HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-31 - Orange Coast Pilot--• 11111111 IAllY PAP.II f-RIOA Y. OEC:[M Bl n J1 . 1qR] 0141\ Nfa COi i N t Y ( AL IJ OH NIA 25 CEN TS .-..----· How will 1982 be reIDemhered? Fires, economy ,,storms took their toll Editor'• not•: Within houn, 1983 wUl be here, 11183 ion•. What weiw the top loaal •tol'le9 ol the ~1 Qe11Y Pi.lot «I.iron wt"nt baclr through the tile• and .elect«I .a.me top news evenca that captured hNdl.Ine9 along the Orange Coot and throughout Oranse County. • • • THE ECONOMY Figures released Thursday showed that unemployment in Orange County in November s1ood at 8 percent, the same rate as October. A record number of penons-98,300 -couldn't find work. The year was marked by lay offs at several of the county's major employers -Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Newport Beach ; Smith International Inc., of Newport Beach; AirCal, of Newport Beach; the Irvine Company, of Newport Beach, and the Orange Coast Publishing Co. of Costa Mesa. At the state Employment Development Department offices in Santa Ana, the lines continued to grow. In September alone, there were 5 ,200 new applications for unemployment benefits. "That very weU may be a record," market analyst Alta Yetter said. • • • POUT I CS Perhaps the hottest story of the year broke in July when it waa di8cloeed that former state Sen. John Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, was the father of two children born out of wedlock to Carla Stuckle, 43, of Tustin. The extra-marital affair, which Stuclde said spanned nine years, came to light during a court bearing to det.ennlne ii the male child, who had suffered a genital injury, should remain in the H .. &her.a custody. Felony child nealect chaJ'l'i!9 apinst Stuck.le ultimately were Sun due to light roses PASADENA (AP) Sunshine should warm the estimated 1.3-mlllion people expected to attend the 1983 Rolle Parade on New Year's Day, but those planning to atake out a viewing . spot the night before have been warned to bundle up. Overnight Iowa in wind- protected areas will dip into the 30s and "it could get down to 28 or to," National Weather Servide forecaster Dan Atkin said Tbunday. "It's fairly cold." Santa Ana winds of about 15 to 30 mph are predicted New Year's Eve, but Atkin aid the cold is mitigated in windy areas becauae the gusts "mix in the warm air." "I would tell anyone who's coming to wear tomethlng warm. becaWM! the panunedka will tu.ve plenty to do without any cold injuries aa well," said Mike Guerin, Pasadena Police Department spokesman. Spectators who guard their sidewalk spota through the chilly nlsht will find the daytime temperatures more to their Uklng. Atkin said highs Saturday will be in the mid to upper 608. Skies will be clear. The parade'• theme, "ReJo'oe!" ls to be reflected in a daD.llng array of creations. Probably the matt unusual la A YOO Flnanda1 8ervkB, '"lbe Grand Flnale, '' a trawlins circus featunng wwrw, Jualera, acromta and a human cannont.ll. Residents in Anaheim Ha s watched as Oct. 9 fire spread across hillside. Fourteen homes were destroyed in the blaze. dismissed. Schmitz later agreed co pay Stuck.le $275 per month in child support. The chedu are drawn on a bank account held by Schmitz and his wile of 28 years, Mary. Schmitz, who haS a reputation of ~ his mind whenever queitionec1 by reportera, bu maintained a firm "no cc:nunent" atance oo me Stuclde attau. So h.whb wtbr. Schmitz, a Corona del Mar r 1 - --;f' resident, left the Senate Dec. l. He had been an unsuccessful candidate for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat won by former San Diego Mayor Pete Wi.laon. • • • .Becau.e 1982 WM an election ~.the o:;:;on of candldac.e. throulb County .eemed endleaa. There were a few eJectonl IUrpriaes. with a notable exception: the race IJl the 4ard Co ngreaaipn al District en compassing south Orange County and north San Diego County. A write-in candidate, Ron Packard, of Carlsbad, defeated GOP nominee Johnnie R. Crean and Democratic hopeful Roy "Pat" Archer foe' the eeat in the newly created district. Crean, one of 18 candidates for the Republican nomination, had Volunteers apply 60,000 orchids, roses and tulips to Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream float for Tournament of Roses Parade. See construction o f Miuion Viejo'& noat, Page Bl. edged ahead of Packard by 92 votee in the June primary. But he trailed both Packard and Archer in November, despite spending nearly $1 million on the campaign. Packard's fight for office isn't ov~. Monday, Packard will be sworn into office in Wuhingt.on D.C . The same day, in a "San Dieao courtroom, a superior court judge will be asked to invalJdate the election because of what I Archer has alleged are voting irregularttles. • • • CRIME AND PUNISHMENT More than 18 montha after his arrest , f o rmer Downey truckdrlver Wilham George Bonin was conVlCl.ed ln January in Loe Angeles County Superior Court of l 0 of the so-called freeway lullmgs of young men and bbys Verdicts were read before more than l~ people in Judge Will i am Keene 's courtro om. The spec tators included relatives of several murder victims. The same jury recommended Bonin die in the slate's gas chamber. Bonin is scheduled co be tried Jan. 17 in Orange Counfy Superior Court an connection with four other slayings, that either occ urred in Orange County or involved Orange County residents. • • • Five years after his indictment in connection with an alleged bribery plot, former Orange County Supervisor Ralph Diedrich entered state pnson in June. Diedrich, 58, of Fullerton, had resigned from office in 1979 following his conviction on the charges in San Diego County Superior Court. The judgment had been under appeal since the con~tion. Diedrich's pnson term is one to 14 years. • • • In Dana Point, authorities still are without a suspect in the beak mutilations of 18 brown pelicans. A reward fund for infonnation leading CO the conviction of the pe.._oo or per90N responsible has swelled to more than $18,000. But state Fish and Game Departmen\ off~ said no one has c ome forward with (See LOOKING, Pace AS) -County jobless again sets mark By JEFF ADLER Of!M o.-r Not '""' For the second time in as many months, Orange C.Ounty posted a record level of unemployment in November with 98,300 county residents reported as being jobless. While the number of jobless persons climbed again last month, the unemployment rate remained unchanged from its October level o( 8 percent. according to a state Employment Development Department report ~leued Thunday. The number of unemployed penona actually increaed while the unemployment rate remained constant because of a net increase in the site of Orange County's labor force, explained Alla Yetter, a labor market analyst with the department. She said that seasonal hiring, especially 1,000 retail cl er ks hired for the Christmas BeaSOn, largely was responsible for the lnctta.9ed size of the labor force, which is u9ed in computing the unemployment rate. One year ago, unemployment ln Orange -County stood at 5 percent with 519,100 county residents reported jobless for 1981. The number of jobleu.- pe raona reported this year reflected an increase of 66 percent ·over November 1981, Yett.er said. The 8 percent unempl<ryment figure ls the hiahest in Oranie County since December 1976 when the rate reac hed 8 .1 percent. The highest unemployment rate recorded in the county was the 10.6 percent rate of June 1975, she added. While the c o unty's unemployment rate remained constant in N o vember, it continued CO crttp upward in Los Angeles County, the state and the nation Loe Angeles County reported unemployment al 10.5 percent in November, up from October's 10.2 percent, whtle statewide the rate reached 11.2 percent, up from 10 .7 . Nationally , unemployment increased from October's 10.4 to 10.8 percent. The outlook for the early part of the new year isn't any brighter either, Yetter said. She predicted unemployment will remain at the same elevated levels during the next three months, although Orange County's rate will continue to be the lowest among California counties. "There are no signs of any type of turn-around yet," the labor analyst said. "Usually, we experience a decreue now. The fact that we stayed the same means thlnga are really wone." Yetter pointed out that while aeuooal hiring helped hold down the unemployment rate somewhat, there were 15,100 fewer Jobe in the county. a 1.7 (Sff JOB~, Pa1e Al) --------------------___._,_.----lllDEX------. St8te cites Sch:riiitz The accuut1on tteml b9ck '° 197~ when Schmit.I reportedly received all1htly more than •o.ooo frobl a La Palma pb71lcian, aa&d Bob Stern, a caanilllOn ~· • ID fund • • ISSUe' Beeauae of holiday deadline schedules, today'• 1tock market activitie1 will appear in Saturday'• Daily Pilot. ..... I Resolutions can -~e reality lb JODI CADINHl:AD or .. ...,,......,. Thr Chrlatmu •"'-hav• all bHn uptnod and the flr trte II lumlnc ~y brown -aJina th.al New Yoar'1 LI almolt here . ' --.. - ------· -·· --n a. cea .. "', .. the reaolutlon1 to ION a little walaht, uvt tome money, leave a dead-end job or ... iauonahJp and aet on with whatever It WU we didn't aocomplilh ln 1982. Unfortunately, 97 percent of ua will break thoee well-Intentioned vow1 fHter than a bottle of bubbly aoe1 flat, aay1 Mark Victor Hansen, a mQtlvatlonal speaker who lives ln Costa Meu. Hansen, who wlll make 2M speeches next year telling real estate agents, sales people and congregations to 1et lofty financial goals, believes that needn't be .a. "Everyone'• got a deep deep goal, but they're afraid to try it,'' said the 34 -year-old self. professed "million -dollar motivator." Writing down your goal.a ia the first step toward reaching them, says Hansen. Like a mental shopping list, unwritten goals are easily forgotten. The next step is to visualize yourself as a success. Many people fall financially because they're afraid to do well. Their image of themselves doesn't match their picture of success. "Many people are satisfied with mediocre success," said Hansen. "Most people say, I did a little bit better than mom or dad." Mark Hamen The author of four boolu, Hwen~ufO:"her one aoal ia to sell 1 copiee ofrua book "Future Dlary." So far 20,000 have 80ld. Prior to hi• book-aelllna ambition. HaNen aid hll drivinl goal wu to have a felevl1ion show. ''The Mark Victor Hamen Show" started four mono. aao o n cable televilion and negotiatiom aft under way for a nationAlly teJeviKd abow. At laat count the popular speaker, who charpe ,1,000 a talk. bad 378 .-ae-of aoaJa. Although. 1tudie1 allow that money is fourth on mOlt people'• goal list behind health. happneea and love, Han1en makea no attempt to hide hi1 love of wealth. "We live in a world that ii economically oriented," he aid. "If you haven't got money tn1 In th• front door you ha¥• lov• 101n1 out th• beck door," he Nld, ctun.a 11.attallca &hat thow Unance1 ar• the leed1nl of cllVOl'Cll. ~ c-( men And womm , .. , auuuurium11 •rOt11iw •n• country to bear how they can lm~· thelr flnandal •t.a.ncl11\1. Moet peqple llmlt Uiem..lv• by tm.a1n1nl why they can't do uneth!na, and then they don't.'' Har-.n tellt them. ''Ftnd a need and fill it. "In the United State1 of America everyone'• got a chance but they dot11t take advantap of It," he 1&1d. Aaked to explaJn the reuon for • 1tag1erin1 10 percent emplo te, Hanaen ti 90 who an wdl'Wl'iU. SeYefi yeen 810 Ha.men WM · unemployed hilJ1M}f after hb $2-mllllon aeodeaic dome bu1ine11 went bankrupt followin1 the oll cri1il in the mkl-70'a. At 27, Kamen started on the lucrative 1peakinc circuit and turned a chari1matlc menage l.nto a multi-million bulirw. that lndudee cauettes, lef1linara and bookt. "Many people are unemployed becaUte the're afraid to chanae.'' said Han.en. ''The guy who b.u I been aittlni in Detroit for three yean la crazy.'' And what about hi1 own bwine9 durl.na the receaion? It'• thrlvtna, he said, eyefna h.la thne-ysr-old Mercedes.· ..., .......... Firemen survey crash in which an Irvine resident was killed after his small ear collided with tractor-trailor rig. Irvine man killed in collision A 21-year-old Irvine man WU killed Thursday following a traffic accident near the entrance to O'Neill ftecional Park ln the Trabuco Canyon area, the California Highway Patrol reported. Scott Sherman Woocb waa pronounced dead at the 1eene following the 3:20 p.m. accident when the car. he waa riding ln collided with a tractor-trailer truck hauling gravel. The driver of the car, Jeffrey Heckendom, 20, of Irvine, wu taken to Miuion Community Hoepital in Mi .. ion Viejo and wu lilted ln critical condition, the CHP aid. The truck driver, Jamea Haven, ~2. of Orange. ,,.... uninjured. Authoritiel aid Heckendorn'1 1ubcompact car wu travelinc aouth on Live Oak Canyon Roed and apparently went out of control at the transition curve k> Trabuco Canyon Road. The vehicle c ro11ed Into the northbound lane, colliding with Haven'• truck. Winds to subside Coastal ~-'Y wind• 25 to 30 mph In oenyone. dlmk\lttMno .... tonlgM end 8eNrdlly CoHlal tow '5. tnt1nd 30. Cout1t. Inland lllgllt In 80. w .... s.. 8mlll craft acMeoty in enect from Point Conception to Meildc.n bofdllf In -betow CM)'IDN due to north lo~ wtndt 25 to 25 1tno11 lllrougll toctey, decl~ tonlgtlt. SW ' to II feel In windy place•. E11ewllere, mo1tly north to ~ ~ I to 15 lmotL Wwtel1y .... 2 to 3 ..... One to 2-tool afternoon wind wev••· Cleal' .. ttw1'Ugll Saturdlry. U.S. summary Sou11-9t. wltll 1 12 ~ t.-no ti 8runawlck. Ga.: 0 .12 al Jte:lltonvllle. Fl• .. and 0.97 •• Cflerlelton. SC a. ... -· ,,_uy tunny -Ill• flood-ravegad lower Mlae111lppl Valley •nd lampwaliK• .... In the 50t. Temperature• around th• nation ~ ranged from 1 cMgr.-balOw nro at ~. Wyo . lo 12 al 81. ~ Aa. Th• low tor th• d•)' wea t7 degr ... below z•ro at Weit Yellow•ton•, Mont.. • nd lr'MrndcJNI F..._ -...nn. ff)# lodey. --~ from Ille Artzona ~talft• to the ~ AodcJat. llllttl llglht --.,_. ttwougtt -ON9t l•k•• In to New England. lcet1ered rllln -f-1 In T-encl from northern Aortde to Virginie Hight In the l••n• were e.::cled In Ille upper Greet In IN 20t and 30t hrn New England UWOugll IN OMo VIiie)', the Plalne, IN ar.. IMlrt encl Into ttie Padftc Hui tt1wwt; In IN 40a and 50t In the 8cMll; end In the 70e In toulham Flottda. aa a 2t 21 ,1 12 H ao • 30 41 II un 44 IO ... 21 11 .. ta • 01 1t Ot 4t .. 13 41 H " n • 11 OI se ... 40 21 41 11 u OI 21 " 14 n 21 14 ... 40 n 14 40 • nn 2-4 -47 so 12 27 17 12 ~ 40 24 . t7 11 11 -01 .. 1t It IO • rt l4 11 ti 12 . .. an 13 21 .. It MU ., 11 41 11 .. n 11 12 n 17 41 II " 14 " 10 ti .ot ....,.,,.. .... o.taana .... Yortl "°"'* Ncdlfltetle Ot!lllMNM City OnwN ()ftMdo ,,. .. ...,.. ,,__ =:r. .... llof1llnd. ()fe. .......... ="Qty ~ ~Id lllt LAii• llflAmonlo ..... ::7.: It.~ It. ..... Tempe ........ ~ =:-T\IOIOI' T'*9 w~ ~ UMDA ~ ......,., .....,.,..., ~~ y..,.,,. ..... 44 21 56 .. 40 M 43 II 23 41 3e 11 21 11 11 IO SI 21 51 44 S1 24 40 21 40 22 41 • 4S • 81 11 al " • S7 21 ot .. 11 40 21 ... 21 ,. ot M 17 71 ., 17 OS 21 tt 21 20 SS OI ..... 40 11 40 n ao tt 41 .. D .. IO 11 14 r, .. .. .. Ot ·14 ! I Water, water everywhere This motorist may have wondered if the ferry ride from Balboa Island to Balboa Peninsula acrou Newport Harbor had really ended Friday when he exited the water craft. A morning high tide of 7 feet aent water spilling over the harbor banks. JOBLESS e • e From Page A1 percent drop over the number at th1a time last year. Currently, ~.500 ~ are employed ln Orange County. College trustee's forgery case ousted Al.lo contributing to i.ncreued joble11nese were continuing layoffs In the construction industry. whJch dropped by 1,300 jot. in November and was of-f 18 percent compared to 1981. L'ayoffa of hundreds of worker• employed in manufacturing, durable goods produc tion or electrical equipment asaembly were other contributors to the dl1mal job picture. During the past year, 11,500 (actol'y jobl have been loat for an annual decrea11e of 5. L percent. Yetter aid. Additionally, several manufacturing firm•, retail outlet• and financial or real estate concerns have announced decl1lon1 to cease county. operatloru by M~h 1983 and 1everal other• have aaid they intend to continue reducing lta.fting levels, she said. Despite all the bad ne~. there were creative bright spotl on the county job front during November, according to the state'• monthly report. liesfdes retail employeea hired for the holiday sea1on, 1,300 penon• found joba delivering ;:::rhone booJu or working at race track.a. Aleo, 100 new job• were created by area wholesalera. .. Forgery charge• agaln1t Newport Beach attorney and Coaat Commun! ty College District trustee George Rodda Jr. were diam.ia.ed Thursday by a Central Orange County Municipal ~ judge. Judge John Ryan diamlased four felony counts of pree and attempting to pa88 a or document loc:taed against da followinf a preliminary hearing that 1Mted two days. Ryan aid that after liatenl.ni to testimony and reViewing the Jocumenta in question he Husband held • e 10 poison case SAN JOSE (AP) -A San J09e man whose wife nearly died from cyanide _pol1onin1 WH aJTe9ted 'nlW'llday for att.empe.ed murder, and police aaid tney have evidence the woman wu not pol1oned by a doae of Maximum Strength Anadn-3 as pl"e'Viowly believed. Four officen arrested Richard Bawen in hla car and booked him 1.nto Santa Clara County Jail, Sgt. Bob Burroughs 1aid. He wu arrested on charps of attempted murder of hla wife, Susan. and polaonlna medicine, Burrouaha 1&1d. NEW YEARS PHOTO SPED/AL concluded that it was not forgery but a miaunderatanding between Rodda and attorney Marilyn Ward that resulted in diecrepandes ln the documenta. Rodda was aocuaed of forging the initialed signatures of Ward, her client Catflerlne l.ager and Bernard Zager on a a1vorce settlement agreement reached last November. "There was a misun - deratanding between the twQ attorneys, that's my opinion," uid Ryan; who added. ''It defies reuon that an attorney would forge IUCh a documenL" Rodda, a communJty college diatrict trustee since 1969, aid he WU lfe8tly relieved when the jud1e di1mi11ed the charge. -eatnat him. "I'm glad to have the matter reeolved. Justice ia done." He abo aid. "I didn't, couldn't and wouldn't have done what was alleged.'' The prominent Orange County resident laid he didn't think the chargea and attendant publicity woufd damage tu. law practice, but he said it might "have a significant effect on my ability to continue ln public aervice." Rodda, repre1ented by attorney Marshall Schulman, aought unsuocemfully to have the hearing cloeed both to public and prem. Per Print THAT'S RIQHTI Bring In your 110, 121, 13$ end di«: COior print• for prOC«JSlng •nd rec41/ve .. ch print for onty 5• plus our ,.,..., t»ve/oplng c¥1f1e. One d•y pledge not valld on coupon .,,.cl•I. Allow 2 dk1 eervloe tltM. OFFER EXPIRES 117183 COUPON MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER r --v;i;:;; .. c;~;;.·· ·vafti:9bte-cou;on·1 rv.;;;;·c;,--;.;·· 50 ~°':! 50 :'.: I 50 ~dt= I Charae *It ' *"" · DAY PHOTO DAY PHOTO J DAY. P~ one rotl per eoupon one r<* I* coupon OM roM ow • ,.... 1n .... 1n . ...._ rn ~--·············---· ············•········ 5 110 llAIONI TO .. IHOlt DAY PHOTO ...... ,... ..... ~..-.-- t hAll Y ,_.,l Or '' tltJ•t· r I 982 was oa year of good deeds • in 11.'Gf .. BEAD _ In • -~~ wrou1ht Wllh 1loomy new1 and economic hWdlhrp, It ii IOCMUnwt U1Y \0 !~ ~ runy aoocl cMedl lhaa.. ~ ·A10ft. the Orlnp Cout many people Tn 1982 came to the aid of neta.bbon and 1tran1en. They pw their money. food, time atMS themlel\'91 to help people down on their luck, ln trouble or sick. ln many CAMS, 1torlet1 about mlafortune reauhed In an outpouring of love and pnermity, aa people reached lnt.o their pocketbook• tnd their heart• to help tho1e leu fortunate. murntr._ • ~ &r ~ ~~ 1J!C.1 th• monthly 1220 r nt at th• "'"~' Sim. .. • 1wry 1bwt th ._n <.'f'ft"f IPP.f"ared ~n!J~ ,.! fe~ donatlona h.ve tifii1cleia1n. 'Tm 'iOin& w nm ~i10 ·~"""•W.-, .. ,iii i ca1h In my chlpi," Pl~r uld Thunday. For) 1bou& , U yeare Brother Mic~lo1u he la known to the poor,~ been handing out food, clothing and an occastonal lift to the down and out ln eo.t.8 l.teu. Since a story appeared two months ago about the meager Thank1glving had by tho1e , seeki ng help from the 73-year--0ld Coeta Meun, he has been delufted with offere of help. la February, Irvine mer- chant Bill Ackman organized a drive to raise about $0,000 for the family of a man shot to death during the robbery of an Irvine Winchell's Donut House. Pedro Alfaro, 30, was killed Feb. 11, leaving a wife and five children, ages 3 to 10. ..... ............... About $5,000 in cash and $10,- 000 in clothing haa poured in. By contrast, on Thank.giving day the men and women and children who lined up at the Mesa Bible Church at Oiange and <Abrtllo at 8:30 a.m ., had to go away with For two days in June, 12-year-old Lorelei Buehner of Newport Beach kept a constant vigil over a maimed Sea Lion she had found on the beach. The Sea Lion, Sparkie, had been shot in .the jaw. Despite efforts by the girl and volunteers from the Laguna Beach-based Friends of the Sea Lion, Sparkie died. Dr. Gail Roberts helped with pelican sur8ery. Vera Piper befriended teens and stolen gifts were replaced for Sylvia West's Christmas. Wbile maay people were angered with the mutilation of 18 pelicans in the Dana Point Harbor area, a veterinarian had an answer that saved their lives. Gordon, 23. of Santa Rosa, died in the crash. Three others were saved. limp vege~bles. · On Christmas 150 people arrived looking for aomething to eat. Donors supplied 150 turkeys. Many of the people have asked to remain anonymous, Brother Michael said. Using the money he haa collected, Brother Michael plans to hand out 600 sacks of flour, beans and rice New Year's Day. "This has been the biggest and the best Christmas I have ever had," he said. Two days before Christmas, _, Dottle Zavela of Fountain Valley found $10,000 worth of jewelry stashed in the pocket of an old green sweatsuit she purchased at a garage sale. Janice Snowden found out that there are still a few honest people in the world. In November, Snowden, also of Fountain Valley, sold the sweatau.it, forgetting that sh~ had hidden her wedding ring, a pendant and other jewe~ in a poc)ret. Santa Monica detective, who asked to remain anonymous, made headlines in <Asta Mesa in November when he helped police apprehend two men suspected of robbing his neighbor of $800. The feisty Costa Mesa man became suspicious of two strange men leaving a house near his home. He followed the pair until he was-able to copy down their license plate number. Thirty minutes later police in La Palma arrested Ray Romero, 32, of Whittier, and Jesse Prieto, 31, of Norwalk. Police said $800 was found on the pair. tracked down the rightful owners by calling the editor of a newspaper found inside the box. ApparenUy the relative living in New York had used the Huntington Beach firm's police box number to mail gifts but meant to send them to relatives in Iowa. Jean Forbatb, who started Costa Mesa's Share Our Selves 12 years ago, continued her unwavering efforts to feed and clothe the county's poor. Crown Valley Animal H ospital's Gayle Roberts perfonned prosthetic surgery to attach Fiberglas molded beak.a to replace the ones hacked off. Officials have still not found the person responsible for the maiming of 18 pelicans since mid-October . Four have undergone surgery. Four have died. Weiser suffered second- degree bums on his feet and legs during the heroic deed . The other reacuers, Tom Norsworthy and Ed Brocker, were not injured. . Her friends told her it couldn't be done. But 73-year-old Vera Piper of <Asta Mesa knew better. The grandmother of 13 went ah~ and opened a teen center in Costa Mesa's Bea Community the news looked grim for 64-year-old Sylvia West of Costa • Mesa. Partially blind and :.'--; disabled from a recent s~roke, !.'J West awoke to find a $1,400 .• ;-• visual aid machine, television set, .:. stereo and $400 worth of ~:!". Ch..ri.stmas gifts rn.imi.ng. : : . Gone too, was the 25-year--0ld live in companion she had hired. But local residents hearing the sad news came quickly to her aid. By Christmas morning her table was 'tilled with hams, turkeys, Snowden thought she had 106t her possessions forever. More than a week passed before Zuvela reached in the worn pocket and made the surprise diacovery. She kept the $2 aweatsuit, but quickly returned the jewelry to its owner. A 77-year-old forfller A family la Iowa wound up celebrating Christmas this year thanks to the efforts of Pat Davis and her daughter, Jill. o f Huntington Beach. A package was mistakenly mailed to the Huntington Beach office. where the two work. They Forbath was named as a Headliner of the Year award in November from the Orange County Press Club for her humanitarianism. Forbath shuns personal publicity. During the holiday season Share Our Selves rece~ved numerous donations of canned goods and turkeys to contribute to families needing fcxx:I. Jeff Wleeer, H, of Newport Beach, was enroute to the US Festival near San Bernardino Sept. 3 when he saw a car ahead of him burst into flames after being hit from behind. Within seconds the Newport Beach man a nd two others rushed to the rescue of the four people trapped inside. Kenneth Center in July. · By all accounts, the center operated by the determined Costa Mesan has been a real success. The center, stocked with pool tables, video machines and lots of love, is filled with teen: agers every day. Although she hadn't worked in more than 40 years, Piper took a job at a fast food restaurant five homemade cookies and gifts. ·: Claire Nelson of Costa Mesa helped open a bank account for :;~ her. ·-· "My faith in human nature ·~· was restored. I didn't know there • •. were so many kind, gcxx:I people in the world," West said. LOOKING BACK ON COUNTY ISSUES THAT MADE HEADLINES IN 1982 ... -Fi&m-PilQ& A 1 information. Authorities aid they believe an a,ngry fi1herman may be ~hle for the mutilation. in which the birds' upper beaks have been hacked off. · -'ftlirteen 'Of-the birds" are being cared for at the Crown Valley Animal Hospital in Laguna Niguel. Four have undergone a unique surgery in, which prosthetic upper beaks have been attached. • • • ORANGE COUNTY GOVERNMENT The 1982 New Year's holiday was barely over when Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, in a victory for Newport Beach, overturned the county's ambitious plan for expansion of John Wayne Airport. The plan had been approved by county superviaon in February 198 l. The master plan called for an increase in the number of permitted daily jet departures from the facility, from 41 to 55; reduced jet noise, prirnariJy by reqillrlng airlines to fly new and quieter jets; a terminal that would hand it -~. t mtlllon pa~em annually. and aeveraL traffic circulation im - provements. ::>urnner's _ruling not Qnly prohibited the county from implementing. the master plan, but also restricted it from making any significant changes at the airport pending n e w environmental studies. In one of its last major acts of the year, supervisors called for public discussion of 12 new options for the county's only commercial airport. They range from doing nothing to expanding the facility to handle more than 100 jet departures per day. Other airport issues were in the news in 1982. In federal court, the county and several airlines wrangled over how the 41 flights should be allocated among carriers. As part of the action, Frontier Airlines won a court order overturning a county rule that prohibited carriers from flying nonstop to destinations more than 588 miles away. The ru.l.i.ng benefited FronUer, which now rues non.:atop between Orange County and Demler. . . For the time being, it appears that John Wayne Airport will be the county's only commercial airport. Though a "blue ribbon" panel of business executives said a new airport should be built in Santiago Canyon. count y supervisors declared in a 3 to 2 vote that no site for a regional airport exists in Orange County. The year, however, did bring two new additions to the airport -a new and taller air traffic control tower and a larger-than-life statue of the airport's namesake, actor John Wayne. • • • Another of co unty government's most vexing problems -a multi -million dollar dispute w'ith the University of California over health care for indigents -did come to a near final, if expensive, conclusion. The county, which pays the bills for indfaenta treated at the Smith stocks buy plan dropped By Ge A11oclated Pres• Whittaker Corp. announced it has dropped plans to purchaae more stock in Smith International ~l.~~ Newport Beach, a leadi.na manufacturer of WUUll(C and production tool.a ana aervlcea for the enersy industry. Under the agreement, which will remain in effect until June 30, 1985, Whittaker will not seek to lncre.ue the 8.3 percent of Smith common stock · that it now owm. In addition, the compulles agreed "to engage Jn further d.i.lcualions in an effort to determine if there a.-e ways in which they can work together for their mutual benefit," Whittaker spokesman Robert Murray said Thursaday. The agreement was announced jointly by Joeeph F. Alibrandl, president and chlel executive officer of Whittaker, and Jerry W. Neely, president and chief executive officer of Smith. "We believe th1a agreement provides ~uate protection to Smith International and afi lt1 shareholders, while at the same time allowing Whittaker to be benefit from our future growth through their current tnvesiment,'' Neely said. 'We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? 842•6086 -=.:;- ... wwwlw4 Call the number at left and your message will be recorded, trana:ribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must tndude their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on_your mind. OAANOE COA81 Daily Pilat ••r11twMI Mod.eon . CON~ MAIN °"'1Ct! 2.10 WHI .... M., ~ """'9, (A, ~H ...... ! ... IMt,CWt.e -... CA ... c..,rltllt Mt Or ... C•lt ''*'tlllft9 ~. Ne_.~ IU1111ire1i.1, t41ll.,lef~., .. wtttlM-~ Mey M _...._. W!lflMll -111.,..,UMlellM~tilM- UC Irvine -Medical Center, agreed to pay th• university more than $S mill!on to aettle th• diapu..._ At tha same ~ .. aupervlsors agreed to a new contract with the university which officials said would be ea&er to ad.minis1er and prevent future di.9putes. • • • The new year also brought a change in the chairmanship of the county Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Ralph Clark yielded the gavel to Bruce Nestande, a former state a&1emblyman elected to the board in 1980. Nestande received other auignments in 1982 -Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr., at the behea of A..emblyman R.lch.ard Robin1on, D-Garden Grove, appointed Nestande to the staf-9 Trans~rtatlon Commlaalo~j Gov.-elect George Deukmeji-, rwned Nest.ande to hia transition team. • • • • DESTRUCTION On April 21, u resldenta were jult awakening, fire sparked by a wind·blown power line raged through a section of Anaheim, deetroying more than '00 apartment units and le.avlng .more.. than 1,200. p•r~1u~ homeless. . Fire authorities in Anaheim blamed the combination of hot dry Santa Ana winds and untreated wcxx:I shake roofs for the devastation. To illustrate that point, investigators drew attention to an apartment building with a composition roof that was und8J!1.aged while surrounding buildings with wood shake roofs were gutted. In the wake of the blaze, irt which losses exceeded $50 milllon, several cities outlawed future use of untreated wood shake roofs. . . "' . Six months later, another devastating fire struck in Orange C-ounty, th1a time in the foothills east of Ora.Qge and Villa Park. Fourteen homes were de- 1troyed; six other1t were dam- aged. More than 16,000 acres of. bnrahland burned. The formula was the same: Offid.als once again blamed the combinallon of winds and wcxx:I shake roofs for the damage to the expensive }\PWde harniM. ;' Even without fire, the \Vind ~ proved to be a powerful force in 1982. In late November, a storm · packing gale force winds." deeoended on the Orange Coast, causing widespread power outages, property damage and flooding. In low-lying areas on the Balboa Peninsula numero\Js homes were damaged as rain fall and storm-spawned surf surged into homes. · At the El Morro Traj!er Park north' of ~·Beach, anxious residents assisted by state workers and county jail inmates worked through the night building a sandbag sea wall to protect trailers from a tidal assault. The efforts paid off. Though the park waa evacuated, no trailers tumbled from their oceanfront perches. One couple celebrated by breaking open a $4 bottle of champagne. • • • -By Frederick Schoemelil of the Daily Pilot St.Id/ Let Us Put You On The Map Near the entrance, Inside our store, Is a giant map. We are In the prooeas of Identifying all of the homes we have carpet,ct since 1965 on this map wlth colored pins. (A different color for each city.) Close scruntlny will detect some Interesting facts: flrstly, we have carpeted homes on virtually every street In the area. Secondly, the pins are In bunchel, Indicating WORD-OF-MOUTH advertising. Thltdly, the number of homes we have carpeted Is staggering. If you desire honesty, experience, and recommendations from netghbOra we have worked for, then Alden's Is THE PLACEI 1982: Economy slumped but no shortage of war l--9'w--'l~·AIMCle ... i'fete--- I '"'9 U.11 k'OnOm)', llrUallnt Utruu1h ... Wutw\ yar tn four dec.dei, wu uv rwhelm£nal)' vo10d the \op l1ory of 1982 by A..x-11&ed Pf'ftl MWlpltP9r and broldc:Mt memba' edlwra. ~ -~a.c. w !'t ~ ~~ :rtte~I. m~ • ... ,.,, AHN UI 1w1M:1 .iu.• ........... ""' a , • .n.... __ .. _ w ... the 74-day war In th• Falklanda between Britain and Arpntina. The doth of 70-year-okt Leonid Brnhnev wu ranked thci fourth moet lmportant 1tory, followed by the laraeU lnvaaion of Lebanon. The Top 10: 1. The nation'• economy. 2. Seven dle from cyanide-laced Extra- Stre~ Tylenol cap1ulee. 3. War ln the Fa.lklanda. 4. The cte.th of Leonid Bruhnev. ~. Israel lnvades Lebanon. 6. John Hlnckley Jr. la found LMocent by reuon of lnaanlty. 7. Muaacre ln Palestinian camps. 8. First artificial heart implant. 9. A.Ir Florida craah in Waahlngton. 10. Football strike. 'nte nmnen-up were stories about lhe ...Wi. of the off-year election, Poland outlawinc Solidarity, the defeat of the Equal Rights Amendment, the apace shuttle going operational, the nuclear~ movement gaining strength, the conviction of Wayne Willlama in the Atlanta child alaYino. the Pan American craah in Kenner, La.; President Reann'a budget victDriee, the resiption of Alexander Haig as secretary of. atate and Reagan runni~ into opposition from U.S. allies over sanctions &gllliNt the Soviet natural aas pipeline. Votes were tabulated by awarding 10 points for a first place vote, nine for second, down to one point for lOtll place. The nation's economy won handily with 4,220 votes. The second and third pJaoe stories were only 71 points apert with the Tylenol deeths receiving 3,172 and the war In the Fafidands 3,101. 1. ne Nation'• ~nomy At the at.art of 1982, the recesaion wu aix months old, and by year's end it had become the longest business slwnp In the post-World Wu ll era. Unemployment chmbed steadily from 8.5 percent of the workforce in January to 10.8 percent by November -the highest rate in 42 years. Factories operated at the lowest level of capacity In the }>09tWar period and busineues cloaed at the fastest pace in 50 yean. Hltrh lntereat rates plagued the economy throusl)out the year. although a drop of about 5 peroeoiage points in the {>rime~ loan rat.e in the eecond halt pumped new life into the stock market. Other types of interest rates al9o fell. Inflation was the big exception to the otherwise grim nwnbers. The year's increue in consumer prices was held to about 6 percent, compared with nearly 9 percent the year before. ' i . ne Tylenol Deatlt1 Cyanide-laced Extra-Strength Tylenol killed seven people in the Chicago area. They were unlikely oompanions in death -a 12-yeer-old girl with a sore throat, a mother reco'lering from childbirth. a poet office auperviaor with chest pains and a stewardess resting after a fliabt. 'tile tainted capsules of America'• best .el.ling over-the-oounter pain reliever were all bought the ~day, Wednmday, Sept. ~. By that Friday all were dead, lncluc:Una a moUftllng husband and wife who took capsules from the aame cyanide-filled IJottle that bad killed the man'• brother. Johnson & Johnton, maker of the product, speni $100 million recallins ii. capsules. Aut.boritiee determined the poiaoning occurred locally and not in the manu.fActuri.ng or distribution process. 'tile hunt for thoee responsible apanned the nation. So did incident& of copycat tamperers, leading to cancellation of Halloween in several com.Qlunit1ea. By year'• end, tamper-resistant packqes of Extra-Strength Tylenol were back on ihe afielf. -HAMMOND Ancl •Gus None flr\er 12•/o financing on new Baldwlns Dec. only (Nie Items excluded) ORGAN & PIANO CENTER 270 I . 17th St., Co.ta Mesa 645-2471 Annual Janual'J Clearance . _..,....,ur:Md-Jt1 heaq-&U-1U1cll1, 14Atled. i!W-'11~-­ IUerrillat f rum llOUtMm LAbanori and pe u EE 1 ~ on • Tar u Bltrut. Thi larMU. allo dalhed wtlh lyrtan Pallbearers carry body of Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev during funeral in November. Yuri Andropov, his succeasor, is at le(t. a. Faltland1 War t.roopa 11aliorwd ln 11111em 1At.non'1 Biii.ii Vi.219y. "The lar..U. blltepd PLO-held w• .Betrut IOI' ~~ •• ~~ B>: th• ~~ of ~'!f~'· u2".I.._ w..=-J! ;h(.,-..J.:;,~~u~~p~ were evacuated from Beirut and 1cauered thlouahout the Arab world. 'n.. lnvuion ahlfwct the ~ ot Mlddle &aat power. Lebanon'• Chrlatlana, ln uneaay aWance with luMl, pined aupremacy over the PLO.aUaned Lebaneae Mo1lem1. The Syrlana IUffered 'humiliation and the PLO'• military power WM all but deatfO:yed. Lebaneee police MY 19',000 Lebaneee anc1 Pafeetinianl were killed, a figure Ia-Ml calla exagerated. I. Job BIDckley Jr. Not Gllllty, By Reaaoa of luul&y A fect,ral jury that deliberated 24 hours over four days found John W. Hinckley Jr. ln.nocent of trying to kill Preaident Rea1an outaide the Wuhington Hilton Hotel on March 30, 1981. 'Ibe aeven-woman, five-man Jury found that Hinckley, becaUM o! "mental dilleue or defect, lacked substarltial capM:ity to confonn h.1.1 conduct to the requlremen\I of the law oc lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the wro.nafulnea of hia conduct." That LI the lepl tat for unity. The 27 -year-old defendant ahowed neither joy nor relief when the Judae reed the verdict on June 21. On Aug. 9, he wu committed indefinitely t.o a federal mental ha.pita!, where he continued to nurture hla obeesalon with actret9 Jody Fa.ter. Palestinian woman bids hysterical farewell to husband in Beirut last Auguet during evacuation of PLO fighters from Lebanon. The verdict produced an outcry over the insanity defeNJe and the role of psychlatriats in the courtroom. (See YEAR, P11e A5) ArgenUna and Britain fought a 74-day war over the fieht to rule the Falkland lalands in the South Atlantic, an Wand chain of boulders and bog inhabited by 1,800 people and 600,000 sheep. Britain had ruled the archipelago aince 1833 despite a decades-old Argentine eoverefenty claim. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (CODE AMENDMENT 82·13) On April 2, Argentine t.roope stomled aahore at Swuey, the capital, and .eiz.ed the lalands after a brief gun battle with a 1mall force of British marines. Peace efforta. including an 11-day peace shuttle by U.S. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haicx{~" tittled and Britain impaled a 200-mile bl e around the disputed laland chain, which the Argentines call the Malvina&. The largest British fleet since World War ll steamed foe the windawept i.llanda 8,000 miles away. The Britiah armada eventually included more than 100 ahipa and 2~.000 men. The Argentine air force managed to bloody the Britiah fleet, sinking the cruber Sheffield and smaller vessels, thenuielvea loeing their largest warah.ip. an ancient cruiler, and acorea of planes. For naval tactician•, the encounter raised interesting questions of the vulnerability of ships to air power. Before the Argentine forces surrendered on June 14, more than l,000 lives had been lost. 4. Tile Death of Brewev Rumors flew that a high ranking Soviet official had died -a hockey game on television had been replaced by a aolemn Beethoven piano recital. a concert was replaced with a patriotic film about Lenin and television technician• were wearing black ann t.n<k. Finally, 26i,.i houra later. the Kremlin announced that Leonid llyich Brezhnev. 7~. had died on Nov. 10, of a heart attack. Brezhnev had presided over the Soviet Union for 18 yean, longer than any leeder except Stalln. The le.denhip of the Communltt Party pemed to Yuri V1ad1mirovkh Andropov, 68, a former JCGB chief who-utd he would continue Bremnev'1 domestic and foreign policies. Prftident Reagan aent Vice President Georae Buah and Secretary of State George Shultz to Moecow for the funeral. 5. llrael IDvaclet Lebun On June 6, the Israeli anny launched a mamive invuion acrom the border into Lebanon. Prime Minister Menachem Begin aaid the operation waa aimed at eliminating ~ threat of Palestine Liberation Organization teITOrilm. Within alx da • the armor-led iorcea, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a publk: hMrlng Wiii oe held by the City Council of the City of Huntington 8Mch, In the Council Chamb9r of the Civic Center. Huntington BMc:h, at the hour of 7:30 P.M .. °' u eoon ther"Mfter u poealble on Monday the 17th day of January, 1993. fM the purpoH of conalderlng Code Amendment No. 82-13, 1doptlng the Federal lnturance Admlnl1tratk>N/ Flood INUranoe Study '°' Ille City of Huntington BMch, dated ~ 12, 1912 with eocompany1ng Flood lnautanoe Rate Map ana amending Artlde eee.e···F1ooc1p1atn ReQutat1ona.·· SWd ordinance amendment will •tabbh FP2 (Inland} an4 FP3 (C6utall eufflx dellonatlon• tor ., ... of apec:lal flood haald .. Identified on the Flood ln9Urance Rate Map and Mil eat8blllh addltlonal de'w~t regulatlona fM ,_ conatructlon In thoea ., ... u required by the Federal lneurance Admlnlatretlon. / I ZONI VI ( ll 6 ) K" f\r,...• f'\f \00-'f".U "'"'t IN "l~t"'1 ~,. N<:'·•Jvio ,.,,. trtv..,..,....,.. ,,, ,,.. vn .... l\1 11~~ ..... ,111r ~JW ot l/ll.IY\'lt t rw. "'~ ._'"'""'· but ,.... tl"Ol hll....S I.nor• .,,,,.. """"t""'l.l""""l .. NI Ar_,.. \"\f 100--Y""tr .t\d \"' r;.,....h•u .,;..,.,.,,. ""t_N. .,-,. ~ QIY'> tll >v.1 tJv...,... tl f,...t• ,..,..,.._ 't u l ,..,""'t•one .,.. m""• Nt ,..... flood Mll\rU tt1t-tnn N-t-...S.~ Al-1\IO Ar.,.._ of ltn..'f"",U' tl•h i1 , .. ..,.. fl,.... rlf'\'"\\i4-"A arid t1cn1 Munt r ¥ ,,. • .,.,"'"',,_' " ,,.,.. "'~ 11""4., ,., ,,... 100-y u t "'' lfr'l't '.C4).'f"'lt t )~"OJ """ ,.,.." 4•n ""'" •I ~ 'O UY•~\""N' f~V"l-l wH)\ """""'".-. ~ •M 1.,..• •1"1"'1 , ...... ,,, rcx:t ,,.. ~·r IJ'll"' _.,,.," .. ,.., u.,n. ..... ,,,.. •• : .... tJ\.V'I ,..,,. ~,. ,.. ..... l .,, .......... ~f'd by It ...... ,_""' -l l'X'd. Y ,,.,,..,,.. ~t Jt'IO-,....,, ·~· r.1\ t 1,..,-.t "'' ',, •1''C • / C~ "11"tVl'\1 tl4...-(I,..,•' f'J..-Y.-tl,,,.. .,...1 fltnl MMrd f~r"' ~ ,....,...,,.,,,,.., Vl-Y)O ~· ot lOO--ynu ('n¥f•'' fll'T"ff v HJ\ ~lrc1t-y '-on;...,1, ....,,.. , ,,..., .-•l•ll...,. .,.,1 rlonJ MMm f~I ~tt"rtltlr""'lt. NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY > Coplea of aald amendment to Article 969.6 and the Federll lnaurance Admlnlatretlon'• Flood lnturance Study for lhe City of Huntington Beach with a more det1lled Flood lnturance Rate Map ere 1v1llable IOI' revtew In the City Clerk'a Ottloe. All lntereated peraona ire Invited to 1ttend aald Mallng and expre11 their opinion• for or agelnat H id Code Ameodment 82-13. Further Information may be obtained from the Olllce of th• City Clerk., 200-0 Main StrHt, Huntington Beactl, Callfornl1 92648 -(71") 536-5227 DATED December 22, 1982 CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH By· Allc11 M. Wentwof1h AUGUST 16 1982 fLOOO INSURANC( RAT[ MAP City Clen< ' ZONf 111:) (OfPTH2} huntington beach planning division mu6lc & ;J)a1u:i11g originally 19.99 to 49.99 11.98 to 29.98. no Co"•' CJ.a,.,. R.,,,/,,,. m.n'U • R.,,,,lar Pric•6 JJal6 • _)/o,.n6 • P arlr :Ja11or6 1lo f<.,.l"flali0tt~ nHJ.J ___ _ ,I TllE Yf.:AR TllAT A From Pege A4 '· .ta rat liaiu..cua,. On 8ept. 18, toUuwtnc • ~r·klna ul W•t Btin.il, luHll Lroop1 ... l.N uft the ChaUllll and l:n PalmUnlan ,.., l'8mlJ9 and allowed Let.n.e ChrtaUan mJJIUt.rnen lnaido to clun out "~ auorrtUa DOdcem In th two day. ihat lollowed', llundredtt of PalHUnlan ref11:••• lncludlna women, t-hlldre n and elderly, wer• alauahtered. ~)' all accoun\I, laraeU O.feNK' Miniater Ariel Sharon aave hia approval to allow the militiamen lnalde. The muucre followed the Sept. 14 alayinC ot .IAbaneee President-elect 8uh1r Gemayel at hia ChrlaUan Phalange Party headquarters. Critics, both ln brael and abroad, inaiated that laraell forces ahould have known his Ph.alan~t loyalial.I would be out for blood. In October. the laraeU government yielded to a atorm of protest within Iarael and abroad and named a three-man judicial commlaalon to inwstigate the maaucre and determine how much lsn.eli authorities knew of \he killings. Venus flytrap puzzle solved ITHACA. N.Y (AP) -T he alluring leaves of the Venus' fl y trap, which s nap s hut on unsuspecting insects, move at a speed perhaps unmatched in the plant world, say biologists who have learned how the trap springs. The white-flowered swamp plant has rapidly expandlng cells that clOIK' the hinged leaves at high speed, said Stephen E. Williams of Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pa., and Alan B. Bennett of the state C.Ollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences at C.Omell University nere. The researchers said cells in the outer layers of the trap leaves, or lobee, expand almost inst.mtly and force the trap to cl0&e after several "trigger hairs" inside are touched by insects. They published their findings in a recent isaue of Science, the magazine of the Amer ican Association for the Advancement of Saence. What surprised them moat was the speed at which the cells enlarge. "This rapid cell expansion is possibly the fastest on record in the plant world," Williams said. Once the cells become bigger. they remain that way, a phenomenon rarely seen in rapid plant movements, Williams said. AB the trap reopens, cells making up the inner layers of the trap also expand. The findings disprove a loflFbeld theory that all very rapid plant movements are due to movements of salts that cause sudden changes in the water pressure in the leaf tissue. Willi.ams said. In the Venus' flytrap, the trigger hairs produce electrical pu.laes, eomething similar to human nerve signala, Williams said. The electrical message travels throughout the leaf, stimulating the cells to acidify the cell walls. The acid breaks up some of the oell-wall components, notably fibers, allowing the cell to enlarge greatly. "1'he9e eventa take place-within a ~d or two from the time the inaect first touches the trigger hairs," Willl.anu aa.id. Rose care topic Jim Kirk, of Roee Hills Memorial Park. will dia.'ula the care of roeea and the changes at the park over the yean during a slide lecture at 7 p.m. 