HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-22-1927 - Special MeetingME City Hall, Newport Beach,.August 3, 1927. Pursuant to call thereof by the Mayor of the City of Newport Beach, and notice delivered to.each member at least three hours before the time specified for the meeting, the City Council met at the place and on the date above mentioned at 5:00 o'clock P. M.: . The meeting was called to order by Mayor Conrad Richter. The roll was called showing all members present except Councilman H. H. Williamson who came in later. .The call was read and the Council proceeded to consider the subject for which the meeting was called. City Engineer Kressly and Karl B. Kumpe of the Hauser Construction Company presented communications giving the conditions in detail at the jetty, and that something would have to be done at once to prevent the ocean cutting another channel through to the bay leaving the west jetty attached to an island. The matter was discussed thedoughly and on motion of Councilman L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Councilman F. B. Modjeska, the Contractor was instructed under the direction of the supervising engineer, Mr. Paul E. Kressly, to install such temporary work as the Engineer may direct in the present jetty construction necessary to protect the harbor, by.the following vote: AYES, Councilmen L.S.Wilkknson, F.B.Modjeska, Fred W.Young, H.H.Williamson, Mayor Conrad Richter. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. There being no further business embodied in the.call, on motion of Councilman F. B. Modjeska seconded by Councilman Fred W. Young and carried, the meeting adjourned. Approved Sept. 5) 1927-- Mayor ity of Newport Beach. City rk• City Hall, Nei ' prt Beach, August 22, 1927- Pursuant to a call thereof by the Mayor of the City of Newport Beach and notice delivered to each member at least three hours before the time specified for the meeting, the City Council met at the place and on the date above mentioned at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Conrad Richter. The roll was called showing the full Council present. The call was read and the Council proceeded to consider the subjects for which the meeting was called. This being the time set for hearing protests against the issuance of bonds upon the security of unpaid assessments for work done by J. Paul Benson under Resolution of Intention No. 370, passed and adopted by thebBoard of Trustees on March 151 1926; and no protests having been filed and no one present desiring to be heard in the matter of said assessments, thereupon Councilman H.H.Williamson presented a resolution confirming said assessments. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 437, and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen L.S.Wilkinson, F.B.Modjeska, Fred W.Young, H.H.Williameon, Mayor Conrad Richter. NOES, Councilman None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. The matter of leasing a portion of the tidelands across the bay east of Balboa Island was considered, and on motion of Councilman H. H. Williamson seconded by Councilman L. S. Wilkinson and carried, the matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration. M Capt. J. A. Winn reported in regard to the ticket offices on the Newport wharf, that he-would recommend putting up a small building about 44 x 15 feet and dividing it into five booths for the sale of tickets, and no selling of tickets to be allowed outside the booths; the building to cost about $75.00. The matter was considered and on motion of Councilman L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Councilman F. B. Modjeska and carried, the recommendation of the Chief of Police was accepted and he was instructed to carry out the plan, at a cost not exceeding $ 75.00, and with the understanding that the present;:incumbent Smith & Mo Farland, be allowed a booth rent free for -the-term of their present contract. On motion of Councilman H. H. Williamson seconded by Councilman F. B. Modjeska and carried, "the request of the Couthern Beas Club for permission to construct a pier in front of their property at Balboa, was allowed. On motion of Councilman H. H. Williamson seconded by Councilman F. B. Modjeska and carried, the application of Par. Wells for license to sell soft drinks, sandwiches, etc. on the small barge, was allowed. On motion of Councilman F. B. Modjeska seconded by Councilman Fred W. Young and-carried, the application of D. W. Humason for license to exhibit trained mice, was allowed. The danger of the ocean cutting a new channel across the peninsula into the bay was discussed at length, and a number of those present-expressed the opinion that something would have to be done right away. The matter of how far the jetty could be extended on the shore end was considered, and City Attorney stated just so far as was necessary for the protection of the harbor and- no farther. The motion was made by Councilman L. S. Wilkinson seconded by Councilman H. H. Williamson, that the Engineer be instructed to arrajpge at once with the Hauser Construction Company to construct the shore end of the jetty approximately 700 feet westward, the Council to take steps immediately to find ways and-means to finance same, which motion was lost by the following vote: AYES. mouncilmen L. S. Wilkinson, H. H. Williamson. NOES, Councilmen F.B.Modjeska, Fred W.Young, Mayor Conrad Rishter. ABSENT, Councilmen None. The matter was further considered and on motion of Councilman F. B. Modjeska seconded by Couneilman•Fred W. Young, the Hauser Construction Compan$ were instructed to construct the shore end of the west jetty as outlined by the City Engineer and Mr. Kumpe by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen L.S.Wilkinson, F.B.Modjeska, Fred W.Young, H.H.Williameon, Mayor Conrad Richter. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. There being no further business on motion of Councilman F. B. Modjeska seconded by Councilman Fred W, Young and Darr the meeting adjourned. Approved Sept. 5, 1,9927. May Ci f Newport Beach. lJ City Clerk. City Hall, Newport Beach, August 26, 1927. . Pursuant to call thereof by thb Mayor of the City of Newport Beach and notice delivered to each member'at least three hours before the time spedlfied for the meeting, the City Council met at the place and on the date above mentioned at 7130 o'clock P. M. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Conrad Richter. The roll was called showing all members present except Councilman F. B. Modjeska who came in later. The call was read'and the Council proceeded to consider the subjects for which the meeting was called. City Engineer Kressly's letter explaining the conditions at the jetty was read, and he also presented plans for the construction of the shore end of the west jetty approximately 700 feet which was necessary for the proper protection of the harbor. A