HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-24 - Orange Coast Pilot• -- Catching the last rays Surlen stretch their day'• fun to the limit a t Newport Pie r. The three-day weekend givee more beach eathuiaatl the ehanee to lnd ulge, p roviding they can stand the chill. County fills Medi-Cal gap for indigents By JEFF ADLER or-.Dlllr ,......,. When health care benefit& for poor adult• now covered •by Medi-C.al expire Jan. 1, Oranae County aovernment and area hospitals will be re.Id)' to atep ln. Under a plan· approved thia week by the county Board of Supervlaora, thoae people cluaifled aa medlcally lnd!lent ad ulta will be able to aeek h oapltal attention for llfe-threatenlna medical lituatlona at • ~ u 26 of the county'• 37 ~e program waa enacted through the first aix months of 1983 with f 16 million ln atate funds to provide care for people dropped from the Medi-Cal program by the state Legislature earlier th1a year. Under \he new prosram, jwt under $13 · milUon will be aet aalde to reimburse partldpad.n& hospitab..for 1*Uth care aervtces proYtded to people who qualify. Twenty-five hoapitala in the county have aigned letten-of- 1 n tent indicating their wi.llingneaa to participate in the program. The health plan wlll be manaaed by the Foundation for Medical Care of Ora.nae County at an additional oo.t of $660,000. The foundation will proceea all claima. The balance of the atate funds wi ll be uaed to finance a $1.7-milllon mental health and drug dependen cy program, expected to be approved by supervisors sometime in J anuary, (See MEDICAL, Pace AJ) HB wo01an awarded $100,000 f rorn AAA A Huntington Beach woman said Thu rsday she waa "very arateful" to rece.ive a $100,000 tax-free aett.lement check from the Automobile Club of Southern California. . But Lillian Mitcbe.Il Bune, 46, aaid she didn't expect the money to cauae any major cbanaea in her life. She aa.ld .she woukf ao on worldnc .. a zmanetic tape clerk ln the library a\ McDonnell Do"'8lu Astronau tka c.ompany In lf"un~ 8-ch. Bune a Newporf Beach attorney, Eileen C. Moore, said the aettlement wu reached after she filed a lawsuit, claiming the insurance company did not pay off an accident claim until 13 months after the demand wu made. Moore aaid that Bune suffered a whiplaab and aevere headacbea after her car WM atruck from the rear by another car In June, 1979. Mooft claimed tha\ Buzwe W• out of work for three months becau.e of In.juries, lost one of (See SETl'LEMENT. Pap Al) ·compromise reached on Assembly reapportionment SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Auembly'• Republican leader ._Y• an agreement haa been reached on a lower bouae r.ppor1ionment ·plan that la "no boon to R epublican•" but la tiietier than earlier Democratic en. Senate leaden abo reached tentative txpartiun agreement um week (lll. new upper boU9e ~plan. 'lbe new ~bly propola1 la ICbeduled for a hearing Monday before the Aaembly Electlona Disabled CM woHJan (--~ burglarized , and Reapportionment Committee, which laat week paaed a plan _that would have put etaht Republican incumbents in tour diltricta. Minority Leader Robert Naylor, R-Menlo Park, said that the new plan would leave diS'trlcta abouT U oom])etitive U they were In the 198~ elec1iona and would reduce aplitting of citlea and countiee among A89ftllbly diltricta. "In the Interest of aettinl on with the 1tate'1 preaalng • problema, we felt lt waa ,imponant that we make every effort to aolve le1lalative reappo.• rtionrQent u quJclc.ly u pomti>Je," Naylor aa.ld. The a1reement doea not extend to plana for the Senate and Congreaa, he a.aid. Those pl:ars a:re--.un uncertain. The Leatalature muat draw new Aaaembly, Senate and Concre-diatrlcta each 10 yeera to reflect populat1on man,e.. In reality, the maj>rity party draws the linea to benefit lta membera. The Democratic majoritia in 1981 pamed three pl.am, which were u9ed foe the 1082 ei.cuona. But Repub&am, who called the plana unfair, obtained aignatun!9 foe referendums to put the plans before voters last June. All three were rejected. Votera 1n November alao rejected an lnltlatlve by Republlcam and Common Cau.e that ~ have let a COIJU1lillion do reJtportionment lnatead of the Letlalature. That meana the new 1..-Lalature must draw new p1ana before the 1984 electlona. The Leglalature'a apecial aeaalon, called two week• •10, waa partially to deal with the budget criaia. But Democratic leaders at.o wanted a chance to approYe new reapportionment plana while Democratic Gov. F.drmmd Brown Jr. could sign them. Republican Gov.-elect George Deukmejlan takes .office Jan. 3 and could veto anr, plans Republican• dldn t like. However, GOP leaden have aaid they would put any plana they considered unfair before voten . again oe take the Democrats to court. The Aaaembly plan la contained In the ABlx by A.19emblyman Richard Alatorre, D-Lo. Angeles. It wu on the floor Wednesday in the form Republicans didn't like, but Alatorre amended lt and aent It to the oommittee. "The amendments put in repr'e9ellt the baalc outlinea of an ($ff ASSEMBLY, Pase A!) 1'ree lov-er harks at Newport By STEVE MARBLE °' .. ,,.., ........ Aa Tom WUliama -it, the dty of Newport Beed1 needa a FOd le.on or two in bOw to take care of trees. A developer and tree lover, Wllliama aot hia fur up when the city marked 2~ health~dian t.urela ln hia netahbor foe ct.tnaction. The treea, each a quarter century old, were rootild In front of Marinen :a W'taf1 Scbool and an adjMlerlt ·pirk. WQllarm aid they were favorttea wi\h ecbool-bound youn .. ten and ... IWidenta. ) All but seven of the arbors were yanked out um ..._ Qty Worlun aaid rooca t:ran the tree were buattnc up •laba of a aldewalk and splintering off chunks of the curb. Ron Whitley, city park director. aald the trees -flews nitida -were poOI' cboioee foe the school arounda and will be replaced with a variety that roots deeper into the aoU. "We aaved what we could but we can't be movtna aidewalla," Whitley aald. But WUlianw, who said he baa dea.iped entire developmenta with an eye toward aavin1 matur• treeJ, lmiata the city could have aaved more of the leafy apeclmena had it gone lllhter on the ax and heevler on the maintenance. "With an attitude like thil," the developer said, "we're ao1ng to (a.re wery tree in the entire Shuttle bus seen city_ The place will have a moarwcape.'' -Williama aaid the city cau.ed the problem by pouring concrete too Clme to the tree trunk:a which cauaed the roota "to go wild 1ooldnc for water_" "Of course they're goiJll to rip up the sidewalk." Wil11ama aaid, ''You don't need an ~ dearee to figure that out." Williama aald the trees -most of them. at least -could have been aaved by backln1 off aurface roota, enlar1in1 tree well• and employin1 deep- watering techniques to train the roota to go downward. "I even volunteered to ahow them how to do it.,'' Wllllama aal~ nottnc that he baa spedal (Sff TREE, Pase AJ) ---llDEI----- A4 A4 B2 Cl,C3-8 B7 B7 -88 A8 I ETTLEMENT ; • • f\er two jobt, had her Nlary, Samiahed by cndUon. •• her cat rernu1111d, Wll evicted ftoro h er ~ ome, and went Into ~kruptcy. MOOC"e cla.lmed th-. probltnw wouldn't have occurred had aw. receiwd a ......., ,.yment trom the lmunnce coo I 111y. aw.'a medkal bl.DI .nd J<. of y.agea amounted to more than U2.000, Moore aald. Tht Insurance company made a payment o1 •1a,ooo "' March 9f 1981, aht Mid. Howe.rd Jennlnp, ~r of claUnl for t.be AutomobUe Club. acknowled1~ th• at\tle .. n• payment of tl00,000 'llwftM but declined t\.l.l'1het comar •. • The Mttlement wu rellche(t Wedneeday. ASSEMBLY REMAP •.. •greement.'' aald Naylor, who cautioned It wasn't ''iwcemartly final." ' The Senate plan la SB3x by Sen . Dan Boatwrl1ht, D- Concord. • It would put Republican Sena. Jim Nieben of Woodland and Ray JohlllOft o1 Chico tqJethel' ln the same dJatrict. and sen.. Bob Beverly of Manhattan BMch and Ollie Speraw of Lone :S.Ch ln the same diatrict. But overall, It would prewrve the current 2~ Democratic diatrlcta and 15 Republican dlmic:tl. A bipartlaan 7-0 voic of the Se nat e El ectlo n1 and Reapportionment Comrol\tft aent th~ Senate blll to the Oiior, althouc;h RepubUcana aald they n!9efVed final IUppor\ U.Otil an additional aet of amendrnenta can be drafted. SHUTTLE BUS . . . complex at Florida and Main Streets· the 11eni« d tiJien center fl 17th and Oranae atreeta and the Five Points Shoppl.na Center ft Main weat -of ~ea c h Boulevard. VICTIM • • • room and board a nd $100 a month. , "I trusted him. He .eemed so nice," she said. "I thouiht he was OK." · The Costa Mesa woman aaid she went to bed Wednesday night and never heard a IOUnd. ' "It's horrible," aaid her daughter Beverly Halaprda of Ml.alJon Viejo. "She'• had such awrwli:iCK. Slie"ibllriiS;-lhe'• bad a stroke and now 80l'DeOne cornea in and robs her ... · Halagarda aaid her ailter Nancy brought all the family's gifts over to their mother'• hOU9e to open Chrlstmaa morning. · "She really went all out and spent a lot of money she didn't have," she aaid. Anyone wantina to help can call West at ~3. --, ~- PUMJl8era whine to travel acroa the county would ~ the blger bu.ea at the Ci¥lc Center bua stop. Under prelimlnary propoeala. the abuttle bus would travel on Delaware, 17th, Oranp, Main, Garfield, Florida and Yorktown. Huntington Beach Traffic Commissioner Darrel Cohoon said Thunday it would be Ideal If the shuttle bua ayatem could M1 wocked out. "It would be great. There would be 1ela not.e-and dirt and everybody would wtn.'' tie lll&d. Hunttnaion Beach reaidtnta primarily nave been concerned about three OCTD routes: -Route 25 from Cal State FuDerton termtnaUng at 17th and Oranae· -Route 29 from Brea r.Jaij. end1na at Main and 5th Street. • -ltout.e 76 from UC Irvine, terminating at 17th ~ Main street. An OCTD apokeswoman said route 25 bu an avenae of 2,400 pusenaen per day; route 29, 4,850 paueJ\ien per day and rou~76, 1.3&0.~a~7. """" COQllf .,_., n3.3 ........ Cam MIMcl CA 92626 ,, .. ~11112 ,~ 9o coow Mw\r ~ 9-:1\ CA 92061 ,,_7-6007 . .. TREE PRESERVATION • • • vo'ding ttllehem shr-ine ~Occu~Wtlt ..u -,,...,. plen&y ot tOlln at the tnn _. ~· R1 don an dw Wiit and WV ln 1Abenon .... UeD6na oQotrm away. A Tourism Mlnf1try ~ •)'I \he number of ri.tmal vt.Jton 1J down 40 percent from lalt }'ear, wt.en 40,000 were hen. • 8u1lnt11 h , 10 bad t,bat ~·· IOUWnir' naewc:bMtl ant cutUnl=and pt1pbn .......... ....to fU1 thetr Imply One tbina that hu not ~ In thil' Unlit IOWn when Quilt ..... born ...... ·~ of. tum wt uniforml. Hundr ol anntcl tlOOpa petrol the town of &0,000 and~ ~bol'UW Judean hlllaldt1 in caH o1 Pai.unlan l\*'rllla atteckl or demomtraUO.. a&ainlt i...1•1 occupadan of the W.c Bank. 11M &00 Bethw.n police Oft ChrlO•u duty b\v• an eddlUonal chGn thla ,..,. -to enforce a Mw ben OD \be aaJ1t of ~ dty fathera decided they were · UrJd of tbe drunken rowdlDill that. o'1en man the ~===·= ;i ....... °""'*the ChUfth of...,. NetMly. Ma1or DiM rr.&J. a O\NUan Pllllllnlan. feYOl'I di& a.a. M he NJt he wUl tnvUe a few people co hl• otf let for eome avtMmet chM.r. and .....,. .. will M allowed to •rv• wlne whb..U. Tt1ht 1ecurlty haa become rouUne 1lnce 11r .. 1 captured Betbltbiaa and the Nit of the W• Bink flan Jordm ln the 1N7 .,.._llnell war. But r.a.u fore•• are alert for another source of ten1loD tbl1 year a....-I..-.. Chrtldalw are takiftl part for the fin& time· alanllide Pai.dnlan Ou1IUanl. , J'rtl'j aa&d the ~ were welcome. But after~ of Leban.e-PaleMtnian bloodlbed, cubn1natina In the m••cn of bundred1 of Pale1tinlana in Beirut lM\ September, poHce •Y they are on alert for trouble. --...r11nv..aon ol t.et.non ln the war aplnat the Pal•t.lne Liberation Or1anlzaUon lut IUIDmer baa opened the border '"" tourbm, and lsraeJJ olllda» •:r they are eXpectfna 1,000 or more viaiton from Lebanon. Only a few ~ ln evidence ~ the daya befon Cb.rt.tma Boai parade winners .announced in Newport · A 90-foot craft from Hwadaaton Harbour bu been nameC ••••P•'•kH •w•rd wlaner Jor tbe. llrd aamaal r.dval ~a.: .... 't ,.,... .. ..., .... . f41/r ,.,..j ftiiid by ~ CcrmMt ... _.ot a-.n boau '"'-'1•d -ttie' "-st aed brt1hte1t of th• 1ev•n-da7 pu9de ~ tldl,.. ~ varledweath.r~ • The tponaorlna Commodone Club, a division of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, announced the winnera Thunday. Sixty of the 150 boat. that participated in \hit year'• festivitiee competed for awards. Winds to continue- V .S. aummary A majof..,,.....,,..,_.. cro.Hcl the , ..... u Into -. Rockt .. Tlluttdey wttll •new lllltendlng frol'll ~ MIOM and llOlll\ 1111 II .... ....... through the notttwn .... ... He1vy •now totf tn tll• mountain• of Ul•ll, end Ille ~« ldlM toe ........ of---· In Ille !Mt • ._, .......... eou111ern New York end 11110 IOUthern .... (19and. A evrprl1• etor"' fllt Ill• lerk•lllr• Mount ain• of M1111oltuMn1 wttll enow lfl4 ,.......,., . .......,. end """""'""*•. rHOllM frHt Ml .. 1~~·~=: ---"""--..... ONov..., ..... INct-Mlnle ....... A ...... M .. _.... ... .. T_..W, Alli,;, ....,.., • ...................... w1Nm IWO-tiOI of the ,..._, Ind .. Aoddee to no;1t ...... Ml11n••ota; In tll• 40• fro911 Mlclllgen to •outll•rn New fillllnd: "' .. llOll end .. """ Ille Mlllem ti.-"' tM ~ ..... tlvclwah --'° the ONo Valley eM ltOU\Mrn A!!ilf'tle ••• ... , •nd In Calltornl• and ~ Mione; In Ille 1'0e In '*" affil CWf COiiit ll!OllJiiW U'r I 1$ pl Vllley. In the IOI In Ill• Florld• Pe11ln1ul• •lld _..,.. -.etlern T--. end In .,,. .. end 40I .. , .... Temperature& NATION . , .. . . • .. Jiii SUITS a SPORT COAST ...................... 25 % '° 50 % orr 11 11 45 .. 12 IO M 2t 11 ... SELECT GROUP or COIDU1'0Y SPORT COATS .............................................................. 95. 00 · 4a • a .. • 3t 2t 11 NICKW Alli ................................... , ........................ 20 % on .. • II 27 34 27 41 ao 71 IO a • ~~~.~~.~~~ .. ~ ............... 20eo 25% orr . • II .. 40 ... 71 ~ .,. SWEATERS ................... : .............................. 29 eo 50 %. on 12 13 II • .• • .. 11 • IO 17 11 11 on - --- NATION Middle East peac 'within our reach' BJ fte AaMClatM Prest WASHINGTON Pruld•nl ~·an, wlndina up talk.a with KlJ'\I Huaeeln ol Jordan, aaJd Thunday d1reci ne1otlatlon1 to resolve the Palestinian problem and brlna peace to the Mlddl~ F.ut are "with.in our reach." But H~ln 1topped ahort of pled1in1 lo enter th• auiJ~ted neaoUaUana, and despite Reaaan'a op\lmlatlc statement, the P"'*dent a1ao aald "much work remalN to be done.'' A aenior U.S . otfldal uld peace "aln't around the com er" Hit men kill 3 in NY NEW YORK -A masked hJt squad invaded a packed C hlnat own restaurant Thunday and sprayed it with bulleta, ldlling three young men and wounding eight others ln an apparent gang- related ambush. Inspector Joseph DeMartino said about 25 patrons were in the Golden Star restaurant about 2:35 a.m. when two to four men burst through the door, th_eir faces covered with scarves or ski maska. "The.e guys -I only saw three of them -jual atood there for what seemed like a split second and then ope.ned up," said one unidentified restaurant patron who wu quoted by the New York Post. "l heard pop pop, and then I knew what was happenJng and I juat dove under the table." Senate finally adjourns WASHINGTON -It calls itself the world's greatest deliberative body, but the last gups of the Senate Thursday were neither proud nor genteel. "We tuck our tails and slink out of this city," said Arkansas Democrat David Pryor. But the chamber drew a C hristmas toaat from President Reagan, who called the final act of the 97th Congress -pasaage of a WORLD nlckel increase in the federal gasoline tax -"excellent news" reflecting "credit to the leaders of both parties." Reagan's holiday cheer, however sincere, seemed little shared by senaton disgusted in general by their lame-duck session and, more particularly, by the filibuster of conservative Republican Jesse Helms, which kept them in town two days after the House adjourned. Korea frees dissidents SEOUL, South Korea - The government freed an undisclosed number of dissidents serving prison sentences today in what ~~.•weeping Thoee freed before dawn included the Rev. Lee Moon Yung and alx other defendants convicted with prominent dissident Kim Dae Jung on sedition charges ln 1980. The release came houra af1er Kim wu ruahed out of the country late Thunday for medical treatment in the United States. Israeli sites bombed SYDNEY, Australia - Bombers struck the laraeli consulate and a Jewish club here Thursday. Police aaid two people were lnjured by the blast at the consulate, which tore through ooncrele walls and reverberated throughout the high-rise of fioe building. Police alao evacuated guests STATE from a motel in a Jewiah dlatrict because of a telephoned bomb threat. Israel blamed ,the Palestine Liberation Organization for the bombings. The PLO denied involvement and police did not speculate publicly about who might have been responsible. $10 million awarded SAN JOSE -A jury has ordered John.IOn & Johnaon to pay $10.5 million to a 21-year-old woman who blamed her bout with toxic shock syndrome on the company's tampons. Lynette West'• award of $500,000 in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damaget was one of the largest to date in the hundred of caee. filed ap1rwt tampon makers. The ji.tdgment againat Johmon & JohNon waa the 1ury'1 way of telling 'corporate America to atop using dtlzem .. test animala.'' according to her lawyer, John R. Elliott. Skiers found alive YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK -Two c:nm country alden from Los Ancelel who ~ Jost ln Ymemite National Park durln1 thta week'• mowstonn were found alive but trostbltten Thursday, oWciaJs aid. Uri Zernick and Linda Sanford. both ln their 30I. lefl Badaes' P.8 Tueeday foe the Oatrander Ski Hut but couldn't find it after the storm hit, perk spokeswoman u.. Dapprich aald. Thex kept trying to 8~t back to dvili.zation, Dapprich aald. ZmUck made it beck to 8-daer l>.. th1a IDOl'l'Una· A crew on a snow vehicle then picked up Sanford. I ourthou er vamp vote ey d 1D7'.·..--...-------orr11nffit..s' ardllwou &o belln &' ... ...,.. dellp!fta lM pro)lc'I. Oran1• <;ounty aupervlton Ntetande 1ald he wlll vote wlll ~' ......,"' ectJon that a I a I n 1 t th• co u r\ ho u u hH •••lied th• old county renavauon until \he atata llllJ1I • r.;.i·.-,..n..;.~ • .,.-.r..~~~ I b~~r1!" W~ The board approved four relmburM the county for any recommendatJona 1ubmJUed on aUerationll It requested. He a1lo Wec:tn..say by Supervilot &.er expreued concern• about Stanton aJmed at 1•ttln1 the potential coet overruna on the derailed renovaUon project beck project. on tr.c:k in •hort order. Without Nestande'• vote and Tht much-heralded renovaUon because of the absence of of the turn-of-the-century Supervisor Harriett Wieder, structure atalled unexpectedly vaca•1 ...... 1 .... aboard a Caribbean Tuead~ when what wa1 _, .... .. _._ be tine CNbe ahip, the meuwe failed to OONiuc to • rou matter mUl1er a needed four votes for concern1n8 the project failed to win auffident votes to c.wry It. · puaaae. Concemed that the state miaht Matten involvlni the leuina not be wil1lna to pay for certain of oou.nty bulldino muat receive building afteraUon1 it hu at least a four-fiftha vote of the requested, Supervlaor Bruce board expJ.a1ned County c.oun.el Nettande refu.ed to vote ln favor Adrian J<uyper. of a measure that would have Stanton'• four-point directive authorized transfer of a leue and to the county General Servtc. Onofre TNT case pleaded By Tile Aaaoclated Prete A maintenance wor ker at the San Onofre nuclear power plant has pleaded innocent to possession of exploaivea after ~ton alleged he wanted to · b the plant. Michael Bergin, 25, of Cypreaa entered hla innocent plea Wedne9day in Orange County Superior Court in Santa Ana. A pretrial hearing waa scheduled for Feb. 11. Bergin was a.rrefled Nov. 18 after he allegedly bought a 1 W -pound stick of a plastic exploaive called C-4 from an undercover sheriff's detective, said San Clemente Police Lt. Al Ehlow. The charge wu enough to blast a hole ln a concrete wall, Ehlow uid. Detectives claimed an aerial phot.oeraph of the nuclear plant MU San Clemente WU found in Bergin'• car. Berldn nma1ned ln a.wtody in lieu of $25.000 t.il. Deputy District Attorney Carl Biaa hu Mid Bergin auppoeedly bouaht the explo.tvee lcir $200 from an undercover aberlff'a de1ective and an lnfonnant who tipped authorities that Berlin hid a~ him about auch a ~· Bergin claimed he bought the material• to set off on New· Yeer'a Eve. But Biggs aaid that "other statements were made to other people that were inconaiatent with that." Bergin had a good record aa a plant worker and did not have clearance to e.nter ttatrlcted areas unaccompanied, wd officiala of Southern California Edi9on Co., operator of the plant. Bergin'• attorney, Bruce Bridgman, hu contended the caae haa been blown out of proportion. A mouthful Apncy 11 Ina.net.id la IMWlte H•wide'• ,..,. ~ tM l•Mlnl of coutlroom ·~ for &he new dlvl1lon of th• 4•h 011trict Court of ADOleJ. General 8ervfct1 A1e n cy ottldall wtn cold lo: -Amend a1rHment.a wltb projlct ~httec11 and enc1nMn to include •pedal provtJlona that provide incenuv .. io minimize th• pouibillty of conatruction coat overruns. -Report to the board dwinl the Jan. 6 meetina on the atatua of leaae neaotJatTona with the state for oou.rtroom •J*=e· -Develop procedures to acreen con1truction contracion ao that construction coet overrwu will not occur. -Report to the board when leue ne1<>Uationa with the state are complete, but before the board authorlzea the construction phaae of the project to proceed. Neatande, who voted ln favor "He wea jwt aoina to get eome expu.tves and Shoot them off at New Year's. It just ahowa all the paranoia that people have about nuclear power." Mobile home fire probed Sadie, a Frisbee-catching dog owned by Mitch Breer, shows her form at Mariner's Park in Newport Beach. The mutt has been on the receiving end of the rubber di8C8 (or the past two yean and has gotten quite good. uf th• dlrH&IYH, Hid that 1JthQU•h he don 1upport lh • 1pproaioh k> ~ wllh I.he projlci, he will rtterve the ri•hl to vote .,.tnlt 11 In the future. "Ria ht now, I feel I'll vote 8'81nl& It," he added. Kt allO aakf t.M board action waa Intended only to make addlllonal lnformaUon available to the board when it recon.tdett the matter at lta next meet..lng. The board f lnt approved renovating the red 1and1tone bulldln1 lut July, spurred by, legislation then pendlna In. Sae:r-amento that will pennl t the state to take tJtle to the buUd.1ni lf plans for the project are not completed by June 30 and conatructlon ls not under way before Dec. 31, 1983. Bealdet providing courtrooll) space, the $3 million renovation la lntended to bring the agtna structure up to current fl.re and earthquake standard.a. MEDICAL ... From Page A1 and a $1.3 million share will be used to pay for county social worken, stationed at the vario~ hospitals to screen applicants seeking care. The w ay the contract is worded, participating hoepita1- wlll d ivide shares of the $13 mlllion set aside for patient services. "11 fewer people come in they (the hoepit.als) make money. If more come in, the board will have to add additional money," said Robert Love, an aide to Supervisor Harriett Wieder who negotiated the contract. Love said the program ls set- up to accommodate the 12,528 adults who, on the average, are expected to seek free care in Orange County each month. The contract was designed tO provide a minimum of disruption to the delivery of health care services and, at the same time, contract out to the private sector as much of the program a s possible, he said. Applicants for the free medicaJ services would have to apply at the ho1pital each time they aought attentJon. Some would have to pay some portion of their bill. To be elllible fM the ~ an applicant would have to be a county resident whoee monthlj income does not exceed $248 lf ~ or ahe were atngle. For a f.amil)l of four, for tn.ta.nce, the lnomMI. limit would be $601 a month. : Alao, appncants couJd not have pen10rual property, excluding • car, worth more than $1,000 o' real property exceeding $5,000 in value. . _ The scope of medical services available to those who qualify will include major medical emergencies that require hospitaliiation , minor med ical emergencies that do not require a- hosp it a I stay, appropriate follow-up services u well H pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies. Sta ys in extended c are facilities, adult day-care facilltiet or pregnancy services will not be covered. Alao, the program will not pay for eye glasses or heanng aid.a. While indigent adults' med.le.al care becomes the county '• responsibility Jan. l, medical services for poor peniona under the age of 18, pregnant women., refugees, federal we lfar~ recipients, the elderly and thOIMl in nuraing homes stlll wlll be' covered by Medi-Cal. HuntiJllton Beech offidala are investfaaUJll the cau. of a fift that destroyed a mobih home and cau.ed a 1<>11 eatlm.ated at sa~.ooo. Fire investigator Rick Grunbawn Mid the coach wu enveloped in flames when fireflahten arrived at Rancho Del Rey Mobile Home r.tatea at 2:40 p..m. Wect.n.day. Merry Christ:mas Owner Bill Locke waa not home at the time. No injuries were Nponed, Onanbaum aakl. We're Listeni~g ••• What do you like about the Dally Pllot? What don't you like? Call the number at left and your rne...ge will be recorded, tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. To All of Our Dedicated Employees and the Thousands of Customers Who Support us with Loyalty and Confidence Throughout the Year. 642·6086 The same 24·hour answerln1 aervlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic Mailbo• contributors muat lnclude their name and telephone number for verification. No clrculallon callt. please. Tell us what's on your mind. OAAHQE COAST Dilly Pilat loymen4' Mtid.Mn COl!ltoe.t CIHaMed edWftlelnt 714'141-1171 AH otMr dapMIMftte ~ MAIN~ ..... -.. .... c-.MeM.c.A. ......... ! ... , .... c:. ........ ,A. .. ~..:C..O:::J:~ .::::.-c-::: _.._.. ..,.... May .. ,~ ........... .-C ... """4 ....... ,~ ... -. Please Have A Healthy, Happy and Prosperous Year - .1 Trade chief set for Australia lttvea Ba4olale, .uc:uUve dlreciol' of the World Trade Center AmoclaUon of ~ County, haa been invited 6y the Auat.rallan Jovernment to vlalt the major clllea of Sydney, M e lbourne and Canberra. The trip 11 to be a forerunner for a later trade/ investment mission Cor • Nobel Prize winner Gerald Edelman will present a free lecture on nerve cell connections in the brain Jan. 5 at UC Irvine. Edelman, a Un2 Nobel Priz.e winner and a profeseor at Rockefeller University in New York, will speak at 7 p.m. in the Science Lecture Hall. Ria talk is part of the university's Distinguished • A theater apJ'reciation class, which includes tickets and transportation to five plays in the Loe Angeles area. will begin Jan. 6. Sponsored through the parks, beaches and recreation department In Newport Beach, th~ initial class will be held at the Carroll Beek Oran&• County bua1nelarnen belna planned for mkl·11~83. Tbe lnlpecUon trip " beiJUr conducted ln conjunction wltli the Ora.np County Chamber of Commerce and the U.S . Department of Commerce. The trade ueoclaUon la a non-profit group and more than 200 buslne11ea and organizations are members. Le ct ur e Series in Neuroecience. The lecture is approved for continuing medlcal education credits through the Callfomla Medical Auoclatlon. More information may be obtained by calling the Center for Health Education at (213) 595-3811 or ucrs Psychiatry Department, 833-4241. c.ommuruty Center on Balboa Island. There is a $100 fee for the claas taught b y Fred Cutler, an instructor at Corona del Mar High School. Plays on the class achedule include "Ain't Misbehavin" and "Bleacher Bums." For more information, call 640-2271. . ounty airline Jump hatt ry af ely use down Fower •irllo11 puaen1er• arrived •t and departed from John W•yne Airport In November than durll'\I tht aame month a year .,o. Record• ahow 206,aOJ pa11en1era Uled the airport lut month compared to the 207,184 pauengera who flew into or out of the airport a year ago. The decrease In pa11enger traffic, lea than one percent over 1981 , mlght be attributed to a fewer number of commercial flights out of the airport. A1r carrier operatlona declined 2 pettent from the levela recorded ln 1981. the report atates. However, overall paaaenger traffic through November Increased 6.~ percent over the 1981 level While comme r cial air operationa decreued somewhat in November, commuter airline trattic increased 19 percent over same period In 1981, records show. General aviation activity, which take. in all private aircraf\ operations, continued to increase, up 6.6 percent from Its levels of one year ago. General aviation accounted for 88 percent of all !1.!'~'12.~ DEAR RIADIRS: Jumpln1 a dHd ban ry o•n 11v• th• day tor a 1t.r1nd•d moCOl'Mlt, lf lt'I don Nfely. JUtt. 004f lpark ~an •t off an •Y•threatentna injury. Men than 20,000 blttery~lated lnju.rt• 0'1CUrred lut yNr, two.lhtrda ~uttina ln lnjurlet to the •)'•. The Natlon•l Society to Prevent 8Undn-rocommenda the following Upi for jwnplna a CU battery Nfely; Before attachlnc the cable1, take the followln1 precrauUoN. Put out all cigarettes and ftamee. Make 1ure can don't touch. Set both can' ~ktnl brakee and automatic 1hifta to "Park. Tum lanlUon off. Add battery wat.et, If needed. Replace cal)I. Cover with damP. cloth. Don't jump-1tart if fiuid ii froi.en. Don t proceed unleu batteries are of the aame voltage and negatively grounded. Uee the followtna procedure to attach the cables. Cta,np one jumper cable to positive ( +) pole of dead battery. Then clamp cable'• other end to positive (+) pole of good battery. At good battery, clamp aecond cable to negative (-)pole. Then clamp cable's other end to dead car's engine block on aide away from batt~ry. Start the booster car, then the disabled one. Remove cable from enatne block and negative pole, then from positive poles. For maximum eye aafety -always wear protective goggles when working around car batteries. It ' nol loo Isle DEAR PAT1 h 11 '" late for me a. &aU • mtdleal deducUH for 11m1 cHmelle nr1ery a~at I pin to lllu •He I• De4?tmber? K.E., Coata Mea No. Any medical ex~naea you Incurred and paid for durlnt thia year can be c.lalmed on your 1982 tax return, actordln1 to the lntemal Revenue Service. Check out dealer DEAR PAT: I bHllat u old Hed car from • private party. 1\e orl11.Da.1 owaer'a mao11al bad been loat. Do yo. bow w~ere I could locate oae? P.B., Newport Beac~ You didn't say what make, year or model your car ia, so A YS 1uggeata contacting a dealer who aellil new modela of the car you purchased. (f that doesn't work, contact Mllestone Autobooka, 3524 Magnolia Blvd., Burbank 91505, to aee if a book for your car ia available. • Cot • problem? Then wnte to 6 91 Pal Horowitz. Pat will rut t'f!d tape, - geWng thi> a11J1wenr •nd action you need to solve Jnequltle• in go~mmenr and bwmt.W. Mail your qunrioM to Par Horowitz, Al Your Service, OrlUlle Couc Daily Pilot. P.O. Box JMO. Cort.a Me.a. CA 92626 aircraft operations at the airport. L WIN -HAMMOND In November, 35,904 takeoffs ........... _11 a.GANI CHURl:H OF ST. MATTHEW and landi.no were recorded by __., .... ... BY THE SEA airport oftlclals, a 6.9 percent None finer 12% financing on new • - increue from the 33,440 takeoffs Baldwlns Dec. only (sale Items e11cluded) Traditions/ Esp/scops/ and landinas posted in November ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 1981. 270 E. 17th st., Costa Mesa 645_247 1 CHRISTMAS EVE EUCHARIST While the number of airline C::================:::::::::::::=:::::::::::~ 9:00 p.m. r:e~~~~ ~~~~d:f ~~~ P1ri1h Hill C.••••itr Ch1roll parked at airport lots continues to 811 Heliotrope, Coron• del Mar climb. Airport parking lots Microwave stcwe closed. Owner Mlling mlaowave The Aeverned James Hohlfeld posted a 3.4 percent tncreue ln ovens. Any reaaonable offen. Example: Sharp 532-2201 ·; . ·: • M a rta 0 Mitrovich, director of the Laguna Poets, has annOWlCed winners of a r ecent poetry contest sponsored by the organization. First place winner is Aatboay L. Lellmu, 46, of Fountain Valley. The two runners-up are Marlo Dtvok, 35, of Irvine and Chloe Silk, 26, of Anaheim. November over the number of w /carouMI '215; Ama~ '175. (192~ Book of Common Prsrer) vehicles parked a year ago. For Call 546-6740 '-----....;..------------:: theyear,thenwnberofvehicles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'L.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parked haa l.ncreued 9.1 percent. Whale Watch Cruises ABOARD THE CATALINA HOLIDAY WEEKDAYS: 10:00 A.M. WEEKENDS: 9:30 a.m. & 1:30 p .%n. 11.00 oil Aclwt Fan with A.cl EspUee; 1-38-83 1-~homth• IAtlOA PAVILIOI .~ Adult.a $8. Children $5. .. i.-n.ttoaa (714) 173.9245 SAINT MICHAEL and ALL ANGELS EPISCOPALCHURCH :Je~livaf Guchari~I~ A Gift of Christmas Music will be presented by the Choir with soloists, flute. cello and vlollns under the direction of Dr. Burton Karaon 10:30-11pm-Chrlstmaa Eve (bef«e Midnight M ... ) 9:30-10am-Chrlatmaa Day (bef«e tht Eucharlat) 3233 Padflc View Drive '44·0463 CoronJ del Mir 92625 This hot1day season. jeln 1he Westcllft Plaza tamlly Seleci your gifts from more thao 1wen1y SN>pS. withOul crowdl or endleSI parking lots . with the personal touch that Westcitft Plaza has beCOme known for This Saturday attemooo. and 9Y9fY IY9fllOg ne11t weet<, eolOY Christmas carOle<s and have the kids meet Mrs Santa -who""''" be filling he! s1ock1ng with g1tts lor Toys for Tots-and giving out CMstmn good1ff ol her ownll OPEN TIL t P.M. WEEKNIGHTS W estcliff 17th and Irvine Newp0rt Beach Rlaz •• I Contrary to the bekef of many I car makers. not all people who can afford a large tax shelter are too inert to en1oy 1t The proof of which 1s embod- ied 1n one remarkable luxury sedan The BMW 7331. It is a $35.000 car that, when used for business purposes. per- forms splendidly on your tax forms. yielding 1982 tax savings as hgh as $6.300• But 1t performs even more splendidly on other surfaces. yield- ing rewards that can't be measured 1n monetary value alone According to AutoWeek mag- azine "both inside and out. 1n performance and comfort. the BMW 7331 1s a truly superior machine'" It owes this supenonty to a variety of attnbutes Attnbutes such as a remarkably responStve fuel-1n1ected engine that denies the driver nothing but the slug· g1~ness of ordinary luxury sedans A"l'lda palenfe<ffronl suspensi:on that straightens curves and flat· tens mountain roads with a sense of poise beyond the capacity of kmousine-l1ke sedans. But for al its virtues the 7331 Slitters from one drawback: scarcity Given thetr limited Sl.IP- ply-and the obVIOUs fact that the current tax year expires on December 31st-we urge you to pursue the 7331 while there are still 7331's to be pursued. You can do so at your& nearest BMW dealer. who w1M be happy to arrange a thorough test drive. 1111111U11...._ llM I .., -· -: ·: ~ Look to the bright side Colorful snapdragons -bloom in shades or yellow' orange, red, pink i\,Dd in white. Yot.& Clift blilhten the wtn-.r....,,. around your homi by Plmdnl the rt1hi planta. By planUnc rtaht now you can have wtnt.er color from many annuall, ~Ind ahrube. Thne favorites In the annual cate8ory are lce1and popplee with lonc·•temmed brtaht cupa of colot bloomln1 well into late 1prtn1 and their cre~llke flowera come in many put.el 1hadea; caJenduJai with fiowen Of C.re&m, ypllow, IOJd, oranee and pen1mmon wW provide a oonUnuoua ahow of cofor ln flower bed.a, containers and window boxes; the fairy primroeea are u brieht u the other two rnentiofted but they'll live you an abundance of white, p1nk and lavender fiowen which 1'81ly perk up a walkway, planting beds or borden: Don't be hesitant ln using any one of the9e three u a bulb bed cover either. Some of the peren.niala that help carry the color ahow are African daiay, botanically known u oateoepermwn. Ita dalay-llke flowers of white, yellow, oranse and aalmon are a real boon to hillsides, slopes and ground cover areu. Fibrous bepUu with thelr Wainty pink, roee or white blooml can be u8ed 1n a .emi-ahade area. Guanla la another daiay-llke bloom Jn brilliant orange or yellow or g0 ltraight to the marguerite with tta white, pink or yellow daiaies. For l'hruba, check out the camelliu, or thoee prolific apring bloomers. forsythia and daphne with ita wonderful fragrance. lllllllll l:lll:lllll • If you received a potted ch.ryunthemwn aa a gift, don't throw it away when ita color fades. Cut the chryaanthemwn back to aix inches and plant. it out in the garden for bloom in 19QS. • Prune donnant fruit treea now. Apricots, apples, pears and plums need a light trim but peaches and nectarines need heavier pruning. • For fresh auocul_.t berries rtaht Jn your own back yard, plant blackberries or raspberrieti now. • Don't leave your living Chrlatmu tree indoors much longer. Plant it now or care for it as you would any container tree outdoors. '" i . BAV ST, LOT 1 LLOVDS NURSER~ Shop with us for Christmas. Make~~~~· your Holiday shopping an adventure, discovering our many boutiques and galleries from around the world. With an exceptional choi~ of continental restaurants , your dining ~rience becomes an affair ta remember: I • --· ~ 1. "' . I "'"'! .. ,.f. ,; . . ,,: • ti <ll ~ I ~ Tidings of great joy· • ring out once more And It came to pass In those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. And all went to be taxed, every one Into his own city. · And Joseph also went up from Galllee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which Is called Bethlehem; (b~ause he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so It was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be· delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and-wrapped him ln,,.swaddling clothes, and laid him In a manger; because there was no room for them In the Inn. And there were In the same country shepherds abiding In the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the..angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you Is born thls day In the city of David a Savior, which Is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped In swaddtlng ctothes, lying In a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying. Glory to God In the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ' St. Luke, Chapter 2 King James Version The Holy 'Blble ~/~ PAY K,AISE ~y~_:. ,.,.,,, ~~ ~--- TV part of new education .NEW YORK -Aaking the National Auociatlon of Broadcaatera whether children watch too much televiaion la llke asking a Saudi Arabian prince whether ga.allne prices are too high. The NAB repreeenta the owners of the country'• televtaion stations, ao lt'a not surpriaing that the .-odatlon hu just iaued a J>09itlon paper claiming that television 11 taking too much of the blame for declining reading-achievement teet ICOl'eS and other ..orted problems of modem American education. What 1a IW'prisi.nfc, thouah. " that the broedcuten are right. Televtaion ia here to stay. It la our environment, more like weather than like book publiahing. The medium can't change. What ha• to change la education, the sooner the better. THE BROADCAST&BS were disturbed -ao diaturbed that their attention waa momentarily diverted from counting money -. by a pair of report'• from the California State Department of Education. One lndicated -but did not quite conclude -that poor readlng-achievement 8COfeS among students could be Unked to heavy television viewing. The other one, widely reported around the country, evaluated the lm~ct of lndlvldual ~ and-..kl that .wdeftta -~ watch 'M•A•S•ff" tend to have hl.lher achievement and tho.e who watch 1'J'he Dukes of Hazzard' tend to have lower llChieveeMnl .. To all th1a, ~ •tistica that lnd.icate the avei:aae ~ between the a,ges of 6 and 11 watches three and a half hours of television a dal• the NAB 1ays the real villain 11 ' 1ocioeconomlc factors." Kida with well-to-do, well- educated parenta tend to do algnlflcantly better in IChool than the ld<la of poor folk, juat aa they did when you and 1 were young. I wonder, thouah, whether there are any villains more evil than plain old --~ llCllll 111111 1 ·;._ -.. Inevitable progre99. Th1no just aren't the same aa they were wben we were youn1. There are computers and cal<."U.laton, video and video 1amee - dense, quick storms of information racing around our heads and imM:te the heade of our children. It'• a cruel world. I spent four y-.n, six days a week, and thouaanda of dollara studying for my desree in mechanical engineering. I got it ln 1960 -and within a few years. Texas lnatrumenta wu .elllng almolt everything I knew to anyone who would pay $9.95 for an electronic eaJculator. It la very poeaible that my children may never know u much about tqUAre roota • 1 do. Or, sadly, they may not do M much ~ u J do. But I suspect that they -ancf your children -will be smarter than I am. (They will haw more knowledge, 1f not more Judsment.) A lot of math, and reading too, after all, I.I dQs work. U I could have gotten the answers • · by pushing a button 1n 1959, I would have done it. '11\ere'a nothina inherently enobli.ng about working out tqUAre roota hours at a time. 11\e time I saved micht have allowed me the intellectual luxury of think:ina up new questiona. And we have many new quest.lom now about education. Our children - and, 900n, their children -are receivinl Information and experience ln new ways, out.aide the cluaroom, at leut. 11\e challenge of the pre9ellt la to understand those new learning proceaaea well enough to prepare our children for a future of accelerating change. Their future, and America's, will depend lncreulngly on what they know, what they know how to do and what they are capable of learning. TELEVISION IS one of the thlnp they know about. Good. "It la the chief entertalnment and infonnatioo medium of our time," reported the 8elf.-rvtnc broadcuten In the oaOer releued by their own TeleYWon lnlonnation Office. "lncreuingly, the quest of educaton must be for more and better ways to capltaliz.e on the u.eful upecta of the child'• viewin8 experience.'' 'nw. childien watching the box all afternoon are the only future we have. And the future of their ~lrl' la not dependent on rebu.Udinl steel planta in otao, it la dependiln\ Oft ndeflnlnC and rebulldlna American education •• • quickly .. pcmlble. Sacrament·o braces for qu~en's visit Legialat.ora and civic offlclab of Sacramento are 1olng ga-aa lo antlclpatlon of a vlait by Queen Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip which la alat.edlor March .._. ._RU"l of an American tour which will lncfude S\Olll. ln .everal 1arae dtia 'nMe b1dUlion of Sacramento on the trip WM repor1edly a coup pulled off by Sp.ker Willie Brown who bl working out detaUa with the State Department. A.a wtllle hi.rmelf would aay, this ~ pretty lofty company for a former Tex.at cotton p6cker and could only happen in America. THE QUDN'S villtadon folloW. that of Prince Cbarlee who wound up a ~cry trip In 1977 with a tour of Napa Valley wlnel'lea and a atopoYer in Sacramento Dli9de notable by the spartan lunch of been sprouts eerved him by Gov. Jen')' Brown In tm Capitol olfice. Speaker ero,m 19 determ1ned not to alight the Queen in such a manner and plans a "meal flt for royalty" to be .erved lh the refurbiahed State Capitol. Con•iderlng the vast differences between England'• government and that of the U.S. and ita 50 states, the Queen may have difficulty understanding where each of the state and local offidala who will hover around her during the vUtt. fit into the picture. sun. w will have been.well briefed and_undoubtedly will be better lnfonned about California government and ita people than thme who meet with her will have bot.bend to 1nform them.elves about bei-and bet ecwemment. Where once the Engliah monarch held abeolute power, thia haa c:llminlahed over the centuriell starting beck 1n 1215 when ~ . IUl 111111 the EnaJ.1ab 1ont. brouaht King John to heel at Runnymede and compelled the ldln1n8 of the Macna Carta. -sun, from the time Henry Tudor sel..t the throne 1n 1485 until the death of the tint Queen Elizabeth in 1803, Enaland wu under a •tronc, •table roonarclly. Her death brouaht to power the Stuarta when James Vf of Scotland became James I of England. Ilia .on Charles ran into dJHlcul\iee with the Puritan dominated Parliament which ended lo hla execution and the .tabllahment under Oliver CrmneWell of a republican government in 1649 whJch lu1ed until the restoration of the Stuarts under James JI in 1660. The limited form which thUI new monarchy took WM undencored lo 1688 when Jamee II wu driven from the throne. The. Id~ Weft further Umit.ed by the t ol Jditical peru.. ln Par11.ament the emer~, under the Hanoverian monarc:m the 18th century, of the office of prime , mlnister. • •. The trend fot reltricdna the powen ol : the monarch Ml continued Into the 20th ~ undl they have been vtnuall1 eclipeed and today the duttee of the Queen are larldY ceremonial. ' EVBN 80 the Queen retain•• importance not just u the flcuratlve • · heed of state but • me of the we.lth'-t ~ women Jn the world. Not ~ ct.. the aovemment_ IUpport her and the roym family ln h1&b •tyle wltla L": r• al.aria and 1llvlsh but ahe l• one of T.1:ree laraeet f landownen in J:nclanc:l~v tnlCtl of land which cannot be I in fee llmple but must be from tht crown. The revenues from. tti.e lmdl =r ~bank accounts of tbe Queen An elepnt lady, Elizabeth JI WM OOm lo 1926 and hu reilEned since 19~2. Her trip her will mule her third viat to the . U.S., the other two being in 1957 and 1959. How would we react if he returned today? (&prln~ by requ.t) If there should be, on Chrlstmu Day, • second comlna. would there not eoon . be • eeoond erudfildon? And th.it time, "°'by the Romana OI' the Jews, but by tt.c. who proudly call thenwelvee ChNtluw? I wonder bow we today ~d reprd and treat thla man with hia lttan&e and ~ ~> Would not the wealthy amo~ c:aatlcate him u a troub&e-maldnc becaUM he ban the rich from entert.na the kinadom of heewn? Woufd not the Uberala amona us dl•miaa him •• a dreamy vapbo~d becaUle he U,... ~ to tab DO tboqht for the M01row, to lay up no ~ u~ Earth? Would not the ......... _..,, amGe1 UI denounce blm u a rut.Ina heretic tMlcaUM he ~1m throucb W c.9rdl of ritual and OOlftlMDdl \II Clnly to aov. God and OW'~ Would no1 the......._ ...... __,. \II Njlct ham• a~ II•'~ be WU'M U1 that the way to tiillfttkm II IWl'OW ind dlttlcW\1 . · .J.Would not the ~--._.. ,ua t .... bbn -.-:hi'liliiill'.'ilitnb With-~p......_ ......... ;~ the~ ol Wlai ....... :_.....