HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-25 - Orange Coast Pilot---llllY Ml Coast filled with spirit of Christmas joy· By JOEL C. DON or .. .,..,,......, 'Twu the final day of ahopping for thia ChriatmH 1euon, and all throuah the oout, people were hu1tlln1 and bUSWng for very good reuon. 'Ibere were many laat-mlnute gifta to find, jewelry and clothlna and wonderful toya and games. Pre1ent1 for grandma and grandpe and for the little ones too; many th1np to buy and not very much time. But even though ruahed, there wu plenty of good cheer; it was as if no one really wanted to worry about an economically woeful year. Bualne9I aeemed briak and ao wu the weather, an icy-cold wind cau.ed even the hearty to don jacket or aweater. But the aky was quite blue, clouda it did lack, and parking apaces were just as 8Cal'Oe, aave a few way in the beck. But a long walk was good for the 80Ul, and the heart and lunp for that matter, plenty of time for apirlted conversation and idle chatter.Uthe year had been aad, or troubled oc bleak, thia was no day to be unhappy or lhed tears, and certainly out of the question to ahow a mean atreak. So why brave the crowda, the cold and the ruah, 'tla a reuon indeed, aak if you must. 1''or many there's no choice, ao they ahop until dusk. Steve Timyan had flown from Miiwaukee to join family out here, and realized there weNI more names to add to hJa lift list\ all who are dear. He toted h.o bri.mmina with gifta from Fufuon la1and ~ pre.enta for adulta and toY9 ~ tiny tots. Timyan didn't 8eelD to mind a Chrtatmaa without white, for thia man well knew h1a car, would start toni&ht. , The last day of yuletide 1hopping WH a bonanza for' some, as many 1tore1 offerect ules for all who would come-. Suits were marked down, ~ were a bargain; 1ome people' walked away with stuff by the carton. Doug Pichard of Newport had a few extra things to buy for hJa spouse, he found many iteim on 18le, enough to tW up a hOWle. Perhaps there's a lelllon, one to be learned; wait 'til the lHt minute, then 1pend whatlou've earned. But most woul 1hop early, and get what they wan~ lest store shelves be emptied, and flive them a frightful haunt. For the 1pirlt of Christmas put gives many a 1hopper a ahivtt and chill, remembrancea of puahing and shoving and little time to kill. Few cherish a mad dash for a flask of perfume, a tie or magnum of wine, espedally when you can't forget that "Out (See LAST-MINUTE, Pqe A%) Christ remembered -with prayers, song BJ Th A.11odaled Ptt11 Christiana 1athered in cburcbn from Bethlehem to Peldn8 Friday n1Cht to celebrate the btrt.h of Jesua Christ wtth prayer and. 1on11 of Joy. American Martnee in Betrvt aanc carola to tbe accompanlment of dtstant ~. and u,. people of Poland 1pent their aecond Chrlstmu under marUal law. Thouaanda of faithful filled St. Peter'• Baalllca, the largest church in Chriatendom. to hear Pope John Paul II hall the "unique power" of peace that Jesus brought to the world. 'The pope's midni1ht Ma11 at the Vatican was broadcut to more than 38 countries, but not to John Paw•a native Poland, where the mllltary 1overnment of the overwhelminaly Roman Catholic country bu banned the broedcaat for the second year in a row. With holiday food and glfta acarce, Pole• lined up in the damp, gray streeta of Warsaw ~to find treata for the The Pollab aovemment. which bu pronmed to eaae marUal law ~by Jan. l , uid lt bad relewd the last of 10.132 people who bad been detained without charge. Pilgrim• gathered in Bethlehem to celebrase at the tndidanal •h• of Christ'• bU1h. attendina M... under heavy ...-urity .. brael1 troop and locel pol.a~•'-Yiolenm In the troubled We.i Blmk.. Proteat.anta held an outdoor' aundown service in Shepherd'• Field, the meadow where, according to tradition, the shepherds received ftnt word of Jesus' birth. A drop in the number of pllgrims travellns to the Holy Land from foreign landa reflected the economic hard times. The hundred• of Lebanese cromnc the border to celebrate Christmaa at Israel's holy placea were greeted by a road man: "Happy New Year. The &.d to :brael ia Open to You FonM!I'." Israeli soldiera handed out Oowen and carda in Arabic and EnlJ.lah, wiahina the vialton a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The American Marine contmaent stationed with Italian and French peacekeephta tl'OOpl in Beirut carried out thei ncnnal duties, but Manne carolers -na from watch post to watchpost. Story ends happy , Postal Service plays Santa Claus Sherrill Skanes' father sent a Chrlstmu card to her Anaheim home from Qreaocl thia year, but it arrived open and rnlnua the $26 • cash he included for her Oviatmu dinner. She complained to John Bono, manager of the Holiday poat office aubttatlon, and to John Jensen, manaaer of euatomer relatlonl. Jen.en aald he couldn't atve her Poatal Service money becawie the let1er bad not been 1nllu.red. sun, he 1&1d1 "I did feel bed about lt and I told acme of our employeea. •• And that'• why um ltOry hil a • happy endtn1. On Thurtday. Bono and Jensen· delivered $100 and a poinaettla to Skane•• apartment -all donated by Poatal Service employees. "I wanted to atve lt back becau. the m WU only $25. but they were lmtaient," ahe aald. "They really were. It'• really generoua what they did." Poatal employee Joe Breckenrldl• •aid the letter can1en and derka donated the money bec:au.e ''they*re ~ of ~he poat office and don't Ilk• hearmi It.Ori.a lib that. •• Skanes Mid lhe would "* the money 1o .. , her Nill and ..... my father amnethinl Na! nice tor Chrlatrnu." ol' day trav I r stranded by storm .,,,.. ........... ,... A Chrt1tm11 Eve bU11ard howled acroH Colorado and w~. JMvtna behind up to 2 fHt of 1now and 1trandin1 lhOUMndl of holiday t.ravelen, wbtle Oood·ravued towna ln the Mktwtlt watl:hea rlwrt n. and b•1•n evacuatln1 low-lyin1 .,..., Two tornec:to. lkipped acrom eutem Oklahoma on Friday, a at leMt lllC"' people and ex1llnltw damac-· Lem houn eerller, more than a ~ tornadoel leveled homes • Smith stock I purchased by texas firm For the 11eCOnd time in recent wteka, a portion of Newport ~h-bued Smith International Inc. •tock h.u been purch.ued ln w\"&t eome fiJwldal analysts aee as a potential takeover bid. Baia Bros. !!nterpriae9 of Fort Wprth annou.ncec:l purchue of ~.2 pet-cent of stock in Smith, an l~ternatlonal oil drilling equ.lpme!)t ~Y and one of <>rante County• larpst firms. Two weeks a10, Whittaker ~· Of Lm An8elee boulht 8.3 oeteent of Smith common stock. 'That move makes Whittaker the largest shareholder and Baas Broe. aecond. ~ companies have aaid the stock purchaaea are for investment PUJ'JX*ll and not part of any takeover. But Whittaker re~rtedly intend• to buy as much u 23 percent of Smith ssqclt. th spokesman Paul Ru...11 the a.. orpnization, which & a vut on fortune, hu o stock in the tl.2 billion oil ~t bullne.a .. for a 1°"" and ~Md ln;nd men lhan lhrtt doua .ptopl• ln Atun1111 and Mt.ovti. The flrat blt storm of the winter, which contrtbui.d co 14 deaths 1-Vhen It blalled the W•t Cou& •Mlier thll wwJt. Wll "I real dooly,'' aaid Ryan Tllley of the NaUonal Weather s.Mce In Kanau City, Mo . More than 40 lnchel of anow smothered puta of Yellowstone National Park. Two feet of anow covered Casper, Wyo., and Wondervu, Colo., aouthw•t of Boulder, received a foot of anow in four hours overnl1ht. The wind chill factor In Wyomina dlpped to 40 below. Maintenance crewa at Denver'• Stapleton International Airport rave up trylna co keep even one runway clear, and the airport, the aewnth buaiest in the world, WU cloeed. "We can't even eee to get out the plow ,',' aald airport spokesman Dave Scherer. Thouaanda of travelers milled around the complex. In Atlantic City, Wyo., 80 miners at a U.S. Steel plant were stranded at work because of blowinl mow. But apirita were hl1h and food freezer• fulJ. The •torm. pack.lni wlnda up to 50 mph, had stretched into Nebruka by afternoon and WU drifting alowly coward the Great Lakes. In the lower Midwest, fluh flood watches were p<Mlied for parts of Illlnola. Mluourl. Arkansu. Texas and Kentucky. Rivera and creek• ln aoutheaatern M1-ouri, Inundated three weeks .. by record f1ooda. were encoraecs by up to 3 inches of rain and beCan creeptng over their banu. Tornadoea and blah wlnda ripped throusb 80Ythern Tu.Ju, Ketchum ancfWrlaht aty, Okla., damalinC more tfian ~ bomea. off Id.ala M.ki. 0 The Dover Shores neighborhood in Newport Beach wu qlow Chri1tma1 Eve with a 'IS-year tradition of placing hwadreda of candles inaide .. ad-baaed paper bags. The custom be1an in Mexico and ia known aa the lw:Dinary. The candles Ute the way for worahJppen making dieir way to ehurchee to celebrate the birth of Christ. • County IJir<J. population. due size By JOEL C. DON or .. .,.., .... ...,. While moat Oran~Coaat residents wW be reve ln the Chriatmu weekend, an trepid group of nature loven wW live up part of their holiday to size up the county'• blrd population. On Sunday, dozens of bird wat.chere are expected to fan out over the cou1al re81on u pa.rt of the Sea and ·Sa1• Audubon Society's annual Chriatmu bird count. an event that waa beaun In 1900 by naturaUata in the northeHtern portion of the United St.ates. The count hu alnoe expanded from 26 to 1.222 areu act'«* the nation. And a handful of blrd counten hu srown to• many u M ,000. <>ranee Cdunty la divided lnto two regiaN, couW and Inland. Lut year, 87 blrd enthualaata spotted 182 1pedea 1n tbt coestal •tea, one of the hiahest COWlt regSom in Uti! country. aocordlna to Sea and Sace spokswoman c.onNe Spenaer . She ufd ctata collected du.rina the national countjng period, from Dec: 18 to Jan. 2. will be u.ed to help wlldllfe officials keep track of variout apeCles, aaalat aclentific atudiea, aet huntlnl llmita and aerve u a 80W'ce QD environmental lauel. ''The pu.rpme ii mainly to eee where the bird• are for each year," ahe uid. "If you aee· a population explosion or decline then 1-ou can aee what'• happenllll ln the natunl world ana perhape do IOl'Dethinc about It." Spenser noted Newport Beach'• Back Bay ecolo1lcal reaerve and the Bolaa Chica wetlanda are pe.rticularly prime locations for the coastal bird count. Sunday'• count will cover a • Z4-hour period. though mmt bird oounten will be out durtna the daylight hours, ahe aaid. The coastal area covered by Sea and Sage volunteen extenda from < Corona del Mar to Bola Chica near Hunttn1ton Beach and inland to Peter'• Canyon. The coutal regjon ii dlvided lnco 17 • •mailer zones and one bird· watching group will acout for ocean birds aboard a boat ~ by Newport Be9ch Sea LAST-MINUTE COAST SHOPPERS HAVE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ... ' Tile inland count ls taken in an area bounded by El Toro, Irvine Park, the Marine Corps Air Station, helicopter, Tustin, and Santiago Peak. r...t year, 74 bird watchen counted 148 species in that regjon. From Page A 1 of Stock" llan. JM for oihen this apedal eve la bardly an lni\&tion. the mood la ju•t rl1ht to be1tn the Christmas celebration. On one comer a man tries to Rll off trees amelllna of pine, offer him half the price and he'll aay that'• just fine. Over ln c.o.ta Meu'a Harbor Center, Donna Anderson juat bought her 1ut toy, a.he loves thia lut day, cheriahina it with much joy. It'• easier to fet in to the Chrlatmaa spirit, the Irvine resident would •)'. by ahoppnc few ~ta on this very 1Mt day. Well perhap1 she's n.ht. who'• to arsue on tll1a aiap, cfear ntatrt. Everyone baa a reason for waiting 'til now, aome just love to ahop, • time wW allow. ~re are thoee who aay they have little time to apere, but they make the best of it they can to buy gifts for whom they care. It could have been worse, they could have turned and t<med, witl\out tear, for their tlrne mo1t were thankful for thla would come apln .amettme next &Jioriow1 day OU. ,.,.. Jean Tie._. of Cost.a y_. Dusk arrtved much too early • wu all lmilea, her shopping waa for the arudot.&I and the n.llhed, d ··~·'d th and many a st«e owner clmed one, ahe W'IAU go home wt up ln a huah. It wu time ~ 90l'M goodies, a special praent for her IOD. home, to parties and co ch • For 9-year-<>ld Darin decided for the evening would bring an Santa Claus wu a fake, ao hia end to your search. The boxes of candy canes, Chriatmaa card• and tree ornament.a were all put away Windy Christmas mother fi1ured much wu at atake. Santa would come, thia WM DO din, and be wauJd~ aomethlns for Darm•• a11n1 Teddy to wear., Th&nk aooc:blt* tor mothen like her, wbo brave them crowda with no ::~.!f,,:h• 1plrit of Ouiatmll with one little boy for another )'Hr. What kind of penaO apmdl a Chriatmaa hoHday counting blrds? "It takes a bit of sporting . bloQd; it'• malnly the people who low the natural world." SpeQ&e1' aaid. "I like to spend my • Christmu ln the outdoors.•• Temperaturea Saturday. Oecembef 25 Up.~apping SpeGia1 Sa~gs 81 M Lo!lt 9-d\ 42 a MonrcMe M ;I Mt. Wlltorl SS 41 NNpOrt 9Mc:f\ .. 11 Ont.no 71 .. ...,.,. 40 "' len 8erMtdlnO 11 • len Glillftll • 30 ..,_.,... 11 .. 11 ... 16 .. • 11 16 p eo .. M n 1' eo IO .. .. IO u .. .. at B est holiday memories glow By JODI CADENHEAD °'"-°"" "'4 •• .., Amid the glitter and excitement of pall holidays, one Christmas stands out as a favorite. Everyone cherishes a certain day that Is remembered and talked about long alter thf> decorations have been put back and the children a:rown up and moved away. Perhaps it is the last time the family was together opening gifts, enjoying a table laden with holiday treats. A first bike, a new pair of skat.es, a gaily wrapped pack.age filled with something totally unexpected -Whatever the occasion, its magic continues to brighten future holidays with each telling -becoming a Christmas tradition ln itsell. For many notables along the Orange Coast it 18 childhood memories, when times were tough and gif t.s were few, that are remembered today with fondness. The holidays have passed and new ones, like shiny unopened presents await -but the memories of Christmases gone by endure. Neil Fitzpatrick Jackie Heather, mayor, Newporl Beacb: "When our sons were fairly young we took them camping in Baja. It waa one of the rare times when everyone could get a few days off. I retnember one of the trailers had luminaries. It was so different from the Christ.mases that you traditionally celebrate." James Roosevelt, former Congre11man and son of President Franklln Delano Roosevelt: "My father would read out loud to the children the Charles Dickens "Christmas Carol." He would read all the parts himselJ. He did it practically every Christmas until we went away to boarding school. He was the most terrific Scrooge and he was a wonderful ghost. I can almost act it by heart when I see 1t at South Coast Repertory." Nell Fltzpatrlcll, mayor, LagllJla Beacb: "The year I got a bicycle was a big year. It was a used one and my Dad got it at a police auction and painted it red I thought it was fantastic. I was about 8 or 9. ll was the only bike I ever had. I wasn't expecting one, it was too expensive. It sticl<JI out in my mind today because of all the effort that went into it." FlOM Sehumaoher Tom Fu entes Carl Karche r Larry Av•n T•m ,. ...... &.. commu toadoa1 dlrfftor of dae nemu Ca&Mllc Dlocete If Oruae Couty: "My fevorit.e Ouiltl'Na WU in 1972 when I travei.ct to Me>dco with the Rev. Dr. and Mn. l'rederick Youna. We etayed ln 12 homes. I learned many w~ul Latin tradiUona. Micintcht Mui wu followed by dinner at 2 a.m. What I noticed WM the empb.uia on the natMty ecene rather than the commerclalisallon of Chrtatmu.'' Carl Karelaer, cblrmu u d cllJef executive officer of Carl Karcher Eaterprltet: I wu one of eiaht children growing up on a farm ln Ohio. Every Christmas at our home we Sot one orange each and a piece of candy and poaibly a toy if we were lucky. One Chriatmaa I got a truck loader. I'm aure it cost $1. We rode to midnight Maas ln an open car with regular CW1aina on lt. It was beautiful to go to M .. and oome home and look at that beautiful orange. Today I have a couple of orange trees in my backyard, but I still look back and remember thoee days when one orange meant so much." Com e MorWud, well-known Lapna Bea~ reeldent: ''The most moving Christmas I had was ln London liatening to all the church"choira last year. They dress like Dickena' characters. Carolers go around like lampliQhten. It takes you beck centuries. f was viailing with relatives and bought a basket with caviar and wines at Fortnwn Maaon. It was delivered Christmas eve by deliverymen dressed in 18th century costumes. It was great fun." Larry Agru, mayor, Irvine: "My favorite recollect.Ion ia our Christmas train aet. 11 was· a family ritual to bring it out each year. My brothers and I would play with it for houn. After we grew up we gave it away one Chri5tmu. We enjoyed it so now maybe eomebody eJae can." MacDonald case threats told R eports claim FBI agent target of k illing attempts By Tbe A11ociated Pre11 Two apparent assassination attempts have been made against a former FBI agent who is working to show that cultists and not Dr Jeffrey MacDonald Reagans host 16 guest s f or holiday dinner murdered the physician'• pregnant wife and two daughters, according to reporta ln a Southern California newspaper. MacDonald, 38, is serving three life tenns in a Texas prlaon for the 1970 slayings He has an appeal pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. The former agent, Ted L . Gunderson, believes the onetime Green Beret physician's atory that four "drug-crazed" memben of a Satanic cult murdered MacDonald's 24 -year-old wife Collette and daughten Kimberly, 6, and Kristin, 3, at the~ Fort Bragg, N.C. home. memben with methadone. Stoeckley waa dwruaaed by other lnvestigaton, government prosecutors and the jud1e at Mac Donald's trial as an unreliable witnem. GundenlOll. who retired three years ago as spedal agent in charge of the Los Angeles FBI office, is now a private investigator. The newspaper's sources said the firat attempt on Gundenion'a life occurred when he slipped into Las Angeles for a brief visit last month. • , t""r~ . , .... , v.u., -ltHllfP fl• I 11Dut1t_, l f1t51r &un th f1tr1llY w .. •IW•~ "~' th•r and Wf' t 1Jly look J futW• w Ch,itllnM h'a dllf r nt now l>K•u.1,uu c:an buy thin 111 )'OMI ruund oopl made hc.1mtm1d• tu)'• My uncl ~ u fool JX'(Jaltd alrplano. Wh~n I wwi 6 I ~ot a nice nt"W rC'CI wqon. ln fact l Jtnt ound om uf the ~on whMla lhe oth4tr day. l'm 02. en you're a form(tr you MV• everythtna " Dr. Staa~ Vu dn Noort, deu ol UC lnloe edlcal Scllool: "The Chrlatmaa 1 knew 1 waa fiolna to 10 to medical 1Chool the next au wu certalnly a mat tumma point in my life. It wu pro bly the moet excitlni Chriatmu for me. I had a lot of concern and anxiety about what waa going to be, but at the same time I had a lot of happlneaa. I went to DamlOuth and Harvard medical .:hoola. My father wu an imml1rant to th ... country from Holland and he wu very pleased." Dou Hall, mayor, Costa Meaa: "My moet memorable Chrlatmaa was the day my parenta had gueata over. We decorated the tree Christ.mas Eve. Van den Noori Henry Fonda and his wife had bought me a toy cannon. By the lime 1 awakened Christmas morning Hank Fonda had shot out every ornament on the tree." Tbomaa Riiey, 5tb District Orange County Supervisor: "My most unforgettable Christmas was ln 1941. As a 1st Lt. in the Marines I was sent to the jungle m Guadalcanal to help build airfields. I remember the troops wanted to hold a midnight Mass so they got some cans and cut candles in them. I sat in the ~ surrounded by those young kid es singing. There was a lot of emotion m the air and a lot of tears. Donn Hall That's a Christmas I remember very vividly." Amen Wardy, owner of Amen Wardy sbo.J} lo Newport Beacb: ' his is the best I've ever had. Moving into my new store is a dream come true. I have everything under one roof. I have the most beautiful store in the world." Tom Nielsen, presldenl, lbe lrvl.De Company: "Mhrumost memorable Christmas was t he C t.m.as of 1954 when IJave an engagement ring to my wife arilyn at my family's home ln Fullerton m front Amen Wardy of my whole family." WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan helped his wife Nancy wrap Christmas presents Friday and made telephone calls lQ friends to with them happy holidays , a White House spokesman said. The Reagans' daughter, Patti f .Davis of Los Angeles, was flying to Washington to spend a few days with her parents, said Mark An article publiahed Friday by the Los Angeles Times quoted sources "who asked not to be named for fear of repriala" aa saying Gunderson was told last July that cultists had put a "contract" on his U1e. While driving his car Nov. 5, he experienced difficulty steering, and a mechanic reportedly told him, "It look.a like someone stuck a pin in your power fluid (drum)," the newspaper story said. Gunderson had the car repaired and then changed ldentlfying decala and his llceme plat.es aa a precaution. 1ce~cremn Perfect for New Years Pints, quart• and cakes. We also have Haagen-Dazs Gift Certificates, Haagen- Wein berg. a While House assist.ant press secretary. Today, the Reagans will open their presents and host a dinner for 16 guests, said Sheila Tate, press secretary to Mrs. Reagan. The Christmas menu Includes roast turkey. chestnut dressing, mashed potatoes, cranberry nuce, giblet gravy. carrota, a specialty bread known as monkey bread, and a chocolate Yule log. Tuesday the Reasan. fly to Loe Angeles for a night and on Wednesday travel to the Palm Springs estate of publisher Walter Annenberg. where they will remain until their return to Washington on Jan. 2. We're Listening ••• 642·6086 The threats came after colleagues in Long Beach, where MacDonald lived before his 1979 trial, hired Gundenon to try to clear the physician. Alte r receiving the threat&. Gundenon vacated his apartment and haa remained out of town except for brief vialta. the newspaper aaid. (MacDonald aho once lived at Hunttncton Harbour.) An admitted drug u.er, Helen Stoeckley, had supported MacDonald 'a atory when lnterVtewed by Gunder9cn. but ahe later retracted her confe11lon, which aald MacDonald was targeted became he refused &o provide cult The 1eOOnd incident came two weeka ago when a friend who wu driving Gundenon'a car aaid a man in an oncoming vehicle hurled an 18-lnch wrench at h1m. damaging the car but milling the driver. The newspaper aata he had apparently been mlataken for Gundenon. The newspaper aald Gunderson reported both incidents to the Loa Angeles dlatr1ct attorney's office. The newspaper said Gundenon wu unavailable for comment. He had no telephone number listed ln the Loe Angelea area. What do you llke about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like., Call the number at left and your me.age wlll be recorded, tranlCl'tbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answerh\I service may be uaed to record let· ten lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors muat Include their name and telephone number for vertflcatlon No circulation call•, please. Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH.wled •~ting 11"'42411t All othet ctepettmenta 141_.m f MAIN owic:a •Wftl ...... , Ceec. MllM, CA MllN ...,._; ... u•, C•I• .,...._CA. .. (_,,,. "9 Or ... C.1HI ~ ~ • .... """...,.... ,...,.,., .............. ,......, ... -1 ... _....,.... ,.,..., .. ~ ...... ....... ..,,..illll .. ,..,,..,.. __ Dazs T-shlrta, hats a bags. . - .:. ~ .. '•' '·. I • ,,..; •:1 .. "" ·;: '• '•J P'' 'I 'I ~· 0 '·' 1fi &!• •' ·~ ~ !< ·'· l ~ ,,·. '• '•. --. . l1 ' ' I bl d oncorde till flying ) Mil& I. SMITH ......... ,,_.,.., LONDON -Slx years after lta ent takeoff. Concorde, the Brittah-French penonic jetliner, la 1till dodatn1 financial clouda. 'l'houlh pu1engen appear to love 1.t, the t.e 1Ublidlee that keep it aloft are u uncerta.ln the w1nda over the Atlantic Ocean. In London, the c.on.ervat.lve aovem.rnent of Mtru.t.er Margaret Thatcher hu aaid that ier next Aprll it wW no longer pick up $22.6 19llllon to $~.6 million a year 1n "aupport coau." ln Part., Praident Francola Mitt.errand'• .. ~18' aovemment contlnuea to at.orb • $23 191lllon yeerly operating lo.. In the paat aeven month1, Air France a.ncorcse eervica from Part.a to Rio de Janeiro, -.i~• Mexico Cty and Wuhington have been ed, and there are persistent rumors -denied the French Tranaportation Miniatry -that its J'WIDAIJlUllll New York filghta wW be grounded. Despite the uncertaintiea, the afeek, delta· . 1111r11ruN!o plane with the 1wivel nose -down for ...,lnll'Ul, up for cruiaing -aoan over the Atlantic day, cruJa1na at 1,350 mph, la.nd1ng a mere hourS and 45 m.inutea after takeoff. three faster than other jeta. At least for the lmmed1ate future, it appean kely to continue doing ao. "We support Concorde," Ila.id a spokesman or the French Transportation Ministry. "We are ,......,,...utted to it." Sir John King, chairman of state-owned ti.sh Airways, declared: "C.Oncorde aervicee ll go on. We are very happy about future 1Pt'<l91M!Cta .• i/ . th.e British have aome read\ to be. Since the government decided to write off he 120 million-pound purchase price ($193 on at today'• exchange rate), BA'1 aeven ncordes have soared from losses of $16.2 on between 1976 and 1981 to profits of $3.2 ••u.LUUru in 1981-82 and $11.3 million in 1982-1983. More than half a million passengers have n carried. The airline'• twice-daily flights • •• ' A Concorde lands in Washington D.C. in May 1976 during inaugural trans-Atlantic flight. from London to New York and three ti.mes a week to Wuhlngton fly 70 percent full. B)' J~ 1983, British Airways expects to beiin banding (1Ver to the Treasury 80 percent of Concorde operating pro fl ta. The bright horizon wu clouded last month by Trade Mlniat.er Ian Sproat'• decision to atop footing the bill for support coats -men and equipment needed for testing and Ucenalng operations. But BA h.u countered with a plan for one year'• poetP,Onement in the transfer of both the aupport coata and the prof:lta. ln the interim, it hopee to cut coata to below $6.~ million and nesott.ate a cut-price deal for lp&re parts. "We want to keep Dying Concorde becauae, one, it's profitable and two, it'• an image-builder," says BA apokesman Ted Duggan. "'the picture la far U. rosy for Air France. The airline's aeven planes have lost $98 million. Despite shedding unprofitable routes, it expects to loee another $26 million in the current year. Air France ended lta debt-ridden Rio- Caracaa service on April 1 of this year, ita Wuhington run Oct. 29 and Mexico City Oct. 31. With Its P~New York daily flight usually just over 80 percent full, spokeeman Jim Colllna said the airline continues to fly Concorde ".olely at the request of the French J(1Vemment." SPECIAi-li()lJRS: SHOI> SlJNDAY 8:()() A.M. ·re> 8:()() 1>.l\11. Yule-time in London like olde ______ .... ______________ 111111111111!! LONDON (AP) Charlea Dlck.ena' London live1, especially at Chr1mnaa when the gray old \OWn aiowa with the humor, hope, charity and cheer traditionally used by the F.ngJJah to wann their bleak winter. In hia immort.a1 classic, "A Christmas _Carol," Charlea Dickens wrote in 1843 that "the brightness of the ahope . . . made faces ruddy as they paued." Thia year, as then, the scene was much the same. Glowing faces pecked the at:reets aa Londonen went about their annual hunt for Yule trees and table tr ea ta . They acurrled to department 1torea, fa1hionable boutiques, local butchers with 1eese hanging In ahop windows and 1treetc orner fruit vendors. In subways, the hats of London's street musicians filled with coins and the halting melodies of tippling carolers leaked through pub doors. Bus1nesa phonea were an1wered , ''Happy Christmas," and the .ound of laughter and clinking gia.es could be heard . Even the staunchly atheist Soviet Weekly wlahed its London readers .. Heertiest Greetinp" in red and green letten. In a year when Britain'• economy sank to deptha not 8een since the Depreaion, a year when more than 3 mWlon people haunted welfare llne1, a year when ~5 British 80ldien died ln the Falkland ll~nd1 war, the Ctiriltma1 1plrlt ...Sured. Despite the recelllon, ,.._reported a crwb of 1boppera. with ul• .. much aa 20 percent ha,her than laat year. And not just of llenllble ltema. Harrod '•, London•a mo.t famous department 1tore, expected to ael1 a quarter ton of caviar by aan.m-aw. and one of tb• moat popular iteml wM champacne- Gawnd toothPMt.e-Dkbni iiia part of CbNtmM' ap~ ii to the ddJd bf all of ut. Not ~theft. that the aojal".8bake1peare C ompan1 •• new rr..,.. oe .,... Pan --~bit -•••n with a aew ~29·..:t...r.