HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/26/1955 - Regular Meeting1
September 26, 1955
The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in regular
session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of Regular Session
7:30 P.M.
The roll was called, the following members being present: Roll Call
Councilmen: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof and
Hill; Councilman Higbie being absent.
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Approval of Minutes
Stoddard and carried, the reading of the minutes of September 122 of Sept. 129 1955
1955 was waived and they were approved as written.
On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Waive regular order of
Stoddard and carried, the regular order of business was waived business in order to
in order to open the meeting for bids for the installation of open bids for sewers.
sanitary sewers in Cliff Drive.
The Mayor announced that this was the time and place fixed Hearing opened.
for the opening of bids for the installation of sanitary sewers
in Cliff Drive and other streets and rights of way in said City
of Newport Beach, California, as described in Resolution of
Intention No. 4355.
The Clerk announced that she had received 11 bids. Where- Total of 11 bids were
upon, all bids were publicly opened, examined and declared, from received and publicly
the following bidders, to wit: opened and examined.
Mike Prlich & Sons
Mike Ramljak Company
James I. Gallacher
Bosko & Bradarich Co.
J. N. Sutalo
L. Castillo and Russell L.
Thibodo Construction Co.
Charles L. Burch & Sons
Robert Vlacich
V. C. K. Construction Co.
J. S. Barrett
Izzi Construction and J. P.
Evans, Inc.
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Bids were referred to
Stoddard and unanimously carried, the bids were referred to the C. Eng. for checking &
Engineer for checking and report back to the Council as to the report.
lowest regular responsible bid, and the meeting vas returned to
the regular order of business
A letter dated September 13, 1955, from the Costa Mesa Plan-
ning Commission, was read. Said letter contains the request of
Costa Mesa Planning Commission, regarding Rezoning Petition No. 8,
for the Council to send its recommendations regarding rezoning of
Orange Avenue, which abuts to the City of Newport Beach, to Costa
Mesa City Council by October 3, 1955. The Planning Commission
apologized for the late notification. On motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the said
letter was referred to the Planning Commission for reply-and for
Letter from Costa Mesa
Plan. Comm. re: rezon;r&
Orange Ave. Referred `
to Plano Comm, for invee=
tigation and reply.
The Claim for Personal Injuries submitted by Robinson and Gertrude L. Spieth
Powers, Attorneys at Law, Los Angeles, on behalf of Mrs. Gertrude Claim for Personal In-
L. Spieth which was received by the City Clerk September 13, 1955,uries. Submitted by
was presented. Injuries are alleged to have been sustained by Robinson & Powers.
Gertrude L. Spieth on August 19, 1955 on B Street and Balboa
Boulevard, Newport Beach, due to the alleged dangerous and defective
condition of the sidewalk. Said claim for personal injuries is
in the amount of $5,178.75 and undetermined amounts. The Clerk
stated that the City Attorney's officd and the insurance carrier
had both received copies of said claim. On motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the said
claim was denied and referred to our insurance carrier.
A letter was presented from Balboa Angling Club dated Balboa Ansline Club
September 19, 1955, requesting extension of its lease of property requesting extension
in Balboa Tract at Bay Avenue and the prolongation of A Street, of lease for 1C yrs.
with all of the terms, conditions, and amendments thereto as of Referred to C. Attyo
January 26, 1948, for an additional term of 10 years from the
present date of expiration which is April 30, 1957. The letter
states that the Board of Directors of said Club have plans and
projects which necessitate the renewal of the lease at this time
and thanks the City of Newport Beach for its fine cooperation in
the past. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Council-
man Wilder and carried, the above letter was referred to the City
Attorney for a recommendation to the Council at the next meeting.
