HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/22/1924 - Regular MeetingPresident Geo.P.'.'rilson introduced a propos tion to transfer from the
General Fund the sum of Ci69,656,00 for the pur_)ose of covering over - drafts
in the following funds., 7Vatcr Works Extension, Bridge Fluid, Camp I3ain-
tainance Fund, Library Fund, Salary Fund, and Street Fund. On motion
of Trustee '`Iilkinson, Seco ded by trustee Young and carried, the City
Clerk was ordered to transfer the funds as suggested,
R. :;. Burris addressed the Board stating that the sidevralk at
3oth St. Taas in bad condition and in danger of falling in. Oh motion
of Trustee 1:7ilkinson, seconde d by trustee Richter, and mcarried, the
matter was referr;:d to the Street Superintendent with the instruction to
repair the place mentioned at once and send the bill to the ormers of the
adjacent property.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to
T -londay December, 22, 1924. at 7;30 P.M.
&r- P
Pres. Board o> Trustees.
Newport Beach, City Hall, December 22,1924.
At the hour of 7;30 o'clock P.I:i.of I.Ionday December 22,1924
the Board of Trustees being convened in regualr session at the Council
'Chamber in the City H2illof the City of Newport Beach, that being the date,
hour, and place fixed for the hearing of protests or objections to the
formation of minicipal improvement district No.4 of the city of Nevrpbrt
Beach, as provided for in Ordinance of Intention No.267, proceeded to
hear any and all protests and objections filed, and any and all persons
appearing to object or protest. No protests or objections were filed
and no person appearing to object or did object.The Board of Trustees deeded
it had acquired jurisdiction to proceed further in accordance with lava,
and�Yal r�e��oo foa Ser}1!e °�nr na1 b P11 teat portion of the city of I�etaport Beach -
01SIVIlld Se i o �r, ed n- a munib>. f ilnprovenlent district and which portion
of said city is described as follo-ws:
,Located in the City of Newport Department, January 18, 1917; thence
htorthwesterly, along the U. S. Bulk -
beach, Couniy d Orange, State of ;head Line, extending from U. S, Bulk -
California, and beginning at the in- head Station No. 108 to U. S. Bulkhead' '
tersection of the northeasterly line of Station No. 1o9, as said Bulkhead line
surf Avenvue, and the northwesterly I and Bulkhead stations are laid out
line of B Street; thence southeasterly, and shown upon the aforesaid Map
along the northeasterly line of Surf of Newport Bay, California, showing
Avenue to the southeasterly line of E harbor lines, to the last mentioned
Street; thence southeasterly In a di- U S. Bulkhead Station No. 109; thence
rect line to the southwesterly corner northwesterly in a direct line to the
of Lot "F" of 'Tract No. 518, as per northeasterly corner of Lot 7, Block
map thereof recorded in Miscellone ••S" of the Bay Front Section of the
;yus Maps Book 17, pages 88, 84, 85 avid Balboa Tract, as recorded in Mix-
86, Records of Orahge County, Cali- cellaneous Maps Book 6, page 15, rec-
fornia; thence southeasterly along ords of Orange County, California;
the southwesterly and southerly lines thence westerly and northwesterly
of Lots F, G, H, 1, and J, of the afore- along the northerly and northeasterly
said Tract No. 518 to the southeasterly line of the aforesaid Bay Front Sec -
corner of the last mentioned Lot J; tion of the Balboa Tract to its inter -
thence northwesterly in a direct line! section with the northeasterly pro.
to the most southerly corner of Lot I longation of the northwesterly line of
1, Block "P" of the aforesaid Tract, B Street; thence southwesterly along
No. 518; thence northeasterly along the northwesterly line of B Street to
the southeasterly line of the last men - he place of beginniug;—MEN&&athe
tioned Lot 1 to the most easterly corn-
er of the last mentioned Lot 1; thence
northwesterly along the northeasterly) '
line of the last mentioned Lot 1 and
along the northeasterly line of Lot
"M ", Block "P ", of the aforesaid
Tract No. 518, to U. S. Bulkhead Sta-
tion No. 108, as said Bulkhead Sta-
tion is laid out and shown upon a
map of Newport Bay, California, show-
ing harbor lines, approved by the War
z -
That the municipal improvement district for;:ied of said
territory and portion of the city of Newport Beach be named Known as,
Trustee H.C.Sloan then introduced an prdinance entitled as
An Ordinance of the city of Nevrport each defining Ahd
establishing the boundaries of a municipal improvement district.
in said city, designating the name by which it shallbe known '
and calling an election to be held within the.district and
providing for the submission to the electors thereof, a
proposition of incurring a debt by trig issuance of the bone- -
of such district for the purposes set forth in Ordinance of Inten=
tion No.267, reciting the objects and purposes for which the
proposed indebtedness is to be incurred, the nature of the
ipprom ,ements to be acquired ^' _ °�, the estimated cost
thereof, the amount of the principal of the indebtedness to be
incurred therefor, and the rate of interest to be paid on said
indebtedness, fixing the dat on which such election shall be
held, the manner of holding the same, azwd the manner of voting
for or against said proposition.
The Ordinance was ordered filed, read, considered,
designated Ordinance No.271 and referred to the city attorney.
Mr. Horace G.I:Iiller asked the Board of Trustees of the
city of Newport Beach to abandon and close up Bay Avenue from "B" Street
down stating that as a property owner in that section, he thought it
would be well be assure people fronting on the Bay that their property
would not have a fill in front of them that would cut them off from the
water. The matter was discussed and the city attorney gave it as his
opinion that in case of an abandonment, the property would go back to
the original subdividers. The matter was discussed and on motion of '
Trustee Sloan seconded by trustee Wilkinson and carried, the matter
was referred to the committee as a whole.
Mr. George Neil submitted to the Board a proposition
of assessing the city for the amount of x}800.00. On motion of trustee
Richter seconded by trustee Sloan and carried, the matter was referred
to the committee as a whole.
The matter of a landing on the Neqport Pier was discussed
and on motion of Trustee Bilkinson seconded by Trustee Sloan and carried,
the Clerk was instructed to notify the applicants that it was the intention
of the Board of Trustees: to grant their application Provided that they
submit plans acceptable to City Engineer Kressly and Specifications and
agreement acceptable to the Board of trustees and approved by City Attorney-
Clyde Bishop. City Attorney Bishop stated that the zoning Ordinance should
be carried over as the matter was not in form to present to the Boabd.
There being no further business, on motion of trustee Wilkinson
seconded by Trustee Sloan, and carried, the meeting was adjourned to
7:30 P.M. Monday Dec. 29,1924.
'; _ es, oar o ruatees.