HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1935 - Regular Meeting160 Cn Newport Beach, October 7, 1935• , The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the City Council Chambers of the City of Newport Beach at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date with Mayor Hilmer presiding. - The roll was called showing the full Council present with the exception of Councilman Garfield who was absent on account of illness. REPORTS OF HEADS OF DFPARTLiENTS The report of the City Treasurer was read, and on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the report was accepted, the reading of the Reports of other Heads of Departments dispensed with and all the Reports ordered filed. REPORTS OF SPECIAL CUWtITTEES City Attorney Thompson and Chief of Police Hodgkinson, the committee appointed at the last meeting to investigate and report on the application of Charles Rhoades for a permit and license to conduct a dance hall in the Balboa Pavilion, presented a written report , setting forth the reasons for not approving the application, whereupon it was moved by Councilman Ellsworth, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, that the application be denied and the report of the Committee be filed. COMhUNICATIONS The petition presented by the property owners on the Bay Front between Lindo Avenue and Alvarado Place in which the Council was asked to take the necessary steps to place before the United States Government Engineers the matter of relocating the pierhead line in that section of Bay described above, was presented. E. S. L.orrow addressed the Council concerning the request and on motion of Council- man Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, the petition was Laid on the Table pending investigation. The application of August Hansen for permission to construct a commercial pier and ways fronting on Lot 13, Block 220•,- Section A, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, referred to the City Engineer for report. The application of Chas. A. Beecher for permission to install and maintain underground storage for the handling of hazardous fluids, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, referred to the Fire Chief for report. The letter of Mrs. W. I. Williams, Secretary of the Corona del Mar Improvement Association requesting that the Council grant , permission to the City- Engineer to furnish certain engineering data required on a questionnaire in connection with the Federal Housing Act, was read. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, the City Engineer was instructed to furnish maps and the information requested. The letter of Francis Cuttle, Agent for the "Utilization of the Waters of Mojave River, California" inviting the Council to attend a conference of the Association to be held in Riverside on October 9th was on motion of Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Claire, and carried, referred to the Water Committee. 161 The.letter of H. A. Pierce complaining of the lack of sidewalks on Coast Boulevard between 30th Street and 35th Street, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, referred to the City Engineer with instructions to,explain the situation to the writer. UNFIAISHED BUSINESS City Attorney Thompson presented a written report in the matter ' of the application of the Southern California Edison Company for equal- ization of valuation of its properties for-the purpose of taxation far the fiscal year 1935 -36, the report stating that the City Council had no juriddiction to hear or entertain the application in question. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, the opinion of the City Attorney and the application of the Southern California Edison Company Ltd., were ordered filed. The application of Harry C. Fulton for a renewal of his lease of the 93 acre tract of City owned land was presented, Mr. Fulton address- ing the Council concerning the lease. The matter was discussed by the Council, Councilman Gordon suggesting that other interested parties should be given an opportunity to bid on the lease, and moved that the matter be Laid on the Table until the next meeting of the Council at which time all the applicants could be present. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried. NEW BUSINESS On recommendation of the Fire Committee, insurance policies on City properties furnished by L. W. Briggs, H. Cardoza Sloan, H. M. Lane and Orange County Realty Company were approved on motion of Council - man Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried. the demands for premium on same were allowed and warrants ordered drawn in payment thereof. The monthly demands having been duly audited by the Finance Committee, were on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. ADJOURNLsENT There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Ellsworth and carried, that an adjournment be taken Sine Die. APP VED: Cit-7 Clerk.