A letter from Lido Peninsula Yacht Anchorage, dated September Lido Peninsula Yacht
13, 1955, was presented. Said letter requests information as to Anchorage re° C. Ord.
whether or not there are placards or signs available to be posted prohibiting use of hnn,`
at convenient places to inform or warn the boating public and on boats, pumping oil or
others that there is a City Ordinance prohibiting the use of heads gas or throwing refuse
on boats, pumping of oil or gasoline, and /or governing the throwing in bay. Referred to
of refuse in the bay and certain sections of the ocean. The letter C. Mgr. for immediate
states that any other thoughts to assist in maintaining the clean- & forceful action.
liness of the Harbor would be welcomed. On motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, this mat-
ter was referred to the City Manager for immediate and forceful
action. It was further suggested that penalities for violating
the above rules should be carried out.
W. Stuart Foote expressing The Clerk read a letter from W. Stuart Foote, dated September
apprec. for quick action 172 1955, expressing appreciation on behalf of parents of children
by police for installing who board school busses at Clay and Irvine for quick action by
stop signs and painting Acting Police Chief Walter E. Dyson, and Street Superintendent
crosswalks at intersec. L. W. Covert and their staffs in installing stop signs and painting
of Clay & Irvine. crosswalks at that intersection. The letter states that the work
was finished in less than 24 hours after the request was made. On
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
carried, the above letter was ordered filed, and that the Police
Department and Mr. Covert be commended for their quick action.
Alfa letter A letter was presented, dated September 15, 1955, from Alfa
protesting proposed street E. Brownrigg, owner of property at 230 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar,
lights in CDM. which letter protests proposed street lights in her block. On
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and
carried, said letter was referred to the City Engineer to hold with
the rest of the petitions on this matter.
John C. Searle letter & A registered letter, dated September 22, 1955, from John C.
petition requesting the Searle, property owner at 217 Goldenrod Avenue, Corona del Mar,
removal of signatures was presented. Said letter enclosed a petition requesting the
from original pet. ask- removal of petitioners' signatures from original petition asking
ing for street lights in for street lights for Corona del Mar. A petition signed by
CDM. Ref. to C. Eng. property owners on Goldenrod and Fernleaf, also enclosed, was
presented, opposing the installation of street lights in said area
and requesting that they be left out of any assessment district
for lights. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Council-
man Wilder and carried, said letter was referred to the City
Petition signed by propt. A petition was presented which was signed by property owners
owners on Marigold Ave. on Marigold Avenue, Corona del Mar, "from the middle of Seaview
CDM, opposing street Avenue to the mean high tide line," opposing the installation of
lights. street lights and requesting to be left out of any assessment
therefor. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Wilder and carried, said petition was referred to the City Engineer.
Petition by propt. owners
A petition was presented which was signed by residents or
of West Npt. who feel
property owners of West Newport who "feel the bay, between the
bay between bridge to
bridge to Newport Island, and Marcus Street, should be closed to
Npt. Isl. & Marcus St.
all motorboats from June 1 to October 1 except those belonging
should be closed to motet -
in the 3CC block of the Rialto and 38th Street on Newport Island
boats from June 1 to Oct.
and that no :motorboat during that period should go under the bridge,
1, except in 300 block.
to the Island, for safety of the swimmers in that area." On motion
Ref. to Harbor Committee.
of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried,
said matter was referred to the Harbor Committee for investigation
and report.
Mr. A. Sandy Steiner
A letter from the City Manager, dated September 23, 1955, was
overpaid his business
presented which states that the Finance Officer has brought to the
license by 4120. Refund
City Manager's attention that Mr. A. Sandy Steiner, who operates
in said amount approved.
."Sandy's Deluxe Trailer Court" on West Coast Highway has overpaid
his business license in the amount of $120, and a refund in said
amount to Mr. Steiner is recommended. On motion of Councilman
MacKay, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, said refund was
approved by the following roll call vote, to wit;
AYES, COUNCILMEN. Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Ridderhof,
Appl. for Trans. of Alco- Copies of three_ Applicationsg
of c Bev. c. 3 copies. Licenses were presented. Grace E.