'Thunday. Kirk will addre91 the Orange C.Ounty Rose Society. The meeting w ill take place at the Westminster Recreation Community Center. In conjunction with the county Roee Society, the Westminster Parka and Recreation Department will preaent a roee pruning demonstration at the Westminster Community Center Jan. 8 and 9 at 1 p.m. each day. UllDlllRS CHIClllST • You can begin planting gladiolus bulbs now. • Bare root stock ls now available. You'll find many fruit trees. roses, grape vines and more available for planting this month. • Plant some pe rennial vegetables - artichokes, asparagus and rhubarb -from divisions or eeedllng flats. • Lilies are available. Be sure to give them a location with good drainage. • Snails and alup are on the march during the wet winter months. Bait regularly. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY I qi 1ait11 ~ S... ltZJ HAJllO• ILYD. COSTA MISA-141-1 IU 5° .COPIES Ylel.Wt ...... ............ 3461 Via Udo 675-6122 Hu1 to Ectwwde Udo Cinema DAILY '91LOT 1't ... I ~·TRUGGLINE ECONOM ' TYLENOL KILLING • • • I ln Novtm~r. llw l~Wly furmally warn.ad Yrlm• Mlnl1t•r M•nat•h•m S.1tn. lharon •nd aevwn oUM!r offlc1ala that th•y nt ht be hanned by IN convnla1on'1 flml1"'9 I. Ptnt ArtUadal HHr1 Tr...,aul A ftl .v..,..1lltt nt.U,..t d.nll•t w-whe.t.d iAl4 1urpry ~ht of Dec:. 2 aJ)d becamo the ttr1i human 10 ve • man-~ heat\. The rt.lent, Dr. B.rriey Clark of Seattle, 1uffere from c-ardiornyopelhy, an inoperable heu't dt.e.ue. The 1uraical team of 20 docton and nunll9 wu headed by Or. Wllllam O.Vriee, the only 1ur1eon authorized to perform thla operation. Without it, doct.on Mid, Clark miaht have dJed by morning. There were a teriee of early eetbMcka, the most aerioua on Dec. 14 when a valve in the artlfk:ial heart failed. forcing an emel"lency operation. DeVries Mid the breakdown may have reaulted from an "overzealous" attempt to make the heart beat t.oo fut. By Dec. ~l . Clark wu 1tanding on hia feet and joking with hia wile and daURhter in the Univenity KrllA .8111 Auto Supply Wl'RI HELPING YOU DO IT RIGHT! PRICH IFFICTIVf THROUGH JAN. 4, 1913 C Rubber Queen lsco•T PLUSH MATS Deep pole corpet•ng Fol\ 1ntermed1ote compoct ond \ubcompoc• co" Block blue gold beige or . ! .• ~ !"!~ c::= On Jan. 13, an AJ.r l'lotide ~ 737 1ta.JJ.d mlnu&H after taldn1 off from Wa1hln1ton'1 NaUonal AJrpor1. cUpped a bri~ and plowed lnto the ice-covered Po\clmat BJwr. The snowy craah of ru,ht ~claimed 78 Uvee and prompted nwnet'0\.111 heroic racue.. One craah victim pa11ed a llne from a helJropter to olhen , help&nc five people to Ml.ety before ainldna· An office worker, clrlvtna home on the brlda. jumped into the water to aave a woman who hacf loet her p-tp oo the lifeline. Six monthl 1-ter, the National Tramponation Safety Boerd placed much of the blame for the cru.h on the fll1ht crew, far fal1lna to 1nautt that the plane wu free of Ice and for not abottlna the takeoff while there wu ltil1 time. CLOSED Sat. January 1, 1913 SPARKOMATIC 40WATTCAR red r;;;.~~~ SOUND PACKAGE fRONT lt>450f( HAR •t>4SIFC 8!! ·~~. fi i!i\t1!Bf1 RADIATOR PRODUCTS OAS DtlYIR A11ure' w inter atorl•r>g For use with leod.d or vnleod~ fuels 561() 17 Ol MAUITUIAllCa .... ---,...,. •AnlRllS , ... 7 -, 48MONTH 12 VOLT FOtl MOST CARS ANO LIGHT TRUCKS 2'1FMF '8 (315 CC AMPS) 2'MF·'I (375 CC AMPS) 2'FMF·'8 (375 CC AMPS) 71MF·'' (3SO cc AMPSI 7'Mf·41 (375 CC AMPS 348!!04 ,, 40~CM OMl·For tt.. lollow1n9 import co11 ~-111(1;~ ond llght trucks Oot111n Toyota -91!"6iilll c>i....., l uv Ford Courier Volvo Chevro let 1970-79 (h cept t971·73 w11h unmoch1n~ roh ) Ford 1960 79 l 111ck 1'61 79 Ponlloc ,,.. 79 . .... . 12IO N. ludkl 7'n-tMil • 2340 W. l&ncoln Ave . .,._1621 _,... 5256 leach llvd . ..._,ue c.- 440 North Mow. 7M Wiii c.... ... 1719 Supe"4Jr Ave. M•IHt NOW OPINt Os J u 11 . "9110FootN•11Yd,,.-,;1t11 ' p I • fllO.D s&erra Ave. Ill ltt1 ru I' ...., • 9MO Wf#f'Mr Aw. •t 1427 ,-J I ' I '( ~ . lCO dl\ploy• houn m1n.,tes ..cot>Ch . month ond day 8ottety ope<ot~ 8~.! ...nn AlmT SIUlftALA .. WM nine 1ron1m111~ ffftd• lluol tone,~I to uhro ..-n· 11tlve (lkelver In pwM or pc;iJt.., I mile r-ee. KASCO -UILT· STARldS l & S For mott clonle1tlc cort lt6,·1980(ellcept c-tt• Tor<>f'odo & Capri ) 11.r .. ....u1tdM J rem the Ume ~ ~ Ntkt w• a.tu.d tn • m.ldNmnwr °'" 1911, the word WM out: "'oo1ball'1 next.'' ' And IO lt wa1. The contract betwHn•thi'' Natronal rocJtbraU Lop and th4t Hft. Pla1n1 ... ~.Y...ut1 ••pUw us• o1fuy io, w1m no mvvenwm at all on mejDr a.ue.. 'n..r. WM no strtke du.rinl t.rainlnC oampt -• the players had trt9d that tn 1974 and a•lned 1 nolhtnc. Th.I.I time they waited until 8-pt. 21. The strike luted 67 days. It wu 1ettJed on Nov. • 16. The leaaue added an extTa pme t.o make a nine-pme refUlar 1eaaon 1ehedu.le and announced \Jwt 16 teatnl would qualify for expended Super 8ow1 pla.)l<>ffl instead of the UIUal lO. The {>layen had d~ a fixed percen\a&e of NFL Sf<* revenues but later chanced that to a fixed percentaae of teleYilion revenuee. 'Ibey got neither ln the 1ettlement. They oompromi.ect on a demand for •t.6 million over four yean and . accepted •t.6 million over five yean. "LON ··-· ... ..... .. •LADIS One complete blade or two reltll1 YOU• , CHOICll i 1••: . ...... _...., .. SIATCOYIRS NfW %1ALAND Pure 1h .. p1k1n worm 1n the winter cool 1n the AIR ____ . FILftRS 30% uautu KAICO. For moat cors (••<•pt Import con 1nregrol r99'1loto rs ond A,.,.,1Con Morora with Mororolo 1ystem ond 0.,.,.,,. urHtl l 18~~. For most c°" with In· 199fOI ltegulotor Ame t1con Mo1011 wtlh Motorola sysl•m. motl 1969-'72 GM product• 1969 197,. 80 Chry1ler ptoduct with SO 60 or ()$A.MP. (h cepr Im pot I con ond 70 or IO AMP lote mod.I GM products. 24~!.' forMOtl dotneall< <On ot>d ligtlt lr\Kt. 1 '801 1'v 39~ fOll PASSINO .. CAIS CHEVltOUT 6 Cylinder 1962·7' {19' 230 ,SO) (b cept 1975-79 e ngine with 1nto6.e monifc.ld coat 1 •• oi pot'! of cyl1nde< heod) IA 2 •• IA : Some old problem s, --.. . . .. some bright spots Al!. our Fren<:h friend lakP to say. "The more thlnp l·hange. the mor. they stay the same." And IO It seems to be ait we look over the past year in Orangt.' County -same old problems. some even more acute and precious few aolved, but with an ()(XaSional bright spot. There's the airport dilemma. o( course. No success in finding a new site for a regional airport, or a new home for private aircraft, no • progress in upgrading the ever- crowded passenger facilities at John Wayne. ongoing complaints about jet noise and persistent threats of litigation if supervisors even hint at expansion of what has become the county's only airport "by default." • • • . The housing maiket remained stagnant. Major developers with scores of unsold homes on their hands, were forced into staff layoffs and jobs in all phases of construction virtually disappeared. Building industry groups continued to blame government restrictions and review pr~ures for causing high prices. County government responded with some streamlining of plan processing and considered phasing out rules requiring the inclusion of "affordable" units in new d evelopments. But without a marked improvement in both mortgage interest rates and the unemployment picture, the housing outlook remains dim. For mobile home dwellers it was a particularly difficult year. With coastal land values still soaring, owners looked to more profitable uses for their property. But tenants. often older people on fixed incomes, had nowhere to go. Some communities, and even the state, stepped in with legislation designed to stall mobile home park conversions until some help could be found for residents required to move out. That may provide temporary relief. • • • The offshore oil battle continued with some small success in halting Interior Secretary James -Watt's determination ~Q. open the entire coastline for drilling. and a promise of more congressional action to protect at ieast the most sensitive areas of the California coast. But the discovery of major new offshore oil deposits promised to revive the energy-vers us-environment debate. • • • • Toxic spills and asbestos ''hazards made headlines. Three major leaks of toxic materials in the Irvine area caused evacuations of workers and nearby residents and prompted county supervisors to draft an ordinance requiring firms to report the types of chemicals used in their operations lo aid firefighters and rescue workers called to accident scenes. Asbestos used for fireproofing in older school buildings turned out to be an expensiye matter for the Huntington Beach and Newport-Mesa school districts. Because medical studies have revealed the hazard of breathing asbestos fibers. the districts will spend substantial sums to seal off a r eas where the fibers could e9cape into the air. And in Newport Beach the problem of asbestos fibers in the drinking water supply prompted the dty to undertake a series of tests to determine their source. The city's water pipes were exonerated , but the inquiry continues. • • • In t h e Coast Communit y College District, there was a rousing debate over <he value of college..aedit teJeviJlon courses, '4'ftTi a group of professors urging four-year inatitutions to reconsider the v.lue of such courses taken by tran.lfer students. A review of the CO\ll'8eS has been undertaken by the California St.ate University system, with a report on the ooncluaions due thia month. • • • Wooden roofs became th e c:enier of atwntton In many citiet after the d.Jautrous Anaheim fitt, with f lrt• orfwlolR alrongly hm·king ll'glalatlon to bun tht· UM· of non ftre retardant mat.erlnt. for nl'w and repalrl'd roof1. The county and some c1tiee paJ!k>d Jw.t 1uch u ban, and other communill are t:ons1dermg similar lawa. • • • The l'1 ty ot Costa Mt.'su continued to live with, and grumble about its famous Caltrana dllch -the giant hole created an the Area proposed for extension of the Costa Mesa Freeway, then abandoned by the state. Now. aft.er 13 years of study, the state has come up with an assortment of s uggestions for extending the freeway -none looked upon with any favor by the ditch-divided city. • • • The high C06t of disposing of mountains of trash generated by the county's ever-growing population suddenly hit the average citizen's pocketbook when county supervisors decided it was necessary to impose user fees on formerly free county landfill dllrnps and trash transfer stations. These ranged from a few dollars for a pick-up load to tonnage rates on large trash trucks -hence new trash pickup fees in many communities. • • • But all was not dark in Orange County. After years of argument, the county and UC Irvine managed to settle their multi-million dollar dispute over the provision of health care .for the county's indigent population. And a bitter debate between the university and a group of Irvine citizens seeking to build a hospital an the community was cooled somewhat when participants agreed to sit down and seek a compromise that could aatisfy both the citizens and the university's desire for an on- campus teaching hospital. • • • There was real reason for rejoicing when the first phase of the long-awaited dredging of Upper Newport Bay was completed and a modest amount of water replaced part of the heavily sil~.~· The_pr~ject.has a long way to go, but there's hope for more state funding now that some results are visible. • • • On the judicial scene. the county finally won its own branch of t he 4th District Cour t of Appeal. with four new judges appointed and duly confirmed and ready to start work this month. For county residents and their legal representatives, this means no more treks to San Bernardino or San Diego to file appeals - a welcome solution to a long- standing problem. • • • The generosity of county residents was nowhere better shown than in the pledging of more than $5 million for the construction of a new home for abl.13ed and neglected children. to repla.c,.e t he aging and overcroefded Albert Sitton Home. On Jan. 31. grolind will be broken foc Orangewood. a new hadenda- style home on a seven-acre site in Orange. Providing shelter for children from infancy tor 18 years of age, Orangewood will have separate cottages for different age groups. a school, dining hall, gymnasium and playgrounds. And it will all be made possible through the generosity of Orange County firms and individuals. • • • A recent survey indicated that many Orange County residents who moved here to escape th e crowding, traffic and smog other areas have become disillusioned by the congestion , traffic and high houaing costs that now betlet the county and say they would just as &00n move away. There's no doubt the county has undergone dramatic changes ln the put couple of decades and not all of them to the good. But if one resident ln nine now la ready to leave, we can lay• bet that half a dozen more are wetting to move in, The problema won't ao eway but, warts and all, Orange County 1eem1 likely to remain a Mecca. n.......P~..., NiWoet .... Mlieit ~tdltot ...... ~ fdMoriol,. fdllat 'Camera gun' a grim reality WASHINGTON -In th~ 1940 film dass1c, "Foreign Correspondent," an assassin posing as a news photographer trains hlli camera on a world statesman, traps the flash. and simultaneously fires a fatal bullet. Thal fictional scene could happen at any moment in real life, with only one small change In the script: The bullet would be hred right through the camera lens. There could be upwards of 300 of these "assassination" cameras currently in the hands of terrorists around the world -courtesy of Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafy and his erstwhile supplier, ex-CLA agent Edwm Wilson Each of the diabolical devices IS capable of firing two .22 caliber bullets through the lens with deadly accuracy. THE STORY was provided to my associate Dale Van Atta by a former Walson employee It has been co rroborated by other sources, documents. and transcripts of secret testimony before the House Intelligence Cc>nuni t tee. Through h1.s attorney, Wilson denied any role in the manufacture of the murderous cameras. But the former associate emphatically asserted: (1) that WU.On had requested that a prototype he develped for Khadafy and (2) that Wileon was "the one who tried it out." Here are the detaib: In April 1978, Wilson gave the auociate a llat of assassin.allon devices he wanted t0 procure for Libya. At th~·top of the ltsl were the camera guns. to be equipped with silencers. 1f possible "I want a lot of them and I want them accurate," Walson told the associate "You take care of the details and tell me how much it costs." After a successful prototype was developed, the former Q -JA-Cl_l_ID-IR-S0-1 -~ ~iate said, Wl.lson planned to set up a shop on hlS Vtrginia farm to make them The associate and a companion flew to Tampa, Fla .. and arranged for a mechanically talented acquaintanre to build the prototype . According to a Wilson company voucher and National Airlines 11cket records, the flight was made on April 23, 1978. Leaving his companion behind lo assist the inventor, the associate returned to Washington. In less than a month, the inventor and the assist.ant arrived in the capital by rented car. bringing with them a working camera- gun. The &880Ciate picked the pair up at the rental-car office and paid the biU with Wilson compa.oy money. The Coll.owing day, the inventor and the amodate drove to a lleeluded site m Virginia to test the device. Firing at a can Ooatlng in a stream. they found the camera-gun to be remark.abl~..accuute. When they delivered the weapon to Wilson al his sprawling estate in Uppt.•rv11le. Va . he couldn't wall to test 1t H e instructed the associate, the inventor and another side to climb into his Cadillac. and the gang of four careened across rocks and ruts to a remow corner of the farm. "I thought he was crazy," said the associate. THE CAMERA GUN "worked Wee a charm." the associate sald, and Wilson "thought at was great." But Wilson didn't want to risk carrying it to Khadafy on his person, ao he inveigled the inventor mto toung at. A telex copy of the ticket purchase shows that the two took the same fhght to Libya on May 21. 1978. Wilson qukkly wired the associate that the cam~ra -gun was a big hit and ordert'd him to scour local shops in search of older cameras. The older models were sturdier than newer ones and wouldn't blow up m an assassln's face Eventually, between 250 and 300 cameras were sent to Tripoli to be converted into weapons Footnote. The inventor of the deadly device never got paid Wilson deposited hlS money -more than $200,000 -in a Swiss bank account to which the inventor has no access During Wilson's recent trial in Alexandria. Va .. on weapona-smug1Hna cbargea, lbe inventor joined the crowd of spectators, hoping to get a word with his debtor, to no 8Y811. Today heats dreams of other days I'm lukewarm on both yesterday and tomorrow. Neither science fiction or noat.algja interest me a.a much as today I am tempted by the pro~ of all the great thinp corning up tomorrow, of course. and I do enjoy all the good memories and the r,aceful, aimple and efficient artifacts o yesterday. but this moment is the time I like best. These thought.a inevitably come at this Ume of year. It's easy to get sentimental about the memories of Christmases put and years past and the people you spent them with . The adver tising for gifts with which to commemorate the seaaon, on the other hand, often emphaaiz.ed the new technology. "Buy her a computer. the tool of the future!" SO I FEEL a certain ambivalence toward both the put and the future. I dislike retyping a column to correct mistakes or rearrange paragraphs. My 900, Brian, says that If I'd get with it and buy myself a word prooesaor. I we>Wdn'l have to do those thingJ. He says that 1f l tried one for just a few days, I'd never go back to my ancient Underwood No 5. My 90n may be right, but there art> times when It's best for all of us to cl06e our eyes to the future. There's just so 1:"' -.l-DY-R0-01-IY-...... ~ much progress we have time for in our lives. Mostly we are too busy doing it to take the time to learn a new way. 1 do close my eyea to p~ when 1t comes to typewriters. This may spring. in pa.rt. from a deep feeling I have that it's wrong to try to impose efficiency on a writer. My antipathy for too much nostalgia can probably be traced to several hundred little antique shops where I Real names not popular Our quh today Involves the real names and p1eu donyms of well-known personalitlea mo1tly in the arts and entert.alnment, grouped by categories to make it a little simpler. An overall 8COtt of one-third correct ia highly estimable. Let's go: 1. Whal are the stage names by which the9e female perfonnen are known: (a) Samile Ol.aM .Frieeen; (b) Thelma Ford; IYlllY 111111 (c) BeU)' Joan Per1k e; (d) Nata1ha Ourdin; (•) Constanct 'Mumton? 2. What l• the real name ot the A1'IW1can wtiter who UMd thele dlve111t pen-names: "Anthony Aherwit." ''Tho Buaybod y:• "father Abraham ," ''Hlatortrua.'' and ''Sllence Dotwood"? which the following comedians are known: (a) Joan Molinsky; (b) Nathan Birnbaum; (c) Allen Konigsberg; (d) Michael Igor Peechkowaky; (e) Joseph Levitch? 6. What famous F.:n&lbh author wrote under the following pseudonyms: "Captain Tom," "The Man in the Moon," "A Shro~ Gentleman," "Daniel \he Prophet,• and "A Bntish Officer ln the Service of the ezar··1 7. What were the it.age names of the following acreen actou: (a) Lado Loewenstein; (b) Richard Jenklna; (c) lvo Levi; (d) Bemard Schwartz; (e) Roy Sch~r? 8. What diatiJllUiahed novelist wrote Wlder the1e pen-nams: "Mn. Brown," "Oeorae S. Fl\Sboodle," "Theophlle Wag1taU,'~arry Rolllcker," and "Fitzroy ClaNnoe"f ANSWERS: l. (a) Dyan Cannon; (b) Shlr1-Y Boott\; (c) wuren s.call~ (d) Natalie Woodi (•) Beac.rloe LWJ.e. 2. Benjamin Franklin. 3. (a) c.onw~ Twitty; (b) Jan J'>eerce; (c) Tony Mart1n; (d) Stew 1Aw1eooe; <•> Pea:Y Lee. · ·t.Jobn ~. 5. (a) JOM ftlwn;~(b GeofP. ~ma: (cf WOOct1 AlltD; (d MUut N~ (•) Jwry 1AWIL e. o.roe . 7. (•) ~ Lorn; (b) JUChMt aihcil; (d Yvw MOn\and• Cd) 'N>J Oirtll; i•> ROCts Hudloft. I . WlllYiD ~ 'ftt1 I have stopped to talk with connivmg antiquaries. 1t seems as though every ume people find out there's money in something. they ruin 1t. The good antJque shops are outnumbered by the bad ones. The revival of the style or the 1920s and 1930s has helped turn me off nasta.lgia too. They call at Art Deco but to me it was the ugliest era that progress ever took us through. It's all phony frou·frou. It's ashtray art and gilded replicas of the Empl.n! State Building. The emphasis was on how it looked and not much on how it worked. Except for being old, it has no virtue at all, and old alone isn't reuon enough to originate a revival of it. Age is no guarantee of qual.aty tn objects or people. Too many of the no1talglc revivals in art forms are fads based more on commercial enterprise than artistic worth Someone stumbles across an arcane style in architecture, painung or furniture practiced by an appropriately unknown artist and they revive that style t.ca~ they know where they can lay their hands on 50 exan)ples of It and make themselves a quick buck. Art doesn't enter into it, and nostalgia works as well for the dealer as fear does for the msu ranee salesman. IT ISN'T EASY to live In the preeent. The temptation io sit thinking about the past or dre~ of the future is alwaya there because it a eaaler than gettina up off your tail and doing IC>methina today. I love the electronic gadaei. lh at prombe a !MSic future In which we can do the hafdeat joba with the touch of a button. It's ju1t that experience hu taught me that the proml1e uaually precedes the product by IO man)' yea&"I that tt'a better to put off antlcip1Unc tt untfl it'• actually fn the atott window. 1- 1 like old m ovlH, old music. old , furniture and ~d boob, but U I Md to "' chooee betw•n apendf:na the~ wtth dreanw of the f\.lture or memories ot &M " past or th.ill day I have at band, I tbJ.nk I'd take pot luck with today. ·,~ COMICS 86 founlaln Yallr.y ltlck1 118 wny lo tourney till~. 82. ---• 0 ~ 0 Ramsey just 'Loves' that offensive line 87 ROGER CARLSON or-....., ......... PASADENA -It wasn't too long ago that most qreed with the d lche that ~ every successful man was a good woman. y~·u get some arguments about that fr'Ola varioua circles these days -but what lt cornea to football. few. 1r any. wlll disagree that in front of every IUIDCe9Bful quarterback is a good lineman. UCLA quarterback Tom Ranwey. who haa rewritten the Bcuins' record books with hia brilliant 1982 campaign (191 completions for 2,824 yards and 21 touchdowns, including a 22-for-36 P!r~ormance for 311 yards agains t MJdligan earlier in the year), would be the tint to agree. Aind, UCLA Coach Terry Donahue. w~ has seen his team get off the turf wla 38-~ and 20-19 thrillers over Stanford and USC to qualify for the 69th Roee Bowl game Saturday. says has -.·s biggest area of Improvement is the offensive line. ~ when the subject of conversation i8 tile offensive line -it begins with a 19-year-old sophomore out of Fountain Finding daylight Valley High School -i 6o pound Duval Love, who was shit~ to tack.le from guard earlier thia year io take advantage of hlt standout pus blocking "A lot of people feel hua beat posiuon La at guard," says Donahue, ''but after analyzing our sJtuation we felt he was our to p o ffensive lineman and w e wanted tum at tackle to get more pa&, blocking for our quarterback " Love's first e xperience at offensive tackle was at Michigan an September and he recalls it as one of his best efforts of his life. Love hasn't forgottt>n that comeback from a 21 -0 deficit, and he's well aware of Saturday's tas k t o sto p a formidable opponent tWtl'e m the same season. "It's going to be hard for us to beat them," says the 6-3 Love "But . it's going to be hard for them to beat us. too:• Mic higan's defe nsive alignment 1s unique for Love in that the Wolverines flop their defensive tackles, 240-pound Winfred Carraway and 230-pound Kevin Brooks. "These guys like to slant a lot, lake you o ut," aay• Love. "Brooo doet It with 1peed and move., Carraway la more of a power f'Ulher type.'' I'd aay he'e a very charlamatlc indlvtdual, a real lnsplraUo n to the offenalve line." "But I'm sure they'll try diffe re nt thin.ga." But when you dltcuu the 1ltuation with Love, lt'1 all businell. Can Love win the battle? "I thlnk 11<>," replied the Bruirul' tackle. "l juat want to be physical. to beat them on every play. to make them work "I'll be up. but I know they'll be up. too. This i.. ihe bowl. hard on every play," aay1 Love. "When I signed my letter of Intent It was a dream. New Year's Day has always been special. It's hard to beat anyone twlce, but the atmoephere about this one iB so different --we want this one for our program.'' "Slanting la the h&rdeet thing to pick ur. I can't allow penetration on the line o scrimmage." For UCLA Saturday there are a lot ol questions -can the Bruins atop Michigan's rugged ground uaault? Can the Bruins cope w ith receiver Anthony Carter? Love's goals coincide with what Ramaey haa to say about hia asai.9tants up Cront. "At limes the defenae is golnB to win the batt.le," says Ramsey. ''But Duval Love gives 100 percent on every play . . . I want guys like that in front of me, The 100 percent ia the blggettt thing." Can the Brulna execute after a long layoff? Can The Bruins beat Michigan twice In one aeuon? From a distance Love gives most the silent but tough image, but Ramsey says it isn't so. But probably the biggest question is whethe r or not the Bruina can sting Michigan's secondary again with their pa.9U\g game . .Ranwey obviously has the arm, the Bruins obviously have the receivers (Cormac Carney , J ojo Townsell, etc.). "He's the comedian of the group." Ramsey says. "He geta thing$ started if it's quiet. Duval definitely isn't the shy The only requirement is lime to get the job done, and that's where Love & Co. enter the picture. Duval Love Barons just miss Fielder doesn't, at the buzzer By ROGER CARLSON Of tM 0.-, Not ..... Mike Fielder's 12-foot shot from the baseline with no time left in the second overtime lifted Mater Dei High's Monarchs to a 55-54 victory over upeet-minded Fountain Valley Thursday night in the title game or the 18th Orange Optimist Basketball Invitational at Chapman College. It was nip-and-tuck. Crom start to finish as the Barons of Fountain Valley, now 8-5. had the Monarchs, rated No. 1 in Orange County, on the ropes with a 44-37 lead with 6:53 remaining in regulation. In the end it was an official's call with four 9eCOnds left that gave Mater Del the edge -as Fountain Valley'• Drew Brown took poaeasion from Rolf Jacobe' tip and appeared tO be fouled by Mater Del's Tom Lewi.a with four aeconda left. But l.natead of pn rri<m with a M-" lead and a ~and-one situation for the Barons, it wu another jwnp ball. The Mona.rcha got the ball out of bounds with three eec:onda left after the tip, got the ball to Fielder and h1a jumper found the mark. "Brown had the ball . . . lt was a crappy call," said Fountain Valley Coach Dave Brown. It came just when it appeared t.hia was going to be the Barona' big momenL Despite lc:.ing the aeven-point bulge in the fourth quarter, the Barona were atill in command with their suffocating matching zone defense, which had the Monarchs' vaunted olfense tied In knota. Mater Dei went l-for-13 in the first quarter as Fountain Valley took control and as the final seconds were ticking off in regulation and the first overtime, it wu going the Barona' way. All-tournament team MVP: Matt Beeuwsaert (Mater Del) Rob Whitehair (Fountain Valley); Tom Lewis (Mater Del); Rolf Jacobs (Fountain Valley); Jon Johnston (Estancia); Steve Beuerleln (Servile); Mike New1on (Fountain Valley); Chris Jackson (Mater Del); Gary Jaeger (Estancia); Joe Seager (Newport Harbor); Steve Krallman (Servile); Rich Dutrlsac (Foothlll); Joe Wallace (Santa Clara); Junior Utu (La Quinta); Stacey Cvljanovlch (Santa Clara). Mater Dei Coach Gary McKnight. "We did nothing conaia&ent all night, but Dave Brown ia the master of that matchup. "It just came down to a couple of athletes." The Monarch• are now 12-2. They're at Hun~n Beach (9-2) Tue9day night in a non- league test. Fountain Valley Is at La Quinta Wedne9day night. E1tancla H, La Qtiata 11 The F.agles upped their record to 8 -3 in the proce.a of ta.king fifth place at the Orange tourney behind the 24-polnt bunt of Gary Jaeger and 22-point production of Jim Curus. !on Johnston contributed aeven points and nine assists, while Doug Pinckney added six counters and eight assists. The Eagles grabbed the lead in the first period and never let go, attacking the press to stay out of trouble. Servlte 68, Newport Harbor 51 Florida State's Billy Allen ( 31) finds running room as he sprints past Tom Bowman during 95-yard TD return at Gator Bowl game Thursday night. See story, Page 82. Matt Beeuwsaert's four-foot attempt at the buzzer in regulation rimmed the basket in an in- and-out fashion, and Beeuwsaert's jumper with no time left in the first overtime was blocked by Jal-obs after Brown's smart foul with two aec:onda left took the Monarchs' aetup away. "Their matchup full court prec1 hurt us," said Joe Seager matched his 21-point perlonnance against El Modena. and Jim Wolle and Brian Folk each acored 14 points. but that was all but two of the Sailors' production. (See PREPS, Page BZ) Estancia 'Captures its own tournament crown Eagles top Brea for title, while Ocean View loses heartbreaker at Marina-Edison Estancia lfi8h's women's basketball ~captured the championship of its ;;JI-townament Thursday night when the Eagles d.iaposed of highly-regarded Brea, 53-42. In the Marina-F.dison Tournament. Ooean View fell a bucket short against Bwrougha (Ridgecrest) in the title game of that tournament. Other games in the tourney found Mater Dei edging Westminster for third plaoe, Fountain '1 alley bea~ Foothill lotCi and EdOOn routing Chino to win tion crown. what happened: a, Brea cl· Eagles, 9·1, made It look easy as eadlfy pulled away from the ta. 10-2. The Eaale1 were led by tourney Amy Jlathcock.. who poured in 18 and had 11 rebounda. She had ty of help, though. in the form of Sheri Carpenter, 10 poinl5 and nine rebounds. and Debbie Hughes, six pointa and 13 rebounds. Hughes, in fact, joined Hathcock on the all-tournament team. Da Howl was Btea's leading 11COrer with 18 points. "We played 11<>me real fine defen11e," F.st.ancia Coach Joe Wolf. "Outaide of Howl makin1 her ahota, I though our defense was super. "We controlled the-boaida and we wouldn't let thPm play their tempo." Barroapa 5', Ocean Vlew ~! The Burro•. 12-1, captured the championahlp game of the Marina- Edison Tournament behind the balanced acorlng qf Charlene KeHler, Cecilia Scanlan. Krlatell Kinkennon and Andrea Veatch. Kessler topped her teammates by 1COring 14 points, while Scanlan, the tournament'• Most Valuable Player. had 12. K.inkennon and Veatch chipped in 10 each. Ch.aae. who finished with 18 pointa, and senior Tammy Webb (17), were both named to the all-tournament team. Maler Del '7, Westmbt1ter '5 The Mona.rcha, 7-4, took third pJ.oe at Martna-Edi8on. Mater Del overcame a four-point halftime deficit behind \he shoottna of 5-10 aenlor guard Alondra Bariaco, who. was the only Monarch plarer to finish tn double f.lguree with 10 pomta. Foantaa Valley U, FooWll 17 The Barona. 7-3, took fifth place at the tourney with an euy win over the KnJahta. Fount.ain Valley built lta lead during the first and third quarters when It ouucored Foothill, 24-6, during thoee two quart.en. • 1 The Barorua were Jed by Therese PuchaJ.sld'a 18 points, whlle teammate Sam Arledge chipped in 15. Both were named to the all·toumament team. EdJaoD U, Qlao 50 The Chargers ran their record to 14-1 on the eeuon by disposing of Chino to win the comolation champl<>Nhip at Marina-Ediaon. The Charaen were led by Gretchen Meinhardt, a 6-2 junior, who had 15 points, and 5-9 eenlor Janet BUtner, who had 12. The Chargers were a1IO without the lel'Vka of Shelly Trepl, who was on the bench wt\h an ankle injury. The Ch.Arlen tqok an early 10-4 lead, increued theii' advantage to 11 pointa after thtte quarters and then blew out the Cowboys with a 22-10 founh quart.er. Edl.:>ri'• Biltner wu named to the all-tourney team, while the Cowboy• dropped to 5-7. UC Irvine turns it around, 89-73 s,edal to die DaUy Pilot BIJ.J.INOS, Mont. -Bob Thornton and Geor29 Turner ecored 16 polnta each to 1MC:1 UC trvlne to a third place flniah in the KOA Clulk: here with an 89-73 dedaion over host 1CMtem Montana Thunday nlaht. The Ant.eaten, who had a horrible ahowtna ln th• tournament'• flrat aame aa~ln1t Northern Arlsona Wednesday nltht. turned th.lnp around dramatklally aplmt the YellowJacketa. ahootln.J &1.6 percent from the Uoor (34 of ecn and commlttina ju.It etaht turnovers. '4Thimt wen eome encourqtna aljpll toDl&bt." commented UC Irvlne l>Mlc.et6&11 eOacli BW MuWpn. "In t.ct. we could have .mat bMten anyone. '11.Mt nfcht we taWd to jam the bill lril6dil too mUch. 8o ~t we dedded to Un the ~ 10aile and let ~ pi.y. I ''lt'a very ~to wl.n T1'1't a eood team that playa welf at home. Wlth the ecore knotted at 20 midway throuah the flm half, the Anteeten went on a ~-20 epurt to take a &0-40 halNme advantap. The Y ellowjlcketl came t.:k to cla. the pp at the outlet of the .aJnd hall, trlmm1na the deflctt to G0-45, before the Anteeten Npd another rally, thil time p_ulUn• ~way to a 84-03 lead. The Y.UOW]ICUtl never aot caer than nine potn• alter that. ''The tint Mabt minu• we p1a,,.ct a man-to-man defen.e and I thouitat th• little lr1d waa 1otn1· to 1•t 100," 1ald MuDJaan al r..tem 11Montana l\l8ld ftQrl Olboriw, who cored J1J of hil 10 ~· d"'1na Lbe fJ.M ·10 INnu• of the...-. "8o we IDOY9d lllll McDanald ...._ l*nt l who dkt a very aood Job. · '"llMin we w.nt to a 3-2 r.one late ln the fitst half and all of the acond half wbkh proved to be wry effective.· "J thouah1 lt WM l'M11y Important to play bard and well llOniaht ln prepatatlon tor (Cal State) J'uller1'lll (Thunct.y nlcht at lullerton) and (Nevada Lu) Ve1u (S.twday Naht at the Lona BMch Arena) 1WXt W"eelcena." Jolntna Turner end Thornton ln daub'-~ for the Anw_.. wen Jud BMrdaaeY (H polnCll) and Tod Murphy (13), Thornton flnlahed tb• a•m• by caimllctlDC on e ot io ah018 trom the fteld. Murphy wpa & ot O ~ Thornton and McDonald al10 led tb• AntHt•I• In r.tboundl wtda ....,, e.th. UC'J .. now 7.;,a on the 1M1DO. whllit me :Yellowjldrilta WI to ~•I. Lake rs subdue Seattle INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Loa Angeles Lakers raced to their abcth consecutive National Basketball Association victory Thursday night, a 137-117· mauling of the Seattle SuperSonica. Lakers Coach Pat Riley was suitably lmpreaed. "I think this team i• remarkable," uid Riley. "We've been uncanny from the floor the last two games. The way we're playing defente and Puah1na the ball up the floor i.a t.he reuon we've been 1\.lCICe9ful. "Mqic la getting the ball up the floor and getting it to the rt&ht pef"IOfl.'' Riley continued. "That's the key.~' Earvin "Maalc" Johnaon handed off 16 uallu and Norm Nlxon had 24 points to pace the Lakeu, who extended tbelr Pad.flc Divtslon lud to l ~ pmee over S.tt.le. "We've been ,1euln1 the ~boundlna and that'• mak.lna our runnlna aame 10," 1ald Johmon. '-nill WU an Ul-an>und ~ aame tor UI.•' Sonk:a c.o.ch I.Anny Wilbm. wboee team hH been blt by ll\JW1tl recently. WM not crttbl of S..ttle•a pi.y In the one ll:Md Joa '!We dldo't Dla~!'-t bed.lY,"---= be Mkt.. "I ...i'\1~1P*'tld at all.It • Th• Sonb, who h.&t tnllitd --~~~ .......... quaner, dolitd· tcf .WHNa ~c polnta tWb Iii ... Md...,.., Ulie ... um. It """' . - For Allen, return a dream come true From AP ,.,,.tettet JACKSONVILLE. Fla. -Billy Allen said he had a PftlDOl'l.ltion he would rez.n a k lc:k off for a touchdown the Oat« Bowl 1ame -mid. he . , Allen•a 95-yard return opened a scoring b&rrafe that al.lo lncluded a pair of touchdowns by Gres Allen. the nation'• 8COrina ie.der, u Florida State overpowered No. 10 We.t Virginia 31-12 'ftlunday nJahi. "It w• like I dl'Ml"Ded it." said Billy Allen. "Lu\ night I just knew if they kicked me the ball, I WU aoinlr to ICOft .•• c.o.ch Bobby Bowden of FSU said, "We just got eome tq playl from ..ne big play people." Bowden OOllChed at West Virginia until 1975 when he assumed command of a falte r ing program at FSU. "I got no thrill whai.oever from the fact it waa Weet Vlrgtn.ia." he uid. "What I waa happy about was we won the Gator Bowl. I spent 10 yean up there, t.hoee are good people." Quote of the day Kart Bevacqaa of the San Diego Padres, commenting on his club signing free-agent Steve Garvey to a five-year contract worth a potential $9.5 million: "It's a great Christmas preeent. It's like flnding a miming piece of the puzzle. He fits.'' Touring Soviets blank Quebec Soviet goaltender Vladhlav ~ Tretiak made a'strorur recovery from ' the flu aa the touring llLlllian All..tar team defeated Quebec of the National Hockey League Thursday night, 3-0, in an exhibition. The Ru11lans w ere beaten by Edmonton. 4-3, Tuelday in the opening game of 1heir tour . . . In NHL play Thu.ra:lay, A.llden Bedl»er1 800red two go.ala and had an assilt to lead the New York Rangers to a 5-2 victory over New J eney . . . Cllrl1 ValeatlJae tallied a disputed goal at 7:41 of the third period as Waahington tied Hartford, 4-4. The Whalers argued the Valentine'• shot had not completely • cromed the goal line . . . Paal Evau' goal at 6:54 of the leOOl1d period broke a 2-2 tie and propelled Philadelphia to a 6-3 victory over Calgary rnovinB the Flyers into aole poaellion. of fini place in the Patrick Division. • • . •n AnlonJo rar .. P••• Chle o B k th II ArUt Otlatfrt •ttk • f r ol f Rm as e a ~~~~::, ·~"d .~~·r .. ~':~~··~.~~~~~ wm Thunday nJlh• tu lift Ban Anluldu tll scores • 106 103 viewry uv~r c.'hk••l'J In lh4-N•Uurual B.tk.U.U AmcAiaUon Tho Uutla, who h.-d Urd tho~ with 2:28 rernalnin1, n1 .-ct lhrlr lul ~ U1htlf11tr M. 1tv1M ll l•,.dl five 1hol1 Mar•ttl lolilHH t•lllod 32 ,.eppw..,_ ::.. ~ono 9Mcfl 11 1~":" ._. OtMCle 71 polnt1 •nd SldH)' MHcr11r •ddecJ I U u '° ...... MUwaukee C..'OUt.ed to a 1l1-U9 win over Dallu LO)'Olll t4. "°"'" ,, ........ "· ~ Hlllll t1 t'"'I .Benard 1111 notched 27 point• and =1~!;.1~1.'~ ... :111,10ge 11:~~e11• 41. LI ll•o" 46 to• veteran l(Wlfd P11I Wnq>llal acored aU of hil 10 77 1oc1 1ever1y Hiii• H . 01en11 u eotnt.1 In tho final quarter u ticw York beat ~.~~tl811~1.~°':·,~ c'!i cooneNtion~ .. ,..,. Clciveland for tht 18th 1t.ralaJht t.lme, 94-89 . . . 1apt1et 11 11 John eoeoo u . Nott• 0tttne Raad)' Smltb had 23 polnt.t u San Dteeo won lta uc AMieio. ee. uc O•vt• H 1101 M tfl1•11 alxth same ln 31 outinp 108-93 over Houaton ._..,.. 112;1~01~f1~~t,~u10"1 151 • vuia . . . Cent.er Mycllal T~omptOD poured In a = li· ~v 51 M l• Hebr• 79. t ent• An• 8' aeuon-hi8h 26 polnta, arabbed l~ rebound• BolM a1. n'. w ~ eo (coneo4etlon) and handed out nln .. Itta to lift Portland to 1a ....._.. l!J Oof.OO ~1m1ne1er •II 113-107 triumph in K.a.nau City . . . Aivao et>~,. Oe1M 13. WlltlMI ~ Mery 1nre.1 · Adami had 12 of hi.a 23 polnta In the second half Mldl'r." "· Penn IO =~~-~;"il:!~~"!,! aPnhd 1piarked ~laDete to1urth11-pe9r8iod tlurr~ abs ~ 11 ~:: = ~~ 74 (OOMO!euon) · oen x atop~ tro t, 5-~ . Ber X•vter Ofllo u T11om .. "'°'• &..e v .... ~ WU.U.m1 unk a 25-foot jumper at the buu.er to 78 • • Oeeeot• 11<1111mm ... Fl• l 71. I I di 1 l • 1 1 4 d i I w ~ 10 l6#ll 51 CNpetrll et 111t111 g ve n ana a .J• ec • o n o ver 1111note 81 ee' N 1ow9 80 LH v.0 .. c 1e1k 1e w .. 1 Utah ... Cedric Maxwell led a balanced ~ Pn11.c1etpn1e && 11111rd1 Boston attack with 27 polntl aa the Celtics 900red LBU 151. SI Frencll, P• 615 81 8erfletd 154. Pel<» Verdee S3 8 3 . . SE L.oulllana 7 I J•oti.on SI 615 (lltlh) 5 first-half polnta en route to a 145-1 2 W1.n m Menhell 71. E. ~ 158 Lu vegu veuey a•. L•"O•ev Denver. Mernpf\19 sc 83. ~ 68 (Pllt•t>u<Ohl 11 New OriMM M. 81 .Joeeph'e, Women Morris slated for heart surgery Corona del Mar High football EE coach Dick Morris, who suffered a 4. t heart attack and haa been at Hoag Hospital for a week, has been scheduled for heart surgery on Wednesday. A panel of experts reviewed the case Thur&day and it was detennined that surgery, rather than therapy and a rehabilitation program, was necessary to correct an artery situation for the 4~-year-old Morris. Pe pperdine clobbers Long Bea ch St. Senior forward Orlando Pbllllp1 m scored 26 point.a and teammate Due Settle added 21 to lead Pepperdine to a 105-90 non-conference basketball victory over Long Beach State Thursday rught in Malibu ... ElJlewhere, top-ranked Indiana broke open a cl<me game by oul8Coring Nebraska, 18:-4, over the final 10 minui. of.the first half to claim a 67-50 victory over the Comhuskera in the title game of the Hoosier Classic ... Ralph Sampson notched 21 point.a, hauled down 15 rebounds and blocked seven ahot.a u fourth-ranked Virginia stopped Old Dominion, 75-59 , in the championship game of the Ri c hmond Invitational. Television, radio Televl1lon 11 a.m. ( 11) -Hall of Fame Bowl (Air Force vs. Vanderbilt) Noo n (2) -Peac h Bowl (Iowa vs. Tennessee) 5 p.m. (11) -Bluebonnet Bowl (F1orida vs. Arkansas) 7:30 p.m . (56) -Women's basketball (Long Beach State vs. Wiaconain) Rad.lo No events acheduled. M..,,_ ~ \ HIGH KNOOL IMC ~---T-14 Geofge Maeon 89. E.ut CetollnA 8urrougll1 64. <><:.en View 52 ea 111ret1 SI Pel«'• llt, L.oyoie. MO 64 Meler Del 47. WMlmln1ler 45 TOUNl~WTI (llllfd) "::;: Fountelfl Valley 45, Foo111111 37 (111111) Nonlletn Attzon• eo. Colorec!O Ed I • 0 ., 5 3 • c 11 1., 0 3 0 SI 67 (flrat) (OONO!ellon) UC lrvln• 811, E Monten• 73 ••'-'-T-t (llllfdl E11encl• 53, Bree-Ollfld• 42 Co6ot c-tty (!It'll) Grand Cenyon 114, Southern Cel Vllley (Lu V90u) 71, Lu V90u eoc1ege ee (tlllr'd) 43 11111rd1 Senle Cler~ ~:.,lun U 12 VIiie Perk 45, Rowlafld 29 (ftral) (coneotetlon) TnH 80, N c -C11e11011• 411 ''""d, . V ds . Oeo1g1:C:~w''=1ucky 811 anguar (!It'll) 11t11r8:i'°" ~ Columbl• 63 fa 11, 94-86 Oklehome lie. Hewell S6 (ltwtd) Virginie Tech 10, PrO\'ldenCe 57 CEDAR CITY, Utah lllft~one St eo. Tuu Teen 511 -Going_ up against stiff lotll~ttl~ com p e t 1 t Ion for the ........ d second conaecutJve rught, Virginie 76, Olo Oomtnlon 511 the Southern California (llrwt) Ve. Commoflweelt ll 80 , College basketball team Richmond 74 (third) put up a game effort ,...,_._. • · 11 G d Purdue 15t, Steteon eo tllt'll) against ta er ran Temple 118, Rollln• 74 (tll'•OI C a n y o n C o l 1 e g e in01ene 87.~. 50 (tlrttl T h u ~ s d a y b e f ~ .r e GrambllnQ ee. Cornell 82 (INrdl dropptng a 94-86 deasion ~--:er .!.'":~11r1tl m the consolation game ~oroC:-waehl.,gton u . o f the Color Country Devldeon 50 ~ Classic. V1llanova 63• Sen !*00 91. 57 The ~anguards were 111,..11 up against a Grand Florid• st. M . TlllM eo tll'Mdl Canyon front line that .......... d 67 68 d NE L..oulelen• n , Aloom st. 76 measure -, -an '°'=1 6 -9 across and had •St. &5. Nlcholle St. •1 problems inside. The ltlllrdl a.ta..,._. Vanguards did manage UC Sent• Barb••• 152 . to cut a 14-poinl deficit ~em 50 (nr.t) to eight midway through HofW•64·':::1 51 1tr*(t1 the second half, but 11.-chicalQO s2. l>Mww• s1 ea Grand Can yon's Jeff 1"':!n. M. uuca 5t Cttllnll Pye rs hit six straight eomn:'1 ..... ,. free throws in bonus TOUl-JM. 1ltuationa to clinch the ....... o-t victory. Late goal gives Barons title Mullen's tally leads Fountain Valley to 2-1 win c.mtoe ~ o.-1 M (ht) SoCa1 College dropped LA Tr•d• Tecfl H . Glend•le to 6-6 overall and comes (ML) 83 (lt*d) RNw'llde IM. Go6den W•• 75 home to meet Concordia By CUJlT SEEDEN O( .. DelJ ....... Tryln.J to bold a 1-0 lead in any sport opens up ~ pomibWties for the ~ w:ith the advant.aaie. 