HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/23/1935 - Adjourned Regular MeetingMal Newport Beach, December 23, 1935, The City Council of the city of Newport Beach met in regular adjourned session in the City Council Chambers of the city of Newport Beach at 7:30 o'clock P. M. on above date, with layor Hilmer presiding. The roll was called showing the full Council present, with the exception of Councilman Ellsworth who was absent. ' BIDS On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried; the regular order of business was suspended tb open the bids submitted for the purchase of certain pipe and fittings. Eleven bids were received from various dealers, all of which were opened and read, and on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the bids were referred to City Engineer Patterson for checking, the result being that all the bids were the same a8 to price, whereupon the City Engineer recommended that the bid of the Utilities Supply Company, a local organization, be awarded the contract. On motion of Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the bid of the Utilities Supply Company was accepted. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, all other bids submitted were rejected and the City Clerk directed to return the certified checks or bonds accompanying the same. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the regular order of business was resumed. ZONING ORDINANCE On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the regular order of business was suspended in order to take up the matter of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. ' The taking of and compiling the notes in connection with the hearing of protests in regard to the Zoning Ordinance was referred to the City Attorney, who received and tabulated all oral and written communications bearing on the subject. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, all communications and Uinutes pertaining to the Zoning Ordinance were referred to the Planning Commission for report at the next meeting of the Council for hearing protests December 30, 1935• On motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the regular order of business was resumed. REPORTS OF SPECIAL CULu..ITTEIS None REPORTS OF STANDIiJG COis ITTEES None COULUNICATIUNS C31 The resignation of C. F. Dennison as a member of the City Planning Commission was read, and on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the same was accepted, ordered filed and the City Clerk directed to extend the thanks of the City Council for the services rendered by Mr. Dennison in connection with the Planning Board. The application of C. H. Reed for a permit to install and maintain underground storage for hazardous fluids at 1920 West Central Avenue, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, allowed subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. , The application of the Home oil Company for a permit to install and maintain underground storage for hazardous fluids at 28th and Bay Front, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, allowed subject to the approval of the Fire Chief. The letter of C. L. Ap,)ling, Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, extending to the City Council the appreciation of that organ- ization for the City's efforts in behalf of the Regional Sea Scout Rendezvous held here in iJovember, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, ordered filed. N The letter of C. Donker complaining of the condition of the seawall and the silting up of the Grand Canal, Balboa Island, was on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, referred to the City Engineer for report. The letters of H. E. Williamson and Gibson Whall in which complaints were made concerning an alleged nuisance due to the City's disinfecting plant, were read, and on report of the City Engineer that the location of the plant had been changed, the letters were ordered filed and the City Clerk directed to advise the complainants of the fact. 'The letter of !iro, Clara L. Griffith calling the Council's attention to-the lack of lights on the West Newport pool, was on motion of Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, referred to the Lighting Committee. The petition .presented by residents and property owners of the West Newport district complaining of bringing into the community an alleged undesirable element and asked the-Council to take the necessary steps to prevent same. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, the petition was Laid on the Table pending a report from the County Health Officials in regard to the matter. A Resolution drafted by the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce and dealing with the City's sewage problem was read, and.,on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, the City Engineer was directed to submit plans for sewage betterment for the City to the California State Board of Health for approval. Capt. W. J. Brown addressed the Council concerning the sewage situation, urging that some action be taken at once to correct conditions. The letter from U. S. District Engineer Wyman regarding the present and past status of certain sloughs tributary to the Sat;a Ana River outlet at the western end of the City and of which considerable complaint has been made to the City charging that the closing of the slough outlets were due to the dredging operations, the report of Engineer Wyman being to the contrary. On motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried,.the Engineer's report was ordered filed. ' The application of Darrell W. King for a renewal of his franchise to operate live bait boats from the Newport pier, was on motion of Council- man Claire, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, referred to the City Attorney with instructions to prepare the agreement asked for. UNFIAISHED BUSINESS In the matter of the abandonment and closing up of certain streets and alleys in the Corona del tsar District and certain protests thereto having been received, it was moved by Councilman Gordon, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, that the hearing of protests in connection with the matter be held on Monday, February 3, 1936, and that the City Clerk be directed to notify the protestants of said date for hearing protests. This being the time for the opening of bids for the construction of a wooden bulkhead in Tract 515, the City Clerk advised the Council that no bids had been received for doing the work, whereupon the City Engineer advised that bids could be advertised for again and contingent up the proceedings now in effect. NEW SUSIAESS City Attorney Thompson presented Resolution No. 931, being a resolution authorizing the purchase by the CityIof Newport Beach of one Ford V -5 Pickup for use in the Water Department, and authorizing the 'Mayor and City Clerk to execute on behalf of the City, the Contract of Conditional Sale. The adoption of the resolution was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Cordon, Claire, Garfield, Hilmer. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilman Ellsworth. Ordinance No. 439, being an ordinance extending the existing Interim Zoning Ordinance,to July 1, 1936 came up for final passage, the adoption of same being moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and passed by the following vote, to -wit: AYES: Councilmen Gordon, Claire, Garfield, Hilmer. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilman Ellsworth. 182 City Attorney Thompson reported on the claim of Roscoe idorton for damages alleged to have been sustained to a.boat from the City's sewer pipe. On motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, the matter was referred to the eater Committee for investigation. Certain demands having been duly audited by the Finance Committee, were on motion of Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, allowed and warrants ordered drawn for same. The application of Frederick and Grace A. Lyon for a permit to construct a pleasure pier fronting on Lot 455, Tract 907, Lido Isle, having been approved by the City Engineer, was on motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, allowed. ' The application of J. L. 'Zeigler for a permit to construct a pleasure pier fronting on Lot 1, Block 3, Tract 626, having been approved by the City Engineer, was on motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, allowed. The application of E. H. Day for a permit to install an extension to an existing pier fronting on a p6rtion.of Block 109, Section B, having been approved, with certain exceptions by the City Engineer, .was on motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Claire and carried, allowed. Councilman Claire moved the adoption of Resolution No. 932, being a resolution setting the wage scale in connection with the proceed- ings for the proposed seawall around Balboa Island; the resolution was duly seconded by Councilman Gordon and passed by the following vote, to-wit: _ . AYES: Councilman Gordon, Claire, Garfield, Hilmer. NOES: Councilmen None. ABSENT: Councilman Ellsworth. Frank G. Fuller addressed the Council concerning the placing of a float at the Fernando Street pier. Councilman Gordon suggested the moving of the 19th Street float to the Fernando Street pier and to build a larger one for the 19th Street pier. On motion of Councilman Garfield, seconded by Councilman Gordon and carried, the matter was referred to the City Engineer, Harbor Master and Police Committee. ADJOURNihENT There being no further business to come before the Council, it was moved by Councilman Claire, seconded by Councilman Garfield and carried, that an adjournment be taken to 7:30 o'clock P. Na. December 30, 1935 Mayor of the City of Newp rt Beach __4117 / 7 / lz A- PROVED City Clerk ounc Councilr� Councilman rt