HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/04/1915 - Regular Meeting86 City Hall.Newport Beach,Cal. Oct 4th,1915. I The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach met in regular session 7.30 P.M.Ionday,October 4th,1915. President Parkinson called the meeting to order and the roll was called showing there were present trustees W.K.Parkinson;S.R.Jumper; H.A.Robinson and C.H.tay.Absent trustee G.P.11ilson. Minutes of the meetings of September 6th,7th, 13th and 20th,1915.were read and approved. The reports of the heads of depattments for the month of September were read and on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded b� trustee H.A.Robinson and carried were accepted and filed. The commitee appointed to investigate and report on the propespects of improving the gas situation made a report on progress made;on motion trustee C.H.!Nay seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried the report was accepted and the committee was continued. Various communications were read and referred to proper order of business. Unfinished business:Resolution of intention # --- loeking to the calling of a bond election for the purpose of installing a gas system was read for the first time and was passed to second reading on motion of trustee C.H.Way seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. The clerk was instructed'to purchase a map file,by motion of trustee C.H.,Jay seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. Moved by trustee H.A.Robinson seconded by trustee C H.:Nay and, carried that trustee S.R.Jumper be appointed a committee of one to have the roof of the city hall building repaired and put in shape for the rainy season;also to have the interior walls painted. New business: A petition to allow the playing of cards for amusement in the pool hails of the city,which is now prohibited by ordinance, was denied on motion of trustee C.H. +gay seconded by trustee H.A. Roninson and carried. A petition,signed by the parties interested,asking that the hotel liquor license in use at the Newport Hotel be transferred from Clavere and Dessens to Clavere and Petit was granted and transfer ordered on; motion of trustee H.A.Robinson seconded by trustee C.Ji.Way and carried. The application of R.J.Shafer;also of Nick Suttora to conduct fish markets at stands previously occupied by them and that licenses be granted them was favorably considered and the desired priviledge i granted and licenses ordered issued on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper seconded by trustee C.H.Way and carried. The request of the Water Supt,John McMillan,that he be allowed to install a pipe line for adequate fire protection at the east end of town was favorably considered and the clerk was instructed to advertise for the neccessary pipe and fittings. Marshal Porter requested the cancellatJ on of the following licenses as the parties named had closed their houses . #178,L.Winslow.Apartinentl house. #189 Harriet J.Waldman,Apartment house. #191,Mrs Small, Apartment house. Cancellation ordered on motion of trustee H.A. Robinson,seconded by trustee S.R.Jumper and carried. Engineer Funk filed report of the work done by him at East- Newport. Same was accepted and placed on file. Demands #211 to 281 inclusive amounting to $4612.90 were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on motion of trustee S.R.Jumper,seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried. On motion of trustee C.H.Way,seconded by trustee H.A.Robinson and carried adjontC'#qs aken to 7.30 P.M.Pdonday,Oct 18th,1915. Adjourned. (1erk_ 10• 1