HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/24/1925 - Adjourned Regular MeetingW Wl Approved 16e, 7 Attested City Hall, Newport Beach, Nov. 24, 1925 The Board of Trustees of the City of Newport Beach met in regul5r adjourned session on the above date at 7 :30 o'clock P. 1.:. The meeting was called to order by the President, Geor�,e 1. '7i lson. The roll was called, showir.g the full Board present, with the exception of Trustee Sloan. The readin,,- of the minutes of the previous meeting -.­ere dis- pensed. with. City En3ineer Kressly reported his findin;;s on the bids for the l,:unicipal Ciater 'corks Completion of the City of Yewport Bn-c h. The Board heard and considered the recommendation of the En"ineer as to the letting of the contract, and after some discussion, took the follo• :iing action. For the construction of a 3,000,000 gallon concrete reser- voir, the lowest bid bein;; reported as below the actual cost of the material, all bids were referr,d back to the City Engineer for further investiGation and report. p;r. Se�.'Irook addressed the Board and stat—d. that sn error had bean made.in figuring the cost of the reservoir, and requested the permission of the Board to withdraw his `id. On motion of Trustee Wilkinson, the construction of :'!ood Stave Pipe Line was awarded to the Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. at the price contained in their proposal of and the bids of all contractors except that of the Pacific Rank & Pipe Co. be rejected, and the checks of all unsuccessful bidders ^ere ordered returned. The motion :,as seconded by Trustee Young, and passed by the followin3 vote. VES--Trustees 71ilson, Youn , Richter, '.lilkinson. 'TOES_ -Trustees none. iBS 1•,? -13-- Trustee Sloan. Trustee "!il'=. son moved that the contract for trenching and back- filling, and the construction of culverts, etc., be act -,riled to Stroud Bros. & Seabrook-at , the price contained in their proposal, ind that all bids except that of the Stroud Bros. £: Seabrook be rejected, and tho checks of all unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. The motion was seconded by Trustee Richter, and upon cell of the roll, was passed by the following vote. T,YLS -- Trustees ' :!ilson, Young, Richter, !,7ilkinson. NO'�'S--Trustees none. .;BSEI'.TEES -- Trustee Sloan. Trustee Young moved that the contract for the construction of a 50,000 gallon steel tank and tower be awarded to the ChicaTo Brid .-e & Iron :forks, at the price contained in their proposal of ";S27F,00, ?n' ti. t •11.1 bids extent ;,ricago Bridge 8. Iron Works, be rejected, and the checks returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The motion was seconded by Trustee Your,;, and passed by the follo'::- i.n.- Tro`.e. ;Y ::� -- trustees 'ailson, Young, Richter, '."ilUinson. r IIJ I%C -- Trustees none. ABS'ii: ^ -;ES -- Trustee Sloan. . Trustee '.''i 11:ins n moved that the bids for all cast iron rlork as described in notices to bidders be awarded to Lee R. "!e')ber, v.t the price of '157,545.60, the price contained in his proposition and that the bids of all contractors be rejected except that of Lee R. ,nd that the checks of all unsuccessful bidders be returned to them. The notion was seconded by Trustee Young, and passed by the follo =!ing vote. ' AY-ES -- Trustees ':)ilson, YounT, Richter, Wilkinson. NOES -- Trustees none. A3S7EiTT7,_S -- Trustee Sloan. There being no other business, on motion of Trustee ':!ilkin- son seconded by Trustee Richter, and carried, the meeting was adjourn- ed, sine die. Pr- sident of the Board of Trnsi;�es Approved /l/- -� / / f2 >- t Attistes City Cler 1 ` City Hall, Newport Bench, Dec. 7, 1925 The Bo,.- d of Trustees of City of Nee;povt Bench m•�t in rc.,;ul- ar session on the r, ,ove date, 3t 7 :30 o'clock F. I'. The meeting <<_-.s call ^d to order by President George F. 7!ilson. The roll .-:_.s c�_,.11cd, showin,T `he full Boe.1 °d nr,sent with the exception of Trustee Sloan. The minutes of `he meeting of Yovember 23, 1925 rere read and aoaroved. Reports of h ^lids of dep ?_rtirents were read ^nd a motion of Trus`.ee ':!ilhinson, socondod by Trustee Richter, vivre accented and ord.a.° d filed. Under rr;ports of Special an,' Standin- Corrunitteas, City 7nGinoer Kressly, recommended that th., contract for the 3,000,000 gallon concrete r-�sarvoir be ,ranted to the second lowest bidder, name- ly that of Bowman & Pro':le, -and that all.other bids be rojectod. -be committee, as a =:_hole reporting on the proposition by iVir. Lstus for instalation of gas in the City Camp Grounds, recom- mended th ^t a three year Luarantced contract or a straiSht five year contract be granted him.