= ;--~.:'=-~ up .. . ..... ,.,., S~VE 60% OUR BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS, ORNAMENTS AND GIFT WRAP Choose from boxed Chriatm11a greeting card9 ln traditional. contemp()rary, religious aiv.I hum0fou11tyln from the leading greeting card companies. We also have Chn.tmn ornementa and gift wrap. AH at 80% u ving1. Not au llyMia in all storea. G,..,ing C.rd9, 120. ... .. ·1 .. I ~ ..... I .:1 •) .. . . Adventure lectures at college Orange Coast College biologist. world traveler, climber and hiker, Dr. Gary James. will provide •M Jn-depth look at the peopJe, culture, and natural wonders of .everal countries "oU the beaten path" durinJ a three-part lecture 8el'ies at OCC in January. I Titled "Adventures with Gary James," the series meeta on Friday eveni.no. Jan. 7 and 14, from l :30 to 9 :30 in OCX::'s Science Hall. During the series James will focua on such ' areas aa rural Egypt, the lsudan, Rwanaa, the Seychelles, Bumla, and Borneo. The lectures will be lavishly illustrated with color slides. A whale watching tour is slated for Saturday morning, Jan. 15. Admi.asion to the two lectures is $3.50. Tickets for the whale watching · cruise are priced at $15 l each. Tickets are on sale in the OCC Ticket Office, located in the college's Student Center. The office la open Monday through Friday from 8 a .m . to 6 p .m ., and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets may be purchased by phone, using Visa or Mutercard, by calllng 556-5527. Women's health class set Prized presentations Holiday decorationa that Al and Ann Murse have put on their garage and lawn, above, at the comer of Carrie Lane and Edinger Avenue in Huntington Beach for l 0 years have won the city's contest four years in a row. Likewise, the Winter Wonderland constructed by Libbie, 12, and Richie Rector, 16, has topped the youth division four years in the off-water category of the Huntington Harbour Cruise of Lights sponsored by the Orange County Philharmonic Society. SPECIAi. HOlJl:tS: Sl-IOP SlJNDAY 8:()() A.M. ·re> 8:()() 1>.1"9. SAVE 20% TO 30% OUR SEMI-ANNUAL LINGERIE SALE 6.79 Mill 11,_,,..._. .._...® 80ft-cup bta. 32 to 38, wtiite, blu8h, French v1nitle. Orig. 8.60. M•tchino bikini. S.M.L, Of19. 8.00 4.1f. 8rH, 2!i8. 7. 99 ancl 1.69 • .,,,.., ....... ® ........ ..,. bn, uhlfl. ivory, mocha. pink putty, 34 to 38 B.C, orig. 11 .50 7.M. 0, orig. 12. 60 I .•. M•tchlng bikini, M.l , orig. 8.004.1t. BfM.258. t.59 tot.!! V I .... l'nl*ly , ........... undelwlre hf•. nude, White. peerl, blueh, 34 to 38 l ,C, orlQ. 12.00 tM. 34 to 380. orlQ. 12.!IOtM. M1tch- lng bikini, S,M,L Oflo. 5:15 4 ••. BrH, 11. _ 9,ff AND11.M . . MAIDINPORM 1w1n NOTHINGS® SIDI-SLIT Pll1 l·SllP. AND •A CAMISOLI. 8.-NoWnfl~ lidHlft-.tillp In ~. WhltworbMtl. l,M.L. ong, t3.00 .... S-.. Nottllnge~ bft oUMlloll ln blldl, white, ot ~. 32 to , •• ori(j. 19.00 ,,. Not lhown: .,. .... ortg. 21 ,oo tl.17. Fl'OM llltpent.lllp, orig. tUOt& MUel ..... o;te. 1).001& ~ L.lftllitl, a. 11.99to12.39 w__,,. No t ..... .,.aon und.,w"• brl, beige. wh•t•. 34 10J8C.or1g 15.00 11.•.3410 38 0. orig 155012.• Brn, 19. 10.79and11.49 Yentty F9lr "-ch flltfte underwir• bf•, ti.lge, wtilt•. 1T11uve, b41c:k, 34 to 38 8, C, ong. 13.60 11.11. 34 to 380, orig 14.6011.•. M1tching brief, M,l . orig. 9.001.M. BrH, 19. 10.35 and 10.U ... .., ... Cl eoh-euo full.flau,. bf•. white, beige, J4 to 40 e. orig. 13.00 ••• ; 34 to 40 o.oo. orig. 14.00 •••• Br11, 19. \ I '{ . l t\ .t: . .. I .t'. bk •ucl Iii . \\' ~- 1ri! ,j l ,., .. cL' I\! k· .<i' ,,.~ t(• .. ~ •dt "" 11:1 .. I ·~-':. V': 1 .. c1 .. !~ I )\' ~~ ... "'I:- ''" ·ti-' I«: n~ 1:..1 I(>" tl'"I ' ri AJ;I, w •J H'' >Y• ifl u: ·ti: w lrn l 'W iw tb 1d ! :::> m lJ .. •t• . "' tlri tA lJ ).J •b n 01 0 lo •ll . aQ ,, • 'J O JOY , IONORA (AP) -The a.non police do1 11 ..Uy tn the doe~. The German ahephnd named Sarp ln.ncanUy took hJa muter'• p1\rOI car for • Joy ride and ended up knoc:kln1 lt lnto a pArked car. S1t. Duane Ellie explained that he went to a dance at the fairlJ'Ounda to notify a realdent about a houee fire. "I ah.lfted inU> neutral, left lhe motor runn1n1 and t;8Crc5 . out of lhe car," Mid. "Before I could deliver the ~. tomeone came runninl lnalde and told me the 1quad car had rolled into a pArked car." Sarge had pawed the gearshift lever, placing the patrol car in gear, as he presaed his nose against the windshield. ~ •• f g f ' path to freedom bloody 11 MONTZ HAVEi ~_,........., COLONlA CUAUHTEMOC1 M•xi«I 8t.andlnc In arutl4tseleep mud on i nt>un\alnalde. OuaiemAlah refUJee leader 8ebuUan Alonr.o ntadl the toll of the dad from a amudaed child'• notebook. "Marla Lucu Ramoe, a1e ~ yean. They cut off her h•itd· Juana Domina• Lucaa, a1e 16 yean. She wa1 a relaUva. Marcot Domina• Lucu. ace 12 7eara. Maria Domlnao Domingo, ace 1 yeer .. .' M hta fin.pr moved down the p1ae. the vlllaae leader pau.ed aft.er each name, •tarlna llilently. The namet totaled 24 -19 women and children and five men. All were murdered by Guatemalan anny troops u they tried to ~ach aafety in Mexico, Alonzo Mid. Dozene of other i:efugeee ln campa along Mexico'• unguarded 480-mlle frontier with Guatemala tell abnilar \ala of terror. Allh<>ih a few say they we~ afraid of being killed by lefU.t guerrillu. m<>11t are running from the "Kaiblles" -the army's elite anti- lnaurgency troopa, named aft.er the Mayan god of war. Their stories of slaughter, denied by the government, could not be Independently conflnned. vm ... h•re •Lc,JOd ftoddl"I ln eareemtnl .. Al<lnso &old how an ff r..:!ts*k lut 1U1n1Nt on a ,...,.a,y hamlet ~ I.hem lnJ.o Oottna trom lhtfr vlll11• of 1ntanbojox In Ouahm1la'1 Huehuet.en&nlO Province. Alonzo Mid 1ovemment ll'OOpe aurrou.nded San Franctaco, a hamlet of 300 people leM ihan two mllet away, and bepn llau1ht.erina every man, woman and child c.au1ht. in the net. Aloru.o Mid the 1.000 villaprs of Y alanbojox hld In nearby mountain• durln1 two nl9ht.a of heavy rainatonna before they bepn the three-hour"" trek to the border ln amal.l aroupe. SS ref orni panel deadline boosted WASHINGTON (AP) -Pretident Reagan will give the National Commi11lon on Social Security Refonn an additional 15 days to complete lta work beyond it.a current deadline of Dec. 31, the White Houae apokesman Mid. Deputy White Hou.ee press aecretary Larry Speakee said the commission staff had sought 30 days, but Reaaan felt "a 15-day extension would be appropriate." "I yelled at Sarge to let him know I was diapleaaed," Ellis aaid. "But I don't think he aasociated my remarka with his car ride." Faces of Guatemalan refugees show harchhipe endured -and hopes they still have. More than 30,000 Guatemalan Indiana and peaaanta, including entire villages, have flooded into Mexico ~ year to escape political violence, Mexican and international relief agencies say. Hundreds of refugees living at a Mexican The blpartlaan panel, with eight Republicans and seven llemocrata, wu appointed by Reagan following a firestorm of criticism that greeted the president's proJX*ll to solve the retirement system's financial roblema b Umit future benefits. .i ' Sl>EC:IAI. li()lJl~S: Sl-1()1> SlJNl)A'' 8:()() A.IUL ·re> 8:()() 1>.1w1. SAVE 10 ~. ALL WOMEN'S LEV l's<•) BENDOVERS 17. 99 Reg 19 99 For two days only save on every pair of Levt's'i'. Ben dovers 1n our stock Select from black. brown, navy, tan and the new spnng brights. Sizes 8 18. Plaza Sp0r1swear, 110. SAVE40 ~. ALL VERA PROPORTIONED PANTSt 14.99 Regularly 25.00 . For two daYt, this is your chance to save on our entire selection of your favorite Vera pull·on knit pants. In black, brr,.vn. :-avy. biscuit and fashion coklrs. Sizes 8-18. petite and averi>ge lengths for a perfect fit. Plaza Sportswear, 133 SAVE 20 ,,. ON ALL OUR BALI IRAS Stock up on all the full figure styles you'll be needing at these terrific savings. 20% off already reduced styles and regular1y priced bras linQerie. 19. SAVE 1/3 ON ALL MUSHROOMS WOMEN'S SHOES All those cu1hy styles you wear year around. Choose from a great auortment of casual shoes. Selection ma,v vary by store. Intermediate markdowns msy have been taken. Orlg. 14.99-34.00 10.-.zt.• Women's Shoes, 87. so ~. OPI ALL RIOULAR-PRICI COMPORTIRS AND BIDSPRIADS. Evety comforter, .very bedspread we have. AllOrted colon, tlzet and atyftt. Store stock onty. no special ordera. Hurry fOf belt -.Ction. Bed Covering1, 178.PM!owt.lee. Bedroom Eneembltt, 10. TWO DAYS ONLY DECEMBER 26 AND 27. SAVE ON THESE AFTER-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS, AND REGISTER TO WIN A DIESEL CADILLAC. SAVE20% ON SAVE2S% SAVE AN SAVE SO % OUR ENTIRE ON ALL KNIT ADDITIONAL 20% ROY AL CLASSIC SAVE 33% ON ALL STOCK OF SHIRTS FROM ON EVERY AND HEALTHTEX HARTOG, JOEL, GOWN, PAJAMA AV ANTI TOWELS: MEN'S SUITS AND The most famous name in ARROW AND AND ROBE FOR 1.75 TO 12.00 TAILORED children's togs at wonderful PURITAN. MISSES AND Regularly 3 50 24.00 SPORTCOATS savings. All styles in neWborn, You'll find sohds and stripes JUNIORS Stock up your hnen closet with infant. toddler, girls 4-611, boys In selec:ted stores. save on 11 4 7 and girls 7-14 West Coast tn this collection from the most Save 20% on our already a flourish! For two days we're distinguished collection of Kids. '1fr1. famous of makers. Don't miss reduced styles, as well as on taken our best first quality suits and sportcoats from this chance to enbellish your every regularly priced pajama, towels and marked them at famous makers and American SAVE40% LIZ wardrobe and save. Men's gown and robe for misses and half price. You'll find and European designers CLAIBORNE IN Sportswear, 50/212/213 1uniors From Vanity Fair, Cannon's Royal Classic, as well You'll find all wool. wool blend SAVE AN Evelyn Pearson. Lanz as all our beautiful and much more. so hurry 1n BRIGHT HOLIDAY and find them all in Men's COLORS 24.99 TO ADDITIONAL 30 ~. l1sanne, Miss Elaine. Flair and embelhshed towels by Avant1 Clothing, 9/48/61/192 ALL MISSES AND Lily of France • Towels, 23. SAVE 1/3 ON ALL 42.99 PETITE DRESSES Sleepwear, 24 Robes. 51 SAVE 115.00 Ong. 42 OO·n.OO Choose from WOMEN'S our m111' n match auortment Now's the time to buy SAVE 25% FARBERWARE SLIPPERS of Liz Claiborne holiday that dress you've been eyeing REGULAR PRICED 10-PIECE Protection from cold morning separates. Includes related Save 30% on our already JUNIOR CASUAL COOKSETs 79.99 linoleum. 1n warm leather or blou,.., pants, sweat•,. •n<I reduced styles. as well as AND DRESSY PANTS Open stock value 195 00. Set vinyl with comfy lining. ski111. Misses sizes 6-14. every regularly pnced 17.99 TO 30.99 includes 1, 2 and 3 quart Spartwear 80'1, 198. dress in stock I Plszs/ Choose from a collection of Sportswear. 110. Reg. 24 00-42.00 saucepans. steamer insert, 8 styles which vsry ~Y atore. SAVE AN Save on regular priced quart saucepot and a 10" open Orig 9.99-29.00 1.17-11.31 ADDITIONAL 40"• SAVE 230.00 1umor pants Choose from fry pan, the basics for the new Slippers, 140. 45-PIECE sns OF dressy 2·tuck trousers. casual cook or kitchen hobbyist SAVE25 % ALL MISSES FINE CHINA IN baggies, !>-packet styles and Ba11c cookware. 143. JACKETS ON ALL HAGGAR ASSORTED more. Juniors. 129. SAVE20 % ON For two d•Yt only, PANTS AND warm up to our savings on PATIERNSs 1•9.99. SAVE 25"• OUR ENTIRE STOCK SPORTCOATS. every regularly priced end Reg 400.00 Two daYt only ON ALLIOY'S OF COSTUME One of the mo111 papular already reduced outerwear Many favorite patterns tnclud-FURNISHINGS. JEWELRY*. names in men's fashion at ter· 1ackat for mines sizn. Choose ed~o special orders. limited Everything we've got: All our simulated pear1s, to stock on hand rifle two-day savings. Find from poplin, chintz and all· underwear, socks, tin, belts. enamel and new spring China. 11 . wool and wool blend sport-weather styln. SAVE 25 ~. dress shirts, P8flm81 and baubles. too. Necklaces, pierc coats, Expand·O·Matic slacks Plaza Sportswear, 110. robes at 25% off Replenish ed and cltp earrings, bracelets. and much more. Men's SAVE 120.00 ALL LEVI'S • his old accessorl8s with our pins and more. Reg. 5.00· Sportweer, 182 AT ARI 400 HOME DENIMS FOR latest. BoYt. 239. 65.00 4.G0-62.00 Fashion SAVE 25,,. ON COMPUTER, 229. 99 MEN, YOUNG SAVE40% Jewelry, 20 •Except Monet ALL SHORT Orig. 349.99, was 259.99. The MEN AND BOYS PANT-HER *REGISTER TO SLEEVE DRESS Atsrl 400 16K computer Sava 25% on each and POLYESTER WIN AN ELEGANT . " SHIRTS. system i1 simple enough for every pair of Levi's(ii' denims COORDINATES 1912WHITE From people like Arrow and the whole family to enjoy. All we have for men's sizes 32 40 • DIESEL CADILLAC Van Heusen. solid and pattern you need i1 the Basic Com· young men's sizes 28-36. 19.99TO 31.99 Get your entry blanks in dre11 shirts you'll want to wear puter, a television set and one and boys· sizes 26·30. Reg 34.00-66.00 the Spartswear '80s and Men's all spring and summer. Claver or more of the starter kill. Play Everyone's favorites in cotton Choose from our popular Spartswear Departments of guys will stock up now and games, teach yourself new denim and cotton/polyestef nlection of Pant·He1 arMr all Broadway stores December reap dividend• m senastionel subject•. hook up to major in-stretch denim. Men's, 126 baStcs Jackets, pent• and 26 & 27, 1982. Winner will savings land great looksl. formation networks or ~-Young Men'a, 123. Boy's, V7 skirts of easy care polyester receive a pre-selected 1982 Men'• Furnishlng1, aonallze you own programs. SAVE63% Black or navy for mllleS8·16. white diesel Cadillac Eldorado 7/147/218. Limited quantities. ROMANTIC ROSES Sportswear 80'1, 186. from Thomas Cadillac. Inc. SAVE 25 % Electronlca, 267. SILVIRPLATI SAVE20% ON Includes redwood leather in· ALL YOUNG SAVE SO% FLATWARE SER.: ALL OUR VINYL terlor and standard equipment MIN'S OINIRRA 32·PIECI VICI POR 12 PLUS HANDBAGS AND plus: theft-deterrent syst1m, AM/FM atereo cassette radio, SPORTS WI AR BIVIRAOESn CHISTt 149.00 CLUTCH IS digltal ln1trument clutter. 12.9tT026." 14.tt Orig. 440.00. waa 199.00. An Incredible Mlectlon of leather Meting area Sales Reg. 18.00-36.00 Orig. 30.00. Orectful ahapes The 88-pi.ce Mrvlce lnctudet lhouldet bags, double handle taices 1nd llcen1e fM are For two daya, uve on our en· for bringing In t.,e New Yt1r. 12 &-piece place Httlngs and 6 baga, hobot Ind mtny, many • Included. Additional local tire collectlon of Genem tPOrt•· Set lnclud• tight eech: 13· Mrvlng ptecn plus a hind· more, A ltrge oolltction of 1cceaorles. eJC.pen'" and taice1 wHr Including pentt. ounce double old falhlonad, eomt wooden cheat fOf winter 1nd spring coto,., are the rnpontlblllty of the winner. sw .. tel'I, lhir\l Ind YeStl for 12-ounct hlghballt, 15-ounce ttorege. No apeclal ordtra, • Selection varlea by 1tort. No pyrchaM nec ... ry. You young men'• tit. .. 21-36. lctd tMI Ind 8-ounce lulce llmlted to 1tock on Orig. 13.0CM6.00 ti ...... nttd not be prtMnt to win. -S.. Young M1n'1, 293. 911 ..... Gla11wtte, 36. 1 hand.SHvtr, !9. Vinyl Handblge, 71 entry bl1nk1 for addltlonll dttailt. Shop early. Quentltln limited. Selection varlet by ttore. Oua ntltln are llmited or not evellebte ln our Holtv.vood ator•. I I \ Butter/Ji · s ar n't free at Christmas .. ._ ... • Sl>E<:IAI. li()lJl:tS: Sli()P SlJNl)AY 8:()() A.M. ·re> 8:()() l>eMe --------.JI 1().1 IC'I fl~ 1nl I"? ..................................................................................................................................................................... \1 1 wl ~.,, E.XPLORE OUR AFTER CHRISTMAS SALE DECEMBER 26 THROUGH DECEMBER 31. SPORTSWEAR IO'S Saw 33'1• Every Liz Claiborne velour in our stock Cotton/polyester pants and tops 1n solids, stripes. Ong 42.00-4a.00. 27.tt-21.11 lava 33'/e Glona Vanderbilt holiday sweaters for misses sizes 6-16 and S-M·L. Orig. 30.00·35.00 . . . . . . . ... 11.19-22.11 S.va 33'/t Lady Manhattan polyester Silkhana® blouses. Orig. 30 00-34.00 . 11.• S.va IO'I• Villager wool and wool/polyester flannel coordinates. Black or white. 6-14. Orig. 61 .00-116.00...... . ... 21.-.&7.M Spacial purch8M V ·neck cabled pullover sweaters in pure wool . . . . . ........ •.II Sava 33% Cotton corduroy trouser. and oversized smock. Orig . 29.99 each . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.• MCh Save 33'/t-ID'le All fall and holiday sweate,., Includes Marisa Christina, Ellen Tracy, Italian imports.Limited stores. Orig. 50.00-108.00 ............ 32.lt-63.• Seva 33'/• Famous New York maker holiday collection. Jackets, skirts, blouses and sweaters. limited stores. Reg. 37.00-1-40.00 ............ 24..CM 8ewe •~ Cardigan. turtleneck, 11-neck end boetneclc eweet.,. In m-... mes. Orig. 30.0CMO.OO •............ 14. .. 1tM Save to•/, Winter and hofiday coordinates by Act Ill, Country Suburbans, Pant-Her, Pereonel. Uz Claiborne, Villager end more. Mlues 1izes8-16. Orig. 36.00-92.00 ............. 17 ...... .. MODERATE SPORTSWEAR Spec;IM pun:hMe Counterparts double pleat trousers, with belt. Polyester /rayon gabardine. Sizes 6-14. Assorted colors 21.11 S.Ve IOl/e Velour tops in assorted styles and colors. Misses sizes. Orig. 30 00 . . . . I.• S.ve 331/e-&0'/• Beautiful georgette and crepe de chine polyester blouses by Chaus. Misses sizes. Orig. 36.00-4\8.00 .. 11.-.a.• lave IO'I• Rich velvet blazers from Chaus. Misses sizes 8-16. Orig. 100.00 . . . .. 41.• Save to•/, Chaus turtlenecks in cotton/ polyestef. Sizes S.M.L. Ong. 15.00 ... l .M PLAZA SPORTSWEAR S.va 33'/• Plush velour tops from T edd1 of California. Amel® triacetate/ny1on for sizes 8-18. Orig. 38.00 . . . . . . . . . ...... 24 .• Save 331/1-&0'le Cardigans, pullovers and vests for m1ases sizes S-M·L Orig. 20.00-46.00 ............ 1.19-11.11 S.ve 211/1 Run Togga apring career coor· dinates. Orig. 30.00-66.00. . .. 21 ....... • S.ve 3:3'11 A beautiful •lect1on of holiday blouaes by famous makers. Laces and georgettes. Orig. 31 .00-45.00 ... 20.19-27.11 S.V. 33% Catalina wool blend knit coor· dinetes. Orig. 26.00-n.oo ...... 11.et--0.• S.va •% P.M. separat• from Teddi of California. Penta, aklru. tops. t Orig. 24.00-34.00 ............. 11~ •• leve 40% Velvet blazers Misses aiz• 8-18. Grey or black. OrlQ. 68.00 ........... •·• INTIMATE APPAREL ..,,_ D'lt Warm and .. egant robes from Kayser, Evelyn P•r10n. Vanity Fair and mc>fe. Orig. 40.00-76.00 ....... 21.IMI.• S...11¥. Wamera Slules braa and bikini.. Reg. 8.00-12.60 ............... 4.1M ... leve 21'1t Maldenfonn Sweet Nothings bru and bildnle. Reg. 6.00-13.604.1t-10.7r e.w. 21'1t Jockey® fOf Her pentitt. Orig. 3. 75-4.25 ..•..•.... l/l.~/10 ... • •Semi-annual body fashions tale now In progresa through 1 /24/83. ••Jockey® •le anct.1116/83. SHOES a.~ 8 ... Air leefhet pump In nougat or black kid. Orig. 45.00.. .. . .. . .. .. . 21.11 a.v. ~ Black peeu de tole .venlng pump by Bef.Alr. Orig. U .00 .••........... 21M lp1 aa.t pure,._ Women's tie rnocwln In Brtdlh uin Of n.vy ..........••...... 21.11 Sewe Jl'A AH 1Wgula'r prfc. women'• boota lnc!udlfte femou• maktr1 and lrnpona. Orig. ]0.00·18.00 .................... .. Shop early. Quantities limited. Selection varies by store. JUNIORS lave 33'/• Junior holiday coordinates from College· Town, Tomboy and WCC. sizes 3·13. Orig. 32.00·85.00 ... . . 20.19-61.11 Save 331/1 A great selection of dresses for 1uniors5-13. Casual. career end P.M. looks. Orig. 19.99-131 .00 . . . . . . ..... 12.lt-ll.ll Spac:lel purchaM Stonewashed denim 1eans bv Union Bay. 1uniors 3-13 . 21 .11 Special purchaM Alberoy acrylic 11-neck vests for juniors S-M·L .............. 15.M Save 33'.I. Palmetto's twill trousers, two tuck or elastic waist styles. Sizes 5-13. Orig. 30 .00 ........................ 17.11 S.V. 2111'/e Blue denim cotton jeans by Gloria Vanderbilt. Sizes 3-13. Orig. 34.00 . 21.• FASHION FURS S.ve 21'/• Luxurious full skin rabbit Jackets Assorted styles and colors. Orig. 139.99... . . . . . . .. . II.• FASHION ACCESSORIES Seve IOVe Phillippe linen and leather hand· IHga. Orig. ~.00·120.00 ....... 21 .... M lpedel purchllae Soft leather handbags by 8 .H . Smith in eight great shed• ...... ti.• • .... .., ....-.a Vlnyt clutchee end haod· begt-Jn six styfea. . . . . . . • •• end a .• 8ewe DV. Our entire selection of Schild· kreut and Italian leather purM accuaoriea. Cotmetic cases. coin purses, light-up mir- rors, more. Orig. 5 .00-28.00 ..... 2.-.11.• law •'It All our knit hats. gloves and scarves. Reg. 7.00·34.00 ....... 3.I0-17.00 ~ 33% Fashion belts including leather, suedes and fabrics. A superb selection! Orig. 10.00-24.00 .............. 5.-.15.• lpectal purchaae Small leather goods and purse accessories from Rolfs. Baronet and WUtPOll M\Jnd1.. . . . . . . . ... 2 ... 14.M S.ve 33'/e Our entire collection of The Broadway's own goldtone pierced earrings. Reg. 5.00-14.00 . . . .. 3.21-1.21 S.Ve IO•/, Fashion rmgs in all shapes, some with genuine stones. Sizes 5-6·7·8. Regularly 16.00.. . . . . . . . . 7.• lave 211/e Legwarmers and selected tights Orig. 8.00-10.00 ................ 4.41-7.41 S.Ve 20•1, Round-the· Clock® pantyhose and knee hi's. Reg 1.35-4.50 .... 1.•3.• law D'lt Broadway label 14lct. gold-filled pierced earrings. Reg. 13.00-45.00 .............. I .If.a.II litve 20% Our entire collection of women's socks including Bonnie Doon 'iii, Perry Ellis. Anne Klein and VSL. Reg. 1.85-9.00 ............... 1.45-7.20 MEN'S S.ve 20•1,.33.,,, Men's outerweer including leather. suede and cloth jackets. Reg. 60.00-215.00 ........... 21.-.1 ... S... 27'.t....JJ•/e Joel shirts, long and short sleeve stytee. Orig. 22.00-24.00 ...... 15.11 S.ve 21•1 ... •1, Long sleeve woven plaid shirts. Orig 18.00-21 .00 .......... 12• Seva 21'11 Pendleton long sleeve wool shirts. Orig. 46.00-52.00. . . . . . 33.-.a.• Seva 42'/e Our own men's warm-up auita by Sportaphere. Orig. 45.00·90.00 •24 ......... • S.ve M1/• Puritan cable 11-neck Orlon® acrylic aweaters. Orig. 36.00 . . . . . . . . Z2.M lpeclel purcheM Manhattan long sleeve shim, eollds and patterns .... 11•12.• lave 21'/e Fitted designer drasa 1hirt1. Orig. 26.00 .................. 11 .... 11.• lave •l'I• Oaear de la Rent• end Henry Grethel thins. Orig. 25.00-27.00 ...... 17.• lave Jl'!t Silk tiff with a designer's touch. Orig. 115.00 ......•.•............. · ... ta lpeclel purctwee Christian Dior long alRVe, long teg patamn . . . . . , , , , .. 1t.• leve 20~ All Centura men's underweer, Reg. 3.60·10.60 ............... :2 .... ~ t.ve 21% .. t/t All tMn' a Centura hoeltfy. Chooae from dr .... c.aual end active ftYI ... Reg. 2.llO..J.00 ...•...•......... ~.3-Z.11 lput1t ......,. .. , M9n'I Sundowner nylon-quUtld tlle>c>tr boot•. Choo .. burgundy, brown or navy ............ 11.• .,.. ... IM#OMH Men'• t'fu•h Puppl ... tit Oxf0td1 or slip-ons. Uln or grey • . • • ZL• •1nttM*Sllte 1Nrkdown1 hew been taker\. CHILDREN'S Save ll'/e Children's sweaters 1n assorted styles. For boys' sizes 4.7 and girls' 4 14 Orig. 12.00·26.00 . . . 6.91-11.11 lava 25'1• Stonewashed denim 1eans for girls' Sizes 7-14 1n baggy and striped styles by Tres Jeune. Orig 24 00-25.00 . . . . 17.11 Save 25 '/• Gloria Vanderbilt v neck sweaters for girls' 7-14. Ong 22 00 15.11 Save 21'/• lzod•'!-1ogsu1l for boys' 4-7, red /navy. Ong. 32.00 ......... 23.11 Seve 25'/e-351/e G1rl1' sleepwear Gowns, robes, p.j.'s. Sizes 4-14. Reg. 14.00·28.00 . . . 1.11-17.11 YOUNG MEN'S/BOYS' lave 25'1• Sweats bv Ebe active pants and tops for young men in auorted styf es and colors. Orig. 20.00-34.00 . . . . 14.19-24.• Seva a•/, Young men's button-down striped shirts. Cotton and polyester/cotton Oxford cloth. Orig . 20.00-21 .00 . . . . 14.91 Sava a•le~'/e Famous maker sweaters for young men and boys in assorted sty1es and colora. Ong. 15.()()-40.00 ....... 1.-.a.• Save 201/e-~•/, Famous maker outerwear for boys and young men including Jordache, J .J.'a, Slton. end more. Ong. 40.00-60 00. . . . . . 21.19-31.M DOMESTICS S.,,. 41%.-J'lt Beach towels from Allen lntemetional. Reg. 28.00-35.00 ..... 14.• Sew 20% Our entire selection of mettreu pads. Choose from anchor band, contour, woven and waterbed styles for your bed. Seva IO'/,.y, Our Sweet Dream polyester pillow. Will be. 14.00-18.00 .. I .II S.Ve 11'/e-141/t Every sheet in stock. Over 60 styles in all. Reg. 14.00-95.00 .. 4.11-71.• •Prices will be effective 1I 11183 TV'S, STEREOS Sava 51,00 Uoyd's AM/FM compact s1ereo system including cassette player Orig. 170.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.00 Sava 1.00 Lloyd's AM /FM clock radio. Orig 25.95. . . . . . . . . 11.• Sava 20.0I Sanyo AM/FM soft touch radio caasene, AC/DC Orig. 190.00 ...... 1•.1& • S.ve 5.0I Lloyd's AM/FM stereo radio with headphones. Will be0 35.00. . . . . . . 21.1& leve 40.00 Quasar 12" diagonal black and white TV. Orig. 109.00 ............. •.oo aava•.OO RCA 13" diagonal color portable TV . Orig. 339 .00 . . . . ... 211.00 Sava 100.00 Magna110x 19" diagonal color portable with remote. Orig. 699.00 ... •.oo Special purcha• RCA 25" diagonal color console TV with electronic tuning .... •.oo S.ve 100.00 Zenith 25" diagonal color con· sole TV with remote. Ori~. 899.00 .... M .00 Seva 70.M RCA 19" diagonal color Portable TV. Orig. 489.00 .. . .. . .. . . .... •.oo Seva 471.00 Sansui 65 wan eneemble with 12" 3-way speakers end cnaette deck. If purchased seperatefy 1270.00 , .....• 111.00 •Prices will be effective 1 /2/83. HOME ENTERTAINING lava 21% All Spode Christmas Tree china Sorry, no special orders . Spode aale end• 1 /7183. aave 2l'l1·D'I• Our e1<clusl11e Vienna · crystal stemware. becware and tableware. Orig. 30.00-a>.OO ............. 11: .... . aava IOV. Co+ony Tell Ships berware in Mta of four. Orig. 20.00 .•................ t.• lave JJ'lt Cheert bllrware in "" of eight. Orig. 13.71').17.60 ...........•. 1.-.11.• Save D'lt Solid bra .. candlNtlcka. T' high, Orig. 21 .60 ...... , •........•... 13.• petr leve21'1t LenoK C.ndles. 10 .. tal)efS, bo11 of 12. Reg. 13..3>.. ... . • • • • • .... IM aaw •ttt ... V. Oneida end International 6 ~. place Mttlnge. Stalnleu, tllverp1at9 and gold tlectfOP'ltt ftetware Pi... anow 4 to 6 wtekl detlverv for apeclal Ofdtrt. Reg. 22.50-108.00 ••.•........ 12 ....... lave II-A Lead cryatal 1temw1re. G~. wint,ftut1chatnpegnt.cordlel1. P~nctton or C.rtnef ~·Ono. 8.00 •..••.••• UI .... ~....,.Import Altoelet91 E~CMatcrvtUll. Sunftowwpet111m. OriQ, 10.oo:a.oo ................ .... HOME FURNISHINGS Seve 451 .00 Our classic tuxedo style sofa Ong. 950.00 . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 491.00 Save 151.00-251.00 Full and queen size convertible sofas 1n assorted styfes Ong 650.00-900.00 . 411.00.-..00 Sava Jli•/1·80'/• Simmons mattresses. Receive a bonus bedframe when you buy a set I Twin full: Reg. 139.95-249.95 a .00-151.00 ... pc. Oueen·king: Reg. 449.95-769.95 .... 219.00-411.00 Mt Savell'/• Our exclusive Bird of Paradise 36" octagonal mirror. Re~. 225.00 ... 141.00 APPLIANCES lava 111 .00 Litton Meal·in-one microwave oven. Orig 500.00 was 399.00 .... 331.00 Sava 11.00 G. E. Potscrubber dishwasher with changeout. Orig 460 00 . . . .. 391.00 S•ve 41.00 O'Keefe and Merrit gas range with pilotleS$ 1gnit1on . Orig . 510.00 .. 481.00 Seve 200.00 G.E. 23.5 cubic foot refrigerator/freezer Orig. 1399.00 . 11•.oo 18¥9 30.00 G .E. automatic 2-in-1 washer with mini.