HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1925 - Regular Meeting29.1 City H•.11, Ye••:port Beach, :overnber 2, 1925 The Board. of Trustees of the City of ITewport Beach, met in re.L,ulqr session on the above date at 7 :30 o'clock P. L.. The meatin- cr_.s c ^lied to order by ?resident George P. ".'ilson. The roll Y!as c, V.- ed, shorrinj the full board present, except Trustee E. C. Sloan. The minutes of the previous meeting i,,ero rend, and ?.pnrovr O.. . Reports of heads of dep- rtments ­.,ere road and on motion of Trustee Yount, seconded by Trustee Richter and carried sere accepted a -d ordered filed. i.:r. `.altor Burriss reported on the opening of Thirty -First Stre ^t across t1^e P. E. Right of '!ay and stated th,t after investi- 11.tion, he believed a street runnir- parallel r!ith the P. E., from Thirtieth t•o Thirt ?* -Sixth Streets would be of groat--r advtnta -e. Tilere,opon the 'City En .-ineer CJas requested toy make a dr?: /im.,, of tl'e proposed street from the P. E. Company's Consideration. Trustee Yount moved the adoption of the follorrin : IESOLUTION NO. 351. ,s R'- .SOLIT ^ICI: :,C CI . -G II': z3EEiLF OF �I::: CITY OF ;-RiJTTi,:L', A GPLI'.T' OF Rai L PROP RTY EI)Yj' R. F - ;I CGTTS(,:' °.TORY, which motion wa3 seconded by Trustee Richter and passed by the follosing vote. -- Trustees "ilson, Yo=, Richter, and 7ilkirson. Yc ;S -- Trustees none. P-77- TE-;S -- Trustee Sloan. ' Trustee ?ic?lter iaoved the adoption of t),e follo`:rin,�: R "ESOLUTION NO. 352. n= :od by A " I' A C^ R?'-sl:. �-!hich the follo• in Il: BIT.t,LF OF 211. CITY C. iI's,L P OP', "TY F70O F:; ;D E. R, 'I -, .I'CR motion ':ias seconded by Trustee '.­ill-irson qnd vote. i.V ,'` -- Trusteos 'Nilson, Your ,-:, Richter, and . '.:ilkinson. ?•'0' ;-, -- Trustees none. A,,: 1-3 -- mrustee Sloan. Truste^ .7il'.-inson noved tha adoption of the £ollo,. -!inG. RESOLUTION NO. 353. ii 3:.SOI,U7IC'I'.:- .CCEPTI ?3� Oil B Ii..LF OF T L CITY CF i'- :'PORT `,BE „CH AS :"3_.J'?E I A GR_,ITT 07 1i :_.L PROPERTY FROI: TH' P <_CIFIC L-, ]`­IC 11M.P .rY, which motion c:as seconded by Trustee YounE; and p.•.ssed b« the follo�-'ing vote. AY.:S--Trust,�es 'Nilson, Younpj, Richter, and '7-111.inson. ITC -;S-- Trustees none. ;.S -- Trustee Sloan. The ClorL' notified the Board that this , -v s the ti:-e and nl ^ce fixed, oursu2nt to st.tute,to hear objections c!Yhy bonds should not be issn =d unon the unn.:i? c�sess• en's for ., construction of t112 s s'-1:, in th ^.t- certain territory 1- no, --n as Corona Del i.:,.r, ,s nor 3osol- ution of intention ::o: 304, rind rlso r000rted th -t no written objectio ^s h•.d. ';e-n r -ic',ived. The president innuir;d i.f `h ^re acre ;:n.y persons pr ^ra I-rho wished to cntor :ny objoction. ,io person d- siri.n . to be h .,.0. in the sn^tter, Trustee Young offered and moved the adoption of Resolution 1'o. 354. RESOLUTION NO. 354. C..I I''C, _._ 292 'ITTRI;TT 17�_ �_c --:- C'] 7'T­1_ v 7`T('1_. !_.O. ::,04 T­7-i7: IT­' ..k . - OF ­T-ID 11?OVT�T­ �Cp, ITY' IT Trustee Richter, -,nd PFESC-I"T:` D3:7C1'T_z.T!"_' ::hich motion '.T.3 on c-11 of 1.110 roll, passed by seconded b­ 0 the follo,:?in3 vote. I `VIS--Trustees '.