HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/1945 - Adjourned Regular Meeting315 Roll Call Report on boundary' line settlement of Elizabeth Wyatt, et al Council addressed by Bre -den Finch re property to be used by State Park Commission In Corona del liar. Patterson to prepare estimate on constructs sewers in certain district in CDM Patterson to prepare estimate on construct- ing sanitary sewers In portion of Seashore Colony Tract. Tentative map of Tract 1117 presented. September 17, 1945 The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned regular session in the City Council Chambers at the City Hall at the hour of 4 o'clock p.m. on above date with Mayor Hall presiding. The roll call was called; the following Councilmen answering present: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley. The Mayor asked if any of the Councilmen or anyone in the audience wished the minutes of the previous meetinE, or any part thereof, read; no one responded and the reading of theminutes was dispensed. with. REPORTS OF SPECIAL CO-MMI^iTEES: The Committee appointed by Mayor Hall to investigate and report on the proposal of Elizabeth Wyatt, et al for compromise settlement of boundary line submitted the following: "Several members of your committee have gone over the proposal of Mrs. Wyatt and others in reference to the compromise settlement of boundary line between property claimed by them and by the City of Newport Beach, and said committee, after it had c onsulted tgeth.er in refer- ence thereto, now makes its findings and recommendations, as follows: ' The Committee respectfully finds that it is impossible at this time to determine, without havJng a search of title made and expert technical advice, as to what properties may or may not be owned bJ the City of Newport Beach; and even after such search and advice, it is the opinion and judgment of your committee that the boundary lines of the City in reference to the • property claimed by the parties named would still be found in a condition where it would probably require court action to settle the matter; that if, in fact, the claimants own the property and have legal title thereto, that such legal title should be vested in them, but if the city owns the property, that your Comm- ittee would not be justified in the transferring to said parties properties which are owned by the City of Newport Beach and the citizens thereof. In view of the position which your Committee now takes, it now recommends that the compromise offer of the claimants for settlement of the boundary line dispute, if , in fact, there is a question as to the boundary line, be rejected." On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, the report of the Committee was accepted. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT`1'EES: None COMMUNICATIONS A petition bearing approximately 600 names of property owners in Corona del Mar requesting the City Council to request the California State Park Commission to outline the boundaries of the proposed Corona del Mar State Park, inclusion of certain described territory in said park and to expedite the creation of same was presented and after some discussion of the matter in which the Council was addressed by Braden Finch, it was moved by Councilman Stanley seconded by Councilman A11' -en and carried, that the Mayor appoint a committee consisting of two councilmen together with members of the Corona del Mar Civic Association and members of the chamber os Commerce to meet with the State Park Commission to decide just what property the State intends to purchase for the park, meanwhile to discourage the construction by private individuals in that section and further that any such proposed construction be required to comply fully, with all sanitary regulations. The petition presented by property owners in Corona del Mar requesting that the necessary steps be taken to form a special assessment district for the purpose of constructing sanitary sewers in Corona. del Mar between Carnation Avenue and Hazel Drive and between Bayside Drive and Ocean Bouelvard, was on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by ' Councilman Reed and carried, referred to the City Engineer to prepare an estimate. The petition presented by property owners in Seashore Colony Tract requesting that a special assessment district be formed under the Street Improvement Act of 1911 for the purpose of installing sanitary sewers in Seashore Colony Tract and Ocean Front Tract southerly of Seashore Drive and extending between 55th Street and the westerly City limits at Summit Street was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, referred to the City Engineer to prepare an estimate. City Engineer Patterson presented a map, being a tentative map of Tract 1117 together with a request of the Griffith Company for the vacation and reversion to acreage of certain alleys in Tract 907, also a sketch showing the proposed improvements to be made by the Gri£ftin Company in that section was shown and explained to the Council; Councilman Stanley advised that the plans submitted cosneided with the propose layout of the new City Hall. On motion of Councilman Stanley seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, the matter was referred to the Planning Commission with instructions to consider the matter of the City Hall site in connection with the question. 315 Roll Call Report on boundary' line settlement of Elizabeth Wyatt, et al Council addressed by Bre -den Finch re property to be used by State Park Commission In Corona del liar. Patterson to prepare estimate on constructs sewers in certain district in CDM Patterson to prepare estimate on construct- ing sanitary sewers In portion of Seashore Colony Tract. Tentative map of Tract 1117 presented. MUM Request of Alice Hussey The request of Alice Hussey Day and William H. Potter for the Balboa Island Alley Day for vacation of vacation of a certain blind alley in Block 10, East Newport was read report for the proposed improvement of certain alleys and certain alley. and after some discussion of the situation in that district it was oeen prepared sursuant to "Special Assessment Investigation, moved by Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, that Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," being Part 2, the matter be referred to the City Engineer for a report on the question. ' Complaint of firs. YJ H The complaint of Mrs. W. H. Wiles of the condition of the . Wiles on condition of Corona del Mar Beach was on motion of Councilman Stanley, seconded by CDM Beach. Councilman Allen and carried, referred to the Street Superintendent. ornia, adopted pursuant to the Requirements of the The letter of A. L. Burdick, Jr. requesting information Letter of A A Burdick regarding the acquisition of certain property in Corona c.el Mar for a and Highways Code of the Stan of California, which motion requesting information State Park was read and on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by re CDM Park Councilman Isbell and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to furnish the writer with the information. Thirty day extension The request of W. J. Cole for an extension of time to commence ' granted to W J Cole drilling for oil on City owned land leased to him due to difficulty in for drilling of oil. securing drilling equipment, was presented and on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, an extension of Thirty 4- days was granted. Protest of T W Martin The protest of T. W. Martin against the issuing of any more against issuing any permits for the construction of piers around Balboa -Island was on motion more permits for of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Reed, and carried, ordered construction of piers onfiled. Bal Is. ordered filed. The request of Chief of Police hodgkinson for the appointment of ' Fred A. Rombeau was a special officer as crossing guard at Corona del Mar Fred A Rombeau appoin- was on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Allen and ted special officer carried, granted. The appointments of John Clinton Bowen and Clarence William John C Bowen and C tit Holt as special police for the Consolidated Steel Corporation were on Holt appointed as motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, confirmed. special officers. UNFINISHi;D BUSINESS Ordinance No. 538 Ordinance No. 539 came up for final passage, being an Ordinance adopted. creating a Veteran's Welfare Committee. The ordinance was read in full Veteran's Welfare and on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Stanley the ordinance was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit, AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Request of U S Coast The request of the U. S. Cast Guard for the cancellation of the Guard for cancellation lease on the ON" Street pier and requesting the concellation of the 30 of lease on 'N' St. days clause in said lease was presented and on motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, the waiver of the 30 days clause was granted; whereupon, Councilman Allen moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the cancellation of the lease, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. The motion was duly seconded by Council- man Reed and carried by the followin roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None MINUTES Minutes re; Pursuant to instructions heretofore given by Balboa Island Alley the City Council, the City Engineer presented the written Improvement. report for the proposed improvement of certain alleys and approaches thereof in Balboa Island, said report having oeen prepared sursuant to "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," being Part 2, Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State ' of California, and after consideration of said report by the City Council, Councilman Allen offered and moved the 9:t adoption of Resolution No. 3242 entitled: Resolution of the City Council of the City of Newport Beach, Calif - ornia, adopted pursuant to the Requirements of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931," Being Part 2, Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code of the Stan of California, which motion was seconded by Councilman Stanley and upon roll call said Resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AWES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Stanley, Isbell, Reed,;Hall. NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Compensation for the The matter of compensation for the services of A. S. Monroe in services of A S Monroe preparing the the proceedings in connection with the Balboa Island Alley approved. improvement was presented and on motion of Councilman Allen same was approved as stipulated by the City Engineer. The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Reed and carried by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUi�CILMEN: Allen, Reed, Isbell, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Services of A S Monroe On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed the retained. services of A. S. Monroe were retained in the prepartion of the Corona del Mar sewer proceedings on the same prevailing fee by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUiCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None t L n �.J 31 On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed and carried, J. S. Barrett J. S. Barrett was granted a 90 day extension on his contract for the construction granted 90 day of sanitary sewers in Corona del Mar. extension. City Engineer Patterson presented an estimate of the cost for certain 0 1. 40 The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell and the resolution adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Due to the Coast Guard being taken away from the Harbor by October 15 It was suggested that some action be taken to retain the Coast Guard Fire Boat in the Harbor. ADJOURN14ENT On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed, and carried, an adjournemt was taken Sine Die. Councilman Councilman �_� Councilman ATTESTo ouncilman it C erk Estimate of cost for improvements by Lido Isle Bridg; Laid on the Table. Estimate of cost for cement sideway Clubhouse Ave. to 32nd. Street. Amendment to Building Ordinance passed to second reading. Portion of the Hudson to be dedis.- ted for park purposes. Quitclaim deeds: Harold H. Dobert Eugene C. ?Wyant William J. Weiser Action should be ta-: en to retain C.G. Fire boat. improvements requested by the Lido Isle Community Assodation in the vicinity of the Lido Isle Bridge and on motion of Councilman Reed, seconded by • Councilman Allen and carried, the same was Laid on the Table with the Mayor being requested to appoint a committee c onisisting of Councilman Stanley and the City Engll.eer to confer with the representative of the Griffith Company on the matter. Councilman Stanley voting No. City Engineer Patterson presented an estimate of the cost of constructing a cement sidewalk along the southerly extension of Clubhouse Avenue to 32nd Street. Councilman Reed suggested that property owners interested in the matter appear on the question and moved that the City ' Clerk advise them accordingly. The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Allen and carried, Councilman Stanley voting No. City Attorney Thompson brouht the matter of an ordinance amending certain provisions of the Building Ordinance regarding the moving of houses into the City. The ordinance was read in full and on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Feed was passed to the second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None City Engineer Patterson requested that City Attorney prepare a resolution dedicating a portion of the Hudson for park purposes. Councilman Allen moved the adoption of a resolution, being a resolution authorizing the Mayor andCity Clerk to execute on behalf of the • City of Newport Beach, the following quitclaim deeds to the following people and covering the following described property: Harold H. Dobert and Flotilla Dobert Lot 3, Block 46, Third Addition Eugene D. Weyant and Lots 17 & 18, Block 24 Marian B. Weyant First Addition to Newport Heights William J. Weiser and Lelia M. Weiser Lot 2, Block 48, Ocean Front Tract 0 1. 40 The motion was duly seconded by Councilman Isbell and the resolution adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Allen, Isbell, Reed, Hall, Stanley NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: None Due to the Coast Guard being taken away from the Harbor by October 15 It was suggested that some action be taken to retain the Coast Guard Fire Boat in the Harbor. ADJOURN14ENT On motion of Councilman Allen, seconded by Councilman Reed, and carried, an adjournemt was taken Sine Die. Councilman Councilman �_� Councilman ATTESTo ouncilman it C erk Estimate of cost for improvements by Lido Isle Bridg; Laid on the Table. Estimate of cost for cement sideway Clubhouse Ave. to 32nd. Street. Amendment to Building Ordinance passed to second reading. Portion of the Hudson to be dedis.- ted for park purposes. Quitclaim deeds: Harold H. Dobert Eugene C. ?Wyant William J. Weiser Action should be ta-: en to retain C.G. Fire boat.