HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-27 - Orange Coast PilotTiii 10111 CIAIT c11m11111• MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1982 OflANGE C O UN T'( C l\l If Of•NtA 25 CENTS Mesan's plight gets big response 8y JODI CADENBEA.D ................ Thanb to the ~roeity and klndneH of local realdenta, Sylvia Weit, 65, wound up C.lebrattnc a joyoua Chriatmu • after all. Partially blind and dl.aabled from a reamt stroke, the Costa Meaa woman thouah t her boliday w• over thb ye.r when lhe diacovered her $1,400 Vuaual Tek machine she l.&M!9 to read, televiaion aet, stereo and $400 worth of Chriatmu gifta m.laBing Thureday l'DOl"DiJ1a. Gone, too, waa the 25-year old Uve-ln companion ahe had hired thfte weeka ago to help her dreas and fix meala. But> Chrlatmas turned lnto a very special day for West, who aaid the phone never l\opped ~~th people offertna help · "My faith ln human nature wu restored," West Mid today. '1 didn't know there were so rbany kind, good people ln the world." : ~ ChNtmu morniJll West'• lti tabJe WU aaggiJ'la with homemade cookie•, hams, turkeys, candles and nuta. Stranaera poured Into the bouae brlngtq a scrap book, mmlc box, and pines. "It w.. really quite a aurpriBe," mid West, '1 just didn't expect •Y of tbJa." I : · A couple of teen-agen from Jlu.ntlftston Beach stopped by jer l'ordbam Drive bou8e with a Wcx:k ol. cbeeee and c:nck.en. : Many of the~~· touched ~y her pllabt, t carda and en.JI checb. By today ahe had •• ;: An account waa opened in ~eat'• name at the Crocker :If ational Banlt, 1845 Newport Svd., c.o.ta Mesa. :: "The story really touched my jaeart," aaid Claire Nelson, 'f,ormer c.o.ta Mesa mayor who jlielped at.art the bank account. lleavy winds I . due on coast .• High winds and continued cold ctures are e~ along Orange Cout tonight ana y, the National Weather dervioe Mid today. ·.. Santa Ana wind conditions, 9;rompted by a high pressure In the interior region of te, abould begin late today, up winds between 30 and in ..ne areM Tue.day, .lCWS oftidaJa laid. :· The wtnda may warm coeata1 areas to about 65 de1ree1 ~y. But nlgbta will be cold With lows between 38 and 48. , T Winging out the old year Nothing like a stiff breeze to sweep away the last sands of 1982. The gusts propelled Larry Taugher who said the only drawback was that "your arms get tired" which might also have been the opinion of the gull at Newport Pier. Local college tuition talks resume today? By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of&M~ ......... No tuition fees or additional budiet cuta h.ve been approved for California'• community colleges, a1 atate legl1latora continue to debate propoula for erasing a statewide deficit estimated at $2 blllion. But community college officlala warned that diacuaaion of tuition or program cuts may be re vived today when the legWatora return to Sacramento from the Christmas holiday to resume work on a finance package. "We're not out of the woods, by any measure," said Arnold Bray. director of legislation and public affairs for the oonununity college syatem. Community college officials have been fighting propoeab to charge tuition to atudenta, saying this would put higher education beyond the reach of many who need it most. California is the only 1tate that charges no tuition for attending it.a 107 community colleges. The sy1tem alao has been hoping to escape additional budget cuts, atreuing that the Leglalature already reduoed the community college budget by $30 million last awnmer. In Its original form, a bill lntroduced la.at week by state Sen. Allred Alquiat, 0-San Joee, would have taken another 10 pen::ent of the oonununlty college ayatem'• budget for the remain1n8 half of the 8Chool year. A revi1ed propoaal from Alqui.t, however' ellmlnat.ed that 10 _JleftleDl budpt cut but urpd a S2~ aprln1 aeme.ter fee for community collqe atudenta. The Senate Fl.nance Committee early la.at week approved a package that contained neither the community college budget cut nor the $25 fee. Last Wedneaday the atate Senate Education Committee rejected a plan for a $~-aemester tuition fee propoaed by Sen. Daniel ~twrlght, D-Concord. Aho on Wednesday, the full Senate failed to approve a finance package that would have included tax lncreaaes and spending cuts, but would not have affected communlty colleges. Community college legislation director Bray said he expect.a the senators to work out their diHerencea on tbia finance package, still with no impact on the community colleges. But during conference committee dl.acualona aimed at matching the Senate package with Assembly finance legislation, community college tuition or budget cuta nuiy be considered again, Bray said. He said a spring tuition fee would be particularly difficult to implement becau.ae thia semester begina ln January or February, and many atudenta have already registered without paying such a fee. In additioo, there ia too little time to aet up a financial aid prosram for atudenta who cannot afford tuition, he said. "U we iO to a $!K> fee without flnanclal aid, we eltimate we11 loee 80,000 COIJ\Dlunity collece students,,, Bray laid. Leland Myera, le1lalative advocate for Orance County'• (See nJmON, Pqe Al) Floods block 1,000; Colorado stymied By ne Asaodated Presa Flooda from almost 15 lnclM!S of rain waahed through Louillana communiUes today, blocking more than 1,000 people from their homes, and Colorado realdenta were urged to stay home until the snow from a Christmas Eve blizzard could be cleared. A Greyhound bua careened off Acy lntentate 80 near Kearney, Neb., earlsay, lnjuring 20 people, .. rain, aleet and drizzle spread rom weatern Oklahoma lnto a large part of Kanau and Nebraska. St.reeta were flooded ln the Beaumont and Port Arthur areas of Texaa, where the storm dropped 13 inches of rain, and the llildebrandt Aa9 residential area waa evacuated. The aoutbeaatern Texaa town of Bridae Oty neer the UJildwi•na border waa cut off by flooding early today on Texas 87. Realdenta of El Paao were warned to prepare for a foot of anow aa the storm out of Cokindo left 80C\lmulat.\ona of 8 Inches at Clovis, N.M., and 7 inches at Lubbock., Texas. In northern Ml11luippi, reec:uen in boata and four-wheel drive vehlclea evacuated dozens of families aa rain eent riven out of their bulka and marked the state'• wettest December on record. Mluiuippi civil defense officlab Mid about 70 familie. had left their homes ln Grenada, about 15 homes were evacuated in Calhoun City and other evacuationl were under way In Greenwood, Tupelo and other communitie9. Tornadoes on Sunday damaged buildings and timberland ln Neshoba County and flash floodln1 affected 1everal hundred homes in Grenada County. Louiaian.a offlclala laid more than ~ roeda were impuable ln (See FLOODS, Pase AS) Sunday nJabt'• low along the -~-~--~· ______ .,i_ ____________________________ __....,r-------llDEX---------. Structure's inside view" has appeal Officials cite drawing power of 160-million, IO-story Atrium at Irvine complex. windowa. The feature la an directly aero. Martin from the nample of the kind of amenlUes Atrium la a hlgh-rlae office intended to attract law and bu1ld1n8 pro~ by the Doua1aa llCCOj.IDtinC flrrna-1taUed with Development Corp. hlch ndol of profmo•vnla, Fefl\l90ft aid be envisiona the A n o t h e r d la ti n c t l v e thne developmenta u an urban charectertaUc planned for the con that will~ to mon hlah-bulld1nl la "'"" .... exterior quality office dewloslment In ihe 11M1inC whk:b the deYeJopen hope atea. The Atrium, he noted, la wtlJ pve lt a areet.er MOM Of planned to Include the klndi of stnnfitb and qwlllty than ttricUy retail uaea that will enable mtmftd llMI· ="' to handle penonal .~::::.wya:.~= Plw :uw:~.:.=.,)' now, like the lar1• and d1nner Mu., a lunch bouie and pnsu,toua law t1nm that are a laDdwtch ebol>. a benk. a ~ ~tly,.,ao&na to South C.O..t brokera1e. cleanera, travel Plliii," iilcl~\ a1ency and an e11p1'911 mall DINrwd by W7.MJI of trvtn., ..w.. 'n. Afriun:di to be budi at the Slmllar 1ervlcH ahould be l.'oraer of Von Ker••n ea4 ~valwb&. ln lb• other lar.a• Martin avn\Mll, not far from deWk:p•lilrltl. he edded. ~---.. .... KOii ewiw JliYIM, Whln *-....--...... ..w th9 ~ •_,'---. ~ .tlructunl .. DMrinf an • ...,. that an ownupPl)t of c a 'nm Mc aouth.-ot the oCtk!e ~ 11 ldll Jl'O)lctiad ·a. a..> ,,,_..y, b1 the Um• The l\trlum 11 Planned fer developmen' eapeeted to be opan•d In l Want to preserve your '82 look? Check out I:ife Mub in Laguna Beach on Page BI . A7 A4 B2 IM-6 D3 D3 C6 AS M-e Dl-2 82 82 84.e AJ C4 c1-e 82 er Be BM Al I I I ! j y nee ed PoUe9 lald Leiter A. Ooruon, 2 , and Thomas Lee Gordon, l i, th of 'Elalnore, were vlalting brothM Michael 0 . Gordon, 2 , at Mk~l's Enaland Street ahllrtl~rt on Saturday, d.rink1ng' ~,hollc beverages and using a ff~ Beach police Sgt. ~lain aa.id al about 9 p.m .• ic~Hl abd Lester became· 1 volftd in a scuffle, during hich Lester allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed Michael In the chest. Thomas Gordon then armed him8elf with a nfle kept in the apartment and allegedly shot Lester Gordon once in the chest, McErlain said. 1 Thomas Gordon then suffered ai rifle shot In his forehead, apparently self-inflicted, McErlain said. "Early today, Thomas Gordon' remained in critical condition at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach. Lester Gordon was listed an serious condition today in the intensive ~e unit at FountaJJl Valley Community Hospital. Michael Gordon was an fair condition, al9o at Fount.am Valley c.ommuruty. •• Mesap nabbed in slaying try ATRIUM APPEALS . • • A 25-year-old Costa Mesa man was arrested late Sunday on suapicion of attempted murder after his roommate was shot, police said. ·Jesus Guadarrama Linares. 25, was arrested at 11 :30 p.m. in the apartment the two shared at 2458 Newport Blvd. Ball was set at $250,000. Police said Miguel Angel Rivera. 23, was sbot three times in the 1ide. Officers said it apPeared the two men had been arguing prior to the 1hooting. From Page A1 Al issue were interpretauona of the new zoning laws on how much ground area could be cuvered by .ofCice buildings and how development "points" for density should be calculated. City planners initially counted all gross floor space but Leighton· French wanted only leaseable space included. After discussions with city council membera, the developers won. Ferguson said the TUITION DEBATED. • • From Page A1 four commuruty ooUege dJStncts, agreed that a last-nunut.e spnng tuition could result m cha06 He said about 30,000 students already have registered for spring courses at Orange Count~'• community colleges without paying tuition Although both said they will be working against it.. Bray and Myers said a spnng budget cut for conunwuty colleges as more likely to be Imposed by legislators than tuiuon Such a cutback could force local distncta to cancel some classes or lay off employees. The Legislature as expected to approve a finance package before year's end chfference was based m the fact that the planners' reference point had been ind us trial rather than office buildings. One issue left unresolved 90 far 11 fire protection for the building, with its undivided inside space. City officials are requiring the developers to prove that a sophisticated 11noke evacuation system will work. Ferguaon l&id a private tire protection engineering form designed the 1yatem in which fa111 would 1uck In amoke in af.feded WDm while other f.ana would run at doub~ capacity in outside r.ona to keep smoke out. "What we have to do ii build the structure and demonstrate the aystem to the city and the (Orange County) Fire Department with detectable gaaes," l&id Ferguaon. If the system wasn't judged effective, only three iloora would be allowed to open onto the atrium, rather than the propoeed 10. ~\' Gusty ~inds due Rain~ Snowl:m 40• (;oaeta1 ara• n1g11e w•r• Tuesday. Oecemoe< 28 Shower•• Ffurrle1 • ~-trom 55 to 65. wttll IOwe N to •• and (IUllta ff"om 30 to 90 fTIClf\ Wind• In tha mountain• may (;o!'stal gi.t trom 40 to 80 mph Tu.day. wltt> NgN rrom 35 to 45 anct ws v .... Ngl'I doudln.-lonigM that '"'°'*' _,. to 22. ~ In jlnd Tu9'day. '""•ffl"O Sat\18 a-. \Ill/le'; _. lof-=-t In Ula ~ M\dl beginning le\a l~I 40a, 1111111 IOW9 In IM 20e W\d or -tot T...ad~ wnll poul a. ~•I wlnd8 from 15 to 25 ,..... "°"' ao to nlPfl ~"" mph ~ ~&owe311o48 Hlgha In ~ "-1.1 --. f1gt18 n.ctay In 1M low to middle ~to ;:;r, lfom 4a to 55. IOa. wtltl ..... "--2 to a5 and Wtl\de -El1ewbar•, troin P ol nl from t5 to 30 mptl. Southern Ccwaptlcn '° tN Me!dcen bord9r daMrt .:t': ~"1: trom 55 Md out 90 ,.,._ LJght -1eble to ea, loW9 to 45. "Inda ton~llt. Local aHt to ~t n01 15 to ao knot• T entperatures ,,., . .,,,_ W••rti"' ~·<• ••DC*le belollr OOMtel ~ "'OAA U S Ot>ot Co' CorMle<'• ti)' l•l• tonight and aprHdlng Fronts COid ..,.. Warm WW Occluded ~ Stationary •• IOUCtMwd on T~ w~ ,.... of 1 lo 2 ~ llarleble NATION ~ttvoughT~ .. Lo 50 29 ""any 58 ~ JKkeonvU .. 90 &f TUC.00 Alt>u~ 38 21 K-Clty 31 29 TulM 39 37 U.S. su111n1ary 31 at LU II-oat n 3-4 waelllnglon 41 315 Amatllo 37 29 A.,,..,.... • 50 Little Aocil 49 42 Wletllla Atlanll 71 58 t:.:r 114 45 ~·th• 1.000 pe<>9la -·· 111 37 49 47 CAUl'ONtlA fOfCed 10 n.. Ul4tlr homel •• a AtlanllC Clly 44 :se Lubt>oek 31 22 Blll••lleld M 40 1torm b,.uglll llHh flood• 10 Auetlr1 M 42 Memphll 157 83 Eurell• 5e 44 ~~ troubled m. IO'Mt BaltlmOf• F~ 53 37 ~ 34 :ze Mleml 711 73 M~ Valley and eoutllern Ill M Mllw**• $8 35 ~t• 52 27 ...... 32 13 Mp41.-8\. PW 34 22 Loa Af10llel 114 46 ·£--8~ 65 5e P-Aot>lel 52 39 &-. 32 II ......... Aecl 9IUfl 53 38 to dig • ..-.id bllDrd 111 34 .... o.-.na 11 10 ... twO .... af_lnd Bolton 51 IO .... voni 63 $8 AedWood City 51 ..... lift WW. deed llfownavllla 55 21 Nof'loll 74 so laicr~O 47 38 Olo\I 1k prav1ll•d from 8ulf.ic> .. 22 Norlfl ""1• 2t 18 ~ 53 41 Or9gOn Md nortMm Callfomla to Bufllngton S2 :: ~deco ea 47 CM!* 2t IO OllleflofM City ,. 51 42 IM ~ ot Iha Ml .. ourl 15 eo OfNhe 38 24 fUnr ., l•Y Light rain wu CllerMaton. 8.C ee 4 Ol'IMldo ., 12 ~1Mber1 111 41 ........ the Ofllo ~and CMttelton. W VL 11 ... ~· 12 3' 8todll°" 51 34 not,:'~ w .. ther a-tea CMl1otl•. N C 40 20 ""°9nill IO 40 a.mow 12 29 ~ 40 13 ~ ... , 38 llglMr 41 115 P'.cPcl.:sr a«ttered 1now from ChicaOO la .a ICI 29 ..... 51 26 Cincinnati Me S2 40 l'IOll -to~and ~ 44 1113 ,.._,,Ore .q " c.t9lrlll ee 3e MOW or..:,-::: t9ln In the ~II f4 ... ~-~ 35 L.ona leMll ...... ... forecMt -the Columbia. 8 c. a •a =rClty 73 eo MOft'cwla ea 32 1 .,~f.r:" Plaln•, with COM'lllue .. , SI • n Mt. W1llon 41 29 tllu me frOfTI the IOWef o.a.-F1 WMll " ... 8'WinOI ee 31 = ft •1 Reno 17 ... 38 Mleele PJ:I Valle~ 10 the 11 • Ncfw1MMld 74 ... ,......,,. r~eo.n.ecs ni1n • 17 lllft .... City 31 " ~ '° 14 .. tromthe~ Del Moll* IO ., .. AntolWO .. 37 8111\..,....dlno .. a2 o.troH aen.-e ISi 31 MINl!!! Valt.y t11rou1ih th• OUllrth • IO Ian Diego 74 47 .. •1 0"60 10 ltMt "'40-tleftllO ~ R tan ~r...-00 11 .. IMtaAna Ooallll eoutNrn .... ::ti=· !JP-,, 13 ... tile Q '2 Tlflcle Vllllew • 22 'etOO Wlndr ... tMt -toted =r-t 11 ::,-:= .. N ~ ........ wttll"" 10 17 IO CANADA W•m.tty~. Hettbcl •1 t6 II L..Olllt II If 31 I r~• wound 1t1a N11Jon Helene sa IO It. ,..._lempe 11 .. ff ~· • I f'IT renoecf ffOfft I Honc*llu ~ • •t It• Mn .. II 14 --~.Nel>.,to74 HouMon " 41 IQOtclM IP ll 64 17 ..,,... ~· L..auclercl•I•, ~ • .. , ,,.,_.. 80 u • ft:"'' .., _,Key w.t, Jackton ........ 1S ~ Tooell• ~ IO :·~ party befor Cop accident! . 1?.!'21,~ ~ftk&ft leven llunllnflon 8Hch pol offl rt drank 1koho1 11 lhe poln ttnn. ran• s-1or ta a falal automo611e •~oldenl In Attwna laat 1wnmtr, Cha.I l'.atla Robitaille d~ today. Th• probe or th• allecod rru..vnduet on the part of officers w11 touched oft by • traffic MCCldent near P•rker. Ari~.. th(itt took the Ute of 18-year-old Llaa Garllch lut July 11. Huntlnaton Beach pollct' officer John J , Blackwell, the driver of the vehlcle, la llCheduled to atand trial next month on charge• of neallgent homtcld and Jeavlng the 1Cene of a 1erloul accident. Robitaille aald today the investigation, conducted after the accident, lhowed that "el&ht or ten" off~uty polloe officers met at the firing ra.nge near Talbert Avenue and Gothard Street prior to leavinl for the Colorado l\iver for a weekend outing. Blackwell was at the firing range clubhouae at the tune with tn. oi hut th• lnv Upt.lon didn't ,..veal wht\htr h• had l"OnlUIMd akuhol, Robttall d . Olackwtll w11 not char1od wtth drunkC'n drMnc by Arlt.OM authorlU.. RabllaiUa wd lhe Inquiry 1howed that other parliet at.u were held •t the 1lte but Ota\ eovldence didn't 1ub1tantlate rumor1 that 1ex partht1 were bf-Ina held there. Robitaille .. id that none or the minors at the 1eene wu drunk. The police chief eald the offlcert met at the flring ranee aero. (rom Central Park to fonn a convoy to the river in cue any vehlcld should break down. He uld the lnve1tl1atlon revealed no mi9conduct. He 118ld the department couldn't take 9Ction w1le9I behavior II "a total embarra11ment'' to the city becawie the firing range belonp to the Huntington Beach Pol.Ice Officers A.ociatlon. The a11ociallon lease• the firing range from the city and makes it available to the public and other police agencies for h.rttW lJ'klk Bl• 'lu~tll, a patrolman, hu l..n l'ellllll&ned Lo edmlnUllltJV duUn .-ndln• th ou~me of . the le1al proceedln11, Hld Rob&t&ll». Arlr.on~ authorlUH reporwd _ lut sert•mbor that th• fatal 1cclden occurred on the two- l1ne &ute Route 9G, about 10 m11a north of Parker. OarUch wu pronounced dead of muaive head and neck injuries at the 1eene. Kathy Grunbaum, 19, another pe.meneer, wu treated at Parker Hoapllal for lnJurle1, offlciala reported. The Arizona authorlUe1 alleged that Blackwell ant another Huntington Beach officer, Lloyd Edward.a, left the accident .cene. The accident report uld • Blackwell's vehicle wu going : approximately 50 mph tn a 35-male an hour zone when it failed to negotiate a curve and rolled over aft.er fiahtaillng. The • glrl1 were thrown from the vehicle Anacin-3 seized • in county By STEVE MARBLE O(lit. Dell~ f'tlol atetr State health Investigators, hunting for cyanide-tainted Anacin-3 capsules, removed bottles of the pain medication from four Orange County households -Including a Huntington Beach residence - over the Christmas weekend. The seized bottles, teats lat.er showed. contained no traces of the poison In the wake of the cyanide dJJ1COvery m San Jose and lat.er m San Pedro, health inspectors have fanned through Orange County asking pharmacies and grocery stores to remove all Anacin-3 bottles with tbe code number F229. "It's possible there are some shops that haven't heard about this and we've been asked to spot check throughout the county," said James Huston, assistant director of Orange County's Environmental Health. County, atate and federal health offlcera have teamed together in the seareh Last month, a San JOiie woman became seriously ill after Ingesting capsules poiaoned with cyanide. Most recently, a bottle Of Anlldn laced with cyan!~ WU dJ..cowred In a Sen Pedro home. Both lnddent.I involved bottlee bearing the ..me code number. Irutia.l testing has shown that the cyanide an the two bottles likely did not come from a single bat.ch. StJite health officers in Los Angeles &aid the cyanide found in San Jose was in significantly higher concentration than the cyanide found in San Pedro. Health investigators said it remains unclear, though, whether the poison is the work of a SJngle person who tampered with bottles, a copycat or even af the cyanide stems trom the · manufacturing process. Anacin bottles with the F229 code were dlBtrabuted to stores through California and other states in late September. Smee October, health officials said, the Anacin bottles have conlalned tamper-proof seals. M ore than 1,300 Anacin capsules have been tested since the discovery in San Jose. OC flights to Denver back to near norIDal Things are slowly returrung ro nonnal at Stapleton International Airport in Denver as many of the nearly 1,000 snow-bound holiday travelers leave their temporary home of the last few days, according to an official at Frontier Airlines. The airport, which was shut down for 36 hours aft.er a record blizzard Friday morning, 11 working to alleviate the backl.08 of flights canceled over the weekend, said Bob Schulman, Frontier'• public relations direc1.or ti\ Denver. "With luck. we'll run about 80 percent of caJ*:ity today, if the weather holda out," Schulman 118ld. "But that may be a little over-optimistic." .... ~·~v --u ~ --, SALE BROOKSGATE for the young executive SUITS AND ODD TROUSERS 20% off regular pricff Any fhghta which do leave today wall run late, Schulman 88.ld. "The air traffic control system can only handle 90 many flights." he &aid. He said operations were expected to be back to nonnal by Wednesday or Thursday. but mentioned more anow was forecast for Denver late today. One plane from Orange County came into Stapleton Saturday nl&ht. Schulman .aid. Three were diverted to Laa Vega• Friday night when St1pleton cl.oeed after \be filled- to-capacity plane. left John Wayne Airport. SPORT JACKETS AND OUTERWEAR 30% off regular prictK SELECTED BROOKSGATE FURNISHINGS 25% off regular prices WOMEN'S SELECTED COATS, JACKETS, SLACKS, SKIRTS, DRESSES AND SLEEPWEAR ASSORTED SHIRTS, SWEATERS AND ACCESSORIES SIZES 6 TO 16 PLUS SELECTED SHOES 25% and 30% off regular prices BOYS' SUl'l'S, SPORTWEAR AND SELECTED FURNISHINGS 25% off regular prices OUTERWEAR 3~ off regular prices 1 \ \ ---------- NATION Twins reunited after 36 years 319 people killed in holiday traf fie By Tt.t A11oelated Pre11 At leut 319 people dJed on the naUon'a hiahwaYI during the three-day Chr11tmaa Wl'ekend, about the same , number u lut year but fewer than could be upected on a llon-holiday weekenc;l. The National Safety Council haci estlmatt>ci thnt Jerry Lewis LAS VEGAS -Comedlan Jerry Lewis was 1n satisfactory condition and ''doing fine" today after a qwet Chris~ weekend in the hospital where he is recovering from open-heart surgery. Lewis was llmJted to only a few holiday visitors, but an adjoining hoepital room was STATE betwe('n 300 and 400 peraona could bti killed In traffic accident• between 6 pm Thursday a nd m ldnliht Sunday. Last year, 320 people died an traffic accidenta during the Christmas weekend, afao a three-day obaervance 'doing fine' f1Ued with flowers, gifts and letters from all over the world, hospital officuw sa.1d The 56-year-old comedian "18 doi.ng fine nght now ln fact he's resting comfortably," Desert Springs Hospital nursing supervisor Janene Bantz said today. "He has been in good spirits." $3,500 church fund stolen BIG BEAR -Burglars struck the St. Joseph's in the Pines CathoUc Church during a weekend service and made off with $3 ,500 the congregation raised to build a new facility, authonties said The thieves took the money from the church rectory between 9:30 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Sunday, San Bernardino sheriff's Sgt. Ross Dvorak sa1d. "They enter ed through unlocked doors while Masa was going on," Dvorak noted, and pned open rectory filing cabinets where the cash was kept. Man receives gift of life STANFORD -A Seaside man was listed in stable condition Sunday rught, just hours after receiving the Christmas gift of his life -a heart transplant. Tim Dunn, 24, was lisled in stable condition at Stanford University MedicaJ Center. "It's incredible," hlS sister, Mary Frances Dunn, said from the hospital. "Can you thmk of a better Christmas present?" Soviet invasion recalled LOS ANGELES -About 200 Afghan nationals joined ln prayers and watched aa a replica of the Soviet flag wu burned during a memorial marking the third anniversary of the Soviet move into Afghanistan. Among those at the demonstration Sunday outside the Federal Building in West Los Angeles was Aziz Djamily, 33, a jewelry WORLD aa.lesman who· said many of his relatives remain in the Afghan capital of Kabul. "It ia very hard for me lo , think of them with no medicine. no security, no food, no freedom They can't really de9Cribe what is going on, because the government censors the letters, but I can tell it's no good," D1amlly said. Mideast talks threatened has n 't been any shooting today," said Lebanese army spokesman Col Fawz1 Ab1 Farhat. TEMPLE CITY (AP) For 3" yean Barblra Parker thouaht .~ wu an only child. Thil yMI, ahft lHt'l'\Cld what lt waa Uke IO apcmd Chrlatmaa with a twin al.awr "A.fter arowtn1 up an only child wltf\ no relativH, thla Chrlatrnu I'm runntna around frantic.'' aaJd Parker, add1ni that ahe and her IOl'll·lolt twln Ann Blandin are atlll amazed at limilariUes that 80 beyond their mirror·image looka. Blandin I.a a beauUdan. Parker had coruidered becomlna one. Parker found a bed1pread Identical to her own at Blandin'• home ln Dana Polnt. Both eew, amg and dance u hobbies. The two women, who c elebrated Chriatmaa with Blandin'a family in Temple Oty, 10 miles eaat of Loe Angeles, now hope to find yet another aiater 15 months their aenior. At flnt, Parker wu akeptical when ahe learned of her twin's e xistence from a next-door neighbor Blandin had approached. "How do I know you're my siater?" she asked when they met at the neighbor's home in Canyon Country. "I need proof." Ann Blandin had proof -the namt of her muther'a .. (!and bu.band, which Parkrr had allo ...,, on h.r own ldoptJon rwcorda .ven thouaih It ahouldn't have bNn th.ro. "l wu In a at.at.a of ahock, •· Parker uJd. Altho\.aah B1and1n had known alnat ahe wu 10 that ahe had a twin a later, ahe ti rat beaan aearchtna tor her l.ut Aupt. The twlna were aeparated at birth. Their mother had arranged tA) have her child adopted, but did not antidpate havinl twin.I. However the El Mon~e phyaician who delivered them decided to adopt Blandin himaelf. Blandin'• firat clue waa a certificate annulllng her mother'• second marriage, to Wllliam Wlesner. Blandln found Wiesner in Garden Grove, and he said he'd laat aeen her mother 10 yean ago in Hawaii. Through a hotel where the woman had worked in Hawaii, Blandin eventually traced her mother to Palm Sprlnga and called her on the telephone. The mother gave Blandin the name of the family that had adopted Parker, whom Blandin David and Martha Gable, carrying a few belongings, wade through water that flooded their West Monroe, La. townhouse. FLOODS, SNOW . • • From Page A1 Barbara Parker, left, gets acquainted with twin 1ister Ann Blandin of Dana Point. then traced through records. Because she was apprehensive about approaching her aister directly, Blandin drove to the home of Parker's neighbor, Lynn ' Gaspar, six weelut ago. Now the twin aiatera are looking for their older aiater, pcmibly named Darlene and bom in the summer of 194~ in Bakersfield. Newspaper photo reunites dad, son MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AJ>) -The discovery of a newspaper photograph on Christmas Day has led a Memphil man to his father aft.er a search of nearly 40 years. The photo of a reunion between Donald Pape of California and the mother he had not seen since 1929 led David D. Jones, 40, back to his father - Pape. . The former Navy man said he saw the photograph, which appeared in The Commercial Appeal on Christmas morning. The photo showed Pape, 68, of R.ictunond, Cali1., embracing his mother, Eva St. Onge, 91, of Vancouver, British Columbia, at San Francisco International A1rporl after a aeparation of 63 years. "I aaw the reunion picture and the name Pape, which la an unuaual name, but which I had known wu my father' a." Jones aaid. ".J told my wife. 'I bell~ that's my father.' "Everything I had been told was that my father wu lost at sea while serving with the Merchant Marines," Jo0e9 aaid. "But I spent 22 years in the Navy and everywhere I went, I searched for him to no avail. I had just about given ~p." Aft.er reading the newspaper article, Jones telephoned Pape ln California and asked if he had been married to Jesae Pape and if she had died giving birth in 1942. "And he aaid, 'yea'." Jones said. "I said. 'Well, I think you're my father.' He was speechleM for a moment. then said, •rve been looking for you for 40 yean'." Jones said he was adopted by a Morongo Valley, Calif., oouple in 1944 when he wu 2. 1lJe only natural aiater he baa ever known, now Deanna Elkin•. of Lancaster, Calif., was adopted by a oouple from the aame town. Althou1h the two knew of their reladonah.lp .. they 0.- up. California law prohibited them from learning about their natural parenta. several yea.n ago, however, Jones found ht. mother'• death cer1Wcate whicb aaJd abe had died giving birth to her sixth child. Pape aaid he kept hia family together after hia wife'a death. Jones aald he wanta to 80 to California aoon, but he ea.id no reunion h.u been .cheduled. Palm Springs selected for Reagans' New Year WASHINGTON (AP) -suburban Maryland . The President Reagan flew west on president did not ltOp to apeak vacation today with a stack of with report.en, but wiahed them bills to be signed and a renewed a happy new year. call for a total Soviet troop On Tuaday, the Ragans will withdrawal from Afghanistan. travel to Loll Angeles, where the. KHALDE, Lebanon - Israel poured troops and tanks into the hills surrounding this Beirut suburb today to halt sectarian fighting th.at threatened the opening of uraeli-Lebanese talks here on the withdrawal of foreign forces from Lebanon. He S&ld the Lebanese army had bee n assured by the feuding rightist Christian and leftist .Druse militiamen who have been battling in th<> area for five days that there would be no fighting while the talks were 111 progresa. The president and hla wife president will take part in ; Nancy, who celebrated Christmas reoonunimioning oeremoruea for · places and many bridges were Denver for four hours when at the White Houae for the the battleship USS New Jer.y. : washed out. some low-level radioactive aecond year, headed first for The next day, they will make : "They (the .laraelia) have moved into the hills and there Pravda seeking response MOSCOW -The Commwlillt Party newspaper Pravd&f called on the United States today "to respond now" to the European misaile reduction proposals made by party leader Yuri V . Andropov. Andropov "made weighty proposals. They cannot be brushed aside, nor can their eaeenoe be clouded by hasty polemics;· Pravda aaid in the lateat KremUn commentary o n the Andropov proposal. which already hu been rejected by Waahlngton and its allies. "Landmarka for the future are being fixed now. A responsible approach. responsible decisions are needed They are being awaited. The true goa.la and intentions of the states will be judged from them. It ls up to the United States to respond now," the commentary aa.ld . Flash flood watchea were material spilled from a van. Phoenix, to visit the First Lady's their annual pilg.rimace to Palm : posted today for all of Arkan.saa Steady weekend rain spilled recently widowed mother, Edith Spring• for the New Year'•: and Illinois and the eouthem and waten from bloated riven and Davia. holiday. They wlll atay at : eastern 8eCtiom of Ml9ow1 and bayous into residential areu of The Reagana and their "Sunnylanda," the 200-acre ' aoutheaatem Iowa. Lou.ialana, forcing evacuation.a dauabter, linger Patti Davia, left estate owned by publiaher But IOl"Oe states in the nation's a c r o s a t h e c e n t r a l a n d the White House by helicopter at Walter Annenberg. The Reegant anow belt had the warmest northeastern part of the state, mldmomlng in a chilling rain for will return to Waahington · Chrlstmaaholidayofthecentury, .....;offid~=:::=•=k::...::sai:::::d~·~~~~~~~~--=A..::..:.;n~d~r~e~w~•:.......:.A~i~r_:;.F~o~r~c~e-=B~a~•~l'....:.:in.:..,.___;;;S_unda~_._Y_·~~~~~~~~__. delighting joggers but dimnaytng wen. Muaive traffic jams developed today in snowbound Denver and delays continued at Stapleton International A1rpcrt • the dty dug out from \mder the record weekend bllnard that claimed three Uva. Colorado authorltlea urged commuters to my home unleD they had Jobe ementaal to public aafety. To make matt.en wone, the Colorado State Pat.rol wu forced to cloae a aectlon of Interatate 70 near downtown ·, the authz.nt\c closs1c ... scuunl~ ~ ehrttJand.. I . •• . ; J We1re _Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot" What don't you like" Call the number at left and your meuage will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. ~ 9MZAW l& mad4 en a orcular hand framz., ale at, a t\mrl. ,and ~ bfu!bzd ibr axnfbrt mid.a bzilti.r • •• . ·; . •' . : 642•6086 The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to t~ editor Qn any topic Mailbox contributors must lncludt their name and telephone number for veriflcat1on No circulation calls. please. Tell us what' a on your mind. ORAl«lE COAST Daily Pilat ThNnoe '· ... ., ,.....,. Olld ,,,... Eatoeutrt• Qlk., loymond Moc:Leon Cewtot.. CIHllftect actweftlllng 114,1141-M11 All othef dep9rtmenta MMm MAIN °"1CI DtWttt ... M.,C..U.,....,CA MllH...,...: ... IMf,C•M-..,CA ... , ... , ....... ~ ... , ... "'*'Wfle ~. __ ,....,.., '" ....... ~~.......,--_ .... _.. ....... M-. .. ,...._ .. .....,. ..-c ... ~ ....... """' ..... -· L Key lchulh Vic•,,..,.. n Dhclcw cl A!Mrt1t"'O nt a"llZ. d' tha. niozat. 8'MUlt4r& ~11~ 'Ml.ar .. ,. .: ;• .: > , San Joaquin marsh tour scheduled A tour ()f the San Joectuin fresh water ma.rah near UC Irvine will be conducted Jan. 16 by memben of the South Cout Audubon Society. The tour will begin at 8 a.m . and laat three houri. Partldpanta should meet at the pte to the re9el'Ve, near Jamboree ROlld and Campus Drive. • Preschool s tory time begins Jan. 13 at the Dana Niguel Library and children agea S to 5 are urged t o participate. Storytime luta a hall hour and includes stories, songs, • The El Toro Air Station will hold an auction at 9 a.m. Jan. 13 to diapme of surplus property. The auction will be at.aged at Building 319. Registration will begin there at 8 a.m. • Swing era musk: will be performed by the UC Irvine big BJnd Jan Ensemble during a two-hour concert Jan. 16 at the Turtle Rock Community Park ln Irvine. The ensemble, conducted by Alfred Laa1, wj}J play music from the 19309 and '4-0s for spectators who want to dance or just listen. • An evening "allmnaatics" exercise clul wW be offered beginJlina Feb. 1 at Irvine'• Uniwnity Community Park. The claaa will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 7 c:t the park'• center at 1 Tree Lane. Be•erly S~am will be instructor for the course , LlMa Bnael will lead the tour seeking out blrdllfe In the university-owned marsh. Members of the public are Invited on the tour; they 1hould wear sturdy shoes. More information may be obtalned by calling society membera at 492-!H 95 o r 495-0107. fingerplays, puppe ts and simple crafta. Registration for the claaes, which are held on Thundays and Fridays at 10:30 a.m ., begin Jan. 4. · 'to register,~ 496-5517. Property to be auctioned will be available for public irupecllon from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. beginning Jan. 5. More inlormation may be obtained by calling Roxaue Hotz at the Marine Corps base at 651-3771. .., The performance, part of the dty'1 Sunday Playhouae aeries, will begin at 2 p.m . Adm.laa1on will be ~ general, $3 for 9ef1ion or studenta and $8 per couple. The grouo ia expected to perform tunes from Glenn Miller. Duke Elll n&_ton, Benny Goodman and Harry James. which will run for eight weeka. Fee la $36.60 per pel'IOn. Participants can reglater at Irvine City Hall, 17200 Jamboree Blvd., from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Jan. 3 or from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Jan. 4 and 5. For more in!onnatian, call 660-3881. Dinosaur hones found LO NDON (AP) -Thru Brito n• have unearthe d the bonea o f 160-mllllon -year-old dlnoaaura In 1outhwnt China whoee relatives had been found previously in the American West and the cout of Eut Africa. "I WU amued by the aize of the bone• and the enormous number of them ," aald Alan Charlg, leader of a team from Londo n 's Natural Hl1tory Muaeum who spent two months working on a hilllide in Sichuan Province , about 1,000 miles southwest of P eking. Charil aaid the team dug up three types of d.lnoeaun which roamed a prehlstortc river near Wangcang about 150 million ye ar s ago: 8 6 -foot -l o ng sauropods, with long necks and small head1; stegoaaura, with bony plates on thelr backa, and flesh-eating carnoaaurs, which were bipeds. "These particular dlnoaaurs have been found In only two areu, besides Sichuan: flrst in the American West, the region of Utah, Wye>mini and Colorado, in the late 19th century, and in one locality on the cout of what wu Gennan F.ut Africa and LI now Tanzania, in the early 1900a," he said. The site where Charlg, paleontologist Angela Milner and tec hnician Ronald C roucher worked eight hours a day digging while farmers plowed-ina planted wheat nearby waa di&covered two yeara ago by a miner. Charig aaid the miner "saw some bones sticking out of a hillside. There was a thick layer of them, all mixed up, aim.l..lar to a locality in the United States, the Dinosaur National Monument in Utah." In an interview, Charig said, "There h.ad been a river there in prehistoric timee and obviously Iota of dinouura -the peuanta are always finding bones.'' The river disappeared long ago and the area has become a valley with lntemely cultivated steep hilla, he uid. 