HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1931 - Adjourned Regular Meeting278 Finance Committee, were allowed and warrants to be drawn for same. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify Health Off - icer Grundy to be present at the Council meeting next Monday night. There being no further business on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P.M.. on Monday, January 12, 1931. APPROVED: January 12, 1931 4 �a4L� City Clerk City Hall, Newport Beach, Jan. 12, 1931. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing the full Council present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. City Attorney Thompson reported that the condemnation suit with the Pacific Electric Railway Co. for Seashore Drive in West New- port would probably be filed within 10 days or two weeks. Street Supt. Patterson reported that he had notified the. Refinery to move the fences from 43rd Street. He also found one of the derricks was constructed over an alley, and as the manager was away temporarily he had given them 10 days.from last Tuesday to remove same. Mayor Johnson reported that their meeting with the Board of Supervisors "was_not very successful as the Supervisors stated they would not be able financially to do anything before April. The communications were read and acted upon as follows: The petition with 110 signatures asking that the Newport Harbor Outboard Assn, be allowed to hold 5 races yearly on the bay met with considerable discussion from different ones present, and City Attorney Thompson stated that under Ordinance No. 52 the Council could not give a permit for the use of boats without mufflers. Thereupon on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Claire and :carried, the City Attorney was instructed to draw up an amendment to Ordinance No. 52 and any other Ordinance in conflict with this resolu- tion, giving permission to the City Council to grant permits for races with or without mufflers, at not exceeding 7 days per year. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and "carried, the petition was filed. The communication from the California Real Estate Assn. asking for a reply to a former communication in regard to economy of city administration was taken up and on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the Clerk was instructed to notify them that we are conducting the City on as economical a basis as we can. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the request of Fire Chief Crocker for permission to attend the Dire Chiefs Association meeting at "E1 Centro with expenses allowed not exceeding $25.00, was granted. The communication from the Builders Exchange asking an amend - ment'to the building code as outlined in their letter, was considered, and.on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried,-the matter was referred to the Building InBpec;tor and City Attorney for consideration. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried; the communication from the Newport Harbor Outboard Assn., explaining their meaning of the 5 days races, was filed. On motion of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Ells- worth and carried, the communication from the Builders Exchange asking the appointment of a license collector on a yearly basis, was referred to the Police Committee for report. t� J 279 On motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the comm#ication from A. J. Rutter opposing the motor boat races on the bay was filed. The communication from the Crandall Boat Co. asking permission to try out the boats built by them on Wednesdays and Saturdays each _week from 2 to 5 o'clock was considered, and Mr. Crandall verbally addressed the Council stating that it was absolutely necessary to-try out these boats with and without mufflers. After some consideration on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the matter was laid on the table until the matter of the racing boats was disposed of. A communication from the Currie Engineering Co. together with plans and specifications for our proposed sewage treatment plant, were presented and considered, but as we were not ready to accept the plans at this time on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Hilmar and carried, the plans and specifications were.rdferred to the sewer Committee and City Engineer to report on at a future meeting. The request of the Southern Counties Gas Co. for permission to excavate by cutting the pavement in Central Avenue 25 feet east of 14th Street and 75 feet east of 14th Street was considered, and Mr. Rutledge verbally addressed the Council on the matter stating they would want to make 33 excavations in all. After due consideration on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried,' the request was denied. The communication from Harold T. Graham asking that the lease for a live bait concession on Newport Pier be thrown open for bids was taken up, and Councilman Ellsworth reported for the Street Committee that they would consider as long as others wanted a chance at the concession, it was proper to .call for bids, but they would require a little time to get out the plans and specifications. The additional time was granted. On motion of Oouncilman Olaire,seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the communication from Mr. Graham was filed. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the petition of.Geo, 0. Hiner with 63 signatures attached, expressing satisfaction at the way the live bait concession has been handled by_Mr. Hinell, was filed. ' UMPINISHED BUSINESS On motion of Councilman Fulmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the petition and letters favoring the dutboard Motor boat races laid on the table at the last meeting, were filed as the matter is being taken care of. The communication from the Insurance Agents Assn. and the Balboa Island Improvement Assn, in regard to additional fire pro - teotion referred to the fire committee at the last meeting, was .again taken up, but the Committee asked for additional_ time to make their report which was granted. The report of Dr. Grundy on the letter of Mrs.'Clapsadel in regard to report on a dog afflicted with rabies, was read, after which Mr. and Mrs. Clapsadel addressed the Council: in turn explaining their side of the matter. Some argument was had between Mr. & Mrs. Olapeadel, Chief of Police Hodgkinson and Health Officer Dr. Grundy, and as the Health Officer acted as he thought best on the information he received over the telephone, on motion of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the report of Dr; Grundy was filed. R. L. Patterson reported in the matter of the River Avenue bids that he desired to take the matter under advisement for two weeks as there was no sale for bonds at the present time. On motioh of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Kilmer and carried, the demand of Fire Chief Crocker for expenses of ' last month amounting to $13.71, was allowed and warrant to be drawn for same. NE17 BUSINESS Capt. W. A. Bauer of San Pedro addressed the Council asking for the exclusive right to furnish live bait in the City, but Mayor Johnson advised him that the Council was not in favor of granting exclusive privileges, thereupon Mr. Bauer withdrew. 280 7' City Engineer Patterson stated in regard to the grade r separation at the Arches it'wa's desirable that certain transfers of -� property be made, and Councilman Lloyd Claire introduced a Resolution declaring that for certain concessions made it was for the best interests of the City of Newport Beach to grant to the Southern Pacific Railway Co. a certain strip 'of land described in said Resolution, and author- izing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed for same on behalf of the said City. ' - The Resolution was considered, designated RESOLUTION N0. 649 and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote, to -wit: 'AYES, Councilmen Hilmar, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. * SEE ATTACHED PAGR FOR INSERT A Quitclaim Deed dated the 6th day of January, 1931, from La Habra Valley Lazed & Water Company, a corporation, to the City of Newport Beach; a Municipal Corporation, quitclaiming to the City of Newport Beach, all that certain real property situate in the County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: The two 40 foot strips of land reserved for road purposes in that certain deed dated February 14, 1921, and recorded August 12, 1921, in Deed Book 403, page 137, Records of said Orange County; which were described in said deed as follows: "A right of way for road purposes of a total width of 40 feet and 20 feet easterly and westerly of the following described center line, beginning at a point in the Norther- ly line of the County Road which point is 20.19 feet westerly of the Southeasterly corner of the above described parcel of land; thence North 17* 33t East 191.73 feet to a point in the northerly line of said described parcel of land. A right of way for road purposes of a total width of 40 feet and 20 feet easterly and westerly of the following described center line: Beginning at a point in the North- ' erly line of the County Road, which point is 207.05 feet westerly of the Southeasterly corner of the above described parcel of land; thence north 170 331 East 191.73 feet to a point in the northerly line of the said above described parcel of land." was presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Oalifornia. WHEREUPON, Councilman Lloyd Claire made a motion, duly seconded by Councilman A. J. Garfield and carried, that said Quitclaim Deed be accepted by said City of Newport Beach, and the Clerk instructed to record the same forthwith with the County Recorder of Orange County, California. That said motion was carried by the following vote,to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Kilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. Oity Engineer Patterson presented a bond of Peterson Brothers covering the 4th years maintenance of the trees on Corona Del Mar, and on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the bond was accepted and ordered filed. The demand of Peterson Brothers for $2964:30 was laid over to the regular meeting on February 2d. City Engineer Patterson stated he had not taken his vacation as yet, and on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the vacation was allowed. ' There being no further business on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Monday, January 26, 1931- APPROVED: January 26, 1931. ael City Clerk U Also that the La Habra Valley Land & Water Co. had agreed to transfer to the City of Newport Beach 2 certain 40 foot s"brips of land for road purposes in exchange for a 60 foot right —of way or Basement for road purposes, and Councilman A. J. Garfield introduced ' a Resolution declaring it to be for the best interests of the City of Newport Beach to make the exchange as outlined in the Resolution, and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Grant Deed on behalf of the said City. The Resolution was considered, designated RESOLUTION N0. 649 and upon call of the roll passed by the following vote, to —exit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None.