-t>eaket. Orig. 399.00 ..•... 311.• law I0.00 White·Weatlnghouae 16 cubic foot refrigerator. Orig. 579.00 ......... .00 .. va 20.00 Frigidaire automatic washer. 18 lb capacity. Orig. 349 00 . . . . 321.00 aave&O.IO G.E. 17.2 cubic foot mrigerator/freezer. Orig. 629.00 .... 171.IO Sew 40.00 Whirlpool automatic 2-speed washer. Orig. 399.00 .............. 3151.00 law 70.00 G.E. 19.6 cubic foot side-by-aide refrigerator/freezer Ong. 769.00 .... •.OO WINES AND SPIRITS S.ve 31'1• Haig & Haig Five Star Scotch, 86 proof, 1.75 L. Reg. 24.89 .......... 11.• Save IO't.••11 Handcrahed porcelain decanters filled wi1h fine spirits, 750ml. Orig . 50.00-70.00 . . . . . . .... 1 ..... 21.11 8eve21'/•~'/• Holiday gift packs. Red tag. No delivery Licensed stores only HOUSEWARES Save IO'I• Edinburgh 7-plece enamel cooks.et Open stock value 140.00 .. •·• Save 371/t~'I• Chef's T cols 6-ptece rosewood steak set or 7-piece cutlery set. Orig. 60.00·80.00. . .. 21.11-41.M Save 201/1 All microwave bakeware and accessories Orig 13 00-36.00 . 1.19-27 .II Save 331/e All kitchen linens from Cecil Saydah, Barth and Dreyfuss, Now Designs and more Reg. 2 25 35 00 ..... 1.4t-22.• S.ve 30'11 32-piece beverage set Originally 30.00 .................. 11.• Save &0•/, Sango 40-piece Carousel dinner ware set. Open stock value 144.00 .... &1.• SpeclAll purchaea Children's stacking Rio chair in red. yellow or blue ........... 14.11 S.ve 37'/e Hamilton Beach 7-speed blender Regularly 32.00 ...... 1t.• S.va 211/e All personal care electrics including hair dryers. curling irons and more. Reg. 15.00-&6.00 .......... 11.-..U.OO S.ve •v. Ovater Bey~·pieca flatware aet by Barc;lay Geneve. Open stock value 120.00 ...................... •·• lava S7'1 .. 0ur entire coflection of Taylor & Ng woks. Orig. 40.00-4\8.00 .... 24.11-21.• HOME DECORATION leva •% Mede-to-measure mini blinds. mini woods or vertical blinds in stains and cof0<s S.va •v. Made·to·measure and made-to· length draperlts in over 400 fabrics. leva tov.• Custom Levolor mini blinds in over 200 colOfa. Plua free lnatallatlon when you purche" two or more bllnde. Save IOV.•V.• Custom draperv fabrlct. A wide selection. Alto save 40% on labor and lnatallatfon, aave 20% on cum>m herdw9rt. •can your nearest 8roedwey •tore during thla aale f0t a Shop·At-Homt eppolntment. STATIONERY, LUGGAGE aava •'It All boxed Chrlatmae cards, gift wrap, party good• and ornamentt. lpeot.t pureheM Wood and meitl tramet In aeeorttd ti.t• . . ............. ,2.. ..... _....lonet 21~ Silecttd luggege col-•n• by M & M Vttdl. Orig. ~anMfiy 11.91·111,99 ........ 11.--.. •'\J) l Jl inn un II') INI 111'1 It'll im ,.,.1 ·~ - - , "Merry Christmas!" llOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Suday, Deeember H ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Exchange of views resulta in profit-makin& idea. Welcome Individual who stimulates your Intellectual cwioaity. Member of oppoaite eex dot:e have lour Mtlt interesta at heart, will not resort to alae flattery. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Cycle high. family differences are settled, timing ia back on target and vitality is again in evidence. Take initiative, make personal appearances and agree to plan for improved living con di tlons. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be diacreet in connect.ion with "aecttta" which will be revealed. You'll have acceu to privileged information, you'll be welcomed backstage and you could exert considerable influence. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Wiah comet true, finand.al statua improves. relationahip inten&ifies. Aa:ent on powers of perauaaioo. t1electJvity, quality and ability to unite family. Focua a.leo on property value., basic 8eCUrlty. Qapricom plays key role. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Opportunity exilU to enhance pre9tige, to imprint 1tyle, to display menae of responsibility. Major usignment can be completed -you'll earn respect from colleagues. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New approach proves beneficial in communicating with thoee at a diatance. L..nguage and customs barriers will be overcome. Emphasia on education, publiahing and famillarlty with international law. UBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Gain lndkated by a)aarlna -lam by i.ching. Intuitive intellect ia on t.IJ'8'et.. Mcoey pranl8ed la ~ eame .. money paid. = :m ::.....~will lllV'J9 cl Mlvantap In ; sco13IO(Oct.. 23-Nov. 21): Leave detai.11. fine pqln? for another time. For naw, IJ'MP p6cture • • ~· Fon. tend to .caner u tlOda1 ectiviUee a~elerate. Be aware of leaal poeltfon, check dGcumenta. · SAGJTrARJUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Unorthodox aiproech lucceeda -chorea which had multiplied ai'l now be swept uide. C.o-worken, others who stjare interest will pitch in and prove loyalty. ; CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Releue from obligation ia featured. Y ou'U feel u if weight has been lifted from your ahoulden. Focua on child.ren. ~tkm. chan&e. variety and ability to exprmt .elf in br.tive, dynamic manner. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Spotlight on d•meatlc environment, family relatlonablps, ~ 9eCUrity and important decision affecting ~le. Home repairs, decorations. afety hazards cqnmand attention. ~ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): A.ak questions, tenm. avoid 8C8tt.ering fona.. Some relativa mlaleadtl\8 information. Be aware. alert and reliant. Take special care in traffic and don't ri with inebriated individual. Virgo 11 in pkture. i , ~ After Christmas · Sale .. ! $ The Shop tor Pappagallo Cldo Marina VIiiage 340-4 Via Oporto Newport 8Mch 875-5454 • T,.,.._rl1ed crllin oonuollef with Autopul.. for rHlls11c mo-t. Tr-i.toriled tr.In controller with Autopui.. for ,.llletlc mo-.nt. 36.99 ~«/ l2.99 79' LIST $34.95 22.49 ~~~~96 I 4-wNll drtw power. I function redlo ... llr flli.d ...W ti,.._ I "C" • 4 "AA .. betWi. ,..ulred. ~~ 1169.99 LIFE·UllE. N ROLLING STOCK ~ ,.--~ "t14'1H4 "' 3 FOR 1s.oo 2A9 1YaO n COii (w)IOADIED FLEX TRACI (21pleoe_._, OFF OF THE A IOU LAA STICKEA!O 'RICE Bit •IK11on of HO end N ecate -for you to •lect from I 1.99 HO REMOTE SWITCHES J( LIST $6.00 I I 3A9 """"' 111111111111111111111• 18" CURVE 5 PIECES FOR 1.09 ... aNl"llllOI UC•IOAT •• °''"" t DAIL V l'ILOT II tu' ay, Otoemblt II, tlH f;.r-om -aft-of us to all of you • • • • .. ·'· ,• !I I '· &'• ., . .. ... . I 1· I Jo~n W. Landis Jr., center, 1982 Guardian Angel, with wile Gljdyt, and 1981 recipient Lew Dinger. ~.. , 'Guardian Angel' announced •• ~ W. Landis Jr. of Newport ~ hM been named the 2ht "Gj.iardjan Angel of the Year" by ~ Key, a support group of ~~:Child Guidance Cen ter of ~County. year to a citizen who atves of himlelf for the community and t he c enter, which tre ats emotionally disturbed children and their familiee on a low-fee bUia. LaVeme and did gradi.aate work at UCLA. The new Guardian Anael la currently the president of the center. He was lmtrwnental ln organizing the oriatnal Boya' C ub in the Harbor Aree and WU ita fint director, WU a.odaied with the Lions Club Eye Bank and the annual ChrietmU Toy Drive. Ale wa given hill ''wi.n4PI and haliz'' ln the form of a plaque at a diJ}iler held In Mesa V erd e CoQptry Cub, Costa Mesa. ~ award is preeented each Landis ia a native of the Marysville-Yuba City area. He received his bachelor of arts de.rree at the Unlveralty of · f Sngagements ' ..• "' 1 t Tjrrado -Barger ' ;:: LWan S. Terrado and Stephen V. Barger Kimbell of San Diego. The weddµla will be J:!!~ March 26 in Seagrove Park at Del , :.· WjJl be married ln St. Joachim Catholic Church, ~ Mesa. on Jan. s. They are the IOJ\ and Jollie -Graves 1 :. clflighter of Mr. and Mn. Laureano B. Terrado Mr. and Mn. Edward S . Jollie Jr. of· , ~;Santa Ana and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G . Hunttnctoo 8-ch mnounce the ~t of' ~of Beaverton, Ore. their daughter, Cheryl Eileen, to Cole Louta .... jL Graves, 1on of Janet Graves and Charles Graves, 1•~rtin -McKenna ;1::1l:.~s1::"'t~:xi~~~ :.; Danlel Joeeph McKenna m propoeed to hill Church. : 1~~..:t.;,~~ Lauber -Zabanky ~ ~ Martin. l _.,J!'!: WW you ~·~=(~.:UM;..aEd~ ~..,, of Fullerton. ~ .. of DuUe1 Stacey Loren Lauber and Davia Matthew Zabaraky are plan.nJ.na • Feb. e wedc:llna ln Temple Bat Yahm, N•wpori Beach. Tlielr parents are Mr. and Mrs. Olcar z.baraky of Newport BNch. Tob9y Lyn Lauber of Baeda and Jn Laut>eP of NCl111i Hollywood. g "Mfke" McXesma II at LSdo Ille and Mra. t Luzzi of La Habra, will marry 1n uary ln the Crystal Cathednl ln Garden •:: · · Tolles -Wolfbrandt ~Iliams -Ulf elder ~ Former Irvine realdenta Mr. and Mra. Hinchfeld Willlama of Tampa, Fla. the engagement of their daughter, Williama. to Leo Ulfelder IV, eon of Mr. .. Mn. Leo Ulfelder of San Franct.oo. A Feb. 5 ~ In Our Lady Queen of An8ell Church. ~ :ee.cb, ia planned . .. fdmhell -Smith . ~· •! Tile engagement of Mary KiiDbeD and Scot Sitrutit, 9011 of John and Shirley Smith of Pollack P,rne., la announced by her mother, !lhabeth Mr. and Mra. Willard E . Tolles o f Huntington Beach have announced the enpaiement of their da~, Betsy Rom, t.o Lew Wolfbran4t, eon of 1ou Oole!n and Willlam Wolfbrandt of Lu eau. A March wedding .. planned . Sigalos -Pannier Renee Lynn Slploe and Steven WWiam PamUer an plannlna a March 2e weddlna ln Trtnlty United Method.lat Chwch, Anabelm. Robert and Patrlda Nieman of Anabelm are her ~ta and the future brtdep>om la the lllll of Jlo8er' and Barbara Pannier at Newport Beld1. ... ~ . rl·s11·an IT'S ALMOST TOO LATEI. DAVI LEFT • story ·viewed- ope1, p atriarch 1, r ormera, heret.ica and c h m o re w ill be thia aprlng ln e Coaat College'• •i.tll'W'V of Chrlatimity" T1 = ' ' Y• 1m '*"IM ..... '-TM lld ..... I Clllctl fMt 1111 ,...,.. ........... ,_ , ........ ,.11-1111 . Tl._.._. lltJ11tm111t :1!!!111•1 WD.!llf Mtklp .. .,.... -........... 1111 • ... ... • T1 .... ,_11a11a,. .... . Please call now to make an lnltlal no fee/no commllment appointment with our statt of at, torneys and accountants to review your situation. W1 ¥rill. be avallable IYtlY day txcept Olcember 24 & 25, 1ncfudlng Sunday's, 9am IO 9pm, to MM you. • DALTON, DALTON, COOPER a FRANKLIN, INC. (714) 841·3781 ._ ____ 2691 Richter Avt .. Ste f 02, lrvlnl • Har Jambor11/405 .. . .. • 11ver Clearance Sale Name brand savings In every department. Spficlal houtS: All d>l98 open Sun. 9 a.m.* Pure camel Hair Sportcoats Reg. 250.00 ... now only 199.90 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits Reg. 295.00-465.00 ... now only 249.90-359.90 Suits by Biii Blass and Pierre Cartiin Reg. 295.00-315.00 ... now only 259.90-269.90 Our own all wool vested sultS Reg. 225.00-275.00 ... now 0nlj 189.90-239.90 i Sportcoats -Tweeds, SOiids and Herringtibnes. Reg.145.00-210.00 ... now only 11~.90-179.90 : Slacks -wool flannels, Wool blends, Sansabelts Reg. 45.00-62.50 ... now onlY 39.90-52.90 Save 33% and more on mens sportswear, furnishings and shoes. Includes Christian Dior, Hathaway, Pendleton, Thane and Bally. .. saVe-33%-50% on women's departn:lent sportswear.· J . l i I ' $ . ~ . . . t ~ •, • l CLASSICAL CASSETTES & RECORDS • RAVEL Bol«o • BACH Brandenburg Concerti • ROSSINI ~ures • VIVALDI Four S...Ont • GERSHWIN Year End ·~~ MUSIC ~::.t+ SALE CASSEi IES AND ALBUMS 3.33 • THE KENDALLS • THE BEATLES • STARS ON LONG PLAY • JIMI HENDRIX • JOHNNY MATHIS • DUKES OF DIXILAND • TONY BENNETT • f'LATTERS • HISTORY OF • GENE PITNEY COUNTRY MUSIC THESE PLUS MANY MANY MORE • DAN 'OOIL81RO • CllllDINCf CLIAMWATER fUVIVAL • HACHIOVS • llARMRA MANDRILL • '"AM< llNATU • "00 STIWART • ALAN 'ARIONI ,ROIECT THESE PLUS • UQV MANtLOW MANY • ILVIS PRHLIV • AMA MANY MORE SU NDAY, DECEMBER 26 8 00 AM to 10.00 AM Door Buste r 66 $~m1t· Pkg. 6·Palr Pkg. Knee Hi's A super value from K mart 6-Pairs sheer Knee Hi's in 1-pockage • -1000 .... SIOte lOll SUNDAY . DECEMBER 26 8.00 AM to 10 00 AM Door Buo;lf"'r 4 $1 r'lt' Twtn Pkgs. lv•reacly® latterl•• '1C:' ~ "O" twin pock Ever~ gen· erol pur~ bbtten•s. Dependability ... JOO() ........... SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26 8 OOAMto lO O O AM Door Bu sff'r .....__ ____ ___,, 42-0unce • Limit•• 2 Pkg. Rlnso Detergent Heavy-duty laundry detergent now a t savings Powerful cleaning • Net wl ' •MM )6 C-.... ~ lall SUNDAY. DECEMBER 26 8 00 AM to 10 00 AM Door Busl •'r Umlt' 6 Each Lux IGr Soap The famous Lu~ beoutv t00p. Qentte, wtth o mlld fragrance. 4.76' Size. •11Nt10C..'-.._*' . ......... ~ .~ 'J ' I ' l 1 I I I .. rnm~~~rnu Californi a g e t s new clout i n D .C. By 1110MAI o. EUAS San J'rancla.'O'a Pt:allllp Burton may have, been the architect who drew the plan lbat allowed Democ:rata \0 take a 28-17 edge ln California's congreulonal deleptlon, but Henry Waxman of Los Anaelee built on th~na and will reap the moat beneffta from them. Wuman will control a mJnlmum of nine vote. in the new House and tf Clllllllll fDCUI I Burton and · his prot~ge , new Congresswoman Barbara Boxer of Marin County, cooperate with him as cloeely as expected, he'll control 11. or more votes than the full delegataons of 41 other states. When the Waxman cadre is in place next month, their close cooperation may bring some real benefits to the state. Many MartinH of Ebt Loe Ana.oles. for one, ousted C!ONtrvauvc Republican John Rouaelot lar1ely becaWle of aJd from Berman'• broth~r Michael, a master of the direct-mall campalan. And Douglas Bosco also had Berman- Waxman aid alons the North Coast. Th~y knvw they'll be in trouble m 1984. when Ronald Rea,an aeekl re-election and w1U need all the ~Ip Waxman and Berman can proy1de. So for once t;alitornia's congressmen -or at least &0me of them -will be acting in concert. One ob-.ltous result wUJ be that Reqan will have a harder time pushing his program. ., But California a1ao has reason to hope the new bloc voting will at least give It some real power where 1t has long had lntle. · Thomas Eliu is a lreelanre columniat hued in Santa Monica. •• • It f I .,.,. . .: ... ,,.,. 1't". For although California has provided one of every 10 congressmen sinre 1972 and will have an even higher percentage in January, with 45 representatives, its delegation has seldom acted wid1 any unity and it has rarely exercised its potential clout on behalf of the state. Views of human rights confusing . .. "Relying on the delegation to do something for you is like being Eliza on an ice floe," one former Democratic congressman, Lionel Van Deerhn of San Diego, remarked in early 1979. CALIFORNIA'S congressmen have been so ineffective in recent years that for every $4 of federal taxes paid by Californians. the state received bnly 96 cents thb year. That's a far cry from 1976, when California got back $1.13 for every $1 it sent to Washington. More and more money ls being aent to cold-weather states whose congretmional delegationa -though much smaller than California's -have managed to work together. This is true even though Sun Belt st.aces like th.is one are getting ever more representatlon in Congress. Considering the eccentricities of many California congressmen, the delegation's lack of unity isn't too surprising On the right, there are Orange County Republicans Robert Badham and William Dannemeyer, fighting hard for more military apendlng and lea control of aTX>fl. ~~VIDTUCUR As President Reeaan moved through Latin America, t.a.lX of human rights swirled about him. Some crltidz.ed him for ignoring the issue, others, for worrying too much about it. Lamentably, few canmentaton of any politk:al stripe have ex.blbited a very ~ understanding of the concept of liuman rights. December I.a a good time to explore the fundamentals of th1a concept because it ia a month in which two important human rights anniveraartes occur. On Dec. 15, 1'191, the Bill of Rights became part of our C.On.stJtut.ion. On Dec. 10, 1948 the United Natlona adopted its Univenal Declaration of Human Rights. The near coincidence of the9e elates encourage• a.,fundamental confusion about human rights. The confusion ariaes becau.e people have come to think that the paaaage of •the Universal Declaration and our government's official deference to it indicates a kind of univenal agreement about the rnearii.na of human rlJlbta. Nothlna could be further from tDe truth. Both the United Staie. and the Soviet Union voted foe the UniwJ'al Dedaratkm but they do not asi-ee about human nghta. To see how fundamental the d.lfferenoea are, let'• take the example of free apeech, a right enwnerated in both our Bill of Rights and the Universal Declaration. The right to apeak on matters of public debate ia perhape the molt imPOrtant of our rights. Reaoect for th.is rfBht does more than give us free electiona, lt lives our way of life ita character. It demands of WI the restraint to let the other guy have h1a say. We bell~ that men can talk together about their problems and arrive at a.nawen through fair debete. RESPECT FOR the right of free speech encourage1 in us an open - mindednea and a aenae of f.a1r play. We all know th.at we are not a nation of · angela and that often our self-Interest dl&tolves our self restraint and cloees our min&. But we all know th.at such lack of reatraint Infringes on someone else's rights, and that such infringements are uniust. "' . In the Sovie~ union it ia different. The difference ta not simply that aa a pnctlcal matter there ls no free speech In the Soviet Union. 'The most important difference ls that Mand.sm denles the reality of free speech. A.Clool'C:U.na to Marx and the present rulen of the Soviet Union, .men are not free but the alaves of their circumat.ances. Men are carried a.Iona by the wave of the ever-dianging economic condition• that make up h.latory. Just u one ca.rmot reuon with a wave, 80 one cannot reuon with other men. 'I1le force of a wave must be met by a countervailing force, not by arswnents. Thus force, and not reuon, characteriz.es the Soviet Union. A 8eel'et pollce terrorizes l\a citizen., and ita IQClen come to power th.rough hidden atrugglea. not through public debate and free elections. THE SOVIET LEADERS admit, usually, th.at they do not respect the "bourgeois" rtght of free speech. They retpect what they i.nal.st are the much more important economic and social rlghta like the right to a job and adequate housing -rights mentioned by the Univenal Declaration. By reapectlng theae economic and aod.al right.a the Sovieta cl.alm to respect human dignity. We should not be confuaed by such claims. We should remember what Eleanor Roo9evelt. our • delegate to the UN'a first Human Rights Commiaalon, remarked to her Soviet ' counterpart when he championed the ·! Soviet Union u the true home of human rights. She reminded him that "a society in which everyone worked ia not ~rlly a free eociety and may Indeed be a alave 80Ciety." ~' Th.ere ia no condition further ttmoYed ' from human dignity than alavery. No " matter how fully employed or well-fed a alave ia, he rema1na a alave, a human being stripped of his dignity. We ahould . remember th1a when the Sovieta talk of human rf&hta and human dignity. We should remember It u well when the Universal Declaration with its emphasis on 80cial and economic rights. ia compared to our Bill of Righta. We should always insist that our traditional understanding of human rights as political rights reigns supreme. For we aspire not to be slaves, but to be the free, reasonable, and fair men that the politicaJ right of free speech encourages UI to be. Dr. Tucker, who reatntly compleced a two-year ~ure u HIU"ptt' /n6tnJcf.or •t the University of Chicago is an edJtor at Public Rcselll'('h, Syndicated. . . On the left are Democrats Fortney (Pete) Stark of Alameda County and Don Edwards of San Jose, two ol the moat liberal membera of Congress. There is Roa Dellwns of Berkeley. even farther to the left, and Leon Panetta and Tony Coelho. who represent Central California districts and rarely concern themselves with parochial California matters. Quality new key to s uccess ID global trade .. But now comes the Waxman cadre, a product of the 1980 defeat of Waxman ally Howard Berman's bid to become speaker of the st.ate A&sembly. Berman· himself and four other assemblymen who were his allies in Sacramento will be moving into Congress, joining Waxman and Julian Dixon of Los Angeles. Add former San Diego County Supervi.ar Jim Bat.es and onetime Jimmy Carter aide Esteban Torres and Waxman has seven brand- new finn allies in the House. UNLIKE MANY other C.llfornia oongrea:men, none of them can alford to be a complete maverick. By RAYMOND P. Jl'RIF.SECSE There la a quality reYOlutioo £Oing cm in the world marbtpl.ace and It's 1'0ina to produce caaualdea. c.c.-anen nave experienced hl1her-quality _producu, and they want more. >..the revolution Ff9 to completion. the remulta are Soi1'8 '° be profound and far-reechlnc. What we have aeen ao far la only the be&iJuUng. ooly the tip of the iceberg. Already, there la an ever-widening ripple effect as more and more buaineaaea become engulfed in the revolution. One way or another the revolution will affect ua all. We are affected by the products that we buy. The high quality and dependability of Japaneae products la known the world over. C.onaumera are getdnc more value than ever before and they will get even more in the future. Americana will be affected where we work U MW manaaement pncticea are tn.tituted to pin the revolution. Flnally, and unfortunately, many will be affected by unemployment becau.ae their employers dJd not have the foresiaht to become one of the winners ol the revolutioo. AS AN EXAMPLE, the recent shutdown of GM plants in Framingham, Mus .• and elsewhere ia partially the result of the quality revolution. 'I1le high quality of Japanese can ii costing GM Jost sales. What ii causing th1a revolutioo? Tile most l.mmed.iate cau.e ia the Japene9e A f elV kind words for video gain es By C.W. MIRANIER Alaodated Ptt11 Writer • Video game aficionados, from manufacturer• to psychologts\a, are ~&::ting the U.S . auraeon aeneral'a that the games poee mental and pbYlical huarda to you.npten C. Ewrett Koop'• waml.n& that "zap the eneml,'' gamett are beginning to produce 'aberration• In childhood behavior" drew u aptrited a defeme as if he were a taraet oo a video 8Cl'eell. .. Tbe7•re not all zap and klll," protested Jeck Woodman. vice prelident Ol Te1llya Inc., a video pme oampeny in J'remab\. 'They can help more than they can hurt," aaid Stephen Landrum, a 20-year-old pme desiper at Starp9th in Santa Clara. MOST GAMES fo.ter "feelinp of compeienc.. muiery and aelf-worth," aaid New York child paycholoaist MttcheU W. Robln. "Playtn1 them at home brtno the family topth.er ... and defendlna a fantasy tenitory aeerm to make kids beroea ln their own aclence ncuon." , Speakin. al t h • Untveralty of P lttabu r1 h • Weatern P1ychlatrlc Institute and Clinic, Koop aatd video- addicted youngsters are "Into lt body and aoul . . . and everything ia zap the enemy. There's not.hina constructive in the games." · He conceded aome games are educational but stre9aed "the kind k.lda like . . . are M.artlana coming in that have to be killed, the enemy fa coming here and you have to zap them. Everything ls ellmlnate, k11l. destroy." The apeech rekindled debate over whether video pmes are a destructive ot comtructive influence on America'• youth. On the destructive side, video p.mes have been blasted fot ~ anti- social behavior, and even banned in some communitlea. Doctora have reported eome physlcal compla1nta by avid playen who IJ*ld houn punchin.a control buttona or awfveUna joys~. While nol lerioua, the dl9comforta could be a p~lude \0 futu.r&arth:ritlc or mutcle problema. BUT MANY TEACHERS. health care worken and Ji9YChol08ll{e are ~ on the OOl\IU"Ud.lw lide. ~Shore Hawn NW'lina Harne 1n Grand Haven, Mich., It ualna Ml. Pac Man and Super Bowler to provide physical therapy for lta elde~ly residents. "Even our 1troke vicllms ttnd that thia la a really refreshing and rewarding thing," •id Chriaty Tavener, the home's activity director. "h's really been therapy for them, developing eye-hand coordination." In Fremont, the Mission Valley School uaea vldeo games like "Skiing" and "Frosaer" for therapeutic and remedial work with learning dl.aabled children. 0 Tllk GAMES do seem to capture them and improve their 1klll.a," said MJchael Schoop. a ~h apedaliat at the 8Chool. Robin, a child paycholOQiat at the Oty University of New York, noted that "people tend to feel incredibly competent when they muter a aame ... and mastery la an euentlal oomponent of childhood." He doubted moat video pme9 fosteQ!d violence because ''they're totally fantasy. They take wa lnto a realm of our own chooe1na and our own control. You aet to partk:lpite u a hero.'' use of atatiatical methods of quality control Thei.e t.ecbruques were brought to Japan by W . Edwards Deming atartlng In 1950. Slnte then, the Japane9e have expanded on their U8e of atau.tical method.a to where they are now aupplytq the conaumer a le'Vel of service, product quality, and value never . known 6etore. Another cauae ii the drive to lower COl'ta and l.ncreue produc:Uvtty. When the quality of a product ta lncreued. its cmt goee down. However. ln America. cmt Usually goes up becau.e quality ii increaed by h.lrina costly quality-control Inspect.on to find and reject defectives. The correct way to do it le to prevent defectives by improving the .ystem. When defect• are prevented, productivity la tncre-d beceUlle ef1orta are tranlferred from produdna junk to producing additional good producta. Coa\a are lowered becauae wute of manpower, a.chine time, and material.a are reduced. Dctna it ri&ht the fint time I.a always better. tlerein ilea a larp put of the reuon why the Japa.oeee can produce a comparable automobile with higher quality, half the number of labor houn, and $2,000 le. amt than • U.S . manufacturer. A NECF.SSARY part ot improvtna the ayate:m rfJ9ulres that the quality ot Item purchUed from vendon be 1mprowd. Accordt.naJ.y, one major reeult of the ·revolution wUl be that quallty will become • prime factor lb vendor aelecUon. Manu.factu.rera will haw to reduce t.helr number of vmdon for a au\8)e item '° only theme v•llClcr'I who can 1Upply hiah repeatable qullity. JIOI' iteml cridcal to the quality of the end product, they may 11ve all of their bwd.-to a llng1e eource. Why aln1le 1ourclng? Becauae bUllnellee wW be ludcy to find even one vendor wbo can supply perfect quality, along wlU. low coat• and reliable dellveria s.,_pp11en who haw lived for decadils with • piece ot tbe bwllnem may ruddeo1y find that they have non. of the bull.Miii Th1I will prod.\aCe ~u.. Bankrupt.dee and unemployment will ,.Wt fnlln U.. who have not prep&Nd for the new ,.Udel. ror UAll\P,)e. Xerox cop1er9 blld UGO 1uppllen in 1980. Today, they are down to 1,400 and they project only 500 by 1985. Somewhere out there, then! are going to be 1,700 Joeen for Xerox copiers a.lone. The winnen will be tha.e who can aupply the required high quality, low costa, and reliable deliveries. Compe..le. like GM. Ford, GE and Dliital Equipment are al80 cutting their We are now only a segment or a global market . . . how well we do will depend on the qualit y of our products .... '. .. ) .. number of aup~ ~ in some c..es an al.reedy ~ for quality. Even Flat In Italy hu already a.at one-'' third of its IUpplien and ls still CUttlna. I WHAT MUST the U.S. do? Fi.rat of all. American manqenent must undenrtand that It la they who are n!9p0Nible ft:Jc. poor quality. Noth.Ina will happen until ·-1 they accept thJ.a respaoalbWty. Secondly. management mu1t join the quality revolution. They muat do stratelic planntna and develop a winning I compet.IUve etrategy. They muet u.ae . tooi. such M Manaaement by Relative Product Quality and Statistical Quality Control We are in a new economic era. America ls no longer a aelf-contained market. We are now only a ~tot • &lobal market. The future economic lie.1th of um country 11 dependent on. how indl .. do In Ule89 a1oba1 ma.rkML How well we do will depend on the quality ot OW' ptoduc:ta. A• the revolution rol11 on to oompJetion. and comumen are mqaed '° more hi&h.quality aoode and ..W.. they will come to expect *Vftl more. ThON wbo aatiafy th ... expec\&UON will be the wiJ)nera. " &ymond F. Frie.eek• la a ~t QllnAl.ftant """"'In ~Wfaft. M.11;, WhO .,,....,, .. Jn eotOJ»JlflW l'CrafllCY. anti quality lmpnwwmnt. lOUTH Merry Christmas to all Meny Chrtaunaal All ~~u have made Uncle Len'• y a l"DOlt joyoua one and he appreciates all of your lood wtahe9. He ln t\.m hope1 all of you have a day filled with love and tha& you received the preeenta you mo.t wanted. But he doean't want any of you getting a tummy ache from eating too much candy today. Capturing the full spirit of Chriatmaa ln his drawing la Glen Meredith, 13, Irvine, wno wina top honon and». Olen h..-Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem, guided by a star, with Santa and his reindeer flying overhead. ·'·· ::r:·.'.·'"'Z Uncle Len also likes Misty Bulley'1 angel and her wish for "joy." For her creative effort, Misty wins the $2 second prize. ~ ]Th llCll lll'B GORIER Fin;t place: Glen Meredith, Irvine Other fine drawings were sent by Dori, 7, and Darci, 8, Dutton of New port Beach, who both c h ose homey scenes with fireplaces and decorated trees; P .J . Knapp, 13, Huntington Beach, for a Nativity scene: and Bethie Coulter, 10, Corona del Mar, for her decorated tree. With Christmas nearly over, Uncle Len wants all of you to think about New Year's reeolutions and draw them for next week's cont.est. Draw on 4 by 4-inch paper and Include your name, age and addresa. Mail your entries to Uncle Len, c/o the Daily Pilot, ··P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Remember to get your drawinp to him by Wed.ne9day. J Happy holidays. Second place: Misty Bulley, Corona del Mar Toy soldiers for adults, too ~rf,1~RIS WEINTRAUB Geel••• .......... WASHING TON -Serioua collectors have no love for modem toy soldiers. "Today, a kid goes to a store to buy toy soldiers, and he gets a bag of all one-color, cheap plastic figures that are so ugly!" So says Jack Matthews, a Washington, D.C., communications lawyer, who has a very different impression of the toy aoldiers of his boyhood. So different, in fact, that he has spent nearly 20 years of hia adult life amassing a collection of 7,000 of them. Matthews is not unusual in the world of toy soldier collecting. His friend Neal Crowley, a construction firm executive, recently flew from his Los Angeles home to Washington for a lecture by Peter Johnaon, curator of the Forbes Museum of Military Miniatures in Tangier, Morocco. "11.oee myself in them for houn," says Crowley of his annies. The number of collectors definitely is growing. Frank G. Frisella, director of •the-American Model Soldier Society and the American Military Historical Society, founded in 19601 says his group'• ro1ter ttcently topped 500, and there are many similar grous-. A fair staged ln Philadelphia by collectors baa drawn more than 5,000 visitors. So what is the appeal? Why do grown men fly thouaanda of miles, spend thouaanda of houri and dollan, on thelle childhood relics? "Nostalgia ia the moet telllng appeal," aaya Johnaon. "'they're attractive, nice to look at and handle, and they're a good Investment." Toy figures have covered the gamut from Alexander the Great to Hitler, from William Tell to Kai.ter Wilhelm, from Geor,e Wuhl.ngton to Queen Eliz.a beth. Toy F.gyptian aoldlen have been found In the tombs of ilie Pharaoha, and Roman and andent Greek examples have cropped up, too. But It wam't until the late 18th century that they became toys for ordinary children. Thia happened around Nuremberg, when artisanl U8ed exceae tin to make two-dimenaional "flat" soldien for thelr children. The first to eee the conunercial potential wu Johann Gottfried Hilpert, who marketed tiny flat ventona of the armies of Frederick the Greet. The flats, made of an alloy of tin, lead and antimony, developed into a three-dimenalonal "round'' toldier perfected by French and German firms. But the break.through came ln the 18909 when an Eng!1ah firm, Brit.aina, Invented a meana of ma.kin& hollow-as\ aoldien that oould be told for a penny apiece. They took the work1'1 nuneriee by atorm," Johmon aaya. .................. world scope (10 pomt1 for .. c:h quHllon anaweted cornctty) 1 Thousands of demon1tr;aton gathered at several European NATO lnst;allatlons In· cludln1 the U.S. Europe•n Comm;and Center In West Germ;any. TRUE OR FALSE: The demonstrators were protesting the pro~ deployment of MX missiles in Europe. 2 More than 100 countries sl9ned the Law of the Sea Convention which requires Industrialized nations to share technology for ocean mining with underdeveloped nations. TRUE OR FALSE: The U.S. refused to M9n t~ agree· ment. ) Italy recalled Its ;ambassador to (CHOOSE ONE: Rom.inla, Bulaula) for consultations 1mld char9es that ;agents from that n;atlon plotted to asusslnate Pope John Paul II. 4 The UN General Assembly •dopted ten resolutions condemnlns the nation of .. l .. for It' r;aclst pollcl9' ind re~nt acts of anreuion ;agaln5t southern Afriun states. S °"plte protests throughout the country, Charlie Brooks, Jr., a convicted murderer, beame the flnt convict In the U.S. to be executed by (CHOOSE ONE: firing squ;ad, lethal Injection). newsname (10 potft1' K you CM! lcMftttty thte penon In 1119 newt) 1--haut• 2-harbor MM!r•• 4-hatan1ue 1-harblnpr A5 President of Pakluan and one of the le1dlng apoke,men for the l1lamlc world, I recently met with Pre1ldent Re•aan and other of- fldal1 to dlscuu the up. keep of Afthan refutees In my country.~ am n 11'-barpln, dl<ker IMpeec:h, tirade ~1rouble. lrrlt•t4' tt.omen, •Ian e-ttwtlter, proeea • • Snow job Knoll's Berry Farm in Buena Park, in an effort to provide youngsters with a white Christmas, makes snow each evening for the Winter · Wonderland celebration that continues through Jan. 2. Children, ages 12 and under, can tou a few anowballs or go sledding down the mountain of real snow. AD1wen appear (upal.de down) beneatll qm • newsp1dure (10 polnl1 II rou •n•-11111 qufttlon con.city) On the eve of the first annlverYry of the declaration of manlal law in Poland, that country's government announa?d that t~ blslc provisions of martial law would be 5uspended by the end of the year. The communist leadership emphasized, however. that the easrng of restriction' would be gradual. Poland's mllJwy leader •.. l. .. lower rl11ht, made t~ announ~mef\t. peoplewatch/spor ""d (2 point• lor .. ch qu .. uon enewer.d c:on.ctty) 1 .. 1 .. , the Watergate 5pecial prosecutor who played a key role In forcing Pre1ident Nixon to rt11gn, died of a han attadi. •·Archibald Cox b-John Slrla c·Leon Jawortitl 2 Police.In Wuhlngton, D.C., sh<>' and killed Norman Mayet, • peace actlvbt, after he threatened to blow up the (CHOOSl ONE: Washington Monument, Lincoln Memoml). > Actrets .. f ... former wife of U.S. Senator John Wamer, has not left t~ polltlc1I realm. She announced pt.ns to vlllt the leaders of Israel and Lebanon to promote pe1ce between those two nation,. 4 After more than 10 month' of neaotlatlons, the National Football Leaaue Playen Association ratified a new contract with NFL owners. NFLPA President Gene Upihaw and becutlVJt Dtre<tot (CHOOSE ON£: Ed Carvey. Peta ltouile) t11ned the five-year contract fOf the union. S The World Boicln1 Coundl announced pl1ni to red~ the lenlfh of championship t11ht1from15to12 roundt to prot.ed flshten. The death of Ouk Koo Kim In • match aplrwt (CHOOSE ONE: Thomas Hearns, ltay Mancll\I) prompced the dedllon. roundtable .r,. II .. .·. .. • ~ . '..1 J ,• •' · 1 . ' 1 t I 1 i 1 J 1 .. HtM2 ,tO:Ult Plate MnlCl Pu1.>11enee1 O• •1111• C.oHI Oally __ l'IC_Tm;.,;;,;;'°"';;;;.;;,..;.;~.;,;.;;.;.__. __ Piiot. ~ 4 1 1 18 n 1 111112 ~ ITA,_..., 8211 l 111 Thi fottowt110 petto11 It doing -----------~111-rioH INIT RUM INT ___ NU.. __ 1c_NO_T_IC_l"'.""".""~- OOHIUL TAHTI. 101 Hiii 81 .. 'ICTITIOUl IWllHHI N9wooft IMdl, CA tatea NAMI ITATIMINT kettle Orace, ~.!ltll 81., Th• 1011ow1ng pe11on " duir•g N9wpoft 9-lfl. CA S"-bu.inHt .. Thie~ II oonduc1eO by en ERIC PIPER & ASSOt !ATES llldMduel. 2800 E Nutwooel Sult• 900 Klllle R. Or-Fullefton CA 112632 Thie elatemenl WU flled With the EtlC N .. 1 Pi!* 3714 BIU<I Kety County CW1l of Ofange County on COfoo• 0114 Mer CA 9:182~ Ole f&, UNl2 Tnit bu.,,, ... 1• conouc.leel by "" ,....,_ 1n01vte1ua1 Pubtlehed Otange CoHt Dally Eric N Piper Piiot. O.C 18, 25, 1982, Jan 1, a. Tn11 1tetem•nt wH hMl<I w1tn tn. 1983 County Cletk ol Ore.no• County on MM-82 Dec 1 t982 1----------- Christmas shoppers on San Francisco's Market Street can meet a habiaue who calls himself "'Fish Monster." He stands outside a punk music store called The Corner. "' w~o flta.IC J«JTICC 1-----------,ICMIOUI aua..... ' NAllM ITATIM«NT The kllklwtftO per90M -doing ~-MEDWAlllE, 323 N. Bnta BIVd .. Bt .. , CA 12e21 Fedleem, lno., 323 N Brae Blvd., Bf ... CA 921121 Tlllt bUtl,_ 11 ce>Muctad by a COfpotatlon. ,20Ut2 Publl•h•CI Oreno• Cont Delly Pilot O.C 4 11 18 2~ 1982 !>308 112 AC11TIOU9 .,... .. NA.m ITATDmNT The lollowlng P«aotM .,. dOlng ~-PALISADES TENNIS CLUB, Gucci meets Fadkam, Ill(). e t Lloyd K Hamady, CEO Po V r Y Thie atatem.nt ..... flied With the COunty Clettc of Orange COunty on 0.0. 1. 11182. 12112 8.E. BrlatOI, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Mkhael N Hook, 12112 S E 8'11tOI, Santa Ane. CA 112707 Sonia 8 . Hook, 12112 SE Bria1ol. Santa Ana. CA 112707 Sonia 8 . Hook ...... on Market Street Publl1had Orange CoH I Deity PllOt Dec 11, 11, 25, 1982, Jan. 1, 1913 Nil.IC NOTIC( Thia ltal-t WU flled with the County Clartt Of Ofanoa County on Dec:. 15, 1982. , .. .,... Publl•h•d Orang• CoHt Dally Piiot, 0.C: 18, 25, 1952, Jan t, I, 1"3 By LISA LEVITT A-ia'9d ,.,_ Wr1t« SAN FRANCISCO During the ho li day season. Mark et Street becomes the place where San Francisco's money mins les with San Francisco's misery, where Gucci and Pucci meet aarbage and poverty. The recession has gouged cruel holes m the retail row: the electronics store IS gone. moved to Oakland; the florist has fled; Discount City has sold its last bargain; and the dress shop for full- figured ladies is having i t s final sa le - "Everythlng Reduced!" At the California Dlacount Center, a ai&n stretched from watl-to- w a 11 p r oclaims a Chriatmas aale, lights blink frenetical.l y in the window• and si&n• painted day-glo green !la'e&m $.99! $3.99! $5.99! Fifty-nine cents will buy a pair of aock.s. A 1ports shirt is $1.99. A man in a wheelctuur plays an accordion outside a boarded up storefront; the melody drifts to the other side of the 1treet , where sho ppers can buy watches for $6.99 at a store filled with the tinny beeps o f an electro n ic ver1ion of "Jtnsle Bella." Salett people pace like expectant fathere, their stor es crammed with merchandise but void of customen. There are a few buyers here, along the stretch of Market that runs from the heada of city sovemment to the heart of the Financial District There are only beggars and bums and bird•. au looking for a hand out or a way out. In United Nations Plaza, drunks are passed out in th e sun near a fountain, and flock.a of pigeooJ\, their green and ..... Ct .. OTH8lS l&L•OADWAY MOtfTUAIY 110 Bro.CSwey Cos1a Mese 642·9150 IM.R ... ._llOM SMTH & TUTHtU WHTCUff CHA,.L 427 E t 71h S t Costa Mf'sa 646-9371 purple necks glistening in the mid-day light, scramble for crumbs. A man with scars on his face and a red-and-white motonng cap on his head shows off his bicycle "How do you like my bike?" he asks a s tranger. ''I've been working on it eight months." Something in his voice tells those around him he'll be working on 1t another elght. Its frame has been meticulously covered with lacquered matchstick bamboo; shelves and saddlebags cover4'd in denim and fringed vinyl have been attached front and back wtth hundreds of brass tack•, and each s h elf holds doun1 of small. gold -platea spor ts trophies. There's an eight-track tape player built into the rear shelf. a rad.to and telephone in the front. It's an amazing contraption. a creation of cast-offs. a monument to retl()W'Ce. Down the street, a s tooped, gray-haired man, tu.a blue plaid pants are rolled up over black wing-tipped shoes, moves with a sense of pUrpOSe. He snatches up a discarded soft-drink cont.a.iner from a bench, dumpe lta contents on the ground and drops the ·now-empty aluminum can into a box under his arm. It's worth a penny at the gnxery store. Two block.a off Market toward Union Square, well-dreued shoppers, arm1 full of packages, bob along crowded aidewalks. A man in blue sweater and matching pants stuffs a bill into a Salvation Army bucket o utside Macys, where w1ndows full o f fake snow and reindeer covered with t i ny color ed mirrors reflect the store's holiday theme: "Fantasy " And everywhere, the fiCTTTIOUI IW ... 11 NAJft ITATIUllOfT music. Stratos o f the "Nutcracker Suite" from Macys, a five-man band outside Liberty House, young people in Renaissance garb playing fiddle and mandolin, taped opera from a corner Clower stand, where bunches o f l'TUl\,letoe 'can be had for Th• lollowlng P•reon I• doing -----------~ .. a dollar I RV IN E-SADDL E BACK COUNSELING CENTER, 23177 La Cadena Dtl111, No 103. Laguna HI"•· C.ilfon\la 92863 Linda A Hagood. M A , 25022 Buckboard Lana Laguna Hiiia. Calll0tnla 921153 Tntt bull,_ le conducted by an lndMOual Linda A Hagood Thlt 11•1-I waa !\led wtth the County Clerk of Orengo County on Oec.amber 2. 11182 P\llllC NOTIC( flCTTllOUI .Ua..-11 NAMI ITATR•NT The lollowln9 peraon •• doing bu.,_ .. J D TAPE & LABEL COMPANY 35:10·8 Cedlll ac Avan.... Coll• M••• Cetllornle 928211 JOHPh W DeCarlo 202 4 Bala•rlc. Drive Cotta Mete, CaHl0tnle 9211211 ftool9 ~ le con<IUC1ael by an lndMOual Joeeph OaC1ttlO An unconv1nc1ng Santa Claus ls collaring passersby with "Donate to our food fund? Sure. sure, I've got change for a $20." He's wearing an official badge with h is picture on it to allay the doubts o f those who suspect h e's n o t r'20MN Publl1h•CI Orengo Coul Dally PllOI 0ac I 1 18, 25, 11112, Jan 1, 1983 Thia alel-1 w .. 111.o wllh Ille M38-e2 County Clark of Oflll9A County on -----------Dec 7, 19112 ,2QS922 P\llllC NOT1C£ Publlthed Orange Coall Delly -----K-.. -IXll-2I ____ PllOt, Dec 11. Ill, 25, 1982 Jen l f!CTITIOUI IW .... 18 19113 legi tirna t.e. Street vend o r s at table• heav y with necklaces of fa t bead• and wind chime. made NAME ITAT11QNT n~ toi1ow1ng PO<M>n• era dOll\Q bull,_. u VTN REPRODUCTIONS, 2301 Cempua Drive, Irvine. Calllornta 92715 VTN CONSOLIDATED INC. • Calllornla corporatton. 2301 Campus Dtlve, ltvtne. C•lllornl• H7tll Thie bull,_ la conductael by a COl"por •llOn VTN CONSOLIDATED. Rob«1 L 8echman. VIOe Prealdant Tlllt etal-1 -flied with the County Cleft of 0.-ange County on Movember 30, 19112 f'-.ael Publl1had Orengo Cout Dally Pflol. Dec: 11, 18. 26. 11182. Jan 1, 1983 5352 82 PUil.iC NO TIC£ rlCTTTlOUI IW ... 11 N.U. ITATEMmfT The followlng ~ .,. doing .,.,.._ ... PELHAM FINANCI AL SERVICU. 492 t 8lrdl St . Newport Beech, CA 92880 Mat'c R Tow, 300 Canel SI Nawpoft Beacfl. CA 9211413 Cermen A ""°"'*'°· 2231-<: E &ante Oara. Senta Ma. CA 92705 Thie~ la ~eel by an lndlVldual <Armen A. Mortnello Thia 11at-I -flied With the County ewti ot Orange County on Dae 10, 11182 ~ Publlahad Orang• Cout Dally Piiot, Dae 18, 25. 1ea2. Jan 1 I of brass pipe8 d r aw occasional glanca from people pushing Into the INC new Neiman-Marc u 1 store, where a tall young man in a black tuxedo and r~ rose we1comea them with "Have a beautiful afternoon. merry Christmas and happy New Year!" -----------1983 "8JC MJTIC( Near ing Market An 5570-112 elderly man with a navy '9CIUQl9 • 11•1 1..-h-~ um STA,_., .. -tc NOTICE blue ~rel perc IC'U on The 1o11ow1ng 1>«aon 11 doing 1 ____ ,_UUL ______ _ short white hair, glasees ~a FICTTTIOU'l .,...11 that tilt oddly on hia note FIRST LI BEATY EXPRESS ..... ITAT'lmMT and oversized snow boota ~GAO~~~ ~Sl #4ft. ~o:::wlng pereon 11 doing sells plant containetl Allgel• Bond, 3t57 Blrcll SI. ECONOMY PRODUCTS -ahaped like aquirrel.I and f4et, Newpoft BMcll, CA t2eeO WESTERN DIVISION. 3101 ducka and deer and feeds ~ .,.,..,_ la QOnduct9d by an ::;;1" Drive, Coat• MMe, CA a 11 v e pi ~o n that AnQala Bond Debra J A•ynold•, 310 t h call . ·--' Thie etatement -llled with the Manlat .. Drive. Coel• Me1a, CA perc es on o~ County Clertt of O.-anga County on 12e2e forefinger. o.c. i . tN2 Tllll ~ 11 ooftduc:1ed by an Market ~ain. A man Publleti.d Orange Co•~; lndMdlMlj Debra J ~ waving a nunlature bible Plot. o.c 18. 25. 1"2. Jan t, 11. Thia ataiement -t11ec1""" the is preaching the gospel, IN3 County o.11 of 0r.,. Counl'f on but he's loat the crowd to 56S6-82 Dae 15, 1ea2 rlN7a three teen-ager1 In Publlalled Ot enge CoHI Del~ tuxedo T -1hirt1. blue --,.....,....=...,......,...-------Piiot. Dae 18. 25, 1ea2. Jan 1 .. hairnets and white top AC~A~u 1983 5520-82 hats. The lollowlng ~ .,. Oolr10 T ~-= -----------h e Y e x e c u t e • H IE w p o A T H A R e o A P\&.IC NOTICE perfectly 1ynchronized IHVE8TOR8, 3438-8 Via Lido. fiC111'10UI IW~ll robot dance by the bua N9wpoft 8-:tl, CA t2M3 NAfd ITATDMNT stop, a thre e-m an CECIL MA YS . HSll·B via Tne 1011ow1ng CMtrton 11 e101no Udo,~ 9-lfl. CA 112983 ~ H dancing machine movin8 MAYS FAMll y PARTNERSHIP. ·HU NTING T 0 N HAR 8 0 R in flawle911 rhythm to the 3'39-B Via Udo, Hewpcwt Beedl. CLEANERS ICl431 P•c11tc COHI steel guitar of an old CA~ H LIE y "A M IL y HlgllWmy, SunMl BeKh CA 926411 woman in an orange PARTNERSHIP )439-8 Via Udo D••• .Eow1re1 Pickerel 211~1 Nawpoft 9eect1' CA t2te3 ' Nawtanel •44 Huntington BHCh parka. But she's another JACK EASTEAOAY, &439-8 Illa C'\~!~,.n•H 1~ conductec! by en act Udo. ~ 8-ctl. CA t2ee3 1no1Vldual Thll ~II oonduc:*S by a Dale E Pickard ----.. ---.,.-NO-TIC[-• ------.. -_-IC_"""_TIC( ____ general ~emlly p~ Tn11 11e1em8111 wH 111e<1 with the f'Ul!Lftf "._ nu A. Stenllly County Ci.<k ol Or•r>ge County on .. ----·w•• Tiiie etatement -ftlecl with ,..... Dec , 111112 ··"·;.;;;;·~ -~.~ County an of <>renoe County;,; ~2032l1 Publllhed Orang• Co&ll D•lly PllOI. Oac • l 1, 18. 25, 111112 ONRAT..o UllD9R The fofl<Mlng s--.,. doln1' 0.0. fll, 1082. ~TITIOU9 WU MAm ~ aa: PW Th• lollowlng penon llU (Al AS80CIATED RIAL TY Publl•hed Orange COHI Dally wtthdr.-• e ganwal per1Nr from SIERVl<:E 0,. NEWPORT BEACH, =Ole 18· 25• l982, Jan. t, fl, ri:1'm'o"::':u:::!i:o n~ ~ l:.W~t "=~~i:,...o:~ 11571-32 PLEA8AHT MOMENT PROOUCTS, N9wpoft aMcl\, CA. t2te3 ' al 304 t WanOlt '--. Coate ...., AHoclat.cl Aeelly Service of ~:~ulloua bueln•H 11ema Hewpcwt e..cti. 1no .. a Cellforma -~ tor ttle '*'1•1Np -OOfll()Btlon, 202& w lalOOI 91Yd .. ftl9d on J4i#t J, 1MO In the County of *TI:".,.: ~ o!::ed by 8 OnlnDa. oor poi don Full Name and Add,..• of tt.. AaaocUtad "9elty Pw90rl WlttlCfl ..... IO. s.vtoa of Roneld A.. ~ Nawpoft 9eedl Inc 1i ~ .....,,. I. Joy, Pr..id.M !MN. CA t27t4 Tllll ~ -ftlad w1lh Iha ~ "-~ County ewtt of ~ County on ,ut>ll.n.d Orange Co•~ ""°"'· 23• tN2 ,_ Pllol, o.c. , .. 25. 1112. ....,,. 1. '· PvtHleMct 0taftf9 Coe.at OtMty ,.., ~2 "°'· Oeo ti, 25. 1912, JM. 1, •• tM3. PtllllC NOTICE 5307 82 Ml.IC *>TICE I nmld It'll I )ad 11 m /Jn>ud. ""'' \lo111 u "' really h<'<lllllllt!. . \"'/ n 1·11 {\1111t 1/01, wt t!,11t 11/111/1·111/\tlf 1111111ml tlw t'l/t'\ Aunt Harriet always swore fdgoto the dogs. M 11111 al\\ a\' \\a111t-d nu· to he ,1 dodor. Dad didn't 11111d1 <'M t', .1 ... lo11g .t.' I Jmo1111t1:d to something. Hut \ 11111 If.mid \\.,L' <.'(Ill\ 1rn:t·d I would t'Orne to .1 h.1d t•11d llw re:l.'>om :\1111t I larrl<.'t "a.' not exactly kindly d1,powd tcl\\,ml llll' 'lemnwd from wlw n I inadvertentl} lc·h .1 pd t.1lt 'IJ>ill.1r i11 lwr ,1<'rl111g c..111ch dl'ih. After th.it. \1111t I l.11 rwt lt·lt th.it rrn d1,111t·t·, of l'\ oh lllf?; rnto a n·,pe111,1hl1 · h11111.111 lw111.g "c·n· hlt.,U.. tnclt•t•d .. lleaded rn~ht to tlit· dog' th.it hm ,h1·il 11111th·r In o\ ( 'H, 111u · t lw. g1 ,I\ c· fl,1\\ 111 rn~ <:h.1r.tcter. ~he lw~~lll ho111h.11 d 111~ lllt' \\'Ith r ~ ~.l\lllg\ Hol)(h. Figuring. 1111 d111il 1t th.it 111rnw~ rnight lt'cld nw atrny from <.>vil ratlit•1 tha11 tm,,ud it. .\fter .111. I llt't'<lt·d .t.11 the lwlp I c.·rn1ld gd \nd Aunt I l.1rri<'l t•mildn't ha\'t' hel1x·d me 111on· Thmt' Bonds ~n'\\' up alo11~ with me. into a nil't', fat nest cM. Orw I kept t.1ppi11~ .b I 1no\'ed alun~ in II\~ lift·. l ll11allv h1111g out my 'hinizle hK1ay: john Petri<'. dodor of' t•tt·nnar\' 111ed1c11w. I cou l<l tdl Dad wa.' pwud, and \.torn ~'tl\ rt·alh hf.',uning. And even Aunt . 1 larrit•l got .1 ltttlt· 111i,ly .trrnmcl. th<• <'YC\. After all-~~<.'S th1 · mu·'' ho pred1C'kd I wa., ~om~ 'tr;.ught to the do~. Buyi"I!. US. ~a tinf.!..\ Hmuls cm a rt't!."la r l>mi.\ helps .\11u•11ca Ami it can lwl,>" r/n'(l1t1 l1cco11U' o reality ""''""'of \lmU'thin{.!. that niif,!ht hat,. fH'l''1 \ .stoc tnAmerica. ... . ~ .. ,. 'J t ~· . ' . ·' \ . . ' .. , . .... • ;. I .. ... . -: • , OC nun serving in New Guinea . . Sliter Sarah Jordan. C.S.J ., be1ln1 her mln&.try th1I month ln Papua New Gutne.. Jolntna ax bt.her Roman Catholic Silten of SL J ... P' el Or*9 ln mllaion work ln the ~ ll1and n.aUon. 'S'later Sarah, who .._ taucht in St. JoaclaJm and' IL Ced.Ua pariah dM>Oll. recently attended a pteFam of the United State. Catholic Mlulon A.Odation in Wuhinfrton. D.C., to prepan for her woric In Papua. . A eecond annual "March for L1fe0 and "Nllht of l\eparation" will take place on Tuaday, the F-.i of the Holy In.nocenta. In Coat.a Mesa. The march la 1pobl0Nd b!i!e Rtaht-to-Llfe re~tatives of SL Jeb die t:Ut, St. Joa~. AM: Ov Lady of Meat Carmel tholk parlahes. Partidpa.nta will pther at 6:45 p.m. In. the Stater Brothen park.Ina Jot at Baker Strfft and Fairview Road. They an uked to bring a Roary and a candle. ' , The United C.1ttlles el Reveladoa1 will hold Sunday at 7 p.m. and Thund.ay at 7:30 p.m. American Lesion Hall, 14~2 Beach Blvd.1 y City. ·Rev. Dick Vall.andJaham will be delivering a ye~d mH&aie on "Sunday and Rev. Hefen Hu will have an evenmc of Praile the Lord on 'nlunday. Demand for scriptures :Demand for Scripture• at Chrlstmu haa lreld>t!d an all-time h1lh thla year, the American Society l&)"I. lta aeneraI 8eCretary. Alice Ball, ya orden for Scripturee and Scripture portions vi puBed the 45 million mark and are expected tilt 50 million. 14 million mott than 1ut year's Military lauded I ; U.S. Roman Catholidsm'1 vicar to the military f~ aaya the church'• biahopl and most memben "•grateful for 1he 111C1'itic9 you are mafing" to f Cardinal Terence Cooke made the state~nt in an annual Christmas letter. an ta 1zzle J1R BY 2RIAN CHURCH 416 ot11t Av1., Legon1 9Hch494·7&&e IY Ol:OIOI W. COMILL Al~ ff ttt n't &.-fMJ w «>YeiiMdow Iii INVfTll VOV TO IHAM OUR KTtM AMtJ 1nua ,._ . ~~lttlld:. the ,ood·natund old lllloW thuatiWd ·~· . \'~YTll,~ A,• 0 1 tal.U!4TfGNI ... Ian La Cl1Y1, that JoU1. btwbt1ktted old -PlfiAY',' IN 14 CJWiliiii.'" 1_~ phJlan~t to the yo1.1n1, •YI he'• ~ .. it au • . . n.. c:hlJd lh LtMt m•r~· 11 &hit ConcWjhf S.Vlee 1 1 , "'· wl\h 111 lh• commuet1nam that cluuer1 up '*"* ot Chtl.IUNll AU 1t.... a........_.._,, 1.a. ~ f'o•t0t ~ Tcri•-.V ''eoc"~ •· Ch-'A bu .... _ .. _ .. I -__ , -.. t i ttT , .. __ , . • .. ...._ l VJ11t ,.. can ~ l'°P t. It. The Chrtet child Ill Ood'• sth to the world, lrwlv • --I-. ''h mak• my tempWltwe ao IO about 120," he 1tven. Like llC>methlna tn ~ •~kJl\I ~ didn't t ... Miltle bv Th. Oo,et Ololf •Jd In a fancied 1n-.rvtew llfhJi worluhop home at expect, eomethlna Which""""' out fb tie worui • Y, Ole. M, W......, ..,._ : ~~~~~ .maldnl bll world·lkdllna morw than anythiria ei.t you tot" .. J. + POltOr Jet,~~!!:Z; "'~ Puffinl on tilt ppt he qhed ladly about the A final quetlJon: How do you at lnlO thme .,-''DllNll US" flood of picture• ol him u11d to whomp up chimMYI! fll9D4Y, Dec. 31, 71IO ldverdalni pkhel and the "phony IUY'I that~ ''I've never told before but l'D C.ll YoU • · • New Yeot'1 f¥'9 Communion ~ice up Ua me to hawk thelr 1tutf on the tube. It'• 'nlen'• ON .,,..SC word that rnakal me able to do OwllliM fAllQI• o.. '°' o1 ., , • .. ~ repulllve. all th.a\ I do -to fly around QMt WOf'ld ln one n!Ot, Oild core,.~ tor -!Np ~ "But I'm not rea~ble for how much they to brlnl atfta IO every child, to navfaate • .Wah a... •· .,,., T d ., .... a.._ - corrupt my iJna1e. ' h• aatd In conjectured pulled 6y reindeer, and to~~ chlmneyl. lj;;~;;;;;;;;:;;:;;a fc°'e;"';;~S.hlipEdiol:5•::";;'";A~Y;;:~s=;:;:~ c:ommenta to U.S. Catholic, a monthly macllint '""'9 mute word '9 'belief'. 'The klia beU.W I 11 tobUthed ln CbJcaco by the ClareUan ratben and can do I ancf IO I do ft." ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN ~., t.ry to pin the matertaJJan of YOW' nation ~iiiiiiiiiiiiliiii1iiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiw1111iiiiiMieiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii. iii. iiiiiiiiiii~I EPISCOPAL CHURCH on me," be llld. "Fortunately U\IN are •till milllont COMMUllTY CHURCH 18082 BUJhard ""-Tell.rt> Fountain 'Valley -kJda mostly -wbo keep my~ cl-.n." 963-S&Ol He aald they •'know I 1tand for glvlni IY THE 11'1 o_ a....J.-w .,._ ... __ R llelne..ly" and "think of me u a penon who atvee .-...•. ~~· · naiJCT, ector bounteoualy and without ukina for anyth.lnc in .~= ~ :,::-~ return except aUection. '' person can feel ute to be himMlf Aak It that lmpremion wHn't a bit god-like, and dWelop his own divine potential. he stroked the aide of hl1 red noae, grlnnlna. II ycu 111 seeld=urch tlmllV "Exactly. Pred.lely. Think about klda. They need likl this. homll aomething to haJli on to, a face, a body, a 90Jne0fte. ...... "They can't iraap abatractlona and veaue wblt11 I a ..... fl11U• notiona of God. So they look to me. Many of them ~~!tit C..... think of God u look.Ina like Santa -benevolent, SUNDAY AT 10 A.M. giving, tr1.U1tworthy ... and loving without "TN9, Too. exception." 1"-1 " .. " Santa noted that all hia .many names have 1.,.._ rellgloua lmpllcationa, that Santa Claua derives DA= ,:-U from a alurrlng of St. Nicholas, that Father Wet!,. 1 .,.._ _ ..._........., ,.,_. ~· Chrl1tma1 hu prle1tly COft¥\Otat.lona, that Krla Kringle stems from a German expremon meaning 141 WT 22fl> STRm/COSTA IOA/CA t2U7 Chrllt-<:hlld. "!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!~ "Whatever p_eople aay to Ole, It'• a ;; 0 YE.MS EW AT mmpltrnent,'' he lauahed, ahaJdna llke jelly. Magazine at.aft.er James Brieg aays h~ asked If ed...,.~, It wasn't dangeroua for children to .. think of God as /t"J ~ being like you" beca\&llC! when they found out about hlm,pthe~ ~t ~ ,::~ .. Ood8anu ~-~dhon1 y." 3901 £. Cont Hwy. atting 1.a amp.m.... .... ta-.. t wu up to C... .._ 759.1154 parents to "replace me with 1e>mething more' u children get older. But "aome parents like to iet off easy," he added. "They like to uae me and my friend, the F.uter Bunny, to get out of talk.Ing about reUiion and God with their younpten. And when they atop uainC us, they leave a vacuum ... But If pare.nll ltep in, that vacuum can be filled with . . . a new idea of God, one that Nita the ldcb' qe." &° COPIES ........... .......... 3461 Via &.w. 675-6122 .... , \0 ~ UOo a.- CHRISTMAS SERV~E5 Dec. 2S-Ouiannu Day 9:00 P.M. Holy f.ommunion Dec. 26-St. Stephen'• 9:00 A.M. Holy f.ommuruon 9:1S and 11 :00 A.M. Feetival of Leteone and <;arola Dec. 27-St. John the Evanplilt . 