HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/15/1923 - Adjourned Regular Meeting144 City Attorney Bishop stated that the Escrow Office had not � been able to get anything out of the owners of Lot 18 in Block 1 of Newport Bay Tract which the City had placed 5V100.00 in escrow for a portion of, and on motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the City Attorney was instructed to start condemnation proceedings for possession of same. The lengthy report of the Publicity man was turned over to the editor of the Newport News for publication. Two petitions filed some time ago asking to have the corners of the alleys cut in Block A East Newport was discussed, and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to provide the City Attorney with maps and description of the land to be taken and the extent of the , district to be benefitted by the improvement. A petition was presented asking that the corners of lots 6 and 13 in Block 8 of East Newport be cut, but same was referred back as it did not have a majority of the property owners signatures. The City Clerk reported on his check of the Referendum Petition on Ordinance 'To. 242, to the effect that there is not attached thereto an affidavit showing by whom the same was circulated, or any information of the circulator that the signatures thereto are the signatures of qualified electors of the City of Newport Beach, A petition signed by a large number of residents asking that a City Planning Commission be appointed, was discussed, and on motion of Trustee L. S Wilkinson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, a committee of seven was to be appointed tonight to recommend to the Board as to the advisability of extending the Industrial Zone to take in Blocks 128 and 129 of Lake Tract, or whether it should be kept as a residentiat district. The Committee appointed are Paul E. KresSly, Chairman, IN. A. Irwin, Glenn Helms, Andrew H. Wilson, Fred-Young, :rs. S. A. Myers and P,rs. ; 11. V1. Wilson. On motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to notify the Committee as soon as possible and that there mould be a meeting of the Committee at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Friday, October 12, 1923, and they were to make a report to the Board next Monday night. Lew H. Wallace referred to the matter of our electric lights going out every time we have an extra heavy wind, and on motion of Trustee ?I. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to notify the Southern California Edison Co, of their insufficient line service down here. On motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee L. S. Wilkinson and carried, that demands No. 618 to 620 inclusive, having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee, were allowed and warrants to be drawn for same. There being no further business on motion of Trustee L. S. 'lilkinson seconded by Trustee H. C. Sloan and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday, October 15, 1923. Approved r ic.-ent Boar x o Trustees ^- ATTEST: �U�_ �_ City Clerk. ; City Hall, Newport Beach, Oct. 15, 1923. ' The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on above date. The meeting was called to order by President J. J. Schniticer. The roll was called showing all the members present except Trustee 'L. S. Wilkinson. . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The report o' the City Planning Commission was read recommending that the boundaries of the industrial District be not changed, and on motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee 11. C. Sloan and carried, the report was accepted. IM UNFINISHED BUSI.TESS. Trustee H. C. Sloan moved the_ adoption of the following ResoluUon which was seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson, the roll eras called and the Resolution passel by the. following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, Ii. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S..Wilkinson. MEREAS on the 1st day of October, 1923 there was filed with the Clerk of the City of ;Tet ^rport Beach a petition protesting against the passage of Ordinance No. 242 of said City, requesting the recon- sideration and repeal thereof, or its submission to the qualified voters .of the City of Newport Beach; t'JHEREAS, the Clerk of the City of I4Tewport Beach by the examination of records of registration has ascertained and certified that said petition is signed by the requisite number of electors of the CitNr of Newport Beach, tp -wit: by 30 thereof, and on this the 15th day of October, 1923, presented said petition together with his certificate to this Board of Trustees; RESOLVED, that Ordinance No. 242 be now taken up for recon- sideration; The Ordinance was then taken up for consideration by the Board of Trustees, and upon call of the roll. Ordinance No. 242 was refused reconsideration by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. :dHEREAS, on the 8th day of October, 1923, there visa filed with the Clerk of the City of Newport Beach, a petition requesting the passage by the Board of Trustees of said City of a proposed Ordinance or its submission to the qualified electors of the City of Newport Beach; WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City-of Newport Beach has by examination of the registration records ascertained and certified that said petition is signed by the requisite number of qualified electors of the City of Newport Beach; S1UREAS, said petition is signed by at least 15 `, of the qualified.electors of said City, and requests that said Ordinance be submitted at a special election to a vote of the people; RESOLVED, that the proposed Ordinance be taken up for consid- eration. The Ordinance was read and considered, and denied passage by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, II. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. On motion of Trustee Conrad Richter seconded by Trustee H.C. Sloan and carried, the City agreed to stand the e : ense of a truck for the school children on Armistice Day at Orange, California. Trustee H. C. Sloan than introduced an Ordinance calling a ( special election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of the City of Ter,,rport Beach, Ordinance No. 242 pursuant to the referendum, and the proposed ordizaarice pursuant to the initiative; fixing the date of said election, and providing for the holding thereof. ' The ordinance was submitted to the City Attorney. Trustee Conrad Richter introduced an Ordinance creating a City - Planning Commisbion; the Ordinance was read, considered, designated Ordinance I ?o. 247 and beferred to the. City Attorney. The Board's attention is called to the fact that the herein- after enumerated assessments covering certain real property in the City of Newport Beach and owned by the said City, part of which is held as vacant property by said City, the said assessments are included in the district for the improvement of Twentieth Street, Central Avenue and other streets in said City, described in Resolution of Intention !To. 196, passed by the Board of Trustees of said City on August 7, 1922. The assessments and their respective amounts are as follows: Asst. TTo. Amount. Asst. No. Amount. 