'The dlnouur bones wuhed down the river, became stranded on a sandbank and were now embedded in aandatone. .. Look what I have "" ........ . Prince William, 6-month-old son of Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, looks fascinated as his father points to toy held by the princess. This was one of several pictures taken during first official photo session for the young prince at Kensington Palace in London. vs MICHIGAN Join us fort~ grVlddaddy of them all Tiw 1983 Roee Bowl. You will be chauffeured to Maxwell's by the ~a for a cham~ brunch and then on to the game in a deluxe custom coach with a hostess ~rving complimmt.uy champagJW or soft drinks. The g.illW Kats included in our J>ilCbgr will put you in an excelknt position to m1oy all the exot~nt of thlS New Year's cl.as.sic. Pick up points-A.Nh4!im. Costa M~. Newport. Irvine, Mis.sion Viejo. TOUR PRICID WITH OR WITHOUT GAME SEA TS. CAll: Pacific Coast Box Office A.T MAXWEU..'S ON ntE HUNllNGlON BEACH PIER 714/536-8826. 714/540-3669 WE ACCE.PT AU. MAJOll CJlEo,T CAJtDS. PHONE AHO MA.It oaDEJIS HBRITACB l'LONST Fine Flowers From 3.99 Come see and s nzel I our: "Happy Hour Specials" fron1 $1.00 to $3. 99 he tween 4 & 6 1:·verydar bu r SundaJ ('on1p/e1 e Wedding Fron1 $58. 95 S orn et hing f or all occasions or non -occasion s 16% Ott Christmas Decorations Bro 1i·.,en Welcome (71 4) H57-J 111 14474 Culver Dr .. /n·ine Ca (Ralph's S hopping Ce nrerf 9~ Robnsons AFTER·CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE AND SALE ~ ......... - Granvllle ... SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS MONDAY, 10-9 60°/o AND MORE OFF MIKASA FINE CHINA.OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON. $99.99SET MIKASA'S FINE CHINA 4$-PC. SERVICE FOR 8 You'll find four elegant designs to choose from. all In pure white china patterned with delicate florals and rimmed with gold. 45-pc. set includes 8 each: dinner plates . salad plates. soups, cups and saucers. Plus a platter. an open vegetable dish . a creamer and covered sugar. Robinson's China. 67 To order. call toH-free 1-100-346-1501. Ask about our China Club Plan. Orig. Coventry, with multicolored pastels. . ..•......... t415 Granville, with blue/yellow . . . . . . . . . . ........... t345 Prlacllla, with plnkigray/green ................... t415 Greenbriar, with yellow/green .................... t276 Sale '"·'' '"·'' '"·" ...... ., • • . . -. . ,, . : ' • . ., •, • . . • .: ~ .. .. . . • ~ • -I •. , Reagan facing many compromises with Congress J If .IAMU O&MTENZANO · nlM,,_...., pulOd thin .. th• flt1t 'jflal,'' OM oftltlal lllkf , WA8HINOTON -ln th• wont. of one of hll llNot Uc:S<.. PrHldent R111an "hH an uncanny ability to know w~en to make r.flnementa." That'• another way of •Ylna he hu • aood •nM of when to comproml.M. ~~rc:~;k th•lr n••d t u 1111 llAlDll Th•r• 11 ev•n 1om• uxsx.oetallon, perhape jUtl wllhtul thlnkJna, thal In '"ll"I hla oat.I, Houu~ Spuker ThomH t>. O'Neill Jr. may overlook lh~ 1upport he needl from moderate and co1U1ervative Democrata and end up provok.lna internal atrtfe on lhe Democratic aide that would only benefit the White t.v1utanl buda t beUlee, Conal't!tll wm t'Ontlnuo to wreetlo wltfi \he preaident'1 propou.1 to buJld the MX ml11lle and place It In a clo.ely •paced formation near Cheyenne, Wyo. The president'• comml11lon on Social Security will be reportina. and the flnl few months of the congre.alonal 1e11lon will be taken ur with recommendatlon1 on uture funding for the pf'Oll"am. up wh•r • tht• l:arler admlnl1lrallon 1...,tt off wllhoul r1er a.chkrvlna 1 rompr•henliv plan on 1wmmJna th• 1rowth ln ho1pllal coll• that hat fuolod inflallon for yeal"I. However, any effort dt-voted to thla laue will not be given a hlah profile, and la not likely to be .ent to Col\ar8I until later in the year. acnplln1 1 hu1• deficit or makln1 furth•r redut•Uon1 In domntk 1pendln1. pertku1arly In lho entltlemenl pro1r1m1 whert' lon1·r•n1• 1pendln1 11 ordered by Conar-. btcau.e the prealdent 11 not lntere1ted In 1lowtna clown the srowth ln the Pentaaon bud1et, hla aides •Y· There la Uttle expectation that the president will be able to pt the same kind of mileqe out of the coalition o f mlnorlly Republican• and con1ervaUve Democratl that proved ao u.aeful In the Houte ln 1981 and even earlier thiJI year when he wu flghtiJ\i hil early budiet and tax cut battles. It lh•r• 11 • blparl&un coallUon, tw Mid, It wUJ be of • 1 ~ rnoct.rate natun than laal year. And, Mid mot.her White HOUllt aide, there wW be"• t.mdency of aome Republtcana lO be more Independent." • In the apJ>l'OllChlna ae.ion of Congre., the president la likely to get numerou1 chances to demonatrate that akill, after 10me Republican alllea did the compromlsln1 tor h im In the contenUoua lame-duck 8eSalon. Add to thal M deficit t.hat could reach •200 billion and "there'• iQlna to be a lo\ of -iulnnlna" on Capftol Hill, 11ld one Whllt' Howae aaff member, requesting anonymity. He Hid that 1983 "will be • But there la a1ao feeling at the White Howie that the Democrats' good fortune in picking up 26 aeata in the House last month Houae. The presldenl ii pl.ann1n1 to fill the con1re11lonal platter early, with enough laues to lut lnlo the early 1984 polltlcaJ affUOn, which really beginl next autumn. In addition to the now - Mow, mow, mow the grass And, If \here i1 time, the admlniatration hopes to 8end to Congress a propoaal on containing health coet.s -taking Although it's winter the lawn around the White House in Washington, D.C. is cut by a IQne workman. Erotic actress due palace stay? much, much tou1her. The honeymoon has worn off." At the heart of the problem. he u.id I la the fact that Reqan, ln 1eek.ina budget cull ln 1981 and 1982, opted for the areaa In whlch he waa likely to encounter theleut~. "We all thou1ht the la.at year waa tough, and thoee were the good old day.," he aaid. The choice ill be between "l doubt thal we're talking about the aame coalition that "The budget cull were the easier ones," th1a aJde aald. 'Milk, honey' turning sour Job seekers finding state no longer the 'promised land' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Four months ago, Barbara Lewil aold the furniture, gathered her three kids and bought one-way bus ticket.a from Wilson, N.C., to Northern California. Lewis found an apartment but her job status was uncertain. Alter a fruitless job eearch near San Francisco, the Lewis family arrived at the Loe Angeles bus terminal this month with only •10 lefl and no place to spend the night. They found help at the Salvation Army's Zahn Memorial Shelter. Social service agencies say they're seeing thowands of families like the LeW15e11 this winter -middle-class people without work of money and with no place to sleep. Rumors of plentiful jobs lured many of them here, but the nation'• 10.8 percent unemployment rate hasn't spared the Sun Helt. ''We get a lot of people who come to California because thlnO are suppoeed to be ao much better here," said faartha Owena, director of the ~bed Zahn shelter. "They uve for a couple months and put all the money into a bua ticket or gas. They come with promises from friends or relatives. Then they get here and there's no work and the friends can't help." Many of this winter's homeleu are laid off factory workers. Lewis, 37, had a choice. She quit her $24,000-a-year job in a Wilaon, N.C .. tire factory and sought work in California. ''I want to work," she aaid. She had applied for a clerk job and was waiting to hear if ahe had received it. "I've dragged my c hildren 3,000 miles following a dream but I've got de\ennination." ahe said. "I'm willing to keep trying forever." BANK OF AMERICAS LONDON (AP) -Prince Andrew has invited American erotic movie actreas Koo Stark to join the royal family for New Year's Eve, the Daily Express has reported. A Buckingham Palace spokesman refused to confirm or deny the tabloid new.paper'• report, aaying it never identifies private guests of Queen Happy 5Qthl IRA PWS GNESYOU HIGH RAJE:S ' Elizabeth II. lJnder the bMldllne "Koo Goe. Too," the piper aid Andrew, 22. had aiak.ed Stark to jotn b1a ta.nilly to tW In the new year at the queen'• estate. PWSAIOI . • • • i . -. "She will be expected to join the royala for dinner eech night," the tabloid aaid, addlna lhe aDo hu been Invited to 10 pbeuant-ahooting with Andrew, hla older brother Prince Charles and hia "/like the high rates plus the $50 minimum." «;• •• ,• father Prince Phllip. l"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ $100,000 WRITE-OFF NOW $500 DOWN ~td by C..Wehntwt Ltell Os*ion W>sbntill P'roflt Potential Wtd., Dec.49 Tue. & nu. 2 p.m.. 5:30 ,e.m. & I p.m. Dec. 21 & 30 lmnt Host &aJ.1 Wcsterll .-Ott! 7:15J.lft. Oyer ltd. I Npt r "'1 12600 8l'ooUlum. No I 04 ~ Room C..rdln Croff Dore' Development Corp. (714) 638-9111 Mon.-Frl. 5:45 p.m. KWVE FM-108 I Sale.~ On Precious 14K Cold Jewelry_. 1 40% Off Original Prices! • • Earrings, or1gmally t6(J to '145; now •27 to •83. Hoops, diamond studs • Chains, onginally ~O to 1600, now •ss to '360 8", 14". xr. link and hemngbone chains • Bracelets, or1gmally •40 to '500, now '18 to •JOO. AssO<ted link, herringbone and braided chains. • Rings, originally '60 to '480. Now •J6 to •288. Sparked by diamonds or semi.precious stones. • In the 14K Cold Boutique -where we are all the things you are. • SocHtr Co.ait 14.u. JJJJ a111161 Stt'Nf. '°''" ~ • If all the benefit!> of an Individual Retirement Account have suddenly become very important to you, but you thought you couldn't afford them, think again. Bank of America offers an IRA PLUS account that lets you cam high rates with a minimum deposit of just $50 to which you can make additional deposits. So even with all the other ex- penses you have to worry about, you can still enjoy the benefits of an IRA PLUS. What's more, IRA PLUS gives you a variety "I like the high rates plus the tax sheltei ' of plans to choose from. You can choose investments which lock in a rate, or you can select a variable rate investment for more flexibili!}T. With IRA PLUS, you piclc. the plan at best suits your individual needs. And you won't pay a penny in set-up or main-: tenance fees, as you would at many other institutions. "I like the high rates Of course, when you plus the safety.' invest in IRA PLUS you are also investing in a healthy tax shelter. You and your SJX>USC can set aside up to $400) ($2£XX) per working individual) each year. This money is deductible from gross income on your Feder a 1 income tax return and the interest earned is tax de- ferred as well. You'll find both features to be valuable benefits at tax time. On top of all this, with IRA PLUS yoy:-investment is backed by all the resources of California's leading bank. Bank of Amei ica's--$i2.(}bil-- lion in assets provides you with just the margin of safety you need for a long-tenn invest- ment such as this. At the same time, you can also count on · all the expertise that C4li· fomiA'& leading bank can offer. IRA+ ITS MORE ntAN JUST ANOTHP.R IRA If you want tO invest in an Individual Retirement Account that gives you all the good thin.gs you want in an IRA, --p--.us a lot more;upe1'1J'OUrl at Bank of America. Look lnto IRA PLUS-Ca.lifomia's lead- ing IRA from California's leading bank. BANK ON THt: LfADER. • .. ~ Cooling innov'ation :l,iay be money -saver • Next year th<' Orange l..OU\ C<>llege administration building wlll become the flrst 1tructure in tHe country to benefit from a new ~llfli ayatem which, if all aoes well, could lop about $300 to $400 a jnonth from the district's electric b(U. The Trans-Cool system, now bting installed at the C.ocsta Mees c~pus, i.s the brainchild of a pair of 1980 Harvard graduates whose c0mbined majors included biology. chemistry, history and economics. The system develoJ>tdl)y the fqnner college roommates ronsists of a huge tank 11\to which 9,000 c0ntainen filled with salt hydrate rrlaterial will be inserted. The containers are frozen at night when the air is cool and the df mand for energy low, and \Vill fllelt during the day to cool the • 7~.000-square -foot building "(ithout additional energy consumption. Southern Callfornla Edl1on officials were ao impreaed with the novel system the utility pickt-'<i up" portion of its $30,000 COllt &t.nd re<.'Ommended it to the college as a likely way to cut energy bills. If it works succeafully, the system may be extended to the college library and scien ce building. And if it turns out to be a real cos t -save r , the young entr.epreneurs, who say they didn't know much about air conditioning when they started tinkering with their idea, say they expect to become millionaires in five years. Given the enormous cost of cooling public buildings, that would seem pos.sible -and a just reward for their ingenuity. And the college and Edison meri,1. a bow for attempting to conserve energy by taking a chance on the new system. Congressional games Some time ago members of Congress. in an effort to cool public criticism every time they voted themselves a pay raise, decided that their pay scale should b& tied to that of federal judges, Ctbinet members and other top federal officials. • If they got a raise. so did the others -and vice versa. It hasn't wbrked very well. ln fact, the last ti.be Congress and all the rest got a raise was in 1979. Their pay has gone up only 5.5 percent in the past five years, while lesser federal workers have received pay raises totaling 34 percent. The effective freeze on top federal salaries has had the unfortunate effect of causing many valuable officials to take early retirement or leave for posts in"'the private sector. · So it was right and reasonable for Congress to tackle the pay raiBe issue this month. • After some debate, the HOU8e voted a 15 percent raise for its members and the high level executives whoee salaries are tied to-Oongressional pay. That will add $9, 137 .SO to the $60,662.50 members have been receiving si{\ce 1979, and increase by the same 15 percent the pay of some 30.000 top federal officials. The Senate, however, had some thing else in mind . Righteously it decided to reject the 15 percent pay raise but to retain the right of its members to earn whatever they can for such outside activities as speedunaking, writing and other lucra\jve chores. Last year more than half the senators collected better than $25,- 000 for these extra-cqngr~ional duties. The House, meanwhile, is bound by a self-imposed limit of 30 percent of pay -now $18.000 -on such honorariums. So in practice the Senate, by trading the pay raise for the right to unlimited outside earnings, can come out way ahead financially . And certainly will be a lot better off than the judges and other officials who don't have the opportunity for these celebrity appearances. Thia maneuver means that for the first time there will be a dual pay scale in Congrea. And it goes to prove once more the stupidity of linking congressional, judicial and executive pay scales in the interest of shielding congressmen from the wrath of the electorate by making it appear they are acting only in the interest of underpaid federal officials. CoHJ.mission needs help • County residents who are interested in a wide variety of sdp.al and human relations l8auea ~ being eought by the Orange County Human Relations ~ for pomtble volunteer setvice with the group. ; The 11-member oonun1iaion v(.as formed by the Board of $Mperviaors in 1971 to seek out aiid attempt to correct cauteS of ~on and conflict in individual a.bid community human relations siiu,ations, to check out complaints of discrimination based on race. rfligion, age, 1ex, handicap or marital statu., and to lnf orm e~ployera and employees of e~'i 1 t l n g r u l es o n e q u a 1 e~ployment opportunity :, The. comm la• ion ha• • conducted research and arranged a n umber of conferences on such · matters a.a police-community relationa, discrimination against children in rentals, services available for homeless women in the cou nty and parent-school probleml. It ia made up of five members ap.pointed by the county , supervisora. five by the League of Cities and one at-large member. Members participate in one evening meeting a month and are expected to serve on subcommittees dealing with specific issues S ince some commissioners have been serving for extended periods, additional volunteers are needed. For in.formation call the db-ector at 834-4796. O'*'lona exprwaed In the apac. ebove •re thOM of the Oaliy Piiot. Other views ~ on thla P9G9 are thOM of their authors and artlata. Reader comment la In ed. Addt9N The Dally puot. P.O. Box 1580, Costa Mesa. CA 92628. Phone (714) 21. • .. M. Boyd/ Noisy plants t'1 your wqht tl*9 daya. llrf 't know! GoOd. Edaar Wat8on • .ald, "A really busy pe.non know9 bow rauch he wlllJW.'' Q. How much doec it COit to fly the President's Air Fo~ One? A. About "·000 an hour. Writes a wiR wlfe: .. My husband, always a big eater, had to ao on a diet. l terVed small pe>rtiona. He a:rou9ed conatantly. So t bouaht little plata with IJ"Mt bl& rtma. and continued to eerve amal1 portion., but tbey J\at didn't look amall anymort. That Memed to aaU.fy him." Q . Quick, Louie, what.county ln which 1tate lt 1urrounded by 'ttve atat8? . A. Cimarron l n weuernmoat Oklahoma. It'• uniqu. that way. TI.....P.M.A.y NH« .......... ----"'--'•f-.. ....... ..,_........,....,_...._ __ ~-- Hussein key to peac __ e plan WASHINGTON -Jordan's King Hussein Is playing a cat-and-mouse game with President Reagan, except Hussein ts the mouse -or m.ore precisely, the "Mouse That Roared.'' The doughty little monarch, as usual, has worked' his way into position to have a U.S . president eating out of his hand. This is all the more astonishing, since the king has bombarded Reagan with baUArre, lengthy, personal letters. One was so rude that no response was made Yet Hussein is now the president's pampered guest in Washington. For tus st.ark little Bedouin kingdom LS situated strategically right at the center of Reagan's M1dtlle East peace plan. Without Hussein, Reagan would have a peace table, with no one sitting at al. REAGAN SEES the king as a posstble strategic partner and is ready to offer him a generous gift of arms. But lntelligence report& describe Hussein as "uncomfortable" with this role and hesitant to sit down at the bargaining table. He would like the military aid without the strategic honor. The last four presidents have learned that Hussein ia an erratic but wily ruler, who knows how to play diplomatic hard ball. His public image is polished, meticulously polite and controllM. But a turbulent personality seethes behind this disciplined royal image. According to intelligence BOurcea, he. has aevere mood awinp and may even be a manic-depressive. He llkee to vent his spleen in personal letters that would quiver the stripes on a diplomat 's trousers. He once wrote a secret letter to President Nixon threatening to go on a "shazou" unless he got U.S . aid. A Q -J1-c1-11-1-11-1a-1 -.,,~ ghazou is a Bedouin raid on a neighboring tribe "We might have to go on a ghaz.ou. an old Arab tribal custom, and get it, Sir, from eome quarter or other tn this neighborhood," he wrote, "possibly causing you a problem which may be even more serious than the one I am now posing.'' Hussein fired off an equally blunt letter to President Foret: U the United States didn't provide Jordan with $350 million worth of anti-aircraft m.is&les, he told the president, Jordan would buy them from the SoViet Union. And he pointedly noted that the Soviets had offered him a complete air defense system , which he eventually bought. Sources· told my reporters Lucette Lagnado and Andrea Siegle that Hussein ha1 continued to write bhstering. at times offensive, letters to President Reagan. Administration irritation reached a new high last year when the king released the content.I of one letter to the Jordanian press before Reagan had even received it. But Reagan and hia aides are not Ukely to reveal their pique to the king this week. Not only is Hussein crucial to the auccess of the president's Middle F.ast peace plan, but he has once again begun blowing kisses at the Kremlin. LAST YEAR, Hussein raised hackles when he visitt>d Moscow and heaped praise on the Soviets. At a Ma~ 26. 1981, dinner in the Kremlin . the King reportedly referred to the late Leonid Brezhnev as a "dear friend" and expressed "profound aatiaf action . .in developing and consolidating the relations between our countries." Even more distressing to the Reagan adnuruatration was Hussein's praiae of the Soviet peace plan for the Middle East. The kmg told the Russians that Jordan welcomed their "proposal to convene an mtemational conference on the Near East with the PLO taking part on an equal basis with the other sides." Hussein then proceeded to issue a pint communique with the Soviets that made repeated favorable reference to the "international conference." U.S. off1c1als remain confident that Hussein will not switch allegiances, but the admmistratJon ia hedging ita bet to attempting to negotiate a new arms deaJ for Jordan. The package includes advanced U.S. fighter-bombera and ia expected -to trig&u a fiaht in~. Some membera are already d.rcuiiatlng lettena of opposition. 'TeIDporary' taxes tend to endure Beware of a "temporary" lax. Called mto special seal.on by Gov. Jerry Brown becauae of the existing financial criaia resulting from the spending spree of the put eight years, legislators are proposing an increue in the sales tax with the placebo that It is only a "temporary" meaaure to rescue the state from bankruptcy. Juat about 50 years ago, in 1933, the Leglalature waa called into special •ea•ion to· meet the financial cri1i1 resulting from the great depression. It wu then that the sales tax wu fint lmpoaed It too was advanced aa a temporary measure, the tax being at that time only 3 percent. BUT ONCE adopted the bureaucrats and legislators found it unthinkable to give up this new aource of revenue. Not only did the temporary tax become permanent but over the years it has been increued to ita preleJ\t level. It ta a tax popular with the bureaucrata becawie it I.I easily collected. There are no defaulta nnce the consumer must pay whenever a taxable purchMe ii made. 'The burden for collecd.ng it fall.I upon the retailers and the state rides cl~ herd on them to make sure they tum over the collections promptly. But it.I popularity end• with the bureaucrata. From the beginning, organized labor has oppmed the sales tax as being a regressive tax falling hardest on thoee least able to pay. They theorize that those with the smalleat income• pay a greater percentage of their income for sales tax than do the wealthy. The theory isn't I -•• -l W-AT-ER-1 -~ quite accurate in practJce since thoee with the leaat income apend most of it for food and rent. neither of which is subject to the aalee tax. So the theory is more applicable to the middle claa who inevitably carry the heaviest burdens in almolt f!V-ery penona.1 tax. The aalea tax ian't the on>y ''temporary'' tax to become a permanent tax. The hated lncome tax was first lmpoaed during the Civil War aa a temporary war measure. In thoee days the lawmakera were more inclined to keep their pledge. to the public and Congreea pennitted the lncome tax to be cll9continued after the war ended. But by 1890 new revenues were again being IOU.ght and naturally the Congress remembered the dbcarded income tax and revived it. However, the Supreme Court moved in to declare the la• unoon.atitutional. 'Congre9 then moved to adopt a conaUtutional amendment specifically authorizing the federal government to lrnpoee such a tax and by 1913 sufficient states had rat.Wed it to become the 16th Amendment. The r eat la history and the "temporary" income tax has become the moet oneroua of all taxes made more abrasive by the army of ms aaenta who, operating under their own rules which they chanie to auit them9elves carry on an unending campaign of haraament and threats aimed at the middle clua: THAT TIJEY concentrate their ener1lea upon the middle Income brackets I.I becau.e th1a ia the greatest source of •revenues and because the WN.lthy are more artful ln tax avoidance and are able to hire lawyer-a much ananer than the ms agents. While there are other directiom the Legialature might IO in punult of more revenues throuah taxaUon rather than cutting spending, it la abnolt predidable that they will opt foe taxes that are the least relisted, auch u lncreaaed sales tax. The public reslatance to 1uch Is low because such taxes do not come down all a\ once like income and property taxes. Instead they are paid in minute amounts at time of purchue 90 the annual burden is not even realir.ed by moet peraons. Environment inust he everyone's concern matter little who runs the govemmenta or who control• the lnatitutlons. Mankind l• at the watershed of ill existence u •aped~ -and the trqedy Is that there la nobody to apeak for mankind. In thil respect, Mane could not .ee the future any better than Mellon could. We can~ It more cleerly now, but we .U.U retu.e to believe it -or blame lt on the people we do not like. I Wo1nan a tronaut do n't expect any special 'b1·eaks CAPE CANAVERAL. P"1M (AP) America'• flr'llt womun .. tronaut uy1 1he oxpect1 no 1pedal brealu during ht•r spat'' debut aboard the 8huttlt· Challenger in April. "W e don't really huvl' any special arrangement.I," m1aslon 1peciall1l Sally K. R1de said during a visit to Kennedy Space Center. "The s huttle w as d esigned to carry men and women and 1 see no problem with that." "She has her own sleeping bag," quipped Robert Crippen. commander o f STS-7, Challenger's second flight and the seventh io the shuttle series. Four of the five crew members for the April mUiiwn -Crippen. pilot Frederick H. Hauck , "There are no lines of communication with the Russian women." Ride and the second m1ss1on's specialist, John M . Fabian - were al the space center to put Challenger through a launch and landing simulation. C h allenger's crew for its maiden flight, scheduled for late January, remained at... the J ohnson S p ace Center in Houston. Ride, 30, who has a doc- llr. Sally Ride torate 1n physics from Stan- ford Un1vers1ty, was asked by reporters if she had gained in any way by the experiences of two female astronauts from the Soviet Uruon. "There are no lines o f communication with the Russian women," said Ride. a slight, brown -haired former tennis champion. She said she would I i k e to ta l k l o th e S o v I e l spacewomen but didn't know "what I would ask" 1f she had the chance. The four astronauts. wearing Now on Sale. .. The Cabled Cashmere: b I u .. t I I I h l 1 u I t 11 , w 1• r t• lntt•rvlt-wc-d briefly lit tht• luunch al t~ b.-for bo&1rd1n11 lh• 1pacecraft for lhfl hour long "thuttle interflM.'t' lt'9t." Ride drove lhum to thl' site from crew quarter• In u 11pac.-e agency car Thuniday'a test didn't call for the first Challenger crew to participate A1tronaut1 Paul Weltz and Karol Bobko, who head the crew for the five-day flight set for next month, were carrying out other dullea in Houston They wtll be here the aecond week of January for a launch countdown rehearsal. Ride. along with Fabian, will be responsible for deploying two. satellites and working the spacecraft's mechanical arm during the six-day mission in April. That flight is also the first one scheduled t o land on Cape Canaveral's 50,000-foot paved runway. But Crippen said that p lan could be re-evalua ted depending on Cha llenger's shakedown journey and landing in California in February. Not participating in Thursday's test was Dr. Norman Thagard, a physician recently assigned lo conduct medical tests and collect data on the astronauts' physical changes which bring on space sickness. Hair dyes myStery cleared OEAR l'AT: My hair 11 turnln11ray and I'd like 10 know lf &be b1ir dyH you comb In really do rea&ortt the balr to 111 orl1lnal eolor? G.J., Fountain Valley lnforrn1tt1011 from the Food and Drug Admln11trat1011 1nd1c1.1tes that metalllc hair dy<.'I do not really retwrn hair to 1l.!l natural shade. When a small umount of the formula Is combed in each day, the mt•talllc salt. mOlltly lead a<.-elDtt' and OC"C3IJIOn1dly salver 11nd bismuth compounds, react cht>m1cally on the head to produce metal sulphid<.• pigments that <.'08l the hair FDA says the resluting t'Olor is often unnatural looking That process 1s repe11ted daily unul the hair u; as dark as desired. It's Important to d1~-ontlnue or taper off using the product until more color IS desired Otherwise, the metaJ builds up and can cause hair breakagt• and loss Metallic dyes cannot be n•moved and are incompatible with other hair coloring products -expecially oc1dat1on dyes -that a person may consider using to correct the color These dyes are safe on healthy scalps and usually don't cause allergic: reaction, but then• are unrc.'SOlved fears of toxic absorption of lead on abradt'CI scalp:, Loan to kin not deductible DEAR PAT: I made a loan to ml brothe r-In-law when be lost bis job. He hasn t been "hie to find a ne w job so I told him to forget the loan. Can I claim this aa a bad debt on my re turn? W.C., Fountain Valley Nu A«.•ordln& to tht• lnk'rnal Rcvtlnue St•1 vice, If you loen money to a relatl.1t1e or frtt•nd wllh lhe undenitand1na that It 11 to be n•pn1d, hut you later forg1vt• tht-' debt, It II t'1"11ddNed 1 gift, and nol a loan You cannot wkt• a bad debt dt.'<iucuon Cur a girt Costs of homes cited DEAR PAT: Can you eive m e some lnformaUon about &be co1t of boa1ln1 In otbe• part• of the country? Wbere ts II bt&b ud where, If anywhere, can a bouse be purcb11ed at a rea1onable price? P.Y., Costa Mesa The Federal Home Loan Board reporta lhl' following average sale prices on new and existing homes in major metropolitan areas for the July through August 1982 period. The national average was $90,600. The top five were: San Fra~lsco, $139,100; San Diego, $130.200. Washington. $128,200; Los Angeles. $122,700; and Honolulu, $120,400. The bottom five wert': Pittsburgh, $64,500; St. Louis, $64, 600, 'Philadelph1a, $66,200; Louisville, $66.300. and Greensboro, NC .. $67,700. • Got a µroblt•111"' Th<•n wrilt' to • 1 l'Jt fl11ru w1Lz P.1t will cut rt.>d tape. - g1 •11mg th<' answt·r.. and .1d1on you .,.... n e e rl t o s o I v t' / n e q u 1 t tt• s 1 n government and business Mwl your quc'Stions to Pat Horow11z, At \'out Sl!rvice. Orange Crust Da1/v P1Iot, PO &x 1560. Costa Mesa. 'CA. Y262t{ Originally s90; Now 59.90. Davis ::~Brown ltUYl'>JON . &PPulN(I\. vow • The soft care~s of pure cashmere in the form of a cable front crewneck swearer • In bright!> dark\ and pastels for sue\ ~Mand L • Just part of a beauttlul co//ec11on of cashmere sweaters onginal/y '90 to' 130, now sale pnced 59. 90 ro 89. 90. \outh ( 01J\I Plil/i r I I I ffmlf)/ \trf'f't ( r>-IJ Mf"\d • .Complete Top Slrloln, Tatyald St.U. or Prawn Dinnen. Speda1 valaa Ub lbac woa 't lut toawvu, 10 come to Stuart Andcnon'• today. Yoa'n aotn• ·10 feel lood lulcle. FOUNTAlll VALLEY, IANTA ANA, GARDIN OROVI T~I; CIRRITOI, LAKIWOOD, ANAHI~ ONE WEEK ONLY ~~ Savings 'In All Departmentsl Hurry, Limited To Stock on Hand, Some One of A Kind. All B ~ Merchandise With Full Factory Warranties. ~~ • 24 Hour 'rogrammablo • Wirolon Romoto • llectronlc Tuner OILY $699 95 •Tinted Sun Soffn •Elodronk Tun« •Weoth« land • I Hr VHS • llectronlc Tunlnt • Auto lowlnd • lomoto l'auM .; SOIY ,-"WILllll" 111,,., U•ltttl l1,,t1 $59 95 . I .. , ' ' .. .. •; •' ,•, " -, IJ . . .. • I I I ' • , • .. . . J . . ,. . . . . . T-*S..., ........ t cent• A t>eauttf\JI piece of f'Umlture tNt gets your entenakiment au together wttnln a comet.Kt wall area. cu X 18" X 38"HI and DtovtOeS ample SPaCe for tumtat>~._ tuner. 8·traclc and U"' albUm storage. $195 wlue Teak Walnut $139$149 Clear glass doors $ 39 avallabre. $5911a1ue. SWecllsh White Lacquer Wall SVSten1 $ ''· t GenUIM a..tttler santlllllO Uvlng ltOOm Group You won't find prices lower This Is a Plummers exclustver The solld teak frame rs beautlfultv UPhOlstered In cushy leather avallable In two colOrs t . I ... any 1me. Teak or walnut "Deco·BO" wall units DMlln J. =own untt with options: eastcuntt 32Y: X 16'/i X 74 H 215 $279val $ Laroe wood door $115 val lnOtShOWnl s26 s82 s67 s&S s89 Teak St1nO unit Sofa. $1499value .. . ....... $ 995 Loveseat. $1135value." ... $ 795 Chair. $799 value .............. ~ 529 HlnQed tOP and Slldfng dOOr'5 keep your entertainment eQulpment neat and organized. 46Y• X 19Y. X 2SYo H Ten1Ac Teak wortr Table It's beautlf\11, compact and perlect for typing, organlzl119 or for use as a computer tabte Put It anywhere In the hOme or office 36" x Laroe glass door s119va1 s95 Expandable stereo Bendt or wall Unit 18" x 28" $145 value $ 79 Teak MlrTOn from Denmark Set of 3 drawers $11Sval s89 able '149 ·~98- This clever modular design $ 495 In beautiful warm teak an be .--used as an entertalnrt\ent center or wall unit. 60x11v. x 21Y1. extendS to 118 .. $675 val scan Teat PecNstal Dining Table ~T~=:.: s399 A $559 vatue now at lnventotv price wt'llle ttle'Y laSt . _..---...r......-......... ~ T-* Arm 0..... T ...... a.II' 75 S 119 value s89 S99 vatue I Teak llOOkcases A. $6Y1 ll 12Y1' X t69 26" $1091131 I. 35Y1 X 12Y1 S lift X26' S85val ~ Give your hOme a toudl of name gratn teak wttti tnese tovetv bOOtccases Cmted of the ftnest veneer. And tor a toUCh of practiatlty, the shef\fes are adjUStab4e Bactr Pat'*5 construeteowlttl matchll'l(J PVC A. • llllJlllll MONOAV, 0 C M U~ 'Jf, I CAVALCADE ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION B2 B'4,& ee ( ,'h11rlc G11rf•11 r.h11/I n11t• brldKt• player '" h«•llf•r their 11an1 • • Set! l'ase 82. 0 D How much water do lawns need? By JOEL C. DON OfllleDellJ ......... Some people truly love their lawns. They pamper them with manure and new-and-improved blends of chemical fertilizers touting superior growth formulations. Many lawna are dutifully manicured about once a week by gardeners toting the latest in high-tech cultivating machinery. And in the semi -arid environment of Southern California lawns get a lot of water. But they might not need as much Irrigation as you thoughL A team of UC Riverside .cientists baa found most lawn grasses could survive well even i· when· recommended water schedules are cut back by 40 1 percenL They hope their ongoing research , funded by the Metropolitan Water District, other water agencies and eeveraJ related business firms, will help lawns keep their lush vigor during times of drought or water 1 ahor1ages. J Like squares on a giant checkerboard, six types of lawn I gruaes are being cultivated by o the researchers at the UC South Coast Field Station in El Toro, ti under the path of jet fighters ... training at the adjlcent Marine air station. 