'There'• a strategy known aa gotng into a defensive shell,' and quite often. lt results in a 1-1 game. Such was the cue Thunday night In the champiomhlp game of the Huntington 9eech High 'soccer tournament a1 Fountain Valley tr1ed desperately to hold on to it.I one-goal advantage for nearly three-quart.en of the contat. And the obvioua occurred. as La Quinta's Keith Thomas managed to beat 8U'on plkeeper Scott Sedlak with a6out eight mlnuu. remaining in the gameTbere is ai.o another strategy known aa •point the ball in the dlrectkln of the pl and hope.' And that ploy, too, turned out to be 111icceasful Thunday nigh~ Stew Mullen of the Barona picked up an errant clearins i-about 30 yards away from the Aztec goal. took aim and blasted a shot into the top right comer of the net with about three minutes remainina to gtve Fountain Valley a 2-1 victory and the tournament title. "The boys did have a tendency to 1tart thin1dng defensively too much.'' admit1ed Fountain Valley Coach Gerald Aahby, wboee Baroni now sport a 12-1 recon:l on the ee.uon. ''I knew it WM~ to be th.la kind of game,'' A.Ibby con tinued. 'It wu very exciting, very entertaining and very physical'' The ~ needed only about 10 minutes of the first half to aet on the acoreboard tint u Chuclt Smoot IOOl'ed off a throw In. After that, It WM La Quinta constantly putting the im-ure on the Barone, with both William 'l1dnu and Keith Thomu just m1.i.ng on near breakaways. Flnally, Keith Tbomu '°~ the equa1iz.er with time nmnln8 out. That atanaJed a resurgence in the PREPS ... From Pige 81 'n1e Sala. ma.ed on the front end of five ~ and-one situaUon. at the line In the first half and wen not able to take the le.ct In the teCOIXf half u Servli. conected third p lace at the Oranae T~t, , _P_'ll_E_P_s_o_c_c_'E_R ___ f21 (conecMtlOn~ ._. of Nebraska next week. Fuaetton 74. Senta Monice ee Grand Canyon, the (llt'IU NAIA's third-ranked ~C.-ma:>~~;'.'01';41~~} outfit. improved to 12-1. Baron offeme, and Fountain Valley's Dave Folkins almost 900ttd. what would have been the goal of the year on a aciaeon kick from a near impcmible angle. It went just wide. (ooneoletlOn) ,.._ 1~ 10 1nr.t> OV splits ,.__,.,,. te. ~ N (thlnf) Mt. Sen J.c;tnto 11. Ml 8en A few minutes later, however, Mullen settled thinp with hia fint goal of the 32-team, threeqy tournament. F.arlier in the day, hoet Huntington Beech took the fifth place award aa the Oilers defeated F8tanda 4-0. Francisco Nanez, Roddy Ugglum, C hris Vawrhan and Rich Mendoza ICOred the goals. '&nta Ana won the third-place trophy with a 2-1 victory over M.iasion Viejo, while Marina took ninth place with a 1-0 win over Servite. Kenny Gunn got the Vlklngs' goal with an aamt from Todd Hughes and Jerry Babic got the lhutout with 15 eaves. NFL standings Ante>No eo (ooiwdettonl ~ ,.... Or-.. .,._ Del 55, "°""'.., Vllley 64 (2 ot) (nr.t) SeNfte S8, ~ HllfbOf 5 t (ttllrd) &tencle 615, la Quinta s 1 (llttfl) Sent• Clar• 411, Footlllll 43 (coneoletlon) Ir• 011'* ~· 52, 8onore 51 (flrat) ~ 83, Celltofnle 98 (INtd) Troy 51. ~on 50 (lllttl) Mlalon Viejo 42, Woodbridge 40 (ooneotetlonl C..,.n Oypr-71. W•em 58 (llrtt) NATIONAL CONFERENCE AMERICAN CONFERENCE W L T Pct. PF PA x-Wuh. 7 1 0 .875 162 128 ·x-Dallu 6 2 0 .7M 199 114 x-Green Bay~ 2 l .688 202 142 x-Atlanta 5 3 0 .625 177 164 x-St. Louis 5 3 O .625 13~ 142 '.x-Minneeota 4 4 0 .000 156 171 Tampa Bay 4 4 0 .500 132 155 auca,o 3 5 0 .375 118 148 ·Detroit 3 5 0 .375 154 152 W L T Pct. PF PA 1-Ralde~ 7 1 O .875 219 166 x-Cl.ndnnati 6 2 0 .750 197 150 x-Miami 6 2 0 .750 164 124 x-NY Jeta 6 2 0 .750 232 129 x-San Diego 6 2 0 .750 2M 180 x-Pittsburgh 5 3 0 .625 167 125 Buffalo 4 4 0 .500 131 124 Cleveland 4 4 0 .500 119 145 New F.ngl. 4 4 0 .500 113 1381 The Oce.an View High girl.a' soccer team spllt two game• on the opening day of the Seahawks' o wn tournament Thursday afternoon. In first-round action, the Seahawks fell to Kennedy, 2-1, despite a goal by Debbie On'. But Ocean View rebounded to atop Loara, 5-1, and stay alive in the oonsolation bracket. New Orleana3 5 0 .375 94 lM .NY Oiant.1 3 5 0 .37~ 138 136 Philadelphia 3 5 0 .376 167 169 San Fran. 3 5 0 .376 189 185' Rama 1 7 o .12~ 179 230 x-Cllnched playoff ber1h Seattle 3 5 0 .375 114 136 Denver 2 6 0 .250 137 213 K&naaa City 2 6 0 .250 139 171 Houston 1 7 0 .125 109 210 Baltimore 0 7 l .063 106 202 ....... Pllll" JOHNSON & SON • Sud'ay'1 Games Ram.I at San Frandaco (Channel 2 at 1 p.m.) l\alder1 at San Dteao (Channel 4 at 1 p.m.) Denver at Seattle New York Jet.I at Kanau Oty New York Otanta·at PhiJ.adelphla Chlcaao at Tampa Bay St. Louil at Wuhlngton (Channel 2 at 10 a .m.) Buffalo at New EnaJand Cincinnati at Houston ~ at Pittlburlh Mia.ml at Baltimore Atlanta at New Orl~ Green Bav at Dltn>lt Moeday'1 Game Dallaa at MlnDeeota (Channel 7 at 6 p.m.) presents ... NFL Plou •f 9'• W11• Sun., Jan". ~ Rama over Son Frandlat * Atlanta ov.r New a.it.on• * Chica90 over Tampa lay * Sein~· ov« Loe ...... * M9ft,, .Mn. S De'- J •••• CO~TA M A . . . Count7 l~le deal ra ind fKtOC')' ~tallVfl jOlMCI .-.ndy fur • brt•akfut meoUrlfJ 1\. th South CoMt Pl.au Hotel "' ktA-off actMU. lndlns up to the 1988 Onan..-C<>unty lntemaUonal Auto Show. U.,.,. the 1pon110nhlp uf thr Orana• County M010r c..r ~alera AN«laUon und produc:ed by Cahnera Expoelllon Group, th · larieat U.S. prod..-er of Auto Showa, tht-1how UI echc..oduled for Aprtl 13 throuih 17, 1983, at tho Anaheim Convention Center. The meeting was chaired by James Upp, Executive Director of the A.an , and intended u an Information m~et,ng to bring dealen and factory repre.ental1v~ up to da~ on p1anl and arrangementa. He preaefnted the Show theme - "The Selling Spree for 83" -and indicated that thla would be the rallying cry fer the entire month of April. "The 1983 Auto Show will be a great selling opportunity," he stated. "We wlll have exciting cars, trucka and automotive displays to please every 11ttendee." Dennis Hard.Jn, A.Ian President. keynoted the gathen.ng, pointing up the great importance of the show to the d ealers end to the area. "The automobile industry 1s Vltally import.ant to the economic ufe of Orange County," he laid, "and we are all looking forward to what we are sun will be a selling season and a 'selling spree' for the dealen during this Cive-day show." Earle Ike, Chairman of the Dealer Show Committee. spoke briefly about his gro up's planning activities, and enlisted the enthusiaatic. dealer/factory co-operation which will make the 1983 Show the most successful In its 18-year history. J ohn McGuckin, Cahners' "Show Manager, noted that nearly 90% of the available space has been contracted by leading U.S. and foreign car manufactureni. He also indicated th.at a number of 1983 ~ and 1984 cars are being scheduled by manufacturers for the April event, and that promotional plans are being formulated to exploit these introductions. *** MOTOR CAR DEALERS ELECT 1983 OFFICERS -Earle Ike (center right) of Earle Ike Imports, Costa Mesa, was elected First Vice-President of 'the Southern California Aa8ociation at it.a recent annual meeting. Other 1983 offloers-elect are Tim Smith (center left) of Bob Smith BMW in Canoga Park, President; Chuck Hebard (right) of Home Molors in Santa Marla. 2nd Vice-President; Monte Davis (not shown) of Glenn E. Thomas Co., Long Beach, S ecretary; and Jack Ellis (left) of Chrysler/Plymouth of Glendale, Treasurer. ! ·LOS ANGELES .•. Diamond mines, ~ foot long alligators, cattle randlS bigger than Belgium. a trip to the South Pole, playing host to more than 2000 house gueata, and delicate affairs of at.ate are among the aighta and experiences which have convinced Robert Neaen, U.S . Ambaaaador to Australia, that he has "the greateat job lo govem.rnenl." Nesen shared his experiences aa a diplomat with new car dealer frlenda during his recent Los Angeles addre11 to the Motor Car Dealers Association of Southern California (MCDA-SC) at its Annual Meeting. A Venture County new car dealer himself and past President of the MCDA-SC. NeBen had previously been appointed to several state and federal government postl, including a stint aa Assistant Secretary of the Navy, before being asked by President Reagan to undertake thla diplomatic assignment. Nesen told the dealer gathering that "Australia is a great country, with wonderful people, and serving as Ambuador there has been one of the greatest experiences of my life." With ia vast and largely untapped mineral, agricultural and petroleum reser vea, Neae described Australia as a sleeping giant which will be recognized as a major power in the years to come. Nesen described to the dealers the man facets of an Ambassador's job; the traveling, th entertaining, and the diplomatic negotiation&. and recounted one of the first problems, albeit a mino one, he faced after taking office. He bad jult the Russian Ambassador to Australia, who presented him with a gift of three bottlea o Russian Vodka and two cans of caviar. Pro requittd that Ne.en .end a gift in return, ~t , wanted hla gift to be symbolic. He had to think foe awhile before coming up with the Idea of giving a beautiful jar, filled with jelly beans. Turning hit attention to the eventa here at home, Nesen commiserated with the deale concerning this economically diBma1 put year, and offered his hope that lntere.t rat.es will continue fall. thereby •purring the recovery of the au lnduatrv and the economy at tar~. Additionally, Neaen ~ged the dealera 1upport the Preeident'1 program to strenatheri '..! America's military poeture. Steti.nl that the ~t UoJon'• naval build-up in the Pacific ia appuent and · alannlnB. Ne.en bemoaned the reducdoo ti) A.mencan naval for"C'8 dwina thil lalt decade. lee Atefnhoe """"9DA Y'I MIUl T't '=r .:~~..-.:--.. _..,.., ~0...1,~1 •oo >40 280 .,_ ,.,.., "909I (~I t 40 4 40 ..... Atllralllt (Wlfdl IS 40 Aleo re~ 81>eekl•d LynM y, Option Y-. l<ewMll WM. S-Tiny o..ict. lo W~ VP11~dt 0-. Had~ Be• lltdy • OACTA ( .. 41peio152 00 MCO.O llACa. 3&0 ywdt Top Mollege;I (Harl) 10 20 4 40 2 40 ._. Copy TWo (Creager) 3 ao 2 40 o-1 l'ocllelJPeullnel 2 20 Aleo reoe . Tu Tun John, F•lher ~. Golllcawondw Time. lt.01 ,..., RAea. 400 yWCSe. ...,... veniw. (81e>Mtl 6 40 3 20 2 to ,..,_. (Valdez} • 20 3 20 Roy9 '1.i (T Onll•l 2 to Ai.a r-0 AN-• Bed Rill!. Pac;lflc: ~ IAo, Rapldo Compeono Johnny c.. JublM L.o Time 20 '2 • UACTA ('-31peld$3400 ~ llAC.. 400 yerdt Mighty M..-IC..0...1 32 40 15 80 7 40 FMt 11.1 (T'onltt) 7 40 6 20 o.noeroue Debi (Wwd) 5 90 Aleo reced Oupa Oe Lu, Too Rare, Rnod•bo. Jodi• Ell!><-. Roanebll FuMln Flahlw, Lune T rtp lime. 2061. • IXACT'A (7-3) pelO $197 90 ~ llACL 350 ywde ,.. eer1 (llerdl s 20 3 oo 2 ao Proud Pe1nct. (CrMQefl 3 &O 2 80 8tarebuoll twan11 J ao Alt o rec:eo Twin Selety C•elg Go A-e-en. Utile Toe> Ctilttl. KIOwa CooJo, 8-Agute, 0o F0t Win...,,, TllM.17" • IUCTA 110-31 pe1<1 124 40 90n1f UCL 870 ywdt Z... Mlto C.......,..I 4.40 3 40 2 80 Ring Adame (Tllomat) 11 00 5 40 91..o In I .... Purpte (ChtYU) 3.80 Al10 riced: Sna.ppy Tiger. Topu Bar '*-· llr LO'o'ee Gem, Sc>enlllll Amante. SWiii Benl!w. Time: .. ., MVDnlt U CIL 350 ywdt Cer9loC (CerdouJ UO 4 20 3 IO WhdnCI Six ten.owl 20 eo 10 20 Mina NII.. FOXltot IP-..) a 80 Alilo r~ Mt Sect.I C-. ~altwly Anore, Su1>9< lllcll, Eu y Six Rocll•ll• ~Jaine C-, Peggy 0-.... nm.. 17 72 • OACTA ~51pelOl20180 • fltCI( lfl( (tl-4-7·10-1-8) pWd '"· U•4.10 Wllh lllrH winning Uc:k alt (•I• lloreH). 12 Plc:k Sia cont olallon paid t 112.40 with el wtnnlng Itek-tllw ,__, llGHnt uca. 440 ywest Tip VO*.# ...,, fTon1t•I 8 oo 3 80 2 eo Selnl ~ Dee (Hidinger) ,. 40 5 20 Mlloe SI Patnct. (VelOtol) 3 20 Alto ,._,: Roer1 Mongo, II Pay, Mt• TlrN, ~.Run NatM Run nm.. 22 14. • DACTA (S.tl .-.i 18140 '9n'H MCC. 360 rwoe. .. nm. Copy, ... _., 12 00 4 20 , 40 ,--. ~ !CtMger) 3 00 3 IO .--...-~ 920 AMo r~: W-() L-MIN MIOflly t Alllet, TOMI WlllOw, l-Umlle, Actl.,,. ~ ......... """' eounc. a.... Cul• "-'-""'* 11.11. • DACTA !Ml .-.i $31.40. A,._._),491 1:rElf#:~':...,., IMlle l llflle jHwlyl • 00 I 10 t to ,....,_.. t...-.i I 00 4 IO ...... wy(~I • •*» Alee ..... "'-" ........ "-.. Oeliolll L-• wee. .. .,. C<o.M, Clnllw• .._ o.., ''fl'Olt'f, "'•"'• "oom, 1 .. 11 ~ lly hloofto(e 'OOI Tlfne I II tll .. COMO MCa. I 1111 ...... ltluhl ._ 111....,I 4S 20 1110 ti 00 Chliif c.lebr•ttoft '°''•' 10 eo e eo •~by Hille (T0tol 11 eo Alto •ACelO. l!d'• Oynul), lummet Knlghl, PrW. Of Nole. IJtlr• ~. Mall 0 Qt.,.,. 0......, toy. Ptem111m OeclOel•, Ptau Pftnc. TlcM I 45 2/tl • DAILY DOUll.I (:1-tll pa.1c1 & 102 00 TIWIDAACa.I~ W~ (CNIW*Sal 1& 00 I XI ~ 00 MIN~ H111 lva1en1. .... 1 • eo a eo MIM~H ~I 440 Aleo r90M C.1dl The anow. ,r_ie OUe4y Oen\MI, I A'f#/Y Jo L~ CM. lllOMll\ Lett<.,~. l••ft G-. So60 HldlOtV Tllne I 10 SI& '°"""" RACL 1 111e ...-"':ti:-. (~I 7 20 e 20 3 eo Hu (Steiner) 8 90 e 20 Fully V•IM (Galll18nOI • eo Fac e ndon'• Boy, Qlatanl Riv e r. WhO•••l"-Vlll•taay, a.ti Tl•• Traffic, Jim Jim, Anolh« Cole. CorPOt•I• HMd TW.... 1:46 1/6. """"uea. 1 111e -Soc>N91tca•ed Girl (OINy) 2 eo 2 eo 2 20 ...... iewry Honey (Steinwl 6 40 3 40 M.,._,.•(Plncey) 290 Alto rac.d Prominent Miu , Edgcote Ledy, Prtnc.a Oummo. Petajet Tougll llllle Ju1191'6'. OteMI TllM '44 115 • UACTA ($-1) pelCI $&7 00 eant RACL 8 f\iftonve Cfyptwch (Mc:C-on) 10 40 e 20 4 40 &Old l"•ond (~y>e) • 20 • 20 Cannll!tn (Romero) 4 40 Aleo ••c:.cl Ja.bbef Wact.y, o.<:on1r01. WenelQl\9, Beel Yet, A.ck Act< E,_gy, Pley For Pow•r. Ala Forbea. Acq1.1ltl11on, Ra~1 Oii 415. UVRNTH uca. l'AI mllet on Iliff VIOOt (McCwron) 5 IO • IO 3 20 llelonglt\g (~) 4 20 s 00 My Na1'v9 p,.,_ (PIM9yJ • eo Aleo r..i. Fabl.lloua sen. Coun•-T"'Y Competeblllty, Gt.y Suun, 8•111 Wing Abou1S-TllM 141 315 • DACTA (~I pelO see> 00 II ..c« a&X (~2~51 peld $20,718 40 ""'" llw W"*"Q -·· (tbl ~~ S2 Pie* Sia con•oteuon paid 1 18110 wllri 21• wlnnlnQ 11ct..ia cnv. ~1 UCllHTH UCL 7 lur1onga f'at>uto.i. Notion CPletWI J 40 2 80 2 •o ea.tern a.ti« (Slblll•) • 20 o.1 "" I'm Preet~ (l'tnuy) 3,40 Aleo •ac:•d Sml1ken, Shulil 8rown C-tteland. 1111;e J.i Seo!, Slepl\alMe Bryn, Luct.y Lek-Monc19y Mletr ... Tim• 122 l9lrH IUICL 1 11 UI m- elg Doug 1""-YI • 00 3 oo 2 40 0.... o.lienl (Oeiehoueuye) s 40 • 20 Pi-. a. On flnw (~on) 3 20 Al9o reced. S'WO<d ot HonOur, CNr1y N' Henigan, Eaglet Fl\19, Ou .. 1 OI Quality RMI' t Bond. Slldlluv Aeg.i 8POrt 1<1111\o Hid!' Nof1h Lin. Tlmr I 43 415 • DACTA (4·11peld S~00 An~anoe 27,524. P'talC NOTIC£ P'talC NOTICE - ~ ~ . ... Wllfl•~-· , ...... W L .... ......,. t4 • IOO heltle ,, • "' ~ It 1, Ill 'onleNI ,. " ..,, OOICMfl ..... It " 400 .... OleOo • n , .. ...... ,OMetN ,...,,...Cnr 17 10 ~ 11111 AnlQlllO '° ,, 126 o.n-13 11 U3 Dell .. If •• dt Ulen 12 20 371 Houeton 4 20 1)1 UIT•flN Ca.t'tMNCI AliMtMDl¥leMll Pl>iltd<lll>"•• 14 • •2• eo.1on u • 7)3 Nft WHY 17 13 H1 WeelMllOIOfl •• I) so' ~Yor' II It 317 e-1re1~ Ml""Mll(" ii " eM o.troo " ,, 000 Allfln18 " 16 413 lndiena " 11 371 Cntc600 10 20 »3 Clevelend • 2& 131 ,,_.., ........ IAllM8 137, a..me 111 Nft Yon. 84. C'-llend 88 SM Antonio IOI,~ 102 MllWMM 111, OeliM Ponlancl 113, K-. ~107 SM o+eoo 1oe • .._,on lndlene 115, Utall 114 ao.ton 146, o.n-132 Phoenix 1 1 s. o.tron 81 T_..._I'• 0...... No g-acl\eduled Laken 1'7, Ion* 111 .. llt ••• , ,, , .... ... • • • ...... 2'\ 7'\ • 13•.., 5 5•,.. l'AI 10 10· ... llATTLI -Sllellon 22. V18nH 13, Oon.tld90n 2t, Thompeon 15, Wllllatnt 20. lOlbefl 8, l•own 0, l<llHr 8, Smith 2. Radl0td 5 Tolell &1-84 16-29 117 LOI MtOti.al -Remble 12, WMk .. 1', Al>du>.Jel>bW 21, E .Johneon 17, Ht11on 24. Cooper 12, Mc:Adoo 22, Worthy 3, c JOhntoll a. Lanc1et1erew •. Jorden o. McGee 0 TotU.· &e-N 25--2t 137 e-..byo--. S..nte 32 28 28 31 -111 Lot Angelet 35 )8 87 30 -137 Foui.c! °"' -None "9bolind1 -Seellle 43 (Ooneldon 111. Lot Anq•IH u IE Johneon I I AMlet..S..llle 32 (Wiiiiama 11). Lot AngelH 38 (E Johnt on 18) Tol•I toui.-s..ttte 24. Lot Angelet 28 A-17. !505 couror UC ntne • I. Montana 7S UITlllN MONTANA -Otbo•n• 10, 1'9ylon 8. e.1ey 11. G<_, 111. MOl'ltetth 2. Wlan1ew91<1 e. Brlmrnet 12 TOI ... 28 17-25 73 UC .. YM -8Mna 2. 8ardlll9y 2, Tum.. 15, lllornton 15, Murphy 13, Lopez 4, Mc:Oon•ld 6. C.,mon 10, B•••dtl•y 14, Grend9--8, MuOlgen 0. Spinn 0 lot•. 3' 21·2819. Helfltrn9• UC lrvlne, 50-40. T 01a1 loult E.utern Mon1-22. UC lrvtne 24. Fouled OUI Gr_, IEMI. MOl\leOh (EM) Gr9nd C.nyewt M, loC .. Cohae• ~ eAUrOMIA eou.roe -~ 22. Pluiln« 13. Smith 8. Shannon 2. Ple<c. 16, Cotti 6 Roger• 2, Hirt! 1'1. Mor--. 8. Tote1t 35 30-40 ee QAAND CANYON -Pyw-118, P~ 8 Mead 6, Ferri• l:l. JonH 7, Bou t 8, McKinney 4, Si.pie 5. GlllM 13. Kllk 13, lltmen 2. Tolell 35 2~& Cl4 Helftlm« G<llnd Cenyon, 48-42 Tcruol 10\ila: Soul,,.,.,, Cellt0tnle Co11eOe 31, GrMd Cenyon 28 fou~ out Shannon (SoCel ColleOel. Plulmer (SoClll Colltll)el COMllUMITY COUEQE ....... 1ld1 ... Ooktef'1 w ... 71 ~ WIT' -l<reelch I&. J-3. Revla 13, Ourhem 14, Slber •. Mytee &, °°"*" 10, Polndeilter &. Mutrey •• Mw1lno 2, 8-O. Totala. 21 11-31 70 .,,.,...,. -f""-r "· .._ 4, "'9cl 11. Ow>. e..tier 8, ~ 22. c.w • . °""">'le.~ 2, ~ ... I Conk- 4 T-· 31 18-2t t4 ~ ,.,_.,., ..... TOUI ba. GOiden ... 29. ,.,_.... 19: Fouled ou1: "•vi• (OWC); Teoll"toa le ~ ...... NlllC NOTICE ........,.. COURT CW Tltl ITAft CW CAU'ORNIA ~ ne COUNTY CW OftANCll€ .,_.,,_ ....er• ACTITIOUe eu ... u •m• flCnTIOUI ~U ~TO IMOW CAUM IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF AOMONO DE1.AO FOR etv.HOE OF NAME WW-AOMOHO DELAO lla1 Ned hie petition with ,,,. Clet1' of tNa (:Our1 tor porn-..on to ~ 1111 '*1'19 from AOMONO DELAO lo ARTHlolA AOMOND DELAO now. ~. IT ta HEREBY ORDERED thlll a.n pef90na lntWHled In IM m•ll•r oloroaald •PP•., •I 700 Civic: CIHllM Drive WHI. Sant• Ana, ClllDf'nlt on Jenuery 31, 11113 11 IN "°"' at 10:00 t.m In Dept. 3 of ... o.r. end then llnd ,,_ • .,,_ ~. Ir Ol'1 ttloy "-· wtry Mid ap,..cetlon for chong• of n•m• lhOllld l'IOt be 91' ... led. 'ICTTTIOUI _...... N.u. aT'ATIEllEfT' ..,._ IT'ATIE•NT Tri• following poreon 11 doing lll• lollowlng po1aon •• doing tiusi-u 00"""9 u BVRT CLOSE IHSUR#.HCE. SARAS CHINA MAHKET 14113-0tonnoyr•. lagune BMctl, CA CAFE. L TO c/o W iiiet enc 9~1 Harpole, 510 Newpot1 Cent« 011ve. C 0 N NIE 8 ETH CH A IS- S ult• 1530, N•wport e .. c:h. TIANSEN. 8117 MyeUC Woy, L.- Cellfornle 928e0 Boecll, CA 92e61 Louie Seu tu, 350 Sou1h Thll bu~ le condveted by en Flgu1ro1 StrHI, Suite 270, Loe ·ndlvtdu•I Angetot. Callfornle ll0071 C o n n I • Be 111 l'llla t>utlr>Me le conducted by • CMstf1.n..,, Hmlled portnerahfp Thia stelomonl WU nled wt1h I,.,. lout• S.Utu. County Cl«'k of Ofenge County on 0-el Partner o-nbel 14 11112 Thll 1191-1 WU flied wl1ll lhO Counly Clerk of Qfenge County on o-Tlbor 21, 11182 LOUii alUTU, AH__, otUw ... ....._ .... ..- ktte 270 1'21M111 PvblleO OrllnQe Cout Dolly Pilot, Oec 11. 2•. 31, 1082. Jen 1. 11183 5478-42 NlJC NOTIC£ FtCTmOUS...,..... N.-ITATt!mJft .,,_ ITATURHT The lollowlnO por'ION .,. ~ l>Uli.-U AMERICAN RETIREMENT AHO "M ERICAH RETIREMENT SYSTEMS, 30S WHI 1<•1•11 •. Ofenge, CA ll28e7 AMERICAN COMPREHENSIVE RETIREMENT' INC •• Ct lllornl• corporation. 171111 Mllchetl Ave., lrvlne. CA 112714 Tiiie buelMM le oondliCled by • corporation Amoncen eomp,on.n111w RMlromonl, Inc: ~ SaddlngtOll, Thie 1t•lemenl w• nled with lhe County Clefl< of Ofenge County on o-nt>et 21, 1N2 ~ Publl.fh•d Or•ng• Con t Dally Piiot. Dec 24. 3 I 11112 Jen 7, 14, .......... ~~·1 •WCMIT l(AMCMI Herbt 2 Wolle 14 'olk 14, l ••o•r 21, MoOev••n 0, .,_.,., o, too-o. °"" .. , .. o. AlteOfl 0, l'rtnlllll\ 0 TOIMa It t> H 11 llA\flfl O•••ec11 6, lolomon I I Meruelall I, Klallt!IM 7! leuerlllln 1• ........ 11 . ....,.., 0, Joelln ;ii, o.c-0 C.y• 1 TOI•~ 21-SI U -...-,cau.-. NewJ)()(1 Hatl>OI 14 12 13 12 & I ..,.,.., " ilO ·~ 1• 6a tot.i 10\ila ~I HllllOf 28, klllle 27 fouled Olll HlllllW (Hewpotl Hetl>Oll WOife (N9wpotl Hetl>Ol I 8-(Newport Hflll>Otl l>arHk (l•••ll•I • .Crallmen (ll•1v1tel Mat..-n (~l•I .. tanot. •• le Otl&ftta 11 llTANCIA Plnc~n•y t . M11tl•l• Cl JMQat 24 .Jollnelon 1 C"'11a 22 Loct.wood 0 Motel 2 TOI ... 28 1•·23 M LA QUINT'A Dll>ba •. KOllaf 2. VII.I 14 ~tlutDW I I, M-12.,._i.or09 ~ . w~-1. Jonnto11 o. Wal\d"f 2 Tole!• n 7-1' 81 '-•llYOu#t ... blencl1 11 2CI 12 12 Cle IA Oulnll 14 20 13 14-81 Totel IOlll•· Eetena• 12, L• Oulnte 23 M1N1on v .. ao u. Woodbndae 40 •lllON \flaJo -~rl"ttn 8. Hiil ('MOwry •. c_.,i a, Mlllell't 1. Muench 1 1. Kw11 2 Cr...iord e, M..-2 TOI... 18 HI 42 WOOOWI CMl -F0ttnger 9. eor-I Radovclcfl 18, Mortilend 4, W ... 2 Buike II, Cryw 0 Totela 17 6--1 4 40 --.-,o-w.. M_,. VMljO 10 17 8 8-42 WoodbrldG9 1:1 12 10 5 40 Total lo<M Ml9tion VlajO 18 WoodbrKl1>9 11 FOU19<1 out Mawty (M!Mlon VtejO) Unlvenlty 54, lrY1ne 53 UHIV9AllTY -8elengef 7, E-et1 10, 8IOIU>tf 7, Blall• ... Cnot 8. Cele •. GellUte 0, l<ltUnger 0 l otalt 23 8· 17 54 IRYINa -RhO<>ee 10. Manet 7. UMM)I 17. C.,.,., 8, Blelmen 8. 8r01.0\llCll 4, FlyM 0 lotei.· 20 13-22 63 ..... "' li'efto4t Unl¥wllty 13 18 13 II &-64 ltWla 13 18 7 10 5-53 Tolial loula Vnl-111y 18 trvtne 15 Fouled °"' 8leln\an (lrvtne). SID110l1 (Un1-" .. ly) £1 Dcwado s1, w .. tininat., u n.n.tlft" Eaaun 18. 0.Uv- 3. ~ 14, Johne1on 2. Orem• 3. NIC:olal 8 Totlla 18 11· 17 49 IL OO"ADO Br1.1b•k•r 11, Bye11 I Ca<mo 9, Oelwnen 8. Flore 18, Hekamen 8 Men1llelcl 1, 8chwer1z 2 T 01ale 21 9· 18 5 1 ..... "' 016911en W•lmlntl., 1 I 12 10 18-48 El OoredO II 11 8 23-51 Tole! loule W•lmln•I• 15, EJ OorltClo 12 HtGH aCHOOl WOMEN lkl1TOUDha 54, OcMn View 52 OCIAM YtlW -WM>O 17 Cllomlc:l 9 Slmell 8, Oouly 2 ChaM 18 German 0 TOI• 18 16--28 52 IUNIOUQHI (M>GaCMIT) -K ....... 14, Klnlltnnon 1(1, Scenlen 12, VMICll 10 Andeteon 8, C.d o. Hll)'et o. G•CI• '1 ~tog 0 TOIM 24S.8M 8-'ebyo-tere OoMn v-Cl • ,. 17-62 Burrougfla (RlclgecrMl) IO 8 14 n -!>4 Total lo.;la 6CMn V-12, Burrouglle 22. Fouled OU1 Klnllennon (8). VMld> (8), Douty Mat., Def 47, WMtmlnat., 45 WllTMINITI" -Ea.attn 13, Sc:l\l•nga 10. Guthn. 4, wateon 14, Jon.. :l, G""'t>oa 2 Tot• 18 7-17 45 llATlll Dll -l Baker e. Oelt1ey 8, ,,.,.,,_,,, 1. e.rry 8, Ber1-> 10. K e.i.w 2 • Ale:. 0, I( Alley\e 0. W•ttwf0td 8 TOI.,. 21 ~5., ._...,o...r. Wet-1er 13 13 Cl 10-4!1 -Del " • 14 11-l TOie! IOYla. w-...-I, .._ Oe1 12. Fountai&n Y ... r 41. Foothaa 37 'OOT'lta.L -~ 2. Strong 6, o.ur 22. M..-.n 2, Da8enlll 4, OeOdy O. l<r-' ~ o. Prettlnr; 2. ~ o. Cta.. 0 TOlela 16 7-11 37 "8lJC NOTICE M'ORTANT NOTICt! 1' YOUR l'llOPIRTY 11 IN fORt!CLOIURI HCAUH YOU ARt! elH I ND IN YOUA l'AYMIEHTa, IT MAY et! IOLD WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION, ..t JOU nle'f l\aH the ..... rtgtit to •ring JOUr eoCOUftl rn good ........ "' pe'l'flt ... °' ,_ ,..., dw• parm•nla plua permitted _... Md .. ..-wltMn tttrw _... "°"' the ... ..... netloe ol d•l•ult wta reoonl•d. Ttila -· .. IMt.oO -of NoffmlNf 17, 1tn, .nci wlll IM,._ until ,_ Hoount ""4Hn•• ourroftt. You ...., Ml heft t• ,_,tho°"*• Uftpeld (Nf1lofl of ,_ -t. ewe" lti•ueti lull P•r"'•"' wta ~ but ,.., ..... po'f ttie -••tat.d ..... Alter lhrM monthe lrom the dele ot re<:o•dellon ot 11111 doc11men1 (wtlldl dete ol recordallon llP9Mrl 11eroon1. uni-,,.,. ~11on belflQ foroc:IOHd Upo<I C)ermlll e long« penocs, you ,,.,,. Ollly t,.,. legal r1gtll rT II FURTHER ORDERED thlll • OOPr Of tNt ~dot to Sllow C«JM be pub!llNd In The Dolly Pllo4' a llC•epor of gon«ol c:ln:ul•tlon publltiled once • woelc tor lour IH ~ 11 N9 WMlll. la. A ....... c ......... I0071 '1115111 Publlahed Orang• Cont Dally PllOI Dec 24, 3 I, 1982. Jen 7. 14. 11183 The tollowlnO poraona .,. doing ~-TRJ-X RADIOLOGY MEDICAL 11113 563~2 10 II~ IM IOtocioeure by peying ------------Ill• entire amount demend•d by DATED: Oocambor 7. 11142 FRANK OOMENICHIN1 JUOOE ()r: THE SUPERIOR COURT ...., ........ ~ ... ......., .. ~ =tttu.... ......... v......•auln•d ...... "••ai••111 OAICa, CA t14lil ('l'llt_ ... nt'I ~llatlod Or•nge CoHI Delly ..... o.c. 10, 11, 24, 31, 11112 541~ ..cnnoue .u.aa umlTA,_..., n. folowtrlO per-. -doing ~-C.D.P . AHOCIATES. 11084 =.••tlelt l•n•, CyprHa. CA p()HH ALVIN PUGH. 9084 ~Mtlcll Lano. CyproH , CA ~A .. Ol llE PUGH, I014 C8Cld'Mtklll L•M, CyproH, CA '°=' ....,_ .. ooncluei.d by • ..,...,. .... ...,. c.et L Pl.dt 1Nt ... 11 FWll -.... wttll IN ~ Cllrtt ol Or'lftOO CQUn'1 on D ....... 1•. 1tl2 ,_ ,,,....,_, Otanoe CoHt 01111 ,...., o-. n . t•. it. 1N2. Jon. 7. , ... . ~ Nil.IC M>TIC£ Flc:nnoua-.. ... u N.u.•T'AnMENT' Tiie lo4lowlng ~ -~ bu"'-.. : ROVAN I WALl(ER ASSOCIATES, 2740 San Ct rtoe, Coete ....._ CA llM21 JOSEPH W AOVAN. 2740 89'1 Cenoe. Coete Meo&, CA ll2eae STEPHAN A WALKER, 10680 Et &M, Fount.in Ve/lw/, CA 92708. Thie ~ le conclYClod by e Q«1Wal ptr1not9flip. ~w Ro'N\ Thia ltllt-t wao Ned wttll tho County Clor1! of Of9"ge Coun1y on December 17. 1062 ...... P1.1bll1hed Ortngo CoHI Delly Pilot, Dec. 17, 24, 31, 11112. Jen. 7. 1983 547M2 GROUP. 1211 West L9 PMna, 8ul1• 404. ANlllolm. CA 02801 L1wronco C MtdHn. M.0 ., 1135 N. Columbine St .. Anaflelm, CA 02801 Peter T Olla, M.D., 1301 Arru,o Undo DtM, Soni• AN. CA 02705 W11119m E Lewi.. M.O., 700 AMdlo Clrcile. Fullerton, CA 112632 Thie ~ .. oonduc:1od by a o--• s-tr* tlllp i.---c ...,.,, ... o . Thie lllltM*lt -Med wtlll tn. County CW1t of Orange Counf'f on Nov ft , 1082 ...., P1.1blltf\9d Ot•no• CoHt D•llY Plot, O.C. 17, 24, S1, 1M2, Jon. 1, tM3 NlllC NOTICC P'talC NOTICE your ct.Oii« To nnd out 111e tmoun1 you muel flCTITIOu• eu..... pey, or 10 •rr•nge lor peytMnt to NAMa ITATIMINT atop lh• lor•c:loau1•. or II your The loOowlng porllOl\I are doing properly 11 '" loroc:lo.ur• for any t>uet,_. u : otll•r ••Hon, con1ec:1 ALLEN & J K 8 AOVERTISINO AO ENCY. FLA TT. ogent and auorneye !01 10221 Slet•r Av•, 81111• 103, PCM Aoa11y atld M811agernetll and Fountain Vall9y. CA 112708 1 h o A n•ll•lm HllU Ple nn•d 8 ES 0 YAN FIN AH CI Al Community Anoc:letlon 4400 ENTERPRISES. INC .. o Celllomle MocAr1hur Boul•n•d. $1.111• 370, c:o1porallon. 10221 Steier Av•. towport B••cll CA 112880, Bull• 103, Founteln Va ll•y. CA 11 ... 102.7474 112708 II )'OU have any quoellone. you Thie bu..,_ II oooduc;ted by • 111ould c:ontact • l•wy•r or Ill• oorPOr•llOft. gov.,nmontel egorlC'f wlllch may '-<>yon f'IMf\clal haYI "*"ed your I08n EM~ Inc: Remember, YOU MAY LOSE Aobor1 W-"-hooywl LEOAL RIOH'T8 IF YOU 00 NOT Prllldont TAKE PROMPT ACTION Thie ttet.,,,.,.,1 wu lllod .ith lh9 NOTICE IS Hl!RE8 Y GIVEN tllet County Clerlt of Orange County Ol'I puftullll lo A1 tk:to I.IC, Section 7 ol Oooen'lber e, 111112. 1110 Decluotlon of Cov•n anlt. ,._, Cond lllone ~·nd R•1l1tottone , l'tCTTT'IOU• ...._.. Publl•h•d Ortno• CoHt Dally recorded AP<" 21, 1177, tn 8ook MAm ITAftmNT Pilot. O.C 17. 24, St, Jen 7. 1"3 121811, Pego41 209-327, ot Ottlolol lollowll'lg doing Mo&M2 Aooorde, Ofange County. Callfc>ml&. NlJC M)JIC( ~ ~ -------------• btHCll or 1110 obllg•tlon ol "IC_ .. --•• FARMER A.880CIATES. 25251 PtllllC NOTICE p•yment of ta1H1men11 h u , ., ...... --ooc:urroct Nolie. of Miid br..cfl ~ MAim ITA~ NUOYa VIII• Dfflo, Leouna Hlguol, ,tCTTTIOUe ...,_.. lien ... ftlod for -.cord on AUOU-1 Th• tollowtno poraon I• dolflO CA 92977 NAm ITA~ 24, 1"2 u ,,,.,,_, n -2t'1Me ~-NMCy Ftrm.,,2112111Nuon T llowt I di · 0 , .... ......, VIiie Oflva, Legune Nl....,ol, CA ho 0 I ng porton I Ono f H id Olllole l Aocord1 NO T'·8t+IRT TYME, &Mt ...,...., ..-bl.tel.-u ~ 119ymon1 Of pul dw amountt hOt ~~·· Huntlnoton 8Hch. CA 9291J.m.. p Fanner, 25261 Nuovt THE IHVIA'TED OAO\JP, 113'4 occurr.O TtleNf-. the """*"' lo. A''" .. INE E. SHAW, 6191 Vl1la Drive, l•Qunt Niguel, CA. Amottiy91 Slrwt ... lboe lllMCI. CA Hlll t l'lenn•d Community "" 12817 02"2. ANOC11llon do.a httooy atoot lo Olldrttd O#'Glo. Huntlft01on e.tch. Thie buolneM .. conducted by.,, I< EHN ETH H I!. .. 111! RT .... or OIUH 10 b• •Old, th• CA 02841. JOHNSON, 113 ..... Amolh'flt St., IOClowlng dMCribtd , ... ptopotty to Tillt ~ II oondllC1ecl by "' vntncorpor1tod •Hoolellon 011\or 84lltlOI lelN'd, CA 02982. HJl•f~ Ill• obtlg1llo n· Lo1 112 al lndMduel. thin • ptll1M4'1f11P. Thia buelnlN It conducted by en T'l'I01 Me& • per m111> r.oordocl In lorrlllno L lh.. Nenoy FtrnMr tndMduol. aootc '402, PIQM 40 to 44, lnelwtM. __ .,. __.. Thie ... _. -tllad *""tho Thie tCattrnent -tllad with tho K9rlnoth H. Jottl\IOC'I of Ml1oall•ftOOUI M•P• In tlla ..,...,..._.--,.... ___ .., ___ ,""'---Coun1y Q9rtl of Orv.ga COunlY on County C1ettl on O.C. 1• 1':i.-. Thia atet-1 wt1 filed 1lllll\ tfll Or.not County~. ot,,......... ... IC HIA .. INGI WILL Bl o-nw 14• 1912. ,_ Publltllod °'''r.. C~tl Deity County Qw1I of 0tMgt County on ltnown .. IU llu•blld Clrcl•. H 0 IY THI COITA .... ,. p .. ,I_ ....... Ot • ,. ____ 0••~ ~ ......... ·o 17 4 "'1 1M2 o.o.mw 14, 11112 """'*"'· Clllfom&t ooew••K* AT,..... ""' ...... -no ........ '"""'· .-.. ' · · · .. · ,_ TM~ ¥9ltecl awner(•I oe ui. HM.L, 11 ,.., .OWM, C.. Plot, 0.. 17. t4, ft. 1NI, .Mn. • 6't1D-f.2 P11t1Utlled OflnO-Coaat Oellt ~II Cknld C8tP11Mr ~ • lclO ~.In. or• 1113 1114242 Nol. Doo. 17, 14, J1, Jat\. 1; 11tf 0 et e d 1 HOVI Ill b• f 12, • ,...,.._ tMl'Mft~ Oft "9lJC llOTIC( 6't7'41 tlU ANAHllM Hill.I "· .len11err 10 1111. ------------l'lANHIO 00 .. MUMITY A er .. 119 th• totiowlnt P\llJC Mme( ~IT"~H P\ll.IC llJTIC( AllOCIJ,TIOH -,.,_, ly: LINDA WlST'ALL ....... T,_ = M1117 ~ WH 1111 ~ l*Mfll .,. d01nO "°1mOU9 ...... ~ant l«nllfY p•,t·~--::r""i: 1M 1011ow1:~ecr. dotno ~:;. 0" 11 TI T .. u. T Th• =:~. dol119 ~~Cl'°"J-i~'r ... ~ ~ ~ •: COHtULTAHf•, 1412 °"""' ~. tlUtlllllM et: On Hov•ITllHN' 12. 1H2 "1M• ··---.:.:= ORAHO UNION MtCl'IO hllel11,1Mne.0At2714. 1AtHOltON OATA , u• 1u.th•ul'lftfllfll9di..~~01a11 • t81llD1 1if1 IYITIMI, 44-0 ~St,_, ICIN COC>ftll\, 11 foolllt.one Princeton Or., Ooeta M .... 01' P11010 Ind fOf t.ict UCNn 91\0 1 . • ....,. eoeee ...._ CtillfOmle tta7 Olroet. tr¥lnl, CA t11 t4. Mtaa. ...... pereOMlly ~ a ....._ tw ~ Hwdd N uoeo,, utt 0.-JAMH \.. WATTl,_!HI I . OJ,HllL l'tOOKTON HU~T1 w.ttili, pmec! 10 1M an Ille Mlle •1110-.nM9lullilllfl ... ~. "...,OOll, c.lf1ornll ........... ,, ... ~~..,._ ... Pmoeton °'·· ~ \Ii" of ... ~ ........... tM HO. ~111unu1 "f1:.....,_ ....... .,.,., ~~~== U:...._11 Aul•t.ait~•.;:1::J..,!'.;.: ....... .... 121 ..... hl'f1f"' • "*'.,.,,....... : ~ ~· f\llMlll -............ d t i...1 t~o-....... tj ~ ~-t -0..., °"*' .. 1-M!t 1Nt IN ...-,oratton .,.. ___ ..,... .......... 11111 1 111•11 ..... """ "9 nitt _......,. "91 tllCt....... ~ llllJ ,_,, .. 1111111 -'Ml~~ 110 II 0a,, ...... ~-ai.t•°'9lltll~Oft ~Ollf\Ofor.,..~-~~OfO,.,...~ ~«·~·-' oriv.. oti1 t, ... ; D 1 .. 11. ,..._ ,_. lMtl n. 1tll ,_. oauwo. '" tm. ,... ., ~.,..... 1 Wlll.lntOll Ot""9 Daly fll ll ... ~ .... C.... ~ ",...,. 0.-·~ o.i ~ Of~ Ooett °* :.. ... Ol•OltHOlli " Nit o..: 11,; a11 tt1t. .lM.. 7, '4t NM Olla••. 11; ,..._ .-.. 1. u. ,..., Doo. r1. u , "· 1111; Jaon, 1, "" .. .._._. or~ Coe.I Diii• • - - -111S ,.. ............. ., , ... +'• -.,,... ~ ....... fllot, °"' 10, tJ, I r I \ ~t t DAfl V Pll Ol '"' 1-..ACNIWIO 0...0--**··~· .. 4.~ 0 A!JtwMele I , l(ie&JMll 0 ltoml•y t . Dyll ... • 4 ..... 0 .... t Oellf181* t , K9<1fmttn t , Hoop1119atrte• 1 l"lnhalfo O foi.18 I) 4 4 )0 IDllC* -UCNJono 1 C.•• a ~Ofl • ..,.,_ ,, Meltl!Mwd1 It,,,,... ei..- 0 OllfliMI 2 To!aM It 1&.tt 83 .... .,o-.. l.llltWI 4 • 10 10 )0 (d-10 9 •• 22 83 lot.i IOUlt (.;Nno 2 I, Edi_, I , 'oui.d o.;I Oyl. tlfl !Cl letenol• u, ., .. a llMA -Howl 1a 8t•llet a, TllOmae t , M~ 2. LMll> Cl TOlale 20 2 9 •2 llT'AIK:IA -Cetpenlet 10, H9111C04* It, 7';'69~~ 9. Bt&.Lell 4 Huot-• Tot• 23 eeet•i.,~ .,,.. " • " 10 '2 l!ttencta 11 10 1) " as f otel IQU19 !Ir .. 10 f.et.ncle I I QATOR BOWL Florlde It. 11, W. Ylrglnl• 12 '-•brOven.n W•tl Vt1g1n1e 0 8 0 II 12 Ftotlde Sl•le 3 I• I• 0 3 I FSV FO Hal< 20 WV U FG Woodtlde •I FSV-8 Allan 85 klClcott retlJ(n (Htl k~I WVU-FG Woodal<le 34 FSU·MCKlnnon 27 paaa ''°"' B WllH•·"• IHlll klGI<) fSU-0 Alle<t 29 run (Hall kK;kl FSU-0 Allen I run (Hall kick I wvu Mllltr 28 Pitt hom Wn1ta IP• .. IAllelll A eo.v 13 Team •t•ll•Uce wvu Flrtl down• 22 RuM'>ff y.,cs. 41-155 PaUlng yarcs1 208 Return y••d• 92 p.,._ 14·34·2 Punll 4·31 fum-IOtl 2-0 Penen .. a-yardt 5-57 r1,... 01 Po .... aion 32 60 ,.., 23 34·2&8 20• 83 16--321 4-37 1-0 11·100 '11 10 lftdMdual tlelltllce RVSHIHO-WVV. Mullen 2·42 Wolll•t 7·32 Walc::ial< 7.30 FSV G Ahn 15 1» McKinnon 1-85. R Wllllama 10-35 PASSINO·WVU, Hotl•llar 10·28-2 111 While 4 6·0 -VO FSV, 8 W1lll1mt IC5·30 1·20• RECEIVING·WVV Miiier 5-100. R•ugn 4 110 FSV. Mobley 4·34, H Jon" 3·28, M'l(IMOI' 2 38 COLLEQE BOWL ROUNDUP Hell of Fam• Bowl T.O., (al e tnnlnfNtm, Alt I Vand•rt>lll (8·3) vt Air Jlmc:e 17 S) Gt1.,,nel 1 1 et 1 1 a m ./I Puch Bowl Todey (•lltti...18) Ten,,.....16 •·11 vs low• 17·•L ~ ,: et noon lhMbonMl Bowl T'ede1 (II ltoullOfl) Ar~llllMt (8·2·11 •• l'lorld• (7-31. Channet 11 •• 6 pm F'"l• Sowl .. twdey (•I T-.., Arta.) O~ltnom• 11·31 vs A.uona Stel• (8·21. Cl\•n""" • 11 12 $0 pm Cotton 9oW1 .....,. <• o.m-1 South••" Metnodlal ( 10·0 1) "' Ptn-gh Ct-21. CNnnel 2 et 11 • m ROM 8owl .........., ( .. fl....n.) Mlehtgen (S.31 ve. VCLA (._I-1 I C,..,,,.., 4 •12pm ~ .. Ot~ 1-.i•tltflt ,,J~ ... , ,, .. .. .. ,. ... II I• II CJ\911,. l 11 t • 111 ,:.m;;:, l'•11n lt•I• 111 11 "' OMlfl• 11 t·OI ""-... , ....... "" ...... ,.., NHL CAWtllll OOWWMNCI MttM~ • l T Oii OA.._ tomor11on 11 12 • , .. 111 " Wlnnl099 ,, It 4 14? , .. M C"ll#Y 14 20 1 113 173 M v~-13 It I ,,, 1)4 ,. ...... 14 II 0 .._. OtwtllllNt 121 , .. '* ChfCAl90 )5 • • 1711 1'2 M MU\f\MOla 20 10 • I .. 1U .. 81 lOUh 14 22 4 144 1ae a2 D.1100 • " " 'It 1•2 27 roronto 8 21 1 11• 112 11 W.Al.al COWaautC• l'etnotl oww-PllllflOe!PNI 21 12 Cl '" 121 •1 N\I lllandett 18 14 7 "' 124 •• W .... lngton 17 10 10 142 129 " NY llanoett 18 16 3 l&O IM :111 PllllC>ufgll II 21 8 12• 172 21 NewJerMy 7 2CI 7 108 173 21 ..S-aDt....,, 8001un n 8 8 181 107 &O Mon1r ... 20 10 • 175 131 41 0...t>K 17 14 • , .. 180 'O 8uflllo 18 13 7 13' 120 :SCI H .. 110<0 10 22 Cl 120 '" 211 ~.ao. .. WatNngton 4. Hetlt0td 4 ,.._ VOfk Rllng«t 5. New WM)' 2 ~~ T • New YOtk I •I lluflllo Cllk:ago et D.lrOM 8ot1on •• Min....,.• ecsmon1"" •I vencou- Men'• eoooer ltUMTINOTOM •ACH T'O. .. AmMT' Founleln Velley 2 . Le Oulnl• 1 l~I Founleln V•ll•y acorlng Smoot 1, MUiien I. 8anl8 Ana 2. Ml8ei0n ..,,., 1 (!Nrd) Hunllnglon IMch 4. Eetencte 0 (ftfth) Huntington e..c:h .oorlne. H~ I. Voolum 1, l/eugllen 1, ~ 1 ~artne 1. Swvtt• o (rlln1h P*»I M•lnll llCOflng: Gunn 1 <>"-...... V e1enc:1e 2, Kat... 1 Cenyon 1, Petoe V•O.. 0 Women'• eoccer OCIAM NW TOIMMA.....,. ........... Kennedy 2, Oceen View ' 0ceen View ecorlnl) Orf I El MoOene 1, Troy 0 La Quinta 2. ~ v..., 1 Mire C:0... 8, Low• 0 eeoeM ...... (Clo ............. ) El Modene 5, le a..ite 2 Mir• Coeta e. KMMdy 0 (Cu 1111d1 n .,_..., OoMrl v-5, l.08t• 1 OoMI> View acorlng. Ott 2. 8eelA I, Dering 1.111111. Troy 3, Cec*tr-v.-; 1 . INITIATION FEE UNLIMITED RACQUETBALL, NAUTILUS & POOL 50% Off Couple and F 1milJ R1t11 l ) Southern Callfornla's Largeat Offer Good Famlly Sports Throuch Center. . Jin. 1&, 1183 Call or come by for a free visitl i • A ·1 l ' ) r 1., u u 1..S.1 Y.U Y.U U.• 11.6 7.U 7.3.7 7.3.1 14 7 4.1 74.2 ~~.~.~ 7 4.2.3 7.4.3 7.4.4 7.4.5 7.4.8 7.4.7 7.4.8 7.4.11 7.4.10 1.4.11 14.12 7.4. 13 l.4.14 7.4.15 7.4. ti 1.4.17 7.4.18 7.4.111 u 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.30•1.rml,,•llon ol ~ Solldt (SS) 7.$.4 7.5.5 7.5.8 7.5.7 7.5.8 J8 7.8.1 7.8.2 7.8.3 7.8.4 7.8.! 7.7 1.8 7.11 7. 10 7.11 1. 12 .. • .. , ' ---. I -·- Jo1r.t .. ~~L l.AN . ••'1 Dee tit ......... ~ ....... vttd by luvlnt wlf•r ncu, 2 1on1: John . MeoM&llen ind J•mU MecMlllpn I clau1Mer • M.,,Y MaC'Mlllan ana T :· 1randchllclren Mamorud: _, HrvleH w•r• h•ld ot\l. ThWlday 0. 30 ln u.u ot flowen, contrlbullon1 1.o your favurlte cherlly Interment Pacific View Mnnorial Park, Pactfk View Mortuary Dlrecton IA&. Tl ..... ()trf ~-f\IYMU WftTC~ CHAf'lt. 4'J7 [ I flh S t co~ld Moi.n 64~9371 PACIHC YaW ..-.OaJA.LPAU Cemeterr Mortuary Chapel-CrematOfY l500 Paciltc View Drive NewpC>fl Beacn 644 1700 WcC~ ...OITUA&tll Laguna Beach 494 9415 Laguna Hills 768 0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 H.AUOll LA WM-WT. OUYI Mor1uary • C-emelefY Crematory 1615 Gisler Ave Costa Mei.a 5-40-5SS4 ,_Cl .. OTHIAS ml.•OADW.U wotlTUAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642 9150 E .. Cit 1 C>All Y Jltt ornr • ., f "' 1 1 1 fHt: •. '""·' C'IRC'l M tly Bil Keane "He's in the bathroom mumbling at the scales." ~t\R~ \Dl"KE by Brad Anderson ltfi ••' tr.-11 " •' '""•'• • 12. 31 "I want to report a missing husband!" Jl'DGE PARKER G.\Rt'lt:l.D 411 Pub notices 49 Circuit br ..... so Roof piece SJ Pi•ll ~Seat THURtDArl PUm.E IOI.YID • 58 Wltlf ....... r;i:,i~~~~~~ 6t Plftlll 112 Owrt 113 Goo poenter &4 rDA'tpet 11$ VIVtdout 116 Unlruttlng t7 Scooted 1 01t1M11I 2 Dtnllh lllMIU(t 3 Roule 4 ,lgtll & Btrn"• rl~ II ConlUllOfta 1 t1odley 21 Wtllmptr 2S Comtbtlelia 28Fount..._ hffd• 27 Gtntlt •u; c;t:o11ca: by V1tg11 P1rtch (VIP) ~"" "Look. I'm not going to •ny party 11 Old Man Time, and that'• flnall " DE~~IS THE MEJ\ACE Hank Ketchum J" ~ iJ ~ , 1 ~I :, ls lAAT A PICTURE or: MR. V..l tLSON BE~ H~ WAS ENl.ARaEO Z ,, ALL I CAN SAY l$ THAT THERE'S NO ~· HE . HE lS DESPERATELY Ft6HTIN(; FOf\ HIS LIFE~ by Harold Le Doux by Jim Davis Pt:i\~l TM by Chari•• M lchuli -------I II J J l u Tt: MBLE• EEDM PRE!Sf:N'ill\lG OUR V~FW FIRS"f lNPIAN OF "fWe ~AR AWARl7! Al\l17rfOOE:S10 OU~ M IGt111 e5'f. MeAl\IE::SI liJRAVE: lJOCOL-IC E'UFFAL.O ! SHOE PIP I 6Ye~ ~l-1-~ HOW MtJCH I APMIRE ¥001 EJ6 GUY? WE HAD A LITTLE NEW YEAR'S PARTY AT SCHOOL TODAY, AUNT FRITZI WE HAD BRAND-NEW NOISEMAKERS, BRANO-NEW CONFETTI -- GORDO Fl"~K ,. "l~kERBE~~ WHEN lME FAAADE 511\RiS I WAITT f.X)(.) 10 LOOK A5 ~15? AND 5HARP Ao~ ~IBl..(.)CAN! u-/"-__ _ Y' KNOW, IF PSOPU!S weRe MAPfa 1..11<.e :ZIPL.OC ~$ SOR6eRY WOLJ&,..t=' ReP..U...Y ~~ A s:>1ece OF CAKE!.' by Jeff MacNelly by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk ~EMEMBER ... iM~ A~E AT l...EA!>T ~VENTU-FIVE PEOPLE BACK HOME VIDE0- 11\PING 1Hl5! ~ 11-J/ • by Kevin Fagan .,,. ''"DAY, DIOIMllA •1. tllt TIE CIAIT Ill Tll c•m ClASSIFllD . Under the loving care of a horde of workers, Mission Viejo's "Sweet Days o( Love" swan floai begins to take shape. •I • f ,_ I DAil Y Pll Ot "t Jay1 D1iD1m 001111 011 llllHH BY CHARL I ~~ 00 N AND OMAA HAA!f' Eaat Weat vulnerable North deala, NOltTR •AIOU ~Qte 0 QJ 103 •Je WEST EAST •54 •KtU <::I AU <v O 0 5 0 978 •Q8UOZ • AI009 SOUTH •QJS ~ ll 108H O AK842 •Vold The bidding: NorU. Ea•t Pa .. PaM l • Pu1 3 l:;l Pu1 PaH Pu• Soutli 1 o;:l 2 0 ·~ Weat l'aH Pa11 PaH Opening lead rive o,..._. What makes a world cham pion'! Perhaps foremost, the ability to defend accurately. Watch Californian Mike Lawrence, who has several world titles Lo his credit. at work on his deal from the Open Pairs event al the re HOIOSCOPE rent World Ol7mplad In Ular rll t , ~·ranr .. '4oulh'1 hand tmpruv•d notlrubfy wh•n North rreponded on• •pade lo th• one hurt openlnar bid Nort h'• Jump preference tu heart• al h11 n1at turn con v1 nct>d South to continue on tu Kllme. Lawrence waa playln1 with Eddi~ Kant.ar of Lo. Angeles. He led bia fourth be1t club and declarer ruffed Kanlar'• kln1. The apade f1n eue loat, and Eut persevered with club1. Declarer ruffed and now made a slight 6rror -he led a low heart lo the queen. Since l::ut could not hne lhe att of hearts (he wu a paeMd hand and had already 1bown up wftb the ltlnr of spades and ace kins of e lube>. declarer 1hould have I.cl the king of heart.e from hand lo re~~ control. Ke cou1a tnen win"&rly return, draw one more round of trumpa and then play winnet1 unlil 50meone ruffed with the laat trump. He would loae only two lrump1 and a 1pade. f)titlar11r now could not lud another trump the tJ"fendera would be able Lo tollttt all lhto rHt of th~ tr ldu but two and l.awr•nc1t1 w11 abl• to prom fr<1m lh• error Dtdarer •tarttd caahln• hia wlnnera On the third •pad• Lawrence dlaurded a dla· mond, and on the lut he eluf. fed a club. Decla,., &&ekltd dlamond1, but We1i ellll reruaed lo ruff. He pa~ted with clube on the nrat three dlamonda. and when detlarer led a fourth diamond from hand. he let 10 another club. But thl1 time Kant.er WH able to ruff with the four of trumps. So after making aiit auc:ce11lve dl1card1, Law rence wu able lo score the last two trick• with the ace Jack of trumpaf Note that, if Lawrence rufrs at any point, declarer prevails. He wins any return by Lawrence. leads a tr ump to crash both outstanding trumps. aRd scores the rest with his la!t trump and tht' good diamonds. • BY SIDNEY OMARA ~ target. You'll IUCOeed in making moet of available material. Senae of direction ia restored with aid of Cancer, Aquariua per.>na. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): FotteS are ecattered -you'll attend aocial affair where important bus1nea. career contacta are available. Lunar emphasla oo penuulvene.., ability to exprese 9elf in friendly, dynamk manner. I Saturday, Juaary 1 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Emphasis on recovery, recuperation -peace replaces frenzy. Family, children play prominent roles. Surpriile due in form of good financial news. You'll have rare opportunity to fulfill at least one reeolution. Taurua is in pM:ture. 'rAURUS (April 20-May 20): Temptation ia to view through roee-a>lored gla.sses. That would be an error -define terma. get rid of supe.rfluoua material, steer away from self-deception. Telephone call relays information conoerning leues, property values. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Tendency ext.ta to consume rich foods, to act on impulse and desires. Check recent resolutions -realli:e more than mere appetite may be at stake. Short trip followa call or message from close neighbor or relative. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Search end.a; you locate what had been misplaced or stolen. Focus alao on income, payments, accounting and inventory. You'll be in contact with aggressive, dynamic people. You a1ao will be rid of burden which was not your own in first place. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Puzzle pieces fall into place -complete story unravela. Cycle la such that you make correct move.. declaiona at right time. Be ready for fresh s tart, chance for greater independence of thought., llCtion. Another Leo pla}'I key role'.' VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Information ts gleaned which makes you feel more secure. Confidential data ia available -intultion ia on SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Unorthodox procedure gets Job done -superior helps celebrate new year. You'fi be asked to test, revile, review and P'9ibly to rebWld oo a more IUltable structure. Taurua, Leo and another Scorpio figure prominenUy .. SAGITfARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Focus on travel. a variety of offers, unuaual cont.acta with creative people who are knowledgeable about publlahing, communication and education. Member of opposite sex expreHea confidence, aids in boostina morale. CAl>RICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Delve beneath surface for eolut1on lo mystery. Purch.ue of home appliances appears high on agenda. Review procedures neceuary to remove safety hazards. = ~tant paper• -review accounts, AQUARIUS (Jan. 20·Feb. 18): Obtain valid hint from Capricorn meaage. Go slow, lie low, review docwnenta relating to pertnerahipa, joint efforts and marttal status. Define terma, avoid aelf-deception, pt rid of auperfluoua material. PWcea fi8ura in acenario. PIStES (J'eb. 19-March 20): Relationahip ClCJl1lJllandl attmdon -compllcationa an.e lf you expect only to pt toes wet. Emphuia on tub at hand, review o1 employment picture, .reeolutiona concerning diet, nutrition and health. Capricorn filuree prominently. STATW a. MllCWJF I T a.u..~ AC'TmOUe _,.. .. Mm Th• tollowlng P•reon1 llave abandoned 1!19 i.. of tNt FlctlUoul ~.._ JIM ROHN PAOOUCTIONS, 2091 ....._ Center OrM.. ... 100. lrvlN. Celtomle 9271• Th• flollll~• 8ullnH1 Name relarred to lt>ove wH 111•4 In Dr-. County on A&IQUll 1. 1MO. ,... No. "'"2409. E. JamH Rohn. 3100 Plau OrtYe, a.nta Are. Cellfornl9 t2TIM 01nl1I Molrl d•, 1017 C1t1dlum, 'ount•ln Velley, Cllllornle t270I " T1lil.,.,..,.. -oonduc;l.ct by. ganerel pet11• lhlp. l.~Aofln TNe 9'.,"'*'1 -llt9cl ~ ""' County a.ti of Orange County Oft o-Tot>er 21, 1N2. C~IKAIDAM .., ....... c....~ ....... lnMe. c1•1 • mu Put>t11hed Orano• Co111 oa11y Pilot, Deo. "'· 31, 1112, '*'· 7, 14. tN3 • - • Ml'dlc.m Htc·umt' n/ l>CJlly l'll<Jl /amlllr1 111c•t1'tl11:14.flfAJ u 111ar Your ad rlfach11 tl1t cCJunt11'• ,,.,,,, u/llluml m..111no oudlt't1c1 "'"''""" 1111111.'" Ith tippllffh ..... hit hmtl IMI inflal tii CW lw 19 _....,.., .... ~-·lll~l~fllll~l.lili•1~11'°J!t!llllan..Al!l"Lw~1, , - - -•--· Oflillle en Ma'' .... I 18' O.M. I IN!. I M, flll, .... ""'' =• ,:•:.:.:.. '.:. UH llU .. II 13 ...,,, ~' n ~ttt, tou O'Mf .,.. '*""· ~.atG •'ii ~,1.:: ~im Pri11H• L1Ju Nord ba)lfrool & bdrm,~~ bath. !QO• Ml-146' Slt,, tQ n, atr, l\t le. fem .-0 1 hllte !IOI) l.61(> 1. Jt . 11ir t"fmd 2 hcJUt •llflll $1,!>00,000. --rm, wldt QrMnbtilt. ,_ 144-1410 PoOf ,9' below matllM 1---------... ~ HenlUdt>ll-d 3 IJdrm. ~ bt•th + tara.-re'(' rm • 9Lll 121&,oeo Wiii ..... op-LL l!!H!n l bram t"f'IU118JI. tumlMh<od, polloe $420,000 2 ldrm W.tld• CllYlded llOn ltlr f44.01M Wit trede ~ '*"" by CIOUble oar Olf90•· for 3 "' I .. l'IOfN II ,1.1.llu II... . Oonort\• drl~l ptlval• llde. OM, Na. IA Hgu. • ptUO., l127,7w. Ullm « Hwpt Hgta.. 11'M043 Occ-an & jetty vlowa. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 .., 1•1• lllr. • .... Ill Tren1(.,,94 to Or1no• bath. 3700 11q Ct $1,38!>,000 Oceanfrunl ... nit ... County, muat "" our Lllll llLI IHFllllT i..a,oun view from 5 bdrm, 4 bath, lam. nn. &.t alJp for 3 boata. Now $1>95,000. llYllll PUOf Spc!'Ctacular baytront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn :l boat spa«'t Reduced-$1,500,000 Fllllllll UIOll New 4 br, 4 ~ be, cuatom French Normandy" !'At.aw 1 2 prtme acre hilltop $1.25-0.000 OOIOIAIO OHi Coronado Ialand cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boaf dock. P~ avaU. Now $370,000 w/terma BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR } l ' ... 1 1 f • , t • f J • .,, , "• t-'. , ' ' , ~ f, I twftlUILLll Luxurloue living. One bedroom oondo with vtew of Fountain Court. Security guerded gate. 174,000 loan e1 1 f~%. Owner will carry 2nd lrull deed. I 115,000. 111-1100 .......... UITAL -High vlalblllty loc1t1on lull a •-t>tock• from th• b••ch Currently earning 11 .. 60 ~r mo. Priced right It S22t,000. Seller wlll finance 11 t2'h% 1n1w .. 