HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1917 - Regular MeetingCity Hall, Newport Beach,Cal'i£., 11onday, May 7,1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in reg- ular session at 7:30 p.m. at the date and 'place above named. President Jumper called the meeting to order and the roll was called showing the following_Trustees present: S.R.Jumper, Glenn Helms, Geo.P.Wilsori, H.A.Robinson ana J.C.%IcCain. Absent, none. The minutes of 4,pril..2, April 9 and April 16 were read and approved. ' Monthly Reports. Reports for the month of April of the heads of various departments were read and approved,and ordered filed by motion of Trustee .7ilson,seconded by Trustee Helms and carried unanimously. Committee Reports. Trustee Wilson reported on proposed bathing suit ordinance and submitted form of ordinance,; Discussion followe and the same was refe "rred back to the committee for further con- sideration. Reading of Communications. Communications were read and referred to proper order of business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. On motion of Trustee :lil,son,seconded by Trustee T..icCain, Resolution No.77 was passed and adopted. Upon calling the roll members responded "Aye" as follows: Trustees Jumper,Helms,'.7ilson, Robinson and McCain. Members responding "-No", none. NE71 BUSINESS. Letter from the Newwport Beach Chamber of Commerce regarding .building of dam at.lilelrose was referred to Trustees Helms and ' Robinson. Letter from the State Council of Defense for California was re- ferred to Trustees McCain and 1.9ilson. Letter of Leeds & Barnard was ordered filed. Letter of G..I.Constantine in regard to the propagation of oysters was referred to the Clerk with instructions to suggest to the wri that he appear in person before the Council. Letter of the Cornell Company in re water rates to the Palisades. Tract was referred to the water committee. Request of Theodore Neitz to transfer his license No.35 to Guy G. Richards was granted. Request of Katherine Rov:en to transfer her license No.9 to Eunice B.Orcutt was granted by motion of Trustee ,7ilson,seconded by Trustee Helms and carried. Letter from the Board of Health in re drinking fountains was re- ferred to the Water Committee. ' Letter of Lew H '.7allace in re deposits of Jetty bond money was ordered filed. Demands Passed. Demands Nos.892 to 975 inc]nsive were read and by motion of Trustee Robinson,seconded by Trustee Wilson,carried unanimously,were allowed and warrants ordered drawn to cover. CNZA 199 Resignation-of President.S R,Jumper. President Jumper then called Trustee Robinson to the chair and the resignation of S.R.Jumper as Trustee was read by the Clerk. On motion of Trustee McCain,seconded by Trustee Helms the same was accepted. On calling the roll those voting "Aye" were Trustees Robinson,Helms,Wilson and McCain. Voting "No ",none. Adjournment. On motion of Trustee Wilson,seconded by Trustee McCain and carried unanimously,the Board adjourned to meet Play 21,1917 at 7:30 P.M. ^ I I