Grace E. Cass, Dimitrey Georgeou and Lois F. Georgeou, The
and Lois F, Georgeou, & and Leona D. Tweeten, Tweet's. On
Arnold K. & Leona D. seconded by Councilman Bennett and
Tweeten. applications were ordered filed.
transfer of Alcoholic Beverage
Cass, Anchor Cafe; Dimitrey
Coffee Haven; Arnold K. Tweeten
motion of Councilman Wilder,
carried, the copies of these
PB & R Comm. request A letter from the Park, Beach & Recreation Commission, dated
courtesy seating at September 26, 1955, was presented. The letter sets forth the fol-
council meetings. Ap- lowing recommendation made at the Park, Beach & Recreation Commis -
proved, sion meeting September 2C, 1955. That the Chairman of the Park,
Beach & Recreation Commission, or his appointed delegate, be ac-
corded a courtesy seating with the City Council and bring direct
information back to the Commission." On motion of Councilman
Stoddard, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, this request
was granted.
PB & R Comm. re. recrea- A letter from the Park, Beach & Recreation Commission, dated
tional facilities & the September 26, 1955, was presented. Said letter states that the
development of a Master Commission feels that a survey of recreation facilities and the
Plane Matter tabled. development of a Master Plan should be given top priority and that
the Director of Recreation and Parks should be free from initiating
new recreation activities for the first six months of his employ-
ment, and that his office should be in the City Hall for that period.
On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman MacKay and
carried, said matter was tabled.
A letter from C. E. Vandervort, Chairman of the Park, Beach C. E. Vandervort re-
& Recreation Commission, dated September 26, 1955, was read. Said quest that C. Atty.
letter requests that the City Attorney provide a legal ruling as provide a legal ruling
to Section 7C9 of the Charter and as to whether or not the Commis- as to Sec. 7C9 of the
sion may be freed under certain circumstances from the obligations Charter. Ref. to City
imposed. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Atty.
Ridderhof and carried, said letter was referred to the City At-
' torney for report back to the Council.
A letter from John W. Myers, dated September 26, 1955, and John W. Myers letter &
a petition listing 8 property owners requesting removal of poplar petition requesting re-
trees in the 100 block, Pearl Avenue, Balboa Island, were pre- moval of poplar trees in
sented. The letter states that the trees are alleged to be too 1CO block, Pearl Ave.
large, they shed leaves and pollen, and are lifting the sidewalks Ref, to C. Mgr.
resulting in a hazard. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded
by Councilman Wilder and carried, this matter was referred to the
City Manager for investigation and report back to the Council.
A petition was presented from the property owners on Petition signed by
Narcissus, Corona del Mar, opposing the installation of street propt. owners on Narcis-
lights and requesting that petitioners be left out of assessment. sus, CDM, opposing _
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof installation of street
and carried, said petition was referred to the City Engineer. lights. Ref, to C. Eng.
An invitation, dated September 22, 1955, from the Sportsfishers' Sportsfishers° Ser-
Service Association for members of the Council and their wives to vice Assoc. Invitation
attend a dinner and dance at the Villa Marina on October 3, 1955, to Councilmen and
was brought to the attention of the Council. On motion of Council- their wives to dinner
man Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, this at Villa Marina.
letter was ordered filed after acknowledgment.
The City Attorney presented a letter dated September 1, 1955 Paul V. Parker letter
which was addressed to Mayor Hill and the Council from Paul V. Fe-7 alleged violation
Parker, publisher, 1439 S. Robertson, Los Angeles. The letter of zoning law & request.
' involves the alleged violation of the zoning law with respect to outcome of Superior
Lots 8 and 9 on Coral Avenue, Balboa Island. The City Attorney Court Lawsuit. Ref. to
stated that he had replied to this letter and that he had re- C. Atty. for action.
quested information as to the outcome of a Superior Court lawsuit
between property owners in connection with this matter. He has
been supplied with a portion of the records and upon receipt of
the balance, he will report to the Council. On motion of Council-
man Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, said letter
was referred to the City Attorney for action.
