HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/28/1914 - Adjourned Regular Meeting30, City Hall,Newport Beagh,ral.Dec 28th.,1914, The Be -ard of Trustee of the city of Newport Beach met in adjourned sess:ibn 2.30 P.M.dete and place above. shown. Pres.i•jent Parkinson called the met�ting to order and r•oll`w•as called shetJrig ,there were present trustees :W,K.Parkinson.;S.R.Jumper;H.A. cbihson and C,H,', "lay,Abs- t G..P.Wi.lscn. 9cinutes of the meeting of Dec 21st,were read and approved.' Various communications were read and referred to proper order of business,. :. Unfinished business: - Ordinance 14105,being an ordinance of the city o. 'iocipc. -t Beach prescribing regulations governing plumbing,house draina e and ventilation of house pipes and sewers of the city. of .1- 'ewport Beach..was read for the, second time;and on motion of trustee Ii:A.Robinson,seconded Cy trustee C.H.Way and carried was-placed on, final passage.Roll was called showing Ayes:Trmstees W.K.Pavkinsorn; S.R.J,umppr;H.n.R,obinson and C.H.'+ay,llbes:ilone,Absent trustee G.P. v "ilson.,Fresiclent .Parkinson declared Ordinance #105 passed. Resolu -tion 144;being a resolution of the: city of Newport Beach ,declaLpirfg that the public interest and convenience requires,and . ordering an improvement made;appointing commissioners,etc.iVas read . f-or the second:. time and was ,placed on final passage by motion of trustee S.R.Jumper seconded 'by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. President Parkinson declared said. resolution passed and- adepted.on roll call as follows.Ayes:trustees ;V. K. Parkinson; S.R. Jumper; H. P.. Robinson and C.H.':Vay.Noes none.Absent Trustee G.P.'"ilson. This resolution beinL the. complement of resolution of.intent. ion /643 orderin% the opening.of Bay Aye,from 23rd to 30.th streets. C diia.nce '- 106,being.an cddinance.of the city of Newport Beach declaring that lbhe.-pub' ic..-interest and convenience requires,and . ordering an improvement made in the city of Newport Beach,appointin� commis>ioners, etc. Calling for the same improvement as Resolution #44 was read for the second time and was placed on final passage an -motion of.-trustee S.R,Jumper,seconded by trustee H ".A ;Robinson and carr.ied,Roll- was called showing the vote as follows.Ay(ts trustees: K.. Parkinson; S. R.Jumper;H.A. Robinson; and C.H.:Vay::,Ioes;None.Absent G..P..'Jilson.Presodent Parkinson "declared Ordinance 4``106 Passed,. Or motion of .trustee G.H."lay,seconded by trustee S,R.jumper and. carried City Engineer 'Nebber was.instnucted to prepare.data,plans acid specifications and furnish same to city- attorney Bishop,for the vlefrk to.be done on the following st r .eets,Adams,_Coronado,Fernando, Alvarado and Bay Ave. The city Attorney.to draft the necessary resolution of intention getting the work under way.Roll was called, and this motion carried by the following vote Ayes:trustees:i.K. = arkinson ,S.R.Jumper,.H.A.Rcbinson and C.IK.'f1ay, *loes.I4one.Absent traste" t A de °d _for lots A- 1,. B- 1. C- 1. p- 1, E- 1. F- 1.Gr1.H- i.Z- 1.J= 1.K- 1,L- 1.7-i. N -1, allin the Sea =shore Colony tract,conveying to the city of Newpo) Beach all of said lots,was presented by.C.L.Lancoster and accepted on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper secondediby.trustee H.A.Robinson and carried ;the clerk being instructed .to.havm same recorded.. The amended proposition of L- G.Swales proposing to handle the par and refuse of the city for a stipend of $100,00 a month for four months in the year and {80.00 for the balance of the'.time was referred to the city attorney with instructions to.draw contract .in conformity with the proposition. Moved by trustee C.H.Way,seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried that a committee of two be appointed to confer with Mr Townsend in the •matter of continueing the arrang ement for the use of the land at present used as a garbage dump.President Parkinson named on said committee Lew H.rlallace and Street Supt,J.E.Barker, Clark was instructed to notify the S.P.Co. that, the easement for side --walk purposes under the wharf ryas still desired. I CNZA 39 The letter frcm N,r J.Kinl; calling attention to the unfinidied conditioq of street improvements nn Lake Ave and asking that same be investi�,ated and attended.to,was fileO. Moved by- trustee S.R. Jumper,secondrd by trustee C.H.'9ay that •adjournnent.be taken .sine die.Carried. W- reed. { Clerk.