HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/19/1925 - Regular Meeting0 _'.91 A communication was received from J.K.Smith requesting a lease on the Bay Front from 19th St. east 1501. Period of lease bo be Em 15 or 20 years. On motion of Trustee Young, seconded by trustee Richter and carried, the Chair was directed to appoint a committee to be known as the "Harbor Cmmmittee", the number to be left to the discretion of the Chair, said committee to handle all matters pertaining to the Harbor. Mr. L.L.Garrigues representing the school children of the district appealed to the Board of Trustees for aid in furnishing a school bus to carry children in outlying districts to and from school. The matter was ' refered to the eity Attorney Bishop, who reported that in his opinion the city could not legally appropriate money for this purpose. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Young and carried, the bond of City Treasurer C.A.Thompson was approved as per the date thereof, Oct. 121925. Trustee being absent, Trustee Young was appointed on the finance committee. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young, and carried, the.demands ap approved by the finance corunittee were allowed and warrants ordered drawn. On motion of trustee Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young, and carried the estimate of City Advertiseing Manager, Welch, of $155.00 for the month of August 1925 was allowed, and that amount ordered set aside out of the advertising fund. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Young, and carried, the Clerk was oreered to advertise for bids on kk a safe, . specifications to be furnished by the Tax Collector. There being no other business, on motion of Trustee Wilkinson seconded by trustee Young and carried, the meeting was adjourned to ' 7:30 o'clock P.M. Oct. 1921925. .L I City Hall, Newport Beach,Oct. 19,1925. The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regualr session on the above date. President Wilson being absent, on motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young, and carried, Trustee Richter was elected President pro tem. The Board having organised, proceeded with the order of business. The roll was called showing the full board present with exception of Trustees H.C.Sloan and Geo.P.,Wilson. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. This being the hour set for the opening of bids on a safe for the tsx department, the Board ordered the o ,)ening of all bids received. There being but one bid, that of Sam Stein at a price of $807.00, on motion. Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Yound, and carried, the bid of Sam Stein on the safe specified, at a price of 807.00 was accepted the order to be placed at once. A communication was received from Geo.C.Fttterman regarding the re- opening of the cannery between 24th and 26th St., the object being to operate the cannery as a fish cannery and fish meal plant. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson Seconded by Trustee Young, and carried, the matter was refered to the City Advertiseing Manager for report. The application of Ben Cope to construct a pier in front of Lot 9 in Block 1 of Section 1 of Balboa Island, was laid over for two wkeks for the approval of the city engineer. A petition was received from the Newport Bay Dredging Co., asking that the City make a segregation of the Assessment of McFadden 286 �? G Place, as shovn against- their property. The Clerk was ordered to reply that the time of protest of the assessment was passed, and beyond the - control of the Board of Trustees. On motion of Trustee Young, seconded by Trustee Tilkinson and carried, the Clerk was ordered to forward the agreement of sale of real estate between Edna R.Storey and the City of Newport Beach to the Orange County Title So., and to write Mrs.Storey and request that she send the deed for the property to the Orange Co.Title Co., On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by trustee Young and carried, the President and Clerk were authorized to deaw a warraty fm $919.79 ' and forward same to the Orange County Title Co., in full payment on the purchase according to the agreement. First Reading Ordinance No.282. Trustee Young introduced the following: Ordinance No.282 "An ordinance of the Borad of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach designating the name by which certain lands deeded to the said city for public street purposes shall be known and called." Thereupon the roll was called and Ordinance No.282 was passed to the second reading by the following vote. Ayes: Turstees Conrad Richter, Fred W.Young and L.S.Wilkinson. Noes: Trustees, None. AbsentrTrustees, H.C.Sloan and Geo.P.Wilson. ate, �•. �s�cd C� ada fR4;1 se Trustee Wilkinson introduce the following, "A resolution of the Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach, California, relating to the issunace of street improvement Bonds' pursuant to resolution of intention number 312 determining the amount of unpaid assessments, prescribing the denominations of such bonds and pr)viding for their issuance" which motion was seconded by trustee Young and passed by the following vote. ' Ayes: Trustees Conrad Richter, Fred W.Young,L.S.?"lilkinson. Noes: Trustees, None, Absent; Trustees H.C.Sloan an Geo.P.Wilson, In the matter of obtaining a crossing at 31st St., the matter was discussed and there being no objection, was refered to Mr.Burris to obtain an opinion from the property owners in the vicinity as to the advisability in having a crossing at that poitt. A petition and plan of certain improvments on 31st Ave. Corona Del Mar, was refered to the City Planning Commission for investigation. There being no further business, on motion of Trustee Wilkinson, seconded by Trustee Young, and carried, the meeting was adjourned Sine Die. SIGNED - - - - -- Prealdente board or rus ees Attest: CIty Clerk-