The application of Leona D. Tweeten for license to conduct Leona D. Ttreeten to
food business, Tweet's Cafe at 6204 Coast Highway (being a change conduct food business,
of ownership , was presented, and on motion of Councilman MacKay, Tweet's Cafe.
seconded by 9uncilman Ridderhof and carried, said application Approved.
was approved.
The application for license of Grace E. Cass to conduct The Grace E. Cass to con -
Anchor Cafe, at 2805 West Coast Highway, short orders, meals and duct The Anchor Cafe.
beer, (being a change of ownership) was presented, and on motion Approved.
of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett and car-
ried, said application was approved.
The application for license of Thomas A. Cox for service Thomas A. Cox for ser-
station at 2514 Newport Boulevard, gas, oil, and accessories, vice station.
' (being a change of ownership) was presented, and on motion of Approved.
Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried,
said application was approved.
The application for license of Miller Chevrolet Co., 70C Miller Chevrolet Co.
West Coast Highway, to conduct sale of new and used automobiles, to conduct sale of new
(Use Permit #180 granted September 16, 1955) was presented. On and used automobiles.
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof Approved.
and carried, said application was approved.
The application for license of John Wehrt, Pop's Steak John Wehrt to conduct
House, 811 East Balboa Boulevard, restaurant, (being a change restaurant, Pop's Steak
of ownerhhip) was presented, and on motion of Councilman Wilder, House. Approved.
seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, said application was
The application for license of Betty K. Reynolds and
William and Verda 0. Kincaid to conduct food and soft drink
business, known as Kozy Korner at 1801 West Bay Avenue, (being
a change of ownership) was presented, and on motion of Council-
man Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett, and carried, said
application was approved.
Bekt5 K. Reynolds and
WzQ _i,a.n & Verda 0. Kin-
caid to conduct Ko,�Zy_
Korner. Approved.
Ordinance No. 756 being,
of Art. V of Code en-
having been presented to the Council on September 12, 1955 and titled "Garage Space"
passed for second reading and public hearing on September 26, 19559
and notice of said hearing having been duly published, the Mayor Meeting open for pro -
declared the meeting open for protests. No protests were made tests & public hearing.
and on motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman
Bennett and carried, the second reading of Ordinance No. 756 was 2d reading waived.
R -4388 rescinds R -4385 Resolution No. 43889rescinding Resolution No. 4385 declaring
declaring rescinds
to calls intention.to call a special election on December 6, 1955 in
special glen. on Dec. 6th Seaquist Annexation, since the petition omitted certain necessary
re: Seaquist Annex. requirements, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder,
Adopted. seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4388
was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
R -4189 re: Seaquist Annex. The Clerk's certification of sufficiency of petitions in the
Declaring int. to call a Seaquist Annexation matter, was presented. Resolution No- 4389
special elec. Dec.20th declaring intention to call a special election on December 20, 1955,
& public hearing Oct.24th and public hearing on October 24, 1955, in regard to Seaquist
Annexation was presented. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof,
waived. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Council-
Ado ted.
man Wilder and carried, Ordinance No. 756 was adopted by the
following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
Ordinance No. 757 being,
Ord. NC. 757 2d read-
ing. Changing zoning
of certain propt. from
R -2 District to R -3
having been presented to the Council on September 12, 1955 and
passed for second reading g and public hearing on September 26, 1955,
Meeting open for pro-
and notice of said hearing having been duly published, the Mayor
tests & public hearing,
declared the meeting open for protests. No protests were made and
on motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Bennett
2d reading waived.
and carried the second reading of Ordinance No. 757 was waived.
On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay
and carried, Ordinance No. 757 was adopted by the following roll
call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
R_4387 Dir. C. Clerk to
Resolution No. 4387 directing the City Clerk to publish a
publisH notice of public
notice of public hearing on October 10, 1955 for amendment to
hearing. Res. regards
Municipal Code regarding regulation of chimney projection into
regulation of chimney
sideyard setbacks and roof overhang into rear yard setback was
projection & amends Mun.
read, and on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman
Code. Adopted.