11>ere are plotl of cold--..:io araH•• 1uch aa K•ntucky bluearw, perenn1al ~and tall fe.cue, favorite amona most bomeo1'ner-. And there are equal number of wu11weaeon araaae1 including Santa Ana ' bennuda, zoyaia and adalayd. Tb~ cool-aeuon grauea are popular because they thrive during the winter, when people appreciate green lawns. and are of more pleasing textures. according to research associate Mark Mahady. But because they have a higher transpiration rate, or loes of moisture, as well as shallow root systems, cool-season grasses demand more of our increasingly precious water. "One of the big problems with the amount of water people apply to turfgraas is too many people use Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegraas," Mahady said. "What we have seen in this area is if people would use warm-season grasses in place of cold-season grasses they would save approximately ~ percent of the water applied every year." Warm-season grasses prosper during the summer months, and depend on less water because their root systems plunge up to six feet into the soil and they have lower transpiration rates. But they requ ire more maintenance and, possibly most significant. are less aesthetically pleasing than the cold-season varieties. "I grew up around Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass," Mahady said. "They look more like what people think lawn grass should look like." And they're easier to cut, respond well to fertilizer and don't encroach on other plants In your 1arden, he 1ald. For example, pJoi. of cold-1eaaon ,_ .,. pown IMle by aiclie at the field station with no bJendin8 ol the three typee ol er-a. But the WamHeUOI\ plots are eed\ eeperated by a 90rt of foot-wide · no man's land. Reeearch began in September, Research associate Mark Mahady believes one of the problems of Southern Californ ia lawns is the wrong type of grass for the climate. 1979 and will continue for another two years. Principal investigators are UCR's Victor Youngner, Victor Gibeault and Jules Meyer. The aim of the research is to establish mlnimum water requirements for lawn grasse1 as well as examine underground to sprinkler water ljst.em efficiency. Tr-anapiration rate• for the various 1ruaea under atudy aho will be determined. Grua la more than just a fine s urface for aportlna events, parka and front yarda. It helps clean the air. 1uppllea oxygen, reduces glare and temperatures around buildings, prevents soil erosion and dampens noise pollution. "It's not the No. l crop in California," Mahady said. ''This little plant is giving off water all the time because of evaporative coolina. You've got an air conditioner running all the time plus it'• aeathet1calfy pleasing." The reaearchera reduced water In a portion of the 48 experimental plots, measuring U by 24 feet. by 20 and 40 percent. Both warm and cool-aeaaon graaes did relatively well with reduced water. Cool-aeuon plots took longer to recover and were • somewhat lower in quality following a come back from drought-like conditions. However, it was shown that warm-season grasses. which tend to turn somewhat off-color during winter, could stand a 50 percent reduction In watering witb little or no loss of turf quality. "Thia means achool officials, for example. could reduce water by 40 percent during the swnmer and return to normal dwtna the school year and have a decent quality turf in a short period of time," Mahady said. Also being teated are Facing the passage of time By STEVE MITCHELL or .. .,..,,.. • ..., They're called Life Masks and you can pick up a cuatom-made likeneu of your own mug for between $10 and $30. And lf you think that's a deal for your own facial clone, conalder this: Half the coat of the plaster muk la tax deductible. That'• becau1e the made-to· order maaka are a fund-railing tool of the La1una Beach Community H1storical Society. Half the procffda 10 to the muk makers, and the other half 80ft to the hlltorical aodety, an oraanlzatlon that " a dozen yean old and currently operate. out of a storefront bulldlna at 790 Sou~ -~ Amona the maak makert LI area .Mlz1umsk1, a 18-year'"()ld Penn1ylvanla tran1plant who earna moat of hla hicom• u a bu1boy at the Towera R.tauranL "I Juat ataned dolna that at Halloween,'' he said. Mi1ham1kl 1ald he quickly .IM.mtd th• Life Muk proeffl from hlltorb1 IOdety exewuve dltector J'ellx Tharln, who, ln turn, learned It f rorn Lacuna • llllme Caprice RotM. Makins a Llf• Maak la not much more difficult than applyin• • pl11ter ceat--io • biOken llmb. It'• the flnlllil~ work that ~ .. illdll and .... "You im~8Jlal4od wuJ1 p,laater and 1-y it on the face, ' explained Mlilumakl. Of QOune, the 1ubject'• face abould be coated beforehand with t'Old cream to the finlahed product lifU off eNU1. After the "caat.. drle\, the pu1Jdpia'1.nc petron la tent on 1'11 ' w¥h..t lea\ltl dme for the ~ • ma.Mn tb IMOOUt &Mou•...,.. i.>rture with eeveral ietdttlonal eo1t1ofp\Mter,acou~eof0019 of .ryllc a_, Co ..i ttw Miik and 1tnnath•n lt, and a bO ol conventional above-ground sprinklers and special water systems that are buried underground and force water into the soil u the only aouroe of irrigation. Though the sprinklers appear to do the beat job, Mahady believes the uneven watertna via underground 1yatems coula be lmproved wlth chanaes ln the manufacturer'• 1peclficatlon1. The underground tubing wu installed, acoording Co the maker, at a depth of eight lnchel and did not adequately aerve the neecb of some cool-lleMOl'l, shallow-rooted grasses. he aaid. Completed life masks stare sightlessly., left. Below" Felix Tharin looks himself in the eye. hand-aandtna between the vanou. OOltl. "One mad takes about llw houn of WCX'k over fOW' daya to complete," Mlliutnlkl .Ud. ·~t d<M•n't count time tof 1peclal pairltlna." Y<K& cen P'dt up a Lafe .... _ unflnlahed -tor •lo. A IMOOtber re.-nna of._10W' faCt co.ta f.20, u you want u.e cunom punt. JOI). &he prkii Ii AO·, .• .....,.~~· 8lttij\81 ... ·~al tM hiltOiteal ~ ~ 1Mdldlnl· ~ flnt for aa __..__~ TM ... ....-.-.-.·~ POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT t"o be excessive~ law-abiding? Allll LAllDllS DEAR READERS: Remember tbe letter 4ped "Oar Son Didn't Make It to Barvafd?" It ,,., wrltte-. by Oe motber wbo complained about th criteria for aelectlog medical 1claool 1tadeat1. •e aa.ld, "T'ff eatift focal II OD gradet, IJ1ldet, padea. So wllo gets In? Tbe botabot over- •clalevera, 1uper-aggre11lve and fiercely competitive. We all know docton wbo are book- ~art bat tbey are cold, laaeaaltlve aad •oney-lutlll')'." I asked Dr. David Rogers, a former dean of Jo1ut1 Bopkia1 Medical School ud now president ol th Robert Wood Jobaaoa Foaadatloo, to respond. Dr. Kogen aaueated that lf members of die admJa1lon1 committees were 1creeaed for Oe quUdea needed lo P'Y•lcla.u we mJgbt see more doctors wbo are a cred.Jt to oelr pl'Ofeaaloa. Here are a laaoclhJ of responses. If I pobU1bed Oen a small perceatage It woald fill thl1 entire ew1paper. Altboagb I did not need tbe extra work, l: am plea1ed to discover 10 muy people are 1'tereated ID tbJ1 sabject. : FROM JOHN A.O. COOPER, M.D. (President qt the Assn. of American Medical Colleges, Washington, D.C.): Medical school deans and r,cu.tties are deeply concerned about the growinR QUbli~ perception that physicians are insensitive tu P,8tients' human needs. The pressure placed on students to learn a rapidly expanding body of linowledge has tended to de-emphasize their siarallel of development of sensitivity to human 6eeds. The AA.MC has initiated a project that 18 tbCusing on this dilemma. Eighty-six medical ictudents and 19 biomedical societies are involved m dl1a effort. We eKpect the study will have a major qnpect on both college preparation for medicine and ~ school education. • DEAR DR. COOPER; I reHlved other letten ~•t tbe AAMC'1 tral.llla& propa.m for admJ11ton1 tmmlttee1. Dr. HJbbara WUllam1, dean of tlae edlcaf aeltool of oe Un.lvenlty of CaWonlla at vb, prailed oe effort MpJy. Coacntaladoas! ~ FROM GARY. IND.: Sour grapes! Thia 18 how f· sum up the letter from the mother whoee 90n cidh't make medical school. Who says a person must l§l!~ither smart or compuaionate? That's like saying a woman must be either beautiful OR smart, but never can she be both. Just look around There are many brilliant doctors who are also caring and sensitive. Your readers will back me up. FROM DR. E. GREY DIAMOND, University of MJ11oart-Kaaaa1 City Scllool of Med.Jcbe: WMtl "e fonded tbl1 medical acllool we decluell we were looking for laamanl1Uc, compauto•ate, energetic, Intelligent candidates. We now bve UI grad•atea aad tlaey are Indeed becoml•& pbyalclau free of cyalcilm, performtu wen ... dedicated to Oelr patieat1. Some laad to M btOred ud cou1eled, bat we let tbem lmow ta.en were H alaortcall to gradHtloa. They laad to meet "e national 1taDdard -ud tbey Hccee4e4.. • •• ·J..t. · .• ')/'\ • • DllCE THE IEW YUR II IT THE PIVIUOI ho. 31st 1110 , ... Featuring ANSELL HILL a Hla I Piece Orcheatra BUFFET SUPPER Party Favors Ticket• on Mlle at the Pfttllon llnytlme. •11.00,.,..,... ' . . .., Int flAl'I ffl ISOUTllll - OOllN 011 111001 Y OHAAL H OOHt N AND OMAR Q I Nt1llhn "ulnrr111,1,. u l411111h you hold: •QM ' AJIO 0 kClt t AJT Th• hlddlnf hu pr1N'Hd•d. HHtll Weil Nwd1 Eut I• tit.it r111•1• tu thr"•' •1111cl1•11 wll h t hr .. 1• •11111h•• Whal 1111 you rl'IJIOIHJ'1 wo1o1ltl bl • hl1h revtr , 1h<1wln• • hand worth about lit !Joint• 81n~• that'• about 1n •r• more tl11n you htve. 1111 ynu ran do ror tht< mom1nl I• r .. bltl I WO 1p1d ... 11nd Wiii tu~'''' whul 1111rlrll'r 1l11t'I Q.I Hoth vuln1•r1hltt, •• A. Whal wuuhl you Ilk.-lu do / tr JOU Lru111 parlnt!l"• prrt•mpt. you arr m11111nic at loia111 thrtil' 111'l'I, And 11v1•n II JHa rllll'f 11 11u1t 11 l(ood, you 1trt• llkrly to h11vt' at h•ul on•· trump ln11·r l'au 11nd JU,I hopr I h11t you nn ma kt• 111111· tr1rk11. Cl.t -N•llhtir vuln1r1blt1, 111 South t•"' hold outh you ltoJd1 I NT PaM I • Paaa I O Pa11 I • Pa11 7 •QJU 8 ¢ IU83 •A742 Th• blcJdinti hu prc><'ttl'd .. cl Nortlt ..: .. t 8011Ui •UQ7J Klot ( JS4 +Te Th• blddln1e ho proc-N•d .. d outh Wt1t North •:aat I NT I " 1 I • fi111 2 • 2 tJ Wh•t action do you tak1f/ A. -The anawer dt1~nd1 on your method1. H you art• playing non forcing St11ym11n, you "hould p11n l'arinttr probobly has a wuk hand with five spades and four hurts and 1s simply lrylng to llX'ate the beet partsrore run tract. Most rubber bridge playera preft'r rorcing Slayman, tn which case parl nf'r·s two spades compels you to bid again W1Ut three-card spade support and a normal no trump opf'ner. your path What do you bid now·• Q 6-Hoth vulnt•rahl•· ., South you hold ? A.~ You havr the v1lue1 for gamt>. and you would preft•r to play in 11 -'U•l contr11rt beuuu or your ruft1n" valuea. Cue bid three heart•. then ralae partner to gam1• in any suit he bids. Jr partnt"r pers11u with no trump. however. pua -he should have a double atopper in hearll for that action. Q.S-Aa South, vulner:shle, you hold : Q.•-As South. vulnC'rahh·. you hold · • AJIO&~ 93 o AKJ 7 +62 Thi' b1ddtn1C hu procueded Soulh WHt Norlh E .. t I • Pa11 2 Paa1 1 Whal do you bid now '1 A. -\ uu huH• a l(ood seroml suit. and lht'rt' 111 a stronl( temptation LO 11how 1t. To bid three diamond11, however. •Q7fl JM v K93 •AQ872 The b1dd1ni h1111 proc"edod North E H t South w .. t I • P111 2 + 1'111 2 NT P111 ? What art1on do you take• A.-You want lo ola} in l(Uffil':" hut you 1·an l bt• l)Urt' wht·lher you would rat hl'r tw 1n ~padt•,, h1·r11ui.t• ur your ruffing valut· 111 hl'.irh or in nu trump. becJUH' your hand " bu hinn•d U1d three 11pade<s, and lt•av1• tht• dt:l'i~ion Lu Y. h11t 11·twn do you takl''> A.-W11 know thltt brldgt' 11 a h1dd•r', game. and that there 11 alw1y1 11 1tron" dtoi.1rto lo It'll partnt'r that y1>u ha vt• a l(c>od five card maJur ,u11 llut you 11lso have a dt-ad n11n1mum opt'nang bad. and to rebid your sp1dee freel y rn this situation would b1· l ht• action of 11 road hog. Pa~s. and yield the right of way Lo partner lie 1s 1n a much better posi tion to dt'cide how to continue. •9 '¥'KQ84 0 KJ107 +KQ6S Partner opene the )>idding Virgo: Focus on career rou1 HEALTH Tue.day, Dttember %8 . ARIES (~ 21-AprU 19): Plans subject to swift c~; ttlative. although sincere, could have b~en m111nformed. Check facts, be aware of directiona, keep tines of communication opened and don't drive while sleepy. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Financial prospect.S bright; you'll have more responsibility chance lo improve income potential. You might ~ lnvolved in a power play. Older individuaJ backs your position, will lend support and you'll be provided with needed material. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You touch on ~veraal theme., You're at right place at right time, Judgment and intuition ring bells of accuracy. Health Improves. popularity increases and you can make numerous, valuable contacts. CANCER (June 21 -Ju.ly 22): Ra.re opportunity exists to erase fears, doubts. You·u be provided with a special tour. Focus on hospit-als, clubs, organizations and convention of unique fraternity You'll get to heart of matters. especially in connection w ith member of opposite sex. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Personal magnetism soars -you convmce others that your way leads lo advancement, achievement and profit. Powers of persuasion are heightened; some members of opposlte sex are fascinated and could proclaim their love. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept. 22): Spotlight on career, business, ability lo act as mediator m effort lo bring end to dispute. Social activities accelerate, you're called upon lo travel, communicate and arbitrate. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Good lunar aspect coincides with spiritual revelation , decision affecting travel plans. Unorthodox procedures are New Years Eve Dinner Served S to 11 PM 4 ..... t ' --~ BALBOA HO I E. Balboa 673-7726 Bring In The New Year At Reuben .. s Newport Beach REGLLAR ~E~U PRICES Dinner Servt'd from 4 pm SONJA & YIC For Your Entertainment Pleasure Part> Favort1! RING IT/NI Welcome 1983 with ~e. Feet\Jr1ng our regular deDdous menu selections ot regular pric:es, compllmcntary midnight party f8Vors, and of cou~e ... lots of funnl • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA featured -what appears to be a loss will boomerang and you'll be beneficiary SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov . 21): Foc us on intenalfied relationships, work schedules. license requirements and a variety of pronouncements Study written material. get your own ideas on paper. Dig deep, be persistent, realize you can strike pay dirt. SAGITTARIUS ('Nov. 22-Dec 21). Gain indicated through diplomacy. Know 1l, don"t force issues. Family member makes intelligent concession -be a gracious winner. Amie.able legal settlement is likely to occur. CAPRICORN (De<: 22-Jan. 19): See places, people in realistic hght -means avoid self- deception. Review work schedule, r ealize unfinished tasks can lead lo loss. One who shares basic concerns will become valuable ally AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Favorable moon aspect coincides with emotional responses. a stronger relationship and a bond with member of opposite sex. Emphasis also on children. speculation and luck where contests are concerned. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Flrush rather than initiate project. Negotiations can be completed - might involve property, security. safely and long· range plans. You'U have wader audience. more people will be attracted lo your viewpoint. DR PETER J STEINCROHN ------------------· DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: I read your <'Olumn every day, but the one about angina hit home. The crux of it was lhat YOUR HEART'S lf'i YOUR OWN HANDS. You made the point that ooee the diagnosis bas been made and treatme11t outlined by the doctor, it'• all up to the patient. ' I am 69 years old and have a ~ard time even walking a short distance. I take nitroglycerine f• the bad chest pains and other drugs the doctor has prescribed. My problem Is that I weigh 190 pounds at a height of 5 feet 2. I also have another bad bablt to overcome. I still smoke. Not much when you compare the present one pack a day I smoke to three packs all these years. My question is: Which bad babil shall J give up first? -Mrs. R. DEAR MRS R · In smoking and obesity -if we exdude hypl"rlension you have two of the worst You make a good poml in asking which habit should you try to break fu-st Trying to reduce and qun smoking at the same time, m my expenence with pauenL'i. is almost a superhuman effort My suggestion 1s that you try to undercut the tobaCl'O habit firs t. If successful, 1l can be 3l'l'Umpllshed Within <t ft•w weeks, or even overnight 1f you have tht.• wiJlpower Then you can turn to overt'Ommg your weight problem that is a longer-runge effort Yes, your heart"s m your own hands, Mrs R. Your doctor's prescriptions will help. of courS{' But they will be meffective unless smoking and obesity are no longer a part of the p1t·ture r=================================:;-- C Times." Remember 0 them end bring in O the new times ..tth 0 our regular a delicious menu 0 ~ selections st regular 0 pr1ces. compllmen· a tery midnight party O favors, end ol ¢ course .. .lots or fun!!! & 0 01 ~ Uve ----" • NEW. YEAR'S EVE DINNER-PARTY! New York Sirloin or Sword Fish Doria This special New Year's Eve dinner 1s served with Consomme Brounotse, Pasta Salad Louis. Potatoes Rissole. Fresh Vegetables, Md Black Forest Cake. Cocktails are 5efved tlvoughout the eo.iening plus a split ol champagne for each per.iOO. • $50* ~~ r > t I '· . ' . ~ • •No Cover Charge •Special Menu •Live · Entertainment • Party Favors 14112 ltdllill At Edinger 730-0115 TVS11N -.... ~-~.!4dl4·~ Q:a·.~.·~ • IEW YEARS EVE ~ t:ELEIRAT/011 ~~ .... * NO COVER CHARGE * REGULAR MENU PRICES All Meals lnciude Champagne ' Happy Hour -Biii Erickson Band ~ Dancing to the Gerald Ray Band -to bring In the New Year ti Party Favors ~ Dinner Roserva~ona Suggested • ~ Ne11 fear's Eve Parly Direct from Las Vegas THE SNAPPERS Dance to the 60' s music and current top 40' s. Dinner from 5 P .M. Entertainme nt from 9 P.M. PARTY FAVORS Reservations Accepted 11.BCkBBAltD'S f tlSO •rtl•t•I' Way 1..,.rt lncla ' ... ~ 833-0080 1 AND BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR • Come join UI for I COZ:Y. romllfltiC Christmas or New Ytflf dinner by the ... ~ ~ • • ... "' ... ., ti'"' .. .... Cagney's By The Sea• #err Y••r'• Ere t:elebr•tion If Featuring the Duane Foster Band .,.. Dancing *Food .. Party Favor• Wt $6. 00 per person Tickets Now On Sale 2 t and over 4111 ''°11/o 1Joa1I N.,. Across from the Pier "' _. •Prime Rib & Seafood Buffet •Champagne •Live Entertammenc •Party Favors JOIN US AT THE 5iE-REblFF RESTAURANT R111n1tl111 131-1888 3000 Palm Ave., Huntiniton Beach Brin g ·~n :JJie new Year A t Special Dinner Menu From s11.95 • Party Favors • Compl imentary . Champagne at Midnight I 7sa-1a54 I HO 1 E. COAST HWY. COIOU IEL llll ~\lr\ll~hk/. ~ ~~ ATTHE #} f'P II ~V HILTON ~/ BIG BAND DANCING AND •Giant J2x6' teakwood d&nee floor • Nols.emakers, hats & f•vors •One drink & r.servect SHtlnv •Free perking F•11Ulou1 HlllOll Buffet 8rNklHI $11ced l'Vll on mlr ror1, ctec.nfert Of chlllecl luleft, clwlllnp e1111W1 filled with Kr•mOlllCI 1991, llM\, beton. M-•nel POf••-· 0.nllh peatn.t. coffft. IH • mHk Otcor.ttd with Ice cervl1111. 52200 PER PERSOI • AdYHCt Salts Before The CeleDratlon Why Not Dine At The OVERLAND STAGE RESTAURANT Spectel NeW v .. ·• ew Neave IMludee OUR F AMOUS SALAD BAR · ROASTED PRIME or· Rl80f,BEE5 C~Of • NEWYOAK ·ot STEAK SALOON & REST A UR.ANT AT The N~porl Pier ,,, ~ ~<'<'\)~ NEW YEAR'S EVE EXTRAVAGANZA/ DEC 31, 1982 DINNER SPECIAL• -$10.00 SALOON PARTY0 Crisp Salad Seafood. Chicken or Steak entree Homemade Cheesecake Complimentary Champagne PLUS $5 00 admlaalon lnctud.a: • t well cocktail • Free champagne at mJdntght • Party favors/nolaemakera Admlaalon to Saloon Party • Drawings for prizes ·Buy yovr ticket In advance I "J> . CALL FOR DETAILS-675-9900 2100 W. Oceanfront, Newport Btach New Years Eve Gala Special Menu • Sea tings at 5 p.m ., 7 p.m., 9 p.m . · (HATS, HORNS & NOISEMAKERS) d a n cing to The G reg Topper Group reservations ... 833-2770 the Management & Staff of the c_Airporter qnn C/lotel Wishes you a H appy Holiday Season 18700 MacArthur, Irvine. (across fTom O range County Airport) Ann6uncin delicious ch of ~JI- A steakhouse tradition comes to Huntington Beach .• The Plaokhouse has become Reuben's Plankhouse. We're wooing you with an exceptional new menu. Peatur i11g heat ty, dcl1dou~11~ like-Rc)ftst.Prime-Rlt> of B ef, our famous Shrimp Scampi, delicious seafood, chicken and an even bigger Plank Steak dinner for two. Each comes with war1n bread, vegetabl · , and your cholQt of our Special Steak Soup or any of three unusual salads. All at affordable prices. You'll love our incomparable ho pltallt~ prompt, frJelldly rvice, and ca ual atmosphere. Call for reserva· tions or to arrange a'privnte part~ Reuben' Phlrtkhouse. A deticiQus chanae of taslt that " will please your palate (or a long tirne to com~. ! .. .. ; •• t ,. ' eudin' Du LOM ANOEL (t\J') 1'ho. fciUtlln' l>ulw bo}'• 'rmn W(llJll and Juhn lkhnt•ld1·1 , 1w11 of "Tho l>ukn u( liluard'' IAY th•y'v" fk•Hllod lht•lr rontrM't dl•J>ut.o with W•rnor Broe Tf•l••vl•lon und wllJ Nlllrn to thti 1how lhl1 IC'UOn Wopeat and 8ctuwld4fr qui\ th CBS·TV eerles earll~r thlt year In a ronlrtct dlepu\(" ati.r helptng put "Duke-a" amoni ttw top IO·r•ted 1how1 durtn& foW-llt'AIOM. They annoum'ed l~l week they will rl'tum l.o their roles aa Bo and Luke Duke. "We are eapcclally happy to be retumjng to our family on lhe show, whom we have miaaed very much," they said in a 1\At.ement issued by Warner Bro.. "We have good feelings about our return and welco me the opportunity to put t he past miaunderstandmgs behind us." LUXURY THEATRES ltt lltlbtiMtSllni1CaOll.YS2JiU..lmOtlitnl1stlettt4 s tlllir1Hrt•X11il6i~ '25s11~~. J s * FOR Ml EXCITtmEnTI Y11rt0Vr... * llonk11tonk Man sv.n '1'.ll'tl. ,.00 m «iiW!.JIU12J~ 9282/~~) ' BUllT GOtOIE II Showt al I llEYNOlOS HAWN ~-U 100 2:00 'D-J.~--J:I. .2, -.~ •• 001.00 ~r~~ ..... ',,... S 1 :00 10:00 1•00 3110 5•10 7:40 t :SO 111;1ij11111i·''·'§6l639 8770/~~) ~C~ISound Q!,~t fo'IOur(Ot lloclloO. •1r>qloltHy"°'1oci. tJll&GPd! "°"""'°""Hua And 1M1 PQI "''""'"tatood l"l lfal ~ .. r ~,.~A"WJ '&VOtsle .r-~.~~ o rm TlteWatcherlnTl'l•Wooda(PQ) 1'1111 s.o.a. l"I ET. THI EXTRA· j1Df11•11 "'"~ilkl!' • • TERRESTRIAi /fl/!: aa. V'.,._1r,, am "'~o.,lill\!!. (PG) ,,... ~ m A-.in '{ l * Oriv•ins <?pet'! 6:45 WeekniahU I 6: JO Weekends * Children Undtr12 fret Unless Nottd "A magical blend of mythology and science fiction. Every scene contaJns weird and wonderful thrills and discoveries." 11 ••• A work of soaring, sustained Imagination ... It's wonderful." -Dennis Cunningham, WCBS-TV ............ ~..._ .. ~ ... ,-......... ~­... .,_....~ ..... - -Rex Re«/, N. Y. Post r turn to All J>•rtlt•• In 1t ... i11 .. puH• uv•r Wup111 1n1t ~ hm IJl•t '• 1h•1' uf ""'" luuKJl•lna& 111v1l11.-.. 1111 th1• l'how 1t1ld tht•y hiad d1111111t·tl ltwlt 111ulth111lllot1 1t11ll11r law1ul&a and l'OUfltt•reul&a Alto hllppy wu1 Warnt•r Broe., whkh had w11tftwd "Duke•" 1Jlp to nc-ar 30th place In th raitln6'• thll 11CMC>n Newc'On'M!n Bryon Cherry and Chrl1t.opher Mayer, who had tx-.n bruutht In u nt•w "rou1hu" Coy and Vanl't", wt'rt' re•l1tlvt•ly unknown and •pp.rt.-ntly did not win over vlewtin loynl lO Schnelder 1md Wop11t. "We have ml111ed Tom and John and are extremely pleased to wekome them back," Womer Brc.>11 Television Preeldent Alan Shayne said In a atatt>ment. A Warner BrOll 1pokesman refuted comment on the rate of Cherry and Mayer, who ap~ared in 16 or what was scheduled to be a 22-epllOde aeuon. azzard' Wu~I and •hnt'id r lnf 1 lh 1how •fter tut 1M·uot1 end In May ltH flltod • t:to mtllton law uh apluat Warner BrOI. L.lrenalna Corp. of Amlrka and Knlcktrboc:ktr 'roy Co. Inc. over royaltln. Warner Broe. oounlert'd with • t92 mlUlon llbel and breach-of-contract 11etion. Th actort later lllf'd • '20 million 1ult clatmin1 Warner 8ro1. hid deprived them of work by wamlna other companlea not 1.o hlrt' them 0 ff.US M AT ~~~ 3901 £. Coast Hwy. Corana dtl... 7Sf.11S4 Edwards ff'esibrook Cinema I s Now Only '2.00 All Seats! E¥er Da 1 MON-FRI. l:U, 10:30 8AT/8UN.S:00,1:45,1~.30 lt'R Hft you up where Vo" be6ofte, RICHARD DEBRA GERE WINO ER ~'~· ~ PICTUIU -Sr MON·FRI. 8:00, 1~.35 SAT 18UN. S:35, 1:15 CHRISTOPHER REEVE MONSIGNOR ~~ MON-FRI. 1:15 8AT/8UN. 1:15, 5:50, 10:20 edwards WESTBROOK WISTMIMSTR 530-4401 AT UOOIHUIST •AIHM .ac>YI OM.'f,_ ...... -. -TOW c:mrTlll ..... TOWN QNTU =~.,:;..oo:.1n4114 a-.1--111111_,_,. AIUll-m.La SALLY FIELD JAMES CAM JEFF BRlOGES KISS ME GOODBYE .. ,. mn Wll mw ...... lfDWll PmllS -•Mlltl .. ----·mil lllJUll -llTrnAm ..-.,...,11m~ f r===-:====-•-llff'ITB AU.El '~ ~d ~ .. ,.,, H•ll .. 1 01 U "I "4 A ' Federico Fi .lli11i' hip sails With i1 ,., film 8) JOHN PHILLIPI ... ,,"._ ............ ROME Jr't.Jt•rl"" ~·c·lll111'11 l'Ao ,,...., olJ ldu1 •bout .. aruup of nowbk .. ll •.,J'l'l.I nlxN.1 d IA luxury li~r at the outbr•uk of World W111 I hill Um1lly Wl"liht'd om·hor Living up to hl1 reput111tlo11 01 a brllllunt lmprovlat>r. t.ha hall n dlrt~:tor tl'l'Ount,aj only thl• bare atory hne or "And the Ship Satl1 On," ht1 lllth film "To tell tht> rest would be plain gOtll!ip," hl' aays. "l am a glor1oua victim or myths and legl'nda th.at lr\llat I don't outline the screenpluy of my movies because 1 don't know what I am doing Fellini will allow only thta: At the start of World War I, a group of 1.r1llocrats. finunders. journalists and singers try to understand thf' impending catastrophe from conflicting dispatches reaching their (',..••r..-r~;r I""'',.; ...... ~ hr nut at sea I luw1•v1•1 1lw ll:t Y•'"' 11111 "tw11•111t111" 11r th1• 1111111111 1·11u•11111 11iuk1 1111uth1•1 •mull t01111 ·•lu11 '"l'ht 111ul11 J>I lllllt(lllll•I IN II 11•l11 I'll ;1u11111ll•I wh111.1U1·111~t· ll h11t •WP, I.Jut With little• l'UllVlc.·Uon, '"" uu1M· lil• 111 !oat," Ft•lllnl uau\ "lh• UI ltw lnlormur, lw w u11la tu 1·0111111umcul~ but h•• rnn'\" Th,• fllm. ht• MB)'I, hu tu du with "11 w1 y a<.·tual M•n&1t1un the.• anxlttty 1.•1&1JM-d hy u bomlwrdmont with 11l'Wll lknui wha<.·h thr •at.t•n to 1·rc1lte an £turu ol lnu1ff1•11•nl"-' " Tht.o film end11 un the tharJ duy of tht• 11tory when the v~I 11 aunk by German gunflrt' Fellini ralaed about $~ million Crom Ullckl'ra who have told hun they want the film reudy for launch next autumn. But Fellini admits he ha11 no Idea how long lt will take him to complete the film, how much at wall L'OSl an Lhe end or what the final production will look lake. · I 111•v1•1 know huw m\M.h 1• film will 1.•u1t," h1• iu1y11 "l 11•1 t111nlv. 11urn1• projloe.•lll h1iv1• h1u.I u no~blt­ <MAIV lx't uUM' of f'('OOCtlTll<' cHlfkulUN, but I have n1rt~· blum·h•· on how muny WHkt fllnalnfl wt- nc't-d .. l'1.1.1t1n1i t.lw film M'l'mt.'\J Aln eq\lally hupharord pnx.'l'lll Eriailand'1 Frl-ddlc Junm, an -.ctor llule- known uut.alul' hi• own l'OUntry, la to play the lead Tht' dot1ett June• came In tht pall lo a wldt' ln~rnatlonal audlen~ a aupporUns rule In "The Elephant Man " A mlddle-a&l'CI man with a battered but g~niaJ fat.'t'. Jonc11 showed up late at an audition with Fellini In London and only had Umtt to hand over a snapshot of hamsell before the dlrt.<ctor left for Italy. "I decided only he L'Ould ~ Orlando," Fellini 1satd, reportedly passing over Jack Lemmon for the role. Fellini, however. has alwuyi> made ll clear he sees an actor's pedigree as secondary. 811uth African J•111·1 ~u11111111 unrt 1nuthf'r Orltlah l.t('la ,., S.rb4irn J,•1f111 cl. ul10 h•Vtt maJn 1>9rt.a. Ut•rman dwlUUlr'61>ht11 Pin" li«Wit.h UI w bo I ' •1 blind t.luch of th~ Au,tru lluntiiu 11t11 mpln• ' •. f',•lllnl 11ld h~ would Ulll(' 1,000 Pf'Uplto, 127 at tht>m octorw, In 14 wceka of 11hootlng In the bat FeJIUnl trudltlon, CA&rrwramt•n wW ~ twitch back and forth from black-end·whltAJ CO '• '; color pho~aphy "follow Ing tht• mood of the ahlp'• pwmen"t> 111 Shooting ii to bl' alrn<>lil l'rtllrely in Studio Ftve of Rome'• C1necllla movu.· complex where the fllrnrru.ker cwlma he a m bt .. t manlput.t.e 11pedal • , effect.a and hghuna. Studio technicians have already built a thlp'• restaurant on a moving platform and a huae •, cutaway set of the liner's engine room. ,., "l have never travded by sea," Felllnl aayt. CBS tops for third week • ID row "Fat.'t.'8 are more 1mport1mt to me than anything else -more important than the set designs and the costumes, more important than the script itself, even more than acting ability," he said. He made has 1969 film, "Satyncon," with several unknowns. "Ont: tame m Cannes, I went on the yacht of that American producer, the mlllionaare, Sam Spiegel. We were celebralln~ l don't remember which birthday of Katharane Hepburn. There was a sumptuous dlnner In Hollywood style; there wed"A many famous actors "I felt seasick immediately, and Danny K.aY-•. •':l tried to cure 1t by singing to me," Fellin! said. ::=: r; NEW YORK (AP) -CBS won the networks' prime-lime ratings race for the third week ma row with seven of the week's 10 highest-rated programs. figurea from the A.C. Nielsen Co showed. "Dallas" finished in first plal-e and another CBS program, ''60 Minutes,'' was second. In winning the three-way competition for the ninth lime in the 12 weeks of the current TV season, the network recorded an average rating of 18.9 to 16.4 for ABC and 14.7 for NBC. The networks say that means in an average minute of prime ume, 18.9 percent of the TV -equipped homes in the country were tuned to CBS. The rating for "Dallas" was 26.2. "'\ielsen says that means of the nation's homes with TV, 26.2 ' percent saw at least part of the top-rated program CBS' Top 10 shows included a spe<:aal, "E.T . and Friends" in third place, and a movie, "I Was a Mail Order Bride," in ninth place. I Uf nq ' die t toe •'I ar. WI pri .we 101 Cl' Str an ba I 17 1 20 th fal 34 c re ~ :'Ri .. •BARGAIN MATINl!ES • Mond1y thru S1turday All Perfonn•nc: ... before 5:00 PM (llc.,1 Speclll £a91t1-.tt IM HllN1ytl "MITFRmNDI .. _ ----- "THI! VIRDter•"' ----- ..,.OoTllF------ "TIE VEJU>ICT""' ----- LAKEWOOD C ENTER ~OUTH w .. ,I( '" "SIX WEEKI"------. "41 HRS.".., ------ "THE Tor·------ ·1011• ooooevr ------ """ ... °"9..., .... , .... fin .. , ... IMHATHT IOTlct! ClllllMlH UllOIA 1Z J•H! ...... _ .. ________ ·*---....... CMI-·-.... ••MICM ____ _ -·~•·llU.---··- ......... y ANAHEIM 0111vHN ~ . '• ,. ..... BUE NA PARK og1v1 '" ----·-12M070 .. ... .. LINC OLN 011•VE IN "THETOr' --"8nft CflAZY" - c:...elt- "THR DAM CRY8T AL" --'"1941"- ....... " ... -~-_.,._ "8HAMWn lllAC ..... ,. 12MOJO ''''!!•.!"' ....... ,,.,., .. ..._.(le.) ........ -~· THl-=--·-·~•NYDI ... ~~ .. _,._ -.... ::.·· 1 ...... ;a Cllll·lt- "M8T ""9tltl" --......,..."'" .. I A ~CA~l.'A '• •' " UTM-1~·--"'MtOLLY __. .,._ -·"--·"-.. '"THI TOY" -~ -----~---a - -"HANKY 'ANICY" "' 1161 ,, "Newhart" on CBS was thl• week's highest- rated new show, lied for l:.!th place with "Dynasty" on ABC. Four of the week's five lowest-rated programs were on NBC, and all five were episodes from newly introduced series. NBC's "Voyagers" was 7lst, followed by "Ripley's Believe It or Not" on ABC and three NBC programs, "The Devlin Connecuon," "Gavllan" and "St. Elsewhere." Here are the week's 10 highest-rated shows: "Dallas," with a rating of 26.2 representing 21.8 million homes, "60 Minutes," 24 2 or 20 2 million , "M-A-S-H," 23.3 or 19 4 million, and "E.T and Friends," 23.2 or 19.2 milhon, all CBS, Movie - "Oh, God! Book ll," 23 or 19.1 million, and "Chipmunk Christmas." 22.6, or 18.8 malhon, both NBC, "Love Boat," 22.1 or 18.4 million, ABC. and "Magnum. PI.." 22 or 18.3 rrullion, Movie "l Was a Mail Order Bride," 21 8 or 18 .2 malhon, and "Fakon Crest," 21.5 or 17.9 milhon, all CBS. JJ COSTA MIU ltl'f.. ~ llACM OU.. E~ C-a C..tet fcl·U•O\ WooclDllCIQt [ftolfd5 Soutll CGMI Onedomc 9794141 C~55t 0655 49• 1514 634 2553 WllTMtltlnll (ctw41ds Cmemd we .. 1 891 )9J\ ~Ma.kl .CCI PU.0 iJ-(Mt '"'I tlilOAOu;;;:t} ACADEMY MEMBERS: Your c•rd wlll admit you •nd • gu.1t to •ny perfonn•nce Monday thN Thu,..d1y. -"""' ""' ""1• 57t 5ll9 •c;tnl •U 1 .. -c-.. \&1 )101 c.1T1•1A lO•••S..0..C-. ....,, 5•61'1 I UT-t .. .-~. )II~ \ """"----~~-~ ~-~~·~\ Wheat to do wh•n you'.,. hit by a bl9 9~ blll. ... "' . ·,, .···~·J, . ' -.... ....... -."' ....... . ·.. ' ' .. , ..... • OHAMJl'a ANGii.i IL'oul .... ~ .._ botl\ ltle ~ .. !If* •id the llt• °' • v.,_.bollftd .._ -.. •• *"' FOOTIAU. lllMl6o ... 9'Mlaml0ol-r.'k • INOUllH n. ..,.,_ ~ In 10 tllllp T °"' M tu audit time Ind Abby "*1111 IM la ~ IMUTliAU. CrtlgNoft .a. De PIUI e w·A•a•H The .OT71h'1 -llon lo . a llffrby cave poM• MOtMr ...a tor Hewk· .. ""'° .. • problem Col ,..,.. ·--of • KAWAI ffVE.O A Wll-to-do i--tNal .._.. fl'om Wlltlld hotel rooma tor the thrill °' '"" 0-. • OY8'1MY ~ Ptlltl PIQll. 0 • UNDIMTANDftG HUMAN ~VK>R l ...... ::::w. '"*"Y'' NICNlWI ~~·NBHT *** "Boyl' Nlglll OUI" ( 1912) l(Jm Novi*, J- Gamer. WIMn • ~ ~CC>«I~-· -r--m protac1 .... ftnda four buall- -lt\llft ~ 10 ..... an ..,.,-tmeftl to aid '* In -~· CllMOVIE **'it "The Painted Hiia" ( 1951) l..llllMe, PU Ktilly A _..., .. outMW1ed bV I.Miiie and her young -•• <Z)a..DMNOF THEATNE ITM£T ""'-~ --"' . looll btit*ld the .... of the Veo-va ~eo­ grapHc: IMtltute -elao known • the IOrov bellet adlool -10 explore the ~ °' two Auaelan dllflCaf'I who hopp 10 tol- IOw In the ~ °' a.t'· ~ov. Nureyev and ......,.0¥&. . 4l:IDI Ala DO< CAVETT I au.t: ~ director .iui1r1 ~(R) • UNCllNTNONG HUMAN~VIOR ~\ I ..... WOM.D OF "EOPU ~llCNAl. ... le<ATJllG "'°"' ,... Doroefly ...,.,.. P«forml and oc>-flOllts ...,.. Q,eg lJMtl In .......... DNl>I-"°" tMIWtng Jo Jo Slat· bid!, T o9ar Cfwwlon and Jotw'I Owry, .. ... .. _...., lkatan ~lo ,._. Chlrie In Ille '84 MIW~ (D)MOYIE ** .,..., '1'_.1 EYI" (1880) Roi Kelly, Kip .._,, The dllc: )odt~ ••• punk todl dub ,.,.._ • --of phone call prom- ..,.. thet --.. 119 ITU'dared In ... hOnor ~IQ.-~,... end mklnlgllt on New Y..,.•&e. 'R' r•1 C:.N!WS NICNIWI r~ HAllf"t ~YI MWN , Fonda eperldl • loMly 'ftgll :. ~ for Aid* to Id" ': ttvougtt an. • moton:yda ; acddant. -~ ,,..,.. locb a... out °',_.,..,__ • nRE'I OOlll#NIV ~ "* • lmpf'eaa .. dlldhood rMll bV Intro- ducing CMaay .. .. C.Olonel Potter (Harry Morgan) celebrates at a big dance at the 4077th on KNXT (2) at 9 p .m. tinde.. 11.IOQR'I WILD ........ NPORT ()) , .M.. MAGAZIN( Bat*'6-h --at IN tlC)lna of IN r8dlo ~ of "TM Emph 811'11• Bae*"; • woman who ti.llll • cMMrt In the not1tl woodl of MlnneloCa. • OMNQE COUNTY T~Y 7:30. I ON THE TOWN Feetur9d: 111'1 lntet'Mw wiUI Sid c-; • jugglar9 oon- ventlon; • lendacap• ..-t ,........ llOw l*lPI OWi ~...,tr-. to WOfti • Ill fAIA Y A!UO LAWANEI~ ICOMPA#Y Sf*t9y meell • man wtio ...... lier off,_ .... tM i.-ne ----.. true colore and Mel lo ~lwin.nd. • MADAME"• PLAC£ PINter'lon ,._ to MexJco IO llOP ~·1 fNlr· rilga. e u·A·s·H A"-lfw9I dayS of ,_. oomw.-duty. ....... ••• betMMof ~ .....,lhlrl...,.., I ()) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEIL /~ MPORT ·INENl~ ..... ~and~ Lyona reMw ··~ Of Friend•." "Honllytonlt ...... and "lrl The -Of TheHlght." .MCMI • • ..,.. ~· ( 1116) ,..,.. om. . .Mal E. '--'" lrd. Two ~ rlv'lll ~ to tlnd "-di Leon'• "fountain or lir"~ *** '-c-t" (tM1J ,.,., s..n. DerwW Ouekl. The Qownllfl "*"** "' • .,.,. llurW pi et.-.ortc .,.,. beglrll '° ~ diet .,,.. end not .,,_ .. .,. the It~ to .. pee>- •.• anMI. 'PO. <Z)MCMl * * 'Oebfilj 0-The Wllllla ""'-" ( tt.33) w-. .., Hulton, ~ Mottly. The ftllWfy -.:.I pr.-. dafWI ~ .. _....,.. toe~. ... ~Pme Petty ~ lrW to 1WW1 lier "-Y .... ---~ pofl'Ml1ty .. W-.s11Hlgtl. • alUTTLEHDWEON ntE,_.. The ..,... ...... flmlll\I. lr1IPP9d ....... '*-l>V • IUdderl • .,....,, .... ..,.,.. Qw1llm9 &ii -lnlldn8 ... peat Qwtll. -.(fQQ • MCMl • * *. ''The Aad .._ .. ( 1141) Mofra 81M11e1 Anton Willbfook. A ~ IUl.....-llC*lgfltln• web of lndeCt9lotl a... wtlich II mote Important tc her •• Mtldaome compoa. ., Of h9I blouomlng ~. .MCMl * * * '"The 8on Of Monlf en.to" (1'40) U.. Hey· wwd, Joan a.nn.t1. A def. Ing~ "Oii daedly dull9 lo win the hend of • lo¥lty ledy. i~ BINnd-~ •• '"' tlC)lng of the radio _.,, "' ''The Empire Strtlt• Beck"; wSldl the ~· UOnl kw !tie RclM BOW! P..