HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1932 - Regular Meeting402 City Hall, Newport Beach, March.l, 1932. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session at 4:00 o'clock P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing all members present except Councilman Hilmer. The minutes of the previous meeting of February 29th were read and approved as read. There being no reports of committees or communications the matter of unfinished business was taken up. City Engineer Patterson reported that the Board of Supervisors approved the bid for the dredging and thanked the Council for the courtesy of referring it to them. The approval of the bid of Sparkes & McClellan having been.given by the Board of Supervisors and also acceptance recommended by the City Engineer, on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield, the contract for dredging approximately 50,000 cubic yards of material from the entrance channel was awarded to Sparkes & McClellan at the price mentioned in their bid by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilman Hilmer. .There being no further business on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the meeting adjourned Sine Die. Mayor, City /,. f }V, wport Beach Approved, March 7, 1932. U V CITY CLERK City Hall, Newport Beach, March 7, 1932. The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Johnson. The roll was called showing the full Council present. The minutes of the previous meeting of March let were read and approved as read. The reports of the heads of the departments were read and on motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the reports were accepted and filed. The report of Health Officer Dr. Grundy in regard to the green scum on the Grand Canal, Balboa Island, was read, stating that the scum was a growth that can be readily-,raked off with a garden rake, and on motion of Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the report was accepted and filed, and the Street Supt. stated he would look after same. The communications were read and acted upon as follows: The petition against a so-called rock crusher or bumper on the County Channel containing about 44 signatures was read, and discussed for some time by Mr. Wallace, Mr. Cole,Councilman Hilmer and others, but inasmuch as there was no proposition before the Council for anything of the kind, on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the matter was laid on the table until such time as there is a definite proposition made to the City Council, and then the parties objecting will be notified through the papers or otherwise, when a hearing will be had. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the communication from Major Lanagan calling a hearing on the request of the Southern Counties Gas Co. to lay a 12" gas main across the north arm of Newport Bay, was referred to the City Engineer to investigage and if he thought necessary to enter a protest. 40e9p On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the application of John Fallert for transfer of his business license from 111 to 110 Main Street, Balboa was granted. On motion of Councilman Ellsworth seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce were granted permission to use the City Hall for a meeting on Tuesday night, March S, 1932. UNFINISHED BUSINESS ORDINANCE NO. 400 dedicating a portion of certain lots in ' Seashore Colony Tract for alley purposes, came up for final passage, was read, considered, and upon the roll being called the Ordinance was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. Councilman GAY*field, Chairman of the Water Committee, read a report in regard to continuing the water service to Harbor Island, which is outside the city limits, and recommending it to be continued another year. The matter was considered and on his motion seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the previous motion to shut off the water on Harbor Island was rescinded and service was extended for another 12 months after the termination of the period allowed in the former motion, this being'a contract to sell water on a monthly basis, to be terminated at any time at the discretion.of. the City of Newport Beach. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the request of T. R. Dittmar to construct some marine ways in front of Lot 4, Block 425, Lancaster Addition, was allowed as approved by the City Engineer. NEW BUSINESS City Attorney Thompson presented the Garbage Contracts with Price and Pomeroy, and Councilman Claire introduced a Resolution ' accepting same and authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION NO. 731, and upon call of the roll was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. City Engineer Patterson presented'the Contract with Sparkes & McClellan for dredging the entrance channel, and on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield, the contract was accepted and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign and execute the same on behalf of the City of Newport Beach, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. The two bonds from Sparkes & McClellan for faithful performance on the dredging contract and labor and material bond, were presented, and on motion 6f Councilman Garfield seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the bonds were approved and ordered filed. City Attorney Thompson presented a Resolution entitled: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING POLLING PLACES, ALSO APPOINTING ELECTION ' OFFICERS AND FIXING THEIR COMPENSATION. The Resolution was read, considered, designated RESOLUTION N0. 732, and upon call of the roll was passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. 404 A Grant Deed dated the 4th day of March, 1932, from Hyron F. --� Powell, a single man, to the City of Newport Beach, a municipal corporation of the sixth class of Orange County, California, granting to said City all of his right, title and interest in and to all that certain real property situated in the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana, County of Orange, State of California, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point in the center line of Huntzinger Street, said point being North 88045' East 1077.39 feet from the 2" x 4" stake that marks the intersection of the center lines of Fairview Avenue and Huntzinger Street; running thence South 88 045' West along said center line of Huntzinger Street 80 feet more or less to a point in the Easteriy line of that certain parcel of land described in Deed to N. W. Draper, et al, ' recorded May 14th, 1920, in Book 360, page 40 of Deeds, Records of Orange County, California; thence North 0 030' West along the said Easterly line of said parcel to the Northeast corner thereof; thence West along the North line of said parcel to a point in the West boundary line of the Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; thence North 8027' East along said boundary line to a point that is located 403.92 feet North 8 027' East of a 4" x.4" stake marking Station 112 of said boundary line; thence North 89 004' East 663.52 feet to an iron pipe; thence South -1015' East 1512.63 feet to the point of beginning, containing approximately 4.082 acres. was presented to the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, California. WHEREUPON, Councilman Ellsworth made a motion, duly seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, that said Deed be accepted by said City of Newport Beach, and the Clerk instructed to record the same forthwith with the County Recorder of Orange County, California. That said motion was carried by the following vote, to-wit: AYES, Councilmen Hilmer, Claire, Ellsworth, Garfield, Johnson. NOES, Councilmen None. ABSENT, Councilmen None. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the demand for $3061.50 covering the remaining.4.0,82 acres_ of water bearing land was allowed and warrant to be drawn for same. ' City Attorney Thompson reported in regard to the communication from H. M. Perez referred to the City Attorney and City Treasurer at the last meeting, that they would recommend that a public accountant be employed to audit the Treasurers books as this would be more satisfactory to the public. The matter was discussed and on motion of Councilman Hilmer seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, our regular Auditors, R. D. Crenshaw & Co. of Santa Ana were appointed to audit the books and bonds of the City Treasurer, preliminary to the regular annual audit. On motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the regular monthly demands, having been signed and approved by the Finance Committee, were allowed and warrants to be drawn for same. There being no further business on motion of Councilman Claire seconded by Councilman Hilmer and carried, the meeting adjourned to 7:30 o'clock P. M. on Monday, March 21, 1932• Ma or, City (,f(N wport Beach Approved, March 21p 1932 V / 1lJ City Clerk