MacKay and carried, Resolution No. 4387 was adopted by the fol-
lowing roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
Ordinance No. 758 being,
Ord. no. 758 intro-
duced. Amends Section
9105.4 of Art. IX of
Mun. Code,
was introduced. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman Ridderhof and carried, the first reading of said ordin-
lst reading waived.
ante was waived., On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Passed for 2d reading.
Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Ordinance No. 758 was passed
for second reading by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
Discussion re: proper
A discussion was had regarding the adoption of ordinances
handling or ordinances
recommended by the Planning Commission. On motion of Councilman
recommended by Plan.
Wilder, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, the City
Comm. Ref. to C. Atty.
Attorney was instructed to investigate the proper proceedings
for handling said ordinances.
R -4388 rescinds R -4385 Resolution No. 43889rescinding Resolution No. 4385 declaring
declaring rescinds
to calls intention.to call a special election on December 6, 1955 in
special glen. on Dec. 6th Seaquist Annexation, since the petition omitted certain necessary
re: Seaquist Annex. requirements, was presented. On motion of Councilman Wilder,
Adopted. seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, Resolution No. 4388
was adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
R -4189 re: Seaquist Annex. The Clerk's certification of sufficiency of petitions in the
Declaring int. to call a Seaquist Annexation matter, was presented. Resolution No- 4389
special elec. Dec.20th declaring intention to call a special election on December 20, 1955,
& public hearing Oct.24th and public hearing on October 24, 1955, in regard to Seaquist
Annexation was presented. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof,
seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Resolution No. 4389 was Adopted.
adopted by the following roll call vote, to wit:
Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
The matter of the Annexation of the "First Addition to Irvine intro -
Terrace Annex" was brought to the attention of the meeting and duced. Re: "First
Mayor Hill opened the meeting as to a public hearing for any ob- Add. to Irvine Terrace
jections or protests to said annexation. There were no protests Annex"
or objections; and Ordinance No. 759 being,
was introduced. On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by
Councilman Bennett and carried, the first reading of Ordinance No. lst reading waived.
759 was waived.
At this time Councilman Higbie joined the meeting. C. Higbie joined the
On motion of Councilman Stoddard, seconded by Councilman meeting.
MacKay and carried, Ordinance No. 759 was passed for second reading Passed for 2d reading
and adoption on October 10, 19559 by the following roll call vote,
to wit:
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard,
Ridderhof, Hill
ABSENT, COUNCILMEN: Councilman Higbie passed his vote since
he had not been present for the discus-
Mayor Hill suggested the appointment of Mr. Leon Ware as a Mr. Leon Ware Appointed
Trustee of the Newport Beach Library Board. On motion of Council- as a Trus ee of Newport
man Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Stoddard and carried, this Beach Library Board.
appointment was approved.
The Clerk presented the application of Glenn Warford for Var. No. 246. Glenn
Variance No. 246 to permit a rear yard setback of 5' in an R -1 Warford to permit rear
district at 2033 and 2C37 Balboa Boulevard. This variance had yard setback of 51.
been granted in 1954 and the permit was not used. On recommenda- Granted.
tion of the Planning Commission, on motion of Councilman Bennett,
seconded by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, said variance was
The Clerk presented the application of Dr. E. 0. Lawrence for Var. No. 245. Dr. E. O.
Variance No. 245. The City Attorney stated that he would like this Lawrence. Held for
matter held until later in the evening when the City Engineer re- discussion later in
turned to the meeting as the City Attorney had not received this the meeting.
matter for consideration previously.