-delnP....,_ • CtiU>MN OOUOH'T .. THE CN)l8FIAE .OMAT PU» CINUNCO ·~-. Tallcw, Sotdler. ~ .. o.oroe Smlls\' (Aalt; ~)II c:.iled blldl lo duly lo uncover tll• ...... .. • double llglnl wflO ,,_ lnftlttlled the Bttt· ..,, Seoret 8.-.tca AQllflC) and .. IMklng top MCnltl to Moaoow. (P.U 1 and 2) ;~l\JAE ''The ~ 01 An1m11 ~ 8lgrll And Slc>- Mll" The eapenmen11 done bV Kerl von Frlacfl, Jull&n Hu•ley. Konrld l.ONnz and OC'* neturlll- llb o-the oentunsa to lsamlN~ofW. ,,,.-~· ~:=UP * •• * "Sayon.,•" (1957) Mlttofl .... Aad Bun-. All~ .... -,,_ • polgMrlt .,..,, .... IN.._,.,.._ « . ...... ...... ..,. ~. ®MCMl *** ''Sdr Cnzy'' (1NO) RkNr'd Pr'f08. 0.. WM- •. Two ,,_.. -,,.._.,, kw --robbera and ...... Ch~ * • \t ''The Border'' I 1M 11 Jacll ......,.,, v ...... Pwme. A T-border G&*d'• ..,_ come In OOl*t .... .,_ °' .. oorrwpt ..-tt .. and .. ..... 1 ......... l:IO. ()) PNVATE -..,..., An.,.... tr1M 91* on llMt ..... ....., C4 Rlldlr'O _......., bl.tlkl •,...em on .. •of•_...buf. 1111~ • LaADf'OOT ... ~and ..... Berton ... In .. "°"Y of .,. ~ ttWI lolloWll wtlM. ~ gatl .. .... __ t:00•(1) 111•A•&•H Abet , , ..... ,dlrtOa .. .. 40'11WI ..... .... ...,, ........... .. ·~Mttct-­~ .. 9'TMllg IOOft b ;·1.:w(A) ;~IWIE. LISTINGS "SllMDK" (Premiere) ~ Vllllantlne, MertdlN Colilalo. A ........ -.. ..... and...._., dog 9 ICNXT IC8Sl e KNBC INBCl e ICTLA (Ind.I .KABC (ABC) e tiFMB CCBS> 9 KHJ TV (tnCI I eKCST CABCI 0 On TV l Z·TV H HBO 1C IC1Mm,,.) tJ IWOfH NY .H Y f1i CWTBSI f IESPHt 11> CShowtlme)' e Soolll9l'll • CCM>I• Ne~ f'fft-lll to """ • Cl'Ol4> "' ""°" ~ dlleurtled ClhldNn ,,........,~and come to ..,,.,. -. .,. WIMtd W9Ulld "*"· e MC HMICl.OllUP "Allbe9foe: The Wflt To """' o.tfl' • .Mia e.v-"*' uipdatea 1111 1171 repor1 on Iha ~ Mr· ardll of .-...oa ..,_,,. to bottl lnduMrtlll ---Md .. gerw9I pWllo. uamlnlftt t!M recent ..... In _..,...urie ... 'ftetllN "' ...,..,. ,......,~ 1;4 ' ' I ti'' ' 1 I • I I rt . '· . ..... ••MMP>.::. 111 ......... ,..,_...., ..-..or ,,.._ ••· UI ftt ......... ......, Or, • .., ..... ,,. ..... "'--e MMOue Wt&.IY. irD. ftfegnMt ........ !Ima .. 41 .• -*' ..... lie! -~-IM9fl .... l!!I MOthlr WOMJlll1 • IOUNO l'llTWAL The r9ftOWNd .,.,., and ..... ..,._of.._, ... --and lfle """' Wtlt-..., "'.,.Im or• 'ronw•.,. lellhlrtd . I~ • • • • "Harold And ....... (1171) ~ Oor· don. M Cort. All~­ Old WOll'llll ,,_. an If. )'Mf-old boy ®-Md with OMlh In a lunaf'al pat· lor, and prOOMda lo Mactl hlnl ... .,, °' M10 end iolllnO-'PO. <Z)MCMI * * "The WltcMe" ( 1871) Siivana Meno-no. Clint Eaetwood. ...... ()) HaWtw.T Dick~ meddtM In • ou-t'• ~ .,, .. when • -•Of'• wife ~ tllll .,,. •• run- nWlg ~ lrom lier hul- band. ltlemRT~ ToNGKT All lnleMew wltll Shelley 10:00 n CAGNIY I LAmY Cht'll and Mwy BeCtl In-. tioMe IN pligfll of eldarty ..,,,_t owel9r9 .tlO -~~toe m ~ of terror. • New& MOYIE ••• .,. "The 8unlh4ne 8oy1" ( 1175) Oeorge Buma. W .... M1ttlllu. Two meren vll.ldevllle et.. -reunited •It• meny years tor -IMt ~ (!)MOW •• .,. "The Ofwm .... chant1" (Part 1) (tMO) Maril Harmon. MOfgan Fllrdllld. All amblllou• young man toWie '°"* wtthan~Nc*9'o­ dlon oe>erator to OONCnlCI one of the _... dynM- tlM In the motlarl picture lnduetry. -~EYU The ttory of two AINf1cen • -oeone wtlO "~ 10 the P9oe*'• Alputlllc of China lo demon11r1te Amet1can ~ tam-,.._ to their ~ oounterperta .. to6d ·MBMA~ .. ~ .. Vlc:tor Borva °""9 '* own epac6al humor In .,, explonltlon of the ~ of language on cullunl. (R) 0 0 Ct4AAUE"8 ANOB..8 An \lnllnown penon thr..._ to ....._ • ,__,.~pat• ~lf--~'t 11111 off th .. lr. . ,....,,.... ..... a.,~ and the IW-................... .............. ~ lmiosleof ·---· ®MOYIR * * * '4 "Montenegro" (1N1) Suaan Anle>edl. Erland J0Hph1on A negleCt«I .-treV9lll 10 StocllhOlm and beglrll en ""* wttti • men .,,. IMt In • ~ nlgfllduO . 'R' (IJ) THl MAMHATTAN TMl...,,LNE The Onnwny AwercHlln- '*'I ""**' perfOnn --lad Mlecltiolll lncMlno "Blrdland," "Twfllolll ZOM," ... .._ ~ .._ Yen Qty'' trom h ""'° n...1n .k*t. .. natl. ••··cneot.aTU ....., Fonda ... ~ L.o,i ... -• _.,... -.,...,..r .... on..,IO ... -~--NITWOMNIW8 I WOflll.D Oii' 90C*a ,.,. attOWCAle lmTOll'~ JdWI ~ .,_ '°" ... ..,.,., ... """' . ...,.._._end __ tlWi ~ ,.,.,,. ... --,, .•. ()) ...... 8A~YN91H'f ~ ,.._. Pwln. Guell: ~"9oord . • .. llMCHOf' ... "Jdln1M8lptillt" • AU. .. ,,_ ,Nl&.Y 81 ...... ~ ff'/ .,,,ary but Arotlle bell• ~ the doctor tuma out to.,. -of ~ rla'•'°"'*~ I :=.:. NPORT ~ .. THI HOWE Loftua ttW to lmpf'eaa 1 r9ftOWNd Harllly ,.,.... doCI°'. (C)MCMl • .,. "0-Olrte ,.... (1973) a.natlne ..,_ ... TUBE TOPPERS KTTV (1 l) l !IO -"LAedloot." Phlllp McKeon and P•ter rwn 11.ar ln &h 11.0ry of th lraledy l~t foUowa wtwn a tHn·•Pr pea hl. flrtt car. KNBC (4) 9:00 -.. 8kHHr." Keren Valenllne and Mu1c:W. Cosiello IW' A therapist u.ee her eqer and friendly doQ to help a IJ'OUP of emo1lonally dlaturbecl children muter thelr probleml and come to tenna with the world around them. KCET (28) 10:00 -"China Eyes." The 1tory of two American eye 1ur1eona who traveled to the People'a Republic of China to demon1trate American 1ur1lcal techniques to their Ch1ne9e Counterparta I.I told. Atllhony Oit'll ., • boerd- lng IChool ~· to Mdlloe • c:llplomet. (IJ}tifOVIE "T 04al Aapture" Cl) A NIW DAY IN BJl:N A po.-fuj famly turn. a lfMll town Into • mocMI rllfuvenellon projec;1. (Part !~PMWW • * "lntlmet• ""°"*'"" (1M1) Aleundra St-art. BemerdF-.'R' t1:IO. ()) ~JOHN. M.D. Both Trapper and Slllnley "° Into ltlOCk wMll u.y ...,,. tllal • bleUtlfUI ~ '°' .. • fomllr prostttut.. ~QI ntE IUT Of' CAMON Hoal: Johnny Carton. au.u· CMttton HeMon, CMrtle c.IM. RoMrnary Ctooney. (A) I =-AIKID fOR IT Feetured: "aw-Chem· pion "-ther Jugglan" and "811nd Marathon CNmc>lon.'' •ooo~ ,. ••• btottier. Floyd. I*· lliedM Feb ttlal ,. place II not In hectic Manhattan, tM ~ home In Floyd'• fac10fJ. I FOCU8 ON 80CETY P98lATl!MOHT Polltlcal aatMst Ber~ ~ Oswtll ~lier '"~'' "'tfle ltniggla In Northam lnllencl; pe)l• dlOlogl9! Mttc:Nll ,.._ uplelN llOw to under· lland and I.a "anger" ~-<Al QJ MCNEWB MGHTUNR • 700CUJa Cl) AOWNCE: KHEATM THEMAGIC (Part 1) .MOVIE •• "The Aflll ...,. .. _ .. (1179)...., l!lndgal, Urw- la AlldtW o·~ and the Tivee ........ ~~In~ • p6al\ lo ~ IN 9111 lmentioN of the .,...., CerdlrW~...­ .. f'twlall ........... ''°' 11:40 CB> MCMI • ''Modern Pl'obtema" (tM1) ~ a-, P.u O'Attlerwtll. A ...,.._ air trefflc controller with nurn..CIUI '*-* pro«>- .... .. endowed with ~ ~.,.., '*"Cl cb-1 wlttl ,_._ ...... :PO· 12:00. IJfTUlTU&IEHJ TONIGHT An ...,... wlttl ~ ~ • MCNIW9 .-mJNI • MOYIR • * .... ..,,. Wortd Of ....., Oltanl" ( 1114),..., ...... ..... ,.,..,...., TWo teen .,. come to • ..................... ,with ............. otiamne ·--......... 1= *** ''8a* To..._" (1t46} Jaflrl .... ~ ,.,, °'*"'-Cul off "°"' ~ ..-. • cdollll orgeNl9a ,...,,. ,..._ ... ....... 9'"'•• t911don .. ......._ ·LOVIE.~ and -l.olioe Allsll ""' ~ _. .. Stilly Iii I ~ --.tlO IN*• "'" .. ,_ l'lulbend .. ~ Altd ,,,. Locllll'llhh" Herblt trlee 10 lodl onto Mery a.th. <II MOVIE • • "Tiie Victim" ( 1912) Ellul>elh Montgomery, 0-ga ....,..,.._ A ~ woman trapped In • reimota '*-during • Ylo-lllflt 11onn 11 _.,. diet Illa la the nu1 targe4 of an "'*-~· (J)WOV. *. "l.ooplno" (No Det•J Shelley wtnewe. A 111\1111. time Clmlval owrw .,,..,. 1 dengeroua pact with an ~ ~ llttippet. 12:IO 8 8 LATl ..atfT WITH MW> l.ITTUMAN ~ rocll flat EMI Coe..-0, oomedllln Hany ~-.(A) • TOM COTTLE: lW Cl.Oil • MOYIE • .,. "81111 F-" (1fle1) Martin Mllnet, ClllUdla Martin A •I lnltructof dlloover• he'• tlMlng In lo¥e wlt'1 • preny yGllnQ pupl (!) fAIM. Y AFFAIR A ~ women Mk• for FtwlCll'a help ·LO'IE..~ STYLI "Low And The Uft•" Mimi lldorel Wandell'• modul operandi -• thief . "Low Altd The &19Pk:'oo1 Hull>end" Sam Ilea l'llred • detective to flP'I on ,. .... (D)MOYIE * * "The Aillum" ( 1118 I) Jan·Mloh••I Vincent, Cybll ~d Two !*)- pie wtlo l'lld • clOM anoounWr wtlfl an allan IP_,•lt u dilldren ..... the ........ Imminent '9tum . 12:16 (C) MOVIE * *.,. "Serlal" ( 1MO) M•· lln Mui, T~ Weld. A lleppjly mertled M11ln County oouPe •• epwrld bV .,. trendy nelQNlorl jnto ~ eltemlttw ~·w 11:40. (I) oou IM80 ~'-•-of .................. ................... lie 111a:A• ._ murder of • eon.. fflt. (A> 1tl4I CZ) MOVIE * * * •71w FfWICll lJsu.. ..,_,.., W_ .. (IN1J Meryl 8trMP. Jeremy lrona Ar1 -""" ..._ two actora II~ In Iha rOfl\Wltlc l*tcld flm In wtl6dl the two -~ I .... 1:00 ... AUT1ltY IAMYfllMB' MOW *. \t ''The ~ FlgMs .,... ( 1980) Aoberl Mllchum, 0.. O'Her'llly. A retvclant y~ng men _,,,.. • ,. In .. lr1lfl ~ 1:111 CB> MOYIR *** ''t To IS" (1MO) --~~~ ThNe woR"'9 ~ ,.... ....... Mlv- geelof\ bV ·--~ boaa. 'PG' 1:aoeeeec .... O'JWl••rr ·=Mmft * * \6 "Clt9"1t And ~·· ...,. Or-.na'' (1111) NdWd ''CMach" Mlw1n, 1'1-IM Qloftg. T-.o lr:u•w• _... JOHN DARLING --,.,. .. " ..... .., ·a:-·· '" , .. • •• ,.._. t DINI JlfWt W.W, L.-V--O. In ille ..__ CM_.. ...... ..... . .......... ._.., .,. 8'*-1 ....... .,..,,. -~..,.,.... t••ClfOllNIWI liilHt'WATOH l.5wflLL ····~ ............ 11 .. 1) ca-.~.,... Kau •· Tltt N vnlllltlly .__ ... OUllOMf19tlM r9d lape Md ~acy of ClHy ..... 'l'O' l:OI CC> ruto\111 • • '4 "Cl'IHOh And Cltono'• Na °'_ .. (IM1) NcilWd "Clteedl" M•lll. ThOtnal C#loftO Two lnwttrate PQCllMda ~ to h4lw found their INa Galllng M I~ peddle IOa cteMI on Ille ltr ... a of 2'Mi~ l:OOi~ * *"' "Tape" (11181) o-oa c Scot•. Timothy Hutton. Mllllary 1Ct1oo1 cedet• take owr thelt ldloOI lo. pr_. ptel'9 10 turn IN academy praperty Into. condo~ 'PO' <Z>MOVIE * • "Gabriel Ov9' The WNte HOUM" 11933) W• ler Hulton. Kalen Mor'l9y. The ftllWfy ~ pr-. dent Gt1a1anga1 oanoeww IO 1 lllOWdown I: tO CB> INTERNATIONN. l'10UAE ll<A TINO FROM PSCJNO Dorothy Hemlll per1onna and oo-ho9tl ...,., Oreg L.ewta In .... ......, ~ lion tMIWtng Jo Jo Star· buetl. Toller OW.ton and John Curry, .. ... .. amat-• .._. hoping to ,~ Ctilna In !tie ... Wlnw Ofytnpica. (l)MOVIE *** "ea-nan'· (1118t) Ringo Sten. Dennie Quaid. Tiie downllll member of 1 l>wely human prehlltortc ttibe beglr'9 to dlaoovw !Mt bralna and no4 braM\ .. 119 the Uy to ,. l*>' i .. _.......'PO' l::IO 'NTH 20 1:40 MOYIE • • * "Allegro Non Trap-po" ( 1871) Anlrneted. Ute In IN mecNne 909 II Mtlr· tmd. 'PO' 4:00 (!) TOP O' THE MOAHIHO (D)MOVIE . *... "Room Service" ( 1938) Mar• Brotl'len, l.vdle &.ii A INatr1cal group llttam9t 10 remeln In • l'IOtel without ~ bV lrytrlg to ~ the rnenaoement tltat ~ llew the rnMlllaa. 4:IO ~ :;:;,,_YtN/(il * • "ln1Jmale Momentl" (11181) Alexandre a...... a.m.d Fr-. 'R' 4:40 ® fulOYIE ***~ "~o" (1M11 .._ ~. lrl•M JOMplleOfl. A ,....... ... ., ....... '° ltoc*holm and .,.. ., .,.. wlttl • -..... ,.... Ire • bchlmlan nlgMdutl. . ... 4:46 Cl) HOU> ME Paul Oootey II IMtind In tNI two«' pley by Ju6el ,.....~the.,,.. ..., °' l.lfMn .. Ttw•fl••'• Da•dme ft•m~• ltOO CC>**. ''8op' Nlglll Oul" ( tta) Kirn ,.,., --o.m.. Wtlarl • 11t9'M1y yovno co-eo ~·--­~ .. llrldl fOur ..--,-· _. tlWI ..,. to .... ., ar-t· -" tlO aid ..., In ... ~-t:ao(IJ)•• ...... Y..-1M" (1MO) ~ teetty, Kip .... Tiie dl9o ~ .. . pnn:GC>ll* ...... . --°' pflOM Cllll ~ ....,.. .. 90IMON .. bl mwderwd In tw ttonor trtW'I ltovr '*-' IW anO snld"6gflt on New Y..,.a&e. .... Utt af I ... ,.,,J .. MIMlll ........ ~"' ,, ....., ....... ... ,.,... ... ......... ............. ,.,.. ~ .......... . . .. , ........ ~ . fttrot ** "-· Miii! -lewd NI -Awef .. OlltMllt ._. ,....... ... .,_, JI lilt ..... . ~----... .. 7• CIJ * • * ''llla ,...,_.. (1941) ........... .......... ~ .,.,... "'°'°" .. .,,., Into ... '*" "'.., .............. <Cl ..... "Haldf'' (tf1tl Ew ...,,. ....... "' ... Owt.v l<llUUI A ~ git! .. tlfought from her ..... ,..,... Alpine "°"" '° .... In !tie Olty. 7:IO <Bl * * "l'lnlll ,...... ment" (1MO) ~ Bulc*I. Mdlalf Yen A Cel'90llf1 TV ~ In Moaoow~ .... Ml llCllantllG aspartmenc Vl6r'O ...-oldl on chllhn and llflUICllM lnor1snlrsat· Ing ,,_.,.., out °' llMt oounuy. 'PO' Cll • • .., lllllno In Lo't'e Again" (1110) Ellloll Gould."-""" Yen. A man ooaa to 1'111 lllOh ac:.flool ,...,,, In !tie .,..., lhllt ha CM ,....... the OOod t"-of tile peat. 'PO' l:OO • • * "The Huing" (1911) Jeff E.all • ..., Dew- ... Tiie mL'llbers "' • ~ Uglow oolaga ftlllemlty attempt to l1'da the dMiOI of • pledge during IMIZlnO 'PO' CZ) * * * * "8tOlln I<-..'' ( ,..,, JeM.Pterre "-'d. ~ ~ Thll louc:Mlo and~ Nm ......... ~ ...... ... ..,_-of ..... tradel , ... ~lnlove. t:IO CC> •• "Cenle King" ( 1M3) "°'*1 T-'°'· Joan Caulfield. Prel!defltlal lnterva1tl01t la 1..: I I I ary In • ...., 1883 i.MS ~ In Wyomlr1g territory. l:OO • * *.,. "Her Mvenluf· -N6QM'' (1941) ~ o·~.HalanW.._A chld wtttl 111'1 -ac-... lmeglnaUotl ........ '* of • murder wt1'Cfl landa .. per9"tl In )Ill and ..._ .. to .... , ... ~-t:ao •••• ''The 8echllor Atld The BoOby Sour'' ( tt47) Cety Q,ant. MyTNI ~. "" ellglbla bed*« .. pur...o by • iO¥HllruCll Kfloolglr1. but .. fall kw ... dciar .... 1r....i. CD>. "Modsn Pf~·· (1M1) a_, Oleaa. P9"I D'Arbarwlle. A ~ alt traffic control!« with --!*-.al~ lama .. erMSowed wtth tiallklnetic .,_.. --'*"Cl -.ad wfth ,_..., .-..·PO' CZ) * * * "A CtwlatrnM Cerol'. ( 1961) Alaetalr 86sn. ~ Han1aon. a.Md on the lilOfJ bV a.tea DlcMna. A "'*M-tlet ,,.., IMml "" --of compH1lo11 01rouo11 OftOatly ectvent-on 0.-.-hl. ' . .. a:>.** ......... 04.M" (,..., ......... ..... ......~ ..... ol .. 101 .. Mi1IOfM DM- llcwl ~ In .. frenc:ft ~and .. a.nte of thelMta. CBl * * "lllll la EMa" (1M 1) Doou:9*ltlry. Fh footage and drWNFllc - cr9"'lona .. vaad '° ... Iha "°" °' EMa Preelsy'1 .. _,~ Cl) ••• "l.olioe ... Or i.-..... (1955) OOftl ~ . .,._.~.A moo.tat_... the..,., he mede temoua. ..,. ~~ .... he cani contnJI IW. 11• • ••• ''The,,..,. Lieutenant'• Women" c1•11 ....,. ........,, ..-.. 111y frona. An artalr .,,._two ...... S-· ...... "' .. '-* ,,.,_,., ... Ire "'*" .. two_.,.,..,. •• .,.. <Z> ··~ "Tiie .......,.. (1171) Cllrlt Eaatwood. .,......,.....,.,. ...... ~ .... ,_, .... . 1n ................. ... cw.A I) amp; I ' by ttla.....,. ............. ~lie .. ceaigtlt .. ON of ttll glrte. 'R' by Annstrong & Batluk "UPROARIOUS ... ~ Most of the routines are huac fun and • CJOUple approech crcamea• -Vlnamt Cenbir. NIY YOIUC TIMES --MONDAV, 0 C 27 , 1111 STOCKS C7 ,_ OCt', Goldc11 We I far f r"n' home for tourney . C4. Emotion: Do Lakers need it? HOUSTON (AP) -Loa Angeles forward Jamaal Wllket knows that the Laker•' lackluster play may be an area for concern, but he 1ay1 he doean't car e aa long aa the defending world champion• continue to win. Loa A.ngelea held off Houston 96-94 Sunday for the Lakera' fourth straight triumph. But the Laken never landed the killer punch on the Rockets, 4-23. "A. long as we win ball gamee, even though we're not the moat emotional team, we're In good ahape," said Wilkea, who led the 22-6 Lakers with 22 points. "I think it's definitely an area to be ooncemed about, but not one to panic about," he said. Los Angeles led by u many as nine points in the third quarter, but did not go out in front for good until Wilkes' 20-foot jumper off an Earvin Johnson paaa made it 89-87 with 4:24 le ft in the game. 0.-, Not Photo br Ctwtee Sterr 1# ..,.,...._ LeRoy Irvin is tackled by Brian Baschnagel (left), while Ken Margerum celebrates after TD. Allen L eavell's three-point goal with 18 eeconda to play cut the Laker lead to 96-94. Leavell nearly came up with a ateal in the waning moments that could have given Houston another ahot. "We've been rlaying good basketball, but don't think we're playing with much emotion," said Laker Coach Pat Riley. !Vince's 509 can't equal Bears' 34 Ferragamo's near-record performance not enough to offset defense By JORN SEV ANO °'" .. .,.., ......... Early last week. IOOleOlle from the Rama' publicity department went to great lenatha to point out the teem still hac:f an outside shot at a pi.you berth. ' Tbere were a lot of "if•" iDYolvWld. but the bot1iDm line WM 11 ~ Rams could win their last two plDIM, maybe the club could b11Ck into the playoffs like UCLA did the Roee Bowl. That penon, however, ended up doi'ng a lot of work for nothing. Sunday afternoon, the Rama did tomethlng they've managed tp do for .even of eight weeks this 8eUOl'l -they lost another football game. " The only thing that sep- arated this loss from the rest was how it was done. Unlike pnor: games in which the Rams .would get a big lead and then lloae It, Sunday, against the .chicago Bears, the Rams' new Strategy wu to get buried early and then aee if they could come back. · The Rams trailed the Bears 17-0 and 20-6, got u close as 20-16 and 27-26, only to find the~lvea on the ever ao famOi.er loaing side in the end, 34-26. · Not even the Vince Ferragamo puaing machine, which threw ~.a total of 509 yards -that'• Tillht. 5{}g yarrb -could alter the Rama' usual destiny. And, when you add 77 yard.a to Ferragamo's paaing . w., the Rama 586 yards tn offeme, the fact they lost tor the 15th time in their last 18 outinlea la even more amazing. "Let me start out by saying .Jhat Vince probably played one of hi• better games," said .-urned lame-duck Rama Coach .l\ay Malavul. "We just didn't get enoulh point.I, we mis8ed field ~ turned the ball over early, ·and we've had our problems ·8efemlvely ... 1bat pretty much awns thinp up. · A1atn, it wu a simple cue ·"Sunday of the Ram.' offense beinc unable to out.1eore the ~1\mm' pennl-1ve defeme . .. Walter Payton, who became pnly the fourth rusher ln 'JQ'L biltory to au.rpau 10,000 ·~with a 10-yard bolt up the Jnldd)e-emiy tn U.-fint quart«, ended his personal onslaught against the Rams with 104 yards rushing, 102 passing and one touchdown. Of course, Payton was not alone. Join_ing him were r ookie quartel'b8Ck Jim McMahon, who hMI a pretty Jl!OOd day in Im own right on 18 ol 28 pasam, toe 280 yarda and two TOii; wide receiver ken Margerum, the Fountaln Valley High grad. who had h1I moat productive day of the aeason with three reorpt:ions for 47 yards and one TD; split end Emery Moorehead, who caught another four pasees foe 46 yarda and one TD; and fullbeck Matt Suhey, who had only 12 total yards on the ground, but it was enough to produce one TD. Everyone seems to get into the act when they're playing the Rams. "At least we didn't loee from behind. At leat we broke that SUllM." Mid Rum mnter Doua Smith. forcing a am.Ile. "I auesa our next and only alternative ia to try to stay with aome teama." That may be more dlfflcult than it sounds. The Rama' defense at this point oertalnll has to be a bit ahellahocked, i not downright destroyed emotionally. "When you look at th e scoreboard and you see 30 points every week, you can't help but wonder what you're doing wrong," admitted linebacker George Andrews. "All year we've done OK and then they mak. e the ~kf.laY on us." added defensive Mike Fannl.nl. "U you're lookin& for answers. l don't have any." "l don't understand it and It's a frwltratina altuaUon to be in." concurred defensive end Jack Youngblood. "The bottom line to it la we wanted to win. We tried to win. But for a number of reason1 I can't put a finger on we didn't. "The bad part about this la Walter Payton is stopped by the Rams' Jack Youngblood during Sunday'a game at Anaheim Stadium. losing not only affects your job in football, it al8o affects your 90cial life, your self image and your personal life. It's so bad to have an experience like thia." U you can milk aome good out of all th.la misery it'• the fact Ferraaamo ha• not only re- eata bllabed himself aa tbe hometown hero, but he's alao returned to the fonn -and then eome -he had wtth the club prior to his departure to Canada. Ferragamo'a pa11ing total Sunday waa aecond highest in NFL history, surpuaing Y .A. Tittle'• 505 yard.a for the New Yock Glanta against Waahlngton (See RAMS, Paae C4) . off and runnln1 to a 27-10 National FootbaJl Leasue victory over the T.telt we had to pt ahead early on Denver/' uid Millen, whcm lnterceptJon wu one of five turned in by the Rafders. "We INlde them play cat.chup and we domlnau.d. When we hive to be tou,h. we' rt toulh." either a touchdown or a field pl ln the openina period until Millen Sot in the way_. "I wu 1uppoeed to bll~ but they ran ll\ree NCeiven to the w.ar tide, ao 1 dedded not to," ..W Millen, ~blna hie lnte~ptJon. "~y UM to t.hroW underneath in tba\ 11\\MltSOn, arid l had a Loi ~ Colch Tcm Florea; "When you ... them on fllm or televlaion, they're a Utt.le bit frilhtet\lr1C; They're one of the t.t. and we~~ the belt.'' n,. Ral~!!I_ wtw. 7 • l reoont II the beltJn:the /\ni. lddld 24 moftpofn'8 In \he HCOl\d quarter to take tt 21·0 advantge at l\alfUme and &tMi ft1'0l°"o prmtf hlCOI. who fell to U, ,..,..,.,, abllt to '*'9 untU the fourth quart.er It appe.r.ct that Dnver would l•t ' ;. l ~ read on the J)l.t.y ... The Raiden arw now In • PQltUori to cllnc:h th• home~teld. aclvantan.---.,~~ thrqhc>U\ the •yottt wtth • win •t sen ,J:>14t.-O next-.:aw.day In a rilUlif· IMIOft fllWt. . • .. I'd UM to_., um vtdillrJ a wh&J9 before I \h1nk ebcMrt the ~·· Mid • t t "I have a hard time accepting that as a coach. U I accept that, and give them the benefit of the doubt, then they won't play hard. I think it's up to the individual to get up for every game." Houston C"ach Del Harris lamented his team's 26 turnovera. "We don't take care of bal1a as well aa we did in the past," Harris aaid. "We played hard, but that cSo.n't replace winnin&" he aid. Jamee bailey led the Rodtetil with 24 points and Leevell added 16. ~Abdul-Jabber had 20 for Loa AJleeles. 'Bu01 goal' helps Kings snap slu01p I Michigan endures _tough first workout Jtrom AP dlapatcbea ' ,,. PASADENA Michigan Coach al Bo Schembeduer put thl' Wolverines 4. t tttrough a grueling :.! ~2 -hour practice U\at lasted almost untu dark Sunday, a workout that left many of the football playeni pspin,g for breath. ' "( beUeve a team plays hke It pracuces," ~hernbechJer said. "These guys had an exceUent .. actice today. Ii was spirited and they worked hard. "We had to work them a It tt le extra-herd today because they've ~n off for four days. We sent them home just before Christmas and then Wl' travel ed yesterday." The Wo lverin es, who r, won the Big Ten conferen('C ~ champ1onsb1p and finished tot«MNCHt.I!" the regular season 8-3, are .cheduled to meet UCLA on New Year's Day in the Rose Bowl game. Michigan is ranked No. 20 in The Associated Press poU whUe UCLA. which won the Pacific-10 title and fmished 9-1-1. is ranked fifth in the country. The same two teams met wt Dec. 31 m the Bluebonnet Bowl, when Michigan won, 33-14, 'and again Sept. 25 in Ann Arbor when UCLA e&me back from a 21-0 deficit to win, 31-27. Schembechler even broke with tradltion and , ~wed reporters and photographE!rs to watch 1'A. workout for about the first 45 minutes at Clri'us College in Azusa After the workout, the ooaches aU were available to reporteni -as were ~eral key players, after they had showered and QOOled down. ""' Quote of the day ~· • .. Cincinnati Coach Forrest Gregg after the Bengals had surrendered 661 yards m total offense, losing to San Die~o. 50-34: "We're a jlamblin~ defense and sometimes when you gamble, you get burned." To place your message before 1he reading public phone Dally Piiot Deesifle<I. 642 ·56 7 8 56 COPIES Yl1 U4e ... IHr 0Ht•• Plltete 3461 Vt0 Udo 675-6122 Nelli to~ Udo Qnema 1111011 .... c.11 .. , ..... hlu1111th 11111 "•llul. '" "'•metal m '"'''" IVf' 11ut11111 In IUOlt• thn11 lhn·t• v1•11111 , 1u·orotJ 2& points, putl1•cl down •1,.hl r bound• 11111 hlut kc•cl v n 1hutJe urKlo)' 11ll(ht u, twlp :iu11 Di.10 aruap •n •lghl 1(11mt lrn•l1111 1lrt·1Ak wllh • I l :l 10~ vtctory CJVrr vt lltna Por 1l1nrt. ThC' 1c,.. wt11 only th iond In th U...t 10 aiaml'tl fur the• 1'rall Blauin . . . Seaul c nt.rr Jack Slkma nettrd W point. and collt-cttid 16 rebound• .. Seaulo outlutod Phoenix 88-87, w 11J1y jUtt a half sam• behind tht' Luken in the Pac1Cu: Divlalon of the NBA . Aadrew Toney not«hl'll l :J of hJ.I 23 point.a In th~ fourth quarter to lead Ph1ladelph1a to a 124-122 triumph over San Antonio . Marquu John100 WALTON tallied 30 points and Pbll Ford addt-d 15 -13 in the third ~rlod -as Mllwaukt·e defeated Detroit, 106 -96 . . Rookfo Clark Kellogg had 14 of hlS 22 poants m the third Quarter to helo Indiana snap a f1ve- j(ame IOS1ng streak with an 87-81 wan over New York .. free throws by Ray Williama and Kevin Loder in th<· final sfx seconds lifted Kansa~ City tu a 120 118 victory oyer visiting Utah. Flyer~ halt Washington's streak Mark Howe and Brian Propp ~ each scored power-piny an. d short-' handed goals a~ Philadelphia knocked off Washington Sunday mght, 6-3, s napping tht• Capitals' 14-game unbeaten string The Flyers also hopped past Washington into se<.'Ond place in the Patrick Division . . . Elsewhere in the National Hockey League, Tomas Jon11on, Bryan Trottier and Duane Sutter notched third-period goals to break a scoreless game and lift the New York lslanders to a 3-2 victory over Hartford . . Real Cloutier's power-play goal at 12:15 of the third period helped Quebec earn a 4-4 tie with Montreal . Nell Broten and linemate Tom McCarthy set up each other for a goal ap1e<:e in Minnesota's 3-2 conquest of Winmpeg . Tom Lysiak'• goal and a pair of as.stSts sparked ChJcago to Its sixth straight win, 7-4 over St. Louis . Peter Lee and Rick Kehoe tallied second-period goals helping Pittsburgh shade the New York Rangers, 4-3 .. Brad Park, Mike O'Connell and Barry Pederson converted on power plays as Boston topped New Jersey, 5-2 . . . Mike Follgno llCOred early in the third period as Buffalo salvaged a 2-2 tie with Detroit Mark Me11ier'1 se<.'Ond goal of the night capped a three-goal F.dmonton scoring binge in a 10-minuie span of the third period, giving the Oilers a 4-4 tie with Calgary f>l •. L~ • Yo~rofess1onal ~ · Flonst Fl.ORST 2915 Red Hill Avenue South Coast OeS1gn Cen1er A 108 Costa Mesa! 1n Stone Mill 641-0810 :HEAD A CHE-NERY OUS-PAIN . CHIROPRACTIC . MAY HEil mll IOD! THIS WEEK ONLY ~:.=OHLTINITIAL DA. RAMSEY, 0 .C. ;~·~ 16 (1""1' ~lurt• tlm11 I tH,.tHJO lu uwu) rot lhl fifth tin 1'1 la w 'k 111m·• th .. NuUon11 Fnotball l..uau• atrlk1• 1lw numh• r of proopl c:huc.lnu nut 111 U•l' tlwlr tkkvll Ui 1amea IUrJ>l.l!Ull'd tht• llKJ,000 ml&fk Thl'rt• w•rt' 107,832 no 1how• for tlw 13 NFL 1amea thl• pul wMkvnd. and Uwl did not Include fliiurea for tonl1h&'1 &•mtt In Miami t»tw n BUffalo and tho Dolph(na Kan xp ct d to name Gottf ricd KANSAS CITY (AP) Miki• Oottfrlfd, who iUldt•d Clndnnatl w c:on!M'('Utlw 6 6 record• tht• put two/carw, 11 expected to be named today the nuw he• football OOQCh at K.anau Unlvenit.y Oottfrtod could not be reach~ for COl1VMS\l. L.att week's no-show fl1urc wu 106,778, and there were 1$6,867 no-ahowa for weekend No 4. Onl)' one.'\!, In the third week after the 1uike (83,173), have no-1how1 numbered .lea than 100,000. ln the 1lx weeka of play &Ince the NFL'11 57-d.ay ltlike, there have been 706,843 no--1how1, repretentlna an average of 117 ,807 per Wffkend and 8,415 per fame. But eouron a&id the OhJo native, who reportedly • withdrew hi• nam from contlderatlon for the Kanau poet earUer t.hil month, had recorwide'red and accepted the job. The moa no-ahowa Sunday were for Phlladelphla'a game at Dallas, played In near- freetlng temr.raturee and ateady rain. Only 168 of the 65, 10 1eata available for the game went Wl80ld, but 18,714 ticketholden did not attend the game. There were 15,299 no-1how11 for Chicago's game against the Rams, and l 0,506 ticketholdera faUed to show up for Green Bay's game at Atlanta. A native of CrMtltne, Ohio, Gottfried waa named head coach at Cincinnati ln 1980 1ftv compiling a 3-year record o f 22-11-1 at Mu.rray State. His 1978 Murray State team won ita first Ohio Valley Conference championship ln 28 years, and he waa named the league'• coech of the year. He ls allo a fonner Ohio high school coach of the year. Gottfried played quarterback at Morehead State, graduated ln 1966 and launched his ooechlna career at the high -achoo! level. Hi.a high achool record was 07-18 . -----r·······················--··········-~ • • • • • • I Horses outdraw Rams, Raiders Santa Anita Park's trad1t1onal • Dec. 26 season opener drew the third-largest crowd ever for an opening day and proved to be the most popular sporting event in the Los Angeles area Sunday. Final attendance for the card was 69,293, compared to 46,502 at the Rams-Chicago game in Anaheim and 44, 160 for the Raiders- Denver clash at the Collseum . . . Forward Rich Haenlacb BCOred a game-high 26 points to lead Chaminad e to an 89-78 victory over Colle5{e of Notre Dame in Menlo Park. Television, radio •• I I I I I I • I ~ I • • • I • r • • • • • Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent, v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. ~ . : >~ g ~~m1~N! e 6 p.m., Channel 7 V V V NFL FOOTBALL: Buffalo at M1.am1 Announcers: Frank Gifford, Howard Cosell and Don Meredith. The Bills (4-3), who haven't won in Miami smc.•e 1966, will try to improve their playoff chances against the Dolphins with a victory tonight Miami, meanwhile, 1s assured of a playoff spot with a 5-2 record after beating the New York Jet.a last week. RADIO Football -Buffalo at M1 am1. 5·50 pm , KNX 0070) > ~~ • I ~:: q ;,~ ~ J:I! p:! a·= cno ~s. ~~::ass~ c: c: ·;;1 ;;-<.-0 "O ... S(. :r Q "O c..o .-.~ -:z ;:i;~::ti' '< ~ ":i" a.ii no;· ~a.!! ~ ~ :r ~i~~ a= I ::IO" :..,o ~ BJ -o iii~~ ~ ... • Cl) ... :r ~ 0 : • 0 I c.. • L---··•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J TAX· FREE FOR 'WJ. You'll be able to earn up to $2,000 in interest during 1983 and not pay a cent of federal taxes on that income, if you open a Tax-free Account, today. Congress gave taxpayers a once-in-a-I if etime exemption of up to $2,000 in interest income for couples filing jointly ($1,000 if filing individually) on this special Tax-Free Account. But, you have only until midnight, December 31, to open your account. After that, it will be too late. Once the account is opened , the exemption may include earnings received in 1982 and 1983, up to the maximum eligibility. Your Tax-Free Account will be insured sa fe up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. We'll Stay Open late, December 31 To Help You Beat The Deadline All offices of Great American Federal will stay open tilt 6:00 p.m., and The Financial Line will ay open till midnight, ~ecember 31. You can open your Tax-ree Account by pnone. But, don't wait till the last minute. Call The Finan- cial Line, today. The financial line ~ (619.) 131-4023 or (800) 272-~ · ~M 11 I j '"°' IAILY : LIQUOR IAlll Ol CLOllD IEW Y£All'I DAY '"" ,, . Mulllel\41 H••POll elvd • Le ,., •'ANOllAMA •GRANADA CITY HILLS Woodlfteft • c11e .. 0 .. -111 •• IRENTWOOD •'ALM S'RINOI ,.,, Vic•"'• '•'"' c.,, .... 0•1 .. • llldl•" •ftALM DESERT 1l•ltl "•1: ,, 1 111·'40· 2U Atllfltl.,. • t1 ,, .... , HAPPY llW YUi FROM llQUOl IARI _____ , 714 145 1101 114-UI 10 7 2U·l'4·1)0) I Wff411•i 21J.H1•H J ........... ,,, . .,,.1110 ,, •. ,u.aon ,,. , .. 1211 •ANAHEIM • DOWNEY • GARDEN GROVE lovtll l~llcl ''°'•nee Ave I Wut111l1111ter I eroadwey Old ,., .. , School Ad I l11clld 114-Ht-HH 213.921.os11 714·U•·•tU • ~~::GA •LANCASTER •THOUSAND •TORRANCE • PASADENA OAKS ,ac••1c '•llbrooll I H 10111 It Moo•••'~ Coe1t Hlell••r Cotoredo I Ven Owen I •••· I I lrull I AftH , .. ,,. Meclre 2t).Ut·l250 101.eu.0022 101·4'1·UU 21)-)1).0701 2U.JH·07S• •HEMET •POMONA RANCHO CUCAMONGA lut florld• a 1110 111 .. efl Hiiie Cet"9llefl a hn Jacinto 71t· '21·1100 1'111 ltrMl 7!4-'25·2U1 114 • H0-4121 , ,.:; ,, .... , . . .. ~~-.,. ·--~ ..... ~ ,._,~ ~q,,+"' .. ~ '( . ·\.·· ing:_m-rJ;e-rmviJ,, , /o:)~~----aJWllllft J & B ·~~:· Scotch \ I -r-Ten High ·~\ Bourbon ~-... "' 9 ~ .... .11._-.,. WAt•ttJ .;..t-ra-s ---· 1.75 " 1f' ·~· Liter . ,-• ..," llwrn~r· ··;,.i:,.1...._ r.1Jh'. :ra ,,.,.r, ~ ,.Y.'!.,__..., ... 'lt ~(·''"' ~.Tc::'"·# Jack Daniels Sour Ma1h Whl1key 1~~ $798 Moat Chandon "White St•r" Extra Dry ~~ s129a ~4~ =-:::; ·~ ~ ~4,;;,~ ~,o ~.-~-~ ~ -r~" Andre ' Champagne ~~,. • Pink • White ·~·. •Cold Duck ... ........ ~,/ ·~--·-A.~· ..-r.9'·~~,. Scoresby Scotch 1.15 sgaa ~ Ltr. ~ -- BEER BUYS -• Miiier Beer ................ 6 i!l $1 99 ~~~~!,.~~-~ ............... &!~ s199 6 ~::.•399 Helnlll• Beer.......... Bott ... .... ..:...,,. ==~~Of Amber .. :L ... ~ $ 4 99 =!!~°'4 ............ t~~saaa Senortll , 71 .899 • TequU1 wtt1• Of ootca ...... l'.tr. ~=.:=~ .............. ~ $699 lus1no llo)o 110$1099 MIZCll With Worm ..... ml. • . -~ •11•1 Old Miiwaukee ......... .":!. Coors............................. .".:r".. '3011 Mlchelob ..................... °.'::' •22•• ---H ... •as•• Lowenbnu ................ ..,,.. . • M_;,. •31:11 Henry .......... .. ..... ii Vodka s 1.75 Liter a; ~. .. ,n •u•-• . $fJ'I' . ).";~..:.:-~·# Seagram's V .o. C•n•dl•n Whtaky 1.715 •1191 ;~~ Ltt.f -·--· Tanqueray Gin 1.75 $1698 .~--. Ltr. ~<:: -·-~IP:'t;~ r.: Korbe~~ ~Champagne Smlmon '° Vodka Proof ~ •4441,:-. -~ WINE OF THE WEEK Geyser Peak 1978 Cabernet Sauvlgnon Worthy SucceMOf To $ 31.: Lat Yea,. Gold Medal ~ Winner. Enjoy TOftlghtt !!'ct 7IC).ml, ••• oo Holiday Sparklers! le Domalne ::. :, ....... ~ •2•• , .. •a•• Clllndon lllnc De Nolr •..• ..... larllel ''° ., •• • .......................................... ml. =...... ......................... ~•43•• =r .! ....,.,... ................ = ., •• ~ JUG WINE SAV!NGS! eBrut •Extra Dry r~:~Mery ............ =•21 • ~!MHM .............. Lt. 7gc x·:: ~:~ ............ ::: •21• c. t:.~MIX ............. L~. •1 2• lllllnnd aaa\> ~ .................................... _, ..... u ~ .. • f . ' OCC, Gold n West hit road this week h'• a w k for venlurina away trom home fcw both the Onna" Cout and Oolden W•t Colle.it· bukelball iearna. On Tue1day. Coac h Tandy Gilli•' PJratea (~-1) trave l to S•nta Maria for a 7:30 p.m . contat with hoet Hancock. Th Ptra\8 were orialnally tcheduled All-CIF football Af..W9' DCvtMOM IV ~ ................... Ht. B-S. ff::: llt-et'-1 6-1 B-8.J. Ont. Cr 5-10 B-S. S*19. SI o.n.vteve f-0 8-D. Aoc;M. Oak p.,_ 5-10 I -A. llrendon. AIMC.o.O .. , 8-R. c.lderon. NMcSIM 6-1' R-J. Cepeda, SI ~ 6-1 R-T Plouoll, Mlfa Cotta 6-1 R-T Refiner, 81 JOMC>h 6-7 L-J. LOf11e. Atuc.d«o 6-4 L-A. Henty, Pwrla 6-2 L-B Eden, ... rwen 6-2 L-B. Smith, Al~o 6-5 L-M.cmamen, On!Mo Ctw. 6-1 C-D. Buma\Md, Big &Mr 6-2 K-E. Alfhotf\er. 0_.. Park e-o ~ DL-F. Stahl, Rio M ... 6-5 ~ -T. Trlmltl, T aflacllaC>I f-0 DL-C. Ha~. Hwvatd 6-1 DL-P. Wt , El hgundo ..... ~-M.McKtnln, Notre Dame 5-10 LB-J TeValOe, Ontatlo Chr e-1 LB-J Jel"8on, Rio MeM 6-11 LB-It Manu, DeMt1 6-1 LB-.JoM Cltry, Yuc:ca Valley 6-2 L&-J. Siak, 8tettwen 6-3 LB-T. Benjemln, Oek Pwk e-2 08-T. Cooll, Montclalr Prep e-1 08-8. HulC.g, San JKinlO 8-1 08-F. Vnendl, MmtM M 08-H.Pltt,lt. GelMI 6-10 08-D. Hen1e. Pwrt9 M Wt. Cl 145 St llO Jr 170 St 190 St 180 Sr 175 Sr 185 Sr 170 Sr 220 Sr 220 Sr 220 Sr 270 St. 230 &r. 217 Sf. 215 Sr. 180 Sr 230 Sr 215 Sr 1•:> i:;r 235 Sr 1IO St. 218 Sr 185 Sr 200 Sf 196 Sf 215 Sr 215 St 175 Sr 170 Sr. 140 Sf 180 St. 170 St Player of Ill• Year Sean S1erl• (81 ~) tu play Sant.a Barbare CC on Wt'<lnl-.day, alto at Ha.nc.uk, bul the Vaquero• over·•t•hedult'd thl• ~uon and Wt'~ forced to drop the game. M ea nwhile , Coach J i m Grl'tlnfleld's Golden WNt equad travela to Palm Desert Tuetday lo o pen play in the elght·t~am College of the Desert Tourruunent. The Rustlers, 7 ·6 and romlng off a fourth·place finish ln the Sequo1aa Tournament, will face Glendale, Arizona in their 5:30 p.m . o pener. A victory would tend Golden West up agamst the winner of lhe KinRs-River-C.ollege of the Oeeen contest on Wed.nesd.av at 7 p.m. Saddleback has some time off before the Gauchos resume action on Wednesday, Jan. 5 when they host Grossmont m the Pacific Coast C.on!erence opener for both teams. COLL.aGE OF'O«UJtT TOURNIY Tueedey'aO.-• p m. -C-rttoe va Ventura 5'30 p m -Golden W•t v1 Glendale. Ari!, 7 p.m. -LA Trade Ted'I va Rtvenlde CC 1:30 p.m -Klng1 River va College of DMer1 ..... .., .• e- 1 p m -Golden WMl·Olenda, Ariz 10Mt vi Klng1 Rt...,.-College of 0eMrt 10Mt 2:30 pm -Cerntoe-Venture IOMt va LA Trade Tech·Rl....,lide CC klMr 5:30 p.m -Cemloe-Venture Wln'l9f va Rlvetelde CC-LA Trade~ winner 7 p m -Golden Weel·Glendele, Arll winner v1 King• River-College of DeHrl wtnnet TllureMy'• 0..- 5 p m -CoNolatlOn game 1130 p.m -Tlllrd ~ game lpm.