HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/20/1919 - Adjourned Regular Meeting1 CNZA CI 9 341 H•..11, Nc :oi't Bca.;;h,CLl. Oct. 15, IC 11, Tee- Boc.rd of Truotuos of the City of NE.�: _art Beach, met in S_;,ccial call session for the nur�3so of coizsiderinI the resi.n- dti.On of Geo. P. Wilson d.s Ci t,v Cl.'.;'_C, and the Ca:,1p0tiltiii;; Of �. ne-.1 City Clerk for the balance of the _.resent term. The call was read, aiid the Oler2 certified £:s to i� us 11cv11 been pro ?erly iarved, . - r Tale roll via.s c411ed uhovAn there were present Tr;lutocu, J. P. Greeley *, J: J. 9chnitker, A. L. Heard, J. TicC_1 , n, L. S". ;'�l li�ln30i1. Q 011 motion of Tr::stee L. S. 1Fiikinsoil, seconded by Tinstc :E A. L. Heard ulld e =tied, the rosin nation cf (leo. P. Wiluon as Cit— Clcrii was a.ecc ,te.:', to t : ke effect November `! st 1.:15.. r �f/f 1 On motion 0_ Ti�li3 t(-'0 J. J. SCn.7S t.iUr, u3C0 "f.!'ii (i b-,' '^r11:;t�0 eT. �. ...,.r•. i:i and CL +r:.'!_�:d, J. . e:e`ei's 1Vd.7 3,�i101 %1 vco � a i ,j- . tin a:: iolice orricc;r from October 15-t'r_ v:ltil ITovc'mu3 ' .t l� of P50. 10 ~cr month. e _ 0:-. ' ?,Odor. Of Ti'i_:1teC L. i. Wil"ii;l:con, • ?ECO':dCC b- T7ULJt30 J. C. 7'YtsO .-'•_ii, :rC' ttoi -ried, f,iC .'OCY';. eF.tCndO. 4 'roto�Cf t'.1 —1-3 ':,d J:a.t �. °. 011 to ! e{.T0. P. i 1. so:i, for __,i`3 =vic. c:U Ci u,J �i i.P;''; Of ti1C Caty� e JVevj)ert RE ?Clio T'•. Jlicutio o° 2-1-- Pi 8:1it11, L. 0, nrocrloll _d n? 1. CiCUlt, fcr tie _n:;itiOL' of tit' C1Cr'= .•Cre i "lS @v_ . S, W,:l. i13d1, and seCOnE ed -D 1,,t toe uy m. L T. ,_i , m -v, J. th_t''tIiq :i,plicttion'of F.Z. T.•Orcutt, bo coil�'derod rCi.._':i�, _:il t_L ^.t he be ._Z0711ce d City to t_cke ei£9Ct ht07e71uCrt !_Lt, 101Sg t0 : 4111 ti1C 11110x, ii'C:'. term,, T10tion C`.Prii.a. • 1C L. I'_::; "s'yC R_lilr Otid dsa t 5'j:: CCT lon Of th to s C...1 .�os•i:ia'•r;r:- re�u, zxld ordered •ill: %', , Oil a:loti-. of Trustee `J. 'J. 5ci1::it =:cr, seeonded Ix, Ti -, .,;'c3e J. C. * ?c0:.i '-`_c i 3tin? C.c_izr:o ;. ` I, r t t ri1- t r r [ • r City Rx.11 October 20th,1919. , <T'.i.`1' T_- I- U -to -di the City 0= :v'3vport 'Be a c)1 iJet i1 d ouz•ned Cn _t M. ' 7:r,0.p. October 20th,1919. T_ ^.C. _.Ct.'_i: "� ll =. a' C. <il :i t0 order U�+ �raside -Lt J.