7:30 P.M. IWy Communion Dec. 28-Holy Innocence 7:00 P.M. Choral Enn Song All Holy Day. 01-ervtJd - 1928 Book of C.Ommon Prayer ()r.ange Coast · RELIGIOUS DIR~ECTORY ' .. . hurch of St. Matthew by the Ses i (Tredttlonlt l!placot*) ·~oL Y COMMUNION • &ch Sunday -9:00 AM ~ (&oc* Of Common ,.,..,., • tt28) ; MERTZ HALL ;t. Community CongregatJonal Church : 611 Hellotropei Corona del Mar ; The""· .............. d -m-2I01 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES WHOfa '1' J!4! M0T?e OMUllCH. ,.._ AMT QiUACti CW QRST, ICmfTllf" • ..-tON. ·~ ._.,, 1*(11nall1r • 1• Coeta Meu -l'INt Churoh Of ChrW, lcMnttet .. --.... Dr .. C.... ...... a-.... ............. _ ... A& :=:s::~=--==-'Dr . .... 7.79p.a. -Mllll P.111. IMM -Pint Ctturelt 9' Chrlel. ldentlet ............ ,, ...... ...... 4111 ......... p oe-r Yll9) c..... • ...., ...... _ .. A& ...................... fltnrJ ..... 141 ................. 10 A.II. -4 P.11. lllft. ttwu a.t. 10 A.II. -1 P.11. TIMndef CNd c... -......., aw...,...., Huntington 9Mch -Finl Church of Chrlet, Sdenttet ··m~.:r::..---c.......• -11111A& .....,...._. ____ _ Newport 8Mch -Ant Church of Chrtel, Sclentlet nm vr......, ... '1':!o. .._.. Churdt a 8Uftd9J -t:OO a 1ct30 A.I& ....... ........ 1111 Viii Ude Mon. ltvu .... -I A.II. .. P.11. T--. -7-1 ",M. Chld C.. ~ T-.y.a :-11:10-11·30 A.M lot SloCIY ~ • Newport IMCh -leconcl Church of Chrtet, Sdentlet ........... Vllw Dr .. c..... • ... CMrdl • ...., ....... _..,.A& ............. --...... c..e ...... C4ll no. IVININQ Tl8TIMONY MUTINGI - I P.M. AU CHURCHm8 Al ... COtdlelly ln'llled 10 ~ the churCh ~ end 9"kw !tie ptM1ege1 o1 1M Aee111nO ~ Cfllld c.. PrOIMed At AUIEMllCU. CNld C... "*'"" AT ALL llJIVllCCI SBMON TOPIC: DIC. 19th 9:00 & 11 :00 A.M . ... ,.., ... ., .......... ,, ..... ....., ....... CUCH Of al.lllOUS SCIJICE ~-Of b United Ctudl of""= lclenoe' ~ VIUAGI 8UfTE 41. 1223 8TAEET HUNTINGTON IEAOtt. CA nt4I ~ • .Jr. Clwrdt '°' tnfonneb to & 10:30 ae-a1so. NI ISM lllTlllllT-••• Or .... C.-Col111 ........ u.lllN .... ,t ................... ...., ...... A.M. -..1111 i A CORDIAl tlELCOIE flOll TIE lllTED auCH OF QIUST .,.,..ll1llUI ....-m • 1l111111 ...... ltUl-...., ... QliGScWI~ Attend The Church of Your Choice A Cordial Welcome from The UNITU llnHODllT CHU CH CoeUMeM F1R8T UNITRD MnJtOPj8T CHUllCH 1tthlt.&~~. a... ........ .. ,~ .. a.telD. ...,._.. Thie Sunday WOl'9hlp tn MCA \5 1 M ComwltY ,, .......... Clluroh ....... ,.................. ~.,.. "9¥. ,.,._. J. Tanlc._ ,_, Ct'lllg Wllama Ctwtetl8n £duodon t:OO-tO:OO A.M. Wonhlp -10:15 A.M . ..,.,...., CAM~ DUNNO KfNa PR£S8Y10IAll CtUCH OF TIE C VDWIT _,..., ........ ._ ___ __ 9:-.A.S--. ..... Teny MoCenM, ~Of Youeh ... ...._ HoW'd IOmofl. .,..., Of w ........... Don ........ Dlr'90lor Of ................. ~~~-:::~ ..... ..._,_.., n1111-Wa1WA& V..,..-NIP& . ., J The holidays are upon us. And this year, the values and selections at South Coast Plaza Thwn Center, Mall and Village are better than ever! But there's one out- standing value you can buy even before you reach South Coast Plaza: A ride on OCTD. More Convenient Taking OCTD to South Coast Plaza will make your shopping trip easier. We now have 10 bus routes from 20 cities in Orange County that will bring you to the shopping area. In fact, most buses will drop you off right in front of the shopping centers. What's even more convenient, is that with over 6500 bus stops throughout Orange County, you're almost sure to find a bus stop within 3 blocks of where you live. Plus, many buses run every 20 minutes, all day long. So you can stay on schedule to and from South Coast Plaza. Of course convenience isn't the only rea- son~ for taking the bus shopping. Economical too Taking the bus is a real transporta- tion bargain. Bus fares are only 60¢ during middays, evenings and weekends. (,,,~(irnw Oran1w/~1·,.purt Be-nth :-.0 \•'Wp<ll\ B.•,I(' h SanlO Ana Sonto ~n11/N .. wpnrt Ht•D<'Vl.Ml(U08 B"'°o Orunl(l' lntnl'/ l.J11(Una Hill• llunllnl{lon HHch ll11n11nl(ton Ut•och/ <:~111 M,.,.11 • ~nlll An11 The Mall at South Coast Plaza If you ride during rush hour (6 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.), the fare is just 75¢. Seniors and the handicapped pay even less. An~ transfers are always free. ' This means you'll not only be relieved of par~ing frustrations, but you'll also be saving money on gas. If you want to save even more money, you can get an OCTD bus pass. A regular pass is only $25.50, while students pay just $22.50 and seniors or the handicapped, $14.00. With this one low price, Jtu get a full month of un- limited ri ing. No matter how you add it up, the bus is a real inflation fighter. Call 636-RIDE As you can see, the bus is a great way to shop. So take the easy way out, and in, to South Coast Plaza. I Take OCTD! I If you'd like more information on a s~ific bus route to South Coast Plaza t at best fita your needs, call 636-RIDE. We'll be hahf y to send you a free route schedule w ·ch includes bus stops, time- table, and transfer information. Happy Hol~ from OCTD. ·' t ~ IATU"OAV,DIO I&, 111J !NTIAT AINM!NT TBL!VISION COMICS ~ 07 Cl ) ' An uncanny knack Jleardsl ey is more than opportunis tic 'By JORN SEV ANO Of"tlleDlillJ ....... · There'• rftlly nothing about Jud Beardaley \hat 1tanda out at you. · A auard-forward on the UC Irvine buketball ~ Seardaley isn't a tremendoua ball-handler, doean't have extreme quickneN, laclu leaplfl& abWty, la too short (6·5) to be a rebounder and, althouah 90lld, .. not a •pectacular shooter. What la lt about the junior that make. him ao valuable? Well, for one thing, Beardaley h.aa an uncanny knack for bef.na at the right pleoe at the licht time. For another, he'• 1teady, which most coechel will tell you la the moat important quality a buketball player can pcme91. "BE'S THE ltlND of _SUY who really plays," prai9el UCI Coach BW Mulligan. ''Hia whole life ia buketball. "I think he survive. becauee he's., tough.'' Despite hia lack of size, Beardaley is not afraid to mix it up with the bla boys underneath the basket. In fact, he 110rt of reliahes the challenge. "rve always played lnalde. I like it tliere," he says. "My game depends a lot on faking, on gening a player up in the air for a foul, or powering into him and then getting my ahot off. "I might not be al>le to jwnp high, or move fut, or do any fancy dunking, but lf I'm playing against a guy who'• 6-5 and can jump. rm going to beat him becaUle I don't like to be defeated. I like to win." ball up the court, aren't eX.11Ctly noted for produdng the run-and·aun typea Mullilan look.I for. Beardaley contenda, however, that he wu a runner long before he became a walker. "ALL WE DID at Bantow waa run," explalna Beard1ley. "We were 1uppoaed to do that at Cyprese, too, but we loet both our point guards early in the eea80f\ and had to chanle. "It wu ha.rd adjuating becauee what were good shots at Bantow were not 8QOd ahota at Cypre9. At 'I knew when I came here it was soins to be very hard to start. And, now that I am, I'm not about lo sive it up.' Barstow you were supposed lo take the open 15-foot shot off the break. At Cypress they wanted you to work it (the ball) around." There's no euch thing u "working it around" at UCI. A greyhound-like fast break and open jump ahota are what the Ant.eat.era live by. And, .o t...r, Beardaley appears to have adapted well. In eight games. all u a starter, Beardaley has averaged better than 11 points a game, third on the team. "I just blend in with the talent that surrounds me," eays Beardaley, who rarely stand.a out on a basketball court. "I think I complement the people I play with. "I think we have a very good team," he adds. "We're mnall compared to other Division I teama, but we have eome awfully good shooters." BEARDSLEY IS SHOOTING about 50 peroent Crom the field, many of hla buketa coming on looee ball lay-ina underneath the buket. Pl•1en' w•lltaul w•• • lowll6hl In 1982. Pase C3. Bo says ·UCLA favorite PASADENA (AP) - Mlchiaan Coach Bo Schembechler aaya bh Wolverines should be the underdop In the 69th Roae Bowl same on New Year's Day becauae their foe, UCLA. beat them durtnc the f'elUlar 9eMOI\. It should be remembered, however, that when OtUo State beat UCLA 41-20 during the reaular HHOn In 1975, the Bruins came beck with a 23-10 victory over the Buckeyes in the Ro1e Bowl. And ln 1965 , Mkhipn State beat the Bruins 13-3 ln the aeuon'a o~r. but UCLA upended the Spartans 14-12 in the Roae Bowl. UCLA does boast a better aeallOn record. The Bruins were 9-1·1 and ranked No. 5 at the end of the reaular aeaaoo. The Wolverines finished 8-3 and were ranked only 19th. But UCLA ia favored by only three polnta. A YEAR AGO, the aame teama played in the Bluebonnet Bowl and Michipn won, 33-14. UCLA 's Terry Donahue played on the 1965 Michigan State team, and la in the Roae Bowl as a coach for the first time. The Roee Bowl field la even more familiar, since UCLA decided to play lta home games there thia year. "No question they have the advantage," said Schembech.ler. "They have their own locker room, their own field and they can practice at home. "My dad always taught me whenever there wu a looee ball I should go get it. I've always remembered that," Beardaley recalls. "All I do is go out there and try to do my job. I've always Celt if I work hard th1nga will happen for me. "1 knew when I came here It was go~ to be very hard to start. And, now that I am, I m not about to give lt up." ... .... ,,.... "'ca.,~ Jud Beardsley has successfully made the transition from Cypr ess College to UCI. "We've never played a team llO oft~n before. It'• going to be interesting .•• "lt'a been hard to beet a team the second tlme. That'• a challenge," Donahue uld. •'Thia ia the rubber match foa-our two echoola. Mich1pn dcwnlnat.ed ua quite tborou1bly and embunmed ua 1Mt Dec. Sl (in the Bluebonnet Bowl). I want our players to go into thia pme oontldent, but not too confident " Penn State and SMU have never won the title, while Nebruka captured a pair ln 1970 and 19'71. w~ n18bt'a Uberty Bowl, in Memphis, Tenn., suddenly la the hottest Ucket ln the land. Tilie 68-year-old Bear, winningeet coach in the history of college football with 322 victories, endl a quarter-century at the helm of the cnm.on nde. Thursday night flnda 10th-ranked West Virginia going against Florida State in the Gator Bowl at Jacksonville, Fla. Fiorida State's Bobby Bowden waa the head coach at Well Vi.rglnia before FSU lured him away in 197~. In Friday afternoon action, pea-happy Vanderbilt meeta the running Faloona of the Air Force Academy in Blnningham'a Hall of Fame Bowl, while Iowa faces T~ in the Peach Bowl in Atlanta. On New Year's Eve, No. 14 Arkansas and Florida ring out 1982 ln the Bluebonnet Bowl at Hou.ton. Thing• get serious on Saturday, starting with 10-0-1 SMU ap1nsl slxth- rank.ed Pitt in the Cotton Bowl and No. . 11 Arhona State against No. 12 Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Then comee fifth-ranked UCLA •aalnat No. 19 Michigan in the Roee Bowl, the third time in a year and a day theee team11 have squared off. Finally, 11·1 Nebraska goes against No. 13 I.SU in the Ora.Qle Bowl. while 11-0 Georgia and 10-1 Penn State knock heads in New Orleans' Superdome. In the Fiesta Bowl in Tempe, Ariz .. Arizona State, the top defensive teem in the country, baa the task of trying to atop Oklahoma'• ground-gobbling attack, featuring aenaational freshman Marcus Dupree. Oklahoma has rushed for 338.5 yards a game, No. 2 nationally, while the Sun Devils have allowed only 228.9 per conJeet both on the ground and through the air. The Cotton Bowl looms u a match between SMU'a tailback tandem of Erle Dickenon and Craig Jams against the paaaln1 of Pitt's f>an Manno. SMU rushed for 3,0U yards this season, Dickerson and James accounting for 2,555. The Ora.nae Bowl has one of thoee irreei1tible force-Immovable object games. Nebnska'a offeme powered lta way to 518.6 yards a game, tops ln the nation, while LSU'1 defense ranked fourth, yteldlna an average of 246.1. But the Tigen. who ranked No. 1 in total defeme during the year, weakened late in the eeuon. Flnally, from Waahlngton tack.le Don Dow. a thought for anyone concerned that the plethora of bowl aames keepe too many people away from their families dUJin8 the holiday aeuon. Says Dow, who helped Washington to the Roee Bowl ln 1980 and 1981 and the Aloha Bowl thia year: ''Two yeen ago, on ChrUtmaa Day, I played the beck nine at Maon Viejo in the morning and body-surfed at Laauna Beach ln the afternoon. La1t year. friends invited me to their home at Canoaa Park for dinner. They had a l10cld:ng full of treata for me. I did not feel deprived. .. "We've been out fat thia pme 8eVel'a1 t1mea, but lt took i. until the axth pme to 1earn bow to play lt," Schembecbler aaid, referring to Michigan'• 23-6 triumph over Waah.inBton two =·ago after five Roae Bowl · PAC-11 CONFERENCE teams had won six straight 1ame1 before the Wolverinee broke the ltrtng. Then. In lut yeer'• game, Waahington whipped Big Ten Conference repre9lmtative Iowa 28-0. Anthony Cart.er la the key to Michi1an'1 offense. The thJ'ee. time All-American wide receiver cauaht 38 paa.es for 785 yards this year. The leadln1 UCLA recelven were Connac Carney with 44 rec:eptionl foa-746 yarde and Jojo Townsell with 37 catchel tor 673 yards. Quarterback Tom Rumey. a aecond-team All-American in 1982, lead• the Bruins, who rallied to beat Mlclilpn at Ann Arbor. 31-27 durina the reQUlar eeuon. Ra.rmey completed 191 of ,311 J>Ult!S for 2,824 yards and 21 touchdowns. s . t ..... ,,.,, ....... Tftt Orange OoHI •111ball ltlto_~IJ ooMuctecf by '" ... Cotti\ ..... ._.,.. -~.•own~ 1-11. • Nft • -;,;"~ht""" of three Cl'* -... ..., mootM. wll be oonducttcl by M••• hit ......,... "-:::::~--... ~on to llgn oon1reott. "'81ttnielon flt lht I IOftool will be at t Lift. at the ftm ..-on. COii II MO fof boye, ..-1-13 Md llO tor boyt, aoee 1 .. 11. A two-hOut Malon, frOftl 10 a.M. to noon. ..... Mtd tor the 1-1~-otd boW'I ... ........ ltw-..hour ~ "°"' 10 1.fft. untll 1 p.m. II Mt tor lht older ~ The Monday-through-Th~ ...son ... foou1 on b•HbaO fundamentela tnd lndMcMltnd lnetructlon. Among thoM tht 1n1truotor. .,. former OCC ~ ~ Hiii, K.-M lnwnkl. Tom ~ end "-'dy Dey. ~clYenced rtalttratlon la avallable by phoninO 781-0MI. Other 1t11lon1 wlll ba held on four 9UOOMllw ~In January end '9bNaly. The aeoond ....ion II Mt tor Jan. .. 11. 23 end 30. Third ..-on w111 bl held i=.o e 1• 20 _ .. 27. ' ~. • ... Valenzuela not ready 'to talk contract-yet Frem AP iltpatdel CIUDAD OBREGON. Mexico - The ... t tor Loa Anaetee Dodcen II 1cher Fernando Valensuela •)"I It la ~tun" to talk about the star left-bander'• aalary for 1983. 0 1 pref• not to talk fi&urea now," Tony DeMarco laid after he arriveCI here Wednmday to tPeftd Chrlttma with Valenzuela and hi.a family ln nearby Etchohuaqulla. "That it premature and would provoke apeculation." He told reportera, however. that he does have a "plan that contemplates an lncreaae In line with the worth of Fernando, who 1urely will offer in 1983 a better abowtn1, without bellttlln1 hia record of 19 victorlea In the la1t y• • campefcn. '' Valemuela held out for f 1 million after winnlnc_ 13 1amea u a rookie in 1981. He eventually llCned for f35(),000 and la eligible foe ea1ary arbitration dUa winter. Quote or the day Dlek Vermell , coach of tbe Phil8delpbJa FA&)ea who have aone from NFC champions to the bottom of the conference ~ in jult two yean: "I kind of believe that we wm md up pla'Yin8 a real aood food>ell pine one of th.-davi. I just cJon•t know when it'a aotnc to be.'r It WAI one or her shortest driYe9 SACRAMENTO -It's any port l!I ln a storm and any club in a crisis. On the first round of the U.S . Women •a Open Golf Tournament heft. Carolyn Hill lmdvenently left her putter at the water cooler on the ninth tee. She didn't discover it until s he reached the ninth green. Her caddie raced back to get it but Hill knew the~dielay would coet her a two-stroke penalty. So she got out her driver and rolled in a five-foot birdfe putt. ...,,. Aallll rattlf16 ..,... Anita nioe traolc Wll beglrt ti8 _,.. ~ meeting Sundey .. .,. Mlldla ,... nok beQlf\a lta ...,, eMIOft, "-lno wlll be OonduoMd on a Wed~ ~ ~ but ~ ptograme Wiii ti• Prtltnt•d on Tu11day. o.c. H , Monday. Feb. 11, Monday. April 28 and dOllnO cftlY, ~ edmlHlan tor ...,.. Ii 12.25 wtttl reaatwd .. ta PriOtcl •t 11.16 end 12.75. Aloha heada bowl lineup today Tbt collep football bowl aeuon Ell reaumee today ln full awing wlth • t · three Chrtatmu matchupa. The Aloha Bowl makea lta debut In Honolulu and . an offensive ahow ta expected when ninth-~ WMhlftltcn and No.16 Maryland. t.M1D1 that -~ more than 30 polnta ~ ~ durtnl tbi ,..war le8IOll. collide. w~ led by aopbomore Wlbeck Jacq11e RobWea. la a one-point favorite. The Huakiet (9·2) were rated No. 1 ln the nation for eeveral weeks befoft a aeuon-endinc 24-20 u.a to Wuhl.nltm Staw kept them from aolna to the &. BoWl for the third atrai&ht ym. Memiwhile, the Terrapbw (8-3) mt.ea an unbeaten ....i by 1'.wt 11 polnta ... Tena (9-2), the nation'• etaht6-rated teun. and unranked North CarOlina (7-4) are ptdred in the 4ttb Sun Bowl in El Puo. It wU.l be a rematch of the Bluebonnet Bowl two yean ago, won by the TV Heei.. 16-7. The J..onchoma are a lix-pomt ddce in this year'a cont.ell . • . '!be tint of • a., line of All-ctar pma will al8o be featured today when the Blue-Gray Clalllc la held in Montpnery, Ala. ~ ...... Cower of Southem w.mtppl will heed U1e Gray, w South aquad, with San Jme State'• Steve ClarUea expected to pilot the Blue, or North team. A nice catch, but was it worth it? UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. - Mike McCloskey_. the star ught end of m•m Penn State, vividly remembers the first paa reception he made for the Niu.any Lions and IOmeOmes he thinks he'd like to forget it. It was aga ins t North Carolina S tate in McCloskey's fre9hman year and 1t went for a key gain of 56 yards However ... "My mother was home sitting on the couch listening to the aame:· McCI011key recalled "She got so excited ahe jumped up and sprained her ankle My older brother w as dn vmg in his auto and had the car radio on He ran a red light and just missed getting Into a nasty accident " Brickhouae named to Hall of Fame Broackaater Jack Brlckllnae, • who b.a covered ~.060 major~ baebUl pmea in a career 1 alx decadea -moatly w th the Chlcqo Cubl -hu been n.amed to the Hall of hme after winn1nl the Ford C. Frick Award, the apedal ea~ for med.la membera ... Pitcher Tem B•me algned a four-year guaranteed contract with the Cincinnati Reds Friday. Terma of the deal were not dbcloeed . . . Dan MeClala, head football coach at Wi.con.ln. turned down a co.ch1ng offer from K.amM Unlvenlty. Kuuu hu been aeeking a IUCCe9• to 0. PambrMP, who wu dimmled after a 2-7-2 aeuon . . . Jlm Sllofaer, the Houlton Olien' offensive coordinator for the put two yean, bu raip.ed to accept a bualne11 opportunity at the end of the current aeuon, team offlcialt said . Sports on television, radio today TELEVJBION 9 a.m. (2) -8LUJt.GaA Y GAME -The 4$th annual pine, featur'tnl oollele footbe.11 atan flan around the country. Noon (2) -SUN 80WL -Nonh c.oi.tna (7-4) w . Tem (8-2) at 1:1 Paao. 2:30 p.m. (4) -IPOATIWORLD -Skater Dorothy Hamill 1lvea a apeclal bollday perfcrmanc:e, taped in Landover, Mel. Al8o: The world lee speedway rDQtorcycle chalftplonehipa. taped at~ Tba Netherlandl and the wtdd P'O aid nee, taped ln Lab Tahoe. 4 p.m. (11) -ALOHA BOWL -'!be coU:ntry'• neweat bowl pita Matyland (8-1) a1alnat w~ (t-2) at Honolulu. !;~~JMn . (7) -GREATEST SPORTS LEGBNDI -A profile of Jim T~lor, one of the ID09t powilf'ful nmnen ever to play pro football. O p-.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD 01" SPORTS - Two WinterUme aporta, taped earlier in the yMr. World and U.S. champions Scott Hamilton and llalne Zayak perform in t&e world ~ lkaUni champlonahlpa frol'I\ Copenl'la1en. Also: The .iniem.ttcnal aid fiytna champtonahlp. RADIO Football -Sun Bowl, North Carolina va. .Tex.a, Noon, KNX (10'70). , Soccer tourn•meot IJC lrwlne llM•lc•lll•ll DM ..... -•• KOA Clutle (Bllllno•. Mont .. M«ttlatn AflloM flt1t round). Jen. I -at Ctl ltat• 'u1et1on•; J.,,. t - N4'Ytd .. l.M ~ .. • at Lona htoh Arena; Jiii. 10 -untYWllt)' of Portrtnd; Jan. 11 - at Ian JON llatt• (1:06 p.m.); Jan. 20 -at UC lent• lat'bara •, Jan. 22 -'retn0 ltate• at A.nehelm Convention Center; Jan. 27 - San JON Slate•; Jan. 2t -Utah. I J The llf1h annual Huntington Beach High locc:ef' tournarnet1t kick• off Tueeday and wth continue through Thunday on tht Otlef.flel<I. Feb. a -a1 Long le.ch etate•; ,..,, s - .. Nevad•·LN Veg•. (1:05 p.rn.); ir.b. 10 -Cal State 'ull.,ton • at Anati.lm Conwntlon Centet: Feb. 12 -II Utah State•: Feb. 11 - UC Santa Batbata •: Feb. 24 -Un"'-llty of Pacu1o•; '•b. 2e -Long BHOh State•. Match 3 -FretnO 8t1te•: Match S • at Unlwirllty of Pacfflo•: Marett 10-12 -PCM Tournament al LA Forum (TBA). Thirty-two tHma wllf f artlclpate In the thrt•·day affair, with al teama from the SunHt League, axe.pt Edlton among the entrlM. ' Other te1m1 1cheduled to participate Include La Quinta, Canyon, Santa Ane Bell All gamH 1tart at 7:30 p.m . unleu otherwlH Indicated. All home gamH at CrawfOfd Hall (on c:ampw) uni.. otherwtM Indicated. • -denOt• PCM game Qarden1 and Palol Verdel. ' Qam11 begin at 8 a.m TuHday. The champlon1t1fp match 11 HI for 1 p .m Thurlclay ntoflt It's the 'Bowl of ChampioO:s' Sugar developing reputation as 'No. l' post-season game NEW ORLEANS (AP) -The Sugar Bowl, which may have to change It. name to the Bowl of Champlona before too long, has a shootout between the Noe. 1 and 2 teama in the country for the second time in five years. Chancea are pretty good that the 1981 national champion will come out of the Sugar Bowl for the fifth time in the last aeven year1 when No. l ·ranked Georgia and runner-up Penn State tangle in the Louaiana Sup_ erdome on New Year's Night.• took place in the Roee Bowl on Jan. l, 1963, when No . l Southern Cal outla1ted Wiac;onain, 42-37. A year later, No. l Texas trimmed Navy, 28-6 In the Cotton Bowl. The Roee Bowl had another shootout on Jan. l, 1969, when No. 1 Ohio State downed Southern Cal, 27-16. On Jan. l, 1972, No. l Alabama cru1hed Nebruka, 38-6 in the Orange Bowl. At 10-1, Penn State reg!.atered 1ta 44th conaecutlve non-losing season in 1982, extending its · NCAA record in auch matters. Joe Paterno'• 17-year log of 161-34-1 figure9 out to a winnin8 percent.age of .824, topa among active major college coaches with at least 10 full aeuona u • heed coach, and eighth on the all-time list. Georgia tailback Herschel Walker ia a three-time All- .American -he haa another year to go -and hit 5,259 yarda put. him third behind Pitt'• Tony Dorsett and Southern Cal's Charle• White on the all-time NCAA list. Both teams have been here before -both in the Sugar Bowl and in the national championship picture. The Sugar Bowl began t.ak.lng on ha look of champions on Jan. l, 1977, when Pitt whipped Georgia, 27-3 and nailed down the 1976 crown. Santa Anita opens big meeting Sunday , On Jan. 2, 1978, Alabama thrashed Ohio State, 35-6, but fifth -ranked Notre Dame leapfrogged over four tea.ma to the 1977 ch amplonah lp by routing No. 1 Texaa in the Cotton Bowl. ARCADIA -Santa Anita Park will open lta 46th and longeat thoroughbred racina 11eaaOn Sunday with 89 days of action dated ~conclude April 25. Flrst post on openin& day la at noon with racing getUng under way Tueeday at 12:30. The same post time will be in effect Wltil Feb. 9 when the balance of the meeting will have a 1 o'clock post time. In addjtion to the Santa Anita Handicap, other big racea d\tring the meeting will include the San Juan Capistrano Handicap, the Santa Anita Derby and the Char.lea H. Strub Stakee. · Racinl will be oonduc\ed on a Wedneaday-through-Sunday baa1a with apecial programs preeented on Tue.day, Dec. 28, Monday. Feb. 21 and Monday, April 25, cl<mng day. • • t • I I . Alabama was back on Jan. 1, 1979, and ao wu Penn State, ranked No. l for the last four weela of the reeuJar eeuon, the only Umea the Nlttany Lions have been at the top of The Aaociated Preas poll. But the dream of their first national championahlp WU wiped out in a 14·7 Alabuna triumph that made the Crim8on Tide No. 1. 1bat alao marked the last ti.me the 1-2 teama have met in a bowl. The upcoming Georgia-Penn State cl.aah la only the sixth time auch a pairing h.u come about In the hisi.ocy of bowl games. Ho~men will be competing for nearly $21 million in punes during the 89-day aeuion, including almost $6 million to be awarded from 58 atakea event.. .No leu than a~x former national riding champions will be auiding the thoroughbreds. Included in the group are Bill Shoemaker, Lattit Pincay, Jr .. Eddie Oelahouuaye. Chris McCarron, Sandy Hawley and Darrell Mcffaraue. General ad.mimM>n for adult. ! (18-and-over) i1 $2.25 with i reserved eeata priced at $1.75 and • $2.75. Clubhouse loge seating la available free e.ch weekday and for $2 on weekends, holidays and ~ opening and closlng da)"I. > Alabama repeated • champion in 19'79 by trou.nclng Ark.anus. 24·9 in the Sugar Bowl and Geor1ia captured It• flrat national championship the following aeuon by defeating Notre Dame. 17-10 ln New Orleans. Laat year, the Orange Bowl had the national champion when C1emlon beat Nebruka. Among the top thoroughbreds to aee .ction will be John Henry. the only two-time winner in the Santa AnJta Handicap which will be run March 6. Pick six, daily double, ex.act.a ' and wln-place-1how wagering : I will be featured. Except on opening day. fan.a may place and $ l caah wagers at advance-play in the infield where gates are open from 8 to 9:30 a .m . Admisaion and parking are tree at advance- play. The flrat 1-2 bowl showdown AllD Hated ••-prospective entriea are Gato del Sol, winner of the Kentucky Derby, Roving Boy and Tnclt Robbery. Fan.a attending opening day Sunday wlll receive a free 11 ~ x8-inch full color Santa Anita wall calendar. NFL standings NATIONAL CONPEllENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T Pet. PP PA W L T Pct. PF PA Da11M e 1 0 .857 179 90 Raiden 6 l 0 .857 192 156 Wlllhlncton e 1 0 .8157 l~ 118 Ctndnnati 5 2 0 .714 173 140 Atlanta 5 2 0 .714 170 126 Mlaml 6 2 0 .714 137 114 Green 8-)t 4 2 1 .643 184 135 NY Jeta 5 2 0 .714 190 115 Mtnn.ota 4 3 0 .571 14-2 129 San Ol.,o 5 2 0 .714 210 lM St. Louis 4 3 0 .571 111 121 Buffalo 4 3 0 .571 121 97 J>.tro£t 3 4 0 .429 133 129 New Ji:nc. 4 3 0 .571 99 101 .New Otleana3 4 O ..429 84 127 Plttlburah' 4 3 0 .571 130 111 NY Olanta 3 . 4 o .429 117 112 Cleveland 3 4 o .429 99 131 Tampa Bey a 4 0 .429 109 134 Seattle . 3 4 O .429 104 112 Chbao 2 !5 O .288 84 122 Denver 2 5 0 .286 127 186 Pbiladelphla 2 15 0 .288 14.3 149 KanaM Oty 2 15 0 .286 126 1415 San Fran. 2 15 0 .28e 183 172 Houaton 1 6 0 .143 95 190 Ram• 1 e o .1•s 103 1ee Baltimore o e l .011 so l&& NOT!l: The top etant teams in MCh ClOl\ference will qualify f« the playoffs. ........... " JOHNSON. &SON presents ... NFL . .......... ... Sun., Dec.· 26 Ra mt .,,. Chko10 * Scan Frandsco .,,. Kanecn Qty * SC.n DM9o "-"'• elatlelloe Tyler a-• Jo,,. J TllOmu ~den Cfomwell Miller Aleaanci.r '->egemo Bettle Wedcly .._., ...... Opp. lot ... Tyler Gumltll Oennatd MNter Bwber 0 HIN J Thomu Farmer Redden Battle Alea ender "-8 Tot• Opp Totela llU9H9IQ .... Y ... A,,. LO TO 110 434 :u 30 • 51 18$ 3.9 18 2 " 73 '. 17 0 16 70 4.7 11 0 • 24 3 0 7 0 1 17 110 17 1 1 • 60 6 0 1 3 30 3 0 2 2 10 11 I 1 1 1 0 1 0 2 11 6.6 6 0 203 801 3.11 30 12 248 1120 37 32 11 MCllVING No. Y•. Awe. LO TO 28 282 10 1 211 2 Ill 203 11.3 ., 0 ,. 20& 13.0 22 , Is 349 23 1 851 1 14 134 II 8 18 1 IS 811 1 I 6 111 0 • 43 7 2 11 0 6 1M 12 8 27 0 • 18 4 0 11 0 2 82 310 611 1 I -7 -7 0 -7 0 113 1400 12.• a.1 a 137 1810 14 2 52 12 PA88*0 PA PC Yde. PcL TO lnL B. JotlM 91 49 627 66.2 2 4 Ferregamo 128 tl6 873 60.8 4 7 Gum1111 I 0 0 0.0 0 1 ........ , ..... 218 113 1400 623 e 12 Opp Tolala 216 137 1810 83.7 12 10 Perry Cromwell P. Thomu Ekem Jol\neon "-eTotele Opp Total& INTl!t<:U'TIOMS No.