�J'ilson, Young, Richter, ind 7'il�-inson. _'C.7�--Trustees none. _BCEY.'AlE­:S--TrUstce Sloan. ORDINANCE NO. 282. AN ORDI7',`CE OF TT ;OA-D 07 T :1�1_ OF 1 -1 . I I � . I FORT B_]ACH DE-I- s ,": TII'.G ]HT-: BY '71ICH L SAID CITY, FOR ?UBLIC STRE­T 1 %FD HI'lr-',Y PITIPO S' :S CALL'•'D., came up for final reading, and upon call passed by the follo,.,.ling vote. .11-l" CITY OF YE7.r. P-77)7T) "0 THE SIL.LL =1 L- WD :)f the roll, was AYES--Trustees '.7ilson, Young, Richter, and '.-jilkinson. l'OES--Trustees none. BS-E�T-'_: I ,TS.- �i � ­1 -Trustee Sloan. Trustee '..1i11-,.nson moved the _-- option of the follo,.-;in.r,: RESOLUTION NO. 346. A FZ-1SO_ LTTIO1l CF TH-.:" 701,:2D C' 7t7371�3 OF 2-H:, CITY OF H­- PORT BE,rH T7 _G SPECIFICATIONS YO. 39 FOF, 00 7Q­, 7='1I 0 C:1 -T) -T T C07CT-=__,� -,:_7.rET.-,ENTS, C:1 Co--C- .J-�7E CURBS TT COKC-ET- -S "'ITHI-7 C.-ID CITY, which motion was seconde.d. by —trustee youn,L, and passed by y the follo• :iinS vote. AYES­Trustaes "Jil3on, Young, Richter, and '::ill-inson. ­107S--Trustc--s none. AB:')7`7-_1WS--Trustee Sloan. City Eln.-ineer, Kressly, presented a det, - ilod ,ol,?.n for the. Davin.- of Central Avenue from "B" Street to the Peninsular and the paving of certain other streets, thereupon Trustee Richter moved the adoption of the follo,.,.rin,,: \1 RESOLUTION NO. 347. "Ll"IT CF TKE 30.,71D CF '2RV-_T c7l CIr-7 C. PORT `-CH C=7..T;? PL,ITS FOR '2H' 11-FROV T.- -1,17 0" C`.` IN FORTI'�I_.S OF CEI'T'�1J, .�V�3'U_,� --I'D _`'D T :VS CITY: which motion ,.las .-aconded b, ^r stee Young, and passed by the follo7!in] vote. "Tj I p ,C)nj YOU-I'-,, and `illrinson. AYES­Ti'ust-�-G .-- -1 Richtcr� °C- :S-- Trusties -,One. 35 :S -- Trustee Sloan. Trustee voung moved the adoption of the RESOLUTION NO. 348. !, SCiUTICh OF THE Dn,_IFD CITY OF NE '- ?CRT D7"CL _:'T­- (V OF :T 'IR I:'TH'TI('1' TO 0=1:'R 2'Ti-. 1L C-_"'ZT�T7 PC7ZTIn---S OF CET%TRAL 7- .t L.SYS IPFT:1 S-I; CITY, U==R TI-PROVE-1 _.CT -'S 07 S,,ID . CT, -:11ich motion r> .s seconded Trustee Ric tor, and paS3-d by the follo•:IinS vote. "y_S__rrUSt3eS ilson, Yol,,n. . Richter, -nd *.7i. J VI inson. Trusto-.s none. Sloan. The renu:ist of '.7ater Suporint-Indent Daley for R --za,:-r cloanin,r machine, the cost of which is estiriat-id at "800.00, was .c,forred back to -1-1p '.:ester Sunerintenderit and 'i!ater Committee for r--nort. The ro7u .st of 1'0 City :,dverti.s in.; i, ,:n•, er for • n :znnropri- ation of ;'175.00 for po•. -:cr boat races for Lccom,or 6, 1925, and -n an- propri ^.tion of '110.00 for the ;,r:oricnn Lo -ion float on .,rmistice day was read and on motion of Trustee 'Jilkinson, seconded by Trustee Youn3, and carried, ;305.00 was ordered set aside out of the City Advertising Fund. pe`ition °r received from Funcheon nd Brig 3s, requesting a statement of the intentions of the Board in re",,rd to the property of ir;r. C. C. Henry, which covers half of the •idth of Central :.venue for a distance of 232 feet. The matter :r s discrssed and on xiotion of Trustee - Young, seconded by Trustee 'ailkinson, and carried, the City yn�i ^ear -:!as requests: to furnish ;:he City Attornei* ;,rith data suffidie-t for '"•e condemnation of the property in question. An outline of trte district to be Assessed and the property to be tal�en. A request of I "r. harry lelch, City Advertising i.s'_na or, thr t the City of I'.cr:oort Be ^.ch adopt a gc.soline Ordin^ance sir:;i.l,s to the Co,-inty Or:lina�nce I:o. 248, :ras referred to the conimittoe as a : .,hole. q co:,acunicn.tion was received from L;r. B. e.. Stone in nrhieh