HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/1914 - Adjourned Regular MeetingCN7.A 11 City Hall,Xo'spurt 3each,Ccl.,'1j2.�t 27thp1916. IThe Board. of Trustees of the City of Fexport Beech net In adjov., ?o.or� !session 7.30 P. =:1. date and plaico ubovo shoF;n. President C1.X.Parkinson Called the hooting to ordor,and Poll was icellad showing there aorc pro sent. trus toes ` ?.IC.Parl�inaonaa.R.Ju�� ^'9 H.A.Robinson,C.H.:7ay and G.P.'iilson.Ilone abs-=t. The minutes of the meeting of Ju13 13th,road and approved.. Various communications road and roferrod to propor order of bu,.in rr. (Unfinished business. This being the ,first i.onday after t.ho 21st da.ry jofJuly,1914,that being tho &,y .,,h ^.eh the opocia1 0lct'.n= ,provided for In ord -. nnrc:^ f ?.0'i Cris held,end n11 of tih.o returnfl of said special election havl.ng 'coon duly made and being no:, in of the clerk of the city of VoCport Beach, on motion of tFU iWay,seconded by tzlurtoo H.A.Robinoon and ca^�Piod,tho Board of Tl,u: ^:, { 'of the city of NoCport Beach orderod tho Poturno to b o;on. � ed and proceeded to can -pus the same and from the cunva3o of tho saAd rote-n3 iit appears that said spacial election vice duly hold In pursuance of the terms of said ord ^none : ;,-7101 and vas In all Pospocto dull,•; Iproperly and fairly conducted and carried on. And that thorc lupon at said special oloctiota the follouir.g pPOpos W.or.. 'Electric Street lighting syoteo bona.9 '.20,000.00. That et oaid speck?_ clectionfho totn?. nunbor% of ,rotcs ccat 167 votes. That at acid special uloction sC7 votes were cast in favo.- of the proposition. 'That at said op;,cial election "10 votoo were clot agniret said .proposition. It appearing; that at eaZ d special election morn than tuo- thirds n-' -.1. ithz voters voting at 'sand special cloction 'voted in favor of the ;issuance of the bonds of the city ou Ilotlport Beach In tho sum of 420,000o00,tho Board of Trustees finds and orders to be eotabUcn..:c -. of record that the Issuance of said bonds vao carriod and autzariz:,c.. The application of P.:;.Hurding to construct a boat landing ire of 6 block 13 Balboa which was duly presented to the Board July 133—., 1914 and had since laid over the required time acs taken under ,consideration and permission use granted on motion of G.P.M lsor, ;seconded by trustoe C.H. ^ay and ecrriod. !The application of J.B.Toagarden to construct a omall pier or boa', Ilanding in front of £slot h block 2 Balboa Baysido Tract Thich vas 6PO presented on July l3th,l9ln and had laid over tho roq,AiPO¢ t`..^ r^,r considered and permission granted as praDod fog;on motion of C.H.Vay,seeonded by trustee G.P.'Jilson and carriod. The application of the Balboa Land and :later Cc to build an uddit {o:?. to their Pavilaon extending it still further over tho aatora of t-i.0 Bay,which was presented for the first time July 13th,1914,wcc aff,cT 'due consideration rejected on motion of trustee S.R.Juup r eccondccI ;by trustee G.P. "lil3on to grant,motion being lost.This action ..as Itaken after a motion by Trustee H.A.Oobinson,seconded by truotcc C.H.Vay to lay on table had been lost. Nov- Busin:ss; The roqucst of the Chamber of Commerce that tho cUy ,stand o f a bill of 020.00 for posting signs on the W4Sh7ays of Lhc -, County directing the traveller to Newport Beach,vas granted on motion' of trustee H.A.Robinson,soconded by trustee C.H.77atp and ecrreoG. IThe resignation of Band- Enster Johnson vas road and accepted on ;motion of trustee G.P.7ilsonseconded b trustee C.H. ^ay aid carriod,I Communication from the State Board of Health urging the attendance at the annual meeting of the Uunicipal League of the City Hoalth Officer,vas filed. The letter from the society of the Royal -rch urging votes for a 'measure to cour_teract the proposed Stato -17ldo Prohibition move'. -.nt iwas filod. Communication from :.r Pz by of tho Pacific Electric R,y in the rl3tte! nP fnn i;i^ ir.vinr n£ nines lino nlnnn fbcir nirrhi. n-r 12 :vas held over until return of" City Attorney Bishop on motion of trustee C.H.Vay,decondod by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried. Communication from Pars Shelby asking as to sewering of blocky 33 lots 4 &5 was filed without aetion,said location being beydnd the reach of sewer at the present time. Proposition to oxchange the Citys safe for a smaller one that would go in vault was filed without action. Mr L.H.Wallace called attention to the piping of water on streets , about to be improved and Cnvuotigation showed that the blocks in -question could be served from the alleys. The Fire Committee recowmondod th:; ntrchesc of chemical. hose for the chemical engines."ovod by trustee G.P.7,21son,seconded by'trustcee 3.RJumper and carried that fire chief and fire committee be instructed to make needed purchase. Harshal Portcar called attention to a co;ijplaint rade of a hole in the Beach a short distance test of the S.P.wharf,and suggested a danger s:igr be placed there.Wo action. Clerk was instructed to return certified check to Law H.Tallace deposited by him with bid on stroet uork.he having now filed bond for the proper doing of the work. Fire Chief stated that acid bottles were needed and was instructed to report some to Fire Committee and make purchase if they approved. Uatter of flushing toilets was dicussed,no action taken. Noved by trustee G.P.°,lilson seconded by trustee H.A.Robin'son that adjournment'bo taken to 7.30P.4. July 20th,1914. Carried.Adjournod. Clork.