll • ''Ctlamolon Of Death" ( lllT7) Sonny CNba. Mer kllllng • rnobl1ar. • martlel .,.. axpar1 tetlr• b<lefly before laking on 1 acore of hlted ......in.. 'R' dO. MOYll • * "'The 8lacll ea.t1e·· (111$3) Rlchatd °'-· 80tte Kar1ofl. A man lr1M lo llnd IN wfwraabouU of two Eiiglletimen ~ die- ~on• hunting 1r1p. (!) TOP O' THE MON•tea -~ * .... .. Action In Arabia" (11M4) Oeorge 8endere. Virginia Bruce. During Wortd War It, a r9POtt1r ~. Nlllll l*M to gain #9aiwon, 4:" (%) MCMa •• "Uptight" (1..., Nlr .. ...,....~St. ~ After lhe KirlQ ~ agroup OI b6lcll mlltMtl buldlng us an....Wot~"' piap.,ltloi1 lor.,.. _ -~byoneol ..., _people. 'R' dO (!) IUUWINICLI n ..... tt••'• D••••aae ••.,I~• llOO ••• ·~''The lMt ~ .. (11178) Robert o.Nro, ,,__ ~ ... Ille Hollywood of IM 1NOI. one man'• .- rnM-. '*" IN lrtend of ...... ttle .,..,., ot p(IWW• hungrw ~and the mollt .._.. bedllb Ill taown.'PO' 1:11 ci:> ..... "Ctleadl And atone'• Nice ~ ... Cl•fl fW:Nnr "OIMGh •• Marin, Thomae Chong. ho~-~ .,,.,._, to ,_ found INlr w. ~ • lfley peddle ........ ..,..., ~I­.... 'llMl1tll A " fffUf • .,, ...,_.,OM W...... TIWllJ ..... Mf .... -.... lll'lt•••• ............... Ir! !f!ll '• ., • ..,..,.., .... r•w • •• .. ,.,.,.. 1••1 ~ O'Celwlr, ,..,... ........ A INt •o II ........... ................ ............ .._ •OU.14trtlU'f' ..... (C) ••• "Clwtttl'llM Mountain" (tM t) 11111'1 "'*-· Matti Miiiar. A fOVl/lt and '°""' GOWboW --. • ,.,_.... of lolle ..,., ... ~..,.,. In &heOtclW•. ca> * * ... "OuMcf• 0uMt"(1m)~.A ~ clOll trlll IO _,. iN brollen, lurnace·bound loytt that lie huddlacl In • ~I etore·a .,_. "*''· 7:80 (I) * * * "TN Hldea- weya" (1973) lngrld .... men, JOMny Dotll'I. T.o c:hlldran run .._ from ,_ and hide In .... Yor11 Clty'e .... ropolltan ~of Art, wfl«• tfll¥ .,. befrlallded by • IC>lrtl· ec1 raduae. ·o· e • * "Harry'• War" (18811 Edward Hemnarw\, Oeraldlne Page. A emall- lown poeeman comae to tne aid of hl9 aunt. ~ -tN IRS He* t--. l:OO <JD * * ... "Zorro, The ~ Blade" ( 11181) 0-ge HarnHton, Lauren Hutton. The harOlc eon of OIO Cafl- lomle' e tamoue )uallce lighter It Incapacitated by • riding lnJutr, tordng '* f09PWI bfothar to don the ~and muk. 'PO' l:30 (CJ * *'Ai "Heidi" ( 1979) A young girt le bfought lfom her grandfather'I Alpine ,_to !Nein INdty. cm • • ''Mlf¥ln Arid How- ard" (1NO) Pail lAMat, ,,._ RoOarde. All CMMr· wlM unknown QM Miion attendant delme to M Iha rightful heir to H-d HughH. bllllon dollar aatete. 'R. 1:41(%) **** ••1i. Kid For TWo Fwthlnge" I 19M) Die- na Oort, Clllll Johnllon. A lad IMno In the llume of London buye a arnall go.I blll9Wig that lt'e really the kind Of magic unicorn that a teltor once cleect1bld to him. ..oo• **'Ai "l'IBeYour." (1947) Deanna Durbin, Adolphe ..... )ov. Ali uneo- P'*11c*ad young girt lfom 1 eme#-town oomaa to 1111 big city ..... .,_ P'Of'llCll· 1W 011t1 '*-" Into trOUOle by fibbing IO a ...nhy adn*er. t:tO. *. * .. w .. YMle Wlnllle" (1937) 9tWtey Temple, Vidor~ A llnall gin ~ a popular figure In Ilda. • •• "Enter The Nlnlll" (11181) Franco Naro,"-' ~.Ali~,,.,. tlal arta ~ ... out 10 -. the ll'IUrdlr °' hll beat "1erld. 'A' tO:OO ci:> • • • "*"" By Northwee(' (1Ht) Caty Otant, ha ..... ~ Ali ...., ..... 'Cl-·· .... ~ dr.-c.ly ...... hlle,......toraaA r. .... ,,._ ao.Gon" (1980) Sam J. Jonaa. .... Von Sydow. A lt1o of ..,.,.,. .,...,... 10 the ... Mongo _, tllllp "' oppt' 11 I d lnflellllanla In ... 0¥artflrOl9 of ... 9wl El'nperar Ming.. 'PO' Cl)** ... "AU.Of Her Own" (11150) ~ Turner. "-Miiiand. A man muet a---. ..... and '* ,.,.,..,, 10: 11 (%) * * *'ii ''The Elipnarlt I Man" (tMO) Jotwl Hui1, Anthony Hos*lne. A dedi- cated phyekllan t1kM under hie w4rlQ • hombly dlfonned man .._ • untl ,,.... hlid t...i ..,.,., In d*'CI "** ~ ... 'PO' 1t:OO •• * ......... Of n. Agtillng Lady'' (1154) Van ~w....,~ The men aboerd 1 u.a. •· craft oarnar , during tn. Kor_, War llgtlt Pfi)'l6cal and amoao.w ....... by Armstn:-ng I Batluk · -· "' .t { d 1 1111111111 WIDHUOAY, OIO. 22, 1tl2 COMICS ce ClAlllFIED 08 OCIR gels 11th hour reprieve By ROW ARD L. HANDY Of ... DllJ ........ Gabriel Meaner Wied to preface hJa dally news tx-o.dcaat with a ltatement: ''1bel'e'a aood newa toniCbL '' Well, for Charlie Allen and all of hia follower• at Oran1e County International Raceway, there'• 1ood newa.today. Allen met with Irvine Company President Tom Nielaen and property management vice preeident Dan Lam.kin Tueaday and the trio a1reed to an extension of the leue date at OCIR to ao through Oct. 31, 1983. "It will be a super d.rq race and we are bookinl in tome of the be9t top fuel, funny car, }eta and wheelatanden in the country. It will be an extravapnt ahow. "We are very pleased with the extension and we know we may have to adjuat eome of our race dates to flt lnto the Irvine Company'• plana and they have indJcated they may change eome thino to help out. "We now have an abeolute end date for the rac9 track and at that point I'll 1tart levellna the 1lte wlth my own equipment to help them out. "Oct. 31 will be the abeolute 1ut day for wie of the raceway. Everyone aareed to that propo.tUon," Collini aaid. "It la an lnlormal aareement rtaht now, however. Delalla •till have to be worked out and it la subject to approval by the Irvine Company board of dlrectora. We antJdpate that It will be acceptable to the board. exceptlon1 when they will run to 11' o'clock. "Orlginally, Mr. Nlelaen and Mr ~ Lamkin were prepared to offer hlm (Allen) an extemion unUl Aucuat when the freeway inten:hanae will be under conatruction. "Charlie Allen pointed out that tbt NHRA World Fina.la were ICheduled a f'w months alter th.at and that work, wouldn't be that far along on the. lnterchanae and we aareed to the Oct. 31 date." I I "I agreed to that date and I feel it wu a very 1enerou1 offer by the Irvine _ Company," Allen said. "We are Plann.lna _.___...-.--11a..m.-J a celebraUon .Tan. 8 at the ctr.. races foe "I will a1ao actively 1tart looking for another 1ite to serve Orange County with another draa racing 1trlp right away,'' Allen adda. Jerry ColUna, apokeaman for the Irvine Company, confirmed the leue extenalon 4nd qreement and aaid: "We are doina thia for a couple of reuona. Fint, we want to provide the raceway people with more time to relocate at a new facility. Alao, apparently it had not been fully understood by Allen that the Dec. 31 date thla Ume around WU abeolute. We re&arcied it u such and we thought he did too, but we found out diUerenUy. Allen confirmed the curfew hours and said that the 64 FullJ!~ Can mee\ ~ Aprll and the U.S. Manufacturer 1 Funny Car meet would be the two excepUona. The Manufacturer'• meet hat been moved from November to1 all the racera and othen who have been Chui.le Allen behind ua. , "Under terms of the ~nt, the curfew will be at 10:30 at ntaht With two <See OCJR, Paiia> UCI reverts to form 8pedal to tile D.tly Pilot RENO -If nothing elae, winning a third -place tournament game ahowa team Character, 11 you Mk UC Irvtne-- Ccech Btll MuU!pn Mulliaan's Anteaters, after ~ their IMt two pmes. includina Monday nlght'a opener of the Wolfpack Claaalc to Southwestern Louisiana, bounced t.:k Tue.day night to ICOl'e a oonvinclna 1Ml victory avwGomap~. Bob 'Ibomton; a rqi-.aarter 1n tbme two preview lomea, came ott t&e bench 'I'ue9day m,ht to bit all leVeD of hJa abot attempts from the floor and fin1ah the nfCbt with a tmm-h1ch 19 pcmta. "8B CAllB iA and pve U1 a verj ltroo& performance both -1141"C -a rebounidirc." nrMd ll•"'lpn, wbme twn fqirowd ha reCord to 6-2 on the YOUJ\8 ~ "Our bre9k was much better tool&ht than 11 bad been in the fl"Vloua two aame.." the UCI OOllCh oonUnued. "We eot the ball down the court very well and everycne fiDed their lane." Thornton le-a quartet of Ailliiliri wliOtfnlabed the night in double fiprea.. Jud BearclaJey aoored 11, while both Georae Turner and Ben McDonald added 10 apiece for the Ant.eat.en. Turner, in foul trouble early, WM ~ by Michee1 Beans. and the Lane Beach City College tramfer made the mo.t of it, •co-r.Jn1 four points and lmpre811.n& his COflCh with his bustle. "Beans played very well in r:.!n~f Turner," praiaed The Ant.eaters fell behind 11-2 to the upmn 7AO • 6-3 junior fcrwwd Beyce :McPbee led the charge. McPhee flniahed the nl1ht with 20 points, while ....,,,,,.te John Stockton added 17. ~ lllVINE outrebounded the Zaa1, 17·24 with Thornton leadln1 hll team in that department with etaht. The Aldla-. .. committed Jult 10 turDovwl; competed to 22 the nt1ht before aaatnst 8outlnNltern l.oNl•hL Tlae Ant.eaten'-bigeat lead --...... the end o1· the pme, wben tbey owned a 75-59 ......... ~ up far UC Irvine la the KOA Qlllillc In BQJI .. Mmtana t r. ~. week tram toni8bt. •e nteaten will lace .. ...,. Artaou in ~ flnt- .... llllDI.,....,...,.. at t p.m., Piii'. 'Ille IMt time the two t.eaim .... W11 In 1919 with Northern Altlona recordln1 an 1'4-77 •ts•>· The_...." tied a.a. -TANCIA GETS '6'-6 TRANSFER ................. '-....... Marina's Bill Belanger (left) and Ron Rosensweig find going tough Tuesday. See Page C3. · · Trade-offs at Christmas commonplace Doctors treat doctors, attorneys advise attorneys, and writers write abou& writers It la that time of year when Sata C.. appean on the ati'eet earner with bil bWe and yuletide ca.roll drlft tbrou1h the dep9rtment a1one and one feell compelled tO do 80IDeth1na nice for hil ~ I meut. ~doctor will take ariiotbel' to' the club for 18 hole. on a Wedne.day afternoon. One attorney will take anod>er to dinner a.t a pa.c. when the tab 11 Jaw and the entertal.nlmnt ii belly ~ One med CU' ......... Wlll -"' the lat.mt thins in booc8 for tn:kb'I Urw. One l>CJ!lkiemen wm ~t llDOdMI' with • llx-piick ol +:b•Hdc ..... One tei.vwon lpolM M will wlld ~ a MW IC)'Je In .,.ow pmd1. ./ And ., on and ., b1h. fPOATB OOLUMttlBT • , 811> TUCKER newlletten from 1tate bar U80Ciattona, Berrorw and the Wall Street Journal. Garvey's plan: repay Padres with pennant: , I I ( , ••• • Ortngt Co1 I DAil V PllOl /Wtd Vikes fall, 2-0, • ID tourney title game WAl~KEH W'IN M WELIJ Of lt\ QUL LWO week•, QolJ,v PiloL 1r11 hl1h achool IOCCf'r team1 havt< v1l11n\ly tried to make a namt• for them1efvt1 In the S o uth ·rorra nc~ Tournament, an annu1&l affair which \.mually flnda •South Bay tt.•am walking off with \he! championship. \h•·.x (111,111"r vNI to w tu ," K ii rman t"munut.'d "Ttwlr 1o.ela t'AITM' vrry r.------llC.'Orlod • l 0 vJ<ilory ov.r Rollin1 KUii • th f\Tl'P~t1 h &ou11t Tc.irn.nco Tiwmunens. champjonahtg. PH1LAO£LPHIA O'ior1f• 1tar1l'Dllm'l11Jt--W played a n·ul good 11aml•," Kormun udmlHtid "I'm not mukln& any (')ccuac but we'vt• hud 11t•v11n samea "' thl' lul Wl'<.'k ur !kl und 1t JU•t won.• ui out." Martna takN • (•w day• vfl and &hon ventun Into \hl' blC Huntin(UUn Beach Tourn1ament whkh t>e.ilna 1'u~y. De:" 2ll Edl10n, l 0-l , 1ot thC! wlnnln1 1oal from Kalli Winkler who connected 23 111Jnutc.'S lnto tho flni\ halt. wair rr•ml'"d T~ 14•)' H ~., wl nn•r or thr '40th Maxwell Award, only the third junior to n •c ulve lhl' honor from the Well, thil year, It wasn't S outh Torrance or Paloa Verdct or HawthorM which came? away champton1. But It waan't the Marina VtkinRS either Canyon IK.'Ored both &<*ls ln the flrat half, and only aome Cin«-gooUu.~pma by Jl'rry Babic (nine 1aves) kept thlna11 mteresung. Mt'anwhlle, Fountain VaJley upped It. r~()rd to 6·1 with a 3-1 vlc\ory over Brea In the f'ullerton Tournament The C haraera' impre11lve 1howln1 t.!Uncd a ll-tournome nt honors for fre1hm•n Janellt' Ro1era, aophomore C hant•l Chav.i and junior Kathy Blefleld. And to make the tourney a comple~ 1ua.ue, Edi.on aoalkeeper Mel Coof)t'r w 11 named mu.t valuable player. Max well f oo\ball Club of Phlladelphla. Walker, who a110 won lbe HC!i.sman Trophy thil year u lhcl Coach Greg Karman'• .quad carried 41 6-0 record into the cha.mpfonahlp ma~h Tueeday night at South Torrance High, but fell to an impreaalve Canyon (Anaheim) sq_uad 2-0. "Canyon samply outplayed us. They Marina received some Ci.ne play from fullback Bob Flick and center halfback Alex Stephens, but the Vikings Just couldn't poke one Into lhe net against tht! undefeated Comanches. "CJinyon just played a greal game and The &rona n.~-etved two goal.I from f rc1hman Stcvt" Mullen Mnd anotht>r from sophomore Mic k y Pent1flor Fo untain Valley waited unt.11 the Stc'COnd hial( to t&lly lta three goab, and goalkeeper Scott Sedlak made them stand up with five saves on the day. Edlaon returna to tournament actJon Thursday when the Chargera play a third-place game agalnat Glendora in the Glendora Tournament OUtltandln& Collegiate player, r said ln a telephone hookup Crom ' , Athen1, Ga .• that he looked forward to playinlJ aecond· ranked Penn St.ate In the Supr Bowl on Jan. 1. In women's soccer action , Edison High Profits are rosy from burger sales From AP dJ1patcbes CLEVELAND -William ml Girgash will get to see his son play in •II t the Rose Bowl -thanks to a whim and 18,372 hamburgers. Mkhigan faces UCLA in the annual clash at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena on New Year's Day. Girgash's son, Paul, a senior al the University of Michigan, Ls a starting linebacker and co-captain of the Wolverines football team. Girgash, his wife, his mother from Philadelphia and his 10 family members still living at home will leave next week for Pasadena because of a little burger deal. Girgash said he came up with the plan after hearing and reading of strange journeys made by hamburgers from the Columbus-based White Castle Inc. ''I read about the ones they packed up and sent to ,the Marines in Lebanon, and the ones that were sent from Minnesota to Albuquerque to help a church school," Girgash said. "I just did this on a whim." Girgash put an advertisement in a Cleveland newspaper Dec. 8, offering the 2-ounce, square hamburgers for sale by the dozen. Response by pre..order was overwhelming. Glrgash filled the orders last Saturday when he had a 4-0-foot trailer loaded with 18,273 fro?.en hamburgers go to a down.,wn parklna lot. Quote of the day M.lke Duleavy, a San Antonio Spun gu. ard, on why he refers to Phoenix forward Maurice Lucas as "Bogey," short for Hwnrhrey Bogart: "Becau.ae Maurice treat.a al of us like Bogart treated his ' women -with the back of his hand." Bell must still pay court co sts LAWRENCE, Kan. -Taiback [iJ • Kerwin Bell of the Unive rsity of c •• Kansas was assessed court costs of S84 Monday after reporting he hao completed 40 hours of public service work on a drinking charge. A bench warrant was issued Friday for Bell's arrest when he failed to appear in Douglas County District Court. But Bell, 20, told Judge Mike Elwell Monday he was not aware he had to return to court since he had completed his oourt..ordered assignment. The court clerk's office said Bell worked at the city library to aatisfy the court order. Bell. a junior who play ed at Edison High School, pleaded guilty following his arrest ln March to a charge of CQnSuming alcohol by a minor. The judge agreed to drop the charge if Bell completed 20 hours of public aervice work within six months and doubled the time when he learned in October that Bell had not done the work. Islanders rally for tie Veterans Bryaa Trottier and Ei1 Clark Gllllet scored power-play goals ' in the .econd period Tuesday night to give the New York 1slanden a 3-3 tie Malone~ 76ers whip Celtics Moses Malone scored a season-m high 33 points and grabbe d 18 rebounds Tuesday night to lead the Philadelphia 76ers to a n overwhelming 122-105 win over the Boston Celtics to highlight National Baske tball Association action. . . . In other games, guard David Tbomp1on hit 14 of 20 shots from the field on the way to 31 points as Seattle topped Portland, 99-94 . . . Reggie Tbeus scor ed eight of his game-high 29 points in overtime, and QulDtln Dalley celebrated hi.a return to acUoll with a dazzling 18 points as Chicago topped Atlanta 124-116 . . . Purvil Sbon scored 24 points as Golden State outlasted Houston 92-85 . . . Forward Jay VlDcent llALONI scored 11 of his 25 points in the fourth period to spark Dallas to a 121-118 victory over San Diego . . . Kyle Macy'• 15-foot jumper with 39 seconds remaining gave Phoenix a 114-113 victory over San Antonio . . . Paal Weatl>bl ICOred a aeason-high 19 points to 1park the New York Knicks to an overtime 101-94 victory over Milwaukee . . . Rookie Cliff Levlq1toa scored 24 points to help Detroit down New Jersey 102-97 ... Gre1 Ballard ICOred 28 points including the winning shot w ith 17 secon ds remaining as Washington topped Cleveland 77-74 . . . San Diego's Bill Waltoa has the go-ahead from doctors to begin playing twice a week for the Oippers and poaibly go fulltime in mid-January as hil foot problems continue to improve. Stetson upse ts West Virginia Frank Barnell acored 21 pointa m and Glyu Myrick added 19 Tue9day night as unbeaten Stetaon upset 16th-ranked West Virginia 76-69 in college basketball action. The Hatters are now 7-0 with the win while West Virginia lost its first pme in nine outings . . . Ei.ewhere, Sldaey ' Green scor ed 25 points and grabbed 14 rebounda lo spark 17th-ranked Nevada-Las Vegas to a 101 -78 vktory over Long Island in a first-round game of the Rebel Roundup •.. Darrell Walker acored 18 point• to help 12th-ranked Arkansas acore a come-from-behind 64-62 win over Southern Mississippi ... Cbrles Jones scored 17 point.a and freshman Jeff Hall sparked a aeoond-half surge as No. 14 Louisville topped No. 1$ North Carolina State 57-52 ... Guard Leoa Wood ICOred the game's final six points to give Cal State Fullerton a 55-54 decision over host Portland. The victory ·Was the sixth in seven tries for the Titans. Wood led all eooren1 with 26 points ... Brad-Wa&loa ICOred 20 points to help Washington top UC Santa Barbara 76-55 . . . Beraanl Tlaompsoa 800fed 19 poi.nta aa Fresno State improved ita record to 7-1 with a 55-41 triumph over Big Sky Conference power Montana. Mc Rae signs three-year contract Kanau City designated hitter Bal • McRae uya his n ew th~ee-year contract with the Royals ia llgned and with the Quebec Nordiqyes in National Hockey League action . . . Elsewhere around the league, Detroil's Dwlgbt Fo1ter scored his 1eVenth goal of the season at 8:58 of the third period to lift the Red Winp to a 5-5 tie with SL Louia . . . Dave BUUWl 1COred at the 12:06 mark of the third period to give Pittsburgh a 3-2 triumph over Hartford. The win snapped a five-game Penguin winless streak ... Lanny Mcl>Ould and &'.eat NUtlOD eoored two goals aJ)fece as Calgary defeated Minneeota 8-4 to INp the North Stars' unbeaten strina at 10 games •.. Edmonton'• Wayae Gretii'y waa Nmed Sportsman of the Year Tuesday by Sporta must.rated M~azine. in the mail. McRae.I.. 36, will reportedly earn $600,00u a seuon under the contract . . . The Texas Rangera traded veteran fint bueman Pat Patllam to the Seattle M.arinen for rtah~handed relief apedaliat Roa Ma11elmaa . . . Tony Frltaclt, the New OrJe.m placeldcker, retired Tue9day, following Sainta' kmes in whieh he mialled kiCks he euily made in hil glory days. "I WU very unhappy about my performance the lut couple of games, and at my age, I don't want to be very unhappy," Fritsch, 38, said . . . Tom Reed, who just aeveral weeks aao was talkina about ooachina in Miami of Ohio'• new football stadium ln 10"83, was named head coach at North Carolina St.ate . . . American Alberto Salazar and Australian Rob de Ca1tella have agreed to run for a poeslble pune of $77,360 in Queensland next spring. Television, radio TV: Women's Basketball -UC Irvine Christmas tournament, 7:30 p.m .. Channel 56. Taped. • RADIO: Buketball -Utah at Lal<en1, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570); Colorado State at USC, 8 p.m., KNX (1070). , ings fall short, slump continues "We played well defenaivetr, tonight, as we have• recently, ' said. Winnipeg Coach Tom Watt. "W e wertt ahut out 2·0 by Hartford aod we Iott to New Jerwy 3·2 ln our lut two garnet. ''The tunny thing la, we·~ one pme over .