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City Council Staff Report
January 8, 2019
Agenda Item No. SS2
Seimone Jurjis, Community Development Director - 949-644-3232,
PREPARED BY: James Campbell, jcampbell@newportbeachca.gov
PHONE: 949-644-3210
TITLE: General Plan Update (PA2017-141)
It has been 12 years since the General Plan was comprehensively revised. Staff is
initiating the General Plan update process in collaboration with the community to address
necessary changes. The General Plan update will also incorporate new topics required
by state law and update the Housing Element.
Receive presentation, consider public comments, and provide direction to staff.
There is no fiscal impact related to this study session. However, updating a General Plan
will require significant funding over time and exact costs are not known at this time. The
current adopted budget does not include any funding to start the update process.
Consultant assistance for public outreach, preparation of the General Plan update,
technical studies, fiscal analysis, and environmental review will likely exceed $2 million
dollars. Once proposals are received from consultants, the City Council may be asked to
approve a budget amendment for the anticipated expenses under this current fiscal year.
The remainder will be funded through future budgets.
Staff will make a presentation that highlights the proposed General Plan evaluation and
update process. The process will take approximately three years depending upon the
scope of the update.
Staff first recommends establishing a steering committee. The purpose of the steering
committee is to review consultant proposals; guide staff through the "Listen and Learn"
process; ensure public outreach and stake holder input; and make recommendations to
City Council.
General Plan Update (PA2017-141)
January 8, 2019
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A general plan consultant is necessary to assist staff with the process. Staff will initiate
a request for proposal (RFP) process for the selection of the consultant. The consultant's
responsibilities will include: public outreach; facilitate community visioning and
workshops; prepare draft general plan goal and policies; and conduct necessary analyses
and studies. Staff will seek additional input on the RFP from the community through a
community forum after members of the steering committee has been selected. The
tentative date for the community forum is planned for February 2019, in the Civic Center
Community Room.
Public outreach will be critical and staff will require consultant assistance. The first
deliverable outlined in the RFP is a public outreach program that will have staff and the
consultants conducting a facilitated "Listen and Learn" tour throughout the community.
Guided by the steering committee, the public outreach will extend to all stake holders in
the community.
Staff will return to City Council later in 2019 with a request to form a larger General Plan
Advisory Committee (GPAC). The GPAC will be composed of 25 to 30 members of the
public. Their role will be to take the information acquired from the "Listen and Learn" tour
and, with the support of the consultant and staff, draft the necessary updates to the
General Plan.
During the preparation of the updates to the Land Use and Housing Elements, the
suitability of some sites or areas for intended or other land uses may be discussed. A
fiscal and market analysis will be performed to help inform the GPAC of the economic
and fiscal ramifications of possible changes. Other studies may be necessary to help the
GPAC provide informed guidance and recommendations. When there appears to be
consensus on the draft update, environmental review will be conducted. Finally, public
hearings with the Harbor Commission; Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission; and
Planning Commission will inform the City Council of recommended update action.
Staff recommends the City Council find this study session item is not subject to the
California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") pursuant to Sections 15060(c)(2) (the
activity will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the
environment) and 15060(c)(3) (the activity is not a project as defined in Section 15378)
of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, California Code of Regulations,
Title 14, Chapter 3, because it has no potential for resulting in physical change to the
environment, directly or indirectly.
Updating the General Plan will require the preparation of an environmental impact report
pursuant to the CEQA.
The agenda item has been noticed according to the Brown Act (72 hours in advance of
the meeting at which the City Council considers the item). Additionally, staff sent notice
by email using the City's select alert system. Staff also posted notice on the City's website
and social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Next-door.
