HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1915 - Adjourned Regular MeetingM City Ha11,Newport Beach,Cal.Juner21st,191-5. r The Board of trustees of the city of Newport Beach met in adjourned session 7.30 P.M.Monday June 21st,1915 in the city hall. President Parkinson being absent,on motion duly made'seconded and carried trustee S- .R.Jumper was,.elected president pro -tem and at once the duties of the Chair. Roll was ordered called and there responded thereto trustoes:S.R. Jumper, C.H.',7ay and 'G•.P 1711son. Absen$: trustees W. Parkinson and H.A.Robinson. Various communications were read and referred to proper order of businoss. , Unfinished businoss:Ordinance #112,being an ordinance of the city of Newport Beach defining,for the purposes of thftn ordinance,,garbage, providing for the collection and dosposal of same,ote.was road for the second time and was put on final passage on motion of trustee C.H.'.7ay,seconded by trustee G.P.Wilson and carried;the roll being called and sgowing Ayes:trQstees S.R.Jumper,C.H.Way,and G.r.Wilson. goes: None .Absent,trustees.W.K.Parkinson and H.A.Robinson.President pro -tarp Jumper declared ordinance #112 passed. The application of Lew H.`.7allace to build a wharf or boat landing on tho bay -front wzas withdrawn by him. Application of Clevere & Dossens for hotel liquor license for use atj tho Newport Hotal,having laid over the required time was granted ands 1sconse ordered issued on motion of trustee C.H.Way seconded by trust G.P.flilson and carried. i'ou Business:Applicationsn for the carrying on of various lines of _tsinoss as provided for in ordinance #110 were presented and on ;lotion of trustee C.H.Way,aeconded by trustee G.PP ilson and carried Coro allowed. Tho communication from PUIr McKinn oncernin ert i dat t cost and construction of bulk -head papers. eye gc an aas o wooden bulk -head was ordered filed with other Request of A.B.West that he be allowed to protrude over alloy with the eaves of the house he is building was granted on motion of trustee C.H.Way seconded by trustee G.P.Wilson and carried the right being reserved by the city Oo order said eves bask to property line if at any time in theft2? estimation of the board of trustees it is considered necessary or advisable so to do. Protest of Mary E.Adams and :7.L.Adams against the allowing eaves of a house being built by A.B.Wost to protrude over the alloy,was filed Plumbers bond presented by Hill & Son of Santa Ana was accepted and ordered filed on motion of trustee G.P.:'lilson,seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried. Lotter from C.D.Hassler of Huntington Park concerning ocean front protection was filed with other papers bearing on the matter. Letters from R.R.Raymond U.S.Enginoers office coneerni$:,g the laying of an cloctric cablo across tho bay to Balboa Island,and the filling of a cortain area on tho bay near the mouth by the Balboa Palasados people were filed. Lotter from the associated Chamtorn of Commorce inviting to join in an auto trip to San Diego on June 24th,was filed. Letter and booklet from Louis Ravier of Paris,France,calling attenti to his concrete piling in connection with ocean frontage protection was filed. The application of the Jackson - Norton Company of Balboa,to construct an open waiting or rest room on their wharf on thbay front,tho same as maintained by them last eeason,wras granted and the desired permission given.on motion of trustoe G.P.Pilson,seconded by trustee r ICNZA RISE C.H.Way and carried. On motion of trustee C.H.'7ay,seconded by trustee G.P.1.711son and carried a' resolution was adopted ordorinG the city Hnginoor to prepare plans,specifications and estimate of cost for the construct of a wooden sidewalk,pilo supported,along. the ocoant front from 18th to 33rd streets.Acommittoo of three citizens to be appointed by the. chair to confer with the engineer in the fnattor.Committee named as follows,Leq H. Wallace ; Albert .,Hormos;L.S.'.411kineon. Ordinance # - -- amending'erdinanee #24 providing for the construction of wooden side - .calks was road for the first time and on motion of G.P.13ilson,seconded by trustee C.H.Nny and carried was papsod to second reading. Moved by trusteo.C.H.;7ay,seconded by trustee G.P.7ilson and cnrri:d, that when the Street Donartment is In need of the use of fire hoso that the Firo =Chief is hereby Authorized and instructed to doliv-r such hose as may be needed to the Supt of Streets on request cf that official. Moved by trustee G.P."lilson,seconded by trustee C.H,Way and car,•I:d that adjournment bo taken to 7,30 i.JA.t+odnos y,Jupo 23rd.Adjournod. Clerk. ", /I/)-