•Y .. A ... LG TI> 3 57 1110 33 0 3 33 12.0 21 0 2 0 0.0 0 0 1 II 11.0 II 0 1 7 'f.O 7 0 10 1oe 10 a 33 o 12 77 8.4 11 0 PUNTING Mo. Y._ A .. LG 31 15711 43.11 611 1 0 0 0 37 1579 42.7 59 32 1261 311.4 69 PUNT MT'IMMa No.. Ycla. A"S-LG TO lrWI 15 204 13.8 831 1 ...._ ToWe 15 204 13.8 83t I Opp. Toi... 25 264 10 8 71 0 COl.LEGE BOWL ROUNDUP 1~aow1 .....,,Dec.11 ,., .............. u.) WlecoNln 14, ~ S!Ale 3 Holiday Bowl FniMy, bee. 17 ( .. IM °"9901 Ql,to Slele 4 7, BYU 17 Calltomta Bowl ......,,Dec.11 , .. ,~, FrMnO SI 29. Bowllng Gt-1 28 Tangertne Bowl ......,,0.0..11 , .. ONnde, rl&.) AuOufn 33, Boeton College H ....... ,.., ( .. ID.._T_) Horth C11.1olfn• (7-41 .,., texu (9-2). ~2etnoon Aloha .... , .. I.:::..., Maryland (1-31 ••· WHlllngton (9·2). Channel 11 al 4 p.m. OetOt' aowt n-.-, ( .. Mc* I , ... Alt.) Weet Virginie (~2) ve Flotlda State (1-3). CMnnal 7 at 5 p.m. Hall of Fame Bowl ,,_, , ...... .._.Ala.) Vanderbilt (1·31 va Air Force (7·51. Channel 11 111 11 e.m. PMCh Bowl ,,,., , ....... , r--1a-.1-. iowe (7-41. CNnne1 2 at noon IUuebonnePBowl ,,,., , .. Mou.eoft) "'11.,_ (8·2· 1) va Florida (7 ·31. Channel 11et6p.m. ,. ..... Bowl .........,,-.1 J .. T-..,ML) OkJMoma (&-3) va Artzona Stele (11·21. Qlannel 4 et 12:30 p m Cotton llowl ~1 ,.. .., 8ou1Mrn ~ ( 10411 Y&. Pltteburgtl ($-2), CNnnei 2 at 11 Lm ROM Bowl ......,,.Mn.1 , ........... , Mlctllgan (l-31 Y&. VCLA (11-1· 1). Cheonel 4 812p.m. • Or aowt ~:...1 (;.'iilii.;'i, loulalene Slete (8·2· 11 va. Hebrulca (11·11. CtwwwMI 4111 S p.m. ..... llowl .......... 1 , ...... o.tMM, Penn 81ete (10·1) .,.. Georgia (11-01. a..wllll 7 at 5 p.m. NA tlrMe PST. Uttta All-Mleftca ...... The Maoclalacl ~-1M2 Ut1le ~ footbell 1-., OClf'n9llad lfom HCM Olvlelon1 II end 111 and ell NAIA llCflOOll: ... WHTIM COWIMNCI PMH'a~L Pitt. oe LMI•• f1 • ,,. ........ ti • ,,. PhOenl• 16 11 Ha PorO•ncl •• 111 071 GOIClen Slate " " ... s.,. Diego 4 23 lillclweet Dhlaloft 141 K.,. ... en~ 16 9 826 San Antonio 11 tl 821 Oal19a 12 14 462 o.n-11 18 407 Ula/I 11 It 401 Houa1on 4 22 164 IAaTlllN CO ... MNCI At!Mttc DtwtMeft Phllad4Mpllia 21 5 eo.1on 21 1 WUhlnglon 14 12 -J«MY 14 13 -YO<ll 0 17 Central DIYWoft Milwaul<M 18 10 Oetroll Ill 13 Allel>la 12 14 Clllcego 10 17 lndlana II 17 Cle•eland 4 22 , ..... , .. ._... No ~ ad>edulecl TonleM'e 0-.. New J«My at !'Jew V0<k Atlanta at Wealllnglon rnOWtl• at u1a11 Seellle at Por11end 1111Mte,·ii a- l.ell .. et lioueton Ute/I 81 KM ... City Phlledelpl\le al Sen At >lo Oetroll 81 Milweul< .. N-YO<ll al lncltene Phoenta at SMltle Golden State at Oen.,,. POt11en<! at 8en Diego 801 760 631 . 610 348 .843 $52 462 370 .:Me 164 • NHL CAMPMU CONRMNCa llllfttle~ - 6 . ... .... 17 'A 4\t • • 12\t 1 1 7 ... 12 2'A 5 1'AI • 13 Edmonton Wlnf>lpeg VancOUYet Calgaty l(lllp W LT Off-GA"'9 II 11 1 171 146 43 1$ 16 3 187 lat 33 13 15 7 131 129 33 13 10 • 163 181 32 t3 17 5 118 139 31 Cl!ic.go Mlnneeole St. loula Detroit Toronto Mon1e DMeleft 23 $ 8 168 19 10 1 151 13 20 4 t34 a 18 9 1oe 5 21 • 104! WAL.al COHl'UlllNCI ....... ~ 109 52 139 4& 143 30 147 25 163 " NY lllien0er9 111 14 7 140 122 43 p~ 111 12 6 136 111 41 WMhlngton t8 0 II 129 118 41 NY Rel>ger'a 17 16 3 142 130 37 Plttebutgtl 10 19 8 111 157 29 New Jetwy 7 23 1 102 183 21 ...... DWWeft 20 o a 163 20 o a 1a ti 13 8 131 18 14 5 181 10 20 4 113 ,..,,,.,..... No a-ec:helluied TINIWtt'• 0.- No o-~ ....,..a-v._,_ et Olea -JeTWf •t 8oeton -YOf11 lllanderti at Hetttotd Oetroll et BulfelO ~atW~on New YOf11 ~el~ Quebec et Montr.., SLLOU19at~ ~·at Winnipeg EOmonlon .. Celgery 106 .. 125 .. 118 31 168 37 168 24 ~\.·, t i ~IC ' ' . . j f \ -· ~ ... ( i I l l \ ., : .. • • • • Bill Walsh gets a victory ride after leading the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl title, while the St. Louis Cardinals celebrate a World Series championship . 1982: A year for goodbyes . • I Pro football's 57-day strike typified the In sports, 1982 was a year touy goodbye to Bear Bryant, Sugar Ray Leon&rd, Bowie Kuhn, Earl Weaver and the Oakland Raiden. And, for a while, to pro football. It was also the year to welcome back Jimmy Conno.ra, to watch Ed Garvey and Jack Donlan struggle over the football contract, and to SH youngatera Wayne Gretzky and Rickey Hendenon IOU' to new heights. And it was a year for Larry Holmee to get some respect. There was the cl.oeest lndianapolla ~ finish in history -Gordon Johncock won by .16 second over Rick Meara, a 11even· game World Series, more magic from Magic and a World Cup competition in wtuch Italy captured its first soccer tJUe llince 1988. For months during 1982, Ed Garvey, head of the NFL Players ~tion, and Jack Donlan, the team owners' chief negotiator, talked about the poaibllity of a strike. And on Sept. 21, the playera went on strike, the first regular-season walkout in the league's 63-year history. COMMISSIONER Pete Rozelle stayed on the sidelines and the two lides reached agreement Nov. 16 on a five-year, $1.6 billion contract. In the meantime, striking players talked about. joining the United States Football League, 1et to be8ln in 1983. The walkout lasted 57 days, cutting the aeaaon from Hi to nine games. The NFL also endured a major drug problem, which exploded when former player Don Reese said in Sparta Wustrated that "a cocaine cloud" covered the lealue. Several players later admitted they u.ed the drug and Reese ended up in jail. Al Davia, meanwhile, managinc aeneral partner of the Oakland Ral~era.J temporarily won his court battle and movea hie team to Loe Angelee. Star quar1erback Joe Montana and Wide receiver Dwight Clark led the San Francisco 49ers to a 26·21 Super Bowl victory over the Cl.ncinnati Bengala. In college football, Clemaon capped lta season by wlnnlng the national championship in the Orange Bowl on New Year'• Night. The bubble bµnt. however, when the NCAA found Clermon IUillY of recruitln8 violations and levied lta 1'.anhest penalty ever -the team la barntd from malc.1ng bowl and televlllon appearanclS fOI' 10 years, and loeea 10 llCbolartht.,._ Italy's Paolo R088i celebrates a World Cup soccer goal. For Paul "Bear" Bryant, 1982 w as to be his final year aa a coach. After a diaappointing 7-4 aeaaon, the 69-year-old Bryant -the wlnn1ngest coach in college football history -announced that he would leave Alabama alter a quarter- century. Georgia'• Henchel Walker won the Hetsman Trophy. Pitt c.o.ch Jackie Sherrill llgned a aix-year contract with Texas A&M at $287,000 a year -a salary that 11artled many in aadern1a who wondered whether prioritiee on college campuses had gotten out of line. The L0tt Anf:;t' Lakera won their second National etball A..ldation title in three yeara, led by_ playoff Moat Valuable Player F.arvi.n "Magic" Johnaon and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. In college buketball -with perennial power UCLA on probation -Dean Smith finally guided North Carolina to the national title. Bueball rebounded from ita strike-tom 1981 eeMOI'\ to •tan attendance record of 44,687 ,8741 and the St. Louts Cardinals beated the Milwaukee Brewers ln the World Serie.. Chargers ask for Garvey's o·uster • 'year without' ' • On the field , Oakland'• Rickey it Hendenon shattered the stolen bue record • by swiping 130 buea. And Baltimore's fel.aty manqer, Earl Weaver, retired. ~, Off the field, team ownen voted Kuhn out of offioe after 14 ~ years. His contract runs through Aug. 13, 1983, and no NCCeS80l' ia in sight . OUT OF SIGHT in hockey were the New ' York I.alandera and the Edmonton Oilers' Wayne Gretzky. The Ialanders breeu!d to 1 their third straight Stanley Cup and the I 21-year-old Gretzky continued smashing ,. records by acoring 92 goals and recording 120 assiata. In boxing, Larry Holmes finally got the recognition he has long desired. He stopped wibeaten challenger Gerry Cooney in the richest fight in history,· a $50 mlllion production in Las Vegas. Sugar Ray Leonard, meanwhile, retired as the undisputed welterweight champion after saying he had lost the desire to fight. But the biggest single event in boxing l was a ~ one. South Korean Duk Koo f Kim was ocked out in the 14th round of ~1 a nationally televised fight against World Boxing Association lightweight champion Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini. Kim suffered a brain hemorrhage, went into a coma and ~ died a few days later. The year also brought the deaths of ~ baseball Hall of Famers Leroy "Satchel" Paige, Lloyd "Little Poison" Waner and ~ New York Times sportswriter Walter f "Red" Smith. ...J IN GOLF, Tom Watson won the U.S~ Open, the only major title that had elud~-• him, and the British Open. - Martina Navratilova won 90 of 93 matches on the women's tennis circuit, becoming the undisputed top player deepite losing the U.S . Open, when sh e Vfati'.i: knock ed out by Pam Shriver. Jimmy""' Connol"ll returned to win Wimbledon by .. beating John McEnroe, who later helped ' ~ the United States capture Its 27th Davis Cup. . ,Q Horse racing was full of aurpriam. Gato ..; • del Sol ln the Kentucky Derby, Aloma's." Ruler In the Preakne91 and ConQulstador, .._. Clelo in the Belmont were aft upset-1;- winnera. Mary Decker Tabb set world records in the mile, ~.000 met.en and 10,000 meters in'n, track and field. UPSET. • • From Page C1 C't orm o .... Easier Trivia column ahead • M~ Chrllt.tnll, trMI built -Ind ..,.mlly Id ktvn.rler. who malt rtatnJy hM a founh lttailht dwnpkJnahJp u.N»r hla t.rw. With~ one round 10 ID• Id hM a e~-potnl Jeed cm lb8 Over \he Hill Qq and ~ •ble II far off the S*'e· The eood IWWI for ~ e1-la that you'U have two wwkl to ftcwe out the uwwen &o today'• quJs. Next week. the reeulta of the Dall)'. Pilot'• movie poll will appear ln Ueu of the tdvia eolwnn. TRIVIA BOWL xxvm STANDINGS ,,, Ill~ 1()4 eo~ eo~ 51 •• Heney ,rtof (t} &4 1. Noll Warnw 1•1 47 I. John ~ l'I 11 I W8"er Wlhy (f) 10~ •no entrt received -Nit of IMt ----died 'nlen, on New Year'• U.y, the remodeled column -fee~ Infinitely easter qu.estiona -makes ita debut. 'Ille objlct, of COW"IMt, ii to at1nct more cootributon by .. urina them they won't have &o 1pend every week.end in the library. Meanwhile, here'• the last "old" column. Happy New Year. 1. Blanca Rou Welter found ahe had 90me power in Hollywood after changi.1\8 her name &o what? 2. In the Mutt and Jeff comic atrip, what is Mutt'• tint name? 3. Who, according to a popular 90ng, could "knuckle your head before you count &o four?" 4. Name the first American actress io be de'picted on a posta.ge stamp. 5. Identify the voice of the computeriz.ed car on TV'a "Knight Rider." 6. In what aong ia a girl de9Cribed as "five feet of heaven in a pony tail?" 7. Remember the Billie Jean King-Bobby RJagl tennis match? What were the 8COres? 8. Ganon Hobart generally ateala the show in what stage comedy? 9. In the movie "Rich and Famoua,'' Candice Bergen was up for a major book award. Did she (a) win, (b) loee or (c) tie? • 8ARQAIN llATHlaas * MORd•r Ulru l1tunt1y AH Perl«~•• belON 6:00 PM (EJa,I .,.., E••I• 1 •1 _. ......,.l "Tim QRDICT" "' ----- .,,.OOT_.._ ----- .,,... VERDICT"• ----- lAICEWOOO CfNTfQ SOUTH w•1• '" ""SIX WEEKI" ----..r . .. ANAHEIM lJP1v1 ,~ -;."'° ... -OOOGeY•" -~»Aetm. ,,. IRONX"" .. -·"-... BUf NA I-ARK , • .t '" ---·--llM070 LINCOLN (H>IVI I~ ....... " .. ------ "THE TOY"------~ ~­GOOOeYI" ------ "THI TOY"' --'"STIR~ - C.·lt- -nu&WTll9 ... ....... _ _,..._DOll'T ..,.~,.. ...... -~· .... -.----anu.•MWm ... ~..,,.,. .. Cllll·ll- • 10. He w.. wlUlnl &o ahan hll 1tardom, but au tm lrtedl Mrl&Nd Chai he couldJft ptn anythtna on them tn what movt.f &.1& Week'1 Aaaw•n 1. Woody Allen (name chanp) 2. The J1.lntatonel (TV cartoon) 3. Rowan and Martin (rick.le Ftnaer> 4. Pinky (Sarah Moulton-Barrett) 5. "Derk Command" (Ropl'I u vU.laln) 6. "D Trovatore" (Nl&ht at the Opera) 7. OorpoUa Oeorae (Red Smith quote) 8. ''The Rainmaker" (H. C. Curry) 9. (a) Farm machinery, (b) Dr. Pepper ("Hat ot the Nlaht") 10. "E. T ... (movie riddle) (~ml your llVwetW to TRIVIA, clo che Daily Pilot. Box 1'80, a.r.. Meu g26z6. All entries muit be received by Wedneeday, och~ IWf che p}Ayu'a 1-t ..-ore will be awarded) Jack Webb really 'warin, human' Use the Dally Pilot "Fast Result" servlcl! directory. Your service Is our 1pecl1lly call 842·5678 ext. 322 'The best fllm Burt Reynolds hos fNef mode .. Goldie Hown'1 to.1ellest pertoononce .• A dellclous romantic corned( audiences wllt to.1e:· •IUD "BURT and GOLDIE. Thetr Chemistry Is Dynamite" ***¥1 -C8STV Pal~ An endearingly funny movie. Burt and Goldie generate so muoh natural warmth that 'Best Friends' has the cozy appeal of a well-lit fireplace. .. .._. __ -NEW YOAI< DAil Y MEWS ' ~THlEEN CARROLL u...-... .Im-_ _, _._,, U. .. llOl!Ull -llGIWl9 -==="ll'b=="IJ.,.,Ut_•--'---·-......... ,...,.,.. ....... -................... _,_ ·----·-~~ ------- In 811 ~kl. you can find memorin to lut 1Ufetlme. "IT'S A GREAT MOVIE!" "'Olot F.a.mvoocl shines u 'Honkytonk Man."' -rt,.. .. ~,,.,,. .. "My bat's off to QJnt Eastwood In 'Honkytonk Man.'" _.,.... """-,.,.yk>y "A superior movie that's an adventure for the fieart. Clint Eastwood bas never been better-and what an ~Ive debut for Kvle . -~•I Collt-. QS. ri Monti"•,.._.. \ I "~ 'l'•I '' •' tt ~"= .. •' •/ ., ·1 .j I i d n y heldon: a writing machine Ir .JURY IUCK • I#, ......... """' L08 AHOlLES -ror a m.n who qull &elevlllon 12 y•an 110. author Sidney Sheldon t. 1 po\ ot pro)le'tl '°'"' Sheldon Mid seodbye co teWvilion ln 19'70 and bepn wrf ttnc nowll f WJ Umt. He'• written IAx, all beli MU.". Kil laceat, "Mu1-r of the Game," la near the top ot the cu.rnmt t.t-eeller u.11. Sheldon, an ener,etlc, hanc:bome, White-haired man o 66, .. ya, ''Thla pu~tember I re-edited 'Bloodline' tor . I wu execuUve producer ot 'Raae ot Anaela' for NBC. Next year rube executive producer of 'Muter of lbe Game' for CBS. I'm ln the middle of ma.k.lna a deal with cable for "The Naked Face.' Every Tueeday, 'Han to Hart.' which I created, la on the air. And every day 'J Dreem of Jeannie.' which I created, la running aomewhere ln the world." Some people have called Sheldon a wrltin, machine. He aays, "Every writer know hatea to write. I love to write. They love havlni written. rm different. I love writing. I love the procea. "I try to write all my book.a so that the reader can't put lt down. I try to conatruct my booka 10 when the reader gets to the end of a chapter he haa to read juat one more chapter. It'• the technique of the old Saturday afternoon serial -leave the guy hanging on the edge of the cliff at the end of the chapter." He's written 1even Broadway shows and won a Tony for "Redhead." He'a written 23 movies and won an Olcar for ''The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer." He also created "Nancy" and "The Patty Duke Show.'' Now, he says, he Is firmly committed to novels. "No more movies," he aaya. "I love writing booka. You have total freedom. Movi• is a collaborative medium and everyone is 1eeond guessing you. When you do a novel you're oo your own. It'• a freedom that do 1n'1 Ht11 In any olh•r mldlwn." Hl1 ftret book wu "The Naked r~." whk:h he MYI, "IOld th'" copka" ActuaU1. tt eold ~• .uw ~ tn hardback, which 11n'l bad. ln pa.,.rblick h'110ld S.1 million~. All IOld, ''The Naked FIC9 tt"f-J'h. Other s~ of Mldnlaht." ''A Scraneer ln th• Mirror," "Blood.UM," "a. ot Anaela." and "Malter of the Geme" have 1old 1.48 mllllon cople1 ln hardbeck and 28.3 m1Won cope. ln paperbaick. "Muter of the Game" will be releued ln paperbeck In 1883. He dict.atee h1a booka CO 1 .cretary from 10 ln the momlnt unUl 6 •l nlaht. "I pace, I sit on the couch. l lit behind my desk," he aaya. In four or five months he hu a flnt draft runnina to 1,000 pa1e1. He 1pends the next year and a half rewriting and cutting to a publiahable leqth. At the end of two yean he hu another book completed. . "I heard about a street ln Slnppore and I flew there just to 1ee that 1treet. I put it ln 'Rage ot Angela.' lt'1 filled ' with food standa until midnight, then the most stunningly beeutifw women parade down the street -all • pl'09titutes and all tranaveatitea. You can't fool readers today. They've traveled so much, teen 80 many fl.lma with exotic locations. You have to 10 there." The four-hour NBC min laerie1 based on "Rage of Angela" will be · telecast next February. ti 1tan Jaclyn Smith and Ken Howard. Why did sheldori take a penonal hand in the froduction? He answers, "Because o 'The Other Side of Midnight' and 'Bloodllne.' I objected to the casting of "The Other Side of Mldniaht.' I ".bought the editlna of 'Bloodline'. waa ao dreadful I got permiaaion from ABC to re-edit lt. It was confualng, and you can't confu.e the audience. I got ~ when I .. w it. So I thought I d 2etter get involved." He says ABC paid $8 mllllon for "Bloodline" u aoon u Paramount bou&ht it from the manu.cript . .,..... .... 1..-IUCll - &lw"* Cil-. c.iw Edwards Wtodbrldgl Edwlllll Solllll Cols! CIMlonle t7t-414t C.-SSt 06SS 414 1514 634 2553 WU~TD EAtwns Cinema WISl HI 3935 , ______ , ACADEMY llDIMM: ._.. .... _ edlllH J11M1 ........ to .., pelfontwioe llander""" ~ "UPROARIOUS ... Mott of the routines arc hugie fun and a couple approach greames&.• -Vinrmt Canby, NEW YORK TIMES THE WILDEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION THRILLER OF THE YEAR. ., ..... Author Sidney Sheldon with h is best-sellers. "A duzttng • delcrlptlon-defylng triumph of the lm11glnatlon, embodying the moat Inspired artlatry and advanced technology ... breathtakingly rich . . . reminding u1 anew of the lnflnlte poulbllltlM of the screen." -K•vln Thoma, Los A~ Tl,,,.. ", •. A work of ,iiJ toetlng, llUllllned Imagination ... tt'1 11n woncMrlul." --e>.nnl• Cunn1no11.,,,, WCBB·TV I I J ~ I C •• iii ' all LORD GRAD! Pr~n~ for ITC f.NTr:RTAINMf.NT .\JIM Hr:NSOn """ 'n1t MRI\ CRYSTAL" o .... '""' JIM HtNSOn _, rRANK OZ 'Oc.4 r1.-.r;10,JIM HatSON w GARY IWR12 iw "•«nowt°' Ml/ID Oll::l.4. '>I"'> b1 JIM tlt.N!>ON """' b1 TKt\UK .JOtlfS l""' qlCwM l"'"'JIW' 6R)AN f'RQUO I ''"''"' fh>d••lfl MVID LAZtR I fl/! ~· ·-· f"9.....--··-··-.... -~ ,_,._ ..... '-l ~" c---·---- TOWN CENTER IN 70mm e TRACK DOLBY • red -f ~ ',o.,-f!?,"a,bl . NAWILLl..a Tenn. -Llk• • f11Udloui ~h chef rNd f'Olter Wft'lt to the pantry for ~ enta, then canfUUy blended them tar 1 • de U.t ~ ~). BecauN of th• record execuUve'1 efto ~,.., M•nwnent RerordJ hu prod~ "Th• Wtnntna =.'' • double-album Mt fHturtn, 10-ynr-ota b two kinp and two qu..nt of oountry c: k,;11 Krtetoffer.on, Brenda i...., WlUlt Nebon and Dolly Part.on. J'Olter'• taak wu to add sparkle and ap&ce t.o IOIJle of the muaJc, which ~ loet lta freehneea by coe~porary country muaic standarda. The musk: by Parton and Net.on la unreleued rnat.ertal datina back to about 1967. Lee'• mu.ic wu ~rded abo~t four years ago, but waa never re~. Kriatoffel"80ll recorded hla mat.ertal ln the pe6t two yean. Foat.er, who heada Monument Records, really U8td h1a apedal touch ln creating dueta. He took two sejarate recordinp by two different arllata and bldnded the two lnto one. "None were ever ln the studio at the aa.me U.," he uid. Foat.er Mid the project was a unique, once.ln-a-llfeUme opportunity. "It won't be done apin," he said. "This iJ the bett of the mat.ertal I tu.a. I doubt If they'll ever be totJether qaln on record." · The project began to take shape two years ago when Nellon uked Foet.er why some ol hla old s=D a had never been released. Nelson then a ted addina the others to the album, and the p ject was launched. "I aid, 'How could you get that cleared with all the different record labels and managen?' Willie satd he'd help," Foster said. So the project ~red for two years. I "It waa real lnteresting and l"ffl long." Foster aa..iP in an lnterview in his spacious, well-appointed M~·c Row office. One of the eongs from the album, "Everything Ia autiful," a duet by Parton and Net.on, has leued u a single. It ls a alow, simple eong re ecting an optimistic outlook on life. It'a not to be oo u8ed with the Ray St.evens' hit of aame name re about a decade ago. . I "Dolly and Willie eound like they were born to s1r1J together," Fa.ter said. Until now, they had not. 1 With 20 IOll8J on the four sides, tunes from the al are png to be on the market for eome time. F ter expecta to release aix or seven songs u al lea off the album. They'll be spaced three tha aparl, eo muaic from "The Winning Band" be available for about two years. Record producer Fred Foster holds copy of the album, "The Winning Hand." The album la an appeallna mix of various country muaic styles. "Put It Off UnUl Tomorrow," a duet by Parton and Kriatoffenon, la a hard-core country song about heartbreak. "Born to Love Me," by Lee and Kriatoffenon. la a genUto and fetching love song. "What Do You Think About Lovin'?" by Parton I.a a sasay, rock~try tune. Through thto ~of technology, Foeter was able to lower Parton a l~-year old vocala by one key. "Fifteen years 880, ahe had a higher voice -a little thinner voice," Foat.er aaid. He said htor aonp tumt'd out eounding so much like her current voice that many ln the business thought she had recut it. Foeter made no changes ln Nellon'• old vocala. "He a1np great now, then and will forever," Foster said. But he did cut away the music from the earlier reco~ of Parton and Nel!IOn, and replaced it with more contemporary lnltrumentation. And if four superetan were not enough, Foater lined up Johnny Caah to do the liner not.es. These are fascinating reading, especially Cash's recollect.Ions of Kriatofftorson'a persiat.ent efforts to break lnto the music buainem. Share The Joy Share The Magic Share The Wonder 'This Holiday~· EX THE E.xT'RA-1ERRESTRIAL lm .. ()llOall.M-CfnfTU• ..... ..... -.. ...-0.-·Nl~ M1M2 MO-nc. OI' .,.....wor11• m PUBllC NOTtCE rlCTmOUI ---· rm--NAm eTAftMllff ~7.~u The fOlowinO .,.,_ -dolnO Hotkie le IMlteOy 81,,.... lMI the U4idel~ ... not be·~ lor '"Y c:1eo11 01 11ab11111e1 c:ontraciled by anyone otll« 111an myMH, on 0t eh.et thll daUI The followlno ~raon la <101no ~ C'; " 1 0 H 0 A 1 z o N ~ .. Dated tN• "" oay o1 o.c-nt>et. 1N2 TM fo1ow4nO .,.,_ -doing OACTU8 C(lll!ATIONS, IU& INTl!lllNATIONAL, 20582 '•bble ~ -H tcllll Ot Ho 113 Newpott \JI., Hunllnglon IMoh, CA 92e4e AHOt!I INTfANAT!OfolAL, 900 BMGh, CA t:ieeo . ll•t:•n D . Klmbl•. 20112 ..... "BJ .. Jarw1 Kallet ... I.MM, 99t M , Corona del Mar. 0 a b r a l y n E 111 n e , 11 26 = ·• Huntington 8eldl, CA 21773 Ooun Vlate Of , CA t2US WHICllff Or . No 183, Newport South Laouna. CA 92t77 Kevin lc:ott Quinn, 900 SH 8Mal1, CA. 92teo ltuan 0 Welnber1. 1592 Publl•h•<I Oteno• CoHt Dally I.Ana, ~ ... Corona del Mat, CA 'Thia ~ .. oonducted by an ~ A~~eetmlnlll•. c 9"'3 Piiot, Dea. 11, 12, fl, 10, 26. 1M2. 12t26 lndlvlduM . --.. oonduc:1ed by. 6-423-82 Welle Labor-, ooo a.: i..-. o.ora t.yn ev-o-w .. panneraNp • 1-----------~. 94, Corona del Mat, CA 82t211 Thia 1tat-t w .. Ned With the Thia 111::::::' 0. Klm11 ble NI.IC NOTICC Thia~ 11 oonduoted by• County Ci.ril. of Orange County on t WM lac:I with 1"9 , ............ ,. _...,_91 ~ """""""· Dec:. 1, 1912 County Ctark of Orange Coutoty on .... , .. ..,... ...,_ Kem Quinn ,,_ 0.0. 1. 1982 NAm ITAT'lmNT Thia etat_,l WM llted with tM Publlahac:I Orange Cout Dally ~ The following penon9 .,. c:IOlnO County Cleril of Orange County on Piiot, 0ec 11, 19, 26. l082, JM i , Publlahed Orange Cout Delly ooei-.. Oec. 16, 1982. 1083. Ptlol, Dec:. 10, 17, 24, 31, 1'82 JN S P Ill 0 PE AT Y ,_,.. 63e8-12 S311-e2 MANAGEMEN'T, 81 Oxtorc:I. lrvlne. Publlthed Orange CoHt Dally "8.IC NOT~ California 02716 Pllol. Dec: 11, 26. 1982. Jan. 1, e. PUBUC NOTICE ""' JIM A Baoll, 81 Oklorc:I, !Nine. 1983 Cellfornla 02716 l'ICTIT10Ut ....... 81 ... en 8ec:ll e 1 Oai0td. Irvine '9CTTT10Ua .,_ .. 11621-82 NAmlTATDlmNT P\llUC NOTICE The fQllowlng l)«9one are c:lolng ---------------bualnaet U ! P'IC'TTTlOUS ......... PETITE 8'-'UTY PARLOUR. ,..._ 9TAT'D9NT 124 S lltoedwey, Sente Ana. CA TM lollowlng penone -doing Francleco J. Bat•l••..r. 21800 ~ u : Bloomfleld fl21, H-a11:n uaroane. HOME DRAIN SERVICE. ttl21 CA 00718 St~ Ln , Garden Oro...., CA L II • M . 8 a ra J a •, 2 18 0 0 92840 81oomlle6d 127, Hawaiian 0 91dene, Rlctler<I Jerome Carroll. 11121 CA 00718 8ceotianle Ln .. Gwden Oro...., CA Thie bin!,,..• la conduc:ted by 92640 lndMduall (Huat>end • Wlflt). Carotyn L.oulU C91roll, 11821 Franc:laoo J. 8areju SI~ I.JI.. Garden Grov., CA Thie ltatemant wu llled wtth the 92640 County Olettl of Orange County on Thia ~le~ by an Dec: 1e. 1982 lndMdual ....... Richard J. Carroll Publlehed Orange CoHI Dally Thie 11tatement wu ftled wtth Iha Ptlol. Dec:. 18, 26, 1982. Jan. 1, 8, County C*tl of Orange County on 1N3 Dec:. f5, 11182. Ss&a-112 ,...,. Publlehed Orange CoHI Dalt)' Piiot. o.o. 11, 25, 11182, J:n. t, e. 1083 PtlJt.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUllHHI HAMI IT A TEMINT Th• lollowlng petton It c:lol"O l>uSlneN .. EBERLE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS, 3e0 E 171h St Ste 6800 A· 100 Coale Meu, CA 02827 Warran J Eberle. 400 'Trav.,M 0. . Cos11 M-. CA 92128 'Tllll b\191nMa I• oonductecl by .,., lndMc:lual Watr..., J Eberle NII.IC NOTICE IACTITIOUS Mll ... 11 HAMI ITATIMENT The loltowlnQ pera<>M "' c:lotng b\lllneH U TRIDENT INT 6892 Manhellan 0t Hunllnglon a .. cll. CA 92647 J emes A Ford 4 2 18 Sl\orec•eal, Corona c:lal Mat, CA 02625 Edwin v Johneon, 8102 Man/\al\an 0. Hunttngton 8eac:h CA 02847 Mark V Lon1<1a1e. 8802 Manhellen Ot . Huntington Beech. CA 92647 TIVa buill,_ 11 conducted by a general p1111nera111p James A Ford Tiiis 11a1emen1 wa1 Nied with Iha County Clerk ol OrlJ>Qe County on ,..._ aTAftlmJfT Ca11t0<nla 02716 The lollowtno pereon I• c:lol"O TN• w.ineea I• eonc:lucted .... • ~ .. : WT THE CLEANING SPIRIT, 1828 genetal partnenhlp !owe ID, Coeta ..._, CA 02828 Jiii A 8ec:k Mlc:IOe Veld«ral,,, 1928 low• Thi• llet-t WM lllec:I wltll the ID, C:O.ta ~. CA t2$2t County Clerk ol Oranoe Coutliy on Thia ~ le oon<luCled by an Nowmbet 29, 1982 ~ lndMduelM. Veklerraln Publlelled Orang• Cout Delly fNe tll'-1 WU f11ec:1 wttll the PMot. Dec 26, 1082, Jlll'I. 1, 8, 15, County CWtt of Orange Coutlty on 1963 Dec: 16, 1982. ,...,. f'tlll.IC f«>Tlct Publl•ll•d Otano• COHI Dally Piiot. Oec. 18, 25, 1982. Jan 1, I , IM3 '1CTITIOUS eu..-H ~ITA~ _________ 6_50_1-11_2 The followlng ~r.on le doing bu~u· PUBUC NOTICE TACHYON, 1835 Wllllller FICTITIOUS 9UllNESS A-.-. D·l, Cotti M-. Calllornla NA• ITATUIENT 02827 The fo410Wln0 pertc>N .,. <loo Clancy o.nnle McClain. 11861 b\lslneH u ng Morgen Lane. Oerc:len Grove. ( A ) S p I C E 1 S L A N 0 S CalllO<nla 02840 'T AA OE RS , ( 8) FA A EAS 'T Thia bu.U-. le conc:luc1ec:I by WI 'TRADERS", (Cl "EAS'T INOIES lnc:lh•ldual. IMPORTS ', (0) "CURRIE & Ctancy McClain DENNIS'·. IE I ' INOONESIAN Tiiis 9\et-t w .. filed with the TRADE CONSUL TAN TS 2423 Couflly 0... ol Oranoa County on M1seno Wey, Costa MeH, CA o-tlber 2I, 1N2 92127 Simon F Currie, 2423 Ml~ Wey, Cott• ~. CA 02627 Nanc;y Denna. 2423 MIHnO Wey. Costa M-CA 92627 Th11 buelMM It eonc:IUC1.0 by a ...... Publlellac:I Orange Cout Dally Piiot. Dec 25, 1002. Jan. 1. e. 15. 1813 NI.IC NOTICE general pennettlllp S F Currie Tllta llatement WU 111«1 with tl'le flCTlTlOUI ........ County Clet1l ol Ot•noe County on ..... STAft....,. Dae 1 1912 'The lollowtno per.on le doing ,....,~- Publlalled Orange CoHI Dally THE MICRO CONNECTION, Pilot Dec 4 11 18 25 1082 18090 YoHmll• Court. fountain Tlllt 11atemenl WU lated wllll the County Clwll 01 O<eno• County on Dae 1, 108:1 ~ Publltllad Oreno• CoHt Dally Pilot. Dec 4, 11 18. 26. 1H2 S248-82 ' ' · ' ' 5275-82 Veile)'. Caltfornla 02708 '2ma0 -----------Paul J Aakony 11000 Publl•ll•c:I Orenge CoHt Deity PtlJt.IC NOTICE ~~.•1.'.!'!'}.,~• ~71,.:. Founteln Velley Dec 1. 10112 Piiot Dae 4, 11 11, 25. 1012 ..,.. ""'-.,,,~ ""' 5243-82 au"faOfl COUttT Of' Thia ~ le conduc1.0 by an CALll"OflNIA lndMdu ... COUNTY Of~ Paul RMony '" .... ......, ., ... Thia ., .. _t -flled wtlh tne fllCTmOUa .,_.. PlCTTTIOUa w .... u ~ o1 County ca.ti ot Oranoe County on PUBUC NOTICE Plait NOTICE NAm aTATOllSWT NA• STAftWNT ,,..,_ L .... v_,., o-nw 17, 11182 ,,_,, Publlahed Ora"Qe Co111 Dally Pllol. 