HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-23 - Orange Coast Pilot111m111c• TttllR<.;01\V llf( FMHI I~ :)1 1•111. • JODI CAD&NREAD or ............. In a IUl'Pl1M move, the Colta .... Qty Council bM requeeted tile r .. l1natlon of all flve plannln1 comml11lonera, touebln1 oU accuaationa of political wrancllng and name · Letters were llflllt Wedneeday each of the c:ommi .. ionera fter the clty council voted 9UMllWl110ualy Monday ni&ht to mn-...m the n.tpatkma. yor Donn Hall made the 1uu-t1on, uytna he received a reque1t for lucn action from another council member. The name of the council member wu not di.cloeed. With two years left to eave, commiaionen Lynn Van Aken and commilaion chairman Walt Davenport would be moat effected by the move. Mark Sloate'1 and ChJc Clarke'• te~ were acheduled to end Dec. 31. Commia1ioner Ramona Sawyer-Wataon, whoee tenn wu acheduled to end Dec4!!mber, Boa ts make fina l parade to night 1984, haa informally uked to ltep down born \he pol$ dtlnc penona1 retlOOI Althou1h put plan~~ commimionera haw been to ~ followina the election of new coundla, ad\ a request haa not been made In ll>c yean. Van Aken, who fiNlbed fifth in the November council race, aald he bellewa the rellCnatWn requelt WU politically motivated. During the ~ampal1n he wH critical of Hall'• aupport for amendll\I the dty qn ordinance. The 63rd Newport Harbor "Festival of Lights" endA toni&ht with the more than 100 decorated boats eebeduled to parade through the harbor from 6:30 to 8:45. The parade fo1 ms ~f Balboa Island and proceeds through the Lido and Newport channels. Wind-blown rain canceled the parade Wednesday night. JBrown f ills t hree judgesh i p s in O C ~ Three judida1 vacancies on the California Dtatrict Attomey'I' I OrMl8I County Superior c.ourt Amodation. I and Harbor Municipal Court Woolley, 46, ia th e newly benches have been tilled by Gov. elected president of the Orange Sdmund G. Brown Jr. County Bar Aaaoclatlon. A ~ Named to two superior court former amistant city attorney and e>pen1no were David O. Carter, deputy dty ~tor in Garden ol IAIUna Be.ch, now a judge at Grove, Woodley a1lo hu tauaht South On.nae C.OUOty Municipal bualneu and real est.ate law Court In Laguna Nt1Uel, and cl.--. at Golden West College ln John Woolley, a Garden Grove HwitlJliton Beech. attorney. Woolley l.t a director of the Attorney Brian R. Carter, of Orange County Legal A id OJl'Ona del Mar, WM named to Society Barbor Municipal Court in · Newport Belich, to replace Judp The new appointee to the J>mald DIJ\P'l, who II NUrtna. ~~ ~~ ~ • David c.arter, 38, lel'Ved .. a .,..--... .. 'deputy dlltrlct attorney Santa Ana. reaponalble for homicide Before enterln1 private proaecutlona before he waa =•· he waa a patent ~ted to the munldpel court attorney with Rockwell bench. c.orp. and bu at M a Judce pro ol.~~.=e: = ~~~h~rlor and whlcb he w• decorated witli · He UC> lft'YeS on tbe Ora.nae both the Bronn Star and a C9unty AIHH~ent Appeala Pwple Heart. • Bbard and II a ylChtmnan. He II A member of the Oran1e put commodore of the Bahia <:ounty Bar AmoclaUon, Davi4 Corlnthfan Yacht Club ln Carter la a fCJnDer memtwr. of the Newport Beach and often ii a Judge Brian Carter navigator aboard ocean raclnl yachta. He earned hla bachelor of aclence de~ ln electrical ~ the Unlvenlty of lowa arid h1I law decree cum laude from P.epperdlne Unlwnity. Slnce the November elecUm, Gov. Brown, a Democrat, hu been actively fl11tn1 Judtclal vacandel throucbout the 1tate before Republican Georae Deukmejlan'• lnauauratton u governor Jan. 3, "Donn told me prlor to tbe election that lf l dldn't quit attadd.na him and the chamb..-, he would pt even:• aa1d Van Aken, "He Mid he'd ,_ me." Hall denied eYW maJdna IUCh a atatement and aaia the remcnaUon requen It.elm trom a deaire to re-examlne the COl'IUDilllon and a Clifference in phOoaophy between the . comrm.km and the council. "lt wouldn't be fair to the plann1Jll comm.lllion for me to poll)t out 1peclflc 1-ue. when planners there'• been a dJ.1141reement ln phlloeopby," aakl Hul. Cha1tman Walt Davenport aJd he would requeet that he be allowed to aerve a1aln, but Indicated that he waa not puticularly unhappy with the ooundl'• dec:Udon. ''I don't think there'• anythina unf.a1r about it," ea.Id Davenport. '"l'He comrnlalon exista at the pleMure of the coundl." He conceded that Van Aken'• chance• of being reappointed were "queatlonabltt" and aald that Van Aken haa bad ••eome pbilot0phk'al dUferencet with acme nwnben of the cound1." Clarke, who hu aerved 12 y-.n on the oominlll6ion. IUd be. would like ta eerve -o1n. Sloe~ whme term wM IChe(tuliec! to O.C. 31, laid he would like t.o- aerve aaatn, allo. Said Wat.Ion, ''There b.un't.-. been an lnkl1nc of thla before the election. l have no Idea why' t he y.' re a a k l n 1 for o u r, re.&ptiona. l think we've doot· <See PLANNERS, Pace Al) Mari n e pilot's widow • receives early present By STEVE MITCHELL Of .. Dllllr ........ Chrlatm•• came early for Madeline Van Wagenen of Laguna Niguel, and thouaanda of other mllltary widowa and their dependent. aero. the nation. Pre9lctent Reagan thil week reltored Department of Defenae benefit. to widows and children of U.S. lef"Y1oemen, the result of a .. ioce-ful year-long drive by Van Wagenen and t.fie support lfOUP._ ahe formed. "I m going to be out of the widow bu1lne11 pretty aoon now," the 35-year·old woman uld today in a telephone interview. She uid the widow'• 1roup abe formed. called Survivon of Sacrifice (SOS), aoon will be dlabanded. • "We did the job we 99t out to do ..,.. tbare'a DO 1-.i to keep .. -~dims IMld. ......... The job they llet out to dO w.. to reston benefita taken away l9lt y... when Reepn bnpmed .reatrlctlon1 on beneflta for widows and IW'Vivine childrm of. mWtary peminneL 'lbe ·-ktiona cut beneflta to •\U'Viviftl children when they reached a1e 18, 1.mtead of 22 under old regulationa. And they cut benefit. to the aurvlvlq parent when the children re9Ched age 16 1Dl1ead of 18. In the CMe of Van Waaenm, the cuta meant she would have i.o.t four yeara of benefits foe her then-13-year-old aon and two yean of benefits foe henelf. Her huaband, Marine lat Lt. Lowell Van Wagenen. WM killed while on a l'e9CUe million during a storm in Okinawa in 1973. The Marine helicop«ier co-pilot perlahed when the chopper alammed into a mountain. "lt came u auch a &hock. We were already planning for our future, .. bis widow aakf. Her 9eOOOd shock came OD her birthday, Aug. 13, 1981 when abe received word of the cut in benefits. "It really irritated me becal.l8e LoVfell went to auch 1reat len1th1 to make aure thins• woWd be in order ahould he die.'' abe aakl. "1 .... lmulted for bla .a:· ~w n aent the nae that bet bu•wvl'a coftla tD • :;. ......... thepawwwt tmve8CllDe more dollan by recyclln1 the 0.. of deed 9el"Ykemen. Then the ancrY widow went to w~ There, wttb the help of San Dte•o .coitareaaman Du ncan Hunter and Sena. Alu Cnmtan. D-Calif. .nd Dan ~.r.·· R-lnd., a bill wu event y walkea throulh bodl bou9es. Re.pn liped tbt le8ialatioo thla week. restori.nC the l>enetits to veteran auvtvora. (See WIDOW, Pqe Al) Dry yule on tap • 1n county The National Weather Service ii pred.k:tin8. lt.ol'm-free holiday weekend with fair akiea and warm daYL Temperature• Saturday, Chrl.ttmu Day, will be in the upper 60a along the COMl, NWS oWdala aa1d, with an overrUaht low between 42 and 48 depees. At leMt a temporary reprieve from atonm wtD be wekiomed by Oranie Coaat reaidenta, who Utility finds truth • in Murphy's Law BJ UREN E. u.EIN or .. .., ........ Murpb.)"1 Law bu prevailed for the Southern Callfornla J:dl80n Co. U anytbl.nl could have FD8 wroaa. It ha · Ftnt. there wa1 the one.two punch of back-to-beck atonna with hlp wlnda. The atorma, which OClCUmld Nov. 30 and Dec. 9, barely 1ave Edbon erew1 worldnc arOund the dodr. Ume fora m.tt.. Then w~. about aDe-thlrd of &diaon 1 3 mtlllon cuetomen were left without · power when blab wtnde In Northern Callforlkla bocked down a tranamlaaion line can'Yinl power ..... ted from hydroelectric. plants. (See related at.cry P-. A3.) •'The month of Deoember hu not been a aoocl one for ua," uld Bill Comptian. Huntlnirton Belich area manaaer for tne power com~. "rve worked ~!l:': and at~ time do I ~ thrOucb um kJnd of month.'' he aald. 1be two earlier ltor'ml Went the mo1t deatructlve to hit Southern California electric utillUet in more &ban half a (8" UTILITY, Pap Al) have endured aome of the most violent weather eves' recorded in December. Wednesday'• atorm dropped .eo lDcb o1 ra1n on COMt --. according to Oraftle County'• Environmental Mana1ement ~f~tl . The aeuon-tot.al od hu rt.en to 4.87 lnchel, an EMA apoltemian aaid. nearly 2 inches ahead of the average 2.97 Inches for thla time of y... . While th1a week'• storm we1 not u aevere u thoee wblcb 1truck earlier in the month, rmmtve bleck(llJts ll90dated wtth the atorm plunaed more than 850,000 Orance County utllltJ cu.atomen into darlm ... tai. Wedn-day afternoon. Soutbem California Edbon Co. offidall Mid. . Alone the Onnae eo.t. about 50,000 cuatomen were att.cted ln almoet flVery dty, Mid BU1 Compton, Huntinl'Oft 8-cb.,.. ~ for the uUll~. ''There were llolatied pocbts alone the COMt .,._ which ,.,.... not affected bema.a tMJ .... belns aerwd by tba H~ Beach aeneratlDI atatlon," Compton explained. · 1be blldr.outa, which Yarted 1n tS..DRV, .... 41) t OUSTER • • • '• .. ~ )Db t« the lut two and a :Nair,,..,.... · ~.._.'I'• 1WWW the ~thatSJoete .. a.rt.'1 ..... be m.nded ~1 J'e~. 18 ln order to ...iew COlllll1dallon candJdatee. ~-11 cono•d•d that new afpllcanta 11.ould have been ~1ned IMt month. commi•1cmen •nd an1 other tnw.m&ed ~.,.. beina Mkad to apply. Tbe dHdlln1 for appUcetJoN 19 Jan. 14. -Hall eaJd no dedllon hal been mad11 r,.1r•Ntln• wh•t "'"IH ,t>e_ done tn tne ewnt that a P&ann&nl oamrn.llltcner ~ to """'· In 1978, the plannln1 commt..lon wu uked to 1tep down f0Uowln1 the April election. Jtmmle Wood~a 30-"'It •-... kect up on 11• " he ,.... -. c..'OOlJ'nimlon member, to aald . Current plannin1 ~ H ~ Clarke . e wu re . W a Arlene Sc afer were JDOW • • • reappointed. Hall, David Lorenzini and Richard Wit a ...i chanae of pece,'' Cantemen UC> were appointed. Mid Of .the year-In 1974 Ed Mcl'ari.Da, niow a effort. "It really coundl member, WU fired from my JJ'OUNI." the commlllion. No explanation And DOW,. •ya. "I'm to'fng WU made publJc. Schafer._ DOW ~~ to normal 11 aoon aa on the coundl, wu appointed to tfl~fry 'SNA;;;,,, .. ~. • ~dins to Philip •._vice pnmdent in of 1W11mer .etvlce. 9¥'8 the 1933 and 1971 ~ qr the great flood of 1938 c:amed IO much havoc in Edlaon"' tran1mi11ion and clstrl~ ptda," he aaid. .. By tlM time the two atorma !*1 ended, more than a thousand u\Wty pol.el )J.ad been downed ~ power lines blown to thft IJ'OWlCl at h\lndreds of locatk>na. Total damellt for the nomw bm eltJOeedld ti mUUon. 1be bill ia~up. •we can only hope th1a ia not Indicative of the kind of winter we're Coinl to have," Martin said. • Compton.. for one, la look.inc forwarc) '°" 1983. "Let'• hope the new year brin8J ua a new piee, 80 we can start over,•• he Jllkl. DRY YULE ;\HEAD . . .. duration from a few m.inutel to eeveral bot.an. marled traffic and hampered holiday ahoppen. but did aurpri1ln1ly little major damal'e. Compton uid. The •:10 p .m . blackout pr'OID.,. J>ilneyland offida1I to Bia Thunder l\ailroed, Roth said, helping friahtened people out of the atallea ride• and leading them out of the park with fluhll&hts. detective succumbs L.ee-A.NGILl.8 (AP) J1mr11:~-........ --...m----~ -Webb, who M.mld M the none. fAC4td detective of televl1lon'1 0 erun.t" ltrlel, died today ln hJa W•t Hollywood hCJl'M of an appuent h..rt attack, pol.ice Mid. He WU 62 • Loi An1elea County Fire Department paramedic• who were au.mmoned to the houH pronount*I Webb dud at S:23 a.m., aa1d Loi Anplea Sheriff'• Deputy Clyde French. Webb'a wife, Opal, waa with him when he died, aaid French. "Mr . Webb had been complainina of ind1aettlon ln the put three or four days and about 3 a .m. th1a morninl he ala.rt.eel experienclna the aame pa1nl ln hi.I cheat, and that'• wnen hia· wife aummoned the paramedJca,'' Fi'lllCh .ad. ~ Med'. o1 u. Mark vn Ltllf.. Dl"OCluedoQ company that made ••ch 'IV 1how1 •• ''lnwl~l" and "Adam .. 10," Wll ...... hil= of ~ .Jae l'ltlllly CID " a ..,.. .. Hied on act Loi ~~=ta~ 1849, and lt moved to NBC ~In 1801 with Webb 11 ~ and diNctol' .. well .. dM'. 1'IM abow ran until 18&8, ........ from 1987 to 19'10. Le-. Bi-own, ln hla ''KnoyclQDedla of T.wvtalon," ........... patented~ ... waa to phy down the Jack Webb melodramatic 1lamor of the perlloua H•ianmenta of hia prota1oniata, and tQ live their execution an all-in-a-day'• work flavor. The ahoWI .eemed mote realiat.ic and authentic than mo9t others of the aenre, but the heroea were no let1 heroic." Webb once Mid there "never will be anythtna in 'Dracnet' that I WOUidn't wut mr own-~ to ... •• la the ftrwt IO ~ be .pi. only 15 bulWtl were tired, and tberW wen Jul& \bi. filtlta and • halt-dcmn ~ \'lw ahow popui.rised the pb.rue, "Juat Che ~ rGa'aq)." "~ had an estimated 38 m1llian ~ at the bellht of ... pop&larity' Webb, born In Santa Monica on April 2, 1920, bepn 1"' career a1 a radio announcer {n San Franclseo in 1945. He later pl•y•d th• title role of "Pat Novak for Hire" on a San Frandaco radio atation, and then 1tarred tn the radio ahow, "JohnnJ, Madero-Pier 23." Trees giveaway staged If yoa can't afford a Chrlatmu tree t)u. yMr, a Fountain Valley buaine9I may be able to help. ~ Wodd. located at 10111 'l'albert Ave., ii llvina" a~ tlbout 100 ChrlltmM ~ left '1119' from a .... effol'\. Doug Marquette, general manaaer. aald the treea are Jlolp fin. about ~ to 8 feet. · People wlahin8 to pick up a free tree can ccme to the club before ~ p.m. today or between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on Friday. Comput r c nt slated for library Hunt1n1lon Beaoh library ofl&cl11' reHn&ly &urned to 1 J'lt'tnch pelll"Y operation to raJer money to nwet ·U-.. buqtt. Now they --n•·~tn1 ' computer le&rnb1I cenw. AJ Atari 400 Computer i1 belna lnl1alled.on the main Oooc at Ointnl LltnrY, 7111 Talbert Ave. It will offer a variety ot ptOIJ'Aml cte.lped for people of all ape. 'Users will pa)' 50 cent.a tor 16 minutes of computer ti.me. Library Director Walter Johnaon said the computer la not expected to bring ln much money lnidally to the dty. But he aaid he expectl it to become popular Senate votes nickel hike • in gas tax WASHINGTON'(AP) -'ftle Senate voted today to lnc:reue the federal peollne tax by a nickel. finally end1na its c:irdMl over the Jepladon, md the 97th Coner-. After an 81-5 vote ~ off the la te1t in a atrln1 of conaervatlve-led fWbustera - more than the 60 Uflrmative votes oeceaary -the 5-ate pal9eCI the meesure M -33 an4 ~t lt to Premdent Be.can. who hal puehed fOI_'. the bill. The action. deU'ed the way for the Senate to adjourn. nearly, two days after the ~ left town. At the White Howe, apokecnan Peter Rouale1 aald Re.on Would not ai8J1 the bill today Dec:au.e it probaf>ly would not arrive there' in time. and men ptOfllabae. ,,. ant 112.eo ..... wd ..... w .. k will 10 to lhe Computer .. ~ Cenwr, I dMlloft of AWi. All ,,_... abow tha& ... wW be lhared .....,,. by the dty and mms-ny. The cotn-opwa-.d com~~ la expected to ralle about JIM! t« the dty by the end of the filca1 year June 30. Software pro1ram1 will include materlal on 1tate1 and capita.la, princ:ipla of ~una. b11ic lan1ua1e. European 1eo1raphy, baaic electrLclty, vocabulary buildina and an introduction to baalc ~·month, the Jacdan Robert Pat1-erie bepn •llina paatriea and bevera1n in the patio area on the lower fJoor ol the library. The library will receive $100 per month rent ~ the firS lix months. Af1a' that. the ..-&. will incrurr to t200 per man.th. The d\1 ..., will recltive e percent o the arwa aa1e1 that exceed $200 per month. Llbnry 01*9tiom cmt about '2 millioo per year, Johmon aald. Diet theft leads slim , Irvine police b9Ye yet 1o fiaure out who stole 400 boUI of diet powder from a warehouae in their dty. lnv~ttcaton conceded they have allm J.e.m ln coJlUinc the auapect who allpped intQ the Cambridse Plan lntemation.al warehouee at 17841 Mitchell Ave. thla week and vanlahed with $30,000 worth of Cambridge diet powder. However, police claim they have better than a fat chance of capturin& the welghkonlc:ioul crlm1nal, who may be hard to mm. ~-the am•..,.,.,,t park for the ftnt time ln 17 yeera. u.ld ~BobRoth. "About 7,700 1u.eata were evacuated," Roth 11id. ""Everyt.h.iq went very smoothly and afmo.t -everyone WU out by dark,'' he aaid. Roth aaid each indlvidual ride hM been evacuated aeveral timel due to equipment failure, 10 employeee were fammar with evacuation procedures. "Every guest wu iaaued •admllmions to llK 4 come beck aaain:· Roth aid. l T .1. 00 re ge lS Elaewhere around the county, years for Newport sla}ring Ride operaton walked through roller coasters like the Matterhorn. Spece Mountain and YIKSI ONLY 2. SH<:>PrfHG ~¥S TI..~TMM/ rr. U.S. summary crowded ahoppln.g malls went · dark and police directed traffic at busy lntenectiona. -Karen Klein ,,...,, 1•111• Du. a c..c.n lfMlpp I $o>Jlh Cooot ,..,.., ll33 llWCI ,_ Coa1o M9oa. CA 926'6 71~~71S7 \Sol So Cooot ...., t._.-.a ~CA 9*1 ,,_,.~, By LEPP' ADLER °' ... ...., ......... Newport Beach 1»1Choloe'at Te1torcf --nm·· Moon -been llll1i8llCed to a four.,-,_. ..... term for the November 1980 ahooti.na death of hla J.onitime anpuUon. Stanley....,.._. Aftet denylnf a motion to arant Moore probation, Orange County Superior Court Judge Myron Brown aentenced Moore to serve two years for his conviction on a voluntary manslaughter charge and another two years for uaing a gun in the commiaaion of a crime. The priaon term. a minimum sentence under the law, will permit Moore to eeek pa.role ln a UttJe more than two ~ time, Moore's attorney, Alan Stokke. aald. He added that Moore IDOe't probebly will eerve hia 9elltenoe at a mlnimum security prbon, such 11 the Sierra c.on.ervaUon Camp. "It la the belief of the court that Or. Moore has led aa exemplary a life aa the court haa ever had the opport~nity of lnvest.igating and becoming privy with," Brown said in pro- nouncing the sentence. But the judge al80 noted that, "Dr . Eaplnda baa never been forgotten In th1a courtroom ... n-Friday After pronouncing the sentence, Brown denied a motion to grant bail to Moore while the ---+--ClUIHa beina.appealed to a higher court. Stokke uid that neither he nor his client waa aurpri9ed by the sentence. "It waa a aerioua situation and the judge followed the interpretation of the law he thoufht appropriate to that level, ' Stokke Mid. r 61 21 44 38 78 to ... 42 • 13 ... 40 M a4 31 ao 81 ,, $3 30 • a2 • It 11 30 ... 79 n Q t1 • .. . , 72 11 .. 10 n 40 • .. 71 40 44 .. 71 -,. 41 C~OMU .......... ..,,..... '"""° i..o•Ur ~ .._ ..... ,_...""" ~Cl'Y ""'° ...... 42 '21 -... ao ao 40 73 IO 44 34 78 84 31 21 11 aa n 11 30 II • 27 a1 is .. 84 11 aa 71 to 41 37 53 $1 .. 84 ... .. .. • .. .. .. ., 42 .. IO .. Moore wu willlna to accept whatever the Judae-decided. the attorney added. - Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown. who argued for a maxlmum aentence of eight yean. called the aentence a ''tair one In a tough cue." Moore'• aentencln1 wa1 delayed more than a month while he wu beinC evaluated by the state Department of Corrections at its Chino ,fadllty. The evaluation recommended that Maott be granted probation. Undencoring the evaluation'• strong recommendation for probation. Stokke .argued that if Moore were sentenced to priaon ''he will no longer be able to do thetie good things for the people he COUD8eled .•• The judge acknowledged receiving more letters attesU.ng to Moore'• contrlbutiona to the commw\ity-than-he haa .had in... any other cue. The attorney also told the judge that a priaon sentence would place Moore in situation ln which he might come to physical harm. Moore was convicted of voluntary manalaughter Sept. 29 following a second trial on the char ... A .new trial WU ordered aft~r the flrat trial jury deadlocked over whether Moore WH guilty of second-degree murder or voluntary mamlaugbter. During the trjal, Stokke contended that Moore had intended to commit auicicle the ni&ht of the ld111na. but lapeed into unconaciouane11 and 1hot Eapinda once In the head aa Elpinda slept on the livinl room floor of the Spyld.ua Hilf home the two aharea in Newport Beach. :&pinda waa portrayed in oourt testimony u a homoeexual who victimized Moore and wanted him to believe that he, too, was homoeexual. Moore testified during the first trial that Elpinda had beaten and .-xua"r;m•eed him~ long re tionahip. which spanned 18 years. The two were partners in the Newport Psychological Laboratory, which contracted with aeveral coastal school dlatricta for its .ervk:el. He alao told the jury that be had planned to leave Ea~. after meeting a i...guna • woman with whom be had _. in love. ~ NATION .FCC action to hike local phone charges Belisious station loses tax rig BJ TIM Alleda&M Prett WASHIN GTON c.c..&men wU1 have to pay more for local ielephone .-vice if they want to reep the benetita of compeUtlon ln lona-dlatance rat!9•i the aovwnment bu dedaeG. By a unanlmoua vote, the Federal CommunicaUona Commi11ion a1reed Wect.n.day to bes1n phulnc out a major aubakfy now peJd to local telephone companiel throu1h arUfically hi1h lnterwtate tona-diatance rat.. The declalon m ea n• conaumera eventually wlll have to pay their local telephone companies more money in flat monthly -chargs. j ., ........... ,,... The Trln1t1 lro•d0Ht1n1 Network, a rtU•loua a.levltlun or1anl&aUon that operatH chann.1 •o In Orana• County, hu loet l\I 1tatt propeny-t.ax .ampUon and mu.t pay ,297,- 000 1n beck tax• and penaJU.. on lta ofnc. ln 'l\wUn. Actlna on audits conducted earlier th.la yMr, the 1tate Doud ot Equalllatlon hu revoked the 1tation'1 property-tax exempUont for the yean 1978 th.rcuah 1982. IRS 'greetings' in mail The 1tate board clted an alleged overlap ln operatlona between the non-profit reu,k>ul station and a related corporation establlahed for commerct.a1 profit, WASHINGTON -Juat aa retrU)arly .. Chriatmaa brtnp bllla, the holldaya bring a p&ft.'el of greetings from your tovemment. The 1982 federal income tax forms will b e in the mailboxea of millions of Americana before New Year's D6y. "TradJtfonally they arrive day1 after Chri1tmu, between Christmas and New Year'a," said Internal Revenue Service spokesman Scott D. Waffle. More than 89 million forms are being mailed thla year, and more than half -4 7 million -are the traditional 1040 long forms. Winds reach 'No stopping' Jerry Lewis LAS VEGAS -Jerry Lewis' heart will be "stronger and better than ever" after double-bypass surgery, and "there's no stopping him now," his doctors say. The 56-year-old comedian sat up and joked with doctors on W ednesday as be WORLD recovered at Desert Springs Hospital, but shortly before he underwent surgery a dav earlier he suffered a "criaia1' and doctors had to "pound on his chest" to bring h im around, according to Joe Stabile, hia manager for 21 years. SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -A deadly Pacific storm hurled wlnd1 of up to 92 mph at Northern California, darkenins hundreds of thowsanda of homes. tearing boats from mooring•, closing the Golden Gate Bridge, violently 1haking akyacrapen and bringing a spate of atrong- arm robberies to 1tranded commuters. At least four 1torm-relai.d deaths were reported ln the San Frand8co Bay area. Israel, Lebanon to talk A Coe.at Guard spokesman said it would resume a helicopter search today for three duck hunters from Pittsburg. The men had failed to return from their excursion on Suisun Bay. JERUSALEM -Israel and Lebanon will open · negoUationa early next week aimed at withdrawing Israel's invasion army from Lebanon and normalizing relations between the two Middle East neighbors, the Israeli government laid today. Prime Minister Menacbem Begin's spokesman Uri Porat Mia the talks would be held alternately in the Beirut suburb of Khalde and K.iryat Shmona, on Israel's northern border. He did not say which day the talks would open, or in which country the first session would be held. Israeli officials briefing reporters said the talks probably would open in Khalde on Monday or Tuesday, and then ahlft to Kiryat Shmona. Gunter Pang, 38, of Vallejo was electrocuted Wedne1day afternoon when he touched a downed power line in Pleasant Hill, police and Contra Co1ta County coroner'• offtdala aid. Poland frees internees The mighty guata toppled a "very large" eucalyptus tree, which 1truck and fatally injured Aloy1lu1 O'Brian, 65, a city 1ardener who apparently waa 1atherin1 firewood ln Stern , Grove for a Jodae in Golden Gate Park. aald Police s,t. Roy H.lcb. Two civilian operaton of a 50-ton crane u1ed to remove fallen tree9 from Y erba Buena laland, a U.S. Navy station. died early today when the machine wu overturned, aaid a Navy apoke1man , reading from a 1tatement by a Commander Sherwood. WARSAW, Poland -The government today said lt was re1eeling all people tnterned undl;r martial law for the put year in time for them to go home for Chrlatma.a, except for seven top Solldarity _ leaders arrested on criminal charges . "The MiniSter of Internal .Affa1ra ordered the releaae of all internee• by Dec. 23, 1982," the state-run PAP ---uewa aaency 1aid. "The STATE internment camp• are liquidated ... lt said that among those fo.rmally arrested wa1 Andnej Gwiazda, the No. 2 man in the outlawed Solidarity labor uniori next to Lech Walesa, who WU freed Nov. 13. The agency said eome of thoee under arrest face crimlnal proeecution for ".erioua crimes" against the state, though it did not give ~ individual charges. The dead workers' identities were being withheld until family could be notified. Robert Riley, a construction wocker, was reported in critical condition today after aursery for lnjW1et after 11e wa blown oft the eecond level of the new Hyatt Regency Hotel in Oakland during the heiaht of the storm. Riley, 45, felf 60 feet into a subbuement, authorltie1 aid. Last-chance tax hill fails Abraham Meuhaek of Alameda IUffered a coocuamon and cuta when winds tore looee a 20-by-40-foot awnln1 which alammed into him u he walked past an Oakland coffee 1hop. SACRAMENTO -What could be the last chance to ~rae the state'• •1.5 billion u 'treftcit before Gov.-elect George Deukmejian takes office Jan. 3 has failed in the state Senate. W ith the rejection Wednesday of a bipartisan plan drafted jointly by the Democratic and Republican ~rs of the Senate, there were no active budget bills on the calendar for the poat- Christmas emergency aemion of the Legialature next week. A bipartisan plan to raile taxes by •1 billion and cut 1pending by •513 mlllion failed when only 9eVen of the Senate'• 15 Republicans and 17 of lta 25 Democratic memben agreed in .eparate caue\18e9 to endone lt. Gusty wlnd1 and 1now 1howera could attll bedevil travelers today in the Sierra Nevada and other mountain areu in Northern Oallfoml.l. the National Weather Service aid. Queen to visit Disneyland? At leaat 20 to 30 commuten were robbed when electrtc tM.-. went dead in the Western Addition. a low-income aection of San Francllco, aid police Sat. Dennis Schardt. And a rub of thefta of car st.ereoe wu reported in Eut Palo Alto. LOS ANG~ -Queen Elizabeth II may viait Dianeyland and Rockwell Corp .'• in terna ttona) bMdquart.ers during her fint Southern Callfornla vi.lit ln February ,-aaya an official helptnc coordinate the trip. But orpnben of the royal tour cautioned Wed.netday that Ba""rfnlbam Palace had We're not yet finalized an itinerary. ''Nothing is definite," aid Bee Canterbury Lavery, chief of protocol for Loe ~let Mayor Tom Bradley. 'We vlllt.ed a lot of lites and we know there'• no way all of them are poaible." Lavery aaid the qUMO will vWt from Feb. 26 to March 7. She aakl ahe WM told an agenda would be announced ln a week. Wind• aa fierce aa 70 mph buffeted the Golden Gate Bridp, cauatng traffic .ocldenta and forclng cloeure of the main link between' San Frand8co and Marin counUea for about two houri at the start of the even1na commute. [t WM beliewd to be the first wind-caused cloture of the sJ.amoroua brtdae llnce 1951. What do you like about the Dally Pilot! What don't you like? Call the number at left and your ~ will be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The eame 24·hour answerin1 service may be uaed to record let- ters to the editor on .ny topic. Mailbox contributon mu.t Include their name and telephone number for verirle1Uon. No drculaUoft calls, please. • Tell us what's on your mind. OMNOE COo\IT a • ..-. .......... f1W1-1111 Al eht ll1911i'tlnl"'8 MMllt llllyPlllt a«<o~ \0 • report rel.u.d Wed · y. I Q YI llory Uld lht LWO OC' .......... -~ otllft• Oft oraanlHtlOn W .. ltllftl lO manipullte lhe ta• 1aw1 to Ill ldvan...,: Trinity 8roadcuun1 aald It will fl&ht lhe 1tate acOOn on tht 1round1 thal no part of l\1 operation hu ever been cMunerdal. the .... flYe•l(ft ..... lhan the Jane Duff, the '10l'paae V-. prealdtnt of Trlnl~ Broldc&ldftCt uJd °'-. MtW weuld appeel the caM &o 'h• county Board of Supervilon ln l'tbn&ary or Match, \hen to ~ COW1 " necetl&ry to fllht the'• retrOllCdve property taxee. aame board of dlreclort and virtually th• ume operat1n1 tXpenlll. The audit• br th• uate, conductad in conjUnCUon with th• Orance County A.IMMor'• office, found Trinity Broadcaltlnt openi. • almolt a mirror-lmaae of International Panorama, a commercial enterprile that never hM applied fOf' tax-exempt 1tatul from t.he 1tate1 accordin1 io Web1ter Guillory , the bead of mana1ement services for the .. tll:t''I offkle. That arran1ement vtolatH 1ta\a tax reaulat.tonl that prohibit commtrciaT or1anlutlon1 from 1harln1 property with tax· exempt rtllSSOUS or charlt.ablt orpnl&ationa, he aald. She NJd the c:.-'1ri out of technlcallty that occurred w Trinity Broadcutlnc took ov ''11\ey have co-mlr.,i.d to tht extent that you don'i know where the exempt orpnbaUon end a and the tor-pro flt or1antzatJon bestna," Guillory aald. ~ever, he added that the state and county aud.lta abowed no evidence that tither tht operaUon of PMOC'lrml'I 1 TV statJon ln 1974. At that 'tS the only way to ecqu1re a broadcdt1n1 lice nae unde , ~ Federal Communication 1 Ca:nm1aaion NJet WU to buy an e>d.ltlna atadon, lhe said. 4i • Occupants escaped injury when towering pine tree crushed a three-bedroom home in Salinas but spared the kitchen. Rain on Seventh Street in San Bernardino waa deeper than Sidney Rutledge, 14~ expected. .. .. '· Why power failed in 3 states SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The power outage that turnea oft the Uglililii three West.em at.ates began with a whim of nature and grew by the wlll of ma•, according to a spokesman foe Pad.fie Gu and Electric Co. Two million utility cuat.omen were affected. They Included Dlaneyland ln Anaheim, the culnol along the Laa V epa strip and hundreds of thouaanda of homes. "The major problem we experienced wu the winds," Mid utility spokesman Greg Pruett. "They didn't play favorites with any a.re.,.~ hit every nook and cranny of our le1"Vlce 'area.' He aald the blackout be1an Wednesday when 1uata accompanytn1 a bluatery Pacific atonn howled throulh the Altamont P .. and toppled a pmwer atanchico north of Tracy in the northern re.ch• of Callfomla'1 San J'oaquin Valley. The tower carried lix traNmialkm llnea: two 500,000-volt llnea and four 230,000-volt clrcu..lta, accord.lng to Pruett. When the power level dropped, iafe~ devtce1 built hrn> -ibe Rancho ileco Nuclear I Power plant near Sacramento lhui ht fadllty down, aid Pruett. Two of the 1eVeD uni• ~t ~ company'• oil-fired plant at Mom lAndiQi ai.> cut thenwelves ofi from the power grid, The initial break in the tranlllnu.ion lines and the resulting powe~t 1hutdow 1 =dped the line load 80 aily that the company wu forced to "abecl':. DlU1t' cuatanera to keep the whole l)'Ster,n from f.ailin&. ''Th.I.a meani we had to intentionally diarupt their le!'Vice," said Pruett. '"The reuon we had tb do thia waa to protect the real of our cuMomeri~· A. PG&E 1trualed to limit the imi-:t or the initial failure, a -Chain ~ of abUtdo~ apread to Southern California, then east to Nevada and Arboo.a. aooonlJ.ng to Prueu. ~ He aald there were ouiaaes in .,... from a Centro to Becldlog, bun Sen D6eao to J:urek( from Monterey to Lu Vepa. and ~yOnd.. • ELEGANT GiFTS AT SPECIAL PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS· 14K CHAINS & . BRACELETS . 50% OFF Cobre llf'acetet. Reguter SI 7. 95 ... l&ft 20" Ught Cobr• Ne<* Chllfn. Reguler Sl7.95 ..• U8.ft .. 24" Herrtngbont ~ Chllln,' .;_: Regul•r Sl21.95 . 1 . H9.ft 18'' Heavy Herrt.~ Nedi c~ Regular S24l.9S ..• Hl1.'9 20'' He~ Herrh~ Nedf ~ hgul• S267.95 ..• IUt." 7'' SoNd Rope lrecetet. . Regul• 119' .95, or,iy one ••• ttl." 16'' Sold .ope Nedt CNtn. ' Regular MU.ti. only one ~ .. Utt." II" s..,....adtw Nedi Chelnr ..,_. ...... 127.tl .•. ~, .... , , •• Medium Setp64'!1t• ,... CNlfn.