HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/27/1925 - Regular Meeting254 r City Hall, Newport Beach.April 27,1925. The Board of Trustees of the city of Newport Beach met in regular session on the above date at 7 :30 o1clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Pres. Geo.P.Wilson. The roll was called, showing the full Board present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The special committee revision of the city license ordinance reported and recommended that a license of $5.00 per day be charged fm peddlers, payable quarterly in advance, and that a license of $10.00 per day be charged street hawkers. On motion of trustee Wilkinson seconde by trustee Yound and carried, the report of the committee was accepted End the city license ordinance ordered amended as suggested. There- upon Trustee Sloan.introduced AN ORDINANCE PRESERIBING A LICENSE UPON CRRTAi TRADES OCCUPATIONS AND CALLINGS CARRIED O.? IN.THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH AND REPEALING ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFFICT THEREWITH. The ordinance was filed, read, designated Ordiance No.276, and was passed to the second reading, In the matter of the sale of the property of Mrs. Story to the city of Newport Beach, on motion of trustee Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young, and carried, the President and Clerk of the Board were authorized to sign the agreement og sale in behalf of the City of Nevgport Beach, City Engineer Kressly presented a written report in the matter of the widening of certain portions of Agate Avenue. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson..seconded by trustee Sloan, and carried, the report was accepted and ordered filed and the City Clerk ordered to communicate with Mr. F.A.Mckosky as to 'the recommendations made in the City Engineers report. In the matter of the request of the Balboa Island Improve- ment Association for a standard form of specification for piers and landings,-city engineer Kressly in a written report to the Board, ' recommended a standard specification be used to regulate the building of private piers and landings within the City. Therebeing no ob- jection, the matter was referredback to the City Engineer with instructions to prepare a standard form as advised, for the inspection of the City Council. A communication having been received from the Women's Civic League, requesting tlmat a wank be constructed to the East Newport Comfort Station. 'on motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Sloan and carried, the matter was Deferred to Street Supt. with power to act. Application of the Palisades Club to construct a pier and float at their property at Corona Del Mar, was referred to the City Engineer and the Clerk was instructed to communicate with the Olub advising them of the action taken. Application to erect a pier on Lots 1 and 2 in B1k.N of Balboa Bay Front Tract for Dr. Walton Hubbard and T.O.Herzog, Ben Cope builder, having been laid over for two weeks, and approved by City Engineer was granted subject to will of the Boards . Application to construct a pier on Lots 112,3,4, in Block 6 of East Newport Tract for F.191.Potter, Ben Cope builder, was laid over for the usual two weeks. 15 to 19 Ben Cope pbuilder having�teenplaidroverc for t twotweeks ,rwas lots ' granted on condition that if the pier should ever interferd with navigation; �t should be recondtructed so that it would not extend be- yond the pier. head line. Request of Prank Smith to construct a pier in front of Lot 15 in B1k.14 of Sec. 2 Balboa Island, was laid over for two weeks. The communication was read by Trustee Richter in which Mr. J.A. Beek, Mr. Harry Welch, The Harbor Commission, the Asst.Harbor Master Spofford especially were thanked for information and statistics given on the Harbor to the Conanandant of the 11th Naval Dist.San Pedro Calif. The writer,Jefferson D.Smith Lieutant Conmlander U.S.Navy, stated that there was no Submarine Base on the Pacific Coast and that he hoped some scheme might be promoted whereby Newport Harbor might be.made a Submarine Base. 255 Request of the Fleming Construction Co. to have the lowering of S.P.grade held up, was discussed and referred to a Committee, Glen Helms and Lew H.Wallace for investigation and report. On motion of Trustee Sloan seconded by Trustee Young, and carried upon call of the roll, the Bond of G.W.Wellingham, the house mover and of Vilm.Nies, plumber and the Newpoert Harbor Pub.-Co.., were accepted and ordered filed. C City Marshall, T. A: Porter brought up the matter of parking cars on the Ocean Front between McFadden P1 and 22nd St. to the attention of the Board, stating that there was great danger to persons coming from the beach, under the present condition. The matter was discussed and referred back to Mr.Porter for his recommendation as to any other streets wheee parking should be prohibited. Maps of a location for the weather and life - saving stations were presented to the Board and the matter having been discussed, was referred to Mr. Harry Welch and Lew H.Wallace, to present the matter to the Harbor Commission and Board of Supervisors to see if the8 could not bear at least a part of the expense of a permanent lease etc. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Sloan and carried, the Clerk was ordered to advertise the old Balboa Comfort Station, the building only to be sold, the city retaining all fixtures lavratoi+ies etc. Sealed bids to be received May 18,1925, the Council reserving the right to reject any and all bids. There being no ,further business, on motion of Trustee Wilkinson, teconded by Trustee Sloan and carried, the meeting was adjourned sine die. 0 res e n of a Board of Trustees Attest y er ,/. Approved a Z