General Plan Update (PA2017-141)
January 8, 2019
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Attachment A — Draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for Consulting Services
Attachment A
Draft Request for Proposals
RFP Due Date: April 12, 2019 - TBD
RFP Administrator: Anthony Nguyen, Purchasing Agent
SECTION1: RFP OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Definitions............................................................................................................................................................. 3
ProposalEvaluation Criteria..................................................................................................................................3
INSTRUCTIONS.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Questions, Answers and Addenda To RFP..............................................................................................................6
TERMS AND CONDITIONS.........................................................................................................................................7
I. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions............................................................................................................7
II. Precedence of Terms and Conditions............................................................................................................7
III. Public Record................................................................................................................................................7
IV. Availability of Records..................................................................................................................................7
V. Late Proposals..............................................................................................................................................7
VI. Specificity of Information.............................................................................................................................7
Errors and Omissions...............................................................................................................................7
Proposal Validity......................................................................................................................................7
Right of Rejection.........................................................................................................................................8
Right of Rejection of Lowest Fee Proposal....................................................................................................8
Exceptions to Proposal Requirements......................................................................................................8
Determination of Responsiveness and Responsibility..............................................................................8
Obligation to Award.................................................................................................................................8
Bidder Reimbursement Prohibition..........................................................................................................8
Gratuity Prohibition.................................................................................................................................8
Contact with City Personnel or Entities....................................................................................................9
Insurance Requirements..........................................................................................................................9
Compliance with All Applicable Laws.......................................................................................................9
Inclusive Proposal Pricing.........................................................................................................................9
Subcontractor/Joint Ventures..................................................................................................................9
2: SCOPE OF SERVICES...........................................................................................................................10
3: PROPOSAL ATTACHMENTS................................................................................................................14
ATTACHMENT A: STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE....................................................................................................15
ATTACHMENT e: PROPOSER INFORMATION FORM..............................................................................................16
ATTACHMENT C. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST.....................................................................................17
SECTION 4: APPENDICES......................................................................................................................................18
RFP—Community Engagement and General Plan Update
The City desires to comprehensively review and update the Newport Beach General Plan where necessary and
desirable. The purpose of the update is to reflect current conditions, State general plan requirements, and the
City's future vision as identified by the community. The goal is to start the process in early 2019, and complete
the process in the late of 2021.
The first step will be to review the existing General Plan Vision Statement with the community to identify how it
might be modified to reflect current thoughts and aspirations. Second, the City's General Plan needs to
examined to see how it meets State general plan requirements, and after consultation with the community
through a robust outreach effort, how might the general plan be amended to reflect the consensus of the
community. The term "community" is the entire community living and working in the City, including residents,
special interest groups, homeowners associations, property owners, the business community, and regulatory
agencies; the term is all-inclusive.
The process will involve citizen oversight through various methods including a 3-5 person Steering Committee
appointed by the Mayor or City Council who will report to the City Council. The Steering Committee will advise a
larger General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) who will conduct a series of public meetings as necessary on
the evaluation and update process. The Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission (PB&R), the Harbor
Commission, and the Planning Commission will conduct hearings that will also shape the process. Ultimately the
City Council will review and act on the environmental documentation and update itself. The process will be
conducted in an open and transparent manner. The City strongly desires innovative and exciting ways to engage
with the entire community to maximize understanding, feedback, and participation.
The City seeks a qualified consultant or consulting team (Consultant) to guide the community and prepare the
update consistent with these goals and principles. City staff, primarily through the Community Development
and Public Works Departments, will energetically support, guide and direct the Consultant throughout the
process. The City has a robust geographic information system (GIS) and trained staff to provide mapping and
database support. All City Departments will be involved in one way or the other.
a) February 2019 — May 2019 (3 -4 months)
• Request for proposals
• Proposal evaluations
• Consultant selection
b) June 2019 — March 2021 (21 months)
• Community outreach and Visioning process
• General Plan evaluation process
• General Plan Advisory Committee meetings
• Market and fiscal analysis and other technical analysis preparation
• Draft General Plan Amendments preparation
• Draft Environmental Impact Report preparation
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• Harbor Commission and Parks, Beach and Recreation Commission meetings
c) March — May 2021 (3 months)
• Draft Environmental Impact Report public review.
• One workshop with the Planning Commission will be conducted on the draft EIR at the beginning of
the comment period.
d) June —July 2021 (2 months)
• Planning Commission public hearings.
e) August — September 2021 (2 months)
• City Council public hearings, EIR certification, and plan adoption.
The following is an explanation of terms frequently referred to in this document:
■ "City': Refers to the City of Newport Beach.
■ "Request for Proposal (RFP)": Refers to the solicitation process wherein the City is seeking proposals.
■ "Proposal": The formal response to this solicitation submitted to the City by a Proposer or Proposers.
■ "Proposer": Refers to the individual, partnership, or corporation that is submitting a proposal in
response to this RFP process.
■ "Project": The preparation of the Land Use Element Amendment.
■ "Shall": Refers to a mandatory requirement.
■ "Consultant/Contractor": Refers to the individual, partnership, or corporation including their
subcontractors that is awarded a contract by the City upon conclusion of this RFP process.