The Clerk presented Planning Commission Resolution of Inten- Plan. Comm. Res. of Int.
tion No. 596, regarding the proposed naming of a public right of No. o _6� re. naming o£
way, an existing 30 foot roadway running westerly from 46th Street right of way, "Neptune
to Pacific Coast Highway in the River Section. The name "Neptune Avenue "o Ref, to City
Avenue" having been recommended by the Planning Commission, was Atty.
referred to the City Attorney to draw up an Ordinance and set a
public hearing date on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman Wilder and carried.
The Clerk presented the application of Clair and Zernie
Claxton for Variance No. 243, to construct a 2 -car garage acces-
sory building at 129 42d Street, River Section. The Planning
Commission having heard of some violations existing prior to
1946 which the Claxtons had failed to correct, on motion of
Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried,
this variance was denied.
The Clerk presented the application of Charles E. Duggan,
regarding Resubdivision No. 18, to resubdivide a parcel of land
(consisting of Lots 17 and 18 of Block K in Tract 518) located
at 1755 Plaza Del Sur. The Planning Commission having recom-
mended the granting of this application, on motion of Councilman
Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried, Resubdivision
No. 18 was granted.
Var. No. 243. Clair
Z _ernie Claxton to const.
2 -car garage accessory
bldg. DanLed.
Resubdivision No. 18.
Charles E. Duggan.
The City Attorney brought to the attention of the meeting Pacific Electric Co.
that progress is being made with the Pacific Electric Co. for Progress is being made
acquisition of the property adjacent to the Trailer Park. On re: purchase of propt.
motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and adjacent to the Trailer
carried the City Attorneyy was authorized to carry on with further Park.
negotiations for the'purchase of Pacific Electric property.
5- minute recess. At this time Mayor Hill declared a five minute recess.
IUistall. o anitary The Engineer reported to the Council that he desired more
$ewers on Cliff Drive. time to examine the various bids submitted and suggested to the
Re: awarding of contract. Council that further consideration of the awarding of the con -
C. Eng. requests bid be tract for the installation of sanitary sewers nn Cliff Drive and
awarded on 1G/3/55> other streets and rights of way be continued to the next adjourned
meeting of the Council on October 3, 1955. On motion of Council-
man Wilder, seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried, further
consideration of the bids for the construction of sanitary sewers
Qn Cliff Drive and other streets and rights of way was continued
to the next adjourned meeting of the Council, the Engineer to
make his report and recommendation at that time.
Var. No. 245. Dr. E. 0. The City Attorney requested that consideration now be given
Lawrence to permit pro- to the application of Dr. E. 0. Lawrence for Variance No. 245,
jection of second story to permit the projection of the second story eaves to overhang
eaves to overhang.. the public right of way along South Bay Front, Balboa Island.
Granted. All but two of the Planning Commission having expressed the
opinion that this was out of their province, the matter was
discussed at this time and the City Engineer stated that he could
see no objection to the variance requested. On motion of Council-
man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Wilder and carried, Variance
No. 245 was granted.
James M. Montgomery. Let-
The City Engineer presented the letter of James M. Montgomery
ter re: master plan for
setting forth a proposal to make a survey, investigation and re-
water development. Mr.
port on a master plan for water development and expansion for the
Carroll spoke from the
City of Newport Beach (as outlined in their letter to the Council
floor. C. Atty. instruc-
of September 21, 1955) at a.cost not to exceed $75CC. Mr. Carroll,
ted to prepare a contract
representing James M. Montgomery,,spoke from the floor answering
employing Montgomery,
questions and elaborating on the proposed contract. He stated
Bayside Drive and Mr. Wolfrom, 17C3 Bayside Drive, being at por-
that the Irvine Company would be agreeable to cooperating with
tion of Block D, Corona del Mar, and having been approved by the
Mr. Montgomery in the conduct of this survey. On motion of
Harbor Committee, was granted on motion of Councilman Bennett,
Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried,
seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried.
the employment of James M. Montgomery was approved and the City
The application for pier permit of Robert Dalton, 2452 Via
Attorney was instructed to prepare a contract, and the Mayor and
Oporto, being at Lots 11259 1124 and portion of Lot 1123, Tract
City Clerk were authorized to sign the contract, employing Mr.