• • ..,.., s•oo.t1 . ..._., JO'' Medlim Serpet ..... Neck Chiifn. Regular UN.ti ......... ' ti" losNeiiChllln. \ Two nights before Christmas • • • Now we know how Rudolph's nose got that way. It was ~. T .'s magic finger. Or so suggests a window d ecoration at the home of Larry and Lyndin Richardson on 21st Street in Costa Mesa. Ill-HAMMOND .. AllO Anet MGANS None finer 12°/o financing on new Baldwins Dec. only (sale Items excluded) ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 270 E. 17th St., Cotta Mesa 645-2471 CHURCH OF ST. MATTHEW BY-THE-SEA Traditional Esplscopal CHRISTMAS EVE EUCHARIST 9:00 p.m. P1rilll 1111 h••••itr C111roll 111 Hellotrope, Corona del Mar The Revemed Jama Hohlfeld 532-2201 (192~ Boole of C!Jmmon Pra~) We're Leaving Fashion Island · Everything Must GO I ,8K 40%oPP 900()00 30%0,, 1 SK Peart & Diamond Larlatt Elsewhere 6, 9500o Our Price J,95()00 5,7500o 30% 14K . 1~9000 50%0,, 690C)OO 30%oPP ok r can u over firing SAN FRANC1800 (AP) -A 1tace •PPMll court wu ruled lhat 1 patent attorney fired by the Sln1er Co. alter he 1ou1ht a non-amokina ICICUon ln hll of flee can 11Ue hia lormer employer. nw dectston by the It.ate Court of Appeal reversed an earlier rulln1 by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Bruce F. Alfen. All en had dl1ml11ed the complaint of Paul Hentze}, a one-Ume eenior patent attorney at Singer'• APO-Link DtvWon ln Sunnyvale, arguing that Hentz.el hadn't exhau1ted non -court remedies s uch aa the labor commJaioner'a office. But the appeala court agreed that Henuel's grievance wasn't limited to setUement by the labor commission or other state boarda. Hentzel worked lor S inger from 1974 until 1979. He charged that he was fired in ret~liation for protestinfi "haz.ardoua working conditions• cau1ed by smoking by other employees. In addition, Hentze} argues, Singer inflicted intentional emotional distress by refUfing to place him in a s moke-free environme nt, delibe rate ly putting h im in with h eavy smokers and failing to prevent other workers from antagonizing him about his request for a non- smoking area. Whale watching season to start WhaJe·watchlng excuralona 1pon.ored by the American Cetacean Society will atart departing dailX from the Balboa Pavlllon in Newport Beach Sunday. The outing• continue through mid-March aboard the 1 HS-foot Catalina Holiday. Annually, between December and April, the California gray wha l e migrates south, traveling a1 much as 10,000 miles from the •The Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach is plannlng an evening · to Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse in San Clemente to aee ''Finian's Rainbow" Jan. 12. The cost , •Mesa Consolidated Water District customers have until Jan. 28 t o e nt e r the "Conservation Idea" contest. The winner will receive a $100 U.S. Savings Bond. chllly Arctic wateu off Alaaka to the la1oon1 of Baja Calllomla. The whale., at ma~urltr.. reach up to 60 feet ln Jencth and we{gh 45 tons. Weekday crullea leave at .10 a.m. and weekend tripe depart at 9:30 a .m. and qatn at 1:30 p.m. Ticketa are $8 on w ee k e nd s and $7 on w ee kday s . For more information , call 673-5245. which includea the play and dinner, is $21 per penon and reservations are limited. Seniors interested In participating are urged to call 497-2441 for reservations. Customers can mail their water savins ideas t o Conservation Idea, Mesa Consolidated Water District, 1965 Placentia Ave .. Costa Mesa, 92627. The Robinsons Gift A LUSCIOUS LUXURIOUS BOX OF GODIVA CHOCOLATES IS OUR GIFT TO YOU WITH S17.50 GODIVA PURCHASE. Indulge that very discerning sweet tooth In your hfe with one of the world's finest chocolates. Carefully. specially made from a Belgian recipe with only the most select ingredients. then beautifully molded and luxunously wrapped, Godiva 1s one gift that's as impressive as It is Irresistible. And with your $17.50 purchase. we'll give you a 'A lb box. a $5 value. as your special gift to give or keep for yourself And for just $2 50 more. we'll add the perfect red ribbon and rose From our tempting collection. with cream centers and solids: 1 lb gold ballotin $17.50. 2 lb gold balfotin, $34. 3 lb gold ballotln, SSO. 1/2 lb gold ballottn. $9. Robinson's Candies. 66. Chimney sweep Ben King warms up with a cup of eolf ee during a work bre ak In Natick, Mass. . Bob Mathlaa, Olymplc Training Center Director •nd two-time dec11thlon champion, with aome of America'• Olymplc hopefula. ourt ord r will co t more A ft INCR&Ala In , .. (•harfld to •J>PI~ '°' rs.In court ont.n wlU be UMd Lo fund Or1n19 Count)' ptrrTUMnt'1 ~llo vk>lenc.e JWOlfal'ftl c11m 111111 etatt. 8tantCll\ la the wlfe of county Supervilor The lncreaH, approved by county 1upervlaora Tvuday on recommendation of aipertor court Jud.-, wW be charaed for an)' 1pplJC'aUon for 1 prot.ectJve rwetraJ.nfnc order or any paper filed ln rwpoe ... to 1uc:h an order. ~Stanton. --~ ...... - Martin Hernandes, account11\1 manqer for the county'• 1peclal prosrarna office, laid It" not preeen\ly known how much extra money the fee h!ket will generate or what the extra money will be Uled for. TM new fee structure will ao Into effect Jan. 1. Hernandez said records of how many protectlon orden are aought localll have not . been previously kept. The county 1 Domestic Violence Fund, to which the new fees will go, helpe support three centers for local victima of domettic violence. • • • THE MARCH OF DIMD kicked off lta 1983 Orange County campaign againat birth defecta at Tuesday's meeting of the board of aupervi.aon. Doug DeCinces of the California ~ela, celebrity chairman of the drive, joined countywide chairwoman Karen StantCll\, March of Dbnea poster child Christopher Martin and Dorothy Sutherland, executive director of the local March of DI.mes foundation, foe the official • • • TBB I O lJTB CO VNTV munlclpal courthoule ln IAl\.ma Nlpl will be expanded In • tHG,000 project approved by aupervlaora Tue.day. Th• money w ill pay for a new 3,GOO·tqua.re·foot modular unJt to houte the court'• branch of the Oran&e County oi.t.rict'a Atu>mey'a otdae, and a renovation of the apece vacated by the district attorney's staff for npanlion of the court's Ovll and Small C1aima Dlvtaioo . • • • A $'111,000 RESVRPACING program will fund repain to 1eVeral Orange Cout-area roads ln the coming year. The program~ap roved by cou nty aupervt.on lncludes of Irvine Center Drive from the ~ Beach ay to Sand Canyon Road, Crown Valley Parkway from Pacific Cout Highway to Pacific Wand Drive and Bolaa Avenue between Newland and Purdy atreeta. Other roads In San Juan Capi.atrano, Laguna Ni~el. Mimi.on Viejo and aeveral north county areu also will be resurfaced u part of t program. -Dally Pi.Jot Counzy Bwea •• j . ~ Help senet the greatest American Olympic Teams In history to the 1984 Games. Donate $20 or more and we 'I I send you : This beautiful limited edition "Olympic Glory " Poster and a free special issue of "The Olympian," the official full-color publication of the United States Olympic Committee. More than 12,000 athletes come to the Olympic Training Center ih Colorado Springs each year in pursuit of the Olympic dream. Thousands more wi 11 have a chance to make your 1984 Otymplc Teams, but they can only do their part if you do yours ... NOW. The road to Olympic Gold is a long one. Unlike other countries, our Olympic effort receives no federal funding. American Olympic hopefuls look to you for their financial support. The young men and ·women who are training right now to represent America In the '84 Olympics need your help TODAY! ,. I - , ; I . ., .,, .... . . . . . . • . . l . _j ! . [ I ~ . ' ' f • ., • • : • . I I • i ' • . • Cllp and Mall with your tax deductlble don1tlon of S20 or more to: .. -...................................... . • "OLYMPIC GLORY" • • United Stat•• Olymplc Committee : Color•do Spi'lnga_, CO 80950 • • Name • • • • • • • • ! ~ rn ~urn rn ~ill[ UJillIB~ ''" --L'J•I • .,. -..,"., .... 7~=====- Dkl IMne atve away the store What polk'e off&c:.n receive tn when it tall neaotlated aalary Anah lm -or any other clty, for lncreuea with the city'• polke that m1tter -Hema a poor offlcen? method for determinlna what they The two-year contract, which earn ln Irvine. it eubJect to renegotiation in 1983, Performance and chana• in apedf{ea that the city'• five police the cott of Uvina ahould be the ll•utenanta shall receive the primary con1ideratlon1 when highest pay scale of all police salary increues are 001'\lldered. ~partmenta in Orange County. As we mentioned, the contract The contract a1lo requires the ia due for renegotiation th.it year. police sergeants be the third Some city officials already have h~est paid, and rank-and-file said they'll make a move to do of n. the sixth highest paid. away with the f iacal leap-frog The effect of theae conditions system. that Irvine's police salary ac.ales They should expect a fight. st escalate whenever salary The police officers, who ea increaae in other cities. This outbargained the city two years sometimes called ''leap ago, aren't likely to give up what Ej:~~-1-a--n-e_e_d_h-:-p-: ...... v:-;-jbe_e_~_financial __ · _pl_wn_. ~ ! We're glad to see the Newport Beach City Council giving some •nous thought to a people mover oo the Balboa Peninsula. j Th e co uncil recently l)Uthorized the seeking of bids tj'om profes,gona} comultants for a transit study to determine the best '+'ay to tackle the Peninsula JSroblem. There is no doubt at all that the Peninsula has a problem. ' Each summer , as !lmworshipers flock to the beach, tfatfic on Balboa Boulevard slows tp a crawl. The reason for the crawl is that once all those cars get onto the Peninsula, there's no place to park. And so the cruising begins. Up and down residential streets they go, looking for that elusive space. When no space is to be found, of ten the alternative is to block a driveway or otherwise park illegally, obstructing traffic all the more. Those who live on the Peninsula can't get in or out of their own driveways. Of~n, they can't get off the Peninsula becaUle of the number of can choking the bridge and ferry. This has been going on for years, and it's only getting wone. Four months of summer w enough to wipe out the pleasures of living on the Peninsula the other eight months of the year. One problem with the propoeed shuttle or people mover is that these systema are rarely profitable. Laguna Beach has a well-used shuttle, but even it faila to turn a profit. Some method of paying for any system will have to be found. One alternative might be to bar all non-resident daytime access by c.ar. However, if something is not done, those coming from the outside to Newport Beach will effectively be pennitted to ruin it for those who live there. And that doesn't seem fair. flllbil 111111---------- Bu~ shelter conJpetition 'Nith two ti.mu competing for the right to erect bus shelters in Fountain Valley, the City Council has hit on the rather astute idea of letting both participate in a one- year trial program, after which either or both will be considered for a long-term agreement with the city. The two companies, Transit Shelters of California, Inc., based in Newport Beach and American Bus Shelter Co. of Santa Ana, will erect between 10 and 20 lighted, covered shelters, equipped with benches. on bus lines traversing the city. The city, ln return, will receive a 10 percent commission on revenue from advertising panels on the shelters. No city funda will be spent on the project, and a final agreement probably will include a provision guaranteeing the city a minimum dollar amount per shelter each month. Bus riders should welcome the comfort of the shelters and the agreement looks like a no-loss proposition for ~ city with each firm trying to prove its worth for a permanent agreement. ta11a 1aa---------- New s:mile for Greeter We just wanted to take time and a little newapa~r apace to ay thanks to Dr. BW ~varoff. U you don't kriow, Pivaroff ls a Laguna Beach dentist who felt Laguna's new greeter needed to have his smile spruced up. The new greeter, No. 1 Unnamed Archer (he was the first-born of unexpected twins), baa been plying a toothless grin from his post on South Coast Highway. The dentist walked up to him in the street and offered to make him eome false teeth free. There was one condition -he wanted '° remain anonymous. And true to hia word, PivaroU installed aome abining enamel smack in the middle of No. 1 Unnamed Archer's grin. Only problem was, the greeter was so happy with his grin. he couldn't keep his mouth shut. Out popped Pivaroff's name, and there went anonymity. 'Ne're sorry the greeter couldn't keep a.eecret, if you really wanted him to, Dr. Pivaroff. And we're 80l'l"Y we helped spread the word. But we thinfc. you're a nice guy. So thanks from all of us. What better gift can anyone bestow than a smile? 1111111111 laa--------- Belated recognition At long last, Norma Vander Molen hu won well-deserved election to a one·year term u president of the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School Board. A member of the board since 1975, and probably one of the moat com~t llChool trustees ln the area, Vander Molen has ~tly been~ over for the top board p08t., due perba.PI in part to her rather outspoken appl'Oldl to IChool illues. Never a favorite of teacher grouJ>I, she has been the victim of aome rather petty power playw by a three-member majority that enjoyed the teachen' support in board elections. Clearly a person who i1 qualified to serve on a school board for seven yean abould be qualltied to preside over meetingl, and Vander Molen ta no exception. ra to be boped ber belated election reflecta a more hannon1oua era on the board. l()plntone ~ 11itd lri the 'C above .,. thoM Of the o.aty Piiot. Other vlewt _.,,. 1111 d on Wt P9 .. of their euthonl Ind 1tt11ta. AMcMr oomment 1e trwfMd. Add,.._ TM Delly Pltot, P .0 . Box 1580, Ooeta ~. CA t212t. Phon9 (714) 142-421. . Letters to the editor Zoning can stem · freeway demand To the Editor: Tbe 17-mUe San Joaquin Corridor OOltinC at least $250 mllllon wW consume the desperately needed trana~tion dollan of Oranae Coun$Y. Tbata a very large amount ol money for a very short freeway that will only worsen our traffic problema. Building more freeways has obviously not IOlved Call!omi.a'a traffic Woe9. The propmedconidor traversing what · is now empty land wW dump eight lanes of traffic through the Corona del Mar Fteewal::tto the San Diego Freeway at Sou.th Plaz.a. What a traffic jam that is going to be. Our tax dollan should be u.ed to improve our present freeway system. Expansion of the San Diego and Santa Ana Freeways and improvement of the Santa Ana and Newport Freeway lnterchange would do far more to help solve our traffic problems. History ahowa that building freeways into naral areea only places a heavier burden on the already overwhelmed interior infrastructure. THE COUNTY of Orange should not get into the 1tate'a freeway building buainesl. The county should make land use decisions that protect the preeent and future residents of Orange County. Reasonable, fair, and legal land use zoning would do far more to mlve out transportation problems than one more freeway. Many counties in California realize thi1 and are taking proper measures. While Oranae ~ hu allowed the develo_pen a free to urbenlze the lancbcape ilong freewaya:-Nipa ancr Sonoma counties have wt.ely u.ed their zoning authority ~ preae.rve their vineyards and healthy environment. Does anyone lel'ioully doubt the corridor wlll be any more than a corporate avenue of profit for the IMne Company and the A1iao Viejo Co.? Any freeway can be overwhelmed by unccmtrolled IJ"(>Wth. Are we adna to have to pay J250 million to 1e&rn ~ JUst.ary 1-on_ one more time? JONS. BRAND 'Art' shocks To the Editor: Your Pilot article of Dec. 14, by Steve Mitchell with photography of the metal sculpture of the man in shorts and HawaUan shirt gazing at a reclining metal redheed would make Nita Cannan go lnto shock as it does me. This minl-park wa1 one of over a hundred projects to create beauty and charm In Laguna and wu of special pride because lt replaced a dumping RJ'OUnd on the edge of the high IChool ln MAILBOX 1972. Nita Carman lived nearby on St. Ann's Drive and was one of o ur BeauUficaUon Counc il's original members representina the Laguna Garden Club for over 20 years. These metal 1eulptures represent once again the poor taate o! the so-called City "Art" Cornmi.ion. Another of t:helr projects is the over- sized, nine<0lored mosaic checker tables and seats on our Main Beach Park which we bad hoped always w ould be a beautiful window to the aea. Couldn't the city officials involved consult with the long established Beautification Council before finalizing this or any projects? HARRY J. LAWRENCE Beaut ifica tion Council F o unding Member Not intimidated To the Editor: The Orange County Board o f Superviaora' recent counter-suit against the citizens of thia community who are suing the county in small claims court over the oounty'a lrresponaible operation of · John Wayne Airport 11 nothing more than another clumsy attemft to intimidate and coerce the citizens Q thia community from not demanding their rights which are being blatantly trampled on by these unscrupulous bureaucrats. The county's suit la indicaUve of a board of aupervi.aors that la ru.nnm. scared -scared to death that the individual ci~--OLthla community have f1nally united in a common cau.e to see that their rlahta are no lonaer calloualy dJsreprded by thi.a dictatorial and autocratic~ of Supenrt.on. Bt.rr THE people of thia community, whose livea are threatened by the county'• lrresporwlble operation of this a.trpon. will no Joncer be lntim.ldated by theee bureaucratic bullies or th.la Nie of a laW'IUft. After all, what can the-cotmty aue ua fOI' -for the fact that we will no lancer tolerate having our lives unduly threatened and our constitutional riahta arbitrarily usurped! I can suarant.ee you that the lat.est legal, alelabt-of-hand, smoke 9Creen wlll be no more succeuful ln intimidating the citizens of tbla community than the supervilora lll-advi1ed efforts to expand John Wayne Airport etaht Umes its current ait.e which WOUid tum Newport Beeeh/ Santa Ana Heiahta into an acouatical wasteland. The fact la, the county's counter•sult is havint just the opposite effect. It is rallying more citizens to Joln our catll111--~~~~~-----~~ Nar:mco bids fare well A plastics firm that located on Victoria Street in COllta Meaa ln 1947 and in due coune found ftlelf in the middle of a reGdentlal area -wlth dtatlnct~)' _unh= neigbbon -bu pulled up and will be fully wtabliahed in a new t.cllity in Anaheim Jan. 1. Production operat.ton~ oi ... Narmco Mater[ala Inc .• a IUbddlary of the CeJaneee Corp,, were moved to Anaheim Mrlfer th1a year and the lai.t move wW transfer all admlnlatratlve employea The Narmc:o battl~ed the dty fOI' yean, with t-ll of acljllmlt apartmenta conwndinc •ml•iom lrOin lh:,~w•n maldftc thMI' Uvm and explOlion at the plant killed one worker and aerlou.ly injured another. Later, durlna • union dllpute, three Molotov cocktaila were to.ed into the W-fated plant whtle worker• were p1cketin1 outlide. 'Nhen the plant l"Mdied plant Joe the move to Anaheim the Oty Coundl ·~poMI to COl'llltrUCt ff conda UIDI on the five-acre litil. but Gat too WU dela~ until 1011 1tuche1 ••N .SUIMU.l.ndw•9'fe for the clewlOpment of~. Initial ltildlll .....W no huara, but thlire will be mon ._.. atw the plm' 11 bulldwd befan the Clt.J119tl~..-.-lli&lh ~ay •b•1 wlll eontlaue • 1ult •I la11 lh• conunon cause of at.anding up for their individual constitutional rights which have been so blatantly abrogated by thia obdurate Board of Supervi.aots. TOM WILLIAMS Director, Airport Coalition Turning point To the F.ditor: Laguna Beach is a disturbed city. This was triggered by the recent happenings to our teen-agers ln LQguna. lt included wild parties. liquor and the u.e of drugs, e tc. A ma jor factor that led to this tragedy is that the City Council, meaning all f ive councilmembers and City Manager K e n Frank. has made no provisions for a total community cent.er to take care of the needs of our teen-age citizens. The pa.rents and the community have legitimate reasons for their anger. This intolerable situation has been going on i n Laguna for years. Every administration in c.ity Hall hu added to this chaotic condition. To make progre. on this ud situation will require the total cooperation of the entire community, namely the parents. the stude nts, the school board, the teachers, the police department, the liquor stores, and the business community. Thia incident was a turning point in Laguna Beach. U we are to overcome this serious problem, we ahould have this as a n aaenda item at the council chambers as &00n as possible. This would permit our citiz.ena to come forward with information, Input and data and hope!ully start solvina th la• serious problem. ALAN E. ADAMS Pet .cesponsibilit_y To the F.ditor: This morning I watched a little black and white Dalmatian dog die in the street. It was not a pretty way to begin my day. nor was it pretty for the girl whose car had hll him. I first saw him/her/it lying In the str('('t as though he were scratching his back, tail and feet scrabbling at the alf.t I smiled as I backed out of my garage and though t to myself, "You silly little thjng; why do you choose the middle of the street to scratch your back?" When I went to close my garage door 1 called to him, but he dld not respond. The n I realized he was no longer moving; he was completely 1till. The girl whose car had hit him when he darted from behind a parked car at the curb came back from where she had parked her car and we cried togeiher over a pet who would not be golng home. I presume he was let out at that Ume of day before the animal control officers are out. It is a shame that an innocent pet who would like to take a walk in the morning has to make it on his own with owners who don't care enough to protect him from this sort of Ru&slan roulette. The girl and her car did not kill him. I hold the owners responsib\r. SORROWFUL Lt trtn from r1od1n or• ~lcomt. Tlw right to condms1 ldttri to /It ipace or ehmanate libel 11 reatrv~. Utttt1 of JOO word• or ltu will be giVfft prefn-mce. AU lttftr• muar 1nr.l~ ri{1"01urt CDlld ~ oddreas but nom•• mo.If be wilhlwld °" rt• quul I/ au/ficitnl rto1on ii opporfftf. P~t'11 will not bit publilh~. IAtten "'GI br ttltphOMd 10 6f2"'* Nomt Clftd phoM """'~ of,,.. conlrfbulor maul be gton for oenftCOffoR J*rpoH• , CI tic f ihrosi po ter boy o · fnl1¥f~ IJ!INll:RO L\LTIMOll• -When Rodn.y lrown, th• 1918 n1Uon1I oy1Uc ftbralM PGNr chlkl, ...,..._ M"MYef' Md the lN.-unble d ...... hll r-=tJon WM pun dellsht: "I Sol to .. the • pnl&dent for free!" l'or 10 year~1 Rodney and hi• parenta lived wh.n the belief that he wu afflicted with the often fatal reapiratory lllne11. But tea ta eventually proved Rodney, now 13 and a •venth-ll'ade pupil, auffen only bun an uthma-llke condition, hil parent.a aaJd. Rodney wu U month• old and llvtnc in Indiana when docton fint dla1noaed that hla pneumatic condition atemmed fro m c yatlc flbroala, aaid Rodney'• mother, Cheryl. Afw that, RodnQ'• dally rouune tntlucW MndtuJI of antabfoUm and lor'I houn ., DhytDJ and lnhalaUon U.-•PY to aid 'hil troubled bnalt_Unc. Rodney aleo waa liven X·raya aboUt once flVflr/ ttx montht, Mra. Brown laid. The w1vy-h1tred boy became lndlana'• C)'IUo flbrolll pelt« chlld ln 197& and the natioftal poeta" ah.lid the followin8 year, meeunc with then· Prelldenl Ford. ·But after the family moved in January, 1980, to Gamber, a ema11 community about 20 milet we.t of Baltimore, they found out. about the inaccurate~ ...... Brown. 3&, uld. "I think it Just kind ot 1019 to point out the neecf for ccndmied reeearcb not only to Improve the '-Una but to flnd a cure tor the clJaeaae," aaid Rodney's father', Harold L. Brown. 38. . 11Whl.t. many '-" ant fOOd, &hil'911 aJwa11 nart few'"°'·" The flrtt t.-t lhowi"I Rodney did not have eytUci tlbnJl&I waa condUded by Dr. •ryl Rolenateln -at Johna Hopklnt Ho1pltal aoon after the Browm' mow, lbe Mid. Dwinl the next ftw w:nonthl, lodney w• •ied at Chlldnn'a HolDttal ln WalhJncton ~ and at the National lnltJtut.-of th ln •thmda. But Rodrwy waan't told about the Inaccurate d1a1n0111 unUI after the th.lrd tett. "We wanted to be pmitlve beyond a ahadow of a doubt tint, •• aaJd Harold Brown. an X-ray machine repalnnan. When told be didn't bave the dileMe at a conference in~·· office, Rodney WU "delighted," aid Mn. Brown. Recalled the boy'• father: "When OCC class lures Shakespeare fans ~~·\ after all w• tlrat tokl Rodney, hll rwcUon w•: 'I Ft to ... the pNlk:Jent '°' ,,..., ... The 8rown1 never pubUdMd the milt.Ike, but ll came co U,hl when an 1.ndianapollt 8W' reporter who once w..O.. about Rodney recenUy Mkad 1 local Cy1ttc r1br01l1 round1tlon C ... pfitt how he WM dolna. l'oundlUon otfJct&ll toJa hlm about the faulty dJacnmla, Mn. Brown laid. On. of thcM who conducted the t.-t con.flnninl Rodney didn't bave cyatlc tlbro1l1 waa Dr. Van S . Hubbard, a' tpeclallat In pediatric metaboUc dllorden for the National ~tutel of Health. ''He'• dotna very well." Hubbard aald. "He 1till bu an uthma-Uke condition. but be'• certainly not cyatlc. He doesn't even meet all the criteria to be cl.ulWed • an Mttun.tle . . . He never had CF." Rodney Brown ( righl) wilh dad. Are you a Shakespeere bu1f? <>ranee tout CoUeae'• F.naJ.jlh Department la ottering a coW'9e thJa spring that examines the •"~· ~ Holiday charity can brighten tax time works of the great bard. ' Listed aa Engliah 175 ~the clua achedule, the three-unit courae meeta Thuraday, eveningll from 7-10 p.m. \ The clua offers students the opportunity to rt!td 10 or 12 of Shakespeare's plays, view several .perf.c onnancea on videotape, and visit the Globe Theater in San Diego. Spring aemester claues bein begin Jan. 31. · Registration for spring classes runs Jan. 3 through Feb. 11 in the OCC Admissions Building.· .Registration infonnation is available by calling 556-5772. ,RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTMY • c' 11 ....... ltU~IOtlAft. COSTA MISA -14e-l IM ~· CAU. '~ owm 441 Old Newport 9lwd. Newport llMdl, Ca. 111-1740 Photos With Real Santa By PAT HOROWITZ OflMDllrlllot ..... DEAR READERS: Holiday donations to charitable orpnizations can create tax savings ' for 1982 ancf a change in the tax law makes the deduction available to more people. For the flnt time, individuals who do not itemize deductions on their tax returns can still receive up to a $25 deduction for charitable donations. The deduction amounta to 25 percent of the first $100 donated to a qualified charity. Allo, by makin8 your gif ta or donations before the end of 1982. you can automatically reduce your tax bill. Tax rates will be lower Jan. 2, ao a contribution made in 1982 will result in a larger tax 18vings than if lt waa made ln 1983. For example, a donation of $1,000 made in 1982 by a single taxpayer in the 27 percent· bracket will lower that penon's taxes by $270. Uthe aame person waited until 1983 to make the contribution, the tax tavings would be only $240. Thia ls because the tax bracket for the ume income level will be 24 percent in 1983. Records or receipts must be kept for all deductible contributions. U used furniture, clothlna or other property is donated, the fair market value Is the deductible amount. Fair market value is the price the property would bring if It was sold. Two free pamphlets, Publication 561, "Value of Donated Property," and Publication 526, "Charitable Contributions.'' offer detalla. They can be ordere d by phoning (800) 242-4585. 1 • Got a problem? Then wnt.e to 91 Pat !forowitz. Pa t will cut red tape, - getting the answers and action you n eed to solvP inequities in government and busmess. Mall your questions • to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, t CA. 92626. '-AVE 1/3 er -rl .. l .. r I . ,; '· .>J --·-· . . , ...... ... • , I • I. ·.Bring the "little ones" to Huntington Center's new mall for memories they'll never forget with the Mitchell Marionettes Christmas show and a visit with the Real Santa with the Real Beard. And ins1ant Santa photos only $2.99. ,. AND WRAP UP HER ·~·~ · lllVERSAL PEACE GOOD tDLTH TOMAN i~ I I.,._: MM Ml now r.m.d out fMtbs \Mn tu. own ..nh. ....,_ on ~ Iii dwrfton DO~ 8 adftdent ~ for our um... Unlverul (llm:a Iii now -..ch men 811'-n. ....... die ......... heve put on •.Pl_rltuel aul' .. end ph1*81 a-Ith lllow1 thet aelence end teebaolo11 ere aot la-r:ruble wltb dlYIH ,,.~ .. -... ~ dllDe •new dnal Ill ............ puMlc ... ind .... ttln_,.__,. It ............. ............ ,_ .... ... .,. ............... .. .. 11 ................ ... ............ ...u,..,,. ......... .., ... YOU Oil YOUR~ CAN .PH0NS UI whln >""' nHd e -~·We will deliver 1 without ..... ~ . .,..: .... ,. t-!H._...,_._ FIRST TOUCH OF SPR'I NG.·;~:~ KNIT PANTS AND SWEATERS BY CATALINA.;~,: 16.99 TO 47.99 Orig. 28.00 to 72.00. If an early 1Prlng geteway la In the offing, Of• mid-winter i.unt to 1 aunnv clime, we've got hef w1rdrobe 111 llned·up. Perfect to_, now Ind on Into the W8"Mf monthe. Calllllnl'• lu•urioul collection of wool and ecrytk knit .,.nu, bNuutully COOf· dintted with thelr decontive ~lgena end~ Softty cdotad In Ftenctl t>lue and white. Sil• s.M,L. a to 18. Plaza COOfdlnat• 11. 133. ... •• i.~ •• '- . . . ,. ---- SIGN UP FOR lflGH RATES TODAY. Your patience is rewarded. Bank of America's high-interest Cash Maximizer account is here. ·, Now you can get the high interest rates of a .. money market fund and a combination of safety _and convenience that no fund can top. is accessible at any of Bank of America's 1000 branches and 400 VERSATELLER• automated teller machines. Your investment is insured up to $100,000 by the FDIC and backed by the safety of California's leading bank. And that's a combination no fund, no broker, no savings and loan or bank anywhere can offer. UP TO $100 INTEREST BONUS , 'THROUGH DECEMBER 31 ONLY. Open your account now, and we'll pay an interest-bonus of up to SHXl That's adeal that's hard to beat. And it's' a deal that's t:oO good to last. Coupons will be honored only With a Cash Maxim izer account you can write checkst and make withdrawals. You can get a monthly unified Timesaver Statement~ This provides you with a consolidated statt!ment for certain of your Bank of America investment accounts. Plus your Cash Maximizer account . through December 31, 1982. So, don't wait. Top the money market funds, and get an interest bonus on top of that. Look below for our extended hours locations. Come into any Bank of America branch soon. Before the year ends and your interest bonus goes away. ·. r CASH MAXIMIZER-ACCOUNT -~I CASH MAXIMIZER-ACCOUNT 1 1 -CASH MAXIMIZER .. ACCOUNT 1 1 C ASH MAXIMIZER~CCOUNT 1 1 I $)0 Thi1couponfromBankolAmen« 926 . 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Bonut offer only I I aYllibbk ~ per.onal 1ccoun11 and expires December 31, 1981. awllableon peraonal accounts, and expires December 31, 1981. avallebk on pertonal aClClOunts, and expires December 31, 1981. aYllilable on penonal accounu, arid c~rn December 31, 1982. I Thi. tnrernt bonus will be credued to my aClCOW11 and apptar I Tbit lntcTesl bonu1 will be c1ediled to my accounl and appear I Th11 lntere1t bonus will be credited to my account and a{'l>Cat I Tbb lnterett boo us will bt credited to~lby acciount •nd •pptar I on tht far11 monthly statement. on tht fir1t monthly 1utcment on the first monthly n1temco1 on tht hnt monthly 111tement I Name: j Neme: j Neme: j N.aw' j I Addres!I: j Addraa: I Addrcu: I Addrna: I L~1~~~----------~...:_~~"..:_ _________ :J~~~"ty#_: _________ :J~~~~: __________ J rnrrir AL c· A r!ff H A "' H 17//:'R E'XTrAJnr'D HO'' 1a5 You can open a Cash Maximizer account at all of our branches during regular banklng hours. ~r&;l..4 H H~1 trll1Allrll£&;j I Ii.ff ll&;J un : For your added convenience, you can open your Cash Maximiier account at the following branches in your area until 8 p.m., Monday!fhursday, December 14·30 (except December 231. Come in or call for an appointment. Please note: We wi ti not be open late for other banking transactions. bmtaJn V.UC, ltrwb 17430 BrookhWlt St. 962--aJI • Newpoit Bw1l Bnmch 3444 Vil Udo 759-.3690 • Newpan Center Branch 500 Newport Cana Ot ~ 8eacb 159-4536 •111mm CAVALOAD !NT!ATAINM!NT TELEVISION ..... 1111 ea 94,5 88 Careful play ,,f brld# hand arn r w•rd. e Gor n, Page 82. -- ; "' D ~ 0 ... • I:ast-minute shoppers find some doors ope·n By PAT HOROWITZ ............... "' ~ "Have you flniahed your Chriatmaa ~answer la "Not quite yet," panic may have aet ln. Only one day to'°' and where can you still find what you want before the atores do9e on Chrlatmu Eve! 'nlen, there'• au.re to be at lNSt one laat- minute lift. 14 tree bulba that burned out at the tune time and eomethlng at.olutely eeaential for Christmas dinner that eomehow e.caped your attention until late Chrlatmu Eve. H a trip to a major ahopp&,n,r center ii on your Chriatmaa Eve agenda, Wes1inimter Mall's boun of 9 a.m. to 5::.\i.m. can provide an early ltart. Lquna Hilla a1-> opena Friday at 9 a.m., with cblng Mt foz: ~ p.m. Huntington ~nter Mall. Huntington Beach, opens at 10 a.m. with mall atorea planning a 5 p.m. cloeing and larae atorea ltayina open until 6. South Cout Plua, Coeta Mesa; Fuhion Ialand in Newport Beach; and Faabion Square, Santa Ana, all open thetr doors Friday at 10 a.m. with a 6 p.m. doling time aet. South Cout P1ua Vlllap, Santa Ana, often a three-hour bonus to Cbristmaa Eve aho_ppen with stores opening at 10 a.m. and not dosing -until 9 e:_~· A center spokeswoman said, "Storer at the VUlage are supsx-d to stay open that lone. but eome may cloee ~lier." Smaller, neighborhood ahopplng cent.en Uona the Orange Cout have no aet Christmaa Eve closing times for their stores. Merchant _,oatiom foe theee cent.en adviae ahoppen to pbcoe befcce traveling to any of the stores after s p.m. Friday. Toya can be purcbued Cbristmaa Eve at Toy Wocld in Costa Mesa from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. A 5 p.m. doling a1-> ia planned !t Toy Qty ln the Huntington :ee.cb Marina Center. A larae 8elecUorl of games -electronic and otherwUe -will be available Friday until 6 p.m. at a.e. & Gama Unlbnlted, Newport Beach. Toya R Ua in Colt.a Mesa will not cloee ill doon until 8 p.m. Chriatmaa Eve. The Kida' Place in Irvine will remain open Friday ev!?!:l~ntll there are no more lhoDDen." , to owner Lenora Kerr. -IWboa Ia1and ariety Shop a1-> will not clme OlristmM Bve unUl cu.tomen' stoddn1 malf8' ............ ma.I. Odler' 1-t..mfnute lift .... loy rtll:fhw wlll ............... p.m. at Bayaide Pharmllcy, Newport Beach. Late food lhoppen wiU be relieved to learn that Ralpha marbta at 17010 M.cnolla. Fountain Valley; 9901 Adama Ave., HuntJ.ncton Beach; and 2660 San Mtauel Drive, Newport Beach, will be open Chrinn.U Eve until 10 p.m. Smith'• Food King marketa at 2975 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, and 3100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, will be open Friday untll 10 p.m. Ralpha Hunttnaton Beach atores at 19041 Beach Blvd. and 6942 Warner A~. a1-> will not cJoee until 10 p.m. U that deadline la milled, there'• 1Ull a c hance to ahop until 11 p .m . Friday at ~·1 Irvine store, 4641 Campua Drive, or at Ralphs, 380 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, and 14400 Culver Drive, Irvine. / Cleta Meea auperrnarketa cloeing at 7 p.11\. Chrlatmaa Eve will include: Albertaon'a, Pantry Food Market, Vona and Lucky Diacount Center. Vona in Fountain Valley, Huntington Beech and Irvine will cloee at 7 p.m., aa will Hughes El Rancho Marketa, Newport Beach and Hunt- ington Beach. Other marketa planning a 7 p.m. Christmas Eve cloGng are: Wand Market, Balboa Island; Balboa Market, Balboa; Boulevard Marke t , Newport Beach; El Ranchito Market, Newport Beach; Hughes ~Rancho (Eutbluff), Newport Beech; Hughes Li~o Market, Newport Beach; and Hershey'• Market & Grog Shop, Balboa laland. Rancho Market, Coeta Mesa; Hughes El Rancho Market. Irvine; Irvine Country Store, Irvine; and Irvine Ranch Farnlen Market, Costa Mesa, rtan a 6 p.m. Chriatrnaa Eve closing time. Gelaon 1 Market, Newport Beach, will cla11e at 7:30 p.m. Rancho Market, Costa Mesa, will be open Chrlstmaa Day from 9 a.m . to 1 p.m. Hughes El Rancho Mark.eta in Irvtne and Newport Beach (Irvine Ave.) will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., but there will be no meat department aervice. The 1ix Tic Toe Marketa ln Costa Mesa can come to your re.::ue 24 houn a day Christmas Eve and Chriatmu Day. The Newport Beach Stop N Go Market alao will be open 24 hours both days. Minute King 1tore1 in Coata Meaa and Newport Beech will be open from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m.. followlnC the wua1 IChedule. 2W Market, Balboa, will be open CbrlttlDU Eve and Clulilllaw DIJ' ,,._ I UIL to 8 p.m. Alex Brewsaugh (top photo), 4 months old, is oblivious to 1peeding ahoppers making final Chri1tma1 gift purchaeee. Jackie Hormuth (far left) gives herself and her packagea a brief rest aa othen try to locate elusive gift sources by ~nning store names and locations. Package-bound Kim Riegel (right), 15 months old, tolerantly waits for her mom. Too much credii can .. tarnish Christmas glitter their jobs are worried," Sullivan aald. "When your job look• uncertain, borrowlna aaalnat future Income can be pretty rilky.'' Figurea from the Federal Reaerve Board ahow thl\\ the annual rate of arowth in outatandlng conaumer credit durina the third quarter of 1982 waa 2 percttnt, down from • 4M-percent growth rate In the aecond quarter. Exten1lon1 of conaumer tredlt durlhl the July·to·September perlod equal-ed U .l percent of dJapouble Income, down from :!S:..rcenl In the~ thrM How can you eta)' out of uouble? ••A~ n&Mof du&blok '""'~·)OWilUMn.~~ .... ~ ... ~~~~~ • lllidt ..... __.w.,...,..... nqulred on cNdlt obltjeUone (not count&n1 mort1•1~ 11 a chan1e in your 1pepdlna habitl u you uaually pay your bllla on time and NCldenly find younelf "revolvinl" -~ only part of the amount due, alona with tnterHt on the out1tandln1 balance -you miaht be on the r'Olld to troUble, Sullivan Mid. Be aure you undentancl tM terml if you take advan~ o( apec:tal Chrl8tmM otten. · ''The atone really don't loee money," Sulllvan ..ict. "J:alentially, the;y Hll at a C::,.~t coven the lOlt an .... . D&A.R ANH LANDERS: I am a 11·)'Ml'..old widow who la keepl.nc company with a man who II 76. We haw had le'XUa1 ~1-Uona a few t1mm and he would Uu to continue. I did not UIC! any blrth conU'Ol ~ becaUle he allured melt WNn't nedllary. Ia he rl1ht? Can a 76-year-old man lm~•awoman? l cannot uk. anyone elte thla question. Pleue reply in the paper. I live with my.., and h.1.1 wtfe. U they •w your letter to me on thJa subject I would die. -WORRIED IN CIDCAGO DEAR WORJUBD: Mea cu fadler d.lldrea ID tllW 'Jh ud ev• lt1, btlt a womu l1 ao lu1er fertile after m...,.•1e. A~ to die Glliuel1 Book of Records die ..... t womaa to bear a cklld ••• 5'1 yean of ap ... lit .. ,, old. Ber aame wa1 Mn. Radl Allee btler ud Iller da.pter Sau wu borm bl 01~~1 C.llf., oa Oct. 11, I Ht. (P .S. U yoa •UT'J mu mu I doll't ~ yoa lleed to loell for 1 Mme ..,. a ldtool.) - DEAR ANN UNI>ERS: I am a male in my 20. who hu a birthmark on the left aide of my neck. It n!eembles a hickey. ' . People are constantly asking me, "Who gave it to you?" I find this question very embarr&Ming. · Pleue tell me how to respond. -G.B. IN MOTOR CITY I < DEAR G.B.: Simply aay, .,My motMr pve it tO me for a blr111day presnt. l"ve ud 1t from""tk day I WU born.'' . DEAR ANN LANDERS: For yean I have been meaning to 1end you a cure for the hiccup1. Actually, It bu been used in our family for generatlom. I'm sure many grandmas know it. Abeolutel.y nothing elae works lot me. The trick, as we call it, is "dri.nklng backwards out of a glus." Fill a wide-mouthed a1MI three- quarten full of water. Put )'our chin n. the~ apd your llpe on the far rim. (Do this over the sink.) ftip, then breathe. Continue to sip and breathe for a few momenta. This is guaranteed to cure your tila:ups. even though you may have a wet chin. It'• worth the inconvenience. -GRANDMA GRETCHEN IN SAN JOSE DEAR GRANDMA GRETCHEN: 'l'lwlb. Tile ant dme I set tbe klccaps 111 try It and WU of , ... DEAR ANN LANDERS: "N" and I plan to be married in July. I've tried everything under the IWl to get his mother to like me. Nothing works. rm the ~ religion, too abort for him. too plain-looking, went to \he wrong 8Choola and my pannta have no ax.ial llanding. "N" has told me his mother ia not happy about his choice but he is confident that I will win her over in time. We are deeply in love and l ., want his mother to accept me. Pleaae tell me what to do. -THUMBS DOWN IN PA. DEAR THUMBS: Stop tryta1 to please tlile old battle ax. Tiie strain aadoabtedlJ 1•ow1. Be· yoanelf. Yoa will tbea llave tbe respect of youself ud othn. There u a big difference between cold and cvol Ann Landers shows you bow to play it oooJ without treezi.ng people out in her booklet, 'Teen.,. Sex -Ten Ways to Cool It.'' Send 50 c:ent.9 and a long. seJJ~ d, stamped envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chica6o. m. 60611. l'LL. SE HOME FOF' CHRISTMAS, tr IF VOO'l.L I DOING ~., BUSINESS ··:~·: UNDER A : : : : FICTITIOUS ~ NAME? LET" ME KNOW WMli:RE MOM&' IS THIS 'fE-'R. Niii 011 lllNI IV CHAAL 8 H OOA H AND OMAA SHAMI,. th vulntrllblt. lloulll d 111. NOaTI •• c;,aQU O &IO •&JU Mo1r111 deftnd.,, art Hftr tu 1dv11r1ely 1ft•tl your rlnanrlal wwll btln1. Thi pru d•nl cuurh 11 lo 1lve them 1 wide btr&h. rJfitltr•r had only 111 fHl trick•. and lh• •n•m1 h•ld th• at•• In ttMt 1ult1 dttlartr would havt lo dev•lop for hi• eonlract. In addition. dttlar•r would have to atrlvo to keep Eaat oft IHd unlll ht had dtveloped thret lrltka. btcauM he could not 1tand a lta4 throurh hi• apade tetllCe. trlrk. A1 the card• lie. Eat& ht• the ace of hearte. but ht c:'ould not artord lo rlH with that card-that would havt Jlven declarer thrH heart trlcka and hl1 contract. When th• jack of heart• won, deelarer croeMd !>.ck to the table by overtaklnr the ten of club• with the jack and now led a diamond. Since Eaat would a11ln btt glvln1 declarer hi• ninth trick, he had to duck again. and a Juel r•ward for ranttul play. WUT IEAIT > •QIHU •HI c:;l fll ~AlOH OT 0 AUOt •TU •II SOUTH •A IC JO ~H OQUI • AQ104 The blddln1 baa proceedtd: S..di w .. t Ntnll Eut I NT P ... t • P ... I O P ... INT Pul North-South reached thtlr optimum contract I n 1tral1h&forward f11hlon. Whtn hit Slayman Inquiry ellclt.d the Information that South did not have a fQur card major ault. North brier ly conaldtred probing for an alternative contract in one or hla mlnora. However, 1ince thla COUl'H riaked I po11lble pal'\ntrehlp mlaunderat.and ln1. North d~cidtd to settle for the no trump rame. However, careful tech· nlqut prevailed. Declarer won lb• ace of 1padt11, caahtd the act of cluba and overtook th• queen of club• with the ktnr. Now he led 1 low h11rt from dummy. If W11t held the ace and won the trJck, he would not be able to continue the 1pade attack without yielding declarer . hie ninth With two red trick• In lhe bank to ro with hi• alx trick• In the blacka, declarer almply continued by leadlns 1 heart lo the king. That wu his ninth trick (he slill had a club entry to dummy's high hearll lhlil'-er lilrl41• el•lil• dir ... llHt dM eeut.ry ... dM ........ llwWp ....... , • o. dity U.• IMHt .... , .. dt•'lt Cltul., Gore•'• "PHr•DHI lr141e" will teaca. , •• , ... 1lra&op1 •114 tacde1 el dija faa·,.c-4 ... tJoa pae I.Mt prnW.t dM ear• ftr ... IMllac .-....n. Ftr • cepy ud a eeorepad, MIMI 11.75 ... "G ...... , •• Deal," care of ta.le aew.,.,.r, P.O. lies !5t, Nww .... N.J. 018'8. MU.. elieeb peyaltle to New• peperboek1. PaM P ... Opening lead: Queen oC •. That waa no 1n1p after Weal Jed a 1p1de hOnor. 1111111 By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach \ '\1 , ·tR ~tvH · ' · ,, t ~111 r J I ,~ .. '". t t • { I I . . ,,,,.--u .. -al .. I • 1 , I~- ' ~ •f ~ fOUI HIAL1H OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Friday, December U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Demands on time increase -aodal obligations command attention. Forces are ecattered, but you will succeed in last- minute purchases. Timing is on target, you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Sagittarian plays key role. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on duty, diacipline, ability to put together puzzle pieces. Much activity occurs behind scenes. Secret is revealed, will bring greater appreciation of holiday 1pirlt. Aquarian helps with la1t-minute arransements. GEMINI (May 2l~June 20): You'll have reason to celebrate as obstacles are removed, as friends settle disputes and as children help renew faith. Check gift list. Make long distance call. Sagittarius, Virgo and another Gemini play prominent roles. . CANCER (June 21-July 22): Family member makes major concession. Be gracious, receptive, cooperative and expre1111 appreciation for gift which reflects love. lmportant domestic adjustment occurs, aurpriae visit la a highlight. Aries native figures in .:enario. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Lunar empbaat. on travel, spiritual values, tr~g of historic even~ Momenta of meditation will provide enlightenment. Open lines of communication, respond to request from relative at a diatance. Piaces, Vqo natives play key roles. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Focus on practJcal affairs, CC»ts, obligations and financial 1tatU1 of business partner or mate. Hunch proves accurate, makes you wonder about your extra1en1ory perception. You gain additional information concemin~ license requirements and taxes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Go slow, maintain low profile, reach beyond current expectations. Many limitations fall by wayside. Do plenty of listening, defer to desires of loved ones. You'll locate missing legal document. Aries figures prominently. SCORfJO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): J!mphaaa on care for pell, dependents, resolutions concerning diet J and nutrition. Jobe get done, decorations are set and some family members talk about real meaning of holiday. You make valuable new contact and you . will get to heart of matters. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Emotioru1 dominate; you experience a variety of sensations. Focus on children, pleasure and signs of love. Senae of direction is restored, family member proves cooperative. Intuition is on tarcet. Aquarian provides optimistic view . CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Emphasis on abundance, special dining treats, plans for creating oder U1e uesdletlc not k.Dowla1 w•et•er I'm more room at home base. Focus also on 101.q to wake •p witla my breast ml11lq. uni ti 1 ulari and f l''Ve uked ml doctor to recommend uotber comm ca on, trave · pop ty awareness o your own worth. Diet could be major source of Hrfeon for u a ded opilllon. 'l"lll1 oae Hgest1 conversation. tU I llave die twe>-1ta1e proced ... e. Flnt, ~e will do tile miaor operation of cattill1 oat tile tamor and AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Relative 1elldta1 it to tile laboratory for eum1Datioa. U it 11 diacwJees unorthodox plan -intellectual curioeity is • DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: After celebnU., cucer, 111 bow all abo•t It before my breast ii stimulated. S~ visits are featured, special calls my Utlt blrtMaJ party, I HTeloped pala la my remove4. u It 11 not cucerou, 111 be saved from are received an an unUBual message provides dlett • walklq Mme f1'9m dae .. tel -a matter all die mecesaary worry. ftlda do yoa Hgest ii humor. Scorpi and another Aquarian figure in of MIJ ..._ WOeb. I ... te ·~least 6.ree tlile best way to 10 aboat It? -MRS. D. exciting .oenario. • times Were I eo91d e.tlaH w I · Tiiie pala DEAR MRS. D.: ~you can see, there are two PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Gift from member wusobad.lbewltmutbeuglaa.Avialttotlile IChoola of thought about this problem. I'm.not of oppo1ite aex prove• touching, even clocter die Mxt day coaflrme41 It. Be toN u ECG bedclna when I say that the choice often rests with averwhelmlna, Focua on locatlna ml..tn& articles. ~ ••• daaqea la my eerou.ry dralatloa. the patient -depending upon her~ Ptherina material and filing inlormatioo. You're Be ,.t me •• altre1lycerlae tablets P•er mr and emotional condition. A.all you-nelf wliich on brink of major di9covery, you eerwe it and will be to•pe. I tab oaly two or dlree a day. Bel, I procedure would give you more peace of mind. in mood fot celebtatklo. woader at tbe miracmloa1 effect. Bow •o ••ey . ......:.------.;;_--=----=---------------'---'-'.;.._--------- cHH die pain to disappear ill so 1llort a &tme? - Mr. C. DEAR MR. C.: The miracle j.s produced by taking a ''.Jpad off the heart." Even rest often.. accompll1hea this -without the aid of nltrqdycerine. m-anclN., a paUenV1 pain may come on-during physical 8C'tlvity, emotional tension, or sexual :::;~ ••1Xl"'mt1Mr-t-- Nl~ works by c:alllina dllaUon of the veinl tbrcJulbout the body. pooUna the blood and reduclna the venous return to. the heart. 'nlis red\.111.9 the beert'1 m... and te.erw lta work. The ~aleo lowers sy1Wllc blood preuure. The combined rault if lower oxyaen comumption. It II the need for more oxypn that ca\Mel the heart to cry out In pUn.. NlVCJllymrine even c:Wata the COl'OIW')' arterlea tiemporarily. There att other ways to take the nitra1a to relieve &ftlina. For example. lone adin& onl ~ dinitrate pill. (..titrate, llardil, etc.) may reduce the number of anaina attacltt. Nitroglycerine action may be supplied by nl~ ointmenl A new nwthod Is by lkin .. tctie. of nitrc?81yoertne. Newer dr\181 like beta blOCken and calcfom channel blocken are ai.o effective. ( Cla1w Open -RMgl•ter Now Beginners of all ages welcome whether you have skated before or not, one of .these classes Is for you. r······-······9 · •s.oo off : : ........ I • U...ter : . -=.. . :.....-. .. : I IMaU•I : ., ....... 1.17-13 ••• 5 •• -••• , •••• ~ MISA VIRDI CINTIR Harbor & Adams Co.ta Meta 979-1180 VISA or MuterCard Accepted .PUBUC SKATING EVERYDAY. ONLY A BUS RIDE AWAY! DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: I 1affer fnm a 4Hlemma Nm..-te maay wemem. I llaYe a breast 1--_.:------------------------------------ hlm1111. Tiiie ..-u.. Is Mw a. treat it. MJ doetor sat me te a Hl'IMa wM NM IM prefen wlaal lie calla tile ...., e • la otliler words I o ~ I The Blstilino Comfort •nd sty~ ... 1utt In tmw for that ap«W Christmas glft. Avail.Ible In beby <tmtl, ~i:Jtwhl•aU. chri~t.mo.a 1982 Rich Loebl Jade conies a rainbow • in Thinkinl of buying some jade for a touch of ChNtmaa greenery this year? Think again -of blaek, coral, white, blue and, especially thia 9ea80n, lavender. "The diversity of shades within each of thoee colon makes the gem a wonderful fas hion wx.e.ry," said Rich Loebl, jade buyer for May Company stores, who was describing the Ming Owai oollection at the South Coast Plaza store this month. "Traditional green jade ranges from forest hues to cool sea foam mint tones and fits any ward.robe from tailored wools to summer linens and any iJud8et at prices from $25 to $10,000." The rainbow dispels just part of the mi8conceptlon that jade is a "green stone from China.'' Loebl explained that jade is actually two stones -the Ugbter jadeite priced at $500 for a pendant's worth and the darker nephrite costing $300 for a boulder. "Nor ta jade indislenous to China," Loebl said. "It la brought there from Wyoming, northwest Canada and Burma for the polishing, lapping and exquisite carving that's done in Hong Kong. "Jewelers there have a way with jade that has never been duplicated in America. Call it grace or an elegance; whatever; they have a gift for bringing 1 out 9:fld ~plementi.ng the character of each stone. "But jade la still revered in China where it is called the 'stone of heavens' because it is hard as lteel and can breek. any other stone. It la u.ed in relip>ua rites and every hou9ehold has a piece of jllde, even in mainland China." LoebJ travei. frequently to the Orient to select the finest stonee and have local craftsmen .et them in cllstinctive new designs for the collection that lncb&dea men'• styles and women's earrings, neeldacea and pins of on e or many colon ~>: ~ed with amethysts. When dea11ng on <..:anton Hoad he looks for the "life" in a at.one (the more vlbrant the color, the better the Investment) as well as the look it will have when carved into the traditional f.iah. Foo dog er squash blomorn designs or female silhouettes. He tella of how buyers and sellers hold hands under a napkin to establish and agree on the price o1 jllde objects. The technique keeps a good deal a iiCret « spares any l!mbarramnenr~ ~ who might pey too much. · Such ·direct deallng with the sources, LOeo1 aya. is ilaat one of the advantages of the company's verticaf"integratlon of whofesalers, importers, carven and gold work.en that eliminates much of the extra expeme usually added on at each of thoae phMes. "We want to bring to the public the mystique of the Orient "from another part of the world. yet we \lie 14-karat gold eettinga becau.e that quality ia best undentood in America." he said. "'By inlilting on the quality of jade that the Chlnae would prize themselves, we are able to make purchase• from our collection an event became custornen appreciate what we have done for diem." He recommends lavender as being very prominent in this year's faahiona with channel and window being the most popular settings. \ I'« next year, though, Loebl advises looking towud the bright red end of jade'• rainbow. 1 1 SAINT MICHAEL and ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH :J.e~livaf Guchari~l6 A Gift of Christmas Music will be presented by the Choir wtth soloists, flute, cello and violins under the direction of Or. Burton Kal'90n 10:3().11pm-Chrlstmu Eve (before Midnight M ... ) 9:3().10em-Chrtatmu Dey (before the Eucharist) 3233 Pldftc View Drive 644-0463 Corona dll ... 92625 n con um -r fl ,r.~9f.~·.~~L~IOAN IUOOlrllLI>, "onn. In tht1e c:oat· CCJNl1oUt l1ma II U poalbl to k p Chriltmu 1pendtn1 under con\rol and build up an lmmunl\y \0 &ow ... &ance? We.. 1tt k>ta of qUfttJona Uko that httr• at Hardlcrlt>ble HOUie, where ln the holiday 1H10n the bonhomie fiowa Uk bourbon and tomeli.mN la. The anawor Is what wo 1peclall1t1 In con•umer caution call a qualified yea. The quallflcatlon beln1 just how determined the 1hopper reall)' ii to keep the old wallet In as t.llhtly ripped • conflauraUon as the tradl\Jonal genel"08lty of the teaSOn will allow. Firstly, unaccompanied, having life'• helpmate along only double• and aomellmea cubel the chancee of falling victim to a gifted sales pitch or an attractive counter display. If he or she lnsista on coming along, there are certain precautions which If reasonably observed can result ln reduced holiday deficit 1pending. Begin by sallying forth when the stores are cloeed. Window shopping may make the heart grow fonder for material goods flecked with tinsel and artificial snow but It alao inflamea the metatarsals ~ quickly wears down the keeper of the family gift lift. When the time comes to do the inevitable purchasing, always pick the busiest store hour. particular just before closing. The combination of lines at the cash register and short-tempered • cau tion at hri tma ·? twp lllltllAnla can ldU many • •J rllh\ ln &h t nd r.one. Overheet~ d1p1rtm nt ttorn, crowd d with •or-Ive ov•rwrouaht purc:hAMn. may ofwn r•1.llt In you.r partner'• comtni to the deUahttuJly 10lvent conch.Won that "maybe we'd a•t 6y Jult aendlfll \hem a card . . . or one of my Trult.cakn ... or just c:alUna them loftl distance durlna the holiday•." To Ulllt you when the crilnch comes and your helpmate ~ to be at the low•t ebb of Ml• realltara, here are a few marlut~tated buu worda dealaned to make the salespeople buzz off: -Stripet (or checka, tweeds, aoUd colors, etc.) tend to make you look old fat, thin, wuhed out, dear. -Too l»d it doesn't go with our decor. -The Slmpeona have one just like It, and I always thouaht it a trifle bouraeoll. -That'• your size, all right, but aomehow it'• not the real you. -Great, but let'• wait until the after- Chriatmaa sales when the price ii bound to be almost half. • -I've seen them advertlaed on television $20 cheaper. There's an 800 number you call. -Isn't our house noisy enough and how often will the children play with It? -There was a guy with a pushcart in front of our building selling the same brand name for a third as much. -You're just not a hat (fur, brace let, culfllnkJ earrlnl) p1rnun. 1t wtU dumJrQite uur rwm. I'd Uked lhe othf?r ono t:.U.t'i &oo b9d \hey dkln't hav Y04JI' Ille. -QWte • lol of money co pay for a book (album. macallne> that'• problbly available on lOl.n rt1hl now •l lho Ubrvy. -They may caU it V..U.y Olrla: 1 call It the pita. -The catch la you have to u.emble It )'OW'lelf. -Aren't our ele!Ctric bUlJ htch enoui!l now? -O.K., If you can't live without It, but there 1oe• our summer vacation (new dlah wMher, tennis 1.-ona, braoea for Amy, winter crulle) etc. -Buy them that and we'll never eee any homework done a.round the ·place. -You know Josh isn't old enough yet for a • dog (violin, surf board,· 10-apeed bike, home ' bartender's kit, karate le.ans, home computer). -Take off a dozen more pounds and that will look 1uper on you. -rm aold, but for the same price we could make a down payment on a new car (touter, bedroom set, college education, oolor TV. rumpus room addition, cue of Bordeaux). -The style ia a bit old-fashioned for .,.. aomeone who has remained as youthful as you. -It's a lot of money to pay for a gift that • soon will be eaten (smoked, swaflowed, ... sp~kled, sprayed) . Shop tonight till 9 p.m.; South Coast Plaza till 9:30 p.m. ·He wears his st"-tus quietly. Cashmere is right for him. - Save $120 C_,,,,,.,.. Illa• at n. lo••I prk». Orig. $360 He will Instantly appreciate the superb quallty of this trsdltionally styled, pure cashmere blazer. Meticulously tailored, fully lined. Camel or navy. R8Qular, short, long, ~­ Men's Tailored Sportswear, 505 fnterm«lltl,. fl'lllrlf dOwn ha ,,..,, talctlfl. I I Bl '5'~1:,,PORT • NIW YORK lndetatlpble Rulh Wattkk hM ~ tomrWhat typtQat ner lllnar playiJlt UM ro&e ol l"mlly Norton Kane In "CIUJ.en Kane" four dlmdll •. ·:~ '°"""8\a!y, ahe hM turned It tn her favor. ·~' ... .-·ou.n Kane' dld IOrl of typo nw a · bhle blt u belna the very ete1•nt, auatere, ill*nrithat CIOld lady," ahe •YI· "l never IOl to be • t.d lltl, the ateuny iirl u it were, ana l miaht be a Utile rearelful of that bec:aUM you kind of want to be thoee thinp when you're young . "But now I understand and I don't mind vil\lbeena~yanda~be~a~y -bfau.e Uea 1Mt a Jot lnn-• " ~ --.. -· ~ That's apropos In Warrick'• case From h er auaplctous start in the controversial Oraon Welles film back in 1941 to her role theee days as fellty Phoebe Tyler on the superhit aoap opera "All 5:_ Oilldlen," l\uth Warrick haa endured thanks to ~nta-Dt can!er planning. ~ . She •YI she has only made ''one bad mistake" in career dedaion.s -that when she turned down a role ln the lClllg-running television hit of the l~ ~y J'riMxl Inna ... t • They told me I had to give up movies entirely 'i>:do the ahow and I said no. That was very stupid I could have gone into that situation comedy wh.lch ran for five or six years and just gone right on. But ~a1 w .. the main clue I miHed aa far as ~careers.'' ... . ' =~· Actually1 .. the;y weren't making the kind of movies that warnck was making before anyway. t j Ruth Warrick "I was literally so thrilled to be chosen ," says Warrick, a native of St. Joseph, Mo., who had studied drama In college and had stage acting experience only in community theater before her radio work in New York: et ..... .,. movlt clc.ly Plt•Jltled mr life •• th• Umt. I waa marrltd co &rio Rolf ln rea life, • well 11 on the n Wo had a eon nanwd Jon, Uk lp th• mm, and we wire allo havtna marital problemi. In the ind of '8on1 of tho SOuth,' everylhlna worked out and~ lived happily ever after. ll'1 a ahame It do9ln t alwaya happen lhat way tn rul lJf•. Enc and· I tel)9.l'•ted IOOfl after flntahlna tho film." When her movie career dried up, 1he headed Eut for her ultimate deltiny with aoap operu. In between ahe found tlme to play ln auch hll Broadway 1howa 11 "Take Me Alon1," ''Mlsa Lone_lyhearta" and "Irene," &mOn8 other1. Her 1on1-l'WU\ina role aa Phoebe Tyler hu put her amona tel~on royalty, virtually a queen ot the aoape. "It does my heart good to 1ee how aUCICelllful aoap operas have become," Warrick says. "People u.ed to make fun of them and now they've vindicated them1elve.. Now a third of our audience ls men. And many of them adore "Phoebe .Tyler" despite her arrogance and anobbiahnesa. Her apeeal is what Warrick calla "the attraction of a bit.ch. ' Actually, the character la the antithesis of Ruth Warrick, who haa dedicated a portion of her 111\M.,....., II\! II""'"'"" ......... W l\ttoe ...... fMI °""........, (;"'llO'-im 0111112 u. .... 1w1 C•y ~..dloo '"' crAl&lf • j •• ,,.. ...,., "' , .... ,,... ..., compaaionate life to heJping the underprivileged.------------------- She I.I one of the founders of Operation Boota~p in Watts, an active member of the Martin Luther King Society and has taught black s&dles ln Harlem. J ac er son I . Just aa important in her life acheme has been l · h II her three children. She hu strong family ties, revea S ln t e echoes of a full, happy childhood in Mlaourl. "My children have always come first," she.· says. "I don't deserve any particular credit for it. Those An! my values and that's the way I've lived my life." She would later recogniz.e this. "It waa so exciting. I knew enough about Orson -----------------::-:::::::;::::::------------------ • · "I llOOn saw perfectly well that television waa taking ovei-.'' she says. and went wholehearted.lr, Along With it, playma-first ln "Tbe GuJdtng Light, ' E ".Aa 'nle World Turns," and finally the key of Hanna Cord in the nighttime aoee._ "Peyton " before finally landing the Phoebe Tyler role fu 1970. "Moet of my friends didn't think I ahould play IOllP operas," Warrick says. "'They though it demeaning. They said, 'How can Mn. Citben do a soap?' But I didn't feel it wu demeaning U. It was a job and I had two children to support. Besides, I had learned my leuon from turning down 'My Friend Inna.' You move, you ~·you flO with what's happening." , .•. ·:·: Actually, her present televt.ion work is no :oi:>re than an extension of the kind of roles she was '.playing back in the 1930s on radio in New York, wpere she was diacovered by Welles. She became one of the few outsiders to join the Mercury Theater Players, the r~rtory group that the peripatetic Welles had moved from New York to .H?llywood to make movies. Qint &utlDOOll "'"' Kgle EtutUJOfHI . lloftlijU#tk Hua Welles' theater triumphs to know that I was incredibly lucky to be working with a man of that caliber. I wasn't going to examine it, I wasn't going to loee the glory of the moment by speculating on my future. I was simply going to enjoy it thoroughly and be totally involved in it." Although some of her ensuing films came up to "Citben Kane," she did get aome pretty good roles . and did play opposite aome of the larger-than-life leading men in lfoll~ood's "Golden ~e" of the 1940s -Douglas Fairbanks ("The Corsican Brothers"); Pat O'Brien ("The Iron Major"); Edward G. Robinlon ("Mr. Wink.le Goes to War"); Ralph Bellamy ("Guest in the House"); Dana AndreWB ("Daisy Kenyon"); Charles Boyer ("Arch of Triumph"), and Fred Astaire ("Let's Dance"). One of her favorite filma, though, had none of these glamorous actors in it. '"Son,( of the South' will always be a very special movie to me," Warrick says of the popular Walt Disney film that combined animation with live characters for the first time. "It was a wonderful experience working for Walt Disney, who had been one of my heroes and later became a cloee personal friend." THE WILDEST; FUNNIEST, ACTION THRILLER -_ ... _ utU• •cmT•---.. ,,., OF THE YEAR. "One of the finest pictures of the year. Paul Newman is extrao~dinary." Gene Shalit, The T~y Show. NBC-TV "One of the best movies of the year, a certain Oscar contender and the most powerful movie in recent memory:· Pal Collons Morrung News, CBS·TV ''The best performance 'ewman has given in years:· Jlcli Kroll NEWSWEEK MAGAZINE Christmas at the Garage ... Ouf V9fY own crew neck sweo1efS of shetlond wool. spun and knitted 1n England. for those cooler days Avo110ble 1n 15 colors &~~~) ? 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644 -7030 ·/ ch I nni on a m ch Dor-alee' as Dolly Parton ar Jm v auca ,,,....._.._ LOS ANOIL&8 -Raohtl O.nnl10n WH appt'eMnllw when Jana J'onda tint tuaeeted ahe take OYel' LM 'role Mr ._,,,,Dolly Parton. created in the movt. comedy "9 to O.'' ''I didn't know anythln& •bout televialon," the aald. "She waa IO(na to produce a televlalon aert• from the movie. I wu workln1 u a freelance makeup artist ln NllhvWe, and ahe aaked me If I'd eYel' ~t about dotna any acttnc. I aatd no. "She Mked why, and I lald I never wanted to pt up in front of ihouaanda of people. It always makea me uncomfortable." ~ ttle million. of televlalon vlewera who turned ABC'a 1'9 to~" Into one of thla aeuon'a hita know, Dennlaon dld take over the role of Dora.lee. Rachel Dennison, 22, stars in the television series "9 to 5" as Dora lee, the role created b y her sister Dolly Parton in the movie version. ............. ..... . ,_.,.. ....... -. ........ -.-.-H ..... ... _.. .... _ _.r.-_..1 cetTa.... ~ ... -Pldllc'• ANfllilll &lwlra a.-a c.. Edlfllda 5'11111 COlll ar.... OiM• 1799150 t7t 4141 414·1S14 U.4·2S53 , ____ ... _, In Six ~ks, you can find memories to lut a lifetime. She •• 1 rwmnl for I.ht .,,i.. She Ml the ..,..,. blonde •uty • her.,..,, and &ht Mml mft voice and honey.cl IOUthern ~nt. She allo Ml the ame chann and aonv yt • mixture of twtec.ne. and fir. ..endal for her lnterpre&atlon of Dorat.e. She Mid lhe had nq lean abou\ ta.le.Ina ovin a role creeted by her alaler. "1 dJdn't even i.htnk of that," the uld. "I Jutt had to do It my way. I couldn't do It any other way. "Dolly• and I had a aood talk and a iood lauah that nlaht. She Mid to d'"o her proud." Dennilon had never done any other televiaion before "9 to 5." And the only other time the wu on 1 ltlp WN when ahe Mn1 backup for Parton tor about a~· She had felt u.fe on stage then. "People don't came to 1ee the bllckup alnpn. You don't have the pressure." Now, when ahe ateps out on at.age before a live studio audience for the show, ahe feela fear. "It waa hard to learn," she aaya. "You have to levn to wait for your lau1b llnea. I'm still having trouble wlth that. But I'm enjoying work.ins with an audience. It's just a certain ma3kaJ feelin& that happens. I've taken to them arid they 8eeJ1l to have taken to me." Denniaon atan ln the comedy with Rita Moreno and Valerie Curtin. It la based on the film that starred Fonda, Lily Tomlin and Parto11. The women are three hard-work.ins eecretaries who fight a daily battle for reapect, decent wages and a chance to move Into management. The comic conflict comes from their chauvinistic boss, played by Peter Bonen, and the office snitch, played by Jean Marsh. Dennison said she was Doralee Rhodes aa "a spunky little girl." "She apeaka up, she gets heated. She has a bit of a temper," she says. · As for heraelf, she said, ''I don't have a temper. You really have ,to push me a long way to get me really mad. But you can hurt my feelings in a second." Like all the Parton&-she's the youngest of 12 -Denniaon grew up lln8ing and playing music. She a1ao writes songs and la working on an album. Seven of the Partona are ln show buainela. Her sister, Willadeene, ii writing a book about the family. The 22-year-old Denniaon moved ln with her older sister in Nashville, Tenn., when she waa 11. In 1975, Parton formed her own group and took her sister along aa a backup alnger. Another backup singer wu Richard Dennison. They were married in 1978. Denniaon and her husband, who la on the road with Parton, live In Franklin, Tenn., 21 miles eouth of Nashville. She grew up in Sevierville, ln the shadow of the Smoky Mountains, before moving ln with her lister. !~!.'!!.!.~!~OM IB "-ttl MUM .. (9') ET. THE EXTRA· • • TERRESTRIAL IJm "~IN) ' . "' " t • ' ... "hit ,,~. II l&lrt Ind Gotdle'I belt. A *"'" rom1nt10' comedy th1t ft fulty Hkt llft . They'll mlkt you fttf good 111 over." ........ ,u Ill •lllUS CIUI ... I Sllllll.IU s..o,.uw • ...... ou ... UIQfl ., ... .,. IOISIU(I "-lltOlllGWll l,Gl!IC••llMll'kGlll i--..all/M ••11twt• Clll1•&MlllWISll ....... llt ........ ..,..1111 •• f~•-:-0....,-:"..:] a.--. ...... ·-·_...:..,-::::,! ~~-..-. .. ... • 8ARQAIN MATIN . ...., .... ,..........., All P~a befcwe 5:00 PM (~.,... En1111mrn11 Miii ltllmral •11w1" .. --.---.- ' ."Tim YDDICT" . -------.... ...,.~-r ... ----- LAl(fWOO D C EN.fll ~-CUT H ,,. ... • ... AN A H E I M L· '11 • ! IN ..._ .... ._. 11ttll0 H ; t ,, ;. p A R ~ • • I .. ............... llMCnO LI N CO LN '~·' IN ------ ~i .,\1/\ 11 ~1• '"TWAIL OP ,,_ ,_ PAllTMml" .. --.---.-· "'THeTOY" .. -------· .......... TMl19CKa" _,. ........ i::a. .... 000.ft" .. ----- "'TIWL OP THI ,_ PAMnm"' .. _ ............... ............ -"9MAMft'8 llACI_. ,. .. -..... ,. ........ -~ .......... .,...._ ,.,.,. ... C..·11- TV t launch fa liion Jin ,. J2!111NI AO ~t.Mucic. tin TV lhlt tr nut tvttlible In 'Otdltil kl Utt A C! Ht.'-1 ('•; , ~ llt IUW totli -DPN, OM H ·huut lh. *"°"· ThtrilJ P"Ud&M11, 'W\11"1 ("'"1 IMt llil ·Ov• aboul II• dlt ·t pur.- ......... Mtwotk, fl l*'Uni ltllu Ow Oln1u kNvw, orattnwl •lNmifr1, • ·a.I l'Uf1'11Ml't'l1lt • ,.,_, ... .,.._ ..... rnMUlMI and pa ntlrt, Lllif(j W '"" ----. bl the •JlcfUliv• t-1~ of •-1•.. ••&onwunwh u looked Ilk• wt wtre -.. .... , -th,-~..._·-..__.,. i--• TV•·-·•--. ,.. .. u-.. n.,,, -7 ·-· .. _, -.orn ·~ ...... .., '"'"'.. ~ --• tuiwktn1 on l • Boardwalk In Att.nUc Sit own lhw of producu from Joatna Now, chey're eU over th• cebl• dl&I Cl,y," SohwartJfatb 11ld. "My cha,.. ..,, .. Md fYm lhotta lo bl&I and beta "ff l'ffe)hinl e WHhhler, bett..r educe"t;d WU to Weed OUl tht mmmtl'C!Wi that ·ua•Y can Mii clothln1 wtth 10lort1 viewer. Accordlna to the Simmon• had 1 bad look. We didn't want ...wt.rbUt' on It, why not 'ZSPN'~" RHHrch BurHu, viewert In 12 2 AnheuHr-8uteh and our other iop ..... 1'Nd llthwartdarb, manattr of pe~nt of ESPN11 hou.eholde make lpoNIOn ahattna U.mo with cheapc:w." ~ .. ~·.!_........,. edvertiaint. _ _ more than f30.000 Md 20.8 ptratnl hav. 0 on• a r • th• 11 q u Id er••• r , __ ,.. ...... Llne la • lolk:al prot•onat or technical Jobe. lnexpenajve watchet and "t.M hot one.'' exten.alon of the euceeHful direct-On ISPN, however, you won't ... 1 an lllept aolf ball that traveled twice u :'ponM ccmmerclall, • •taple of the knif• llldna a Un can, nor wW you hear tar. "[nfood conKlence we couldn't Wl'Uler-aipported cable netwOl'kl, of auch •pioa. •• '10rdor now and every carry aol event.I and be an all-1port.1 which l!'.SPN and Cable New. Network country-and-weatern hit ever written networlt, whlle promo•• .... eome phony ·are the two moat popular. wW be !" ..__., 11 Sch f b ... .. : Since theae network• reach "W yours .. ,_,_ uau, wartz a.r uld. t -•f e had a n-~ey OWey record offer O 11 ESPN t :111ru lcantly fewer bouaehold• than and it Juat died," Schwartdarb aald enera )', auye away rom : ABC, CBS and NBC, new oonunerctal "The meter didn't ju.mp at all, eve~ women'• produc&I, except for dlrect·mail ;eouftel Md to be found, ~ly for t.houah we put it on du.rtns rodeoa and Chrl1tmaa flft1. "We run thoae a• a ~~.~.::k";_o~~h:udiy•rib! what I call redneck radna. Our publlc ~~ !'f.~~.ui;,~~;:'fa~~~.~~ Celebrity thrift shop ln d d b d doesn't want cheap records. Thoee t.h1no ESPN ran Chrittmu ads for w-...n'• ,. :~ ~ ~-reapon.ae adver· don't ~ven have jacket.I. They come fn jewelry and a Pac-Ma.n wriat wakh ... for Beuy Hull, manager or Cinema Glamour Shop, hold.a • ancf mo~ nd.ni w")unplng, rodes-~SP. N h klda. "The Idea wu to aave thopplng a dress that was once worn by Julie Andrews that -Ila , D1 · ESJ , w tch now has a potential time," Schwartdarb aald. Neither, r •60 Th ..... : rect-re~po~nae advertlalng aell• reach of 22.5 million houaeholda, however, 10ld like hoecakes. or 1 •b · e shop sells clothing that once belonged to ce e rities. S ,.--:---------------------·;-t:OO-:;::..=.=CtaM~~=-:.==~~A~:::~:--:-=y~U~B~E:-:T~O~P-P_E_R_S_i_...:::.::::.:::::.:._ ______ ~~--~-.. BIKil-.--M::-.....~------~-.-.. AN>--,18-1~-,.lac*-.-~-r~:.J A INlttnld b<~lo-ti. II • M0VW college triMOI ec>enc1 ...... **** "THI" (1978) erel ~ befor. Ind lifter : • ~ ~~oi: ::, ::h ~ Na.tutl• Klnllcl, Pet« gt8du811on ~"Ill Nf9 Otful Ofoup "' cuet-• KABC. (7) 8:30 _ "Star of the Family ... A Fifth. The deugn1er o1 • by .,,.,tno Md Nltdllng • Ind 1t1 hendlOIM pr-I· f poor Engll1h fum•r NCtl oth«'1 gltltrtenda. 'A' , ....... i.re company captain finds his organized ~ .,,. v1ct1m of ,_ CZ>wovw : • ~ CloeuOA life thrown into chaos when the s'"''"'"'g fillftly'• 88Plf•dorM 1nc1 * * • • "A KIO kK Two , .~ ~~Into 1 •l•t• ~ents of his teen-age daughter ca~"';,';tlt 1:40(C)=.beauty.·PO· 6:,1..~~.'!': ~ of lhoc:lc wMfl Murie!'• er to a career in show business. • • ··eonr...ion1 Of A 11v1no 1n the 111.wna "' i.on. mother decldee to make Pop Peform•r" (1875) don buys a 111'811 goat CBS News Correspondent Morley Safer looks al the bigb-11.akes world of primetime television or CBS Reports: "Don't Touch That Dial" tonight al 10:00 on KNXT (2). ,.,_..,. v8'1olle Cflm. Cl.lftiel wt*I he Mrolll In !tie Sctioof of Atta. (A) • ()O(!IQe MltCl'TMl..L. ~-UCLA ••~uwa Ct4ACHt Fonda vl1ft1 Chicago Yl~ju8f•JoM.. .. Md Oftedll -Mlout-to· ......, for• TV.,_, (A) (!) 80AIJ ~ .... a..ter abollt her ln~tt with Del. Oonotlue Ind eonnn.·1 baOy beQllrl8 to c1o 1trano- "*'9L • ~ ..... MAAA.ZINl A 1~-old Mio 11 • Chemcllon ~ .-. -IO'"IW Jollnny Mna Mlle "°"' he CIWM to wrtt. ''Rudolph Tiie "'6-HOMd Aelndew." -~ • * ·"9un1Mw~· (18n)Clft Oe Your.,..,._ b8r8 Hw8N¥. A .._., t••hle~toT•· •to~~ with '*.,.,.,,.., • u.a. OHN>NIOU "MWopolltan ~el" The ""* -*Anol of • typlcel •••ll*llC)' ~ -8lllM!llned. e 1t9AK flNVWWI ..... -Gabtw Md ~ Lyone hOlt 111'1 lnloonattve lo'* .......... -.. the mcMae. {J:)MC)YI! ••• "Norttl By ~ .... (1Nt) Cery <nnt, Ew ...,.. Saint. An ldYer· flllng min'• ..... ~ ~whenhele ..... tllllen for a CIA eoent. (l)MOYie •• 1'MeMn And Howwd" (1N0) PM leMat, .,_., Aobatde. "" otherwtN unknown OH 1tallon a11enc1ent Oleln\e to ti. the rightful heir 10 Howard I H11gh .. ' bllllon dOlllr ..... ,., • MOYll Sen Franc:ilco her home. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Cheers." A sheltered Robin Alkwtth, Anthony beflrllng the!"'• rMlrJ lhe ~ bride-to-be la abandoned by her fiance in Booeh. A rocil ·n· roll ,.., kind of meg1c: unicorn that • MIRV~ Bos ba find• plenty of romenllc • talb once dw:irlbeO to ~ ,,..,oot Kidder. a ton r with a colorful group of ac:t1on wt111e on 1ow. 111m. Unda Lee, t-. TY*. customen and its handsome proprietor. 1:10(l)MOW f'rfd , WMlam J. Or-Jr., 11t1g. * * * * "Harold And aw • a.n. Cl\11te1 vNO« .111 KOCE (50) 10:00 -"A Christmas Special Maude" 11e111 Au1h Go<· Dat1fl~ Mo11lft• ~lr.o~ w i t h L u c i a no P a v a r 0 tt i . ' • T h e don, Bud Cort. An 80-YMr· • TltlGOl.OeHACllCW M t 1· 0 old woman meet• an 111-5-.26 ,,..,••'A""--'~"(1,._) ...,. --......... e ropo ttan per a star sings 11 Ave YMt-old boy ~ u.1 ---._, ,_,,,_ M · " "O H 1 Martin Mull, Tueed•y "The Comed!M" Mlc*ey arta, o y Night" and other wtthdMlll ln•tuner•per-Weld. A hllC>PIY married AooMy •t-.. .,., eoo-·Christmas classics from the Notre Dame '°'·Ind P'OCMdl to tNCtl M.in eouncy coupte .,, 11et1ce1 corn1q .tie> ttwMI Cathedral in Montreal. him the .,, of IMno 1nc1 91)Urfed by "'* trendy • • "" II>' deolourtno 2:00 .~. ·~ ._ ~ Into ~ ~ 1round him. •Cl) -""'"'" .itarnattv. ~·'A' • ~ MGH'TWATCH ll:IO (Q) * * ·~ • .,.._ c.t And THQTM , .. •erm MflORT 12:06 CC) MOW i CMTOOH The c.nary· (1839) Bob "To 8-w Them Al My ,_.~OfillfTHI ** "Cattle King" (1"3) 2:1ll !!!",! Hope, Puatte Ood<Wd. De)'W'' AICooll le DOJM Ind .......,.._ Robert Teytcw • Join CU. ...,.,,ts: In cwder \0 c:o1ect • tt1e1r the ~ aoelrl la Mio 0uncen condudee he ii fleld.. PreeldentJel Int~ * * * ~ "The Elephant lnh8tltanca, • lamly muat will ~ llPS)Ollltied -OWtWoftlecl llnd under· lion It "--Y In 1 hMt· Man" (1880) JOlln Hun. 9'*'d the night In 1 '-'· flMdmaeter; ctwte !tr"-l*d. ad 1813 lend 018pute In Anthony ~-A ded4-ad llowe. ITom Cenade with • -CD>MC>Vw. ~enttcwy. C•t•d Pl\YllCl•n l•kH 1:«>(%) ··~"The Begulled" burden few P.J. to lhoul-** "Pllndora'1 Mlrrcw" -....-undet 1111 wing 1 hon-lbly (1871) Cllnt Eatwood, der.(Pwt H)Q (1N1) Vwonlce Herl, Jem-*** * "Allwed 81atM" deformed men wtlOM Ille o.r..dlne P11Q9. An Injured e ~90UJO.... 18 o-. A women buys an (1980) w-.m Hun, 8laK untM then had~ ..-nt Union aoldler ~ (%)_ • .., encflanted mirror that B<own. A Hatvwd ldM-In Cheap~ HhlblUona. * * "Onlbebe" ( 1H5) lnvot.IM her In M JllHll tlal'1 genetic etrucwr. ii 'PO' :r:.:r.~ ~ ': ~o O\owa, Jltaullo 8"COUnlen wllh the PM(. 811-.d wt*I he conduc1• 2:*> e MOVIE !tie ~ '-lrnMtr- Hoehlmura. e MOVIE mlnd .. xpandlng •xpet!• * * "The Thing That ..,_, he 18 c:aighl wtth one t-.t088TAXI **°" "hp1" (1881) ments with leofatlon tanlle Couldn't Die" (1858) Wit-oftheglrtl.. Jtm le forced 10 mow In George C. 8cot1, Tlmothy Ind ~ ~ llam Reyi)oide, Andta Mer· t:ao. **'A "&other Sun, with Louie wflWI • wrec;tc. Hutton. Mllltwy echool ~'A' tin A 9lf1 wflh ~ Slat., Moon" (1873) 1no ball ~ 1111 ~ c.dete take oY9t tllW 12:*>U8LATINGHTWTTI4 ci--.11 hypnotized by• Of'8tlam f .. nw. Judi ct.rnned IC*'tmel•I bulldo-ec:flool to~ pMiw 10 DAYIOLETTIJllMAH hideout head Ind com-8-tlw. FrMde °' ,.... lllt-lA) lwn !tie -o.m,, property au.t: comedlln Rlcfterd peled to find the rwt of reteca ...mi and honor In • 0 IT TNCa TWO lnlo a condo 08Y9ioprnent. Lewte. IN body. cwder to l\le and WOr1I A kMJ'9 wife and ~ 'PO' • TOM COTTI.I: Ufl 8 8 NEWa 9m0n0 the genue In nlllur• ..... ,_~to (%)MOVIE Cloe. (!) FAMLYAR"'A 81\dlhepooJlnllPIJit. 'PO' pureue 8 ~•a pro-** .... "It U-.-..in" Cl)..,_ INlf .,,_... an .-fy NICI<!)*** "Hekll"(1t31) ~ 8'tclmlly. (Al ( 1878) ff'9d8rle Fonwt * * ''Th8 Man ftom VI.ti" Ctlrlatl'Nlll ~atlon for ~ Temple, .'-I Har· (!) MOYia Kaw.n lJoW.. A ~ I 11ia4) Jotwl W~ ~ • or1ttcmtr •girl llhoil. A ... .._ pt la * * * * "~ My Wff/'' of ~ ~ lhllr Jow Heyia. A IOUJil' .._,.,, • MOYll U*en "-'-MOlllUlll (1M-4) Bing Cfoelly, a.ny over having • b1by Nlba • o-e of ouu.w. •--~ "T'h9 llic:t."'10 ._ In the Alpe 'ir '* Fllzoer•ld. A prleel cll111gad Into nerY•· Mio .,. Ullno 1, rodeo • Cott11Q9" (11M5) Aotler1 -..nt to "'9 •· ~ to • dolwntro6-~ Mrrcw ...,, the "'*.,...of oei-attot.. vouno. DOtotriy ~. cm •• ''Wiiy w-. And den Pattlh worile a rnlfecle lnfanq emerge • clewed • Low, ~ Two unNppy peop'8 t.11 In The QloooleM Fectory'' with the '*"" Ind the 11 .._ .~ ~ 8TYU low hoping to eac..,. their ( 1871) 0.-W Wider• Jeck '*"*· :W \&I_, "I.ow And The T...,.I looeMlw. ~.A~ f-. 10*. Cl) C91 WOfll'T8 Owirq tr1el 10 pro.. th8t T•" 81.winy Dixon 1oc*e cm ntl MANHATTAN ~ ofterw 8 ..._ "Don't Toucft T'N11 Dlllft" the lllul Of an apparent ,__.In a bw* ~ with ™"W UYE time~ o1 ~to the Morley S.fer 1811.. a ,_.....*'Im II tfwt Of a ~ Hll.. "LOft And The O<emmy A~ 11"9 ...,_.. of a ,,_,,.. ~fM.«191-loot at ~ leDot lleder. (A) The ....,,_,.o" .,..,,, la nlng ~let perform Vllr· hunt. "0 ' the b'G ~ of ~ e 8nt1191 CW '*""'91 unit Vk:tone an led Mlectlonl lncludlno J:IO Cl) * * * .. ,.._,.. .. tlnw ~.Ind followf CAMON niMe upfler mlncl. "81rdland," "Twlllght ONO> Robert Hays. Jule two...,.. from their-'> Hoe1: Johnny C•r10n. cmMOYia Zone," end "8oy From Hligerty. After an....,_., delillopi•••I to "*'net· Ouaeta: OW... Carroll ** ''MeMn And Howwd'' .._ Yoni City'' from the er.. fale 10 tood ~ •"'~!!~."!..... AoDlr1 KAtln, Ttr1 ~ (1NO) Pu LAMet, ,,_ ~o n-ter In Jolee, .. 1ng. • IWYOU8 1onner -(II._..,,_, c..,... AoDlr1 '"*'-<RI Aob.,cle. All oc--. ,.._ plot la ~ Into --llua • 0 AM).... 11nllnown 0•1 eta I Ion 2:M CB)...._ THI Wt. va and ""* contend FGllowlng a ,_. 11 1 N111HnJN1 anenci.nt CIMN to be the Hoeta I.Ml o-eori end with ~ ~ e IOclll ti., ~ ~ • YOU Aeecm Pat rr r1ghtM heir to Howwd Nlca Bllonlcontl twtew MCIMIYe contto1 aoww 1 ooi••-of loc9' 98'ICI FeetwW: ··~ Al H1.1011 .. • bllllon doll., NellhllOht. Of !tie Pf-.vtoue and ~Med ~ ~ and 8ellar ii "1116-A FUii Olllop•• end '"n. ......_ 'A' _.., NFL Q8I\"-and 'PO' .,.. II)' • ..mry ~ World'• HlgllHt TV C%>MOY9 lntenMw Uy.,... Ind .. CJ:l••· ......... ~ °"-* wflo eele ...,..., '!!J It H•i. •• * • ''Uptight'' ( 1 ... ) ~ coedlm. 1!11111)"'' (1M7l 0..-Bond, l~lfir''~ ~~~opera ::=:-:~~ =~=-tUrr ~~a': .,.f9W9 .... butlN'ltoolflyto lftllllldort, a~ Of ..... "Mlle Me The Hwl Dldlw.. A ~ lllll ACHNITMAI llinglnpuMa. bladl mllt*"8 ~I.IP Of AllNdo Glrcia" (1174) .....,,,.. to prOflld 11111 '"°""" WtTH WCWfO •.MJ-OP WG In lrMMi of ~ In w.,.,..,. o.e., Gig YCMlll. rtm(fy .from an IA'lde·i ~AVAl'OTTI HUMAN .,,.,., .. Ion 10t 1 raoe -A ,.... '*"° ..,_ _.. wlc*ed ~ The Melt~ ep.. ''TemtoryAnclec-." .,. betr9)'ed by OM of out on a IOllQ end *°dy (%}••• "lt'IAWoncMr- ttar*lfl"Ave ........ •••'O • ,_LA~ "'*-~.'A' nllnMeiclcoto,.........a fUI Uf9" (1147) ~ HOfy Night" end other Hole: Denn111 ~. 11:40. Cl) YCQ OUO nlueble ltead end a sw-t, Donna Reed. A CMICnw ~ from • ~CU. McCloudpoeee•a'*oln S10,000.._.s .• ,.. m111•a guerdlan enget !tie Nott. Delne Cdladr81 CB)_,.,... ..._ to~ In lnW· Cl) MOYll dh9rtt NM ll'om ...... In~ (A) * * * "On Go6oerl Pond" nedon4ll ONcl rtno. (Al * * ''MeMll And Howlnl'' Ind 1t10M llllJI wM1 11111 e THI.........,,,. (1881) Henry Fond•. 1:00e MOVW (1H0) PM l..aMel, ..IMot'I l'lolMblln WOllld be a. I Ari llOllie tlrvno bueW Kllttleme Hepburn. Old • •,.. ''Monater On The Aobwda. Ari othei .._ tie....,_ ,._ 11om. trtaa to prewnt lllll eon flmly ...... '-'-~·· (1H8) A1tf1Ut 11n1Cnown ga1 ttltlon e=-®**"'' .... kKY- fl'om '°'°"'"II In 11111 -.. WI eldeliy _..,.. rwtwn Franz. Joanne Moore. M1elldent c11111ne to be the lit•. Cll.,.._ lroWftl" ~ .,_ '°' • ._. ..,.,.,. .. "'* w..i • ..,.... .,_,_ riOMM ,.., to Howwd c1em ~ °'91119 CllAaDAv .. .,.. ,.... eig11nc1,...,.. and '* _.. .....,_ .,.. enc1 Huot1 .. • bt111on dollllf Brown anc1 .,. entire A sio-M fMlly IUfN a .,. ...., 'r "*'....,... lr\lilCta ...,._. ...... ._ -.... .,.. ""-'uta" OM8 lleed for IN!lall town Into • model *· '* lllrl09 Ind 11111 eon.. l*lod of • ~~-old l:IO (!) 'NTH• NftfMf c.np, _._,. • r._,.tlOn Ofect (P 'PO' lllfl, he la tl.lfMCI lllto a CD> ONI NIGHT STANO be001ne lrwolYed In.......,.. 131 pr; . ert IHI. INT'l"'r' ... IT ,,_..,, Thie ll09d8I taped 11Ye at wtld~ 'O' to-.tO. ltllNCEmlmNmlllltDINlllmllTIT TONIGHf • MOYll ,.._ Y0'11't ~ H.. • * * * ''The LMt Tlme I NITWOMNIWll Alt lnter"'9w with~ ** .... "The ltory Of Ind LOI Angelle' DOtotriy Sew ...,.. (1864) EJ1aa. • OMMCMaCIN Held, Dwld'' (1MO) Jeff ~ Ohendler P"'9Qn, ,.... tMel T~. van Jotnon . A rtldlng of Gena HllJI.. l~LMTWON> di«. Bltll lrdntY· A t1K•1Nny)uzgt'M11 S... on a ttory by F. rneltteln'• llor ... that .....,... )'OYl!CI ~ ,.... to a:ta®MOVll Soott ~. Brollan rW0111 '* lndlena Ofllld. ***" "O.C.01 Glrf' 110wet end._ KJng **'A''Th98order"(1M1) r-and 1f111nw9C1 hood In the 1'30t .. ..... (1 ... ) Lynn Aedor•v.. Saul for the throne of...... Jac:ll Nldlolton, v.,.... lndMdl.I• ~ Pwtl wr.d. Alan ..... A glr1 INl'rlet ... Pemne. A T-border •• the end of Wol1d War It. (J:)MOVll •,....to-do«**""" 1n e MOYll Qllatd'• vMMI come In t:00e ***~"hatened **~"S.W'(1MO)Mer· order to tf"9 her lrtand't *** ''CNl..,mwipagn--• F« oont11c1 wftll "-of hie Wldl l!ve'' (1941) ow- Un ~ T·-w ~· tlOlne. CMlet'' (1ff0) ~ comipt _..,..and hie Duf1*1, ~ I .. --• .._, etd. A i .._MOVW ~wife. 'A' _._ .. happtly nwrled Mwln Holrll, "°"* ~ An .... :00. ,.__ WNrl I do!lllg IOn .,,._ County--.,. IOl.lm9d loll""'"''~ """"' .,..,_. ... .......... ... ..... ~ In by their trendy MighboB *** "A CMr't Named '° Mnd • 41* lflOW Into * •~ "Ou.re• Of The ordlt to PelM ,. ..,. lnl -----.. _ .__,. (1t11) Lie Rem-Mnll.n.iptcy. UnclMd" (t868) !tic""'"' -. tM ...... ~ ~!If"' __.,..t,..,. !di, ~ CNnne. A 0 ..,..,. ..... ~....,.mnlT lfto, Mlc:Mel Pa ... A V9m-;;;;;,. • ;; Oki men ID\.--...-bl'lltly ._...,. --TCt•rr '*-QllM'llll IP"Mdt ter· .,,_.... trom .... IAI'-• ....._.. ..... ,.,...,_ ----An .,...,.,,,... wttfl ............... '°'~the Wttt. MANNllO •MCWm .... ,_ ..,_.. --(!) --0'--. ........ --......... ..... .. Old ..... , ... '° • .... ........ ..... IR\**** ... ,__. ,,.,..,.,_.tv"""'4GIW\ '°""9----ftOdll-1:IO®Mov. r-·.. \Ml .......... of OM of AIMJtoe't llwot· .... -.__ (IHI) Aofl ~. Olwer lie llOIOf't II .,._.. llllltft Clrerlof....,""'-** """* AlllQMIMt" ..,.., ...,... "*9d. A~°""*' le Mm o11pa of • LOYa..-l•DDAN (,_, ~ ........ • ..... "T!My Live By -~ ft'Oll'I 11111 ,._ .,_ MOWlll ~ .. = mt.m MIOllMI \'Oft!, A c....... Nlgll{" ( 1949) l'arlay holM ~Illa old..,... llUI §°*'"=,_, ....... ...,., =~~"-........ ""!r: ~ .... ~~ Granoei~o·~ ...,..... to-.. w lfl '""" - - --· --TiwW -·-NWrn to ....... ICeOf. LMw "--............. . •. , ... ...,. .... ... °"on. orllM.,... ·'Q· _... ...... '"-"Md Tiie on GNldrwl.., ..,_,.... N'"9 IN ~...ion t:IO•***''AC.1• a * ........... ,..,... .. ~ ............ ,...... .... ...... .,...,.., out £:'" .. '°""" ~.· ~-=· .......... t•tl•Ja.ra.::..:t. "'-•0111,........eo Ol-~·'N' 4:IO IUUWllO.I .,... ~ D'~e .... lt.--• '...................... , •••• ...,. MOYll ._.•lie~'¥ tr•tlle ..... , .... , wttlt ..... ......, • ••It •'Clmlj KMMo oiw.. ~ :::":9 = "'.: JOHN DARL:ING ,,,, .... ,......., _... ....... .... , .. nrr(I) •• ft~y-.r {ff-Ml&Y ....... > J ~~ ....... .--~- ITOOKI COMIOI oe C7 ••1 win pu11 Ooe•n View In tide ••me. C3. I Barber makes point against ft.aiders Pl\OORAM NOTES: •II there any c::orrelation to Mike Barber'• aix NCePdool aplnlt the IWden Jut Saturday and ~ feet ne bad told Rama Coech Ray Malavul only a few days evller he didn't want to come beck next -.,? ... Answer: You bet! •Ii~be intereetlna to note that prior to the Rum' th the RaiOen, encompualng five had a tot.al of EIGHT receptions. ~if he 't !_>tten hurt at various at.ages throuchout Saturday• c:ontest he probably would have exceeded bSa 89UOll'• total in one game. •For th<* wondering, the Rama indeed have contacted USC'a John Roblmon about becoming the te.m'• head coach. Word haa it th.at Robinaon never 1'99lly_ did live an answer . . . he waa too buay laUCJUni. •How bad have the Rama' last two drafta been? Said one fonner Ram official: ''They would have done a better job if they had just thrown darta." · •Kevin Magee la conUnulng hia lmpttSSlve play in Italy. The two-time UC Irvine All- Ainerlcan. who couldn't set any contract guarantees fnnl Phoenix of the NBA, la leed.inl the Italian Le.aaue•in both scoring (27 .2) and rebounding (14.4). SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO •Add Magee: The Sww are quietly admlttJ.na to certain circles that they made a big miatake in lettlJ\I Magee pt away. Despite their 1:)-11 record and third place 1tandtn1 in the weatern Conference'• Padfic Dlvtaton, Phoenix la makJ.na itl stand with prlndpally five •tart.en and no bench. •Yea. Dodger offlclala w ere extremely disappointed over Steve Garvey'• deciaion to play for San Plego. Why? Becaute the Padres not only come to Oodger Stadium nine ttme.ae, meaning plenty of 8enUmental exposure for arvey. They al.lo televise a number of games from e San Dl~go area. -Garvey may aay now he'• a Padre through and through, but don't Jet him mow you. Garvey ~· and will always be, a deep-down Dodger. •Add Barber: The Rama' u,ht end Ml den.led ever WJdn&. to Mal.Iv.a. ''That'• not true,'' he aaya of hia ,.portec.t unhapptnem. "Thia la the tint tJ.me rve heard about it.' 'l'hat'• not all topther true. -!_fck Faulkner, the te•m'1 Director of Pro e>peraUona, talked to Barber about it earlier in the week. •Final add Barber: "I think I've matured a lot," he aaya. "I UMd to keep my mind on nothln& but eeraonal stuff. But not any more. Vinnie (Ferrasamo) could throw :)0 time• to the wide receiven and u Ions u we're wlnning, I'd be happy.:• •Now th.at Garvey la in San Diego lnatead of ChJcaao, third buernan Ron Cey haa to be a IW'e bet the9e daya to wind up in the Windy Qty playing for the Cubs. •Don't be 1urpriled to find Malavui in the United States Football League next 1eU011 if he's cut looee by the Rama. •The Super Bowl in Pasadena ia atil1 more than a month away, but the moat attractive ma1Chup to date Would be 8an Diego VI. Dallaa. •The latest word out of San Franciaoo la that the 4hn' probleme thia year It.em from • .mou. dn.al matter that hu developed. Coech BW Wai.h. reportedly, la aware of the problem but doeln't know how to deal with lt u a number of key players are Involved. •Rama linebacker Jlm Youncblood, out for the IN!MOll with a knee injury (auffered last Saturdal ap.lnat the Raiden), found out the hard way lt 1 not fun beins a middle Unebatker. Of COW'M, Younfblood already knew that, that'• why he fouah aotn8 to the middle for years. Alu, with Carl Ekem and Jim Colllna both sidelined with injwiee last Saturday, Youncblood had no other choice. He gritted h1a teeth, went to the middle, and actually looked pretty Sood before Pttlni hurt._ •Know what would be a P"Mt ma1Chup? How about the Rama' defen.e and Baltimore'• offenee? That would be a great way to find out which one WU more inept. •Some last minute Chriatmu thoughtl: Santa could bring Malavui a defeme, the Rama a new home, the Raiden any home, Bert Jones ano1her arm and Georgia the ability to start. all over again knowtng what ahe knowa now. La Quinta too tall for CdM ,... By ED ZINTEL ._... ..... 0.-, .... La Quinta High basketball · coach Jlm Perry aaya that one of his boyhood ldola WU Corona del Mar baa.ketball coach Jack Enion. Wednesday night, Perry bad the chance to face Errion, and after h1a Aneca eoundly defeated ' the ol,. muter and h1a Sea Kinp, 63-49 in a non-league game, Perry said lt wu an important win for his p.rocram. "Coming here to Corona del Mar'a gym and winnln& ia ":11J a lift for our team.'' Perry . "Enion wu my idol. Anyone who can stay ln the t.oe._ md be u aucce.ful u be bu, la i.lly 80me'th1nc in my -.,ea." What WU ttall~ ln the eyee of the ~ deJ Mar playen were three domlnatine lront line men in La Quinta unlfonm. THEY WERE l ·I center Junior Utu who led all .:lOl'fll'I with 23 .po(nta; M forward J.T. Debbs, who had 7 po(nt8 and 12 rebounda and &-4 forward Mark M~ho had 17 potnta. -Corona aet Mar, now 6-3 on the leUOll, had momentum IOinc into the game, having won its previous five pmes. but-the S..- king 1 came out al~~ly· Wedne9day night, falllngbehlnd, ........... -. 16-4. That waa juat too much to overcome, despite a _J•llant comeback by the Sea KiJlll ln the eecond quarter. "I knew we were playtna a very good ~am in La Quinta (now 7-3)," aald Errion. "I don't think we did a good enouall job in ptting good abota. We bun, touch althouab I think we could have and should have made the final ax>re cloeer .•• ...., .......... "'Lee ...... After g:rabblng a 4-2 lMd, lA Quinta rolled off 12 atrai1bt polntl as the mnaller Sea Kinlt tried u.nauccemfully to f1aure out the A.zt.eca' 2-2-1 zone defeme :Edison's Lynn Uchizono (left) fights for possession while Gretchen Meinhardt fires jumper. and alao, how to defend ~ their height ldvantage. . ·Fresno State :basketball put . - .~n probation Edison survives battle of unbea·tens Meinhardt named MVP as Chargers take Cypress tourney with overtime win BJ RICHARD DUNN ........... .., .... The combined recorda of Edl.aon and Lakewood IOlPa into Wednaday night'• championihap-same of the Cypreu Women'• Hish School Buketball Tournament wu 20--0. Ediaon kept ita record unbleml1hed, srabblnc the champlonahip trophy with a 49-48 overtime victory over .She Lancen. The Char1er1 (10·0) were p~ced by Junior Gretchen Meinhardt, who poured in 17 polntl and pulled down 13 rebounda, and w.. later honored • the townament1a MOit Valuable P\ayer. Shelly Trepl equa{ed Meinhardt'• total of 17 and waa alao named to th• all- toumament w.m. _~_O_M._E_N~~~~·-· year'1 Cypreaa Tournament, fell behind by a point at the end of the third period. _ Edi.ton bounced t.ck nicely ln the fourth period, thanb to the tine moouna of Trepl \ and atronc board work by Meinhardt, arid forced an overtime. two = bMketa to tie it, and Meinhardt waa to at down with four foula. 'That'• when Trepl went to "°"k on her outalde ahootina, with help from Lynn Uchbono'1 auiata. Ucbisono dlahed oft three key pueea ln that crucial fourth period. Edlaon, which flnlahed with a 17-8 overall record la1t year, ha.a hopea of another banner ......_ Wl.th a l~ record, the aw-_. eeeai well on their way. ~ retunw to action Monday at 7 p.m ., tactna Lone BMch WU.On ln the Bdilan~t. In obii-tournament llCUon: OeeMVlew'9 F..eMdU TM ~ ~led to a bl& early i..d to ea~ ftlth ~ 6t enr-, ~lllb Wiii a dominant form in· lkle, 12 lhc-. while Laura Simek had ta Nboundl for the s.Mw• who lmprowd to 9-2 ownll. Oolaft View earliilr took third place ln the Savanna Tournammt. HOWEVER IN TSE aecood quarter, Corona del Mar bepn hitting it• outalde ahota and pulled to u cloae aa it would flt. 19-18 midway tbrou1b the quarter. Dave Van8teenhUJ99, Karl Wolff and Mike He. did most of the ahootine while~ Tom Vance clo11ed up the middle enouah to keep Utu and Co. out. AJlo, the Sea K1np, who hit juet 2-of-U ahota in the t;1nt guarter, beon tind.lnC the ,..... IA Quinta held a nanow 2'-lM baltUmeectae. S.Z.ly ln the third q\&a~r. Vance picked u_p tu. fourth ~ trylnt to pard Utu by htnt1t, · Utu must have received a ll'w worda of ldvtce from ~ at halhlme, bec~uM be became mueh 1nore ...,....iw ln &he third ..... In any went, bl Uofta with MGllil and l>9bbl. bepn ........ th• board1. It pal=otf ai Cor0M del llar WM 10..7 jn the dlltd quarw 'to 42-11. \ 0,... W1ftD, a forward,,.WM the IMdlNi ....... for CaroQil .. Mar ,nth 11 paiAllta, ~ .., u potnta bJ v~~- ao PwrJ 11wc1 °"' • •• • 1t1at I* Wot. "1.~IDl!l-~..J.I WMobiDI llrriaa iaiacb -~~­=-·~,,:::"'~~~~~ .. '!I... ~ _. __ Top quarterback chooses Southern Cal . . ....._AP..._teMI 8a.vtn. ~ can't buy_ a ~ • · Hltfttlon-than the Unlveralty of •II• Southern Callfomia," 'nm Green. t.M m'1lllt prollflc pueer in community ooJ1119 hiatory, wW be playlnc football f« USC a.-o1~. Green, who puaed for more than 6,000 yarda and •9 touchdowna the lut two years at El Camino eon.a-. al80 aaid he wun't convinced Oklahoma WU F'J\I to develop it.I Pallina pme. He had narrowed hia choicell t0 the irr;,jana uad ._.,.after Yilitlna the Oklahoma campw ln Norman lut weekend. Olc&.homa offensive cOach Merv Jolµwon ..Sc:l Wecm.day the 11ehool did not announce the declalon becau.e the NCAA does not allow them to make-annountementa until after lette(s of lntent have been al8Jled. .... · The 6-1 . 195-pound quar1erbedt told The ~ ~ he made a list of wh IChool'• and bad pof:nta before makinl a dedllicn. ''OU had l9Yen aood thinp and three bMI ones. Southern California wu elaht·and-two,'' he told the newspaper. The left-handed paaeer aaid a mark in USC's favor wu lta quality of educaUon, while what hurt-oldahoma most was the-fllCt the achool did not COllvlnce bbn It waa aert<Jw ebcM.at lmp'OYinC lta p r<na game -a clalm Johmon dlinled. "l really ll~ed Oklahoma . . . I almost ~ committed while I wu th ... But I thlnk of where 1 want to be ln the ld ~ 10 years from now. wpere I w.iit to live an'1 I think Southern California it the best place for me," Gn!en said. Quote of the day "He'• probably the best center I've ever played against. I felt 1 did fairlsell. I did iny best." Georgetown'• Pa& , l\ who had 16 points and eight rebo ~ . against Vlrglnia's Ralph Sampeon. ---- I Oilers erupt to top Minnesota Glen A•deno• scored three ~ ~ aoell -linematea Mark Me11ler , ~ and Mare Babsdaeld added one MCh ~ Wedne9day night to spark F.dmonton l to an 8-2 victory over Minnao1a ln the National i Hockey League. The Oilers, who lead the 'l SmYt4• DlvWon, will be 1:,:.£:wood this t.• eventna to take on the Lm K1np . . . ~ r lwca lo the NHL, o.18 lanN em' bed a ~wrilt lld eerly In tha 1hlrcl ~ad Al ...... o.c en..-.. and o.n,t ..... connected on power-play IQ9Ja to lift Chicqo plllt TonJOto, 4-3 . . . S. 1'1ocklw1 blllted ln two pla, lncludlnc a 70-footer earl1 ln the .amd period. to help Pbildlphla eclfe New Jerwh; 3-1 ... Seu Mcieaa tallied twice to I teed affe]o to a 3-1 victory over the New York ftanaen. Sabrea' aoelie Beb S..ve stopped 16 .,.. ln boldina oft the Rangers. I.any Blrcl broke a acoring slump m with 18 polnta In the first period Wedneeday ntaht, trtaering Bo.ton to a 140-131 victory over Chicago 1n the NaUonal Buketball Association. Botton overcame a 46-PQlnt effort by Reale Tlleu, a career high few-the Bulla' guard, u Blrd, who had hit only 32 of 95 field goals in the previous five pmea. flniahed with 26 points . . . Cliff RoblalOD t>.nked in a 15-foot jumper at the buu.er and World B. Free scored 23 of his 27 point.a 1n the eecond bal! to lead Cleveland past Indiana, 100-98 . . . Guard Kevin Loder poured in a career-hiab 25 pointa and Larry Drew diahed out 14 ...rats to power Kanaaa City- to a 146-107vlctory over Denver. Shay~n placed on probation Former heavyweight boxing •. challen&er Eanle Shven was placed on protraUon for two years Wectn.day after pleading SUilty to fillnl fallle c:laiJm.on hia 1977 income tax return. The two-count fndlctment charged Shaven with falslfyina hia l'onn 1040 in 1~77 and 1978 by reportina payments to a Keogh retirement fund and deductions related to hit buslneu .. a profsonal boxer, when in fact, he wu charpd with paylna nothing. Television, radio '{' ...... _ FolJowina are the top sports events on TV torucbt. Ratfnll are: V'.,; V' V' eXL'ellent; V' V' V' worth watchlns; V' V' fair; V' forget it. (j) 1:%1 ~., Cba.DDel t v v v v NBA BASIE'l'BAU.: Lakera at Clippers. A••O••cen: Chick Hearn and Keith Ericbon. Af1er movtnc back into a tie for fint place in the P.oftc Diviaion, the La.ken visit San Diego, which la tw.adtna up the reer. The Clippers. aloq with CleYe1lnd. ..-the w~ record 1n the leq\ae at 4-22. RADIO BMlrietbUl -UOLA at Maryland, 5 p.m., KMPC (710)i Cal State Fullerton at Idaho St., 7:30 p.m., KWRM (1370); Lakers at San Diego, 7:20 ~' KI.AC (670). HDc:key -Edmonton at Klng:a, 7:20 p.m., KLAC (670). Mazzilli ·to Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH (AP)-- Pittaburah Pirates, aeekiac 1 replacement for deper1ed matl!r fielder Omar More!IOo ~ veteran ouWelder Lee ~ from the New York Yank.eee Wedneeday in a trade for four" ~e~eea obia•ned outfielder Don Aubln, ri{Cht' handed altcher Tim Burke, catcher John Holland and infielder J'-Rivera. Mazzilli, 27, bepn hit major l~ cal'ftl' with the New York Meta in 1978, but bl hit starting outfieJd job in aprin& tra1n1na last aeuon alld wu traded to the Texaa Ranaera. The Ran9era then dealt him to the Yankees on Aua. 8 for ahortatop Buc1cy Dent. '..-.W. ia m fourth club 1n the lat -year,' ManUH utd ..-t-• Three Riven Stadlum preaa conference Wednesday night. "It•• nice to be 10meWhere where you're wanted. Thia will be the first time I've played with a coot.ender, and that'• nice, too." .. He la a quality, premier type of player .. " Mid Pirate. Genenl Manager HardlnR Peterson. Plratea___M•naaer Chuck Tanner plans on •tartinl MamW in amter field and hof:* be wOl hit "40 or 45 polnta higher" than Moreno did. Moreno, the Plratea' re&War center fielder for six seasons, recently became a free agerit and signed a $3.5 million contract with the Houston Attro9. Moreno bit only .242 last season and c 21 u chri9tma5 l982 ... Jamee Worthy (42) and Norm Nixon of the Laken try Jo·distract Utah's Rickey Green Wednesday. Ground keys Gaucho win Lakers superior . Guard Andy Ground sparked the Saddleback College attack with four straiabt key jumpers midway throu&h the eecond half • the Gauchos posted a 66-58 non-conference community college basketball victory over vialting Santa Ana Wednesday in numbers, score ntaht - lfhe game was tied, 42-42, when Ground hit two comecutive outside thota to put Sadd.leback up by four. Momenta · later, after the Dona had til!ld the game at 46-46, Ground again · pumped in a pair of jumpers and SaddJeback WU ahead for keepe. Deapite a cold-ahoottnc first half in which they were only able to connect' on 13 of 34 outaid&-~o.uma.helda one-point lead at intenniaslon. 'INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Lal Anceles La.ken decided to take advantqe of a manpower adventaae over the Utah Jau, and their 1trate9y worked to perfection. "We came out and played hard and ran, trying to wear them out," aald Earvin "Magic" Johnson after the Laken rolled to a 124-100 victOry over the Jaz:z. Wectne.day night. ''It took tome time, but we finally did wear them out." The Jazz played at a .tremendous dJaadvant.age, .Wtina up only eight players for the pme "\l(e caught a team that wa ~kers dominate All-star voting NEW YORK (AP) -Four members of the defending champion Loe Angele. Laken lead ln the voUna for the Weetem Conference team in the National a..lmbell Al90dation All-star game announced Wednmday. Center Kareem Abdul-Jabber of the Laken lNda all Western c.onterence playen with 181,849 votee and holdl a hup ie.d over Seattle'• Jack Slk:ma, who hat 63,498. Loe Aqelee' ~ Earvin "Maaic" Jolanson and Norm Nixon, along with Jamaal Wilkes, al80 teed the votiJll.. NFL staDdings AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE 1'91ly decimated with only efebt auys," said u. Aneeiea Coeds Pat Riley. "We tried to run a lot more to run them down. "We bad a pretty c:onalstent pme throqhout, espedally .. far aa our n.umfna aoea." Amoq thoee p1ayen miwlng from the Utah lineup waa forward Adrian Dantley, the National Buketball AmodatMln'a leadinc 8COl'el', who la PdeJ!ned becaUle of an injured wrilt. 'Tm aure they mt.eel Adrian,'' aaid Johmon, who had 18 pomta, 12 &lliaa and 1eW11 ~mda for the Lakera. "When the Jeedh'I .... jp ~.,_down. it'a always Fina to hurt a team." The Laken, 20-e, led all the way, ecortnc the p.me'a tint four pol1'ta and radna to a 30-16 teed after one period of play. The Jazz iot u clme .. six polnta in the second quarter. but Lm Anceles built ita ie.t beck up to 17 polnta (80-43) at halftime and wasn't threatened after that. Bob McAdoo came off the bench to lead the Laker• in ICOrins with 22 polnta. W L T Pct. PF PA W L T P..e&. PF PA Raiders 6 1 0 .857 192 156 Dallu 6 1 O .857 179 90 andnnatl 5 ·2 0 .714 173 140 Waahlngtoo 6 1 0 .857 135 118 Miami 5 2 0 .714 137 114 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 170 126 NY Jett 5 2 0 .714 190 115 Green Bay 4 2 1 .643 164 135 San Diego 5 2 0 .714 210 lM Mtnne.ota 4 3 0 .571 142 129 Buffalo 4 3 0 .571 121 97 St. Louis 4 S 0 .671 111 121 ~· 4 3 0 .571 99 101 Detroit s • 0 .•29 133 129 Pittsburgh 4 3 0 .671 130 111 New Orleana8 4 0 .429 84 127 Cleveland S 4 0 .429 99 131 NY Olanta 3 4 0 .429 117 112 Seattle 3 4 0 .'29 104 112 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 109 134 Denver 2 5 0 .286 127 186 Chicago 2 5 0 .286 .&f 122 Kanau City 2 5 0 .286 126 145 Ph1ladelpbJa 2 6 0 .286 H3 149 Houston 1 6 0 .143 95 190 San Fran. 2 6 0 .286 163 172 ·Baltimore 0 6 1 .077 80 158 . Rama 1 8 0 .143 153 196 NOTE: The top el&hl teams 1n each conference will qualify for the playoffa. Vi w romps way to title gam e SANTA BARBARA -lt'1 bNn an euy roed IO the finaJ. for the Ocean Vtew Hl1h buketball t.-rn at UM &nta Bubar• Tournament th.la week. The Seahawka followed Tunday'1 loJ>9lded 84·52 C'Oe'\Quelt'Of LomDOC with a 1'-61 rout of Doi P\.aeblol Wednetday which wun't u clo.e u the ~ micht lndicate. Everyone ' In uniform tor Ocean View perUclpated and everyone 1eored In the eaay vtctoey, u the Seahawka, who had ICOl'ed 31 flnt- q\W'1er polnta ln buUdlna a 20-polnt advantage over Lompoc the prevloul nl&ht, were up by. 13 after eilht rnlnui. Wedneeday. Byron Ball and Dlmltrl Antonopoulla keyed the early bla lead by 80011.ng aix polnta apiece in the tint quarter. Ocean View held a 16-4 advantage in the open1na momenta of the contest. 8y halltime, when the Se.hawks were already ln front. 45-27, the bench had been cleared and eveh,.°Jr had played. finished with 16 points and Antonopoulis 14 during limited playing duty. Aho scoring in double digita was junior forward Steve Moaer, who bid 13 points. . With a 6-3 n!CX>rd, the going doesn't get an~ euier for the Seahawka lf they are to win the tourney crown. Unbeaten power St. Joeeph (9-0) bringa a tall front line of 6-6. 6-7 and 6-8 lnto tonight's championahip tilt at 8:30. Among St. Joeeph'a victims this season was Marina (79-55) in the Santa Maria Tournament last week. Basketball s cores Colleae Reef w..r Hof8tra ee. Budtnell 52 USC 72, Colofedo St. 65 Delr#ve 71, 8T~_.Sl,,'! SM JOM St. 94, Loyole 80 Fordllem 97. I.....,.,•"' H...w 65, AIL·Blfmlngl\am &1 0eo<ge Muon 111, Md.-E. si-. VSIV 83. Deleware St. &3 IO,,_ .,. Sout..__ V 86 UC~ 70, UC SM Oleg<> Geoto-town ""· ·-" . 57 LaSelle &2, NleOW• &5 Sente Fe 74, Ce1 POiy Pomone ~ ~1. Mwtet 411 ee Nort'-1ern 83, V11c:e eo Humboldt st 82 Unn.ld 511 Vlhnov• 57, Seton ti.ii ee . ' TOUMeA•NTa ....... ~~ Wyoming 100, S. Colonldo &7 Nev.O• Lu VeQU 77, 88ylol' 65 LMnw 75, 80IM St. 59 (llftt) .......... Long ltlend V 81, Moren.d St. T-78, Mo.·W_,.,,, 70 711 (tMrd) LSV 51, Tu .... EI Puo 411 ....... Indiana &2, Kenluc:ky 511 Notre 0-108, Valperelto 70 Purdue 86, O.Peul e3 SW Mi-rl 71, Pllget Sound 52 W. Mlctllgan 114, Lake Supwlor St.N X....W, Ohio 54, Mleml 50 Marquette 91, K-St. 51 N. llllnol9 N . Bemidji St. &2 llllnol9 St. 82, E llllnol9 &II W. ltllnola 1111, Jeclleon St. 811 ....... Georgie 57, Ga. Soutr.n 55 Old Dominion 79, N.C.~e sa Nctvnood 74, ~ Md. 57 s. FlOl1d8 n1. ~ 73 T-llt, Ot!leflome City 5e Vlnderblll &4. MlddM Tenn. 53 W•e FOfelll 100, Robert Motn. • Pitt 75, Aor1c1a St. 74 Minn.ota 112, ~ 411 co:::::z.::::e- Seddi.t>eck ee. s.nta Ana 58 8an Oleg<> ...... &4, Rlver.i. 7& Fullet1on 73, PlllomM &4 C«rllom 111, Alumni 113 (ot) ..... IChool .._ ...... LAI Quint• &3. Corc>n9 del Mar 411 TOUM•..wTS ........... c._...... • .._.., .... ,. ••• 1n1 .... • OoMr\ vi-n. 0oe PuetM09 e 1 St. JOMPh 87. San Marco9 50 c .......... u ... Arroyo Grende 52, ~ 46 Lompoo ti, Sen1a e.rbete 51 Five tea1ns ~iming for playoff berths From AP dl1patcbet · Five teams, four of them from the American Conference, can cl1nch National Football League poatseason playoff berths with victories this weekend. The Cincinnati Bengals, Miami Dolphins, San Diego Chargers and New York Jeta of the AFC and the Green Bay Packen of the National Conference are the teams that need victories to earn guaranteed spots in pro football's expanded playoff field. The postaeason format for 1982, altered after the .57-day players strike, eliminate• division atanc:tJn.qs and counts only conference tte0rda. In recent yean, 10 teams (aix division winners and four wild cards), have qualified for the playoffl. nu. year, the field haa been expanded to 16 teams, eight from each 14-team conference. Four teams have locked up playoff berths 80 far. They are the Loa ~lea Raiders (6-1) in the AFC and the Dallu Cowboys (6-1), Washington Redak:im (6-1) and Atlanta Falcons (5-2) in the NFC. Just three of the 28 NFL teams have been eliminllted from playoff contention. They are the Denver Broncos (2-5), Houston Oilers (1-6) and Baltimol'e Colts (0-6-1), all from the AFC. T hat leave. 21 team• 1crambling for 12 remaln1ng po9Wea80rl berths. ~t five of-them - Kamu City In the AFC and Chicago, Philadelphia, th4r,Rams and defenc:IJ.na Supe.r Bowl champion San Franc.laco tn the NFC -are cloee to elimination with juat two games rematnlng in the regular MUOn shortened from 16 1amea to nine by the strike. OCC honors runners • Ill 111 • AT IATllAI. .... UM111 M.L • m1a1 a r.M. , CllaTMAI EVE. I Ml DAY CllWfMAI DAY. · u nun TlllllAY ' 1EW SPIBDlllTJC ITEUO CusrnE IDlnll FOR 1-TRICI TIPE PLAYERS 10 DEILD Sil.El . 2111 9 TO & 92Y4" 2X4 WHITE FIR STUDS. Stud gra de bu ilder's stuff. (Hei'e it is, Christma s again, when we b uy th is year's prese n ts with next year's mqney.) 1597 .IC&a• ea ... u .. are Q lot eaaler to handle them 1-ttacka. 90 B • E UllYERSIL COCO MATS TWll IEIB 5 97 m1 non 9 97 Fite moat care. (Note: Marehmallowa are extra with thHe coco mate.) HOW LONG DO WE HAVE ro STANDH£RE ¥4" I &O' ELECTRICAL TAPE 27• 160 PSI portable air c:ompre11or phage Into tbecar lighter for eaty Inflating of tlree. air •hoclc.a, recreatloaal atufl. STIRLITE WIWlliLEB SEATCOYERS 2388 u. Gotcha covered for moat mini or atandard trucka. low or high bucket1. ChooH blue. black or bron SHELL FIRE • ICE IOW /40 WT. ILL SEISOI MOTOR OIL 81 c"· Walk right In and 1natch aome of tb11 all-weather 1tuff right oU ow die play CHAIRS Come1 In Chriltma1 red COSCO PLISTIC CBlll only. WBITE ITILlll DESICIEB ClllB What. you don't like red? OK. check out thla atyll•h Mat, Junior. • •• . 9•• i mm. VNILSTEBED n1e1cum If you don't like the plaatlc variety. thl1 brown upbolater.d 1tacker might till the bUl, 1977 l ~ I & n. 1112 PECIY CEDAR 127 Wbatner 11.deof the fence you're on, lt'1 a good deal. Get the swlgbbore to epUt the coat. ·.,'11'-' . .:· .... + . 1·~·· .. . . . TllOllPSOl'S I WITER SEIL 7 44 UL • Lin buying ci Dice Mw ralDcoat for that wood. brick. drr wall. c:oatrete and CDON. nDLEY 1" 1 an. POWEBLGCI D POWU BETUll TIPE '!I" #1Mll .. ................................................... , i I U •IUTWll PU C DI I TWll PU OB 9 YUL T $DICJ.E PU aacr&I nn~ I ,. H I J ! t You'll IMted a bu.nc:b for Cbri1tmaa, with all thoae electron.le gamee. the camera and the calculator. FULL UME llTUY 2•7 FULL UICE PUii DI/OFF 3 97 Leta you run' th• gamut from "I can't flnd the 1W'ltcb" to "Gimme my a.bad ... man.·~ PAIWIOUIT Llghtwelqbt l llP blower packe a 32.Scfm alr atream to pt thing• movlng Uke thoee leaYM on the patio and drlftway. DP 3 PC. PRO IDJISTULE BICDOIBD POST WESTllliBOUSE COOL WRITE . FLUORESCEIT TUBES ... <r__~---~©~ a• c. ... n . .... an ................ 2 77 . Here'• aome replacement• for thoae flickering tubn ln the~ oroUlee. ILL DECORl1'YE ., LIGHT FllTUBES ~400/o "'11111.11 llTllL Aa togged and en la. prettr beftr acmng• on designer lighting her.. Nartlaa. IEITILITOR IDYllTICE nREPLACE 1949~ FIMllbearth 1trle 1&Dlt kMpe a low pt0W. (Uh .. at .. time) and gift• efflc:Met beat dm&latloa. .. '""° uca. 400 ywo.. Doe ~( ... di 7.IO 4.IO 4.00 ~Jet (;tOrw) u .oo uo limited POlloy (H9111 10.80 Alto r9CM1 lloona AaWllllOfl, Frotly V ..... TNI)' e CHc. 1A1191 ()Mp, Ooo luiby, Mm~. n-: ao.42. • DACTA (9-101p9ld 1111.IO POUlmt !UCL 400 )f1Wdt. DH·P-My Copy lCrv•> 1.40 e.ao uo ~ Moel (Crdnl 3.20 3.20 2.80 ' HeW Dllclt (H"11 :UO • ! OH-DMdlleM for Wlft. ·~ Aleo .... : Trtpplt CflwDatle. Toppera 1111. Rella Hope, He•tllere Polley, ··~-. •• 1"'* ao-11. : DAC1A !1-71 p9ld '44.IO. ID.ACTA 1-1) peld 127.80. ,..,,. llAca. 400 ywda. IC9la ~ ter.e-1 20.40 tUO 1.10 w.,,_.i .. (I'~ 1.80 1.IO YOli Know Who (MllciNll 1.20 ~ Aleo r•cld: Top Racer. lltllop C•t. ,.._.... l'tllftder, ,._ lt'OMr, Peleoe Oo Go .... 8o Men, IAll9I "*- Time: 20.33.. • DACTA IM) p9lcl 1111.20. ...=:::: .:=.,. ,.,. ......... 1.-,.._...... ...,UCL 11/1llNIM ....mo (fto!Mrot • 00 I 00 4 40 .,,,_ ...,_ ~> e eo 4 ao ~ ,__, ( ...,_I 1.40 Alto raoed: Heron·a loy, Ml Darty, Poollatpuraa, Wll•l•n J., North Lina, Trlnllltoll Meohlne. Tlmlc 1: .. 416 •. •COM> UC.. I ""'°"lie ~ 8etb (,,_~ 1 IO 3 40 2 to lwlial\'t Wind Ollk>C.,tonl 3.00 2.IO LIQht'*'t Swlf't 1811dil 2.IO Aleo rll09d: Tr .. Don, AOCll4\l'f, Aoyll ~on. YGUnQ aup.M, PYll'rlllOI Pride. Ttm.. 1:11 3115. • OALY OOUIL8 I I~) paid 1-42.IO. ~ucc.·~ E-. Win (tt.INr) 21 40 t.IO t .IO Won't a... en llldl (Toro) t0.00 7 IO 8INw LM'a Pride (Zooill 9 IO AleO r.oeel: Mtea a.lary, Po.llM T,_, Mi. SWiii, le Ht1P9Y, Ramablufl, Feeture Fant .. y, Tlrne: 1:12. . • UACTA (:Ml pe1e11377 00 POUfn'M Mca. 114 ""--Slly ....._,. (H._) 10 20 5 20 3.20 ~ (ftofMro) $IO 4.00 A o.r.ty ...... (Mctiargw) 4 00 ~r-s: "9rol'• °'-"· Crulaln' C.1. ~lmll: 2:ot 215. • UACTA (8-1) peld 5131 00. ,...,.. llACa. 5 fllt1onoa on turf It a d d ue (Mc!Cemwll 4.00 3.40 2.IO Mendarw (Vllowl!:fl) 5 80 4 00 lUC*lf "'"'-(llomwol 4.40 Alto ract d : Flying Chick. G•rm•o. Tr_. lucll, 8. Rich 0-ge, Nwera a CNw-. Time: 157 311. • llXACTA (l-11 peld Ntl.00. _,.. MCa. 1 1118 mllM. Conlldw ... lrWI I~ t t.20 1.40 3.10 Lady f'ren (Toro) 3.80 2.IO o.n..en (Aorn.ol 3.00 Alllo ~ Soll Sclng, L)'Pfw"llM, Ont For G9ffy. Ttm.· 1:47 315. •VDfTM UC&. Ont mle on 1\#1. ~ CNlll (Mc:Crnl 5 40 2.IO 3.00 v.._ (Toro) 3.00 2 eo Ooldefl fWt (V91cMc:fU 4.IO Nlto....O. ~. P~. &on Ofa °"°·...., Po6M. Mt. f'ltmt ......,, • DACTA (4-5) peld SM.to. HO TE: PM* Six ,_,.,., nor llVllllebll. IDQNnt AACIL '" ,,.... on turt. Clt•owood 8tw (P'Wcel 1.20 3.00 :uo .,.,_ Height.I CMc:Cerronl 3.20 2 80 Seelood(~ 2.80 Aleo r•c•d: Oovarnm•nt Program. .._.., ......., Canyon, 0.-. Tim« 1:48 415. ....,.. a.ACa., ,,,, ........ Mighty C-~) 5 80 3.80 3 20 ENplM (Ma.9) 3.40 3.40 A~ With Gold (lllec*) 4,to Afao raced: Hit SarlH , Iron Ally, CclfleCl1pllcM~ LMI Penner, Wor\tw ~ • IXACTA (1·71Pllld167.50. A~11.f'4, • "-=-"=·· • L .... -Lallett ; t; iff =. I '-*""' 1• u ... .... Otlllen ..... u ti 444 .... ..,. Olelo •U , ... ,. ....... .,....... K8MMOlty II • 121 ... 11*1 MIOnlO 11 11 ltt !WM tt 1a 4IO 4 1,111111 ,, ,. 40'1 • Cert-10 II ~ .... ~on • 21 11 mAITIM COMl'l"'*9 A ...... OMMell ~ 21 • IOI eo.ton 21 1 1eo , Weillllnglon 1• ,, MO '"' .... J«wt ,, ,, aoo • New Yen . " M 11 Cefttr•~ Mllweu ... e 11 10 130 Oetrolt 11 ta ,,.,, , ... Allent• 12 t) .4IO 4 CNcegO 10 ,., no 1 lndlene ti 17 , .. , ... ~ 4 22 11M 12 ••• n•:9X0• .__ ~ .. 124, U\llh , &oeton 140. ~ tSt Cle¥el11nd 100, I 1118 Kan•u Cl\ 141, Den-10:1 ~ca--Uken 11 San o.n.... II Detro41 W99111ngi0tl et New .>.tw, Allanll 11 MIMautc .. 0.... I I Plloenla HOultOfl M Por11and GOiden Stale 11 S..1111 Utlere 1M. Jan 100 UTAH -Poquell• 13. Wll-1"' 20. 8c:f\eyW t3, o,.., 12. Orl1fh~ 14, 1A11on e. ~ 11, Wllllame 11 Tot• 45-104 10.13 100. LO. AMGaal -RMlblt 5. Willi• 17, Alldul-JebOet 2t, E. JONllon 18, Nl•on t4, Worthy 2. Cooper 1, li4cAOoo 22, Jordan 3, L4Ulelaberger e. C, Johneon &, McOle 4. , Totllt: 5-4-toe 15-tt 124. ec... .., o.-tete Vt.ti 11 27 211 21-100 Loe Mgelel 30 30 30 S4-t24 T"'-Pofnt goe.le-Jorden. Fouled out -"'°"' Rtlloui'4ll -Vltll 42 t""-Y91 , n Loe M11ti11 63 (l JoN.-7, Wor111y 7, .,., ... 11. ~· -Uteh ,. (8chqea 111. Loe ~ M (E ~ ta). Total lou4lt -Vt.ti 23, Loe All09lll 11 A -Hl,311. Coftege NAJATOP• 1 St Mary9, T-(8) 2 Oii..,_ Cfwlatlan (I ) 3 Grand c.n-,on, Attl (91 4. Ctl-..0., H ..... (2) 5. llrneetON, 8.C. (1) I MiM.·Oulu1h ( 1) 1. Weel Vlrtlnle T- l Huron, S.D. Cl) 8 Wllell, 0No 10 ~,_Point (21 I I Clarlifw·Wet!O, N.C . 12 SI. ThorMa ~ tf'f 13 llnM..-..0.AAl(tl 15. For1 Haye SI., Ken. tll. SOUl'-ltrn Ollie. 11. Mlaaourl Souther!\ 18. Cumberland, Ky 19 Quincy, ... 20 Cent WMhinO!on (1) (Ital s C -8c>et1enllurQ ( 11 1-2 13-2 lo-4 .. , t2·1 .. , .. , 1-0 11-0 6-0 I0-1 , .. , .. , 1-2 10.2 1·1 .. , e-t f>-2 e-2 ,.. 377 3-'tl 231 226 200 1113 171 111 147 ;n 121 ~ 711 72 ee 12 49 4tl COMMUNITY COtJ.aQe ~kll,..,,t.AMSI IAMTA AMA -o.erouww 13, Wero •• lltlfldy 4. Sloll• 12, WNNngton 23, Fryelle O. MaoglO 0 Totlll 25 &-t3 Y . l.AOOU'aACtt -Orour>d 12. Joflnaon 2. Hllld9!-• 12 T ~ 18, Aerlttop 2. AMN 5, At--.. 13. ~ 4 Totala: 30 .,..,. .. HelftlrN. Seddleblc:lc. 21-27. TOllll loula: a.nlA AN 17, ~ 17. A late Christmas gift idea Here's a chance to go to spring training with the pros CHICAGO (AP) -Attention, Christmas shoppers .. Especially families who want to give the sports-minded breadw inner a gift he'a always wanted but wouldn't get for himlelf. It's a bMeball "spring tra1ning'' trlp for the older '-bell fan who'a oft.en wondered: "U I'd W 1he cbmce, ooWd I haw ~ it ln the big ~?'' . "Sprtna training'' begins in January for 50 "~ndldatea" when they fly from Chicago to AtlJ,ona for a week of workouta. The week enda wlth a pme ~team that includee members of. the 1969 Cube -Ernie Banka. Glen Beckert, Jim Hie an, Randy Hundley, Don Keminaer. Ron Santo, Billy Willlamll. ... WE'LL TilE TJIEM dewa to camp and let them see what aprlng tralnlng la like," aaya Hundley. a former catcher for the 1969 Qd:JS, who flniahed elf.ht aamee behind the World Series cbamplon •Amazing Meta'' after leading the National Le.cue for much of the -.i. "Tbey'll .e what it'• like to really get ln shape and compete to make a btg league ball club," said HWM:Uey, execuUve director of the pl'OII'alD. "Thoee former Cub players will put them throu&b the I** -work with them at different polltlcm. show them how to play fly ~ handle oounden, make the double play, help them In iiatttna pnictice. "If they think they're going to come out on the field and fiddle around. they'n! wrong," he added. ''They're aotJ\I to find out that their anm and • hurt after the tint couple of days, and they'll prpbably be yelllna 'Hey, aet me ouca here!' " _ THE It WILL fly out of ~ ln a l"OUP . J1m. 15. They'll u.e the San FrancUc:o Giants' ~ tralnlnl fadlitlea at acou.dale, whse daily ~ta between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. start Mooda.y, Jtn.17. '4<lb J'riday (Jan. 21) we'll have the~ pme at the Olanta' main atadlum," said the 40-year-old Kundley, who'• alreldy started workouts to abed ftV. poundl and set down to the 1~ be wetabed wbell be wu the Cube' rep.tar bKkatop. "It'• ~ how your Jep and amw can ,et out of ~.' J And about 30 of the 60 have bepn world.nc oQt at the Continental Heel.th Club ln aubw'bln 1'oWnl Meedowai . he said. • ~re r.lly out to beet Wt" Hundle..)' aald. "They brina their gloves and throw in the gym. Some of tnem are lifting weights, running, swimming.'' Hundley said the group is limited to lhoee 35 or older, but then!'I no maximum age. "One of tbem la 62," he aald. "They're busi.nemmen, attorneys. doctors, commodity traders, and one's a banker. They're from u far away as New York Oty, Philadelphia and Hawaii, but most are from the Chicago area. Some of them played hlsh 9Chool and college bueball and have always wanted to .ee ln their own m1nda 1.f they could XJmpete wtth the big leaguers." But 1101De are JL-l fana. "One man called up and said 'I don't have much bNeball ability and I never played much. U aomeone hit a ball at me, I'd duck. But I'd just like to 1ee what al>l"ln.ll training t. like'," Hundley said the caller told h1rii HtQH 8QHOOt. WOMIN ldleon 41, Lalltwood .. LAKIWOOO -Aoell-20, Welle 10, '~ 8, lltodeuf I , Mlldden 1, lngtam t Totlll: tt 1-12 41. IOllON -Trapl 11, Malnllardt 17 Blllnw •. uetaooo 4, n.oo. a. a.no.on a Totllt 20e.11 411 ---~ ....... Lu.wood 12 t 11 14 2-41 !Olton 13 ti ti 15 3-0 T01.i loull: Llll9WOOCI 15, Edleon 10 . OoMn Ylew 41. 'ootMll 11 ,OOTI&.L -o-rt. Croaa e. OeOcty •. 8lloclMU 4, lllum 2 Tot• 18 1·6 33 OCIAM VllW -Webb 20. CllNI 11, Chornla I, 6lmell 4, Oouly 1 Totale 24 I .. 49. ---~a-we Footl'tlll 5 14 e 11-33 0oaen View ti 12 Ill r 1-49 Totw foula: Footl'tlM 14, OcMr1 V-7. Nl'l. odde •·"-•3-~ •·Raider• • -o.n-Clr;elend 5 -•-Houlton •·Tampa Bey 3 'A owr o.llOll •·Atlllnra 4 owr Oreen Bey •·Pllttburgh ·"' -...... [nglllnd a.SI Louie 1 -..... Yon OIMtt New Yor11 Jttl 3 -... .....,,_,. Sen F rencleoo 1 -a·KaNM City 11..clnclnNll 10 -S..1119 Wul\lngton I'-' -a-New ~ •-8111 Oltgo 13'-' °"" laltimor. •·Diii ....... -PhlledeipN9 •·Miami 3 ovw Buttllo S11n BOWi g~~~!:y~•IU e OY., NOrtll C...olr\9 AIOlla Bowl (Saturd•yl -Wul't~ton -Maryl9nd Liberty 9owl (Wednetelly. Dec. 2111 - Allbame-~ 09tor lowt (Tl'turedly, Dec. 301 -Flor1cla Stell a owr w .. 1 v1rg1n19 Hefj ol Fwne lowt (Frldly, Dec 311 - Vandlrblll 7 -Air Foroe Peach Bowl (Frid ay, De c . Sll -T.,__._. INI 8onMt Sowl (f'rl09Y. Dec. 311 - Arte-• -florid• FiH t• Bowl (811urd1 y. J an 11 - Oii-,,... -AtW>n9 Stat• Collon Bowl (Sllurda y, J•"· 1) -Plttaburgfl and Southern Melhocllet, .,..,, AON bowl (Saturo.y, Jan fl -UCLA 3 -MlcNgen S<.I09' ._. (SetunSly, Jen. 1) -P9nr'I 81111 2 ... -OeorlN Or•ng• lowl ur1111rdey, Jen t ) -,,,.,, ... ,_Lau JI---._'-"'· "'-...,,... ............... , A Flcllttou• euelne11 Heme Stetement fifed with the County Clerk It w•lld for flYe yeere efter which Ume continuing buelne .... ~• refile. Pu~lcetton I• necee .. ry only If there ere cti•nv••· c.11 the L•e•• Deputment •t the DAILY PILOT for ln lorl'ltetlon end neceatefy lonfte. 842-4321 b .»2 ' 8outtl • ...,...,. °'*' ( ................ . ,.,.. ....... ....... Rod Frntey (Awtt ... ) dell Alc:NtO ~ (1tt\91111. M , M , ... . ...___ ...... .... Chri. Jol'tn1tone (Auatratl•J dal Pet., C11111 (Autrr•ll•I. 9·4, 8·2; Brod Dyl<e (Auttrelll l off Bruoa Olflln (New z..land), 2-1, .... 9·3: Pat CMll (Auttrlll9) def. Jell Slmp.on (New 2-Hllnd), 1·4, 9·4: Mike O.Palm•r (U 8 I d•I. W•yn• Hampton (Aut111ll•). 8°4, 1-2; Or•g Wl'tllecroaa ,_,, ... ,def Jell lorOWllll (U 8), :s-e. , ... , ... ,.,... "94IM 0.-... 1111 MUl-Hlllk P1191er (U.S.) 011. Aoo Crowtey-0.llld 8leglet (U.8.), 1-4, 7-8, 7-1; Mike hl•P (U.8.)-Jell Slmpaon (N•w leelllndl def. Joh" UoyO (8rhaln>-8«nle Miiion (South Alrlca), 7-5, 7-6; MIU Gan4olto-8cott McCeln (U S I def CHI! lat-.C.llQ MllW ("41.llrlll•I, .... 6-4, 8<00 Oytl•Wl'fN ~ (Auarr•J Oii John Allaandlr..John ~ (Auatr9111). 11·2, t -7, e -3, Syd Ball·Rod f'r•wl•y (AUit,.._) def (;(.ig fdwwdl (U.8 >-Eddie Eelwatdt (South A"1cl), M , 7-e. '-"' llOWld ~ 0.llld Orel\.,.._~ Warder (Auttrlll9) def. Rlcf\arCI ~ Smith (1tt\9111), , ...... hooer MIOtC9CHOOI.. .... ,........ • ..., ............... 1 ,011nt•ln Valley acorlng S"'oot t, ~1.Muflerlt. -.,, # • , o~wa• lo-tlOll ~ t I 1 ,,'f ~.,, WIMlpef ti ti I 117 ti5 N V~ ' t:t 14 1 ttt tiO N ..,_,. It 11 I 111 tU 11 ~ It ti I 147 111 10 ....,...,........ » I I tM tOt U ti 10 1 IN tM ... 12 ao 4 tn 1~ n 1 11 t 102 1.q n I 20 I IOI ,.. ti WAUll COWIMIMCa ,...,.........,. NY lllendera 11 13 1 t)t PNlecNIPNA ti 12 I ISi WMhinOIOft 16 I t 124 NY ~ 11 15 3 142 PIHllllurgll 10 11 I 112 .... w.., 1n1102 ~DtwtlMft 20 • • 1311 " •• 141 tf t) t IH ,, 14 • , .. 10 11 4 112 ................ luflalo 3, Naow Yorti ~ I P"HUJ'~ 3, .... WW'/ 1 ~ 4, Toronto a l!dmonlOfl e, ~ 2 T ......... 10-.. Eomon1onat ..,_,. &oeton at Hertfonl ,Monlrael el 0ue0ec WMhinO!on llt N Y .-.oett Pttlll>utgh et Oettoll T oron10 II St Loult Calgary •I V~ ,,, 111 11• 1ao ,., ,., ,,. 104 'ii , 2 163 wec1ne•ct:t.:.:tl'••ct1on• ...... L...- 43 41 ,. 11 " 21 48 44 M ae 24 NEW YORK YANKE~I -Traded l .. Mazllll, outllelder, 10 1"' Plltaburgll Plret• ror Do" Aubin. outrl•lder. Tim lurk•. pltelllr, John Holranel, c.tcner, 111\d JOit ~·. lnlleldlr. ATLANTA =~led TGnl .._, pltCllS, lor illlllg - aA...-T'MU .................... 11 DETROIT PISTOHI -Anftounc9d tlWlt Sc:oll M9Y, lorwatd, OIMred ..,.,...,. 111\d l>IClme • tr .. egMI. VT AH JAZZ. -AnnounQed thet Allthony RoOen•. forwwd, felled to PMI • ~ 111tr111>111on and ... not tlgnecl by Ille lewn '00T9AU ......... ,.....i..a.e- PHILA0£U>HIA EAGl..U -Signed Don C•lhoun. running llK-. to two one-year C<>nltKtl. Uftlled ...... , ....... i..a.e- BOSTON BREAKERS -Signed a.try Aaymorld. gu«d. -811 QloaPldt -Mlle Mclaughlin . c •nt•ra. Ray Phllllpt, lln•ll•cliar. Cl'tarlea Phll)'••. oer..,atve .......,.._ DENVER GOLD -llgnad Tho"'" ~II. rvnnlng llecll, Aobet1 Putdham, tlgl'tt encl, H.,old NorlleM, ~ llnllNln, Victor Simon, llMbec:ller, .-,_ 8'.-IU, ~.........,. QRNDAL NEW YORK AACINO ASSOCIATIOH - Announced ~ of RoOer1 Rywl. ..a pr-for~ cou.e• INDEPENDENCE COMMUHm' COl.lfOE -NM!ed Jim Codwan t..o foolllel co.di INITIATION FEE UNLIMITED RACQUETBALL, NAUTILUS & POOL . 50% Off Couple ind F1mil1 R1t11 1 Sou"'ern Calltornla's Largest Famlly Sport• Center. Offer lood Tllro11i .DH. 31, 1112 Call or come by ---=--for_a_free v.isltl Jobi R -no ca -ino work RINO CAP> --Wtwn twu •MJlf t1lc.d 1 w k t.f0rt Chtlttnw and 800 people I t lhetr )>bl, lhll .-ntblert' WW.t found ... "-''· ror lhe 600 ~ ..... tho ~.:ame la•• ••• rrtday af \emOon lhat thcllt emp , the M1pi111 Ho\tl .. c..ano and the Money Tnte , rould not m Ht lhelr p1yroll1 a nd would be clo1ln1 lmmedlltely. The next momJna. the phone •taned rin&ina at the Salvation Army he.dquanera. By Monday, the ca11I were non-1top and a 1pecl&l ''Operation North Pole" WN 11t up lO help tho culno worken. The llf'-were u varied u they were unu.ual. A Wd compeny offered free rides.• toy 1tore danated free toya. a U-Haul Chrlatmaa tree lot had free trees. the neighborina Club Cal-Neva wu prepared to aive $25 to each of the workera totalina about $1~.00'0. and a ~lo~ qub c.hapter donatecl 2&o turkeys. Even the Washoe Medical Center had a gift: free emergenc3', medical care. "This la no\ a charity thing," inslated Elizabeth Shay, an Internal Revenue Service worker who took the week off to organize the effort. "Thia la an effort of a give on behalf of the community." Shay said when she heard about the layoffs, "It juat bc;>thered me. So I decided, 'I'm going to do ;.omething about it'." Since then, she said, life has been hectic, but "It's one of the nicest Christmas week.a I've ever had." The Salvation Army has established tw? d4(ff'rtml l~ fur ... '!. loo ~n , UM tu, fwd YUlkln•n. no•n•rr w ra• k:Mh empfoyH hu t»m 1 ven • •a o food vwdK"r tor each famH~ "*" r Mayor O..rban Ben.nett ll wonlln1Un1 the drtve lU ralale t7S,OOO I.or th workera io help out until lhcy a•t un.nn~t bt.noflt1. Sh hope1 '° Jilbune the money on Chrilunu JWe. Qov. Robert Ult Mid )le h.u dlrt!et.ed qencietl who work wlth tho ~blhe '° a,fve the Ma~­ Money Tree worken ' very 1pcictal trNtment." Ke uid he hoped the 1tate coul d proc u unemployment clalma withln a week, inateod of the usual two woeka or more. The culno workerw •Y they are grateful for the community support. •·A lot of r,eople have trted to help. We appreciate that,• uid Vulllld Mtrtdakta. whot1e husband. Tony. was a supervblor at the Mapes. The Mirldakiaes wore 1tanding in line at the SaJvaUon Anny with other caa1no workers wallin8 for their food vouchers. ~ they waited, volunteera offered them free coffee and cookies. "I have a couple of kids, my rent la due, my utilities are due. I have no money," Mlrlda.kis said. ••Just before Chriatmas -It's really terrible." Maj. Kenneth Angel, Reno administrator for the Salvation Army, said he's !Surprised by the amount of support the workers have received. It's unreal," he said. "People have been walking in here (to help) just constantly." TIME IS RUNNING OUTI ONLY 8 DA VS LEFT 3 guilty in NASA To Make a Meaningful 01llerence in Your '82 Tax Picture Contact the Proless1onats at DAL TON, DAL TON, COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. to discuss intelligent Year-End Investments bilking ,,., ht ...... I w1Ul4..-. INll1 w1Jked Up "' Al\llll .,Kt ll•pped him •he flOO blU•. "Mt• INl)'Ot, who hu wonted all.lf\dde °'her volunlctcira pr004tNlblJ don1Uont, ulcf 1he'1 nol •Ulprtled, 111111a1m •11a jackpot ~~~~~,~~,~~""~M~~a~~~ •. ~!~~.~~~l ol markl•tf nJ( ~l·rvic:t•11 trnd udmlnistrntlon tor the award of a $1.7 milllon contract !tom the U.S., Aµµllt!d Tt><:hnology V(•ntum~. In1: .. of Santa Anu Postal Service in Washington, D.C. to 1upply l11s rellponlllbllltles int'lude admlnlluration uf mlcrocomputer po11tal llC&les. Theee llC&les wW be marketing ('ommunit:at1om1 and coordination of going to post offices in such major cities aa New i prodUl'l ortlt-rs /rom l'USLOmN or<.lcr to final 'York, Bolton, Atlanta, New Orleans, Cleveland,• J"11vt•ry. Chicago, Los Angeles and San Diego. I General Automation, lnc .. o f Anaheim, l announc-E'!I the a ppointment of William w. Cook and Wyle Laboratories Electronics Marketlns ~ David A. Baum to the positions of vice president-Group of lrvi.ne ha~ been appointed exclusive• eastern region and vke president wei;tern region, industrial. diatrtbutor Ul the 11 western •tatel Corf rc..-spt.'<.'tivcly. Both Cook and &um joined General the ~urr-Brown, lndust~lal Systems Products! Automation irl Oc.·tober. Divia1on. Headquartered m Tucson, Ariz., Burr-. ' Brown is a developer of microelectronic devices and; Wlllla~ J. Caldwell, .of La1W19 NitueL ~ce microcomputer-based systems for data acquisition, I prC"s1dcnt 1n t•harge o f investments for Firs t signal conditioning and industrial control. Meridan Financial Corp., has been e lec ted , ' , secretary and dir~tor for Hun~ington Pacific Thrift Imperial Savings and Loan Association has: and Loan A.ssoc1at1on of Huntmgton Beach. completed a $65,000 remodeling project at its 1' Leonard Sbane, chairman of the board of Newport Center office. The project took six weeks Mercury Savings and Loan Association of to complete ~d moderniz.es the branch, which ~aai Huntington Beach, has tµmounced the opening of a constructed m 1963, at 550 Newport Center Drive,• new Mercury North Hollvwood reclional office at Newport Beach. I Laurel Canyon and Magnolia boulevards. Since opening it8 first office. in Buena Park 18 yea.i:s ago, Communispond. Inc., an internat..ional t Mercury has gro~ m assets from $2 million to consulting firm that develops and conducts• more than $1 .bill1~n. and now has 29 branches executive 'communication seminars for corporations, ~ ORLANOO, Fla. (AP) throughout Califonua. has opened its new West C:oast headquarters in the , -Three men and two Altec C.Orp. has reported preliminary results of ~e C.Ompany's MacArthur C.Ourt office complex : NO OBLIGATION -CALL TODAY FOR A RIC.HER TOMORROW companies have been operations for the fiscal year ended Sept. 26, m Newport Beach. • 1 V14) 841·3761 convicted of charging showing a net loss of $2,310,000 on revenues of 2691 Richter Ave .. ..>le. 102. Irvine • Near JambOree/405 inflated labor rates and $31,527,000. This compares to a 1058 of $2,355,000 on Milt Hill of Alexander's Moving and Storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~ts~ri~ rew~es~P5$~000~~pre•wf~~~ MAtlasVanLl~ag~~tedinHuntingto~J = construction of space J shuttle support facilities Newport Beach residents Marilyn Kittler and Beach, has been named salesperson of the month from 1975 to 1980. Caroline ScbUllng have opened Newport Bio-in national account sales. Atlas, headquartered in, rtllUC NOTICE P\llUC NOTICE A 12-member u s 'Fitness, Inc., a passive exercise clinic and health Indiana, is the nation's sixth largest household~ District Court ju.ry salon at 4020 Birch St., s .uite 111 ~n ~ewport Beach. goods ~e~ w~th consolidated revenues in ex~: PIClllK>Ue WU PICTI1lOUe WU f1C-•e ---.. um eTATDmn' NAm STAftlmff .wi. nAniiDT deliberated three days , Telephone 752-0224 for information. of $180 rrulhon tn 1981. : before reaching the early : TM fOlowtng penone .,.. doing The lollowlng peraon la doln11 The tollowlng peraon 11 doing .,.,..,_ u: ~ u; ~ .. : (e) RECIPE CLASSICS (b) ROGER'S DRYWALL, 1998 UDO OPTICAL. 361 Hoepltal GOLDEN RECIPES (c) CROWN Anehelm St., Co1t1 Mua, CA .... Suh 100 .._.... 8Mcl'I C.. ADVERT ISING (d) PACIFIC 7 ~ • ',__,....., ' MERCHANDISING (•I COAST Roger L .. Ahdere. 1996 Larrimore J. Smith, 1122 MERCHANDISING, 17042 Baruna Anaheim St., Co1ta Mau , CA C8rlofl. Coeta ...... CL 92629 ~~~e~~ee~~kal~ end OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS • , , lAne, HuntJnaton a-ti. c.Mfofnla t2t27 Thia ~ It oondU01ed by en t2949 Thie ~ la oonducted by an Individual. Michael Steven Gln1barg, ~-Larrlmor9 J. Smith 170.42 Baruna Lane, Huntington ROQef L Allders f Thia irtalement wu Ned with the Baadl, Cllllfomle 92648 . Thie Ital-I WU 111'1111 with tl'le County Cleft( of Ofenge County on Phyttl1 Jean Glnatierg. 170.42 County a.ti of Orange County on Oecembet 21. 1982. Batuna Lane, Huntington BHch, Dec. 10, 1982. ,... CalNomia 92649 "*-Publlahed Orange Coaet Dally TNI ~ le conducted by"" Publlehed Orange Coal! Dally PllOI o.:. 23. 30. 1982. Jan. 8. 13, lndMdual. Piiot, Dec. 18. 23. 30, 1962, Jan. 8, l983 MldlMI 8. ~ 1983 TNI etat9man1 waa 111.s wlttl the 5383-82 County Clertl of Orange County on Oeoember 21, 1982. ..... PtaJC NOTIC£ Publtahad Orange Coaat Dally "IC,rmoul Ml.,..11 Plot, Dec. 23, 30, "-'. 8, 13, 1N3 NAm ITATSMRNT 11578-82 The lollowlng paraon I• do1n11 bu"-•: "8JC NOl1C[ REAL ESTATE INSPECTION & --fiiimiiCiiilijiiiiiiii'"-MAI N'tENANCE. 16 7 2 Orcllerd, ACnnoul Mlll•M Apt. 1.4 , Senta Ana Helgllt1, um srA~ Ca1Horn1a 112101 TM following l*'90lle -doing -· Edward J . Sontag. 1672 ~ aa: Orcllud. Apt. t4, Santa Ana LE TAOOUET. 270 8 . 8rlatol HaiQhta, CaHfornla 92707 Stt .. I, SulW. 114, Cotta Meaa. Tiiis ~ts c:ondUctad by an CeMornla 92:e2t lndl'lldllal. Ff«ldl 1ta11en ~.Inc., a Edwatd J. Sontag Callfofnia co.-poretlon, MO lrvlne Thtt llat-1 WM lllad wttll Iha AveflUe, A408, ~ 8"cll, County Cleft! of Orange ~ty on c.lltofnla 112983 December 8, 1982. Thia~ .. ~ by. Pm77I oorporatlon. Publl1had Orange CoHt Dalfy F~ Italian PllOI, Dec. 9, 16, 23, 30. 1982 Producta, Inc. 5326-8' Pl&JC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSINEH NAME ITA TEMOfT Tl!I following parson 11 doing bullnna as: (a) THE SOUTH COAST DRAPERY CONNECTION (bl THE DRAPERY CONNECTION, 160" lfeven Plae-a. Newport B•acll. Calllo-n1a 92e&3 JOl'ln R McKeon. 16(µ Haven Piece. N•WP<>fl Beae11. C1llforn1a 92663 This Mlnou la condue1ed by an lndlvldual Jann R. McKeon Tiii• alatement was filed wttll 1ne County Clerk of Orange County on Nov. 22. 1982. l'202714 Publl•hed Orange Coasl Oally PtlOt, Dec 2. 9. 18. 23. t9tl2 525W2 ~anco Malevael NI.IC llQTIC( Pt11UC NOTICE TNI lt.-nent -fled with the -----------FICTITIOUS IW ... H County Cleric of 0ninoe County on '=A~ NAME ITATS•NT ~ 21, 1982. .._. The lollowlng peraon 11 doing Tiie lollowlng per1on 11 doing .,.,..,_ aa: bullnesa u : Publllhed Orange Coaat Dally NEWP-OA?-HIU.S TRAV ...... ,..,._~_T_H~E~KOZAK GALLERY, 202 ~. so;-111'r.8; 18, ~ 2934 San MIQ.'" ual Oftve. Newpon ewpor Cen er-Or., uffi T. _________ &a_n_-a_ Beecltl. CA~ Newport 8each, CA. 92680 Ellzab«h ~ Dell. &e7 Vlt1a Garald Lee Kozak, 2100 Yacht _ __,,.,.,.,.Nl.IC= ..... -llOllCE ..... .,....,...,.,...,...-Bonita. Newport Beach, CA 92eeo Mlaehlel, Newport Baecll, CA. PIC1TT10Ue .._.. Tillt ~ II oonduc1ed by an 9~ bu*neaa 11 condU01ad by an Ulm STA.,_... lndMduel. lndM<lulll. The followlng 11«1on la doing ElzaDeth ~ Dall Garald L. Koul< ~ -Thie ltat-t -fllad with the M Es A u p H 0 L s T E R y -County CWll of Orange County on Thi• 11e1amen1 WU IUad with ,,,. LAGUNA, 1S04 Newport Blvd.. Nov. 29. tlle2. County Ctertl of Orenge County on eo.ta MMe, CA 92e2e l'20IOr7 Oec 8, 1982 Co F20S77.4 Linda .i-t LucllaY, #6 Robon, Publlehed Orenge att Dally Publlshad Oran11• CoHI Delly N9wport Beacn, CA eM27 Ptlo\, Dec. 16, 23, 30, 1982, Jan. 8, Pl ..._ " 8 23 30 1982 Thie~ It oonducted by an 1963 IOI.,,_, •· 1 • • • · tndl\.1dUil. 5508-82 630~2 Linde Jew! Luctlay ---.. ---11'111111\_:\'V'_C __ TNI etasern.nt -flied with the P\llUC ll011CE ,._ ""I~ Colinty C1er11 of Orange County on ____ AC...,.,.,.Tm~ .. ~o-~ue~llU~,_=:-:a~e--flCT1T10U8 ....... Dec. fO, 1N2. ,_ NAm STATDmNT NAm eTATlmWT Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally Th• followlnQ ~r•on la doing ~ ~ per-. .,.. doing Piiot, Dee. ltl, 23, 30. 1M2. J1n. ti, ~~A LANO SC A p E SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1983 541o-e2 CONSTRUCTION, 12072 BrOllen AOU.ER EHOAAVlHO CO .. 1616 W. Bow Of., EJ Toro, CA 92830 ~Blvd. ir16, Coet• M4IM. Capital Communi- cation Corp . and its president, Philip Akwa of Milwaukee; New World C.Onstruction Co. and its president Arthur Boschen of Titusville; and James White Jr. of Melbourne, a former Ne w World engineer, were found guilty. Prosecutors said that in one0 case, the firma filed for 27 ,000 man- hours of repair time on a project when initial estimates submitted to NASA were for 4,000 man-hours. Prosecutors also said time cards of laborera and crane operators at the sitee did not match labor costs submitted by Capital and New World. Proeecutors did not say how much money was fraudulently obtained by the defendants. But more than $500,000 in change orders - amended costs for unanticipated work on a contract -was paid to the finns. Each man faces a maximum of five years in priaon and a $10,000 fine on each count, and the companies face up to a $10,000 flne on each count. The deffmdants were named in a 20-count indictment last January by a federal grand jury after a four-year probe. "8.IC llOTICl Neel P. KrMW. 22072 Bro«., Randy E. Lanc:aeter, 320 I ACTmOU9 ..,..... Bow Dr .. El Toro, CA 92930 c.itw Santa Ana. CA 92704 P\&IC NOTICE .... -..,,._ ~~It oonduc:ted by an Al.be rt Crompton. 11ti16 -., .. ,_, ,._ •• ._.. __ •t "'---,.,. 90e30 flClfYIOUe IU ... 11 TI!& tollowtno ~.on 11 doing N..I o Kr-__ _, 0 •• ... ,,.,._,...,. NAm •TAT11•NT ~ • Thie 11at-it w .. l'1lled wttll IM Thie ~ .. conducted by a The IOllOWlng '*"°"' «• dOlng COMMUNICATION DESIGN, County ewtt of Orlfl09 County on genwal ':!..t~on bue1naet M : ~~~-St., O"Clen Grow, Dec. 10. 1982. ,... Thie etatement -ftled with .... PLAYTIME RECORDS. 2428 Jaok V. Ouy•~1 2480tl Yla Publlehed Or•nll• eo.11 Dally g:n73 ~of OrllflO'I County on ~r-c'" No. 3• eo.ta MaM. Tonaoa. El Tcwo, CA •2ea0. Piiot, Dec. ttl. 23. SO, 1982, Jtn. ti. · ' · ,... Mufti Lin• inc .. • Calllornl• Thle ~ It oonducted by an 1983 540t-e2 Publlalted Orange Coaat Dally oOfPQratlon. 2•28 Ne\llll)O(I Bhld .. lndMduaA. 1s.~ P11ot. oec. 18, 23. 30. 1982, Jan. 1, No. a. Coeta M .... CA. ~2827. Jedi Y. ~,,------------• .,..,. • Thlt bual..-la conducted by e Thle Utement -111.s with ,.. --.,. --...... Ion Couflt1 de!ti of Orenge County on ..--nlll~ ~ COfl>O'lt · o.c. 10 1ee2 --fiiirniiCiiUiiiiiiiiiiii'"--1 Muhl Line Inc .. · · ,_ f'ICnnoue llUH••• "81C N011C( P. Pletce Publl111ed Or•nga Cout Dally The =:~ dolno -__.,;;c~,~,~,iCMM~~.,..~=~ .. ~--1 Thi• irt:='wee flied w1t11 the Plot, 0.0. 19, 23. 30, 1982. JW1. I. ~ a um 8TA~ county Ctetlt 01 Orenge coun1y on 1N8 ,. .. ..,,.__ (a) JHO AUOIO lb) HUNT ......_ .....--.. -.,.. ........., Dae. 10. 1982. __,_ .. DAINtY I A8SOCIATH. 1'70 ~ ._.,. ..---~.., ,._ ---.. ---.,.-------Logan A~ No. E. eo.ta MeM. M & M ARABIAN BREEDERS, Publl1llad Orang• CoHt Delly ,._ ""'-. Callfomle •......-v 48 Promenade, ll'llM, Calllornta Piiot, Dec. 18. 23. 30. 1982, Jan. I , Jam•• "untlngton Oebney, 92716 1983. 1665 Mela Vtr61 Ortw. EMt. NO. 49 Promenade, lrvlna, TN tollOWll\il l*'90fl 11 doing 2'F, COllU MeM, caMomla t2t2f Cellfofnta t2716 ....,.. • Tiiie bullMee 11 oonduoMd by en M • r 11 y n Sp I• r My •r •. •I Pia.IC JIOTIC( UN IQ U I YI O £ O • 2 9 3 t ~ ._ Hunttnoton ~ Promenede, lrvlna. Oellfomla t2'115 Ovedad•, Newport leach, Ca. Tiiie ..-,y;.11 ... llled ;~ Thlt bullneea la oonduoted by ~'°=-~ -----..... ~ ........ _ County a.tit"' onnoe County on hulband::.'9+. ~ The.....-.. -............. ... _,, .... ,._,_,,,, -_, Oeoambet 21. 1M2. Thle ......,..,. ~ -'th tn. ~ ..... ..----· .. ~. C.. tt20f ,._ County 01111C of~ County on t<ITTL!Y. PU8L18HINQ 11 condLtcMct by"' Pvblletled Or~ Co .. t l)e.lty DecemMr 17, 1N2. COMPANY, 20011 Kllne Drive, p. Hen1lofl Plat. 0.0. t3. '°· fta. ........ 1f. ,..,.. Santa ...,.. Helgtlte. Calfomla "107 .,,... d 0 FTel'ft -t11M1 wftfl ti. ,_ WM2 Publlefled Orang• Ooatt Olfly btatt PWtn1!10 P\ltlllOdOna ~ a.rt of o...,. Oount1 on Plot. o.o. n. ao. ftU, JM._.. ii. '-· • ~ OOl'POflillO!i. iOiiii om"*-11, 1tea. ,_.. "8JC M>1lCt 1• 8411..&J ~;1:rta Ana H .. 01111. PvMltfled Orant9 Ooaat DelfY Tillt...,... .. ooncMiead by a Noe 0.0. n. to.1Ma. .Mn. t. 1f, l'llOTmO&MllUI ... Pl8JC N011C( ~·· -..... ITA~ -1~iiiiiiii"iUiiiiii"'-:'I ...... "*ring Nt?-12 TM to110W1nt ,.,_. -dOlrYf MhhOUI • H•ll PuMoellO!ia, tnc., ----------~ • The =:TAW NcNrd K~. PmllC llQTIC( M.0 ,1 . l'UHOING. 2.400 W. ...,_ lllrlOlll -OOWlf Tbla .= .. -..... ...-..._ IWIYnOU9 wae ~-=·· .,._ t. ~ lleedl, OIV'r MOBii.JOA" WAIH, Countey Clltt. Of ONf10e -o;,;;; C,: ..... ITAW ~ D.T. Want, 1112 ,... 1701 Tlllln A¥9., OOtea ...... c.. D.o..,. "· ttea. 'TM foltowt11e .-.on '' dolno Cir .. """"'""°" a...i. CA. t2M ttea1 ,_ ...._. tiitarlln L. tfudlar, i 140 Avln lnterprl•H, lno. (a li'llMefted Otana_a .coac ~ W". T'S AUTO •At.H ANO Manl•t" Of., C.•ta Meta, CA. C1lltorn1a OOtt»orallon)~·, 'loe, 0.0. n, ac>, 1Nt, Jan. 14 11. ::'°I. ~~ollatnat A~ .• tHH._. Ward, •711 =s:.OlrOle, ~=..::ti.tr... ~ 1 1"' ...... T~AI OUN "U"ST, 41 ~laadl.~..._..... _,_.,.:_.,,.__ ... -i5::;:::~~=~~::.J ..-wer.~CAtt1f4, , ... ..,..... .. _.......,...v,a .... -... -.·---l'Ntt,__ ..... d ded !tr.., ~ ':':f w... ~ ... ,,...... ~· Ttlolw O........ TN9 • ......,. .... tied"""',._ 1'llt ,..,,.,.l:.t""' WWI .. oi!:,'z::l"C::-~ ':_ :"la.~°' c>r...,. c.wnty on ~~.':... ~ °" 01 '• e.,... 1'11tftaMd Of<MI• eou':'t/!r' ~ .. ...._, OfllltM·C.-t~ --::1~Miiilif °'1'1 Ci~ = DIJI, 1t, ..... 19111, .... r. = 0.. llt ....... ~ill ,...... .... ···~ . ~, .. , -~ .... --------....... AO SUMMARY NEW YORK (API -M<KI .ell .. 0-· t-• stock' .._ii.cl tiy NASO. He<N Volume lllcl As~..S Chia. MCI a..... 1,Jn.-·~ a" • °' W:.M HE l.M,000 12~ 12\1. r-.... m.-.o "'-ttl4 "'"" . .. . 141,AOO ""' 1'Yt A11PMC . 4S1,t00 ~ al P*18 . Jm,?00 2'\o'J H• ero.r.. . 27', 100 1e 1no. FtEJoK • • in.ooo l'"" 17'"' ISC . . . . . 2'UOO ~ 1~ o..wNi . J6J..200 IV. I 5-16 ....,.,_ ......... . Oec:Uned .......... .. Uncl\9nOICI -• .. .. • . • . 1"'91 ·-.................. .. N-11111f>s --T~• WIH -I A111U un 2 RetU'1> J oeneptr • AMkfF ! ~~~ 1 TeaEng I ...-Sv • SOiwanlll 10 ll«Se<ur 11 DMI 12 llM!tlFem 1) stMWt:l U TeaEn IHI U Albl W1 16 OUM£n 11 ArnOleo 11 Supf'ds " -Oleo 20 Mllrlon 11 PrlvS Uft n l!lfl(f.O U E11-2• SUude U Trond"" Ul"S Ul•t s • , ... a "" '"" '" J\lo )Yt ·~ ·~ 1 JV. l J ,... • 10 Siio IJ 26\'t ,.~ .. 7~ '"" .c'tt, + 1VI . ~ + I . ~ . ''-. " . ~ . "" + IV. . "" • IV. . " • Yt . "' • 114 . " . '"' . ~ • 2 :~ • • . ' . "' I • J , ' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ MUTUAL FUND =:r 11.M 12.IJ Plltmd 12.74 Ptwll• t.47 10.13 Prklt Funm · s.i .. ~· 10.0 11.16 (ilwtll U .CM Ml4I _,, '-• 7.43 rnmm 1.41 MMliOpt 20.U NL lnll 10. t5 Mt8 F;I It. t2 NL N Er• 1S.U ~ ... 11.0 12.49 H Horii IS.II MdlG"' t0.49 NL Ta P're l.S1 Muewld~: Nnttr io.• NL Grw1tl s. 11 $..62 1-I.CJ t.IS ~· t .'710.Sl -. S(W' ~UT =t "-T JO.It NL NM_. ICUS NL ,... '"' IJAS NL -Sec:urllles: ..._ 12.CD tU7 ._.. t • Pl OfW'll .... us """" L11 7 .>6 = .... ,.~ .. ' ••• .. First-ti1ne jobless clai10s decline WASHINOTON (AP) -The number of Americana flllit& flnt-Llme clairnl tor unem~l benetlta dropped to &33,000 ln the w k Dec. 11, hlttin,s ~e lowest leveJ 1lnce lat July, tho Department repo~ toct.y. It wu the: third 1traf1ht weekly decline for lnitial compenutJon claims and an enoourqina lign that the natJonal unemployment rate might 100n lovel otf. Today'• report at.a uid that 1n the week endlna Dec. 4 about 4 .62 million Americana clalmea unemployment benefita under regular state pl'OIJ'anw. That wu a decline from 4.71 million the prevtoua week and put the total at the loweat level aince September. The insured unemployment rate -the~portion of the labor force drawing jobless benetita -dropped to 5.2 percent for the week ending Dec:. 4 from 6.4 perceht the previous week. Many economlata use the 600,000 lnitial-clai.!'na level aa a benchmark for the national unemployment rate, aaying that when claims are above that level the rate will probably rise and when claims are below 600,000 per week the jobless rate should stop rising or even decline slightly before very long. However, lllOIJt analyats, including aome ln the Reagan administration, alto have been aaying the overall rate will probably rise above November's 10.8 percent before declinlng next year. The 10.8 percent level is already the highest in 42 years. Bank merger criticized DENVER (AP) -A Denver financial analyst has said that a merger involving First Intra West Bank of Denver is a maneuver by First IntraWest Fi.nancia1 .Corp. to get its "biggest problem off the booka." William DouglaS of Boettchetj & Co. aaid that in this case, however, "the biggest problem happens to be the biggest uaet the company has." IntraWest FinandaJ Corp. announced the merger of its lead bank with First Interwest Bank of Denver, an affiliate of th e First Interstate Bancorp. of Los Angeles, a holding company with $39 bllllon in assets and banks in 11 states. The merger will be financed through a compllcate d tax-free trade with a transaction value of $125 million, of{idaJa aaid. Earlier this month, lntraWest Financial Corp. announced plans to write off $30 million in bad loans, about 80 percent of which were charged to IntraWest Bank of Denver, formerly known aa First National Bank of Denver. lntraWest Bank of Denver is one of 15 banks operated in Colorado by lntraWest Financial Corp., but it represents the bulk of the holding company's assets. WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YOlllC CAPI De< 22 ~ T°":/. -~ ~ .,, _..,,,. Ufte......, 4U -T-lllMft 1"3 "" = =' SI tS • t WH~f Wft DU HEW YORK IAPJ De<. n ....... ~Id r~, o;r. Deel'-"' m v::r.: n• 247 ... .,. _....,.. ,, • --I • METALS NEW YORK tAP) -Spol nonl•rro111 ....... ptiot.W~ c:...-r 71~·73'~ _,, • l)OunO, u.s de91~ ... '°' ... ..... 19~ _,, • pound Zinc 3&-40 etnlt. pound, ~­ "" M. 1S81 MttaJt IN• oompoeita lb . ........._ 711 etnll a pound, N.Y ~ SMS.oo 11« 11M11 'Mtlfl-1383.00-S,,85.oo tr11y ounce, N.Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YOlllC(AP) FIN I Oow-.lmwt ...,.._ for -·OK ZJ STOOl5 0.-...... .... c-.. ca. .. ,,., 1G I 17 100 It 141lt .•2 l«U_.. • 4.1' .. Tm _.,~It .... .., ... a.Ai5 IS Vtl 111 ~ I tt.• 11._ fl nt ... • t.21 6oS Sft «D.tS 410 cw 4'0 J2 41115..15 + t.ll Indus • .. ,.,. • Tran . . . . 1.JSJ.• VIII\ ......... • 1,111,._ 6oS 5Gi . . IU1'2,1'11 AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO. DOWNS I l , •. t'ttllllLf c1act1 by Bii K11n1 "I don'1 hofto go bock to school till NEXT YEAR!" by Brad Anderson "No wonder I couldn't find my other sock!" l f •• .- 11Now If I ley • buck on you, you're not going to chew ~· out for being 1 •SMndthrttt, ,,.. you?" DENNIS THE MEN~CE ~ --=---- , 1 -13 l ~ J l I ...,,{) I ~ t & • 11Mlt WILSON SA'TS HE HOPES ~ CMRISWAS 1 SET EVERVTH INe 1 eor COWN' TOME !' by Harold Le Doux HE'S 9UAE MESSED UP OUF\ SCHEDULE! MAY l seE HIM? TMtt It A &aAT M!Ntff WI H'trt iOINf MW, 916 l«OTHI~ ... NANCl' HMMM--THERE'S A DIFFERENT SANTA 1-----,=--i ON EVERY CORNER THERE RE 50 MANY SANTAS, EVERY80DY SHOULD HAYE !HEIR OWN t---..,,,,,.....--. PERSONAL ONE Ft:Nkl' •INkERBE~N ~ CAOJlO <,OJ Ut::E ~ ~ UXJ)A FOR AL..L.. OF 1'0!>E ~cc c.AROl5 <.tX) ~ ~ ., ,.,.. ... . .. ,. " .. .. \ edding bell LAI VIOAI (AP) -Oetb•d In tu•· ... and t'-nt llJWN, blal'9 f•\ and belht"I •ut11, t-oupl• lk•:k lo ltw l'lark C..'oun&y lWrlhuu14• M aU houn of lh«' day and nltitll, 11w&rhnony on t •1r mlnd1. •• . WalUna lhrouaihout the city ""' mlnl1tllra, ~rryln' 8am1 ond murllit> 1omm111lonrn lW)' to read tradluon&1I or untraditional vow11 tor t•lb. poku ch tp1, plaatlc money and an OCt"aatonal rubber check. Borne of tradition genera\iona ugo when movie area11 flocked to this deeert oaala to tic the knot J:>ecauae of the au~ndan\ publicity and the liberal marriage laws, Laa Vegas continues as o marriage mecca. County officials estimate some 58.000 marriage licenses will be issued ot the downtown l'OUrthoUSt> \hls year, translating \o an average of nearly 160 a day. Many come attired an wedding finery -cabs br limousines waiting at the curb to take them to a thurch or o n e of more than a score of commercialized wedding chapels. • Others, le:Ss formally dressed, grab a license 'nd head for county marriage commissioners ~nveniently waiting a block down the street. The Cost for the license and the short civil ceremony - $50 and 10 minutes time. County Clerk Lorett.a Bowman says 47,931 licenses were issued for the first 10 months of 1982 -:-an increase of nearly 1,000 over the same period ~1981. With two months to go, the number of nses already surpasses the 46.000 wued in Los geles County annually. There were a total of 56,510 marriage licenses itataed in 1981, down from 57,147 in 1980. Bowman blamed last year's decrease on the economy. • N o one is certain why the number is rebounding this year, despite an economy that rontinues to stagger. Q M ost likely it's the same reason that has brought couples here for decades -no blood tests, no waiting period and the charisma of the bright lights. Licenses rost S25 and can be purchased at the courthouse from 8 a .m . to midnight Monday thro ugh Thursday, around the clock Friday. Saturday and Sunday. Some 85 percent of those who buy a license are h:om California, with Arizona ranking second. Gone are the days when the marrying was done by justices of the peace who could make $100,000 a year by tying knots. "At one time it was the prize office because they made more money than the governor," says the Rev. Mel Pekrul of the First Baptist Church. '"They just sat there and banged out those weddings all day long." Now marriage commissione rs -eight paid county employees -have taken over that role. They will marry you for $25 during regular office t}ours (8 to 5 Monday through Friday) or for $30 at other times. About 20 percent of the city's marriages are performed by these county officials, Bowman estimates. "It's really more like being sentenced than being married." Pekrul says of the civil ceremonies in the two-room office. Religious service5 are performed by some 200 ministers who must be certified by the county to perform martjages. In addit\on to ordained, denominational ministers there are what Pekrul and others refer to as "marryin' Sams" -ministers licerued by tbe county who deal mainly in the lucrative marriage trade. "l know one who holds his services each Sunday in a h o tel room and blesses finger ·Gold coins worth $2,300 donated CRYSTAL LAKE, D1. (AP) -Salvalion Army otfida1a wen pUZZled but ~af1er a mystef"y donor dropped five gold -wor1h more than $2,300 total -into a in a aboppina center and walked away. The coina valued at $464 each were dropped b)to a volunteer'• kettle neer-a cil8oou.nt department fP'e. The volunteer, David Schne'der ol Crystal t,ake, Mid be did not get a good look at the anonymoua donor. Bob Booest.eel, a Salvation Anny oftic:ial in dhlcaao. aaid the money will be put In the~· llBllll!l'llll bank account tor charity wcriL PUBLIC NOTICE Micrew'"'9 .... deeed. 0ww ...._. mMreW'"'9 eYent. Any , .... now. effert. hampt.: Shwp w /tmeveef '215; AftWMI 1175. c.111•6 .. 740 _WllLE WITCH CRUISES tiWPORT HARBOR LUTIERAN CtUtCH 798 Dover Drive Newport beach. CA 9266! (714) 548·3651 r .... : ._ ... J. Bns u4 ~A. ac... Come Celetirate still tolling at all hou~ in Las Vegas Mndwk hw for anyor p.mln by " t'11kt uJ Ill Mc•t or tho nun 1lt•nomlruatlorml " om1" aw on rnll ut lwu .J.mn w .. <dtlln11 t'l1upt•f• uruuntl the• tlty C.)rw 111 thi.' mu1t populur l'hopt•l1 11 ttw LIUll' l'huu•h of th1• Wt•t 111 lht• 111.1uLh t•ud o( llll' U&. Vt•aa• Htrlp. In thet put four d~.-. fl htMt of 1tun1 h1tvt- ('XChunat'd vows tht•n'. llwluc.hng B<'lly Oruble, Harry Jame.. Mkkl')' Houn"'y (tivt• tlmN). Wuym• Nt•wton. Robert Ooull'l, Ann Miller, Judy Gurhmd, Khorlda Fleming and Bob Cumrnlnp. Merle Richards. who 1tarlt.-d out 111 11 Wl.Jdlng photographer a nd lutcr purchast'd thl' popular c hapel, aaya ~O or tJO l'Ouplcs art' marm.>d there on an average weekend. The record la a 127.murriage marathon al the chapel one Valentine's Day ··n.,.y w1•1u •lmttllllM 111 llne. wullh1t1 "'ht• run In," ltk hutd rt ·ulh1 "Anti you huvc• lo tutVt• u lllllt• tine._. wtw11 you 1iuid1 't·m 11\JI lht• tlo111 " 111• t'lllltn I•·• lht• l'lnm·h hw1 htot•n ltw 1t'l•ru• 111 :i~o.ooo rnurrt1•1w11 111rx-.· 11 wu11 11JJC•m'f..I Ju11 prl111 to Wm1ld Wur II . IA» Vega wt>ddl11~ 1 IUlH«' from the• • ldk•uluwi lo lht• 1ubllnw Tht• Rev Ku:hurJ Alll•n G1l1tt•r ll, om• of the· city'• moru octlvt• nun dt•nomlnutloru1l mlnlltt•ra, n•cenlly murrlt-J u t•ouplc ut 12::t0 om In n llmoU1lnt• parked on o rood uv..rlouktng tht• ci ty llghlJI. And he pcrfornlt'd o double wt•ddlng for memb~n of an Ohio mowrcyl'lt• gang pu1111ing through the city Thert• have ht-en marriages an boots, uirt·raft, To keep up .,Ith all that's happening in your eon1tnunity you need the Dally Pilot ···every day 1111111 CUil t·u ln1• 100 wlmmh11& i-AJl.a Althou1h mlnl1l..r1 on• provtclf'C.I a piarl of ., r hopt•I '• Wl'ddlna pedu1t•, lht' a1roo1r1 I• 't•rK"Uuruait't.I' to ll p lh.. mlnllwr IOIOOlhlnf t•xtr• 'rht• chapel p141kagc'I <·1.111 all&J lfk•lucJc rlnp, lowt1f'tl, f>h11t1111, a rt'i.!QrdlnM, tiuwn 1t11J 1u1wJn rtml1.1I•. lmuualnc M:rvk:e. a Uvc orpntat or ua.iu\4ld tl\Ulk:, und vldN>lape of thl' 1K1rv1t."H Enwrtainment ho1 ran1l'CJ from a 200 vole• choir packf'd Into 1 4 ~·anl l'hapel lo the Hurmonlcuta to tht' wtt· Mario Lonua. wtw WK-d to enjoy 11how1ng up unennounced at chapel ceremoniCtJ. Gilster AUys ht• is often paid in poker chlp1 and Ol'Cutuonolly with a bad t•heck. Other timea the bride and groom say they're going to their car to get IOtne money and never return ORANG[ ( OUNT Y CA 1.IFORNIA ·REASOrlS WHY. • • a Read all today's U news, every day Local, county, state, national and International events, come to your doorstep In the bright, light and li- vely Dally Pilot. <i}} Keep an eye on ~ loeal government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city council, planning commls- sl on, school and college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get ~smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, Interesting t t Ill.. Follow your team '-r/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1- leges, UC Irvine and CaJ State campuses Is regularly reported by the Dally Piiot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked colJege and pro teams, tool ~ Save money and ~ shopping time Real vaJues on Items from apple- sauce to zippers are advertised every day In the Dally Piiot. Because the ads are f rom firms In this area, you save time, effort and money. Enjoy your ~Sunday W Family Weekly, color comics, finance, "Style" section aAd fea- tures about you highlight the lnter- e st Ing reading packaged In your F.4"''¥ Sunday Dally Piiot. wcE/U. Enough to read and enjoy. riiJ Tune In to the U latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televl- s Ion guide Is published each weekday In the Dally Piiot. On Fridays, Piiot TV Log charts the tube In a conve- n lent, easy-to-find format. features on people, opinions, Informa- tive columns and comics brighten your world. AU Get Into the Dally Pilot for only '"· 75 per month. llilJPill We deliver days a week 642-4321 " Thurld1~. Dtotmbtt H 1 tHI f,oo"::. for a car 1r In •al 1? See t · 11'• llelp Wanted ada , claali/tcatton 7100. rr....; --'---n< Jon Brodunen Pleno Co. ALLIED UOHTINO FLOWERS BY MORAi l..Jt1 ,~cm,,...., . -~~~~1• ........ 222 Vk:tone.. eo.t.a...... .we E. 11th street. C ·I . r --_,,, 4t1 ___,, MW737 ..._..,.. ea.ta M9a. 94w1« RlLbylW...,,.,.rlr('~ ........,H...,0,...ll"'""'D_A_Y_PO_T_L_UC_K_ .... ~.':.:9 m=p~ ----------1 ~ DINNER CRUISES, S 10 Mlectlon of llahtlng 1t .-. ....... Cerde la3-6aOI 711()..2578 c:ompethlw PttOea. 1=-~~ .. lnvttetloM New Microwave (Arnena). MICROWAVE: New SNtp Certlflc:at• S11t ... Ceillng FMa w/ Ca1ouM1, PfObe. '229. I Call •n•w•r ·Id #571, 11 I... N. w ' • T t . Or dlOOM from Amana. &42~. 24 hrl. 1~ Litton, Magic Chef, T1p-I Cu1tom Siik Pl1nf1 ' ..,, .. Lll'I . ptln, o·~~· Sant•'• c:omlng • Don't I Tr••• for Chrl•tma1 You'11e hed our great c:haM him W#fl'f. Lei Red, Gltt1. Reuonifble. ~from our 8" Fenwa Roofing Co. Hot Chimney SwMp1 7»-1868 to our I ' Try our pnc.. AM'oof, Alpelr, Shingle c:IMn his wsy. Spec: Rta ~~=-------1 In our 8.Pott• Annex • (714) M2..us.3 651-3273 . H & H AorW I C<eft &Ip. 8e¥e up to 70%. PCH & ~ tor CM9tmM 11 ·-.,. .. , -· ply. 3 loc. Orenge, 08'0. Wimer, H.B. 940-2555 yHr 'round). Lind•'• - en Grove,~ °' (213)692-3130. Cleen'g Serv. aee.-0311 '°' ~ & •flernoon ............ ~t~~:~,~~d KS FARMS, NWPT BCH 10 Riding le1110n• S75 (reg. S15/hr). Bealnnlna. adYellOed ltS.2207. - ti Mlrlg Cer AnWI Olft -.ul'I .. -Cert1tlc8t• a Holday 1 221 M1rlne Ave, B.I. Spedell. Cell 75'MM04 875-1572. 'TII ttle .... -'----------! eon to gtve ,.., gold. ~Rini-A-Ca> Low --.M/W91bnd Men ,.,,... -getting Aotllrl9 ~ 64~10 the c:ampfng "bug" VIII - 8c:andla Down Shop1. year. If you h111e a -=------...-Comtort.n Ille. 2751 E. cemper tMt'• not getting Cec Hwy Cdm. 151() 8 . u.d, ... It "°" wftf'I • Cec Hwy 1..8 a..ntsd Ad. UlllSU.-EI PrlrN Lido Nord bayfronl. 5 ~. 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R.. air cond. 2 ~t &li'9 $1 ,500.000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ~ . . . . . , . LEE'S FLOWERS See UI for your Chr't91· w Booqoeca. 881·2Mt different gift everyday of the Y••r. A 1ub1crlptlon to the D•lly Piiot. Only •4.75 a month 17141 642-4J21 1-··Afl ...... ,~--· ... ·--·· ........ I :'\1,,,.111111.:•11" \1 1..,1t•U11it1111 , \.ft..,l{ll.111t111' l\l , I' . • ., ... , • .... , I I I ' I I , .. It:' ;;:.:::::::::::::J.::::::::::::::~ ••••••••••••• /Jennell /Jradbur'I Sea~cape "REEF COMBER" (NUMBER 1135) 61 Inch x 41 Inch FRAME: 70 x 50 Inches 673-2380 n llAullc on tn. Mow: Get In Give Ill• Oroove with llAu•lc: lrtat ... ,.,. 1 Gift fOf Ill OCC. 731·711M Cropped, Fl!Wr\/blk nW11t1 of life! MUSIC FO .. YOUR AF· ~--843--_2380 ___ _ FAIR, •ny •tyle. Plano. ......... L*M1f •P1an11 -G1r1t gutter, vlolln, voc:al•. .......,_11 ......._ :~:::.-:=: a.46-3722 ()( 131-3275 ................... '°' ~ Very Friendly I Smart. 7310 ~-· llvd CM ~ .~ Shot9, HMltfl Gu9f. -······ •••••• ~~~~-FleN ...... lallTllU S NM1 .. llAT PWll CH~:~PtE8. Balt>Oa Charter Corp. 146-6831 now taking ,_-y•tlon9 WHIALIOIG 1175-1978 848-6707 801 W. hker, Coel• AKCShlhTzupupptMfor ...... ..... born Nov. 18, (714) 978-M70 952-4915, M4 1153 --~~•a•~•._ I 'I. . I .... J I I • .. <. J\ 1d ., t I ( J { a.. .,., ~""Lot w:~:-•• Ew.. ,.,. t -OUM' :HSii St.•• Mr day T...i.,.. .-v • ..,,.,_.. ,AIHl.,. NUOI ..-..... ...... TP'HO .._..,...... te-1.11 ~lf1 "D:.o -..._ & llMI ~ ~ " r" ~ _,..., tn.-WOMl IQ rft ,_,, tntl ~--~ 0.,1.,. .. A ttlltw 1~1 MIDuftll =-· l-1 • .. -:A.-:,~.,:, a.I MIKl-Mf;tM1 Thet'• ALL row 11eY IOfttY. ti yr1. UMt1• •t.AoOU*~UO . .._.... 6l6o4lt2 Mr,..._. ..... 171 .... "jpL/ fmt WOftl ...,, ..... ,,. Im l··e'M f· ,_ HAuuHCl-OMDtHO '°1n'r11• ed ......, =,.t:.-:J:211111••~-----:zlltMr1.1111~~e=11:11~'1!"~~ 'liter111 but repelr. C..t/ C•n• -~· ... "':""LON" IM .. •-g:.i:: ... 1111~n;..!1~·. tt1e -,. WI WMH WtNOOWI Yetfllifl _,, & "'*' -------~ -..... • ·-, ... ..,... Y ,,._ICKWON<: lmtlll Jc*e. LowHI tttHI ,,omptJ '-' • Piof111r=-Mll -• Mt-1Jt1 .ft CefMIA Ulla '"'Y lioi* CMft Doon......... ,_. ~ ,_.,, 142·71M 011 ~ . .:.....Coete, 17 .. ~171 :.·!..~'.0.':1'7101!'.elt. 1D "" • ..-....---. _.,,..... ~ rw. Wiii OuM WOf\.. Uo. Cel 9", .... Ila e¥t TOllP9dJf9m0¥ld, a... HAULINO·ttucNnl w/lgie NL ..... ~ .... ,. • ._.. _. ...., ;,;".-;.-...._nt1 ~~-~,...,..---1 ,,., • ., ... 147·2MS f!ntU yp, """"IWWl'I. 7114'71 lruok. Hm• lo r•tH Pl.OT CUltOfl\ lnak4toM uura , .. CtM!!! !:Hr "'"" Tiit . O..YWALL TAfttNQ l.alldWjpll!9-Yd = Ttlenll you 7it· tt71 :~·~= Low re\el. llO. SM-MN HuW ~ fW*, "'°'· CAalNl!'TMM!R ,., T..wrel' ~ T,... rinl~ 1...;."°""-----,---1 SERVICE ..... ·~-deo61• ..... Law ...... .. 21 Yf'I eotp, CWIOM-blt ITlft'I TIU Fl'M ... KM\ M(l.IOll ln1gM6on Jim 111~ H HAUL. MOVI OA •.....a--............... -.____ UC. 1411802. 64M73"4 Thet .. c6nCrectotl Who fumlture.. Lla'd ~ lnl4al M3--3213 ' AfMOVL I'm "*-d. nmrcynny _.... -perletm wof'll 0"9 t200 K*l lun<en W.1451 RuglttJ °:.,.-:ct•:=.=:: Cllll Nomi, tQ.1415 lllftL Uft *A-l --· "~= Dotl~J!'-'!:!t'. et inoludlng lebor end Ctn9trr 9llf Cut ELECT•UCIAN. 11tr101d °"'-* Nowllf'I 142·2173 HAULING I CLEAN-UPS 00 IT HOWi T5. 25 'If tJCp. VIM-MC Scott 145-8325 fr.ctlon of M . IS7-2190 =:.·~..:::::.:~ Aernod,/Aepelrt, Lo ret•. CNld c.r.. ""I home, fl.Ill right, frM ltllmete on Ul•flllll WllTD CAI.I. RICHARD 6* fir ..... IYe flt•. Expert wellooverlng In· ROOFING REPAIRS treotcn lholM IO ltatl O.Ok1, p1t101, f1nc;11 . or pt/tl!M. Hwpt 8hor9I WV-or Imel! Jobe. MOWlng..eclglng, reldno. .,.., tohool, 857-f121· Your Delly Pltot No • 7»l3&3 llellellOn. Alu. ConlUI-Small job• OK. FrH In their~·~ ,,.. ........... 712-MGe .,... fWa. 548-1114 Uc, llla1. l1a.os&t IWHpln.1 . ,, •• Htl· ..... lerYlot ~ -ABC MOVING-lent A.Nlgnmt. 511..ge() Ntlm•lN. Cell Tom Of trectcn end COMUmerS. ....... t d * Spl'11ulll beeed oHed-UC'D El.ECTNaAN nWe1. ... 1737 -Aepl...,,tatM °'** c.r-..1 kvtoe. p •---• Ctludl, s.42-t382. oontect M4WY Gnlndll el ""'r-":"· CMJ*I" "' ... 1n 1o111 a totei • au.. wof'll,_....., rat• • H llr 8 <:::>Ml-lift we cto'pec1c1ng &&2.ot10 MP -u 1;::==~;:;;;m;:::;i (714) 6S1-40N -"" ""1 edd nt, r:m~~!:e oe~nce C.M. home. Fr11 llt. Tom 131·5072 .....,.. f~ -.ter heet Ml-Ill .. lft STARVING COl.LEOE **lfn'ANT'8** • a:'~e!:J~J ~ 141-4592 64 1et TOP QUALITY WORK HOME CARE-REPAIR. Mctronlo llgn .-v-e!o. STUDENTS MOVING AJ":e::-'tl9 =~ Civic Center Plau, ............ CNldcerl In loYI & 101.i AT A!AS. RATES pllnt. y•rd. Fr .. lleul ...... a.au. ..... a.uAM co. Uc. T124-438 __ • ..._.,,--_____ Room 1190. Santi An•. CHnt "'!""' eooeplence, FT/Pl, my UC'd. J01tt7S-7 ... Fr11..t. 751-4341 -;--_ _ lnlured.141-6427 f!dt Cet i-===-------JI CAt2701. 8Mmpoo & ~ dlen. CM home. ~1.. RESID/COMM'VINO. ***WIND OAMAOI!? I ~ ~ ~~~ HOU8ECLEAHINO WATCH UI OfllOWI CU8TOM wood p•tlo =::::=::==~~== Col« brlefltenera. Wtlt CNld Care: 8etn to IOtn 20 ~ Do my own work. ~Aemod. No Job' ~ ~ 7 ~ l ~ p·•-1&-~ ~ ~ & •--'·-/ ••ttr .., __ Ctp1I • 10 min. btuctl. HouN. lnaolla, ~d. ~ Uo. 279041. Aj '4M12t too llftll, F•t ..W.. . j _ _!!lnlnde~~te~2~·~2tl0~-1._ ... -=--.~-===-1Mce1 Randy 64 -0822 !!WI!! Al a-. Heil. IN/din. mfl t1&: tlYV or pet1 time. 142•2"1 r~•-·/ ,... Fr• .... Keltt\ 64f..4872 Houeeel .. nlng, rellab ... ~ bwltlel«I No time 1 .. pUlfm • 1 DRESSMAKER & room tUO; oouch I 10; ww _ u. . rel. Own tlan1P. Alu. .. ~oMdlen? Cell aft« : b~tlerd Sinor. Lio. I Plaattr/ ...... FASHION DESIGNER chr $5. Ouar. lllm. pel C!eu1at ......... Formloe Topi • of 111 Exp d In ell homl ~ YOLANDA 142..o406 ~ . 2 . 14 yra of ~ EDIS PLASTERING Aeuonabll. ~1 odor. Crpt rtlpelr. 15 ~ CUSTOM d ti kinda. Prompt ·~ All9. ~00 !Mil. IPUIU ft.D1T ioc.i c:ustomera. .._. petcMI. lnlllll1. exp. Do work myHll. ~ct!:.: 1bl1 0011 842-9125 Brien ...-.. .,....,__ TMnll you, 831-4410 Reetucooe, 645-4251 Tnt ltnlet Ref9. 554-()123 .:::: Rendy 641..oen 142·2H1 · • Men wlltl truck wlll do ~=."'&~·cf: ....... ._ No 8t...vNo Shampoo heullng, dlln-upe, mc>v· ,..2 ,......., Altir9d Oovt Emp1oyM PAINTING-FREE EST. PLASTER PATCHING .. LOW RATES .. Stein 8pedtiillt. ,... Hive IOmllhlng lo MU? Sell """"' ,.., wtttl Diiiy Ing, tree lrlmlng, Odd ,,..., -• .....,. •veil. tor houNlltllng CASH OR PYMTS. Oya RHtUCCOI. Int/ext. 30 TrN lrlm/remov, clean My. Free•. 13~1512 CIUllfled Ida i1o It well. Piiot Wwit Ada. )Oba. 84a-804t C1eM1f11c1 Adi 642·5878 751-6218 871-0824; evt 831·5843 yr1. Neet. PIUI 545-2977 up1, mowing. 554-7017 PARK h ~ WPORl APAqTl'i4~r,Ts ..,, .. ,."" .·• .,: I . I ' ''< Femell Roommate. non-1m oker, In Newport ocean front. "300/mo. Bkr 142s3850, 642-1010 1----------•Prof t.m. 2f-36 no .,,.,, ________ _ ,.,.,.~-·· ~,;:_ .-: ._ ... I f!l:.• =-----~-u,1111110N Hlllllltle l*tllHMi Mutt ,;. If, , ..... m . ltff Yfij tN i,,r.;;;.;...;;;.;.;.;.;i..o;..;;.;,;_ __ I ' -100 '""'''" 01r~ ...,. He..,., · f1un11• CICUS Mlltfn "WANt10 111 , .,..., .. M0+1MO """""' lat'•• t: ,::·=:=..:-:~ '*"" I ~. '"• · 1ti .a.. am. am ! I ound: Lone l'8lt .,..,,, MHlnu .. 11teeflle fflt -ullad. Call 141·0111 ~·~;,·~~t.!.~tici l 11 •I ·~· I~•~·' "art-tlf'ftt A4etetl• t • '"'' ~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~ cOlof Mn Tetrl9f lt!nll M1111ae ,ulor. Qor• una-a.. after I p,m, t'-In MIMIOn Vie"' " • .. -Newport 01,,ltr L_!~ . I'\ wr ~. lftott. llO ~·· 141. L.111111 ........ ~ trPe1 fem. vto tlf1 l ~so ...._, preo -"' I -""" · eood ~ -1 all tod•r ~or appt. N1·1Ut r • ~.OM. '110 ~ ~ 10 ..._.AM • .l°"'11 • ~ Ou1in .. Co .... fl IAIYl11TU WMIM, 2 ~ N0•'703 •WJ?ll I ~ e•lllt 1111 lor N1•tll0 K.INCI Cilllt -=---:----:=---~:-~t;'.': ':; AJ:t7'd;. 1 ..-'"';,.. .... hletl ~,AM°' cHtdrell~ ~ rlftl OM-~. l tl . t 1thw l40-1MO lotton Te,,ler 'uflZ. -.1111•11 -.a. 111111111f :'t buri.t. 71t No. HMW p art. Art H•leon IJlpf'f MlrM lat/lkA •l•rl':.fi9Y· '~,._.,,Mt Hoo•mpl 111 WILllll = ~a'::1oM°' ' -......... IMS, "*'1on 114/547·...,.. ... ..,,. 7..,. to toem. Muet be ,.,_ ,.,.,,. In * ._ 111teftden1 l\MCtM. The latt.,l•ncu people r-. Oeloo Klneft. ,... •ltllltf tf .... t1MlM1tt 1f1:::: tt 1::: ~ Mon-fn 11 AM to U•M on time, .-...Y tllM. o.-~~-2-~:::., tlPC)t. Towert ,. .. ,, lurl & llMlke up to e111tw. NU :r,-.oiOI...., ,..._ Ofll lfHI•• AH•tr• tt ALL MAJOf' c"lDIT !!!!!! -!!!! :!!!! 10 COftlt to my tiotne rv. otok en.2040 Wed""" .... ICJHO-.. '"H4Mt. ~ IPeM pett.tilM ~ .,..li•imii0i·ii-ii;i1i11i11i &.olll• G()U)eN MTNIV ....... .... OAN>e ACCUTID llLPUm M1"l: ~before .,.., ... IL =~· Oall Donna In 04.lf pubfleatlOn. Calf Wonder lftter. t pupa. I R' MlX Loet 12•11 n; "2 ... 17 °' ...._7478 *" WI _,. la on lfM way for YoU' 1 Donut 11hop, '1T. Early TYl)Wt·"90lptl0flttl Pff · tocl.:f '°' llpC)t. H7·2NO loll) pwenta et llofM. -t alvd & 22nd 8t 2 ..... ,.,.~~ .. M•• 010. mOMy problerna. Lowtet DIVWKE£PER A.M .. No ibP Neo., AwtY tlternoone. Hr Ho•o AITAIL MANAOll' 1=iiiKil iiiohll .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiil Too lmPof'tt. WleMr14! ~ fof lier reC\11"11 iW LOii: Tiny bfk fem. YOl1l· .. '" "Mti.14' • r•t•, lnt.,..t Ind ootl. D\NI\ In Per1on,.=t:f Do·' 846-ll073 ·Mr. llflot'• South COMC i• lrHdtno. Sir• Ion I · vto. Mein l AdW, HB, a.ti a -.S on our upert• It no °"' ~:.n~Md• C.M. 11111.1 mgr. bper'd In ~ nete, M'O --In N.I . .,.., Martin. QrMt MY lnfO ••• i on 11\lr• T•rrl•r. "Angel", 111. 2nd, 3rd TD'a. Cell -• WW nutt. 176"4 81\ld, Pia. need• ttrono,... WOMAN • Oompu110-H=o..n hind~ ~ = ~: ~ ~~l5~·2 -5U~ ·~: 24houn·c:.lfa6-t1" ooM, Aela7-1422 boolfkHp•r who h.. llMU... ~·~o~e;:: ::*'~mr-:.'!:t =d =·~.b.:~ ny 1; = ~ lndfenepolla, H.B. 131-tl81,ex1421 M:..A:::= I.I' a-oompe1eno• fllrough No E•p•rl•nce Req. ahoW&~tlonWOfll. benefit•. P••H call ~. lltgtltty ~ NOOplw.PrtvetePttty -....11 Loit: On Balboa ltl. UAft'lll ~· • •!!-Gafwll L.edger and Trial Make up lo 113/hr Ponfo10 If~ 1ty Penny (213) 542-1861 lcacip•d achoo( glrl, 3 831"'2'3 &.olll C.M., lllk9'/ Paufe. 12121. gold bracelet VIII I.I. ••ma Balanoe. Quarterly CPA Starting pay. Full/Part IP9t ~17. • • ._ .. ..._.. night• P•• wk. non-•---------- .ELI -~ II prOYlded. time evall. In our pu.bll-' .. _ ,_..,... 1mok•r. Aeply to Ad •-rtno.. ffE SMp/mllc.. Bflt. Great Mntlmentll value. II ~ ... IN. Elloe!Mnt wof'ldng condl-cation. Call today for OIL COMPANY •11 • l• 1031, lo• 1580, Dally PUPPIES, AKC Cham T•r. WM . "Mldttlt•" "-ward. 640-2417 * •• I •• I s In 111 a 2nd tlon•. Huntington Har-appt. 837-2880 KING OPIHIHG8 ..... .. Piiot, Coat• M .... CA plOn llne. 759-I032 -.1442 MWAAot• Found: Lerge Cit DI noe 1141 bour 1001t1on . Full be-chg Ottlnor• ~· No e)CQer' H••d• people lo; Or. 12t29 L~~'.e.8l'o:.1~2~~3''v~c ~e-~~ Vic. 89Mlt1!·:!~1or the ~{~~a;;: 8d54s~ E~~~~r:: ~~c~~;:f. ml~o?~1:o~ ~.~ ,.c;.,~· ~1~w~oman~~t~o~llk~.~cere~~of~old~ '~:t;::.~. ~ta/tell :.-o2nofla. R• Found: Old•r white Toy dltcrlmlnatlng, who love IM&-0011 84t-3024 for Meo<lreo« Yld'll Corp. n3t8 ,_ traln.168-6155 lady convalelcfng from1;;;;;=====:;::;;.. '_.. .sg: Poodle (trimmed). No 10 the ''golden touon". WIDOW HAS"' for TO'• Interview . 1831 Pleoentla. C.M. SALES PEOPLE neiadad broken hip. Reb. 8alaty llenu .. IH 'ounct: Lrg trtend~ Sia-Vic Meea Verdel A.dllN O '1 D S WEEK RE L~. 10K Up. No BREAKFAST COOK Eicperlenc.d Tract loan ~r~:'n~O~ part·tlm• or fuil-tlme. _:~~~::!::;=*=:..::84tr3006:::.:=;:·~~°!'"~--------~=: M•ae Cat, vlc. 2nd, 127-718'4 PEN AY A Credit Check, No Pen-Xlnt ben•flll. A.pp~n ProcHIOr. Muat heve 2701 H.,bof IMI, C.M. hlgfl polenllel w/groundlnfo J ... Wu... 11" ........ Mlf Tu . t I" A \I e . c M . 111-1111 elty. Dlntllaon l A.aaoc. O .... LY ......, up•rllH In FHA.7VA "' oppty. For more -8 ......... ,.._.. ,...._ ~192 F=~~·~':dc~:.; 1865 PARK, C.M. 87~7311 penon " · ~,2300 proceulng Xlnt benelltt N1f tml c:a11 MM&A7 MlchHI Corona Con11. ...._.. • ..,,.. -·-~;- f«N: 8mok9Y grey kit· HB. Call 8111894-3517 VISA MC ,,,. I JUI Y1IU ~rarRb•:rt•~rv•:;l ,Coata plHMnl otfloe environ: EvM and/or w..kend•. -J/W_..... -~· A."d~ c,~ntl 110b.8 ln: ~~cones. . ten wt'"9 chaet epot. 2-3 · m • n t . C 111 Tr• c y Rleponllble edulta, O"lelf -•• ..,. n-• ng ram ng. •• 1.....,...,....,,.--,-----:""."-moL a.ct'l l Sle HB Found: PaklnaH, blk, MI0.000 15% 3 yr note & Maaa. 714-730-0fl71 21, w1tf1 outallndlng It• NB CPA firm IHklng rata 157-3955 100 Pc Mt Hortt#(e China 141~7 *• ' male, Shepherd Mbc, brn CLASSY LADIES 2nd TD behind S7S,OOO •ITll IAUI tractlw pet90nailllee to rHpon1lble per1on for from occupied Japan fem. Orey P•ralan cat, ESClm BofA, 111on•1150,000 Free to reeldent1 of CM/ work with youth (agH word proceulng and old l11hlon patt•rn: l oat 2 yng TabblH. I fem. Newport Beach vacation lloma In Ille MATURE PEASON ., 1rvlne/NB who are un· 10-14) Call 2-SPM general office dut111. Aalul1 $300 8'2-7347 INte I mo, 1 tern 3 mo Animal Shalt ~ DANCERS/MODELS Trinity A.lpe. Paya $750 Expr. neceaNIY Bekery •mploy1d. Y.M.C.A. . ' Weng word prOCMalng ' ""'*"al red marklnga. ., lM mo. Sell for 148,000. ind candy product•. Memberahlp, lncludlng :~£.4321• ut. 348· e>tpr. pref. Call Kathie l!p SSlt lllllJIL -I Loel In CdM. Reward. P!!!!!lb 3112 ~ (714) 2404123 wkdyt. Sam to 4pm. Call Dick, .. roblc fllneaa. racket-· · 784M)611 Cocker Soentel l>UP9 ,_ ... M ~7. ga.1a ....... (811)7211-3C>4tevs/wknd 873-2040 Wed thru Sun. ball, weight llltlng, & ~ PAIT Tm buff $200 ' 49;~ ,ound older whit• mal• J.m& I ,.,. ., .. ~ ,.,. + •• Y1ILI COUNTER HELP for cafw.. Swimming. Call Glady., Ml/Wlllml 1ILI.-ll&JI nCMt14 • ~poodle. PHOTO MOOELS PM Nowlty 8'75-33~ 125,365 not• ~red by = ~~I =~re."~ M2·"90 Mak• extra " hefplng ::. ~~e:= A.KC LHASA APS01. lftll!u!! Mll 548 3e56. o5~~~~S/OAN;4E~ ~~~~CM TD on 7 unit• In Long In 1rv1'ne. Mon aput llll'n. IEIEUL IFFIOE r~~.·~ ::~·~:.:~:r.h~: work. Very H•Y· ... r. Llvely, •lf•ctlon•t•. HARBOR AREA FOUND: Big wfllt• rabt>lt. GIFT CERTIFICATES home w/hHlthy older BHctl. Behind 113,802. TuH tllru Fri evH. No Exparlenc• Req. routH Mature outgo· Ou.rent.ad hourly wage ChooM your Cllrlatmu APPLIANCE SERVICE nr OU & Contlnental, AV"'IL. ledy. FrM In exc .. ang• ahead of '203.000. Wiii 973-0838 Malle up to 111/tv •tart· 1 at.tr-I • 'pa ental + bonut plan. Call Mr> puppy now. Take home We ... recond .. GU'I'· ~ " pey on In 4 moa. Sall for · F ng, -· v r e-764-MC>t. •It hollday1. 1300. ~. 549-30n CM. "2-168l aft 5PM llM2t1 j lor companlonahlp. 121,500. 240-8123: or CUSTOMER SERVICE: Ing pay. ull & Part-time type pet'IOn, s>IMM call ---551-5155 ~54512 •II Spm. evs/Wtulda 4113-1153 Expanding NB Credit po~w0~~ IVl~1371n2:~~ 2-5PM. M-F. 8'42-4321, TELEPHONE IUrvey. no ---------1 I"'~ LOST mele BLACK/ ~~~~~~~~!I lllB• Pl.ft . Card Co. hll poaltlon ~HG c:!,. on • uL 348. ..111ng P/I, evH only. AKC SHITZU PUPS L.-957-a133 WHITE SHITZU vie. Cuatom Fan~ Phone .. ll!Jllftl open In cutlomer Mrv. -"' 08REAL ESTATE $5.00 peua. 540-1138. Adorable malee, 12 wk•.•--------- Avocado/ w•t•rfront Con~= 24"::'bel Ms-3&4e W SllO dept. A.ppllcant mu1t GJtta wanted for Muaeu-Saleaman. Need 1 ..,.. l')plng, 40-«> wpm,,,..._ a.42-7358 W~l~~OO ... WC~~ i2..·J~.f..82 AE-Cell ~701 Pt~ctl •tlf ~111111•nut , ... n• mark~ln h&V9 pleuant telephone •P•• &FH .. ~~11•HH. X1111nt rtenc.d pereon In com-11nt, nHt, entry level AKC Regl1tered Cocker Refrtg $200 846-5&48 ~ .,,_ ~ • ,.. manner, be &ggr•llve, ay, '""'out wor ng merclll & lnduatrlal reel poaltlon • negolltbl• Spenlel female. puppy. ---· ------------T-IEUY'S repa, F&C lie Pf•f. con1clenlloua & Hlf· condlllonl at the Atlantl• •t•I• for a ~lul & wegea, Send Hand wnt-Champa\~:. a wk•. REFRIGERATOA FOUND: Young F/GokMn G G Companion evall to tall• ~to: Claulfted Ad motlvat•d. Exp. pref. Parlor. 2112 Harbor growing nnn. ten rHume to: Lauri• 1225. 5.40-Uk•,_, froat free Leb. \ltC Herbof/Wllaon °· 0 glrl• (lo go) you 11\op, appta, vlalt #867, Dally Piiot PO Box Contact W. Duncan. B 1 v d . C · M · Best wonclng condltlona LH, P. o. Box 272, S155. 1113-aoee> oentet. Owner Identity eet-8914 you, letter writing. hM 1580, Coate M .... C1. Mon-Fri. 8 am · 4:30 pm. 714-645-3433. AWIY 12 In Newport Beach. Huntington Beach. CA SELL Idle 1tem1 with 1 ......... 10 a.I 1c1e "*"8 8A2--5878 llttlng 8'42-4170 '2127. 75S.-7900. noon to 8 P.M. 714/~5051 t2648 Dally P11oC a...fled Ad. Cllallfted Ada "2-5478 ATLAS CHRYSLH·PLYMOUTH f 2929 Harbor Blvd., Coste Mesa. Tel. 546-1934. 3 blcx:'ks aouth of S#I Diego Freewey off Harbof' Blvd. Complfte body 1hop. Salee. Service Parts. Service Oept-«ien Monday thru Friday 7 30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M end 8 A M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. BIACH IMPORTS IM8 Dove Street. Newport Buch. Tel. 752-0900 Cell us. ..-·re lhe tpeelalltts for Alie Romeo, Peugeot. St1b & Meaerat1 THIODOH I OBINS fOI D Modem aaln. Mrvlc•. perts. body. paint & tire depta. Competitive ratea on lelM & dally rental•. 2060 Harbof' Stvd .. Cotta M .... 841·0010 0< 540·8211. 'OHNSON & SON LINCOLN MllCUIY 2928 Herbor Blvd .. <:oata M .... Tel 540..6630. 57 Year• of friendly famlly Hrvlc• -Orange County'• oldHI Llncoln·Mtlfcury dealer1hlp. eAYID J. PHILLIPI BUICK..PONTIAC.•MAZDA Sala • Serv!Qe • Leaalng 24888 Alie.la Patkwty MATCH THE · NUMBERS ON THE. MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newporl Beed!. Tel 833· 1300 Al Ille trltngle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales. ServlOe. L .. llng & Parts. We meke great deals I • NABllS CADILLAC 2600 Harbof' Blvd .. Cotta Meta. T•I. 5'40-0100 Orange County's Largest CadltlliC dealer Sales. Servloa. L•1lng. • SADDLllACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy .. Avery Pkwy. exit We off•r what no bank or HltM company 01n1 1. Expertly •t•fled, moll modern eervlce & parts dept.; 2. One of the Southltnd'a moll experienced 1ale1 & leaalng 111111; 3. Ellmlnallon of tile middleman by leulng dealer direct. 831-2040 Mlulon Viejo 495-4Mg • CHICK IVIRSON POll CHl·AUDl·VW 415 E. Codi Hwy .. Newpart Beach. 873-0GOO. The only dealer1lllp In Orange County with theta three gr•al makea und• one roof! ALAN MAONON·PONTIAC·~UIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd., Oo1t1 M .. a. Tel. 549-4300. Sal", hr~. LHlllng. "Mr. Goodwrencn." CLAlltc AUTOMOllUI 785 Newton ~ty. Cott• M .... Tel. 831-1393 "JAGUA"S OU" 8Pt!CIALTY" XK 120't1140't f 150'•1XJ'llE·Ty9" Sales -SeNloe -R .. torallont Off Plecentla between ,,,., & 18th In Cotta MHa • • BOB LONGPRI PONTIAC 136dt> Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel. 892-6651 Orange County'• olde11 and largest Pontiac de.-slllp Selet, Service. Parts • DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Fleta In Southern Callfornla" (Located 1 mile nonn of South Cout Plaza near Main St. and Warf* A"fl. In Santa Ana) 120 W Wa.rner. Santa Ana 557-2132 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 200 1 E. 17th Street, Santa Ana. Tel. 558-78t1. Your Orlglnal Dedicated Oat~n 0.eler. MllACLI MAZDA We've movedl Our new locallon It 1'25 Baker Str"I. Coe1• M .. a. Tel 545·3334. Stop by & vt.11 our rnod41m thowroom end lff '#hy we'rt the # 1 Mazde dHler In Southern Ctlltornla. Sall•. Serv!Qe, Parts •nd LIUlng . •• CORMlll DeLILLO CHIYaOLIT (F0t1Mtly G.roth Cn.vtalet) 18211 Beach 81Yd .. Huntington Beectl ,.,..... • UMd • Salee • L.Ht&ng • Patta • htYlce Co11!41 by and ... O\lr HUge ln""toryt .. , .. , s.t-m .1 • OIANOI COAST AMC/lllP/alNAUlT 2&2.t H.,bor BMI., co.ta Me9I &.tt-8023 MS.-7110 • l Jeep DMlef In tM Wtttl 8" Ut todly for ...... lltVlce & ... ting Tl'lef• a. e reuone ~ .. •• • 1 . • Price and Nlectlonl AllO, tn. tll-IWW ~ A1141M1 le n.tt COSTA MESA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel 5.t0-64 tO. Serving Orange County f()( 16 years I Mlle So 405. • SUNSIT fOID, INC. (Home of wn111 the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .. Wettmlnstllf. Tel. 63a..010 • ORANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530-91GO. Excluslvely Volvo lo cover all your Vo4vo requirement a. New•UMd•S11et•Le1slng•Part1•Servlce•Body Shop Freewey cloM In the heart of Orange County et Garden Grove Blvd. & Bfootttwret . CONNILL CHIVIOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd.. Coate M.... Over 22 yean ~ Orange County Sa .. t , IH1fng, Mrvlc•. Call 5•8·1200; speclal p•rt• llne; 548-9400; body lhop llnft; 754-0400. ROY CARVIR IOUI IOYCl.-MW 1&40 Jemboree Roed, ~ hech. ~. S...._ ~.Pam And L ... lno lll•ll1.....1-..Jl&lll9en•1 Ull .. ' "' ,,,,,. t..... ......... =-• 1; ,., mr. .. \Ht r==" __ tMl't :r·, ·"'· .. ·ra =-· klo • r. • • · 0 -~ -tf""""" d!,IJ::!' .......... Miff ..... , • .' ............_ l9ft ......... ••,,ft ' I V • WV • ., ,. ... iwa.. .......... ----.. '1T.'"-.·1 ,' '"'' '"e'ff ...,.,. 'n#nn "" '" hi• ,_,,r,,,. o::., "',' I ,, 11 .... IMINMI. • .....-.; ............... ,,... "· ll•Ottoem ""'" tht .,... •II ... -t:oro lfll ltfletol, Iii I ---, .... off , ... 1IOCI, n-tof• ~-,.Cl ·, Mt-? AnL''"~•htll'IJ "-'..,..,,..to~.. HUHTINOf ro.,...., .. N9w00tt •a.1-••• n!"' 7'•· OHNtlt. Lt MMI .' '. ""*"" • .,. '" 1 , ,,,. w., • • 1 1 1 , -1, IMO IWMf ew 1 m aoeo Hetbor ~.1_0 M. • tlOOf 11 ... -... MM*.14 tR WI''' OOITA... Lil:-== tlll 141.0010 iMV-1211 Hnty ..... ....?IN PIUI M•lll'llllO I fOOf •• •• !!!!!! !!!!! ----... ~ = .... oebtMt .. "INW'61Giff•141' ... ., ldtwtM TIP llWI 1~:;::;;;:=r==-1iiiiiif-#JDUURINU.S.A '71 OHIVY NOVA. new , ' a.. fOM. GOod. t.m" well ltMllf, ell for .,._.bike. '40, I . 1Mt -t11n1, new tlrH, 1un1 tloft.UI0.14Mft7 tlOO: tempered 91111 U1·M40 ..... •••• 1....... I ~ gr_Mt.11.350. lhower C10cW1 lllte MW _. 54t-tl30 CW 972.-2121 : l~b)'~ Nfne, s Yft OfllY 110 for 'both. Cati H ... tlndent, mOdll K121 AUi •1111 Wu M uometlo trene. I • old, oold. "'"' ,, .. ,, .. f.()1M. 12 oeue:..~ ... ·140. --1..... I ONLY 10.ltt mllHI •. • l\IQ.....001116 ,,_...,.,,,. ~·-(fllC2S7). ""-1-""llA N .... "'• INltk 'l• Mn-· l.ftl l&LLllll 24t0 Hll'll« 91Vd. wy MHI ·:,:;"~'",. ,..,,."':" Thll one 111 tr1nlt)0+1•· ·Oryet. 8Hrt lleowo, Bou lwao aJ Mitt Ill COtTA MU.A .=. IA~-1 , ... tlOn oatl to d•y po..r ~oleture 8entor, A.VO• ..J::,' ~ i:u: Sin Mll'OOI 1454187 .......... ..... ... l -LSAJI t 8 7 I Ro 111 . S 11 v er I r a I n w a t r a n t y . Olldo, l1H. ~ 00011lon1 I holld•Y•·l:"~,:=~~~1-:-:1=-... -.. --:", .. ~,:-1...;~_.:.;::..;;..:.__:::...:.:...:..:~ HOO Hltllof IMI. Shadow/mint oond, 811v-(2t0MMS). ...... Ill! D1llverad anytime. _!!!!!!__ ___ WI llY 008TA M!8A •' wired IHlh~J orig MW MY 11111 87s-.419 BEAUTIFUL 25" ROA OLlll 1111 131·2040 41&-4948 1 ..... 1. owner. Cllll 176-:c..J11 Of Theodore Robin• Ford PVeUC FURNITURE CARS 11001 TRUCKS Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. a .. fl•I l&MDA•... '11-"" l'fW3l1 2090 Harbof 81., 0 .M. 1711 Avallabla at looal ~~H dallvary. .... 29402 M~ Pkwy 4 0)1, au1o trw, radio, l!kn !117 642-00 lO &4().S:lll *AUCTION* f o v • t • 111 •. c 111 TV~·. 648-17M (A~ vc:#°t.a> buelk• ... , •• (eotl8A). s...._8«Vlct-Leuln0 '73 Camero, 8 cyt, ..-1ng :r~r t~(; :2)-e: 1~5b3~~ 1ut 12" 3 wey epeek.,. w/6" Open 8undayt ~,.!!.~d 'I!!!'.!" ~~ .. ~~~~ PLUS LOTS 22$88 IOf your dlreGIOfY midrange & 3 " aueer ~ ~ 2080 Hart>ot Bl OM -• 15157~10 ""· ...r ma :._how to purct\UI. 24 r,:t:a>o~~ng. ~y~ 942.oo1o ~821 1 111·IMI aMMt '14 lllTI UIU Ult• _... FMlher plllowe cl .. ned, TV t8" colof. a .... e.rm..1 eMlng '77 AcCOtd, white, euto, Tmta tllt Thie one hat Ml ~ W 111 YUi unitized. New Down··, Just~. HIGHEST CASH Imm•· M 1111191 1111 Alo, ArnJFm, Kint cond, •73 ,... M-... 11 W anc:I air cond.I 90 day T.. s •• diet-. for Whlcle lo mll•• new tlr11 """'°"' .... eg. power train warranty. • 1 rt, I 1 e 11, proof ticking lnol'd. 150 or? ,...5-0397. do,;~ttlc ~foreign .... 01500 5152•2092 1~ deluH. Air cond, pwr c1s2JZI~ 1.-. 642~70 For ..... uMd RCA 25" 661-82tl5 IAYI a.wa1 !MM. , • 11 .. rlng, Pw1 br•kH, MW •Y 11111 ..,.. ...,. *llllC* TV, ewlvel baM. 11001--------1 A HANDFUL OF 1982 QOOd tlr•. Xlnt body and Theod Ro F . CUh ottty. M~48 w•MTR11 MODELS REMAIN AT '79 Civic. Sunroof. New fotarlor. N .. da hHd ore blnt orc:I ~~e:""e ~ MAGIC ISLAND ""'" SUBSTANTIAL SAV .. clutch, reblt trw, btb, gukel. S6000BO. M~~oarbor ~~11 .... cn.nw Membenl'llp Lat• model ToyotM and INGSI 6 epcl, atereo. Mull ..... I Ma-4109 = :-=' l940 1544-1e101 .. l!t--.;i .. 11..._ _____ votvoe. c.. ue TOOAYI !,/f7~~1; •uto .• .un ~95e6 875-7424. Yelbw11• 1173 '7J~e~'."L~~:.:;2 ~~~~~~~~F~iy~~1u:. leataal Hit * '70 320!; 4 epd., eun J!fau tilt 1111 M.llWAID ·ee 4 Impala wgn. Small C...u • ee4•0308, Joe. owner MUST SELL: en Dtnohy. roof. (9321) ~ ve. Loyel runner. 1525. -== t Hll Anxloul Oood cond. Sacrifice .,_..-;.;.;:;--.~10.11.._.. * '79 15281; auto, eun .111 '14 Ull Original 22 000 low Chris 835-7776 axt 3. ~-$150, ,._,895 ., .. ......., .. , r*~~JOf335Z1.c~1.0 , __ ....... 77M M[ Gd. cond. Runt mllu, utrie & Ilk• .75 Monte Carlo. Engine RB 97 Pro B comp lnclde Baby Crib, Plcturu , p 7lll c .... ..._ , -. .........,.., well. $8600. PIP "NEW"I A "Mull s.... Mlon 2 lena, bellow1, ten• &trotter, turnltur1, Pienta, ""' " •• ._.,., ...... ,.., (*73~eZFoH~201·. auto .. -·n 044-e285 catlll (4138415). i:g: =~~· . ·1 hood, vlnoett• pkg, Hace Huge •wing Ht. Call ClaHlc 18' Lep1lr•k• 3: .... 'II LNI IUOI ... Fiiter, 120 fllm badt. V• 644-4328 Centuty bay bolt, 4 cyt, WI llY roof. (4098) DI ...,., 714 936-15790 '78 Monza 2 plue 2 apt lu• 11700. Sac. 1750. T·Shlrt Preu Or.y. S3500. 875~181. USED CARS & TRUCt<S 111-an1 e I. c:. I. c q u. r l213l 427.5494 cpe, red. 39,000 ml. auto Exit Cond. 240-02152 .... !~... laU ttl.11 COME IN OR CALL FOR 208 W. 11t. Santa Ana 8~!: TracM-lne Welcome tren,, etereo, lllt wn..I. ~ AE1 w/'--.. all .,.........,_ ,. --•-•.... CIOMd Sunday na"" tire•. S2800. -· .. r_,. _..._ ..... tl.11l 18&6 vw ING 998-4856 IOOUI. lnold. Never Stroller. almoet 1111111 Fiil.. Connlw.()el.ltto CHOICE INVE.NTORY .. Good oondltlon 11500 --------uMd. CaM lnol. J391t. ,_, 130. FOR SALE mY1UY VOLUME SAL.ES "24230 '94 Chevella Malibu SS, 979-21518 ~573 &42~. M·F, t-5 18211 &"•CH BLVD 1uto, xln1 body & Int. ""' · '78 vw Bug convertlble, Run 1 good . I 8 7 5 . ftM 11 fta MU Collapelble Park Av.nut 20' Wooden Sloop, po.,. HUNTINGTON BEACH & w h I/ w ht . Se , 7 5 0 , 648-4109 Cen'lege, beeutlful cond. tibia NB ellp. 11500. I 4 1 • I I I 1 t r "'""221" -------- FrM to good horn••· 3 1 150. &49-31573 Ma.«>80 an 9PM ......-" F•r4 Hit loving adult cat1, all · · 14t-1111 '72 Squerabaok, auto 1------------- neulefed. 548-2735 ave. Mink etroller. Gorgeoua S.bot with Mlle & oer1. I I I I IL A I EI I trw. ,_ llf•. lilt oond. 1:-lMI --• .._ natural ranch w/Hbl• MUST SELL $350. Top Dolar ID Ona owner. Complete All s .... tut --collar. Value l5000. Mir· 75t-o080 aarvloe racorde S t800 * * * * Ing '2400. 641-3098 IU11 I ......... L. 7tu Paid s ...... s.mo..L..ing HI "' ~ 4~5 ·4~2 Hu. 4 :::::-3 Irena. & • t BUY --· 8215 s. Eudld Ave. •o• YOUI st«eo r . with CUMt· . 8Hutlful Autumn Haze BOAT SUPS AVAJLA&E: FOi YCNr c.tt Fulaf1on ..anw.UDA ' '72 VW 411 Claalc. Low ta. (~2YZA~ Good UMd FUrnlture & etroller mink coat, u Newpot1 BMcll· 25• 28• Jiii .. I.. (114)111 IMI · ml, auto, fuel Int. xlnt HLI 11111 ~ I w111 ... 12·14, 18150. 645-713e 30', 3S', 40', ,· "5'.° c.i Open Sunday ntP IT & ~. S1900/bst off, PP 1&1111 llllU&I or~ v:.._ Beeutlful ptaflnum mink 942-4944 from 9·5. U111ll ..,::J !911 •.. --*cs.ye. I 2900 Harbor BIYd -·--·-.,._ worn Juet 4 tim.. Moo-Fn. ~~ 64()..Mso Int WAITEll rAGUnl ·n vw. rebft eng, aunr1. COSTA MESA · . t•.. W 1121 MOO. 87~ Boet s11p ev.ileble fof 40 W• buy ctun, uHd l41t•n.cmuuuuW1 •It co nd . 13 500. .._1111 I llY ,_,_ Dall'• .. "Chevellar eun.. to es· boat. Nwpt Bch 4 ..... Dti"8 M31 BMWL c.. Tom Cwt! at 1...:.'7:...:5-:...:9MS:::::..:::64:...:1:...:-8:..:7..:18::· __ j·-;;;:;;-;;;:;;;;;;:;;-::::::;:;:=:-::=- Lel 957 •133 Net• l2900. Sold orll) 831-nn ·es lntema1lonal TmtW ~ ~ '79 vw Bug conv •• very '11 Fm ..., .. .... Sen Franclaco. MO-M74 ~·~ ........ Ina tlH ctMn, l6600/0BO. You muet -Ulla onel Redwood pa11c Ill* w/2 all IPM. S~~·r :~a~I; ~u:~~g~o~ 0.1200·~~BO ..... 111 1 .. 1 mz NM&. MS-7402, 873-6457 90 day POW« train -- banchea. S35. 845-t048 LADIES Lamb Wool Coet, 840-5545 84&-nee. 8-8 IT L... M3S • • Anthracite w/nray Int., '72 Bua. Good oond, anti ran .. ty. (1ES-Tl559Y 1~•1•• Aque.,,,.., c11e1r ,_ worn. very wwm, PM . e 4 o. 4 o 8 7 . ntu Cloead SunCSey .. fm af900/on.rt • -115 Ila t-10. 646-4081 714/640-78715 1974 Chevrolet ti. ton -..... loaded, chrorne •lloye, · M0-115-4 Thec>doN Aoblnl Ford 566-05315 Campar Spaclel ~ ... under t5.000 mllH I 2080 Harbor Bl., C.M, W1wt. '--UndCftb ~.~o~ ~~i~~~~'= Alfcondltlonlng.f:~ 'n930C81Sttl(344UKA) ,·,M~~)•1Y MUHll ·~Q,.U_!.'~a..01e ...... ~1g 642-0010640-e211 ~ 1125 I 1200 lncldl tranefw tee. Manna location. PIMM ltereo CMNl1• & lfwllpl '79 32<>1 Stk. (S43XUI) MIT mm v-·-. JM-n40 -"""'· '74 Muetang 2 Hatchbtc 54Ml5f3 E..,.. 840-4810 oontect 556-1711 A.eking 12900/or bHt ·.~ 3320120l~ttk.((l52363XVXTV)N) ~ ot · at. to ml. 1/8, ale, ta, td: otter. Prt. pty. Call "· i wll!! tl7S Pretty. 11et5. &45--0397. 5 poa 8dnn Mt, king ala FAAN.~ISCAN "D•Hrt PIER: 28" 1100/mo, lide 54M874. If no anew, '78 5291 At. (481457) - hdbo41rd. Antique whit•. ROM aarv. IOf e + P -18 f1 $715/mo. MlrCUI plMM keep trying. ·eo 320! Stk. (254ZUS) # 1 '"" .. ..., 'll ••• ""' $250. 541-2380. tr••. COit 1442, Hll Channel 850-8145 ·eo 320! At. (010ZVA) 208 w. 111. SMt• Ant .......... ..,, 4 cyl, .. •PHd tran1. 1250. 646-4117 30' Boat Slip Huntlnot f We're" l In lhl W•1 '81 3201 AL (ot1045) Ul-1111 711 AM-FM cu1. Ore at Waln~:'!,!~ M•I• CRAFTSMEN COAOl.ESS Hatbour. 2131592-~~ s~·Tu:.·~·:~ I '81 320! Stk. (005363) Cloead Sundey Tr• n •Port • t Ion 14 very good' cond ELECTAIC DAIU.. USED & 7141833-1103 ofc. • Prtoe & a.c11on. 11. Liil IUOI lft .... lllZ ULD UIYMSI (390UDfl). l2cio 81'3-0l36 · 7 TIMES, COST SH. I 1 _ _... 000,000 lnventOf)'. (714) 638-15790 I y.., End s .... Mk ue .. lfA.. llW •Y SHU · SELL FOR 130. IN· 11111! •-(213) 427-5-494 b O"'"'R8"' .... ~L.IVERY Thlodor9 Robina Ford Tiii en~ looking S.. CLUDINO CHARO ER Tr~ Wetcome • out th• (Affordable) ... EXPERTS 2080 Harbof 81., C.M. Cf91ery.J~87 UNrT. M2"6S55 DRY STORAGE 111111 NCllt'I ::z~o buy• Meroadee /11 642.oo1o 540-8211 IUPIUllD Monthly boat ·~:.fi•· IUUT .n. llt••n lllL1 •E 1111 ...... • ,B~~b~:.~:S~~n~~ :U,~o.::~ =~hr ty, N4-H COllllGI ... ~~~~ flLft ll00.842~ : . tlon. 1150. 645-8797 h«M 10 buy CMltmM llWNlf .... m•t -.z1 cmi .. ~,,,. ~ 1301~ ~ 111~s~~~· 'll Ltl .... BRASS BED. good cond. ~...,.ta I« my c:Nldfen. 1111 .... .., Ir • '79 Dodge ~ ton db cab. ~ ~~ Mf.IMI 141-Mll Air conditioning & lull $300. IMM help ma. Aleo • a.11.11 _11 A/C, PIS, Auto. Stereo, ........... .,_._ 1 ~ W.s powerl 90 day power 876-3708 Mr. & M,._ s.nta '5.00. --xlnt cond 12950. ___, __ ,,, ..... .,........ M .,..... tr• In w • r rant y . -------1 '40-8709 ...,.._ LoulM ..... "'"48 JOl' CARVER Ull 'll llM -'" rune .,....... U8t ...._. (183WYB). ...._ --~bl 42" RV & BOA _........ ~ l.oc.ted ~ Marcua St In ,_.... r.,_, I • T 52,006 orl\sml. Mull NB, ""'''re -'co~ to .. •Y HUI glaee ~ w/4 J400 ... __ W ... 1._ '71 Det1Un Pickup, xlnt or-. 1 c ~ ot. A\AI •---"""' -CHh. 213/877-9890 --u -cond .• ..inos1100 l'Ul.L:ll''-.l~t;'UIVIH .... seeoo. 1-eose comeand .... llOOobo. Theodor•RoblneFord 9'191, wMdl PLEASE 1:71:71:7 DRY STORAGE ~48 ~~':~ ~ ~:'.'.:' ..::' '73 MercadH 460 SLC 85().7573. 64~~cr-~; 1 .King elze eolld bran or more~~~~ 141,.,..... '79 Ford F-350 1 ton '80 3201. Mint cond, air, Very ctMn. MU8t... Aalla, Dt.ndc haedtio...dw/fr-. Uk• VARRE Wine Goble1-Wet Boet aMpe ouetom PU. PS. PB, bite. eunrool. Center ll"• 876-3302, 950-3434 lits '97 Muatang herdtop. • ~·· Coat $800 Hll Wiii PIY up to '25 1 ~ ell9llable allo. AM/fFM ltera1o 8 trkd, whle, 1terao, Daya '81 300SD turbo dal, .-1All.~C.._ ___ _,;.;.;:;;;; Original owner Mlllng. -75. 873-1923 oa. • lllZl 1unr . cap, • nt con . 2131912-3821, evlwtlnda root. ~ cond .. '71 Matedor. Good tran.-289V9 auto .• ,_ tlree,, • Coffee tit. C..548-73Mdeys -l4000ofr.831~728Tom 741/97()..()88Q 3DK ml. $31,000. Oya poc18Uonl375 excellent cond"lon ,_. : 38" ,!!nd'. ~ =: °' 842· teas 9'191 Uftlll ft1MI . 75 F 0 rd c 0 u r I• r w I ... Ml .. 1 3 0 -3 180 . ., k n d. e-213~2-3950 chenicalfy. 13.000. I S75. 873-1923 1:71:71:7 IM bit Id :W,, • cemptf ehell, nu tlre1. S &44-1533 -•-L t•-64~1 °' ~2905 Gama Mt 48 .. round ~ 111-1111 brake•, clutch. $1200. ~rt. xlntn:_llt:!°'h':':° ·ee 230 SL MBZ Cpe. 2 •-• -· l~~~~~~~~~I d•tel w/4 uphol. arm I mP 119 & 567-SOM aft ePM. 1eo'..o~ · · tope, Europeen 1tyle, 'll -Ill&&. '74 eounw, pld<up. Rabil • otlan COit 1 1000 eac-m .. -T a.I-'76 CMV LUY Itek• aide. Jdrlt oond. Aed/*1, cMh Tiile one hat tow mMae & e ng, nu elutch, brke. •• rfflcai350. 873-1923 _ _.:.-fUlltrtl ... a Xlnl cond. New paint. Dabu tilt ortredel« ...... note la very eherpl 90 day ~.~"..'.great. $8915. ••m•• ...,.... 1112 PropaM 13100 or belt or ? 117.900. ~22 power train warranty. -20 W9'lut d:':l Mt. 3 IM-Molher ehort of CHh _ ofter. 5411--3287 °'aft 9Prn 548-2917 (1A0~). '71 Ford Wagon, Run• I , ;:5.~~.ch•lre. =~--~~.:=~ ---=-~uu, .,. ..... r.': .. .,.0 .... ,.~ -' ·~.-:":!L.'"<t'.'O:!;'"';· ~~ ;r:~·r~"~.:~"'~; • Smoked alH• eooktall In hi• •urflng carHr. 11,s atrt, W bed. 3 0 cu. In . •ng. l 2t,5oi: 84t -38o2: 20eO Hart>of Bl CM Newport Eoon, 2121 .......... ,.11 1150 Nead fof Santa to....,. 1111 ..... It. U. 1700 obo. 831-81578 bet WH 175-1,..1 642 ""tO ,...,,.·:..,,·1. . ~am X 80". . under tha tree. Call 141-tm M pm, YOUI M1W ZMD ~ .._ ..._.._ Brtetol, N.B. ~79 • n • w • r ad I 15 7 8 . Yau Mfl DlllCT! 4lllLI t3" '79 Granada Ohla, fully • ~ ~atwed Otto-642~ 24 In. Bm/ten 82.5 ml. MINT 1q11lppac:l, l4000. ' men, 30" X 30" S50 CONDITION. 121,500 111! t•IAI t46-05ea 87M292 fl r"'. 97 3 • 7 33 t or .... lnlUI ~!!!!!J~ __ Jt~J~IS!! "2 aolld oek daeltl. 1 ~ 558-2812. Hae • Continental kit, r.; · --------•-------~·eo 300D. eunroof, Ilk• =:!: ::C:.'f.~':¥)~ 'll W U.l 1 .. ll'fm MW, onty 1000 ml. 118, A "Mutt Sea'' '*1 ...._._ F\111 pow.-wlUI tit, GnJi.. 500. 48&-7079, 878-2040 ,,_ M . 8 trac:ll. Lat'ld•u & J.a 111f1 one la • "ona of • kind" more.. (2elXHP) 4 l9"d trana~ AM/FM '715 4508EL ""* CIWIH (183032).. ... , 14fla 1ter.o t9P9 PllY9' with l.o9dac:I. muat .... Jdnt. Lm ..... -Tileodof'9 Ford ~te ttpe_!. ouatom 113,600. 7154-1!MIS ((7211~) !3231--17 :~ 2080 Hetti«~ C.M. --(916Y.'"""f' 1·19 3000, aunf'oof, Ulpe .. ) .. --MMM>10 MO-alt ., 14111 deck. Mutt.... Tr11de-ft W9lcol1te .... ... ... Call 240-7208 ·-----IJ-1_11111' ____ ,.~ crr.35~~: 2900 HattM>r llvd. 77 280E. loedld. tttw Int.. ... ...... Rune Good. t1500 080 COSTA MESA lo ml, xlnt cond. S12.500. _....,,,.. 404-8132 Ml-11H 7154-15415, &53-tl04 Of .... modtl. tow !Tiiie--------=---· •g• Cedlllac• In Sou· OW u1.. t•n "*" Calltor'tMI a. ue I~!:-•!!•!•!!!·~ ... !!..-....!~•!!! tl41 'lt-IUlllB Thie OOl"i"'11b'9 he9 • 4 ·~ trana.. 4 oyt. & AM /FM oauette. (733)(Z)(). ... YUlU Tileodof'9 Robina Ford tadlfVI '17 Cllt1111 Supreme, lllBI UHO. Qood cond. llN' I II 557-4313 or 1s1.oe10 2~oe~-re~· 1...... .,. I Jll-1110 ·10 Dutter. ar.t runnlnO • cond. new t1ra1, Mutl tS 4 2 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 '1 2 P*IC NOTICE 'ICTITIOUI ..._ .. NA.Ml ITATW•NT The lollowtng per1on 11 doing bu9IMu .. THE GERMAN HOME BAl<E.RY, 3412 Via Oi>o<to. ~ Beecfl, CA 82143 SIL\llA ALATRISTE, 1084 Olan Clrcte, Cott• MeM, CA 92927. Thill bu..,._ la conc:lucled by an lnd1Ylc:luat Sllvla Al8tl'18te ·Thll tlllemenl WU llled with the County Clerk ot Oranoe County on November 29, 1982 ....1. Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Delly Piiot, Dec II. 18, 23, 30, 11182 538().112 NSUC NOTICE 'ICTITIOU• 9U ... H NAMe •TATblbff Th• following peraon I• doing bu11neu H . GOLDEN CHARIOTS, 177 F Atvetllde A~u•. Newpofl e..ch, Celll0tnla 112843 Theodore Friedman, 1228 Aull•nd Ao•d. Newport Beach, C•lll0tnl• 112&e0 Thia bull,..._ It con<lue1ec:I by an Individual T heocl0t• F rledmen Thll ll8tement WU ftled wltfl thl County Clerk or Orange County on Novemt>et 29. 1982. ,,_ Put>ll•ll•d Or•ng• Coau Ollly Pilot, Dec 2, II, 18. 23, 1~~ DUIHlma1 ASHWORTH AUDREY ELLEN ASHWORTH. •ae 83, a resident of Newport BHch. Ca ., pa11ed away on December 20, 1982. Survived by her dau1hter Joan A1hworth Henneaay of Toluca Lake, Ca., l brother John Marshall of Salt Lab Clty, Utah. Joan'• father Allen A1hworth of San Clemente, Ca. and mother· ln-law Lillian Aahwonb of San Juan Capl1trano, Ca. alao survive. Mn. Aahworth wu a UMO p-aduate of the University of Nebruka, Lincoln, a member of the Gama Phi Beta Sorority: Memorf.a.J aerv1ces were ~ on Thunday. December n. 1982 at the Waverly O\wdi. Fairhaven Mm>Orlal Park. Brown Colonial Mortuary directon .. MIU.ER MARION MILDRED MILLER, a 1001 t ime realdent of Huntlnaton Beech. Ca. P.,... away -an December 20, 1982 In Verduao. Ca. SurYtved by a ion Kenneth Miller of Altadena. Ca., 2 clauabten. Jean Boardman of 1'.nta Marin, Ca. and Pat Gordon of Tucaon, Arlsona, 5 grandchlldren and 8 ..-t~ 1randchlldren. Vleltation will be held on Sunday, December 28, 1982 from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Pie~ Brothen Smltba' Mor1UarY. Prtvate bwia1 wW be held on Monday, December 27 1882 at Good Shepherd Cemetery . Memon.i Servfcea wlll be held on S.curday, January 8, 1883 at 3:00PM at Pierce Brothen Smith•' Chapel. Pierce Brothen Smltha' Mor1Uary d1rerton.. ~. BELL NINA RAWLINGS BELL. former resident of ~i.u.re World. P...S away on D9cember 21, 1882. She Is 1urvlved by her aon and dau1hter-ln-law Mr. and Mn. Richard Rawllntl of Coron• deJ Mar, Ca., 2 1randchl1dren. Private aervlces werw held at P9d6c View Memorial Park. Plldftc View Mortuary,• Newport BHch d1rectora. ,_CIMOT ... S 1&1..•0ADWAY MCMITUAllT 110 Broedway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IA&.Tl-.. OM MTM & ""*&. WllTCUPPCMANL 427 E 17th St CoslaMesa tw&-9371 • I . l I I ....,. ...... ...... :c --r.:,r-: Ii .......... C:11r11rm r ..._ tfyou __ to ______ _ an ellMney In 11111 "'.,,.,. roci eflOllld do .. pt~ ..... '°"' wrlttefl fMPOn ... If 1111. lll•r .. MM on 11me, A¥1101 U1te4 '-• 114• MMM4a4e.Rlt,._ .. ,... ................. Jill II .. I -........ = .... ...... "-... ...... Ti' U•l•d d•Ha 1olloltar el conMJo d• un 1bogedo 1n Nie 11un10 , d•b•rre tieoe rlO ltnnledlatameme, di .... ,,_. tu ,..,.... eeortte ... hey ....... Plledl .., ,....,8da a ttempo. I. TO THf' DUEHOANT. A oM co111p1a1r11 11.. t>Mft Ulecl by I.lie plalnllff ......,.. you. " you wWI to ~.,. ll'lll'IUI\, you muet........, It dey1 eft., thll wmmont la Mrwcl on you, 1111 wltll tNI -.t e M'ltten fllPOI* to CM ~· lJnleM YoU' dO to. '°"'£.: .. be 1ntered on llllJll'"I of Ille p1elntlff, llnd ttlll cOutt ........ ludoment 8Qlllnet you lor tM r4111f demanded In "" COf'llCllllnt, wtlloft could , .. ult In gunlallment of ftOll, taking of ~ or Pl'<IPl"Y or otll., r11111 r1que1t1d In the comc>Wnt. Dltld: June •• 1N2. LAI A. Branc:f\, Clettl C.K ...... ~ U AMDe&Z 1nt1 '""" ...... T ...... CA-(114).....- Publlthed Orange Cout Deity Ptlot, Die. 111. 23, 30, tM2. Jen. I. 1983 5517-12 MO"l1Ctl OP~ UU ........ DA.MM T.a. .... -.a NEWPORT HOM£ LOAN, INC. • ~ ICJPOflMd T"""9 under h folowlno dMcttbed 6Md of tnm WILL 8EU AT PU8UC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDOEA FOR CA8" ~ ...... °' ..... i.fl.tl moMV of .. United ...... .. rlgflt, .... end ...... CCllWl¥ld to llld now lllkt ~ It under 9lld Deed or Trutt In tlle property ........ dWrt>ed: TAUSTOR: JOHN A. KRAJIAN and OWE I\. KAAJIAH. ~ _, ... BEHEFICIAAY: BANK OF A.MEAtCA • ~ for ORANGE BELT PAINTERS PENSION FUND #1MIO-O Alocwded f*'->' 13, IMO • lnltr. No. 15N1 In book 13501, Pllll 745 of OMc:MI Aeoordll In .. oftlol of the Aeoorder of ar.,. Courltr...., deed of wee~ .. faloMr1g PfOC*1Y: Pwoel t: Lot 16 of Trec:t No. 1800, -per ,._, ~ In 8ooll 304, P-o-36 to 31 lnduiilv9 of ?~-..... In .. ofloeof e ounly Recorder or tlld County, ll'atc:el II: Non .. .11cNelw ~ •••'"*"-for lnorw ano.-owrlHM._..,...... Ht forlfl In th• d1Gl•r1t1on of Govenant1. oondltlon•. and .... ~ ... YOU AM It DIPAULT-A DllO 0' TSIU8T DATID IMNMY .......... YOU TAKI ACTION TO PSIOTICT YOUR PllO"llTY, IT •AY H eo&a AT A...UC: IML• YOU -Mt llPUllAnoet "" ,.. llATUM Oft THI NOC- A8AHlllT YOUW~U 8HCMK.D COMTACTALA 7 All9 \lllaro, ~ 8eeoft. CA t.2980 ''(11 a ...... ~Of oomMOll clealtnatlon .. lllown 1bow, llO warranty la given al to lte ~-or GOiieotl:r Thi bel•tlGlalY under o.9d of TNlll, W ,_ Of I br..afl or ..,.. In .. oMgatlolW _.. ....... i..totore axeouted ... deltY9r~ to tti. undw•IOllH a ---DIClll llllOn al Def9IM ... OallWld for $119. and Wl'lltln .... of breeDtl and "' ~ to --th• und•r=:d to Mii ••Id "'°""" to . -6d at q;1• DN. and t'*Mft9f the undeflttMd _... Miid lloloe"' bf'Mdl IM di --.itobe Recorded Maroll It, 1MI .. "'*· No. II· 10Mlf °' .... 0.... ....... . fald H ie Wiii be Made, but without covenant or warranty, ...... OI.,.,,.,....,,....... ... pa111111on, « -~ • !MW tll9 '" ......... ~ -OI h notel• MOlnCI W TlllCI 0.... OI TNl!t+ _..,..,...•In -,_. ~.ed---.•"'11-­h terme Olf Mid Deed °' Ttult. .... Cifiii';li inir ....... ~ ~Ind"' .. "'* or.-..~ lllld DMcl Of TNlt. leld HI• wlll b• held on ._.. 11 llllJ, J9nlllfY It, 11U .. 2!00 p.m.. It .. ~A ... e11lranoe, to Ill• Olvle Oe11IM Bulldtno. too 1Hh:£il"'•" A..,.,tntlle()ltycrf ~ N0Ta: AT TIMa Of' llOI "°'y • MMll, IN CAlt4 ~ THI CAIHl .. '9 OSI ClllfTl,.10 CHICKI "IC"llO IN CIYl'-GODll~ --At tit• UM• or , ... '"'"•' ,.Hurm at 1111......, .. ..... _ ................. .. r• ,_., ..... ., .. ra ='·--· 419" •• ,, ••••• • .... ...... .:na:··· ......... , ... '• .... ,,. .... i:r *' _., --... (r,... ., 0.: Dtr *• 11. ,...°"' ..,.. LONt, IND. ... ~ T.D....,_ I • 111111111 MT r 1ttH1 •,,JI\ " 1 11 c t M 111 H ,. 1 1 , 11:. · ~esa coun~il seeking oUster of city pl~nners I J "¥' CADBNBEA.D ............. ...,.!!.'_a IW'prile move, the Coeta -Qty Council bu teqUelted ttre realcnatlon 9f all five plannlna c o mmlulonera, \ouchlna off accuaatlon• o f polltlcal wrangling and name ce.Wnr.. LeUen were eent Wednemay to each of the commlaalonera after t he clty council voted unanlmoualy Monday nlght to request the reetcnationa. Mayor Donn Hall made the. . auaa-Uon, u)'ln8 he recetYed a request for lucb action from another council member. The name of the council member wu not di8clmed. With two yean left to eerve, COfDJ11blionen Lynn Van Aken and oomrnt.lon ch.airman Walt Davenport would b e moat effected by the move. Mark Sloate'a and Chic Clarke'• temw were acheduled to end Dec. 3J. Commhaloner Ramona Sawyer-Wat.11on. w™-term wu 1cheduled o end O,Cember, Boats make final parade tonight 1984, hu informally uked to step down f.rom the polt cltlJ\I penonaJ NUON. Althou1h put plan~':J cornrn'8lilonen have been to remcn followl.na the election ot new cOunclla, such a request hat not been made in a1x yean. Van Aken, who f1nJahed fifth ln the November council race, said he believ• the rwlplation requ.t WU poUUcally moUvatec:l. Dur ln1 the campalan he waa crltlcaJ of Hall'• aupport tor ainendinl the dty man ordinant'e. The 63r d Newport H arbor ''Festival of Lights" epds tonight with the more than I 00 deeorated boats echeduled to parade through the harbor from 6:30 to 8:45. T he parade forms off Balboa bland and proceeds through the Lido and Newport channels. Wind-blown rain canceled the parade Wednesday night. Brown fills three judgeships in OC Three ~ vacarii&s on the Oranp County Superior Court an4 llarbor Municipal Court bencbea have been filled by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Named to two superior court openlno were David 0 . Carter, ol La,gUna Beach, now a judge at South Oranp County Mwlldpal Court In Laguna Niguel, and John Woolley, a Garden Grove attorney. Attorney Brian R. Carter, of Corona del Mar, WU named to Harbor Municipal Court In Newport Beach, to replace Judp Donald Qun&an, who is reti.rtna. David Cart.er, 38, ll!f'Ved • a ,deputy dhtrlc t attorney rttlponalble for homlclde proaecutlona before he waa appointed to the munk:ipal court bench. He la a Marine Corp veteran of the Vietnam con.fllct durtna whkb he wu dtR:Mtm!d wtlh both tbe Bronae Star and a Purple u.rt. ... A member of the Oran1• County .... ~UGD, O.vtcj ear.. ts a former member of the California Dlatrlct Attorney'• A.-x::iation. Woolley, 46, la the newly elected president of the Orange County Bar Aaaoclatlon. A former..usiatant dty attorney and deputy dty proeecutor in Garden Grove, Woodley al8o hat taught buainea and real eatate law cl.-at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Woolley la a director of tne Oranae County L egal A id Society. The new appointee to the hArbor court bench, Brian Caner, 57, bu been practk:ing law in Santa Ana. Before entering private prac~lce, he waa a patent llCenllJll attorney with Rockwell c.orp. and baa ut u a Judp pro iem at both the auperlor and mu.nidpal court Jevela. He al8o aerYe9 on the Or..- County Aaaeaament Appeal• Board Md it a ~iaman. He ii put commodore of the Bahia CorJothian Yacht Club In Newport 8-ch and often, la a Judge Brian Carter n.avtaator aboard ocean racing yachts. He earned hit bachelor of •clence degree In electrical ~ from the University of lowa anCi bis law desree cum laude from P.epperdlne Univenlty. Since the November electkln. Gov. Brown, a Derqocrat, hu been actively flllln1 judicial vacancies throuihout the atate before Rep ublican Georae Otukmejtan'• lnauauration u ~Jan.3. "Donn told me prlor to tho election that If I dldo.'t quit attacldna hlm and the ct\amber, he would aet even," said Van Aken. "He laid he'd ,.t me." Hall denied ever niakinl such a atatement and aata the ....qn.Uon reqUelt atema from a dealre to re-examine the oornml8'lon and a difference in phHoaop,hy between the comrNlakJn and the council. "It wouldn't be talr to the p1ann1na-cornm1alion for me to polnt out epeclflc lAl!ues when there'• been a dlaureement ln philoeophy,'' Mid Hall. Cha1nnan Walt Davenport Mid he would request that he be allowed to aerve again, but lndlc:ated that he waa not particularly unhappy w ith the coundl'• dedaion • "I don't think there'• anythina unfair about lt,'' aaid Davenport, "The commiulon exlata at the pleuure of the councll.'' He conceded that Van Aken'• chance1 of belnl reappointed were "queatlonable" and uld that Van Aken hu had "llOIM phlloeophlcal dlfferencn wltb eome memben of the coundl." Clarke, who baa aerved Jf yean on the commi-'on, .ud he woqld llk.e to aerve apin. Sloe~ whme term w• echeCluled to Dec. 31, uld he would like -' 1erve apin, ai.o. Said Watton, "There h..n't been an lnk11na of th» before tn. election. I have no Idea why they're a1kln1 for our reelpationa. I think we've done (See PLANNERS. Pqe Al) Marine pilot's widow ·receives present Chrl•tmaa came early for Madeline Van Wage n e n of Laauna Niguel, and thouaanda of other military widows and their dependents aero. the nation. President Reagan thla week restol'ed Department of Defeme benefita to widows and children of U.S. aervicemen. the result of a IUCCe8Sful year-long drive by Van Wagenen and the support grou1!. she fo~. "I m going to be out of the widow bualneas pretty aoon now," the 35-year-old woman aald t oday in a te lepho ne interview. S he aald the widow'• group the formed. called Survivors of S.Crlflce (808), llOOn will be dilbmded. UWe d6d the job we let out to do and there'• no re.on_~ keep tba Cll'palmtion in~" ... tald. 1be job they aet out to do was to re11tore benefit. taken away last y-.r when fteapJl 1mpmed rHtr lctlona on benefit• for widowl and awvivilll chlJdrm of milltary penonnel. The reatrictiolW cut benefJtll to 1urviving children when they reached age 18, inat.ead of 22 under old regulations. And they cut benefit. to the aurvlvlna parent when the children reached ace 16 instead of 18. In the cue of Van Waaenen, the cuts meant she would haw lost four years of benefit.a for her then-13-year-old aon and two years of benefits for henelf. Her huaband, Marine lst Lt. Lowell Van Wagenen, w• killed while on a reecue m1-ion during a storm ln Okinawa ln 1973. The Marine helicopter co-pllot periahed when the chop per a1anuned lnto a mountain. ''It came aa auch a ahock. We were already plannina for our future," bis widow aaid. Her eecond ahock came oo her birthday, Aug. 13, 1981 when able received word of the cut in benefit.I. ''It really irritated me beca•• Lowell went.to aucb areat length• to make aure tbtn11 would be in order ahou1d be die," w-.Mi. "I WU lmultied for hit me." ~nen Milt the Oas that her hUllbmld'• aaftln to t a-.n, ..iuna him the government mJ&bt ave._. ~.?!1 c:= .!'l ... =~·"" the ~the antrrY widow went to w~ . Tbel'e, with the help of San Dleao concaman Duncan Hunt.el' and . Alan Cnmton. D-Calif. and Dan Quayle, R-Ind., a blll wu eventually walked ~ both houles. ~ ~ the leaialatloo this week, ft9torina the benefftll to veteran awvtvon. (See WIDOW, Pq e Al) Dry yule on tap • 1n county The National Weather Service i. predlcUna a ltonn-free holiday weekend wlth fair aldea and wann daya. Temperature• Saturday, Chriatmu Day, will be ln the upper 60a along the cout. NWS offida.la uld, with an overniaht low between 42 and 48 dep-eee. At leut a temporary reprieve from atorma will be welcomed by Oranae Coast reaidenta, who Utility finds truth ·in Murphy's Law By KAREN E . 1tLE1N .. .............. Murphy'• Law hM pr"eValled for the Southern California Edleon Co. If anything could have aortie wronc. it baa. nm. there wu the one-two punch of back-to-baek atonna with hiah wlnda. The atonna. which ocrurred Nov. 30 and Dec. 9, barely 1ave Sdlton crewa wonw., arOund the clock time fol' a brMther. 'nMD Wedneldar.• about ane- thlrd of J:diaon • a million cuetomera were left without power when hlah w lad a In Northern Callfom(a knocked down a tranamiaaion line carrying power generated from hydtoe1ectric plants. (See related atory Page A3.) '"the month of December baa not been a good one for ua," aaid .Bill Compton, Hunttnaton Belch area manager for tne power company. ''rve worked here~ y._. and at no time do I remember golna throu&h thla kind of mcnth," he .ud. n. two earlier •tonne were the mo•t deatructlve to hlt Southern Callfor nia electric utllltlH in more than half a ( ... UTILITY, P ... Al) have endured aome of the most violent weather ever recxllded In December. Wedneaday'a atorm dropped .60 inch of__J'&ln OD co.l ....__ according to Oranae County'• Environmental Manaaeme~ Agency. The aeaaon-total oa: rainfall has Nen to 4.87 ~ an EMA spoke.nan aald. wly 2 lnc:hee ahead of the •Vf!'NC'e 2.97 inches for thia time of yeu-. While this week•• .corm Wiii not a1 severe u thoee which struck earlier in the month, mualve blackoutll .->dated with the storm plunced more ~ 350,000 Orange County utility cuatomera lnto darlmeaa, late Wedne9day aftemooD, South.q California Edt.on Co. of~ aaJd. • " Aloog the Oranp c.o.t. about 60,000 C\lltornefa w;ere iffecWcl ln almoet every cltya:!i! .._ Compton, Huntincton ~ ~ for the UUli'7. ''There 'Mn lda..S ~ aac the c:oMt .,.. which ._... not attectlld beOlwe they .,... bell\I W'Yed by the Hun....,._ Beach aeneratlna atatlon."' OarnptoD aphfnecl The bWID• whkh Yal'6ld ID (a., DllY, ..... Al) !.l • • • conunlulon1r1 and any .pthtr tn.....S pe.rUel ... be!Jll ..ad to apply. The deadline for appJJcationa la Jan. 14. · . Hall Mid no dedaion baa been 1l'ad11 rf"8Arciltur wh.-t tf'lll .be aone tn the event that a pwuuna oornmi.toner retu.e to r.acn. In 1976, the planntna c:on1mialon wu uked to 1tep down followln1 the April elecUon.JlmmleW'ood,a2()..year comml8llon member, refUled to reatan. He wu replaced. Clarke ancf Arlene Scbater were reappointed. Hall, David Lorenafnl and Richard Cantemen ai.o were appointed. In 1974 Ed Mcl'arlaM, now a oound1 member, WU fired fran the oommt.ion. No explanation wu made public. Schaler, now on the council, was appointed to take hla place. LITY 'SNAKE BIT' . . . tur)!. accordtn1 to Philip .-..1:1n.. ~··vice president in of~ .ervlce. -~..:.~~ the 1933 and 1971 ~or the ll'fft flood of 1N8 camed eo much havoc: in Edlaoa•• tranamlaalon and ~ pida," he eaid. •• the time the two atorma ~ enll1ecl. lqOl'e than a thousand u{Ql~ ~had been downed aqll power ~ea blown to the lfCMmd at hundreds of locations. Total da.maae for the atom'8 baa m:eeded ta million. 'nMt bill la~up. 'We can only hope thia la not · tndk:ative of the kind of winter we're 1oing to have," Martin aa1d. Compton, for one, fa. looking forward to 1983. "Let'• hope the hew year brings ua a ne~ pqe, '!Q we can start over," he iaid. DRY YULE AHEAD ... duration from a few minutes to ..veraI houn. marled traffic and hampered holiday ahoppera, but did aurprlatnaly little major damap. Compton ukl. The ':so p .m . blackout Jll'(llD_pted Dllneyland offidala to e.-mte the amUllemtl\t park for ~ firat time in 17 years, said ajtok-™'1' Bob Roth. Bia Thunder l\ailroed, Roth aald, helping fri2htened people out of the atalled ridea and leading them out of the park with flaahllgbta. succumbs LOS ANOJ!LICS (AP) -Jeck ~ Webb, who 1tarred 11 the ,...,._ faced detective of ttlevl1lon'1 "Drapet" •rl•. died today in hla Weet Hollywood home of an apparent heart attack, police Mid. He waa 62. . Loa An1elea County Fire Department paramedic• who were •Wflmoned to the houae Jack "'' .-.bb pronounced Webb dead at 3:23 w .., a.m .. aaid Loe Anaelee Sheriff• a aerlet baaed on actual Loa Deputy Clyde French. ~ •~ p u-De .............. , fl' Webb'• wife, Opal, wu with eac. OUUlll' _. -·-.· ~et. him when he died, aaid French. e bepn the ahow on radio ln ''Mr."Webb had been 1949, and it moved to NBC televlaion in 1951 with Webb u compla1nlni of lndlpstion In the producer and director u well aa put three or four days and about atar. The abpw ran until 1959, S a.m: thla Q)Oming he •tarted and ap1n from 1967 to 1970. experiendna the ~ paina ~ L e a B r o w n , I n h I a hit cheat, and that I wnen .. "Encvclopedla of Televlalon," wife~ the paramedp. IUd, r.webb•a paUlnte&I 11tyle .•. • Frencheakl. ... __ L VU .. was to play down the Webb. head of the _.. melodramatic alamor of the Ltd. ~on CIOfl'pallY \hat perlloua aa1t1nment1 of hie made 1u~h TV lhowa •• p-·-•·w and te> -1ve their "J:merpneJI,. ancl 11Adam·'l2," .;;~ ~ .n.in-a..cfay"a work' waa b.i known-~~ twYcr. 'lbe lhowl ~ ..... of s,t. Joe ~Y on ~'' real1aUc and aulhenUc than moat D~t theft leads slim Irvine police bave yet to fil\are out who llole 400 boxee of diet powder from • warehouse ln their city. otbera of ihe 1ente, b"t the heroes were DO lela heroic." Webb aa ea.id thee 0never will be anYthlnc in •0rapt• abat I wouldn't want my own lddt to .._,. ln the Ont. eo epWodes, he aald, pnly 15 bu1letl were fired, and there were ;.wt three fllhta and a half-clmen punches. Th~ show gop\llarlzed the phrase, ''Just the-tacta, ma'am.'' ~ IMc.:a CouncU m MY9 •--of reoommtndadonl • ddlln talk form ln a moYe lnfendld to end vand11l1m and a1xual eotlvtty tn Hetdlr' Park. I n.. Hetaler Park Tiiis FCIW wa1 formed laat. 1ummer to explon aeveral probtem. extaUna at the bluff:f. park. 'nlOl9 prm1 wwre brcwrbt to the· council'• attention l>y north La1una retidenta who complained of amoky barbecue plta, deatructlon of park property, and a prollteration of aexual activity ln the park ~and bnlahy areu. The coundl voted to retain the ext.Uni nine barbecue pita, and add five more city-owned pita ln the~k force Mid an tncreue in city pita would help alleviate the problem of ~rk vt.altora brlnatn1 in 'portable lfilb -wblcll U'9 WecM Jn the pu"k. Reaardln1 v_pndallam and ••xual •ctlvtty, the councU approved locldnc the Hetaler Park reatrooma from du.k to c1awn.-.c1ay. In addition, floor to celllna pu'ti~ in the reRocllm will btt replaced with clnderbtocll pm1iUona U..t·reacb only four« live feet ~ . ' ~· °"" Neil Purcell tald block walla lhould dllcourap WJd~.au.aJ~Jzn!ii ~ and deatructlon of reatroo1n tactlltlllJ. Other' tmprvYemen\a al)l)l'OYed by the couneU hu:lude a continued Proer*m of clearin« ' lnveatl1atora conceded they have lillm leedl in collartng the auaeect who allpPH tnto the Cambridp Plan International warehouM at 17841 Mltcbell Ave. Um week and vanl1bed with $30,000 worth of Cambrid&e diet powder. Tr.ees giyeaway staged· However, police claim they. have better than a fat chance ol cap~ the wefiht--conldoua · crlm1nal, who may be hard to mlal. U you can't afford a Cuiltmu tree thia year, a Fountain Valley busi.ne9I may be able to help. Racquetball World, located at 10115 Talbert Ave., la 1lving away ebout 100 Chr1stmM trees left over frcm • aaJea ettort Doue Marquette, 1eneral mana1er, aald the tree• are ~ fin, about ' to 6 feet. . People wilhinl to p6ck up a free tree can come to the dub before 5 p.m. today or between 9 a.m. and 3 P.Jll. on Friday. and ~ W19NUon arcuMl .,.. ................ 111 ........ at the ~ and aloftl pilttli an u. ~ and ..-ot patttu ,......,,, pmlnt for int.eriol' Wal.II of the ..-room.. The council alao approved t.nc:reutns polJce pet.roll of th• park. 11w council voted to keep the et1ht-mernber tuk force fotact for at leut a year to monitor acdvlU. at the park and to work cm other --such • an1mala in the park, bluf ftop p....-vatlon. park maintenance and parking around the park. Senate votes nickel hike , in gas ·tax "About 7,700 1ue1t1 were evacuated," Roth aa Id . ''Bvwythlna went very smoothly and a1lnost -everyone WU out by dark." he said. Roth aaid each lndlvidual ride hu been evacuated .evera1 times due to equipment failure, 10 employees were familiar with evacuation procedures. "Every guest wu laued admiaaiona to M 4 come back again," Roth aaid. oore gets El8ewhere around the county. e years for Newport slaying Ride operaton walked ~h roller coaatera 11 ke the Matterbom. Space Mountain and crowded shopping malls went . dark and pOlice directed traffic at busy intenecUona. -Karen Klein hm ............ ae. ·Cfealn lltapp • fOu'I> Coool """° 33»-5'>.-CootoMMa.CA~ 11'-~~ ~ So Coall !WV l.OQll'O lead\ CA"*, 114497"6e07 Fair on .. Le ... 2t 17 M . ., : :J •• 1! 11 i ~ :: ·= .. . ,., .. Ml i! t1 41 •• IO 11 .. 4t ., 41 11 ID eoun-.ac ~ ~Wontl ~ o.n- 0.. Molr'9 DMroft DlllUtl'I r.::o ::r ... tWtfotd ....,. HonoMu HouMolt ..... 11111111 '**9orl. Ml .... eu• ic-c:aty IMV..-Llnl9Nldl ~ ....... .......... ...... =-.-i.u. ,...... .. on.. ..-VOil Nortoll ... ,..... IL~ & ... ,....Ore ,.. ....... ~ BJ JBPF ADLER. I • °' .. ...., ......... Newport BHcb ~choloPt TellGrcf 1-rlm" lloci"e tw been aentenced to a four-yem' priMJD term for the November 1980 ahoo deeth of bil loQcUme 8""1e1 ....... enylns a motion to grant Moore probation, Oranp County Superior Court Judge Myron Brown aentenced Moore . to serve two years for his conviction o n a voluntary mans laughte r charge and another two yean for using a gun ln the commiasion of a crime. The prllOn term, a minimum aentence under the law, will Friday M "9no 42 ·a ... NC11w11011d ... 30 71 a.it Ulll• llO 40 ... .., Antonio n eo 51 IMttM '4 S4 ... :=ti: 11 M • 31 2t 31 St. Louie t1 16 11 et. ~-T111T1119 71 51 u St lteMwie 30 21 at SpolleM • f1 • 1yr.,.. 11 21 31 luo:= 51 ,.. 41 t7 N 71 Tulle 71 eo 11 Wlllhlngton 45 17 43 WIOhlte 63 a1 17 ee CAUPOMIA M ... 11 ~ IO 11 lurt*• 41 11 ,..-.0 ... .. l.anaMW 41 70 ~~ .. ... n 4J' 40 '991«1 ...... .. II ,.... .,., 41 llt ~City 47 71 21 40 40 ... ... .. 71 41 a .. 40 • .., • I ~t M~ to aeek pa,role in a little -~ than two ~ u.ne. Moore'• attorney. Alan Stokke, Mid. He added that Moore m~t. probebly will .erve hit aentenoe u a minimum NCW'ity prt.on, such .. die Sierra Corwervatlon Camp. -"It la the belief of the court that Dr. Moore has led aa exemplary a p.te aa the court hat ever had the opportunity of investigatiJl8 and becomingJ>rivy with," Brown aaid In pro- nouncini the 11entence. But the Juda• also noted that, "Dr. Eapinda haa never been forgotten in thla courtroom." After pronouncing the sentence, Brown denied a motion 10 grant ball to Moore while the cue I.a bein8 appealed to a higher court. Stokke aaid that neither he nor hit client wu aurprlaed by the aentence. 11It waa a aertnua situation and the Judie followed the interpretation of the law he thoufht appropriate to that level. Stokke aaid. oore wu willlna to eccept :=r~ cledded, the ,~ L {I Deputy Diatrict Attorney Btya,n Brown, who arsued fOC' a taaximum aentence of et1ht yan.. called the aent.ence a •ifair one In a tough cae." Moore'• 1entencin1 wli delayed more than a ,mon\b while he w• beina eYaluated by the state Department of Correctlorw at Ua Chino facWty. The evaluation recommended that Moore be granted probation. Undencorlng the evaluation'• atrong recommendation for probation. Stokke argued that if Moore were sentenced to prt.on "he will no longer be able to do theme good things for the people he oounaeled." The judge acknowledged receiving more letten attesting to Moore's contrlbuttona to the community than he hu had in any other cue. . The attorney alto told the judge that a priaon aentence would place Moore in situation In which he might come to phyaical harm. Moore was convicted of voluntary ~~ S:t. 29 tonowina-th charges. A new trial WU ordettd after the firat trial Jury , ~. deedlocbd over whether Moore wu aunty of eecond-dearee murder"' or voluntary manala\18bter. - Durtna ~be 1rt-", ._\tok'ke contended that Moore bad intended to commit adl;lde \he nllbt of the ldJlinl, but lapeed into uncomclou.neee and abot 1'.aplnda once ln the bead u Eapinda alept on ~ llvinl room floor of the SpY&lua Hilf home the two aharea in Newport Beach. F.plnda wae portrayed ln court testimony u a borooeexual who victimized Moore and wanted him to believe that he, too, was homolexual. Moore t.ettified during the first trial that FA]>lnda had beaten and eexually abulled him during \l)eir }Cftl relationahlp, whkh apanned 18 ~ 11'9 two were partners In the Newport Paychological Laboratory, whlch contracted wl\h aeveral coaatal acbool diatricta foe ita 8erviceL He alao told the jury that he had planned to leave Ea=. afte!' meeting • Laguna woman with whom he had fallen ln love. -- - Nl\TION Religious station loses tax rig. t j FC€ action to lli1'e local phone charges • , ,... Allocta ......... WASHINGTON Conlumen will have to pey more for local telephone .-vice tf they want to reap the beneflta of competition in lon1-di1tance ratea, the pemment bu dtdded. By a WW\imoul vote, lhe Federal Communlcatlona Commtaa ion aareed Wecm.day to belin J)hMlnl out a mQ>c 1ublkfy n0w pakJ to local telephone companiel throuah arUtlcally hl1h intentate lona-dWtance ntM. The decT1ton mean• con1umer1 eventually wlll have to pay their local telephone companle1 more money in flat monthly charges. IRS 'greetings' in mail WASHINGTON -Ju.at aa "'8Ularly -Chrtatmu brinp bllla, the holidays bring a s-rcel of p-eetinp from your penunent. ')'he 1982 federal lncome tax form• wlll be in the mailboxes of millions of Americana before New Year' a Dal. ' Traditionally they arrive day1 after Chri"1tmaa, between Chriatmaa and New Year's ," aaid Internal Revenue Service spokesman Scott D. Waffle. More than 89 million forms are being mailed this year, and more than hall -47 million -are the traditional 1040 long fonns. 'No stopping' Jerry Lewis LAS VEGAS -Jerry Lewia' heart will be "atronjer and better than ever" after double-bypaaa surgery, and "there's no stopping him now,'' his doctors say. The 56-year-old comedian at up and joked with doctors on Wedneada y as he WORLD recovered at Desert Springs Hospital, but shortly before he underwent surgery a dav earlier he suffered a "criali' and doctors ~ to "pound on hia cheat" to bring him around, according to Joe Stabile, his manager for 21 years. Israel, Lebanon to talk JERUSALEM -Israel and Lebanon will open nesoUationa early next week aimed at withdrawing Israel's invasion army from Lebanon and normalizing relations between the two Middle F.ast neigh bora, the Israeli aovemment said today. Prime Minister Menachem Begin's spokesman Uri Porat uiO the ta1lca would be held alternately fn the Beirut suburb of Khalde and Kiryat Shmona. on Israel's northern border. He did no~ say which day the talks would open, or in which country the first session would be held. Israeli officials briefing reporters said the talks probably would open in Khalde on M onday or Tuesday, and then shift to Kiryat Shmona. Poland frees internees WARSAW, Poland -The pernment today said It waa rel' 'dng all people interned under martial law for the put year in time for them to go home for Christmas, except for aeven top Solldari ty leaden arrested on criminal ~· Minister of Internal Attain ordered the releue of all internees by Dec. 23, 1982," the state-run PAP news aaency said. "The STATE in ter~ment cam pa are liQuidated." lt aaid that among thOM formally arrested was Andrr.ej Gwiazda. the No. 2 man in the outlawed Solidarity labor union next to Lech Walesa, who waa freed Nov. 13. The agency aaid some of thoee under arrest face criminal pcmecution for "terlous crimes" against the state, though it did not give sped:fic individual charges. Last-chance tax hill fails SACRAMENTO -What could be the last chance to 11.erue the state's $1.5 billion deflci t be Core Gov. -elect George Deukmejian takes ottioe Jan. 3 hu failed in the state Senate. Wi t h the rejection Wednesday of a bipartiaan plan drafted jointly by the Democratic and Republican leaden of the Senate, there were no active budget bills on the calendar for the post- Chriatmas emergency aesaion of the Legislature next week. A bipartisan plan to raise taxes by $1 billion and cut spending by $513 million failed when only seven of the Senate'• 15 Republicans and 17 of lta 25 l>emocratlc QMlfDMn agreed in teparate C&UCUleS to endone it. Queen to visit Dis~eyland? LOS ANGELES -Queen Elizabeth II may vialt Dl1neyland and Rockwell Corp .'• lnternatlonat heedquarten duriJ>41 her first Southern California viait in February, aaya an official helping coordinate the trip. But orpn1%en of the royal tour cautioned Wednesday that Jtaacldncb-m Pa1lce bad not yet finaliied an itinerary. "NothJnc la definite." uld Bee Canterbury Lavery, chief of protocol for LOI ~ele. Mayor Tom Bradley. 'We vialted a lot of lites and we know then!'• no way all of them are pc:mible." Lavery aald the queen will Wit from Feb. 26 to March 7. She aaid ahe was toJd an aaeilda would be announced in a week. . . ., ................. ,... The Trinity Broadcautn1 N•&work, 1 rell1lout telnotaton or11nl11tlon il\at. operatH channel 40 In Oran1• County, h.aa lmt l\a 1&a&e proparl)'.·&ax •xemJ>Uon and muat pey ,211,. 000 tn beck t&x• and penalU• on lta off6cee tn Tustin. Acttna on audit• conducted earlier thil year, the atate Board of EquallzaUon haa revoked the atation'1 property-tax exemptions for the years 19'78 throuah 1982. The atate board cited an alleaed overlap In operations between the non-profit rellciOUI 1tation and a related corporation esiabllabed for commerdal profit. Fierce storm kills 12 By 'ne A11oclaaed Pre11 San Francl.sco commuters were robbed aa they left ltalled electric trolleys when the fint l>lg atorm of winter knocked out power to 2 million cuatomera in three ltates. At least 12 people were killed ln accidents linked to the 1tonn. which pushed heavy mows into Idaho today. Heavy anow blocked highways Wednesday in California and Oregon, Including the main north-south route aervlng the Pacific states, and gale-force wind.a flipped cars and cloaed the Golden Gate Bridge aa it swayed up to five feet. '1'1-avel adviaorles remained in effect today for much of eastern Oregon, the southern Cascades and in the Si1klyou1, where motoriata "won't be allowed through" without chains on their tires, said Lt. Jerry Norris of the Oregon state police. Two people died ln an auto accident this morning on anow- covered U.S . 20 between the Oregon fltiel of Bend and SLortera, troopers uid. A 38-year-old man in Contra ea.ta County, Calif., died when he plc.ked up a fallen 20,000-volt power line and a dty prdener WU killed in San Frand8co When a eucalyptua tr'ft blew down on him. Two women in Wuhtngtoo it.ate were killed Tue.day night by storm-toppled trees. Two civilian operators of a 50-ton crane uaed to remove fallen trees from Yerba Buena Island, Calif., a U.S . Navy station, died today when the machine overturned, uid a Navy spokesman. Four men were killed and six injured in the Sierra Nevada when a rocket blew up inside a launcher used to control avalanches. Robert Riley, a construction worker, wu reported in critical condition today after surgery for injuries .after he waa blown off the second level of the new Hyatt Resency Hote. 1 in Oakland during the height of the storm. Riley, 45, felf 60 feet Into a aubbuement, authoritle. aid. Abraham Mesahaek of Alameda suffered a concuasion and cute when wtnda tore looee a 20-by-40-foot awning which alammed into him u he walked put an Oakland coffee ahop. Guaty wlnd1 and anow ahowen could still bedevil travelers today in the Sierra Nevada and other mountain areas in Northern California, the National Weather Service uid. At leaat 20 to 30 commuters were robbed when electric bule9 went dead In the Weatern Addition. a low-income section of San Frahd.lco, said police Sat. Denn.JI Schardt. And a r~ of thefts of car 1tereo1 wu reported In EMt Palo Alto. Wlnda aa fierce aa 70 mph buffeted the Golden Gate Bridae, cau.tna traf.fic accidents and forctnc cloeure of the main link between San Frandaco and Marin counties. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you llke? Call the numbel' at left and your rtletMp will be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. 842·8086--= The same it-hour an1wertn1 service may be uaed to record let· tera to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contrtbutort muat Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation call•. p&eue. Tell us whal's on your mind. • .,._.Ml M•daon C•• lft'Ofd•nl to 1 repcm reltaMd Wadnelcfiy. Trinity Sroedc••tlnc aald l& wW tl•h' &he •ta .. action on the 1round1 that no part of lt1 operallon ha1 ever been cOmmetdal . Outllory utd the two or1anlHtlon WH t Jfn1 IP ot~. whlth ~ on mantpYll .. the ta• a.ww to It. · lhi .,,,. tlvf.KN ..... lhare th. 9dv•n1a11. 11m• board of dlrectot1 and Juw Duff, tN1 catpJt9 .. ~ vlrtu1lly the tame oper1Un1 p r • • I 4 • n t o f Tr I n t t ex-~""'· Mkl the oetW I -·-· would a,.,eal tbe caee to t That arrancement vtolai.1· county Board of Supet ~ lb The audit• by th• 1late, conduci.d ln conjuncUon with th• Oranc• County A.Meuor'1 office , found Trtntty aro.dcuUna operates• almolt a mJrror-lma1e of Internatlonal Panorama, a commercial enterprhle that never hu applied for &ax-exempt 1tatu.t from the atate, accordlni to Webster Guillory , the bead o f manaaement 1ervlcea for the ....or'• office. Ila .. taJC te1Ulat.lonl that proh!btt •-'-••~ ~--eommerclaJ orcanluUont from ,.,__7 °' naan;h, \hen IO &o,~ 1harln1 profcerty wtth tax-court If necetMry to ft1ht t .... , l hart bl rettoecUve property taxes. exempt re 11 oua or c ta • She Mid the CMe IJ'*W.out of• orpnlzatiorw, he aid. t.echnJcallty that occu.-red wai/J "They have co-rnin&Jed to the Trinity Broadcaattna took ""' ·• extent that you don't know the operaUon of Panor~·· " where the exempt orpn.lzatJon TV 1taUon in 1974. ~ tb,at UmtJn1t• e n d 1 and the for -pro fl t the only way to acquire a loClf oraanizatlon be1tnt1" GuUlory broadcHUna license unde\<l• uid. However, be added that the Federal Communlcatlorinl atate and county aµdita showed Commiuion ru1.et waa to buy eo no e v t d e n c e th a t e lt her exbtJ.na ttadon, ahe aakl. . Occupants escaped injw:y when towering pine tree crushed a three-bedroom home in Salinas but Spfted the kitchen. Rain on Seventh Street in San Bernardino was deeper than Sidney Rutledge, 14, expected . .... Why power failed in 3 states SAN J.i'RANCISCO (AP) -The power outage that turned off the light.a in three Western states began with a whim of nature and grew by the will of man, according to a spokesman for Pacific Gu and Electric Co. Two million uUllty customers were affected. They included Disneyland tn Anaheim, the casinos along the Lu Vegas ltrip and hundred.a of thousands of homes. ''The major problem we experienced was the winds," aald utility 1pokesman Greg Pruett .. 'They didn't play favorites with any area. They hit every nook and cranny of our 1ervice area." He aald the blackout began Wednesday when gua\a accompanying a blU1tery Pacific storm howled throuCh the Altamont Pua and toppled a power st.ancbion north of Tracy in the northern reaches of California'• San ioaquin Valley. The tower carried llx tranlrnialion Unea: two 500,000-volt lines and four 230,000-volt drcults, acoordiDI{ to Pruett. When the power level dro~ .. ~f~-devlcea built into the Rancho .?Ulclear Power plant near Sacramento ahut J:'ftdljty down, said Pruett. Two of the aeven..unita.at company's oil-fired plant at Mom Landln8 allD ~t them.elves off from the power grid. r The ln.tt.la1 break in the tran.m.t..ion l1nee , and the resulting power plant fhutdow a : dropped the line load ao IUddenly that· uid the company was forced to "ahed",.!0:'31 customers to keep the whole system from . ''Thia meam we had to Intentionally~ their .er:vtce," aald Pruett. '"Thie~ we h9d" do this was to protect the rest ol our cw~, >.. PG&E atrualed to limit the lmct'wl the initial failure, a Cbaln rellCUol'l of abu ' 1pread to Southern Cal.lfornia, then eut io Nevada and Arbon&, accord1na to Pruett. ~ He jlald there were oui.a-In uw = Centro to Reddlna, from San Dieao to El mm Monterey to LM Vepa, and beyand. .,. ELEGANT GIFTS AT SPECIAl . '' -PRICES FOR THE HOLIDA VS ~ 14K CHAINS & BRACELSTS 504M. OFF Cobr• Br•celet, Regular S17.95 ..• sa." 20" Ught Cobra Neck C"-'n. Regular SJ7.95 ••• stl." 24" Herrtngbone Nedc ~ Regular SIZt.95 ... 119." .... I 8'' ... avy HentngbOM Nedl. Chillr\. Regular S24J.95 .,. 1111."" · • JO" Heavy Hetthtgbone Nedl CMln,' •..,tar 1267.95 ••• ttll." 7" SoMd ltop9 8rac9'et, lt..,,.r Sl91.9S, fN!lY one ....... .. ·, ... Sold ... Nedi CNln. • ..,.., M2J.91. Of"'1 one ••• JIUM 15" s.,,.. ... Nedc Chllln. • • ..,,., 127.91 ........ " ~·----·-- ... .... ,. • Mt , ... ,,,. .... ,., .... ,...., , ... Dow ~Flnal UP 10.03 CLOllNQ 1,0U.o? First-time jobless claims decline WASHINGTON (AP) -The number of Americans filina first-time claima for unem~yment benefits dropped to 533,000 in the week · Dec. 11. hitting ~ lowest level llince l.aat July, the Department reported today. It waa the third 1tra1ght weekly decline tor initial compensation claima and an encouraging 8'gn that the national unemployment rate might IOOn level off. Today'• report aleo said that ln the week endlna Dec. 4 about 4.52 million Americana clafmea unemployment benefits under regular state prqp-ama. That was a decline from 4.71 million the previous week and put the total at the lowest level 1ince Sept.ember. The inaUred unemployment rate -the proportion of the labor force drawing jobless benefits -dropped to 5.2 percent for the week ending Dec. 4 from 5.4 percent the previoua week. Many economlata Ute the 600,000 lnftial-claima level aa a benchmark for the national unemployment rate, saying that when claims are above that level the rate will probably riae and when claims are below 600,000 per week the jobless rate should atop rising or even decline sli~htly before very long. Viejo firm inks contraci Rodime PLC of Mission Viejo has announced it has signed a two-year contract with Callan Data Systems, Westlake Village, to supply Callan with 5 '4 inches Winchester diak drives. According to Malcolm Dudaon. Rodime'1 director of marketing, the value of the order w expected to be at least $4 million. Callan will uae the Rodime Winchester drives for their Unistar 100 and 200 aeries comput.en that are 68000-based Unix systems. Rodime PLC is headquartered in Glenrothes, Scotland, and has its U.S. facility in Mission Viejo. AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS H£W YORK IAP) -llw tallow .... It« -.. -York Sl«k £ ........ --_.._ -............ '"'"'°"I--.... ,.,.., -Ol'I ~ • ~ rtogtrdl«U • -for ,_..J. No .cwrttlel trtdlnp --SJ.,. 11.c .. ---_.:"''-< ... _ • .,.. "'" dl-..C. ...._ IN ~vlout <IOll"9 prke -"°*"'' i~m. ll"lo Name Ult Olo Pel. I a.tcioPtrt 2314 • l~ Up 17.7 l UVCp PU II~ • l'h Up 1U J LTVQ> M It + '" Up IU 4 DI,..,.. Ind J._ Wt Up 10.S S ToddShlp l l"' l Up I0.4 6 I~ Ucl IOl't 1 Up 10.1 1 HSPw LIDll! 11" 1~ Up 10.0 I =~lie 11~ + I Up t.J t yF ) + 14 Up t .I 10 Hellmner 1' + a~ Up L 7 11 Miii tlradly 24\1. • 1... Up .. , 12 SolYI~ t O,., t .... Up I.I IJ Aw. 27,_ I" Up 7.1 14 ~A 7-., V. Up 7.1 IS Intl HWY J._ 14 Up ._, 1t T~ pf ttlli ,._. Up U 11 S.-i.t.Cp • ~ Up • 1 11 ~Al..., IS ... Up ._2 It "°'llM!llv 12"' "' Up U • .._._ El ,. .... 114 Up .. I ~ trrCW11 n • " "" "' n OllPw 1.J7pt ""' + t u. u 2J ... l(:p I 29\4 + 1-Up S.t ... \MPtrtl ,,,., 2 \lo • Ill Up J.t IS_.._ Ullo+ I._ Up U » ~I... Ufli + ... Vo SA -1SlllMVCllf 2--..111 ,_,,..,... 'T.-....C:. :~wtA 7 ~Cwt • E.,,.of. :.· ,: =-"'"°" DOWNI Lall Cllll 11\tt -,. 1111> -1411> ~-"' 2'--"' J\4 -" ... -" " -I~ ' -... 11 0.kM I. 1'cll 12 ll'SEG Ullllt IJ I.MEI ,..., '" -.... IJ\11 -" n w.-1w. ""'~ ,..,. " ...... M ACJtyPrw 11 -!NCO 1t ..,_ 11111 ttl~ .. ....._"' 21-..-0 n "t....c>Fln -~ H OMG ll'IC SYMBOLS D V.-lfli SIW. -J SS -J ~-"" ..--... ·--Ill 7"i --1~-" u -a 1~-"' Siii -\4 "~ -... 21 ... -I J" -~ Pel. Oft IS.I ()fl IS.I Oft tU Oft tO.S Oft .... Oft ... Ott s.• Off J.t Oft u Off 1.4 Oft S.J Off u Ott J.J ()ti S.t Off S.I Oft u Off u Off , .. Off 4.S Off u Off 4.J Off u Oft ... Off ... Off u METALS NEW VOAI( (A~) -Spol nont..-roua mMel pf'loee locley- c...., 11 .... rs ... oent.a • llOUflO. u.s. de9tlnetlonl. LeM , ..... 23 -• pouftd. Diii M-.eo -• pound, .,.,._..,_ T'MN.1Sll ...... W-~lb. *'Wr Ir m 71 -a pound. N.V • ....., '3e6.00 '* ...... ........... .,., 00-$3415 00 tray ~. NV GOlD QUOTATIONS SILVER Mendy & ....,,,,.,., lt0.12 ,,., 1'°1-