■ "Contract" or "Agreement": A promissory agreement with specific terms between the City and one or
more parties that creates, modifies or destroys a legal relation in exchange for consideration.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria:
Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of the response to all provisions of this RFP. Since this solicitation is an
RFP as opposed to a Bid, pricing alone will not constitute the entire selection criteria. The City may use some or
all of the following criterion and corresponding percentages in its evaluation and comparison of proposals
submitted. The criteria listed are not necessarily an all-inclusive list. The order in which they appear is not
intended to indicate their relative importance. The City reserves the right to modify the evaluation criterion
and percentage of score as deemed appropriate prior to the commencement of evaluation.
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Qualifications and experience of the proposing
Consultant firm or team conducting similar
projects, of comparable complexity, and
magnitude, particularly for government
A demonstrated understanding of the
requested scope of services or work program.
The Consultant's ability to deploy services as
identified in the Scope of Services on
Recent references from local clients with
particular emphasis on local government.
The City reserves the right to determine whether a proposal meets the specifications and requirements of this
RFP and reject any proposal that, in the City's opinion, fails to meet the detail or intent of the requirements.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.
Selection Process:
The City shall employ a two-step process to select a Consultant for this Project, with an option for a third step, if
necessary. In the first step, known as "Technical Evaluation," a panel shall rate the technical qualifications of all
Proposals using the criteria described above to arrive at a Technical Score. Each criteria shall be assigned a
unique scoring weight based on the significance of each criteria to the overall success of the Project. Since this
is a procurement for a professional service, cost will not be assessed during Technical Evaluation. If, upon
conclusion of Technical Evaluation, (1) there are a multitude of firms close together in regard to technical score;
or (2) no single firm has been distinguished as a likely successful candidate, the City reserves the right to initiate
live panel interviews. Firms invited to interview shall have their panel interviews evaluated and scored,
resulting in adjustments to the Technical Score. In the second step, once an order of candidate rankings has
been achieved based on Technical Score, the Cost Proposal of the highest -qualified firm will be opened and
evaluated for feasibility and reasonableness. If the Cost Proposal is deemed to be unfeasible and/or
unreasonable, efforts may be initiated by the City to negotiate with the Proposer to reach more favorable
terms. If these negotiation efforts fail, the City will consider the Cost Proposal from the second highest qualified
firm, and so forth until a desired resolution is achieved.
RFP Schedule:
The following is a tentative schedule of the RFP process. While the City will attempt to apply the necessary
resources to maintain this schedule, the following dates are merely projections and the City reserves the right
to modify this schedule as needed to accommodate the completion of this RFP process.
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RFP Published:
Friday, March 1, 2019
Questions from Proposers Due:
March 15, 2019
Questions and Responses Posted:
March 22, 2019
Proposals Due:
April 12, 2019
Week of April 22, 2019
Anticipated Contract Award:
May 2019
Anticipated Budget:
At this time, the City does not have a good estimate of costs; however, it is prepared to allocate $2,000,000
over several budget cycles to the amendment process. If additional funding is suggested by Consultant, the City
will consider it based upon compelling needs and the availability of funds. The City budgeting would not include
City staff costs. The City operates on a fiscal year budget, beginning July 1 and ending the following June 30 of
each year.
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Submittal Information:
In an effort to comply with environmentally -friendly practices, Proposals are due by 11:00 A.M. on April 12,
2019, in electronic format only via email to the email address of the RFP Administrator indicated below.
RFP Administrator: Anthony Nguyen
T: 949-644-3080 anguyen@newportbeachca.gov
(Please mark all submittals "RFP — General Plan Update")
It is the responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that their Proposal is received before the stated deadline. The
RFP Administrator may be contacted at 949-644-3080 to verify receipt of proposals. Postmarks will not be
considered as a valid excuse for delayed or missing proposals. In the event Proposers either cannot submit
Proposals electronically or the Proposals are too large to transmit, Proposers must contact the RFP
Administrator to make arrangements for hard copy delivery.
Questions, Answers and Addenda To RFP:
Prior to the RFP submission deadline questions may arise regarding the specifications and procedural or
administrative matters. By March 15, 2019, all questions pertaining to this RFP shall be directed to the RFP
Administrator only. The RFP Administrator will draft, in consultation with other City staff, a response to all
questions submitted and email the responses to all potential Proposers who have requested responses.
Additionally, the questions and responses will be posted on the City's website on March 22, 2019. Changes to
the RFP itself shall only be made by the City via formal written addenda. All addenda shall become a part of the
RFP document requiring response by the proposer where indicated.