0ec 25, 1982. Jan I, I , 15, 1083 The loll<>wlng P«tonl are c:IOinQ The lollOWlng pe<-.one are c:IOlnQ ~etlt*-bual,_ a1 buatna. u tot C"-"ee of .._.,. CREATIVE PHOTO. 1118 W PARENTS WHO CARE. 1827 No. A1*11 Kat .. la, Anan.tm. CA 02802 Tenune Tertaoe Coron• c:lel Mat, OROllt TO SHOW CAUM Creative Weys Inc a C .. llornle CA 02625 WHEREA~. J-L_,.. Young. c0<porellon. 720 W 18th St •B-5. Parent• Who C ara . 1827 Pauuan.. hu ltled • l)e'lltton with Costa M .. •. CA 02827 Talluna 'Terrace. Corona c:lel Mar. the Cieri< of this court tor• c:lecrM This buelnMa 11 oon<1uc14ld by • CA 02626 changing ~lluoner's name from corporallon Thlt bulllnn• 11 conouc1e<1 by an James Laslie Young 10 J-LMlla CrMllve Weys ~ unlncorporalac:I aMOClallon other Graf Von ~aid Young Tom Plalloot lhlll'I • partnership IT IS OAO£REO lhal all per90m S.Cretwy· Tr..-., Pam Howard onl••••••<I in Ill• above mall er Tiiie s1a1emen1 waa lllac:I W1111 th• Tlltt 1te1emen1 was llled w1111 the •PP••• In Oaputmenl 3 of 11111 County Clef'k 01 Orange County on County Cieri< of O<anoa County on c;ourl. located et 700 CMc: Centet Dec 1, 108:1 Dec: 1. 1082 Ot o,,. Wetl Sante A"•· Calll0<,,le. f'2IOl2U C.-U 6 IC...., 02702 on J-.wy !i. 1083. a1 1030 f'ICTmOUSal .... a N.u.ITATlmNT The lollowlng ~'°"' .,. c:IOlng ~-· CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGISTS. 16445 R•<1n111. Suite C, Tuatln. Celltomla 02680 LA MIAAOA Pubhahec:I Orange CoHI Dally A1t0t_,ie at Law AM Of as '°°" ,,.,.,...,,., u the HIVf·IN Piiot, Dec 4 11, 18. 2S, 1062 2C»1 • ......,... Centw Drlft mallet may be heard, and •how Tecllnlcal Innovation•, Incorporated. • Calllornl• corporation, 16445 Redhll, Suh• c. Tuattn. CalltOfnla 02MO s.n.. ..... ,., .. _, 5215-82 Sult• 200 c:euM. II any. wfly the l)e'llUon '°' .. ...iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioliiiiiiiiiiiilo,..[_J...:::.::~::;:::,...J.._!!1"•'·•'"'-·ii11•Mlilll.,_mai"• ------------lnttne, Cellfomle C71&-1111 c:111nga ol n•m• 1hou1<1 not b• Thie buel.-II conc:lucted by e 4 ~N:"ft.918. -...,.. .............. __ _ ,....,.......,_. I 22nd SMASH WEEKI . FVUDITOI UIKl IROft OU.. Fox Edw11ds Westblook AMC Orange MaM 525 4747 530 4401 637 0340 "° l'....U ltCCIP'flO '°" Tttll F"O&M"f"T !TNll ... •a.or T .. WI tie •1•1 ttts• .......... T .... fwteffltf. II _.T __ __ ~ --r ·---~~..'.,rt.~" ----· .. PLAYl•G ··~-':-n t.-lfw-S-.• Ml MIO .... =-· u1ons ...... °'YC.... U• lltl WU~Till l .. -c-.-. ... H• lUS Wfli.--~H,Oltf .............. ..nM1taun ,_,,_..,_ °" .... Ml l••• IUml ~.,.. ..... •>t•no PU ll 1'HO HAHi .._ .. u .. uu ....._. 111•1 lll·MIO UA Qty QllM IJ4.HI 1 fOMTAll .WY OM .. l flltlily r-111•1 H2·1241 AMC °"Ill' .._.131 0340 tmll OUHI CftTAllUA~ CIMllll t.-. 17M1CI CotTA MIU Ut\0.......-9' W ....... 11H) Hl·OH• lt.d"• 01 13H170 WllTWUTU ti-W. 1114131 PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUTll UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES UNFAlllll We .,. IOoked M ~ .. ww r9'UMO to ION up to 75"9 of ow Jobe, doutMe the wen load of thote rtmet"lng Ind alloW our exJ*11 .. to be utlllnd to enable underplld, lnex~ kid• to handle the NQNy oompMx equipment In the proflctlon '°°""of the United Mtltl Theltlw. ! •11111"*'9 .,aaan:. 8lld ... ._.., <*nlnded thlt MCh Pf'Ofectlontlt ~ W*t u many 11 ..._, 101 ... 1e 1n com ..... mueh u twefttJ,.... ..,al We ~ tNI to .,. _.. to the 80· 75" oJ the projectlont1t1 tt'8t would l'lav. loet their Jobi und• ttloee condttlofil, end _,.., to the m<Me patront Who are paytng • prtoe for their tlckMa, wtth the ~of eMlnO _. • ..., ..... ,...._...,. of the 1-turee ttteY Pekf.to .... We ... wtlftng to neooti.•·· but the Company • ........, end ...... ., LOC~D u• OUT. YOU CAN H•~PI PUBllC NOTtcC ~ O""'ed Publltlled Orange CoHI Delly IT IS FURTHER ORDERED INC a corporation 'Technlcal tnnovettone. lnOofi>Of •led ~A. Huatwtt Secntary ~TTT'IOO ........ ...._ ITATIMINT Th• 1011ow1ng paraon la <101no b"''""' .. I< o _c ENTERPRISES. 2t36 Parslmmo" Pl Fullerton CA 02835 l<ennelh Duane Camp 2038 Paralmmon Pl . Fullenon. CA 02835 Thia ~ 11 oondUC1ec:I by an lnc:llvtc:lual K-1110 Camp Thia 1111emen1 WH "'9cl wllll lhe County Clerk of Orange County on Dec 1. 1082 ~ Published Orenge CoHI Deny Ptlol, Dec: 4 1 I, 18, 26 1N2 &31!Hl2 Piiot, Dae 4 I 1 18 25. 1082 copy ol thie O<Clet to lhow ~be 6311-82 publl1llad In Tile Dally Piiot. • -----------nawtpaper ol genatel c;lrculatlon PUBLIC NOTICE prl n t ec:I 1 n 0 • ano• County. orw-~----•• Calllornla. OllC:• a -k fOf lour ....... ,..,.. • ..,_ ~ ...-. pnor to the <1•141 ...... STATDllMT Ml lor ,._Ing on the petnlon Th• follOWlno ~,_., " doing oa1ec1· Dae 1 1982 bu91neu • FrllM ~ R 0 N A 0 H R E R A N 0 Ju<19e ol 1"41 ASSOCIATES, 509 No Main St , Supertot Court Sante Ana. CA 02701 Offtcea .. Ronald Wiiiiam Rohr at. 113 f . 8wdd1~11111ft' 11111 St . Seal 8Mch. CA 00740 O-~8ffl ~ Thll butlnfft II conc:luetec:I by an S11tta too lndlYld~I &ante Monte-. CA 10t01 Ronald W AOlvet ttJ) ~7151 Thie ttat-• waa hied wftll the Publl•h•d Orang• Coasl Dally COUf'lty Clet1l ol O<ange Courlty on llOI. Dec 4 11, 11 26, t912 Tllte llt•t-t -Ned With the County Olettl of Or911ge County on o-nw 20. 1N2 ...... Publllhed Orange COHI Delly Piiot. Oec. 25, 19U. JF. 1, I , 16, 1083 M51-f2 rta.JC NOTICE Dec 1. 1082 6312-82 ----------~ "8lllO Publlthad Orange Cout Dally 1----.---.,.-1111111\-llC[ ____ _ "A publlc: "-'"II .. be lleld' on W.on.day. --., 5, 1913, II 7 p m In the 8ullcllng B Conterenoa Room, Dlatrlci Ec:lucatlOl't Centet. 10251 Yorktown Avenue, Hunllngton BMc;h. Ca . 10 ,.,.._ the ECIA, Thie VII Oernonatretton Ptoject~tlon '°' ""'*' and non-tPMk 9\udenfl '°' 01• 10 3·84 echo~ yeer tor the PUBl.IC NOTICE Pltol, Oec 4 11 11, 25, 1N2 r--..n. "" '1C1TT'IOUS .,..... u1w21--'9C-·-m1-IOW--.,-1-,-.-.. ---u• STATEWNT um.,..,....,. Hu11t1no1on Beach Unto" High Scrloot Dlatnc:t .. The followlng J>WtoM .,e c:IOinO PUBl.IC NOTICE Tne lollowln9 pereOfl I• doing ~-----------~ -· COS'TA MESA SHOPPEA. 20&5 flCTlTIOUI eu .... at -Placentle •I Coale Meu CA MAIM STATIMSNT DATA PACWll.lS, 14~2 QllWr 82827 Tile lollowlno perao" 11 doing s-. AIN, iir¥1ne, CA.127t4. J.,ry Lff Waugh IMO N-b\1-a1 FFWlll J . Flklone, '°4m Nanto PubHahed Ora[lga CoHt Delly Plo4. Dec:. 21, 22, ». 24, 26, 2t. 27. 1812 6697-82 Jetaey, Coeta ,.._,CA 82826 TRl·Fl8HEAS II. 400 Main flloed, 8onNll. CA 9200S PUlJC NOTICE Ec:lttll C.rol Morton, 1aeo New Sl•Mt 8-lt>Oe, C•lomla 02te1 ~ .. oon<IUCtld ""an ~COURT ()II JefM)', Coa1• MMe. CA 82628 MICllHI 8ullarc:I, 820 Balboa ,,... J. ~ &.oe ANQ91" TPM. l>U9lneaa It c;onc:luctect by, Blvd . •B. BalbOa, CA 9286t tNe .,...._1 -flied With CM ttt M. .. It. general p"1narlhlp Thi• b\lalnNe "conducted by. ty a.11 of Orange Ooutlty on Lo.a~ CA ..u .Wry L Waugh llmlted PAf1'*.ntp fl, 1M2. "-AMT1PPi Nn llAln'1M _.. Thie 11•1-t wu Mad Wllll lhe Mld\MI 9ullarc:I ,_ ..CMLA llARTM, County Clerk ol O<ange County on Thll lt•l-1 WH filed wlUI !fie Publletled Ora~ Cout 0..1~ .....,A.Mn ..clC .,.., .. Pee 1. 1982 County Clerk of Orange Co\lrlty on llot ....._ 2• 191 Jan 1 I t o o. p AM y, • C •I II• r 1t ta ,..... Dec 1 tH2 IOM .,_, "· • · • • • .. ,...,._ ..i OCMI 1 ...._ Publlahad Oreno• Cout Dally ,.,._.,. W. AllMI MG2.ea u. ........... PllOI. Dec 4. 11 1•. 26. 1N2 AttofM1 at UW 8lllHI~ 5279-82 1111 0.... at~ WM 100 •-.,. lllllftTll'r C.. .... C:.... --------_;_;...;......;..; ~ IMdl, CA talO ~ ""'""-..crnc.1 Y• Mft ............ PmUC NOTICl nos.a 1---------Publl•h•d Oran~• CoHt Dall" fllOTmOUI "*-" Tiie .... IMJ ............ ,.. Piiot "-' HAim ITAftlmNT ..... row ..... Mertl .... . .,,... 4, 11. 1 . 2S 101,. TM .......,,. ,.,_,. -doing ,_ ................ .._. -----------•-2 ~-----••flan....,.. "8.IC NOTICC OIL COM, IH •• lt•I• II yGll """'° ..... ..,_Of -----------Coleo9. ~ ~ en allorMy lft tllle 1t1alllf, rov 'IC:TmOUt IMlt•U C•rl •· D•mon, 1tt1 MM• ~tt do'° ~f 80 !tat JOl.v ....._ 91'AnMINT ~ T-10, .. Al-. OtllfOtlllll ...,, en r~. • tny, 11\Q be l)u~ ~ .,.,_ -doing '"'~·~ ..... -: :; to; u •••• " ••••• AALINQTOH TIMHALAKI! ~ftald &.ewl9, HI I , lttt• ~~ !!_."*ttlel... • ..... Al80CIATl!S. 1'1111 lrYIM llMS., Odl9gt, ,,,,...,._ Celfomle --· -I _,,... • Sutte 204, Tultln, ca111omi. '"80. Tllil~ II oondUcted by a ~. ~ ... "" .. '~' •1...,. er .. Uve ,.... 1.e111• ~. oan--r.-n'*1H!> ---11 11•1 • ... tno .•• c.tlfofnlt oorooratlon, t7t11 CWt •• o.non ...... u Irvine Bhtd , Suite 204. T16atln TNI ....,,_,, -!ltd 'llfttl ti. "II ' •t•CI du .. aonouer el ~nla NMO. ' . ~ Clertl at °"""" coum, on OOflHIO de llf'I •booeoO en •te o.w1 l!Mtf,.,...., a c:.llliomla 0.0. l\'lbef 11, 1ta. U U n t o • -' a Ill• r f e ft I a er Io an al pertftera111p, 1HI 1 .... Ht W!WMdlllt~ ~---, I leflta AM. Cltfofllle fl\tblllMd Ortnte OoMI Qa4IV 9'I ,.,.,_. --., •-er ....... fllllot. Die. ff .• 1•. JM. '· .. 1f. ..,... -......... ~ Wllllam I Oatermftl•r, Jr., 1MI '· TO .,..... OIPINDNff: A "'4 eener• pennar, 1201 w L• Y•• , Ml'l-11 o~ llee .._ tlM ~·-. Ave. ••oo, Orarto•. 01tllornl• :='.:--'._:'· "'°" W:.:: -1~iii5imiiiiiii.,,.i,.iiiuii1i~ii1i;~;1~-1 92MJolln w H~enerll PWllC ll)TIC( M Hye •ft•r t111r'w'::0.-1 11 Tiie ........ ~. 1fH' '-'Ml PiO'ririOUi ..-.e ..-°"'°"' .. _... ... ~a ...,_ -flt P9'Mll II dol"f Ana,~ tUOI. MAMl ITA™' """-" ~ 10 .. ca:•lltll ~ =.r~ o.:='J.':°' O::,.~" ~ .. • ~:;-'nt ,.,.,. ie • ..,,. ::'.::O ~ -:;:::=.-: = ft,~·-..CA--CIMttvt~lltMI PIMT~I. 110 ~=..-:=.-:'=ti::.= J1M1rtt1 AM ~ t4IO ~.:.:..,. • Oentet Dl'M, lulte MO, .....,._. ....... ,ii N OIUIJlll 1 ..... :=r 11'.........., llWI\; b.o'. "I~. · ~ ~= .. '"' w. '"" ,._It lft ,,,.._.-.., ot ,..... ....... It OOl'Ul1•d !Ir 111 ™' _.,._... -...,-""' t,.. Ona•• DIM. .....,, '9911111. .,''94...,"':I: :..':I:= llldMI• COunl'V ~.et °""'9 .~Oft OctlfOf!lllO HNI JIM fll ............ -~ l>eej1', ..... 'I'..... .1~' ,,. ,,,,, .... ~ ................. ~ ,_ ..... , ....... ...ii ..... D; ...... at. .. , a... OIOftr .. Or..-.. ,. ... ..., •• Law ~QR .. ~ OOMMr '" •• a..• . ...._ r:-ac.'I ::~1-; om1 .. a .1t11 .. ._ =~ .. ~;· J~11111'11ed Ottoftle c.Mt"I: ~~~~ =~ .a,, """Dea 4 "· ,., ... ,.. ,.. ' • ...... .. ~ -- $ f s I I ; I I i t ' ; • I I I I< 11 \\ MON•IG Willia (Todd Bridges) and Arnold (Gary Coleman) square ofl at the video arcade in tonight's episode of "Dilf'rent Strokes," at 8:00 on KNBC .( 4) . ~ ~ dlflefwnl wa,,.. **"SI. HeMna" (19'1) An c.m.,,. DeWI Huff· man. a:ao I GIWOAN'I Pl.ANET OMHD PRIX 0# Al,L,. .,. .. l o ,11(;.MAN WIU), M.D WOAlJ) O#AWA&.8 ! ::::::-· HEAOE8 •• * "IOng Of IOngt" (1H2) Jeffrey Hunter. Robert Ryw\. (O)MCME *** "Popeye" (IMO) Aot>ltl WllllM\a, Shelley Ouwl. HO. Cl) OOUJ!OE f'OOT8AL1. • !Ylm>AY OOOKIHO wmt .IAoOOU8 ...... J~ Pepin demon- '1r9lee lwO dtftttent .. 10 melLe Ind decor•te meyoflNIM of !Wt Md mayonnelM of c:Nclken. • CHNITMAI AT P>E*ITA~ Memberl of the ~ St•te GIN Clull Wld Ille Br.-a-•~ Ille ~ ot YulMWM In WI out· doot oonc:.1 of hOld9y ""'*· (O)MC>v. **~ "Tribute" (1880) J•cll Lemmon, Robby e.n.on. 11:00 8 CttMm.WI AT WAaHNOTON CATHl!DM.l !Wlwend Cenon Charlelt A. PwTy Ind Rt "--end John T. W .. er 011etnte • Cf\rlttmu Olly ..vice lrom lh• W11hlngton ~ In the netlon'• G ·wmcec> 8"CW.I ''?-* Attd The Meglc FllG- lory'' T-~ peoole combine th* !Mente to •open up • magic lhop. (Pw12)(R)O • THIE MOil' JOYFUl. t.MITBl'Y 8erMtd Huut-Ind Jue. tin Hatty hoal • Christmam ..,.... dldlcaeed 10 Ille ...... ol h-'d. CJ)~ * * * * . ....,. Ovtltian ~~ (f'52) OMny """' ....... I :=..TIWN *** ".....a. In The ,.. •• (*54) .... Wyman. VenJOMeon • • MAQl8 .. WA~ • ..,..._YUM <JD INIOI THIE Mil. Ho9lt LWI 0...0... Wld Nk* lkionloontl ~ hlgtllghte of the prW'Aoul ..... NF\. eer-Ind .,,.... It~ pleyer'I Ind ~ 11:ao I 1WUaHT l.ONI 0 A NlW INOLAHD CHNITlllAI Qw"""'8I II~ at St. AN91m'• Colage In ~ ..... ~ ..... wllfl • Ctv19tmM E"9 Mntoe ooncM:1ed In • .......... lnONlltary. ..... IMOOK CHl9TMA81NCW. Ar*neled. A meg6cel book tl*9I awt9CCIP* P...-. ,. '"""' ""' Wld """' robot Otzmo on a journey ttw°"9fl time Ind ep.-IO "" .... awtMm. e MAGIC 0# Oil 'AINTINI I GMIUINI Y!AM ,Ana '1eYTON'• CHl9TMA8 9"CW. • MOYllf * * ''That'• The 8'*'"" ( 1945) Peggy Ryan. Jaclt OelUe. (C)MOYllf **~ "*'di" (1171) A ~ pl .. l)n)ught from lw gnndtavw'• AlPr4 llolM to 11¥9 In the dly . • MOYll * * * ''The Compwtltlo11" (1NO) NcNrd ~. Alff'/ lrWIO- A# i IMOOM TUBE TOPPEn KA -. (.1) '1tl0 -··~~ on L.A." r tut wlll ~ a I~ al Uw fllrn "l .T.'' ltii &NK>P.1• who made I\, lnoludln1 1Hav1n filplelbtrl and th• 1Ctor who pOttta)td EllloU, Henry Thornu. KCIT (:Ml) 8:00 -"In Performance al the White Houao." Famed vloltnl1l ltzhak P rlman la muter Of cemnont• for an .u .. w Jazz proaram from the Eut Room ot th White HOUM. KNXT (2) 10:00 -CBS Newa Special "Eye on the Media: Bu1lneu and the Preis." Fourteen representatives from the· aometime1 f eudina f acttoN of buaine11, government and the prea dlecua their relatloNhlp with each other, covering such iNuea aa the media'• u1e of conaultanta and allegations of checkbook joumallam. IOWUNQ I WON.D ~ IOOt<I llWIMO~ 809 HIWHAAT Chflelmu EYe It lllmoet epolled when Bob I• lrtpped In the oltlc• *-Of • power tallur•. (I) TM.~Y: THAU ClASllC TALU Anlmtted Thr• ''°' ... tor Clllldten -"~ I/en Wlnllla," "The Llllla Pl1noe ... and "Merllo The Cobbler" -.,. bf OUOhl .,..... lhrOUOh lhe clayme- lion ptooau .MOVIE * * * "A Chrlttmu Cerol" ( 1951) Alutalr Sim, Ka™-! Httrleon. 4:00 I NFL MAGAZJHe MOV!a "81ack Samur.... ( 1978) Jim~. • ALOHA90WL Mttylend w WMhlnglOll • COMPUTER CHROMCl.U G WfVTINO FOR A MA80H ''Tl4 PtlfMI' Of Oefinlllon" Cl) IT AA TN'K A .aantlllc leMt wtllCh hU .,_, In-ligating • dying ~ i. tound deed. 0 OAEATEllTSPORTS L.EOeHOI 9 WIOI WOftLD ~ WOMI Schedui.d .• epeclal per. tormanoe or tr. World Fig· ure Shllng Clulrnplont (trom Cot>enllaOen. Oen· mark); -· of the International 8111 Flying _, (tfom Kulm. Auelrl•). !:'IUPOA.Tl * * * ''A Cl'lrltlmu Cttol" (t95t) Alutall Sim. Ka""-1 Herneon lV!NINO HOIE= ·~ "Alloe'e Ad,,.,,lurM In Wond«ltnd" ( t972t Fiona Full«ton, MIChMI Crtw- tOfd . G BUT Of' MIOHIGHT SPECW. • MOVIE ***'h "SctOogtt" (1970) Albert Flnney, A* Guin· -8ued on Dicken•' "A CMttmu Cttol" G WORLD Of' BOOKS e AUA.8 SMITH AHO JOHE:8 (1D MOVI£ **'h "hp•" (19811 OeOfge c Scon. Tlmoltly Hull on. 8:30 •• Cl) QI NEWS MA.AV T'l'LER MOOAE Mwy Nd!)' Pf~• lo le•Y• her neweroom trtendt to etMI I ,_ Job • CHAllTMAS AT ~ITATE Memberl ol the Penn Stille Glee Club end the 9'-Chotela c:epture the llPlflt of Yuwtlme In 1111 oul. door coooet1 of holiday mutlc I • 8NEAK pREVIEWS Neel Otblar end J«tr.y l)'Onl ,...,. "S..I 01 frlendt," "Honkylonk Men" and "In The Sllll Of The Nlgtlt." CB) LC.: A 8P£C&A.l CHAllTMAI Animated. Two connMng buMI-try lo profit trom awlltmM ...... 8ef>. tll a.. .. OCMr ldeM. '*I N«>CCttl() AOHTMCKJ Ho9t Dftld Hofowtu IOoltt M .._IW t.Ung. loflng PICllpocltet•. d-pllYe .,..., and Challengee • kelohup oommeicltl . I TO •ANHOUNCED nte HA.ADY eova / HAHCYDAEW ....... !HU wi.. tllOarCI • &rain to Auetrl•. th• Hardy• llecofM ln"°"'9d wlttt • tenWled girl flMlng trom unMoMI ......,,.._ i =-.wm4 LAWMaW!UC "New v-·· EYe And A LoOlt Baell" • CAUFOfMA OOHOAESlfONAL AEPORT • AU. CA!A.TUMB OMA T ANO 8MAU. • "Merry Oenllemen" Chrletmu al Slleld•le Hoo-. Wllh .. IOlllt and O¥W1ed doge cen b9 • ..,. rtfytng ~ (PW1 1) W .IACK ANOEMON COHf1DbfT1AL 0 80 YOU THN< YOU GOTTM>Ul&.D l:="°MAOAZJNE • ···~ "Eatt Side Of ........, .. (19G9) Bing Cro. by, Joen IMondell. ~MOW! * * * "King Of Klngt" ( 1182) Jetfrey Hun tar. Roller1 Ryw\ (8) IT AHOINQ "°°"' ONlY "Aed Sllelton Pf_,tt Fffddot The ~· ~ Dtnns" VW..t Pltoe Md Imogene Coca ~ wlttt AMI Skelton In the Mory of Ff9ddy the Ftee4otd«'t lrlalt and tr~•~plMaa hC>lldtY dinner. CJ) HALI fl! llAH GOINLI Olen Campbel end AndrM Oroudl -h09ta 10 per. fonNn ..,, CNrtle. Dlft,. ..._ WllMw. WllW Md T~ HllWine and lfMt ....._Fetfft/llf,MdTM .,,..,... In .......... lion Of IO'Pel """'° "'*' .. "' ~ C4Mlledrtl In Oerden~~ (Z)MCMI ••• ......... CMWlll" ( 1•111 Werrtn 8eatly, Jllllt °""811. U.s Ci i! u M al .-'· .. • T•I t'A•ltf c1•c1:1 by 811 Keane "We're not hungry, Mommy. Do we HAFTA eot bremfost?" by Brad Anderson "tt's six a.m.I Merry Christmas!" COMIC.S REAPER!> ARE VERY SPECIAL. PEOPLE.. VO<J MEAN MORE 'TO ME "TMAN TMERE IS &PAc.£ MERE. TO EXPP.E S~ 480utlne 50Qeo'•""-. 52 Tr.ct 53Subeldl 5eWlw1 67 Aufllen IOAndplt .. 12Hdmtt 14 ,_ 860tattry 110.11111¥9 17Worcf:Mb .. LooMd °"" .. ,enuly OOWH 12 ·Zr' 11Th1t'1 tht IHt time I try THAT trfck." DENNIS THE MENACE ...,.._.._~ .......... Hank Ketchum ~12·lS --... _ ~.?f'~ ~' LOOK WHAT SANTA BROUGHT YOU--A TRICYCLE , By Mark Lasky WHAT'S THE MATTER, NANCY? IT DOESN1T HAVE SNoW TIRES (,EE, "TMANK5 , NEAl ! IT'5 :rusr WHAT I WANTED ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o~ 0 0 o 0000 .,..-.:....---a.... o _,,. .l'IAAJIC J.AMCY-o by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk A BAANO NEW 'Ai~ Nfip' ! ' • ~ ' ! • ' ! • . " i I I ' f I I ' i ;1 ' ~"" «' r *$279,000 * DOVIR SHORIS * Spacious executive home featunna 4 br & 3 ~ ba. pool & a view of the back.bay & Anthony'• Pier! This fine residence I.a located in a very dsirous arM & priced for immediate sale. Low interest assumable financing av~ble. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. ISTATI SIUD LOT •CAMEO SHORIS* This outstanding exec home f•tuns what must be the largest lot in Cameo Shores! 'The tt.ar yard featurea a Japlllle9e prden, waterfall. Kol pond. pool & volleyball crt. in a spadooa environment deligned fot auemonlble days thruout the year. Alge Uv rm w/frp)c ~looking the pool & g.,-dens exemplifies the open apadoua feeling prevalent thruouL A huge kitchen. frml din rm & 4 speciMll bclrma including a nistr suite w/blt-ln shelves., pmken jacuzzi tub. Ottered at '610,000. fEE w/"l'•mable financing at 11 .75~. 759-1501 ot 752-7373. *NIW Ui llNG* HAaaoa VllW HOMI Outstanding Poriofino on FEE land! Excellent family home featuri.ng a premium location with exi.maive use of uRd brick, 3 BR's plua large covered patio. Priced for immediate sale at $3 15,000 with 10 .. " ... •mable finllndnC!! Call 769-1501 or 752-7373. •DOVIR SHORIS * This cuatOm Ivan Wells designed home waa built w/exec:utive entertain1ng in mind. Quality thNou1, from the IOUd o&k paneled den to the mahopny paneled fmly rm. Some of a.be nWDlll'0'8 fea~: 9enatiooal view of Fashion Iala.nd & ocean. b1ldt bottom pool & IP8 w/outside bar, 3 car garaae, complete 9eCUrity a,.i.em & of. ooww formal dloi.n&-To view the luxurious features of th.la macnJficent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE! OCIAN VllW + POOL •SPYGLASS HILL• This truly amgni.ficent nmdence I.a for thc.e wbo embrace relaxlna luxury u a way of life. Thia home la completely remodeled & dea:nted. fatwing imported pawn beidnnina on the froat pdo & continuing into the entry & thNOUt the lmly r1D. kitcblln & br-kfMt area. Deoorated bl MedlteJTaneen style w/a.ll'Wld ardM9, rec 111 d liahtinc & w..l me of. mimn. Tbe re•• de&ed aourmet lldtebm femares IOlid oak cablMtry. Jm-AJr Ranp, ~ Wia • •. breeklast nook w/~ Vie'#. N.aunlly there la a puonmle.CIClfl'D A nilbt vieW fnm LA to Catalina & ol COUIW a pool & spa are eni!rd bi a private courtyard. Thia lbw home • .....,...ekebly Newport! Prtceid at $849,900 FEE w/aMUmable ~ 759-1601 or 752-7373 . . * WAORflONT HOMI & ILIP '* · Sensalional ~xecuttve home featuring 4 Bi, enormous Uvina & d1nifti room, 2 flteplaca & room for 55' boat! Only '359,000. FD with usumable financtns. Call 759-1501 « 752-7373. . ' AIANDoNID AITIS'rS CHAl.l1 SACllPICI PRICI OF $169,900 This English Tudor style home I.a vacant and Waiting for a new owner. It is custom built with many features normally found only in higher priced properties. Notice the bay window and artistic wooden planter boxes. What you can't see in the pjcture are the five akylighta, u8ed brick entryway, ceramic tile kitchen flooring, 9ecluded patio or the lofts found in each of the large bedrooms. Added to that is a 1pecioua family room and three full baths which make this cary five year old home located only two miles from the ocean truly an ~tional value in today's market. 9032 A4ams Ave., Huntington . For more information please call 556-7035. HOW DO YOU SPILL SUCCISS? A Rolla Royce of a home! Of cou.ree every detail has been attended to for the di.acriminating buyer, Tantall2:ing colon. P erfect flow for entertaining with cary comers of "at home" living. Three thousand five hundred aquare feet of uncompromising elegance consisting or five bedrooms and three full baths. The maste r bedroom suite is pe.rticuJarly enchanting and ihcludes a luxurious sunken OYal tub and teparate tiled shower. ~ta a .epuate family room with wet bar and a 15'x21' boo-. room for the chlldn!n. Formal din1na la provided as well • an eaq area off the ldt.c:hen. Beautifully lancbc8ped yards including • custom spa. ~ '354.900 price is aurpriaingly affordable in today's market place. For complete details call 963-5671. CAPI HUNTINGTON fOWNHOMI •, ~ AffORDAau ••ACM LIVING What •ould you normally expect to find tor $112,000? Certainly not a double car~ prage with an extra large patio, and probably not a den with a wet bar oc a W,. family eating area. But even if you did. we'll almost guarantft the rwter bedroom sulte wouldn't be 18'xl5' with mirrored cloeet doon. All this and more can be yours within a five minute dCive of Pacific Coast Hicbway. We'd be deu.hted to give you any additional information if you'll ).-t c.1l us at 9d-5671. DILUXI UAun SALON IN HIGH TltAfPIC AHA LOCATION You would·have to ae this C\.-tclm dmiped and decorated lriteriol' to believe iL Five ~ operatora and five lddltlonal mticJil8 b future expansion pl"* tvttn nail atationa and a f.ldal room. Alie> tncluded are six hair dryen. three them~ ataliarw and two Npply rooms. ~ equipment is topol. the Unit quality aQd beiely 1 ~ ,_,.new. SeUer la wUJtna to Amain • an emplaJwe of the new owna-. ~ the IOcation and Clllb flow ii ~e11meb1y olfeled at $74.000. 558-7035. NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES ---•t~ Deane DeauvtJle. Superb locatk>n CMWtootictng the 18th fairway. This dramatic 3 Br famlty room townhome ha It all. Huge master IUtte, glass endoeed patio for outdoor ltvtng. lllmll .... ,.. 5 BR custom modem hacienda with tlle floors & massive beams. Large family & formaJ dining room & an outdoor tournament pool area. lllmll ., ..... Elegant & grectou• deecr1bee thls apactous 4 BR with Famlty Rm ovenooklng sparkling pool & spa. Beveled glen entry, remodeled tile kitchen. Assume 1st & owner wlll carry large 2nd. Reduced price. ...... IMl-Beautlfully remodeled home In very desirable location. Master suite w/flreplace & bay window. Plus 2 more BRS, paneled family room/den. Full of charm & warmth. A must see. .......... ~ ... Expanded Palermo. French doors, wtnoow seat, shutters, wood flooring. Charming Country French decor. Highly upgraded. Setler will help finance with great terms. We have prk:ed this 4 BR home to sell nowt llllMIT ""-Beaut If u I cu1tom home. Remodeled , redecorated &. r .. dy to move Into. French doora enhance the brick & latticed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner highly motivated. USllLlff ·-·-Spark Ung city tights & ocean view from this popular 5 BR o r 4 + den home. Nicety landscaped w/room for pool. CtOM to IChoots & shops. Owner will ...... with flnandng. ILIPA NH .... Immaculate fr..._etandlng X Plan on lovely prtvate greenbelt. 3 BR, family rm &. cozy hot tub, alt .-lCloMd by a lovely wrap-.around patk>. Setler very ftexlble. UWWPWl 1111- Just Hated! Vintage 2 BR oo«age, 'At bloCk to eurf. Keep u rentaj unit or move to the beech youreeffl Superb owner financing on.red. w1t111 an 111 ..... A euper condo at pre-Inflation Pf Ice. 2 BR. family room, 2'A bath• w/communlty pool & epa. Convenient locltton lla'OU from Santa AN Country Club&. eoc111lbe. to_,. freewaya. Good ftnandng. ---........ New on the marketr 4 BR exec:uttve home with commanding vtewe of ocean, tetty & Catalina IUftMta. Private courtyard entry, black bottom pool & 'spa, lush landscaplng. Turn key condltJon. Not to be misled. ......... '"'• A recent expansion hu made this a perfect home for any size family. 4 BRS, pool, spa, workshop and gorgeous ocean v1ew. Excellent ftnancing for quaflfled buyer. ......... ... ... First time offering on Fee land! Glamorous remodel with finest appointments. Ocean & jetty ytew. Steps from private beach. •01111...... .. ... WatCh the boats & the sunsets from this newly redecorated 4 BR home In one of your most convenient & very lovely areas. Owners wlll consider a trade. Submit. lnlUIS ...... Front row & center! Spectacular vtew1 Modified Cape Horn. now 3 apactoue bedrooms. Large formaJ dining room. Gorgeous pool & spa with Mexican paver patio. Owner wtll carry 1st T.D. ... lllUll ....... A light apactoue 4 BR plue den home with pool and gorgeous view of entire harbor. Owner wtll carry with approximately 20% down. Great potential for user or Investor. .._,..au .,.,..... Tastefully appointed 3 BR, family room home In quiet relidentlal area. Upgraded throughout. Home Service Protection Plan provided by Miier. You own the land! •• -ta~. Ideal location on greenbett with mtnl ocean vlewt Perfect plan with 2 BR & cozy den lncludlng comer ftreptace, large eunny lot -all add• up to our exciting MfW ll1tlngf Mlllllll -·--Lovely Plans wtth 3 BR & femtly room, all on one tevee. Neotral deeor. Gorgeoue prtyate ttled epa off maater. Enjoy guardgated MCUttty, poole, & tennle. Xlnt uaumabte loans. ---. 11 ..... Top Income buy eouth of the hlgtawayt Ouptex, each '2 BA, one bath. Flreplace. Detached gar•g•. Submit all offer•. A "muet aell" lltuatlon. GOOd Income .,.._ unmmn 11,1...- Gorgeou1 bayfront fresh on the market. Vaulted celllngs, d!C<>rator touc:hea thruout. Lota of gla111 gives extensive watervlew. Bayside patio plu1 pier & slip. Exceptional terms offered by seller. .... II.A .... ,.. Your own savings account plus the fun of llvtng on the bay are yours In this two-2 bedroom duplex. Pier. allp &. a sandy beach ptus a 3 car garage are yours just In time for the summer aea80fl. ··~ .. 11,111 Sophisticated seller knows how to "deal." Fabulous hlghly upgraded totally luxurious waterfront condo. Owner wlll sefl low down with good aasumabte loan or lease/option at very reasonable terms. .. ,_. ...... Remember when homes were built to last for generations? If quallty la Important to you. see this 3 BR contemporary home located '~ block from both the manna & the private beach. "...... ... .. Super beach location plus a charming 3 BR home with wood floors & extensive brick work makes this the outstanding buy In Balboa. Complete with family room, outside deck & set bar . WllT ••P•T U11,IOI Newer 2BR -3 BR duplex near park. Walk to beach & ocean. Both units with fireplaces. Upper unit ha deck with vtew of channel. Easy to rent. OUtetandlng Investment. UYllHD U1.,_ One of the largest Iota with 55' and a very apeclaJ 4 BR & den home. Charming IJttlced patio, fabuloue locatton. Only steps to beach. Move-41\ condition . 11n111a an..- Exc•ptlona11y nice S BR, well located & spacious tlvlng room overtook• private brick patio. Excellent storage. Meeter bedroom wtth private bath. 16'111•• 111..- tnvest tn the futurel Two patl08, 3 BR -wm not last at thle low, low price. Fabulous potential to be a beautlful family home. Near two private beechel. . 