&00 on the roed and one pme below ·'°° al home. It doe1n't 1eem to make much diff~ wUb .... ouc..cJub where we play." the aeuon at 10:48 of the 9E!C.'Ond ! period, Lucten Debloi1 1ot an unall1tted go&}, hi• ninth of the Muon, at 16:44 of the HCond period. Willy Ltndltrom eoi the final WlnnJpea pl. hll 15th of the wason, at 2:34 of the third pttiod' e Kln11 took • 1.0 lHd when delenuman Ric tr--m~~ Chartraw fired a 1hot from the riaht l)06nt, btetlna Soe&Ml1 It aiJ6 ol dwl&Apwlod...&wovu. the Jett camt ~ wtth tour unan.wm.d ..... wtnnlN Ued the pma an I S: by Harm Du~at 11!17 of pla~w•n....J~ Ofl ~ .. .,..., ~.,j Stadler has matured He'd rather make money than throw club s Craig Stadler ls a young man 1n a hurry but he doesn't hesitate to show his talents on the golf course. Stadler, honored as the West Coast golf writers player of the year for 1982, was at La Costa Country Club last week to play a hole or two with each member of the media who showed up for the event sponsored by MONY of New York. The sixth hole at La Costa ia not one of my favorites and it happens that Stadler was at that tee when we arrived. I only doubled his 1COre on the par-four hole which he two-putted for a routine par. Other than that, Stadler's appearance at La Costa was an enjoyable one for everyone concerned. He has been known to have a bit o( a temper ln the past but appears to have conquered it to win $443,820 as the leading PGA money winner in 1982. HE WAS asked how far he had thrown his last club and replied: "When the hell was that? Tooay at the eighth hole I t-068ed the putter to my caddy from about eight feet after 1 made a 30-footer.'' Stadler will play m most of the west <.'Oa8t tournaments this coming year. "If I had my way, I'd play on the west coast all year around," the current Lake Tahoe resident says. "Riviera is my favorite course (he'll have to OCIR REPRIEVE • • • From Page C1 September this coming year. "They may have to change some of their scheduling to accommodate us," Allen &aid. "1 feel it is extremely generous of them to make the1e concessions and all of us at Orange County International Raceway want to publicly thank the Irvine Company for this extension. "The dates for the World Finals have already been set and announced on Oct. 14-17 at OCIR and we will be able to have this race. We may have one more big race after the finals to terminate racing at OCIR but that could also be the last date." Allen W¥n't certain in which direction he would go to seek another location for a track in Orange County but indicated he waa more than happy with the extension and felt he would find a spot ln time to make a switch and not disrupt racing in the county. A full achedule of eventa will be held at OCIR during 1983 includinl the weekly Wedneaday night grudge mat.ches, high echool and community oollege ntghta and the monthly profe98ional feature events. The tsleodar will be st.abiliz.ed early in the year, acconllng to Allen but major-dates have already been aet and are now continned. 11 he ii l\.IClCl!aful in finding a new locatJon for a drag racing 1trip, the 1port will continue uninterrupted in 1984, according to pretent plans. NFL standings HOWARD l. HANDY wait until August to play there m IY8J when the PGA Championship is staged). "I feel like I'm playing at home almost everywhere out here." Stadler, who grew up playing the La Jolla Country Club course and later was a member of the USC golf team. would like to be associated with current happenings rather than those of the past. "l want to be more recognized for my golf than the things that happened in the past," he says. "I've c ertainly c hanged and I'm much more knowledgeable on the public side of thlngs now. "Thia ia the biggest honor of the year for me. Being named player or the year is the topper to it a).l . ''In m y thoughts I wanted to have a fantastic year. It was far beyond my expectations and I look forward to returning in April (for the MONY T of C) and hopefully in December (when the 1983 golfer of the year is honored)." IN EACH OF his six years on the tour, he~ won more money in succeeding yean. His first win on the PGA tour was the Bob Hope Desert Classic in 1980 and he says it was the turning point in his career. Since that Initial triumph. he has won six others and earned $1,051,469 on the tour. In 1982 he won the Tucson Classlc, the Masters. K emper ( for the second straight year) and the World Series of Golf. At La Costa last year he equalled the course record of 64 in the final round but had to settle for second place. While he says he is about 15 yards shorter on his drives now than when he was as a two-time All-American at USC, he says It's by design. "1 have \he abWty to hit a drive 30 to 40 yards farther if I have to," he says. ''In the past I'd knock about 15 to 20 drives out of bounds. This year it was only five or six and the strange thing is that three of these were on the same hole -the 17th at El Dorado." STADLER feels pay te levision will find the game changing in the future. · "One of the hangups is that you can't tell certain players where they will and will not play. There are plenty of sponson out th~. We could have 100 tournaments a year if we could get a ~pretent.ative field." One of the strong points of Stadler's game ls his putting. "My putting ia geared for fast greens," he says. "L inoleum would be fine with me for a putting surface." W hile Stadler was being honored , the American Cancer Society, San Diego Chapter, was al.90 a winner. Allard Roen. president of La Costa and the .MONY Tournament of Champion s chairman, presented a check for $25,000 to that group for research. The Damon Runyon Fund has been t h e recipient of more than $1.5 million from the T oC C in the past. AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PF PA Raiders 6 1 0 .857 192 166 Cincinnati 5 2 0 .714 173 140 Miami 5 2 o .714 137 114 NY Jets 5 2 0 .714 190 115 ·San Diego 5 2 0 .714 210 154 BuUalo 4 3 0 .571 121 97 New Eng. 4 3 0 .571 99 IOJ Pittsburgh 4 3 0 .571 130 111 Cleveland 3 4 0 .429 99 131 Seattle 3 4 0 .429 104 112 Denver 2 5 0 .286 127 186 Kansas City 2 5 0 .286 126 145 Houston 1 6 0 .143 95 190 Balllmoro 0 6 1 .077 80 158 W L T Pct. PF PA Dalla.s 6 1 0 .857 179 90 Washington 6 1 0 .857 135 118 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 170 126 Green Bay 4 2 l .M3 164 135 Minnesota 4 3 0 .571 142 129 St. Louis 4 3 0 .571 111 121 Detroit 3 4 0 .429 133 129 New Orleans3 4 0 .429 84 127 NY Giants 3 4 0 .429 117 112 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 109 134 Chicago 2 5 0 .286 84 122 Phillldelphla 2 5 0 .286 143 149 San Fran. 2 5 0 .286 163 112 Rams 1 6 0 .143 153 196 NOTE: The top eight teams In eoc.h conference will qualify for the playoffs. JOHNSON & SON presents ... llFL Plob tf tltt w ... Sun., Dec. 26 Rama over Chico go *' San Francisco over Kon1e11 City * San~ u , .• ' II, • 1>01nt r ma ()U -~· 1>fWMnQ .Yallu.y lllgh bukctball •h Miu k 1'hornton wu hopln~ w too two of On..na Cuunty'1 bt1ttA•r point 11uiartla ln action Tu :tchay nlflht whiin hi• Couaan «Jntc•rtalncd Murin• 111 o non·ll'ul(u•· gom • ~·11101 M1k1 Judi( , ploym.i In only the Ont t1n<l thi11J qt1111 1·r11, N'f1r1·iTT!fPr»nt.t Tor CJCtifln Vfow ~ 1u1d al•o It'\.! hi• t..·n111 h1 r1•hound" with eeven. Marina's Ron Rosen weig goes for a rebound whilt· Capistrano Valley's Walt DeCa a~ looks on. CHpo \'all"~ \.\OH. survives Lions ' den Chargers t~ngle with Lakewood for tourrP'' till•· tor ight In what might be a preview of the Sunset League women's basketball race, the FA:iison High Chargers nipped Wes~ter 56-~ Tuesday night to advance to tonight's championship match m the Cypraa Tournament. Foothill 56, Marina 38 F.d.ison, now 9-0, will tangle with Lakewood, a 53-27 winner over Fairfax, for the tournament title tonight at 8. Here's what happened m women's baskf'lbaU tion ~ay nighi: Sand} Corb<·tt act:ounwd fpr h,11( of her team's points. but 1t wasn't l'nough as the Vikings were ehmincitcd from the Cypri:ss Tournament m their f1 fth-pl<Kt, st•mi£1nal contt'St Corbt tfl> 19 pi•int.s we 11· complim<'nted by 10 from AIC'nl' AmlL rs• n. who :ii~ had 11 rl'bounds bdon• fouling 1JUl EdJ10D 58, Westminster 34 Gretchen Meinh ardt scored 14 points and hauled down 11 rebounds to help Coach Dave White's undefeated Chargers advanc'e to the chaml:~P game. · n benefited from 10 points by Meinhardt in the first quarter in opening a 19-4 advantage and then fought off the battling L1oru. to advance Lynn Uchizono added 13 points for tht' Cha:ra'ers while Shelly Trepl scored 11. Potnt guard Karl l:att!S had 11 assists for &llson. FnothiJI n,1·1vt'ff lA IJ!Unl.s from J('nny O:lur <lnd anotiwr 12 from her -.1~t\ r. Jill. who hit the doubl<'-figure mark befort> l•·avmg the. game with a knee lnJUry l'oothaU JUn1JX'<I out to a lC!-2 lead at on<' pomt in tht• game Magnolia 62, Ne~port Harbor 49 Diane Watson. who had 18 points for the Lions. hit a basket with 30 seconds remaining to puU the Lions to within two at 56-54, and Westminster even got the ball back with five seconds remaining but couldn't get a shot off in tim~ A balanced Magnolia auack, with no les.s than four s tarters S<'Ortng m dr>uble figures, n.">ulted in the Sailors' fifth defoat without a win this season. C.Oach Glenn Takemoto's squad fell behind 20-12 in the first quarter but managed to play the Sentinels on even tenns the rest of the way. Juniors ~hzaheth Dodds and Lisa Wayne paced the Newport Harbor scoring with 15 and 13 points, res p«:tt ve I y Oeean View 39, Huntington Beach 22 Mater Oei 48, Savanna 40 The Seahawks continued their drive towards f ifth place In the Cypress Tournament with a victory over their crosstown nvals It took just three players -Karen Chase (18). Michelle Chomlcz (11) and Tamm~ Webb ( 10) -to do the IOOring damage for the Seahawks. Ocean View jumped out to a 13-2 first quarler lead and managed to limit the Oilers to just eight polnta in the first half. &-mor Alonda Varn;co S<."fm:d 15 points and the Monarchs camf' back from a 24-:W halftime deficit to pick up thC'u· fourlh Vll'tory against thr('(l defeats 1n a non-league matc·h Fountain Valley 59, La Quinta 4S Junior Eve Titus scored seven points for Huntington Beach, while Dawn C.Opper added si x pointa. Therese Puchalski scored 18 points, Sam Arledge added I ~ and Jan Whitham chipped m 10 as the host Barons won a non-league game over the Aztecs College, prep basketball c=r Fr~ SI. 55, Mon11na 4 1 Kem SI. ee. P9oolrOlnl 65 CS Ful&rton IS~. Portland 54 Oregon 81. 81, Mlelw11111n, T-16 U. of 8en DilOO M , T-Tedi A Sen 011oo St. IO, Howwd U. 61 l&nl• a.a 11, ~eclflo &4 w11111no1on re . uo 81n11 ...... ss W...,_.on St. oe. M«tt-81. .. DllllRr9 It. 70, UtU 67 laft ,r&nCll40 81. 12, BYU· ....... 11 08 Daltli I._ Hiii 12, AW· hdfto• Akron t1. fll:'ft ~aa.M.-..11 (ot) ~ •• It. A"*OI& .. ~N.o.ytonlt ~ ... 7J, Wla."°"*oell 72 MldlllM k ... ~ 11. ,. ot1IO It. 11, ~ OIOM JO " ... 11. cilllotnll f7 Ir tl,lt. '•U louthWHt ~IOIHI TCU 77, Colorado 52 Cap111r1no V1lley 75 Marti"& 50 •••I St Paul ]:l, Norwalk 54 Boston College 99, Felrfllld 79 La Oulnle 85, Sonor1 85 Stanford 81. ~lt'lllld 77 1.aGUna HIN1 6e, Sunny HIH1 51 eYu ea. Pr~ 52 TOURNAMIHT• Women Wotf P.cll et.Mio COl.L£QI! SW Louisiana 80, Nevadl·~ T-Nmente 113 (llt•O UC lrwln• UC lrvtne 75, Qonaga 111 (thl1d) Sen Jo11 81 71 Hou11on Ge (11111) Cllfdlnlll V111hy Club Cal St Fullerton 75, UC lrvtne 55 Bell 81 11. LoulalMI Tech 77 (third) (flrSI) Ul•h Ill. Monlena St. M '''""' Faltillgtl OldtlnM>n 85, J-~le 81, UC San11 8arb1t1 78 Medilon 81 (third) (llYltllh) T .......... C...... QutlU Olll•hoMe SI. 71, Toledo 58 Loultl•lll TICtl 81, Lorio hllCf'I (flftt) 81 !19 (llrtl) Mkhlgtn 71, V1tmont 45 (third) Te1t11 85, Oftoon H (lhlfd) Or90on II. Sf, PO!lllnd St. 52 "9bef ~II (101h) ''"' ..._.., Colo1ado 17, W11hlng1on 85 Nev•d••l.U VtO" 101. Lono (NYenth) l9lancl u 71 8eylof 71, Mor.need &1 M HtGH ICHO<K. Com"""'"1 00-... Crpr-T-nemtflt """ ....... _ Chemp4onatllp llflllflMI• Cltr\11 H . 0rlflg9 COMI 76 l!OllOI\ ae. Wlllmlntl&I' 54 loull'•••fern oo, 81n Otego Llk4'Vl'OOO &). "•11'11.11 a7 You can Charge DAILY PILOT Classified Ads 642·5678 Nw&I Alt ••••IOfl .. '""' ,.,_ .. '"""""' ;....&"'--~-~, •• ,....~~'--:--:~~~~~~~~~....;.--~~11-.JU.ill..i!!l~ Ml. Ian Antonio 67, 1an11 Ocun V1&w H . Hun11no1on .. MonC4I U ACll U ..,.._ ..,...,, 76, Mw.CO.ui 00 C11......,..1 hmllln• Pr"J:t!M~~lllM ~~~.~-.. 13 CMJon T~f.._._, ........ AQnatlelm 83, IWna Parll ... TCMllllllWt lld&n OtM 41, C.~ H .......... c....e, """" 411."flliflttcfe 14 Cl JI whlJ .......... l lllt"'°° ff, lonorli 17 Qallll ..,... 14 &.Ol'llpOt 12 N&fl ........ ......... .,,ii'MA..,..,. J1 MIOnoll& t2. Hewpor1...,oo;41 GQCICArR .............. , • Mel« Cal 48 .... lll!fMI 40 C... tf, lelltlt Yrt• 74 I Pount&lfl V.-V 61, La 0Ulnt1 46 He flHUN'd tho Vlk.Jnip' Scott Filipek und hi. Coupn' noor leader, Burt Call, would put on one feood show. There Wld • rt\ow Mil rlght, but with 1i~wpek injured, the entire C.Ouaar team took ct•n t.-1 1tage en route to an easy 76-'70 victory owr the Vikings. And In the Santa Barbara C.Ounty Tournament, Ocean View High opened play on a suct'e55ful note with an easy triumph over Lompoc Ht•rt>'li what happened: Capl1trano Valley 7&, Marina 50 Burt Call only scored four points but he was the catalyst behind the C.Ougars' fast break as Caplatrano Valley picked up the victory m a game at Saddleback C.Ollege. "I don't want to take anything away from Marina, but they're a much better team with Filipek in the lineup," noted Thomt.Qp after the game. "I feel Burt Call is one of the best point guards In the county and he really gets our offenSl' in J{ear." Thornton added. Oavt Far11 uJdt·d I I for tlll' S.•uhawka, whlll' rea<1rVl' Kovln Wul11 li turn•d In hla beat Pf rforman<'t• or 1111· lj(•Ull(JO by ll('fJrtng JO poln&a 'fhl· S1•14h11wk:t JUmpt·d· out In a a f ·I l flnJl- quartn 1,.,,d 111111 11 ww. dear aa1Una from thf!re. Aztecs invade CdM tonight Cw ont.1 c.J1·I Mar ll1gh's St•:i Kmgis, on a four- ga11w w11111mg slr t·.1k w1l11 a 6-2 rt'<.'Ord after Laking the Ir vine· Tuurna1m•nt lasl week, has one last nun leu~UL' ganw on lap tonight (7 :JO) before Sea Vww Lcagut-pluy in January lnvaclmg Corona dtd Mar are the La Quint.a A7.lt'l"!>, probalJly thl• l,;arden Grove League favorite wnli Ii I JUntt11:. Mark Mose:. and J T. Debbs and 6-8 J11111111 Utu 111 ttw <.1ttack Cvr ona.dt•I M..ir's stronghold 11> at guard where All -C l!-' stur Mike Hess and 6 -1 Dave VanStt·1·nhuy!)(.· lt'i1d thl• Sea Kings' attack. In anothPr ganu• tonight (7 JO), Inglewood v1-.iL.., Ed1scm . ,. .. .. ,, Uan Mulder topped the C.Ougar scoring with 18 points and pulled down 12 rebounds as well, whilE.' teammate Walt DeCasas scored 16 points and Mitch Anderson had 14. Marina's Chris Neumann, a 6-5 senior, took game scoring honors with 31 points, and in fact, was the only Vi.king to hit in double figures. Call made up for the lack of scoring by finishing the night with nine assists for the C.Ougars, who improved their overall record t.o 9-2 with the triumph. In Thur~y·:. al'llnn. M1ss1on Viejo, El Toro l and Ldguna Hilb play m the Brea Tournament Laguna Hills opens the luurney at 3 agam st Savanna while· El Toro U:sts Troy al 6:30. Mission Vit>jo and Pumont.1 wnglt• <1t 4:45. Originally M1s.-.wn Viejo and El Toro were to I meet 111 a (irst round game. but that has been changl·d Wuodbndgt· 1s also in the tourney, but doesn't play 1L'\ first round gamt-until Monday, facing California I l1gh at 4:45 Ocean View 84, Lompoc 32 Thu rsday's Brea pairings: The Seahawks advance to the championship bracket of the 10-team tournament (Ocean View had a bye Monday night) and will meet Dos Pueblos :1 p m LJguna I h lls vs. Savanna 6.30 Trov vs El Toro 4 l'i l\.fo,.