907, having been gpprbved by the Harbor Committee, was granted
Montgomery in accordance with the terms of the letter of September
on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay
21, 1955 by the following roll call vote, to wit:
and carried.
AYES, COUNCILMEN; Bennett, Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill
Above expense to be
The City Manager stated that the expense of employing James M.
borne by the Water Fund.
Montgomery, Water Consultant, would be borne by the Water Fund.
Mr. Maurie Stanley spoke
Mr. Maurie Stanley spoke from the floor on behalf of the
from floor commending the
Chamber of Commerce commending the City Council on its appropriate
Councilmo behalf of the
and thoughtful consideration and action in connection with the
Chamber of Commerce.
water problem.
Fermit,to con_struc bulk- _
The City Engineer presented the application for permit,to
haa ,of Clinton Crane &
construct bulkhead of Clinton Crane, 4017 Channel Place and Mr.
Mr. Robert Glass.
Robert Glass, 216 34th Street, being at Lots 8 and 9, Block 340,
Canal Section. On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by
Councilman MacKay and carried, this application,having been ap-
Pier Permit of Harry M.
proved by the Harbor Committee, was granted.
Pier Permit of B. N. Desen- The application for pier permit of B. N. Desenberg, 17C1
berg & Mr. Golfrom, CDM.
Bayside Drive and Mr. Wolfrom, 17C3 Bayside Drive, being at por-
tion of Block D, Corona del Mar, and having been approved by the
Harbor Committee, was granted on motion of Councilman MacKay,
Harbor Committee, was granted on motion of Councilman Bennett,
seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried.
seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried.
Pier Permit of Robert
The application for pier permit of Robert Dalton, 2452 Via
Dalton. Granted.
Oporto, being at Lots 11259 1124 and portion of Lot 1123, Tract
discussion for plans for the Trailer Park and other business.
907, having been gpprbved by the Harbor Committee, was granted
Councilman Ridderhof brought to the attention of the meeting
on motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay
the serious situation of the cleanliness of the Corona del Mar
and carried.
Perini, to construct bulk-
The application of Charles Coffman, Lewis Jennen, James
head ;of Charles Coffman,
Edwards, Ernest Edwards, and J6hn Hoas to construct bulkhead
Lewis Jennen, James Ed-
along Lots 5,c6, 7, 8, and 9, Block 5399 Canal Section, having
wards, & John Hoas.
been approved by the Harbor committee, was granted on motion
of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman MacKay and carried.
Pier Permit of Harry M.
The application for pier permit of Harry M. Kelso, 2814
Kelso. Granted.
Lafayett Avenue, to be constructed at 3424 -3432 Via Oporto along
Lots 22, 23, and 24, Tract No. 1622, having been approved by the
Harbor Committee, was granted on motion of Councilman MacKay,
seconded by Councilman Bennett and carried.
Adjourned meeting to be
The City Manager recommended that an adjourned meeting of
held on Oct. 3, 1955.
the Council be held on October 3, 1955 at 4 ;00 P.M. for a further
discussion for plans for the Trailer Park and other business.
CDM beach. Re: cleanliness.
Councilman Ridderhof brought to the attention of the meeting
Matter is being investiga-
the serious situation of the cleanliness of the Corona del Mar
beach. The City Manager stated that this matter is being investi-
gated and action is being taken.
Mr. Fred Herschorn, owner of the Hurley Bell Cafe, spoke from the Hurley Bell Cafe.
floor in an effort to get Councilmen Stoddard and Wilder to apologize Mr. Fred Herschorn
and retract statements made at the previous Council Meeting. Council- spoke from the floor
man Bennett brought to the attention of the meeting that no Council- re the statements
men should be singled out for apology as the action taken was by unan- made by two Council -
imous vote of the Council. Councilman MacKay stated that he had met men at the previous
with Mrs. Atkinson, the owner of the Hurley Bell, and that they had meeting.
conferred with Captain Dyson of the Police Department and that the
police records seem to convince Mrs. Atkinson. Mr. Herschorn made no
On motion of Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Ridderhof Adjournment.
nd carried, the meeting was adjourned until Monday, October 3, at
4 :00 P.M.
bity Clerk
fs I M&
October 3, 1955
The City Council of the City of Newport Beach met in adjourned Adjourned regular
regular session in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour session.
of 4%00 P.M.
