HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/1949 - Regular MeetingDecember 27th, 1949. Resolution No. 406 of the Planning Commission, being a resolution approving the application of Helen Randall for a 50% rear yard variance lies. I1-06 on the Northerly 65 feet of Lots 7 and S, Block 138, Resubdivision of Plan.Com. Corona del Mar, was read, and on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded Helen Randall The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular session in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 7 :30 o'clock P.M. The roll was called, the following councilmen answering present: Greeley, Robertson, Blue, Isbell, Drake. On motion of Councilman Blue, seconded by Councilman Isbell, certain demands, having been approved by the Finance Committee and signed by the Mayor and the City Clerk, were ordered paid by the fol- lowing roll -call vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Blue, Isbell, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None The Mayor asked if any one of the Councilmen or anyone in the audience wished the minutes of the previous meeting or any part thereof ' read; no one responded, and the reading of the minutes was waived. The City Clerk announced that there were no reports from heads of departments, special committees or standing committees. COMMUNICATIONS: A request from Attorney Tom W. Henderson asking that C -1 lots In Tracts 1011 and 1136, having been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council, be confirmed by an Ordinance amending Ordinance Ordinance Amendinm No. 525, was presented and, on motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded Ordinance 525 by Councilman Greeley, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare the re C -1 Zoning; amending ordinance by the following roll -call vote, to -trait: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Blue, Isbell, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None A letter from Joseph A. Beek accompanied by a communication from the Beacon Bay Community Association requesting an extension of the master Letter from J.A.Beek lease by which Beacon Bay subdivision is conveyed was read, and, on motion re extension of of Councilman Blue, seconded by Councilman Robertson and carried, the City Beacon Bay lease Attorney was instructed to negotiate an extension of the above mentioned �_;:., -- lease and present it to the Council for study. NEW BUSINESS: Pursuant to instructions of the City Council as of September 12, 1949, the City Engineer presented a written report of the proposed construc- tion of sidewalk and curb along the Northeasterly side of Ocean Front, be- tween 30th and 36th Streets, said report having been prepared pursuant to the provisions of the "Special Assessment Investigation, Limitation and R?.S. #3753 Majority Protest Act of 1931 ", being Part 2 of Division 4 of the Streets SP71C. ASSMT. and Highways Code of the State of California, and after consideration and INVESTIGATION examination of said report by the City Council, Councilman Robertson offered and moved the adoption of Resolution No. 3758, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE "SPECIAL ASSESSMENT INVESTIGATION, LIMITATION AND MAJORITY PROTEST ACT OF 193111, BEING PART 2 DIVISION IV OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA which motion was seconded by Councilman Greeley and, upon roll -call vote, said resolution was adopted by the following vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley and carried, the City Clerk was instructed to at�ach a copy of said Resolution 3752 Hearing set fixing Zuesdgy,February 1}th, 1950 at 7:30 o clock P.M. in the Council Chambers for Feb.14 as the time and place of hearing of the written report of the City Engineer, 1950 to the report, and place the same on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. Resolution No. 405 of the Planning Commission approving the applica- tion of the Empire Advertising Co. to build a standard poster panel on Lot F, Res. 405 Tract 919, was presented, and on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded by Planni-nm Councilman Blue, the Council concurred with the Planning Commission by the Commission following roll -call vote, to -wit: ,mnlre Adv. AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Resolution No. 406 of the Planning Commission, being a resolution approving the application of Helen Randall for a 50% rear yard variance lies. I1-06 on the Northerly 65 feet of Lots 7 and S, Block 138, Resubdivision of Plan.Com. Corona del Mar, was read, and on motion of Councilman Greeley, seconded Helen Randall by Councilman Robertson, the Council concurred with the Planning Com- mission by the following roll -call vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None The City Engineer presented the assessment diagram for the reconstruction of two existing sewage pumping stations on Balboa Island Assessment as per Resolution of Intention No. 3631, and recommended that the diagram Diagram for be approved prior to filing with the City Clerk, the assessment covering Bal.Is. pump- the costs and expenses of the work. Whereupon it was moved by Council - ing stations. man Rovertson, seconded by Councilman Greeley, that said diagram of the Res.Int.3631 assessment district be approved, which motion was carried by unanimous vote of all councilmen present. ,; The City Engineer reported that the bid of Pacific Union Metal Co. in the amount of $1,652.50 to provide ten light standards and ten luminaires for Marine Ave., Balboa.Island, was the only bid received Light standards and, in-his opinion, satisfactory. On motion of Councilman Isbell, for Marine Ave. seconded by Councilman Blue, Re-& � Nei --3-753, n Bal. Is. ae-e� th ' ' ' awaz ding the e-a ro act e ice- a ' f _ UR _ „_,.-1 Bid accepted Gee was adopted by the following roll -call vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for the improvement of Fourth Ave. in Corona del Mar from Avocado Ave. to Poppy F6izrth Ave. CDM Ave., a distance of about 0.6 mile, and on motion of Councilman Blue, improvement. seconded by Councilman Robertson, the plans and specifications were ap- proved by the following roll -call vote, to -wit: ADJOURNMENT. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. Kyor of eth Ci City ofNewpor Beach ATTEST: Clerk of amity of e�rt e�ac Z AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Gres - Uniform wage scale ley, the uniform wage scale was adopted by the following roll -call vote, adopted. to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None On motion of Councilman Robertson, seconded by Councilman Blue, the City Clerk was instructed to call for bids to be received by the City Council January 9th, 1950, by the following roll -call vote, to -wit: AYES, COUNCILMEN: Greeley, Robertson, Isbell, Blue, Drake. NOES, COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT COUNCILMEN: None Mrs. Ruth Gibbs spoke from the floor asking that the City re- Question raised quirements regarding business licenses for music teachers and creative re bus. license artists be clarified. City Attorney Dennison stated that the matter of for music & art licensing such professions was a question of policy to be determined by teachers etc. the City Council, and that the Council now had it under consideration. ADJOURNMENT. On motion of Councilman Isbell, seconded by Councilman Robertson, the meeting was adjourned, sine die. Kyor of eth Ci City ofNewpor Beach ATTEST: Clerk of amity of e�rt e�ac Z