~1on V11•.Jll vs Pomona tonight at 8:30. OCC five dropped by Owls AZUSA -Citrus C.Ollege convet"ted 12 of 15 free throw attempts in the f inal three minutes and took control of the boards after Orange Coast C.Ollege's two 6-8 starters fouled out Tuesday night to record an 82-75 victory over the Pirates here ln a n o n -con f erence ~basketball game. OCC, now 5-6, shot 52 vcrce nt from the floor. rompared \0 the Owls' 40 percent effort, but in the end, it was free throws which led to the Pirates' defeat. There was also t he presence of the Owls' 6-3 swing man Jeff Rowe who pumped in 31 points on the even ing which didn't help matters for the Bucs. OCC r eceived 18 pom ts from sophomore Leland Bruce, and three other Pira t.es also hit in double figures. Deron White had 14, Bra d Guess scored 12 and Leon Symanksi added 10. H owever , Bruce, White, Symansk i and Guess, the latte r two representing OCC's big men, all fouled out ln the final four minutes. Titan ~omen top UC Irvine Cal State Fullerton broke open a close game by r eeling off eight straight pointa to start the second half and the Ti tans went on to record a 75-55 victory over UC Irvine \0 take third place in the UCI women's basketball tournament Tuesday night. San Jose State took the tournam e nt championship with a 71-68 victory over Houston in the second game at Crawford Hall. Nancy Ratliff scored 24 polnta apd Meg Gallaaber added 17 for the Tf tan women. H I .1 D1am•md B..ir vs Sonora 'Tis the season when our relationships with others find . expression in the generous spirit of g1v1ng Not surprisingly. some.of the gifts that mean the most a1e neither traditional nor costly One unique way to display your holiday spirit 1s with a Holiday Greeting in the Daily Pilot What better way to convey your special message ol warmth and good cheer? And. adding a personal touch. your message can be as long or as short as you desire For only 50 cents a line (two line m11wnurn). you can display your holiday message 1n the Daily Pilot's Ho{1day Greetings page on December 25 For an additional $5 you can choose from three holiday 1llustrat1ons to enliven the greeting (select from tbe assortment shown below) Mail the attached coupon to place your message Please don't delay. closing dale is noon. December 23. - ---To order. print your holiday message below. allowing 21 characters per line. Then mall coupon to Holiday Greetings -Classified. Orange Coast Dally Pilot. P 0 . Box 1560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 (Private parties only, please) ---------------------------------~------------------- A Include lllus1ra1ton O lllustrat1on A 0 1llus1ra1ton B 0 lllustrnOon C Card type 0 VISA n MASTERCARD Charge Card Cord Ewpiro1too Dale You may charge your C1ass11ted A<l Be sure 10 1ncludt> your Cord type (V1sa/MosterC11rdl Your Cord numbt>r 11nd lho EXPIRATION DATE YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER BELOW 11 I I I I I l · l I I I I l LI I I ~ffi • . I 1 J I 1 I LTTI ~ .. LM All••• T\laDAft M9""TS (INlef......_. ... ._.__....,_, ...,. ucc; ,.., ,.,-di.. Y..-Oll ~ CT'-tl t,40 6 20 3 00 ~ 9olllflotl (Adelr) 17.00 7.20 --out ,._..~ 2 eo Mio r...a: ~ lndlen, C:..t 9old , hlly, Detllnoe Oupltcate, 0..-11119 Tlgtt, Call Ille OlrT. H111Mlin A1on9, Aatut-y~ Time: 11.'0I. • DAOTA (NI Ptld 8115.80 •COND 9'ACa. aao yerae. • F ... ,_.., tCttdou> 1 uo 5,eo •.20 Meo I.Mn! {TOftllt) • 40 11.80 • 8olnulttor (..,di uo Aleo <**I: Jlttw Bug Bancl. 8llllnQeley CM!-. ........ hnlNne. Liiy Jordaoht, Oona Oo 8oy, Rlclfwd Fw~. FUnny M.. TllM: t 9:0&, ,..., lllACa. S50 ytrdt, Hett Clltt (l.fttl'pl 11.40 7.80 uo Added Play (Harl) 4 80 S 40 I'_.., Ff/(//tflf (&rooka) 3 20 Al90 r-ci: S..,.,t Sllttt. Sexy Shltlty, AIMlllot Strolct. Oollltt Moon Too, Ptundtrl °'""· Aleut'td SNiron. 11rnr. 11: " • UACTA (5-1) palcl MUO. '°""'" AAC-. )60 ywda. Wiide Bttt (Adtlr) 7.20 4.00 2.80 .Mtl)t .i..-. (Aolql) uo uo Loom 8on (ChewiK) 2 .eo AllO rlieed: lncltan Ww 0.-, Big Wlnll, Cofportle Jet, Aocky Vtttdy, Mighty FW!y. Call ... 8elltr ........ Wltwilo.. Tlrnt: 11:04. • UACTA (5-e) plliCI hUO. • ,...,... lllACa. 550 1Wclt. ~ ett• 1W11d1 10.eo a.oo 3.40 • Mr. AockJe (V.ici.) •.oo 2 .eo 8tltcl"-1c.rc1oza1 1.00 Alto rtotd: l'enc:y Son Concept. Some Kinde Voltage, Windy Joliet, Teu1on1c:. c.irio e>-..-Two. Diamond St--., l'wc , ' ...... Tlmr. 2'7:40. • IXACTA ~) paid ... 7.801 ' m1" ~ 170 .,.,,.. • ..... AMltllna Rad (H6dlnoer) 1 .20 •.to a.lo 120 •• ., a.to · ~ '*-<Aoueftl •.80 • oo NObM 111 ("-'! 4.20 Aleo rec.o· Proepttlty Mo. Seturdt y Wln1ot. Mw1ln Boy. JwTyl Atquwl. Coor ..,.,_, Tmac 45:79 en.mt Mes. 380 ,.,., 0aye MecetM IMytwl auo n .eo 11.00 ~Crutll~ 740 SIO Stnl.e ~ (~ 15.IO MIO rlieed: Ml9t l'llfNna Bunny, SNIPPY P9nny, E.-y Dolltllt Too, A.. 0-fief. ..... l-Llftl. Jena Ba11o. ---Jee. Tlrnt: 17:19. • DACTA (5-21palcl 8242.80. • '9Clt SD (7-+&+1•1 p.a US,4t7.IO wt1'I one wilWllnQ tldl .. (tilt honM~ 12 Pie* Sia contolatlon paid Hl3.40 wltll u ""*'G ..... (lwe '*-~ ~ RACa. )60.,.,,.. W91a11 19r11 TN* (°""'8IO LIO a.eo S 00 ,... ...... ~ 1.005.20 ,.CW1\lnt "'°'*" (~) 2.80 AleO r~ Profit PIM, Conltw. Llt1lt T-. MlM Neugllty Mo, Ooln To0tl'-, Senger Cllincfl. Time: 17:M. • DACTA P.tO) P9ld $71.20, .... WHTt• COWllflllNCS .................. • L ..... -20 • 761 1• • 110 t5 11 .5T7 a 15 12 .SM ll'A 12 Ill .444 t it 4 22 1M 11 ......... DhWtft Sen Antonio 11 11 82 1 ~ Cit) 14 t IOI 1 Dell.. 12 13 .•IO 4 Utlh 11 15 423 5\t o.n.... 10 15 .400 I H«leton • 21 .180 12 L'8TaNf COW.Mteea A ...... OftWtft PNltclttphlt 21 6 Boeton 20 1 WWllnglon 14 11 New Jtrwt 13 13 New v orl! I 11 c-"'•DlvWtft .IOI .741 1 ... .!MIO I ... . 500 • .348 12 Mllw--o.trolt 17 10 .'30 Allenta ;: c~ 11 12 .571 ,.,., 12 13 •80 .. 10 1t .SN l !Ao 1113eo1 3 22 120 12'), T....., .. ._.. New Y0tk 101, Mttweukte 14 (Oil Ottrofl 102 ..... Jwwt 17 ~ 122 • .,_,on 105 WMNnQlon n . ~ 74 PllOWll• 114, Sen Antonio 113 ClllcaoO 124. Atltnlt 111 (2 OI) Oellae 121. Sen l*go 111 S..ni. 91, Pottltnd 94 Golden Stale 92, Howton '5 T...,....0-Vlall at Lakan CllQgO .. eo.ton ftdlmrw•~ O.-•~Clt) Cou.EQR UC IMM 71. ~ 91 UC lllV9m -McOoiwcl 10. Cetmon I, MurllflY I. T-10, ~ 11, Thomton 12, Onndlaon 7, 8-'4 4. Tota 2'7 21-33 715.. 90MIAQA -MePllM 20. Van Hort 2. 8todl1on 17. ..... 10, W'*' 2. Mtm 2. Cflemplon I , '*'-'! 2. Toua 2e ._ 11 II. ~ UC 1rv1nt. 77 ·2't. · Totalt loult: UC lrW'9 II. 0onraot SO l'Olll9cl Goll: T-(UC IMne). WOUPACC Q.AMIC Mlltm m 11tT-... McOona1C1 (UC !Mne). Onlyln w.,.,.. ijSovth-tttn l.ovltla nel. Dion Brown lovt"-tttn ~ eryoa Mc:PtlM Oonaga). tam Moeter (~). !(., ....,_ (..._...AWlo~ Motl valllt>aM pl•Ytt: Grtytln Wtr,,., (~ l.oultllna), CO-*'" COLU!Q! Cllrw a. Onlwe eo.t 71 ..,... COAST -~ 11, l<roMttldt ::i!=':n•lll 11, 011Ht 12, Wllltt 14, 2. ~ I, llhatl\d 4. TO&all: 30 16-76. en.--~ 2. Adollplwon •• l'oa 5. Row ' I, 8'llfttl 11, '°'*911 8. Alllfl t . NOIW 4. T0191: 28 ~ 12. ......._an.. 40-ae. Toi.I ba Orange C-30, Cltrut 11. l'Olll9cl Goll: ~(Orange eo.t). ~I ~~&!.)."' (Ortnge Cot.et). NI.IC M>TICE NI.IC M>TIC£ ... cou.aoawa.N Cl 'ulerlon 11, UCI II ca AIUDTON -~ 11, PN11pt I, w.,., 3 "8dfl 24 Wlttlttl 10, Cemobell a. ~=.:.Klint 2. lota11: 2121-12111. UO -001M1 a ..... ., 7, Defwl 1. Herre 2, Hlll'nllton 1:a. 91rnpaon 4, venow Peel 17, Ore\'tMe 4, P•tton 0 Totaltl: 21 1•11 65- HtlftllM: ca ~on. aa..:t1. Totll l'Oult: C8 l'ullimion U, UC 1N1nt ff ~out: Patton (UC !Mnt). HIGH ICHOOL Wom.N ":\nala a. Na•l*t......, • MA NOllA -Artll11r 14, Mudd 12. l<ot>a)'Mlll 12. l(leln 12. Cttttt I. Lynell 4, Chtoollew 2, P9diOO O. TotM. 24 14-18 12 .. 'n'Ofrt ~ -Wtyne 13. Dodcle 14. lllrlntr 2, ltldlt 4, Adlllneon I , MtlCOc>nMI 4, Drege 4, e>o.\ 2 T ott111 2 1 7·11 •I. t.Ugnolla 20 12 14 11-12 N9wport Hetllor 10 13 10 11-..1 20~otll l'Oult: M~ 14, N9wport ~ ldlaon Iii .... .,......, .. ftSTWIJ lat -EMtln 261 8c:Nenge 5, Ou""1t f , W919on 18, ~ U, ~ O. Mtetl 0, T-0. Tot* 24.10 64 aDllC* -Uohllono 13, Ctt• 2, Trwpt 11, 811tnw a. .Mt111llwdl 14, Otnc110fl 2, Tllollt I.~ 0. TOI* 2' 4-10 A . ...... ..,a-we W...,.,..,..., 4 24 14 12-M EdllOr> ,. ,. 10 ~ .. Totll foula: W~ 11. fOl90n 11. o...v...-......._._.n OCJAlll Yl9W -CllMt 11, WeOb 10, • Cllomlc:I 11, 8ln'9lt o. Dou()' o. O«men o. Oii O, ...,.OWllcl 0. TO&all: It I .. M . HUNTIMQTON laACH -Tltut 7, Cooc>tt I, T~ <I. Cotton 3, Comogllo 2, Tot•: 10 24 22. a...awo.rtan Oown View 13 14 2 10-311 Huntington e..ctt 2 I I 1-22 Tot91 1ou11: Ocetn Yt.w I . Hvnllngton e..ctl 10. ,.... ......... MAAIMA -Corbell 18, Calkin• 2. Fi.iedw 4, ~ 10, Calwtt OJ ~ 2. Aldlw 1. IOtftltead 0. T~ 17 -31. POOTIMJ.. -~ I, Jt. <>tut 11 Mtdwn •• JI. Oeur 12, Deaantla 2, ~ •• Pr..inaty 2 • ..,,.. 0. 8'rona 4. Otdcly 0, CI08I O. COft'lbt 0. TOI* 21 '-10 58. .... ..,o..ter.. ......,,. • 10 12 12-31 ~ 1e II 10 1-51 Tot91 toula: Marina 10, Foottllll 10. l'ouled out:~ (Manna). ftn. YelleJ •, La Qulftta 41 LA OutMTA -Jotlneon 12, AmOfl I." Feldtai II, Talley-2. Chrlellanger 2. NtellWWll 3, 8-lt 2, L.t 2. Tot.Ill: 15 15-22 45. ,OUWT .. VAU.9Y -OMlttOMkl 1. ~ 2, Pucl\allllll 11. Medgt 11. 8'nfl 2. Whitham 10. MftCfl9I 2, Al¥w •• Huf9clvnldl 2, Qoww S. Tocala: 24 11~ 61. ..... ..,o.n.r. La Ouln1a I 13 7 I~ Fountain V...., 11 11 7 15-118 Total to..-I.a °'*Me 24, .._., v-... 21. Fouled 0111: Ft Jdau (L• Quinta). awi.t.ioer (La °'*"'). loooer *'" SCHOOi.. ltUI ...,..,..,....,......,. .... ~a.---•t• et••> ,'*"tft T-.; I I I .. ~~1 Fountalft Vlll9y ecortng: ........ 2, Peneflot I "'°" ac:HOOL wom.. ..,..,_T-..1•1 t .... , ............. ( ............. , Eoteon ~ W1n1!1w 1. AllT'S ~-:::...~.alt) -27 ~ 11 .,_, 1 bonl10. 61 --· 3 rOCll flell, 1 IOlltpln. 11 ~ DAVllY'S LOCltUI (~ ..._, -•5 ~ I bonllo. 18 mecttwet. 471 roclc oocl, • IW1d .,.. DAMA~-N~l...._1 bonito. 100 mecfttrel. llO rocto cod, 1 rode IWI. 2 ecutpln, s llhttpeNtd, a ~ percfl, S ,,,.., llah. t"IAL SSACH -35 •nglert 100 --· 140 rod! oocl. 2 tculplf\. l..L!!..M .... ~-11 lf • 1iJ ,~,-v--•a 14 1 111 1111 •lllft II It a 'J' 1U 11 CMOMY 12 II t I 1 IN 10 ._....._ U I t 1'4 IOt 90 " • 7 , ... 111 ... II 20 • 117 1t0 II 1 " • 102 I ... I> I If t IOI 141 1fi WM.lt0°'9'WI ,...... DMettlt NY ~t 11 II 1 IH 117 4tl ~i. 17 12 6 132 1\0 w w~ it • • 1tA 111 so HY~· 17 14 3 141 127 17 Pllllbw(lll 10 II e 112 1$1 16 New .l«M<t 1 U 7 IOI Ito 21 ~~ Mon I,..., 'llotton llulftlo Quebec l1tirltord ao • • 111 "' .a 1• • 6 141 104 ... I 133 117 )fl 111 14 I 1611 1112 H 10 It • 112 163 2• T...,.._ W~•.IU••I PMIM>wOh 3, HlflfO<d 2 NY lftnOen S, Oueb.c 3 Ill. Loult 5, 0.00H 6 CliloMY I. Mlnneeott 4 TeftllM'•0-eutt81C> 91 NY ~ PllllaclelOhla ti New JetM)' T0tonto at~ M'"'-lt ti EOmon1on ~-=- =.\K.et!J ..,.. ....... 2 1_. 0 1-2 I. Lo• An,tlH, Chtrtrt• 2 (Grulll. Nleflollt). 3: 5. 2. Winnipeg, Dupont a (~. eabyd\I, 12:31 (pp). "-'tllltt -S..Wd. Win. 1:44; ~.L.A. 41:55, Ctrnpbtll. Win, 1:5-<4; Nleholle. LA, l .M. HolmH, LA, 11:01; StMn, Win. 11:40; Winnipeg bend!, rnlnOr. __, by Dupont, 11:2'2. ............... 3. Wlnnipea. 8'91111 • (Ll.nClholm). 10:4t .•. Wlnnlota. OeblOlt I, 11:44. Ptnaittee - Hercly. lA, IS:~~· 18:04. •• W1nnlPto. UndWor!I 15. (L.uncfflolm). 2;$4. . •. Lot .,...., Hardy 1 (f'Oll), e: 1•. P9tllllllel -Cllilpblll, Win. 12:2•; Nlehollt. LA, doubl•·Mlnor. 16:14; Smell. Win. ~.1aca.. S"°'8 on Ooll -Wlnnjptg ~ 10.5-24. L.09 Mollee I M:l-lCMS. Goan" -Wlnnl"9. Boeteen. Lot A.nftimt, LMlcotld, ~d. A -10, 1&4. T~~IWllcNM ._.....~ TEXAS RAHOERS -Traded P•t Putnam, 11rt1 ~ to IN 8wttlt Ml!llnttt tor Ron........,_, pltehtr. ......... ~ SAN DIEOO PADRES -Slgntel 81- 0arvey, flrtl lleMml n. to • flve·yttr contracl ""'404. ... 11111 L.eee-COLUMBUS CLIPPERS -Ntmtd Johni'rf 0t1• fl\tNOW. M~ Ntllte8I ....... ·-·· ..... DALL.AS MAYEAICICI -W .. V.O 8coll Lloyd. centw4orw8fd, PHOENIX SUNS -Welved Craig Dyll-guerd. l'OO~ .............. L.eee-NEW OFIL.EANS SAINTS -AnnouMtd the rellr.,,,.,I of Toni l'tbdt, placeilk*W w.,_, 0on eaw. ttaM end. HOCK av NEW Y~~= ~ A1c:1i 81rscll, go•ll•. lo T11lu of the Ct ntr•I H«*aoy~. • • • From Page 01 ~Ii· u1 hJi CANllt, a~. whQ h11 •dmtlted h1vln1 poUUc:aJ plam alt« ~. Mk1 Ila ~ •n c.Jlfom1a WM a IMJDr --·001111RJiir11111~ • .----~~!!IO"'J~'~ .1•My ~lo Souc.bmi Callfornl•.'' 11•d 01rvey, who became 8 f rte lllt'n l It I.he ft1d ol the llMIOI\ alter 12 )'eart with the Doqe~. • Ko choee San Dleao ""• t.M Chtcaao Cubs, San Ff'AnctlCQ Gl"'ta, New York Yan.a. and Houat.on Ast.rot -with tbt OJbJ and Olanta ·~-"I down to the wire ln the blddlne war. r Garvey, a lifetime .301 hitter ln 12 bl1 leque leUOnl, dec:llMd. to say lt the Pad.cw' offer WM the beet one he received. M&rulger Dick Wll.Uama, who dlrected the Padree to a fourth· place finish In 1982, aald the .. a c q u Is i t 1 on of G • r v • y J automat1cally rnove1 San Diego a notch higher a nd "throw• u-. right Into a contender'• role." Wllllanu said he tentaUvely plans to bat Garvey "third or fourth" in the lineup, between Six to Lezcano and Terry Kennedy, the Padres two top power hitters. · He said the Padres were "in dire need " of a slugging flnt. baseman. Garvey ha.a averaged 21 home runs and 98 rum batted ln the last nine seuons. · At one point during the prem, conference, Garvey drew cheers when he &aid San Diego would have a title by next fall. Cloeing the book on hi.a JJod2er days, he said Loa Ange fea represented "a long chapter ln my life. Now that chapter has cloeed." U hi.a consecutive game sti'eak of 1,107 games stays intact, h~. wou ld break the National League r ecord held by Billy Williama on April 15 at ~er Stadium. That meeting, his first against his fonner teammates, would be "an emotional aeries/' he said . The fuaranteed portion of Garvey s contract ia for $6.6 million, but ~ A..oc::iated Pl'e98 learned that the d•al Includes i ndividual and a ttendance bonuaes of »75,000 per year. If Garvey were to collect on all of the bonuses, the contract's value would balloon to $9.-475 million per year. His agent, Jerry Kapstein, would not comment on details, but a source close to thej negotiations said Garvey would earn no less than $1.5 million per• year. The Dodgen had offered a four-year contract for » mill.loo. 1 P\llJC l«)TIC{ ·1 NOnc.M ...... -- TMl8TEA SAU NOTICa Of ~nnow .-.. POUWTMI VAL.UY NOTICa OP N011CE OF DEATH OF n.,.. . ...._ ITATDmff 8CMOCK. •llll!CT llWttfW.'S a.AU HERMAN CLINE IUSER NOnce Ol1 SAU Ta No. tM TMl8TD'S SAU ST E W A RT T I T LE 0 F .... •m (...._ ~ U.C.C.) CAl!FORNIA aa duly eppolnttd YOU AM .. DD'AUL T UNOeA A Hot Ice I• h.,eby given lo Ille Truatee under the tollowlng DllD 0, TAUaT DATID c:redltore of VIDEO CA88ETTE ~lbed deed of tNSt WILL SELL HPTllMHA 12, 1W . UNL.aH IERVU.8, INC~ Trenlllror, ""-AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE YOU TAKI AC1'1CMI TO ~TEC1 ~ ~ .. 711 W. 17th HIGHEST Bl00£R FOR CASH or aa YOUA .... 0 .. IATY, IT MAY If SW.. ·~. City of Colt.a ..._, .... tontt-ln Seollon-292-Ul-Of Iba 90lO AT Aw ....... YOU ~of O range, ..... 01 ~~r,i:~·~~ =::~~=-=-=about tot:t:.~~H~ by It und« Mid Deed of Trutt In the AQA!NtT YOU, YOU tHOUlD Pn.CH, T,....._ ..._ bullrlele ~hereinafter deectlb9ct. COWTACT A LAWYD. ..,.._ .. 171 MelooM'I Or. City of TRUSTOA: RONALD M. WOLF On 09oember 30, 1982. at 2.00 p....,.._ County Of l.119 ~. AHO ELAINE A.. WOLF. lluaband P.M., IMPERIAL BANCO AP, ...... of~ .-cl wlta Calllornla Corporation H dulw The ~ to be ••...,•ed le BEHEFICIAAY. J.F. COLESON appointed Tru'1H under and dwOl1becl In ....... Al 9lodl In AND BONNIE J COLESON purwttoOMdofTrust-dad tnde.llllttn9.. ... '11•il andgood ~ Ind .... M to1nt tanan1a ' ~ 11. IMO, aa Nlf. No. wlll of Ill.at VIOIO CA88"1E ~dell JWy 24 1MO aa 1netr 2.4435 boott l3748, pega 190. of MANUfACTUNNG ~ ~ Ho. 21641 In l>OOk t3e75 page 1164 Offlc:lal Racorda. tHCUltd by -V10EO CA88ETT1! SERVPCU. ol Oflldal Aecord9 In ttie oMca of JAMES A. HUNTSMAN and IHC. and loOeted at 711 W. 17111 Ille Recorder of Orange Couttty; FA AN C E S M. HUH T 8 MAN. Streel •J.t. CICy ol Coate ..._, Nkf deed of frull cte.cf1bft fh9 lluaberld and wlf9 • INMOf(t), In =:4., ot Ora 119e, 8Ut• ot IOllowlna proptr1y: the ofllot Of the County Aac:oro.r uf lot I~ 8'oc:tt 2. 0THE SOVTH&IOE Orange County. Slat• of Celltomla. Th• bulll tran•l•r Wiii b• AOOITIOH TO THE cm OF SANTA Will 8Ell Al PV8UC AUCTION ~ on or .,.., J...,y ANA, AECOADED IN BOOt< 3 PAGE TO HIGHEST Blooe\ FOR CASH 7, tta et 10!00 A.M. at OROvtlil 44 OF MISCEUANEOUS MAPS. (payable at time of lala In lawful UCROW COAPOAATIOH, wtlOM MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS: 441 money ot the Untied StatH) at: ~ .. DIDO ~ lt\td .• So. Broecl'#ey, Santa Ana. CA _ 8outti Front ant'8r1Qe to 1toe Orange 12N, El TOtO, CalfiDrnla. TMt the .. '(If a ..,.... addf-. or common County Old CounhovH. City of 1aat clef• for Mr'll dllrnl It J-.ry deMgnatlon It 1110wn ,.,_ no Santa Ana. SUit• of Calltomla al e, ttea. warren1y It ol••n aa to' Ila rtgfll, tltla and lntereat c:on...,..s to So far •• la .known to tfle 00ffl91alltl-or coi1ect1_.. N and now l*O by tt under Mid OMd T,...._, el bu*llaa MrMa and The balleftdery under Mid Deed of TN91 In ttle pr099f1Y lftuated In iddl I 1-.d br IN T~ of Trust by raaaon Of • btWlfl Of Mid Cou11ty and Slat• ~lbed -for IN .,..,. ... ,.... -Sama. default iri Iha oblgatlonl -..o Patee! I of a Map reconSed In Oeeed: Daoamtler 1S, 1te2. tfl«at>y 11« .. ofOt• •x«Med and Book 110, PagH 42 Dlld 43 ot 8VEHO PILCH d•1tver9d to Ille undtrelgned a Pare.I Mape; record• ot Ora~ T,.,...,.. wrttten Oec:taetk>11 ot Daf8Uh and County. Celfomla. ~~ Orange co .. 1 Dally ~ lor ..._and wr1n1n no11ca Th• ttrMt addreu and other ... ...,., ..._. 22. ltl2 ......... and ot -.Cllon to -common dealgrlatton. "W/'t. Of Ille MIM2 Ille und•r:!ft:i:d 10 ull H id rMI 1>'09WI)' dtecrlbtd above 11 -----------S)rOC*IY lO Mid obllglltlol•, purponed to ba. 207·2 t 1 19th P\8.IC NOT1C[ llld t"9realter Ille undetaltned SttMI. H8wpoft Beac:ti. CA. -.-0 ,11111c1 no41oe of b'9adl Md of The u n de rt lg n e d Tr u 11 • t ___ AC_TITl_IOUI--._,...---.. --~ to be Aeoorded 8eptembar dl1clal"'• Illy lfablllly for any. NMm n ., wq • lllatt. Ho. 12•3091'1 In tncorrac~ of the ttraet addr... Th I II I Al'amMTI Mtd Otrlclet Racorde. Oren9e and ~ oommon dellgnatlon, H ~o ,:' ng per1o11 • doing Gou;ity. .,. "'°""' ,_.,, DEDICATED COMWAAE. 