1 with 20% down LOOI For our new regular weellty leeture IOIT SBOW- GISE Every S1turday In th• Delly Plto1 Cl-lfted• -~ Now I• the tknel Located II the foot of the 11111 In Big 8-Thia 3 Bdrm 2 beth MCUrity gai.d con- do le beeutlfully lurnllh· ad and near pool and 191. You c:en lltl to the front door. 1185,000 142·1200 PETE BARRE TI ... REALTY ""' .. nu ,, ........ ..... Otf ...... .... U,._.1001. t1()Hf:S Realtors, 87~ C.ttU •el llar ltn Plamllll SINllUffl Reduced to 1349.500. To qualified buyer wtlO can eloH by Jen. 15, 1983 Remode6ed 1982 4 Bdrm• 3 81. 3 eer ga-rage. 3 frplcl. Olk 1111- ctlen Clblnetl. ,_ ap- pllanc.t. Private beach eooeaa. 831·1400 - WATI Kl KCIHT ltOMI~.. 1 REAl E• 631 14 • I llO CANYON OUl'TOM. Honnen ~ coun- t -1 1 -on golf oowee. ~ dn. try .... " In U.. Auburn -ti -· Vaoanl. 11\ow enytlme . ., .. ne.ar 8auam911to, OwMt In Mf1oUI trouble ecrt. l!i_OH,000. trade your equity for • mu11 llqul~t• Aeeu-!!!1!17!3-!!11~1!!1 !«!!710-!!t!3t!!7 ~ mine, went 000,000 m&bte V.A io.n. Owner hofne In Or-. County wlll OOMldet ell ttMSM. p r I v a t e 'P e r t y Submit. Prtoed 1142,500. ..... " --1111'4&-7153. 1UL llTITI 11'111 4 8Clrm. a"M>e, 2 ttotY1-------- l -1.... 11•111 Palefmo mdl. bc.hn1i------- -•-r 1 llnenclng FH l and. ltat1l1 Ptplela faller 1134 Only &210,600. Contacti-..----.----- _ Jenn 8hee ...... r...uw No down•no quelllylng. • .......... ,,.,...... ,_, __ _. •tM 31r twnl\m. Move In, l4lt -• take over I 1200·12300 s Br 2 a.. A.,.. now tlll negot. pymta Shared liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil June 18th. ,.._ a kk:t• 1ppr9Cletton avllll. Wiii QCEAffR. ONT welcome. S7t5/lfto trade. Sue "f·55M 780-1'77 1ntet ''" NO DOWN 1-c.-... -.. -,-..,-2-1u- M11.D111 .a ',___.__ ·--.... WITH TDADE Harbor Rldoe. ptl)f. deco--.. _. 11\ rated, ful~ lumllhed " ~ ~ 9:';.:~ l•••"•tt p11111• Br. 3 Ba. m rm. OcNn cation. oNt 1 lhort walll tlM & city view. l30001mo. to PoOf end 1.-inll. ~ Cullom home 3BR .. Ba. 213-79().5125· duced owr l20,000 f0t et•P• to 11ndy beech Completely furnlehed fMt ..... ll!lllltlng 111 •• Prim• L1oun1 Nlguel FI r. p I I c . . 1 B r ae1umebl• 11 10.75%. location. f'uU price. 11, MOO/mo. NOW OHL Y 1288,600. t50.000. 87~et13 M4-fl11 AGENT '4.._t513 lewprt .... \2111 /Jn ,,l(,[l UAIL[ Y f;, ASSUUAT[S ........ ChWl'ftlnQ 2 ldrm. Noh"/ uporeded, upttelrl con- do. bcellent fln&llClng 1v.Uable. Aalllng 181, too. '°' .,, IOC)Olntment to ... e8lll 5'o-1t&1 · HERITAGE IH /\l TOR" ---- LIOO ISLE • 3 bdrm, 2 ti.. OCEAN VIEW CONOO 2 femrm. 11700 mo. Biii muter 1ultM. fplc, di· Grundy, Rltr. 87M1111 nlng rm, micro, pool, 3 Br. 2 Ba. Avell now. P«• tennle. T Me -pymtl & kids OK. long Of lhort of 111001 Agt. Marilyn 1, a 1 •. s 8 2 5 / m 0 552·2000 780-1977. DUPEUTE! -3 -Br-. -1v.-. B-a-. 2-ear-1111-. MUST SELL comm pool. Winter or THIS W£EKU 'lf1Y. Agt 875-8170 low•ll priced cuetom Herbor Ridge. Terme, Bnlft Oatualda .. .._. option. low down.1--------...-.... trade, eubmlt. Cell any-leural 2212 tim. M0-1~· 3 Br 2 Be SIOO H llWI .. &. 2 a. oc:nfmt 11100 ;; 1 Br. baytront 1850 llH•M llUllFlllT 2 Br. ocnfmt S1000 .... tmlnMl•t• poa ... 11on, .-1111.n Cl\erml119 "'Redwood" tredee aooepled. Cullom PllP P'!'Mmln modal • S BR. 2'4 beth9, 38r "B• •.. ndy bMch, ltM 111 dining area, profMllO· ••oell«tt Laguna Ntguel nally clecorated In IPflno locallon. Full prlc• 11.10--A-R_O_E_N_G_RO-VE_·_3 _8f_ colora. lg patio . air 095.000. Agt. &«-Hl3 2.,. ea. LullUfY cOndo. 2 conditioned. Community SPECT VIEW of Nwpt cw get FuN -ltl•. pool, tennl1 courta & Bey, 2953 CUff Or. Lrg 1725/mo Ed ~171 lake. S155,500 fH. lot. 3 Br, lrg den, ptig 4 llFllllllEI 0 on n a God 1I\a11 . car. 81crlllc• Sale Jan ~. 12. Call ana-ed Me, Vu 2 llry 28' 1700 It: Mar.nab Irv me "42-4300 2.tM. W. Newpof1 2Br M7S _w_H_Y_R_E_N_T_w_H_E_N_Y_o_u_1 CdM CMnn seoo CAN OWN A NEW LU· ~~~ ;~ vu I~.:! XURY CONDO FOR 1770 Npt Ill S.y11 .. Br 11200 PER MO. 3 Br 3 Ba. Bayfront Condo grMI locatlon, low CMh 11250 ..... -down. Sl .. 5,000. Opn ~" 8dnn 11860 Ull -1_..:30 Thur1 & Sunday l.Jd02Br, d9r\ 11850 2 8drm•. den & fOl"mel 233 18th Pl, Npt Hot• 9yfrt Udo Pk Or 11700 dlnl1tg highlight thle _1_7_5-4333 _______ 1 BllboeCow2Br IUOO lr'OUl'ltatn •tvte ~ ~ Heiohtl 06der 8ey9de Cow l2200 nlty M>IM with tetm•. :lBr. lBa. dbl <*OW WITllllllT _. ... .... 1175,000 ....._.7020. 50x117 R1 lot 111·1• 111& m111~~ LI. vou ~ tne 1anc1. Char· LmM·IUL man 11as.ooo Ju1t a llttle T.L.C. ,_.. ming 3 BR home wllOtl 481 Senta Ana Aw IJll Wil- ded on thll 3 bdrm home ol ntru. Great famlly ....... .... lMI 548-.5041 ah 8 ORANGE: 3 Br. 2 Ba. lnprelllgioua••IGreet home s-it. 1g comer 2 .,, No end. Owner_. .... latlllft den,S700/mo.tt7.,..783, opportunity ., only lot. Could be bMt buy In fin meooo 4ot2 ~ aft 5pm 1124,500. Don't_,, on CdM. $320,000. Good a. i.i., Or .. a4-o1s.. No ~~~'"'~ou:l---.--,-U-ll ___ _ ~ one. Call 979-6370. I nanolng. point•. . St. ....., N-port Pier. 1 Br Ous*ll ISOO =I. T~'t. ...... -----.-lp!l---.M-1 ~~.~nly S176,000 ; :: Twnhl = ""1COMM.1155,000 ··-•-•'-lftl Ce1 Don 882·1700 \ t .-11111r1: AfSIOENTIAl AU1 ESTATE SERVICES .... _. 1111.- Wlll wondera never ceue? Th1t remarkable 3 BR property twr grown to 4 BRS, pool, apa, workahop, with new carpets. ocean view and 1tlll hu the beat fl.nandng pcmlble. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 lllllYllW+Plll *IPYIUllm.&.* This t.Nly maplflcent ftSldence la for thoae who embrace relaJtlng lwcury •a way of life. Thh home h completely remodeled & decorated, featurln1 imported pavera beatnnJnc on the fnlllt peUo & con\lnuln1 lnto the entry & thruout the fmly nn, kitchen & break.fut area. Decorated 1n Med.lthranean atyle w/cu.rwd archea, rece11ed H1htJn1 & Jlberal UH of mlrrora. The remodeled 1ourmet kitchen featurea aolld oak cabinetry. Jen·Air ~. POf'CUC\Mle tUm & a breakfut nook w/ocean view. Naturally there ta a panoramic OCM.n & nlabt vtiew .trom LA to CataliN & di cow.. pool & apa .... encl'd an • prtvate C'Ouny1rd. Thia fine home le WU'IUNkably Newport! Prlotd at $849.900 l'D w/...,._.ble anm;a 768-1001ar70-1313. ---(1M).,,M) ... Xlnt terma. Walkwey to ::.:::.--:==::•n:.:,__..:,:i~:t;::tL::::-"LI"=••::;;::;;;:;- lellle. OWnlbltr .. ~7078 Trllde equity If! home, '°'i==;;..;l::;•:;:l•;;:M;::..~1111=~ good motorhome and 2 Br rwwty redecorated ....... .... lMI '6000 !""" 3 Br. t'h BA. good cond. s1001mo: 221138 pool In W•ll· w I n t • r R • n I • I . mintier. Bal 187,000. 2 13. 790-tOOO dye or 11290/mo everything. 79().7302 ....._ llnmY- Tc>fl ttoor. 2 bedroom, 3 Eatlmated value 1121,1-------- beth, den 2 dedla. _,_ 000. F\My aaeurnable no Sml 2 Br 1 Be ooti.oe w/ l1ty & boat doddng.. NI-qua&. Prv petty 8"-5517. frpL no G#1I09. M25 & '*Y decoreteel S.. & utll .. AQt 8~ OOfll,.,., AU1f19 1525. p!!Ml! ..... 11112 bdrm plu1 den, fire· 000. UllU -.u eiace. ,ar•o•. patio. 9-Jtltul 24lt80 2 Br, 2 early 775. 875-et21 ~ lllido .. , ,, a.a..w ..... ...... 1a.- • ••• ., •• 1111 ... Mullen Aeelty 840-2"0 ASK f<>A LORI la l\ome. Corner lot.1-'°'--IP_t. _____ _ lltand Klldlen. Fem Rm. llgtlt lnteriof'. Enc:loMd potch, air cond, you'1g Pea1anll 1117 Adult• welcome. 134-. Welk to bMcft. 3 IR 2 Ba 500. 540-6937 AGT upper, yrty. AYelt. 1115 • ...... '1!!!t!J UH 1100. 11Mo23 . Ill -.. *'***BecMW. Gleen • ................. m..~·Prtoenegot. 11111 ale price. Keep M ep1rtment1 or N II •• oondoe .. 5 Yl'9 new. uae.o 11 1 .a X'• groH. Call • .,...,.., Cethy .. -IULn Br. 1 e.. ""' petio, 1125 W Balboa. HOO/mo. Yrty. tee-t310. Avall Now . ........... 111-1111 Doc*"'8 Por 3 boeta • on 1...,....,....,--------c .... My. One Of. kind .......... IS ldr'l9I plue gueet "°"'" f ... o.r-wlll trlde/ ... ·-·-·-------1 dWllll-111-11'1 10 Spec.oee on 23 Acres + 20 addltJonll en. u .100.000 Our ple .. ant a11ocl tlona -.....~with members of this com· munity come to mind in this joyoua •ea•on. We thank yoq •Ill ~ Walker Glee •I \ 2670 San Mlguel Dr .•. NtB. j 759-1~1 or 752-7373 - COLDWeLL BANl(eRO Ot 0 I DAfl Y ll OTI ti ,, COLE OF NEWPORT 675·5511 3t ' ,., •• RESIDENTtAt. 2515 E. Coaet Hwy.. Delebout Bey & Beech Reel Eetete REALTORS c..-. del Mtr 1111 W .. tcllff Drive , ... HM Newport Be.ch 831·1300 ........... ,._.i ....... ~ ... _. ................................... ~ ... ~----------............ -.. ......... -....i ..... ~..-. ... ---------------···---------------' ' I M .. •h· """ '"" ''""" r \UC\I"" ht HIU PYRAMID FENCE COMPANY 776 W. I 6tt. St. Costa Mesa 541-9662 (---.~ ... ~~ ... ~--~ ............ ~~ ' {J ' ~·,1 f ~ , . -~, TIME TO WISH 1 f \ ft. " ) OLD FRIENDS A f HAPPY NEW YEAR! MC COllMICX., MORTUARIES L...-.... 4t4-f4 I 5 fl I u ,.. 76MtU _:,,JI""" S...._Cqkhw 4U-1176 Wishing you a wonderful New Year flled with hoppin .... Vlrqlnla Cekii. GRJ THE FOX COMPANY RfALTORS l400 ~ ""~ S ... I OJ He..,...._.. 54CM7H NI o< us al Lido Heally exlt'nd our warme!>l WlShes ror I JOYOUS huh day season & a new year filled with good hullh happ!nest & prospenl) ------...... , -673-7300 3 377 Via Lido, H.B. Happy New Year We with you t'Vef) joy and bleuiog of tbi1 happy Seaaon! FAIRMONT PRIVATE SCHOOL 1557 W. Mable. Anaheim 774-1052 ................................................... ~ THE FLOWER REMINDER 3841 8ir<'h St "l:e" port Hea< h 751·4705 ~\&ft~1.. ~ ... FROM . ~~-~,« ALL OF US AT ,,..-. ~--~ Rlt'MflC· f~..: U.41. 17th St. 1117 C.M. 4412 leffonco Pliwy. #210, ,/ ,. Irv. K•"' t '*• "" I A-~, .. ~ HOU DAY GREETINGS to our Jrien~s U..._STOM HALTY 9078W1rMr Hunllngton 8each 147·2'12 14M247' . .,,, ... ,.., Tw• Guya fr.,. ltlilly >· r /' • lo au our J · \ 1 Happy Holidays (.. / Friends & Customers. \ ,,./:ti-}, . •I• 1; \' ' ;-WENEDA ROOFING I I, 2200 Suaan, Santa Ana 957-8187 MIKE CROW, BKR. 714/145-3178 May l'our .loy & Happiness Compute For a §uccesslul and Great 11183. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our customers & friends. Dickerson·• Glass Co. 124 Rochester SI. Cos1a Mesa 642-0084 May the New Year bfing peoe. ond joy to all mankind. FROM THE STAFF OF: NEWPORT TIRE CENTER 3000 W. CST. HWY. CORONA DEL MAR 644-8022 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Sea.wn · s Greetinga From all of u.. at Nt•wport e~ach Fir£> f ighterl\ Association All of u, JI l u1111·r ''",,.'"'''' H1· ... 1t11r' <"Xlend nur v..;rm •. ,, "'''h'·' 1111 .; h.1111." hul11IJ' TURNER ASSOC ., REALTORS 111~ .'\ C" I II" ' I. .1 g 1111 , 1 l • 11 I I i '; We wish you & yours every JOY' Allied EJectric & Lighting Co .. 222 V1l"tona Cost;;, M('5a 646-3737 ~eAIJN~ i sen Wishing You an Award Winning Holiday MOACK TROPHY & ENG RA VIMG CO. 170 E. 17th Street Costa Mesa. 92627 646-3141 HAPPY NEW YEAR From All of Us at COSTA MESA TRAVEL 1901 Nt'wport Blvd. Co1ta M~u 646-4431 1980 HAPPY NEW YUi May the Blessings of the Now Year be bestowed upon you from the staff at TALE OF THE WHALE f 440 400 M• St. f lalltoa. Ca. f 671-4633 ' ~ ................................................. , We 11ncerely w11h f P~al'-~ allefyo1.1avery ' \. \. \. happy hohdoy• ( ~' COSTA MCSA I 4 ·~:-' ~ ??;; CHAMBER OF { ~ ' /'~ COMMERCE r <J 2'60 HertMw ... Sh. D 9 ;J CCKta Mesa i 979-0536 ' ................... _ .............................. i ..p~' WONDERLAND¥ ea f1e OF FUN f u "l:.;. =·· I ........ And Blessings Unusual & Fun l gift items f rtw h.ip111•·'1 ol h••ltd.I\' 111 '"u Jll &-11ur l><''l "'"ht•, hll ... \t"r\ font• ,,.."'' .. Jr associated BRO l<ERS RE Al TORS 10711 W 6olbu11 fl" lt6 l ................ a.a.~ ...... ~ ..... -.~ ... 0ety, aheny, John I llttl WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Harbor Area Appliance Service 1240 l~oun A\ Lnil 0. Co<1t 11 ~le-;a 549·3077 HAPPY HOLIDAYS To /\II or Vou andu\('t\ llctl'P) :-Jew 't'e11r 1 ~ ra.uoo.uc JU:.U ll DtOfC..-c.-•-, &40·7000 I HAPPY NEft YEAR? '4r tiitt\h '''"""' ju) i ncl chttf' nu• i ncl 11tru .. 1hou1 tht ,,., Joe Carlo's Plumbing 1675 SUPERIOR C:..to Mesa 548-5558 HAPPY HOLIDAYS From ROY CARVER ROLLS ROYCE AND BMW 15'IOJumhoree Rrt :-.it•" !X111 lll'IH'h 640·6444 .............................. .-it.aiYl~ ... ~.-.~_.... ... ...w.-. ... Take a Mousse home for New Years Choo• from • varl~ of choc. mou._ t:111tc• • or ch .... t:11k• from your neighborhood S.kery 4 C.ndy Kltch«J .A V.,., ..JJaPl''I n.w y.41' :Jo '!Jou & ~ • TOMFOOLERY GEORGE ELKINS CO. Candy Store & Bakery #2 C.,.ltt Pim, "Pt ldt Good w ishes & good will to '811 from our staff at Tredltlonel RealtJ Jim Ferryman -Mary Ann Mucaro Mike Dunn .. Jerry Smith Jack Fullerton .• Cerl Glugow John Madleon .. Pat Blair Rick Creighton -Betty Olten JOI I. 11ttl St. #J04 c .......... 631-7370 ...... .._ .......... .___ .......................... ._. The Miiier Marine Crew wt.ti you • Very Happy New Year 705 E. BalbOa Blvd., Batboa 875-7004 711-1100 , ... ~ .................................. Mt ... l ....... Nail ... ~~--.................. ~~~--............ ~.-i~~~ ... . Cdil(!JYS • le is our ho~ ch•t •II your dqs will o"wrfl"'1.....-...--.-..;....,...1 wfrh •II good chlng1/ Hippy llolid1y1 co 111/ . 4 • . } .. .· •. ,. .1 ,. • • ..... " 7'0t7 MO ..... cL ..... ,. ,._ • • ~ ~ ' -., • • • ~ • • • • ·-,.~ "t ' •• " ' ,-',Tin ,. ~ • • l.-MJtf ., That'1 AlL ~ pey fur. 30 dey 9d In lhe DAlY PlOT SERVICE DltECTCIY • ~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~~+-~~~~~~~-L~~~~~~~~._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..._~~~~~~~-+~~~~~~~--1"--~~~~~~~ ~~ bullets, Val. ta Val. ..... .. !al. Atutllntt Val. ..... ltM letalt It 8e l!!I @tt le!!!! 1114 Wt,._. ... br•nth Hll -...... llM ~ Cetta .... 1114 ta .... nM lul. W nff ..... ..... nit UMll .. "mml• 9'\t HA ept In 1U11Wa ~ lltl UWaa c.tom Fllntally ~ ~t~t I,_ "'ertietf"O ~ -llTll • C.M. N-emkr, pool, Jae, • .,..., BID Chlld'• pet, tong heir CofwerMllOn llWllt! e.wbel ,... F&C IO pnrf. Send ~ lllTAIT II ...,....,. .... ., '""U WIU '650/mo. 8tlCMlor Pen· Wkly rentel1 H5 up. :,:,~~r:1o+dep. Mike Wllti UN of r~Uon, tortolH •11•11. Dover ~~~Ohre ....,.,... to: Clllllfled M J 2 Br, 1-n Ba twnllH. ~-~~ lrg2&38At~ thouee. V......_, pool, Color rv. rrM oottM, conf.room,kttc:fl,pflOne, 811oru . Call Frink 1 IW,DelyPlotf'080a Bulll·ln1, leund rm, IPU'f9lliTs-. eptl, encl gar, frptc. Nier ape, HCUrlty gete, Ill llNled pool & 11ep• to Aoomrnete needed llhw. NCfetertel & WOtd pro-831-0910 Of Me-1298 8P1Aff\JAL AEA.D4H08 :1 eo.ta MMe, Ce. ~I Pgat, ~~· Beeulltully l1ndeo1ped ~~_::r~. ~· :;en'1~-· no ~ Cell ooeen. Kltclhene ~. 4 Br. H.:. Condo *'3 <*ling. Mell a IMIM09 Found: 8lk C.t, Fem. Flu-~dvlc• In t1 •II "'t':!'~· . ,.::').! •• 25e1t . /p . gard«I epti. Pool & Spa. T8'.· .~2•1.,... 9U N. COMt Hwy. othert. 195/mo. H.B . ..v. '"*'· .._,ltlfy K ny tall. 12127. N.8 . El ove. mAllr ege Mii •· A•1l1l1nl Meneter ......,._ mo. PeUoa/dec:ka. No~. 2 bdrm, 1-n b• twnllM, '" .,.. ....., Legune Blectl. 494-629-4 Condo+ ut.-. te0-M39 deelf9d. Cell: J.ne. RMdM> Mkt e40-2032 neu. 10 coun ng. ~Dc8 Ice Cr.-n 2648 0renge Ave. 1 Bdrm '4T~90 1415 + •371 dep. Nr. -••-••• 7l417ll0-0100 11158o. EICemlnoAMI. Shop, PIT -. ¥OtY In Cell IOI eppt Beach Blvd et ..-cFad· •••-._,_ llU AM 111'8. AlepoN!ble mM/...,,. Found: Brwn Dog w/wtlt San Clem. 492·72" per90n. El TOl'O Aoed at TSL Mgmt &42-1803 2 Bd;';'~ e-dS6f!IJ den. Qu6et otc1er S*'IOfl 3 a 4 Br. CloM to water. Wkly rW'ltll• now evlll. 26-31tolh«e 2 bdnn, 2 llm'flW 111111 IC>OI on tall. No collar. Rockfleld, El Toro. _ ••• ftUll 540-~ pr.rd, no Pl'•· "3-4894 :: J ~~ I 105 a up. Color TV. :;.;-M~~~ Fl.Ill MNloe. KMCI 'f04ll Wdbfg, Irv. 997-0207 f IUnll~ CICtJS 8eddlebedl v.-, Pm.a. .,_,._. t7M912. Piion•• In rOOll'I. 2274 Allllon 87M204 ovetMed low a prof-.. Found: Young fem1I• ftlllUU'I) 2 Br apts evlll. Pool, IP'-BachelOI• 1396 1 Br a 2 Br. rllfrlo, bultlnl. Newport 81 v d . C M llOfl8I 1mege high. p,. s 1b•r11n /S 111 P m 11 . Ma • IAIYlmll teund rm. No peta. Im-1 Bdrm .,.8~90 dr1p11 a cerpei. No llqlW.~ 94t-7441. M/F w 4 er. 3 ea. CdM 1t1g1oua wietdlff ., .. of ='~on. HB. 11111$ D9Y end evening IOI' 2 rned~~·l525. ~~~ ~: ~=~:~ =·~~8:,., c1een.$Mli3 ~~~t~l~~~11 ~ ~·,: t':-bk!tii .L':'2~ ~t~l:s~~ OST~ g:•::.~:r!:;.;.~~ .::;::·,~~ lglll S 955 W 191~~61·. C r o a e t o b • • c 11 . COUNTM CLUB Furn or unfum. '250/mo 111/1e11, die> 9t().()8()8, lllllE Sim L : Neut. M/SHI Pt from 10 AM IM'lll 4 ~. Full time deyt T L Mgmt .,...,...122 1 Bdrm '490 '395/mo. IN NEWPORT BEACH 111/lllt.AvelJen 1. Rell 84~2015· &lemeH an awerl to AM. 7 deyl I ...... Frwe Mon-Fft.lor2dllld,9mo Tore. Vic. J11mlne/ .... ft 71"' N .. _. 111, 111, I IL 151E.21at. 546-2408 H4-8870 892-11 15 Slnglu 1 '2 Bdrm plHH. Cell •It e pm, M/FIN 4Br31M1 tNwpor1 .... , •rettt .... _ Ba11ld•. CdM. AE· vu et. .. o. Hiii ...... a 9 ~ R9fl. 842·2148 Newly decor. GH pd, W--..11--..1 ~ L,,. 2 Bf w/_,..,__ co.-Apenmlnb & Townhou-lle0-5l44 waterfront. '325, cell -. WARD. 87 3-2829 or BMI. Fullefton ...._ I d .. 1 -.,.... -....--....._ .. ·~·1"""" •1.101eq ft. l••••· l1WYM1tl 1--------enc gar, w•nr, poo . BacMtor 1 & 2 B cte1n. cloH to bell. · From tseo Mstr ldn'n. UH. vtl pd, .,_... -642-4&44, M-F, M &41-4042 (Bev.). A•••111 BBQ. No pete. 842-5073.' avall. P~I. •P•. le~: 105/mo. H4-49at, Co•ta M .... evell, Im· ,..._ 1tvdlo neer beeol'l In ALL~ CAE:Dn' .... .. .. ~ .. 11111 ·-rm. No ....... ,____. ,...__ 892-1115 On JembofW Rd. at med. Dye 55&-7247 onrt H.B. Pvt tie a entr. l300. OFFICE SPAOI FOR ~. Ten Celm Twrler CAAD8 ACC9TED FUii time In ~ ge.-.... ..--.... ,,_,UV' Sen JOlqU6n Hin. Ad. "'P LEASE 700 eq ft exit puppy w/blk bHrd. rage. 3pm to 11pm Mon B..utlfully lendacaped 1 oup 3 Br, 2 ea nom.. Bltne. 14t-1• "' M. Louil 536-0794. ~ ioc . ._:7728 epy,;... Hiii. 7ec>-eoe3 I •-I IJlf\I Thurl. 7pm to 3em -e Br. w:trplc, prv patio, Blchelof '410 carplldrapee, frplc. Wt Fum or untum room. Prl-a-rt. Vll'Y lrg ooear1 w hm ..._ p d 0 d F 1 aa .. tn on Frldey. Cell Mre ~ ended gerege, pool, ia-1 Bdrm $450 pool. 1850/mo. Call ~Nf'RONT-3 Br, 2 Ba. vita ho"'• nHr OCC Leg 8ch Prof • ..,..... oun · 1 er eme • Fl lal 8-et e7~2790 cum, no~ $4e5/1n9. 2 bdrm "'40. ~21. ups>« unit, trplc, ger. U00 mo. 192·1196 ~Ind utli tit ..: So Legune 3 Arch Bay. Bledt Cet. One -tom. 81JaC <, MS-4411 645 PauWino. I 1 2 5 0 I m 0 . yr I y . a MC. 494-1294'. ' 3'3 ' eoo lq ft. IP ..,.. 8adl Bey. 54~ Room' beth In tux"'°* Ctlld ~ """"nOI help •; TSl Mgmt 754-0081 2 Br 1 Ba.1va1t. J en. 1. on 875-2725. 873-4515 ••nme w/good flwy v11tbll1ty Found: bNllt. tlledt An-home, ~ t>ffl to ocean. •lepecMI cNld. At ,.._ • ........ 1 -II Nn ml. from.:=:18 ..... ........ '-::~O:':.c: 417-2351 c· c:et. M ... Verde, Furn or unf\lm, 1250/rno M4. R9fl. 842.e309 •• :wllnmlng p°:t, crpt~. ...,,a-JR EXEC ... ..__ Weetdltf lerge 2 Br. 1 Ba. Tired of flot ... ? Lowly 3Br condo In Npt Bell ... 111'1' ...-. 54<M>583 1.ui.t. AvWIJen 1. IW9 CLEAIOAL.PIUl'ne. T.-& t I ~·.f~~· I:~ !2n 2 ~Pl .· -•• ' 1 ... iwn......... petk>, pool, ""'Y ~ Pffvat• bed end ba. Avell N.wpor1 Cr•t. Call Ed EQc. Sultll lnol. NCept., L.oll nr OCC: lmlll, •-~Cell •ft e pm, ~ .. !""~hn ~ ~ :1~ 2 Br. 1 Ba. leundry rm, pool. Nr belc:fl. No s>«a. r•ted. 84M152. Mon-Fri. °"'Y SSOO. Aef 842...eeae aec· MN• conf rm monkey.~ lemlly. Re-....-. "" • ,..., ,.-.. 842-7312 Agt. No peta. pool, crpta, drep11. Brooklluflt & Adema. a muet. Cell.,,._., Ad klt .. Y m•ll hand""."._..~ ward . 48 9 •2 & 12 , -==It'-•-• ••P· ••· O/llr. Jim ... 1500, UlllltlH P•ld , 2 $400-$415/mo. 1450/mo. 557-9711, Studio pen1houee, ouerd--No. 771, ~2~300 24 Fem. roommei.. own be, .........._to.,,.,.,, b:.tr... 81&-4&4-2777 (call col-~ --875-2477. (ewe,,..,. ~ bdnn, 1 be. 9250 s.cu-2284 Meple 213-547·1801. ed comm. '525. Sfiwon ""· U 75/mo utll Incl. :;;;d,..,.-AdJ~406 ...__In lect) ••...... a T-TII) ~ rtty, Cell BeiO\ 641-6230 2 9'. 1 Ba. C81'POft, lndfy •-I • 788.5800 770-2313 1 • t /I a• I no d IP. ... .. , ..,.. ..... 2 Br duptex w/end. GI"· ~~of~:-1,Z-~·town:!:•lnd COZV Smell 2 BA hCW lmla ...... ltM W-tn8 :!n:a.:.em~· F:,::~·.:v~=~ ~~a=~~= =' redecorated, good 55' .io.nn · unit, gereoe, pet1o,'poo1, "'~~--J: ' Nwpt Betl, Fe over 35, ...... -llr.1&7·1 ,..,... in.. end CCIM. l neighborhood, 1495. Ta..__ •••.1-~ .. CMpeta1 . MOO mo. :r-adt. ·1 ... 7 8 f AC H IR (A ~~ ... ,1!!.•1oo.•m::_.N~--'-~ 1ft, 2nd, 3n:I T'D'L Cell ~1 --· - ---J13a -ft "'""" -..--. _., Attrel::tN9 Netlc.....,.. ,_! Cel In Woodb116-on our ••P•rtl 1t no 1485/mo 2 Ir t\4 Be ,57 a. M condo. OUfET pnr,.. taMle, ..,..,.,, ! 8', 2 8&. lllftlno, We ~ .dellk, 8L White •IWM IP°' on com RllY P!He8LUA"APT8 ' · · 5/mo. Neer t> .. 011, w .. tcllftloc. No peti. ffj,..... Fumorunfllm.IMl/mo, _,.., ooper. 'tciu .... for1heed 6. beck. . M7·1422 28'.28a.CNldoll,pe-upper unit. all blHn•. mlnt28'.2Be.nop«a. ... ..,. 7---. .. 4 -fO't n •1oodep MM108 plyphone&IHPl'mopr mT--3971 ---------' 110, vt.w, trplo, encled ~· lndry rm, bll· ~7 842 1339 -· _._ ..... Rell_._~ .. · delk. Cell 844-7211 -~ T.I '~ ~ Mly ~ ~., , ........ , .... : • .,.: ....... ,,_ 2, Ir, 2 ea.~ a dlhwr.•-=:_...., ...__004 2 bdnn ~In lAl1W'I · 'ound: Dot>ermen vie ......,_, • ..__ per ...-. reapon9'ble j ger ..... Ito~ dl•h· '527 w. Wllofl ........._, ........ ~, .. _ -...., dilcor Upper o:;:'M:.; ;..w;aa Beach. Wul'lerldryer. F« LW . onio. a ,,.... na-1 Dyer, SA 12-20 u. U11lll ,,.,_, tor cflell1111gtn9, ~ S:::Wmo_ 119a, ry rm. 11l llplt Ml· 1111 Oclen view, lt)lt M. 28R bdl. Yrtf. in-2111 '*' 1111ege, .... to bMctl. 1100 ~· Gool tn1191cl 7~1-1tae a!:'J .. .... _..., WOftl ir. 4M1r legel SPMC 831-41107 lt'<ba. oar. frPC. ~ Ptne Knot woc.i on COMt 300 mo plua 'A utll. OOOd a ~-. Mi-!!I!' ... ' ..,_..._IO -.111•1t. ~ ________ 12 bdnn condo rw 8o c.t 1850, or upltelra 21r OCEANf'AOHT38A2k Hwy, NB. Step• to 4M-18'12..,..... 11423 llfild. He. ~~:!long / ~ 1• a 2nd Qenerel office/ llgflt 4 28drm~. i:_~°:!:a ~S:,-1':. :~,:·~ rrt:::111.11200mo. ::~Wkly ratu. W.ture ~ ""*' ~,,.,:S~I.:t.A" 8 a blk •trtpea. H•=•~• AoVt.~ 1~/CM ~:.::.n:..:x.i::;: ~, 2925 Elden, 831-1765 (1 bdtm9IMI) 152-2197. R&H lnVMI· .W-to lh«e 111rve 2 .,.., CM. 54t-ac>a0 R.E. lrolc• 8d AMl&on ping 811111 (35-40 wpm) : ~ 1 ...... ,... CONOO $475 851-2"71 menta 2 Br. 1,"d Ba. fr pl,c, 1111 I PLIOIJ l>Onn, 2 be tum. duPell Offlcl ..,_for..._ 710 SCRAM 842-2171 M&-0811 r-ulr9d. typlnL1nd • ""'" ....,., · w1111er ryer, pat o, with amploY9d m ... or tt. tMS/mo. Utllt petd, LETS -.. Spedoueup9(alrlcondo,2 er t~Ba.TwnNellPf. Lux.t8r.condo.~v.lllm-poot.1750/mo.IM0-8191 A•uonat>ler1t11. Kit· ••m•I• tut Out• ~ounctllo0f.10ll&ll • wtDOWHAalllforT'D'1 ..-no.-.• .o-I 1435/mo .. v•ulted c.f· ~ctr~ blUn gee med. Poot. Jee, leundry, 1 8r OOW\ ' be,Y ..... CNll.tt-. ~ !Md ...... s3oo mo plua ~ Dr. c.M •• blU I I ·~s "' L--. 101< Up. No ........ .,. JI Inga, lrptc, dtll ger, pool, llO'l9.. P41'k>, OK 1 c:Hlc:t & H C. prk'g. U H/mo. lfNliit kltdWI trplio. ,_.; l«llioe, l CfleMll mo-ut• 541--1200 of Falr'Aew I Ad1m.. fUWftU\ ~ Ct!Mll, No Pan-Own c.t I'« 1111 Y and ~ IP9-1 -t .... ,. Weter p·'d. 542·11748 Steve, or • ......._ & ......:._ ...__ vlM. SANDPIPEA MO· . 714-1040. Mf Tnicy. a...............,.._ ettr. ~ & ~ Wiid drt¥w'e loll.-,. n· eee w 1111h 845-2739 _ ..... -.. 1-749-3573 evAiwkndl. ....... _ ..,_ ·--· TEl. 1te7 tMwport Blvd. Prom Pnt, ,. to lhare 2 .-.--..,....., .,,.7'911 ~for Iola drtvtnQ. ~ · · •475/mo p lu1 dep. Blvd. 1550/mo. plua CM 845-9137. bd, 2 be, vv apl. Pert Otnc. tor rent Newport 0ueu • Helme4 Competitive lafery and 5'4M1• lniM ntt Ulla. 842-3a72. furn . •400/mo Teri let!. •130/mo. em.. Mo MUlCH ·~ +. -YIDI blnefhe. 40-flour work Studio Apt. Decoretor 1tw, 2nd nr apt, Belbo• lanllta latab 2tlt t7~ 19 or "3--7117S, X ~'!!.",.!HC tune. Cell ~ ~o!~ 0,.-•M17note eaouNd by ..-. Welnut Sq. Condo 2 8' Pw\. Pt. S400lno 214 -"· .......... --· ~ TD on unit• In Long For ln\9M9w, ~cell IHl1ml'll IUm. Pttv pdo, water a Ba. den, ger, we. pdo, 87s-tet0 ... ... . PrltM Founteln V*'t of atore. H• did • gr••t ....-. 8lhlnd •1S,to2, °"' Per8ol•lll Offlcl e .. utlful garden 1pt1. gu paid. U 40/mo. 1700. 850-8839 hMrf...... Ammie wtd, M/F lo lhr fl aa.. ft . t052t ::.: ~"'.! .,_.,of UOl,000. Wll .. 2-4321,ect.217 Paltolldech. ape, heilt 94t-5330 ·~ 2 er. 2 Ba. E.Bluff, ; Aeeerv•tlonL Fumletled ~· 3 ~ twmc;:: a~-' • r ~q ( 0 I 0 ll ) MULCH."-· -pey oft"' 4 mOL ... for ··•111111' peld. No p«a. ..... lua -...a-t n• f:-=:..... Dtl f•rp•o' pool. NO PETS. oondoe eviMi:Ua ~ bd,'-/mo ~ 7t~l1M. n1.aoo. l40-t1H; or lllLf _. .. 2 Bdnn. 2 Ba. ......, ..... ~ 11 .. I mo. 833·1153, end---~· Cell · &.oat: Bwltlful Ol'9Y end ~••1111. ,._, 3911 w. WMeon 831·6583 '**Ir* Large Studio wtttl k.lldlen, 75a-6822. aeyte 8191 7 Pool/Jee 4Br llCMM, SC Newport • Alrpon lfM. whit• rem•I• 011. Vic -_., 330 W. e.y 8t. t-~ 2 Br 2 ea. nMr beech, •hopping. 0up.x unll. patio, 1 tllll 10 PIG.a. M 2146. ltr, non fleecut1V'9 Sult• Ml In-CMlfno ClplMreno encs eo.ta ..... • Lrg "ptex, 2 Br, 1 Ba, only '°' tM dleCt-.m11 .. S3a5/molnddautla. tit b c fl. 3Srd St. Yrly. Pertt City Utafl Condo, emkr,'250.141-352:3 dlvl'"'tl oft"-av'lll. In Le zan1e. sen Juan 19'.bld,lnSTJ)a.:T. EOfJW .") dlhwr.Wfllde.'490ffl'IO. Ung. H50/mo. Agent mo.+POCIC.::J:mow ~11.211/41t-t411 .....,.e,~Wtllllto an9'1tiquelledtll.lllneee Cepl•treno. Aewerd fortlf'lpdirpoll.CIClfMI ·~~~!!!i!~~~~~ &45-te25. 714/4~ In. Hotel Apia. 11(1 !In.-'""' Dec 11 to MWOl ... lt. lllo to Mo ~ r...........,, ...... """"91: 2br 1'nbe flreplece . Leeve me•11g12tw,2t>e,OW,fl'plo,2cer '450.714/4"'4314 Ml•ftll orlaHe.PrlOHdll• tomli~---aft'lfl/ ... d..,.;_.,,.,, 'prtvete p.; lut..... fttl 494-2797, .. 7137. f"'. Ytty. 119 41\tl 81. BIO HAR CABIN FO" ··-counted 1100 Pit mo ...... ~WIT& ~ Plf'IOl\ tW°"loe tro ger. No Peta .. ll••ia•-Avafl . now . Agt MHJ:tllr&toft.From °"'-'•....-aoencY· wlttl 1 inofrM.,rtoae ~:Women'•Ootd~ .. tl11,•*' ..-.&gen'llb.,....,.. 540i rno 543-54711 834 _.,. ... .... ftQ 841-7500, 9'5--2Aa5 •tt ~ .._.187 All c11ntt 1CJ1W*9 with lnolude recepllont•t. clen Plccer~•etlh. 1-----..._...._ __ -1 Of tlllllpg. 10 kaf i>y ~ ' A lOVELY Pl.ACE -1111 _ 1 80AM v.-~ · · pfMltoe & 18•1CJM. oonf. mt. & oo"-wlttl ,,.._ Clll 141-0164 ~SCMO wptl\. E. .......... c ~. _ ........ ...-..... TO LIVE NO FEEi ~-• Condo do Ooi.t View Adrien Pwtc Qty l.4cQ#y Condo, Credlt9: ~ w/p, ...... ......,.., l~t: ·-•11 "'leek t-. .. tcr:Aoo of 8'ln"augM -.-...... ,,_._,. •HorMy/Pvt ta 2 er ,......_ VIie llWltlllll. • ,._y 3 · ....,,_ t, Jen 1 • .-n 11. Good Mof'*'I...,,..,. Ml'V .,.._ -.. ~. *-...=.'.... L-..., te' ex.,.,. '4001mo.1300MC.Jov-•Pooll..,_,t>t>q 17Mt1111r-.. ....St Aeu. 50-0707 or n.Tomotr6w8'1ow 7t41 ..... 78 Cflloa&~ldden.U IM ~-o:r:;:r-- ::..w•ltte, 831·1288, ~!n':.:'e~e~n-2Br.2Ba.fl'Om1625. No Ila a..tt mt ea:M>711 . *"41..!:ci* ~ w9'o HO eq.ft. Harw-lellw ........ ~1 llllllf•.. ,..._,_ tWlllt _.:. ... , ..... --------• dlf9 p«a. ~ "°"' .._. 2 Ir 2 le. ,,, Sen a.-~ enow. 130'. Mwn-• • 'iil t• oenter (AcroH from iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil -• -... oil. 0 --.... MOVE ~~t.~ANCE : ~nz9.: etlQP9lng ~ Gdf Cour•. =~~. ~0i ~~ ::_ i:. 1iv~ .,... • =~• ~ t::" ofo: la'f1 W . =.. ~ c;:: :;_tn .:"oft~~ = ,!,,~i>~.::; • No pets;"'"'..,.. With 40· CS«* '°' pow x:• JJ. • o ""' o. ~ :;-~ a.ta1t ...... !!!! klcdon. •· a.-1• =:-~~n· =msc :::=' ~ 0:....-C: ;8w!.OC::..i;1~ pd, GI"· 111g. mt IOC, no J,?1~·.... bolt 3 M 2"A be. oon-1• g. DO YOU HAVI A htfllll ....... ftlf Sendl 1r9Ct. rrr Attente & accountl~refened. b 1M, OM pell. Ao ~1 now. 1 Or,H8 do. '1200111'10 W/dodl, 2 ....... yMrly, new.............. 8flAREAOOMt W*"9•-Avon. Buoll Blvd ...... Soooe~H .. .._WOIM, ... _~ .. , ..... 131-t427. 8twn a....IW.,,. •1000 WltMut. MO-HIO dleot. pool, IV beect(. !Mtgetlo cot ......... 1Ne IQ "· ..... ----~~1!!12~1!!!!141~.0~1!!00~.!!!I elude~ ....... ..._, ---rwo .... "-rent. """' oft Blectl ...... Lono ri... No peite. ......v7. ••••n d.,,t .::::.· := 91'181-MMnr. . = oontrol, Al"· rn•n•rel NI ...... ,,.,,., med occpy 2 a s BR, 'IHMMI 1 Br. re•rty. ,., pkng, 2 w1 1\t ba, blk to bell, ..... r:9roolft, Pl .. H 0911 IJ.iff ....U. .. Loet told brecetat w/ :::!.":,,::.d~•n8d'~~ ~Med~s':t '475 to 1825. 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"~l ~,..-.;.,/ V1r1 NICI• Ooinpl••· -.,.,., , •• LOS'a ;tft •~ h, .... 1, you·,. not tur• wt1o <or wn.t) 541.01ao Vtc:ton• Ma-atngie ~ ~ .... 110-9_., ~· Mot KanneW111J>«' wa. don't fMI bSid _you're not. 811 vrctorta tt, ..,..... ~ ~ Wflo ,.... ..._ M6lmO If»':' MO..~ not alone. Kennebunkport la OM of 14 Coeta..... IU-4"1r. I..... at.ott1 c:taetlneiMfy dlf*ant sper1ment ltOO<pltne .. ._. .. ... . a..wtnd VIiiage In Huntington 8"ch. ·-aflr-.,-.-tlome--Of-CIOI-.......... .., ... •14 9Mwlnd VINaoe ... ....wt of totally P-.1v INT"Y N:!" 1111, tet I••• depo•lt ""''· ...... ..... pet90Mbed ~ 1)4ann!no. TM kind turn, emp1. *"'"'· ....... n . .....,.., M ._,,... .... =-== .r::..d~-= . .:cs~~.: ::~· .... -•. • ... ....... v j-. "::7 :w.c.;",;,..00::.,... :;::::,'",,:::-., "::. ..... ~ --..-...... ~t "::tA" --............ ..,. .... . oon..._,. ion ,,... ltMICll*'ll end emPo)rMnt Ind you'V't oot. pt4I09 lnYoM "°'*' p~ oal "home. (!..n ~poftl) One Md two beeltoorn OM 8ftd MCI ._ ..,."""" from lt40 md HUfllbnatall VHll9' . ! . ;, ~ ... ~ --· i --------·- . . . .. . . ~ .. ·. .......... ,... LAWn l'IOW to ~. Our~ w4I 01W YoU 1M knowdge YoU need, and our ln·hOUN pro-l9Ct• wUI give you the ptoduct. 850-1~ Re1td9nl Manager for womena 8'oohol r.n.1*1- tatlon program. Oood ben.fltl. S111ry o~n. Ctil 5"-55-48 .. • •• 1971 SeYflle (8828)-Wu '"95 .... ,,....., •. ' '•HUl4 I 111 y I• , t I 1 '• 4 1. I /fJ11 Llactia uu UIOOL.la FOil SILE!U 11179VerMI._ (524>CUS)-W• ._,.85 .... ,,.... ..... 1979 VerMltlee (ee87)-W• 17995 .... ,......., ... 19 77 v.,...,.,.. (833TKF}-Wu '4996 1a1e ,, .... 141n ,,_r'°I''' .... , ._...,,_, .. .............. _ 2925 Hwaor Blvd COSTA MESA lll-JIOD NABERS CADILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1tlllll''M ...... n.u ( 104YS0) s7995 1llllUll'll llYUI (89M38} $12,995 1n1uauo. a.... .... &111••• (282Y88) s11,995 1111 ua&.M II.Ml* llUll1I (1ASG861) $14,995 11121111.lM IL.MUii .... (10NF411) s15,995 1111 ta..ul IOUI (392VPS) sio,995 ~~~ Boo HAR80R M.vri. COtTA•IA 540-1860 . . ..... I., .. ~ ·: Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 3ICI W. ear 8t., Coeta u. ... Ca. Mell llddrna: Box 1580, Coat• M•N, Ca., 92e26 T•l9phone: 142-4321 Program information is provided by the networks Ind st.adons and is subject to c~ without notice. -Index TV Antenna ..................................................... Page 3 Ilaytime L>rarna . .. . ... .. .. ..... .. .. . .. ... .. . . . . . . . .. . . . ..... .. Page 4 Tube Toppers ................................................... Page 6 ·sports .. . ...... .... ... .... . .. ....... ... .. ..... ... .. .. .. ... .. . .. .. . . . .. Page 7 Ilaytime Schedule .. ... .... ... .. ... .. ..... ... . ...... ....... .. Page 8 Evening Schedule ......... ... .. .. . ............ .. ..... .. ... Page 11 TV Puzzle ....................................................... Page 35 On the cover ... Priscilla Hauser, hoot for the new 13-part series, "Magic of Decorative Painting," will show public television viewers her decorative painting techniques, and how to tum everyday items into beautiful works of art, on the new series which premieres Tuesday, Jan. 4, at 7:30 p.m. on KOCE (50). Chiefly responsible for the growing popularity of decorative painting, Hauser is widely acknowledged as the leading authority on tole and decorative painting in America. (Story, Page 3). GH actors are checking out .. It's revolving door time at General Hospital: Doug Sheehan, who plays Joe Kelly, is aet to leave the show. We understand Doug, who's one of the most likable charactersl individuals on the show, is working on a prime-time pilot. We wish Doug great luck and are IOl'I')' to see him go. Janine Turner, who came on the show to be the lookalike to Genie Francia. is also going. Janine is about to appear in a John Travolta movie. (2) KNXT, CBS, 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angetes, Ca. (4) KNBC. NBC, 3000 W. Alameda Ave .. Burbank Ca. (7) KABC, ABC, 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angeles Ca. (8) KFMB. CBS, 7677 Engln4'8' Road, San Diego. Ca. (10) KGTV, ABC, Highway 94 and '47th St., San Otego, Ca. (39) KCST, NBC, 8330 Engineer Road, San Diego, Ca. OVER ON ANCYI'HER WORLD, famed actor Theodore Bikel ls making a five-week appearance. Blkel, who was born in Vienna and then emigrated to Israel at the age of 13, became co-founder of the Tel Aviv Chamber Theater. He is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts in London. Moviegoers may recall him in '"nle Defiant Ones." "My Fair Lady" and "The Ruaaiana Are Coming the Russians Are C.ornlng ft -k•······ .. (6) KTLA 6800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (9> KHJ-tv, 5515 Melrose Ave .. Los Angeles, Ca. (11) KTTV, 6746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. (13) KCOP-TV, 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angetea, Ca. _ .. 1 28) KCET, 4'401 Sunset Blvd., Loe Angetea, Ca. 50) KOCE, 15744 Golden W•t St., Huntington Beach, Ca. 56) KOOC-TV, 1730 Clementine, Anahetm. Ca. _..,."" (2'4) CBS Cable (0) On-TV, 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. (Z) Z-TV, 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. (HI Home Box ~. Time-Life Bulldlno, Rockefeller-Center, N.Y., N.Y. IC Clnemax, Tlni .. Wfe Building. Rockefeller Center, N.Y., N.Y. E ESPN, Bristol, Ct. L ~tV, Marina Del Rey, Ca. (S) Showtlme · (8) Spotlight (C) Cable Newt Network, Attenta, Oa. -·-·,.-(9) WOR, New York City (17) WT88, Atlanta. <Ja. He baa [ong been active in the Actors F.quity Aaoclation, serving as fint vice president and from 1973 to 1982 as president. He was appointed by President Carter in 1977 to aerve a five-year term on the Nat.tonal Council for the Arts. An Americab dtiz.en since 1961, Blkel divides blt tlme between California and c.onnecdcut. where he reeidee with hil wife !Uta and their two ION. ANOTHER WORLD'S Terry Davia and " her hu1band. Andrew Weyman, who direct8 Texas, have joined fortel to form a etar-ltUdded holiday party for patients at the Holpital for Joint n.e...e. and s~ SUf191i In New York. Terry and, Andy proYided houn o1 Ch.rtatmM cheer wlth Dljl. llfU and a vlllt from Santa Claws for children and adultl who couJd not make lt home f« Chrittmll. ''Thll .. the third year a:d and I have Ht up u. ... hotpltal bleaUlll hel.,.,,. Others makes WI eel AOOd." lays Terry. Have• qu.tlon aboutE/avonte _,, or ~ ...,., WW• IO Hindi,. Clo l'teld 'NHnpaper Syn lcat., P.O, 'Box !MIO. lrMne. CalJ/. 11114. SM will..,.... • mlll,)' ~ .. .,,. CWf ln bMCalUmn. but dN W>Jume OI inaJI lnAbl ~ ~ ........... • Dee Is Implicated Soaps, 4 Fun with words TV Puzzle, 3 5 De~oratlve painting TV Antenna, 3 -· . . Priscilla Hauser, host ol "Magic ol Decorative Painting" on KOCE, displays some of her artwork. (Page 2) -Daytime Drama Dee further implicated in John's death By LYNDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHILDREN: Ruth is thrilled when she receives a Christmas card from Tad postmarked Las Vegas, but Opal is indifferent. Jenny and Greg are engaged. Alfred has a en.ash on Liza. When Myrtle let.a it &lip to Les that Jeaae and Angie have decorated her Ch.ristmaa tree, Les grounds Angje, but Angje'a mother plots 10 Angie and Jesse can be together for the holidays. Brooke recogniz.ell Zeke as an anonilt when he pays a vlsit to Ray. Palmer ia turned off when Donna geta benelf redone at the Glamorama and he claims a health problem necessitates no aex. Palmer makes Daisy promlae not to sleep with any other men. espedally David. Carrie reluctantly lets Chuck become godfather to Donna's child. Ray planta explosives in the Martins' home on Christmas eve. Cliff nearly catches Steve and Nina in romantic embrace du.ring Hawaiian trip. ANOTHER WORLD: Casa keeps telling Sally that Peter ia a loser. Bob ta sbo\ and killed ln arcade drog bust. Stacy ii hired to reprt!9ent a despondent R.J., who will give the lawyen no information. Mac moves into hi.a new penthouse. Jamie wonden lf Rachel's refusal to marry Steven is bedluae she still loves Mac. Brian aaka Elena to marry him but she is unable to give an anawer. Heartbroken becauae she is aware of Sandy and Cecllle'a seeming recondllatlon, Blaine heads for New York on an assignment from Brava. Susan decides to spend Chriatmaa with De.n. AS THE WORLD TURNS: James relieved when charges against him in John's murde r are dropped. Hypnotized, Ellen aaya a girl with long blonde hair was driving away just as she dilcovered John'• body. Dee Ls further implicated in John'• death. John's will ii read, leaving most money to Andy and Margo, film rights to Dee and al.moat nothing to Arfel, who vows revenge. Believing Steve no longer loves her, Betsy agreee to marry Craig. EDen and David decide to remarry. At their Christmaa eve wedding reception. police come to a.m!9t Dee for John'• murder. Marao and Tom plan New Year'• eve elopement. A thrilled Annie and Jeff learn she is e~ quadruplet.a. Matt gives Barbara a clean bill of psychological health but •YI lhe needa therapy to get over her hoatlllty toward Jamee. CAPITOL: Tyler geta Julie to remember everything while Oytng to McGuitt Air Force hue. Lawrence turns down Sam'• offer of Euro_pean job. Kirk comes to Wllhfna1on and agrees to do ~·a TV thow. Mark and Clart.a want to throw enpaement party for Tyler and Julie. Trey \rYtll8 to get Larry out M bia ~ lelfttary, Jeff la t.O be releMed from hoepltal on New Year'• ew, ao Jud8on and Mark plan a aurprlle party at Mario'•· Frank and Lawrence want Kelly to marry Trey IO they can b1lckmall her. Tyler tella Sloane he ltill considers her a friend. but Mark merely fee)a ~t toward hie da.u,hter. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: >.. Tony trte. to convtnce Renee 1he still lovea him, ahe rum oft and LI lnjUred. ~~a call to Maaie but 1 poor connecUon makea it lm le for hu-to hear lb; call. Mickey la NCaptu.red and beet.en by hia OlpCOtl. Aaa1J»t Roman'• WW.. Marlena and n.pne continue to com6 w&Mrfront for proof Roman la not lnYOlved In drua deallria. Recel~ etlddentally found 1n c..me·. mulilc box runher linplkat.e Raman u cln.w dM}er. Don It'd ~ kUI ~the mUtJe'°9 and be .. olMcK-.ly lmltltfa7 KaYla and Chi1i'1 romance cont1nuet to Ila.le. Marlena fean Bu1en• will be hurt by her eecretary, ~ A ~ LU laoka on M N.U and Mart. tMre I dancie at 8~ 4 Frtday, Deoember 31, 1912 DOCTORS: Kit and Mike become lovers. Everyone relieved when Mike and Kit are rescued from snowbound cabin. Steve's investigation of Billy's murder leads him to Phil Manning. Paul believes Luke killed Billy but decides to arrest Adrienne. Adrienne's daughter goes to Philip and says she plans to marry Jeff. EDGE OF NIGHT: When Ian is brusque with her, Raven considers giving up on their romance, but Nancy says she must continue to fight for his affection. Spencer and Sky plan to sue fonner employee for embez:zlemenL The employee, fearing proeecution, holds Sky at gunpoint to make him reconsider. He then takes Val hostage, and when Derek comes upon the two, a gun goes off.~ Barbara lies in coma, a hungover Miles is found in the bedroom. Miles's medical license ia about to be suspended. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke and Holly stunned when the judge will not permit her to attend Charles's funeral. A letter written by Charles arrives, containing a deathbed confeasion to the murder. It is acoep~ the Judae, who exonerate. Holly. Luke gives Holly a -luck sixpence and they vow their love. Joe exits town to work on state crime commission. Mark and Rick still fighting over Susan's surgery, but the hospital board backs the surgk.al procedure Mark performed on Susan. When Mark accuaes Amy of making mistake on patient'• chart, Rick continues to aeethe while Amy pushes the blame on Bobbi. Leslie and &.e try to bring Mark and RJck together, but the reunion ia a fi.aaco. Leam1ng of Scotty'• marriage to Susan. Laura ten. him off and then heads out o~ town. GUIDING LIGHT: When Alan la renamed president of Spaulding, Amanda. Roll and Josh decide to form their own company. Justin furious when he learns Philip was thrown out of prep IChool and that Alan has made plans for the youngster to attend Springfield ffiah . Freddie Bauer, Ed's 800, now ca1.llna hinWelf l\Jck, returns home. Alan give1 Philip a car for Christmas. When Maureen'• old flame, Matt Davenport. decides to do h1I medical residency at Cedan, she a.ala Ed not to announce their eogaaement. Hillary tella Tony she cannot answet bia ~Yet. and then confides to Katie she atll1 Iowa kelly and Morgan dedde to 1ee a marrtaae COUNelor. job u Joan Bennett's penonal halrcfreeeer, Grad.e heads tor Hollywood. Brian's p1ana to kill Amanda foiled when Mark cat.chel him 1n the SpauJc:llng offices. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: On Chrla1mu eve, Tony leevea for foreign correspondent aulgnment, l~vlna Pat in Llanview. Cu.ie hurt when F.dwtna'• aift to Gary la the same jacket Culie bouaht for him. Steve t.e11a Karen he will tum 1late'1 evtdence if ahe will abcept rlna he bought bet. Karen doe9. and a stunned Larry MY" he la \hroulh wtth Karen forever. Muco and Gary reconcile. M1rn1 prepuw to leev. for Hollywood. RYkN HOPE~ ()pmttJQf1e{ler a e c , K1m learau Kirk l1 her father and prepares &o send announcementa to ...,.-yone, but Pat at.opt her. RM reei. Ktm'a knowledp wU1 block K.J.rk'• auemp& to diYOfte C..qy. Am&ntCLa de.ddel to vWt her mothtt Catay. Dee'• fear cornea true when one of Klrk'• oonatructlon work'n LI hurt outelde Crystal Palace. Joe deddel to buy UJiboet t'Ompany. Siobhan and Joe lilddened u dlvwce decnle II about to becccne final. Joe deddeil to F after At:e ~ wbo deddll be wantl Joe killed. 860bhtn ~ w~tl of mllllnl hoioker. Sin.ca laktl beby ArWj and h..a. fot PW. . SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Brian and K.rlllln man")', ,.tth an..n unaware etM Ml IUttWld a ~ . ' ------------------- ~ -·~---- "Painter to make det>ut on PBS serle lw PHIL INllDIRMAN it" ............... ln Mt' j,mjor h&ih IChooJ &tl ~ Prilcilla llaU1er w11 told 1he h.ed no talent Y•t I.Oday, 1he'1 one ot lhe naUon'• IHdln1 •uthorltlea on d•coratlve J>1tlnU.01. a method of beauUfytn1 common houHhold object• with peJnted flow•ra. fruit.a, anlmala and other daljpla. Sh•'• written IOOl'G than 40 bookl on the aubject . She conduct• decorative palntlnar aemlnara from coast to rout and ln other natJona. In addition, more than 2,000 Prlaclla Hau.er-accredited teachera offer claaaet ln her techniques. Hauaer now la preparlna to bring her arthtic approach to an even wider audience through a 13-part televiaion serlee entitled "Magic of Decorative Painting." The 1erlee, debuting at 7:30 p.m. Tue1day on KOCE Channel ~O ln Huntington Beach, wu produced by KOCE and will be aired on PBS stations around the country. In a telephone chat from her offices ln Tulsa, Ok.la .. Hauser said the switch from classroom teacher to televialon instructor was not eaay . "The first time I told a joke to the camera and there was dead silence, I felt so stupid," she recalls. "But I did get over it. I had to learn to tum those cameras into people -friendly, happy people. And every time I told a joke, l had to hear them laugh back." A previe w of one segment o f "Magic of Decorative Painting" revealed Hauser to be quite an effervescent instructor. S h e raves about painted flowers much the way C hannel 2's Greengrocer Joe Carcione boasts about the latest crop of grapefruit. ("These taste absolutely marvelous!") As Hauser brings a flower to life with just a few deft brush strokes, she exclaims, "These daisies are so gorgeous they almost talk to you!" Still, she certainly makes decorative painting look easy 1f a student can mast.er some simple brush strokes and learn to blend various colors of paint on lhe brush ln the interview, Hauser contended that anyone, from children to senior citizens, can become a decorative painter She believes many people will be able to pick up the techniques from the television series. and that PrisciHa Hauser others who need more help will be encouraged to sign up for conventional classes. (For those who wish to learn va television, KOCE is offering a "Magic of Decorative Painting" instruction book for $9.95, plus $2 for postage and handling. To obtain it. call or write the station.) Hauser pulls no punches when it comes to explaining why most people believe they cannot paint. "Painting is poorly taught in many of our schools," she cont.ends. "Why do people think it takes talent to paint? People learn to do other things. They learn to play piano. They learn to play guitar. "You learn to read music, and the music is a pattern. When you learn to sew, you work from a pattern until you're ~ood enough to design your own. When you l~am to cook. you read a recipe until you're good enough to design your own. "So why in the world when you pamt. can't you start with a pattern, a design, until you learn how to paint? Then you can create your own." Hauser continues, "certainly, there are talented p eople -the Van Cliburns. the Ar16rew Wyeths and the Julia Childs. There are those who are bl.