-~- • • • Ct In llHli, amt falllnJt 11hy uf ltw NrL mark ••• by lha Ram1 ' Norm Van Otucklln (664 yan.1.1) aplnal lbtt N.,w York Yal\ka tn 19'1. rerr1.amo, who dtd flnl1h with 30 compleUotu1 (out of 46 attempt•) de1plte a mlHrablt 1tart whk:h .. w him l of 7 with two Interceptions, clalmt-d at leaa\ one Rama record (total compltUona) for hla efforta. ''When you throw for more than 600 yarda and only 8COre 26 point.I, that'I the worat part," noted Smith. "That's a record in It.tell" "'rheee are difficult Um.ea right now," said Ferragamo, who refused to baak in the glory o f the moment "It'• really hard to fathom loeing like we have. ''That's why atatist1ca are really mialeadlng. They don't mean anything unless you w in the game." For 1982 at least, it seems winning is rese rved for clubs other than the Rams. They are now l -7 with one game left against San Franciaco. while the Bean are 3.5 and still have a &llm shot a\ a playoff spot. lt's truly amazing how things can change in a year. F.arly last season it was the Rams who humiliated the Bears on a M onday night game, 24-7. Sunday, Ram fan• on the second level were holding up bumper alickera which read: "Thank• Georgia ... Now they'~ all laughing at ua." The Rama ' aituation is anything but humorous. NFL tan dings NATIONAL CONPlftl Cl W LT Pel Pr PA x Wlllh 7 l 0 876 lei 128 x-O..U. n 2 o 100 199 l l4 x-0,...n &~O 2 1 .618 202 142 a-Atlanta O 3 0 .020 l'T'f 104 •·8l. Loula & 3 0 .820 136 142 x-Mlnne90ta 4 4 0 .600 168 171 Tamp1 Bay 4 4 0 .600 132 U& Chtcaao 3 ~ o .376 118 148 Detroit 3 0 0 .376 164 152 New Orleana3 5 0 .370 94 JM NY Olanta 3 5 0 .375 138 136 Phil.r.delphl• 3 5 0 .375 167 169 San ~'ran. 3 5 0 .375 189 185 Rama 1 7 O 125 179 230 Sanday'• Score1 C hicago 34, Rama 26 Raldera 27, Denver 10 21 Cleveland 20, Houaton 14 Tampa Bay 23, Detroit 21 Green Bay 38, A t.lan ta 7 Pitt.lburih 37, New England 14 St. Louis 24, New York Gianta San Francl8co 26, K.anaaa C ity 13 Cindnnati 24, Seattle 10 New York Jeta 42. Minnesota 14 Waahlngton 27, New Orleans 10 San Diego 44, Baltimore 26 Philadelphia 24, Oe.llaa 20 TOD.llbt'• Game 1 Buffalo at rdiami (Channel 1/at 6 p .m.) AMERICAN CONr&IU!!NC~ • W L f Pe&. PP PA • •·~rt 7 l 0 870 219 1GO x.clnclnnaU4 2 o. 760 197 160 x-NY Jee. 8 2 0 760 232 129 •·San Dl...,e 2 0 7~ ™ 180 x·Milmi o 2 o .714 137 114 Pttt.abuJ'sh 6 3 0 626 167 126 Buffalo • 3 0 .671 121 97 Cleveland 4 4 0 .600 1 lU 145 New EnR i 4 V .~00 ll:t I ~ Sattltt J 5 0 .376 114 136 Denver 2 6 0 2~0 137 213 Kanau Clty2 6 o 250 139 171 Houaton l 7 O .125 109 210 Baltimore 0 7 l .063 106 202 x-dJnched playoff berth Suday'1 Games Ram1 at San Franciaro Raiden at San Ole_qo New York Jeta at K.anaaa C1ty New Y or k Giant• at Philadelphia St. Louis at Waahmg\On Chicago at Tampa Bay Buffalo at New England Cindnnati at Houaton Cleveland at Plttabw-gh Miami at Baltimore Atlanta al New Orleans Green Bay at Detroit Denver at Seattle Monday, Jaa. 3 DallaB at Minneac;>ta LIMITED OFFER '10.75% A.P.R. LINCOLN MERCURY 2626 Harbor llvd., Colta Me1a 540-5630 FINANCING AVAILABLE ON All NEW 1982's Nil.IC NOTICE NIUC NOTICE 0 1101'1 Pl•I" JOHNSON & SON presents .. llFL Plob tf "' WHk Sun., Dec. 26 Rama over Chicago * San Francisco over Kansai City * San Diego over Baltimore * Raiders over Denver Mon., Dec. 27 Miami over Buffalo Pt&IC M)TIC( --IT'S ALMOST TOO LATE! 4 DAYS LEFT-.... ~ CW TMMTU'9 SAU lt-tH'71 NOT.a 0# TRU8TR'8 aAU CW mtt ~ .... a1wm1' NOTICE OF DE ... TB OF ......... LAM Mo. C41W'FACK MOTICa Of TIWITUt' •ALI T .S. Ma..._.,.._ A MOTICa 0# Tl'UaTla'S tALa T.8. No. f).e7111 On Janu1ry 10. 1183 al I t:OC TAANS-COAST SERVICES. INC. CORNELIA BELEN vu lier '--.... W07TU T.D. SERVICE COMPANY .. duly • m FIRST AMERICAN TITL£ ~tedTruet .. underlM PUTT EN AND 0 F T.t . Me........ eppolnted TrullH under lh• INSURAN CE CO MPANY. • deaet'lbed deed ot Inlet p ET IT ION TO BURLl "'GTO"' Fl"'A"'CIA L following delcrlbed dMd of lrutl Celll0tnl1 c0tpotall0n .. True! ... LAT PUBLIC AUCTION ADMlNISTER""""'ATENO .., .., "'"'"' "' WILL Stoll AT PUBLIC AUCTION 0ts-ac>rTruat .. 0t8u1>11ltuled TO THE HIGHEST BIDO!R FOR CA:>• • SERVICES. INC · • Celltornla TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR TrullM, of thal C41rttln Deed of CASH (pey.eMe 11 time of Nie In A·ll1Zf7. Corporation. H duly appointed CASH (~yable 11 time ot Nie In Trull executed by KE LLY w lawful rnone, of I.lie United Statee) To all heirs, benefla&nes, Tru11H under th• following lewtvl money of Ille United 8111 .. ) INFAHOER. • married man • hie ·" ..,.,,, lit'-__ ,. lnl-1 .. .-.--.... d lt d I ci.ect'll>ed deed of lrvll WILL SELL 111 ""hi tHle end ~-.. 1 ,.,..,.___. I d d -...... . -..... -·~ ere or• an cont nrnt AT PUBLIC AUCTIO"' TO THE .... . ""--···1-•O. •n HPtfll• properly •n to end now 11e6c1by11 under Mid To !tarn lbeut lnvtltmefll lpPlf1Unltltl wttll !Jll lntlctplttd dlt t CORNE lA"' "' ,.. to and now held b'f II under Mid LOREN K LANGDON, a married Deed of Truat In 1he properly ivofttl Ind IUbltlrilfll tll lnctfltl¥tl, end ere o rs O HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH DHd Of Truat In lhe properly man u Illa aole and HP1tale ~ dMC:rlbed ,.. HELEN van der PUTTEN (p1yable al time of .... In lewful herelnef1er delcnbed prOj)et'ly, and rec;o1ded Merell 2. TA us T 0 R: MI c HAE L J . T• c.ntlml f11Uf 1112 tll PfotecUon and per1on1 who may be money of lh• Unll•d St•IH) •II TRUSTOR. SILVIO F F,.CK .• 1119 .. lnatru"*11 No. 2871. In ~~~-~£.RI L GALASSO. Please call now to make an initial no tee/no comm11ment appointment with our stat! of at· otherwise interested In the right, tttle ana 1nter•t ~ 10 married men u hi• •01• and 8oolt 13053. Page 475, of Offlc::lal .. _ ........ ...,... ·u d/ tate anO now held by 11 under Mid Deed MO•••t• PfoPert'f, Record• or Orange County. BENEFICIARY: ALLSTATE torneys and accountants to review your situation We Wiii be available every day except wi an or es : of Trutt In 111e P<oe>«IY ~11., BENEFICIARY: CAPITAL B,.NK. ca111ornl•. and purau1n1 10 that s Av r N Gs A N D L o,. N December 24 & 25, 1nc1ud1ng Sunday's , 9am 10 9pm. 10 serve you A petition h&I been filed d~bed. • C•llfornl• corPOt•11on. oet'leln No11ce of o.i .. n tt>weunder ~tonlA.TION, • Calllornl• DALTON, DALTON, COOPER a. FRANKLIN, INC. by Carol Chapman In the TRUSTOR BARBARA A Recorded July 31, tHO •• lnatr recorded September 1. 1912., -..--· 11111 Superior Court of Orange LABMEB~"ETF.lanC,u:'Rm~r~lwomDWenEST No.350e11nboolt13693page1146 1n11rument No. 82·31110118. ol Recorded Mar oll 23, 1119 H g14) &41·3761 Count •l-n that Carol "' "' ' ... of Otnc:111 Record• In Ille o111o11 of Otflc;lel Record• of Mid Coumy. wt• In ... No ••A"5 In......., .. 13019 ..-y requn~,. PACIFIC FlNANCIAL, INC . entowe the R-ft•der of Or•ftna C~·nty,· .. -.._ • ...,. now-••ftt to ...... "--"of 1;t5ofom;;.~1ni11e~ 2691 Richter Ave . e 102. Irvine Nur Jamboree/40~ <:Mpmsn be appointed u COf'PO'•tlon .. id d"';;d of 1rua1d'~r1~111• T'z;t".;;..-,rp.,o;.;·~~. of t11e Aeconler of 0renga County: •-.,. MftTVC ·-11> -~ ~reonal representaUve to Recotded Fet>ruwy 11. 1t12 .. followlng prOC*1'f· lewful money of the~ swt• o1 aa1ct ci-cS of 1rw1 O..Clll>M tlle ,._ ""'-. ...._ !?!!'~ rtaJC N()TIC( admlnllter the eitate of ln•I• Ho 82-061525 of ON1cl1I Sale to 1 Sl.<lllM1l410ld lnter•t Amerio•. a ca1111er 1 c;hfS:k toflowlng P'Cll*1Y: .. --.. MOnC9 CW TMl8TU't tAUI Cornella Helen van der ==~· _!.n 1"• ofeounflc• ty0,! ~~ only Lot 10 encl ll'le 8out'*'Y uo ~to Mid Trvet .. •-on• Lot 11, In 8loGk 11 of Trec1 No .. __ T.8. .... C..a7Mf NOTICE or D'EATH OF p c M c ..... "' Oranoe -.... of LOI 11, alOdl 21 Tract 'n2 In ..... "' ~ b9r* •• st* Of 772, 1n IN c:tty of M9wpot1 8-:fl, MOllCll CW '11U9TU'• 8Al.a VAL BAN CORP •• duly HERMAN CLINE &ISER utten, Oita eaa, A deed of truat cfHcrlbU Ill• the City of~ IMcfl, County feder8' Cr9dll ...,,.. °' 1 .._ °' ~or Orang•. Stet• of IM~~"I:~ TO appointe d TruatH under th• AND OP PETITION TO (under the Independent followlnQ P<~ or Oranc19. Stat• of Cellfomla U 1* ..,_.,...,.,.encl IOen ~'°" •I*""" ,_dad In P~-OWNER fOlloWlnQ deaet'lbed deed of tNll ADMINISTER ESTATE NO Adml.nl1tratlon of Eei.~1 Lot 47 Tract Ho. 7066. In the m-, •ecorded In book 23 Peoe 5 domlcliad In 11111 etate. all tJle rNlrl book 23. peg ea 5 end I , YOU A;;:;rlN..,..,"'•1 "''"T'~ .... WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTIOH • .1.-) '"'--~dtlon •-_. f~ QI)' ol INIM. •per Map recorded anOllof.....,._Mac>e.ln\he entrance lo Firlit Aniertcan Tiiie "'""' DEF.._ ""~" A lJ,lfl ,_, · ''"" .. -'' -1n &ooll278.P..,..47 ... ,41and 50 ffk:e f Ille C-... "-d f r~ ......... 114 ........ .,... .... ..,.. In the office of DEED 0 F TR us T DA r ED TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOA • • heari.n2 in pl No. 3 at 700 of ll141eo••11•0•~;-M..,., In Ille Otlloe 0 0 n.1 9f 0 ~ -·....-.. ~--~~ ~~ .-cl~tyll SEPTEMBER 10. 1980 UN LESS = ~ ~:i_1i:;::.: :.=:) Tdoitall helrsd, ~ftidanl ·~·eat, Civic Center Drive, We1t, of Ille County Recorder ot H id ~~·~DEFAULT UNDER A =· ~=·: ":.~t~ --noi tnoNded within tlle.,...,; of YOU TAK2 ACTION TO PROTECT al .... hj'titi.' _,.. 1n1 ... 1 #___. ere ors an con n en Santa Ana. CA 92702 on ~outy A-., ........ T ......... DEED Of TRUST DATED JULY 2'. Ind.,,,.,.., ~ to encl now Loi' 1 In Sec110n 20 Townelll~ YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE ...... . ..... -·~ creditors of Herman tne Jan 19 1983 t 9 30 -. -----1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION held Oy II undar Mid Deed of Tn.t .......... ~O w.:... --SOLD AT A PUBUC SALE IF YOU lo end now held by ti under Mild ..,. ·-and ..-l"W\ft• h may uary ' a ' I m A ~D 0# TMl8T DATU~ TO PROTECT YOUR PROPEATI, IT In the pr..,._,.,. 11tuated In ••Id =..::dlno -~ to HEED AU ..., ... A .... ...,,. ... ,..., THE ~. d_. o. f.T~I"• properly ~r ..-~-w o IFr YOU OBJECT to t"'-·-... "OU T"'"'• ........... TO ..,...... .. , -·---... "" ..,.,.~,,,_ • ....,.. ~ ,_ __ .., --be o therwuse Intern~ In ,..., -• -K -·-MAY BE SOlD ,.TA PU8LIC SALE County and Stal• OMcnbed .. ; an Oflldll ..... of .a land taad In NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINO TRUSTOA. JOHN A HAR~ the will and/or estate: granting of the petition, you l'ttOTICT "°"" "'°"""· IT IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION Th• E111erly 76 fHI Of lh• IN dletrlGt lllrMI oftcl9 ,...,.t 4 AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD and MARY HARRISON.~ ahould either appear at the MAY •• IOLO AT A PUaLIC OF THE NATURE OF THE WM1ert'/145tMCofLot11end21n ttoO. . • CONTACTALAWYEA. end ...... and VINCENT JOSl!l•H A ~tit.Ion hu been filed hearing and 1tate your 8AL•." YOU MllD AM PROCEEOINO,.GAJNSTYOV,YOU Blocll ~of Trac:t NO. 912, Coal• A~--., cree1lld by On~ 11. 1983. at 10:00 JANOWICZ.• menled "*'•Ille by Jon Stephen K.Jaer In the objtttlona or file written ~~oc-~~ AMA0A~tT SHOUlD COH'TACT A LAWYER Meaa T-. •.,_,°"•Mac> 1Mt oeNlln .._. de1ed ~ 1. Lm.. HUNT 1 F£NST£AMAKEA. • aote end ..,_at• pr°'*1'f Su~rlor Court of Orange _.. '.-........... .. ..... Street addf'-ol Ula aOo¥e 432 ,_dad In B«* 20. Pao-t end 2 1M6 aec:utld by Roger De YCUIQ. Profeallonal CC>rl>Of•llOn ... duly BENEFICIARY · MAfllVI. YN M. C.oun est! that J obje<:tlonl with the court YOU, YOU 8HOULD COMTAC'T A 82nd Str .. t. ~ 8NcJI. CA of MllOellaneoue Mac>e. -di of •• ieuor, and De Young appointed Trull•• under a nd McSRIOE,en~-ty requ ll8 on before the hearin& Your LAWYUI." 12&80 NowarrentylagiwnMton1 OrangeCounty.CelfforNe. ConatNCtlon eom,...,. • .._.. ~·to Deed o1 TNll ~ Reoo<ded June n . 1112 .. !nett Stephen Kaer be appoinled appear~ may be In pereon 5091 Duteher A--, !Mne. CA. comP91-0t OOtTect-Th• air Ht eddreu of H id .nd .m.n"'-d .... , ... ·.,certain' aet>leml>er 11, 1 .. 0. 11 lnlt. In .. _.82_21,.,,,__......_._...__ ..... ln u ...----• rep-nt.ative •ft b "(If• alrwt eddt-0t common The..___.._._ under Mid Deed proper·ty 11•• 733 I 73"' 20111 SI emendmen1 .... ~" Mid ....,, bocMI 13749, page , .... of Oftlcllat ;;;:, olfioa ;";."'..:;:. ~::oe ad;;1';j';~r th~atate ;{ or 'I your attorney. dHlgneuon i• allown above, no of Truei."by-;-.:_, or brMCll or eo.11 M.a. CA. " · and ...... "'_, date._.....,, AlcordllntN~oftheCcM\'Y r _,....,. ........ deedoft 1..__ li Clln .,,_ (··-.. IF Y 0 U ARE A werranty t1 g iven•• lo II• defeuM In Ille obllgallone MCUt"ed Seid Nie wtll be made without and ._. 9141 -ldmlftt being Aeoorderl of Oflnll County, Stelle t;;;'~ r><Of*1Yrva -·-ennAll e ......,r w.uer CREDITOR or a contingent COft'IC>lel-0t GOfl'ect,_)." Tiie lhefeby. hetetof0<• eHou1ed end ~an1 or wvrenty. ·~ 0t ,_dad Aprff 27 1"6 In boOi or Calllornla executed by JIM D. Loe 40 of Traci 3131, In tfle City of t h e 1 n d t! P e n d e n t credit« of the doec:ewd you t>enellciery under Hid Deed of delivered 10 tll• undertlgned a Implied, .. 10 1111e. pc 11i1 JI l>'rl 0t ~487 1511o'm ~of STE " LIN 0 • n d M .\RI 0 . Newport •••ell, u per map Admlnl1trallon of E.tate1 m t fil .1.1 with•'--Truat, by rHton of • breech or wrinen Oectarallon Of o.teult end ...-«>t-to MIW)I the unc>eld .._ ........ ..,. ,..,._ "--1y S1'£RUNO hvlblnd and ... Will In a.-.. I""' p .. 1 32 .1. -) Th ti•'-•-t f ua e your ..._.m u"" default In Iha ot>llgallOne _,,ed Demand !Of Sele. end wrl11en nolloe .. _. __ .... -on ....... note -not• .... ....._..... .-....-. ... ..,.._.,.... ..,._, · SELL At 'pu•L1C •ucTION TO l'9COrdecl """""' ""'· ION .. · rv.:• · e ~ ........ ee or t p l It t th ....... _.. ...... ...... ..,... .,_ -....,.,,,_ "' u ,... d 33 f ... 1 11 M . N 7 cour or reMn o e theleby, herl1ol«• u.cut... ...... o1 !><-" elld of e1ect10n 10 <** eeourec1 '-!Mid Deed of Trvtt. tc The tn' .... or ... d I-" .. HIQH •sT llDDE .. "'OR CASH an ° "'ace aneou• •P•. ~m ~ o. 3 at 00 1 l o 11 • _ .. I 111 d I d h d I "' " ~ "' reoo d• of Oreng• count" per1ona repreaentat ve • " '""" o • un •r• gne • 1 • undera1gn1 to •• 1 ••Id ....... 1110. 00, ...,_the rottowi"' ......... ___. •--.--....__._. (ft_. ..... at ,.__ of --"" •-•-'"'J r........:..... '· Cl·"-n•-v•, W-t, In ..,. __ .. ...,, ,,_ ... ---IV M-,,,__ ,__, ..... -... --'" _,.,. ...,_ ..... _ v,.; ""'' ~ -appointed by the court Mitten Deoler1tlon "' Dlfeull .. -proper1y to Mttlfy Mid obllgetlont, ••llm•l•d COltl , ••P•n• .. anc YOU AA( .. DEFAULT~·,. '"°"'1oftheUnltadStalea)•11'1e YOU AM IH DUAUU VHDEl\ A the City of Santa Ana, wl\hln four months from the ~~~of·~ wrlt110nen10 = end th•r••lt•r 111• undetalgned advenoea 11 IN 11rne of the lnltla DEED OF TitUST DA.TIO MAACff "°"' IO«)by of the ofllola of Hum l DEED OF TRUST OATt'.D JUNE te, California on Dlcembtt 29, .,.. --· .,.., -· cauMd Mid notice Of breech anO of puMc:atlon of 11111 Notloe of Sale 12. lt7t. UNLUI YOU TAKE Fen1termaker, • Profa11lona1 1ee2. UNLOS YOU TAKE ACTION 1982 at 9:VI A.M. date of flrat l11uance o f Ill• underatgned to Hll H id electton to r-oed 8epeernber t3, •2.073.N ACTION TO PfllOTlCT YOU" ~etlon. '20 Newport .. ~ TO PROTECT YOVRf'AOP£.RTY, IT IF YOU?' OBJilCT w the lenen aa provided In 8K'tlon ~to Mtlafy Mid otlltgatlone. 1912 .. lnatr. No. 1.1411186 In of MOT'tC9 TO"'°"'""' owtmt PAOPEATY.trMAYMe<>LOATA OrM, .... tH.MlwPOl1 ......... MAY8E80l..DATAPU8l.ICSALE 700 of the pro6ate code of 1njf lh••••ft•r Ille und•nlgned uldOfftelalfteoord•. YOlJAl'IEIN~FAULTUHD€RI PU&l.IC SA~ f, YOU NEED AH tme Ind tnterelt ~ '° Ind IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION granting of the petition. you Calif I Th I f cauMd Mid notice ol l>fMCfl Ind ol Seid HI• Wiii b• m•d•. bul DI! ED 0 F TR us T . DAT EC EXPlANATIOft OF THE NATURE -llllCI by II under.., Deed of 0 F THE HAT u" I! 0 F TH ( lhould either appear at the orn a . e t me or elec;Uon 10 be "9oordlCI Auguft 23. wttl\OUI co11enant or werranty. FEB"UARY u . 1979. UNl..E88'YOl OF THE PAOCEEOING AGAINST TNll In the proper1y llftuated In eald PROCEEDtNO AGAINST YOU. YOU hearln1 and 1tate your filln& clal.ml will not expire 19'2 .. lnatr No. 82·215)18, or Upl.a Ot Implied, ~ llUe. TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT~ YOU YOU IHOUlD CONTACT A ~ ......... dw:ir1bed.. SHOULD CONTACT A LAWY£A prior to four monthl from Mid Otfldll "-da. poe1111ton. Ot ~btanoM. to PROPERTY. IT MAY BE 90U> AT I LAwYEA.. Al ... «*'• tend ltluated 1n The street addroMoltheebovele ob}ectlorui or flle written \he date of the hearlnl Said HI• wlll b• m•d•. *'"' pey the remalnlna ~ """ol PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU HEED Al n. 1CJwet ~ of the .eo..e !he .... of CllMOtNa. COWlty of 24oa Ent 23rd St , Newport ob}eclion1 with th~ court not.Iced above wnllout covenent 01 warranty, IN not• -.0 by Mid Deed of EXPLANATION OF THE NATU"I property 11 223 Canal Street, Or ..... Ci111J °' "*-· ct.c:rftled • BMCI\, CA. No wenanty ta~., be fo re the hearing. Your YOU MA y EXAMINE QPtWI"' '""*9Cf, NG8'dlnel tll*e. Truet . .nll lntetelt •In Mid note cc. THI! PROCEEDINO AGAINS' H-port 8"cll. CA UN3. No lalcM& IO lt9 ~ Ot ~ appearance may be In penon ~. Of _.,,.,__ 10 pro-Aded, *""-· " any, under YOO. YOU SHOULD CONTACT I werrenty 11 given .. to lie P.u.cn. 1: '-" 4 of Trw:t MM. The bel~y under Mid Deed bv , the file kept by the court. U Pill Ille~ pr1ndpel """of Ille *-of Mid Deed of Trval. LAWYER ~ • ocw•«:ti-aa llflown on • ~ recotded In of TNll. by,_ of a br'tllCtl 0t or Y your att.orn~y. you are lntereeted in the "'-notl(•I --' by Mid Deed of ..... ~ end ~of tlle Detad: OaoamW 13, 1812. Thi 111r11ftCMrY w'ltlr Mid Deed 9oca 3llO ,.... 42 to &4 lndullw, delauft 1n ._ otlltgatlone MCUt1td I F Y 0 U A R E A estate, you ma,y ~a requeet T"*, wttll Int.,_. • In Mid note TNtlee Ind of IN mo.ta oreated by Fl<at ArNtk:en Tttte lnauranct of T"'8l, tiy ,_ of e bNedt °' of llllK 11 • .._. -· of tll«e«>y. llerelofore esecu1ed end CREDITOR or a continp!nl I h .he I prcMdld. ~. " .,.,,, under Mid Deed of Tru11, under Ille temw <:ompeny. a Cllfotnll 001pcu11011. Olfd 111'1 1'lf ~· eecured ~ange County,~ dellfffed to tl\e und•tlgn•d • creditor of the eleeeueel. you w l t e cour1' to rece ve Ille letl'll• of Mid OMd of TNlt, ol Mkl Deed of Truet Said ...... Jeennln• l . Lawrie, Auttlorl..O ttler'IOy, ,_..,.~ •eculed end P.ARCEL 2: Non ... c1u11.,. wtttten DedlntlOn of Dlfeuit and mWlt file your claim wllh the 1pee1 al not Ice of the '-·~Ind_,,.,.. of IN be held on Tua.day, Jenuer; 11, Officer, 114 E l'lflh SL. 8el1'I Ana. dellYetN 10 1111 uftct•refeMd a .--nr. CNW ~~ end Demand~ a.. end Wfft'len notice Inventory of eetate and of Tn* .. encl of the .,,..__led by INS 1t 2:00 Pm . at Ille CNc>marl CA 92701, (714) &M-32t1. wrmen o.cwa11on of Dllfaift and tor IN~•---·•••,..,.. of btMClh encl of eleC'ton 10 ~ court or preaenl It w the th till \a and Mid O..CSofTNl1 a.o ...... t>e A--emrenoetolNCMcCent• Pubtlalled Orange Co••I o.lty ~tor .... andWflnannoUoe.,. '--'t .... 1 ~the111 ~.,_!',.!! '"• underalgn•d to Hit Hid personal repre1entatlve e ~ ~~nSec1J held on Tueadey, ~ 11, 1M3 Building. 300 Ent Chapm1n Pilot. Dec 20, 27. 1H2. Jan. 3. of btWlfl artCI of llactlOll to_.. gr.,..., 0 ,...,..._ •. ,, _ _. ...... "'°'*"' 10 Mtllf)' Mid otlllQltlone, appointed by the court re~ on •t 2·oo p.m •t tlla llapman A--. In the City of Orange. 1813 tll• und•r=:cl 10 1111 Hid enlltled ·Owner• Algllll and and therHN« Ill• undetllOned within four montha from the 1200.5 of the California Avenue entrenoe, to tll• c1.,1c HOTICI: AT TIME.~ SA(~ 8108 5584-12 P'°'*'Y to .., OblgeUOne. Dulin :. u,!11111•• and Cebl• .:· c:.-d Mid nolloe of tweeoll and of dat• of firll l11uance of Probllte Code. c.nt• 8"1tdtng.~300 ... E.lll~~ MAY 8£ MADE IN CASH AND/OR ·-... 111'1.,_. incl IMre•ft•r Ille underilgned UIJIU.. • 81deyetd ~11 • -.ctlon 10 be r~ leptemC>er ~ RU1TER, EBBERT 6 A-. In the "' , ""' THE CASHIERS OR CERTIFIED ~-.n. ""'',,_ C..-0 lllld..,... al bf..etl encl of ::auppo!t ·~~ &et.llement ... 3. 11182, .. 1ne1r. Mo. U-313$49 In letters u provided In SecUon 0 ' s u L L I v A N NOTICE: AT TH TIME SALE. CHECKS SPECIFIED IN CIVIL 'lennout ....... ~ '° ~ ~ leotlmber Eiic.-•1 • and 'COnvnunltY book of Mid Oflldal ~d• 700 of the Prot>.t.e C.ode of llDS MAY BE MADE IN CASH CODE SECTION 29241'1. ..... " 1. tte2 • lnltt. No. 124i8N3 of Fecllltlla '-.. t" Of the,, Attlde Said Hie wtll b• made, but C llf 1 Th i f INCORPORATED AND/O" THE CASHIERS OA At the 1lm• of Ille lnltlel Tll 1 llo Albm#T .a Offtc:Mll l'loordll. enlltled euementl or tll• wlllloul covenant or ••rr•nly. a orn a . e t me or lHt Ave. of Ute Statt CE"TIFIED CHE.Ctl.S SPECIFIED IN publll:atton of ttlla no11oe. IN total 1>ua1.!..0ae: wing a>eraon '•doing Said ....... bernede buh1flhout Declaratlon of Covan11111 , ~or..__.._. _ ....... Ulle, flUng clalml will no\ expire S•lte UOI CIVIL CODE SECTION 2924h. amount of Ille unp4lld bal..-of tlle COMPUT·o C0¥1N11~*'"'• eJq>teM or Condition• end A'utrkltlon• ............... on,"';-~:=.'.!... 10 prior lO four month.I from At th• time or th• lnltlal obllgellon MOUred b7 1"9 above " N COHSULTINO ., __ ........ -•-I ti ... In......., ,..,_. .,.,._ Lo• AafelH, CA t0tl'7 .,., ....... lion of I"'"" not ...... t.._ 1~e1 deaorl"'ed deed o tru1I and SERVICES, ill191 Clnerta w-S ---. lltle, pc udon, ·~---~· ..__ • •• ...,.,.. ,.... -~ ............a eum of th• date of th• hearing ,..,....,_ ·--·-"' " Toro. CA.......... -... ;·;-;;0111t11»f1nce1. to P•Y tll• 117N. peo-42'0 '° 4'4 lndllelve, ;;;; ;;;.· l90UfWCf :::;;;;;;Deed of not'",__. at......-. "' (11 ) 1'1t·MH amoum of, ..... unpaid.,.._ of the ••llm•l•d COlll, expenaH, 1nd Ro "'"""' r.,..111~~""" of Ille note of Oflldal Aaoordl of Mid OouM., Tr· .... ....-...,._,"1• In ............ 1 """"" uuv"' E Publl1hed Oran"e Cout otltlgatlOt't MC\.lred by tll• •t>O.,. edvancH 11 141,383.52 To w berl '·Low._ 25191 ~ ~ ...... Deed o1 Tniet. wfth 11111 "O.olerellon"), and any .... ~..:.=::'", .:;.:::.=.,. 11 _,-.:.:-,,.:__ YOU MAY XAMINE Dail Pilot n-2'7 ,.28 1982 dnorlbed dHd of 1ru11 end dlllennlne the oper11r)g bid, Vol.I may tjj.. £LT~.:~ IH30 1n.-•.._Mid not• provided, amendme nt• or anneutlone th.~ o;·Mld""bMct-'c;# T,;, the Hie kept by the court. J Y3 1983 ~. ' ' • Htlmel.O co111, ••penHt, and call {714) 937-0tee. ~ -- 18 oonducted by tn ~ 11" w'ltlr Ille terma of rller9to. ._, Ol'l8rgM and IK'*'"9 of the If you are lnt.er'elled In the an. • advenon I• IH,&2 t .t&. To Det•: o-t'nbaf 17, 1te2 Wllllam M .... ~ .... ......... ~ ... A-....._ ~ The 111r• llddr ... °' tti. ,.... ,.. ~~9-82 dlllet!Nne the ooenlnG bid, -· m-T.D .. ~ r~~. ......... t-" _..,..,7 --... ·--· TNltea lrld"' 1t1e 1rvat1 CfMted b\I estate, ~ ~Y file a request .otee -•--· --~·....-·1 ...... • ··-' ... Ried ""'" end...,... of h TNltea of ptoperty duortt1ed.,tt10Y• 11 Mid Deed of TNll. Said Mia wlll be wl'h t • court to r.,.etve ·-..,. Mftftl't c:.1.J7141 '37..otMM ........ •Mid Truatee, County~ of Oraiige Coun ... ';: .. """' ..... by Mid Deed of purpot'19d to be 111 .. 1tet'Woocl, lleld on~. January ... 1913 •I • ... -~ ""'"4 ..... 1. Oaoamber 9. 1..... RoerA. GWCI&. AMI Seo. Declmber I 1NZ ., Trvlt. lekl .... wilt " l'leld on !MM, OllfOtNa. 2-00 p "'·· llt Ille Ohepn'\81\ Awnue • p e c I a I n 0 l I c. 0 f the ,_M 8UNJNOTON ,,NANCIAL Ona Clty lllld. w.... . ,...., Molldl!y, ,,.,,_.. 11, 1913 .e 2:00 Tll• 1111der•1•11•d Tru111e en Irene• to th• Clvlo Center Inventory of estate aaaeta Ptennout ..,._aa H~. IHC Otanoe. CA IMel WIUJAll M. CftOleY 11.m. at tll• Oll1pman Avenue dlaolalml any lfatlltlty for any lultdlng, 100 IHI Cll1pmen and of the petltionl, accouni. MAMI 11'ATUm.NT •Mid Truet11. {714) 9364299 A'--C.,...= entr111ce Je all• Chrl1 Center llloorrwb .. of IN ~~I "-· tn.,. City of <>renge. and r•port1 de""rlbf!d In Tiie k*owlnO.,.,.,.,..,. d°"'G ly T ,!> .!,UMCE PYbOlll.O Orange COHI Dlloly Mii la;CI(; A~ .. ~ ,...,.,_, end Clttllr oommor\ ......,.._., NOTICE: AT TIME Of SAL.f BIOS ,.. .... ~ u : OOM .. A,. .. agent Ptlol, Dec. 27, llH. Jen 3, I , ~Ce. "' Or--. CA. .,. "'°"" .......,, MAY H MAO£ IN CASH ANDIOfll s e c t I 0 n 1 2 0 0 0 f t h. "· w RANCH COMftAHY, 1()3 9y Lorrie WOfMCll 1"3 Publlallld Ora Coatt 0 I ,,.., TWI °' IAL! lllOI 1ld .... Wiii t>e med•, but THE CASHll!AS OR CE"Tll'IED Callfom.la Probate Code. Driftwood Road. Coron• ~ Mer. ~·.~o"Y •I Rio M4ICM2 I Dec. 11, to,~ 1112, .-:t MAY BIN CAIH AHOIOfl wlltlovt cove nant or w1rten1y, CHECKS S,fC"lfD IN CIVIL Daaltl c..,.r, AttaneJ CA 12ta. O THI ltA8 0111 CIATll'llD DP"'ll Ot ...... reoetdlnt tlUa, OOOE SEC'TlOfil "24h at Law Htll C.0. .. IA .....,. W. Reti.,, $03 Dnftwood SOU1ll &4tO-ea Ct41CK UIC.,110 IN CIVIL pon•tt•on. or encumllranc••· Al 111• llM• or '"• lnfllll • Aoed. Corona dal Mat. CA .me 8'11t• * "8JC M)TIC( --... -ccoe '"""'-1nc1uo1110 t•••· c"ero•• and putlkellon of tNe ~. "'9 lotll Plata, 8•1ta •tt, La1••• .11ne1 fllillay Klooll, '01 IM\DlagO,CAt21~ -----------1 ~ ""'-. At u1• tlMe of th 1n111e1 ...,._o1 .. T,......lndoflN M1011Mof1t1eunpaldt>a1enoaofthe HUl1,C.. •U•S. lnoanto Ori.,., T•1t1p1, Arl1ona ~)M4-tlM '1CTITIOUIWU ~nnoua..,..... I I I p u1 t 'E~ nottoe, IN totll tTr"'" 01 .. 1 .. ~ lrY ~J.d OMC1 or ot>llgatlon NOUfed by 111e at>Ove Publllhed Oollt DaR'f 11111. Piio'11••L_ 200r•1~., 1,01oa1 11 •• ~•'!>' ..,... ITATamfT ... .-.., .. -.,..,.. __ • ...._ __ twt, .. _.., 11 .... •d 11# tnrrt~ .tirH ~ I,..,__ • • • _ .. '" Th• rollowl~on It do!n T -.. ,_, 01151r1111 "r ti. •llOYe """'of Ille lllM IMOllf9d 111¥ Mid numetld ooe11, expenM•, and aec>lo42 Oo••n•fre °'Ive, flar10110 Palo• ,.., ~ •· 11.-'ielio.P!Mr-.~~*"'Mli"I--_.. ..... ,.lt•cl4•M oftrlllt and OMclofTNlllltowtc·W .llOO ..... 1dv1nc .. 11ltl.U737 To ....... CAt0t74. l6ICM.2 MAIL OADIA SEfllVICf ~ .. _......, ..... ••~ Ind In_, ... dllteon trOlfl Ootooer 1, .._,,..NooeM!oblcl youmey PIJljC llOTIC( TNt ~•~by 1 TECHHOLOOY, 101tWM1 1hl8t., HL.IOT Of,ICI HflVICU. ••va...e•" fUl,711.00 To~ ::S':.':,."c::.: 011(7'41:!.,..~· -' ~...,., • .,., CollaMIM.OAt2'17 I0711 t:= Ln .• Hllf'ltlfll'On .............. ,.. _ ::..-;;;.... .... -lo .. VADi*r.I, • .;. ..... -~. •. 1912. .... .... .,... ....... ~ ~ MJC M>TICI THOMAI I(, ITAHf'Ol\D, 1019 --:-.. ~ Stolet, IOflt " _ -·• ,. ...,... """'",.. NOTICI II H(fmllY QIVfN I~ TNI ltetefMlll.,. fled wtt11 tM ,w.'..~07 IM. IMI .. Ml. CA ..... •• ..,_._ laeCll. o.a 11, ten. determlnN It INN or aa1e *''" 11 MICI Trwt• th• rouo=tlf•m• or f0Yt1d Of eounr, CWtl O! OfWIOI Couniy on •-•• 1"41 ............ "•-· Tr•• a.-Inc. Int-=''*=*" 1#\4* Mid Deld !1C)_lfllMOI Oo .. agent Mved pre 111\'e been lletd by DIG .. , .. , ~-Cl!.~..... ....~~· ooncMt.o tlylll Ca™'~ .. oonctuctMt Wiii ..... T Of fn-' ~ • ...,._ .. ..,.MCI '-lnCll'ktlOOOOWf,ANC.hc tlle~DeoattrMlllOflMOltyof ,_,. , .... ~,,_..,_, .._........ ~ h f.O. • '"""' ---One City llvd w .. 1 ~I Meaa t« a l*tod In •-ltublllllecl Orange Coa11 Dall)' ON~,...-. ' T"-K. ltal'I~ ...... ~ h*f ~. dtll11erecl to tlle 11ndertlf,..d • Or~ CA eitee ' of ntnety (IO) d..,.: Not. o.. IO, 21, fMl. .Mn. J, 10. PCMt TMI Tlllil .,...,_. wea tlled Wllll ti. ,,,.. .. -.:::::.-..,. ...., -'"' .. .......... ~l l..ar"t' wrttttn O.CW .. lon of CWILllt and 17'4> da-aua loy'• fled fO tpcl. hhwl1111 1~ ~I COUfl\'t °*" Of Ofenge ~.,. .,,,,,._,, Mll4-~~~ _ · OMiand fOf late, IM!d 1 IWftt9fl itubll•fted Oranr• 00111 lloyote, aoy'• 11ao• 1011w11111 1117-11 TMdlte -~~to o.o.m••· , .. ,. =.::~(;cMler• =~T:,!?.:::c.::!:"..:: ~.Oto .. t:S,20, 7.lltt --.w1~Mtl ....... W •-""~ MOOl~l'tF"r.......!'-WilW , ....... _... '-:1, ,_ HotlOe of -OtflUI{ IM IJec1loft to Hfl-ff w.nia~.: IWa ._. ~ I ,._ ""'.... fllur,.. CllMril -.. ,_. 11 ... 1.._ Oranr, Ooeet II\. I. Ollw ·: "'1 ..-0.1 011,., ... to • recorded ~ • ~ Piii.iC JIUIC( ".1o'T'in'l9-=.t.::t.v... ":Is , ::::,i::.i;:..:....,, ~ ..a°'° n. ao. · 1111 ·-. ~~.fo~ ~, & "'°"' n..a.tf, Ml. IM.. I . 1d, ~!fle11111~ .. -ltlioo.ted. "~Pl'i*~dllltJ!iMO~ W#i.oWMC_......... McmOI• ""9 .ll"•"f •.IHI ~~tflf, -II tMI ,,.. ~• -~t.:!MI. Wedn_.ey,~I, ""·• • ............ ~..-.. ....,.•=.rzr=:-1111~ ~'(-!'DrbMal'"tl l'·ll\ Ill tfte ~I Cot••• H¥1n (7) OYJ feUewt111 tlla M.C0H0U0 ..,.._,... ~ert"~ •• -• • ~. C*trlal ld\lolf'lon o,.w, E of 1NI ....-. h tltll .... • '14" ,.._ ..... OA ~-=liill:iJIOA• t0111 .,,,11 1owa 1'•1!! 1N11 .... la.._.,., I te-•M ,~=:a:~===~ . .. .. .,..." ..... ea.. .......... Clll.. II" !f!I'* -.... OijiW •ICM. t• Yli -.-. ..---..• ollM~:i•RljMi -· • "··-·-" -:e .. ---'I: a:·-·=f·' .. ,.. ::1'M..':=P::'::11e ~'~-':r, AT L:t ~ ........ Olll dfiliM•irtlll =rg::..•!atfl U11IM tHll 0..fl Nie i~ .,.. OA !Loo----.;.;.;~-.:;;;;..-.._..._ ........ '" ....... °'8"9 a.aae OtAty , ........ Of-.. o....1: ~~ ~ """'* \...:.-4l~m.m..m::..J·..-~ a•,,, ........ • a"· ""'"' y ,.... .\I """'o.. "· . ~· - NA. ...... M.Rame• ._...,~ O>ICeQO 17 3 7 7 -$4 LA Aemt e 10 3 7-2e Chi -Moorehead 11 pua from McMahon (R. ThomM kid!) Chi -FG R. Thom• 42 Chi -P~on 2 Ml (R. ThomM kJCI<) LA -,..,,,_ 341 paM from Ferr...,,o (klek flllled) Chi -FQ R. Thomae 31 LA -Tyler 1 paae !Tom Ferr!IQM'O (l.Mwfotd kid!) LA -FG~29 CN -aoo.y 3 run (R. Thomae klekl LA -FQ 1-..rotd 37 LA -Dennard 4 pan from Femioamo (~ lllek) Chf -Mergerum 10 pau from McMehon (R. l'tiom. l!.IC*) A -48,il02 T_......._ et.; Finl downa 23 ~yerd• 37-158 Peeelng yercla 2t3 Ael\lm yercla 2 I p-1&-2&-0 Sdaby 1-3 Punta 4-38 Furn~ 2--0 ~da 10-71 Time of p~ 31:2e ..................... LA 27 23-77 !IOe 17 ~2 2-17 1 .... 2 3-1 11-85 29:3' RUSHING -O>leego, Payton 20-104. McMahon 7-23, Wiey &-12. Herpet 2..-. McClendon 1..-. C. ThomU 1-3. Loe Angelee, Ouman 10-43, Tyl« 12-32. ~1-2. PASSING -Chloego, MoMahon 1&-28-0-280. Loe Angelee. Ferragemo lCM&-2-508. RECEIVING -Chicago, Peylon 5-102, Moorene.d 4-«. Sut>ey 4-3&. MatQWUtTI $-4 7. Wetta 1--40, McCletldon • 1-7. Loa AngalM. f ermer 9-183, Tyler &-102. Dennard 5-122. Ouman 4-54. Berber 2-25, D. HNI 1-23. MISSED FIELD GOALS -Chlc:8go, R. ThotMa a&. Loe Ange6M RerM. L.llneford 27, 32. .......,. rt, 8nanooe 10 ._....,0-W. 0 0 0 10-10 3 24 0 0-27 0.- LA IWder9 LA -FO 8elw 111 LA -A111r1 4 ,,_ !tom Plunk9'1 (8-/lf klek) LA -10nO IS Ml (Belw Ida\) LA -Nli«t 51 peae ~ Pluntlett (IWw lddl) LA-l"08*11 Den -fO "-11111 I I De1t -Wateon 11 P••• fro"' ~(~kle:ll) A-"4,190 T_ ........ DM 25 22-41 2M 2-10 36 26-5'-6 7-'5 2-1 7-80 Time of Pc IC 1 31:08 ................. LA 18 »41 261 7-72 111111 1~1 7-33 &-3 11-1• 28:51 RUSHING -0.-. WIWte &-22, Poole 1·20, Pwroe 7-14, Winder &-4, ~ 1_., J. Wrtght 1-mlnue 4. LA R.lldera. IOnO ~7. Alllr1 12-18, W9t 5-12, llnnCtl 1-3, Plunk.ct~ 7. PASSING -Denver, DeBerg 12-2&-2-123; HemMnn 14-~233..1..A Raldere, Plunkett 11-32-1-281; Allen 0-24-0. RECEIVING -o.nver1 ~pchurch 5-711. P-4-65, Wetaon -1; Wllllla ....... Winder 2-34. PYeaCon 2-24, Edofl 2-21, ~ 2·16. LA ....._ Merl Mt. Cl...__, 5-48, a.n..11 3-71, 8nndl 2-24. IOnO 1--0. Ml88ED FlE1.D OOA.1..8 -Nona. c._......w.c....• ..... ..,a-.r. 8ettlmcn 0 3 10 13-29 Sen Diego 7 18 14 7-44 80 -WllWOw 30 ,,.. fl"Om Fouta {Bef*9Gf*• lddl) 80 -FG 8el*tdlk• 44 80 -Ctlelldlar 4 1 paM f\'om Fouta (kid! f.lillad) SD -WllWI09 13 paae frrom Fout.t (a.nnc:Hla leldl) Belt -FO .,._ 48 Bait -8ouu 14 pua from Pagel (M11wklClk) Belt -FO .._ 118 80 -8nM*a I NII(~ lllC*) 80 -Clland9ar "4 ,,.. from Foo.lta (llenhd*• klClk) Ball -~ 1 NII U--f.lillad) 80 -wtrlllow 2t p.-from Fout• (8el*9cllka Idell) 81111 -9'lalwln tumble r-v In end -(Mllw klc:*) A -48,711 ................ RUSHING -BaltlmOfe. McMlnan 11-31,..,.,...,. &-7, ~ M . Obroft 2· 11. ,.... 2-'. 80 -Muncie 1&-128.. 8rookll &-30. ~ ,_ 17, Jodet S-7, 811111-2. PASSING -8eltl111ore. "•1•1 17·2t·1·~Ullllll 1·10·0• 5, Sc:ltllal.-. Sall Diego. Foute 1e-ao.1-28t, Al"'* 2-+1-66. RECEIVING -8alUm0te, ....,...,. .... llOulll &-72, Henry ..... Olc*91 4-31. FnnUn 4-23, _...., 243, Olllofl 2·17, McMlllM 1-4, MoCell 1-2. SM Diego, .,,.,. 7-ttO. CNndllr 4-111, JOlllaf 2·27, Muncte 2·1. ~ 1-55 ........ 141, 80IMa 1.a. a-ocu 1~ JocMt 1--0. MtlltED FIEU> QOA4.8 -9elllmor'a. "'°"9.80,.....,..•U. 0, t bAILV ,tLOTIM ._.a,Ch6ef911 a.-11ro.-w. San Francieeo 3 o 9 17-26 K..,.... City 3 1 0 3-13 KC -F0L~40 8F -FG Wet90Nng 32 KC -Henoqdl 41 peae from Kenn.y (L-V kid!) 8F -FGW~44 SF -FG Wet90Nng 42 SF -MOOfe 1 run (Wartchlng Kick) KC -FO l-V 311 SF -FG W..c:hlng 34 SF -Lou 83 lntercep1ton return (W•KNne klCkl A -24,:Slt ............... '* RUSHING -San f'ranciaCO. Moore 18·11•. Montana 4·41. Ring 11.311 Kan ... City, H1C1no1 18-H, Delaney &-311. ~ S-17. Kenney 3-13. PASSING -San Frencteco, Montana 35-20-253-2. KanH• Clly, Kenney 30-14-161-1. Gegllano 1-1-7--0. RECEIVING -San Frana.co. Franc:ll 8-tll. Clarlt 4-104, Rl119 3-22. Moore 3-ttl, Cooper 1-11. Nehemleh 1-4. KanHI City, Caraon 4·78. Hancock 3-57. Merohall 3 -28. H•dnol 2-11, Jeell-. 1-7, Dixon 1-7. Galnae 1-7 MISSED FIELD GOALS -San Frandeco, ,__., KAn.u Clty, l~ 40. &glM 24, Cowbof9 20 ..... ..,o-.'tl PNcaClelphle 7 7 0 10-24 OeliM 7 10 0 3-20 Phi -Brown~ tumble In end &one (franklin klOk) Del -~ 33 peae lrom White (Septien klci<) Phi -Hema 1 run (Frar>k.lln klcic) Dal -Co•ble 11 pua from White (Septlen kick) Dal -FG Sepllen 18 Dal -FG Sepllen 33 Phi -Cermlchael 10 pan from Jeworei<I (FrMlllln kick) Pl\I -FG Frriltn 22 A -40,1119 ........... ~ RUSHING -Phlledelphl•. Mont~ 23..-8. Harrtt 4-mlnue 1. Jawoukl 3-mlnut 4. Dallu. OorMll 24-e9, 'Miiie 3-22, SPf"lnGI &-20, Coeble Hnlnue 2 PASSING -Pllli.o.lphl•. Jeworei<I 14-23-2-1711. Dalae. WNt• 17-31~·185. RECEIVING -PhNadelphla. Smith 3-$1, Monleorn-Y 3-40. ~ 3-37, Ce rmlchael 2-17. Harr la 2-17. Harrington 1-7. Dell•. Coeble 7-77, Hiii 4-42, Johneon 1-33. Doreen 2-17, ~ 1-10, ....,_, 1-a. Sc><ll'OI 1-mlnut 2. "8ctMIMrt~:-10 ..... .., WMNnclton 7 10 0 10-27 ..... Orieena 0 7 3 0-10 Waeh -Brown 47 P••• fro111 ThelarMnn TIY lddt) HO -J. 4 N1'1 ~kid!) W11h -town 61 P••• from ~(~...., W_,.-f'O~M HO -fO Andarwon 3e Weell -FG.,._...,U WWI -Naallw 1 NII (MoMMy lddt) A -4'•1'· ................ RUSHING -Weehl1191011, WU11lng1on 1M7, T"81Mlann 5-H. Hannon~-RlgQlr'9 ~27, Mor* 1-2, Glaqul1110 1-5. H-Of!Mn1. Wlllon 15-M. J. ~ 14-21. Mer1<-4-31, Ga.., t-3, ~ 1-2. PASSING -W~. Thellmann 14-23--0, 294. -OtlMne. Merken• 11-24-1. 104. RECEIVING -Wqhinalon, Moltn 5-80, Brown 4-146. WWTM 2-$2, Well• 1-for..,,,.,_ 3, 8eey 1 ·22, WlllNllgton 1-for...._ 3. ,_ Ot1Mne. Otottt W 1. l . 8oot1 2·11. 8...,,,_ 1-11, Meutl 1-37. Thompeon 1-12. Wleon 1-for-mhAI 3. MISSED FIELD GOALS -Hoo'9 ---=-~~M ,_ Ycwtl ,,_ 1 14 1 14-42 M.,,,_.. 0 7 0 7-14 NY J -MdMI 2 Ml (1.-.y Ilk*) HY J -JecQon 80 btodl..s llalcl goal ,..,,, (1.-.y ktdt) NYJ -McHall 1 run (Lallly kid!) Miii -l<tMW 1 run (OMmeler kid!) HY J -Shulet 20 !)Ma fnlm Flyen (1.-.y Ilk*) Min -Brown 19 ,,.. from ~ (Denml6ar lddl) NY J -Harper 39 pa99 from T odCI (lMfly kid!) NY./ -Jed<-. n pw lntal°""lort (1.-.y ktdt) A-'9.t72 ................. RUSHIHG -NY Jeea. MdW 111-82, Dlertllng M, a.tier 1-3, ~ 1-1, ~ 1--0, Todel 1~ ......._,.., ,.,_ 15-57, Nelleon ~.Kr-. 4-24, Young 3-14, ~ &-11. PA881HO -NY Jeu. TodCI 15-22~ ~ 1-1-0-20, Mlnneeota. t<tM* 32...ee-$-32 .. Oii 1-2..(-41. AECSVIHO -NY JMa, ._ 3-80, l. Joll9 2-70, Harper ).64, WllMt 3-41, ~ 2· 11, •. Joll9 1-e. Dlertllng 1-2', 88fkun1 1-4. M'-te. S-10-155, 9town t-U, L.CO...nl 3·48, ~ 3-M, GaltlreMll 2-22. an. 2-21, Hllllon 2-19, L.awt1e 1·20, Young 1 ..... Mt88EO FIE.LO GOALS -NY Jell, ~43 ......... ~~51,26. ............... 10 .... lira--.. a-t11e o a 1 e>-10 ClnCllnMlll 0 14 0 10-24 Cln -~ 1 "'", ...... kid!) 8ee -fGN.~43 Cln -V-Mp.-trom ~ (llr9edl llX*) ... -lMOlfll 2 P.-fl'om lorn (H. ..._kldt) Cln -fGllreadlM an -~a ""'<.....,,, 1&11*) A -~ ........ AUIHtHO -....-. OoomWll, 1~. 8rnllll. '""· HuGI*. 4-!.1. l.om. 2-11. c:ancir-a. ~ 17-~. 1M1. ~. 2-11, l .... 1.2. SCOREBOARD PASSING -Seallte, Zotn. 1~2. 217. Clncilnnell, Andweon, 22-211--2. 265. R!Cl!IVIHG -8Httle. Cerr. 4·11, L.wgent, 4·51, ~ :S-21, Johna, 2-30, Ooofnlnk. 2-13, Hughea, 2-12. lice, 1-e. walker, 1·3. Cincinnati, v.,...,, 2-63, Johneon, 5-51, C11rt11. 3_.5, Colllnewonh. 3·32, FloN, 2·34, Kreider, 2· 111, A. Otlflln. 2-10, Aleundet. 1..-. Holmetl, 1-5. Ml88E> FIELD GOALS -Hone, 8rowne 20, otlen 1' lowellyO-W.. c........., 0 10 0 10-20 H-IOll 1 0 7 0-14 HOU -Renfrow ...... lfom Niel-. (Kempf l<IC*I Cle -FG Bahr 11 Cle -Logan ae pue !Tom McOoneld (Behr klek) Hou -Crall 3 run (Kempf l<lcil) Cle -FG Bahr 24 Cle -Whit• I run (Bahr l<lek) A -:Je,8&11 ............, .......... RUSHING -~. Prulll 27-N. Whit• l<>-:M. McOonalCI 2-11. Howton, Campbell 111-•3. Manning 2-111, Edward• 3-13. Cr eh 2·11, Allen 1-t . NlelM>n 1-6 PASSING -ClevelanCI, McDonald 19-34-0·248 Houtton. Nleleon l&-$3-3-2811, Manning 1-4-1-6. RECEIVING -Clenland, Logan 4-13, FHCher 4-58, Whit• 4-:Se. ~ 3-49. PNtn 2·12. Wiii<• 1-3. Houelon. Balley 7-117, CMC* ~. Creft 3-20. Edward• 2-27. ArmttrC>nil 2-9. ~ 1-45. Aenlfow 1.a. MISSED FIELD 00Al8 -c-.nd, Behr 45. Houalon. Kempf 42. 