6431 llld Hla wlll ba made, bWI aid Hie Wiii be mldt, but Brown Clrclt, Hu11t1r191on Bt aell wUflout cove111nt or warranty, w1tho111 covenant or warranty, CA. 12947 • SICP'9ll °' llnptled, raol'dlna title. ~ or lrflclled, ~ tllta, Tlberlu Vela, 11431 Brown ur.::,91oo;:. ~lllCMia, : ::;-::on,.;.:,.:-"~ : Clrclt, H11ntlngton 8Hch, CA. t9l9 rem 19 ... ~ ........ IUl'll 1919 nollt(t) aecured bY '8ld Deed ot 121M7 frwt ~:::: ~ ~ 'rtuet, with lfllerftf tharao'n, .. 1nc1~'::11naaa It conduolacl by an ~ edvenoaa, " any Under Ot'OWlad In ..... not«•). ~ Tlb9rlu Ylll .._ w.M ot MM! Deed Ol Trvet Ir lftr, Uflder Ille....,.. of M!l! Thie ~ lllld ...._ ctwoee end...,.... ot .,.e of True1, •••!,i c.h•rou and County Cllttt ot'o'"!-~!:_the Y.....,. end of ll\t tN1t9 oreeted br ..,.,... ot the 1rua1• and of the MOY f. M r-,.... ., on Deed Of Tnaat. a. ...... bl tru•te ct .. ted by Hid Deed ol • 1 2 ,_,111 ::.o·:iti .. °:~rc:. =-=.~":.:~lo~ Publlltled Orenge COHI Delly ,._.,. TKlt Comc>eny, The Mi llC'ery under Mid Died PllOt, 0.0. I , 111, U , 2t, ttU. Tiit lollowlng per*>n& .,. doing ~.!!.....,~ P .. ar Hlourw. Plaltltlft,,... Jenn AND OF PETITION TO NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEH that! ~ aa: ..._,_ ..... _, ... , SouktrM, o.t.ndant. pur1uent to the term• ol lhON ' SOT!AIA, 330S Hart>of Btvd TO U.-IUIN'We .... •111 ADMINlSTER F.STATE NO. oaruln eo..nanta. Condltlont and" F·I, Cotta Mw. CA 92829 IMITNCT MAL ..wt:AN By virtue Of an exec:utlon la8Utd A·11'111. ~ r~ on o-nt1er. Ru .... I 811t1011. 3051 Yukon Im NO... on e..:n-112 (Judgment enttted on T all h -'-'---('-'--' 19 187" In......., 11.,_ p 257 ,. .. _ ,.~ • ....__ c• ....,...,. ..,..._ 18 H'"'at•y ..... ..-~ ntAT 8·27·81) bv t'"-Mun1c1~•1 Court. 0 """•• UIC'I"' 11Ua1iel, ' "• .......,. ...... 1199 •1 ""'·· ._.._ .. -".,,._., ......,,""" ~ ~ .. ~ ' ,,.. ,,_ di d i at Mq., ot Record• ol Orange . ,._Obi~~· 3061 Yukon~ .. THIDISTFOUNTRICT hAIHdVAU.EY1 __, acHOOt.t.. .. cc~n1y 01 Ora~•· Stat1~ crede 1 tore afnH cont neent Coumy. Celltornla. """'" _....... 92t29 u ec .,...., .. at In• -·omia, upon• an ..... er tora o erman Cline Tllat ce r tain rea l property' TH~ 8U8lNESS 18 CONDUCTED ,... property .. not be In lavor or Pater louraaa aa Klier and penona who may deacr1bed aa Loi 11 of Tract NOi,, BV A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. needed I II -purpw;. Judllmln' ~editor and ~t Jof\n be therwile inlerealed in aa per ~ ~ tn Book S57., ..._.., Barton Pof1tort of Acln*llalratNa omc. Soulltrat at J11dgment debtor. the '!vru end/ PION '1·8, ~. ~of,.. Thia atat91Mnt -fllad wttti the approal"'ately 109 1q It.) In 9llOWtng a net balaN:>e Of ft,212.50 or estate: arenge County, oommooly known· Cou<!ty awtt of Orange County on 9lllicll1g A al WardlOw Sdlool, tltl actual)' due on Mid judgment on A peUt.lon hM been filed u: IO Oeod«. IMM. Calffomla.' Dae. 3, tM2. ~ Drive, Huntlneton 8Mctl, the date of the'-of hl4 by Jon Stephen Klier in the The eum of paet 1m11rent1 °'»! ,,_ Ce1'om6L Uacutlon, I flaw le¥lad ypotl .. lhe s r1o Cour f Or -Of Iha Oita of IHI toe ... Publlah•d Orange Coa•t Dally Tiie Board of Tr11 .. Ma of lh• right. 1111• end lnleratt ol H id ~ty r~urt 0 that~ 210.00. lftCludlnG CO::·,_ ~ Plot. Dae s. IS. 22, 21, IM2 "ountaln Valley Scnool Ol1trto1 IUdgman1 debtor In the property In lntert•t, wlll be •old et pubttc• 11297-U 10 teaae the leclll1Je9 ao the Countr of Orang•~• ut Stephen be eppointed auction purwt to 8cttofl 1SM of -----------.,,..,Id allow under t11e lami• ~ ~ • as penona.I reprementative to the CIYll Code of the State of, P\aJC NOTIC( and oondtttone •l•t•d In Ole Aa.i ~·TA 323 lol 2 Biil O admlnlel er the eetale of c.11forn1a on January It, 1M3. a1., Aen1--°Vll•• Al8olutklflofttleeo.rd.Aaeotutlon Al -EJINwty S.561t8tyll.Oltt& H~R ,.., __ .,,__(··-... -the Mein Entrance. County,. --Ho. f3.. ta. PTN Lying S4'y of a tine WH It Parat "'• ,._, '-All"" ~ YlllUICT Courttlouae, 700 Q¥tc: C«ltal' Drl¥a-' ..._ 8TA~ The minimum mo11thly IUH WI & t h e J n d e p e n d e n t WMt, Same Ana. Callfomla, 91 the! ~owtnt P«'IGI' le doing for the term Of 1fle .._ Cof"mo111y known H 2918 E. Adminlatration of Eatatea "°"'Of 2:00 P.M. J ELITroeeROIOEAY, 2701 llAll not be 1-tflan ·~ 119' Coe9t ~ .. Corone dtl Mar. CA Aet). The pedUon la •l foe The record ownart of Mid~ Orano• A""u.· Santa Ana, CA "'°""'· The mlnkl'lum monthly NOTIC IS HEAE8Y OIVEH that ~ De~ No. 3 at 700 pr09WIY -ROBERT E. wn.ura• 92101. I for aubaequenl on Wed .• Dae. 29111, 1812 •• , 2:30 and SHIRLEY A. WILUT8. wfloee 0 . !My be adjuat9d by the I o'clook p.m ... 4~01 JamDorff a ter ve, West. in IHI known aeldran It Ho. 10 A ~~-~UOCoral ..,P.._rlicc•ledlndex ann11a1 avereo 81Yd., '"'°"'of Oour't~l Olty of the City o f Santa Ana, Oeodor, !Mne, Cellotnla 12714. 41 ~t.u.-. • ~~an r · at the ~ of the Newport Beacfl. County of <>reno-. California on Decenber 29, The..,.• be oonduClted by andf tndMdlllll v1 • A~ dapoelt mey Sllte ol Catllornle, I wlll NII at 1982 at e:30 A.M. '"'°""91lon ~Mid ... end.; · ......, ptlor eo occupency. putlllO auc11on to the lllgMft '*'def, ~ ,_, bl llad from " .....,_ .. ~ ... c. ~ ...... Ho 0011•1 tut1111 ._. i. P..., for ceall In lawtvl money ol Ille IF YOU OBJECT to the • PAUL ";.?LL. Att : " ,,_ --·-" ._. ...,., v-llo9'8ad r1S1 --bto1car tn Unllad Statea, al tt1e rtgflt, tmt and ~ting of the petition, you °"'1¥ i County C1eit1 Of Orange CouMy on 99ard, end tll•r• eh•ll be n lnt-t of leld Judgment debtor In ehouJd either ~ at the ~ ~~ i Dec. to, IM2. deduction from any pr09oaa1 1 !he above 6aaoriMcJ property, or eo (714) a5.o1to ,_ ,....11.11;19 tN Nclf-' mud\ tMreot .. IMY be wy heartne and state your SMOt<ETME iRVIHE ~ Publlellad Orange COatt Deity bidder. 10 Hll•ly uld eucullon, wltll ~bjectlon1 or file written HOMEOWNERS A8800 . ..! = Dae. 111, 22. 21. IN2, Jen. 4, hatad propoae!a to iw Mid -'*' lnt9Nat and ooeta. objection• with the court on.cs: o-nber 7, 1M2. ..... ,_.. .. ~ """' be racalwd br Dated 12·2-U. belore the hear'""". Your ·STATE OF CAl.PFOAMA) """' ._ ~ offloat at ttoe Fountain OMlkln: Hert>or ....._ )aa. ------------Vt/JW/ lchool Olatrlct Educ.t!On J.C.~. appeerance may ba ln penon cOuNrv Of OAANOE ) rtaJC NOTIC£ o.n.. 11210 o. SVMt, FouMa1n ...,..,.. IActtng> oc by your ettomey. 0n Deoamber 1 ,. ~-.' ---===~-=-:-=~--Vlll9)', Cellfomla. 12708, "° laltr Or.-iga County I F Y 0 U A R E A tha l#ldailllgoad. i Hot#y ~ 1n , ~nnous ~· ttlan 2:00 p.m. on o.oa.nc-20. ey 8. ~. CREDITOR or a oontln&ent end tor Hid Stal•. Ptreonally ..... ITA,......,. 1182. DacllltY aec!Jtor of the deceued, you ~ PAUL HU. "-10 1M The lollowlna pwaon 11 doing ;~accepting any written ~ ....._,.......,. mua• file"""'"_,_,_ -"'th .,..._ to be tlle per90n w11oee name • ~ aa: Pf • the delea•lld offlotr 1M M.11 ~ ..._. ' .1~ .....,u ""'' "'""" aubaeribad to the 1llfltlill ""'"'"1anl CHURCHILL'S WINE & .,...1 cell for oral 61ddlng. An ... c---.oA court or present It to the " tll• Attorne'l '" ,,01 01 SPIRITS, 14431 ~Drive. !Nine, paraon wflo hu llerttofore Publl•h•d Orange Coa11 Dally pereonal repreientatlve e M o KI! TA I 1" v 1 N CA 12714 ~. Wl1ttan '*'met"*"" Piiot. Dec •• 16, 21. 1N2 d b HOMEOWNERS saoc T Carol H••d, aoe Ooldenrod, ., orll bid lllloaedlng by M llaat 6393_.2 appolnte y the court . A IA ION" Corona dal M.,, CAt2825 the,.._... lllt 114g11a1t M1ttln bid. within four montht ll'om the ::;c'.,:0:~11': :=.::' :-Thia~ II oonduc:tacl by an The~ r~illble b6ddw tNI •-.,,. -.-dete of flret IHuance o f a M o KI! TA ~ E 1Av1 H E lndtvldu... be,........ to exeeutl the'°"" Of r-""'._ ieften .. provided ln SecUon HOMIEOWNIA8 AHOCIATIOH CarOI Head ...... eudl tonMl llM ._..... eTA~ °'~WM. 700 f .... _ ...__.__._ ,,.._..._ f 11\at .. O M _._....._. -~ Illa Thie • ...._., ... ftled wtt11 Ille been appro..,.o by tile loerd of MOii "Mn•t1• .... .,... o ...., ..-ivua-~ 0 """.._.......,, own County Cleitl of ar.,. County on r,,.._ -Nnnout Callfornla. T he tlme for ~::;o;r.:,:~ OfillMI o.o. t. 1ta2. Tiie 8-d of TNetw ttllll "'811 .,.... ..... fllinl cl&lme wt1l not explre ..-. W lllt ""•11•,..o~ • '° ...._ Tiie followtne p•r•o11 .. a• ... ..i .. p to four tnonlha fl'Oll\ •·-....., Publl•hed Orange CoHt De"" .__... __ ,..'--"It ..... wttfl t (10 " ... -_........, Pttoc Dec a e 2. "' --,_... ,_ .,. wltlldrtwft U a teMtet ,artfllr \he date of the hearlnl NOTAln' PU9UC • · • 1 • 2 • n . Itta ~ lfter t908lpt ot bide. op•rallnt under the ttottt1ou1 noUced abow ""l>lllhed Ofange Coett ~ AJO.a flformetlon ooncttnlno tll bwllflHt 11e1111e of THI NAIL YOU uAy' EXAMIN• "91ot, O.C.. H , It, tlll, ,,.,_ I, -----------Pf'OllOlll tflOlllll be ... Hild IOI .,,AM.lt4l00 ..... lt. .... tot -• IMS. P\ll.IC NOTU llOUNTAIN VALllY IOHOO ...,.._. ...,_ c:A iiiib · the tilt UP' bJ the court. It~. lent• Ana. of Tnm '*-'ofor• exacvteo 111d 540CMa GA .-rot. d-""'" to '"-undarelgn•d • Mnnoue Wll llla tot.i M10W1t of tM 111,.,.id ~ Diloleraetol1 Of Dafllllft'and _.,.-..-...... ITATW DllTAIOT, 17110 Oak ltrHt, TN floUtt~t butt...M nalM U ~ &re lfttarmW In t.be wa=· = = ......... far .. ~ -.nate. you may me·~ ....,_ el ._ obllgltlOn MCUred Dlftltnd for 81 .. , and • written .._ ,.,,_ The IOllowtnO par-•• OOlrtO ., •_Sid prop•rty co be tOld, HoUce Of Dafautt and flectton to "'°""O!! .. f.!!!!9 bu":~i111v IXPA188, tl .. tt ........... .,..... .... dlertll. w. Tiie lllMllliloYied ...0 Mid ...... eT ... _. .. -...... IJ d ooN..-.,.,.... Met ......... o.e .. and lllCUOn to Tile toltowtata .,.,.._ .. ~Olnt P•rch CllCI•. Huftllf\Oton haotl, .... -· • d ................ '° be '900tdad In tM county ...... -~ 82t4t •t11 • .,.,... ptaparty II tocel«I. CMOL IOUTH AMOCIATa ~Icon l'oeW, 1t4tl ll!liltllr •01 1 •• 1 1"2 Detec o.o.nw '· ftl2 140 """°" c.nter Cr 1100• ,..,Clll Cfrc ... Hufltlfteton .... 11. t;r~ m:,~':.! TITll 0, IMNlllW. ~. ~ 11D. QA.._·• ' Ca!Womle t2t4e ac.lforNa Corltoriltlon Cerol """ ,,.,0 , tft Deryt 1tuo11.,-. "41 w~ • .... t,.._, • ""° T,__ ,..,..._, lrWla. QA_,,. AY9INll, NO. #, Hilntlnfton laecfl, ~~ffTLf ~~ .:::,:--·-,, ....... .., .. ~-= .. COl~by • ...... .,___, . ~-AamMn, c.dJwtlivlt ...... ~ 8aftla Afll, Oallfor11l1 = ~ ~ ,,_ ••• ••• -llSd w'1fl lllt ,... -~ ::.•lllad """'lllt . .,., =· ~ . o.u.-°""' ., Or""9 ~Oft C8W1ty Qertl ., °' ... ~ .. r T~f.:..4tc:!'.t' T '(1ta)417-Mtf Ollo. ft.-· ..... ~-14, 1"2 ,,., ,·· 9:..:.......,.. ~ ...,_,.,... ,,.,.....,.... °'Mte COMt .,..., Pwtlilllled OrlftlS c°"' "': f.......M'1 Or~ COMf Oelty 0 -ar.,..I I .?-",.-. Dftltt ...... Dlia. II. It, 1'11, ..-. I , 1f, Pttet Dea. 1 I II tJ ---...... -.... ,_ 1.1,;i.., -,.. • ••• ; .... . . .... ..... ...,.. . .. ., ... ........ lervtoea. !lad°" Menu, ttl2 tn IN oaumy with ahe eourt to r~Jn Nm'IOul -• AINVAU.IY lll~ and~ ot tM 1pecl1l noUce of the ..... eTAW ~CW-~ Peraon Wlllldr•wln~ lnvantory of •\ate ... ta ..1'9.!'*i;"• ...,_ .. -. ...... .._. lltonofi, Uf 1"' It., and o( the~ ICCOUfttl =MA. •lUM~A· a °""' e1 .. eon ......., ~~. aAd •porta dttCtlbff la : fO) ...._ ' 1 Dllaf: Dm~ '· '912. ,_ Sectton I too of the tf A ING, fl70 • l'UlllllhM OnNa Ooelt ,..,....._, 0r._. Oo9at Dally c.Jibn1a ........ Otdl C... ...... CA -.r . ..... 0-. "· a... ... ,..,., Dao. "· a. ... 1tll. -... Daiei CelMt ·~ Oe¥ld '· ~ ., ',.,... ttll at Lew, Niii a... .. La =·;, llU ............... CA ________ ..,. ........ •••••1.. ..... '"· ....... Oslllre A. ..... "1•'-.... ca...... =·,1111.,L..-e---.·OA ... llC NOTICl c ""91111• Or-. o... ~ ,,_· ......_ 19 11 a ••• -NriflD•IUIHllll ..... Das. ..... ,,~... ..... •-• _.en,_. ....,. DiM '· '- T11a 1D10111!11 ""°"' .. dOli!I ... -'-t1 I --.... . ~fi\H.A TRADING CO , ~ B:tll .. a.._. .. . , .. ~ r.:,::e .... , ....... ~~==-~ -. ........ . '""1.1 .. '· ...... ,.... ...... -... ,.., ..... , ..., Munci kin in county jail aEter brawl I SAN 01£00 (AP) -Two brotht.•rit and a l'OUlln ol Charlffl runnlna back <.:huck Muncie were atre1W!d Monday nt1ht wht•n a brawl brokt• out at the entrance to San Dleao'1 Jack Murphy Stadium dwi_na the San D1ego-Clncmnat1 football pme .. Two police offlcen Wt!te injured, and one was hoepltalhed, when six people holding five ucke ts trt.d to Ct'Uh the gate 1~ rrunutes after the game Md belrw\, police said. "'J'here wu a pushing and shoving match that •tarted thia whole thing. Punch es were thrown back and forth," Police Officer DenntS Jo hnson said Tue.day. MUNCIE'S BROTHER, Nelson Munsey, 34, and coualn W!lllam Munsey, 41. of Fresno bo~ former players with the Baltimore Colts -were boolced into county jail for inveatigat1on of usaultina officet'I. Another Muncie brother, Joseph Munsey, 39. was booked for investigation of obstruct ing an officer ln the performance of his duties. "A group of people including the Munseys .ttarted to go through the gate. There were six and they presented tickets for•five," said Johnson. "Officers were called to stop the group. f). shoving match started to take place, and an arg,urne nt broke out. He said, "The police re port alleges that one of the Munaeys tried to push past one of the officers and didn't stop whel) he was told to. A figh t began immedlately between the other Munsey and the other officer. The whole thing just escalated at that point into • fight. "&l'HER OFFICERS were called to assist in arresting them as well as stadium security people who w ere required to assist in controlling them and taking them into custody." Officer Carey Brooks suffered a split hp and another policeman, Russell Malmsbury, w as X - r"yed at Sharp Memorial Hospital after being choked, said police. William Munsey was booked for investigation of felony battery against Malmsbury and threats of violence against a police officer. Bruins' Howell 'doubtful' No spirit Washington Hill, a San Franc isco fan dressed like anta Claus, suffers through t&.9ers' recent 17-7 setback to Atlanta. r lineup NEW YORK ~AP) J uH Lute Clerc ot Ar•nlln• •nd Yann1ck Noeh of Franco an• the final t*o players to qualify for the 12-man 1983 Volvo Mattera t.onni• chttmplonahlpt, lt waai announced Tuesday b)' tournament director Ray Benton of ProServ. Inc. Heading the Madison Square Garden field for the $400,000 playoff event of the 1982 Volvo Orand Prix will be Jimmy Connors and defending Masters champion Ivan Lendl of Cuchoslovakia. Other sing l e s qualifiers are Guillermo Vilas of Argentina, John McEnroe, Mats Wilander of Swed e n, Vilas Gerulaitis, Joee Higueras of Spain, Johan Kriek. Andre s G o mez o f E c uador and Ste ve Denton. Five o f the 12 qualifiers -Wilander. Kriek, G omez, Denton and Noah -are making their first appearances in the championship. Utah State freshman Greg Grant, the high scorer for his team ii} victories over BYU and Weber State, was named Monday as Pacific Coast A thletic Conferenc e player-of-the-week. NlLIC NOTIC£ FICTTtlOU8 9USINESI HAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing buslneu as SEASONS. 28 10 E Ch9j)ITlll1 Orange C• 92669 Sambas ReSlaurent Inc (• A ,,.. 111;-1111 "'"" .. ' ,. ·.~. .. tft ·l '" " HIJA& rtrHUa OtNllll. Cf~ltflUl , ... rJ:..~1 1<101 l~Ot Coe._.Miflt,OA liliM.'fr11111J.,.,1, •t1•1• flOIH .,... ...,_ .... Oflfltt"'*' w.i. (My M11r c .. .,,, Ofll, 1tol I# _, lt""'9. ~of Ot ........... ,_. llhd, ~· ._,., OA Cll!f0t1tle fflal 1 °"' f11Mi.t lt t~IU 1twM JO lie 1'1*111 11 YOOHG IOON Thlt ~ 141~a,1r1 llA"K 111f IANO Hll 'A"IC. lndlvl4Cill -'l#t Ill -~-· M~ C-., OTll .... C)f¥WI LAM, Olty Of 0.del'I Tiiie 1111..-il wM Med W1111 I~ Grove, ~ Of Of.,.. 11 .. ti C-IY c.ti of OtlftOll County on Clllfofllll oeo <o. 1t12 Tiii "'~ to t11 .,.,.,.,red • ,.._ ci.cr1bld 11'1 Olf*ll It NA '4odl In llubll•h•d 01111u.• Co1t1 011~ ''~' 11~11H11, ~· encl OOod PllOl. o.c 16, 22. H . ltl2. Jan .... OI lhal "-1eurent With .. llnd 1913 Wine ~ ~ linowM II MM-.12 "Ol"NOIM & 0-00", end loo.Wld -----------•• 28670 Mttouelte l'lftlw.y, ..... rtaJC NOTICE 102. City ot Mfellofl vtelo. Courrtv of Or~. 8te11 of C111torn11 'ICTTnOUI llU ... 11 Tiie bulll tr111tf11 Wiii be ..... ITAT ... MT contuMlllAled on or "'-tlle 7tfl Thi IOllowll'lg Pl'.olll ate dOlnO oey of Jl/tlH#y, I* 11 tO 00 I m buelnMe,,lll:;ECH. 1'171 Sitter A\'I., II Wlllerll Mutuel !wow Corp., inn: MMllyn WN1mor•ltld. wtlOll HunllnQton Betoe:n, CA 92648 ldd11t• I• 1•081 So Yorba SI., Joe 0.. Rio, 3700 Cuneen Of • Suite 101, Tuttln, CA 92880. ~·,;:.~~7~11 Rio. 11133 E. In~ :::1r::r:: ~ W11hln9ton SI , 81n11 An1, CA J e l"""" lfWMll'I • ....... I 92701. 8o let u 11 now known to 1111 Tiii• bulllllll It c:onduc:tecl Dy • Ttllllllflll, •II buelnHI n1m11 I o-at Plflnerahlp. •11d 1ddre11•• u11d by th• AleflerO Del Rio T '-I lie lht Th'• 1111-t -Iii.a wltll the r1n1,..ore or t pul • Y'llfl .. -·-· are t!M SAME. Coun1y Cllnl OI Ortnge County on Oiied Dlc«nblr 7, 1882. New t1, 1982 Y ouog Soon Plfll f , PJOD11 8 Hee Pllr1& Publl1hed Orange Coatt Dally "'¥r.,.,.,.,_ PUOt. Dec 15, 22, H . 1982. J1n 5, Publlthed Orenge Co1tl Dally f 1983 ~80-82 Piiot, Dec. 22. 1082 I 646M2' PUBLIC NOTICE Pl8.IC NOTICC I FICTITIOUS IU81NEll PICTrTIOUI IU ... 11 l NAME STATEMENT NAM« ITATIMEMT lt•e following pe<1ons are OOlng Tne following perton1 111 dOlll{I • bus1"'u 1u buslneee u · • MEN~"iti~e~~~91~~1;;e~Tt~:io Proc~::;:c:,~, ·~~~A~~ Mesa Co 92621 CA 92663 I Douglas Frani. Statum 284 t Rot>in Chrt11opner Miiier, 10181 • Boa V1s1a Or Colla Mesa Ca Kaimu Of•••. Hunungton Beach, CA ! 92626 92~8 ( Mac~ KrouMt Jr L 931 W 19tn Aue11n Thoma eon, 1752 N a S1 Costa Mesa, Ce 112627 L1ndenhol1. Orange, CA 92665 > l 111 Roy Ba uder 36 13 S THIS BUSINESS IS CONDUCTED ! Ramona Of S1n1a Ana Ce 92707 BY A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP l n1s buSif'less 11 conouc1eo by • Robin c Miller general partners/lip Thi• 1111ement wH filed wl1h Ille Douglas F S1atum Coun1y Clerk al Or1nge County on Thia s1a1emen1 was Ille<! w11t1 1n1 Dec 3, 1982 Counly Cle<k of Orange County on F'20IMI November 24 1982 F202M1 Publl1hed Or1ng1 Coaet Dally Pllol, Dec 8. 