HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/01/1917 - Regular MeetingCNZA 229 City Hall,Newport Beach,Cal. Monday,October 101917,7 :30 P.M. The Board of Trustees met in regular monthly session at the date,and place above named. ROLL CALL. The roll was called and the following Trustees were present: H.A. Robinson, J. J. 3chnitker, Geo. P. Wilson,J.C.MeCain,J.P.Greeley. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of Aug. 6th,Aug.15th,Sept.3rd,Sept.12th were read and approved as read with the exception that by motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee P:IcCain and carried,the Clerk was instructed to write into the minutes of Sept.3•rd.the text of Resolution No.83 providing for the tax levy for the year 1917 -18. ?VIONTHLY REPORTS OF HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS. The monthly reports of the heads of departments were,accepted, and ordered filed. COP.'If::UNICATIONS READ. Communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE NO.135.. Trustee J.J.Schnitker,presented and introduced an Ordinance entitled as follows: "An Ordinance of the City of Newport Beach,a municipal corpor- ation of the sixth class,incorporated under the laws of t.e St t of California,a city of this State whose corporate limit=44iga'bl, body of water, to -wit: a portion of Newport Bay,a navigable arm of the Pacific Ocean, by the legislative branch of said city,being the Board of.Trustees thereof,ordering the submission to the qualified voters of the city of Nwwport Beach the proposition of incurring a bonded debt for the purpose of the acquisition and construction in the city of Newport Beach of a municipal improvement as set forth in Resolution No.84 of said city,to =wit: a channel, and calling a speci election for that purpose; reciting the objects and purposes for whi the indebtedness is proposed to be incurred,the estimated cost of th public improvement, 'he amount of the.prificipal of the indebtedness to be incurred theref6r,and the rate of interest to be paid on said indebtedness; fixing the date on which such election shall be held; the manner of holding such election, and the voting for or against incurring such indebtedness, and'providing that in all particulars not recited in this Ordinance such election shall be held as provide by law for holding municipal elections in.the city of Newport Beach. //On motion of Trustee J.C.McCain,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.Nilso: and carried,the said Ordinance was ordered filed and to be designate Ordinance No.135; it was therefore read for the first time and re- ferred to the City Attorney to be placed in proper form and conditio: for final action by the Board of Trustees. J REPORT OF CITY ENGINEER ON JOHN T.RANKIN DEED. The City Engineer reported on the matter of securing grant deed from John T.Rankin for a strip of land on the northerly end of Block 1 of the Balboa Traet,presenting deed received from Mr.Rankin which was declared unsatisfactory owing to restrictions contained therein. It was moved by Trustee J.F.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.IVICCain and carried that the deed be referred back to the City Engiiieer to secure straight Crant Deed without restriction. APPLICATION OF C.A.MACKEY FOR PERMISSION TO BUILD PIER AND PONTOO' LANDING. The application of C.A.Mackey for permission to build a pier and pontoon landing in front of Lots 8 &c 9,Block 17,Balboa Tract, East Side Add.was laid over till next meeting. DEMAND OF W.W.CROSIER FOR FIRE INSURANCE PREMIUM ON BARr. It was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,secon6ed by Trustee Geo.P. Nilson and carried that the demand of 7.117. Crosier for '22.80 for premium on fire insurance w1200.written ors the city barn and con - tents,be paid. 230 LETTER OF MAYOR Fo T . S700DMAN OF LOS ANGELES. In the matter of°the letter from Mayor F.T.Toodman of Los Engel requesting the co- bperation of the Board of Trustees with the Defens League of California,it was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee Geo.P. ",;ilson and duly carried that' Trustee H.A.Robinson, Chairman of the Board of Trustees be appointed to meet and co- operat with the committee of Los Angeles. REQUEST OF FRED.•HOFFidIAN for an extension of sixty days time to fulfi contract for Board Walk on Ocean-Av. ,.as granted by motion of Truste J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.McCain and duly carried. rETITION FOR THE DISINCORPORATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TVRRITORY. The following petition was presented for action by the Board of Trustees: To the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach,as the legislative body of said municipal corporation:- Ye,the under60n ed,each of us being a qualified elector of the city'of Newport Beach,. and collectively being.and constituting not less than one tenth (1 %10) in number of the qualified voters of such municipality computed upon the number of votes cast at the last general municipal election held therein, do hereby petition,and propose that the boundaries of the city of Newport Beach be altered,and that all'thAt certain uninhabited territory now within the boundaries of said city, description of which uninhabited territory is hereinafter contained, after proceedings had as provided for and required by Section One (1) of an act of the Legislature of the State of California,entilled: "An act to provide for changing the boundaries of cities and municipal corporations,and.to exclude uninhabited territory therefrom. "(approved June 11,1913,ana all.acts amendatory thereof) be excluded from the city of Newoort, Deach, i Tine uninhabited territory