HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/1920 - Regular Meeting] CNZA u 355 City Hall , Newport --Be- a-_c_h, Cal. March 1st.1920. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in reg- ular session at 7.30 P.M. The meeting was called to order by President J.P.Greeley. The'roll was called showing the following Trustees present J.P. Greeley, J.J.Schnitker. A.L.Heard, J.C.MeCain, L.S.Wilkinson. Reading of the minutes of February 2nd. were read , and there being'no corrections or omissions same were approved. The reports of the heads of Departments were read ,,and upon motion of Trustee J.C.McCain, seeonde'd'by Trustee L.S.Wilkinson and carried were accepted and ordered filed. Communications were then read and referred to the regular order of business. Communications from Geo. Chaffee, C.D.Cheeseman and C.W.Luf- Pingwell Jr. regardings the construction of piers in front of there ?roperty in the bay, were referred to the City Engineer. Communication from Mrs. DeVashe inregards to purchase or lease the westerly 50 ft of Dot 17 Block 119 Section "A" was referred to the City Engineer. On motion made by Trustee A.L.Heard Seconded by Trustee J.C.MC Cain and carried, that license held by Mrs. Gonzolas be transferred to Cecil Sherman. The Clerk was instucted to communicate with C.W.Luffingwell Jr. regarding the alley adjoining his property, in regards to widening same and also having same dirted. On motion by Trustee J.J.Schnitker seconded by Trustee A.L.Hear and carried, The clerk was instucted'to purchase from the P.E.R.R. the northerly corner of Lot 15 Block 18 Section "B for $75,00 ac- cording•to their offer, also the clerk to draw Warrant in payment of same when the deed etc, were ready. On motion by Trustee L.S.Wilkinson seconded by TRustee J.C. McCain and carried, That the report of ktx°the Industrial Committee Cn regards to establishing an industrial district, be referred to the City Attorney to draft an ordinance. On motion by Trustee J.J.Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson and carried; That the cash collected by Camp Guardian Vibbetts and deposited by him, be transferred to the City and an ac- count opened and known as "Camp Matinance account". On motion by Trustee A.L.Heard seconded by Trustee J.C.McCain and carried, That the Street Committee be instucted tc purchase twenty -five run -ways to put on the sand for automobiles to park on. ORDINANCE #159. Motion duly made by Trustee J.J.Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S.Wilkinsoi}, Ordinance #159 was placed on final passage, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes J.P.Greeley, J.J.Schnitker. A.L.Heard J.C.McCain, L.S.Wilkinson. Noes none, Absent None. ORDINANCE #160. Motion duly made by Trustee L.S.Wilkinson Seconded by Trustee J.C.MoCain, Ordinance #160 was placed on final passage, by the fol ing vote, to wit: Ayes J.P.Greeley, J.J.Schnitker, A.L.Heard, J.C. McCain, L.S.Wilkinson. Noes None. Absent None, ORDINANCE #161. On motion by Trustee A.L.Heard seconded by Trustee J.J.Schnit Ordinance #161 was placed on final passage, by the following vote: to wit: Ayes J.P.Greeley, J.J.Schnitker, A.L.Heard, J.C.McCain, L.S.Wilkinson, Noes None. Absent None. RESOLUTION #127. Entitled as follows: A resolution by the legislative body, to wit: the Board of Trustees, of the City of Newport Beac4, an incorporated city,find- ing and determineing that the public interests and necessity, re- quires the acquisition and sonstuction by su9h incorporated city of a public improvement, to -wit: a public street in said Olt and - describing certain real property nee essary to be taken tb efor located inside of the territorial limits of said incorporated city. :ntroduced, considered and passed by the following vote, to -wit: iJ.P.Greeley, J.J•Schnitker, A•L.Heard, J.C.McCain, L.S.Wilkinson. Noes None. Absent None. 356 ORDINANCE #162. Ordinance #162,Vas introduced and presented *to the Board of and upon motion by Trustee J.C.McCain seconded by Trustee A.L.Heard carried was passed to second reading. On motion by Trustee J.C.MoCain seconded by Trustee L.S.Wilkinsc and carried, That the City Clerk salary be raised to $150.00 per month. .On motion by Trustee J.C.McCain seconded by Trustee L.S.Wilkin!se and carried, That the City Treasurer salary bey raised to Fifty Dollars per month. ORDINANCE #1630 Ordinance #163, was introduced and presented to the Board of and upon motion by Trustee J.C.McCain seconded by'Trustee L.S.Wilki: and carried, same was passed to second reading. On moti on by Trustee J.C.McCain seconded by'Trustee J.J.Schniitk and'earried, That the sewer proceedings be abandoned. On motion by Trustee J.J.Schnitker seconded by Trustee J.C.Mcdai and carried, That the 6ity Clerk be instucted to notify the Managers of the Gas and VJater'Departmenta, to make out a detail report each month of their departments, shoviing the amounts collected and amounts due or delinquent. .On motion by Trustee J..C.MeCain seconded by Trustee A.L.Heard and carried, That the services of the Bouth Coast Improvement Associati be discontinued after April 1st. 1920, as a publicity medium. On motion by Trustee J.C.McCain seconded by Trustee A.L.Heard and carried, That the City Attorney be instucted to draft an amendme 1 to license ordinance #110. Balboa Island Ferry represented by Mr. J.A *Beek ou ined to the Board the feasability of having an automobile ferry plyiR�g,,flie main lan and the Island. By consent of the Board the President referred it to the Street Committee and-Street Superintendent. 0. motion by Trustee L.S.Wilinson seconded by Trustee J.C.mcCain and'earried, That Demands PT22 to 794 inclusive for the month of Februa having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee be allowed id Warrants 'drawn, On motion by Trustee J.J.Schnitker seconded b$r Trustee,I,.S.Wilk- inson and carried, meeting was duly adjourned to Monday evening March 8th.1920 at 7.30 P.M. 1i I1.b� es o e rus ees. Or k r' _ Attested. I� r City Clerk, f. ees i