HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1920 - Regular Meeting402 City Hall., Newport Beach, Oct. 25, 1920. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in special session at the hour of 8 o'clock P. Ito. at the time and place above stated. The Clerk::read the call of the special. meeting which was as follows: I, the undersigned, President of the Board of Trustees of thel City of Newport Beach, hereby call a special meeting of said Board ofd Trustees to be held at the City Hall at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M. this day, for the purpose of considering the advertising for bids for the completion of the rubble mound jetty at the entrance to Newport Bay, and to advertise for such bids if the same appear advisable. (Signed,) J. P. GREELEY, President of Board of Trustees. I, the undersigned, member of the Board of Trustees, hereby acknowledge service upon me of the above call for special meeting three hours prior to the time for the holding thereof. J. P. GREELEY, ( J. J. SCHNITZER. (Signed.) GHO. P. WILSON, ( CONRAD RICHTER, L. S. WILKINSON. The meeting was called to order by President Greeley, and the roll was called showing all the members of the Board present. The President stated the matter of business mentioned in the call was in order, and on motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee E. S. Wilkinson and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the completion of the rubble mound jetty at the entrance to Newport Bay, same to be published in three issues of the Newport News; the hour of opening said bids to be at 7:30 P. M. on Monday, Nov. 15, 1920. There being no further business on motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: ll!11 City Clerk. V ') P s Board of Truk ees. City Hall, Newport Beach, Nov. 1, 1920. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at 7:30 P. M. on above date. The mee #ing was called I to order by President Greeley. The roll was called with the following members present: Trustees Jr. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitker, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter, L. S. Wilkinson. Absent, None. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of Oct. 15th and the two special meetings of Oct. 25th were read and approved..' Reports of the heads of departments were read, and on motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the reports were accepted and ordered filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Trustee Richter reported for the Camp Ground Committee that they had decided on Block 115 between 15th and 16th Street on the bay, front for same, and he had a sketch outlining same which he explained'. The driveways were to be dirted making a permanent camping place, and', the estimated cost of same would be about $3500.00 when completed. I CND 40: We could perhaps charge a little more for camping privileges than heretofore, and no camping to be allowed on any other lots. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the report was accepted and the Street Department instructed to devote his spare time to fixing up the camp ground. On motion of Trustee Conrad Ric #ter seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to plat the camp ground for the driveways and parkings for the Street Superin- tendents guidance. Trustee Richter suggested the opening of Bay Avenue past the Yacht Club as far as 18th Street which was as far as we could go, an he stated the property owners were heartily in favor of it. City Engineer Kressly could put in laterals every two blocks so that no pavement would have to be taken up when the sewer is put in. On motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the City Engineer was asked to furnish the necessary data relative to the assessment district and land to be taken at the next meeting. Trustee Richter for the Street Committee brought up the matter of street signs for the City which met with some discussion, and on motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the Street Superintendent was instructed to furnish definite cost on enamel and galvanized signs and also for stenciling on the light globes by next meeting. Water Superintendent Mc Millen, the committee appointed to look up water bearing land, asked for more time which was granted. Trustee Wilkinson reported that the Library Committee had met and organized ;ith Mrs. W. W. Crosier President and Joseph A. Beek Secretary, and were now ready to conduct the business of the library of Newport Beach. They are using the Ebell building which will require some remodeling that will cost about $350.00, and the running expenses of the library will be about 75.00 per month. They would like to have a sum set aside for use of the library. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J.J. Schnitker and carried, $1200.00 was set aside for use of the public library as needed from now until the next fiscal year July 1, 1921. The communications were read and referred to the proper order of business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The report of the Harbor Regulations Committee was presented by Trustee Richter, and the matter was turned o#er to the City Attorney for incorporating in an ordinance. The lease of the Pacific Electric Railway Oo. for pipe -line crossing their right -of -way at the outlet of Santa Ana River was presented, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the President of the Board and City Clerk were authorized to sign the lease. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson and carried, the application of Geo. P. Wilson for transfer of business license No. 71 to Norman Wilson & Co. was granted. The recommendation of the special committee of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce, that we employ Wayne Goble to "kee publicity going" at Newport Beach and Balboa at his offer of 625.00 per month for 6 months, was presented, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the recommendation was accepted that we try the plan out for 6 months. The communication from the City Clerk of Chico asking for names of delegates was taken up, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to send in the names of the delegates, and also to give the delegates credentials under the city seal. The communication from Lew H. Wallace explaining why the Irvine acreage should not be4raised on taxes was taken up and discussed, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee J. J. iSchnitker and carried, the Clerk was instructed to explain the matter to Mr. Irvine and send him a demand for a rebate of the increased taxes, for his signature. L V LJ it \JJ IJ IJ — r Soiland was present and eh was given the Yacht Club some dequate at the present time, and spoke about the anchorage ground time ago and which was wholly they would like to get all the 104 available space possible in front of the Yacht Club to meet the growt: of the Club and the number of yachts coming in for anchorage space. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded;by Trustee J. J. Schnitker and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to lay before the Board at the next meeting, a space for anchorage in front of the Yacht Club. Dr. Soiland also referred to the matter of staking the channel and suggested a row of stakes down the center of the channel. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. Wilson and carried, the Harbor Committee.iwas instructed to take up th matter with Harbor Master Beek and make a recommendation. Trustee Greeley referred to a sidewalk on Coronado Street having a drop of about 6 inches on which a number of people have slipped, and the Street Committee and Street Superintendent were instructed to look into it. Trustee Wilkinson referred to the fact that one of the members of the Board had just lost his mother, and on motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, an expressi, of condolence and sympathy was extended to Trustee Schnitker in his 1 Also an expression of sympathy and condolence of the Board to be extended to Mrs. Edna R. Ferguson in the loss of her husband, who was a former member of our Board of Trustees. On motion of Trustee L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, that demands No. 281 to 363 inclusive, having been signed and approved by the finance committee, be allowed and warrants drawn for same. On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded by Trustee L.S. Wilkinson and carried, the meeting adj6urned to Monday, Nov. lb, 1920 at 7:30 P. M. e nt Board of rus ees. ATTEST: City Cler .