-.d with tru. wl nt. What m)' rr map II. II U\at anyone who w1nfl lo, can IMtn how ta s-Jnt •• Hau.tr know• how It f•la to be ~ by • open·m!nded an ltaohtr1. In Junior ht1h, her arl lnl\NC'tOr told H.aYMt lfit l'OUld nol draw end couldn't aee pen~ve. But thll tHcher, Hauttr .. ya. never ~~er t o correct th••• Hauser refuted to atve up. She atudled at a Tubwa mu.tum, and ·after her marriage, took aome decor1Uve patntJna leuona at a YWCA. Then the be1an expertmontln1 on houaehold ltema, developing her own techniques. ''I began painting junk -old TV traya, w11te ba1ket1, even an old bridge t.able, becau.e we dJdn't have the money to buy a lot of new furniture," she recalls. "Our nelghbora saw what I waa doing, and they aaked If I'd teach." Thla suggestion forced Hauser to analy7.e her painting t.echniquea, and put them into a course that would be more at.ructured than the art ctuee. she had taken. Soon, she had 40 students, and a parking problem in the neighborhood. The Tulaa Zoning Cornntl!Won gave her 30 days to relocate her thriving classes. That was 20 years ago. Since then. Hauser has turned her decorative painting techniques into a nationwide , business, with the support of her husband and four children. Hauser said she's drawn cnticism from m em ber s o f the art establishment because her approach is so structured, they say, that it stifles creativity. Hauser believes, howe ver, that she opens the secret of painting to many people who, like herself, were discouraged in conventional art classes. S he also believes that once her basic techniques are mastered, a student can create his or her own designs. Though she's recognized as an expert m decorative pamung. Hauser does not believe her brush skills are her greatest strength. "If the Lord blessed me with any talent, it isn't a talent for painung," she says. "I'm not a great painter, and I know it. But t here's not a better teacher in the world l have a talent for communicauon." Friday, December 31, 1982 3 --l'riclay ~ .... e aeG OltAW w.GMI PAMOI co ................. .... y_.. R ....... .,_ ....... PllirWm, fl I -.a. ....... ..,.. ...... -"····-... ..,.. ........ ... Ouct 1111" ,,_ ca.•11t Md .....,.._ .. ._....._cow.) ......................... _.. ............... ,...... ......... ........................... 11 ..................... -1wa ~ •.,.. PAUDI c... ......................... ,,.. , ll1 IM, c ......... a... .. ................. ,(21Wa..• .... , ._ ... ZOlli W A lal .. 1111 .. IU .... .............. _..,_ .......................... ........ Ill ............. .. CltoqnU.. .... Z.. · 19· ~ 0. -PAUDI Cew-~ .................. .._ P1 0111, C ....... _... OC.. 11 .... _,, .. CW--.> (2 ...... ..... , _ ..... .,. tt111• MllCA'I IL IL IUT WMO'I ~ Mf ...... C...Lawu1w.-..... •J11r ....._ ._ D: ' '11 " .. ~ ............... (, .... , -·MITA IOILPMADI CCJ11.,11 •• .............................. ........... Cllrllll •• ......, ,........ (I ......... , _ .. , .. ., .._ •• A CMLn en Tllll 011 m •••• p; IFI • 11111 .. lllelr .. aal*w __ , ..... .., ....... ... ....,~IJJ 1111 ,..._ ..... II ~~"'4..,..mn.,... ~-................ . ·-~ ttT111N11w.tlf ..... . =Ir.if'.' :.=-.::·~11.=-r: =~""ii .. ---~-........ ~-~ llr;t-""9e._. .. ._._......._. -· .. ·:a:: -M®...,..,;; -NMI Dllfl 0..... ............... -...... I Frtday, Oeoember 31, 1812 O.J. Simpson stare aa a private detective in HCocaine and Blue Eyes," a world premiere drama on NBC Sunday Night at the Movies, Sunday at 9 p.m. on KNBC ( 4). . Cleerlll9 ~ ........... •r111Wrn•1 ...., ..., 11t IJJJ'llllll .. 111 I I •g.1r11 • ... 111rmr L, ,. • ·1 flalLl'I .... wt1lit ~"-" ·=:== ... •i.lfl=~ =.'T.. LW .......... _.., .... ::::2-:: .... -.:.··--......... o.... =:....:.r.: ... ·---~ .... a....e. ~- .. •. llU.MY'ICIW.ll R MCI 11M llY ..... ...,.. .,, ..... ==···--............... ta --Ttt.:t*' I 5wla ... DAI I .. an Uw ••1'0ll-A1 lllU.tA-ft.tlft9 ........... /lftQUU ... .,.. ..... -.................... =-= M ..... 1U.~ ...... s' ~ .... .. M ATl•WtlllU.t&-,,_......,-._,, .... .. ,.... ___ .......... _ ... Ill •:• ............... .. ~ •:::.., ----------------- ----- --·--- 1 Edge of Night' character may return By LYNDA lllR8CH Q. ·WH141 )'H tell me waau laappeaed to Ml .. aad Nuey &air's .. ._ .. , oa TM Edee of Nip&, ud u 1a.e11 ever a.,.... om tM .. ow •c -C.W., Woe Pont&, N.C. A; lAurie Karr wu p in a unitarlwn. Alter her marriaae to Vlc Lamont crumbled, Laurie suffered a nervoua breakdown.~ for the pombWty of hel' cha.racier retumlng, even cte.d chanct.erl return to eoape. 90 it would be a map to bring Laurie back from the aanltarlwn. At praent, however, there are no IUCh ~lana. Q; I watdl ne You1 ud dae Restlas eveey clay. I wu woederiD1 wt.o play1 Trac, Abbott. Site I• ill love wtdl Daay. R•mor lau lt diet ue b ~ sls&er la real We. It It tree? -P.S., Balfalo, N.Y. A; The girl who pla)'ll Tracy 11 no relation to Michael Damian, who plays Danny. Beth Maitland waa a caat1ng director who wu always interested in ectinB-Flnally, one ol the other casting agents in her offloe decided that Beth would be perfect for the part of Tracy. Incidentally, while Beth wu once heavy -u ii the character of Tracy -in reel llte, lhe no longer la. She is made to wear clothes to make her appear heavier. Alao, Tracy is supposed to be a very plain-looking girl. Beth Maitland ia not. One of her most prized poesesaiona ia her long, beautiful hair, but "Tracy" must wear it slicked back and wean little makeup. Beth can hardly wait for the day when the Tracy character ia allowed to emerge. . Q: Woald yoa let q1 know wby Kim'• ba1band Nlck was written oat of As Cite World 'hns? We .,. dJM,,.a.W. - Mn. P .D., Salem, Va. A: ll wu dedded that the chancter of Kim would have more to do• a widow. '1lw powen that be allo wanted to have her bep a romance with inv.Uptor Stan, which couldn't have taken place if Nick were alive llnce K1m 11 not the kind of chancier to have an affair while married. '?'be produoer1 and wriU!l"ll were most pleeeed with the work of Mlchael Fore.1t, who/layed Nick. Q: My frlend u I laave a bet aboat Gerald McRuey from "Slmoa ud Slmoa." S.e Mld lae •led &o lae la oae of tlae soaps. I dJtqlft wida •er.UM was a. a soap, w~s one wa1 It? -R.A.B., Coldelter, Vt. A: Al. far as we know, McRaney h.u never been on a I08p, but Jameeon Parker, who pla)'ll ht. brother, h.u been. Jameson was the original Brad Vernon on One Ute to Live. He left that show to pursue a prime-time and motion picture career. He has done several movies, including "A Small Clrcle of Friends." "Simon and Slmon," which barely clung to the bottom of the ratings last year, la doing q"'::'te well now, thanks to a lead-in by the ever-popular "Magnum. P.l.," and occasional viaita to the show by Tom Selleck, playing his Magnum character. Have a question about your favori~ aoep or aoap aw? Write to Lynda Hirsch, c/o Field Newspaper Syndica~. P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, ~. 92714. She will anawer at many questions as she can in her column, but the volume of mail makes personal replies impossible. Holid11 Gift Idea • . . . for that special penon in your life. .. ,~ ~ Jewelry treasure 1, to be loved and cherished ... from contemporary high fashion . to ~e ~ Al,.,.,._.~ Jt •Ul!IM Ao*•'"'"""' traditional. 2610 ~.PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY • CORONA DEL MAR. CA e (Across from Sherman Foundation Gardena) Friday, December 31 , 1982 5 INll'T llAl&OW • COClflT (llOll) , • WMT Ta. YOUlt PATIB _.,. ..,_ ==RJCUltl (M) P,,..m-rQ -UT PATra. J:r' ICIZD'I• rr=ITICE ii: llCMI (ffl) • NIBJIW C--Till> ... .., wwr:~Allm&T =-~~,.., ... .,. _ ... l9A IAlllT'Ul.I. -'" .TODAY M."== -..,nMIMT 1WCWI DAYmMU. &=::-AEICA --·~= ~IJIMT MUlTM .... C9011. ~.m1111mu w.--=-~1:iNOMTA&.(llOM) woc::n~ ... 1111) MIUl(f ..... (WID) ICOmY& .,.(M) ~ 1111) ... ..... .. .......,. Si&WIDmTQ91Q~ " ;v"aC:.u, D1m•1m..,.;.~~ .. • me>· 1111 11C011> ..... ~ ~IC&ITlll uu ·-Tiii) .. -IWDBll 0# THI IAHAAA (llOll) ===~--.. llCMl:S) _..LUCY(M) ::-~Y(M) WMIClm> .. IUCTllC t:Jl:9#/tf CR>~ C&--~ ,~ MA&•••UMt ~ DOY AllD UllTA am,.. --r.= • ="" :r" .J:J I=.. YB.MA ?:ti =r: •. , -IE ... ,. ~--Tiii) IATTU t/11111 fUIST'I (ffl) .. ,--~ IBlll AllD ... 1111) e&.':'J.o:I YOIA .m MIA&.TM llAllC '11 OI. PAlfTWQ fWll DCllfT IAT 1'MI Mma,_,r> --Mm, .... 901 ..... wmoMBOJ WMIClm ==(llOM) tlnmTODOW•= ..... li!o1111) IDUCAW Ma ~'lmM. .... ' Sil .. llCMl(M.~ ..........u .-nOQ~ •uaa ~r--_._.AND POMY PIO (Piii) 1'MI IUnlTil8 ... 1111) &--.-:=.~ -..., .... -====---li-151111) L~•mu .. .. !.(Ill*) .. == .. TMINOllCT• ... ... .... ti) .. ..., .... -= M, TMU,Plll) -WVISTTO VB . .....,. mAT•AClcoum UC1llC t:Jl:9~rl •'~ 1W ..:.:. =-tllA*"D»(M) :-crOOOI -n::.lP.---ICTI= _,, .... ::\: all.-·-·= u. ... MCllUU.. • ., ..... ...... an:; _._ ... ay ___ _ ,,, .... -1•R• -()) llPl. FOOTIAU. Loe ............ .. ._,, .. a11u-.(lln.) 8 e M FOOTIAU. Lee Mae1ee Md-...... ,,.... a.wen (I In.) ._ .... ,....., lflORTIWRAMP .. , ~y lflORTIPAQI tt9 "°""NW.. Donna Mills (above) and Eddie Rabbitt will join Susan Anton, Donny Osmond and Gladys Knight and the Pips as they ring in 1983 on HCBS' Happy New Year, America," ... 9) M FOOTIAU. DelM Cowbofe •• F . d f MIM11a .. ~Q(l1Va.) ra ay rom -TueSCiay 11 :30 p.m. to ---1:11\'D COUIGIE IAIUTIAU DewldMn Wiid-_.. "" Moire .,... ,.._ting .,.. (2 .. ;'"Aou.. wmuu. c ......... ..... ~ ... ""°"' (2 In.) -wec1nesc1ay--- I :30 a.m. on KNXT (2). • HOME CO TS77 Do Al r 1cltlt1 Char11 Tftt lame 1 C1n Care In Tht Home Cost Mort Than Faclty Cart7 NO YIS Adml11lon to a nuralng faclllty can aometlm•• be a period of bewllderment and dt1tre11. BeoauH patient• ·are encountering a new environment, our staff hat bffn trained to attend to jbeJ~t wtth courtMy and rea11urance. Whether for ehorMerm postoperative convalescent care or long-term care for the chronlcally Ill or aged. you can be asaured that our f aclllty maintain• the highest standards In the provision of ekllled 24 hours nursing care. Below Are A Few Of Our Many and Varied Benefits • REHA81LIT ATION PROGRAM • FULL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • ROOMS WITH GARDEN PATIO • NOURISHING AND APPEALING MEALS • WHIRLPOOL TUB W/HYDRAULIC LIFT • T.V.'8 IN ROOMS -WIDE SCREEN IN LOUNGE .. Please Call us to answer your questions about nursing home care: •• 1666 SUPERIOR AYE. NEWPORT BUCH, Cl 12813 714/646-7764 Administrator RAY MARKS Nursinc Director ESTtO CALOWUL 7 ..... Dr. Morrison (David Mone) and Nurse Daniels (Ellen Dry, left) work to revive an elderly man in "Rain" on NBC'a "St. Elsewhere," Tuesday at I 0 p.m. on KNBC ( 4 ) · -••tl:Ulf -,..,..._._)"" -r--; M,_ I llW .... .. . -lf-in~ .. .., ..... • ,..... m _"........ .. •••=:11• ....... ...... .... .... ,_ • ._... ==A --~ !l'P.'.DllllT~) --... •'IAYATA11m ... nL;' &=~ S:i: ... = .. .. ,,.,, IP llllM&.F == .... __ , .......... =.,... ==-,, mr=n •• ,_ c&-----~ == ...... ===a.w., ... -"'-= ~ =---r"" !lfl~a-llMl .., ----------- ~ ·~~--6 - • FR!! DELIVERY •WE SERVICI! WHAT ft IEU • FINANCING AVAILABLE Friday, December 31 , 1982 9 -l'riclay Coal. tQUOt'H<>oking pen pel comes to visit 0 e .,.. "The Magic ~ord" ( 1'962. fantasy) BaSll Rathbone, Estelle W1n- WOOd. A young hefo battles an evO sorcer· 8f with the aid of a sword g111eo him by a wito~ hr • 30 min ) ; PA IMcaAZm A man wtl-0 keeps 1n shape by sklpp.og, a 15-year-old gift wtlO J>'ays on a boys' rngh school lootbaH team. e llOWW "The Yakuza" ( 1975, Adven- ture) Rot>e<t Mitchum, Brian Ketlh A lor· mer pflllate detective auempls to pene- trate the Far East8fn undenllorld 1n ordef lo rescue a war t>uddy's daughter (2 ; ~~O.WIB•lllYD fD WAL&. ....r WIB ··wau Street w~ Year End Review" Frank Cappiello. Rob- ert Nurock, Carter Ramlall and Robert Stovall review lhe pe.st year and offer pr&- Clictions of what's ahead tor 1983 (C)9CME "All The Marbles" (198t, Com- edy) Peter Fall\. Bun Young A hUslling, W1SeCraciong manager pusheS htS two female WlestlefS loward the top 'R' ( 1 hr., SSmltta CE .-T na (II) llOWW "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Alctlard Pryor. Gene Wilder Two men are ITllSfaken for bank robbers and sent lo ,all 'R' ~51mtn) ([) "Murder Among Friends' ( 1 hr., 30min) (Q).,.. "New Year's E111I" ( 1980. Hor· ror) Roz Kelly, Kip Niven. The disc jockey at a punk rock club recerves a series of ptiooe cans promlSlng that someone w1n be murdered in hef honor every hour between nine and mldnigh1 on New Yeat's Eve. 'R' ( 1 hr. 30 mlo.) Cl) MOWll "Modem Romance" (1981. Comedy) Albert Brooks, Kathryn Harrold. A film editor tries repeatedly to win back the hean of the woman he love$ 'R' ( 1 hr.. 33 rrw'I.) 0 90¥9 "History Of The World -Part I" ( 1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn Man's Illustrious history -lrom Neendeflhal cavemen 10 the Spanish Inquisition -Is examined. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 mlnL .. 8 9 1MI ... GOD COUPLI Oscar has to r9111ew a terrible Broadway P'&Y starring the °';talented girlfriend of a notorious ..... ccuu "O psy" ( 1963, Mu11lcal) Rosalind Ruuel. Natalie Woo<J A stage mothef promotes her two daughters. one of whom beCOma 8 renowned Slr\ppet. i ~ fTmT WBK 'Wall Street Weetc Yeat End Review" Frank Cappiello, Rob- en Nufock. Cart8f' Ranctan and Robelt Stovall review the past year and otter pre- ~lonl of what't ahMd fOt 1983. • • c..a OIW ccurn "The Pifiomlna Arte Cen1er: A Gift To Ofange County" The ~ ot thll greet c:Yltur· ~rt la pteMnlad ~Im Cooper (l}lllU.fllPMm Air FOfoe Faieon. YI. Vandtrbffl Commodoret l~otn Dlrmlng ll!!_rn Ala (A) (3 hrt.) ... i'ii'iMJ..M Miu Ellie QOntldtr1 bfeak· Ing JOck•e will 10 M~ ~ femlly. ~· ~ ftom J.R. •nd Bobby. c 1 Pit) • • ...., -wna. on a ehOf1 V9Clt'10o. M'ctlMI Knlgrll findl hlmMlf In a em.ii town ltlat hi• blti'l t•ktn oYef by a motor~aeng. (A) (I ty,) ..... 1'1'ht Ivory ,.,.,... ( 1980, 12 Frtday, Otcember 31. 1912 Adllenture) Steven Keats. Cody Pickett A savage mob 1n searcil of both profit and revenge stalk the labted albino gonHa IB> (2 hrs l m ..V _,. Guests: Unda Lavin. Thom Sharp, Charles Nelsori Reilly, Her· schel Elkins. Dr Keo Dyciltwald ( 1 hr.) e U.......,,, "Mark Russell's 1982" Washlnglon's lop pol1tical satwlsl recalls the year's most unforgettable even1s on SQng and satire '1i) ...we Am 1111 ~ "Perlman. Cool And Classic" Vlollnist llzhak Per .. man. plan1SI Andre Prevm, drummer Shel- ly Manne, basslst Red Mitchell and guitar· isl Jim Han team up to make a l8l2 album al Pittsburgh's Heinz Haff (I hr ) (%) 9CME "An~ Of The SO-Fool Wom- an" ( 1958. Sclenc&-Flctlon) AlllSOn Hayes, William Hudson. After being sub- )8Cte<I to radiation, a woman grows 10 i gantuan propor11ons ( I hr • 5 min ) .. .. ...... QIOICLI IANDAY-.T IODY • awtnC* ""Heeds And Tails" Dr Jonathan Miiler examines the evoluhon ol scl«ttlflc thought concerning the rela· llonshlp between the brain and the spinal cord. D (I hr.) ([) TMl ALUIM ~ "Brothers 01 The Band" This concert performance. taped In June of 1982 in Galnes\'llle. Flort- da, features the Allman Brothen singing many of thelf old and new hits. ( 1 hr.) (Q) 1111 IWllATTAll nu.n lMI The Grammy Award-winning quintet perf()(m varied selections Including "Blrdland." "Twilight Zone," and "Boy From New Y()(k City" from the R'l8tto l'heate< in Joi. let.~~ I WMAftll'fL.m -(I) PM.Cm CMIT As the residents 01 Tuscany Valley prepare for Founder's Day, Ctlase hOldS the declslVe vote on the future ol The GIObe. and Jecquelloo tries to make amendS with Richard Channing 9-'. D 1111 llaSTI Ol 1MI a I>.\ r. An explOratlon of eome strange repor1s of events In the area of the Bermu· do Triangle. lnoludlng ttle disappearance of Navy fllghl• and alghltngs ol floating coffins. ts presented. ( 1 t)r ) 1 v.r~ ..... "The Scene Changes" Dame Margot Fonteyn charts the rise In the 20th century of the male dancer; Fred Astaire, Rudolf Nureyev and Sammy Davis Jr. are among those lea· tured. ( 1 hr.) (C) llO'Wll "TM Ga1heflng •• Part It" (1979. Drama) Maureen Stapleton. E:trem Zlmbellst Jr. A widow and her grown children'• Chrlltmas reunion Is complcated by their unfavorable reecllon to a new man In her Nie and conflicts In ;; r own ~2 tn) GI L0CA "Rich little" Tht mHte< mimicry ~ hll lmC>teNIOnt of Ronald Reegan and Rlctlatd N1Xon. omong ott.- ( t hr.) LOIT '8.&nl M IWWW A Iott tlont aattllltt falls Into the e of an alien cMIWlrlon ( 1 hf ) _,. "81rlfl"" (1981, Comedy) 8111 1y, HarOl<I Ramis A Ntw York cabble ~ tor tll!cl1em.nt c:onww:e9 hll l*t fJitnd to join '*'1 In ankling In lhe U.S. -Arm==20IMI ) I I.WI IMI .. LOI -· .... m -... one of tht countrv'• hottest new rock acts sing 19 songs lndudlng thetr hit singles ·we Got The Beal" and "Our Lips Are Sealed " ( 1 hr . t5 min.)rt (%) llCMI "Monty Python And The Holy Graw· ( 1974. Comedy) Graham Chap man. John Cleese King Arthur and his band Of kn~IS encounter Q13nts, rlddle<S and a f8foclOUS rabbit 1n lh4W search for ,,.1the mu~ hr .JO min, •II.Mal""-AL&.• 1M1 P..-. Y """".() •1111t...,- .......... Washington's lop polllt· cal satirisl pokes tun al major Issues and news stories of the day (II) 0. LOCA110le "Catch A Rising Star's 10th Annlve<sary" Richard Bel:ui1, Pat Benatar, David BHW\91, Billy Crystal, Gabe Kapian and Robin WtH18ms are among the s1ars saluling the New York Sl\oWCase club whlCh gave 1hem lhetr st811 ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ([) llCMI "Er&M!fhead" ( 1976, Horror) John Nance. Charlotte Stewart. After giv- ing birth to a monster chtld, a weird young woman leaves lhe baby f()( the lather to raise alone in whatever laShlon he ChoOSeS ( 1 hr • .0 min ) A .. DAY• ... A poweOut lam1ty turns a smaH town into a model rejWen8· tlon ep~art 13) 1tal 8 (I) ... ftM. ~ Host Donny Osmond, Gladys Knight and the Pips, Eddie Rabbitt, Donna Milla. Susan Anton and Les Brown and HIS Band ot Renown Me among the entenalnetS her· a~ the arrival of 1983 from a variety ot locations across the counlry. (2 hra.) D e TClllOHf H06t' Johnny Carson. Goests· Tina Turner, comedian 8111 Mahef, magician Jonathan Neal Brown, .Joey O'Aura (1hr.) • 0 Da cu.'I .. WM'I ROCllt IVI Lydia Cornell and Anson Wlltiems joll'I ()jck Clarie tor a mu$C81 welcome to 1983. tee1Ufing perlom'181lCeS by Ronnie Milsap. Jermaine Jackeon. the Go-Gos, Barry Manilow. and ttaH & Oates. ( 1 hr .. 30 mi~ AlllD Pell" ,..,, .. CATMllA C.-0 • MID cw-.. (fl) llOWW "Song 0 1 Norway" (1970, Musical) Florence Henderson, TotaN Meuretad. Famous Noiw~n composer Edvard GrleQ tlndS true romance end wide aociU'I\. (3 fin.) • DAVI» •--Part 1 "Patty Ciesheft" Part 2 "A Dollar A 0enoa 1ul ~ .. (1tv) • .. LA~ AatroloQet Jeane Obcon edicts the future: Blltle Cerltt dleouuea Whlte~ra. (A) (1 hr.) .., .. _..,. msATM 1"1 llMIC (Part MCUll -...,_,t-.r A=10Ml.M..ot ..... l'T.Ma The publlO and pri- vate ._ of band!Mdeif Ouy LombardO are .tad In lhfa 1977 film. ( 1 hr.) ~"°"'' ~•mu im ... ''Gimme Shall•" (1970, t.4utJ. eel) Aolllng S1onet. jt"9r1on Alrl*na. Thll documentary of the AollW1g Stenn· 1'8D A~ I~ ... ICel* of Iha l'IOt~ and mUJOlit' at an AltMlOf'lt IPetdwaV ht concert. I t N., 41 min ) -fll' .,, ,...., ,,. - )'1= ~~·,.:,: ~·· , .. : ~. N · t on. ffem limOlllM ,,,.., . ~:=p~Jl~oni= (1 '°"*') "L.owe Mt Or L_..,. Me" 11 , Ml# DonlDly, ~~2tn) "lhe flMy" (1911, P.tlf Clludlftt L onQtt ( Hw , min I ''e.tttll ~" (1113. W.tem) Rot>o 'fttDI': Joet'I ClkliMld ( 1 "' • ~ min ) "New y..,·, £vii" ( tNO. Hofror) Aol • Kip Niven. ('hi .. 30 min.) 'Ftlnl'• Rome" ( t972. Orame) Pel91 ~Ullll. Britte Barnet 12 tin . 10 min.) "Oltv.w" ( 19efl, Muelcal) Ron MOOdy, Reed. (2 tv1 .. 35 min.) "A• The Fine Young C111nlbe1t" 990, Orama) Natallf WOOd, Rooefl ~· (2hrt.) On Golden Pond" (1981, Orama) Fonda. Katherine ~n. (1 hr., .) 'The Return" ( 1961, Sclenc•Flcllon) lcheel Vlnc4tnt, Cybi" Shepherd ( 1 ht . 30 min.) CTi ''Wlndl Of Change" I t978, Fantaey) A1'11Nited Narrated by Ptter Uttlnov 11 ht., 20 min.) e "The Runner Stumt>IM" ( 1979. Dr•· ma) Dick Van Oytce. Kalhleen Oulnlan ( 1 hr .. 39mln.) .. Cl) "The UFO Incident" 11975. Orama) James Ear1 Jones. Estelle Pa'90fll 12 hrt.) (%) "The last Weill" ( 1978, Musical) the Bend. Oif'ected by Martin Scorsese . i "'" 55 min.) • "Hawmpal" ( t976. Comedy) James mpton, Chrtttophef Connelly (2 tv1 .. 25 min.) •CD ''The Witch's Siste<" (No Dela) ( 1 ht .. 30mln.\ ...... ·1ur ... "'°"' HlllN Out" om. ) on~.--0.Mr . WNn • """""""' "°""' --"'*" .... I tll ,.._,di "'·· ft ..._. b# tJullt. ,_.,., more lhM wtlnQ to ..... en ptment to a6d her In her lludy (2 In ) ltlJ .,_ loot! lllO lllld Vinnie Bufano .. ., #\ "* ~ •aplclmg She -'*1• of I/Ill"' on,..,.._.,,. drug "-bite. "~"·:1steo. ~Jt W*ml. 8hlll9y ~, Whit lilefchlng fOt hit lllhef, lhe eplNotHlal· kiG Mb vlli11 • quelnt hlmlet whet• he olOtl.•. US) • foundllna Ind • .-1nny 9'#9el· heert. 'PG' (l ht .. 54 min.) (I) ... "Herold And Maude" 11971, Ccmedy) Ruth Gordon. Bud Cot1. An 80-YMf-old woman meet• an 18-yMr-old l)Oy obelltld with dHth In I tuntral ptlr· IOt, •nd proo.edl to IMOh him the art of ~end IQWlo. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 3 I min.) • .,_ "Anlmel Cracl<ere" (1930, Comedy) Marx Brolhe11. Margare1 Dumont. <:apt.in~. the African explOtef, returns from a reci.nt ex~tlon to Wfeek MVOC II • IOClety matron'• ~ "9k~~1 tv, 38 min.) -.. ._. ..... .. """ Guell' Or OllV9f Seek• ~~pa\I * ... ... IWfl'IDAftAUll .... Cl P& MYmw A man wtio keepe In ehape by lklpplng: a 1!>-year-old glr1 wtio plays on a b<>y9' high schOol football ltea'El.-TTW ... .. . ...... .., ... ,. ... Host• Len Dawe.on and NEW JAPANESE RESTAURANT Fodlitles include: • 19 Tenni• Court• • J, Olympic Size ,ool • Dining Room • Bar /Bodcgammon loom • Match Mote Ball ' Machine • ,,ofeuional Tennis ln1tfuction ... Memberships Avail: • Corporate • Famity & Single • Junior Executive •Swim • Juniof Tennl• • Annual For MMe Information Call 644-0050 2601 Eattbluff Drive, NewpcKt Beoch TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Eejoy Terlyekl•Ta111pura h.uhl ber prepered by '"" fa-.a J•pe-CMI •~r •1l'I~ •SeAie Now Open For Lunch Mon.-Frl. 11 :30 to 1 :30 Dinner from 5 p.m. Sunday from 4 p.m. Closed Wednesday ~gistl- JAPANESE RESTA URANT 3140 E. Coast Hwy. ' Corona det Mar 673-3933 Friday, December 31, 1982 11 -l'riclay Coal. • .,_ "Hello. Doily!" ( 1970, Musical) Barbra Streisand. Walter Matthau An Irrepressible matchmakl!f deeldes that the most suitable spouse tor a cantankerous mel'chant ls hefself (2 hrs .. 30 mlfl ) alJM"ATla. 1:11. .,_ "The Ol<Hashtoned Way" (1934. Comedy) W C Fields, Judith Alleo. A troupe ol actors beeomes skilled at eluding the law ll'l each town 1n whteh 11'8'f j>et1orm (1 hr • 25 rntn ) •alJ • ... CC) 90¥W "WOOdstock" ( 1970, MusJcal) Documenlary Many of the top muSIC81 groups of the late '60s perform at the famous rode concert held In Bethel, New York. in 1969 (3 hrs.) CE NX M MOI (IQ ttl(D .,_ "Mutdef Among Friend$" (I hr .• 4S rntn.) all® mow9 "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Sc1- eoc&-F'tet1on) Sam J. Jones, Max Von SydoW. A lrlo of earthllnQs travel lo the -Salurclay -~ u.&.PAlm 90IT llOIM'I .... .... ...,. mWll ''The Childten Of Theatre Street" ( 1978) Documentary (I hr , 30 min.) cm o. _., ITAll) This special taped live at New York's Carneg.le Hall and Los Angeles' Dorothy Chandler Pavlllion. lea· lures many l&ZZ Qfe&ls. (2 In . 30 mln.) •tm ..... (I) LOIT IATaUTI •IWW A IOst telecommunlcatlons satellite falls into the handS of an alien oMllzation. ( 1 hr ) "(JI) Oii LOCATllll "Rich Little" The master of mimicry ~ his lmpresslooe of Ronald Reagan and Richerd Nixon. emong oth-ers. (1 hr., 15 mlo) -Ii·~~ ... our llCMI "Monty Python And The HOiy ' ( 1974', Comedy) Graham Chap- man. John Cleae (1 hr., 30 min ) .. !MAT-. .. Cl#f•u.AIOO I I IJf ..UCl#f .. YmTU "Race Retauona" -·--,_.,, ... .... IOWLPAllAlllllQllJQHTt CMIOC*faTIWM. ... .,.. .. r ..... (1979, Drama) Nast .. Sia Klnllll, ~·-Arth. (2 hrt . 50 nWI.) Cl) •'mo.T IOwt. Arllaneu Razor· becks 111. Ronda Gators from HOUiton. Teic. (A) (2 tn, 30 min.) WMIY -.0 OP iGIA'TIWI Wlftm t.JenetLflgh. .. "SttlpM" (1981, Comedy) Biii Htrold ~ ( 1 hf , 20 min ) .. ., .... .. --....... ~·.a;•: ~=I" {IMO, l ~ BujOld. Mleheel YO!'k. 1it Friday. December 31. 1082 planet Mongo and help its Qf>Pfessed lnhabltanls fo the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming 'PG' ( 1 hr 50 min ) all CD ..n PIOfl.I • 9'Cl«T1 CIQ cm m¥ll "New Year's Evil" ( 1980 H0t r0t) Roz Ketly, Kip Niven The dlSC 1oc;key at a punk rode club receives a se11es of phone calls pre>mtSlng that someone will be murdefed In her honOt every hour between nine and midnight on New Year's Eve. 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (J) .,. "Modern Romance" ( 198 t Comedy) Albe<t Brooks. Kathryn Harrold A lilm ed1t0f tries repeatedly 10 win back the heart of the woman he loves 'R' ( I hr., 33 mln.) OllllCMI "Superman II" ( 1980. Fantasy) Christopher Reeve. Margot Kidder While saving Pans trom a nuclear e~OSIOn $Upef'man unwlltlngly frees the trio ot powerful vlllains Who were ongmalty Imprisoned by his Kryp1on1an falhef 'PG' (2 tirs.. 5 min.) l hr., 30 mln;L 1'lll DU1Tn •••oua ROii PMADI CCUITDO'ilf Stan Cham· t>ers, Debby Davison and others take a look at the preparations fOf the 1983 Toumament Of Roses Parade ( 1 hr 25 lmin~ .,eu"m-: •IDlll lllmATDIALIDM DAVIY Me OCIUA111 Cltt&AllDO CMl'OOllPUTIWM. YOU POR tlUL111 llCMI "Nicholas NICkleby' ( 19,7. Orama) Oetell Bond, Cedric Ha1~e LI hr., 35 min) (I) llllCMI "Siience Of The NOfth" < 1981, Adventure) fllen Burstyn. Tom SkentU U hr .. 35 min.) CZ) llOWll "Meatballs" ( 1979. Comedy) BIN Murray, Chris Makepeaoe ( 1 hr 33 min.~ M!llCMI "Ship 01 Fools" ( 1965, Ofama) VMent.,~ Stgnoret (3 hrs.) NI IJl'PAC-IWI I UT1\l llAICALI I .all 1 ~~'=1o CClllE lllMYMM.111 .... .. L fllV9I Pat Harrington Jr h0819 e look at aome awerd·wlnnlng floats from the 1982 Cotton Bowl Feettv11 end Tour· nament of AOMll Paredes (from Dallas, Ttl(.) D Iii .... I 0/1 ROlll PMADI LIW coverage of this gala annual tllef\I from PaaedeN. c.lifOfnla: Merlin Olsen II rand M•~I. (2 hrs., 30 min ) ..... ....,. ....... TOii-_.,_,__ ~--­. .. _. ,. unu ..,.,... When the po11oe to ~tilt etory 1bout a bllnd ol tNtwe. • youCG, boy piayt dtt.atwe to .= ~.~~ t<ld From Not·So-Big" e. ComtdY) Jtnnltet McAlitttt. V'!Nto. ( t ht , 30 min ) .. "It'• "" Tiit Bacl'' ( ;945, Come-dy) Fted Allen, Wffllam IJend• ( t hr •• 30 tMI.) ... .,. "All The Wey Home" (1963. Ofama) Jean Simmons. Robef1 Preston A young boy's poignant perception of h«s lather's death 1n an accident IS traced hom innocent bew1lde1men1 to final acceptance (2 hrs.) (!) CAATOOMI (() ~ lflOIWT A scient1hc exploration of athletic pe<fCfmance wtlteh can aid ath- letes In improving their game (R) CZ) llOWll "F<>feplay" ( 1975) Zl!fo Mos· tel, Estelle Parsons ( I h1 15 min ) t'9Gl)AIW&Mlml 41:11 8 llCMI "Cocoanuts" ( 1929. Comedy) Marx Brothers, Kay Francis A group of zanies takes over a reso<t hotel 1n the days of the Flof1da land bOOm (2 hrs • '5 min.,,_,_. .. ~ n.ltcc./CCWllT'Y CMmM ~ 9tl ICMOCll Tips IOI better skiing 1filmed at Kini=, VI ) (R) d QllVHITa.I me ~llf Oii "°*''MADI Cover· age of this gala annual event from PaS&- ciena. Cel1IQfnia. Mefl•n Olsen Is Grand Marshal (Live) (2 tira .. 35 min.) t.:119 TOUlll'_,. Oii ROlll PAAMll live coverage of this gala annual evenl from Pasadena.. California, Merlln Olsen ts G1and Mer5hal (2 hrs) I w~ Pel Harilngtoo Jr. hosts a loofl at some eward·w1nn1ng floats from the 1982 Cotton Bowl Festival and TOUf· nament of Roses Parades (from Dallas. Tax} I ~ WLD WOll.D OP MmM.I ROii IOWL PAllMll u..-AT 'nll _.., Featured ''Matte And Memories" ( 193.') starring Liiiian Roth and Queenie Smith: a Betty Boop cartoon: shorts, and Part I of .. ,,,_ Undersea KengdQm" (1936) atanlna Ray "C1uh" Corrigan and LOf1 Charwy Jr ( 1 tv .. 30 min} (f)ROll ...... ('IQ (B)-1111 IR. Hosts Leo Dawson and Nick Buonlconll review highlights of the prevtous week'• NFL gama and lnterYlew ~ playen and coechM ( t hr ) W .. "The Party" ( 1968. Comedyl Peter Seilefa. Claudine Langel ( t hr . 40 -lrlt=a_,/LA~a._., (I) ICM NmVM. PMADI Cover· ~ ot tho ennuel New YMr'e Dey parade I llas, Tell89 (1IY .. 30mln.) -TU "M<>'heft And 0.-ugtlteta" ~fll9TfWM. flOCUI Cll IOCllTY llCMI "Thia Sporting Liie" ( 1983, Orama) Alchllrd Harria. Rachel Robtrtt. ~hfa., 30 min.) ... ..----.... "FUt Nevtf Sleeot" c978, ~Nell V0U!l9. ( t hr .. ~ min . (CS) "You CMl't Chaet An Min" (1039. ~) W.C F1eldll. Ecta•r Ber~ ( t hr .. 30 min ) (I).,_ ·r ..... (1979. Dfama) N .. , .... ... 111 ~,Firth. (2 hre .. 50 min.) l=n==.u. "Rainbow 0...-"° FINI" (frQfn HonolUlu. H49w.) CRl (2 .., . ~Lady S.Yt No'' (1962, > Otvkl Nlvwl Joan C.ti.llti.ild, c 1 - --- - t .~-~~-- CHIROPRACTIC OUTLOOK By Dr. Gary Baranoski APPLIED KINESIOLOGY Q: Rrcently I heard about upplwJ J.1111·i.10/081 1111.J 1f5 u:.t• 111 treatmg strut•tur11/ problt·m~. Wli11t '~ 1/115? A: Applied kineaiology 11 a slu<Jv of mollon, slrurlural lialanrl". mU1Cle strength and tht' ent"rp pa11t·rm. of tht' t.xJ, I hrou~h study, ii ha.s been sho\oi n 1ha1 our mu,clr" loM" 1h1·1r l;ala111r di times, which can cau~e po•IUral 111~1al.11lst}. If u mu~dt" 1s weak , or losra atrl'ngth, 11 l"Bn upset 1hr balunc·f' ul thl' ~f'lrlr The bad. 1s ltft vulnrr<1ble to tn)uO'. Through appl1rd luneaiology, musd!! wt'aknr'>I> ran be dl!lected anti. 1hrou~h simple manipulative te1·hn111ue, reslort'd 10 1t<; natural l1alanc·t". As a trained prof.-..,,1onul. lhl' 1·h1roprJc·tu· 1h,..tor 1 an evaluate and d«"INrnmt" lhl' rorrrl'l o-our'r uf 1rra1nw111 nt'cded to rl'>.lore }our musd«',, anti ~pmr 111 thl' 11alurJI strength. d r. f;ilf)' bar;1noski c I II Ht ll'fli\( I< >H ( 71 ·I) 675-:1492 2345 [. Pacific Coul Hwy , Suitt 0, COl'ocu dtl Mar ------- Allled Lighting Is Your hometown full servlc~ llghtlng centrr We are Southern Callfornla's Most Complete Selectlon of Ughtlng At Competitive Prices. * Over 100 Unes In Stock * We Repair Alf Makes of Lamps * Installations * Over 20 Ye•rs Serving Southern Callfornla's * See Our Complete Selectlon of Celllng Fans Lighting Needs. * Energy saving fluorescent fixtures COME IN AND BROWSE You won't belleve our selectlon. you'll love our prices and our v ery helpful sales people. r.l -1AIIIED Lighting Hours Mon Fri 8·6 Wed !•I 9 ~ill R·S 30 Clo\ed Sun 222 Victoria St., Costa Mesa f.icroH from Nurseryland Nursery) 646-3737/646-8194 Friday, December 31, 1982 13 -lahlnlay Cont. Cl).,_ "loYe Is Better Than Ever" ( 1952, Comedy) Elizabeth Taylor. Larry p~ ht .. 20 min.) (%) "Time Bandils" ( 1981. Com&-'/},> Qalg Wamocic, David Warflflf ( 1 hf .. ,'&... ... ITM11B .......... llOWll "Three Coins In The Fountain" t954, Romance) Clifton Webb. Dorothy ~t.:~ I ,_CA:M.CC.C8NIY .,.. "The Competition" (1980. Ora· tM) Rk:tlatd Dreyfuss, Amy Irving (2 twa.. 9mn) e ._ "Pftvate Hell 36" (195.4. Dra- ma) Ide Lupino. Steve Cochran. ( t hr .. 30mln.) ·1··=••1&.U1T1A11D .. ._"Alce In Wondlwland" (1933, i~ Chef1otte Henty, Richard Arlen .. ,_ .. "X The Unl<nown" ( 1957, Sct- enc»-Ac:tlon) Dean Jagoe<. EdWard ~(2tn.) e w • umuc• Mr "Witson Hurley'' Plot, laW)W and landscape arUst WMlon Hurley lharee hit personal ~..n•R)Q • ... ''T .... ( t979. Drama) Nastas· =' Klnlkl. Peter Firth. (2 htt., 50mln.) CD._ "Don't ety, wa Only Thundef" (1982. Oretn11) Oennll CMstopher, :iiir.:(~M~=-" "972. Fantaay) Uoyd Btklges. Cloris lr.=.~r .... -.wcw ........ _ .... .. "Siience Of The North" (198!, dWntur1) Ben Bufltyn. Tom Skenllt 1 "'..:"*'-> -. -.... ,. ._ "Oregona lntemo" (No Oete. llL=-~:.. =•ri...• ... _ llL-·--· .. "Meetbelll" (i9,.9. ~) -n~=~ (IM,. 3 ----"The Way Wt Wt<t" ( 1173, ) &nr. St~. Aobtft Red-a\Lrtiz" aomn> ·=-.a·-· Klnll1k,... ~twt.. so"*'·> -''Time .. (1tl1, eoma-. ()Ilg Wtmook, DMt Wtmfl ( 1 ht .. 11 Penn State Nittany lions (3 hrs . 45 min ) (()rA .. 'M Cl) .,_ "Bandido" ( 1956. Advenlure) Robert Mitchum. Ursula Thless. (2 hrs.) l lOUJ>QCU WOOO.-n't IHOP "VernacUlar Sash'' CB) MOVIE "Anal Assignment" (1980. Orama) Genevieve Bu)old. Michael York . i1 hf .. 30 min.) OJ .,_ "Nicholas Nickleby" (1947. Orama) Defek Bond. c.edrlc Hardw1cl<e. J.lN.,35 ~ •ft; ~·Lase 01 The Red Hot Lovers" ( 1972. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Sally Ketlef- man. {2U~ ·1~-l-~IC09MIY =M•wm .,_f!OOTIA IH•ll ... ~ Collefege of the sin- ~ etlmlnatlon championship9. ( t hr.) CS).,_ "The Competition" (1980, Ora· ma) Richard Oreytuss, Amy Irving. (2 hrs.. 9 min) (%) .,_ "The CyclOps" ( 1957. Honor) James Qalg. Gloria Talbott (1 hr . 15 min.) --•veaUntr----1~.: ........ mT••1••1TINCIM. ._ "Genlletnan Marry &unettea" ( 1955, MUSicel) Jane Austel. J9anne Crain. Two show bullness beeutle9 In P•r· 18 attemp1 to keep romenc.e from lnterler- lng Wit" their career•. (2 hrs.) • J.O(llLI X A behtncHhe-soenet look la taken II the men end women wtlo care tor and feed the more than 2,000 r•re and endangered anlmalt •I Chicago'• Lincoln Park Zoo. IDWOM.OWIOOKI (C)llOWll "The Nighl The Llgtltt Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Orama) Ktlllty McNl- chol, Mark Hamill. A brother-and-sister soogwrltlng duo have many a<M!nturet while trying to aka out a llv~ on lhe -1~t;:~n~PG' ( M , 50 ••..a ... WWI Neel Gabler aod Jet· !Lyont ptc)K the beat films Of 1982 . Cl ...,_ C:O....age ol the Ennla tfom The Nothel'landt. ( 1 tw., 30 ='~ "You Liaht Up My life" (1977, ~) Didi Com, Joa Sk. An up111ng eongwrller tr1et to eopt With tha tl'ltee men In her If• white eatat:>MNng har .. ,.i:::.: , ............ , MC11=1•1c...,.. -llft/.-T_ ... 1·1~7usz IDZWU if511 ... 1~= ... ''TIPI" ( 1tl1. Drame) Gaofge Scott. Tlmoltiv HutlOl'I. ~aty ~ ~ ..._ CMf their ~ to ~c .,..,. '°...,.. .. ~ G'tt:i'' 1n10. ~ .. (1Mi. Ccrnt-Cr.ig wiimcic*, ~ w._, A la takan on • triC> ~ Hnw Of dlrrwitltl't'9 ~ OUCllwe atolen • ,..,.....,, map "°'" theSupfemeBeing. 'PG' (1hr .. 50mln.) G .,_"The Rose Bowl Storr" (1952. Drama) Marnll Thompeon. I/era Miles. A lootbeU player'• glrttrlend teaches him respect for the game, therebV changing his thoughts of only financial soocesa ( 1 tv .. 30 min.) 1llli.,,. 1111 DAll:lfnll ~WllOlllPAAa Cover· age ol this gala annual event lrom Pasa- dena. Ca~lomla: Merlin Oleen II Grand Marshal ='e) (2 tn .. 30 mln.l IMff Wini DAVI> WWI Z ...... -· .. Cl) WALT.-., "Walt Disney's Mlcil· ey And Donald'' Mict<ey Mouse and [)on. aid Duck shate the spotlight In a quartet of cartoons. I WUCllwnM DAVl>WWllZ .,_ "Return Of Count Yorga" (1971. Hooor) Ao«>ert Quarry. Marlette Hartley. A bloodthl<sty vampire seeks out frnh victims lrom a nearby orphanage. (2 tn.~IU 1 ..... , ... .., ._ "Operation Pacific" ( 1951, A<Mlnh .. ) John Wayne, Patricia Neal A tubmarlne commander controls his crew with llmllleel deYollon. (2 tn.) e ~ "Margare1 Meed: TakJng Note" Matgaret Melld. wtlo has been largely reeponslble for popylarlZll!Q anthropology In America, Is proflled. (R) 0 (1 tv.) • llOM "The Gulla Of Navarone" (1961. A<Mnture) Gfeg<JfY Ped!. David Niven. Six men are tent to deattoy two ~bleGer~ (3 hrs.) l!iiii~ .. (1961. Comedy) 911 Murray. Harold R.tmll. A New Yortt cabble looking for axcJtement ~ his baat friend to Join him In enlisting In the U.S. ~'A' (1 hlni°mln.) E ..... ._ "Supennen II" (1880, Fant91y) opt., RaeYe. Margot Kidder. Whle MYlnQ Parll from a nuclaAt 8Jq)lo9ion, Supetman unwlttlnalv fr ... the trio of = vtlelnl Who wet• or1ghlly 1eCS by hll Ktyptonlen father. 'PG' jg tn.. 5 min.) C1V ._ "Tlme Bendit•" < t981. COfnt- dy) Craig Warnock. David Warrw. A 11 lakan on a ctlp through time of dlmlnutllle would-be outtlWI ltolan a time-w.rp ~ trom ~ ~eme ~~~I 'PG' C1 hr .. so min.) Cl) ft UPI 1 CM F•tured: a -Mil with ta'a ~ • tNv oeer up tor tht hOideY aaaon: wt.et M t-.. to be a lkl l)fltrcir'Mn; a tetlttment home tor dllmpa In Flotlde. ( 1 hr.) • ._ ·~.. 11M1. Drame) ~ Fonda .• l<tll Ktltt~ A 1°"'* mcMt .. ., who tOOk CMlt the chlllnneo- INp Of'* llte hutbend't ootpe>tatlon and I ~ b.-. expert beCGmt lnYOfYed "' a '*-trOUI dell Wffh Nab m'R' (2hra.) = .. "The Ba.ck Stallon'' ( 1179, ) Klly Reno, Mlcaley Rooney. After befrlO t9ICUld from 'ht lllend an ~ they wett ~-ad t(lgtthtr •• young bOy er-o • ~ become ln¥OMd llUhi r9Cll Of lht otnn#y. CJ hrl , 30 [!J'·1htl·~:,. (ttQ, ) ~ Aeeoen, Oeoive Mwr'llflr, Miettce'• tlghdng """ .. tNeMd 'lo .• --- I.~ '.:"I·~ --- "'"' lmq II C.,ltf A Olft fo Of~ County'' 1nt llf~ I IM Of•I °"'II.II• .. "9nlll0 mt Jim Ct'i(.IPtf ''luuttman tr' ( I0191 ''"' .. YI ll)phef ANYe. Matgot lllilddll (!I e·~ou light Up My ltl•" ( 1871 ) Olal Conn. Joe 6llY9t ( t hf • -~ "HOme 0.kH Dirk" (ltsa, """ 8lmmone. fNftda Aemno 31v .. ~ "The er.It OI The e..Nve" ; 975) f"etn.noo llf~n Gome.z. Te1 ... 1a ( 1 Iv . 36 min ) -con. IOIL PllttbUfgh Pansheta P. U MUllMQ9 (3 M., 30 min ) e NITA"'*'-Arizona State Sun 119 Oklohome SOonef• (3 hr•.) llON "Wagonmutet" ( 1960. W•t em) Ben Jot\n9on, Jotnne Dru ( t ht . 30 jrnln Jo.,,,. TO 1MI IOnG9 0#1111 llA ..... •AUii (IQ 1¥91'11AY COOlml lllnt MCQUll ... "Vegetable Soop" ~ Pepin mak• 1 tt1Hdy vegetable aoup wllh com dulns>llng• and drscusses ''"" winter veo· •tables. eumOILOIT- (Q) llON "The Children Of Theater Street" ( t977. Documentary). (I hr .. 30 mln:Jo. tW e -MW 0# llOlll PMADI Covet· age ol thla gala annual event lrom Pasa- dena. Calltomla: Me<tln Ol'8ll Is Grand Marshal. ~Encore~ hrs, 30 min.) LU a& All "The Notorious Flog Of Calav8fas County" A oung with a passion '°' wagering challenges a stranger from the past to a fr~~ contest (A) c:;i I CMJOOllVnVAL ... • WA'S'aCClOll --YUM llO¥ll "()(>era Prima" (No Date) (2 iii ....... -· llON "The ThfM MUllicetHrt" CT936, AdvenlUfe) wnnet Abel. P•Ul Luk~t .. AL • ~WOHIS8,,.. ... "Woo<Jwrlgl'll At I:." Roy Uodtfhltl lookt II the methodt and materlele lnYOMtd In beat building. '- OIUITN_ .. llON "Ftlllng In lOlle Again" ( 1980, lmt) Ellloll GOukl. SUllonah VOfk ( t tv .. 30mln.) C%>llON "Pennlee ftom ~aven" ( 198 t, M'*-IJ Steve Martin, Bemadette Peter• 7 min.) -MO¥ll "The Strange< Within" ( 1974. fiction) Barbara Eden, Ge0tge Gr~ .• 30mtn) !11 llOWll "Funny Face" ( 1957. Musical) rr'ed Astaire, Audrey Hepburn. (2 hrs,) e HOT IHOTI Kevin Btaphy narrates a look at the history, techniques, equipment and personatilles of lketeboatdlng, featut· Ing a locus on pro tldera Tony Arva and David Hackett. GOllMTMMD..,. CH> llO¥ll "American Wiiderness" ( 1971. Adventure) Documentary ( 1 hr . 55 min.) (OJ MO¥ll "The Moon's Our Home" ( 1936. Comedy) Margaret Sullavan, Hen- 'Y._Fonda ( 1 hf . 30 min ) ta(!) AimKA'I TOI Tiii Al . .... II liilfl of Nn• • tll t ft!M• flt flt tJf I t• rMie ~-a ~ .... "Alf~k 'Oh; t'' H , IMt) J<i111 Jlh•p l ew, Mtlf Qlt.an iW~~"Y I yndon" ( tVTO. Dr•· ma) llytn O'Netll. Ma11M 0.efMIOO 13 I ··"""' .. "Ho PIAce To Len<!" C t961, ema) Johll lr ... nd Marl ~rd ( t hr,30min) w m .. "Tht•'• A Oowd" f1 811J, Comtdy) Larry Hegmen, E J P .. k., ( 1 hr . 30mln.) w e • .. ~ MlehlQan worv.onee l lJClA 8nWli (3 hr9 , 30 nlln) .-cA'11W.,. ICM.TUii =••w••or•n "Mtatballt" ( 1070, Comedy) 9111 Mu11ey. Chtlt Makepeace ( t hr . ~3 min.) li9. COTTOll IOIL IVnVAL '~ COYef· eoe ol the annual New VMr't Day patade from Oellal, TellH ( 1 hr . 30 min) I 91M9MIM.LATM'"°" llfMI "The Disappearance 01 Flight 412" ( t974. Mytlef)') Gt.nn fOfd. Btod lord Diiiman (I tv .. 30 min.) I WUCl,IOTTa IMl2I. y ADAMI llO¥ll "The Miracle" ( 1970, AdVen· lute) Lanie. Michael James Whited ( 1 lhr .. ~PUTIVAL -• H•U TODAY "Day Care Dollar•· Making A Living In Child Care" Two day care cent81 owners and the vlee president ol a clay care chain discuss starting and running a child care apera- tlon G Y'BICA: TMI llcc. c:aMY (() fUU. CCllTACT UMtl Coverage ot 1he w0tld super middleweight championship from lake Charles. La~ (A) (2 hrs ) (OJ llOWll "Elvis" (1979. Biography) Kurt Russell. Season Hubley. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) SENIORS Davis:·~arown - Corona del Mar Medical Is A Medical Office In Your Own Backyard That Will Take Medicare Assignments As Payment In Full For Information & Appointments Call 720-1339 Corona del Mar Medical 2700 E. Coast Hwy., #6, Corona del Mor SINCE 1947 * * * We Service Most Maior Brands of Televisions * * * Antenna Installations & Repair * * * We Carry MGA/ Mitsubishi, RCA Sony, & GE * * * See our big Selection of Proiection TV' 1 and VCR' 1 . -411 E. 11th, Costa Mesa 646 -1684 Friday, December 31 , 1982 15 -Saharclay Cont • .. I IANmAY 8'0RYIPMI tw De(l)Oe1n1 ~~'MIWID LAUmtTUI llCMI "Undef The Yum Yum Trett" ( 1963. Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Carol Lynley To ensure a harmootOUS manlaoe. a couple lry Irving 1oge1tw platomcalty. but the arrangemeol becomes comlC81 when their landlord tries seducing lhe ~lady (2 hrs ) • llllMI" "The Yakuia" ( 1975. AdVen- ture) Robef1 M11chom. Boan Keith A fOf· mer prrvale detective a11emp1s to pene- trate the Far Eastern underworld In Ofder to rescue a war ooddy's daughter (2 tvs.) cm llCMI "Evetything Goes Wild'' ( 1 hr . 30mln.) (J) mT Oil Ill.Am John Byner shows you things stranger than truth. lar99r than llfe. and zanier than anything you ve ever seen. (%) llCMI "Foreplay" ( 1975) Z&fo Mos tel. Estelle Parsons ( 1 hi . 15 min) tWGl) llCMI "WUSA" ( 1970, Orama) Paul Newman. Joanne Woodward An alcohol le dl9C Jockey finds himself a pawn tn a reactionary palltlcal plot and assassins· tlon. (2 his • 30 min ) tt:ll I IAlllMY 11191 e IANmAY llQMT lM Host LOUIS Gossen Jr Guests Mr T . Georoe Tho<o- good and the Destroyers. (R) ( 1 hr , JO min.) .MC ... (I) llCMI "Fuzz" ( 1972. Drama) Bvrt Reynolds, Jack Weston. Boston Is 1n1im1· dated by a series of myst&flOus kllllngs lnYoMng ransom demands made by a notOfioue criminal ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) 9 lllMI "The Cheyenne Social Club" (1970, Comedy) James Stewart. Henry Fonda In 1861, 1wo cowpdces inherit 1 aoclal club In Wyoming wtllch turns out 10 be a 1ollk:king house of Ill repute (2 hrs • 15~ (!) ,..,. CD 111M1 "Oe111ng Pt1ys1ca1" ( 1 hr. 30 mln.) (J) llOWW "In Praise 01 Oldef Women" (1978, Drama) Tom Berenger, Ksren Blacfl, A l-iunga!1an lotharlo reminiSces on NI pett romantic conquests, from his fire! 11 the 1Q1 of 12 to his seduction of a houNwllelt 30. 'R' (1 hr .. 4a min.) • lllMI "Counaeklr·Al·law" ( t933, Oiame) John 8arrymofe, Bebe Denlels Thi =11 Wt• of • 9JC09SSful attomey get• llllty complicated when his wife tak• up with enothef man and his aecre- tary pr .... to Ill the vacancy ( 1 hr , 30 min.) tW CC).,. "LOOM Shoee" ( t978, Corne- lfy) Biii Mutrey, 1-iowlfd Hesseman. Noth- ing IS Mered i'l lhla utlflcal look at Holly· wood movt.maklng and genre IHma. 'A' !hr., 12 min.) fMI .,. "The 300 Spertana" ( 19&2, <Mntur1) Alchltd Egan. Ralph Richard-ton. AJ p .... mighty 11my advanc., 300 Spartin eoldltf'I guard the s>e• at ttll~J:i~ .. (1981. A/Mn- IUN) Ed Henil. Olly l.eh1L A group of blktrS rtdl With • travelog ren111Mnoe laJr .. ~ thet the ldedltle ttNOQle "** iM1 tx11t1 In modem tlmn elio. 'ff .(2-~IM.) :11----...... - 18 Frtdey, Deoember 31, 1982 (E) NO!lllttDllAL llODIO (R) cm MON "Superchlck" . ( 1972) 'R' 11 h1., 30 min) (%)MON "Meatballs" ( 1979. Comedy) Bill Murrey. Chris Makepeace A zany aummef camp counselOI leads his misfit charoes into a no·holdS·barred spor1s competition against a group from another camp with a much bellet repvtahon 'PG' i! hr , 33 min) Qill D .,._ "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980. A<M!nture) Chr1Stophef Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tortured and deported by an Alncan dictator. a mefoe- nary returns to lead a revolvllon 'R' ( 1 . ,hr .. :ia~I~ ATM lftOV MON "The Road To Zaru1bar" ( 1941, Comedy) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. Two men try 10 come up with enough money to oet from Africa back to the United States. (2 hrs.) l!l IUTOl~lflUAL (!) llCMI "The Amerlcano" ( 1955, Ora· ma) Glenn Ford, Frank LovejOy A Texas cowboy finds 1omance and advenlure when he attempts 10 deliver prize Brahma boll$ to Btazil. (2 tvs ) • mWll "Oinosaurus" ( 1960, Sctence- Acilon) Ward Ra1Tl98Y, PaUI Lukather During the construction ol a harbOr on a tropical Island. a caveman and prehiStOflC beasts &1e unearthed and found 10 be stMI alive.(! hr .. 50 min.) I -aw ..... rT•w-... MD¥W "The Cat Creature" ( 1973, Mystery) M8fedlth Baxter. Stuart Whil· man. A slolen amulet bllngs a detective Into a case Involving a evil of cat worshippers (2 hrs ) CC) .,_ "This Sporting Ufa" (1963. Drama) Richard Harris, Rachel Roberts A successful rugby playet loses tt'le love ol a good woman after taking a<Jvanlage of her.~ .. 20 min ) CD "Carmen Baby" ( 1968 Ora· ma) Yta leYka. Claude Rlngef A cop wreaks revenge upon lhe lovely aeduc· tress who led him aatray. ( 1 hr .. 3o min.) HI Cl) llOWll "Cheech And Cheng's Nice Dreams" (1981, Comedy) Richard "Cheech" Marin. Thomas Chong. Two Inveterate potheadS appear to have found their true caMing 19 they peddle Ice cream on tt'le streets of Los Angeles 'A' ( 1 hr , 27 min.) we .,. "The One That Got Away" (1968, Adventure) HardY l<JUQef. Colin Gordon The unreWitlng determln8tlon of a Gem'8n POW 10 MCape ltom the ANiel W 111\a:ir,r~ (2 h11 ) .. ill ... ..... "Thi Buey Body" ( 1967, Com- edy) Sid C....r, Robert Ryan. A wello- meanlno petey becomet lnvOlved with a Ito;;, clUmsy gang11.,,, (2 hra.) lm .. "Timi Bandlll" (t981, Com.- dy) Orelg Wttnoctt. Oevid Wernet. A boy la t&Qn on • trip thrOUQh tlmt of dmlnutiv9 would-be OUlllWS llolen • tlme-wa<p map lrom the~ Being. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min) (l)_.,. .. ,.,..Ftom~" (1981. Mullcel) 9t..,. Maf1N\ 8'mldelle Pttffl. In the MldWelt cM1ng the o.pr...ion, a .... ~ llleeman delltO)'I the~ ot thoee around l'llm beCIUM of hll unbrldlld ~ ll'CI hit belltt that llte can be .. It la In '°'9 tnd movi. mueloel pro-IU'llbn. lff ( ttw .. 47 min.) .. ~AfUlm .. .. '1=lnll AtllCIM*'tt" {1880. ~ GenMM lkltof<I, MIC'!-' Ycwtc. A Canadian TV reporter 1n Moscow dis· COVefS a Russian scientific experlmenl US1ng St&foids on children and smuggleS Incriminating material oot ol the counlry 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) t:t1 ai Miiiea nm u.u. (E) _, Coverage of the World Match Play Championship Final from Wentworth. ~land (R) (2 hrs.) CO lllMI "Gallipoli" (1981, Drama) Mel Gibson. Mark lee Two Austrahan loot racers with contrast1ngty different person· abtles sign up 10 hghl Ill tha M•ddle East· ern theatre during World War II 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50mln) M0 llCMI "Rollover" (1981. O!ama) Jane Fonda, Kns Knstollerson A l0<mer movie star who took over the chairman· ship of her late husband's corporation and a high-powered financial experl become invoMld In a disastrous deal with Arab 1nves1ors. 'R' (2 hrs ) 1:1t• llCMI "Full 01 Liie" ( 1957. Comedy) Judy HOiiiday, Richard Conte. A man dis· rupta the Uves of his son and pregnant daogtltet-ln-law ( 1 hr , 55 min ) (J).,.. "The Competition" ( t 980, Ora· ma) Richard Oreytuss. Amy Irving Two pianists al a San 'ranciSCO music compe- tition find lhal lhelr love IOI' each Olhef contltcts Wllh their professional ambitions 'PG' (2 hrl .. 