HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1920 - Adjourned Regular Meeting378 City Hall, July 6, 1920. IT The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned session at 7:30 P. I!I. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. P. Greeley. The roll was called as follows: Present, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art L. Heard, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Absent, none. The minutes of the meeting of June 21st and July 5th were read and approved. The reports of the heads of the various departments were read, and on motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker, seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the reports were accepted and ordered filed. SPECIAL COIoIIVIITTEES. . Trustee Richter reported for the Fire Committee that they had not investigated the palm leaf awnings at Balboa as yet, and the committee was therefore continued. Trustee Heard reported that the commkttee on building ordine were working on the ordinance but it would take some time and they might not have it ready for the next meeting. The committee was also continued. City Attorney Bishop stated the East Newport Town Co, were t escrow a deed to the public park site, which was to be deposited in a Riverside Bank to whom the payments are to be made, and that tj�e $200.00 initial payment is ready when the contracts are signed. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the President of the Board of Trustees and the City Clerk were authorized to execute the contracts accordin to the report. Trustee Richter reported for the Fire Committee that the lar crowds over the Fourth brought out certain defects in our lights, et At the lower end from Crescent Row down the water comes over at high tide and puts the lights out of commission, and an overhead system may have to be installed to overcome it. The comfort_ stations also must be kept clean, and he suggested that we spend part of the money from the camp ground to offer the people ,ho come here some conveniences. It was left with the heads of the Street and Police Departments to act as a special committee with power to act on same. Trustee Richter referred to the fact that the employees in Street Department would not work longer for $4.00 per day, but would be willing to work for 4�125.00. per month and.not otherwise I and Mr. Knight desires to be empowered to hire them and day laborers at $5.0 per day. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the Street Superintendent was authorized to pay $125.00 per month for teamsters and 5.00 per day for all day hell- needed, to be effective from July 1, 1920. Mr. E. B. Spencer in charge of the Idasonic Home for orphans on the Island, was present and referred to the break in the wall at that end of the Island including Section 5, which allowed the water at high tide to come up around his place so that he could not get into it. He stated they were willing to co- operate in any way possible with the City, and would stand part of the expense. Superintendent of Streets Knight thought four or five days time with man and team would fix the levee. . On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the Superintendent of Streets was ordered to take the necessary steps to protect the property as outlined. The communications were read and referred to the groper order of business. The communication from the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce recommending that an election be called to vote $50,000. for improving the jetty was discussed at length, and the motion made by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried that the initial steps be taken for calling a bond election. Trustee Art L. Heard introduced a proposed resolution, declaring that the public interest and also the public necessity demands the completion of the rubble mound jetty at the entrance to Newport Bay. The resolution was discussed and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and duly carried, the resolution was ordered filed and to be resolution No. 130, and r I CNZA 7 379 was referred to the City Attorney to be put in proper condition for final action of the Board o£ Trustees. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the Resolution No. 130 was passed to the second reading. A petition was presented signed by a number of citizens of NevTort Beach and Balboa asking for the removal of the present Camp Guardian which met with a lengthy discussion, and brought out the need of better police service and more accomodations at the camp grounds. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the rates of charges for the camp grounds was set at 25� for each machine for one night and $1.00 each machine per week, and eliminate the extra charge for children; the same to be printed on the sign boards at each camp ground. Parking boards to be at the same price, namely 25� per night or $1.00 per week. On motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the facilities were increased by the addition of one more toilet to the ladies and a urinal to the mens apartment at each of the camp grounds. NEW BUSINESS. Street Superintendent Knight suggested that a fire limit be established at Balboa, and it was decided that it should be done through an amendment to the ordinance. Trustee J. J. Schnitker referred to a call from representative of the Orange County Improvement Associatiton in the interest of the improvement of the canals from West Newport to Bitter Point, and stating that the Van de Water Co. would dedicate all their right to the property. An assessment district was to be formed between 37th and 40th Streets covering an approximate cost of $25,000. as outlined by Mr. Burke. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried,' the matter was referred to the City Attorney for an opinion in the matter. Trustee Heard reported that Mr. C. D. Chessman who spends part of his time at Balboa paid the bill for nickelplating the parts of the fire truck at Balboa, and on motion of Trustee Art L. Heard seconded by Trustee L. S. eilkinson and carried, the Board of Trustee extended a vote o %thanks to Mr. Cheesman. RESOLUTION NO. 131, Entitled as follows: "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach adopting amendments to Section 25, 48 and 49 of Specifications No. 27, adopted by Resolution No. 97 for the construc- tion of sanitary sewers with cement sewer pipe, manholes, junction chambers, pumping stations, receiving basins, septic tank and other appurtenances in the City of Newport Beach." On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art L. Heard, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes, none, Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 132. Entitled as follows: "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach adopting certain plans, profiles and plan of assessment district for the improvement of certain portions of Central Avenue and other streets, avenues, alleys, rights -of -way and property owned by said City." -' On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote to -Wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Art L. Heard, Conrad Richter, L. S. Nilkinson. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESOLUTION NO. 133. Entitled as follows: "A Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach declaring their intention to improve certain portions o Central Avenue, and other streets, alleys, rights -of -way and property ov.ned by s-id City, in the City of Newport Beach, and determining that bonds shall be issued to represent the costs thereof, and declaring the work or improvement to be of more than local or ordinar public benefit, and that the expense of said work shall be assessed ;upon a district." M On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J.'J. Schnitker, Art L. Heard, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Noes; none. Absent, none. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J. J Schnitker and carried, the 50 applications for renewal of business licenses were granted, with the proviso on the games of chance that children under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or lawful guardian. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L. S Wilkinson and carried, that demands No. 1054 to 1138 inclusive having been signed and approved by the finance committee, be allowed and warrants drawn for same. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee Art L. Heard and carried, the meeting was adjourned to Monday, July 12 at 7:30 P. IL ATTE I I I