Proposal Format:
Proposers shall submit one (1) electronic copy of their proposals to the RFP Administrator. Please refer to
Proposal Requirements Checklist (Attachment C) for specific directions regarding the content and format of
your proposal. As closely as possible, please adhere to the format and order provided in the Proposal
Requirements Checklist when assembling proposals. Please note that part of the evaluation criteria takes into
consideration the responsiveness of a proposal; proposals missing the required components listed below will be
evaluated accordingly.
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Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Submission of a proposal indicates acceptance by the company submitting the proposal of the terms, conditions and
specifications contained in this RFP and Draft Agreement, unless clearly and specifically stated otherwise in the completed
Statement of Compliance.
II. Precedence of Terms and Conditions
All other terms and conditions of the Draft Agreement attached within this RFP as Appendix A are hereby incorporated into the
terms and conditions of this RFP. In the event of a conflict of terms and conditions between the RFP document and the draft
agreement, the terms and conditions expressed in the Draft Agreement shall take precedence.
III. Public Record
Upon submission of a proposal and other materials for consideration by the City, such proposals and materials shall become the
property of the City of Newport Beach. Proposals may be subject to public inspection and disclosure pursuant to state and
federal law after the award of a contract for this Project. Prior to the RFP deadline, proposals may be modified or withdrawn by
an authorized representative of the Proposer by written notice to the RFP Administrator.
IV. Availability of Records
All relevant documents pertaining to this RFP and procurement process shall be made available by the Community Development
Department upon successful conclusion of the entire procurement process.
V. Late Proposals
Any proposal which is not received by the RFP Administrator prior to the deadline date and time set forth in this solicitation may
not be considered. The City assumes no responsibility or liability for the transmission, delay, or delivery of a proposal by either
public or private carriers.
VI. Specificity of Information
No verbal or written information which is obtained other than through this RFP or its addenda shall be binding on the City. No
employee of the City is authorized to interpret any portion of this RFP or give information as to the requirements of the RFP in
addition to that contained in or amended to this written RFP document.
VII. Errors and Omissions
This RFP cannot identify each specific, individual task required to successfully and completely implement this Project. The City
relies on the professionalism and competence of Proposers to be knowledgeable of the general areas identified in the scope of
work and to include in their proposals all materials, equipment, required tasks and subtasks, personnel commitments, man-hours,
labor, direct and indirect costs, etc. Proposers shall not take advantage of any errors and/or omissions in this RFP document or in
the firm's specifications submitted with their proposals. Where such errors or omissions are discovered by the City, full
instructions will be given by the City in the form of an addenda.
Proposal Validity
Unless otherwise noted by the Proposer, all proposals shall be held valid for a period of 180 days.
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IX. Right of Rejection
The City reserves the right to: (1) Accept or reject any and all proposals or any part of any proposal, and to waive minor defects or
technicalities in such; (2) Request clarification of any information contained in a proposal; (3) Solicit new proposals on the same
project, or on a modified project, which may include portions of the original RFP as the City may deem necessary; (4) Disregard all
non -conforming, non-responsive, or conditional proposals, (5) Reject the response of any proposer who does not pass the
evaluation to the City's satisfaction, (6) Allow for the correction of errors and/or omissions; (7) Select the proposal that will best
meet the needs of the City, and (8) Negotiate service contract and terms with the successful Proposer.
X. Right of Rejection of Lowest Fee Proposal
The City is under no obligation to award this project to the Proposer offering the lowest fee proposal. Evaluation criteria
expressed in this RFP solicitation shall be used in the proposal evaluation process. In evaluating proposals, the City may consider
the qualifications of the proposers and whether the proposals comply with the prescribed requirements. The size and scope of
the Project at hand may dictate the degree to which Qualifications -Based Selection processes are utilized.
XI. Non -Compliance
Proposers and/or proposals that do not meet the stated requirements for this Project may be considered noncompliant and may
be disqualified, unless such noncompliance is waived by the City. During the evaluation process, the City reserves the right to
request additional information or clarification from those submitting proposals, and to allow corrections of errors and/or
XII. Exceptions to Proposal Requirements
Proposers may find instances where they must take exception with certain requirements or specifications of the RFP and/or Draft
Agreement. All exceptions shall be clearly identified using the Statement of Compliance, and written explanations shall include
the scope of the exceptions, the ramifications of the exceptions for the City, and a description of the advantage to be gained or
disadvantages to be incurred by the City as a result of these exceptions.
Determination of Responsiveness and Responsibility
The City shall have sole authority in determining the responsiveness and responsibility of any and all Proposals. For Proposals
containing exceptions to specifications and/or requirements, the City shall have sole authority in determining the extent to which
exceptions affect the responsiveness and responsibility of any and all Proposals.