=. %rCv eJ. le roll 'Las e - -� Ri_ed "Loi;iAd'the following TrTl.stees 'present' :. D Gr::ele-', J. J. `3ctililit ar., �. T,.c Heard, L. $• Tilkfn.s3z. 1b -sent ` r stOc J. 0. TTCC7`La. Tie r3.. ,!,.i� of the iiiiiu Uos 01 _,rCVl'J 1.ilic; �111"$ vJ4S •d1 J`l'. �.r 171th, ' [ [ Coi1: un,iC _':1011 3 17er0 read and referred to the pro "_or crd.;:r o£ buui1100.". On :nc"tion of Tru.atce 'e' S: 17ilkinson., "seco�rided by Trustee 7; J. $CTlliitker; and carried, 'a weed from the Pacific T1Tcctric Z >nd -CoL�irr,-�.y ;a_ lrlreel of Ia�,d-,',baing a -p or lot' 1 sectio- -i 27, mnd iot 2, •secti,pn 3 ',. T.'6.9: R:10, T., V^s dccrYtai `_ rd clerk iiistr-ioted. to 'record same, an notify the T' rifle COm6a ly fis t0 the d•L, 3 , `ool< ft11C1. ?7a ,e Of t:1e "CLCGl1 records i.n l;hicil It o s reoorded,, Tl:c roll c c al ied , __o',.i._y �oil�tvin� voto: _ �a, Trustees J. I". ^-reeley, q. J. TT. �L. Hoard, T?oc , i ol-,�: , :ib Y.t ruril sveL J. C CVa1n. 342 *C)II D .'.'i n '01 111� Eta(j T S. 1 Ilkinuor, seconded by Trustac J.J. Ocluiitke.-, and carried, a co-amnic;.tion =roil? the Bo:-=9. of harbor Ire­:axdin- the ri=,ht-of-vay ovor Josc-ph Fcr�yuaon'3 rrc_-.c7rt3( to t : _ ­ _ - 3ay,vr,_8 referrod to ' b i l e Cit-Y with instr-nc- tio_-S to oo-nsult "'ith Yr. . rer,;Iuso.,i E-lad report back to the Board a s s )on o o 0 ib 1 e 0-i motion of Trustee L. S. Mlhinsori, 'secmaOcd by Trustee A. I.. Hecrc,,md carried, the -lcr1,1 was iDstruc-Ced to acknoviled3e 7,ece1L­7t of the coi-imun1.cl;.1ti:ml- iutad Ohn-mbors of Co-inerce, ..fror.j the_Azsrc of Cri-t-nLa Co-onty, E,nd empress a-p-)roval of a resolution set forth J-h�reixl, for `ae --irotection of the' beauty of the� Oc7ewI V_ I - L, Front of the State of California'. On motioii of Trustee J. J. Schhitkcr.secondod b- Trustee 'and` carried, tha report of Ithe Water and Gas Do.­Lr':'ton,t %vts acceiite(l and or-'Pred h-led: for future reference. 0:2 -totion of Trustee J. J. 13olhnitker, seconded by Trustee I. S. 7:,.11kinson, rind c.a­ried, the com1mul'ication from R. G. Robert 2-( -,Iestin3 the ope_ain� and strairhtening of Saute Ana- Avenue to L Boulevard -.vas -;,laced in the hLLr.(T--, of the City Enriiieer, wit'll �--I�tructions to f -lie City Attornay with the necessary d_T­U'-a- - U U. - U mrn sh t to star'- y)rocaedia-s for szme. This bein,-,- the hour Find datmsok`for the receiving and- of bide for t-I)c cojostraction of cemont pipe sanft.Ary Sorors, t"o clork was i-ot-rurjtcd to oven the bids on hwad, -,:hich were as followa: �1:he bid 0' Cbarlos D.- Soterua, 0" Di- Cc:_.o rt -,-,ij)c Sanitary oemer, _)Lr li-11W.11 10" dia 0cment .ij)a sanitary Oeuer, --er lino 1 ToUt X2.23, 1211 dla. Cement -__-nitu,'.ry seawer -,)or lirfeal footu ?'2.65, 14'11 uiia CLment oil ,Y s B e' 7e r o r li ri e i,l foci : 751 -51 aia.. C eiler t pi �U t, ;d2, lineal foot, q2.0, 13", dia 00'7_1,Gnt Salli �,'IVY M.7-2r, �.c_r it Sr - 110'.1 f.