now within )he boundaries of the city of Newport Beach, and 'hereby petitioned and proposed to be excluded thereor therefrom is described as located and situated at and within the city! of Newport teach, County of Orange,State of California,and bounded j and particularly described as:- - 1 Commencing at the point of intersection of the East boundary line of the Rancho Los Bolsas, which line is aisp the present westerly boundary line of the city of Newport Beach, and the north bank if the Santa Ana River,the said point being between Stations sixti- seven (67) and sixty- eight,(66) of the above mentioned bounda.r� line of the Rancho Los Dolsas; thence southwesterly along the easterly boundary line of the Rancho Los Bolsas and the present) westerly bo-.sldary line of the city of rewyort Deach to a point ;where the southwesterly prolongation of the easterly line of Summit Street, as said street is laid out and shown on a map of the Seashore Colony Tract, as recorded in Map Bool,7, page 35, Records of Orange County, California,intersects the present westerly boundary line of the Cify of Newport Beach; thence north- easterly along the southwesterly prolongation of the easterly line of said Summit Street, and along the easterly line of said Sumait Street and along the northeasterly urolongation of said easterlir line of said Summit Street to a point at the intersection withl the north bank of the Santa Ina River and the present norther1 boundary line of the City of Newport Beach; thence westerly along the north bank of the Santa Ana River and the northerly boundary line of the city of Tewrport Beach to a point,the place of begin- ning. On presentation of above petition witnesses were sworn and testified and evidence introduced in support of said petition, from which ev- idence the Toard of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach finds and orders to be here established of record:- 1 ) That said petition is in writing. (2) Yhat it is signed by not less than one -tenth in number of the qualified electors of the city of Newport Deach computed upon.the number of votes cast at the last general municipal election field therein. III III .i CNZA (3). That the signers thereof are each and ors of the city of dewport Beach. 231 all qualified elect- (4) That the signers on said petition have affixed thereto true and genuine signatures. (5) That it contains a description of the "uninhabited terri proposed to be excluded from the city* of Ilew-port Beach. (6) That the territory described in said petition is within the city of Newport Beach and is uninhabited territory. Upon motion of Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.I,IcCain and duly carried: It was ordered. by the Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach that seid'petition be received and filed,and that tiie Clerk of said city forthwith and without delay notify the Doard of Supervisors of the County of Orange,dalifornia,that being the county in which the city of Newport Beach is located, of the fact of filing of such _petition. That the Board of Trustees of the city of ilev,ort Deaeh tak do,and perform,any and all proceedings, steps and actions necessary and required by an act of tiie Legislature of the State of California, entitled: "An not to provide for changing the boundaries of cities and municipal corporations and to exclude uninhabited territory there from" (approved June 11,19iS, in effect august 10, 1913.) ).P'.ID TO CH ISBER OF COLZIERCE. It was moved by Trustee J.C.i%IcCaiii,seconded. by Trustee J.P.Greeli duly carried that $200.be paid to the Chamber of Commerce out of Music and Promotion fund for carrying on expenses of County bond :tion campaign. REQUEST OF GLENN HELI.IS for an extension of sixty days time in which ' to fullfil contract for construction of Board Walk on Surf Ave. was granted by motion of Trustee J.C.McCain,seconded by Truatee J.P. Greeley and duly carried. REPORT OF CITY ATTORNEY ON RIGHTS OF PACIFIC EL, :CTRIC RAIL °'AY IN CENTRAL AVE. City Attorney Clyde Bishop reported that he had received a letter from the Pacific Electric Railway Company stating that they had found that the upright posts which they maintained in Central Ave.were in the street and that they would remove them. 17ATER COAUJITTT -',7 INSTRUCT -.D TO CONTINUE DIGGING '.T,,LL. It was moved by Trustee Geo.P.1v7ilson,seconded by Trustee J.J. Schnitker and duly carried that the Water Committee use their own judgment as to the depth of digging the new yell to secure the best results. ! -VING OF LAT-', STREET. In the matter of the paving of Lake St.,the initial steps for which are taken some years ago,it was moved by Trustee J.J.Sciu-iitker,secon ed y Trustee J.P.Creeley,and duly carried that the Street Committee tak t up with the Orange County Improvement Association. DEMANDS ALLOWED. I It was moved by xer And carried that approved and warrants Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.J.Schni't- the demaiids approved by the Auditing Committee v b� ordered &yawn to coer. AND OF W.M.LEDBETTER ALLOYM. It was moved by Trustee J.P.Greeley,seconded by Trustee J.C.McC carried that the demand of i7.irl.Ledbetter for N1359.99 be allowed warrant ordered drawn to cover upon presentation of Engineer's tificate as provided in contract. RT OF CITY ENGINEER ON ASST'SSLMNT FOR OCEAN AVB.I':PROVEI.;EI1T. City i"llgineer Paul M.Kresoly reported on the assessment made for improvement of Ocean Avd., and it was the sense of the Board that assessment seemed just and equitable. t was moved by Trustee J.P.Greele ,seconded by Trustee J.C.i:icCain he Board adjourn to 7 :30 P.11. Iaonhy,October 42,1917. 0 /ice _...� t --