XIV. Obligation to Award
The City of Newport Beach is not obligated to enter into a Contract or Agreement on the basis of any proposal submitted in
response to this RFP. City reserves the right to award multiple contracts for this Project if is deemed most advantageous to the
XV. Bidder Reimbursement Prohibition
The City will not pay for any information herein requested, nor are they liable for any costs incurred by any vendors prior to
award of a contract or purchase order. The City may require the finalist proposer(s) to provide on-site presentations and
demonstrations of the products)/service(s) proposed by the proposer(s). All costs associated with the demonstrations or follow-
up interviews are the sole obligation of the proposer(s).
XVI. Gratuity Prohibition
Proposers shall not offer any gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value to any official, employee, or agent of the City for
the purpose of influencing consideration of this proposal. Submission of a Proposal indicates Proposer certifies that they have not
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paid nor agreed to pay any person, other than a bona fide employee, a fee or a brokerage resulting from the award of the
XVII. Contact with City Personnel or Entities
During the RFP procurement process, proposal evaluation process and proposal selection process, the RFP Administrator is to
serve as the primary point of contact for any and all matters pertaining to this RFP and Project. Proposers shall not contact any
City personnel or entities other than the RFP Administrator for matters regarding this Project until conclusion of the entire
procurement process, which shall be defined as Agreement Award. Unauthorized contact may result in disqualification of
XVIII. Indemnification
Proposer, at its own expense and without exception, shall indemnify, defend and pay all damages, costs, expenses, including
attorney fees, and otherwise hold harmless the City, its employees, and agents, from any liability of any nature or kind in regard
to the delivery of these services. Submission of a Proposal indicates Proposer waives the right to claims for damages of any
nature, whatsoever, based on the Proposal solicitation and/or selection process.
XIX. Insurance Requirements
The selected Consultant(s) for this Project shall be required, prior to the execution of a Contract, to furnish proof of insurance.
The specific insurance types and limits depend on the Project and can be found in the Draft Agreement (Appendix A) of this RFP
XX. Compliance with All Applicable Laws
Proposer declares that it shall comply with all licenses, statutes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of all governmental
entities, including federal, state, county or municipal, whether now in force or hereinafter enacted, including, but not limited to,
appropriate contractor licensing and business licensing.
XXI. Inclusive Proposal Pricing
Proposal pricing shall include any and all applicable licenses, insurance coverage, endorsements, bonding and if necessary, any
wage compliance deemed necessary to perform the Work or Services as part of the Project described in this RFP. City will not be
responsible for reimbursing Consultants for any charges not included in the Proposal pricing that are incurred in securing these
XXII. Subcontractor/Joint Ventures
The selected Consultant shall be the Prime Contractor performing the primary functions of the Agreement. If any portion of the
Agreement is to be performed by a subcontractor, this must be clearly set forth in the Proposal submittal as to what part(s) is/are
to be delegated. The City reserves the right to reject any Proposal wherein use of subcontractors significantly affects the ability of
the Proposer to function as the Prime Contractor on the awarded Agreement. The Prime Contractor will at all times be
responsible for the acts and errors or omissions of its subcontractors or joint participants and persons directly or indirectly
employed by them. Acceptance or rejection of a Proposer's request to use subcontractors is at the sole discretion of the City.
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The following is a general description of the anticipated work program components. These components are
not all-inclusive and the consultant is encouraged to provide recommendations with respect to scope and
order of completion that provides a logical and focused approach to evaluating and updating the Newport
Beach General Plan.
Task 1. Community Engagement, Marketing and Outreach Plan
The Consultant, with the assistance of City Staff, will creatively engage and maintain participation from the
community throughout the update process. It is the City's intent to provide an open and transparent
process where the community can:
• Re-examine and refresh the existing General Plan Vision Statement;
• Update the various elements of the General Plan to reflect the vision, emerging trends and state
law as directed; and
• Have fun throughout the process.
The Consultant shall prepare and implement a community engagement plan that should include:
• Appropriate marketing and branding of the update and process;
• Up to three to five visioning workshops with the community;
• Up to 50 individual stakeholder meetings assisted by City staff;
• Preparation and maintenance of City -hosted webpage(s) that provide a comprehensive portal of
information and community interaction. Please see the City's initial pages for the effort at
• Innovative and cutting-edge methods of driving active participation from the community;
• Use of virtual town hall meetings, surveys, and a social media periodically throughout the update
process; and
• Participation in all committee and commission workshops, meetings, and public hearings.