-..... °'~--·'M ,,. •'fint" should take the ro)e of tht leut and 8el'Ve all? Would not the worldly-wl1e and educated amolll UI be .,U.t to bear that we cannot be NVed exc:epi we beciomt M chUdren. and that a Utde c:h1ld lball le.cl w? I wonder. I wonder' 1.f the ~ &ta hM ,.et blcw'l· CAVALCADE 8POAT8 COMICS 82 83-5 88 Lale n hold oil 11ubborn Cllppen lllCllll•lll-· Jn San DleBo• B3 \ There is no guarl;lntee their efforts will pay off for him, but the 45 people who gather in small groups to pattern John M. Beresford have found the experience has given them something precious -new · friends. A study in year•ro~nd giving Bf LORENZO BENET dftMDelfr .... ~ - "My friends ask me, 'how can you do ttr It must be ao ad.' Well, I grew up in Ne~ and I love the beach. John loved to surf and swim. He'• like a brother to me. He make• me appl"f!CiAte everything in life. "I also can be a deep friend with every volunteer who Wlllb through that door. They'tt all very caring people. They're givers. not taken." -Joan Cuo, one of 45 volunteers who administer therapy to paralysis victim John Beresford. You can 1ee them at work as you pus by the Beresfordt' Coata Meu home at 227 E. 19th Street. On the other side of the bey window, five people are standing around 37-year-old John Beresford, whose body is stretched out on a long table. For eeveral minutes, they move his limbs and head in a steady. crawling motion, offering some ··worda of encouragement. "Relax John, don't resist, looeen up. You're doing good, John." they knew before a car accident nearly three years ago left him paralyzed and unable to speak. It meant removing John from a c onvalescent hom e and renovating the front unit of their two-houae lot in order that John could recelve the daily patterning treatment. Jack, a retired postal worker, bought a $6,000 van to drive his .on to doctoca' appointment.I. He estimates he spends $10,000 annually for John's medJca1 bills. "It's a 1eVen-day a week job," he said. "But the money doesn't mat\er. He's our only .on. If we wanted to be heart.lees we could put him on MediCal and put him in a nursing home. But we'll keeP. this up untµ he dies, or we die.' Each patterning seulon, however, requires five people. Jack and May solicited for volunteers by placing an ad in a Christian publication. After a newspaper sto{y about John, enough volunteers, including whole families, had been gathered to begin the therapy. To the 45 people who volunteer one half-hour ol. their "It can get disappointing ... but when you eee eometbing happen, it's eo exhilerating." Twice in the morning and once in the evening this exercise, called pattemlnB. la repeated. It la a treatment de9igrled to ie.cti brain-damaged people to crawl The hope la that by manipulating the body, the unbanned part of the brain will takeover the motor fwx:tiona lost from the injury. In moat medical circles, patterning la considered a controversial form of therapy, ao much ao that many docton ref\.llle to recommend it, according to Dr. John Miller, of Newport Belich, who suggested the treatment to the Beresforda. Patterning haa ahown positive reaulta in brain-damaged children, but there la no guarantee it will work, Miller aald. Jack and May Beresford,- _however, weren't content with most docton' recommendation to le.ave John in a convalescent borne. Wbat'a more, they were convinced he wasn't a vegetable; they believed he could understand their words. So 16 month• ago, they embarked oo a time oonsumin8 and ~ vi8i.l to regain the aon time week. the pet1emlng aeulona have evolved into something more than simply an opportunity to help 101DeODe le. fortunate. ''I came in thinking it would be a nice Chria1ian thing to do,'' aaid Grace Tronvold , 59, of Huntington Beach. "rve pined .o much more than I could ever give. I've learned bow two parents can cope with amneone who is handicapped. I've developed an affection for John. I've met aome really neat people. "My 90ll al.o corne9 with me," Tronvold said. "Everyone always says California la 'me, me place.' Here be can learn empathy and that there are people who are dbadvantqeci" Most of the groups that started to1ether 16 months a10 have remalaed Intact and cloae frlendahips have developed. For lnatanoe, when Glenn Vauthrln ran ln the Newport Beach marathon, his Monday nl1ht group and the Bermorda were thett to ~ him on. c.ookie Wablon. a 26-year-old mana1er of a Newport Beach insurance company, aald ahe aw. her ~ life with her l'riday niaht group. ''They know everything about me," ahe aaid. "Two othen in my group have Patternen, from left to right, Pat Tompkins, Ed Lebo, Marty Koepsell and Pat Dennis exerciAe John M. Beresford's mW1Cles. During a clOH momen~ top, Pat Dennis grips John's hand. kids and they like to know about my dates or what I'm doing that night." The therapy ia a very alow proce9S, and volunteers can get frustrated at times. "It can get disappoinUng if you don't see things go the way you'd like," aaid Micki Simonin, a ~ie. at a Costa Mesa restaurant. "But when you aee something happen, ' lt'a ao exhiler'atlng." John haa ahown progreaa during the peat 16 months. There haa been l.ncreued movement in his right arm and hand, where there wu none before. He al.o baa been moving hla head and ia starting to swallow. All the volunteen say John haa ahown improvement. "That's what we need to hear," Jack said. "May and I are so cloee to lt, we can't aee the change.." Last Saturday, Arthur and Louise Green, a retired couple from Lagw\a Beach, arrived at the Ben!Sforda' Sie'Vft'&Jmlnuta before an 11 a .m . patterning aesaion. After planting a kila on John'a forehead, Lou.We made a bee-line for the kitchen where May always hH baked cakes and· cook.lee laid out cna table. Thia la la where volunteers and the Beresforda can alt down and chit-chat over coffee. Thia la where Cookie Wat.on tal.ka about her love life, where Micki Simonin and May make plana foe a Sunday afternoon pme of golf. It ia where the Beredorda tell you what John was like before the accident. They show pictures of their aon, the ladiet' man, sitting on a couch, a girlfriend perched on hla knee. The aame John who u8ed to get up at 5 a.m. each day to go surfing brfore-1lt1endlng dallee at Newport-Harbor High School. The John who later traveled all over the world to compete in profellional surfing competltlona and who for ei8ht years taught at a California \routh Authority Camp nMI' Santa Cnn. hetg:;: YOW\I inmates earn their achool diplomas. They tell you about John'• 12-year-old apn Erle, from a previou. marrtaaie. who vilitl his lathe.r regularly and makee tapes for him to listen to. "For a lon1 time," Wai.on recalled, "there WU no ~· ~; .. . .. .. .: .· . .; . ::: .. " Most of the time I golni just for :.: the parents. U we can't give them ~ hope, wh9 'fill?" ~ After the patterning aesalon, :,: the Greens ·and the Beresforda sat In the kitchen talking about the boat parade they bad seen ~ together the previous evenma. Then Arthur brought up John. ~ "You know, when I came in x last night, I aaid, 'hello John.' and S he was looking the other way ~ and he turned his head and bia ~~ mouth moved and 'I thought, l ~ • gee , he ' s go 1 n g to a a Y. ';: aomethina '' · ~ 'One d~y he will and he'll ~ surpriae us all, .. May aald. ~ • • • 'ii The Bermlordtl would like 8o ~: add~ more wlunteets. Men and ~ physical iberaplm a.re specUlly ~ needed. You may nw:b them •t $ 63l..J404. • I IOlll Ol 111 . IV CHAALll H. OOMH AND ~ M4AAtr:t Op..nln1 l11d1 Ten or •. ot tlubl. ,,,_.., BY SIDNEY OMARA lalm"iu. Decem .. r II A&ISI (March 21-Aprtl 19): Secu.re feelinc repi.c. ambivalent reaponMI. rocua on glt\I, 1pedal material, evaluation of feeUnc-1 uaeu. Llvwly clia'umlon 1t1mW.tee, touchel on WM)l"thodox ....... •' t11t Wt11t vulnerabl1 Nurth d al1. NOllTH ••• O AI 0 Ailts •A TU4 WEIT EAT • AlOUU •.U I;>" 10 0 1800 OQU 0 IOH The brld1• uperl tan't do the lmpo .. lble. All he can do 11 to make the moet or hi• c:hanc••· We are not IUN that Wt approve of South:. decl1lon to re1pond one no trump In preference to raisins cluba. However , the end re1ult left llttle t.o be de1lred. Nor&h had a problem with hie rebid after w .. t overcalJed one 1pade. He had originally in· tended making a reverse bid of two diamond•, but he opted ln1tead t.o upgrade the value of lhe king of 1pade1 and 111kt a pratUeal Jump to thrH no &rump. We1L ltd d•• tor, of hit In· ttrlor 1tquenc. n 1,.cle1. O.clarer played Lh• kln1 from dummy and Eut made th• fine play ot unbloc:lllns the jack. Oedartr'• problem wu not hard t.o '"· Ht had to develoJ> th• club 1ult without alrowln, East to 1aJn t,,. IHd, for a ead throurh hit queen of 1padt1 was bound t.o be fat.al. In addition, he had t.o find a ninth trick somewhere. Le1dln1 1 ctlaiMild to lite JMll WU ...... u, IUU&t. u l:ut had &he A'*'" of dla mond1, ht coulij rltt with ll ud rntrt to 1p&det, After cartful 1tudy. declarer found the one lint of play that would allow him t.o make hie contract-he led 1 diamond and llnt1ted hi• nine. II he followed low, tlttlanr wo..ld rite •ltll du-fa .,. •M continue &llt 1utt. lltMr way,,,,. conttact wu i.om.. Haver"'-"•,,_... .. te clHltle &rH11llef Let Claarltt Q.,.. ..a, 1" 1a4 ,.., .. , .............. TAURUS (April 20-May 2'>): Cycle blah and aplritual values come Into focua. "/ou're able to articulate thou1ht.a, ldeu, fffllnp. Accolades received, commendlnc you fOI' tute, &eneroeity. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Emphaaia on chart&abJe orpnbationa, hospltala, appreciation of true holidtY aplrit. Focu1 alao on family reladcnhipa, domeiltic hannony and exchanae of oontldlDcll wtth loved ona. ;:CANCZJl (June 21-July 22): Splrltual values conilt Into ~ cl..-foeu1. Lunar emphMla on friild. h6pea. wtahee and joy that CCMnee from ~ lovwd ones happy. You'll have behind ~'4ew:. : LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): Aaplratlona are futfUled -your faith in apeclal peraon ia Vif\d1cated. Emphasis alao on parUclpation in. community. project, added pre11tige and unique ho~r. ~.VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You touch on uni9enal theme; othen respond to your statements, eff91"ts. Long-range view ia neceaaary -you pe-ive spiritual values, lines of communication are opeped. ·UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Area that had been prohibited ia now open and relatio~ re- establlahed. Concern over finanoee takes t to reflection of happy faces. You'll make valuable cootact. , SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Cooperation re coofUct -one cloee to you puts Miele any raentment. Intuition ia on taraet. follow on first impreaions. You pin by teechin&, • " ITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Many are ch~red by being in your preeence. You'll fe.el ~. vigor returns, optimism replacel eyniCal deti:leanor. Long diatance calla are f•tured and yo\('11 feel united with lov~d onff. \·:CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Pleuure come. ~ children -cbanee. travel and variety ai.o anSfeatured. You'll be with lively, brigbt people ~ appreciate your talenta and wil ~!QUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on w th, eecurity, affection -f.amily reunion is bl~llgh ted. Written meauge provl clea enn.htenment, clarifies goala and aervea aa in.tpraUon. ~·PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Short trips are feMuJ'ed, relatives commW\icate, reunions are cei1ibrated. '6potlight on family relationships, ah"9d joy and a new undentanding of 1oYed ones. •Kl •Qa SOUTH •QS4 I;> Qt? 0 .us ., .... The bidding hu proceeded: Nwdl Eut s .. u. w .. t I• Pue 1 NT 2 • SNT Pue P ... Pa11 DEAR ANN LANDERS: If you tell me to M.Y.O.B., 1 will. My nelghborJ have two children, a girl ~. a boy 1~. The boy la forced to ahave hla armpits. His father awakens him' during the night and makes hiin brush hia teeth and wash his hands. He alao la forced to take a mower every morning and every evening. U he rebela aplnat doing theM thlnp, he ii beaten. His father ia a nut and a aadiat. Thia morning at 2 a.m. the tad showed up at my door. He WU returninC home from a baby-aitti.n& job and Waf locked out. The boy must work to pay for hla clothes, shoes and penonal needs. 1 have talked to hia roother and ahe says it'• true, but ahe cannot do a th.Ina about IL She is afraid to take her aon'a aide againat h1a father because th~re would be hell to pay. I am able and willing to help the boy~ I called the father at 2:15. a.m. to tell him hla 90n wu with me. He aald, "Keep the little bastard." I live alone. My three children have graduated from college and have lives of their own. I have a bualnem and can give the boy a home and a job. But moet of all, I can give him love and a family. (1 am ~~ yean old.) My friends telfme I am crazy toge\ involved. What do you think. Ann Landen?-RAISED MY THREE. AND CAN RAISE ONE MORE DEAR RAISED THREE: I am fWed wUa. admlratloa for yoar coaraae aad warm- i.eartedaeaa. Wllat a woaderfally earlca.la1 uperteace It woaJd be for yoa (ud wUt a break C11hlng the ace of club1 would not do. That would 11.mply aUow Wett to unblock the king, and thu1 permit Eut to win the NCOnd roupd Protpect.1 brlfhlened con· 1lderably when WHt won thl• trick with the queen. Weat exited earety with a dla mond. Declarer won In hand and led the jack of club1. Whether Weat covered or not, the contract wu 1.Ce. II be played the king. he would ~ allowed to hold the trick. el DOUILE8 &tr ......... ......... ~, .. ..,, .. W. DOV•LES ltuldet, MM tl.8$ e. "G .... o ....... .. UN ., &JaM ......... P.O. Bea 151, Nww .... N.J. 01"8. Mab dl.ckt ,.,..._ '-N .. .,.,.,....._ POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MY M•ND AND HEART SOMET•MES 61VE CONFUSING MESSAGES• &uT • 'THE CAL.L OF MY sroM.'CM IS ALWAYS CLEAR. for tile boy) U JM CMls lllm lD. I caatlo• yoe, Mwever, to see a lawyer. Lepl adoption woaW M .._ lteat ud safest coane. U Wa la aot po1111tle, eoulder becomta1 a fNter· pareat. U tM frm&cUe aext door wW 110t qree, simply let ti.e lad now •e caa coot oa your frlndaltJp ud a Jolt ud a eoUe1e edacattoa. Tlaeae days wlten 10 muf people 1tu4J Idly by ud watcla ma11la11 aad t.Uhl11, It'• woaderfal to know tllere are folk• llb yoa aro..a. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Thia letter, if printed in your column, could aave eome lives and much suffering. Pleue urp older people living alone to keep a whi.tlle with them at all times. E.pedally at night. A ah.rill whlatle, worn around the neck at ·all times. could be a Ufesaver. Three short blasts means SOS. It could make the difference between life and death. -HOPE I'VE HELPED (VAN NUYS) DEAR VAN: Yoa uve l.Ddeed. n e wltJ1Ue1 cu be boapt at almost uy laardware atore for uderU. T rou1 H1A·1 r11 OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I admit I'm at least 39 pc>aa41 overwelpt. Neverdlelesa, I'm aot worried abo1t It too maca.. My doctor laaa dledled my clloleaterol aad my blood preaaare ucl tMJ're okay. Yet, frtenda keep tellia1 me I 1a.o.ld ION becaaae too macb wel&ltt tnvltea beart attacll1. h tllJa trae? -MR. V. DEAR MR. V.: I don't know what your friends base their ooncluaiona on, but I think they happen to be true. For years. I've warned overweight patients that the exces fat in the titsue is a at...m on the heart. Recent reporta from atudie in Framingham indicate that no matter how well 'll are otherwlae (normal blood pressure, nomw cholesterol levels,) -and even in absence of amokinJ[ -if you weigh too much, you're atill a more likely candidate for a heart attack. 'nlerefore, Mr. V., better listen to your friends and me: take off some of that excess poundage. FOR MRS. 0 .: One way to le.en periods of weakness and hunger paina,appa:rently due to sharp drops in blood sugar is to get lnto the habit of taking snaclu between meals. But watc.h ycur weight. Do not do 90 at the expense of taking in too many extra - calories. Avoid concentrated aweeta like candies and cookies. Rely on fruits., bita of chee9e, nibbling on carrots, etc. Dr. Sreincrohn welcomes reader ma.i1 but is sorry he cannot answer ·personally. Letters of wide.st interest will be answered in hla column. Send your questions to him, in c,are of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1660, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. 6 CUPID HCiiiiOUll ... II HC= :.. ~;!!,.-.,.IC;.. .. YDIS 8( AT ..,._STA~ NAmSTATa•NT , -.. ,_, ~ ~: "8 LWe ... ... Tiie ~ per-•• doing Tiie IOllowlng peraon la dol1>9 The follo'llfjng person la doing ~~A RUFFELL1 S SAINT MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion -Sundays 8 & 10 a.m. UPHOLSTEIY • ,, 3 to ... '-"- • ua ~IOI IUD. COSTA MISA -541,1 IH i:: ...... ..... IM*'-ae: bullnelt -.....,_ ... ,,.j .,... ~ I l CUR I T Y 8 Y 8 TE M 8 -~ WIHf a 8PHUTf. (A) INTEOAATEO VK>EO-AUOIO 1 Via LWe 67$.6122 AC-'O!MY, uoe Tiie Rll ln•. 2ut 1 CH1lno d• Eltr•ll•. NEfWORI( a SVSTEM8 ON to..,_... UOo ClnMle ~ hecfl. CA 92ta3 ~--.en, C.. 92824 LOCATION ORGANIZATION: (I) 3901 [. c.at ..._ Acedemy of Dlfenllve Driving, ' Cf\ertel f . Bolinger, 317 Bey (IVAN SOLO), (Cl INTEORATEO ,,.,. ~~========.,, Calllomle eo<por1tlon. 2806 The SllOre, Long 8Rdl, CL 90803 VtD!O·AUOIO NETWORK: COi Certftl dal .. 751-1154 Tuesday 7 a.m. Wednesdays ~:30 a.m. • The Reverend John Rogers Davis, Rector 3233 Peclftc View Drive 714/164 CMl3 Corona def Mar 92925 rtB.JC llOTIC( Rhine. Newpor1 8Hcti. CA 92683 Thlt bultnMI It condUcilld by en S Y S T E M S 0 N L 0 CA T I 0 N _ ....... ...,.. ..... .._.....,...,,.-.,-. •. i ™riiiaroPAM.ieciiiiOT Thia butlnMI la conducllld by a. lndMduel. • OAOANIZATION: IEI IVAN: !Fl ..,_ _________ ...._ _________ _.... ____________________ _ IT~TW Oft MA•CU-NT corpoortlon Chet ... E. 8o11nget SOLO. 55 Drive. Boa 18, Coata Christ Oft U. OP Larry 0 Vaughlln. TN• ll•le<nenl wu tiled with the M .... CA 92828. Metllng Add,_; On ~ f • dtl1J of e .-Cnnoue WU U.. Prealdenl County Clerk of Ofenge County on P.O Boa 7578. Newport Bwn, CA' irsL> mas l'h• fotlowlngJ•'aon haa ~Y o1 Nov 17, 19112 92MO a~ the UM the Flclltlous ~ Dmri"Q F20ZQI Inn tvanovtch SOIC>Ylel1. 55 Felr ~ Neme: This a1a1--.1 WU filed wtlh lhe Publlaneo Or1ng• COHI D•lly Orlv1 BO• 18. Co111.M• ... CA _ .I TRl-FISHERs. 400 Main Street. COUf'lly a... Of Ofenge County on Piiot Dec 3 10 17. 2~ 1982 926211 -·CA 92ee1 New HI. l982 528-'-82 Tltla bu-. 11 QOnducted by.,, 1'1• Flctlllou1 BualneH Name F2Cl2QI 1"°~ .. ft 1.,.ft~ .. .,__._.._.. • ~ to raflirr•d 10 abov1 wH llled In p bl n d O C I D lly ••-· .. "''""' .,.,......_, t . Or-~ County on Oc1 29, 1981. u •• • r•n.r; OH • "8..IC llOTlC( Thia -1•1-1 ... filed wlU\ the my ..-..t f '1.___.) ga"lf'1--J 'f'ff tz.__,,,) F1e<No F1744llO PtlOt Dec 3 • 10 · 1 . 24 • 19:~2 P1CT"10Ue .,_.. ~'1Y. cf.!!'.!' of Ofenge County on.. ·• ~ ·~ '' ~,, •••• oMIClleel 8ut11rd, 820 Balboa ----------Mam ITA~ ..._ ..,. _ Blvf . No B. Bafboa. CA 92e:81 ~ l)lla bu91,,.. was conOucted by a "8.IC NOTICE The fOflowlng ~ are OOlng Publlaned Orange CoHt Oalty Hmllid parlnershlp ----------~ -...... ,..,.. O ...,. PllOI. Dec 3 10. 11. 24. 1982 Mk:llMI Bullard FlCTITIOUI .u..... J.K.B. A.DYE ''°'""'A e._v, 5244-82 Thia elatemenl wu flied with Ille NAME ITATaMIM'T 10221 Slater Ave ., Suite 103. CoufllY Cltfk of ar-1,.,.. County on The lotlowlng peraon 11 doing FOUMaln Ve!W;. CA 92708. ---.,.---..,-llO------.... bUeine9111. IESOYAN FINANCIAL .--1~ ~~e::.· ALLEN MA IN s T Lu H c H AH 0 EN~RPAl8E8. INC ... Calllomla ----"-...,------ Atton!er .. L..w COMPANY, 1a21e E McOurmoll corporation, 10221 81eter Av•.. P1CllTllOU9 •••U 11,1 DoweIt..htW 100 •K Irvine Calif 9271' Bulle 103, Founteln Valley, CA ..... 9TA~ ....,.,. 9Mcl\. CA Dito · J Scott E111me n , 212 927011.' Publlahed Ora:1.e Cout Dally 8r1ntwood, Coala Meaa. Catll. TNI ~ " conduc:llld by • ~ '°':"'° S*'ION -dolrlg PilOI, Oec: 3, 10, 1 • 24, 19:~1-82 92$~ ~ ia conducteO by an CClr1)0nlllon '-::;... ~ Sen•"=-~..-= ---:;;~;;-;;;;;;:;;::::::::=:=. lndMdual Ent nc:. CA ~ MJIU J Scocl ~ ~ w.._ a-,... 8enl• Anita Oevelopment • Nem'IOU9 .., ..... . ..,... "",......,. Til9 fdlowtng par-. -doing ~-: .Q.O.P. ASSOCIATES. 9084 C•n4!1Hllck Line, CyprHI. CA eoe30. DONN ALVIN PUOH, 90t4 ~·"lick Lene. Cypreu. CA AROL Ll!E PUOH, 9084 CandlHtlck L•ne. CypreH, CA 90830. TNI ~ le conduc:ted by a ~~·""" .,,. ....-11 -....., wltll the Collnty ca.ti of~~ on o.o.nber 14, 1112 ,,_ Put>lllMd Of'ange C:0.1t Deity Plot. oec. 11. 24, 31, 1182, Jen. 1. 1NS Thll at•l-1 waa fDeO wttll the ~ • Corporation 3413 a.,, M1a1191 DrM. County cter1I of Ofange County on Tiiie atet.._,. -!lied wt1h the N1iwpo11 aMctt CA neeb Dec 1. 1982 Clertl of Orenge County on Oreen Tr•• Development F20m1 8, 1"2. Corporellon, 421 8 .W. 81Xlll Publlahed Orange Cout Dally ~ Av.nue. Portland. OR 97204 (an Piiot. Dec. 3. 10. 17. 24, 1N2 Publl1'*1 Orange Coaat Delly Oregon 1111e COfl)Oretlon). 5245-82 ot. Dec. 17. 2•. 31. Jen. 7. 1983 Thie~ le cooducted by.,. ----------_________ a548-82 ___ unlnoo<PM•ted neoclatton other Nennoul...... HCiiliOUI WM MAim STATa.wr Mm ITATSMDT Th9 fotlowtng per90n 11 <totng Tl\9 IOllowtng person 11 doing ~-~-.. T...SHIRT TYME. 5n1 Qfldred THE INVEATE.D QAOUf', 118 ... Circle , Huntington l••cll, CA ~ 8'r .... lelbM lllend, CA 12Mt. nta. LORRAINE E. SHAW, 5991 I( EN NETH HER 8 EAT 011«.S Clrde, Huntinfton lleedl, JOHNSON, 113"' Am9'11yll 81., CA t2t4t. 81b>e llllend, CA t2te2. Thll ~ .. conducted by In Thll ~ le conducted by .,, lndMduel. andMdUel. Kennetll H. Johneon Thia lltlle!Ml'lt -flied wftll Ille eouney a.ti of Orenge County on ~,4,1N2 ,,_ ,ubli.Md Or1nge CoHI Dally ,..,., 0.0. 17. 24. 31. Jen. 7, '"3 547142 MUC llOTIC( IW £1"' COURT OP TM tT,. OP CAUPOMllA ... nll COUNTY Oft~ • MO. A1t-OMmlTO IHOWCAUM IN THI MATTIA 01' THE A'"·ICATION OF A0t.10HD DILAO l'OR CHANOI OF NAME _.._ AOMOfllD O!L.AO 11111 ttMll'I • S*1nentllp. .... Anlte 0...11opm104 Corpor.tlon 04lfY W. HMllllon. Prealdent Tiiie lte'-'t -tied wtUI the CcMTty CWti of er.,. County on Dec ... 1N2 . ,_ Publltlled Oran~ COUt O•llY Piiot. 0.0. 17. 24. 31. 1M2, .-. 1, 1tl3 on a C011f-" The perfect Christmas gift for the employee from the busy businessman . We alao have Haagen-Daz• T-Shlrts and Hats In many flavora. Bill Walton rejects shot try by Laker Norm Nixon during Thursday's game in San Diego. Lakers won, 120-115. Making a gift list, checking it twice By BEN W AI.&ER ,..__...,... With the holiday season here, it's time to think about preeenta for favorite sports stars. Here, a partial list. For: -Pete Rose, still starring for the Philadelphia Phillies at age 41 : A map to the Fountain of Youth ... if he doesn't already have It. -George Allen, coach and part-owner of the Chlcago Blitz of tbe United States Football League: An unlimited supply of draft choices. It took Allen, who turned the Washington Redskins into winners by trading draft choices for aging veterans, ;.t a few days In hla -JleW poet before he began~ away his USFL picks, even though. the league's first-ever draft was still months away. -Jack Donlan, National Football League club Qwnert' chief negotiator, and F.d Garvey, Kings drop 4 seventh. straight INGLEWOOD (AP) -Ken LiNeman'• power-play goal with 4:50 remainins In the second period trig~ a four-goal outburst by ton in a span of 3:19 Thunday nigh\ u the Oilen rolled to a 6-2 National Hockey League victory over the Loe Anceies Kinp. 'The letbeck WU the .eventh In a row for the Kinp, who are winleu ln thelr lut 10 games with an 0-8-2 record. The win WAI the fourth stralght for the Oilera. bead of the NFL Players Association: A re<:ord of Bob Hope'• "Thanks For The Memory." -Bjorn Borg, now making ~ comeback on the men's tennis tour: A free pass to major-events. Borg has refused to take part in mandatory qualifying tournaments. which in tum kept him out of Wimbledon and other top events. It would be nice to see him playing for major titles agaln. -Earl Weaver, recently retired manager of the Baltimore Orioles: A little bit of excitement. He might like it llft.er ., many tranquil years in the Orioles' dugout. -Don Shula, co~ch of the Miami Dolphins: A snow &hovel It mlght help get rid of nightmares stemming from seeing a prison inmate on a work-releaae program drive a snowplow onto the field of New Erf8land'• Schaefer Stadium and Clear a path allowing the Patriots' John Smith to kick a Ciwtnning field goal against -Wayne Gretzky, the Edmonton Oilers' record- breaker: The Stanley Cup. lt'a the only prize in hockey the 21-year-old doem't have. -John McEnroe, the stellar men's tennis player: Some peace of mind, ., that hia outbunta on the court do not obscure his tremendous talent. -The Edmonton Eakimoa, winners of five consecutive Canadian Foot.ball 1..-,ue Grey Cui-: Juat a little t.qp\ltion and respect. Who 90Ulh of the border knows anythlna about them? -The Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team: Some fans to cheer. -And finally. f« Billy Martin, fired .. manaaer of the Oakland A's after belna d'sm 'r Id In put yean by the New York YanU., Detroit Tigers, Te](.U ftanaeb and Minne9ota TwiDI: A Job. er ttAH l>llOO (Al'> -r.-rvln 11M111t"' Johnt0n made • l1yup with :ut om.11 remain In•· Thurec:fay nit ht w 1n1p • llO·lU tft and 1 nd tht Loi An1~lc1 wkert to a 120-118 N11tlcm1I JJuk•tl»&ll A11oclatlon victory uvu San Dlrtit>. extendlna tho Cllppert' l0tln1 atrC'•k to el1ht aam.. Tho Lakert never \railed in thu aamc and led by u much u 20 poln&s In the flrtt halt, but the Cllppen rallied from a l(J.polnt deficit at the start of the fourth quarter to tJe the conteet 1\ 116-all on • dunk by Tom Chamben wlth 1:09 left. iUl'M'tn AbduJ •Jahbilr fukl JanWlil Wilk,.. ltdtkod 1• l't'fnll •P* for th. wlnner1 rtookle Cr111 Huc:t1 led the Cllppera with 23 polni1. Cti1mber1 and T trry <.'ummln1&1 addod 21 and J 8 polnt1, rt'lpectJvcify. for S.n Ot 10, whlc:h foll w 4-23 ~ Anaelee IC.'Ortd the tune's first the pulntl and led 28-21 ahtr one quari.r, 64·48 at halftime and 97-82 after thrut period.I. Randy Smith, who had nJno of hi 17 points ln the fourth quarter. aparked th~ San Dleao comet>.ck. Bob McAdoo. who acored 11 of h.la 21 polnta In the fourth quarter, made a pair of lree throws with 16 aeconda to go and another foul shot with 10 seconds left to complete the 1COrlng. Johnson led the Lakers with 23 pomta and nine uaiata. Nonn Nixon had 20 points for Loe .Anaeles, which is now 21-6, and Center Bill Walton had 15 point. and game-h.lgh totala of 14 rebounda and five blocked shots. The Cllppen are 0-8 In game• Walton hu played, but all eight conteata have been ap.inat winning teams. The Lakera made 69.8 percent of their field goal attempts to 46.2 percent for the Clippers. San Diego connected on 17 of Its Seahawks derailed by unbeaten· foe in tournanient finals The Ocean View High basketball team suffered a near- miss Thursday night. droping a bitter 63-62 d ecision to 1-A power St. Joseph in the finals of the Santa Barbara Tournament. The Seahawks, who fell to 6-4, put up a game effort against the tall Knigbts, now 11 -0 , but finally succumbed in the final six seconds when tournament MVP Tim DePriest drove the lane and netted the deciding basket. Byron Ball had give Ocean View a 62-61 advantage with 15 seconds when h e canned a jumpe r . Ball 's h oo p had culminated a Seahawk comeback from seven points down in the final four minutes of the contest. A key play in the rally was four straight free throws by Dimitri Antonopoul.ia, who made two of them after being fouled, then added two more on a technical foul .against the St. Joseph bench. DePrieat's winning shot was the 11th point he had scored in the final period. He scored 21 points overall and teamed with forward Brian Moody ( 11) and center Tom Rehder (16) for 48 of the winners' 6a points. 1he Knights' front line measurea 6·6, 6-7 and 6-8 across.' 18 and 11 points, respectively, and each had eight points In the final period. Junior Steve M0&er notched 15. Antonopoulis missed a 20-foot desperation shot at the buzzer which would have salvaged the win for Ocean View. The game may very well have been decided at the free-throw line, where St. Joeeph was able to conve rt 15 of 18 chances, including 8 of 10 in the final eight minutes. Meanwhile, Ocean View netted 14 of 21 attempts (67 percent), but hit alJ six in the final period. The Seahawks will be off until after the New Year when they visll Redondo on Jan. 4. In a game at Capistrano Valley Thursday, the host Co~gars moved to 10.:2 by dismantling Buena Park, 75-47. It was Capo Valley's fourth 1traight win and final tuneup before the start of South Coaat League play on Jan. 3 against Da na Hills at Saddleback Collel{e. The_ Cougars jumped in 1ront 10-2 , thanks to full-eotrt pressure which forced a numbe.r of Coyote turnovers. :ti f11•t• lttr11W lrl Whllit lh t .. k W•N Ill of lft '''f'hl1 w11 a rep. lay of our 1a1& 1am1 twn•," uld Loe Anal let ~h Pit RJley, ruforrln1 tu o l'Ofl\t'll won by the Lakel'I 117 1 l& on Nov ~8 "We rely on t.tut fNt br ak Thia tHm'• t.al~nta are 1uJk-d to that 1tyle. "Wf' have-a ereat bukcttboll tewn. but you can't hon tly uy we'r ono of the beat .. t.earna of all Ume. Wt have t10methifll to prove th11 year." San Diego Coach Paul SUu played down hit team'• comeback. "Moral victories don't mean that much," he aald. "I wu aatilfled with the aeoond half. They only had five transition buketa, they had 18 In the first half. Thia wu the worst we shot from the foul line in a long whUe." ' Abdul-Jabbar played de1pite being bothered by a migraine headache. , ; ,.,~ ... ' The Seahawks, however, held their ow,, on the boards and stayed cl09e to St. Joserh much o f the way . Ba 1 and AntOffi>po~-named to the all- toumament team, finished with Senior guard Walt DeCaaas !ICOred in double figures for the 11th time in 12 games this tealOn and ended with 19 points. Dan Mulder a nd Don Sedgwick chipped in with 14 points apiece. Denver forward Kiki Vandeweghe drives Meanwhile, guard Burt Call dished off nine assists. pasl Dell'oit's Terry Tyler for lwo points, An official guide to a sporting Christmas:; . .. \ Here's a shopping list that will liowl over the man or woman in your Iii e .":''. You have no doubt been half crazed with anticipation pending arrlval of Tucker'lf annual shopping suggestions dedic.ated to the proposition a merry Christmas ls a 1port.lng Christmas. Without further hemming and hawing then ... For the man in your life. give him • golf ball, Thia may strike you as a modest Item buflts true value 1s hidden. A golf ball will open a new world of healthful and enjoyable activity and his life will be altered for the better. You will have started him on his way to becoming a golfer, but he will need a few i.nddentals to complete his paraphernalia. For openen. he will need a aet of golf clut. with which to hlt his &olf ball. Clubs. sometimes called s ticks, com e i n U10rtments of implements known as woods and lrona. A beginner'• aet can be picked up for under $600. He will need a bag in which to carry his golf club and his golf ball. From the standpoint of appearance around a golf course, the bag ii an important item. I mean. no one with an ounce of self respect would be teen carrying canvu which went out With plua~foura and Afayle aocka. Ena1lah leather golf bap, conaiderlng quality and appeerance, are good value. A little careful ahoppfnl will tum one up for -than $300. Next. he will need a golf cart in which to SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER ride and transport ~ golf bag and his golf clut. and his go11 ball. New caJ1a run in the neighborhood of $3,000 which includes the usual acce.oriee. He will not wish to be notJced in a stripped down model which is in the category of a canvas bag. However, a Wied cart is acceptable for a beginner. The u9ed cart lots in Pasadena are well atocked with models formerly owned by little old ladies who drove them to play only nine holes. These are priced, according to equipment, at $1,200 and up. It goes withOut aaytna that a wardrobe is eaentlal. More than one. buaineaa career, not to mention llfe, has been ruined by a guy_ showing up around a golf course looking like a alob. This wW do your guy no aood whataoever in the matter of being invited into founomes .. He will require 1even enaemblea. This will insure acalnat repeats during a one- week period. Duplication of outfits Is Uowned upon ln all drclea of golf. Golf ptupa conais\ of shirts. sweaters, slacb, aocla, ahoes and one atove. All are in matching colors. of course. Each ensemble • can be purchased for less than $450. A membership in a private club is desirable. This will insure your guy of proper playing facilities and guard against. ·! his coming in contact with the general . • public which , for the most part and to say • the least, is distasteful. A membership in a respectable country : club can be obtained for around $10,000 with monthly dues and assessments quite '~ reasonable at S600. One last minor item. He will need golf • lessons at roughly $100 an hour. Payment for lessons in gin rummy, the stock clubhouse game, will take care of ltae11. Now, sir, for the woman in your life. Give your lady a bowling ball. This will also open a whole new univene for her but with one important difference. She will encounter no further expenaes. Women bowl in the same outfita in which they clean houae. Perfectly acceptable are sneake rs, jeans, 1weatshirta and hair ... curlers. If she has bad feet, bowling shoes are available for rent. • ln the event your girl is invited to join a • league. she will achieve the ultimate thrlllv of athletic aocompliahment. Moreover, ah~~ .. will be provided with an offlcial uniform. , New worlds. You may never~ each other again but this will cut down on""' family squabbles and. besides, you can't have everything. ( Defememan Jerry Korab put the K inas. who are 13-17-!5 overall, ahead 1-0 at 8:02 of the first period with hil first pl of the 8eUOll on a power play. It stayed 1-0 untll Lineeman bedtbanded hJa 15th pl of the =~.Mr::~ . UCLA amb.~Slie~ by Mary Jan~ in ·double . -. . overt1me tea>nd period. JU1t aa leCOllda la\er, Dave L umley 1•v• r.dmofttoa an advan~ It held the rHt of th• way wl\b a 26-footer that hit \he top ol the trol9bar and bounced into Ule net. Glenn Andenon eeor9d th• flnt of bll two pJI when be · took • ,.. ,,_, Man" M I f and .......... 111 .. tbe OOln a 1-1 lii9d at 1T:41 ot the land 11111Di1· W.w Ot•~ 18th ... of die~ with l; = ln the ........ ., ........ I lm' Q (& '" laid UCLA c.o.ch Larry Fanner ... You can throw out the NCOldt um ~­ [f you'r• not JMntally pnpartd, It's ~tobea--~t." Two bUket. UMI tw0 f:Ne throws by J'olher1Ul helMd Maryland build a 72·8' l•d wlih 2:2? Mmaintaa. but UCLA batUed Iba jull • •Y Md In Offf'COl9fn'1 an ll-P,Olnt deticl\ tn ~ tUne and pi&Mcl' Within '19-77 wfdl tO llClOIMll Wl lflnMn v..a tmk the front end ol a one•and-one opportunity wllh 11 ... to ..&.. .... ......,.... Md Bod 'faiiiii·c~-uncanfliNd ,llay\ap tot tM autrw )Ila bdn WM ..,and. 8e Coleman lcond 27 potnll and • ·-Dorsett hospitalized with chest pains From AP df1patcM1 PLANO, Texu -Dallu Cowboy [i] Tony Doraett drove hlmaell to a 4 t hospital here early Thunday morning _ becaUle he had chest pa.Ina aimllar to thoae of a heart attack, but docton uid the runniJla back did not 1u.ffer a heart attack. Donett underwent a battery of tests at Plano Oene~-.1 Hoepital after driving himself there at 2 a.m. Doctors said the testa were all negative. A Cowboys' apokeaman uid tea.m doctors aald the paint were "referral palna," that reaulted from a hlt he received ln the back in the National Football League aame aga.lnat New Orleans laat Sunday. Donett told doctors the. OORMTT pains acared him becauae hi.a brother bad a heart attack at age 27. Dorsett said he bad ''the symptoms of a heart attack though I didn't have a heart attack. And it'a eometh.ing you don't take for granted." Dorsett aaid the palna in hit chest Wedne9day night were· "severe" and prevented hlm from sleeping .. Quote or the day "I've come out of the hospital to play in games before, and I even had to get out of the hospital to announce my retirement." -Injury-plagued Denver quarterback . CraJ1 Morton, whoee 18-year NFL career will end at the close of the aea.aon. Huskies hand Missouri first loss Alvia Vaapn and lbad Watsoa m made key free throws down the atretch Thursday night to give Washington a 55-48 upeet victory over aixth-ranked and previoualy unbeaten MJ.mouri In a non-conf.erence . colleg~ basketball game ... Elsewllere, Leoa Wood ICOl'ed 19 polnta to lead Cal State Fullerton put Idaho State, 58-45 ... JunJor forward Benaard 'nlompsoa acored a career-b.lgh 26 points to lead Fresno St.ate to a 56-35 trlum(>h over vialting Kent State ... JunJor guard Darrell Jobloa tallied 20 points as San Joee State held off the University of San Diego, 66-61 . . . Orludo ~Pl connected on all 11 of his field-goal attempts and ICOl"ed 29 points, leading Pepperdine to a 93-85 conquest of Texas Tech in Malibu . . . Senior forward Fran Smttll'• two free throw, with two aeoonda remaining broke a tie and gave Arizona a 46-44 win over San Diego State . . . Byl"Oll Scott netted l~ points .. AriJlOna State bad to ocme from behind in the aecond ball to top Cal State Northrldge, 62-53 . . . Cbaminade of Hawaii stunned top-ranked and prevtoualy unbeaten Virginia, 77-72. Mu1Mrkitr1 _,..,, Ill•• Mllw•ula• NI hO nl of hll flf'lf l l ,iUtttW ltttl hflM hold of 1n Ad1uta r1)I~· 101 ·110, ln the H1Uon1t S.1k1tblll A l•tlim Thursday n11ht. M~nt fi•f •nd~ wllh 10 POln&a ln lh Unn qu1rtt1r 11 th• 8uc kl built • 18-28 IMd '' the sml of tht parlud . ln c.ilher NBA acUon, AllMrl Kl11 brok out of 11 alwnp w pump In 24 point. and Fool• Walksr t.allled v n pul11ll In the final two m1nutea w l<ad New J-ruy 'o • ~7 .go declalon over Wa.htnston . . Mavlet Luca• had 13 of hia lt'aaon-htah 33 pointain' the third period to holp Phoenix po1t a l 20-106 declalon over Dallaa , Alu ED1lllll puured ln 43 I 4 point.a and Denvttr brok out lllOMC..., of a scoring alump with ~ 130-127 victory over DetroH . . . Portland acored only 38 point.a in a aluullh aecond hall, but used Jim Pa11on11 24 pointa to manage an 88-82 triumph over Houston . . . Lonnie Slaelton acored eight pointa and added five rebounds In the declaiv~ aecond quarter as Seattle rolled to ita fifth atraiSht vlctory, 120-95 over Golden State. The win kept the SuperSonk:t In a tie for first place in the Pacific Division with the Laker1. Caps keep rolling against Islanders aaaiat led Washington to lt1 first , Mlke Gartner'• two goals and an Iii victory ever at Nassau Collaeum, a 5-1 decision over the New York lalanders Thursday night. In mapping a 13-game losing streak on Iaiandera' lee, the Capita.la extended their current club-record unbeaten streak to 14 gamea (9-0-5) . . . Elsewhere in the NHL, Marl.an Stattay broke a 3-3 tie with a goal late in the 8eCOnd period and Quebec went on to defeat Montreal, 6-3 . . . Blake Dunlop and Blair Cbprou netted power-play goals in the first period aa St. Lou.I.a dumped Toronto, 7 -3 . . . Mlke Blalldell and Regle Leacll llCOred goals 10 seconds apart late in the second period as Detroit posted a 6.f victory over Pittsburgh . . . Mike Knulael)'Dlki acored a goal and had two assists as Boston topped Hartford, 5-1 . . . Calgary e9Caped the cellar in the Smythe Division with a 6-3 victory over Vancouver. Beasley hit with suspension layers, Including former Costa Mesa Three Arizona State basketball • fltgh and Orange Coast College . standout Claris Be11ley, have been slapped with one-game suspensions for milling curfew, aaid Sun Devtl Coach Bob Welnbaaer. Along w ith Beasley. senior center Corey McMallea and aophomore center Pbll McKla.ney will be au.pended . . . Traces of morphine have been found in tests on a longshot winner and another hone owned by E dwa rd C. Allred, following• quarterhorae stakes race on Dec. 10 at Loa Alamitos, il was reported. The drug reportedly showed in urine tests of Holme Base, which waa 9-1 ln the betting when he beat the favorite Aue Hi in the Katella Handicap at 870 yarda . . . Steve Slaafer, who has been an assistant a t San Diego State University, was" named to the ooeching staff of the Loa Angeles Expresa of the United States Football League Thur&day. Television, radio n ,this weekend TEL&VJllON U a.m. (2) -ILVURAY OAM& -'n.. 45th annual pine, featurtna c:ollep football IW'I from around the country. Noon (2) -SUN BOWL -North C.UOUna (7·4) ve. Texu (8-2) at El PllO. 2:30 p.m. (4) -IPORTIWORLO -Skater Dorothy Hamill 1tvH a specJal holiday perfonnance, taped ln Landover, Md .. Allo: The world Ice apoeclway motorcycle championthlp11. taped at ..._n, The Netherl&ndl ~ the world pro akl race, taped in LUe Tahoe. 4 p.m. (11) -ALOHA BOWL -The country'• newest bowl pita Maryland (8-3) a1aln1t Waahlngton (9·2) at Honolulu. 4:30 p .m . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS -A profile of Jim Taylor, one of the moat powerful runnen ever to play s>tO football. . 5 p.m. (7) -WJDE WORLD OF SPORTS - Two wintertime aporta, taped earlier In the year. World and U.S. charnplona Scott Hamilton and Elalne Zayak perform 1n the world figure akatina champion1hip1 from Copenhagen. Al10: The lntematlonal ak1 flytna cbamponahip. ' -RADIO Football -Sun Bowl, North Carolina va. Texas, Noon, KNX (1070). Sand•y TELEVISION 9:30 a.m. (4) -NFL •az -With Len Bennan. 10 a .m. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -New England at Pittsburgh. 12:30 p.m. (2) -NFL TODAY -With Brent Musburger. t p.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -Philadelphia at Da.Uaa. (4) -COLLEGE BOWL PREVIEW - Film clips and interviews highlight thia look at the forthcoming post-season conlrontationa. RADIO Football -Chicago at ~. 1 p.m., KMPC (710); Denver at Raiden, 1 p.m., KNX (1070). Basketball -Lakera at Hou.ton, ~:20 p.m., .KLAC (570). Hockey -Vancouver at Klnga, 7:20 p.m., KPRZ (1150). Basketball scores IN ftll DAILY "I.DI" 41JTO MARKIT ••• ••• WUMll'llGTON. O. • , , W1&1J iU U. ,_ amphMM on clntM .. vtn,. I&'• ..,.,.....,.. UWtt ..... ..... U'9n1t •• .,. of dw .s...:-~u.tt behind. tfle Wheel aNr the1'W cMbW dl\WI -...... Wfp!. "Double Troublr. l>r'ull and Drtvinl,'' ...... pn19nwUon llom \he naUoNll DMi.n sai.ty .,.. MobWty Council, liml to &Mell driven about IM rf.akl \h9y run with dr\.11 UM. S\ar'ttnc tn rebnaary. \he prosn.m wm be avallab» on a fre.loan bMil tram aver 8,800 MW car, U&ht truck and Ure dMJen 8Cl'G9 the counuy. 1t la D.tna announced now io colncld• with "National Drunk and Dru.ged Dr1vtnc Aw~ Week." The Dea1en Sa.ftrty and Mobtllty Council la an af(Wate of tha ffiahway Uaen J'edendon. "Double Trouble: Orup and Drtvlna" la deeiped to fill a pp ln traffic aafety educatkln. A.a a wldely-d.rculated audlo-vtsual preMntation. It add.reeaea a problem that bu been dealt with only 1poradically over the yMl'I. The Dealers Council filmstrip tella how dn.&p can lnfiuence a driver'• abWty to stay alert and ~ danaerowi traffic lituatlona. It explaim how different drugs affect the brain and central nervou1 1y1tem, and how mlxlna druga with alcohol can double the lmpect of both. "We're espedally proud of thta pre9entation becawie lt la timely and focuaes on a powina traffic safety problem," aaid Marvin D. Hartwta. Dealers Council chalrman and a Lincoln-Mercury and O.taun dealer In Iowa City, Iowa. He la Abo a Director of the National Automobile Dealers Amociatlon. Hartwta noted that the new program stema from a 1982 aurvey of automobile dealen that Identified alcohol and dn.&g-lmpatred drivers u their community'• number one traffic safety problem. He u.id, "The i.uue of drugs and drivtna. whlcb la •till being investigated, la important becau.e an estimated one-fourth of all Americana take one or more drugs each day -and many of the. people drive. Hopefully, thia program ii going to inform a lot more people about the dangeroua pradice of mixing drugl, alcohol, and driving. Membera of the Dealers Council are proud to help set thia roe8l8ge out." "Double Trouble: Dru11 and Driving" lncludee a aroup leader'• d18c:umlon guide and c..... apecial handout brochW'el cte.cribtng what actklN ....-dtizena can take to dilcourage drugged driving ... Matyland 80. UCLA 7t (2 ot) Rulgaf9 70. Stanford 83 72Chwntn9"" (Hewell) 77• Virginia and what kinda of organlzationa are available to WMhlnoton 65. ~ " help them. "Double Trouble" ll the third In a ~:~~~~~L~ 48 .eries of al.ldlo-Vllual safety procrama offered "9C>P«dlne t3. ,_ rec:t1 es c-:::z.~ through participatin1 dealers. The first two Fr-St. Ml, Kent St. 35 P81omw ... ~ 72 p~m•, ''One Drink Too Many" on the Aa-.-Montena N , Pacific 96 W•t LA 85. Santa Monlc:e 82 ·-.--·-............ San JOM 81 .... u. 8an oi.go Gl9ndale 72, Loe AnoelM City of dnmk driving, and "Car Care For Safety" on et ......_ 71~ 79• v.m~71 the importance ~f keeping _vehiclea in safe ca1 State Fu11ar1on 58, ldeho s1 Hl9fl .-... operating oond.ition, were releaed In 1982 and are 4!1 T<MllNMmNn now available nationwide. Art.ion• •8. San '*9o St. 44 ._.. ..._,. It'a -tlmated that driven with a "'' .. "' blood New Mexico 78, New Maxloo SI St. Joaepft 83. OcMl'I View t2 ..., '416'' 74 12 011 lllr9tl alcohol content are responsible for over 25,000 ~:~·8~~er~ ~63 <:, Puat11oe 51· San Mat()09 44 traffic deatha each year. The'number of acddents Wyoming ee. Mldweatam, T•. 11.noyo Granda .a, Lomooc 3e attributed to the uae of other druga la leu • 42 ---.. 1~1on1 well-known. However, it ia eatimated that ---...... Detroit&&. a-..nci st. 43 ('Plrat ....,_> drugged driving may be responsible for at leut e. Mlc:tllgan ea. Akron 158 s.venna 83. IAOUN tMt •• four percent of all hfChway cruhes. At that rate, ll.-cNc:ego 7o. Jedl90n si. ee Pomon. 13• Mi.ion Vlafo 39 there will be over 2,000 people killed, 80,000 New Ot1-ll 71. Wle.-OreM Bey TroY 64. El Toro 81 e2 Sonot-. 11. Olell'lond..., 30 lnjured and more than 700,000 traffic cnahea tbs. ._ .... , .._. h •a • year bec:au.e of A .. ·-other than a1cohol. OillePloma t~'*tloie 7$ P;:~~trano Valley 7!1, auena All th..-~ have been dc!lligned for Iona 78, Maine t7 Bolton u. eo. St. FrMCla, NY 64 80 MampNa 8L 81. S. Mla9IMlppl Malet Del 77, Oii~ Mlaalon the widest pomlble audience -clamooma, church ~;;;;;;~~=;:=;=;~~~~~~~~~=;;~~~~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;]~=======~-=----------=•:_2 ____ ·----it groupa, 9erVlce clubs, and any other Ol"pDizatian • 1rSALMO~roo~TE!7~"LE"--~.---------~-----------·1•~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~ No events 1fhedwed. Tt tum Helt~~ wh !Ill •nddpettd pntlb IM I~ tu -... ... Ind T1 ceftflrln yew 1912 tax ll'otectttn Please call now to make an initial no lee/no commitment appointment with our statt of at· torneys and accountants to review your t11tuatlon. We will be available every day except December 24 & 25. including Sunday's, 9am to 9Pm. 10 serve you DALTON, DAL TON. COOPER & FRANKLIN, INC. (714) 841·3781 -----•2691 Richter Ave .. Ste. 102. Irvine · Near Jamboree/405-----• Having a New Years get-together and don't want to fuss? We've got everything you need We're~ A. HUGE SELECTION OF EVERYTHING • Balloons & Helium • Cups. Glasses & Plates • Table Covers & Napkins • Cntt lterM • Hits, Horns & Confetti • Decorations & Blnners • Cake Decoratina Supplies • Custom Invitations • Candymakin& Supplies • Gitt Boxes. Ribbon & Bows • Imprinted Napkins & Matcht$ • Cindie$ • Greetina Clrds • Guat BookS • Pinatas • Gitt Wrap by the foot • P:Meh a. Party Mints • Plus Much Much MORE e rickets & Prize Awlfd Ribbons No Racing c . traffic safety In their community. For Information on how to get "Double Trouble: Druci and Driving," or other Dealers Council audio-viaual pro~ama, contact John McCawley, Dealer ActJviUea, Highway Users Federation, 1776 Muaachuaetts Avenue, NW, Wuhtnp>n, D.C. 20036. • • •• ~ I I • l I • • > ' I ! ! l i I Lee ltju ... '*-An~Ta ....................... _...,. ..., Mee. 400 wni9. ......... CT-.! ta.oo uo uo .... (Tortil uo uo TrWMod 3.lO Aleo recieo. II• l"ortrell. Tlellerd ,..,.,,,..., ~encl Jim, l,.ueye Aneet. 8'=~ • DACTA (1~1 peio ta0.40. eecoee MCS. * ywc1e. Atlee lAltr u.,.-(.wt) 1.00 uo 3.oo Ctlelto (Mllr) t 00 4.40 Mii °"'° (TOftb) 3.40 Aleo rllCed: Erin• Luoti, ,. ... POiiey, 11i1110P llret, \..llltr L-llltd. TlMe: 11 .... TMMD MCI. 400 ~da. won Wlft Joee (Hwll e..eo a.eo 3.20 OM Wtlf Alder (Tonka) 12.40 1.40 c...-lllouall) e.oo "*' ,-a: AftteUI, Bulltltee ... RyGftl =· Pr1elle bM. Mlc*ey ~ 8911 Tiie Time: 20.06. • UACTA (W) pMI MO.IO ,OUll'TM ~ 350 >Wde. M Atomto (Vllldc) 1.80 1.20 4.00 Moon ...... (t.tllc:Nlll t0.40 uo .. 1'rou!Me Aun (8-1) 3.20 Aleo reced: Aot Oilk:tity. Kii• c.,,.,, I ~ flob. Uttle Petey. Mr Jet W'90ll. IOllOhlCllllMr, Lota Mlt Time: 11 .It. • DACTA (1CM) peld 143 .. 40. '9fTM ~ 400,... Tidy Too tiep (a-) sa.oo 11.eo · 1.40 8lt • eo IF~ t.20 1.20 ~-(~ 4.00 Ntlo ~ ....... u "911, Tidy c... Aunt Cllrtt. Tiie Df'Hm MKtllM, VlllN Clllloer ....... Outel. T1pped to Go. ""-I0.21. • DACTA 11 .. 1pe6d1411..00. AnendenOtc 5.1~1. ,.,... f,_ tf .. •:: 1· -:~--~--....... • a "':;:",.... . ,., .. ., .. ,,. .. ,..,., TrtH111e, lill .. 11tllH11t Oawn, "'"''''· ............ Tl•• , .. ,,. • DMrTA (P• 11 ..... , to ~~'W':o ,. to 4,J: ~e:= =_,WI 7 IO : IO A.IM ,__,. T._.e NOoe, To 1"M '"911!1. O~or · "'91~ t:H l/L • A (1 .. 1 ,,_ MIO IO. """ llACC. 1 "1• ,..... l.....,.IMIV~ 7,IO UO a.40 •--.n ~ a.oo aoo "'•Mef\C 7.40 Aleo reoed: ever l.~11 l•Oll, ldt•I M-1. II Ptlllew1, Allow-. Oelttnl PolMlo. TlrM: t;47 "" • DAOTA (M) p.icl .... 00 ...,... AACI.. I fl#tonge, lAltr 111 111e LMi• tB1eo111 1.40 a.eo J.80 ....,~ (MoCM-oll) uo uo ,_lo ·w11c:11 ~'' a.eo "*' ...