-ot, 33.'10, 2011 di .. CQ%,ont :i,)G ean 1i - OK]Cot, '3.00 , 9t.ai-dtrd shullow fl�azh t..-IE , OOLI 0 j'O . 00, r flush iu-,nk and iz,�rihcld Com-lctc a-LC118" ?'175.00. StIaid__-21 J=ct irm, Oh.ijibe_ Ty�e �, complete, ��75.00, Stb_ad'ard J-Cx.ction 127.1a1,11U-er be, ��110.00 3tanclard Dro.) manhola, Ty-pe 0, oo,r­lctle - , - 0 e43 6125.''O, St--- ridard 11._rihole 't7ae D com-clete c=cli, P00.00 Mnal-.ole TvPa El e--eh l')120.00 T•,--`e cogT lute each S-oec_Jal 00]1111)1Ctli1 L.m.ch Dro-.) for lio-u_oc connections T_;7--'o G, complete ,1,;,5 00 1 1� ch 11-r,..no 6,1 oi,q CoMen-L : b nitro houso co:­_,-iccti*o:a6 ver lineal foot X1.90, For coz--crete fond.-t-Ioris -qrLdor sev;ors ncr cri.-bic and P13.001 T,1711:, Pnim-)i-ar No. 1, Elud�e Bca, 1 Other -mx, --t i ther a­.naurtenances comicto ',12000�C'; P ir, t ii "o 2, iincluCkii- rioto-ra, pturr-9 and all ot,',= 1:m-.) in 9t ition 11o. 35 rotor L; aan,-3-, t t � 71r A_ S, .end sll oth, e -a co�,i )los ,40%O ll 111 vo ware �-Ebllol-y oj)ZnC(1,- Dizchin-7u aiid-dtcl'ro�, L r, c,; 2. CL yC'� ittec of the Tihol�- �,.nd tNo B_,nZinbary 1011, On mou tion of llu:,tec L.3.17111Linoca, LL;uU.10ou" by 1.111"LLL'C'C r r , o, td and carried. T r me-ti -Y1 of 9TY-t'StIa.� j. T.r s� Mrr, i 11 S 0 71 p and carried, `ic :3orv_ oa of cT.. -,u` U fo- three months -Cr=i Ccto ar ist,l�219. R000lnti.or rumber 12, 1 r8solu•ion of tGhc �o_­21,d 3f. T t c s z Citj- of, Nv,,-.�Ort Beo•c'­,, doclari,.-, t'io i-- irtar tf or, to v -c, ..ti , ' -,Lv,-, i�b,�,ndon fo-r %-.-ablic -Ircct az.-_' -pu,)1io ortloa of the R'ii-,-,6 -.;it'air tic sai6 01t­. D_,_I ,motlo- T. 9. Will-ifinc%i seconded bm qlr,,s+eq T 7 114 U C; .j 31-,ztion No. 123), :iao "by the 70te: T. J. IT. , "t L I I, 'f-11:-inscria. �T,3 C o k) -+ T.-,r I L F Al ­10 on on -ort Hw-.-Z",or, coll n 2 " t Go . , b__ V___ �., r o -7 CO - i .., - I!, , L3, 0.1 0i Orl �IGL._. 1 1 j :1.7 µ3J' -L.L- iji 17 fj s ole tri.; i 1CNZA 343 Trla O., T T o i.. t_ S,-Coi"ide,CL b Ti'a3t:� .i e ._t `� :.� e e e w �'aitrll L -�.uT POVCL u., + He_.rd', £_nu curried, uli -t t36 recj1lk�Jt be �ra:lted, tln��. t :,, Cs tj Acce_a £6:i a. )t.,j t77:'.t0r, 'nigh' gas, and telej.lOnc bill::, for 3 c, v "'� e to that the tine cauS a OS:1%,i to +� +e L. H. allac.. recy uCS red L_.0 �f t >U �`� t `it of T r i t- _1i!lrly 0Ott1Ly ilc P.e�;port peach be lor;r_ed to Lrlo ^ `- 1-arbOT Comiisoi0:1 -f02 their tu� in -tre lurtheic develo- '..ao. U'- cf i.,.:j.ort 'i:rbot. Cil motion of Trustee T, S. "'ill:i: Oii, Trastee v. J. S iY11 tiCP ?', S.ld oar1'icd, t1_C TC_:i13st 1: c2 ':Jiro mot Of Otl mo T -'iis tieE J. :7. 