Task 2. General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC)
The City will create a Ralph M. Brown Act regulated committee and appoint members of the community to
it. The Committee will meet monthly at a regularly scheduled date and time as necessary. Meetings will be
held during the evenings in the Civic Center or at other locations within the City as deemed appropriate.
The purpose of the committee is to provide opportunities for public participation and to guide/shape the
draft update as guided by the Steering Committee. The committee will be made up of 20-25 members
selected by the City Council after an application review process. Committee membership will reflect the
diverse nature of the City's geography and competing interests. The goal is to create a balanced,
conscientious and civic -minded group that actively listens and finds consensus on a variety of issues to be
an effective body.
The Consultant will participate in all GPAC meetings and will prepare discussion materials and technical
memorandums for the scheduled topics. The Consultant will lead creative discussions on the various topic
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matters within the complete scope of the update. The consultant will be responsible for preparing detailed
minutes of the meetings for review and GPAC adoption.
Task 3. Facilitate Review and Provide Recommendations and Draft Update
The City anticipates reviewing all elements of the General Plan and updating where necessary and required.
The following list of elements and issues should act as a general guide:
a) Land Use Element — Policy Review and Update
As part of the 2013/2014 effort to amend the Land Use Element, all of the policies were
comprehensively reviewed with many revisions proposed to reflect current community conditions;
these policy revisions should be re-examined for potential inclusion in this update. Unbuilt
development potential should also be evaluated to ensure it reflects the community's new vision.
Community comments related to recent development applications indicate the need to reexamine
development in the Airport Area and Newport Center. Are current general plan policies appropriate
given current and future trends?
Other areas for review, include, but are not limited to: Banning Ranch, Mariner's Mile, West Newport
Mesa, and Newport Coast. The City also anticipates examining the land use and existing density and
intensity of development of several small and medium-sized sites.
The Local Coastal Program (LCP) was certified by the Coastal Commission in 2017, and the General Plan
should be updated to provide or maintain consistency.
b) Circulation Element - Policy Review and Update
Review the Master Plan of Arterial Highways (e.g., deletion of the 19th Street bridge and other
potential changes), the City's Bikeway Master Plan, other relevant plans, and the new "Complete
Streets" requirements of the state general plan requirements. Evaluate emerging mobility trends (i.e.
autonomous vehicles, ridesharing services, etc.) and identify appropriate policies or amendments that
meet community goals and are consistent with the Land Use Element. The status of Coast Highway
through the Mariners' Mile corridor has come under scrutiny and will be a topic of analysis and
potential change.
City Traffic Engineer Tony Brine, P.E. will be contracting the preparation of the updated circulation
element separately. The Consultant will be responsible for coordinating with the selected circulation
element consultant to incorporate the work product within the update.
c) Housing Element - Policy Review and Update
The Housing Element was last updated in 2013, and later certified. An update is required by the end of
2021 and the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) process has begun. Changes to state
housing element law will necessitate a complete review of housing opportunity sites. Additionally,
potential Land Use Element changes could necessitate additional revisions to housing element policies.
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d) Safety Element - Policy Review and Update Necessary
The Safety Element was last amended in 2008, to reflect the 2008 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).
The LHMP was updated in 2016, and the Safety Element needs to be reviewed and updated to reflect
current conditions and the various requirements of State Law. Adaptation to climate change and sea
level rise are important considerations to the City of Newport Beach.
e) Harbor and Bay, Historical Resources, Recreation, Arts and Cultural, Natural Resources, Noise
Elements - Policy Review and Update where Necessary.
Review goals, policies, programs and diagrams and update where appropriate to reflect current
conditions, the planned update, and to provide consistency among all elements.
f) Environmental Justice —Prepare New Policies or Element
Under SB 1000, local governments must either adopt an environmental justice element or include
environmental justice goals and policies in appropriate General Plan elements. At this point, City staff
envisions incorporating environmental justice within the various other elements rather than creating a
new element. The City is interested in receiving feedback from prospective Consultants on the best
g) Sustainability — Prepare New Policies or Element if Directed
The community has expressed interest in possibly adding a Sustainability Element to the General Plan.
Alternatively, sustainability policies could be incorporated into other General Plan elements.
h) Implementation Program — Review and Update where Necessary
The existing implementation program should be reviewed and updated as necessary based upon the
update. The program should be streamlined where possible to facilitate the preparation of an annual
report as required by State law on the status of the General Plan and the City's progress in its
implementation, including progress in meeting its share of regional housing needs.