15, 22. 29. 1982 Published Orenge Cou1 Dally 5298-S2 Piiot Dec t, 8, 15, 22, t982 ~170·82 Plll.IC NOTICE FICTmOUI IUllNEH NA• IT ATt:Mt:NT The lollowlng pertont .,, 001ng ou11neu •• ORALLOP FlNANCIAL GROUP. 1181 DoV9f Or . Su11e 14. Newport 8e.lch. CA 926&3 Pollard En1erpr111a, Inc , • California C01pot11lon. One Trll>\lle Cl .. Newporl Beach. CA 92663 Tn11 buSlneaa 11 condliC11d by a corpor •lion P\llUC NOTICE f'ICTTTlOUI eullNEU ~ITAT'DSNT Tiie f ollowlng per90f\a .,. dOlng bull,_. 11: • CHA MPION PRODUCTIONS, I 1958 "'-10. St , C<>et1 ~. CA 92il27 Cllemplon MotorC)'dll. inc:. • Cellfo<nll c:orpotlllon, 1880 Hllt>o< Blvd , C<>e11 M91t.. CA 92627. Thll bullnMS tt CO!'dliCted by an , lndMdu•I I Qft•mplon Motorc;yc;l11, l Inc • LOS ANGELES (AP) -UCLA tight e nd Harper Howell, hurt in a motorcycle-automobile accident over the weekend, is a doubtful participant in the Bruins' Rose Bowl meeting with Michigan. Howell, a junior from Boulder, Colo., and backup center Mark Mannon of Santa Barbara. were injured when the motorcycle they were riding was involved in a collision with a car. a UCLA 1pokeeman said Monday. Weaver reacts Cahlornla corporattonl. 6400 Cindy ----------~ t n , Carpen1ef111 Ca Polllltd Enterprl-. inc Roeemary K Pollaro Presldenl Whitney 8'1ttlllee I VIOi Pres I Tlll1 1tatemen1 wu ftlld wtlll the This business Is cO<ldliC1ed by a i;orporalion INC SAM BOS RESTAUR ANT Greg S OllOf'I Ols111c1 Manaoer Thll 1t11emen1 w•• llled with the Coun1y Cllr1< 01 Orenge Coun1y on Dec 3 1982 CounfY Clerk of CX.nge Coun1y on Dec 10, 1982. Howell suffered cuts on the left knee and chin, Mannon, who suffered brul..ses. is expected to be able to practice in a few days, the spokesman said. Palmer is 100 percent right BALTIMORE (AP) -Former Baltimore Orioles Manager Earl Weaver says pitche r Jim Palmer's criticism ls "100 pereent right." Th11 1111emen1 ...,., lflld wllll the County Clerk ol Orang41 Coun1y on November 24. 1982 F20l)SG Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 D•lly PilOI, Dec 8, 15. 21. 29. 1982 5290-82 Nil.JC ll>TICE P'2M2ll Pwbll1h1d Or•nge co .. t Dilly PllOI, Dec; 15, 22. 29, 1982, JM 5, 1983 P\llllC NOTIC£ F2C12191 ~---,,...,,...,.,,,.....,,..,.....,.....,...,...,..,...,.....,.~-~ Published Orange Co111 0111y ACnTlOUl_,...11 --.,-IC-m-K>U--1-.u-... --,-,--IUTI 1111a1 WARNEll ANNA P . WARNER, a Ion• time relldent of Buntln1ton Beach, Ca. Pa.ed away December 20, 1982 ln Huntington Beach. Ca. Survived by 3 son• H o ward Warner of Huntington Beac h , Ca., Norman Warner o f Huntington Beach , Ca .• Richard Warner of Scott Valley, ClMr Lake, Ca. and 1 daughter Edna Conrad of Girdin ~.Ca. Memortal services will be held on Tbunday, December 23, 1982 at 2:00PM at Pierce Brothers Smitha' Chapel with Bev. Albert Janaen of the 1'lnt Methodist Chureh of Huntlnaton Beach offid.atinc. Intermett will be at Good Shepherd Cemetery, Huntlnclon ae.cb, Ca. P.lerce Brothen Smiths' Mcrtuary dlrec:ton. 0345-6539. JONF.8 N. EDWIN JONES, SR .. age 84. pa11ed away on December 20, 1982 In Be.nnlna. Ca. Father of N. Edwtn Jone1, Jr. and M . llwood Jone• both o f Banninl. Ca. and Floria J . Greeley of ec.iA Mesa. Ca.; brother of Floyd B. Jones of On Monday. Palmer -who had an of ten stormy relationship with Weaver -told a reporter he would not miss his former man.ager penonally. and wonde red whether time would prove tnat Weaver'• reputation as a great manage r was deserved. Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Henchel I. Jonea of Tryon. Oklahoma, 11 grandchildren and 8 creat-randchlldren Services wll be held on Palmer put it in a question, which b e answered Thursday, December 23, h If un..~ · f h --a1t f the Ori 1 • 1982 at 2:00PM. graveside at imse · "'._portion ° t e <;I~ or o ~ Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive winning seasons during Weliver's 20-year tenure Memorial Park. Costa Mesa should the manager have gotten? "Well. we'll just Ca. Wiefels and Son Funeral have to wait and see." f B I C Earl Weaver ijirectors 0 ann ng, a. In a telephone interview from his Hialeah. fla., <714) 849-4~21.ftE home, w eave r replied: "l only had 96.5 wins a year. Team DOROTHY LOU ISE That's a lot of wins, but maybe I could've done OARE. a nat.lve of i\lamosa, better. I don't know. Colorado and a 20 year He added. "The whole thing is, Jim was with resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Pused away on December me for 16 years and knows me pretty good. So all 19. 1982 at the C.OSta Mesa these things he says are great compliments from a Memorial Hospital al the age guy like Palmer." America planned of 55. Dorothy was the Sr. "mad t to Regent of the Women of the According to Palmer, Weaver was e ou WASHINGTON (AP) Moose, Chapter 1158 of be one of the best managen in baseball" because he _ The North American C l M d h been "didn't mess up" his 1969, '70 and '71 teams -in os ~ esa an as Soccer League is going very acUve along with her fact, leading them to the World Series. 1 h usband, Walter, of the b .,,~ h ahead with plans to Pace The feisty former m .. n .. ae.· w o reun:u at t e T A · 1 ...__. Order of the Mooee. ··---o a new earn menca ..,.,,.. end of last season told the Baltimore Sun that f hise · th u • Costa Mesa Lodge 1457 ranc m e na on s Dorothy had been wllh the Palmer's assessme nt was "100 percent right. capital, league off icials Women of the Moose for "I took over a pretty good ball club with a lot of say. about 6 years. She is talent. That's what anybody would say." The team. made up su rvived by her husband, H e concluded, "Jim is an intelligent guy, and entirely of A merican W a It er . he r m o ther. that's exactly the way it W'8.'' players. would serve as Charlotte Foottit of Sun Palmer made bJa remarks during a public the U.S . national team to City, her 2 10ns James Oare relations aprw>ArAnce in Pittsbur~h. d I 1 · of Quall Valley. Clifford ....--· , th •--tha eve op P ayers i n P1101 Dec 1, 8. 15, 22, 1982 ~ ITATU•NT NAM! STATt:MENT 5189· 82 The foltowlng pertone atl Oolng rtaJC NOTICE bl*'-M : The lollowlng p111on 11 001ng J AC COMPAN Y 92• b<J9'111M81 Coron1do Or , Co111 Meta. CA KEY I.ARGO CHARTERS INC , •--9~. 11 1 P.c111c; Cout Hwy . Hunlln(lton PICTTT10U9 llUllNRll Al A. Serrttne>, 924 Co<onedo Be.ch CA 92648 MAim ITAR•NT Dr .. Co1*1 ..._.,CA 9282&. J D Smith. • D•l1war1 Tiie lollowtng perlOn 11 doing Cllerlll F Teul.,, 154S ·o· corporellon. 711 P•clllc Coul ~ -Adema An .• Coll• M•H. CA Hwy. HunOngton BMc:ft. CA 92648 U S • I M P E R I A L 92e29. TIUI bullnest ts condVC11d by All INTER· HAT I 0 NA L C 0 . 17 0 0 Thie bu11nM1 It conductecl by 1 lndMOull M11g111t1, Coron• 011 M11, general pertl\lrllllp. K~ Lergo Chertera, inc Cllllornl1 9262.5. Al A. S«TlnO J D Smllh Leonid Ollcll, 1700 Mlrgerlll, Thie etat-t WU llllO wttll the PreslOMI Corone del Mir, CA 9M25. County Cllr'k °' 0renge C<>unty on T"'• st••-t wu lll9d ""'n the Thlt ~II condUctld Dy IO Die 10. 1982 County Clet1o o1 0r9001 County on lndlvlduel. ....... Nov 24 1982 Leonid GMOt Publl1hed Oreno• Co111 Dal~ ,,._ Thie 1111-t wu fllld ... Ill lhe Pilot, D1o 15, 22, 29, 1$82, Jiil. , Publl11180 Or1ng1 Co111 Dally County Cletlt of Orlnge County on 1983 P1101. Dec 1, 8. 15. 22. 1982 .,. Dec e. 1992 5422-e2 5194-12 • '20ll'10 -----------~ Publlahe<I Or1nge Co1tt Dilly Pla.IC N()TIC[ Pla.IC ll>TIC£ 19ai Olc.15;-22, 29, 1982, Jllfl. 6. ---:,.~IC=-TmOU=~~."'!IU~l~INl!=l"!"l.---11~---:::Fl:"::C-:::T1:::~===1UDi1==::::1-:-1~- NAlft ITATIMl!NT NAME STAffMl!NT $482-82 NII.IC NOTICl PlCTTT10U9 .,... .. ..._ITATI_,.., Thi 10110 ... lng per1on 11 doing bu"'-U: GERALD THAT CHER & ASSOCIATES. 18081 Shidel °""9, 511111 Ana, Clllfornla 92705 <Hrllld T. emou. 18081 s111oe1 onve. 8en11 Ar1I. C1111om11 9270& . Tllll bu*-' II condvc:tlCf by M lndMclull Gerald T. EJllolt Thie ttel-t w11 fllld wt111 Ille County Cllrtl of Or11191 County on Ole. 10. 1982. ..._._ Publlellld Or1ng1 Co111 D1I~ PtlOt, Dec;, 16, 22. 29. 1982. Jan . The folloWlng pertont .,. doing The 1o1io-.g perton1 are doing bullneu u business 11 THE CATERING KITCHEN, JEWE LRY PA VILION 652 2858 Stromboli Rd . Coate MeH Soulh Broolt.hurst Slreet. An•hltm CA 92628 C11ilorn1a 9206'4 Cindy Re1ooe. 1850 C1prl Jewelry P•lece. '"", •• CirQll, C<>e11 MIN. CA 92628 c111torn1• corpore11on. eoe 'Sout'1 Olll\I Hiibert, 2858 Stromboli. H10 Streel Los Angetes CllllOl'nll Cotti Miu. CA 92628 90014 C•rOI TllomH, 2737 Albttross. Cotti Mna. CA 92628 TNa busl/leN ia conduct.a by 1 geMrll Plf1•19111"9 Dllnl HUl>lrt Jewelry P11.ce, Inc Pe1er w Cnvng PreslOl<'lt Tills 1111_,I wu lllld wllh lhl County Clerk or Or11ng1 Coul'l1y on Nov 24 1982 F'202ta7 .. Thi• ltlt-1 Wll filed wllh 1111 County Cl«lc Of Otano-Counl}' on Dec 3. t982 Pubtllhed Orenge Coast Dllll'• ~ P110t, Dec 1 8, 15, 22, 1982 Publlthed 011ng1 Cou t Oally 52•11-U Plol Dec •• 15, 22. 29 19112 52111-82 Ml.JC NOTICE 1983 542&-82 ---Ml--IC-NO_Tl_CE ___ 1 __ fte_Tm_aou_e_au _______ ,-,-- Oare f S ad Ca 3 "Time will tell whether we miss e ua:t t preparation for the d.aughc:en ~~tA! Pagei'of he was the most successful man.ager in the last 20 Olympics and other Pla.IC NOTIC£ Ftc~:A~• MAm •TATDmWT , Thi followlng per9on1 lf'I ~~ C:O.ta Mesa, Ca., Fredricka years," Palmer said. "He's been synonymous with lnternatlonal com· --.,-IC-TITIOUl ___ eu_a ___ ,-,--Tiii IOllOw!nQ peraone -dOlnO -----------. Morlett of Sunnymead, and the Baltimore Orioles' success; what portion o! that petition. NAME ITATIMENT IMJI"-• •tv Valrie Oare of Sunnymead. credit he should have gotten. well, w e'll just have to Olympic officials are The tollowlng per1on ts doing A CO M at NED 1 DE A bu~ CONSTRUCTIOH ed..~ 27872 Mangon, Mllllon Vllto. c;(tl 92e81. -Eugene l. COlomblnl, 2111,i j .... ~ buslneal.. CORPORATION (CA), 22974 EJ Toro CNMAT'ION IUNAL 4T RA She ii allO survived by a wait and see." currently considering an RAYllN ENTERPRISES, 2775 Rold', El Toro. CA 92630 646-7~31 sistA!r, Pat Meaecar of Big Palmer, who has compiled a 263-145 career 1 n te rn at t 0 n a 1 I y MeH Verd• Drive E111 Co••• w-.-a Su-. lftall, 2•et8 Our llferalur• tell• the, Bear and 3 gtaldchlldttn. record, cited Weaver's three straight World Series supported pro---ft' that Mesa CA 92629 llk~!~·8E1~.!~.~ 9~F Funeral tervices will be held teams and ""''d. "I think that caused Earl to loae a ~ Rly 0u1ney H1yes. 2n5 M111 ........... --· ""n•. o• ~~1• atory of our . on Thunday. December 23• ..... think he w o u 1 d p e r m i t VerOI 0r111e e.11. Cotta Miu. CA HOiiow, !Nine, CA 9271• ~ ...... ~ 1982 at 1 l :OOAM 1l the lot of his introspection. I think he began to profeuional soccer 92~: butlneU 11 conductecs Dyen ~~~ conducilc:I '>Y 1 ....... Hll.genleld Mortuary Chapel was the reason we were winning -it wasn't Frank players to participate in tndMd\111 Douotu s Wllkln• ~~=======~_jwlth the Re ll . Donald Roblnaon,itwasn'tBrookaRobinaon .it wasn'tme, theOlymplcGames. Ray O Hev-TN1tt1tern1r11wulllldwtlhl,,. U.LT% ..... OM ...,,,..... ntT't&L MSft:Ullf CHArll 427 E 17th St ()c)sta Me5a 846-9371 i 't Da J h 't was Earl Thi• 1111amen1wu111ect w11111111 County Cllrtt of Orange c:-i1y on Sturg on of the Family twasn vey o nson -i · A lth o ugh l eag ue CountyCl«il ol OflflOI County on Ole.3.1992. En r lchmen t Center of "But the bottom line la we always won. llook 0 ff I c1 al a are 1 tI1 1 New 9, 1992 An ah e Im and and the at our baJ.lPub last year and w e won 95 games and n e 10 ti a ti n g w i th a Women o f the M oose I don't know how. I\ will be real interesting to tee if proepectlve investor and ,_ '201111 Publlehld Or1ng1 Cou l Dilly PublllhlO Ot1nge Cont Dilly Piiot, Dec. .. 15, 22. 29, 1N2 PNot, Dec; t, 8 15 22. 1082 6295-12 Chapler 1158 of Qist.a Mea It was Earl Weaver or the organization and the f officl.altlng. Interment w'lll players." corporate sponsors or 5224·91! ·------------- follow at The Rlvetalde the new team• The P\llUC NOTt« Na ti on al Ce meter y . Palmer. 37, said Weaver didn't maintain much Auociated Presa haa Vlaitation will be held at the of a rapport with h1a players. 1 e a r n e d t h a t a n "~:A~~u m ortuary on Tueaday, "He threw Bobby Grich down thestairBand he agreement In principle the tOllowlnQ Pl!toN .,. 0<>1ng December 21. 1982 from uaed to .cream at Don Baylor when he went up to has been a'lro\ted to buatMlll u : 12:00 noon co 9:00PM and all bat. Thal was Earl'• penoo.ality, but he alwa)'I had 1 ........ o-t.....n . v ... _ ..... y ltASONI , 3001 s &111101, •-t. th --'~-and -floUUC' -&M;IU~ Santa.Alla. Clll«nil aua. day Wednesday, I::>eeerober veteran players to ~e oee guys -u.y, Memorial Stadium to Sam~ "'9t-an1 inc . e.oo 22. 1982. at Hllgenfeld 'Don't let him bother you, don't let him affect you! pt.y the team'• h ome Cindy~~..,.._ C...torni. Mortuary dlrecton. 120 F.alt "He aJwa~had enouah Mark Belangen, 1 1980 Th <fhie butlnell It conducted Dy • Broadway, Anaheim, Ca. • th ,..,1 .. _ gamea n . ..,. e 00<~ .. ton ('11-4) ~l0$. ..Pallneovel"." ~ and k:a RoblNOns '° srnoo ..... ..., North A.merlun Soocer ~""T :.,Wfent •no DeBORD League wlll beatn lta oi.':!1e1 MllllQI' M y RTL E s A R A H 1183 teUOr\ on April 27., n• ""-' Wll lllld with"" Oe80RD, realde nt of NHL plans Russian sera·es Officla l1 at the COUtlfy::--ofOf.,.COUntyOll New)*1 BMch. Ca. P.-d ~5.000 ... t 1t.adlum have ,.~ 2•· 1"2 ,_ away on o.c.mber 21. 1982 co n f 1 r me d th a t P11bll•ll•d Of•llO• Co1e1 D•llY . P\alC ll>TICE P:tCTTTIOUI llU.,._11 N.AMalTA~ Tlla follOW\llg per.-are dOlng ~·.: V C ENTERPRISES. 19531 S ""1>0tt W1y. S11111 Ana. CA 92707 (P 0 &ox 500, !Mn41, CA 927191 Rt1 Jac1c1011i. 992• &1111 , • Biii~. CA IOlu. Virginia Vuoo Oro-Wt, H24 Bllfllr, WfloW'lf, 9070I. Thie l>lltl"'" It condvcllO Dy a limltld l*tl'llf•lllp Ma.rtckeon Thlt ........... --flllCI wllll "" Oo11n1y C1ert1 01 Ot .. County Oii Nov 2. 1N2. ltlOHtl M8UIQOl'I, Million VlljO, CA tttet • .., Jo11ph A. 81t1t, 2549 )<, s....-. El Toro, CA 92t30. ,11 Thie ~ .. condUcted 11)1 •• gen«'el ~ C04omblnl .. Thlt etlterllenl WU fllld wfTll h ; County Cllnl of OrWIOI County oe Dec 10. 1992. ~j Publt•ll•d Or1ng1 CoHI Oell.1~ Piiot, Die. 16. 22, 29, 1982, Jan ... , 1983 l ~~ P\llllC t«>llC( ' ·1 '~!~:.~:-.J• ·~ r111 lollowtl'g pe11on 11 dotneJ butlnfta.. • I PS (I H T E RN A T I 0 NA, I.~ PAOFESSIONAl SERVICES), 1110 .. , 80111 Avenu.. w .. 1mtn111r, Cit J 12983 Dinh Viet Nguyen. 17$$1 "•~'J a.r.io1n1 l-. Hunllnglon 8MQfl, CA 928<17 . , d Tl\11 buelnu• 11 condue1ICI Dy Md lnOMdu.i , I OW\ v NoLi)'ln • .. Tllll ''""""" -Ned wttf)" County Citric Of OflllQe COllllft .. Nov 23, 1082 Pu~lltltd Or•no• Co1~ Piiot Ole. I, 9, a , 22 1112 H4f41 at the •1• of 8 1. Sh~ 11 MONTREAL (AP) -Goaltender Vladlllav •arffment calla for 15 11o1. o.c 1 1. 1s.1~ 1N!1 .... IW'Viwd by a son Leonard of Tretiak and t'enter Alexandr MllWIV, who took part J d " ..... Newport Buch. Ca., 1 tn the hlatork 1972 Soviet Union.C.n.ada hockey P • Y 1 n g • t e '•----------1 Publl•h•d Or1rt0• eo .. 1 Deity PllOI. Ole I, I, 11. 2', 1NJ 1221 .. a -------.-.-.--.--NIUC *>TU Iran doh 11 d . 4 fr • at • eert-are aaaJn •x,_..ted to plaJ. ln t.h1t year11 commendna In late ~· 1--;aiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiii~~l -,.-===~==,.--irandthUdren and CT"'-~... ---"We would hope to 1 1rut·1randchtldren. slx-pme .. rie. •pinat National ockey Le.,ue have all tho ptecea for Graveside l9t'Violl wlll be &ams. Te a m Ame r I c 1 held on 'lbunda.y,. o.c.mbet Tret.lak and Malt.ev, both of whom haV. been oomptet.d and the pu.ule At CALO&JIP; 11 CA~ n , 1882 al l 1:30AM at thorn• ln the •Ide of NHL perfotmert in put tot•ther ICMMMINT Ml.II co .. 111•1 P•, iAt~•'ooal ocxa.,MUkaa, ~ c.w'IA1ll to be ~-Jenv_,, " !lntt Ana. ea. with ...-the ao pt.ayen allowed to dl'9ll f0t the ~ A.eon Buhltt offlclattn1. ~ rNndl me_J call •' PlerOt, The eerln ec.attl Tunct•z.·wtth a pine ln ...Vtben .. u Bl"OMw~ 1'.dn:lofttoll .,mM 1t1e Odin.~ 8crri1t ........ =:!:-8.!l, 0:2.~~2~ then tnwl -~ ..... &beNonllqw wl itiit 4:00PM 1o t :OOPM: Piere. Montreial CmldkM an Dltf 30 and 31, NipecdWly. -.-....-•• Wrotlaert 'hll Broadway The fh\al thrwe .... tN ~ Iba ~ Mortuur dtreclors. l'lanm on Jail: 2; the~ Nonh 8-on M2·tl00 :JaA. 4 and &be ~sm&a n1'n on Jm. e. •j t 4 .. " ...,,._,,, DIOIMtl• PP. I Tit! t'AlllL c1•r11• llUClt'~ICI 0 L f .! r : ,. -Tt:M•tt:W il:Dfj c.OIN Me IN A CUP OF CHRISTMAS CHt!fff1'Wt=f PS? SHOI': \\ ... Three French head$, two turtle dog$, and a .... 11 "Prtnc111, you've 191lly got the good ol' Chr11tm11 1p1rtt." OU Q !!VOU6;Jf 7UE by Brad Anderson "That Marmaduke and his• friendly goodbyes!" .lt:DGE Pt\RKER YES. SAM ANO I SAW THE ACCIDENT ON TV, A66EY ! IT WAS TEA.Rl6LE I I JUST HOPE THAT COUNTRY 50V ISN'T HURT TOO eAOL v I MOON Ml:LLIN8 ACROSS SS Pella group· ' AlletMI 2 wordl I USSR lt\W 58 Dedllm to Bordlr eo A1ny1 M Gfowill I ' 8ondnllll tH2 ~MMA Nl:E'PS SOM&T .. l~TO iEl.L TIME BY. TUllDArt NZZUIOLYID t& tngtnue. e.g. ea Compoeltlon lrEo4i~ ,. <Mrf• tllme 13 HMdlMd t7 AM men 14 8uc:ll 11..w.-i u ~• tOUo'ce: ,.,. 2wotdl 20 -o'"""1• DOWN 2t TIW'OIC *"" D...,__. t= ea~ OdlW ., ... ..,..n 11Uft by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~ERE1S1~f: NUMBER·· JUST DIAL l~E PHONE CQ\1P,ANY. t\ ~'\. ~TE f?AI~ ~tl'E R:.f<C{JR ATA~I !! ~a?~.'~ I HEARD YOU DON'T HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE THIS YEAR I DO SO HAVE A CHRISTMAS TREE-- /~·"'­ f't: N Kl' W INKERBE,.N Oil.SMOCK ~R .A~RAMS WAN"fS US -ro ' "fRY -ro KUP YOU~ FINAL. HOSPl"fAL. et L.L-W11'HIN Re.A.SON, MRS. CONROY ... by Jeff MacNelty by Ernie Bushm11ter - I JUST HAVE TO WAIT FOR MY SNOWMAN TO MELT BEFORE I CAN GETTO IT by George Lemont 50 WH.A"f'''-" l"f' ~ 'T"ON I COH"f' ~ HOME! eo>< OFF ice OR YOUR Mf!PICI NI! ! 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 lflED lllARIHlmlM O.llahttul Iara• family home. 4 lid• 111, bonu• room, billiard room, H p atMUt chUdren'1 wfnl, formal dJntna. dramalk entry. cunom appointtnentl throuahoul Larae •I.Indeck. Excellent ow.,tr flnancina Outatandtns value µ.l $39~.ooo. 1 , t 780-1333 c::/i!! /I(' 'fir.fr:(.