HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/27/1922 - Adjourned Regular MeetingI CNZA F-L 1 IRS City Hall, ITe, „por- 'each, Earch 27, 192£. The Boars' of Trustees of the City of L'etain port Beach net i djourned. session 7:30 o'clock P. :'. on above dc. +c. m';.- • ^, '_..� ias called to order by President J. P. Greeley. The roll was cellec, showing the full Board presen.',. _ The rinuteu of t7-,e p-. cviou_s r:ee,in5 of Larch 20, 1,321 r,,-Ic read and approved. The comrfiuni cat ions were read a_id referrer to t':e pro+�ci rdcr of business. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. In Re. Bond Election This being the first T1onday after the 23d day of T:arch, 1 22' )n which day .gas helc. a special election in and for t e City- of Tec,port Beach, called by Ordinance No. 194 of --aid City eine the )f Trustees bein- dilly convened a.t ci re­111t.r 7:ee'Jing all )f the returns of said special election having beer. dul;; r,.al rr, '— )ossescien of e Clerk t''e 3oard of TI•uct CeC `r4 mnvass suc'. retur. c and fron t1,e canvass thereof f- mid �.:d ;o :le Mere estee'^lished of r °cord, as folio;;s: 1. For t:-�e purpose of said specie.l election, tl.e City of ,ewpol--t Peach was divided into two special election precincts num,eo-ec apocial election precinct T;o. (1) and special election pre_, not "o. 2. The propositions orderp-7 submitted to the qup.lifi ?(.'. Toters of L':e City of :'T.e'apo_^t :Teach? ;t „aid spoci ^1 ciect;.oi, i s,,o: PROPOSITION PTO. 1. Shall the C y of TiewT)ort Beach incur a bo? ded. debt.in t e sum of 21,.`00 for the objects and purpose° recitecl. in Grdina_nce Ka. 194, be.ir_L '_1 e construction of a bridze across an al�ri of ::e,.:port Bay connecting Central Avenue with t' ^e Count;;* .:i U,Ii, ay? PROPOSITION 1TC. 2. Shall t c Cit of :'e;rporc each incur a bonded. debt in the sumV of 4y25,000 fo. t:ie object nd purposea recited in Ordinance "o. 194, uoinu•• the construction by dredging of a turning basin and channel connected therewith in T'e:,rport Bay? 3. In special election precinct T'o. 1 on the propositSons .Te. 1 e.i:d LTo. 2, votes were cast "yes” and "no ", spoiled e.r.d not counted, as follows: PROPOSITION :TO. 1. Votes cast yes , - - - - - - - 95 Votcs cast "no ", - - - - - - - 10 Votc_­ spoiled and not courted, 1 Total votes cast, - - - - - - - P9CPO^ITIO "T NO. 2. Vow tact yes , - - - - - - 77 Votoo_ cast "_lo", - - - - - - - 27 Total votes cast, - - - - - - 104 4. In special electior. precinct :To. 2 on : e propositions 1 and ?do. 2, votes aiero cast "yes" and "no ", spoiled ai -.d not rated, ws follows: PROPOSITIO : 70. 1. Votes eas yes , - - - - - - - 126 Votes cast not - - - - - - - 22 Votes apoiled and not counted, 2 Total votes c^st, - - - - - - - 150 PROPOSITIOY :TO. 2. Votes cas ;;Yes "p - - - - - - - 83 Votes cast "no ", - - - - - - - 62 Total votes cast, - - - - - - 145 5 as follovs: Total votes cast in both precincts on proposition 17o. Total votes cast "yes" - - - - - - 221 Total votes cast "no" - - - - 32 Total votes spoiled and not counted 3 Total votes cast, - - - - - - - - 256 On proposition No. 2: Total votes cast "yes" - - - - - - 150 Total votes cast "no" - - - - - - 89 Total votes cast, - - - - - - - - 249 Each officer of election ,ras duly qualified as such and befor entering upon his or her'duties tool, and subscribed the oath providec by lacy. The election_vlas legally called, fairly conducted and csrried on. Tiro- thirds of all the voters voting at the special election voted "yes" and in favor of proposition Ho. 1, being the incurring of a bonded indebtedness bir the City of Kevrport Beach in the sun: of ti;2;.,000.CO for the construction of a bridge and that the issuance of the bonds of said city in said sum and for said purpose have been authorized. Less than two- thirds of all the voters votin., at the elect-Ac vote( in favor of the proposition "o. 2 in the sup: of ^25,000.00 for -:_i: COnF,tru0t7.On Of a turrinc basin and channel in "'e xport Bay ane '-?- issuance of tie bonds of the City of "ewport 3each in said sur. and fc the said purpose, was defeated and is -:ot authorized. Trustee !�chnitker i_ztroc a ^ed a resolution_ entitled as follows: A resolution of the City of I :ewport Beach by the legislative branch thereof, to -trit: the Board of Trustees, providing for the isaaar_ee and sale of the bonds of said city in ire sum of ;)21,000.00 for thce construction of a bridge, a mu- iicipal improvement in '.'le Cit% c f .70 mort Beach: Prescribing she forrii of such bonds, fixing the rate of itzrest to be paid thereon, the date and place of pa•rnent of said .Onds, principal Pnd interest, and further providing a sir::; ftmc for t',e payment and r•ed:.r^ption of the bonds, principal and. ir_tcreat. T'.e Rcsolutlon as orderod _ .led, i-ca,, ooncide_•cd and ' ' e Fc o_uti desiknat esointion :o. l e roll . es celled .. arlopted by the affirmative vc ,c of ..