Task 4: Market and Fiscal Analysis
Market studies and a fiscal analysis will provide the basis for recommended land use policies and possible
land use changes.
a) Market Analysis - Foundational Information for Land Use and Circulation Discussions.
Evaluate key areas of community: 1) Airport area — office trends, mixed-use viability; residential market
absorption, minimum square footage of commercial. 2) Fashion Island — regional commercial trends,
entertainment trends. 3) Newport Center — office trends, residential demand/need. Provide additional
market analysis for key uses such as residential, hospitality, harbor excursion, restaurants, and recreational
b) Fiscal Analysis -Foundational Information for Land Use Discussions.
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Identify existing General Plan baseline conditions and later analyze effects of various land use options. A
fiscal model was created for the 2006 General Plan update by Applied Development Economics, Inc. (ADE).
Doug Svensson, AICP at ADE has updated the model and conducted focused studies for the City from time -
to -time. The City does not anticipate creating a new fiscal model at this time for budgetary reasons unless
there are compelling reasons to consider the creation of a new model.
Task 5. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
The consultant and/or sub -consultants will be responsible for the preparation of a complete
environmental analysis in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This task
includes conducting a scoping meeting, the preparation of all notices, identification of baseline conditions,
preparation of the draft and final EIR, responses to comments, findings for certification of the EIR and
adoption of the update, statement of overriding conditions (if necessary). Evaluating the environmental
effects of several of land use options to identify a preferred draft land use Plan. The number of options will
be determined in concert with the public outreach program and direction provided by the City. The scope
of services should assume preparation, recording, posting, mailing and facilitation of all required public
notices and meetings. The City will provide ownership addresses, post notices and secure meeting
A long-range traffic model was created for the 2006 General Plan update by Urban Crossroads, Inc. The
City does not anticipate creating a new traffic model at this time for budgetary reasons unless there are
convincing and compelling reasons to create a new model.
The Consultant needs to provide a detailed scope of work for the preparation of the EIR analysis describing
each component item and environmental topic and provide an estimate of hours and costs. The
Consultant shall provide an hourly rate schedule for anticipated staff members.
Task 6. Plan Preparation and Public Hearing Process
The consultant will be responsible for submitting draft documents for staff review and updating as
directed. While the City has full GIS mapping capabilities and a complete land use database, support from
the consultant team may be required based on availability of staff resources.
The consultant shall be prepared to provide presentations at the required all GPAC meetings; Parks,
Beaches and Recreation Commission (PB&R); the Harbor Commission; the Planning Commission; and City
Council public hearings and respond to questions. Since some of the amendments will likely be within the
boundaries of the Airport Environs Land Use Plan, attendance at Airport Land Use Commission meetings
may also be necessary.
Consultant Representative
The Consultant shall assign a primary representative and an alternate to perform the services described in the
scope of work. Each shall be identified in the proposal and resumes shall be provided with references. The
Consultant's representatives shall remain responsible of all duties from contract negotiations through project
completion. If the primary representative is unable to continue with the project, then the alternate
representative shall become the primary representative.
131 Page
Additional Consultant Responsibilities
The Consultant shall be responsible for completing the specified services in accordance with the City's
standard "Professional Services Agreement". A copy of the standard agreement is attached as Appendix A.
Services specified in this agreement shall be taken directly from the Consultant's proposal and from the
"Request for Proposal".
City Responsibilities
The City will provide the following items to assist the Consultant in completing services:
• Primary City representative;
• General Plan land use data;
• Update of GIS mapping, if needed;
• Coordinate and schedule meeting spaces for Staff, Committee and Public Meetings;
• Notice Public Meetings, post meeting agendas and meeting minutes in accordance with the Brown
• Provide staff support, oversight and direction during the development of the amendment; and
• Prepare Planning Commission and City Council Staff Reports and schedule public hearings.
Payment for services shall be monthly based upon satisfactory progress, submission of requests for
reimbursement, and percent of work completed.
141 Page
RFP—Community Engagement and General Plan Update
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Instructions: Each proposal must be accompanied by a signed Statement of Compliance. The Proposer must sign
one, and only one of the declarations stated below and remit as part of your Proposal as Attachment A.
No Exceptions. The undersigned declares that the Proposal submitted by (Name of Firm)
to prepare an amendment to the Newport
Beach Land Use Element as described in the RFP was prepared in strict compliance with the
instructions, conditions, and terms listed in the RFP, Scope of Services and Draft Agreement
with no exceptions taken.