he offered to conirey the ":est^,rly 10 feet of Lot 19, in Block 21 of .'ea- nort Beach for the suri of ;'5833.33 was referred to the co- -ittoe -.s a 1 :•.,hole, and the Clerk was ordered to find the amount of taxes i,:r. Stone had paid on this strip during his ownership of Lot 19, Block 21 of Newport Beach Tract. On motion of Trustae 'Zilkinson, seconded by Trustee Yount;, and carried, the request of Harry I '.. Rouse for an extension of time of 40 days on the Lighting contract on Balboa Isl^nd was �;rr.ntod. The request of Ben Cope to construct a pier in front of Lot 4, in Block 5 of Section 1, for J. C. Axelson, and the construction of a pier in front of Lot 5, in Block 6, of Section 2, of Balboa Island, for Adelbery Axelson, :ras laid over for two weeks for the approval of the City /;nlpinocr. On motion of Trustee Will,inson, seconded by Trustee Youn,;, and carried, the recruest of the City Clerk for the transfer of certain funds !.-;as granted Lnd the tr:.nsfor ordered carried out. The complaint of Henrietta Craft in referrence to her assess- ed valuation on Lot 9, in Block 7 of Balboa Tract was referred to the City Assessor. The notice of A. Dera_:a of life gu ^.rds _nd pilots -.-!he were There bein- no objection the reco-r:,mendations as set forth by the Harbor Committee �•rore referred to the Committee as a :!hole. ' The report of the co:.,mittee investigatin5 the matter of - fish cannery and reducir . pl -ant s.s advoc»ted by I,ir. Fetterman, was dis- for Charles cussed, and a motion of Trustee 71ilkinson, seconded by Trustee Young, Section 1, and carried, a committee of 2 was ordered appointed to go lith i.,r. for 2 Fetterman and investigate other plants of a litre nature at San Pedro sllo :•ed, and :ilmin;ton. The Chair thereupon appointed Trustee Richter ?nd i.-r. Sam ]-,y-r •_,s the con-.ittee. pe`ition °r received from Funcheon nd Brig 3s, requesting a statement of the intentions of the Board in re",,rd to the property of ir;r. C. C. Henry, which covers half of the •idth of Central :.venue for a distance of 232 feet. The matter :r s discrssed and on xiotion of Trustee - Young, seconded by Trustee 'ailkinson, and carried, the City yn�i ^ear -:!as requests: to furnish ;:he City Attornei* ;,rith data suffidie-t for '"•e condemnation of the property in question. An outline of trte district to be Assessed and the property to be tal�en. A request of I "r. harry lelch, City Advertising i.s'_na or, thr t the City of I'.cr:oort Be ^.ch adopt a gc.soline Ordin^ance sir:;i.l,s to the Co,-inty Or:lina�nce I:o. 248, :ras referred to the conimittoe as a : .,hole. q co:,acunicn.tion was received from L;r. B. e.. Stone in nrhieh he offered to conirey the ":est^,rly 10 feet of Lot 19, in Block 21 of .'ea- nort Beach for the suri of ;'5833.33 was referred to the co- -ittoe -.s a 1 :•.,hole, and the Clerk was ordered to find the amount of taxes i,:r. Stone had paid on this strip during his ownership of Lot 19, Block 21 of Newport Beach Tract. On motion of Trustae 'Zilkinson, seconded by Trustee Yount;, and carried, the request of Harry I '.. Rouse for an extension of time of 40 days on the Lighting contract on Balboa Isl^nd was �;rr.ntod. The request of Ben Cope to construct a pier in front of Lot 4, in Block 5 of Section 1, for J. C. Axelson, and the construction of a pier in front of Lot 5, in Block 6, of Section 2, of Balboa Island, for Adelbery Axelson, :ras laid over for two weeks for the approval of the City /;nlpinocr. On motion of Trustee Will,inson, seconded by Trustee Youn,;, and carried, the recruest of the City Clerk for the transfer of certain funds !.