-cl: '"""'· ~ Tiie p.,_, I Awr/ Jo. Oulnmooo, Sey ~. Kenl Mite. Sttellndt, ..... \..llltr S..., I'm .......,...T_ Time. t: 13 111. MftNTit 9'ACa. OM .... on 1ur1. ~. In Oold (CttndellO.IO t .IO 5.00 a..-y 8outll (= tt.40 7.00 MIM1nll ...,, I !) 1 .eo AltO r-.t. Noble , Mldnltt ~. Lono Ullt Tiie Kind, Afflcan Pwl. Ttll Oon, ~~va. • DACTA 11·11 p.icl Na-4.llO. • '9C« .. ( .. 7. 1 ... 11-2) peld SS. 111.40 wlll'I 31 wlnl*'ill lk*.tlJIM '*-I. ~ 1"Wi1 81• con101etT011 P•I 140.00 wttll ttt wlnNnD Uclleta (tow ~I. 12 l"Wil Siii -•tel\ OClnilOlellof! ptld • 11. 40 wtlll 1 ff winning tldctt• (tlwet ~ ---di). DOKnt llACa. t 141 mla. Orou9y IOINwwl a.oo 4.20 a.40 Clljun ,.,..,,. (l'lncey) 3.40 uo W... On 9rOlld (~I 7.IO Al9o r.-:1. ~. S...O, Mr. AMcior, lellort, "°'* Softty. Time: 1:50. ~MC&. 1 111•,...... on 11#1. Ac:Uc:t*lt (Torol 18.IO t 40 LIO JeMller (CMlwwcl9) t.40 7.00 MtorlM (VelcMdl) 1.20 AllO r-0: Oomlntnl l.99, ,,.. tplril, ,.....,, Oom1t1a. Modill """' eur.. °' aone. GOldOr-. T lrne: 1:45 215. • DACTA (t ... ) Pllld 1127.llO. Anenci-zueo. Lelcer9 111, ~ • 111 Loe--...-•.W•• ta. AbclUl-Jllbber ti, Nixon 20, l. JoMtOll ta, Wortllr 12, Cooper •. McAdoo 2 1, o. ~ O. Toc.lt: 16-12 10.1t 120. .... ---OwNlerl 2 t, Cuftwnlncl9 11, Wtllon 15, WOOd 2, HodQll IS, 8'nilll 17, Broo ... 7, Whll•hHd I, 8ro11n t , And9r90ft 2. Tot* 4104 11-31 11 . ................ Lo.~ 21 M a n-120 a.n DlileO 21 21 14 33-11 a Tllr-polnl gotl•-Hodgtl 2. ,outed ou1-None. "9bourldl-lol ~ 41 Cl. ~ 7, Aw.'•lltaw 7),, .... Dlloo llO (Wellon 14). ,...._Loe ~ f4 (I. ~ '" ..,., Dlloo ti (Wtllon 7. HodQll 1, Sm1t11 7). Total Joule-Lot AnglM ti. llan Ol9go 11. A-I , 180. NaA ..... W.- Tlle .............. "'"" bmloarlg lor =::..rolltlOfle Ill Ille ltrd Nttlontt "'9'0CllMlon ,......, ~ to be --.,,.,, '-· 11, 1113 .. ni. ,_ !ft~: .. .,..._ CONNMMCC c.... I. Kwwn AW-J9btl9, Lo. Allg9lel. IO, 171. 2. Mil Glrnor9, llM AlltonlO, 31,· 111. a. Jw a111111a, a .. 111e. 11.11a. 4. c..... JorlR. HoultOn, 10.111 ••. Den --.o.-.uo1. ,.... 1. '*'*" Wiit ... Lot Allo9llt. 13.'31. 2. Adrie n Otnlley, Vitti, 41,21?. a. Mike Mttc:tlell, BM Antonio, 17,244. 4. Mttll Agutrre , Otllu, 24. 111. I llrin H1ytt, Ho1m1011. 11.na. ..... I. &Mn ....... ~. Lot~. Tt,as. a. 0-,. o.W\, ""AlltGnlo, 11, m. a. Notnl NlllOfl. Loi ,.,,...., 11,tOt. •. .JoMny M-.. ai,016. I . OW WIMWM, a.ttlt, 21,$12. IA~CGIBWS ~ 1.~ ....... ~111.111 2. Derry4 o....lnt. MN .-..,, at,M . I . llobwt P11t9", ... ton, 2t,ff4. 4. TrN llOlllQ, Atlante, 2t,N 1. I . ~ Lanier, ..._. ... 21.eea. ..__. 1. ..lulll9 ftWlo. '?' 1::;.... UM... a. Latry Bwd1. S"9t011. N . . a . Mwqyee Jol\neon, 11111w...., .. , 11.H '· 4. IMDr JonH, l"lllltdtlplllt , U ,l1t. I . Kelly T~OWolt.U,114. .... 1 . ....._ OIMla. ~ ee.on. I. ,.,,._ Toney, '°"hfJIS'ila. et.Ma. 3. 1111111 ,,__, Oellolt, 7'.Na. 4 ........ Monctltf. Mlhnuti .. , 94,Ut. I. "'9tle ,.... ONolifo. M.m •. HIGH 8CHOOL a ....... '\!:.• v... a n . ~ -tt, MoMy "· IWld9r 1t. lnalilr t, -4, ~ I . T°'* 24 11-tl es. oc:aM ... -Mlgt •• .._ 15, ... ti,•..., 111.ao. n , Mu191J e. ~ 4. Or-** 0. ,.,. o. Tot8111: 14 ~1 et. ..... ... ~ ... JOMOfl 12 14 " 22-413 <>ce.I ... 11 12 111 24-92 TOMll bl9: tt. Joeepft.,, 0.... Yi. ,7, T9'Clhftlcel !OUle:~~J:!· Joeepfl), It. Joelpll bend!, (<>MM \IW). C...Y81ft11, ...... ~~ eufMA lllA ... -H. lltrnerdo I , M. ....., .. .,_ 1. Ulldley 11, .... 7. LCMfr 4, 0111r 2. Tocela: 11 .. 14 47. CAIWTM* YA&.Lrf -~ t , Ml.tlllw I~ 8. Cell I, N. Cll t. S....... 14, OtC-11, "9V1lw 2, OU• 16, 1111 0, PelldMiton 0. T otell9: a4 7 • 12 11. ....... o..tlf9 .._ Petti 10 ,. I 14-47 ~llbWIO V91ey 22 11 21 tJ-75 Otal '-*: "-....... "· ~ v~ 11. ,OUltd 011t ,... ce.-PnJ. a. Cell (o.IWtno VlllleJ). Tecllnlcal fOUI, Olllr i-.-...,.,. ·~~M"9 ,......,. If ll P ,,. Mt i ~ If II I t t IJI ~=-j 'f , "' , .. I I I tll m I ..... I I 111 1• If ....... ~ .: ' ll: = :: II to 4 I.. tO '° I ti I IOI 141 H I 11 I IOI IN 11 wM.aoo••111a1 .,..... ........ NY l9IMdere 1t H ? I~ 1U 41 Pll•r 1t11JNe ti 11 I IM ttl 4t w~ 11 • • '" 111 •t NY ,.._. 11 tt J 141 tao 11 PlttMlwtlfl 10 10 I '" ,., " New W.., T ta f 101 Ill 11 ..... .......... IO 2 I It) :IO •• 111 1• ta • , .. " 14 • tlJ IO aG 4 II~ .............. !dnlon\Oll i • .._. a iottOll 11 HMl«d I Ouebeo •• Montretl ' IOI 4t , .... "' .. , .. n IN 24 W~ a. MN Voftl I..,,_• 1 Otttoft '· PtttelM'llll 4 II. Louil 7 ! .Toronto a OflOelY I, v--I T .......... ..._ Noe-~ otlere I, Kint• I .............. Eclf!lonton 0 4 2 -I Loe Anoe199 I 0 1 -2 '"',.,... 1. I.Cit AllgMe, KorMI 1 (lhww. NloMlleJ, 1:02. ~-.LA, 3:22; Jw:bon, fdm. doutJlt minor, l:OI: M Murpfly, t:Oll u.-n.n, Edm. 1:14; Oftoo, ldm. 11:13: Au1kow1kl. LA, double minor, 18: 14; ltrnenao, !dm, 11: 14. ............ 2. Eclmon1on, L111M111en 11 CHwgllN), II: tO (pp). 3 Edmonton, Lumley '7 (~. P-). 15:43. 4. ~ton. A110trt011 11 ,......_. Cofft,o), 11:41. a EdlftOllton. Ottt:z111 21 (K.unf, ""-*ol, 11:2t. l"eMl! .... HttdY. lA. 1:60; """"'· £dm, 10:37; MtrdY, LA, 13:28. Kum. !elm, 11:H, ft!N"-W I . Edmonton, Htb9dwlld 2 (Aneltr9oft, -..-1, t:OJ. 1. E.dmomon. ~ ao (HlblClleld, Hudd11. 11:21 (pt>). I. LOI AngelH , Nlclloll1 17 (Orulll). 13:02. Penal11M·MM91tr, !dm, 3:01; ~. Edm. 4:11, Jtclleon, £dm, meJ«, 10:01, HerdJ, LA. 10:4t; Colley, !cfm, 13:23. HttdY. LA 13:23; Lowe, ldm. m.jor, 10:00, Stmt nko, Edm. douDI• me)or, 20:00; ~LA m.jor, 20:00: "'*'owelll. LA, ~ 0n00iloal -Edmonton 11-12+31 Lo.~ 14-15-1~5. Ooellilt -!dmonton, MOog. Lot~. L-d A·12,713. A brand new era for Compton Tars Somewher• out there ln community colle1• batketball clrclta there muat be 1ome 1ympaJ:ij for Compton Collese buke co.ch Regie Morrta. Sure, thla 11 a rather bold 11at.ement conaidertna Morrie hu lnherit.ed a team which won no leu than 27 gamee lut aeuon while lOllng juat five. And, you can't plty the man too much a1nce he ~aed to gu.lde Manual Arta high IChool \o two city champlon.hipe and \o the flnal four In the LA City playoffs in four of the ax yean he wu coach. On Jan. 6, Morris and the Compton Tartari' will enter a new aporta era since they will be competing for the first time ever in the predominately Orange County South Coaat Conference. Just \o make matten worae, the Tartan' firat conference game la all the way out in Walnut where the Mt. San Antonio 'Mounties await. Poor Reggie. He'a uaed to' working with Loa Angeles City athletes, hil pla~en bow the Western State Conference teams so much better, and he'a inherited a bunch of out-of-state playen in his fint year. To make matters worse, Morris ii a coach who likes his team to run. His Tartan seem \o play better when they slow it down. Currently hi.a team is 3-8. Two of the victories were over Camp Pendleton and the North Wand· Naval Cent.er. "I'm uaed \o winning. Th.is is a new thing for me," Morris confeeeea. ·•rm uaed to being 10-1 about now." It'a apparently going to be a alow process thia year for Monii. Moat of the South Coast Conference opponenta have a pretty good idea of what to expect from each other by now. They're already working on just the riaht zones and pettema for their respective opponentl. Down at Compton, Morrl1 admitl: "We're just trying to play good basketball." Aloha Bowl makes debut Morria didn't aet the C.omp&on coaohlna po1t until July He replk-ed Walt Hazzard who now coaches at Chapman College "l really didn't gel a chance lo have a lot of contact with anybody. By July, moet of the playen had already committed them.1elvea to a echool. But next year., I'm starting out early," Morrlt aaya. Still, Morris trle1 to take a positive approach to his first : year, and hi.a team's fint year in ·:~ a new conferem-e. :· "A lot of the games we lo.t were only by a point lo two. We played real well agalnat LA Southwest (the Tartars lost 65-54), and w e also lost to another pretty good team in El Canlino.'' Mocria says it will take time before hi.a Tart.al'S and one of the other South Coast Conference teams can establiah a real good, competitive rivalry, such as the ones that exist between Golden West and Cypress (from the old Southern Cal Conference days) and Orange Coast and Fullerton. "I'd like lo get one started with Santa Ana," he says. (New head coach) Dana Pagett was trying lo recruit one of my players at Manual Arts (Leo Cunningham) so we got \o know each other pretty well. "I like Dana so I'd like \o play well against hie team," Morris adda. "It will take awhile for natural rivalries to be established, though. Once we establish a little , tradition, we'll be OK. For now, it's going to be a little awkward . "Do you realize that we'll have to travel to Orange County seven times while all the other ~ wlll only have to come to Compton once? I don't know if that's pQsitive or negative," Morria admits. He'll get a pretty good idea on Jan. 5 -in Walnut of all places . • • • Mt. San Antonio College .·: football · coach Mal Eaton did a . pretty good job this year in .. guiding the Mountie• to the . ..,....1 South Coast Conference ,. champlonahip and a bid In the , ;~ Potato Bowl. • ~ • He waa awarded aocordingJy. • · ·: ... Palomar College Coach Mino . _> Mendez guided die Comets to an .•• ~. 0-6 Million Conference mark and :: From AP dJ1pakltes a 2-8 overall record HONOLULU -Organizers of He was climi&9ed acco.rdin.gly. the first Aloha Bowl. featuring Eaton, who led the Mounties \o No. 9 Wuhington and No. 16 a 9-2 overall record, hu been Maryland Saturday, figure they tabbed as state Coach of the Year have one thing that no other by the California Community poBtaeuon college football game College Football Coaches can offer -Hawail. Aaociation. "We came up with the idea of He'll be formally honored Feb. the Aloha Bowl game four or five 20 at the Anaheim Convention years ago, with the idea of Center . getting Hawaii, a great aporu Mendez, meanwhile, led the • atate, aome additional national Comets to a 19-39 record during ·,: ~ publicity , " aa l d Mackay his tenure, and was replaced last · ' Yanagiaawa . the bowl 's week by Tom Craft, the team's executive director. offensive coordinator. "We know the problem• of Craf'.t. 29, was quarterback .and .-.·.t. other placea, but we have offenaive captain of San Diego aornethina apedaJ -the lure and Si.te'a 10· l club in 1976. He ~,---------------------------------------------~--------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~magi=~:.:co::..:fllA::.::w~ail::,,'_':he:_:aai::d~.~~~~p:in:ed= theP~omar staffin 1977. -' 'Run for the Roses' Sunday Rose Bowl site bf 1 Ok run, sponsor" by Spys Club A different kind of "Run for the ac..'' will be held Sunday when the Boya Club of Paudena ....... lta Fl.fth Annual lOk nee at the ROie Bowl heilnntna at 9 a.m. Owr 100 awardl In 16 different cateaor* will be intented thia year at the race, lncludlna a heavy caify.. athletic b9a to fNUY parddpant. beutna the .,.,)em of the run, aa well u the name of the ~~ ttart and finilb of the race are neu-the Rote Bowl and the teenJc route lncludee a journey thrpuah tunnels ol. areen cunphor tree1 and many ardUti8c:turally noteworthy homea. · f're..itPtratloD may be made by .,,,tlna a chedc to .. R.ce Dlrector, Boys aw. ot Pa.dena. ,. r..t Del Mar Blvd., J>Wdena, 91107. Late reptndon la allo avallable betwwi 7 and 8:30 the day of the race at Broolakle Park, adJlicent to the ,ltal1in«i line eouth of the Re. Bowl. Runnen are~ to come ...ty ~. • the race will bePl prompdy at 9 a.rn. The fee ii $11 the CS.y ot the ,.., 'or more Information and realatratlon bdonnldon call (213) 441·1963. • • • TU CALIPORNIA Beed Rwinen A.9odatioo II .,._..ble an WWMla1 w-.y 10 welcome the New Y.-. lt'• the New Y..r't h 1~ which be.ma ....,.t _. a.u.c. and Victory In l'a:ino • .nn'1NMn wtl rwtw ril9bom, bata.1*-nabn and b9Uoonl. RUNNING DENNIS BROSTERHOUS The fee 18 ts wtth a T-tlhii1 and $4 without wtth a $2 i.te fee. Thoee lnterettecl are .,keel to contact the C.Ufornia Road llunnera A.Noclatlon at (213) 888-552e. • • • For thOH who want a challenatna race, ihere'1 the Fltth Annual Weltlake 20·Mile Run U1il Sunda.y. '!be ~ la eet to be8ln at 8 a.m. at WetltJake Elementary 8cbool. The cow. ii a touch hilly one on plwd roedl throuah Hidden Valley. The fee ii $' wttb no prMmtry and for more lntormadon, contact B1'l.n Prlwhard at (80G) (96-8706. NFL standings AMERICAN CONFERENCE NATIONAL CONFERENCE W C T Pct. PF PA W L T Pct. PF PA Raiden 6 l 0 .~7 192 156 Dal.laa 6 1 0 .867 179 90 Cincinnati 5 2 0 .714 173 140 Wuhington 6 1 0 .857 135 118 Miami 5 2 0 .714 137 114 Atlania 5 2 0 .714 170 126 NY Jeta 5 2 0 .714 190 115 Green Bay 4 2 1 .643 164 135 San Dleso 6 2 o .114 210 164 Minne9ota 4 3 o .011 142 129 Buffalo 4 3 0 .671 121 97 St. Louia 4 3 0 .571 111 121 New J'.na. 4 3 0 .571 99 101 Detroit 3 4 0 .429 133 129 Plueburah 4 3 0 .571 130 111 New Orlff.ns3 4 O .429 84 127 Cleveland 3 4 0 .429 99 131 NY Olanta 3 4 O .429 117 112 Seattle 3 4 0 .429 104 112 Tampa Bay 3 4 0 .429 109 134 Denver 2 6 0 .286 127 186 ChJcqo 2 & 0 .286 84 122 K.aJ\lu City 2 0 0 ,286 126 146 Philadelphia 2 6 0 .286 143 149 Houston 1 6 0 .143 95 190 San Fran. 2 5 0 .286 163 172 Baltimore 0 6 1 .077 80 168 Ram• l 6 0 .143 153 196 NOTE: The \op etabt tea.me in MCh <:enference will qualify for the playoffs. JOHNSON. &SON presents ... NFL Pitka ti tilt .... Sun., Dec. 26 It amt over Chicago * San Francltco 1 I 1' 7 3 7) I 13:1 7)3 7)4 730 1U 7U 7311 1• 7 4 1 7 4 :r ~~H 1 4 2 3 1 4 :I 7 44 .! 411 r48 747 748 740 14 10 7 4 II '4 12 1 4 13 , .. 14 , .. 15 1 4 1& 7 4 t1 7 4 111 1 4 10 1 s 1 5 I 1 52 7 5 2 I 75 2 2 7.5 2 3 1 5.301111mln111u11 Su'911'10ed SO!ldt ($$) 754 7 6.5 7 5 ti .. Iii ff1d w-, ~ r ~, Mi ,ii_~ I t ,,.. 111 l#lld 4f Nt ........ · titJR!MI N ~:==~~~~a= If "' ~ :: . ~ tN -ll'liM!il 1 1 t W ~..._ ,,,..;:"~I ~JIW.... I &It.... Jt1 ...... I~ f...,., lfll Of ....... ~ f Iii' l!Wf .. ~eUI• -.WI .... ... ......... .,.. .._, IN llf ~fflllt ~ tt beJ1J1 11'1 _ ft lfWlf • II t 111e1 .... ,. II 1owL •• _ " ,,._, , lilflillHI .,,. 1u4Jslwltlf ,...,...., ttie ,..., • .,,...,..,. ,,,..ll'IOlmCitlftl '-tllltt ~ ,.~ w ~ Ii =··-"'-Dlitf I ,., .,.. ~ . Mr ........ , ~ fin 11 .. UNt , llf~ Wiii" t1Mi 1 Ir.ft tttu11 M 1t11pt cw ....... ... •• ~.....,. .. ~ ..... t.ullhl "°"' It 11'\elt.ltl Ille Q\ltllh enfl ltUMllll;·oi U 11• 1#111119 ,..,d.,,.., lt'1 lhl UW, VIP -· IA.I ~ f.-it11 ill lfll .......... ii\....,.,.., ... "'-""'•4'1tlllf, .... If Wtil-II .. Ool-119111 of •Ip IJWO,ltlM tattl ...., It.. "ltnM ett; etlll .. •1 IN! ftOM ...,_, WMI• IHI ......... ,,.......... IMll _, lfM llrlll'lw• ...,,..,. ,_,.,.1, 1..,.i9d INtlfllf 1t14I lhll "*' --r...,,_,,, • .1 .... lflal II ... "*' ,,,.., IW!f ....... "'19111 ........ In Ille lllOCll'f .... '" ...... '"""''" Ill .,......,, .......... dOINlllC aflCI ln4fvt1tt• "°' be C>lletrucl«I .,. ... ""' .. "' ... eo -~ If"" "*lltollfllt ..,.,..~ ....,.....i '"' ldltlOfl, llf r"'91on W.eof whir.fl II •••••• afl{I d..,,... of 11111 ~'and K«#NHI• ,.....,.. M.lt"l• l11t11tt119 ~!NI-··~· 1Nt1 eh .. "9 ~,,_, .. ,.,. 10 .... M In ~ A, I , '1 I Dr I l"I • ...,_ t11111 mMn 1 llliUtll 01 .,,~ ch-* lot Ille aG<.-IOf lklf!Cil .... ~ -.11 •• • flll •wld wtlh I lllCJWit I.-I ....,,._ "'-" -iJW water Ullltlllfltlonally eni.ine the P--aa of_..., "11'111 -llnalOulfy Ot .,.,..,mtfMl\lly 11*• "' .. tie ~ .. room 111 Of n111 !l<Kh NmP!lnf m!IMcN ta lliow ~ _. ...-. ~ Wiit.,., t.ullCIM'f 11•...,• y 3 WAITIWAlf" OllCHAMI "'°U'-AflOHI •"u•ao• t1mpll11t 111d com11o•llln11 ot umpl" lor 1n11;11e Tht --·· l'tom IN Ot~. ""UllV'' ......... _ .... DU1 nol llmllld 10, 71 I rtAOHltt/TIOHI ANO llMITAft<>fft OH WAITI NllllM)ll, •llfttll•no. IMld ~Ing eqvl~I "''" l>l l'lllllllllnld .... ~t!\19 plf)e9, pipe jOlrltt. OOMIOllOl'te, Ot rneMoll ..... WATI" Ote<:MAAOll 111'1\et Ill I .... Md PfO()W Oj)lfllll'IQ COOOlllon •• lhol ••!*' .. (If'"' u- (all ~ thtlll ,,,..,, '"-IOlll quMlllt)' of •• ,., lrom No IHHIOfl tlltll flltChllO-WHl-lllfl dlrecrtly or lndlrlCll)' lnlo Wr..1"'-<;OfillfUOIOCI °" P<IDllC Of PfOYlll PfO(>elly .,,. •en•pllfl1I 11\0 00111 tnftltt1llon Md Inflow WltllOlll diet~ Ille MIUfOI ()Mtrlel'I -· llOilhlM llUll C-or are oapable of 11M.1t1n9. ellNt l'l\OflllOll"t IMtHO .. tl'llH .,_ p<OVlded Ill IOCoCWOlftC<t '"""' In. dl•trtc;I lMl ......., 11'11111 -1111 wat• d\ecflotO. 1n10 1 t111llar; -llOlll Of bY lnllfllCllOn w1111 otlllf 11<it>ttencee, 1n11111flMI 'lfttll Ille requl11m•nt• •nd •II eppll1,•bl• corultucuon 1t1nd1•d• enu eytl1!1t. tnctudlng bulkllna dl'llne and -•· ffom llUOll '°"'-11. but °'*•tlOn ot 'rL::.'" lnc:lvdlt\Q but not Mmlltd 10 1111 tollowlng· •i>.clllc•ttone Conetruc;llon 1ll1ll bl ~plt\OCI ,..tllln n!IMty d1ye not llmll4'CI to, roof 1114wt. oellw, y.,d, end ., .. dreint, IOund•tlon (II Olla llftd Wu. 11' .... or oH iooncentttllon of rntnetel ottotn lollOW\rJG wrlltan nollflll1t1on t>y tile meneger lltliMt • llml Hllll'lll0t1 I• dt.il'lt. unpolluted ooollng w1111 dlllll'lwgee. drllnl from tpl'lflg• and ot more thM too mofl wMthet emWtlllld or M l, °' any othlt wMI• otllltw1M orantttd bY t114t m•nlOlf .wempy ..,..,, """hole c-•· crOM oonnectk>nll lrom 11orm MWll• aot1tllnlng eut>tt-wfllcfl may prectpl1110, te>lldlly Ot beC:OIM Vlto«ll A and/OI ooml>IMd ""'·· oa•ctl bMIM, storm Wlt411'1, eurlaoe "'"°"· II ll!TIC*ll~ '*-3:1 cleGr-lllld 100 a.or-, (0 CleQI-and 7 .. 8 INllPtCT"'N ANO 8AMPI INO alrMI welh w111re or dt1l11•0• (Inflow OOH 1101 Include. ind I• 65 dlgr ... C 11 t!ll l)Olnl of dltclla10-Into 11141 eyeteml file DlttrlCI lhlll lnlC)let Iha wut-tet ""*'•tlllO end di~ dllllnovilhld "°"' lnf111retl0fl l (:II (•"'""9 Ml•IWOI. l lqulde, IOlld• or o•-whlell by reuon ot 111111 llOllltlM Of any u.er 10 11C1t1ain ...n.thlr U11 lntenl Of tt1eee ~ and (3"71 lnepeedon ....._.. th .. -11ny ICCll9ll>le mlf'llloM lh1t 11111 nature°' Cl\*ltlty wo. 0t nlll'f be, Mllflolll'tt etthll llon. or by lnt«aatlon Aeguletlon• I• being mll and Ille ua« It aompty1119 wtth 111 r.ciw°"*''' lie veld IOt thl Pllll'OM of lnf99Cllon, eampllf'IG •nd lnltelllllon ol flow With Olhlr tubt1111Ceit 10 ~-nre °' •xplotion "' bl .ln,lurloua In any Pweone or oc;cvp•nte ot P•emlM• wlllf• WMl1w1tlf 11 er111.0 Ot ...... ., •• and not • Gontrol menllOl9 0111« wey to IM _.. f.ollltlll Ot to the C>PW•llon ol tlll fV84lm Al d*ilhwOed W\all ellow Ille 04•1•1CI °' II• ,.,_11U-r..oy -('81 ...._...., M\1111 mean • Pl'llOf1 eull\ofl~ tile MMIOlf' to no time 911111 two euoeeMI,.. 1Hellfl08 on an ex.ploek>n heard rnetw. at dvrlno fill normal wort11ng osy 10 ell ~II of the wu'9wlllt Glf*•llng In~ w .. t .... llW gen«ellon OOl\119)'enOI. pt ng Ind dlilC)OMI the point of ClllohlrS11 lnlO ,,,. ...... ayauwn, be mote tl\ln llve percent and dilC>ONI llCINt• IOI the put~ of ln.,,.ctlon and !MlmPllno fhl llQlllU. 16"41 nor etty "'IQll rlldlno over,.., percent (1°'411 of the L-~ DMltrlet allell n1..,. thl rlgllt to Ml up on ow-·• PIOC*tY llUOh ~ (39) "'*'°""°' ...., ltllil 1'111111 1 -wno.. primary purpoM II Limit (LEL) Of the metll' t'Jronlbllod mll•l911 lnc!ludl. but are no! limited M we ->" to c;onduc;t umplinQ or metetlng operetlonl Whlr9 • to ltW>IPOft w111-ttet lrOITI ootleallon -. lo 1 lf'lltmenl lt>Clll'l)I to. gHollne, kOtOHnff, naphlh•. oenaano. totuen1. rylene, .,,,.,., u-ha• MC\Jthy meuu1H In force. lh• u-thlll mike ~ (401 locill ... .,,,.. At•.,., •h•ll mean 1ny pub"c or prt11a11 alcohote, ketonH , 1ldehydH. pe•O•ld••· chlo11tH, perontorttH, 1trengemente tO that pweonnel ''°"' the ~ w4U bl ptWmltted to COtP«•llon duly euttto<u.d u~ thl ••-of ttt. S1111 of Calllor~ ta t>romet•. catl>klel, hydndel and tufflOee enter w1111ou1 oal1y tor the pu1poH ol p•r•ormtno their epec:lllc cOM11UC1 and/OI mllnl811'1 publlc _. 13) Mo11toue MIMfWa NoKIOU8 or m810doroue IOlldt, llquld• OI QllM. •eeponelbllnl• (41) MIMteMI-tN11 -keeping IM-Hnoe, -oyttonle. whletl, •lher tingly 01 by lnlWICtlon With other wlllM, 111 c;epeble of 7 4 7 8AMPLIN0 ANO EVALUATION PROGRAM -llClllUM or -ecie WOik• lllld 1fructU<M In utleflCIOfY W01111nQ UNtlng 1 public nulSMOI or l\Uard to Mii. "' 110 or mtty bl llllffldent to Upon Hllbll11>men1 by 01t111e1 of th• need lor • 81mp11no ena condltlOtl and good 1t1 .. ol rep11t. (lneludl"G t>ut not llmltld to pr_,llng pr1111nt Witty 1n10 • -'°' he mlln~ end 190Alr Ev.iueuon Proqr"''" pureuant to Sec11on 7 & 7 Of otherwlle. Ullf wlll bl .,.., obettuGtk>nll °' utrlnlOUI me1.,1o1t OI nowe lrOITI enl«lnQ Mid 141 lftlpf...-1J lhf • tt f OefiNel, Gert>IQO lhlt Ilea not'-' ground requwld to ll\ltlll Ind m11n111n • con1tol m.ihola 01 .-npttng ct\amt>et 18ClllU.., P<otectlng ..io llGIUllN from any 0811\IQI, llld klaplng 11m1 "'eotnmlnuted to IUCll 1 deQl'll tfi1t 111 pe11Jc111 wlll o. wiled ltllfY ln on etcll line ol dllcillfge to inoatur• eno Mmple ti. wut-•t• at the 1r11 trom di*'-Of matfllnGtlone). and miking i-v prO\lllloM and ~ under flow condltlone nonnllly Pf'l\lalllng 1n t114t publtc: -•· dllehv~·· eiq>enM p.,menent. •lllable monltOflng equipment lhlll bl llklnQ -6tY pt-1k>nll to 118Ur• tll1t uld -llCINllM w• at 1111 with no p.tnk:N grNt., than ~elf (~) 1n1;t1 In any dllnlt\lllOll lnetalled tor Ill Ntnpllf'IG Cflaml>«•. temporary Of POttabta equipment umoe cepeb61 of .. 11e1ac1orily pw10tmlna the ....io... and I09Quetely (61 ll•u•uDltw• W•tM. ~IC*)tl"9 ........ or leot~ of auoti hall~f• lhlil be INlallld IOf .it control meol>Olea Ftow _,_t et1111 bl dlllGl\lrolno '"" ""1ctlon• Ind l)fodUCl"G tile lloal roeulll and !>'lrpo8N Of conoen11111on 111•1 IM>y dO not comply with the limlt• fC*:llltd In TIU• rlCOl'dtd on • 24 hou<ld•y bllll• . ....,..., Oeyt ..... Ollotlt• ~ Mid 1ecll111i11 .,. Intended to pwform. dltcneroe 0t produce 17. CllePtet 6, &ubclhept• 4, Grouo 3, At1klle 5. 8ec;llon 302117 of the wtN b8 colleoted 11 llut one:. pw hou< In eecll 24 ttour period Ourtno the (42) ......., C111lrtbullnt lftdlllttJ" meene 1 dltc:llargw ol non-Cellfornla Admlnltl••tl"9 Cod•. Of wfllefl wtH °' may ceuM damege or Sempiing llld Evlluetlon Program OlttrlC1 pe<aonnel Wiii plclo up aolllatld dornMllc: wullWll., 10 1 pubilcly owned trNlmenl wori!• 11\81 (•I hu • llUll<I• 10 IM llW«IOI !lldllt• °' ptWtonnel oper1tltlg It'll system Hmp111 •••o 1n1 llow miter eno 1111u1lly tnepac:t the •r•t•m 11ow o1 50,000 oelk>n• °' more pw ·-• work d1y. 0t (b) hu • flow (81 lolld °' va.o-WllltM. 8olkl OI Ylacoue wutM wlllch wilt 01 m1y A~• ol tile COlllC1ed umptoe wlll bl done bY the Oletrlet and lhe 0,.,,., thin 5 petClfll 01 1111 "°"' carrled by tlll muntc;lpal eyttem cauM obllructlon 10 tile now In 1 -· OI othenll\M lnt-111'• with the dtlefl.,~ wlll bl badtcllarged lor Gottt lnCutred ther9'rom 8udl ~ ,_ivtng the wute, Of (Cl hu ln 111 wuta • 101dc: poltulMI In toxic proper oper111on ol th• w1tteweter 1r11tm1n1 •y•l•m. Prohibited wlM becom4I part of the c1>1rge IOI noo-c:ompllanc. Any Nlnc>ll obi.Intel amount• u defined In 11and11dl 18&Uld una.i 307(•) of the Federal Wat• millfllll Include. t>Ut .,, not llmlttd to. o•-· unoommlnuted g11bege. by OletrlCt pe<eonnel wlll be lflllt with company pettonnel If ltl9'f IO dellr$. Pollutlon Control Act. or tdl u lovnd by the loc.I -• lgln(;Y, the lftlmel out• °' lllNUll. pt41nch manure. bonle. hair, hldel Of n..ntnga. Ourlno pwlode of equipment brNkdown. mellunc:tlon or any othlr Reglonll Wiler Qulllty Control 8oerd or State Wet• AllourOlll Con1rol entrlll•. whOle blood. lelthlrl, ..ne.. clnde<•. Mnd. epenl time, atone or ,....,,,,, the lllgl'IMI value del .. muleO durlna the PIOQtltn wlll bl applied c1 ... I Charge IOf UM Boatd h .. • llonllklant lmP41Ct, 91thlf llngty °'In comblnellon with othlf marble dut1, metll. gleM, ttraw, ahllli"G•· or ... clipping•, rag•. epent to llCh oay no1 monitored CIUI II Chvge for UM conlrt~tlng lndU9tr .... on Ille trntment WOtl!t or upon Ille queffty bl tM Qfalnt, '911'11 hope., wute paper, wood, platlc. lar. uphall rlllldu., 7 4.8 OISCMAROE REPORTS ...,.,. Emlulon R11M -All• Oetlm\lrietlon atnuenl from 1"9 tr .. tment wor1c1. rlllduee from refining or proc:eeelng or lull or 1u1>11C1llna Oii, And llmllw Any uMr dltclltrOl"G or propoelng to Ol11Cll8t01 MWIQI Into the - 7 5 7 H8 CharQM tor Non-ComplilttOI 1431 MH• l"'IHlon llila •hill mHn th• weigh! 01 melerlel eub8i.ncM. eystem 111111 be r1<1ulre<1 10 1111 olecll•roe 1epot11 pi(lodleelty or 11 any O•maoe to l'i<:lllllN or tntwruPll.Jnt ol NOlm«I Oper1t1on dllOflllQld 10 1,,. -av-iem durlna 1 glv.i umo lnt9'V1I Unllll (7) lxOIMfft Dteoflew .. Rell. Wuttwllll't 11 1 now or contelrolng time requHl•d by Olttrlcl, Cl•H I Ol1cll1rgere 1ub)1CI to 1x11uno Special Enforcement end PenlltlM other#lle 'l)eQlllld. tile -emlaalon rite 11\111 "'"'1 pound• pw d•Y of eucri concentrlllOnl 0, quanutlll of po11u11n11 11111 exceed lo• any llmo c•teoorlc11 pr11r111men1 t11ndude end/or po1ant11lly •ubject to 78 7 8 I 782 7 ti 2., 7 ti 2 2 763 1 ti 4 7 65 7 7 78 70 7 10 1 11 7 12 Duty ol Enloniement 1 panlOular OOM1ttuent OI comblnlllon ol c;onelltuent• period IOnQlf 1ri111 11111111 ( 161 m1nut01 more 1n1n tl\le (~I time• tha cat41g01\CaJ pretrNtment 111nd1rdt all•ll 1Yl>mlt to OlttrlCt 1 r9')0(1 lor all Enloroemenl Pr6oedurM («) "lllJ" 11petmlNI..,.1-"Shall", (70) ) lvetlQI lw«tty-four (24) hour c;oncet'tlllllon, quanlltlM or flow durtna dlechtrge conttltuen11 tor wnlcl'I lederel cetegorlcel p111111tmenl ~ (45) Mlllgr-pw Lftlf 1111111 ,,_n 1 unit of IM c:onoentrlllon ol flOl'mll operellon t1end1td111de1 or po11n1l1lly •"let,•• Ille CUI msy be Unllll requlr9c:I at.ow c-....,... w•t• or wu1 .... 1ter eonttltuent 1111 0.001 o ol tlll oonellluent In 1,000 (8) Toldc tueei-. Ally 10111c eubttaoc.t In amount• exOMdl"G mor• lraquenlly by Ola111C1, aald rec>0t1 lhlll bl .ut>mltted ~ Ct\111 Action ml ol ,.,,., It hN rlpllced ,,,. unit IOfmerfy uMd commonly. pll'U Pl' HtablllJlllO llendard• and cllOml<:•I alernenl• or compound•. ,nenote 01 Dy June 30 end December 31 ol eacll ynr by C11u I Dlac:htrQIB COllt mllllon, 10 wtildl It I• llPl>fOxlmetely ICl"lv•tent In reportl"G !Ill rMUlt1 of other lul• or odOl-9f'oduc:lng tubtll/IQM."' Ill)' ollllr eub1lar\CIM wflioh tubj9cl to 1xltllf'IG tU11108tOt and annullly by 0.oembef 31 by Cl-I Otlllr PllWllM -•er and wu1aw1tw anelywi• .,1 not .u.cepllbll 10 1re11ment 01 wtlkll1 m•y 1n1wt111 with the blologlCal Dlecnaroer• potentlllly .ub)lc:t to Mid 1tanderd1 Thi diedlarlll report Felellylng lnlormetlon t481 Netw., e>vttot lhall ,.,...n lflY ou1111. lncludl"G 110tm _.and P<-or emotency ol 1ne 1tNlmenl 1yetem. or lhet wtll PAM through INll Include IUdl lnlormetlon u II fPICllled by the Manager, whleh "'IY Appelll eomblntd -over11ow9. Into 1 w11 .. courM pond, dlldl. Ilk• OI otllll' tll4t system Include Iha nelur• ol pr<><»N. votume. 111" ol llow, mue emlMlon rite, Publllhld Notice ot Honcomp4llnce body of -1-OI groundw1t• 101 Din ala red........_ W111M '#Ith obfec;tlon•bll colo< not remov•ble production quanllllM. h<>Ut1 ot operation. numblf and c:IMelflcallon ot w11-Of Pro'llllic>nt (47) Nltloftel ~ OtecNree lllmlnetlon •retem (NPOESI th811 by tile trNtment PfOC411 emotoYMe. Of othlf lnlormetlon wlllCh , .. , .. to thl ~a11on of wut• Loc:al Agency Exemption trom Cflltgee -the Federal pollution raout•llon eyatem •• delalled In Publlc l..lw ( 101 conoehr• WHt". Any w1111 'Which will c•uM cot10110n or 1nc1ud1no Hw•o• conemuentt •nd char1c11r1111c1 in tn• 11w10• Conflict 0:!·500. Section 402 Oltlflorlllon of the treetment aystem All wutee d1ect11109d to,,,. publlc OilCh••oe fne ManlQlf may •Ito requlr• 1nc:tu.ion ot QIMOU• materlets ~ 1 (481 ..._ C-tNct:lon thall mean any 1tructU<1 under con11ructlon -sy11em mu.I haw 1 pH vllUI In the range ol (8) to ( 111 •Wtdard etored on ,,,. .. , • .-i though the>y m•y not nor,,,.,..,. be dllc:hwged. Any UN Of' DtlTRICT ~a. f'ACIUTWI 10f which , connec:tlOn DIN!'ll hal not '-' IMU«I unlll Prohibited materlela. lnctud•. but 1111 not llmttld to. ICICie. tulftdee. u.. tubJICI to • ptet1 .. 1men1 11and1rd. tncall bl required to .ubmlt 10 r 1 GENERAL c.-01 NMm•I Dom .. 11c ...... •"-" mHn 811 nouHllold·lrpe c:onoentraled ctllor1de Ind nuorkll ~ndl 11w1 tuball/\Cee whlc:tt .ia the 01111'\C1 oonng tile month• ol June lllld a-T>blf . .,,.._ <IQUlired Tile provtalont Mllblllhed below thall pertain to Ill dleclllrQM 11110 OttcllergH from plecu ol 11um1n ll•b•tellon lncludlng H nllery rMC1 w1tn welll' 10 fOfm ICIOIC l)fOdUCtt more frequently. • r9')0(1 tndlcltlnQ the neture and conoentrlltlon ol 1111'1 Otstrlet -IOI collctlOn lldllty lllOI .. , ..... dl<lc:lly Of lndlnlC1ly con~. krtc:t>en lllO ltundty WUIM ~lllQI WlltM tllengtn (11) Arty .. ~ ltnOUllll Of OIOlnlc ~·compound• pollut.lnt1 In,,,. effluent wNc;ll .,. limited by the stendltd In edc:lltlon the 1~• _,..,...,., 10 ti. Oletnct • Rldamlllon Plant 1t1111 be eoneldereO to .,,..,eoe 200 mg/1 800 and 250 mg/1 Sulfllnded 1121 Airy_,., ldded IOI the pu<poee ol dllullno w111 .. whlcfl would report lfllll lnCludl • rllCOfO Of .,,..,age and P.-tlowl and ot el dally f>wa,11111 10 the authottty twcMded by Celitoml• Go¥9rnment Codi Solld• 1t • dlechltge rate of 100 gallon• pw capita ps day Thie loading olhlf'wlll 1110lld applicable mulmum conoentretton• !Iowa which dut1ng the reporllf'IG pwlod uOMdld the IVWIOI dally flow S«:tJon S.-130 and by otllll' ~ prcMllona of lew, Pf'0\1191oM.,. equat• too 17 poun01 ol 800 end o 21pound•olSuependtd8olldl pet (13) Airy -•• ptOhlblted by Federal or State 11111<111101 ltom being rec>Otted u Pll1 ol the eppllclt\on IOI lnduatnet wut.wetll' ~Ill midi in tNa documanl tor 1111 f9QU11Hon of wMt-1er dllollargea Into CIC)lt• pw day dl9ohlt0ed to the -eystl!1t Airy -required to tubmll petlOdlc Olechll'ge rlPOrt• 01 keep OU. C*trict'e tre1lment 9Y1llm In ordlt to comply wilt> Federal Md State of (50) Monnll W«tdnti Dey tllall mN11 lfll period of time dUrlng wtik:tl 7 .3.2 S'TORM WA TEA ~ undlf tile c;ondltlont of ltt petmll thell rltllln any reoordtl of Callfomla polldea and requlf-11 end to pennlt IN Olttrict 10 moet produc11on Ind/or operation I• takltlQ pl-Ground water, etr111drllnaQI.11<ibeurt-dr•lnlQI. loundatlon d,.,,., monllorl"G KiMllM Ind reeultl IOI tllr .. yMll, Ind .,1111 fNlll• 9'IClll ~ etlnderd• of 1'Ntmentt plant llflluent quallty. n-~Ind (511 ~• ~It 1h1ll me111n tile N1t1onll Pollutant Ollch••oe or yard drainage 11'1111 not be dlactt.,Oed dlrlc:lly or lnolrectty to tl1I recordtl 1Velllble tor lntpeetlon and Cl09'fl"G by the Reotonll Bolfd and Regullttone eetel>IWI quantity and quellty llmlt•ttone on Ill WMt.,..t• Ellmln•tlon Syatem permit tll•t •• •uue<S by the USEPA MttlnQ the Mmit• publle'• -·'The Dt8tr1Ct moy epproYe tlle tempcwary olacnarge ot llUGh Ille Ol•lflet Th" pe<lod ol retention 111111 bl .. tended dunnQ Ull cour11 dllehll'gea which m1y ldllwMly 1tt.ci the District'• -eoe oytllfM, on conetltuanll 1h1I lhe pwmtllM may legally di.ettarga TM llmll• are watll' only""'*' no ltlemeti.... methOd of dl~l I• reuon1bly 111.ilabll ol eny unroeot.,e<I ll11g111on ragardl"G ,,,. u-or 1114t Ol9trlct or ""'*' pr~. 0t elf'uent quality It II IM Intent ol thlll llmltlllont 10 tit In both oonoentr1tlon end quantity 11 1 T1!1tpOtlfY Pwmlt II grlflted '°' the olect>1tge ot eucll wlllf Into • reqUMted by the Reglon11 Board Improve the quellty ol wul.,.lllf being reoetYed fOI trtalment: an (52) pH alllll mNn the logarllhm ol Iha ,.1prou1 or 11141 quen111r or tributary-· the utor "'811 P•Y the 1P911e•otl chatQM IOI u .. Ind 1... Oltct\llrge Reporta Shell bl lllgned under peMlty of Plflu'Y by •duly lmpllclllon ol thla Intent II the Olatrlet'1 policy Of dlloour'eglng 111 lnclr-. hydrogen Ian• 1n rnotM P1f Mllf 01 IOlutton UNO 1n e.111><Mll"G bOlll acl<llty and lllall m.t tuCll ottte< condition• .. requl<ed by ,,,. Olttrk:t 11.1ttlorind r8')r_,tltl..,. ol ,,,. dlld'tltQlt With •"90flllb1Mty lor thl In the qU1ntlty (mMI 1!1t1Nk>n) of #Utl conat1tuent1 bllno dlec:hlfged. and alk811nlty on • ecale ranol"G lrom O 10 1• Wlllfe 1 repr-.te 7.3.3 SELF-REGENERATIVE WAlER SOFTENERS dlecherger a overall op11tt1on from which th• dlacll11ga orlgln11H Thi• ooeu'111f11 81eo PfOvldoe lor raoulellon ol Iha deQrM of wu•• neutrllllty, num.,.,• 1111 than 7 lncreU111g acidity. end more lllen 1 Any brine w•tt• dllCllaro• from an onell• Mll-regenlfallve w111< Record• alllll b8 kepi by thl olechar~ •• to lhe dlltM. tlmM. •uct pr•tr111ment r9e1ulrl<I. th• INu1nce of pe1mlt1 Including thoM for lnctMllng elklllnlty eon-unit la Pf'Ohlbltld, lnt1lll111on of eucll 0t1llt• lllf-rlQlfllfltlYe pl1e11. methOdt and reeultt 01 MCh lltnPle and lf\llyale Ind nemM of wutlWll., dlactl81'0I oonnecilona. end the Nl•blillmllnt ol penaltlM '°' (53) "'1alcal ...__,,, 111111 mean Ille expan .. on of • pl'l)'licll wetll' eott.,..., unit• within tile Oletrlcl le epec:ltlce.lty i><Ohlb«ed. However. pereone who 1CCOmplllhed tuCl1 Nlllploe and enllyw. vlol•llon oft'-Ru ... and Regutetlon• lldllty to Iner-cepaclty of 11141 lrHltnenl wort<• th• 0111rlcl may. on •n lndlv10u1I bHI•. epprov• IUCh unit• If th• 7 .. 9 PERMIT ... PPLICAllON PROCE.OURE Slnoe tlll Olltrlc:t II committed to • policy ol wutewetll' ret1ovatlon (~) rttt)'9loel Ob• otn--al\ell mean Ille m1t8'l11 delleklncy of • applicant.~. or cuttomer 0emon•tr1t• tllOI eucll brine wute wlll bl Appllclnll for Wut-•I• Oltcherge Pwmllt en.ti complete • Ol9trlet IN! r-In ordlt to proWHI 11'1 alternate eouroe of -•• eupply, 1M tunctlonll element ol a pilllt to 1 point lhet repaJr u flOl'mtl or PflYlrlll,.. dle<:harged Into 1 permanent laclllly olhet tllan • Olttrlct -11 eppllcetl0t1form1vlll1ble II the Oltlrlct'• office Thia appllcatlon lflall bl renovation Of wut.w••• lhtOUQtl eecond~ tlt1Lary 'WUlewetw melnt-'OI It not eott benlllt etlectl..,. approYe<I l>V lhfl o1um1>1no codll ol the cltlM ol lrvtne. Leguna BMcfl, llCCOtnPMled by tne llP9flcable , ... The Oietric:t rney require lddltlonll trNtment pr~ may ,,_if1t•-• I quality requ"-1651...,._doft l.,.,,...t lhlll mean 1 tll'm uMd 10 evtluet• the Newl>Ol1 Blach, Otanoe. S11nt• An•. Tuelln eoo tile County ol Orenge 01 lnlormlllon on tile cnarecter'letlea ol the w•t.,..111 dlad\lfoe b9yond on wUl-atet d~ ttlM thOll reQU!r by otllet go--1111 lmC>«iCt ol lf>dueltill °' othll' wu1• on 1 lrNlment W01lc1 OI ,,,..,.. One It• tuCOellOll. u m1y bl appllClbl• or H dNmed ju1tllled by tile ttiet required on Ille appllclllon lo<m Oeillled lnttruetlon• IOI Ob\.inlng • ~IO<Y ~ Poe>Ulallon equtvalent ol nom11l donllltlc -• la 100 gauon1 ol Oittrlc:t Clue 1 or Clau II Permit ere c:onlllnod In tile Ot1trlc:t'1 boolde1. 7 .~SPECIAL OEFINtrrONS MW8Q1 pe< day. or 0 t 7 pounda of 800 01 0 21 povndt of euap.nold 7 3 4 UNPOLLUTED WATER "lnatructlont IOI Obtaining I Penni! IOI lndultr111 Wutlwltll' Olec:tl¥ga Uni..~ cleilrted llll'lln terma rcll1ted lo-•• QUlllty llhlll tolldl The 1mp9c1on11r11tment WOfll• le evlluated u the equtvlleOI ot Unpolluled w11.,, wch u 11ngle-p111 cooling w•ler tt1111 not bl and the Utor Charge Stetemenl'' wNcfl can be obtained Ill the l*tl1Ct bl H adopted In tile letfft ldltlon of ltaftdard ... tllod1 fof t Ille hlQhNt of the lhrM patamet.,• Impact on 11tr1M1 I• tile hlO'* ol d•tchWOed through direct OI Indirect connec:tlOn 10 • publlC -Tile olflcl. (S.. E.icnlblt c-e l lllMftlnlUoft of W1t.r Md ..... ...,, publllhtd by the American the 800 and euependld IOllO• patameter• OlatrlC1 may ICIPf'OW the dlectlarge Of 11UGf1 _,., onty ""'*'no lltll'n.ttlw Upon r.oelpl of Ill requlrOCI lnl0<m1110n, the IC>C>lleatlon lhell be Publle Hlllth .Alac>catlon. lhl Atnlt1c#I Wet« WOtk• AllOcMlllon and (H) ,..,1111 .. 1 111111 me1n 1ny con1111 J•nt or oll•ract ... tette ol method of dlapoMI ta ~ evllllabll pr~ end, upon appl'O\lal, bl lllgneo by • 018trlet recw-tettw and Ille Wetll' Pollutlon Control Fldw1tlon (Mr41111 ~ lo u "St waat-atan on 'Wflld'I • dllc:Nl:Sll limllallon ""'Y bl lmPOMd clltllll' by lhe 7 3 5 SEPTIC T ANt< AHO CESSPOOt. W A8Tal one copy ... urned to the ~t Whll'l properly tloned. lhl ~ Method•") Th• t11t1n11 proc1dur1t for ••II• conetltuent1 en ~or ltll NgUlltory l>Odlll empoweoed to~· the Olstr1c:1 Otecfwlrgee ot eeplle benk OI ~ wUIM into IM public -°' lomi togllthlr wtth any doc\.tmenll •llached tlllrefo ltlal conet1tvt1 • c:hlrectartsUce lhll bl .. proYldld In 40 CFR 138. (Code of Fedlfaf 1sn ................. ......,. mMN ~t. kw lhe QUlllty Of dlfec:lty lnl.o the traetmen1 plltll llCillt ... I• prOhlbltld Yllld Wlltewal• Olecher111 Permit Wllll'• the d*='-~ beoomM -Rlgulatlone Tltle 40. Protec:llon of Envlt_,t; Chic»• I United St11 wutewetlB lrom eouroae ti.t01• lnlrOduCUon of a.ch WM1-tert Into 7.3 II 1EMPERATUR£ 11111 ,.....,.,,, lect• -• Oll'lltt.O or lnCOfrect lntormfllon-llUbmftted In Etwlronmentll Protection Agttrtcf (US EPA); Plf1 138, Tiit Prooeclurel' the local -· IYl1lm No perlOf\ .... dltCNlrgl WUtlWllW wllll • llf'l'9WtlUfl nlgtllt thltl the 8')pllcaUon. the lect• OI CO<rlc:lld lnlOfmetlon .,... bl protnptl) '"-~of Pollutllnlll. or• fPIClfled hlrlln Otlllr terma not llll"lln (5e) ~ .... llhell -• -wNcf\ ie not owned Dy thl 140 dlgr .. f (80 o.g,_ CJ H111 1n dl9ctlarged wutewaler thell not eubmltted to the Olstnct Oefltlld are defined II bcllnO lhl -II 114 forth In IN lftteml...... Olatnct ~ the tlm4)er1tur1 o1 WU11W1t• entering 1111 hMdwor1tl of any 7 .-10 PERMrT CONDITIONS Con ... •-Ii Wle ~ UN9w"lft Wle C.O.. t078 E.dltlon (591 ~ ~ ltllll -any City, l*tttc1. °' ottllt public: body w111 ... 1., tf9Stment p11111 10 o•c.00 t<M dl(lt-F (40 cSegtw C J w111-a11r Olach1ro• Permit• en111 bl uprH•IY tubJe<:t to •II TM Wtml herlineft• Mt for1h unilM otherwtM epedflld lhal dAJtt Dfgan&zed under lhe 11wa ol tlll State of <:altomte. 131 POINT OF DISCHARGE P<ovtetonl ol 1'-RulM and Reguletl<>nl lo<! Ill OlhW reguUlttons. - the totlowlng mMINnQI wtten uatd Int'-""°' Ind regullttons or (80) l"wetG ....., .,,.. -a -owned and ()pirated by the No pereon. e•cludlng Dltlrl<:t pereonnel lnvOl"ld 1n melntenance Char~• Ind 1-.. 1ablt9tled by IM Olatrlci P9rmlt• rTllY contain the pem1b or ordln ..._, punuent hereto Olatnct, a City °' othll 1oc11 -Ina IQl'\CY. wlllell I• 1r11>u11ry to lunctlOnl OI -'8dllt .... .,,.. dlldllrge 1111y _t., or ""81t-1er lollowlng: • I tl a ,....., Ow1llft ~ (900) thlll _, the quantity of trMtment lldlltlM operated t>y Ille Oielrlc:1 dlrectty Into 1 meMOle or oUllt oe>enlng 1n • -otlllr 1t1111 through an ( t) TM unit c;11erge °' tcflldute or u-c:tllrON end '-llltld In ""' ox)'Oef\ utlllzed In the bloloQlc•I oxidation of 0<ganlc: m•lter under (8t) ,........ lutaeft lhell mNll • et1tJon poelllOMd In • -8PC>foYe<I building-· un1111 upon wrtttW11P91'C1tton by ltll -and 1r11C11 tot the -aoe •o be dlecharOed stlndltd llb0f1tono llRIOldur• In llYe 151 de\19 at .._ty 1201 degr-ey91em 11 wt'6dl ..,..,_,. II pumped to 1 tMgllll' ...._. payment of tM eppkeb61 cn.roee fOf UM and •-(2) The • ..,.,.. and maximum -• Gontltuenl• and Chlrectll'llllea Ceri119teae •XI>'-In lorm8 of mw Pl" volume (mg/1). • (62) .......... AMINttletOt 11\111 -the Reglonel AdmlnllllltOf 7.3.11 WASTEWATER STRENOfH LIMITATIONS whlc:n may be dlecNlrOed Into I,,. Oletrlct -l)'lltem. (:fl Wie ~ -&enH.-y 911 .. ,,_, that pert ol the 1owwt of R1Q1ot1 O{ of lhe US EPA No pereon.,,.. dlldllrlll wut_.., contllnl"G eul>ltanoM In·~ (3) Limit• on rel• ano 11me 01 01ect11rge 0t 11Qu1r-•• 10< 11ow horlzont.i piping of 1 drainage tyttem whlc:ll reoelvM a111lt1ty 0< (63) ......... a..'d 11\111 ,,_, the Celllomll Al(llonet Wll• Ouellty 01 tile quant"lll lltted In EJOl!Ott C-t 10 ''-RulM and Regullttone 1••10n• and IQuallullon. lndu.tnel ~ly, lnaklt Iha w• of 1 ~ Ind C011"9Y8 11 to the ContrOI Boen!, ~ An• Region enthlld "Ollc:hwga Uml1a". OI othlf rnatltWI. lndudlf'IG. but not lltnlttd RequlrlfTllfttl fOI lnlteltetton Of lnl()ICllon and ~ r.om119; bYlldlng -tlv .. (3) felt ouDldl the tuka'IG ..a. (U) ...,.._,..., A9 ... cl•1 eta thoH public ao•n11l1t leg•lly to. emmont•. ~ 011Y119n oamend (8001. c.llemleal ~ PrlllMtmenl rlQl.ll•-••. (3) ~ -ltenft t111U tMen th•t pen of the '-' oonetltued 1n the 8W1• Of C11ttorn11 10 PfOllCI the public hllltll Ind wtt• o.m.nd. totll organic carbon. ~ tolld•. o11 01 or-Of lnlmll (II) Speolflcatlon1 IOI monllorlng P<o0r1rne wNch may Include sampllng hOttt.ontal piping of 1 drlllnlgl ..,.1em wtlldl ,.,.._ atormw1t• or other quellty, llUClfl • thl State Hlllth 08'>1t1ment, the Callfomla Rlglonll or Ylgltlbll ongln, lot.II dlalofYed 90lldl. llld pllenOllc c:ompouncl• In locltlona. lrequoncy and method of ••mpllng. number. type• and deerwatw dilchlf'OI, bu1 no _,_., from IOU and other ~ W1ter Qulllty BowO Ind Clfange County HMlth Oepat1ment. Qt•antlt• ttwat ~ c:eu .. °'are found to cetAl9 P<Oblemt In Ille -age 1tlndlf'da tDf IMll Ind r8j)Ol'llng tchldull. plpee lnllde the Wille ot • bUlldlng and COfn'IYI It ta the bulldlnQ -(116) ._....Md l•lllult1ton ......,'"' thlll -ti. determination lflCllltlM. Thia llmltallon ehlll 1110 pertain to the tollowlng Ofpanlc: 17) ~lrement• lor eubml11lon of leehnlcll report• or dleoharoe l>IOlnnlnO lhrN ~=· outlidl IM building .... of -.,...,,,, of conltltvent• or Other condition• IPIClfled In ltll c 0"' p 0 u n 0. . 0 0 T ( d I c ll I 0 r 0 d Ip II• n., I. I ... y I 1 n.). tf D a rec>Orl•; (4) .... lllwel -........,, t11t11 ,_. • -pipe rec:eMng now _., permit. (dlchlorodlphenyldle:NOrOll'-1. Aldr1n, ~ HexacnlorWll ,....,.., (8) Aequlrementt IOf melnlllnlna plant record• rel•ll"O to -• from a llngle butldlng end oonnectlnQ to• -main or lllltll, Ind (Ml ......... c........_ lhlll ,.,_,,In Dfdet 10 Pf'O\llde I01 IOCUr8t• bit• and pnme laomlrl), CNord-. Endrtn. Heptacntor. Ollidfln, and ~~ • lf)ldfled by the ManlQOl, Ind 1lf0<dlt\Q Ille Mll\IQll' eoow oone1rvc:ted on pr1v111 Pf'oper1y, exoec>I for •lrwl aoallnQ. The maximum llfnpllng and ..-remant ol lnduatrtel WlllM a.ct> lndultl'lll plent mey 8'• (~lorlnllld blphanyl1 Aroclorl 1221. 12211. 1232. 12.-2. 121!.4. ttweto; length of• bulldlf'IG -al\ell preferably bl 120 n and ahlll not ex be required to provide, on lnduetrl•I wute outlet -· "mpllng l280 Md 12e2) (9) Meir! lllld maximum m.., emlNlon 11111. or ottllf 8PC>foprietl Hmlt1 150 n If the length le exCMdeCS . .,.. lnlermedlltl manhole .,... bl bull A dlarnbll 10 be IOClted OU!lkle or ,,.., 1t1 plant bOundary llnl wner.. No -ahall dlechlrOI ...._.,., with an lnoHment In 1.11-of lhe whlft Incompatible pollutantt 111 propoMCI °' prlllht In Ille .,..,., menhole thal bl lnetlllld _., 160 n When the bulldltlQ -connect• IMlll>le ll lnelcM ,,,. plant '9nce. there tllell bl t get• ,,_ the ~"G quanlltlel lated In Exhibit C-4 to ''-~ and Rlgullttont. "FM IOf -· dlldlergo; to•-l•terll ol 1 eti.1 no! larger then theme of tile-·• manhoMI chamber Wltll •key lvmlthed to ttt. OlatrlC1 Tlllre ehall bl ampi. room In ~I Non-Com9'1anoe With P9tmlt Condhlont 111e1 Mw &Nellon {tO) A lime~ tor~ Olf111n J><ltreetment ~11; etlel bl bullt II IM point of connection 0t ,,.., each umpllng cllamber In Otdlf lo eocuretety ...,,pie and Rat•"· Thi Inclement a11111 bl 1111 dllf9rtnoe ~ thl monthly (11) OUllt condition• u apprapri1t1 by the Mll\IQll' to lnlute (5) _.... ._.. -.....,,. 91111 -the extene6on from Iha comPQllt• the ~ lor en•IYM hell 11mp11ng ~bet 911111 oontlln 1.,.,. lndultrtli conalttuant dteet111ge and the llVIM Alndl Wal• cornpllenoe with 1NI lf11de tllllldlno drllln to tM putJllc: -Of other .,._ Of d~ ""'*" 1 PllWNll llulnl. P.,,.,-8owlua flume. or lllmllll' o.ttoe. Wlltl I -ding 011Q1ct PoU11J6t ftt• auppty oonamuent mon1Hy _,. COiWWWtl11llon 7 .-'1 DURATION OF PERMITS OOl'llf9YI ttomiwatlf OI other dlltwlter clfWnlOe. but no eanltery or end IOtlling rl(lllter IOf _,of tll4t llquld quantity 1 . .-WA$TEWAT£A OISCHAAOE PERMrTS · Permlll .,._.. b8 lllued IOI a ~tied 1""41 period, not lo exOlld lour lndultrill MW9QI C8n ......, ....,. ....ii _, • -wt11e:11 CMr1M 1M1U1ty end 7 ..-. 1 OEHEAAL ~ 11 the -11 not not1flld by ,,.. D111r1et llllrty daY9 p00r to tt11 (II) CIMorftll WIW Dtltftct A.et thlll ,_the llw of Iha Slat• ol lnduttrlll---. lllld to wflldl "orm. eurt-and groundwater -not '"l>Odltlon 1o Diet~ connection Chergll requlf.0 by 1'-AulM Ind expiration of the petml1 tM permit thall bl IX1,,.oed one 9ddltlonll ~· Clllfoml1 11111 governa the formation of Celtlomll Wal• Oletrtcta end tntentlonllfy edmltt.O Algulatlona, 11 ~ 9'QnlflGlf'll ~ i><opoeing 10 oonnect to or TM terme lllld condition• o4 me penntt m-v bl eubjecl to modmc.ttoM ~ prc>oeOur• and ~ of llUCh °'81t1CU (881 ...... ahOll _, tlle combinltlon of the Uquld and wetw dl9ChlltS111ntO 1t11 -eystem mul( nm obi.In 1 Wut-'9r Dllc:INfge and chlnQI by the M1111-oer durlnQ lhe llfl ot tile pennll .. llmllltlOna or In C--.. OJ:'9l'I o-..nd (COD) ltl.il ,_ the quantity of Clf'1'tld WMIM lrom reekllf!Oet, convnerelll bulldinge, lndvltt1al p&lnll Permit. Al m-.or etgo~ lndullt1ll OOIW-1ed 10 or dllcharglng Into NQUlrlmlntl -modified and dllnQld Thi -thall bl lnlon'Md of Ollygen utilized to cllemlc1lly oacompoM mllerl•I In wHt•w•ter lllld 1ntllt1100nl (lndudlng POiiuted COOiing wet., 11\d unlnlentlonllly thl -lyatem on the .nee.,... del• o1 a.ctton 7 of u-,_,...and ,,,.,., propoMO cf\lll09I In ,. permit 11.t *" thirty dlyl pttor to tM -iw Ill I~ In Wml ol -pw vOlunll (mg/ 1) admitted lnllltratlon/lnflow). Regul1tlona mull obllln a Watt-I• Olec:Nrge Permit Wlll*i ,..,, en.ctl¥I del• of Change Arty Clllngl OI -condttlonl In ttll permll ..... (II) Collfof'lll lhlll ,,_ any numtMr of orgename common to lhl A. 8lnltMy S-. ltlell -lhl combinlllon of llquld end Wiier· dlyl of ~ dell Ho -* right lhflll be dlltMd ~ by ...,.,_ of lnClude • r_,.bll time Khldula tor compl~ lnM8tlnll tract of man and.,...,,.. 'WtlOM P'..-.cl In IMIUlty MW9G" 11 c:auted wutaa dlach1rgH lrom totlet and other Mnlt•ry"l>lumblng '*""" ptcMdld IOI 1n lflie ~I TM ....,_ of • WU!_.., 7_4, 1:1 TAANSA;R Of A PERMIT .,, lndleel<lf ol ~ laOllllll Ollcllllve Petmtt cSoM not .,,hot'IM Iha ~ of 11"1 act ~ Wlltewel9f ~ Pennlta -IMued to • ~ opereaon. A (tJ Calullilol1 a-., .. w • --'-pr1rnlry ~ 19 8 lnc:IU8trtll s-age ltl,. _, • comblnltlOn of ltQIM et>d _,.,. lrljury to the i--or property of lllt04tler nor ptOWCt VII ~ W~• OllCfleirge Pormlt tllell not bl tMMlgnld or tr~ 01 to~~-"°"' lndMdull point eouroe dillClllrOll-1:1rrled wNtea. d lacherged from lftY lnduetrl1I ea11blltllmeril end trom ~ty under Fldltal Stat• OI local ••-· ""' gu11.rant11 ttt. eold 10 a,_ own.,,_ ueer. Cll1letent ~. 0t •,_or~ ( 101 C•mltlned ••••o• 1h1ll mHn • combination of b oth reeu1t1ng from lf'Y trade or pr-can1ed on In lhlt •t•bhhmlnt (Ihle dllcfllrOlf 1 OllPlldtY t1Qflt 1n the -eyetem oper1tlon In the -i of 8ffY e;flanQe tn the-· owiierlhop Of oontro1 ..._._Ind llomi OI _,_ -tw llhlll lnciude tM wut• l'tom P"llte•tmerit laclllt ... Ind pol!Utld OOOllnQ 1 . .-.2 T'\'P£I 01 PEAMilS ot 1111 dl~I opw1tlon, thl dllchlfVW Wlel eo notify the Oletfic:t (It)~...,_.,... -• -Intended to r1011ve bolh water). Thi w.....,..., Olad'llltge Permit lhlll be In one of lh<M lonnt Ind II Thi Oiltrlel mey requlr1 the,_ ownw 01 operllOI to eubmlt • ,_ WllltlWllter end atorm or _,_ wat• c. Combined ~ "*' -wutM lndudlng unitary -aoe. dl9llldlnt upon the ""*""' and Chal'ICl•..UC. of •Mtewetw to bl permit IPC)lleatlon (12) c-+& .... Wlfl4 ltlll -800, ~ llOlldt. pH, lnduttrlll MWege, etonnweter. lnflllrlllon and lnftow carried to the dlldl.-Qld. The tiw. WMtlWllll' Oltch¥111 P9rmllt are. ~ 4 13 P~~MIT RENEWAL OR MOOIACATION OOllform baotw\e, and IUGfl 80dlttonll pollutenta 11 .,. now or may bl In wut.,..tll' treelment fldllt• by 1 combined -i11 04-1 Pem\11, An lnduetrtel dlldlwger thell 1111 1 ,_ application with 1111 Ol9lttct 88 the future 1pecllled •nd c;ontrotlld by Ille Dlttrlet't petmll, 101 11• (118) ...,_ llflall -1 pipe or conduit ttl•t cani.. WllflW•t• Of 2l a.. 11 Pemilt, dlYI pt10r to lhe ettp4rltlon of lt1 llCllt\ng -'• dlechwvl permit. Ol ltll weetowatOt treetment WOl'KI M .o wot'k• 1111 blltl deliQned Md 11 drllnegl watll' 3 T-wv Permit lmplemlntellon of ch111oe• In th• oporatlon ol 1 dfecflerver whle'I opl('lled to,__ Of -IUGfl pollutantt (10) _,....,,le mandatory, (See "May",(«)) .4.:1. t Cl .. 1 I rtermlt, All CIHt I u-• propoalng lo dlachOtQI 1nCtMM llOw9 bl)'ofld thOI apeoilled In !hi lxletWlg permit Of -• (13) COftllNOtleft Dr1ll1 .. 1 •11•11 meen w1ter •ccumuletld In (71) IM••d•d ~ thell m11n gerbege thll h•• '-' llhteddiod n10 1 publlc ••••r mutl obi tin 1 Wuteweter Ol1oherg1 llQnlflcanl chlnge In lhe neture ol the wut-ter or IOoltlon of ttlb 111c1v1t1on1; ..,1111 llkan lrom the ground thr~gll I ••II-point, to t<JCt1 1 dlgrw thel all P4111lcle1 Wiii be Glf'rlld ltMfY under ttll llOw Permit befote dl1ch1rglng lnlo 1 publlc 11W1r. All e•llllng Clan oleCMrge, or wlildl oNllQM may r..ult In ~ wttll tltlll undlrdrlln Of other ~Wing 9Y1tem; Wtltll ICClUITIUlaWd 11 • ~ ol condlttonl normetty pi..,.,llng In publlc: -•· with no partk:N QtMtw I _. oonnec:tlllO to °' dleottargjng Into 1 public -mutt ~lln • rut•• 1nd regulallona. A new appllc1tlon 111111 llto be required to andlnG; end .. ott. drelnlgo lllOO!a1ed Witt! oonetrvctlon C>Pll'lllon. ttlan ~ lnGh ( t.26) oentlm8'.,•) In wry dlnllnliOn W~w C*d\11fV9 Permit by thl ~1119 dato Of SeotlOfl 7 of !'-l'Mttlblllh ..-r ~ lollowfnO _,,,Ion ol I permit. -(t4) C•lnf ......... 9'1111 -• etl'VCtWe IP«Ml'Y oonetNc1ed IOf (721 llllt 911111 m1111 any~ of water OI wutlWlltw whlctl In Algulettont. '°" pur~ of tr-Ru1M lllld ~tlOnl. 1 C1M1 I -7.4.14 PRET!llEATMENl me PllfJ'OM of meuwtno llOw lrtd Ntnpllng ol thl WMia. conoentratlon o1 llf)' Ol'*I oooatltutnl °' In ""I quantity of flow w111ot1 11 _, _ wtto; (1) H11 a dllchargl 11ow of eo.OiOO OlllOt'I or rnoni pw u-w thlllt !Mk• MW9QI llQOIPtat>le ""* lllCfl llmltAlttont 11 _may lie (15) Die 11111....me lhlll -paroalt of WWI on wNdl dwllllnO IXOMClt tor fir/ period of durlllon tonger 111111 flltMn ( 15) mlnut• mor• nonna1 wortllr>G d!IY (Ot 12 mtlffon glllloM °' mot'I pet ...-: "' (2) Mlabllllhed ....,_, ~ ~ to"'-......, .-n. Alt)' ftlllll!ll'll unfit. oom11•clal Of lnOuWtll bulldlnQa, Of Ofhlr trnp<ovwnent. -bullf: 1t1en tlYI (5) ttm. lhe lllowllble oonoentt1tlon « llowe during • llOflNll Oi90lllrlJet _._.. "'It hll • 1trenoth llgnfftcantly ('°'4> ON9W VIM reqtinct to pretrMI ....,. to • r.W1 ~bll to lhe DeatrtDt lfllll .,. ( 18) DtNller9•r 111111 mHn any lndlvldu11, firm, ::c:ny, ~day (l o 1, 2 Of 3 lhlft op1tlltl0n). ~ -ecie (dOmettlc ...,..IOI w111beOOll4lldlt9d10 ~ • 900 provided and mtl1111l11•d 11 th• u11r'1 11tplnM. 0.l•lllCI pl1111, lllOClatlon. aoollty, OOlporltkln . .111 group dlec:herQlno. or Pf to (T ataMerd ~ Cl1111lllclfl 1R (SIC) lhlll -I 1)'11111'11 of Of 200 l'llQl 1 end IU•P•ndod 101rd1 of 260 mg/I; (S) Olecll•f'11H ~tlonl end oll'llt pert!Mnl d1ta ~-·-·••M ·~ ~ 9lt'f net-• Into thl pub41c ......, o..d ~ • -.. ldtntllltd In thl 11172 SIC manull or 111~1 ~ wt11et1 may ..oeecs 1111 ptretl'lltlB u llP9Cdfled In Section end °'*~ Pfooedurel .nMt flrll bl to IN ~ '°' with tfll term "v-" lddttlon 11 '"'*Id by lht Olb Of Menao-11 and BudglC. 1.6.•; (4) 11 eut>teot °' potentially tubflet to • ledewll ~reetment 1'9'11fw. ond lflllll be 8PC>f0\l9d by"'-Manager bib-.~ ol fll ( 11) DtMahM ..... thlll w ttwlt oonoentTstton of mttllt In the (74) ~ ......... ~ m111t1 tM leborllOfY prooeclufw _. etendwd .-V TNM p1M1 lhalf be oertlfled l>y Ill~ Of 1911PO'ialtltl ofllW -. cor.eialtng of oollodlll '*1loulat• mettw -micron In~ '°""In thl ...... ednlon. It Utt time Of .,..11y111, Of "8tandlllid ~ 7.U 2 °""'I .......... A Ct-" permfl ~be requhd tor lndUlb1llt INI ttlly ..... ,,_. tM pretreltmlM r~ Tiii ,...... ol .... Of .... and bOtt1 Ot01"iC and lnOtO"'* rnollOLllll Ind lone ~ In tor lfll Eum1nat1on of W•._ Ind W•i.nttt" Pf'IPlll'ld and pUblllhld _, oom1neni611 ~• wN1 -not ~ 10 0011in 1 C1w I pwmlt. pjlnl llf'° OCW,ooedllrW .. In llO .,_., ,...,.. the tw from ._ dllon. jo611tly by the Nnenc.1n Public HMl\11 MIOCletion, lhl ~Wal• T.4.2,3 TIMlllf•J Pwlllft.. A penn1t lhell Ill reqult'ed of .. ~ r~of lllllWlflltyMnlCllll''YlO~lll'I ....... ' (18) CMlllltlC Ca"''°"°" c...,.. 91111 -.... ~ bY the Woni. Meooillkln and thl Wit• Pollution COlltrol Fldtt•tlOll, and 40 granted ·~ ptrll'IMlan by ..... DllVtcl IO ~ unpolkMd --.>table to IM Otlt under~· Of ltlle wtton. Nft ~ • ~ tor CIDCMllCUng dlrlct~ '° ' publlc -Ot to I -whldl CFA Part 138, '· 4 and a. ltltd/Ot othw recognll9d ptooedutlt by U8EPA .... "°"" ~ lftd ~ --~ Ot ~ '° tM °'*'Oii in .,. pret...wnenl ....... Of MldlOcl ,,. oC*'llllOll ... bit vltlmlt4IY ~gee Into ttie Dtlcl1ct ..-age lacllty Ind Cllltomll AilOiOncll w.., OUllty Control loeMI pubUo -Thie ~llY pennn 11 ,_-malt)' 11r.,,1td ~ f\O ~to lltld be ICIPIO'led by tlll Meneoer bifOf-. lmPleftt=111t• .. (ti).,...,..... ....... ,_... "'911 -""Y PfOC*1Y bllonQlno 17&1 ltoml .... .._It*'"*" II_.. dlrlCt~ detMd l't'OM ,.,.,,.._ 1ft1meW tMlflod of dllCIOMI 11~1¥'11a.bt9. cNftOal. 8uoll epptO\'tt ~ not llMmPI tfle ~from IPMllOt ~ to Ill Deltrtce 1-.d In the lrwl1ment. reallmllton. ,.,.., tr~. or wtrlCh hll noc belt\ "'llMd In dol'N9llc, llCJflcUlturll. inou.trlal or Other f 4 ' MONtTOAi..a wlttl f6Y)' ~ oode. Otdlnlnol. Ml. ~ OI' Otdtt llf ~ • ~of •••Ill'. t.ieflclll uee ~of I po4Mton ~pt..,.,.~ I --.nt flow of NOMiCl'Y IOll\Cr flt ~1111 ~. (10) OW-. Ulllt ~ w one or more hlblt..,_ room1 wtl6cfl trt (78) au1111--..... (M) 9t1111,.....,, thl IOlldl llllt eltlw no.t '° ~ on lhe ~and ~ of dlecNIOll Into 1M -7 ( t6 PAOfl<mOH 'AOM ACCUHTAl. DllCHAW ... ~or dlelgnld IO .. ~ by -fwnlly wtth fldltlM lor llvtng. the _._ Of -IVll*ldld In ...,., ___ ,., Of othef lqulde ltld ~ "" monltomg of ...,,.. ~ ..... ThlM llCfl UMf •hilt provide PfOllCtlon "°"' ~ ~ ~ end COC*lno Whleh 11e removable from MIO llqulcl lhfOUQll t1111d11d l•bof•tOfY --~ ~ With o. end ~· of ~ohlblltd ~'"'* or othw -.t .. tlfllletld by '"-"'*-*" (ii 1) I I I IT 111t '11111 ,.,..., Ill ecqulted llgM right fOf IN epeclflc: ~ flfltetlon Of'OOldutl, lllO•Hll) dltcfltrtl tepOftl 11 1'9QUtred, end d9tlmllnltlori OI llMt Np •ltent, llliClh l'ecllllta9 lfMll M ~ Md ill ..... _, • .. ~I '(• of llild owned by oct.e Cm 'T"""llOlllJ UMf e}id mean llf)' dlecftWt" llf\o It 9r1nftd" ofWV1 .... TMni .,. ..-W mocfeeTof I n\OUlf°""IQ ptOtNlll. _.. ~ OMllllCt plWll ftM'D ....... Md .......,. Pfl IE ..... W t22) -• t.u.ty redlrMcl wt\lf dledietoe "°"' tN IMnl Rend\ temporary pt1mlu011 by IN Dlllrtat to 09cMr~ ~ .,,.., ttorm MGNtoftnt. ~I Nia bele.11111 pro'ftdae ._ }'tt!W!' ~ ~ ttlil SWOt••llOn INll bl~ to tltt _.,...,for,....,• w• o.. ~ llltnl. ~or~ ...,., to t1tt O.tnot'• -. r~• tot ClllloUldon Of...,~ Titlt ~ .. 11 '*'°'""""by .. ....,, ~ 1t1 ~bf IN Mlftlllll'.,.,,. • ...,_.., ot 1111._.,,,,... • (d) .......... DI ... w ol. l.i °' ~ lrl I pftyelcW lllJltil lllCll (11) T.-. °'9ll"tll ~ (TOC) IMll nw thl ,,_,,.. Of tOtll ICfllltl lled --lltoMG • 1 ..,llllMllG ~ n lr9' ula.1 _.,., ot ~ of llldl =end M*'91itlo ~ .. In flO ... ,...... .. \ ..., II .. = ~ tJIMty from ........., by I~ In • ~ «Oii* a.r1>0n In ~ Ot otn. _._.., • dllennlned by ii. all 1nd1111r111 oontrfbulor• 10 tll• ..,,.,="" In ...,..._ 1 ~ tl"OITI tN ~. ot modlf~11H,,. ~ • 1 l » • ~ t11C11 _,~by the IMne Alndl Wltlt Diii~ eppropttete 1.-lna proeedufe. pt~ IClhedUte. ~ 9',tn ,.. 9 a ,....... eoot ~ ... pr-1 Ill II I to ...... iM........,.. of M ....... ~ (14)....., etlll INlll tfll .. lrldudld wttNrt ttll MfOUftdlng · (19) T..., .... ftlll mtM ttll wm Of~ Ind dll9cJl\OIO ~ o1lllW1I10 --11111 permit~ o.nw ~" ot""' other '"*anea OCMll, Oh,.,.._ Ml.~•...., o1-. ----of • blMilllt Of '°"'°" lflweof, lltdlllM of ftmpe, doeltla, eoMclt oonduotlfl-'*' tOfM ~ of tftl ~ ........ n. ~.. ,.,,ietOtY llglllCJ ., ICMfM*\tll IUtl!Orlty. A. . ~ _,. tN1'11 end cour11. The--.,... of a bulldlno. Of portJc)n tMnlol. llOC (IOI Ttlldo A...-. 111111 rnetrt oonotntrttlon Of tl'rJ PoQutant or '*"°"" ~. ""~ ind ~ ~ 10 ..,.,,. U . 11 ~OUM '°" MXllOIHT Al. OltCHAMI ~ .... ~ lllMtlot Wllll lllel bl ... \111111111.,... ~ comblMttol\ of~..,...,. llf*I ...,_..to Ot atllmfletlorl IMO elf)' ocwrt*l!Oa wttti N ~of .... ,_,...Ind -llltoN. 11\f r.-. In VII..,.,. IM~ le ~ 10 OOtftOf'f ... .., of fie ...... ' IN........., ,...,...w. of tw roof or llO« eb<M. otQ(lnlltn _. _,.. ..._... etleclt•. IUdl 11 oenoer, oenetto mutlUone ~ rtOOi1&. 001ICllt1ont u to • ~of rs:..,.,..,. "'°"rm JdtPF• . (JS) .......... ~ w o -!ft._ ........ II Olfflld Md ~~lone. M dlfll'!ld In 91111'1dlMt-*' Pld*ll 7.U Ill,~ _.... ..., flliNn .,.,_ Oil ... of ... ...... ... ~ p!!lllUI'! ' to hDtlon aGf 4111.':'ni::'°°' . UW1,....... ID aOtt*1 a (Miil l '*""' 111't11 11t ....,_ • ....... t OWtol bt "' JIM)c .. • IOOfl • Ill • .... ._. -· fll ii ... l cnJ ~I A -11 INll mMn Ill tltllSlf4MIM!1I _,~!ft (It) ,,....,., a .,.._ llf\llll rMtfl eny ...... .....,,. •t••ll011tltU1f'9 INI rtDOfttN1 ~·De ""'*'°' .. , ..... ..._.. INlldW4. Cot•1•111Cto11 of 11111 MllltellltlOn eMll lllf ..... '5 ...... ~ =-:.r:=-.:..:.~-==-~,;=i:...~~::= ==.~~· .. ~~~=r.:= "'t.~-=~-'=•°"llflh~~f!IM!; :=:.::....-,,,::r.r.::~1i~~~-I -...... lt .. OilJ!Mllt ·toM~•a ..... 8',.,_..• .. 00ll 1100"'119111....... ~,,_~of-.....,_.~,_._... ......................... _. .......... ~ ......,...._ a:iJ....,.,...~ ...... to.._,noOOMtlMnf• ~ ...,., .. ...,............. ...... ' Cff)P• Wrnst• ' 1ru-.. ..... 1Mprow•1 ... .,o1. 111111 ~~,,,~~· 1 ,.,.,...to...,. .. _.,F.$,.. .. _. .... Nt =:---::;:::t••• .. ._.._.. ' "'"' ... ,.., ....,.. et~~ ":-oc•~' ~': ...., ~ 11111 Ind , llrm. oc.wnpel'flf, • .,....._., 4.Tlw~n._of .,,..... au •·---"'= --."' .. __ .......... :a:=:!'C"w':.=..ee .......... ....,_ IMW fH todlly,iotporllleoi1,0t~~.Ot~IO~lllY t;,,,. ............ .. ... tt~llftllli ··-..... = ·~ .. ......._ ... ~ &~ .. == .......... ,,.,.. ... ...,.....,,, ~··· -·~ ... ~ *""' Uitcf~t) ~ .. """ OIJWl'• ~~ ..... -.. ,:.,.-.::_: .-. =-= .. ~~:-..::,~--~ ..... ·? ------=.;..-:::..-.................... 3~-==-=~~t.-:.c::.•.: !..~=~~·~~:-·-..,.. ~---,,. ' :Sm= ... ,,.,.~~ •llMllllON~....,..,._.,.,.._,......,.. 1111':1 .. ~.,.. .. -.....,:.~."': AMrttt,., .. ._..,., ....... .., ... ..,...""' • .......... 11 ........ --.............. . , •• , .......... iil.,eaft ......... ~..,;111fl•llatlllf+.-·'·=-... -.........ti: ........................ ,, .. ,...,..., .. ?! ..... .......-,... ....... ,., laatllf -......,... •• 0 1 -.~ ...._ ......_ n••• a. swr .... ........, ~ .. .....,., ~ «ll~-1118'1 ...-. 11Mt tr•..,..... .... ~ M av-.• te....., ......-. I :r • • ' ' • ' t , l (lillglt) 20 30 10 30 50 4 0 003 10 0 50 100 1.0 ~o 05 10 64 0 o~ 20 0 05 u...iw 02 0 1 05 I 5 I 5 0 8 003 15 o• I 0 o., 1.0 19T.......,. C•;cdtub .... o (1919/1) 10 :10 I 0 20 30 20 003 50 30 so o.s 10 05 50 540 100 05 FRI'°" MOW COl9'A19L.I C~ **-C~wmt~~ AND MAH ---MTU DOU.Ma Pia~ NR DAY •IXcaMO*~ St00.00 100.00 10000 3000 4000 10000 40.00 100.00 2000 40.00 10000 1IOOO llO 00 •. 1$ 0.1• a.oo 12.00 0.20 OIO '1CTTT10Ue ....... N.u. ITATUaNT Th• lonowlnt ~·°" 11 doing ~-FLOWEA8 OAIL Y. 4110 1 &Mr ood l.W, IMM, CA 12115 IRENE KENNEDY, 4901 8MIWOOd 1.aM. lnllne. CA 92715 Thia buttl.-19 OQNIUC18d by In lndMdual. Irene K..-dy Thie st•l-t -NICI With the County ewtt ot Or-. County on o.o.tiber 14, ftea ...a1 Publl•n.ct Or1111te co .. t D•.ltY Plot, Deo. 11. 24, SI, 1982, JM. 1, fN3 l'temoul ....... MAMI ITA,._NT Th• tollow!Qe peraon ra doing OUalnM& U OUTC>O<>ffS UNLIMITED 2aot Drllk• Ave Coa\a ....... Ce 92821 FrtOerle* ~ lachHlger, 2808 Dr•h A.,.., Cottt MMe. Ce_ 92828 Thia bullnMI ta COtlduc:t.O by en Individual. Fredeffd< L ttchinQ81 Thia awernent -ltl8d WIUI 1118 County C!er11 of Orenge County on Nov I 1982 noc.as Publlth•d Orange COHI Delly Piiot. Dec 3. 10, IT, 24, 1982 5259-82 NOTICE OF DEATH OP PAUL JAMES PLOSS AND OP PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-llllM. To all bein. benefldaries, credlton end contingent credltor1 of Paul Jamee Pima and penom wbo ~ ~ otMrwiM lntereet.ed ln the will md/at ..uw. A petition hai9 been filed by IUchard L . P1om In the Superior Court of Oranae County requeetlna that R ic hard L . Plou b e eppointed •• peraonel 1ep1wen\ativ. to ltdminia1er the •tate of Paul Jamn Plott (under the ~t Adml.nlatradan ot r...c. Act). The eeuUon la -f()f' hearfn& ln Dept. • 1t '700 Civic c.ft~ Drtvw, W•t. ln ~ Qty of Santa Ana. Oliiltfomle on Jana&r)' 12, lta •t IUO e.m. IP YOU OBJZICT to the ....... "' the petldon. yvu ihould either ........ •l the hett&nc •n• atate your obtec\ton1 OT ftle written ob]Ktlona with t.h~ coun belore the heartnc. Your ·~ 111111 be JI) ptnOn « attorne • 1 >'You lar. A COUNTY OF ORANGE )M. On Nov8ml>., 22, 11182 before ma, the undertlgned, a Not8'y Publlc In end for Miid County 1111<1 Stet•. ptraC>rlally t.P9M<td Lind• W•llal. prOV.O to me on ttta bMle of N tlalectO<y 4IVld8nC8 lo be Itta A1tl1tant S•creury of 111• eo<pora1ton 11181 ••4IOUt8d ttte within lnttrum8nt end ec:knowtedoed 10 me !Mt IM corporat.lon uacu18d tN wttNn doc:ument punwnt 10 lie ey.~ Of • ...alutlOn of lie 9--d ot Olrectora Ill Julie 8 Wlltr"-i Acct. No. 028-0Ha50&21 Put>I~ Or1no• Coul Deity Piiot, Dec. 10. 11. 2°4, 31. ,. 541&-82 ., • ',.. '"' .. ..,. d91ftf .. ,., , ... , HAJ'jtt6f f l'l!MO ~::a• '"' tt wll~•• tit• "' r ,.,.,,.,,_ 01 , H••,•11 -.;:ex..., o111~1 INttl CJ A ff 16) I. LL /4f lO AUCI r ltltf Mtt•IMI L Ml4Mffl..,1.. 111U Tri MIOHllf IDC>e" 'O" MMl!lf Cl C.. ~ CA •"''"' OA1t1 l"'M II lllM .i 111• In '"'' 1 ... -. ... ~1 ... ..,..,, ..-.. ~ .. .,.. U111t• ... , .. , lll•Jf<l!IJ•Hll • ,..., lltlt "" "".,... C<tn•efild ... lchNI I ~ .. N ,.._ ..... '1 H ""'* Mid lof ,.,.. •1•1-.t wN ,,... '""" 1"-Truet In tM PIOH''' "••4"l••ll•r COu111r c11o1~ of °'""' c.wnc, on ~ Dell I tl9' t i. U I T 0 .. A L I I A f A '-1 Wll .. IUHION MOON . .,, U11tTWrloKI "u111111t•ll 011noe Co"t De11, *01ne11 PllOI 0.C-, 10 11 2.t IU3 ICHl'ICIAIWY MAM l 'AHIY 12•12 & Ck.OftsA 0 'AHIY "'"' •• j(Jlnl ,.tomlOue WMSM U..ITA,.._., n..1....,...,..._..,. ~--Al,.WAY LIAllNQ, 1404 .__ Hiii T,.., °'81119, Ca11orNa ta. ONinte o ...... 1'404 Saddle Hiii Tr ... Of 11119, Celltornla t2tee O•ore• 111.ott•Hord.1.. 1211 ...._, ~d. AIAenla. -gll to30e Jofln I Cerrtntlon. tlO V!Ma =i Laguna .. aott. Cellfornl• Wuran M. Zlndl er, 700 Londol~ ~ N.W., Ati.o, o.otgll '¥1 <l•oro• Rivi•••. tlOt laddle»ok Drl,,., Oreno•. Celffortllt t2M7 Tl* ~ II OOftOuct.o by a ..,_ .. ~ Jofwl I Thie tla'-1 -wftl\ "-County Cwt! of OrMg8 County on Oecanlblr 11. 1912 llARY •· c.i •11TON,, HQ. .......... ........... c.....om.. ......... ..._.,......,c r •-.....,. Put>lla119d Ortlnte Coaet Otlllo l'tlot. Dec. 2-4, 31, fM2. Jan. 1, t4, ....... "-otded .. .,. 14 , .. , .. In." No 12· ,...,.. In boo« of Onitt-1 "•ciord• In 1111 orllc• of th• "-rder of OrMge Covnty, H id d••d ot '""" 0•1u10 .. "" ~,r~:c. "4. llOOll o'" !tie City of c... MM& ... '* ~ '~In bootc ti, P4IQM 20 11114 H of mlte«l1n~1 map1 In 111• ofllo9 ol !tie OOUtlfY recorder In Mid ~AM• OIPAUlT UND«ll A o.80 Oii ,_,.,. DATIO Al'NL .,, 191. .._....YOU TMCW ACTION TO "'°"OT YOUft ~. IT UY• IOl.D AT A "'91.IC IAL•. IP YOU M•ID AM •PL.MATICMt CW M HATUllll Of THI NOCW AQAINIT Y~ 8HOULA CONTACT A "' Flow9r 81 ...... eo.11 MM8. CA '2$21 "(H 1 etreet addr-«common dft19n1tlon It 1hown •l>ove no warr1nty It glv•n •• 10 111 oomplet-or correc~I 1983 TM IMMftcNty under Nkl Oeed of Truet, by r--. ol • t>rMCI> or .s.fut In Ille oOllg8uan. NCM.0 thereby, l>efetofor• n.cuteo and d•llvered to 111• unaerelgntd • written 0.W•llon of Oef ault end Oemend tor Sele, Ind wrmen noooe of OIMdl end of elactlon lo CllUM 111• under•ltn.•d 10 .. 11 u ld Pf°'*1Y to NUlfY Mid obllQ•llon•. 5837-112 and ltl81eaf1er lh• underalgned caulld aal4I notloa of brMCll and ol ~ to be r-ded Augull 27 IH2. u '"'' No 12-304304 In boa* of Mid Olfldal Record• 81ld HI• wlll I>• made. but without cov•n1nt or w•rr•nty. •Pf-or ~. 1agare11no t1ti.. ~. or encumbrenc..e to Per the remaining prinelpel eum ot the note(•) e9Cllf'ed t>y Mid o..cl ol Tl'UM, wtth int...i ., 1n Uld nor• prov!ded, ~. II any. un<l8' ttte term1 of llld 0..0 ol Tru11. 1 .... Clh•gea Md expenMt of tl\t T,.....,_ end of the trust• e<etted by Mkl Deed of Trut1t Said .. wll be held on Mondt y, Jenl*Y $, 1983 II 2 00 pm et Ille ~ A-entflWICll to Iha Civic Cent•r 8ulldlng , 300 E Cttapm•n Avenue. In the Clly 01 Orenoe. Cellfoml• NOTICE: AT TIME OF SALE. 81D8 MAY IE MADE IN CASH ANO/OR THE CASHIERS OR CER'TlFIB> CHECKS SPECIFIED,,.. CMl CODE SECTION 292411 At II>• llm• or Iha lnlllel pubjlcation of Ihle notice, 11141 10111 wnount Of t"8 unpaid balance of 11>e obllg9tlon NCUr.O by the above de1crll>•d d••d of truer and Nllm•t•d coal•. ••Pt"'.. and ~ .. '74,090 .t5 To d•lermlll8 Iha opening bid, vau may cau 17141 e37--0966 Dale: o.o.nbar 2. 1982 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY ..... TNet•. 9y. "°"8 A Owcll. ~ 8ecntery OM Oley lloulevlfd WMI Ofenail. CA t2t1e8 (71")~2 .. Pul>llMed Oreng• CoHI Oelly Plol, o.c. 10, 17, 24, 1982 6412-112 mnca Oft...,...._ SAU ..... --°",.,..,. ,. ... ""' ....... ..,.. YOU AM IN DU.AUi. T UHOER A DEED OF TAU8T DAT ED HPTEM8E~~-~N1. UNLESS YOU TAl<E ""''"""" TO PROTECT YOUA PROHATY, IT MAY SE 80U> AT A P\.elJC 8Al£. IF YOU NEED AH EXP1.AHA ~ OF THE NATUAE Of' THE PROCEEDING A0AIN8T YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE II tt•raby given 11>81 8ERRAHO AECONVEYANCE COMPANY,• C a lltornl t Corporation 11 tru1I••. o r atl0Cl990r t~•. Of .ubttltuted tnnt" 1M1r-nt to the 0..0 ol Tru•t •••ovt•d by SHRAOA MOOERSON, 1 alngl8 man end Aeoorded=ber 23, 1881 In ... Mm 1028 of Orano- Ot:Junty, • Ind puraianl 10 ...... ol Def&tft end Bectlon 10 .. thlr-.,ndar NCOrded .My 29. 1112 In look, lnatrum•nt No . t2-2G2tl of Mid Oflldal Record•. wtH SELL on Jenuwy 7, 1983 ,, 9!1& LM., et .. tnJm entr9"Ct to ..... ~County~ loo1t•d on 81nla An1 Blvd , ......... ~St.' 8'o.dway, ..,,.. ~ CA. llt pubic evction, IO .. ~ bidder tor'*" (peyeblt .... tln'la of .... In lllwtUi" money ol lht ~ ~). .. 11ght, lltle.. llld lntlrelC. ~ '° and now lllld by It ~ Mid dMd In Itta propeny .nvated In Mid County .... and~ .. 1oaow.: I.OT 1 of T~ No. Nee, In IM ~ of ca.ta ....., • tftooMI on • ,.,.. reoorded 1n 11oot1 .i 1 e, P1Q81 4'ftoSO~of~ ... In .,.. omo. of the County ........ al...., oounly ~...._ .. ~ly ......,, • 001 Debt•°"""' Cotta ..... CA-. ......... ~ ot the llllP4ld .... MlMOa ol tfl!t Obl'O•tlon ....... " .. PfoC*'tY to be ao6d tftd r1 111 .-•Umlled COit' ...... and~ .... time of ~ Initial publleaUon of tto1 Notlte o1111e 11 •1•.t4&.•t Ority currently dated CUl'iltr • CMci• ~ c.t1ftaca ett.eu ••• ..... ., .. ,........~ """"" .... ""'°""' .......... l•ld .. ,. wlll ba made, but wllttoul cov•11ant or wur•nly, ~ « lmplltO ~ tme, 1101111llon Of ~mbrtnCIN, t• eaWr .,_ lttdaClllMI ... eecur.a by .... °'": lnoludlna ,.... ... lftCI lald ltl• wlll bt m1de, l>ut ....,.. or IN ~ and of t11a tl!Outorco:."/.~' • ., .. ,,.11,1, 1r11•1t ot••l•d by Hid d••d, .... ~ ~. wlltr ln*9tl ., I.I ~ 1 oa M --..... Ind the"""'"' ~~ ; ,,,.&;.;..7-.. "°" eeour9CI by ulct _ ::.:: ..._. • ..., : f/I .._. wttPI lfltt,.•1 tto•reon H It ........... ,_._ .............. ·a·-= -~flee•~ ft. 1W ...... -.! r: .... ieo ~AACa 00 Ll!Zll'lll:LmT. .......... a.-~90010 Vi~~ Co9t1~ ,..., 1111*; ...... Tt. .. 1- ~ } .. .. . I ~. ... ... ... " . •• ;. :,I ... .... l-. #, . ' . ' ' . <, .. . ,. I Cl .. • by Vtrg tl P1rlch (Vl'9) t'1'111Lt' I.. f??'.1 ; tlatl'N by 811 K11ne j • j "Y~ creatures aren't s'posed to be stirring." "A,. you trylne to tell me tomtthlne?" by Brad Anderson I I I I i 0 11~ "Gosh, Dad, aren't you getting tired of holding, Mom? I'm tired of holding Marmaduke!" .lt:DGE PARKER TME SOONER voo c;o ro 8E~!ME SOONtx IT'S CHRl~TMAe> MORN IN& ~;;..:""'~:.:.:""=------...:'2;;;.·,;;..Z.'1;...i c •112 .-f .... ~ '"' MOON Mt:LLINH Mil· HARTBURN ~BfE:~ MUTIERIN~ c::> ,ABolJT )OUR C"' ~ ... BUTTER HIM UP··BUYN/M A f>RSSt;NT . MAllaoMINai CtMTMf~lf6 NOTH•! J CMH FO. TIN Moel ! -;~ I CAJ">l'T STOP THINKIN6 ABOUT THAT TRICYCLE I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS J cN(T 00 l'f ! LOO.C M lit( FtN61«9 ... \ • \ • Ft:NK l' •I NKt:R8t:A ~ fl SL£EI' IN MEflWENL<,> f PEPLE ... fl'J ~o ~ ~ 1..M'f ~£A~ ~'flit ~1MM1m ftU. OM 109 Of \41M ~? " I l by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan ~.1.'f~T ~\NI~\~ Otil l~ E.11. llbll..t> et A l.01 ~ WM ! ,. ... .J U51" L.OV~ 11" wHeN 1'HA,.. •t.:"f'RAIN WHOOSHf!S &Y.' 0 (.) u by Lynn Johnston . . • ' OUr pleuant HaQCtatlona wttb memben ot tbl1 com· munlty come to mind In tbl1 101ou1 Haton. We thank you am Walkfil& Lee 2&'10 San MJcuel Dr., N.B. 769-lDOl or 762-7373 WI v ft'• thH~ out ru11omer. for th• butlnee1 In the paat year and ulead tu 1hl1 1real rommu11lt7 our with•• fo• en r1ped•lly h•ppy holiday. COLDWeU. BANl(eRO . :3. • REALTORS ...... v y ... May we wt11h lo .... joyOUJ holiday 1ea1MJn COLE OF NEWPORT 875-5511 2515 !. Coaet Hwy ., c ............ ----... p.-11~ .... _.. ...................... 1.~·~--~ ........ ....,~ .......................................... ... leeeeft't 0.-11,...1 W• wkh yev •"' y•urt eh I h4t j9y, e"4 .... lft the w .. w. PYRAMID FENCE COMPANY 160 W. 16ttl St. Cotte~so 54 .. 9'62 \\ e · r t' I( I o "" i 11 I! ~ith j!tmd ~i,ht'' for 'ou 11n1t ~our f amih . w11a.1., yo• • wa.•11 M Cllrf.._ &eiet-..._T ... -.dW.· ,, .. , ... Vl"Ji11fa Cetdl, G«I THE FOX OOMINfY REAi.TORS J400 ar.t. A .... Mlt. I OJ ................. 1 .. All ~ us at Lido Realty exlend our warmes t W\&hes (tK a JOYOUS hoh day IM!uon., a new year f1U«I wilh &ood heallh happtMSS., prospenl} -673-7300 3 377 Via Udo, H.I . ,, Happy H0Uday1 .. to au our Friends &: Cu1tomen . .~1~r -\/. J ,, y WEMEDA ROOFING h 2200 Suean, Santa An• / 957-8187 \, ' MIKE CROW, BKR. 714/~17' M•y l'o•r l•y & H•pfllneu Coml'•te For • Saeeesslal •nd 6re•t 11133. Wft ttifftl\I n•t • .,.,. Merry Christmas lo all our cuslomt>rs & frit>nds. Dickerson's Glau Co . l24 Rochester St • Costa Mesa 642-0084 Season's Greetings • meuM tt513 CAMPUSJ>l·fRVtM( Seaaon'a GreetJng• From all of wr. a.t Newporl Beach Fire Fighlers Asi.ocialion HAPPY ·HOLIDAYS! All of U' .. 1 Turner '''"t'tJlt'' Ht'.-llor., extend our ""Jrmr.,1 """hl'' fur d hoplJ\ holidJ) 'lt'IL'>On TURNER ASSOC., REAL TORS 1104 :--; l''tt fly.\ l.aJ!Una \~14 1177 We wish you & yours every joy' Allied EJedric & UPtilf Cl. 222V1ctona Costa M"a 646-3737 ....................................................... - ,~l ldr I Wislq Y• an And Wiminl lllliday HOACI TIOPHY & IMGIAVIM& CO. 170 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa. 92627 ;----------i 646-3141 .............. ,,_"-1a..1~ ... "-' ............. ..-.................................... -.ia.i-.... .... l..a.ll .... ~~ ... Merry Christmas We wiah you every joy •nd bleaaiog or thia h•ppy Chriatmu Sea.on! FAIRMONT PRIVATE SCHOOL 1!>57 W Mable. Anaheim 774-1052 Merry Cbristmas rrom all of us at TifE FLOWER REMINDER 3841 B1rC'h SI Newport BeaC'h 751-4705 ~~~ Moy Your Holidcrys .. Flit.ct With love And lought• Joy lO all of you this festive sea!IOO! Alicia's flowers & Gifts 1701 Corinthian \\\ Ne.,.port Btarh 833-1883 Merry Christmas From All of Us at May the joys of Christmas be always with you and your family. PAMPBEDPIT HOUDAY HOTB. 20592 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beech HOLl>AY GREETINGS C'I Come with ua to th~ merrle.t Chrt.ltmu ever! May the New Year brtna you opportunity and aucoem beyond your fondelt dreama! Dalebout Bay & h•ch Reel Eatete 1111 WHtclltt Drtv• Newport ... ,. 111-noo /\Jn! ..._.._o • ._.,..._.._.._.._~..___...._......._~ JO~OC8 ·tl0€L Th~ hdpp•t'.,l ol holld"'' lo ~ou .. 11 & uur IK·.,1 Wl!>ht'!> for .. \ t'r\ ( IOt' 'It"• \' t' .. r MACNAB-llVIME IEAlTY COMPAtifY #2 avtc Plaza. Si. 100 Newpon~~ 2a201 p_, de Alida J...acuna HWe ~~ 4~U.mpui. Ur 1,.vtn1'7S21414 l 4764 Barranra Parkway rvine Ml 8700 ............ ____ 1'11 __ .._ .............. '1 .. , 't our llnml ~ Filled W11h I.mt• (;1111(1 lit'Jllh \nd ""PPlnt'" Thruoul The ll11l1da\ -..t .. >'41n \nd Tht• '~"" 't'l•Jr associated 81>0 •£11 '> ll[r.,• ;is l 1 • \!\-r , ~ , , · • , Good w ishes & good will to all from our staff at Tredltlonel R••ltJ Jim Fwryman -Mary Ann Mucaro Mike Dunn -Jerry Smtih Je<* Fullerton -can Glugow John Madlaon -Pat Blair Rick Creighton· Bet~ OtMn 2'4 I. 17ltl St. #117 c.M. JOI L 17• It. #H4 I "412 ~ftC.• '1awy. 1210, ·1 494-0142 I e..t.~ : ..... . 631·7370 ~ ............. ~~-.i ........ ~ ..................... ~llM ... ~~~ ............... ~ ........... ~.~·~-~ .. IMtol--..-.. ~ ... Ml-·~ .... ~ .............................. ~~~ ....... ei.M ....... ~ ............. ._.._..__._ .................. .... .A V.,.., m.rru Tiie Miiier Marine Crew I HOLIDAY GREETINGS to 01u Jriends • U-STON llAl.n • • 8078 wa,,,.r Huntington Beach 11 .,,,,,--_ 141·Hll 14MJ47 From •II of u1 et , .. ..., . ........ y Take a Mousse home for New Years Choou from • v•rle~ of choc. moc.t•• o.k• • or c'*'-c•lc• from your neighborhood Bakcwy a C.nd)' Kitch.,, TOMFOOLERY ClflCtJ Stwt & Wery l05 E. Balbo• BIVd., BalbOa 875-70CM It is our hopr th•t all your d1yJ wJI/ ovtrflow with •fl good rhing1! Hippy Holid1y1 co l.JJ! · ' ' with you a Very Merry Chriatmaa e'"'''""a' :Jo '!Jo" & GEORGE ELKr.$ CO. 12 C.,.• ..... ""' ldl 7 ... 100 ACTITIOU9M ll•M ..... .,..~ The lollowlng ~ -dolr'CI bu..,_U: TUCKER ENTERf'AISO, 411 El Modena. ~ e.ectl, CA 92983. PAUL t . TUCKER. 41t II Modena, Newport 8eac11. CA ...,_,~ 92883. CHRl8Tot-He:A P. TUCKl!fl. Al•o eiccep~:' r_.,ing 909 w. B.it1oe 11M1. Balboa. CA the . 92M1. IA) Untta 1 thAJugh 21 M "- Thl9 bu11nee1 la oondUoled ~ • upon tlle eondolftlnlulft plan ~el part~ P TllCMr ~ _, bocM1 13437 i>..-110e. --........ -• oMcilllll ,_. ol -'d oounty. This •tal-1 -.... wlltl.. (11')""' ~_,.to ... County c.t! of Or...-County on ell llloM ar ... d .. ien•ted u December 14', 191'2 atfturne, dec:b, peltoa and .,.,_ ...... ~ ttle oondomWuM Publl•hed Ora1199 CCle9t ~ pwi llbowe ':1ecs to Piiot, Dec 17, 24, 31. 1"2. Jen. • PARCEL 2: Unit 1'2 .. lttown 1983 ~ .iporl Ille condofMllulft plarl ~ • ,...,,..., IO. UlTl-.. OM swrtt 6 TVTNU WISTCUfll CMAl'll '27 E 17ttt St Costa~~ 6 .. 6-83)°1 ,ARCEL 3 • An exelu•l•e ......,. to ... ~ portklrle °' DOINO BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? I could tell Dad was J>roud. and Mom was really beaminJ!,. Ami even Atmt Harriet got a little misty arnwul the t'yes . Aunt Harriet swore fdgoto the dogs. om aJwav~ wanted me to be a dcx.1or. Oad didn\ M much t-Me, as long a'i I amounted to smn.ething. But Aunt Harriet was convinced I would come to a bad end. The reasons Aunt Harriet was not ex.actlv kindly d1spmed toward me stemmed from when I inadvertently left a pd caterpillar in he r sterling e·.mdy ~i~h .. After that , Aunt I larriet felt that my chances of evolving mto a responsible human being were bleak indeed ... Headed right to the do~. that ho:·<· sheCl mutter. To overcome this grave flaw i~ m) charade~, sh~ began bomharding me with US. Savmgs Bonds. Ft~nng, no doubt, that money might lead me away &om evil rather than toward it. After all, I needed aJJ the help I could get. And Aunt Harriet couldn't ~ave helped m~ more. Those Bonds grew up, along with me, mto ~nice, fat nest egg. One I kept tapping as I moved along m my life. I finally hung out ~Y shingle toda):. J~hn ~etrie, <loctor of veterinary med1cme. I could tell Dad was proud, and Mom w.is really beaming. And even Aunt • Harriet got a little mi.sty aroun~ the ey~s. After ~1 -s~es the one who predicted I was gomg straight to the doj?;s. Buying US. Savings Bonds on a regular ba.ris helps America . And it can help a dream become a reality instead of something that might hatic been - MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALLI rr 1 _,L LOV~ ~~ ~~ITE WJAll Lll'I l.Jtrt:> L ffllt5 Sent• Ana IM}..oM11 You've hid our grHI -------• ~from °"' 8" l c {I• . r 81rt1ndlnQ for Holldey to our 8' Try OUI' prloel ~ A unrP'tf':J Parlle1. Pvt rHld•nll In our s·Po,11 Ann•• • i :J r•r onty.•Telf ue how many S.... up to 70%. PCH & by Jenine you upect. We wtll do I Wimer. H.B. 1140-2555 Cwd ttle rwt. Shoe>. mix, ... Of (213)692-3130 ' ve, clHn-up, 111 for 1 · ~ ,..... .... no.11833 stet CtM11et fOf Rant Sou1h • ~ ~ .,_ Tlhoe. 3 bdrm. Frpl, TV. Cell 1naw1r ed #1579, ....-.... 111 Dec 2e. Jan 2. 78()..9072 642--4300. 24 ""· • C.tenng • tit,..... ~------•W.,..•Bet1endlng --------Cu1tom lllk Pienta & 842-5937 Make tt e Contlnental Tt••• for ChrlatmHi--------Chrlttmaa ... A glh fo Qlfta. Reuonabl•. the wt'°'9 flml!V, JOHN- 720-18ae ION & SON Unooln/Merc ~M30 ! • H & H AOfll & Cteft Sup. :. pty. a 1oc. OrllnQI, Gard-• en GrOY9, Anaheim i I l ' • t j 9.='== ILMMAutoby 12-31-82& P & J Cox 5"4&-442& I rectlYe 1 rd trip _..,.. 1 •a.• -lo HewWI, good fol' 1 yr. .ui'I -Aak fOf Marlon~ 221 Marin• Ave. 8 .1. j 8715-11572. 'Tll thl .... aon to glw rNI QOld. , ., •• FllllAllS IAIOH 'l'llt• "1llrlt11l/1/m•t1 tJfl tilt' OrUtlf/f' ('tmNI A PETE BARRE Tl REALTY Nev. 4 br. 4 ' ~ ba, custom Frenlh Nurll'lDndy F..stau-I 2 pnme acre h1lltop $1.250,00o COIDIADO OHS Coronado ls.land cwt bayfronl lol 85' bOlll dock Plaru avail Now $370,000 wll~nns BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR 311 ~ .. v,,d .. Or··· "i B o7~ t.•ol Ital Estate a •• '" 1 .. kl• 1112 LOOI For our new regular weekly t .. tura IOIT SHOW- CASE NO DOWN CLOSING COST ONLY PRINCIPALS 4 BR. -2 BATH -3 CAR GAR. \ (>I l / 1l /:' 1t • • • • •• 1 •••• , ••• IEllOU ~Macnab -Irvine ....... 4 Bdrma, r.m. "" & din. rm lmmecul•t• ttvuou1. New c:pt1, drapee, mar· ble entry & decor. Wet bet. 2 flrepl.cea. Artl•llc poo4 & 198 $096,000. WMhr I. T.,._ ... •• ....,. 144-all 2 Bdrm~ dMded BIO C~~TOM W a-•-·t by double car garaa-. on golf COWM. ~ 0n'. "'..,,.. " Concrete drive, private vacant, •how anytime. TrMte 9e1ulty In home, for petloa, $127,700. agt $1095000 good motorhome and llJ ... .,,.., lttr. e73-ne1'Or19o-1391 l5000 nrm. 3 B1, t.,.. BA, FOUNTAIN VALLEY PAYMENT $1200/mo. WALT a MARGE HAMMOND, AGENTS •••11n '!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~I 221136' pool In WHt· wml'l llUTmll _.. ::: mln1ter. Bal 187,000. I IDT n1U ";~~~~=~= aa. ft_. $1290/mo everything 894-1508 A£SIOENTIAt AOL ES fATf SERVICES llWPllT Wll Slll,MI Two blocks to the sand. Each unit has 2 BRS, 1 bath. Seller would like to trade for desert house or boat. Call for further information. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 for • delightful & i 4 Bdrm, 2.,..t>a, 2 etory Eellmated value $126. Pfoeperoue .._ Veer UITW •llWI Pai.rmo mdl Excellent 000. Fully aw1mable no Ron & JMnne Salter lnall .. I ,........ financing. FH Land. qual. Prvpany&H-5577. RE/MAX. 831-1288 Secluded 4 Bdrm plu1 ~~ !~!!·600. Contact •i.U. a.." llM ,. __ .1.1 •--l famlly room. featuring ""'"' -- --... --*-d courty11d, pf'!-.... rtt ,,.,..... llWPtlT llAll vat• b9dl yard with Kol Ill~ Bal Air• Home Light TRIDE pond. Vety 4":: end alfy iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Int~. 2 bdrm. 1 ba. ft ... -'th lotlda glue. Cur-front kltc:Mn. upand9d Y04Jf boring Income pro-1'91\t 11t TO llP9f'Oxlma-llv, dining ., ... Young per1y « OU1grOwn raeld-t•ly $133,000. A•klng ocr•NfRONT ,adult• & pell ~. erice with the lwge 9CI'>-:,'::!t,!158,950 Owner Lft $22,600 540-5937 Ao1 I C...540-1151 lty fOf th 1 nNt ru•tlc NQ DOWN lanae he,.rty llH end roomy 4 Bdrm, 3'it -- b• home In WALi< TO UI .. M. b~~ :_~ARc~ocJ>ART~~~ WITH TRADE 14 l1lh/L1h1I•• with 1pectacular 180 l••••l1t1 PtHH lret deg. oc:un, Catalina IW -.i.-Ute I Bultl .... pnca Keep • letand and helbof ~ Cozy 2 Bdrm bungek)w Cuatom home aeR 4aa. apartment• or H ll •• Priced •t ~t appr8'-with room to expand. ll•P• to Hndy beach. oondoa. 5 yeera n-• ul of 1475,000 fee. Good -bte loen. A Prime Laguna Nlguel ll1ted at 7.2 X'• groa1. Owner hu $195,000 barg•ln •t 1100,000 location. Full pr~. $1, Cell Cathy ~ llnd wt1 CMT'J 2nd 646-1915 Ao1 aso.ooo. lllDI IULn AOEHT 544-9513 f7az•11 144-7111 ftutaia 9alkt 1'34 -• No down-no quallfylng. ~~~~~~~~~ ...u., _ _.._ .... ul\il[Y ~ 3Br twnhm Mova In, • MWI I .... tak• over $1200-12300 /Jn ..,u A55UL A7f.5 negot. pymta Shared I .... IA~ ---------• appreciation avall. Wiii Carpet & paint allow- Find whatyou want In trede. 54'9 89t-5558 ~~ ... "',•"!t •~ ............ .-. ............ -. .. "-o.11yiiiiiiPi1otiiiiimc•11i11i1ftm1ectaiiiiiiii.iii"l1 .. t ..... ~ lltl ... No down-no qualifying. 141-1111 . H Me"y Christmas & Happy Holidays to our friends . . . old and new From the Staff and Agents of Waterfront Homea, Inc., Realtor• Bob Angell Martha Anwiler Bea Arnold Jeanne Baer Rosalie Becker Helen Chapman Alice Clarke Marilyn Cleary Sue Ann Cody Patti Conover Georgiann Cox Austin Daynes Rachel Diggs Pat Edmondson Jackie Miller Emory Dottie Feeney Bill Feeney Jackie Fitzgerald Gil Foerster Pat Foerster Barbara Forteville Jan Forteville Carole Frankel Anne Freeman Tex Griffith Randi Hamlin Lou Hickson Chuck Hayward Dan Hodge Sharon Jay Annette Kanzler Gary Knoche Karen Knoche V1ck1 Lee Bob Leibe Astrid Lindholm Betty Lynch Brenda Macklin Sharon McKinnon Edie Mennella Mary Ann Nethercutt Helene O'Connor Joanna Palmquist Carolyn Paysse Peggy Broms Pethes T e(j Pethes Gail Ream· Sally Somers Robert T rown Yvonne T rown Goly Vanorden Bette Walsh Ruth Wlnfand Judy Wood Thank you to all our friends ... old and new ... for helping us survive In 1982. We wish you a Happy New Year, 19S3. Let'a all work together to help the recovery of our nation In thl1 New Year. WATERFRONT HOMF 1" Ht \t Juft• ............ , ... ,,,.,. .. , '11'9!1Ji'P4Af 3BR twnhm Mova In, llllN ft1W 111111- talle owr. S 120G-$2300 D nagotlable pymtl. Shar-ed appreciation avall Mexlc:an pave" grace Wiii trede. Sue Ml 1-555e Ille entry way of Ihle 3 Bdrm patio home •Ith lniat 1044 nic. landecaplng. $249, LUll/trnll 000 FEE. 644-7020 Turtlerock Eucutfve LJlll IUL mlTI vi.w •operty AMUm· ab'e ftn9rlclngl SM pnca $270,000 -wlll NII for $259,500 Ihle ~. Ofop by 3 Ve/Mrf View. LHll•n l•,.ue•- 1-f~S~on 2:l An~ + .l(I ddcltUoru.I W 'rl"'\ $.l.1 ~000 Cete lt111fJ I IHHt•elt Ce. l14/T ... 11M SUNDAY opel'I 12-5 Pvt. ptye ooty 669-7494 slH Lu11url0ull Condo Wik to b ell. every amenity $114,000/080 Muat ... ---------r Cluelfled Ada, your ~ 1top ahopplng center. fut I MULLAN REALTY luc~"/ farm lSfS 540-29e0 Lof1 SAL£ OR TRADE 65 Acre I VOGEL Ii' . I I' I I . l I t I Q ,~ YI I ; ,,.":.1 th::::::.1111 == .---------. 11>1911111lng, •muddle and•-. I I e c_.... ... ....,..,. """". ' .... _.__._.._..._ ........... ,.., t.:::t:.: ~ -::ic:- avocado gtV. S10M per llCl'e. s 100,000 Wf'll• °" thla .,..,.. S60M dn min. Cell 544-5186 By ownw 642 ·5678 Nrml11l•11tt11/ 111/ llt11l11 l'lltll t1ad ti '""t'' 11•1•1/ llw 1·l11111/1ttJ 1 1cllnn 111 bu11 flf It'll a J>rlldlH'I 10 steps to a .successful 1 garage sale Decide on dates. Look •I .. cttlend•r Ind Mt me 1Jate1 and hmet 01 your • Ult Week•nOs ore usually OOoO 1:>111 many I UCCfflfut 11ln have oeen l\elO 1n Ille BYtln•ng, 1u111lter work Checlt the wealh•• torec&al 1n the p.1per and w•ICh tor any ortior ••rge ••ent rt>et ""'y 1nr1c1 Potenl••I Duy11 • aw•y sucn I\ te·rs or commun•ly 1,...nl• H1v1 you1 Mlle run at •11ast two OlyS -ao,,.. people m•y not oe Mlle to LOrr1f! on •nr ""9141 <Jay 2 What to sell. herytnong1 Tn.i •• everything Y'OU h•ven t uHO •n the • '•SI year II •n tem nu ant.que varue or 11 Dran~new 0t hu unu•u•I •alue oe >Ule to u• a heallny p1'CI for 11 Get a P•O ot paper ~n<! seatcn Vour wl'lole riou•• Look everywhf:rt! .an<J h,t ~rytn1ng 3 Write your ad. Here •5 • sugge11ed •O Gatege S.le -0.11<1 81n1W00<1 rocking ch11t ta.,. rnlanta c10tll1n9, 1922 • V1ctro11 n or1g1n•I c•Dtnet meny gadge .. 1011 ot unu•ual •t•m• rock collectton, plents AelrH nmenll 8 am to 6 pm Sa1urday •Md Svnd•y 1234 South "'1yitreel Vourtown Just_., ot M11n •nO 2nd UY' th•• umple •O as a guodte Be sure to 1111 unu1u•I re""' 'Be '' 'IMIC•l•c u iio.tble Go.,.. 011.c1oon1 11 .._deO Oon t use aDDrev,.t~ -meny peopt. won t 001her to <lec·pner them CMJTIOH Don I •0Wrt- ~nyth·n9 you oon I reelly ,,. .... E ... ry item on th• •O mu\! n~ on •••no 11 the stari of the Mle 4 Where to adveriiH. Place your •O where t woll oe -n Dy peop141 wno •·•• ·n the are• mosl peOple s11Q9 cios. 10 home Tl'lto • Oa•ly P•IOt t~ rtoaO Dy 88 000 llClullS in Cott• MeH N<>wport Buith L•guna Be..:h ,,.,,,,,. Hun1tng1on Beach and r ounta•n Valley guaranteeing you wtCtl t'>l>OSU•A Ano wolh lhe P1101 )'OU re not P•yong for waste t;1rcutal•on m Los AnQetes or Anarw1m Plan 10 run your •O J I mes or motf! ana 1i.11 rt a few da~ oelore Ille \ale~ Daroa•n llun...-. c... haw pleftty ol not·c~ 5 Make a sign. To help rna'e your sale ~uCOl'.,.lul ma~•• f• .. s•ont • horn caroDua•o •nd '"~""'"•magic ma•'•' A gooo s•gn ~·• •I I• • 'l2 6 Placing your siCJ'. Ille morning of lhe uHI, Cut not Delore, pl•c• your • s•ons Be sure end add~ .oolest •nd •ny O•reCllOnal •r ....... Thrs ahoulO oe done at:>out • half hOur belon1 lhe 1ai. llatta "'-'°"" MOii Where II .•n bl Men from l:>Olh S><IM ol lhl str111 by pa11.ng urs ano pedest,.ans CAIJTlON Some towns nave l•w• lhal res1r.ct lhe pl•cement en<! duration of g•rege a•le signs Plene ~heck with .,.our town 1 p1ann1ng <1epar1men1 O• c teri. 1 Marking prices. Mui. pnces wl>e<e they CM be_, clNrly Oiltce • ~upply "or" he..,. varorl.9 "ne end colOr• of tltckers !Plat work well or you can UM ""'sk1ng l1pe Howe,...r you muk tn.m ....... ,....... ..... Get age H lt1 tr• tor 1>er9a1n hunters Remember wtiate.,..r you een l Mii 10u 11 nave 10 dr•o Dack on t,.. i.o.-•nd slor• •11••n '°' •no1n1r )11•r 8. Se" irtCJ refrev.m.nts. Tl"• doean I h••• to,c:ost mucn t nd er••••• 1 lrrandly • •lmo1p1>ere II •Ito anc:ourltQM peopt. to 1i.y IOnger 1111<1 perll•P• buy mot• You COYlcl eY9n cti1r98 tor •-pensive •terns ltke OOnuts 01 the lltdt coulO go 1n butoneu Jor t"e d1y woth 1 ~ s141nd 9 Dl1play. • M•1t1 111'9 ... ry1111ng Cllll bl _, Ha,. card 11111111 or boatdl'-d U ilheMt ~ two t:MIB Don't ca~ people to bend -uni-,ou c.n·1 help n Ute one 1111i. .. • dH k ....,_ ,ou Cll'I -,....l"fllllno end .. k• money UH only one OMll box (lln c•n• or boH1 WOfk ftne) and ITlllkl llM IOmlOne le eppojnted cuhter" •I all Umea. Atrenge beloffllllnd tor 1 friend wtlo c1n help •n•we1 QUMllON. ,.llet IOf runch. 11c l'Nt'• AU ,_, !Mr •• to.,,.*'J.."' DAlY PlOT IRVICE DIECT<IY . ' FAIDJS CICUS Ma1i11Js acm• .... ....... , .... ~ modMe for tN cllol1n'*-•· who low. tN wgolden toud\'' • I OPSt 1 DAYS A WE!J( 111·•• : I 1M& PARK. C.M. WIA MC co~~HL CHEVROLET ._..... . ' ,. . , .. S4~ 1200 SALE! 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI Villi (104YSO) sg995 1911 CADILLAC fUITWOOD aaOUCltlYA COUPI (1BWU168) $14,995 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (IACL799) s12,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILU (392YPS) s11,495 Off• Good ThN ~onct.y. 12~27-42 ~ 2IOO HAMOfl ... vD. C08TA•8A 540-1860 . ., =· \ j • llilyPilat MAIN OFFICE 110 W. Bay St., Coeta ...... Ca. Mell eddrMa: Box 15'0, Coat• Me ... Ce., t2l2e Telephone: 142-4321 Program mformauon 1s prov1dN1 by the nt'tworks llDd se.ttions and is sub.]«t to ch~ without no~. TV Anrenna ..................................................... Page 3 I>aytirne Drama .. . .. ..... ..................... ..... .......... Page 4 Tube Toppers ................................................... Page 6 Sports ........ ... . .. . .... ...... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. ........ ... .. . ..... .. . . Page 7 IMyrbne Schedule ......... ......... ........ ... ... . ... . .. .. .. Page 8 ~ning Schedule ......................................... Page 11 TV Pt.lzzle .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. ..... ............... ....... .... ...... Pa.Ke " (2) KNXT. CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Loa Angeles, Ca. (4) KNBC, NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angefes Ca. (8) KFMB, CBS, 7677 Engineer Road, San Otego, Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and 47th St., San Diego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road. San Diego, Ca. _ ........ ? .. 9) KHJ-lV, 5515 MelroM Ave., LOS Angeles. Ca. !5) KTLA 5800 W. Suneet Btvd., Los Angeles. Ca. 11) KTTV. 5746 W. SunMt Btvd .• Los Angeles. Ca. 13) KCOP-TV. 916 N. La BrM Ave., Los Angetes. Ca. _ ... f 21) KCET, 4401 Sunset Blvd., Loa Angeles, Ca. 50) KOCE. 15744 Gotden West St., Huntington Beach, Ca. H) KOOC. TV. 1730 Clementine. Anaheim, Ca. Cleveland pair writes soap By LINDA HIRSCH Lots of folb dream about writing a soap opera, finding a producer and getting the production on television. Unfortunately, that dream rarely comes true. But it has for two Clevelanders in their mid-20s, Scott Mehno and Anne Carey, whoee soap The Passion Barons la being negotiated for by teVeral syndication compan:tes .• Both deeply interested in filmmaking. the duo hit on writing a soap not because they are avid fans, but because of a quote from the late German film genius R.W. Faublnder. Asccording to Mehno, Fassbinder once said many of his artful films were influenced by the American IOllp opera medium. Mehno, who g raduat ed from the Cleveland Institute of Art, which Carey a1ao attends. created a documentary entitled "Stealing Food" which received some help and attention from poet Allen Ginsberg. At the acreenmg of the documentary waa old- pro producer Bob Dolan. who liked what he saw and liked ~n more the conversation he had with Mehno and Carey about thelr soap idea. Not only did Dolan sign to produce the soap, but in his Cleveland location he has put together a studio with myriad Rta that rival any of the soap aets we've teen. The 808p la not your typical sudser, but more of e Mary Hartman-type satire. The part of the ahow which we saw waa well- crafted and did al.molt the impoaible -it wu able to •t up longtime 1toryllnes and baclcp'ounda in 9eVeral easy-to-take acenes. The actln1 wu excellent, headlined by David O. Frazier playi.na busineaman Paul Slmpmon and bbl twin brother. Frazier ha.a toured lntemaUonally in "Jecques Brel 11 Alive and Well and Living in Patil" and hu eppeared ln an amuing amount of stage productlona. Ju the title of the 1how suggesta, the show deela with bla buainesa and love. The ~r character, e man wealthier than WeYM Newton, hu a eon who'• a hustler. a wile who'd rether pt aloshed than man love, abd an at-your-1ervlce waltreu l)layed by c.lt. Laplnlky wbo tnaket Allee 1oofc like • llouch. FraJSer, who once 1haved hl1 head to ~Y the klna 1n "The Kina and l" and =.=-:-~-:~re~~~ J>IUI . ~ ... , wanted to do e '°*P and MYW IMw Cleveland, whk:h providel you With a WGftdtrful Ufaty1e • an ~ and on a ...., Mnll1 1-vel. Beat of all, l 19t to play two~ In I.he ahow, one with hair ind CIM Without; of QOUl'W, '' PW tbia9I Of you who mO\&rMd che lcel of t4ir'Y ~.the camp ol·DU-k SMdoWI arid tbil 1lidl. of Ju.t.y ll.'el'MI (th.I.I eoap II R-ralW), be aare and tune ln the ahoW when ;Ji rolls ICl'dlli naaoMl teWMilO'n .... ..,.nat,.... Identity uncovered Soaps, 4 Fun with words TV Puzzle, 3 5 'Playboy TV Antenna, 3 The crew of "The Love Boat" provides the Christmas cheer Saturday night at 9:00 on KABC (7 ). .. Vanessa discovers McCord's identity By LINDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHILDREN: Nina protests when Palmer orders that she give up vacation plans with Cuff and go to Hawaii with Steve. Angry at first, Cliff decides to accompany Nina and Steve. When Jesse suggests to Nancy that he move out, ahe pleads with him to stay becauae he is truly part of her family. Leaming that Greg plans to give Jenny an engagement ring for Christmas, Liu goes to Enid and pleads with her to halt his plans. Brooke areepts a "go-fer'' job at the Bulletin ao that she can remain in Pine Valley and work henrelf back to the Investigative reporting position ahe once held on the paper. Tom and Brooke remain at odds but still have no plans for divorce. Before accepting Langley's proposal to wed him after Phoebe dies (he erroneously thinks Phoebe is dying) Opal talks to Steve about Phoebe's will and learns that Langley will indeed get all her money when Phoebe dies. Lars shows Kent he cares deeply for Ellen. ANOTHER WORLD: After Mac tells Elena they aren't aood for one another, she realiz.es he still loves Rachel. Following an argument. Mac relieves Loula of his art- historian duties at Cory Publlahing. Blaine I.a beginning to feel uneasy because she has not heard from Sanely, who la vacationing in the Caribbean with Cecille. Lb la delighted when Peter shows an interest in Sally. Rachel aays no to Steve's suggestion that they have a double New Year's Eve wedding with Bob and Quinn. Hearing about a drug bust that might involve R.J .. an unanned Bob goes to the arcade to warn his 90n. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Margo warns Ariel th.at she feeb Ariel may have been a co.conaplrawr in John's murder. Betsy admits love for Steve, but he says he can't aee her anymore. Nela diacovers James burnlnl( the Stenbeck blackmail lettera. A tearful Nels tells the police? about James trylna to kill John. Nels ia allowed to leave town but must keep in touch with police. James ls arrested for John's murder but Is out on bail. Ariel wanta Maggie to read John's will, but without a body thia la impoaible. Having placed a bomb in the t.ruck Betay gave Steve, Craig realiz.ea the bomb la a.et to go off while Betsy la by the truck. He ruahes to the 1eene, pulls Betsy away lrom the truck, falls down on her and aaves her from atrioua Injury while he h.J.mself auataina major internal iJ\juriee. While Barbara and Gunnar a.re pretending to be the McTaviah brothera on board a train, Barbara le-ams of James'a arrest. CAPITOL: ClarilA tells Wally kJdnapplng Julle at the weddlna ia a m1a1ake. CWUaa t.rtea to warn Myrna but Myrna will JlOl talk to her. Wally traps Sam and Julie ln a l1mo but tho plan tails. Tyler arrives at the church and carrtea Julie out. He confronu Barrin1ton and Julie sudd~ reallz.et she loves Tyler. Sam tells Barrington that 'he muat take all the blame lot Che ICheme to many Julie and pays him handaomc!ly to do eo. Brenda'acrwh on Wally i. becomlJ'\I 1a.r1antuln, while Wal~ll:tM Julio and T,Yler belona to each other. Thomu f It harder and harder lO accept Llzbeth'a lrienclahlp with orCly. DA VS OF OUR LIVl!S: Stephano la able to obtain Roman'• susperudon from pob force. Roman tel.la Mulena tO atay out of thins•. but 1he demand• to prove hll bvlomnt"e Wh~ a power OU ... atrlka Mr hc>uae, MagJe .-. to 1u.y at Don'1 plall'e .. Renee ta tt\ICk In the mow. Ttmy racuet Mi and lhe re..u-that ahe la ltill attl'IC1ed to hlln, iltliOulh the Ii~ to David. ~t1 •la NIMd to u. holplcal duii.fta an~. and the robot t ha\ O\n. arid ~ ~loped II \.iiCt to oa1m hli feui: ~ 4 Fttdmy, Dlolfn~ 14, 1812 stunned when a beautiful girl comes on to him, unaware that she is a prostitute. Julie plays up w Woody in re- taliation tor Doug seeing prostJtutes, even though he's not a cuswmer but merely spying on them to check on Stephano's busines.s dealings. DOCTORS: Steve decides to investigate Billy's murder on' his own. Paul taken off investigation of Billy's murder when his relationship U> Natalie comes to light. Clues show Adrienne may have been involved in murder Maggie tells MWTay she can't marry him. Mike and Kit are snowbound in i.lolated cabin. EOOE OF NIGHT: To keep his cover, Sky tells Ian he's in love with Val. Nora ia fired for snooping, Nicole relieved when Barbara pl.ana to tell Nancy that Miles did not attack her. Meanwhile, Gunther finds Miles drunk in a neighborhood bar and tella Nora, who takes Miles to Barbara'a. Nora warns Barbara not w tell Nancy the truth. Nora then hires a man named Preacher to pretend he's Barbara's boyfriend. Preacher arrives at Barbara's apartment. When he comes on to her. she backs off. Later Preacher, with his hand bandaged, turns up at a local bar. A bloody and battered Barbara is discovered at her apartment, and a drunken Miles la found in the bedroom. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Mark and Rick argue over Susan's sureery. A.a her condition remains critical, the battle between Heather and Scotty over Jason's custody continues. Monica tells Alan she'll not raise Jason in her home. When she regains ool\9dousnesa, Susan and Scotty marry. Luke and ltolly brave an angry mob at Kelly's diner. Joe convinces Luke and Holly ahe must take stand in her own defenae. Holly learns that Charles ia dylna. but the judge denies her pleas to visit him and Charles dies alone. Luke, Scorpio and Tiffany decide to aell the Star. Bobbi and Noah are abo\.tt to kiss when they are interrupted by a call from Tiffany. Laura breaka up wlth Blaclde before he can break up with her. GUIDING LIGHT: The stockholders vote Vanessa to· head Spaulding. Before the vote ia taken, she convlncee Amanda and Alan she has votes to make either president. Vanessa d.t.covera that Quint McCord is her brother $ean and he trades hll vote tor her silence. Nola ls distraught when Quint will not belleve 1he heard Rebecca apeak.lng. Nola deddes t.Q,.have the beby christened and chance her name from Kelly Loube to A.nutaaia Lout. or S'tacy lot" ahort. Tony proposes to Hillary, but she aaka for more Urne. Maureen lt!arns that her old boyfriend ta comln• to Springfield and feara it will create trouble In. her ~laUonahlp wlth F.cl. Alan teems that Phlllp was causht cheaUn, at prep 1ehool and b aolng to be expelled. ONE ·LIFE TO LIVE: Larry tella Karen he wanta to atart over. She ls relieved but wonden 11 ahe can f~ Steve. lArry hU. a de...Uve to find •vldenee apJn.at Steve but ll unaware that be has hired a friend of Steve'e. Stew t.eU. the private eye lO let Larey know T~ ls thto hem, hoP:nl th1a wlll anaer Tineo enouah co km Larry. Sieve1a lll• JI •till on the line un.1-be at.opt awtna Karen. St.eve leama Raf• 11 a cop and when he .... , hliia with Marco. wondera lf Marco I.I pull.Ina a doubl~ Mlml 1eanw ah'e m.liht aw-tn her own TV aeri•. but Ludndl. pl8iidl with her not to 80 ance Ma will lake beck the ranch ht iii '°""' co lfve LUdrida. MJml ab Aa tnio litpin&. the ~ over lO Ludnda and Win ..U. him ahe'~. ~ IO ror HoUywoOd. Ch~ OU~ that Nia'*""" &WI)' propany ~ =:,crw..: ~ ~hMrtbrOken Whln . YA.trl ~ tlllUll RM ht w.nla to~ blr bUt M.,.....,. to "9l dtvat111fiomCall)'.RM16 ~ - ~,, •. ~ -- IS OC ready for the Playboy Channel? lb Pllllf IN IDlaMAN Of ih Dal, l'U.1 ••alf- 11 cwnMrv1Uve Or1nt• Counly rHdy tot The Playboy Ch:ln.nel? W•ll. Dlckln1nn Pac1t1c CablHy1tem1L urvtn1 I l ,000 1ublcrtbera In Hunt1n1ton S.aoh1 rounuuo Valley. W•lmln1u.r ano &ant.on, la prelNU'ina to find out. On Monday~ Cabl•)'ltem• t>.aan offtrlna 1ubtcrtbctr1 the option of plua11n1 Into 10 houra a day of Protnmmlna drawlna on the lhemee ancf philosophy ot Huah Hefner'• ramoua magazine. CablHyatema ll \he county's lar1e1t cable company and la the llrst to offer The Playboy Channel. People who already pay '31.90 a month for the full Cable1y1tem1 packaae of basic service, Home Box Office and Showtime, will be charae<i $3 extra a month If they want to hook Into the Bunny channel. For subecrlbers signed up for one ot the lea expensive cable packages, the Playboy Channel will COllt an extra $10.95 a month. Orange County today mAY not be quite as ronservative as It's reputed to be, but the question remains: wUl people shell out money to take a video look at this month's Playmate or watch a strip-tease game show or participate an "The Playboy Sex and Sensuality Test?" According to the Cablesystems people, a local market for this material clearly exists. A while back, the Cablesystems staff surveyed people who had tried its cable package and had decided to disconnect. According to Cablesystems general manager Doug Rook, many of these people said they were lookmg for something different on cable. These subscribers complained that the two pay services, HBO and Showtime, were too similar (indeed, they air many of the same movies each month) and that both services were not all that different from the programming that appears on "free" TV Some of these subscribers indicated a desire for more adult-type programming. Before deciding to o ffer The Playboy Channel, C~blesystems polled 400 residents of the four c1t1es in its service area HaJC were cable subscribers and half were not. Bear 1n mind my old statistics teacher's warning that you can often get a parucular response just by phrasing a question in a certain way. Still the results of the adult Christie Hefner, president of Playboy Enterpri e , Inc. programming survey were interesting. -Asked 1f they aeree that people should be free to view adult entertainment in the privacy of their homes, 89 percent answered yes. -Asked If they agree with the concept of separating adult programming from family programming 95 percent said ves. -Asked 1f they would oppose or ignore efforts to prevent The Playboy Channel from being available (note the careful phrasing), 77 percent said yes. -Asked 1£ they were interested m viewing the The Playboy Channel, 36 percent said yes, and of those responding positively, 58 percent said they would consider purchasing the channel for $8 per month Another interesting statistic· of the people who said they were interested in viewing the cable channel. The Playboy Channel, 46 percent were women. Cathy Hetzel. a matketmg manager for Rainbow Programming Services, co-owner and distributor of The Playboy Channel, said the average Playboy viewer 1s between the ages of 24 and 44. and 63 percent of these viewers have incomes of $25,000 or more. S he admitted The Playboy Chlnrwl'• C\lr,.n• demopaohka .,. "•It.Wed mote toward "*'• bul ..... trylnl to tar1•t more of o\ar ammJn ww&td wonwn.'' ~. Mid 'hll Ill hfinl ltLenlp\1"' throu1h production of more "romantJc'' fHtur• lnvo1vtn1 men and warMn. by Ullfll a woman &o halt \he channel'• Wk 11low and .tmllar Uletb. The channel wae founded In lU&O by eeveral cable -companl .. who dubbed It "l!tcapade." In 1981, Playboy bouJh~ In and b•1•n developing orlilJW ~ for the aervice. A1 Hetiel explatn1, Playboy needed technical know·how In t.he cable field, and Escapade needed the Playboy brand name and and lta knack for packallng aexu.l material In a glouy, "rHpectable" manner Lut month, the service c~ed ltl name from F«apade to The Playboy Channel. Soon half of the aervice'• programming wllJ originate from Playboy. (The remainder con1l1t1 mainly or adult movie..) The channel now has more than 300,000 subecribera on 200 systems. A promotional tape for the channel features Playboy President Christie Hefner (Hugh Hefner's daughter) and Playboy Cable Network prealdent Paul Klein (a fonner NBC executive) boasting that the service retains the same high production values as the magazine. Preparing for any local backlash, Cablesystems ofHcials are stressing that Playboy Channel's material t. comparable to that seen m tt-rated movies -not the X-rated stuff General Manager Rook, in fact, cautioned again.st over-speculation. He said some people may oe IOOIWlg tor more explicit programming than Playboy delivers. . The cable company does, however, provide a lock-out box for parents who want to make sure the kids don't sneak a peek. (The filter device that Playboy Channel subscribers use also can be removed easily to control viewing.) Yet here's another interesting statistic. Cablesystems has had lock boxes available because some parenta are concerned about the nudity and language in some movies shown on HBO and Showtime. Yet out of 31,000 subscribers, only 12 lock boxes have been requested. Maybe Orange County's not quite so conservauve after all. Friday, December 24, 1982 3 --rrw.y----AllWWW 12:11 m a.ITllAI wotl.D Tiie -.... Y .... ., ffilRJMdCMlw ..... ..................... 1rt1911J U1 .,.,._ ····" .............. ,, .. .. .. ~~11w.) lr:tl.Aa.J ,. .... ..., ..... ................ _ ...... ..... nm.a .. • 11111ffMIR A111w. a.1n1A1 COllCllT AT lNI .._ caTB U....,.. ......... _ .... -' ..... :::i.:.-..:~~ ..... .......... ...... .. ... ... ._Ill praull.bd. (c.N) (I In.) .. a o NM>CCllO'I C1MT11A1 M11s1J11.. 8d.1'truuflh.._•,_ .... .._.. ir.-i1n1"9-..•M-=• diik•i= ,........ .., .,.... a,,_., (II) (1111'.) II fHE Lll1UIT Mia 111 .,.... ..... Ml ...... .., It fl·-... ........................ ........ ,1 ............ , -a • a.l1llAI..,. •,...,,... ,_.I lilr .. 11 ... CIMI I 11 ..... ............... ._ ..... .......... .._.,1 .......... , --~ --· lNI llATMTY l'tirt a 111 car.. ...... ............ ......., .......... .. ............ v ............. .... 111 .... Y..tlQr.Gttaeell .... .. D~ .................. ........ _ ..... .. ml 8 0 A .. •lllLMDQMTIMI tt.t. .... 1e 1111a 11 ...... ,. 11t1 "IC. r.. Ill M 1•1111, .... I' I fltl .. wllt•C*ht111 llN..,,...11nfut M fR 8 ... I dllll:tl -&ti I. (1 lw.) NllWWW ... .,... ........ INIC8&. .,, ,., "" Ci1C1llR" M ....... Mr ........ = ........ _ .. ....,.. ....,.. ........... ...... .. . ..... . --... ,b ... ,*'-......... ... • 1 ....... _ ..... -~CllM.llwllJQ•* 4 -.......... Or. ·-.. Mw94111 tw ........ al9*cc ....... ,...., ....... .... Cl•f1111-.ea;11 .... , -111r•11T----- -------------- -- ~ ------------------------------------- I Off . Ull I ss--KIIii '"'' hit Id fftd h p'4ln1 Ir di I -...... ,..., now " trom Dlti bul It "" ml USt In l n MIU, WM Am11nd• attd Ktm \an &a o-n th lnflAmmlaorr twt r. Whll In IMkm with l'•lt ¥ltndt r.nwmbtn bri>k.n 11M1, blood and a mu cwrwa oll In lhe lrUnJI of 1 r.-1'0 try and ahow IMJbhan lhe'• In 1 d•f1lllf'OUI aou.uon. Jwk 1tqa1 an allllrk and llcturw her t.u tJe mar. rarefuJ With httr work u an underpound prc>1Ulute. A11JNl Bronakl'a wl1hte, J1tk deddtl to pnt.lnd he la Siobhan'• pl.~J~ kkka Landtw out of Ryan'• bu and Lend,..., 1 ter, vowa revena . Ox Nt'Ol\dil• with 0.. and Faith Muma to Mltc:h. 81ARCH FOR TOMORROW: Krl1tln 1utftt1 a ~· but-only •h.,. thla knowlectae with Warren. KrlfUn plana IO iO ahead wllh hn ~ IO Brian and Wuren plana to punue Suzi, who will be avallabl«-oNr Brian la married to ht.a •lat.er. Liu Ntuma IO New York flnd worka with a handaomo mu.akal arranaer named Tony who charma her lnlO h.avins dinner with him. RUJty decide. to move out of Liu and Travia'. Aja and Travia bealn to uplore their feelinais for one another. Jenny •till trylna to remember where 1he haa teen Warren. Suf.i conalden droppina out of college. TEXAS: Ben reveals that he'• Hunt'• brother, and then -TVQaA i Hunt br • lhtlr muOttr'1 ttaut b1 ulllJM Uti I IJtft llUflUlt ....... ' '"' ,, .. ., I .. NH WfWf'ft >111.nrr • bJr&h ttrllfft1t•. r .. 1unln1 1'111• h11 lht ~'· Al ltM trlet w lft P• • druttk '° th•~ iht mn 11 11 th• t·•rllfka&e. Lurl•n• ind JD4tl 1r marrltcl 11 ManhaJJ O.lu. Ore~ once ••In dr amt lhcr anpl •th teU. him not ca•°">' f)e(oau.. hll muthat wW "'turn home IOUf\ YOUNO ANO Tiii: R¥8TL&88: Ah.r flnl nol wanUn1 him \0 como home for <..~mu. JW hurtbroktn wt\ n Phlllp dtclln the lnvltallon and N)'I he hU no famlly and would rather •ta)' wllh a friend Wh•n Aahley doecn't ~t anywhe,.. •ft.e'r m11klfli odvancet to Brian, J1ek 14lla her Brlan la py. She confront. Brtan with thla and he dmJm It with a pusJonate kill AJthou.ih Kaye and Victor know that he la tho father of Nikki'• baby, thf'y hlda th1a from everyone. Paul la told by lhf' commander It'• too late IO back out of the underiround bwilneta Hllve • que.rion about your l11vorl~ S011p or aoap 1&ar~ Write to Lynch Hlnch, clo Field Nf'W.P11pt1r Syndk»t.e, P.O. Bo>t 19620, Irvine, Otlif. 92714. She will arvwt;r u• m11ny qu~rlona u she can Jn her column, but the volurue ol rnaJJ malc*'I peraonal replle. imp<JQJb~ Rick Springfield departing General Hospital By LYNDA WRSCH Q: II It true tbat Rick Sprla~fleld plans to depart ~he money 1s and have several things in the hopper. General lloapltal ln March? ( cant believe It. -R.H., Including a serial which would be produced by Jorn Buffalo, N.V. Wlnthers, who top-produced All My Children Last year. But A : Believe 1t. Springfield has his bags packed and 111 all with the low ratings of The Doctors and Texas, NBC knew ready to exit General Hospital In fact, he wanted to leave they had to do something and you need more than three last year but could not get out of his two-year contract. Al weeks' lead time to begin a soap opera this point, Jackie Zeman, who had been Springfield's love Also, ABC plans a new Agnes Nixon soap to begin m interest on GH, w1U most likely meet up with a new love the spring of '83. interest as Noah leaves town or just after. Q: I think Colleen Zenk looks just like Natalie Wood. Q: With NBC canceling Texas and Tbe Doctors and Are tbey related? Is Zenk aware of the resemblance? - putting In game 1bow1, doea tbat mean tbe end of soap Z.T., Syracuae, N.V. operas relgalag supreme la daytime? -J .Z., Sblppeaaburg, A: Throughout her career, C.Oll een, who plays Barbara Pa. on As the World Turns, has often been told she looks like A: Hardly We would unagme that the NBC game-show Wood Says C.Olleen, "IC you have to look like someone, lhen pack.ages, which include Hit Man and the revamping of the lookmg like Natalie Wood ts wonderful. I don't see the old quiz show Sale of the Century, are merely a stop-gap resemblance very often, but I'm told of 1t by so many people move by the Peacock Network. They know soaps ar<.> whe_re __ th_a_t_i_t_rn_us_t_be __ th_e_r_e._" _____________ _ ,; 1iJ, tin tn m.~tw1 : ( ° Crl'.lrl\\' kwdl'r". liK. l. . c fl<·; f lmlli!f' /'1fn,,w· J;; y;;,,, Y,."d~ 1 0 f'~ o COMPUTE JEWIUY SERVIQS Oj·,.~. O ".\J-"'-r1 •0£SIGNIN(;•REM0UNTING•Rf PAIR>NG 0 I •CUSTOM MANUFACIURING •OIAM0NO$•PEARLS•GEMST0N(S 0 -~-=.. 760-6766 ~ ,,,. ..... , ... ;t•ll t AA ·~· •~n· ... 2810 E PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR. CA Holiday Gift Idea fCH that special person in your life. Jewelry trea1ures, to be loved and cherished . . from contemporary high fashion . to traditional. I - w . . ~\ {) ~ ~r tlt '-..1\. ~ e (Across from Sherman Foundation Gardens) Friday, December 24, 1982 5 .. -.. A ITMPOI..., (TW) na=,---ml =ra~., ,. Um.I tl11'MI "--"' -·= YOIA tllAL 1M llMIC "'., .... 1'MI ,.,.. -1'MI ClmlTUI ==-POI Cllllml I A (90ll) -~..&-l I :.:.it:.:1,a--j =~-.. ....... ..., ..... NI ....... ~ .. .. ..,, __ ,_, ~e--=-•-~.., ---. .. ........ .. '8Wft'TO ... --.-~ ---.,. ' "' -;:=..= l1t1'1 fu'16~ GelJPJ ...... (~~ ..... ,. ...... ,,. ... .:ci.: Ll*e Cell).(I .... , -... _ "" ...,. Ll9el ....... ............. c..... I .,.,,_.ttaut..._......_ Mike Wallace -•~r ................ (above) and ......, ,.,... •• 11., .._ ~ ,.._ Lesley Stahl, .. ~ ctt..9111•• , ... c.,... --. Dn•_.); .. , .... ., tM CBS News .. llCF lllFMlll lld .......... ( ..... _ .. _ft__. ... A_t_:S_' .. _lli_~-~-·-•_--._) ___ correspondents, -hnclmy _____ discuss ,,,, ... a:.-P!TODAY * l.~"4.1d1lphll ........ C.....,.<lln.) problems facing business and • Ill fOOTUU o.n.. ....,.,. .. u.~.....,.(ltn.) the news • Ill rooTULL. ...... eon. ...... =..a...,.cslft.) media i.n n ,..,...,.NW. one-hour WIDIND 90llTI WllAMP -iiaa.t.y CB News .,_ 1 Special al l 0 ... (111 MR. fOOTIALL ..,... ... at \--n m ...-~iii~) .,. ., Cil coUi& CNlghtcNt "" Saturday on De ..... (21n.) -Tuesday KNXT (2). -Tlmrsclay Dt Al hclOtt Chtr11 Thi l1mt? C1n C1tt In Thi HoMt Cott Mcwt Thtn feclly C1tt? VIS AdmlMIOn to 1 nur11ng fec:lllty can 10me1lmet be a period of bewllderment and dl1tre11. BaoauH patl9nl• are enoount.,lng a new environment, our 1t1tt ha• been trained to attend to their neec:l1 with courte1y and reaaeurance . Whether. for 1hor1-term poatoperatlve convaletcent care or long-term care for the chronlcally Ill or aged, you can be aeeured that our faclllly maintain• the highest standards In the provision of akllled 24 hours nursing care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHABILITATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOM& WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W/HVDRAUUC LIFT • T.V.'S IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN IN LOUNGE Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care: 1555 SUPERIOR AYE. NEWPORT BEACH, Cl 92883 714/646-7764 Admnstr~IOf RAY MARKS fbsi11 OirectOf £STl£R CALDWELL -------- -I a r e f I di _E i .. , E -!I: !I i1r i .· . . ~ -.-,I ~1,111~ • 11•.t1•"i11 ll'il . ll=.1ILWldwll~H .. l!.-l= ... :i=!=l~i~~-I! -II ----- ~ ·7."'..,·~ -_ Friday, December 24, 1982 9 -l'riclay Cont. IOnette show so he can buy a Ctmstmas ~esent fOf Papa Geppe110 (A) { 1 hr ) U TMI unurT AMil1. In order to earn his wiflOs, a very mischievous little angel is sent b8cic to Earth to oo a good deed ( 1 hr .. 30mlfl) • TMI NQQLD Of NOTM DAm Carl Carl- son. Patrick Coltlns. Merlin Olsen and Mel· ioda Diiion star In lhtS updated VefSIOll of the famous French legend ( 1 hr ) 9) MOVIE "It's A Wonderful Lile" ( 1947, Fantasy) James Stewart. Donna Reed A man's guardian angel dlvl!fts hm from su1- ckje and shows him what his hometown would be like 1f he were never born (2 hfs .. 30 min.) 8 WAU m.Ef WED "To Coon A Phrase" Guest Waltl!f Perschke. presi· dent. Num1sco, Inc CC>.,.,. "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981 Fantasy) Hany Hamhn. LSYTenoe Olivier MylhlC hero Perseus iS helped by his lather Zeus In a series of dangerous tasks as he trles to win the hand of a Phoerncian pnncess aga1ost the w~ of a 11engelul sea~dess 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min) (E) TIC&ITB (8) MO¥ll "OIJver ' ( 1968. M~I) Ron Moody. OllVef Reed A young Ofphan is kidnapped from h1S new home by hts old gang. but manages to escape and return to his t>eoelactOf 'G' (2 hrs . 35 min ) (D> .,_ "Don't C . It's Only ThOnder' ( 1982. Drama) benn1s Christopher. Susan Saint James A female Army doctor and a trouble-prone medlC help two nuns bring a group or Vietnamese ()(pNns to safety. 'PG' (1 tir .. 50 min.) CJ) an vaY OWll c:tlltnlAI ITOllT A 1rip to Swlt.zeriand becomes 811 eiccJtlng adventure tor Ben-and his friends When t~ meet Kris Krlngle. • .,_ "The Gathering -Part II" ( 1979 Drama) Maureen Stapleton. l:ITem Zmbaltst Jr A Widow and her grown children's Christmas reunion Is complicated by ttMW unlavOfable raactlon to a new men In her hie •nd conlllctt In thelf own ltves. ( 1 hr .. 40 min) (%) .,.,. "Heartland" ( 1981, Drama) Rjp Tom. Conchala F«retl A ranchet and h9 houlielteepef lace Iha rigors of tronltef llfe In 1910 Wyoming. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) •al NACffl18 ....,.,...,. ~ A 11Ve Chr1ttrna4 E118 MNiee It p<eaentPd ( 1 ht.) •Cl) IA'NIDAY llGIH1' • QMTIMllVIC*llum ITMIT The aplnt of tt>e Ch<lstmas season come. Ol/ef Setama Street as BIQ Bird at1amp11 to uncOYet the Nerti of l'loW S4nta Ctau. '° • dOwn the chimney ( 1 hf ) N ...0 CW._ CoYe<age of the omen'• Oownl'llA (from Plancavano. Ila· ~.(A) (1ht.) DOT -UllTA cuue Ooljolnl Sant• or • tOUf of the WOtld to ... ~ c•l>rate Christmas In their own dlttatenl wayaf1 ht .. 16 min) -· m¥ll "The Muppet Movie" ( 197 • Comtdy) Volcet by Jim Henion, f°fank Ot. Ari 11mblltoua frog M8t(lng l•me and fortune In the entertainment wOffd Nt1 OIJt on an adVentutout )OIHney eto.- country from hit ~gia home to Hoif>'- wood _jR) Jl~w l • • .. MiohMI t<nlgtlt ~ a oio. b)' hlgh-ranl<l(IQ milltll'Y ~tO-~i\~illOW. D'lfQ:(1 IV.) .. ··n. Aet\1'hat ~,.... .. lt97t com•cM ~ ~ 11 Fftdmy. Deoembet 24, 1982 Stoci\ard Channing A t2-yea1-old bOy and an astrologer pul togethet a winning baslletba11 team out of players wt\<> were all born unde< the sign ol Prsces. (2 hrs ) ID _. _,. Guests Wiiiiam Katt. Charlotte Rampling. Amenca. Joan Ouig-~' Fran Lebowitz, Philip Garner ( 1 hr.) WAll911ZTI*WIB .... MCMI "Guys And Dolls" ( 1955. MUSI· cal) Frank Sinatra. Jean Simmons A mlS· slonary girt fatts In lolle with a Broadway Imbler (2 hrs • 30 min ) IOU)~ .. ..,_ "The Robe" ( 1953. Drama) Richard Burton. Jean Simmons. A pl'lysl· cally and emotiOnally deteriorated Roman tribune Is ordered 10 execute three crun1- nals In Jerusalem. (2 hrs . 45 mm ) .. , lllC -~allCltlCU TWIUIHTD>m WAU tTm'T WIB "To Coon A Phrase" Guest Walt9' P8fschke. piesi- dent, Numlsoo. Inc. G IACM llAll • I mOlt Willlam Reese conducts the lamed Bach Choir of Bethle- hem. PennsytvaTinla, tor their !25th per- formance o( Bach's great choral master· ~· (2 hrs ' 30 min.) CEJ.O•BrtYOt.UYUU Coverage of the Division I Champi<>nShip from The Un1ver ~ Of The Pacific. (2 hrs ) -u a> .. 1noee11m.1 Remington and Laura are hl<ed to locate • Video game ~!us who has dl38ppeered with S5 md· lion and the plant to his company's new· est creation~ ( 1 hr ) 111.,, .... IODY • ClUllTIOll "Brute Machine" Or Jonathan Miiier traces the birth of mo08m neurology and dtSCU58eS the neu r=lmpllcatfons of piano playing with Dud Moore. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC) "A Chr.2ma1 Carol" ( t 95 t. Fantasy) Alastair Sim. Kathleen Harri&on Based on the story by Charles Dickens. A c<>ld-heerted mlMr learns the value of compassion ttv~tly adventures on Christmas E118. 1 ht • 30 min ) cm 111CM1 "Buddy. .. J 1es1. eome-<1V> Jaok Lemmon. Walttf atttlau While an uuuln concentrates on his next kitt- ing, Ile Is rudely 1nlem1Pted by a t>umbllng laUure of a man who Is anemptlng IUlclde 'A' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) CJ) llO¥ll "Alrpllnel" ( 1980, ComedY) Aobef1 Hays. Julll ~ty. Alter an 1lftn er"e crew falls to IOOd poisoning. a ner vous IOfmer war pilot Is p<essed Into.., • vice and must contend wtin oo-bOa<d hy. terla, • ..cretlv9 control tawer and olche- (filed mtm0fle9. 'PG' ( 1 ht .. 30 mln.) • .,. "The Compsmlon" (1980. Of•· ma) Alchclrd Or~ Arny IMng. Two planllt1 ot • San ~r•ncitco music COf'nP9" tltlOn nn<1 thlt their loYe fOf each other confllei. with their prot...ionat ambltlona. a'R-r8-"*'-.~ "Undef"°"nct. A.oea" ( 1980. ) Dirk e.Mdlc1. Melanie Griffith Parking al1endanfa wr•k haYOC 11 a . -** ~ HM ho1el 'PG' (I rw .. 39 (!•--';;;; -M _.. ''Motley And ... .., Celltornla .. ••... " ........ (I) mt umn ...,_. CMCIL the rMlt9fei9lllOtlilt pilya a multltt.tde of '*" e..,_ 1o~ ane; 0...... .......... of lhl I MY~awrrMAS IHOW MAMY.O ...... ..aRr 11:11 Cl) TMI WllT Of A PfOfll.E A hOhday $har1ng ol Pohsh Christmas music features pertOfmances by membefs of the Pauline Fathef's. Metropolitan opera soprano Teresa Zylls-Gara and a Polish choir D QMTIMI CMOl llQ Uve from the Fnt PresbytMtan Church ol Burbank I «I MC ... lam.m YOU AIUD POii iT QMTIMI Qml Selected ChOlrS from Chicago's high sch<>ots and colleges sl~ soogs of the holldays (4 hrs) II DAVID •llllllD THI _..,. Of a.ITllAI 1¥1 Doc Seveflnsen IS Joined by Henry Manc1n1 VlctOf Buono and the choir ot St Charles Borromeo Church tor a piogram of origi- nal and traditional Yuletkje music (A) CC) .,.,. "Stripes" 1 198 t. Comedy) em Murray. Harold Ramis. A New YOfk cabble looking for excitement con11lr\Ces his best friend to jOln him 1n enlisting 1n the U S Army 'A' ( 1 hf., 20 min.) (!)~ (H) MCMI "This Is EMs" ( 1981, Blogra· phy) Documentary Alm footage and ara- matlC re-ceahons are used to ten the sto- ry ot Elvis Presley's hie end careef ( 1 hr , 42mln) ([) MCMI "The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda. Caro4 Burnett Three couptes. all ctose. long·t1me ITlends. expe- rlenoe profound changes In their relatlon- lhtpe When one ol the maulages dl51n- l,!grates 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min ) (I).,.,. "A Christmas Carol" (1951, Fantasy) Alastair Sim. Kathleen Harrison. Based on the story by Charles Olc:keos A cold-hearted mlSef learns the value of compaSSlon through ghostly adventures on ChriStmas Eve ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 119 tQ ~'How Green Was My Valley" 'f,'941, Drama) Waltllf Pidgeon. Maureen O'Hara A Weith mining tamtly faces per- aonal and economic problems wtWte plan-~ for tilt futUfe. (2 hrs . 30 min.) a.. Cl) QMTIMI DI eava A Christ· me• Eve S«vtc. Is prManted from the Church ot Stt Peter and Peul In the South Bronx. ( 1 ht.) ··~---Pope.John Paul 11 oelebr'8tes the Chn;tmat Mldnlghl M .. from the Batlllc:a ol St Petllf's In ~71.:;3'"""' O TMIWT._ lilOWll "SUl&n SlePt Hare" I t9&4, ) Olck Powell. Debbie Aeynolde. A Hollywood ecrlptwrlter II ~ CtJStody of 1 vegmit gift ~ Chnttmea. (2 hrt.) • CMCU Of QMTllAI Tn. MOfmton Tabernacle Chor ~ our lavorlte Chriti.· -rm~~ •mu· -~c.,. ·'-~~~rt=~ ~ L • Annett• Hevtn~ tw . 60 min l m¥ll "tt'a AW LI .... ('941. t99y) JelM8 Sttwtrt. DoMe AMd. A men'• guerdlan .. divert. him from U. cidt and llt)OWI him wfllt hll hOl'l'lttown woulO bt like " he we.a neYer bOrt\. (I 10 t'IWI.} .· com.•a.. .... Thi Wcfmafl "°""' ~--··Md~ll tr.-oNI ilifir..=c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1": Ii :.1 Mlt • ai.t UJfV l fff ' I IDJf, lh t Hinfy f:ciricll ~ II hf• I ( "' Your f;J'll ' 11 t, ~' !Ult) ~ MUOfe, tJflOI I' hll . fl ())' '·r ••1110 In L I.Ml AIJllltl" (I uao [)I ,,.!.!w;i-"' Owtd UMnl..,.. Y0tk c 1 ht . -Olfvet" tJDGI ~l flon Mooctf ~ "' .. ' 36111111-JV Hutcrtc~tf 'enta1y" ( t079) Anl meted voic.1 Of Ml(;heJlo l .. 11\CJ CM• l M ( I N 22 tnln ) A D111st111.a1 CAIOI'' ( t~ t r nnlo1y) It Sim. Kathleen H11111on ( t t11 '!l min ) W (L) "11pe" (108t, Ornma) ~~ C Scott. Timothy Hutton (2 hra J •• "The Huntef'' ( tU19. Oram11J SUM1 McOueen. Eh Wallach ( t hr 38 min J (%) "The 8eQull4td' (197 t. Oremn) C:11111 £aatwood. Gereldme P11~ ( I hr !>O min) m (t) "A Christmas Carol" ( 1951. r antaay) Ataslelf Sim. Kalhleen Ha111&0n (I hr . 30 nm I (0) "Willy Wonka And The Chocotale Fae tory" ( 1971 Fan1asy) Gene Wilder Jock Albertson (?hrs.) CJ) "Airplane!" ( t960, Comedy) Robert Hays. Juhe Hagerly ( t hr 30 mm ) •CHJ "Taps" ( 198 t Drema) Geoiue C Scoll Timothy Huuon (?hrs l •CD "NIChOlas Nickleby" ( 1947, Orama) Derek Bond. Cednc Hardw1cke ( 1 hr 35 min.) W CI) "ll's A Wonderful Lile" ( 1947. Fania sy) James Slewart. Donna Reed (2 hrs 10m1n ) .. (!) "The Bells Of SI Mary·s· ( 1945, Ora ma) Bing Crosby 1ng11d Bergman (2 hrs . 30mm) (C) "Ouo Vadls" ( 1951, Orama) Robert Taylor, Oebofah Kerr (3 hrs) .. @ "Scrooge" ( 1980. Fanlasy) Wauen Graves. Drew Bex land (2 hrs.) •CO "A Chnslmas Carol" ( t951 Fanlasy) Alas1a1r Sim. Kalhleen Harrison ( 1 hr . 26 . s: -~ ............ RlalifiA .,_°""9 l.iw. COW« age of the marathon concert •t the D<Ho- lhy Chenclltf' Pavilion featuring South CnU lotnll r.llor•f and Olthetlral (,ltOOJ>I pm fOfm~ tong1 of the INM>tt • pt9Mflled leoo.::~hre 1 --~ _., 01T9I NCMM&> CIM'l'IMI y new Muppot11 re introduced In 11 t1ttatt warming •loiy uboul lhe i<>v• ~_twMn 1n otter molhel und no1 &Ott ti) UIA llAlll TMI MIMI ... L 1aa needs o gooo headline lex he! 1'141WllPllpet, bu! her flral big scoop land& her In trouble O llOVll "The Gath8flng" ( 1978 Ora ma) Ed Allnef, Maureen S1ep4111on long lime d1v1Slons among member& of 11\e tam 1ly ol a dying men come oot ir1 lhe open wtien his grown ollsprtng yather for e linsil family reunion. ( 1 hr . 40 min ) -1=COMlll u..Yl&LD ~ llOVll ' A Chrtslmes Carol" ( t 95 t Fantasy) Alastair Sim. K1tlhleen Har11&0r1 Based 011 lhe s1ory by Charles Dicken& A cotd·heortoo miser learns rhe value or compasslOfl lhrough ghoslly adventure!> Nllon liil:v:: hr 25 min l ~ ~ How to purcha!>e the g1hs described 111 'The Twet11e Days 0 1 Christmas". a look al eleclrtealfy powered au1omoblles (jllt/f 0 r if f ht [(#Iii thiJllltl I I I ht ) • ., 1 I "'' UewtGn .na rnll t~-.. Nghllgtlft of lhe PfMlUI "'9te'I NI l (IM'" and lnlltMN '-'1 J"-Y«t a11d C:<MChtl I I hf ) CLJ ... "It M"'ll'• OOlpef I t07tl AiiCJ Mcao..n A dtanu.tic: INdlng of lhe .,.Mle·~=I ,. I~ OI M 1'0Wll F"eftturad • bou1lque ~. ltlll' pet1 are llUed ltx Cl<>lhel. the pr~ ttwlt are paltl lcw doMU'* elofhet IOI c:lllldt90, I hOw·l<>-•n<l whllf•to-gtt 01 deoof10ve "80l1111 lhe Southlan<l ..... ,..,., .... _... CO.AllY i=:=4 ... YOU MUD POii iT rA•l11 ·~-...... M¥llW MOWll "Finder• Koepers" ( 1962. Comedy) Tom fwelf. Julie Adame When hit lwe>--year old son c0<ne1 home one day with a wagonful of money an ex·con knows the police can' I be far behind ( 1 hr , 30m1n) .. 9 ()) T1tl DUKU OI IW'ZNID The Dukes salt a wexlhless piece of property wtlh gold ahe1 Boss Hogg ser11. •I to a gulhble tQU~ couple (A) ( 1 hr ) U 1111 TMI POWDI OI llAmtlW ITM A super-powered teen lrom another planet laces danger on Earth from assassins sent trom hrs home planet ot Ouadrls (R) ( 1 hr l 8 llO¥ll 'Ch11s1mas In Connec!ICIJI" ( t945. Cexnedy) Barbare Slanwyck. Dennis Morgon A newspaper columnlsl Is fnslructed by her boss 10 have 8 war hero as hef family's guest lex Chrtstrnas dinner ~ llrS I D 9 PltOCalO'I aMTllAI Animaled Pinocchio lakes a 1ob with a tooling mar· ~,.._ WE HAVE A $500 7 r. 1( ~ CHRISTMAS i '-i .), CERTIFICATE NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT l ~ FORYOUI • l\,ntw.,. .-lrif.,.,,,.,.,. \1 1t r1v...,._..V..C,""'•I"• .,...,.."' , ..... ' ".' •i11 .0t11;-.-.,,, .. , "'I••• t.-""., .. 0 , •• ... V ••If,.. t luf• "' n-. 1•11 ~·• "'" t.fr••111••• I~ .... , .. , ... .. ' t '""''"'•••"'+' • on ~ \ ·•'I'' +•IHl"'J • •1·•" •,t•l(H -.It I\, • t •••I l.!1-.tt• • f\ll • h .. • ... 111 ..... , ........... •""\M•l•~l\.i,~•··# • .... • .. lit., •••• t• ,., ............. ,ft • •• .II • """' .... I,...._, ,._, •• ••n:tA•.t .......... ~ ... •• ,..,,~ ... '•• t .. ·r~' .; • • .tii. ,., W.-1 I.Iii ._,..,,.\. ._,,...,"'fl',.. I f ..i.. •.... LA't ,,...... ., ... :.tfllll t~\STRl.l n URl\'E. l'ot-:WPORT 8f.At'H, < Al,lf'OMNIA 9".l880 nn OlR l>A ll.\' ~P•:CIAI . •.nj<>} 1 f'roy• .. i•T .. mp""' "hu•h• b., P"'P8"'d by our r .. nou• , ........... ( hrr •8rf'r •'& IRf' • .,.kf' Now Open For Lunch Mon.-Frl. 11 :30 to 1 :30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~gisci. JAPANESE RESTAURAN1' 3840 £. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar 673-3933 Friday, December 24, 1982 11 -l'riday Coal. cadets take OV8I their school to J)'event plans to turn the academy pre>perty into a condodeVelopment. 'PG' (2 hrs.) W CI) CIMTIMI etecm 5"cted ch<>trs from CNcago's higtl schools and colteges ~ songs of the holidays ( t hr ) (I) 90TOC9'0ll Cover8Q8 of the JAG I BMX Wofld Championship Bicycle event {!rom lndlanapolls, Ind.) (R) (I hr ) (Q) 9IMI "Oirvet" ( 1968, MUSICOI) Ron Moody. OiV9f Reed A young orphan IS kidnapped trom his new home by his old -Salurclay •1u..t.FA1m-.J ......... ..,leam .,.. "The Great Adventure" ( t976. Adwlnture) Jack Palance, Joan Colllns ~IY., 25min) ....... • 90Wll "A Chustmas Carol" {1951 Fantasy) Alastalf Sim. Kathleen Harrison itw.,35mm) .. 1111WOll.D TI*OMOW 9UIOUT .. •YALLIY 1111 llATMT'f Princess Grace hosts this special ol holiday mue;c and drama set 1n the Vatican and St Pa1rlcit's lo New York City. Guests Include the London Player! and optWa star Placido Domingo .. CAPY•l.......00 "°'" ....:111 .. tmJU ''The Underprlvlleged" ---•• LiliAlmf 800DDAYU. UTUllDAY-~ ... ~-"Foott>eM· Punt· Ing And Klc:klng" Guest· Lou Holtz. AtkatllU coedl (R} CH> ...... ., "90ln: QM1llAI • ilY Rudolph the ~ Aelndeef and Froe1y the Snowman try 10 aave an ~ circus wtiile bettllno the evil ~d Wlntetbolt. ( 1 llr .. 35 min.) Cl> IMM TW• 1'MIA,_ "Huck Finds .Am" lift along the ~f'11lselppl Rt.w con- tlruee whtrl thit adVentufOUI Huctdebefry Finn finds• temfled r\Jneway slave ( 1 ht .. 10 ~ C%l "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warrtn Beatty. JUiie CM1tle ( 1 tw .. ~1 min.) .. PMLO*IMLU .. -...-Mm1'U&l..r(ll) ·• 1M1'1CAT ...... •111w WlllCIPMlllC&ftm --a.RIMI -Selec1ed choft tom Chlc:9go'1 ~ ldlooll •nd ooti.o-*'G IOtlQI of tne holldlya. (2 hrt.. 30 &-•11•11 __ ... mflTI ..... Ollvtt .. (t9e8. ~' ~ Oliver ~~.r mtn.) ITM GP Anlf'l\ettd ~ Orcheltt• Md ~ ~ ltl8 ...... '**drop tO ttlle •· .. -dfltNlilMty. ,_ • .. "Nutcnckef Fen&IW• ( t97V) • 14 ~~. DIOlmw 24, 1MI gang, bu1 manages to escape and return to his benefactor "G' (2 hrs 30 min I •llll•IWUiiM..-S d (S)llOv. "FaMtng In Love Again" (1980 Drama) EHloll Gould. Susannah York A man goes to his high school reunion 1n the belief that he can reltve the good times ol lhe past 'PG' ( I hr • 30 min ) d (%)110v. "The Witches" (1971) Siivana Mangano. Cltnt Eastwood ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 41:119 .o¥ll "She-Wolf Of London'' I 1946. Animated VOICeS ol Mlctielle Lee and Chnstophef Lee ( 1 hr . 22 ITlln ) M(I)~ ... "FoolbaN The Ouar1erback" Guest: Dan ScOV!I. San Oleao State coach.(A) ,. • DUln'I rmalOUlf • nllRMTln.~1 liillLUlllAMll 1:.•:•• 'llOMLIQll DAftY MD QCIUATM ==~ YOGA POii HIM. TM MO¥ll "The Christmas Thal Almost Wasn't" ( 1966, Fanlasy) Rossano Braz ~zi ~T~t;,r 30 min) 0. Tiii TftllTH DAY The popular welve Days Of Chrislmas" song tS dramatized . ,.1 ':. ··The Bells 0 1 St Mary's" ( 19•5. Drama) Bing Crosby, Ingrid Berg man (3hra) flit lllROIU •nll.-TTM.11 --· 0 ,AC-tlM I um.I MICALI/ llCMI DARY MD IOUATM .......... ca.Tm QUllY HIM.TM WI fl:ITlll ... (11) .... ..,.~ ITOllY A trip to Swltzerlend becomes an tllclling edventure for Befljl ltnd his frlends when .. ,t~=-· . 1.a::-,.,. 1111 -.... aMTllAI Rew. ues11 lnoludlng CAtol Burnett and Sustn Anton Jolf\ Jim Nebora In thla holldey ape 1()91=~-............ .,..,The eplrlt of the CMltmas teeton Comet over Steame Street .. Bia Bltd l tltmptt to unocwtt IN MCret of how Santi Claot ~downtl'lec:Nmney. (1 tw.) Cl) flVnm .,_, A liclellttflc: tllP!Or•tlol'I ot •tflletlo perlor~ Which can aid ath- ltt .. In lmprQ\ltng lhtlt game. (R) CR> _. "Mitch Of The WOOdttt Sof. diit$'' ( 1934, Fant•tY) Stafl Lautel, ~ H•ctv. ( 1 "'··~3."f-J... (D)A 9'.,... Santa tliea • hllcoPI•. CQr1'Li1t wtth aetronautt •nd tUldl lo,i rodlltt i'I lhll 110()' Of I ~ !~ "' .. ..,,a.. Do! lolnl! a.M• --.. ....... •-..;.blr ot Sht WOftd to ... 8YlfYOr'lt te ~ tn 1f'Mllr own dlfllNnt Ho1r0<) Don Porter. June Locl\horl An ee11e creature haunts the loggy streets ot London. leaving teiror 1n 11s wake ( 1 hr . 5mm) D llOv. .. The F1f1h Muslleteet" ( 1979 Adventure) Beau Bridges, Ursula Andress 0' Artagnan and the Three Musk- eteers become involved in anolhel plan to block the ev1l mlentlons of the s1nlsle< Car d1na1 Richelteu against the French aristoc r~ 'PG' ( 1 hr • 43 m4n ) Ul@ VHITMU IOW ways (I hr 15 min ) D DOT Mm IAWTA Cl.AUi Doi jOIOS Santa lor a tour ol the world 10 see eYeryone celebra1e Chttstmas 1n their own d1fferen1 ways ( t hr. 30 mm.) (%) MOVIE "St Helens" ( 198 t, Ol'ama) Ari Carney, David Hullman I 1 hr . 35 min) CD llOv. "A Llttte Bit 01 Heaven" ( 1940, Mus.cal) Gloria Jean. Robetl Stack ( 1 _.1hr ="i::I..-rAM @ 'AC-llAM ~WORLDOf AlmALI M0¥11 .. ~Kings" (1962. Ol'a· ma) Jett~ter. Robert Ryan (3 hrs) (() m Tips tor belier siding If llmed at Kllhnglon. Vt ) (R) (aJ MOVIE "Popeye" (1980. Comedy) Roon Williams. Shelley Duvatt (I hr . 54 min) ... (I) COUHI f001ULl "Blu&-Oray ClaSSie" Top seniOfS from North vs those from South, from Montg<>mef'f. Ala (3 'ltirs £.:>.~uvmm a......, TALI "The Future" aMTllAI llAll .....a•••• _.,-.IT 1111...., Of QMTllAI ''A Loulsvllle eatb:..;;;.: Young P~" .,. "Modem Probltma" ( t98 I, ) Ctwwy cn.se. Patti D' Arbeo· \111e~ hr • 30 min ) •li1111UllY"1COl.,..-••'"'M _,. lllTT0•'9t -.O.RD-1 flOQil f* IOCll'TY M ... "Footbell Folllea" (R) .,.. "Modem Protitema" (1961, ) Ctle\'y Chet9. Petti D'Atben- Vll9. (t hr. 30 min.) (I) A ITM POii __,, A llttlt bOy leatne tht ·~Stan the Chnatmu star • ''The Gtlhei'lnO -Part II" ( t979 Orame) ~ St•pleton,. Eft911'1 ilmbelllt Jr ( 1 tw • 40 mlt\.) r.--"lllllt l«d Feuntltroy'' (193$, -g•"'*)JiS Banholom9w. Mldcey P-!!!.", Lirt001Mft a '1iiiiiiiM llWt Stltcled Ohm om Chicago'• hijrlc~ •od colltgee a.~'='t.'' hf.) l==---90t>Vit PIYI• ~to' • P::".:::"ettl 1oom lo ~ ldeae 11¥ tN '•.,. •M "91" room. ------ t .-. ~ -.-i .. ~ ---- :"r'.:W ... , . llY .... t """ A JIUIV lld 111"' tO O'IJfttf hit ltmly ffum 1111 '"11'1 urJ lnfQru I t tw • ,_,J.';J. rOf Ye••[~ Orlfy" (tOll. rJ~1.1111 ~ Moore. fapcA Jllmee Ound 11adl1 • cllmll\ll who purloll'ltd • llop·&NIOI,: rlltlll dellWIM device 'PO' (2 w ... o•••n "I W• A J aenaot W.,NOll" 067, HOflOI') MlehMI l•ndOn. Yvonne l lme A peycfWUt•t cnengee an un~t­ lncMtd 1~-ager lrtto • monttlf blf'tt on murd« ( t hf . 30 min ) -1111£\. "Sino. You Went Aw1y" ( 1944, Or1ma) Cltluoette CollM!t. Shifley temple. An AliMWlcan t1mlly ltnJQOle to rem11n une deec>lll the P<Obleml they mutt leoe durlno WOfld W11 II (3 hf1 ) (Q) .. "oOO"'t Cry, II'• Qn/y ~ .. ( 1982. Dl•INll 0.onts CMttopher. Suun Saint James A female Army doclOf and a trouble-prone medic help two nun• bring a group of Vietnamese Ofphans 10 aahtly. '.f':O' ( 1 hf • 50 min ) H (%) MO¥tl "Th4t Private Files 01 J Edgar Hoover" ( 1978, Orama) Broderick Craw- IOfd, Jose Ferrer TM Fedefal Bureau of lnvesllgetlon grows In clout and scope undel the leadermlp of the controversial -- I L'Jft.!! lt!. &iW"11Jilltl1 Mt .. ., i;;;. r..;. t Clrllf floiJil M C#wltf W J.I. ~t J '"'"" l W!inlllt't Wom-~· ' '· °'""•) ....,~ llllP, ,,.""" lrone All 11fcw blt*Mtl hwo lcior• II Pit· ~In the 1on..ntlo ptrlOd Nm In wNGtl the two .,. petfOlrnlng 'A' (f ,,,. • 6 =f-~r~olf MM" (1931. Hot 1or) ~ Reina. Lon ChltWy Jt A IMI\ , .. 11z .. ,,.., he hll tuff«.cl Ill llllCk by 1 wolf U.t he II bec:Omlng I W919'Wolf Cl .. lii&~.-,.::.i;-"-' ( 111•1 ~ McGowen. A dfematlC re•dlng of the ~te of Chllst. ( 1 hr .. 44 min ) ••.,."Skim Money" (1976. Drama) Jact<le Cooper. Geotge Gobel '2 hf•. 30 min .l.o.w.n ~ .. "Nlctlolaa NICkleby" ( 1947, Orama) Qefell Bond. Ced1lc 1-iardWlcka Beted on the clal&lc by Ctlerlea Olckane A young lad attemp1110 protect hit family from 1n Uf\Cle'a wicked lnftvenc. ( 1 hf • 65. ml"} (J)90ll ... M(8).,. "Tape" (1981. Orama) George C Scott TlmOthy Hulton MHltary school CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK AUled Lighting Is By Of. Gary Baranoski PINCHED NERVES Occupatt0n1I ~tre~~s or poor posture oftt'n cau~ the head t1> hang forward for long pcnods, putung presaure on ~pinal d1~c9 (1oft-11ssue r1r11lag!' lioJ1,.~ that prov1dt' padding betwt't-n vertebral:') Offi<'e v.orkcrs may devt-lop pinched nerv" inned .. of shoulders u tht')' look Jov.n al thf'ir typewriters. Sudden 1w1s1s will 1ar the dl5cs. F'ault) ~ll'l'ptng poMure, loo, may give you a pinched nerve upon d"llkl'ntng Under t"h1ropruc:11r l'are, simple 1rat•1ton gives enough upward pull on the head that th!' cervwal spinr ts stretchc-d. This rc-lievea dJSc pres~urr Th,.n cluropracltc manipulation lindJ the rrusahgnc-d (or cramped! ~~mcni and aligns 11 properly Tht~ eases the nrnr "ptnl'htng." Corr,.r11v,. hl'almg takei; plarf' without dr~s. Prl''•·ntrol ,1, .1 ·•·n 1• 1· t.• 1lw , 11111111111111\ Ii\ lir. g;1ry baranoski (I llROPRt\C rem ( 71 I) 675-3492 2345 E. Pacific Cont HwJ., Stile D, Corona del Mar Your hometown full service lighting centt!r We are Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selection of Ughtlng At Competitive Prices. * Over YOO Lines In Stock * We Repair All Makes of Lamps * lnstallatlons * See Our Complete Selection of * Over 20 Yean Serving Southern Caflfornla's Celling Fans * Energy saving fluorescent Lighting Needs. fixtures COME IN AND BROWSE You won't believe our selectlon, you'll love our prices and our very helpful sales people. Hours Mon -Fn 8·6 Wrd 1119 Sclt 8 S JO Crosra Sun 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa facron flom N urirrylclnd Nurseryj 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, December 24. 1982 13 -Saturday Cont. Tahoe. Cakl l (2 hfs l G)~le:MWDrMOllUEMT CC) 11()¥11 "Imp.roper Channels" ( 198 I. Comedy) Alan Arkan, Marielle Hartley ( 1 hr .. 32m1n l CO) MCml 'Room Service ( 1938. Come· dy) Mar1t Brotht!fS Lucille BaH ( 1 hr 30 mm ) 8' llOWW "The Meny Monahans· ( t944 Comedy) Donald O'Connor. Jack Oekie i(l hr. ~min I t:ll OZZll.., ~ ~II: Tiii ~ EllnMlllmCT MCml "Olrver" ( 1968, MUSIC81) Ron Moody, Ollvef Reed (2 hfs. 3S min) Cl) an waY 09 CMllll1llAI IT<la'Y A !rip to Switzerland becOlne$ an exciting adventure tor Ben~ and his friends when tney meet Kris Kringle g MCm1 ''The Filth Musketeer' ( 1979 Adventure) Beau Bridges. Ursula Andress (I hr .. 43 min ) ... YOUNG PIOfU'I IPIQAl. "Joshua's Confusion" An Amish boy tries to bridge the gap between his larruty's Stmple 11fe sty1e and the modern wood ot his school· met• l &UIMl'S*MI> 11()¥11 "Once Upan A Starry Night" ~78. AdVenture) Dan Haggerty. Denver (1h1.30man) mVll "A Glfl Named Soooei" ( 1975. Orama) Lee Remick. A-chard Glenna (2 hrs.) • _. .,_ .. TOOAY ' Can Anyone Publish Books?" Two ~bhshers tell how to =~ published by someone etse °' doing it yourself • :A: 1* IECOllD camllY (J) N wcao CUP.-Coveraoe ol 1he Women's Oownh~I (from P1ancavell0, Ila· M. (R) (1 hr J CH>~ Richard Harris. Meg Busseit and Richard Muenz star 1n Lerner and Loewe'• claSslC Broac1Way musical taped at the Winter GardeO Theatre 1n New VOfk. (2 hie . 30 mm ) Cl)MCMI "The Painted Hills" ( 1951. Ora· ma} Lassie. Paul KeHy ( 1 hr . 5 min ) WC%>.,... "Heeven Can Walt" (1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty Julie Christle. ( 1 hr .• 41mi......, .. 8 woal Scheduled hlgNighll ol the Wottd 1C$ Speedway Motorcvcte ChempiOMhlp (from Assen, Nether· tanda) , WOfld Pro Sid Rec;e (from lake TahOe, C.UI ) (2 hf1 ) 1 ... ......, w1•1wa.w ft 1•CA·1"1~mmllf .,.. "The legend Of The Lone Rengel" (1980. Westem) Klitlton Spilt· bl,#y, CMstopher Lloyd ( 1 tw . 40 min.) (D)WWll "OulOC'(I OU..t" (1979, Fen-t~) Animated ( 1 hf • 20 min ) •. .,.. "Reunion In fW!o" 0951. ~I Mart< Steven9. Peggy Dow ( 1 tv .. :T •1 UUITMTIP -..... ... ·~ Phantom ToflbOOtl'I" ( 1910. Fantesy) Mll1\lted. VOlcee of ~ Bl9nc ttld Han.Conned. (2 htt.) 1-•a..., ...r~MI-... "Klafl fOf M Prdldent" 914, ~) F'r.:t MacL1.1n1y, POiiy ~ • umx• #If "£4Ww J. re.on" The dll"tfnguWwd ~ from °'*' ~ rlhi tr~ stytt WI(\ !tie pubic ,~. ttld Pl'~ n.i po11r11te hit Ni6' oone. Alt.._ 8ooufby ,.,., ... 18 F;tday, 0909mW 24, 1112 l llMTTYL8*0M -POWD IDT '11 TMI ~ Htghhghts or the '7 I Kansas City Chiefs vs M1am1 Dolphins sudden-death AFC playott game (R) .. (JZ).unMQ d9 11()¥11 'Poor Devil' ( 1972. Comedy) Sammy Devis Jr . Jack Klugman ( t hr 30mm) fMa.Y TMIATlll ft.D. WILD WOM.D '11 AlmAL.I llAT TMI ~ IOW\.lllQ WCl&D '11 IOOU a...wrr -PO'IBI lflOllTIClllTB naolY: nllll CUlleC T~ Animal ed Three stories t01 children -"Rip Van Wtnkle," "The Little Prince." and "Marlin The Cobbler" •• are blougtit alrve th1ough the claymahon process ( t h1 25 mtn ) Ct ~ "A Chlrs1mas Carol" ( 195 I, Fantasy) Alastal1 Sim. Ka1hleen Hamson l hr .. 25ml~ .. M.IMQ# ITMT'mK .,... "Black Sal'llUlai" ( 1976. Adveotur~ Kelley (2 his) 0 mA IPCMn1 LEGllml "Paul Hor· nung" Host How11rd Cosell a» ALONA IOWl From Honolulu, Hawau l hrs) ~OIMlletW .,... "Ziegtald Follies" ( 19'6, MuSI• cal) Fred Ast.ire, ~ar1and (2 hrs I GWllTMPOltA Cl) cou.IGI F001UL1 Uve coverage ol the Atoha Bowl (from Honolulu. Haw J ~hrs) CD .oWI "The Great AdVenture" ( 1976. Adventure) Jack Palance. Joan Collins Uhl .• 25mln > Cal .,... "PoPeye" ( 1980, Comedy) Robin Willlen-.. Shelley Duvall ( 1 hr . 54 mln6. (l)~ '11 TNIA,_ l11lllT PrnlCC!llS Grace gives ua a look behind the wali. of the Vaganove Choreogtaphic lnslllute - atso known as the Kirov ballet school -to explore the dfeams ol two Russian danc· ers woo hope to follow in the footsteps of i BaryshnlkOY, Nureyev end Makerova ( 1 lmM. llTA11 UllDA11 4111 e:uuu. mATDT 90llTI LIQllm& "Jim Tay· lo(' Host: P~ Ho<nung I" ...... ...... ~ ...... AmlCA "USTA Clay Court tnnll Che~lpt" ( 1 hr ) I ........... .... CMI .,_ "9 To 5" ( 1980. COmedy) Jene ~ = Ptflon ( 1 ht • 60 min ) ·1u.m ... wu ..... .._IUtlOCll IWPfDAYIMMI -... ,,, ..,.. Scheduled· • ~~of ihe Woria ~ S'11atlng Chempiona (ftom ~ Dtnmlirk), covtreot of the lntemetlonel Ski FlvlnQ ~t (from Kulm, AUS1rll). ( 1 hr., 30 mln;l ~ ·~ "Tht.. GOdtethefl" ( 19•9 . Wettern) John w~ ward Bond (2 i~ -"The ···""'" t..-'Thl GeltllftlnO .. (1078. Of•· • IN) Ed Ml'"1t. MMMeeo 81_.on f2 ~) ... lS.) llCMI "Jesus" ( 1979, Orama) Brian Deacon. Rrvka NOllT\an ( 1 hr • 57 man J 0 llOWW "King Of Kings" ( 1962. Ora· ma) Jett1ey Hunter, Robert Ryan. (2 hrs . 50min.) e TMI PWOTICTOM .. all l9A 1AM1TUU Atlanta Hawks vs Washl~Bullets (2 hrs 15 mm ) · 1 ;":;... .·=· COf///1Ntf = WOM.D Off .oRTI Scheduled a special performance 01 the World FIQU!e Skating Champ!OOS (from Copenhagen, Denmark). coverage ol lhe lntemahonal Ski F1yir19 even1 (lrom Kulm. Austria) < 1 hr. 30 mm) 9 CtM111A1 m Oii llum ITl&T The sp.r1t ot lhe Christmas season comes 0\191 Sesame Street as Big Bird atlempts 10 uncover the secret of how Santa Claus ~~·~~r.) ~.,... "The Wltch;s Slstef" (No Date) Uhl.30man) CZ).,._ "A Chnstmas Carol" (1951, Fantasy) Alasta1t Sim. Kathleen Hamson JD~~11 -..ail·venlng --------------- I.~~·~ WI '" " , ft , ii ~ 1111 ,... ' • l .II I UIW A11 ..,... C-hlmtl9f c;~'' lfid I dfllH•• T•ol O.rt• UIW ""' dleclion I.If MIW)I NiltlM r"""'' I I~ ~~:om CanitlUI C-Oteve In ~llUl ....... Ctri.i1ue ht°'tnifWi.i (I tn 30 """I _. .• .,,_,... ( 1111 °'*'••) flflan . AMII Nolmlln (I ht . 61 min I ... '' ..... 1tlettd'' (llNll, Or•IM •• otn, Conohata r 1119" ( 1 h1 • 3~ -eikm. "Young Al H•art" 11964. Mu.i cal) Fronk SINll18. Cloflli Dey 12 11,.. :10 -1mtn"-'---Q L01T••• TMI llAYMTY P1lncets Olllce h~11 lhlS tpe(;ial ol hOll<lay music and drama Ml 1n the V1tican and SI P1111Ck'1 h'I New York City Ou.11 lnclode the London Play11e and e>pe1a 1111 Placido Dom1noo e M9 NOOO Aller a doel between Robin Ind Slf Guy lhe Bishop IS killed by men dllQUl$ed aa Rob4n's lolloweis {Pprl 11) • IV'aYDAY COOUIQ WITH~,._ if Jacques Pepin demons1111es lwo dlltet enl w1ys lo make and decOlate mayon nafse ol lish and r:naise ol chicken ID CIMTllAI AT ITATI Members ot the Penn Slale Glee Club and the Brass Chorale caplure lhe spirit ol Yulellme in an ould<>OI' concer1 ot holiday muSIC lO) llOVll "Tubule" ( 1980. Orama) Jack Lemmon.RobbyBen~~s) 1W D CIMTllAI AT W OM CA'fltl· DIM. Re11e1end Cenon Charles A Party and A1 Reverend John T Walker cele btale a Ch11s1mas Dey servtee lrom the Washington Celhec:!fal 1n lhe na11on·i. cap- ital 11 h1) G ~ WllDNDlf'ICIALI "Zack And The Magic Factoiy" Two young people com- bine 11\elr ralenls 10 open up a magic Sh()() (Part 2) IA) n ''M111ttlt "' ,, tleln" I IOM ~~':"' J#f• w,,,.n. ven Jntnon !fl'Jl't~~t~en Ol.w ~ nuunic:onli rtvleW hlghllgltll of the r.9YIOIM .,..lc't NH 0A'"" •rid lnteMew "1 pi.~ ltfld ~ ( I tv ) IL> llON "8w11+1t Cl'll!rlty" ( 1069. MUii cal) Shlrl9y Mncl atne. John MoM1111n (2 htt 16mln) ,,.,TW*' .. 111 A_,, •ILUID ctMTllM Clvllt· mAtli celebfaltd "' 6t AnMlm'• Coli.ge 1n M11nc;he1tor. New H1ml)lhlre. wllh 1 ChrlalfT\flt fve MNlce oondue1td In a e.tltdlcune monaa11ry ft hf) G we••• a.tnMt RCW. Anl· meted A megle11I boOk Ilk" Chrittopt\ef Peeper, his friend Joy and their robot GIZmo on a joo1ney through llme and 10 lhe lif&t Chri.1ma1 llAGIC Oii OL PAllTltO na ""'°"' ctMTU1 RaAL GllOWllQ YUiii llO¥ll "Heidi" ( 1979, Adventure) ( 1 hr . 33m1n) D.W. 'The Compellllon" (1980. Ora- ma} Richard 01eyfuss. Amy IMng (2 hrs. 9mln) ~ lllOYll "Tha1's The Splfit" ( 1945, Fan- tasy) Peggy Ryan Jack Oakie ( 1 hi .. 30 min) Afternoon 12:118 CJ) IUMIOWl North Ce1ollna Tar Heels vs Texas Lonohorns from El Paso. Tex ~hrs) U IOI.TI All> 'fltl CMCAOO llWlalf OflCHllTRA Sir George Soltl conducts the Chieago Symphofly 01chestra at the Roy al Alvert Hall in London (2 his ) D ozm..., IWllmT ------------ ~ftl.U',.... " ~Pond ' pon t, o.a IN) ~ ,Of'lda, Kalhlllflt Hlpliuin (I ~'9nm> .. "Chllllmet MOonllin" (I 0 I M\&) Blrni Plokent, M111k Mt 11 ht • ~~ "ll't A Woncloftuf life" (1947. ~laty) ,,."'" 811Wlfl. Donn• Reed (2 tvt :...!.g min } _,_ ... &CIG ...... Mel11n Sl~•nson hol11 • ~ment1ry on Camp Bloom 1111c1. 1 h0\191"1 1or tw11111no 1111paited end blind el'lildren I .... , IUTMWM.....UCMOM t1I UlllM MID llM IA•'ll Coverage ol the '8? little LMOUI World Sefiel Champloo5h1p Game agafnal Taiwan (from w1rnmapoo Pd) (1 hr., 30mln) 0:9 Q1) llCMI "The Lemon Drop Kid" { 195 t, Comedy) Bob Hope, Marilyn Maxwell (2 hi•} w• llCMI "The Slo1y 01 Ru1h· I 1960, C5rama) Stuart Whtlman Tom T1yon (2 hie. 30 min) (!) 11CM1 "The King And I" ( 1956. MusJ- Cll) DebOlah Keir, Yul Brynner (2 hrs .. 30mln) ltl llO¥m "Cha1lotte's Web ( 1973. MIJSica~nlmated {2 hra ) e "Snowmen" ( 1975, Adven ture) Wllltam Sl\atner (2 hrs } • llOYA "The Tetev1si0n Explosion" The paat. present and futu1e of AmertCan 1ete- vlslon are e•plored (A) D { t hr ) GD WORlltWOllJI Schedlft'ed· highlights of the WOlld Ice Speedwey Motorcycle Champ10nshlp (lrom Assen. Nother- landSI : World PIO Ski Raoe (from Lake SENIORS Davis .:;)Brown •,/N < I 1'1-J' RCA 25" Diagonal REMOTE CONTROL Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Wiii Take • HMOH COHTROt Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mar • COlOITIAC • CAIU HADY OILf 599?~HH 411 E. 17th, Costa Mesa 646-1684 Friday, December 24. 1982 15 -Salunlay Cont. meMCU'lg Mr T as Ricky's l)efsonal d whe<l tvs son returns from his 9Chool with a blacJ( eye (R) Cl) FOCnUU. Covef age ol the AJoha Bow1 (trom Honolulu. Haw ) (R) ~hrs.) •az> llO¥ll "The Son 01 Monte Cristo" ( 1940. Adventure) Louis Heyward, Joan Bennett. A darinq swastlb\JCl(ler wages da8dly ooeis 10 win the hand of a lovely ~-(2hrs) •G -A mM Sam &eqUll'es an 1mag lnery trtend the rest of the tamtly wants to Q!t rid ot (R) • 9 I.Oft IOAT Captain Stubtng helps '9l#llta a mothef afld daughlar. a woman trying to loee weight tans'°' a doctOC'. aod a men attril:s 10 WVl back his ex-wife ~)~~UL MCI AT 1MI ....... 1:ned vlolinis1 ltzhak Penman Is mas111 of ceremonies for an all-star ja.n program lfom the East Room of the White House LOCllMM ' hr.) TMI aM1llAI IOllQI Host Mel T orme with Lea &own and his Band of Renown ara ~by Rich Little. George Shearing, Maureen McGovern, Marilyn McCoo an<J Blly Dllvrs Jr tor an evening ot holiday mullCal entertainment. (R) ( 1 hr • 30 $.k,. "The French ltautenanrs Wom- an" ( 198 t. Drama) Meryl Sir~. Jflfemy lrona. An affair between two actOfS is par atlalad in the romantic peliOd film in whteh the two are pe<fOffl'ling 'A" (2 hfs., 5 "*'·' G moWll "Walking My Baby Back Home" (1954. Musical) Donald o·eon- n<>I', Janet Leigh. A group of Gls start a bend. but sucoess eltxjes the<n until they switch 10 ~ (2 In) .. e e LM. _.., Sidney relUctanlly allOWI IOfne of his oil paintings to be •.nlblted at a New Yant art gallery CD.,_"Buddy. Boddy" (1981. ~ dy) Jacti Lemmon. Walter Matthau While an ~ concentretes on his next kill· Ing. he II nJde4y ln1e<rupted by a bumbling falbl of I man who Is lltempllng eulclde 'A' tttw .. 36 ..._, -· Cl) Cll 8'llCUl "Eye On The Meciil:: 8ullfl9U And The Press" Fourteeri repreeentatlwls trom the sometimes feud· Ing tactlOns of OOllness. governmonl •n<J the pr .. ~ their reJatlonshlp with eech other, QOYWlng 9UCh lsaues .. lhe media'•'* of oontUltanll and an.ga11one of oNok~ Journehm. Jri Iv.) • ·---~ll•MOI A baeuttflJI ~ ""' Nick to get at &Ian. wnom lhe ~WI& reeponelble tor the death o1 rsmothlr 28 YMrt llOO. ( 1 ht ) I .... ,_,,,., mAm An ol r1g WOfke< ..,ti to mett • oenterfokl model. end • plot llekt to captur• end tam. the leg !=.~bird. (R)~ ( 1 ht.) ''Mt. Qullp'' '1'1&, Mueleall hony Ntwtey. Dll~ emtr. BANCI on a Dick_. ''Old CUrl<*ty Shop," A cold· hMrt.cl. mlw drlllte • little gift end her Iii ~om""* home. (3 Mt.> .. ...... "OUllt A.a A Nun" Whtn a """d'll of •emitlOn In• corwant towtt, t~ ~ Jemkna 8tlOr9, •for· II tht ~. II Uked to • ~r::l CMw;)r. i> • ~':-'(1911, Alln Mwtlctetwt.y.A --of~--· .... wen.·'°'""'*" the 5'ytlf~ · 11 ,~, Deailmblr 14, 1111 ' daughter ot a separated coople 1& the VIC· 11m of child abuse 'PG' ( 1 hr 32 mm ) CB> MOVIE "Modem Problems ( 198 t. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Palll D' Art>an- vllle A hapless air trallte controller with numerous personal problems IS endowed with telek1ne11c powers atter being doUsed W11h nuclear waste. 'PG' (I hr . 30 min.) 0 llOVIE "Oliver" 11968. MU51C81) Ron Moody. Ohvltf Reed A young orphan is kidnapped lrom his new home by his old gang. bUI manages to escape and return 10 his benefactOf 'G' ( t hf . 40 min) .. G) Mat >JlmBI IOllc:aRa'rW. D H B'I C8ITB 1W "Chflstmas At Kennedy Cente< With Leontyne Prtee' An evening of traditional Ctv1stmas muslC and readings laatures renowned soprano Leonlyne Pr1ee. llutlSt Paula Robison. gut· tanst Eliot F1Sk. and NOfman Scrit>oer con ducting lhe FMtrval OrcheSlra and the Wastllngton Choral Aris Soc1ety ot Wash ~ton. (1 hr) lQJ MOVE "ROOfTI Service" I 1938, Come· dy) Mar>< Brothers. Lucille Ball A theatrl- cal group attempl 10 remain 1n a hotel without paying by trying lo convince the management that they have the measles i.!_hr. 30mln) CS)~ '"The Franch Lieutenants Wom an" ( 1981. Orama) Meryl Streep. Jeromy Irons An atta11 belWeefl two a<:tOC's " par alleled In lhe romantic period fllm in wNch the two are perfOC'mtng R' (2 hr& • 5 min) ... IA'Nl)AY ~'AGll .. «Zl llO¥ll "Easy Living" (1949. Drama) VICtOf Mature, t.:ucllle BaM A Nlfl$h. mate- riall&lie wife constantly demands mOfe from hel' football-playing husband ( 1 hr • '* 301 ·'1 (I)111 cm ... 18'1"111TMillliilfTnll WIB . IOUDGOLD llO¥ll "Mrs Miniver" ( 19.,.2. Drema) Gr9er Garson, Waller Pidgeon A family IMng W'I Englan<J during lhe Germen siege struggles to maintain a normal e111Stance ~ hrs • 45 min ) • llO¥ll "lt'1 A WOndertul Liie · ( t9-47, fantasy) James Stewart. DonM Reed. A man's guardian angel diverts him from 6'11- ctde and ShoWI him wtlal his hometown would be Ilka if he Wefe never born (2 hrs .. 30 min. ) G llOWll "Great Expectations" ( 193'. Otama) Jane Wyatt, Henty Hull Based on the SIOfY by Charlel Dickens. A yooog boy'l 111• la deeply Influenced by a ehanoi encountei with an 91'Caped pritoner (2 tw ~ "9o.. "Dirty Lilly" (No Dale) ( 1 hr • 16mln.~ tWI"" ..... • IA'f\IMAY llQNf LM Hoat· BiM . UITty Ouftta. the Spinners, Fathe< Gui· dO SardUcol. the Whottanpoot. (A) ( 1 hr., 30';~ . I :W. "The Stora! Of SMI• VlttOrie" ( 1969. Oram11) Anthooy Quinn, ~nna Magnani Italian v!H~ band togtther IO ~t the oc:oul)Yfng Nazlt from conflt-oellnO one mlllloo bottles of wine. (2 tws . •&mrn.) ! ....... c:tmlTllAI AT,_ ITA11 M.m~I Penn State GtM Club and the 9'ua Olof• c:tplUfl !tie lplfll Of YUltllt'M In oYtdOof .:;:1 oC tiotld1y rnuale. ... , .. "lntttnate Moment•" (la8t) ancn Gtwatt. 81fnafo n~ 'R' 11 rw .. .a "*'· 1 · NI <IV .. •m. lQ'ld Of THI l<><'I Ranger" t 1980. Westetn) Kl1n1on Spils- bUry Ctmslophef Lloyd The Lone Range< and Tonto putsue their arch-enemy, Butch CavendiSh. wtlo has kidnapped the presi- dent ot the U.S 'PG' ( 1 hr . •O min ) 1b11(8) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard PryOf. Gene Wilder Two men are mistaken tor bank robbers and senl to 1a1I 'R' (1hr .51 min.) 111418 llOVll "The Song 01 Bernadette" ( 19.,.3. Biography) Jennifer Jones. Charles BlcklOfd A devQUI young girl rece!VeS a vision near her home resulll"l,J I bllc conlrove<sy (2 hrs ) tM1 UU.TUI ... AUllUUMI IUD FOOTMU Coverage ol the Grand Final. (R) (2 hn> ) (11)MCMI "Taps" (1981. Drama) George C Scott. Timothy Hulton M11oary school cadets take over their school to prevent plans to turn the academy property Into a condo devetopment. 'PG' (2 hrs.) 11:9® MOVIE "The Girt Most Likely" ( 1957. Musical) Jane Powell. CUii Robertson A romantically 11'\ciined girl dreams of marry- 1 a wealthy man. (2 hrs.) ---·-.... ,_,. TMI lllfTOft DES MOWll "Home For The Hohdaye" (1972, Suspense) Eleanor PaOler Jvlte Hams A man asks his lour daughters to vtsll '°' the holidays wtler'I he beCOmeS conwiced htS secood wife is trying to kin him (1 hf . 15 min ) CD llOWll "The Immoral One" ( 1980 . Orama) Sylv.a Lamo. Yves Jouffroy A amne&lec young woman searching !Of he< identity discovers that she may have been a toP Parisian prostitute. ( 1 hr , 25 min.) 0 llOWll "The Gathe<lng -Part ll" ( 1979, Drama) Maureen Stapleton. Elrem Ztmbalist Jr. A widow and he< grown children's Christmas reunion It complicated by their unfavorable reaction to a new man in he< kte and conflicts In theit own llvel (2 hrs.) as (J).,. "Boddy. Buddy" < 1981. eom.- dy) Jectc Lemmon. Waller Matthau Wtllle an asussln conoen1r11ee on his na111 kill- ing. he Is rudely lntem.tpted by a bumbling failure of a mon who II attempting tulclde 'R' ~ •• rmln.) W! ATTMl..-OV llO¥ll "The Amulng Colossal Man" 957. Science-Flctloo) Gltnri Langan, athy Downs. An atomic e11ploelon tutns 1 man Into a murderoot giant ( 1 hr , 30 min.) I IDT•• 1 • •rr1NC1A&. 110¥11 "The PrOUd Ones" (1956, a11em1 Robeft Ryan. Virginia MZ A W.tem marthal'• Witt ,,. t•ted a ltwewd gen; of outi.wt arrw. In town . '~"Something Evfl" (1971. HOI tor) Sandy Oen~ Btllamy A fatn-lly of tour !JM · ~ ende~ i td by the M wit their new hQmt. lltt.) '11 llCMI "The Beg\.llted" I 1~71, Drema) t E .. 1wooct, Oerlild!M f>lot. An lnjuttd Union IOICll« racu~titlg In a glr1t' IOhoOI ha NI ~ need1enly ,mpu.. tettd by the IMloul 1NdmM!t .. Whtl'1 ht II oeugtit ~ti Ol'\t of "'-Olf'!a, < t tw • &omtn) • wcm .. "Alltgto NOfi 'Tr~' (1979. ~tety) A~ 1.W. In INIChine IU&llftud ~ j 1 tr tl:_ "*1 ) = 1111 RMI a ... .. ''G To • (tllO.•l ~) ~~=~~ ::~·-·~··= I -.-r"" mtfJ«ian ~ ift .. 11 -CMrufflll A 1tt, lMMn ~ ~ ~. o.n. ICely enQ l'UU'ftt Of,n.ndy .,. "°'1nrtd lot lhllt .._un .. 1Lhievement1 lfl 1he J*k>r"*IO 1111, W1tte1 Ctonkll• D I..,,.. I,,_ Arnold 11 c191"' 10 beet Wllil If hll OIW'I game •rid dettlfont him • IOCal vld9o game ctiempt : :Mr "Mtln or 8o)'I r own" (194 1 lr•ma) 6pencef Tracy. MlektV Rooney f11hef F18n8Qlln 11ruggiee 10 combat JIN• nlle dellnQl.ltflCy by helplng Ill DCClutied mutcler1t. (2 hrf.) • 0 u . ..,.. T J. HOOker becomes lnYoiv.d with an unt<)IV9d CIM he coveted •• a detective tight YMll Miiler (R) (I Iv) 8 llOw. "~ Twitt" ( 1948, Ofema) AOben Newton. John How1rd Davies A young orphan II forced Into the crlm1na1 wo. lcf In or cler 1 o IUfVlve ( 2 hrt ) (!) ALOHA IOWl Walhlngton HUSl<les vs Maryland T1rr1pln1 lrom Honolulu Hawaii (3 tw1) • MOYll "Spellbound" ( 1945. Suspense) lngrld Bergman, Gregory Peck An amnesia vlcllm accused ol mur der Is helped by the woman psychiatrist Friday, December 24, 1982 17 -Sunday • B OC1D mT YI _., Ctwistmes music from the past 500 years IS highlighted •n e holiday special hosted by actress Alme MacMahoo and leatunng the Camarata =r~(A) (lh1) '==· ~ .,_ "House eans" ( 1978. come- dy) Walter Matthllu, Glenda Jackson ( t _hr .. ~ 1t11~WMAnlln ~ n.-'9009 °""' "Red Skelton Presents Freddr, The Freeloedef's Chllsl· mas Dinner" V ncent Price and Imogene Coca co-star with Red Skelton In the story ol Freddy the Freeloeder's trials and trlbu lallonS es he plans a holiday diMef CZ> MOVIE "Haar1land" ( 1981. Drama) ~ TC>fn, Cooch81a FtHreli ( 1 hr. 36 .. illa..,ICIW8 .. amar••Cl.OllUP ,...,.,..,: Y.-CU..: TALll Animal ed. Three 11orles IOf children -· "Rip Van Winkle," "The Uttle Pnnc.." and "Marfin The Cobblef" • ere brought eltve through the clalymetlOO procea ( 1 hr • 25 min ) • 1 cwr•IMIMOO .... TMl .... WON> ..._,_ YOUnl Mm m _.. "Nuctea1 Freeze -~Wrong!" IE MGM = Washlt'lgton HuskleS vs Marylend Terrapins from Honolulu Hew~hrs) CD) "The Ulltmale Thrill" ( 1974, Sulpense) 81111 Ekland. Eric Breeden ( 1 hr .. 50mln) e llOwm "The Four SealOOt" (1981. Ofama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnell (I hr .. 57 min.) .. L01T••AC1 .. . .. .,.." _.. ....... •IMYIMI \IOYMI CllCMIOl Am CIUlat ltOlM IPIMfNf ~nmu.u. llOwm "lhe Concerl For l<ampuctiea" ( 1980, MUSlc31) Paul McCartney. The Who. ( 1 hr., 20 min.) CR> 90Wll "Race For Your Life. Charlie efownl" ( 1977. Comt<fy) Animated II l'lr. 25 min) MIJ:.."L,,.. um.llAICM.I C.ul ..... 111 ....... -.,," Oii llml- "The Vltllmlna" Gueet.: Aotenoe L.af\le OI the Fiith Olmentlon. euthor MeU· nitn S.llmln. nutrttlonltt Betty LM Mofllea. ...nlCICIN.MD , .. DmCNm IAYGl'.CU.V ..., ....... ,_ :'r.::'" ... "Sc>lnl Of Tht Wind" (tD79, ) Chllf Oen Otorgt, 6hm Plcken1 ----~ . ~.~ ... ,,. 1:11ll)MOVIE "The F1ench Lieutenant's Wom- an" ( 1981. Drama) Meryl Streep. Jeremy troos. (2 hrs., 5 min ) ~ comlW ...,..., AlllO TMI I090T rrawna TY .. LOOU AT WJI m 1 Q LLOYDOGI.• ..., .. MQMT ....... -=-TMl...OT llOWll "A Ctvistmes Carol" (1951 Fantasy) Alastair Sim. Kathleen Hamson l1 hr., 25 min ) NI llZl 90Wll "Since Yoo Went Away" ( 1944, Drama) Oaudette Colbefl, Shtrley Temple (3 hrs. 30 min) .. .._.,_ nman11LR llONYI MD,_.,. DA~U. LITTMIM•u.rJ LLOYDC>Ca• llA ... __,fALWIU. CMTOOlll 11.lCTllC tA9Mf"" ....... .,. "Caltle King" ( 1963, Westem) Robert T aylof. Joan Caulfield ( 1 hr . 30 min.) CID McMI "Flash Goldoo" ( t980, SCt ence-Flclion) Sam J Jones. M8JI Von fu'._dow ( 1 hr 50 min ) lQJ 0. IJllCMr lfAll/O Thi$ speclal teped live at New YOik's Carnegie Hatt and Los Angeles' OOlothy Chandlef Pav.Ilion. tea turesm1~azz greats (2 hrs ) 0 IWIWAY two heQh·sptftled. street·smart teen-agers l:>feek their probe· uon fOf a day of fun and pranks { t tv 30 mlflJ...n. a11I OOYWY~ed Or Maulana Karenga and Mark Ridley· Tho111as. eKecu- 11ve derector of SCLC ol Greeter Lot Angeles. cftSCuss the holldey "Kwanzaa" a plc1u1e sequence ol religious symbols. "The Twetve Daya of Cfwlstmas". Dr James Porter of UCLA dltcUMeS !he use of folk music as a "survival tool " l,.l*lW. TMIUMftl _,...,..AT CM.VllJ(f ..WIK.MCI ILIC1WC CO.M'I (IQ ..,.YOUll_.. .,_ "Voung And Free" (1979, A<Mtnture) Erik Lor11en, KaOh Lan;an (I hr .. 30 min.) .. lmfntl .... &OJI A.&LOI ..... CIW.~ .. IT•wrml :r'..='Ol>Q .,. "Rock. Rock. Aoctll" ( 1958. Mu*at) Ahln ~. Tuelday Weld ( 1 hr .. 2Smln) Cl) .. "Flddlef On The Roof" (1971. ~) Topol, NOflT\11 Crene (2 ""'. 59 mil\. ...... .. JAICIMllAtal At•0"91t 09nlel Eltat>erg ( 1 hr,) IR'lmAY DAY OJI-amt .... ._ ma1w...-._.,~ •&•-~· =--''T•" (1178. OtM\11) Nu1 ..... K I. Ptler Firth. f2 tn~. 50 m.) (EJ l9l FU1 "Sui>ef Bowl XV" Oaklano Raiders vs Philadelphia Eagles CZ> MOv. "Amarcord" ( 1973. Drama) Magali Noel. Bruno Zanin Olre<:ted by Fedeflco Fellin1 (2 hrs . 5 min ) -a•aYHDI MOv. "The Phantom Tollbooth" ( 1970. Fantasy) Anrmated Voices ol Mel Blanc and Hans Conned (2 hrs.) 8ATTMI.,.. (I) lfi. FOOTUU San Francisco 49ers al Kansas City Chtels (3 hrs) G tBAl.D OI MITH (!)MOVIE "The Golden Eye" ( 1948, Mys· tery) Roland Winters. Mantan MC>feland l hf . 30 mmJ_, Ell•" ~WMDI Correspondents Ltn· da Weflhetmer and Cokie Roberts )Oln Paul Duke IC>f an up-lc>-th&-minute sum· ma~~=-lonal act1v1tles · I ~YOUITU&.l Coverage of the Division I championship hom the UmverSl- t.t_ol the Pacillc. (A) (2 hrs ) (HJ MOYll "Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder" ( 1982. Drama) Dennis Christopher, ~san Saint James ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) (Q) MOv. "Our Time" ( 1973. Drama) Pamela Sue Maritn, Parker Stevenson ( t hr . 40min) 0 MOVIE "Ohver" ( t968. M1$CSI) Ron I~ (2hrs .35mln) .. ll'IWACI ~nmu..u. 40YGft.W'.ll l ~ICll••• IDf Ol lml Ma PIOPU TOO Guests Robin Zander and Rick Nie!Seo or 'Cheap T11ck." Beth Howland. defense allorney F Lee Beiley (A) ( 1 hr.) I ..., fALtllU OIB.m MOVIE "Christmas In Connecticut · ( t945, Comedy) Barbara Stanwyck. Dennis MC>fgan. (2 hrs.) Ii> WM&.-..,_,. -''To Coln A Phrase" Guest. Watter Perschke, presi- dent. Numl9co. tnc. E'IMOUC UGAY 1W MOVIE "Money From Home" ( 1953. ) Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) D Oii CA9UI "Chapman College Mullc Showcaae" Guest. Dr Thomas Halt, chairman ol the Chapman College mu'IC rtment. PIOIU1 110W11 "Kisses FC>f M President" =-E Frtd MAcLutray. Polly • -Ml 1111A119 "To SerV9 fhem Al My Oeyt" Alcock la gone end the QU411tlon egein la who wil be appolnt- td new hM<lmuter. Chris aulYft from Cllntda With • new t>utdet'I for P J ro shOulder. t •rt 111 n t1 hr l ~~ IDTMCaMMAITI 110W11 "Felll'IO In Love Ageln" (HMSO, ama) Blott OOuld. StMMah YOl'tl. ( 1 I 30mln..liu U&llldCW t• .,. "A W#llt. In The SPfing Rain" ( 1970. Aomanct ) tngrld Bergman. MlijfM (2 hit.Jaw tW ..... ---... ~ ... m_. I .. .,,, ........ a. ... ~ .. ~-~) ~ ~. Vlrglf1i9 hL'1inm-. ------------------------- I ~'..91·.~ Singing "You've Gotta Have Heart" from George Abbott's "Damn Yankees" are (left to right) Tom Bosley, Van Johnson, Jean Stapleton, Hal Linden and Eddie Albert, in Saturday's "The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Perlorming Arts," at 8 p.m . on KNXT (2 ). (1960. Orama) Natalie Wood, Robert Wagner. A headstrong girl from a poor Southern lamlly marrMIS for money. not -love~.~~ ~ &.-:... MIGIOftO MICllO H~ llOWll "St Helens" I 198 I. Orama) Art Carney, David Huffman An 80-year- old man refuses to leave his small resort alter a ~ogtst predicts a volcanic dlsa&- ter 'PG ( 1 hr • 3!> min ) atllCIDlllOVll "On Golden Pond" (1981 Ora- ma) Henry Fonda. Kathartne Hepburn. a:a rn QROOYll OOOLU W8TOOAY'I-- OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS llow Woul' Y•• Uk1 lo ••• • L••rn • ,,.w •kl/I • D•~•lop Leaderehlp • M•lc• New Frl•nd• • Enjoy Regul•r Clvlll•n Llf• 2651 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa W1 OH1r ••• • Excellent C•rHr OpportunltlH For H.B. Gr•du•t• or Equlv•l•nt • Tr•lnlng For Peopl• With No Mlllt•ry Ex,,.rlenc• • Ag• 17 or prior to 35th blrthd•y • Opening• for Prior S•rvlc• lndlvldu•I• SOUND INTERESTING ... ??? CAU TODAY 979-7363 (between 8 30 a.m -4.30 p m ) CIHOY OfHatNG SSOT. Friday, December 24, 1982 19 -lunclay Cont. COmedvl Dirk Benedtci. Malan1& Griffith 111 hr.,~ min) -IKINGfll .. WTOfMWLD lllmAY "Minic.am Sunday" Highlights of segments produced 001ing 1982 at var· lous locations throughOUI Los Angeles, ~ a look at the Long Beach Grand Prix. (2 hrs ) I ATTMl90¥8 .,,,. "Gregorio And HIS Angel" ( 1968. Drama) Buxlerk:k Craw1ord (2 hrs.) CJ) U•rTU dHO COUIH PUllD m.rnm 0 MC .wl CU>IBI' "Asbe$1os The Way To Dusty Death" Jules Bergman updates his 1978 repo<t on the health hazards ot asbestos exposure to both lndustrlal workers and the general pYblk: ex.amlnlng the r9Ce(lt trends In compen· sating the victims ol osbestOS-felate<l dts, eases. ( 1 hr ) • 11Gvt1 "A Gtrl Named Sooner" ( 1975. Ofama) Lee Remick, Richard Crenna (2 hrs.) • e .,,,. "Soowman" ( t975. Aaven- tura) William Shetner. (2 hrs ) e WAU. '1MlrT wm "to Coln A Phrase" Guest· Walter Petschke. pr~ dent. Numlsco. Inc e.,,,. "Going Home" ( 1971, Chma) Robert Mttctiom. Breoda Vaccaro (2 ltn.l.1111111..-MIW .a.TIC8IT'a .,. "Lady On A Train" ( t9"S, &Jlpense) 0eenna Ouroo. David 8ruce i ht., 30mln) .. ~ W .,,,. "Three's A CrOWd" ( t969, Comedy) Larry Hagman, F J Peakei ( 1 hr.,30 ~ ' 1Cll JD WAllWOll-•mYllW ....UYCOCllml llml MCCllD ,._ "Apple Galetta" Jacques Pepin dlaol111111 how to buy and use dtffefent klndl of apples and preper• apple Q!.lette. Cll.J 9D¥ll "Race For Your life. Charlie 18'~1~.~9n, Comedy) Animated. ( 1 .. nllllllT • OAYIAUll ... ... UlftlD HCHtO COLLIQI fUID " ... (CCm"D) ,... um ''How 0oes 0ne F\nd e th" OU.t: M1lcoltn Muggerldge. (A) • fttv.} ,. U -Bob VII and Honn bram undefiakt IN IUk or framlna the new 1982 wing of the 1850l Gtftll AM-v .. ratmhoule ml .. "Cattle Kina" (1083, W•ttm} ~ Taylot, Joen CeulllekS (1 hr., 90 ~ .. ....,.... Phledtlpttla 7e.rt at ~ Antonie> 8puf1 (Out to IMndatOf)' blaOkout r~lone. thle gem. mey not ~lllf'l In 'rO'K ., .. , J2 ~. 30 "*1.) .. "&c*lt Ot~ W'trwf' (1870, ama) Ctll9( o,n Oeotge. 8lm PlcMna.. i hr. 40mln) .. "Buddy. Buddy'' (1981. com. ) JIClk Lemmon1 Wen.r Melt'*', ( 1 amn::.b -··--~:The~ MIOflllll ~. Caf 8mltt\, till'~ " hr.) . .. ._ ...... ,_. II Ff'tdar, Deoirribir 14, tNa 15= ... anew am 9D¥ll "A Christmas Catol" (1951 Fantasy) AlastBll Sm, Kathleen Hamson L1 Iv., 25 min.) CZ) mw. "Night Train To Munich (194-0, Suspense) Maroaret Lockwood. Rex Harrison. ( 1 Iv . 30 min ) Cl llCMI "The Lady Paya Ott" ( 1952. Ofama) Lirlda Darnell. Stephen McNally ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) --·Ive·•-•1L~MlfacleSStlll Happen" (1976 Adventure) Susan Penhal\gon. Paui Mullef. A 17-year-old achoolglrl becomes the lone survivor of a Christmas Eve plane lcra=l==:hr•) lMOllMMmlAlmM.I ..., ..... .. "Gidget" (195.9, Comedy) nctra Dee. Cliff~'°" (Ming IUm- mer vacallon. a girl chasel aun. surf and romance. (2 hrs.} e 9D¥11 ''H8fe Come The Nelsons'' (1952. Comedy) OlZle and Harrie!, Aoclc Hudson. Dad trie11 to atop the gangsters from getting away after his two 1on1 get l mlxed up wfth them. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) ........ me ... llCWA "The Te6evilk>n Exploslon" The past, present and future of American t• Vlsionaree•nkvW'I (A) o (1 tv.) (Jj) llCMI ·,TRash-GordOfi" ( 1980, Scl- tnee-Acllon) Sam J. Jonel, Max Von Sydow. A trio of eerthllngl lravel to the pie.net Mono<> and help Its oppresMd Inhabitants WI the OYerthrow of the evll E!!lf)ef<>f Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min) G lllMI "Sunday In New YoOI" (196"4. Comedy) Cliff Robertton, Jane i:onda After being lilted by her boyfriend and traveling to New Voik to Yillt her brother, a young woman COfllldefs her po9111on on ·1·~wmln ) -CDLIS Cl .. r--· l'ri.,. ... .,_. "Brian'• Sona" ( 197 t 0!'1ma) Jamea caan. 8lllY Dee ~llllams. two foot- ball pla)'tft lhar• • rare trlendlhlp until oanoer ctalmt one or them. (1 ht .. 30 ,.,, ,., ... M adwnt\Moue rogue and • ~ orpflan Journey thrl)Ugh tfme to htlP Wti#' Md ~ W.MM Per1ect • ..-.~~"~¥~ '*" nnct. • royel !Owe ._. that led to tf'lt ocwonetlon of • ~ "*"; ur...i looda; tht myth of the gr•t ~ axt1aor-r-1•1111v.1 ----oou.HI ...,. ,..,_,_ ..... ''Tlll ~ Ot Anlmlll • 8lgN And aiiMi'· The e>cpetl- tr*ltt cbie bV t<att von ~ Julen ~. Koniecf,LOftnl and oct. natur_.. lltl CN'S thl _... to "*" ttle aan-at_.,,.,. .. ~ (1hr.) ..,.... "' Lo. lt/Jilll!' ( ·-..... CliUd. ..... YClfll. A "*' -,,,. ___ rtllil10n lft h ballf"fwt f'lt _,NM IN DOCM9 ._DI the ~t 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min I ~~'Siience 01 The N0<1h" (1981 AdventUfe) Ellen Bufstyn, Tom Skerrm In 1919, a young woma.n·s marriage to a tra.pper leads her to a ~le ot hardship 1n the wildemess ot northern Canada 'PG' (!hr. 35mlf'l) (Z)mvll "Ttle BeQutled" (1971, Ofama) Clint Eastwood. Geraldine Page An inJU<e<l Uruoo soldief racupe<ating in a g11ls' school has htS leg needlessly ampo· tate<l by the 19alou6 headmistress when he IS caught with one of the girls 'A' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) I OUMI COWTl IPORTI ICM 19 ... 7:11 AOM-11 19A IAIKErlAU. PO<tland Trait Blaz8fs at San Otego Clippe<S (Due to manda10<y blackout regola11ons. this game may not be seen l·~rea) (2 hrs., 30 min.) (D) ... Los Angeles Kings vs Vancouver Canucks (3 hrs.) QD MOVIE "Larceny" ( 19"48. Dlama) John Payne. Dan Duryea. A sllppety con anlst coovlnceS a war widow that she shoUld lo~t hef money In a suitable and expensive tribute to hef oeceaseo hus· band_J t h1 , 30 min.) ... (J) MClm _.... flUCI Blllle's newfound phitoeophlcal awareness COUid be l'lazafdouS to her IOYe life D e CllPI Ponch IS tntrOdueed to his new patlnet. Tom L.asorda gets a speed- ing ticket, and Ponch IS robbed at a heatth clu~~1111-I GI IMTT llOUITCll Matt investigates the deeth of a young actor who was 10 atar In a film with an aoing movie queen A (1 hr.) " . ..,.. ... 1'MI TAUi Of NOflfllAll The al a House ot C<Mlrit Garden, L~ preeents this encore preseotation ol a young mans speolal dreems starring Placi- do Domingo. (3 hra.) • ... "A Time For Every Seuon" ( 1972. Adventure) Documentary. A man and a young boy explore the forbidding! AIUIUln tundra. (2 hrs.) • llANm "The ~ Of Animlll Betla~ Signs And Slgna!S ' The expert· ments done by Ket1 von Frisch, Julian Huxley. K01Yad L<>fenz and othef ne1ural- lat1 over the centuries to leam the tan-I ohnlmalt ate explored. ( 1 hr.) 1 llAICU4CI THIA• "to S0tYe All My Deya" CMa. having lost the ettctlOn. male• a deoltlOf\ 1bout Devld't ~ Pt'C>POML (P•rt t2tO '1 hr.) ml .. "FOf VOAit E~ Qtfy'1 (1981. A~ Roger MOOf9. Topot. Jamee Bond • orltnlnal wtlO purloined • top aecret Britlth de*-~ 'PO' (2 hi&~·}. CID • Buddy. Buddy''J t 98 t. eom.-clJ) Jack Lammon. Wel\tf attMll. WN1t an ......., conc1ntret• °" hll ne•I kll- ll'IO. he " NdttV Interrupted by • l:unbllng lallK• ot a men whO II attempting auldde. 'R' ~36mln} • m. "fldcler On The Aoof" (1971. ~) Topot. NOfma Cfene A~ m9imen In ~the-cent'UfY "''* FUM tnel to~ tJtf !'Ill tlgltMe ttrt wtlllll tfYW'Q. to t!Old onto hll =•:'.=::· 11:·\... ........ ~·-...... In Cllbnll 11INliW'•11..-oe ·1 ''lUVtt tMp,ty" I 1'60 Curr• ) 111 8fott1er1. Mltfllyn Mtlf1m• (7 trr.arr~~ .... 0.0,QI Hartlilton. Lauren Huf 00 ( I I 33 niln .. (I) -.at-t W >J ICAI rHtut9d a \It.II with Santa'• hetpefa es they gear up IOI lhe hOlld.ly Mlton. whet II Ilk .. 10 b9 a 1111 pelrdman. a rtflrtmenl home lot chlmPI In Flollda ( 1 ht.) (Z)MCMI "Stoten Klsaat" ( 1968. Ororno) .Hlan-Plerre LeaUd Oefphtne Seyrlg ( t hl ,30mln) G MIMI "fm11a11on Of l lie · I 1934, 0111 mt) Claudelle Colbert, Wa"en Wiiiiam 2 h11) 11:11 lllL TODAY •lllL• ... AU.ll'MIT ~.all'T ~ KDWOIU Of AlmAl.I '8ll'IC1M _,_tUIAllmtAW>ll .,_ "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981 Adventu1e) Roger Moore, Topol. (2 hrs !>min.) {() TC» RA* IOXllQ Coverage of the Danny Cruz (Calll ) I Freddie Roach (Ne\/) tO-round 1un1Q1 laghlweight bout {!!om Las Vegas Nev ) (A) (3 hrs ) D llOV'a "MOdem Prol>lems" (1981 Comedy) Chevy Chase, Palll D' Ar ban vine ( I hr 30 min ) W 8 If\ fOOlUU Ph1ladetph1a Eagles al Dallas Cowboys (3 hrs) D ... fOOlUU Denver Broncos al l os A~~3hrs) l ==--l&NAW I JlcT•df " .,_, llliift:it1J ,,., In ,. • l11flllltf1C• flf Ntt# Jl(jft. ~1. itJUf. •lflt uf IJUff Ytlfk ~~tdo\ flfied 111 ' If I , ..... Ii lllt. W• If,,,, ' 'I 1<.11 In Awn" (t04~, ~ lftot "''"'I~ aniy (I ht• I -=: .... JllON 'Tt .. M&uic f IUlt" ( 1976 M\M- ClllJ Jowl K~11tnue1. 11tn11 UrillA (2 ht•. l"llOJ. !f l "ft'"il" ( 11179, 0111ma) N111 ... !lilt K1nDJ11. Pottn ~ lrth t? hr11 , 60 min I ta pa":a "' JACOml C(IUI. •8 MOYll ·ru1n11u1" I 1970, Ft1ntoty) JBt;k Wli(l, 0111141 Haye . (? h11 ) ()) IOl n,,., THI CMICAOO Sit Gootg Solll com.Ivett lht Cht<;ugo Sympnony, f1at1K· inu p111no 'l(lloo"' Ciclle Llead. In • prog1am 1t1111 1nch.10es 001odln's "Olterture to r>11nc1.1 Igor." fcholkovsky'a Conceno tor r1a110 No 1 1n B nat MlnOI Opus 23. and "Al!.<> Sprnch la1athu11ra·· by Richard Strauss (2 hrs ) ~ CAWOMIA C;u.OMGM1N111ru...0.1111111"'.ALllL...., M'RODUCtMO llOLOQY ) MOYll "M,l<le In Paris" ( 1966. eon.. oy) Ann·Mtll\jlfJt I OU" Jourdan (2 hll) 10) MOYIE \.htWCh And Ch<>ng's Nice 011•11ms" ( 14131, Comedy) Richard "C.heoch" Ma1111. Thomas Chang ( t ht., ?l '""'I 0MOYll r ..... ,-( 1979 Dfama) Naatas· s1a K1ni.k1 Pttlflr r111h 12 hrs 50 mlO J a:. CJ) LIAOfOOT Ph11tp McKean and Peter Ballon star 111 1he stOfy or the 11ageay that follows whon .11een·age1 gels his first car. fill ltSIDf WAlt9eGTON Hosl Mark Shletds looks al lht' 1n1erpl11y of politics. power <111d people 1r• lhe na11on·s capuol m DllW MOIR •fEJIOM Cf ) FVT\lllf ll'<MtT A sc•entttic explora11on of alhlefll 1wt101mance which can aid alh· lelci. 1n improving lheir game (A) 2 llOYtf 1 lriderqround Aces" ( 1980. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funer al Facilities "1·n·111g ,\I I Fa Ith~ I larhor La,r11 · \lount ()li\e \ h.~n101·ial Pill'h · \ l<wl UillT · \ laus0Jcun1s • Burial Jn Any ('emetery --Shipme11t --Cremation Plans 1\i;ailable 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554 Friday, December 24, 1982 21 -lunclay Cont. bfE Joanna Cazden , , hr J \'al -; c:m ... ..nlATaf IATPATIOL t:tl LOST IAtaUTI *''"* A IOsr lelecOmmUnlcatlonl satellite tallS Wlfo the handl of en aleen CMl•za!lon ( 1 hf 1 -1-..r rrsYOUt• n•• .,.. "92 In The Shaoe" ( 1975 Mys- tery) Petef Fonda. Warren Oates Thoughts ol murder 8'\ter the scene when en enterprrslng dr•ftef lfwedes the busi ness terrhcry ol a ve1eran I~ guide 1n the Florida Keys 'A' ( t hr 33 mm) ...... (%) 9IMI "The Pri'.late Flies 01 J Edgar Ho<Mlr" ( t978, Ofama) Brodenck Craw· IOfd, Jose FefUlf The Federal Bureau Of Investigation QfOWS In clout and scape under the leadership ot lhe controvefslal Hoovet. 'PG' I 1 tu. 55 min) -Monday --: ............... _ .. CC) "Cattle King" ( 1963, Westefn) Rob- ert Taylor, Joan Caulfield ( 1 hr. 45 min) ... ''The Flfth Muskelee<" (1979. A<Mtn· ture) Beeu Bridges. Ur11Ulll Andress. ( t hf .. 43 min.) •GlJ "Rutty" ( 1965. Comedy) Tony Ran- dal, $tW1ey Jones (2 hfl ) .. (%) "Gabriel 0.. The Whtie House" ( 1933. er.ma) Wattef Huston Karen ~ (1t'll .25mln.) •CID "Jeck And The BNnstalk" ( 1976 fantasy) Alllmllted ( 1 hr • 32 min ) (I) ''the Voyage Of Tene1' ( 1975 Adllenture) WM Reno, K. Imrie (I hr 30 min.) • W (f) "Journey FOi Margetet" ( 1942. Ofe ma) Robert Young. Margeret O'Brien (2 hfl) .. CR> "9 To 5" ( 1980, Comedy) Jane Fon- da, Dolly Parton ( t tw., 50 min ) CD> "Nobody's Pertekt" (1981. Comedy) (i8t>e Kaplan. Alex Karras ( t hr . ~ min.I Cl) 1'Caveman" (1981, ComedY) Ringo Starr, Oennl9 Quaid (1hr.,31 min.) e "Fiddler On The Roof" (1971, Musi- cal) Topol, Norma Ctane (2 hra. 59 min.) •CCl "Cortly" ( 1972. OffJma) Rot>en iiake. Chettortt Rampllng. ( t hf • 30 min.) -~·tow BtfOfe BrHldaat" ( 1936, ) Cerole Lombard. c..r Rom-ero. (2 ) ... "Tht Hunchbeclc OI Notre Dtme" [1839. Orama) Charlet Laughton, Mau- r:.t!f' O'Hara ( 2 tn.) W "lt'1 A Wonderful Life" ( t1M7 F1n1• •t) ....,,,_ Sttwart. Donne A.cs. (2 tn.. tO min.) -a:> "Sayolw•" (t957. Romllnoe) ~­ Ion )8'1ttdo. Aed Bvllona. (2 hra . 30 Ohr'' ( '* M\'81Cal) Aon MOOdy, fWd. (2 """· 35 min.) Endllll Low'' ( 1118 t, AOmllnc») ~ ..... Merlin HfwfU. (1 ht., 5& r1Mde In PW' (ttee, ~ -~-=;:.:.:"-~:)~~ . a.t . f2 M) tllf 'EnW TM Ninll' (1M1, A~) 14 l't'tdtf. Deolinblr ... ,. 1111 ~.,.,..., ct) ':..o a. lllllO Covet age ot the women's downf\111 from Piancavallo Italy .IB> ( 1 hr) K (IJ llOWil ''Cheecll And Chong s Ntee Dreams" ( 198 t. Comedy) Richard 'Cheech" Menn. Thomas Chong Two 1nvet8fale potheads appear to have tound !heir true celling as they peddle lee eteam oo the streets ot Los Angeles 'R' ( 1 hr , 27 mm.) ll:il ct) llCWm "l.Aade In Paris" ( t966, Come- dy) Ann-Margret, LOUIS Jour<Jan A Pares destgflet sweeps a fashion boyer ott hef feet (1 hr . 55 min) .. w,Aml· .. TOPG'"9- ..aliTIC8nll 110Wi1 "Cheech And Cttong's Ntee Ofeems" (198 t. Comedy) Richard "Cheectl" Marin. Thomas Chong Two inveterate potheads appear to have found their true calling as they peddle lee eteam oo the streets of Los Angeles 'R' ( 1 hr . 27 N.f. =~ llOWil "Flash Gordon .. (1980, Sci-ence Action) Sam J Jones. Max Voo Sydow A 1110 of earthlings travel lo the planet Mongo and help its oppressed inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Empe<0< Ming 'PG' ( 1 hf . 50 min) d (!) IUU.WCI .. (I) WHAn "' ill UCN Featured a vlSit with Santa's helpe<s as they gear up 10< the h<>llday season. what 1t takes to be e ski patrolman. a retirement home f0< chtmps In Flonda ( 1 hr.) (%) llOWil "Night Train To Munk:h" ( 1940, ~se) Margaret Lockwood, Rex Harrison. A scientist's d&ughtllf outwits the Nazis with the help of a British agent ( 1 hr . 30 min.) -··· l'DOO _. _ _._ • al IR. l'001'UU Botlalo Bllls It _. ~· IWUV ... -Mle!!!,. Dolphins ri (3 hrs) tta8 "The Body Snatchef" (1!M5, HOlrOI) I_. .... ..,. Bela Luoosl. Bofls Karloff ( t hr , 30 mtn) ...,..lllOUIH e "Mysteries From Beyond The Trian CCIUHI IAMlTIAll Creiohtoo VI De ~ .. ( 1977) Documentary (2 l'lfs.) Paul (2 tvs) (OJ "™dler On The Roof' (1971 MUSI lrA•nt cal) Topol. Nofma Crane (2 hns 59 llAWAl..vl.f min. ) !!!" .-2!.Y Guest Patti Page n CZ) "The French lieutenant's Woman· --•• 'T (1981. Drama) Meryl Streep Jeremy ~A..alUIMmlA¥IOI Irons (2 hrs.. 5 min ) MOWll "Boys' Night Out" ( 1962. U:llct) "Allegro Non Troppo" ( t976 Fante· Comedy) Klm Novai<, Jamee Gamer. ~ Animated ( 1 hr . 25 mtn ) When a shapely young co-eel underllk• (8) "Modern Problems" ( 1981. ComAdy) a sex research project. she finds fOUf ~ Chevy Chase, Patti 0' Arbanv1lle ( t hf . nel$INlf\ more than wt•ong to leue an 30 min ) ~ment to aid her In her study. (2 hrs.) 1:11 g "The Honzootet Lieutenant" (1962 LIU IAlllTWAU Houston Comedy) Jim Hutton. Peuta PrenttSS (I et Pepperdlne Wave. (2 hfl.) hr., 30 min ) C1) "The Painted Hiiis" ( 1951, Dra- tll (J) "Harold And Maude" (1971. Come me) Lassie. Paul KellY A ~In 19 dymln) 1 Rutl'l Gordon, Bud Cort ( I hr , 3 1 outsmarted by Lassle and her young ma.-tar ( 1 ht • 5 min ) (%) "Gabflel O\ltr The White House" (%) ctlUIMlt Of 1MIA1M 1..-r Prlnoeea ( t933, Ofama) Walter Huston. Keren Grace give& us a look behind the walls ol Morley (1 hr .. 25 min ) the Vaganova Cl'loreogrephlc Institute - 1111 ([) "Continental Divide" ( t 981, etso llnown as the Kirov ballet school -to AOmance) John BelU8hl, 8t11lr Brown ( t explofa the dreams of two Ausllan dllnc- hr., 43 min.) era who hope to follow In the 1ootsteps of (D) "Room Service'' ( 1938, Comedy) Baryshnikov. Nureyev and Makarova. ( t Malle Brothers, Luellle e.11 (1 hr 30 tw.) min) · 1-.-.•~ D "Tepe" (1981. Ofama) George C • .... SOoll. Timothy Hutton. (2 hfl.) Ala 4111(%) "The Wltchel" (19'71) Siivana Man DIS CAmT au.t. film director Mir• l no, Cln1 Eastwood. ( t hf. 40 min) i~R) .. -..... --• ''Cottly" (1972. Ofame) Aober1 ----ake, Charlotte Rampltng ( 1 hr . 30 .,,...,.... ,_ IU,.. ,_ m1n l DofothV Hllml perlorrne and oo-c:m "£ndleea LOllt" (1981, Romance) holt1wlthGregL....,..lrun1kt1relCfllbt. BrO<*t Shltlda. Merlin Hewitt ( t tw , 55 lion feetvMa Jo Jo StatbUctt. T ollJ Cren-~) •ton Md Jo1w'I Cw'\' ... well .. .,,__,, (I) "The V~llO!t 01 T1ne1" ( 1976. llC9tars hOplng 10 ~I CNna tn IM AtMmurl) W.M Reno. K. Imrie ( 1 hf. 'M WltlterOtympict (t ht., 30 min.) ;ti) min.) (II).,. ''Ntw Year't EYI"' ( tMO. Hot• •W "ta CIOt AUJC FOlltl II" (1980. ~ ror) Roi Ktly. q, Niven. The dllO toqftey edy, Ugo lognaui, Mlctlef hrreull (1 et a punk roo.k Club~ e Nf"8 of 39 "*' ) .:. . phone cell promlllng thlt tomeOM .. '9 ~ And uey" (11M8. MUllcal) bt 11Udertd In hit honor -*Y hot# OtinC. EYll Atdlin. ~ 36 min ) betwMn nine and midnight on New v .. ·, • MotCOW 0oeen·1 1n r .... •• '· 'A'.·.c1.,t1o-.• ·~-•> Ci:INdy) Vere AienfOOta, A _, -" ~~~·~=~tn.:~.~21-,..,~)~~~~~-l::,. ~ .!r.•rl!i 1 ., ------------------ 1~~~~- ''Mflto1'1 ( 11>10 l1ta1N) Comtry, Milt• Wood Att-..uri end Go\o I ~''"''' 1ac;e -OU•I hm• tu uop • 1a1g11 "'914Klt 1tu11 on 1n OO<Juo trollab19 e<>lllalon c-ourw with fsrth (HI I ~~ IA'f\19AY_, llUISSAC TMIAnm · ro Serve him All Mv Dll)'!I" Ch111. ~Ing lulil lt1t1 eloelion. m<tlle& a doc1 IOf\ nt>oul 0..Yld'• marriage ptopoeal (P11rt 12) D ( 1 tu) G llYl1'BY "Quiel Al A Nliir' Wh9n a nun diet of Slarvalloo In • convent tower ,.....,..lion Interviewer Jemima Shore. e for mer pupil et tho conw11t. Ill aakeo to tnvesttgntt (Part 1) o It hr I CO lllOVll "f=ridleSJ Love" ( 198 1, Romance) Hroolte ShlCtd:., M11r11n Hawllt A 1 7 y&ar vl\f 1> ObStr.Stve tove for hlli t !i vear ·l'lld {lirll11l'lld k.'ud& to parent at con fhcts and trn~dy A' ( t hr 55 mm ) l SJ MOW 'Cheech And Cllong't; NK:e Dreams" ( t981. Comedvl nu .. hord "Cheec.h" Mn1111. Thomm. Chon1,1 Two 111vete1a1e po1headt. appear lo have tound lhe11 troo calhny ag lhey peddle ice cream on the streelt. ol L~ A1~1es R ( 1 hr 27 mtn) Cl) ltlOV'll · The Pnv.lttt filth Of J ldQOr Hoover" ( 1978, Or.mm) Orodenck Cruw lorJ Jost< rener Tlit• federal Bureau of lnves11gation grow:.. 11. <..lout and ~ope under lhe leader!>hiµ JI tt•n con1ro11e1i.1111 Hoove1 PG' ( I hr !>!> 1111n ) m llOV'll The lady from TeKllS ( 1951, Comedy) Howard Dull Mon;i Froornon A pecultar old lady 1hough1 by many lo be insane find~ unders1arid1nu and 5yrnp.11hy lrom a cowpoke and •• young g111 (I hr 30m1n l • «Zl °'°"' t:ll 8 (I) ONE DAY AT A 1m Play1ny '"" keeper 10 her enllre farrnly beg1nl. lu take llS toll on Ann (P;:ut ;>1 ·== ,..15 {[) TRAPPER JOflt, llLO. A drunlo. lhreadt:Mre s11eercomt•r Simla. adn 1111ed tu San rranc1sco Memoroal 1n c1111ca1 l.On d111on rl'fU5f>S P!>M>nfl.JI Ille <;av1nq SUI ~ (ft)(llir) ..,.,,. WON> fott TODAY CROmQRCll ~· It AllDICMI AlfT "Wtl!olm Hurley" Prior. lawyer anti tandSt.apt' ar11c;1 Wrlson Hurley share~ '11s personal lhovghb on arl (Al D '1i) llRIN>O llOST 9IOOl'4 f rve RPO Herr 1ngs · The µohce assumf' the death 01 1he a111s1 found al lhe bollom uf a cllll wa!. accidental (Part 2) I 1 hr I CU lfi: IEIT EYER RUNIEltl (") 'ij" llOVIE ThP BordPr f 1981 Or.1tn.l) Jack N1c.t· ,,. "'' Vrtllc'l•P Pemrie A T p <<I' bofeler yuard "> vatu. ~ come 1n i;onllil.I with those ol his corrur1 i;o wwkers <1nd hlS ma1e11alls11c wife ·R' (I hr . 45 mrn ) -®MOYIE Front PaQe Woman ( 1935 Comedy) Berte 0a¥rs Geofge Brent A lady repofler artempts lo outdo Iler mate counterpans in Iler covt'fage or a par11cu -_.. ........... l( .. Of Mint" f u.ry Ow•n Yllilll ~klyn Mrl>ondkl a •1c1llm or lllt.•111 Lell •'-"'• = iki&w ... 1 ........ - MMY 'AMm "r1ap91 11 The Law ouuh frWUf,!tlr ( t hr.) ..... Pll'naWI HNI 01blot and Jet· lr•v l vomi l~ltW "Beet Of Frlend9, .. "Honl<rtvni.. Men" and "In The 81111 Ot Tiit N hi " Cl l ~ IPOllT "'1 Klrt11llllc: exptotatlon ol 1thl4Mki ll4lrf0tmnnce which cain eld alh-tot" tn tmprOVlng !heir gamt (A) CL)_,.. "ThrN Way Weekefld" ( 1978, COmedy) l>1n IMgo. Jo<ly lM ()lha1e Two ~<;kfHCkora deeldtt to apend • weekend hiking lhrough the wOOdl 'A' ( I hr, 20111111) CSl A .... DAY It EDIN A powerful lamlly turn!; 11 sm.1ll 1Uwn rnio 11 mcxtol rejuv91\8· 11011~t 1Pr11t 8) 0 H1~1ory Of The WOffd -Part I" (196 I Comody) Mel B100lls. Madeline t<1i1111 M1111's 1llust11ous hlst0<y -from Nt1o111ller1h11I cuvemen 10 the Spanish lnqu1!1111on is 11xam1noo 'R' ( 1 hr . 33 min) Z)llO'tll Thl' freoch Lletitenant's Wom- 11n· I 1981 0tdma) Me1v1 Streep, Jeremy Irons An .1t101r between two actors ls par· <1lleled in 1t1e romantic period film In whieh thl" lwo .11e pPrform1ng 'A' (2 ht&. 5 ~=im1n~~ ,ACUr'n'fM AICNIWt fACI Titl NATION AT Tltl llOYIEI MOVIE • Triose Oanng YouEen In Tt1tN lau11ty Jalopies" { 1969. ) Aourv11 Tony rurlls Monte Carlo Is t <,tt•nt' fur .111 international car race in wt11i-h rlri11l'rs 1111emp1 to sabotage each ulher (?hrs) m W(f.J(EJI) "°"'' WRU-UP Cl) COME LOVE Tltl CHl.OMJC Hosls Art l 111klellt>r mrt carol Lawrence locus on th>' tru~ir·~ <lll'olnlS and su1v111al ol the w111ld'<, ch1ld1P11 ( 1 hr ) fl1) MOVIE ft1rt.11qh The Magic Pyramid" 1•1fl• 1.1111.1 ·rl V11.. Tayback. Chns I ,, , t '"Ouql 1r e mdyrc: ol a tov pyre· 1111·1 1 ,, unq 1~"V 1-; transf'l()fled back 1n 11rrw '" lht• r ~IJ'l'I d lht' t>oy king Tut (RI ~hrs) I 1 IPOll'TICOfTU , MOYIE B11dr1y Buddy ( 1981. Come- dy 1 Jack l 1•rr•rnc.n Waller Matthau While in a~ ,if •• r11 lCln~entrates on his nexl klll· 111q hf' i, 1u1J,.1y 1nterrup1ed by a bumbling 1.11lurP ut .i 11wr1 who rs a11empting suicide ff I 1 hr J6 1111n I $ 'AT COUJNI HmeoTIZU THI CON Hyr • ,,.,.,, f ... 1 Collrns turns Police 1nves11 IL! fl 11 '"I 1 t111aro!l0~ art 101 m ( 1 hr ) n• 0 MOYIE Tl.rori Ttw Magic PyralTlld" ( 1ciu 1 I 1111.v,yl Vtl Tilyback, Chris B.irnt" lt1r 11J(lt1 1t1P magic of a toy pyre· u11d a Y""''!l boy 1s lranspotted back In lime I J 11>1 I !JVDl ol Ille boy •ung Tut (R) t? tu~ I U llOVE Love Among The Rums' ffj MIM'll ~ M f MM J~l~'f~· t••~ """"1191 =~i=· ~·~ I~ wprtlln. :f.1:'Mtrtdfd 10 " '"-'. U ._ , IO"*' J .. ... ·~ ... ''°'*' Wlfll ~ .. --'r~) ff'4o111Md= :-:-,.=: •a;:;IOl'roul to °'11Wit tht D. lot, Cf hit , 10 min.) "lt'1 A Wond!WM WOttt/' Comldy) 0-ge Ooet. T .,.,._ MwU*'-A f1rih llnQll ,__to ptomota I mUeal hOell petpel,.lld by I~ Of !be oompotttt (1 hr., tO min.) nt11 .._"Don't Cty, tt't Only Thund9r" , Or1me) Oennll CN'lllOJ>h«, Saint Jlmt9 A ~ Army doctor and• 11out:>1e-ptont medic hell> two none bt':!i, • ~oup of VletnameM orotrerie to ... ,. 'PG' (t hr., 60 min.) -· .:JI,,,_ "Rapel It The Law hw·~ ho... s1an Moo- neyhlm. Carol Lawrence Guella: Mlk• Oouglet, Dick Van Pelttn. Maureen McGC>vern ( I I'll.) ~=•M.w..&. -1! .. "JaN Bullett" ( 1956, Comedy) Leo Goroey, Hontz HeM Some ot the boye get arr•ted lo help a reporter friend do an expoee on l)(lton corruption, then find they've been doubie-cfoeeed ( 1 hr., 30 mln>J.. .... ·-umru&.I. Phlleelelphla 78enl el ~n Antonio Spura (A) (2 hrs., 30 min.) ()) .,_ "EyewltneM" ( 1981, Mystery) Sigourney Weave<, Wiiiiam Hurt A te!IM-"°" reporter becomes lnVOflled with a jan- itor Who may know more •bool a murOer thal he witnessed then he ls uylng. 'R' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) e.,. "The King Of Marvin Gardef'ls" ( 1972, Orama) Bruce Dem. Jack Nichol· son. Two brotllefa, frustrated with thelf lives. dream of retklng to a tropical para dfee~hr . 45 min ) Wi~mlf t:1I ~.,."Stolen Kisses" ( 1968, Orama) Jeen-Pterre Leaud, Oefl)hr0e Seyrig ThlS touching and hilarious film features a you"Q· Tll<eable jerk-of-elHrades falling In love. R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:11 ~ MCWll "Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Gercia" ( 1974, Adventure) Warren Oates. Gig Young A falling piano p1aye1 sets out on a tong and bloody trd In Mexl co lo retrieve a valuable head and a S 10.000 reward 'A' ( 1 hr .. 52 rnin.) tag• ... ms= "Talia AU Of Me" ( 1978, Ora· ma) Richard Johnson, Pemela Vincent An embilteted concert plantst flndS renewed faith In 1'11$ :;:.,111 When he embarks on a relationship wllh a young leukemla 111Chm 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 min ) W (8) MCWll "Knlghtriders" { 1981 Adven- ture) Ed Hams. Gary Lahti A group of blke<s ride wrth a travehng renaissance law and d!scovef !hat lhe ldealistie struggle against evU ex1sls In modern times atso ·R· (2 hrs .. 25 min ) W 8 AT cm Guests folk SltlQ8fS Mlfttn Var Friday, December 24, 1982 23 -Monday Coal. •8 (I) rA .. 'M A big celebtatloo dance at the 4077th Is 1e<>Pard1zed when Marga- ret learns that a notoriously strict seniof olfloer Is arriving soon tor an Inspection IBl U e mvll "Skeetet" (Premiefe Ora ma) Katen va1en11ne. Mariclare Costello A therapjst uses her eager and freendty dog to help a group of emotionally d•s turbed ct'llldref' maste< their p1oblems and come to temlS with the world arovnd them (2:-• 8 MIC Cl.OllUP "Asbestos The Way To Dusty Death" Jules Bergman . updates his 1918 report on the health hazatds of asbest06 expos1.11e to both 1ndustna1 WO<ke<s a.nd the general public. examining the recent trends In compe<i· sating the vicilms of asbestos-related dis eases {!hr .... mfOP rrRCUL DOICOlmU. _, ..,. Guests Kat Rudman SUmmer, Nina Blanchard and Kelly Grogan, Or James Braly, US Trlathalon wlMef Or. Fetdy Massimino, Bob Shaw IMIQll wan. u. l tv) ._ 111111VM. The renowned guitar a.nd vocat st~ of Jose Fellclano and the strlno vlrtUOS1ty of the jazz group Fron- tt11a are featured ( 1 hr ) CD mvll "()peta Puma" (No Date) (2 ~ ~ "Harold And MaUde" (197 t Comedy) Ruth GOfdon. BUd Corl. An 80- yeer-old woman meets an t8-year-ofd bOy ObSeSSed with death 1n a funeral par lof, a.nd proceeds to teach him the art ol IMno and loVlng 'PG' ( 1 hr , 31 min.) (%) lllMI "The Witches'' { 1971) Siivana it:' Chru Eastwood ( 1 hr . •O .. 1 (I)~ Olck reluctantly meddlefl In a guesl'e personat atfalft when a aena- tOf's wife announces that she's running ' rq•t:n her holband I .-rnmmrr -(I) ~ l LACIY ChrlS and Mary Beth lovesllgate lhe plight of elderly apart ment dwellers who are be4ng subjected to a mg r=f tenor ( 1 hr) • WJJ •The Sonstilne Boys" ( 1975, ~) Geofge Bums. Waller Matthau. Two veteran veudevllle 11ara ere reunited after many yeer1 kw one last pe<toim anoe (1 ht., 30 mtn.) (I) .,_ "The Dream Merchan11" (Pan t) ( t980, Orama) Marl( Harmon, M<><gan F1lfc:Nld. An 1mbltloue young man Joint fou:ee with an opt1m1111c nlci<etod9on QPefltOf lo conetruct one Of the eertlMt dVNttles In the motion pleture lodU&try Ji.~ • a.IA ~IOI} OI two Amtflean ~ tur~ who traveled to Iha People'• ~ 01 Cfllna to oemonatrate Amer~ ctn tutgleer tectv1fQuot to thftl1 ChlneM oouotef!*ft II tOld ( f hf.) • _. ,_ "language" Vlclor 80f oft .. ,. OWl1 tptefill hUmOr lo en aoon of the lmpeot of i.nouaoe on •· (R) llOW9 .. bJontenegro" (1981, eon.... &.en~. Ertand JoMphlon. A ~led Wife ttavtlt to Stoe.kh<*n and en atfllr wtcl\ • ,,,.n etw met In • e ·~1Mrt. ~ !liq """'~ ~ ........ ,. "'"" ~ "lfrclMd. II ,.,_, Decilmb9r 24, 1Ha 'Tw1hghl Zone. and "Boy From New YM Cuy" lrom the AJalto Theater 1n Jol- iet, Ith nots ( I hr ) 0 ._,. IOLl11CI Henry Fonda and Myrna Loy star as a married couple who Ire~~ years together .. ~mTWOM-­ WOll..D Of IOOll ARIHOWCAll ICI llATM Covefage of the Ennia Cup !Tom The Netherlands (A) ( 1 hr ) CID IUT Of llZAm John Bynef shOWS you things stranger than truth, lar99r than hie, end zanier than anything you ve t!V8f seen . --Ql)llOVW 'Good Times" (1967. MUSICal) Sonny and Che<. 04!orge Sanders Two young slngOfs aim for movie stardom unrn one of them realizes that the dream may not be~aetlC81 one (2 hfs l ,,. a a• .... ii' Y-.n' •llMCMOP- ALL•MPAl&Y MAllllY.0 • ID •1t MPOlllT DOCTOR.,._,. mvll "Game'J Girls Ptay" (1973 . Comedy) Christina Hart Jane Anthony Girls at a boarding school compete to seduce a diplomat ( t hr 35 min ) CD llO¥W "SUmmer Camp" ( 1979, Com- edy) John C Mclaughllf'I. Matt Michaela. The owner of a fafHng summer camp decides to raise money by holding a reunion tor the now-matured 111Umn1 'A' (!hr,30ffill'I) (Q) llO¥W "Total Rapture" ( t hr. 30 men l (I) A .... DAY • 118 A powerful family turns • smaff town 1r110 a model reiuven. ·~~~ ! MOWll "Intimate Moments" ( 1981) Alexandra Stewart. Bernard Freseoo. 'A" u hf · 1:;;J. 1t:lt8 (I) "°"' U. Both Trapper and Stanley go into lhoci< When they learn that a beautltu! doctor ts a former prosH- tute._JR) { 1 hr .• tO min) D • 1MI IDT OP CAMOI Host Johnny C&rson. Guests CNltllon Heston, Charlie IC8~oeematy00oney (A) (I Iv) YOU MOD POI IT .... llCltfnle •COWl.I FOCUI C* IOC8TY NI LA..-r Pollttcal acttvtal Beme· dette Oevlln dlscutM8 her .Jtwplvement In the struggle In Northern lre(jnd, psychOlo- gtst Mllchefl Meuer ellplainl how to undefatnnd and use "anger" conetruetN.· ~~ ~ 9'0ll'llCI: -.ATM 1MI W (Part i llO¥ll ''The Filth Musket•" (1979. Advenlvr•) Beau Brldgea. UttuJa Andteta. 0' Artag.nal'I and the ThtM M!Jtk- tt..,.. l)eCOme lnvoNtd In another plan to block the 9Ytl lntentlonl of Iha M\lltef Cer· dlnal Alchalltu t09lnlt the French etiltoc-r~~~ 1 rw .. •3min) 1w9.'=9 "Modtrn Probleme" <1981. ~~.~ a... P1ttl D'AtbeO-\llle. A alt tr1tflc c:on"oler With tuMfOUI pett(IMI ptOOlefna .. ~ -'lt'l te19klne11c ~ .... ~ doUled _1th~'"! :-a ,0,N.i 30mln.) .Tfte °' H9riY O!tMt'' I 1~. Comedy) Petet Sellefs. Paula Prenuss. Two teen-agers come toe better undefstandlng With their parents alter cha= vain m1JS1C1an (2 h<s.) ; llOY11 · The Victim" ( t~72. Suspense) Ehzabeth Montgomery, George Maharls A young woman trapped In a remote hOUse during a VIOient storm Is unaware that she Is the next target of en unknown killer ( 1 hr . 30 min ) e llO¥W "Back To Bataan' (1945. Adventure) John Wayne. Anthony Oumn Cut ott from American forces. a colonel 0tganlzes nahva Flllpjnos into a guerrma army for a raid on the Japanese ( 1 Iv , 30man) • LAM, Mml'CM ITlll (!) llO¥W "Looping" (No Date) Shelley Wlnte<s A small-time carnival owner entflf'S a dangerous pact with an ambl· tloUl~oung stripper (I Iv . 35 min) ttll D • U11 W WITM DAVID LJTlti,.S•& .. ' .. M Gµests: rock atar Elvls Costello comedian Har~~~~) I mvll "Ski Fever'' ( 1967 Romance) Martin Mffnef. Oaudle M8'11n A &k1 Instructor dlscove<s he' a tailing en love with l;~r~r.pll ( 1 hr •. 30 min l LOft. U BICM ITl\I ..,_MCalWIBlY (IQ mvll "The Fan" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Bacall. Jamee Gamer. A popular him star is vlcllmlZed by a psychotic admirer 'A' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) (a>_,.. "The Return" ( t98 t, Sclenc4t- Flctlon) Jan-Michael Vincent. Cybill Stlep- hefd Two people who had a cloee enoountef wllh an alien apac8C1'8f\ ea chi- dfen await the aliens' Imminent rf!1urn. ( 1 hr .30nwl) ttll(t).cMI "Sena!" (1980, Comedy) Mar- hn Mull, Tuesday Weld. A happily married Marin County couple are spu<red by their trendy nelQhbors into exploring alternathle llt•~ ·~ (1hf .31 min) tM8 (I) COl'_, Columbo laces a mue of mystenous Identities and muddled ctuea When he lrwntlQates the mVfdef of a for- mer spy. (Al ( ftv., 20 rnk'I l tll9(%).,_ "The French Lieutenant's Wom- an" (1981, Orama) Meryl Streep. Jeremy lrooa. An attalf between two actors It per- alleled In the romantic pe<lod film In wNch the two are !*forming 'R' (2 hra., 5 -Gr*'-"N<>tlh Country" ( 1969. A~ tut•) Two men. eactt llvlng off the land In the remote Alaetcan wlldefneas. feoe dan-ger and 8Mnt1Ke with llllle help from modem lect.IOlogy (2 ~) ·1-Mlm .... ~ 110¥11 "The Night Flghtera" ( t9e0, dventur•) Robeft Mitchum, Dan O'Hef· llhy A r•tent young mt1n aSIUIMI a role In the lriah RtYolutlon ( 1 hf.. 30 min.) (I) . COl.UU IAlllTIAll HOUiton Oougat1 11 ~lne Wavet (R) (2 w:m-l.,_ "G To 6" (1980. eon.cty) Jane ~Paifon. nv.e WOtktnQ womert ret>tl thelf 11,11)M)ltlotl tW a MM bole. 'PO' .. (l'tw., 50 ·1"*"l=-=..;r••11" .. ·~ Md Ctlcha'• HIOe ...._.. (1Mt,' ~dyctwcs ~ .. ~~ ,. ltw••• .......... to ... "'*--~-~,...-.-.-.. ----------------------- 1. '. ~~-.. -~·~ -- - - -- I • tlar1 t , '• UtltY ffu11 " :I, DllMTllJ 1" Ohr lclJihflf Mii ...,,.,. A ""'111t """' dt I 1111 ehd I llWC!lt ptont mecflrl l1lllp 1.-U 1•J1 ....................... ltt . 'PO' t llO f'!W'I ) ,.1.. e:«I ,.,, lnl0t¥Mt• Wflh lld ea.et:.~ OUl'Mttllklfl,. llndlcepe •P9fl ,...,.... how pi9Uple U n thlt ,,... to woi• m'm..,,..""' AO .. Mell ., .... IMCl9./~90IT .......... Neel Oablef end .kif rey Lyone review "S..t Of FrleoQt." "Honkytonk Man" and "In T"-Still 01 The Night .. CJ) llOWll "C1veman" ( 108 t. Com.cfy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid Tile clOwnleh member ot a barely human prehlttorlc tribe begin• to dlSCOVer that br&lnl and not brawn win be Iha key 10 his people's surv1val 'PO' ( 1 hr • 31 min ) (%) llCMI "Gabriel Ove1 The While HOuse" ( 1933. Drama) Walter Huston. Karen Mo<ley The newly elected p1esl dent challenges gangsle<I to a show doWn ( 1 hr . 25 min ) • .,.,. "Fat Spy" ( 1965. eom.dy) Ph ma Diiier. Jacl( E. Leonard. Two bual na 1 -.omt COUMJ•TMI CWI • -.AT JBI n.tllCll "Tinker Tailot Soldler. Spy" George Smtley (Alec Guin ness) la called back to duty to uncover Iha "MOie." a double ageol who has lnfll trated Iha British Secret SeMCe Agency and 1s leaking top secret& to Moscow (Parts 1 end 2) (A) O (2 hrs ) HEADACHES? . SOUR ROOM ADDITION Quallfy for Energy Tax Credit• DOUaL• PAN• INSULAT•D OLA .. Not only CIOU ti COii less than conven1ton1I con· m 1truct1on. 1t 1110 hu1s yO\lr home 111<1 may have ~ I~ crec1tt1 as well An uottt room wlll't ao1us1at>le "'19 shMMQ ano v1n1111t1on For dO·•t·vourstif11s wt meludt ont man for 1day10 instruct anel stan you -o tOtrtctly SM 1 moo.I 1n O\I• sttow room u shown kl Sunset. Hou11 8uu111u1 & Home ano G11d111 FOUR SEASONS AUTHORIZED DEALER Hou•• Men lhru Frr 8 loo SAi tO 111 I 27812 Forbea Ad. Laguna Nlguel 831-5670 LIC •)111603 YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALL 645-5300 For Compllmentary Con1ult atlon WISTCLlff CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE ~ .. --. ......... ~ WNtcAff ~ .. Suh• lOI ... ,.._,._.. <-C.C.'1 -17th -4 lrvlMI) Friday, December 24, 1982 25 ---llilvenlng ....... ~MGIU C81MIWI BQHJ. BIOUQtt M/CMIWln ........ ..,, HAWAIAVl.f 0¥0 EAIY Guest author Bel Kaul ma~ ... fl tuWmE1 THROUGH THI All'T1 r.e5 llOVll "The Gathenng -Pan II" ( 1979 Orama) Maureen Stapletoo. Efrem Zombahst Jr A wtdoW and hef grown choldren·s Chr1Stmas reunion Is complicated by their unlav01able reaction to a new man on her Ille and coonicts In theu own loves (2 hrs ) (£) HOC«fY Soviet At1-S1ars al EdmOntoo Oilers (3 hrs) (OJ llOVll "Melvin And Howard" ( 1980, Comedy) Paul LeMal Jason Robards An otherwise unknown gas station anendant claims to be the roghtlul heir lo Howard Hughes" billion dollar estate •R' ( 1 hr.. 35 mon) CS) llOVll ·Falling In Love Again" (1980, Drama) Ethott Gould. Susannah YOlll A man goes to hts high school reunion In the belief thllt he can reU"e the good times ot 1he f,;t 'PG" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) -1.:m=•lllGHT u..Ymilll = CAWTT Guests Agnes de Miiie and Dr Fred PIUm (Perl 1) (RJ IDllWllQPOWD CID llBllY FOll)A; THI llAM MD .. .,.. The oo-and off-screen life of one of Ameri- ca's lavOl11e act01s IS traced with film clips ol some of his t>est movies lnctuding "On Golden Pond" which woo him an Oscar. A;h'.Jov. "Love tn The Afternoon" (,951. Comedy) Gary Cooper, Audrey Hepburn A detectlve·s daugh ter becomes Interested in a bachelOr from hef fa1h9'"s file and sets out to Intrigue him I~:~ ,. eel ... .c ... tWPY DAYI AGAIN ~:"'ca& A school that promise. to turn a woman Into a high-fashion model In 10 day.. an e>pefation Uled to <:Ufa lleep apnea the tnab4Nty to bfaethe White iasE.~TW MB'teo9Mff !: ... ...., ...... .a.T "Tht Wtld Child" ( 1970. Ori· me) Je•n·Pie<re Cargol, FrlllCOll Tnif· f*'lt. An 181h~lury phY91cian attamptt 10 cMllZ• • 12·yeer old boy found llvlng wild In the l<lf9lt1 of Franc. ·o· (1 hr., 25 ='clu.CMTYTODAY ,. a! ICM IAIU1'UU. Geotgatown Hoyaa Wllootltln ~ (2 hr• ) NI MTOllll ,,..,..., w.ma-.na~ •LA. FNlurW. a loolt 11 L..A.'t hopaftAI: the #t of ,,.ope. watchlnQ; ••ttOllet I« pregnent women. 28 Friday. December 24, 1112 Wendy Crew&on, Tom Hanks, Chris Makepeace (with sword) and David Wallace appear in "Rona Jarfe's Mazes and Monsters" Tuesday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (2 ). 1o=::: YOU Alla PCll rJ ........ IMCtm.1..-.-r ~--,.,. ..,.,.,... .,. "Trllngle" (Uno. Drama) Dana Wynter. Ray Denton. A young homole11ual teacher In a gltlt' achool trlaS to IOf1 through hll ~ In 118tch of hll true ldlf1t1ty • .( 1hr .30 min.) ... (1)-•UCSMMFrri Bueti fleet a S.mUtal warlOtd whO la t«r<>flzing tungla lllieget Ind tlklng deadly mM• """ to eonftacat• arrne Ind 11y hlmMlf with!..._.. (A) (1 hr.) II PA'flllltllllftWA ~t 18- yetr dlaparatety trlta to= her con- dlllOn wtllll Mng et the orpMnlge ( 1 ;.' ... "n I Wwa Klno'' (1931. AcMrl• ture) Ronald Colman. Ellen Drew. The rucal·poet Frencols Villon, tengllt wits With King Louie XI of France. (2 hB ) • 9 IWPT DAYI Joanie 1nnouncet her ptene to mcwe to CNcaoo P1fl'1'191'18'1llY to continue tinging with her beloYed Cha'chl. i>~ .... i ='---A IChOol thllt PfOl'l'llW to turn • women Into • high-fashion model In 10 day.: en OQafltlon UMd to curt 1111p IJ)nll, Iha Inability to bteelht wtllle ;-;.. "Family Flight" ( t972. Advtn- turt) Rod T aytot. ON Mefflll A llytng wcetton to Mexico fot an at«ldl temlly tumt Into a near-hoplMa battlt for u - llMI (ftw'L) • -A "faet•T'ubt Ba.,._ A Dlughttr '°' Ndy'' ExduWI too4aga of tht con.. °"'"'°" Md blr1h of All*lea'• ... teet- -------------- l ',...,.... I., .. ~ ... •A'~ "Boys' Nlghl Out" ( 19e2. Comedy) Novak. James Garner. (2 hrs.) •tm "New Yeor'1 EvU" ( 1980, Horr01) Roz l(etty, Kip Nl'lefl ( I hr . 30 min ) ••"The Last Time I Saw Paris" ( 195-t, Drama) Ellzabe1h Taylor, Van Johnson 55min) .. ranclS Joins The WACS" ( 195-t, y) Donald O'Connor, Julie Adams i?_tva.) lrllW "Ned Kelly" (1970, Actventure) Miek ~r. Allen Btckford. (I hr • -'O min.) Ml (IJ "The Paleface" ( 19-'8. COmedy) Boo Hope, Jane Russell (2 hrs ) CC) "Heidi" ( 1979, Advenlure) Eva Maria Slnghammer. Gustav Knuth ( 1 hr. 33 min.) 7900 "Anal ,\ssignmenl" ( 1980. Drama) Genevieve l!!u,old. Michael York ( 1 hr . 30 min) Cl) "Falling In Low Again" ( 1980. Dra- ma) Ellion Gould, Susannah York. ( 1 hr . 30mln.) •Cl "The Hazing" ( 1977. Drama) Jell East. Brad Davis ( t hr., 35 mtn ) (%)"Stolen Kisses" ( 1968. Drama) .Jean Pierre Leaud, Delphine Seyrig ( 1 hr . 30 min) ltll(C) "Cattle King" ( 1963. Western) Rob ert TaylOI, Joan Caulfleld ( 1 hr , 30 min ) •'1=' "Her Adventurous Night" ( 1946. Comedy) Dennis OKeele Helen Walker t? hrs) 1111 m "The Bachelor And The Bobby Soxet" ( 1947 Comedy) Cary Grant ~ma Loy (2 hrs ) (.Q) "Modern Problems" ( 1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Patti O' Arbanv1lte ( I hr 30m1n) CZ) "A Ch11s1mas Carol" ( 1951. Fantasy) Alastair Sim, Kathleen Hamson ( 1 hr . 25 min) -CC) "Battleground ' ( 1949, Adventure) Va11 Johnson John Hod1ak (2 hrs ) CID "This Is ElvtS" ( 1981 B10graphy) Documentary ( I hr . 42 min ) CS) "love Me Or Leave Me" ( 1955. Musi cal) Do11s Day James Cagney (2 hrs ) -Ql) "Trail Of Robin Hood'' ( 1950. Wesl em) Roy Rogers, Penny Edwards ( 1 hr) 1*0 "The French L1eu1enant's Woman" ( 1981, Drama) Meryl Streep. Jeremy Irons (2 hrs . 5 min ) (%)"The Beguiled" ( 1971, Drema) Clint Eastwood. Geraldine Page ( 1 hr . 50 min) 1,_@ "Bells 01 Co1onado" ( 1950, Western) Aliilfi fl " R2Y Aoofa, Dalt Evans. ( 1 hr.) tWfi "MetYtn And Howard' ( HMIO, Corne-) PllUI L.et.Q I, Jaeon Roe:>etda. ( 1 hf • min.) _.,,,....._Movies_ -· "Son 01 Kong" ( 1933. FantHy) Hel· en Mack, Robert Armstrong ( 1 hf . 30 min) • "The Long Voyage Home" ( 19-'0, AdVen1u1e) John Wayne, Ian Huntet. (2 tva.) CC> "Ouo VadlS" (1951. Drema) Robert TuYtor. Oebofah Kerr (3 hrs.) OD "Don't Cry, It's Only Thundel" ( 1982, Drama) Dennis Ct\rlstopher. Susan Saini James (1 hr , 50 min ) (I) "Silence 01 The North" ( 1981. Adventure) Ellen Burslyn, Tom Sktttrltt l!hr ,35mln) W&t "MOdef'n Problem&" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Petit D' Arb8nvllle ( 1 hr , 30mln) CZ) "The Wiid Child" ( 1970, Drama) Jean·Plerre Cargol. FrancOtS TruHaul. ( 1 tu , 25 mm) tll(UJ "Retuge" (1981. Drama) Anne Twomey, James Congdon (I hr. 30 min) 2:90 "The Last Time t Saw PartS" ( 1954. Drama) Elizabeth Taytor, Van JonnSOI) {1hr. 55mm) (I) "Ned Ketty" ( 1970. Adven1u1e) Mtck JaQQer Allen B1cklor<1 ( I hr 40 mon ) MO(C) "Heldt" ( 1979. Adventure) Eva Ma11a Srnghammer Gustav Knuth ( 1 hr . 33 mm.) CD "The Shogun Warnors Spacekeleers" l!981 Fantasy) Antmeted. (2 hrs ) <.m "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939, Comedy) Bot> Hope, Paulene Goddard. (I hr . 14 min l UI CID ''Final As!ilgnmen1" ( 1980. Drama) Genevieve Bu1old, Michael York ( 1 ht , 30m1n l 41:11 CC) "Ca Ille King" ( 1963 Western) Rob· ert Taylor. Joan Caullteld ( 1 hr . 30 min) 0 "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975, Drama) Ryan O'Neal. Ma11sa Be1enson (3 hrs 5 min ) (ZJ "The F1ench Llt'Utenant's Woman" ( 1981, Drama) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons (2 hrs . 5 min l .. (JJ "The Witch's Srstei" (No Date) (I hr .. 30mm l •ttl.l "Along The Greet Divide" (1951, Western) Kori\ Douglas. V11g1n1a Mayo (2 hrs) "" OMilmlfl~ ' I '!ll.-., 110, '*'"" "'~ rr nlllf (Jf • Uiftfy twlmltl Of..._,,IO It II IU I~ lhllf flf ... Mii '""' tJr•*" •• b9 the hy to tM ~· lm8' 'PO' (I Iv . 3t min) : ~~,f! T1tJC>OO" ( lt78, ent11Y) Al*nctltd Ll'9 lo · 1t111 mchlnt I .... ,~r·PQ· , tw ,6 ITW'l, .. !!!!~­..... .. "Room ServW" ( 1938. eom. dy) Mar11 Btothtrta. Lucllle 0.1 A lheeltl- o.1 group allempt to remain In • ho1el without p.ylnQ by lryll'IQ to convlnct lht manegement fhat they fwtve th41 mealet tlht .• 30 min ) .. ..... .. U1.-a.I 90Wll "Intimate Moment•" (1981) Altxand11 S1ew1r1. Betna1d Froseon 'A' ~hf • '° min.) .. ·--·~ • llCMI "Montenegro" ( 1981, COfM dy) Susan Anl!POCh, Erlend Jo&ephaon A negtected wile t11ve1S to Stockholm and begins an aNalr with a man she met In a l>Ohemtan nlghtckJb. 'R' (I hr . 40 min.) .. Cl) MOU .. Paul Dooley Is leetuied In ihTs two-act play by Ju ... l=etH• deplcllng th41 lnllabiNty ot urban tile. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Friday, December 24, 1982 27 -Taesclay Coal. Adventllfe) Tallulah Bankhead. Gary Coopef. To nd himsett of hes romanhc rivals. a British naval commander 1n North Africa dellberafely sinks their submarine ~tv.30mln) ~f/U'fJGY THI FAl&Y: ~·YI. l anar~n.GHJ llOWll "RamrOd" (19'7. Westem1 Joel McCrea, Veronica Lake So that she can have her own way. tt\e female owner of a sheep ranch hires men to help her outWl1 her own father ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (D) MIMI "New York Babes" ( t980. Comedy) Gloria Leonard, Marlene W1I· loughby. Members of a team of beautiful womM find plenty of action on and of1 the ~s field. ( t hr • 20 mtn ) Ul(,C).cMI "Contes.sions Of A Pap Petorm· er" ( 1976. Comedy) Robin Askwith. Anthony Booth A rock 'n' rOll star finds plenty ol romantic aciloo while oo tour ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 1:111 TO. A..ol.:ID mc ... Otm DlllT e "DeYlt's Angels" (t967. Ora· ma) John Cassavetes. Beverly Adams A gang of terrorist motorcycle hoods find safety In nomberS when they sticl< togeth- ~9f°lnst a rape accusation ( 1 hr . 30 CB> .,. "Anal Assigrvnent" ( 1980. Drama) GenevMMt Butold. Michael Yori< A Canadian TV reporter in Moecow d1s- COY8fl a Russian scientific experiment using steroids oo chtldrer1 and smuggles Incriminating materiel out of the country 'PG' ( 1 tw • 30 min l, W Gl) .... 9011 I W CI) mWll "Modern Romance" (t981. Comedy) Albert Bro<*a. Kathfyn Harrold A film editor tries repeatedly to win back the heart ol the woman NI lov• 'R' ( 1 hr.33mh) ••(J)Cll--~ATQI _........., ...... _ .. Cl) "Stolen Kissee" (1968. Orama) Jean· Pierre Leeud. Oelphlne Seyrlg (1 hr .. 30 min ) .. (B) "Jack And The Beanstalk" ( 1976 F.ntasy) Animeled ( 1 hr , 32 min ) • "Boardwalk" ( 1979, Orama) Ruth <lCtdon, Lee Strut>etg. ( 1 hr .. '° min.) •«ll "The Pied Piper 01 Hamelin" ( 1957. Fantaty) Van Johneon. Kay Starr (2 In) 7'19(1) "The Private War Of M•!Ot Benion" ~955, Comedy) Chetffon HettM, Julie cWna. (2 hrl.) "The Hide.tWlyt" ( 1973, Comedy) ) 8'rgm&n. JOhnny Denn. ( I hr .. 46 Oll¥9r" ~-·~)Aon Moody, Reed 2 hrt . 35 ,,.,.,.. "9 Nlgtll ,.in lo MAlnlch" (11MO, ) Mel'geret LOCl<WOOd, Aeic Hat· lP· (1hr .. 30rt'lln.~ -~ "For Yru Eyee " ( 11M'1. ~ Mt) AOgit Moofe, ~ (2 tn., 6 ~)..-. FOf YWt lite. ~ Sfownl" (fen. COtnedvl An1ma1ect (1 hf., 26 •a'tAOr;. nw Ot•t ~.. c ttre. ~) Aobett LogM. HMthlr Rat· -· Jl.Z h3:: i~. WOnwt" • ,,..~a.,1• ~-.MTIUO ~ =-MmTIAIL "Rainbow Clas· sic Ouarterflnats" Oklahoma Soone1s vs Virginia Tech Gobblers (from Hooolulu. Haw ) (R) (2 hrs ) c.m .o¥ll "Citizen Kane" ( t 9' 1 Drama) Orson Welles. Joseph Cotten Flashbacks recall too Irle of a wealthy, power1ul and extravagantly self·lndulgenl newspaper magnate as a reporter searches for the slgniflca~ of the man's cryptic tast word (4 hrs) O .o¥ll "The Four Seasons" ( 1981. Orama) Alan Alda. CarOI Burnett Three couples, all close. IOOg·tlme friends, expe rlence profound changes In their relation· ships when one of the marri&Qes dttln- 1,!gfates 'PG' ( 1 hr • 67 mtn ) W CllLOlml OI TMUr. fTBT Princess Grace glVM us a look behind the waits of the vaganova Choreographic Institute - also known as tt\e Kirov ballet school -to expl()(e the dreams of two Russian danc· ef5 who hope to fOllow 1n the footsteps ot Baryshnikov Nureyev and Mak&1ova ( 1 hr_) a. 8 MIMI "Souls Al See" ( 1937, AdVen· ture) Gory Cooper, George Raf1 Atter a sea wreck. a ship's ott1eer is IOfced to mal<e an lmponant decision concemll'og the only lifeboat. (2 hrs ) (!) 9CtlALft llAYY • llCME "Beat The Devil" ( 195". Come-dY) Humphrey Bogart, Jenrnfer Jones lnternatlooal swindlers. neck·deep In plans to outwit eecil other are dtve<led from their sinister "8aliogl when an axpl<> 8lon wrecks tt\e stllP they are at>oerd ( 1 hr. •S min) f,:. "Nicholas Nlekleby" (19•7. Orama) Derek Bond. Cedric Hardwicke Based on the claUic by Chat1ea Dickens A YounQ tad attemots to protect hla family ( 1981, Orama) Mef'yl Streep, Jeremy 1rone (2 h,. . 5 min ) Cil "Underground ACfll" ( 1980, eom.- dy) Dirk Beneclk:I, Melanie GrtHith ( 1 hr .. 39mln.) G "Magnifleenl Ot>Nulon" (1935. Ora· ma) Irene Dunne. Robert Taylof (2 hrs ) -CC) "lmpfOl)ef Channell" (1981, Come- dy) AIM Atkin. Marlette Hartley ( I hr , 32mln.) CID "Zorro, The Gay Blede" C 1981. Com· edy) George Hamlllon, l.lluren Hutton ( 1 hr., 33 mltl) CM It Belt• Thin EY8f" ( 1952, £11ubtth Taylor. Larry Peru L . min.) "Harry'• War" (1981, Comedy) rd H9mneM, Oereldine Page ( 1 tw • '° min.) -«!) "Hueklet>tny f'Wln" (1931, AdYen- ture) Je<lkle Coogan, Mltn Ol'Mf\ (2 tW ~twa.1.Hffrtlan<I" (1981, er.ma) Alp Tom. ta Ferrell ( 1 hr:1 35 Mii\) tw "M The f'he Toung CtM!btlt" lteO. Drame~ Net•·Wood. Aot#t ~..J? ~"· OrarMt Nnt-. Kin-'· ~Firth. (2 twt.. 60 min.) -N•uw•••M•°il•• -· . lt'Tlle Ill ....,.. " ... AcMntuNJ "*"'~--~. (lhf.,30 ar»'Tlw lk*o'' ••"71 OOfnMV) ..... lrom an uncle's wicked lnftueoce ( 1 hr , 35mtn) M (fl) WOll.D AT lMQI tm(C)llCME "Quo Vadls" (1951. Drama) Robert Tay\Of. Debolah Kerr A Roman arlstoetat g&IOS Nero's dtSfavor When he falls in love with a ChrtStlan g1r1 (3 hrs . 5 minJ.., ... 'Ith. ... .. ~~his Is Elvis" (1981. Blogra phy) Documentary Alm footage and dra· mafic r&-Cfeatlons are used to tell the sto ry of EMS Presley's hie and career ( t hr •2m1n) 11:11 Cl) llCME "Strange< In The House" ( 1975. H01ror) Keir Dullea, Olivia Hussey A psychotlC murderer hides in the athc of a colleQe 50f0fity house on Chnstmas Eve ~hr .•Omin) 1111 FAIT'N• .o¥ll "The French Lieutenant's Wom- an·· ( 1981, Drama) Meryl Streep. Jeremy Irons An aHalr between two actors is par· alleled tn the romantic period him in which the two are petformlng 'A' (2 hrs , 5 mm) •1'tOIO'lMl-l'OITICllft'IR ' llCME "The Frencil Lieutenant's Worn· an" ( 1981, Orama) M9ryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. An atfalf between two ect<>n1 is par· alleled in the romantic pefiOd rrtm In which the two era petformlng 'R' (2 hrs , 5 min~ = 1.,. "The Phantom Of •2nd Street" ( 1945. Mystery) Peve O'Brien, Kay Aldrich A theetef In New Yori< City beCOmeS the seene of a horrible murdef. lhr , 15 mitt) .. ,,,., IW.Wlm.I ....... .._ -lllO~ Selln. Britt Ekland (2 ,..,.. ) CB> "On GotOefl Pond" (1981. Orama) HentY Fonda. Katharine Hepbum. (1 hf., •9 min.) e "Tess" ( 1979. Drama) Naatasaia Kln- tld. Petet Afth_ (2 tn.. 60 min.) -c.m "Pretty Baby" (1979. Orama) Keith Cirradine. Btooke ~ (1 hr , 49 min) W <%l "AmarcOfd" ( 1973, Drama) M11giM NO.I. Bruno Zanin Directed by Federloo Felllnl. (2 htl., 5 mH\ ) -~·Cattle Annie And Llttlt 8'11ehel" 1981. Watem) Burt l ancattf, John . (1hf .. 36 "*'-> • " orro. The Gay Blade" (1981. Com- ) ~Hamilton, ~urtn Hutton, ( 1 ~. 33rnln. •w "Th• def'" c1981. Drama) Jeck Nlcholaon. v...,. ~ ( 1 hr,, 45 min.) 'Modam P1otltli1•" (1881, Comedy) CMN, Petti O'Arbltwlllt. (1 hf., ~ .) _ • ''The F041t S.IOlle" (198t, ~ama) Allan Aide, Catd 8Urftttt, (Hw , 67 mi\) "(Z) "Nlgtlt Trtln To Muntih" (1940, ~) M91 .... I LiDdiWOOd, At .W· ;( 1 tv 30.rnl) • Allegro Nlit reppo" (1976. Fenti· Al*NteO (' .... ;t! min). -"The Hlltl ·~ ( 117)J Cornecfy) ~ ... ,.,. DoW\ (1'rw .. ~ •ii5·~ .... ...,, u•1. ~ .,., A I A,.. ,.. "'* -""' J ~ ••I If lt¥ I 'B1 t ~ > ~Jie .. ~" , .... 4,..., fo1•J y.,. ¥•• . hlfill 1 .. 1 A"9t c11n "~'of tt. to 111 Alllft.lf1111 Ow ., ltf"'41\11 llt lhlt ',_.1'.h 1.iJ#111lelyn and lh• l!ll.li.of thil lllilcM <~ tw• I (0) .... "Mod9rn Problton•" ( 1081, eon.c;y) ~ 0-P•lll C> A11»n 11119 A ,,.,._ lllf ttelllc COfllro!lef •llh numetWI pettonitl pt<>Clteme le~ With tftltllnellO pc>Ml!t All• belno ~ wljh nuclMt WUlt 'PG' (I ht , 30 min ) {AJ _,,_I "'°"' JHn 8 le!*t0t1 and Arwty Otbb t tat In lhll mu.lctl ~ dooll abOUI 10 h<>uMgueltl II 1n fnglllh country nou.. wno are rnuidtfed one by ()nt., ht 40 min ) .. e LAVlili a -.iv LavtHn«i er• eln voe 11 het oow Jot> whOn ~ lkltit1 thtough the l&elOly "311ng 11n inti g11vl i~ OllDCCUU llO¥ll "This la EMs" ( t981, OIOQfl· phy) Oocumen1ary Fiim too111go 11nd drll· matte re er ea hons are used 10 tell the 1te>- ry of EMs Presley's Ille and caree1 It hr , •2 mln) (I)llCMI "Stolen Kisses" ( 1968. Olama) Jean-Pierre Leaud. Delphine Seyrlg This touching and hllarious Ulm fea1ures a young, llkeable )elk·of all·traoes falling In love _Ll hr , 30 min ) .. 8 Cl) M)M Wfll'I llAZD MD -. ITW FOO( gifted college students return to college alter sumt'Tlef vacation and become dangerously Involved 1n the tanta· sy WOl'ld ot a theoretlcel war game. Chris Makepeace, Weocty Crewson. David Wal· tac. 1nd Tom Hanks star (2 hfs I II e QAftM Gav~an 1nves11ga1es lhe death ot a friend who may have known too much about hlghly sophlslk:aled wea~ry ( 1 hr ) 8 9 1'1IWl'I ~Nlf Jack skates Into the mldSt ol a roller 11nk 1eodezv005 1nvolv1ng a cache of doamQl\dS that could put him 1n !he slamme1 (R) D 8 COUIQI IAIU1UU. "HOllday Classic Tournament" (2 hrs) tD lmlY c.AM Guests Skip Stephen son Martin O'B11en Shem foxman. Irene K8SS011a ( I hi ) 9 lllYtTDY 'Outet As A Nun .. A warning note and a hidden will compel Jemima to 1nvesllgate a foolish tale invented by lhe students (Pall 2) D ( t hr ) 6l) MOYA · Test·Tubli Babies A Daughter For Judy' fxclosive footage of the con cep11on and birth or America's first tesl rube baby 1s 1ebroadcas1 on her one year b1rt~lhr) ~lllO't'IE "The F1ench I ieutenant s Worn an .. ( t98 t Olama) Me1yl Streep, Jeremy Irons An affair berwee11 two actors rs par alleled 1n the romantic penod him 1n which the rwo .ire performing R' (2 hrs , ~l min) l lOlDOtal ....... .. «II) t TO I The g1rlc; enterta111 a hard nose<J s.ecur1ty guard wtlh their sto11es about a cactus. a typewroter and an ~ra "'0<Jtng goldhsh (A) (!) MOVIE "fhe Oleam Merchants.. !Part 2) ( l'IUO Qf,1ma) Ma1k Harmon Morgan Faorch•ld An amb11oous young onan 101ns lo1ces with an opt1m1stic n1ckel0deon ope1a101 to construct one ol the ea111est I lfJ" " h tklf1_ 1 ·~ !~ " ( I 1 J:UnuO A1tt11 • """ ,.,.. :ltln f "9 tlJVI 114 ''""~JI fl!"" not 11111 11rwJC1llify 1111 • ~11~1•1 11f 11111 lllklflflrll Ito M11tr.,.. ( ( lw 10 l!tlfl l .. (JJ'J ... •·1111,. I Uf I fl'lil!U' (I Of I J~nc•I Mei I""'" Jctitlit,. Ufltn~tJI """ .,,.,~ 11rl'-1"'1t typr111 ul 1111•111 t&k• pi..i.. .. In 1n llllC .,1Jd111 111 1'1111 ln1t11hlrl\I =~·=:;;,:;::.: ::· f!!. Aogtl Mudd 81\d Tom flrnk11w •••mlM the 11111 two y .. rt Of the A4!og11n •dmln1ttr1tlon. lnetudlng 1111 IOfttgn end 110onomk: P<lflclee, and the IUCC~ 91111 t1ltur" to dtlte of tho ndmlnlltrHtlOl1'e 1:-°i:~~) • ~ 1Aif TO MAllT Jorn1ll1;i11 nnd JM rnler a1e led into the mld11 of &«11111rnl bizarre murdef plott nn tho fll~s of IM Vall ski rO!IW (R) D Vhf ) e THI~ Out.di'~ 111st free elections 1n 18 years and the11 u11p;ic1 Oil the country's luture aro exa mined 1n s documentary leatur1ng 1nte1 v111ws with Brazlllan government olllclats. candidate&. and representatives 01 Amer1. can.banks and buslnes5e!l ( 1 hr) D IOOY II QWl110ll 'Nellve Medicine· Of Jonathan Mille! conrrasts the practteci or modern med1e1ne 1n an English town with the lradlllonal ma111ca1 syt11m ul lhe AL&nde tribe 1n Africa D ( t hr ) (C) llOVll "Strtpes" ( m8 I. Con'6Qy) Bill Murray Harold Ramis A New York cabbie loolung lor excitement convinces hos ~r frten<I 10 f0111 htm 1n enlisting tn the U S Army. 'R' ( 1 hr • 20 min ) (S) WHA'rl IW AmJICAI Fe.itured a v1s11 with Santa's helpers as they gear up tor the hoOday season. what 11 takes to be ii ski patrolman. a retirement home ln1 chimps on FI01100 ( t hr I 0 VllWD'I atOa WIMJI (I)llOVll ··Ned Kelly" ( 1970. Adventure) Micl\ Jagger, Allen fl1Ckl01d An Australlar1 outlaw vows revenge on those responsible 1111 l)utting hts mother 1n t•••I A' ( 1 hr 40 mn ~ YllmlAlt 1*11 (~) OM LOCA110M .. The Seventh Ar1nuJI Young Comedians Show" Host Alan King Guests Schmock ;mo Vallely, Mike MacDonald. Steve Wright La11y Amoros and J J Wall ( t hr 30 nM ) -1 WPDDEJfT NllWOM NEWS 11• · DDCIJ®l G>NEWI IA nJM)AY NIGHT • m&. IOCCDI New Yl)rk' Atr<lwS 11., I t•' Angeles l BlCIS (2 hr~ 11.1 r11111 I IALL•THEFAIAY KAMY--0 ....:11 llEPO«T OOCTC>ft If THE ltOUll llOVllE .. h1~rts' ( 1q16. Orama) n1tlo ard D1eylu!>s Jes<.11: 1 H.11p111 x· ( 1 hr 57 min) CS) A .W DAY It EDEM A 1 ,,,..,,tlul l.1tt11ly turns a small town 1n10 .1 11 1'"' tt•1•1vtor1J t1on proiect (PArt 101 11:15 (ll llOVIE "Check My Oot A.1by" ! t97A Comedy) Evelyne Scolt l aurc Moutnus sany A sheik is pressurt><l t>y ho~ daughter into cuttrng oll France·s 011 o;upply until her tioyl11end 1s released horn ,1rrench1arl ft hr 20 rrnn) MIMI""'"' I 1'UJ = ,., Ct ~ , rrfy °' 1lfW c!ld flill A llft1tt1iM'1t1 ~~''•lflrd e !18'~" !1flinltlJ il!li:~tll I •lll1t · t Mnd4111'1 "~''•"~It~.,, I ..J:'~nt M llllA09C cra11 1110Ull tW ... "WlmMtl Tut.e All' ( 107~. Of1 m.t) Shirley .kllWI. I 1ture111 11 I 11tklllblll To ltnanc. h9I fnn11t1<;1tl U41tr11Jl11l\J h.1bO. • hOOICtwll• dlpe into 1114' f.m uly 1o11vlng1 account without tl4lf 1.m.11111111'•. k1t0ww<Jge 01 ConMnt (:> 11111 I 1ti4100 llO¥ll "Oon't Cry. It .. < Jt11r. rtiundol" ( 1982. Dt11mn) ()jtnrui. C,h11t1tophar SUl3n Saint Jllffi*'I A h111tJk:t A11ny '1<1clOI and o trouble pr()(WI medte h1•lr 1wo nunt bring 11 g1oup of Vwtndmtr:.4l 011Jt111na to aalety 'PG' ( 1 hr • !.10 m111 ) 1W(C)llC>n "Ghumµ1011 01 Ut•oJth·· (1977. Adventure) Sonny C111bt1 Alrf'r t.llllng a mobslet. a mnr11.11 ar1:> t11CJlt'rr r .. 1ues b1iet ly before taking on it scow 111 tm'3d c1ssa1· ta.lslns~~~ I.:' WT WON) llOWll ·A Damsel 111 D1slf1 " ( 1937 . Mu91C81) Fred Astaue Jumo I ontaone A Brillsh he11eM 16 wOOtlrl by 11r• Ame11cnn dancer who believes shtt 1• •• 1 1 horus girt. ~hrs) LOW. MmlCMl ITYll llCMI "Altl!fed Stato•s" ( 1980. Sci ence-Fichon) Wilham Hurt Bl,111 Brown A Harvard sc1en11sr s geneto<. s1ruc1u1e 111 alte1ed when ho conduct<; r11111d-expand- 1n11 expertments with 1~.01.1111m tanks and powerful h11lluc1noojPns fl ( I hr 43 min) f?)llOVll .. Tha Bt'1)•J•letl • • t'lll Orama) Clint Eastwood (it'r,1101111 f»Jgu An 1n1ured Union wltl1er recuµtiMllng 1n a girls' school ha-; hts leg l•t.•<Htlfls~ly ampu· toled by the 1e.ilous h1•11dr111 tr••ss when he is cauyhl with one .. 1 trw 1orl• A ( 1 hr 50mtl\ I ~ 0 llOYll "Honor Guard CNo 0111e. Ola ma) Rod Steiger A panlt~t wt111 desetts the Army and esc<'P"" to Canada becomes lh!' tar9e' I ;.,, •·• M,mne set· goant and ho'> hunlmq tiu lclo• R' ( 1 hr 4!>m1n) d:a 0 G) LA TE NIGHT WTn4 DA VI> l.ETTEllMAM Guests comt>dt,1ro• nc,t1 ""J Ft.1y. comcdl An Thom Sharp v1c'1110 ar11•,t 11•11 Wegman ~ ~~ COTlU: UP C'-OIE ~ llOV1IE "' 01,J MP•, , l!JJ8 West ern) W1lltan1 R > l H"I "' "" l C:ass1dy encounters o r111u11er11us q 111q f t hr , 30 min) Cl) LOYI, AllENCM ITYlf '!J WOlllD CUP KlltO l JWr.111e "' tbe Mens Giant Sl,1lom Ir• rm M,rrJ()l111a Italy lRI (I hr . JO 11110 I 1M fl.) llOVllE 'MnrllPnegr• I t•lU t. Co!Tl(t- dy) Sus;rn /\n&Ji.t1..h, frlarid Jo'-Cphson A npglected wile travels 10 Sloe~ holrn and begins an a11.1rr worh a in.in 'ht! met on a bohemian n1Qhk lub R. ( I hr 40 mrn ) ,_ U llOV1IE ·rx•vrl And Tlw C>t>.·r ( 1932 Friday, December 24, 1982 29 UnmAYIUff •11MCM011- ML•MfM&Y NAMY.O •t ••~ DOCTOI • M MOUll 9CMllM!llW O/l M YlAll A .W DAY • IDIJI A powerlul lamtly lurns a smaD town Into 8 model reiuvena· Hon =t (Part 11) (%) "Amarcord" ( 1973. Drama) Magali Noel. Bruno Zanin Oifecled by FedeflCO F~1n• Fear and despalf cha1ac· tenze life tn fasctSt Italy di.Iring the t930s 'A' ~,5m1n) tttl(ll) "The Dion Brothers" ( 1974. Westem) Stacy Keach, Frederic Forrest Two brothers head West 1n search ot more excitll"lg lives as outlaws (2 hrs I tttt8 (J) HMTTOIWIT The Harts ftnd them- selves 1ns1an1 parents when a beauhful woman claims that Jonathan Is the lather of her son ( t hr . 10 min ) D fl) TOMMIHT Host Johnny Carson Guest Jim Fowlef ~ 1 1,':.m~rr OODCOWU FOCUI OM IOCIE1Y ,_ LATBIGKT Larry King discusses his experM!f'ICeS doing an all·nighl !Ive radl<> phone-In talk Show (A) ( t hf ) fE~condom1mum" (1976 Comedy) Peter Doris. Stella Stevens Members of a swtnging slngle6 condomini- um try around the CIOck lo qua~ly IOf' pe<- manent membefshtp 'Ff ( 1 hr .. 20 min ) CS)~ _,.TH 1* llAQIC (Part ~,.a,aa tUI ~ .,_"f or Your Eyes Ooty" (1981 AcNenlure) Aogei MOOle. Topol James Bond tracks a cnrrunal who purloined a top secret Bntlsh defense deYlce 'PG' (2 h<s .5mln) tHl I enaT.-.nTOllCIHT O MWTWOll> .,_"Jacques Brei Is Allve And WeO And Living In Paris" ( t975. Mu&lcal) Elly Slone, MOrt ShUman T'Nee disparate ct\afact8111smg1he songs ot Belgian min rtrel Jacques Brei against a kalefdoscope of surreal beckgrounds (2 hrs.) ii= "DevM's Canyon" ( 1953. WMI em) Virginia Mayo. Dale Robertson A fOf· "* marshal 1n Pfison l0t havmg commit· ted murder In sett-defense gets ef'lmeshed In his tetloW ptlsoners' plan lor 11 breakout ~~~MmlC.mLI lm m "Conleesi<>n Oi A Young Amert-ean H<MoW'lft" ( 1 ht.) ~.vii "In Praise 01 04<ler Women" 978. Drama) Tom Betenger, Kor~ tao.k A 1-Wtlgartan lothario remtnllcet on hit put romantic conquests. ttom his fltat 81 the age of 12 10 hit Mduc11on Of a ~·at 30. 'R' l 1 hf . 48 min.) • .. "C411na1 Knowledge" (1971. °'1Wna) Jac:il NIChO .. Ot\ AM-Margret Two ~i.ge ftleodt tl*\d -.rat yea,. befor• •nd after graduetlon dllcCM(lng llfa by thtf1nc and IW!fching .en ottl9f'• 1..7 '-'R" (1h<.37 min) -LAft _,..,. N\19 Lit I ti .,.,..,.. ~« ''8C1V ~··. l,._Nattallla~t. fth<,) •coma• Cl.Oii ... "'Ntllh Atilon. Sk•" ( tG34. Welttm) JdYn Wayne. 8heila T tfTy. A ~,...,..:~~;:$. f'f'tdl!Y, Deotmbet 24. 1N2 Peggy Lee will sing on Saturday night's "The Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts" a t 8 :00 OD K NXT (2 ). ed wealth ~· 30 ITllO.) •UM.Al -~ (() ~ IOWL Alabama CrlffiSOl'I Tide vs Illinois lllinl from Memphis. Tenn (RI .@hrs) CH) MOW ·rhe Bordef" ( 1981 Drama) Jack N1Cholson. Valefl8 Perrine A Texas border guard's values come In confhct with those of his corrupt co-w0<kers and his materlallsllc wile. 'A ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 1119 fJ (I) llO¥ll "Leave Yesterday Behind" ( 1978. Drama) JoM Riner. Clrrle Fistler Following 11 tragic accident, a college alh lele learns to llve and Jove again with the help of an understanding young woman {B) ( 1 hr , 20 min.) ,. • ..,. "The Eagle And The Hawk" ( 1~33. Drama) FredfiC March, Cary Grant A war-wfffY mer Sinks into a deep ~r~~ .. 30 min) • • ,,. , .. 'ft ..... YI. PAmfh I araT.-YTOMICIMT llO¥ll "Slncetety Yoore" (19~6. MUSI· cal) Llben1ce, Joanne Dru A bflllient con· oert pl8nltt discover• lhet he II going deal. ( 1 hf . 30 min.) (IJ 111)¥11 "Cheech An<! Chono's Nice Dreams" (I 98 t, Com.al) '"Richard "Cheedl" Mann, ThOn'lu t::n0t10-Two lrweter1t• pothtedt 1ppeat to have found lhttr true celling n they peddle Ice CIMm on 1N 11reett ol LOI Angettt 'R' (t ht., 2!mln.l (Q) .. ''Turki.h OeliOf\t" ( 19?4, Ori· ma) Rutgtt Htutr, Moriqul VWI 0. Vlf A young ICU101or l"IWf'lel 1 *Oman Whole •PPttlt• for fun mete• h4 own. 'R' ( t hr ,..Omln) ' W @ llON "The M~lflenl'' (1969 &l-enc.-Flctton) Kon Sahlta. 'I~ Shir•· kawa A group of ~ .,_of IUPlflCW tnt~ ry to tall•~ &Ith to PtWs-ti.att their oMhr•uon. t t hr.. U wei ~ .. ......,.,.,. (!Mt. Drema) Rip TOfl\ ~ti ir.itrtilL A rartfhlr li.od his housekeepe1 lace the ngors or tronuer hie 111 1910 Wyoming 'PG. (1 hr 35 m1nl_ 1::111 fJD leC .... O\IBllQNT llOVll "Fearless Frank" ( 1969. Come dy) Joo Voight. Monique Van Vooren A hick becomes a big-city brawler and winds up 111 hot water W11h gangsters ( 1 hr. 30mm) ~(CJ llOVll "O Lucky Man!" ( 1973. Ola ma) Malcolm McDowell, Ralph Richard· son A cottee salesman ls captUted as a spy and sent to pnson where he contem plates a careei in lhe n'lO\l18S (3 hrs., 5 mm) (S) llOVll "Twelve Plus One" ( 1976. Adventure) Sharon Tate A hunt begins through three countries In search of a chair that holds a great fortune 'R' ( 1 hr 35 m4fl) J:tl~ ~-:""'ATCH 1= "Death Hunt" (1981. Adven- ture) Charles Bronson. Lee M&IWI. In the 1930s. a Moun._ and a lron11ef cnmtnet wage an old battle as clvthzatlon encroaches on the Canadian Wlldemess "R' (1 hr .. 36 min) 1::11 <BJ.,_ "BUddy. BUddy" J 198 I, Come- dy) Jack Lemmon. Watter atthau. While an assassin concentrates on his next klh ~·he IS rooety lfll«rupted by I bUmbling failure of a man who is atremptlng suicide 'A' ( 1 hr., 36 mm ) 1::11 • .,. "The Lives Of A Bengal Lancer" ( 1935. Adventure) Gary Coo- per. Franch<>! Tone England's lndlan- based Lanc8fs WW) all their bllltles, no matt8f whit the odds. (2 hrs I Cf) 9CIW.l'I un ·--"Fast And Sexy" ( 1960, Com- edy) Glnll Lollobr1glda. VlttOf'iO De Sica An 11tract111e young widow returns to hef Italian Village to look for a husband (2 ~la. ==e.: ... ~.,. ''Undefground AceW' (1980. CQmedy) [)M1( Benedict, Metanle Griffith Perking auendanta wreak havoc at a sw&nk Bewrly Hiits hotel. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39 min~ a.~': :.. Tips lor better skiing e at KUllngton. Vt.) (A) lllMI "Modem Problems" (1981. ) Ct\8VY Chase. Patti 0 ' Arblltl- Yille A haplesl air traffic controtler with numerous ~ prot>llmt is enOoqd wl1ti telefllnetlc pow«• ahtf bllrig dcx"9CI with nucieer wute. 'PG' ( 1 ht . 30 min.) •11Wf11MI-.. , .... ... "OnGoldln Pond" (1981. Ore· ma) Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn Old fln'lt/ tenelonl rteuttaot aa an ekSlftv couple retum fOf a Int tummer •• rheit N9w EogJand tltreet Ind M vttitfd by theli' dtlugl'lllf, htf flano. Ind hit aon. ~·PG~t:oJi~I- .. ''The ~Of Mtl'W\ Gatdane" 972. Oteme) 8Nce Dtfn. a.ck Nichol· aon ni.o btot=INMreted WHl'I fhtlt ~ cham of ,.t IO • trtJPk* Pit•· -1~tw .~ ) .. ,., •11r.11ll••: .... ·-Im° -l.~~~A·~ - -- --'~ 0.. Ount Bto.c1W1y ptOdvo.1 Cl.-..otd Q ... .-T._ ......... .,. "All The 'IM Young C.Mlblll" ( 11MJO. Orama) Natalie Wood, Robefl waor-A l'IMdatrong girl !tom a POOi Southern lemlly mame. fOt lll0fl9Y, not iov.. (2 hll) IM19llOl1"1TnU ,.,.. . .., .. =· D1C:1 CA~ Guesta. Agnte de Mille end Dr. Fr.ci Plum (Pert 2) (R) !_,.. .,_ ·•Aae9 For Your Ule. Charke ownt" ( 1977, Comedy) Animated Charlie Brown 1nd the entire "Peanuts" gang head IOI summet camp. wheie they become ln\IO/Ved In aevetal wdd adllen· tores. ·a· ( 1 hr . 25 mtn.) Cl) llOVll "Oliver" ( 1968. Muelcal) Ron Moody, Oliver Reed A young orphan Is kidnapped from hit new home by his Old gang, but manages to 89C8pe and retum Ito=::~ hrs , 35 min ) .. ... .,. Cll .... -AOAm , ... ....g. A ptol1le or CBS News ancl'IOIWoman Diane Sawyer. a visit to a emau CalllCHn!8 towo used as the location llOtt~~ aTaTMmlff TOIUtl alll'lft.D IUll•llWT U "Attack Force Z" (1980, Adventure) John Phillip Law Mel Gibson Ouf1ng WO!ld War II, a t~ret Austra· hen ettacil unit penetrates Japanese lines to perform a daring rescue mlSSion ( I hr . 3Smtll.) cm...,,_ (Z)llOYll "The French Uevtenant's Wom an" ( 1981. O<ama) Meryl Streep. Jelemy Irons An attalr between two ectCHs is par elleled in the romantic penod ftlm In which the two are perl0tm1ng 'R' (2 hrs . 5 min.) I OUMQI CCMfTY TOOAY 1:31 l9A umnAU Golden Stele Warn· Of5 vs Los Angeles Lakers (2 hrs 40 min) 119 elClk IWIET lmLl 0# IUCCUI llHAm.YflUD LA--&-.al a COWAll'f TOO .cM. TOO IOClt TBME Ill· • LOI MQILfl A r&p<>rt on the problems of teenage sexuality in Los Angeles. including the pressures b<ought about by the use ot sell in advertising and rock music (I) II) T1C T~ DOUGH 0 YOU AlllD '°" rT 't .. ~,. ot '"' nq " IM, ,,.,., l kt)'d °' I V•• = pPCIUIJ lltld rdlll flu.. t •'l't=.IC 04M~~-,, .. .. Mme" "*-"' ""*' •l•nd lll)4tllllll the Gwnolillon ol 1hl oldnt tiuUig In ~~hf-. FNllH.ci A OClfllla ~ ~~ t.-Vleioo prog111mt, • oompa11y thet dlllwlt 11111>-tt• .. t~anit: • loch ,.._.'yt' monal« 1t1 l akt Chempltln Je> ~l "F!owllf Drum Song" (19el. ?r'~) Nancy Kwan. Jemtt Shigeta BaMd on the at•oe play by Rodgl'lf • and Hamm«ttlin A CNnett got trev• to Sen Francltco to marry a men whOM tam-~~kld'her IOt hit brW.. (<' hrt ) • 4'.I TAI.It C/l TMI OCU .-n Jake ind ~rah undettake 1 dnngerou1 reacue mltllon wNf\ Corky II ih11ngNI~ Ill part of a ptot to ene111110 an innocent tribe of mu~• (R) (1hr) i PJl&.IUIAZ" A viSlt 10 a small Calllor n1a town ua.d ea the 1oca11on IOI o TV aefiea; an 11-year otd Olympic gyrnno11· tics hopeful • A CMlO'i alY This documentary put· aenll 11 ctos41-up look at children slrug· gllng with the dally threat of violence. hun· rr'> oppression and splrltU61 dailiness 11 • LIVI MOM THI IST Hansel And Gre- tel'' Ctilldren ot all ages wilt enjoy Engel· bert Humperdlnck's opera "Hansel and Gretel." featuring Judith Blegen. Frederi- ca Von Stade. Flosahnd Elias Jean Krah end Michael Devlin. Thomas Fulton con· ducts. (2 hrs • 30 min ) CC) llOYll "Callle Annie And Little BiltcheS" ( 1981 Westem) Burt Lanc&s· ter, John Savage Two tough ovtlaws peck up a pair of 1een-age girls and take them along on their ad11entur~<; 'PG' ( l hr . 35 min) (£)..,_....,.~Ttca..-.vntRIW9 CIDllOVll "On Golden Pono ( 1981 D<a· ma) Henry Fonda, Ka1ha1111e Hepburn Old tamlly tensions resurface as an elderly couple return for a last summer at then New England retreat and are v1s1ted by their daughter. hei !lance and his son 'PG' ( 1 hr . 49 min ) 0 llOVI! "Death Hunr· 11981. Adven ture) Charles Bronson. Lee Marvin In lhe t930s. a Mountie and a frontier cr1m1nal wage an old battle as c11111tzat1on encroaches Ol'I the Canadian wilderness ~ 'R' ( 1 hr • 36 min l .. @ THI "tPIC&Al • IPlCIAl. A special tr om the Nahonal Coonc1I on Alc.ohol 1s pre- sented a.mooocowu (I) COUHI IAIUl9All · Rainbow Clas sic Semlhnats" (live horn Hoootulu, Haw ) (2 hrs) a.@ AllaeTHIFAaY Mt 8 ()) lllOVIE "Miss All· American Beauty" (Premiere. O<ama) Diane Lane. Cloris Leachman The hte of a naive. 18-year old gtrl is drastically changecJ when she wins a nallonwtde beauty pageant 12 hrs ) D ID THI fACTI Of I.El Jo may lose he• scholarship 10 Easlland due to budget cuts that all8Ct the student aid program .,, U..• I ·~~~-;~: . = ...... = ~ .. ftt7t uelcM) Hell Voung Y(llJtlQ J*klfrnt t• '"hit eono 1n 11i1e cfooumtnl••Y of• tD7t conollft INtUtlng OOltumed toedlft Ind ~111• thlelrlOll 'PO' (I IW • 43 niln) ... "MQdlltr1 Probleml" ( 198 I, ;omedY) Ch9Yy CMN, Petti O' Atb9n 1111\e A hApllU air tralfk; COfltro119f wllh !lU11'l91~ petlONI pte>t>19rnt II 9'ldOWed With tt61kwietlo pow.,. att., b9ltlQ doUMd Ith nYOIMJ wait• 'PO' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ICUcma .. llOVll "SanlH" ( 1073, Otema) Glenn Ofd MIChael Burnt A t>Oonty hunter t>elrlendt the t.0n of 1 men he murdclfed ~hll.) .. U • fAaY TIU Alex has ht, 11181 lntf- matt relet~when he tallt fCK a col· i lludent (R .. DAY• .. llOVll "Night Train To Munich ( t940 Su.penae) Margaret Lockwood. Re11 Ha11i.on A 1e1en11s1's daughtet OUtWlll the Nan• With lhe help of 8 Brlt!Stl .. ;r~·~) -· e CMMCY A psychiatrist peisuadee Qvlncy to help l'l8f prove that a 14·year• old boy was framed fO< lhe murder of 1 Uttletr·~ ~~ I UiV Blake Hies to lnd0ne9ie to find teven. Mark knocks Krystle olf·bal- ance, and Joseph tries 10 discourage Klr-~·s feell191 f0t Jeff o ( 1 hr.) .. W llOVll ··t Died ~Thousand TlmeS ( 1955. Qfama) Jack Palenoe, Shelley Winters A killer feel& stirrings of love and pity tor a detoimed glrl, but is rejected by her alter financing an operation 10 mend her 1n11rmlty (2 hrs ) CC)_,.,. "Improper Channels" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Marlette Hartley. A series ot misunderstandings causes a social wOfker to suspect the 5-year-old oaoghter of a separated couple is the viC· um or child abuse 'PG' ( 1 hr. 32 min.) CID MOVIE "Knlghtrlaers" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Ed Hams. Gary Lahlt A group of bikers 11de with a tra11el1ng renatSSance faif and d1SCOver that the ldeahstic struggle against evil ex1s1s 1n modem times also 'A' (2 hrs . 25 min.) 0 lllOVIE "Harry's War" (1981, Come- dY) EdWard Herrmann. Getaldtoe Page A smalHown postman comes to the aid of his aunt. who owes lhe IRS back taxes. ·PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) eMVWA" -(I) llDIPIJIDBfT .. •.,.t•WOM-... fD Cl.Oil KAMIOMY Arlene Symons, a Brooklyn music teacher. brings together 11 group of seruor c111zens and a groop of young students tor a unique 1n1ergenefll· t1onal chows ~ ntE 8'M OAGCllER (Jo4ned In Progress) Robert Redford narrates a visual study ol the recently dtscovered sun calendar 01 the PueblO Indians i llM)IE IOWl flMYIEW (1') PUYIOY OM THI AIR u• DG<l>((J t!D ... Friday. December 24, 1982 31 min) -Ill) M.L ·-, .... y .. 8 90¥9 ''The Bridge On The River Kwal" ( 1957 Orama) William Holden. Alec Guioness During World War II. a Br•ttsh colonel and his men become pan ot a pr&SOO labor camp gang l0tced by the Japanese to build I turlOle bl'idoe (2 hfs , 45 min.) I YOU~P'Cll IT .. QWIS'l.-.a -llAVI M.L 1Ml CMLDml tom't Host JoMny \Ash It joined by Bob Hope and Mlcheel l..andOn In thla speclal wNch deels with ptob6ems faced by American I~ (1hr .• 30mln) l ... ,MAlll .... _. ...... Neel Gabtlw and Jel· frlt)' Lyons plctc the best films of 1982 e -oa.-CCMrn Featwed. an lnt8fVlew with perlonnef Ben Vereen. J Bobby Fluor. Miss Amet'lca, Marshall Ky. (8) llOlll "They AM Laughed" ( t981, Comedy) Audrey Hepbufn. Ben Guz.are. Three New YOfk detectiveS beoOme lnYOf\led In numerous romantic Ralsone whla trac::ldng the# tllents' erran1 wMlt 'PG' (1 hr.,~ "*1.) -· ()) -• -Rick'• old glrtfrlend draws him and A.J. Into a web of murder and mystery whet1 she asks them to locate her hU8b8nd ( 1 hr.) 8 e ~ Sem't lnteM!w wftt1 a looel tpOrtscaat« Is bUmC>ed by a more rele'lant gleoe on John Mc8'roe. (R) • _, .... Gueata· Charo. Martha Stewart Lee Bergert, Gloria A.-ed. San- ch Blrdanlla. Dr Marie Ravia. ( 1 hr.) • ---Ml"",.._ ''Wind Ffom The South'· Donald Woods and Julie Harrll .ltll In a dramatic t• Of U1Yequlted ~ centered atound NllWel Amerlean couples In a smaM lrtsh Inn. ( 1 hf.) • w.-.mca w• "To &1Ne Them .... My Daya'' CM&. having loll the election. INlkea a ~ about David's ~ (Part 12) Q (1 hi) I .. "Ondy'' (No Dete) (2 In.) .... .. e TAii Tony end Alex's double elate twin gorgeous modela at a posh r• taurant le 'Interrupted by the arrlval of Jim and Alex's ex-wife. (Rl (J) 90¥9 "The Glenn Mlllef Stort" (1954. Blooraphy) Jamee Stewan, June AMyton. Tfle tamoue big-band '-def rt'YOln~ the muelc wortd (2 M.. 30 Ernln.~ Mmlftllm"i.-111 ... "6tlt Cru(' (1980, Comedy) d Pryof. 0..... Wiider Two men are mlltakan lor banlc robbers and aent to jell. 'B' < !JW .. 51 min.) -• (I) ICllrTI ~ Meck'• lather arf'iw. fn Knot• Lancing with IOtn8 pelntut news • the reeldenta Pfll*• tor an olO- fltHolitd ~i=t~ hr.) • • -Furllo lakea ll'le timt9t mn lrMatta9llon of P'*' corrup- tlOn, end Nnko 1fatta a hnHO _,Oh !Or ~~-~1 ~.) -. llnm ••a••• I.! ..,_.. .. prOYldt lnelaht• Into tht complaldtlait of ~ nuer.r lfrclegy. .) •tMI "Matgwet Meed· Taldng . ~ Mled, WtlO till *" 1a5 i9iiponalb'a '°' ~~ 11111111 In~ ti PfOllled, (A) fi=~111P1rW' c1eee.~ .. ~. DIOlifttiir 14, , .. dy) Ann-Margret, L ovtS Jourdan A Parts ... LOft, AmllCAM rrt\I designer sweeps a fashion bl.Iyer off her (S) llOVil "Falcon's Gold" (No Date. feet ( 1 hr . 50 min ) Adventure) John Marley I ou1se Valance (£) COU!GE FOOTIAU. IOW\. P'MVIEW (It) Deep 1n the Meiocan 1ungte a hfe and (I) PAT COL.Lm MYPMOTCZlt THf COPt death ball le wages over dn ancient golden Hypnotist Pat Cothns turns police inv~h treasure w1tt1 my'itePOUS p('w<>rs (I hr Q!_tlOfl IOIO a hllaroOUs art tOfm I 1 hr ) 30 min ) g .,_ Enter The N•nta (1981 D llOVll 92 In The Shade 11 975 Mys- Adventure) Franco Nero Susan George tery) Peter Fon<Ja. W11rren Oates An Ameflcan marllal art'> expert sets out ThOughts of murder enter the scene when to avenge the murder ot hts best frtend an enterJ)f1s1ng driller Invades the buSI· 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min ) ness territory of a veteran fishing guide 1n (%) llCMI "St Helen&" I 1981 Orama) t~ Florida Keys 'A' (I hr .• 33 min) Art Carney, Oavtd Huttman An 80 year CZ> .oVlf · The Private Files Of J Edgar old man refuses to leave hrs small resoit Hoover" ( 1978. Orama) Br0def1ck Craw· aft8' a geologist predicts a votcanoc d1S<ts lord. Jose Ferrer The Federal Bureau of l ter ~yt: •. z 5 min I tnvesogahoo grows 1n clout and scope ,_ ,..._ undef the teadel'Shlp of the con1r<Nersiat -8"8T_,TC.atff HOOYel PG' (1hr.55mrn ) •• BIDBfr • IWOM... 12:11 D G) I.All MiGHT wmt DAVID L.ET1IW COUltl u.cl'TIM.L "Ra1nb0w Clas Guests Dick Cavell. actor Aon Sliver ( 1 sic Ftoal" (live from Honolulu Haw ) (:? hr ) IYa.) 8 TOii COTTl.E: UP Q.Oll (]l)MOIUGAzm (!) ll0¥11 "Mala Han" (193:? Orama) 1ttl a •(I) O fl!) *"' Greta Garbo. Lewrs Stone A notorious iitiliDlY tliaNf female ~Y falls 111 Jove with an Allto>d otti- • llMCH ""-cerl u;:~zr ~· (2 hrs ) :;:,~'M&T __,ICIWTDI • ••11 IDOll'r IM (J) lilCCl.OUD McClouO Ines to break 1n DOCTGll•THfHOUll a new partner white 1nvest.gat1ng o nallon· 90¥9 "Emmanuetle tn Bangkok.. al car theft ring (A) ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 1978, Drema) Laura Gemser. Cns tM(l.) llOVll "The Dogs Ot War" ( 1980. Avram. A Eurasian journalist hAs '!everal Adventure) Chric;topher Walken sei<ual nalS0<1s with a vanery of partners t'9 D llO¥ll ·No Man Ot Hf'I Own" ( 1932. wMe traveling 1n 1he Far East A' ( 1 hi Orama) Ctark Gable. Csrole Lombard A. 28 min ) cunning cardsharl\ .. ~ his aces" and CJ) A llllW DAY • lDIJf A powefful tam~y succumbS to the Charms of a prelty gtr1 turns a sman town 1nto a model re1uvena· whO wanrs him ro change his ktestyle (2 tlon ,.e!:OieCt (Pall 12) hrs l 11::119 (I)~ An ambtllous bvsmeseman 8 .oVlf "CISCO Pike' ( 1971, Orama) hastily Ofders the cremation ot his wile's Gene Hockman. Kris Kristolle<son A body alter an apparont heart attack IA) crooked narcottcs agent bt11ckma1ts an ex-L! hr. 10 IM\.) con 1nro c1ea1tn8 a large Quantity ot mari-a • TOllCIHT Host Johnny Car&on iNI ( 1 hr . 3 mtn.) Guest Kaleena Kitt (1 hr) Dn'bT.-.rTTC.atff 10 MC ... llCltfT\JNl 90Yll "My Dear Secretary" ( 194tl, ~--'°"" Comedy) Laraine Day. K11k DouolM An ODDCOWll author's c;ecretary finds 1har he likes g111S MTOP-tlllAll and plays tho held more ot1en than he ,. LA~ Guest· ~rry Falwell. wntn (I h1 30 min) leader and foundot nl 1he Moral Ma)Ollty. C11).,.-"Buddy. Buddy" (1981, Come-ffi) ( 1 hr ) dy) Jack Lemmon. Watter Matthau (8) llOwm "9 To ~ .. (1980. Come<Jy) t.ll(H) llOVll "Montenegro" (1981, Come- J8ne Fonda, Dolly Parton. Three working dy) Susan An5')eeh, Ertand Josephson. women rebel against their wbjvgatk>n by taDGDleC ... OVWff a male chaU\/lntSt boSs 'PG' ( 1 hr • 50 (C) lllMMI "Big Bad Mama' ( 1974, min.) Adventure) AnQle Oidl1n10n W1lhMn (D) llCMI "11\decont E11pogure" < 1981, Cf) TOP U. IOllNO Coveta09 of the COmedy) Vtronioe Hart, Je$19 St James John ()no DeM1S (t.tua) I OOnny Long tographtf aeercties tor the perfect (Ohio) 10-roul'l(f he8WWelohl bout (from 1eh0o!Qlrl ( 1 hr. 25 min) Pltttbvfgh p,_ ) (R) (~hrs.~ 30 min.) ~ WAnt 1'MI ll1AGIC (Pan (S) t10W11 "C:.mal Know1tdgt" (1971, E Ofama) Jacl< Nk:hols<>n. Ann.MAr11ret. cua • ...,. "Joseph Andrewa" (19n. 1W ... "The Legend Of The Lone COmady) • Ann-Marore1. Pettf Firth • (1980. Wetietn) Kllnton Spit -,Cl)Clll ... ...,,,An:M butY. CMltQIPtl9r l'°fd The Lon9 A~ .. .nd Tonto~ theif llleh1nemy. Bufch .,. "Nlgtlt Tratn To Munich" ~. *"° hu klOnaPPtd the pr• 1 .... 0 ~ ..... ~A) u .. 1 Lockwood Dlht U.S 'PO' (I hr. 40 men.) ro • _....., ,....rgare • ---~TW ••&:.1\•w · ..--., 9MUITWGlll W..,. "Once More. Wttll Feellngl" 1I0'9 "The Ma"'-" < 1976. Dl'amn) (19f50, Comedy) v"' Bryn~. Kay t<en.- Jtokeon. Sota111'18h Y0tk O.Ncl den. Afltt lotltlQ hla talent and hit 111111•. an oo the ploy by Jten Genet Two melde Ofcha$tra cMc:fuclot trlel 10 1-ain boll\. .no deaplte u-.11 famalt emp1o~ •ct out hft > _ -· thtJt f9'\t ... ll>OUI htr bthll'ld IW blcl(, .. llOWll "HolM Celll'' ( 1978, Corn.o f la l we11et Mlttl\IU o~ JecMon .. ·•TM Bmtherl Rico" p sr. • ._,.TMAcctilad" 11sq,~.,.,., ) Aldlltd Conlt. tw.tlt-. roat• •-~-..c~L°'etta V~ Rdbtft ~ By ' ~. I women la~ Of Nail Ao1fc1a ~" UT\t f0t tht 1~ tn llld ~ 8 •-1'4 ll'om j\Ja;ice. (I flit •"*""'8 '° ~ e crmt 1Yndlc1t11 ,,.., ,..,.., ll'om nuwqf"t bf04tltft ca rn) CJ) Ii&.- - ----------- ~ .~~ -- -uasnooa Movies- -• "Lost Patrol" ( 1934, Adventure) Vic- tor McLaglen, Boos Karloll 11 hr . 30 min.) fl) "I'll See You In My Dreams" ( 1952. Musical) Doris Day. Danny Themas (2 hrs.) OD "They All Laughed" ( t981, Comedy) Audrey Hepburn. Ben Gazzara 11 hr 45 mm.) Cll "Airplane!" ( 1980 Comedy) Robert Hays, Jutte Hagerty ( 1 hr 30 min ) 0 "92 In The Shade" ( 1975. Mystery) Petet Fonda. Warren Oates ( 1 hr , 33 min) W C%) "The Witches" (197t) Silvana Man Q!!_nO, Clint fastwood ( 1 hr _ 40 min ) ttl(.CJ "Bitty Jack" ( t97 t, Orama) Tom Laughlin, De!Ofes 'TaylOf (2 hrs) (Q) "Taps" (1981, Drama) George C. Scott. Timothy Hullon (2 hrs ) Cll "Jesus" ( 1979. Orama) Brian Dea· .. ,a=.MllU .... ~ • llllOUCIM ... , ..... HAWAlfMM 0¥8 WY Guests: Harrison Salls bury .... tUIMIT1ll ni'OUQHMAa'TI 1'MI MCI• lllllT .. r.:- Deel CAVITT Guest Patricia Neal (R) QROWllQYUM lllCml "Corky" ( 1972. Orama) Robert Blake. Charlotte Rampling. An amDilious part-time stock car racer has problems ~us11ng to losing a race. (I hr .• 30 min) c.ttJ..., IWDIM 01 M llHMl A fleet ol brtght·sailed land yachts takes a crew of European. Canadian and U S sailors on a 1,500-mlle odyssey from an Algerian oasis lo the Atlantic (%) llOVll "Night Train To Munich" ( 1940. Suspense) Margaret Lockwood. Rex Hamson A sc1en11sl's daughter outwits the Nazis with the help ot a British lent. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) WOllLD Ol l'IOfU 1• CllllEWI .CllEWI MAWY DAYI lGAll ,.IL ~ A profile of country singer Crystal Gayle. a visit wllh the men behind "The Flintstones." cartoon pro- ducers William Hanna and Joseph Bar· iber~COWMY G? .IOlllrl ftO ~ ·-.. MJIOltT llOVIE "The Four Seasons" ( 1981, Orama) Alan Alda. Carol Burnell Three couples. all close. long-lime friends. expe- rience proloond changes tn their relation· ships when one of the mamages dlsrn- i rates. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min ) OUNGI COUNTY TODAY 19 llEWI ....... DWt!Mlf!fl ,.... lidtt• af '"' ~~ t'f'AOUI ...+l't Nfl OI Md lnflfYIMt c!lil"~ Loe ~',:J.. La.• '!t. ee.11i rM>er1on1ot (2 ,,, 1 CIJ -Ott In lhlpe. ioo. good, Ind 1"4 OINf with tl\11 s>"Ylical ffl,,... it~ "fec11pe In The ~.. ( t9&7. 1:"c!Vtnh.Kt) John Senttey. Vlfa Fvtok A btQ-game hunte< tatlt In low wtth the wife ofhl• mllllonalta client during 1 tafetl In Afrlcla It hr • 30 min. l .. 9 Cl) •••• , ... A hoHlNdad young Texan'• tactlet m•>: ptaveflt Mtgnum from finding the man • mlaalng lister. (R) i!. 'trj PAim Bruno It given totel oontrOI of ~ own musical. 