(// i If THE :REAL ESTATE RS - "'·\I I HI H0'1 1111..,1 ., lee. REAL ESTAT~ '631-1400 I 1111llYllE411 T rem.ndou• value In a 2-etory temlly home. ~ toc:atlon. "*"'* to ac:nocM & ~IO· A- nanclng I• aaaumablel SalH priced at only 1 187,000 ·a ITMM to .... 846-7171 THE :REAL ESTATE RS T -~- ~ ~ A s s I F I E D 6 4. 2- One or the ways homes are being bought and sold today ts with Land Con,rac' (Con,ract for Deed) A C1n anctng plan wherein the seller loa.ns the buyer funds with ' wh1ch to purchase a property ls 1 known "8 a l&nd contract or , oontraot tor deed. A down payme~ 1s required and perlodJo pa.yment.a at a.n a.greed-upon interest rate I and term or loan. . 1 Impact on buyer • Down payment, monthl,y payment.a, : Interest rates &nd term of lo&n ma,y W negoLtated " • No lengthy w&ltln& pe.rlod c.o qualify • for lO&n • • Becom11 owner by reoord.lng of contract • Recelvn deed when contra.ct 18 pa.Id full Impact on aeller • Sa.lH 14J'"ment de1t.gne<I t.o tu.it pa.rtlcul&r needs • For t.t.x pu.rpoeu can be \te&teO u 1n1t&Ument ..i. thus apoalnC onl,J • down pt.)'mtn\ ~d prtnotpal pe.ym t.n ye&r or eale t.o capital game • Add1"onal prom rrom tni.NAt r.oetvtd on oontraot • Rot~• d"4 IJJ\tU oonirao\ i. ~d 1n tull , The la.nd oontraot ta a very ~ efteot.lve way to buy/HU Pl'OJ>8~ 1n ti.mu or high tnterest ratee. A ~ real ea~i. profeeeton&l can gwdii buyer/Mller in th\• tl'&nl60tton. I -·--~~~~---M' 11 ·_I_..._.,.. ....... ~ ------i f-h F .1 fc>r ch1-H l-t 1 ()ff' 1scc aneous M1sctllancous Part y Good~ P~r\ & \t ppltes TV /Vu.Jeo P II I II o r t c: amt y .. on .. or c 1e tCe a , o ta •• groom•o i·------~ .,,,.., -L-n< prof. bartandar/Mrvar I 1.0 L mn.., ma. for ~ ~ Mak• It • Continental C ~ ft SIWI MS-t429 Chrlatmaa ... A gift lor { ZB, ~ the whote family. JOHN-A by Jr.anlna'itp Ol'MI T•tlng Homemade SON • SON Nutty, Chocolate Chip/ Unooln/Maro S40-6e30 ,._...... Oat m••I Cookie•, Fleta for ChrtelmM .,_.,. U .25/lb, S lb m6n. Detl· DICK MILLER MOTORS tnvtt.ttone CattJflca'8a Call anawer ad 1579, '42-4SOO, 24 lwa. Cuatom 8 1111 Pienta & Traea for ChrlatmH Olfta. Rea1onable. 72()..1158 H & H AorW & Craft &rp- ply. 3 loc. Orange. Garo.. an Grow. Anaheim wr'ed. ~1' s.w Ana 567·21S2 .. ma ... Ollll1WIULI let owr lnvolca on all '82 AtJdl'a '82 Rabbit Sedana ·92 ScWoccoe Prtcea do not Include lo- at911ed ~. ut aealanta, or factory re- bat•. If 9ll'f. 445 E .. Cit Hwy N.B. 873-0900 WHIRllQIO a ....... .__ ALLl!O LIGHTINO L ... Auto bY 12-31-ta & B. B. Jii 801 w. Ball•r, Coat a •I .-91p9 PrH•rv• your Hollday 222 Vlctorie. COlta MeM reoelv9 1 rd trip airfare nnnnll f'a Uf''J MeM Cropped, P'l!Wn/blk .,,..-MemorlH on a Video 6'W737 84WIM to Ha.all, QOOc1for1 yr. ~ ~ 97MSTO 643-2380 Tap•. Drake Vld•o We haw 8outhtrn c.tl· All< for Matlon f.46.e.305 s. --......:.~:.::.:...:......_-1-=-:--:-......._-:--~-=-u.r--=---_,-:--.,-1 8yttem, pr~7_.,.29anct fornla'a moet oomplet•r--------1 ,,.... ---oornpacttlW....., ~ Mlac110n of llghtlng at ea6c a p e ......... ,..... oompetttJwprtc:. Very Friendly t~8m1rt. ~- MICROWAV£: New t;'l "REEF COMBER" Per~onal11ecJ Shott, HMlth ouw. ~ ~:::!;.~~ HoliJay (NUMBER 1135) Gifrs FMW11':.i';la•1 Trees _& Litton, Mag6o Chef, Tap-0 ft&A O'K .......... ,......... CHRISTM"' .. PUPPI"'... ecorauons ..-.. ~140'"'' LE!'8 FLOWERS 61 Inch x 41 Inch Noeck, S:r>1>T,rophy 8~d mill..... . Sea UI for your Ctltl*t· FRAME 70 50 I oh s -""' avlng ........ n Fenara Roofing Co. ' mu louquata. H1-25e0 : X n 8 170 E. 17th St. Bl•. t 17 ............... 8~ In HoNday 0.-~ Repeif Shlngla COiia Mau. 846-3141 AKC Shih Tzu pupp1ea for coratlOna. Copperl\eld'• (7•4) 842-4233 Fl,::~1~: ~I 673-2380 Engraved glttt lut tore-..... born Nov. 18, (714) ~·~· 41:1.8 ~:· Cat MINIATURES ,._,_ u--.... 541.,. var. Tankard1, gobleta, 952-4915. 984 111153 1 .... ,. • 11 ........ --baby cup1, picture 1 11-.... , FOR CHRISTMAS? Ha\08 your Chrtatmaa Par-ee e •••. ee e e • • • framH, key rln91, etc. ,,.,... _.CAAISTMA8 Come~~ we have I.... ty on • 44 l~ht In ft Give 91c. TREES At: Mini 8&taar ~ eay. 158 Gitt ~ WREATHS 400 w~ NB . _.,.. a 2038 ~ 8IYCI CM Scandia Down Shope. on. 8fld 12124182 846-3291 M1 scellaneous •T NUii . of Life! Spo rting Goods Ml-1'41 --... ·----i Comfort .. •c. 275e E. Our New y-·· E\08 Party Spattt)e for Ohriatmae I& Balboe Chan Corp ·--Qltu I NM•aa Cat Hwy Cdm. 1590 s. wtttt a.tt. Mldtar or Lena yHr 'round). Lind•'• now lakln9 ~k>M ...... • ._.. Pere; & Supplies •••••••i ··~ • 1 The fHtHt de•• 1n th• ....,._ llft .... .: ~~Plano Co ~~ Limited... ci..n·g s.v. Mt-0318 81s-191we ._ • ~:.~ 2s;:£E:;:: cM ·-·1.,. - -Roler Skate ' ~·~d~:~.;;~:t Chrlltmu ltema -to -fill H7 O,_,__ . PAClf'IC COAST ~~ Newport ..... • -_.._ •'"'••• e •••••• -' • .. _.. ••LI ~. t.IB,,::1~~ ~ ~uo· ~POTl""74gUCK'7 .. 4490 ~x OFF~29 ~G .·~f ~m ::=..~:: 4' .·." .. ...... I T~-=lature e1n. . .................... -> ..................... l ~~-u .. 4242 Camput DINNER CRUISES 110 ~ 'cs SO.COMtPtua.lwrM. FORUTTl£~ Boardlng&groomlng '" I •111-/·. i ~ s:._E8-:50~ 833-ISIOe 1eo'..2578 fo r the Office .. , UL.I Let "PAUL, THE BOY AKC BHgl• PupplH All ....... In •t~k. Iner. ... ,. Ft1 tM Set 9 30-3 30 different New mopeda MAGICIAN" 1n1ertaln 11119· Riedel & Suregrip! -'•· • : : New MlcrOW9W ~). 8eV9 11504200 your youth ~atherlnga AKC Gldn R•trl•v•ra 0 f t I •·. 11n ... c.lllng F-w/ Gt.ft s for Her -lft Mlnan' Ward at Elite d I $229. otH ,.. 'It.. lltea , New , 1 7 9 . I Flnviv.M2-1t22 urng the olldaya. Lhaao Apuo 1250. Whttlwtrb · -· i '~ GAG GIFTS :::,.".'~~ 135· c.ii 646--0090 .all.Ma '""'110, Businessmen · C WT• Lll'I 8:"~1.= Olhce10;11hn •v•tyday 8=·~:~.L..Oo~ AKC OLD ENGLISH ••••••••••••• I/ JIOLI art d ?ln{I atertng You've had our great p & J Cox 546-4425 'The Boss' Of the year. Hot Chimney Sw1•p1 Bs::e••onlylng'2n•st~g. SHEEPDOG PUPPIES bu &r n ta s u n dn a ~from our 8'' --Parllt clMl'I hie wey. Spec Rte M&-0f2t 836-TnS x12 FOR CHRISTMAS Your Complete Ski.._,. f'1r l1l10111 81111nus LOVE AT FIRST BITE lo our 8'. Try our pricea ..... , ...... ,, ~~ s A 561-3273 . '350. 979-1478 quarten. s ..... Rentala,I' Vomt you ort rtt1wrtd 7132 Edinger In our Sporta Annex • NEW OOUS: 8" Startet. 'ALSO IUblCrlptlOn Heve your BOAT HOUSE .,.... CANARIES . Singing Bell Clothlng, Ski Ramp.1 by low rBusiiwu and 89nta An&.14~-4e11 Save up to 70%. PCH l Auttrla Boy, Jo. 12" ·Santa CLEANEObefor•orafter of Red FHthare for NEWPORTSKIC0.270011Pro/tsnON Codt>. !W!c ; Warner, H.B. 840-2555 M11m1la, Jo, Laurie. 24" Sulla & to the HAMA-!: ........ Qu-•tty Chrl1tmu. (red-oraw) W. Coaat Hwy. 631-3280 117_900 10 179:Kl1 lo /tie a ; Bart1ndlnJ for Holiday or(213)6t2-3130. 8...C TMrS, ~Cat, 5-anta Helpe< --• --.. .,. ... -.t Part'.. Vt -•ld-~a 1 t L d J p Dally Piiot. aaMca. 80-2681 M · S -11. Me-8132 Stop! ,.... ...... t---.. .....,.1 !~.1cr111ous 81111ntu ........ T... ·-~ =.. l•ln••• -... ..! .. .,!.'Y ane erce. r--tum-USIC & Cereo ...,.,,. .. _ ~...., •· S d -n -,..,... ··-·• •-= -~ ._ .. ,..,7 vva .... Firewood, moatly hard· Newty born 8eeale pup-U. ·~ ... l ·•Cmt • laltmtnl on YP" upect. W• wtll do KS FARMS, NWPT 8CH -·-llll -Stocking Sluffara wood 1130 • cord. Self piM, lta5 .._ GrMt for New altJ & fMhlon store 1 Ila~ 11 pubhs~d for tM !Wt. SMp, mix._.. 10 Riding i.uone 175 _.... p6cttup. teo-0587 Muelo on the Move: Gee~ Chrletmaa. e&0-8058 ta.turing exoluatve Bitz· i /our cOtUttUiwt ~tlu v•. clean-up, all for 1 (f90. 115/hr). Beginning, 221 Marine Ave, B.I. WONDERLAND Only •4 .75 t1'e Groove with Mu-'I:: A..._.... __ 8 wu CFA z:ard lkla & temoua lllC11-i W £ or rli~ DAILY . rw. fee. n0-8133 advanoed 876-2207. 876-1572. 'Tia thl -• of fUN a month ~R~~A~ tor .. OCC. 731-7UM ;h;,;;'p':"Chrlatmae def. -· ~ tor pr-; I'l l.OT ran Mlp with ; 899QlelHolldayRa1•1 Sklehal9tforRen1.8outh aontoglvereatgold. • 690 W 19l11St .CM ~ 171._, Ref.842-5448/845-7972 MUSIC FOR YOUR AF· 649-4707,845-866& lie drawing Dec. 15: ilbolh Coll IM LEGAL ! • Catering • Waitre91a Tahoe. 3 bdrm, Frpl, TV. 645-9023 ...., FAIR, any alyle. Pleno, Cock S Pu 8 wlndaurlar, bootl, veca-DE I' ART MEN T a I • •Walt .. • Bar1endlng Dec H -Jan 2. 1eo.eo12 More tamlllee .,. getting Gagg g lfll for office/ 642·4121 *-..aY -* guitar, vlolln, vocal•. " pan pe, wka. llona, mor•I 84.2·5e30. I U14321 Ezl 332 for ' 1142-5837 . ltla camping "bug" thla fn.nda. Wonderland of for .-i1ng & aftamoon 545-3722 or 831-3275 1 AKC, Buff, Champ aired, 1111 Wntellff lrht . furthtr rnfonriot10n j year. If you have a Fun eto w. 19th, CMl~~=====~I P•r11H, allow•. Exp'd JUKE BOX . wurlltzer' =-~fC:~= Waatdlff Plaza. N.B. l Mutldmll ' SELL Idle ltem1 with a .,._,your ahopplng.... camper that'a not getting 845--9023 Slit with EASEi duo compeny. 720-1348 1015, reconditioned, Cell attar 7 PM 751-4953 W1ND6URANG SALE . i Deity Plot Clualfled Ad. 1ar bY U9lng the Delly Pl-uaed, 1111 It now wtth • lt'a a BREEZE Have aometNng to Mfl? 13200. 60'1 ltyte 1595. Mlatral 1950. HIAy 1750. I 642 4321 ~ 8'2-6878. tot Cieellfled Ada. CIMaltled Ad. Want Ade Cell 842-5e78 Claaaltled Ada 8'2·5e71 Ctwmad acSt do It we1. 967-4802 Ctualfled Ad• 8'2-M78 UP Sportt (714)631-4108 L .. --.:----~-...... J Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilinga, lumished, pabos. $420,000. PElllllU l•E Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 mq.ft. $1.385.000. Ocee.nfront. 11111• PUCt Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat speces. Reduoed-$1.~.ooo FAllUlll UICI New 4 br, 4 "h ba, custom French Nonnandy btate 1.2 prime~ hilltop $1,250,000. OHIUll CAYS Coronado laland cust. bayfroht lot. 85' 00.t dock. Plana avail Now $370,000 w/temw. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR : : M '( •l· 0 · . • ', ""· '--. J ,.. 6' FinaWh1t &ou want In Shop at home. 1'ra .. ,). o.lly Plot ~ with claaalfled a.2-5e78 Pete Barrell fealt'I p r ejenfj FIEll Ill llUY Vacant F.tate Sa.le. Lovely older borne with many 819e1a: partial bay view, 4 Bdrma in main house, dlntng room, aervlce porch, fireplace, nice hardwood floon. Added attraction: located on The Potnt in excellent nelihborhood, it la R-2 property and hu 2 room apartmmt over 3 car prage. All for $334,500. ~ PET BARRETT REALTY .. 1.., j .. • ~ /Jn ' . . ( ~ . ' ' Jr' ,, I ' THE 'REA L ESTATE:RS IAllllW-• Mrm, lw.e, I llOry ltlletMG "'491. Ill a 111 '' fln.,,en . '•• Li nd. Only ;IOO. OoMeot JoM ··a=""' I StM per day TM111 ALL ~ pey tor. '°in~ ed DAlY Pl.OT SERVICE DIECT(IY DO IT HOWi .. .., ..... Y<Nt o.lly Pllol a.wie OING1ory ---•tetM Ml ... 1 lllHI CNN Ct" rm' '' 1111 'n'r r • .._-. ' s '*'-' '"'te ,,.... CW''" DPIA. oatpentet cloee * lplfltu.I bl!Md Oflld.. ,o,,,tloa Topi • ol Ill :.::.,WIHO DAMAOll ;;::;;;!!nlnf, , ... eble ·AIC M()WifO. oUtlbM:ood p1tlo M>MIHO AIJIAtM W WMM WIHDOWI ldct'nl r91nod d"lll c.te In kNe I tot• to-""* ~ompt • "-9on-llWMd No joll ,_, Owf\ ---· ....._ °'** oettM ~ OCMrt, NdwOOd deaU & IMlll follll Ok ,rH1 het . P1of11t'~ k~a & ,..,e., .. llr• oeptence C M 110Me. •bl• ooe1 141·1 HI. too"'*'·, ... ..-.. YC>l.ANOA .,.2"°406 we cto'P9Cktne 112.a..;0 ..,._, ~.,. 1.ot22 MtlmetM Clfl Tom or Ouellt) worti .,.,.,,.._, M{, ~~ ... t-4812 '4M1M ... t,.t741 ,,.. .. t. t<Mtfl ..._..Ta •MIU Kiin STAAVIHO COLL.ROI ""'9/ lntk Cfludl, l.U-43t2 ,-, .. estlmlte ...._73tt Doo,. ln•t•lled. every. Cl\lldcere In ~ ~ totll hnltut lftia&eN• l.Jlp'd In .. llon'te repeln, OIMnlnG ~ c.... ITUDIHTt MOVING 10'1 ~T!flllNO Ill ~ .. •Y I thing In btdg I f9C)lllr. 35 ~enc.. I • my -----,.._,No lCJt> too 8"Mil '*-. '*1 W Qodl. CO. I.Jo. T12A""31 ..... ,_.... 1ftt/911t. altifw yr1 Hper. Ael1 Jerry CM hOme. "6-ilM CU9TOM AUINllHIHO lrWi MO-JOit ew.. nw. "'24'0t lnlured .... 1 .... 27 R•JOOOe Me.t2N •*-ltllt &.Mr ...... 544M413 Cltui8t ........ F\lm. l Kit. Cebinet1 Men •IOI truoll w)ll do HOUllOLIANING WATOH UI Q..OWI p• uyc1• PATOHI...,. Ml-43U Tllel .. oomteator'I wfW ,.__. • ...._.__ _ _ ar1ve 111-2aa l\eullne olNn-upe mow· Honete & Dloendeete r-•-a.1--..,....,, " ...... Plrl0tm work CNer "8111n _.... CUSTOM wood petlo lno. 1,91 trlmlng, odd INnde tet.neo"'!!!I R .. 1ucco1. lntle•t. 30 lnoludlng lebor and "*""°° & tleem dw\. ~. rectwood dee*• & .,..,.,, ~ ........,.., ,_ ,..,. yr1. NMt. PllUI 645-2977 .... &.Nb ...... m1ter1a11 f'llUtt be II·,. COior br~11tener1. wllt rencae. Rendy 841-0ea2 TIDI Her beGttllOl1 No""'-to biJ!:"•rd Sinor. Lio. NOfV) PL.MTaflllHO ~ 'fat-7718 == =~::; crp11 • t min blMcll. ,.__ __._ ----• lltUM ~ .. ~' Call .,.., 4. 2 . t4 Y"• ot 11eppy lftt/nt. "9e!U0009. -=..-! Mt11a-=t In their ldVertillnO· ~ H ... llY/dln. mw I t5; avg _.tr-.... , _... TOl>C*S/rMtO\led. CIMn DUMP J098 .........,_ 1ooe1 ou1lomer9. 8loctl wlll1 Nt-48'2 ~-~ ~ trecton .nc1 oon.umere. room '7.80; COUCtl $10; None 2 big, none 2 lft\lll, ~ '"9\ '9flOV, 7&1..s471 & Sm.-Moving Jobe ..... JI"""'--Tllenll you, 131-44t0 91:-U:: DAU8MAKER l conUIG1 Mery QrOl\dle et, ctlr 15. Ou#. ellm. pel From A to Z M do It.. Cal MIKE ~1311 l n.-!!!!!!!!!!! 'A8HIOH OESIONEA -40M Odor. Crpt repelr. t5 yrt 7t4..e7&-8431 lie 42578; ~Yd Olnupe ~ Qovl E~ PAINTER NE£08 ...... D <"'> •••11•1 ~. &46-8447 (7 t4) 551 C wttll ~ exp. Do work myHll. Tree tt1m/f'9mOY-Melnt HAULING-GRADING eYlll tor ltouMelttlno WORKI 30 Y" exp, Int/ ·-v -• queellOn•. onlre<:t • Ref9. 554-0123 Deer l!!t!l!I lrrlgetlon Jim 851~129 demolition, clHn-up. · 751·5211 ••t. Aoouetlc Cllllng9 Lio. 40 Olll weteftlMlw *225 frtt 1ttfttt Stele ~ .. Boetd, 21 Conor .... • 1 --• •aa7'"" r -1 t --Civic Center Plln, S S "'-·-~.--_.._t .. e. ree .... ..,...-. ...... ...,, ...... -· m•... I • II I ·--·-•• •ow ""TES •• s .. No 1-n/No hemj)OO ~,:....~~,.::="'....'..·. °"** ewv. .,.2-7'31 '-.. ....,.:!:: Devit Plllntlng .. 7 .,.32 •• s~.----.. ...... .. Room HO. ant• ,.n1, St.in Speclallat. Fut DOORS GALOREll ·-"""'""'"-' !!!=-~ . Tr" trlm/remov, clMn CA 92701. dry. Fr .. Mt. 839-1582 "~lllttBoOoorlb. ·~~~~...,. Chuck Nowtln ... 2-2173 HAULINO·ttudent w/lge TOie! ..... MtV, ~. LOWHt r•tHI Prompt, upe, mowing. 564-7017 =========:::;: •---•· We c.r.. Crpt CIMnera .,.. ...,,.. QUALITY WEEDING truo". Hml lo rat11. hendymen, cement, me-neet prol111lonel1. 15 _. Steem dW'I & upl\OI. Drywall ~In ltnlWblny Think you 750-1078 90nry. 25 yr1. 536-0914 yr1exp.136-7140 !T!•!!rlq!!!J!!l-----lr------1 ~. Partdng Lot I TNC:k mount unit -gerdeM l'"" IWlor. John Cutiom Dec*•. MMOntY ........ ..... Moet IYbject.l, 1<·14 Going Into ~ SMlcoetlnQ. Wonc QI*'. M&-37 18 DRYWALL TAPING tlon. Rlctt 494-0285 HAUL, MOVE OR & Petlo Cown. RMI. l ow relM, lie. 536-0llte Dey/..,. le & 112/hr. 81.S AtpN1 l31-41otl..1c1,.___ ,.____ AU THturM a Acouttlc •••• II w•-REMOVE. I'm lneurect. Fr"••· Gene 53~71 Mt. Morgen ... 5-5178 Business? ---'------.i1 -tf -ttt "-•t. l<evln 850-9088 ---• •• _,_ Cal Norm, MS-&415 PAINTING-FREE EST. . ..... lbiaL/ Ian. C«nent M•rr-y.Bk>dl Molwtng, edging, r•lno. HAULING & CLEAN-UPS llu!uy CASH OR PYMT8. Oy9 door eprlng Bio Find whet you went, In Flbergl1 boat repelr. W.....au.t. :n. UC. lltctrlcal IWHplng. FrH M IT· CALL RICHAR.D BRICKWORK· Sm.it Jobe 071-0824;...,. 831-5'43 ~ do It !i.1 F.: Delly Piiot Claullled1. I Al r~red by l•w, Varnllh, pelnt & malnt. #381057 Rob 547-2883 ELECTRICIAN. Priced mat-. ~5737 after 9Cflool, 057~121. Newpor1, Coet• Meea, · p ,_ elflctlnt Mn/1oe. 20 yri new b ue In e 11 e 1 Prof, reea. ee1..e787 aft ,. ___ ,_ in-right, ''" Htlmete on 1!----• • ...._.__ lrvlne. A9f9. 876-3175 11!! .. 1 •xp 8352851. 051..eo87 I uilng • Fictitious &pm. --u. wge or amell Jobe. ---~ IMd!t Fertlll'lG Interior o..IQn -• Bu1lnHa Heme mual CIWatt llUlat lml'I TILi Uc. 30e&21. 11~ Reewctl enc1 wrn. Soc:111 24 1ir a \J ..._1111 =~~~ ~~J'!':~~5 l!!fty e !~[;l::!~ ~'~~:.!'c:!~ ~':'~ PROF. ~BINETMAKER : EJq)lt1 lnstell 083-3283 LIC'O ELECTRICIAN ~:=Call en. Fut~··· hMt Reta. Free •t. 54e.0402 Expert wellcoverlng In· Huber Rooflng.-all typee. • Into Cell the DAILY PILOT 21 Y" elq). Cutlom-bltlM.IU ,.__ F~al. woftc·RMI. ,.,. electronlc llgn MN-etc. ...... ltelletlon. Reel. Contul· New-recover-dedtl • LEGAL DEPA .. TMENT f\lrnlbn. Uc'd. " ..... -· ...... Tom 531·5072 ....,... ..... Cllaaiu -,.,,, Aaalgnmt. 581-8500 Uc. 1411802. 64M734 usabte for lonns •nd further Ken Burlitett 838-1451 Chlld c.r... my home, full TOP QUALITY WORK HOME CARE·REPAIR •A-1 ...... ... PllllJllt • Cash. (all lnlorm.UOn .• CMttalrY or pVtlme. Nwpt Sllor• .AT REAS. RATES pelnt, yerd. Fr" h•~I. ROBIN'S CLEANING Top=· 25 yr exp. • Dally Piiot 142-4321 __ ., ... Reta. 548-81&4 Uc d. Joel 073-7544 Free 111. 751·4348 =~ ltlor~~7 Compel tlve retM. Papr ltUYal ~~I~. ~a-¥) • Classified Ellt. 332 •' "9mod./Aapen. Lo rat•. Clllld c.,.: s.m 10 epm RESID/OOMM'LllND. Pein • ,._____.~ · No o-ttme. 730-1353 ••BRYANT'S•• I J 11\tl !il(t}I Deeb, petl.oa. fenc••· Houle. anedla, ywd. FuU 20 Y"L Do my own woftc. c.:l Tklk:d 'a SELL Idle ltem1 with a Hew IOmlthlng to .-t? ~ Removel Sell ltling8 feet with Deity • 642-5678. I f Free .... s1ew 752·055e or pert lime. &42-2095 UC. 278041. Al ~126 Bonded. 6"-4708-. Delly Piiot Cl•allled Ad. c ......... eds do It well. Alt typea.. 842-1343 Piiot Went Adi. lafualU.. lprtatall hrahW AJU!e!ata Uaf. 0 Ila a..att ml Rut. IMc~ 1141 C..ta .... 1124 2 Br, 1 Be. fum. no (JI(. \'Mrty Meo mo pllle dap, -pd. No ,,... s...,. to beld\.17~. ucm11 •llEU *It I~ t 1 , ..... * Beeutl1ul modl49 for the dtacnmlnatlng, wno tow Ille "golden touch". OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEI( 111-HIJ 1885 PARK, C.M. VISA MC $ • ' • ' " 'I ' 9 .. ' • THI 111111 CUil CIAll llRlll WI llNI ',fl/\Y Ill L I Miii H .'/ 11'1.' NB city · attorney quits under pr ~ssure Michael Miller By STEVE MARBLE OflMDlllr .... ...., Under preuure from hla employen, Newport Beech City Attorney Michael H. MlllH •a.reed '1\letday eventna to n!Ctn hia $61,155-a-year poei&n. City Council membera, huddled for two houn behind closed doors, had prevlou1ly asked for Milltt'a resignation and went Into Tueaday'1 HHlon prepared to fire the 40-year-old attorney, knowledgeable IOW'Ce9 said. Miller, the second hilhest paid employee In the dty, will resiol effective Jan. 31 but will tum the ref.DI of power over to Amiltant Chy Attorney Robert Burnham Immediately. MWer, who •toad outllde Clty Hall durtna caed dellberaUona, INdated he ol.lered to ~ and that there waa no dllpute between him and the dty. "It (the cloeed meetlna) wu bN!cally jult a d18cumicln of the UmiDI of my re.tpatlon,'' Miller 1ald, adding that the matter appeared to be .. belnl blown out ot -proport1on." Miller brought hia own attorney, Cecil Ricks, to the -1on Tu.day 'while the city w• re..