8t....,_ rl, Patrlott 14 ._...,0-W.. -Englen4 0 0 7 7-14 Pllltl>urgh 10 10 0 17-37 Pl1 -FQ Andefwon 21 Pll -PollwCI 1 run (Ander-. ltlci() Pit 7 Slltlworth II pan from 8rltCl9hlw ~ ltlett) Ptl -FO Ander-. 211 NE -Deweon 23 pau from C.veneugn (Smith klel<) Pit -FG Ana.r.on 44 NE -Mor91n 74 peta rrom CavaMUOh (Smith kid!) Pll -Hewlhorne 49 pau from er..,.,., .. (""'*-kk*) Pll -At>erwomble I run (N>denon kick) A -l!0.515 llMllwtdMI •1191tedce RUSHING -New EnglenCI. Coltlnt 12-32, Tatupu 2-6, Groe•n 1-10 Pl111burgh, Heme 23-101. Po!Wd 11-42. Devi• 8-22, .\bercromble 7-13. Hewlhorn• 2-U, Stetlworlh 1-11 . BredehR 2-2. PA88lHO --Enalend. Grooan 7-19-74--0, AICll O-S-0-6, Cevanaugtt 11-16·227-1. Pllllburgh, Btad1h1w 17-27-02.(). RECllVINQ -Hew 1En91end, H 1111._ M'f. MorQM 4-12'7, Oollrla 1·41, 01weo1t I-Cf, erown 2-31. ~. CunfttnaNtn W2, 8.,_, ~. Stalwortll S-:!t. Hewtllome 2-69. 8'nlttl 2-41, Har"9 2·21, AbelOIOl11411e 1-14, PolatCI 14. Ml88l!O FIELD GOALS -Noni .:...... M. Qlente 21 --...,o--. . Hilw Yortt 0 1 0 14-21 81 Louil 7 7 3 7-24 Sil -Wehrli 18 run (O'Oonoghue kll*) Sil -Gr_, I pau from Loma• (O'Oonogttue~I.. HYG -1 Ml (o.n.lo klek) Sil -FG 'Donoghue, 11 HYG -~ 13 -fl"Om erun... (Oenalo tuck) NYO -Mletlet 3 pma lfom en..- (Oenelo kid!) 8tl -Gt_, I p-lrom lomex (O'Oonoahue kid<) A -a,924 .......... ......... RUStOHG -Hew York, Wootlollt 4-26, ~ &-11. Eddlnga 1-16. J Morn., 4-11, Brunn« 2 .... SI. loula, Andenon 30·110. W. MCHrta 13 .... 0, i.-2•20, Wefltl 1-19, ar... 1-2. PASSING -Hew York. Brunner 21-81-0-329. SI. Lcul1, Lomu 14-24-1-212, Hett 0-1-4(1. RECEIVING -N-YCHk. Mlaller 5-U, J. MCHrla 5-31, ECldlnge •-117, Mulady Me, E. Gt-., 4-66, ~ 4-12, Woolfolk 2-13, Pllman 2-21, PMklna 1-10. SI. lout•. Gr-4-86, Tiiey ~. H.,,.. 2_.2, AnOareon 2· 19, MltcNlt 1-30. w. Morrie 1-11. ~ 1-t . MISSED FIELD GOALS -,_ Yortc. Oenelo 41. St. Loi*. none. Pacllen-. Faloone 1 9-llya-terw G-11ey 1 14 1 10-u Atlan1a 0 7 0 0-7 Ge -"*Y 2 ""' 18**"«1 kll*) 08 -"*Y 12 run (S**'>d kk*I All -AnClrew1 a peta from 8ertlt0Wlltl (Ludrhum kk*) G8 -lotion to peae !tom Dtclley (81aneNd klek) 08 -Lofton 57 p-lfom Dickey (Stenwuel kll*) GB -AoclQar9 e run (8'-"d klc*) 08 -FG 8-.UO 22 A -50,248 ..................... RUSHING -~ -· Ella 141 . Ivery O·H, !lodge<• 1·21. Hueklel>y 8·12. 8taohowtc1 1·0, Jen1en 1-0. Attent .. Ancir-11-41, Oeln 4-4, Fllgge 5-1. Aoblf)aon 1·4, 8ertkowikl 140<-inlnua 2. PA881NO -Gr .. n Bey, Dickey 10-17· 1-241. Whllehurat 2-1-0·8 . Allent•. •••tkOWlkl 24·15-1·2'7 . Mor•cJ~&S. Rl!CEIVIHG -OrMll .. y. Lofton 3-148, Jelleraon 2-11. Ivery I• 11, COff1111n 2-11, EH• t-IO. ltHa 1-4. Alllftta, Andt-t 11·77, t4oc1oe 8-78, Alaaa .... ..lenlllne 3-4111. JaoklOft 2-11. ..-~ 2·!!.t Cell! 1-4, l(fllPfla , .. _ Ulllm P"\fw MAu -Nona:" ....21.Uona21 ._..,~ Oetrott 7 1 1 0-21 Tampa Bay o 9 7 10-u Del -T~ompeon !ti peu from Dentel-. (Murrey kldlt TB -FG Cepaoe ~ Del -Hill 7 PH• from Danlelaon (Murrey ltlckl TB -F'G c..,_ 29 O.t -Simi 3 run (MU<rey kid!) TB -Wffllama 3 fU'1 (c.p.c. kick) TB -Owen• 2 P9M from WNllllM (C.-a kick) TB -FO c..,_ 27 A -e&,9117 lndlvldltal ltlllettoe RUSHING -Detroit. Sima 21-ee. Klfltl 5-37, 8ueMy 1·7, Daniel-. 3·1. Tempe Bay, C.,...., 24-18, WM<Ht I 1-47. Wlltlema 4·3. Owent 2-2 PASSING -Dalrolt. Danlelton 7-15-2-106 T ampe 8ey, Wllltamt 21-:W-1-2711 RECEIVING -Detroit. Hiii 3-•t. ThorT\peon 2-211. Sime 1·2 I, King 1-11 Tempe Bey. Wiider 7-73, Hou• 4-40, GHell 3-ttl. C....., 2-32, T Sell 2-ll1, Jonea 1-24, Ot>redovlCh 1-16, <>went 1·2. MISSED FIELD GOALS -None -(_ > . .. - N8A ... 'BM CONn'MNCI f'eclllo OMMon w I. !"ct. Ga Lellen 22 9 1 ee 8Mllle 22 7 75t 'A ~X 17 12 .588 5'A Portlen<I 17 13 597 11 Golden Stele 12 19 429 10 Sen Diego $ 23 1711 17 ..,. .. , OMalon K.,,... Cl1y II t 5'0 San Antonio 111 12 900 'A D.-.. 12 14 442 • .,. 0an-11 19 407 8 Ullh 11 18 .3711 1 Houelon • 23 148 13 IAIT'lllN COHFUISNCI Altitnltc DMllon ~ n 4 816 Boelon 21 7 7!50 1'h New WW'/ 111 13 539 7.,. INMNngton 14 13 5111 I New Ycwtl II It 321 13.,. c-tt•DMllon Mltw-.. Ill 10 .85$ Detroit 111 14 .53$ 3.,. Allenle 13 14 .481 4 Cl1lcaoo 10 17 .270 I ·-10 17 .370 I ~ 4 u 1114 13~ ............ &Mllar9 M. -on 94 ~ City 120. Utah 118 Plllladalptila 12~ Sall ""-122 Mllweull• tOI. DWolt M lndlane 97. ,_ Ycwtl 11 s..u1e ea. Phoenll 11 San Diego 112, Portlencl 106 T .......... 0-.. ~alH9wJerMy O>ICeQO at WMNnglon GolClar> Stille 11 0an- Uk.,. ... ltoctl9'1 .. LOe AMClm.a9 -Rembla 7. Wiik• 22, Abdul J9"!:"' 20, E John-. 12. Nixon 10, Coopet 11. WOfllty 4, McACIOO 10, C. Johnaon 0. Totlla· 3&-85 20-30 99. HOUITOIC -Heyae 12. M. JonM 7. C . .ion.. I, Bryant 14. l.MWll 18, Beiley 24, Walker i . Teagle 5, Paut11 O. Henderaon 0. Totlll· 35-73 23-31 IM. lowellro-tefa Loe Angelee 21 21 22 11-M Hou9!on 25 2e 20 23-M Tivw1>oinl goela -L.Mvell. FOUied out -Nona. Rebound1 -L.oe Angela 31 (£. John.on 10). Houelon 41 (C Jonee, W•ll<er 8) AHlela -Loa Ange6M 14 (E. Johnlon 4). tbaton 17 (~ T) TOI-' folM -Loa ArigelM 20, Houeton 27 Technlcate -Lot AnollM. Ho<*on. Illegal .,....._ A - 10,'33 . coti-,:_. 9CCH9I ~ (Hawell) 811. Notre 0-.. (Cal.) 71 aouttl Au.trlillen OP9ft <··~ ...... ) Miki a.~~ Pel CHh (Au•lr•ll•). 9-7. 1-9, e-3; Chrlt JohnttoN ("-lrallal def. &rod ~· (Auetr••~ 1..-. &-3 .... Anita IUNDAY'I MIULT9 (1el of._., thal•llilt~ M _,,,., '1QT """· II 1ur10nge f'Qf~_!!'!9:,t!!tnt) 30.80 13.00 11.20 Ole a-in-) 27.20 10.40 Repl<I Ember (Ollvar•) 3.20 Aleo r-ci. Pape Too, Sert• GolCI, Ounk1tt BIH, Shlfa Tudor, Cep111r1 The Spitlt. Park llervtoe, GrlCIOllc. Time· 1:08 llECOtlO llACI. 11 lunonge. Putl4tc Trldlllon (Mc:Crn)9.00 4.20 3.9 PrloO<I O'Oancart (PlllOtly) 4.40 3.90 Kllalldon (McHwpl 4.20 Aleo raced: Shlfte(1 SI-R., Plan· eta. Jim Tee. Doc Campbell, Phil'• Prince, I'm • 8M1nlk. Po.11. Time. 1.ot 115 II DAILY DOU9U (I_.) paid 1122_00. TIMD KACIE. e lurlonQe Autumn MeglC (TO<ot24.00 10.IO 8.40 Toge (IJl>llaml '12.00 7,40 Spruce Song (MoCerron) 7 00 AllO raced' IHb•ll• D'E•••. N••I ComH love, Le Confidence. Royal HllCllnde. Harm-Ila. Dawn'• Fortune, Gettenl NurM Time 1·ot 215 ,OURTH llACI. 9 furWlgt ci.-. 8tehop (Mcem)12.00 4.110 4.0 OOl\lalop TMrnUeio 1$1111Me) 1.40 4.IO Nearly For9011en (Valer\ruela) 8.00 Aleo reced. Teitel Too, Loan. Luxurlanlly. Auummable, Youra or MIM. Mlraeo4, Granary, Orone Sella Time: 1:08 4/6. l'1l"TH llACI. 1 II 18 m-. Greet Grltl<ieOll (McCrn)13.40 8.00 4 MM1« C.-... (Pdrza) 13.20 UO Chll Tlme (llomero) a.20 Al•o raced. f'rench Commander, EJ<clu-Kid, Rem llolelly, L• N01re. Vie Condottl. Time· 1'42 • IEXAClA (4-3) plld '3&4.00 IUCTit llACI. 1'A ml .... KO!WWlh (Slb111e) 8.00 3.90 3.00 Our•t>te (Mcearront 4.00 3.00 Summ« CrMk (~I 3.20 Aleo r..O: Bole 0. Gr-. CoetellO, ~-T-. 1:41 •ta. UYaNn4 llACL One mlle. ~ Ceur!j..,,,.1 •.eo 4.eo 2.eo POIOe ~or (Toro! 4.40 2.IO Mi.ear wider (MclCwton) 2.40 Alto reced: Heughly Bui Nice. Mexletar, ~­Tlnle: 1 '34 216. • DACTA (5-J) paid 11001!0 • "°" ear 1• a 1 4 a ai Pe1C1 173. ON.40 wl1h lh,... wlnlllng llekett (llx ~) 12 Piek 8f• coneol•llon paid $777 .40 wt1h U wtl'\nlng tlcltefl Cftve ,,.,,..,, IJQHTH ltAC9. 6 ~ ClllnoOll p-(Pfnc:ay) 4.20 4.80 3.20 0-at Jimmy (S-) lS.40 6.00 Unor'9dlcteble 11111111*) 3.40 Ateo raced To 8 Or Nol. Sword Bl•CI•. Fort Cal9ary. Smoktt•. W C. 8-y Time· 1.07 3/5 ~ llACL I 1115 mllae. M~ Jono (""-Y) 5.40 4.00 3 00 'KlnO''Oewn (Capt .... ) 9 40 4 40 ~ Snow (4lbilte) 3 40 Alao reced. ,.,., l ed, Fllopoto. Calal>onQa, Mountebank, Ho SMnke, SolCller ol Forlune. Time: 1:42 4/5 • DACTA (7·8) paid $93.l!O Attendanoe: 98,203 . Loe Alemltoe IATI.IN>A'f'a LAT'I Meal Mftlfn4 llACL 360 yarCll. Humbug Coln)' 111tdl18.20 11. 40 9. 80 11.20 11.40 1.80 Hot Stoclt (~) 7 .40 4.80 Vandy9 Polley (lltooka) 4.80 Aleo r-0: Petriarch, Aye Oare. ~ Your Ouk•. Kay Roan Jet, Jlmkll•. B<oadwey J#tr. 9-\ty One Souttl. nm.· 17 .&6. 11 IXACTA (1MI paid 1100.00. • ll'ICIC IOI (1-1 .......... 10) paid 11,-358 90 Wllh 22 winning ltellela (five ~). '2 Pleil SO oon-1ton palCI a.1.20 wt1h 211 ..inntno 11o11 ... (loUf hor-.~ IDGHTM M.cc. 350 yarCll, F-Tf\ldlln (Adr)31.IO 12.40 7.80 Selllary Jal (Peullne) 7 00 4.20 Ot11ruc:1t (HMIJ e.eo Aleo teced. Another Aflon lug, Grend"'941 8ojaelt. Heavy Oooe. Pala Boy Jo, Mr Outctu-. Heu Kojaetl, Kltbl(~ Tlrna: f7.et Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking la Dangerous to Your Health. 17 mg. "tar". 1.3 mg. nrcot1111 .. .. .__ av, per c1goratta b~ FlC method . ....,... MCI. att1Jll ,..._ Veepero (T-.e) 11.00 4.20 4.00 Nllhoe OambW (F~) a.to UO little 0.-y Dlcll< (1491) uo Aleo reoed: Gwllnd SlePMne, "*Y8 Dailghl. T .. Angell, YOlll P\acle or Mine. Ahn Ju Te. Pr111y ~. ~ For ~tut. ta IEXACTA (7·41Plld'2400 TINTH RACI. 400 yard1. Moon T GUl'9 (AClllrl 6.to 3.20 2.eo Keyelone Koe> (Har1 4.IO 3.00 Se Az>Ke Ta (Bardl 3.20 Aleo raced: ShMalen, Jlmt Edalt. Ml( Mlaalle. Cl\tceOO EJ<pr-. felely Carol, sacr-to 8'.w. i.-81rea1t Time. 20.21. ti IJIACTA (8-2) paid 12().IO. Allene!.,_. 8,736 NHL CAlilf'MU COMRMMCI ""rt'M °""'°"' • L T QP QA ...... Edmonton 18 11 e 182 149 .. Wlnnlpag 16 16 3 1i)tl 142 33 1u.,.. 1' 17 5 122 141 33 Vancou-13 18 7 133 130 33 Ca!eary 13 18 7 1117 1115 ...... ~ 33 CNcego 24 6 II 154 113 M Mlnneeole 20 10 1 1611 131 •7 SI. Louie 13 21 4 138 1&0 30 Oetroll 9 18 10 110 148 2e Toronto 6 21 e 108 153 19 WALH COM'IM.NC:a h4rlc* DhWoot NY lllanClln 111 14 1 143 124 44 Pl\lladelpht• 1t 12 6 1'1 114 43 Wllhlnglon 18 10 9 132 122 41 NV Rangere 17 19 3 145 134 37 PlllltlUfgll 11 111 e 120 190 21 -Jeteey 7 . 24 1 104 118 21 Soelon MonltMI 8uflalo Ouebec Hlrttord ,,.._. Dtwliaiten 21 e e 1ae 101 .. 20 e 1 1ee 129 41 19 13 7 138 120 at 15 14 I 154 1lil 341 10 21 • 115 161 24 .......,. . ._... llliflea4.V.,_2 Sollon 5, ,._ Jer'M\I 2 ,._ Y ortc lelander't a. Hartfofd 2 Oelroll 2, llultelo 2 "I"•••••* t.. w......., a Plttlbutgh 4, .... y°" Rangate 3 Oulllec 4, .._...... ' OllOl90 7. 81. L.oultt 4 ~a. W1nn1peo 2 EOmonlonT~ ~alD91tOit IClnae 4. Cenuc*a 2 ,..,....,,..,..... v~ 1 1 0-1 LOe MoeMe a o 1-4 """' ....... I Veneouver, WIHIMI• • (Otadln). 1:01. 2. LOI Ang ..... HolmM 5 (l. Murphr, HlohOll1), I~ 3. Loa ArlglMe. M. Mur1)lly I ( ~). 17:44. 4. Loa A ........ M. Murpfly I (lewla. H~). 17:5e. PanelUM - Lemar. Ven, 3:30; Gradln, Van, 7:33: Oelorme, Van. 13:38: Hardy, LA. '3:31: McC1r1hy, Ven. 11·&2; ttaltMOll, LA, 15•52 ....-....... 5. Vancouver, Grlldln 13 (Snepei., 8und91rom~ •:38 ,.._ -~. Ven, Oouble -, 2:57; A..iakoweltl, LA. ' double mlnlr. 2:47: °'*1'9W, LA. i : 11; Delorme. Ven. 12:33; ""911.oweld. LA, --major. 16:03; ~. v ... ...,.. gwne mleQOl\ducl, 1l:o3; s-. LA, 18:21 '"*" ........ 6. Loa Anctelee. Dionne 14 (Lewlt). 111:41 PenaftlM -Gruhl. LA. 4:08; Lewie.LA. 5:08;1<0<90,LA,fNltot,1:311; Delorme, Van, major. l :H : Wltll91M, VM, 8:38: M. M~. L.A. 11:10: Minor, Van, mlnOr-f'NICOnClucll, 11:10. Shola on Goel-V--&-~7-22., Loa MoelM 1W.1t~2. OoallM -v--. Brodeur. Loa Angelee. 8llM. " -0,917. I L - C'I ... I '. . . I I . -.. .· ·= .. ·.· ... •' . .,,. ,,,. ... . .· .. , .... ., . ' ""·· ~ 1 ., .... .. ' C 11 ffl rl fief fl7 I Eagles s~rprise Dallas, retain playoff hopes P'rom AP ... ,.acu. NFL ll(Jl!NDLJP Oen H, Cltlafl U KANSAS Cl'fY L>wlMht Clark 1i1tonlod for If 8ea11l1 14, MWlll It CINCINNATI Pt1'9 Johruion ran for 1 paJr of IRVlNO, Texae -PhH.cfelphlu quarwrtMK·k Ron J•wor1kl broke • club c:arf'f'r record fur touchdown ~ Sunday Wllh • a•nw wlnnlna 10-yard ta. to Harold Carm.lchul In lht• fourth qL!at'Wr u the EaaJm beat tht-NaUo1'\411 Football ~&&Uf' playoff-bound Dallu Cowboys, 24 20 u O""'n Ray Pa.ckffa boltfid Into tht-pl.ayofta for th• flnt tlnw lince 197l with • :ul 7 victory over AtlantA. raro t!rupped pua by r1mblfn1 61 yarda on 11 key third-down play, •ltin1 up Jeff Muon.'• 6"' Mhc:aJ touchdown, and Ray Wermchln1 kkktd four flt'ld aoalt lO booet San J'ranclKO putt Kanaaa City, 26-18 touchdowna, and Kun Andenion uMI O.vld V•n110r cumblnod on ta M yard TD pa11 olaY &o c:JIDch • P'.ayoff bt·rth fur Clnclnnau with· a }-4 10 VScWry ov~r Seattle Cincinnati, 6 -2, 1ot " 34 yard field ~ from Jim Br~ch and a 3 yard touchdown l>unt by Johnaon in the fourth quarter to ,Sve the defendlna American Conference champion• a 1pot In the N11l1onal Football League puat-eeuon tournament. The Ea1Je1 ralted their record to 3-~. and '°'talned a alim hope of reachln8 the playoff• Dallas dropped to 6-2, However, the Cowboys clinched a flr1t-round homefleld advantage ln the pJayoffa becau.e Green Bay defeated Atlanta, 38-7 Jaworakl's record of 112 touchdown puses erased by one the old career mark held by Nonn Snead Dickey, who completed 10 of 17 attl'mp ... for 248 yards, also tel up another touchdown with a 50-yard completion to Phil Eppa. Thti Puckt'ra moved into poeiUon for 1ull another .rore when Atlanlll'• Boltby ButlM Wal alapped with a 43-yard pass Interfere~ lnfracllop al the Falcons 25 Tht victory kept alJvC' the 49ers' a ·ant playoff hopet and doomed tht' Chief• to an I Hh roNecUUv~ non-playoff 1euon. Cardloal1 U, Otan11 %1 ST. LOUIS -Quarterback Nell Lomax drllled an 8-yard toUchdown pua to Roy Grt.een with 27 tee;0nds remaln.ln1, rallymg St. Loull to a 24-21 victory over the New York Giants to all but seal a playoff berth. Browa1 %0, Olien 14 HOUSTON -Cleveland safety Clinton Burrell re<.'Overed two fumbles by Hous10n'1 Earl Campbell, the second aetting up a I-yard game- winning touchdown run by Charlea White with 5:40 to play u the Browns beat the Oilers, 20-14 to remain In playoff contenuon. Red1kln1 n, Salnt1 10 NEW ORLEANS Joe Theiamann hit wide Cllar1en 44, Colts %1 SAN DI.EGO -Quarterback Dan FoutB ftred ftve touchdown passes, three to light end Kellen Winslow and two to wide receiver Wes Chandler, as San Dieao ripped winless Baltimore, 44-26 The victory extended San D1ego'1 wtnrung streak to five games -the club's longest in 18 years -and set up a final game showdown with the once-beaten Raiders next week. receiver Charlie Brown on touchdown paaa plays of 57 yards and 58 yards to lead Washington to a 27-lO victory over New Orleana. • Kicker Mark Moseley extended h.ia NFL record for conaeculive successful field goals to 24 by booting a pair against the Saints -one from 36 yards in the second quarter and another from 45 Lomax, hitting Green with a ecoring slnke a second time, drove St. Loua 70 yarda ln four plays to its winning touchdown. Big gainers were a 26-yard tou to Green to open the drive and a 36-yarder to Willard Harrell just ahead of the payoff pass. Houston had taken a 14-10 lead i.n the fourth quarter when rooKJe Donnie Craft recovered a (umble to eel up hu own 3-yard touchdown run yards with nine minutes left m the game. · • Steelers 37, Patriots U Buc1 %3,, Lions U San Diego, 6-2 and headed for the playoHs for the fourth year in a row, built up a 23-0 lead in the Hcond quarter against the NFL's youngest team. The loss .dropped the Colts to 0-7-1, their worst start since the club's inception in 1947 Jet• ft, VlklD&• 14 MINNEAPOLIS -New York cornerback Bobby Jackson covered 157 yards a.nd scored twice for the Jets. once on a blocked field goal return anti another on an interception, as the Jets clinched a playoff spot with a 42-14 victory over Minnesota. PITTSBURGH -Terry Bradshaw threw Lwo touchdown passes, including a key 46-yard strike to Greg Hawthorne, and Gary Andenon kicked three held goals as Pittsburgh ended a month-long offensive slump by crushing New England, 37-14. . The Steelers, who had lost three of the previous four games, surged to a quick 20-0 lead behind Bradshaw's passing, then withstood a second-half comeback Jed by Patriots' reserve quarterback Matt Cavanaugh. TAMPA, Fla. -Comerback Bobby Watkina' pass lnterference penalty gave Tampa Bay the ball deep in Detroit territory and Bill Cape<,'e turned it into a 27-yard field goal with 25 IM!COnda remaining, giving the Buccaneers a 23-21 victory over the Lions . The Sues were facing a lhird-and-20 situation at their own 45-yard line when quarterback Doug Williams, who had rallied them with two earlier touchdowns, unleashed a bomb down the right sideline. fitcll:era 38, Falcons 7 . ATLANTA -Lynn Dickey connected with J'1l'es Lofton on scoring passes of 80 and 57 yards Jets quarterback Richard Todd led the offense, completing 15 of 22 passes for 236 yards and one touchdown as New York boosted its record to 6-2. Hottesi ii ck et in U.S. 'MEMP1ilS, Tenn . (AP) -The greatest coac hing caree r in college football history co m e-l o a n e n d Wednesday night when !'aul "Bear" Bryant and 26 ot her Alabama "seniors" make their final appearance in the Liberty ijowl against Illinois. As a result or Bryant's recent announcement tliat he would step down ~fter 25 years at 4'.labama -38 years overall as head coach - and turn the reins over tO Ray Perkins, one of tiis disciples, the Liberty Bowl has become the liott~st ticket in Memph is ... and probably anywhere ebe itl the country. ;Liberty Bowl ~ecutive director Bud i;>udley and his staff ))ave been swamped with media requests for the Bear's last hurrah. 'lor the postgarne news oonference -wm, lose cir draw -bowl officials jilan to erect a tent across the street fr om the stadium to aocommodate the throngs eager to hear aryant's final growls of '¥lsdom. If he holds true to form, the winningest cpach ln history probably \fill tell the waiting world how Alabama was oµtcoached and outhit and outblocked and out- ~kled and how his poor planning and preparation hurt the Orimaon Tide. + Besides the familiar hounds tooth-check hat IUld the re markable, ttaggy, weather-beaten t;ce that makes him look llke a human Ml . Rushmore. Bryant leaves a 'legacy of 322 victories • (he paaed Amoe Alonzo Stagg's 314 a year ago), 85 la.es and 17 ties. Bryant also is taking Alabama on a recot"d 24th coruecutlve bowl trip, a Journey that began with a 7-0 loss to Penn State in the initial Liberty Bowl back in 1959. 1.unaa6H<* s.4'1"H .. TVn&L WUlCUff CMANI. 427 E 17th Sf Costa Mesa 946-9371 'ACIRC YllW ~, ... c.m.terY Mortuary Chapel.ctem.torv 3500 P.c:lfic: •hew Onve •••pcw1 llnch-844-2700 Security Pacific Interim Invest~ ment Plan. Right now, a loc of mvescors are waiting for the December 14th start Jate of the new insured money market accounts. But you don't have to wait. Instead , you can be earning money market rates at Security Pacific today. At the same time, you can 'arrange in advance for your Securicy Pacific Insured Money M~rket Account. And you'll get an impressive extra interest bonus in the bargain. Here's how it works. We're offering an incerim inve5t- menc plan for a minimum of $2500 which. like our Insured Money Market Account, pays money market rates. Invest now, and we will, at your direction, automatically transfer your funds into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account on December 14th. Funds invesced in the interim investment plan are held in a Repurchase Agreement which is not an account and not insured by the FDIC. But they a re backed by Federal government and government age ncy securities. And by Security Pacific, the nation's tenth largest bank with more than $33 billion in a~ts and a 100 year record" o strength and stability. 1bDAY'S &<TE: Act early a nd earn up to $100 in extra interest. We'll pay you a bonus for planning ahead on your Security Pacific Insured Money Markee Account. Simply fill out one of the cou- pons and bring it to one of our more than 625 banking offices. We'll invest your money now. And arrange for your funds to be aucomatically transferred into a Security Pacific Insured Money Market Account. On December l4ch, we will add the value of the coupon to your opening balance. r$1_0_ ~~~~A~l~ -w1 I INTEREST BoNUS COlJPON . .. ... ~ ,.. . I ..,.,.J • • .. 11. • , ~ .._ 11.,.. ..... ...,.. -1 "''' •·• u I ·-~ io• 1. \. \f f>H ., I •• '•lw ~.... --""-• • h •• .,, '- ............. ·•· "• ~•t , ., \t \.· \~ -· ""''-u•l'•t 4 1.,... ,._ ~,..l •·ll•••Ju , .... Ir .• ,,, I'"-\t •• \, ~' _....J •••h th .,.l.,1., • ..,,1, "'-"" I •tr..i..l1w111 • .,..,,,,. ·~·•lrl""-1' hh••t•••'" l .,..."'•I• •11 fl•'-•.. I .. .......... , .. ,.. .. ,, ...... ,,,, ......... ~.' .......... ,\ ~ ....... . 14 ..... t .. 1' .... ,_.. , .. ,...,._,,I .... ~,.. ...... I ... .. ,. , t. J .t.. ,... c r ,_ ,. • ~ • 1 :~ I The Security Pacific Insured Money Market Ace.punt. An unprecedented combination of advantages. By acting earl y, you'll be among the first to benefit from a package of investment feacures never offered together before: Money market earnings, the protec, tion of up to $100,000 in FDIC insuranc-e, and the convenience and security of Security Pacific. In addition, you'll have liquidity wich easy, instant access co your funds. And when you make a de- posit in your Insured Money Market Account, you'll begin earning inter- est on your money chat same day. We're Security Pacific and we can offer you a broad variety of high- yield investment programs, plus dis- count brokerage and sophisticated financial planning. So come in today and start earning money market rates on your interim investment. Along with an extra interest bonus to look forward to. SECURITY PACIFIC BANK THE LOOKl"NG RJRwi\RD BANK -----°''" b2Cl 1il11:n "' Cahfom~!.... ( l. ~; c :() M 1'0 l 'I'~: I 'l'HA ~ -~'flC' ' 111J•••IU4t•1•nwrtr , •• .,,,o.,t••• ••••••• ••t111•u ,.,,,,., ''"' 1 ... ., ••••••• ••ui ''"''"""'""'' IClfU1•U••n •t'-1•eb l t t •t au•111t 1•.,1lll•t .•. ,, ..... , .~ ... , .. , ff f ,,.h f ..... ht j f ••h I f...-h411 ,,.. ... ij ' ., ' Mell-('• ~ " • .. .,. I flJ 11.. = ti r. lri 1'"-' '; ,. l =~ ...... :-:.; i :1 g~ · :: = 11 :i 4 ur .~ lli t•U 1'J .o ... '• 'tt~ n!1ft .. t,, ~:n ,, M' ;f : ~: I • "' 0 ' t I ''!if l h. 1i(",, ,. " ..... ,, t A"" a • 1tt 0 1• • '• a.I • U II " lllo I a.,. &-: tt f <, r loo I I ti•, I & ... JI ·~ , " I fl t It r. '! • .. U It ri It'•• .... !f U .. /'Mo .. 4All f• I ""' , '"" c "9 !:!~1Jlf 11.,.14! ... ' 2tl~~. t 1t U ,.. tt1. t '• V i 11 'ff Ito h win N•r ~~ '" It : :J .. ' '• Ii at,, ~)) " • ~· &. M:. .! :: • :.:: "--· I. ,. 1lt II llO 10• '-; ' It Jet,, ~. ~ "u ",, ,1• 11e,. • .'."'1 1 ~! 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J I 1IO ... + -.,. SMrt 1.• 14 OJ>1 >11.,. "' v...,. . .o 1 10.t n •, .,, "' S«Pllc 2.40 s 1n • • .... v...,.1n 1J :rt "" 4\o\ ... .. ,.... » • ltl '° . .,._ .12 • 1SJ 1111 .. .. er. tO n D 101> ~ Vwlatl • JI J9 •I \lo .5'16 •110 .. lllo. V-AIJ2 191 1-~ 1JOIOa11f •la1'9 V-.e JDJ1 1°' '''°' ~ =I t"'-'li,,+.... ....... '° .... 11 1M il S6 1)1.. \lo V .... 1.llt 1t 10-. 1 • I J» »I'> Via-~ It ,._, tt .. =T 2 10. • • ,...., , '°' Vd:,.,_ t I W. w;, 0 lO tJ '" J1\f> .... v .. ,. • .. • 1 Ifft JS 102 it~ Ito\ VME,. IMU .. &llO Jc • 1 SN1G "'1 .o s t• + "-V .. , Ifft.to • t JJh • "" Sllrofl11 l 12 100 ., • ..,. .,., ":-.:r'. '1ft l) ... I r: • -: ·r.~· ... ~.... .• . ~ ·:::. = · .. 11 1osa n . v~ 1. ... 10 • ~-.., ,... '91J Ill 111<>+ l -W-W -.:: '° m 1~~ ..._ =~...u: ~ .: m:-~ ,. Ut .. 14 tf\t " ....., IA t » 22"' ~ ·uQ,.. ~· ..... .,...... , .......... Ill b i • 141 WiaH ~ U m U -... """ . • 11' ..... .... ... ·' ' , • ... • ,,.., ti t5t -... .... ' . at ... -1 r ..... :I 11• ~ = t: : ~14• H ,,: Ht:-.J: 1 j ~ ,.... V. M t111 14 t r1ti I tp .. ,, State • economic decline continues From Wire Services SAN FRANCISCO 'rhe Ca!Jfomla t.'<:onomy wttAkt:n~d further durlns Nowmber •• th~ U S economy experienced lta 17th month of teeeMion The c:urnmt f'eC'('8Sion LI now tied with the 1973·7~ r~1on u the longest et.'Ononuc down turn aince the Great Deprus wn. In November California'• un~mployment rate rose to 11.2 percent, while the U.S. rate ro1e lo 10.8 percent. Fewer job• were available in virtually every industry ln the st.ate. Califo rnia's non-agricultural employment declined 4 percent in November w ith conatructlo.n down 2.2 percent, manufacturing and government each down .6 percent and llervtce down .2 percent. In recent years Californaa'a economy hu outperformed the U.S . economy in most aectors. But tn 1983 the state's E!()()nomic performance will match that of the United States rather than outperfomung It. This year has been a transiuon for both economies with uncer tamty about the strength and durability of the U.S. re<:over y and its effects upon California'a cconomil' recovery a key area of discussion. • It is expected that the U.S. economy will provide a weak source of growth for the state's economy California's G ro68 State Product m 1983 shouJd grow In the 2.5 percent area and unemployment should decline to under 10 percent V-8 car sales up DETROIT -Stable gasoline pnet'S and a re turn of performance cars helped to boost the number of 5-liter V ·8 engines sold an 1982 model cars, an industry journal said today. V -8 engines of 301 -350 c:ubic inch dJSplacement grabbed 21 percent or ca r production '" the 1982 model year, com pared to only 16.7 percent of cars built m the 198 1 model year, Ward's AutomotJVe Reports said. Ward's said 1.201,599 of the large V-8 engines were sold in the 1982 model year, compared w ith 1,185,844 m the 1981 model year. Most of the large engines were installed in full- size and luxury ca.rs. such as Ford Motor Co.'s LTD and Marquis and General Motors Corp.'s Chevrolet Impala and Caprice. However, Ward's added, many of GM's Camaros and Firebirds and Ford's Mustangs and Capris also were sold w ith performance engines. Cadillac appeals grows DETROIT -Cadillac dealers reported a 29 percent daily sa.Jes rate increase for the second IO days of December compared with the same period last year, while recording the highest mid-December sales since 1979. according to L.B. Pryor, Clrd1llac Motor Car Division general aa.1es manager. ..c.dlllac deal.en M!gistered domesUc deliveries of 7,823 uhill for the Dec. 11-20 period va. 6,064 new can sold a year ago.'' Pryor said. He explained, ''There were eight selling days in each period,· and of the Cadillacs aold in mid-December, 91.6 percent were 1983 mode ls. 8.4 percent were 1982s. · "Combined with the aales gain for the first 20 days of December, Cadillac sales for both the 1983 model year and the 1982 calendar year also continue to surpass the pre~ious year's levels," Pryor noted. S&L increase seen LOS ANGELES -Look for a bumper crop of new savings & loan associations in California in 1983 . Applications to establish state-chartered S&Ls this year mushroomed to 33 through mid-November, up from only thrtt for full year 1981, accorcling to Edward Carpenter & Associates Inc., Los Angeles- based financial institutions consulting firm. There were no filings for federal chatters in California this year or in 1981, EC&.A said. Mean while, the EC&A tally sh ows 18 sta\e- chartere d S&Ls w e r e approved through m id - November. equal to the number given the green hght in full 1981 , and 12 new state-chartered S&Ls opened through mid-November, compared with 11 for all of 1981. These brought the number of S&Ls in the state to 168 but still below the post-WorJd•War ll_peak of 277 reached an 196~. said the Carpenter organization that prepares and files applications. on behalf of proponents The firm currently is working on almost 20 S&L packages, filed or in preparation. Gold By Tbe A11oclate4 Press Selected world gold prices today: London mornjng fixing closed. London afternoon fixing cloeed. Paris afterryxm fixing $449.73, up $4.75. Frankfurt fixing $450.58. up $3.58. Zurich late afternoon fixing $451.00, up $5.25 bid\ $4541.00 asked. Randy & Harman (only daily quote) $457.00, up $11.25. Engelhard (only daily quote) $454.00, up $8.25. Engelhard fabricated (only daily quote) $476.70, up $7.09. Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices tOday: l "Co'JPlf"trw~ pound, U.S destfnations.,..l' Lead 20~·23 centa a pound . ZlDc 36..@ cents a pound, d livered. Tia $6,1~ Met.ala WH k compo1it.e lb. AJ1mln•m 76 ~nts a pound, N.Y . M~rcary f.38~.00 ~r flask. Platinum $370.00-$373.00 troy ounce, N.Y., Handy and Hannan, $10.98 per tto)' ounco! I • •• Or • ·-·· .. OPEN YOUR INSURED MONEYMARKET PLAN .. NOW AND WE GUARANTEE YOU 1.5% MORE THAN THE AVERAGE YIELD ON MONEY MARKET FUNDS- PLUS -A FREE PACKAGE OF IMPORTANT MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES. At-last - a safe investment with high earnings and the freedom to use your money. Plus bonus interest if you open your account right away! Start with as little as S2,50<r Maintain at least that amount ... and for the fir.st 30 days, we'll pay you 1.5% more than the average yield on money market funds according to a leading jndex. You may continue to earn bonus interest (renewable monthly at o ur option) for up to six months. YOU COii 1111JL TRANSFEa BY.,_. TO YOlll FIEE C1EXTRA•tNJEIEST CIECDIG ACCOlllT. One of the most advanced money management tools available today is a Chextra interest checking account. And ' we've made it even more valuable by linking it to your Insured MoneyMarket Plan with transfers you handle simply by phone. Based on a leading Index, you'll earn 1.5~ more than the average yield on money market fund-; for 30 days, rent>wable monthly at our option for up to six months. You1ll enjoy day-in, day-out cash convenience. Economy too, because your account is free. Including 200 free personalized checks. Use it in good wealth. You c.an also apply for the added convenience of Overdraft Protection with Check Guarantee. And your choice ofVISA~ accounts or MasterCard. ™1 OPEi YOlll ACCOlllT TODAY. WELCOME TO TIE RWTH, COllVE•ICE, SAFEn AID STIEIGTll OF llJME FEDERAL COUNTRY. Thousands of Californians have already signed up with record-breaking millions of dollars to take advantage of Home Federal's Insured MoneyMarket Plan -the account of the future. Better than money market funds and bound to replace many other investments too. Combining safety, money management convenience and high earnings, including bonus interest if you act now! We 'd like to welcome you or welcome you back to Home Federal Country. In person, we hope. But remember, you can arrange for most Home Federal investments and services by phone -any hour, any day. Call to ll-free 1-800-862-0539 0 When your babnc't" f.ill~ llek>W S2.~. you wiU earn Inc~ :al ~14._, WllEIETllU CM ... ..... •• llllf Plllt MONDAY. 0 0. t1, 1112 I . ClASSIFllD Add continental touch to holidays tJegant end to a perfect holiday meal might be European-style cocoa such as this Hot Rum Frappe. Holiday Sandwich Wreath adds •festive touch to New Year's party. Sandwich a wreath into party plans Sometime• It 1eem1 entertaining family and that no eooner are the trienda, it gives you an 1 preeent1 opened, the opportunity to enjoy turkey carved and the your company as well aa dilhea cleaned from the food . Chri.ltmu than it'• time to l1art planning foe yet another holiday -New . Year's Eve. For many of ua, New Year'• partle• are H much a part of the holiday tradition aa miltletoe and holly. Whether the first party 1 of the New Year will be for a large IJ'OUP Ol" Just a few cloee frlenda, your concern wfll probably be for creative yet 1lmple ' entertainml. I If thia ta the cue, the Holiday Sandwich Wreath wW prove to be a true ally to you. For all ita beauty, the Smdwich WrMth ia eM'J 1 to prepare and it'• H dell&htful to the palate a1 It 11 to the eye! It doubles u an attncttve centerp6ece M well • a 8Cl'WDptiom appelber. Ju::J:!.ace &he mtn1- 81ibd ullriabt ln • drcle and d1en add a brflh& •tin bow for dw l..Uve flalahlna touch. And bH' of all, th• H0Uda7 Sandwich • wn.th -1 be~ ... In advance '°"" ~· Deviled Sprud 1 can (4 ounces) deviled ham \4 cup c hopped celery ~ tea1poon Worcesterahire aauce 1 loaf (8 ouncee) ~~ .J:!mpernickel 80fteoed butter Qlcke. Apple Spread 1 can (4" ounces) chlcken lpread 'A cup chopped apple 1 table1poon 1our ~ 1 loaf (8 ounces) party rye breed .uce. IOf1ened butter N"'1 Pate s,re.41 l can (4" ounces) uverwum...-w cup chopped ,,_,. pepper l table1poon m.yonnaile Combine flnt three ~ta ln each of the three reelpe1. SprHd bread 1llce1 wl th IOttened butter. Spreed half°' br...cS a1m wl&h meat 1pr11d mixture; cloH aandwlch with ~ ... Durin& lhe holiday 1euon, there'• nothin,a be«« after d.1nner than Wanninl Up with a tuty and elesant hot drink. Combination.1 of cocoa, coffee and other in1redlent1 make 80pbiaticated drinka that are 1ure t o get rave reviews. A Hot Rum Frappe comblnee Swl11-atyle bot cocoa with h ot brewed coffee and rum. Garnished with whipped PRODUCE Russet Potatoes ~s, Celery Hearts ,.::o,• Yellow Onions Juicy Tangelos PRODUCE cream and eerved wlth delicate, bit.e.tliJle cookies. thi1 drink will 1urely rank amons your favoritea. For an exdtina change try Cocoa Brufot -a 1pec:lal European-1tyle cocoa that i1 combined with a flaming ml.xture of brandy, orange peel and clovu. Thi1 drink not only wanm you. UJ>, but la a 1pectacular light as well. Either drink will bring a memorable, "con- tinental touch" to your hoUday entenainins. HOT RUM FRAPPE 4 cupe hot brewed coffee 1 cup hot ooc:oa mix ~ cup half & half ~ cup llaht or dark rum• ~ teupoon vanilla extract ~ cup heavy cream. whipped ln a large saucepan, combine cotfee, cocoa and half and hall. Heat over low heat, 1tlrrln1 until oocoe dt.olves. Stir ln FUm and vanilla; heat through. Tran.efer Into punch bowl, u deared. Drop whipped cream by table1poon1ful In to punch bowl. •If a non-alcoholic beverage 11 de1ired, 1ub1tltute 1 teaepoon rum extract for rum. Makes 6..S lel'Vinp. COCOA BRULOT Ham SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT 5ii!. 59• ""'59• lb 14' • 29• Short Ribs ~lly -'1" Chuck Roast S:..:.'I. ~ ., '1" Ground Beef '"E::~f~ lb s111 R =:z~I) '1" Boneless oast .., er.~ lb SEAFOODS 7-Bone Roast~~~ lb 1139 Stew Meat s::.= lb 11" Beef Steak =i.= lb 1219 Arm Pot Roast ~ lb '1" , MEAT Green Onions ~ Italian Squash'=' White Rose Potatoes Cucumbers ~"'s=.. 2 .... 45• King Crab • '9" ... •2Jt Por1< Roast Half Pounder GRO CERY lb 49• Fish Fiiiets ~==.. lb 29• Fish Kabobs ~!.,Ololct ED 25' Breaded Fishstlcks ,::., BAKERY ~89• ... 89• DAIRY Sllced Bacon S::- Pollsh Sausage ,..-::"" , HlA l TH 6 BlAUIY 1 oranae 2 cups brandy• 8 whole clove1 2 at.ickl cinnamon 6 cupe hot brewed coffee 1 cup hot cocoa mix With vegetable peeler, remove peel from orange. Heat brandy, orange peel, cloves and cinnamon until very warm (do not llmmer). Transfer to heated serving bowl. Carefully ignite and let flame 1 rrunute. Comblne coffee and hot cocoa mix; 1Ur until dl11olved. Pour cocoe-coffee mixture into flaming brandy. Serve warm. •If a non-alcoholic beverqe ii daired; beet 6 cup1 coffee, 2 cup1 water, orange peel, clove, and cinnamon until very wann. Stir l.n cocoa until dl11olved. Stir in 2 ~ tea1poon1 brandy extract . Make• 10 servings. Stamps! J ake • a quiz on how to imbib wi ely and wel~ •1_180ARNIA1'A ~aJt.oholk• tvttltfat' I• ttMP th•fWnd un ttw 1aranJ nM•l whl•kwyt 18 If lht1 1tl1•ohol •kohol t·u111 nl J .• 11w1,r 111aitu1r proof 11 mur• 01n, vodka, rvm, Ja, J11 ume O.rk rum 11 mon• akuhul rnnt•nt urue 12 1'h meat fat nln1 lOOI nl (lho pruuf111 lht1 11roof I lquur • h1v-.: 1ui11•nttlary) brandy, coan , 1toll'hz h'1non.w11halll((IJ(1t flavurJ6,llth1nll1h1rum, red• 1tf' lower )11 l'ompc1nc·n1 h1 qnn1 I• um., th t·afurlt•mntcinl rtl1tlv.ly mor• llavur lft If brandy, rum or frlah whlekey ·•nd t'9 •mply calort ... but 110 yd l'An u.. lt.'81 tor c•alurl , peirllc-uh1rly thf! f•I. tho bullf'rfat In th• wlll be m•arly ldt>ntl<·•I lnarC'dltmlll In 1.:ookln11. utht•r liquor• ., .. tHikt'd blttnda, hav• IO calort. d•l•bratln1 the New tho umo rum flavor luw alcohol l\all•n c·rTnm VMOP Cou rvol1I., th hlaihur th• proof, th• In a frull rake, the ah ounce at 90 proof, 76 Y~ the Slim Oourmot 7 "Ory" on• 111n IML.1 lmporta with onJy el,hl l:t Thti mmt faU.enJntt u I co h o I ca Io r I e 1 c:aJortet at 8CJ proof, and w1y doean't demand a hu nothlnt to do with or nine prmrnt alcohol, compon ent In cream Ill' llUlllJ uvaporai. durln, baJdna. 