9 min.) ... llON "The Road To Ulopla" ( 1945. Comedy) Bl09 Crosby, Bob Hope Two prospective m1ne<s meet a beaullM worn· an after heading north In search of A~~~ .. ~s:~toose Shoes" (1978. Come· dy) Bl.II Murray, Howard Hesseman Noth Ing IS 88Cled in this sallncal look at Holly· wood mc:Me-maklng and genre films 'R' ~hr, 12mln) .. ~90Clln llCMI "Allegro ~ Troppo" ( 1976. Fentuy) Animated. Lile In the machltle I la •tlflnd. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 26 min l -'IQDAft--WL Ull lllMI "Tess" ( 1979, Drama) Nas1as· ala Klnskl, PetM Firth. The daughter of e poor Engllth farmer becomes the victim ol hef famlfy'a etplratlons and her own beau· ~ ·~2 hra., 50 min ) W "Tlme Bandits" (198t, Come- dy) Craig Warnock. Devld Warnef A bOy la t1ken on • trip through time ind of diminutive would-be outllws ve atoi.n a time-warp map from .. the=..~ 'PG' (I hf . 50 min) !i .. "Buddy, Buddy" ( 198 t. Come-~ Jeck Lemmon. Walt8f' Matthau. While an aaaallln COt'IC*lftltes on his next klll· Ing, tie la rudely Interrupted by a bumbling tallut1 of a !Mn who Is attempting eulolde. 'R' ~ "'·!?8 mil\.) 11iarmco.ct -; ti .. ....... -c-. .. " . ..,,. People all along the Orange Coast rely on the DlllJ Pi~at '42:.U21 I .... ~~--~~~~ Low Back Pain? There Really Is An Answer . CALL 645-5100 • ,_. eo..,u .. •••r c ...... ._ WESTCUFf CHIROPRACTIC OFFtCE Dr.1-....A..l-,.r 2043 WfftcHff Dr .. Wt. lOI .... port leach 1-CM•'•• I 1'11..i ........ Most Insurances ~ed W!lttM )QI ousy 1hnny '*' JOO lor bYscleSs (J plelSIM' oehn J011 fl pl¥1 • stop ID P•l IGltyS for JI yeas noir -Pat taley, tumsell, l1d mooates coollf\Ue ID prestnl men's lasllols 11111 erwe Ill ~ess Of t2tJal' Ila• 111e we e11ended 10 YdltS tr JQIO\IS1 We IMlys llM a ~ salt 14111J11s 111 lhe allic roooi P14S all •Md the slOle y0u II hnd 11111Xl)eCled c.o11ee111>1es ni &ill 111111$ f(J ..,, special &•It' - Friday, December 31. 1982 17 -luaclay Cont • • .. ''Spirit Of The Wind" (1979, Orama) a1'ef Oen Geofge. Slim Plctcens. 1 hr .• 40 min.) -,_,.. __ 9AftCAT um.llAIC&I " . ..,. ' ......... , ... I~ nDli9 llY•l9C091 w.JWDIPIC ..... W. ,.. .. '8L111 ... , ... .,_ ''L0\19 For Rent" (1979, Ora- ma) U.. Elbacher. Annette O'Toole. (2 a:>-~ "The Greet Adwnture" (1954. AdwnM'e) K)el Suc::ksdorff. Andefs Nor· bor~~Jn.ncamt -~-----,. ca IWI _,_,_aor ·---1MLOmlATLl'ml I UOlltOll.• ..... MUl'I' --· ........... -A IPlrtted tribute to the genius compoeer Eubla 81alce. •turtng 24 of NI bel1 IOf9 lncMlna ''In Honey9ucl(ta Tlme" ~''I'm Jl'9t Wld About Herry." i hr .. 30 min.) ~ .. .,... ,,. .,. ''Cactua Aowet'' ( 1989, eom. dy) Welter MattNiu. lngrtd Bergnw1. (2 tn.. 30mln.) M CZ) .. "Fellini's Rome" (1972, Dra- me) .,_,., Gonzalel. Britt• Barn-. (2 In 10mln.) -~~~=· ..... _._. ......... LIT-•&mr Wntoa• --,..,, ........ ~ r-'="Cl'>Q .. ''The Man Who Saw TomooOW'' 1981. Blogr.ihY) Ooc::umentaty, Narrat-td~W...._ (1 tw.,2emln.). (I) ''The Shogun Warriors: Specak-_...,.,. (1981, Fentasy) Animated. (1 hr., 40 min.! I . li\illlCClflLj..,,,. ... ., -.,..., Guests: Rev. Gebftal AaNe, LUie•'• Ofthodox Church, Garden Gtove; Roger Kennedy, Dlrec::tor, Netlonel MulelJft'I 0( Amencen Hlltory of the Smhtieonlln ntltutloo; Bill Aton. noted lettw~· MUM• --AfU&'f_, " .......... _,_ .... .. ''Tht Competition" ( 1980, Dra- 1'1111) Rlcherd Oreyfua. Amy IMng. (2 f!DtO::~ Apel" , 1981, ~·~n -117~ w:. (1 -.. I ii • a'Jl.,,.o IO Frid8y, Deoefnber 31, 1982 CC) .,_ "The Legend Of The Lone Ranger" ( 1980. Western) Kllnton Splls- ~. Chrtet.=,. Lloyd ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) ([) .. , (II) mwll "New!r GNe A Sucker An Even &eek" ( 1~ 1, Comedy) w c. Fields, Gk:>ra Jean. (1 ht • 30 min ) 1 ...... 119 M.nlDAY <Ji CM9UI Feat1Ked: Westmont Col- lage students talk about their unlque Internships In local IOClal service agen-a.: Profeeaor ArthUr Nelson. lormer direcior ol the Santa Barbara County Welt- fare Depenment, talta about reduction lea In eodal ter"'°8s tor Calttornle. IAY•.:iwmt ... ._ IDIUITll~ ....... nNllM09 ....... _.., -Lt--.. --COY8fege of the Ennla from The Nethef1endi. (R) (1 hr .. 30 Qt~ wr Host OW::k Caven guides vlewet1 b9dl to 1927, the yeer Chetln ~gtl made the ftra1 tranut· lentlc flight, llQU« flowed In speekMlle8 and bolh the economy ~ Job oipportunl- llel were t>ooming. -· CJ) Ill POOWIMA. ~I .CCMr8Q8 of New York Giants at PNtedelphla Eaglee; At!Mta Feloonl 11 New 0rteene ~ta; St. Louil CardlnMI et WllNngton Aedlkll-.; Green s.y Pee* .. at Delroh Uone; ~ BMrl et Tempe Bay Bue· can::c.'i~u.u. • .,_ "Aloe In Woodettlnd'' ( 1933, r.nt:tChlttotte Henry, Richard Arlen. " ... ............ Im. .,. ''Cherie Ch9n: The Red Dra-gon" {19'5. Myltery) Sidney Tolef, Ban- ton~ 30 min.) I C.WW ,_ UW' ~-Cotrespoildenta Un-Wertheimer and Ookle Roberta join Paul Out<• for an up-te>-tt.mlnute aum-~~e;1•' activities. 15-11' -.. "Superman II" ( 1980, Fantasy) opt., AeeYe. Margot Kidder. (2 ~.sim.1 ... 'For YCM Eyee Only" (1981, Adwn!Ufa) Roger Moore, Topol. (2 tn. Eiln.) ._ "P9nnlee Ftom Heawn" t981, I) Steve Merlin, Befnadett• ~ter.. " min.) UIUI -'T8mlng Of The Stw8" (1987. Elz.abelh Teylof, Rlctwd Bur- -t a · 30 min.) · 'r.r,mt: ...... ,..,NLWJ. :=. ....... ~ -"W .. Str98t Weetc -Encj ~· frri ~. ~ art f'Uock. Ctntt Alndlll and Aot»et1 StOYlll ,..._ the Pttt ~ Ind otr.r pr.-~-.. ... ahead for 1983 .. ''They Al ~" (1981, AUdl.-, HepOOrf\, Ben aam.r .. ~tw .. .tam,) .. • ._.. Of The WN'' (1t7t. lml) awe< o.n Qeorve, 8llm Plclcent. lht., 40 min.) CAllD.IC.-aY tW SCULL ...... , ~The Unkoown" (1957. Sci- ence-Acllon) Dean Jagger, E~ard Chapman.~~ • llAll wm "To StHve Them AN My Days" Chm. having los1 the eleciloo, mak .. a decision about David's mar=~~=~~1 hr) ! .. "Bite The 8CJllet" (1976, West· em) Gene Hackmen. Candice Bergen. (2 hrs., 26 min.) ([) --.0 CW -CoYerage or the Men's Glent Slalom from Medonne. Italy. ffi) (2 hrs.) {IJ mWil "Sweet Charity" ( 1969, Musi- cal) Shirley Maclaine. John McMartin. (2 hrs., 40mltl} I UIJlll • ._ tW MCI,_ -Gm NBC sporta-caater Barry Tompklns rtrAewa the oolege foot bell ..-on. ( ttw.) 1 0119-Wil'llDA'9~ .,._CCU.rTMB .,_"My &other Talks To Hones" ( 1948. ~ Pet• Lawford, Butctt ~.&In I .... caum fOOTIM&: YIM -._. ''R9ce For Number ()w'' ( 1 hi.) e-.:111•w•A111 -c-•·Who w .. That Lady?" ( 1960, ) TOl\y Cunll. O..n Martin. (2 ~b.. IMI The story ot two AmerlcM aye~ who tr8Y8ted to Iha People'~ AlplJblc of Ct\lna to demonstrate Amen. can IUl'gic::al t~ to their a.--1"-=t:~°Wi~---CZ> .,. "The Charge Of The light M gade'' (1968 AdYenture) Tmor How- ard, VantlU AedQrave. (2' th., 10 min.) • ... "That's My Man" (UM7, Adventuta) Don Ameohe, C.therlne -IMcm=~&':f:r --1' I \ 0 .,, ____ _ _...., ......... orMnd off-.creen '"-of one 01 AnWl-ca·a fe¥0rlte 1etor1 la tnioecl with lllm cJ1Pt of IOm8 of hit beat mcMet ~ "On Go6dar'I Pond'' wtllctl won him an Oecer i! Iv.) ca> .. "Attade Of The Klier TC>f'M- toee" (1979. Solenoe-flctton) ~ Alley, Diet(~. (1 hr .. 2• "*'-> (I) .. "Modem Problems" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chae, Patti D' ~n-• (' tit .. 30 min.) .. "Undtt the RtlnbOw" (1981, ) CtltYY Chue. C.rrle Alt'9t. ( t hf., seim > -11)--"U'I Sclfatch'' (1970 A~ wl'l1f'~~ Loe~ AlwN ~8411FrMdlco• .... (3tn.f . _ •••flllRM' loa~Aeldtft ~ca;DI!• (3tn:) --111111 WI ............ ~ .. tlm of l<untli ~·· dlloeodr.fl to go to ---------- f .--.~ l.-~~J. t11 1'" I, ...... Ofllntl Nw'tf lla•l• fr"" I '''°"'"" I IMO. r.ornedV) w-.m.. 8~ ~aM (I™ ~ (I'~ OI .._ Jotwl Dvnet IMwt ,. you tNnoe 111anoer than lrulh. ,,.,~ lhen 11'9, and tanlef tlwin •nythlng you w r1et r.,.....Golng Aper·· ( 10Cll. Comedy) .. ~ Jetllca Waller ( t hf . ,., =1~~La«A .. ~· (1900 ;l_, Elliott Gauld. Susannah York ( 1 hf .. 30mlncl, .. 1a••--•~ • C#ITAmlW:IROO ... '"' .... ... CAWUI W ........ OM 111111- 1=:=--I E ... ... IMLL OP= IO'll Air Force Faleons vs. Vanderbilt Commodores from Birming- ham, Ala. (R) (3 hrs ) CB) .,. "Across The Great Divide" ( 1976, Advenlure) Robert Logan. Healh· er ~ (1hr ,30mln) (%) "liar's Moon" ( 1982. Orama) Mau Dillon. Cindy Fisher ( 1 hr . 45 min I -L01T••AC1 .. &119'U ----··---YIMI YO'I .. CllCMOI MD CMURCM ltOUll ......., INMOVJ ~a:n•u.u. Tournament of Roses Queen Suzy Gillaspie and Grand Marshal Merlin O lsen will he in the spotlight for Saturday's Tournament of Roses Parade on KNBC ( 4) starting at 8 a.m. OPPORTUNITIES!!! IN_ ELECTRONICS & COMMUN/CATIONS Now Would You Lik• to ••• • L••rn • n•w •kl/I • 0.~•lop L•ad•r•hlp • Af•lc• N•w Frl•nd• • Enjoy Regul•r CM/Ian Lii• 2651 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa W• Offtr ••• • Exc•ll•nl C•rHr Opportunltl•• For H.S. Gradu•I• or Equlv•l•nl • Tr•lnlng For Peopl• With No Mlllt•ry Experl•nc• • Ag• 11 or prior to 35th blrthd•y • Opening• for Prior S•rvlc• lndlvldu•I• SOUND INTERESTING ... ??? CAU TODAY 979-7363 (between 8:30 a.m. • 4:30 p.m ) ONOY GEH•IHG SSGT. Friday, December 31, 1982 19 -Sanday Cont. guides viewers bacl< to 1927. the year Charles Undbe<gh made the first transat- lantic flight. llquor flowed in speakeasies end both the economy and job opportuni- ties wefe booming. (I) MOVll "The Great Adventure" ( t 954. Adventure) Kjell Sucksdortf, Anders Nor- bofg. (2 hrs.} <mll0¥S "The French Lieutenant's Wom- an" (1981. Orama) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. (2 tvs .. 5 min.) 8 llCMI "The Wild Blue Yonder" ( 1952. Adventure) Wendell Corey. Vere Ralston. ~hrs..) .. «l) llAllMl.I AUVIi Guests: Ronnie McOowan. Billy "Cresli" Cracldock. Rall AllenJr. (1hr.) ...... me ... LA_ a ttaaY a C09Ntlf ... MD MCI(--· ClGRllllTIAl .... .,, ... llOVll "Chain Aeectlon" ( 1980, Adventure) Steve Blsley. Arna-Marla Wln- chest8f. (1hr.,30mln.) __ ....... .. , -~Seven Little Fays'' ( 1955, MUSfcal) Bot> Hope. Milly Vitale. EOdie Foy's Ufelong ambition to play the top vaudevllte house, The Palace. Is thwarted when he d~s that his wile Is preg· nan~2:.w ' =-=:..•w•z -=~way To The Moon" 974. Fantasy~ Lloyd Bridges. Michael Llok. Unknown to Ground ContrOI. a ~QUng boy hides on a spaceship. (2 hrs.) B -.. "Toward T~ Unknown" 956. Adventure) Wlhlem HOiden, Lloyd Nolan. A plk>t attempts to gain the respect ol his oolleagUes after Joslng 11 OYflt a carele88 mistake (2 hrs., 30 min.) l wou.:.•• =A "T .. t-Tube Babies: A Daughter or .Aldy" ExOIUslve footage of the con- ception and bltth of Atneflca'a first test· tube baby Is rebroadcast on her one year bfrt~(R) D (1 hr.) CID llCW "Th1ty All Laughed" (1981, Comedy) Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara. Three New Yen detectives become Involved In nume<ous romantic llaltena . wtllle trackl.ng their cllenta' erranl Wive&. 'PO' ( 1 hr., 4& min.) (I) llOWm "Slnbad And The Eye Of The Tiger" ( 1977, Adv9rlture) Patrlek Wayne, Jane Seymour. The dathlnQ hefo battlet uneotthly oreet\H'te and a deadly tig.t to remove tht cutM that keeps a young prince from hit rlell'ltlul plac. on tht •th one=. '"~53' min.) • cmr c1 .,... &; ....... . ~---''Going Apel" 0881, Comedy) Ol/t'f .-ice Welttt. Ttlret Ofl~ 0 hold tflt ~ tlrlngl 10 I S&-mJI. ,_ ~==-PO' (I rlr., 27 min.) ·---PhJnerel di* with the ~ 8Plt'Caouli lhen....,.. 22 ,,lday, Oeolmbllr a 1. 1M2 to MissoUri to help runaway slave Harriet Tubman win her freedom. (R) ( 1 hr.) 8 0 IWUl'I aaVI rt OR llOT'I Fea- tured: the story ol how "Allee In Wonder· land" was Wfitten: some remarkable peo- ple who have triumphed over lheir tiandl- caps; mysterious sea stories. unusual losec~~ ~ ~CMA'Mmm.AT MID tuL.L I un. "The OlscOYefY Of Animal Behavior: Living Together" An explOfahon of the relationship between the behav101 ol animals and the kinds of communities in which they live end function ls presented i.! hr.) cc:> llCMI "Whose Life Is It Anyway'?" {1981, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. Jotin Cassavetes. Paratyzed from the neck down In &I• automobile accident. a sculp- tor remlnlsceS a.bout hls life before and eloquently argues t0< his right 10 die. 'R' i.! hr., 58 min.) CI) llO¥ll "Popeye" ( 1980, Comeay) Robin Wifllams. Shelley Duvall While 98arctllng f0< his father. the splnach-eal· lng seltof visits a quaint hamlet where he picks up a foundUng end a skinny sweet heart. 'PG' ( 1 hr, 54 min.) CZ)llCM! "Pennies From Heaven" ( 1981, Musical) Stew Martin. Bernadette Peters. In the Midwest during the Depression. a sheet muslc salesman destroys the lives of those around him because of his unbridleel selfishness and his belief that lite can be a& It Is In songs and movie musical pro- ldUc~~~::G:·> 79 ... 79 19AumTUL1. Detroit Pistons et Los Angeles Lakers (Note: Due to blackout regulations. this event may not be seen In ~r areaJJi.~ min.) lW l9A Detroit Pistons vs Los Angeles Lakers (2 hrs.) e llO¥ll "Thunder Over Arizona" ( 1956. Western) George Macready, Sl<ip Homeler. A crooked polltloo attempts lo win control of a veluabl6 new silver mine i.! h~30 min.) •• w All:l9 ...... ft.M:I Barney goee to • v4d.a dating service In hopes of rand~ the "perlect" woman. 8 • CllPt Ponctl and Bobby have to contend wfth a IOfrleWha1 obnoxious robOt that Is assigned to their station ( 1 tv.).,._,.1'111 .. I al min....,. Matt Is celled In to nd out WhO Is trying to murder a boxer r;ef)trtng tor i championship bOut. ( 1 ~.)" . ...,. ,..,, ... MOWI "Under The Yum Yum Tree" 963. Comedy) Jack Lemmon. Carol Lynlty. To fl'*Jre a harmonious """18ge. a couple tty lfvfng together platonlCafly. t>ut the 11ra~nt becomes comical Mien their laildlo<d trlet aedUclng tl'le ~lady. (2 l'lt9.) • MNS "The DitOovttY Of Animal vtor. l.Mng Tooetlifr" An exPIOtatton of lht rtlatlonihlp 'betwMn lht behavlof of ar\lmela and tt)e klnde of oommunltlel In IOh lhty IMI end ronotlon It ptotenltd. ,) 1M1m1a-zz-1*m ''To SeM All My Deya" Chtlltlne. unhappy and clllllfUll6ned wltf\ life U wlfa Of I htldlMtt.,, CllUpptafl. (Part 13) Q (f ~ .. "Rob*'' (1811. ~ Jlfl9 FOldL Kr1a KrmOf*aon A fOtmlf m0\118 star who took over the chairman- slitp of her late husband's eo<poratlon and a high-powered financial expert become involved In a disastrous deal with Arab invesl-Ofs 'R' ( 2 hrs.) CS) 0 llO¥IE "Superman II" ( 1980. Fan- tasy) Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder White saVlng Paris from a nvclear explo- SIOO. Superman unwittingly trees the trio of powerful villains who were originally imprisoned by his Kryptonlan lather 'PG' i hrs., 5 min.) .. llM'l PAUllLL tll Cl) a.ONA GIOfia accepts her first date since her separ~ I Tltl...., 11 IA'Ml>AY...-r ...,.Maft • (l)M&OCU•LouisetalksHelen into helping her unlock a piece of Geo<ge's past hidden away in his office sate. U GO MOVll "Cocaine And BIUe Eyes" (Premiere. Orama) O.J. Simpson, Candy Clark. A detective's search for a misSlng woman leads him to an Illegal drug opera- tion N™inent family. (2 hrs.) 8 <1J MOVll "Live And Let Die" ( 1973. AdVenlure) Roger Moore. Jane Seymour Secret agent James Bond dodges sharks. crocodiles and voodoo spells during an attempt to locate a Caribbean drug oper- ati°N&;lJd.c~l's .. 30 min.) I llA&TmilCI TltlAlM "To Sef'le Them All My Days" Christine. unhappy end disillusioned with life es Wife of a headmaster. disappears. (Part 13) c:;i ( 1 hr.) Qr!) llYl1lllT "Quiet As A Nun" A warning note and e hidden will compel Jemima to investigate a foolish tale Invented by the students. (Part 2) O (1 hr.) (JJMOVll "Superma'1 II" ( 1980. Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Margot Klddef. While saving Paris from a nuclear explo6lon, Superman unwllllngly trees the trio of powerful villains Who were Ol'lginally Imprisoned by his Kryptonlan father. 'PG' jg hfs .. 5 min.) Cl) MOV11 "The Charge Of The Light Btl· gade" (1968. Adventure) Trevor How- ard, Venessa Redgrave. Inspired by e poem by Lord Tennyson. The ectlon-fMled but tragic War ol Balaclava It riddled with ~pous mllltary 8ftora. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) ID 110V11 "Bells Of Coronado" ( 1950, Western) Roy Rogers. Oele Evans. Out• teW9 threaten the peece of a smaM West- ern town. (I hr., 30 min.) .. E "' llOVll "Games GlrlS Play" (No Date, ) Christina Hart. Jane Anthony. ~ boarding sohool glrlt oompett !.2... ~a diplomat. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ... W •DAY Af A Tim Ann's peaceful atay at Sam's epatttnent comet to an ab<U,Pt and emotlOnal end. (Part S) I WUllllH• .wllYAll .. .. "Tht Vetdlct" ( 1946, Myatery) ycm.y Gretnttrftt. Peter Lone. A fOf· m.r .upertnttrldtnt or Scotland Yard alttmi:>ta co oommlJ ttte peiftet crlmt. (2 l b ... .,. "Gllllpofl" (1981, OrarMt Mii lblOn. Merk 1.... Two Auttra.llan toot racera with conlrntlnglv dlff~ .ittitt 1iOn up 10 flaht In tht E..t· em thttltt dUt1nO WOtld W• t. 'PG' ( 1 "'. 6Q min.) -•w,....~u.Gof'llO~ WI ltlel NI "~" CIClhOt 11&*1 Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Servin~ All Faiths" n.,..• . ..,~. Of •• one.rt Jl"l'ormtnoe. tM>td In JI.If• of t 2 In O._Jlt, FlcJrlio di. fMll.I! .. Int A.,_, Dfott.t..,.. rotl'!Y _(If..!'* (lfd en(jjtltyl hit• ( t "'·' Cl) _,. •••• ,,.., Jtl4' ''"*'°" "'° ANlf QlbO .,., In lhll muelul. ount1 lbCli.lt 10 houelgueltt II In tngllllll ~fl ::-wf\O lft rnufdettd one by -~ "'·~min,) •• ~:;-:; u~~":!f;-:!""::.£~/o11r an" ( 196&. SGi.no.Flottonl Alllton Ha~ WIMam Hudeor.. ( t hr .. g min.) .,.ti 'CT ... "".-n~ ......... _ ····--·-... ,COOl!m .......... "Eggs JMnnette. Grefln Of Egge" Jaoquea Pepin demontt1at• how to-Dolt =nd dlte4 ,. ... ereatlve UMt tor hetd- • ~;'6'>irlt 0 1 The Wlncl" ( 1979, Ofama) Chief Oen George, Slim Plok9nl. 1 ':!!:.:.. •O min.) 119 L09IY _,, -•TcmMJ .. , .... ,. llllftDAYIMMt .... ........ WAU.~..W.l9Clll'l ... ,_ ... "Is The<e A New China?" ueat: Fox Buttertleld. author of "Chln11: Alive In The Bitter Sea." (A) ( 1 hr.) G '1111 OLD_,. Bob VIia end hla crew tackle the Insulation of the old tefm- house's new wing. CC) MOVll "The legend 01 The Lone Ranger" ( 1980, Western) Kllnton Splla- ~. Ch·~~~IOyd. (1hr.,40mln.) (I) l9A Houston Rockets at Miiwaukee Bucks (Note: Due to blackout regulations, this event may not be seen In ~::~.~rs., 30 min.) (HJ W7 Host Dick Cavett I larbor Lawn· Mount Olive \ lcn1orial Piirh · Morhtill)' · \iausoleums Bunal Jn Any Cemetery --Shipment --Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Gisler Ave. Costa Mesa (Gisler Ave. at Harbor Blvd.) 540-5554 Friday, December 31, 1982 21 II not IUtferlng from the deadly and lncof. abte dllea8e he claims 10 have ( 1 hr ) l u~, W • n• '.M MT ''John Qymer'' The contemporary pa.Inter of the Am«lcan West dlsc\ll8eS hls reasons IOf ~an artlat and his unuauel t~ ;-~~--"Ave Red Herr· Inga" Of t~ aix -..pe<'.11. oNy one COUtd ha\19 klled campbe1. JPart 3) ( 1 lw.) (l)lllL ... "Super Bowl II" Gteen Bay Pad«Q vs.. Oekland Raiders CID .,. "Fort Ai>eche. The Blonx" {1981. Orama) Paul~. Ed Asner A tough cop ti.ttlee crime and coouptlon In New Vert OtY• South Blonx neighbot· hood. 'R' ( 1 ht .. 59 min.) .,,.,.,, .... -ll) 9IMI "Anthony Advoene" (1936, Orama) Fredric Mareh, OIMa de HM· i.nd. All orphan seeks his destiny In the st~ dltys of ~181 Franoa (3 In.) .. (I) ... "falcon's Gold" (1982. Adven- ture) John Matley. Simon MacCorlllndale. A ICOO_f>-hungry ,loomallst follows en 81chee0t0glst and hie d8ught9' In ttlelf aeerch f~~ gokt treuure In the -1M9X.=..-s-~-~=. a • ..,....,. ,..,, ....... 19'..a ....... "NAACP: What onctlon?" Tony Btowrt IOoks at the probternt of the NAACP end 111 UM ol ecooomlc boycott tacta. (R) (I) WOM.D CW ._ Cowrege of the Women's Oowtd lrom PlancaVallo. ttatv e) (1hr.) .,... "under The Rainbow'' (1981. ) CheYy Chase, Cerri. Fl9hef The 150 mldQett Who are In town tor the fllm. Ing of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn a C.lifOf· nta hotel uplide-down, 'PG' ( 1 hf.. 38 "*'.) • ,.c:um .. CC) ... "lcMt For Rent" p979, Ora- ma) U.. Ellbec:her, Annette O Toole. Two .,,_,own glf1I Who mo\19 to tat<• 9<Mln- uige of the gWnorOUI Afe of the big city find themeelYee forced by ~ Into ~ -~beCOl-c_,~:· (1hr,40 :--= "South Africa; Bad Or B.ct Pr-?'' (1 hr.) '..,, ....... ........ NMI Gabler and Jef· ""'1~..wr the best filme of t982. .. "Ab6gall L..U. la a.ck In own" ( 1979. Dr1ma) RebtCca B«>olce, 8aflh Nlchollon. A bMutlfUI woman rttume to her home town. 'R' ( 1 ht., 40 ~-~u;": I • WllerTt Shltner. Ct hr.) aw•• V'l': ANctlOn" (19'0, ) 8l9¥1 ~. AIN-MIN ~ ohllter. A OOllllM-.up ,.,.., ~ ,..-8" I OGnC•••llted. MWlll'IC pliant WOftcer WWldef"'G ltound tht oountrylfde, Orange Bowl Queen Mavel Rodriguez will ride a fioat during NBC's live telecast of the 49th King Orange J amboree Parade at 8 p .m. F riday on K~BC ( 4). E30mtn.) ttie lllMI "Modem Pre>blems" (1981, ) Chevy ChaM. Petti D' Att>en- Yllle A hapless air traffic contrOller, with numerous per&onal prot>leml II tllldOwed with teleldt'ietlc powers aft• being douMd with nucleer waste. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 ~ tttl~ "Divorce American S " 1987, Comedy) Cktt Van Dyke, . Concemed friends help prevent the dlvotce of • couple who haw been married~ (2tn.. 10mln.) -1:c ... UM'1 ·-"South Africa: Bad ti OrBadPreu?" (1 hf.) WOM.DV.. ="Zeppelin" (1971 Ad'lentura) 1ct*91 VOtt<, Elke Sommar. b\,11ng WOfld War I. a Brttllh 1f1f IMtnl tt\lt Ifie Ott· mans are planning to UM • giant dlrlglbte • to steel the Megna carte and thefeby «ode Btltlth morel:.J:.:-~ •NITA ..a bends from ecrOl9 the netlon are turtd In Ihle Chr11tmea holldly parade (2 M.. !Q min.) .. CB>.,. "The Bordet" (1961. Orame) Jedi Nlcholaolt, V.._. Perrine. AT- bordef guan:t'a vetuee come In contllCt With thOM Of his comll)t 00-WC>fMfl Ind hie ,,.,ertalletlc wtte 'R' ( 1 Iv., 45 min.) -r,..:: ''The va11cen Aflelr" (1989. ) W.itll' Pidgeon, Ira Fut1ten- betg. A rtlglon profJllot Mel Na band of tttllYel ~ to rob tl'lt Vatatl of llt m;;:nr..) -CJ:>• "Bit• TM BulllC" (1875, Wtat· .-n) Ger» ttlc*men. Candice flatOen, A lrontlar ntwtpeper ipOllaOl'I • nl09 eigeNt nme acroea !ht. W•arn bld--r.-r~rw.., 2S ~.) . ..... (I) ma IUll1IM1 Houston Rockets at MlwMee Bucks (R) (2 hrS . 30 min.) (D)mwll "The French Lieutenant's Wom- an" (1981, Orama) MerytStreep, Jeremy Irons. An effaw between two actors Is par· alleled In the romantic period him In which the two are per10fming 'R' (2 hf's.. 6 min.) ... "Whoee Ute Is II Anyway?" (1981, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. John Cassavetes. Paralyzed from the nedt down In an autC>ll'lOt:Mle eccldent, a ecuip. !Of remlnlsoee about his nte before and eloquently argues '°' his right to die. 'R' i hr., 58 min.) w -----IC01T ... "Lier's Moon" ( t982, Orama) -...u Dillon. Cindy Fishef. Despite parental opposition. two teen-agers from differing back~ lal In lave In a sman Texas town. 'PG'~ .. <&5mln.) wa.1--~••• W (J) mwll "The Border'' ( 1981. Orama) Jeck Nic:hollon. Valerie Perrine. A Texas bOrdet guard'a values come In oon111ct with thoea of hie ~' ~wcwMrs and hie meterlahtlc wife. 'R ( 1 ht., "5 min.) ·1--IUO W ::. Guest: Lola Felana. ( 1 hf.) .. Cl>C81 ... ~ATCM .... 'Paftl Playboys'' ( 19!><&, Com- edy) Bowery Boys. Veo6a Vonn. A man la ~ to Parls to poee es a IClentlst and l.WlCOY9f ttic. attempting 10 ateal • secret '°"=~" 30 min.) .. 1:-..... ... "They AJ Lauot*1" ( 1981, ) Audrey Hepburn, Ban Gazzata. Thfea New YOO! det9011"91 baOome lnYOIYtd In numetOUI romal)tlc lialeona wtllle tracking their ctlenta' arrant w!Yel. 'PG' ( 1 hr., ~ "*'.) -1:--•1 • .. ''Supafman II" ( 1980, Fantay) opt'9f ....... Margot Kidder. While aeYlng Petti from • nucieat exploalon, SUperman unwtttlnatY fr... the trio of vllalns Wflo were orlglnaly by Na Ktyptonlan t.ther. 'PG' g~mln.) •CC>.,._ "Mlgfo Non Troppo" (1976, FantatY) ~led. Ute In the machine f II Ntlrtzed. 'PG' ( 1 tw., 25 min.) .. -.... ~. Roma" (1972. Ore- ml) P9t• Qonalae, Britt• 8afna9. An lmp'~tlo IOok at the E1ema.I City In ""* 'R' (2 hrs., 10 min.) .. ........ .. .. "L~ (No Dete) Shallly ... A arnel-tlrne catnlval °"'* lf1ttft • ~ peat ~h en ambl--•'1;&1 etitppar. ( 1 tv,, 3S min.) ,.._WT A IOAantftlc e~tlon lethlllcl!:~;:'f:) ekt ath- • -- -'°'*-'~J.:=~· AOr= "'°"" ..., ~ toClk owr ttlt Cheln'nalr eNp of hit 11'8 hulblnd'• corporatkln Mel :,:o:-:ed-=: ~~ lrMIMort. 'A' (I tn. J ,ftdey. ~ 11 •. ._ n -- •:~~ •.. ..,,. -==~1= .. '= bmGinlllla .,, lftlll .,.. ,,.. ~ ~ ief _. "Fl'4 "90 Hltr• .. :!...~~ 0!1lr er:_.. ~: .. z:.1 If~ ~~ Dly Wt vt O!lklend Alldfft .. '''°" Aoeaht. The Dion•' Drama) Paul N#mln1 td A.,,. tough ~ btttle cllmt •no oom.iptlOn .. ... ..._ ,,,v, r~·a.JklufJJ Bron ~ tle>Od·~~mln) -· .. "Anthony A<MrM" (1938, ~ame) Fttdrlo Maroh. OIMI de HaYlt· land. An cwphan ..-. hll dMt~ In the .. r..r.:~~lc:~~~~~eJ. ~~- tin) John Marley, Simon Mtoeolklndale. A IOOOJ>hUngty journallll lollowl 81'1 wc:NleOIOQllt end NI daUghler In theit ...,oh f~.~ gOld trMtUtt In the -Mexlcen ;.r~ o.3Cl.=i, =-.......... ,,.,, ...... ,___.~"NAACP t Direction?" Tony &own look• at the prot*ml Of the NAACP and Ill use ot economlC boycott tactic•. (R) (I) wca.D a. -Coverage of the Women's Downnlll from Plancavallo, Italy. R) ( 1 hr) llO'lll "Under The RlinboW" ( 1981, ) CMYy Chase. Cerrle Fw. The 150 mldQet1 woo are In town ror the film. Ing ol ''The Wizard Of Oz." tum 1 CaHfor· ma hotel upeld&-down 'PG' ( 1 hr , 38 min.) .,.CUii .. (C) llO'lll "Love For Rent" ( 1979. Ofa- ma) Liu EUbechet. Annelle O'Toole. Two small-town girls woo moYe to take adven- taga of the glamorous kle of the big city find 1~ forced by nac9681ty IOIO becoming Ngh-prlced escorts ( t hr • 40 .. ,mln .... Y9'0m'IPMI NI BCI>• ... lliiCliillD) a • .-Y ,._ "South Alrlea Bad Place Ot Bed Press?" ( 1 ht ) 1..,,, ... -... mM WW Neal Gabler and Jel- tt:11 Irey~ ~k the best fllma of 1982. ~ llCMI .. Abigail Leslie Is Back In Town" ( 1979. Ofama) Rebecca Brooke. Satah NichOISOn A beautiful woman returns to h8f home town 'R' ( t ht • 40 mlnJ.om 1d,, ...... = e.-:=.,. ATMllCMll AISA'I -llL IUf WMn ~ MT Hosts; Catol Lawrence, Stan MOlr neyham. Guests Efrem Zlmballsl Jr IOea=.;;::m Sh&lner. ( 1 hr) .. DAY•ma .OW. "Chain Reaction" ( 1980, Adventure) Steve Besley, Arna-Mana Win- chester A oovere<Hip nuclear accident resotta In a contamtna1ed. amnesiac planl worker wanderlng around the countryside Orange Bowl Queen Mavel Rodriguez will ride a Ooat during NBC'a live teleca1t of the 4 9th King Orange Jamboree Parade at 8 p.m . Friday on KNBC ( 4). l hr., 3Qmin I tW llCMI llO'lll "Modern Problemt" (198 1, Comedy) Ct\elly Ch8N. Palll D'Arben· vllle. A hapleaa air trottlc controller. with numerous personal problem• la end<>wed with leleklnetlc powers atter being doused with nuclear wasl8. 'PG' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 1W 8 llO¥ll "OlvOrce Ametlcan Style" (1967. Comedy) Dick Van Dyke. Debbie Reynolds Concerned lrlendl help pteverit the dtvorce ol e couple who have been married 17 years (2 hrs .. 10 min) -1-ClUI .... UMY FAMB "South Africa' Bad Place Or Bad Press?" ( 1 hr l "' WOllLD MOM ~ = "Zeppelin" ( 1971. Adventure) Michael York. Elke Sommer During World war I, a British spy learns that the Ger· mans ere ptannlng to use a giant dirigible 10 steal the Magna Carta and thereby erode Blllrsh morale. (2 hrs J G) PlllTA IOWl PAIUDI Ch&mpklnShlp bands trom across the nation are featured In this Chrtstmas holiday parade (2 hrs .. 10min.) e1I CID MO¥lf "The Border" ( 1981, Ofama) Jack Nicholson. Valerie Pemne. A Texas t>order guard's values come In connlct with thoSe of his corrupt co-workers and his ma1e11aliSt1C wife •R' ( 1 tv . 45 min.) e118 llO¥ll "The Vatican Affair" (1969, Suspense) Walter Pidgeon. Ira Fursten· berg A reOglOn prolesSOf and hfs band of thieVes attemp1 to rob the Vatican ol its ~wels. (:> hrs ) G:ll(C)llOVll "Bile The Bullet" ( 1!1.75. West· em) Gene Hackman. CandiOe Bergen A lrootter newspaper sponsots a race against ume aooss the Western bad- lands 'PO' (2 hrs . 25 min ) 11:11 (!) HOU YWOOO ~~Jf!! .. l '*""~'-¥ ,;.. ~!htr~r::'T .':~ .... In tflt IOl"nlftt P"fu9. """rt ~ tr. two •• pwlttlnlnO •ff (I hi • • ~ ''Whrllt I Jfll II It Mpe'(P'' atne) Alcltl4ltd Orl'(tl'.M, JtiM ,,...., .... "°"' the r~ ~ In .n IUCOl'llOOll9 . t, I IOUlpo IOf ,..,.. ... lbcMll hil .... DtfOf• llld l~l«M ..... IOclo.,,. w ''liar <MOOn-c1ee2. r:.talflllr " Dllon. C4ndY fllhet. ~~em.I ~Ion. IWO ~· trom dltfetlng beekgroundt f8ll In love In • tmell T exn . 'PO' (1hr.0 4& min.) .. _ ... , .. W ... "Tiit 8ofcW' ( 194 t. Otame) ~. V'*"' Perrine. A Tew bofder ~fl• Yalut9 come In conflict wtth thOle of hil corrupt co-WOtt<"' and NI mettridttlc w1le 'R ( t hr .. 45 min ) .,, •• ., .. 0 W c Guest: Lola Falene. ( 1 hr.) .. .... _....Tat "Pena Playt>oyt" ( 195-4, Com· ) V9(){1 Vonn A man It sent to 11 to ooi~~~~lllt and thoN lllempllng to I It .~ .. 30mln.) \UJ ....... -ATU. llO'lll "They AH L~" (198t, ) Aud<ey HepbUrn. Ben Gazzara. " New Yort< detecttvea beOOme Involved In numeroue romantic liaisons while tracking the!< cllenta' errant wives 'PG' ( 1 hf., 4~ min.) 1:11 Ul)IT't YOUR• I •11 e.ow. "SUperman II" ( 1980. Fantaay) Christopher Reeve. Margot Kidde<. Whlle aavlng Parlt from a nucieer explosion. Sopefman unwittingly frees the trio of DOWCK1ut villains Who weJe originally Imprisoned by his Kryptonlan falhef. 'PG' {1 hra., 5 min.) l:ll(C) llO¥ll "Allegro Non Troppo" (1976 . Fantasy) Animated. Liie In the machine f Is aatirlz.ed. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 25 min.) .. ... llO'lll "Fellini's Roma" ( 1972. Ota· ma) Peter Gonzales. Britta Barnes An lmptesalonlstlc look at the Eternal City In ..;=Imes. 'A' (2hrs .. 10mln,) WllWOUll (R) a11 .OW. "Looping" (No Date) Shelley WinterL A smaN-11me camtval owner ent&fs a dangerous pact with an ambl- tdl t~~J stripper. ( 1 hr . 35 min.) ~ M\19 IPOllT A sclentillc exploration of athletic performance which can aid ath- letes In ~~'::,a game. (R) ... 1rec:.---........ llO'lll "Rollover" ( 1981. Orama) Jane Fonda. Kris Krlstollerson. A former movie star wtio took over the chairman- ship of hef lale husband' a corpo<atlon and a hlgh-powe<ed financial expert beOOme lnvofved In a dlsa.Strous deal with Arab investors 'R' (2 hrs.) Friday, December 31, 1982 23 _......._...,,..._ •CZ> "Th• Charge Of The Light Brigade" ( 1968. Adventure) Trevor Howa1d, Vaneesa Redgrave. (2 hrs., 10 min.) -~·Dead ~nd" (t937. Orama) Sylvl8 , Joel McCrea. ( 1 hr . 30 min. l •tll> · bah" (1948. Musical) Tony Mar· tit\ Marta TOf"en. (2 hrs..) •iii "Moecow Doesn't Believe tn Tears" (1980. Comedy) Vera Alef'llova. Alexei Batatov (2 hrs., 25 min.) 119(!) "The Egg And I" ( 19'7. Comedy) Claudette Colbert. F1ed MacMunay (2 hn.) CC) "Oeys Of Fury" (2 tvs ) Nt(Z) ''Time Bandits" ( 1981, ComedY) • Craig Warnock. David Wamer ( 1 hr 5o min.) •CID "~ With Care" (1977. Comedy) Paul le t.1a1, Candy Clark ( 1 hr , 40 min.) •CD> "Mr And Mrs. Smith" ( 1941, Come- dy) Carole Lombard. Gene Raymond. (2 hrs.) •CC) "For Your Eyes Ontv" (1981. AdVeo· ture) Roger Moore. 1'opo1 (2 his.. 5 min.) e ''CNnge Of Heart" (No Date) (2 hrs.) •• "Time Bandits" (1981. Comedy) Craig Warnock, David Wame1 ( 1 hr , 5o min.} (%) ''The Party" ( t968. Comedy) P84et Se11er1i. Claudine Longe1. ( 1 hr . 40 min ) .. CID "Superman II" ( t980. Fan1esy) Ctvl9-toph:Br ~. Margot Klddet (2 hrs. 5 mn) Cl) "The Tall Target" ( 196 t, Orama) OiCk Powell. Paula Raymond ( 1 hr. 18 min) -(fl) 'Man On A String" (1960. Orama) Er.--t Botgnlne. Kerwin Mathews (2 -~l,,Ctlarlel Md Lucia" ( 1979. Come· dy) Daniel Cecx:aldl. Ginette Garcln ( 1 hr., 35 min.) ttrt1 C!1 "Liar'• Moon" (1982, Orama) Matt l5ion. Cindy Altl8f. ( 1 hr., 45 min) tWml "GeotdW' (1956, Comedy) 8"1 fie ...... Ncnh Gotsen. (2 hrs.) Cl) "The Frenctl Ueutenant's woman" (1981, Creme) Mefyt Streep. Jeremy ~ (2hra.. 5mln.) • "Joeeph Andrews" ( 1977. Comedy) Mn-Margret, Peter lnnh. (t hr., 43 min.) min.) •a:> "Deed End" ( t937. Orama) Sylvla Sidney. Joel McCrea ( 1 tv . 30 mtn.) CB> "H8ndle With Cete" ( 1977, Comedy) Paul Le Met. Candy C1a1k ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 0 "Fldcllef On The Roof" ( 1971. Musr cal) Topol. Norma Crane (2 hrs . 59 min.) .. CC) "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven tvre) Roge< Moore, fopot (2 hrs , 5 ~) $ k .. u..1 "The Shog\Jn Wanlofs pace eteers l...!981. Fan1asy) Animated (2 his) CZ). "The Spirit Of The Beetwe" (1973. Orama) Ana Torren1. Fernando f'ernan Gomez ( 1 hr .. 35 m1n) .. (fl) "Angel In My Pocket" ( 1969. Come- dy) Andy GnHith. Lee Melrwethef (2 hrs.) •Cll "Elvis" ( 1979 Btography) Kun Aus· sell, Season Hubley (2 hrs.. 30 min ) --•lvenlag .. ,-=. 9 Ill.=,. Dallas Cowboys at l~f::i::: ~=-­.......... OW. on Guest novelist end ecreenwflte< NIV8f'I Bu9ch Q • :=-IUIAllmlAWlll ~-Ulllm Ol 'fMI UHMA A fleet ot b<lght-salled land yach11 takts a crew of European, Canadian and U S sailors on a 1,500:-mlte odyssey from an Algerian oasis to the Atta.ntk:. ...... I TMl..cl. mfT = CAftTT Guest Or Oltvei Sack$ i=R~t: And The Kangaroo" (1978. Advenlllft) Animated Directed by Yoram Gross A young gift becomes loll In the Austrelltln bush and IS befriend· \. ed by a kangaroo who gives hef a hf1 in Its (1hr .. 30mln) WGIUOI NOil.i ,. .... =:,.,-:,uo• , ....... .., .. .,_.=-., 1:;.rr:.=.. J UClll eov.rege ot thl Mlchelob Ughl WOfk1 Cha~ahlp E·~y hr> -~ .,. "Aah Wednelday" ( 1973, Ora· ma) Ellubelh Taylor, ~ry Fonda. A middfe..aged hooelwlte attempte to recap- ture her youthful appearance by undefQO: lf"1 taclal IU'V9fY ot en ttaltan ellnlo. 'R' (2 tire.) Ca>llOWll "OU.I fOf Four" (1962) Mllct Pfnton. Dllnt Ciiento (2 hr1l.) CZl "°"' "lht Lall Walfz" (1978. ~ cal) The Band Oltected by Maltln SootMae 80b Oyfan, ;Joni Mltchel. Etlc QaptOtl Md Alnao ,..,, tolA The Band In • lllmed <*tbf•llofl of the group'• ,. • ICOIU'1~1tw.,56min.) --,.., ,. = ''GIOfdle'' (18M. CO'Mdy) 91 Travers. Norah GOf"sen. An undersized Sco1sman enrolls in a body-building course and goes on to t>ecome an ()lym- ~ shol·pu1ter ( 1 IY . 45 min.) 1:118 2 Oii 1MI TOWI Featured some ot Southern Cahlomia's different lund$ of Ice creams: a vlsH 10 Teha<:hapt Ranch. free- lwaydf'f::v RUD LA-1--.iYl~ 1 nc TAC DOUIN lD' TIPUCI .....Cll:mlol" llACIB./~8Qll'T mM WWI Neal Gabler and Jef· tr~ i/J:: plCk lhe best films of. 1982. G "Peggy" (1950. Colnedy) Ola· na Lynn. Char1es Coburn Two vtvaciouS S1Slers vie for 1he coveted crown ol Rose Bowl Queen while one has a secret advan- 11 over the other ( 1 hr . 30 min ) .. IQ&IAMPHI • UTTUMOUEA .. ••1•11 An aging doctor takes Jenny as his final pa1ien1 af18f an accident leaves her per- tlally paralyzed. D ( 1 hr.) ="A TOOch Of Ctass" (1973. ) Glenda Jackson. George Seoel. A & t dlVOlcee meets a happily mariled American and agrees 10 a week4ong ftlng 1nS~~~ i A Clllft CJtf This docomentary Pf&- senta a cios.up IOok at chlldten atruo- gllng With the daily threat of vlolaooe. hun- ger. oppression and aplr1tual darkness ( 1 hr) i :' llAUZl9 Twin b<others who play on opposing NFL teams: a rescue squad that saved two abandoned baby Mets. e .. ftL TMI DYm ITCl't Charlton Heston hosts this portrayal, na"eted by Mason Adams. of Third World lamffles struggling to overcome politleal repr..- slOl'I, poverty and unstable eoonomlel. ( t hr) • mAT •• a....,.. "Tnk«. Tallor. Soldlef. Spy" Geofge Smiley (Alee Guin- ness) ransactts the pest In search of a clue 10 the ldeotlty of the "Motl.'' and recans his one meeting with the Soviet super8')y Karla (Patrick Stewan) (Parts 3 and 4) (R) D (2 hrs.) ID 11A1'UM "The Oitc:CMlfY Of Animal Behavior: Living Together" An eXl)IOrltton ot the r~ation&hlp between lhe baNvtor of anlmela end 1he kinds of comtOOfllt._ In which they llVe and t\Jnctlon Is pteMOted. ~1C8119 El;l. --- . ~ _ ...... ~. - ..,.....,!!'~~ ~==Wiii --.:~ b Iii .,, .... end hit WUUll i---"flW""' ...,,. .. .... '"'Cll'll OGIAd .. l'G " l:.' Jt O!~ Dey ""' AllOlfl >....&·~==~ "FOt1 Aolohf, The Otooa" 91 t, Creme) PM H11wm9n. fd ,.._ tough~~'!"!. et~ oorr~ Wr1-IV!" 'O. ,. E,:..: tw., &t min.) -... ·= A<Mr.... 0830. amt) F1edrlo Maleh. OM9 de Hevtt-Wnd. An OfJ)Mn Meltt NI dltlif!Y In the .. r.:~~~=~"~~~~ tin) John Mlttey, Simon Maceonllndelt A llOOOP'hunorY )ournalllt lolow9 an 1tcNeo60gllt and hie daught• In their ...,°" '~~ go6_d trMIUt• In the -Mexican ~~-~:J. m .......... _,, .. MIMIT ,....,...._"NAACP t Olnlctlon?" Tony &own 1oo61• at the probleml of the NAACP and tts UM of economic boycott tactic.. (R) (() WCR.D CW ... Cc>vefage ot the Women's Oowhnlll from P\ancevalo, llaty R hf.) ll0"9 "Undef The Ralnb<>w" (198t, ) Chevy ChaM. Carrie Fisher The 150 midgets who are In town fOf the lltm- lng of "rile Wizard Of Oz." turn a CalifOf· nla hotel upside-down. 'PG' ( t hr .. 38 min.) .. ! ~Love FOf Rent" ( 1979, Ora- ma) Lisa Ellbacher. Annette O'Toole. Two smell-town girts who move to take adVan- tage of the glamorous Ille of the b4g city find themMMts IOfced by necesshy lnlO becoming high-9riced escOftS ( 1 hi , 40 -1m1n~, ....... . tW .. ... .-V =-"South Alrlea. Bad Place Or Bad Preas?" ( 1 hr.) I _,, PALWB.L mM ...... Neal Gable< and Jel- n:tl trey cli,~k the best fltms ot 1982. ~ ... "Abigail Leslie Is Back In Town" (t979. Orama) Rebecca &oot<e. Sarah NlcholSOn A beauOtul woman returns 10 hef home town. 'A" ( t hf , 40 tWlmln== e:.-:llA,. ATM.,_. AMCA'I DU IL CUT 11M0'1 ~ Mt Hosts. Carol Lawrence. Stan Moo- neyham. Guests. Efrem Zlmballst Jr • IDea=.;.::m Shatner. ( 1 hr.) .. DAY•-.,_ "Chain Reaction" ( 1980, Adventure) Steve Blsley, Arna-Maria Wln- Chest81' A COYefed-ui> nuclear acddent results in a contaminated. amnesiac plant worker wandeflng around the countryside. Orange Bowl Queen Mavel Rodriguez will ride a noat during NBC't live teleeatt of the 49th King Orange Jamboree Parade at 8 p.m. Friday on KNBC ( 4). j hr .. JO min) ,,,. .,.,. .cMI "MOdern Ptobleml" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Chase. Paltl D' Arban- vllle. A hapless al1 traffic controllef. with numerous personal problems is end<>Wed with tele+!inetlc powers 11181' being douMd with nuclear waa1e 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min~ 1ttl 8 .cMI "Divorce American St " ( 1967. Comedy) Dick Van Dyke. De ble Reynolds Concerned friends help pievant the dlvofce ol a couple who have been married ~ea11 (2 hfs , tO min.) -1==--..., famll "South Africa Bad Place Or Bad Press?" ( t hr ) . ..., .. ~="Zeppelin" (1971. Adllenture) Michael York, Elke Sommer During WOfld war t, a British spy learns that the Ger- mans ere planning to use a giant dirigible to steal the Magna Carte and thereby erode British motale. (2 hrs ) 8) ...,.A 90Wl. PMWll Championship bands from across the natton are featured in this Christmas holiday parade (2 hrs .. 10 ~ ate(B) "The Bo<de<" (198t. Orama) Jack Nicholson. Valefle Pemne A Texas bO<der guard's values come 1n cootllct with those of his corrupt co-workers and his materiatishc wile 'A' (I ht .. 45 min) a.a MCml "The Vatican Altair" ( 1969. Suspense) Walter Pidgeon. Ira Fursten- berg. A rehg1on professor and his band ol thieves altempt to rob the Vatican ol its ~· (2 hrs) D:11 CCJ MCm1 "Bite The Bullet" (1975, Wes1- e1n) Gene Hackman, CendlCe Bergen. A frontier 'l8wspaper sponsors a race against time aetoss the Western bad- lands 'PG' (2 hrs • 25 min ) -CJ) HOUYWOOO - U.•W·• I I ~.,,., ""' ~ .. ,.......,. Jim~ tfte 1tt ,_..,,,..,. ~2 Iva. I ~ Z--''WhON l.lft .. ". ~.,,, .. lir&1m11) Rldwd C)~ ... """' fl 111 et;lf!ld ft om the '* llltomotilf !dent, • IO.llp-lar r·•em"'t111n,.._...,,. ... about hll _.. before and -ma:: ..... ·~ ........ W ..,.. \.llt"t Voon" (1982. Oftl'nl) Mitt Diiion, CIMY Fllher ""91t• pettnttl OR>Olltlon. 1-0 leen-~ rrom dlfftftng beettgt oundl tall In 1oYe In 1 llTlell T •• .. • 'PO' U!w,, 45 min,) -_, ...... W ... "The Bordtr" (19&t. ()lama) Nctlc*Otl. Valette Pemne AT-... bor<* ~cf• ve1ue1 come 1n oonfllc1 with lhoM of hit corrupt oo-woncera end =1 ... r:~.:·;~:J • (I) e11 ... ..mratCM .. "Parll Playt>oys" ( 1954, COm· edy) Bowery Boys, Veale Vonn. A man II aenl to Parfl to poee •• a scientist and uncover thoM attemp1lng to steal a MCret '°'7:·~ .. 30 min) '"'I:-" ... MOW11 "They AH Laughed" (1981. ) Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara. Three New VOfk delectlllea become lnYOl\led In numefout romantic 11a1sons wNle tracillng theit cllente' Clfranl wives. 'PG' (1hr .. 4"5mln.) 1:9 al) rrt TCMIMI H •M • .cMI "Supennan tt" (1980, Fantasy) ChrlstQPher Reeve. Margot Kidder While saving Paris from a nuclear explosion. Superman unwlnlngly frees the trio ot powertul Ylllalns who were Ofiginally Imprisoned by his Kryptonian father 'PG' {g hrs .. S min.) 1:9 (CJ MOWll "Allegro Non Troppo" ( 1976, Fantasy) Animated Lite In the machine i la satirized 'PG' ( 1 hr • 25 min ) ...... .cMI "Fellini's Roma" ( t972. Ora- ma) Peter Gonzales, B1ltta Barnes An Impressionistic IOOk at the Eternal City In ..1=1mes 'A' (2 hrs , 10 mm ) .,. rlWOllAll (R) W m¥11 "Looping" (No Date) Shetley Wlnte<s. A smaH-time carnival owner enl8f8 a dang8fOUS pact with an ambl- 1:9 tiou:~'li stripper ( f hr., 35 min.) ~ M\m WCMT A scientific exploration o1 athletic per10fmance Which can al(1 ath· let es 1n ~~':Ira garne. (A) ·1=-lHI--.. .... 9CMI "Rollover" (1981. Orama) Jane Fonda. Kris Krlstotterson A former movie star who tool< 0"9f the chairman- ship of her late husband's corpol'ation and a high-powered flnanc1al expert become lnvofved In a disastrous deal with Arab lnvestOfS 'A. (2 hrs) Friday. December 31. 1982 23 -Monclay Cont. '* fathet's remamaoe. a teen-&gef joins 1 group of offbeat characters and winds ~ lrM:>fved in murder (2 hrs) • = .. No Place To Run .. ( 1972, Dra- ma) Herschel 8ernard1. Larry Hagman An orphan and his grandfather flee the country when author111es refuse them pet- mission to INe •=her. ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) I UM, ... J rm.I ... "Yoo llghl Up My Ute" ( 1977, Romance) Didi Conn, Joe Stlv8f. An a54)1ring songwrltl!f tries to cope with the three men In her Ille while establlSl'l•ng her own ldent~ ( 1 hr , 30 min ) -()) ,_, IMM>llZD TNI CON HypnotiSI Pat Collins turns pollce 1nvestl- Elon into a hilarious art form ( 1 hr J -• LATl ..cf""" DAYI> ~ ts: Ed Asner. Andy Kaufman, NBC ehoeshinefs r · d Jackson and Joe T em- S::-1°"~ ICLOll .... ··Judge Dee And The Monast- ery Murders" ( 1974, Mystery) Khlgh ONegn. Mako A 7th-century Chinese detective tacklel an unusual case tnvolv- lng three wives. a one-armed man and a dead monk. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) CJ) u.rt ,._ "Is There Ute Alter Oeeth?" 11 tv ) I UM,Ci CMlrml -llM*l~Y~ .,.. "Montenegfo" (1981, Come- dy) Susan Anspach, Eiland Josephson. A neglected wile travels to Stockholm and begins an affair with a man she met in a bofiemjan nlghtctub 'A' ( 1 hr • 40 min ) CD llCml "Endless Love" ( 1981, Romance) &ook1 Shields, Martin Hewlll. A 17-yeai-old's Obsessive IOve for his 15- ii-old girlfriend leadS td1>atental con- ts and tra . 'A' (I h1., 55 min ) .,.. "~h Hunt" (1981, Ac!Ven- ture) Challes &onson. Lee Marvin In the 1930s, a Mountie and a frontier criminal wage an Old battle as c1v1lization encroaches on the Canadian wilderness 'R' {l 'Co..36 min.) ... Cl)'_, the pMande1lng head of e femlly-owned company ca11le1 out an lntrtcate scheme to stop his mother-In-law from firing hVn. (R) ( 1 h1 , 20 min ) .. CZ> ... "Time Bandits" (1981. Come- dy) CtaJg Warnock, David Warnef A ~ouno boy .. taMn on a tnp th1ough time rv e bend of dlmlnutrve would-be ootlaws have atolen a time-warp map from the Bui>teffie Being. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min ) -1-"""' MOWll "Five GOiden Dragons" ( 1967, Ac:tvltlture) Robert Cummings. Margaret L ... A.II Amerlcan dtlettanle In Hong l<ong aet• awept up In the operations of a eecret rntematlonal netWOlk of smugglefs ( 1 hr .• 30mln.) (f7)11ATNTIQ. Cl) llAU. Ol P• IOWl. Air Foice Falcone YL Vandltbllt Commodores from Birming-ham Ala. (R) (3 hrs.) W (l)iDWi "The French lteu1enant'1 Wom- an" (1981, Drama) Meryl Streep, Jeremy Irons. An effelf between two 1ctor111 per· 1~ In the romantic pef1od rum In which the two are petformlng. 'R' (2 hf'a,, 5 •11.:c.J:'~••rr ---·-__ ,_ __ ,....... -.arr•• .. "FOf Y04M Ey" OM"' (1981, ~) Aog« Moort, Topol J9mtt Bond treck1 e crlmlnll who purlolned e II Frtday, oec.mber 31. 1882 Tim Conway, as coach Milo Jackson , is turned into a very little person, in "The World's Greatest Athlete," to be broadcast on "Walt Disney" in two parts, Tuesday, Jan. 4 and Tuesday, Jan. 22 on KNXT (2) . lop secret Blltlsh defense device 'PG' (2 hrs.5min) 11 llCMI "HonOI Guard" (No Date. Dra- ma) Rod Stelgef. A pacmst who deserts lhe Army and escapes to Canada t>ecames the larget of an ex·Marlne ser- -1~::=: 'R (I h<. 1r11~ ll0'9 ~el Assignment" (1980, Drama). Genevieve Bujold, Mlchoel York. A Cenadlan TV reporter In Moecow dilo- covera 1 Russian Scientific exi-tment ueitlg Jletolde on ctllldfen and amuggles lnctlmlnellnO material out of the country. .. ·PQ~mln.) IWGllDATU.. ... . ... "Kiii Md Kii ~In" (1981, cMntutl) Jemta Rylf'I, Annellne t<tlel. A martial Itta IXPlfl befllet the mlnlol'll Of I powtr-med aclenli•t Intent on enalavtng mankind with 1 rtlW mind-controt drug. 'PG' (1 hr .. 40 min.) M~ llOWI "The Spirit Of Ttll BeltM'' 1873, Dr•m.) Ane Tonent, rlfnandO ""*"Gomez. In 1~ Spein, ....... llYe young g\fl's exposure to the horror lllm "Frankeostem" elters hef peiceptlons ... 1o,li:u(~35mm.) ... .. PAml• 110'9 "EMs" ( 1979. Blopraphy) Kurt . Seetoo Hubley e llOiWll "The Fen" ( 1981. Suspense) Lauren Beain. James Garner. A popular fllm star I• vlcllmtted by a plychotlo admirer. ~-35 min.) •(II) _, A 'I TNI ... Comedy lketchet combine with clU9lc lllm end nawa footage In an ottt>eet. utlrlc tek• oft. •CJ) TOP0'1M1mcm•11 (C)MOWll "T-" (1979, Orerne) Neste• Ila Klnskl. Peter Firth. The Claughtlf of e poor E lleh hlrmer ~ the victim of hor f1 '111p1t111ont ond h« own t>eeu- IPG' 2 twa 50 l'Ntl) -...... -... "8upertne('I ~ .. (1880, ftnt .. y) letophef Aee\te, M*got Kidder. Whlle ~ P~rll ffom • ~ exploelon. Suptimln unwttt~ ffeee .... trlO of =-~ KIW*JI=-•~ '"' lite Wjf'' w.,... 1111 t bytt#I •'*"IGe uf tw •lit Ind c.llfld ,,. ~ to •Wt II lJIU llO'IW (II NI, 10 Ml 1-.. "~Ill AllU Tht Mlf'lo-0. Qotd'· { IQ/6 A~llH) fam4M1 OoOlon. 