HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/19/1917 - Regular MeetingA Gity,Hall,Newport Beach,Cal. Wednesday, Sept.19,1917, 7:30 P.P.I. The Board of Trustees met in regular session pursuant to adjour ment, on the date and at the place above named. J.Royal.Lemon,Clerk of the City of Newpo t Beach,was absent,and Trustee H.A.Robinson,thel President of the Board of Trustees,appointed George P.Wilson,a member, of*the Board,Clerk pro tem. Roll Call. , The roll was called and the ollowing named persons,members of the Board of Trustees 9f the City of Vewport Beach, were present: H.A. Robinson, J. J. Schnitker, J. C. PvicOain ,?.P.Greeley,Geo.P.Wilson. READING OF MINUTES. Reading of the minutes of previous meetings.was dispensed with. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Resolution No.82 having been put in proper form for final adopt) ionand passage by th, Board of Trustees by the City Attorney was read,, and the said Resolution,being a resolution as follows: j Resolution No. -OR. A Resolution of the City of Newport ijeach,a municipal corporation of the sixth class, incorporated under the laws of the State of Calif - ornia,a city of this- State,whose corporate limits include a navigable body of water,to -wit: a portion of Newport Bay,a navigable arm of the Pacific Ocean, by the legislative branch of said city,being the Board of Trustees thereof; determining and declaring that the public interest and also the public necessity demands the acquisition and construction of a municipal improvement in the city of Newport Beach, to -wit: The construction and improvement of a channel by widening,deepen- ing,and straightening the channel of Newport Bay in said city by B dre - ing the same; the said channel when widened,deepened and straightened to be approximately 125 ft.in width and 10 Min depth at low water of the Pacific Ocean, and to extend from a point at or near Bulkhead Station No.121, as said Station is located and appears upon the map showing Harbor Lines of Newport Bay,approved by the War Department of. the United States on the 18th day of January,1917,southeasterly pursuing the waters of Newport Bay and within the city of Newport Beach to a II point at or near Bulkhead Station No.107,as said Station,is located and appears upon said map,being the shore end of a jetty constructed at the entrance to Newport Bay; The construction and improvement of said channel is necessiry and convenient to the establisliment ,improvement,conduct,and maintenance of a harbor by the city of Newport Beach in Newport Bay, and is in further- ance of commerce and navigation,and the said municipal improvement is necessary,and convenient to carry out the objects,purposes and powers of the City of Newport Beach; the cost of which municipal improvement will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue' o£ the city of Newport Beach.. on motion of Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee J.P.Greeley was put upon it final passage and adoption. The roll was called and Resoi- lution No.82 passed by the affirmative vote of the following named mem- bers of the Board of Trustees: Ayes,Trustees J.J.Schnitker,J.P.Greeley, H.A. Robinson ,,J.C.ISeCain,Geo.P.Wilson. Noes,Trustees None. Absent,Trustees , None. Trustee H.A.Robinson,Presiderit of the Board of Trustees,thereupon signed and approved Resolution No.82. Invitation to conference at P?alisadLs Tavern. Trustee J.P.Greeley stated that the Board of Trustees were in- vited to be present at a conference to be held at Palisades Tavern. No further business appearing,the Board of Trustees adjourned to the regular meeting thereof to be held I:Iond the Ist day o£ October,1917.