70 calortn at 10 proot lutolalln1 Unkle of alcohol Of'calorlr~:ounl. and the Amerl l'a n ll~ururt la fal , th• liowevtr, booze pour.ct The color or claritv oC mlf\eral water and Ice 8. Moat dry vermouth "llQht" red winN. but..,tf1t In tho cream. uver ~lea or c:te.tru do liquor hu no ~ orl Why nol drink wlaely I.Ji 30 calorie. Pf'r ouru; 10 Only the alcohol 14 The moat fattenlna not loN calorite (except alco~l or~ count. and well for fewH moel Chablla wine. are l'alorlea dlaappear, but component In a Pin• Co1nac aaed lt"Ven or more ol It wlU boll aw11y, for an lnelanHl~ant 20. Orqe ju.let .. 14 ca lorie.. Check your 20 calories per ounce. the •u1•r calorles Colada la fat, ln the form more yean h.u no more 11<> lt'a more practical to amount of evaporation). calorlei per ounce· knowledge with our VermouthlJlaboutel1ht remain. Some llqueun otccx.'Onutcream.Fatlt9 calorlesth1nanordlnary u1e lower proof wine• 19.Thecalorieeinany pineapple juice 11 i7 :IO.queationqul%: percent higher In areM>percentauaar caJorleeaaram.alcoholla brandy o f the ume and llquora In cooklna hard liquor depend calorlea; moit IUf-t TRUE 01\ FALSE alcohol 11 Plain brandy and 7 calortee: carbohydra~ proof. (unle11 you wlah to entirely on \he alcohol 1weetened mJxen ruw.t . 1 . The drier the 9.Thecalorleslnbolh cognaca average 66 (auaar)lt4calories. 17 . The higher the flambee th e dlaa-end content (expre11ed on between 10 and Id ltlarUnl, the fewer the red and white wines c:aloriee r ounce. So do 15. Salt la calorie free. proof, the higher the ignite the alcohol vapora; the libel at "proof") calories. dlllorl". I~~~~~~~~~~--~~~_;,_,:._~~~~_;,_;_;,_~_:_~~~~=--~---~.;;____::...:;:,:.:..:...:.;_:,.:.._::::._..:..:_..:.:.:_::....:.:..=.:.:.-=-!:.:..:..:..:_.:.__:==:~~~~~~ · 2. Vodka has fewer ~~orles than acotch. 3. Bitter lemon is less fettenlna than Seven-Op. · •· Tonlc water is calorie-free. 5. Rum is higher in calories than gln. 6. Light rum is less fltt.enlng than dark rum 7 . Ory gin is less fattening. : 8. Dry vermouth is less fattening than Chablla. : 9. All red wines are ~ore fattening than Vfhile winee. · 10. When you use lk}ueuB in cooking the cilorles disappev. . 11. Bnndy ii higher in calories than whiskey. 12. The most fattening component in eggnog is alcohol. 13. Sugar is the most ffttening ingredient in lnsh Cream Liqueurs. 14. Rum ia the most fattening ingredient in Pina Coladas. 15. Salt is the most f1ttenlng ingredient in Margaritas. 16. Aged whlskey ia more fattenlne then younger blends. 17. Uae the higb~t proof liquor for the moet flavor. 18. Brandy soaked in fruit cake has fewer calories. 19. Light liquors. like gin and vodka, are lea lat1ening than ecotch and rum. 20. Fruit juice is a less fattening mixer than soda. ANSWERS All of the foregoing statements are falae. Some notes on the answers: 1. The w etter .the martini, the lower the calories, b ecau1e vermout'h has fewer calories than gin or v9<fka. : 2. Ninety-proof vodka ~ acotch both have 80 calories per ounce. 3. Calories per 12 ounces: bttter lemon 192, Seven-Up 144, Diet Seven -Up has only a trace . . 4. Most branda of tonk ate 132 calories per 12 cxmoes. However, su.pr- fs:ee tonlc, available in aqme areu, ia close to calorie free. 5. Ninety-proof rum and gin both have 80 Qlories per ounce. 6. Both light and dark rum have the same ctaloriea if the proof Cake for a New Year's Day bronc DOUBLE COUPON SAVINGS FARMER JOHN BACON IUCl!D • 1·U. PAC1CAQI USOA CHOtel HD' TMCK CUT 9o.l IN '90UND PORK 8PAAERl88 _ST'ft.a,____ -... 111 BEEF BACK Riii ... 89• -...n ----· ---.. .. .. BONELESS RUllP ROAST RED DELICIOUS APPLES "'OM WAIHIMGTON 8TAtt FARMER JOHN BACON • ~ 111 SMITH'S BREAD WHITI! • W'4UT •REGULAR• 8ANDWJCH • 11.0Z. LOAF OUMTtMO • IUCIO PULL CW PLAYOlll 81ALOIN TIP ROAST .. 2" ---.-.... l!EF CUBES FOR STEW .. 1" ~-· -~ 2" BATH TISSUE COLOflTU ._.,ACK NG. CLING PEACHES .......,....~WW.O..IUC0..1...0Z CA• CANADA ORY MIXERS 4LA. Y....-nl.L •-1.nt an. POTATO CHIPS MORTON SALT PLAIN. IODIDO. a.oz. •ox 21~ ANDRE' CHAMPAGNE WMITI • fltNK •COLD DUCK• 710-ML. BEEF FRANKS SMITH'S BREAD WMITI •WHIAT -. I ~ ~·:' ~,......... • • COLORTO UPKlll 11~ AHotrnD ...COUMTl'tlQ. ORANGE JUICE .99-e.Tln.--.tt-61.C- KRAFT LA CREME TOPPING .89--zn.MILCTIO. JOHNSTON'S ·APPLE PIE 1" 1•• L•TSlllTH'S D•V•LOP • PRINT YOUR HOLIDAY PICTUR•a1 . t I t .. t I I I . I l 1. I I . I f l i I r I l t I t: l Tll '""'"" r1act•• by Brad Anderson "His own fireplace? You give in tc1hlm on everything, don't you?" WiVT A MINVT'E, JEANNIE' DID YOU FlNO MY CONTKIS7 IATURDAY'I PUZZLl IOL VD llGG by v1rg11 Partc,, ~VII') 11 ·11 • "I h1tt Mond1y1." Hank Ketchum 11 l 'TI Tt;MBLE•EEDM A5 LONi AS Wl'A JU!T ,UCTICI~ l MAVI A 5U'"'1 ION 11(1Ml-MORALf 15 PL.UMMf:11NG ! '1'0U't7 fJe:mR 11:1..L. '™f: CHIE:f. ~ANC'' NE'-":f YEAR15 RESOLVT10N #I I PROMISE TO NEVER A6AIN RAID 1'HE COOKIE. JAR-- lll:C 17 GORDO IF ~~H o'~F! J.>JO Au. 'Off ~ liAAXE 'fOC.J M.1~1 • ~·u. Jl)~'T' ~ 1f:MJ 11·1-1 Ft:N9'l' •tN9'ERBEAN AMAZIN& ! D15NE'T\.AAD 15 1'RUL.<.' SOV€n.fl~ 10 een.D ! WHY et..st: wout...P >. e>E! WE!ARIN<S St..ACKS IN A NICI!! Pc..ACI!!! t..lt<I!! 1'H IS~! ..., ''· ' by Jeff MacNelly By Mark Lasky· UNLESS IT 15 LEFT L)N60ARDED by Gus Arriola by Tom 8at1uk by George Lemont uUS'f' e>RIN~ Mf; A "fRI P'-'!! eouR&oN , OKAY~! . ·' '· • i OAI 'f Pl 01JM .,, , ,,, t ~-"'....-::""' m· ........ .u lfl IM~-CHI Of Ille t11111e el C11U11r111a. 111 tll• Co11111r •' Otllltl In .... ~ .. ., tilt ...... . el r1'~1AIU p Mu .... .-. ~ o.e.e..d NollU .. MleO)o ·-111•1 ,,.. \#ldet~ ....... "'""''' .... 10 Ille ll19he•t 111d !Mel Oldd., 11111ec1 to co11llrm111011 of 111d ~IOt C-t. Oii Of aft• the"" ~ o1 J__,.,, 1m 11 1119 omc. o1 Wl!IN"lD a MIJIOH. Attor~ II Law Svlll 201. IOt No Pw11oent• Ott,.., 811111 Ana CA 12706 II Ille rl91'11, 1111• 1nd 1n11r .. 1 Of Hid OIOMeed 11 Ille tinw of d .. th end all the rlQlll, Ill .. lll(J lnttr•• thet Ill• ••••I• of aa1d deoeend hH 1cqulred by op1r1llo11 01 lew or ot~M Olhe< than 0t 111 ICkllOon to 111411olMIOdlcMMd.11 lhl llme ot dMlh. Ill end to all t"9 G«leln rMI, prop«ty a11uatld In the City of Tu.tin County Of Orange. Stet• of Celttorm•. pe1llc1111rty delcl'lbed .. fOl!ow9 to.wit Thi Soutll 100 .... of 11\1 W111 t$0 felt of 9'oci. C M ehown on • Map of Tuatln City City of Tustin u .,._., on • map ,_o.o In Book 4 Pegeie 2t8 end 218 of Mlee. Mepa h~t Ille !HI 75 1 .. 1 thereof More commonly 1111ow11 H 185 PeclflC Str .. 1. Tutti!>. CeittOfnle Term• of ••I• OHi\ In 11wlul money of th• United St•IH on conllrmetlon ol ..... or pen calll end bel1noe evidenced by note _,,.O bV Mortgege or Truat OMd on ,,.. Pf'Opwly 10 IOld Ten per oent of emount bid to bl dec>Oeitld .+thbkl Bid• or olltt• to bl In writing end •ill bl rec .. v.o at th• elo•nald otttce 11 any time •lier the 11111 publleatlon he<eol end before date Of .... O.t.o 11111 tJth dey ol December. tN2 Arnold N. M111r1y Admlnletretor. CTA ol the Wiii of llld OeceOlnl Wl .... lO & MIXON Att.frwp et Lew I01 M. ,. ____ Dr. a203 Santa Ana. CA 82705 Publl•hed Orano• Co111 Delly PllOI, Ole. 20, 21. 2'1. 1"2 M&?-82 Nil.IC fl>TlCE -~ aTATl....-T Of' UANDOS .. NT Of' UU Of' '1CTITIOU8 .u .......... ------ p I L 0 T 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ------------ 642-5678 Nl•t1rlu Im// t1/ ull /}u1/11 l't/111 rt•a.dtfrl ,,,,.,,. uwnl lht• rluul/l<•d lff<•Um1 tu bu11 or ~•'" ,, wudm·t ......, .......... ktlH HU 11ttl lttttt '""' '" .... .... "' .... ln...,...,tn_ft!Wllllolh~Jt--lntrtJ IW ..... lW ..J·!;:~=i~l~l!"~·~'!~!lf11!H~Wh_.~ ... l! IMtl IHI "Lt;= -~ boe, --~ar/' 1111111111 Tll-1111.TIUt ~·,-'!'~ .2 .... lp~~~~ lmll '"· )'Mrly, N bet\ Heat ,.. • tnwnac, hlGNY 11p1radad dtteofleCI hOtM In Waodbfld09 2 If I den. elrtl#tl w/199, melnlenance frH yrd Lell•J. poo11. tenn11 • 10011/mo 0711·H72. eve. t7&-1551 •• I All ..... ftendlnQ 1Qf90toeute • I ,.._ -m "'"' ·-1360/mo. Cell letld) egt ..,.. w111 ~ .,.., o"" on new u ... Cllfl* & grMJ 971-t023 .n 9clfn T~ ~" MY' oet 11111 qund4Ym bMlt 2Br. cten, acc.n1 f .. '"'" 1205 PIUMI. MOSIU told, 8111 Md Don heve J)OOl, 199 770-6MI 000 ....... 7020 ~ ..... , nu put 1t11a 1n mint COC\dlllon .... ltu LW IUl UflTI llOMl PARll ~ woe entry, tunken llv· Ctltl _ _ !'.! LAROE COM hom•. 2 tiOMU FOA AfNT Ing room. family room,1!-i;;~;;;iiii~==I ----•• ll .. !'.1~•'"'"11 ltry, 3 oar ger. Ocean lrvlne al 4 Bdrm. din~ "'~llttchenwlth l' ...... -:.1 1\111·• view . For I••••· 1700-172&. Fenoed ........... letC.M.3bd,2be.IOl1 011 .. t P•rk-llk• ""'""· +'II II I ., ... Ol mo. e•1-e1to K ..... , brea fat\ ber. 'rench l2'fo ~ 9, K. It~. Rm fof peddte t9nnla 9n'd • "" 1111111.1 .. ., " yatCta a glllllQ99 ..,. doott i.ed to lovely yard IOO. 646-7152 pool OnMt fOf Otcih9td. .1411.. deya. 780-3e50 -· P9l• we6oom9. 54&-2000. with GOIOaHI •IH •P•. • ~MC " 3 Bdt'ma, $.I I HI I""' 3 Br, 2 bll duplell w/vklw "09"1, no·-· (take 1"-whOI• petty) fwnlfy rm 12".IOO Lo-deck . 2 c ar Oar , WOOD800 COTI AOE. 2 Upet8: to IOWIY ::;:; ....a ground teaM, 1375/yr. Oett l1tlt, I '860/mo. 7171.t OfcNd 11y, 3 Bd. 3 a.. 1ro tr. 9y glent lhl, lpecj 2 ldrm W lid• dlvld~ t7 yre belor• adJ11tl· IHHl•Hf 01. Work 540-4988, home pk/pool Nu paint. ' overlooklng •P• a11d t>y double 01! garag•. rnent. &40-82t8 drpe, w1hr/dr. l••n pat1I Mltl'f, many e11ttu w-a-I y...a.. .. I 1"00/ 1 1 t C ell now ror detellt Conor•t• drive, l)f'lvate _, • .,... • 2 Br. 1 Ba. beelT1 oelllng. • mo mmac11 • • 646-23t3 ptitloe, 1127,700. ltlltwt ..._..11 gerege, a1011a. frig, 1_No_P9!:_•_· _4ff.30 __ t_9 __ 1 THE REAL ESTATERS LOOI For our new reguler weekly IMture IOIT SHIW· CASE Every Sat~ In lh• Deity Piiot heda a., ...... IJtr d1hwhr. very nice Univ Pe/II 3 8', 2'.t Be. 2 Ml-lTH ' L••••n 11,.. .... a...HI/ r .... 11'11 :J.!&1mo. 955.3940 f::.:•aaU5~4·.t1~2~r. tie• SALE OR TRADE 55 A.ore 1--·------Luiwrloui Condo. Wik to evooac:so grv. l10M per Nice 2Br 2 bath upetelr• 1_IM_0-_87_&_5 ____ _ boh. every tmtnlty ecre. $100,000 write off •Pt wn11 flreplace, b•I· Lanu heck WI l1 t4,000/0BO. Mu1t Ml1 11111 yeer, '50M dn. min. cony, petlo and gatage. _ futl Call &4-4-59e5 . By owner Avell now. Credft ref e EMERALD BAV. 3 Br. 2 MlJLLAN AEAL TY muet. No peta. 17 tO/rno B• lrplo. brlek p1tlo, ~2"0 Lon Cell 875-23t1 t>twn 0-5 with ape &1800/mo \ ltafUI 8 Un I II r 11 Thu rl or 875-.1087 DOEmlUL ...... rua!aW 540--3909 wt1nd• 1-2-Br-.-c1en-. -2 -t>a-. -,rPIC-.-d-,w . In two reapecte. Vllue I 11_ • _ Cetta lltta UM rntcroweve. treen oomc>. eppe11. Only 1355,000 -ur&I alwa 1_, ...... ....., ...... .._ _ __. ..... _ epeclou• wood deck• tor thl• Hec11llve 4 Br 2 Bd HOUM and 2 Bd Du-t80" oceen/cyn vi-• WTtm llU.•11 I Bdrm From 1618 LA QUINT A tiEAMOSA t62 t t Parktlde l.t'I. 1 blll w of BMdl, a blk9 a. of Edlnoer ... 847-644 t IU-ft.LMI New 112 bdrm luxury IP!• In t4 pj41M. t Bdrm lrom 164<>. 2 Bdrm from 1585. TownhouM from IH5 + pool•, tennle, waterfall•, pondtl Oaa for cooking & ll•allng paid. From San Diego Frwy drive Horth on BMc:h to McFedden to Setwlnd VIiiage (714)H3-5188 IPYIUll llU Latge 4 bdrm. view home In Immaculate oondltlon. ldeel tor a growing actlYe lemlly • Spacloua up•· 11lr1 game rm. plue • big lamlly rm. downatelre. Btdmlnton Court, Dog run, 3 car gai-ege. etc .. etc. 1723,400. comcl)I r•mod•l•d and ated. 2 Bdrm 2 t>alh home on R·2 lot. N-Mrthtone carpete, UMd brldt l\rapleoe, all ,._ kllcflen Ind baths. French door• and huge ,.. yard. ~ fi- nancing tvallable. Owner wlll alto oonllder IMM option. Hurry, won't lut, 11klng I 13g,900. Call 640-1f51 3Y. Be w/3 car Qat. wee fllllllll pl9ll 1 tOOO/mo. 4~576 ber & 2 frplc:e, F'lbulout Verulltet bechlt 1825 333 E. 211t St. CM 1 ·--. •---L -~• B1yorHt locetlon. Call VIEW, 2 8' 1725 645--8t03 Ho pett 3 Br View w/Pflvacy, watlo _ ... -• ..-w. 1714167)..4400 11111 ua.2111 HARBOR for v I• w 1n0 a pp t . VerMl!lee Oen Vu 11200 4 Br oondo '°' ..._ 2,~ to private beech, no Lwwry 81udlo rr .. HBO, 831-7370, IMll-3&4e OcMnfrt 3 Br 11250 Ba, 1150 I .I .. te~nla, ptite, garage, frp!c, bll· phone, maid t«V. IC)a, ~HDHTAGE Udo, lg 58' 11800 pool r.c No pett Ref• Int. ttl +MC. 1850/mo. $130 wtc. 409-3015 WITDFUIT •U Avlli 12it, 6-U-e011 ~ _4_ff_._1_6t_7 ____ _ REALTORS TR.\DI T 10\,\l. ~t .• \1 ·1, 111-1400 _7_30-e5 __ 2_1 ----ARCH BCH HGTS· View. 3 I IMck 2Mt Br. 2 Ba. trpl. $846.lmo. ~!!Pt~milimiiiiiiililir Cenu ... ... 1122 1 II PllY I "Ill eeo-a..t t "4-81111 I r ala tall 1134 Rng, yard. No pet•. Utll ... , " H~=. ~, ·,~~:; p.d •. 01~25~~08 ~:· P~• 111 .. 1 •• Ylti• mt No down-no qu1Ulylng.1---------... 3 ... n..........-3Br twnhm. Move In, laata Aaa 1... "'• ..., m rm . .,._, 18\h.488-1817 HOMES FOR REHT I city view. &3000/mo. Minion Viejo 3 & 4 take over 11200·1 2300 UIY llY 21$-7SIG-5125. E.utalde. reep edit• pr• Bdrm. s100-t125. Fenc; negot. pymte. Shered • I terr.cl, 2 br, 1 ba. gar· __. ywda & ,, •• .,_ Kid• apprec:l1tlon avell. Wiii IEIE'I WIY l ....... IMc~ al4 -. 1625/mo. 75g.1114 ...... •--..-· llade. Sue 89t-555e ...,.... A P •I I we I C 0 m • · Sp1c.lo11s slnglt, OM & two bedroom 1p1r1mtnb. VA no down or FtiA Cozy 2 Br. turn. Mobile E.utalde 3 Br. 2'n Ba. pn. ~2000. Agent no I• . ~~~~~~~~ Int. INc~ '"' termel o.ra~ home on Hom• In Laguna. Em· v•I• ptitlo wl•p•. Ince mt _ No down-no qualifying. large loll Ut llty room, plyd, married cple or bac:t<yd, remod. kitchen l!!prt INc~ 3BR twnhm. Mov• In, hardwood 110011, 2 yr elrlQle fwnaM. No P9l• Of 2 car garege. lll50/mo Harbor View Homee, 3 t>d, ,,.... roof! ~ 170,800. ch 1 1 d . N on • m k r . 111 lut & eec. e.46-3532 2 be. lovely home, comm Tiie followlng paraon h•• atMlftdoMd the uae of the fll:tltlOul bu..,_ name THE LOTUS ROOM et 16"48 AdMle II A. co.ta MIN, CA t2Ut. Tiie flollllou• bueln•H name referred to above ••• flled In County on t2-t .. 78 c L A s s I F I E D •3 B~t~~p-=t~':i ~~= Cell now 978-70 ~'~· ~I ut~, ~mo •3 Br. TwnllN, nr S.C Po o I • g • r de n • r . ..... -....-..-. New carpet ·anow-ad ippreolatlon avall. :.:t:"9 • . .. . ep. Plue. 8.A. Pool, •P• I 1 2 o o Imo . Av a 11 ance. Move In 1u1. Wiii trade. Sue 891-5668 gu. 1780/mo. w/d hk· 111~· 646-8&48 FUINISHED or UNFUINISHED ALL UTILmES PAID, HEALTH CLUBS, T£NNIS Nancy Comlah. 2::!5 N. Malena. Orange, CA 82t68 Thie ~ w .. conduCted by 1111 lndlvl<lual NencyCornWI Thie .... _,, ...,.. Ned With the County Cllttl of O<enoa County on Dec 9, 1882 ,usna Publltlled O,.noe Coett Delly Piiot, Ole 20, 27, 1882. Jen 3. 10, 19~ NJl.tC t«>TICE ACnnouaau ... •• N,.._ITATl•NT Thi follow\ng penooe .,. dolr>Q ~-CNBER Rao PARTNERS, CABER EQUITY ASSOCIATES. 118 Jeemtne Cr .... Orlv9, Corona del M.,, CA 92625 CABER FIMANCIAl & INVESTMENT CO , 1 D1l1ware oorporetlon, t t9 J11mln1 Cr11li Or1Ye. Cotona def M.,, CA 82825 Thll ~ .. oonduotld by • llmllecl l*fnenhlp. Caber Flnandel Inv. Co D W SIOCurn, Pr•. Thie 8111-1 WU ftlld wtth the County Cleric of Orenge County on December 10, 1982. ,,__, Publl•hed Orange Co:ul Diiiy Pllo1. O.C. 13. 20. 27, t982. Jen 3 1883 y 1 ACTTTIOUe~H NAm ITAT'lmNT Tiie lollowlng pereon It doing ~ .. PAlACE GUARD. 1548-0 Adami,. ..... 82826 BRUCE SCHOFIELD EMERSON. 3182 M1d1lra Ave., Coeta MIN. CA 82628. Thie ~ la conducied by en tndMdull. 8'llOI s E.rnltlon Thlll 11•1-I -fllld with the County Clet1( ol Ofatl98 County on Oecelnbet •. 1982 ,...... Publllhed Oreno• Co111 Deity llot, Ole tJ, 20. 27. 1N2, Jen 3. 1882 5343-82 I ACTTTIOUI ~ NAm ITAftmNT Thi lollowlng ~ WI dOlllQ bull_ ... SEA SKI SPORTS, 22e Mein It, H1111tlngton BNch. CA. RON LINGENFEl TEA, 34071 Celle la Prttne'lera. Dene Point. CA. wee SElBY. 17960 8""'•rd. F~ Vellley, CA. n708. 'fhle ~ " condue1ed by • ,.,,.,. .. pwt'*8hlp W•Ub)' Thia Wll-\ -fled With ,,... County CMf1c of o.enoe Collnt) on Oecetnb« 8, 1tu . '1IMll1 PuDllehad Oreng• Cont Delly = Dee t3, 20. 27. 1882, Jan 3, ........... .•..•.... , "'46-82 FlCTTnOUI ., ..... NAMEITAT'lmNT The lollOwlnQ ptr9on1 ara dOlng lklei-M WHISPERING WINOS RANCH. 247 A ... Ac.-18. s.. ~t .. CA 82e72 G-Peul ReynOld• Jr 2•7 AW Rou •B. Sen Clemente. CA 92e72 Brend• ~ Reynolds, 247 Aw Rou •B, San Qemtr\11, CA 82e72 TNa ~ ta oonductld by I Qe'*al pert'*'8t\lp. a-Peut Ro9ynoldt Jr Thie at1\e<nenl wu ftled wttll Illa County Clerll ol Orenge County on Dec 17. 1882 ...... Publlahed Or1nge Cout Delly PllOt, Dec 20, 27. f882. Jen 3 tO. 1983 f<ICTITlOUI ....... ..,._ITA~ Thi lollowlno peteon 1a dOlng ~ .. GREAT WESTERN AUTO SAlES & lEASING. 11 OdY$MY Ct., N9wpof1 Beaofl. Ce. nee3 lMlll F BeclltOld, 11 OdyMe)' Ct • Newport 8-h. CL 92ee3 Thie 1>11"'-Is oondue:lld by .,, lndMduel LF Bechtold Thie etat_,l WU fllecl wtlll Iha County C'-'i of Orange County on Oecelni-8, 1N2 ,.... Publlthld Orenge Cout Detty Piiot O.C 13, 20. 27. 1882. Jen 3 t883 5327·82 ..... f'ICTITIOUI .,.._ .. ~ITA,.._NT Tiie lollowlng pereon le doing bu"'-... OtW. 3800 8'rc:ll •112, Newpot1 hec:h. CA 92000 Chen. Adco<*, 18 Elder Glen, !MM. CA 827 t4 Thia ~ la COlldllctld by en lndMdual cnan.. AdCOdl Thie --t ... flleCI with the County Clerk of Ofenge County on O.C 1. 1N2 ..._ Pub111111<1 Orenge Cout Delly Plk>1. O.C 20. 27. 1882. Jiii 3, 10, 1"3 PEllllllLA HOME Ot'ean & jetty viewa. Marine room, 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 tqJt $1.38~.ooo. Oceanfront. LlllA ISLE llYFlllT Lagoon vlrw from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroum. dark nn. dc-n Boat &lip. Now $900.000 645-5735 or 64().()255 Lltw .... ~ lMI INc~ 2119 up. 752-6822 EHtt>lulf Condo. 4 br -1 Br. Trller. prtvete. utlM 2Y.be, &36 Amigo (No 8), SWIMMING pk.ts mlld't mort! Sorry, ..._ n ... 2 Br, No end. Owner w111 W•talutn peld. No pell. Renge 4 I 8 4 5 . 1 8 o · e 3 6 1 . .-..--. fin. 1225.000. 442 Mon-_. _ __. ___ ...... ....,... refer. 1at. plu• HC 2131641-44e0 OPPORTUNJTYI 3 Bdrm terey Dr 4H-0164 No Tf11de equity In home. fof 1---------1386/mo. 4"9-1817 PlUSH 2 BR VEASAIL· 2 betll condo • °"1 189. ~ta. = motorhont• and 1--------LE s PENT Hou s E. no ptU. Models optft dilly 9 to 6. 500. Eltcallent IOcatlon In I ·-·-L lMt firm 3 8' '"" 8A. v~ 2 Br. erlQed gatege. car· Quiet. All •m•nltlH . woodald• VIiiao-. Call !!J!!! _. 22•38. pool 1~ WHt· ·' ........ peta. drapu. 173 w Av a I I n 0 w . 19 0 0 Oakwood Wt'denA~ Newport lada/Mo. aao1mnt-. (•116111) Pat L•ter for detail. Npl Hta by owner, A1 , tiny mln•t•r. Bal 187,000. i==• .. ----------• W II • 0 n · N ° P •II 142-1200 2 br 110\IM + eeparat• 11290/mo e verything. ..._. 1525/mo. 831""880 94&-<>650. J PETE BARRETI .. ffEALTY •lllTllA1111 • ....... ~ 2 Bdrm pemc, "couple" home. Hend· eome white on white lnterlo< r .. turM marble entry, plantttlon ehut- l.,., ~ carpet & Of• per1ea, and whit• twtck flreptec:e. F0tm1l IMng ., .. I• hlghllghted by akyllt, woodtheethed ca- thldrll oelllng. Encloead 1p1 off M•tr Bdrm. PHtoral view. A11um· able ftnenclng. Call Bin- nie Dixon 750-9100 GEORGE ELKINS C ttudlo. buelneea Of fwnl.. Ettlmtt.O va lu• 1128, vu 29try 28' 1700 2 Br. 1 Be. erlQed garage. aa.th, C ..... ly quarter•. 125,000 000. Fiiiy----* no w. Newport 28' M75 lncd petlo. crpta. drapee, 2Y. bath oondo. N•• down. OWC. Prlna. °"1· qual. Prv patty "6-56n. CdM 38' oflerm $800 no pet. 1525 plut NC cerpet, paint, clean ll1d 1175,000. .. ..... , ..... llll w ,._ 28', w 1950 548-5442 or 770-5629. evellabl• now. 11,050 642-2211 8051230.2048 ..,! T~ 3 Bdrm 11000 c 3 oy. mo. 8«-0350 Evw llWPllT llJll Npt Is 8ayft 48r I 1200 ~ .Md t>d,t 1 O • :-· i--------Ne......t lada/So. HS-1104 lllfn UIU• Bel Aire Hom•. Light ~Bayft eor: 2a'f~250 USol~ &..t~.s2 . · BAYfRONT T1~0o 16tll St You own the lend. 2.000 lntartcn. 2 bdrm. 1 b-. 1 _ .._ 2 ,._ .___.. -----'--(at °""1 ,, 3... 2'"" ... f-lront kltdlen __....... , den 1850 _.,.,/mo. 4 ... . .... l*a -· r- aq • .... "-. -·· ' --=.Udo Pit Dr 11700 Bonut Am. lightly fur· FURNISHED or unfur· 642-Slll rm, wide Or~.,_ Hv, dining .,..._ Young ,.._ 2.,_._ 1 ... d 2 _.......__ J .. •lilimilil••• pool Fat be6ow mar1let edult9 & pell welcome. .....,._, ... _...., n ,,,. . car ger1ge nlltled. 2 moe ... _._.. ._,;. .._ Wll ,__ 122 aoo S40-6837 a... lay1lde Cov• leroe becitylon:I. waher. rental. Excel location. 1--------- -·-· -op-• · ~· l2200 dr/er ~~. I 120 O Imo . 0 w n •' L::.:::J for well eate· tton. 9tt:r.M4-4134 law fr'l!!tr UH WITIUUIT 11mS Tll lpt 142-lta a«-e513 me6etolher9'!'fi 1111111 IHl,000 BIG CANVOH CUSTOM. on golf oourM. 20% dn. Vtoant. thow 1nytlme. llgt. 11,095,000. e1s-n91°'1eo-1391 Ill -A 111·1• 2 Br. lrplc, wood t>utT Femlly to Rent ~~(~~condo. c a 1 14 l1lt1/Ll•t1S.t 3 8' 2 Ba $800 c.mng1. E/1tde, p1t10. iw~~:'.~w:vo:1'1 .c;~~'. OCEANFAOHT OU 2-' er. •--2 '"· F P 11•1 Pen,._,. '*'!Cd yd. Vwy ~· Ne B k th --.... · "..., ....,., pelt. l5e5/mo, 1250 Wa1h/dry & refrl,. '3,_••• or rnon . Bu,_ .... pnoe. K-s> 11 2 1 ~: ~.:.1'a= ciep. 831-0921. 17Eo2~718mo. 1133-50 , _6 __ 7_'7_3 ____ _ apartm•nt1 or Mii •• ... , """'' _.. ~ condoa. 5 year• MW • ~ IUl.n Eltlde lrg qiHet 3 &, 2 ea ........., DecOJ'd 2300 " ...,._ .. Uaf. ll1t~ at 7 2 X'I "'OM --••• ._ frpl, DIW. lndf"f, gat. No ·~·, aq _ • • · ~-· Pete. 1795/mo. Gard home 2 bdrm. 2 be. den Call.iiia. IULn 11M1ll 359Woodlend.873-3eOG to re1pon1lble perty l&IMI b1aM IT• ARDEN GAOVE· 3 Br, HOO/mo 7 l 4-&4&-H68 Un.f •--11 2 8'. 1 Be. 1 etory, lhaQ -........ ...._ .. ••--YI -trA• 2'i4r '"· Lwc1..v Condo. 2 "-......., .. ,.... Lit,,. I • ......-. ~at°') ---. _, opt & drpe, ptiuu ... ,,_. 2•· I-• 4 Bdrm, 2Y.ba. 2 atory I.ell '-l&lt 1411 car gat. Fvll amenlt.... dlhwthr. b .. IMd cell Stepe to Sand, Xtr• ltge 1 deluxe lrg. .... r.,.c Palermo mdl. EJt<*lent 17261mo. Ed "4-8171 ~·· 2850 Elden bdrm. Equipped Kit., 111100 mo. 87640r7 ,llY• .!.!'!.'-llnenclng. F•• Lend. -·-,_, __ _. -·~--'-mo_e5()... __ 17_N_. __ ~"~ d~·~" .. ~~· Laroe 2 Bf. 1 ea. frplc, _,. •~ Only 1289.500. Contact ••• -• F=-..;;:-=;;;;.-.;;._;;;;;;;,_•Farnl)' Stzie. 3 bdrm, 2 be kiNG'it;'9i40d;""' parking•. e11ndeok Only l5000 down pay-JotlnSMe mTI LAMA Country Kit .. Form••---·--·--·---1750 /mo . Y•arl~ ~·dn~n~r'C~~o,~d8o 0~ o.-... 111 .......... Fanta1t10 ocean & Ong, riuge 1vg rm, oat· o.uxe Condo 1n H9wpor1 _9_7_5-_8_7'9_7_. ____ _ -· v.... ___ -141t OOMlal .....,, CAif\ PflCe ege, very low mo,,...ln CrMt. 3 bd. upgreded ••• , ........ Co11t Plaza. Security iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1 1116,000. (714)112·?281 1475 KINO, 537•8740 ·~A_Wlll_lmmed ___ . 84_5-5-_2_5_2_1_ -gete, pool• and tennlt WAU<ER & LEE R.E. chg ·-Peallnll 1711 oourtl. Owner wtll c:any1 le Mlle Muffiet •ton • i-....;;_ ______ c..M Uaf. 1411 _.;;.;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;Ba. .......... _M...-..... ONLY .. 800 c.11 nowt OCEAtfRONT __ ........... -.. -·-·--..... -8udg9t Priced 2 +bonus 8 c Pl 2 8'. 2 Yf'Y. •ture. 970.-6370 • . . Busme' ssmen Tuff•t. along oam• • rm Tone of .. , .. grMt Nr. o. 01a1 au. non emk,., no pell. aeoo IPlder and rMd In 1"-· 111 pd 1 1'+ ct. 8"-'1> 38' 1'i4r ba. pool + dep'a. 2t3/ 7"-'195 NO DOWN I/ vou orr d'>tng Dally Piiot Cla11lfled -. :::0-· 1 111 sa1c and Jecuzzl, 2 oer gar. 257-9792 or (714 \ ( >I l / tl I:. 1: . . . ... bu1111u1 undn o ~~M~..!vf,; =· 637-t/:. c:hg ::!!°Oti~~~47Klda 1 _e_1_weee ______ _ WITH TRADE f"1 c 1111ou1 Bu11ntu ...._.. C.... ... ... ITU I -va,,,, J1011 a~ rt11&&1rtc1 :,,"t~~ .. y:d °::,': rtntala fall!r W4 , ......... Val. UU l••dlate Ptllel· l>v law f8u.irwu ond other thlnge thro11gh 1825. ~ 3 br & den. 810 CANYON TOWN· ITIPI Tl ... llte I Pro/ulWfll Cods. Stt Dally Piiot Cl111tfled bHutlf11I yard. •Int HOUSE, luxl#toUe 2 8' 2 Large 3 Br. 3 Ba. "*1) Cuttom hOIM 3BA 4Ba. 111900 to 119301 ro fd~ o Ada. Call 4M2·&e111 netghbomood. CNldren Ba. Spectec11ier goll amenltlM. 1 1175. C.f ••es>• 10 Nndy t>each. i f'1c1111ou Bu111u1 it---------1 we6come.Ma-ne1 cour.&lekevww,eep2 Oorotnytn-7175 Prime Laguna Nlgu•I I Nornt StOltrnml and Why tllrow rent away? c • r 0 • r l • • • t Lra 1 9'. nu ap, din rm,' locatlon. !"1111 pnc.. 11. 11iow 11 publ11htd /or 1 Rant to CMn 38r twnhm, 11200/mo. &«-2418. t>lkt from bMch. 1575 850,000. 1 four conHc1A11w tDttlu j no dn, no quallfylng. Ind utl. Ut-MOO AOENT644-8513 jWE al lht DAILY 1 1200-12300 negol. A111t9atl lua!U .. BAYFRON'T. 1 BR. 1 BA. l Pr l..OT con http 1111th peymente. Shared ap-1...,_....................................... frig '"'""5/ 1 t 1-... ~~~~~~~~~!both Call llw LECAl. preol1t1on evall. Wiii lt1MI I f°A.O d :':'. ~ ~ i;' SElL Idle Item• wltll 1 DEPARTMENT at trlda.Sue8't·5551 ha111ala 2't'J 8444128. Dally PllOt CIMlltled Ad. 542-021 £rt 332 for lut. IMd n41 Smell t BR ept, rww crpt, -,.-__.-..... ------ 642-58711. further 1n/ormoJion drpa MH -w lfl! 2 bdnn. 2 be. den, pool, • 87Moee ··-·-·-.... ·-•Or ,,_ "'-·-·-.,, ... 4t!• .,_ ...... :::... .,._ ...... ··-. ._.. .. _ ·-·-,._ ·-...,...... .,_ .,.._ ::.:... ..._ ,, ... •C-... .. _ ··-··-... ·-··-.. _ ··-,,,_ ,,_ ··-...,.. .. _ ...... .. ,_ .. _ .... ,,_ ·-.... .. ~ ·---·-·-·-•-:a, ..._, hr Miii, C11l-de-Sao. i--------- 1760 536-7884 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo ...... 9C Pt111, 1vall Jan 1. '550/mo. 751~181 UYllll PLAOE CmM..... am S~br bayfront dphc 2 bt, 2 ba up. 2 br. Iii====·= I • ( Z I A If I I I' I I I 2 ba dn 2 bolt tl)k'a Rt'dU4'«1-Sl,OOO,OOO. Ml -· Hlllllll UICI New 4 br, 4 'h ba, roal.Om French Norm.ndy FMt.t.e 1.2 prim!!~ hilltop $1.250,000. 01111111 OIYI Orii\ado lsl&nd cwt. bllyfront lot. 85' boat dodL PlaM av.U N~ $3701000 w /tc'(J'NI f1 ILL GRUNDY . Rf ~I.TOR -------- ....... f'rlm• CUl·d•HC view IOoe11on. ' ., =ttory oondO In ~ \le- 1mln1 Cr••k. Oomm. tennl1, pool, M011rlty. JH0,000 lllGI. land Marl"• Mae"ab , •••4!00 ~Mar.n~h lry1n1?, --- I· I A V II 0 I • I I I I + ,, ( KIL A' I' I I I I I t DA! V ,, t. I , f ' ' It --------------------------------- ~==~ -- • CtMttl !•••• C.mt fmltt 'Rn1 IMtJu :1ttft•t11 111»11 'LWntlf• .,.... lti11ttt/ bh Tt!ftlu Sl 84 per day f:G CA•N rMAktA w. cw. 0111• O'"'-• ooo~ 6Ato.111 naa ... ~u '"°.a"A°'NO roe•,, .. wv. i.nMe..,., 'Al"n" H110t HOAo ~1rA1HO -Moel-. ·111-1>-,..i.-.-""-,-,. - ' ft Vt'• ••P Cuttom bh llMm ~' ~ QI" Ooilrl lnat.r.ct I fope>ed/t..no"'9d OtMn demolluen. otHn•up h~, ntl~'"• WOMI 30 ytt ~. 1n11 Intl•., "-'tuccoe 09)'/~ lei atiJN Thet. AU. Y°" pay tutnltw• LIC'd ''"°" MOllnl Unll Oall 8ob, 14•m3 9Vt up lawn rflt'tO'tf f&t.,..11 Conior.t•• tr• r.moval IOnly. II Yfl ,. ... AooultlOc.111"91 LIC e.oca.... ..... .. m ... , Mofg~ .. ~ tor. l(en But1letl W -101 Wont.,., .... ,, •• lmr=" _. -Ouletl..,., .. a-78.11 ......... 3te7IO ,, .. Mllnlel• - - 30 day Ml --- -. ~ Lllll<ttc.,,..,..Yd cinuoe ... _:!,!. Pl..WN • 1 . HI the I Cf!"t/ C!!!f!!t DRYWALL TAPINO T•• 1r1Mlremov-Maln1 "AULINQ-ttudenl w/loe lllUCKWOAK Imel Jobi De~ PllHlllng ... 7 MU Tnl .. ...._._ •,• Allmod.1~•• ~o ,.,.. Cement·Muonrt·Blodl AN Thturee 6 AcoultlC ltt101tlon Jim 16t-012t lruoll, Hm• lo ratH IMwpOrt, Co.ta Mele, 11&111'1 N11f91 141w U v Mt-1121 :v:m '• DAILY Oec11.1. pa1101, lenc11 w~1 WOftii Uc. I ,r .. ,.a. K9vin U0-0011 0., ICP41 rnalnt ~nk you 7H · 1978 In/IN Aet1 176-31715 Low,., .. lie ~ "° o.i •ll•hMt• 1220 T= 1°' Y04lt lndwldv• ., I PILOT FIM HI St9¥9 76a·965e *311067 Aob 547°te83 .. ,, •• Ir~ oomm/lnduet PAINTl~·FREE UT , ... ff.. r~~::o7:&:1=''·. ·;;.; EXP~A. c1rpenter doH "!l!a t wt l!LECTRICIAN Prtoed In CALI. AIOHARO '"'!I CASH OR PVMT · .,~.. Hvbet Aool...,_,,,11 typee ---• '"' __ 1,. 1 en Chud! Nowt Ma.2873 • "AUUNO a CLLAN·UPS .. ......a 1 --I 1dd n1. 1emod, d.Clll mn'i TILi right, Ir .... umate onl Ill-II Wlllll '" ... IChool, t57-e121 •&.1 ....... 971.oeait, ~ t3l·"'43 1 N-·r~':cs.clia •• ·"' SERVICE ::rt~~:..;~~:: Fr .. &.pert lnetafl "3-3283 ~~~~ ~..()360 Mowing, edging. raldno. Top qu.itty 20 yr •xP 'r .. LIC Utt802 &48-073.tiWI .... c....... . ;.,; DIRECTORY -------••Hplng ,, .... 11 ........ eom.,.thiv. r•t• _.,.,_. ... NllUMt we WASH WINDOW& ' ••• REMODEL/REPAIR ~1 • t LIC'O ELECTRICIAN mat•. 8"&·0737 -,.,, No OWftlml 730-1363 '•rthlng lnlal'lof ~n , Fat • Prol-..ional DO ITNOWI ........... Your Delly Piiot SeMca Olreotor, SlorH, olllc••· homH Outll wortl·RMI ,.,.. H .... n .; ..a.1111 HANOINO/STAIPPINO Don I r-ool. repair •1 Ouallly wOOI guatlll\eac •Pll Cu1tom cabln111 Chlld car.. my home, Ml Fr• Ml Tom 93 1•507211 ' Fumaca-pool-wllet' hMt, -A8C MOVING· ~MC Scott 646-9326 lracuon ot H 857·2890 1 Fr• •llm&te M&-731 •, • 1 etc 20 yr1 In a111 ex pl/time NWpl Shor• U pl! etectronlC llOn MN-410 Quiet!, Careful Sefva ROOFING REPAIRS ' ,,.,. • Boncle<i,lna Ltc 191801 area.Rtra.641..t1M TOP QUALITY WORK HOMICAAE·AEPAIR I WedopaetdnQ552..o.410 Expert waUcovertng tn-Small joba O K Fret ·' •; I p • 1° m b 0 c 0 n II I I. Splrltull b&Md Chlld· .AT REAS. RAUS ! paint, yard. Free ha~I ..... Clt .. la1 STAAVINO COLLEGE ltaltetlon. Reu. ConlUI· 111tma-... Call Tom O• ..... Uw ...... ' I 1 962·83t4 care In love a total ae-Lied. Joel 973•75"-4 ffM .. t. 7151-43•5 , -STUDENTS MOVING lent AHlgnml. 6Sl-8090 Chuot(, 542~92 Thll all conlrac1or. 'jlltlC •1, I ..... met cepllnce C.M horn• RE.810/COMM'UINO. I 0 ROBIN s CLEANIN~ co. Lie T12•-438 , I "'~ •-1 I •• ' perform worll OVlt ·~ •••• -8AM169 20 yn. Do my own work. ***WIN DAMAGE? SeMoa • • thoroug Y lntUtad. S41-M27 11 t ...-nrt ... •I 11o1ltrlt ••I lnc ludlng t1bor an< • • ." RepreaantatlYe 141 .... ll, tit HI ShatnPoO & ateam clean Uc. 278041 Al &46-812e t~OO ·--~. F•t :.....,~, clean houM. &40--0867 WATCH US GROWi CUSTOM wood patio DRESSMAKER a ma1erl1t1 mull bl II ·, Al pall I Color brlghtenert whl Chi~ In loll• ~ IOlll · _ .. .,, -·-H I I II bl edWood dedl ~ F s IO DESIO ER cenMd UnllcenMd con .• ........__ • .,. Patil...,, Loi crp11 • 10 min blMctl acc:eptance. FT /PT. m) ftralca/ Tilt Frw Mt. K..,h ~872 :•~•n ng, r~ e Pal "'--COY9rl. ~ ......... &A1-oe; A H N N tract0t1 eflOuld IO 11ai. • , ""~~·~lno Hiil, tlv/dln rm1115, •vv CM hc>me. e..c5-ele9 Formica Tope • of 111 Exp'd In alt hc>me f9Palra ~OLANO:anap 842-0'°5 j ',""111 p•-tenc. ~.... I Aeuonaba. &48-8"4i In thllt ld~lllng Con S&S Aapt\H 831-4199ltcl roomh $5S7G50. coucn, S10, Chlld Care: Sam lo epm klndl. Prompt -~ Rea. No Job too Small -·-Pl I ·~·' ''" Senict 1ract0<• Mld COf\IWl'Ml'I c r · uer elm Piii HOUM, enack1, yard "°u" abll coit 142-11126, 8'1111 85C).3099 evee IP&llU Plll1l by Richard Sinor. Lie I llltf M!U1 conllK:I Mary Grondle • ... h • lat I •-odor. CrJ>I r9')&1r 15 Yrt or part time. 842·21195 &42·274l Cleanlng Service. c.... 280644 14 )'fl of t\ap9y ED'S PLASTERING U LOW RATES U (714) 568-4088 with lln! ·'·' • a ·--n. 1 ••P· Oo work my•ell nlnMt IS na•t to Godll· J local cu11omat1. N .. 1 paten.. lnV••t TrM trlm/remov, cleer que1t1on1. Con1rector'1 '· Flb1rgl1 boll repair ·1 Rett. !154-0123 Clt1aia1 Sem en Fualtan ltflal1~la1 1 .. u., n .... &42·8809 Thank YQU, 831-4410 ReltUCCOI. 845-8258 upl, mowing. SS-4-7017 St••• UoenN Board, 21 ' ' • Varntah, paint & malnt No StMm/No Shampoo CUSTOM wood patio CUSTOM REFINISHING DUMP JOBS HOUSECLEANING 1Lo•111 ratHI Prompt, PLASTER PATCHING Hive eomethlng you •anti ~~~ ;i:,~'s:nt~,~~! • ·, ~ Prof, reu. 861-87e7 '" Stain Spectall11. Fail COY9rl, ~ decitl I Furn. & Kii. C.blnet1 & Small MOYlng Joba Honeet a Dependable nHt profe11lonal1. 16 RHluCCOI. Int/ext. 30 to Mii? Clusltled ad1 do CA 92701. 59m. I dry. Frw .... 1139-IS82 lencea. Randy S41-0e22 STEVE 875-238.1 Call MIKE 848-1391 Brand• 902·2890 )'fl IJ(p 838-71•9 )'fl Neel. Paul 5<45-2977 It w.11 842-5678 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~.iiiiii~~~~~~~~iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiliiiiill~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~.i.iiiii.iiiiiiiiiiliiiiii .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.-. -.•,, '· .. ~ A rtantl Uaf. Atutatala Va . AJU!!ltatl Val. .... , 2tOO Oftice ltatab 2t14 ltt1111 2922 Ptrataah Jtl2 ltlt Waat.. 1100 Btlt Wut.. 9100 AHliaaetl 1111 ... :· C..ta •na 27H C.ata .... 2724 lrriat fl44 Room. lnclud11 Brk111 , llWNIT OlmR S10tage Spece 12·x18'3&" i;;iiifiliiiiiiiiii••iiiiiiii CUSTOMER SERVICE: PllT TIME I I llY IPft.WIOll ''• Lrg 2 Bd. 8Mtn celllnge, Walnut Sq. Condo, 2 Br 2 eack lunch, u .. ol Kitch· Full s.rv~ Sult" door. $70/mo. plus $70 UllA A Yllll'I Expanding NB Credi I eves Md/or w"keno• L• 1157-8133 UY na TL I I I d lh 0 I .,, and Lndry $300/mo. •• o-AA•-.. MC. dtpOlll 1173-4154. PHOTO MODELS Ctrd Co. hll po11tlon R-~ .......... *"ultl, -o 1 o woo ru u , Ba. den, g11, A/C. petlo, Cloae 10 but & ~"" •• _.,. -v...,...._,_ _. v•-Y• ... 3 large bdrm Hrv bar. $460. 2258 $700. e50.8839 Fe meta only Aei·;· le6() .. Furn/untvrn Newport Beach. ESCORTS/DANCERS open In cu1lomer eerv. 21. with outatandlng II· Y• .. trplc, palfo Maple. 873-8803 01 All you need fOt one OUTCALL 24 HRS dept Applicant mu1t tractive penonalltlea 10 Y• ... garege. pool 548-7356 La1u1 1e&c• 2741 845-7629 monthly,_, ·-OIFT CERTIFICATES have pleaeant telephone •Ork wllh youlh (lgH v ..... $875.Nopeta. .. .. YTt••BERS . Room,pvtenlrlllCe&Ba. 840-5470 ... aoaac•••••• AVAIL. mlntlef", be aQijresalve, 10·14). Cell 2-SPM, REFRIGERATOR &45-3381 875-5949 1 er""'11r..:;'~ 1 pool Large Studio with ltllmen. working man. Laguna haauceanll 3002 111..0ltl con1clentlou1 & 11111• 642-4321. ut. 3•8 Like,_, lro« ffM weitalde 2 Br. •love & ....... ·1·e .=;-IO 1 ~-near beach, 1hopplng Beectt. 1250 49•....,.Sll *HI.ID IFftOll* mollvlled E•P pre E O.E 11155 893-GOeO .. ,,.. ,,... ..,,.... $385/ lncld Kl 1 o Contlet W Duncan, reltlge, 1-'Y dec(l(atad $.460 &4&-9 mo • ut at 1 M FREE RENT SCRIM LETS Cvatom ,.,,tuy Pllone I Mon-Fri 8 am . 4-30 pm P~Ml lrH lt Tta 1112 No pet• ~/mo. Wet9f 399 w Bay SI mo + $500 MC to move ltttlt, ...... 2904 1 room IO 2800 lq It " • Converullon with Batbel 769-7a0o. . . ms IEIH p 1 1 d , 1 n d r y t a c · In. Hotel <All1ornla Apia I From t t 18 a aq 11. Adj I MC/VISA 2• hre ~2. 2 Br w/ger, up1111r1, L • • v e me I I• g • 8 [AC H I R [A I Alrporter Inn & Frwy1. ANSWERS Gall 638--0701 llotllTlll ULIS Make ••Ire SS helping LftUU UI m $-416/mo. No pel1. Ref• 494-~797, •93-7137 ft Call AM 833-3223 1 F 1 youth carrier• promote Allectlonate~laylul IYllL HW req'd. 362 Victoria MOBILE HO .. E·. t Br, w/ $84/Wk 1617 w••tcllll, N.B 2~E Brazan . Wagon SPIRITUAL REAOll~S PIT, /T, •Int comm a.. their own Htlbllshed "'"""'need• hOml. L 1 8 f I e..w1e1 ... ... " Flake · Quaint Advice In all maltere, wor1I. In OC. Muat have rout••· u 1ture. outgo· .. ~ .... , erg• r · re r ge, llvlngroom. Prlv beach, 10 .. ...,.,. '""· 11 11t. noor T ftalr r~ •-'~ .... ,, traJn .., 842-0100 te9-1221 laundry= car """"'..,. WAL Z , love. marriage & bull· ~ """"• .. , · Ing. attracllve perent11 ~·No.,... • 25imo Dalu•• 2 Bdrm, bit In. prlv pool $500/mo Incl Refngerator-Mald-Pool Agent 541-5032 "Orllldma, that old di... nee• Aleo couneellng. &40·5249 I"""' ,_.son, ~ ......... ~call' ""'• ,......1. dtwhr, bbq, jecuul on u 111 . Av a 11 Jan 1 NWpl Blvd & WlllOn __ .._~ ....,~.. --•--,.,... ...--............ f--1 11tA4a 9 3 1 w 19th. st bl f w vu 1•9 s m 0 49e-5930 an •30 Cost• Mesa 5•8-1175~ Altpor1 •rM -Ellec Sul· 11 .. -.... IOVndl n~,. 1815So El c ... '" .... Real. DECORATOR ASSIST. 2-5PM. M·F 842-4321,,;;..::u=u-tan=----------- 54&-04112 828-5147 Pina Knot Molal on Cout , .. From 226-460 lq " = ... G~~!;:i':.. ... ~:i S111 Clem. 492-7299 Full or pit, n111r t0t dee ,_•_x1_34_e_. ____ _ .... &Simo. 2 Br. 1•;. B•.E.elda lrg 1 er. huge lt!'Jlfl1~ flit Hwy, NB Step• t c ~r.'7tioMany1rtru,_1o_me_11_·1_t_11e_1_wA_L_TZ._'_' *T'llUTIWT* =~for lnllN· REAL ESTATE **I BUY** upper unit, all blt-ln1, walk-In cloeet 11., W7D --ocean Wkly rate• ·-2• hr Qutcell M.i CIC'• SllMman. Neid 1 ·~ Good ueed Furniture & carport, lndry rm, b•I· hOOk p ~ $42S/mo NO FEEi Apt •• Condo MS-0«0 EDllTIYI llntl Lttl a '".. 3804 889-1111• Oentld rlanced pef&on In cont-Appllence.-OR I Wiii ... C01iy u · · rentals. VIiia Aentala. I 1-;;;;;;;;;;iii;;;;;iml Experienced R 0 .A. mefcial & lndu1trlal real or SELL for You 0 627 W. Wiison No pet.I. Suzan 631-0213 875-4912 Broker. IED & PLAOEl ~~~Ow K~rtt:'. I• EICtlTI I --.S needed tor Orthodontic Miii• for• IUCOellM & lllSTEU lltTIH Tll 11cmrt Ul-1IOI 2 Br 1 Ba. 111 fir, Pallo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. lrom 1525. No RH1on1ble lllH. Kit· llonal Image high. Pr• 2• hourw ·call ~199 pracilce In MINlon Viejo growing firm crpt, dr•t .. · llove a pell. Acrou from New· a-iettes pt\Onet tNld ltlglOua Waetdltf ar .. OI FOUND ADS 1--------_Ar_ .. _830_-_3_70_3___ Bel t wortclng condlllon1 ....... IH-1121 lllTllT II D / w 4 7 S I m o port Beech Golt Courea 1ervlce, i ch1nnel mo· Ne•pdrl BHch 881 1 laaaa· 111 a. on-1 OrOM Country. No 2 8r, IY. Ba twnhse 558-9550. 716 Shalimar. 545-•855 vlH. SANDPIPER MO· Dover Or. Ste 14 AR[ FREE • Speclll~Mreq\kad Bullt-lna. laund rm. A TEL. 1M7 Nawpcwt Blvd 631-3151 Flaaaciat ~reoor Yect11 Corp. ~ gar,~'~*· Ar.