811111 Ot9YOl11 A. ltlmlle OCJY91M1ilnt IQlnl lllttmpll to "11ltt1•t1 Ind deltroy an \lnd9fWOlld 1ynoc.11 (IOI} !tolled by lhe myat111CU1 "Olagotl ledy . I (I Iv. 3e min.) -•A't'tl The mem"-'1 Of the 7~ .,, 1lttolld 1t1 ver10111 wayt by 1 ~I trom 1 thtee-man U N d4NIQatlon llO¥ll "The Kid f1om Nowhef•" UP 011m1) Suun S.lnt JllTlft, Lor-111 Swlt The troubled llvot ot a rtlltdld youtlQtltt encl hll mothet aie l)lvert I new meeolnQ ~ hit 91-.etgtM .,. channeled Into tfie Special Olympic• ~ {RlJlhr1. • 1M'l't umw • Featutld ostrich races. • 88-yeat Old man attempts to lwlm uprtvef towing a boat loaded with pas&engers. a bHnd sculptor, o baby 11 l .. vr~ •• ::.r a plastlc bubble (I hr) DOii CCllT'B1 llMCUIR.IYU. IOUllD ;unyAI.. The tradlllonal thms of Br8lll blend with the stra1ns ol contemporary 1azz in a coocen leaturtng Flofa Purim and percusstonlsl Alrtr;i Mor~~ll.) Cl) IAlllTUU.St JohMA~ me<1 et Seton HeH Plfates (R) (2 hrs ) CD llCMI "Chanel Solitaire" ( 198 t . Biog raphy) Marie-France P1s1er. Rulgar Hauer The romances and buStness struggtes ot P&1!5 fashlOO queen Coco Chanel's early ~rs are detailed 'R' (2 hrs) (.Q) llCMI "Saboteur" ( 1942. Suspense) Priscilla Lane, Robert Cummings Accused of sabotage and the murder ot his best friend, a man sets out to llnd the real Nazi saboteurs (2 hrs ) (%) llCMI "Liar's Moon" ( 1982. Drama) Mall Dillon. Cindy Fisher Despite parental opposition. two teen-agers hom differing backgrounds fall m love 1n a small Texas town. ·pa· ( 1 hr . .as min l l lOLDMI -Cl)...wl'T PMa.MOGM llCMI "Home Bel0<e Dari\.. ( t 958. Drama) Jean Simmons, Rhonda Fleming A woman struggleS 10 ad1ust to soc1e1y following her confinement IOI a nervous breakdown (2 hrs , 30 min ) I IWllllT~ TOMQHT .. , .•. " -Cl) IUl.AIM tomM-MD .... CU 'I Susan Anton the P01nter Sisters and Jonathan Wrnters 1oln Suzanne Somers for an hour of song, dance and comedy from the Ramstem Air Base In Kalserlau tem, West Ger~ (I hr l I •• ., llCMI "The Oetecflve" ( 1968. Mys te<y) Frank Sinatra. Lee Remick A detec· trve finds that the wrong man was electro cuted for the murder of a young homose• ual ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 9 OWU'I MGl1.I • ~ UJIWt A amcA&. YC*:I The Pulilzer Prize-w111ning h1stonan and lormei U S Ambassador to the Sov1e1 UnlOn 1s prohled ( 1 hr ) Suzanne Somen ainp and dances at Ramstein Air Base in Kaisenlautem, West Germany on "Suzanne Somers and Ten Thousand G.l.'s," at 10 p.m. Monday on KNXT. (2). QD) mMA...,.. ··po1111ca1 Spots'' Wash· 1ngton Post columnist Mark Shields looks at the techniques used by today's potlllcat ~a makers (R) D g mo¥ll "Break8f ~orant" ( t980. Ora- ma) Edward Woodward. Jack Thompson. Australians conscrfpted' tl1 llghl on Eng· Land's Side In the Boer War decide to light the Boer guerillas on their own terms ·J5'a- j hr .. 46 min.) TMIVllGIUll 1a'1I MOT .c:atAlllLY TMI .... Comedy sketches combine wrth classic film and news footage 1n an offbeat. saliric take- off. -1 ......... ---rr•TWOM .... WOllLD Of IOOll ._ llCMI "The Damned" ( 1969. Drama) Dirk Bogarde. lngnd Thulin. A wealthy Industrial family Is torn apart by the deca· dence and social upheaval of early Nazi Ger~ (2Jus.,.i5 mm ) -.(fl) ··'(he Bobo" (1967. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Brill Ektand A bumblrng matador·turned·Slnger is promised the llmehghl 1f he can seduce the lovehest lady 1n Barcelona within three days (2 hrs . 10 11•1mrn. ())<ml CD..., IAlUllDAY NIQMT · MllMCMOf-TMIMfiAiCW MAMY.O llJ 11•11 IB'OllT • ,.. LATDIQHT H05f Oennrs Wholey _l!hr) W FUTUlll IPORT A scienhhc e~ptora11on of afhlellc performance which can aid ath· tetes 1n rmpfOvtng their game (R} OM LOCAT10M "The Sevenlh Annual Young Comedians Show" Host Alan King Guests. Schmock and Vallely, MH<e MacDonald, Steve Wright, Larry Amoros and J J Wall. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) al) lilO¥ll "The Othef Side 01 Julie" ( 1978, Orama) Susannah French, John Leslie. ·x· ( 1 hr. 30 min.) Cl).,_ "The Party" ( 1968, Comedy) Pel81 Sellefs, Claudipe Longe! A mis- chievous Indian 8C!Of CfNl88 Ull81 chaos when he c1ashes a social party. ( t hr., 40 min) 1W(J) llCMI "Love Box" (No Date, Come- dy) A young Engttsh lad gets more responses to a "sex wanted'. ad than he can handle ( t hr , 10 min) 11:11 ([) lilO¥ll "Dirty Lilly" (No Date) ( t hi .. 15 min.) 11:11 8 (I) fUlllllll »IC, U. Trapper. Gonzo and a termlnaHy Ill patient try to hit anoth- er dying patient out ot his deep depres- Slon (A) ( 1 hr , 10 min ) II fm 11lf lllT Of CMIOM Host Johnny Carson Guests Sammy DaVJS Jr . Shelley I Wtn:p;. Michelle Pfeiffer (R) ( 1 hr ) YOU AlllD FCJll IT MC ... ~ llCMI "Hard Contract" ( 1969. Ora- ma) James Coburn. lee Remick A beau· 11ful woman causes a hired killer to aban- don his plans lo commit a thtrd murdef (2 hrs tocua I OMIOCWTY ~ 1WCWI u. .,..,.._,Ta.GMT MC ... MIQHT\.M llOYIE "Beat Girl" ~ 1960, Drama) David Farrar Noelle Adam Resentful of Friday, December 31, 1982 25 -glr1 conquers her teer of the ho9pital with the he4p ol her friends. • ~ UlllTIM.L OsYldlon Wld- ceta vs. Notre Dame Fighting lreitt (2 hrS.) ... Cl> WALT~ .. 'the Worid'1 Gteet· eat Athlete" Two American coeches (Tim Conway, John Amos) trick an Afflc8n jun- gle boy (Jan-Michael Vincent) Into becoming rhelr one-man college treck team. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) 8 • IT ._, IUITI -YOU UUM Robeft Guilleume hosts a comedy apeclal IOC09ina on the ways we CC?. with the frultrat!Ona ol everyday life: guaa11 Include Std Caesat. Bob and Ray. Robet1 Mi1dun. and Cheech and Chong. ( 1 hr.) e mWll "Klller Fofce" (1975. At:Nen- ture) Peter Fonda, Tely SavaJes. A MCUf· ity officer and l'lls ~ atteck e deeert mining camp for a be&Utiful woman and $20 mllllon In diamonds. (2 hrs.) • 0 ~ DAYI Fonzie convlnoel a reluctant AaNey to attend her parents' r,~~ry party. Q i =' U'li'mp Fred Hayman shOwS U1 aane tamoua movte costumes: go dia- mond IU'lting In Af1(ansas. •.,.,."The 0.1." ( 1957, Orama) Jeck Webb, Don Dubbinl. A tough <d ~ tor "-* prepera bOOt camp recrulla for comb9t wlttWi 12 weeb. (2 hrt.) • IOfA "The M9klnQ of A Neiwal Htlto-ry Alm'' The 1owtv It~ fW'I II the IUbtect of a flm documenting the ii-tr.no. and Ingenuity thet goee ln1o INlklnQ a wtldllfe lflm. (A) D ( 1 hr.) • ll'NIMt "Quiet As A'Nun" Jemima tlilda the m1111ng student at the end of the tCIW9f'1 tunnel. but the figure of the bledc nun c.tchel up with them. (P91t 3) c;J ( 1 ad ... "PennlM From ...._, .. ( 1981, Mullcal~ Mertln, e.m.dette Pet ... In the ~ the Depr-'on. • ltlMt muelc .....,.,., de9troya the lh'ee of thoee Wound him becal.-ol hill unbridled -~ and hill ballet thet llte '*' b9 81 It II In aonga and moYle mu16ca1 ~ ductlon numbert. 'R' (1 hr., 47 min.) !::"'"Mae Ufe .. 11 A.tryway?" Orame) Richard OreyMa. Jahn t• Paralynd from ~ nedt dOWJl In an automobile eccldent, a ICK"P- tor remlnlaclea about hill lfe before and atoquently arguaa tor hll right to die. 'R' {1 tv., 5S mlrl.) .... "Aliggady Man" (1981, er. me) a.y Speejk, E(ic AobarU. In 1944, a t~ operator In a ~ Tew town UCtfflcet her standing In the com- munity wt.fl etia hae a short affair with a comtMIM>oood Mlor. 'PG' (t tv .•. 35 min.) •1iJM.•,.,.., -<II U-l-..Y Lavwna Yllltl a I t ~ta her llnl. c;J ........ _ .... -.. "None But Tha Lonetv Hwt" Orame) Cety Gfant, Ethel Bet· rym(Wt ~ by hill undetltand- lng mother •• ~ ~ aierd1ae fof eplfltuel ~. (2 hrS., I ':'A. ''The Hlaht Tha Ugtq w. Out 1n Georall" < 1tel. er.,,., Kr11ty McHI-~ ~ ~ A brother-encHIM• aQngwlttlng ~ haYe ~~ lllMI trying 10 alee out a on the ociuntry......,n c1tou1t. 'PO' ( hf .. ao min.) 21 Friday, Oeoembet 31, 1HI Tim Matheaon and Kate Jacbon 1tar as a couple trying to make their love alf air work in "Luten to Your Heart," Tuesday at 9 p.m. on "The CBS Tuesday Night Movies." • , 2 • -- ~l~~ -Afternoon Movl•-a:11e "Spooks Run Wiid" ( t941 Come<ly) Bela LugOSI Ava Gardnet ( 1 hr 30 mm) g) "The COOi Ones' ( 1967 Comedy) Roddy McDowall Debbie warsoo (2 hrs) 'Ame11can Wilderness ( 1971. Adventure) Documentary ( I hr 55 m111) (_$) 'Taps" ( 1981 Drama) Geo1ge C Scol1. T1mo1hy Hulton (2 hrs) 1'I (Z) 'Tell1no's norna· ( 1972. Drama) Peter Gonlales Brilla Barnes (2 hrs 10 min ) ,.CC) 'Meatballs" ( 1979 Comedy) Bill Murray Chris M.illepeace ( 1 hr 33 min) Hl0 "Penni~ from Heaven" ( 198 t Musi cal) Steve Martin. Bernadelle Pelers (I hr. 47 min) ttl(C) ·n1e I egend 01 The Lone Ranger" -w~ Cll ... ~·-­.... 0 11IB'ICO.AllY llAWAIMN --- ()¥91 UIY Guest· ICIOI GOOfge Me= ... ........ TMROUGlt lMI AllTI •Met•..,, -.... ..., ..... AIJCI DICICAVITT .,_YUM W01U Of NM.I .. ... 7:tl Cll ... .... tWPY DAYI AGAle MC ... O P& llAGAZlll IDAP ... lllTIRT~ TOllQHT 1llB'I Cf9AllY e-..wu Ga11•t1.a1T MCMI "Meatballs" ( 1979. Comedy) 8111 Murray. Ctms Makepeace A zany summer camp counselOI leads his mllllt charges into a no-holds-barred sporll compet1tton against a group lrom anolhel camp with a much bet111 reputat10n 'PO' t1hr .. 33 mtn) ([) COUIClll FOOT'IAU. "Rose Bowl" Michigan Wolvertnes al UCLA Trojans 18) ~~Ii.~"' ) (HJ m7 Host Dick Cavel! gu1deS viewers back lo 1927, lhe year Charles Lindbergh made lhe first transat· lantic lhght, hQUOf flowed In speakeasies and bolh the economy and rob oppor1un1- 1tes were booml~ CD llOVll "Humcane" ( 1979. Orama) Friday, December 31 , 1982 27 t -Taesclay Cont. (%).,_"Time Bandits" (1981. Come- dy) Craig Warnock, David Warner. A young boy ls taken on a trip through time by a band of diminutive would-be outlaws who have S1olen a time-warp map from the Su~ Being. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 50 min.) tae "Assassination In Rome" ( 1965. Suspense) Hugh O'Brlan, Cyd Charisse. A search tor his ex-girlfriend's husband leads a man through the Italian undefw0t1d. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) M CD .,. "Attack Force Z" (1980, Adventure) John Phillip Law, Mel Gibson. During WOl'ld War ti, a top-secret Austra- lian attack unit penetrates Japanese Hnes to perlOfm a daring rescue mission. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) --~--.. ~ .:f"!.whose Life Is 11 Arryway?" ( 1981, Drama) R.k:hard Dreyfuss. John Csssavetes. Paralyzed from the neck down in an automobile accident, a sculp- _........._ ...... _ .. E'Days Of Fury" (2 hr$.) M "Fellini'• Roma" ( 1972, Orama) Peter leS, Brltta Barnes. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) •a> "Deception" (1946, Drama) Batte DaWt. Claude Rains. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) •(I) "Toby And Tha Koala Bear" (1981, Fantasy) Rolf Harris. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) J'9(!) "Horizon& West" ( 1952, Westel'n) Robert Ryan. Rock Hudson. (2 hrs.) CC) "Dead End" (1937, Drama) Sylvia SldneY. Joel MeCtea. (1 hr .. 30 min.) CH> ''Oot And The kangaroo" (1978. AdVenture) Animated. Olfected by Yoram Gr088. ( 1 hf., 15 min.) •''Whose Life Is It Anywa'I'/" (1981, Orama) Rlchard Dreyfuss, JOhrl Cassa· vet• ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) •<m ''The Secret Agent" (1936, Mystery) JOhn GlelgUd, Madeleine Carroll. (2 hrs.) ()) "Alrp(anet" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie Haget'fy. ( t hr., 30 min.) (%) "Pennlee F"rom Heaven" ( 1981. Musi- cal) Steve Martin. Bernadette Paten. ( 1 ht., 47 min.) •eel "LOl/t f.or Rent" ( 1979, Drama) Lisa Eifbecher. Annette O'Toole. (2 hrl.) CID ''King Of The Mountain" (1981. Advtnture) Harry Hamlin. Joeeph Bot- toms. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) •: "Manhattan Merry-Go-ROI.Ind" 1937. Comedy) Phll Regan, 1.-eO Carf111o. 2 hre.) •E' Pelikan" (Drema) Telly Sa. v11at. COnttantlne. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) -....... rtbetpt" (1$81, COmedy) Mao/ n, S.ntdttte Ptttta. ( 1 ht.. 4S ~·t'The Ext•mlnatOf" (teeoe:.emal th111optw George. Samenttie r. (1 f.ht 41 min.) "Ttie Ui\known Man-.. (1951 Dtama) lllff Pidgeon, Ann Ha~ ( 1 hr.. 28 ~.) ''The Lut Welti" ( 1978, M~I) Bend. Dlf.cted by Martin 8coreeee. {! "'" 65 m"'.) • .. GZ> "Mtdt '°' Eaen Othtt" ( t939, Or• q ) CerOlt L~td, JaMtt Sltwart. (2 twt.) •CC>. ''<llmmt 8"tlter" (ft7~ Muelcal) . Acllno 61°"91, Jeff"90'l Alrptllne. ( 1 ""·· ... l~J., .• Moon" (1"2. Dl'llN) Mitt IO ,,._, Deoember 11, dU !Of reminisces about his Ille before and eloqUently argues for his right to die 'R' ~hf., 58 min.) .. fAmt• llOWll "Gimme Shelter" ( 1970, MUSl- eal) Rolling Stones, Jetfel'son Airplane. This documentary of tbe Rolling Stones' 1969 American tour Includes scenes ot the rioting and murder at an Altamont ~lreeconoert. (t hr., 30mln.) ,..., llOW "Barry Lyndon" ( t975, Ora· ma) Ryan O'Neal, Marisa 881'enson. A hand&Ome soldier finds action and romance In the 18th-century British army 'PG' (3 hr9 .. 5 min.) •(!) TOPfl 1111-• llOWll "Blondie Brings Up Baby" (HMO. Comedy) Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake. Baby Dumpling plays hoolcy, result-lno In Dagwood's arrest tor kidnapping i hr .. 30 "*'·Ir. .. , .. ....... Dillon. Cindy Fisher. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) ttll<Hl "Handle Wllh Csre" ( 1977, Comedy) Paul Le Mat, Candy Clark. (t hr .. 40 min.) -Nternoo• llovlel- -• ''The Last Of The Badmen" (1957, Wettem) George Montgomery, James Beet. ( 1 ht .. 30 min.) • "Ten Little Indians" ( 1966, Mystery) H~h O'Bllan, Shir~ Eaton. (2 hra.) CC> "The Runaways' ( 1975, Orama) Dor- othy McGuire. Van Williams. ( 1 hr.) (Q) "You Csn't Cheat An Honest Man" (1939, Comedy) W.C. Flelds, Edgar 881'- ~. (1hr .. 30mln.) "Time Bandits" (1981, Comedv) lg Warnock, David Warner. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.} a.Cl) ''Falcon's Gold" ( t982. Adv8f'lture) JOhn Martey. Simon MocCortdndale. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) wee> "Julia" ( 1977, Drama) Jane Fonda. Vanessa Redgrave. (2 hrs.) Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Drama) Sissy .it.-£tlc.Roberta. p hr .. 35 min.) W Bella Are Ringing" ( 1960, Muslcal) Holliday, Dean Martin. (2 hrs .. 30 ~.) •w "Meatbelll" (1979. Comedy) em Murray, Chrle Makepeace. (1 hr .. 33 min.I •CID ' Superman II" (1980. Fantasy) Chris· Reeve, Margot Kidder. (2 hrl., 5 Alroltnel" (1980, Comedy) Robert ya, JOiie Hegarty. ( 1 ht,, 30 min.) .. H ·o.ye 01 F'iJry" (2 ""'·' "Cindy'' (No Del•) (2 l'lrt.) "The Kfd From Not·So-Blo" ( 1978. ') Jennifer McAlfletw, Aober1 Wwo. ( 1 hr .. 30 min,) (I) ''Pennlte From Hetven" (1981, M\.111- Cll) SIM Martin, Btfn.tdttte PtlM. ( 1 ~'47mln.) .. ''Toby And The Ko.le Beer" (1981. It~) Aolf Hamt. (1hr.,20 min.) .. ''Slow Out'' (i98t Suepenle) John d-. ~ A'tti 11 h,'7; 4S min.I ''Tht ''*'°" ~fa Women" .... Df6me) Mittyl 8MeP. .wemy fr (2 td.. I tr*\.' .,.. lOI*'' ~· Oomtdv) Pfyof' Clolty 0 hr.. 34 if·>.~ °" Tht Roof' c 1'71, Ml*' oilt) Tapat. NorrM Otenia. fl fW&., .. t:JI (H) .,_ "Pennies From Heaven" ( 19tl 1, Musical) Steve Martin, Bernadette Peters In the Midwest during lhe Depression. a sheet music salesman destroys the lives of those around him because of his unbt'ldled selfishness and his belief that life can be • as II IS In songs and mavte musical pro- duction numbers. 'R' ( 1 hr . 47 min ) .. I,., IULl.Wlm.E llOVll "The Competition" ( 1980. Dra- ma) Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving Two pianists at a San Francisco musk: comp. titlon find that their love tor each other conflicts with their professional ambitions 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) (%) llO¥ll "The Cyclops" ( t957, Horror) James Craig, Gloria Talbott A woman on a hunt in Mexioo for her missing boylnend encounters Instead an evil, one-eyed beast. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) 41:11 111)1 DmAll ClYUMm min.) .. «lJ "Monte WalSh" ( 1970. Western) Lee Marvin. Jeanne Moreau. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) .. 00 "Dot And Tha Kangaroo" (1978. A~ture) Animated Directed by YOfam Gross. (1 hr .. 15 min) (J) "Superman II" ( 1980, Fantasy) Chris· topher Reeve, Margot Kidder (2 hrs., 5 min) (%) "Time Bandits" (1981, Comedy) CraiQ Warnock. David Warnef. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) -•EVenlng 4 t"9 llnlt hl1uttr N · 11 ... -,.,.,.. tit'\ II• tWf ~ .. , hltn WI lhe II fW ) ~.-11.tml!ld Of W ' 0. wM -116'tlllOGUlltHyo- ,_. t.~ f1!" In tt1t 11 the IOI iL'.MlliiiNI. ~J_............ Act" Dr ::tfWI Mllltf IOdi• ,.tt;-;.t.;., .... of p~. rMCtt4 And repelr medle *"' INt .,. dtl9laMd 10 ket(> our bod 19 In .... ,. of Melin 0 " hr.) CID .. "On Gotdtn P{,nd" ( 198 I, Dr•· ma) Htnty Fondl. Kathellne Hepbufn Old llJ1'tly ltnllOne r..,,-1.c. u an etdefty ~ r9(urn IOI I .... IUi"Mlef II their ,,... Engtend re1rMI Ind lft llltlted by their deught•. her Hance Ind hit Ion 'PO~, 49 min ~ .-.cT OCULD ~"~From~" (1$81, ) SteYe Mertln. IWNldett• P.c.,. In the MidwMI dUrlng IM OepftttlOn. I lheet muMc ea1eeman deetroye the ~ 01 thole 11ound him becaUM ol hit unl>fidled ~ and Na belllf that Mia can be as It II In songs and movie mullcal p<o- ductlon number-. 'R'Jlh'. 47 min) -, .... ..., ...... ... "Tees" ( 1979, Orama) Nasias- Klnekl, Peter Firth. The daughter or a J>OOfiilarmer t>ecomes the victim ol h8I t. ·, upiratlonl a.nd her own belli>- Ml •M19AOO ~'PG' 2 tn.. 50 min ) A .. DAY·-"CMnt Oeclaree His tllllowmu--1 ........ _ .... , ·-..-Y-4 ... "The Cool Ones" ( 1967, Corne· d'y) Roddy McOowaK, Debbie WatlOO A fdlng rock star and a young girl teem up to establish a muslCal career (2 hrs I : ..... l90IT .. LA~ Host Dennis Wholey hr.) WIWGUl(R) .,.. "The lmm<Kal One" ( 1980. °'r::lacSyfwa Lamo, Yves Jouttroy A a young woman searchtng for her identity dlscOY8fS that she may ha11e been a top Parisian p<08tltute. ( t hr . 25 min I (I) mT OP ~ John Byrlef shows you things strangcw than truth, larqer than Ufe, 1nd zanlet than anything you ve ever seen. tt:ll8 (I) Cl9CY Or. Ashn's ntece Is sus- pected of manslaughter fotlowlng a fatal car accident. (R} ( 1 hr. 10 min.) 8 8 Tilll9fT Host· Johnny Carson Questa. Cati Relnef. dlvef Greg LougantS .... ..-nm Ii Allm»POlllT mWll "The Midnight Man" ( 1974, Mystery) Bort Lancaster. Susan Clark. A seeurl guard relentlessly stalks lllef who murdered a cam· I hrs.) 11/fOP tUIM 90llTIC8ITa mWll "Btue Money" (1973. Orama) Alaln Patrick, Barbara Caron An extramarital rosaetion prectpttatea an aOJll r11m producer's tall 'A' ( 1 hi • 35 min.) Cl) lllOWtl "Modem Romance" I 1981. Comedy) Alben Brooks. Kathryn Harrold. David Mone (1tanding) st an as Dr. Jack Morrison and Denzel Washington co-stars as Dr. Philip Chandler on NBCs medical drama series, "St. Elsewhere," seen on KNBC (4) at 10 p.m. Tuesday. A film editor tries repeatedly to win beck the heert ol the woman he loves 'R' ( I tv .. 33 min.) Cl) .,._ "Forepla " ( 1975. Comedy) Zero Mastel, Estelle ~arsons. Three comic vignettes are ottered as e>1ptanatlons for the fall of a flctlonal American president 'R' (t hf .. 15 min I e111c:ua 1ttl (H) .,._ "Kntghtridefs" (1981, AcMln· lure) Ed Hams, Gary Lahti. A Q<OIJP ol b4kers ride with a tra11Bllng renatssanoe lair and discover that the ideallstlc ;Blrugole against 81111 exists in modem times also -·R· ~:;.~sU:fiw I OMWTWOll> iiCMI "Child Under A Leal" ( t972. Drama) Joseph Campanella, Dyan Can- non. A woman endures Ula with hef psy- chOtlC husbend to protec1 hef illegi1imate t>a~hrs) I .UM, umuCMtml .,.. "The Fan" (1981, Suspense) Lauren Bacall, James Garne<. A popular lllm star la victimized by a psychotic admiler. 'R' ( t hr .. 35 min ) 1:1:118 e LATI _,. wmt N~ LITT9mM Guests lllm hlstonan Herb Graff. comedl-- an Mark Schiff. ( 1 hr.) e TGM~WQ.Oll Cl) .,._ "Robin HOOd Of Monterey" ( 19!> t. W•tem) Gilbert Roland. Chtls· Pin Martin ( 1 tv .. 30 min ) ·~=llCMtml (!) umTULL Notre Deme Fighting lrlsh at Davidson Wlldeats (R) (2 hrs.I ~ '''Jf( A#IJH, flt I J, !!!'f.L'*' Hlwft= d Altllf. -v:f ~~wr.\:an• = 'ft' ,, " ... ,,.,_}_ - h '•.WI M ~-'°'Ill to,,.. •• wtlllill -· .. • tA"'O:'l:'•Hll•" ,, .. , amt) V•Of*I !Atl•. A*' Ladd A ..... U. ..-, ~ al'ttt NII dal>- EOIMCI ( Hw , 36 niln.) .. "J.rett" (107!1. MMr!futl) '°'d. Mlhony Quayle A tr...-not ltW9lttgltot NII out tO locate I Nf1" of W11n1 blbbhct°tt f~:r I ·=· .. ~ .. (196e. AdYtnt\#t) gy Mllllnd. CllMlde Rtlnl A lhlP't ~ tlln II hlfed to reeoue 1 woman'• hulbend I Communist Cltl)IC>tt. (1 hf . 30 min.) .. "AYt Btended Womtn" ( 19e0. tmt) &»vena Mangano. van Hellln During Wor1d W81 II, fl-.. ~ oetr~ for tMlr ueoo'ltlon with MUI toldlef't get I cNnce to p<CM !hell petrlOtltm (2 ~~ "Naked tnfemo" ( t980. Fanti· ty) Karel'I Glmbltr. The 11v .. 1 of lmrN- nent ruclear hOlocaust bec<>rll41t the 1xc:uM for e no-hOl<lt-barred orgy ( 1 hr • 1f> min.) (%) ... "Monty Python And The Holy Grill" ( t974, Comedy) Graham Chap-men, John CleeN. King Arlhuf and hil band of knights encounter giants. rlddlerw 1nd a terocloua rabbit In tfieli search lor IM lag8ndaly C'.:f. 'PG' ( t hr , 30 min ) W Cl>llCMI "T1pa · (1981. Orama) George C. Scott. Timothy Hutton Mllltary sohool cadet• take over thelt achoo! to p<event plana to turn the academy p<operty into a W oondo1·=~!~:i'~~ tvs) YOU,_YOUeof ...... ... "Whoee Life la It Anyway?" (1981, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. John Clsaavetes Peratyzed from the neck dOwfl tn an automobile accident, a sculp- tor rernlniscee abOUt his kte before and I~:,,:,~ for his right to die. 'A' 119 Cl) Cll--~ATCM -..mtuo :. "Carnal Knowledge" ( t971, Orama) Jack Nicholson. Ann-Margret. Two college friends spefld several years before and attar graduation d1SC011erlng •te by shar~ and switching each oth&f's glrttrtends. · R ( t hr . 3 7 min I 1:11(11) mW11 "They AH laughed" (1981. Comedy) Audrey Hepburn, Ben Gazzara. Ttvee New York detecti11es become lnvollled In numerous romantlC llalsons while tracking their clients· errllflt wives -~~ia'W·l e ... "Blondie Takes A Vacation" (1939. Comedy) Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake. The Bomsteads try to save an old resort hotel from bankruptcy ( t hr .• 30 min ... ~~YCU UCM Coverar ot tti8 U.S National Championship (A ( 1 hr .. 30 ~ (a> "Don't Cry. It's Only Thunder" (1982. Orama) Dennis Chrlstophef, Susan Saint Jamel ,. female Anny dOC10f and a trouble-prone medic help fWO nuns care for a group of Vtetnarnese orphan&. 'PG' (1 hr .. 50 min. I Friday, December 31, 1982 29 -Wednestlg Cont. ture) John Mat1ey. Simon MacCooondale A scoop-hungry jOumallst follows an arehaeolOglSt and his daughter In their sear~IOf oold treasure 1n the Mexlcen . t hr . 30 min.) -1 ~ MUITw.t u "Bet9 Knuckles" ( 1976) Shef- i.Jacksoo. Robert Vlharo. (2 hrs) ... umcMtm.1 ~ "Deed End" ( 1937, Orama) ::;~Sidney, Joel McCrea Youngsters in 81 ~t River slum fight to overcome their env pnment. ( 1 tw .. 35 min ) ®•,_"Superman II" ( 1980. fantasy) Ctvls10!)tlef Raew. Matgot Kidder While saving Paris from a nucJeat explosion. Superman unwlt1VVY lreea the tr1o of ~ villllns Who were Oflgioslly Imprisoned by his Kryptonlan lathe<. 'PG' 11 m.. s rm) CD> .,_ "S~ &II Girls" ( t975, Comedy) RicM Cassidy, Libby Maxwell. A oolleglate' s trip to a ltliing lodge Is delayed by a pretty hltehhlker. (I hr., 35 min.) O m¥ll "liar's Moon" ( 1982, Orama) Matt Dillon. Cindy Fisher Despite patental opposition. two teen-aoers trom differing backgrounds tall In loY9 In a amau Texas town. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 45 min.) · -· e UTI _,. wmt DAVID L1"9mA11 Guests: Jeston Willems and John Sein. oreatOfS and stars ol the otf-&oedway NI "Greatt!f Tuna"; se• thel'aplst Dr Ruth We&thelmer. ( t hr.) • nmcoma•a.a. (I) ..,. "Blue Steel'' ( t934, Western) John Wayne. Eleanor Hunt A dlsgulsed U.S. marshal COffltnoes a town not to yteld thek ~lc:tl l8nd to a preaurlng band. (1 tw., so min.) •LM.• c•mu (I) ~ umTUU. Michigan State at i;:.t> (2 M.) (%) "The Last waltz" ( t978, Musi- cal) The Bend. Directed by Martin Soofle9e. Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Es1c Cte= end Ringo Starr loin The Band In a I <*ebfallon of the group's fare- well c:onoeft, 'PG' ( 1 hr., 55 min.~ -· (I) . .,_ "Slunt 8eYen' (1979, Advefiturt) Ctvlstoptw Conntlly, etwi.- lapf'ler Lloyd. A team ol stunt experts attempt a daring land. sea and air rescue of a kidnapped movie star (R) ( 1 hr 20 min.) 11111 ([) MOWll "Cheech And Chang's NICe Dreams" ( t981. Comedy) Richard "Cheeeh" Marin, Thomas Chong. Two lnvetetale potheads appear 10 have found lheit true caling as they peddle Ice cream on the streets ol Los Angeles. 'R' ( 1. hr , 27 ~ w• "Wild Harves1" ( 1947, Drama) Alan Ladd, IJofothy Lamour Two grain harvesters become billet rivals ovet the same woman (2 hrs.) 8.,. "The Last Rebel" (1971, West· em) Joe Namath, Jack Elam A Confeder- ate SOidier In Southwestetn MISSOUrl refuses to give up after General Lee sur· renc:t.J.~~ 1.,. "The Hostage" ( 1967, Orama) Danny Martins. Don O'Kelly A 6-year-old boy hides out In a mOWlQ van unaware that the dtN9f Is a killef on hrs way to pick up the corpse of his latest murdef VICtlm i1 hf .. 30 min.) tz1I Cl) LOlf IATW.Ull •IWWW A lost teleeorMlunlcatlons satelllte falls Into the handa ol an alien clvillZ.atlon ( t hr ) w11 •*"'0W111mrT YOU~ YOU toTftCMUI .,_"Bustin' Looee" (198t. Come- dy) Richard PryOf, Cicely Tyson. A bum bllng burglar. a concerned schOolteache< and eight chlldren make a frightening croa-country trip In a broken-down school bos. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) t:9 Cl:) llOWll "Love FOf Rent" ( 1979. Ora· ma) Lisa Blbacher. Annette O'Toole Two ama~town glfl9 who move 10 take advan- tage of the glamorous Ille of the big clty llnd themeelvea IOfced by neceesHy Into becoming hlgh-prioed escorts ( 1 hr , 55 w~m1n ... •.c.cia1111 .. • .. (!{Cll ... WWATCM ........ o ... .,.,. "The Ute 01 Brian" ( t979, tdy) Graham Chipman, John CleeM. In the first century. • bungler II falsely proclaimed 1 mesal1h and becOmM the leedef of 1 greet rellgioue I "AUokUI" ( t980, Orama) Dirk Bene- ', Linda 8lell' ( I hf., 35 min.) ''The Splr11 01 The SteNve" < 1973. ama) Arla TMenl. Femando Fernan ( 1 hf .. 35 min.) • Uar'a Moon" ( 1982. Orama) Matt • ClllOy Flehet. ( 1 hf . ~5 min.) .. CD) "Shadow Of A Doubt" ( 1943, &lapelW) T., ... wright. JoMph Cotten i. ~ l<ld Ffom Not.SO.Big" ~ ~) Jennlfef McAlleter, fO. t' hf .. 30 min. ~re 'AgOlntt AJ Odd•" ( 1954. R:m.nce) Vere AfY004dl. WhMlef Oek· (2 tn.) .... Lier'• Moon'' 1982, °'8fNI) Mall • Qncjy Rltw. 1 ht., •& rnk\. .. The TumlnQ ~t" (1917, 6'1ma) Banoton. Shlttty Mao~IM. ( t hf., u. min.) -QI) "Qdpol" (1911, Dfamo) Mel Glb- 12!'· Maltc l• , 1 hr J. ~min.I ..., '"'*-°' The ~.. 18SO, ~ tery) Ven Jc)twlOCn, Glorll ~ (I tw ,, 3' ttW\.) movement against his wishes 'R' ( t hr • 33m1n) &11 CH) llO¥IE "Steeping Dogs" ( t982, Ora- ma) Sam Neill, Warren Oales A New Zealander seeking rsotatiOO from society alter his mamage dlSlntegrates. becomes a lonely heto when caught 1n the mtddle ol a revolution ( 1 hr .. 45 min) (J) llO¥IE "Rollovef" (1981. Orama) Jane Fonda, Kris Knstolferson. A former movte star whO IOOk over lhe chairman- ship of her late husband's corporalt0n and a high-powered hnanclal expert become Involved 1n a disastrous deal with Arab ll'Westors. 'R' (2 hrs.) 191 .... MCMLl"l llAYY m¥11 "Die, Darling, Die" ( 1973, Mys· tery) James Stewart. Murray Hamlllon When a woman Is charged wilh murder in the alleged mercy kitting of he< paralytic husband. her attorney must prove that someone else COUid haYe plotted fhe man's death. ( 1 hr .. 30 min) (I)INlll---.a CI) .owa WAii TOii A • CWI The popular jazz saxophonist tS accompa- nied by an an-star quintet In 8 concert taped at the Schubert Theatre In Philadel· Q!:1'8 ( 1 hr ) CZ) .0.. "Forepla " ( 1975, Comedy) Zero Mostel, Estelle ~arsons Three comic vignettes are olltwed as eiq>1ana11ons l0t the fall ol a flCtlonal AmertCan president 'R' (t tw .. 15= M 111) w.J> AT ... .,_ "The Oaerslayer" (1957, Adventure) Lex Battler. Rita Moreno Based on lhe story by James Fenimore Cooper A white man is raJsed by Indians In the lrontler days of early AmeriCa. ( 1 lhr .. ~i:'iJ, ... w:"l Y~ LOT (II) .. PMTNa TmmMeMMm. • ICMOCll. ,..,. tor belltw sl<Wng . emec:t at l(llllnnton. VI ) (R) llCMI ,;f.Ma""· (1979, BloQraphy) Kurt , Season Hubley. EMs-Presley rises trom poYerty and oblcurlly to ecNeve fame and fortune as a superstar mualoal perlormef (2 hit... 30 min.) -Ol"TheCommand" (1854. Drama) Guy ~lldllon. Joan Weldon. (2 ht&.) 1W. "Ml Tttl Me Thal YOIJ loYt Me" (1979, AdYentlMt) Aobeft Hegyn. llsa Hartmen. ( 1 tw., 38 min ) CI) "~Iba.Ill" (HI~. Comectt) Biii Mlnay, Ct1t1e ~tipMCt < 1 IV., 33 min.) 1W(D) "u Ceat Aux Fo!IM II" (1980. COm· edy) uoo lognani. Mlchtl S«Tault ( 1 tw .. 39 min.\ -_u,..,., • ....,..._ -· .. ~,., Ptlott" (1978) WJlllatn Rob-~ .. (tnr .. 30mln) • "Eul a. Edtt\" ( 1956. Droma) o..n. .Mia HerrlL (2 hrs.) Geordie'' (195e. Comedy) 8111 Nor.,,~ (2 twa.) Bor<ltf" (1981. °'•me) Jack . V•• Ptrtlne (1 hr. 45 -~·~'Clri:llt Of Two'' (1980. Aoi•11911C9) ~Burton. Tatum O'Netl (1 hr., .0 IM\.) (J) ''P9nnlll From HMYen" ( 1911, MUlt- ---------l I t ........ ,.._. .,....,. • '... .~~ &. ~ ~------------- 'II tuf111U lllH h 8t11J ""1111 Ill ml.&::~~.:~.:· ~.,. ol AmlltO rOlcn flaltlo Ind T~. II Uft.IUp Of f>90f*' .WiO lh•tt gtlet and matie plllfi. kit 1hit luhH 111 .. tMlr ~ ontl IJ ... • per11ly111d n~n who .... r@r.CI 1-.rY. Cf9lllf • LA. F .. turlld 1 tepotl on LA '• women Ill unlf0tm, a llOllllglc looll ., ti,~"1:=.tUn l .. 'R:.~n ~'t.=Ofllall' The • •nd wO<k of Ballnele artltt I Gusti Nyo men l~. woo di.cl In 1978 1Jt tNi age Of 118, 1$ ptOfiltd (I hr) CD 9CMI "Attack Of The 50-Foot Wom an" ( 1958. Science-F1c11on) Allison Heyes, Wllllam HudSQn Af1t< being sub· jeCted to radlauon. a woman grows to ~=:n propofll005 ( I hr • t 5 min ) "The Cyclopt" ( 1957, HOrtOf) mes Craig. Olofla Talbolt A woman on a hunt In Meitlco f0t hef missing boyfriend encounters lnttead an evil, one-eyed beast. ( 1 hr, 15 min.) • CCIUHI IAIU'flAU Iowa vs MIChl lnSt~hrs) .. (I) WI POR 11Ya IROTI .. • MAL NOl'U Featured a salute to New York City. with hlghllghls Including a day In the Ute of May0< Koch. the caretak· 1tt 01 the Statue of Liberty. bike polO 1n Central Park and a look at some of lhe city's notable ChSJacters (R) ( 1 hr 30 min) 8 MO¥ll "Bad Day At Black Rock" ( 1955. Suspense) Spencer Tracy. Robert Ryan The people of a corrupt Western town are terro1 ·Stllcken by the a111val ot A one-armed man (2 hrs ) 8 9J TAUi 0# TMI GOU> lllOMKft Jake tries to help a lamous baseball player who ~w~lted tor the morder ol an ISiand gttl W ':: ~ A profile ol teen-age actress BrOOke Shields. a g1oop ot snake handlefs 1n Texas g) llOWE "Vendetta For The Samt" ( 1968. Adventure) Roger MOOle. Ian Hendry An adventuref and two ot his g11t lrlends a11empt to deslroy the Maha (2 hrs.) 9 l&Ulln CHAU.DQE: RACE TO 1Hf IKY Sir Edmond Hillary's 1977 Ganges Expe d1lt0n lrom the Ganges R1vef delta to Its source high 1n the Himalayas 1s document· ed (R) (1 ht) CH)llkml "Buddy, Buddy' ( 1981 Com&- dy) Jack Lemmon, Walter Mallhau While an assassin concentrates on his nellt kill 1ng. he 1s rudely interrupted by a bumbling tallu1e of a man who is at1empt1ng suicide 'A' ( 1 hr , 36 min ) CID m.--JoM Byner ShOws you things stranger than Huth, 1a19er tnan hie. and z.anier than anything you ve ever seen 0 llOft "Pardon Mon Allaire" ( 1977. Comedy) Jean Rocheto1t Anny Duper e<y. A happily mamed man contemplates 1nfldellty atter seemg a beautiful model 1n a.@~'j ~~G' (thr 48m1n) ---.. " Ilk,..., MM.ii a .. t. "'"""" llr I """11Mlllr J* mt M)tl• ~ l14 and 1.1111• rlkt .tttKlbyll t101n BvrTIPOOnv •••• 111 nuemn • --"/Mu. fl• Uay DlilU.' ( tOO 1 l Cltofue tlemllton. I 1uiei1 Hut ton Iha n.tOlt t0t1 of nld C.#forn111'1 famoua jutt~• flytlt11 11 1~p1tC1latad b~ • riding lnl!JtY. lonunu 1\111 towilh brutl'IOI to don Iha cape and mi lk 'PO' ( 1 ht 33 min l -~--"Conftl'Mlonl Of A Pop Petorm tr· ( 1976, Comedy) Robin Atl<wtth. Anthony Booth A roe.II 'n 1Qlt •tAI llOdt i*oty ol romantic •ctton wllilt on IOUI ( 1 hr ,30 mtn) .. Ql) MOW9 "C.ptaln1 01 fhe CiOIKlj " ( 19<12. °'am.e) Jamft Cogr'lfty. Dennie Morgan ~r•I American c1vllle11 p110t1 Join lhe Royat Canadtan Air FOi'~. but the lrlendtl\lp ol two of lhem It jeopt1rdlzed by • fOl"Nlla. (2 hll .. 25 min ) •8 (I) MIMI "I Take Thetle Men" (Prem ltre. Comedy) Su.an St1lnt James. John Rublntteln A dltcontented wlftt fantasrzet marriage to three othef men during the course ot 1 aurp<iae anniversary party (2 hrtL • 9 1"1 PM.&. "'1f A sergeanl lntenl on Wfnnlng an Army football garne lildnaps COit. H'OW!e and COit's nephew and f0tces them~o~eem (1 hr) •A"I ... TOM W AT ltWIDfV HAU: A ... The popular singer I &<>ngwrtter pet· lorms some new ballads and aome old standbys from Symphony Hsll 1n Boston (l hr.) lJJ llOVW "The Uist Waltz" ( 1978. M USI· cal) The Band Directed by Mattln Scorsese. Joni Mitchell. E11c Clapton. Bob Oylan. Ringo Sta11 and others help The Band say gOOd·bye In a filmed celebralion of the group's terewell conce!I 'PG' It hr . 47 min) (.Q) _,, DAYIUllD C%l llOft "Chain Reaction" ( t980. Adven1ure) Steve 81sley. Arna·M&tte Win· cheste1 A covered-up nuclear accident results 1n a contaminated. amnesiac plant worker wandering around the countryside i_t hr • 30 min ) · t::9U fm 1Hf PACT1 Of LR A European pr1t'lCess wllh a repuration ol being a truublemaker comes 10 Eastland to study ~ PAI&. HOCWe • ~ llO¥IE "Just For You" f 1952. Musi cal) Bing Crost>y. Jane Wyman A lamous thea111ce1 ptoducer s11vggle5 10 find time for his two teen-age ctuldren (2 hrs . 30 min) Q) 11•A•1•H al) TMAT DBJCATE UL.MCf (Premiete) "National Secu111y" ProfesSOt Benno C Schmidt Jt ol Columbia Law Schoot leads role-playing exercises focusing on two hypothetical case studies 1llus1ra11ng lhe potent181 tension between national secu11 ty and freedom or the press ( t hr 30 min.) CD COLLEQI IAIUTIAU LSU r1gh11ng T sat Kentucky Wildcats (R) (2 hrs ) QOlml l'Yl.I -(I) QUMCY Quincy tries to locate the kidnapped daughter ol a wealthy widow bel0te the abdUCIOf's demand oocomes a real'.!r U hr ) . ..,.,.., ... ..-rt , ~ a 11t, ,l()W • ~!, II ~ """*· ~ ottil ~ f .... 1J111 '"'"'*'•J · Oun• Oflt • a.v.> 0 tklhmk11 Jt of l::=?tlCICll lllCll rot.JJllYlng t•AWCIMI I on I«» tiypc>ttWI I llUdlet rating lht l)Olenfi.f tetllkin blttW91(1 n.tllootl ..,,~ ly .net frMdom of lt1-pt-( I hf • 30 mr• "F<M rrt.ndll" (1911, Ora~ Clalg Wuaon, Jodi Thel«l Thf• tehoOI buddlel lake MP•fllt roaclt o aciutthood ahaf 0<aclultlon bul eontlnUt to bt united l.)y frlendehlp IM lhelr ~ IC>f 1119 111me woman 'R' ( 1 h1 • &ti min ) (CJ) MOW9 "Nighthawk•" ( 1981, Oramt1) $ylvHter Statbw, Biiiy ee. Wllllame A tough New York City OOf) hat hie WOtk cut out fC>f him when one of the workf t mott danQefOUI teuorlala arrtvee In hit clty. 'R' Uhr.39mln) • llCMI "Whole Liie ,, II Anyw9'(7" (1981, Dramo) Rk:hard Oreyfuta, Johfl Caseavelea Paralyzed from the neel< down tn an automobile accident. e ecutp- 1or remlnh1e .. et>oul hll kfe bef0tt •nd eloquently arguee f0t 111& right to die 'A' !hr .. 58 min.) 1"1WIMl'M -9CMI "VIOi Squad' ( 1962. Dr1ma) S.aac>n Hubley. Gary Swanson A police detective and a streetwalker team up to tra.p • pimp responsible l0t mo1detlng one of his women 'R' (I hr • 35 min ) .. CC).,. "Stripes" (1981 , Comedy) am Mu11ay, Harold Remit. A New York cabble tooldng tor eJtellement convinces his belt lrlend to jOin him tn enllallng tn the U S. Army 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 mJnL -••••menmTWOM ... (I)mo¥11 "Pennies From Heaven" (1981, Mustcal) Steve Ma111n, Bernadette Peters In the Midwest during the 0epresS1on, a sheet music salesman dest1oya the Jives of those around him because of his unbttdled selfishness and his belief that Ille can be as It Is In songs and movie muSlcat pro- duction numbers 'R' (1 hr . 47 min) twlflUl.f.,.. llllMCMO#-TMl&ILUM MAm!Y~ NI LATIJIQHT Host DenniS Wholey Uhr) (]JllC>ft "CharlOtte" ( 1975. [)lama) Sir- pa Lane. Roger Vad1m A successlul wrnet becomes fascinated with the murder of a l0<mer love ( 1 hr • 45 min ) tt:tl@ llC>ft "NOi Wtth My Wiie. You Don't" ( 1966. Comedy) Tony Curtis. Virna Lisi An A11 FOfce majOr suddenly realizes that one of his friends Is paytng more attention 10 his wile than he is (2 hrs .. 30 min.) tt:ll 8 (I) MMT TO MMT The Harts become the targets ot a murderous couple when they purchase an antique automobile with a hidden secret ( 1 hr t 0 min ) D (I) TOllGKT Host Johnny Caison ( 1 hi) I O AIC ... ~ YOU d(ll) '°" rr llO¥IE "Hard [)frver· ( 1973 [)lama) Jett Bridges, Vale11e Pemne A race car driver's success strains his retatk>nShtp With hlS la~ (2 hrs ) !:i.~ tW~llOVIE "Falcon's Gold" ( t982 Adven· Friday, December 31, 1982 31 end dlslllusiOned with Nie as wife ol a headmaster. diSappearS (Part 13) Q ( 1 Iv.) Cl) AUTO Ucm1 Col/9f age of the Dirt Schaefer 200 from Syracuse. New Yen @ (2tvs.I (Q)llCMI "F'ightlng Mad" ( 1976. Drema) Peter Fonda. Lynn Lowry. A lone man IS pitted agalnst 8 corrupt Corpooltlon When his farm Is llveatened bV a &trip mining Q£91:atlon 'A' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) w ... "The Spirit ot The Beehlwl" ( 1973, Ofama) Ana Torrent, Hlmando ~eman Gome'z. In 1940s Spain. a MflSt- tlYe young glrt's expoeute to the hOnOf film "Frankenstein" attn her petceptions of kte ( 1 hf •• ::;;~ .. • ~ Callf0tnia State vs. University ot Call1omla (2 hrs.) d (C)llCMI ''The Damned" (1969. Orama) Dirk Boaarde. Ingrid Thulin. A weelthy ~trlaf family is tom apart by the deca· dence and social upheeval o( early Nazi ~c."'tw;'· 50 min.) • 8 e Diane re-.vakJates her relatlonetllpl with the ~ at Cheers following the death of her cat. • 9 lT TMll lWO Sam accompanies M~ a law convention 1n New Yen. • a.tfUCI (!) .,. "Mode&ty Blalla" ( 1966, AcMlnture) Monica Vitti. Terence Stamp When• ptMite inYeltlgator and her sidet<· lck are hHd to protect a ~ of pred-ous gems. they llnd lhamMMle dUped. (2 In. ;_30 min.) 1 ....... -(I) ..,,. ~ Gary and Abby. angry OY9f the handling of Cijl's career .. mak~ns to dump Kenny. ( 1 Iv.) e. 1&1.ITIBY-FUrlllo rau:tant· ly t*es a lawyer 10 protect hlmaaH In en m.ligatlon ll"ltO pollce corruption, and Hll and Renko become underCCMlf wait· ~g~·~ ll~AlllOUI ,. ... ,.,,. ,_ u: TO 11m "Transition" In the flrat of flVe 9tlOW8 dooumer'ttlng the paalng of the baton from a.,. Ormandy to Alo- cardo Mutl. the PNladelphla Orchettra'• hliltory le t~ and Mull and Ormandy eotdJcf the orchettr1 In pi.c.. bV Man- detMclw"I and~. (R) ( t hr.) e ODl..V "Some Wom.n Of Mat· r8Kedl" ~ Moroccan womeo lhlre IMlt ~bOut Mlndlhlp. tamly and ( 1 Iv.) •...cTCOllUI "Honor Guard" (No Data, Ora- m.) Rod Steiget. A pecl1lat who deWtt the Army and eecapea to Canada becotM8 the target of an ex-Maline •· t and hll tu'ltlng ~ 'A' (1 IW . .. ":;-J _..., M .. Comedy chit combinf with ~ fllm and newt footlQt Ir\ an otfbMt. aatlttc t•k• - • Deo9mber 31, 1112 Cl)Mu..al'r CID llCMI "Rollovef" ( 1981. Orama) J9ne Fonda. K11s KflstofflnOO. A former movie star who took over the chel<rnao- &hlp of her late huabend's corporation and a high-powered financial expert becOme lnvoNed in a dlS8Strous deal with Arab inves10fS. 'A' (2 hrs.) cm .,. "Ball Game" ( 1980, Comedy) Candida Aoyalle. LIS8 Deleeuw. The war· den of a womer'l's prison arranges a baR game to ease lonsJons between the guards and thelt sexually abU&ed prison- ers. (1 hi., 25 min ) (J)9CMI "The Deer Hunter" (1978. Of• ma) Robert De Niro. Mef)'I Streep. Three close, carefree friends from a smaH Penn- sylvania steel town are changed forever by experiencing the terrors of war When they are dratted and sent to Vietnam. 'A' Q hrs .. 3 min.) CZ> llCMI "The Charge Of The Light Bf~ gade" ( 1968, AcMlf'lture) TreYOr How· ard. Vanessa Redgrave. Inspired by a poem by Lord Tennyson. The action-filled but tragtc War of Balaclava Is riddled with f:'"&:it mllltary errors. ( t ht . 55 min.) tw!fim ~Boy Ten Feet Tan" 11965. Adventure) Edwllfd G. Robinson. Fergus MeCletland When his parents die. a 10- year-old boy begins an exciting tretl across Africa to find hlS aunt (2 lvs., 30 min.) 11111(L)9CMI "Adam And Nk:ole" (No Date) l1 hf,..,~.:.:~ fW e w Quincy has to ciear Of. Astin whert he rulo6 an autopsy done on a n_lghtclUb owner. (A) ( t ht .. 10 min.) 8 e TOmfr Hoel: Johnny Caraon ( 1 hr.) • l a • ... ...-nm YOU AlllD .. rr .,. "The CUipepper Cattle Co ... ( 1972. Western) Gary Grimes. Luka Ast<~. A teen-eger becomea a metvre CCNlboy dUrila long. difficult cattle drive to CokK:,do. 2 hrs.) ,,,.,..,:-"' a.Ill ---~TOllMJ MUITllOle -"OoctOf At Large" ( 1957, ) Dirk Boga/de. Murial Paviow. A veong doctor blundttt hie way Into a poel- tlon aa • IUfgeOn on a heepltal ataff OW11 the prot•ta of the IU98flntandant (2 I ... llJ .. c All IT'ILI = '.'T'he Davila" (197t. Ofam11) Vanesaa Redaraw. Oliver R4ted. OUflng the 1600a In F'iance. I )'OUr'IO prittt II per· NCUted lot Na alleged ~ wtttl the drAI In ualtlO • nuntWY for laadvbie ptaa- M• ( I hf., 65 min.) ... ''Southern Ccmlort" (1981. °'•ma) Ktltti C.radlne. Pow9ta Boothe. A group of Natlonal Guardemetl on wttle· and !Nlnt\IYtft In • loullllnl bit~ epettt a emei• guettllla war ~th a commu-My of beckwoocM C8juM. 'A' ( 1 tw , 40 -u .... __ "" .. '"" . •C(lmedlMJe~ (1 IW,) ,.coma• .. "Yfl/oll .-.•· ( 1838, Drema) MontOOfT*Y. Vltalr'M &Nee. Medi.-cal pionlMrt attamp11o llnd tht ca• of l!·n.fi(2hrt.) '=' ~· o4 tht lfOael'''(NJ) I ._. l<orllnlcQ (Otllo) ti-found~ boUt jtrotn Atiantlc City. N.J.) (R) (2 hrs., 30 mfti.) (D)9CMI ''CUiier's Way" (198t. Drama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. A maimed Viet· nam vet and his best f;tend. a social drop- out. focus their energies on solving a mu<· der ~·'A' ( 1 Iv .. 45 min.) .,. e C1J llCCUW A female Mfgeant Is left In command of the preclnci when Sot. Broadhurst Is kidnapped. (R) (I hr .. ~O min.) .. (() llillCMI "Murder Among Friends" (No Oete) ( 1 hf, 30 min.) we .. "SaiOOO" (1948, Advent\Jre) Alan Ladd. Veronica Lake. AcMlf'lture and romence are mtxed with bleck INl.rkel aciMtlel inlloMng hatt·a-mlllion dollars. (1 hrs.) • 9IMI "Fool's Parade" (1971. Ofa· ma) Jemes Stewart Oe«ge Kennedy. When tlvM men are released from prison. a guard and a bank official plan to rob and murder them. ( 1 Iv .• 30 min ) I mrrmf_,.nmMT .,. "The Amertcano" ( 1955, Dra- ma) Glenn Ford, Frank Lowjoy A Tex.ea cowboy finds romance and ad\lentll'e when he attempts to deliY8f prize Brahma bUlls to Brazll. ( 1 Iv .. 30 min.) (8) Cll LOCA1IOll "The Seventh Annual Young Com.:tlans ShoW" Hoat Alan King. Guests: Sohmock and Vallely, Mika MeCDonald. Stew Wr1ght. Larry Amoros and J.J. Wal. ( 1 hr .. 30 mW\.) ., ..... ~ .. " ,..,_,..90T,.... .,. "Meetbdl" (1979, Comedy) Bill Murray. Ctwtt Makepeece. A zany sumnw oemp Coun98lof leeda hie mlaftt chafget Into a no-held'S·ba"ed apons competition egfllnat a QfOUP from another camp wtth a mucfl better reputation. 'PG' E33 ~ W -MJI I W llDWm • tra Jooee Md The ot ~ (1975. AcMnture) Tamata OobaOn. Stella St...-.nt. A lemele government tgent attempts to Infiltrate and daatroy lft underwOf1d ayndlc:ala con- trolad bV lhe mytlerioos "Oregon l.,ldy ... . 1~~·3emln.) .. -=' ....... tat ... "Blow Out'' (1981. ~) John Tmolta. Nancy Aien. A IOUlld ttclh- nlc:IM who wen. on hor1or tllme beoome8 lnYOl\led In a murdat myttal'Y vwt*1 he wtt· ,,..... tn ......in.tlon. ~· ( 1 ,.., • 45 -~-"Buddy, Buddy" ( U~lt. CcltM-dy) Jed( Lll'l'll1"0tl. Walter Mattheu. While an ....in OOOOlf'llrat• on hie '*1 k• Ing. he .. Ndlfy fn*"'Pted bV. ~ t9b'9 Of 1 man who la •l'ltmPtlne IUlclde. '.fr " ,.., .• 38 min.) .. w .. "ct*• Pnma" (No Datt) (2 m.~o,;;;. ·1 n~ TrltM'nph" ( llWS, Or.- IN) flVtd 8tfGmen, CNl'lle Boytr. An AUii~ ..,ct. ,..... rot a I 1.,(2tva.,30m~ -.... Len ~ tl1d lluOncontl ,.... NllfllllNI of the ~ wetk't NFL gMlllt enctt11 ... -. ~=-(1 0.,] c. Av1'. Fdll9 .,. ( 19IO. T~Mld'lt~ OIY ~ .. -·~ of e 890f9' Of1111IQ8tl0n trying to Oii IN rnlOfolVm ttwt ON! of lf'lam llH IH td. 'R' ~~rw ':r~ =· ·~ loGUt'' C tMt, w.t· ..., C.•Oft.~~ "'·''=, ... W C "fl M. Of I WI' 11 tlA A4Mlr• ll#t I I II I M .,.,. ' I I ttilfl ) .. "Cfwltllfe And I u. 1 IU/U. Ct11h• ) 0.,., C.CCllldl Cin•ll• ~ I 'fl I I 1W • 06 min > -~Bltt the Oullltt" ( IV1& W ternl ~;,;::c;;. i2. "T~ King Of MaMn Garden•" ( um ~em.I &uc• O.n, Jaatc Nloh<lllon (2 tvt.) •<J:l "The sp1111 Of The '*"'"'•" <um. ~.ma) AN Torrent. FernandO i:tt11an l . ( 1 hr • 36 mlfl I .. Liar'• Moon" ( 1982. Orama) Mall Cindy Fllhtf. (I hr . 46 min.) Rock, Rock, Rockt" { 19&9, Mutlcal) FrMd. TUMday Weld ( 1 hr • 2!> .. ~ '~Tlgtl Bay" ( 1959. Mytltly) Hayley 'ffua. Horst Buchholz ( 1 hr . 46 min ) -~ "Nleholas Nlckteby" ( 1947, Orama) ek Bond, c.driC HardWICke (2 hrs ) • ''Gnttlpoll" ( 1981, Or11ma) Mel Gib aon. Mani Lee (I hr . 50 mln) (I} "GolOg Apel" ( 1981. Comedy) Tony Danza. Jesslca Watter ( 1 ht . 27 min I CZ> "Liar's M()()(I" ( 1982 Orama) Man Diiion, Cindy Flshef (I hf , 45 mtn I •(!) "The Manese Falcon" ( 1941, Mys tery) Hum(>hfey Bogart Sydney Green street (2 hrs ) CC> "The Turning Point"" ( 1977. Ofama) Anne Bancroft. Shirley Macla1ne ( t hr 59 min.) CD> "Shadow Of A Doubt" I 1943 Suspense) Teresa Wright Joseph Colten {g hrs) •@ "Across The Grea1 Otv1de" ( 1976 AdVenture) Robell Logan. H&ather Rat- tray. (I hr., 30 min) __ .,,. ...... ·1u:r-MQIU Cll ... K NOCllY Los Angeles Kings vs Montreal Canadians (3 hrs ) l =:.~AMY HAWAlflM.f OWltWY Guests the Fou1 Freshmen i ==.nMOUGHM MrTI ~ llOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy} Ringo Starr Denrns Quaid The clownish member of a barely hUman pteh1Slonc tube begins to discovei that brains and not brawn w1U be lhe key to his people's SUNt11al 'PG' ( t hr 31 min ) "' llOVIE "Spmt Of The Wm ( 1979. Dfama) Chief Dan George, Slim Pickens A young boy ove1comes his handicap to become the W011d Champion Dog Sledd ··~·~-=) lrtl(Z) llOVIE "Attack Of The 50-Foot worn an" ( 1958, Science-Fiction) Alhson Hayes, Witham HUdsoo Alter betng sub jected to rad1a11on. a woman grows to dl5n=t'oportl()('IS ( 1 hr 5 min) IAllllEY -.ua MJCI DICSCAWITT • GROWllQYIAM llOVIE "Love Al r1rc;1 Sight" I t977 -,. lir _,,~ aa•• .. • 111-..n C# YOUI [yn Onty" ( 1981, AdVWlhJte) Roger M00te. fopol Jorn" Sorld t111ck1 • crlmlnal who purlulo~ a tcp eec1e1 er11111t1 defentt1 device ·pa· 1:> hie., 5 min) <.D) lllOWll "Time Bandllt" ( 198 t. CC>fl'IO- dy) Craig Warnock. 