`.c follo.-A nr named members of the Board of Trustees of ;,he Cit;, of "eivport Beach, to- ,::it: Ayes, Trustees J. P. Greeley, J. J. Schnitlker, Geo. P. ':list Conrad Richter, 0. ii. Burke. Noes, TrnTstecs "one. Abccrt, Trustees None. RE30LUTIOY NO. 162. "A esclu ±icn of L'-_e City of Newport Beach by the legislative branch thereof; to -twit: the Board of Trustee:l, providing for t�,c �ssu, ::ice and Sal; of' the bOicic Of .ld City in the sum of y "21,000.00 for the construction of a bridge, a mu; i::i -p al improve,,cr.t, in ",,e i;it;; of _'cs: port 3ea.ch; prescrii :ing the form of such bonds, fixing the ratj of interest to be paid thereon, the date and place of payment of said bonds, principal anal irterost, and .far rcrj providing a sinkInC fund for the payment and redemption of7 the bonds, principal Prd interest." Cr_ motion of Trustee Geo. P. C.'_ -'son crc;:de u' r . cc J. Se:nniticar ;,he foregoinf; Recoluticn ir:.s adopted by „',e folio :;i :g vol e,� Ayes, Trustees P. lC r, T. J. c.^.;.nit.cci• Goo. p. Co ?_red 'Ul -hter, 1. 'T. :'o i-, Truot -ces ::one. Absent, Truste --s o: .accorded -z- T-rw° tee 0. ". __,a: ul-r 't�c:, t7e bona of T',_ T',,. *rev Ce. z ap- t -o -eC. I CNZA 7 U 491 NY.: BUSIFESS. Trustee J. J. Sch_r_itker int r oduCed a r "or o- ,r 1'C "la +..l f, to Mend; Section 3 of Ordinance :To. 105. T'_,o Ordinaac,... :a :, crdcrcd_ fled, considered, designated Ordinance =:o. 200 and refer ' uo it, Attorney. T' is bein_ �Yc r.ay and ?'our aut for opening bids for the ;onstruction of a cast iron pipe force main for the Water Department, ;ne ,oard in open session O,ened, examined. n :d declared all zo. le- A6.s received, wlgl C;, bir_s are as follovle: Shepard L; '.Teber of Santa Monica, complete job, 5127,965._0 Sidney Smith of Loo- Angeles, - - - - - - - - - 33,590.53 r rlr• Chase G. Frisbie Co. o'_' cos :.ngeles, - - - - o, -o. , Claude Fisher of cos I�ngeles- - - - -- - - - - 36,581. °3 Perrel 3arnet6 of 0 r_Ce, Calif. - - - - - - 37,i ^3.9J Thomas Haverty Co. of Los :.nfele-- - - - - - - 37,344.70 On motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconded bl.; Trustee Geo. !A.'ilson and car: icd, the bide ,.sere placed in p'-le hnnrii of ;,ho ;ornittee of the 'u,'hole to report on not later than next :Fonda=- nir!-'c. Dn motion of Trustee J. J. Schnitker seconde-3 by Tru:tec C.'T. rl�e and carried, by unanimous vote :;55.00 1: ys set aside out of t':e vortisin- fund for a full page advertisement ire tl:o "ct;rcrt :;else ecial aviation marsh ^r '„o Le issued ^,pril 7th. On motion of Trus+,ce r'. T'. Burke secone..ce. by Trustee Geo. P. I'llscn and carried, the application of Jane C. Teare for perr_iccion Flo cross t ?'.e sidee,all' wit'1 an automobile on Lot 4 Bloc:: 8 of Ecsi, 'Teaport iras referrer. to the Street Superii,tc,_dc•nt for attention. On motion of 'trustee J. T. Schni_tl_er :;ecorded h, ^:.1 ^tcu %Z! :'.T11,on - °.n' Carr =ed�: 4he- . ^,OT"mmi cat i o_1 "fl`oT••i; :P:.' F. Lut2 .:n- u thy: City° Rn.- ire.er to be ta'_=er_ un ..pith the Thomas Haverty Co. r :c' Eave them leave the streets and alleys in better shape. The coT -1_ rmication from the Beath Engineerirl; 'aboratories of Francisco tirrs referred to Fire Chief Jackson. On motion of Trustee Geo. P. I:ilsor s„con. ed by Tru_�tec enni her an,L carried, the request of the ITewport : ?arbor "arine Corn. o moor a temporary landing float in front of t'.e '.'kite and F7-ro ropert- at East Xe;:port, was granter i,.po- .Pc erpre,a co _'ition ti s.'L t be removed ;,!thin 30 days upon an order of this council. On motion of Trustee J. Schnitker serohded by Trustee Gee Wilson and carried, the President and Clerk were authorized to drat warrant in favor of the County Treasurer for• such an amo,.mt as L"Ie ourt m.ay require deposited on the condemnation suits for f our ' :;aver• pipe line, chargeable to the Water Works Extension non,' On ration of Trustee 0. TI. Burke seconded by Trustee J. J. chnit'ier and carried., ;?50.00 was allowe,T the Police Department 'I-o obtain the automo'�ile registration list asI.cd for. On motion of Trustee J. J. Sc.,nitb:er se o1 :B e? Tr ",UtCL; ' 3u_ke and sar ?ied, the Street Comm.ittee teas authorized 'co hire �re or two teare to wor :c on the came grorind until they have 'Ape ':,o btain bids or. the 'work. On motion of 'trustee J. J. Schnither seconded by Trustee onrad Richter and carried, Vie meeting adjourned Sine Die. t oarc. T o rustees. ttest: Cit-r 1'1, 'L