1111'1.U..... 1111,111 Flrat time buyers wtll be excited about thl• epacloua 3 BR townh0n1e. Wet bar, central vecuum, tnteteem plUa ell new car-pM & freeh pmnt: OUtllandlng ••.trnable io.n. - REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949·. COME ·WITH-us-ro ••• .._ m. ... . . . Bayfront. Owner wtll carry One MUUon Dollar flrat truat deed. Aw" bedfooma. den, maid'• quarters.. Sixty feet on the bay wtth pier and al'P for three boata. WHI IMM completely fumlahed for six montha at $3500 per month, or conaider leae/optJon. •1.500,000 • mill ... Fudnatlng home In a luxuriant eettfng. FMt spadoua bedrooms. Formal dining room. Huge family room wtth wet bar and large bultt-m televtsion acraen. Custom pool and spa. Located on the 18th fairway. ;······· $1,495,000 -nmm ... If the home ae1a the mood for the day . . . how would you like to wake up to one of the beat marine view• In Newport Beach? Whether It's the master bedroom, breakfaat or llvlng room, you enJoy an IMPlratk>nal vlfM of the entire harbor. Three apacloua bedrooma, famlly/bllllarda room. Huge patio and custom ape wtth gazebo. You own the land. Flexible ftnandng ...... $985,000 Hiii 111111 . . . Quality showa In moat everything -partlcularty In a home such as this custom four bedroom built wtth lath and ptast«. Situated on a private beach. Mast« bedroom suite balcony ovettoob beech and bay. ln4aw or maid's quarters ......... $920,000 11111 _. ... Every day la a hotlday In thts enchanting view home. Two mast« ~rooms In one wing. Thlrd bedroom wtth own entry and • private bath In the other wtng. AU rooma open to Indoor dehumidified poot Security ayatem. ~ .~~~.~ .. ~~~ .. ~~.~ .. ~ ~~ WllT Mlf91 ... Everyone 1ovea a window to the Mal Just open your patio gate and atep out on one of Newport'• wldeat beachea. The suneeta are varied and breathtaking at times. wea maintained two bedroom and den home .. . a drum for comfort Md relaxation. seso.ooo Lm ml ... ~ --.. Top loc:atlon on the wtdelt w.t on Udo. Juat 8blp9 to private beach. Eaay walk to tennla courta. Four apllCloua bedrooma. Pnlctlcal fl<>« plan, built around large patio. The land alone vworth the tot• aaktng pt1c:e .............................. $625,000 ... -•.. Fuctnatlng home algnlflcantly ~· Four bedrooma. Olnlna Room. Oen UV bat. Spaft<Mna pool. WHh 26% down, owner wtH help t>uyet obt9ln new nm truet deed at 10~%. amonldd owr 30 yMra due In ftw yeara. Own« "'4lY conllder trade tor Income proper-ty. ••••••••.•••.•.••••.•••••••.......••.••••... saso.ooo. --...... Ught and apackM.m two bedroom home. Prime k>catlon. JUlt two blocka from Oceen BouleYwd -eay walk to beech. Zoned R-2. Second unit quite feeltble. Greet ==· ~~~ ... ~~,.~~: .. ~ .. ~l·I···~= . . a.. ,.. ....... Exoeptlonally convenient two bedroom bayfront condomlntum. Located on the eecond floor wtth elevator conventence ... Just high enough for a alt-down view of the bay and alf marine acttvtty. Complete eecurtty. Your own pter ana a11p. Large 8MUm8bte toan ... alao wfll carry aecond trust deed Or exchange for Income property, or wlll conelder leaM/optlon ...................................... $499,000 .,.... •.. Qune pr1vate, yet exceptionally conven...,t. Four bedrooma. den, famlty room and dining room. Authentic plank flooring. Cuatom kftchen cabinet•. Spa and gazebo. 90x1S2 pool ttze Y.ard. Owner wtJf ftnance up to $300,000. .......................................... $475,000 ULIU PlltlSIU Nin ... High deelrable location! Juet stepa to beet ocean beech. Easy walk to bay. Four bedroom, twc>-atory home. Large kitchen wtth eating area. Owner pretera cash but would conalder carrying flrat trust deed or exchange. ............................ $480,000 llftl _. ... New llstlng we believe to be the lowest priced bayfront In Dover Shor•. Three bedrooms and den. Formal dining room. Two eec;luded private patios. Seventy-MVen feet on the water with pier and atlp for large bo9t. Owner wtll aaalat with financing. $395,000 IAYallr . . . The Inspired work of a muter craftaman. Completely rebuilt with rare artlatry. Four bedroorna. Pool. SpL Seldom doee a property of thla callber come on the mnet. -··-··················································· $396,000 ~ 1111 ...... Fee land. Largest "L.uMc" ~ plan. Five bedroom a and f amlly room view home. Very prtvate, eulty tM6ntalned ywd Wtth pool, apa, garden llghtlng and aprlnklera. Covered catpeted patio with bw. Excellent ft~. Betow market. .....•.••..•.••... 1388.500 IA..aT • . . Dtatlnctlve three bedroom and conv.ttlbte den home. Cuatom bultt by Ivan Welle tor a futtdloua dtent who could afford the belt. FMClnatlng IMng room with cathedral celllng, du11 atone flr•place and wet bar. Waterfall Juat outaAd• tM ploture window. Speclout famlly room. Cuttom pool. *3&0,000 =---... Att...cttve duplex. Comer fooatlon. Handy to poet office and 9hopa. Comer unit hM tNM bedroorna or two and conwrttble den. R,..,aace In tMng room. Ottw unft (now rented) haa two bedrooms. Both unite .:=.:::!ct~:.~.~.~~ -• 0 = ... Family oriented tree lined strwt. ThrM apadoua bedrooma ptua maid'• quarters with bath. Formal dining room. Family room. Significant upgrading lncludlng new roof. ............................................................ $299,000 IA..aT ... Inviting four bedroom home. Large famlly room with fireplace. Brick driveway. Shingle front. Atl of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style." Sparkllng pool. Reduced $40,000. ········· ........................... Now $298.000 ... • 9 'W ... Solld comfort for the large family. Four bedrooma -one ao apedoua It could eulty accommodate four alngle beds. ;~ .. ~€~~~.~.~~ .. f;~~~.~~~:s;: ... msm 'W ... Highly motlva1ed Mier. Wiii consider any reuonable off«. Tastefully d«:ofated four bedroom home In lmmac:utate condition. Upetalra mast« bedroom retreat. Beet buy In area. .............................. $270,000 .... • •• ... Attr~ four bedroom, two bath home. Hlahty upgraded. New copper plumbing. Totafty remodeled kitchen. Hardwood floors throughout. Formal dining room. 70x110 pool elze yard. Property oonwn'9ntly located for achool• and 8hopa. ......................................... .... ............... 1267 ,500 ma -... Four bedroom dwelllng hU It alt. OW.ltmd ywd. Pool. Spa. Mu~ed u89d bnck dec*a. ar.t for entertalmng. Price luat reduced 1$4,000. ...................... Now $245,000 BllUSU ·-... Spadoua three or five bedroOm home. One .. bedroom and beth down8tlllfe. TWo bedn>oml upatalra peu. bonua room. Laro• pool and apa. Jutt reduced 12'3.500. ttftttt.-tttttt-ttttt t•tttttttNtttt Now 8:230.ooo waT wsua1 ... Duplex. Two ttv. bedloom ...,..._ Exe1l1nt tooatton. 8t9pe to WMS. OoMn vt8w from UPPtf unit. ~l'Mt ftMndng. 8ubmlt on AITO. Juet r9duced 174,000. Now '225,000 ..,. ... So conwnlent yet eo MCfUded on a quiet CUI de MO ltreet. Two bedroome .nd famlty room condo. Delightful uM of wood pane11ng and OUltom n11 Ptl*· RMtfut bttck patio wlth c:uttom IPL Ju9t reduced '30,000. ••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.•.••.••••• tNow S1U,OC>C> ~l'llONT DUPLSX -Thrtt bedrooms. 2 baths In each unit. OWner's unit NI vaulted. celffngs. built-Ins. rtl!W c•rpets. OWner wll cany 1st T.O. Gross Income st9.200. S890.000. • r :J --I --------- • IS Real estate is not just "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, near railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and ·helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's helping someone who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose, place and price. It's working with other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whatever else we must. It's helping protect the rights of home- owners by becoming politically involved in .. the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. ·We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 'OF REALTORS® I I ! 4 . 2 ·~ I . . ~ ~o I n (,f ,, f .,.: .... J ( - WDllY L Tift.II •· ...... MERRY CllHSTMAS -· .. _ HAPPY NEW YEAR ................ -•'n'''._,,... .. ... aa:a1-.u. ~ ....... . ••'I lilSI mllE i.U s.-a' °" 23 kres + 20 edd1'-'al IM.'T'l"S $3,150.000 ...... ..., . .......... c.. 114/lll-1• ....... /fum IS'lS ml.D SA1..E OR TRADE 55 N:lw Quiet 2 Bdrm owMr'a e¥OCedo CJV. S10M per unit. Aleo a Bdrm 1noome .ecre. S100,000 wt11e off ul\Jt. Aent1 ere high. thll ~· S50M dn. min. L.oen .. -.meble. Cllll c.11 ~.By_ Ao b •rt M 1111 k • n , 1.;;;::;~~:=;;:;f;"• a 1-1291 I For CIM1lftld M ACTION c.111 o.ly Plot AO-vtSOA 142-6878 •I ..... tm Merry Cllliltmn & Happy Holdays to our friends ... old and new ~· ' -· -_,L I ,. r- 1 8 -Ormnge County RMI Eatate/ An Adwrtillng Supptement to the DAILY PfLOT /saturday, December 25, 1982 • When it comes to buying or selling, .. -.. - Here'• How You Can U.. O~r Femoue Dimes-A-Line ...... -.... -.......... ..... :..~ ......... .., .... c....-.. ......... ~ ... ,...... ..... .... ........ ~ ... -t1.111ilsl - • ..... llllllo ,, •• II.,...... •*JJQQI .............. Classified Really Stands Out! It's true! Classified gets things moving for you! For instance, 7 out of 10 prime prospects shopped classified ads during the past seven days. Classified shoppers are smart, they know they can find good quality i~ms at great price$ on all sorts of services and merchandise, and so they're regular customers. If you're looking for buyers, you should put your message in the Classifieds -it'll really stand out! , ___ i(j • When it comes to selling boats and supplies, Classified really stands out! S60Jo of all boat and boating equipment purchasers shopped in the Classified ads before buying! ~ .. ___ a. __ ... _.._~ ...... "6...4.-----·------- 0renge County RMI Eatate/An AdYertlelng ~to the D~LY PILOT/s.turday, December 26, 1982 -9 jS?JC..,~ HOMU FOR AIEHT lrvlne a & 4 Bdrm. a700·a7tl. Fenced ,.,.. & oer...--Kida & pllta Wlloorne. 146-2000. Aelnt. no,_ EMERALD BAY. a llr. 2 ... frple, brtdl patio, with •P•· 11100/mo • ..,15-a017. 2 Ir, cMn. 2 be, ft1*I. d/w, mlor°"9W., .,.... oomp, ~ou• wood deck•. 1eo• """'CYft vtewe. 81000/rno. *'"467'1 Merry Cfw'llmlee To My Qrwidpe Ind ,..,._ You Mlk.e My Ufll btta 1'*611~8ooety0. ---Meny~Md Loc*lng FOfW9l'd To A w~....,v .. We L~ VOU•Me "N' ...... MERAY 04Rl8TMAS OM>OY MARK FROM TIOEA & BEAA CUii Pour ............. ~end Fftlndl JOYEUX NOEL MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ TO THE BE8T HUSBAND AHO FATHER AROUN~ .,., LOVE., LINDA. DAWH. CfWO Mom, NP, 0 & D ... O Chrletme1 Tree . --..Im. • . . ... • j • ... - 10 -Orange County Real &tate/An Advwtlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/~,=~ 25'"' 1982 '. qa t' 1; .;;z ct >-.Ji fl _.titJJt _:pc;;;.1. .. P 10..0 :;; cct qud;; 1 otn ''' ''-ov > wu s • ~- Help send the greatest American· Olympic Teams in history to the 1984 Games. Donate ·$20 or more and we'U send you : ---- This beautiful limited edition "Olympic Glory " Poster and a free spec/al Issue of "The Olympian," · the official lull~olor publ/cation of the United States Olympic Committee. . . More than 12,000 athletes come to the Olympic Training Center In Colorado Springs each year In pursuit of the Olympic dream. Thousands more will have a chance to make · your 1984 Olympic Teams, but they can only do their part If you do yours ... NOW. The road to Olympic Gold Is a long one. Unlike other countries, our Olympic effort receives no federal funding. American Olyn1plc hopefuls look to you for their financial support. The young men and women who are training right now to represent America in the '84 Olympics need your help TODAY I . . I• -· ....... ··• 11111. Wkly ,.,,t.ie now IMll. 1105 & up. Color TV. P1'loMe In room. U74 Newport llvd. CM. 9*-1445. fi lessimtal ~ Se•.,,il:e Di1W:la•:y It should be about 130°, unless your laundry includes diapers (they need hotter water). Higher temperatures produce water too hot to wash your hands comfortably. ·Check your hot water heater. If the thermostat doesn't show degrees, set it on "medium." After a day or so, run a little water, then wash your hands. If the water is still too hot, turn the thermostat down a notch. at a time until the water feels right on your hands. Besides saving water and energy, you could also save lives. Hundreds of people, mostly children, are burned each year because hot water temperatures are too high. For more energy-saving tips, ask a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TQRS® for a free booklet. There:s a REALTOR® near v.ou wherever. you live. - . - I I •••••• Mil Oftiet ._.... au ...... g L11t1t~A~J~ .... !!biiMll!!!J!'•~1-~1-;·~•1;.iiiiiii!"!l!llr-!!!~;·;;;;.!!!!llll '* ...... -llM W. ...... For Lew -Ofllce 3 nne, StoregeSpece 12'x11'M" iiiiiii T-11111'1 CUSTOMER HAVICE: SECRETARY STAFF A8-1llf1PP1.11..a 1200 11q ft. Good tnllffk:I door. 870/mo. olue l10 Lma aw.rs Go-Oo g irl• (lo go} Expanding NB Credit Sl8T tot gen oont19Ctor LAI 957-11133 ~ ~ & expoeure. MC. depoaM. 1'1~154. fnlM\ ADS PHOTO MOOELI ...,.14 Card Co. hu poeltlon In a ._ peoed eiccltlnQ 1--------c~123u~~ ~~ "-Por' 8Mctl. ~RE RE£ ~~RS 1117 • PLll =:. '",.:;f: =• ~h•~l~; ~~ I wti.ncn 831-9309. ·------t " rn GIFT CERTIFICATES l46-34Me tMIW ptaMMt t~le 967-4088 t .... Offtoe apec:e kw..._ 710 ........-ta I AVAIL mllllMr, be ~. --•u -Canon AE1 w/lenMI & all • ., • __. ._ ,.... ...-... Cal: 1--Y conaclentloua & ••If-·~ _. ace•••· lncld. Never tt . .-.ts/mo. ut111 peld. -1 • -' •W*ffe motivated. Exp. pref. W• .. trllln. No ...,.._ UMd. c ... Incl. S399. *·ground ftoor. t056 a·;;;===-==1 MJ ... ll •--1---a. Contact W. Duncan, m nee 'J. ~ 87'9-2t519 ~vr.::·~·:d~.~ llllU............... flllnllf CICUS -~. ~.1Mi -4:30pm. wortc. V•rt •a•y •el ··--------.... ~~~~~~~I ft..u\h1 ____ _._, 7S.-7IOO. ~ hourty ... '"' .. ,.. MU 7&4-1040. Mr Trw:y. flll81tJ tf 11t• I ~ Ma , ......... Dan!* + bonue plain. Cell Mr. j;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -O-ff-lce_f_or-ren_t _Newp-'--on-1 lfMll• lutrlH ti Loet C.M .. BM•/ P..-. JlllJS Room&bethlnMmoble Experienced R.D.A. Spencer 7IM-48o1. •-a.•• ua- Bdl. S 130/mo. Small .._ ... ......._ ... rtno. FE Shep/mbt. Biil, 1i4 blk -•--thin exec eulte. Call -...:WU. Tan. Wht. "Mldnlte " MUHQ• Parlor. Gor· home. to ooeen. needed fOf Orthodontic TELEPHONE tufWY .. no Affectlon•t• a playful 540-0918. "'2•17 or Ml-7471 M2-7+c2 ReWAROI geoua Qll'I to..,,. 'JOI&. Fwn °' unMn.1210/mo practice 1n Mlelllon v.., Mlllno Pit, ev• only. puppy,_.goodhoma. ~~~~~---=--:-=-=:-l~~~~~~~~r::;;-:7:;~~~=:.vl Open !\'om 10 AM untl 4 1at/1alt. Awl Jen 1. Rell At9a. 830-3703 '5.00 plla. ~7138.. 942~100 INJe-1221 LOWER YOU~ OVER· LoM; Tiny b11 Fem. Yott!· .. oat. Sm Blk Terri X, AM. 1-. ·--· F,... ~Call aft I Pfl'I, oiw.nero.Country No WaltrH1'1 Waltere & HEAC>f 11\lre Terrier .. ~.... Male. Loat 12·t3 Vic bun.t. 719 No. Harbof ~UcenM_.....:_., Bartendere over 21. Male lrllt\ S.tter. lovee Prof. -ma to 111bleMe w:. Mein a Ad.ma, He: Atlenta/ ~la. Re-Blvd. FuMarton ...._ It a.u tlM v.H~c;c;;. Mutt ~ '°"*· ~ •ttn. Need gc:1 11ome. AJI pert or your office. 1 2 I 2 1 . C a 11 wlrd eea-11M1M1tl ... ..... 1831 ~ c .M. In per1on. Ef Matador llhoCa. 97~71. 141-41021 0t 557-11187. 213/592-5"2 Of (714) AU. MAJOR CAEorT ._........ Aeetlur911L 17U N9w-1--------•-..... tee).()119 LOST male BLACK/ CAAD8 AOCE.PTED la on the -tor ..,,.,.. Ehgll ... I · ...... wNd In port Blvd. C.M. FOR CHRISTMAS, take --· ·--------· w HI TE s HITZU VIC. 1--------1 -·, ,~ .... lnoaft9. • ptty on I one.,., lcltten Prime N9wpoft locdon, Lo1t: On B•lboa 111, Avocado/ waterfront *" ~ _.,*· ~~·~~ 780-7177 -lillMd br prec:tMora. be1oW ll'llrtlet. 700-2000 12/21, gold brecelet. CdM. 12-18/12 RE· 24 hf OullCll Mel CIC ·-,,__ .,.. -WOMAN • Compueto-but Ml~ Vety I .I. Call 71859-7000 Gr.i wrtln•MI ..,... WARD 97~ ...-14 • 'tit, 2nd, 3rd TD'a. c.I ~loecl Tract LOM .... Mna lbll In N.8. aff•ctlon•t• Cannot .~~~-----~A~•~•~d~-~~~2~4~V~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~·~~•~no h~r.~~h~w•~~,.~~~~-~~~t -Dlllll I_. ooet. R8Y ••P•rtl,H In FHA/VA ~Md C*'9 tor...,. 1100 on u. It'• frH _ Found: urge Cct FOUND: vcuno F/Goldan 24 /IOUr'I • Cllll 135-t1te a57· 14Z2 Pf'll : • • • ig. >Ont benlMI. beNwed. llQfttt'J "-'d-won't .,,.,.... out tNte lalMaletaJtPlf ~~Vic. ~ .... ~~~liiiiiiiiiiiiiij!!!!l!l~JT~.ljz.'1~14121ijil ~ ~ ~~ =p~.0~11cin~ helpl'8M211 RMal ltOl'9 at 2960 Avcn, Found: Older wfllta Toy cclar. IM6-&10 I.& UmB 714-n<Ml71 1moker. Reply to Ad Bit Lib puppy neadl Hie& 11\.~.:.~ • car Peodle (trimmed). No 10 ~: Long "'* eteem ew...... ..~.. .... Ff99 '° ......,. of CM/ 1039, Box 16IO, Dally oood home. ~ • Ytc Maw V_. & Adw color em Terri., 8an11 ""911... -* ntne/N& wM .,. un-Plot, eo.ta MeM. CA Cell• 540-3'38 c...L a..taJa 1111 127-7114 type, fem. vie 19th & •llB.I 8tl TD'• In'::: 2nd employed. Y.M.C.A. '2828 hnlnn 1129 For L••M: Office end Found: Kaeehound, vtc. Hamiton, OM. .... 1720 Aotlt. a.... ~ lootenlbefefllp, lnctudlng 111op.,... eeoo " Mc:F9ddan/ eoe. a.. p I atl *1•1•11 ' R.E. 8rok• 8d ,....._. woe. fttnw, rwdlet-Wonw1totMac:ar9°'dd **'BUY** Coeta Mau. 117~mo'. H8. Call 811 llt44517 1il I I I 9--.t.* "'2·2171 546-0811 bell,~ lifting. & UiC> ledy CDmllWcMg f\"om Call ••1 9351 8 SPIAfTUAl. AfAaHGS ,...,. 8wlmmloa. Cell Gladya. btokan hip. Rafi. 8*'Y Good 1-.d Fumtture a --------Found: male ~rlnoer Advic. In 111 mattera. WIDOW HAS• tor TD'• 142....o 1-aOlaatlte 946-3006 ~ 1 ,.. 111 w..t, latab 2121 SpanW, 18th t . .,..., tow, mlrrilGe & bus'· a..ldful .,... tot the RE ~ 10K Up. No ........... __.._.. ._ • ..__. oi 8EU. tot You C.M 146-4511 ·"'--..... --dl1art111ln9lllng. wtto lo¥9 Credtt a.a, No~.__ --"'" ----•-tel5 up. 1800 ft lndultrtll ' ,,.._ ,..... ----... e. .. _ toucti". llty. Dennlaan & "-'C. ... &F!!...,O._.!!.!_l~nl lal .. 11 -·--•-office. 1110t Redondo Found: Medium .a. bit 18158o.Bc.nlne>Aeat. -· In. ~ --....... 1ngl!-!!!-!!!·!!=~!...----I ...... ua 1121 CI r c I e , Hunt In Gt on Cit, broUn Ill. P09llbfy San '*"'-4'2-J211 OPEN 7 OAV8 A WEEK 7311 COid.to.. M l'9 Men4ll .... 1111 Beach.842-2134. ~·~J1:d euraery . c.tomFMtaWPhone Ul•Nll n~llUINLI p.,1or, 2112 Harbor-C0C...8clenlel lllY ... IM 1000 I.I. epaca w/otnc:. 1---------i Conveiedofl wJtti a.tl9 teo.000 1=.!11 note & 8 I t/ d ' C . M • buff l200pupa. LAI 857-1133 on W. 18Ch St. CM. Hew ec>IMthlllQ to 1117 MC/VISA 24 tn 11U PAN<, C.M. 2nd TD 17t.000 714 141 S433. Aftf*I 12 7TIMl14 2 ealld oak~ 1 ~~~~'7·==::.!:~ct~··~~~1wi~~~~~adl~~do~lt=--~·1·=~Call~~l38-070~~~1=d!YISA!!!!~~~!!~MC~ 8ofA, 1• on a 1150.000 noon to I ~.M. --. 4 cNlra. ·O.::- .. -.. ~-· ' Our number is your number when it comes to pick- ing up some extra cash to clear up your Christmas bills. Take a took around your home and make a list of the stlll·good Items you no longer use Then call our number. We'll help you word and place a low-cost classlf led ad to reach cash buyers for those Items. Call today. I vacatlon home In the lllllllll...... AKC LHASA APSOa. l42-367I . Trtnlty Alpe. h'J9 f750 Fllbutoua WOftdng condl-Llvely, affectionate.-------- mo .... tor *41.ooo. ...._.... No --.. CfloOM 'J'O'lr crwtetmae CRIB -Youth Bed. New (114) MCM121 ~ ----MC. .,,,. puppy now. Teb hOme niett. .,..,,._ P9d1, crtb t•1e)rn-ao48~ ~~~ aft hollday1. ssoo. '""'· mobll• a toya. JI~ + • -Tai ~ ..,,,_.112 561-6151 1100. UN7.e 125,355 noee woured br ~' 12 Md 8 Nt.l; 8HfTZU PUPS Dtnette Set, ell ~ In TD on 1 untta lfl Lono a.~ ~ INlee. 12-., OOod CONS. 1150. a.ati. ~ 11a,eoa:. .,.. 142-1351 541 1•ee ::=.c:~wV:: E\199 ~ot weekende. 1r~=--== s:=~~h~·: 11.1,IOO. 240..a1H; ~ ~-:'..:::.°: wlJ)apan. Mu•t Hll table .· l125obo . ...... ~11A. tn'cttv. ....,...,._ to 5t._l50Q 5411418 .. .. -w«t1 wtth "°"'" <eaea ~.,... Lib pup. M11ttrwe Seti: twtn seo. ''•tfl•~~!J·"·L-,~"'~'!' 10-14). Oall l·Sl'"M, py, Gt99t awtlllrlm ...-full SH, quHn s10&. 'iw.;;.......: . II• l_~i4U1, ext. ue. :.~.:--old. MO. 111ftO 11n . 75Nl32 1a~~-~ .,. IMl1l:J NIT.,.. am. 1mm_ ltiw W. ;:;.::-~~::'-"*'Ad ~ Adorable I wk pup, It 1 .... IM1, Dlll'J Plot PO Boll ...._ •tFa N MIPlnO etlota, no .,.._, $48. !!•!lHl!!!.!!!!!~-­tsec> Col M Cl C certten promote •t-41D2 ..... IM -t2t2Y. ta .... · hel own .. tabll•h•d Botton Terrier Puppy. Hld•·•-'becl couch•• rout•. Metin, outoo-8'ecl & .tit, tldorat>te. kitchen Ind' houletlo4d BABYSITTER WANTED tne. etlractM .,.,_... 8250, ...... 10 mlec. 1444 w Bey A'l'a. :: :;:1:..,~.C.:": ~:5. ~~ AKC OlD EHOUSH 8un. M . i13-23l0 quired. Cell 141-0 .. 7 1D1t.. '44. 8HHP D00 PUPPIES J!!1br 1114 11ts • p.m. --------• aeo. •~1411 .. _....,..,. _____ ___ ~ESTATE Emeralda; Rub ... , 8&p-BABYSITT£A wanted, 2 Sdll '*'· Need 1 ..,._ WIRE FOX T£ANER ... eec. at whcl111l1 ~r· ::;: r=" .. ~O: .. ~~4442 ::C:;:.: or belowt 1--iWMNiiiftm--1 ...... kif I IUCClldi.11 & , .......... ,....--,_.. 1•" I ....... arOWl!nglfm. ..--_._. _,.. ""'- Mon-Fff 11 AM to I"' a.t ~ oondlllons ........... ! Co•t 12000. Sacrifice :;::-J;. '1..~ ~~~~:~~· a .. ch . ....._ ,~ ~ Mii •1-: PP 1411914 11AM-.al>1 1----------tlll :-~=--~~ ........ . BOCIKEEPER OUr .. ~GM ,OU 11751 ............... A• ._. .... of 30 Helum Our~~Mede ::.~o:n:::: ~=VE =n:-:roll~y~ bookltffper who "•• tect• wtlt t!W you tt1el~ii=~~~i!i~ Dellver•cl anytime. COMpetenoa tllrOUlh 1-~_1...__ r ·-·· -I 1._ln-44 __ 1' ____ _ Gallerlt~ ... ~ ---.... -,...,.,.,..dMnld, ....... Ow&--OPA r ---Jiij 1 .. nltltM N .. Down-1==-11 • '"".:0::. llC... · • .,. -. C::~~eti1n1 1ncl'd. .-l '''uw, ....::.:TR ._. Ne ... ,. O.•ltf Lew ~""'--ii!·-·'~;.~--~·t~"'7::'.:'::=~"'"7-~~i 1· bour .....,._;,.,. ......... -............. ~AMA \~ •m·r••* Nllta. Mr. ~,.. :e **!l....Hk for ~ _.lt1Ca ••• "8d 1111ooft ,LTD/loullt 840-1..u w. ... ,.,..._, .,_,. mAND C.... T-Co. Cell .......... Ho! 1 t ¢xt JOll-. ·~1M94077 ~....,~~ .....aou. Ml-.. '-,...,..._, nMect. 'Thi w~ 1111-. -" · ......., , .~ ~ ~T .... ,. ,. .. ,, aurt l Ollt ... &tCIO ~ ,..WWOOO ~A8TOOOI( ................ --~ -'\ ...... """91!..'11!91 teO" Oltd. ...... ONLY. ~·· ................. "'AMOllCAN ''Deeeft • -.... ~~ l1ttllefl. C,ill DOHI ~ 1. llt 1111 . or 9'Ht1•rHt, II Ula NOP\.I ,..... ............. ,l1I _.. ~. fW I+ • ~-Qlassllled =:.."' .,.,., c .. ,, =n-::=.:F-•1 ,.... ..... ram1~41• ·~· ... ; ! .. ,,,_ MMe1a ""-'''' -'": : c:-. 'Fr 'ta...,.l.i ,:.w.=rc!" ... ~ ~~---,_ 'f ~~ -~ ,._-Jo,, • II ..... -. --'P'!Y-.~Ail, Nia •.. ~'1:; l!~~-~~~~~~4l~~~~~~~~f---~L~~~~~-p~.c.~~~~~-~-~~·~~~-~c~-~-§~~~~§·~u.______..~~~~;··~·~~-~,~~~f:~-~~~~~~~·~"9t~~<·~·· ••• ~ IA .. I" J ~~ __. i .. ... I Ii" ·r _....._ . ....... ........ -~·--.... !, ~. ..'i,.. .... ~, "' • -. .......,.....,._ ·-·-_,,. • -~. ~-• ...... • .i ----~--<:..'\ ' J. . -··. -~"-~~-"J~~ ~/-~'B,.;1't 15 •- • 911 '5 •• WI n. I ... M •1"9;-911·..-- •Mau 1 rn UMt1 .... MrtoV"Y ...,. cNlmr. Gf9ll oond. ~ 1 '1 ..,._ p!Mo, utt cond. Mome lftU8t"" ..... NO NII. obo.142..014 obo. Aak for Joe AllSIERS eonn arv-112410e. • ,..... & a•••'*°' .. •1. ...... UllM l500llleae °""· 000,000 ~ .. ,....,::~ 157..... "-~ ~ WNJIH"T I •• .... •-........ Bit (aogge .. --. . ~ ~ ...::"'··" ...... ~ :S::Coist...: . ~ Md ~ for It .. 191 ~amper Jacka, a..-•• 1 .. ;Mwn 19..... MO. mtl ....., -.mt WHEEL QWA, MObblld 1'8111 752-6152 '78 ,orcf. F-HO 1 ton "AMIGO" almoat n.-Mother 1llort of cull c::meom PU, P8, P8, bit. I 1050, wu S 1355. Midi._ 10 waaull to bll•lthe AM/FM 1tereo I trtc, 173-~. at.n .._ e.,r-dd aon oft aunr1, cap, Kint cond. BEAUTifUL MINK COAT In 1111 1urflng oarMr. IMPORTANT NOTICE S4000 ofr. SSl-1721 Tom knae .._, x1nt ~ Need tor 8mta iO .._. TO REAOEASN«J '75 Ford s**uP F100, Ing --"---''---I & ooncL, dll brown, 11111 under th• tr••· Call AOYERTI8EM bed. HO cu. 111. eng. CHOICE ~Ofn' .... 1150.8te"38 anawer ad 1571, Tbe prtoe Of ltama ad-'700obo.131.-rl Mt VOUJMaSALES Poot...._ S36. Sofa bad IQ.4300, 24 llnL ~ ... ~~ =~M_...P"'_· ----....,....~ & w/ totd co.... and cu--ftl""'/lllNI lad~ c:aumna...,-.. ___ ,_.:::.:.;;~1 • "*"' .. ms c1oea noc lndude Sf// .. ~ ..... xn ,.. Aft· • • - 752-6862 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA pMcable tax•. llo9nll, c:Mb, cntr oodcplt FUii Ill •elll 11 hill .... ~ I -Color TV. 2 yr wrnty. tran1fer '"'· finance cr;i=s gaar. Av•r'I lft _ -S141. Free dellvery. c:Nrgaa. .._for* pc». 87 , ., 87~ 'V'V °'*" ~ lutlon control device &..a&--~ PL.fA8E HELPt1 I need 3 TV Jotin'a ...._1781 ~ °' _..., ....__, Gt 8. &dd Ava. or men r-OSTONA ~ documentary prepera-IM Fularton VAARE wine Gobi.ta. ..... tlon ctiaro•• unlH• ,.. (1141\IM '* Wll '° 125 ~ otMrwlN apedfted by -,.,.. ,_ up --fill the adwi11w. SpeedPer nlfllca. The °'*" ~ Ml UI ca. Cll &oee-1314.. ....... ·-.__. I mcMlt ....... co.Mi .......... Ai_ ..... -.-·"•'""t' .01 TOlll ortu-1eaa..-MUST IELL.: lft Denafly. _.......... ..,., bultt (2011). W• --..uTNillo\. 'V CV' CV' Good cond. 81Cflflc• .... ... MUOO... -· .. "' iiiiiij!~~~-if~1~1IO~, .._~1~1M~ _ _jPAIHT & .. bocty weft. .. ~ ~ .... - _, 191 Pe Ill! ;.:.a~oo~22~ =.a.~ ~ . ,...., 19 1 !flll C~lualc 11' Lap1tralce 13'.M SP£aALI! IU-00~11 8._ len'k»-' ltln,.. Ma•R.catGMl-ml ·-·· boal. 4 c¥. cu.tom -·.... .... ----..__.._.. .. Moftwlt lft«1 of cull Grer . 17M181. ,._for......, _.1132 - -~ r A Dl /CD ,..... tl ,, ..... ..., ...... .....,. .. --,,, 'fl. "l:t.ili' OV&A8EA8 DELIVERY EXPERT'S Ill ..... -· 1tee Hartlor IMt.. C08TAMDA ...... .._ 10 ....... to •e• Ch I · 1..-FOid Woody W• N...11 ~V l:.I' .._. ,_ e.,r.-dd aan oft ~ r • Craft Com· ..... W ... .. oon. 113,000. ~·IMW "'"'• awtlng car..,, tmandarft o1ot110 twtnclaaal. • _,......,_01111• IRU lal 1• 11111• •1 •------ .,..... IDr s.nea '° ....._. J&...o1 or off• r . -... 1929 Ford Model A Town -11.tCM ll'MI...,_ under t9'• trM. Call 15 Top~ for 8potta Sedan, 110,000. W lm- anawer ad 1571, I.a tilt Care, Bup, Cempet1,,_e7_M_11_1_. ----• 8IWf Jdnt ....-.,,.. ~ 2.4 tn. - --t14'a, Audl'a 'H Tllundierblrd, Mint nor:-a ndl WIL.,.. . ~ A* IDr U/C ~ Condlfton, .123115. To be 7I0-0100 ..... FOft IAl£ --...., • ~ EXllOft. -------· ....... , UM 142-4144. llM', M Nllll m 2121 arlatot. N.B. II ...-.ii 88lboC ...... & oan.. 11111 ..... ~ ·-~-------· CHNRTMA8 GFTI MU 8 T 8 ELL I I 10. HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 .. 1 CADeU.AC ..._,OM,1_1 kl~I •• ~ ~ IG 1111 ... 11, 2 *• .... Ofta. ::.-· .....q-... • .. !IP ~r:=.:1000 ... - r '••• 1 IOAT......, AVMMA E: WE Pit -~•=: ~'ii~·~•11 ~~...... TIP llPPU _ w. w1 "1. a 45'. C11 9f 17 I 142·4 44 from t-5. .. -1111 MClllt.............. lllonoA\. ...... ta-nm 81tpa AYall. Huntlnoton ,.../IWA• LETTER.QUAlJTY PflNT Harbour 8 ..!.!.:. DA MIO ..._ IML 8'tw~~ MOAtll ~,,... M 009TA..ao\ :..,-:r:._~ ~~~-4011 . t•I• _.1.T tlOfl Manual 1771. for""" ID, 30, 40' bOat • -74 ...... flW\.,.,..... ... .... ................. - .......... 1711 --··· Pmt -ltOOhno. ..... 1• na111 ... ...,_ a...lfO..eMI : ':_•N"4~Ll ~[ ·11 • [. ''.. / v .. End Sele. Aalc about the (AnMc1at>1e Aalll, lrantle a. .... l111d'it =.t to buy • CMIQp , Qll • •1•111 m 1.11•11 NARFR...." ~ .. ,. ...... cADIIL\C 1ao1 Quall at. at .... modll. 1ow ,,,... , """"'1 -..c11 age Cadlllec1 In Sou· LEARANCE -..00 ~ c.lfol1ml ... UI .... .. .,. _.. 'nm SALE' :i.O::.:.\t=o:u• M" IM • '11 toolO ..,,. -2IOO Hlrbof .... NO«, ...,...... oond. C09TA tiWaA MK"'" u1.ooo. 141-1111 710-1710, wtin ~1133 7t l!lillorlldo, .. ,.,, ... tlrM, white Oft wtilte. .... uo.tl7&. ~ 1"4"4fll .... ' 5i: '~ • ._ : • 4; ' . 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DI YILU (104YSO) sg995 • 1979 CADILLAC DOltADO COWi AlntOaCOf (2llY99) · 111 995 . ' 1M1 CAOIU.AC ILDOaADO llAlllTZ (1ASGle1) s15,995 "" . -- • • .__, I • • ~ p Bappy llfnlihaus ' ' -f ~ Roy Puadtt Rob Mclnturf Susan Ninyo "' M.n.tp M.ri.p ~ Darlene Coe Don Bowman Georgia Ray S«rmry Controlltt Randy Gudmundson Phyllis Stein Rodney Rosser Terry McCardle Pmicknt Chris Iannotti Liz McFarland LJnda Reynolds Renate Collison Elsa Hoyt Bob O 'Hagan Phyllis Sachs • Steve Arndt Pam Howland Ali Zarrinnegar Sandi Robertson Ross Abb~ Milt and Ruby Mtthan Mary Anne Myers Brian Schoffman David Cooper Tex Hoyt Mina Osheroff Anna SeUey Pat Davis IkckyJames Randy Smith Cora Skeith Myna Cooper --- Rosemuie Sire &tty Cordova • ff * Pat Smith Mike Dooley Simone Corbo Julie-Srurdevant Estee Meshi Judy 0 . Hawkins Jim Townsend ]';'dy Fitz Anne Huntt:r Leslie Pisciotta David White Paul Evans M.sJinbo ~ Delpha Oswald Vi Qulc Tom Crammer John Sid_well Whit PJV.mmer ' Bill Goodridge Steve Kimble Don pfaff Sharon Z.rn·nnegar Mary Anne Hotsey Mary Johnston _. Maritt Lesh . -Eva Popew ~ Jerry Fuller Keith Slaughter Sandy Rice &tty Jo Sleva Bill Lupis Don Houghton