0.11id warnet A ~ng boy 11 t11ktn on e 111p ttt1ough llrn. It band of dlmlnutllle would·bl! out111W11 have ttOlef'I a time-warp rn11p from the~~~~lhr ,60mln) 1:11 I 1 Cll THI YOW F"turt<l a 111&11 to MonrOlllA Nurwy: n IOok 11 PtlllO T Farnsworth. the lnvent<>t of tete11ISiOn. one of the l.tst remaining mtltt.meo 111 SOcJthefrl Calltorni8 I GHM&Y..,., Llvm91 _..,. CO.Ntf IYI .,. LA. Featured a report on how some doctors turn 10 drugs under stress. a review of tile ffiOllle "CreepshOw". a pro- hie of ~:C~:..Bruce Penhall 11; AIDD flOIUf .... CMHL\n llACml. / ~MPOllT ll1'QliK8S W TO THI GALAIY _,.THI tll\ Hosts Len Dawson anu Nick BuonlconU review hlghltghts of thll Pf911IOUS week's NFL games and 1nte1111ew ~ =e<s and coaches. ( 1 hr ) (I) O.CIM Get 1n shape, took 9.00<'· and feel great with this physlc11t fitness E!!,_~ lZJ "Meatballs" ( 1979. Comedy) Bllt Murray. Chris Makepeace A zany sumrner camp counselor leads hlS misfit charges into a no-holds-barred sports competition against a group from another camp with a much better reputation 'PG' 1J hr .. 33 min ) Ul) llOVIE "Yes Sir. That's My Baby'' ( 1949. Musical) Donald 0 Connor, Charles Coburn. A pair of tormer Gls save a football team and the11 coach's fOb ( I hr ,JO mm) .. fJ Cl) IMGNUll, '.&. A wealthy p1ac11cal jOker leaves Magnum his ent11e fOflune. much to the chag11t1 of h•S money·hungry retahons ( 1 hr J D 6) FAm While researching material for a new musical, Dotts tin(ls the man of her dfeams and Bruno taus IOf an older woman (1 hr) Q llOYll "The lady Killers" ( t97 t Mys tery) Burt Reynolds. Norman Fell A police detect111e d1sco11ers that a t11end ot htS rs a murderer and a student hnds out that his fencing instruct()( is involved 1n a murder (2 hrs ) D ®l M m.ATUT AmJllCM HOO Ralph and Pam's wedding day JS disrupt ed when the President sends Ralph on a secret mission to the NOflh POie ( 1 hr ) (!) IOAP «D '.IL MA~ A new typo of plastic surgery lhat makes the pattent look and feel better a 67·year old granumothOf I \ ~ AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -548-1934 DATSUN SADDLEBACK BMW/SUBARU NEWPORT DATSUN 28402 Marguerite Parkway 888 Dove Street Mission Viejo Newport Beach -833-1300 131-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 LONG BEAc;H BMW 3670 N. Cherry Ave. Long Beach -838-5790 · C ADILL A C NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 142-0010 -540-8211 LINCOLN -MERCURY JOHNSON A •ON LINCOLN·M•ACURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5830 SANTA ANA LINCOLN·MIRCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -M7-0S11 MAZDA MIRACLI MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa M--l4l-33M PEUGf'.OT RACH •Potn'I 848 Dove Street Newport BeaOti -712-GIOO PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-8651 -838-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON, INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -838-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-oeGO TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -848-9303· MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. 'Huntington Beach M7·8S55 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKIWAGl!N 18711 Beach Blvd. Hun=on Beach M2· VOLVO 1,59 Shown, BCI! TV )2 inleMewer 33 8 Family on So'ap 34 13 Kukla's friend. Fran 36 14 X·rated 39 15 Archie s former partner 40 tnll 43 16 Barry or Kelly 45 17 Do. -, ml 46 18 Miss Uggams' sign.off 48 19 Barbara -Geddes 49 21 "GoldenGirl' Susan 50 Mr Ro1ner's m,.gne Three per yd Moreno or Gam -The Nation TV - Ptayad Del Fish Jolson and Pacino -ot thee -the Boys Are -part (cameo) -Trovato1e Played Lobo -1ni1. -Word Game FILL I~ TW~ Ml~SING LETIEK'S llJ IHf; ''TV WORDS'' BELOW. ILIAIWI IEIN!cl I iAJIEILI I IRI ICI l~RI I IPIRIVIOIRI IDIAI ICIEI IFIE&'IEI I I DIOIDI 'l9:J1d J.~91f'/;11-Hl'llJ. OX19 '"d3~ ~ ~ c!fGl1i2Y <T?NH:>l;J )in;J(t) ~1't1~ 5~~ .__ ______________ _J 1 011ntf1 l1#n DOWN 40 .. , 2 '''"'°on Ot"n Actt1 3 Mr L1lllt'111gn oll 42 4 The -Gleep !S on lht blue & Pl1yed Opie 1 Play1 Nurt• Bradley 8 Upland laka 9 Ending with lemon 10 Et -, Bruit I 1 Sleuth Queen t2 The 1'111 Guy ICllOn 20 Capllol output 22 Shootout•• the - Cotti I 23 E•clude 28 An -of Murder 29 Mt11lcan Mrs 30 Switch poalllon 31 Haper Valley - 34 Ch1rles Nelson - 35 -a Living 37 Vehlcle for Alex 38 Wylle or Donahue 39 Quiet .... ... 47 ~ ~2 && 51 1 Wlll1.,n•H Ben••tt1 lu11n Lucci role Otlt top tlllll~ l trldt forward Ch•mlct l endl"O MIHCharltH Ending with dllftt Switch po11t1on COmpaHpolnl SOLUTION Cl 1N3 United Feetl#9 lyndleate. Inc. EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED· WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A c;onven/enr alternative ro ho•pltal amergency room1 for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Proteulonal & Personalized Care AOUL TS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attenllon Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED Of't:N: 1 OAYI A WCIK 385 OAYI A YIAfl 8A M.·11 l'.M. (714) 752·'300 •M•RO .. ICY DOCTORS O''ICI 4030 Bueti SI. Suite 107 Newpart Beach 40s rwv 5 T 9 15oFF E : your first visit : -••11th thlo CO\lpet' = = See what we have to offer • - -:lllllllllll~iijPolllllllllllf: Friday, December 31. 1982 35 •December 31, 198! • Eve Arnold. "In China: Photographs by Eve Arnold," a 104-color photograph exhibit showing the We, wor k and people of modern China, opens Tuesday at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. The renowned photojournalist Eve Arnold, whose assignments have ranged from protest marches in the American South \o Hollywood movie queens, harems in Abu Dhabi to migrant farm workers, has focused her camera on the China not normally visited by foreigners. She has made two trips to China since 1979, traveling nearly 40,000 miles. • • Her second trip took her to the more remote areas of China, such as Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Xishuangpanna on the Burmese border, Xinji.ang in the northwest and Qingdao on the east coast. "My intention," she says, regarding the exhibit "was to make a statement about the lives of the people, to try to penetrate to their humanity, to try to get a aense of the sustaining character beneath the surface. I wanted to get beyond the endless blue suits and bicycles we've been seeing pictures of for ao many years and to tell the story in color." She was one of the first American photographers permitted to roam the interior of China. ''The results," acoording to the New York nmes, "include the most appealing faces since Steichen's 'Family of Man' exhibit." The exhibition WU organized by The Brooklyn MUleUID and ia on a three-year nationwide tour made See Eve Arnold, Page 2 Focuses camera on China not normally seen .. • -----.. --... -.. , ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....&~ C~inlng'Ati~~~;;on•~~··~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CIO O> .... Eve Arnold. From Page 1 poaslble by a grant from Exxon . Patrick Cardon, ad.m.iniatrator for curatorial affain at The Brooklyn MU8eWn, said "Eve Arnold gave WJ an important e xhibition which reflects her sensitivity to human endeavors as well as her excellence as a photographer. This e xhibition had to be seen around the OOWltry.'' The exhibition has drawn record crowds at each of ita sto~. 'The 104 photograph.a in the exhibit abo are included in Arnold's book, "In China," publiahed in 1980 ~~pf, which contains 170 color "China ia not all blue Sun Yat Sen country," Arnold says. "There are cowboys. bathing beaches, ~ Musllma. modem city9Capes. giant bU1boerds. even Pierre Cardin displaying his models on the Great Wall." Arnold says the biggest surpriae to her waa "the ethnic differences amona the minorities 1n traditional clothes llvine the lives they had Uwd for centwiee -language, re1JP>n. cust.oms, and mores but w1di educatkm, med1cal care, and • • better housing available to them now ." Born in America of Russian emigre parents. Arnold decided she wanted to be a photographer when she received her tint camera in her teens. She later studied p}Jotography under Elexei Brodevitch. Arnold trained henelf in the action-intensive environment of New York aty, ahootlng in Harlem, Times Square and the cultural reaches of mu.eums and opera. In the years that followed, Arnold's Q_holofUaphs -taken in America, F.urope, Aaia, Africa, the. Caribbean and ebewhere -have · appeared ln Life magazine, FortWle, Eequitt and other publications, Including the London Sunday Ti.mes. She has lived ln England for the past 20 years. The exhibition of Arnold's photographs will be at the Bowers Museum through Feb. 16. The muaewn is open Tueaday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. It is clc.ed Monday. Ad.mission ls free. I ------.... ..._,~ ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---\( AttlteMotrle• ~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hollywood's macho men have gone mellow? BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Pllot Stair Hollywood's main macho men have gone mellow -at least for the current movie aeaaon. · Burt Reynolds doesn't outrun any cop cars or patronlze any friendly little whorehouaes in "Best Friends." Clint F..utwood has neither a trusty six-gun nor a frisky orangutan at bis side in "Hon.kytonk Man." Both superstars have shed their tough-guy images this time in favor of ~t comedy roles, but on the whole their appeal remains untarnished. "Best Friends.," a contrived but entertaining bit of fluff concerning the modem marriage of two Hollywood a:reenwriters, will probably aell more tickets. "Honkytonk Man." a warm Depression-era tale about an ailing country singer's trek to Nashville, la the better film. Big-name stars no kJnger guarantee a movie's suooess, but 80metimes the ch.ariana generated by top popular actors can lift an ordinary acript into the stratoeohere. Redford and Fonda did it in "'The Electric Honeman." and Burt Reynolds and Goldie Hawn do it in "Best Friends." - The film ia a triumph of starpower over story. Reynolds and Hawn play writers who have lived together cxm.fortably for leVeral years. Reynolds gets the itch to make it offidal, but Hawn worries that marriage will destroy the Two of Hollywood's main macho men -Burt Reynolds (above with Goldie Hawn in "Beet Friends") and Clint Eastwood (at right with son Kyle in ''Honkeytonk Man") ba\'e gone mellow in their latest pictures. 3 ~ 3 i ., :-------------------4( Currently Scr .. nln9 )1------------------- : RobertAIRJ:~~~~:C:~-:!d Movies now showing C') Raymond Burr. Funny con tinuation of the first along Orange Coast • STILL OF THE NIGHT: Rated PG, stan Meryl Streep and Roy Sch ieder in a murder mystery which abounds with Hitchoockian themes. UnfortWl8tely, the film never heats up enough to provide the audience any real interest in the characters. ,! movie, a parody of diaast.er flicka, doesn't work aa I E well because charact.ers have become too familiar. ! AN Ol''FICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated ~ R. stars R1chatd Gere. David Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises >; but some beautifully drawn performances in this ~ tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because ;£ of language, sex and adult situauons. ";:::: A BOY AND HIS DOG: Rated R. stars Don -8 Johnson as the owner of a smart-talking dog. This i L.G . Jones film, based on a Harlan Elli.son novella, ,>£ was onginally released an 1974 and has gained I nothing an the way of substance or believability ~ since then. ~ . BARBAROSA: Rated PG. mainly for violence, ii: stars Willie Ne lson and Gary Busey. This is another one that 'was released a couple years ago and brought back by cntical demand. Nelson and Busey put in admirable performances as two outcasts who find a sense of family in each other. Deals with larger issues like revenge and the making of a legend. BEST FRIENDS: Rated PG. stars Burt Reynolds and GoJdJe Hawn as a couple who decide to marry after living together for years. Most of the comedy comes in the depM:tion of the couple's ln- law problems. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, s tars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert Mamaughton and Drew Barrymore. This highly a<:claimed science-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost ahen from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FIT'ZCARRALOO: Gennan comedy (English subtitles) about a man devoted to bnnging grand opera t.o Peru in the 19th century. Cast includes Klaus Kinski and Claudia CardinaJe. 48 HRS.: Rated R. teams Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy ln a stylish police comedy. Directed by Walter Hill. the film's best asset is Murphy in his 1Creen debut. HEIDI'S SONG: Rated G. this is superb holiday fare for youngsters. The all-animated, musical version of the classic novel features the voices of Lorne Greene, Sammy Davis Jr. and Margery Gray. LOVE CHILD: Rated R . Amy Madigan is impressive an her first major role, supported by Beau Bridges and Mackenzie Phillips. The film is based on the true story of a young convict's struggle t.o keep her unborn child. MONSIGNOR: Rated R, 11tars Christopher Reeve, Genevieve Bujold, Fernando Rey and Jason Miller. Reeve trades his Supennan cape fo.r clerical robes in this tale of a WOJ"ld War II pnest who becomes involved in financial wheeling and dealing within the Vatican. The beautifully photosraphed film is long on shock value (priest has a romance, TEX: Rated PG, stars Matt Dillon and Jim Metzler as brothers growing up in a small Oklahoma town and finding out about the realities of life. Critics are heralding the film as a pos&\Jve tum-around for Disney Studios. THE DARK CRYSTAL: Rated PG, stan the inspired creationa of Jim Henson, the man behind the Muppeta. But these creatures are not pigs and frop -they're the inhabit.ants of a fantasy world where the struggle for good and evil is being played out against a sinister background. A triumph of innovative desian and technology. THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL DWELLS: Rated R, stars Edward Albert, Susan George and Doug McClure. An American family moves t.o Japan to find their new house is a haven for 19th century Japanese ghosts. THE EMPffiE STRIKES BACK: Rated PG, this sequel to "Star Wars" was nearly as well- received as its predecessor when originally released. Cast revives most of the old characten;, played by Mark Hamill. Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher. and introduces some new -including "Yoda" featuring the voice of "Miss Piggy's" Frank Qi. See Curren tly Screening, Page 9 _,. .. 9CUT..,_.~-~ 'L~Tea.M ---"Three cheers for Kiss Me Goodbye." Linda Gross LA rimes ''It's utterly charming. It's legitimately funny." Meet~ ~. · .. ·.•. ... ... DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOU NAME? The DAILY PILOT prowldH bolft fl.l.ng end pubHcaHon Ml'wlcea. We hev• ... the ~ ... ry tor111a and malnt•n • dallr H n,lc• to the O r a n g e Countr Cour1holdle. Ethel eto, br one of our conwanlant office• or phone the LIGAL DEPA"TMIHT MMa21, E•t. 3a2 tor more lnformatloft Mel*-· ''A magical blend of m yt b o l o1y aod acience fic tion, every acue coataim wle rd and wonderful 1br ll11 Nd cliacoveries." -Res Reed. N.Y. Pott ' " ••. A work of aoaring. 1u1tained Imagination ... it'• wonderful." Den ni 1 Cu o nl n 1 ham. WCBS-TV ·-~,..--···--. SAU.Y JMIS CAM .lfF ll&S KISS • &aBYE .... ... .. __ "9_....,. _ _... .......... JAll:.\ "llTIT1Am ..... _.., ·--·~ ........ ""'9 Mill .--• ... I .,.._ ' ~ '• -~ --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-""'~ AttheMovl•• )~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; Hollywood's main macho men i . l A& an actor, Eastwood gives one of hi.a looeest comes across quite nicely. a. and warmest performances in "Honkytonk Man." The small character roles by Mcintire, Kenin, ~ From Page 3 adventures, including a dUcken coop raid. a "fake" holdup that backfirea, and a jailbreek. Alone the ~·they Wit a bordello and black nightclub and His singing voice is no great ahakes, but he gets and as Whit's parenta, Vttna Bloom and Matt =t; through 80fDe simple .onp edequately. (His shaky Clark, abo are superbly etched. 5: up an aspiring girl singer (Alexa Kenin) whoee enthusiMm far exceeds her talent. voice makes the singer's il1nell more believable.) "Honkytonk Man" has no profound ID Kyle F.aatwood is obviously not• trained philoeophlcal or aodal ~and does not '< Stovall and Whit finally anive in Nashville for the audition, just as the singer's health takes a tum for the wone. performance appears amatew1ah. But overall, he Carlie.) It's a small-acale family film, of the type child actor, and in a couple of spots his aspire to epic storytelling. (The script is by Clancy I conveys a winning wide-eyed innocence that more made too rarely these days. mannered child actors couldn't match. The When the movie ends, you'll feel like you're g Again, the plot is simple, but Eastwood, who alao produced and directed, expertly pulls you into the a'tor'y and the time in which it is .et. Production designer Edward Carfagno deserves apedal credit for his akillful re-creation of the Deptt:aion-era locales. protective admiration he feela for hla uncle alao saying goodbye to some dear old friends. "' 'Tootsie, tops box office totals HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"Tootsie," the comedy starring Dustin Hoffman poling M an actre9s, topped all other movis in holiday weekend recetpta and gaowed nearly $7 ~ mUlion. "Tootsie" averaged $7, 748 per 8Cl'em in 984 theaten nationwide for the Ch.ria1maa weekend. bringina the 10-day total for the Columbia Picture9' releue to $18,109,741. Another Columbia comedy also scored big u "The Toy" ranked aeoond by attracting $4,205,969 on 1,- 542 screens, bringing I ta 17-day n!Ceipta to $20,340,982. Other top draws, as reported by film companies this week. including three--day totals, number of theaters. total to date and days in releue, were: -"48 Hows." $3.8 million, 8~. $16 rnillklll. 19 daya. -"Best Friends," $3.6 million. 1.- 080, $10 miillon, 10 daya. -•'Dark Crystal." $3.4 million, 927, $10.8 million. 10 dava.. -"The Verdict.'r $3 million, 615, $7 .4 million. 10 days. r=::::::::::::::::::============================~~ SPEND NEW YEAR'S EVE WITH YOUR BEST FRIENDS "The best film Burt Reynolds has ever made ... Goldie Hawn's lo.teliest performance. A delicious romantic corned{ audiences will love'.' ***~ 11 An endearingly funny movie. Burt and Goldie generate so much natural warmth that 'Best Friends' has the cozy appeal of a well-lit fireplace.'· NEW YORK DAILY NEWS KATHLEEN CARROLL A IOWJI IWISOI flUll UT •m.os QlOE HMWI "llST ~· ~ ISSI~ WC1t 8"MD llOfS Na.A UIX.EY WJINI WV. ROii Slim lllllC 11J -.all. LtW*> Lynes-, AlM ·-IDM u.c.t111 l'I*-.kl W11.M Ytltten by W.£RI[ QlllTI" & BARRY UWISat a*8f ~ QltM ftlS<* llld mllOI PNJO ~ ... ""~l'MD ·---· ...,_,,, . ·-"(<-""(111 .... c-,_, ................ ..._ 121 ' I II" ' I I ' I I It f. ' ..... ,, 1 I I I 11' \ ' ..... I "f \ ~ ~ ,, ~·':· .. ': f. I •• I I I l . ( !111111~,.....,,__--_.....~---------------- :~--------------------------------~~ ____ i_o_b_l• __ t_o __ ro __ b_I•----~~--------------------------------~ ao Cf) ;;; China Coral. • • ~ E CHINA CORA.L, 1940 Harbor Blvd., Costa ~ Mess. 642-3732. Open from I 1:30 a.m. to 9:30 p .m . ~ Monday through S.turday. Clctled Sunday. Same menu all hours. Lunch«Jn spec:Ws from 12.95 to ~ $3.95. Comple~ dinners from $3.95 to $6.96. A la 'O carte selections from 12.75 to $6.95. ;:: ~ Qi 'O c GI .)I! I ~ For several years, China C.Oral baa been a favonte lunch and dinner hansout for takeout food, where a tasty and filling noontime meal c.an be had for a mere $3. So when owner Dean Ko managed to open up a dining room a few montha ago, I cou.1dn 't pass an opportunity to share this little find with ~ others. ii: The restaurant is as simple and unpretentious as it was when the order of the day was food to go only Ko added on the dining room after a carburetor shop next door moved out. He knocked a hole through the wall to join the takeout area with his new restaurant, and decorated the room with wood paneling, a few indoor plants and liberal u.ae of Chinese red. Like other restaurants of its class, there are red-and.white pla.sl.lc tablecloths, paper napkins and rather simple chairs. Appropriately da.."Orated dinne r plates are curiously accompanied by standard white porcelain tea cups with westem- style handles. But in places like China Coral, elegance in table areoutermenta has to take a second meat to quality of the kitchen work. Even in New York City, the purported home of the best Chine8e food in the nation, restaurant owners let their menus make up for Spartan trappings and an often noisy and chaotic atmo6phere. THE WILDEST, FUNNIEST, ACTION THRILtER OF THE YEAR. ... _ ....... .,.,,,, ·~· ... ~ • Quality food served in simple surroundings By JOEL C. DON Of tile Dally Pilot 8&.atr Incidentally, my guest just happened to have flown in from the Big Apple for a vacation in Laguna Beach. Hi. verdict following our rettnt meal was plain and dJnict: '1'hia is just aa good as I eat in New York..•• Enough said . The 10-year-old restaurant specializes In Szechwan and Mandarin cuisine. And when ·ordering a spicy dish, you can be guaranteed that China Coral does not hold back on the peppers - unless a timid taate bud requests eome toning down. There are more than 60 a la carte menu lelec:Uons, a sir.able array of tempting dishes and plenty of items for thote. who have troUble with the foods of Sr.echwan province. We •tarted our meal with egg rolls ($3.25), rather traditional fare from a list that includes fried shrimp, spare riba, rumaki. paper-wrapped ch.icken . and an offering called pot stick.en, vegetables and ground pork wrapped in a flour akin and deep- fried. 1be ea rolla, by the way, were appreciated for their crispne11 and tasty filling aa well as lack of ~-Three-flavor liu.l.lng rice aoup ($3.95) includes shrimp, ch1cken, muahrooms, carrots. pea poda and bamboo ahoota ln a allghtly hot-IOW' broth. The shrimp was very fresh and plentiful as were the vegetables. But our waitress, one of the younger members of this family operation, did not serve the soup as is a tradition in mmt other restaurants. Her inexperience, though, added more to the charm of this fledgling estab1iahment. Our dinner included two eelections from the hot end of the men~ kung pao chicken ($4.75) and spicy Szechwan pork ($4.75). The chicken dish, with roasted peanu'-and dried chili peppers, has long been my favorite Szechwan offering and China C.Oral didn't let me down. The pork dish, with finely sliced meat and vegetables, was considered good but judged a bit too spicy for the average diner. Per"IOl'\al ~erence plays a major role in deciding on hot es, and newcomers to these wonderful flavors should be careful before venturing into any area labe1ed "hot" or "spicy." Ask your waitress for help. Diced beef in Peking sauce ($4.75) included tender slices of sirloin marinated in a thick, sweetened oyster aauoe with green peppers. onions, bamboo shoots, water chestnuta and 9Callions. But the hit of the evening waa an item titled three tasty delighta ($6.75). Actually, we found more than ~ delidous goodies in this offering: shrimp, beef, chicken and ecallops with a medley of vegetables in a savocy aauoe. The 8Callops were a pleasant surpriae -plenty for even four pes-..is - espedally at the price of the dish. And the menu needs an update, as long u Ko continues to throw in a fourth delight. Prlcea at China Coral, as you may have gathered, are modest. You can get a complete dinner, including appetlz.er, aoup1 fried wonton and main .dlah for as little u $3.95. Two Mandarin dl.nnen, at $!5.95 and $6.95, offer a eelection from eight different ent:rees, including teveral S7.eehwan favorites. "One of the finest pictures of the year. Paul Newman is extraordiflary." Gene Shaht. The Today Show. NBC-TV "One of the best movies of the year, a certain Oscar contender and the most powerful movie in recent memory." P,!Coll'"• ~News ces.rv "Paul Newman (is) guilty of committing to film one of his best performances ever." .le*~ OoodMorrq~ A8CTV TWENTlmi CEN'J'URY.Q '"-'*A ZANUCK/BROl'N PROOlrnON . PAUL NEWMAN l CHARLOm ~LING I JACK WARDEN JAM&5 MASON I THE VERDICT I MIW O'SHEA ~BYJOHNNYMANDEL £XllllTIVE PRODUCER BUR1T HARRIS I SCRf.ENPlAY BY DAVID MAMfl BA.581> ON nm NOY'& BY BARRY REED I PRODUCED·BY RICHARD 0. ZANUCK ANO DAVID BRO'l'N~ DIRECTED BY SIDNEY WM!T .._. • ....,.,...~ • .............. I #Ol "9 OCUMllW WGDmn ,...~.DOLaY ... " ........ Al . "GANDHI"'"> ........ 1119' ...... :2 0 - .... co CD rl) A - f - • 8 . N Cl) ~ •"tNfl90U~CM.IRJANIA~--•• 9TUDKJ9~ --- ShareTheJoy Share The Magic Share The \\blder com Holiday Seat;an. r THE ExTRA-TERRESTRIAL im-. " ... If you1re looking for an engaging, funny-sad movie about living JHe to the fullest ... this holiday gift package is precisely the ticket.,, Frank HWJter POOtRAM ~._.-...-~ mn .. ~mm ll.W.Y M>ORE • MARY TYLfJ ~ "'SIX ~......,. MJlUN tf'All' ... a..-.-,.-.,i,IX.DEf Mm ....... _,.,,Am> K5ND sn.wr ~.,Din> sm7D ..... a. PmJl QJID -~Pm.IS .... ., nM BIJ. A lH'mlW. RmJAli It!!!!!!!' ~.~. (~ ~':-.I'.~,~ ~ - OtE OF TIE YEAR'S TEN BEST . ~--~~, _____ i_n_,_._,,_• __ ln_•_,_•~ __ __.)~.~~ 1982 smash year for the .movie industry By BOB THOMAS A.-tu.d Pree• Wrttei: HOLL YWCX>D -The Hollywood community likely would be content lf the new year turns out llke 1982, which provided record revenues and renewed interest in movie going, proving the old saying, "There's nothing wrong with the movie business that good pk:tures won't cure.'' A string of hita, led by the stratospheric "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial," pushed box office ales to an estimated $3.4 billion. That'• up from $2.97 billion for 1981. Ticket aales for 1982 have been projected by the Motion Picture Asaociatlon at $1.17 billion, highest in 20 yeara. 'Ille increue over 1981 1a 100 million ticketa, which 1a virtually the number of whnissiona for "E.T." A.D. Murphy, who teaches future film executives at the University of Southern California. says the movie buainea improved 15 percent in 1982, a1moet thtte times the rate of inflation. But he cautions about 1983~ "lt'a difficult for any industry to 1e.apfrac the way movies have in 1982. We atill have the bottcm of the rec:emiall to deal with. When people nm out of money, they can't go to theat.era." Amsicanl were dnwn to theaters in 1982 by a atrin8 of dtvene and attnctlve films. 1bere waa "On Colden Pclnd," which waa releued late in 1981 to qualify for the o.can and netted the awards for atara Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn. Summer brou1ht "Rocky III," which ahowed su.rpriaiq strencth for a eequel. u well aa "I!. T ... "AD Officer and Gentleman" "Poltergeist" and "Star Trek ll: The Wrath of Khan." "Whenever there t. an outs~ ye•, theaters are otferlna one, two, three or more particularly appeallnl plcturea," obaervea Murphy. "It'• not a matter of bauUnc people out of their homes; arandparenta Just don't ao to movie&. "An 'E.T .' t. a U,htnina rod that attracta favorable comment about movtee in general. It en.tea exdlllnent for the people wbo 10 to movies anyway and now will go mote oft.en.'' lt'a doubtful any 1983 film oouJd match the See The Entertainers, Page 12 ---..(Currently Scr .. nlltfl ),_ __ From Page 4 THE LAST UNICORN: Rated G, thi1 1s another animated version of a novel -but thls time it's for adults as well as the kids. The story, based on the fantasy by Peter S. Beagle, follows the odyssey of a unicorn on her search for another of her own kind. Features the voices of Mia Farrow, Robert Klein, Alan Arkin and Jeff Bridges. TiiE MAN FROM SNOWY RNER: Rated PG, stars Kirk Douglas, Jack Thompson, Sigrid Thornton and newcomer Tim Burhnson in the title role. An outdoor adventure that is sometimes entertaining but cornball and out-dated. THE MISSIONARY: Rated R, Michael Palin of Monty Python fame has the title role in this tale of a missionary who opens a home for wayward souls in F.dwardian London. This warm-hearted picture has some amusing moments, but they're offset by a boring love story and a surplus of undeveloped plot threads. THE TOY: Rated PG, this lilly comedy atars Jackie Gleaaon and Richard Pryor. The obvious gags are no longer funny by about half-way throuah the picture. ClllT&mu .,. a.-... -~a... C.. ~ Wood11nd91 ~ S... Cllll Cllll-. t7M141 a....551 ous .. 1514 134 2SSJ w1•1• m &1w1ra ..........,.a-.. eu.om 1------· ACADDIY llEMBERSc Your C8lll wtft edmlt JOU and."'"' tD.,,, ~..., """~. '~ ' -. ' . t. ' . PROJECTIONISTS LOCKED OUT!! UNITED ARTISTS THEATRES UNFAIR!! We.,. locked out becaose we refused to lose up to 75% of our Jobi, double the work load of thoae remaining and allow our expertise to be utilized to enable underpaid, Inexperienced kids to handle the highly complex equipment In the projection rooms of the United Ar11sts Theatres. ~t 8"09MtlJ and unffat.,.... demanded that each projectionist employee servlett as many as eleven screens In complexea as much u twenty mllee epertll We believe this to be unfeir to the 50-75% of the projecilonlsta that would have lost their Jobs under those conditions, and unfeir to the movie patrons who are paying top price for their tlcitets. with the chance of see4ng eub-at.nderd protection of the features they paid to see. We were willing to negotiate, but the Company dictatorially and erropnltJ LOCKED US OUT. YOU CAN HELP! PleeM don't go Into..,, United Art .. ta ThMtre MJwhere. Your written lettens of support will be appre- ciated by us. They should be addressed to the Southern AllOClatlon of IA TSE District Two locals, 630 Garey Street. Huntington Beech. California 92648. We will forward to the proper party at United Artists. THANKS POR YOUR HELPll 9outMfft AMOd9don of IATR Dtltrict Two Local9, w.ner H. llMctwd. hcJ· Trw. IOTIOI PICTURE llACllll£ OPEMTOa LOCAL 504 • Afl-CIO • SAITA W. CALIFOl•IA "UPROARIOUS ... MOit c:i the routines are huge fun and a couple approach greatnes5.• -Vlncm( C.nby, NEW YORK TIMES ~ .......... caTA ... a T-. ~Tai llAal .._ I.IA a.-EdwWda Slddlltlldl Eclwns Hwldnglon ClnldorN 540-0614 Sll·SUO Cintnll 1414398 134 25~3 I NO ....... ACCIPTID "°" !!!! POAOIMINT I * •ARQAHI MATIN-• ......,...,........, AJ1 P~ belcwe 1:00 PM ·~.,... [ ............ ......,., '-*'~" ... --. -.. ~. fHIMGla..• .... ,.. ... a ...,.._TOY"-.a•-.--· f.eewlly ••co~ 111/Ul·tllO PAClfl( TllEATllU IMllVI ... IWAP •lfU ITllJCIO -_, --fW lllf &I MMIC .. MM·•. ~ l lft ..vt• I OIAllllf DAln·• ... ",,. .. _,. ,_, --~··-"-,.. .............. , ............. . lllroaTUT l90TtCl! ClllUMO -· tl HIUI --...... ... _ ... ___ .... ___ ... ,.. ~-·-.. CM-·--,. •. CM ____ _ --~·· .... ---·-- ........ v ANAHEIM D~IVE IN ...... •aoooevr -""°"' 'AJ.Aa., THmMONX'" ... _ .. _ ....... , ... .,. BUENA PA RK : • "' '" ------12M010 ~ •• I. ...... LINCOLN Dll•Vf IN , ___ ,,.., __ Uf.4010 · ... •, FOUNTAIN VAL LEY [Jll!Vf '"" "'TffR TOY" .. , -wsrw.~- ... ............ -"9KAMIY'I llAC ........ "TMI DAM CfrfaTAL" --.. ,.., ..... Cllll .. _ -.......... ) --·-"-ltl•Mtl ..,-oof ........ ---••DM• • C:.-·"- ~~NDr­ ~·· --_,._ ... I A HABRA • " ~ ~~--· UTM-~·­ "'MQ.&.Y ._-,.. -·"-...,..TOY" ..... -"MANl(Y PAii{\"' .,... Cillllft- ... CD CID I'\) ~ ----------------------------------------~~, _____ o __ i_v_•_~_•_lo __ ,.. _______ ~~----------------~--------------------- 0) : -ART------ <") TURNBULL LUTJEANS KOGAN, 611 Anton ~ Blvd., Suite 120, Costa Mesa. The works of Michael I Wingo and David Romeo will be on disp.lay from Jan. 7-Feb. 5. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m . Information 545-ARTS. MILLS HOUSE, Visual Arts Complex, 12732 ~ Main St., Garden G rove. An exhibit entitled, -c "Watermedia," will be on display from Jan. 9-Feb. ;f 13. Gallery hours are Wednesday-Sunday, 1-5 p.m. ~ lnformation 638-6707. ~ LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART, 307 i Cliff Dr .. Laguna Beach. Final Bidding Night for .3': the 85 "bagged art" sh~PP!nB bags transformed into I works of art is Jan. 7. Bidding runs from 7-8 p.m. in ~ the Cuprien Gallery. lnfonnation 494-6531. § LAGUNA BEACH MUSEUM OF ART, 307 a: Cliff Dr .• Laguna Beach. The Annual Exhibition of the National Watercolor Society opens Jan. 7-Feb. 20. Gallery hours are daily except Mondays, 11 :30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. lnfonnation 494-6531. UC IRVINE, Fine Arts Gallery. Works by graduate students will be exhibited from Jan. 4-29. Gallery hours Tuesday-Saturday, noon-5 p.m. lnformation 833-6648. BOWERS MUSEUM, 2002 N. Main St.. Santa Ana "In China: Photographs by Eve Arnold," debuts Jan. 4. MU9eWn hours Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a m.-5 p.m., Sunday noon-5 p.m. Admission by donation. Information 547-8304. C HALLIS GALLERIES, 1390 S . Coast Highway, L•guna .Beach. Exhibition of new pamting:a by Steven ~Lair and watercolors by Lora Ltt runs Jan. 8 -23. Gallery hours are Wednesday-Sunday. 11 a.m .-5 p .m . and by appointment. Information 494-2497. -MUSIC------ ELKS LODGE, 4101 E. Willow St., Long Beach. "The Lemon Tree Stumper" will be preeented at meeting of New Orleans Jazz Club of Southern California, to be held Jan. 2 1:30 p.m .-7 p.m. Admission $2. FULLERTON CIVIC LIGHT OPERA 00., 218 W. Corrunonwealth Ave .• Fullerton. Auditions for ''Camelot" will be held Jan. 2-4 for principals, dancers and chon.aa. Information 526-3832. LUU HOW TO SUCCEED II TELEYISIOI COMMERCIALS FREE WORKSHOP Sponsored by Richard Goldstone Productions, one of the countries leading commercial production companies 7:30-9:30 p.m. Dec. 15th Costa Mesa for your reserved seat Call 213-931-1305 '~~-;-- I I' I ' --ttGE On l..tocard8 & Swimwear What's happening along Orange Coast ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE. Mid-eeuon auditions will be held Jan. 8 at 9 a.m. For an audition, call 524-5279, 535-3996, or 535-0153. SHAKTI GALLERY, 132 Linden Ave .. Long Beach. The Fenger Acoustisizer, a new instrument, will be e xhibited Jan. 2-4. Information (213) 436-3131. RIVERSIDE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Riverside. Chapman College Chamber Orchestra will perform Jan. 6 at 7:30 p .m . Information 997-6818. -ETC.------ UC IRVINE. Science Lecture Hall. "Biology of Cancer," a 10-week lecture series, begins Jan. 4 at 7 p.m. Serte11 la free. Information 833-6967. UC IRVINE, Science Lecture Hall. Film "Night Stuft," will play Jan. 7 and 8 at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Tickets $2.50 general admission. Information 833-5548. UC IRVINE, Social Science lbll. Films, "The Doonesbury Spedal,'' and ''Fireman's Ball'' will be shown Jan. 8 at 8 pm. Tickets $2 general adrni.asion. Information 833-6379. ORANGE COAST COLLmE, Costa Mesa. A three-part lecture eeries on penonal contact begins Jan 7 at 7:30-9:30 p.m. Series fee is $8 per penon or $12 per couple. Information 556-5880. ·coLUMBIA SAVINGS & LOAN. Harbor and Wilson. Costa Mesa. Book re'View will be held Jan. 6 to benefit City of Hope Open Door Chapter. Information 640-1789. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE, Costa Mesa. Do-it-yOW'INillen' seminar offers tips on building patios, fences and other exterior projects. Session will run 9 a.m .-1 p.m . Jan. 8 . Admission $6. Information 556-5880. CATALINA CRUISES. New Year's Eve cruiae through Long Beach and Loe Angeles Harbors offered Dec. 31 •t 8 p .m . Cruise includes champagne, dinner and dancing and departs from San Pedro. Tickets $35. Information 527-7111. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE. Costa Mesa. Survey of English literature from 19th century offered in spring semester, beginning Jan. 31. Registration Jan. 3-Feb. 11. Information 556-5772. -SINGLES------ HOLIDAY INN, 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. People sampler Jan. 7 at 8 p.m. Admission $12. For ages 25-55. lnfonnation 545--0840. ~'J'A MlliA COUNTRY CLUB, 1701 Golf Course Dr .• Costa Mesa. New Year's Eve Party and Dance, Dec. 31, 9 p.m.-1 a.m . General admission $9. Information 540-1859. GARDEN GROVE COMMUNITY CENTER. 11300 Stanford, Garden Grove. General meeting and potluck of Orange County Sierra Singles Club. Admission $1 with diah to aerve eight, $4 empty- handed. WW be held Jan. 3, 7-10 p.m. Information 751 -1560. DISNEYLAND HOTEL 90Uth grand ballroom. Anaheim. California Singles Club will host New Y car's Eve party beginning at 7 p.m. Reeervations and information 553-8366. -PLAYS------ ''FINIAN'S RAINBOW,·· an Irish-flavored muaiul comedy, continues at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhoute, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492-9950). The show runs until further notice nightly except Monday at varying curtain times. "MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS,'' a musical comedy eet at the tum of the century, is playing at the Harlequin Dtrmer Playhouae, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa An• (979-5511). Performahces are given ~ghtly except Mondaya •t varying curtain times throush Feb. 20. ------------~~----'-n_t_•_'_"' __ '•_•_l_o_n ____ ~~---~---------ti' ~ 2 What's new? Not much in 1983 theater programs P.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~1 cr:RCHcffOUSE ~ Dining and Cocklolls qn" f By TOM TITUS Or lhe DaU1 Pilot Staff Standing on the threshold of 1983 and looking out over the footlighta for the next two months, it becomes evident that nostalgia has firmly taken root along the Orange Coast. Of the 15 professional, community and collegiate theater groups rniaing their curtains during the next few months. only four will be presenting new plays, or at least scripts heretofore unaeen in this locality. For the real, It's r evival city. Including the two dinner playhouaes with musicala currently on the boards through February. Theee would be "Finian'a Rainbow" at Sebastian's West and "Meet Me in St. Louia" at the Harlequin. Even the usually trailblazing South C.out Repertory has succumbed to the nostalgia bug. The Costa Mesa profeaaional theater currently ia • readin& a revival of Sam and Bella Spewack's "Boy Meets Girl" for a Jan. 11 opening. Downstaira on SCR'a Second Stage, howevel', the aeoond production of an all·world premiere season ii being prepared. Th.at would be "She Also Dances.'' a comedy with music is set to open Jan. 19. The other new ventures in theater along the coast are "Design for Murder," ocn1 Jan. 7 at the Huntington PlaybOUR; ''The Gin Game," arrtvtna Jan. 21 at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, and "Betrayal," ticketed for a Feb. 16 opening at UC Irvine. A.a if there wtten't enough revivals to go around, two community theawra are ganglna UP, on Noel Coward'• "Private Uves. ' It opena Jan. 13 at t he San Clemente ~ommunity Theater and Feb. 17 at the Newport "Theater Arts Center. For ~ who appreciate camedy the way it u.ed to be, there'• "The Silver wiu.tle" at the Westminster Community 1beater, opienifta Jan. ?, and the venerable ''Olal'Jey'1 Aunt," tlcketed for a March 11 opener a\ Golden Weat Co:!:\~· And if you want to So way try Moliere'• .. Tartuffe," arriving Feb. 4 at the Newpon Harbor Acton 'Jbee•. The more aericJw..mlnded ~ mlaht opt for "A Far C.0U01ry" at the Costa M-avtc Playbowe ar "The Glau Mena1erJe .. at tbe Irvine Community Theam, both openlna M. .. n.i tbtre'• "UU. ot the ·, Field," to be 1ta1•d Peb. 11 by Showcaee Production• In W-.mll:wter. U mu.a.lcala are your thlna, the South Co.l ... bM two ot tbe bait 1:"Z. ~ .. bowiJ In ... ~ Laauna Beach and ~ack Coll•-.• haa "Wett Side ltor1" eerrwDd tot a r.b. II~ many gems like "On Golden Pond" dropping down from the New York theater, it's likely the oldies will be goodies again, for a little while longer anyway. * THE IRVINE Community Theater's previously announced "revival season" of theatric.al classics from the 1940s has been trimmed from five productions to four at the Turtle Rock Community Park auditorium. Dining For Romantics .. the ·'"'""'-' 1111d ::.1.11/it.' o/ tltc ::.ur( 011 the beach 11/ L.1111111w -· J rt1l11rt1111 · / rt'.,ft • \ c;,. · L11qla11d £.obtrr ,;111/ other Jrc.,/1 · / 1.,·h ... ( ·a11J/c/1.11h1 blc11tled 11•11h lite ·'I'm~· of lite ·Pacific < 1cca11 . -0,.-&eokfast luncheon Dinner I.... ~ casualty of the cutback , lt•Hr• -nec~tated by scheduling com-on tM surf ot mitmenll at the Turtle Rock -atO •RMI Aeservottons 619 Sleepy Hollow lone facility, I.a the June production of (714) I• MIS 49.4-9707 loguno Seoch "Blithe Spirit." The other four ahowa, Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil all of 194~ and 1~ vintage, will be preeented in Febnaary. April, August and October. Leading off the ICT schedule in February will be Tenne.aee Williams' first Broadway play, "The Glass Menagerie," to be staged Feb. 4·26. Following in April h "Born Yesterday" by Garaon Kanin, slated w run Apru S.30. Arthur Miller's first play. the postwar drama "All My Sons.'' will follow the summer hiatus in August, running Aug. 5·27. Cloainl out the revival seuon will be Mary Chase'• Pulitzer Prize.winning comedy ''Harvey.'' acheduled for Oct. 7·29. Performances of all four plays will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. at the Turtle Rock fadllty, on Sunny hill Roed off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine. Further infannation may be obtained ~ contact101 ICT president Wll 'IbomplOn at 857-MM. ' * SOV'rB COAST Repertocy bu an· nounced the cue for its revival ol the Sam and Bella Spewack comedy "Bol ~eeia Girl" I...ee Sballat, named &.e Daily PUot'a woman of the year in theater lut week, wUI direct the lampoon of Hollywood'• heyday. Caat membera in clude Wllliam Boaert, Krlatoffer Taborl, James Staley, Wayne Alexander, Ron 1 Bouuom, John Elllnat.on. K.riaten Lowman, Anni Lona. Art Kou.Uk, Diane dePrtest and Bal Landon Jr. Graduatee of SCR'• eummer ~tor')' and rtlldent •pprenticel in the c.t are s.m ~ Joann DI.Sano and Jama LeOna •'Boy M..a Glrl" wlll nm from Jan. litoN>. llontbe~Of the COila ..._ theewr, e&O ir-own C..W Drtw. ~are betna iaUn at 967-401lt * G'~~~~~~ I Celebrate With U1 at UT.SAVA @, ~ . ~ °Cabaret ·;.: ~Theatre ~ "' NEW YEARS EVE • DEC 31 8 PM . 1•9*8*3 WINING• DINING• DANCING l course dinner with full table servi~ and wine Live Musical Entertainment · Benefit Performance given by SW PREM SARV~H (GEORG~ SCHLICK) ... . . .. . . . ~ ···~~·· -~~~f\1~\ • ~10() ~l.O' • ~ ~ l'O"' IO '• *. \O\~f$'0 •••••• •• ... ~ ······· ~-···· : ;.; .......... . .~~~ ······· ·~~........._~...,,,., .. ,_ .. •Qr\a ... _ --'""'""'----.... =~' .. "-ot ·-.::.:.~ .. : • -. ,,. oi..-_C""""...,· • ........ ~.....:..~ll:9,,.. ___ • ••••• -~4C>,,. ..... ....:....._....,.. ·····•··· ~'-: ........ : ••. . •• /..4: •• • MOl~cn~fV, ·~--~,.... ; ~UC. nw 1loQloie J °"'° Mt'" : ·······~··············· Glloleotwtftt SW.mt Muno.n (Cttudtlt.1) • '""''"' tDfcMI Md ...... .., °"""~ Acl•anced re:all!tradoa requHted UUJ ,,.,...,., SIS C2HILDREN'S sow - ~ O> ..... From Page 8 ~ esUmated $310 million attracted by the Steven :i; Spielberg production. But a review of the 1983 .li product displays pcomiae qf another strong year. I The most predictable lllCCel8 is "Revenge of the Jedi," the final part of George Lucas' "Star Wars" trilogy, to be released in May by 20th >. Century-Fox. Columbia alao has a fantasy, "Krull," 111 that will appear next summer. ~ The new year also will bring two Bond movies: ~ Warner Broe.' "Never Say Never Again" with Sean a; Connery and "James Bond 007: Octopusay," with "O Roger Moore. j The striking feature about 1983 is the trend to I repeat past formulas. The public will be treated to ~ 1equela to "'The Sting," "Smokey and the Bandit," -"Jaws." "Porky's," "Psycho," "Saturday Night .Q 0: • Tumyour • unusabtes into e usable e cash. Cati e Daily Pilot e classified • 642-5671. Ht here w ••Ice heme 11N lnl~oln•r• ) ... <----------------- Fever," "The Black Stallion" and "The Pink Panther." It would aeem there la a creative gap in the major atudloe. "On. Golden Pond" was rejected by f!Very major studio on the grounds that the young audience wouldn't attend a movie about 70-year-olda. "Star Wan" wu turned down by Univenal. and ''E.T ." was declined by Columbia. Film makers complain that it has become increasingly diff~t to ec!ll non-formula projects to the major companies. Th<>11e who run the movie companies seem more ccfncemed with securing positions in the growing video caaette and pay-TV market. The industry wu jolted Nov. 30 by the creation of an "instant major" _. a partnership of Columbia Pictures Industries, C8S and Home Box Office. The new company boasted a treasury of $400 million to make feature films to appear in theaters, then on pay and network TV. Paramount, MCA-Universal and Warner Broe. had already teamed with American Express in The Movie Channel, another aervioe aimed at pay-and- view in home. The new year will probably bring more combinations that exploit the new technologies for movie watchers. While the film companies are looking to 1983 with confidence, Hollywood labor is not. At the end of 1982, six films were shooting in and around Loe Angeles, compared to three time5 that number five years ago. The Screen Actors Guild estimates that only 15 per cent of ita members are regularly employed. The situation continues to worse!') as state commissions in other part.a of the country offer attractive terms to film makers . A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment ~nter Albertson's• Bank of Ameoca •Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin H8Jr Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Sptash •Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades • Mamselle Beauty Supply • Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel • Mione's • Music Markel • Photography by Jeffrey • The Ptecemaker • Southern California Ophcal •Spa Lady • Swensen's •Upper Cuts