HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1925 - Regular Meeting246 City Tlall, Nevrnort Be ^.ch California, Elarch 2,1925. The Board of Trustees of the City of Nevr)ort Beach, met in re7ular session on the above date. The meeting was called to order by President Geo.P.7lilson. The roll was called sho',ring t:,.e full bo ^.r ^d present T•rustee Ri::hterg .-rho .-.,as basent on leave, the trustee Sloan. the re ports of the heads oi' del)artments were read, approved and ordered filed. The minu;:es of the previous meeting mere read and approved. Communications mere read and referred to the proper order of business. I Hearing on "L" Street abandonment: I.Ir. Robert M.Frick presented pla t'le proposed streets to be opened for the city for the abandonment of L.Street. The plan was that an Ordinance ;rould be passed covering the plans acceptable to t'_ze Board were received. as _to the Board shcnring of Nerr-,ort Beach in return discu ssed and it was decided matter as soon as final Mr. Paul E.Kressl:-, city engineer, presented the Board of Trust- ees .rith plans of a proposed re- subdivision of the Harvey property on Sec.5 of Balboa Island The plans mere discussed and referred back to the City Engineer. The estimate of Advertising manager Harry Welch for the noth of Lurch ,-ras an-)roved and the amount required in his est'mate was ordered set aside out of the Advertising Fund. A co:munication was received from Fire Chief Jackson, calling the attention of the Board to the necessity of a new fire hall. On motion of trustee '.7ilkinson seconded by trustee Young, and carried, the request was referred to the Fire and crater committee, City Engineer Kressl7 reported on his investigation of the request of the Sims- Guedel Co.;, for the abandonment of certain 7ortions of Carnation Ave, Corone Del Idar, mr. Kressly stated that .iri vibw bf the..fgct that, the' Sifrm•reGuedel-Co. owned the property on both sides.of the portion to be abandoned and that the new streets guaranteed to the city would be of great benefit to that section, I he trerefore reconnnerlded that the trustees start proceedings for the abandonment of a portion of Caranation Ave and the laying out of a street across Block 330. on motion of Trustte Young, seconded by trustee Wx ',ilkinoon, and carried, the report of the City Engineer was accepted hhd his reco.;n-wedation was ordered carried out. A communication from the Board of regarding the use of Highways by Heavy trucks and filed. Petitions were presented the Board of Trus of the !"Washington Street vrharf to private parties Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young and carried, referred to the committee as.a whole. Trustees pf -Imperia.l busses was read and ordered gees vdgarding the leasing On motion_ of trustee the petitions were In the matter of paving of Central Avenue, on motion of Trustee Young seconded by trustee '.7ilkinson and carried, the City 2mxxLx=r Engineer was instructed to prepare planssand start proceedings at once for paving Central,Aveue from "B" St. dorm and the side streets from "C "- street to "K" Street. City Marshall Porter called the attention of the Board to the fact that there wrere no street lights on Coast Blvd. from 38th street to the Bridge at the City limits. on motion of Trustee ?`Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young, and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to' prepare proceedings for the coristrustion of an Ornamental lighting system to extend from 38th St. along Coast Boulevard to the ilesterly city limits. R.C.Bell stated that the pavillion at Necrport was in need of repairs, and paint. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson seconded by trustee Yound and carried, the matter was referred to the Stree Committee and street Superintendent. Trustee Sloan being absent, 'Trustee Young was appointed to serve on the finance conmwittee. On motion of trustee Wilkinson, seconded bytrustee Young, and carried the demands as ap roved by the finance cor.Lmittee were approved and warrants drawn. ThQre being no rurther business on motion of thustee Young seconded by trustee I'lilkinson and. carried, the meet g w-ra adjourned to 7;30 P.i. ?'Wednesday L'Iarch 16,1925.' � Ap -)roved y� resident of Board of -- Attest A� ,