-iMld by attomey Rob Boww. Followlna the meetlntl. Miller explaloea the rHl1natlon ateromed from prevloua dJ.ac:\mlona with the council on ihe "functlona of my office." He would not be more apedfk. MWer came to Newpon S.Ch -than a year aao after let'Vlng • dty attorney ln Gardena. He allo had been an ..mtant city attorney ln Huntfna1on Be.ch, Fre.no and Anaheim. City officials In Gardena, queatloned at the time Miller came to Newport, 1ave the attorney hl1h marka and said . the~ were 110rry to loee him. Cooundl memben ln Newport,. thol.lah, revealed I.hat Miller had KOred low In "a major area" durlnf hit first job evalua\lon. Without revealing what area of hla work had been cited, council memben aid a later evaluation Indicated that Miller "had not Improved" ln that area. Miller wu the only ranking city employee pasted over for a rable thJ.a year. "°"1'lni the fl.rat year of any· major employee both aides have the right to have certain expectations and to belle~e the9e w111 be met," Mayor Jackie Heather said. · She In dicated that the real1nation 1temmed from dlugreementa on how the dty attorney's office wu belng run. Counc il membe rs who requested anonymity uld Miller had been asked to re9ip by the end of December but waa holding out for an extra month. The 'closed -d oor meeting waa descr ibed as a "negotiation session" to iron out the detalla of the resignation. The council, in public -1on. named Butnham acting city (See ATTORNEY, Pa1e A!) Rev. Schuller to fight. tax ruling . • The Rev. Robert Schuller t)ltendl to fight to win back the tax-exempt status of his Crystal Cathedral, asaessed $400,000 in 1 '8Xes by state officials who say the church is used for commercial fU_!poees. Th e state Board of Equalization cited the Crystal Cathedral's dance c lasses, commercial weight-loss meetings and $60-a-ticke t concer ts in making the assessment Tuesday. But Schuller, the television evangelist who bu ilt the $18 mllllon glass-paneled church in Oarden Grove, says he will get the tax-exempt status back. "I don't believe w e have a problem," he said, adding that all the non-religious activities cited by the board have been canceled or moved. . S chuller, whose weekly sermons are carr ied on the nationally televised program "Hour of Power," said activities The ruling said many activities at the church are non-religious and the ch urch failed to provide documents supporting the exemption. labeled as comme rcial by the board are non-profit eventa and argued that they actually save the public money. T he ruling said many activities at the church are non-religious and the church failed to provide documents supporting the exemption. Under s tate law, churches must s how that exempted property is used solely for charitable and religious pu.rpoees. Since the Crystal Cathedral o pened in 1980, with an announced cost of $18 million, it has been the site of concerts costing up to $60 a ticket and other co mmercial events including meetings for a diet program, aerobics classes, an advertising agency and psyehological services. Schuller, who spoke Tueaday during a news conference at the complex, said he believes the church eventually will regain Its tax-exempt status, although parts of the property might be dlsallowed from that exemption. He said the activities labeled aa commercial by the state board are non-profit events, and argued that hia multi-million dollar organization saves the public much more money than could be credited to It by the exemption. "Only God knows how much we have saved local taxpayera In what would otherwt.e have been ~ Dlllr ......... ,.... Orange Coun ty's vintage courthouse may have to wail a while for jtlaaned remodeling. County superviaon haYe failed to m uste r •011t1h votes for the architectural work on the project. oui-thouse revamp 'on hold' becawie. a ~ four-flftha vote of county aupervlaora to Initiate architectural draWIDCJ couldn't be mu.tered. Wltb lour auperviaora pre.eDt A sudden 1urge In buying ofren hopee that thl1 WiD indeed be the M81 Chriilmas yet at Ora nge Coast malls. P age A 12 . Ann Landen Movt• Mutual Funda expanded police services, added welfare coats of unemployed persona, added social services because of rnaniages that would have been broken, added foeter- home care for children that would have been abandoned, if not hooked on drugs," he said. Schuller also alluded to a potential loea of j>be becauae of the tax dispute. "I would hope that whatever happens in this current tax situation would not cause us to have to lay off people and add .persons to the unemployment line," he said. Church officials aaid earlier that many of the performances ln the 1982-83 concert "Seuon of Spectaculan'' had been dropped -' In an attempt to keep the tax- exempt status. But Schuller said Tuesday that he scratched appearance• by stars such as Robert Goulet, Tony Bennett and Roberta Peters after he determined them inappropriate. Rev. Robert Sch uller County 'ready' By JEFF ADLER or .... ....,,......., When the next h.l&h tide rolls ln at El Moro Cow neer ~ end of the year, Orange County gove~t again will be reedy to provide emergency aid to reaidenta whose mobile homes are threatened by IW'gin8 waves. County supervisors have authorized county agendea• that provide e mergency services to begin planning for the next cycle or bTgn tfdes, predlete<t lll the area north of l .aguna Beach Dec. 29-31. The board also agreed '1\letlday Senator's aid sought on oil ban \ to set aalde $~00,000 in an emergency operations fund to pay for these or simila r emeriency 8erVk'el anywhere in the county through the cloee of the fiscal year. June 30. The money is to be taken from unallocated federal revenue sharing funds. In a related action, board members said they expect to bill the state for the $100,000 spent ,by county agencies battling the high lfdeJ at El MOlTCI Mobtle Home Park Dec. 2. County firefighters a nd Orange County Jail Inmates helped about 200 people who placed sandbags around 72 beachfron t mobile h omes threatened b)' high tldea and wind-whipped waves. ~ause the mobile home park is situated on 1tate-owned land in Crystal Cove S'tate Park, th e cost of providing county assiatanoe ahould be pasaed on to the state, several supervisors said. In ad d i ti o n , Supervisor Thomas-Riley, who propoeed the action. said the s~te should take the lead In .directing future (See TIDE, P11e A!) Craig Lockwood u&e1 computerized detector lo seek out le.aka o n South Lapna wa ter pipe. Water District hires 'leak ·hunter' for lines ' - n reve official 11 uy ht• ow j 178,IHHJ 111 111 t• ' •bout the lnn.Jtne &I• dt•bt I Patllnlon repcnUd that h h1&11 I hanger a.Jmtn1 -., of f11,tlf Iii un.-. ftderaJ Md,.,. .. lnt'Oml taxn, Huntln1&on a..h Clly ......_ _________ Councilmen 1'0n P1tUnlOf'I hat fjJed • Danktup1Cy petJUon. 111el1 -1 re11denct tn Hunlln1ton B•ao h ind • condomtnfum ln Palm prtnp. 11w HunU~ a..di home II ln .:row, lie MJd ln UM_ ~tJtlon. been emp1oy•d u • hHvy , equJpn.n;-'~r for oil flrmt • line. lut AU8Ull l The man who dutifully hanp the many pk:turet, plaqutt and proclamaUon.a that crowd each Oran1e County 1upervi1or'1 office wall• hu received a proclamation of hill own to ha.na. David Ramirez, a carpenter with the county'• General Seriices Aaency for the put nine year1, waa taken by aurprlee when he wu called before the board and named "official carpenter to the board of superviaors." Ramirez' friendly ways and carpentry talents have won over the hearts of secretaries and supervison alike. In the coldly official Hall of Adminilltralion building. Just walk into any one of the five aupervisorial offices located on the building'• fifth floor and it soon becomes apparent it is Ramirez' "art" that largely ls responsible for the diatincUvely personal touch in each office. Besides hanging whatever objects the supervisors request, Ramirez has created special wooden desk aooeaoriea for each supervisor, built furniture and played a key role in any office renovations. "He'1 an interesting ~raon and a real personality, · said Supervisor Thomas Riley, who o rchestrated the special ceremony. "I think every office on thia floor and every secretary calls Dave when aomething goes wrong. He is one of the most well-known people in the county." 0.-, ........... ~ LM ,..,_ David Ramire2; has been honored as Ramirez designed and buJlt each supervisor a special aad8et to diaplay supervisors' -dany acbedules. More recently, It was Ramirez again to the reecue - this time, helping with the installation of the board's Christmas tree. "official carpenter to the supervisors." Then, there are the special wood name plat.es he makes and bestows upon-friends in various county. offices for birthday presents. There are also his custom-made picture frames. THRE'E SHOPP\HG ~S ~ CHR\STMAS{ WHERE H"\IE I BEEM :THE LAST 22 PAY5 I J J I readily identifiable on several office Walla. Riley said he and his colleagues dreamed up the special resolution honoring Ramirez because ·"so often the people who give so much at themselves are overlooked. We didn't want to overlook Dave." Ram.irez responded in kind to the honor by saying nice things about his five bosses. "When you &JW.01s ~l~'1 from Hla91R Dau. tc. Cream Shoppe -COOllAaro J.W--COOIO Meta C> 0701o ,,, 1!>1>11~ •!>'so COOll- lag.l°'O llooc:t\ C> 02~ I 114-4QJ.!6()1 fet to know them personally. like have, you find out they're all great guys," he said. He also said he was "overwhelmed" that the board choee to honor him and that so many of his fifth floor friends came by to watch the surprise ceremony. "I wish I could have known about this.'' Ramirez told the board while being presented with his very own plaque. "I wou\d've worn a cleaner T-shirts.'' ATTORNEY From Page A1 attorney Tueaday following the cloeed meeting. The oound.l now has the option of appointing Burnham city attorney or seeking applicants for the job. MWer said he did not "hold out" and said both sides wanted to ne~Uate a proper transition Occasional showers Coastal Moatly cloudy tontgllt wttll occ111one1 rein. 8outll to ~--15to2.lmp1111t I'"-o-nlaM Iowa 50 to M. v~ doucflnem on Tivlclliy wfttl ~of rein dwww .... IO to perCMt Tlluredl¥ llaTllnG.. ~ --21 to 16 mph ii -----~HlgN on~ato•. fleewllere. fro1t1 Point Conception to tlle Me•lcen bOrder .,.., ouc eo 111111: ...,.. °"" llMaory "* °""' ..... due to IOUll to....,_...._ "' 15 to 25 knota Ind • to • "'°' .... ton1911t. W'"d• TIMlredll)' IMlinO to weal to ncwtll• ... 20 to aO knotl. Locelly, IOUlll to ~ Wida 10 IO 1e Moel tonight. Wlnctl Thurldey ~ to -t to nonh-1 15 to 2B knote. Wind we-2 10 4 ... , 1on1911t, beGomlng 3 to IS fMt lllurld9y. W•trty IWllle 2 to 3 •• Mo9t1y cloudy tonight """ oooe1lonal rein Variable ~Thuradey. California loutllern Cellfornle 1klH efloulcl be cloudy """' e c:f*'°9 of llgllt rein end 1trong wl~• ~ In mouMllln Md COMitAll aree1 tllr:i!!, Ttluredey. the Netlonel W 8eMoe Mid. Hlglll In Lo• AngelH for Tiandey ... Pf9dk;ted ..... degree•. wllll Iowa at 55. Fol ........ ...., .,.._e 20 percent cllence ol rein end nortll arty wlt!dl fr Ml 25 lo 35 ~ eo.81 lllahl mtlY r911ge from IO to II, wtdi Iowa ftom ,._ to S2. TM 001at -~to Ql4 a cc HIDMI rein encl doudU-~. •-111 the 111~nteln1 wu ~ lit ~-allow 5,-000 ..... wllfl tllgl'9 from M to 42 and IOWI from 80 to at. Tiie Weatller Service expected non,._. inountllln wlrldl from ao to 40 mph. HlgN frMI 48 to &5 end Iowa of 34 to 44, 1acompenled by nontllfn wlr"9 from 20 to 10 f'nPfl ll'ld tn<M It eW1a11on1 eboW e,. 000 ........ kif-''°' a-. v..,. Nortllem d...n lllgha COUid • teldl ,,:.h: Iowa lrMI at to 48 U S Ind wllldl from 20 to • . summary ao mp!!= 1n t11e 1ow ~ W8f9 to fMge lrMI 82 HIOI' Wind• blew Into wn1ern 10 ... Iowa lnNTI 45 to 55. w~ 1octey. klllno " IMllC OM pertOll, 11111119 a 1tom1 thet ----------..,. ~ rllln encl anow on T 11 Nortllefn C1rllornla, conllnued emperac.Ure~ 0119r IM SlerTI ....,.._ Tlla WHlllngton wlnd1torm kl'IOCIUd clOWfl .,.. lmba. ..,.... C:.. 0::::: elld *8tt two o.w. Mimi. • IPC*IMWlll lof P\"9f IOund ,._ & UgM CO~ ..... ~of cuatornett..,.. wUllout electrlclly during tlle etorm ~ -fled rea1ored pow. lO II ll\lt "a few ~·· tOdey. AbcM e.000 ... IUe City UgM cu1tome11 el10 •art wllllout pow. .. Vie 11169114 Of ... "°""• ..... IPC*IM!tn"""' ~ CMeoel "" llllnMt In ~ ... t of 1 .. u1e, end In Kltaap, ltla11d, Wlletcom end 1111911 '°""'*· ,,._. ..... Wlnd .. ...._uptolO"'Pfl Oii tM .... ten ,.. llloetillt =--L.llC• w.....,,.., In • Ind ~ or..-,,.,., ............ ..,.....,.~ .... elH•' TuH•ey ftltlU, Ht• o.ttert!MM .. Tr1nepfftatloft ·---ne.. o.uu.; .... ... .. ,, ................ ... Thursday Oecembe< 23 , .... ~-.iv ....... .. --.. >.:..~ ·~ ,,...., • ( Fron ls· Colt1 .,.. S7 46 21 53 S5 ... 34 ... 27 52 43 74 58 .. 38 73 ., ... 22 44 40 70 43 20 19 38 SS 30 43 57 33 70 53 ..... ... 3S ISIS 30 se &2 51 43 IS1 53 52 ... se 61 &7 ... ... 41 &a ao IO U ff II M IO II 49 M M ISi ... u: .. 11 II IO u t7 t1 43 ... ~-, .... UN ~ .., Pattln1on, 49, cl•lmed In a debtor'• petition that he ow" N0,734 to the Internal Revfnu. 8ervtce and tlS,202 to the atate l'tanchlle Tax Soerd. Pattinlon allo cla.lmed he owed $8,664 In ul\llCW'ed debt.a to a b1nk and two credit card com pan.let. PatUn1on, a former police oUioir and real estate aalemnan In the city, llated S250,000 tn He allo uld he hall act,700 Jn hoUMhold &oodl and peraonal property. He alto. reported lncomo of $290 per month for 1ervlna on the city oouncil. Pattlnaon reported In tho document that pla 1980 Audi ·automobile had been re~ued. Neither Pattinson nor hit attorney, Thomas W. Hood, wu available to respond to questions PatllNOn'I wife, Unda, whom • he m1rrted thl• aummcr, 11 • • teeretary·typlat In d ty hall , Pattlnaon l1 e mployed by ~ Huntlnaton B each City : Counctbnan John Thomu, owner i of a orane and tr\ICktna bualneu. ! ThomH aald Pattfnaon has ! been workinc on an oil platform : off ~ Beach. $ Thomas declined to say how 1 much he'• paying Pattlnlon other , than commenting, "enough." More rain tonight; Christmas· sunny? More rain may be In store for the Orange Coast before the week la out, but Chriatmas Day should dawn clear and sunny, the National Weather Service la predictlng. Thursday will have variable cloudiness, with a 20 percent chance of rain. Temperatures should be around 62 to 65 degrees, a NWS spokesman said. Drizzles which began late .Tuesday night dropped only .11 inches of rain on the coast area by early this morning, according to Orange County government'• Environmental Management N?,ency. That brings season-to-date totals to 4.27 inches, said EMA spokesman Rob Moreland. The average rainfall for this time of year la 2.97 inches, he said. Last year's total up to this date was 3.37 inches. The extended forecaal calls for a warming trend beginning Friday with clearing beginning late Thursday. Temperatures should be in the low 60s Friday. rising to the upper 60s by Sund.av. NWS otficlals said. Tonfght's low will be around 53 along the coast with occasional showers. Frank 'Jake' Abbott School chief • TIDE DAMAGE . • • wins contract • From Page A1 emergency operations on the state-owned parcel while county agencies provide support. "It's wrong we pay for state property. It's wrong for the County of Orange to be making these expenditures," said Bruce Nestande, board chaJnnan. ''In these tough limes. we have to look for an equitable solution to our fundi.ng problems," Clark said. "Special assessment diatrlct.s might be a way for people who choose to live away from the regular beat of society -so they can enjoy their thin~." To put additional pressure on the state to pay the rescue bill, Nestande suggested the county could bill the individuals whose mobile homes were saved with the county's help. Supervisor ltalph Clark said the county should con sider creating special assessment districts to pay. for emergency. operations in high risk areas. The districts would raise money to pay for emergency protection in case some sort of natural di&a.st.er were to occur. extension Huntington Beach Union High ~ School District trustees have ~ voted unanimously to extend the ~ contract of Superintendent ~ Frank "Jake" Abbott for four : years. The contract will take effect ~ July 1 and run until 1987. ( Abbott. whose salary is $62,034 : per year, has been receiving the : same rate of pay increase as other : members of the district's : management personnel. The • group receiv~ a 6 percent pay : increase last July. : LEAKS HUNTED. • • Abbott , 51. has been: superintendent of the district for : eight years. : The district has an enrollment ! of 18.137. Four comprehensive : From Page A1 the computer detecitng system, cH.trict offid.ala aaid. Operators of the 'portable equipment •Y they 6t.rl locate a leak ln a pepe to within an inch. DRILLING .. • From Page A1 But word that the bill never made it to a joint Senate-Houae conference oornrnitt.ee put an end to that plan. The dty manager safd be has talked with Sen. wu.on·. staff, who told him a meetina between the new eenator and Ortnge Coast offldala might be pomible high schools are located in 1 ' And if the water agency digs Huntington Beach and there is : down and cannot find a leak one each in Fountain Valley and I within five feet of where the Westminster. 