146 - - Asst,. No. Amount. Asst. No. Amount. *z] 1352 5 ?160.51 1983 '_ ?185.92 1383 859.04 1984 185.92 1388 202.09 1985 185.92 1678 255.80 1986 185.92 1679 566.47 1987 185.92 1791 159.32 1988 185.92 1793 24.43 1989 185.92 1794 24.43 1990 185.92 1795 244.43 1991 185.92 1796 24.43 1992 185.92 1832 131.97 1993 ' 185.92 1833 16.28 1994 185.92 1826 240.19 1995 185.92 1982 185.92 3641 504.99 The total aggregate thereof being the stun of Five Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy -seven and 26100 (:; ?5,777.26) Dollars. The Board finds that the property covered by the above enumerated assessments is owned by the City of Newport Beach and that the said assessments now remain unpaid for the cost and expenses of said improvement. The Board also finds that the City of 1�11e.:port Beach is unable to pay the claims as represented by the above enumerated assessments and desires that the total aggregate thereof be included in the total unpaid assessments upon which bonds shall be issued, and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and unanimously carried, the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach agrees to include in the yearly tax levy sufficient moneys to cover the principal and accrued interest for the payments of the claims against the said City as represented by the above enumerated assessments. Trustee 1I. C. Sloan introduced a Resolution determining the amount of the unpaid assessments for the work done and improvement made pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 196, the Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 263, the ' roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitke-r, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Nilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. The Board's attention is called to the fact that the herein- after enumerated assessments covering certain real property in the City of Newport Beach and owned by the said City, part of which is now devoted to a public use and the balance of which is held as vacant property by said City, the said assessments are included in the district for the improvement of Central Avenue and other streets in said City, described in Resolution of Intention No. 215, passed by the Board of Trustees of said City on February 5, 1923. The assessments and their respective amounts are as follows: Asst. No. Amount. Asst. No. Amount. 1 5 ?67.73 . 245 5 ?55.40 71 16.06 246 55.40 73 16.06 247 55.40 74 16.06 248 55.40 75 16.06 249 55.40 76 16.06 250 55.40 240 55.40 251 55.40 241 55.40 252 55.40 242 55.40 253 55.40 243 55.40 1371 25.50 244 55.40 The total aggregate thereof being the sum of Nine Hundred Forty -nine and 13.100 (2949.13) Dollars. The Board finds that the property covered by the above enumerated assessments is o=ed by the City of Newport Beach and that the said assessments now remain unpaid for the cost and expenses of said improvement. The Board also finds that the City of Newport Beach is unable to pay the claims as represented by the above enumerated assessments and desires that the total aggregate thereof be included V 147 in the total unpaid assessment upon which bonds shall be issued, and on motion of Trustee Geo. P. Wilson seconded by Trustee Conrad Richter and unanimously carried, the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach agrees to include in the yearly tax levy sufficient moneys to cover the principal and accrued interest for the payments of the claims against the said City,; as represented by the above enumerated assessments. Trustee H. C. Sloan introduced a Resolution determining the amount of the unpaid assessments for the work done and improvement made pursuant to Resolution of Intention No. 215, the Resolution was ' ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 262, the roll. was called amd the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter, Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. Mr. J. H. Dimmill representing W. P. Jeffries Co, presented a bid o° A375.00 for printing the bonds on the unpaid paving assessments and on motion of Trustee H. C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the printing of the bonds was awarded to W. P. Jeffries Co. at the price of their bid. Trustee Geo. P. Wilson introduced a Resolution finding and determining that the public interest and necessity requires the opening and widening of the South Drive of Central Avenue, and describing the property necessary to be taken therefor. The Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 264, the roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. Trustee Conrad Richter introduced an Ordinance declaring it to be the intention of the Board of Trustees to order tti^ro certain alleys in the City of Newport Beach widened; the-Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Ordinance No. 248 and referred to the City Attorney. Trustee H. C. Sloan introduced a Resolution adopting certain plans for the improvement of portions of 36th Street and Finley Avenue. The Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 265, the roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent,Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. Trustee Geo. P. Wiluon introduced a Resolution of Intention to order the improvement of portions of 36th Street and Finley Avenue under the Improvement Act of 1911. The Resolution was ordered filed, read, considered, designated Resolution No. 266, the roll was called and the Resolution passed by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Schnitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustees L. S. Wilkinson. ' The President of the Board of Trustees and the City Clerk were ordered to execute in the name of the City, to the State of California, a deed for highway purposes, being a portion of Lot 172 in Block 1 of Irvine Subdivision by the following vote: Ayes, Trustees J. J. Sclniitker, H. C. Sloan, Geo. P. Wilson, Conrad Richter. Noes, Trustees None. Absent, Trustee L. S. Wilkinson. A Lap of Tract IIo. 553 Gibson Home Acres of Fairview Farms was held up awaiting the customary blue print for the City. There being no further business on motion of Trustee II.C. Sloan seconded by Trustee Geo. P. Wilson and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock p.m. on Monday, October 22 1923. Approved 1'�71 9 ATTrST -l'� _ �� ent Board —oi- Trustees. �� City Cl rk.