The roll was called, the following members being present: Roll Call.
Councilmen: Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie, Ridderhof and Hill,
Councilman Bennett .being absent.
A letter, regarding the matter of contributing an appropria-
tion for services and a parade on November 11, 1955, from Newport
Harbor Veterans Organizations Inc., dated September 269 was read.
On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie
and carried, said letter was withheld for study and communication
by the City Manager with the veterans.
A letter dated Sept
ment Association was rea
intersection of Orange S
action by the Council.
by Councilman Ridderhof
the Traffic Committee to
the Council.
ember 29, 1955 from West Newport Improve-
d. The need for a traffic signal, at the
treet and Coast Highway, was presented for
On motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded
and carried, this matter was referred to
make an investigation and report back to
Newport Harbor Veter-
ans Organ'zations Inc.
re parade on Nov. 11,
West Newport Improve-
ment ssn. re need for
a traffic signal at
Orange & Coast Hiway.
Ref, to Traffic Comm.
Seven letters addressed to Councilman MacKay were read by the Seven letters re W. C.
Clerk in connection with the resignation of W. C. MacDonald, Park MacDonald °s resiRna-
Department, commending him for his excellent work and suggesting a Lion.
separate Park Department not part of the Recreation Department.
Said letters were from the following people:
1. Herbert Dewes 605 West Bay Avenue
2. Homer Smith, L5 East Bay Avenue
j Don A. Gunderson 117 Main Street (Gunderson Drug Co.)
+. J. E. Pinkham, Z60 E. Balboa Blvd. (Balboa Realty Co.)
5. H. B. Wilson, 205 Main Street (Wilson Jewelry)
6. M e R. Grimes 302 Main Street (Greeley & Grimes7. B Thompson, ha boa Improvement Association, Post Office
Box 555
On motion of Councilman Ridderhof, seconded by Councilman Higbie
and carried, the said letters were ordered filed. A discussion was
had regarding the resignation of Mr. MacDonald, and Mayor Hill ex-
pressed the appreciation of the Council for the work Mr. MacDonald
has done. Councilman MacKay brought to the attention of the meet-
ing that consideration should be given to the reasons for the re-
signation of Mr. MacDonald, and after further discussion, it was
agreed on motion of Councilman Wilder, seconded by Councilman Rid-
derhof and carried, that a meeting would be held on the morning of
October 10th at 9 :00 A.M. to discuss this personnel matter and that
Mr. Sailors and Mr. MacDonald should be requested to be present.
Letters ordered filed.
Meeting to be held on
morning of Oct. 1Cth
at 9-.CC A.M. to discuss
this personnel matter.
The City Engineer reported to the Council that he had checked Cliff Dr sewer matter.
all of the bids received in the Cliff Drive sewer matter, and fur- Contract awarded to
ther reported that the bid of Robert Vlacich was the lowest regular Robert Vlacich who
responsible bid received and recommended that this Council award the submitted the lowest
contract to said low bidder. On motion of Councilman Wilder, second- regular responsible
ed by Councilman Ridderhof and carried, Resolution No. 1+393, being a bid.—
resolution awarding the contract for the installation of sanitary R
sewers on Cliff Drive, and other streets and rights of way, to Robert ° 3 awarding said
Vlacich, at the prices named in his bid, was adopted by the following contract to Robert
roll call vote, to wit: Vlacich. Adopted,
AYES, COUNCILMEN: Wilder, MacKay, Stoddard, Higbie,
Ridderhof, Hill