11nd Dorla fallt In to11a with him. (R) ( 1 hr ) e llCMI "Romance On The HIOh Seat" [19.48, Musical) Dolls Olly, Jack Carson. An ocean voyage I& complicated by ml&· taken Identities and 11 marltal mix-up. (2 hrs.) G llCMI "The RIVlera Touch" ( 1966 • Comedy) Eric Morecombe. Ernie Wise. A small villa on the French Riviera Is Invaded by two lawless gangs searching lex a neckless. (2 hr&.) (I) IOAP • m , .. llAQAZlll A ptoflle ol country &Inger Crystal Gayle: a 11isit with the men bettlnd "The Flintstones... cartoon pro- ducers William Hanna and Jo$eph Bar· bera. «m llO¥ll "Top Secret Affair" ( 1957, Comedy) Susan Hayward. KJrk Douglas. A PVbllsher attempts to stop a majof gen- eral from obtaining a dlplomatlc post. (2 hrs) 9 u..a. CMROllCl.I "Ladder To The Moon" One man's dream to utilize the Erie Canal as the final ltnk 1n a tow-cost transportation chain to move coal from Montana and Wyoming to the Northeast Is ~lored W MM llM¥llWI Neal Gabler and Jef- ~ Lyons pick the best films of 1982. lC) llO¥ll "Billy Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor An ex- Green Beret hall-breed champions the cause ot a freedom school tor runaways on an A11zona Indian reservation. (2 hrs.) CE) 8'0ITICBf1'D CID llO¥ll "Airplane!" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Hays, Julle Hagerty After an airlin- er's crew tall& to IOod poisoning. a ner- vous former war pllol 1s pressed Into ser- vice and mus1 contend with on-board hys· terla. a secretive control tower and cllche- fllled memories 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) g MOVIE "Joseph Andrews" (1977, Comedy) Ann-Margret. Pete1 Firth A young man's flamboyant affairs ot romance cause scandal among lhe staid and stuffy Englishmen of the Vtelorlan era. 'A' (1 hr , 43 min ) (Z) MOVIE "Heartland" ( 1981. Orama) Rip TOfn. Conchata Ferrell A rancher and his housel<eeper lace the r1g0ts ol lrontter hie 1n t910 Wyoming. 'PG' (1 hr , 35 Friday, December 24, 1982 33 .. AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN SADDLEBACK BMW/SUBARU NEWPORT DATSUN 28402 Marguerite Parkway 888 Dove Street Mission Viejo Newport Beach -833-1300 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVl:R BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 LONG BEACH BMW 3670 N. Cherry Ave. Long Beach -636-5790 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNeLL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Ooeta Mesa -548·1200 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON a SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAIDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 PEUGEOT HACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712-GIOO PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6851 -638-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -638-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-GIOO TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -148-9303· MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 147-8555 VOLKSWA GE~ JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd. Hun=on Beach 142· VOLV O l!ARL.e IKB VOLV0--- 1966 Harbor B1Vd. Costa Mesa -Ml-9303 1.4 Shown regul11 on Saturday N1ghl Live 11 Make clear 13 Plays Archie 14 ET.,eg 15 -Tin Tin 18 Ant1.pollullon org ACROSS 31 Thom - 33 -Breckinridge 36 -Lanka 37 Disorderly crowd •O Before 42 Aller Oct "3 Rona or Sam -Word Game • Fl LL 1...i TllE Ml>SING L..ElfEK"S lt.J 1~£ 11 TV l.A.IORDS" BELOW. I 11 ICll<I ICI I IRll<I I l lCIEI I IAI IAICIEI I IOIOIKI IEISI ,,q~ ~~ ILi 11 IEI IPI 1::~ ~?" ~lo ~ll IHE tJAME a= A '\ ~ fi!€ ARIZAIJGE THE ()~ ~ lEl're~S You FILLED IN 1;('-';. . ~ { 1V SfRIE~ Sf'AR: / fr .,, ~ 11 I I I I I I I I I I I ¥ 111 I Pit f 'f rH ltt Pal ol • fl fttlf 111 ,, f po1111 thJly OU t ti uf Ma11w• Wlbf &!I OICJtla ~ Vt>u fhar• DOWN I Call• WHIOn ral• 2 l11nley'1 Irland 3 AllAbOUI - .. Pig & Mortotlld 8 MyThrN - 7 Mr Nonon't ••on oll 8 Al A Time i Olive Oyl'1 love I 0 8i:>eec:hlfy 11 Lydia Cornell role 12 Journey'• - 19 The Two of - 25 MIH Lupino ~ Nancy on Eight 11 Enough 27 Tootle on Feela ol Liie 28 Sl)erber on Bosom Budd lea New1man T<;>m Chit• or Geraldo Played Mike Slivlc Golonka or Francis 30 Cul• 1horl 31 A ThomH 38 F requtnlly 39 Monogram for l"ranklln '1 MIU LanChHler '3 PunchH 44 Our Miii Brook• 49 -carte &1 Mr Newley1' 11gn off SOLUTION EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE A TTENTtON YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A con,,.nl•nt •ltern•tltf• to ltosplt•I •m•rv•ncy room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough. Professional & Personahzed Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appo1n1ment Needed • Immediate A1tenf1on Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED °""' 1 DAYS A Wl'IK 3415 DAYS A YIA" .,.. .... ,, ....... (714) 752-8300 •M•RG•NCY DOCTORa OPPtC• 4030 Birch St, Suite t07 Newport Beech 5 1 15oFF 5 : <1Jij> your first visit : -' with th" coupo" = = See what we have to olfer • - -:11111111111~ouPo111111111111r: Friday, December 24, 1982 35 •December 24, 1982• It's a winter wonderland in the parks While it may not be a white Christmas for Southern California, local amusement parks have attempted to bring some traditional and some not-so-traditional features to their holiday attractions. Knott's Berry Farm's Winter Wonderland celebration will. continue through Dec. 26 with a real mountain of snow for children, ages 12 and under, in which to go sleddina. - Over at Disneyland, the yuletide - is being celebrated through Jan. 2. Hours have been extended and the 60-foot Christmas tree stands on the Main Street's Town Square decked out with 3,000 lights and 2,800 ornaments. At Knott's, the Calico Carolers, inspired by the stories of Charles Dickens and dressed in the rich attire of the Victoria era. stroll through the park &nging Christmas carols. The Dickens Carolers, Dimeyland fixtures for all of the Park's previous 27 holiday 9eUOlll, once again bring the spirit of Christmas music to the Magic Kingdom. Fantasy on Parade, a Disney cavaJcade of 400 perfonnen, ia seen at 2 p.m. daily during the holidays and at 9 p.m. on days when the park is open until midnight. These include Dec. 25-30 and Jan. 1. Highlighting the Winter Wonderland celebration at Knott'a is Snoopy's "It's a Dog-Gone Good Christmas" Ice Show ~ JW Schulz in the Good Time Theater ... The show can be seen dally, except Christmas Day, throuah Jan. 2. Knott'• Berry Farm wtll be clmed on Christmas. ( f I • t N CD ~-----------~--------------------....... ~ AttheltAo~I•• ~L--------------------------------~ : 'The Verd.ict N • • In "The Verdict," Paul Newman playa the least lovable acreen hero ln recent memory. He portrays Frank Galvin. a down-on-his-luck drunken lawyer facina impomible odds in a high stakes court cae ~ alleg1na medical negliaence. -o· FUm oomed.les such u "Arthur" and "My -c: Favorite Year" have allowed Dudley Moore and ~ Peter O'Toole to tum exa9ive drinking ID practically Into a virtue. -g But '"The Verdict" it anytbj:q but a comedy, ID and Frank Galvin is the kind of nian who c:rubM I funerala In 8ear'Ch of hltalne-, wboR band la ., ~ shaky he must dip hla mouth Into a abot glut resting on a table to avoid lpl1ling the drink. Barely able to maintain eelf-<:0ntn>l. Galvin clearly has little chance of putlfn& bJa crumhHDI law practice back on tndt. U. bean ICant reaemblance to Butch~· Cool Hand Luke or Newman'• other 8elf mawricka. But it'• a measure of Newman'• ecUnc talent that be ultimately brinp the a•ldience to root fOC' Galvin without rcnwrtldz1nc the chareder'a flaws. Tbouah a piln. cynical t.one prevaOa \broulh The Holl~ mentallty that .. if it'a worth doing once, it'• worth doinc apin" often am 1-s to disastrous nsulta. WitlM9 the ~ tilD9 wound on "The Exorcist" and .. Grea11e." And placing Uie aTipm of the Jail.er fUck in the dual capacity of writer and di.rector ()f "~II; The Sequel" -ln the abeenoe of the 'Zucker- Abrahama team that created &be near..cla.ulc comedy -would aeem an almali certaio lnvtt.ation to cinema~~ But, aurprise, "~lue II'' la • quite respectable clone of lta~. It'• nee -{\y similar in ltruc:Wre, but not to the point that lt'• simply a rehaah of "Airplane." The oricinal "Airplane" w• a spoof of the "Airport" movies, and "Airplane ll" ia a lmllu.p of Hollywood'• penchant for Nq\•la Writer~ Ken Finkleman aeen-. to Ulilde"B' ... Jbia aae~ and his gift foe oft-the--wall a:llmdy bow.vw .#'- •• No compromise for Paul Newman By PHIL SNEIDERMAN • Of lite Daib' Pilot Staff moat of '"Ille Verdk:t." Newman'• uncom~ ~and Sidney Lumet'• h.igb-octane dirilct1on make lt a film well worth aeetna. Newman'• Galvin baa been tamed a teemln&ly e.aay cue by an old lawyer buddy (Jack Warden). A wcman who entered a bo8pital to live birth developed campUcatiooll durinC delivel)' and awt:ained rnamve brain ctama,e. Her 9lter' wants Newman to aek damaaJei from the boapital and the anendinl physicWw. 11Mt botpltal la owned by the Catholic Archdft!cw al Boston. whkh otten a pnel'OUI out-.of-eou.rt eettlement. But the algbt Of bia client, ~and cmnect.ed permanently to life IUJ)llOrt 9qUlpment, triaen kq-buried emotions in ~a.Mn. Hill thtnt of aome IDMllUl'e of ;.tice cannot be •tidied by the 1etdement check. >.. the c:me CCIDel to trial. Galvin t.lnda one obsUde after another In hla path. ma cllenta are 87 TOM TITUS Of ... D&U7 Pile& 8&a1f angry with him. The trial judge ii angry with him. His star witn1!91 has diaappe.ared. The only nune who retu.a to t.eltify in favor of the hospital won't testify for his cllent either. Hi.a expert med1cal wltnem ia nearly Uteleea. Above all, Galvin is up against smooth, big league lawyer Ed Concannon (James M.aaon), who baa the reaoutC* of a huge legal staff behind him. Galvin doesn't cope with t.hfl9e eetbacb very well But just about the time the moviegoer is ready to give up on him, the lawyer finally IWIU1lOl1S the will to cllUe one last aliJn chance. "The Verdkt" was acrlpted b_J playwright David Mamet from the novel by Barry Reed. Mamet laat acrlpted the Jack NichoJ.on venlon of "The Portman Always Rfn4pa Twtoe," which was d.ist1nguiahed by lta lack of a llngle likable cl\aracter. , Ukewt.e, the only characten who seem to merit oompuaion in •"l'he Verdict'' are the working cI... people w,bo claim ::r·re continually exploited by docton lawyen. Even N~'1 Galvin la guilty of using his See The Verdict, Page 10 sounding like a synthetic: Clark Gable aa he romances llqerty, and a freaked-out Sonny Bono, making Van fleflln tum over ln his grave u a mad bomber. Stephen Stucker ia back to jab verbal darta at Bridges, while Raymond Bun-~pa up aa a judge who eenda Haya to the "Ronald Ke.apn Home for the.Mentally~·· The attraction of Haya and Hagerty, two unknowns thn.ast into the apo~ht in "Airplane," contlnue1 ln "The Sequel, ' though their characterizations haven't grown much in the interim. On a purely comic level, however, lt'1 veterans Bridgea and C.oonon who effectively steal the picture. "Airplane Ir' might not Oy quite as hiah aa ita _predene990C, but it'• not SoinB to be an earthbound dud either. If your teme of humor runs somewhere bewen Mad Magaz:ihe and the Mel Brooks movies, climb on board ~ fasten your safety belt. · ~------------------------------------...... ~------'n __ t• __ rtn __ l_•_•_lo_n ______ ~~------------------------------------~ Man and woman of year bring out the best (Trus is the last In a series of five columns reviewlng the year 1982 in theater along the ~Coast) ~ out the best in others is one of life's most laudable vocations. Often, espe.:»lly an the theater, that means submerging your own talents to the degree that nine out of 10 constant playgoers could pass you on the street and not l"f'CXJgnize your face. ~ i.a probably true with the two people chosen for special honors today -moat theatergoers are familiar with their work, but hardly with them. Which is why it's time to introduce Don Laffoon and Lee Shallat, the Daily Pilot's man and woman of the year in theater. They tread a common pathway in their theatrlcal endeavors. Laffoon is a regular director at Lee Shallat By TOM TITUS Of tM Daily Piiot Staff the Newport Harbor Actors Theater in O:ista Mesa and founder of the Stop-Gap theater company. which brings drama to the diaadvantaged. Shallat is a resident director at South Coast Repertory and also runs the theater's summer conservatory program. Each has, moreover, mounted a recent play that tranacended mere theatric.al entertainment and left a lasting impact. In Laffoon's caae, it was the brilliant drama "Cl06e Ties," named the top show of 1982 in local community·theater. Shallat excelled in late 1981 with her production of ''True West" on SCR's Second Stage. Laffoon. who founded Stop-Gap five years ago, has spent most of his adult life working with those less fortunate in one way or another, introducing them to the magjc of the theater. Born and raJ.ed in Kansas, he earned a degree in theater and put hia training to work as a Peace Corps volunteer in the then-friendly country of Iran. Returning in 1977, he and his wife, Victoria Bryan, organized the Stop-Gap troupe, a professional, non-profit company that tours Orange County with drama therapy workshops for senior citizens and the disabled. He became associated with the Newport Harbor Actors Theater where, in 1981, he directed a production of "The Miracle Worker" with a real blind girl in the role of. Helen Keller. Alter his acclaimed production of "Cloee Ties," Laffoon and Stop-Gap again teamed with NHAT to present the world premiere of "When the Bough Breaks." an original drama about abused and neglected children at Orange County's Sitton Horne. He abo staged '"The Magnificent Yankee," "Major· Barbara" and "Everything in the Garden." Sh.allat came to theater by way of academia - she had earned a BA in English literature and a master's degree in Asian theater, and had settled into what she thought would be a teaching career. An exposure to the Univeraiiy of Waahing1on's ProfeMional Training Program for Acton aI~ her focus. Plunging into professional acting, ahe became disillusioned after two years of oocuionaI work. A friend advised her to couple her academic background with her theatrical training, and this led to an application with South c.o.st Repertory. She was accepted on her 9eOOlld try and hired Don Laffoon -to teach in the Summer Conservatory. which had been organized by Ron Bou.om a few years before. She made her onstage debut in SCR's production of "Vanities" at the old Third Step Theater. Eventually she took over the conservatory d~nship from Bou9>m and became a resident dir«1or and casting aaociate as weJL.Her mainstage productiona at SCR include "Ladyhouse Blues " ''The Glass Menagerie" and "The Play's the Thing," while her Second S~e work numbers "For ever Yours, Marie-Lou" and the aforementioned "True West." She's also in thl' director's chair for the upcorn.mg mainstage comedy "Boy Meets Girl." Training young or inexpenenced thespians to excel. and leading by example, requtres a spedal t.a:l~t. Don Laffoon and Lee Shallat poaess it in abundance, along with the dedication and energy that hu marked them the Daily Pilot's man and woman of the year in theater. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'~-~~-o~n_s_t_a_e_•~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Peter Shaff er • • • Has plans for four more plays LOS ANGELE.S -Tony-winning playwright Peter Shaffer, who has just finished the screenplay of his "Amaideus" says he knows what he wanta to do for the next 12 years: write four more plays he hu in mind. "One is very, very ambitious," said the 56-r,ear-old author of such hfts as "Equu. • and ''The Royal Hunt of the Sun." '1 don't think I'm cl~er enough tG write it, actually ... Shaffer. in town for the Loa An1elea openlna of "Amadeua.'' •tarrtna JobD JNood and Mark HamU1 and d1r9:t.ed by Sir Peter Hall, uJd he spends about three yan on eech play. He'd ra\be:r not ay what tu. next play'• about, bee.UM that detracta from the fun of writln& lt. In the meantime, he's working on the 8Cl'Mn verllon of hfa play ''A.mad«..'' which woo hUn a 1981 Tony X-warcl. "Thll film II not a atrict wptaUon of 'A~deu1,' the •taae play," be noted. "lt la the -.me story told for c::lnielna ••• '' Amadeua • • focuaea on relaUonablp "!:fen Wolf Amlldeuj MQlitt. riv By JACKIE HYMAN Aaeocla&ed PreH Wrher Antonio Salierl. ~ audiences have come to expect from Shalfer, there's nothing stodgy or predictable about the script. He cleverly takes Salierl'1 deathbed claim of having poiJloned Mozart and weaves It Into a witty study of a man's confrontation with his own mediocrity, and hia attempts to revenge hlmseff on the God who has preferred eomeooe ebe. "[ was ln IOm9 way oelebratf.na the achievement and the myatery of MoAn.'' says u..e Brid.lh plafWrlght. "Mozart la the lln&le moet m~ object l know ln t.lie art.a." lie aald he wu faactnated by the Idea that much of Mozart'• music wu fully wrttte.n out ln h1a ~. and he merely tranac:rlbed It to the page. "lt'a the Idea of tomecme bein1 God'• secretary -th.II pm. writing. wrltlna:· he aUd. "And you know. he wu bored by wnttn, mu1tc. He-'d alreedy written It compile~ ln bl• Med. middle of something? It's the bit of grit that starts the pearl in the oyster," he~· "It won't go away. But you don t know Immediately what it la." .. I I •• r. -/ ·-·-----........ -. --·-. . .. ~---------------------------------t~,--~_o_~~•_,.._i_o_n_• _____ ~~--------------------------------~ 23. Alla on dilplay throus}l Jan. 23 will be 18 works of art by Painter Larl Pittman. Hours are Tue.lay-Sunday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.. Friday eveninglJ until 9 p.m . Admlaalon i• fre e. Information 759-1122. N ~-PLAYS-~---- ~ "A CHRISTMAS CAROL," South Cout ~ Repertory'• annual holiday production, completes .0 its run thia wf:ekend at the l"ourth Step Theater, I 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Me.a (957-4933). Final performancw will be llven today. at 1 and 4 p.m. and Sunday at 3 and 7~ p.m. "FINIAN'S RAINBOW," an lrlah-Oavored ~ musical comedy, continues at Sebutlan'• West ~ Dinner Playbou.e, 140 Ave. Pico, San Oemente ~ (492-9950). Tbe abow runa until further notice ~ nlgh~l..~Tst.t1,~==y i set at the turn of the century, l8 playing at the .. Harlequin Dinnel' Playbou.e, 3S03 s . Harbor Blvd., ~ Santa Ana (979-5511). Performances are given ~' nightly except Mondays at vuying curtain times ..Q through Feb. 20. o: -ART------- ORANGE COAST COLLEGE ART GALLERY, Costa Mesa. Mixed-media exhibit by What's happening along Orange Coast Ann Malmund will be on dilplay Jan. 5-19. Gallery hours are Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Adnrlwioo 50 oenta. Information 556-5983. LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART. 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Exhibition of the Natklnal Watercolor Society runa Jan. 7-Feb. 20. Gallery boun 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m . daily except Mondays and holidays. Information 4~531. BC SPACE GALLERY·, 235 Forest Ave., Laguna BMch. PhotCJiraphy exhiblt will be open for viewfna Jan. 5-29. Houn 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Information 497-1880. NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beech. Exhibition of the museum'• permanent collection will be on dbplay until Feb. 27. A room-aif.e inatallation entitled ••FJooded, '' will be on dl8play through Jan. DJ!'SIGNS RECYCLED GALLERY, 619 N . Harbor Blvd., Fullerton. Glua and watercolor exhibit will be on diaplay Jan. 8-Feb. 18, Houn Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.~ p.m. Adm\wioo i8 free. Information 879-1391. -MUSIC------------ KNOI'T's BERR y FARM. Buena Park. New Year'a Eve Party will prment Poro in the Good Time Theater with the Pointer Sbten. Fifteen " other live bands will al80 perform. Tickets for the evening, from 7 p.m.-2 a.m., are $13.50 advance, $15 on day of event.. Information 952-9400. TURTLE ROCK COMMUNITY PARK. # 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Contrat.m & Friends will perform Dvorak'• Quintet~ G Major Jan. 9 at 4:30 See Diversions, Page 5 THE WJLDEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION THRILLER OF THE YEAR. "IT'S A GREAT MOVIE!" ..Oint Eastwood shines u 'Honkytonk Mao.'" -Tl-"·~''" ... MllWl"91,..,. 52t H 3t •• Tl ... ~--o..a 548 3t02 te E·~ "My hat's off to <lint Eastwood in 'Honkvtonk Man."' -8 nott lf'lit"8-. Pl.yNY "A superior movie that's an adventure for the heart. Clint Eastwood has never been better-and what an lmpres,,ive debut for Kvle.' -PMI ( ""''"· ('IU· T(. /llnr·"l"JI '"" • ;;• ' . l I -. • .._. ~ ' • ._ l I tt ~ <::'.) ~·I '"'I ~ 5 ~-====================================~(__ ______ 0 __ 1~_•_,_•_l_o_n_• ______ ~~-------------------------------------:!! 0 Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Over 30 Wednesday -From Page 4 p.m. Admiaion $5 general. Information 660-3643. UC IRVINE, COnoert Hall. 2'uditiona for vocal and instrumental music acholarahipe will be held Jan. 15 and Feb. 27. Call 833-6615 to arrange an audlUon. DISNEYW\ND, Anaheim. New Year's Eve Party will feature Melba Moore and 8eVel"8.l other music groups. Event ia from 8:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m. Dec. 31 . Advance tickets $16 senerat; oo night of event, tickets Are $20 per penon. HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, 1905 Main St., Hwitingtoo Beach. Civic Ballet of Southern California will preeent "'The Nutaw::ker'' at 2 and 7 p.m., Dec. 26. Reeerved aeat tickets are ~ in advance and $6 at the box office. Children and aenior' dtizena are hall-price. Information 846-0215 or 891-5105. -ETC.------ SOUTH COAST REPERTORY, 655 Town <:enter Drive, c.o.ta Mesa. Evening Comervatory cl.-ea in acting, vo6oe and singing will be held once a week Jan. 17-March 17. For adults age 18 and older. lnfonnati(ln 957-2602. ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENT.!R, Anaheim. The 18th Amlual Anaheim Sperta, Va::atkm & RV Show will be held Jan. 8-16. Houn are Sa~y. noon-10 p.m., &mday, noon-7 p.m. and Monday-Friday, 2 p.m.-10 p.m. Tickets are available at the door. lnfonnatian 999-8900. CATALINA TERMINAL, San Pedro. Tbree- hour whale wat.ching tripe will be offered by Ca~ Crui8es Dec. 26-March 13. Fare is $8.25 general admUiaion. Reservations and infonnaUon 527-7111. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS, Universal City. Admisaion prices $10.50, not $9.95 aa previously reported. JEWISH OOMMUNITY CENTER OF SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY, 298 Broadway, Laguna Beach. Bridge and game night on Jan. 8. Information 497-2070 or 833-1017. -SINGLES----- HILroN AT THE PARK HOTEL, 1855 S . Singles Da11ce Jan. 5 with ballroom dancing ~ befP.nning at 8:30 p.m. A.dmiasion $3 with ladies I admitted free. lnfonnation 525-7657. ~ HILTON AT THE PARK HOTEL, 1855 S . a Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. New Year's Eve Big Band ~ Dance and midnight breakfast buffet for coupld :r; and silWea at 9 p.m. Admiasion ia $22. lnfonnation ~ 525-7657. Q) DISNEYLAND HOTEL aouth grand ball.room. ':< Anaheim. California Singles Club will host New ~ Year'• Eve party beginning at 7 p.m. Reservations ~ and infonnation 553-8366. 3 g- "' N ,. -~'BEST FRIENDS 18 BURT AND GOLDIE'S BEST" A warm romantic comedy that ls fully Ilka llfe. They'll make you feel good all over." -REX REED MEN Waoun!IM~llSl .....,_. •L 9"m TOL4'll .., __ __ 'ti::;~ ................ .. ''A magat blend of mythotogy and eclenoe ftctlon. Every acene contains wWd and wonderful thrflla and di9coYeriea .•• -Rex Retld. N.Y. Po9t •• ..• A work of liOlrtng, a.tained tm.gliiaatton . . . It'• wonderful.'' .....,.. llHl\P<l,f ·~ .111v 1 '" . ., l l ' I t • 1 ' 6 N co ~--~~~~~~~~~--~~~----4(-~ri_a_b_l_• __ to __ i_a_b_I•----~~------------------------------~ : Pizzeria Uno • • • It's close to Chicago-style pizza N ~ PIZZERIA UNO. 24321 Avenlda de la C'.arlota, ~ Laguna HilLs. 859-0613. Open from 11 a.m. to 11 a> p.m . Sunday through Thursday. 11 a.m . to ~ midnight Fnday and Saturday. Same menu all O hours. Large pizzas with sing/~ ingredient from ~ $8.85 to $10.95. Soup and sandWJChes from $1.55 to ~ $4.65. Full b&r service. -= houaes of the West C.OUt. We would have appreciated a thicker bottom crust, aa well as spicier tomato sauce and sausage. Otherwise, the pizza met one of the main are familiar with Uno and Due, a pair of downtown requirements for the deep-dish variety: Two slices pizza houses where, the story goes, Ike Sewell and you're full. c reated the gastronomical pleasure known as Uno commands higher prices than most are By JOEL C. DON Of &lie DaUy Pilot Starr u.. -~ deep-dish pizza in 1943. accustomed to paying at other pizza restaurant!!. A One of the great mysteries of the 20th century, ln 1979, Ike let a Boston-based corporation large cheese pizza runs $7.95 and aerves about 4 among others. has to be the virtual absence of true handle the franchising of his successful pizza people. Cheese and pepperoni is $9.95 and a large deep-dish pizza on the West Coast. There have been restaurants, and Pizzeria Un08 sprung up in places sausage pizza, the bench mark in piuadom, 1B many attempts at imitating the celebrated pan like Fort Lauderdale, Fla., St. Louis, Boston, $10.95. But remember, most people are usually pizzas of Chicago. But let's face it, few have come Detroit, Denver, San Franci9co and now, Laguna satisfied aft.er a slice and a half of this style of pizza_ a> ,, c: a> .x al ~ close to creating the thick-crusted delights of Windy Hills. ' The most popular offering on the menu is the ~ City fame. Located in the Laguna Hills Mall, the top-priced special called Uno's ($12.45 for large). It's _ Is there something special about Lake restaurant sports a modem Italian decor, with slick filled with extra cheese, sausage, pepperoni, ci. Michigan water? Perhaps it's the difference in brass railinga, wood trim and heavy accent on green mushrooms, onions and green peppers. latitude or longitude. Maybe pizza dough won't rise and beige. ln addition to framed art, there are Piz::zeria Uno makes what is best de9Cribed as a properly unless it's Wlthin earshot of the elevated clippiitgs to read glorifying Pizzeria Uno's advance stuffed pizza. Toppings are place on the dough and trains clanking around the Loop. One former into the national apectrwn of pizza restaurants. then covered wtth mounds of cheese, locking in the Chicagoan irreverently suggested that Californians I'm generally a little wary of franchises. For flavors of the ingredients and effectively steaming prefer the paper-thin crusts and spane toppings of efficiency, they 90metimes cut important corners the vegetables to a crisp rather than limp texture. fas t -food pizza parlors to h omestyfe pan that'll rob the original recipes of their true flavors There are other specialities that set Piueria masterpieces. and textures. Uno •part from its competition. The delicateaen What.ever the reason, it's a pleasure to hear Indeed, Pizzeria Uno uses a conveyor-belt oven piu.a includes imported ham, salami, pepperoni, that there are restaurateurs trying to introduce system that cuts the baking period from about 45 swiss and mozzarella cheese and slices of tomato and the West to the world of dee~ pizza. Every few minutes to 20 to 30 minutes. Aside from that, we onion. There's a steak and cheese plua with months or so, a friend will get my hopes up after found the pizza to be of top quality, with only the marinated meat and spices with aauteed seeing an advertisement for a new restaurant Creahest ingredients. In fact, the vegetables were so mushrooms, onions and green pepper. touting Chicago-style pizza. crisp that lt seemed as if the restaurant maintained The plZUlS are aerved m a pan and, indeed, na.own produce patch nearby. And would you believe a Mexican pizza, spicy sport a nice crust and enough topping that you don't I sampled puzas on two vi.sits since Pizzeria meat topped with Jalapeno sauce accompanied by have to launch an expedition in search of the lost Uno opeiled Aug. 6. The deep-dish offering was put lettuce, Cheese and diced tomato. pep~roni But few have come close to Gino'• East, to the ultimate test on one evening, when I was Pizza and beer are traditional partners, and the crown prince of deep-dish. 8eeted with half a den.en transplanted Chicagoans. most who enjoy the suds should peruse Uno's beer So 1 was excited when 1 was told Pizzeria Uno The verdict: not Identical to those made at the list of some 18 different brews, lnduding nine _ha_d_come __ to_Orang _ _;:;_e_Coun __ t..;;.y_. _M_ost __ Chicago_· -=-na_tiv_es __ original_. -=---si_tes_, _bu_t _exce __ U_en_t_co_n_te_nd_e_rs_among _____ ..._P_iz:z.a _ __,~-· ------------ -~------------- 7 J! 0 - '1 I ------------====-·-- ·, 8 N co ~~~~--~~-----------------------.~currentlyScr••nln• ~~---------------~--------~--------~ ~ AIRPLANE U THE S~UEL: Rated PG, stara • Robert Hayes, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Brldgea and ~ Raymond Burr. Funny continuation of the tint ~ movie, a parody of diaaater flicks, doesn't work as £J well because characten have become too familiar. E AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated 3 R. stars Richard Gere, David Keith, Debra Winger ~ and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surpriseS ?:-but some beautifully drawn performances in this -tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because '.g of la nguage, sex and adult situations. ~ A BOY AND HIS DOG: Rated R, stars Don ~ Johnson as the ow·ner of a smart-talking dog. This "g L.G . Jones film. based on a Harlan Ellison novella, ~ was originally released In 1974 and has gained i nothing in the way of substance or believability ~ since·then. _ ~AROSA: Rated PG, ~y for violence, E stars Willie Nelson and Gary Busey .. This is 0:: another one that was released a couple years ago and brought bac.k by critical demand. Nelson and Busey put in admirable performances as two outcasts who find a sense of family in each other. Deals with larger issues like revenge and the making of a legend. BEST FRIENDS: Rated PG. stars Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn as a ~ple who decide .. · .. ANAHEIM OQ1 JE IN --"•'-• lntllO ...... GOODen· ... ....,'DtAC:Mm. llmMOllX" .. --"-.. •' BUENA PARK • ,• '• --.-...... UM07'0 .. LINCOLN C•w1vl 1N '*----·-UMOJO " " FCU NTA IN I/A '. ~..,. Ol"JIVf ·N 1-11 WAT 3':°' •• •• -·"--..Ti!.,.! IM'" -.._.,....I",. c..11·- l.A 11AB~A ... " '"TMI TOY"' --....,. CRAZY" --·"-"TUil. •nm,.. .. .,...._ _....__OOWT WM~­-.,.- '"TMI DAM CllY8TAL" --'"W1'"- ·~· nm-=--·--.-N.a..,.. ... w.,...,. .. -·"-.... -... • ......... .._ lfloUf I ) I • h • voices of Lome Greene, Sammy Davis Jr. and 1Y..1. ovzes now s owzng Margery Gray. LOVE CHILD: Rated R, Amy Madigan is along Oranue Coast impressive in her first major role, supported by O ' Beau Bridges and Mackenzie Phillips. The film ia to marry after living together for yeara. Most of the comedy comes in the depktion of the couple's in· law problems. E.T . THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG. s tars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert Macnaughton and -Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FITZCARRALOO: German comedy (English subti\les) about a man devoted to bringing grand opera to Peru in \he 19th century. Cast includes Klaus Kinski and Claudia Cardinale. 48 HRS.: Rated R, teams Nick Nolte and F.ddie Murphy in a styllah police comedy. Directed by Walter Hill. the film's best amet is Murphy in his screen debut. HEIDI'S SONG: Rated G, this is superb holiday fare for youngsters. The all·animated, musical version of the classic novel features the * 8AllGAHI MATIN-* ..., .. ......., M ........... beforeS:GOPM . C&lllt ..... b ............ ......,., MTHm vmml'Cl9' ... ----- ..,... YlllDICl9'. ----- l AKEWOOD C fNTfQ SOUTH .... • "' ... WlllC•" -........ -.. ,; ......... " ______ _..._ "'nte TOY" ------· .. ~ .... 1Ml9QUIL• -----a. ·--GOODeYI·------ base4 on the true story of a young convict's struggle to kaep her unborn child. MONSIGNOR: Rated R, stars Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Supennan cape for clerical robes i.o this ta.le of a World War II priest who becomee involved in financial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully photographeCl film is long on shock value (priest has a romance, priest deals with the Mafia), but short on motivation Jnd substance. STILL OF THE NIGHT: Rated PG, stars Meryl Streep and Roy Scbieder in a murder mystery which abounda with Hitchcockian themes. Unfortunately, the film never heats up enough to provide the audience any real interest in the charactera. TEX: Rated PG, st.an Matt Dillon and Jim Metzler as brothers growing up in a small Oklahoma town and findinst out about the realities See Currently Screening, Page 9 . Currently $cr .. nln11 From Page 8 of life. Critics are heraldfni the film as .a positive tum-around for Disney Studic.. TIIE DARK CRYSTAL: Rat.eel PG, atan the inspin!!d creation.a of Jim Henaon. the man behind the Muppeta. But theee creatures are not pip and frael -they're the inhabitanta of a f.antuy world where the sti:ugg1e for good and evil ia ~ played out apimt a sini8tel' beclcground. A triumph of innovaUve.c:lesiZl and t.echnoJogy. THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS: Rated R, atan Edward Albert, Susan George and Doug McClure. An American family moves to Japan to find their new house is a haven for 19th century Japaneae ghosts. THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK: Rated PG, this 11equel to · "Star Wars" was nearly as well- received as ita ~when originally released. Cast revives most of the old charactera, played by Mark Hamill, Harrilon Ford and Carrie Fisher, and introduces IOme new -including ''Yoda'' featuring the voice of "Mils Piggy's" Fnuik Oz. THE LAST UNICOBIN: Rated G, this is another animated version of a novel -but this time it's for adults as well as the kids. The story, based on the fantasy by Peter S. Beagle, follows the odyssey of a unicorn on her search for another of her own kind. Features the voices of Mia Farrow, Robert Klein, Alan Arkin and JeU Bridges. THE MAN FROM SNOWY RIVER: Rated PG. stars Kirk Douglas, Jack Thompson, Sigrf'd Thornton and newcomer Tim Burlinson in the title role. An outdoor adventure that is sometimes entertaining but combalJ and out-dated. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R, Michael Palin of Monty Python fame has the title ?'Ole in this tale of a missionary who opel)S a home for wayward souls in Edwardian LOndon. This warm-hearted picture has aome amusing momenta, but ~ey'n: offset by a boring love story and a surplus of undeveloped plot threads. THE TOY: Rated PG, this lilly comedy 1tan Jackie Glea800 and Richard Pryor. The obvi~ &•I• are no longer funny by about half-way through the picture. -----. -=----- lnSlx~ks, ~can Ond memories to last a lifetime. ' Thia Holiday Se•on Let -.n OfftCer And A Gentlem11n• LIFT VOU UP WHERE YOU BELONG. MaAlllllU"1' PICrUaU ,..aans A LC:aDIJlllWl.UmM IUJUa) l'llOOUCTlll'I A 1M'Ua H.ACKl'CaD PllM RJCHAJU> araa · lllBlA WDG11t MOPPICla II.HUA~ A1i1o ltarrfac DNID lllnH and LClVi9 0088Bn: .IL u "*Y' OriCln&l Ml'* bJ JACll 1'flTZ8CH& • Yhttla9 byDOUOLA.9 Do\Y STnllUtT Procb:ed bJ lllAR11N lllAJfD · Dlteaed bJTAYl.ca KACXlatD ~ IRl ~I . A~~~~ ----22nd 8MUH WEEKJ--- COITA MUA FUUllTm IAMDllllOft DUmE &Manis Mesa Fox . Edwards Westbrook AMC Or1flgl Mal 646-5025 525-4747 530-4401 637·0340 MONW ACCIPT1D POtl TM9 PCMC - ET. THE EJcTRA· • • fiRRESTRIAL om Al~cN~ (N) t I , ~ : . ..... Lo.a.(") 1111 l 9 i .,, ~ -~ ! ~ 0. 0 ... ....... ,, :J. 0. .. :< r i I\) ~ ... ~ I\) / \ .,. ______________ _.....___,( At ;;; IA~vl~~· ~ -O> i NY ,Film Critics honor 'Gh .andi' } NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Film I Critics Circle hu choaen .. Gandhi," Richard AttenhorouP'• flhn depictina the life of Indian leader Motumdu G'andhi, ai the beet lnOVie of -um. -· f "Tootsie," atarrinc Dmtln Hoffman, waa i:: 1elecfed thla week u top film in three major u.. categories. . ~ ~ i 1 ~ -.2 a: Ben KiJ'8llleY WM leJec:ted M be8t actor for his powerful po~iill Gaadhi, the leader who preached non-in India'• protr~ stnaJe b freedom from 1'riUab n&l9. Mer7l ~ ... beS ~ b' ber role .. a Polish Immigrant in "Soph»'a Qaoe." a film baed on William Styron'•~ novel of a wcman'a experience during the Holocaust.. Best director' went =dney PoU.Ck for "Tootsie," in which Hoffman ys an unemployed actor who finds work and while po9lng as a woman in a I08p opera. "Tootsie" WU abo ched for best ICftellplay and Jellica Lance. who plays a .,.p-opera ata.r in the film. waa named b.-alpld\tW .me.. John Lithgow WU nimed bil& tupporting actor for hit portrayal of a tralWexua1 footbell pl8yer in "The World ~ to Garp," the movie based on the novel by John lrviDa. Nestor ~wan fer dnemawrranfilt l'1 .. 'Sophie's Choice," I.net 'l>et4!.~ ~th¥'8-,.-T1.JDe1 Stands Still," about rel>elBOW ~ students in the 1960a, won best bdp 1anaUaet film. The awarda will be presented at Sardi'• mataurant here Oft Jan. 30. Paul Newman atan u a disillusioned Bo.ton attorney ·in "The Verdict." '7he Verdict· .. .... · ............ -. -. -.. -...... ..,. -· .... . . ' The music makers ••• Bickering keeps band together ~ ~ By JAMES SIMON A111c'1'1dPtw ....... WORCESTER, Mass. -Their legendary feuds, fights and breakups could supply a soap opera with a year's worth of plot lines. But Graham Nash insists his long-time bickering with David Crosby and Stephen Stills has been a rnajor factor in the band's staying power. "We must always do what CSN does best - write songs that are idenUfied by our audienoe as coming from a human being within. Half the troubles we've been through, you've probably been through youraelf." Nash said after the veteran band performed a eold-out ahow in central Maasachuaetts on its well-ttJCeived comeback tour. "It doesn't matter what fads and styles are 2nd• aod CJo,,roul• On Leotards & Swimwear (Jut/rt .'ihup 1012 BRIOIO DRIVE, SUITE 104. COSTA •aA - -(714) 645-3359 B,etween 17th & 181h St. off of Whittler Blvd. MON,-FAt -1M J1$rJeC~ £ueftin4 NEIL YOUNG •• ERIC v CLAR~ON CALL: -s~QJblQfi 714153&·882& .. n4/540·3669 WE ACC'lf'f AU~ OtlMCAID$. M)lflNfP MA.IL~ ' going on in the world," he said. "We've always wanted to write songs people can identify with, learn from and think about, and that's all we've ever done. It still seems to work." eyes, and· I looked back," Nash recalled. "There was ~ nothing said -but there was everything :i understood. ~ "A lot of people in this world waste time in their personal relationships, and later wish they hadn't," he said. Nash said media attention has always been focused on their personal lives and .., ....... "Tl .., a: I» '"!' Nash was the catalyst behind the group's decision to get back together after a five-year absence, a period which again proved all the three musicians are far more popular as members o{ CSN than as solo artists. relationships and not their music. o "When I see reviews in the paper that Crosby ~ is fat and losing his hair, I get a little annoyed, ~ because if they were reviewing a Segovia concert. a they wouldn't start off by saying what he looked ~ like and he's 8~ and bas no hair. All you'd hear is I\) the magic be created and what he did for the ~ He presented Crosby, a one-time Byrd, and Stills, who started with Buffalo Springfield, with the song, "Wasted on the Way," to sum up the time they bad w'81ed through their constant breekupe and in-fighting since 19il9. "When I first sat down and played the tune, they both looked at me with a quizzical look in tlieir See The Entertainers, Page 12 USE THE DAILY PILOT "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service Call 642-5671 hf,H2 cr:ICHcflOUSE _Dining ond Cocktails qnn · --Dining For Romantics .. the .'01111lf ., 1111cl ''.'Jftf.' 1~/ t!tl' ~11rf on the hr.ac!t 111 J.:.1111111/l/ -· / c11f11ri1111 • J rc.'h ~\c•i1' '£11.c1l111ul J.:.ob.,tcr 1i11d other Jrr~ti · / 1.,·h ... ta11dlc/1.11ht hlellllrtf 11•1/lt the ~I'm.'· o/ t!tr 'Paci/le ( kcan . .... ep.. ............. AMatOMMMt (l14)'JUQll Breakfast Aeservot1ons 494-9707 Luncheon Dinner on th• surf at 61 Q Steepv Hollow lone Laguna Beach Chrlstmos and Woolrlch at the Garage ... A Revefslble down fllled joci(ef full·zlp to 1ultteneotc for odded woimth. B: l=or the sl<T slopes we feOt\Jl9 a docron Pof',i&Ster ftbeltlff vest. Its ~ ftbefl rnc;lk• It on excellef'lt Insulator --------------------- ~~~ ' 56 FASHION ISLAND· NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 ·I . ,, . -- - - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1~ The Entertainer• ~,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CD ~ From Page 11 12,300-eeat Worcester Ceotrum for a recent &bow. 'Ibe comblnation of older fans and Dl!WClOIDerS ~ a~,~~C:~~ternagiconatage.~ ~~~=~~-:,:J: ,! about the laser li1ht.a, screamln1 gwtan and the concert industry'• curren1 doldn.um better than E flamboyant performen of moet rock coneerta: rnanb:.ther heecflinen. R ~tilla and NMb stick to the lyrics and the pite the current succea, Nash aaid the harmoniea that tint br'ouabt them fame. band'• penooal problems penilt and the three st.an tunes. IUCh • u~ 1lJne Gone'' and all ride 1IO the abowa in mparate t..-. to minimt• ~ "Oucawl• were mixed with more recent hlta from fricUao. But he aid they are ptttng aJmc better "" the new "Daylight Again" album to delight both now than ever bef0tt, and may be intere9ted in ~ the aging hippies and younpten who pecked the booking up with one-time band member Neil ... ., "O c ., 1 ~ Bring In The New Year At Reuben·s Newport Beach REGULAR MENU PRICES Dinner Served From 4 pm SONJA &: VIC For Your Entertainment Pleasure P arty Favors! 251 E. COAST HWY. 673 1505 NEWPORT BEACH -· • •No Covey Charge • Special Menu •Live Entertainment • Party Favors 1tt12 w•m At Edinger 73MUS TVIT11 • . DUCE TIE IEW YElll 11 IT TIE PIYIUll .... 111f ...... Featuring ANSELL HILL a Hla I Piece Orcheatra BUFFET SUPPER Party Favors Tldt• on .. • the PrMon .nyUrne. •11.11,. ,... ... 400 .. St. Balboa AND BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Come join us for a cozy, romantic Qwilb•• Of New y., dinner bv the .. 876-2518 Valet Pwttlng ~ Young on a future project. Nub, one of many musidana active in the nuclear f:nae movement, laid hia llf.e hM changed rad.k:ally from the early 1960s when he joined some friends in l'iurland. and bmed the Hollia. whoee hlta incl~~ Stop" and "On a Carousel." 'Ibe 40-year-old lllnger' recently reurembled the bad .nd cut an album'• worth of new material "to give biltory a twist by the tail." "We plan to brin8 it out in April, whic:h will be 20 yeara to the month that we cut our tint record," he aa.ld. RING /TIN/ Welcome 1983 wiltl st)4e. Featuring our regular delicious menu aeledions at regular prices, compliment.my midnight pmty favors, and c:J course ... lob c:J fun!!! Live Entertahnent by CYNDI GRECCO Rusty Pelican 2735 West Coast Hwy. Nmport Beech 642·3431 * NO COVER CHARGE * REGULAR MENU PRICES All Meals Include Champegne Happy Hour -Bttl Ertckeon Band Dancing to the Gerald Ray Band -to bring In the New Year Party Favote Dinner Reeervattona '8uggelted I l! -·-----------------··------........... -· -· ..... _ ...... ·-· · .. · .. . ·-----·--( . -~ . . . \ ..... , "'·' •. .1,.-•••••••• IN OUR POLYNESIAN ROOM THE KAIMANA HILA DANCERS OPENING DECEMBER 21 DtNNER SHOWS NIGHTLY TUESDAYTHAUSUNDAY SUSHI IAA • tmAN-YAKJ • TfAHOUSE OPEN EVERY NIGHT AT 5:00 P.M. LUNCHEON • MONDAY THftU FRIDAY 11.30AM -2·30P.M . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW YEAR'S EVE EXTRAVAGANZA DINNER, ENTERTAINMENT. ANO DANCING WITH THE SOUNDS OF THE "TAKE FlYE BAND" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PURCHASE YOUR TICKET EARLY! (71•) n5-n21 CJ(gno 9'-Jawaii J8ordraux .rutJaranr frJR(Jll OPEN C!:IJristm a1 £ vr Nrw Uran Eur • • • Rflf!llrv•tions ONLY Serving the rmest wines for your pleasure! 1~11 151 ST. CLAIR cu &ANDOl.N• COST A MF.SA ONE 81.0C&~(W SA&Ea • .,, 8Ut war cw ..-ro&. •' ' • ' • 0 • • ',It • •,I I • C.11642-5171. Bring !Jn :Jfie r/ew Year At Put • few word• to work for ou. Special Dinner Menu From s11.95 • Party Favors • Complimentary Champagne at Midnight I 159-1854. J 1101 I. OUST IWY. OlllU NL llO . ~ I ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE For Dine Out Advertis~ng And Information Call Brenda Caponera ---- 642-4321 en. 269 NEW YEARS EVE ~~~\9 8 ~ a a~~ (> ~ .. .''The Good Old 0 Times." Remember ¢ them and bring in a the new times with 0 our regular Cl delicious menu 0 I CI selections at regular Ol prices, complimen· 0 tary midnight party 0 favors, and d 8 () course ... lots of funUI a 8 LIY'e 0 ~rnent .Cl lliE U-: REPORTERS 3 ............ -1 Christmas Eve Dinner I 5 to 9 p.m. Wctterfront NewYearS Dinner Party! En1oy the best view on the harbor and a tempting dinner that includes beverage, dessert, fine C3hfornia champagne and your choice of: •Roast Prime Rib of Beef au Jus • Broiled Swordfish Steak •Steak & Broiled Stuffed Shrimp • Scaloppine of Veal Marsala $19.95 ::~SON Regular menu served S:OOPM·8:00PM We'll supply the Party Favors and ''THE WORLD'S MOST CONTACIOUS ENTERTAINER" KENNY LAURSEN SJ2~4ifter OYSTER BAR • COCKTAILS 3333 West Pacific Coast Highway Raervatione now being acceptiii 642-2295 . .. ... . 13 ::2 0 - .... <O CJ> I\) ., N CIO O> ..... .., N ... .8 E ~ SALOON & REST AURA NT AT The Newport Pier '\'!>' ~ p..<'<'u~ NEW YEAR'S EVE EXTRA VAGANZAI DEC. 31, 1982 . DINNER SPECIAL ·-s10.oo SALOON PARTY* Crisp Salad $5.00 admission Includes: • 1 well cocktail Seafood, Chicken or Steak entree Homemade Cheesecake Complimentary Champagne PLUS • Free champagne at midnight Admission to Saloon Party • Party favors/noisemakers • Drawings lor prizes ·Buy your tlcitet In edvanc:et ··{{ i .. ~• ~ CALL FOR DET AILS-675-9900 2100 W. Oceanfront, Newport Beach RIVI-ERA RESTAURANT *~ ~ ~-~ I. Continental CJ'isine New Years Eve Dinner •: .. ~~· Seating• at 5 pm, 1 pm & 9 pm • South Coast Pla:a Costa MesA ~~f 540-3840 , .. 1'0.. ~~ >M ...... ,.~· • ..:t, • • .~• . . . ....._-. . • ... ·: "·· : •• ~· .. • •.. :~ .. ! .... : ... ,... ~ . ~ For complete ad copy and art services advertisers all along the Orange Coast ~\ti\l~hk?, ~ ~\\ ATTHE '#} rP ~ ~V HILTON .C/ BIG BAND DANCING ANO MAGNIFICENT MIDNIGHT BREAKFAST BUFFET fi~ EDDIE STELL ORCHESTRA , D •Giant 32"64 teakwood dance floor \ 1 • Noisemakers. hats & favors ) 1 •One drink & reserved seatl09 ' I •Free i>arkl"9 JfMluloul Hlnon lluftwt e .... kfetl $11<.0 f"V<I on ""' ' I ron. dee•"'-" Of Chlllect lul<:et. c!Yfl"9 ditlln 1111ee1 wllll Kr•mbled "'"' i..m. ~. -~ POl•!on /; \ ~~1S,:::-'''ln• coffee. '" ~ mllk O.Cor•lec:t wllll IC~ \ ·j $2200 PER PERSON •. \ AdYaace Sales I ·~ HILTONATTBEPARK I lllk. So Of Ol.,...,S.1111 on H•rllor .~ J' 111'1 7~~~,"" Before The Celebration Why Not Dine At The OVERLAND STAGE RESTAURANT Special New YNr'• Eve PKkage Includes OUR FAMOUS SALAD BAA Choice Of ROASTED PRIME °' RIB OF BEEF NEW YORK STEAK or LONG ISLAND DUCKLING . A Scrumptloua New Years Eve Dessert Complimentaly Champagne I Wrth Bigarade Sauoe RESERVATIONS ][ SUGGESTED 750-3888 HILTON AT THE PARK •14• PER PERSON. · DailyPilat rely on Dlal the dfrect llne 642-5678 - , ............. ~ .. 9Cagney'~ By The Sea• lert Y••r'• Ere IJelet,.tio• If Featuring the Duane Foster Band J...; D•nclng * FOtld it Party Farot9 • $8.00 per person Tickets Now On Sale •Prime Rib & Seafood Buffet •Champagne • Live Entertainment •Party Favors 21 and ovet JOIN US AT THE SEfiEblFF RESTAURANT ."'" ...... 131-1111 3000 Plkn Ave., tbltilcton Beach New Year'1 Eve P•tly Direct from Las Vegas TIE SNAPPERS Dance to t.he 60' s music and current top 40' s. Dinner from 5 P.M. Entertainment from 9 P .M. PARTY FAVORS -Reservatiom Accepted lUCkSBQD'~ i 4111 . llutiqale WaJ ••• ,.d ..... ..... 4' 833-0080 •"l'o -- ~New Years Eve Gala Special Menu Seatings at 5 p.m., 7 p.m., 9 p.m. (HATS, HORNS & NOISEMAKERS) dancina to The Gres Topper Group reservations ... 833-2770 the Management & Staff of the c.A.irporter lflnn fillotel ' • • N co CJ) ..... .. N ) J ~ ,, 'C LL ...... ~ i ! £ ... a: .. ......... ., t•lc• heme STAC CllllSE CASIO , ·~· Jlit~ ... ;......... 0.W.J.tW. --------------------------------. ....... MWlllitW h1r-W1' 0 u.111 l:tt && Your Holiday Entertainment Center Albertson's Market Bank of America .... ,... ..... __ A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cu1sine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service 1n a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato . . a verv special dining expenence . • vantato 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach / 644-4811