-. pool, ~ w~~ ~y,'°'~ CM 84M137. Cal·. Room & bath In Ila! motile 1831 Placentta. C.M. In Newport Beech I HY FlllllTllE I 7141646-5051 L.. 957-8133 Rtalh!lle = '"'11 Pet I<. /p •.pvt pcllo. x Ira gard-do. 112001mo w/dodl. DELllE Sim home, 'it blll to ocean •-1 -~~Aw an. 2 Br. $580. 557•2841 $1000 wttt\ovt. 850-1100 ~.....,. ...... ......,....., ......... -.--. Wiler Frtlt INc 142·1171 Furn or unturn. l250/mo nut --- 2531, 231• s.n1a All• 2 Bd. 1 Ba, rad«xlratad, _M_r_•_· L_ong_..;;._____ hllll lllrlap OH4t I 1. 501,q 11. Laue.,~~~~~~~~~ 111/lllt. Av.II .i.. 1. Refa Call for apc>t gar, pool. Clllld OK. No Newport He6gtlt• 1 bdrm 2 BR. iha on golf tour· 114a......,..., M-F, 9-5 1:; pl••"· Call aft e pm, TSL Mgmt ·• 642·1803 c:•· 1550/tnO. 13119 A I be, carJ)O(t, 'Gd -N . Month of Jan Of wtdy, OFFICE SPACE FOR L09I C.M., Baller/ P1&1I• _H0-6644 _______ _ -ITUlf-•••f ar.84 l-07a:t tlon. S425. Call Jana 71•1752 -0088 01 L"' .. SE 700 " II rtno. FE ~/mllC, Bnc, "" • ..__. 848-7800 e19/328-6837 ""' · •q • •x Ten, Wht. "Mldnlte" ••8!1 It Ltaa 4124 2 Br apt1 avail. Poot epa, Dau Pliat 2721 --------i--------~~toe 848-7728 862•7 .... 2 REWAROI - No £xparlence Req. Make up lo $13/hr Starting pay. F11111Pert time avail. In OU!' publl- c 1 II on. Cell today fot appt. 537-2880 KING chg laund rm. No pell Im-*** * I Br. Y••rty. gar pkng, •-•~ It I'---.... .em-...,... IElPfttU mad 0cx:up ltpa to bMctl 1485/mo HD ...,. .._ I loll Sm Blk Terri )( E.nglneerl • lnt«etted In 2 Brl526. ~ 2 Bt, 2 ea. day• 73 t -6448 nH So Laguna 3 Arch Bay Male Lott 12-13 Vie la on the way f0t your mre Income. 965 w 1111h SI. or'tto/ tor the dl8cttmlnat· 875-3218 RM ... 11 343 A 600 IQ ti 11P avd At1ania1 Magnoll• A.-money prob61ma. l.owes1 760-73n TSL u..-...., ... 1,... Ing. 1950/mo. Agent ---------w/good hwy Vlllblllt) a62 . rat•, tmer.-~ coat. _... .......... ,, 714/~. 3BR 28A do. lo beect\ Flllllll •97-1361 wwd "6-t3 2 1at, 2nd. 3rd TO'I. Clill l:llpef'~ TrllCt Loan 1 Br c9ndo, MacArthur P • t Io, p 1 t • o k • y ~ & ,_ OC T 0 on our expertl 11 no Ptoc111or. Mu1t hive Vlllap•· pvt nate, 1p1, IPL ltac'-21•t 1700mo 873-3728 --·agency. PRIME L A 1 N; n._ LOST male BLACK/ ooet Rey ·Hpert111 In FHA/VA I• 11 • , All chn1I tcr-* with bldo. 1100 IQ ti °' °"' WHITE SH ITZU VIC . 667-1422 ~...,. XJnt benem Q tenn 1 • •n · llllPIPll IPll 1 Ir, 1 IL photoe & ,....,.._. be divided . On PCH, Avocado/ waterfront I ~·~ffloe envtro~: clyL ,S500.M5-711M ALOVELYPLACE .,.......... ~~ Nawpoft2:3'e"ws~by OdM . 12-18112 RE-......... l.D.'141• menl. Cell Trec:y TO LIVE Pref• '9mala, new 3Sth The r~-:W ~ a ... . OHi WARD 875-4465 I.& u--714-130..()871 2 bdrm, 1 be, comp. ,.. •Homey/Pvt I a 2 Br & Balboa. ... 50 MC dee> Hwy, NB Agt e~U-1400. .. .... dee Patio. Ger. Large •Pool/•ft*,..,.,. ..,. __ .,.,. ••• 1 •'h off• to .. wtlo 11_. •••iaaan Fouur.. y...,,....., ;117,........_ ...... ~ ...... un11. S5251mo. 551-e130 •s ~--111utty ,,_ .. _,,__ ,_, • ptace Exec '&:.::i l:,p, Lab~".Ac H'a,i,;',,w;;; ~ 1n , .. a 2'r.cJ FILLIW Tll 111 2 Br. frplc. wood beam l1nd1c1ped 1urround-1550/mo. Bechelof Pen-•=m U 1·18" HC'y """ cont rm·· canter. Owner Identity TD'• 19'49 ce111no1. El alde, p•llo. klOI ~ v...i11ea, pool, kit., mall handtg." Rff: oolar. &48-3810 Robt. 8a1tiar NH/CM W0tk and p1ey In Palm Learn how to te. 2 IOlld OU deeatl, 1 a. Our ttalnlng will give you o.nu. 4 dlalrl Debby. Ille knowtadge you need, '42-357e and our ln-houH pro-King etza waterbed. Mllp6e jecl1 wlll give you the w/boollahetVel. Beet OC· p(o0uct. t,r. 857-6088 ~ AM 650-19>40 Ot ~· Receptionist J ... !!! tll4 Emerald•: Rubi••. Sap-Newport Center Law plW•. etc at .tlOIHlll Arm • good phone and typing atllll1, 1111. lo• price• or below• 8t*le. l4G-1seo S40-8M8 RHld•l\l Manager tor ~ llll WOtMM llC:ohol retleblll- tellon pr°l,rem. Good LIYI Ill lllll beneflJ•. alary open. 9ouquat1 ot 30 Helium Cell 648-554t 8aloona.. P.mct fOf .. Aal'*Klllt ~eeping oec:a1lon1 l holldaya. Oellvered •"ytlme atteindant needed The 81'S-44111 Towera Rell, Suri & Sartd Hotel Must ~ FNlher plliows cieaned. E~•,;, Call Donna 11nlll1a4. New Down-.. . proof t1c111no lncl'd t.ied yd Very oory No •Mr Frwya & lhopplnQ •P•. security gate. •ll1M/F to lhare Sbr 2'~ba ponaiw to your bu*"-R.E. ~ Bd Raal1~ I Spr1ng1, Laa Vegu, and pita. S5115/mo, 1250 •Quiet area amanltlM, no pell. Call condo In N.B 1270/mo need•. Adj. 405 Fwy. In I llllU. ..... ltd :i S.2-2171 5"46--0e11 tllOr1.,... damonltrll· dep. 631--0921. • No pet•: flJm 9Yall for appt. Inc utll Oll-80e4 OI F.V. lndlv. olca. Mo/mo. WIDOW HAS la fOf TO'• Ing exclHng MW product. ll14) 147-1111 TSL Mgmt 6"M603 975-42511 1 from $325 963-e..45. I t lt ltltf tf lit• RE loena, IOK Up. No , Traln~ogram to be I SALES PEOPLE needed 842-44170 ptrl·tlme or l11ll-llm1, *UllC* I high potential w ground 1 U , 2 U , al... e0e1 Holland Cr, HB WlllU IEITIU Need Roommata to atlar• 1111 ···-- ., .. , ...... ., ••• Credit Check No Pttn-1 ~lh ~_...~~-Trroupavel. Newly decor. •• pd, B1wn Slater/W.,,,., 3 & 4 Br ClOM to watw, tNtna ~. '300/mo +'A ...--.., ....,,_....... _ _, encl ~· dwehr, ~01· otl Beed! turn & unlurn, reeaon· UUI Ken 857•11559 tranaportatlon • hfftlt.IEWlll any. ~ a Aaaoc AttractMI NStlc upatllr• I S42..e817 or 84&-7•711 873-7311 880. peta. 842· 73 able. all 1menlllH M/F IOt 3 br betilmt 1pt, ~:"1no~~· ::/:. HWPT HOT9-1Br, pvt~ Btokflf 875-4912 Nwpt Bch Non1mkr I nge Mull be well Mtllno. We auppty daak, 21'9 I YUll nBI apaoa, eoP* You aup- tlo, no peta. $375 mo + $310 mo. 548-• 148 groomed and 11ert Im· dep. 842-5722 Avall lmmed madlalely. F0t Interview. PARK N PORT ply pt\One & sas ~ mo pr , ....... 3012 seo.ooo ts~ s yr note & deek. Calf 8«-7211. 2nd TO befllnd 178,000 Wlr/ldfl, large 1 Br, ctNn. up1t. 717 Jamee St. 29 Y'M' old Vice Pr.Iden! call &48-3337, 11 AM • 4 COU~Y CLUB LIVING of me)or Corp. wlll "'"' PM, uk tor June Prldg- APAqTMOHS For L .. M -Off1ce 3 rma. FAMOOS CICUS BofA, 111 on a 1150,000 1200 ~ It GooO trefftel vacation home In lh• Maiioos Trlnl:r., Alpa. Pll)'a $750 IN NEWPORT BEACH 3 bdrm, 2 be 2500 IQ ti an. Slnglea 1 a 2 Bd•m hou1e with one prof 1370/mo. M0-197g good 1 gn & upowre. 1 ... 23 e.acti Blvd HB. , mo. I for $-48,000. Cell 83 I· 7900 All 8 & M1111g• Perlor. Gor· (714) 240-8123 wt!dyl. '600, UtllltlH paid, 2 •lllfll WILi Apartment• 1 Townhou mala. 1450 mo. EHi· bdrm, I ba. $250 Secur· lrg 2 1 3 BR townhoule -bluff, Newport 8Hch. lty, Cell s.tfl s.1~6~ llP(I, enc:lgat. trptc Near From $580 _640-__ 7_043 _____ _ '*SPIOllll 1 .... 1-Nnt. Hrbr from $5.45 On Jamboree Rd 11 Prof r.m. 21-35 no emit, Swimming pool, crpt1, ChlldlWI OK. ~7 s.n Joequln Hhtl Rd. to lhr pert ~ 2 Br IPL dr•f .. • 9arden apt. 2 bdrm, 1•n b• twnhM, f44.11to 1220rmo a ~ .iec CM, S3 0 . 7 5 2 • 2 2 11. S•t5 + $376 dep. Nr OCEANFRONT-3 Br. 2 Ba. M5--IM02 aft epm. 842-7312 Agt. No peta. e.ach Blvd at McF•d· upper unit, frplc, gar. M/F to lhlr• ,_ 2 bdrm, 2 er du9leJC w/enci. gar, den .. Quiet older paraon I 125o1 m 0 . yr 1 y 2 ear gar W11tllda CM redecorated . good prlfd,nopeta 893-4894 875-2725, 873-4585 duPex S27Smolnciutll nelohaorhood, 1496. 14•5. 2 Br 2 Ba, pool, -730-7207 da, 840-5524 558-5001 petlo, klda OK. NO S*I ON THE WATER· Com· _rt_Bob ______ _ wt!ndt 831·9309 Office apaoa '°' ..... 1 to "· ssgs1mo Ullla paid, Ii<, ground floor. 1055 El Camino Dr.CM 3 blk1 E of Fairview & Adami. 754-1040. Mr Tracy. Office for r•nt Newport Bcti, 1130/mo. Small wt· thin •••c 1ulte. Call 640-0919. LOWER YOUR OVER· g;:: glrtl to ..w YoU trom 10 AM unttl 4 AM 1 days a weak. Fr .. buffet. 7111 No Ha(bor Blvd. F"""1on l14-llM112 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED ucm11 (819) 7~3048 -• ·nd lit.+ ...... $26,355 note eecure. TD on 1 unite In Le. Beech. .,.,.., I 13,9l .,_, of 1203,000. w pay olf In • mo.. s..t fOf S21,500. 2•0-8123: or ava/Wtcnda •93--' 183. Emalnaat I• 1 s .. 2 Br. 1 Ba. EatMde, yard, &48-teee, M0-7.tM ptefefy fWl'IOdil6ad, 2 Bf, •HOUSEMATES HEAOI IODEU garaoe. $550/mo Chlld 1 Br & 2 Br. refl'lg, bvlttlnl, 2 Ba, lrpl, belrl'I cell, jac ROOMMATES* Prof. want• to eubleua *hi... 11t111nt ln1 marketing ok, no 1>911. 841-07113 drapH a carpel No Boal dock & oar avall El1abllehad 12 ~I par1 ol your office. •II f9PI, F&C lie PNlf. Send Frw to l'Mldaflt1 ot CM1 lrvlne/NB •ho are un- employed. Y.M .C A Membar1hlp, 1ncludln9 Mroblc tltne ... racll.et· ball, we6gtlt llftlng. & Lap Swimming Cell GlldV-I ..2-9980 MARKETING MGMT TRAINEE nr oppty. For mOt"e Info MAGIC ISL.ANO cell 831 • 1847 Chart• MemberlhlO SECRETARY STAFF AS· l940 ~7870 SIST tor gen contreet0t CRAFTSMEN COROt.ESS In a last pac.d exciting ELECTRIC ORIU. USED atrnoept\ere. EJll)flf req 7 TIMES, COST 168 Contact Shelley (71•) SELL FOR $30. IN- 1167~ Cl..UOING CHARGER 'flla.ll l&LU UNIT. 902-5355 Wa wtll train. No eKP9fl· Pool labia, $35. Sola ~ anca ~· Evening w l gold cover and cu· work Very ea1y 1111 lhk>n $35. Gvwantead hourly waoe 762-5652 + t>onv• ptan. c 111 Mr. Iliac w..... 1121 Spencer 754-6801 ==·...-.-------= Q?'7 W11tre11'1, W1ller1, & Bartendere over 21. Mull have exper, Ar>r*Y In p111on. El Matador RHtaurant. 1788 N•w· PMI BIVd .. C.M. WIREllDUSE PLEASE HELPll I need 3 0t more FOSTORIA NA- VAR RE Wine Gobl•ll WUI pay up 10 S25 ..,.._ oa. Call 5'48-7314 daya Ot 6-42-18811 tv9I \) \) \) 1ELP IBP I llllfftm l1llm . .. .· ---------• Pata M0-2e75 1876/mo yrty. Contact •An r.r1 ~ad· ~1 0t 557-8t97 Tt•olt* Reeume to: Cluatfled Ad PtH£ BLUFF APTS . David 8'40·5472 or •Pflotoe t.Men• #&57, Delly Piiot PO Bo• 2 Br. 2 Ba. Child ok. 1>11· CONDO 2 bf, ltA ba. quiet 80~740 Speetel ,_..off to all wtlo lllNlf ... I. Beautlf\JI mOdell for the 1680, Coata M .. a. Ca 110. view, frplc, encl1d end unit. Pool, rec room. need• place. Prime Newport location, dlacrlmlnallng, who low f-92_e2_7_ ....... .,,..,..----=- gar .. gH 11ove. dl1h·1 ••nnl1 c~rte. = S~lo pent1tiou:e·s~o-111-4114 TU IUT below market, 700-2000 ......... ......,._ 1 __ ..... .."BYSITIEA W"NTEO wuhlN, ec>•. lndry rm. fllmllhed, Mty .., comm. 62.,, haton 1 f Call 7 /859-7000 ., .. .,.,.......... """"' ..,. " l&!IO/mo. le75. Fir•• ;. 1u1 mo. 7ee-6800 n0.2313 Shr lro l\on'le or c:ondo, JoAnn FOf 2-Yf-olf boy. Part/ SPMC 031-t107 rent p1u1 deaning dep<>-11t l11t depo1lt utlll ---------OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK full tllM. AaJw•icaa,.. 2 Bdrm Cotteoa ell ee2...:Je1 lu Cltatatt 2'171 IMIM-479, 182-244g luiatu ltatali2tH 111-1111 :h~':P;~11 t•5·0817 M9Ulde Large 1 Br IUpar dellrl 2 Br 2 Ba. nr Sen Cl•· Roommate M/F needed 10 1885 PARK, c M ~e!ll9 No Etperience R 'ed No Eaperlanc1 Raq Mall.I up to S 12/l'lr .. .,,. lno pay. Full/P•rt·ll~ 1vall. In our pvbllcltlon Call today for appt. 537-2880 KING chg Mother 1hort of CHI\ , Madi tin 10 wat9Ult • • WOMAN • Comp111lo· ata.n '* 8-yf.-old IOtl °" . ' nate. llvlng alone In N B In hie 1urflno care•~·, area, w/Hlff bdrm to Head for Sent• to ~ , board and Oll'9 tor well-under the tree. Call behfted. affgtltly hand-• n • • • r • d • 5 7 &. 1c1pped achoo! girt, 3 &42~. 24 l'n X25Bdan,031-1755 Clo•• io beach . ment• Hoep •• patio, 1har• 3 BR hO\IH In ~.!'~•10f9,!12~850A8von VISA MC ABYSlnER, p/I for 9 ---------1 1395/mo MWty dec.orat.d •••a. Col1• Mesa 21·35 yrt ....., 9q. " a car mo. old, lOlllnQ Gfwwt-~~~~o 914--8870 8112-8'16 gu po, 1 •e111mo.' old. l2so si« mo. p1u1 'A oarege. e..1-8 77. T·llUff'I ;'e~~a type . Raf. l e35/mo .. vaulted oell: • -2 ... wl,.,.,-. ..,......, 891-1844 ulll.7Wk da all t PM G a I Inga, fr1>1c, dbl g11, pool, Tiu;;: c10.i'to b':;h. 2 Br, s..eo. y.arly, na. 831• 233 c..aL ltatal1 2tll ~.~ .. g rl• (lo go)...,_A_B_Y_S_IT_T_l_A_w_a_n_ted-.-2 spa. $496/mo. 984-48H. dacOf. pool, nr beach, • lfflt leu8'M For LHH: Ollloe and•----------cHtONn&.'L~· tee W. 19th. &46-2738 892-8115 bul. No 1>911. 4M-e277 °' apt to at1are In Pto-•hoe> er" 8tOO aq ft. montOf)' Potnt. « eqvlv Coeta Mele. 11782/mo. melltiBJIU f f 644-03&, Cell 846-936t • IMYUllU Mon-f'.r1 11 AM lo I PM to °""'9 to ""f bOf"8 IW. MariM H.8 Cell Mfora ti AM 993-8301 :=~Peo911 Only • Call 2• Ho!Jra • l1•·tl•UM nigh II par wll.. non-~ o 1moker. Reply to Ad OlUet l'uaitut I 1039, Soll 15ec>, Oalty Piiot, Coit• Ma ... CA lfalent I~"' t2e28 WTIA•mt Moat BrandL Stierltlca. -' ...... " WllfH Aalatla LETTER.QUALITY PRINT· F•buloul wofttlno condl-Siii ER for penonal ~t- 092-7033 tlona. No e.ic;per nee. Wa : ;;o.;,,._ ____ _...-.-"'I era. BROTHER HR-1 .,._ W'aln. we ISlhc>Ol. ClfllCUG Coaker Spaniel pupe. ,......_ >Qril oond. 1n1tNC> MAXIMUI. 119 No. Har· bUfT '200 II on m t nu 11 t 11 5 • tiiot. ~ 11M192 T1CMe14 7'41-8408 AlJf1h ~ ta and II --------PM. Mon-8at. S.. Kelty NO UPlllEIGE O. C. MarU11ftl fir,. 7 Wll. "'t1lft Pft 81111 ~ now biting tar lta com-& doO hoUM. ""tor P1W'r atetf poaluona. at %1t:P•r•. Mull Hll lmtnedlete ~.M 80Q. beMfllj '°' .bflghf, held At<C OLD ENOUSH ~.,.., C.... & IOfM 'ltillP DOG PU,.111:1 ... ,,.., .. , t ., :-., ... ,Y-• ~l; •. • ... .. RV & BOAT DRY STORAGE ii: ... ,., ..... = W9t ao.t ells>e -~llleo. -;... M UZI .': UYllll ILUll -........ .., .. tll-1111 WE PAY TOP NWP. F• llDUI~ .:.:r:. 2480 Herbor BIYd. COSTA MESA ......... , .. tClaHllled Ada ere the ------- -AttrtllW to • auccee9ful gar-oe °' yetd Niel It'•. better way to tell ~• peoptel •Otl • • 11 ... • ' ' ) 41. I J JI WI ll'f l:.:'. :At' & TRUCKS COME tN \)A CALL fOJ FlllAPPUIUL eomwet-0.Ulo ~ 11211 BEACH BLVO. HUNTINGTON BEACH ••l·llll .. ...... co.,..,.flL CHEVROLET I\.,. t I tr· .. • '1 • . " I \ \I ~ , \ S4~ 1200 MATCH THE NUMIERS OH THE' ATLAS CHIYSLll..f'LYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd • Costa Mesa Tel s.t&-1134 3 bloctls • south ol San Diego Fr-•y ol1 ~bof SAvd. Complete • body lt\09 Sales Service Parts Swvlce Dept open Mood~ lhru Friday 7 30 A.M to 5 30 PM. and 8 A M to 5 P.M. on Saturday alACH IMPOITS 64• Dove Street. Newport Beacf'I. Tel 752-0000 Call ua. we're Iha 1peclall1t1 tor Alla Romeo. Peuoeot, Saab & M8Mtall. YHIODOH IOllNS fOID Modern ...... eervlc:e. parts. body, paint & Ure depta. Competlltw rat• on lease & dttty r.,tals. 2080 Hwl>or Blvd .• Costa Mesa. 841-0010 or 540-8211 JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MllCUIY 2826 Hatbor Blvd., COlta Meta. Tel 5-40-5830. 57 Years of frlendl)' famlly Hrvlce -Orenga Coun1y·1 oldest UftCOln·M«~ry deaterahlp. MAP WITH THE NUMIERS IN THE BOXES NIWPOIY DATSUN 888 DoYe Street. Newpor1 ~. Tel 833-1300. At the trtwlgle of Jambofee. MacArthur & Brlatol behind Vlc1orla Statt0n Sales. Setvlce. Leulng & Parts We make grMt dea!•' • NAIDI CADILLAC 2800 HarbO< Blvd .. Costa Mua. Tel. 540-0100. Orange County's Lar11e91 Cadlllac dealer. Sales Service._ Laulng. • SADDLllACK IMW/SUIAIU 28402 MwgU«lle Pkwy., AYery Pkwy. exit We otter what no bani! or ie ... company can: 1. E>epertty.i staffed. moat modem NfYloe & parts dept.: 2. One of the Southland's moat Hperlenced sales I leasing atllff: 3. Eltmlnatlon of the rmddteman by leaalng deeter dlfecl 131·2°'40 Mllllon Viejo <49M949 • CHICK IVlllON POISCHl·AUDl·YW 415 E Coaa1 Hwy., Newpot1 Beach 873-0900 The only dealership In Ofange Coun1y wtth thne three great makff under one roof! CLAlltC AUTOMOllLll Tts NMton Wey. eo... ~· Tet 131-1313 • JAGUAM OUR IPECIAL TV" JCIC 120'e/ 1<40'111&o'e/>W'lll!· T)'P9S 8•Jet -~ -Aett«etlont • • 101 LONGPll PONTIAC 13800 Beach Blvd , Wutmlna1• Tel 802-6851 Ofange County·a oldat and 1ar11e91 Pontiac deal9'shlp Sates, Service. Parts • DICK MILLll flAT/LANCIA ''Probabty Iha IOWMt priced Flats In So'-lthern CallfOfnla" (Located t mUe notth ol South Cout Plaza near Main St. end Warner Ave. In Santa Ana) 120 W Warn.r. Santa Ana 557-2132 • SANT A ANA DA YSUN 2001 E 17th StrHt. Santa Ana. Tel. 658-7811. Your Orlolnat Dedicated Oet~ O..ler MllACLI MAZDA We've moved! Out new locatlon ta 1425 &Mer Street. Coate Mee&. Tel S<eS.3334. Stop by & vtllt our modet'n ahowfoom and '" why we're the 't Muda dHler In Southern CaHfornla. Sales, Service, Pane 911d L"afng. COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbof lllvd . Coala MeN Tel. 5-40-6410 Serving Ofanoe County '°' 16 years t Mlle So. 405 • SUNSIY fOID, INC. (Home of Wlllle the Whale) 5440 Garden Grove Blvd • Weatmlna1er Tel 636-4010 • OIANGI COUNn VOLVO 10 120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden GroYe Tel 530-9190 Exclusl\/'91y Volvo to cover all your VOivo requirements. N~Used•Sates•Leaslng•Parta•~Body Shop Freeway cioM In the heart ol Orange County at Garden GroYe Blvd. & Bro<*hU<at. CONNILL CHIVIOLIT 2821 Harbof Blvd.. Costa Mesa Over 22 year1 Mnlng Orang• County Sale•. teasing, 19rvlce Call 548-t200. epectel pena nne. 548-0400. body ahop line: 754-0400 0 IOY CAIVll IOLLS IOYCl .. MW t&.40 Jambor" Road. Newport a.ach. 84CMl<444. $alee. SeNlce. Pel11 And LHalng. IHI 111111 CIAll CIAIT 110111 M ONDAY, OECEMBEH 21. 1'HI;.> lllU\NI ·' C .(JIH~ I 't' ' "'II CJHt,11\ 2'> C ENTS Laguna to buy 2 trams By STEVE MITCHELL °' .............. What'• blue and white, worka only 1oeven weeb a year, and • coata about $110,000 for a ma1Ched Rt? Two r.;atr .trama that lA8una offid.a1a hope to purchue u replacementa for two a1tn1 models before next summer's buay arts festival ....an. Laauna Beach City Council meml>ers ordered aides to prepare 1pecificationa for the ,purchase of two propane- powered trams -but not before one council member argued that perhaps the costly vehiclee could be ~ yeer round. The two trams currently in l.Aauna'• pool of bu8e9 are used onfy during the seven-week festival aeuon, carting viaiton to and from the three art festivals 1n lAguna Canyon. Councilman Robert Gentry augested the city ahouJd explore the pomlbllity of purchu1ng new trams with remoVab1e windows. That way, he aaid, the city could cloae up the open-air vehiclee and uae them in the fall. winter and apring along with the dty'a fleet of six -regular buaee. But Mayor Neif Fitzpatrick araued that the two open-air trams m!gbt lut a lot longer if they are used only during the summer festival aeuon. "It'• ie. wear and tear," the mayor said. The two exiating trams were ~un:baaed by the city in 1971 from Lake Foi:.eat reaLe.a---- aeenta. who uaed them for two t':!.'° abutde potential home :--'f';;;.y Brandt, the city'• atrector of munJdS>a} mervice9, 4-kl the two 13-year-d.d tnma will probably be eold at auction. · Be nld the new vehicles, fXpected to cost about ~~.ooo ~. lhould last between eiatit ind 10 years, and be re.dy lor me by dUa IUJDmer. : Meanwhile, the council turned down a auggeation that two ~~ered "San Franmco Crolley ' type vehicles be ~ 1nltead of trams. ·: ''They're ~ much cuter_," aaki ~woman Sally Bellttue. But City Manager Ken Frank aid the trolleys bold only 22 ~n. The trams hold 30. Heavy winds due on coast . : Blah winds and ooniinued oold temperatures are expected along the Orange Coast toni1bt ana Tue.day, the National Weather Service aa1d today. • Santa Ana wind conditions, prompted by a high pressure s,ystesn in the interior regioll of the state, should besin late today' IDck1na up winds between 30 and ao mph in acme areu Tue.day t NWS off:ldala said. · The winds may warm coutal areaa to about 65 degrees Tue.day. But nighta will be oold with &ow. between 38 and 48. \. , T Winging out the old year Nothing like a stiff breeze to sweep away the last sands of 1982. The gusts propelled Larry Taugher who said the only drawback was that "your arms get tired" which might also have been the opinion of the gull at Newport Pier. Structure's inside view has appeal Local college tuition talks resume By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... D.-,,......., No tuitlon fees or additional budget cutj.have been approved for California'• community collegea, as state legislators continue to debate propoeala for erasing a statewide deficit estimated at $2 billion. But community college officiala warned that dbcua.ion of tuition or program cuts may be revived today when the legislators return to Sacramento from the Chri.atmall holiday to resume work on a finance packqe. "We're not out of the woods, by any meuure," said Arnold Bray, director of legialation and public affairs for the community college system. Community college officials have been fighting propoaala to charge tuition to students, saying th.la would put higher education beyond the reach of many who need it most. California ii the only atat.e that charges no tuition for attending lta 107 community college.. The system also has been hoping to escape additional budget cuta, stressing that the Legislature already reduced the a:immunity college budeet by $30 million last summer. In its origina) form, a bill introduced wt week by state Sen. Alfred Alquist, D-San Joee, would have taken another 10 percent of the community college ay1tem'1 budget for the remaining half ef the achool year. A revised probaal from A1qu1at, however, el lnated that 10 percent bud8et cut but W'pd a t25 1prlftl semester fee for today? community college students. TIM! Senate Finance Committee early la.at week approved a p.ck.age that contained neither the community college budget cut nor the $25 fee. Last Wednesday the state Senate Education Committee re jeci.ed a plan for a »0-aernester tuition fee proposed by Sen. Daniel Boetwrigbt, D-Conoord. Alao on Wedne9day I the full Senate failed to approve a . finance pack.age that would have Included tax increase• and spending cuta, but would not have affected community colleges. Community college leg1alation director Bray said he expects the senators to work out their differences on this finance packqe, still with no impact on the community colleges. But during conference committee diacuaaion.s aimed at matching the Senate package w i th Auembly finance legi.alation, community colle1e tuition or budget cuta may be considered again. Bray said. He said a spring tuition fee would be particularly difticult to implement becauae this aemester begins in January or February, and many students have already registered without paying such • fee. In addition, there ia too little time to set up a financial aid program for 1tudenta who cannot afford tuition, he said. "U we go to a~ fee without financial aid, we estimate we'll loee 80,000 community college studenta, •• Bray said. Leland Myers, le1i1lative advocate for Orange County's (See TUITION, Pace Al) Floods block· 1,000; • Colorado stymied By T1te AHoclaeed Preas Floods from almost 15 inches of rain washed through Louisiana communities todae b1ocldng more than 1,000 e from their homes, and Co reaidenta were urged to atay home until the snow from a Chrtatmaa Eve blizza.rd could be cleared. A Greyhound bua careened oU icy Int.em.ate 80 near Kearney, Neb., early today, injuring 20 people, aa freezing rain, sleet and drinle spread from western Oklahoma into a J.a.rse part of Karwu and Nebraska. Streeta were flooded ln the Beaumont and Port Arthur areas of Texas, where the atorm dropped 13 inches of rain, and the llndebrandt At:res residential area waa evacuated. The southeastern Texas town of Bridce Oty near the Louisiana border WM cut off by flooding early today on Texas 87. Reaidenta of El Paso were warned to prepare for a foot of snow •• the atorm out of Colorado left accwnulationa of 8 inchea at Clovl.a, N.M., and 7 inches at Lubbock, TOM. In northern Miaaiaaippi, ~ in boata and four-wheel drive vehicles evacuated dozens of families u rain aent riven out of their banks and marked the 1tate'1 w ettest December on record. Misalaalppi civil defenae officials said about 70 families had left their home9 in Grer\8da. about 15 homes were evacuated in Calhoun City and other evacuations were under way in Greenwood, Tupelo and other oommunitiea. Tornadoes on Sunday dama1ed buildings and timberland in Neshoba County ·and flash flooding affected aeveral hundred homea lo Grenada County. LoWaiana officiala Mid more than 50 l'Ollda were impuaable 1n (See FLOODS, J>qe AS) ----lllDU-----. Want to presene your '82 look? Check out Lile Maab in Laguna Beach on Page Bl. ' an' ENll8AD ... ~~~ the pMl"Ollty and k n(il""9 qf local ruldent1, S l•ltl Wtat, 6&, wounc;t up ~ a joyoua Chrlatmaa ~ 1 bllnd and dlubled f • nt 1troke. the C.osta woman thou1ht her W• over th.la year when me~red her $1,400 Vuaual T•k JMchJne 1he uaea to rei.4. tel~ eet, 1tereo -1\d $400 wbrtJt of Qµiatmaa gt.ft.a mmma ....-~. too, wu the 2~-yeer old c.'OOlpe.nion ahe had hired three week.a aao to help her dress and flx meala.. But Chrlatmaa turned into a very 1peclal day for West, who aaid the phone never stopped ri.n8fJl8 with people offering help and sifts. "My faith in human nature was rea&ol'ed," West said today. "I didn't know there were so many kind, good people in the world." By Christmas morning West's kJtchen table was sagging with homema@ cooklea. hams, turkeys, candies and nut.a. Strangers poured into the house bringing a scrap book. muak box, and games. "It waa really qulte a surprise," said West. "I just didn't expect any of UU.." A couple of teen-agers from Hunttngton Beach atopped by her Fordham Drive house with a crock of cheeee and crackers. Many of th~ people, touched by her plfaht, bn>Ught cards and small c:hec:b. By today she had $220. An account waa opened in West'• name at the Crocker NaUonal Bank, 184~ Newport Blvd., C.osta Meaa. ''The 9t«y really touched my heart," aaid Claire Nelson, former Coata Mesa mayor who helped •tart the bank account. Mesan nabbed in slaying try A 25.year-old c.o.ta Mesa man waa arrested late Sunday on auapacton of attempted mutder after hb roommate wu abot, police .-Jd. Jewa Guadarrama~ 2~. WU arrested at 11:30 p.m. in the apar1melll the two lhared at 2458 Newport Blvd. Bail waa aet at $250,000. Police said Miguel Angel Rivera, 23, was ahot three times in the aide. Officers said it appeared the two men had been ar,wng prior to the ahooting. ~\,. I . ATRIUM APPEALS • • • From Page A1 At iaue were lnterpretations of the new zoning laws on how much ground area could be oovered by off.ice building, and how development "point.a" for density should be calculated. City planners initially counted all groa Ooor space but Leighton- French wanted only leaaeable apac:oe lncluded. After discuHion11 with city council members, the developers won . Ferguaon aaid the differenee waa baaed in-the fact that the planners' reference point had been industrlal rather than office build.lnga. One iMue le~ unreeolved ao far is fire protection foe the building, wtth ill undivided inside apace. Qty offidal.a are requiring the developers to prove that a aophiatlcated smoke evacuation system will work. Ferguson said a private fire protection engineering form designed the sy1tem in which fans would suck in smoke in affected zones while other fans would run at double capacity in outaide zones to keep arnok'e out. "What we have to do la bulld the 1tructure and demonatrate the ayatem to the city and the (Orange County) Fire Department with detectable gues," aid Fergu.on. U the system waan't judged effective, only three f1oon would be allowed to open onto the atrium, rather than the propoeed 10. TUITION DEBATED • • • From Page A1 four community coUege diatricts, agreed that a last-minute spring tuiUon could result in c>wi.. He said about 30,000 students already have registered for spring cou r1e1 at Orange County's community colleges without paying tuition. Although both said they will be working agaiNt it, Bray and Myers 88..ld a spring bud.eel cut for community colleaa ii more likely to be imposed by legislators than tuition. Such a cutback rould force local districts to cancel aome classes or lay off employees. The Legislature is expected to approve a finance package before year's~. G-q~ty -winds due T ueSday. Oecembef 28 80 31 47 ,, 6' '9 31 57 75 31 S4 es n -3 7' 29 H " •• t2 eo 12 IO 43 a n " 17 14 it .. 74 51 "' .. ll 11 u ,, '° u CANADA Cops party before accident &1 .. AU)mJ'IJK Ill Seven Hunlln•lon 8Heh police offlcen dranx akohol 11 the polb tlrina rana prior to • fatal automo6JI• accldtnl ln Atlrona tut swnmer, Ch.I.et l'.ar~ Rob"allle dlM'toeed ~y. Tht probe of the alleaed rniloonduct on the pert of offlcen waa touched oft by a traffic llCCident near Parker, Ari%., that took the Ute of 18-year-old Lisa GarUch lut July 11. · Huntlnaton Beach police officer John J . 'Blackwell, the driver of the vehicle, I.I achedu.led to atand trial next month on char1e• of negl11ent h omklde and leaving the acene of a aerioul accident. Robltallle said t oday the lnw.tipdon, conducted after the accident, ahowed that "eight or ten" off-duty police offlcera met at the firing ranp near Talbert Avenue ancfGothard Street prior to Jeavi{\C for the Colorado River for a weekend outing. Blackwell waa at the firing range clubhouse at the time with the otht" but the ln -~uun didn't r.v11I whether he had ~ alcohol, Rot.1'&a1lle MJd. 8l1c1cw1lJ waa not ch1r1•<\ with drunJum drlvlna by Al'tmna authortd•. Robltalllt aald the Inquiry 1howed that other pertln aao were held at the ali. but that ~vldence didn't 1ub1tantlate rumor• that aex partlea were belna held there. RooitaWe aid that none of the minora at the acene wu drunk. The police chief aald the oflloera met at the firing ran1e aero. from C-entral Park to form a convoy to the river ln cue any vehJclee lhould break down. He eald the lnve1tigat1on revealed no milconduct.. He aaid the department couldn't take actlon unlel9 behavior 11 "a total embarraument" to the city becau.e the firtna ranae belonp to the Hunting'°1l Beech Police Offlcen .\modatlon. The aHoclatlon leuea the firing range from the city and makes It available to the public and other police al(enclea for flrtn1 pr BlaelcwtU, 1 patrolman, h1i1 t.n ...... c;nod to admlnialrlUve dutln pena1n1 the outcome of th• le1al procHdan11, uld Rob& taille. Arizona authorltln reported laat Septemb.r that the fatal accident occurred on the two- lane State Route 9&, about 10 miles north of Parker. OarUch wu pronounced deed of muslve head and iwck lnjuriea at the acene. Kathy Grunbaum, 19, another puarnger, wu treated at Parker Hospital for injurlea, offlclala reported. The Arizona author! tlea alle1ed that Blackwell ant' another Huntington Beach officer, Lloyd Edward.a. left the accident acene . The accident report aald Blackwell'• vehicle wu 1oing approximately 50 mph ln a 35-rnile an hour zone when it failed to negotiate a curve and rolled over after fishtailing. Tiie girl• were thrown from the vehicle. Anacin-3 seized • 1n county By STEVE MARBLE Of tM o.nr "°' ..... State health Investigators, hunting for cyanide-tainted Anacin-3 capsules, removed bottle• of the pain medication from four Orange County households -including a Huntington Beach residence - over the Chriatma.1 weekend. The eeiz.ed bottles, teeta later showed, contained no traces of the poi.son. In the wake of the cyanide diacovery ln San Jose and later ln San Pedro, health inspectors have fanned through Orange County asking pharmacies and grocery stores to remove all Anacin-3 bottles with the code number F229. "It's possible there are some shops that haven't heard about thia and we've been asked to spot check throughout the county," said James Huston. assistant director of Orange County's Environmental Health. County, atate and federal health officers have teamed together ln the aearch. Lut month, a San Joee woman became aerioualy ill after inlestina QpilU)es po1aoned with cyanide. Most recently, a bottle ol Anacin laced with cyanide was dlloovered ln a San Pedro home. Both lncldenta Involved bottles bearing the same code number. lni tial testing has shown th.at the cyanide in the two bottles likely did not come from a single bat.ch. State health officers in Loa Angeles said the cyanide found in San Joee was in e.lgnificantly higher concentration than the cyanide found in San Pedro. Health investigatora said It remains unclear. though, whether the pol.son is the work of a single person who tampered with bottles, a copycat or even if the cyanide stems from the · manufacturing proceu. ; Anacin bottles with the F229 : code were distributed to stores , through California and other • states in late September. Since October, health offidala said, the Anacin bottle• have . contained tamper-proof aeala. More than 1,300 Anacin • capsules have been tested •Ince the discovery in San Joee. OC flights to Denver back to near normal Thing11 are slowly returning to nonnal at Stapleton International Airport in Denver aa many of the nearly 1,000 snow-bound holiday travelers leave their temporary home of the last few days, according t o an official at FronUer Airlines. The airport, which was shut down for 36 hours after a record blizzard Friday morning, is working to alleviate the backlog of flight• can~eled over the weekend, said Bob Schulman. Frontier'• public relations director ln Denver. "With luck, we'll run about 80 percent of cal)9City today, if the weather bolds out.'' Schulman eald. ''But that may be a little over-optlmiltic." ~ ~---- 5 ALE BROOKSGATE for the young executive SUITS AND ODD TROUSERS 20% off regular prices Any flights which do leave today will run late, Schulman said. "The air traffic ex>ntrol system : can only handle ao many flighta," ; he said. ' He said operations were : expected to be back to nonnal by ; Wednesday or Thursday, but : mentioned more snow was : forecast for Denver late today. One plane from Orange : County came into Stapleton : Saturday night, Schulman aid. : T}\ree were diverted to Laa • Vesu F~:c::J niglrt when : Stapleton after the filled-: to-capacity planes left J ohn : Wayne Airport. \ SPORT JACKETS AND OUTERWEAR 30% off regular prices SELECTED BROOKSGATE FURNISHINGS 25% off regular prices WOMEN'S SELECTED COATS, JACKETS, SLACKS, SKIRTS, DRESSES AND SLEEPWEAR ASSORTED SHIRTS, SWEATERS AND ACCESSORIES SIZES 6 TO 16 PLUS SELECTED SHOES 25% and 30% off regular prices BOYS' SUITS,SPORTWEAR AND SILECTED FURNISHINGS 25% off regular prf cea OUTE1tWIAR 30% off regular prices . . • • . . "· t H t T • State Dow Jones Final RECORD-N!~H ~ - C&:OllNG 1.010.11 UP 25.48 • econo1D1c decline continues From Wire Services SAN FRANCISCO -The California economy weakened further during November u the U.S. eoonomy experienced its 17th month of l"el0e9lion. The current recession ia now tied with the 1973-75 ·: recemion u the longest economic downturn since the Great Depreuion. In ~ovember California'• unemployment rate ro&e to 11.2 percent, while the U.S. rate roae to 10.8 percent. Fewer joba were available in virtually every industry in the state. California 'a non-agricultural employment declined .4 percent in November with construction down 2.2 ~rcent, manufacturing and government each down .6 percent and service down .2 percent. In recent years California's economy haa outperformed the U.S. economy in moat aectors. But in 1983 the 111ate'a economic performance will match that of the United States rather than outperforming it. V-8 car sales up DETROIT -Stable gasoline prices and a return of performance cars helped to boost the number of 5-liter V-8 engines 90Jd In 1982 model cars, an Lndustry journal said today. V-8 engines of 301-350 cubic inch displacement grabbed 21 percent of car production in the 1982 model year, compared to only 16.7 percent of cars built in the 1981 model year, Ward's Automotive Reports said. Ward's said 1,201,599 of the large V-8 engines were sold in the 1982 model year, compared with 1,185,844 in the 1981 model year. Most of the large engines were installed in full- aize and luxury cars, such as Ford Motor Co.'a LTD and Marquis and General Motors Corp.'a Chevrolet Impala and Caprice. However, Ward's added, many of GM's Camaro. and Fl.rebl.rd.a a4d Ford's Mustangt and Capria al80 were aold with performance engines. METALS ,, NEW YOl'IK tAPI -lpol nonlett"OV• ..... plto. \OMy" ""I. Up , ... Up 16.• Up 11.S u. .... Up u Up ··• "" ... "" ... Up u Up I.I Up 1.1 U., LO Vp l.O Up 11 Up 1.6 Up 1.J "" 1.J Up 1A Up 1.J Up 11 Vp 1.1 "" ... Up u Up .. , Vp ... ""' ()It 11.t ()It IJ.J ()It '·' ()It ... Ott ,.. Off 1.J ()It .. , Oft u °" u Ott SA g: tl Off u Off .. Ott •• EOtt :1 H n Otl 44 Off u Oft u OH U °" 0 Off u C•~ 71"-74 cenlt • pound. u a _... ....... ...... 20\t.U -a '*1114:' ..._ llM M-40 -• pound, dllww9d. • 1'11tM.1644 ....... W.-~lb ""' Ahr' 71 -e pound, ~.V. • __, 1316.00 per ..... H ~111-1370.00-h7S.OO troy ounce, GOLD QUOTATIONS .. SJLYER I I H•ncty end Her1un, • 10 ti par troy -·