'nlef'e are allo an t computer says it is, the Chino ·evening hlgh school and a 1 firm pays for the excavation. !continuation high achool 1 '"The leak can be as small as a Under tem\S of the agreement,' pinhole and we'll find it." said Abbott is obligated to pay the I Garcia. dlltrict $10,000 to help defray the { And, after two days of coat of a search for a new ·! canvassing water mains in South superintendent should he initiate ~ Laguna, Gard.a'• crew has found action tQ leave the district before·; a number of me1er dripe and at the contract expires. ~ ~ ne "fair...tz.ed leak." The dlstrict has agreed to pay : Garcia~ ct off Al>botfi1 salary If trua~1 $5,000 for the 80 riiiles of field vote to terminate him. t work, for which the district Abbott was .an assistant : . receives aocurat.e mape d.acribing superintendent in Oceanside ~ areu where leak.a ha.ve been before replacing Jack Roop in ~ located. 1976. : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· In January. The Souncl• Of SAN.YO Mini Cossett• Ploy• (MGlO> 44e99 II/Fl LED DlllTlt CLOCI RADIO 8uper-Thlnl . • • • • ~ ~ • ' • • • ' • • ~ • • ; • , - II ,. Changing sbif ts Seniors get tests at Oasis center ~ OMi.I 1enior clUzeN center ln C.Orona del Mar wW be offertna tree blood pre11ure, heartna and foot ecreenlna tall on a regular baala. The cenJ,er ai.o la provic:Una lnltruction ln Braille, offertna employfn6'nt opportunities for 1eri1on and hu a lendlna prosram for people ln need of walkers, crut.cnee or wheelchaln. For more lnfonnation, aak for Mary Allen at 759-9471. The senior citizens center la located at 800 Marguerite Ave. • Parenti of Laguna Beach 5-year-olda may enroll their youngsters in kindergarten afte.r Jan. 3 The younpte"-must observe their fifth blrthetay between Dec. 3, 1982, and March 28, 1983. PBOMQU.B BAK ERV •Bread • Croleeant •Napoleon • Eclalr• • Danlah Pa•try • Wedding Cak_, •Caka •Plea Cake. Decorated For All Occa•lona Beach walken head for their can as surfers arrive to take on the waves on a l~te afternoon near the Huntington Beach Pier. For registration information, call Charlotte Sllemore at the Laguna Beach Uni.fled School District at 494-8546. 835 W . 19th ST., VISTA CENTER COSTA MESA 631 ·2630 WE TAKE PHONE ORDERS · SE HABLA ESPANOL ., Wl ... COAIT .. OOAITUSA ...... . ALA•Aa ~ 91n Cl.TlflCA HI A.YAILAILI ~­ llDllMAILI AMnl• •••• Delicious, ready-to-serve Honey Baked Harn is perfect for the holidays. We've done all the work, so you'll have more time for your family and friends. Every Honey Baked Harn ta fully-cooked, spiral sliced and covered with our secret ~tee Jlaze. You can count on our quality, too, because our family s special curing .creates a unique flavor that has never varie<t in more than 50 years. Call your local Honey Baked Haro store and order now! CORONA OEL MAR -3700 E. Cooat Highway• (714) 673 .9000 ANAHEIM -The VllOQe Cent•r• 1222 So. BroolchUfat • (714) 635·2461 El TORO -... TowerPfaza Norftt •2"601 Raymond wav• (714) 837 3822 tlfnwGTON 8EACH -190698eoch81vd. •(714) 141.1575 ORANGE -l419H. Tuattn• (714) 997 ·9960 RANCJI(> MIRAO! -71 ·634 Hwy. 11 • c1w > 346. 3894 •WJ' RIVrR91>E -&276 Ar11ngton Ave.• (714) 6U. 9681 ... /MM ft.,_, COA•T TO COAST USA + ALASKA• HAWAII ........ ,., --·· .,,. MS() IN LA HAm!A. t.AIClWOOO. WfST COWU. NOlllH HOU YWOOO. WUTlAICE VUAGf. PASAC(fllA SANTA MONICA. WOOClNC> HUS. HOllTHAl>Gf. SAN JOSE. M*NV AU. PAI.Cl Al TO NQ SAN OE~ ON T ASTf IS AU rT TAIClSI WAT04 F<»UPlNC> ~ TQAflAHCf OPEM«:> SOOH•~ .. lOll '-"f lclliecl HOM. h: -----·- Don't~ ••. _ .... --..... ... _.._... _,,,_ c.-..... ~,_..,,, MUftfMeMN IMae NWmNMOM .UCM --~ .. ..... ----=:. ... ...... ··~ 1370 tM-5111 Now-all the advantages of the nation's largest savings and loan association are yours to enjoy right in the heart of Costa Mesa. The strength & security of Home's unmatched assets of over 15 billion dollars ... the perfect safety record stretching all the way back to 1889 ... the full range iiiiiiilii of Homes many high interest savings plans ... checking accounts ... credit cards ... rax-sheltered . pension programs and much, much more are all waiting for you now at the new Home Savings of America office at 450 East 17th Street. You'll find service and convenience there, too, including a Drive-up Window, plenty of free parking, a N ight Depository, lots of teller counters and new account people to answer your questions. We're open now, so please drop• by. We want to meet you and help you discover all the nice things waiting for you at America's Largest! l I • • • s • : • • • ~ think uyeri twice, start . • -~ate, zoom in \. IJ fte Dally PUot SWI SalH durln1 th• yuletlde ~ tot otf io a llow IW't, but ~ •Y a 1udden llW'p ln buytna often hope that th1a will lndMd" be the beat Chriatmu yet. '.1People beaan bu~ late lut year and 1tarted buylng even Raggedy Ann reaches end of line PLAINFIELD, N.J. (AP) - The world 's biggest manufacturer of Raggedy Ann dolll ia going out of buslneM. Robert Nahodll, a California consult.ant and acting general m&na8er of Knickerbocker Toy Co., said Tuesday that the decision was a painful one to announce, partic ularly just betore Christmas. "Obviously, we would have ·liked to have done it at a different time," Nahodll said. "'We honestly felt It w~ better to tell them now ao that the workers can plan their lives with 90me sure.tty, rather than sitting around and wondering." The decision means that 215 employees will lace their jobs Jar.. 3, and 241 by April 1. Some 119 employees will begin w.(>rking Jan. S for another oampany that plans to take over . part of Knickerbocker. Warner C.Ommunicationa Inc., which acquired Knickerbocker fbse years ago, announced last npnth that it would 9'!ll the toy company. Analyall projected Knickerbocker would have a $20 million to $30 million shortfall this yeu. . • When executive• announced the shutdown Tueeday, 1ahippl.na clerk Cliff Jackson was not ~ally is sad, but what can yqu say?" said Jackson, speculating that video gana and o~ toys of the oomputer age are.. takin8 the place of the cuddly rea.hafred dolla ln the hearts of younptera. Knickerbocker, founded in 1922, makes the popular •~1aedy Ann and Ra1gedy Ahdy doll.a, produces dolla of Walt Disney, Sesame Street, Snoopy characten and creates other toys. later thl1 year but they're maklf\I up tor loe\ Ume," l&ld Jerry Clausen, owner of the Tinder Box 1tore In Mlaalon Viejo. "There are more periodl of fren1y when the thop i• ju1t wall-to-wall cuatomen. We're even rwvl1n& out of merchand.a.e ln some areu." Many Oran1e Coast ahopkeepen note bualneu hu been oU during what has been called the wont recetmion In 40 yean.. But ln recent days. they aay the aun haa beQUn to shine on what has been a bleak year. Kitty Leslie, publlci•t for Neiman-Marcus in Newport Beach, aaid sales at the posh department store were "soft" Wltll last week and the store ia now experiencing "the last minute n&ah that we all hoped for." She said there doesn't 1eem to be much customer resistance to expensive items and that hlgh- q uall ty goods are receiving considerable attention. Though bu8ine9I may be good for some retailen, others can't ignore the fact that the sour economy has kept cu1tomera away or cbanaed buying habits th.is eeuon. While the affluent still teem to be buying high- priced item1, the budget- comcious a.re looking for ways to make their gift-buying dollar stretch a bit further. Buoyed by the feeling that the spirit of Christmas la in giving and not neceaarlly the cost of the gift, some have opted to purchase lea-expensive tokens of friendship or affection. "It's the 1eut expensive items that are aelling," a.aid Richard Garcia, of DeAn'a Gallery and Custom Framing in Irvine's Northwood Town Center. "They're staying away from the expensive items like the plague." IUchard Brill, manager of Peta International in Irvine's Woodbridge Village Plaza, agreed that expenaive items are not PoPU1ar UU. year. Sales are down by 15 to 20 percent and people are buying pet supplies rather than birds, clop and fiah equipment, he said. It's nearly lmpomible to make a blanket 1t.atement about the overall retail alee climate. Some tJ.'liner?•lftl report a 40 percent jump in sales over last year; others aay the opposite. Few wouldn't admit that the ecaomny haa been a roller-coaiter ride with plenty of atomacb-curdlin8 dipe for f!Very peak. I Holiday shoppers are avoiding expensive items and responding to bargain-targeted sales strategies. Conscious of price tag shock striking many a potential customer, some shopkeepers have developed special marketing atratelles to get the consumer through the door. That they're looking for," added Leah Hammer. of Laguna's Lippe- Waren Fine Crystal. Tony Horvat, owner of Sundance clothing store on Balboa Ialand. said customers are "It's the least-expensive items that are selling •.. they're staying away from the expensive items like the-plague." often means having a good supply of merchandiee for the bara-.ln hunter. "We held a Christmas sale with everything marked 20 to 80 percent off/' aaid Gary Shirley, a salesman at Axline'• Village ShOetl in Laguna Beach. "The aale1, aa a result , were tremendoua. We're definitely up (ln ules) aver lut year." "We're working very bard to help our cuatomers flnd what more selective about thei r purchases. And he echoes the sentiment that the Christmas buying aeuon started later than usual. "People are still thinking twice before a pending their money .. " said Horvat, who also noted buaint!aa ia up by about 20 percent. "You have to remember that we get aome of the tourist market and even if things are bad i.n Ohio, if they're out here on vacation they're more inclined to spend their money aa if they were back ln Ohio." "Aa a rule people tend to shop for luxury items at the la.at minute," said Billie Balkind of Coast Music in Costa Mesa. "Because of unemployment people are afraid to spend . Gultan are moving well. Lower end equipment ia moving better than upper end. People buy either lower end or top of the line." At several recent economic outlook conferences held in the county, forecasten had predicted a better Christmas season in conjunction with a predicted national recovery. Dan Morton, co-owner of Jewelry by Sandy Morton, couldn't agree more. "It's been an extremely good Christmas for ua," said the Fountain Valley mercbanL "It's been better than last year and better than the year before." Morton acknowledged that much of his business has been coming from longtime customen. Still, moat of the people who walk through the door buy something, he said. "More practical items are sellin' rather than luxury items, • said Peggy Reinert, owner of Reinert'• Department Store in Coat.a Mesa. "Robes, jacket.a and sportswear are good aellera." Though these are ~ economic times for most • Reinert, who baa weathered many financial stonna durlna her 33 years as a bu.ainesawoman, offered a final note of optimi8m: "The thing rm noticing ia that customers seem to be very happy." Cookoff gets chili reception from councilwoman By GLENN SCOTI' Ofllle.,., ........ Last year'• South Coast Chili Cookoff at Irvine's Bommer Canyon attracted 3,000 people, 45 coneoctiona of chili and a bold few who wrestled ln a sizable vat of the spicy stuff. 'lhe event last April generally W'lla regarded a• a succea by participanll and especially by local chamber of commerce otganlzen who staged the second annual affair. They raised enough money during the one-day event to donate $7,000 for acholanhlp for ~ high school student.a and another $1,000 to the police departtnent'a explorer scouts. But when organiz.era recently Mked the Irvine Oty c.oundl to allow them to lncreaae the C*p9City th1a April io 5,000, they ~red that the cookoff left a b.cl aftertaste with some people. -One of thoee ia C.Oundlwoman .Mary Ann Galdo who objected io using Bonuner Canyon again, especially if another 2,000 people show up. Galdo said many of her Turtle Rock neighbors believe that beer-drinking participants from the cookoff poee too great a safety riak aa they drive away from the canyon on Bonita Canyon Road, the only exiL Purchased from the Irvine Company a year ago, the canyon ta a former cattle camp in the foothills southwest of Turtle Rock. Gaido said this week she didn't attend last year's cookoff. But ahe said many people have complained to her about the wrestling and other sexual references during the day that ahe said created an "anti-female attitude." For the 1983 cookoff tcbeduled fd\' Saturday, April 16, the chamber and ill aponaon expect to con\ract for about U .000 worth of city .ervicea. Organizers are requesting the city to donate $1 500 through "in-kind" ee~ces. which means not billing them for some maintenance, pollce and facilities coau. Galdo said 1he doesn't like the id~ of giving in-kind donations to a chamber-sponsored event. Other council memben didn't aee things the a a me way , however, they pennitted wie of Bommer Canyon but called for a report on how traffic and a larger crowd can be controlled. To Mayoc Larry Agran. the blg issue ia how to make sure people don't try to drive If they've had too much beer. He said the city couldn't deny l t.a llabill ty in cue a tipsy driver crashed. City staff members are expected to offer crowd control suggeations to the council at its Jan. 25 meetlnB. Meanwhile, chamber of commerce organizers are trying to preserve the adult flavor of the cookoff while keeping it under control. They have several plans. Hedy Kirsh, chairwoman of t.h e 198 3 event, a aid an agreement Is in the works to park cars at UC Irvine lot.a and ahuule the crowd to the canyon. The move would keep all but a few cars from Bonita Canyon and the dirt entry road although Kirsh claimed "Last year we really didn't have any problem with traffic." To give participant.a a chance to sober up before leaving, beer taps will be shut off prior to the end of the competition, she added. Another measure to control the beer's effects: More food will be available. Last year, spectators could sample the various chili creations. But a sample is about all they got. There was little food and a lot of beer. This year. she said non-profit groups from Irvine are Invited to set up booths to sell food. Alt for wrestling in mud or chill, that event is down for the counL Kirsh said a few cooking teams supplied the more daring activities last year but t.hia time all of the team entertainment will be screened ln advance. The new chairwoman, however, played down the criticism and noted that beer ia sold at other community events, such aa the Harvest Festival. One th.lna thttcbamber intends to clarify ia that the cook.-off is not a family affair. Said Klnh: ''We do much for children in Irvine, but there are times when we'd like to do something for \he adults aa well." Coast phone bells to jingle 4 75,000 calls expected over Christmas Nationally, 22 million lntenrtate calla are expected to be made with 1.1 million of thoee holiday call from another phone but want it charpd~ own number1 it'• lela ve io me ;Trio held in heist, as.sault Orange C.Ounty resident.a are expected to make 47~.000 Christmas c:alll Friday throu&h Sunday, to Diane Dallacl1, • division manager for Paclflc Telephone. ''There will be MO operaton an duty in-the coun~ ~t to ..ut ln the ~t of goi.nC oveneu. ' The followln1 steps can be taken io •ve "i:fL and time in pJadnc calla, Dal • claiml: a phone credlt . -Look up phone n\.ambera you with to dial In advanm eo you won't have io take time to c.n directory lllliltanf». •, Garden Grove police l9ia\le arrested three men • -...pldoll of robbery sexual uaault and attempted rape after a vacatlonln1 German .,aman and her aoo were ttacked at a Garden Grove motel A tip from an anonymous informant Jed police to • mot.el in Anaheim Tueaday1 mornln1, where they took two men •nd a juvenile they believed The woman and her IOI\ had Oown 1nio Los Angel.el lut week for a vacation and were atayln1 ln Oran1e County while they towed am~t pub ln the .... be MAd. "'91' tboulh 86 percent of all lon& dlatanee calla will be dialed direct by the C\Mtomet','' Slid 0.lladt Califomlanl an expected to pa.. a. 1 miWan Calli, with 3. 1 million ol ta.. mede wt\hln UM! ..... DtQecW lakl. • -Makins lntraaiate catla between 11 p.m. Friday and 8 a.m Monday can •ve eo percent off the normal weetut.y ra•. The 80 percent dlecount alto appUee to lnten&ate c:a1ll Jmde from 111>.m. ~ ~ untO 5 p.m. SUndaJ. -If you wlah t.o make a -U ~ oveneu. check the telephone directory '° -tf. you can call the country direct. 'lbere are M eou.ntriem which mo be dialed directly, the leut explDll'Ye way to pa.. c.111 to coulltrln with International dine\ dilt..,, dMll"I· .., I UP 4.78 CLOllNQ 10».ot Mobile missile to foster jobs U'~ ANGELF.S (AP) -About 5,600 Southern Cali£o1nit1f'I .:urrently work on the MX rni.Mile, and anothe1 1,400 would be employed if the mobil~ rnilSile • network went into full production. aerospace offidala " aay. At Aerojet General Corp. in suburban Azusa, 700 workers are currently employed on MX tasks, but that would rise to 1,300 if approved. Other Southern . California subcontractors include the Martin Marietta ' Corp., with 800 e1111ployed:"Northrop Corp. with l,500 ., currently employed and 2,100 projected: Rockwell- Rocketdyne, 800 current, 1,000 projected; Rockwell-·· Autonetics, 980; and TRW Systems inc .. 850. Gas down 10 cents SAN FRANCISCX> (AP) -Motoriata in Northern Calllomia and Nevada are pa~ an average of 10 :· cen~ a gallon leea for guollne thUI ChriatmM than a ; ~ago, the California State Automobile Aaociation T~AA December survey of 690 service j stationa found the average overall price for all gradee of-~. line waa $1.37 a gallon. compared to $1.47 a gallon lut year. Retail prices began a decline in October and " continued through December. Much of the price drope come trom dixounta some dealers offer for cuh purchaaea. But the CSAA aaya an abundance of p90llne bu abo increued competition. AMERICAN LEADERS METALS 'r : .. .. I 'f ' ~ 'l I . \1 ; ~ .t ,; ' ; • .. -ib\- hra ob :---------=--" SILVER ·. ... .