4ctilili t.:3 , S:.COilUe 1 b;? Tr .. u(,c carried, ufl onrliment as t:' ::;n until 7: °0 j.: r, W�;,iicsd -1 :r Octxbca 29_ni:y 1 °190 l�f r r }___.. .. I '��� � C2t� lv';• moo Cit;j H:,ll, OCtobCi' 2.E, 1919. TIie BoLv I of ml u yt4c,: of uiw 0 i O:C d,7. od seozion O6tUUOr 222id, 1919 7:°J De i-: 9 - Tn-- 0 -' _ '1_..d :o order by Fro i •anL e .,_w Liil �?' S / ^ -S C: - r c- f, T r. Tile roll O:a.1lod .11.0 -will' tic f011O0iil" Traoti:;i; Li :T P '%�': -Ll:: f , J. J. e�C:l ?fii iiilE i', ^ o I. Hi) ,rd, L. %o _'_blunt' J. 01i. gl:C•_1110 ° mi o re7:tdirl- of t:LC %lin'atCs of - lcviCAs m: ,ct :'� .. caz - f _ , t �..3d '.;o :.Tt :.i:l ",.'0 "Ci - ro' "•'_d - 4 +�.1':Cr-. Tel. _ =1G l] .,.. �: <l u. C:i'i +!0tip•' of R'r'L ^,tco •T, J. Sc "Ami✓'13r, `;e C OncLe,I 711ri +o_l, -`fe:lred to the vit,T Uizriilisned. lzsine ,s; ' Recess v.s c- eolrtl cd from 8. 60 F.T.T. to 8.15 F.M. The co- mmittoo ovoointed to invcsti? ate the bids on ._o:o BE) a ;C ?178T iJsJT ir, reCO'77+3C ndad to the _SOFTd of TTl'Ct003 th,-'- tip;; _roe :C.a r.'i +h t..-r .roi =: .;id let +,,c contreet 'for s me, Reso'iutioi. 4104, ^i _Re3olutim of 'tiha -o_'_'d of TrastO.^ -s Of tits Cit� of ?' o—t —0rt ?3e'-C_2 ,LVardnil, th£ contr -0t far C::Tt In ',TOTE'. O c s of -JaTtloils aT. OCi i1 Ll '.l _iY%0111ti: % +1i C1 oL11C2' +Jtl @E.'t8 ,.`t''llu�f'Fi i. old _ -v... 17C.y 1,'itlliA . ".id Ci jT, -t.11d :'1-10 .,CrtB -:in 1.ortiono of :i _t;, Of t1C'. _ fa'iCrtJ 3_1:i u Lam' ,..ic Ci. �'T, :1itL::iOd - Oilti,s de Oi' Cli:i to (,I__ _:(jr: to b,)v _iu :.- 11.lih. ii Gf :5=.1a Ci v-r. ' (.Tl:c 'p' v d _ni o'` :tC -9o�'c r t= J- , w ' G_ Tru���oa call:: for an e��;�cr..a -c.:� Gt 7'LCIi C. 0- ini01. f._, c:. t_Iosee assoLli] lei' in `h H,11 but rECEiv'.d no rc- :;per_ae . O'n iilot] -v-i c mr a-te 7e (T �C ?alt: eT', seconded b- Ti ^1:,tc c L.v - c . 1.L. . • ' L:, ol-.ti. 511 '',� !:•`_, .. ::.07 v::(i he foil O-' -lin' vote, t0 .i,t T .1c5 s; J.F. i, l J,J:Scialit :cer, .I. Ia rd, Zd L'.S.'.7iii in Cif, Foe: Yo-no au:,eia Ti-vsI .e T n _..:, . T.'lerc 'ielr ^'no f.Ci tine-''busiil.' -. -. Gti11?' Cd curncd, o:.i i,,otioii OS T- i_3tco J. J. SGi.:.i t'_.. , EOCGilde;( T- :i:;-'Uee A.!, HeCrd ;.Lid C,-.-Ti4 e:,i0 r -- .City