HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/03/1917 - Regular MeetingCNZA 225 r City Hall, Newport Beach,Calif.,September 3,1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach -met in reg- ulary.monthly session at the place and on the date above mentioned, Trustee H.A.Robinson presiding. ROLL CALL. On calling the roll the following Trustees answergd "Present ": H.A. Robinson, J. J. Schnitker ,Geo.P.Wilson,J.C.I�le0airi arid J.P.Greeley. Absent none. The reading.of the minutes was dispensed with and the Board to the regular order of business. MONTHLY REPORTS. The monthly reports of the heads of departments were read and by motion of Trustee J. P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.J.Schnitker and carried,the same were accepted and ordered filed. READING OF COTZ1UNICATION0,. The communications were read and referred to the proper order business. . 0 REPORT OF "LATER 00111ITTEE. The water Committee reported on.the digging of new well and recommended that the same should be dug.at the same location. The contract as drawn up by R.W. Elliott of Garden Grove for the digging of the well was presented by the Clerk and was referred to the Water Committee to have it corrected to conform with his bid. REPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY REGARDING RIGHT OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAIL7AY IN CENTRAL AVE. The City Attorney reported regarding the rights of The Pacific Electric Railway in Central Ave. It was moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greel and carried that the matter concerning the widening of Central Ave. be placed in the hands of the City Attorney. 10TION TO OPEN NICKPL TOILETS. Moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.J.Schnitker and carried that the Nickel toilets in the public comfort stations be opened. SALARY OF STREET SUPERINTENDENT ORDERED PAID FROM SALARY FUND. Moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.J.Suhnitker and carried that the salary of the Street Superintendent be paid out of the Salary Fund. SALARY OF CITY ATTORNEY INCREASED. Moved by'Trustee.F.Q.McCain,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley and carried that the salary of the City Attorney be increased $50. per month for the next five months. BUDGT?T OF STREET DEPART','. ANT MADE x"8000. It was moved by Trustee J:P:Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C. McCain that the budget for the Street Department be made $8000,for the coming year. Motion duly carried. MOTIOIvT TO PAY i7_iT R BOND AND INTEREST FROM WATER FUND. Itiloved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley and carried that the water bond t1400.and interest $1700.to be:paid during the coming year be paid out of the Water Fund. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO.83. Resolution No.83 providing for the tax levy for the coming year was presented and adopted by motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded 1b? Trustee Geo.P.Wilson. On calling the roll'the followingg Trustees : responded "Aye " H.A. Robinson, J. J. Schnitker ,Geo.P.Wilson,J.C.MCCain and J.P.Greeley. Noes none,absent none. CITY MARSHAL INSTRUCTED TO SERV: SIT.1IONS IN CONDEI:TIATION PROCEEDINGS OF BAY AVENUE. It was moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.P. Greeley and carried that the City Marshal be instructed to serve the summons in the condemnation proceedings of Bay Avenue and be 226 re- imbursed for his expenses. RESOLUTION REGARDING THE NEV1PORT HARBOR YACHT CLUB. The following resolution was unanimously adopted by motion of Trustee J. P. Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.McCain and carried. Whereas the Newport Harbor Yacht.Club has been organized to prod mote the, general sport of yachting and motor boating and the develop. ment of Newport Harbor, Resolved, That the Board of Trustees hereby wishes to place itself on record as being in,hearty accord with the object of the , Club,and hereby wishes to express to its members their desire to co- operate in any manner possible to secure a safe and adequate anchor -, age for its boats,and a location for their head - quarters. RESIGNATION OF H.C.CASTLE AS FIRE CHIEF ACCEPTED AND APPOINTMENT OF J.P.NORTON CONFIRMED. The resignation of H.C.Castle,Fire Chief,and his appointment of J.T.Norton to fill vacancy were accepted by motion of Trustee T.P. Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.MoCain and carried. CANCELLATION OF LICENSES NOS.45 & 80. j By motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Geo.F.wilson and carried,Licenses Nos.45 and 80 were ordered cancelled. REQUEST OF C.D.CHEESMAN TO CROSS SIDEWALK WITH MOTOR VEHICLE'.GRANTEDo By motion of Trustee Geo.P.Wilson,Seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley and carried,the request of C.D.Cheesman to cross sidewalk with motor) vehicle into his gauge on Lot 11,Bloek 17,East Side Add.was granted; LETTER OF PACIFIC ELECTRIC RAILWAY relative to camping privileges on ?3locks 14 & 15,3ection B. Newport Beach was ordered filed. LETTER FROM THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH regarding the Ninth Annual Conference of state county and municipal health officials in con- junction with the meeting of the League of California P. 4unicipalitiesl was ordered filed, also the letter from the Mayor and City Clerk o£ ' Santa Rosa urging the attendance of delegates at the meeting of the League Sept.24th to 29th.. LETTER REGARDING THE RECENTLY ENACT'.D LAW requiring the installation of Speed Limit and Railroad Crossing Signs was referred to the City Attorney. DEMANDS ALLOWED. On motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.Wilson and carried,the demands ware allowed and warrants ordered drawn to cover. ADJOURNMENT. I.4oved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.Wilson, and carried,that the Board adjourn to 7:30 p.m.,Sept.12,1917. City Clerk. T'.e ab ove minutes were r ad a meeting of i;iia Board of Trusties Oct.1,1917 and approved with the exception that by motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.I.cCain an4 , duly carried,the Clerk was instructed to write into the minutesl of Sept.3,1917 the text of Resolution No.83 providing for the t x levy for the year 1917 -18. On Page 221 of 'his book is written said Resolution L'o.83 as e. part of the minutes of 3ept.3,1917. City Clerk. l CNZA 221 The following is a partfof the minutes of Sept.3,1917. RESOLUTION NO.83. A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach fixing the rate per centum and levying a tax upon all of the taxable property,witnin the city of 7ewport •Beach which is taxable therein for municipal purposes. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newiport Beach do resolve and ,declare as follows:- lst.- _ °Iesolved,that there be and is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property within the city of Newport Beach,which is taxable therein for municipal purposes, a tax for the purpose of raising the necessary money with which to carry on the various departments-of the city of Nevroort Beach for thei current fiscal year. 2nd.- Resolved, that the rate per centum of the tax liereinbe£ore levi shall be acid is hereby fixed at the sum of 80 cents on each one hund red dollars (5�100.0U) of value designated for each funs as follows: For the Street Fund .................28 cents For the Salary Fund .................24 cents For the Current Expense Fund ........ 28 cents Total tax levied ....................80 cents 3rd. - Resolved,that in additi =on to all other taxes herein levied for municipal purpose there is hereby levied,on all o:" tile taxable proper ty within the city of Newport Beach a tax for the purpose of raising the necessary and suffi6ient money 'co pay the annual interest on all issued. outstandin and unpaid municipal bonds of the city of ?'evmort Beach, and also such part of rile principal thereof as shall become du before the time for fixing the next general -tax levy in and for said city; the rate of the tax hereby levied for said purpose is fixed at 50 cents on each one hundred dollars of value and the same shall be c-ollected at the same time and in the sari,e maiuier as all other m.mici pal taxes are collected. The above and foregoing Resolution was pas sed,adopted and approv a by the hoard of Trustees of the-City of Newport Deach at a regular meeting thereof held on the 3rd day of 3eptember,1917, being the firs` Yonday in September of said year,by the following vote,to -wit: Ayes, Trustees H.A. Robinson ,J.J.Schnitxer,ueo.P.`'!ilson, J.C.McCain,J.P.Greeley, Hoes, Trustees,None. Absent, Trustees, None. The above and foregoing Resolution No.83 is approved by me this d day of Septembe-r,1917. (Signed) H.A.Robi-nson President of the Board of Trustees. ttest: (Signed) J.Royal Lemon Clerk of the City of Nevanort reach. The foregoing Resolution No.83 is a pant of the ".inutes of tember 3,1917.