Printed Name and Title
Exceptions. By signing below, the Proposer acknowledges that the Proposal submitted by
(Name of Firm) has been prepared in
consideration of and with exception to some of the terms of the RFP, Scope of Services and
Draft Agreement. By signing below, the Proposer declares that the Proposal includes a
statement that identifies each item to which the Proposer is taking exception or is
recommending change, includes the suggested rewording of the contractual obligations or
suggested change in the RFP, and identifies the reasons for submitting the proposed exception
or change. The City reserves the right to reject any declarations that are not accompanied with
the required documentation as described above.
Printed Name and Title
[ Attach a separate sheet(s) detailing each exception being taken ]
151 Page
Instructions: Complete the form below and remit as part of your Proposal as Attachment B.
Per the California Corporate Code, Business and Professions Code, the Consultant's Bylaws/Operating Agreement and/or the attached Board
Resolution (if applicable), I/we hereby verify that I/we am/are (an) authorized signatory(ies) for the aforementioned Consultant and as such am/are
authorized to sign and bind the Consultant in contract with the City of Newport Beach.
❑ Proposer's Bylaws/ Operating Agreement Section ❑ Copy Attached
❑ Board Resolution
❑ Corporate or Business and Professions Code**
❑ Copy Attached
**If Consultant is a corporation, two(2) authorized signatories will be required on all documents submitted, unless
specified in the organization's Bylaws or corporate resolution.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If the signature authorization status of any individual changes during the term of the contract, it is
the responsibility of the Consultant to contact the City Administrator for the Consultant regarding the change and to
complete and submit a new Signature Authorization Form. Incorrect information on file may delay the processing of
any of the documents submitted.
161 Page
Instructions: This checklist is provided as a guide for Proposers to assemble Proposals. As closely as possible,
please adhere to the following format and order when assembling proposals. Please note that part of the
evaluation criteria takes into consideration the responsiveness of a proposal; proposals missing any required
attachments shall be evaluated accordingly. Submittals should follow the same order and sections indicated
A cover letter not to exceed two (2) pages in length shall summarize key elements of the
proposal and demonstrate an understanding of the Project as requested. The cover letter shall
be signed by a representative able to submit a formal offer and bid the Proposer to contractual
Provide identification of the project team, including organizational chart and resumes of each
team member. The consultant's primary representative shall be available on all occasions for
discussion with City staff. Specific responsibilities of each team member, along with their
anticipated total effort in the projects, shall be detailed in a matrix of total hours of work for
each task versus each job classification on the project. Identify key personnel from your firm,
including specific personnel that would be assigned to this Project, if any. Any and all Prime
Contractor and Subcontractor relationships and responsibilities must be detailed.
77iWiI3A\QJi 1 * t: CiT1Ti]FOR A
Provide your proposed work plan, which shall address every point listed in the scope of
services. The ideal work plan should provide an overview of the processes that would be
utilized by your firm in facilitating this Project and demonstrate familiarity with developing
similar plans. If your firm offers additional services not specifically described in the Scope of
Services, provide a description of these services and the benefit they serve to the City.
Provide a comprehensive proposed project schedule, including proposed start and completion
dates for each task.
Demonstrate experience with at least three (3) projects of a similar scope and nature by
providing a synopsis of each project.
171 Page
Provide at least three (3) references for whom your firm has performed similar services.
Provide a brief synopsis of the services performed, and contact information for each reference.
Emphasis will be placed on references that are local government entities. The City reserves the
right to contact any references provided.
Proposers must submit a signed Statement of Compliance with proposals. The Statement of
Compliance is separated into two sections, only one of which is to be signed. The first section
states that the Consultant agrees with all terms and conditions as indicated in this RFP
document and/or Draft Agreement; the second section states that the Consultant intends to
take exception to certain terms and conditions within the RFP document and/or Draft
Include any other information you consider to be relevant to the proposal.
Provide a not -to -exceed fee for the services to be provided and current fee schedule for each
job classification. These items shall be submitted in a separate submittal. The fee shall be
broken down showing hours for each job classification for each task, fee for each task, and shall
include miscellaneous costs such as travel, duplication, clerical support, etc. The City reserves
the right to eliminate any tasks from the scope of work, and reduce the not -to -exceed fee by
the cost of the task eliminated.
Proposals may be e-mailed to: anguyen@newportbeachca.gov
Proposals may be e-mailed to: anguyen@newportbeachca.gov
181 Page
Appendix A: Draft Agreement
RFP - Community Engagement and General Plan Update