HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/1917 - Adjourned Regular Meeting1CNZA 235 City Hall,Newport Beach, C411 .,ilov.12,1917. The Board of Trustees of the City of bier -port Beach met in ad- journed session aL 7:30,p.m. at the place and. on the date auove wentioned. APPOINMEE NT OF CH..IR LUT PRO TEM. Chairman H.A.Robinson being absent,the J.P.Greeley,Chairman pro Lem. Board appointed Trustee ROLL CALL On calling the roll the following Trustees were found to be present: J. J. Schnitker ,Geo.P.' : /il son, J.C.IacCain and J.P.Greeley. Absent,H.r.Robinson. COMMUC TIONS were read and referred to the proper order of busines CONSENT OF TIE BO-,".RD OF SUPERVISORS FOR TID: EXCLUSION OF UNIT ?HABITED Ti.RRITORY was received and filed. 5E54IUTION NO.84 Trustee,J.J.Schnitker presented for consideration a Resolution. The Resolution was read and as.,i;�ned Do.84,which Resolution is as follows: A Resolution of 'the Board of Trustees of the City of Newr✓ opt Beach,as the le- •islative body thereof,submitting to the electors of said municipality the question whether or not certain uninhabited territory shall be excluded therefrom,calling a special election for that purpose,describing the uninhabited territory proposed to be ex- cluded, establishing voting precincts,and appointing officers of election and directing notice thereof to be given. On motion of Trustee J.0.11c0ain,seconded by Trustee Geo.".?;i"lson and duly carried,Resolution No.84 was referred to the City Attorney to be placed in proper form for final adoption by the Board of Trusbe s RDIN'.NCE N0.135. Ordinance No.135 was again read and considered,and the date of oldinR the election was fixed for Ilonday,Dec.24,1917,and the City ,ttorney instructed to prepare said ordinance in that form. IS?OSAL OF CO11:M!IC,'TIO1?S. It was moved b,y Trustee Geo.P.Wilson,seconded by Trustee J.J. cbnitker and ca-rrie�"_- that tine board confirm the action of the Fire epartment as to agreement between cities as to fire protection,which greement is as follows and between the Cities of Newport Beach, ants, Ana,Orange,Anaheim and Fullerton: In case of a city calling, for assistance,City responding to turn n an alarm and all members to respond at Fire Hall,and a number of embers to stay at Fire Hall until the return of the apparatus from ity where fire has occurred. All members responding to be paid 02,00 for the call,and after wo hours services to be paid 01.00 per hour. City where fire has ccurred to pay for services of firemen. ANCELLATION OF LIMIMSHS. On motion of Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P. ilson and carried,the following licenses were cancelled; c.122 Bagley Apartments,ido.123 Dr.John "T.Rankin,apartments; No.221, rii..P.Simpson,Liver,y and Corral; No.234,A.W.Jackson,Apartments; No.236 .Iqi. Tudor ,Apartments . ETT`R OF FRr�D B.S:S?DFRS regarding lights on Balboa Island was eferred to the Street Comiittee. AIVIB'R OF COI."rV RCE GRAI:`TED 025.00 IER I:IONTH FOR SIX I.IONTHS By motion of Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P. lson and carried,the Chamber of•Commerce was granted a monthly pay - nt of 6y25. out of the 11usic and Promotion Fund for six months,to be ed in connection with the South Coast Improvement Association. POIETi. ?NT OF PLUI DING INSPE.GTOR. H oved by Trustee Geo.P.;',?ilson,seconded by Trustee J.C.I:IcC_in t L.Heard be appointed Plumbing lnspector. I:Iotion carried. 236 ORDINANCE PROVIDING .FOR ,TM? R' rAIR OF 1SID';71ALXS. NO.136 Trustee J.J.Scbnitker presented the form of an Ordinance which was considered,and on motion of Trustee Geo.P.Wiison,seconded by Trustee.J.C.I:icCain and carried,was ordered•filed,read and assigned 11 No.136,%7frich is as follows: An ordinance of the City of Newport Beac] requiring the repair of sidewalks,and providing a penalty for all violations thereof. The Ordinance was passed to the second reading and referred to the City Attorney to be put in proper form for final adoption by the Board of Trustees. Ai%J0URNIS @'.I ?T . Moved by Trustee J.J.Schnitker,seconded by Trustee Geo.P.:7ilson and carried that the Board adjourn to 7:30 P.L.,I:Ionday,Nov.19,1917. . I