-;as granted Lnd the tr:.nsfor ordered carried out. The complaint of Henrietta Craft in referrence to her assess- ed valuation on Lot 9, in Block 7 of Balboa Tract was referred to the City Assessor. The notice of A. Dera_:a of life gu ^.rds _nd pilots -.-!he were 6 conununication from J. H. Estus was read in which he offered to install gas cooking pl,.tes at the City Camn "Ground. Thero :roro no objections, and the matter ::!as referred to the committee .-s a °hole, On motion of Trustee Vi1'.:ir.son, seconded by Trustee Youn3i and carried, the der.rands as approved by the Finance Committee ::ere al- lo od -,nd :,rrcnts o_--tiered drawn. qualified for '1.he City Life Guard and Pilot service was read .nd order.. ^d filed. The request of 3en Cope for the construction of _: nier in front of Lot 9, in Block 1, of Section 2, Balboa Idland, for Charles E. Sranton, and 'a pier.in front of Lot 5, in Block 15, of Section 1, Balboa island for �ailliam K. T..:urphey, having been laid over for 2 Meeks and having been approved by the City Engineer, were sllo :•ed, subject to the will of the Board. 6 conununication from J. H. Estus was read in which he offered to install gas cooking pl,.tes at the City Camn "Ground. Thero :roro no objections, and the matter ::!as referred to the committee .-s a °hole, On motion of Trustee Vi1'.:ir.son, seconded by Trustee Youn3i and carried, the der.rands as approved by the Finance Committee ::ere al- lo od -,nd :,rrcnts o_--tiered drawn. Kelm There being no further inson, seconded by Trustee Young, to 7:30 o'clock P. T:., November 9, Approved Attested City 9 4 c busin -s3 on 'nation of Trustee and carried, tlA� meeting was adjourned 1925. President Bo rd of Trustees City Hall, Newport Beach, November 9, 1925 The Board of Trustees of the City of IWrport BeL.ch, met in regular session on the above date at 7 :30 o'clock P. :.:. The me --ting was called to order by President George P. ".'ilson. The roll was called, showing the full Board present, with the exception of Tr..stee Sloan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ..nd auprov3d. Trustee Richter reperted for the corunittee investi -ating the ' can::ery proposition, and stated that canneries had been visited by the committee and that those using the nee: process were not objectionable and that the employment of Japanese was the only feature that might be objectional. I :r. StLnley Livingston was then called unon and st;.ted that the local fisherman could furnish the c.nnery, and that there was no necessity to employ Japanese help. After soy,.-- discussion, the mat- ter was referred to the committee =:s a :hole for further consideration. A reque-;` for a live 'bait stand at Balboa was reed •.:nd refer- red to the prover order of business. The contract betwoon the City of Kewport Beach, and Roder Bros., for a landing concession on the Balboa Pier, was discussed and referred to the City ; %ttornay for i,evision. Trustee-L. S. ' "?ilkinson introduced an ordinance entitled as follows: ORDIYANCE NO. 283. AN O: DI d!CE CF _'N EOARD CF TRUSTE'-.S OF ?H3 CITY OF HIE. "PORT BE'. CUH DECLARI: